Quaternary Research 53, 143–153 (2000) doi:10.1006/qres.1999.2097, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on The Full-Glacial Environment of the Northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, Reconstructed from the 21,500-Year-Old Kitluk Paleosol Claudia Höfle, Mary E. Edwards, 1 David M. Hopkins, and Daniel H. Mann 2 Alaska Quaternary Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775 and Chien-Lu Ping Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station, Palmer Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 533 E. Fireweed, Palmer, Alaska 99645 Received August 28, 1996 environment of the last glacial maximum (LGM) have focused further attention on Beringia. The altered geography and fullglacial soil-vegetation system would both have influenced land-atmosphere feedbacks to the climate system (Kubatzki and Claussen, 1998; Bartlein et al., 1998). Well-dated empirical information on the full-glacial Beringian land surface is thus critical for accurate paleoenvironmental and biogeographic reconstruction. A heterogeneous region such as Beringia was clearly not covered by a single kind of soil or vegetation. Various authors have pointed out that landscape-scale differences in slope, aspect, elevation, and parent material would have maintained a landscape mosaic (Schweger, 1982; Ritchie and Cwynar, 1982; Edwards and Armbruster, 1989). Drainages, steep slopes, and mountain tops differ from low- to mid-elevation interfluves, which usually support zonal (regionally typical) soils and vegetation. On a larger scale, significant climatic gradients affect the nature of zonal conditions. Today, for example, tundra covers maritime central Beringia (western Alaska and Chukotka), whereas boreal forest dominates the continental interiors of Alaska–Yukon and Siberia to the east and west. Climate gradients at the last glacial maximum were likely different, but still significant. For example, Alaska was probably coldest and driest in the east, close to the Laurentide ice sheet (Barnosky et al., 1987). Thus, the past environment of each part of Beringia must be reconstructed from regionally relevant data, taking both landscape and regional– climatic conditions into account [e.g., Ritchie and Cwynar (1982) suggest open, discontinuous vegetation of upper slopes, ridges, and xeric surfaces in the northern Yukon uplands as modern analogues for zonal full-glacial vegetation of bedrockdominated far-eastern Beringia]. At the last glacial maximum, much of lowland Beringia was characterized by accumulation of loess (Péwé, 1975; Hopkins, 1982). A widely cited model for the full-glacial environment is the “arctic steppe” or “mammoth-steppe” hypothesis (Mat- Paleoenvironmental conditions are reconstructed from soils buried under volcanic ash ca. 21,500 years ago on the Seward Peninsula. Soil development was minimal, reflecting the continuous regional deposition of loess, which originated from river floodplains and the exposed Chukchi shelf. Cryoturbated soil horizons, ice wedges, and ice-lens formation indicate a permafrost environment and mean annual temperatures below ⴚ6° to ⴚ8°C. Shallow active layers (average 45 cm), minimal evidence for chemical leaching of soils, and the presence of earthen hummocks indicate a cold and seasonally dry climate. Neither steppe nor polar desert soils are appropriate analogues for these zonal soils of loesscovered central Beringia. No exact analogues are known; however, soils underlying dry tundra near the arctic coast of northern Yakutia, Russia, and under moist, nonacidic tundra of the Alaskan North Slope have properties in common with the buried soils. © 2000 University of Washington. Key Words: Beringia; Bering Land Bridge; paleosols; paleoenvironmental reconstruction; permafrost soils; last glacial maximum. INTRODUCTION As Quaternary sea level fluctuated with glacial cycles, the shallow Bering and Chukchi shelves intermittently formed a land connection between Asia and North America: the Bering land bridge. During the last glacial maximum (ca. 21,500 years ago), the land bridge lay at the center of a largely ice-free land mass (Beringia), which stretched between the Kolyma and Mackenzie rivers (Fig. 1). The Bering land bridge has long been of interest as a dispersal corridor for plants, animals, and humans (Hopkins, 1967; Hopkins et al., 1982; West, 1997). More recently, efforts to reconstruct and model the climate and 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Current address: Department of Geography, NTNU (Trondheim), N7034-Dragvoll, Norway. 2 Current address: Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775. 143 0033-5894/00 $35.00 Copyright © 2000 by the University of Washington. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 144 HÖFLE ET AL. FIG. 1. Map showing Beringia (outlined by 100 m isobath) during the last glacial maximum, glacier ice limits, and locations mentioned in the text. The location of the study area is indicated by the black rectangle. The extent of glacier ice in eastern Beringia is after Mann and Hamilton (1995) and in western Beringia after Bespalyy (1984). thews, 1976; Guthrie, 1982, 1990), which is based on diverse and abundant Pleistocene mammalian fossils, many of which have been retrieved from loess or loess-derived deposits (e.g., Guthrie, 1990; Thorson and Guthrie, 1992). Large grazers such as mammoth, bison, and horse predominate in these assemblages. Faunal ecology argues for nutritious and relatively productive vegetation and a firm land surface without a thick organic mat. Aridity, with little precipitation at any time of year, and loess deposition would have favored grasses and tundra forbs over shrubs and would have resulted in higher soil fertility than today. Guthrie (1990) envisions permafrost because of intense winter cold and thin snow, but an early thaw and deep active layer because of thin spring snow cover and strong summer heating. The steppe model is often adopted as a general description for full-glacial Beringia (e.g., Chapin and Starfield, 1997). It is important that this and competing models are tested as rigorously as possible because of their potential influence on biogeographical and paleoclimatic reconstructions. Obtaining data from the Bering land bridge is especially challenging as much of it now lies beneath the sea. Colinvaux (1964) and Shackleton (1982) cored Imuruk Lake on the Seward Peninsula, the largest surviving subaerial portion of the Bering land bridge on the Alaskan side; pollen from the fullglacial sections indicates herb-dominated tundra. Four subsea peat sections from the Bering Sea dating between 21,000 and 14,000 14C yr B.P. yielded plant and insect fossils indicative of a relatively mesic tundra with shrub birch (Elias et al., 1996, 1997). At these localities, peat development may have been associated with topographic lows, and it is hard to estimate how regionally representative of the land bridge they are. In this paper we describe the full-glacial soil and land surface of 10 localities on the northwestern Seward Peninsula. The aim is to make a paleosol-based reconstruction of what we assume to be zonal environmental conditions on the upland surface and to test the predictions of the mammoth-steppe model for this region. The work complements a detailed paleovegetation description by Wolf and Birks (in press). Detailed pedological descriptions and a discussion of soil genesis can be found in Höfle and Ping (1996). These reconstructions form part of the Beringian Natural Heritage Research Program of the National Park Service (Schaaf, 1995). FULL-GLACIAL ENVIRONMENT OF SEWARD PENINSULA, ALASKA STUDY AREA The study area is located within the boundaries of the Bering Land Bridge National Preserve on the tundra-covered coastal plain of northern Seward Peninsula. It is bounded by Kotzebue Sound on the east and the shore of the Chukchi Sea to the north (Fig. 2). Relief is low, and altitudes are mostly below 60 m. At Kotzebue, ca. 60 km to the northeast, January mean temperature is ca. ⫺20°C, July ca. 12°C, and mean annual temperature (MAT) is ca. ⫺6°C. Precipitation averages 230 mm, with more than half falling in the summer and early fall (U.S. Weather Service data). Permafrost is present; measured modern activelayer depths range between 30 and 58 cm under shrub-tussock tundra on silty substrates and sedge-meadow tundra on peat. Surface organic layers over mineral soils are 7–25 cm thick. Further details of modern soils are presented by Höfle et al. (1998). During the late Pleistocene, the northern Seward Peninsula land surface was accreting, due to eolian sediment deposition and the associated growth of syngenetic ice wedges. Winddeposited loess is almost certainly the parent material, as indicated by (i) silt–loam textures and grain-size analyses typical of loess (D. Hopkins, unpublished data), (ii) mineral composition different from that of underlying basalt in the nearby Imuruk Lake area (Hopkins, 1963), and (iii) the fact that the silt drapes the paleolandscape. The loess probably originated in a now-drowned, braided floodplain that carried the combined Kobuk and Noatak rivers through the Hope Sea Valley (Creager and McManus, 1967). Because marine microfossil fragments occur in the loess, the exposed Chukchi sea bed could also have been a source area (D. Hopkins, unpublished data). Today, the region experiences active growth of epigenetic ice wedges. The more massive syngenetic ice wedges form networks beneath the uneroded late-Pleistocene land surface. When these first melt, deep thaw lakes are created with surfaces 5–20 m below the surrounding landscape (Carter et al., 1987; Hopkins and Kidd, 1988; Dinter et al., 1990). In the course of the Holocene, much of the landscape was worked and reworked by thermokarst processes, which eventually created extensive thaw-lake plains with elevations below that of the late-Pleistocene surface. About 21,500 cal yr (18,000 14C yr) ago, a maar eruption created two large craters now occupied by Devil Mountain Lakes (Fig. 2). The resultant Devil Mountain Lakes tephra (DMLt) covered about 2500 km 2 of the surrounding area, in many places to depths of ⬎1 m. The eruption probably continued over a period of weeks or months, with the tephra falling cold (Begét and Mann, 1992). The plume direction was north and west, as indicated by the thickest cover of tephra. More information on tephra distribution and collection localities can be found in Begét et al. (1996). With a thick tephra layer insulating the former surface after the eruption, the frost table must have moved rapidly upward. 145 The soil and vegetation beneath the ash froze, preserving features of the ancient surface and, where subsequently exposed, providing a unique “snapshot” of the full-glacial landscape. This landscape—low interfluves and shallow valleys slightly elevated above major floodplains—was probably typical of a considerable portion of full-glacial central Beringia, and as such probably supported zonal vegetation and soils. We named the buried soil associated with this event the Kitluk Paleosol (KP). The buried surface is now intermittently exposed in actively eroding bluffs that border thaw lakes (Fig. 2). It is overlain by DMLt of variable thickness, which in turn is overlain by loess and a surface peat layer in which the living vegetation is rooted (Fig. 3). McCulloch and Hopkins (1966) present evidence that the early Holocene was particularly warm in northwestern Alaska. If thaw depths in the study area ever exceeded 1–2 m, it is possible that some of the buried soil horizons previously lay within the active layer. There is no evidence of slumping, flowage, or gullying associated with deglacial warming, as described by Thorson and Guthrie (1992) in interior Alaska. However, the land surface lacks valleys and steep slopes, and deeper thaw may have occurred without much landscape destabilization (except lake formation). No large mammals other than caribou are directly associated with the paleosurface, although various large-mammal remains, including mammoth, have been recovered from other late-Pleistocene deposits in northern Seward Peninsula (P. Heiser, personal communication, 1995). Mammoth remains are also known from Wisconsin-age sediments on nearby Baldwin Peninsula (Hopkins et al., 1976). METHODS We excavated 10 bluffs during the summers of 1993, 1994, and 1995, using shovels and a gasoline-powered permafrost drill to expose the frozen paleosol. In an attempt to confine observations to soils that have remained frozen since burial, we chose sites covered with at least 1 m of tephra or, if tephra coverage was thinner, we required undecayed vegetation to be in place over the KP, indicating that the active layer had not reached the paleosol. Table 1 gives details of the localities. We studied 18 stratigraphic sections. Morphological properties documented were field texture, structure, color, redoximorphic features, and root distribution; the cryogenic features were ice lenses and ice nets (see below), ice wedges, and massive ground ice. We analyzed soil samples for particle-size distribution, pH (H 2O), electrical conductivity, carbonate content, cation exchange capacity and exchangeable cations, active iron, aluminum, and silica and total carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur contents. Höfle and Ping (1996) describe 10 soil profiles in detail; additional information about all profiles can be found in Höfle (1995). To confirm that all paleosols were contemporaneous, we dated organic samples from each location. A suite of 14C 146 HÖFLE ET AL. FIG. 2. Location of the study sites on northern Seward Peninsula. This map is based on the 1:250,000 quadrangle Kotzebue. samples collected in 1992–1994 yielded a large scatter of ages (Table 2). In 1995 we collected six samples for AMS dating following a rigorous protocol. We sampled only herbaceous plant material from the paleosurface, avoiding woody stems, which might have been decades or centuries old when buried. Where possible, samples were taken beneath ice, rather than tephra, as this reduced the possibility of contamination from above. For each sample, the collector wore new surgical gloves, and the trowel was rinsed, dipped in alcohol, and flamed. Samples were placed in new zip-lock bags and immediately sealed. Ancient active-layer depth was estimated using several cryogenic features, including depths to ice-wedge tops and the depth of concentrated ice nets and ice lenses. Ice nets are areas of intersecting horizontal and vertical ice accumulations. Horizontal ice lenses are formed by water moving toward freezing fronts, and ice accumulates vertically when the soil cracks during refreezing in the fall (Zhestkova, 1982; Shur, 1988). Concentrations of ice lenses and ice nets commonly occur in a zone a few centimeters thick between the active layer and the permafrost, the “intermediate layer” of Shur and Ping (1994). The intermediate layer thaws out only during exceptionally warm summers; its top represents the average base of the active layer and its base the maximum active-layer depth. At some sites, earth hummocks cover the paleosurface. Where these were found, we measured width, length, height, and distances between hummock centers after removing the overlying tephra. R. D. Guthrie (Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks) identified the feces, bones, and nests of small mammals associated with the paleosols. RESULTS Geochronology The six AMS dates (Table 2) cluster tightly and average 18,070 ⫾ 60 14C yr B.P., or 21,570 cal yr B.P. (using the CALIB 3.0 program of Stuiver and Reimer, 1993). Thus, the eruption occurred shortly before 21,500 yr ago (18,000 14C yr), several hundred years earlier than suggested in previous publications (Goetcheus et al., 1994; Höfle, 1995; Höfle and Ping, 1996; Begét et al., 1996). Two conventionally dated samples taken farther below the paleosurface date to ca. 19,300 14C yr B.P.; a third dates to ca. 18,000 14C yr B.P. (Table 2). Soil Properties A representative soil profile is shown in Figure 4. Chemical (Table 3) and physical properties show relatively little variation among profiles and indicate immature soils. All samples have a silt–loam texture (average 18% sand, 71% silt, 11% clay), reflecting derivation from loess. Genetic horizons are poorly developed and difficult to distinguish by morphological FULL-GLACIAL ENVIRONMENT OF SEWARD PENINSULA, ALASKA 147 FIG. 3. A typical lake bluff section (at Foot Lake, 66°19⬘40⬙N, 164°29⬘50⬙W; described in Höfle, 1995). The upper arrow marks the upper contact of the tephra and late-Wisconsin loess; the loess is overlain by the Holocene soil and modern vegetation. The middle arrow marks the contact between the tephra and the underlying paleosurface. The surface has been excavated inward; the arrow points to the center of the resultant shelf. The soil surface is slightly wavy, but does not show well-developed hummocks. The tape extends 1 m downward. At ca. 50 cm is the top of an ice-rich horizon, which is taken to indicate the average limit of the active layer. Below 100 cm is slumped material. The soil profile shows mottling and cryoturbation. properties. Soil horizons are often warped and discontinuous and are rarely parallel to the surface. Soil colors are predominantly in the 2.5Y and 5Y hue range, with values of 4 or less and chromas of 2 or less (dark gray, dark grayish brown, and black). Roots are present throughout all profiles, generally at high densities (⬎100/dm 2). Most roots are very fine and fine in 148 HÖFLE ET AL. TABLE 1 Site Localities and Active Layer Depths of Kitluk Paleosol a Name of site Lake Rhonda 1 Lake Rhonda 2 Lake Rhonda 3 Ulu Lake Whitefish Thawpond B Egg Lake 1 Swan Lake Tempest Lake A Tempest Lake B Fritz Lake Latitude (° N) Longitude (° W) Paleoactive-layer depth (cm) Estimated by 66°33⬘45⬙ 164°27⬘40⬙ 66°34⬘20⬙ 66°21⬘45⬙ 66°33⬘05⬙ 66°25⬘50⬙ 66°29⬘00⬙ 164°23⬘25⬙ 164°41⬘00⬙ 164°26⬘45⬙ 164°41⬘10⬙ 164°23⬘00⬙ 66°19⬘30⬙ 164°21⬘20⬙ 50 40 39 52 32 64 45 30 61 40 Ice wedge Ice wedge Ice-rich layer Ice wedge Ice wedge Ice net Ice wedge Ice net Ice-rich layer Ice-rich layer a At Whitefish Thawpond B, Swan Lake, Lake Rhonda 1 and 2, and Ulu Lake, maximum depths were determined from ice-wedge tops contemporaneous with the KP. At Tempest Lake A, Lake Rhonda 3, Fritz Lake, Tempest Lake B, and Egg Lake 1 ice nets and ice-rich horizons gave average depths. size (⬍1 and 1–2 mm diameter, respectively), although a few are woody and 2–15 mm in diameter. Soil organic content ranges from 1.7 to 7.1%. Chemical analyses indicate that (i) the soil is calcareous, (ii) there is limited chemical weathering of minerals, (iii) there is no detectable vertical translocation of ions, and (iv) nutrient status is relatively high. Na values are high compared with modern soils in the area, which suggests a marine origin for the loess. Estimates of active-layer depth TABLE 2 Radiocarbon Dates for Soils and Vegetation Buried beneath DML Tephra Name of site a Laboratory number Dated material 13 ␦ C (%) 13 C-adjusted radiocarbon age ( 14C yr B.P.) 1 calibrated age range (cal yr before A.D. 1950) ⫺28.8 ⫺27.9 ⫺26.9 ⫺28.1 ⫺25.2 ⫺28.1 ⫺25.1 ⫺25.0 ⫺26.7 ⫺27.8 17,420 ⫾ 260 17,850 ⫾ 100 17,980 ⫾ 110 18,140 ⫾ 200 19,630 ⫾ 110 16,880 ⫾ 120 19,990 ⫾ 160 17,740 ⫾ 220 17,360 ⫾ 130 17,880 ⫾ 110 b ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Conventional dates, paleosurface 1992–1994 Lake Rhonda 1 Ulu Lake Eh’cho Lake Whitefish Thawpond Lake Rhonda 3 Egg Lake Swan Lake Tempest Lake A ⫹ B Fritz Lake Ulu Lake Beta-60718 Beta-79839 Beta-79837 Beta-79840 Beta-79835 Beta-60716 Beta-79836 Beta-75529 Beta-79838 Beta-81732 Wood from paleosurface Plant remains from paleosurface Plant remains from paleosurface Plant remains from paleosurface Bulk, uppermost 10 cm of soil Wood from paleosurface Bulk, uppermost 10 cm of soil Wood from paleosurface Plant remains from paleosurface Subnivean microtine nest Conventional dates, below paleosurface 1992–1994 Egg Lake 1 Egg Lake 1 Egg Lake 1 Beta-71982 Beta-71983 Beta-81731 Bulk, buried Ab1 horizon at 30–32 cm depth Bulk, buried Ab2 horizon at 43–60 cm depth Nest material, 100 cm depth ⫺27.1 ⫺25.1 ⫺28.0 17,990 ⫾ 100 19,370 ⫾ 110 19,310 ⫾ 130 Beta-85125 Beta-85126 Beta-85127 Beta-85128 Beta-85129 Beta-85130 Herbaceous Herbaceous Herbaceous Herbaceous Herbaceous Herbaceous ⫺27.7 ⫺25.3 ⫺26.4 ⫺27.2 ⫺27.2 ⫺25.3 18,090 ⫾ 70 17,880 ⫾ 110 17,950 ⫾ 70 18,170 ⫾ 90 18,090 ⫾ 110 18,190 ⫾ 70 AMS dates, paleosurface 1995 Tempest Lake Whitefish Thawpond Lake Rhonda 3 Eh’cho Lake Egg Lake 2 Lake Rhonda 2 a b Lake names are informal. AMS sample taken in 1993. plant plant plant plant plant plant material material material material material material from from from from from from paleosurface paleosurface paleosurface paleosurface paleosurface paleosurface 21,780 21,550 21,610 21,900 21,810 21,900 (21,600) (21,330) (21,420) (21,700) (21,600) (21,725) 21,400 21,100 21,230 21,500 21,380 21,540 149 FULL-GLACIAL ENVIRONMENT OF SEWARD PENINSULA, ALASKA (Microtus miurus). Similar feces, ca. 1 ⫻ 3 mm in size, were scattered throughout many profiles. DISCUSSION Physical Environment FIG. 4. A typical Kitluk Paleosol profile from Swan Lake, showing an upper weathered B and a lower, unweathered B horizon, with mottles distributed throughout most of the profile, especially at depth. The top of an ice wedge marks the active-layer depth at 45 cm. beneath the KP range from 30 to 64 cm and average 45 cm (Table 1). At the time of sampling, the buried soil horizons commonly were saturated, or oversaturated, with water present as fine lenses of segregation ice. If deep thawing during the warmest part of the Holocene affected some buried soil horizons, it may explain this excess water, but, as mentioned above, there is no clear evidence that this took place at the sections we selected for study. Microrelief, Ice at the Buried Surface, and Faunal Remains Of the 18 exposures, the top surfaces of 7 are hummocky, 3 are slightly wavy (relief of only few centimeters), and 8 have a flat surface. Hummock dimensions (range and mean, in centimeters) are 10 –32 (21) wide, 19 – 40 (29) long, and 9 –20 (13) high. Center-to-center distances are 18 –55 (35). At several sites in low places on the paleosurface, we found flat-top masses of clear ice encasing undamaged plants in growth position. Some of the ice had tephra fragments embedded in it. We also found masses of slightly opaque to clear ice with uneven upper surfaces. A small mammal nest and adjacent void at ca. 100 cm depth at Egg Lake 1 contained woody and herbaceous plant material, the mandible of a collared lemming (Dicrostonyx torquatus), feces of D. torquatus, and, possibly, feces of the singing vole With continual loess input, the KP surface was presumably continually renewed. If the 19,370 ⫾ 110 14C yr B.P. date for the Ab2 horizon (43– 60 cm) at Egg Lake 1 is accurate (Table 2), and if the permafrost table rose in synchrony with the deposition of loess (ca. 0.5 mm/yr), new material turned into permafrost within a few thousand years of deposition, preventing soil development beyond an incipient stage, as indicated by the KP chemical and morphological properties. Rates are similar to those estimated for loess accumulation in middle Wisconsin time in the Fairbanks area (0.75– 0.375 mm/yr: Hamilton et al., 1988). Circumstantial evidence suggests that the eruption occurred during the spring. We interpret the clear, flat-top ice with intact plant material as frozen puddles and the opaque ice with an uneven surface as snow. The snow was evidently patchy, suggesting a landscape during break-up. Based on modern analogues, the puddles would have formed from runoff that froze nightly. The tephra fragments suggest that puddle ice broke under the first tephra fall or that tephra fell into partly thawed puddles, which then refroze. Goetcheus et al. (1994) report an intact nest of M. miurus on the paleosurface, which also suggests winter or spring, as nests become dispersed during the summer. In this scenario, saturation of the KP reflects conditions in fall, immediately prior to freeze-up (see below). It seems unlikely (but not impossible) that the soils became saturated by water percolating from above after burial, given the presence of patchy ice on the paleosurface, rather than a continuous ice layer, and the gray soil colors that indicate gleying as an important soil-forming process. Earthen hummocks are a form of patterned ground, but their formative processes remain poorly understood (Mackay, 1980). Hummocks of similar dimensions to those we observed are reported from polar and subpolar deserts (Tedrow, 1977). D. Hopkins (unpublished data) also noted them in interior TABLE 3 Summary of Chemical Properties of Kitluk Paleosol Total Range: Minimum Maximum Mean value Standard deviation CE Exchangeable cations (cmol/kg) Amm. oxalate (%) Pyrophosphate (%) Dith.-Citr. (%) pH (paste) EC (S/m) OC (%) N (%) S (%) C/N (%) CO 3 (%) C (%) Ca Mg K Na Fe Al Si Fe Al Fe Al 7.4 8.6 8.0 0.2 0.06 1.00 0.38 0.30 1.7 7.1 3.0 1.0 0.19 0.55 0.32 0.10 0.04 0.70 0.10 0.10 8 13 9 1.1 0.5 4.3 2.2 0.9 14.3 32.0 19.1 3.6 16.7 52.1 31.0 6.1 4.4 15.9 7.9 2.8 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.2 8.3 2.9 2.4 0.87 4.74 1.96 0.80 0.16 1.06 0.44 0.20 0.00 0.81 0.23 0.20 0.24 1.30 0.52 0.30 0.00 0.33 0.10 0.10 0.62 4.33 1.78 0.70 0.08 0.35 0.17 0.10 150 HÖFLE ET AL. Alaska, where they were developed in 30 – 40 cm of seasonally dry loess overlying shattered bedrock on a south-facing slope of about 20°. These seemed to be stable, despite the steep slope, and to be related to the interaction of long-term wetting and drying cycles and the positions of plant root masses. Possibly the KP hummocks, which are associated with shallow slopes on the paleolandscape, were initiated by drying and cracking of the soil surface in summer, followed by saturation in late summer and fall and then growth of ice lenses and soil expansion during freeze-up. Whatever their origin, they evidently developed into stable perennial features, as mosses were frequently observed in growth position in interhummock spaces. Biotic Environment The paleovegetation of the KP surface, as described by Wolf and Birks (in press), is characterized by graminoids and forbs, with arctic willow confined to certain areas, probably snowbeds. The sedge Kobresia myosuroides is dominant, and the paleovegetation exhibits a fine-scale compositional mosaic related to moisture availability. The vegetation is interpreted as a dry tundra or meadow tundra, probably closed, with a continuous acrocarpous moss layer. Wolf and Birks (in press) suggest that the best physiognomic modern analogues for this vegetation are the dry meadow and Kobresia meadow communities of Yurtsev (1982), although species composition differs. D. Walker (personal communication, 1997) has pointed out the physiognomic similarities between moist, nonacidic tundra of the Alaskan North Slope (Walker et al., 1998) and the paleovegetation, although again, species composition is different. Collared lemmings are browsers; today they eat primarily willow leaves and Dryas (the latter being absent from the sampled paleovegetation). They are commonly found in dry, open-ground environments. Singing voles thrive best in discontinuous, drifted-snow conditions, with a minimum snow cover of 20 –30 cm (D. Guthrie, personal communication, 1994). Paleoclimatic Inferences The KP developed in a cold, permafrost environment. This is clearly indicated by the presence of ice wedges underlying the soil, platy and blocky structures in the soil reflecting the formation of ice lenses and ice nets, undecayed fine roots even in the lowest parts of the profiles, and discontinuous and warped soil horizons that are typical for soils formed under the influence of cryoturbation (Bockheim et al., 1994). A mean annual air temperature at least as cold as ⫺6° to ⫺8°C is indicated by the growth of ice wedges (Washburn, 1980). Snow cover was probably thin, but with drifts of at least 20 –30 cm, as indicated by the mammalian remains. KP chemical properties indicate a dry, but not arid, soilforming environment. In a continually wet, leaching environment carbonates and other soluble salts would be leached out of the soil profile or accumulate at depth. Although the apparently saturated status of the KP and its gray color indicate at least seasonal wetness, high exchangeable Na values show no changes with depth, and carbonates have not been altered or transported by pedogenic processes. The fact that loess was a major environmental feature itself argues for at least seasonal dryness. In an extremely arid environment soluble salts would be moved upward by surface evaporation, a common process in modern polar desert soils (Tedrow, 1977), but this is not evident in the KP. Active-layer depths respond to temperature, precipitation, and seasonality patterns, as well as vegetation, thickness of organic mat, slope, aspect, and drainage. If we assume topography to have been similar in the LGM, the main nonclimate feature that was different from modern times is the lack of a surface organic layer, which should lead to deeper thaw. In contrast, much colder MATs and/or seasonal soil wetness would tend to reduce active-layer depth. Soils that are saturated going into winter require more energy than drier soils to thaw the following spring, which reduces eventual active-layer thickness (V. Romanovsky, personal communication, 1995). This scenario would fit with the saturated condition of the buried soils and would indicate a strongly seasonal precipitation, with most occurring in late summer and fall. Strong heating during a dry summer could still evaporate enough water to dry the soil surface, initiate hummock development, and allow root penetration throughout the active layer. This model could apply to the KP, if we are correct in inferring that the saturation reflects preburial conditions. On the other hand, if the presently observed saturation is a postburial feature, the KP may have been relatively dry all year. In this case, a considerably colder MAT than present would have been required to produce active-layer depths similar to modern but developed in the absence of an insulating organic mat. There are few other data on active layer depths at the LGM. Thorson and Guthrie (1992) estimate that in loessaffected interior Alaska the active layer may have been as little as 20 cm deep, which implies very low MATs, but it is not known whether their one location is typical. In the future we may be able to develop paleoclimatic reconstructions further via numerical modeling of active-layer dynamics. Modern Analogues for the KP Surface dryness, abundant fine roots, and lack of a surface peat horizon are broadly consistent with both steppe and dry herbaceous tundra soils. Although unusual, permafrost has been documented under steppe in Yakutia, northeastern Russia, and on the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) plateau, China (C-L. Ping, personal observation, 1999). In these cases, active-layer depth is deeper than that of the KP (ca. 1.0 –2.0 m). We know of two modern tundra–soil descriptions somewhat similar to the KP. One is from loess-covered, gently rolling interfluves near the Arctic coast of northern Yakutia, Russia, observed by C-L. Ping and S. Gubin in 1992. The soils have a poorly developed organic horizon [0 –5 (10) cm], a grey A horizon (5–10 cm), a greyish– brown B horizon (10 –15 cm), and a bluish– grey Bg FULL-GLACIAL ENVIRONMENT OF SEWARD PENINSULA, ALASKA horizon, (15–20 cm). The active layer is ca. 45 cm deep. Frost boils and active surface cracks were observed, and at least a third of the profiles were undergoing cryoturbation. The pH of the B horizon was 6.5–7.5. The associated vegetation is dominated by Dryas, dwarf willow, herbs, and graminoids. The second possible analogue is soils under the moist nonacidic tundra mentioned above (Walker et al., 1998). These are characterized by high base saturation and pH, a gleyed C horizon, and cryoturbation. Measured thaw depths are 52 to 57 cm. In contrast to the KP, they have a dark, organic-rich A horizon. Although no long-term climate means are available for the measured MNT soils, means for the two nearest stations, Umiat and Arctic Village, are 12.4 and 14.2°C (July), ⫺29.4 and ⫺30.5°C (January), and 127 and 223 mm (mean annual precipitation), respectively (Western Regional Climate Center data). The MNT is thus characterized by similar summer temperatures, but colder winters and probably lower annual precipitation than is the KP study area today. Another feature differentiating the KP from most modern soils is the steady influx of loess. At Kluane Lake, southwestern Yukon Territory, modern loess deposition occurs on local areas of grass-dominated vegetation. Both plant biomass and species diversity increase with increasing dust influx (Laxton et al., 1996). The KP vegetation would have been subject to this “fertilization enhancement” of diversity and productivity (Wolf and Birks, in press). We can hypothesize a soil–vegetation continuum under generally cool to cold, dry climates, even though parts may not be represented by widespread modern analogues, as much of the modern Arctic is relatively moist. Major gradients would involve nutrient availability and soil temperature, both of which would tend to vary reciprocally with effective moisture. Locally, slope and aspect would be a major determinant of soil temperature, through their effect on insolation receipt and drainage (Edwards and Armbruster, 1989). Regional gradients in temperature and precipitation would have an effect at larger scales. At one extreme would be sparse, dry tundra, perhaps akin to polar semi-desert on extremely dry soils (Bliss and Richards, 1982). At the other would be productive, grassdominated vegetation on warm, permafrost-free soils, such as that described by Laxton et al. (1996), which could today be described as azonal steppe. Based on KP data and the partial analogues, we suggest that the KP and its associated vegetation lies somewhere in the middle of this continuum and that it represents a cooler, shorter, and drier growing season than that of the region today. Slow drying that may have kept summer soil temperatures relatively low would have been countered by the high nutrient status due to loess accumulation. Testing the “Mammoth Steppe” Hypothesis Guthrie’s (1990) model provides testable predictions. In accord with the model, the KP surface organic horizon was thin or absent. Although the KP surface must have been seasonally soft, it was not a quagmire. The hummocks maintained their 151 shape, and the surface was probably firm most of the year, as required by the relatively small-hooved megafauna. The dominance and relatively dense cover of graminoids and forbs are also in accord with Guthrie’s predictions. However, the shallow active-layer depths in the KP are counter to the model. A concentration of fall precipitation may explain the failure of the active-layer prediction, which does not consider the retarded thawing of seasonally saturated soils. The retarded thaw model implies lower productivity than that envisioned by Guthrie (1990), but nevertheless the KP landscape may have been as, or more, productive than many modern tundra landscapes with respect to consumable plant material. The results of this study suggest that in many details the soil attributes of the ecosystem described by Guthrie (1990) are close to those reconstructed for the KP surface. However, a major drawback of the mammoth-steppe as a model for a widespread, loess-dominated, Beringian ecosystem in fullglacial time relates to nomenclature. The image of typical steppe that tends to be invoked is misleading. The KP soil is not a typical steppe soil, nor do Wolf and Birks (in press) interpret the vegetation as steppe vegetation. The paleoclimatic inferences from the KP data suggest that the soil formed under climatic conditions that today would be associated with tundra. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the U.S. National Park Service’s Beringian Natural Heritage Program and park service personnel in Kotzebue and Nome for financial and logistical support. We especially thank Jeanne Schaaf and Dale Taylor (NPS) for their encouragement and enthusiasm throughout the project. We are also grateful for financial assistance from the USDA Global Change Initiative Program. Jim Begét, Scott Elias, Vicky Goetcheus, Dale Guthrie, Dietrich Lemme, Vladimir Romanovsky, Yuri Shur, Scott Smith, and Dave Swanson engaged in useful discussions about the data. Field help was provided by Tiffany Fraser, Larry Huber, John Kimble, Dietrich Lemme, Lawrence Plug, Yuri Shur, and Rhonda Weyiowanna. R. Thorson and C. Waythomas provided helpful reviews of an early draft of the manuscript. REFERENCES Barnosky, C. W., Anderson, P. 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