Second Nine Weeks 3 Grade Reading Test Questions

Second Nine Weeks
3 Grade Reading Test Questions
Author: A True Story
Reading Comprehension:
What is the MOST likely reason Astrid Lindgren wrote * stories?
What is the author's purpose in the second paragraph?
Why did the author write "Astrid Lindgren ,Writer"? Think about
the words the author uses to describe Astrid Lindgren and her
Reading Vocabulary:
What word could replace * in the sentence?
Which word in the sentence below helps you understand the
meaning of *?
Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?
Which underlined word above is spelled incorrectly?
Choose the word that is spelled correctly?
Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage:
What is the BEST way to combine these sentences?
Which sentence above is incorrect?
Stone Soup
Reading Comprehension:
What can you tell about Mitsuko from the story?
Why does Mrs. Kojima MOST likely make the *?
How can you tell that Mitsuko's feelings at the beginning and the
end of the story are different? Use details from the story in your
Reading Vocabulary:
Whish of the following pairs of words would appear as synonyms
for * in the thesaurus?
Which of the following words would a thesaurus list as a synonym
for *?
Which word in the sentence below is a synonym for *?
Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?
Which underlined word above is spelled incorrectly?
Choose the word that is spelled correctly?
Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage:
Which word in the sentence below shows an action?
Which sentence above has an error?
Which of the following sentences has an action verb?
One Riddle, One
Reading Comprehension:
What doe Jeremy and his father disagree about?
Where does that last part of the story take place?
What is the answer to the riddle? What lesson is Jeremy's father
trying to teach him?
Reading Vocabulary:
Use word parts to find the meaning of * in the sentence below.
Which sentence uses the definition of * below?
Which sentence uses the first definition of *?
Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?
Which underlined word above is spelled incorrectly?
Choose the word that is spelled correctly?
Saving the Sand
Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage:
How would you change this sentence to make it present tense?
Which words should be added to make the sentence below present
Which sentence above is NOT correct?
Reading Comprehension:
What caused guest workers to try to form a union?
What effect did the strike against buying grapes have?
What effect would working without a union have on guest workers
today? Include details from the passage in your answer.
Reading Vocabulary:
The word * has more than one meaning. What does it mean in the
sentence below?
Which definition above gives the meaning of * as it is used in the
The word * has more than one meaning. Which meaning is used in
the passage?
Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?
Which underlined word above is spelled incorrectly?
Choose the word that is spelled correctly?
Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage:
What change would make the sentence below past tense?
Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
Which sentence above is in the past tense?
Teacher's Novel
The Jones Family
See teacher's weekly newsletter for study guide procedures.
Reading Comprehension:
What can you infer about * from reading this story?
Which inference below is supported by information in the story?
What kind of person in Jeff? How do you know? Use details from
the story in your answer.
Reading Vocabulary:
What is the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence below?
What does * mean in the sentence below?
Choose the word that completes the sentence below.
Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?
Which underlined word above is spelled incorrectly?
Choose the word that is spelled correctly?
What Do Illustrator's
Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage:
Which change would show that the boys have NOT gone to the
game yet?
Which sentence above does NOT use a verb in the future tense?
Which of the following sentences is correct?
Reading Comprehension:
Where did the traders start out on the *?
Which of these did the * makers have to do first?
How did traders get * to *? list the stages of the journey from the
East to the West. Use details from the passage in your answer.
Reading Vocabulary:
Which word below helps you understand the meaning of *?
Which word in the sentence below means almost the same as *?
Which word in the sentence below helps you understand the
meaning of *?
Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?
Which underlined word above is spelled incorrectly?
Choose the word that is spelled correctly?
Teacher's Novel
Teacher's Novel
Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage:
What is the BEST way to combine these sentences?
Which sentence above contains an error?
What is the BEST way to combine these sentences?
See teacher's weekly newsletter for study guide procedures.
See teacher's weekly newsletter for study guide procedures.