Mary J. Leonard, Ph.D. Department of Education, Montana State University 117 Reid Hall, Bozeman, Montana, 59717-2880 Phone: (406) 994-2336 Email: [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D. Educational Psychology, Emphasis: The Learning Sciences, 2006 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin Dissertation: “What’s the science behind it?” Models and modeling in a design-for-science classroom M.S. Educational Psychology, Emphasis: Cognitive Science Applied to Education, 2001 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin Thesis: Effects of gender-adapted instruction on mathematics performance and attitudes B.A. Biology - Environmental Emphasis, with High Honors, 1985 University of Montana, Missoula, Montana B.S. Computer Science - Scientific Applications Emphasis, with High Honors, 1985 University of Montana, Missoula, Montana PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2014-present Director, Science Math Resource Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 2014-present Associate Professor, Education, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 2008-2014 Assistant Professor, Science Education, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 2006-2007 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Project: CoMPASS: Integrating digital text into design-based science classes; PI: Sadhana Puntambekar, Ph.D. 2003-2005 Assistant Professor, Military Science, University of Dubuque, Iowa (part-time) 2002-2003 Adjunct Faculty, U.S. Army Command & General Staff College, Leavenworth, Kansas (parttime) 2001-2003 Research Project Assistant, School of Education Dean’s Office, University of WisconsinMadison. Project: Evaluation of Wisconsin-Spencer Doctoral Research Program; PI: Elizabeth Fennema, Ph.D. 2001-2003 Research Project Assistant, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of WisconsinMadison. Project: Video cases online: Cognitive studies of pre-service teacher learning; PI: Sharon J. Derry, Ph.D. 2001-2002 Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education. Curriculum & Instruction 675: Wisconsin-Spencer Doctoral Research Program Advanced Seminar 1998-2000 Research Project Assistant, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of WisconsinMadison. Project: Tutorials in problem solving; PI: Sharon J. Derry, Ph.D. 1996-1998 Quality Assurance Manager & Software Project Management Consultant, SITA Research & Development, Atlanta, Georgia 1993-1996 Research Engineer, Software Development, SITA Research & Development, Atlanta, Georgia 1992-1993 Software Engineer, BDM International, Sierra Vista, Arizona 1992-2005 U.S. Army Reserve, Military Intelligence Officer, Arizona, Georgia, & Iowa 1985-1992 U.S. Army, Military Intelligence Officer, Germany & Arizona UNIVERSITY COURSES TAUGHT Montana State University EDCI 690 EDCI 598 Doctoral Thesis (1-6 cr) Research Internship (3 cr) Mary J. Leonard 2 EDCI 598 Teaching Internship (3 cr) EDCI 575 Professional Paper or Project (3 cr, online) EDCI 525 Improving Instruction in Science (3 cr, online) EDCI 506 Applied Education Research (3 cr, online) EDU 490R Undergraduate Research (3 cr) EDU 397 Methods: K-8 Science (2 cr lecture/1 cr lab) EDU 223IS Educational Psychology & Adolescent Development (3 cr) University of Dubuque, Iowa MIL 103 The American Defense Establishment (1 cr) MIL 113 Foundations of Army Leadership (1 cr) MIL 115 Military Leadership and Problem Solving (2 cr) PUBLICATIONS Refereed Journals Leonard, M.J., Kalinowski, S.T., & Andrews, T.C. (2014). Misconceptions yesterday, today, and tomorrow. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 13, 179-186. doi: 10.1187/cbe.13-12-0244. Kalinowski S.T., Leonard, M.J., Andrews, T.A., Litt, A.R. (2013). Six classroom exercises to teach natural selection to undergraduate biology students. CBE- Life Sciences Education, 12, 483-493. doi: 10.1091/cbe-12-06-0070. Leonard, M.J., Hannahoe, R.M., Nollmeyer, G.E., & Shaw J.A. (2013). Teaching and learning geometric optics in middle school through the Turning Eyes to the Big Sky project. Optical Engineering, 52, 069001-1-11. doi: 10.1117/1.OE.52.6.069001. Kalinowski, S.T., Andrews, T.M., Leonard, M.J., & Snodgrass, M. (2012). Are Africans, Europeans, and Asians different ‘races’? A guided inquiry lab for introducing undergraduate students to genetic diversity. CBE – Life Sciences Education, 11, 142-151. doi:10.1187/cbe.11-09-0087. Andrews, T.M., Leonard, M.J., Colgrove, C.A., & Kalinowski, S.T. (2011). Active learning not associated with student learning in a random sample of college biology courses. CBE – Life Sciences Education, 10, 394-405. doi:10.1187/cbe.11-07-0061. Andrews, T.M., Kalinowski, S.T., Leonard, M.J. (2011). “Are humans evolving?” A classroom discussion to change students’ misconceptions about natural selection. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 4, 456-466. doi: 10.1007/s12052-011-0343-4. Kalinowski, S.T., Leonard, M.J., & Andrews, T.M. (2010). Nothing in evolution makes sense except in the light of DNA. CBE – Life Sciences Education, 9, 87-97. doi:10.1187/cbe.09-12-0088. (Selected for and republished in CBE – Life Sciences Education, Highlights of 2010, Vol. 9) Leonard, M.J., & Fennema, E. (2008). The Wisconsin-Spencer Doctoral Research Program: An evaluation. Teachers College Record, 110, 1379-1396. Leonard, M.J. (2005). Examining tensions in a “design for science” activity system: Science versus engineering goals and knowledge. Tidskrift för Lärarutbildning och Forskning [Journal of Research in Teacher Education], 3, 132-146. Umeå, Sweden: Umeå University, The Faculty of Teacher Education Board. Invited Book Chapters Leonard, M.J. & Derry, S.J. (2013). Insight into teaching and learning: The complex face of video research. In R. Luckin, S. Puntambekar, P. Goodyear, B. Grabowski, J. Underwood, & N. Winters (Eds.), Handbook of Design in Educational Technology (pp. 439-447). New York, NY: Routledge. Mary J. Leonard 3 Working Papers Leonard, M.J., & Derry, S.J. (2011). “What’s the Science Behind It?” The Interaction of Engineering and Science Goals, Knowledge, and Practices in a Design-Based Science Activity (Wisconsin Center for Education Research Working Paper No. 2011-5). Program Evaluations Fennema, E., & Leonard, M.J. (2003, July). Wisconsin-Spencer Doctoral Research Program: An evaluation. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education. Refereed Published National/International Conference Proceedings Leonard, M.J., & Derry, S.J. (2006). Tensions and tradeoffs in a “design for science” classroom: The “forces in balloon” lecture. In S.A. Barab, K.E. Hay, & D.T. Hickey (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Learning Sciences: Vol. 1. (pp. 411-417). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates for International Society of the Learning Sciences. Refereed Published Regional Conference Proceedings Leonard, M.J., Kalinowski, S.T., & Taper, M.L. (2015). More than the ideas themselves: Influence of student attributes in conceptual change. The Researcher, 27, 34-42. Non-Refereed Published National/International Conference Proceedings Leonard, M.J., Hannahoe, R.M., & Nollmeyer, G.E. (2012). Turning Eyes to the Big Sky project: Learning optics in middle-school. In G.G. Gregory (Ed.), Proceedings of SPIE: Vol. 8481. Optics Education and Outreach II (pp. 84810G1-G9). SPIE Digital Library. doi:10.1117/12.928895. Manuscripts in Preparation Leonard, M.J., & Derry, S.J. (Under revision). Integrating engineering and science in a middle-school classroom. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Kalinowski S.T., Leonard M.J., & Reuer, M. (Under revision) “I’m sure anything would do better with eyes:” Why students have difficulty understanding the evolution of trait loss. Leonard, M.J., Clark, J., & Colgrove, C.A. (In preparation). Pre-service elementary teachers’ knowledge of STEM fields and their relationships. Leonard, M.J., Kalinowski, S.T., & Andrews, T.M. (In preparation). Tracing university students’ developing understandings of natural selection: A learning progression. Leonard, M.J., & Puntambekar, S. (In preparation). Learning in context: Developing generalizations of science concepts in a design-based science classroom. PRESENTATIONS Refereed National/International Conference Presentations Andrews, T.M., Kalinowski, S.T., Leonard, M.J. (2012, July). Classroom exercises for teaching natural selection to undergraduate biology students. Paper presented at the second annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Andrews, T.M., Leonard, M.J., Colgrove, C.A., & Kalinowski, S.T. (2011, July) Active learning NOT associated with learning gains in a random sample of college biology courses. Paper presented at the first annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mary J. Leonard 4 Andrews, T.M., Leonard, M.J., & Kalinowski, S.T. (2011, April). Do teaching methods affect how well students learn natural selection? A national survey of learning gains in introductory undergraduate biology courses. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching annual international conference, Orlando, Florida. Leonard, M.J. & Puntambekar, S. (2009, April). Developing generalized understanding of science concepts in a middle-school design-based science classroom. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California. Leonard, M.J. (2007, April). What’s the science behind it? Students’ models of motion in a design-forscience classroom. Paper presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching annual international conference, New Orleans, Lousiana. Leonard, M.J., & Derry, S.J. (2007, April). The potential for conceptual modeling to bridge designs and science: A case of opportunity missed. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois. Leonard, M.J., & Rebello, S., & Puntambekar, S. (2007, April). Change in students’ conceptual models of science phenomena through CoMPASS instruction. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois. Leonard, M.J., & Fennema, E. (2005, April). Preparing future educational researchers: Evaluation of the Wisconsin-Spencer Doctoral Research Program. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montréal, Canada. Leonard, M.J. (2004, April). Toward epistemologically authentic engineering design activities in the science classroom. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching annual international conference, Vancouver, Canada. Stampen, J.O., Leonard, M.J., & Lee, J.A.-C. (2002, October). Case studies in building video cases. Paper presented at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Seattle, Washington. Leonard, M.J., & Derry, S.J. (2001, April). Can gender-adapted instruction improve mathematics performance and attitudes? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, Washington. Refereed Regional Conference Presentations Clark, J., Leonard, M.J., & Colgrove, C.A. (2014, October). How elementary education teacher candidates conceptualize STEM: Why does it matter? Paper presented at the Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association annual conference, Rapid City, South Dakota. Leonard, M.J., & Colgrove, C.A. (2013, October). Pre-service elementary teachers' understandings of STEM. Paper presented at the Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association annual conference, Jackson, Wyoming. Leonard, M.J., & Derry, S.J. (2012, October). Using video in research into teaching and learning: Issues of selection, analysis, technology, & ethics. Paper presented at the Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association annual conference, Park City, Utah. Andrews, T.M., Kalinowski, S.T., Leonard, M.J. (2010, September/October). National survey of instructor teaching methods in introductory college biology courses. Paper presented at the Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association annual conference, Big Sky, Montana. Mary J. Leonard 5 Leonard, M.J., & Colgrove, C.A. (2010, September/October). Developing preservice teachers’ understanding of the nature of scientific knowledge through model-based inquiry. Paper presented at the Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association annual conference, Big Sky, Montana. Invited Presentations Leonard, M.J. (2010, March). Teaching for conceptual change in an undergraduate biology course. Education Department Roundtable Discussion, Montana State University. Leonard, M.J. (2008, November). Teaching “day & night” with traditional American Indian stories. Indian Education for All poster session conference. Montana State University. Leonard, M.J. (2007, January). There and back again: A dissertator’s tale. Annual Graduate Student Cohort Meeting, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Leonard, M.J. (2006, November). Teaching and research partnerships in science education. Educational Psychology 301: Human Abilities and Learning, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Leonard, M.J. (2000, October). MathZone: An example of computer-based instruction that embodies cognitive principles. Educational Psychology 301: Human Abilities and Learning, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Thelen (Leonard), M.J. (1999, October). Can gender-adapted instruction improve mathematics performance and attitudes? Madison Area Technical College In-Service Training, Wisconsin. Thelen (Leonard), M.J. (1999, September). Can gender-adapted instruction improve mathematics performance and attitudes? Department of Educational Psychology Student Research Colloquium, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Teacher Professional Development Presentations & Workshops Conducted 2014 Integrate Engineering, Math, & Art with Pop-up Books co-presented with education professors P. Lund and F. Luo at annual MEA-MFT Educator’s Conference, Missoula, Montana. 2010-13 Teaching Engineering Applications in Math, Science (TEAMS) annual workshops for teachers, codeveloped and co-facilitated with engineering and education project members: Bozeman (4), Box Elder, & Pablo, Montana. 2012 Writing in Science presented at annual MEA-MFT Educator’s Conference, Billings, Montana 2011 Teaching Engineering Applications in Math, Science (TEAMS) co-presented with engineering and education project members J. Collins, S. Watson, H. Sherick, K. Nelson, & S. Sophie at annual MEA-MFT Educator’s Conference, Missoula, Montana. 2011 Engineering Design for Elementary Students presented at annual MEA-MFT Educator’s Conference, Missoula, Montana. 2010 Turning Eyes to the Big Sky, telescope & optics curriculum workshop for teachers, co-facilitated with undergraduate scholar R. Hannahoe and physics professor J. Shaw, Bozeman, Montana. 2010 The Crocodile Dentist: Teaching Scientific Models presented at annual MEA-MFT Educator’s Conference, Helena, Montana. 2009 Model-based Inquiry: Earth-Moon-Sun Phenomena presented at annual MEA-MFT Educator’s Conference, Billings, Montana. PUBLICATION REVIEWS Refereed Journals The Researcher (Reviewer) 2013-14 Mary J. Leonard 6 Science Education (Ad-hoc Reviewer) 2012-14 Journal of Educational Psychology (Ad-hoc Reviewer) 2011-12 Canadian Journal of Higher Education (Ad-hoc Reviewer) 2007 Refereed Conferences Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2010, 2012-14 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association 2005-06, 2009 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference 2007 International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2006 FUNDED GRANTS & GRANT WRITING 2015-17 National Science Foundation: EHR Core Research (ECR) grant, What attributes of college biology students influence conceptual change? Co-PI on 3-year, $511,795 grant with Dr. Steven Kalinowski, Ecology, PI. 2012-14 Troops to Teachers (TTT). PI for ongoing $450,000+/year Department of Defense program transitioning military members into teaching. 2011 Montana State University: Faculty Development Award (FDA). Course buy-out to support preparation and submission of research articles and grant proposal. 2010-12 National Science Foundation: Course, Curriculum, or Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) grant, Classroom exercises to promote a deep understanding of evolution among biology majors in introductory courses. Co-PI on 3-year, $149,996 grant with Dr. Steven Kalinowski, Ecology, PI. 2009 Archeological Institute of America (AIA): Society Outreach Grant, Newgrange, Montana. Co-PI on 1-year, $3000 grant with Dr. Bryce Carpenter, Education, PI; Dr. John Miller, Neuroscience, Co-PI. 2008 Anasphere, Inc. PI on 1-year, $8250 grant for weather curriculum development and assessment. UNFUNDED GRANT PROPOSALS 2013 NSF EHR Core Research (ECR) grant, A synthetic model of conceptual change. PI on 3-year, $635,764 proposed grant with Dr. Steven Kalinowski, Ecology, co-PI. 2012 NSF Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science (TUES) grant, Identifying factors that affect how students learn natural selection. Co-PI on 3-year, $200,000 proposed grant with Dr. Steven Kalinowski, Ecology, PI; Dr. Andrea Litt, Ecology, Co-PI. 2011 NSF Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Site in Engineering grant proposal for Montana Energy Technologies: Teacher Research Experience. Senior person on 3-year, $449,637 proposed grant with Dr. David Miller, Mechanical Engineering, PI; Dr. Scott Davis, Education, Co-PI. Other senior personnel included Dr. Ahsan Mian, Mechanical Engineering; and Sheree Watson, College of Engineering. 2010 MSU Buy-out for Enhancing Scholarship and Teaching (BEST) program, proposal for course buyout to support publication of research article. 2009 NSF Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Site in Engineering grant proposal for Research Opportunities for Teachers in Energy Technologies. Co-PI on 3-year, $371,963 proposed grant with Dr. Ahsan Mian, Mechanical Engineering, PI. Other Co-PIs included Dr. Scott Davis, Education; Dr. David Miller, Mechanical Engineering; Sheree Watson, College of Engineering. HONORS, AWARDS & FELLOWSHIPS 2012 Montana State University Faculty Award for Excellence 2012 Montana State University College of Education, Health & Human Development Merit Award ($1000 annual salary increase) 2010 Article selected for publication in CBE-Life Sciences Education, Highlights of 2010, Vol 9 2004 University of Wisconsin Vilas Travel Grant, $500. Award to support dissertation data collection. Mary J. Leonard 7 1999-2003 Wisconsin-Spencer Doctoral Research Training Program Fellowship, $37,000 plus tuition, 4 years. Fellowship to study cognition, learning, and teaching in science and mathematics. 1998-99 University of Wisconsin Fellowship, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, $10,000 plus tuition, 1 year. Fellowship to study cognition, learning, and teaching in science and mathematics. 1998 University of Wisconsin Vilas Welcome Award, $600. Merit award upon admission. SERVICE Department Department of Education, Montana State University 2013-14 Member, Awards Committee 2010-14 Member, Scholarship Committee 2008-13 Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 2011-12 Member, Educational Leadership Faculty Search Committee 2010-11 Co-Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 2010-11 Member, Teacher Education Program Accreditation – General Requirements Committee 2009-11 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee 2010 Member, Ad-Hoc Search Committee for Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology 2009-10 Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee 2009-10 Member, Teacher Certification & Professional Practices Committee 2009,10 Interviewer, Elementary Education Student Teaching Seminar Mock Interviews 2008-09 Member, Library Committee Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2002-03 Member, Faculty Search Committee 2001,02 Organizer, Annual Graduate Student Cohort Meeting 2000-02 Representative, Department of Educational Psychology Student Association 2000 Undergraduate Research Mentor, Educational Psychology 301: Human Abilities and Learning College College of Education, Health & Human Development, Montana State University 2014-15 Member, College Promotion & Tenure Committee University Montana State University 2011-14 Floor Warden, Reid Hall 2012-13 Chair, Women’s Faculty Caucus Sub-committee for Programming 2011-13 Education Department Representative, Women’s Faculty Caucus Steering Committee 2011-12 Member, Astronomy Day Planning Committee 2009-12 Member, Committee on Grievance Hearings 2011 Member, Women’s Faculty Caucus Distinguished Mentor Award Selection Committee 2011 Leader, Conversations with Professors Group (new-student orientation) 2008-09 Member, Science-Math Teacher Initiative President’s Advisory Committee 2008-09 Member, Chemical Safety Committee University of Wisconsin-Madison 2005 Reviewer, School of Education Vilas Travel Grant State Montana Mary J. Leonard 2010-12 2011 2009-11 2009 Wisconsin 2007 8 Participant, Montana Science Teachers’ Association/Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Leadership Conference Participant, Statewide Montana STEM Forum bi-annual meetings Member, Montana Math-Science Teacher Initiative Steering Committee Participant, Montana Higher Education Consortium bi-annual meeting Co-organizer, teacher professional development workshop in design-based inquiry science, Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers annual convention Professional 2009-15 Advisory Board Member, Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Teaching Engineering Applications in Math, Science (TEAMS) grant at Montana State University 2012-14 State Representative, Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association Executive Board 2011-13 Post-secondary Board Member, Montana Science Teachers’ Association 2012 Member, NASA Aerospace Education Services Project Professional Development Alliance 2009 Session Chair, Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association 2004 Delegate, School of Education Exchange Seminar, Umeå Universitet, Sweden / University of Wisconsin-Madison 2001 Delegate, Spencer Foundation Research Training Grant Conference, Core course(s) for fledgling educational researchers (and their faculty), University of California-Los Angeles Community 2008-14 Recruiter and organizer of education student instructors, annual Longfellow Elementary School Wetlands Festival, Bozeman, Montana 2010,12 Judge, Montana AA Speech & Debate Tournament, Bozeman, Montana 2009-12 Organizer, annual MSU-NASA Education Workshops for pre- and in-service teachers, Bozeman, Montana 2009-12 Commentator & recruiter of education student commentators, Emily Dickinson Elementary School Science Fair, Bozeman, Montana 2011 Organizer for MSU student guest instructors, Bozeman High School Freshman Transitions course, Montana State University 2011 Judge, Montana District National Qualifying Tournament, High School Forensics, Bozeman, Montana 2010 Facilitator, Discovery Session: Get the 411 on College Life, College Quest, Montana State University in coordination with CAP/THRIVE, Bozeman, Montana 2009-10 Instructor, Middle School Youth Ministry, Holy Rosary Parish, Bozeman, Montana 2009 Instructor, Discovery Session, Science: Mystery of the Black Box, College Quest, Montana State University in coordination with CAP/THRIVE, Bozeman, Montana 2007 Small Group Facilitator, Middle School Youth Ministry, St. Maria Goretti Parish, Madison, Wisconsin PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Educational Research Association Division C: Learning and Instruction Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education SIG: Science Teaching and Learning SIG: Learning Sciences International Society of the Learning Sciences Mary J. Leonard Montana Science Teachers Association National Science Teachers Association Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association 9
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