2013-14 Humble ISD Student Support Services [В§504 COORDINATOR MANUAL 2013 – 2014] Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 0 Contents В§504 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................3 В§504 COMPLIANCE HUMBLE ISD DOCUMENTS.................................................................3 Processing a В§504 Referral .....................................................................................................5 COMMON QUESTIONS AND ISSUES RELATED TO В§504 ................................................. 11 ACT/PSAT/SAT/AP Accommodations ................................................................................ 11 ADHD/ADD ........................................................................................................................ 12 The ADA Amendment Act (ADAAA) .................................................................................. 12 Attendance/Absenteeism....................................................................................................... 13 Behavior Support .................................................................................................................. 13 Confidentiality ...................................................................................................................... 14 Dismissal from В§504 ............................................................................................................. 14 Drug and Alcohol Offenses ................................................................................................... 15 Due Process Rights ............................................................................................................... 15 Dysgraphia/Handwriting Issues ............................................................................................ 15 Dyslexia Program ................................................................................................................. 15 Eligibility ............................................................................................................................. 15 Harassment ........................................................................................................................... 16 Homebound Services ............................................................................................................ 16 Honors and Other Advanced Classes (pre-AP, AP, DC, etc) ................................................. 16 Impairment ........................................................................................................................... 16 In School Suspension (ISS)................................................................................................... 17 Interpreters ........................................................................................................................... 18 Major Life Activities ............................................................................................................ 18 Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) ....................................................................... 20 Medical Diagnosis ................................................................................................................ 21 Monitoring and Compliance with В§504 ................................................................................. 21 Non-Academic and Extracurricular Services ......................................................................... 21 Occupational Therapy (OT)/Physical Therapy (PT) .............................................................. 21 Parent Disagreements/Complaints......................................................................................... 21 Parent Refusal of Special Education ..................................................................................... 22 Parent Request for Evaluation ............................................................................................... 22 Parent Revocation of Special Education ................................................................................ 22 Private School Students ........................................................................................................ 22 Private/Outside Testing ......................................................................................................... 23 Re-evaluations ...................................................................................................................... 23 Referring В§504- Eligible Student to Special Education .......................................................... 24 Refusal to Evaluate ............................................................................................................... 24 Retaliation Prohibited ........................................................................................................... 24 Role of the Classroom Teacher ............................................................................................. 24 Role of the Campus Nurse .................................................................................................... 25 Status Reports....................................................................................................................... 25 Student В§504 Files ................................................................................................................ 26 Student Transfer from Outside the District ............................................................................ 26 Substantial Limitation ........................................................................................................... 27 TAKS/STAAR/Benchmarks/9-week Tests Accommodations ............................................... 28 Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 1 Technical Eligibility ............................................................................................................. 29 Temporary Disabilities ......................................................................................................... 29 Transportation ...................................................................................................................... 29 When to Evaluate ................................................................................................................. 29 APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................... 31 HUMBLE ISD В§504 MEETING CHECKLIST ......................................................................... 32 SECTION 504 DECISION PROCESS ...................................................................................... 33 HUMBLE ISD В§504 FORMS ................................................................................................... 32 Section 504 Operational Guidelines .................................................................................... 33 Section 504 Hearing Procedures ......................................................................................... 39 Section 504 Child Find Notice ............................................................................................. 42 Section 504 Referral ............................................................................................................ 43 Section 504 Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation ....................................................... 47 Section 504 Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation (Spanish) ....................................... 48 Section 504 Notice of Parent Rights .................................................................................... 49 Section 504 Notice of Parent Rights (Spanish) .................................................................... 51 Section 504 Teacher Input ................................................................................................... 53 Section 504 Parent Input ..................................................................................................... 54 Notice of Section 504 Meeting ............................................................................................. 58 Notice of Section 504 Meeting (Spanish) ............................................................................. 59 Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation ................................................... 60 Notice of Section 504 Evaluation Results (Spanish) ............................................................ 65 Parental Consent for Section 504 Services .......................................................................... 66 Parental Consent for Section 504 Services(Spanish) ........................................................... 67 Section 504 Services Plan .................................................................................................... 68 Section 504 Annual Review ................................................................................................. 72 Section 504 Manifestation Determination ........................................................................... 75 Texas Dyslexia & Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation ...................... 78 Texas General Education Homebound Supplement ............................................................ 84 Providing Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities ............................................ 86 HUMBLE ISD В§504 RESOURCES .......................................................................................... 87 Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 2 В§504 BACKGROUND PURPOSE OF SECTION 504 The purpose of the Act and these procedures is to prohibit discrimination and to assure that disabled students have educational opportunities and benefits equal to those provided to nondisabled students. ELIGIBILITY An eligible student is a student who has a physical or mental impairment, (2) has a record of having, or (3) is regarded as having such an impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities. Prongs 2 and 3 are meant to reach situations where individuals either never were or are not currently handicapped but are treated by others as if they were. Consequently, the District has no duty to refer, evaluate, or place students who qualify under prongs two and three. The only duty as to these students is to not discriminate against them on the basis of the history of an impairment or the perception that the child is impaired. New provisions specify that when considering whether or not a disability substantially limits a person, mitigating measures should be ignored except for ordinary eyeglasses and contact lenses. Thus a student may be “substantially limited” even though he is doing fairly well with the assistance of aids, services, medication and/or learned behaviors that compensate for the disability. These provisions will also provide protection for individuals with impairments that are “episodic” or “in remission” if the disability would substantially limit a major life activity when active. Thus, schools may need to identify as “disabled” those students with seizure disorders or asthma even though there has been no recent activity. В§504 COMPLIANCE HUMBLE ISD DOCUMENTS 1. Operational Guidelines: The structural framework for the Humble ISD’s В§504 program. This document describes how Humble ISD will operate the program and implement the В§504 regulations, including when the various forms will be used, by whom, and how. 2. Procedures for В§504 Due Process Hearing: This document lays out the procedures for responding to a request for a hearing under В§504, describing Humble ISD’s responsibilities, choosing a hearing officer, and operating rules for the hearing itself. 3. Child Find Notice: Provided in both English and Spanish, this document provides notice of Humble ISD’s В§504 duties to parents of potentially eligible В§504 students. 4. В§504 Referral: This is the document that begins the process of В§504 for a child. It gathers basic information on the child’s academic, behavioral and social progress at school, and serves as the basis for the Coordinator’s determination of whether a В§504 Evaluation should be sought. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 3 5. Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation under В§504: Following the receipt of the referral and the decision that a В§504 evaluation should be pursued, this form is sent home to the parents to gain consent for initial evaluation. Included with it is a copy of Form 6, the Notice of Parent Rights. The form is available in Spanish. 6. Notice of Parent Rights under В§504: A short document (provided to the parent in English or Spanish) to inform parents of their rights under В§504. This document is provided to the parent after referral, regardless of whether the decision is made to evaluate under В§504. 7. Teacher Input for В§504 Evaluation: A document designed to seek information from a student’s teacher or teachers about classroom performance and behavior. 8. Parent Input for В§504 Evaluation: A document designed to seek information from the parent about the child’s functioning and activities at home. It also provides the parents an opportunity to be involved in the process. 9. Notice of В§504 Meeting: Provided in both English and Spanish, this document is sent to the parent prior to each В§504 meeting, describing what will occur and giving the time, and place of the meeting. The form is available in Spanish. 10. В§504 Initial Evaluation and Periodic Re-Evaluation: This form is used by the В§504 Committee to determine initial eligibility in Section 504, and to fulfill the regulatory requirement for periodic re-evaluation (at least every three years). The form prompts the Committee to ask the right questions and to review the required data and includes the Notice of В§504 Evaluation Results (English and Spanish). This notice is sent to the parents following evaluations to indicate what occurred. This notice of results form is designed to be used following any type of В§504 Evaluation (initial, re-evaluation, etc.). Other documents are attached to this notice for delivery to the parents. 11. Parental Consent for В§504 Services. Consistent with OCR guidance in the Frequently Asked Questions about Section 504 and the Education of Children with Disabilities, this form documents the parent’s consent for Section 504 Services, refusal to consent for initial Section 504 services, as well as a parent’s decision to revoke consent for continued Section 504 services. Note that the Section 504 Services Plan is still completed for the child, but no services are implemented due to the refusal to consent or revocation of consent. This form is also provided in Spanish. 12. В§504 Student Services Plan: Should the В§504 Committee determine that the student is eligible and in need of a plan, it uses this form to create a placement. The completed plan is delivered to the parent and school personnel and third-party contractors who have the duty to implement the plan. A behavior management form is part of the plan form and is completed if necessary. 13. В§504 Annual Review: This form is designed to be used when a full evaluation is not required, but minor changes to the Services Plan, or no changes, are needed. The form can also be used for annual review of students who are technically eligible but have not needed a plan in the past. The form screens for situations where a full re-evaluation, using Form 10, is required. 14. В§504 Evaluation and Manifestation Determination: When disciplinary removals trigger the need for evaluation, this document walks the committee through the required questions. This form also now includes a Notice of Evaluation to inform the parents of the results of the manifestation determination. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 4 15. Texas Dyslexia & Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation: When the В§504 Committee is performing an evaluation that includes possible eligibility under the Texas Dyslexia law, this form should be used. This form guides the committee in meeting both the requirements of the Section 504 evaluation and the additional evaluation requirements established by Texas state law and the Revised Procedures Concerning Dyslexia (i.e., the Blue Book). This form is also used for three-year reevaluations for students with Section 504 eligibility who receive dyslexia services under the Texas Dyslexia law. 16. General Education Homebound. This form is designed to assist Texas В§504 Committees in determining whether homebound services are available under regular education for В§504-eligible students, and what types of services are appropriate. It should be used in conjunction with the В§504 Evaluation form (Form 10). 17. Parent/Guardian Authorization for Release of Medical Records. This form is designed to be given to parents/guardians when the В§504 team believes that medical information will aid in making educational decisions for the student. This form is Health Services form pg. 75. 18. В§504 Transportation as a В§504 Related Services. This form is designed to be used when transportation is required due to a disability and is not normally provided to the student. Processing a В§504 Referral When the campus suspects that a student has a disability, the following procedures are to be followed. Note that if a student’s needs are so great that it is suspected that the student needs special education to have his or her needs met, a referral for a special education evaluation should be made. 1. When a В§504 referral has been initiated, the Section 504 Referral Form (Form 4 in Eduphoria Aware) should be completed with the campus В§504 Coordinator. 2. The В§504 Coordinator creates a green В§504 folder for the student. 3. The В§504 Coordinator sends the Notice and Consent for Initial В§504 Evaluation (Form 5), the Notice of Rights for Disabled Students and their Parents under В§504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Form 6), and the Parent Input forВ§504 (Form 8) to the parent/guardian. Forms 5, 6, and 8 are found on the Student Support Services Counselor Resource page. If medical information is necessary for the evaluation, provide parent with the Parent/Guardian Authorization for Release of Medical Records (Health Services form pg. 75 is obtained from the nurse’s office). If parent refuses consent, please contact the district В§504 Coordinator for assistance. 4. The campus В§504 Coordinator obtains signatures on the Notice and Consent for Initial В§504 Evaluation (Form 5), and receives the completed Parent Input Form (Form 8). Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 5 If the parent refuses consent or no parental consent is received for the evaluation (after a reasonable number of documented requests for the consent) the campus В§504 Coordinator should place the unsigned request for consent in the В§504 folder. If the campus still suspects that the student has a disability, the campus В§504 Coordinator should remind the parent every year of the district’s continued desire to conduct an evaluation. 5. The campus В§504 Coordinator collects appropriate evaluation data related to the student’s suspected disability using the bottom of page 1 of Section 504 Initial Evaluation and Periodic Re-Evaluation (Form 10) as a guide. If the disability suspected is dyslexia, the dyslexia teacher is given a copy of the completed Referral Form (Form 4) and signed Notice and Consent for Initial В§504 Evaluation (Form 5). If medical information is important, and you have received the signed Parent/Guardian Authorization for Release of Medical Records (Health Services form pg. 75,) ask the campus nurse to fax the form to the physician. You may either include the Physician’s Information Report with the consent and/or call the physician to obtain information. Your campus nurse is a great asset to use in helping to obtain and understand medical information. If the parent has provided information that the student has been diagnosed with a learning disability or psychological condition, you should obtain consent to obtain information directly from the professional who has diagnosed the student using the Parent/Guardian Authorization for Release of Medical Records (Health Services form pg. 75). You may either include the Physician’s Information Report (504-Phy) with the consent and/or call the professional to obtain information. Your campus diagnostician or LSSP is a great asset to use in understanding this information. Should current special education data exist (an evaluation upon which a student was either dismissed from special education or found not eligible for special education), that data should also be collected and reviewed by the В§504 Committee. The student’s case history should be reviewed looking for trends in grades, attendance and behavior. 6. The campus В§504 Coordinator distributes Teacher Input for В§504 Evaluation (Form 7 in Eduphoria Aware) to appropriate school staff. Staff completes and returns forms to campus В§504 Coordinator. 7. The campus В§504 Coordinator schedules a В§504 Meeting to determine eligibility for В§504 services and sends the Notification of В§504 Committee Meeting (Form 9 found on the Student Support Services Counselor Resource page ) to the parent or guardian and other necessary participants. 8. The В§504 Committee meets and uses either Form 10 for an Initial Evaluation & Periodic ReEvaluation found in Eduphoria Aware or Form 15 Texas Dyslexia & Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation found in Eduphoria Aware. Federal law requires that the В§504 Committee be composed of persons with knowledge of the student, the evaluation Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 6 data and placement options. Additionally, Humble Independent School District procedures require that the В§504 Committee be composed of at least two people, including the campus В§504 Coordinator and preferably a campus administrator. Additional members may include a regular education teacher, the dyslexia teacher (if applicable), school nurse and any other appropriate school staff. The parents or guardians are notified of the meeting and encouraged to attend, but are not required participants. If the parent brings an advocate to the meeting, the district В§504 Coordinator should also attend the meeting. If the parent brings an attorney to the meeting, Humble ISD should also have legal representation at the meeting. In either case, the meeting may need to be rescheduled to accommodate schedules. Additionally, if the parent is recording the meeting, the campus should also make a recording of the meeting. Please encourage teachers to bring information such as grade reports, work samples, documentation of accommodations used, etc. which may be helpful to the В§504 Committee during the meeting. 9. Attach a copy of any data reviewed to the В§504 forms. Notes may also be jotted on this form to summarize findings. Note: if the answer to questions 1 - 3 is “No” do not continue on with the other questions. The student is not eligible for В§504 and the В§504 Committee skips to step 10. Question #1 – Does the student have one or more physical or mental impairments? п‚· Although the В§504 Committee is only making an educational diagnosis, not a medical diagnosis, the answer to this question should be something that would be recognized in the DSM-IV or other respected source. The impairment should not be “difficulty with reading,”, “low IQ”, “low grades,” “slow processing speed” etc. o In cases where the diagnosis is from an outside source, be sure to place a copy of the documentation of impairment in the folder. п‚· If the student has more than one documented impairment, list them all. п‚· If the parent or guardian presents a new diagnosis at the meeting, thank the parent for the new information, but continue the meeting based on data that has been verified. Defer discussion on the new information until it can be followed up on and a new meeting scheduled. Be sure to obtain consent to request records related to the new diagnosis. Its best to complete the meeting, and this may mean the student is not eligible for the time being, but you should not be in violation of В§504 if you follow up and re-meet in a timely manner. Avoid being pressured by the parent or guardian into accepting the diagnosis without time to read through it, understand it and seek more information if necessary. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 7 Question #2 – Does the physical or mental impairment affect one or more major life activities (including major bodily functions)? п‚· Major life activities include, but are not limited to the follow examples: o Caring for oneself o Bending o Performing manual tasks o Speaking o Seeing o Breathing o Hearing o Learning o Eating o Reading o Sleeping o Concentrating o Walking o Thinking o Standing o Communicating o Lifting o Working п‚· Major life activities also include major bodily functions. Examples are: o Immune system o Brain o Normal cell growth o Respiratory o Digestive o Circulatory o Bowel o Endocrine o Bladder o Reproductive o Neurological п‚· Major life activities are not limited to the examples provided. Spelling, handwriting, test taking, turning in homework, etc. are generally not considered major life activities, they are subsets of learning. п‚· In many cases, learning is not the major life activity limited. п‚· If more than one major life activity is limited, indicate all that are limited. Question #3 – Does the physical or mental impairment substantially limit one or more major life activities? п‚· An impairment need not prevent or severely or significantly restrict a major life activity to be considered substantially limiting. п‚· When considering the general population, comparison must be made to a population broader than a single classroom, school or district population. п‚· Consider the restriction without the use of mitigating measures, other than normal eyeglasses and contact lenses, when determining substantial limitation. Mitigating measures include: o Medications o Prosthetic devices o Assistive devices o Learned behavioral or adaptive neurological modifications п‚· Mitigating measures also include RtI plans and Health Plans. п‚· The В§504 Committee must make a determination as to how the student would perform without the use of the mitigating measure. For example, if a student is using medication for ADHD, the В§504 Committee must estimate how the student would perform without medication. Factors to consider are: data prior to using medication or when not using medication, severity of impairment, etc. п‚· If an impairment is in remission or is episodic, consider the limitation the impairment causes when in an active phase. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 8 п‚· п‚· If in doubt, or in close situations, it is best to err on the side of eligibility. Describe the limitations in terms of “the student is unable to…” Question #4 – Does the student need В§504 services in order for his/her educational needs to be met as adequately as those of non-disabled peers? п‚· If the student needs a service plan, the answer is yes. п‚· If the student needs a service plan only when the impairment is active (in the case of episodic impairments) the answer is yes and the service plan should indicate when the accommodations should be provided. п‚· If the student does not need a service plan because of the use of mitigating measures or because the impairment is in remission, the answer is no. These students are considered “technically eligible”. See the section on technical eligibility for more information. If using Form 15, the dyslexia teacher will assist in answering the questions. 10. If a disability is not found (any of questions 1- 3 is answered “NO”), the student is not eligible for В§504 protections. The parents are so informed with a copy of the Notification of Eligibility and Placement Decisions under В§504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Form 10 page 5). Note: once any of questions 1 – 3 is answered “no” the В§504 Committee should not consider the remainder of the questions and should move to step 14. 11. If a disability is found (questions 1 – 3 are answered “YES”) the student is eligible for В§504 protection (non-discrimination protection, manifestation determination, procedural safeguards and periodic re-evaluations). The parents are so informed with a copy of the Notification of Eligibility and Placement Decisions under В§504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Form 6). 12. If the answer to question 4 is “NO”, the В§504 Committee will not develop an educational program and plan of services. While the ameliorative effects of mitigating measures cannot be considered when determining substantial limitation, these effects may be considered when developing accommodation plans. Therefore, not all eligible students will need accommodations to have his needs met as adequately as those of non-disabled students. 13. If the answer to question 4 is “YES” the В§504 Committee shall also develop an educational program and plan of services to provide a free and appropriate education on the В§504 Student Services Plan (Form 12). When selecting accommodations, the В§504 Committee should consider the following questions: п‚· What are the student’s learning strengths and what needs further improvement? п‚· How do the student’s learning needs affect the ability to master the grade-level TEKS? Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 9 п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· What specialized instruction (e.g., learning strategies, organizational skills, reading skills) does the student need to master the grade-level TEKS? What accommodations will increase the student’s access to meaningful and appropriate instruction and assessment by addressing the student’s learning needs and reducing the effect of the student’s disability or limitation? (These may be new accommodations or accommodations the student is currently using.) What accommodations are regularly used by the student during instruction and assessments? What are the results for assignments and assessments when accommodations were used and not used? What is the student’s perception of how well an accommodation “worked”? What are the perceptions of parents, teachers, and specialists about how well the accommodation worked? Are there effective combinations of accommodations for the student? What difficulties did the student experience when using accommodations? Should the student continue to use a particular accommodation, are changes needed, or should the use of the accommodation be discontinued? Of the accommodations that appear to match a student’s needs, the questions below should also prove helpful. п‚· What is the student’s willingness to learn to use the accommodation? п‚· What opportunities does the student have to learn how to use the accommodation in classroom settings? п‚· Under what circumstances would this accommodation be approved for use on a state assessment? Common Errors in Developing/Implementing a Service Plan п‚· Selecting accommodations based on a label, not the student’s individual needs; п‚· Selecting accommodations that are not necessary on a routine basis; п‚· Writing vague plans; п‚· Failing to provide copies and an explanation of the service plan to all responsible parties; п‚· Maintaining accommodations in a plan that are not used or effective; п‚· Failing to effectively monitor implementation of the service plan. 14. At the conclusion of the meeting, a copy of all paperwork including Form 11 should be given to the parent or guardian. If the parent or guardian is not present, the paperwork may be mailed home. The В§504 Coordinator places the original В§504 paperwork and supporting documentation in the В§504 folder. 15. The campus В§504 Coordinator makes the service plan available to each teacher, and any other staff member (e.g. bus driver, school nurse, counselor, occupational therapist, etc.) Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 10 who has responsibility to implement the plan in Eduphoria. These individuals should sign the Verification of Receipt of Individual Student Accommodation Plan (504-7). 16. The campus В§504 Coordinator inputs student’s В§504 information in eSchool on the 504 Programs screen using the day of the eligibility meeting as the Start Date. Be sure to check the Value box. Use your best professional judgment for the reason code. For students with more than one impairment, code the most severe impairment. 17. If student is eligible for В§504 (regardless of whether the student requires a service plan), student is added to В§504 Status Report. COMMON QUESTIONS AND ISSUES RELATED TO В§504 ACT/PSAT/SAT/AP Accommodations Many parents are under the erroneous assumption that accommodations provided in school are automatically provided on college entrance exams such as the ACT, PSAT, SAT or AP tests. In actuality, the process for receiving accommodations on these tests is very different than what is required under В§504, and one that we have no control over. See Providing Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities for detailed information on the process. The College Board (PSAT, SAT and AP tests) website points out that: п‚· “Inclusion of an accommodation on an IEP/504 Plan/Formal Plan does not automatically qualify a student for accommodations on College Board tests.” п‚· “The College Board has specific guidelines for identifying appropriate accommodations on our test…It is not automatic that school accommodations will be the same as those approved for College Board tests.” During the freshman year, students and parents should be referred to the appropriate websites http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/ssd/Dear_Parent_Letter.pdf and http://www.collegeboard.com/ssd/student/index.html to understand the requirements for receiving accommodations on these tests. For learning disabilities (such as dyslexia) the documentation requirements include “a comprehensive assessment and documentation relating to both cognitive and academic achievement…The student should include a full psycho-educational or neuropsychological evaluation including scaled/standard scores.” Our dyslexia program assessment may not include this testing. For students with ADHD, a medical note alone is not sufficient. The College Board requires a comprehensive assessment conducted by a person with appropriate professional credentials and who makes the diagnosis according to the DSM-IV-TR guidelines. Because of these strict guidelines, many of our В§504 students are denied accommodations on College Board tests. However, we are under no obligation to provide any additional assessment required by the College Board. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 11 Some parents also believe that we should add accommodations to a to a student’s plan (that they previously did not need), solely for the college entrance test. Accommodations on В§504 plans are those accommodations that are necessary on a regular basis in the classroom. We do not add accommodations solely for College Board or similar tests; however, students may need accommodations to help them in timed situations that may not show up for teacher created tests or assignments. В§504 Committees should be aware that this may be a need for some students that should be addressed in their В§504 Service Plans. While we can and should offer assistance to students and parents with the process of requesting accommodations from College Board and/or ACT, we are under no obligation to provide additional testing for the sole purpose of receiving accommodations on college entrance exams, add accommodations that are not necessary in the classroom to a В§504 plan, or evaluate students for В§504 for the sole purpose of accommodations on these types of tests. ADHD/ADD After dyslexia, ADHD (note: current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 4-TR guidelines use the term “ADHD” for both “ADHD” and “ADD”; it is further delineated as “primarily hyperactiveimpulse type”, “primarily inattentive type” or “combined type”) is probably the most common impairment that В§504 Committees consider. Campuses need to remember that a medical diagnosis alone is not enough to qualify a student for В§504. While well-meaning physicians may state that a student is eligible for В§504 on a script pad or evaluation, only a qualified В§504 Committee can make eligibility decisions. Committees should also be cognizant that a medical diagnosis is not required for a student to receive services under В§504. However, when there is no diagnosis provided by the parent, В§504 committees should use great care in determining whether a student has ADHD. In very rare situations, В§504 Committees may make an “educational determination only and not a medical diagnosis for purposes of treatment” of ADHD using “effective methods of determining whether a student suspected of having ADHD qualifies as a disabled individual.” Data to use in making such a determination includes student observations, behavior checklists, screening instruments, tests scores, grade reports, and review of other data to (1) identify the impairment and (2) screen out non-disability causes for the student’s struggles. In other words, if the В§504 Committee believes that the student exhibits typical characteristics of ADHD and has ruled out other reasons for the behavior (allergies, medications, issues at home, drug use, limited English ability, etc) the committee may determine the student has ADHD. There are several resources available to assist campuses in helping students with ADHD documented in the handbook. In addition, campuses can contact the Student Support Services department for more information. The ADA Amendment Act (ADAAA) In January, 2009, the ADA Amendment Act became effective. The intent of this act was to reverse the narrow interpretation by the courts of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). The overall intent of the amendment was to shift the inquiry away from the question of whether a student has a disability and toward the school district’s actions and obligations to ensure equal educational opportunities (OCR, 2012, Q4). Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 12 The Act has four main components: 1. Lessen the construed interpretation of “substantial limitation.” 2. Expand the list of major life activities to include, among other things, reading, concentrating, thinking, sleeping, and major bodily functions. 3. Measurement of substantial limitation without the use of mitigating measures. Medication, medical supplies and equipment, low-vision devices (except ordinary glasses and contact lenses), prosthetics, hearing aids and cochlear implants or implantable hearing devices, mobility devices, oxygen therapy equipment and supplies; assistive technology; reasonable accommodations or auxiliary aids or services; and learned behavioral or adaptive neurological modifications are examples of mitigating measures. 4. Clarification that an impairment that is episodic or in remission is a disability if it would substantially limit a major life activity when active. While the amendment clearly broadens В§504 eligibility, and thus more students will be eligible, the amendment does not make any assumptions that all students within any category are automatically eligible for В§504. Committees must still make decisions on a case-by-case basis, reviewing multiple sources of data. Eligibility continues to be based on data that a student has an impairment that, regardless of the use of a mitigating measure, limits one or more major life activities. Furthermore, while the use of mitigating measures cannot be considered in eligibility decisions, their use and effectiveness should be considered in determining appropriate accommodations and services. Committees are cautioned to focus on accommodations and services that level the playing field. For impairments that are episodic or in remission, accommodations and services should be written with indication of when the accommodation or service is to be implemented. For instance, if the student has diabetes, an accommodation or service may be implemented “when the student has a low blood sugar level as documented by the nurse.” Another example is when a student misses school for a disability related illness, “the student will receive a copy of teacher notes when the student is absent due to his or her disability.” Attendance/Absenteeism Attendance, or actually a lack of attendance, may trigger a child find duty for the school district. When the district has reason to believe that a student is unable to attend school due to an impairment, best practice is to refer the student for a В§504 or special education evaluation. Be sure that nurses, attendance officers, and front office staff personnel are aware of this obligation and know the procedures for referring a student to В§504. Behavior Support Several options are available to assist a campus in handling specific behavioral needs of a student struggling with behavioral issues. Humble ISD has a regular education behavior support team that can assist campuses in creating a behavior intervention or В§504 behavior plan. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 13 Campuses should contact their assigned Behavior Facilitator or the Coordinator of Affective Education for more information. Confidentiality The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and school district policy require that all student records shall be developed, maintained, utilized, and disseminated in such a manner as to protect the privacy of students. В§504 folders are considered student records and are confidential. All school district personnel must maintain the confidentiality of personally identifiable information pertaining to any Humble Independent School District student. This includes any student name; educational records and test results; any verbal/written anecdotal information; any placement data; any information relating to counseling services rendered to any student or parent or guardian; or any information relating to a student’s disability or placement. Discussion between any school personnel concerning any student should occur only between school personnel who have a direct interest in the education of the student. Such discussions are frequently necessary and advisable, but must occur in a private place with no other personnel in attendance. Personnel shall refrain from such confidential discussions in the teachers’ lounge, office, hallways, cafeteria and so forth. Dismissal from В§504 Students who qualify for В§504 may eventually no longer qualify for В§504 and will be dismissed from В§504. The Office for Civil Right’s FAQ website states, “if a recipient school district reevaluates a student in accordance with the Section 504 regulatory provision at 34 C.F.R. 104.35 and determines that the student's mental or physical impairment no longer substantially limits his/her ability to learn or any other major life activity, the student is no longer eligible for services under Section 504.” Caution must be used to consider the effects of a current service plan as a mitigating measure and not dismiss a student, who because of the use of accommodations, is not substantially limited. Some people misinterpret the second and third prongs of eligibility which state that a disabled person is one that has “record of such an impairment;” or has been “regarded as having such an impairment” to mean that once identified as disabled, a person is always eligible for В§504. These two eligibility prongs refer to protection from discrimination based on having had a disability in the past or been believed to have a disability when in fact they did not. These situations guarantee retro-active protections against disability. There is no requirement for В§504 meetings or Service Plans under these two prongs. When dismissing a student, follow these steps after the meeting: п‚· Notify teachers that the student is no longer eligible for В§504 п‚· Change eSchool coding or notify data specialist to change eSchool coding via 504-N п‚· Remove student from status report Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 14 Drug and Alcohol Offenses An eligible student who currently is engaging in the illegal use of drugs or in the use of alcohol may be removed from his educational placement for a drug or alcohol offense to the same extent that such disciplinary action is taken against non-disabled students. Mere possession is not itself sufficient evidence of current use of drugs or alcohol. Consider: п‚· Whether the student was found under the influence of drugs or alcohol п‚· Whether the student confesses to the use of drugs or alcohol If the student is currently engaged in the illegal use of drugs or alcohol, an MDR is required before the removal under Humble ISD practice. Due Process Rights In the event of a disagreement in regard to the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of a disabled student, the parents, guardian, or eligible student have the right to an impartial hearing with an opportunity to participate and be represented by counsel. Dysgraphia/Handwriting Issues A very common concern parents express about their children is poor handwriting, or a parent may call you and tell you that their child has been diagnosed with “dysgraphia.” Depending on the source, dysgraphia is a very broad term that can mean anything from poor handwriting to a learning disability in written expression. Students with difficulty manifesting only in poor handwriting should be referred for interventions through the RtI team; however, if there is knowledge of the presence of an impairment, such as an orthopedic or medical impairment, it may be appropriate to evaluate for В§504. Dyslexia Program Texas is unique in that it has a state law that requires districts to provide a general education program for students who meet specific criteria for identification of dyslexia. TEA has guidelines outlined in The Dyslexia Handbook, Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders, Revised 2007, Updated 2010. Students having difficulty with reading should be referred to the RtI team for assistance. If interventions are not successful, students may be referred for a dyslexia evaluation. In HISD, the В§504 procedures are followed for a dyslexia evaluation if a student is not already eligible for special education. If the student is currently eligible for special education, special education procedures are followed. Eligibility To be eligible for В§504, an individual must have (1) a mental or physical impairment that (2) substantially limits a (3) major life activity. Those three concepts are discussed in other sections of this handbook. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 15 Harassment Humble ISD will promptly investigate all claims of disability-based harassment and take reasonable action to stop future recurrence. Where evidence of disability-based harassment is found pursuant to an investigation, and the District believes that the harassment has adversely impacted the ability of a disabled student to have equal access to the District’s programs or activities, or the disabled student’s entitlement to a free, appropriate public education, a В§504 Committee meeting will be called to consider the impact of the harassment and determine whether changes to the student’s Services Plan are required. Homebound Services General education homebound (GEH) services are available for non-special education eligible students who are expected to be confined at home or hospital bedside for a minimum of four weeks. The weeks need not be consecutive (in cases of chronic illness/acute health problems). Confinement must be for medical reasons only and the medical condition must be documented by a physician licensed to practice in the United States. Because homebound placement is one of the most restrictive environments in which we educate students, alternatives should be considered before homebound placement. Services from the school nurse, rest periods during the day, and shortened school days are examples of alternatives to homebound services. It is the duty of the school district to identify students who may be in need of homebound services. The campus attendance clerk, counselors and nurse should work together to ensure that students in need are referred as soon as possible. All inquiries for general education homebound should be directed to the campus nurse who will work with the Coordinator of Nurses to determine next steps. It is critical for the campus to arrange for assignments to be sent home and completed work to be collected during the referral process. For the complete Homebound Procedures Packet, see you campus nurse. Honors and Other Advanced Classes (pre-AP, AP, DC, etc) Students with disabilities have equal opportunity to participate in accelerated classes. However, issues often arise when determining appropriate accommodations in these classes. Accommodations that the student receives in regular education classes are available to the student in an advanced class as long as the accommodation does not alter the content or standards of the course. For instance, use of an FM Unit for a hearing impaired student in an advanced class would be appropriate. Conversely, reduced assignments may not be appropriate if such assignments fundamentally alter the requirements of the class. В§504 Committees should avoid providing additional accommodations not required in a regular level class in order to tackle the more difficult subject matter, speed or coverage of the advanced coursework. Impairment Unlike special education, В§504 regulations do not include a list of acceptable physical or mental impairments. The US Department of Education is hesitant to consider a list due to concerns that it might leave something out. Instead of a list, В§504 regulations provide a broad definition of the phrase “physical or mental impairment.” According to the ED, the phrase means: Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 16 A. Any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological; musculoskeletal; special sense organs; respiratory, including speech organs; cardiovascular; reproductive, digestive, genitor-urinary; hemic and lymphatic; skin; and endocrine; or B. Any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities. The term includes such diseases and conditions as orthopedic, visual, speech, and hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental retardation, and emotional illness. However, while the definition is broad, there are some limits to the term. The following are not impairments: п‚· Mere differences between people; п‚· Relative weaknesses in cognitive abilities, e.g. slow processing speed; п‚· Physical characteristics such as eye color, left-handedness; height, weight, or muscle tone that is within normal range and are not the result of physiological disorder; п‚· Common personality traits such as poor judgment or a quick temper where these are not symptoms of a mental or psychological disorder; п‚· Characteristic predisposition to illness or disease; п‚· Normal pregnancy. Some impairments may require additional inquiry. Please contact the district В§504 Coordinator if you receive a diagnosis of any disorder with which you are unfamiliar. В§504 Committees are also cautioned to resist the temptation to ignore or “fudge” on the identification of a true impairment in order to qualify a struggling student for В§504. There are many non-disability reasons for students to struggle, including poor attendance, frequent school changes, school avoidance, poor study skills, difficulties at home, lack of motivation, etc, however, these reasons should not be the basis of В§504 eligibility. Finally, remember that no impairment automatically qualifies a student for В§504. Also remember, that while there are no per se disabilities under Section 504 and Title II, the nature of many impairments is such that, in virtually every case, a determination in favor of disability will be made. Thus, for example, a school district should not need or require extensive documentation or analysis to determine that a child with diabetes, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, or autism has a disability under Section 504 (OCR, 2012, Q4). In School Suspension (ISS) If a disabled student is receiving all of his or her accommodations and services (including dyslexia instruction) while placed in ISS, the placement may not count as a change of placement requiring an MDR. However, if a student is repeatedly placed in ISS, it may indicate that the student needs additional services or a behavior plan. The В§504 Committee should meet and review whether changes are necessary. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 17 Interpreters If a parent or guardian cannot fully participate in В§504 meetings due to a language barrier or disability, the campus should make every effort to make an accommodation for the parent. For parents who do not speak English, an interpreter should be provided. In some cases an older sibling may serve as the interpreter. Other times you may have a staff member who can interpret. If a parent has a hearing impairment, it may be necessary to provide an interpreter. Other disabilities should be accommodated as well. If you need assistance in locating an interpreter, or providing an accommodation for the parent, contact the district В§504 Coordinator. Major Life Activities Merely having a physical or mental impairment does not make a student eligible for В§504. For eligibility purposes, the impairment must substantially limit a major life activity. Like the definition of impairment, В§504 regulations do not include an exhaustive list of major life activities. Major Life Activities include but are not limited to: п‚· Caring for oneself п‚· Walking п‚· Performing manual п‚· Standing tasks п‚· Lifting п‚· Seeing п‚· Bending п‚· Hearing п‚· Breathing п‚· Eating п‚· Learning п‚· Sleeping AND include Major Bodily Functions such as, but not limited to: п‚· The immune system п‚· Bladder function п‚· Digestive function п‚· Neurological function п‚· Normal cell growth п‚· Brain function п‚· Bowel function п‚· Reproductive function п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· Reading Concentrating Thinking Communicating Working п‚· Respiratory function п‚· Circulatory function п‚· Endocrine function Activities that do not meet standards for major life activities are (all from court cases): п‚· Awareness п‚· Swimming п‚· Skiing п‚· Everyday mobility п‚· Driving п‚· Golfing п‚· Climbing п‚· Housework п‚· Playing basketball One final note on major life activities, В§504 committees must remember that learning is not the only major life activity that need be limited by the impairment. A student who is limited in the ability to breath due to cystic fibrosis may still make passing grades. If the В§504 Committee only focuses on the student’s learning, the В§504 Committee will likely violate В§504. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 18 Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) An MDR must occur before any “significant” change in the eligible student’s placement [В§504:34 CFR 10.35(s)]. “Significant change of placement” applies to: п‚· expulsions; п‚· suspensions of more than 10 consecutive school days; п‚· removal to an alternative educational program for more than 10 days; or п‚· a series of short removals over the course of the school year that exceeds ten total days which constitute a pattern of exclusions. The procedure for an MDR is: 1. Gather all available information about the offense – referral forms, staff statements, student statements, verbal information from administrators and other staff. 2. Schedule the В§504/MDR meeting. The meeting does not have to be held before the student leaves campus, but must be held before the 10 th day out of placement. There is no five day notification requirement under В§504, so you can have the meeting as soon as necessary. If possible, delay the MDR until the appeal has been decided if the parent is appealing the placement (but don’t exceed the 10 days out of placement). 3. Although the parent is not a required member of the В§504 Committee, notify the parents of the MDR meeting. 4. Use Section 504 Manifestation Determination (Form 14) for this meeting. Begin with a brief review of existing В§504 evaluation data and the student’s disabilities. 5. State on Form 14 the behavior subject to disciplinary action, in terms of the student code of conduct. 6. List the student’s В§504 qualifying impairments. 7. Determine whether the disability caused the behavior, or was substantially and directly related to the misbehavior. 8. Determine whether any failure to implement the 504 plan directly resulted in the misbehavior. 9. If the behavior is not a manifestation of the disability (both questions answered “No”, the student may be disciplined the same as a non-disabled student. If it was a manifestation of the disability (either question answered “Yes”) the student cannot be disciplined and the В§504 Committee should review the appropriateness of the В§504 plan. 10. Briefly summarize the basic underlying rationale by which the В§504 Committee is reaching the determination. 11. Provide the parents a copy of the MDR form. 12. Be sure a copy of the student’s В§504 service plan is sent to the DAEP. Other points to consider: п‚· Analyze the student’s behavior across settings and time to determine if conduct is a direct result of the disability. п‚· Focus on how the impairment specifically impacts the student rather than broad characteristics of the impairment. For instance, a classic characteristic of ADHD is impulsivity, but not all students with ADHD are impulsive. What does the data show for the particular student? п‚· Misconduct must bear more than a weak relationship to the disability. The argument of a disability causing stress, and thus misbehavior, is a very weak argument and should not be the basis for a link between disability and misbehavior. п‚· Do not discuss the fairness of the placement or length of placement. The only topic appropriate at this meeting is whether the misbehavior is a manifestation of the disability. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 20 п‚· п‚· п‚· Do not discuss other students at the MDR. A popular MDR argument, especially in cases of students with ADHD or other behavioral disorders, is that the student’s behavior was impulsive, and thus related to the disability. In these situations, it is critical to have detailed information about the offense, particularly the timeframe for the behavior and the degree of planning involved. The longer the timeframe of the behavior, and the higher the degree of planning, the less likely that the behavior was impulsive or without thought. Often, a parent will bring in a new diagnosis to the MDR. It is crucial for the В§504 Committee to review existing evaluation data (prior meeting data, previous discipline referrals, teacher input, attendance, etc) to determine whether it would lead one to predict that a certain behavior might occur. If the data would have led a person to believe the student would have exhibited the behavior, the В§504 Committee should find that the behavior is related to the disability. Medical Diagnosis No medical diagnosis is required for В§504 eligibility, but if a parent reports a diagnosis, obtain consent for medical records and try to speak with the physician. As a practical matter, absent medical information to the contrary, the В§504 Committee probably should not discount a medical diagnosis that they do not agree with. In other words, the В§504 Committee should not debate over whether a student has a physical or mental impairment, but should focus on the substantial limitation to a major life activity component of eligibility attributed to the impairment. Monitoring and Compliance with В§504 Monitoring of the accommodation plan implementation should be accomplished through the PDAS or other teacher appraisal process, and through administrator walkthroughs and informal checks of grades and student progress by the campus В§504 Coordinator. Teachers should be encouraged to keep a folder for each В§504 student. In this folder, samples of documentation of accommodations should be kept. Non-Academic and Extracurricular Services Students with disabilities must be afforded the same opportunity to participate as non-disabled students in nonacademic and extracurricular activities such as recess, field trips, clubs, and sports. Necessary accommodations should be considered for these areas by В§504 Committees and documented in В§504 plans. Occupational Therapy (OT)/Physical Therapy (PT) Students with a disability that effects gross or fine motor skills may receive OT or PT services under В§504 if it is necessary for the student to receive FAPE. This is most common when a student has a diagnosis of an impairment such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifada, etc. For students who have such a diagnosis, but who do not qualify for special education, a В§504 evaluation may be appropriate. Parent Disagreements/Complaints It is inevitable that at times a parent may not agree with a decision by the В§504 Committee. While we encourage parent attendance at and participation in В§504 meetings, their role is much different than that of a parent of an IDEA-eligible student. Parents cannot “disagree” with the Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 21 decisions of the Committee and stop the process from proceeding. Should a parent disagree during a meeting, try to address concerns without acquiescing the responsibility of the school to ultimately make decisions regarding eligibility or accommodations. If no agreement can be made, it is recommended that you complete the meeting and explain to the parent his or her rights, which are: п‚· the right to file a complaint with the district Section 504 coordinator; п‚· the right to request a due process hearing before an impartial hearing officer; or п‚· the right to file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights. Options are described in further detail in the Notice of Student and Parent Rights under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. You may also ask the parent to contact the district В§504 Coordinator who will review the information and determine whether she agrees with the В§504 Committee or recommends another В§504 Committee meeting to reconsider specific information. The parent may also file a grievance with the school board. If a parent does not agree with an evaluation, we do not offer an independent educational evaluation (IEE). Unlike special education, there is no requirement for an IEE under В§504 regulations. If a parent wants an evaluation done by someone other than the school district, it will be at their own expense. Parent Refusal of Special Education When a parent refuses special education services, the school district is not obligated to provide services through a В§504 service plan but can certainly do so. The student may also be eligible for the procedural safeguards of В§504, including, nondiscrimination protection, procedural safeguards, periodic re-evaluations and manifest determination. Contact the district В§504 Coordinator if this situation arises to discuss the specifics of the situation. Parent Request for Evaluation Parents have a right to request an evaluation for В§504 at any time. However, the school district is only required to evaluate if they believe the student is disabled and needs В§504 services. If the school has reason to suspect the student has a disability, for instance if the parent informs the school of a medical diagnosis, the school should conduct an evaluation for В§504. If there is no reason to suspect a disability, follow the procedures located under “Refusal to Evaluate.” Keep in mind that it’s generally easier to defend a В§504 evaluation than a refusal to evaluate. Therefore, in some cases the best response to a parent’s request is to evaluate. Parent Revocation of Special Education The school shall determine on a case-by-case basis whether a student whose parents have revoked consent for continued special education services should be referred for a В§504 evaluation. Contact the district В§504 Coordinator if this situation arises to discuss the specifics of the situation. Private School Students Humble ISD is not obligated to conduct a В§504 evaluation on students who are not enrolled in our district. If the parent chooses to enroll the student, normal referral processes are followed. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 22 Private/Outside Testing Parents often bring evaluations that they have had done by someone outside of the school district. In most situations, this should be construed as a request for an evaluation. The В§504 Committee must consider as part of an evaluation, any evaluation that a parent provides. Best practice is to give “due weight” to the evaluation. В§504 Committees should consider the following factors in considering how much “weight” to give the evaluation: п‚· How old is the evaluation? Generally evaluations are only valid for three years, but for school age children receiving instruction and interventions, the data may change more rapidly than that. п‚· Who conducted the evaluation? What is his or her area of specialty and expertise? п‚· How thorough is the evaluation? A diagnosis written on a prescription pad is not as thorough as an evaluation that involves extensive testing and information from many sources. п‚· В§504 regulations require that tests and other evaluation materials must be validated for the specific purpose for which they are used and tailored to assess specific areas of educational need. Does it appear these requirements were met? п‚· Is the evaluation comparable to what a school district evaluation would look like? Private evaluations may not be as long and detailed as an FIE, but it should indicate a process adequate for the diagnosis was undertaken. п‚· Are there missing pages or redacted passages in the assessment? Best practice is to request evaluations directly from the evaluator. You can ask your campus diagnostician to review the evaluation. diagnostician may even recommend a special education referral. In some cases the Parents have usually paid a large sum of money for these evaluations and often times the student is struggling, so be considerate when expressing concerns about the quality/usefulness of a private evaluation. Parents also don’t understand that a diagnosis doesn’t automatically qualify a student for В§504, especially when the evaluator states in the report that the student is eligible for В§504. If a parent happens to bring an evaluation to a meeting that you have not had time to review, thank the parent and tell him or her that you will proceed with the meeting with the information already gathered, but you will meet again after you have had an opportunity to review the evaluation. Unlike special education, there is no requirement for independent educational evaluations under В§504 regulations. If a parent wants an evaluation done by someone other than the school district, the parent must pay for it; we do not pay for it. Re-evaluations Students protected under В§504 have the right to periodic re-evaluation, at least every three years. In Humble ISD, students eligible for В§504 are to be re-evaluated annually. While the time line is not as rigid as special education, holding annual meetings sometime in the month prior to or after the annual date is a good practice. Re-evaluations should also occur prior to any significant change in placement (see the section on Manifestation Determination Reviews). In addition, at any time the student is struggling, it is recommended that the В§504 Committee meets to determine the appropriateness of the accommodation plan. Upon request from a parent, it is also a good idea to have a meeting. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 23 Referring В§504- Eligible Student to Special Education For some students, В§504 is not enough to meet their needs. If it is suspected that a В§504-eligible student has a disability under IDEA, the student’s В§504 Committee acts as the referral committee. п‚· A В§504 meeting should be held to review data (including intervention data) and either recommend interventions or make a referral for a special education evaluation. It is strongly suggested that a staffing with special education staff be held prior to the В§504 meeting; п‚· If the student becomes eligible for special education, the student will receive a free appropriate education through the ARD Committee/IEP Team, together with the nondiscrimination protections and procedural safeguards of Section 504. Therefore, the student will be dismissed from В§504. o Notify the parents of the meeting and have at least two people at the meeting. o Complete Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation (Form 10).  Questions #1 – 3 will be answered “YES”.  Question #4 is answered “NO”.  “The student is exited from В§504 and will now be served through Special Education” is checked in the lower half of the third page.  Notify the parent of the decision with Notification of В§504 Evaluation Results (Form 10, page 5) and complete the normal dismissal process. п‚· If the student is not eligible for special education, the В§504 Committee should meet to consider new or additional data gathered from the special education evaluation. Refusal to Evaluate If a parent or guardian has requested a В§504 evaluation but there is no reason to suspect a disability, the campus В§504 Coordinator should provide the Notice of Parent and Student Rights under В§504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Form 6) and a completed Notice of Decision in Regard to Identification, Refusal to Evaluate for В§504 (Form 17) to the parent or guardian. A В§504 folder should be made and a copy of the notification of decision placed in it. The В§504 folder shall then be forward to the district В§504 Coordinator. Keep in mind that it’s generally easier to defend a В§504 evaluation than a refusal to evaluate. Therefore, in some cases the best response to a parent’s request is to evaluate. Retaliation Prohibited No District officer, employee, or contractor shall retaliate against any person because of his or her exercise of rights under Section 504. Role of the Classroom Teacher The classroom teacher is often times the most important member of the В§504 Committee. He or she has knowledge of the student; the evaluation data; and placement options. While the parent has great knowledge of the student, the teacher has knowledge of the student in the educational setting. Teachers should be expected to do the following: п‚· Refer students suspected of having a disability for a В§504 evaluation. A parent may share information with a teacher that their child has a diagnosis, or a concern that their child Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 24 п‚· п‚· п‚· may have a disability. This information may trigger a child find responsibility for the district, so be sure your teachers know how to refer a student for a В§504 evaluation. Provide input to the В§504 Committee. Whether an initial or annual meeting, each teacher of the student being evaluated should complete the Teacher/Administrator Input for В§504 Evaluation (504-3-b) as directed. Teachers should be reminded that when rating students on the input form that the comparison should be to an average student of the same age or grade in the general population, typically a state or national norm group. Teachers should also be encouraged to provide information regarding the use of services and recommend changes to the service plan in the area provided. While teachers should be candid about their input, they may need reminding to be objective and professional with the specific wording they use. Attend В§504 meetings. At least one classroom teacher should be at every В§504 meeting. Teachers may need to be reminded to be on time, bring samples of student work, be knowledgeable about the student’s current grade in the class, and participate actively in the meeting. Teachers should be comfortable voicing their professional opinion about the effectiveness of the current service plan and possible changes to the service plan. Implement and document accommodations and services. Every teacher must understand the legal obligation to implement the service plan on a daily basis. In addition, while teachers are not required to document every incident of implementation of accommodations or services, the teacher should periodically document such implementation. Teachers should be encouraged to keep a file with supporting evidence of documentation of accommodations and services. Such items as seating charts, copies of teacher notes, evidence of time extensions, anecdotal information, etc. should be kept in the file. If teachers are unsure about how to implement or document a particular accommodation or service, the teacher should be encouraged to discuss his or her questions with an administrator. A document titled В§504 Accommodation Selection, Guidelines for Educators and Administrators written by the US Department of Education is available at http://doe.sd.gov/oess/documents/sped_section504_Guidelines.pdf . Role of the Campus Nurse Due to the nature of many of the impairments under В§504, the campus nurse is a valuable member of the В§504 process. The nurse should assist in: п‚· Identifying students who may need an evaluation due to a medical condition; п‚· Assisting in obtaining and understanding medical information; п‚· Attending В§504 meetings to share information and recommendations to В§504 committees; п‚· Providing services as part of a В§504 service plan. Do not hesitate to utilize your campus nurse in assisting with these tasks. Status Reports All campus Section 504 coordinators should maintain a current status report listing all students who are currently receiving В§504 services. п‚· Include all active В§504 students. п‚· Do not include special education students. п‚· Do not include students who have moved, withdrawn, been dismissed, etc. п‚· The student’s local identification number is used, not social security numbers. п‚· The “Other” column is for you to enter any information helpful to you. Some В§504 Coordinators list accommodations, some have other information and some leave it blank. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 25 п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· Update meeting dates and other necessary information after each annual В§504 meeting. The district В§504 Coordinator will require that status reports be updated in early September, mid-January and the end of school in order to compile a “master” status report for the district. Specific dates will be given later. At the end of the year (May), update the information to include the grade level for the next school year and new campus for students going into 6th and 9th grade. This information can be obtained from the student’s parent during the annual В§504 meeting. Do not delete students moving or withdrawing on verbal information alone. Leave them on the status report until documentation supports their move (no show documentation, request for records, etc.) in the fall. Student В§504 Files В§504 files are important educational records subject to legal scrutiny. Please maintain В§504 files in the professional nature that is required. Following these steps will help: п‚· As soon as a referral is made for a В§504 evaluation, a student В§504 file is initiated. п‚· Green files are used to distinguish В§504 students. п‚· Labels must contain the following information: o Last Name, First Name o DOB: xx/xx/xxxx o Student ID # п‚· If the parent or guardian refuses to grant consent for the evaluation, place documentation of efforts to seek consent in the file and upload a copy of the refusal into Eduphoria. Continue to seek consent from the parent or guardian if the school believes the student has a disability. п‚· If the school has refused an evaluation that a parent or guardian requested, appropriate documentation including the notice of refusal with supporting data should be placed in a В§504 file and a copy of this information should be uploaded into Eduphoria. п‚· Active files are to be maintained in the campus В§504 Coordinator’s office. Confidentiality and security will be assured by the campus В§504 Coordinator. п‚· Paperwork documenting each В§504 meeting is placed in the folder with the newest paperwork on top. Include documentation of data used to make В§504 Committee decisions in the file. п‚· When a student transfers to another school within HISD, the В§504 file is forwarded directly to the campus В§504 Coordinator at the receiving campus. п‚· When a student transfers to another school district, copies of relevant records are forwarded to the receiving school district with other transfer records. The В§504 file is then transferred to the district В§504 Coordinator. п‚· At the end of the school year the campus В§504 Coordinator will forward files for students transferring to new campuses. Deliver the files to the new campus В§504 Coordinator as specified. Parents, guardians, and eligible students shall have the opportunity to examine relevant education records, including В§504 records, upon reasonable notice during school hours or at other mutually convenient times by prior arrangement. Student Transfer from Outside the District When a student transfers to Humble ISD and there is information that the student has been identified as eligible for В§504 by the previous district, please follow these steps: 1. Contact the previous campus to request records. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 26 2. If it has been verified that the student was eligible in a previous district, the student should be referred directly to В§504. 3. If you receive a current accommodation/service plan from the previous district, distribute it to the student’s teachers requesting that they do their best to implement the accommodations and services while data is collected. 4. If you do not receive a plan, notify the student’s teachers of the possible В§504 eligibility of the student. Request that they provide any reasonable accommodations and services that they believe will help the student while data is collected. 5. Follow the В§504 evaluation process, providing rights, obtaining consent, etc. 6. If a dyslexia evaluation is necessary, notify the dyslexia teacher. 7. Meet in approximately 30 days to determine whether the student is eligible for В§504. This timeline gives campuses the time to get to know the student and his or her needs and gather data. Note: Some students may no longer be eligible for В§504, yet still need classroom support, these students should be referred to the Student Intervention Team. Substantial Limitation The third element to В§504 eligibility after the presence of an impairment that limits a major life activity has been established is the decision whether that limitation is a substantial one. Again, В§504 regulations do not define what a substantial limitation is. However, OCR has ruled that the phrase is to be defined by the local educational agency not OCR. Prior to the ADAAA, guidance suggested that the definition included the term significantly restricted. Post-ADAAA, guidance suggests that significant is too high of a bar, but simply restricted is too low. Therefore, В§504 Committees should look for an impact that is somewhere between restricted and significantly restricted, keeping in mind the effects of any mitigating measure being used by the student. One critical error in В§504 evaluations is to think that a student can only be eligible for В§504 if he or she has failed a class or has failed state assessments. While it’s correct that a substantial limitation in learning may be indicated by failing or near failing grades or lack of success on state assessments, limitation in other major life activities are not so dependent on this information. The В§504 Committee first needs to identify the major life activity impacted by the impairment, and then measure how the student performs in respect to that activity. If the major life activity is not learning, grades and state assessment play a minor role in determining limitation. A key point to remember when determining substantial limitation is that of measuring the limitation compared to the average student of the same age or grade level, in a state or nation size population. An individual student should be compared to the national or state average, not Humble ISD, or a single school or a single classroom. This is an important distinction when considering the major life activity of learning. A slight twist on this concept is when parents want В§504 protection to maximize the student’s potential. The intent of В§504 is to level the playing field, to provide a disabled student the same access to the benefits of a public education as all other students. As David Richards, Esq. likes to say, “public schools are not the Army – their duty is not to provide services so the student can вЂ�be all that he can be’.” Simply put, В§504 is not intended to maximize potential. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 27 TAKS/STAAR/Benchmarks/9-week Tests Accommodations Information regarding accommodations for state assessment can be found on the TEA website. The following information was obtained from the document entitled: Critical Information about Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Taking STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR Modified, STAAR L, and TELPAS, available at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/accommodations/staar-telpas/ (retrieved August 3, 2012). Using Accommodations During Classroom Instruction and Testing The use of accommodations primarily occurs in the classroom on a daily basis. Understanding the basic principles of accommodations helps ensure their appropriate use in all educational settings. Accommodations п‚· are changes to instructional materials, procedures, or techniques that allow a student with a disability to participate meaningfully in grade-level or course instruction should be effective in allowing a student access to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) п‚· must be individualized for each student п‚· are intended to reduce the effect of a student’s disability п‚· should be routinely used during classroom instruction and testing п‚· may be appropriate for classroom use but may not be appropriate or allowed for use on a statewide assessment п‚· should be documented in the appropriate student paperwork п‚· should be evaluated regularly to determine effectiveness and to help plan for accommodations the student will need each year п‚· are not necessary for every student п‚· are not changes to the performance criteria of an assignment or assessment п‚· are not changes to the content being assessed and should not replace the teaching of subject-specific knowledge and skills as outlined in the TEKS п‚· should not be provided to an entire group of students, such as those in the same class or disability category, as a “one-size-fits-all” accommodation п‚· are not intended to provide a student with a disability an advantage (e.g., increase a passing score to a higher score) п‚· should not be provided to a student without evidence of effectiveness from year to year Educators who make decisions about accommodations for a student should have knowledge of the TEKS and a clear understanding of the student’s performance in relation to the TEKS. In addition, educators should continually collect and analyze data pertaining to the use and effectiveness of accommodations so that informed educational decisions can be made for each student. Sometimes an accommodation becomes ineffective or inappropriate over time due to the student’s age or changing needs. By analyzing data, an educator may be able to see that the student has gained skills, overcome weaknesses, or progressed in the curriculum and no longer needs the accommodation. Or it may confirm for the educator that the student still struggles in certain areas and should continue to use the accommodation. Using Accommodations on Statewide Assessments Accommodations provided to students during classroom instruction and testing may differ Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 28 from accommodations allowed for use on statewide assessments. This should not discourage the use of appropriate accommodations during instruction. Classroom instruction is intended to provide each student the opportunity to learn the state-mandated curriculum. To accomplish this, educators should use a variety of techniques to meet the needs of each student. However, statewide assessments are intended to measure how well each student has mastered the state-mandated curriculum. In order to assure the reliability, validity, and security of all statewide assessments, only those accommodations that do not invalidate the content being measured or compromise the security and integrity of the assessments are allowed. Therefore, not all accommodations used routinely in the classroom are appropriate or allowed for use during the statewide assessments. It is critical that В§504 be knowledgeable about current TEA guidelines, including “student eligibility criteria” for each type of accommodation. Technical Eligibility Previous to the ADAAA, students who had a disability typically required a need for an accommodation (or service) plan in order to be eligible for В§504. As a result to the changes to eligibility due to the ADAAA, specifically the prohibition to consider mitigating measures and the inclusion of impairments that are in remission, there will be some students eligible for В§504 who do not need accommodations or services. These students are considered “technicallyeligible” students. While they are eligible for the nondiscrimination protections of В§504, procedural safeguards, manifestation determination, and periodic re-evaluations, В§504 Committees will not be required to write a service plan for them. These students should be coded in eSchool as eligible students, have notice placed in their cumulative file, be included on status reports and receive annual, or more frequent В§504 meetings. If the student develops a need for services, the В§504 Committee should meet and determine appropriate services. Temporary Disabilities A temporary impairment is an impairment with an actual or expected duration of six months or less. Eligibility decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis and should take into account both the duration (or expected duration) of the impairment and the extent to which it actually limits a major life activity of the affected student. Transportation If transportation is required due to a disability and is not normally provided to the student, the В§504 Committee may provide transportation as a related service for eligible В§504 students. Also, if an eligible student requires specialized transportation, for example a student in a wheelchair needing a wheelchair accessible bus, the specialized transportation may be provided as a related service. A В§504 Committee meeting is required to determine whether the student requires transportation. If so, the campus В§504 Coordinator should work with the parent in completing the В§504 Transportation Request Form (Form 18) and submit it to the transportation department. It usually takes a few days for transportation services to begin. If transportation is part of the service plan and the student is suspended from transportation due to behavior for ten or more days, a manifestation determination evaluation must be held. When to Evaluate Schools have an obligation to evaluate a student who they suspect because of a disability, needs or is believed to need В§504 services. It is not the parents’ responsibility to request an evaluation, Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 29 although a parent request is one reason to initiate an evaluation. Reasons to evaluate a student for В§504 may include: п‚· When a parent or teacher initiates a request; п‚· When a disability is suspected; п‚· When a student exhibits a chronic health condition; п‚· When a student requires a health plan; п‚· When a student exhibits persistent academic or behavioral problems and interventions have not been successful; п‚· When a student is evaluated but not eligible for special education. In cases where a student exhibits poor grades, failure to pass state assessments, retention, serious behavior issues or attendance issues and there is no reason to suspect an impairment is the cause, the student may be referred to the Student Intervention Team. However, if the school has knowledge of the student having an impairment, best practice is to proceed to a В§504 evaluation. If a parent or guardian requests a referral for a В§504 evaluation, the school must either (1) conduct the evaluation; or (2) provide written reason for not conducting the evaluation and provide the parent or guardian with a copy of their rights. Best practice is to conduct an evaluation upon parent or guardian request. When in doubt, evaluate! Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 30 APPENDICES Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 31 HUMBLE ISD В§504 MEETING CHECKLIST Name: Grade: Campus: Before the Meeting: п‚Ё Send Form 5, Form 8 (initial only) and Form 6 (every meeting) to parent/guardian or adult student п‚Ё Start a green 504 folder for student п‚Ё Receive Form 5 and Form 8 (initial only) back from parent/guardian or adult student п‚Ё Notify dyslexia teacher if dyslexia evaluation needed п‚Ё Obtain consent for release/request medical records and secure medical information from school nurse if applicable п‚Ё Arrange for at least one classroom teacher and dyslexia teacher (if dyslexia evaluation) to attend meeting; arrange for nurse and/or administrator if applicable to attend п‚Ё Complete Form 9 and send copy home to parent/guardian or adult student, keep a copy in file п‚Ё Using Form 10, page 1 as a guide, collect data for meeting (bottom of form) п‚Ё Attach Form 7 to student in Eduphoria and send notice to all teachers, and other staff as needed, to complete Form 7 in Eduphoria even if teacher will be present at meeting п‚Ё Attach Form 10 to student in Eduphoria and complete top portion; upload pertinent documentation During Meeting: п‚Ё Review data and check appropriate boxes on Form 10 and upload documentation in Eduphoria п‚Ё Complete Form 10 (initial or periodic re-evaluation) or Form 15 (dyslexia evaluation and dyslexia 3-year) in Eduphoria п‚Ё Complete Form 12 in Eduphoria if eligible for plan and have parent sign Form 12 п‚Ё Complete Form 14 for Manifestation Determination Evaluation After the Meeting: All Meetings п‚Ё Copy of all 504 paperwork to parent/guardian or adult student п‚Ё Distribute a copy of Form 12 to teachers and other appropriate staff п‚Ё Have each teacher/appropriate staff sign that they received a copy of Form 12 п‚Ё Place paperwork in green 504 folder п‚Ё Make certain student’s information is correct in eSchool on the 504 Programs screen Initial Meeting Only п‚Ё Input student’s 504 information in eSchool on the 504 Programs screen; use day of eligibility meeting as the Start Date and be sure the check the Value box п‚Ё Add student to 504 Status Report, if eligible Dismissal Meeting п‚Ё Input 504 Exit Date in eSchool on the 504 Programs screen п‚Ё Enter the student’s Exit Date on the 504 Status Report Manifestation Determination Review п‚Ё Contact district В§504 Coordinator п‚Ё Notify parent of meeting, but parent does not need to be present п‚Ё Provide parent with Form 6 and Form 9 and complete Form 14 Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 32 SECTION 504 DECISION PROCESS Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 33 Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 34 HUMBLE ISD В§504 FORMS Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 32 Section 504 Operational Guidelines Form 1, page 1 of 6 Humble ISD Operational Guidelines for Section 504 1. Child Find. As part of the on-going identification and referral process, Humble ISD will make reasonable efforts to identify and locate every qualified disabled Student residing within Humble ISD who is not receiving a public education. The District shall inform the Parents or Guardians of these potentially eligible Students (who may be attending private or homeschools) of the District’s duties under В§504. As part of the Child Find effort the District shall annually publish the Child Find Notice in local newspapers, student handbooks, and/or place the Notice in locations likely to be seen by Parents of eligible Students (such as supermarkets, pediatrician’s offices, etc.). Additionally, every teacher within the District should have information regarding the District’s overall early intervention process, understand how to initiate a В§504 Referral and know how to identify Students who should be referred. 2. Referral. Humble ISD shall refer for an evaluation of any Student who, “because of handicap, needs or is believed to need special education or related services before taking any action with respect to the initial placement of the person in regular or special education and any subsequent significant change in placement.” 34 CFR В§104.35(a). Students with physical or mental impairments whose needs are addressed through early intervention, RtI, or health plans will not be excluded from consideration for possible Section 504 referral, even when current interventions, services or health plans successfully address their impairment-related needs. The Parent may also initiate a Section 504 referral. When a В§504 referral has been initiated, the Section 504 Referral Form [hereinafter, “Referral Form”] should be quickly forwarded to the Campus or District В§504 Coordinator [hereinafter “Coordinator”]. The Referral Form is designed to be filled in by the person initiating the referral, but may be supplemented as necessary by the Coordinator, utilizing information from the Student’s cumulative folder or other sources. From that basic information, the Coordinator will determine whether a В§504 Evaluation is necessary. If no В§504 Evaluation is required, the Coordinator shall forward the Parent Rights form (Form 6) to the Parents, with a note explaining why the Referral did not lead to a В§504 Evaluation at this time. 3. Consent for Evaluation. If a В§504 Evaluation is necessary, the Coordinator should send to the Parent Notice of Parent Rights under В§504 [hereinafter, “Parent Rights”], together with a Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation under В§504 Form [hereinafter, “Notice and Consent”], and a Parent Input for Section 504 Evaluation Form [hereinafter, “Parent Input”]. If no parental consent is received for В§504 Evaluation, the Coordinator should remind the Parent every semester (or at other intervals as determined by the District) of the District’s continued desire to conduct an Evaluation under В§504. 4. Evaluation. When the consent is received from the parent, the Coordinator should: a. Gather evaluation data and coordinate/direct the completion of the various Input Documents. The evaluation data consists of information from a variety of sources, including efforts and results of early intervention activities, aptitude and achievement testing, teacher recommendations, student’s historical and current physical and mental condition (including data on conditions in remission and episodic conditions), social or cultural background, adaptive behavior, and mitigating measures; the Teacher Input form to be completed by one or more teachers, and the Parent Input form with information about the Student’s activities/behaviors at home, and any other data the parent would like the Committee. Should current special education data exist (an evaluation upon which a Student was either dismissed from special education or upon which a finding of no IDEA eligibility was made), that data should also be considered. b. Ensure that should formalized testing be considered by the В§504 Committee as evaluation data, the tests: 1) Have been validated for the specific purpose for which they are used and are administered by trained personnel in accordance with the instructions provided by the tests’ creators; 2) Include those tailored to assess specific areas of educational need and are not merely designed to provide a single intelligence quotient; Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 33 Section 504 Operational Guidelines Form 1, page 2 of 6 3) Are selected and administered to ensure that when a test is administered to a student with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills, the tests results accurately reflect the student’s aptitude or achievement level or whatever other factor the test purports to measure, rather than reflecting the student’s impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills (except where those skills are the factors that the test purports to measure). c. Determine who will be in the group of knowledgeable people [hereinafter, the Ҥ504 Committee” or “Committee”] (including persons with knowledge of the Child, the meaning of the evaluation data and the placement options). d. Schedule a В§504 Evaluation by the Committee. e. Give the Parents notice of the time and place of the evaluation meeting, inviting the Parent to attend. Written notice, while not required, is preferred, and can be accomplished utilizing the Notice of Section 504 Meeting form. At the В§504 Evaluation, the Committee should: a. Draw upon information from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to, efforts and results of early intervention activities, aptitude and achievement testing, teacher recommendations, physical condition, social or cultural background, adaptive behavior and the Parent and Teacher/Administrator input forms; b. Ensure that all information reviewed in the evaluation is documented and carefully considered, and that Section 504 decisions are made consistently with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, including appropriate consideration of mitigating measure (as provided in paragraph 16 of these Operational Guidelines), recognition of changes made to major life activities, the appropriate consideration of impairments that are episodic or in remission, and Congressional declarations on the definition of substantial limitation. d. Complete the Section 504 Evaluation form. If the Student is determined to be eligible [hereinafter, “eligible student”], the Committee moves on to the Section 504 Student Services Plan [hereinafter, “Services Plan”] form to develop appropriate services and accommodations. If no eligibility is found, the Parents are so informed in writing. e. Should the Parent refuse consent to the initial provision of Section 504 services, Form 11 should be completed and the Services Plan should be appropriately annotated with the Parent’s refusal to consent. Section 504 services detailed on the Services Plan will not be provided to the Student, but the completed Plan will serve as documentation of the District’s offer of FAPE to the Student. At the conclusion of the Evaluation/Placement meeting, the Coordinator provides notice to the parent (Notice of Section 504 Evaluation Results form) of the 504 Committee’s findings, and copies of the completed Evaluation form, the Services Plan (if eligible), and the Refusal of Consent Form (if appropriate). 5. Records. Section 504 records, including any evaluation data, shall be kept in a separate В§504 folder under the control of the Coordinator, as part of the Student’s cumulative folder, or in any other location determined to be appropriate by the District or campus. Regardless of location, Humble ISD will maintain the confidentiality of В§504 records as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Where В§504 records are kept separately from the cumulative folder, a reference to the records and their location will be placed in the cumulative folder to ensure that the campus with responsibility for the Student is aware of its В§504 obligations to the eligible student and that personnel and third-party contractors who have a duty to implement the plan have access to necessary records including the plan itself. 6. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). No eligible Student may be excluded by Humble ISD from receiving a public elementary or secondary education. When considering the educational placement for eligible students, the Committee will ensure that the services provided are: a. Appropriate. The В§504 services are designed to meet the individual needs of the eligible Student as adequately as the needs of nondisabled students, and are based upon adherence to the regulatory procedures relating to Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 34 Section 504 Operational Guidelines Form 1, page 3 of 6 educational setting, evaluation and placement, and procedural safeguards. The Committee may place an eligible Student in a program that the District does not operate in order to satisfy this requirement, but in so doing, the District remains responsible for ensuring that the requirements of В§504 are met. b. Free. An eligible Student’s educational program provided under В§504 is provided without cost to the Parent of the eligible Student, regardless of where those services are provided or by whom. Should the Committee determine that placement in a program not operated by the District is required for the eligible Student to receive FAPE, the District shall ensure that adequate transportation is provided to and from the program at no greater cost than would be incurred by the eligible Student or his or her parents or guardians if the student were placed in the program operated by the District. The only costs of educational services that may be assessed the eligible Student are those borne by nondisabled students and their Parents (such as tickets to athletic events, purchases of yearbooks, gym clothes, etc.). When the District has made available a FAPE as required by В§504, and the eligible Student or his or her Parents or Guardians choose to place the Student in a private school, Humble ISD is not required to pay for the eligible Student’s education in the private school. 7. Parental Rights to Refuse Consent & Revoke Consent for Section 504 Services. Humble ISD recognizes the Parent’s right to refuse consent for initial Section 504 Services as well as to revoke consent for continued Section 504 Services at any time. The Parent may exercise the right to refuse consent or revoke consent by indicating that preference in writing on Form 11, signing the form, and returning it Humble ISD. In the absence of a refusal or revocation using Form 11, Humble ISD will assume that the Parent consents to Section 504 Services. Following either a refusal to consent or revocation of consent, the Parent may consent to Section 504 Services at any time (as long as the Student remains eligible for Section 504 Services) by contacting the Section 504 Coordinator to schedule a Section 504 meeting. 8. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). The Committee shall create a placement for the eligible Student that ensures the provision of educational services with persons who are not disabled to the maximum extent possible appropriate to the needs of the eligible Student. The Committee will presume that the regular classroom is the appropriate placement, unless it is demonstrated that the eligible Student’s education in the regular classroom with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. Should the Committee place an eligible student in a setting other than the regular classroom, it shall take into account the proximity of the alternative setting to the eligible Student’s home. 9. NonAcademic Services & Extracurricular Activities. Humble ISD shall ensure that the provision of nonacademic and extracurricular services and activities (such as meals, recess, counseling services, physical recreational athletics, transportation, health services, recreational activities, special interest groups or clubs sponsored by the recipients, referrals to agencies which provide assistance to handicapped persons, and employment of students, including both employment by the recipient and assistance in making available outside employment) are provided so that: a. Eligible Students are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in such service and activities. b. Eligible Students participate with nondisabled students to the maximum extent appropriate to the needs of the eligible Student. Counseling. Should Humble ISD provide personal, academic, or vocational counseling, guidance, or placement services to its students, those services shall be provided without discrimination on the basis of disability. Humble ISD shall ensure that disabled students are not counseled toward more restrictive career objectives than are nondisabled students with similar interests and abilities. Physical education and athletics. In providing physical education courses and athletics and similar programs and activities to any of its students, Humble ISD will not discriminate on the basis of disability. Disabled students shall have equal opportunity to participate in Humble ISD’s physical education courses, as well as interscholastic, club, or intramural athletics operated or sponsored byHumble ISD. The District will offer disabled students physical education and athletic activities that are separate or different from those offered to nondisabled students only if separation or differentiation is consistent with the requirements of LRE and only if no qualified disabled student is denied the opportunity to compete for teams or to participate in courses that are not separate or different. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 35 Section 504 Operational Guidelines Form 1, page 4 of 6 10. Implementation of the Section 504 Services Plan. The Coordinator (or designee) should ensure that the Student’s Services Plan is delivered to each teacher, campus administration, and any other employee or third-party contractor who has responsibility to implement the plan. Monitoring of Services Plan implementation should be accomplished through the PDAS (or other teacher appraisal process), through walkthroughs, and informal checks of the student’s academic, behavioral and social progress by the Coordinator and other appropriate personnel. 11. Re-Evaluation. At least every three years, the 504 Committee should meet to conduct a periodic re-evaluation of students on Section 504 Services Plans as well as those students who are eligible under Section 504 but not in need of a Section 504 Services Plan at this time. Form 10 should be used for this purpose. Re-evaluation should also occur prior to any significant change of placement and whenever necessary to ensure the continued provision of FAPE. It is also Humble ISD’s practice to conduct annual reviews when no periodic re-evaluation is required. Form 13 is appropriate where a full re-evaluation is not necessary. Prior to a re-evaluation, the District will provide the parents with notice of the time and place of the re-evaluation meeting, inviting the parent to attend. Written notice, while not required, is preferred, and can be accomplished utilizing the Notice of Section 504 Meeting form. If the Student remains eligible and in need of a Services Plan, the Committee should focus on the Student’s changing needs due to the effects of different classroom subject matter, school demands and other factors. Should the Committee determine that the Student is no longer eligible, the Committee should dismiss the Student from 504. The Parent shall be given notice of the results of the re-evaluation. 12. Discipline. The following disciplinary provisions apply to students who are in receipt of a Section 504 Services Plan, together with students who are eligible under Section 504 as students with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, but who are not in need of a Section 504 Services Plan at this time (either because the impairment is in remission or because the students have no need for a Service Plan due to the positive effects of mitigating measures currently in place). Should Humble ISD initiate a disciplinary removal of the eligible Student from his educational placement for a term of more than ten consecutive school days, the В§504 Committee must first conduct an evaluation, which includes manifestation determination. Prior to the evaluation, the Coordinator shall give the Parents notice of the time and place of the evaluation meeting, inviting the Parent to attend. Written notice, while not required, is preferred, and can be accomplished utilizing the Notice of Section 504 Meeting form. The Committee’s evaluation should determine: (1) was the conduct in question caused by, or directly and substantially related to the student’s disabilities?; and (2) was the conduct in question the direct result of the school’s failure to implement the student’s В§504 plan? If a link is found, a disciplinary removal of longer than ten consecutive school days cannot occur. Removals for less than ten days can be effected without В§504 Committee approval, subject to the “pattern of exclusion” rule. A series of short removals (including teacher removals under В§37.002 of the Education Code) over the course of the school year that exceeds ten total days may constitute a pattern of exclusion that triggers applicable procedural safeguards (a manifestation determination evaluation and a right to due process). The Committee will meet to conduct an evaluation prior to the tenth cumulative day of removals during a school year, to determine: (1) was the conduct in question caused by, or directly and substantially related to the Student’s disabilities? and (2) was the conduct in question the direct result of the school’s failure to implement the Student’s 504 plan? Prior to the evaluation, the Coordinator shall give the Parents notice of the time and place of the evaluation meeting, inviting the Parent to attend. Written notice, while not required, is preferred, and can be accomplished utilizing the Notice of Section 504 Meeting form. If at the evaluation meeting a link is determined, the disciplinary removal cannot occur. An eligible Student who currently is engaging in the illegal use of drugs or in the use of alcohol may be removed from his educational placement for a drug or alcohol offense to the same extent that such disciplinary action is taken against nondisabled students. Further, no В§504 Evaluation is required prior to the removal and no В§504 due process hearing is available. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 36 Section 504 Operational Guidelines Form 1, page 5 of 6 13. Interaction with Special Education. Each student referred and evaluated for special education who does not qualify and each student dismissed from special education shall be evaluated for possible Section 504 eligibility on a case-by-case basis. If at any time the В§504 Committee determines that the disabled Student needs special education or related aids and services in order to receive educational benefit, a special education referral should be initiated. With respect to students who are no longer served by special education due to parents’ revocation of consent for continued special education services, the school will offer a Section 504 evaluation. The school should make reasonable efforts to explain to the parents the В§504 process and potential protections in these situations. Should the parents refuse consent for a В§504 evaluation, the school will document such refusal. 14. Interaction with Texas Dyslexia Law. In accordance with State Board of Education Rule and the Revised Procedures Concerning Dyslexia (Blue Book), prior to testing a student individually for Dyslexia and/or prior to providing a student with dyslexia services, the District must refer and evaluate under Section 504, utilizing form 15. The provision of dyslexia instructional services to a В§504-eligible student may only be accomplished by a properly constituted В§504 Committee. If at any time the В§504 Committee determines that the disabled student needs special education and related services in order to receive educational benefit, a special education referral should be initiated. If the Student is currently under-going special education assessment (but is not yet IDEA-eligible) or if the Student is already IDEA-eligible, a dyslexia evaluation for the Student must occur under the direction of the Student’s ARD Committee. 15. Interaction with regular education Early Intervention efforts. In an effort to meet the needs of struggling students as early as possible, and to reduce the misidentification of students in both Section 504 and special education, Humble ISD uses an early intervention process, referred to as The Humble ISD Student Support System. This simple, campus-based process is designed to assist students struggling for any number of reasons (family issues, lack of motivation, poverty, etc) and in any number of ways (academically, socially, behaviorally) by providing, appropriate to the student’s needs, differentiated instruction, as well as additional regular education intervention programs, services and opportunities that may vary from campus to campus. Data from these efforts is shared with the parent, and will become part of any Section 504 or special education evaluation. These efforts are available to all students, including students with disabilities. Should regular education, together with these early intervention efforts be insufficient to meet the needs of the struggling student, or there are grounds to suspect that the student has a physical or mental impairment, Humble ISD should consider seeking parental consent for an evaluation under Section 504 or special education, as appropriate to the student. Further, students with physical or mental impairments whose needs are addressed through early intervention, RtI, or health plans will not be excluded from consideration for possible Section 504 referral, even when current interventions, services or health plans successfully address their impairment-related needs. 16. Mitigating Measures and Development of Section 504 Plans. Pursuant to the ADAAA, the determination of whether an impairment substantially limits a major life activity shall be made without regard to the ameliorative effects of mitigating measures such as—medication, medical supplies, equipment, or appliances, low-vision devices (which do not include ordinary eyeglasses or contact lenses), prosthetics including limbs and devices, hearing aids and cochlear implants or other implantable hearing devices, mobility devices, or oxygen therapy equipment and supplies; use of assistive technology; reasonable accommodations or auxiliary aids or services; or learned behavioral or adaptive neurological modifications. The ameliorative effects of the mitigating measures of ordinary eyeglasses or contact lenses shall be considered in determining whether an impairment substantially limits a major life activity. Section 504 Services plans, however, shall not be developed unless needed, at the time, in order for the student to have his needs met as adequately as those of nondisabled students. Should need develop, the Section 504 Committee shall develop an appropriate Services Plan. Further, students with physical or mental impairments whose needs are addressed through early intervention, RtI, or health plans will not be excluded from consideration for possible Section 504 referral, even when current interventions, services or health plans successfully address their impairment-related needs. 17. Procedural Protections. The following protections apply regardless of whether the eligible Student currently receives a Section 504 Services Plan. Humble ISD will ensure that a system of procedural safeguards is in place with respect to actions regarding the identification, evaluation, and educational placement of disabled students. The system shall include notice, an opportunity for the Parent or Guardian of the disabled Student to examine relevant records, an impartial hearing with opportunity for participation by the Student’s Parent or Guardian and Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 37 Section 504 Operational Guidelines Form 1, page 6 of 6 representation by counsel, and a review procedure. The impartial hearing is governed by Humble ISD’s Procedures for В§504 Due Process Hearings. Should the Parent disagree with the identification, evaluation, or placement decision of a В§504 Committee or the decision of a В§504 hearing officer, the Parent may seek relief in state or federal court as allowed by law and /or access the review procedure. Upon request, Humble ISD’s Section 504 Coordinator shall provide a review procedure to ensure that the Section 504 due process hearing was properly conducted pursuant to the requirements of the В§504 procedural safeguards and the District’s В§504 due process hearing procedures. The Parent has 30 calendar days from the date that the due process hearing officer issues a decision to request a review. The request should be in writing, and should include a brief description of the basis of the request. The request for review is made directly to the District’s Section 504 Coordinator. Within 15 days of the receipt of a request for review, the District’s Section 504 Coordinator shall issue a decision in writing. The decision should be based on a review of the written request, the hearing officer’s decision, Humble ISD’s Procedures for В§504 Due Process Hearings, any additional information provided by the Parent, and any additional information deemed relevant by the Section 504 Coordinator. Any person eligible to file a grievance with respect to Humble ISD’s Section 504 obligations may file a grievance through the District’s local grievance process. Information on the grievance process can be obtained from the District’s В§504 Coordinator. 18. Parent Language. If Humble ISD determines that the dominant language of the parent is Spanish, the District will ensure effective notice in Spanish and services necessary to provide the Parent an opportunity for effective participation in the В§504 process. If the District determines that the dominant language of the Parent is not English or Spanish, the District will make a good faith effort to accomplish notice and provide an opportunity for effective parent participation in the В§504 process through other means. 19. Duty to Not Discriminate. Humble ISD shall ensure that no qualified disabled person shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any District program or activity. These protections apply regardless of whether the eligible Student currently receives a Section 504 Services Plan. 20. Retaliation prohibited. No Humble ISD officer, employee, or contractor shall retaliate against any person because of his or her exercise of rights under Section 504. 21. Disability-based harassment. Humble ISD will promptly investigate all claims of disability-based harassment, take prompt and effective action to end the harassment and prevent it from recurring, and, as appropriate, remedy the effects of the harassment on the student. Where evidence of disability-based harassment is found pursuant to an investigation, and the District believes that the harassment has adversely impacted upon the ability of a disabled Student to have equal access to the District’s programs or activities, or the disabled Student’s entitlement to a free, appropriate public education, a В§504 Committee meeting will be called to consider the impact of the harassment and determine whether changes to the Student’s Services Plan are required. Humble ISD’s Section 504 Coordinator will periodically review disability harassment claims to determine whether additional changes, action or training is needed at the campus or District level. The Coordinator will provide training to District employees as appropriate to foster understanding of disability harassment policies, and compliance with harassment procedures. The Coordinator will also make reasonable efforts to publicize the District’s policies and procedures with respect to disability harassment so that students, faculty and staff, as well as parents recognize harassment, and know how to report incidents of harassment. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 38 Section 504 Hearing Procedures Form 2, page 1 of 3 Section 504 Due Process Hearing Procedures Right to Due Process. In the event a parent or guardian [hereinafter “parent”] wishes to contest an action or omission on the part of Humble ISD with regard to the identification, evaluation, or placement of a disabled child under В§504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 [Ҥ504”], the parent has a right to an impartial hearing before an impartial hearing officer. Omissions on the part of Humble ISD with regard to a disabled child might include, for example, the District's failure to identify a child eligible for services under В§504. Thus, a child’s identification as eligible for services under В§504 is not an absolute prerequisite to the right to due process. Parent Participation & Representation. A parent has the right to participate, speak, and present information at the due process hearing, and to be represented by legal counsel or any other type of advocate or representative of their choice at their expense. If a parent is to be represented by a licensed attorney at the due process hearing, he or she must inform the District’s В§504 Coordinator and the appointed hearing officer of that fact in writing at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the hearing date. Failure to notify the В§504 Coordinator and the appointed hearing officer of that fact in writing shall constitute good cause for a continuance of the hearing date. (See "Continuances" below). Initiation of Due Process Procedures. A parent who wishes to challenge Humble ISD’s action or omission with regard to the identification, evaluation, or placement of a disabled child must submit a written Request for a Due Process Hearing to the District’s В§504 Coordinator. Such a written request must make clear that the parent is seeking a due process hearing under В§504 before an impartial В§504 Hearing Officer. The written request may be made on a form provided by the District for that purpose. If an intent to seek a due process hearing under В§504 is not clear from the face of a Request, Humble ISD’s 504 Coordinator may contact the parent to clarify the Request and ascertain whether the parent wishes to initiate a В§504 due process hearing. The Coordinator may also assist the parent in clarifying any questions regarding due process rights under В§504. The reasonable time involved in ascertaining whether an ambiguous or unclear Request seeks a due process hearing under В§504 shall toll the time lines set forth in these procedures (meaning that such time will not count toward the time line days specified in these procedures). If after such communication, the District is still unsure whether the parent is requesting a due process hearing under В§504, the District shall initiate due process procedures, and the appointed Hearing Officer will hold a pre-hearing conference to decide whether the parent is seeking a due process hearing under В§504, and whether the Hearing Officer has jurisdiction to entertain the claims and issues raised by the parent. (See "Pre-Hearing Conferences" below). Appointment of a Hearing Officer. Within fifteen (15) days of the date of receipt of a clear Request for a Due Process Hearing, Humble ISD will appoint an impartial Hearing Officer to preside over the hearing and issue a decision. The Hearing Officer will be hired by the District as an independent contractor at no expense to the parent. The Hearing Officer shall not be a current employee of the District, and shall not be related to any member of the District’s Board of Trustees to a degree prohibited under the Texas Nepotism Statute. The Hearing Officer need not be an attorney, but shall be familiar with the requirements of В§504 and the District’s Hearing Procedures under В§504. Humble ISD’s choice of an impartial Hearing Officer is final and may not be made an issue at the due process hearing, since such an issue would not relate to the identification, evaluation, or placement of a disabled child under В§504. If a parent disputes the impartiality of the appointed Hearing Officer, he or she may raise such issue in a review of the Hearing Officer's opinion by a court of competent jurisdiction (See "Review Procedure" below), or in a complaint to the appropriate Office for Civil Rights regional office (See "Complaints to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR)" below ). Scheduling of Hearing. The appointed Hearing Officer shall issue an Order Setting Hearing Date to the parent and the District’s В§504 Coordinator in writing at his or her earliest opportunity. Such Order shall set a date for a hearing to be held within fifteen (15) days of the date of issuance of the Hearing Officer’s Order. The Order shall also set forth a mutually agreeable time and place for the hearing. Pre-Hearing Conference. The Hearing Officer may also order a Pre-Hearing Conference at which the parent or his or her representative will state and clarify the issues to be addressed at the hearing. The Pre-Hearing Conference can also serve to resolve preliminary matters, clarify jurisdictional issues, and answer the parties’ questions regarding the hearing process. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 39 Section 504 Hearing Procedures Form 2, page 2 of 3 Dismissals. If, after the Pre-Hearing Conference, the Hearing Officer finds that the parent, as a matter of law, alleges and raises no factual claims or legal issues that come within his or her jurisdiction as a В§504 Hearing Officer, he or she may dismiss the hearing and issue an order to that effect explaining the bases for such finding. Continuances. Upon a showing of good cause, the Hearing Officer, at his or her discretion, may grant a continuance of the hearing date and set a new hearing date by issuing a written Amended Order Setting Hearing. Conduct of Hearing. The hearing shall be conducted in an informal, non-adversarial manner. The parties shall address the Hearing Officer by name (i.e. Mr. or Ms.). The hearing shall be closed or open to the public, at the parent’s request. The parties are free to provide the Hearing Officer with information or opinion as to the validity and weight to be given the information presented to him or her. Neither the Federal nor Texas Rules of Evidence or Civil Procedure, however, will apply. The Hearing Officer is not required to entertain any legal evidentiary objections to the admissibility, authenticity, or probative value of either oral testimony or documentary exhibits offered at the hearing. In the exercise of his or her discretion, however, the Hearing Officer may reasonably limit testimony and introduction of documentary exhibits for reasons of relevance. (See also "Submission of Documentary Exhibits" below ). Recording. Instead of a formal written transcript produced by a court reporter, the entire due process hearing will be tape-recorded. The parent may obtain a copy of the tape recording at his or her request. In order for an accurate recording to be made, the parties and witnesses shall introduce themselves at the beginning of their presentations. If a parent proceeds to a review of the due process hearing decision to a court of competent jurisdiction (See "Review Procedure" below), the District will prepare a written transcript of the hearing tape recording to be offered to the court as an exhibit. Witnesses. Witnesses will present their information in narrative form, without the traditional question and answer format of legal proceedings. Cross-examination of witnesses will not be allowed, but a party may request that the Hearing Officer, at his or her discretion, ask a witness a certain question. Format for Presentations. The parent will present its case first, by making an opening statement which outlines the parent’s position on all issues, presenting personally, calling additional witnesses, and making a closing argument. All of the preceding may be done either personally or through counsel, except for personal presentations or statements. At the end of the District’s presentation, the Parent may offer a short response to the District’s case. The above format is not required, but may be helpful in organizing the presentation of the case to the Hearing Officer. Submission of Documentary Exhibits. As part of their presentations, the parties may submit any reports, evaluations, correspondence, notes, or any other documents that may support their positions and that the Hearing Officer will admit at his or her discretion. Each separate documentary exhibit submitted to the Hearing Officer by either party must be marked numerically (i.e., Parent 1, Parent 2; District 1, District 2, etc.).The Hearing Officer may, in the exercise of his or her discretion, reasonably limit the number of documents to be submitted for his or her review, as well as the number of witnesses and the length and/or scope of their presentations or statements. Written Closing, Arguments or Briefs. The parties may submit, at the Hearing Officer’s discretion, a written Closing Argument summarizing and characterizing the information presented at the hearing, and providing legal authority in support of their position. Time lines for the submission of Closing Arguments shall be set by the Hearing Officer at the conclusion of the hearing. Closing of Hearing. At the conclusion of all presentations, the Hearing Officer will close the hearing and set a date for the issuance of the written decision. The Hearing Officer may make an oral ruling at the conclusion of the hearing or take the case under advisement, but must in all cases issue a written opinion addressing and ruling on all issues raised by the Petitioner and indicating what corrective action, if any, the District must take. Formal findings of fact and conclusions of law, however, are not required. Any issue or claim raised by the parent that is left unaddressed by the Hearing Officer in his or her decision will be deemed to have been denied to the parent. The decision must be issued to both parties within fifteen (15) days after the hearing. Decision Time line. A decision must be issued within forty-five (45) days after the date the Request for a Due Process Hearing is received by the district. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 40 Section 504 Hearing Procedures Form 2, page 3 of 3 Remedies and Relief. The Hearing Officer must confine his or her orders and rulings to those matters that involve identification, evaluation, or placement of children under В§504 and to the provisions of the regulations implementing В§504. If a parent has raised issues or claims outside of the areas of identification, evaluation, or placement, that are not within the Hearing Officer's jurisdiction, the Hearing Officer will make appropriate findings to that effect either in the written decision, or at any time prior to the issuance of a decision (for example, at a Pre-Hearing Conference). A Hearing Officer may not award attorneys' fees as a part of relief granted to a parent. Review Procedure. If not satisfied by the decision of the Hearing Officer, a parent may seek review of the hearing decision in a court of competent jurisdiction, generally the closest federal district court. Complaints to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). At any time, a parent may file a complaint with OCR if he or she believes that the District has violated any provision or regulation of В§504. The filing of a complaint does not affect the hearing process or the time lines set forth above. OCR addresses В§504 complaints separately and independently of the local hearing process, in accordance with the guidelines set forth in OCR's Complaint Resolution Manual. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 41 Section 504 Child Find Notice Form 3, page 1 of 1 В§504 Child Find Notice [To be placed on District letterhead] Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Humble ISD has a duty to identify, refer, evaluate and if eligible, provide a free, appropriate public education to disabled students. For additional information about the rights of parents of eligible children, or for answers to any questions you might have about identification, evaluation and placement into Section 504 programs, please contact the District’s Section 504 Coordinator at (telephone number) or by mail at . Aviso Sobre La IdentificaciГіn de Estudiantes Incapacitados bajo la Seccion 504 Bajo la Seccion 504 del Decreto de RehabilitaciГіn de 1973, el Distrito Escolar esta obligado a identificar, referir, evaluar, y proporcionar servicios educativos apropriados y gratuitos a estudiantes incapacitados que califican para recibir servicios bajo esta ley. Si usted desea mas informaciГіn sobre los derechos de padres de niГ±os incapacitados, o si tiene preguntas sobre la identificaciГіn, evaluaciГіn, y colocaciГіn de niГ±os en el programa de Seccion 504, favor de ponerse in contacto con el Coordinador de 504 del Distrito al numero , o por correo a la siguiente direcciГіn: . Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 42 Section 504 Referral Form 4, page 1 of 4 Section 504 Referral (Attach extra pages as necessary) Student: Student ID #: Grade: Referral Date: Campus: Referred by: Position/Relation to Student: Reason for Referral (attach additional pages if necessary): Date of Birth: Attendance Is this student enrolled in school? This student has been absent This student was absent Yes If No, explain. days out of days out of school days this school year. Reason(s): school days last school year. Reason(s): List schools previously attended: Student Grade Reports Current Year Grade Report by Grading Period Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 Final ___ - ___ Year Grades Subject Over time, this student’s grades: (check the appropriate box) have become higher each year stayed about the same each year dropped suddenly in ___ grade Data not available ___ - ___ Year Grades Subject have become lower each year Compared with most of the other students in this school, this student’s grades: (check the box) are better are about the same are worse data not available Has the student ever been retained? for retention(s) If YES, list grade level(s) where retention occurred and reason Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 43 Section 504 Referral Form 4, page 2 of 4 Discipline Information (Attach copies of any behavioral plan or contract) Identify the behaviors exhibited by the student (check all that apply) Poor attention and concentration Shifts from one uncompleted task to another Often loses things necessary for tasks Interrupts or intrudes on others Excessively high/low activity level Difficulty working with peers Difficulty following directions Difficulty remaining seated Fidgets, squirms or seems restless Confrontational/assaultive Dress code violations Leaves class without permission Brings inappropriate items to school Other In response to these behaviors, what behavior management techniques have been attempted? Results of these techniques: Has this student been suspended, expelled or removed to DAEP No Yes (see below) during the previous or current school year? If yes, explain and attach copies of all disciplinary referrals (including those that resulted in discipline other than suspension, expulsion, or DAEP), and PEIMS report totaling removal days. Early Intervention & Alternative Programs (attach relevant plans or other documentation) What types of efforts have been attempted to meet the student’s needs? (check all that apply) Alternative Learning Setting Title I Summer School Dyslexia ESL/Bilingual Ed. Program Tutoring Mentoring Other TAKS remediation Gifted & Talented If the student received assistance from the campus’ early intervention team (CST, SST, Core Team), please attach plans created for the student and data gathered on student’s response. List services or programs considered and rejected for this student? Why? Has the student ever been special education eligible? Has the student ever been referred to special education? No No Yes, please attach dismissal ARD Yes, please attach eligibility ARD Mitigating Measures (Identify any mitigating measures currently in use or provided for the student’s benefit. Check all that apply, describe the measure(s) in use. Medication: Medical supplies, equipment, or appliances: Low-vision devices (which do not include ordinary eyeglasses or contact lenses): Prosthetics including limbs and devices: Hearing aids and cochlear implants or other implantable hearing devices: Mobility devices: Oxygen therapy equipment and supplies: Assistive technology: Reasonable accommodations (includes early intervention, RTI, differentiated instruction and informal help from teachers): Auxiliary aids or services (includes health plans, emergency plans): Learned behavioral or adaptive neurological modifications (including dyslexia and remedial instruction): Other: Identify any mitigating measure checked above that is neither provided by the school nor implemented by the school: Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 44 Section 504 Referral Form 4, page 3 of 4 Evaluation Data from State Assessment (TAKS/STAAR) TAKS/STAAR Latest Administration School Year: Pass? Subject (Y/N) TAKS/STAAR Previous School Year: Scaled Score Reading Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies English/LA Subject Pass? (Y/N) TAKS/STAAR Previous School Year: Scaled Score Reading Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies English/LA Subject Pass? (Y/N) Scaled Score Reading Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies English/LA Over time, this student’s test scores: (check the appropriate box) have become better each year dropped suddenly in ___ grade have stayed about the same each year data not available have become worse each year Compared to the mean of the district/campus/classroom, this student’s test scores: (circle comparison group and check the appropriate box) improved each year stayed about the same each year worsened each year Other: Health Information Person conducting screening: Attach information relating to any doctor’s order, diagnoses, or evaluation pertaining to disability (example, medical reports, psychological reports, ADD/ADHD diagnostic information, etc.) Does student exhibit any signs of health or medical No Yes. If yes, attach observations. problems? Is there a need for further assessment of referral of a medical No Yes (see below) problem? If further assessment is necessary, please describe what new data is necessary. Is student receiving any medication at school? Does the student require adaptive equipment or facility adaptation? Does the student currently have a health plan? No No Yes, list medications Yes, attach list of needs No Yes, attach a copy of the plan. Does the student have a physical or mental impairment that is episodic? No Yes If yes, please describe the condition, when and how often it is active, and its impact on the student when it is active. Does the student have a physical or mental impairment that is in remission? No Yes If yes, please describe the condition, when it was active, at what point it went into remission and its impact on the student when it was active. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 45 Section 504 Referral Form 4, page 4 of 4 Vision Type of screening: Date of screening (Vision examination must have been administered within a year from the date of referral) Visual acuity before correction: Right Left Visual acuity with correction: Right Left Interpretation of results: Does the student exhibit any known difficulty with nearvision? Does student exhibit any signs of health or medical problems? Is there a need for further assessment of a medical problem? No Yes. If Yes, attach explanation. No Yes. If yes, attach observations. No Yes (see below) If further assessment is necessary, please describe what new data is necessary. As a result of the screening, is there any indication of a need for further assessment or adjustment? No Yes, please explain. Has any follow-up treatment been recommended? No Yes, please explain. Hearing Type of screening: Date of most recent screening: Results: Interpretation of results: As a result of the screening, is there any indication of a need for further assessment or adjustment? Has any follow-up treatment been recommended? No Yes. If yes, explain. No Yes, please explain. Home Language Survey 1. Identify the language most frequently used in the student’s home: English Spanish English and Spanish Other: 2. Identify the language most frequently used by the student’s parents: English Spanish English and Spanish Other: 3. Identify the language most frequently used by the student: English Spanish English and Spanish Other: 4. Is an LPAC in place for this student? If yes, please attach relevant LPAC records for Section 504 Committee review during evaluation. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 Yes No 46 Section 504 Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation Initial as completed 2 Copies sent to Parent 1 Copy signed & returned Notice of Rights Included Form 5, page 1 of 1 Notice and Consent for Initial Section 504 Evaluation Date Sent/Mailed: Student’s Name: Campus: Parents: Address: Home Phone: Grade: Student ID #: Work Phone: We have carefully reviewed your child’s school records and information from teachers. Additional information is necessary to determine your child’s educational needs and whether he/she might be eligible for assistance in the regular classroom under Section 504. We ask that you consent to an evaluation under В§504 for the following reasons In many cases, the В§504 evaluation may simply consist of the Section 504 Committee reviewing and interpreting existing school records, including anecdotal evidence, observations, prior testing, grades, standardized test scores, and other data, in order to determine if your child qualifies for accommodations in the regular classroom. For students who have been involved in the early intervention process, the 504 evaluation will include a review of the classroom assistance and interventions provided, the results of those efforts, and any other data generated by that process. In addition to reviewing the data described above, the district desires to conduct the following assessments: Dyslexia assessment Other (please describe below) Please review the enclosed document entitled “Notice of Parent Rights,” which informs you of your rights under Section 504. If you CONSENT to the evaluation, please check the “consent” statement, sign and return one copy of this letter. If you REFUSE consent, please check the “refuse consent” statement, sign and return one copy of this letter. Keep the other copy of this letter and the Notice of Parent Rights for future reference. Please call (Coordinator) at if you have any questions. As the parent/legal guardian of the above referenced student, I have received notice of my Section 504 parent rights, and I understand that this is not an offer of a Special Education evaluation. I hereby CONSENT to an evaluation under Section 504. I hereby REFUSE consent to an evaluation under Section 504. Parent/Guardian signature Parent/Guardian printed name Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 Date 47 Section 504 Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation (Spanish) Initial as completed 2 Copies sent to Parent 1 Copy signed & returned Notice of Rights Included Form 5, page 1 of 1 Aviso y Permiso para EvaluaciГіn Inicial Seccion 504 Fecha de Envio: Escuela: Padres: DirecciГіn TelГ©fono (casa): Nombre de Estudiante: Grado: Numero ID #: TelГ©fono (trabajo): Hemos revisado cuidadГіsamente los archivos e informaciГіn de los maestros de su estudiante. Se necesitan mas datos para determinar las necesidades educativas de su estudiante y si califica para recibir asistencia en sus clases regulares bajo la ley Seccion 504. Pedimos que nos de permiso para una evaluaciГіn en acuerdo con la ley Seccion 504 por las siguientes razones En muchas situaciones, la evaluaciГіn Seccion 504 consistirГЎ simplemente de un reviso e interpretaciГіn por un ComitГ© de Seccion 504 de archivos escolares, incluyendo observaciones, calificaciones antiguas, calificaciones en cursos, datos de pruebas nomalizadas, y otros datos, para determinar si su estudiante califica para recibir asistencia y servicios bajo la ley Seccion 504. Para esos estudiantes que ya han recibido algunas intervenciones de asistencia, la evaluaciГіn Seccion 504 incluirГЎ un reviso de esa asistencia, las intervenciones provistas, los resultados de tales intervenciones, y cualquier otros datos generados por el proceso de intervenciГіn. Ademas de revisar los datos aqui mencionados, el Districto desea administrarle a su estudiante las siguientes pruebas: Examen de dislexia Otro (favor de explicar en el espacio siguiente) Por favor revise el documento incluido, con el tГtulo “Aviso a Padres de Estudiantes Incapcitados de sus Derechos Legales bajo la Seccion 504 del Decreto de RehabilitaciГіn de 1973,” el cual le informa de sus derechos bajo la ley Seccion 504. Si da su permiso a la evaluaciГіn propuesta, favor de marcar en el espacio apropriado al final de esta carta, firmar, y regresar una copia. Si rechaza permiso, favor de marcar en el espacio apropiado, firmar, y regresar una copia. Retenga la otra copia de esta carta y de el Aviso de Derechos para su futura referencia. Favor de llamar a pregunta. (Coordinador) al nГєmero si tiene alguna Siendo el padre or guardian legal del estudiante indicado, he recibido el aviso de mis derechos bajo la ley Seccion 504, y entiendo que esto no sera una evaluaciГіn para educaciГіn especial. Doy permiso para la evaluaciГіn de Seccion 504 Rechazo permiso para la evaluaciГіn Seccion 504 Firma Nombre Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 Fecha 48 Section 504 Notice of Parent Rights Form 6, page 1 of 2 Notice of Rights for Disabled Students and their Parents Under В§504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, commonly known in the schools as “Section 504,” is a federal law passed by the United States Congress with the purpose of prohibiting discrimination against disabled persons who may participate in, or receive benefits from, programs receiving federal financial assistance. In the public schools specifically, В§504 applies to ensure that eligible disabled students are provided with educational benefits and opportunities equal to those provided to non-disabled students. Under В§504, a student is considered “disabled” if he or she suffers from a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Section 504 also protects students with a record of an impairment, or who are regarded as having an impairment from discrimination on the basis of disability. Students can be considered disabled, and can receive services under В§504, including regular or special education and related aids and services, even if they do not qualify for, or receive, special education services under the IDEA. The purpose of this Notice is to inform parents and students of the rights granted them under В§504. The federal regulations that implement В§504 are found at Title 34, Part 104 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and entitle eligible student and their parents, to the following rights: 1. You have a right to be informed about your rights under В§504. [34 CFR 104.32] The School District must provide you with written notice of your rights under В§504 (this document represents written notice of rights as required under В§504). If you need further explanation or clarification of any of the rights described in this Notice, contact appropriate staff persons at the District’s В§504 Office and they will assist you in understanding your rights. 2. Under В§504, your child has the right to an appropriate education designed to meet his or her educational needs as adequately as the needs of non-disabled students are met. [34 CFR 104.33]. You have the right to refuse consent for services at any time. 3. Your child has the right to free educational services, with the exception of certain costs normally also paid by the parents of non-disabled students. Insurance companies and other similar third parties are not relieved of any existing obligation to provide or pay for services to a student that becomes eligible for services under В§504. [34 CFR 104.33]. 4. To the maximum extent appropriate, your child has the right to be educated with children who are not disabled. Your child will be placed and educated in regular classes, unless the District demonstrates that his or her educational needs cannot be adequately met in the regular classroom, even with the use of supplementary aids and services. [34 CFR 104.34]. 5. Your child has the right to services, facilities, and activities comparable to those provided to non-disabled students. [34 CFR 104.34]. 6. The School District must undertake an evaluation of your child prior to determining his or her appropriate educational placement or program of services under В§504, and also before every subsequent significant change in placement. [34 CFR 104.35]. You have the right to refuse consent for initial evaluation. 7. If formal assessment instruments are used as part of an evaluation, procedures used to administer assessments and other instruments must comply with the requirements of В§504 regarding test validity, proper method of administration, and appropriate test selection. [34 CFR104.35]. The District will appropriately consider information from a variety of sources in making its determinations, including, for example: aptitude and achievement tests, teacher recommendations, reports of physical condition, social and cultural background, adaptive behavior, health records, report cards, progress notes, parent observations, statewide assessment scores, and mitigating measures, among others. [34 CFR 104.35]. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 49 Section 504 Notice of Parent Rights Form 6, page 2 of 2 8. Placement decisions regarding your child must be made by a group of persons (a В§504 committee) knowledgeable about your child, the meaning of the evaluation data, possible placement options, and the requirement that to the maximum extent appropriate, disabled children should be educated with non-disabled children. [34 CFR 104.35]. 9. If your child is eligible under В§504, he or she has a right to periodic reevaluations. A reevaluation must take place at least every three years. [34 CFR 104.35]. 10. You have the right to be notified by the District prior to any action regarding the identification, evaluation, or placement of your child. [34 CFR 104.36] 11. You have the right to examine relevant documents and records regarding your child (generally documents relating to identification, evaluation, and placement of your child under В§504). [34 CFR 104.36]. 12. You have the right to an impartial due process hearing if you wish to contest any action of the District with regard to your child’s identification, evaluation, or placement under В§504. [34 CFR 104.36]. You have the right to participate personally at the hearing, and to be represented by an attorney, if you wish to hire one. 13. If you wish to contest an action taken by the В§504 Committee by means of an impartial due process hearing, you must submit a Notice of Appeal or a Request for Hearing to the District's В§504 Coordinator at the address below. A date will be set for the hearing and an impartial hearing officer will be appointed. You will then be notified in writing of the hearing date, time, and place. Dr. Thomas Price P.O. Box 2000 Humble TX 77347-2000281-641-8005 14. If you disagree with the decision of the hearing officer, you have a right to seek a review of the decision by a making a written request to the District’s Section 504 Coordinator, and/or you may seek relief in state or federal court as allowed by law. 15. You also have a right to present a grievance or complaint through the District’s local grievance process. The District will investigate the situation, take into account the nature of the complaint and all necessary factors, and respond appropriately to you within a reasonable time. Parents may contact the District’s Section 504 Coordinator for more information about the District’s grievance process. 16. You also have a right to file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the Department of Education. The address of the OCR Regional Office that covers this school district is: Director, Office for Civil Rights, Region VI 1999 Bryan Street, Suite 1620, Dallas, Texas 75201-6810, Tel. 214-661-9600 Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 50 Section 504 Notice of Parent Rights (Spanish) Form 6, page 1 of 2 Aviso a Padres de Estudiantes Incapacitados de sus Derechos Legales bajo la Seccion 504 del Decreto de RehabilitaciГіn de 1973 El Decreto de RehabilitaciГіn de 1973, conocido generalmente como la “Seccion 504,” es una ley federal legislada por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos. El propГіsito de esta ley es de prohibir discriminaciГіn contra estudiantes incapacitados y asegurar que tengan oportunidades y beneficios educativos tan adequados como los de estudiantes sin incapacidades. Bajo la Seccion 504, un estudiante es considerado “incapacitado” si padece de un impedimento o condiciГіn fГsica o mental que limita substanciГЎlmente por lo menos una de sus actividades vitales. La ley tambien protege a estudiantes que han tenido un impedimento o condiciГіn fГsica o mental substancial en el pasado, o que son considerados incapacitados aunque realmente no lo sean. Estudiantes pueden ser considerados incapacitados bajo la Seccion 504 y pueden recibir asistencia educativa bajo esa ley, incluyendo servicios educativos regulares o especiales y otra asistencia relacionada aunque no reciban educaciГіn especial segun la ley federal IDEA. El propГіsito de este Aviso es de explicarle los derechos legales garantizados bajo la Seccion 504 a estudiantes incapacitados y a sus padres. Los reglamentos federales que dan efecto a la Seccion 504 (los cuales se encuentran en el TГtulo 34, Parte 104 del CГіdigo Federal de Reglamentos, o CFR) otorgan a los padres de familia y a estudiantes incapacitados los siguientes derechos: 1. Usted tiene derecho a ser informado de sus derechos bajo la Seccion 504. [34 CFR 104.32]. El distrito escolar debe darle informaciГіn escrita sobre sus derechos (este Aviso precГsamente sirve para informarle de sus derechos). Si necesita que le expliquen o clarifiquen cualquier de los siguientes derechos, los dirigentes apropiados del distrito escolar le ayudarГЎn a resolver sus preguntas. 2. Bajo la Seccion 504, su hijo/a tiene derecho a una educaciГіn apropriada diseГ±ada para satisfacer sus necesidades educativas individuales tan adecuГЎdamente como las de estudiantes sin incapacidades. [34 CFR 104.33]. Usted tiene el derecho de rechazar, a cualquier punto, su permiso a recibir servicios. 3. Su hijo/a tiene derecho a servicios educativos gratuitos, con la excepciГіn de gastos que normalmente se les cobran tambien a estudiantes sin incapacidades (o a sus padres). CompaГ±Гas de seguros, y otras terceras personas similares, no son libres de sus obligaciones normales para proporcionar o pagar por servicios para un estudiante considerado incapacitado bajo la Seccion 504. [34 CFR 104.33]. El recibir asistencia educativa bajo la Seccion 504 no disminuye su derecho a recibir otra asistencia pГєblica o privada de cualquier tipo. 4. Su hijo/a tiene derecho a ser colocado en el ambiente educativo que permita mГЎximo contacto y relaciones con estudiantes sin incapacidades. [34 CFR 104.34]. A menos que sus necesidades educativas no puedan ser satisfechas ahГ, su hijo/a serГЎ colocado en clases regulares. 5. Su hijo/a tiene derecho a equipo, clases, edificios, servicios y actividades comparables a las que son proporcionadas a estudiantes sin incapacidades. [34 CFR 104.34]. 6. Su hijo/a tiene derecho a una evaluaciГіn antes de determinar una colocaciГіn educativa o programa de asistencia bajo la Seccion 504, y tambien antes de cualquier cambio importante en colocaciГіn subsequente. [34 CFR 104.35]. Usted tiene el derecho de rechazar permiso para la evaluaciГіn inicial. 7. Procedimientos utilizados para administrar pruebas y otras evaluaciones educativas deben cumplir con los requisitos de la Seccion 504 en cuanto a la validez de las pruebas, su forma de administraciГіn, y las areas necesarias de evaluaciГіn. [34 CFR 104.35]. El distrito considerarГЎ apropiadamente informaciГіn de diversas fuentes y orГgenes, incluyendo, por ejemplo: pruebas de aptitudes y aprovechamiento, recomendaciones de maestros, reportes de condiciГіn fГsica, antecedentes sociales y culturales, anГЎlysis de comportamiento adaptado, reportes mГ©dicos, calificaciones, reportes de progreso, observaciones de los padres, anГ©cdotas de maestros, calificaciones de pruebas estatales, y medidas aliviantes, entre otras. [34 CFR 104.35]. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 51 Section 504 Notice of Parent Rights (Spanish) Form 6, page 2 of 2 8. Las decisiones de colocaciГіn educativa deben realizarse por un grupo de personas (llamado el comitГ© 504) que conocen la situaciГіn de su hijo/a, el significado de los resultados de las evaluaciones, las opciones de colocaciГіn, y la obligaciГіn legal de asegurar el ambiente educativo que permita el mГЎximo contacto con estudiantes no incapacitados. [34 CFR 104.35]. 9. Si es considerado incapacitado bajo la Seccion 504, su hijo/a tendrГЎ derecho a nuevas evaluaciones, llamadas re-evaluaciones, periГіdicamente. Generalmente re-evaluaciones educativas se haran para cada niГ±o incapacitado por lo menos cada tres aГ±os. [34 CFR 104.35.] 10. Usted tiene derecho a que el distrito escolar le avise antes de tomar cualquier acciГіn en relaciГіn a la identificaciГіn, evaluaciГіn o colocaciГіn educativa de su hijo/a. [34 CFR 104.36]. 11. Usted tiene derecho a examinar archivos y documentos relacionados a la educaciГіn de su hijo/a (normalmente archivos y documentos con relaciГіn a la identificaciГіn, evaluaciГіn o colocaciГіn educativa de su hijo/a). [34 CFR 104.36]. 12. Usted tiene derecho a una audiencia imparcial si no esta de acuerdo con las acciones del distrito en relaciГіn a la identificaciГіn, evaluaciГіn, o colocaciГіn educativa de su hijo/a. Usted tiene la oportunidad de participar personalmente en tal audiencia y de ser representada por un abogado, si desea contratarlo. [34 CFR 104.36]. 13. Si desea protestar o disputar las acciones del ComitГ© 504 del distrito a traves de una audiencia imparcial, debe presentar un Aviso de ApelaciГіn escrito ante el Coordinador 504 del distrito, en la siguiente direcciГіn. Se fijarГЎ una fecha para una audiencia ante un oficial imparcial, y serГЎn notificados por escrito de la fecha, hora, y lugar de la audiencia. Dr. Thomas Price P.O. Box 2000 Humble TX 77347-2000281-641-8005 14. Si usted estГЎ en desacuerdo con la decisiГіn final del oficial imparcial de audiencia, tiene derecho a pedir por escrito un reviso de tal decisiГіn al Coordinador de В§504 del Districto Escolar, o a traves de peticiГіn formal a una corte estatal o federal tal permitida por ley. [34 CFR 104.36]. 15. Tambien tiene el derecho de presentar una queja local al Coordinador de В§504 del Districto Escolar (o su dirigente), quien investigarГЎ la situacion, considerarГЎ los temas de la queja y todo factor necesario, y le responderГЎ apropiadamente dentro de un plazo de tiempo razonable. Si tiene preguntas sobre el proceso para presentar quejas locales, se puede comunicar con el Coordinador de В§504 para obtener respuesta. 16. Usted tambiГ©n tiene el derecho a presentar una queja ante la Oficina de Derechos Civiles de el Departamento de EducaciГіn de los Estados Unidos. La direcciГіn de la Oficina Regional a la cual pertenece a este distrito es: Director, Office for Civil Rights, Region VI 1999 Bryan Street, Suite 1620, Dallas, Texas 75201-6810, Tel. 214-661-9600 Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 52 Section 504 Teacher Input Form 7, page 1 of 1 Teacher Input for Section 504 Evaluation Student Name: Teacher’s Name: Student ID #: Subject Matter: Grade: Date: Instructional Rating Rate the concerns you have about this student. For each skill, mark: 1= Poor 2=Below Average 3=Average 4=Above Average 5=Superior N=Not observed 1 2 3 4 5 N 1 2 3 4 5 Reading Skills Tests Math Skills Follows oral directions Written Follows written Expression directions Spelling Organizational skills Classroom work Interaction with staff Homework N Behavioral Rating Rate this student’s behavior in relation to other students of the same AGE. For each behavior, mark: 1= Poor 2=Below Average 3=Average 4=Above Average 5=Superior N=Not observed 1 2 3 4 5 N Generally cooperates or complies with teacher requests. Adapts to new situations without getting upset. Accepts responsibility for own actions. Makes and keeps friends at school. Works cooperatively with others. Has an even, usually happy, disposition. Appropriate attention and concentration Compliance with teacher directives Brings necessary materials to class Fidgets, squirms or seems restless Completes tasks on time Stays on task, is easily redirected Remains seated Takes turns, waits for turn What have you done differently in your classroom to meet this student’s educational/behavioral needs? What were the results of these efforts? Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 53 Section 504 Parent Input Form 8, page 1 of 4 Parent Input for Section 504 Evaluation The information requested will greatly assist the В§504 Committee in evaluation of your child. If you have additional information that you want the Committee to consider (and that is not requested here) please feel free to attach additional pages. Disregard any question that makes you uncomfortable. If you would prefer to provide this information by phone, please contact at . Student Name: Address: School: Date of Birth: Phone: Grade: General Information Mother’s Name: Occupation: Father’s Name Occupation: With whom does the child live? Level of Education Level of Education Relationship to child: Other Children in the Home (attach additional page if necessary) Name Age Other Adults in the student’s Home Relationship Relationship to student Do any family members have learning problems? If yes, please explain Compared to other children in the family, this child’s development was: (check one) Slower About the same Faster At what age, in months, was the student able to do the following: Sat without support Crawled Walked without support Used spoon fairly well First word Reasonably well-toilet trained The Student’s Friends & Activities Does the student prefer to play/socialize with Girls Does the student have friends his/her own age? Does the student have friends who are younger than the student? Does the student have friends who are older than the student? Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 Boys No preference Yes No Yes No Yes No 54 Section 504 Parent Input Form 8, page 2 of 4 The Student at Home Please check each item available for the student’s use at home: Computer Books Tape recorder Video games Television Educational toys CD player Radio What kinds of activities does your family do together? (Read, play games, camp, etc.) Have there been any important changes within the family during the last three years (For example, changes, moves, births, deaths, serious illnesses, separations, divorce) With whom in the family is the student particularly close? Has the student even been separated from the family due to family problem, health reasons, etc? If yes, please explain. How did the student react to the separation? Describe the student’s behavior at home with peers, siblings, neighbors, and parents. (For example, is the student generally well-behaved? Social? Affectionate? Withdrawn? What methods of discipline are used with this student at home? (For example, spanking, extra chores, early bedtimes, taking away of privileges; is he/she given rewards for good behavior?) How does the student react to discipline? Who usually disciplines the student at home? The primary language in the home is: How long has the student lived in the United States? What time does the student go to bed at night? Does the student eat breakfast? What does the student do when not in school? (Please list the student’s common indoor and outdoor activities.) Does your student have a part-time job after school or on weekends? If yes, please provide the average number of hours worked per week. The Student at School Has your student talked to you about difficulties or problems at school? Please explain: Do you think your student is having difficulties in school? Yes No If you think your student is having difficulties, please explain your concerns. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 55 Section 504 Parent Input Form 8, page 3 of 4 What do you think is causing the student’s difficulties at school? When did you first notice the difficulties? If you have discussed these concerns with the school, please indicate when and with whom you shared your concerns: If your student qualifies for Section 504, what services or accommodations do you think are necessary so that the student can participate and benefit from school? Childhood & Medical History Has your student ever had the following? Frequent fevers Frequent earaches Frequent vomiting Thumbsucking Nightmares Sleepwalking Head banging Rocking of body Teeth grinding Bedwetting Fingernail biting Temper tantrums Run away from home Lost consciousness Convulsions Never Began at age? Ended at age? Still has problem Current Medical Treatment & Medication Doctor’s reports, letters and diagnoses can be very helpful to the 504 Committee. Please attach the student’s medical records so that the Committee can have a more complete picture of your child. If you would prefer, you may give the District written consent to seek those records from your doctors directly. Please notify (504 Coordinator) at to get the necessary form. Please identify any medical problem for which your student is currently receiving medical care: Does your student appear to have any other physical health problems for which the student is not currently receiving medical care? Please list all medications currently taken by your student (over the counter and prescription). Please describe any side effects the student experiences from these medications. Please identify any medication(s) taken by your student for over 1 year: Please describe any hospital stays by your student, including the date, reason for the stay, the duration, and the result of treatment. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 56 Section 504 Parent Input Form 8, page 4 of 4 Does your child have a medical condition or illness with symptoms that are sometimes more serious than other times? If yes, please answer the following questions: What is the name of the condition or illness? When and how often is the condition or illness a problem for your child? How does the condition or illness affect your child when the symptoms are most serious? (Are there things that he cannot do or things that are more difficult because of the condition or illness?) Did your child used to have a serious medical condition or illness that has gone away? If yes, please answer the following questions: What is the name of the condition or illness that your child used to have? When did your child suffer from the condition or illness? How did the condition or illness affect your child when the symptoms were most serious? (Were there things that he could not do or things that were more difficult because of the condition or illness?) Is the condition or illness likely to return? Is there any other information about your student or family that you would like the Section 504 Committee to consider when evaluating your student for Section 504 eligibility? If so, please provide it here. Signature of Parent Date Signature and Position of person assisting (if any) Date Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 57 Notice of Section 504 Meeting Form 9, page 1 of 1 Notice of Section 504 Meeting Date: Student’s Name ID # Campus Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Parent/Guardian/Surrogate/Adult Student This letter is to inform you that the Section 504 Committee is planning a meeting to discuss your child’s educational needs. We have scheduled a meeting at (time) at (location) , on (date) , . While parents are not required members of Section 504 Committees, we would very much appreciate your input. Your insights and contributions will be quite helpful to us in effecting the best decisions possible. The meeting is scheduled for the following reason[s]: Initial evaluation for eligibility Annual Review (no Periodic Re-Evaluation is due) Periodic Re-Evaluation (every three years) Manifestation Determination (prior to disciplinary removal constituting a change in placement) Other: Following the meeting, we will notify you of the Section 504 Committee’s decision in writing. Please call me at if you have any questions. Sincerely, Section 504 Coordinator [IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use this form language if parents are required В§504 Committee members pursuant to local policy or practice. Instead replace the language “While parents are not required members of Section 504 Committees, we would very much appreciate your input” with the following: “As the district has elected to invite parents as members of the В§504 Committee, please notify if you are not available for this meeting so that we may re-schedule.”] Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 58 Notice of Section 504 Meeting (Spanish) Form 9, page 1 of 1 Aviso de Junta del ComitГ© Seccion 504 Fecha: Nombre de Estudiante ID # Escuela Querido/a Sr./Sra./Srta. Padre/Guardian/SucedГЎneo/Estudiante Adulto Esta carta es para informarle que el ComitГ© Seccion 504 esta planeando convenir una junta para considerar las necesidades educativas de su hijo o hija. La junta se tomarГЎ a cabo a las (time) dГa (date) , en (location) , el . Aunque padres de niГ±os con incapacidades no son miembros mandatorios del ComitГ© Seccion 504, apreciarГamos su participaciГіn. Sus opiniones y puntos de vista nos ayudarГЎn ha llegar a las mejores decisions posibles. La junta se esta planeando por la siguiente razon(es): EvaluaciГіn inicial Reviso Anual (no se necesita re-evaluaciГіn) Re-evaluaciГіn (por lo menos cada tres aГ±os) DeterminaciГіn de ManifestaciГіn (requerida antes de recomendaciones disciplinarias serias) Otra: Despues de la junta, le informaremos de las decisiones del ComitГ© Seccion 504 en escrito. Favor de comunicarse al siguiente telГ©fono si tiene preguntas. Sinceramente, Coordinador Seccion 504 [IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use this form language if parents are required В§504 Committee members pursuant to local policy or practice. Instead replace the language “Aunque padres de niГ±os con incapacidades no son miembros mandatorios del ComitГ© Seccion 504, apreciarГamos su participaciГіn” with the following: “Ya que el Districto Escolar ha decidido invitar a padres como miembros del ComitГ© 504, favor de comunicarse al telГ©fono si no puede atender esta junta a la fecha planeada para cambiarla a otra fecha conveniente.” Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 59 Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation Form 10, page 1 of 5 Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation Student: Student ID #: Date of Birth: Grade: Campus: Previous Campus: Today’s Date: (Check one): Initial Evaluation Periodic Re-Evaluation For Initial Evaluation Only: Referred by: Date of Referral: В§504 Committee Membership: By regulation, the Section 504 Committee is a group of knowledgeable people. Within the group, each required type of knowledge must be present. List each member attending and check the area of knowledge each provides (attach an additional sheet if necessary). Each required area of knowledge must be present on the committee. Name Position/Title This member has knowledge of The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options Procedural Checklist: For the В§504 Initial Evaluation, complete Questions 1-5. If this is a Re-Evaluation, there is no requirement for parental consent (mark Question 1 “N/A”, and complete the other four questions). Please verify by checkmark that each requirement is completed before proceeding. 1. Verify that the parent consented to В§504 initial evaluation, Form 5 (Does not apply to re-evaluations) 2. Verify that the В§504 Committee is a group, including a person with knowledge in each of the required areas. 3. Verify the Student’s dominant language: Dominant language of the home: 4. Verify that the parent received Notice of Parent Rights under В§504 5. Verify how the parent was informed of the date, time, and place for this evaluation (check one) In writing By Phone In Person Other: Texas Dyslexia & Homebound: If the Committee is considering GEH Homebound, please complete this form, together with Form 16. If the Committee is evaluating the student for eligibility under the Texas Dyslexia Law, use only Form 15 for both В§504 and dyslexia eligibility. Do not use this form for a dyslexia evaluation under Section 504. Evaluation Data Considered from a Variety of Sources The Committee reviewed and carefully considered data gathered from a variety of sources, including the Referral Document. [Please check each type of data reviewed by the Committee, or attach copies of the data.] Parent input Student work portfolio Teacher/Administrator Input & Recommendations Special education records (specify) Aptitude and Achievement Tests Social or cultural background Other Tests Disciplinary records/referrals Early Intervention data Mitigating measures Grade reports Adaptive behavior School Health Information Other Medical evaluations/diagnoses/physical condition Other NOTE: If information from a conversation or other data in unwritten form was considered, please document that oral data relied upon by attaching written notes summarizing the conversation or data.) Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 60 Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation Form 10, page 2 of 5 Section 504 Eligibility Determination As directed by Congress in the ADAAA, the Section 504 Committee understands that the definition of disability “shall be construed in favor of broad coverage of individuals under this Act, to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of this Act.” 1. Does the student have a physical or mental impairment? If so, please identify the impairment(s) in the box below. Notes (1) This is an educational Eligibility Question #1 determination only, and not a medical diagnosis for purposes of treatment. (2) Impairments that are episodic, in remission or mitigated should also be listed. (3) OCR guidance indicates that in “virtually every case,” diabetes, epilepsy, bipolar disorder and autism will result in eligibility under Section 504. Extensive documentation or analysis should not be required for these impairments. Yes No If you answered “yes” to Question 1, identify the impairment(s) here. 2. Does the physical or mental impairment affect one or more major life activities (including major bodily functions)? If so, identify the major life activity or major bodily function by checking the appropriate box or boxes. Note: For an impairment that is episodic, in remission, or mitigated, identify the activity or function affected when the disability was present or active. Eligibility Question #2 Yes No Major Life Activities include, but are not limited to: Caring for oneself Performing manual tasks Seeing Hearing Functions of immune system Normal cell growth Reproductive function Eating Lifting Sleeping Bending Walking Speaking Standing Breathing Bowel function Bladder function Neurological function Learning Reading Concentrating Thinking Endocrine function Respiratory function Circulatory function 3. Does the physical or mental impairment substantially limit a major life activity? Notes: (1) “Substantially limits” does not mean “significantly restricted.” (2) This question asks whether the person evaluated is substantially limited in performing a major life activity as compared to the “average student” of the same grade or age or as compared to “most students” of the same grade or age. (3) The ADAAA requires that when making this determination, the Committee should not consider the ameliorative (helpful or positive) effects of mitigating measures (except for ordinary eyeglasses or contact lenses). (4) The fact that the impairment is episodic (the impact of the impairment is sometimes substantially limiting, but not always), or in remission, does not preclude eligibility if the impairment would substantially limit a major life activity when active. Communicating Working Other: Other: Brain function Digestive function Other: Eligibility Question #3 Yes No If Eligibility Question 3 is answered “no,” explain why the student is not substantially limited and describe how the committee addressed the positive impact of mitigating measures (what measures are used by/for the student, and what was their impact?): Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 61 Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation Form 10, page 3 of 5 Section 504 Plan & Placement (completed only if each of the three preceding questions were answered “Yes.”). Does the student need Section 504 services in order for his/her educational needs to be met as adequately as those of non-disabled peers? Notes: (1) If the Plan & Placement Question Yes No student’s needs are so extreme as to require special education and related services, a referral to special education should be considered. (2) If the student’s impairment is in remission, and creates no need for services or accommodations, the student is not in need of a В§504 Services Plan. (3) If the student’s needs are currently addressed by mitigating measures with no need for additional services or accommodations, and the mitigating measures are provided or implemented by the student, with no action required by the school, the student is not in need of a В§504 Services Plan. If the Plan and Placement question is answered “no,” explain why the student does not need a Section 504 Services Plan: Analyzing the Results of the Committee’s Answers 1. If all four questions are answered “YES”, the student is eligible for both the nondiscrimination and FAPE (Section 504 Services Plan) protections of Section 504. The Section 504 Committee will create a Section 504 Services Plan for this Student. 2. If only the first three questions are answered “YES”, the Student is eligible for the nondiscrimination protections of Section 504, together with manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, and periodic Re-Evaluation or more often as needed. The Section 504 Committee will not create a Section 504 Services Plan at this time as the Student’s needs are currently being met as adequately as his nondisabled peers. Should such a need develop, the В§504 Committee shall re-convene and develop an appropriate Section 504 Services Plan at that time. 3. If any of the first three answers is “NO”, the Student is not eligible for Section 504 nondiscrimination protection and is not eligible for a Section 504 Services Plan. Section 504 Committee’s Decision The В§504 Committee’s analysis of the eligibility criteria as applied to the evaluation data indicates that at this time (check the appropriate box or boxes): Not В§504 Eligible. The student is not eligible under Section 504. В§504 Eligible + Plan. The student is eligible under В§504, and will receive a В§504 Services Plan that governs the provision of a free appropriate public education to the student. The student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of В§504. В§504 Eligible + No Plan (In Remission). The student is eligible under В§504, but will not require a В§504 Services Plan because the physical or mental impairment is in remission, and there is no current need for services. The student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of В§504. Should need for a Plan develop, the В§504 Committee shall reconvene and develop an appropriate В§504 Services Plan. В§504 Eligible + No Plan (Mitigating Measures). The student is eligible under В§504, but will not require a В§504 Services Plan because the student’s needs are met as adequately as his nondisabled peers due to the positive effect of mitigating measures currently in use. The student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of В§504. Should need for a Plan develop, the В§504 Committee shall reconvene and develop an appropriate В§504 Services Plan. This result applies when the mitigating measures are neither provided by nor implemented by the School. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 62 Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation Form 10, page 4 of 5 Section 504 Committee’s Decision (continued) В§504 Eligible + No Implemented Plan (Refusal/Revocation of Consent for Services). The Student is eligible under В§504, but will not be served under a В§504 Services Plan at this time because the Student’s Parent has either refused consent for initial Section 504 Services or has revoked consent for continued Section 504 Services. The Parent’s action is documented in Form 11. The Committee will complete the Section 504 Services Plan (Form 12), but the Plan will not be implemented due to the Parent’s refusal to consent or revocation of consent. The Student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of В§504. Should the Parent desire Section 504 Services for the Student, the Parent will notify the В§504 Coordinator to convene a Section 504 Meeting. Continued В§504 Eligibility. The Student remains eligible under В§504, and will receive an updated В§504 Services Plan that governs the provision of a free appropriate public education to the student. The Student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of В§504. (For use with Re-Evaluations). Dismissal from В§504. The Student is no longer eligible for Section 504 and is exited from the program. The Student will now receive regular education without Section 504 services. The Student will receive the nondiscrimination protections of Section 504 as a student with a record of an impairment, together with procedural safeguards, but will not receive manifestation determination, or periodic Re-Evaluation. IDEA Eligible & В§504 Dismissal. The Student has been determined special education eligible by an ARD Committee/IEP Team. Consequently, the Student is no longer served through a Section 504 Committee and is exited from the program. The Student will receive a free appropriate education through the ARD Committee/IEP Team, together with the nondiscrimination protections and procedural safeguards of Section 504. Texas General Ed Homebound. As part of the В§504 evaluation, the Committee considered your Student’s eligibility for Texas General Education Homebound. The Student is ___ is not___ eligible for General Education Homebound Services. (Check one if GEH was considered for this student). Other (please describe) Additional notes or explanations by the Committee: Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 63 Notice of Section 504 Evaluation Results Form 10, page 5 of 5 [Use this form to provide parents with notice of the results of each Initial Evaluation/ReEvaluation (Form 10), Annual Review (Form 13) or Section 504/Dyslexia Initial or ReEvaluation (Form 15) and information regarding their right to refuse consent or revoke consent for services. If the student is eligible for a 504 Plan, attach the evaluation document together with the 504 Plan (Form 12), and the Parent Consent for Services (Form 11)]. Notice of Section 504 Evaluation Results Date ______________ Dear Parent/Guardian/Adult Student, This letter is to inform you that the Section 504 Committee had a meeting on to discuss your Student ________________________ (student’s name). A copy of the evaluation form is attached. After careful review of relevant evaluation data, the Section 504 Committee analyzed the data to answer the Section 504 eligibility questions. While the evaluation document provides more detail on the Committee’s decision, by way of summary, the Committee determined that _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ (provide brief summary of decision) For Section 504-eligible Students who are in need of a Section 504 Student Services Plan: If your Student was determined В§504-eligible, and in need of Section 504 Services Plan, a copy of your Student’s В§504 Services Plan is also attached. You have the right to consent or refuse consent for Section 504 Services for your Student. The District will assume that you consent for your Student to receive Section 504 Services as indicated on the attached Section 504 Services Plan. You may also confirm your consent for services on the attached form should you desire. You have the right to refuse that consent (if your student is receiving a Section 504 Services Plan following an initial evaluation) or to revoke that consent (if your student is currently receiving Section 504 Services pursuant to a Section 504 Student Services Plan). Exercise that right in writing on the attached Parent Consent for Section 504 Services Form. Section 504 Services will be provided to your Student pursuant to the attached Plan until such time as a written, signed refusal or revocation on the attached Consent Form is received by the school. You may revoke consent for services at any time, and may give consent for Section 504 services at any time as long as your Student remains Section 504-eligible, and in need of a Section 504 Student Services Plan. If you have any questions concerning this decision or your rights to consent to services, please call me at . I will be more than happy to discuss any questions that you may have. Sincerely, Section 504 Coordinator Encl. (1) Initial Evaluation, Annual Review or Re-Evaluation (Form 10, Form 13, or Form 15) (2) Section 504 Services Plan, if Section 504-eligible, and in need of a Plan (Form 12) (3) Parent Consent for Section 504 Services (Form 11) Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 64 Notice of Section 504 Evaluation Results (Spanish) Form 10, page 5 of 5 [Use this form to provide parents with notice of the results of each Initial Evaluation/ReEvaluation (Form 10), Annual Review (Form 13) or Section 504/Dyslexia Initial or ReEvaluation (Form 15) and information regarding their right to refuse consent or revoke consent for services. If the student is eligible for a 504 Plan, attach the evaluation document together with the 504 Plan (Form 12), and the Parent Consent for Services (Form 11)]. Aviso de Resultados de la EvaluaciГіn Seccion 504 Fecha: Querido Padre/Guardian/Estudiante Adulto: Esta carta es para informarle que el comitГ© de Seccion 504 se reuniГі en (meeting date) para discutir su Estudiante (student’s name). Una copia de el documento de evaluaciГіn se encuentra con esta carta. Despues de considerar cuidadГіsamente todos los datos de evaluaciГіn, el comitГ© analizo esos datos para determinar si su Estudiante califica para servicios o protecciones bajo la ley Seccion 504. Aunque el documento de evaluaciГіn contiene informaciГіn mas detallada sobre la decision, el comitГ© determinГі lo siguiente: (provide brief summary of decision). Para estudiantes que califican bajo la ley Seccion 504 que necesitan un Plan de Servicios Seccion 504: Si su estudiante calificГі bajo la ley Seccion 504, y necesita un Plan de Servicios Seccion 504, el Plan se encuentra con esta carta. Usted tiene el derecho de rechazar permiso para que estos servicios se le proporcionen a su estudiante. El Districto Escolar asumirГЎ que usted da permiso para que se le proporcionen servicios indicados en el Plan de Servicios Seccion 504. Si gusta, puede firmar para confirmar que da permiso. Usted tiene el derecho de rechazar permiso para que estos servicios se le proporcionen a su estudiante, o puede revocar tal permiso despues de darlo. Si desea revocar permiso, puede firmar en la linea apropriada de el Permiso para Servicios Seccion 504. Los servicios le seran proporcionados a su estudiante hasta que el Districto Escolar reciba en escrito su rechazo de permiso firmado. Tiene el derecho de revocar su permiso a cualquier tiempo mientras su estudiante califique bajo la ley Seccion 504 y reciba servicios bajo esa ley. Si tiene preguntas sobre este permiso o sus derechos, favor de llamar a de explicar sus derechos y contestar sus preguntas. . Con gusto le tratarГ© Sinceramente, Coordinador de Seccion 504 Anexo (1) EvaluaciГіn Inicial, Reviso Annual, o Re-evaluaciГіn (Form 10, Form 13, or Form 15) (2) Plan de Servicios de Seccion 504 (Form 12) (3) Permiso para Servicios de Seccion 504 (Form 11) Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 65 Parental Consent for Section 504 Services Initial as completed 2 copies sent to Parent 1 copy signed and returned Form 11, page 1 of 1 [Use this form to document parental consent for Section 504 services, as well as a parent’s Refusal to Consent to initial services and Revocation of Consent for continued services] Parental Consent for Section 504 Services Date Sent/Mailed: Student’s Name: Campus: Parents: Address: Home Phone: Grade: Student ID #: Work Phone: Parent Consents to Section 504 Services. I have been provided a copy of the Section 504 Student Services Plan for my Student together with Notice of my Parent Rights under Section 504. I understand my rights and the offer of services in the Services Plan. I CONSENT to my Student’s receipt of services offered in the attached Section 504 Student Services Plan. Parent/Guardian signature Parent/Guardian printed name Date Parent Refuses Consent or Revokes Consent for Section 504 Services. I have been provided a copy of the Section 504 Student Services Plan for my Student together with Notice of my Parent Rights under Section 504. I understand my rights and the offer of services in the Services Plan. I understand that the District will assume that I consent to my Student’s receipt of Section 504 Services as indicated on the attached Section 504 Student Services Plan unless I indicate my refusal to consent or revocation of consent on this form, sign this form, and return this form to the school. ____ I REFUSE CONSENT for my Student’s receipt of services offered in the attached Section 504 Student Services Plan. (Initial provision of Section 504 Services). ____ I REVOKE CONSENT for my Student’s continued receipt of services offered in the attached Section 504 Student Services Plan. (Student is currently receiving Section 504 Services). I understand that because I have refused consent for Section 504 services or revoked consent for continued Section 504 services, the attached Section 504 Student Services Plan will not be distributed to school staff, and that the services and accommodations listed on the Plan will not be implemented for my Student. I understand that the school’s offer of a Section 504 Student Services Plan remains open to me as long as my child remains eligible for services under Section 504, and that at any time I can provide consent for my Student’s receipt of services by contacting the District’s Section 504 Coordinator (name) at (phone) to schedule a Section 504 Committee meeting. Parent/Guardian signature Parent/Guardian printed name Date The parent has made clear his/her refusal to consent to the initial provision of Section 504 Services or revocation of consent for continued Section 504 Services, but refuses to sign. The employee signature is provided by a witness to that refusal or revocation. Name Title Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 Date 66 Parental Consent for Section 504 Services(Spanish) Initial as completed 2 copies sent to Parent 1 copy signed and returned Form 11, page 1 of 1 [Use this form to document parental consent for Section 504 services, as well as a parent’s Refusal to Consent to initial services and Revocation of Consent for continued services] Permiso para Servicios de Seccion 504 Fecha de Envio: Escuela: Padres: DirecciГіn TelГ©fono (casa): Nombre de Estudiante: Grado: Numero ID #: TelГ©fono (trabajo): Padre da permiso para servicios de Seccion 504 He recibido una copia de el Plan de Servicios de Seccion 504 para mi estudiante, junto con el Aviso a Padres de Estudiantes Incapacitados de sus Derechos Legales bajo la Seccion 504. Entiendo mis derechos y los servicios incluidos en el Plan de Servicios. Doy mi permiso para que se le proporcionen los servicios indicado en el Plan de Servicios de Seccion 504 Firma de Padre Nombre de Padre Fecha Padre rechaza o revoca permiso para servicios de Seccion 504 He recibido una copia de el Plan de Servicios de Seccion 504 para mi estudiante, junto con el Aviso a Padres de Estudiantes Incapacitados de sus Derechos Legales bajo la Seccion 504. Entiendo mis derechos y los servicios incluidos en el Plan de Servicios. Entiendo que el Districto Escolar asumirГЎ que doy permiso para servicios de Seccion 504 como indicado en el Plan de Servicios de Seccion 504, al menos de que indique que rechazo o revoco tal permiso en escrito en este documento, con mi firma, y le entregue este documento firmado al Districto Escolar. Rechazo permiso para que se le proporcionen servicios de Seccion 504 a mi estudiante como indicados en el Plan de Servicios de Seccion 504. Revoco mi permiso para que se le continue proporcionando servicios de Seccion 504 a mi estudiante como indicados en el Plan de Servicios de Seccion 504. Entiendo que mi rechazo o revocaciГіn de permiso para servicios de Seccion 504 significa que el Plan de Servicios de Seccion 504 no sera distribuido a los maestros de mi estudiante o otros empleados del Districto Escolar, y que los servicios indicados en tal Plan de Servicios no seran llevados a cabo. Entiendo que el Plan de Servicios de Seccion 504 le seguirГЎ siendo asequible tanto tiempo como su estudiante califique bajo la ley Seccion 504, y que a cualquier tiempo puedo ponerme en contacto con el Coordinador de Seccion 504 del Districto Escolar al telГ©fono para convenir una junta y dar permiso para que se le proporcionen los servicios indicados en el Plan de Servicios. Firma de Padre Nombre de Padre Fecha El padre del estudiante rechaza o revoca permiso para que se le proporcionen servicios de Seccion 504 al estudiante pero rehusa firma este documento para confirmar su desiciГіn. El siguiente empleado del Districto Escolar declara que es testigo de tal desiciГіn. Nombre Puesto Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 Fecha 67 Section 504 Services Plan Form 12, page 1 of 4 Section 504 Student Services Plan [Please Note: If the student’s placement is General Education Homebound, services for the student should be documented on Form 16. This form is not to be used to create a General Education Homebound placement.] : Date: Student Name: Student ID: School: Student’s Impairments: Date of Birth: Phone: Grade: Type of meeting generating initial Plan or changes to Section 504 Services Plan Initial Evaluation Manifestation Determination Evaluation Annual Review/ As Needed Review Periodic Re-Evaluation (every three years) Other: Certificate of Plan Distribution (Please indicate date distributed to parent and each person responsible for Plan implementation, or N/A as appropriate. Each person in receipt initials to indicate receipt of Plan and understanding of his or her responsibility to implement the Plan.) Date & Initials Person Responsible Date & Initials Person Responsible Parent/Adult Student Administrator English/Language Arts teacher Counselor Math teacher Testing Coordinator Science teacher Other: Social Studies teacher Other: PE teacher Other: Fine Arts teacher Other: Vocational teacher Other: Signature of 504 Coordinator or other person verifying delivery of Plan: Matching of Need and Services. Please use the following tool to ensure that each of the student’s needs identified in the evaluation are addressed in the Services Plan. (Attach additional pages where necessary). Each disability-related student need identified by the evaluation Services, accommodations, and reasonable modification of policies, practices or procedures designed to address the need 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 68 Section 504 Services Plan Form 12, page 2 of 4 Student Name: Student ID: Campus: Grade: This Plan WILL BE implemented, beginning on: and will continue until: OR will continue until the Plan is replaced or student is exited This Plan WILL NOT be implemented due to the parent’s refusal of consent for initial Section 504 services or revocation of consent for continued Section 504 services. Required Services & Accommodations (by course). The following form is used to document the student’s placement under Section 504. While checklist forms are convenient, they are also subject to confusion. Eligibility for a Plan does not mean that every service or accommodation available under Section 504 is appropriate for every child. Individual needs determined during evaluation should guide services decisions. For questions or concerns about the В§504 Plan, contact ________________________________, the designated В§504 administrator or designated В§504 coordinator. As the descriptions used here are brief, please use the notes page to ensure appropriate understanding and implementation for items checked. Note also that the following items are not the only services or accommodations available under В§504. Attach additional pages if necessary. List courses from student’s schedule and indicate services and accommodations required for each class. Oral Testing Oral Response Other Testing Accommodation (type?) Taped Texts Taped lecture Note-taking assistance Extended Time (by %) Shortened Assignment (by %) Peer assistance/tutoring Reduced paper/pencil tasks Use of calculator Preferential seating Assignment notebook Organizational strategies (type?) Re-teach difficult concepts Use of manipulatives Team teaching Supplemental materials Cooling-off period Progress reports (frequency?) Does the student need a behavior plan? Yes ____ No ____ [If yes, page 3 must be completed and attached] Does the student require reasonable modification of policies, practices or procedures? Yes ____ No ____ . If yes, please explain on the notes and information page. Does the student receive health plan services? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, please attach the health plan. Texas Dyslexia Services (Form 15): For students eligible under the Texas Dyslexia Law, are dyslexia services required? If so, __hours per week/month/semester of dyslexia services will be provided. (Please circle time frame) Accommodations on statewide assessment: Related Services (provide detail on information and notes page) Tutorials Counseling Transportation Other: ____________________________________ General Education Homebound (Form 16) ___ hours of homebound instruction per week pursuant to Form 16 THIS PLAN IS CONFIDENTIAL and should only be made available to individuals with a legitimate educational interest or as otherwise allowed by FERPA. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 69 Section 504 Service Plan Form 12, page 3 of 4 Section 504 Behavior Intervention Plan [This form should be considered when the В§504 Committee determines that the Student’s behavior interferes with his ability to learn or the ability of other students to learn.] Student Name: Student ID: School: Date of Plan: Please list below each behavior, reinforcement, consequence and person responsible for administering the reinforcement or consequence. Appropriate intervention is based on assessment data, discipline history, social history, parent reports and other data. Behaviors targeted for intervention: Please select or add the appropriate behavior interventions for this student. Please use the notes and information page to explain choices and to ensure compliance. Clearly defined limits Journal of daily behaviors Proximity seating Frequent reminder of rules Reinforce appropriate behavior Cooling off period Reduce distracting stimuli Supervised unstructured time Peer intervention Consistent routine Behavioral contract (attach) Other Other Other Other Communicate behavioral progress or status with parents through (check one): Weekly tracking form Notes home Phone call Daily tracking form Email Parent conference When a communication other than a tracking form is chosen, describe the frequency of required contact here (when particular behaviors occur, every two weeks, etc). When a targeted behavior occurs, the following occurs: Targeted Behavior Reward for desired Consequence for behavior undesired behavior Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 Person responsible for Reward or consequence 70 Section 504 Services Plan Form 12, page 4 of 4 Section 504 Services Plan Additional Notes and Information Page While checklist forms are convenient, they can also lead to confusion. Please use this page to ensure that the decisions of the Section 504 Committee are clear to school personnel and anyone else who has responsibility to implement the Plan or supervise its implementation. п‚· п‚· п‚· For example, where extended time for assignments is checked, indicate the amount of extended time to be provided (by number of minutes or by percentage, for example). Where other testing accommodation is checked, provide detail as to how the test should be adapted or the student’s testing experience is to be accommodated. When a reasonable modification of policies, practices or procedures is required, indicate which policy, etc., and how it is to be modified (Student has extra day to complete written assignments without normal grade penalty under school’s late-work policy). This page should be used to document any decision, accommodation or service that does not “fit” the Service Plan grid. This page should also be used to explain or provide detail for any item or issue where an entry on the Services Plan is unclear or subject to confusion. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 71 Section 504 Annual Review Form 13, page 1 of 3 Section 504 Annual Review (Short-form for both Annual and “As Needed” Re-Evaluations) Student: Student ID #: Today’s Date: Grade: Campus: Student’s Impairments: Date of Birth: Explanation of “Annual Review.” Although an Annual Review is not required by federal law, the school believes that conducting Annual Reviews, or Annual Re-Evaluations, is a best practice to ensure that student needs are met on an on-going basis and that changes to either the Student’s condition or need for services are recognized and addressed expeditiously. This form may also be appropriate for other reviews as warranted by changes in the student’s condition or need for services (“As Needed” Reviews or “As Needed” Re-Evaluations). For Periodic Re-Evaluations, required by the Section 504 regulations at least every three years, or situations where the Annual Review Form is inappropriate (as determined by the screening questions below) please use Form 10. В§504 Committee Membership: By regulation, the Section 504 Committee is a group of knowledgeable people. Within the group, each required type of knowledge must be present. List each member attending and check the area of knowledge each provides (attach an additional sheet if necessary). Each required area of knowledge must be present on the committee. Name Position/Title This member has knowledge of …. The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options Where the review involves a student eligible under the Texas dyslexia law, additional knowledge is required Name Position/Title This member has knowledge of….. The dyslexia assessment The reading process Dyslexia and related disorders Dyslexia instruction District or charter school, state & federal guidelines for assessment Procedural Checklist: In addition to proper membership, four things must be verified before the Annual Review can be completed. (Questions 1-4). Please verify by checkmark that each requirement is completed before proceeding. 1. Verify that the В§504 Committee is a group, including a person with knowledge in each of the required areas. 2. Verify that the parent received Notice of Parent Rights under В§504 3. Verify how the parent was informed of the date, time, and place for this evaluation (check one) In writing By Phone In Person Other: 4. Verify that use of the Annual Review form is appropriate by completing the following screening questions. The Committee should answer each question by analyzing the most recent full evaluation (either the Initial Section 504 evaluation, or the most recent Section 504 Re-Evaluation, whichever is newer): Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 72 Section 504 Annual Review Form 13, page 2 of 3 Section 504 Eligibility Determination As directed by Congress in the ADAAA, the Section 504 Committee understands that the definition of disability “shall be construed in favor of broad coverage of individuals under this Act, to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of this Act.” (A) Is the Student’s Initial Evaluation or Periodic Re-Evaluation less than three Appropriateness of Short Form Question 4A years old? If the answer is no, this form should not be used, and the Section 504 Committee should complete Form 10, the Re-Evaluation form. (B) Generally speaking, does the Student’s most recent Initial or Periodic ReEvaluation accurately reflect all of the Student’s physical or mental impairments, including impairments that are episodic and impairments in remission? If yes, the Student remains Section 504 eligible. If the answer is no, the Committee should conduct a full Re-Evaluation using Form 10. (C) Generally speaking, does the Student’s most recent Initial or Periodic ReEvaluation accurately reflect the impact of the student’s physical or mental impairments, including impairments that are episodic or in remission, on the student’s ability to access and participate in the school’s programs and activities? If yes, and the student has a Section 504 Services Plan in place, the student will continue to receive a Section 504 Services Plan. If the answer is no, the Committee should conduct a full Re-Evaluation using Form 10. Yes No Appropriateness of Short Form Question 4B Yes No Appropriateness of Short Form Question 4C Yes No Analyzing the Results: If all three answers to screening questions A-C are Yes, and the procedural steps are complete, proceed to evaluate using this form. Should any answer to Questions A-C be “No,” Form 10 should be used instead of this form. Evaluation Data Considered from a Variety of Sources The Committee reviewed and carefully considered data gathered from a variety of sources, including the Referral Document. [Please check each type of data reviewed by the Committee, or attach copies of the data.] Parent input Student work portfolio Teacher/Administrator Input & Recommendations Special education records (specify) Aptitude and Achievement Tests Social or cultural background Other Tests Disciplinary records/referrals Early Intervention data Mitigating measures Grade reports Adaptive behavior School Health Information Other Medical evaluations/diagnoses/physical condition Other Dyslexia assessment/dyslexia progress data Other NOTE: If information from a conversation or other data in unwritten form was considered, please document that oral data relied upon by attaching written notes summarizing the conversation or data.) Changes since the last full evaluation: Please describe any changes in the Student’s impairments or changes in the student’s disability-related needs since the last full evaluation: Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 73 Section 504 Annual Review Form 13, page 3 of 3 Section 504 Committee Action (select the appropriate action by checkmark) No changes to 504 Plan. No changes to the current Section 504 Services Plan are necessary at this time. The student’s existing Section 504 Services Plan will remain in place as written, subject to future Annual Reviews, periodic Re-Evaluations, or other reviews, should changes in the student’s impairments or need for services so require. Changes to 504 Plan. Changes to the Section 504 Services Plan are necessary. The Section 504 Committee will proceed to make appropriate changes to the Services Plan. No 504 Plan (In Remission). The student remains eligible under Section 504, but will not require a Section 504 Services Plan because the physical or mental impairment is in remission, and there is no current need for services. The student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of Section 504. Should need for a Plan develop, the Section 504 Committee shall reconvene and develop an appropriate Section 504 Services Plan. No 504 Plan (Mitigating Measures). The student is eligible under Section 504, but will not require a Section 504 Services Plan because the student’s needs are met as adequately as his nondisabled peers due to the positive effect of mitigating measures currently in use. The student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of Section 504. Should need for a Plan develop, the Section 504 Committee shall reconvene and develop an appropriate Section 504 Services Plan. This result applies when the mitigating measures are neither provided by nor implemented by the School. В§504 Eligible + No Implemented Plan (Refusal/Revocation of Consent for Services). The Student is eligible under В§504, but will not be served under a В§504 Services Plan at this time because the Student’s Parent has either refused consent for initial Section 504 Services or has revoked consent for continued Section 504 Services. The Parent’s action is documented in Form 11. The Committee will complete the Section 504 Services Plan (Form 12), but the Plan will not be implemented due to the Parent’s refusal to consent or revocation of consent. The Student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of В§504. Should the Parent desire Section 504 Services for the Student, the Parent will notify the В§504 Coordinator to convene a Section 504 Meeting. [Parents must be provided notice of the results of this meeting. The Notice of Section 504 Evaluation Results, Form 10, page 5 of 5 can be used for this purpose.] Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 74 Section 504 Manifestation Determination Form 14, page 1 of 3 Section 504 Manifestation Determination Evaluation Procedural Checklist: Both boxes must be checked before the В§504 evaluation for manifestation determination can occur. Verify how the parent was informed of the date, time, and place for this evaluation in writing by phone in person Other? Verify that the В§504 Committee is a group, including a person with knowledge in each of the required areas. (See below) Student: Student ID #: Date of Evaluation: Campus: В§504 Committee Membership: By regulation, the Section 504 Committee is a group of knowledgeable people. Within the group, each required type of knowledge must be present. List each member attending and check the area of knowledge each provides (attach an additional sheet if necessary). Each required area of knowledge must be present on the committee. Name Position/Title Knowledge of …. The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options The Child The meaning of the evaluation data The placement options Evaluation Data Considered from a Variety of Sources The Committee reviewed and carefully considered data gathered from a variety of sources, including the Referral Document. [Please check each type of data reviewed by the Committee, or attach copies of the data.] Parent input Student work portfolio Teacher/Administrator Input & Recommendations Special education records (specify) Aptitude and Achievement Tests Social or cultural background Other Tests Disciplinary records/referrals Early Intervention data Mitigating measures Grade reports Adaptive behavior School Health Information Disciplinary Records/referrals Medical evaluations/diagnoses/physical condition Witness statements Other Other NOTE: If information from a conversation or other data in unwritten form was considered, please document that oral data relied upon by attaching written notes summarizing the conversation or data.) Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 75 Section 504 Manifestation Determination Form 14, page 2 of 3 Behavior subject to disciplinary action (The 504 Committee does not address whether or not the alleged behavior occurred): List each of the student’s physical or mental impairments: The Section 504 Committee reviewed and discussed the data listed above. Based on this review, the Committee has made the following determinations: Question #1: Was the conduct in question caused by, or directly and substantially Yes No related to the student’s disabilities? Question #2: Was the conduct in question the direct result of the school’s failure to Yes No implement the student’s Section 504 plan, if there was any such failure? Analyzing the Results: If either of the questions are answered “yes,” the behavior must be considered to be a manifestation of the student’s disability. In that event, the student cannot be expelled or placed in the school’s disciplinary alternative education setting (DAEP) for more than 10 school days. Note: Regardless of the result of the manifestation determination, the parents and school can agree on a disciplinary placement. The parents’ agreement must be informed, voluntary, and not coerced. Committee Notes: Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 76 Section 504 Manifestation Determination Form 14, page 3 of 3 Notice of Section 504 Manifestation Determination Evaluation Results [Use this form to ensure that parents are provided with notice of the results of the manifestation determination evaluation meeting. Attach the completed manifestation determination Form 12 together with the В§504 Services Plan (if the student had a Plan and if the Plan was changed)] Date: Dear Parent/Guardian/Adult Student, This letter is to inform you that the Section 504 Committee had a meeting on to discuss your Student (student’s name). A copy of the manifestation determination evaluation form is attached. After careful review of relevant evaluation data indicated on page 1, the Section 504 Committee analyzed the data to answer the manifestation determination questions on page 2. While the evaluation document provides more detail on the Committee’s decision, by way of summary, the Committee determined that (provide brief summary of decision) A copy of the 504 Committee’s manifestation determination evaluation is enclosed. If your student’s Section 504 plan was changed during the meeting, a copy of the new В§504 Plan is also attached. If you have any questions concerning this decision, please call me at . I will be more than happy to discuss any questions that you may have. Sincerely, Section 504 Coordinator Encl. (1) Completed Manifestation Determination Evaluation Form (2) В§504 Services Plan (if the student had a Plan and if the Plan was changed) Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 77 Texas Dyslexia & Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation Form 15, page 1 of 6 Texas Dyslexia Law and Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation [The following form is to be used when the В§504 Committee is conducting an Initial Evaluation to determine eligibility under the Texas Dyslexia Law together with В§504 eligibility and for Periodic ReEvaluations (every three years) for Section 504-eligible students with dyslexia. Do not use Form 10 for Initial Evaluations or Re-Evaluations that include Texas Dyslexia Law eligibility considerations.] Student: Grade: Referred by: Date of Referral: Student ID #: Date of Birth: Previous Campus: Position/Relation to Student: Today’s Date: Campus: Required Texas Dyslexia Law and В§504 Committee Membership: By regulation, the Section 504 Committee is a group of knowledgeable people. List each member attending and check the area of knowledge each provides. Use this chart to document proper attendance. Each type of knowledge must be present for the Committee to be properly constituted under Texas law for Dyslexia purposes, and Federal law for Section 504 purposes. Note that Committee members can have more than one type of knowledge. For each member, check all boxes of knowledge that apply. (Attach an additional sheet if necessary). Name of Committee Member Position/Title This member has knowledge of….. The Child The Meaning of the Evaluation Data & the dyslexia assessment The Placement Options The reading process Dyslexia and related disorders Dyslexia instruction District or charter school, state & federal guidelines for assessment The Child The Meaning of the Evaluation Data & the dyslexia assessment The Placement Options The reading process Dyslexia and related disorders Dyslexia instruction District or charter school, state & federal guidelines for assessment The Child The Meaning of the Evaluation Data & the dyslexia assessment The Placement Options The reading process Dyslexia and related disorders Dyslexia instruction District or charter school, state & federal guidelines for assessment The Child The Meaning of the Evaluation Data & the dyslexia assessment The Placement Options The reading process Dyslexia and related disorders Dyslexia instruction District or charter school, state & federal guidelines for assessment The Child The Meaning of the Evaluation Data & the dyslexia assessment The Placement Options The reading process Dyslexia and related disorders Dyslexia instruction District or charter school, state & federal guidelines for assessment Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 78 Texas Dyslexia & Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation Form 15, page 2 of 6 Procedural Checklist: For an Initial В§504 & Dyslexia Evaluation, complete Questions 1-5. If this is a Re-Evaluation, there is no requirement for parental consent (mark Question 1 “N/A”, and complete the other four questions). Please verify by checkmark that each requirement is completed before proceeding. 1. Verify that the parent consented to В§504 initial evaluation, Form 5 (Does not apply to re-evaluations) 2. Verify that the В§504 Committee is a group, including a person with knowledge in each of the required areas. 3. Verify the Student’s dominant language: Dominant language of the home: 4. Verify that the parent received Notice of Parent Rights under В§504 5. Verify how the parent was informed of the date, time, and place for this evaluation (check one) In writing By Phone In Person Other: NOTE on current special education eligibility or pending special education evaluation: If the student being assessed is either currently eligible under special education (regardless of eligibility category) or is currently undergoing special education evaluation, a dyslexia evaluation under Section 504 is inappropriate, and dyslexia assessment should be pursued under the authority of the student’s ARD Committee and pursuant to the IDEA procedural safeguards. Texas Dyslexia Evaluation Data. Pursuant to the Dyslexia Handbook, Revised 2007, Updated 2010 (Blue Book) instructions, the Section 504 Committee will begin the evaluation by determining the student’s eligibility under the Texas Dyslexia Law. The evaluation data reviewed by the В§504 Committee to make the dyslexia eligibility decision included data from the following areas (mark with a check to document that each area of required data was reviewed.) Observations of the teacher, district or charter school staff, and/or parent Data gathered from the classroom (including student work and results of classroom measures) and information found in the student’s cumulative folder (including the developmental and academic history of the student). The results of administered assessments (including both formal and informal measures), appropriate for the student’s level of reading development, including: reading real words in isolation; decoding nonsense words; phonological awareness; letter knowledge (name and associated sound); rapid naming; orthographic processing; fluency/rate and accuracy; reading comprehension; and written spelling. Data-based documentation of student progress during instruction and intervention LPAC documentation (where applicable) All other accumulated data regarding the development of the student’s learning and the student’s educational needs. Texas Dyslexia Law Eligibility. In making the determination of dyslexia eligibility, the Committee reviewed the evaluation data identified above (including the formal dyslexia assessment), and considered the factors required by the Dyslexia Blue Book as fully described therein. Based on that data, mark each area of consideration with “Agree” or “Disagree.” Dyslexia Eligibility Factors The student has received conventional (appropriate) reading instruction; The student has experienced an unexpected lack of appropriate progress in the areas of reading and written spelling; The student has adequate intelligence (an average ability to learn in the absence of print or in other academic areas); The student exhibits characteristics associated with dyslexia (see the primary characteristics and review the student’s underlying cognitive processes associated with dyslexia as explained in the Blue Book); AND The student’s lack of progress was not due to sociocultural factors such as language differences, irregular attendance or lack of experiential background. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 Agree Disagree 79 Texas Dyslexia & Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation Form 15, page 3 of 6 Results of Texas Dyslexia Evaluation. If the Committee marked “Agree” in response to each of the preceding five statements, the student is identified as having dyslexia and is eligible for services under the Texas Dyslexia Law. If the Committee answered any of the previous five statements with “Disagree,” the student is not eligible under the dyslexia law based on Blue Book criteria, and can only receive dyslexia services through action of a Section 504 Committee or ARD Committee when such services are required to provide the student with a free appropriate public education (FAPE). Note that a student can be identified as having dyslexia by a Section 504 Committee or ARD Committee even if Texas Dyslexia Law requirements are not met. This is not, however, a common result. Based on the evaluation data reviewed, and the answers to the required statements, the Committee has determined that (check one): The student is ELIGIBLE under the Texas The student is NOT ELIGIBLE under the Texas Dyslexia Law. Dyslexia Law. Section 504 Eligibility While eligibility under the Texas Dyslexia Law commonly creates eligibility under Section 504, eligibility under Section 504 is determined based on federal eligibility requirements and the analysis below. That analysis must address the impact of the student’s dyslexia on the major life activity of “reading” (in addition to the broader major life activity of “learning”). Should the school suspect that the student has any other impairment(s) in addition to dyslexia, the Section 504 Evaluation should address that/those impairments as well. Evaluation Data Considered from a Variety of Sources The Committee reviewed and carefully considered data gathered from a variety of sources, including the Referral Document. [Please check each type of data reviewed by the Committee, or attach copies of the data.] Parent input Student work portfolio Teacher/Administrator Input & Recommendations Special education records (specify) Aptitude and Achievement Tests Social or cultural background Other Tests Disciplinary records/referrals Early Intervention data Mitigating measures Grade reports Adaptive behavior School Health Information Dyslexia assessment/Dyslexia progress data Medical evaluations/diagnoses/physical condition Other NOTE: If information from a conversation or other data in unwritten form was considered, please document that oral data relied upon by attaching written notes summarizing the conversation or data.) Section 504 Eligibility Determination As directed by Congress in the ADAAA, the Section 504 Committee understands that the definition of disability “shall be construed in favor of broad coverage of individuals under this Act, to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of this Act.” 1. Does the student have a physical or mental impairment? If so, please identify the impairment(s) in the box below. Notes (1) This is an educational determination only, and not a medical diagnosis for purposes of treatment. (2) Impairments that are episodic, in remission or mitigated should also be listed. (3) OCR guidance indicates that in “virtually every case,” diabetes, epilepsy, bipolar disorder and autism will result in eligibility under Section 504. Extensive documentation or analysis should not be required for these impairments. Eligibility Question #1 Yes No If you answered “yes” to Question 1, identify the impairment(s) here. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 80 Texas Dyslexia & Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation Form 15, page 4 of 6 2. Does the physical or mental impairment affect one or more major life activities (including major bodily functions)? If so, identify the major life activity Eligibility Question #2 or major bodily function by checking the appropriate box or boxes. Note: For an impairment that is episodic, in remission, or mitigated, identify the activity or Yes No function affected when the disability was present or active. Major Life Activities include, but are not limited to: Caring for oneself Performing manual tasks Seeing Hearing Functions of immune system Normal cell growth Reproductive function Eating Lifting Sleeping Bending Walking Speaking Standing Breathing Bowel function Bladder function Neurological function Learning Reading Concentrating Thinking Endocrine function Respiratory function Circulatory function 3. Does the physical or mental impairment substantially limit a major life activity? Notes: (1) “Substantially limits” does not mean “significantly restricted.” (2) This question asks whether the person evaluated is substantially limited in performing a major life activity as compared to the “average student” of the same grade or age or as compared to “most students” of the same grade or age. (3) The ADAAA requires that when making this determination, the Committee should not consider the ameliorative (helpful or positive) effects of mitigating measures (except for ordinary eyeglasses or contact lenses). (4) The fact that the impairment is episodic (the impact of the impairment is sometimes substantially limiting, but not always), or in remission, does not preclude eligibility if the impairment would substantially limit a major life activity when active. Communicating Working Other: Other: Brain function Digestive function Other: Eligibility Question #3 Yes No If Eligibility Question 3 is answered “no,” explain why the student is not substantially limited and describe how the committee addressed the positive impact of mitigating measures (what measures are used by/for the student, and what was their impact?): Section 504 Plan & Placement (completed only if each of the three preceding questions were answered “Yes.”). Plan & Placement Question Does the student need Section 504 services in order for his/her educational needs to be met as adequately as those of non-disabled peers? Notes: (1) If the Yes student’s needs are so extreme as to require special education and related services, a referral to special education should be considered. (2) If the student’s impairment is in remission, and creates no need for services or accommodations, the student is not in need of a В§504 Services Plan. (3) If the student’s needs are currently addressed by mitigating measures with no need for additional services or accommodations, and the mitigating measures are provided or implemented by the student, with no action required by the school, the student is not in need of a В§504 Services Plan. No If the Plan and Placement question is answered “no,” explain why the student does not need a Section 504 Services Plan: Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 81 Texas Dyslexia & Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation Form 15, page 5 of 6 Analyzing the results of the Committee’s answers 1. If all four questions are answered “YES”, the student is eligible for both the nondiscrimination and FAPE (Section 504 Services Plan) protections of Section 504. The Section 504 Committee will create a Section 504 Services plan for this student. 2. If only the first three questions are answered “YES”, the student is eligible for the nondiscrimination protections of Section 504, together with manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, and periodic Re-Evaluation (at least ever three years) or more often as needed. The Section 504 Committee will not create a Section 504 Services Plan at this time as the student’s needs are currently being met as adequately as his nondisabled peers. Should such a need develop, the В§504 Committee shall re-convene and develop an appropriate Section 504 Services Plan at that time. 3. If any of the first three answers is “NO”, the student is not eligible for Section 504 nondiscrimination protection and is not eligible for a Section 504 Services Plan. Special instructions for implementing the decision: 1. For students eligible under both the Texas dyslexia law and Section 504: The Committee should develop appropriate services using Form 12. 2. For students determined eligible for Section 504, but not under the Texas dyslexia law: The Committee should consider appropriate services utilizing Form 12. 3. For students eligible under the Texas dyslexia law but not eligible for Section 504: The Committee should consider appropriate accommodations including dyslexia services. These accommodations and services should be documented on the appropriate local form. Do not use Form 12 for a student who is not В§504-eligible. Section 504 Committee’s Decision The Section 504 Committee’s analysis of the eligibility criteria as applied to the evaluation data indicates that at this time (check the appropriate box or boxes): Not В§504 Eligible. The student is not eligible under Section 504. В§504 Eligible + Plan + Dyslexia Services. The student is identified as dyslexic, is eligible under Section 504, and will receive a Section 504 Services Plan that governs the provision of a free appropriate public education to the student. The Plan will include dyslexia services. The student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation (at least ever three years) or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of Section 504. В§504 Eligible + Plan + No Dyslexia Services. The student is eligible under Section 504, and will receive a Section 504 Services Plan that governs the provision of a free appropriate public education to the student. The student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation (at least ever three years) or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of Section 504. В§504 Eligible + No Plan (In Remission). The student is eligible under Section 504, but will not require a Section 504 Services Plan because the physical or mental impairment is in remission, and there is no current need for services. The student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of Section 504. Should need for a Plan develop, the Section 504 Committee shall reconvene and develop an appropriate Section 504 Services Plan. В§504 Eligible + No Plan (Mitigating Measures). The student is eligible under В§504, but will not require a В§504 Services Plan because the student’s needs are met as adequately as his nondisabled peers due to the positive effect of mitigating measures currently in use. The student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of В§504. Should need for a Plan develop, the В§504 Committee shall reconvene and develop an appropriate В§504 Services Plan. This result applies when the mitigating measures are neither provided by nor implemented by the School. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 82 Texas Dyslexia & Section 504 Initial Evaluation & Periodic Re-Evaluation Form 15, page 6 of 6 В§504 Eligible + No Implemented Plan (Refusal/Revocation of Consent for Services). The Student is eligible under В§504, but will not be served under a В§504 Services Plan at this time because the Student’s Parent has either refused consent for initial Section 504 Services or has revoked consent for continued Section 504 Services. The Parent’s action is documented in Form 11. The Committee will complete the Section 504 Services Plan (Form 12), but the Plan will not be implemented due to the Parent’s refusal to consent or revocation of consent. The Student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of В§504. Should the Parent desire Section 504 Services for the Student, the Parent will notify the В§504 Coordinator to convene a Section 504 Meeting. Continued В§504 Eligibility. The student remains eligible under Section 504, and will receive an updated Section 504 Services Plan that governs the provision of a free appropriate public education to the student. The student will receive manifestation determination, procedural safeguards, periodic Re-Evaluation (at least ever three years) or more often as needed, as well as the nondiscrimination protections of В§504. (For use with ReEvaluations). Dismissal from В§504. The student is no longer eligible for Section 504 and is exited from the program. The student will now receive regular education without Section 504 services. The student will receive the nondiscrimination protections of Section 504 as a student with a record of an impairment, together with procedural safeguards, but will not receive manifestation determination, or periodic Re-Evaluation (at least ever three years). IDEA Eligible & В§504 Dismissal. The student has been determined special education eligible by an ARD Committee/IEP Team. Consequently, the student is no longer served through a Section 504 Committee and is exited from the program. The student will receive a free appropriate education through the ARD Committee/IEP Team, together with the nondiscrimination protections and procedural safeguards of Section 504. Other (please describe) Additional notes or explanations by the Committee: [Parents must be provided notice of the results of this meeting. The Notice of Section 504 Evaluation Results, Form 10, page 5 of 5 can be used for this purpose.] Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 83 Texas General Education Homebound Supplement Form 16, page 1 of 2 Texas General Education Homebound Supplement [The following form is to be utilized when the В§504 Committee is considering placement in General Education Homebound (GEH). The homebound eligibility decision is made as part of the Section 504 evaluation, utilizing this form, in conjunction with Form 10. The homebound placement decision for a student who is В§504 eligible is made in conjunction with Form 12.] Date: Student Name: Student ID: School: Student Address: Date of Birth: Phone: Grade: GEH Committee Membership. While В§504 eligibility is determined by a group of knowledgeable persons, including persons with knowledge of the child, the meaning of the evaluation data, and the placement options, General Education Homebound eligibility and placement requires the attendance of three specific people: (1) a Campus Administrator; (2) a Teacher of the Student; and (3) a Parent or Guardian of the Student. The required groups can and should overlap to satisfy requirements under both В§504 and GEH. Check the boxes to indicate compliance with attendance requirements. В§504 Committee Membership: documented on Form 10 GEH Committee Membership Requirements (provide name of person attending) Campus Administrator Teacher of the Student Parent/Guardian of the Student Eligibility for General Education Homebound. Pursuant to the 2012-2013 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook [Handbook], the following must be answered to determine GEH eligibility. Yes No The Committee has received, and attaches to this form, a document from a physician licensed to practice in the United States, which document: (1) Indicates that the above-referenced student is expected to be confined at home or hospital bedside for a minimum of four weeks. The weeks need not be consecutive. (2) Indicates that the confinement is for medical reasons only. Yes No Based on the physician’s document, together with the Committee’s review of current evaluation data (including Parent input, teacher/administrator input, grade reports, work samples, results of standardized tests, etc., as indicated on the В§504 evaluation form (Form 10)), the Committee determines that the Student is eligible for general education homebound services, and that such services shall be provided to the Student as indicated below. Pursuant to Handbook instructions, “[T]he licensed physician’s note/information is not the sole determining factor in the committee’s decision-making process.” Results: Where both questions are answered with “Yes,” the student is eligible for General Education Homebound, and the Committee shall determine the type(s) and amount of instruction to be provided. If the student is also Section 504 eligible, the committee should also consider whether services on Form 12 are appropriate in addition to the homebound services on page 2 of this form. If either question is answered “No,” the student is not eligible for GEH services, but may be Section 504 eligible, if so determined pursuant to Form 10, resulting in the need for a 504 Services Plan using Form 12. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 84 Texas General Education Homebound Supplement Form 16, page 2 of 2 General Education Homebound Services. General Education Instruction will be provided by a certified regular education teacher. Pursuant to Handbook requirements, over the course of the student’s confinement at home or hospital bedside, “the student must be provided instruction in all the courses, including elective courses, in which the student is enrolled.” The student will be provided instruction in the following subject areas (list all subject areas to be addressed by homebound instruction): for a total of ____ (#) hours per week of direct one-to-one instruction. [Students served at home through GEH will earn eligible days in attendance based on the number of hours the student is served at home per week by a certified regular education teacher. One hour of instruction equals one day in attendance for the first three hours of GEH instruction each week. When four or more hours of GEH instruction are provided, the student earns an entire week (five full days) of attendance. [See current Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for more detail] Optional services to be considered in addition to direct instruction. Check all those that apply: Access to textbooks, assignments, projects and tests for self-study in the following subject areas: Access to classroom teachers by phone in the following subject areas: Extended time for completion of projects in the following subject areas: Access to Plato, educational software, distance learning, correspondence courses, or other online instruction. If yes, please detail services to be made available to the student: Other Formal transition from General Education Homebound to the classroom. If the Committee believes that a formal transition period is required for the student’s return to school, please detail the transition calendar or steps for the transition here. [Note, the 504 Committee should complete a 504 Services Plan (Form 12) prior to the student’s return to school from homebound should the student remain eligible upon his return to school.] Additional documentation required for attendance accounting purposes: General Education Homebound services begin on (date): General Education Homebound services terminate on (date): The teacher providing General Education Homebound instruction will maintain a log of contact hours and other appropriate documentation related to the provision of these services. [See current Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for more detail on documentation requirements.] Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 85 Providing Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (from http://professionals.collegeboard.com/testing/ssd) Students with physical or mental disabilities often require accommodations on College Board tests, including the: п‚· SAT п‚· SAT Subject Testsв„ў п‚· PSAT/NMSQTВ® п‚· Advanced Placement ProgramВ® The College Board's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) provides a broad range of accommodations, such as Braille tests, large print, and extended time, to students who provide documentation of a disability. Application process Counselors or other school personnel can submit requests for their students electronically by using the College Board’s SSD Online Disabilities Accommodation Management System. If students are requesting accommodations without the assistance of their school, they can submit a paper Student Eligibility Form. For further instructions on how to request accommodations, see Applying for Accommodations. Accommodations When requesting accommodations, be sure that the documentation show not only that the student has a disability, but that there is a need for the specific accommodation that is requested. For more information on specific disabilities, see: п‚· Extended Time п‚· Computer п‚· Accommodations for Students with Hearing Impairments п‚· Extra/Extended Breaks п‚· Other Accommodations Eligibility process The College Board may ask to review supporting disability documentation. Documentation should meet the College Board's Documentation Guidelines. Because the review process is thorough, it takes about seven weeks from the receipt of all documentation for the College Board to make a determination. See Important SSD Dates for specific timeframes. After the Decision When the College Board determines the eligibility of a student for accommodations, he or she and the school will receive an Eligibility Letter. In it, the student is assigned an SSD Eligibility Code that he or she is to use when communicating with the College Board and when registering for tests, including online registration for the SAT. The process for obtaining accommodations is the same, regardless of whether a student will take the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT or AP. And, when a student's school annually verifies that he or she continues to receive the accommodations on school tests, the student will not need to reapply for accommodations for a different College Board test. ACT Special Testing To request special testing for an ACT exam, go to http://www.act.org/aap/pdf/SpecialTestingRequestForm.pdf Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 86 HUMBLE ISD В§504 RESOURCES Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 87 Section 504 Websites п‚· District Implementation Guidelines (Florida DOE) http://www.fldoe.org/ese/pdf/sect504.pdf п‚· Office for Civil Rights - Questions and Answers on the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 for Student with Disabilities Attending Public Elementary and Secondary Schools http://www2.ed.gov/print/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/dcl-504faq-201109.html п‚· Office for Civil Rights – Section 504 FAQ’s http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/504faq.html п‚· Office for Civil Rights – Section 504 Regulations http://www.ed.gov/policy/rights/reg/ocr/edlite-34cfr104.html ADHD/Behavior Websites п‚· A Look at ADHD – a handbook from the National Institutes of Health http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/attention-deficit-hyperactivitydisorder/index.shtml п‚· ADD Warehouse http://www.addwarehouse.com п‚· Additude Magazine http://www.additudemag.com п‚· ADHD – A Guide for Families http://www.aacap.org/cs/adhd_a_guide_for_families/resources_for_families_adhd_a_gui de_for_families п‚· ADHD Support http://www.adhdsupport.com п‚· American Academy of Pediatrics http://www.aap.org/publiced/BR_ADHD.htm п‚· Attention Deficit Disorder Association http://www.add.org п‚· Attention Deficit Disorder Association – Southern Region www.adda-sr.org п‚· Behavioral Report Card Generator http://www.jimwrightonline.com/php/tbrc/tbrc.php п‚· Center for Children and Families http://ccf.buffalo.edu/default.php п‚· Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disabilities http://www.chadd.org п‚· Discipline Help – You Can Handle Them All http://www.disciplinehelp.com/teacher/ п‚· Dr. Mac’s Behavior Management Site http://www.behavioradvisor.com/ п‚· Dr. Russell A. Barkley’s Website http://www.russellbarkley.org/ п‚· Healthy Children (American Academy of Pediatrics) http://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/adhd/Pages/default.aspx п‚· Homework Advice http://www.samgoldstein.comInside ADHD http://www.insideadhd.org/ п‚· My ADHD website http://www.myadhd.com п‚· National Resource Center on ADHD http://www.help4adhd.org п‚· Sandra Rief’s Website http://www.sandrarief.com/ п‚· What is ADHD? Power Point www.myadhd.com/whatisadhd.html Books п‚· Alexander-Roberts, C. (1995). ADHD & Teens, A Parent’s Guide to Making It Through the Tough Years. Lanham, MD: Taylor Trade Publishing. п‚· Ashley, S. (2005). The ADD & ADHD Answer Book, The top 275 questions parents ask. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, Inc. п‚· Barkley, R. A. (2005). Taking Charge of ADHD. New York: Guilford Press. п‚· Barkley, R.A (2005). Your Defiant Child: 8 Steps to Better Behavior. New York: Guilford Press. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 88 п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· Crutsinger, C. & Moore, D. (1997). ADD Quick Tips. Carrollton, TX: Brainworks. Flick, G. (2000). How to Reach & Teach Teenagers with ADHD. San Francisco: JosseyBass. Fowler, M. (1992). Maybe You Know My Kid: A parent’s guide to identifying, understanding and helping your child with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. (2nd edition). New York: Birch Press. Fowler, M. (2001). Maybe You Know My Teen: A parent’s guide to identifying, understanding and helping your teenager with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. (2nd edition). New York: Birch Press. Hallowell, E. and Ratey, J (1996) Answers to Distraction. New York: Bantam Publishers. Hallowell, E. and Ratey, J. (2005). Delivered from Distraction. New York: Random House. Hallowell, E. and Ratey, J. (1994). Driven to Distraction. New York: Touchstone. Greenbaum, J. and Markel, G. (2001). Helping Adolescents with ADHD & Learning Disabilities. Paramus, NJ: Center for Applied Research in Education. Levine, M. (2005). Ready or Not, Hear Life Comes. New York: Simon & Schuster. Levine, M. (1990). Keeping Ahead in School. Educators Publishing Service. Monastra, V. (2005) Parenting Children with ADHD. Washington, DC: APA Life Tools. Mooney, J. & Cole, D. (2000). Learning Outside the Lines. New York: Simon & Schuster. Phelan, T. (2003). 1 – 2 – 3 Magic: Effective discipline for children 2 – 12. Glen Ellyn, IL: Child Management, Inc. Polis, B. (2001). Only a Mother Could Love Him. Henley Beach, South Australia: Seaview Press. Rief, S. (2003). The ADHD Book of Lists. San Francisco: Josey-Bass. Rief, S. (1998). The ADD/ADHD Checklist, An easy reference for parents & teachers. San Francisco: Josey-Bass. Reif, S. (1993). How to Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children. West Nyack, NY: Center for Applied Research in Education. Robin, A. (1998). ADHD in Adolescents, Diagnosis and Treatment. New York: Guilford Press. Rosemond, J. (1990). Ending the Homework Hassle. Andrews McMeel Publishing. Taylor, B. (2007). ADHD & Me: What I learned from lighting fires at the dinner table. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications. Wax, I. & Kravets, M. (2010). The K & W guide to colleges for students with learning disabilities or attention deficit disorder, 10th edition. New Jersey: Princeton Review Ziegler-Dendy, C. A. and Zeigler, A. (2003). A Bird’s Eye View of Life with ADD and ADHD. Cedar Bluff, AL: Cherish the Children. Ziegler-Dendy, C. A. (2000). Teaching Teens with ADD and ADHD. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House. College/College Preparation/Work Websites п‚· ACT Services for Students with Disabilities http://www.act.org/aap/disab/index.html п‚· Association for Higher Education and Disabilities http://ahead.org/ п‚· College Board (PSAT, SAT, AP exams) Students with Disabilities http://www.collegeboard.com/ssd/student/index.html п‚· Cornell Learning Strategies Center http://lsc.sas.cornell.edu/ Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 89 п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· LD Online: Transition and Self-Advocacy http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/transition/transition_self_advocacy.html National Center for Learning Disabilities: College & Work http://www.ncld.org/collegeaamp-work Office for Civil Rights: Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/transition.html Saint John University Study Skills Guide http://www.csbsju.edu/academicadvising/helplist.htm Ten Traps of Studying http://campushealth.unc.edu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=470&Itemi d=65 Texas A& M Department of Disability Services http://disability.tamu.edu/ University of Minnesota Deluth Study Strategies http://www.d.umn.edu/kmc/student/loon/acad/strat/ University of Texas Services for Students with Disabilities http://www.utexas.edu/diversity/ddce/ssd/index.php Universities That Accept American Sign Language As A Foreign Language http://web.mac.com/swilcox/UNM/univlist.html Virginia College Quest http://www.vacollegequest.org/index.shtml Dyslexia & Learning Disabilities Websites п‚· Fact Sheets from International Dyslexia Association http://www.interdys.org/FactSheets.htm п‚· Houston Branch of the International Dyslexia Association http://www.houstonida.org/ п‚· International Dyslexia Association http://www.interdys.org/ п‚· LD Online http://www.ldonline.org п‚· Learning Ally (formerly Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, Inc.) п‚· http://www.learningally.org/ п‚· Life Success for Children with Disabilities http://www.ldsuccess.org/index.html п‚· National Center for Learning Disabilities http://www.ncld.org/ п‚· National Dissemination Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities http://www.nichcy.org п‚· Neuhaus Education Center http://www.neuhaus.org/ п‚· Programa de conocimiento de dislexia para educadores y padres http://www.region10.org/dyslexia/Documents/DyslexiaBrochure_Spanish.pdf п‚· Reading Teacher Network http://www.readingteachersnetwork.org/ п‚· Region 4 Education Service Center http://www.esc4.net/default.aspx?name=dyslexia.home п‚· Region 10 Education Service Center http://www.region10.org/dyslexia/ п‚· Texas Scottish Rite Hospital http://www.tsrhc.org/dyslexia.htm п‚· Texas Talking Book Program http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/tbp/ п‚· Humble ISD’s Dyslexia Link: http://www.humbleisd.net/Page/532 Books п‚· Hall, S. & Moats. L. (2002). Parenting a Struggling Reader. New York: Broadway Books. п‚· Levine, M. (2005). Ready or Not, Here Life Comes. New York: Simon & Schuster. Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 90 п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· Marshall, A. (2004). The Everything Parent’s Guide to Children with Dyslexia. Avon, MA: F+W Publications, Inc. Moats, L. C. and Dakin, K. E. (2008). Basic Facts About Dyslexia and Other Reading Problems. Baltimore, MD: The International Dyslexia Association. Roffman, A. (2007). Guiding Teens with Learning Disabilities, navigating the transition from high school to adulthood. New York: Random House. Shaywitz, S. (2003). Overcoming Dyslexia. New York: Knopf. Educator Resources Websites п‚· Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice Web Site http://cecp.air.org/ п‚· Classroom Friendly Reinforcers Online http://www.jimwrightonline.com/php/jackpot/jackpot.php п‚· Classroom Problem Solver Archive http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/archives/shore.shtml п‚· Intervention Central http://www.interventioncentral.org п‚· LD Online for Educators http://www.ldonline.org/educators п‚· Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) http://kc.vanderbilt.edu/pals/ п‚· Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports http://www.pbis.org п‚· School Resources for Chronic Disease Management http://www.oakgov.com/health/assets/Documents/PPHS/chronic.pdf п‚· Strategies That Work Archive http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/archives/strategy.shtml п‚· Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Instructional Strategies and Practices http://www.ed.gov/teachers/needs/speced/adhd/adhd-resource-pt2.pdf Books п‚· Christian, B. (1999). Outrageous Behavior Modification. Pro-Ed. п‚· House, S. (2002). Learning Intervention Manual. Columbia, MO: Hawthorne Education Services. п‚· House, S. Behavior Intervention Manual. (2002). Columbia, MO: Hawthorne Education Services. п‚· Jones, F. (2000). Tools for Teaching. Fredric Jones & Associates. п‚· McCarney, S., Wunderlich, K. & Bauer, A. (1993). Pre-Referral Intervention Manual. Columbia, MO: Hawthorne Education Services. п‚· Reif, S. (1993). How to Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children. West Nyack, NY: Center for Applied Research in Education. п‚· Rhode, G., Reavis, K., Jenson, W. (1996). The Tough Kid Book: Practical Classroom Management. Longmont, CO: Sopris West п‚· Sprick, R. & Howard, L. (1995) The Teacher’s Encyclopedia of Behavior Management. Longmont, CO: Sopris West. Other Websites п‚· American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry http://www.aacap.org п‚· American Academy of Pediatrics http://www.healthychildren.org п‚· American Psychological Association http://apa.org/ п‚· Center for Children and Families http://ccf.buffalo.edu/default.php п‚· Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation www.bpkids.org Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 91 п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· Great Schools http://www.greatschools.net Healthy Minds http://www.healthyminds.org/ Microsoft Accommodations Guide http://www.microsoft.com/enable/guides/default.aspx National Association of School Psychologists Publications http://www.naspcenter.org/resourcekit National Institute of Mental Health http://www.nimh.nih.gov Massachusetts General Hospital’s School Psychiatry Program: http://www2.massgeneral.org/schoolpsychiatry/for_educators.asp Section 504 Coordinator Handbook 2013 – 2014 92
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