Pag*2 Panorama Thursday, Augusts, 1999 Thursday, August 5,1999 Panorama Page 3 LIFESTYLES How to help boyfriend showing signs of depression Carolvn: Dear Carolsnti: You once told a girl not to nag because then she would lose any influence she might have had over her boyfriend. I've reaUzed my nagging has had that very effect. My boyfriend has recently become "depressed" and dropped out^of school. He has also been unemployed for almost a year, but I didn't mind that so much because at least he was in school. Now, I can't stand to watch him sit home and do nothing. I can't help but nag him every day because 1 feel like he needs to be told he's being lazy. He just tunes me out. In the past, I have seen him work harder than anyone I know, and wish 1 could somehow verbally "slap" him into enlightenment. -L.C. Behold, the cure for cancer: berating it into remission. Depression (not to be confused with "quote-unquote depressed") is an illness, and though I'm no doctor, your boyfriend's throwing flvmntntnAlikArnnfcffinfrci<.«.;«_ symptoms Uke confetti ofTa cruise ship. The enlightenment he needs is a warm reminder that life doesn't have to be a wretched trudge toward death, and that help is available regardless of what's wrong with him, and that as soon as he's ready to get it, youll do anything you can to support him. If you're up to it. People are starting to grasp that depression causes real suffering in its victims — but few reaUze how friends and family suffer, too. You get it, somewhat. Are you ready for more? Your daily nag-athon already has your boyfriend on the defensive, so I can just imagine how he'll relish any mention of psychiatric help. Try instead to get him a full medical check-up. If he's got physiological signs of depression or other mental illness, a doctor (whom you've also maybe just coincidentally tipped off beforehand) will pick up on them ^^ __ - ' . TELL ME ABOUT IT CAROLYN HAX and steer him toward help. Dear Carolyn: I've been dating someone for a while and things are going well except for one thing: I'm Jewish, and she isn't. Although my parents Uke her, the religion question has reared its ugly head a few times. Although I've tried to engage her in conversation about it, she really doesn't want to talk about it, won't consider converting and has said that we could raise the children in both religions. I disagree and told her so, but, because she refuses to talk about it, we're not really going anywhere on the issue. Any suggestions? -D.C. Religious conflict may have an ugly head, but if you want to see hideous, check out the melons on 'not talking" and "not budging. it's a cop-out and unfair to kids. Write to "Tell Me About It," c/o Wow. The sole exception would be ifyou The Washington Post, Style Plus Tell her your future with her is give them evenhanded exposure 1150 15th St., NW, Washington contingent on your ability to dis- to both religions and a pressure DC. 20071 or e-mail: cuss the Big Issues. Religion is -free choice when they're 12. [email protected]. Chat online just one of several beasts that will Even then, it should be a last with Carolyn each Friday at noon and Monday at 8 p.m., both Eastern eventually knock at your door, resort, and only for parents of and you have to greet them there equally intractable religious zeal. tinne, at together — otherwise, the beasts break in and trash the house and issue a media release proclaimxxxxxxxxx iFnraiwpwiuw iiv«w»w '^ ing a "holy war." Assuming she agrees to talk, "'^odM '^ocdl ^^mSyuudeu^' State you'll both have to work on listeny^ • Personalize Your Gifts • Your Items or Ours ing — and accepting that with Embroideiy and Heot Transfers • i\ • ^' religion, there are just so many possible configurations. You ei• Golf Itenns • Hots • T-shirts • Corporate Logos 'f ther keep your separate faiths, or • Over 20,000 Designs • someone converts, or you break ,// up. You raise kids either in one faith or the other, or neither, or ,,. ^ . • Relocated * Relocated * Relocoted* you find a more liberal form of I \ • 'We've moved from our bosk Rd. Locotion to: j worship. You both have faith — I 5;: ; 26-D South Wbter St. j doesn't that matter more to you v'^ V , Downtown Henderson ; than its trappings? Or, you go 5 childless. I agree with your disagreement J Atondoy - Thursday 10Qm-6pm Fridoy - Saturday 10pm-4pfn ; vfith her both-religions plan — XXXXXXXXKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx^* HuMMmitt JMJii t I ^ ^ 566-4696 ^ Be prepared but not frightened about Y2K HOST FAMILIES NEEDED JUST FOR CLICKS It had to happen eventually. I can put it off no longer. I mean, what kind of two-bit computer columnist would I be if I never addressed the problem of the Y2K Bug? For those of you living under a rock, the Y2K (Year 2000) or Millennium Bug is the computer foible that could potentially either bring an end to society as we know it, or cause not so much as a hiccup of disruption to our busy lives. Back in the Stone Age, when computers were young, the word "megabyte" was rarely spoken. Forget "gigabyte," I doubt the term had even been coined. ConvBUtffir prftgramme rfl cu^ corners wherever they could to (HBServe precious memory, and one of the things they deemed unnecessary was the century distinction in date codes. Thanks, braniacs. Hence, 1980 was known to computers of the day as just plain old "80." Fine at the time. But fast forward to 1999, when millions of computers around the world are still using outdated system software, and still see the year as "99." When the changeover from Dec. 31, 1999, to Jan. 1, 2000, occurs, those same computers are going to know only "OO," which they are (allegedly) go- ROB WEIDENFELO ing to assume is 1900. What will this mean to the global community? No one really knows. Well, someone probably knows, but he ain't telling us. Which is probably a bad thing. It could mean that all over the world, as "The Artist Formerly Known As..."and the rest of the population are partying like it's 1999, the lights will go out. End of party. It could mean that you will fitart getting, bills in the mail that say you're 100 years overdue on your payments, and owe 100 years' worth of interest. It could mean that computercontrolled locks, such as bank vaults and (yikes) prison cells, may either open automatically or seal themselves off for 100 years. Or, it could mean none of this, which is why I haven't written about Y2K before now: I just don't know. Consider this, though: most every major corporation in the world is spending millions or billions of dollars to address this issue, and are scrambling to upgrade their systems before the ever-looming deadline. The words "Y2K compliant" are becoming the catch phrase ofthe '90s (or, I guess I should say, the 19908). A friend told me of a restaurant that proudly boasts that its chicken is "Y2K compliant." Oh, how I long for the simple, "Where's the beef?" days ofthe '80s. Oops, 1980s. People everywhere, probably in your neighborhood, are stocking up on delicious military surplus food, bottled water, power generators, flashlights and, frighteningly, guns, in preparation for the New Year's Party to end all New Year's Parties (er... I didn't mean that the way it sounded). My advice, if you don't mind taking advice from a smart mouthed columnist who admits that he really doesn't know that much about it, is to be prepared, but please don't freak out. I have a feeling that if there is a crisis, it will be because people are panicking and feeding off one another's frenzied reactions. Have some flashlights, blankets and good books ready (when the boob tube goes out, we're all going to be doing a lot of reading). Have a week's supply of food and water, just in case. But don't worry. The Good Book says it best, The News You Need rs On Now! las Vegas ONE Live News Coverage iwiniiAci Mit "... do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes." (Luke 12:22,23) And also, "Who ofyou by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Luke 12:25) One more for good measure, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Mt 6:34) Hanna, IGyrs. Malce a new lifelong friend from abroad. Enrich yqur family with another culture. Now you can host an exchange student (girl or boy) from Scandinavia, Germany, France, Spain, England, Japan, Brazil, Italy or S. Africa. Becoming a host to a young international visitor is an experience of a lifetime! tPITT Jan, 17 yrs. Call for information or to choose your own exchange student. Large variety of nationalities, interests, hobbies, etc. now available (single parents, couples with or without children may host). Call now Local Area Rep: Bob Huddleston at 255-3172 Petra at 1-800-733-2773 Weidenfeld, a staff member of the News, writes every other week about computer-related issues. His e-mail address is [email protected]. ~T»^to.«.t .TLc^rf <.(»w«. «coB~.« I OUTDOORS Water Safety Council reviews recent festival I received my monthly newsletter from the Desert Valley Water Safety Council and it contained a thorough recap and evaluation ofthe recent festival held at the special events beach in May. Overall, from what the report stated, the event was successful. However, the council had many areas of organization that needed to be improved. The report listed suggestions and ideas to make future events run more smoothly and efficiently. One area would be building a boat out of cardboard. It seems the glue used did not set quickly enough and this was by far, the most popular activity ofthe festival. I was only there for the opening day and only for about an hour. But all ofthe comments I have heard referred to this fun event. I know the box sled event held in the Mt. Charleston area 1 Organization PR<X;RA.M> LEARN TO PLAY VIDEO POKER LIKE AN EXPERT las Vegas ONE News Programs JCC!^ Clam »?^'.^i.. Thimtay, Ai^nt 5 LcxMeDaioai 'n»rwtay.Ai^B^12 Secretn or a Virleo I>3ker TPInner Begrinners Artvajiced BJ30'0-J30 pm 7:00-8:00 pjn. 8iM)-lh30 pm urvis Deboralilevy Learn winning video poker strategries from one of the world's foremost experts. Bob Dancer. The classes S^f <210||||1B are free so yoiiVe yoii'ye got nothing nothine to lose•\lfeM^^£ and possibly a whole lot to gain. The Bureau of Land Management unveiled its Red Rock Canyon General Management Plan (GMP) to the public. The proposed General Management Plan meets the requirements of Congress to prepare a plan for the Red Rock Canyon Visitor Canyon National Conservation Area (NCA). The Act of Congress which created the NCA contained five specific subjects which are included in the draft GMP. "What is There - Impressions & Reflections," an art exhibit by Patricia Woolley will be on display at the Lost City Museum during August. las Vegas ONE, Your local 24 Hour News Source CoKCahleCliariiielsU39 itii RAY EICHER during the winter draws many entries and gets great television coverage. I imagine the DVWSC will latch onto this concept and do some extensive publicity for next year. Many ofthe sponsors are committed to return and Barb Henderson, a radio and TV personality, has volunteered to again emcee the event. Let's hope the festival grows bigger and bigger each year. The council is to be congratulated for their efforts to promote safety for everyone that eiyoys activities on the water. I have been reprimanded by Grandma (Adelle) for not mentioning our granddaughter Brittany who also had some very their separate ways. Ourfi-eezer is now well-supplied with some nice trout thanks to two very special grandkids. The Las Vegas Power Squadron announces that the next Boat Smart class will be held starting Oct. 6 at the Cashman Junior High School on W. Desert Inn Road. The cost ofthe course is $15. If interested, call Clint Moore, 255-3590. The regular membership meeting will be held on Aug. 12 at the Debriefing Room, 1250 Bumham Ave. Also in the works will be a cruise to Middle Point Aug. 2122. If you enjoy boating or want to find out about the lake, plan to attend the August meeting. Until next time...keep your bilge dry. Eicher, a long-time valley resident, considers hinnself a parttime boater and fishernrian. His Email address is [email protected] FREE SATELLITE TV SYSTEM AFTER REBATE iii«-|(iilifiv; AiTi«*ii«-ii's r<»i> i*»<> CO iiii<l ytitir CliciU'O of i l*i-oiniiirti M<»vi«> imckjii^os Of AiiMTfurii'i* r<>i> i<><» CO |>ttjs yoiif cliotc<^ cif ^^r Those five plannings are: • A continuing program of environmental education. • Management of Cultural resources. • Facilities and improvements. • Wildlife management. • Dispersed recreation opportunities. The GMP also discusses: Biodiversity and ecosystem management, including riparian areas and springs, wild horses and burros, vegetation, wildlife and endangered species. Under the heading recreation management comes: road and trail designations, camping, facility improvements, commercial recreation permits, and rock climbing management. Other major areas of discussion include: environmental education and interpretation, public safety, cultural resources protection and cooperation associations. The draft Environmental Im- SlRElERyE riay smarter.- Woolley is a member of the Utah Watercolor Society andhas exhibited^i^ughoutUtah. She has studied with Ian Ramsey, Arnie Westerraan, Martha Manns and various others. The museum is open ft^om 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. There is a $2 admission fee for visitors . ^«><> Ij.isit: 1^1 <»1 fs>,M mill I iis(nll«ttic»n iiicli-iclos n • -•-»•-••- f^tr »._ • »-»..__•_ ^ . I. RTil" Off Alt «»i >,o«:c»ncl Oisli Antennn. Resort Electronics .•••: Henderson, NV 89009 (702)564-0790 www resortclcctronics com ^ ST. T W 0 K K "OUTDOORS WITH BARB" Hosl Barb Henderson pact Statement (DEIS) presents five management alternatives where alternative three is the Bureau's preferred alternative and is the basis for action in the GMP. The public comment period is scheduled to run through Sept. 29. Copies ofthe GMP are available at the BLM's Las Vegas Field Office, 4765 West Vegas Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89108. Or the public may call 647-5000 to have a copy ofthe plan mailed to their homes. ages 18 and over. Call 397-2193 for further information. it Saturday Morning Radio Show At 7:05 NEWS RADIO 970 AM Henderson Home News proud to be a sponsor 'Outdoors With BaiMr The News Covers Your Community NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Real property taxes for the 1st installment of the 1999/2000 tax year are due on Monday, August 16,1999. Payments may be made: 1) By mail. . 2) - : By phone, using a Visa® or MasterCard® at 455-4323." —— (A fee, collected by the processing bank, will be assessed for credit card transactions.) 3) At the Treasurer's office in the Clark County Government Center (Debit and Discover® cards can be accepted at the office windows.) 4) At any Bank of America branch in the county " j (Current tax year payments only. Payment must be a check or money order and accompanied by the payment stub. Penalty payment cannot be accepted.) Checks should be made payable to: "Clark County Treasurer" and should have your parcel number(s) written on the check. If you have not received a tax bill or a Notice of Distribution card, please contact the Treasurer's offTice immediately at 445-4323, or you may request a duplicate bill from our website: www. As required by .state statue, if 1st installment taxes have not be paid within 10 days of the due date, a penalty charge of 4% will be added and must be included m your payment. As an added convenience, the Treasurer's office windows will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on August 16. > Soitnd fair to you? We're at 1-615 and W. Lake Mead Drire in Hendersoa WITH RAY good luck in catching fish while with her parents on a recent Utah fishing trip. I wrote about it a few weeks ago. Brittany is not as excitable as grandson Jared when describing her fishing experiences. Nor as excitable as Grandpa when I catch a big one for that matter. When I asked how she did, all I got was an "OK." She even told me the truthful size of the fish she caught when I asked her what size. I imagine she had Jared clean them and she will just do the catching. Usually kids will lose interest if the fish are not biting, so consider a trip to Utah where the fishing is currently outstanding. It might be a nice weekend for the entire family and there is nothing like seeing your kids latch onto a fish and bring it into the net. The look on their face is one you will treasure and remember long after they have gone BLM unveils Red Rocic Canyon management plan :' ' :":• • Date BOATING Woolley art display set this month at Lost City iVIuseum k WORLD Of UNDEKSIANDINC THROU6HX3lOS»CUIiri«AL-AN[> HHtCATIONAl FREE CLASSES AT THE RESERVE WITH BOB DANCER The News covers your community Be a **saver,'' not a "waster^! loin Deputy Drip's gran roots water conservation effort. / QSyS per week Z tirn6S a day, between 2 am-5 am 5 minutes each watering •The actual amount of time yoo water may vary due to drtferent soils, spfinkler systems and weather OFFICE OFTHE CLARK COUNTY TREASURER Laura B. Fitzpatrick. Treasurer Clark County Government Center 500 S. Grand Central Parkway. 1st Floor La-s Vega.s, NV 89155 (702)455-4323 • Water between ttie hours of 2 A.m. and 5 aLin. • Make sure sprinklers water the lawn, not the sidewaHc • Don't water on windy or rainy days. • Use a broom, not a hose, to clean sidewalks and driveways. • Fix leaky faucets and toilets. /AViN<3#WAter 258-sAVE Visit us on the Internet at www.$ or dial •«-2-0 on your cell phone (it's a fue call?) This tnessage sponsored by the Southem Nevada Water Authority and Southern Nevada Coalition 2000.
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