Marching Band Schedule Performances

The Bands of Union Grove
120 East Lake Road
McDonough, GA 30252
(678) 583-8502
Stan Kramer, Director
[email protected]
Established 2000
Dear Future UGHS Band Member and Family:
As your child prepares for the exciting transition from middle school to high school, I wanted to
reach out to you and share some information about the UGHS Band program, and its benefits for
your son or daughter. I also want to offer my assistance as you move forward through the high
school registration process.
With this new chapter come new opportunities. You want your child to be engaged, challenged
and prepared for high school and beyond. Just as important, you want to know that your child is
in a supportive and safe atmosphere that will allow them to not only survive but to thrive. I know
that the Union Grove High School Band program can provide all of that and more!
Music is more than an artistic endeavor. It is a science, a foreign language and a sport all rolled
into one. Being a part of the band program means that your child has a home base at school for
the next four years. A place where they will be engaged at the highest levels and surrounded by
the best students in the school; a place where they will be supported and challenged physically,
mentally, and musically; a place that teaches character, commitment, and cooperation; a placed
that will allow them to grow and blossom as a student, a musician and a leader.
Setting aside all of the academic and brain-based research regarding the positive benefits of
participating in music, band also immerses your child into an environment of high achieving
students who are committed to high standards of behavior and character development. On an
almost daily basis, we talk about teamwork, commitment, dedication and issues related to
personal development and character education. These are the values and skills that will help your
child to be successful in everything they do.
I have enclosed some information that I hope will help you better understand the importance of
music in your child’s life. Should you have any questions about these materials, our band
program or registration, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or in the band
room at (678) 583-8502.
I want you to know that I am committed to your child’s happiness and success. I also want you to
know that participation in band will help them to be successful throughout their lives.
Stan Kramer, Director
Union Grove High School Band
Union Grove High School Band
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding High School Band
1. Does a student have to audition/tryout to be in the high school band?
No - Any student currently enrolled in the 8th grade band is eligible to be in the
UGHS Band. However, students will play a short audition for placement into the
appropriate band class. Placement auditions will take place during your child’s band
class in April. Students will spend time in class working on audition material.
2. How is the high school band set up, and what opportunities for involvement are available
to my child and me?
 Symphonic Band 1 (band class)
 Symphonic Band 2 (band class)
 Percussion class (all percussionists are in a class together and will be assigned to
perform with one of our concert bands as well as working on percussion specific
fundamentals/techniques and percussion ensembles.
 Marching Band (open to all band students)
 Colorguard (part of the marching band)
 Jazz Band
 District Honor Band/ All-State
 Regional college invitational honor bands
 Solo & Ensemble
 Band Booster Club (The parent/volunteer group that helps to provide the
support needed in order to have a successful band program. This group also
provides an opportunity for you to be directly involved in your child’s high
school experience and offers you the chance to interact with other band parents.)
3. Is it possible for a student to take band all 4 years of high school?
Yes, it is possible and most of the students that start band in the 9th grade will
graduate having been in the band all 4 years during high school. Typically unless a
student fails a class or has other unique academic issues, students can take band all 4
years in addition to several other electives based on their individual interests and
potential career path. This includes Academy for Advanced Studies and dual
enrollment students. Below I have included a sample of a Four Year Course
Schedule that includes band all four years.
Potential 4 year Course ScheduleIncluding Band
Rising 9th Graders Fall 2016
9 Grade Year:
1. English
2. Math
3. Science
4. Health/PE
5. Foreign Language or Career Tech or
Geography Elective (***Geography is not required.
It is an elective)
7. Instructional Focus (I.F.) or Elective
10th Grade Year:
1. English
2. Math
3. Science
4. Social Studies
5. Foreign Language or Career Tech Elective
7. Instructional Focus (I.F.) or Elective
11th Grade Year:
1. English
2. Math
3. Science
4. Social Studies
5. Foreign Language or Career Tech Elective
7. Instructional Focus (I.F.) or Elective
12th Grade Year:
1. English
2. Math
3. Science
4. Social Studies
5. Any Elective
7. Instructional Focus (I.F.) or Elective
***Band will fulfill ANY Fine Arts
or general elective graduation requirement
4. Is it possible to take R.O.T.C. and band?
Yes-Currently and typically we have around 30-40 students that are enrolled in both
band and R.O.T.C. Enrollment in both of these classes at the same time is possible
with no major conflicts. Students that choose to participate in marching band have
summer camp just prior to the beginning of school, and R.O.T.C. also does some
summer training and conditioning. Usually R.O.T.C. offers a couple of different
weeks that the students may attend based on their summer schedule. Students
wishing to do both R.O.T.C. and marching band should make sure to attend the
R.O.T.C. training camp that is not at the same time as band camp. The summer band
camp schedule can be found later in this packet of information.
5. Band, sports and extracurricular activities:
Our band students are talented in many different areas. Around 80% or more of our
current band students are also involved with sports, drama or some of the numerous
other clubs and activities available to the students at UGHS. There are no major
conflicts for students enrolled in a band class and these other opportunities. The only
possible conflict is between the marching band and fall sports teams’ schedules. All
of these groups practice on basically the same schedule, so a student will have to
make a decision on how to spend their after school time in the fall.
6. Does a student have to be enrolled in band to do marching band or jazz band?
Yes-Students that want to play in the marching band or jazz band must be enrolled in
a band class. The only exception to this is members of the marching band colorguard
(flag line). Some of the girls on the colorguard do play instruments in class, but it is
not a requirement to be part of this colorguard.
7. Do all band students have to do marching band?
The answer to this question is no; however, I believe, and I think the students and
parents involved with the marching band will agree, that the students who do not
participate miss out on arguably the best part of band and the high school band
8. I am worried about my child having time to concentrate on academics and participate
in marching band. How do students manage?
About 80% of all band students (marchers and non-marchers) take anywhere from 16 AP or honors classes per year. When you separate out the marching students, the
percentage of marching band members taking AP/Honors classes is even higher.
Both of my own children did marching band all 4 years of high school with AP and
honors classes. Additionally, over the years children of numerous UGHS/UGMS
teachers and other county personnel have participated in marching band. Some of
these are the teachers that your child will have next year or later during their high
school career. Parents have told me on numerous occasions that their child does
better academically during the fall marching season because they are forced to learn
time management.
9. Does my child have to play the same instrument in high school or can they change
Typically students will continue on the same instrument in high school that they
played in middle school, and this is the policy that we will continue to follow.
However, with that being said, there are a couple of minor exceptions. If a student
wants to participate in marching band and plays an instrument not used in marching
band, I will work to help accommodate that student with some possible alternatives to
their current instrument with the understanding that they will continue on their
primary instrument in class and a secondary instrument for marching band. The other
exception is the occasion when for instrumentation purposes I ask a student(s) to
change to another instrument in the same family (ex. clarinet to bass clarinet or alto
saxophone to baritone saxophone)
10. What instruments will be provided for the students in the high school band?
The UGHS Band will provide larger instruments (oboe if necessary, bassoon, bass
clarinet, contra clarinet, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, horn, euphonium, tuba,
percussion and all of the marching versions of these same instruments). The band
does not provide flutes, clarinets, alto saxophones, trumpets or trombones. There is a
$75.00 instrument usage fee that parents are asked to pay in return for their child
using a school owned instrument. This fee covers one school year and helps pay for
normal cleaning and maintenance of the instrument. Students using these instruments
must provide their own mouthpieces, mallets/sticks and other accessories appropriate
for the instrument they play. Should you/your student have an issue regarding
instrument needs not addressed in this paragraph, please contact me.
Marching Band Information
The UGHS Marching Wolverines have established a tradition of excellence over the past 15
years. In addition to the musical experience gained by each student through their
participation in the marching band, students are provided an opportunity to interact with other
students socially making memories that will last throughout each student’s lifetime.
Additionally, students will have the opportunity to serve the school and community through
performances at football games and other local events. While there is no mandatory
requirement for participation in marching band, each student is encouraged to participate in
marching band.
After School Practice Schedule
The marching band will rehearse Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45 p.m.-6 p.m.
After our competition performances, the after school time commitments are greatly reduced.
Late in the season the marching band usually practices once per week.
Marching Band Performances
During the upcoming season, the marching band will perform at all home and in-county away
varsity football games. At this time, a final decision has not been made regarding travel
outside of the county for away football games, but please plan as if we will be attending ALL
varsity football games in and outside of the county. In addition to these performances, we
will also participate in the following events: Varisty football scrimmage game in August;
UGHS homecoming parade; the Henry County Marching Band Exhibition; compete in two
marching festivals/competitions during the month of October and possibly the McDonough
Christmas parade. All performances are mandatory for members of the marching band.
Additional performance information will be made available as soon as possible. Also, please
keep in mind that our football team has enjoyed winning seasons over many of the past years,
so the band’s attendance at any possible playoff games will be expected.
Marching Band Fees
The cost of marching band for each member will be $375.00 this year (colorguard members
will pay an additional $125.00 uniform fee). This includes a deposit in May. The rest of the
marching fee payments will be spread throughout the month of June with any remaining
balance for each student due by the July 12th Band Camp Meeting. These fees help pay some
of the cost for things such as music, drill, camp staff, uniform cleaning, colorguard
equipment, lunch during band camp, band T-shirt and contest entry fees. New members will
have a few additional start up costs not included in the band fees: band shoes; gloves; music
lyre. If there are special circumstances concerning payment of fees, please contact
Mr. Kramer immediately. I never want a child to not have an opportunity to participate
because of financial reasons.
Instrument Fees
As mentioned earlier, students who use school owned instruments will pay a $75.00
maintenance fee. This includes all percussionists, bass clarinets, tenor saxophones, marching
french horns, marching baritones, and sousaphones. Students using multiple instruments (ex.
mellophone for marching band & horn for concert band) will only pay 1 fee.
Important UGHS Band Dates
(Preliminary Calendar-Some dates may be subject to change)
April 2016
May 2016
June 2016
UGHS Band Auditions-All current UGHS Band members and
upcoming UGMS 8th grade band students
New Marching Band Member Camp
Marching band deposits due
The members of the colorguard will have a few practices during June.
The exact dates and attendance expectations will be discussed during
July 2016
11-15 Monday-Friday
18-22 Band Camp
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Percussion and Colorguard Camp
(Students should bring lunch or money to order lunch.
Students will not be allowed to leave campus during camp
7:00 p.m.
Band Camp Meeting
At least 1 parent of each participating student should be in attendance
at the meeting (students do not have to attend). The remaining
balance of marching band fees are due and camp/season information
and expectations will be covered. Paperwork pertinent to the season
will be distributed: medical/travel form; volunteer form; spirit wear
form. It is not necessary for students to attend this meeting.
New Marchers and Student Leaders
6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. All Marching Band Members
(this includes new marchers and student officers but not colorguard
and percussion)
8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
All Marching Band Members (bring lunch)
(including colorguard and percussion)
Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. and
Friday 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
All Marching Band Members
(lunch will be provided 12:00-1:00 p.m. and students should make
arrangements for the supper break 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Students are
required to remain on campus from 8:00 a.m. until the 4:00 p.m.
dinner break each day and then return after dinner.)
4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. All Marching Band Members
August 2016
First day of school!!!
Regular Practice Schedule begins
9:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Picture day/mini camp/preview show
(We will take group pictures for the football program and yearbook,
senior band pictures and work to finish learning the
halftime/competition show.
September 2016
October 2016
T.B.A. Saturday
T.B.A. Saturday
Henry County Schools Marching Band Exhibition:
Woodland High School
T.B.A. Competition Date
Report approximately 9:00 a.m. Return 12:00 a.m.
T.B.A. Competition Date
Report approximately 9:00 a.m. Return 12:00 a.m.
November 2016
December 2016
T.B.A. Saturday
McDonough Christmas Parade