Errata -

Errata for Distributed Algorithms: An Intuitive Approach (1st edition)
• p2: S1 \S1 → S1 \S2
• p45: integer color and value → integer value and color
• p60: hrequest, xi → hrequest, si
(Reported by Jacco van Splunter, September 2016)
• p63: Then q sends hreverse, k, truei to p.
Then q sends hreverse, k, bi to p, where b = true if and only if q received a message
hreverse, k + 1, truei.
before sending hreverse, k 0 , truei to its new parent.
before sending hreverse, k 0 , bi to its new parent, where b = true if and only if q received
a message hreverse, k 0 + 1, truei.
• p84: channels pr and ps are tested (in this order) → channels ps and pr are tested (in
this order)
• p91: returns to p with Boolean true → returns to p with Boolean false
• p118: p2 sends nack to p0 , and moves to round 2. → p2 sends nack to p1 , and moves
to round 2.
(Reported by Floris Kroon, December 2015)
• p125: The arrow heads in the three pictures should be omitted.
• p140: asking permission from p → asking permission from r
• p195:
if recorded p = true then
counter p [c0 ] ← counter p [c0 ] − 1;
if recorded p = true then
counter p [c0 ] ← `;
counter p [c0 ] ← counter p [c0 ] + `;
(Reported by Tobias Kappé, December 2014)
• p205:
if Ack p = ∅ then
send hreverse, k, truei to q;
if Ack p = ∅ then
send hreverse, k, falsei to q;
• p205:
else if k mod ` 6= 0
else if k > dist p or k mod ` 6= 0
• p208: At the end of the procedure FindMinimalOutgoing p , add
if counter p = |{r ∈ Neighbors p | state p [r] = branch}| then
perform procedure SendReport p
(Reported by Tobias Kappé, December 2014)
• p213: The four lines below “send hpermissioni to pj ;” should be placed within an if
statement: if pj ∈
/ Requests i ;