“Congress' shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...” Americans United... SPEAKS OUT through the media, public forums, debates, lectures and other avenues in defense of religious diversity and church-state separation. Americans United staffers are not afraid to debate top Religious Right leaders in any public forumthough they are sometimes afraid to debate us! MOBILIZES Americans at the grassroots and for Separation of Church and State is the oldest national organization that works exclusively to protect and defend the constitutional through state and regional Americans United chapters to monitor church-state relations in their own communities and respond effectively to local Religious Right activity. principle of church-state separation. ADVOCATES for separation of church and state in the U.S. Congress and state legislatures, working with lawmakers at all levels to help them understand the importance of respecting the separation of church and state. has worked hard and effectively DEFENDS separation of church and state in the THE FIRST AMENDMENT OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION Founded in 1947, Americans United federal and state courts, filing lawsuits and legal briefs in key cases. We work to defuse church-state problems through dialogue before cases go to court. In recent years, Americans United to oppose the dangerous agenda of Religious Right groups like the Christian Coalition, the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family. WORKS WITH THE MEDIA to help reporters, bloggers and others to understand church-state issues. Our representatives frequently appear on television news and talk shows, on NPR and other radio broadcasts and in news sources such as Huffington Post, USA Today, The New York Times and The Washington Post. We’re also on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. PUBLISHES Church & State magazine, an award- winning monthly journal of news and analysis of religious liberty issues. Church & State regularly contains exposés of Religious Right groups that are not carried by the general media. It’s important news you can’t get any place else. 1301 K Street NW, Suite 850, East Tower Washington, DC 20005 (202) 466-3234 [email protected] au.org | student.au.org facebook.com/americansunited @americansunited WHY SHOULD YOU CARE ABOUT SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE? Campus Action Learn about church-state issues in your community and on your campus. Make your voice heard. Get registered to vote and vote at every opportunity. Find out your representatives’ voting records on church-state issues. Start a campus group and spread the word about separation of church and state. Hold a campus forum about the meaning of church-state separation. Form alliances with other organizations. Know your rights. Defend the wall. au.org student.au.org facebook.com/americansunited @americansunited Want one good reason why you should care about the separation of church and state? We'll give you five. 1. TO DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS. You have the right to worship, or not to worship, as your conscience dictates. Public schools cannot force you to take part in religious activities, or prevent you from doing so. Religious freedom means the right to practice as you choose, not as you are told. Possible violations of the First Amendment often go unmentioned and unchallenged. That’s why you need to know and protect your rights! Keeping church and state separate is essential to protecting religious freedom. 2. TO KEEP OUR GOVERNMENT SECULAR. Aggressive religious groups are lobbying hard to make government programs conform to their doctrines. Policy should be based on the public interest and principles of fairness and equality, not any denomination’s dogma and teachings. The Religious Right and the Catholic hierarchy are currently pushing to change federal and state healthcare regulations to exclude many Americans from access to birth control. They are also demanding that “faithbased” agencies get taxpayer funding and government contracts even if those agencies discriminate in hiring and refuse to comply with program requirements. They want to block marriage equality for same-sex couples on religious grounds and deny civil rights protections for the LGBT community. They want private religious schools to get massive public subsidies, and some groups are even fighting to teach religion in public schools, including creationism in science classes! Our government should represent and serve all Americans regardless of their beliefs about religion, but government agencies should never bend to the demands of sectarian pressure groups. 3. TO PROMOTE RESPECT. When it comes to religion, you have the right to believe what you choose. Don’t you think your school and the state should respect that? America has become one of the most religiously diverse nations in the world, so it’s not enough to simply tolerate other points of view. As individuals, we expect respect from our peers and from our government. Separating church and state protects and promotes respect for all people. When church and state intermingle, there is a very real threat of discrimination based not only on religion, but also on race and/or sexual orientation. 4. TO FOSTER THE FREE EXCHANGE OF IDEAS. You expect to be educated, not indoctrinated. Yet some religious extremists think that anything in conflict with their religious beliefs should be not be taught in the classroom, read in books or even voiced. They work to censor material that fails to fit their extremist agenda. Imagine a professor silencing your opinion, or the library destroying a book, simply because it contradicts someone else’s religious beliefs! Religious censorship prevents you from getting the most out of your education. Church-state separation protects public education from undue sectarian pressure and fosters free exchange and critical enquiry. I WANT TO HELP DEFEND THE WALL BY JOINING AMERICANS UNITED with a gift of $10 or more and receive 11 issues of the awardwinning journal Church & State, along with regular updates on pressing church-state concerns, and the satisfaction of supporting AU's work as a contributing member. NAME(S) ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP E-MAIL (REQUIRED) PHONE NUMBER SCHOOL / UNIVERSITY Join online today by contributing $10 or more at https://au.org/student-member. Or complete the information below and return with a check or credit card payment information to Americans United, Attn: Student Membership, 1301 K Street NW, Suite 850, East Tower, Washington, DC 20005 $10 $15 $25 $50 OTHER $ My check is enclosed (payable to Americans United) Please charge my MasterCard VISA Discover AMEX Card # 5. TO DEFEND SEPARATION FOR THE FUTURE. Religious liberty and church-state separation are deeply rooted in this nation's history. The future of these freedoms depends on the commitment and passion of students today. We cannot afford to underestimate the importance of church-state separation and the commitment of those working to undermine it. Defending the First Amendment means defending personal liberties, defending the rights of the organizations you belong to and promoting basic respect. Student activism is a critical part of ensuring that the wall of separation between church and state will remain intact on our campuses and in our communities. Expiration date: Send me more information about Americans United. Send me information on becoming an activist on behalf of Americans United. Send me information on church-state separation activities at my college or university or in my community. Send me information on starting a group at my college or university. I would like to support AU’s work without receiving Church & State magazine. AU IS A 501(C)(3) NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, AND RELIES ON YOUR SUPPORT TO HELP KEEP THE CHURCH-STATE WALL STRONG. PLEASE JOIN YOUR VOICE WITH OURS TODAY! CHAPTER CODE: ____________
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