PTA AGM minutes 2016

Minutes of PTA AGM Meeting – Monday 14th March 2016, 7:45pm – 9:30pm
Agenda Item
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of
meeting and
matters arising
4. Film Night
5. Coordinating of
future events.
6. Lunchtime/ after
school clubs
7. Funding
Ian Storey, Sally Riley, Matt Whitehead, Anna de Lange, Anwen
Lewis, Wendy Brown, Karen MacMillan, Ate Dadafarid, Sarah
Eddie Amaro, Jo Maxwell, Sarah Storey, Martin Harrison, Rebecca
Harrison, Matt Slack, Simon Ball, Gemma Webster
Minutes approved.
KM to make a payment of £3000 to School for the new sound
system and projector.
 Uniform sale: Another playground sale will be held in May.
Anna has offered to help Wendy.
MW will get the stock out for staff to sell at the N and R induction
meetings in June/ July.
Tesco is the new uniform supplier. MW is to ask Jo Sproson to
get this set up so that uniform can be ordered.
Nick Bundock had asked for second hand uniform to be sent out
to Uganda. SB to follow this up.
 Nativity Costumes: Not many were donated. We will consider
doing this again nearer to the time of the Nativity shows.
 Cake sale: N & Y2 ran one each for the PTA and Y5 held one
for charity. Holding a sale every Friday was considered to be too
much so we will now aim for each year group to run a sale on
the last Friday of every month. SB to coordinate rota.
Thursday 31st March
 Inside Out – Sally to provide film.
 WB, EA, AL & LI to help. WB not available to set up but will buy
snack items and be there for the start.
 It was agreed to keep a record of who has bought tickets so that
a register can be taken as children arrive and leave.
 MW & SB to promote it in assemblies.
 It was agreed that the children of those helping do not have to
buy a ticket.
 MW thanked the PTA for the new projector and sound system
There was group discussion around the running and planning of
future events. Options presented included having year groups take
responsibility for different events throughout the year. SR felt that
there would still need to be someone overseeing this to monitor
stock, spending etc.
There was also discussion around keeping PTA volunteers and
parents motivated to help.
The discussion is to continue at the next meeting.
WB asked MW, on behalf of some parents, about the availability of
clubs.SB has summarised these in a recent newsletter.
MW explained that most of the clubs are offered to children in KS2.
These include lunch time activities, such as, book club, running
club, sewing club etc. Passport to Sport also offer free sports
sessions and there is choir after school. The children make the
decision whether they want to participate and then the information is
sent home.
For KS 1 & 2 there is French club and football.
The Y6/5 children run lunchtime clubs for KS1.
 Mrs Dunn has requested £300 to buy playground size Numicon
WB & AdL
– this was approved.
Living Eggs
 Mrs Noller would like to buy Living Eggs for £249 – this was
8. Summer Ball
AL gave an update:
Tickets – 150 sold. There are some gaps on Y3 table which will
hopefully be filled by West Didsbury. 2 deposits have already
been paid. There is capacity for another 20 if needed.
 Sponsors – Invoices have been sent out to the 5 companies.
These are to be paid by the end of the month. That gives a
working budget of £1250 which will be used to cover costs such
as, printing, table decorations.
 Table decs – The Harrisons are providing flowers at a very good
rate and Ate and her volunteers will make the table decorations.
Ate showed examples of her work and asked for the vases used
at the previous ball. These table decorations can be raffled on
the evening. There are still the logistics of where the making will
take place and how/ when they will be transported to the Midland.
 Photo booth – Matt Slack has confirmed he will do 1 hour at the
start of the eve with the possibility of a further 45 minutes after
the meal.
 Raffle & auction – see attached sheet. KM to ask Peter Horgan
if he would consider running the auction again.
 Final ticket payment to be in by 24th March.
 There will be a non-uniform day to collect bottles and chocolate
for the hampers for raffle prizes. WB to put hampers together.
9. AOB
Monday 25th April
10. Date and time
2016 at Milson Rhodes. 7:45pm
of next meeting
Class Reps