Lamar University School Counselor Practicum Manual In Preparation for the School Counseling Practicum CNDV 5390 The Conceptual Framework of the Lamar University undergraduate and graduate educator preparation programs illuminates the vision of the faculty. The programs prepare educators for a changing world by requiring as outcomes pedagogical content knowledge, content proficiency, communications skills, values and analytical abilities. Critical thinking is a must for responding to the diverse needs of PK-12 students in a myriad of changing settings. Lamar University degree and certificate candidates also develop the dispositions and habits of mind that encourage “self-learning” and “lifelong learning” that will enable them to encounter change with confidence. The Practicum Handbook is subject to revisions. Please keep updated with new information as it becomes available. This is the 1st edition (June, 2012) TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: OVERVIEW Practicum Prerequisites and Requirements…………………………………………………....….4 Professional School Counselor Competencies....................................................................…....... 5 Earning Practicum Hours………………………………………………………….………...……7 Documenting the Practicum…………………………………………………...………………….7 Requirements of Practicum Observations…………………………………………………….......8 Schedule of Practicum Observations and Conferences………………………………………….11 Site-Based Mentor and Mentorship……………………………………………………………...11 Checklists13 PART II: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Professional and Ethical Guidelines……………………………………….…………………….14 Maintain and Advocate Confidentiality…………………………………………………………14 Reporting Abuse of Children, Elderly or Disabled Persons……………………………………..15 Assessing and Responding to Crisis……………………………………………………………..15 PART III: CERTIFICATION School Counselor Certification…………………………………………………….……………16 Certification Test-taking Strategies………………………………………………..…………….17 Counselor TExES Information……………………………………………………..……………18 Frequently Asked Questions………………………………………………………..……………19 APPEDICES: FORMS AND OTHER INFORMATION Appendix A: Site-Based Mentor Agreement …………………………….……………….….....22 Appendix B: Basic Information Form……………………………………..…………………….24 Appendix C: Practicum Hours Log……………………………………………………………...26 Appendix D: Summary Practicum Report/Plan…………………………………………………28 Appendix E: Observation Rubric One…………………………………………………………..29 Appendix F: Observation Rubric Two…………………………………………………………..30 Appendix G: Observation Rubric Three…………………………………………………………31 Appendix H: Documentation of Site-Based Mentor Training…………………………………...33 Appendix I: Skills Practice and Listening Responses…………………………………………...34 2  PART I: OVERVIEW School counselors hold one of the most responsible, challenging, and professionally and personally satisfying positions in US public schools. The Practicum experiences are intended to provide Lamar Counseling Practicum students the opportunity to apply and further develop their knowledge base and counseling skills by applying these abilities in the school setting. The practicum should provide the types of experiences likely to be encountered by prospective counselors as they assume a position and role of a school counselor. The practicum experiences are planned based on ten school counseling competencies within the domains of: Understanding Students, Planning and Implementing a Developmental Guidance Program, and Collaboration, Consultation, and Professionalism. Accreditation Standards The Professional School Counselor program is designed to provide an opportunity to apply the information and skills you obtain from the master’s program in a real-world environment. Great care has been taken to include the content recommended by national specialty organizations and supplemented by Lamar University faculty members. In addition, this course has been developed to address the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National School Counselor Performance Standards, as well as Texas State Standards. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP): American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards for the School Counselor Certificate in Texas (SBEC):$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p tloc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&p_tac=&ti=19&pt=7&ch=239&rl=15 The purpose of the degree and certification is to prepare candidates to deliver counseling services to meet student and campus needs through learning and academic achievement. Professional school counselors are expected to provide a systematic program for helping all students to acquire skills for success in academic, career, and social and emotional development (ASCA, 2005). The practicum hours begin in the last 15 hours of the school counseling program. The capstone practicum course is the final course of the program. That is, beginning in the 7th course, students will be required to meet with their site mentors and to collect direct and indirect hours to meet program requirements. 3  The practicum requires 160 clock hours, 100 of which are considered non-direct hours and 60 of which are considered direct hours. Documentation of these hours is of the utmost importance. Further, beginning in the 7th course, students will participate in three required observations. In addition to participating in observations of delivering services, students will be required to meet with their site-based mentors on a regular basis (i.e., once every three weeks) and attend Practicum Course Webinars, at least two per course for Course 7, Course 8, Course 9, Course 10, and Course 11. During Course 12, the capstone practicum course, students will be required to meet weekly. Each of the requirements of the Practicum is presented in detail in the following sections. Practicum Prerequisites and Requirements Professional Liability Insurance Prior to seeing clients, proof of professional liability insurance must be shown to your professor. Showing a copy of the policy listing your name, the policy number and duration of the policy will meet this requirement. Professional organizations, such as the American Counseling Association (ACA) offer student member benefits and reduced rates for students in graduate program practicum courses (See Textbook Johnson, S. L. (2004). Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention, Second Edition: The 1-2-3's of Treatment Planning (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional. San Diego, CA: Elsevier. This textbook is required for students in the 7th course through the 12th course. TK-20 Account It is important to stay current with your TK-20 account and upload all documentation pertaining to coursework and practicum hours. This documentation is mandatory for graduation and certification purposes. See Learning Outcomes of the Practicum 1. 2. 3. 4. Expand upon skills developed during other courses (CACREP II.J.3.b.). Relate theory to practice (CACREP II.J.3.a). Evaluate their professional growth and specific career goals (CACREP II.3.c.d). Consult with appropriate individuals (CACREP II.J.3.c.8.b). 4  5. Gain increased understanding of the relationship of administrative functions to the counselor role (CACREP II.J.8.b). 6. Acquire greater knowledge of and experience in the application of a variety of intervention strategies (CACREP II.J.3.a.d.e). 7. Gain an understanding and appreciation of professional, ethical, and legal issues and behavior (CACREP II.J.3.a.d.e). 8. Gain understanding of multicultural and diversity issues and needs (CACREP II.J.2.a.3.d). 9. Expand knowledge and application of technology in counseling and assisting clients/students (CACREP II.J.3.a.b). 10. Function as a professional counselor in an approved clinical/school setting (CACREP II.J.3.b). Professional School Counselor Competencies The Practicum has been considered of the highest importance as you begin to work in the school setting delivering services to students and consulting with parents, teachers, administrators, or appropriately designated others based on student and school needs. These activities should be focused on students and their well-being and age-appropriate development in the academic, social-emotional, and career areas. The Practicum is organized around the four components of a school counseling program: 1. 2. 3. 4. Developmental Guidance Curriculum Individual Planning Responsive Services System Support The Practicum is also organized to give the future counselor experiences related the Professional School Counselor Competencies. You will need these competencies for completing your practicum logs. You might consider printing the list of competencies to have at your desk for future referencing. Students will align each counseling activity noted on the Practicum Hours Log with one or more of the 10 Competencies. 5  Competency 1 Human Development The school counselor understands processes of human development and applies this knowledge to provide a developmental guidance program, including counseling services, that meets the needs of all students. Competency 2 Student Diversity The school counselor understands human diversity and applies this knowledge to ensure that the developmental guidance and counseling program is responsive to all students. Competency 3 Factors Affecting Students The school counselor understands factors that may affect students' development and school achievement and applies this knowledge to promote students' ability to achieve their potential. Competency 4 Program Management The school counselor understands how to plan, implement, and evaluate a developmental guidance program, including counseling services, that promotes all students' success. Competency 5 Developmental Guidance Program The school counselor knows how to provide a comprehensive developmental guidance program that promotes all students' personal growth and development. Competency 6 Counseling The school counselor understands how to provide effective counseling services to individuals and small groups. Competency 7 Assessment The school counselor understands principles of assessment and is able to use assessment results to identify students' strengths and needs, monitor progress, and engage in planning to promote school success. Competency 8 Collaboration with Families The school counselor knows how to communicate effectively with families and establish collaborative relationships that enhance work with students. Competency 9 Collaboration with Others in the School and Community The school counselor understands how to work collaboratively with other professionals and with community members to promote positive change and to facilitate student learning. Competency 10 Professionalism The school counselor understands and complies with ethical, legal, and professional standards relevant to the profession. 6  Earning Practicum Hours Following are the suggested ways to earn the 160 Practicum hours. Special circumstances may require modification of these guidelines; consult your Lamar Supervisor or Instructor of the Practicum for special circumstances. • • • • • • • • • There are three formal observations during the Practicum. You should earn at least 60 direct service hours working with students in activities related to four broad areas of school counseling: individual planning; intervention or crisis counseling; guidance delivery classes and group counseling; and individual counseling responding to specific student issues, crises, or needs. These should be planned with your Campus Mentor and/or Administrator based on School Counselor Standards and Competencies and the mission/vision of your Comprehensive School Counseling Program. Hours should be planned with your Mentor and/or Principal, and these experiences should address identified campus needs and priorities and be related to the 10 Counselor Competencies. Some hours will be associated with your course degree plan. These hours are earned performing work on the campus related to the 10 Counselor Competencies and the four areas of a comprehensive counseling program noted in the previous section. 100 indirect service hours are earned at the discretion of your campus mentor. These might include conferences with your campus mentor and/or principal (administrator) during the course of your practicum and other duties as assigned. You will log your hours using the forms provided in this handbook. These forms are also located in the Resources section of every course. Some students may find that they earn more than 160 hours and/are that the number of hours are not precise in each category, but all 10 School Counselor Competencies should be covered. Pre-Practicum hours are not counted as Practicum hours although field experiences are embedded in most rotation courses. In actual implementation, these recommended hours or not absolute because the exact number of hours in the examples may represent overlapping categories of counseling services. Documenting the Practicum It is the responsibility of each practicum student to stay organized with respect to documenting the practicum hours. Beginning in Course 7, students should have submitted the following forms and documentation to TK-20: (a) Site-Based Mentor Agreement (see Appendix A), (b) Evidence of Liability Insurance, and (c) Basic Information Form (see Appendix B). Next, students will complete the Application for Practicum paperwork sent via TK-20 when the three documents are submitted. Each 45-minute activity should be documented on the Practicum Hours Log. If the practicum student sees students in smaller increments of time, a personal log should be kept and when the smaller meetings, in one area or competency, add up to 45 minutes, this data should be 7  transferred to the Practicum Hours Log. It is important for practicum students to complete the reflection as part of each 45-minute activity, which is located on the Practicum Hours Log (see Appendix C), because this information will be used in the Capstone Practicum Course. A Summary Practicum Report/Plan (see Appendix D) should be completed every three weeks. This form should be signed every three weeks by the site-based mentor. Therefore, it is the responsibility for the practicum student to meet with site-based mentors every three weeks. In addition, as part of Practicum Supervision, it is the responsibility of the practicum student to attend the scheduled webinars beginning in Course 7. This meeting occurs on Tuesday at 7:00 of every 1st, 3rd, and 5th week in courses. Students who are in their 7th-11th course are required to attend at the minimum two meetings per course. Attendance is documented. Students must sign in with their Cohort Number, not section number. Once you enter the meeting room, type into the chat the word “present.” This will document your name, cohort number, and attendance. These meetings will also document your observation review and conference. Requirements of Practicum Observations The practicum experience includes three formal observations. These observations record your skills as a counselor-in-training. Feedback will be given during Webinars and via the rubric provided to students. Send the videotaped presentation through Dropbox: • • • • • • • Create a Dropbox file – Go to and create a file for yourself. Please use your Lamar e-mail address. Create a shared folder – Find “Share” on the left side of the screen. Save the videotaped presentation, power point and any handouts used in the presentation to a folder. Include in this folder the Basic Information Form so your evaluator is able to identify you. Make your folder a shared folder and name it with your name you are using at Lamar. Ask to share the folder with the evaluator assigned to your cohort. This email address will be provided to you at the beginning of Course 7. Students will receive an e-mail that they have asked the evaluator to view the shared folder. When the evaluator opens your folder, you will get an e-mail confirmation from Dropbox saying that the instructor has accepted your folder. Each observation is unique and assesses your knowledge and skills as a professional school counselor-in-training. Observation One The first observation (Course 7) focuses on the domain of System Support (see the ASCA National Model, p. 43). According to ASCA (2005), system support consists of management 8  activities that establish, maintain, and enhance the total school counseling program. Guiding criteria, in addition to the Observation Rubric One (see Appendix E) are as follows: 8.1 System support services have been created collaboratively with counselors and administrators. 8.2 Counselors provide professional development to staff regarding the school counseling program. 8.3 Counselors participate in professional development activities. 8.4 Counselors serve on departmental curriculum committees, district-level subject counsels, community committees, or advisory councils. 8.5 Counselors use data to advocate for systematic change to reduce barriers to student learning. Suggestions for Observation One • • • • • • • • • • • • Parents and Teachers working together Assessment Training for STAAR Administration Texting, Sexting and Cyber Bullying Graduation Requirements Standard Testing of any kind Financial Aid College Application Explanation of Special Programs (Gifted and Talented, Dsylexia) Stranger Dangers or Mall Safety Sign of Addictions Signs of gangs Student mentor programs These are only a few ideas – get with your mentors. Counselors are often expected to give presentations to staff, grade level teachers, PTA, or other parent groups. Observation Two The second observation (Course 9) is based on Individual Student Planning Support (see the ASCA National Model, p. 41). Individual student planning consists of coordinating, ongoing systemic activities designed to meet academic and social needs of students, and developing future plans. Guiding criteria, in addition to the Observation Rubric Two (see Appendix F) according to ASCA (2005, p. 134) are as follows: 6.1 There is a systematic approach to helping students make appropriate education plans. 6.2 There is a systematic approach to helping students understand themselves through interpretation of standardized and individual tests. 6.3 A tool exists at the secondary level to assist students in making appropriate educational plan (i.e., six-year plan). 9  6.4 Individual student planning includes: individual appraisal, individual advisement and appropriate student placement. 6.5 Accurate, appropriate, and effective printed material is distributed to support the individual planning effort of students and their parents. 6.6 The district wide tools used for educational planning have been presented to the school board. Suggestions for Observation Two • • • • • • • • • • Test score review, interpretation, and analysis with students or parents Promotion and retention information Career decision-making Yearly course selection Financial aid Interest inventories Social skills talks with parents and/or students (not on camera) Test-taking strategies College selection Review of behavior plans with parents and/or students (not on camera) Observation Three The third observation (Course 11) is based on the ACSA (2005) description of Responsive Services (see the ASCA National Model, p. 42). Responsive services consists of activities to meet students’ immediate needs and concerns, such as consultation, individual or group counseling, referral, peer facilitation, or other information. Guiding criteria, in addition to the Observation Rubric Three (see Appendix G) according to ASCA (2005, p. 139) are as follows: 7.1 Every student receives prevention education to address life choices in academic, career, and personal/social development. 7.2 Students are assisted in solving immediate problems that interfere with their academic, career, and personal/social development (i.e., conflict resolution, peer mediation). 7.3 There is a systematic and consistent provision for the referral of students who exhibit barriers to learning. 7.4 Responsive services include: (a) individual/group counseling; (b) crisis counseling; (c) peer facilitation; (d) consultation/collaboration; (e) referral system 7.5 A system is in place to ensure intervention for identified students. 7.6 A plan is in place to address systematic changes needed in the school to address students’ needs. Suggestions for Observation Three • • Developmental guidance lesson to a small group (no students on camera) Consultation with teacher, parent, or group 10  • • • Explaining/discussing a special program to a student or group (e.g., peer mediation, mentors) Counseling session (with consent) Group counseling session (with consent) All Observation Rubrics for each respective observation are located in the Appendices Section of this manual. Schedule of Practicum Observations and Conferences These Observations and Conferences are mandatory and attendance is documented. Observation 1 Supervisor Conference Observation 2 Supervisor Conference Observation 3 Supervisor Conference Course 7 Course 8 Course 9 Course 10 Course 11 Course 12 Site-Based Mentor and Mentorship Students are required to secure a mentor by the beginning of the 7th course when practicum hours begin. The mentor agreement is located in Appendix A of this handbook. Both the campus administrator and the site-based mentor must agree to the mentor agreement.  Roles and Responsibilities of the Site-Based Mentor Site-based mentors play an important role in the success of the school counseling program. The site mentor role is to provide support and direction for interns in their efforts to develop increased knowledge, skills, and personal qualities appropriate to the role of the professional school counselor. All mentors must have a School Counselor Certificate. Exceptions can be made in the case that the site does not employ or have access to a certified school counselor. Practicum students may have more than one mentor. (In the event there is no a School Counselor available, the campus administrator who is charged with the evaluation of school counselors may serve as the mentor.) Mentor training will be via web conferencing for school counselors who have not had a university course in supervision or other mentor training. Practicum students will send mentors an email after the start of the practicum that includes a link to view the Site-Based Mentor Training and follow-up with mentors to sign the Documentation of Site-Based Mentor Training. The site mentor will provide coaching for strengths and for areas needing improvement. This coaching is accomplished by meeting regularly with the intern to discuss and facilitate the intern’s experiences. The site mentor will establish open, two-way communication and trust in the relationship with the intern. As the site mentor critiques activities, the focus should be on 11  developing leadership knowledge and competencies. The site mentor will discuss with the intern the tasks in which he or she is engaged and help the intern learn from these experiences. The site mentor will check the intern’s progress at least every two months, or more often at your discretion. They may review the logs and/or summary practicum report/plan sheets along the way. We are asking the site mentor to verify the hours earned in the campus-supervised activities at the end of the Internship. Also, at the end of the program, we will ask you to complete an evaluation called the Mentor Evaluation and to conduct an “internship exit interview” with the intern to bring closure for that experience. The mentor may share the Mentor Evaluation at the supervisor’s discretion. The intern will print the Supervisor Evaluation and give a copy to the site mentor. Directions for submission are on the evaluation. The program considers this a confidential document and should be returned by the site mentor. Mentors: • • • • • • • • • Share their school counseling background and experiences in order to help the trainee understand the legitimate role of school counselor. Provide personal insights regarding the profession in a comfortable, trusting atmosphere. Introduce trainees to key personnel and familiarize them with the school and policies that guide the counseling program. Explain their style and techniques and share their counseling goals for their school and for student development. Observe and oversee the work of the trainee, review trainee’s log, and offer suggestions for growth. Assist the trainee to find time to complete the practicum and develop the Competencies that beginning school counselors much possess. Make an honest appraisal of the trainee’s performance as a developing professional. Keep the designated administrator abreast of counselor trainee’s progress. Notify the Lamar Counseling Observation Supervisor of any major difficulties or problems. Mentors are one of the most important people in the induction of new counselors into the profession. We and our students are honored to have mentors to help with the task of induction into the school counseling profession. Role and Responsibilities of the Practicum Student Practicum students must meet with mentors at the minimum, every three weeks. During this meeting, it is the responsibility of the practicum student to document the meeting using the Summary Practicum Report/Plan (see Appendix D). Students should bring with them to each meeting with site-based mentors all of the Practicum Hours Log (see Appendix E) for review and/or discussion, at the discretion of the site-based mentor. At Week 5 of each course from Course 7 until graduation, students are responsible to submit a final Summary Practicum Report/Plan to their TK-20 accounts. Finally, practicum students will provide their mentors with an email that contains the link for the Site-Based Mentor Training. After providing this link, the practicum student will be responsible for meeting with his/her mentor and have the site-based mentor sign the Documentation of Site-Based Mentor Training (see Appendix H) form. 12  Practicum students: • Are open to feedback, including areas of growth and professional identity. • Stay organized, and brings to site-mentor meetings hour logs, one Summary Practicum Report/Plan, and ideas for contributing to the campus mission plan and the comprehensive school counseling plan. • Remain positive when working with site-based mentors and other professionals. • Are innovative, knowledgeable of the ASCA National Model, and creative school leaders. • Document all hours on the Practicum Hours Log for each 45 minute or longer activity. Other activities should be kept on a personal running log and when totaling 45 minutes may be transferred to the Practicum Hours Log. • Align all Practicum Hours Log activities to the 10 Professional School Counselor Competencies. • Are responsible for setting up regular meeting with site-based mentors. When these meetings are cancelled, the student is responsible to follow-up and reschedule. • Explain their approach for working with students, including theory, and ASCA student competencies. • Represent the profession, themselves, and their coursework with the highest of standards. Checklists Paperwork Checklist for Practicum Students 1. Liability Insurance (upload to TK-20) 2. Site-Mentor Agreement (upload to TK-20) 3. Site-Mentor Training Overview Documentation (upload to TK-20) 4. Basic Information Form (upload to TK-20) 5. Practicum Hours Log (keep until course 12) 6. Summary Practicum Report/Plan (upload one after each 5-Week Course to TK-20) 7. Documentation of Site-Based Mentor Training (upload to TK-20) Schedule Checklist for Practicum Students 1. Schedule a meeting at least every three-weeks with your site-based mentor 2. Send site-based mentor the link to view the Site-Based Mentor Training 3. Attend at least two of three Practicum Meetings via webinar beginning in Course 7 and ending in Course 11 4. Be sure to clarify the time of day not required in your job responsibilities to meet practicum hour activities 5. Take time to take care of yourself and your own personal wellness 13  PART II: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Professional and Ethical Guidelines As counselors, your behavior, attire and attitude reflect upon the department, university and the counseling profession in general. Consequently, it is important to maintain a professional image for the community, clients, peers and professors. There are several things you can do to enhance the image you project, including, but not limited to: • • Dressing appropriately and professionally when seeing students and students’ parents NEVER discussing cases outside of class or outside the setting of your site-mentor meetings Know and Practice within the Current ACA Code of Ethics Obtain a copy and print this document out for a notebook. You should have this copy available at all times. See Maintain and Advocate Confidentiality The privacy of the counseling relationship and material shared therein belong to the student. Cases should not be discussed with anyone other than the site mentors, supervisors and other practicum students in the setting of the course. Other than the legal exceptions to confidentiality, the client is the only one who can direct you to release information. Introduce yourself to your client(s)/students. If your student is a minor and you are conducting a group, you will need to provide a Professional Disclosure Statement/Informed Consent. You will need to work with your site-based mentor to create this document based on the requirements of your campus and district. Inform the student with whom you are working that you will need to obtain consent from his/her parent if the student is not 18 years of age. DO NOT simply summarize the forms. Informed consent requires that the client be given ample opportunity, without pressure, to fully read and understand any form before signing. A sample Professional Disclosure Statement/Informed Consent is provided in Appendix F. Once your student(s) or student’s parents have completed the consent form, begin each initial group session by addressing confidentiality, and ensure that the client(s) fully understands the purpose, limits and ramifications of confidentiality. This must be done regardless of the age of the client. Therefore, be sure to select appropriate vocabulary and/or language. Explain that you are a student in a professional counseling program. Because of this, make it clear that you will be receiving supervision from your professor and, potentially, classmates. Next, obtain their signature (if not already signed) and place one copy of the form in the file and give the second copy to the client. Remember the difference between maintaining confidentiality and participating in consultation. In the school setting, you can effectively work with a teacher to set goals for a student without breaking confidentiality. For students under 18, recognize the guidelines for engaging family 14  members and sharing information with parents in generally while honoring the confidentiality details disclosed by a student. Parents have the right to information shared only by their own children in a group setting. Correspondence All official documents intended for correspondence concerning a client must be co-signed by site mentor. Any letter that contains counseling program information, the services of the school counselor, or might be viewed as some form of contract or agreement must be co-signed by your site mentor. Reporting Abuse of Children, Elderly or Disabled Persons If, during the course of counseling, you suspect that a child, elderly or disabled person is being abused, remind the client of your legal obligation to report. Obtain as much information as you can, including the name, address, birth date (or age) of the person being abused, form and types of injuries, date and time abuse occurred, and the name, address, and telephone number of the alleged perpetrator, if possible. In addition, you must follow the protocol of your school. In many cases, this includes informing the administrator of the information. It is preferable that you and your site mentor report the abuse together. You are required by law to make the report within 48 hours after learning of the possible abuse. In the state of Texas, you would contact: The Department of Protective & Regulatory Services at 1-800-252-5400. For other state, please have the appropriate number or website in a convenient location for quick reference. Assessing and Responding to Crisis If, during the course of counseling, a client states or suggests suicidal ideation, a Risk Assessment Form must be completed so that appropriate action can be taken. You must notify your site-based mentor and follow the protocol set up on your campus. Forms for assessing and responding to crisis are located in your textbook: Johnson, S. L. (2004). Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention, Second Edition: The 1-2-3's of Treatment Planning (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional. San Diego, CA: Elsevier Remember to consult with your site-based mentor before and after responding to crisis. 15  PART III: CERTIFICATION School Counselor Certification According to ASCA (2005), most public school systems require advanced degree courses in the Master’s degree that include the following topics: Introduction to School Counseling Human Growth and Development Counseling Theories Group Counseling Social and Cultural Foundations Testing/Appraisal Research and Program Evaluation Career Development Law and Ethics Developmental Guidance Leadership in Crisis Supervised Practicum Your degree at Lamar University is no exception. These courses, although they vary in name, are part of the Lamar Academic Partnership program. Specifically, courses and the course calendar are as follows: Start Date End Date 7/16/2012 8/27/2012 10/8/2012 11/19/2012 1/14/2013 2/25/2013 4/8/2013 6/3/2013 7/15/2013 8/26/2013 10/7/2013 11/18/2013 1/13/2014 2/24/2014 4/7/2014 6/2/2014 7/14/2014 8/25/2014 10/6/2014 11/17/2014 8/20/2012 10/1/2012 11/12/2012 12/21/2012 2/18/2013 4/1/2013 5/13/2013 7/8/2013 8/19/2013 9/30/2013 11/11/2013 12/20/2013 2/17/2014 3/31/2014 5/12/2014 7/7/2014 8/18/2014 9/29/2014 11/10/2014 12/19/2014 First Course 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 Second Course 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 5311 Courses 3-11 (The Final Course is Capstone Practicum) 5312 Group Counseling Theories B 5323 Career Development 5334 Testing and Assessment 5320 Cross Cultural Counseling 5322 Ethics and Law 5301 Human Growth and Development 5382 Research 5381 School Counseling Leadership 5330 Developmental Guidance 5312 Group Counseling Theories B 5323 Career Development 5334 Testing and Assessment 5320 Cross Cultural Counseling 5322 Ethics and Law 5301 Human Growth and Development 5382 Research 5381 School Counseling Leadership 5330 Developmental Guidance 5312 Group Counseling Theories B 5323 Career Development An updated course schedule can be downloaded via: 16  These courses are the courses that each state requires as part of the certification in school counseling. It is important that you check the requirements specific to your state to see if any additional requirements are needed. For example, the Lamar Academic Partnership program is a 36 hour program. Some states require a master’s degree and 48 hours. Lamar University offers an additional 12 hours to meet the requirements for certification in these states. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire with each state department of education the requirements for certification. Information for certification by state can be found at: For study guides for each state, see: If taking the additional 12 hours with Lamar University, your coursework will comprise the following courses: • Internship (Residency I and Residency II) • Abnormal Human Behavior • Advanced Skills and Techniques (or other similar course) • Elective Certification Test-Taking Strategies Regardless of the certification test, each test is an application test. Remember: you do not answer how the scenario or question asked might be handled in your school. Remember: you are guided by best practice. Consider the metaphor that you work in Green Grass ISD (or Ideal ISD). Neither time, energy, nor money (i.e. how much the action may cost) are your concern in your answer because you work on the Greener Grass campus. You must do what is right with each student in mind…think learner-centered! The right “mind set” is crucial. The week before the exam, review the 10 competencies, and the descriptions of the content. Also, review the ASCA National Model (2005). The correct answer will be consistent with the framework. Students are advised to read this material at least twice per day for seven days and at least one of these brief daily activities should occur just before you go to sleep each night. Some answer choices (distracters) are not wrong; they just are not the best choice. The correct answer will be the BEST answer. Watch for items that ask: “What is the first thing to would do?” You may misread such a direction in the stem as: “What is the thing to do?” Several responses could fit as plausible/possible thing to do or actions to take but are not the first thing to do and thus are the wrong answer. 17  Counselor TExES Information Students cannot register for the TExES without attending the Lamar Workshop where you will take the Lamar Pre-Test and a TExES review session. The passing score for the Pre-Test is 75. After passing the Pre-Test, you will be given the letter of recommendation and be able to sign-up for the TExES at a testing center near your home. Please check your current course Resources section for dates specific to the Lamar Workshop session. The Lamar University Campus Map: Visitor’s Guide to Beaumont (Hotels and More): Preparing for the Workshop Read and reread the School Guidance and Counseling - Guide for Program Development: Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program for Texas Public Schools 4th Edition. This is your best source of help in preparing for the TExES. What else can you do prior to taking the Pre-Test and the Review Workshop? You should take or retake the sample exam in the Counselor TExES Preparation Manual. For any item you miss, do not spend time thinking about why your answer was a “good” answer. Try to concentrate on why the correct answer is “right” versus the three distracters or other answer choices .After completing the exam, review the 10 TExES Competencies and the three domains in the Preparation Manual to determine in which areas or domains you may have weaknesses. Test Registration - TEA ID Number You will need a TEA ID number for TExES registration. If you do not have to a TEA ID number to register for testing with Educational Testing Service (ETS), please login into your online TEA account or if you do not have one, you may create a new account. Your TEA ID number will be listed in your profile once you have logged in and or created your account. The Registration Bulletin is available at: 18  Frequently Asked Questions 1. If someone has completed a master’s degree already and wants to enter the School Counseling program, will any courses transfer? Transcripts will be reviewed to determine if any courses match the current degree plan. Up to 6 hours may be credited only if these hours are accrued at Lamar University Academic Partnership. 2. If I am out of state, how do I find out if Lamar’s School Counseling Program will meet my educational needs to become a school counselor? Students or potential students from Out-Of-State should consult their state’s Department of Education for requirements for school counseling certification. Certification may or may not have other requirements, like a teaching certificate and years of teaching experience. A starting place is the ASCA website: 3. Is there a state certification exam which program completers must take after completing the counseling program? Most states have a certification examination. The Praxis II is used by many states to satisfy the certification examination in their states. For information specific to your state, please see the following: For study guides for each state, see: The Professional School Counselor exam for Texas students is the (TExES). The state of Texas requires a Texas teaching certification and 2 years teaching experience. Many students fulfill a year of teaching while pursuing a school counseling degree. Texas students can find information on the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website. 4. Does a person have to complete all coursework before sitting for the state certification exam? In the Lamar University Academic Partnership Program, students are allowed to take the TExES and other certification exams after taking nine courses. Important to this test is the course: Developmental Guidance and Counseling CNDV 5330. 5. Will this program allow me the opportunities to not only do school counseling, but also, clinical or mental health counseling? 19  You will acquired a master’s degree in school counseling upon completing the 36 hour Lamar University Academic Partnership program. Some states require a 48 hour master’s degree and as noted previously, Lamar University offers a supplemental 12 hours to satisfy this requirement. Please give us more information so that we can satisfy LPC requirements. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR STATE REQUIREMENTS 6. What if I want to obtain an LPC license in Texas? According to the Texas State Board of Education, applicants must obtain academic course work in each of the following areas: normal human growth and development; abnormal human behavior; appraisal or assessment techniques; counseling theories; counseling methods or techniques (individual and group); research; lifestyle and career development; social, cultural and family issues; and professional orientation. As part of the graduate program, students must participate in a supervised practicum experience that is primarily counseling in nature. The practicum should be at least 300 clock-hours with at least 100 clock-hours of direct client contact. Academic credit for the practicum must appear on the applicant's transcript. The 12-hour additional coursework fulfills this requirement. For more information in Texas: FOR LICENSURE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO ANY STATE, STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE TO RECOGNIZE REQUIREMENTS AND MEET WITH A LAMAR UNIVERSITY ADVISOR TO ASSURE COURSEWORK MEETS STATE REQUIREMENTS. 20  APPEDICES FORMS AND OTHER INFORMATION Appendix A: Site-Based Mentor Agreement 21  Site Mentor Agreement As a site mentor, I agree to mentor _____________________________ (student name) during the time he/she is involved in meeting the Practicum requirements of the Professional School Counseling Program at Lamar University. Students begin their Practicum in their 7th course and it continues until they complete their 12th course, which spans two semesters, fall and spring, spring and summer, or summer and fall. I agree to provide this graduate student with assistance and mentoring to help fulfill the requirements of the Practicum. The Practicum requires a minimum of 160 hours with a wide range of counseling experiences. It is important that the counselor-in-training has a minimum of 60 hours directly working with students or in a consultation regarding students with parents, teachers or others with whom consultation is needed and 100 hours considered as indirect. The practicum student’s experiences should be based on the four components of a comprehensive developmental guidance and counseling program: Guidance Curriculum; Responsive Services; Individual Planning (addressing areas of educational, career, and personal/social development); and System Support. Signature Site Mentor and Title ______________________________________________________ School and District ___________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________ Date:_______________ Email Address:_____________________________________ Campus Principal Agreement The above named Practicum Student and Mentor may participate in the School Counselor Practicum Program of Lamar University with permission on this campus. When permissible and possible, time within the school day for practical experience and work toward completion of the Practicum is very helpful, but certainly dependent on the realities of the situation on your campus. Signature of the Campus Principal or his/her designee. _________________________________________________Date:_____________________ Email Address:________________________________________________ With respect to any questions or concerns pertaining to the practicum or practicum hours, please contact: Carl J. Sheperis PhD, NCC, LPC, ACS Chair and Associate Professor Counseling and Special Populations Lamar University PO Box 10034 Room 105 Beaumont, TX 77710 [email protected] Phone: 409-880-8978 22  Appendix B: Basic Information Form 23  Basic Information Form Date of Your Presentation: _____________________ Cohort Number: ____________ Name: ______________________________________________________ (First, Last and Middle) Lamar ID Number: ____________________________________________ (this is not your section number) Lamar E-mail address: __________________________________________ Personal e-mail address: _________________________________________ Cell phone number: ____________________________________________ Mailing address: ______________________________________________ Name of School District:________________________________________ Name of campus:______________________________________________ Teaching Assignment (e.g., math, 1st grade, ESL): ___________________ Name of Site-Based Mentor:______________________________________ E-mail address of Site-Based Mentor: ______________________________ Name of Campus Principal:_______________________________________ E-mail of Campus Principal:______________________________________  24  Appendix C: Practicum Hours Log 25  SCHOOL COUNSELING PRACTICUM HOURS LOG School Name and School District: _________________________________________ Student Name_______________________________________ Lamar ID___________ Cohort Number ___________________ Each 45 minute or longer activity should be logged. Note if the activity is direct or indirect services Direct Hours for this activity: ______ Indirect Hours for this activity: _______ I. Activity: __________________________ ____ Individual Planning ____ System Support ____ Responsive Services ____ Guidance Curriculum ____ Other II. Focus of Activity: __ Academic __Family __ Somatic __ Individual __ Group Counseling __ Social/Emotional III. Student(s) (initials only): _________________________ __ Consultation __ Conference __ Other (please state ________________ ) Grade Level: __________ IV. Competency Name and Number: V. Reflection on Activity Performed: (Use two to three sentences; you will need this reflection and others for the final capstone practicum course): VI: Comments: Briefly note any follow-up needed, if any ____________________________________ Intern Signature Date: _____________ Time of Activity: ____________ Running Total Direct Hours_______________ Running Total Indirect Hours _____________ Note. We recommend that you print copies of this log (front back on one page) and store each completed log in a binder for your meetings with site-based mentors. 26  Appendix D: Summary Practicum Report/Plan 27  Summary Practicum Report/Plan This log should be based on three weeks of the Hours Log and should accompany the practicum student to each Site-Based Mentor meeting. Date Summary of Activity Direct Hours Indirect Hours Competency Acquired Plan as a Result of Activity for Counselor Growth Date of Site-Based Mentor Meeting: _______________________ Practicum Student Signature _________________________________________________ Site-Based Mentor Signature _________________________________________________ 28  Appendix E: Observation Rubric One  Individual Student Planning Support Counseling skills measured: basic counseling skills, personal counseling skills and maturity Rating Scale: 4-Exceeds Expectations 3-Meets Expectations 2-Mimium Expectations 1-Needs Remediation NA-Not Observed  RATING ITEM 4 1. The counselor in training presents to peers a presentation on a topic that is appropriate for counselors 2. The counselor in training delivers a presentation that reflects evidence of skill in making a clear organized oral presentation. 3. The counselor in training delivers a presentation using Standard English, demonstrates grammatical proficiency and uses clear enunciation when speaking. 4. The counselor in training delivers a presentation that reflects evidence of self-confidence, enthusiasm and in trust in own ability and skill. 5. The counselor in training demonstrates skill in facilitating and interacting with a group or individuals. 6. The counselor in training delivers a presentation that reflects ability to open, close and summarize the presentation. 7. The counselor in training demonstrates respect for cultural, individual and role differences including those due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, languages and socioeconomic status. 8. The counselor in training provides professional documentation to support the information in the presentation (Power Point or hand-outs). 9. The counselor in training demonstrates tolerance for stress and discomfort both personal and for the audience during the presentation.  29  3 2 1 NA Appendix F: Observation Rubric Two Individual Student Planning Support Counseling skills measured: basic counseling skills, personal counseling skills and maturity Rating Scale: 4-Exceeds Expectations 3-Meets Expectations 2-Mimium Expectations 1-Needs Remediation NA-Not Observed RATING ITEM 4 1. The counselor-in-training will demonstrate appropriate non-verbal attending skills. 2. The counselor-in-training will reflect content of client messages with appropriate frequency and accuracy. 3. The counselor-in-training will reflect client’s feelings with appropriate frequency and accuracy. 4. The counselor-in-training will demonstrate the ability to summarize with appropriate frequency and accuracy. 5. The counselor-in-training will use selfdisclosure only when appropriate. 6. The counselor-in-training will foster specific and concrete communication with client. 7. The counselor-in-training will demonstrate a variety of responses and techniques. 8. The counselor-in-training will recognize and effectively address resistance during the session. 9. The counselor-in-training will demonstrate creativity in planning the group session. 10. The counselor-in-training will demonstrate self-control and professionalism in interpersonal relationships with clients. 11. After the counseling session, the counselor-intraining will provide professional documentation that provides a summary of the session and selfassessment. 12. At the conclusion of the session, the counselor-in-training provides an accurate explanation of the comprehensive school counseling program if time allows, which includes purpose, scope, curriculum, and programs. 30  3 2 1 NA Appendix G: Observation Rubric Three Responsive Services Support Counseling skills measured: basic counseling skills, goal setting and achievement, theories and professional knowledge, personal counseling skills and maturity Rating Scale: 4-Exceeds Expectations 3-Meets Expectations 2-Mimium Expectations 1-Needs Remediation NA-Not Observed  RATING ITEM 4 1. The counselor-in-training will be present with the client. 2. The counselor-in-training will reflect discrepancies in client communication (confrontation). 3. The counselor-in-training will demonstrate the effective use of silence. 4. The counselor-in-training will ask appropriate questions during the counseling session. 5. The counselor-in-training will use self-disclosure only when appropriate. 6. The counselor-in-training will avoid giving advice. 7. The counselor-in-training will avoid “fixing” the client. 8. The counselor-in-training will focus the session around client goals. 9. The counselor-in-training will demonstrate understanding of the dynamics of client concerns/issues. 10. The counselor-in-training will adhere to appropriate boundaries, ethical, and legal standards. 11. After the counseling session, the counselor-intraining will provide professional documentation that summarizes the session. Include a self-assessment in this summary. 12. The counselor-in-training explained before the session began: confidentiality, consent, and other relevant information.  31  3 2 1 NA Appendix H: Documentation of Site-Based Mentor Training 32    Site-Based Mentor Acknowledgement of Training Practicum Student Name _________________________________ Site-Based Mentor Name _________________________________ As the Site-Based Mentor to the above named student, I acknowledge that I have attended the Field Supervisor/Site-Based Mentor training offered by Lamar University. I understand that if I have questions or concerns during the course of my mentorship, for any reason, that I can contact Lamar University Department of Counseling and Special Populations: Carl J. Sheperis PhD, NCC, LPC, ACS Chair and Associate Professor Counseling and Special Populations Lamar University PO Box 10034 Room 105 Beaumont, TX 77710 [email protected] Phone: 409-880-8978 The practicum student will make a copy of this document for your records. Thank you for your willingness to share your talent and expertise in mentorship. Site-Based Mentor Signature ____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ 33  Appendix I: Skills Practice and Listening Responses The following are the most important three facilitative conditions: empathy, genuineness, and positive regard (Cormier & Nurius, 2003). Empathy is the accurate understanding of listening. It is communicated as an attempt to thin with rather than for or about a client. For example, if a client says, “I’ve tried to get along with my father, but it does not work out. He’s too hard on me,” an empathic response would be something like, “You feel discouraged about your unsuccessful attempts to get along with your father.“ In contrast, if you state something like, “You ought to try harder,” you are responding from your frame of reference and not the clients. Another example: Client: I don’t think I do anything very well. No one else seems to think I’m real special either. Helper: I can see how that is a very hard thing for you—wanting to feel special and not feeling that way about yourself. Genuineness is being oneself without being phony or playing a role. This is mostly accomplished by being human and by collaborating with the client. According to Egan (1998), genuineness has five components: supporting nonverbal behaviors, role behavior, congruence, spontaneity, and openness. Positive Regard is the ability to prize or value the client as a person with worth and dignity, and is also known as respect (Rogers, 1957). It includes a nature of being warm and committed your effort to understand the client, suspend critical judgment, and showing competence and care. Examples of Phrases and Sentence Stems for Rephrasing (content or feeling) It seems like As I hear it I sense that It appears as though Sounds like You’re telling me that From my perspective As I see it Something tells you I see what you mean It looks like What you are saying is I hear you saying Reflection of Feeling and Sentence Stems It appears that you are angry now. I hear you saying you are angry now. I looks like you are angry now. It is clear to me that you are angry now. It sounds like you are angry now. You are feeling angry now. When conveying or reflecting feelings, be sure to include both the affect (you fell anxious) and the context (whenever you take a test). Steps in Summarization (Cormier & Nurius, 2003, p. 103) 1. Attend to and recall the message or series of messages by restating these to yourself silently. 2. Identify and patterns or themes asking yourself questions like, “what is being said over and over?” 3. Use a sentence stem and describe the theme or tie together multiple ideas presented to you. 4. Assess the effectiveness of your summary by listening for and observing your client. 34  The previous examples and following chart details four skills that convey empathy, genuineness, and positive regard (Cormier & Nurius, 2003). Counselor Response/Skill Clarification Definition A question beginning with, for example, “do you mean that” or “are you saying that” plus a rephrasing of the client’s message Paraphrase (responding to content) A rephrasing of the content of the client’s message Reflection (responding to feelings) A rephrasing of the affective part of the client’s message Summarization Two or more paraphrases or reflections that condense the client’s messages or the session 35  Intended Purpose To encourage more client elaboration To check the accuracy of what you heard To clear up vague or confusing messages To focus the client on the content of his or her message To highlight content when attention to feelings is premature or selfdefeating To encourage the client to express more of his or her feelings To help the client become more aware of the feelings that dominate him or her To help the client acknowledge and mange feelings To help the client discriminate accurately among feelings To help the client feel understood To tie together multiple elements of client messages To identify a common theme or pattern To interrupt excessive rambling To review progress
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