SUBDIVISION OF LAND ................................................................................. 1
PURPOSE AND INTENT ................................................................................. 1
GENERAL EXEMPTIONS TO PLATTING....................................................... 1
LOT RECONFIGURATION .............................................................................. 1
MINOR SUBDIVISION ..................................................................................... 3
LARGE LOT RURAL SUBDIVISION ............................................................... 5
REPLATS – SUBSTANTIALLY SIMILAR PLATS .......................................... 8
PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUIRED .................................................................. 8
IMPROVEMENTS PLAN REQUIRED ............................................................ 13
FINAL PLAT REQUIRED............................................................................... 16
GUARANTEES AND SURETIES................................................................... 20
APPLICABILITY ............................................................................................ 20
IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENTS REQUIRED ............................................ 21
AMOUNT AND TYPE OF SECURITY ........................................................... 22
COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS ........................................................... 22
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
The purpose of regulating the subdivision of land is to ensure compliance with
procedural and substantive requirements of the Comprehensive Plan, this
LDC, and the requirements of Chapter 177, F.S.
A. Proposed divisions of land that consist solely for the conveyance of land
or granting of easements or rights-of-way to and accepted by a
governmental or public agency shall be exempt from the requirement to
B. Lots in subdivisions that are not recorded in the records of Citrus County
are exempt from the requirement to plat, provided that the subdivision plat
was lawfully established pursuant to the Public Works Manual (Ordinance
No. 83-01) prior to the adoption of this LDC and provided that one of the
following conditions are met:
1. Prior to the adoption of the Public Works Manual –
Those placed in the official records of the Citrus County Property
Appraiser which were subdivided prior to March 4, 1983; and
Those surveyed by a Florida Registered Surveyor, properly signed and
sealed; prior to March 4, 1983; meeting all the requirements of the
Public Works Manual and submitted to the Department of Planning and
Development by December 30, 1987;
2. Those created and recorded in the Public Records prior to November
27, 1990 pursuant to the exemptions to platting of the Public Works
A. This section is provided to allow for the relocation of a common lot line(s)
without the requirement to plat for land that has not been previously
platted, as defined in Chapter 177, F.S. However, if the land is part of a
previously platted subdivision, then a replat is required.
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
B. In order to qualify for exemption through the lot reconfiguration provision,
the following information shall be provided:
1. An application for approval of the lot reconfiguration shall be required.
2. One (1) survey map labeled “Boundary Survey” which includes the
following information:
a. Existing boundary survey and legal description (per Standards of
Practice Chapter 5J-17.050 through .053 F.A.C.), which shows the
existing parcel(s) and/or lot line(s) of the area to be reconfigured
and all existing easements and road rights-of-way of record (both
internal and abutting).
b. The survey map must be annotated with bearings and distances as
c. The survey map must be signed and sealed by a Florida licensed
Professional Surveyor & Mapper.
d. The survey map of the original parcel must indicate that it is “For
the purpose of preparing a Lot Reconfiguration submittal”.
3. A separate survey map of the reconfigured parcel labeled for the
purpose of a Lot Reconfiguration which includes the following
a. Proposed parcel(s) or lot line(s) being reconfigured, along with the
proposed legal description(s)
b. The reconfigured area(s) shall not prevent direct access to an
improved public right-of-way.
c. Both the lot/parcel lines and the lines of any proposed easements,
when applicable, shall indicate the new dimensions with bearings &
distances (per the Standards of Practice Chapter 5J-17.050
through .053 F.A.C.)
d. The survey map must be signed and sealed by a Florida licensed
Professional Surveyor & Mapper.
e. The Lot Reconfiguration and boundary survey shall be drawn at a
legible scale and shall be bold enough to remain clearly legible
after reduction. Additional detail may be required at the discretion
of Land Development Division Director.
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
f. A computer-generated mathematical closure report, indicating
acreage area, square feet, and precision of closure, shall be
provided for both the existing boundary survey and the Lot
Reconfiguration Boundary Survey.
4. Lot reconfiguration shall not result in an increase in density beyond
that allowed by the Comprehensive Plan or this LDC.
5. New lots and/or parcel(s) shall not create a noncompliance with any
setback requirements of this LDC.
6. After approval by the Director of the Land Development Division, or
designee, the boundary survey identifying the new lot(s) and/or
parcel(s) shall be recorded with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the
recording information shall be provided to the Land Development
Division within 30 days after application approval.
A. This section is provided for the purpose of defining and describing an
exemption to the requirement to plat for land that is proposed for
subdivision into less than three parcels. All parcels resulting from said
subdivision must have frontage for access along an existing public paved
road, without passing over lands owned or controlled by others outside of
the subdivision. Lots created pursuant to this exemption may not be
OA-11-07 June 12, 2012
Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
further subdivided unless they are in accordance with the platting
requirements of this LDC.
B. In order to qualify for the exemption through this provision, the following
conditions shall apply:
1. An application for approval of the minor subdivision shall be required.
2. A boundary survey (signed and sealed) showing the original parcel of
land and subsequent subdivision of land shall be prepared by a Florida
licensed Professional Surveyor & Mapper and shall include the
following information:
a. Existing boundary survey and legal description of the original parcel
(per Standards of Practice Chapter 5J-17.050 through .053 F.A.C.).
All existing easements and road rights-of-way of record (both
internal and abutting) must be indicated on the survey.
b. The existing boundary survey shall indicate “For the purpose of
preparing a Minor Subdivision submittal”.
c. New Lot(s) and/or parcel(s) shall have an assigned number or letter
through which it may be identified to the parent parcel.
3. A separate map for the Minor Subdivision Boundary Survey (per
Standards of Practice Chapter 5J-17.050 through .053 F.A.C.), the
proposed legal descriptions, lot/parcel lines and dimension shall be
shown. The lot/parcel lines shall indicate the new dimensions with
bearings and distances per the aforementioned Standards of Practice
without any topographic features. Topographic features, if required,
shall be depicted on a separate sheet.
a. The Minor Subdivision Boundary Survey shall indicate “For the
purpose of a Minor Subdivision.
b. The Minor Subdivision map shall be drawn at a legible scale and
shall be bold enough to remain clearly legible after reduction.
Additional detail may be required at the discretion of the Director of
the Land Development Division.
c. A computer-generated mathematical closure report, indicating
acreage area, square feet, and precision of closure, shall be
provided for both the existing boundary survey and the Minor
Subdivision Boundary Survey.
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
4. All lots and/or parcels so created shall meet the minimum lot frontage,
area, and dimensional requirements for the land use district in which
they are located; however, in no case shall residential lots have a
minimum lot width of less than 100 feet or in no case shall a
nonresidential lot have a minimum lot width of less than 150 feet for
the entire depth of the lot and as measured along the existing paved
public road.
5. A Minor Subdivision application shall comply with all other provisions of
this LDC.
6. After approval by the Director of the Land Development Division, or
designee, the boundary survey identifying the new lot(s) and/or
parcel(s) shall be recorded with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the
recording information shall be provided to the Land Development
Division within 30 days after application approval.
A. This section is provided for the purpose of defining and describing an
exception to the requirement to plat for land that has not been previously
platted as defined in Chapter 177, F.S. The intent of this section is to
provide for large unplatted residential lots/parcels outside the Planned
Service Area with access from a County road or via a 20-foot wide
exclusive access easement which shall abut the County road and remain
part of the parent parcel. However, if the land is part of a previously
platted subdivision, then a replat is required.
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
B. All of the following requirements shall apply:
1. Land must be outside the limits of the Planned Service Area, as
delineated by the Comprehensive Plan.
2. Land can be subdivided in such a manner that all parcels resulting
from said subdivision have access from an existing public road, directly
or via an approved exclusive access easement which abuts an existing
public road.
3. The proposed subdivision will not eliminate or diminish access to any
adjacent parcel.
4. The applicant shall demonstrate via topographic maps or grading
improvement plans that all proposed access easements are able to
accommodate normal vehicular traffic. Any topographic features
submitted shall be shown on an additional sheet(s) depicting the Large
Lot Rural Subdivision Boundary Survey.
If all of the requirements can be met, the proposed subdivision can be
exempt from the platting requirements and considered through the Large
Lot Rural Subdivision process.
C. In order to qualify for the exemption through this Large Lot Rural
Subdivision provision, the following conditions shall be met:
1. An application for approval of the Large Lot Rural Subdivision and
exemptions to the platting requirements shall be required.
2. A boundary survey (signed and sealed) showing the original parcel
(per Standards of Practice 5J-17.050 through.053 F.A.C.) inclusive of
all existing easements and rights-of-way (both internal and abutting).
Where easements are not coincident with property lines, they must be
labeled with bearings and distances and tied to the principal lot, tract,
or right-of-way. The boundary survey shall be prepared by a Florida
licensed Professional Surveyor & Mapper.
3. A boundary survey for a Large Lot Rural Subdivision of land showing
the dimensions of the proposed lot(s) and/or parcel(s) to be
subdivided. This shall include:
a. A separate boundary survey and legal description(s), along with the
appropriate bearings/dimensions of the created parcels (lots). New
lot(s) and/or parcel(s) shall have an assigned number or letter
through which it may be identified to the parent parcel.
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
b. Any newly created excusive ingress/egress easement (20-foot wide
minimum) associated with any proposed new lot/parcel shall also
be indicated.
c. If an exclusive access easement is proposed for ingress/egress,
the following language must be placed on the boundary survey:
“No governmental agency, including the Citrus County Board of
County Commissioners, shall be responsible for the maintenance,
upkeep, or improvements of any private drives, roads, streets,
easements, or rights-of-way providing ingress and egress to the
property herein conveyed.”
d. The boundary survey of the new parcel shall indicate that its
purpose is for a Large Lot Rural Subdivision.
e. The boundary surveys shall be drawn at a legible scale and shall
be bold enough to remain clearly legible after reduction. Additional
detail may be required at the discretion of the Director of the Land
Development Division.
f. The boundary surveys shall be prepared by a Florida licensed
Professional Surveyor & Mapper.
D. All lots and/or parcels so created shall meet the minimum area
requirements for the land use district in which they are located; however,
in no case shall lots have a minimum lot width of less than 100 feet which
shall be measured at the proposed building site. Access drives shall be
no less than 20 feet in width and shall connect directly to a County
roadway via an approved driveway apron. No more than two access
drives may occur within any 100 feet of public road frontage.
E. A Large Lot Rural Subdivision shall not result in an increase in density
beyond that allowed by the Comprehensive Plan or this LDC.
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
F. After approval by the Director of the Land Development Division, or
designee, the boundary survey identifying the new lot(s) and/or parcel(s)
shall be recorded with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the recording
information shall be provided to the Land Development division within 30
days after application approval.
G. A driveway apron shall be provided for stabilization of the County road at
the point of ingress/egress from the County road in accordance with the
driveway apron construction standards of Citrus County.
A previously platted area proposed for replat will be considered to be
substantially similar if the following conditions apply:
All roads and easements remain as per the recorded plat; and
A. The proposed replat is similar in design, layout and concept to the original
plat, as determined by the Director of the Land Development Division, or
If determined to be a substantially similar plat, then only a Final Plat
complying with the regulations of this section needs to be filed.
A. Not withstanding the exception for substantially similar replats, a
preliminary plat provides for a complete review of technical data and
preliminary engineering drawings for proposed subdivisions. The
preliminary plat is a graphic representation of the proposed development
and its individual lots. An approved preliminary plat is a prerequisite for
final plat approval and is intended to represent a boundary survey of the
proposed subdivision and shall comply with provisions of Chapter 5J17,
Standards of Practice, adopted by the Department of Agriculture and
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
Consumer Services, Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers,
pursuant to the provisions of Section 472.027, F.S., or its successor in
B. Seven copies of the preliminary plat shall be submitted and shall be
prepared as follows:
1. Preliminary plats shall be drawn at a scale not smaller than one inch
equals 100 feet.
2. Trim line sheet size shall be 24 inches by 36 inches. A one-half inch
margin shall be provided on all sides except for the left binding side
where a three-inch margin shall be provided, unless otherwise
provided in Florida Statutes..
3. Multiple sheets may be used; however, sheet number and the total
number of sheets must be clearly indicated on each.
4. The front, or cover, sheet shall include:
a. A general vicinity or location map drawn to scale or stated as “not
to scale” (both stated and graphic) showing the position of the
proposed subdivision in the section(s), township(s), and range(s)
together with the principal roads, and/or other pertinent orientation
b. The name and address of the owner(s). Where a corporation or
company is the owner of the subdivision, the name and address of
the president and secretary of the corporation shall be shown.
c. Name, address, and telephone number of those individuals
responsible for preparation of the drawing(s). Each print (of the
cover sheet) submitted shall bear the signature and the original
raised seal of the registered project surveyor and registered project
engineer. The project surveyor shall certify that the drawing
conforms to the provisions of Chapter 5J17.050-5J-17.053,
Standards of Practice, set forth pursuant to Section 472.027, F.S.
or its successor in function. The project engineer shall certify that
proposed improvements will be designed in accordance with the
requirements of this LDC.
d. Each sheet of the preliminary plat shall contain a north arrow and
graphic scale, and a title block with the subdivision name, stated
scale, and date of last field work and date of map.
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
C. The preliminary plat submittal shall include a boundary survey (signed and
sealed) of the original parcel (per Standards of Practice Chapter 5J17.050 through .053 F.A.C.), titled “Boundary Survey for a Preliminary Plat
Submittal”. The Preliminary Plat submittal should contain the following
1. The legal description, plat boundary (annotated with bearings and
distances), dimensions of the tract/parcel/lot, block designations (as
applicable), and the location and identification of the existing and
proposed permanent reference monuments with their respective size,
material, and identification information.
2. All topographic information and features.
3. One copy of the Preliminary Plat with no topographic information or
improvements shown, for the purpose of Survey review.
4. Existing land use district of the parcel or tract and all adjacent property.
5. Existing drainage facilities proposed for use.
6. Location, names (based upon the Locator System), and widths of
existing and proposed rights-of-way consistent with the Multimodal
Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
7. Location, names, and widths of existing and proposed streets,
highways, easements (easements shall not be used for drainage),
building lines, alleys, parks, other public spaces, and similar facts
regarding adjacent property (with easements to be annotated with
bearings and distances if not coincident to the boundary lines).
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
8. Development specifications of the tract including, but not limited to:
a. Area of the tract.
b. Proposed number of lots.
c. Location of all land to be dedicated or reserved for all public and
private uses including rights-of-way, easements, special
reservations, etc.
d. Amount of area devoted to all existing and proposed land uses
including schools, open space, churches, residential, and
commercial as well as the location thereof.
e. All existing and proposed property and lot lines. Drawing notes
shall indicate the minimum lot area to be provided.
9. The location of any underground or overhead utilities, culverts, and
drains on the property and within 100 feet of the proposed plat
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
D. A recent topographic survey of existing conditions based on the National
Geodetic Survey, Southwest Florida Water Management District, or other
governmental agency, contoured to an interval of one foot with elevations
on North American Vertical Datum of 1998 (NAVD88). The survey shall
include the proposed plat area plus adjacent land within a minimum of 100
feet. The topographic survey shall be titled “Topographic Survey for the
Purpose of Preliminary Plat Submittal”.
1. A plan for tree protection showing the locations and names of any
existing trees shown with labels as to which trees are to be removed
and relocated and which will remain in accordance with the section for
Tree Preservation and Protection Standards of this LDC.
2. Location of the nearest available public water supply and wastewater
disposal system and the proposed tie-in points or an explanation of
alternative systems to be used.
3. The boundaries of proposed utility easements. Such easements shall
provide satisfactory access to existing public right-of-way or other
public open spaces for maintenance or other activities by utility
companies or agencies.
4. Limits of the 100-year floodplain for all parts of the proposed
subdivision establishing a Base Flood Elevation (BFE) for all lots of
record created within the plat
5. A preliminary surface drainage plan showing direction of flow and
methods of stormwater retention
6. Existing surface water bodies, wetlands, streams, and canals within
the proposed subdivision including:
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
a. Normal high water elevation (NAVD88) or boundary for each.
b. Intended drainage areas for each.
c. Vegetative communities for each wetland showing approximate
locations by species.
E. Submittal of a computer-generated mathematical closure report of the plat
boundary, all lots, easements, rights-of-way, tracts, etc., and the precision
of linear closure and area in both acres (accurate to two decimal places)
and square feet (accurate to one square foot).
A. Not withstanding the exception for substantially similar replats, a plan of
proposed improvements shall be submitted following approval of the
preliminary plat. It is the intent that the improvement plans reflect
compliance with standards and procedures for installation and
maintenance of required improvements so that services and facilities are
provided in such a manner as to insure the health and safety of the public
and to sustain the existing quality of life. These requirements are intended
to provide that all improvements are installed in a timely and efficient
manner and that, where improvements will be retained in private
ownership, the improvements will be maintained permanently in
accordance with requirements of this LDC.
B. Six copies of the improvements plan shall be submitted and shall be
prepared as follows:
1. The improvements plan shall be drawn at the same scale using the
same sheet size as for the associated preliminary subdivision plat. If
plans are produced electronically, they shall be provided free of charge
to the County in a digital format (e.g.: AutoCAD, DWG, TIF, etc.)
within 30 days of the final approval. If field modifications occur, Asbuilts shall be filed within 60 days of final site development.
2. Multiple sheets may be used; however, a sheet number and the total
number of sheets must be indicated on each sheet.
3. The front, or cover, sheet shall include:
a. A general vicinity or location map drawn to scale (stated and
graphic) showing the position of the proposed subdivision in the
section(s), township(s), and range(s) together with the principal
roads, city limits, and/or other pertinent orientation information.
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
b. The name and address of the owner(s). Where a corporation or a
company is the owner of the subdivision, the name and address of
the president and secretary of the corporation shall be shown.
c. Name, address, and telephone number of those individuals
responsible for preparation of the drawing(s). Each print submitted
shall bear the original signature and seal of the registered project
surveyor and registered project engineer. The project surveyor and
project engineer are each responsible for information shown which
is in his/her field of practice and shall certify that requirements of
this LDC have been met.
d. The date of approval and the assigned number of the preliminary
subdivision plat.
4. Each sheet of the improvements plan shall contain a title block
showing the subdivision name, stated and graphic scale, a north arrow,
date, and a legend to explain symbols, abbreviations, or other notes.
5. Details shall be shown in plan elevation or section. Pictorial or
isometric presentations shall not be used. Proposed streets shall
include paved access to a minimum designated collector roadway.
C. The improvements plan submittal shall include the following information:
1. A drainage map showing the complete drainage system including, but
not limited to: closed drainage areas, design high water, acreage, the
effect on and compatibility with drainage or surface waters, the effect
on adjacent lands and existing outfall systems, and the complete
calculations used to design the system. This information shall be
shown on a master drainage plan at a scale not smaller than one inch
equals 100 feet. It is the specific intent of this requirement that rightsof-way for all drainage improvements for both on-site and off-site
improvements shall be provided including, but not limited to: retention
ponds, ditches, culverts, channels, and the like required for drainage of
the site.
2. Soils map and soil infiltration test location and results of test borings
and subsurface conditions (at least one per drainage
retention/detention area) of the tract to be developed.
3. Paving and drainage plans and profiles showing existing and proposed
elevations and grades of all public and private paved and open areas
including size, location, and type of drainage facilities and proposed
first floor finished elevations of all lots of record created within the plat.
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
4. Water distribution and wastewater collection plans and proposed
5. Typical and special roadway and drainage sections, and summary of
quantities to include a driveway apron and culvert schedule with typical
6. Construction details showing compliance with construction standards.
7. Profile sheet showing special or unique situations such as intersections
or waterways.
8. Plans showing existing and proposed improvements, if any, to
waterways, lakes, streams, channels or ditches, bridges, culverts,
seawalls, bulkheads, docks, retaining walls, and any other proposed
9. If street lighting is proposed, plans shall bear approval of the
appropriate utility authority.
10. Landscaping plans in compliance with this LDC.
11. Written specifications meeting or exceeding all applicable design
minimum standards.
12. If construction improvements are not completed prior to recording of a
final plat, an improvements agreement shall be provided pursuant to
the provisions of this LDC.
13. Any deviation from these standards requires written approval from the
Director of the Department of Public Works.
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
A. A final plat is a drawing of the final design of a site or portion of the site
showing the boundaries and locations of all lots and provides a perpetual
record of the subdivision. The final plat shall be submitted within two
years of approval of the preliminary plat. The final plat shall conform to
the approved preliminary plat in all respects except that minor variation in
dimensions and alignment resulting from more precise final computations
may be accepted. Upon finding by the Director of the Department of
Public Works that all required improvements have been installed or
guaranteed and that the final plat is in compliance with the approved
preliminary plat, the final plat shall be approved for recording.
A time extension not to exceed 12 months for a preliminary plat may be
requested by filing an application and request as provided for in this LDC.
The application must be received by the Land Development Division prior
to the two-year expiration date of the preliminary plat.
B. Nine copies of the final plat shall be submitted. The final plat shall comply
with all requirements of Chapter 177, Part 1, F.S., and shall be prepared
as follows:
The final plat shall be drawn at the same scale, using the same sheet size,
as for the associated preliminary plat and improvements plans. If plans
are produced electronically, they shall be provided to the County in a
digital format including the point file (e.g.: AutoCAD DWG, TIE, etc.). The
point file shall be in a Point #, Northing, Easting, Elevation, and
Description format (ASCII file).
1. A one inch margin shall be provided on all sides of the drawing except
for the left binding side where a three-inch margin shall be provided.
2. Drawing materials shall comply with requirements of Chapter 177, Part
1, F.S.
3. Required, acknowledgments and dedications, notifications, notes, and
declarations shall be on the first sheet and extended to following
sheets if necessary.
a. Dedications: The purpose of all reserved areas shown on the plat
shall be defined in the dedication on the plat. All areas reserved for
use by residents of the subdivision shall be so dedicated and all
areas reserved for public use, such as parks; rights-of-way for
roads, streets, or alleys; easements for utilities; rights-of-way for
drainage purposes; and any other public area, shall be dedicated
by the owner of the land at the time the final plat is recorded. All
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
streets shall be named. Dimensions, purpose, and reservation of
the easements shall be indicated.
The following text shall be shown: Citrus County, Florida shall have
a non-exclusive easement in, over, under, and through, and the
non-exclusive right to use said roadway and all easements for the
installation and maintenance of drainage facilities, utilities, and
purposes incidental thereto, as well as the ingress and egress for
the purposes of providing emergency, fire, medical, and similar
b. Mortgagee's Consent and Approval: The mortgagee's consent and
approval of dedications shall be required on all plats where
mortgages encumber the land to the platted. The signature(s) of
the mortgagee(s) must be witnessed and acknowledged.
If the mortgagee is a corporation, consent and approval shall be
signed by any two officers of the corporation authorized to do so.
c. Seal and Statement of Professional Surveyor and Mapper: The
final plat shall be prepared under responsible direction and
supervision of a professional surveyor and mapper, licensed in the
State of Florida, who shall certify on the plat that the plat is a true
and correct representation of the lands surveyed and that survey
data complies with all requirements of Chapter 177, Part 1, F.S.,
and this LDC. The certification shall bear the signature, registration
number, and official seal of the land surveyor.
The certification shall also state that permanent reference
monuments (PRMs) have been set in compliance with Florida
d. Signature Blocks for Officials: Signature blocks with titles of the
appropriate official shall be provided.
e. Certification of Review: Signature block with title of the County
Surveyor shall be provided with the following certification:
“I hereby certify that I am a professional surveyor and mapper,
employed by Citrus County, Florida, and I have reviewed the
survey and plat for conformity to Chapter 177, Part 1, of the Florida
Statutes and I hereby certify that said survey and plat comply with
the requirements of Chapter 177, Part 1, of the Florida Statutes.”
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
f. Certification of Ownership: A certificate of ownership dated to
within 60 days of the recording date of the plat must be submitted.
The certificate form must be an attorney’s opinion of title or a title
company certificate in accordance with Section 177.041, F.S.
4. All lettering shall read from the bottom of the sheet or from the right
side of the sheet.
5. No letter or number shall be less than one-tenth of an inch in height
and shall be bold enough to remain clearly legible after reduction.
6. Each final plat shall show a metes and bounds description of the lands
subdivided. The description must be so complete that from it, without
reference to the plat, a starting point and boundary can be determined.
7. When more than two sheets must be used to accurately portray
subdivided lands, the plat shall contain an index sheet showing the
entire subdivision as well as the sheet layout. In addition, each sheet
must show the particular number of that sheet and the total number of
sheets including clearly labeled match lines showing where other
sheets match or adjoin.
C. The following additional information is needed:
1. Every subdivision shall be given a name by which it shall be legally
known. Said name shall not be the same as any other name
appearing on any recorded plat except when the proposed subdivision
is subdivided as an additional unit or section by the same developer or
the successor in title. Every subdivision's name shall have legible
lettering of the same size and type including the words "section", "unit",
"replat", "amended", and the like. The name of the subdivision shall be
shown on each sheet included.
2. All lots shall be numbered either by progressive numbers or, if in
blocks, progressively numbered or lettered except that blocks in
numbered additions bearing the same name may be numbered
consecutively throughout several additions.
3. All interior excluded parcels shall be clearly indicated and labeled "Not
part of this plat."
4. All contiguous properties shall be identified by subdivision title, plat
book, and page or if the land is unplatted, it shall be so designated. If
the subdivision to be platted is a part or the whole of a previously
recorded subdivision, sufficient ties shall be shown to controlling lines
appearing on the earlier plat to permit an overlay to be made. All
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
abutting existing easements and rights-of-way must be indicated.
Where easements are not coincident with property lines, they must be
labeled with bearings and distances and tied to the principal lot, tract,
or right-of-way. Abutting existing rights-of-way must be indicated to the
center line.
5. Restrictions pertaining to type and use of existing or proposed
improvements, waterways, open spaces, odd-shaped and substandard
parcels, building lines, buffer strips and walls, and other restrictions of
similar nature shall require establishment of restrictive covenants
which shall be submitted with the final plat for recording.
6. All streets and their related facilities designed to serve more than one
platted lot or tract shall be dedicated to the public use and be
constructed to County standards. Private streets shall be allowed
within property under single ownership, a property owners' association,
or a condominium or cooperative association as defined by Florida law.
Where private streets are allowed, ownership and maintenance
association documents shall be submitted with the final plat and the
dedication contained on the plat shall clearly indicate the roads and
maintenance responsibility to the association without recourse to Citrus
County or any other public agency.
7. All manmade lakes, ponds, and other manmade bodies of water
excluding wet or dry retention/detention areas shown on the final plat
shall be made a part of adjacent private lot(s) as shown on the final
plat. Ownership of these bodies of water shall not be dedicated to the
public unless approved by Citrus County.
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
8. Limits of the 100-year floodplain for all parts of the proposed
subdivision establishing a Base Flood Elevation (BFE) for all lots of
record created within the plat. For those plats encompassing more
than 50 lots or 5 acres, the plat must provide base flood elevation data
as per FEMA Title 44 Part 60 requirements. Riverine areas must
provide delineations for floodways.
9. Before acceptance of said final plat, Certified Corner Record(s) which
pertain to section corners and/or quarter-section corners that comprise
a corner(s) of the boundary of the proposed final plat shall be
submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection by a
Florida licensed Professional Surveyor and Mapper, “unless the corner
or its accessories are substantial described in a previously filed corner
record”, as provided in Chapter 177, Part III, Florida Statutes. (The
boundary survey provided for the final plat submittal shall indicate the
existing Certified Corner Record Document Number used at the time
the controlling section and/or quarter-section was found/located for the
establishment of the boundary of the proposed final plat.)
10. At least four PRM’s shall be referenced to the Florida State Plane
Coordinate System. The surveyor shall note the following on the face
of the plat:
a. All distances reflected on the plat are ground distances;
b. Datum, (i.e. NAD-83 [1990], NAD-83 [1999]);
c. Coordinate source; and
d. Order of closure.
11. A computer-generated mathematical closure report (i.e., Survey Cogo
software, autocad generated, etc.) indicating acreage area, square
feet, and precision of closure, shall be provided for all lots, all streets,
roads, avenues, etc., all D.R.A.’s, all proposed easements, and all
reserved areas to the developer (i.e., tracts, parcels, strips, etc.).
A. The provisions of these sections apply to all proposed platted subdivisions
on unincorporated lands in Citrus County, including private road
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
B. This section also applies to existing platted subdivisions recorded prior to
March 4, 1983, where voluntary construction is contemplated.
C. This section does not modify existing agreements between a developer
and the County for subdivisions platted prior to the effective date of the
LDC, providing such agreements are current as to all conditions and terms
Approval of any plat, with the exception of substantially similar replats, shall
be subject to the applicant providing assurances that all required subdivision
improvements including, but not limited to: storm drainage facilities, streets
and highways, and water and sewer lines shall be satisfactorily constructed
according to an approved improvements plan. The following information shall
be provided:
A. Agreement that all subdivision improvements, whether required by this
LDC or constructed at the applicant's option, shall be constructed in
accordance with the standards and provisions of this LDC.
B. The term of the agreement which indicates that all required subdivision
improvements shall be satisfactorily constructed within the period
stipulated. The term shall not exceed five years from the recording of the
plat or 30 percent occupancy of the subdivision, whichever comes first.
C. The projected total cost for each improvement. Cost for construction shall
be determined by either of the following:
1. An estimate prepared and provided by the applicant's engineer, OR
2. A copy of the executed construction contract provided by the applicant.
D. Specification of public improvements to be made and dedicated together
with a timetable for making improvements.
E. Agreement that upon failure of the applicant to make required
improvements (or to cause them to be made) according to the schedule
for making those improvements the County shall utilize the security
provided under the agreement.
F. Provision of the amount and type of security provided to insure
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
The amount of the security listed in the improvement agreement shall be
approved as adequate by the Director of the Department of Public Works.
A. Security requirements may be met by, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Cashiers Check.
2. Certified Check.
3. Developer/Lender/County Agreement, when approved by the Citrus
County Board of County Commissioners.
4. Interest Bearing Certificate of Deposit.
5. An Irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the county from a lending
institution located in the state of Florida acceptable to the BCC.
6. Surety Bond > $500,000.
B. The amount of security shall be 115 percent of the construction cost.
Security in excess of $500,000 must provide a surety bond. A surety bond
shall be written by an insurance company or surety company licensed to
do business in the State of Florida and having a AAAA (4A) or better
rating as listed in Best's Insurance Guide.
A. When all subdivision improvements and infrastructure for private facilities
are completed, final inspection shall be conducted pursuant to
requirements in the LDC applicable to each facility or system.
Corrections, if any, shall be completed before final acceptance is
recommended by the County Engineer. Recommendation for final
acceptance shall be made upon receipt of a certification of project
completion and one copy of all test results, and an approved set of "as
built" plans.
B. When subdivision improvements and infrastructure for public facilities
have been completed, the developer or project engineer shall advise the
Director of the Department of Public Works in writing requesting an
inspection of accepting the project for the Development Maintenance
period. The request shall be accompanied by a certification of project
completion from the Project Engineer, one copy of all test results, and one
sealed copy of "as built" plans. All corrections found necessary as a result
of this inspection shall be corrected prior to acceptance. A letter of final
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
acceptance from the Director of the Department of Public Works will not
be granted until the Executed Maintenance Agreement, and security is
received and is ready for presentation to the Board of County
C. A maintenance agreement and security shall be provided to assure the
County that all required subdivision improvements shall be maintained by
the developer according to the following requirements:
1. The period of maintenance shall be three years.
2. The maintenance period shall begin with the acceptance of the
construction of the improvements by the County.
3. The security shall be in the amount of 15 percent of the construction
cost of the improvements and for a minimum period of 42 months.
4. The original agreement shall be maintained by the County Clerk of the
Circuit Court and monitored by the Department of Public Works.
D. Upon completion of the maintenance period, the developer or project
engineer shall advise the Director of the Department of Public Works in
writing requesting final inspection for perpetual maintenance by the
Final inspection shall be held by the County Engineer, Project Engineer,
Developer, and the Department of Public Works (or their authorized
representatives). Any corrections found necessary as a result of this
inspection shall be identified by the County Engineer to the Developer and
the Project Engineer. Final acceptance shall not be recommended until all
corrections have been made by the Developer and the Project Engineer
provides a final Certificate of Satisfactory Completion.
In the event perpetual maintenance by the County is not requested, or
satisfactory completion is not accepted by the County, prior to the
expiration of the maintenance security, the County may require renewal of
the maintenance agreement and security for a period determined by the
A. Whenever a proposed development provides for creation of facilities or
improvements that are not proposed for dedication to the County, the
developer shall form a legal entity to be responsible for ownership and
maintenance of such facilities and/or improvements.
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations
1. When a proposed development is to be organized as a condominium
under the provisions of Chapter 718, F.S., common facilities and
property shall be conveyed to the condominium's association pursuant
to that law.
2. When no condominium is to be organized, an owners; association shall
be created. All common facilities and property shall be conveyed to
that association.
3. No development order shall be issued for a development for which an
owners' association is required until documents establishing such
association have been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney.
B. An organization established for the purpose of owning and maintaining
common facilities not proposed for dedication to the County shall be
created by covenants running with the land. Such covenants shall be
included with the final plat. Such organization shall not be dissolved nor
shall it dispose of any common facilities or open space by sale or
otherwise without first offering to dedicate the same to the County.
(Ordinance No. 2016-A07, Sections 11005., 11010., 11015., 11025., 11035., adopted
April 12, 2016)
(Ordinance No. 2017-A21, Sections 11005., 11010., 11015., 11020., 11025., 11035.,
adopted May 9, 2017)
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Chapter Eleven - Subdivision Regulations