ZOMU www.zomuedu.com 1. What must be a car`s average speed

1. What must be a car’s average speed (in m/s), if it traveled 200 km in 2.2 hours?
2. Drive to a place 20 km away and back. It takes you 2 hours to get there and 1 hour to
get back. What is the average speed to get there? To get back? On the entire trip?
3. The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is about ⅙ of that on the earth. How much
higher would a ball go on the moon as opposed to earth?
4. A car travel for 10s with average speed of 10 m/s. Draw at least two different acceptable
velocity vs time graph for the situation.
5. A car slows down from 20 m/s to rest in a distance of 50 m. What was the acceleration
that the car experienced (if you assume it was constant)?
6. A ball is lowered (starting at rest) from a ledge 200m tall. It experiences acceleration of
-6 m/s^2, how long does it take for it to reach the bottom?
7. A dog moves away from it owner in a straight line, moving 40 m in 10s and then runs
back in 2s. What is the average speed (in m/s)?
8. Two cars race 200 m in a straight line and then back. Car 1 takes 10s to get there and
12s to get back. Car 2 takes 12s to get there and 11s to get back. What displacement for
each car?
9. In the situation from problem 7, Car 1 takes 10s to get there and 12s to get back. Car 2
takes 12s to get there and 11s to get back (assume the cars move at a constant
velocity). What was the average speed of each car?
10. A rock falls off of a cliff. Thirty seconds after the rock is dropped the sound of it hitting the
water is heard by the person who is standing where the rock fell. Assume sound travels
at 343 m/s, if that is the case how high is the cliff (don't bother solving the final equation
that lets you solve for h just set it up)?