Dong Wang1
United States-China Relations: From the 18th Century to the Present (125,000 words), under
contract with Rowman & Littlefield, manuscript due in 2009.
Managing God’s Higher Learning: U. S.-China Cultural Encounter and Canton Christian
College (Lingnan University), 1888-1952, Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield
(Lexington Books), May 2007, pp. 224. ISBN 0-7391-1935-4/ 978-0-7391-1935-8
(cloth), 0-7391-1936-2/ 978-0-7391-1936-5 (paper).
China’s Unequal Treaties: Narrating National History, Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield
(Lexington Books), November 2005, pp. 190. ISBN 0-7391-1208-2/ 978-0-7391-1208-3
(cloth); ISBN 0-7391-2806-X/ 978-0-7391-2806-0, paperback, April 2008.
Edited Collections
Editor, “Christianity as an Issue in the History of United States-China Relations,” a special
volume of The Journal of American-East Asian Relations, vol. 13 (November 2008), pp.
“Portraying Chinese Christianity: The American Press and U.S.-China Relations since the
1920s,” The Journal of American-East Asian Relations 13 (November 2008): 81-119.
“The Advance to Higher Learning: Power, Modernization, and the Beginnings of Women‟s
Education at Canton Christian College,” in Pioneer Chinese Christian Women. Gender,
Christianity, and Social Mobility, edited by Jessie G. Lutz, Lehigh University Press,
“From Lingnan to Pomona: Charles K. Edmunds and His Chinese-American Career,” in
China’s Christian Colleges: Cross-Cultural Connections, 1900-1950, edited by Daniel
Bays and Ellen Widmer, Stanford University Press, 2008.
“Cong Lingnan dang‟an chensi Zhongmei wenhua xiangyü,” [從嶺南檔案 (1888-1952) 沉思
中美文化相遇 A reflection on Sino-American cultural encounter: from the perspective of
the Lingnan archives] transl. by Huang Xinglian, in Xixue yüQingdai wenhua [西學與清
代文化 Western learning and Qing culture], edited by Huang Aiping and Huang Xingtao,
Beijing: Zhonghua shujü, 2007.
Three entries (3,000 words) on Mao Zedong, Guangzhou, and the Qing Dynasty for
Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism since 1450, 3 vols., edited by Thomas Benjamin,
Detroit, Mich.: Macmillan Reference, 2006.
“Circulating American Higher Education: The Case of Lingnan University (1888-1951),”
Journal of American-East Asian Relations, vol. 9, nos. 3-4 (delayed fall-winter 2000
issue, the back issue appeared in year 2006): 147-167.
Dong Wang2
“The Dissemination of International Law and the Study of the Unequal Treaties in China,” in
As China Meets the World: China’s Changing Position in the International Community,
edited by Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Agnes Schick-Chen, and Sascha Klotzbücher,
Vienna, Austria: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian
Academy of Sciences Press), 2006, pp. 169-193.
“Beiyang shiqi guojifa zai Zhongguo,” [北洋時期國際法在中國 International law in China
during the Beiyang period] in Beiyang shiqi de Zhongguo waijiao [北洋時期的中國外交
Chinese diplomacy in the Beiyang era], edited by Jin Guangyao and Wang Jianlang,
Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe, 2006, pp. 147-156.
“Redeeming „A Century of National Ignominy:‟ Nationalism and Party Rivalry over the
Unequal Treaties, 1928-1947.” Twentieth-Century China 30, no. 2 (April 2005): 72-100.
“The Discourse of Unequal Treaties in Modern China,” Pacific Affairs 76, no. 3
(November 2003): 399-425.
“Er‟shi shiji er‟shi niandai „bupingdeng tiaoyue‟ kouhao zhi jiantao,” [二十世紀二十年代
“不平等條約”口號之檢討 A study of the Unequal Treaties as political symbols in the
1920s] Shixue yuekan [史學月刊 Journal of historical science] 5 (2002): 70-77.
“Zhongying „Makai tiaoyue‟ de tanpan yü qianding,” [中英《馬凱條約》的談判與簽訂 The
negotiation of the Sino-British Mackay Treaty] Xueshu yuekan [學術月刊 Academic
monthly] 4 (1996): 97-102.
“Ni Weisi chuanjiao fangfa” [倪維思傳教方法 Nevius‟ missionary approach], Shijie zongjiao
ziliao [世界宗教資料 World religious sources] 2 (1991): 15-21. Also published in
Yihetuan yüjindai Zhongguo shehui guoji taolunhui lunwenji [“義和團與近代中國社會”
國際討論會論文集 Collection of essays presented at the international symposium on the
Boxer Movement and modern Chinese society], Jinan: Qilu Press, 1992, pp. 526-545.
“Daoxian jingshi pai Jidujiao guan shuping” [道鹹經世派基督教觀述評 The anti-Christian
expressions of the State-craft Scholars during the Daoxian period], Beifang luncong [北方
論叢 North China forum] 2 (1990): 91-94.
Book Reviews
Review of Paul A. Cohen, Speaking to History: The Story of King Goujian in
Twentieth-Century China (University of California Press, forthcoming), The Chinese
Historical Review 14, no. 2 (fall 2007): 196-197.
Review of Lisa Joy Pruitt, A Looking-Glass for Ladies: American Protestant Women and the
Orient in the Nineteenth Century, International Bulletin of Missionary Research 29, no. 4
(October 2005): 217.
Scholarly Translations
Yihetuan yundong de qiyuan [義和團運動的起源 The Origins of the Boxer Uprising,
Dong Wang3
originally written by Joseph W. Esherick, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press,
1987, winner of the 1987 Fairbank Prize in East Asian History. Co-translators, Zhang
Junyi 張俊義, et al.], Nanjing: Jiangsu renmin chubanshe, 1994, pp. xvii + 393.
“Menggu shijian,” [蒙古事件 The Mongolian Incident, translation of Part I of The
Anti-foreign Riots in China in 1891: With an Appendix, Shanghai: North China Herald,
1892] Jindaishi ziliao [近代史資料 Sources on modern history] 82 (November 1992):
“Ping Zhou Xirui zhu Yihetuan yundong de qiyuan,” [評周錫瑞著《義和團的起源》Book
review of Joseph W. Esherick‟s The Origins of the Boxer Uprising] by Philip A. Kuhn,
The Journal of Asian Studies 47, no. 3 (August 1988): 592-593] Yihetuan yanjiuhui
tongxun [義和團研究會通訊 Newsletter of the Association of Boxer Movement Studies]
10 (June 1989): 1-2.
“Jinnian lai Zhongguo de Yihetuan yundong yanjiu yishu de qianyan,” [《近年來中國的義和
團研究》一書的前言 Preface to Recent Studies of the Boxer Movement, ed., David Buck,
Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1987] Yihetuan yanjiuhui tongxun [義和團研究會通訊
Newsletter of the Association of Boxer Movement Studies] 7 (June 1988): 5-15.
Research in Progress
Book, The Longmen Grottoes in a Changing World: Diplomacy, Heritage, and
Article, “Japanese Travelogues of the Longmen Grottoes, 1893-1936.”
Invited article, “UNESCO and the Longmen Grottoes,” for a conference “Towards the
Transnational History of International Organizations: Methodology/Epistemology” at
King‟s College, Cambridge University, United Kingdom, April 2009, sponsored by the
International Scientific Committee for the UNESCO History Project.
Invited paper, “The Boxer Protocol and the Emergence of International Law Studies in
China,” for a symposium “The Boxer War and Its Media: Making a Transnational
Historical Event, 1900 to the Present,” July 2009, the University of Erfurt,