The Growth of the Colonial Assemblies The Era of "Salutary Neglect"

STEP 4. Review the Knowledge
You Need to Score High
The War of the League of Augsburg (known in American textbooks as King William's War) lasted from 1689 to 1697. During this war, troops from New England fought
with allies from the Iroquois tribe against French soldiers, who were allied with the Algonquins. The French destroyed the British settlement in Schenectady, New York, while troops
made up largely of residents of Massachusetts captured Port Royal (in present-day Nova
Scotia). The Treaty of Ryswick ended this war, reaffirming prewar colonial boundaries and
allowing the French to maintain control over half of Santo Domingo (now Haiti).
The War of the Spanish Succession (called Queen Anne's War in American 'textbooks)
took place between 1702 and 1713; in this war, Spain was also allied with France.
Anticipating an attack by the Spanish from Florida, the British attacked first from
South Carolina, burning the settlement at St. Augustine and then arming many Native
Americans who had fled the near-slavelike working conditions in the Spanish missions.
These Indians attacked the missions, as well as the Spanish settlement at Pensacola. Native
Americans allied with the French attacked English settlements in Maine. In 1704, the
Iroquois, also allied with the French, attacked Deerfield, Massachusetts, killing 48 settlers
there and taking 112 into captivity.
Neither side could conclusively claim victory in several other battles that were to follow
but victories in Europe allowed the British to make sizable gains in the Treaty of Utrecht,
In this treaty, France had to give the British Newfoundland, Acadia (Nova Scotia), territory
along the Hudson Bay, as well as more access to the Great Lakes region.
The Growth of the Colonial Assemblies
After these wars, the British attempted to reform their control of the colonies in general.
but failed. Many were royal colonies, with governors appointed by the Crown; other colonies such as Connecticut and Rhode Island elected their own governors and other 10
officials. Colonies such as the Carolinas, Maryland, and Pennsylvania were proprietorships, with residents who owned property-electing assemblies and governors appointed b.
the proprietors themselves.
One disturbing development during this period for the British was the rise in the independence of colonial assemblies. In the 1720s, the Massachusetts assembly resisted 0
three occasions instructions from the Crown to pay the royal governor a permanent salary:
similar acts of resistance took place in other assemblies. These developments should not be
seen as a move toward democracy in any way; assemblies were made up of members of th
landowning elite in every colony. Nevertheless, popular opinion did begin to be expressee.
during New England town meetings and in political discussions throughout the colonies,
Some colonial legislators perceived that the "power of the purse" could be a powerful to
against the British in the future.
The Era of "Salutary Neglect"
British politics during the reigns of George I (1714-1727) and George II (1727-1760
helped to foster a desire for more self-government in the American colonies. During dill
period of "salutary neglect," British policies were most concerned with defending Briti
territory at home and abroad and strengthening British economy and trade. Strict contr
of political affairs in the colonies was not a priority in this era. Many officials appointee.
to positions in the Americas during this era were appointed because of political connec-