The Power of eyeQ

The Power of eyeQ
Read what users experience with this remarkable program
“Because of eyeQ, my son Drew was able to raise his ACT scores
immensely. It was able to get him an academic scholarship to the
University of Chicago for $39,000.”
S. Martinez, Parent
“The first time I took the ACT, near the end of my junior year of high
school, I walked out of there and I knew that I had not done very
well, because I didn’t have enough time to complete all of the
sections. Because of eyeQ, I am now a freshman in Lyman Briggs
College at Michigan State University, and I am pre-med major.
Hopefully I will be attending med school in the future. Thanks
“I have a 7 year old daughter who is in the 2 grade now. When she
started the eyeQ program, her reading test score was 70 wpm but
now her reading test scores are in the 900’s and progressing. I just
wish that other kids in her class would have the opportunity to
experience this life changing course. It not only gave my daughter a
lot of confidence in reading, it also improved her focus and ability to
understand and process thoughts more quickly. She even helps her
younger sister do homework and read books. We are loving it!
Thank you!”
J. Sa, Parent
B. Craggs, Student
Graduate Students:
"I am an aspiring law student studying to take the LSAT. One of the
big sections in the test is Reading Comprehension in which there are
4 short stories that you must read and answer typically 27 questions
in 35 minutes. Before eyeQ I could only get through maybe three
and my best score was 62% on that portion of the test. So I
purchased eyeQ at the recommendation of my instructor and
realized I was only reading around 300 words per minute. After the
first week of using the program I doubled that to 600. At the end of
the program I am comfortable around 1250 words per minute. Not
only can I get through all 4 tests my comprehension of what I am
reading has followed. I now score in at the very least 75th
percentile. This program is one of the major reasons I will get into
law school."
“I am a third year law student with a heavy load of reading, as well
as the bar exam to prepare for. Not only am I getting through my
reading at a faster pace, but I am no longer fatigued. The brain fog
seems to be lifted. The mini readings and exercises are perfect
when I begin to tire after hours of study. I think eyeQ should be a
requirement for anyone going into the legal field. THANK YOU SO
E. Christlieb, Law Student & Juris Doctor Candidate
J. Grusman, Law Student
"EyeQ is, without doubt, one of the greatest advantages a student
can give themselves. EyeQ not only results in a dramatic increase in
reading speed, it also drives comprehension significantly higher. I
have been recommending eyeQ to my university students and to my
LSAT students for years. Every single one of them thanks me to this
day: it is a truly life-changing product."
B. Lord-Leutwyler, Award-winning teacher
“I live a hectic life style as a law student and 7 grade teacher. I
needed a program that would help me stay on top of my required
readings, grading papers and find time for a novel. A close friend
recommended this program and after trying the demo on the
internet, I was completely sold. There has been a major
improvement with my reading since starting eyeQ. In the past, I’ve
tried several programs, i.e. cassette tapes, books, etc. and didn’t see
any progress. As an educator, I highly recommend this product for
K. Bey, Law Student & Teacher
Business People:
“When I first began this exercise, I was reading between 250-300
words a minute. Today, after applying these exercises daily, I am
reading between 1000-1200 words per minute. I am able to process
much more information and retain that information. Not only have I
increased my reading speed, I am much more productive in my job
“One of the biggest challenges of information overload is the variety
of media coming at you. Emails are no longer personal messages,
but now have attachments of what seem like unlimited reading
material to sort through. The eyeQ program has paid for itself many
times over in the amount of time that I have saved by accelerating
my ability to process pertinent information much quicker.”
S. Waynick, Chase Bank
D. Hancock, Attorney
“With eyeQ, we are able to push brain function to limits that we
never thought were achievable in the past. We have a desperately
important window of opportunity in dealing with children in terms
of their brain development. What we have found with the eyeQ
program, is it really enhances the child’s performance immediately.
There is a dramatic increased activity in the brain, especially in those
areas most important for reading and comprehension, in just one 7minute session of the eyeQ program. This is leading edge
technology and provides very compelling evidence that this is a
program that really does what it claims to do.”
“It was very easy to incorporate the eyeQ Reading Program, because
it is user friendly and stores it’s own results. The feedback was
immediate and reinforcing. The eyeQ program catches the user’s
attention and holds it. EyeQ is fun and engaging, making the
program less of a chore. It also may have the added ability to
increase perpetual sensitivity, a problem in learning disorders like
ADD/ADHD. Our experience with the eyeQ reading program was
extremely successful. Overall, the program was a success and will
continue to be part of the ADD program at the clinic.”
Dr. P. Pappas, Doctor and Radio Talk Show host
D. Perlmutter, M.D., FACN, Board Certified Neurologist &
Brain Specialist
Vision Therapy:
“We have been using the eyeQ program at Sensory Learning Center.
This program reinforces oculomotor skills in pursuits and saccades
and peripheral awareness techniques to improve tracking
coordination skills. EyeQ also reinforces visual memory skills along
with stimulating the parvo-magno cellular layers synchronizing both
center and peripheral fields in the lateral geniculate body of the
brain. The result is a significant increase in my patient’s ability to
read and comprehend. The response has been overwhelming with
patient, parent, therapist, and doctor all noticing significant
increases with reading and comprehension speed. It has been a
huge tool to add to our practice to insure our patient’s success.”
“We have been using the eyeQ program at our office, Highline
Vision Center. A patient who is a slow reader is always amazed that
comprehension increases when he learns to read faster. This
program has been most effective with patients twelve years and up,
but we do use the program with younger children as well. We have
really enjoyed using it for college bound students who will be taking
the college entrance exams. Many of our patients have purchased
the program for home use and we also use the program in our office
on a daily basis. We truly find the eyeQ program a great way to
increase success!”
The Vision Staff at Highline Vision Center
Bradley. E Habermehl, OD, FCOVD
Special Needs:
"I was diagnosed with dyslexia in the 5th grade. When Mr. Priestley
told us that we were going to start the eyeQ program I thought,
'Great! I'm going to fail this portion of my class,' because I don't do
well with reading because of my dyslexia. Once we started the eyeQ
program I noticed that all my reading speed scores were higher than
everyone else in the class. I thought that there was something
wrong with my program, but the eyeQ program actually helped my
reading a lot! Now in my other classes when we have to read
articles, I'm the first one to be done - and I'm dyslexic!”
Alexis, High School Freshman
"I have had severe ADD and Dyslexia since I was a child and I have
always hated reading and actually dreaded school. After my mom
got the eyeQ program for me, I didn’t want to do it, but I finally
challenged myself to make it work. I love reading now!! I like to
challenge myself on how fast I can read. Totally awesome! EyeQ is
really incredible software that now allows me to have confidence in
completing my school work. I now believe that I will be able to keep
up with the rest of the class and even get ahead of them because of
my reading. I can't tell you how much this has made my life so much
more wonderful."
B. Zachry, Student, Texas-San Antonio