Classification of Wordnet Personality Adjectives in the NEO PI-R Taxonomy F. Bouchet [email protected] J-P. Sansonnet [email protected] LIMSI-CNRS BP 133 F-91403 Orsay cedex France Abstract: This work describes the process of classification of a set of personality-trait adjectives within the facet list of the NEO PI-R taxonomy related to the Five Factor Model. The classification process is not only based on adjective words but primarily on their lexical semantics as it is expressed by the synset-gloss attached to the adjectives in the Wordnet lexical base. This classification will provide a good coverage and support for the study and the computational implementation of psychological behaviors in conversational agents. Keywords: Personality traits adjectives, FFM and NEO PI-R taxonomies, Wordnet. 1 Introduction 1.1 Context In the Embodied Conversational Agents (ECA) community, research has focused on the expression of emotions through virtual characters modalities (face, gesture, speech. . . ) but some authors have claimed that if an agent has a body it also has a mind [5]; by ‘mind’ they mean agents that can achieve practical reasoning upon the world, as required for example by non-player characters in games, by assistant agents in help systems or in tutoring systems. Authors have proposed mixed agent architectures exhibiting both rational reasoning modules (often based on BDI-agents) and psychological reasoning modules [4, 13]. In these architectures, the psychology of the agent influences both the expression of emotions through the body modalities but also has an impact on the decision making process. Although presented here as separate notions, the rational and the psychological reasoning capacities of an agent actually work in quite an intricate manner [6, 9]. This is the reason why we have proposed an architecture dedicated to the study of the nature of their relationships: the Rational and Behavioral architecture (R&B) 1 . R&B is a generic framework enabling the computational definition and the experimentation of various rational/psychological strategies. In recent work based on R&B [15], we have pro1.∼jps/research/rnb/rnb.htm posed a model where personality traits are implemented in terms of influence operators altering the rational process of the assistant agent. 1.2 Motivation For the time being, the R&B architecture has been implemented only with few arbitrarychosen personality traits (e.g. a lazy-gloomycheerful. . . agent). This being insufficient to validate the genericity of the architecture, we need to implement a large class of psychological features, especially personality traits. In the literature about Psychology, various taxonomies have been proposed to cover the human personality (see Section 1.3 for some examples) but they are too generic for a computational implementation: 3 classes in Eysenck’s PEN system [7], 5 classes in FFM [10]. Some authors have tried to refine these classifications by adding sub classes, called facets (see Table 1) but the definitions attached to the facets are still too general to be directly implemented in terms of computational operators. Our proposition is to enhance the precision of a standard taxonomy by refining the facets into sub classes, called schemes, with two main features: 1) a scheme represents a unique atomic behavior in the taxonomy; 2) a scheme is defined by a set of glosses associated with personality trait adjectives. To achieve this work we rely on two main standards: the FFF/NEO PI-R taxonomy for trait classes and facets and the Wordnet lexical data base for personality trait adjectives and glosses. This process was achieved in two phases: 1) the classification of a set of adjectives describing persons into the FFF/NEO PI-R taxonomy; 2) the process of clusterization of the schemes. In this paper, we present the first phase. The second phase is described in [16]. 1.3 Works on personality adjectives The Five Factor Model (FFM) is the most successful paradigm to day for personality traits representation. It is a convergent research from many authors in Psychology for 20 years on. The FFM [10] is based on five large classes of psychological traits, often named Big Five model or O.C.E.A.N., by taking the first letter of the name of each class (they are listed in Table 1-col 1). Contrary to Cattell’s classification into 16 factors [2] supported by Eysenck’s personality questionnaires (EPQ) [7], FFM is based on the lexical hypothesis of Allport [1], stating that “personality vocabulary provides an extensive, yet finite, set of attributes that people speaking a given language have found important and useful in their daily interactions”. The NEO PI-R facets The FFM is a very generic classification so many authors have tried to refine this taxonomy by dividing the FFM classes into facets. Table 1, reproduced from [12], gives an attempt to align three of the facet lists proposed in the literature. The facet lists of Table 1 have many similarities although their facet number varies from 16 to 18 and 30. The NEO PI-R (Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Personality Inventory Revisited) facet list proposed by Costa and McCrae [3] (see Table 1-col 3) is a long standing model that provides the more precise facet list. For these reasons, we will rely on it for the work presented in section 2. The Wordnet lexical data base In order to refine the facets into more precise categories (that we call schemes), and following the lexical approach, a first attempt was to define a scheme as a set of personality adjectives. However words can have several senses attached to them with quite distinct meanings. For example, the adjective ‘kind’ has three senses: Tolerant, Genial, Openhearted (see Table 4) that can be classified into two distinct FFM classes and three distinct NEO PI-R facets: resp. A-compliance, E-warmth, A-tendermindedness. This example shows that the word level is not sufficient to represent precisely the schemes. We have to work at the lexical semantics level. The Wordnet lexical data base [8] comes handy when one has to treat a large amount of lexical data and one has to access the lexical semantics of words. In Wordnet, a word is attached to several so-called synsets that define a unique lexical sense described by a gloss (also called a short phrase — see Table 4 for examples). Moreover, because the Wordnet data base is freely accessible, it makes it easy to build a computer aided system for the classification process. Note that Wordnet has been used to support research on affective computing, e.g. in the ‘Wordnet affect’ project of Strapparava et al. [21, 20]; however their work is dedicated to the recognition of affects in texts, not to the expression of psychological behaviors by rational agents and their classification is ad hoc. It was decided to achieve a classification of a set of personality adjectives in terms of their Wordnet synsets/glosses while using the FFM / NEO PI-R taxonomy. This process has been carried out in two main stages, described in the next section: Stage1: Adjective collecting. We collected a set of the personality trait adjectives (Pa ) from Internet resources; then the adjectives were associated with their synset-gloss pairs in Wordnet; finally the synset-gloss pairs not related to personality description were discarded. Stage 2: Classification. Remaining synset-pairs were manually classified within the FFM / NEO PI-R Taxonomy to generate a resource (XML file) of 60 psychological schemes containing 1,356 classed items. 2 2.1 Classification process Stage 1: Personality adjectives selection Using Wordnet, it is possible to extract a list of words according to their Part-of-Speech attribute (here, adjective) or related to a given word (e.g. all its synonym, antonym, meronym . . . ). However Wordnet lacks the possibility to extract a list of words related to a particular semantic domain (e.g. ‘person personality’). Moreover, Wordnet aiming at covering exhaustively the English language, it does not provide information regarding the actual frequency of a given word or synset in everyday usage. Hence, the generation of a list of personality adjectives Pa was done in 4 sub steps S1−4 , described in the next paragraphs. In order to work on actually used personality adjectives, we have collected a corpus of personality adjectives (Ccoll ), from ten different Internet sources explicitly claiming to provide “lists of adjectives describing personality traits” (the sources are summarized in Table 2). Ccoll contains 1055 distinct adjectives, providing a first order approximation of the linguistic domain related to personality traits adjectives. Moreover, for each personality adjective a, we have associated a weight wa S1: Adjectives collecting. Table 1: Facets for the Big five trait domain: three approaches (alignment according to John et al. judgment, based on (John et al., 2008)) OCEAN Classes Lexical facets (N = 18) (Saucier & Ostendorf, 1999) NEO-PI-R facets (N = 30) (Costa & McCrae, 1992) CPI-Big five facets (N = 16) (Soto & John, 2008) Extraversion Sociability Assertiveness Activity/Adventurousness Unrestraint (A Warmth/Affection)a Gregariousness Activity Excitement seeking Positive emotions Warmth Gregariousness (O Adventurousness) a Social confidence (vs Anxiety) - Agreeableness Warmth/Affection Modesty/Humility Generosity Gentleness - (E Warmth)a Modesty Trust Tender-Mindedness Compliance Straightforwardness Modesty (vs Narcissism) Trust (vs Suspicion) Empathy/sympathy Altruism - Conscientiousness Orderliness Industriousness b Reliability Decisiveness (O Perceptiveness)a - Order Achievement striving Dutifulness Self-discipline Competence Deliberation Orderliness Industriousnessb Self-discipline - Neuroticism Insecurity Emotionality Irritability - Anxiety Angry hostility Depression Self-consciousness Vulnerability Impulsiveness Anxiety Irritability Depression Rumination-compulsiveness (E Social confidence (vs Anxiety))a - Openness Intellect Imagination/creativity Perceptiveness Ideas Aesthetics Fantasy Actions Feelings Values - Intellectualism Idealism Adventurousness - a. Facet names in italics correspond to a secondary attachment of an already existing facet. b. Despite a same name in two classifications, Industriousness doesn’t have exactly the same meaning, explaining that the two aren’t aligned. (depending on the number of lists in which a given adjective appears) representing its usage frequency in resources (called salience). S2: Representativity improvement with Wordnet. To reinforce the weight of the most salient adjectives, we have used the functional relation synonym for each word in Ccoll by adding 1 to the weight of any adjective in Ccoll found to be synonym of another adjective from Ccoll (i.e. ∀a ∈ Ccoll , if ∃a0 ∈ Ccoll such as a ∈ synonym (a0 ) then wa = wa +1). The maximum weight is thus theoretically of 11, although the observed maximum weight is 9. NOTE: We have also considered the possibility of adding to Ccoll , all the Wordnet synonyms of adjectives from Ccoll , but the synonym relation of Wordnet generates of lot of senses that exceed the personality trait domain. Actually, synonym(Ccoll ) provides an extended list of 5,139 words of which 2,986 are distinct, which we considered too large to be processed. To make Ccoll technically compatible with Wordnet, words abs from Ccoll absent from Wordnet (CWN ) or present S3: Selection of Wordnet entries. Table 2: Sources of personality adjectives for the corpus Ccoll o N Sources Count 1 2 3 4 5\_trait\_descriptive\_adje.htm\#top\#positive 315 182 52 183 362 6 a{ 7b 8 9 10 277 445 130 20 80 Total Total of union (words different) 2046 1055 a. List 6 is merged from two closely related sources. b. List 7 is taken from a list of general adjectives, from which we selected those about persons. Word count Table 3: Most salient CWN adjectives T otal = 55. Alphabetical order is used when same wa wa Adjectives Count 350 300 250 9 8 200 150 100 50 F 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 7 1 Figure 1: Histogram of salience of personality adjectives in the corpus CWN ¬adj but not as adjectives (CWN ) were deleted from ¬adj abs Ccoll , with |CWN | = 29 and |CWN | = 21. Note ¬adj abs that ∀a ∈ CWN ∪ CWN , wa = 1, indicating that Wordnet covers the most cited adjectives. We have thus obtained a list CWN of 1,005 distinct adjective entries existing in Wordnet, such as ¬adj abs Ccoll = CWN ∪ CWN ∪ CWN , which can be sorted from the most (wa = 9) to the least salient (wa = 1). The histogram of salience of the CWN adjectives is plotted in Figure 1 and adjectives a with wa ∈ [6..9] are given in Table 3. S4: Selection of personality senses. Each adjective a ∈ CWN has a Wordnet entry, which associates with a a set of lexical semantics senses (synsets). In Wordnet, each synset is unique and defines a unique sense with a 6 friendly, kind, lively ambitious, calm, cheerful, clumsy, crazy, energetic, excited, funny, gentle, helpful, proud, quiet, silly, talented, warm bad, brave, bright, courageous, generous, good, happy, lazy, nervous, sensitive, successful, tough anxious, careless, charming, cooperative, determined, dull, eager, enthusiastic, exuberant, fair, faithful, fantastic, jealous, loyal, mature, nice, placid, pleasant, sad, shy, thoughtful, unusual, 3 15 12 25 wise, wonderful, zany gloss. It is thus possible to obtain from the CWN list of adjectives, a base Ball of triplets < adjective, synset, gloss >. For the 1,005 adjectives in CWN , we obtained 2,924 entailing 2,924 entries in Ball . However, all those synsets are not necessarily related to personality description (cf. entries with a star in the third column in Table 4) and they must be eliminated. To do that, a selection has to be made within Ball in order to keep only the triplets of Ball that could make sense to describe a personality trait or the behavior of a person. This process of selection has been carried out by two independent annotators A1 and A2 in three successive rounds: during the first round, A1 wa 9 9 Table 4: Ball entries for adjectives from CWN ranked with wa = 9 Adjective No Synset Gloss friendly 9 9 9 9 9 kind 9 9 9 9 9 9 lively * Pally Allied * Easy Favorable characteristic of or befitting a friend of or belonging to your own country’s forces or those of an ally easy to understand or use inclined to help or support; not antagonistic or hostile Tolerant tolerant and forgiving under provocation Genial agreeable, conducive to comfort Openhearted having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior * * Vital Eventful Frothy Springy Alert Racy full of spirit filled with events or activity full of life and energy elastic; rebounds readily quick and energetic full of zest or vigor Table 5: Results of the 3-round selection process of personality senses from Ball Phase Count % Ball CWN words (col 2 in Table 4) Ball initial triplets entries Round 1: triplets selected by A1 triplets selected by A2 A1 /A2 disagreements Round 2: disagreements left after A1 disagreements left after A2 Round 3: Bsel final triplets entries 1,005 2,924 100% 1,771 60.6% 1,642 56.2% 449 15.4% 241 124 8.2% 4.2% 1,715 58.7% and A2 were both working on the complete base, whereas during the second one, A1 annotated only the words on which they disagreed during round 1 and then A2 annotated only on the remaining disagreements. Finally, in the third round, A1 and A2 met for a discussion phase to take a decision regarding the remaining disagreements, the default preference being to keep the triplet (as it could always be discarded later on). The results of this first filtering are summarized in Table 5. While only two annotators were involved, the quality of the filtering is quite good a) because the convergence on two simple predefined classes was strong; b) because in case of disagreement the decision was postponed to the next step, where better informed decision was possible. We have obtained a base Bsel of 1,715 triplets, containing 904 unique adjectives (each gloss being associated to at least one adjective, and each adjective to at least one gloss). The final number of retained entries (58.7%) is a first result that confirms our claim about the necessity to work at the lexical semantics level (i.e. the synset-gloss) rather than the word level, as in previous classifications. 2.2 Stage 2: Facet association In the next step, glosses appearing in Bsel must be classified. Unfortunately, it sometimes occurs that Wordnet glosses are associated with more than one pair (adjective, Synset): for instance, the gloss “causing or fraught with or showing anxiety” corresponds to (nervous, Queasy), (anxious, Nervous) and (uneasy, Queasy). In such specific cases, we have chosen to merge entries having the same gloss, providing an alternative 0 base Bsel with gloss-oriented pairs (gloss, (ad0 jective, synset )*), such as |Bsel | = 1356. Generation of the gloss-oriented base. We have seen in section 1.3 that while several facet taxonomies are proposed for FFM, the NEO PI-R taxonomy is prominent and provides a precision of 30 facets. In NEO PI-R, each facet encompasses both the concept and its antonym, e.g. the facet A-Modesty can stand for adjectives like ‘mild’ as well as ‘arrogant’. Hence, similarly to Goldberg’s works on 50 bipolar scales [11], each facet was divided into two poles: noted + Adding poles to the NEO PI-R taxonomy. for the concept and - for its antonym(s), thus resulting in 60 positions noted +/-NEO PI-R. 0 A first attempt at classifying a subset of Bsel entries over the 60 positions raised a major issue: despite the fact that the collected adjectives words were claimed by the resources to be personality-related, actually many of their corresponding synset-gloss pairs in Wordnet are also associated with other attributes of a person 2 , which can be divided into five main categories: – physical descriptions, e.g. “having a sturdy and well proportioned body”, (athletic, Muscular); – mental capacities e.g. “characterized by quickness and ease in learning”, (bright, Smart), (smart, Bright); – judgmental qualities, both physical or mental, e.g. “appealing to the emotions as well as the eye”, (lovely, Beautiful); – social roles, e.g. “characterized by or indicating poverty”, (poor, Beggarly); – mind states are transitory (like emotions), e.g. “in an aroused state”, (excited, Thrillful). – errors are items that don’t fit in any of the facets of categories, i.e. if they should have been eliminated during the selection (see 2.1). 0 Consequently, Bsel entries are manually classified either as one of the 60 +/-NEO PI-R poles or one of the five external 0 categories listed above. The annotation of Bsel has been carried out by two independent annotators A1 and A2 , following exactly the same protocol in three rounds as the one described in the fourth step of section 2.1 with the difference that in the third round, in the few cases where a strong disagreement remained between annotators, the gloss was discarded. The annotation was done using a specific software tool displayed in Figure 2. Annotation protocol. 2.3 Results and analysis The results of the annotation process are given in Table 6. We see that after three rounds, the two annotators managed to agree on more than 90% of the positions. Note that if here the first disagreement rate between the two annotators is more important than in 2.1, it shouldn’t be misinterpreted: the number of possible options (60) is far more important here than in 2.1 (just 2). Roughly, three cases led to a disagreement: 2. Again, this is in favor of the synset-gloss approach, which appears to be much more semantically detailed than the word level. Figure 2: Screen plot of the tool used to asso0 to +/-NEO PI-R facets ciate entries of Bsel 1. A mere error done by one of the two annotators. These errors disappeared at the end of the second round, when both annotators have had to recheck their own annotations by comparing them to the other annotator’s. 2. A disagreement regarding the interpretation of the glosses associated to the facets. They were sorted during rounds 2 and 3, by a discussion between the two annotators when a facet gloss was ambiguous. For instance, a strong degree of confusion has been observed between some facets like EAssertiveness and A-Modesty, C-AchievementStriving and C-Self-discipline or O-Ideas and O-Values. 3. A disagreement of interpretation regarding the gloss to annotate, especially when they are complex or composed: e.g. (“joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success”, ((exultant, Exultant), (prideful, Jubilant))) refers at the same time to a tendency to experience strongly positive emotions EPositive-emotions and to a tendency to lack modesty A-Modesty. In such cases, annotators had to agree to favor one sense over another during round 3, or to ultimately discard the gloss. Research in Psychology, especially on FFM or facets, involves multi-annotators (novices or peers) and is based on statically computed classes. Here our work is far less ambitious: 1) we already have 2 × 30 established classes to put the glosses into; 2) supposing a gloss is misplaced (the two annotators make the same error) this only jeopardize schemes having only Table 6: Results of the 3-round classification of 0 entries of Bsel into the 60 NEO PI-R poles 0 Phase Count % Bsel 0 Bsel entries Round 1: A1 /A2 facet disagreements A1 /A2 trait disagreements Round 2: facet disagreements after A1 trait disagreements after A1 facet disagreements after A2 trait disagreements after A2 Round 3: entries discarded 1,356 100% 526 38.8% 376 27.7% 274 20.2% 178 13.1% 133 9.8% 101 7.4% 37 2.7% one gloss (i.e. those with a small salience). We also discussed the possibility of allowing multiple membership of the glosses to the classes: 1) it could increase annotators agreement 2) it could handle some inherently ambiguous or polysemic glosses (a few Wordnet glosses can be rather vague). Finally, it was decided to provoke more annotator disagreement (which is better with two annotators) at the price of giving a single interpretation to vague glosses. The final distribution of gloss-oriented pairs into the different categories (30 facets + external cases) is summarized by Figure 3. Although some facets like C-Dutifulness and ATender-mindedness appear to have gathered significantly more glosses, we can see that all NEO PI-R facets have had some associated pairs (with a minimum of 2 for O-Aesthetics). An XML file providing all the glosses, words and synsets associated to those categories is freely available on the web 3 . 3 Conclusion and further work In this work, we have classified a large set of personality-trait adjectives within the facet list of the FFM / NEO PI-R taxonomy, which is based on the Wordnet lexical semantics given as synset-gloss couples. 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