Chapter 18 Blood - HCC Learning Web

BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
Chapter 19
OS 2013
Openstax: Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Learning Outcomes
After completing Chapter 19, you will be able to:
1. Describe the components and major functions of blood and list the
physical characteristics of blood.
2. Describe the composition and functions of plasma.
3. List the characteristics and functions of red blood cells, describe the
structure and functions of hemoglobin, describe erythropoiesis and
how are red blood cell components recycled.
4. List and describe the types of white blood cells based on their
structures and functions.
5. Describe the structure, function, and production of platelets.
6. Discuss the mechanisms of hemostasis after an injury.
7. Explain the importance of blood typing and the basis for ABO and
Rh incompatibilities.
Learning Outcome 1: Describe the components and major functions of
blood, and list the physical characteristics of blood.
Martini: 19-1 Blood functions and characteristics, pg. 653
Openstax: 18.1 Functions & Characteristics of Blood, pg. 738
The study of blood, blood-forming tissues and disorders associated with
them is called ____________________________
1. What type of tissue is blood? _____________________________________
1a. The extracellular matrix in blood is called _________________________
2. List the general functions of blood
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
2a. Describe each general function of blood:
Defense (protection):
Maintenance of Homeostasis:
3. Describe basic physical characteristics of blood
3a. blood temperature is about __________________
3b. Compare blood’s viscosity versus water:
3c. Blood pH is between ________________________
Blood’s pH is… a) slightly acidic
b) slightly basic
c) neutral
3d. Blood volume: how much blood volume do…
Adult males have? ____ liters of blood Adult females have? ____ liters of blood
What causes the difference in blood volume between males and females?
Primarily reflects differences in _________________________________________
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
4. Components of Blood
4a. Blood has ___ components:
The term whole blood refers to
4b. What is plasma?
4c. What are formed elements of blood?
List the blood cells: ________________________________________________
List the cell fragments of blood: ______________________________________
Martini: See Fig. 19-1
Components of Blood:
Centrifuged blood sample
Openstax: Fig. 18.2
What is the buffy coat?
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
4d. What is hematocrit?
Another name for hematocrit is ______________________________________
I. What is the normal hematocrite range in:
Adult males? __________
Adult females? ___________
Average: ________
Average: ________
II. The sex difference in hematocrit is mainly caused by the fact that:
4e. What is anemia?
Disorder of blood characterized by _______________________________________
4f. What is polycythemia?
Disorder of blood characterized by _______________________________________
Learning Outcome 2: Describe the composition and functions of plasma.
Martini: 19-2 Plasma, pg. 656
Openstax: 18.1 Blood Plasma, pg. 739
1. Plasma makes up about _____% of the volume of whole blood.
Range: ____________
2. Normal color of plasma: _________________________________
3. List the main components of plasma:
4. Describe each main component of plasma:
4a. Water
4ai. __________ component of plasma
4aii. Plasma is about ____% water
4b. Plasma Proteins
4bi. Plasma proteins make about ____% of plasma volume
4bii. List the 3 most abundant plasma proteins:
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
A. Makes up about ____% of plasma proteins.
Clinical levels: _____________________
OS 2013
dL = deciliter
B. Name the organ that synthesizes (makes)
albumin: _________________
C. List functions of albumin:
-Major contributor to: ______________________________
-Transports: _________________________________________________
A. Globulins make up _____% of plasma proteins.
Clinical levels: _____________________
B. List important plasma globulins:
C. Most globulins are made at ________________
A. Fibrinogen accounts roughly ___% of plasma proteins.
Clinical levels: _____________________
B. Function of fibrinogen?
C. Name the organ that synthesizes (makes) fibrinogen: _________
4c. Other solutes (1%) found in plasma:
REVIEW Fig. 19-1, Martini, pg. 654-656
(This picture is posted in Eagle Online under “Lecture Notes”, Ch 19 folder)
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
a) List the three formed elements of blood:
b) Label the formed elements of
blood in the picture to the right:
Learning Outcome 3: List the characteristics and functions of red blood
cells, describe the structure and functions of
hemoglobin, describe erythropoiesis and how are
red blood cell components recycled.
Martini: 19-3 Red Blood Cells, pg. 657
Openstax: 18.3 Erythrocytes, pg. 745
1. What is another name for red blood cells (RBCs)? _____________________________
2. RBCs are:
3. Abundance of RBCs
3a. Adult males: 1 microliter (µl) of whole blood contains about _______ million RBCs.
3b. Adult females: 1 microliter (µl) of whole blood contains about ______million RBCs.
4. Describe the functions of a RBCs:
Transport __________________ to tissues AND remove ______________________
from tissues.
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
5. Shape and Structure of RBCs
5a. Shape: ______________________________
-Thin: _____________________________
Martini, Fig. 19-2
-Thicker ___________________________
Openstax: Fig. 18.6
Average RBC diameter: _______________
µm = micrometer
5b. The RBC shape (as biconcave disc) has three important effects on its function:
5bi. ______________________________________________________________
5bii. ______________________________________________________________
Martini: Fig. 19-2 (d)
5biii. _________________________________________________________________
5c. Does a mature human RBC have nucleus & most organelles? A) Yes
5d. Can RBCs divide? A) Yes
B) No
5e. RBCs normally live less than ______ days in circulation.
B) No
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
5f. Name the oxygen-carrying protein inside RBCs that causes their red color:
1 RBC contains about ________ million hemoglobins
Hemoglobin (Hb) Martini, pg. 659
Openstax, pg. 747
1. What is hemoglobin?
1a. a large molecule composed of __________________________________________
1b. Hemoglobin is responsible for the RBC’s ability to transport __________________
2. Normal hemoglobin ranges:
2a. in males: _______ g/dL
1 RBC has about 280 million Hbs
2b. in females: _______ g/dL
g/dL = grams per deciliter
3. Hemoglobin (Hb) Structure:
3a. Each Hb molecule has ____ polypeptides chains:
___alpha (α) chains and
_____ beta (β) chains
Openstaxi: Fig. 18.7
3b. Each Hb chain contains ____ heme molecule.
How many heme molecules does one (1) hemoglobin contain? ____ heme molecules
3c. Each heme has an ____________ ion.
Each iron ion binds: _______________________________
1(one) Hemoglobin contains _____ iron ions
……………….and each iron binds _____ oxygen molecule (O2)
Therefore, 1 (one) hemoglobin transports ____ oxygen molecules.
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
4. Oxyhemoglobin vs. Deoxyhemoglobin
4a. In the lungs, hemoglobin picks up oxygen (O2) which binds to _____________
forming ______________________________
4b. Blood that contains RBCs filled with oxyhemoglobin is __________ red
Bright red blood is transported in: a) arteries
b) veins
4c. A hemoglobin molecule whose irons have no oxygen bound is called:
4d. Blood that contains RBCs filled with deoxyhemoglobin is ________ red
4e. Hemoglobin also transports carbon dioxide (CO2):
4f. Describe Sickle Cell Anemia:
RBC Production, Martini, pg. 661
1. During the first eight weeks of development,
blood cells form ______________________________
2. From the second to fifth month of development, blood
cells form _____________________________________
3. In adults, the only site of blood cells formation is:
Red bone marrow is found in _______________________________________
4. RBC formation is called _________________________________
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
5. Stages in RBC Maturation:
Stem cells in red bone marrow
Martini, Fig. 19-5
Openstax, Fig. 18.4
6. Regulation of Erythropoiesis
6a. For erythropoiesis to proceed normally, the red bone marrow needs:
6b. Name the hormone that controls directly the production rate of RBCs:
6c. Where is erythropoietin made and released from?
amounts from the ________________
6d. List other hormones that stimulate indirectly the production of RBCs:
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
6e. What causes release of erythropoietin from kidneys and liver?
6ei. Low _________________________________________________________
6eii. List physiological conditions that cause hypoxia in the body:
6f. What is blood doping?
6fi. List the dangers of blood doping:
READ: RBC formation and Turnover, Martini: pg. 660-661 (also posted in EO2)
Fill in the blanks to each question about your reading assignment:
1. A RBC lives for about ____ days.
2. Describe how RBCs get damaged as they are close to 120 days:
3. Do RBCs have a repair mechanism (can they repair damages to them?)?
4. About ___% of circulating RBCs are replaced each day and in the process
approximately ___ million new RBCs enter the bloodstream each second!
5. Name the organs and tissues where old and damaged RBCs are removed:
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
6. Name the cell that removes damaged RBCs: _________________________
Review: What type of cells are macrophages?
7. What is hemolysis?
8. What is hematuria?
7. Once macrophages in the spleen, liver, and bone marrow, engulf old and damaged
RBCs, each part of the hemoglobin molecule has different fates. Describe what occurs
to each component of hemoglobin as it is degraded by macrophages:
Globular Proteins (alpha chains & beta chains):
-are broken apart into ___________________
-what occurs to the amino acids produced?
β1 chain
The iron ion (Fe+2) in the heme
portion of hemoglobin:
-may be stored in the _______________ cell
-released into the __________________, where it
binds to ___________, a plasma protein.
α2 chain
α1 chain
The non-iron portion of heme:
-is degraded into a waste molecule called ______________, an organic compound with
green color.
-Biliverdin is then converted to ______________, an orange-yellow pigment, and
released into the ____________________
Bilirubin binds to __________ and is transported to the liver for excretion in ______
If bilirubin levels increase in blood, yellowish of the skin and sclera of the eyes occurs,
a condition known as _______________
-EXCRETION OF BILIRUBIN: Bacteria in the large intestine convert bilirubin to urobilins
and stercobilins. Feces are yellow-brown or brown due to the presence of urobilins and
stercobilins in varying proportions. The kidneys excrete urobilins, causing in urine its
yellow color!
REVIEW Questions (do them on your own)
1. Jim develops a blockage in his renal arteries that restricts blood flow to the
kidneys. What effect will this have on his hematocrite?
β2 chain
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
2. How would the hematocrite change after an individual suffered a significant
blood lost?
3. Name the MOST common (abundant) formed element of blood:
Learning Outcome 4: List and describe the types of white blood cells
based on their structures and functions.
Martini: 19-5 White Blood Cells, pg. 666
Openstax: 18.4 Leukocytes and Platelets, pg. 752
1. List another name for WBCs: _____________________________
Martini: Table 19-3
Openstax: Fig. 18.5
Where are WBCs made in the body?
2. List functions of WBCs:
3. Do WBCs have nuclei, organelles? a. Yes
3a. Can WBCs divide? a. Yes
b. No
b. No
4. What is the normal WBC count in men and women?
4a. What is leukocytosis?
4b. What is leukopenia?
5. How long do WBCs live in circulation?
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
6. List the 5 types of WBCs (which ones are granulocytes and which ones are
Martini: Table 19-3
Openstax: Fig. 18.5
Table 1 (next page): to be completed in lab
**Use Your Textbook to complete the table on next page
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
Characteristics and Functions of White Blood Cells (WBC)
White Blood Cell
of nucleus &
granules or cytoplasm
Specific Functions
1. Neutrophil
Another name
for neutrophils:
2. Eosinophil
3. Basophil
Differential count:
Differential count:
Differential count:
Differential count:
Differential count:
1. Which WBC type increases in blood with a parasitic worm infection?_____________
2. The first WBC to arrive at the site of an injury is _____________________________
3. Which WBC releases histamine and heparin?________________________________
What is the function of histamine?
Site of
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
What is the function of heparin?
4. Which WBC would you find in the greatest numbers in an infected cut?__________
5. List three WBC that can phagocytize pathogens.
What is phagocytosis?
6. When monocytes move out of the bloodstream and arrive to tissues,
they are called _______________
7. Cellular debris, wastes, and what type of WBC form together the pus associated with
infected wounds?
8. Name the three types of lymphocytes:
WBC Circulation and Movement Martini, pg. 667 Openstax, pg. 752-753
1. While RBCs spend their days circulating in blood vessels, WBCs ________________
2. Describe the emigration of WBCs from a blood capillary to injured/infected tissues: Openstax:
Fig. 18.10
16 Neutrophil releases chemicals
that break apart pathogens
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
Learning Outcome 5: Describe the structure, function, and production of
Martini: 19-6 Platelets, pg. 674
Openstax: Platelets, pg. 755
1. List another name given to platelets:
2. A platelet is NOT _____________________
3. Platelets are made and released from
Red bone Marrow at Spongy Bone
4. Platelet count in blood: ____________________
5. How long do platelets live in circulation? _____ days.
5a. Platelets are mainly removed in ____________
6. List functions of platelets:
7. Disorders of Platelets
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
7a. Thrombocytopenia:
7b. Thrombocytosis:
Learning Outcome 6: Discuss the mechanisms of hemostasis after an
Martini: 19-7 Hemostasis, pg. 675
Openstax: 18.5 Hemostasis, pg. 757
1. What is hemostasis? _____________________________________________________
2. Hemostasis consists of 3 phases:
2a. Vascular Phase
2ai. ____________________________of broken blood
vessels near injury reducing blood lost
2aiii. Endothelial cells lining the inside of the blood vessel
Wall release _________________________________
Martini, Fig. 19-11
2b. Platelet Phase
Openstax, Fig. 18.14
2bi. Platelets adhere to _________________________________
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
2bii. Platelet plug releases chemicals promoting
2biii. Platelet plug helps ______________________
2c. Coagulation (blood clotting) Phase
2ci. Last but ______________________________________________________
2cii. Main goal of coagulation phase:
2ciii. Blood clot forms as a result of:
Martini, Fig. 19-11
Openstax, Fig. 18.14
2civ. Clotting factors are secreted
MAINLY by _________________________________________________________
2cv. The clotting cascade requires ____ ions
The liver needs Vitamin ____ to synthesize (make) several clotting factors.
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
3. Clot Retraction & Fibrinolysis
3a. Clot Retraction: _______________________________________________________
3b. Fibrinolysis is:
-The gradual _________________________________________________________
-Inactive plasma protein plasminogen becomes active __________________:
What is the function of plasmin?
REVIEW: hemostasis has three phases:
Learning Outcome 7: Explain the importance of blood typing and the
basis for ABO and Rh incompatibilities.
Martini: 19-4 The ABO Blood types & Rh Factor, pg. 664
Openstax: 18.6 Blood Typing, pg. 762
1. What is an antigen?
2. RBCs have at least ______________________________________________________
3. The three (3) most important surface antigens on RBCs plasma membrane are:
4. Your blood type is determined by:
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
Fun Fact: In USA, the most common
5. Based on RBC surface antigens, there are four blood types: blood types are O (47%) and A (41%).
Type ___ blood
Type of blood a Type A blood
person can receive:
Type of blood a Type B blood
person can receive:
Type ___ blood
Type ____ blood
Type of blood a Type AB blood
person can receive:
Type ___ blood
Type of blood a Type O blood
person can receive:
People with this type of blood are called “universal recipients”: __________________
People with this type of blood are called “universal donors”: ____________________
What is agglutination?
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
6. Rh Positive (Rh+) indicates:
6a. The absence of this antigen is indicated as: _________________________
6b. When the complete blood type is recorded:
For example:
-Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn,
Martini pg. 668-669
Openstax pg. 764-765
-Use your notes AND textbook to answer chapter assessment
questions at the end Ch 19 in yourAP Textbook.
-Visit Mastering A&P to do different activities to assess your Ch 19
Test Your Knowledge…
1. Name the protein found inside RBCs that gives RBCs their red color. Also list the
normal range of this protein (in grams per 100 ml of blood) for women and men.
2. Name the fluid portion of whole blood: _________________________________
3. The major ACTIVE protein that forms a blood clot is?
a. plasmin
b. fibrin
c. plasminogen
d. albumin
e. fibrinogen
4. Which of the formed elements of blood ARE NOT cells? ___________________
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
OS 2013
5. There are 5 types of white blood cells, classified according to the presence or absence
of granules: three WBCS are granulocytes and two are agranulocytes.
Granulocytes: Why are granulocytes called “Granulocytes”? List all granulocytes.
Agranulocytes: Why are agranulocytes called “Agranulocytes”? List all agranulocytes.
Color the granulocytes according to the staining pattern of their granules:
Neutrophil: granules stain light purple.
Eosinophil: granules stain deep red.
Basophil: granules stain deep blue.
6. How are granulocytes similar to agranulocytes? How do they differ?
7. Which organ is responsible for the synthesis of most (90%) plasma proteins?
8. Describe the physiological mechanism that dissolves blood clots.
BIOL 2402 Chapter 19 Martini 10th
9. Place the most appropriate number in the blank provided.
______ Hematopoiesis
1. Macrophage
______ Basophil
2. Antibodies
______ Monocyte
3. Universal donor
______ Eosinophil
4. Clotting
______ Thrombocytes
5. Dilates blood vessels
______ Type O blood
6. Destroys parasites
______ Lymphocytes
7. Red bone marrow
10. At least 55% of normal blood is composed of…
a. WBCs
b. Plasma
c. Metabolic wastes
11. RBCs do not have this characteristic:
a. a large nucleus
b. hemoglobin in the cytoplasm
c. the ability to carry carbon dioxide
d. a biconcave disc shape
12. Which statement is true about hemoglobin?
a. give WBC granules their color
b. carries oxygen and carbon dioxide at the same time
c. commonly found in plasma
d. is removed from the body as urea
13. A lack of this chemical reduces RBC formation:
a. leukotriene
b. vitamin K
c. erythropoietin
d. prothrombin
d. thrombocytes
OS 2013