STATION 1 - Muscles Specialized Animal Cells TEKS 5B – Examine specialized cells including animal cells such as blood, muscle, & epithelium TEKS 10C – Analyze the levels of organization in biological systems & relate the levels to each other & to the whole system 1. Observe one of the prepared slides of muscles. 2. Drawing #1 - Choose the best magnification & use colored pencils to draw what you see. Your drawing should include: a. Name of specimen b. Magnification used 3. Question #1: a. Pages 960-962 – How do skeletal, cardiac, & smooth muscle differ in their structure & function? STATION 2 - Epithelium Specialized Animal Cells TEKS 5B – Examine specialized cells including animal cells such as blood, muscle, & epithelium TEKS 10C – Analyze the levels of organization in biological systems & relate the levels to each other & to the whole system 1. Observe one of the prepared slides of epithelial tissue. 2. Drawing #2 - Choose the best magnification & use colored pencils to draw what you see. Your drawing should include: a. Name of specimen b. Magnification used 3. Question #2: a. Page 818 – What 4 types of tissues make up the human body? Read about their special functions. STATION 3 - Blood Specialized Animal Cells TEKS 5B – Examine specialized cells including animal cells such as blood, muscle, & epithelium TEKS 10C – Analyze the levels of organization in biological systems & relate the levels to each other & to the whole system 1. Observe one of the prepared slides of blood. 2. Drawing #3 - Choose the best magnification & use colored pencils to draw what you see. Your drawing should include: a. Name of specimen b. Magnification used 3. Question #3: a. Pages 886-889 – What are the primary roles of red blood cells, white blood cells, & platelets? STATION 4 - Bones Specialized Animal Cells TEKS 5B – Examine specialized cells including animal cells such as blood, muscle, & epithelium TEKS 10C – Analyze the levels of organization in biological systems & relate the levels to each other & to the whole system 1. Observe one of the prepared slides of bone tissue. 2. Drawing #4 - Choose the best magnification & use colored pencils to draw what you see. Your drawing should include: a. Name of specimen b. Magnification used c. Label cell structures that can be identified from page 958 3. Question #4: Page 958 – Where are new red blood cell produced? STATION 5 – Getting Cheeky TEKS 5B – Examine specialized cells including animal cells such as blood, muscle, & epithelium 1. Use the flat side of a toothpick to gently rub the inside of your cheek for 5-10 seconds. 2. Rub the end of the toothpick in the CENTER of a clean microscope slide. Dispose of the toothpick in the bleach solution beaker. 3. Place a SMALL drop of dye on the area of the slide that was rubbed by the toothpick. *Be careful, the dye will stain* 4. Touch the edge of a paper towel to the stain to soak up most of the stain. 5. Using a dropper, place 1 drop of water on the preparation. 6. Place the cover slip on top of the water. If you have a lot of air bubbles, gently tap the cover slip & use a paper towel to soak up any excess water. 7. Choose the best magnification to observe your cheek cells. Drawing #5 - Use colored pencils to draw what you see. Your drawing should include: a. Name of specimen b. Magnification used c. Label cell structures: cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm 8. Place slide in the bleach solution beaker. STATION 6 – Only Skin Deep TEKS 5B – Examine specialized cells including animal cells such as blood, muscle, & epithelium 1. Stick a clean piece of clear tape to your skin (you choose the location). *Be careful not get fingerprints all over it* 2. Gently remove the tape. Stick the tape to a clean microscope slide. Cut away excess tape. 3. Choose the best magnification to observe your epidermal cells. Drawing #6 - Use colored pencils to draw what you see. Your drawing should include: a. Name of specimen b. Magnification used 4. Remove tape & put in trash can. Wash slide. 5. Questions #5-6: a. Page 968 - Why might it be beneficial to have dead skin cells on the outermost layer of the epidermis? b. Page 903 – Describe how your integumentary system (skin) aids your immune system. STATION 7 – Bacteria (Prokaryotes) TEKS 4A – Compare & contrast prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells TEKS 11C – Summarize the role of microorganisms in both maintaining & disrupting the health both organisms & ecosystems 1. Question #7 - Complete the following table on a separate piece of paper. Use page 540. Bacteria Type Description Cocci/Coccus Rod-shaped 2. Questions #8-9: a. Page 543-545 – Describe 2 ways bacteria are beneficial. b. Page 547-549 – Describe 2 ways in which bacteria can cause disease? Drawing STATION 8 Specialized Plant Cells & Tissues TEKS 5B – Examine specialized cells including roots, stems, & leaves of plants TEKS 10C – Analyze the levels of organization in biological systems & relate the levels to each other & to the whole system TEKS 10B – Describe the interactions that occur among systems that perform the functions of transport, reproduction, & response in plants 1. Question #10-12. Pages 618-620 a. In addition to all the structures that animal cells have, list 3 other structures found in plant cells. b. Describe 3 basic types of cells found within plants. c. List 2 functions for each type of tissue system found in plants. STATION 9 - Roots & Stems Specialized Plant Cells TEKS 5B – Examine specialized cells including roots, stems, & leaves of plants TEKS 10C – Analyze the levels of organization in biological systems & relate the levels to each other & to the whole system TEKS 10B – Describe the interactions that occur among systems that perform the functions of transport, reproduction, & response in plants 1. Drawing #7 - Observe one of the prepared slides of roots. 2. Drawing #8 - Observe one of the prepared slides of stems. 3. Choose the best magnification & use colored pencils to draw what you see. Your drawings should include: a. Name of specimen b. Magnification used c. Label cell structures: cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, etc. 4. Question #13: a. Pages 626-629 – Compare & contrast the functions of stems & roots. STATION 10 - Leaves Specialized Plant Cells TEKS 5B – Examine specialized cells including roots, stems, & leaves of plants TEKS 10C – Analyze the levels of organization in biological systems & relate the levels to each other & to the whole system 1. Drawing #9 - Observe one of the prepared slides of leaves. Choose the best magnification & use colored pencils to draw what you see. Your drawing should include: a. Name of specimen & magnification used b. Any cell structures that can be seen & for which you know the name (cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, etc.) 2. Tape a piece of clear tape to a part of a leaf that is covered in DRY clear fingernail polish. 3. Gently remove the tape & stick to a microscope slide. Cut away excess tape. 4. Scan the slide until you find a good area where you can see the stomata. Each stoma is bordered by two sausageshaped cells that are usually smaller than surrounding epidermal cells. These small cells are called guard cells. 5. Drawing #10 - Choose the best magnification & use colored pencils to draw what you see. Your drawings should include: a. Name of specimen & magnification used b. Label cell structures: stoma, guard cells, & epidermal cells 6. Remove tape & put in trash can. Wash slide. 7. Question #14: a. Pages 630-631 – What is the function of the guard cells of a plant? STATION 11 - Protists Unicellular & Multicellular TEKS 4A – Compare & contrast prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells TEKS 8C – Compare characteristics of taxonomic groups, including archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, & animals 1. Observe one of the prepared slides of protists. 2. Drawing #11 - Choose the best magnification & use colored pencils to draw what you see. Your drawing should include: a. Name of specimen b. Magnification used 3. Make a wet mount slide of the protist culture. a. Observe how the organisms move. b. Try to identify the organisms 4. Wash slide & wash your hands.
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