PRODUCT DATA SHEETS Water Filtration System Model T1WB2/T1RFWB2 Capacity 200 Gallons (757 Liters) with PID; 100 Gallons (378 Liters) without PID Model T1WB2L/T1RFWB2 Capacity 200 Gallons (757 Liters) with PID; 100 Gallons (378 Liters) without PID System tested and certified by NSF International against NSF/ ANSI Standard 42, 53, 401 and CSA B483.1 for the reduction of contaminants specified on the Performance Data Sheet. ET E H S TA A D E NC System A M R n PERFO ter Filtratio This system has been tested according to NSF/ANSI Standards 42, 53, 401 and CSA B483.1 for the reduction of the substances listed below. The concentration of the indicated substances in water entering the system was reduced to a concentration less than or equal to the permissible limit for water leaving the system, as specified in NSF/ANSI Standards 42, 53, 401 and CSA B483.1. Substance Reduction Influent Challenge Concentration Maximum Permissable Average% Reduction Aesthetic Effects ) Product Water Concentration s r e t i Chlorine Taste/Odor 2.0 mg/L ± 10% 50% >97.4% ) reduction 57 L ns (7 757 Liters Particulate Class I* At least 10,000 85% reduction 98.4% loparticles/mL l a ( G I s Contaminant Reduction Influent Maximum Permissable Average%Reduction /ANS 200 Challenge lonConcentration acity y 200 Gal l against NSF Product Water Concentration The p a C elow. limit t b a f i 2 n o d c e io B t n Lead***: @ pH 6.5 / @RpH 8.5 ±at10% 0.010 mg/L 99.3% / >99.4% io lis ible apa 0.150F mg/L FW Intern he reduct et. rmiss ances /P1/ @ pH B2L C d by0.006 NS mg/L 26.5 0.002 mg/L 96.7% / 96.7% Mercury: W @ pH 8.5 r±t 10% ta She subst l to the pe B o W e f h F t 1 . f R 1 a ie 3 8 ce D††a if 7 n o or equ tion Asbestos >99% del P an educ 2L/P1 ted and ceratnd CSA10B4eto8rfo10rmfibers/L ductio 99% than MoCysts †1WB e% R the re n less 99.95% g s r P a 50,000/L min. 99.99% e 1 P t o r 0 f e e l 4 h io v 1 m t e . t , e A a 3 3 t d n r 8 5 s t o o 4 y n , M Turbidity S dard 42 pecified A B a conce 11 NTU ±S10% 0.5 NTU 98.6% C d n s n o ts % dt Sta 01 a mg/L .1. Alchor 0.002 mg/L 99.4% , 40.040 duce ±A10% >97.5 minan B483 2, 53 as remg/L ction CS± 10% rmissable tration 0.003 mg/L conta % u rds 4 ystem w d Atrazine 0.009 >94.8% .2 d a n 9 e d a 9 n R n 1 e g e% 3, 40 the s SI Sta um P ter Conce Benzene 0.005 mg/L >96.7% Avera axim± t10% F/AN entering ards 42, 5 0.015Mmg/L a S W N c 10% n . 3% tion Carbofuran 0.040 mg/L 98.7% tand ing to water rodu± / >99 entra 0.080 Pmg/L uctio ccordtances in SF/ANSI S r±ed10% 9.3% 90.8% Conc ed aChlorobenzene 9 t 2.000 mg/L 0.100 mg/L 99.9% % s e N > n s 0 b g e io 5 t u in n t le s n d n %/ alle reduc ermissab ntratio0.002 ecifie s bee indicatedEndrin 0.006 mg/L mg/L 96.4% >96.4 nt Ch 85% ± 10% as sp Influe um P ter Conce of the system, Ethylbenzene % im 9 x 2.100 mg/L ± 10% 0.700 mg/L 99.9% 9 a a L e M % W m h 0 / t t % 1 s c 9 ng ation mg/L g/ L ± article centr0.002 Lindane ±u10% 0.0002 mg/L 99.0% >99.9 Prod 2. 0 m t 10, 000 p m g/ L 010% Co n .1% ction 1 9 e 9 s .0 g MTBE 0.015 mg/L ± 0.005 mg/L 90.9% > a 0 n le e /L t ll g a A m h s .0±0210% O-Dichlorobenzene 1.800 mg/L 0.600 mg/L 96.7% ent C 97.6% 0 lu f n I Odor 0.005 mg/L 96.7% Tetrachloroethylene 0.015 mg/L 94.5% 99±%10% ± 10% 5% m g /L 10% s I* .9 0 9 5 Toxaphene 0.015 mg/L ± 10% 0.003 mg/L 93.3% 96.6% 9 n 1 . ± io 0 t L c †† / U u g T m N Red /L TTHM 0.045 mg/L0±.510% 0.080 mg/L 99.9% 91.1% . 006 L 8 fibers / 0 g 7 to 10 02 m L 9% .010% H 8.5Styrene 2.000 mg/L ± 0.100 mg/L >99.9% 9 0 p . 0 / 1 in @ g 6. 5 / 0/L m 03 m L H 8. 5 0.300 mg/L ±0.0 10% 0.015 mg/L 99.8% 96.6% / 50, 00 ± 10% / @ p VOC 5 mg U 0 % H 6.5 T .0 0 N Atenolol 200 ng/L ± 20% 30 ng/L >95.1% 99.9% 0 1 L ± / 11 g L / m mg % 99% Trimethoprim 140 ng/L ± 20% 20 ng/L >96.7% 0.040 g/L 0. 040 g /L ± 10 m 00 m L % 9 .1 0 0 90.6% Linuron 140 ng/L ± 20% 20 ng/L >96.2% 0 1 0 . ± / 0 g L / m g % m % 99.9 Estrone 140 ng/L ± 20% 20 ng/L >96.8% 0.002 g/L 0. 015 g /L ± 10 m m % 96.4% Nonylphenol 1400 ng/L ± 20% 200 ng/L >97.0% 0.700 mg/L 0. 080 g /L ± 10 % m 002 >93.7 Meprobamate 60 ng/L 95.3% 2.000 g/L ± 10% 400 ng/L ± 20%0.0 5 mg/L % m % 1400 ng/L ± 20%0.00 99.5 Carbamazepine 200 ng/L >98.5% /L 0. 006 g /L ± 10 g m m % 1400 ng/L ± 20%0.600 99.9% DEET 200 ng/L >98.5% an 2. 100 g /L ± 10 g/ L m e % 1400 ng/L ± 20% 0.005 m /L n 2 0 e 0 99.7% 1 z 0 . n Metolachlor 200 ng/L 98.5% ± 0 e g L / m g % 3 m 0 % 95.7 Phenytoin 30 ng/L >95.9% 0.015 g/L ± 10 200 ng/L ± 20% 0.0 0 mg/L e 00 m L ± 10% 400 ng/L ± 20% 0.08 96.1% n 8 Ibuprofen 60 ng/L 95.1% e . L / z 1 n g e / m g % 0 m 0 .3 % 96 0.1 Naproxen 20 ng/L >96.4% 0.015 g/L ± 10 140 ng/L ± 20% g/ L m ne % 5 m 90.6 .015 g/L ± 10%2000 ng/L ± 20% 0.01 /L Bisphenol A 300 ng/L >99.1% 0 e n ze 5m 93.7% 3 0 ng 10% oben . 04 e Parameters: pH = 7.50± L (1.89 Lpm). Pressure = 60 psig (413.7 kPa). 0.5 unless noted. Flow = 0.5 gpm g/L ± otherwise / chlor thylenTest g m n % 0 20 gallons (757 liters). oe ± 10 2.00to 22°C). Temp. = 68°F to 71.6°F (20°C al L chlor mg/L Rated service capacity = 2200 ident 0 ng/ .300NSF%401 have been deemed as “emerging /inccompounds/incidental The compounds certified under compounds/incidental contaminants.” Emerging ne 0 s ). e e d a s h n L P / e p u 0 k a o 2 that have been detected in drinking ls, thtrace levels, these 20 ng /water 13.7 levels. Whileg occurring contaminants are those compounds supplies veonly comp leat 200 ± 0% igat(4trace ng L quality. 2 HM wn ergin nly trace ± acceptance/perception 60 p s 00water m compounds can affect the public of drinking 2 0 = E 4 o e .” 1 r unk no t u nts rring a afor 20% or of tem. ress■ in yrene ± P e m f u The product is cold water use only. ). 0 a a ■It is essential that operational, maintenance, and filter replacement c t 4 s 1 un sys e d Lpm con While oc 0%product to perform as ntal water OC t installed state and icallyin compliance ± 2the (1.89 57 liters). in■ eThe requirements be carried out e r the cwith els. system mustrbe 140for l gpm nsadvertised. biologfore or aft on disinfe (7 levlaws s/ cidralocal o .5not 20 % e d 0 c n ic and regulations. ± instructions Property damage can occur40if0all are followed. o u tenolo prim = ll m e o t d a b p t w e is g a s n t m lo 1 0 u a s F o io o 20 every ct is microbiologically th r th water use unsafe or of unknown ethat ■The disposable cartridge must ebenochanged y be ted. acitat pplie ■Do not w ing6cmonths. y =least atewith Trime disinf ctiodisinfection n ma . er su merg p is Part quality before or after ■Use replacement filter o T1RFWB2, s er e on u e with awithout e ca#EDR3RXD1/EDR3RXD1B. quateadequate as “e inking wat uality. s s d therw servic e t e u d s d r t e y t Linur s o c s or U be t s m s on u e cy teracertified for cyst reduction nle price ble 2015 suggested deU.S.A./$54.95 Do n ty wthe in dr g Canada. uretail ction may ithosystem. orSystems lephused ne ater q Prices atedof $49.99 f n u d 5 e o r . e w R t r e t d il t t e 0 ■ f s ). d s c ie b l li ± n cysts. EPA Est. if e In filterable E C without in in t t a o e ° a r r k a v e u n .5 2 1 t on disinfected waters that may contain e e e a in e d are subject to change notice. q 7 2 0 n s c r h h = o 1 lp een tion of d cement ems at m pH filter ay co 7-TWN-0 n (in the U ranty, nam 0°C t r Nsystem N on y SF 40at measures ave b of water that p amount . passesSyst rs tNo. la ters:The F (2monitor h 91736-MEX-001. e■ 204 ” sectio ited war de h h ce/percethe r repto talerts nfilter 08the e Refer rtised the filter. Towat■ 71.6° iedthe etime u aram °F tothrough t . s e il P o v d f to “Warranty” section for the Manufacturer’s limited t n d and you when it is replace N m ty n d s a u . a if t n t o t s 8 Te s r a p p a 6 e , E e arran cturer’s li name, address, and telephone c m e c = m c water s . nc status, rs number. how “Using Controls” orEPA twarranty, wed. the fa erfor see se cotopcheck lic athe he “W manufacturer’s enafilter t . o u o p t b Temp ompound learn ll s n h met e u o o in t o h a t f t a r e t t n r Para th e moUser Guide. System” ducUser Refe ) for the M e no ery 6 or ly ctFiltration rInstructions nal, mhe pinrothe p The c minants a“Water e a io . p ff t s ■ B u a a n Application Guidelines/Water Supply Parameters r 1 e v n tio the pe ut fwater cflush or t filter, water “Water st e system. t er S Guid er. s caAfter 3RXDSee conta ound■ Pa ) hat o ried othe tchanging instru Dispenser” at lea s/Wa EDRUser rices b all“Water 827 k C) tant Ice or numWater -Well ar WellCity eline a. PInstructions r if or nged R3RXDin1/the cDispensers” r 7 d comp is imporand u a id 0 o a e c Supply Potable or h u ° n c b c y (2 G a o .8 i it s D C C n be nt Guide. 37 ps psi User tion ■ It quireme s ge ca ge must L, Part #E.A./$54.95 - 120 0°F (0.6° - in.) @ 60 plica 3030 ApPressure re ■ dama contaminants passeToWhile B2not 9 are necessarily in your water .S 0 psi9 (207 t supply. rtrid /m - 827 kPa) tyThese Water -1120 a W U a r L h c F e t p R ° 9 r le 8 . r. o 1 3 . e 3 te Pr 49 .standard laboratory er P e of $under osab was m (1 f wat ceconditions, ptesting filtperformed ly the fil ls” oractual .5 gp- 100°F (0.6° - 37.8° C) unt o tice 033° he dis lacement etamay Supp Temperature il pricvary. re terWater ut no s the amo e to replahe Contro . u a o r s ■ T e repperformance h s W d it e e e r t e um tim ide e w >0.5 gt r P peratur s * ClasseIsparticle size: to ur<1 WateService ■ U 0 1 5 s u g g to c h a n g meas when it is, see “Usinor User Gu ater em RateRate 0.5 gpm (1.89 L/min.) @ 60 psi. 2*** Compliant for Lead NSF/ANSI 53 s ou requirements ystemreduction “W Standard ater T FlowFlow ject ito us ctionunder r s y t b e o W a r s u e t t s s s r S n r e . le u n e r io a t ic o t m t are asttested il v s e c f d r m t u by Pace Analytical Services, Inc. n r e In s r r a e t y S r e t s r s e a il e s r f In t w U a te e U he h theonfilthe † ser k th e of Cryptosporidium oocysts cuse in the he wparvum ■ T roBased hile h ug ow to che System” ter, flush t nser” in th t †† ply. W l aTest requirement is at least 100,000 particles/mL ofrAC Test h il n e f upFine p n tuaDust s c a e le r er Filtratio he water ater Dis t , a s 7/16 ®“NSF of NSF International. our w condition r “W y Wat is aanregistered ing t rs”trademark o g in h sarily boratory s e fter c Dispense c A e t n ndard la e ■ d re no ta and IcGuide. te an ants ad under s ith sta U se r c. tamin e Wa
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