WHAT EACH CHEERLEADER IS TO HAVE READY BY AUGUST 5TH • 4 DOZEN (48) SHAKER BOTTLES August 5th • 3 SIGNS (FB, VB, AND GENERAL FOR HALLS) You can arrange to come before or after practices the first week. • MAKE UP, GET FROM INTERNET, OTHER CHEER SQUAD 1 NEW CHEER OR DANCE TO TEACH TO OTHERS DURING AUGUST PRACTICES. START August 7th • 2 SKITS FOR PEP RALLIES AUGUST 5TH o USE MINUTE TO WIN IT.. o LOOK ONLINE o BE CREATIVE AND FUN MUST INVOLVE STUDENTS/TEACHERS WHAT MASCOT NEEDS TO HAVE READY BY AUGUST 5TH 2 SONG SKITS LIKE WE DID FOR HOMECOMING 3 REGULAR SKIT WORK WITH CHEER MANAGER ‐ JACI SENIORS/JUNIORS ‐ MOLLY, KATIE, CALLIE, ALEXA, SAGEN MEET THE EAGLE SKIT August timeframe AUGUST 19TH HOMECOMING MAIN EVENT ‐ October 11th AUGUST 19TH NEW ROUTINE TO ANY OF THE SONGS AUGUST 8th SOPHOMORES/FRESHMAN – JODIE, BETHANY, KALLIE, MADDIE, VICTORIE, BRI, JESSICA, KARLIE PINK OUT SKIT AUGUST 19TH USING THE 2013 TRYOUT DANCE..FIGURE OUT WHICH SONG THE BAND PLAYS IT WILL GO TO. AUG 8th NEW ROUTINE TO ANY OF THE BAND SONGS (WE HAVEN’T PICKED ALREADY) IT AUG 12TH IMPORTANT DATES Lil Cheerleader Camp September 24th &25th Cheer at game on 27th REQUIRED EVENT Fundraiser Drive 4 UR School September 28th th Homecoming October 11 Pink Out October 18th Senior Night November 1st Sweethearts night too Below is a draft outline of our cheer practices in August prior to the start of school. We will practice on Monday from 6‐8 once school starts. Maybe one other if we can find the time. SUMMER CHEER PRACTICE SCHEDULE August 2nd Stunt Clinic JH 9:00 – 12:00 Varsity 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm August 5th 4:00 – 6:00 Turn in Shaker bottles Turn in description of your skit Review chants, cheer, dances learned at summer camp Jumps Start reviewing list of existing cheers I will meet with Mascot @ 3:00 4:00 – 6:00 August 7th Continue review of existing cheers. 8 of new cheers/dance you are created from above August 8th 5:30 – 7:30 REVIEW Dances (YOU SHOULD KNOW THEM WHEN YOU ARRIVE TO PRACTICE) Tryout dance to band song Bad to the Bone Extreme from last year 4 more of the new cheers/dance you created 5:30 – 7:30 August 12th Learn new JR/SR dance Hip Hop dance Stunt practice 5:30 – 7:30 August 14th Bombs over Learn new F/SO dance Review all dances Stunt Practice Week of 19th – 23rd 1:00 – 2:30 every day! The time could change on this. Prepare Shaker bottles Hang signs Review cheers Prepare for Meet the Eagle & Pep Rallies Review all skits August 23rd PICTURE DAY. Will be very early .. no time yet! If you miss a practice, you will be assigned times to work in the concession stand. If you miss a 2 hour practice that will be 3 hours in the concession stand. (just add one hour to the time of practice). We will work out the schedule. YOU will be responsible for learning any cheers/chants or dances we learned at practice.
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