Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator Network Costs by Facility Type Facility Type Bike Boulevard Type I Intersections Bike Boulevard Type II Intersections Bike Boulevard Type III Intersections Bicycle Boulevard (base cost) Bike Lane Climbing Lane Buffered Bike Lane Cycle Track Length Shared Lane Marking Marked Route Further Study Needed Total Total Miles (#) of Facility (18) Cost per feature or per mile (10) 0 51.51 46.66 7.23 4.01 0.83 7.31 2.92 12.36 Total Cost $75,000 $1,350,000 $100,000 $1,000,000 $300,000 $0 $35,200 $77,600 $60,480 $117,480 $1,647,450 $43,300 $4,300 $0 $1,807,165 $12,755,617 $1,003,211 $846,198 $1,361,297 $316,373 $12,538 $0 $20,452,398 Facility Cost Assumptions Facility Unit Cost (per mile) On-Street Facilities Calculation Assumptions Facility Unit Cost Calculation Bike Boulevard Base Signage & shared lane markings (80/mile) - No allowance for addt'l curb work, stormwater, ROW, etc. Bulb outs & Crosswalk $35,200 Bicycle Boulevard Bicycle Boulevard (base cost) $35,200 80 shared lane markings at $225 each) + (80 sign assemblies at $215 each) Bike Boulevard Type I Intersection (lower volume $75,000 (curb bulbs*$7,000 each) 1 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT street crossing) Bike Boulevard Type II Intersection (higher volume street crossing) Bike Boulevard Type 111 Intersection (full traffic signal) Bike Lanes $100,000 $300,000 Add bike lanes $77,600 (with parking) Add buffered bike lane (with parking) Flashing Xing or HAWK $117,680 Add bike lanes $43,300 (no parking) Facility Unit Cost = $3.25/LF * 5280 feet * 2 lines * 2 sides + $225 per bike symbol * 20 symbols/mile * 2 sides Assumes 2 bicycle lane lines and 20 bike and arrow symbols per mile are added on each side of the roadway to create the bicycle lane. $225 per bike and arrow symbol includes the material (thermoplastic) and installation costs. Facility Unit Cost = (3 Assumes a 30" lines*5280*$3.25/LF diagonal stripe every 15 * 2 sides)+(880 LF feet between two diagonal continuous parallel lines*2*$3.25/LF)+(20 lines both sides of symbols/mile*$225 * street plus inside bike 2 sides) lane/parking lane stripe, 20 bike and arrow symbols per mile both sides. $225 per bike and arrow symbol includes the material (thermoplastic) and installation costs. Facility Unit Cost = Assumes 2 bicycle lane $3.25/LF * 5280 feet lines and 20 bike and * 1 line * 2 sides + 20 arrow symbols per mile symbols/mile*$225 * are added on each side 2 sides of the roadway to create the bicycle lane. $77,640 $117,680 $43,320 2 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT Add buffered bike lane (no parking) $83,360 Facility Unit Cost = (2 lines*5280*$3.25* 2 sides)+(880 LF diagonal lines*2*$3.25)+(20 symbols/mile*$225 * 2 side) Climbing lane (with parking) $60,480 Facility Unit Cost = $3.25/LF * 5280 feet * 3 lines + $225 per bike symbol * 20 symbols/mile*$225 + $225 per shared lane marking symbol * 20 symbols/mile Climbing Lane (no parking) $26,160 Facility Unit Cost = $3.25/LF * 5280 feet * 1 line + $225 per bike symbol * 20 symbols/mile + $225 per shared lane $225 per bike and arrow symbol includes the material (thermoplastic) and installation costs. Assumes a 30" diagonal stripe every 15 feet between two continuous parallel lines both sides of street, 20 bike and arrow symbols per mile both sides. $225 per bike and arrow symbol includes the material (thermoplastic) and installation costs. Assumes 2 bicycle lane lines and 20 bike and arrow symbols per mile are added on one side of the roadway to create the bicycle lane. $225 per bike and arrow symbol includes the material (thermoplastic) and installation costs. Assumes parking lane lines added to one side of street and 20 shared lane marking symbols per mile are added on each side of the roadway to create the shared lane pavement marking facility. $225 per bike and arrow symbol includes the material (thermoplastic) and installation costs. Assumes 1 bicycle lane line and 20 bike and arrow symbols per mile are added on one side of the roadway to create the bicycle lane. $83,360 $60,480 $26,160 3 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT marking symbol * 20 symbols/mile $225 per bike and arrow symbol includes the material (thermoplastic) and installation costs. Assumes 20 shared lane marking symbols per mile are added on one side of the roadway to create the shared lane pavement marking facility. $225 per shared lane pavement marking includes the material (thermoplastic) and installation costs. This is an add-on expense for those roadways where pavement needs to be restored in order to provide a high quality bike lane facility. Assumes 20 shared lane marking symbols per mile are added on each side of the roadway to create the shared lane pavement marking facility. $225 per bike and arrow symbol includes the material (thermoplastic) and installation costs. Assumes parking lane lines added to both sides of street and 20 shared lane marking symbols per mile are added on each side of the roadway to create the shared lane pavement marking facility. $225 per bike and arrow symbol Pavement restoration for bike lanes Shared Lane Markings Add shared lane markings (no parking) $9,000 Facility Unit Cost = $225 per shared lane marking symbol * 20 symbols/mile * 2 sides Add shared lane markings (with parking) $43,300 Facility Unit Cost = $3.25/LF*5280 feet*2 lines + $225 per shared lane marking symbol *20 symbols/mile * 2 sides $9,000 $43,320 4 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT includes the material (thermoplastic) and installation costs. Cycle Track Cycle Track (physically separated facility midrange cost) $1,647,450 Facility Unit Cost = (1 line*5280*$3.25* 2 sides)+(20 symbols/mile*$225 * 2 side) + full curb ($250,000 * 2 sides) + signal upgrades (4 per mile x $150,000) + 25% signal timing Assumes a one-way $1,143,320 separated bikeway both sides of street, 20 bike and arrow symbols per mile both sides. $225 per bike and arrow symbol includes the material (thermoplastic) and installation costs. Continuous curb at $250,000 per mile. Four signal upgrades at $150,000 each. . If new signal heads and timing required at existing signals add 25%. $48,563 Facility Unit Cost = (391 tons of aggregate*$20 per ton) + ($81 per ton*503 tons asphalt) Assumes 4 ft paved shoulder comprised of 12" crushed rock at $20 per ton and 4" asphalt at $81 per ton, 1 CY crushed rock is 2 tons. 1 CY of asphalt is 1.95 tons. Other costs may include 5% for landscaping, 10% for drainage and E&S, 5% for traffic maintenance, 10% for utility adjustment, 25% contingency and no parking signs. $48,563 Facility Unit Cost = $215 per sign assembly*10*2 sides Spacing of bike signs is flexible based on Engineering judgment & current practices. This calculation assumes up to 10 bike $4,300.00 Paved shoulder Bike Route Signing $4,300.00 5 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT route/wayfinding signs per mile installed on both sides of bicycle route. In some cases the number of signs per mile may be more or less than 10. Unit cost includes one sign, post and installation. Some wayfinding sign assemblies may have more than one sign, and therefore would be higher cost. Maintenance Costs Maintenance Cost Calculations for Off-road Facilities Landscaping (annual) $5,000.00 Facility Unit Cost = $5,000 per mile * 10 times per year Assumes 20 ft path corridor not including paved surfaces $5,000.00 Global Assumptions 1) Cost calculations assume that bicycle facility improvements are made on both sides of the street with the exception of shared use paths and sidepaths. Assumes any pavement costs are independent of bicycle facility. 2) Cost estimates do not include design unless specifically stated in assumptions. Design costs, which include construction planning, public process, facility design, and other background work required to implement the project, can generally be estimated at 15% to 20% of the facility construction cost. Projects requiring a higher level of public process may have higher design costs. 3) Cost estimates involving major construction do not include contingency costs, which typically are estimated at 15 to 25% of the construction costs. 4) Other costs where applicable include landscaping 5%, Drainage 10% (unless otherwise noted), Traffic control 5% and Utility adjustments 10%. 5)Paint markings to be restriped annually. Thermoplastic may last 3 to 5 years, depending on placement in roadway. 6 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT Maintenance Cost Calculations for On-road Facilities Shared lane markings $9,000.00 Facility Unit Cost = $225 per shared lane marking * 20 shared lane markings per mile * 2 sides Bicycle lanes $43,320.00 Facility Unit Cost = $3.25 per linear foot * 5280 feet * 1 line * 2 sides + $225 per bike and arrow * 20 bike and arrow per mile * 2 sides Buffered bike lane $9,372.00 Facility Unit Cost = 2 lines*5280*$3.25* 2 sides)+(880 LF diagonal lines*2*$3.25)+(20 bike and arrow per mile* 2 sides*$225) Bicycle Boulevard $11,600.00 Facility Unit Cost = 40 shared lane markings * $225 + $3.25 per linear foot*800 feet Spot $75,000.00 improvements (5 per year) TBD Assumes thermoplastic. All SLM symbols generally replaced every 3 years at $225 per shared lane marking Assumes paint for striping and thermoplastic for symbols. Outside striping marking generally repainted annually at $3.25 per linear foot and bike lane symbols replaced every 5 years $225 per symbol. Assumes paint for striping and thermoplastic for symbols. All striping markings generally repainted annually at $3.25 per linear foot and bike lane symbols replaced every 5 years at $225 per symbol. Assumes thermoplastic shared lane markings and paint for striping. SLMs generally replaced every 3 years at $225 per marking paint restriped annually. Assumes 5 spot improvements per year at an average cost of $15,000. Spot improvements may range in scope and scale. $9,000.00 $43,320.00 $83,360.00 $11,600.00 $75,000.00 7 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT Maintenance Item Assumptions Replace Damaged/Missing Signs Cost represents replacement of all signs on network times 10 (average number of signs per mile) at $215 per sign. All signs will generally need to be replaced every 10 years. Assumes bike lanes only (at full build-out) sweeping once per month at $50 per mile. $37,098 Assumes maintenance within a 20 foot path corridor not including paved surfaces 10 times per year at $157. per mile. Unit costs per mile assume only those markings that would not otherwise be present on the roadway, e.g. bike lane and shared lane marking symbols and additional striping. Maintenance costs are averaged over a 10 year period (the projected timeframe for full build-out of the network), and therefore nearer-term costs are over estimated, and annual maintenance cost at year 10 are under estimated. Sign replacement costs are not included in facility-specific cost estimates (see above for sign replacement cost assumptions) Assumes replacement of SLMs on the network every 3 years (average lifespan of a thermoplastic marking in vehicle path), at 10 per mile. Assumes replacement of bike symbols on the network every 5 years (average lifespan of a thermoplastic symbol outside of vehicle path) and paint striping replaced annually Assumes replacement of bike symbols on the network every 5 years (average lifespan of a thermoplastic symbol outside of vehicle path) and paint striping replaced annually Represents replacement of SLM symbols on the network averaged over a 3 year period (average lifespan of a thermoplastic marking in vehicle path) and paint striping replaced annually) $5,000 Sweep bicycle lanes (annually at full buildout) Landscaping (annual at full build-out) Replace pavement markings Shared Lane Markings (average annual cost for network ) Bicycle Lanes (average annual cost for network) Buffered Bicycle Lanes (average annual cost for network) Bicycle boulevard (average annual cost for network) Estimated Annual Network Maintenance Cost $48,282 $2,916 $16,587 $8,075 $27,076 Other Facility Costs Other Facility Costs 8 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT Item Assumptions Unit Cost Install Full Traffic Signal Assumes that the full cost of the traffic signal is applied as a bicycle facility improvement (no cost shared by pedestrian, transit, motor vehicle, or other budgets) Assumes that the full cost of the pedestrian crossing signal is applied as a bicycle facility improvement (no cost shared by pedestrian budgets) Assumes that two 11' by 10' islands and signs will be provided at each intersection, and that the full cost of the pedestrian crossing islands will be applied as a bicycle improvement (no cost shared by pedestrian budgets) Assumes 4 special-order bicycle traffic signal heads will be needed at the intersection. Assumes no other hardware or software upgrades, but such upgrades may be necessary. $150,000 The number of signs installed per mile along a bicycle route will vary depending intersection density, number of intersecting routes, parking restrictions and other factors. Assumes standard inverted U rack and includes installation. $215 Assumes four approaches per intersection calibrated at manhour per approach, $100 per man hour $1,500 Install Pedestrian Crossing Signal Install Pedestrian Crossing Island Upgrade Existing Pedestrian Crossing Signal to Accommodate Bicycles Signs Bike Racks Calibrate bicycle detection at traffic signals (on-street facilities) $100,000 $40,000 $12,000. $400 Individual Project Costs The following table provides a planning level cost for each project identified in the Plan. Project costs were generated using the costs provided in the assumptions table above. These numbers were provided by the City of Bellingham at the time of the draft plan. To generate costs per bicycle boulevard project, the number of arterial intersection crossings for each project were identified. A cost was then assigned based on the type of intersection improvement(s) needed (Type 1, 2, 3) plus a base cost per mile for signage and shared lane markings. For other facility types the assumptions outlines the calculations used. For the mixed projects, the cost for each facility type was applied. Final Prioritization Score Planning-Level Estimated Project Costs Cornwall Improvement Woburn To From Street (or route) Kentucky / Nevada / Texas Bicycle Boulevard 64.922 $132,159 9 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT Lakeway Dr Queen St Ellis St 57.312 $0 Lakeway Dr Further Study Needed Mixed Lincoln St/Meador/Grant /Ohio Illinois St Cornwall 53.217 $63,120 Woburn St Lynn Mixed 48.942 $249,733 Holly / Chestnut Ellis Bay Mixed 46.140 $124,957 24th Douglas Bicycle Boulevard 45.853 $21,955 Alabama Old Fairhaven Parkway James Electric 43.907 $0 James E Illinois Ohio 42.037 $0 34th/Abbott/Pasc o/Humboldt/Wha tcom/Grant/Potte r/Humboldt Barkley Blvd / Chandler / Mcleod Lincoln Bill McDonald Gladstone Further Study Needed Further Study Needed Bicycle Boulevard 41.608 $164,525 Magrath Woburn Upgrade Existing Bike Lane 40.757 $66,133 North Iowa Bicycle Boulevard 40.735 $19,191 F Roeder Cornwall Bike Lane 40.539 $66,229 Mill 12th 24th Bicycle Boulevard 38.584 $175,809 Prospect Lottie Holly 38.441 $11,572 Maplewood / Alderwood/Benne tt Holly/Elridge/Neq ualicum Aldrich/Northwes t Meridian Airport Northwest Shared Lane Marking Mixed 38.160 $207,179 Nome F St Mixed 35.805 $90,386 Horton Bakerview Bike Lane 35.442 $79,759 McLeod Telegraph Rd 34.868 $0 Division/Fruitland /Orchard/Squalic um/Ellis Meridian Bakerview Spur Illinois Further Study Needed Mixed 34.755 $109,438 McLeod Squalicum Bike Lane 31.955 $32,195 State Wharf York St 31.861 $92,773 Laurel/Railroad State Maple Upgrade Existing Bike Lane Bicycle Boulevard 31.782 $5,991 10 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT Young/Halleck Broadway Bicycle Boulevard 31.474 $100,554 Woburn Cornwall/Gir ard Cornwall North/Lincoln/RR Trail Birchwood Mixed 31.159 $161,139 Northwest Meridian Bike Lane 29.835 $38,719 Grant Illinois Ohio Bicycle Boulevard 29.776 $106,539 Undine Texas RR Trail Bicycle Boulevard 29.769 $109,725 Electric Ave/Flynn/Lakesi de/Euclid Lincoln St Lakeway Dr Alabama Mixed 29.711 $300,687 Lakeway Dr $0 Barkley Further Study Needed Bicycle Boulevard 28.623 St Paul 1,350 ft south Texas 28.530 $123,122 Yew/Maryland/M ichigan/Illinois/St Clair North State Alabama RR Trail Bicycle Boulevard 28.355 $30,542 South State/Bouleva rd Oak St Wharf Roundabout Climbing Lane 28.339 $26,373 Highland Dr 27.706 $0 Texas/Michigan/K entucky/St Clair/Iowa Dr/Rhododendron Bennett Woburn RR Trail Further Study Needed Bicycle Boulevard 26.922 $46,843 Alderwood Marine Bike Lane 26.629 $53,558 McLeod Northwest Meridan Bicycle Boulevard 26.067 $25,840 Roeder/Chestnut Bay St Bike Lane 25.774 $105,248 Michigan Squalicum Way Maryland Texas Bicycle Boulevard 25.556 $111,850 Cordata Horton Westerly Mixed 25.381 $1,376,436 Carolina Cornwall Lincoln Bicycle Boulevard 25.106 $95,914 40th/Dumas/Ashl ey/Byron/44th/N evada Alabama Elwood Lakeway Bicycle Boulevard 24.318 $43,630 Cornwall James Bike Lane 24.298 $36,048 Cornwall Ave Ohio Champion Shared Lane Marking 24.255 $10,607 High St 11 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT Barkley Chandler Britton Orleans Woodstock Texas Donovan 32nd St 21st Champion Cornwall Puget Upgrade Existing Bike Lane Mixed 24.192 $51,426 24.003 $72,889 23.947 $0 Ellis Further Study Needed Bike Lane 23.910 $21,815 Lakeway Potter Bike Lane 23.800 $7,125 Holly St Bay St F St 23.760 $0 Hollywood/Redw ood/McAlpine Valencia Alderwood Marine Further Study Needed Bicycle Boulevard 23.719 $28,876 Texas Kentucky Bicycle Boulevard 23.610 $9,597 York/Ellis Cornwall Lakeway Mixed 23.393 $40,984 Woburn Lakeway Iowa Mixed 23.218 $51,453 Champion Holly Prospect Climbing Lane 23.033 $3,885 Douglas/30th/Tay lor Maple 21st 32nd Mixed 22.925 $600,000 Indian Ellis Bicycle Boulevard 22.836 $16,298 Iowa/Moore Kentucky Woburn Mixed 22.698 $77,573 H Holly North Bicycle Boulevard 22.557 $177,792 McKenzie/Connell y Cr Trail/McKenzie Lakeway 24th 32nd Bicycle Boulevard 22.347 $11,982 Queen Old Lakeway Climbing Lane 22.318 $19,286 10th Mill McKenzie Mixed 22.163 $5,619 Maplewood Alderwood Bike Lane 22.132 $53,763 Lakeway Dr Old Lakeway W Bakerview Rd Woburn St 22.131 $0 Sterling/Trail Northwest 22.099 $20,530 Girard Commercial Bellis Fair Pkwy Broadway Further Study Needed Bicycle Boulevard Bike Lane 21.941 $41,456 Ellis/Maple/Samis h Pasco Lakeway Dr Further Study Needed 21.671 $0 12 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT Samish (Score from adjacent FSN-4 Project due to altered route extent) Indian Bill McDonald Pasco Bike Lane 21.671 $24,622 Chestnut Magnolia 21.670 $7,804 G Dupont North Shared Lane Marking Bicycle Boulevard 21.662 $97,495 Whatcom Ellis Grant Bicycle Boulevard 21.592 $4,261 Ellis Illinois Kentucky Bicycle Boulevard 21.428 $125,134 North/Broadway/ Logan/J/North James/Gladstone Vallette Cornwall Bicycle Boulevard 21.382 $51,659 Ohio Ellis Bicycle Boulevard 21.224 $100,383 Trail/19th/Wilson /21st Harris Old Fairhaven Parkway 12th Bill McDonald 24th Mixed 20.983 $46,794 Mixed 20.653 $107,368 Yew Iowa Alabama Mixed 20.652 $24,867 Lincoln Abbott Byron Mixed 20.537 $17,140 Superior Illinois RR Trail Bicycle Boulevard 20.516 $3,027 McLeod Bennett Northwest Bicycle Boulevard 20.468 $26,099 Horton Nortwest Meridian Bike Lane 20.365 $121,340 Lakeway/Terrace Lowell Cable Bike Lane 20.323 $106,603 Electric Lakeway Flynn Bike Lane 20.092 $104,702 Eliza Westerly Kellogg Bike Lane 20.074 $6,486 Moore/Trail Illinois Orleans Bicycle Boulevard 19.652 $9,206 Kulshan Oregon Broadway Bicycle Boulevard 19.457 $25,246 Valencia Iowa Fraser Bicycle Boulevard 19.338 $11,735 State York Iowa 19.319 $22,419 James Sunset Orchard Shared Lane Marking Mixed 19.310 $666,503 Sunset James St Pacific Further Study Needed 19.078 $0 13 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT 32nd Donovan Fielding Bike Lane 18.688 $68,592 Puget St Lakeway Dr $0 Maplewood Further Study Needed Bicycle Boulevard 18.671 Alderwood Consolidatio n Ave Northwest 18.630 $11,228 Moore/Texas RR Trail Nevada Bicycle Boulevard 18.479 $111,728 Prince Meridian Deemer Bicycle Boulevard 18.268 $11,088 Woburn Alabama Iowa Bike Lane 18.209 $35,287 10th/Adams Douglas 14th Bicycle Boulevard 18.178 $17,996 Mill 10th 12th Bicycle Boulevard 18.126 $3,711 W College Way Highland Dr Further Study Needed 17.993 $0 James / Bakerview / Deemer Knox/20th/Taylor Kellogg Bill McDonald Pkwy Orchard Bike Lane 17.766 $115,035 14th 21st Mixed 17.545 $23,430 Pacific Alabama Iowa Bike Lane 17.490 $35,289 Bellis Fair Pkwy/Cordata North Bakerview Meridian Mixed 17.326 $43,331 Keesling Walnut Bicycle Boulevard 17.247 $16,482 Pacific Barkley Alabama Bicycle Boulevard 17.233 $19,694 Woburn Sunset Alabama St 17.218 $0 Fraser Undine Woburn Further Study Needed Climbing Lane 17.006 $11,497 Vallete Illinois Broadway Bicycle Boulevard 16.975 $106,944 Telegraph Meridian Deemer Bike Lane 16.551 $27,619 Sunset Dr Pacific McLeod 16.528 $152,874 14th / Garden Mill Cedar 16.458 $64,457 Fielding/36th 32nd Samish Way Upgrade Existing Bike Lane Shared Lane Marking Mixed 16.454 $12,570 Meridian Squalicum W Illinois St Bike Lane 16.391 $43,926 Kentucky Pacific Woburn Bicycle Boulevard 16.351 $26,621 14 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT Victor/Vallette Meridian Illinois Bicycle Boulevard 16.254 $38,007 Tull Stuart Kellogg Bike Lane 16.046 $29,125 Kellogg Rd Tull Rd $0 North Further Study Needed Bicycle Boulevard 16.019 Connecticut/Waln ut McLeod Cordata Pkwy Broadway 15.867 $59,807 Telegraph James Bicycle Boulevard 15.740 $34,271 Victor Meridian Northwest Bicycle Boulevard 15.736 $52,002 San Juan 40th Yew Mixed 15.520 $23,441 12th Mill Chuckanut 15.444 $14,587 Northwest / Mahogany Meridian Arctic Aldrich Shared Lane Marking Bike Lane 15.386 $26,637 Broadway Illinois Bike Lane 15.363 $36,965 Kellogg Tull Spring Creek Mixed 15.195 $52,427 Edwards Maple Humboldt Bicycle Boulevard 15.150 $5,983 30th/32nd Donovan Old Samish Marked Route 14.846 $4,818 Mahogany Aldrich East to trail Bicycle Boulevard 14.767 $1,533 Cordata Pkwy Westerly Rd Bakerview Rd 14.573 $0 Connelly Old Fairhaven 36th Further Study Needed Climbing Lane 14.569 $10,666 Ohio Grant State Bike Lane 14.561 $7,737 Monroe/Lafayette Eldridge Meridian Bicycle Boulevard 14.519 $30,432 Victor Northwest Eldridge Bicycle Boulevard 14.433 $66,450 Birchwood/Cedar wood Carrington/Northr idge Trail/Woodside Nequalicum/Patto n/Pinewood/Cott onwood/ Cherrywood Stuart Greenwood Northwest Bicycle Boulevard 14.415 $35,848 Chandler Barkley Bicycle Boulevard 14.315 $20,042 Alderwood Nome Bicycle Boulevard 14.143 $41,855 Tull Deemer Bike Lane 14.034 $8,923 15 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT Humboldt Meador Gladstone Bicycle Boulevard 14.024 $9,693 Kline Aldrich Meridian Bike Lane 13.962 $78,068 Broadway Connecticut Cornwall Bicycle Boulevard 13.748 $43,641 Airport/W Bakerview Rd Sunset Alderwood I-5 Overpass Bike Lane 13.661 $80,582 Ellis St James 13.631 $0 McLeod McGrath Britton Further Study Needed Bicycle Boulevard 13.565 $18,241 Deemer Horton Stuart Bike Lane 13.531 $39,138 Telegraph Deemer James Bike Lane 13.350 $51,634 Sunset Ellis Illinois 13.153 $9,054 Cornwall Chestnut south end Shared Lane Marking Bike Lane 13.088 $61,779 Racine Iowa $5,381 Eldridge Shared Lane Marking Bicycle Boulevard 12.989 West Whatcom Creek Trail Squalicum 12.909 $14,816 Northshore Britton Alabama Climbing Lane 12.902 $19,749 St Clair Sunset Barkley Bike Lane 12.794 $28,841 Highland Knox Bicycle Boulevard 12.781 $28,985 Laurelwood/Ceda rwood 4th/Donovan/Bay side Rd 14th Cottonwood W College Way Bennett Bicycle Boulevard 12.681 $19,397 Harris Hawthorn Bicycle Boulevard 12.593 $36,113 S State Garden 12.486 $6,842 34th/Taylor Connelly Samish Way Shared Lane Marking Bicycle Boulevard 12.464 $30,171 Tremont Cordata Meridian Van Wyck/James St Rd Racine/Lopez/Tol edo/Whatcom/Ne wton S Samish Way Deemer Bakerview Old Lakeway & Puget Old Lakeway Shared Lane Marking Bike Lane 12.444 $24,100 12.421 $118,499 Consolidatio n Bicycle Boulevard 12.353 $38,461 Elwood 48th Bike Lane 12.265 $2,159,381.13 Lakeway Yew Bicycle Boulevard 12.236 $9,568 16 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT Britton Mt Baker Hwy Northshore Mixed 11.985 $135,702 Mahogany/Arctic Pacific Hwy Bakerview Bike Lane 10.812 $57,140 Granary-Bloedel (through the waterfront) Vining Roeder Cornwall Further study needed 10.661 $0 Klipsun trail RR Trail Bicycle Boulevard 10.640 $14,465 Northwest Slater Mahogany Bike Lane 10.312 $142,078 Cordata Tremont Kline Bike Lane 10.286 $16,333 Marine Airport Dr McAlpine Bike Lane 10.215 $39,159 36th/Mill Samish 40th Bicycle Boulevard 10.173 $9,815 Hawthorn/Fieldst on/Viewcrest Rhododenron/Vin ing Bakerview Chuckanut Chuckanut Bicycle Boulevard 10.094 $64,245 RR Trail View Ridge Bicycle Boulevard 9.930 $9,343 James St Rd Vining Bike Lane 9.927 $108,252 Harris Marine Park 12th Mixed 9.914 $39,303 38th/Bennett 40th Mill Bicycle Boulevard 9.790 $21,247 Yew Lakeway City limits Climbing Lane 9.542 $27,050 Consolidation/Pac ificview 40th/Wilkin Puget San Juan Bicycle Boulevard 9.134 $9,173 Samish Way Samish Way Bicycle Boulevard 8.982 $22,416 Willow Fieldston Chuckanut Bike Lane 8.527 $36,517 Brandywine/Klips un Trail 36th/Larrabbee Barkley Vining Bicycle Boulevard 8.424 $109,614 Connelly Samish Way Bicycle Boulevard 8.164 $15,435 Horton Meridian Deemer Bike Lane 8.080 $18,656 Hannegan Bakerview Sunset Bike Lane 7.868 $73,103 Northshore Britton Eagle Ridge Bike Lane 7.431 $7,000,000 Pacific Hwy Slater Bakerview Bike Lane 6.862 $192,105 Old Samish Chuckanut City Limits Marked Route 5.456 $6,008 17 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT Irongate Hannegan Bakerview Bike Lane 5.307 $61,468 Hannegan city limits Bakerview Bike Lane 4.402 $59,455 40th Mill Elwood Shared Lane Marking 3.888 $31,506 Total Plan Cost $20,452,398 Specific project costs & comments based on preliminary estimates from City of Bellingham Public Works: Samish - $1M/mile (bike lane on east side) Note: Based on PW engineering preliminary estimate of reconstruction costs along east side. James - $1M/mile (bike lanes both sides) Note: Based on PW engineering preliminary estimate of reconstruction costs along both sides. Project is adopted, but unfunded on 6-Year TIP. Douglas - $600K (climbing lane) Note: Based on PW engineering preliminary estimate of reconstruction costs along north side for climbing lane. Northshore - $7M – project cost identified in TIP Note: Based on PW engineering cost estimate of reconstruction costs along east side within Lake Whatcom Watershed. Project is adopted, but unfunded on 6-Year TIP. Disclaimer: These costs are intended to be general and used for long-range planning purposes. The construction estimates do not include costs for planning, surveying, engineering design, right-of-way acquisition, mobilization, maintenance of traffic during construction, landscaping/aesthetics, utility adjustments, lighting, drainage, storm water management, erosion and sediment control, significant grading, bridges, retaining walls, significant changes in vehicular traffic patterns, or contingency costs. Maintenance costs are based on estimates from a variety of sources including the City of Bellingham. Construction costs will vary based on the ultimate project scope (i.e. combination with other projects) and economic conditions at the time of construction. 18 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan – Appendix B: Planning Level Cost Calculator DRAFT
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