Demon Times: Temperance, Immigration, and Progressivism in an American City July 12-17 and July 19-24, 2015 Day One: Introductions Sunday, July 10 and July 24, 2016 2:00-2:30 pm Workshop Registration 2:30-3:30 pm Workshop Logistics and Introductions - Dr. Betsy Hedler 3:30-4:30 pm Content Presentation: Setting the Intellectual and Physical Context- Dr. Susan Spellman This presentation will focus on setting up the tensions between moral-minded reformers, social-drinking consumers, and business-centered brewers and saloon owners. 4:30-5:30 pm Break/hotel check in 5:30-8:30 pm Historic Site Field Study: “The Wet” Walking Tour: Columbus Immigrants (German, Jewish, Irish, and Italian) Cultural Customs, Business Collaborations, and the American Dream - Dr. Doreen Uhas-Sauer, Columbus Landmarks Foundation The walking tour begins with a visit to an 1831 tavern, still located in downtown Columbus, and continues to the immigrant neighborhoods where the breweries, workers’ housing, schools, and churches which mark the intersection of the German, Jewish, and Irish migration patterns (1840s-1915) to Columbus. These areas are within the German Village Historic District, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. This intact historic landscape serves as an example of national migration patterns of the period. The landmark buildings that marked the height of German influence in Columbus are intact, including workers homes, and remnants of the Hoster and Wagner breweries. The tour will conclude at the Great Southern hotel, an edifice which marks the height of power for the German (Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant) community in Columbus. Dinner on own during the tour. Bus transportation will be provided from hotel to walking tour start and end. 1 Day Two: Immigrant Lives and Economic Strategies Monday, July 11 and July 25, 2016 8:30-10:00 am Content Presentation: German Americans and the Cultural Wars of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries - Dr. David Goldberg This presentation will focus on German ethnicity and its origins in the United States in the 19th century among peasant and artisan immigrants, who created an ethnic culture that lingered on into the 20th century and was one of the ongoing elements of the antialcohol control coalition. It will include material on the various push and pull factors as well as stressing the variety of German immigrants both in terms of areas they came from and settlement patterns and other differences in the U.S. 10:15-11:45 am Historical Thinking Activity: Family Lives and Economic Strategies across Ethnicities - Dr. Betsy Hedler In this hands-on, minds-on activity, Summer Scholars will consider the ways and means by which immigrants and working class Americans made ends meet. Using primary sources including a Kroger Grocery Store catalog, newspaper advertisements, tavern menus, and wage tables prepared by the Ohio Department of Labor for the year 1904, Summer Scholars will put together a weeks’ budget for a family of the time, including immigrant families in Columbus and reformers in Westerville. This activity requires Summer Scholars to consider the ways household sizes and consumption patterns have changed over time and between different ethnic groups. 11:45-1: 00 pm Lunch on own 1:00-2:30 pm Content Presentation: Ethnicity vs. Reform: German-American Brewers and the Nineteenth-Century Temperance Movement - Dr. William H. Mulligan, Jr. This presentation will have four components. It will discuss the history of brewing in the United States with a focus on the influence of German immigrants in the nineteenth century. It will also look at the rise and development of the Temperance movement during the same period. Then, it will discuss the collision of the brewing industry and German-American (and other immigrant communities) ethnic values with those of the Temperance movement. Finally, it will look at how these events played out in the greater Columbus, Ohio, area. 2:45-4:00 pm Discussion Session: Immigration Readings and Topics - Dr. Susan Spellman In this informal session, Summer Scholars will discuss the readings assigned about immigration. The discussion will be facilitated by the Project Co-Directors, but will be participant directed as Summer Scholars are encouraged to ask questions and share observations about the readings and other activities of the first two days of the workshop. 4:30-5:00 pm Registration for Credit Hours from Ashland University - Dr. Betsy Hedler 2 5:00 pm Program Day Finishes; Dinner on Own Day Three: Clashing Cultures: Temperance Reformers and Immigrant Places Tuesday, July 12 and July 26, 2016 8:30-10:00 am Content Presentation: “You Have Seen What Was Clean Become Foul”: Exploring How Select Temperance Narratives Strove to Establish an Ideal White American Masculinity - Dr. Kevin Pinkham This presentation will begin with a brief survey of the temperance narrative, discussing its general form, its popularity, and the perceived need for such stories. We will then look more closely at a few representative temperance narratives that offered a new model of masculinity, one that ran contrary to the popular images of rough and ready frontiersmen, manly landowners, and self-made men. This presentation will explore how narratives presented models of masculine sentimentality, striving to teach men how to value the emotional support of other men, to strengthen the homosocial bonds formed by a shared weakness, the brotherhood of the bottle. Then we will discuss how the narratives associated with the movement ostracized men of other races and discover how, in these narratives, a white man who consumes alcohol is not only in danger of losing his job and his family, he is also in danger of losing his whiteness; thus, this presentation will examine the ways the temperance narrative argued that consuming alcohol can transform an Anglo-Saxon drinker into the “other.” 10:15-11:45 am Discussion Session: Temperance and Progressivism Readings and Topics - Dr. Susan Spellman, Dr. Betsy Hedler In this session, Summer Scholars will discuss the assigned readings relating to Temperance and Progressive reform. This session will address topics Summer Scholars may be struggling with, topics that demand more attention, or to unpack readings that are particularly interesting or challenging. Summer Scholars can also use this forum to introduce a resource they have found, or an experience or observation they had during a site visit. 11:45-1:00 pm Lunch on own 1:00-2:30 pm Content Presentation: Dry Visions and Wet Realities: Saloons and Their Patrons From Multiple Viewpoints.- Dr. Jason Lantzer In this presentation, we will consider how drys (those who supported temperance and prohibition laws) viewed the saloons and why they thought salons were outlets of business corruption, public health threats, agents of family disintegration, and bastions of lawless, un-American behavior; basically a “cancerous tumor” on American society. The presentation will also discuss how the owners, operators, and patrons viewed these small businesses as something else entirely: as community resources and symbols of ethnic identity and democratic culture. 3 2:45-4:15 pm Historical Thinking Activity: Using Maps to Understand Changing Landscapes—Sohayla Pagano In this hands-on activity, Summer Scholars will consider the ways in which the urban landscapes of Columbus and Westerville, Ohio have changed over time. Using primary source maps, zoning documents, building permits, and other primary source materials, Summer Scholars will analyze the changing built landscapes of these cities as a result of immigration, Temperance, and Progressivism and examine the lasting impact of these movements on today’s urban landscape. Summer Scholars will make connections between these historical movements and current concerns by considering primary sources from a time range that includes the current day. 4:15-7:00 pm Break; Dinner on own 7:00-9:00 pm Historic Site Field Study: Digging into the Block - Dr. Susan Spellman Using Sanborn Fire Insurance maps, city directories, and newspaper evidence from several key periods of growth and decline, educators will engage with and analyze the built environment of German Village by tracking the transformation of the area’s business and residential development by following the changes within one representative block of the city. The block bounded by Sycamore, 3rd. St., Frankfort, and Mohawk streets stands testament to the ever-changing commercial and residential landscapes, as street names changed on maps, churches rose and were razed, and retail stores and their merchandise changed with consumer tastes and trends. Many immigrant workers’ homes from the nineteenth century still stand, with several found behind Columbus’s oldest tavern (still in operation as a restaurant), built in 1831. Others are located near St. Mary’s church, an 1866 landmark and symbol of the village’s religious foundation, and in alleyways along City Park Avenue and Third Street, once cheap land located behind immigrant-run stores fronting busy commercial streets, and close to workplaces and social activities. After reviewing documents about this block, Summer Scholars will have a chance to walk these alleys and consider how immigrants used these streets and buildings in their everyday lives and to maintain their cultural heritage. Bus transportation will be provided from hotel to walking tour start and end. 4 Day Four: Anti-Saloon League: Westerville Wednesday, July 13 and 27, 2016 Bus transportation will be provided from the hotel to Westerville, a suburb of Columbus. 8:30-9:00 am Travel to Westerville. 9:00-11:30 am Historic Site Field Study: “The Dry” Walking Tour: How the Anti-Saloon League Won Where the WCTU and Other Temperance Movements Failed - Dr. Doreen Uhas-Sauer This is the counter point walking tour to “The Wet” Walking Tour in Columbus. In this tour, Summer Scholars will visit Westerville, home of the national Anti-Saloon League. Westerville grew from a rural enclave to a city because of the anti-saloon movement, necessitating a post office just to handle the millions of tracts of information that poured across the country. The tour will focus on the Temperance Row Historic District, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. From 1910 to 1935, the major players (organizers, superintendents, publishers, and managers) in the Anti-Saloon League lived in close proximity to each other on Temperance Row, and the landscape of this area provides a striking contrast to the immigrant neighborhoods of Columbus. The neighborhood was developed by members of the Anti-Saloon League to specifically to reflect their worldview. The rustic Craftsman-influenced houses created an agrarianromantic feel to the district that was a deliberate reaction against American urbanization. The district has an integrity of setting, design, materials and craftsmanship that remains intact to the present day, with few intrusions that post-date the period of significance. 11:30-1:00 pm Lunch on own in Westerville’s historic downtown. 1:00-4:00 pm Historic Site Field Study: Anti-Saloon League Museum The Anti-Saloon League was one of the most powerful political and social forces in early 20th century American history. The Anti-Saloon League Museum is in the building which housed the headquarters of the Anti-Saloon League and its printing operation – The American Issue Publishing Company. The 1850s house and the land it stands on were given to the League as an enticement to bring their operation to Westerville. The League came to town in 1909, built a state-of-the-art printing center staffed with union labor and began to print forty tons of anti-alcohol information a month which was shipped across the country and eventually around the world. The headquarters building, where the museum is located, was the hub from which they persuaded a nation to go “dry” culminating in the passage of the 18th amendment, ushering in the Prohibition Era. A visit to this site will include a presentation by Beth Weinhardt, Coordinator of the Anti-Saloon League Museum and expert on the League’s publications and activities. She will discuss the founding and leadership of the League, its growth and influence, and its use of “pressure politics” to advocate the prohibition of alcohol. Participants will have the opportunity to view original cartoons, fliers, 5 posters and newspapers of the League and discuss the way these printed pieces were used to persuade the country to adopt the prohibition of alcohol. Many of these items are potent propaganda pieces designed for a specific audience. Educators will be given the opportunity to brainstorm about the way to use these items in the classroom to spark discussion and encourage writing and research projects. 4:00-4:30 pm Return to hotel 4:30 pm End of Program Day; Dinner on own Day Five: Temperance Movement and Progressivism Thursday, July 14 and 28, 2016 8:30-10:00 am Content Presentation: Women, Gender, and Temperance Reform, 1800-1933 - Dr. Scott Martin This presentation addresses the reciprocal ways in which in which emerging ideologies of gender and the shifting tactics of Temperance reform interacted to shape American women’s participation in crusade against alcohol. Topics include women’s depiction in antebellum Temperance literature, the connection between female Temperance activism and women’s rights agitation, the impact of 19thcentury state prohibition on women’s role in Temperance reform; post-Civil War women’s Temperance activity, and the role of women in ratifying and repealing the 18th Amendment. 10:15-noon Content Presentation: Lyrics and Borrowed Tunes of the Anti-Saloon League and the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union - Dr. Paul Sanders This presentation explores the important role of music in the activities of the AntiSaloon League and the WCTU. Both organizations were established in Ohio during the last quarter of the nineteenth century (1874 and 1893, respectively), and both relied heavily on music to convey their temperance message. Many of the songs utilized by these organizations are based on familiar, borrowed tunes. Participants will have the opportunity to sing many of these songs and discuss ways to use them in their teaching. Noon-2:00pm Lunch on own 2:00-3:30 pm Historical Thinking Activity: Multiple Perspectives on Temperance and Progressive Reform – Sohayla Pagano This activity challenges Summer Scholars to examine the Temperance movement and Progressive Reform from multiple perspectives which have been developed through previous workshop sessions. This activity will give Summer Scholars a chance to analyze primary sources from both sides of these debates. Summer Scholars are assigned roles and analyze primary documents in order to present a persuasive argument to defend their position. The activity allows Summer Scholars 6 to explore new ideas, gain confidence in discussions and learn how to analyze primary sources. In addition, Summer Scholars better understand the complex arguments and multiple viewpoints of historical events and are actively engaged in the learning process. Summer Scholars will also consider ways and means of adapting this activity to their own classrooms; and other topics that might benefit from this treatment. 3:30-7:00 pm Break and Dinner on own 7:00-9:00 pm Historic Site Field Study: Walking Tour: What Happened During Prohibition - Dr. Doreen Uhas-Sauer This post-dinner trip to three establishments that continued during Prohibition will help Summer Scholars consider whether Prohibition was a success or not—did it prevent Americans from finding and consuming alcohol? First, Summer Scholars will consider the real story behind whether Prohibition worked or not by examining public health, unemployment, vice, crime, and business records-primary sources that students of history can find in their own home town to analyze how Prohibition affected their community/neighborhoods. Summer Scholars will then visit three establishments in Columbus that provide different models of how businesses based on the sale of alcohol survived from January 16, 1920 to December 6, 1935 under the laws of Prohibition and local enforcement in Columbus. The tour will begin at the Ringside Café that became the Jolly Gargoyle Tea Room, attracting even vaudevillians and budding Hollywood stars who played the Palace and Keith-Albee circuits. Next, the Hey-Hey, a neighborhood watering hole that continued to make what the Germans called "vinegar" (beer) behind the establishment. When ready, beer was smuggled to the back door where someone would knock and say, "Hey, Hey, the beer is here," and the name stuck. The third model is currently operating as the Elevator Brewery & Draught House, which preserves the bar of the original opulent men's den of Bott Brothers Saloon and Billiards. At this establishment, even during Prohibition, liquor flowed openly for Ohio politicians, including future president Warren Harding and gang, who would visit via tunnels from the Statehouse several blocks away. Bus transportation will be provided from hotel to walking tour start and end. 7 Day Six: Wrap up and Contemporary Connections Friday, July 15 and July 29, 2016 8:30-10:00 am Content Presentation: Prohibition as a Progressive Reform - Dr. John Burnham Prohibition was a reform that mapped onto the Progressive Movement very well. It was designed to control a business (in retail, the saloon; in manufacturing and wholesaling, the alcoholic beverage industry) that was the central source of antisocial community activity. Prohibition was designed to change the social environment and diminish some serious health problems. Prohibitionists were galvanized by both secular and religious visions of a better society, by feminist ideology, by science, and by cultural nationalism. About 1919, Social Justicemulticultural Progressives split from uplift Progressives largely because of the ethnic and class issues that the dissidents found in the Prohibition movement. 10:15-11:00 am Taking It Back to the Classroom Discussion - Dr. Betsy Hedler Summer Scholars will share their Pinterest boards or their ideas about how to integrate the week into their classrooms. Summer Scholars discuss methods of helping their students make these connections as they teach this era. 11:00-noon Wrap-Up and Legacies of the Temperance Movement – Dr. Susan Spellman This presentation will provide a historically specific synthesis of the week’s activities and through discussion encourage Summer Scholars to add their own interpretation of and meaning to the landmarks, readings, and activities explored and examined throughout the workshop. Dr. Spellman will also encourage Summer Scholars to consider the legacies of the Progressive and Temperance movements. The group will consider how these movements may continue to be relevant our contemporary challenges relating to immigration, income inequality, and substance abuse. noon-12:15 Complete Final Evaluation Survey 8
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