How to Create an Internet Money Machine In Network Marketing By Daren C. Falter In this E-book… 1. Debunking MLM Myths <6pg> 2. Foundations of Online MLM <4pg> 3. The POWER of E-mail Marketing <1pg> 4. The POWER of Electronic Follow-Up <5pg> 5. Visual Presentation Tips <5pg> 6. Traffic Building Techniques: Part 1 <4pg> 7. Traffic Building Techniques: Part 2 <3pg> 8. Practical Advice and Details <2pg> Tips and Service Net Leaders System “Solutions” The Net Leaders System was developed by DC Falter Marketing, Inc. of Olympia, Washington. Throughout these articles, you will find many Net Leaders notices. These notices will describe a specific solution that DC Falter Marketing, Inc. has developed to help your online network marketing business prosper. Look for the Net Leaders System “Solutions” notices associated with the various topics and chapters throughout this manual. BUZZ WORD of the 21st CENTURY: “Excuse me, did you say INTERNET?” © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer This is the type of reaction I usually get as I approach people about my network marketing opportunity. Although I’ve spent thousands of tedious hours researching everything I could find about MLM online, I have to confess… since I’ve taken my MLM business online, prospecting has become a breeze! Just mention the words “internet marketing” and ears perk up, heads turn, eyes get big, it’s like magic. Have you learned anything yet? Do you have any new ideas on how you might make your network marketing program more attractive to more people? Let’s face it, you don’t even have to have a computer to improve your business building results. Just start letting people know that your company is building on the internet, and you have a captive audience. Now take it one step further by getting a computer so you can actually start learning this internet marketing stuff, and all of a sudden you’re crossing into a new realm of prospecting effectiveness. By letting your prospects know that you are making a commitment to learning how to build your MLM business on the internet, you will dramatically increase your effectiveness as a recruiter. MLM Online… Its Working! Network marketing on the internet WORKS… period. Those stuffed shirt “nay” sayers can keep their hotel meetings and party plans, we’re building our business in cyberspace! And YES, it duplicates!! You need to know what you are doing, but the bottom line is that people are duplicating success online in network marketing. I spend my days interviewing them, tracking them, documenting their successful techniques, and memorizing their systems. Many people are starting to have tremendous success with their network marketing distributorships on the internet. Although most of this success has come very recently for most distributors, online network marketers are starting to figure it out. Unfortunately, most people still have no idea what they’re doing. For most independent distributors, the internet is either completely over their heads or they’ve tried a few ineffective techniques and decided it doesn’t work. My job is to teach you what IS working for network marketers online and to help you start planning your internet conquest. While I’m teaching you the concepts that work, I need to make you aware of the most common myths associated with online marketing. We need to clear up these myths before you can really be effective online. 1 Debunking Online MLM Myths MYTH #1 – Build it and they will come The first common myth I deal with daily is what I call Field of Dreams Syndrome, a term common among online marketing trainers. Many distributors have the belief that if they build an attractive website and place it on the internet, people will come from all over the world to visit their site. It’s important to realize how vast the internet truly is and how difficult it can be for people to find you even if they’re very interested in what you’re offering. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack that’s the size of the World Trade Center. Here’s a better analogy. Putting a network marketing website on the internet is kind of like creating a retail sales and distribution center in the middle of the Sahara Desert. The business lease on your property might be a real bargain, but you’re not going to create very much walk-in traffic, make many sales, or find many sales reps. That’s why there are many willing to offer you a FREE website on the net. Just like in the real world, virtual space can be very inexpensive, especially if it’s in a place on the internet where no one goes. You’re competing with millions of websites online. Building internet traffic to your website is the key to profits on the web. I’d rather have a hotdog stand in the heart of New York City than have a Super Mall Complex in an arctic wasteland. MYTH #2 – Build it and they will buy When most aspiring online MLMers think of marketing their distributorships online, they usually get caught up in the next myth, which I call Pie in the Sky Syndrome, not unlike Field of Dreams Syndrome. Distributors think about how nice it will be to have a website so they can sell all of their products online instead of personally retailing to their friends and family. They imagine how easy it will be to run ads on the internet, generate visitors to their site, and let their high-tech website lead these visitors through the buying process. Is this a realistic scenario? Lets find out. Lets say you have developed a website around your network marketing product and program. Now put yourself in the shoes of one of your website visitors. How many times have you ever gone to a website and purchased a $30, $50, $100 product on your first visit? Rarely? Never? Why not? Because you just didn’t have enough time to pull off enough information about the product or service to feel comfortable about making the purchase. Does this mean you won’t buy? Certainly not, it just means you might not buy until you’ve had a few more visits or until you have had some more interaction with the webmaster. Starting An E-mail Address Collection Since website visitors are probably not going to become customers on their first visit, what should be the main focus of the website? The best way to ensure that you are going to get multiple opportunities to approach your first time visitors is to figure out a way to get your visitors to volunteer their E-mail address information to you with the understanding that you will be in contact with them on a regular basis. This is called “opting in” to an E-mail list or an “opt-in list.” Some marketers have also called this “permission marketing” since the marketee is giving permission to the marketer to send ongoing sales messages through E-mail. 2 Getting people to opt-in to your list may seem like a tall order. But the online marketing gurus of the world have come up with a fantastic solution. The best way to capture a website visitor’s Email address and then to keep in contact with that visitor on a regular basis is to immediately convince them to join your weekly newsletter as soon as they enter your site. That’s right, I said YOUR weekly newsletter. You didn’t know you were going to be a virtual newsletter publisher, did you? Well, you are. Don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as you might think and no experience is necessary. We’ll talk more about the importance of your newsletter and tips on how to make it more effective. MYTH #3 – MLM and E-commerce Another common myth about online MLM deals with what I call Shopping Cart Syndrome, which is a cousin to the other two Syndromes. Many new online marketers think of internet MLM as an Ecommerce program (electronic retailing by taking credit card orders online). For instance, they imagine setting up a website focused on touting the benefits of their products. They visualize how easy it will be to retail their products through this virtual storefront. They imagine their website as a totally automated system that requires limited human interaction. Little do most distributors realize that their chances of developing an E-commerce business with significant retail sales on their site are very slim. The E-commerce model is not a viable option for most network marketing distributors in the years 2002 and beyond. Your company—not you-- is responsible for developing a successful online retailing model. Don’t try to force the issue, your company will come around sooner or later. There is some good news, however. You don’t have to wait for anyone to start experiencing internet success NOW. Most of the top online network marketers of today do not rely on a merchant credit card account at all. However, they still make a significant amount of retail sales and they sponsor new distributors every week. So throw out the whole idea of creating high volumes of retail sales on your website. That time will come for network marketing. We have some fantastic ideas for MLM E-commerce but we will be approaching MLM companies with these ideas (or corporate), not independent distributor organizations. While you’re waiting for your company to get online, you’re going to keep retailing products and sponsoring distributors the way you always have with a few very LARGE exceptions. Instead of going out to beat the bushes everyday, why not get prospects coming to you? Prospects In Your E-mail Box! How would you like to wake up in the morning and have a list of people in your E-mail box who want to try your product? How would you like to have a list of distributor prospects that have the time, energy, money, and ambition to build a large organization under you? Is this better than automated retail sales? You bet it is! Developing qualified leads is a way to control the growth of your business. Don’t leave the future of your organization to chance and circumstance. Making PEOPLE Your Focus Today’s online network marketers are making PEOPLE their Focus. Now before you accuse me of being a sponsor monster or promoting “sign-up” games, I’m not necessarily saying your focus is to find people to recruit. I’m saying “you need to FIND PEOPLE.” You must find people to buy products, people to become long term customers, and people to become distributors. Finding the right people is the key to any network marketing success story. You want to find customers who are interested in your product and have the money and the motivation to make an immediate purchase. You’re also looking for distributors who want to improve their financial lives and create total time freedom and they’re ready to start NOW. 3 I’ve Had ENOUGH! Are you tired of messing around with unqualified prospects? Do you want to find distributors who can develop a passion for the products, who have the time to build a business, the money to get started immediately, and the commitment to do what it takes to achieve success? So do I. Over the next few years, smart online MLMers will be using the internet to develop qualified customer and distributor PROSPECTS. Getting Personal on the Internet Now if the primary purpose of your website is to qualify leads, how do you do this? After all, people will not give out personal information over the web, right? How are you going to get contact information? How are you going to ask those hard qualifying questions to website visitors? Everyone knows that people do not share personal information on the net, right? I see we’ve arrived at our next myth called My Lips are Sealed Syndrome, which states, “People will not give out personal information over the internet.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Everyday I’m collecting names, addresses, phone numbers, E-mail addresses, likes and dislikes, time availability, even annual incomes and credit card information right through my E-mail. How am I able to extract this very personal information from others without any prior contact whatsoever? Well, I have a bartering system that I like to call my “good fellas” approach. I like to give them an offer they can’t refuse. Now this isn’t a high-pressure approach like “give me your credit card number or kiss your knee cap goodbye.” Okay, the whole mafia suggestion was an attempt at humor. But the part about the OFFER is no joke! You want to think of a REALLY GREAT OFFER, the kind of offer that is impulsive and difficult to turn down. I’ve found the best kind of offering to use on your website is an informational report with valuable content. Informational reports are ideal because they can be delivered electronically so if you own the rights to the information, no matter how many times you send it out, it costs you nothing. The value of the report is in the informational content itself. You can also automate the delivery of your report to free up your time. Your visitors and prospects can download the reports themselves. You can even use audio files, video clips, and Flash (a popular internet multi-media technology for presentations). Now I’ll show you how to use this offer as leverage to accomplish your goals. Getting the Goods on your Internet Prospects In order to get someone to supply you with correct information, you first need to create a form on your website that asks for all of the appropriate qualifying information. You will need to ask for contact information and then prepare several qualifying questions to find out more about the commitment level of your prospects. Once you have created your form and questionnaire, you’re ready to make your offer. This offer usually consists of a free report. To receive the report, they must fill out a questionnaire, which supplies the site owner with specific contact information as well as important answers to six qualifying questions. Will prospects fill out the questionnaire? You bet they will. In my experience, everyday I have a list of new contacts to approach who tell me they have 2-5 hours daily to build their business, $500$1,000 to start their business, and they are ready to start immediately once they find the right company. Sure beats the way I used to prospect. How about you? MYTH #4 – The Internet is SO Expensive Some people have the mistaken belief that online marketing is expensive. Certainly it can be pricey. I’ve spent thousands on my website over the past two years. But one of the benefits of the internet is that you can accomplish so much more for so much less. The thousands I spent on my website have already saved me tens of thousands in marketing and management expenses that I 4 would otherwise still have. The idea is not to get you spending more money, but to invest in online technology so you can start SAVING money on leads generation, capture, and qualification. And the good news is, since I spent my thousands on finding out how online MLM works, you don’t have to. Still, most people are unwilling to invest even a little now to make a lot later. I call this awful disease Prime-the-Pumpaphobia or the fear of making an initial investment to create a lifetime of returns. Any business costs money to start. If you’re not willing to invest some dollars to get your online business rolling, the competition will be eating your lunch. Timing is everything, and timing for your internet push will never be better than it is right now. Maybe it’s time to sell off the back 40 and invest in a brighter future. Electronic Sorting Eliminates Expenses The internet is not a place to spend money, but a place to save money. Experience has taught me that the internet can actually SAVE you thousands of dollars in expenses every year. I only invested in my business when I knew I could make and save many times more in the near future by making that investment. Take the prospecting funnel approach described previously and combine it with a hot traffic building program and you can eliminate the expenses associated with traditional MLM prospecting like direct mail promotions, long distance telephone service, and even office staff. All of these processes can be automated to varying degrees to help you increase your efficiency and effectiveness and decrease your ongoing distributorship expenses. MYTH #5 – Success Breeds Success Online marketers who have achieved any degree of success on the internet will often decide to take an MLM venture online. Unfortunately, online marketers don’t always make the best online network marketers. I’m a classic example of this. While I was in the process of building my own successful network marketing business, I started experimenting with internet network marketing. After over a year of total immersion in this new and exciting medium, I started having fantastic success with my own prospecting and recruiting online. However, like most online marketers, I failed to apply the most fundamental network marketing principle of all to my online business… duplication. DUPLICATION Duplication is the key to success in network marketing – on or off line. Every good MLMer knows if you’re not duplicating, you’re dying. Even if you create a system for online recruiting that allows you to sponsor new distributors daily, if your system is so complicated that it takes an MIT honor student to duplicate, your business is going to suffer. Once you have some online strategies that are working, its time to reduce these strategies to their most basic forms. Think about Ray Kroc and his famous McDonalds system. Play like you’re going to be hiring a bunch of teenagers to build your network marketing business on the internet. How are you going to train each one of these new distributors to work the business? This level of simplification may be a bit daunting. After all, you’re dealing with high tech internet technology, listservers, and contact management. It’s not rocket science, but it’s not grammar school either. There is always a degree of technical proficiency that must be present, or quickly learned. Developing an MLM Team Website is one way to reduce the requirement for technical knowledge, decrease the cost per distributor for getting their own website, and dramatically increase your distributor’s ability to duplicate the team system. If you’re going to be an MLM leader on the internet, creating a team site is absolutely critical. MLM Team Websites 5 The best way to build a standardized team presence on the internet is to first build a team prototype designed to attract leads for the distributors of a specific downline organization. Then this prototype is turned into TEAM SITES. These sites are better described as Self-Replicating Lead Generation and Qualification Team MLM Websites. That’s a mouthful, so for now we’ll just call them “TEAM SITES.” A self-replicating site is an online system or program that when activated builds a standardized website with basic customization for the individual distributor’s contact information. For example, your new distributor, John Doe, comes into your organization. He’s excited to develop his own online marketing team site just like yours. So you send John to a website where he inputs his name, E-mail address, phone, and mailing address. He pays an annual fee for the site and as he hits the submit button, his own personal version of the team website is created. Now if THAT’s not duplication… what is? We all know that every leader has a different way of building their MLM business. Each downline organization that has or is attempting to establish a downline is encouraged to have their own team system. This unique approach must be interwoven into the team website. These unique strategies are what compel distributors to join one downline team over another. The more proactive you are about building your team presence online, the more distributors you will attract to your online team. Team websites can be developed by any network marketing leader for their downline organization or the company can develop one system for the entire company. Team MLM Sites are not the future but the “here-and-now” of network marketing. Team sites can reduce the cost of independent distributors’ websites to a price nearly every person can afford, which is a real bonus considering the fact that just buying the space to host an average website would be hundreds, even thousands of dollars each year. From the company or team’s perspective, team sites can also double as a revenue generating system for the company or leadership team’s leads generation co-op. For example, if a team website costs $25 per month, a company may decide to mark up the websites to $50 per month to generate co-op advertising dollars to promote internet traffic to these sites. Qualifications for acquiring a Self-Replicating Team Website System for YOUR MLM Company or Downline: QUALIFICATION #1 Two successful years in business OR Sufficient financing to carry the program for the first 24 months. QUALIFICATION #2 $20,000 - $40,000 to invest in private label fee OR $10,000 and a guarantee of 1,000 websites active at launch QUALIFICATION #3 Corporate endorsement of SRTW site system OR Leadership endorsement at the top of a MAJOR downline leg If you have an organization you know of looking for a replicating system, please get in touch with DC Falter Marketing, Inc. We pay a standard 5% referral fee to anyone referring projects. © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved 6 By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer Net Leaders System “Solutions” DC Falter Marketing has now produced the most powerful and duplicable internet marketing system available anywhere. Its called the Net Leaders System. This system has been developed specifically for independent network marketing distributors who are interested in using the internet to increase their efficiency and effectiveness as distributors. The Net Leaders System is available only through DC Falter Marketing business and it is currently exclusive to this business. However, DC Falter Marketing is working on a “generic” version that will be available to EVERYONE by the end of 2002. Make sure you keep in touch with DC Falter Marketing for news and updates on The Net Leaders System. 7 The Foundation of Online Network Marketing © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer Once you have your Team Lead Generation Website activated, it is important that you first understand how your system works and then you can prepare for the success you’re bound to create. Before we get into building traffic to your MLM Leads Site, lets go over the basic functions of the site and walk you through the sales and marketing process. Marketing is #1 The most important thing to understand about creating a successful online marketing website is MARKETING. You can always hire someone to do your website design and technical support. It’s always nice to hire someone with marketing savvy (and of course, design and programming abilities) to design your site. However, marketing is the key ingredient that will make or break your website. Some people are born with marketing in their blood. You can tell when people “get it” and when they don’t. If it is not in your blood, you need to get it there. It’s time to get INFECTED! You must learn to be an expert network marketer if you want to have fantastic results. Never stop seeking after and devouring the best network marketing books, tapes, and live seminars. You and your upline will have more to do with the success of your website system than the website developers themselves. Your successful upline leaders have been in the trenches and they know what kind of information attracts the right kind of prospect. Your job as a team is to come up with the most compelling content that you can for your site and then constantly drive traffic to the site. Your site will help you do the rest. The Website MARKETING Process The first step in successfully attracting qualified prospects is to develop a powerful series of SIZZLE Websites designed to promote your products or program. You’ll eventually have many sizzle sites, but you must start with at lease one. NOTE: If you received this ebook from a TopLine representative, then you registered to receive this ebook through a sizzle site. Do you remember what it looked like? Website visitors should have no trouble figuring out what they should DO once they arrive at your sizzle site. The sales process is very simple with an MLM site. Here are the five basic steps. 1. 2. 3. 4. Visitors are intrigued initially by focused, enticing headlines and offers. Next, they stay and click based on a powerful sub-headline copy and testimonials. Third, they decide to stay longer based on a well written sales letter. Fourth, they choose to leave their personal information and answer survey questions based on the desire to receive the FREE OFFERS you promise to give them in the sales letters. They exchange personal info for these free offers. 5. And finally, they take action based upon the content of those free offers and your relentless follow-up. Lets break down these five steps in more detail to better understand the lead generation process. 8 Enticing Headlines and Offers Headlines are the first thing site visitors see when they hit a website. Primary headlines should be very short, just a few key words in large, easy to read fonts, located in a very prominent position on the page. What is the purpose of a headline? You might be surprised by this answer. The job of a headline is to get site visitors to hesitate for a split second before clicking off the site. This hesitation should give them just enough time to be pulled into other headlines OR into the secondary or sub-headlines on the main page. Every marketing message on the internet deals in fractions of seconds. If you don’t capture someone’s attention immediately with your headlines, you might be losing a very high percentage of your visitors. Marketing Copy Good marketing copy is the key to pulling visitors into your site, capturing their attention immediately, and then keeping them there long enough to purchase something or at least join your newsletter and request some free information. Ninety percent of your success on your first page is in your headlines. Headlines are what capture visitors’ attention in any print media and it is no different on the net. You must use headlines that turn heads, entice, and intrigue. You want headlines that will invite visitors to explore your site. Headlines should focus on the benefits of your site, not the features. In other words, what’s in it for THEM. You can also use headlines to link back and forth to different areas of your site or other sites. Secret Attraction Formula The most powerful formula for an effective headline is “YOU RECEIVE FREE BENEFITS NOW, CLICK HERE NOW.” Replace the words FREE BENEFITS with your special free offer and you will have great results. Hot headlines can also be a FANTASTIC way get people to your website. Use your site’s headlines as advertisements to attract visitors to your website. Free Report Titles You can use FREE REPORTS as headlines and content to entice site visitors and to exchange with visitors for their contact information. Here are some samples of effective “Free Report” titles that have attracted visitors. Top Free Report and “How To” Titles and Topics: • Make More Money • Start your own Home-Based Business • Start your own Internet Based Business • Make Money selling Other People’s Products Online • Make More Money in a Month than you do in a Year through MLM • Become an Expert at Marketing Products Online • Find the Perfect Business • Save Money on EVERYTHING • Save Thousands of Dollars on Travel every year • Earn a Free Car • Save Thousands on your Groceries • Save Money on your Phone Bill • Get Better Cell Phone Service • Call International Countries for Less • Get FREE STUFF on and off the Internet • Earn Multiple Streams of Income • Make Money Saving the Rainforest 9 • • • Make Money helping people have Better Health Make Money helping people fight Cancer Make Money helping people Save Money Combining the Two Now combine a hot free report with the secret formula. Here’s what you get… Free Report: Make Money helping people Save Money! Click Here Now Dare to be an EXPERT – Posturing for Success By learning how to write effective headlines, free report titles, and sales letters at your website, you can attract site visitors to your own website and teach your downline how to do the same. Maybe there is someone in your upline who is gifted in this area who can help you with your ad copy. But if there isn’t, that is no excuse for failure. Learn how to write effective ad copy yourself and you will be unstoppable. To be effective in this process, you must be prepared to become an EXPERT in your field. To become an expert on any subject (like the topics above), you must be willing to take several important steps. I’m An Expert First you must “self-appoint” yourself an expert. However, many experts may never actually call themselves an “expert” on a particular subject. Experts are not afraid to move beyond common knowledge and go where few have attempted to go. Say to yourself over and over every day, “I am an expert in network marketing” or “I’m an expert on my products.” Now that you are a selfappointed expert, start acting like one. Next, experts are somewhat obsessed with finding out more about their fields of expertise and will make significant sacrifices in other areas of life to move ahead. Experts tend to watch less TV, and avoid idle thoughts and actions. The expert will put valuable time to good use, time that might be squandered and wasted by the average person. Motivational author, Denis Waitley, describes an idea called, “Building your Business in Prime Time.” Sacrificing for Success While the Homer Simpsons of the world are watching TV, the experts are reading, researching, and writing. Average people like to indulge in activities that are tension relieving instead of goal achieving. Experts tend to ask more questions and seek out other experts and mentors to find the right answers. You can be an expert in ANY field. Find subjects of great interest to a large number of people and topics that are related in some way to network marketing or your specific product. Find a subject that many experts have already capitalized on. Develop a passion for gaining specialized knowledge in this field. Have the courage to appoint yourself an expert in that field. Then use every free moment of your day to develop your knowledge base. As you become an authority on this subject matter, use this authority to attract people to your network marketing business. More on this later. Some Additional Advice Make sure your site focuses on the benefits visitors can receive, not on you and your company. Visitors are not as interested in your qualifications and accomplishments as they are in what you 10 and your site can do for them right now. A good supply of testimonials from satisfied customers will do far more for you credibility and sales than displaying a fancy resume. Sub-Headlines Now if the headline is designed to capture the visitor’s attention for a split second, the sub-headline is designed to get the visitor to stay just long enough to be pulled into the text just below the headline, which gives a bit more detail, a few more benefits, and more reasons to stick around on the site. Now the visitor has been compelled to read for a few seconds which leads to a more thorough exploration of the main page or a CLICK to another for the promise of additional information related to the sub-headline. Presenting the Message The sub-headlines link into sales and marketing messages, letters, and presentations designed to attract even more interest. The sales message should compel visitors to stay for a few minutes. Content is what will keep them at your site. The VALUE of your site is the CONTENT of your site. A site that has good content does not need a lot of bells and whistles. Most of the people on the net with little or no money to spend may be looking for cheap thrills and entertainment while the people with the buying power are looking for substantial information, products, and service that will help them get what they want and solve their problems RIGHT NOW. Each letter should offer fantastic incentives for them to leave personal contact information and data about themselves. Your website needs to be interesting and inspirational to your visitors. Give them something that gets their heart beating faster. Offer something unique that no one else is offering. Make your offers exciting and personal. One of the best ways to get visitors to stick around for a while and come back often is to give away free information about topics of interest. Provide enough information that they generally cannot read it all in one visit. Change the information and your offers regularly to give incentive for repeat visits. Offer free reports that give good, valuable information, and in the report describe the benefits of your products. These sales messages must be so compelling that the visitors are happy to leave somewhat confidential information. A request to fill out a survey, for example, might be accompanied by a promise to deliver a free report instantly at the end of the survey questions. Questions Equal Qualification The survey itself must be developed by expert network marketers who understand both the company and products they represent as well as the wants and desires of the visitors who are being attracted to the website. Questions should be designed to sort and qualify website visitors by giving the website owners all of the information necessary to determine whether the site visitor is interested in the distributors’ offerings or not. Questions should not be too personal and questions should be relevant to the topics and offers being promoted on the site. They Deserve a Prize Finally, as visitors complete the survey they are rewarded with the promised offers and gifts and they are directed to more information. These offers, of course, are laced with additional benefits and reasons for becoming associated with the distributorship. Visitors also receive specific contact information for the site owner so if they are impressed with the program, they can get in touch immediately with the distributor who sent them to this site. THIS EBOOK is YOUR prize for visiting our sizzle site! Pro Marketing System “Solutions” 11 The model described above is the most effective and proven model in online network marketing success today. DC Falter Marketing is proud to have developed the effective and duplicable first Self-Replicating Team MLM Websites System to date. We hope you have already incorporated these sites into your team system. If not, we hope you will soon OR develop your own system using these success principles. 12 The POWER of E-mail Marketing © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer Collecting E-mail Addresses: The Primary Focus of your Website It has been said, time and time again, customers will not buy on their first exposure to a product. Many experts claim it takes anywhere from 6-12 exposures before the buying decision is reinforced 13 What is one email address worth? Well, what if you could make $1 for every E-mail you sent. How many E-mails would you like to send each day? 10? 100? 1,000? MORE? Well, it may not be as easy as just sending an E-mail, but I've run some numbers lately on the dollars earned per E-mail sent to my newsletter lists collected at my website, and in some cases it works out to about 10 cents per name per mailing OR $1.00 per name month. Actually, I have several lists with thousands of names on each list. I have been mailing to these lists for months and my results have been consistent and predictable. I have also followed the success of other lists that are owned by fellow internet marketers. Best I can tell, those who have been consistent and persistent with their E-mail promotion are earning between $2 and $20 per name, per year. In a few rare instances, I’ve seen lists earning over $100$200 per name, per year. Now THAT’S a good list… and a good marketer. I kick myself when I think of all of those E-mails that I could have taken from my direct mail contacts if I’d only had the foresight to do so. And just think how many new names those original names could have turned into by now simply through referrals alone. Some lessons are very, very expensive. It is safe to say that today I collect E-mail addresses everywhere I go. I would rather have an E-mail address than a name. I’d rather have an E-mail address before I have a phone number. Traditional Business vs. E-Business Lets take a look at a traditional, non-network marketing business scenario that will help us learn the benefits of electronic marketing. This does not necessarily relate to network marketing directly, but this illustration will give you a better understanding of where we’re headed with online network marketing. Think about the way most business people handle the promotion, sales, and fulfillment of their product or service. Lets use Sammy Sales as the fictitious character in our example. Sammy spends two weeks writing, printing, and preparing a massive mailing to a targeted list of 10,000 prospects to promote his new textbook entitled, “How to Build a Business the Old Fashioned Way.” Sammy received his first call on his promotion about 3 days after the mail drop. The call comes in on the company 800 line and Sammy picks it up. After a standard greeting and sales pitch, the prospect decides to buy the text. Sammy takes her through the order process and enters the information into his database. Sammy lets the customer know that her order will be shipped within 48 hours. After processing the order and printing a receipt, Sammy fills out a shipping order and carefully packages the product for mail delivery. On the following day, Sammy takes the order, along with the others that came in during business hours, to the post office where he stands in line for 20 minutes to mail the packages. Within three days the prospect receives the package. Over the course of three weeks as orders continue to come in, Sammy repeats this process 100 times. 14 Lets go over the time and monetary expenses associated with this sales process: Time: Preparing Mailing Answering Order Line Packaging and Shipping Total Time 40 hours (printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, labeling) 33 hours (20 minutes per sale) 33 hours (20 min/sale including post office time) 106 hours Expense: Promotional Mailing Expenses 800 Line/Long Distance Line Packaging and Shipping Text Book Printing/Binding Total Expense $5,000 $300 $400 $1,500 $7,700 Profits: Revenue ($80x100) Minus Expenses Total Profits $8,000 $7,700 $300 or ($2.83 per hour… YIKES!) 21st Century E-mail Marketing Model Now lets take a look at the 21st century approach, or the E-business approach. Emily E-mail decides she’s going to market her textbook entitled, “Business at Break Neck Speed.” Rather than going through the expenses associated with producing a traditional, physical textbook and then promoting that text through traditional means, Emily decides to promote this book through E-mail. Now instead of going through the expense and effort of developing her own list, Emily decides she wants to kick start this promotion fast. She decides that she is going to find someone to endorse her book to his or her mailing list. After all, she doesn’t want to risk spending money on running her promotion to a list that doesn’t pull well. She agrees to pay 50% commission to any list owner willing to mail her ad to their list. Emily soon attracts enough affiliate partners to E-mail 100,000 targeted individuals. Instead of receiving calls on her 800 line, Emily receives E-mail responses. Emily is prepared for the thousands of inquiries she could potentially receive by setting up a filtering process with her Email to automatically respond to any inquiries with a full breakdown on the textbook she is selling. In addition to the instant response, each response is subscribed to a multi-step autoresponse system that automatically follows up on the prospects over a dozen times to give them more information and offer them many chances to purchase the text book. As customers begin ordering the book from Emily’s online, real time, secure order form, she receives instant reports on who has purchased the books and how many have been ordered. As the credit cards are processed and approved, an E-mail receipt is sent to the customer and then the customers are given instant access to the electronic version of the textbook… NO WAITING! This text can be downloaded to the customer’s hard drive to be read off line or printed, or the customer can access and read the text online. With both the online and off line version, the entire text can be searched for key words or phrases. Hypertext links throughout the document offer a convenient way to facilitate these searches and provide links to definitions, footnotes, and additional outside sources. 15 E-mail Results Time: Preparing E-mailing Answering Orders Packaging and Shipping Total Hours: 1 hour (once written, it’s prepared, slight formatting required) 2 hours 2 hours 5 hours Expenses: Promotional E-Mail Expenses Answering Orders Packaging and Shipping Partner’s Commission Total Expenses: $0 $0 $0 $2,000 (very generous affiliate commission) $2,000 Profits: Revenue ($40x100) Minus Expenses Total Profits $4,000 (half price!) $2,000 $2,000 (or $400 per hour) Now compare the two scenarios and tell me which results you like better. You may never choose to ever do any lead generation like this to build your online network marketing business, but these examples illustrate the point. E-mail is revolutionizing the world of marketing. More importantly, once you have developed an extensive E-mail list, you will attract new distributors and customers every time you mail to it. With no postage, printing, or preparing, your E-mail marketing system will revolutionize the way you prospect for new distributors. Now apply this reasoning to your business and you’re on your way to benefit from electronic marketing. NEWSLETTERS When I send my newsletter to the listserver, (the software program that maintains my E-mail lists) mails to everyone on the list within seconds. I have thousands of people who have asked to be on my list now. Every month I have about 10-50 people remove their names from my list and about 100-500 new subscribers join the list. Those are numbers I can deal with. Now that my list is over 10,000 subscribers, I can sponsor new distributors every time I mail to the list. No SPAM Now remember, the difference between sending E-mail newsletters to willing recipients and sending E-mail to those who didn’t request the information is the difference between virtual life and death. YOU MUST have the consent of the individual you are E-mailing in order to send bulk Email. Otherwise, you are sending what is referred to on the internet as SPAM (unsolicited E-mail) and your E-mail service provider will shut down your account. In some states now, sending SPAM is a criminal offense. So don’t send spam and make sure those who join your newsletter list know what they’re getting. You’re Now an MLM Writer… Congratulations! Once several website visitors have joined your newsletter list, you can start publishing a weekly newsletter to keep in touch and bring them back time and time again. Make sure your newsletter revolves around the themes associated with your network marketing business. Most publishers write a newsletter dealing with network marketing on a generic level, or even business opportunities if you wanted to appeal to a broader market. 16 By sending regular newsletters filled with valuable information and incentives to come back, you can bring first time visitors back to your site over and over again. As you update and enhance the content on your site, you will earn the trust and respect of your subscribers. Your results can increase dramatically when you give your subscribers many reasons to make frequent visits to your site. GET THEM COMING BACK! We know that customers will generally not buy on their first exposure to a product. As the experts have said it takes anywhere from 6-12 exposures before they buy. Therefore, the single most important action for our visitors to take is not necessarily to BUY when they come to our site, but to JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER LIST. That’s right, a newsletter list! You didn’t know you were going to be a cyber publisher, but you ARE! Even if you’re not much of a writer, you will learn to create dynamic editorials and sales letters to send to your contacts. To help you collect and manage the site visitors who join your newsletter list, you will need what techies call a “listserver”. A listserver is a fancy name for a computer program that collects names and E-mail addresses for the purpose of sending group messages. All of the names and E-mail addresses are collected into a central database, and then the administrator of that database has the ability to E-mail to all of the addresses in that database in just one simple step. Listservers are used for a variety of different purposes including the distribution of information and the E-mailing of newsletters or E-zines (electronic magazines). Listservers can also be used as an E-mail based discussion forum or digest. To begin receiving listserver messages, people can subscribe to the list through an internet form or by sending an E-mail to the list with special codes in the E-mail. If there is a process for joining a listserver on any site, that process is generally very simple and well explained. Once potential customers are on the newsletter list, they will continue to receive frequent exposures to your products and distributorship. Eventually they will be ready to join you. Keep the importance of your newsletter in mind as you develop your online MLM business and system. How do you get people to join your newsletter? If you want someone to give something to you, like personal contact information, then you need to give something to him or her in exchange. Since you want to have hundreds and eventually thousands and tens of thousands of people join your list, you need to make sure you are using offers that do not cost you anything but hold a lot of value anyway. Its best to USE an enticing OFFER like a FREE REPORT to get them to enter their name and Email address into a form that automatically subscribes them to the list. Then you can build trust with your subscribers by offering valuable, practical suggestions that will help them with their business, problems, or life. As you send these suggestions (in the form of a weekly or daily E-mail newsletter) you can get your contacts coming back to your site by offering information, updates, and resources at your website. Get them to join Use good marketing copy and today’s technology to get your visitors to join your list. If your first objective at your website is to get people to join your list, you need to place a very enticing offer on your main page in the most prominent place. Most webmasters will place a box at the top or bottom of their main page with clearly marked boxes for filling in your name and E-mail address to subscribe to that newsletter. Make sure you create a name for your list and let your site visitors know that your newsletter is free. You may even list a regular annual subscription rate and then let 17 visitors know that this subscription fee is being waived. You can also offer something special or unique as an incentive for visitors to sign up for your newsletter. What Comes First, Site or List? If I had to choose between destroying my website or destroying my list, which do you think I would choose? Now take into consideration the fact that my list is a collection of names and E-mail addresses that I have collected over time. These are customers, potential customers, and even many potential business partners. Now in thinking about the website, think of the time, energy, and money that has gone into developing this site. Think of the design hours, the layout, the links and banners, the colors and textures, the graphics and logos, etc. Think of the days spent creating forms, autoresponders, and shopping carts. Imagine how long it took to program the back end databases and contact management tools. So, are you ready to choose yet? This may have been kind of a set-up, but I would take the LIST over the site any day of the week. Its important to understand that the only reason any online marketer should have a website is for the purpose of building their list. Although a website and a list really go hand in hand, if there were a better way to generate a high quality, ever expanding contacts list, then a dynamic website would not be necessary. However, last time I checked, there wasn’t. So we will continue to refine our list building system by continuing to refine our websites. Pro Marketing System “Solutions” DC Falter Marketing has developed the most effective lead capture technology and has combined it with leads generation strategies that work. DC Falter Marketing incorporates the “newsletter” concepts into every MLM system and provides training to site owners on how to cultivate their own list. © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer 18 The POWER of Electronic Follow-Up © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer In this section, I’m going to describe more internet marketing procedures and principles that will help you maximize your effectiveness online. Remember, once prospects join your list, it’s only the beginning. The more persistent and consistent you are with your newsletters, the more repeat traffic you will generate and thus, the more profits you will generate. Multi-Step Autoresponse I wonder how many of you have children like mine – very sweet, but very persistent. When they get an idea that they are going to do something, they just don’t give up until they get their way. Maybe some of these conversations sound familiar. KIDS: “Daddy, can we go swimming this week?” DAD: “Why don’t we ask your mother at dinner time.” KIDS: “Ok!” (dinner rolls around) “Daddy, you said we could ask Mommy about swimming.” MOM: “Well, its really up to you honey. I know it’s a really busy week this week.” DAD: “Ok, well, I might be able to take you this week or next week depending on my schedule. I’ll know by tomorrow if we can go this week.” KIDS: “Oh, daddy, please, please, please, can we go this week???” DAD: “We’ll see.” (tomorrow rolls around). KIDS: “Daddy, you said we could go swimming this week and you’d tell us today.” DAD: “I said we MIGHT go swimming this week. Are you sure you can’t wait until next week?” KIDS: “This week, this week, this week!!!” DAD “Kids, I have a really busy week. Let’s plan this out so we can find an open day next week.” KIDS: “Aw, come on dad, you need your exercise.” MORE KIDS: “Yeah dad, you’re gonna get lazy and fat. You should go swimming so you can exercise.” DAD: “Ok, you win. Go get your suits on, we’re going tonight.” KIDS: “Yippee!! We’re going!! Lets go get our suits before he changes his mind!!” Any of this sound familiar? Where do they get this? Did they take an Advanced Closing Techniques course for children? Have they been reading, “How to Win Friends and Influence Parents?” I think I finally figured it out. It's that darn Dr. Seuss and his Green Eggs and Ham book. Do you remember it? That’s the one where “Sam-I-Am” persistently and methodically tries to introduce green eggs and ham to his rather large and skeptical friend. Even though he continues to put up with repeat advances, Sam’s friend will have nothing to do with the awful dish. Sam is still not discouraged. On the 14th plea, Sam-I-Am asks, “would you, could you, on a boat?” To which Sam’s friend replies… “I could not, would not, on a boat. I will not, will not, with a goat. I will not eat them in the rain. I will not eat them on a train. Not in the dark! Not in a tree! Not in a car! You let me be! I do not like them in a box. 19 I do not like them with a fox. I will not eat them in a house. I will not eat them with a mouse. I do not like them here or there. I do not like them ANYWHERE!” Sam’s friend seems pretty firm in his decision not to try green eggs and ham. Most people would have given up on the second or third refusal. Sam-I-Am is a rare exception to the norm, with an optimistic spirit and skin as thick as a rhinoceros. Sam approaches yet again. Finally, on Sam’s 15th plea, progress is made. Sam tries another angle of reasoning with his friend. He says… “You do not like them. So you say. Try them! Try them! And you may. Try them and you may, I say.” “Sam! If you will let me be, I will try them. You will see.” Sam’s friend finally tries the dish, to which he reacts… “Say! I like green eggs and ham! I do! I like them, Sam-I-am! And I would eat them in a boat. And I would eat them with a goat…” “And I will eat them in the rain. And in the dark. And on a train. And in a car. And in a tree. They are so good, so good, you see!” “So I will eat them in a box. And I will eat them with a fox. And I will eat them in a house. And I will eat them with a mouse. And I will eat them here and there. Say! I will eat them ANYWHERE!” “I do so like green eggs and ham! Thank you! Thank you, Sam-I-am!” Sam’s friend goes from “I would not, could not” on approach 14… to “say, I like green eggs and ham.” Finally, it worked! That dogmatic persistence can really pay off sometimes. Persistence Means Profits Now I don’t mean to give exclusive credit to children and children’s characters for this wonderful quality of “sticking to it.” We can see some incredible examples of the power of persistence in adults alike. Just look at all the careers that are made or broken based upon this quality alone. Think of the classic door-to-door insurance salesman that we heard so much about growing up. These peddlers of wares would hear “no” 2, 3, even 5 times and it was like water off a ducks back. 20 Or how about those encyclopedia guys, that might make five or six calls to the same house just to get both decision makers home at the same time and to close that sale. We know through observation and research that those individuals willing to go the extra mile and give just a little more effort than their less dedicated peers, reap reward far beyond the average. As a matter of fact, most salesmen and marketers would agree that persistence in follow-up is one of the most important factors in becoming and staying successful. 21 <Your E-mail> <You Website> <Your Phone> The new subscriber is very impressed with the speedy, customized follow up (we will discuss merge codes in a minute). Subscribers are even more impressed when they receive another Email three days later with even more information. “Hello <first name> I hope you have been getting familiar with my site at <your website address>. I wanted to make sure you were made aware of a special report that I offer at my site. <summary of report> This report will explain all of the benefits of our incredible program. To go there now click on the following link. <letter 5 link> Let me know if you have any questions. I’ll follow-up with you next week. <Your Name> <Your E-mail> <You Website> <Your Phone>” Seven days later, your contact receives yet another E-mail with more information about your products or services. This time it says, “Hi <prospect’s first name> I hope you’ve had a chance to read the story of our company’s founder. When most people hear this story they are spell bound. Its truly amazing how one person could dedicate himself to such an important cause. Many people have become so involved with the mission of this program that they have quit their full-time jobs and are now supporting themselves 100% on commissions from the company. Can you imagine making 2-3 times the income you’re earning now while setting your own hours, working from home, and being involved in meaningful work that really makes a difference. I’d love to tell you more about it. Please get in touch with me. <Your Name> <Your E-mail> <You Website> <Your Phone>” Are you starting to get the idea? Now obviously you could spend considerable time initially setting up all of your autoresponses. However, once they are all set up, you have a powerful, automated, 22 customized follow-up system. You can follow up on one thousand contacts as easily as you can follow-up on one contact. Personalization with Merge Codes I’m sure that by now you have noticed all of the <merge codes> in the previous letters. Most multistep autoresponse programs accept merge codes that are little codes that can be inserted into the body of text to merge the subscriber’s personal information into the text. As I illustrated above, these merge codes can be placed anywhere to insert your subscriber’s information or your own information. You can even put their first name into the subject line when you send the messages. You’ll be surprised how many people will assume you are sending them individual, personalized E-mails. Watch your response rate go through the roof simply by personalizing all of your E-mails. Net Leaders “Solutions” DC Falter Marketing has developed a user friendly Multi-Step Auto Response System to allow the webmaster to generate unlimited autoresponse messages on behalf of the entire team. This system is easily set up for the entire team. In other words, if you’re a Net Leaders System owner, you don’t have to worry about anything. Everything is set up for you. Technical Note: The person in charge of developing autoresponse messages for the team (the webmaster) has access to unlimited autoresponders and unlimited messages. The autoresponders system allows the webmaster to merge any field from customer’s contact record or the site owner’s contact record (site visitor’s first name, site owner’s name, site owners E-mail address, anything!). CONCLUSION? Well, I could put a fancy conclusion on this, but it wouldn’t be appropriate. You see, nothing on the internet is permanent. By the time most internet marketing books are published they’re out of date. Luckily, the ink is still drying on this one. But one thing is for sure, this marketing manual is to be continued, and continued, and continued. Be sure to read the other FREE E-BOOKS to obtain vital traffic building information. Visit today!! © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer 23 Some Tips On Visual Presentation By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer Some people get so caught up in the visual aspects of their site that they lose focus on the more important criteria for success, like marketing. I’ve seen some beautiful sites with spinning logos and crisp inviting graphics that get no traffic and create no online sales, ending up as worthless online business cards. I’ve also seen some extremely ugly sites with gaudy graphics and pea green borders that make fortunes because they make it up with good marketing copy, good offers, and excellent content. However, any site can have good visual presentation and consequently enhance the effectiveness of any site. After all, design IS marketing. Let’s review some of the keys to creating a good visual site. Graphics and Images Here are a few notes to your web developers. Graphics on a page should be limited to several appropriate pictures and several graphics to enhance the look and feel of the page. All of these graphics must fit the theme of the site. Don’t put that cute little spinning cartoon character in the site just because you found it on the internet and thought it would be cool to have on your site. Decorate your site modestly with visually stimulating images but do not let graphics dominate your website. One of the biggest mistakes website owners make is to load their pages up with heavy graphics and programs to the point where the page takes over a minute to load. People will not wait and even if they do, the graphics can distract from your message. It’s better to have plain text with lots of visitors than beautiful graphics and few visitors. Most good designers know how to enhance website images while decreasing the files size to ensure fast load time. And if you must have a few pages with heavy graphics, be sure to warn visitors so they have a choice to wait rather than being forced to wait. Here are some additional design and layout tips: • Avoid oversized images, pictures, and text. • Keep your animated graphics to three or fewer per page. • Banner ads should be conservative in files size. • Your website pages should also be kept within reasonable size. • Use your graphics to lead people through the sales process, make them click! • Avoid using several bright colors together, be professional not tacky. • Make your site easy to read by using light backgrounds (or white) and dark letters. • Use colors to attract visitors to specific offers or areas of your site. • Consider using colors on your headers and sidebar to enhance your site. • Consider using different light background colors to divide your site into sections. • Use animation to attract visitors to specific offers. • Over use of animation can be very annoying to visitors. Pro Marketing System “Solutions” DC Falter Marketing follows the latest guidelines, recommendations, and online standards to assure top performance from our sites and system. © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer 24 Finding Your Business on the Internet © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer You’ve probably noticed by now that we are spending a lot of time on “preparation” of success and we haven’t discussed even one traffic building or lead generation technique. Don’t worry, there is a method to my madness. By preparing well, you will be ready for the constant flow of traffic you’re bound to create. Once the traffic starts, you don’t want to be running around trying to fix your system. Good preparation now will save you time, energy, and money later and will help you convert the maximum number of leads possible from your lead generation efforts. Targeting your Customers The next step in developing your online marketing success strategy is to hone in on your target customer base. This can be done by using the following targeting strategies: • • • • Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Develop the “perfect customer profile.” Create and constantly update forms and questionnaires for gathering critical information about your customers. Develop an E-mail based contact management system for following up on customers. Develop the “perfect prospect profile” Based on the wants, needs, and problems associated with your customers, develop a profile that matches your typical target customer. This will help you identify your prospects and turn them into customers. Depending on the type of product or service you are offering, you may want to find out their likes and dislikes, their beliefs and perceptions on topics related to your product and business, their influences, and what they are interesting in learning about. Try to find the ideas and opinions that 70-90% of your customers agree upon and then create a composite image of this customer. Memorize this model customer in your mind, you will be recalling this image again and again while you are developing your system and prospecting for new customers. Create and constantly update questionnaires Now that you have an idea of what most of your customers agree on, it's time to start finding out how they are unique and special. This is the key to turning a prospect into a long-term customer and keeping existing customers. Begin designing a survey that will help you get to know each individual better. If a prospect was attracted to your site after seeing an ad that was developed based on the wants of your target customers, you know they are already qualified. Now you need to start gathering specific information that will help you customize your offer. You already know you need to gather their name, E-mail, phone, fax, address, etc. You also need to ask for some “optional” information like age, sex, occupation, marital status, number and ages of children, income range, special skills, interests and talents, education, and anything else that will help you get to know your customer better. Some people feel that potential customers will not give this kind of information over the internet. This is not true. But, you may have to trade for it. Offer website visitors a special bonus for completing the survey, like free advertising or a free special report. 25 Gathering Customer Information Effectively gathering customer information is as critical to your success online as it is in the real world. However, think of all the advantages to electronic data collection: • No expenses associated with phone rooms, long distance call backs, and mailing packages. • Response takes minutes, not days, weeks or months (good for selling impulse products). • Online questionnaires are easier and more convenient than other survey methods allowing you to collect more information from customers and provide effective and immediate customer feedback. • Customer data can be pulled into your contact manager and database automatically saving time and money. The internet can replace the need for support staff and give you more time and money to spend on marketing and promotion. Develop an E-mail based contact management system for following up on customers No matter how good you feel your manual record keeping system is for managing your online contacts, you will eventually have to convert over to an automated contact management system, like Outlook, Goldmine, or even the contact manager in Group Mail. These programs, in combination with Microsoft Outlook Express or Eudora E-mail will allow you to keep track of thousands of contacts, schedule follow up appointments, and track each individual’s progress. Finding your Customers On and Off-line Now that you have developed your virtual store stocked full of the products and services that match your website theme, and now that you understand “who” you are looking for, it’s time to go hunting for customers. Here are some strategies for finding your customers on and off-line. • • • • Become your own customer for a day and go shopping… using search engines. Interview likeminded webmasters and site owners to probe for marketing information. Ask site owners about free links, link swaps, cross promotions, and paid advertising. Immerse yourself in information related to your target customer and products. Become your own customer for a day and go shopping… using search engines In the previous section, you were able to get a clear picture of exactly who your customer is and how they behave in the market. Now it's time to put on your customer’s shoes and take a stroll on the internet. One of the best ways to start collecting information about where you customers like to shop is to do keyword searches at the most popular search engines. The top search engines on the internet are AltaVista, Excite, Webcrawler, Lycos, HotBot, GoTo, Northern Lights, Infoseek, dogpile, and Yahoo (which is actually a search directory and has more traffic that almost any site on the net with the exception of AOL). Simply put a “http://www.” in front of each of these names and “.com” at the end, paste it into your web browser (usually Internet Explorer or Netscape) and hit enter to go to any of these search engines. Next, select 2-3 keywords or phrases that best represent the products or services you are marketing online and especially any keywords that your target customers would be using in a search. For example, if you were selling electronic keyboards (the musical kind) you might choose words like electric pianos, keyboards, musical instruments, etc. (most search engines prefer the plural form of the keyword). Now lets say you didn’t market any name-brand instruments but you knew that your target customers might be looking for them. You could type in popular names like Yamaha, Casio, and Roland to see if any related sites come up. Eventually you want to expand your keyword list to include any popular words or phrases that your customers are most likely 26 searching for online. I can’t stress to you enough how important it is to know the keywords and phrases that motivate and inspire your customers. Type these keywords or phrases into the search bar at the top of the search engine and click the search button or hit enter. The search engine will bring up a list of 10-20 sites that are related to that keyword. Now pretend that you are still your customer and explore these sites thoroughly. Select other keywords, explore the sites that come up, and then repeat the process with the various search engines. Make sure you take notes on the things that you like and dislike about the sites you visit. This information will help you design the website that has all of the good elements of your competitors’ sites but none of the bad. Interview likeminded webmasters and site owners and probe for marketing information When visiting sites that relate to your industry and customers, make sure you don’t hesitate to ask questions to the webmasters of these sites. Sometimes you may not get what you’re looking for, but don’t be surprised when you do get some very helpful information. Some site owners love to brag about their accomplishments and they can be very open and generous with their information. After all, there is enough to go around for everyone on the net! Ask site owners about free links, link swaps, cross promotions, and paid advertising There are many website owners who will be glad to swap a link or an ad. Sometimes you will be able to find websites that offer products complimentary to what your site is offering. In the future, you may want to consider some cross promotion deals or you may even want to purchase some advertising. We’ll go into detail about ALL of these techniques in the traffic building section. The important thing for now is to keep your “joint venture” hat on while you’re surfing, and write down (or save as favorites) any sites you might want to study or partner with later. Become an expert at contacting customers where you’re most likely to find them As you continue to learn more and more about your customer, you will learn their hot buttons. Spend some time developing continuous marketing strategies that will get you in front of these customers so you can work your magic. Its kind of like the famous “how to work a room” strategy. If you’ve been in sales and marketing for any length of time, you’ve undoubtedly heard of one of these schmoozers who can go into a room full of potential prospects armed with only a stack of business cards and come out with enough qualified leads to fuel their business for the next six months. You want to develop these same networking skills on the Internet. Find areas where you know your prospects will be. Learn how to work the bulletin boards, chat rooms, and news groups. Become an online celebrity by sharing your knowledge and expertise freely online. Give people a taste of what they will get by being associated with you. Provide value for free, and soon online contacts will be beating a virtual path to your E-mail box. Immerse yourself in information related to your target customer and products Another way to really get to know your target customer better is to join newsgroups and to subscribe to newsletters related to your customer’s interests. Your ISP (Internet Service Provider or the company that gives you access to the internet) can give you the help you need to get into the newsgroups. Also, don’t forget the off-line world when it comes to gathering marketing information. Subscribe to and read the magazines that your customers read, watch the shows that they watch, and constantly ask for their feedback. Reserving a solid block of time every day for answering E-mail By the way, as traffic increases at your website, so does your volume of daily E-mail. Time is a precious resource that we must manage with care. Although your online marketing machine is designed to run with maximum efficiency, it will take considerable time to operate your business. 27 The Internet does not free up your time so you can work one hour per day and enjoy full-time income. The internet simply multiplies your efficiency and effectiveness. It allows the one-person business to compete with larger business models. The internet combined with your PC allows you to get more work done in a day than you ever thought possible. But it still takes lots of time. Commit to making time to keep up with your E-mail so your customers and contacts are not waiting on you. © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer 28 Traffic Building Techniques © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer Everyone talks about the importance of Traffic Generation on the Internet but few online marketing trainers ever throw in the word “Qualified” before the word Traffic. What is the use of seeing website “hits” increasing when you do not have any results. I don’t care if someone has one million hits per month. If the site is not collecting names of interested visitors or if significant sales are not being generated, your marketing campaign is a failure. We’ve already talked about how to make your website capture qualified traffic, now we’re going to uncover the secrets of generating that Qualified Traffic to your site. Possibly the most important factor in the success of your online marketing system deals with the quantity and the quality of the traffic you are driving to your website on a daily basis. Here we will explore some of the most powerful traffic building tools available on and off the internet. Ad Co-ops Advertising co-ops are one of the foundational traffic generation systems you will be using with any team lead generating website system. Allow me to explain ad co-ops first, and then I’ll get into several other fundamental traffic building strategies. Distributor Advertising Co-ops (Ad Co-ops) have always been a fantastic way for network marketing distributors to build a constant daily flow of leads. Traditionally, ad co-ops work like this. A network marketing leader decides to run an advertising co-op for their downline. That leader creates a “unit price” for purchasing blocks of leads from the co-op. For example, lets say all of the distributors were putting in $300. With 30 distributors in the co-op each purchasing one share, that’s $9,000 worth of co-op funds. The leader then would take that money and purchase advertising in trade publications, magazines, newspapers, and also do a variety of direct mail campaigns. All advertising responses are funneled through an 800 number and then all leads are divided up equally among the share owners. Most companies would pass these leads out through their company voice mail distribution system. I built my entire business using advertising co-ops of one kind or another. At first I did all of these co-ops offline and eventually I brought them all on-line. As I started using computer and internet technology to gather and distribute my leads, I noticed several things. First, even if I was still purchasing traditional off-line advertising, I was reducing my costs on my co-op by two thirds just by using a website and E-mail for collection and follow-up rather than an 800 number, phone follow-up, and package mailings. In addition to the drastic decrease in expense, I realized that I was getting back to people almost immediately rather than trying for a week or so to get hold of each contact, mail informational packages, wait another week for them to get the information, and then try to catch them again. Instead, I was getting information to them almost instantly through electronic deliver and following up within hours or days instead of weeks and months. Bottom line, I started having MUCH better results. I was able to contact a lot more people in much less time and it cost me about one third of what I was spending previously. Now those are figures I can deal with. 29 Team MLM Sites are the perfect way to facilitate distributor co-ops. As funds come in from the hosting, training, and maintenance fees paid by the distributors for their team websites, a portion of these funds can be set aside for some basic ad co-op activities. If a company or distributorship organization is growing steadily, then the team can rely on the funds being there to support ongoing advertising and promotions. So everyone who purchases an MLM site will receive some traffic through the advertising co-op. Even though the basic ad co-op will provide some leads, its important to realize that you will not receive enough leads to keep you constantly busy sponsoring new distributors. Therefore, it is important that you are not relying solely on the co-op for your success. You should be anxiously engaged in promoting your business in other ways. You can apply some of the traffic building techniques outlined in this training system, OR you can participate in some PAID distributor co-ops. That’s right. You can actually purchase additional shares in any co-op or even organize some coops of your own. Be sure to diversify your advertising strategy if you do one on your own. This increases the effectiveness of the co-op and eliminates the risk. News Groups One of the most fundamental ways to start building traffic to your website is through the use of what people call FFA links or FREE FOR ALL links. These are also called Free Classifieds. However, they pretty much DON’T work, so don’t waste your time. MUCH more effective than the free classifieds and free for all links are NEWS GROUPS. A news group is FREE electronic discussion board on the internet that allows you to read and post messages about specific topics. There are so many people connected to the internet that these newsgroups can be extremely specific. If you want to find a place for people interested in becoming Elvis impersonators, or a discussion board on the wonderful world of cross dressing, you’ll find something related in newsgroups. The most popular newsgroup, or the one that everyone refers to as “the newsgroups” is a program called USENET. There are two ways to access USENET. First, you can contact your E-mail service provider (AOL, yahoo, earthlink, etc.) and ask them for directions on how to access USENET through that service. However, if you want immediate, easy access to USENET, you can go to right now and start locating your favorites. You can use the SEARCH DISCUSSIONS tool at Deja to do a search for newsgroups related to any given keyword or you can click on any of the categories they have listed there including alternative, recreation, computers, society, miscellaneous, science, news, business, K through 12, humanities, talk, and regional. Certain rules apply to the news groups that may be different from list to list. For example, some newsgroups allow advertising and some don’t. How can you tell the difference? Go to the newsgroup and see what types of postings people are placing. If there are already lots of advertisements, then you can bet that advertising is OK is the group. There may also be a rule that says you can only post one ad per hour, or one ad per day. Make sure you honor the rules of the new group list. There’s nothing worse than breaking the newsgroup rules and getting on the black list of an over zealous online vigilante. For your own advertising and promotion, it’s important to target the newsgroups that deal directly with your subject matter. For example, if you are promoting affiliate business opportunities or a network marketing opportunity, you would want to promote to newsgroups dealing with business opportunities, making money, home-based business, and the like. You can even do a search for these keywords to find the newsgroups you will promote to. You will also search for the obvious matches like network marketing, and affiliate or associate programs. 30 You can also find profitable niches on the internet that are not directly related to your product or service, but with a little creativity, can be. Lets say, for instance, you are marketing a new video game your son developed in his Understanding Software class (don’t laugh, it happens). You might be able to promote the game to newsgroups dealing with video games. However, there are many more newsgroups that feature information and products that the SAME target market may be interested in. For example, maybe you see that your ideal customers are spending a lot of time in newsgroups dealing with PokeMon, Magic game cards, sports, skateboards, or even comic books. How could you indirectly suggest going to your website to check out the computer game? Well, if the video game deals with sports, there’s an easy cross over. Maybe your video game deals with fantasy adventure. Could you draw some parallels with a popular comic book or PokeMon character to build curiosity for your game? Did your son model any of the characters after someone or something that thousands can identify with? Maybe it’s a car racing game. Think of the possibilities there. Car racing enthusiasts may purchase the game for themselves, a child, or relative. They might purchase it to give away as a prize at a club event. You might find a retailer looking for industry related products for buyers of all ages. It’s time to get REALLY creative and see where it takes you. Some newsgroups are not open to blatant advertising, but allow referrals and discussion of products and services as long as they are in more of a consumer information vein rather than a sales vein. One of the most effective approaches to selling in the “discussion” oriented newsgroups is to give valuable content every day on a specific topic of expertise for a LONG period of time. Over time, people on the discussion board come to respect and admire you for your knowledge and suggestions. Eventually, people come to know and respect you as an authority on your subject matter. This is when your presence on that discussion forum becomes valuable. Any suggestions you make to the people on the board can influence their actions. You have a captive audience of potential customers. Authors do very well in discussion based news groups. Anyone can be a successful author with the right topic and especially with the right marketing approach. Let me share an example of how an author might succeed with discussion boards. Lets say you’ve written a book called Organic Gardening Made Easy. To build credibility, you can start posting the contents of your entire book in the form of 3-5 paragraph summaries in the newsgroups. Spread this information over a year and you have plenty of content to be posting in the newsgroups every day if not twice each day. This technique works best in discussion groups that are very active with lots of daily posts. Soon you will have a nice following of curious pupils. Another technique that some people use in the discussion boards is a little more clever, and if done right it can produce great results. After advertising your book heavily in the “anything goes” newsgroups for several weeks, you might go into a newsgroup under an anonymous e-mail account and find a group dealing with “Nice Vacation Destinations.” You might post a message that reads, “Help, I’m going on a 2 week vacation to Hawaii and I want to read a good book on Organic Gardening. Does anyone have any suggestions?” Chances are someone has seen your ad for your book in another newsgroup and they may give the name of the newsgroup or the name of your website to find it. Now if someone doesn’t suggest your book, maybe a friend can. Have them go back into the newsgroup and help the readers out with a post like this to follow up the original message. “Here’s the perfect book for you. I read it and LOVE it. Its called Organic Gardening Made Easy and you can get it at” Savvy marketing technique or shameless self-promotion scheme? You be the judge, but it works. Remember, you’re simply trying to match interested people with interesting products. ONLINE AUCTIONS 31 Over the past few years, the internet have given way to dozens of popular electronic auction sites including the largest and most popular, Here thousands of people congregate to buy and sell their treasures. The auction sites make money on small sales commissions and advertising. Visitors enjoy searching for bargains under every imaginable category. Sellers bring their goods and services and auction them off to the highest bidder. I originally got a taste of how online auctions could be used to generate website traffic and produce repeat sales. The first technique I learned by observing the masterful work of some of the more skilled online auctioneers. Some of these masters would create traffic streams in subtle ways. For instance, one time while I was searching around in the GUITARS FOR SALE section, I noticed a nice price on a classic instrument. I noticed in the ad for the guitar that not only did they picture the guitar, but they gave a website address where I could get more details on that specific guitar and a number of additional high resolution pictures. At this site, they also promised a wide selection of other fantastic guitar deals. Soon I forgot all about the guitar being auctioned and was browsing this website looking for bargains that I didn’t have to bargain for. As I continued to study other listings and categories, I noticed other marketers using these techniques to drive considerable traffic to their sites without blatantly advertising in their auction listing. Another technique, which I found incredibly effective, was the concept of auctioning off sales letters. Allow me to explain. There are many topics to choose from at the auction sites. While I was searching the site, one topic I noticed was business opportunities, which had hundreds of listings. Although many people were auctioning off businesses, business equipment, supplies, and office furniture, some were simply selling information. For example, I found many reports on How to Make Money on the Internet or How to Make FullTime Income on E-bay. I remember spending about $100 to order half a dozen courses and software programs designed to help me make money at online auctions. As I studied all of these offers and the products and information products I received as a result of my purchases, I realized that these people were actually MAKING MONEY selling information on their products. It was kind of like having someone walk into your store and pay you for a brochure on your company. How 32 Traffic Building Techniques: Part 2 © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer Here are some more great traffic ideas… Ad/Link Swaps Ask site owners about free links, link swaps, cross promotions, and paid advertising. Sometimes you will be able to find websites that offer complimentary products to what your site is offering. Using the above product example, if you’re selling musical keyboards, you might find a site that sells popular sheet music for piano and keyboard. Maybe you find a site that sells guitars only, or a mail order shop that repairs keyboards and electronics. If you feel these sites are successful and receiving many visits, it might be in your best interest to try to get them to link to your site. Some webmasters will visit your site and think it’s the best thing since sliced bread. They will voluntarily give you a link or banner ad on their site for nothing. Most webmasters will want to swap links. In other words, you might say “if you put my link on your site, I will put a link for you on my site.” If they have good traffic flowing through their site, this is a good deal for you. You know you’re going to have lots of traffic so it’s ALWAYS a good deal for them, even if you’re just starting out. However, don’t swap links with just anyone. Treat your links like bartering credits and give them to those who will treat you right and give you something valuable in return. One of the most effective marketing strategies on the internet is called cross promotion. This is where you endorse each other’s sites. For example, you might find you enjoy working with Shelly’s Sheet Music and you’re getting some business from her site. So you write a letter of endorsement to post at your site that tells visitors how much you use and recommend her products and services. She does the same for you at her site. You can even take this a step further and send a letter of endorsement out to your entire newsletter list. Shelly does the same and soon you have both doubled your traffic with no investment whatsoever! What would happen if you did this with ten site owners? What would happen if you did one endorsement swap per week for two years. Catch my drift? Finally, do not underestimate the power of paid advertising on the internet. Now if you have done any kind of research about internet advertising, you probably know that internet advertising can be very unpredictable and if you do not know what you are doing, you can lose a lot of money. The key to an effective paid advertising campaigns it to target your advertising. Again, seek out those sites that your customers are visiting. You may even want to do a customer survey on your site to find out where they are spending their time online. Once you have located 5-10 top sites, start contacting the webmaster to see if they have any paid advertising opportunities. You will find a wide range of options. Go with the deals that will give you the most bang for the buck. In other words, find the sites and ads that will be seen by the largest number of qualified prospects for the least amount of investment. Then test, test, test. Soon you will know which ads to re-invest in and which ones to drop. A website “stats package” can help you track your response to each ad. Use traditional off-line direct marketing techniques to drive customers online You won’t believe the results you can get from a hot direct mail marketing campaign designed to boost the traffic on your site. Some of my most successful months online have been the result of combining hot online advertising with a direct mail drop or card deck advertisement (bulk direct mail postcard advertising). Direct mail can be a great way to expose potential customers to your site who may not normally find you through online sources. Banner Advertising and Linking Strategies 33 Banner advertisements are those rectangular display ads that you usually see at the top and bottom of websites. There are “animated” banners that have movement, and there are “static” banners that simply sit there and look pretty. Large corporations have been able to use banner advertising with fantastic success. However, banner advertising has seemed somewhat out of reach for the small or single person businesses. Why? Because most of the information you read about on banner advertising involves buying banner space on major site or search engines. These banners can cost tens of thousands of dollars depending on the length of the ad. This kind of “mass marketing” will probably never work for your business and will end up being a very expensive online advertising lesson. After all, would you place a display ad in Life, People, or Time magazine? Probably not, this is a mass advertising program. As a target marketer, you’re looking for “targeted” promotions. So if you were selling homemade jam and jelly recipes, you’d probably do better in Country Living magazine or Home Canning Illustrated. Applying this same logic online, the best strategy would be to find the sites that appeal to your target customers that are getting the most hits and see if you can place a banner ad on their site. You might go to a search engine and type in the keyword that your target customers are using to search for what you’re selling. As the list of top sites comes up, you can contact the webmaster and negotiate a banner deal with them. Remember, you can purchase banner space, or you can swap banners and links. Make sure you shop around, there could be some really good deals out there if you’re willing to look for them. How To Improve Banner Ad Response Any good ad copywriter or display advertiser knows that the difference between success and failure in advertising is the ability to reach out and grab the viewer’s attention with an effective advertisement. Improving your ad strategy can significantly increase your results. For example, banners that contain the words FREE, Click Here, Click Now, and New will dramatically increase response. Research also shows that the most effective banners use no less than four words and no more than fourteen words in their banner. Keep your banners to a maximum of 10k to reduce load time. Don’t worry about using a large company logo or any graphics that are not designed to pull them in. Your potential customers don’t care about who you are until they know how you can help them. Think in terms of “YOU get these amazing FREE benefits NOW! CLICK HERE!!” If you are designing your own banners, here are some excellent software resources: Corel, Macromedia, Microsoft Image Composer, Mindshop, PhotoShop, Microsoft Front Page, Microsoft Publisher. However, it may be much better use of your time and money to have someone else do your banners for you. Linking Strategies Linking strategies operate on the same principle as banners. Instead of purchasing or swapping a display ad, you are using hypertext links (or the little blue words that are linked to another page). Sometimes a small classified ad can also be considered a link. The most effective links that can be purchased or swapped for are newsletter classified ads. I’ve seen targeted newsletters that go out to over 1,000 qualified recipients. Classified ads with one or two hypertext links can go for as little as $20-$100 depending on how many issues you are purchasing. Endorsed Mailings/Affiliations The best way to get REALLY good response is to get someone to send an endorsed sales letter to their list promoting your product. I’ve seen up to ten times the results to such offers. You bring the product and mail to their list and split the profits. This is possibly the fastest and easiest way to get a lot of traffic and a lot of sales FAST. Always be looking for Endorsed Mailing Joint Ventures. Develop a daily link acquisition strategy and stick to it 34 One of the most effective and 100% FREE techniques online marketers are using today is a daily link gathering strategy. It would be foolish to spend all day every day acquiring free links and doing link and banner swaps with other websites. However, if you were to budget say 10 % of your online business time every day to acquiring links and swapping banners and placing free ads all over the internet, imagine the kind of exposure you could have at the end of one year. How about five years? This is a long-term strategy that can have a compounding effect on the traffic coming to your site, so don’t expect immediate results. Also, many search engines will give you priority placement based upon the number of other sites to which you are linked. Offline Traffic Building Don’t neglect offline traffic building ideas and advertising. Use your website as a method to reduce the costs associated with this kind of promotion. Look for opportunities to promote your site everywhere you go and with everyone you meet. Net Leaders System Solution DC Falter Marketing is proud to offer a full marketing service. Not only do we supply you with the automation to empower your online business, but we also offer advertising and marketing co-ops and training for each individual site owner to make sure the entire time also knows how to drive traffic to their Net Leaders System Website. © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer PS. Search Engine Secrets I have a new series of articles entitled Search Engine Secrets Revealed. Net Leaders System Solution In additions to marketing and advertising co-ops, DC Falter Marketing will also develop search engine listing services and co-ops for the benefit of driving traffic to the MLM Team Sites for those who are associated with DC Falter Marketing. These services start around $2,000 and go up dramatically based on the number of guaranteed listings. Monthly maintenance charges may also apply, but they’re worth it! Don’t spend your individual time at the search engines gambling to win traffic, let Net Leaders System professionals go to work for you and help your entire organization get excellent listing in all of the major engines. With Search Engine Co-ops, everybody wins. 35 Practical Online Marketing Advice and Details © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer Budgeting for Online Technology Developing an online marketing business is like any other business. It requires some start up capital and some money to keep things running smoothly. However, it requires a fraction of the investment associated with traditional start-ups, and your investment can be quickly recouped if you learn the principles of success and apply them quickly. Also, the ongoing expenses should not be a concern since you will learn how to make enough to cover your monthly hosting and internet access fees and any adverting you would like to do. Don’t spend money on unproven strategies, but don’t be cheap when it comes to investing your online business. Just make sure you have reviewed ALL of this information first. Your monthly or annual hosting fee for maintaining your website is a very small price to pay for the incredible tool you have at your disposal. If you can’t afford the annual or monthly hosting fee, you can’t afford to be in business. Hardware and Software Advice You can operate your site with either a PC or a Mac, but I strongly encourage a PC based on cost, functionality, and training compatibility. In the year 2002, if you’re going to purchase a new computer, it should be a Pentium IV class computer or better. I bought a DELL because it was rated #1 in quality and customer satisfaction. Go to You should have 256 megs of RAM, and I recommend a 80 gig hard drive or at least the ability to upgrade. You should have all of the standard audio and video cards that would accompany a machine of this caliber. You also need some kind of modem. A 56K is becoming very slow now although it’s still the most economical choice for laptop users. If you do have a 56K modem, make sure you are connecting at 56K. Some services are very inconsistent with their connection speeds. I now STRONGLY recommend a DSL line or the cable modem if you have it in your area (I use AT&T cable). Highspeed access can save you many minutes and sometimes even hours every day. You’ll thank me later, believe me. You will need a simple ink jet printer. A $150-$200 printer today is better than a $2,000 printer from just a few years ago. Here are the TWO best printers on the market RIGHT NOW. Epson Stylus C60 priced at $100 outperforms the $300 models. Canon Color Bubble Jet S300, also $100 and TOP marks. The Canon is much more economical on the INK cartridges. The biggest difference in price right now is the speed of printing more than quality of the print. And quality these days is based on the grade of paper you are using and your printer settings, not necessarily on the printer. Anything from HP is excellent, but look at “cost per print.” Its not the price of the computer, but the price of ink cartridges that should be your concern. You will eventually need a scanner or convenient and inexpensive access to one. A CD burner is handy for some projects since many files are getting too big to store on a floppy disk and they’re great for backing up your hard drive. If you will be staring at a monitor for hours every day, I’d recommend a good quality monitor. Today I’d recommend a FLAT SCREEN monitor, not a flat panel (the ones that are space savers). Don’t get me wrong, the flat panels are fine but it doesn’t matter whether its big or small, as long as it has a FLAT screen. Flat screens are easier on the eyes and all around better quality. 36 It’s handy to have a manual fax as well as fax software. I’ve found that I will often use my manual fax when computer modems don’t seem to want to communicate or when I’m faxing internationally and I’m worried about the compatibility of the software on the other end. E-fax services are beginning to get popular and may replace the traditional fax systems we’re all used to working with. In the office you will want to have convenient access to everything from your computer. Invest in a comfortable chair with good back support and the ability to adjust for a custom fit. Make sure you have a filing cabinet nearby. We may be headed for a paperless society, but not yet--especially with your legal, tax, and company forms and information. Lets see, what else… good lighting, heating, etc. You’re going to be spending a lot of time here. Make sure you’re comfortable. And by the way, even if you can not dedicate an entire room to your home office, make sure you designate an area and DO NOT mix home and office. Build your borders now and defend them, it’s the only way to stay sane. Software Recommendations Please only look at this section if you are at the intermediate to advanced computer user level. Otherwise, it is totally irrelevant to your success and may even be cause for concern. Remember, when you start getting fancy, you destroy the duplication process. These tools will, however, help you administer the technical needs of a growing downline organization (like distributing leads online, organizing co-ops, communicating with select teams, etc.) Windows XP is the current standard software platforms for most online marketers. I’m sure something else is right around the corner if I know B.G. If you don’t have an E-mail system with your current network marketing team site, you will want to have either the latest version of Eudora (currently 5.0 at date of printing) or the latest version of Outlook (version 2000 or later), which now comes with Microsoft Office. If you have the need for a website development or maintenance software package, I recommend Microsoft Front Page, the industry’s website design and maintenance software standard. Some critics say otherwise, but trust me, this product is STILL the most user friendly system on the market and the latest version blows the competition away. You will need “front page extensions” installed on your web server to use this program (ask your techies). If you have more technical ability, Dream Weaver is even better, just harder to use and more expensive. One program that has brought me much joy, much business, and has changed my life forever is Group Mail by Aureate. You can get group mail by clicking here. I recommend Group Mail PLUS!! You’ll need to have or download an internet browser like Internet Explorer (preferred). Make sure you have the latest version. After all, thanks to Bill Gate’s ruthless marketing tactics, they’re free. You will eventually need to download some standard freebees that you will need for different ventures like Adobe Acrobat Reader, Real Audio and Real Video, Macromedia’s Shock Wave Flash, and many others. You will usually be prompted at a website to download these handy tools when you need them. Some other programs that many webmasters and online marketers have found helpful include Photoshop, Web Position Gold, Group Mail, Microsoft Office, and a others. Don’t get these until you need them. Sometimes your techie will have everything you need. Net Leaders System Solution 37 Your online MLM system should be constantly evolving. As the company grows, budget some of your resources to constantly upgrade and improve your online marketing system. DC Falter Marketing is here to help you develop any technology that you feel will help empower the distributors. Its time to catch the internet wave and ride it into the 21st century. Get with your DC Falter Marketing today and find out more about the Net Leaders System. © 2000-2004 DC Falter Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved By Daren C. Falter, Network Marketing Author, Speaker, Trainer This article was sent to you by: Sue Seward FitFourSuccess Marketing 979-248-1020 38
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