Name: _______________________________ The “straight goods” on how to... 1. Sell more, 2. Manage smarter, 3. Grow your bottom line…and, 4. Have a life! Presented by: Donald Cooper, MBA. HoF Certified Speaking Professional Prepared specially for AIA W estern Forum September 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB THE DONALD COOPER CORPORATION Website: Email [email protected] Tel. 1-(416) 252-3704 Toronto, Ontario, Canada B I O G R AP H Y D ona ld C ooper , MB A, H oF C e r t i f i e d S p e a k i n g Pr o f e s s i o n a l BORN : Toronto, Canada, 1941 E DUCAT I ON : Honours Business Degree and MBA from the Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario, Donald Cooper, MBA, HoF Every business owner needs to spend a few hours with Donald Cooper…it changes everything! Randy Ketelsen, President of America’s #1 RV Dealership A compelling bottom-line business message…brilliantly delivered! Editor of Profit Magazine Donald, your two presentations were rated #1 and #2 out of the 40 seminars and workshops that we offered. Sterling Event Management, USA BUS I NE S S E X P E RI E NCE : 1) Cooper Canada, 18 years: Executive, Director and major Shareholder: Cooper Canada became a world-leading manufacturer of protective sports equipment and a Canadian brand icon, growing from humble beginnings to employing over 3000 people. It was also Canada’s largest maker of fine leather goods under the Buxton brand name. Cooper Canada was a major exporter and importer…and operated an offshore manufacturing facility in Barbados for 13 years. 2) Alive & Well, 13 years: Founder, President and Chief Visionary Officer: Alive & Well was a visionary fashion retail business that received 7 awards for marketing, service and business excellence in just 3 years, including being voted Canada’s Outstanding Innovative Retailer by the Retail Council of Canada. This unique “Warehouse Boutique” concept in Markham, Ontario, fundamentally reinvented the very idea of what a retailer could be and attracted international attention. Alive & Well achieved sales per sq ft of 3 times the national average for stores of its type. CONTACT INFO: Sharen Skene Director of Marketing Toronto, Canada 1-416-252-3704 [email protected] 3) International Business Speaker and Coach, 20 years: Donald is respected by clients in 40 industries throughout the world as a “thought leader” and passionate visionary. His benchmark work on business Vision and leadership fundamentally transforms businesses…and business people. He brings to any resultsbased discussion a rare balance of reality, integrity and possibilities. Donald has helped 1000s of clients to create an more extraordinary business by doing the right thing extraordinarily well. Specifically, his focus is on creating clarity of purpose and direction, a compelling competitive advantage, a top-performing team and long-term profitability. As a world-class innovator and communicator of ideas, Donald has been awarded the prestigious Certified Speaking Professional designation, the highest earned designation in the world of professional speaking. He has also been inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame. As part of his commitment to the next generation of business leaders, Donald speaks at MBA Schools around the world as he travels the globe for clients. AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB “Keepers” Accelerate your business... The �straight goods’ on how to… 1. Sell more, 2. Manage smarter, 2. Grow your bottom line...and, 4. Have a life! AIA Western Forum - 2012 Edmonton, Canada Presented by…Donald Cooper, MBA A quote from the great Gordie Howe: When asked why players in his day always wore a cup, but rarely a helmet, Gordie replied... "You can always get someone else to do your thinkin for you." Donald Cooper, MBA Page 1 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB Reality check: In case you hadn’t noticed…the vehicle repair business is challenging! “Keepers” 1. New vehicles have longer service intervals. 2. Vehicles are more complex. 3. Customers are more demanding. 4. More & stronger competition. 5. Shrinking margins. 6. Good staff hard to find and keep! But hey, every business is tough! - Unless you love it…and, - Have a burning desire to do it better. Finish these sentences from your business experience: 1. You just can’t get ____________ anymore. 2. I wish my customers would stop _________. 3. People do business with us because we’re __ ____________. 4. People who don’t do business with us say that we’re too ______________________. 5. The most important thing to do to grow our bottom line this year is _______________. Donald Cooper, MBA Page 2 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB Lets face it…mediocrity is no longer an option! If we’re trying to succeed in business by being mediocre, once our customers have been to Disney World…we’re doomed! “Keepers” Illuminations… Light Show - EPCOT Do you want to be the “doctor” or the “dentist” of auto service? People go to the doctor when they’ve �broken down’, so doctors… a) Respond reactively, b) Are always on call, c) Have long waiting lines of frustrated �customers’. d) Have huge stress and no life. Do you want to be the “doctor” or the “dentist” of auto service? Dentists, on the other hand… a) Mostly do preventive maintenance work. b) Book most of their appointments months ahead. c) Have civilized office hours. d) Make good money. e) Have a life! Donald Cooper, MBA Frank Meiboom, Trenton…“Auto Dentist” Page 3 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB And the secret to getting there is creating… “Keepers” 1. TRUST in your integrity…and, 2. CONFIDENCE in your ability. Reality Check Check:: The relationship has traditionally lacked trust and confidence…in fact, it has been adversarial. You must effectively communicate 3 things …better than your competitors: 1) That keeping their vehicle in good repair with regular, scheduled maintenance is important for their… a) Personal safety, b) Convenience…and, c) Financial well well--being. 2) That you are the best person to do the work. 3) When it’s time for that regular maintenance. “Leadership”, according to Grandma Cooper! “We need to get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet.” We have… a) Promise makers…and, b) Promise keepers. Donald Cooper, MBA Page 4 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB As leaders, our first job is clarity... “Keepers” 1. The customer value and experience that we commit to deliver. 2. What we commit to become. 3. How we’ll get there. 4. The extraordinary bottom line we’ll generate generate… …and, 5. How we commit to behave along the way. …”com mitments”...not goals, targets, aims and objectives. Clarity is also the 1st step to “having a life”: When everyone on our team is clear about our commitments, they don’t have be micromicro-managed... managed...and and we don’t have to be there every minute. “KEY CHALLENGES” AUDIT We face increased competition for our customers’ loyalty, money, time and attention. Shrinking margins. We need to better understand our target customers …who they are, why they buy and what they really want. How to do more business with existing customers and how to attract new and profitable customers. We need to do a better job of creating and delivering compelling customer-owning Value that will “grab” our target customers, clearly differentiate us, make us “famous”…and grow our bottom line. Donald Cooper, MBA Page 5 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB “Keepers” Our Vision is … A clear and measurable statement of what we’re committed to become to be a profitable and responsible market leader in 3 to 5 years! It will inform, focus, challenge & inspire everyone on our team. ...but how can we know the future? There are actually 2 kinds of �future’: #1. The future that will happen... - population & demographics, - changing tastes & priorities, - invention & discovery, - political & economic changes, - war & terrorism. #2. The future that we commit to proactively create. Donald Cooper, MBA Page 6 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB The power of a clear Vision! “I just chip away everything that isn’t angel!” “Keepers” …Michelangelo Defining “SUCCESS”: Our business will be “successful” when… . 1. We _______________________________________________________ can be happy. . _______________________________________________________ make a profit. 2. We . _______________________________________________________ 3. We have more family time. . have less stress. 4. We _______________________________________________________ . the business is saleable. _______________________________________________________ 5. When 6. _______________________________________________________. 7. _______________________________________________________. Think… - sales volume. - $ profit, ROI. - no debt. - $____ in the bank. - market share. - customer satisfaction. - staff turnover of ___. - employee safety. - share price grows by __% a year. - time away. - life balance. - can be sold for $_____. The “Vision Critical Guide”: - Insights, - Tools and, - Templates design the future of your business..and your life! Donald Cooper, MBA Page 7 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB If you own the business, is it paying you once, twice…or not at all? “Keepers” 1. A salary equal to what you could earn working for someone else. 2. An ROI of at least 12%. 3. Rent. Do you have an exit strategy and an eventual and a catastrophic succession plan? According to a KPMG study, 80% of Canadian Body Shops are below the $2 million sales level required to be profitable: The “back “back--assward assward” ” approach... Calculate the afterafter-tax profit you need to... 1. Live the life you want, 2. Save for the kids education & your retirement. 3. Get debtdebt-free and reinvest in the business. ...then create a Business Plan for the next few years that generates that bottom bottom--line. Note: Note: If the business doesn’t have a SCIH of reaching that number, rethink the business, or rethink your life. Donald Cooper, MBA Page 8 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB The simple math of growing your bottom line: 1. Raise prices by 5% = bottom line by __%. 2. Increase sales 5% = bottom line by __%. 3. Reduce expense 5% = bottom line • Sales by __%. $1,000,000 $1050,000 • 65% cost of goods $650,000 $682,500 • 35% Gross margin $350,000 $367,500 • Operating Expenses $300,000 $300,000 • Pretax profit $67,500 = + 35% $50,000 “Keepers” ...this increases the eventual selling price of the biz by $80,000 to $105,000, in that year alone! Year Sales = Increase of & Net profit of 2013 $_____________ = + $_____________ $ __________________. 2014 $_____________ = + $_____________ $ __________________. 2015 $_____________ = + $_____________ $ __________________. 2016 $_____________ = + $_____________ $ __________________. Donald Cooper, MBA Page 9 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB “Keepers” Investment math 101: Because of the value of the land and other assets, this Auto Parts biz can be sold for $5 mil. How much profit must it generate to make it worthwhile to keep operating? $_________. At a 6% yield, $5 Mil would generate $300,000. But biz lost $80,000 last year. So they need to improve their prepre-tax profit by $380,000 to make sense staying in business. OUR CUSTOMER COMMITMENT Our commitment to deliver: 1. Compelling value...and, 2. Extraordinary customer experiences. Many businesses make the mistake of defining themselves by… 1. The products or services they’ve always sold, 2. How and where they’ve always done business. The ice box …it’s all about them and it’s all about yesterday! Donald Cooper, MBA Page 10 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB Take “understanding” to a new level: “Keepers” When our target customers are buying the product or service we sell... __________.. 1. What are they really trying to do do? ? __________ 2. What do they want (or need) to know know? ? _____ _____.. ________________.. 3. How do they want to feel feel? ? ________________ 4. How much do they expect to pay pay? ? _______. Understanding why people buy: The simple truth… 1. People buy “stuff” to make some of their Stress go away! 2. So, our only value to any other human being is in our ability to make some of their stress go away! Reality Check: When we’re getting beaten up on price, it’s a sure sign that you’ve failed to create and communicate some other compelling value. Donald Cooper, MBA Page 11 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB The simple truth about customer loyalty: “Keepers” People are loyal to what’s ___ __ ___, ...or what they assume is ___ ___ ___. ...and they’re confused about what’s best for them! Be the �Caring Coach’: How can you take the mystery out of vehicle maintenance? For parts suppliers...put a QR code on parts leading to an �install video’. “Service” defined… 1) Knowledgeable & honest advice & reminders. 2) Work done right…first time, on time. 3) Straight talk in plain English. 4) A competitive price. I need a little help here folks! 5) A convenient location. 6) A great waiting area. 7) HassleHassle-free service from cheerful & respectful people. Donald Cooper, MBA Page 12 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB “Keepers” “Service” is NOT NOT… … 1) Doing unnecessary repairs. 2) Changing the radio station on my car radio. 3) Stealing all the change out of the center console. Reality Check: What’s your �Service Experience’ really like? 1) What’s your appointment appointment-- making experience? 2) What’s your �check in’ experience? 3) What’s your �waiting’ experience? 4) What’s your customer pickpick-up and delivery experience? 5) What’s your courtesy car or rental car experience? The 3 rules of waiting: 1) Don’t make people wait! 2) If you must make them wait, give them something to do that they like more than they hate waiting. 3) Communicate honestly & update regularly. Mini putt…golf sim ulator…internet café…den. Donald Cooper, MBA Page 13 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB Every person on your team is either… a) part of your Value…or, b) part of your Problem! “Keepers” The people we need to deal with are… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Everything we do communicates! Are you communicating the right message in everything you do? When you’re delivering compelling Value… compelling communication is easy! Donald Cooper, MBA Page 14 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB “Keepers” Get good and then brag: Your most powerful advertising is free! ...the enthusiastic recommendation of delighted customers! 1. You don’t have to pay for it...but you do have to earn it. 2. People love being “the one in the know”. 3. Plant the seed…ask delighted customers for their help in “spreading the word”. Are we building a million dollar database? Every business needs 2 databases: 1. A customer database. 2. A media and key influencer database. do we use our database? Donald Cooper, MBA Page 15 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB “Keepers” Does your website make a personal connection with your target customers? Formula 1 Auto Collision, Windsor ON: ... Create your extraordinary life: 1. Book time for yourself and family as you would for any other important client. 2. Create family traditions…they’re the glue. 3. Hug more. 4. Go to any Cirque du Soleil show. 5. Buy the best linens and biggest bath towels you can find. 6. Buy any kitchen gadget by with great design. Donald Cooper, MBA Page 16 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB 7. Use the alphabet to trigger new experiences: “Keepers” Every week or month do something new starting with picking Apples and end with a trip to the Zoo. 8. Give back…volunteer…practice random acts of kindness. 9. Get “A 1000 Things To Do Before You Die.” 10. All those things you’re saving for special occasions...get them out and use them now! “Life” is a special occasion. 11. Listen to more good music and less bad news. So, here it is in a “nutshell”: 1. Be extraordinary! 2. Create clarity & commitment. Get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet. 3. Understand the math of profitability. 4. Define yourself by how you help...not by what you sell. 5. Don’t make your business your �Neat Fort’. A promise of onon-going help! Free “booster shots”! shots”! Monthly E E--tips on how to… • Sell more, • Manage smarter, • Grow your bottom line…and, • Have a life! Donald Cooper, MBA Page 17 AIA Western Forum Sept. 5, 2012 ~ Edmonton, AB “Keepers” Your special �free stuff’ Website : To access... 1. Free Biz Tools, 2. This presentation Handout and the 8 steps Handout, 3. A link to �Vision Critical Guide’, The Guide is $24.00 go to... Donald Cooper, MBA Page 18 Product Order Form DESCRIPTION Format Price Vision Critical Guide – 28-page E-workbook E-Workbook 24.00 Human Marketing - DVD DVD - 3 hours 20.00 8 essential steps to finding a keeping the best staff – DVD DVD - 1.5 hours 20.00 Effective business leadership – DVD DVD – 1.5 hours 20.00 Creating a Winning Culture – DVD DVD – 2.5 hours 20.00 Qty Total SUB TOTAL Canadian Tax Schedule: 5% for AB, NWT, YK, IN, SK, MB, QC, PE 12% for BC 13% for ON, NB, NL 15% for NS Shipping: $8.00 for the first DVD add $2.00 for each additional product. For orders larger than 10 items, we’ll contact you for the rate. NOTE: No shipping for e-Workbook. *** Please include email address below *** PRE-TAX TOTAL ADD APPLICABLE CANADIAN TAX (see Canadian Tax Schedule) GST / HST # 868 161 043 TOTAL PAYMENT SHIPPING DETAILS: First Name: Last Name: Company: Shipping Address: 1: Shipping Address: 2: City: Prov./State: **** Email: Postal/Zip: Country: Tel. Number: PAYMENT DETAILS:  Credit Card or  Cheque enclosed - payable to “The Donald Cooper Corporation” Credit Card # (Visa or Mastercard): |__________|-|__________|-|___________|-|___________| Exp Date: |_____/______| Cardholder’s Name: Signature of Cardholder: * Cardholder will pay total amount shown to card issuer according to cardholder agreement Cheques payable to: The Donald Cooper Corporation 1 Palace Pier Court, Suite 3406, Toronto, ON M8V 3W9 Canada E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Tel. 1-416-252-3704 Toll Free in North America: 877-601-1001 Fax. 1-905-813-8986 THE DONALD COOPER CORPORATION AIA Western Forum - 1 120905 – Edmonton, AB - N SPEAKING INTERNATIONALLY ON MARKETING, MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS INNOVATION FEEDBACK & FOLLOW-UP Session #1: How to sell more, manage smarter, grow your bottom line and have a life! 1) SUBSCRIBE TO DONALD’S FREE ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER:  YES, please subscribe me to Donald’s FREE, monthly, thought-provoking & idea-generating E-NEWSLETTER. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY First name ___________________________ Last name: _____________________________________ Position/ Title: _____________________________________________ Tel: (_____)________________ Company ____________________________________________________________________________ Email address _______________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________ Prov/State ________________ We respect your privacy! We do not lend or sell your contact info to anyone for any reason. 2) OVERALL PRESENTATION RATING ON DONALD’S PRESENTATION : On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being “informative, entertaining & uplifting”) I would rate this presentation as a 1 2 3 4 5 6 (please circle your choice) 3) COMMENTS: (and “yes” you can quote me) ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE CONTACT ME: (you will need to complete the CONTACT section above)  I have a specific meeting/conference and that I would like to consider Booking Donald.  I’d like to personally recommend Donald to a specific association or business group.  I’d like to receive information about Donald’s “Business Management Workshops”. PLEASE GIVE THIS SHEET TO DONALD OR LEAVE IT ON YOUR CHAIR FOR PICK-UP The Donald Cooper Corporation E-mail: [email protected] Tel 1-(416) 252-3704 Fax 1-(905) 813-8986
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