Context Clues Context Clues (Comparison / Contrast)

Context Clues
Context Clues (Comparison / Contrast)
What is it?
The use of context clues is an effective and efficient way to
determine the meaning of unknown words while you are reading,
which in turn will allow you to make greater sense of the material.
A good way to make sense of an unfamiliar word is to look at its
context: the words, phrases, or sentences that come before and
after a word that may help to explain its meaning.
Some Comparison Signals
Some Contrast Signals
like, just as, likewise, similarly,
by comparison, in the same way
unlike, however, but,
by contrast, conversely,
on the other hand
Passage 1:
Source (title, author):
Identify the unfamiliar word:
Identify the type of Context Clue used:
Unlike his friend Bud, who is clumsy on the basketball
court, my brother is as agile as a dancer.
1. Identify the unfamiliar word.
Use the information to figure out what the unfamiliar word means:
Passage 2:
Source (title, author):
Identify the unfamiliar word:
Identify the type of Context Clue used:
Use the information to figure out what the unfamiliar word means:
2. Read to see if there is a word or phrase that signals a
comparison or a contrast may follow.
3. Identify the comparison or contrast.
4. Use the information to figure out what the
unfamiliar word means.