'vav^B^^wp «. UJI..1I. '.»-«JRt.T- "^^^•P^ .LLfLiil.l.'^ff^WB^W^faigl^WPiil—• :T!!T5? Thursday, December 21, 2000 Panonuna Pag* 3 Page 2 Panorama Thursday, December 21, 2000 The News covers your communily LIFESTYLES OUTDOORS How to learn from a former relationship Vessel registration notices sent Hi Carolyn: My question is in rrference to breaking up on a healthy and positive note in order to be able to grow and learn from a former relationship. OK, I've managed to do that (well, er, Tm trying)... but he completely has not. I broke it off for good, then we saw each other at a mutual friend's party less than a week after. I ended our break-up conversation by saying to him. "Take care, beat of luck and I wish you well." His response: "111 try." Anyway, at the party he was as sweet as blueberry pie to my (not mutual) friends, offering to help one of them move into her new house, complimenting another on how nice she looks, etc. (He never complimented me while we were dating.) Although I realize these are very nice gestures. I am angry because he was downright rude to me. What are your thoughts? -Virginia Before we get into his motives, how about we tackle those pesky life toxins of yours with tai chi, a shot of wheatgrass juice, some gently TELL ME ABOUT IT CAROLYN HAX strummed zither music? You just dumped him. l think it's safe to assume that his motives for any bizarre or unpleasant behavior are to hiul you back because you just dumped him. Your decision to be civil and bloom and grow was yours to make, and of course it's always the right one. But it stops being right the minute it crosses over into your deciding how he's supposed to behave. He's wounded. He's taking it like an ill-tempered juvenile. Pocket a lesson in grace: Let it go. Dear Carolyn: I've been dating a woman for about eight months whom I think I could spend my life with. The issue is that she not only comes from a bunch of money, but she lives a very lavish lifestyle — lots of parties, vacations, etc. I work really hard just to pay my bills and enjoy my simple, quiet life. I don't know how to tell her without hurting her feelings that I dont want to do (and cant afford!) all those things. In her last relationship, the man was very jealous of her friends. Vm not. I just want to pay my rent and have time alone with her. —Broke and In Love Unless your \^sa bill is amonohth and your poker face Mount Rushmorian, I think the issue might be that an ei^lmonth socialite sweetie hasnt clued in that she's dating a financially challenged homebody. Time to cut off the champagne. Why dont you ask her how she feels? Surely your differences have presented themselves in the normal course of things — say, when she's at swell parties solo and jetting spa-ward without you. She might love you because of your quieter traits. Stop feeling inferior. Besides, if you cant be honest with each other about what you want — what you dream about and will settle for — forget the rest of your life. Forget the rest of the month. Before you ask her, thou£^, • Ask children to make lists of their wishes based on priority. For older children, ask them to create a wish list based on budgetary limitations. "Do you remember what holiday gifts you received last year," Kidwell asks. "If you're For such a small word, "should" bears a whole lot of freight Your boyfriend should punt this friend. The maUdous, parasitic friend should suffer the consequences of his actions. Your boyfriend should have more respect fin- you. You should walk if your boyfnend wont show you that respect Those are the perfect-world shoulds. Now the real-world shoulds: Old friends should look the other way when one of their ranks indulges old quirks, sometimes even malicious and parasitic ones. These ancient group relationships are compUcated, and few would survive without a lot of looking the other way. As his victim, you should feel free to have nothing to do with him. As the girlfriend, you should be outraged that your boyfriend even initially believed the rumors from his known-liar friend. That one, I'm not sure Td get past. Write to "Tkll Me About It," do The Washington Post, Style • Plus, 1150 15th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 or email: tellme®washpo8t.com. Chat online with Carolyn each Friday at noon and Monday at 3 p.m., both Eastern time, at www.washingtonpost.com. ; < (c) 2000, Washington Post Writers Group I Gold Casters Jewelry "Henderson's oldest and most Trusted Jewelers" G)mplete Jewelry Services ,Stop by and see our deiigliful} |. Christmas finery and | ^^ receive a FREE [ _>^ Gold Casters '^12001 Calemhn 90 Days i \ Same as Cash O.A.C. Open every day til 19 S. Water St. Henderson 565 7411 DEUHIATOIOGY Survive holidays witliout going broke "Balancing family, financial and other demands during the holidays can snowball into big stress," said Mike Kidwell, vice president and co-founder of Myvesta.org, a non-profit financial services organization. To help people avoid problems, Myvesta.org is offering a free publication called "Survive the Holidays Without Gk)ing Broke or Insane." "The common trap people fall into is over-giving," said Kidwell, who is also vice president of Myvesta.org. A recent iyiyvesta.org survey found that holiday shoppers will spend $1,220 this year, up ,45% from last year's $841. ""There are four major categories that explain overspending: guilt, competitiveness, hving out childhood fantasies through our children and compensating for a previous emotional injury. There are ways to overcome even the most complicated habits." Kidwell suggests: • Think of the holidays as a season, rather than a build up to a single event that ends with lots of presents. • Have your family sit d6wn and agree on the kind of holiday experience everyone wants. be relentlessly blunt with yourself. Will spending time alone with her on a compromise schedule — say, a couple or few days a week — be enou^ for you? She is who she is, and that has to guide what you expect. DearCandyn: My boyfriend of six years has a friend who was spreading rumors that I was sleeping around. Fve been faithful, and my boyfriend now knows that this guy was lying. My problem is I dont want to be in the company of this socalled friend, but my boyfriend and all his friends say I should just forget about it because they all know how their friend lies about eveiything. Well, I dont think I should foi^t about it -RJUP. like most people you don't, but you do remember where you were and who you were with. Keep that in mind as you make plans and shopping Lists for this holiday season." Read and download copies of the free publication at Myvesta.org. LASER MEDICAL CENTER • Ruby Laser Painless Hair Removal 'Vascular Lesions ••Spider Veins Of The Face •Tattoo Removal •Collagen Therapy ^•Pigmented Lesions • Sunspots •Age Spots LEG VEINS: SCLEROSING I wm Ri:i: SKIN CANCER SCREENING Officials from Lake Mead National Recreation Area in Boulder City are seeking public comments leading to the updating of the current fire management plan. The current fire management plan is scheduled to expire in September 2001 and National Park Service regulations require it be updated and reissued. A team of fire and environ- Dr. John Smhakis D.O. (ll>l>(Hllllll( III JAAA NerTamidsete Chanukah Dinner Congregation Ner Tamid's annual Chanukah dinner and service will be held at 6:15 p.m. on DM. 22. Tlie 1hn|>le is located at 2761 Emenon Ave. until Dec 15. Adults are $16, children (410) 16, children oader 4 are tn». The public is weleome to join the Festive Chanukah Servlw fll 7:16. Cdl 7S»42n his entire power source and it woiirad great for him. I just plugged mine into the dgaiette receptacle. I did have alligator clips to use to hook up directly to a battery but I was only trying it out with a small load. If you are thinking about an auxiliary power source for any recreational activity, look into inverters. Dont expect to run laige appliances or heaters on one of the pocket inverters but for small stuff they are worth the reasonable price. Mine will handle 300 watts and has a safety shutroflF if the battery goes below a certain level. It cost me around $40 on sale at a local tool warehouse. I do wish everyone a very happy holiday. Make a few calls to fi-iends this week and wish them a happy holiday and suggest they plan on a day this next year to have some fun on the lake. Then mark your calendar and give them a call. Until next time...keep your bilge dry. stores are fiill of bargains and I have already put in my wish to Santa for an auxiliary power station. I crossed ofif Uie GPS receiver If I ever do get lost I will just call my friend Frank Beers on my marine radio. He is always on the lake and I am Bvre he will find me and lead me back to shore. (Hope he reads this column). One item I saw I might decide I just can't do without is a hand-held depth finder. It looks just like a flashlight and according to the instructions you just put the &t)nt end into the water and a lighted display shows the depth. It's not too practical for larger rigs that sit more than an arm's length fix)m the surface of the water, but convenient if you have a dingy or small fishing boat. Just toss it in your tackle box. Hununm ... where is my pencil and that Santa list? I did try out my inverter during the boat parade and it worked perfectly I used it for the star on my radio antenna and for a spotlight inside the boat to illuminate Woodsy Owl and my crew. Found out Henderson skipper Steve Metcalfe used am inverter for Eicher, a long-time valley residenl, considefs himself a part-time boater and fisherman. His e-mail address is [email protected] mental specialists at Lake Mead NRA has combined to conduct a survey of alternatives for fire management at the 1.5 million-acre recreation area. These alternatives and any public comment will be evaluated via an environmental assessment that will lead to a new detailed fire management plan. Under the current plan, park managers use a combina- tion of techniques for fire management, fi-om ftill suppression of all human or natural caused wildfires in the low desert to wild land fire use in specific areas. This includes Ponderosa Pine, pinyon-juniper and sagebrush habitat in the higher elevations of the recreation area. Managers also use prescribed fire in selected areas to reduce hazardous ftiels, help control exotic vegetation and to age gas price will match the price in L*s Vegas, but it rarely falls below it," said Lisa Foster, spokeswoman for AAA Nevada. The national average of $1.50 per gallon is five cents lower them last month's average. AAA's survey shows that prices are down most significantly in the West and Midwest. Falling crude oil prices have helped lower the price at the pump, backing down fix)m $35 per barrel to about $29 for the first time since Aug. 8, reported the AAA. "Crude oil prices have been pufiied up too high riecently because of market psychology, so this decline is both welcome and expected," said Alan Kovski, managing editor of Energy Business Watch. "Gas prices should continue their moderate decline through February and early spring, but we are not expecting OPEC to decrease production or attempt to lower crude oil prices in the near fiiture. "Additionally, a cold winter can put pressure on heating oil prices, which can affect the price of crude oil, and ultimately, the price for gasoline." AAA's Fuel Gauge Report is the most comprehensive retail gasoline survey available, with more than 60,000 self-serve stations surveyed nationally every day Data is provided in cooperation with OPIS Energy Group and Wright Express, LLC. Established 100 years ago, AAA offers a wide array of automotive, travel, insurance I AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC iSNVlet M/EUPTO50% B • • More than 50,000 pharmacies nationwide • Covers ail prescription drugs • Special savings on maintenance drugs • Includes monituring sen/ice and drug history We're taking a Fresh Approach to CASUAL DINING. any time by any means except under special permit issued by the Nevada State Forester." TTie regulation clarifies the permit process, and establishes management areas for "critically Usted" native flora. Development and finalization of the new regulations required extensive research and cooperation among several state agencies: NDF, the Nevada ••^"*^- GRAVEYARD SPECIAl 6oz« NEW YORK STEAK A EGGS INDIVIDUAL IF $ Breakfast Specials Served from 11 pm to 7 am Served from 4 pm to 11 pm Ham Steak & Eggs — *4.95 Steak & Lobster — *9.95 6 oz. New York Steak & Eggs — '6.99 Roast Prime Rib — *7.95 Two Eggs Any Style — »2.99 Orange Glazed Oven-Roasted Chicken —'5.95 nQIMVIACXKMKI Food from around the world, right around the comet ^ www.iamstomn.coiir SAirsTOwir AT FLAMINGO ON BOULDER HIGHWAY FOOM -<*'• wm KAMMOtVIWK... 44.96 PCCMlKriKMIl.. -t3.99 and finandsQ services to its 43 million members. AAA Nevada serves more than 200,000 members throughout the state. iid.i Canyon Rcl. • 29 i-OOlO Oi4KW001> HOMES In the White Hills Area of Arizona next to Rosie's Boulder Inn. . .«|£^me,$ee ojur beautiful homes on display* It h I The Drive is Worth it Because: We offer thi best value in homes at any price rang^ •r r $41,900, 1173 sq. feet. P Model 1033 3 bedrooms, 2 baths | Price includes sales tax, DEL, Set-up, Steips 2 sets, 4 T A/C, Glamour Bath, Connects all utilities. Ser's up to 25ft existing lines. Gl, Stove and 16' refrigerators. "^^ Can it get any better? "f*^ IV . "ITr $47,900 1404 sq. feet Model 1767 4 bedroonu, 2 baths Price includes Sales tax, DeUvery, Set-up, 4 ton A/C, Steps 28ets, upgraded GE Stove^ 16' refrigerator. Glamour Bath, Connects all utilities ser's up to 25ft. existing lines 888-367-0291 20011 N. Hwy 93 Mil» Post 28 WiOt* Hiil», AZ ^ PEPPERMILI5S wcwKMaocwwa .-lift HAM or TURKEY DINNER Holiday Solad, Stuffing, Candied Yomi, Mashed Pol Potatoes and Gravy, Cranberry ranberry Souce, A Roll and Butter. FREi SUa OF PUMPiaN aNFIiWITMDIHNiRIA Mi WITH DIHNiM IIIVID11«j 6tEAT MOtCSIMC New Facility With Convenience You Deserve 7 Days 24 Hour Access Unit Door Size **6Mo Size W X ri Price Price BIdgA 10'x25' 8'x8' 115.00 98.57 BidgF 10'x3O' 8'x8' 135.00 115.71 BIdgC 12'x35' 10'xlO' 175.00 150.00 BIdgB 12'x40' 10'xl2' 195.00 167.14 BMgC 14'x30' 12'xl4' 175.00 150.00 BidgD 14'x35' 12'xl4' 200.00 171.43 BIdgE 14^50^ 12'xl4' 280.00 240.00 BIdgC 14'x60' 12'xl4' 300.00 257.14 BIdgD 14'x70' 12'xl4' 340.00 291.43 ** Sign a Six Month Lease and get die Sevendi Mondi FRE£ Stop by and compare our fuel pricing Best gas prices in toivn We cany 92 octane at $1.97» & diesel at $1.77* 'l 10 Octane Leaded $3.80 PRINT OUT OUR MONEY SAVING COUPON ON OUR WEB SITE AT: www.ralnbowdubcasino.coin 1&«6 I ^ MONT MONTHLY BOAT STOf^AGE 122 WAHR ST. HENDERSON, NV •^ 565-9777 FAX 565-4809 •MEMT HQfi BOULDER CITY CLUB CASINO NBtrYCMCSIEMC* For your FREE Information and Enrollment HOUSEHOLD Application ORTHODONTICS (BRACES) INCLUDED • COSMETIC DENTISTRY INCLUDED Served wttihoshbK)wns,kXBtqbi5Cute&aovy. DAILY SPECIALS SpjTv-llpjn • More than 6.0O0 participating doctors • No limit on vistits • Special savings on diagnostic and other sen^ices I I MONTHLY MON Sin/Mon lOtuntom Come on down to the Fresh Harvest Caf6 today, where you'll discover a great value and an incredible meal. House Specials Attorney General' Office, the Nevada Natural Heritage Program, along wdth private land owners and general pubUc. The new regulations will remain temporary until all procedural formalities are complete, as required by NRS Chapter 233B. For more information on the new regulations, call (775) 684-2504, or visit www.state.nvus/cnr/forestry/ l*P SAVE UP TO 80% Call 1-888-271-1208 New regulations wiH protect 'critically listed' plants State Forester Roy IVenoweth has announced that the Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF) has adopted new regulations aimed at providing a more clear and consistent direction for the protection of "critically listed" native flora in the state of Nevada. The regulation states that "^o 'critically listed' plants may be removed or habitat destroyed at rMVflJPTO80% S;^VEUPTO60% • More than 12,000 optical providers nationwide' No waiting • Covers all prescnption eyewear • All pre-existir)g conditions covered • Includes special savings on contact lenses • No Deductit)le • 30 day uncorxlitional guarantee • No age limits • Indorsed tr/ Opticians Assoc. of America 5 min. to Launch Ramp • Easy Access ^Mg^^^ Fuel Available • Boat Wash • flftfl^ Convenience Store • Management • Fully Sprinkled • 14x70 PullThru's to 10x25 UNIT SIZES & PRICES achieve other park resource management objectives. "The purpose of the fire management plan is to guMe us in the proper management of fire within the recreation area," said Bill Dickinson, acting superintendent of Lake Mead NRA. "We hope scientific input as well as comments (rota the public will help us prepare a new, workable fire management plan." I MEMBERSHIP SAVINGS PLAN SPECIALIZING IN BOAT STORAGE survey shows seven cent drop in Nevada gas prices After two months of dropping only one penny per gallon, Nevada's average gas price is now $1.75 per gallon — seven cents less than one month ago. Nevada's prices remain significantly higher than the current national average of $1.50 per gallon. Two price figiu^s stood out in AAA Nevada's most recent gas survey At $1.62 per gallon, the average price of gas in Carson City is 22 cents lower than last month's report, and 28 cents lower than September of this year. Also surprising was that at $1.68, Reno's per gallon price was seven cents lower than Las Vegas' price of $1.75. Last month's average price in Las Vegas was $1.77 per gallon. "Occasionally Reno's aver- UNLV main libraiy closed for three weeks UNLVs main library is closed for three weeks in late December and early January as UNLV prepares for the opening of the new Lied Library. The James R. Dickinson Library closed its doors at 6 p.m. Dec. 15. When the imiversit/s principal Ubrary operation opens again, it will be on Jan. 8 in the new, 302,000square-foot Lied LibVary. During the closure, members of the public are encouraged to use the various county libraries for their research needs. Though UNLVs library itself will be closed during the move, the library Web site, http://www.library.unlv.edu/ will be available during that time. After Jan, 7, information on library hours and services will be available at 895-2286. OUTDOORS WITH Lake Mead NRA seeks comment for fire management plan SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS AVAIUBLE, CULINARY MEDICARK & MOST OTHER INSURANCE ACCEPTED no E. Lake Mead, Ste. 201 Henderson • 564-9444 484S S. Rainbow Blvd.. Ste, 403 Lag Vegas«873-9972 I received my renewal form for registering my boat last week and promptly sent in a RAY check. Although the current sticker expires at the end of RAY EICHER December,^ it will be honored until Jan. 31, 2001 but only on efficient manner. One of the Nevada waters. members of Super Summer I hope everyone does the Theatre coining to the same thing and mails their fee Christmas Boat Parade told me in as soon as the registration there was a sli|^t delay in getform is received. Once yon get ting through but that is underthe decals, be sure to foUow the standable due to the large directions on how to apply number of people coming in at them. Over the years I have one time. seen decals stuck everywhere I remind everyone to keep on boats. your interest as to how the I had also received my annumoney is being spent that is al lake use form the first week collected from these fees. Even of this month and sent that a part-time boater like myself check in as weU. Using my could see a lot of things that Golden Age Passport number I needed to be repaired or receive a discount. This disrebuilt. Public interest in this count applies to the Golden new project is needed to keep Access card as well. This decal everything going smoothly. is applied on the left side of The number of the Fee your boat. Management Office is 294Old "salts" will say port side 0042. Hoppfiilly your call will but it is easier for me to underbe made in a courteous manstand the word left. Anyway ner. If yaa-iiave complaints I there will be instructions for suggest writirig a letter. each decal so read it carefully As you read this, Christmas and put them on the correct is onl^"^few days away but location. there\is still time to do some As far as I can tell the entry last-minute shopping. The local stations are working out in an showrooms and supply NO WAITING PERIOD • NO LIMIT ON VISITS • NO CLAIMS • NO AGE LIMIT • ^$5.45 OWBilT rOODI M<QI 0>W I' I' PMM GMn •«•• T B
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