Alzaiem Al-azhari University Faculty of Graduated Studies Invitro

Alzaiem Al-azhari University
Faculty of Graduated Studies
Invitro Evaluation of Antimicrobial from Local Manufacture
A Thesis Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of M.Sc Degree in Medical Laboratory Science
(Microbiology and Clinical Immunology)
Amani Mohammad Suliman
D. Altayeb Hassan Ahmad
The determination of the effectiveness of the medication is very important to benefits of
medication and the success of the healing process therefore gain maxim.
the presented study aimed to assess of antimicrobial efficacy from local Manufacture; antibiotic
from local manufacture (tabs and capsule) and readymade agents were antibiotic agents
cefixime, ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, amoxicillin/ clavulanic acid; were selected for this study as
they were common in used.
The selected agents were obtained from the five different Sudanese campiness labeled as
cam1, cam2.cam3, cam4, cam5.
Equivalent disc were obtained from biomedical, high media campiness. .
Bacterial isolate were obtained from pure culture collections of microbiology laboratory
alzaiemalazhari university/Sudan. These included Staphylococcus aurous, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, and Proteusmirabilis. Salmonella typhi and streptococcus fecalis Escherichia coli .
To assess antimicrobial efficacy from local manufacture comparing to outside manufacturing
This study was carried out at microbiology lab Alzaeim alzhari university, Sudan. From March
to May 2016, the presented study was descriptive cross sectional study, using disk diffusion
The result showed that the efficacy of the discs that prepared in our laboratory from local
manufactured antibiotic were identical or similar to that pattern of sensitivity obtained by using
readymade disk of commercial companies made outside of Sudan.
They were Identical in case of ciprofloxacin against s.typhi
Azithromycin against
proteusmirabilisAnd similer result in Ciprofloxacin and cefiximeagainst(E.coli,proteus mirabilis,
pseudomonas areginosa).cefixime against s.typhi,Azithromicinaganists.aurus and amoxicillin
/clavulanic acid aginst(s.aruus,s.feaclis).
In this study, we found that antimicrobial disk prepared from local companies were identical or
similar to that readymade discinterm of effective.
‫تحديد فعالية الدواء من الميم جداً معرفة فوائد األدوية ونجاح عممية الشفاء‪.‬‬
‫وكانت السيفيكسيم‪ ،‬سيبروفموكساسين‪ ،‬أزيثروميسين‪ ،‬أموكسيسيمين و حمض ‪ ، clavulanic‬وقد تم اختيار األكثر استخدام ًا‬
‫وقد تم الحصول عمى عدد خمسة من الشركات السودانية وتم الحصول عمى القرص المعادل لممواصفات الطبية العالمية ‪.‬‬
‫تم الحصول عمى البكتيريا من مجموعات من مختبر عمم األحياء الدقيقة لجامعة الزعيم االزىري بالسودان‪ .‬وشممت ىذه‬
‫المكورات العنقودية ذىبي‪ ،‬الزائفة الزنجارية‪ ،‬المتقمبة الرائعة ‪ .‬التيفية السالمونيال والمكورات العقدية البرازية القولونية‪.‬‬
‫وأظيرت النتيجة أن فعالية األقراص التي أعدت في مختبرنا من المضادات الحيوية المصنعة المحمية كانت مطابقة أو مشابية‬
‫ليذا النمط من الحساسية التي تم الحصول عمييا باستخدام األ قراص الجاىزة من الشركات التجارية التي جرت خارج السودان‪.‬‬
‫كانت متطابقة في حالة سيبروفموكساسين ضد التيفيو سالمونيال األزثرومايسين ضد المتقمبة الرائعة‪ .‬سيبروفموكساسينو‪،‬‬
‫والسيفيكسيم ضد (القولونية‪ ،‬المتقمبة ال رائعة‪ ،‬الزائفة الزنجارية) ‪.‬سيفيكسيم ضد السالمونيال ‪ ،‬ازيثرومايسين ضد المكورات‬
‫العنقودية وأموكسيسيمين ‪ /‬حمض ‪clavulanic‬‬
‫في ىذه الدراسة‪ ،‬وجدنا ان ىذا القرص المضادة لمميكروبات المعدة من الشركات المحمية مطابقة أو مماثمة لتمك الجاىزة من‬
‫الشركات التجارية من ناحية الفعالية‪.‬‬
Antimicrobial resistance is resistance of a microorganism to an antimicrobial drug that was
originally effective for treatment of infections caused by it.
The evolution of resistant strains is a natural phenomenon that occurs when microorganisms
replicate themselves erroneously or when resistant traits are exchanged between them. The
use and misuse of antimicrobial drugs accelerates the emergence of drug-resistant strains.
Poor infection control practices, inadequate sanitary conditions and inappropriate food-handling
encourage the further spread of antimicrobial resist.
More over the drug manufacturing itself or bad storging may lead to treatment failure, in last
few months
there was soundly talking regarding in efficiency of local made drug they in order
to clarify this obque the present study was aimed to Evaluate of antimicrobial efficacy from
local manufacture.
1.1.4 Objective
— General objective:
— Evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy from local manufacture.
— Specific objective:
— 1-To prepare antimicrobial disc equivalent to commercial antimicrobial disc (agent).
— 2-To determine the susceptibility pattern using commercial agents.
— 3-To determine the susceptibility pattern using local made agent.
— 4-To compare the Susceptibility pattern of commercial and local agents.
— 5-To determine the inhibition zone of comeritial and local agents by disk diffuation method.
In this study, we found that antimicrobial disc prepared from local companies were identical or
similar to that readymade discinterm of effective
- further study should carried out to detect the resistance gene associated with some clinical
- encourage the local manufacture antibiotic.
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