the george washington carver books

G.W . Carv er
August 2009
By George Washington Carver:
Carver, George Washington. George W ashington Carv er in his ow n w ord s. Gary R.
Krem er, ed itor. Colum bia MO.: University of Missouri Press, 1987. 208 p.
Bibliography, ind ex.
921 C331ge (and Special Collections)
About George Washington Carver:
Abram s, Dennis. George W ashington Carv er: scientist and ed ucator. N ew York:
Chelsea H ouse, 2008. Black Am ericans of achievem ent legacy ed ition. 119p.
Illustrations, bibliography, ind ex.
Special Collections 921 C331ab
Ad air, Gene. George W ashington Carv er. N ew York: Chelsea H ouse, 1989. Black
Am ericans of Achievem ent. 110 p. Illustrations, bibliography, ind ex.
921 C331ad (2 copies) (and Special Collections)
Ad ler, David A. A picture book of George W ashington Carv er. N ew York: H olid ay
H ouse, 1999. [32p.]
Special Collections 921 C331aL
Albus, H arry Jam es. The peanut m an: the life of George W ashington Carv er in story
form . Grand Rapid s: Eerd m ans, 1948.
Special Collections 921 C331a
Benge, Janet and Geoff Benge. George W ashington Carv er: from slav e to scientist.
Lynnw ood WA: Em erald Books, 2001. H eroes of history. 190 p.
Special Collections 921 C331bj
Benge, Janet and Geoff Benge. George W ashington Carv er: from slav e to scientist. Unit
stud y curriculum guid e. Lynnw ood WA: Emerald Books, 2003. H eroes of history. 61 p.
Special Collections 921 C331bja
Benge, Janet and Geoff Benge. George W ashington Carv er, w hat d o y ou see? H ouston
TX: Ad vance Publishing, 1997. Another great achiever. 48 p.
Special Collections 921 C331be
Benitez, Mirna. George W ashington Carv er, plant d octor. Austin, TX: Raintree, 1992. 30
G.W . Carv er
p. Illustrated .
Special Collections 921 C331bm
Bold en, Tonya. George W ashington Carv er. New York: Abram s Books for Young
Read ers, 2008. Published in association w ith The Field Museum , Chicago. 41 p.
Illustrated , bibliography.
Special Collections 921 C331bt
Bontem ps, Arna Wend ell. The story of George W ashington Carv er. New York: Grosset
& Dunlap, 1954. 181 p. Illustrations.
Special Collections 921 C331bo
[Brand enberg], Aliki. A w eed is a flow er: th e life of George W ashington Carv er.
Englew ood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-H all, 1965 (1972 printing). 32 p.
Special Collections 921 C331br
Brod ie, Jam es Michael. “George Washington Carver, 1860-1943”. p. 75-83. Created
equal: the liv es and id eas of Black A m erican innov ators. N ew York: William Morrow ,
1993. Ind ex.
Special Collection 921 C331bro
Brow n, David E. “Energy and Environm ent. George Washington Carver: Ind ustrial
Applications for Agricultural Prod ucts (1910’s).” Inv enting m od ern A m erica: from
m icrow av e to the m ouse. p.120-123. Cam brid ge MA: MIT Press, 2002.
609.73 B87i
Burchard , Peter Duncan. Carv er: a great soul. Fairfax CA: Serpent Wise, c1998.
Book & cassette.
921 C331b (and Special Collections)
Burgan, Michael. George Washington Carver: scientist, inventor, and teacher.
Minneapolis, MN : Com pass Point Books, 2007. Signature lives. 112 p. Illustrated ,
bibliography, ind ex.
Special Collections 921 C331bu
Carv er, a m an of v ision. Diam ond MO: G. W. Carver Birthplace District Association,
c1984. 29 min.
973.092 C331cvid (and Special Collections)
Carey, Charles W. Jr. George W ashington Carv er. [Chanhassen MN ]: Child ’s World ,
1999. Journey to Freed om : The African Am erican Library. 40 p. Photographs, glossary,
ind ex, further references.
Special Collections J 921 C331ca
Carter, And y and Carol Saller. George W ashington Carv er. Minneapolis MN :
G.W . Carv er
Carolrhod a Books, 2001. On m y ow n biography. 48 p.
Special Collections 921 C331ct
Clark, Glenn. The m an w ho talk s w ith the flow ers: the intim ate story of Dr. George
W ashington Carv er. St. Paul: Macalester Park Publications, 1939. 64 p.
Special Collections 921 C331c (2 copies)
Collins, David R. George W ashington Carv er: m an's slav e becom es God 's scientist.
Milford MI: Mott Med ia, 1981. 131 p. Illustrations, bibliography, ind ex.
921 C331co (and Special Collections)
Doed en, Matt. George W ashington Carv er. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co.,
2007. History Makers biographies. 48 p. Illustrated , bibliography, ind ex.
J 921 C331d o (and Special Collections)
Driscoll, Lau ra. George W ashington Carv er: The Peanut W iz ard. N ew York: Grosset &
Dunlap, 2003. Sm art About series. [30 p.]
Special Collections 921 C331d
DuBois, Shirley Graham. Dr. George W ashington Carv er, Scientist. N ew York:
Washington Square Press, 1967, c1944. 276 p. Illustrations, bibliography, ind ex.
J 921 C331g (and Special Collections)
DuBois, Shirley Graham. Dr. George W ashington Carv er, Scientist. N ew York: J.
Messner, 1944. 248 p. Illustrations, bibliography, ind ex.
921 C331g (2 copies) (and Special Collections) 2 copies
Ed w ard s, Ethel. Carv er of Tusk egee. Cincinnati: Psyche Press, 1971. 236 p. Privately
printed ed ition of 200 copies, of w hich Sim pson's is num ber 53.
Special Collections 921 C331e
Ed w ard s, Lind a McMurry. George W ashington Carv er, scientist and sy m bol. N ew
York: Oxford University Press, 1981. 367 p. Illustrations, bibliography, ind ex.
921 C331m cm (3 copies) (and Special Collections)
Ed w ard s, Lind a McMurry. George W ashington Carv er: the life of the great A m erican
agriculturist. N ew York: Pow erPlus Books, 2004. 112 p.
Special Collections 921 C331ed
Elliott, Law rence. George W ashington Carv er: the m an w ho ov ercam e. Englew ood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-H all, 1966. 256 p. Bibliography.
Special Collections 921 C331eL
Epstein, Sam uel. George W ashington Carv er: N egro scientist. Cham paign IL; Garrard
Press, 1960. 80 p. Illustrations.
G.W . Carv er
J 921 C331ep (and Special Collections)
Fam ous A m ericans. N ew York: Scholastic, 1995. Teaching guid e and 15 pictures.
Special Collections 921 C331fa
Fed erer, William J. George W ashington Carv er: his life & faith in his ow n w ord s. St.
MO: Am erisearch, 2002. 102 p. End notes.
Special Collections 921 C331fw
Feinstein, Stephen. Read about George W ashington Carv er. Brooklyn H eights N J:
Enslow Elem entary, 2006. I like biographies! series. 24 p. Bibliography, ind ex.
Special Collections 921 C331f
Franchino, Vicky. George W ashington Carv er. Minneapolis: Com pass Point, 2002. 32
Special Collections 630.973 F81g
George W ashington Carv er. Inventors of the World series. Wynnew ood PA:
Schlessinger Media, 2002. 23 m in.
Special Collections 921 C331avid
George W ashington Carv er. Princeton NJ: Film s for the H um anities, 1988. 11 m in.
Special Collections 973.092 C331w vid
George W ashington Carv er. Shaw nee KS: Kaw Valley Film s, [198?]. 29 min.
Special Collections 921 C331kvid
George W ashington Carv er: m an of science and serv ant of God . Grand Rapid s MI: RBC
Ministries, 1999. 90 m in.
973.092 C331vid (and Special Collections)
“George Washington Carver N ational Monum ent d ed icated.” Missouri Historical
Rev iew , v.48: no.1, October 1953. pp. 84-85.
Special Collections 921 C331
Gom ez, Rebecca. George W ashington Carv er. Ed ina MN : Bud d y Books/ ABDO
Publishing, 2003. First Biographies, Set III. 32 p. Index
Special Collections 921 C331go
Greene, Carol. George W ashington Carv er: scientist and teacher. Chicago: Child ren’s
Press, 1992. 47 p. Illustrations, ind ex.
J 921 C331gr (and Special Collections)
H aged orn, H erm ann. A m ericans: a book of liv es. N ew York: John Day Co., 1946.
G.W . Carv er
pp. 225-243.
920 H 14
H alverson, Lisa. George W ashington Carv er: innov ator in agriculture. Blackbirch
Press/ Gale, 2002. 64 p. Glossary, ind ex.
Special Collections 921 C331ha
H arness, Cheryl. Ground break ing chance-tak ing life of George W ashington Carv er and
science & inv ention in A m erica. Washington, DC: N ational Geographic, 2008. Cheryl
H arness histories. 143 p. Illustrated.
Special Collections 921 C331har
H olt, Rackham . George W ashington Carv er: an A m erican biography. N ew York:
Doubled ay, Doran, 1943. 342 p. Illustrations, bibliography, ind ex.
921 C331h (and Special Collections 2 copies)
H olt, Rackham . George W ashington Carv er: an A m erican biography. N ashville:
Abingd on Press, 1963. Rev. ed . 360 p. Illustrations, bibliography, ind ex.
Special Collections 921 C331h 1963
H unter, J. H . (Jam es H ogg). Saint, seer, and scientist: the rem ark able story of George
W ashington Carv er of Tusk egee, A labam a. Toronto: Evangelical Publishers, [1939]. 32
Special Collections 921 C331hu
Im es, George Lake. I k new Carv er. H arrisburg PA.: J. H orace McFarland , 1943. 24 p.
Special Collections 921 C331i
Jackson, Dave and N eta Jackson. The forty -acre sw indle: George W ashington Carv er.
Minneapolis: Bethany H ouse Publishers, 2000. Trailblazer books. 142 p .
Special Collections J 126f
Kehlenbeck, Dorothy. George W ashington Carv er. Am es IA: Iow a State University
Library, 1974. Typescript. 8 p. Bibliography.
Special Collections 921 C331k
Kiely Miller, Barbara. George W ashington Carv er. Pleasantville N Y: Weekly Read er
Pub., 2008. Grad es personajes. In Spanish. 24 p. Illustrated , bibliography, ind ex.
Special Collections 921 C331km
Kram er, Barbara. George W ashington Carv er: scientist and inv entor. Berkley H eights
N J: Enslow Publishers. 2002. African -Am erican biographies. 128 p. N otes, ind ex. 128 p.
Special Collections 921 C331kr
Krensky, Stephen. A m an for all seasons: the life of George Washington Carver. N ew
G.W . Carv er
York: Am istad, 2008. Junior Library Guild selection. Unpaged. Illustrated.
Special Collections 921 C331ks
Leavitt, Amie Jane. George W ashington Carv er. H ockessin DE: Mitchell Lane
Publishers, 2008. 32 p. A Robbie read er. What’s so great about --? Bibliography, ind ex.
Special Collections 921 C331L
Loesch, Joe. George W ashington Carv er: the great pean ut ad v enture. Whites Creek, TN :
Toy Box Prod uctions, 2002. Backyard ad ventures series. 60 p. Illustrated . Interactive
Special Collections 921 C331Lo
MacLeod , Elizabeth. George W ashington Carv er: an innov ativ e life. Toronto: Kid s Can
Press, 2007. 32 p. Illustrated, ind ex.
Special Collections 921 C331m c
McKissack, Patricia and Fred erick McKissack. George W ashington Carv er: the peanut
scientist. Rev. ed . Berkley H eights NJ: Enslow Publishers. 2002. Great African Am ericans. Photographs, w ord s to know, references, ind ex.
Special Collections 921 C331m k
McLoone, Margo. George W ashington Carv er. Mankato MN : Brid gestone
Books/ Capstone Press, 1997. Read and Discover Photo-Illustrated Biographies. 24 p.
Special Collections 921 C331m L
Mam ber, David. W iz ard of Tu sk egee: the life of George W ashington Carv er. N ew York:
Crow ell-Collier Press, 1967. 168 p.
Special Collections 921 C331m a
Mayberry, B. D. A George W ashington Carv er hand book . Montgom ery, AL: N ew South
Books, 2007. 2nd ed. 90 p. Illustrated . bibliography.
Special Collections 921 C331m ay
Mayberry, Bennie D. The lengthening shad ow s of George W ashington Carv er. S.I.:
1stBooks, 2002. 97 p. Illustrated .
Special Collections 921 C331m b
Means, Florence Crannell. Carv er’s George: a biography of George W ashington Carv er.
Boston: H oughton Mifflin, 1952. 176 p. Illustrations, bibliography.
Special Collections 921 C331m e (2 copies)
Meloche, Renee Taft. George W ashington Carv er: A m erica’s scientist. Lynw ood WA:
G.W . Carv er
Em erald Books, 2006. H eroes of history for young r ead ers. Unpaged, rhyming text,
Special Collections C331m t
Merritt, Raleigh H . From captiv ity to fam e, or, the life of George W ashington Carv er.
Boston: Mead or, 1929. 3rd ed ., rev. 196 p. Illustrations, as w ell as bulletins on food ,
food -related subjects, and recipes by Dr. Carver.
Special Collections 921 C331m 3
Miller, Basil. George Washington Carver, God’s Ebony Scientist. 4th ed . Michigan:
Zond ervan Publishing H ouse, 1943. 166 p.
Special Collections 921 C331m i
Miller, Basil. “George Washington Carver—God ’s Ebony Scientist”, Ten boy s w ho
becam e fam ous. Rev. ed. p.37-43. Michigan: Zond ervan Publishing H ouse, 1956.
920.02 M64
Miller, Raym ond H. George W ashington Carv er. N ew York: Kid haven Press, 2005.
Inventors and Creators series. 48 p. N otes, glossary, bibliography, ind ex.
Special Collections 921 C331m r
Mitchell, Barbara. A pock etful of goobers: a story about George W ashington Carv er.
Minneapolis: Carolrhod a Books, 1986. 64 p. Illustrations.
Special Collections 921 C331m it
M od ern M arv els. George W ashington Carv er tech. N ew York: A & E Television
N etw orks, 2005. 50 m in. Episod e of program Mod ern Marvels.
Special Collections 921 C331vid
Monroe, Jud y. George W ashington Carv er: scientist and inv entor. Mankato MN :
Capstone Press, 2006. 32 p.
Special Collections 921 C331m o
Moore, Eva. The story of George W ashington Carv er. N ew York: Scholastic, 1971.
Scholastic Biography series. 96 p.
Special Collections 921 C331m e
Mortensen, Lori. George W ashington Carv er: teacher, scientist, and inv entor.
Minneapolis MN: Picture Wind ow Books, 2008. 24 p. Illustrated , bibliography, index.
Special Collections 921 C331m or
N elson, Marilyn. Carv er, a life in poem s. Asheville N C: Front Street, 2001.
811 N 428c (and Special Collections)
G.W . Carv er
N elson, Robin. George W ashington Carv er: a life of d ev otion. Minneapolis: Lerner
Publications, 2007. Pull Ahead books. 32 p.
Special Collections 921 C331n
Olson, N athan. George Washington Carver: ingenious inventor. Mankato MN:
Capstone Press, 2006. Graphic novel. 32 p. Illustrated , bibliography, ind ex.
Special Collections 921 C331o
Ow ens, Vivian W. I m et a great m an. Wayneboro VA: Eschar Publications, 1998.
Special Collections 813 O978i
Perry, John. Unshak able faith: Book er T. W ashington & George W ashington Carv er.
Sisters OR: Multnom ah Publishers, c1999.
920.0092 P46u
Pierce, Lem oine D. George W ashington Carv er: scientist, artist & m usician: a
m onograph prepared for the Black History Com m ittee of Friend s of the Thom as Balch
Library . Leesburg VA: Friend s of the Thom as Balch Library, Inc., 2006. 14 p. Illustrated ,
Special Collections 921 C331p
Riley, John. George W ashington Carv er: a photo biography . Greensboro N C: First
Biographies/ Morgan Reynold s, 2000. 24 p. Ind ex, references, w o rd s to know.
Special Collections 921 C331r
Richard son, Ben. “George Washington Carver”. Great A m erican N egroes.
p p . 251-266. N ew York: Thom as Y. Crow ell Com pany, 1956. Illustrations, ind ex.
920 R52
Rothw ell. Mel. George Washington Carver: a great scien tist. Des Moines IA: Boone Pub.
Co., 1944. H all of Fam e series. 48 p.
Special Collections 921 C331ro
Rustad , Martha E.H . George W ashington Carv er. Mankato MN : Pebble Books, c2002.
24 p.
Special Collections 630.973 R97g
Stevenson, Augusta. George Carv er, boy scientist. Ind ianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1944.
202 p. Illustrations.
Special Collections 921 C331s
Stevenson, Augusta. George Carv er, boy scientist. Ind ianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1959.
[Text ed ition] 200 p. Illustrations, bibliography.
G.W . Carv er
Special Collections 921 C331sw
Stocker, Fern N eal. George W ashington Carv er. Chicago: Mood y Press, 1987. 121 p.
921 C331s (and Special Collections)
They did n’t k now ‘Fess: rem em bering George W ashington Carv er. Atlanta GA: Georgia
H um anities Resource Center, 1991. 18 m in.
Special Collections 921 C331gvid
Watson, Elizabeth Webster. The sk y light: a dram a in tw o acts. 86 p. Mars H ill N C:
Mars H ill College, [1958?] Dram atization of Dr. Carver's d ays at Sim pson.
Bibliography, biograp hical note, and a rem em brance of Dr. Carver by the author.
Archives: 8/ 6/ 1/ 8-42 Plays and Poetry about Carver.
Wellm an, Sam . George W ashington Carv e: inv entor and naturalist. Uhrichsville OH :
Barbour Books, 1998. H eroes of faith. 207 p.
Special Collections 921 C331w e
Wheeler, Jill C. George W ashington Carv er. Ed ina MN: ABDO and Daughters/ ABDO
Pu blishing, 2003. Breaking Barriers. 64 p. Ind ex.
Special Collections 921 C331w h
White, Anne Terry. George W ashington Carver: story of a great A m erican. N ew York:
Rand om H ouse, 1953. 182 p. Illustration, index.
Special Collections 921 C331w a (2 copies)
Wilson, Cam illa. George W ashington Carv er: the genius behind the peanut. N ew York:
Scholastic, 2003. Scholastic biography. 101 p. Illustrated , bibliography.
Special Collections 921 C331w c