FINAL NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2016 From November 2013 until October 2016, OPTICITIES developed and tested interoperable urban Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) solutions to provide urban citizens with the best possible journey conditions and to optimise urban logistics operations. Its ambition was to support European cities to consolidate all local transport data and provide it through a standardised gateway. This contributed to optimising the urban mobility services and system as a whole and seeking sustainable business models not depending solely on public funds. OPTICITIES is cofunded by the European Union and involves 25 partners from 8 Member States. OPTICITIES: CREATING A LASTING LEGACY FOR URBAN ITS OPTICITIES has officially come to an end on 31 October. Over the past three years, partner cities Grand Lyon Métropole, Birmingham, Gothenburg, Madrid, Turin and Wroclaw have successfully developed and tested a wide range of innovative ITS solutions for passenger and freight transport, with the involvement of leading industrial companies, service providers, academia and major European networks. The main achievements of the project include the development of an open ITS architecture and system; a multimodal dataset model for urban mobility data; new proposals for ITS standards; high-level multimodal travel planners; and a unique interface that allows multimodal apps to connect and synchronise with in-car navigation systems. OPTICITIES partners have also developed innovative services for one-hour traffic prediction; real-time car pooling; road works management and information systems; public transport prioritisation; and urban freight navigators. During the last six months of the project, additional efforts were invested in promoting the outcomes of the project at local, national and European level by organising a series of capacity building events and by raising awareness in the EU institutions and among European stakeholders. This final edition of the OPTICITIES newsletter presents an overview of recent activities and highlights key final deliverables such as the OPTICITIES Transferability Handbook. The legacy of OPTICITIES will be further exploited through the New Mobility Services Initiative of the European Innovation Partnership for Smart Cities. WWW.OPTICITIES.COM A REPORT FROM THE OPTICITIES HIGH LEVEL DEBATE ON MOBILITY AS A SERVICE IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT On 10 October 2016, OPTICITIES organised a high level lunch debate at the Renaissance Hotel in Brussels to present and discuss the final outcomes of OPTICITIES and how these contribute to the large-scale deployment of advanced mobility services in European cities. The event was endorsed by MEPs Wim van de Camp (EPP) and Michael Cramer (Greens/EFA), and attracted 65 participants from various stakeholder organisations and also provided an opportunity to see live demonstrations of the interconnection between in-car navigation and the OPTICITIES multimodal app. MEP Wim van de Camp (EPP) delivering a key note speech at the start of the OPTICITIES final debate The format of the lunch debate consisted of short introductory presentations followed by panel discussions and interventions from the audience. The panel included high-level representatives from the European Parliament (Michael Cramer, European Greens), the European Commission (Herald Ruijters from DG MOVE and Clara de la Torre from DG RESEARCH & INNOVATION), local authorities (Marie-Anne Gobert, Grand Lyon Métropole), project partners (project coordinator Jean Coldefy from Grand Lyon Métropole, Umberto Guida from UITP and Steve George from Birmingham) and representatives from the ITS sector and the car industry (Kaj Pyyhtiä from MaaS Global and Luc Marbach, from Vedecom Institute). The first part of the debate mainly focused on urban mobility stakes and OPTICITIES solutions, addressing the potential role of new ITS tools and players in providing access to city centres and the need for sustainable business models. WWW.OPTICITIES.COM The second part was dedicated to the role of public-private partnerships in supporting the large-scale deployment of urban MaaS. Panellists provided their opinion on the ideal context conditions for introducing Mobility as a Service, the perceived socio-economic benefits, the strategic short term challenges and critical services such as parking, public transport access and ticketing. MEPs Michael Cramer and Wim van de Camp and EC directors Herald Ruijters (DG MOVE) and Clara de la Torre (DG RESEARCH and INNOVATION) provide more insights on how European institutions could support the large-scale deployment of MaaS. KEY CONCLUSIONS FROM THE DEBATE: Mobility is a right and metropolitan authorities are challenged to provide the same level of transport service across the whole territory. MaaS and ITS can help to provide access to/from underserved areas; in the case of Birmingham, OPTICITIES brought a better understanding of the network and how travel behaviour can be influenced; Car manufacturers have to learn from the current transition in the energy sector and reinvent themselves as mobility providers; In order to scale up investment in transport innovation, projects that are financed by the EU should investigate more the potential of public-private partnerships; Mobility as a Service can only be successful if it offers the same level of quality as the individual car and if it provides all types of journeys through one platform; In order to achieve its full potential, the MaaS business model needs to cover the whole European area based on similar standards to reduce costs and increase interoperability; Cities should not put out tenders for MaaS providers separately, but rather act as enablers; The connection between customers and services is more important than the connection between cars and infrastructure; C-ITS should address capacity optimisation of the existing transport infrastructure. WWW.OPTICITIES.COM OPTICITIES STUDY VISITS AND TUTORIAL SESSIONS: A RETROSPECTIVE In the last six months of the project, all OPTICITIES partners actively shared their knowledge, experiences and results through various Tutorial Sessions in Lyon, Glasgow, Madrid, Birmingham, Torino, Brussels and Gothenburg. In case you missed the opportunity, it is still possible to access the OPTICITIES Stakeholder Platform where you can download the materials and expert presentations from each of the tutorial sessions and study visits. The aim of this section is to give you a quick retrospective of the ITS topics that were addressed. 27-28 APRIL: TUTORIAL SESSION AND STUDY VISIT IN MADRID The combined events organised by CRTM aimed at presenting and discussing multimodal traffic management in large cities, decision support tools, data standardisation, interoperability apps and journey assistants. 7-8 JUNE: ITS GLASGOW As part of the ITS Europe conference in Glasgow, OPTICITIES organised an expert debate on Mobility as a Service and a tutorial session focusing on Decision Support Tools and the user evaluation of the interconnection between the OPTICITIES multimodal navigator and in–car GPS. 8 JULY: STUDY VISIT BIRMINGHAM The Birmingham study visit offered an introduction to the Birmingham data management strategy, open data platform, multimodal datasets and potential for C-ITS; use of traffic prediction in OCR, freight journey time reliability and driver assist services. 10 MARCH: STUDY VISIT LYON The study visit in Lyon focused on transport policy assessment, massive road data creation, live demonstrations of traffic prediction, the multimodal travel planner, realtime car pooling and service continuity between smartphone and in-car systems. WWW.OPTICITIES.COM 11 OCTOBER: FINAL TUTORIAL SESSION BRUSSELS OPTICITIES TV: ENJOY OUR FINAL PROJECT VIDEO Complementing the high level debate of 10 October, the final OPTICITIES Tutorial Session in Brussels provided a wider overview of the project achievements, including the Open ITS system, multimodal dataset and standardisation, interoperable traveller information applications, interconnection between in-car GPS and multimodal navigator, evaluation and user acceptance, one hour traffic prediction, routes management and optimisation of urban freight. 20 OCTOBER: STUDY VISIT TORINO The OPTICITIES study visit in Torino presented and demonstrated the multimodal real time urban navigator TUeTO, the Carpooling Hub (aggregator of car pooling services operating in the metropolitan area) and the Multimodal Network Map (a Decision Support Tool for the Torino metropolitan area). 27 OCTOBER: STUDY VISIT GOTHENBURG The final OPTICITIES study visit took place in Gothenburg and provided live demos of the Soft Prio tram switching, the road works application and information handling for traffic and the multimodal travel planner. On the media section of the project website you can find sixteen videos in total which visualise a wide range of ITS tools and services that were developed in the framework of the project, addressing for example data collection (Lyon), urban freight navigation (Wroclaw), road works management (Gothenburg) and early warning systems for public transport (Madrid). One of the recent additions include the final OPTICITIES project video, which presents an animated overview of the main ITS innovations that were introduced by the partner cities, and a video produced by CSI Piemonte on the mapping of multimodal mapping transport services. WWW.OPTICITIES.COM OPTICITIES TRANSFERABILITY HANDBOOK: Recommendations for planning and implementing urban ITS The Transferability Handbook has been elaborated as a toolbox targeting cities and service providers looking for references, concrete experiences and contacts. It presents a digest of OPTICITIES key results, learning points and success factors in a userfriendly format. It aims at enhancing the take-up process of OPTICITIES results. Detailed information is compiled in a set of Deployment Guidelines available online on the OPTICITIES Stakeholder Forum. The Handbook addresses the following thematic areas and specific topics: DATA CREATION AND USE OPEN ITS SYSTEM DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS FREIGHT INFORMATION SERVICES TRAVELLER INFORMATION SERVICES EVALUATION Multimodal Data Integration In Large Cities Road Works Data Collection New Tools for Freight Data Monitoring Mobility Data Portal Public-Private Contractual Arrangements Multimodal Urban Mobility Database Model and Architecture Multimodal Network Map For Planning Multimodal Network Management Integrated Soft Priority For Public Transport Traffic Prediction In Traffic Management Centres Dangerous Goods Monitoring Freight Navigator Multimodal Real-Time Urban Navigator Interfaces Smartphones/In-Car Navigation Systems Real-Time Car Pooling Pre-Design and Evaluation Transport Policies In Urban Areas You can download a digital version of the handbook here, printed copies will be distributed at relevant EU transport and smart cities events in the course of 2016 and 2017. 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