Franchising EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW EDITORIAL FOCUS • Advantages and disadvantages of owning a franchise • How to choose the best franchise • The keys to franchise success • What questions should I ask before buying a franchise? • Legal issues in franchising • Financing for franchising • How to franchise your business, and so much more. B uying a franchise is an investment in your future, but as with any major decision, you should thoroughly research the industry, the model and the pros and cons of owning a franchise. In this day and age of volatility and uncertainty, more and more South Africans are looking to invest their time, money and efforts in a tried-and-tested business model that works. According to the Franchise Association of South Africa, the franchising sector’s turnover has reached R300-billion, and it contributes significantly to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). The sector’s good performance is reflected in the industry’s 627 different franchising systems. South Africa has more than 31 000 franchising outlets, which service 17 business sectors, including fast food and retail. Franchising contributes nearly 10% to the country’s GDP, and employs more than 323 500 people throughout the country. John Baladakis, former chairman of the Franchise Association of South Africa, says: “Franchising is a much lower risk investment with only a 10% failure rate, as opposed to up to 90% in independent businesses.” In Sunday Times Franchising, we will be taking a closer look at the franchising industry in South Africa, examining two important sides: the franchiser and the franchisee. This publication will be filled with insights from industry leaders, company profiles, testimonials and case studies. You have the opportunity to get involved: contribute to the conversation and profile your franchise or franchise solution to 43 000 Sunday Times subscribers and 7 000 attendees to Buy A Business Expo PUBLICATION DATE: 27 AUGUST 2017 A LARGE-FORMAT GLOSSY PUBLICATION, INSERTED INTO 43 000 SUNDAY TIMES SUBSCRIBER COPIES AND DISTRIBUTED IN MAJOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND 7 000 DISTRIBUTED AT BUY A BUSINESS EXPO in association with SUNDAY TIMES FRANCHISING EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW Will be available on the Business Media Mags website for 12 months: Sunday Times, Franchising publication will be distributed to 43 000 Sunday Times subscribers and 7000 to Buy A Business Expo, representing an astute source of information from across industries as a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the world of franchising in South Africa ADVERTISING RATES RATES SPECIAL POSITIONS Full Page R25 800 Inside Front Cover DPS R65 500 DPS R45 500 2nd DPS R54 500 / Page Horizontal R14 200 IBC R32 500 / Page Vertical R14 200 OBC R33 600 / Page R7 6000 Opposite Credits/ Contents R29 200 12 12 14 (Rates are exclusive of agency commission and VAT) CORPORATE PROFILES / ADVERTORIALS AND SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES RATES 3 Pages R60 640 4 Pages R79 800 PLATINUM SPONSOR: Cover Logo + 200-word bio on the sponsors’ page + 4-page profile + DPS R140 000 GOLD SPONSOR: Cover Logo + 200-word bio on the sponsors’ page + 4-page profile R120 000 SILVER SPONSOR: Cover Logo + 200-word bio on the sponsorss page + 2-page profile R91 200 *Sponsorship packages include: banner advert and link activation on the Business Media Live website + 50 copies of the magazine (Rates are exclusive of agency commission and VAT) GATEFOLD: Pricing on request. RUN-ON COPIES: Additional copies will be offered to organisations wishing to make use of this publication for internal distribution. Pricing on request. COVER BRANDING: Bespoke cover branding. Pricing on request. CREATIVE EXECUTIONS: Centrespread on heavier GSM gloss; 4-, 6-, and 8-page sections on heavier GSM gloss; bellyband on special sections. Pricing for the above on request. MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS SIZE TRIM BLEED SAFE TYPE AREA DPS 297 x 470mm 303 x 476mm 215 x 277mm Full Page 235 x 297mm 241 x 303mm 215 x 277mm / Page Horizontal 138 x 225mm no bleed 134 x 220mm / Page Vertical 107 x 287mm no bleed 102 x 282mm / Page 138 x 107mm no bleed 132 x 102mm 12 12 14 Insertion date: 27 August 2017 Sunday Times Franchising is published by PICASSO HEADLINE, proudly part of the TIMES MEDIA GROUP. Picasso Headline (Pty) Ltd, Reg: 59/01754/07 Times Media Building, Central Park Black River Park, Fir Street, Observatory, Cape Town ADVERTISING CONTACT Project Manager: Roman Ross Tel: 021 469 2498 | Cell: 073 253 9440 | Email: [email protected] Tel: 021 469 2400 | Fax: 021 462 1124 | Web:
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