v Weather '.»MM. Umptntm* M. Cloudy iMb oeewtoud n t e tod*;, « • » | 0 t aqd tomorrow. High today • M tomorrow In the l w M L l o w tonight in the Ms. Friday, fair and cool. See weather, page 2. R7 NO Um%i daily. Ilomlir through ObtribaOoo Today 1 25,023 Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS BtasaA C3«w Pojt>e« WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1965 PAGE ONE 7c PER COPY Dinkelspiel, Cioffi Also Win in Runoff Phillips Tops in Long Branch Vote LONG BRANCH — Political newcomer Donald L. Phillips astounded the experts yesterday as he emerged as high man in the balloting for three at-large city council seats. Finishing close behind Mr. Phillips and gaining the other two seats being contested in the runoff were incumbent Councilmen Edgar N. Dinkelspiel and Henry R. Cioffi. Mr. Phillips received 3.348 votes while Mr. Dinkelspiel collected 3,266 tallies and Mr. Cioffi finished with 3,152 votes. The other three candidates were Amedeo V. (Army) Ippolito, a long time teacher and former football coach at Long Branch High School, with 3,128 votes, and incumbent Councilman Walter George with 712 ballots. Mr. Phillips had finished fourth behind Mr. Dinkeisplel, Mr. Cioffi and Mr. Ippolito in the May 11 election, which saw six of the original aspirants for the three seats eliminated. A run-off election was necessary because none of the candidates received a majority of the total votes cast. Observers had given Mr. Phillips a chance to oust Mr. Cioffi for the third position on the ballot, but his first place finish came as a total surprise. Only 6,364 people exercised their voting franchise in yesterday's election. This figure tops the number of votes cast in the May 11 election by nine. Theories advanced for the light vote were the possible change in the form of government in November resulting in a "what does it matter?" attitude, the opening of Monmouth Park, the cold weather, and the fact that this was the third election within a month and followed close on the heels of the June 1 primary. Mr. Phillips thanked his many supporters and said he owed his jump in the standings strict-, ly to "good organization." . H«' gained a total of 921 votes from his May 11 total. The 38-year-old former fire chief said he did not know if his election meant that he would have to give up his job as superintendent of the fire alarm system in Long Branch. (See PHILLIPS, Page 2) Action Follows Airport Bombing THE WINNERS—Incumbent Councilmen Henry R. Cioffi, l i f t , and Edgar N. Dinkelspiel, right, flank political newcomer Donald L. Phillips at they go over return from yeiterday'i runoff election which saw them win the three at-large seats on City Council. With them here it Oily Olerk Sanifa J . Camatsa. Mrs. Wilson Backs Mazza For Mayor Viet Cong Am Capture GI,Down SAIGON, South Viet Nam liary bullet- Another helicopter blast, 9 Vietnamese, 2 Indians were reported working in thej The majority were released Security officials said the (AP) — A large Viet Cong force evacuated the surviving crew- and 1 French national were re- terminal building or on business after treatment, the spokesmen bomb was a plastic explosive ambushed a government convoy men and the body of the dead ported injured, a U.S. spokes- there. Military spokesmen said said, and the most seriously in- weighing between 10 and 20 15 miles southwest of Saigon American, man said. Other reports said 17 were Army personnel, 15 jured person appeared to be a pounds. It exploded in an Air today, apparently captured the In addition to the 34 Ameri- two French citizens were hurt. were Air Force men and 2 were Vietnamese who suffered a bro- France freight office overlookAmerican adviser with the unit ans wounded In the airport All the injured Americans Navy. ken leg. ing the main waiting room. and shot down a helicopter sent in to relieve the convoy, U.S. spokesmen announced. One of the American crewmen aboard the helicopter was killed and the other three were seriously wounded, the spokesmen said. The helicopter reportedly exploded in the air and crashed. In another part of Viet Nam, LONG BRANCH - Council- serve more than two years as two U.S. Air Force fighters colwoman Lucy J. Wilson announced mayor, lided and crashed, the spokeslast night that she is supporting Mr. Untermeyer has said he men announced. They said ons Vincent J. Mazza for mayor. Is available for the post which pilot parachuted to safety and By FRANK W, HARBOUR ect was to include Matawan Township, Union provide flood control for the W*st Keansnurg. She (aid she favored Mr. Maz- will come up for a vote at the was picked up but may have Peach, Middlstown ^Eajt Keansburg) and KeansKeanriwrg *iea, $ e engineers, in their blueThe multi-million-dollar Bayshore erosion H over -incumbent Mayor Milton July I orgwiziMkia meeting of been wounded. burg, • • • • • • • • . prints, have extended a series of dfte* and a project, already tangled in federal, state and F. Untermeyer bettuse Mr. Maz- the new council. Matawan Township, which would- have had tidal gate access road some 800 feet into Union ,.-.-,Not Harmed es live* in the city all year long Additional support for M local red tape for four years, may be, snarled to pay a $128,000 share, and Union Beach, $H0.Beach territory, west of Thome Crwt, t»# and she believe) no nan should Mazza probably will be found in No one was seen parachuting again because of a technicality, it was learned 000. decided a year ago not to participate. boundary line. the votes of Robert Lv-Benn and from the Other plant before it yesterday. The plan was redrawn, to include MiddleMeantime, based on the state agency's noticrashed, the spokesmen reportHenry R. Cioffi. The "technicality" involves about 800 feet of town, Ihe West Keansburg section of Raritan, fication, in turn based on a. federal directive, Mr. Cioffi stated last night that ed. Both planes were Al propell- . Union Beach property. and Keansburg, at a total estimated cost of more Middletown already has authorized its attorney Mr. Mazza looked to be the er-driven fighters, which After a number of major delays, the prothan $3$ million. to draw the township's first bond ordinance, "strongest contender" for the mally carry two persons. - Matawan Township was dropped, and, suptotaling $90,000, for acquisition of East KeansA terrorist bomb exploded in ' gram, centered in the East Keansburg-Keanspost at this time. burg area, and sponsored by the Army Corps posedly. Union Beach. burg easements, and Keansburg is preparing to the civilian terminal building of of Engineers, was to start this year. Not Committed The Bureau of Navigation last week sent take the same action. the Saigon airport, injuring 34 The project is to be coordinated by the stita letters to Middletown, Keansburg and Raritan However he noted that his mind Americans and at least 12 other Raritan has taken no action, and Mayor Department of Economic Development, Bureau notifying them that all three have agreed to Marvin Olinsky said yesterday it probably will LONG BRANCH - H o w a r d J. is open to suggestions and that persons, but 120 U.S. troops of Navigation. participate and the program was,to get under wait "until this problem is straightened out" Devaney, state executive director he has not committed himself waiting a short distance away to way. A major stipulation, for federal aid Is that all board two jet transports for the The question: Will the federal and state govof die National Conference of to anyone at this point. municipalities must agree to participate in the In checking the maps, however, It was con-, emments have to backtrack and get Union Christians and Jews, yesterday As for the possibility of he United States were not harmed, program by providing easements and "matching" firmed there are not three towns involved—but Beach's sanction for its participation in the proNone of the Americans was urged policemen to continue with himself seeking the position, Mr fund finances. four. gram. • their education "no matter what Cioffi declared he would accept reported seriously injured. la order to realign Waackaack Creek and the job if it were offered to him In the convoy ambush southOriginally, Monmouth County's erosion proj(See. BAYSHORE, Page 2) the cost." but said he would be 'a most re- west of Saigon, an estimated luctant candidate." several hundred guerrillas atRelated Story, Photo en "I don't enter any race I don't tacked a unit of about 40 VietSecond Section First Page think I can win and I don't be- namese militia led by a district lieve I have much of a chance chief and his U.S. Army adviser. He spoke before 38 members of becoming the mayor," said The district chief escaped durof the Long Branch Police De- Mr. Cioffi. ing the fire fight, but the AmerThe to mull over the tax question. been drafted outlining the Dem- tive of the Knights of Columbus law, compulsory driver training partments at the final session The only comment Mr. Mazza ican was reported missing and PK1NCETON (AP) in New Jersey. Of a six-week training program would make last night was to, 't was not immediately known Democratic party's platform Monmouth County Assembly" ocratic stand .oh it. programs' in high schools and a man Patrick J. Me Gann chair- McGann said the committee Mis s Strelecki asked that the tn police and community rela confirm that was available if any of the. militiamen es- committee heard three witnesses pledge to try again to convince man of the committee, said the would meet again today and platform contain planks urging tkmj. caped. for Che job. it a public hearing yesterday and tax issue had been "kicked might put all the planks togeth- enactment of an implied consent New York State to raise its drinkMr. Devaney noted that these It is believed that Mayor The helicopter apparently was day* a policeman without a col- Untermeyer has only the firm hit in a fuel tank by an incen- ten returned to a closed session around" but nothing definite had er in a platform by tomorrow. law, a driving while impaired ing age from 16 to 21, The toughest problem facing lege degree has less and less support of Samuel A. Marks bethe five-member committee is chance of being promoted as hind him now, with Edgar N. how to word Ihe plank on taxes. time goes by. Dinkelspiel stating last night that Honest Tax Plank Solomon Lautman, first he would like to become mayor llstant county, prosecutor, c Gov. Richard J. Hughes, who and newly elected councilman roborated Mr. Devaney's remarks Donald X. Phillips an unknown must run on the platform, has and added that "today's society factor at this stage of the game. said he would insist on an honest „ is making scholars of everyone." tax plank. Hughes advocates a Sees No Deadlock WASHINGTON-While political who operate their own boats or He said that the only way to keep However, the mayor exuded FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — had written the board to remind committeeman said he favors state income tax. .up with tne new generation is confidence yesterday when he Township Committeeman Albert it of his interest in building 212 leaving the-number of garden His republican opponent, state forces were gathering at home, are passengers on others in the Rep. James J. Howard (D-3d waterway between Avon and Belthrough study. said "I don't anticipate any dead- McCormick last night urged tha garden apartment units behind apartments up to the discretion of Sen. Wayne Dumont Jr., R-WarDist, N.J.) yesterday moved to mar joining the Ocean and Shark ren, favors a sales tax. Graduation Address lock on the mayoralty contest." Planning Board to recommend to Koos Brothers on Rt. 9. the board and the committee. have the Coast Guard return its River. Mr. Lautman delivered the Mr. Dinkelspiel's hopes rest the Township committee that tha The letter said that Mr. Winer- One hundred and one garden Some Democratic leaders, most lookout at the Shark River Inlet Attention of Mr. Irwin was graduation address to the group with a possible compromise be- present restrictions on the num- man first had submitted an ap- apartment unite just have been notably Essex County chairman Tower at Avon, N. J. called to the closing by Charles • s a stand-in for county prose- tween the Untermeyer forces and her of garden apartments here ba plication in May, 1963, and that completed at the Stonehurst de- Dennis F. Carey, want the platAt Freehold, N. J., the Mon- Todd, a river commercial boatcutor Vincent P. Keuper. the group supporting Mr.' Mazza, lifted. his proposal has been promised velopment and the builder, the form to oppose enactment of a mouth County Board of Free- man. Mr. Devaney lashed out at but the real k«y is Mr. Phillips. A township ordinance, limits first consideration when more J. D. Holding Co., of C'ressklll, broad-based tax. holders adopted a resolution and "I can't understand the Coast those who would divide a police If he votes for Mr. Mazza, the garden apartment units to 10 garden apartments become possi- have been authorized to build an Testifying before committee at state Sen. Richard R. Stout (R- Guard's inability to. staff this department by starting false ru. contest then would be solved, per cent of the number of single ble. additional 51 units. the Nassau Inn were state MoMonmouth) wrote a letter seeking station," Mr. Irwin said. "I think but insiders feel that he will family houses. mors. tor Vehiole Director June StreWould Change Rule Mr. McCormick said that he the same objective. they can well afford the exHe noted that there are three either line up behind the mayoi Mr. McCormick's appearance had never liked the 10 per cent Board member Charles Worth- lecki, state Health CommissionRep. Howard was critical of pense." .types of rumors—the fear rumor or seek the post for himself on coincided with that of Robert limit, which, he said, ties the ington said he would prefer a er Roscoe P. Kandle and Stewart A. Schroder Jr., chief execu- the removal of the around-the- Both Mr. Irwin and Freeholder (See PLANNERS, Page 2) (See MAYOR, Page 2) Winerman of Wynn Realty who hands of the planning board. The (See POLICE, Page 2) ' clock lookout and, in a letter to Benjamin H. Danskin were critiRear Adm. I. J. Stephens, said cal of timing of the move, in that he couldn't understand the the spring when the annual boatmove with the summer boating ing season was just getting unseason at hand. derway. Adm. Stephens is in charge of "The boating industry is growthe Third Coast Guard District. ing now as it never has before," Mr. Danskin said. "The need for Irwin Hits Move Sidestepping others. We can suggest. But we Freeholder Director Joseph C. the Coast Guard tower was nevFREEHOLD mounting questions about opera' don't tell them." , Irwin called the tower closing er greater. Are they saying now tions of the proposed new coun- Freeholder Marcus Daly said "utterly ridiculous," and disputed that they've been wasting money ty library system, the Monmouth the public relations aspects of in- Coast Guard contentions that the for 50 years?" Help Requested County Board of Freeholders said troducing the new setup is the move was required by economic By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON "Just a year ago, at the state's Tercentenerary celebraHelp in effecting the reopening yesterday answers will have to task of the Library Commission- reasons. tion," Freeholder Benjamin H. Danskin recalled, "we had a FREEHOLD — Now comes a resolution by the Monmouth come from the county Board of ers, adding: The board called the protec- was asked of Representative grand celebration with a, parade, a re-enactment of the battle, County Board of Freeholders to further confuse the legend of Library Commissioners. "And, frankly speaking, if they tive service vital to safety of Howard and U.S. Sens. Clifford and other ceremonies. Now, a year later, it is almost forMolly Pitcher. ' (See INLET, Page 2) At an executive conference, the don't do a good job, I will think residents and summer guests gotten." . Of course, it comes In a grand effort to perpetuate the board discussed a suggestion by they have fallen down on their Molly, Pitcher surely will now be remembered in 1965. memory of one of the symbols of the Revolution but local Freeholder Eugene J. Bedell that responsibilities." Orators relying on the freeholders' resolution, however, will historians will have a field day with the "Whereas-es." it call a public meeting to air all The freeholders announced last find themselves in conflict with some other accounts. By unanimous vote, the board yesterday proclaimed Monavailable information. Then it de- week that they had scrapped Monmouth's Molly, for whom a well In Manalapan Townday, June 28, which will be the 178vannlversary of the Battle tided, with Mr. Bedell's agree- plans for a (600,000 central liship has been named and a small monument nearby has been ot Monmouth, as Molly Pitcher Day. .: ment, that this was a function (See LIBRARY, Page 2) Page erected, is bured In Old Carlisle Cemetery, Pennsylvania. The measure calls on all civic and patrlot|e._Organizatlons of the commissioners. Allen-Scott Events of Years Ago According to the freeholders' resolution, "here in the, and county residents "to do honor to MoltyPiiiier, a revered Outdoor Antique Show 'The Board of Freeholders," Herhlock Amusements verdant green of Monmouth County , , . (she) emerged a' symbol of the ardor and valiant spirit of American womanArt and Craft Exhibit. Behind Director Joseph C. Irwin said, Movie Timetable Births dramatic figure in American Legend , . . folk in times of national crisis." V (• 'is responsible for providing the the Allenwood General Store, Jim Bishop Obituaries „ "This fine, patriotic woman, Mary Ludwlg McCauley, Freeholders demurred to the county',* Publicity director, Saturday, June 19. Admission facilities. And this we are doing Sylvia Porler Bridge known In legend as Molly Pitcher, the 23-year-old wife of an Frank L. Wllgus for the "plirple prose" of the message- But free.—Adv. •Can Suggest' 6 Sports John Chamberlain .... American cannoneer, did assist the American cause by carrythey" agreed that special attention should be given annually to "We don't tell the county Wel- Town & Shore Beauty Salon .....24-25 Slock Market Classified ing water from a nearby stream or well to aid the soldiers the memory of Monmouth's historic battle in which Ooorge fare Board how to operate its West End. Open nights and Comics „ 3* Successful Investing battling so desperately on the hot June day . . . Washington rallied the disorganized Colonials and put' the : : business. We won't tell the mos- Sundays. Expert hair coloring. Crossword Puzzle — Television „ ;.•;..• .'. ' • ' (See DAY. Page.2) Red Coits to rout i '..' . ' '. '' ; :"'-' ' .. t • Woman'* New* _ _ quito commission, or any ot the,Phona 229-9785.—Adv. Editorial. i Technicality Seen Bayshore Erosion Project Urge Police To Continue Education Democrats Kick Around Tax Issue Freehold Township Planners Study Apartment Limitations Want Inlet Lookout Tower in Operation Library Operations Up to Commissioners Molly Pitcher Remembered: Shell Have a Special Day Today's Index n k H-W*&imkj, Y Weather June 16, 1965 THE DAILY EEGISTE8 NEW JERSEY — Cloudy and cool through Thursday, a few periods of rain today, high in 80s. Low tonight in 50s. High Thursday, fids to low 10s. Obituaries I: , MRS. TtLLIE F. SETRIN ».'. IJONG BRANCH — Mrs. Tilli ' t . Setrin, 71, of 375 Bath Ave. -died Monday in Monmouth Med leal Center, here. She was thi widow of Jacob Setrin, a jeweler Born here, Mrs. Setrin was daughter of tJie late Mr. and Mn Samuel Nathanson. She was active in the Unite* Services Organization (USO) ii World War II, and was a mem feer of the Long Branch Counci cf Jewish Women and the Golder Age Club of Long Branch Com' umnity Center. Surviving are three sons, Arthur D. Setrin, here, Howard J Setrin of Asburj! Park, and Mo ton Setrin of Rome, N.Y.; brother, Bentley Mason of Wes Long Branch; two sisters, Mrs, Morris VogeJ of Plainfield, anc Mrs. Clarence E. Hulit of New York City; and three grandchi dren. GEORGE H. MERRILL ' ILITTLE SILVER — G e o r g e H. Merrill, 67, of 302 Prospect Ave., died yesterday in his home. Bom in Newark, he was the son of the late George and Clara Merrill, and had lived here 20 years and previously in Red Bank 20 years. Mr. Merrill retired In 1957 as a staff supervisor for the Bell Telephone Company in Newark. He was a member of the H. G. McCully Chapter of Telephone Pioneers of America, Newark, and the Red Bank Lodge of Masons and was a former member of the Red Bank Rotary Club. Surviving are his wife, Mrs Roberta Green Merrill; f o u r daughters, the Misses R. Jane and Alice E. Merrill at home, Mrs. Clara L. Obern of Bradfordwoods, Pa., and Mrs. Anne Rapp of Holmdel; and a son, George H. Merrill, Jr., of Maplewood. A memorial service will be conducted Friday at 2:30 p.m. at the Robert A. Braun Home for Funerals, Eatontown, with Joseph H. Palmer, Jr., former reader of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Red Bank, officiating. Marine Cape" May to Block Island — Small craft warnings displayed south of ManasqUan to Cape May for easterly winds 20-25 knots tonight and Thursday. East to northeasterly winds 10 to 20 knots north portions. Visibility three to five miles, locally one mile or less through Thursday, with periods of rain today. High during the past 24 hours, 61. Low, 53. Ocean temperature, 57. Rainfall, .06 inches. TIDES Sandy Hook Today,— Higli 10:20 p.m. and low 4:16 p.m. Tomorrow — High 10:50 a.m. and 10:59 p.m. and low 4:57 a.m. and 4:52 p.m. For Red Bank and Rumson bridge, add two hours; Sea Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long Branch, deduct 15 minutes; Highlands bridge, add 40 minutes. MONMOUTH MEDICAL - • Long Branch . Mr, and Mrs,. Thomas Rockhill, 21 Hillsdale Ave., Long Branch, daughter, this morning. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Costelj lo, 240 Long Branch Ave., Long Branch, son, this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ferguson, 36 Wesley PI., Neptune, son yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolf, 88 Monmouth Ave., East Keansburg, daughter, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Habib, 11 East River Rd., Rumson, son, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman K. Emmons, 566 Berdan PI., Long Branch, daughter, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tetter, 735 Greens Ave., Long Branch, daughter, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Pearce, 212 Wayside Dr., Cliffwood Beach, son, Monday. olmdel School Bpqrd ForChristian Brothers Employs An Architect LINCROFT - Brother Agatho Stephen, has been appointed principal of Christian Brothers Academy as of Sept. 1 by Brother Bertrand Leo, provincial of the 'New York District of the Brothers of the Chrisian School. pleted theology courses at Manhattan College, and attended' workshop at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., where he studied "New Perspectives in Secondary School Administra tiort." He is a member of the National Education Association, the National Catholic Education Association, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the New Jersey State Teachers Association and the Trenton Diocese Department of Education. Brother ' Stephen spent four years teaching at Good Shepherd School, and four years at St. Bernard's School, both in New York City. He was assigned principal of St. John's School in New York from 1960 to 1963. He then came to CBA to serve as vice principal. HOLMDEL — The new poiitio of Board of Education architect was filled last night by Eppl and Seaman, Newark. The Zoning Board's vice-chairman, Norman Schantz, praised the firm for generally excellent work, citing the Millburn Higr School as one of its best projects Epple and Seaman have sever registered architects, and hav Patrolman Starts New Duty Shift been in business 35 years. In other business, the board announced that if mahogany Ii not grown in commercial quantity In the United States, the board will accept imported wood for use In the administration building being renovated on HUcrest Rd. Japanese Wood Wood for the building- Is stamped "Made in Japan," although the contract specifies Georgia Pacific Plywood, according to board member J. F. Kerwin. ' On advice of the board's attorney, Ernest Fasano, Red Bank, the board unanimously agreed to approve use of the material if the project's architect, Bernard Kellenyl, Red Bank, can establish that domestic mahogany.is not commercially available. Appointment of Mrs. Marcla L, Berlent, Flushing, N.Y., to teach kindergarten in Village School at $5,560 a year was postponed to June 23. Mr. Fasano agreed that board member Albert E. Spencer v i a legally correct in objecting to hiring the teacher last night, because such action previously hid not been listed on the agenda (or the special meeting. Epple and Seaman will start preparing specifications for the board'i proposed new scttool : building program. MIDDLETOWN - Patrolman Arthur Stover, who has been assigned to special duty attachec to the office of Acting Police Chief Raymond T. Walling, yesterday issued six summonses tc residents in Leonardo for lettin, (Continued) As far as Union Beach is con- their dogs run loose. The funeral will be this aftercerned, the answer is an em- Chief Walling said Ptl. Stove; noon at 1 o'clock from the Johr phatic "yes." Mayor Maurice is working with the township do{ W. Flock Funeral Home, 24! warden to clear up this problem. W. Oakley said. Broadway. Burial will be in Mon Frank R. Panuzlo, deputy chief Me will be going from one area Brother Agatho Stephen mouth Fields, West Long Branch, engineer of the Army Corps of to another. (Continued) Ptl. Stover will also be ii brary and, instead, would build HOLMDEL — Newstead Homes Brother Stephen received his Engineers, New York City, threw FRANK P. KELLY charge of a drive to clean u] MRS. DAISY C. WURTZ two structures, one in the coastal residents met last night to map bachelor of arts degree from the problem into the lap of the RUMSON — Frank P. Keily, junk areas, particularly along thi EATONTOWN-Mrs. Daisy C. region and one In Freehold, at plans for opposition to the pro- Jatholic University in 1952 and state Department of Conserva64, of 65 Park Ave., died yesterlis master of arts from Fordham tion and Economic Develop- highways, and will inspect resiWurtz, 77, of 5 Reynolds Dr., a total cost of $800,000 to $1 milday in Riverview Hospital, Red posed industrial rezoning south University in 1957. He comdences with swimming pools to died Monday in Monmouth Medi- lion. ment's Bureau of Navigation. Bank. of the New York and,Long Branch I see that the new pool ordinance cal Center, Long Branch. "AH towns must participate," With 10 municipalities holding railroad tracks. is enforced. Born in Jersey City, he was tin Born in Du Bois, Pa., she had one third of the county's taxable he said, "but the details are up Public hearing on the propose The ordinance requires that all son of the late Frank and Ann Me lived here eight years, formerly to the state bureau—that is the real estate, and 37 per cent of ordinance is slated for June 28. pools with more than 24 inches Girr Kelly. An iron worker, h residing in Millburn. co-ordinating agency." the population, not members of Chairmanship of the group wa: (Continued) of water be fenced with four-foot was a member of the JABS anc She was the widow of Fred- the existing county system, ques: turned over to Louis Kendall am 'When her husband fell mortal- F. B. Cogan, bureau assistant fences. : of the OIW, Jersey City. He was erick Wurtz. chief engineer, confirmed that tions arose as to what; privileges Joseph Lueania by chairman Johi ly wounded, Molly Pitcher did a communicant of Holy Cross Mrs. Wurtz was active in civic they would enjoy in the new fathe erosion project will extend F. Anderson, who will be awa; Catholic Church, here. FREEHOLD - Twenty-yesrseize the rammer of a six pound work in Millburn for many years. into Union Beach, with a series for National Guard duty. old Lawrence Ianuzzl, Prospect cannon and helped work the gun of dikes and a tidal gate access Surviving are his wife, Mrs, She wrote the first history of cilities. Construction will be paid for Mr. Anderson said that Keans as the battle raged, and Ave., Asbury Park, was indicted Ann Clossey Kelly; two sons, the New Jersey Federation of road. (Continued) James Kelly, at home, and Frank Women's Clubs in 1958, Mrs. by general tax funds, but only burg attorney, George E, Ostrov "This act of valor was noticed Asked if Union Beach approval change in the ordinance—which by the Monmouth County Grand municipalities subject to a spewill not be able to represent th Jury yesterday for stealing.from J. Kelly of Redwood City, Calif, Wurtz was a member of the Monby General Washington, who did of the program would be now limits two bedroom units to church poor box. a daughter, Mrs. Elaine Hecht moufli County Organization for cial millage tax on real estate group but that a new attorne; subsequently commission Molly quired, he replied "Yes," 20 per cent of the total with the Ianuzzi is accused of taking of New York City: a brother, Social Service and the Presby- to support the annual operating probably will be retained befon Pitcher a sergeant in the Colonial added: remainder specified as one bedbudget have full use privileges. the hearing. Edward Kelly of Jersey City, and terian Church, here. Army and did grant her a mili- "I don't think that will be s room units—to provide for effi- $10 April 9 from the poor box in INon-members can use facilities He added that the 42 horn Holy Spirit Catholic Church, « e four grandcMdren. Surviving are a son, Lt. Col. tary pension." problem, although we will have ciencies, which have a singl ond Ave. at the site but can't borrow, and owners in Newstead wall attemp A Requiem Mass will be of- Robert H. Wurtz, in MassachuThe late William S. Stryker, to have several hundred feet of room and a kitchen. Other Indictments handed to fered in Holy Cross Church a setts; a daughter, Mrs. James L. receive no bookmobile or lend to enlist the support of the 251 president of the New Jersey His- Union Beach easements, and Mr. Worthington cited studie 9:30 a.m. Friday. Burial, undei Gifillan of Staten Island; three ing service for their local li- in the Telegraph HilUBethany R< torical Society, in a 1927 report, there will be a cost involved." done for Ocean Township which Judge Thomas J. Smith named: area. Mario Brisceae, 23, Manchester the direction of the John E. Day sisters, Mrs. Marjorie Powell of braries. and Gerald C. Stowe, curator of Mr. Cogan said that "since it show that efficiency units are the (195,000 Budgeted Mr. Anderson Is a member < Ave., Keyport, for breaking and Funeral Home, Red Bank, will Madison, Mrs. Karel Rickerson ordnance and history at the West most advantageous for municipalwill be the West Keansburg area entering Field's Furniture Store, be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Mid of Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. The 1965 operating budget Is the local Board of Eduction. Mr Point Military Academy, in a 1963 that benefits from the work in ities as ratables. East Front St., Keyport, May dletown. Bruce Wallace of Asheville, $195,000. This figure, Mr. Irwin Lueania is a former member. ta|k to the Monmouth County -union Beach and Union Beach Mr. Winerman said that ha ... N. C, and three grandchildren. agreed, will increase as the new Historical Association, had some will not benefit at all, some fi- would object to any reduction of 9, with intent to steal. . buildings are opened. But, he said Bernard P. Hyland, 20, $tn PINGITORE SERVICES The funeral will be Friday at different observations. nancial arrangement will have to the 20'per cent of two bedroom Francisco, Calif., for auto, theft the job of attracting non-member LONG BRANCH-Funeral ser- 2 p.m. from the Wyoming PresNeither found that her husband be made." units but that he would be willing from Dc Martin A. Quirk, 69 vices have been set for Joseph byterian Church, Millburn. Bur- municipalities to join and thus was killed, nor claimed the Keansburg's borough manager, to replace some of the 80 per cent (Continued) West Front St., Red Bank, March Pingitore, 83, of 296 Chelsea Ave. ial will be In St. Stephen's Ceme- increase the tax base for operof one bedroom units with the sergeant's commission or pen- C. Bernard Blum, termed the ating purposes will be for the LiDinkelspiel thanked thi Mr. 15. who died in Monmouth Medical tery, Millburn, under direction West Keansburg project vital. smaller efficiencies on a tria people of the city for the "tre- sion. Anita Hughes, 22, Cherry St., of the Smith and Smith Funeral brary Commissioners. Center, here, Monday night. basis. Earle W. Hendrickson, chair- mendous confidence" they had Mr. Stryker reported Mary Lud- "Without that diking, which exNew Shrewsbury, for atrocious The funeral will be at the Da- Home, Springfield. man of the commission, said in shown In him. He said he hai wig, from Carlisle, married John tends into Union Beach, the en- The board chairman, Donald assault and battery by stabbing Wood, named himself, Mr. Worthtire flood control program would miano Funeral Home at B a.m. Casper Hayes (other historians an interview Sunday that the anticipated finishing first whe James Jackson, 137 West Bergen Friday. A Requiem Mass will be commission was waiting for guid- the votes were counted up, am say his name was Hays) in 1777 be of little value to Keansburg," ington and Leroy Daniels as a 'I., Red Bank, on the arm and committee to consider changes 4 he declared. "The high ground is offered in Our Lady Star of the and, as was a custom, traveled ance from the freeholders on all attributed the fact that he dii in the chest April 4 in New In the ordinance. Sea Catholic Church at 9 a.m. with him with the First Penn- in Union Beach." questions. He made it clear that not to bullet voting. Shrewsbury. The board passed a resolution Burial will be in Woodbine CemMayor Oakley added: sylvania Regiment Artillery, the commission at this point was Mr. Dinkelspiel remarked tha Olden Bryant, Rt. 33, Howell etery, Oceanport. if the people voted for a gov winding up at Freehold June 28, "Union Beach is not getting the recommending to the township 'ownshipr carrying a concealed exercising no. leadership. RUMSON - PoBce are Investicommittee that the present combenefit and Union Beach will not 1778. eminent change in November, h( gun on his person and another in gating a breaking and entry and "This may be true now," Mr. would favor a five-man govern MRS. WILLIAM DEWAR mercial zones bordering Rts. 9 These women," he ., said, pay the cost. his car April 23 in Howell TownIrwin said, "but this is all very CARTERET — Mrs. Margaret Jarceny at the hom^-of Mr. and new and things will straighten ing body with an administrato nursed the sick;, and assisted in "In addition to that, Borough and 537 and Schanck Rd. be ship. ."'- ' - ••• • ' M Alfred f d . F ^ er La. Dsv/iT, U, of 52 Lowell St., wife Mrs. Mr. Cioffi expressed his grati thp cooking and washing.'.Private Council will want to know what changed to a new designation : Marvin; B. Keeter, Main. St., out." frontage zones. highwi the over-all engineering plans o/ William Dewar, died Satur- unday night. fication at being allowed to con Hayes was (letajled^qn the battlecommissioners have reEnglishtown, for issuing six The Police said a Air stole and iew :: r6ne would permit are, MwFlt wili .fit.fato our plans day in the Community Hospital, jacket, valued it $575, were tained James E. Bryan, Newark tinue in office. He is the preseni field from infantry to 'help one and what It will mean for the light industry under stringent forged checks for $203 In KreeToms River, after a long illness. lold, Englishtown, and Mioalapublic library director as a con- third.ward councilman and ha: of the artillery batteries. His wife taken. regulations, and would require She was the mother of Mrs. Anna pan Township between A p i t 5 sultant. Mr. Irwin said Mr. Bry- two years left to serve on thai was aiding the cause by carrying future." Entry was gained by prying larger commercial lots having Drovon of Hazlet. md 17. an will work with the commission- term, but ran for the at-largi pitchers of water for the heated Mr. Panuzio said that once a Mrs. Dewar, formerly of New- 3pen the front door, police said. ers, not the freeholders, is ad- seat because he plans to move and wounded men, project is completed, It Is the minimums of 300 feet of frontage Police said the dresser drawers and three acres of land. Smaller erk, belonged to the Altar and vising on policy and in planning into the first ward this summer, "When John Hayes was municipality's financial responsi- stores would be restricted to Rosary Society of St. Joseph's 'ere ransacked. bility to maintain and repair it. He will vacate his third ward Mr, and Mrs. Freund discov- a public information presenta- seat on July 1 and council is ex- wounded, at the gun, she took Mayor Olinsky noted that it shopping centers, in this zone. Church. • • tion. his place and performed some Safety Factor (Continued) Also surviving are.three other ;red the theft when they re- As proof that the commission- pected to choose a replacement act of unusual heroism. might be logical for Raritan to Mr. Wood explained that the daughters, Mrs. Agnes Faust and turned home at 12:56 Monday ers appreciate their future obli- for him at that time. "On the death of her .husband share the cost In (he Union new provisions would increase '. Case (R-NJ) and Harrison A. morning from a trip to PhilaMrs. Patricia Rytel, both here, Williams, Jr. (D-NJ). Spirited Campaign gation, Mr. Irwin produced this after the war, Molly Pitcher mar- Beach sector, but added: delphia, police said. highway safety since the larger Sen. Stout reminded the Coast and Mrs. Veronica Austin of letter of June 10 to the, freehold- He noted that the losers hai ried a worthless fellow named "I will go on lecord right now lots would reduce the number of Chief William H. Zerr heads Forked River; a son, Joseph DeGuard of its recent removal.of waged H spirited campaign whici John McCauley. Molly McCauley, as saying that Keansburg also era from Mr. Hendrickson: points at which cars could enter. war of Forked River; 18 grand- the Investigation. Investigating of- "On behalf of the library com- had strengthened the city. known familiarly in Carlisle as should -share that cost since the The board plans to recommend two cutters from Point Pleasant ficers include Capt. James Shea children and two great-grandchtl Beach and Sandy Hook for duty ind Patrolmen Walter Pomphrey missioners; we wish to congrat- He added that he was "lookini Molly Pitcher, lived on the cor- West Keansburg flood control that the zone be widened somedren. ulate the board . . . on their de- "forward to intensive efforts tc ner of North and Bedford Sts. program will protect Keansburg what in the future to follow the in Asia. He said he conceded the ind Edward Fallon. • need for these transfers, but not The funeral was this morning a' cision to 'provide and support a improve the community in co-op On Feb. 27, 1822, the Pennsyl- as well as Raritan," rear lot lines of highway prop- the closing of the tower. 8:30 o'clock from the Synowieck full and complete library service' eration with the entire council as vania Legislature granted her the The mayor said that lt was erties whenever possible. Funeral Home, 56 Carteret Ave. He said the shut down came for the residents of Monmouth constituted on July 1." urn of $40 and an annuity of the Raritan Township Engineer H. The Monmouth County Planfollowed by a Mass at 9 a.m. in at a time when the major boatHe expressed the belief thai Thomas Carr who first caught County.same amount. She died in 1832." : ' (Continued) ning Board which is preparing St. Joseph's Church. ing season was starting and foreMayor Milton F. ' Untermeyei the "Union Beach error," about the map to show the new tone, cast an adverse affect on the the hope rumor and the hate "The Board of Commissioners would probably .invite Mr. Phil- As reported In The Daily Reg- a month ago. looks Forward with' pleasure to ister, Mr. Stowe in a talk at the will not have it ready for some rumor. "huge New Jersey fishing InNORDEN DIES planning with , Julia H. Killian lips to sit in on the next City Rumson Country Club, gave this "Apparently, the Army Corps time. ' lustry." And noting that the ZURICH, Switzerland )apj - Mr. Devaney said the worst (the county librarian) and James Council meeting, Thursday, Jum outline: was under the Impression that >f these was the bate rumor, The township Planning Board •eek of July 3 had been' pro24, The Dutchman who invented the Union Beach section was part E Bryan the program of service America's World War II pinpoint jecause It has a tendency "to to make the planned facilities as Mr. Ippolito, who trailed Mr. "There was more than one of Keansburg," he reported. "We has agreed to hire the county claimed National Safe Boating Cioffi by a scant 24 votes, said Molly Pitcher, The name was thought this matter had been cor- board as its planning consultant Week, he concluded: bombslght, Carl L. Norden, will degrade people." useful as the board of freeholders he did not plan to seek a re-' given to all women who carried rected, but obviously It has not but a contract lias not been com- "It hardly seems fitting to talk be buried In a Zurich cemetery He urged everyone to check envisions." out the source of these type rupleted yet. count. He blamed his loss on his water to husbands, or others, who been." about safer boating on one hand tomorrow. showings in the first, fourth and manned artillery pieces In the He said the state notification A new subdivision ordinance while safety factors of the Cotst Norden, 85, died Monday night mors and determine their purpose sixth wards where he noted he field, just as the term GI des- that all "three" towns Involved is being prepared by the board's Guard are being curtailed oil the at his home in Zurich after a and scope. :ribed field troops of World War had approved th» program sur- attorney, W. Lawrence Krusen. other." . had. hoped to do better. long illness. He had made his He praised the Long Branch 'olice Department as one of Under Its terms, major subHe expressed disgust for the home here since the war. prised him. "The Molly Pitcher revered In Still another delay may be division approval will be a threeFaulkner Act which required thi HURT IN CRASH The Norden bombsight was 'good organization," but added hat the men in It should strive step process rather than requir- RUMSON-Christoph MaraliaJ], two elections and said he did tfonmouth was Margaret caused by Raritan'i financial used during the massive raids : o make it an even better one. ing the present four steps. Class!' BELMAR — Walter Edward not know if he woufd try his Ludwlg Hayes . . . tobacco-chew- problems. !1, of 136 Hance Rd., Fair Haven, over Germany and Japan as well He added that the Image of Buckner, residing in the Land- hand at politics again. fication, tentative approval, and vas treated at the office of Dr. ing, pipe-smoking, rum-drinking as the atomic bombing of Hin Apportionment Issue the city's police department isn't final approval which each remark Hotel, Long Branch, is free and lusty voiced. Congratulates Winners 'ohn B. Movelle, 457, River W . , shima and Nagasaki. It raise The bureau has estimated the as good as it should be with all on $50 bail pending a hearing Mr. Taylor issued a statement "Nationally, the best known quire separate action by the ralr Haven, for a cut chin «fter American bombing to a degree Middletown cost at $2.3 million, the excellent men it has in It. board and a public hearing will here tomorrow at 7 p.m. on congratulating the winners of the accuracy previously unknown ii (Molly Pitcher) was Margaret with the township's share tentatwo-car collision at the InterCertificate of awards were pre- charges of fraud. race. He remarked that he didn't Corbin. She was wounded after tively set at $710,000. Of this lat- be held before tentative approval iection of Rumson Rd. Ind Avewarfare. sented to the class by Mayor Police said the complaint know if he would run for elec- ihe manned her husband's cancould be granted. iue-Of-Two-Rlvers «t 12; 29 this ter amount, the state is expected Milton F. Untermeyer. against Buckner was signed by. tive office in the future and an- ion. Later, living at an Invalid's to pay 50 per cent, the township, The board granted Inal approv- doming. MRS. PEARL MOONEY The training program was spon- Alfred Groh, owner of Groh's nounced that he plans to remain lome at West Point on a soldier's 40, and the county, 10. al to two major subdivisions. Police said the Marshall car, ASBURY PAiRK — Mrs. Pea on the Board of Education to jension, she demanded and re- . Mr. Blum has estimated the Orchard Hill Estates, being built raveling west on Rumson Rd., Mooney, widow of a former As sored by the Long Branch Police Bar, Rt. 71. • • = • bury Park mayor, Clarence V Department in cc-operatfon with Two $10 bills used by Buckner complete his term, which runs reived from General Washington Keansburg total cost at less than by the Colts Neck Construction vas hit by a car driven by Mrs. Co. on Rt. 537 and Randolph Rd. larbara L. McStay, 17, of 70S right to a weekly rum allow- $2 million. Mooney, died Sunday In Fitkli the New Jersey region of the in paying a bar bill Saturday to July, 1968. Hospital, Neptune, after a shoi National Conference of Christians night proved counterfeit, police Mr. George had withdrawn nee which previously had been With the federal government won approval of Its 212 lots on 180 ifth Ave., Bradley Beach, traveland Jews. said. They said-Mr. Groh filed from the race last week but had lenled to her." illness. paying approximately two-thirds acres; Freehold Park, section 3 ig on Avenue-Of-Two-Rivers;" the. complaint when the Long said he would serve if elected. of the total, and the balance di- with 13 lots in the Barkalow track Mrs. McStay was charged by Mrs. Mooney, a daughter o Branch man failed to keep a He stated that the expense of vided 5M0-10 (state, municipal- also was approved. Freehold atrolman Edward Fallon -With the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert promise to make good the $20. two elections In a six-week stop street violation. A hearing ity and county), the Keansbyrg Park Is being built by Economy Megill, was born in Bradlej Buckner was arrested• at the period was too much for him. scheduled for Monday, July 5, and Raritan share, nonetheless, Enterprises, Freehold. Beach. She lived here 40 years (Continued) hotel at 12:30 this morning by Mr. Phillips won In wards four, will depend on apportionment for From 1945 to 1959, she served a; the basis of his top total in the Detective Philip Berger of the the West Keansburg project — five and six, with Mr. Dinkela member of the Board of run-off election. Belmar police with the assistance spiel taking ward one and Mr. and that settlement alto will inCation. It is almost certain that if of Long Branch detectives. volve Union Beach. For many years, Mrs. Moonej Mr. Dinkelspiel has to choose be- The counterfeit bills were part Cioffi bringing home wards two MIDDLETOWN - The TownThe Union Beach property H-Acre Tract operated the Berkeley Gift Shof tween Mr. Untermeyer and Mr. of the series of phony $10 bills and three, as expected. needed for the project—part of ship Committee and sewer study If the tests are favorable, the Mazza he will choose the former. passed in the county In March Mr. Taylor ran well only in on the Boardwalk. SUMSON-A 19-year-old Rum. committee, meeting last night in ward one, where he finished secthe "Natco" tract—is owned by governing body will take option Among the many political and April, local police said. She was a member of Ballan son girl Is in critical condition International Flavora and Fra- executive session, requested to the site, a 14-acre parcel.' Methodist Church, a Republica plums to be handed out by the Det. Berger is continuing the ond to Mr. Dinkelspiel. in Riverview Hospital, Red Bank, grances, Inc. Health Officer Dr. Marc Krohn Mr. Ippolito made a strong The federal government is county executive committeewom council after a mayor is chosen Investigation. showing in all wards but the ivlth injuries suffered In a head- The over-all levy-dlke-sandfill to obtain a report on results of holding back final funds ($150,•n, past president and honorar are the appointments for city in collision on the Rumson-Sea program will extend from Rt. 36 dye tests taken five weeks ago In first. He led Mr. Cioffi in the 000) tor sewer system engineermember of the Elks Club Auxi! attorney and assistant city atDemocratic Outing fourth, fifth and sixth wards but Bright bridge at 7:34 p.m. yes- west of Thorne Creek, Union Compton's Creek, Belford. ing work until a disposal plant lary, and belonged to the Pro torney. crday. The tests are being analyzed site It under option. Beach, to the Waackaack Creek trailed him in the first three fessional Women's Club of As Rumors have touted several Brings Out 3,000 by the U.S. Public Health Servarea of Raritan, through Keanswards. Police said the girl, Lynn F. bury Park. men including the present city atTownship commlttee'men id.SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS . The new council Is scheduled to Restlvo, of 39 Highland Ave., burg into Middletown across ice and the. state Department of She is survived by three daugh torney, LQI^S R. Aikins, and his mltted to a Register reporter last Health. (AP) — More than 3,000 perIdeal Beach in East Keansburg organize on July 1. was driving west on the bridge ters, Mrs. Pearl Bennett, wit* assistant, Jacob Rand, as prosnight that the proposed sewer sons turned out under threatennhen her car skidded Into the to Pew's Creek, Port Monmouth, "There is no reason for this program has been at a itanditill whom she resided; Mrs. Barbarj pects for the jobs, but recently ng skies Tuesday to attend the and up to Rt. 36. iastbound lane and crashed into kind of delay," said Mayor Erthe names of city magistrate Schaefer and Mrs. Doris Garrit; for nearly a year, Essex County Democratic Or- tion," the governor quoted Kencar driven by Mrs. Gall Ser' Act on Bonds nest G. Kavalek and Committeeof Ocean Township; and f o u r Stanley Cohen and Elliot Katz ganization's annual Governor's nedy as saying. Mr. Roth said that "the probhave been mentioned with in- Day outing. "That's our campaign," 'iaio, 27, of 10 Linda PI., Hazlet. Mr. Blum said he will recom- man Edward J. Roth, study com- lem of a plant site must be regrandchildren. Mrs. Servidio Is reported In mend at a Borough Council mittee chairman, who called the Hughes added, "This Is a Demcreasing regularity. Services will be held tomorrow solved one way or another. Ac- Speaking during a dinner at ocratic crusade of, and for the air condition In the same hos- meeting tonight that Keansburg special meeting. at 2 p.m. in the Ely Funeral DKATU NOTICK the $50-a-ticket affair, Gov. Rich>ital with fractured ribs and go ahead with its first bonding Failure to get test results Is tion must be taken." Home, 514 Second Ave., with njnTZDaHy C. of 5 Reynold! Er., ard J. Hughes quoted from a people." N. J. on Monday, June H, Former Gov. Robert B. Mey- ractured knee. She was iched- ordinance, $68,000 for acquisition holding up the township's pro- A state department pollution Rev. Warren S. Layton officiat- Calontmvn, 965. Wife of tbe lite Frederick C. speech by the late President lled to undergo surgery this of easements. posed $19 million sewer program. survey of Middletown, reported ing. Burial will be in Glcndola urtz, molher of Lt. Col. Ilofom H. John F. Kennedy in describing ner also addressed the gathering urlz ind Mri. J«me« L. Olltlllln. and called for support of the en- nornlng, hospital authorities said. Middletown Mayor Ernest G. If ths tests show that it might exclusively in The Register last Cemetery. ilsler of Hr«. Marjorie Powell, Mn. his campaign platform. hurt fishing Interests If a sewer week, is expected to be transtire Democratic ticket In the Police sal dthe bridge grating Kavalek had this comment; :arol Rlckenon and ilrj. Hum wal"I believe In human dignity ace. Funeral lervlce at Wyoming HIS slippery at the time of the "I hope the action or lack of plant Is built at the creek-bay mitted to the local Board of IN MKMUHIAM TMbyterlin Church. • Mlllbum, N. 3. as the source of national pur- fall. ccident because of rain. action by one town. Union Beach, site, another site will be chosen, Health this week or next. ' In loving memory of our loved one a Friday. June, 18 at 2 p.m. Frlenda John Dennis who pagan aw«y June nny call at 8mltn uid Smith (Subur* pose; liberty as the source of House Hunting! It's open sea- Sgt. John Shea investigated. will not endanger thia viUlly or a decision made to run » sew- Township officials hope to get I*. IBM. We «re ntvn- very fur tpirt ian) OS Morrli Ave., Springfield, N.J. national action; the human son In the Daily Register Classi- The Sea Bright First Aid Squad needed protection for (he entire er trunk directly into the bay, the sewer program moving again >n Thursday from 7 to 5 «jid T to 0. for you're Uwiyi in our hurt. at IL atepbtnl CMBtterj, mind as the source of Inven- fied now. Your lovlni family. iKerment took the Injured to thi hoipltal. Btyihor* eowtliae." by-pu«lng the creek. befori thi l u t e iteps In. flUburn, N. J. Library Bayshore Map Plans For Fight On Zoning Bay Indict Youth In $10 Theft Planners Phillips Rumson Entry Is Probed \nlet Police Bogus Bills Net Fraud Charge Mayor irl Critical After Crash Qn Bridge Seek Sewer Program Action y to (Mm of Its Brooks 63 To Get Diplomas At Star of Sea l239t SJUuaMfJHB w JtCQOft'wT*t 2 Major Subdivhwns Approved in Rumson RUMSON - The Planning LONG BRANCH - Our Lad) Board last night approved two Council also approved a resolu- Star of the Sea School will hold inajor subdivisions and agreed to tion to re-invest $5,000 and put graduation ceremonies tor its 63 meet in special public session on $5,000. in the capital fund for graduates tonight at 7 o'clock at Tuesday evening, June 29, to disnew street department trucl Our Lady Star of the Sea. Church cuss a third. when a current $10,000 certificate The graduates are Deborah Ad- The planners approved the apof deposit comes due. The pui deo, Louis Annitto, Gladys An- plication of Allen Gordon Millet chase previously was approved, zola, Sara Arthur, Judy Boaforte, for a major subdivision which Playground Equipment Antonetta Cleffi, Richard Cola- will carve seven 1>A acre lots Another capital expense ap guori, John Connelly, Carolyn from a tract on Rumson Rd. beproved last night was an ap Cramfbrd, Fred Dellano, Donna tween Buttonwood La. and Clubproprlation of up to $1,000 for flew Dellaton, Douglas DiGiuseppe, way. playground equipment. Deborah Ferraro, Lawrence Fey- The planners stipulated thai Councilman John P. Steel said ereisen, Andrew Frattin, Joel drainage to the Rumson waterthe money would go for appa Freibaum, Margaret Gebhard, Al- way, a lagoon at the rear of the r a t e such as slides and swing! mira Genito, Anthony Gervolino, property be Installed according for younger children. Gerald Gironda, Deborah Greer, to specifications set by Thomas A six-month dog control con- Robert Hayes, Dorthy Hermann, P. Santry, borough engineer, beU t E SL h tract was renewed for $1.70 pei Gary Hildebrand, Maiyann Iani- fore any building Is started on t SILVER - The Plan- licensed dog in the borough. celli, Patricia Juska, Michael the lots, that the borough be giv. fling Board last night set Tues When council renews its garKawietzke, Ellen Kelly, Michael en a drainage easement, and thai day, July 20, at 8 p.m. as thebage collection contract in the Kenny, Martin Hester, Nicholas a concrete headwall be Installed time for a public hearing on the fall, it will consider the remarks Kiernan, Donald Kurkjian, and at the waterway. application of Reginald Webste of Reginald Bromfield-Brown, 114 Howard Luebcke, for a major subdivision which Garden Rd., who asked for side Also Gary Lukich, Marilyn Mo would carve fix lots from a 13 or rear yard garbage collection, Cabe, Randall Macaluso, Marj •cre tract on Seven Bridge Ed In a letter, Mr. Bromfield- Mahon, William Magarine, MaryThe board will recommend thai Brown said he was a newcomer jean Mazzeo, Carl Migliaccio t James Dadenas be given a per and found the borough an order- Jeffrey Minch, Edward Mitchell, LITTLE SILVER - Roger , n i t to move an eight-car garage ly one, but would like to see Kenneth Mount, Geraldine Na- Wild, 99 North Sunnycrest Dr. from <he Holly Tree Farm Es collections stepped up to three stasi, Patricia O'Brien, Maryair was fined $25 for contempt o tate* property, Seven Bridge Rd, per week and without the neces O'Connor, Marie Orechio, Mary court Monday night for failing ' to a lot fronting on the one-way sity of leaving cans at the curb. Parsons, Thomas Peel, Patrici to appear when originally sumroad connecting Sycamore end Penta, Diane Pietrodangelo, An- moned on charges of violation of Criticizes Report Oceanport Awes. J. Robert Sagurton, 815 Broad toinette Rosano, Anna Russo, the borough's all-night parking . Mr, Dadenas, who operates Carmen Sanders, Theresa Smerig- ban. : lawn mower and marine moto St., wrote in criticism of the re- lio, Michael Smith, Paul Smith, Magistrate Richard D. Porter repair shop on the tract, plans toport of Manganaro, Martin and Mary Sullivan, Barbara Sussmei- fined Wild (5 on the parking Uncoln, consultants t o the Reuse the building for storage. er, Lynda Vogt, Christopher charge. The approval Is subject t o land- gional Sewer Study Committee Welsh, Louis Wermlng, Gregory Roger G. Ostrander, 682 River •caplng of the property by Dee, which, proposed a regional Wheeler, Judith Whelan and Carl Rd., Fair Haven was fined {1 sewer authority already ap1. Widrich. for driving an unregistered The board okayed a minor sub- proved by ordinance here. Mr. venicle and {20 for driving division which would permit Mrs. Sagurton asked for a five-year vehicle with fictitiona license Frank Dean to divide her proper- delay in the implementation ol plates. ty on Oceanport Ave. into twc the plan. His questions will be referrec . lot*. Ths approval is subject to ' conditions required by the county by Councilman Paul F. Schisslei ; (tanning board since tine proper- to the regional committee foi answers. ty fronts on a county road. Council voted to forwardtoth LONG BRANCH-An employee state Board of Public Utility of Tarantolos' Bakery, 37 South Commissioners its corespondents SHREWSBURY — A personBroadway, caught his hand in a asking the Jersey Central rail- nel policy drawn by Councilman road to repair crossings at Pat-John P. Steel was adopted last dough mixing machine yesterday terson'and Sycamore Aves. Coun- night by Borough Council to reg- morning and was seriously incilman Leo F. Sadkowski said ulate the hiring, firing and bene- jured. the railroad was given two weeks fits of employees outside the po- Felix Negron de Jesus was adin which the work was not begun lice department. mitted to Monmouth Medical •''..'BHEBHOUJ — A senior whc nor the letter of request acknowThe document sets 10 holiday, Center with an amputation of the will graduate this week from th leged. per year, and gives borough third finger on his left hand and jBouthern F r e e h o l d Region- Liquor licenses for the Shadowworkers up to five days sick a fracture of his upper left arm. al High School in Howell Town- brook, Shrewsbury Liquors, B leave the first year and 10 day. He is listed in fair condition this ship has been turned down on and B Liquors and Red Ban" per year thereafter. It allows 1 morning. . bid to stay In. school another yea: Recreation Lanes were renewed days vacation after the first i s a post graduate. without objections being heard. year, 15 working days after 1 The Regional Board of Educa years, and 20 days for veteran LONG BRANCH — Police are tlon rejected the request of Anof more than 20 years service. drew Polo, Freehold Township, All new employees will be con- investigating a break-in at the by a divided voice vote after th sidered on probation for the first YMCA, 404 Broadway, sometime board's president. Dr. Jacol six months on the job, and disci- Monday night or early Tuesday. • lewis, and Norman Rucci, pline and dismissal are at the dis- Police Chief Thomas M. Pesano said $40 was reported missing Howell Township representative, cretion of Borough Council. led the opposition. The policy also establishes pro- 'rom the drawer at the checkThe Superintendent of Schools, cedure for calling in sick, for in desk by the custodian, who Kenneth M. Friable said Mr. Po- SHREWSBURY — Traffic had the creation of new jobs, foi arrived at work at 7: JO «.m. thai lo, had said that "an additional to be detoured from Rt. 35 fo overtime and for employment yesterday. y He also reported p d raadrins dri iin th year of study and maturity wi about 15 minutes yesterday aftei Interviewing. a soda thebttdt appreciably contribute, to his ed- an automobila,(ccident bn;ugh'i was pried open. k IN THE s iicarjonal success." The «uperin- power lines d o t y g u " The , chief said there was * . i .'•• I - . - i • itendent recommended approval Patrolman Robert f. building, whidi had closed a on the academic merits but said investigated, said a 4:30 p.m. Monday. ' the decision was a; policy matte by Edward F. Letfert of Milford for board action. hit a pole near Sihrerbrook Rd. John Tergis, of Marlboro Town- at 5:50 p.m. No one was inship, joining the opposition,"said jured, FREEHOLD—A drooping flag, the youth could "work for a yeai Mr. Leffert told police an un- one corner rubbing the ground, RED BANK-Aaron K. Fein to gain the desired maturity."- identified car forced him to the attracted much attention from stein, 673 Broadway, Long Mr. iRucci said *e regretted side. The Leffert car, traveling passersby at a prominent borough Branch, suffered a scalp Injury that the board had to'decide such north, crossed the south-bound intersection Monday, Flag Day. last night when Ms car skidded THURSDAYS requests on ah individual basis. lane and knocked down the utility But only Mrs. Harold Brown, on Wall St. and struck a utility pole. Put Mr. Frisbls replied that the pole on the west side of Rt. 35. of 14 Tamarack Dr., Manakpan board ruled more titan & yea October 21 and October 28 Township, was upset.enough to He was treated at Rlverview Traffic Rerouted Igo that applications of this na- little Silver police assisted thi do anything. She complained to Hospital and released. ture had to c o m e before th local force in rerouting traffi police, local newspaper offices, Police said the car skidded on From 7t30 p.m. to 9t30 pan. board individually. and the office of Mayor Frank E, the wet pavement and jumped from the accident scene. a curb. Patrolman Hoffman was called ibson. Patrolman Raymond Patterson out again at 8:20 p.m. when Mrs. Brown contended the flag investigated'. two cars collided at the inter- was too big for its short pole and section of Laurel St. and New- therefore, was being disgraced on L u t year, merchandising expert Lea GiHin delivered1 one display. Swim Registration man Springs Rd. Police Capt. Henry T. Lefkoof the most stimulating salesmanship messages ever heard The drivers were Harold X Dates Extended VfESR LONG BRANCH - The Ellis of 146 Morningside Ave., wich investigated the situation, by executives of The Central Jersey Bank and Trust ComSHREWSBURY Councilman found no one at home, and con (Board of Education last night Union Beach, and Linda A. FeJohn P. Steel announced last hired three teachers for the 1965- donko of Ivy House, Kings Hwy. eluded the abuse was not inpany. Since then, the bank has wanted to thare this tended. He called back later, night the registration deadline 66 school year. Middletown. for children interested in the business success formula with you and your community. after the home owner had reThey are Mis» Elizabeth Nelli- Nether was hurt, and no tickets moved the banner, and said be iVMOA leorn-to-swim program has can, Vest long Branch, $5250, a wer» issued, Tha officer said rain had passed on some hints about been entended because the quota graduate of Newark State Col- had made the roadway slide Now, Monmouth College is doing this, for a Seminar has not been filled. The classes proper c a n of ths flag. lege) MU§ Helen Coutros, Aswill be June 28 to July 3 at the Fee of only $10 per person, for both Thursday evenings, "Maybe I'm wrong," said the hirjr Pa A , $5,009, a graduate irate Mrs. Brown, "but the flag tebury Park YMCA, with bus a Georgian Court College: and covering both business and social success. You'll' also reransportation provided. means something to me," Miss Karen Dettmar, Neptune, ceive a free handbook, containing all the information used $5,000, a graduate of Monmouth , SHREWSBURY - Tt»e Thomu Farrell, Contracting Corp. last night was authorized by Borough Coinjca to clean out some oJ the borough's broolu at a cost not to exceed $940. Council had budgeted $1,000 to: drainage this year. The work I * done by Farrell will be la th Birch Dr. area and along Monroe THE, DAILY KEGISTEa lWueid«r, Jvw W, 1965*3 of Raanoa Shore Estates, H u e * aad CUM" (he application of Robert tttw, me* «pj«c«tion m w t b« ' me board said. i Vincent J. S«sw, ft* deveJoj - Berg ;/er a M-k* subdivision in [ received map* tt a er, agreed to cbaogt the court t *ec«ott two of Riverfleld Estates major subdivision of t brook on the tract, as rw • at toe south end of Bingham proponed which womVtcarve ate lots from ommendecl by Herbert' wHilli Ai* Ave. Rtchird D. Porter, Red Bank Mdttei, West Trenton, the bor- Mr. Berg had filed an appli- • tract on Ridge Rd. near Belleattorney, represented the appli- ough's planning consultant!. cation last'month for an eight- vue Ave. The applicants are cant. The board will meet in sped*} lot subdivision. Because of theBrenda G. RichierodEldon and The planners also approved a public session on June 29 to dls-. increased number of building Dorhthy Harvey. Hearing Set For Land Spill On Julyy 20 Driver Fined For Contempt Monmouth College Human Relations Seminar with LES GIBLIN TO HELP YOU Shrewsbury Adopts Policy Man Injured By Machine For Personnel Peny Senior Extra Year In School Sell Yourself Increase Your Sales Obtain Recognition Gain Confidence Up Your Income Overcome Fear Motivate People Make More Friends Develop Leadership Make Better Friends Win Prestige Get More Out of life YMCA Entered Car Hits Pole, Cuts Power In Shrewsbury SPONSORED BY The Central Jersey Bank and Trust Company Woiiti'!fiiti: Flag Display Car Hits Pole Pollak Auditorium Monmouth College WLB Hires 3 Teachers School Class For Deaf Will Open ' College. The board also approved summer recreation program for children in the community. The The program, open to 5-year-olds and WEST LONG BRANCH up, will feature many sports in- Board of Education last night - eluding swimming three days - made public a letter it had reeived from the Neptune Townweek* The board also revealed that It ship public school system anbad appointed a paid committee nouncing a programfordeaf and of teachers to completely re-eval- ard of hearing children to belutte the curriculum In the school gin to the foil system. The project may take The board has recently come inder lire tor canceling its own several years. . The new committee Is headed milar program. Small enroll|>y Miss Betty McElmon, pres- ment, no resident students and ent, co-ordinator of curriculum. igh costs were given at the time the reasons for the cancelOther members are Miss Jane Haveron, John Swoope, and Ber- ation. Police Probing Robbery Report ibrary Records 'et in Shrewsbury in the Seminar. You'll get four full hours of merchandising and friend-making tips that business executives from the SHREWSBURY - Councilman nation's largest corporations have paid as much as 850 per Reid Harrison said last night WEST LONG BRANCiMPollce e public library circulated 1,085 person to hear ! The low fee is possible because The Cenre Investigating the alleged rob- looks and gained 39 new membery and beating of Raymond ers in May — new records tor tral Jersey Bank and Trust Company i t underwriting the (Thomas, 23, of Livingston, some- ioth figures. major cost. They believe that what i s good for business in time Monday night. The councilman thanked MayMr. Thomas was found lying in »r and Mrs. Frederic Messina Monmouth County is good for the bank, as weD. the street on Broadway between for the gift of a dictionary stand 'lie Esso station and Rt. 36 at to die new library. So, don't miss out on this opportunity. Make yont reser12:10 a.m. yesterday. He told police he had been beat GUILTY PLEA vation now ! Fill out the coupon-below and mail i t with m up by two men and robbed of FREEHOLD - F r e d e r i c k your check for yourself, your associates, your employees er 15. tooney, Freehold, pleaded guilty He was taken to Monmouth resterday in Monmouth County your family, today 1 iledical Center and admitted with :ourt He will be sentenced by concussion and cuts of the scalp fudge Thomas J. Smith July 2. nard Feinberg. In a prepared statement, the UB condition is.listed as fair. Rooney was Indicted for an as ard said It was "extremely Ms morning. nault on Freehold Township PaLong Branch Aid Squad pleased" that the Neptune Town- Lt. Warren Brand and Patrol- trolman William Mills Dec. 20 at ship Board of Education had un- man Herbert Van Note Investi- the Freehold Mall Shopping CenCLIP THIS COUPON: Begin* Its Fund Drive ertaken the program. gated and were assisted by De- ter. • LONG BRANCH - The Long The statement called on thetectives John P. Naylor and AJex Gordon Terrell, Jamesburg, ho pleaded guilty to carrying Branch First Aid Squad has be- iress. to give the Neptune an- Rota of Long Branch, concealed sawed off Bhot gun gun Its annual drive tor funds iouncement Che same degree of C O U i a i MIAT1ONI OfflCI, MONMOUTH C O U I M ubHotty which previously had his car in Manalapan Townwitji a door-to-door campaign, GRANTS ANNULMENT WIST ION* IRANCH, NIW JIUIY sen given to criticism of the Capt. Jack F. Klely Jr. anFREEHOLD — M o n m o u t h lip, also will be sentenced July Vest Long Branch Board of Edunounced last night. bounty Judge Clarkson S. Fisher Sind us. •nrollmtnti for tht itmlnir ' He said the drive started Mon- ction (or canceling its own pro- as approved annulment of the NO CASES TRIED day night and will continue for ;ram. nariiage of Joseph Camaratra, en October 21 «nd 21, I96S at $10.00 tteh. about three months. The organi- The board said that the NepMorris Ave., Long Branch, RED BANK — No cases were sation hopes to collect $13,000 to une commitment "in essence, (Thlt lnelud»i th* Hindboelc.) Ermlna Benlncasa Camastra, -ied before Magistrate Francis pay for a new ambulance or- nswers the critical comments 522 Springdale Ave., Long Branch. Kennellyi last night. The com Eneleitd is »ur thick for $ dered several weeks ago. leaped erroneously upon this The decree upheld the oonten- plaints on the docket either were ard and the administration on of fraud by Mr, Camastra withdrawn or postponed pending • YOUTH UNDER BAIL i that Mist Bentacas* alleged- tiring or assignment of legal luring the last lew months." fSftREWSBURY-Bail of $1,000 Indications are ths. board may ly married without Intenttocon- ounsel for the defendants. HAMI was posted yesterday for George loll Its equipment used In train- summate the marriage, They were Stlrnweiss, 19, of 63 Trafford St., ng the deaf and hard of hearing y ^ j sept. 10,1060. Mr. Camastra PERFECT ATTENDANCE charged with contributing to the the Neptune Board of Educt- was represented by Thomas J. KED BANK - Red Bank High COMPANY delinquency of two girls last ion. • . • . . etiool reports a graduating seBaldlno, Long Branch, ifnonth: A preliminary hearing will The sohool superintendent, Pe- Judge Fisher granted a dl-ior with a perfect 10-year atbe'held Friday. er C. Sandilos, said that, Mrs. orce to Elizabeth J. Briggs, 5 sndance record. She is Evange1 STRUT The glrlB.aged 15 and 16, left Clara Maslow, who had taught .venue A, Freehold, from Wll- Ine M. Doyle, on of 306 stu their homes a month ago and the deaf and hard of hearing stu- am H. BrJggs, Perth Amboy, tents, who will receive diplomas were driven to New York by the dents under the West Long or desertion, They were mar- omoirow night, BUmwetoi youth, police still. They Branch program, would be given ried July 4, 1946. Alexander LevCITY nrcoDi j have been charged with juvenile an excellent recommendation in chuk, Freehold, represented Mrs. Sell Fasti Thi Dally Register &»•••• Briggs. seeking * new position. delinquency, daisified. . Fi-.. . * Who Is Les Giblin? • National Salesman of the Year 1964 • Rated among the nation's top tea tales speakers—* dynamic, inspiring, entertaining. + Has been hired by Eastman Dillon, Union Securities; & Co., National Association of Insurance Agents, General Electric Company, Johnson & Johnson, Chera-' strand Corporation, J. Walter Thompson Company, J.- L Hudson Company, Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, Inc., and many others. + 120,000 executives, salesmen,, businessmen have attended his seminars. * 200,000 copies of his "How To Have Confidence and Power in Dealing With People," published by Prentice Hall, have been sold. • 450 top stores use his Retail Sales Training Kit. * 105 Sales and Marketing Executives Clubs and other iponson have brought him' to their communities. CENTRE JERSEY BANK TRUST COMFMNV n i m m • m m BEACH • HTOMTOWK • FMNWNIE' WIE m i WHKHITH • FDEEHOtDia • FIEEMU TOWHSW • U H B H U C I smimmn-sfwt ua n m -SERVICE IS OUR BIGGEST ASSET? 1 Becker Elected By Printers TH£ DAILY REGISTER June 16, 1965 Street Has Best Gain In 9 Months Students Get Awards Investing Board Seeks A Librarian For School 1 s; Colura Gag Coml Solv Con Ed Is Cont Cm Coop Bei Corn Pd Coming O Cm Zell Cruc Stl Curtlsa Wr Deere Phlll P e t Pit Stetl Pub Sv E4<J Pullman Pura Oil RCA 44H 5054 32W 5214 188 53% 24% Reading Co Repub Stl '•' Revlon Reyn Met Rey Tob Rob Controls Bt Jos Lc&d Bt Reg P a p Bears Roeb Shell Oil Sinclair BmlUi. AO Socony Sou Pan Sou Ry Sperry n d Std Brand Btd Oil Cal n« 4014 Del & HUd 3014 Dent Sup 26 V4 Doug A Ire 38i Dow Chem 71 Dress Ind 4114 Du Pont »914 Duq Lt East Kod End John Brie Lack Firestone FMC Cp Ford Mot Qen Accept 8-114 Gen Cigar 2IR4 Gen Dynam 3SW Gen Elec Gen IMs Gen Motori Gen Pub Ut O TelAEl % Gen Tire 38% Ga Pfic Cp Hit Gillette 57% Glen Aid 33% Goodrich Goodyear Grace Co 50U 45" at A*P Btd o n N J Studebaker Texaco Textron Tldswat Oil Tranaamer Un Carbide Un P a c Uni&hopl Unit AIro United Cp US Lines US Plywd US Rub US Smelt US Steel Va»co Met Walworth Warn B P i c Wn Un. Tel Weltx E l Whit. H o t Woolwth Xe-rox Cp Yngst B h i T s Greyhound GuH o i l Harnm P a p Hero P d r 22H 111 Cent I n d 54 S Ing R a n d Int B u i Mch 4711 «H Int H a r v 458 V. Int Nick 35»4 86!i 1!" So often a sport coat it a matter of mood, a crm.rful mood. Which Makes A PROMENADE tport coat such a happy id»a. Nothing like it for iheer pl»a«ur». There't tunthine . . . golden shore area sunthine in every ttitch. Slip into ona for a real change. Priced from $49.95. Other tport coats from $39.95 to $100.00 Come in early for best selections Monmouth Shopping Center, Eatontown o LI 20615 • Fw your cMvtnlmcb wt are op<n dolly 'HI t:M p.m. TuHdoy and Saturday 'III < p.m. -jntiniy «utomotlve--baf the dividend me to e w h Jook» ftwoughjy secure. .United Gas Corporation Is a fully integrated gas system anc) is a safe Investment, in my'opinion. Sinclair Oil yields only 3% per cent But there is a distinct possibility of a. dividend increase this year, and I advise you to Bold these shares. NEWARK - William H. Becker, Jr., of Main St, Hobndel, has been named treasurer of the Master Printers Association of RUMSON — Stuart Adams Young, 3d, was awarded the Newark and Vicinity, Inc. Mr. Becker was elected to theTrustees' Prize during graduation post during the unit's annual golf ceremonies at Rumson Country Roger E. Spear By ROGER E. SPEAR tournament, dinner and election Day School recently. session at the Cedar-HiU Golf The award each year goes to Q) "Recently, I inherited $25,-, earnings • and dividends; Northand Countiy Club, Livingston, last the graduating student showing 000 which is at present in a sav-ern Illinois Gas, a strong utility; the most outstanding qualities in ings account. I am 21-years-old, and FMC Corporation, an excelweek. scholarship, sportsmanship, lead- in college, and expect to be mar-lent vehicle for capital enhanceried in a year. My college ex- ment. ership and character. Economic Squeeze and wedding expenses Q) "I am a widow with a Also graduating were Edwin penses have already been taken care daughter Barnes, Ellen Mary Boyd, Elizain college. I am InterSeen for Dairy Farmers beth M. Boynton, R o b e r t A. of. Would you please advise what ested in stocks for liberal income TRENTON (AP) — Gov. Rich- Cooke, 3d., Alice S. Davidson, investments would be the best nd have a good savings account. WEST LONG BRANCH - The ard J. Hughes said Tuesday Charlotte H. Ellis, Frank J. for me for maximum growth and own 110 Campbell Taggart, 20 Board of Education here is seekL. R.laton Manufacturing Co., 80 Sin-ing a full time librarian for the south Jersey dairy farmers Fischer, Elizabeth A. Harvey, maximum safety?" borough's school system. would be caught in an economic Anita L. Jones and Jeffrey B. :lair Oil, 80 Dana Manufactur- In order to qualify, applicants A) Please let me congratulate squeeze if the federal govern- McDonnell. ng, and 100 United Gas Corpora- must have a college degree in you on your forthcoming wedding ment rescinds its milk marketMore are: Katherine Mon- and your fine inheritance. At theion. Can you give me any ad-either teaching or library science ing order. E. U. and some graduate work Is detaigne, Garnette E, Mullis, Carol present relatively high state of rice?" Hughes appealed to U.S. Agri' A. Russell, Caroiyn Q. Scudder, the market, I belive you should culture Secretary Orville Free- Herbert C. Smith, Robert C. Stan- invest no more than $15,000, leav- A) Gladly. You have a gener- sired. In addition, certification as man not to do away with the ley, 3d Frederick F. Tompkins ing $10,000 In the savings bank illy good list of income stocks, I a librarian is required. m pleased to say. Campbell The board announced at last order covering nine south Jer- and Christina M. Walsh. faggart is one of the more sue- night's meeting that lt is having sey Counties and part of Perm H i g h e s t scholarship awards as a cash reserve. oner- extreme difficulty in filling 'he baking comoanies. companies, opersylvania. The order establishes went to Joseph W, Huber and I suggest that you buy equal •useful haldne minimum prices for raw milk Lisa McCarter of the third grade; dollar amounts of Bristol-Myers iting mainly in the South anc position. on the farm. Ann Van Rennselaer and Marc —in Pharmaceuticals, proprietary "Many south Jersey farmers de Laperouse, fourth grade; Pa- drugs (Bufferin) and toiletries KEYPORT, N. J . would find their markets in seri tricia H. Taylor and Peter'T. (Clairol)—which Is one of the stocks; Winnous jeopardy if the proposed Hetzler, f i f t h grade; Anne W. best of all growth 1 FURNITURE CO. 3714 course is followed," Hughes said Ryan of the sixth grade; Anna- Dixie Stores , a food chain with 50»i in a telegram to Freeman. E l consistent record of gains in bel F. Ripley and Jean S. Sin264-0181 14 ?i 4014 Instead of rescinding the or-nott, seventh grade; Christina 46 66% der, Hughes said, the federal Walsh, eighth grade, and Nancy t h i r d grade; Christopher P. 331/5 government should step up en-K. Haaren of the ninth grade Tompkins and Vanna M. Borden, forcement procedures and im Peter T. Hetzler won the Jiiirior fourth grade; Edith C. Borden pose stiffer penalties on dealers Shield for high scholarship and and Hans P. Huber, fifth grade; 4214 violating the order. Christina Walsh won the Senior Philippe de Laperouse, sixth 40% grade; Eleanor H. Huber and 40W Under New Jersey's milk prlo Shield award. 25% minimum retail Honorable mentiori for h i g h Russell C. Tompkins, seventh 40% ing system, 34% prices are pegged to prices of scholarship went to Edwin S. grade, and Frederick F. TompOpen Mon. and Fri. evening$ 'til 9 p.m. 67U i raw product on the farm. Field and Cynthia S. Riker of the IS, eighth grade. 8211 »> NEW YORK (AP) - Stocks was also linked to reports of 2.19 million shares changed hands : : « m pounded down mercilessly the breakfast meeting of con- Corporate bonds declined. U.S •la eirly trading yesterday, but gressional leaders with President Treasury bonds were stronger. buyers came back in swarms Johnson, at which those present Yesterdays closing stocks: .and the market rallied so strong- were said to agree that the ACF Ind Int TeUfcTel J o h m Man Ex ly that the final result was thenation's economy is in good Adatni Jones A L Air Prod Joy Mfs btst gain in about nine months. shape. Air Reduc Kaiser Al Cp The intense selling and buying The Associated Press average Alleg Kennecott Alleg 1MA Koppera Alleg Pw 28 ..waves boosted volume to 8.5 mil-of 60 stocks rose 2.4 to 320.1 Kresge, S 3 Allied Cti 48 Bon shares from 5.9 million Mon- with the industrials up 3.2, rails AIHB Chal 21*4 Kroger Leh Port C Alcoa day. This was the biggest total up 2.2 and utilities up .4. It was Am Alrlln 73% Ind 53'^ Leti Va! Glass Since Nov. 26, 1963, when 9.23 the largest gain since Sept. 11, Am BrK Sh 56 LOF Lib McN*L 46 Can Llgg £ My . million shares changed hands. 1964, when an equal advance was Am Cyan 73'/ Lllton Ind Am M Fdy 17 That was the day the market made by the AP average. Stl i Lukens 73V4 Am Mot Mick Trk .rallied in a show of confidence Key stocks, down one or twoAm Smelt S3-li Mapiavox 3S , Am Btd Marattl Oil • followings its big plunge the points along a broad front, began Am Tel Tel 6614 % Martin M Tob 19 25% Maaonlte previous Friday when President to recover in late morning. At Am Amp Inc 3fl'i Merck that time the new, 900-character- Anaconda Kennedy was killed. 55 62TJ. HGM Stl 37% 60'i The Dow Jones industrial aver- per-minute stock ticker began to Armco Armour 56'1 3814 MfcM % Minn Ck age ended with a gain of 5.86 atrun late for the first time since Armst 75»i Mo P a c A Aslil Oil 34 % Mont Ward 874.57. In iate morning it wasit was put into operation last Dec.Atchlson 5914 30»,l Nut Blsc At) Rofin Res 8814 down as much as 6.60, so from 1. The tape ran as much as four Avco Corp es NNutCain Daley 87% 20S Babcock W its bottom to its top the Dowminutes behind floor transactions. Bald N i t Distill 30 so Limn Nat Gyps 30% average traveled a huge 12.46 If the old, 500-character-peMnln Buyuk Clg 17K Nat Steel 6S & How M S NY Central ute ticker had been in action, the Bell points. 48«l 31',i Beth Steel M PW 27'/, 35'A Nla No Am Av Some analysts called this sharp tape would have been an hour Boeing 50 K 69'/, Rorden New Nor P a c 42 % Borg Warn plunge and rebound a "selling behind by noon, according to a Brunswk Nwit Alrlln i Norwich p a climax" but stressed that there spokesman for the exchange. Bucy E r i e 4314 Onto M a r Bulova 14 Owens 111 can be more than one such Prices on the American Stock Burl Ind 5314 18% Pan Am Jl "climax" in the reversal of a Exchange ended irregularly lower C e , Trac 29% P a r a m Plct 5014 13% Penney. JC board trend like the one that has despite a recovery move. Volume Cater Celanese 67% P a Pw&Lt & Oh 37 P a KR depressed stoek prices for thewas 2.15 million shares compared Ches 8314 Chrysler Pepsico 3014 65% Sv past five weeks. with 1.64 million Monday and wasCities 73 K Si Perkln E l m Coca Cola PMzer 4911 The sudden reversal in trend the heaviest since May 19 when Colg Pal Phil El 5314 4 Southwest. Dun vA Eaton opsr- WEST as 34% 5Wi 11H 7714 1914 7614 5il4 31% 39% "LET'S GO FISHING!" 123 3714 20 ?1 70JJ BM 35K 4] 61% 103* 48V FREE FISHING in the TROUT TANK 37-% 9 4!M 20% 143 39H Long Branch Man Jailed ATLANTIC HIGHUVNDS-Robert Echols, 465 Hendrickson Ave., Long Branch, received a 30-day jail term from Magistrate Irving B. Zefchner Monday night for driving without a license and for unlawful use of a motor vehicle. Echols had been fined $100 op each count and was sent to jail when tie could not pay the fines. Lionel Potter, 3 South Peak St., Highlands, was fined $35 for careless driving, while Bruce Mizabawa, 292 Ocean Blvd., thh place, paid a $25 fine on a similar charge. Thomas J. Ellison, 78 Shoreland Cir., Laurence Harbor, was fined $5 for disregarding a traffic light. • Catch the "BANDIT" TROUT $ & Win 2 5 0 Cash Prize! and Keep the Fish That You Catch • FISHING TACKLE PROVIDED FREE! "CATCH EM AND KEEP WE INTRODUCE YOU TO THE 3 DAYS ONLY! Thursday Friday 10 to 9 Sat f . & MAGIC WORD . . "TROUT' COMPLETE STORE BUYERS . . • AM* they taU "It CovJde't Be De»e." •XMifcits catch H M . . . *t 187 NEWMAH SPRINGS ROAD, SHREWSBURY AT THE A&P SHOPPING CENTER Air Conditioned-Complete New Parking Facilities SURPRISE DAD on... SELLING OUT... Mill Pond House of Bold Cynwood, ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN BETTER LADIES' SPRING AND SUMMER WEARABLES — BY THESE FAMOUS MANUFACTURERS: JANTZEN — JR. SOPHISTICATES — ROSE MARIE REID — PETTI — CATALINA — JAMES KENROBE — JR. HOUSE — EVAN PICONB — MARK HOBER — MR. PANTS — COUNTRY SET I LADIES' SKIRTS - SLACKS and BERMUDAS BLOUSES and TOPS Mr. Pants—Mark Hober—Janrzen Gabey—Jantztn—-Petti Norman Davidson All The Newest Spring and Summer Colors, In the Latest Styles SIZES 8 to 18 VAL. TO 19.95 • KNITS • COnONS • SILKS • DACRONS AS LOW AS LADIES' LADIES' ALL NEW DRESSES SWIM SUITS and 2-Pe. Sen Maldtn Form — JontMB Jr. House el Mllwalkte — PerH ROM Marl* Reid - - Col* of Cal. Jr. Sophliricatei — Jr. Accent ftttr Pan Alfred Sbaheen Sim 7 t» 18 Include* All Including Six* Sraupi Cup Sim md R*g.t 8 to 1« VALUES TO 40.00 VAL TO 49.95 NEW STOCK ADDED EACH DAY! Compliments of Monmouth Shopping Center • Come and Meet The POLAROID GIRL! Here's « at 3 miniature ttud» locations en the MoHt. Just atfc b«r to talw yM in ottrocthre frame. Grand • Instant Polaroid Color Photo 1 to a Customer, while our Film supply for 2,000 pictures lasts Hint! Gift JUNE 16-17-1-8 and 19 • NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! ITS FUN TO SHOP FOR DAD COLOR JOO a and 00 9 Give Him a Framed PHOTO of You and The Children! • YOURS ABSOLUTELY FREE FATHERS NONI HISHER J at PICTURE In a MINUTE! HO WAITING New Polaroid Color Pack Camera. One-half the Price! Must Have front % Bank, ' - R e v , Paul T. m*tt M a r / . O a w V H W WMW*tb, The major received « B.S.E.E, to St.7amcs CheKfe, Woodbine. degree from Southern Methodist - R e v . Richard C. Brfietel!* University and was commissionfrom Our Lady of PerpetualiHelp ed a distinguished military, grad- TRENTON - Msgr. John J. Rev. Edward U. Kmiec. assistNEPTUNE — Mark and Wayne spokesman for Fitkin Hospital, Church, Maple Shade, t»*St. TRENTON (AP)-Afl passen- Bodlne are still clinging desper- where the boys are hospitalized, MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Ma]. uate there upon completion of the O'Hsra, pastor of the Church of ant at St. Rose Church, Belmar, Rose Church, Belmar. ? ger c a n manufactured after ately to life more than two weeks gives them "a :fair chance" ofClaude D. Stephenson, Jr., was Air Force Reserve Officer Train- the Ascension, Bradley Beach, was named assistant chancellor, Rev. William J. Bau*ch fttm has been named dean of Monmaster of ceremonies and secreJuly 1, 1966, and sold in Newafter being critically wounded by living through the ordeal. ing Corps program. graduated from the U. S. Air St Joseph's Church, Keypoft to Jersey must be equipped with their fatter in a shooting spree. Their two most frequent visi- Force Air Command and Staff His wife, Rena. is the daugh- mouth ana Ocean Counties, Bish- tary to the bishop. Our Lady of Perpetual ^fcl treat seat belts under a bill Both Mark, 4, and Wayne, 11, tors are their aunt, Mrs. MarCollege at Maxwell AFB, Ala.,ter of Mrs. George P. Beaver of op George W. Ahr of the Tren- Transfers announced by Bishop Church, Maple Shade. signed into law Tuesday by Gov. have become paralyzed by the 628 Gerard Ave., Long Branch, ton Diocese has announced. garet Wilkins of Trenton, who isFriday. Ahr included: Richard J. Hughes, Rev. Joseph J. Mize(ak rfrora shots fired into uheir head and Mrs. Bodine's sister, and their The graduation Msgr. O'Hara succeeds the late ceremonies N. J. The measure provides that the chest by their father that fate- grandfather, Thurston B. Bodine marked the end of more ,than Msgr. John F, Baldwin, pastor —Rev. James J. McConnell Sacred Heart Church, S^uth from St. Dorothea's Church, Ea- Plainfield, to Holy cars must have at least two sets ful night of M»y 31. Police have of 10 Wall St., Long Branch. nine months of professional miliOTA INSTALLATION of St. Mary of the Lake Church, tontown to Immaculate Concep- Church, Union Beach. of safety belts on the front seat. termed the incident a murder- The hospital spokesman said tary education. The Air ComLakewood, who died last year. FREEHOLD — Officers Intion Church, Somerville. The belts must be approved by suicide. Rev. Raymond R. Griffin i . the boys "apparently recognize mand and Staff College is part stalled at a recent meeting of the Rev. Edward A. Reissner, the director of the State Division They say the father, Thurston each other and they recognize of the Air University, the Air —Rev. Leo A, Kelty from St. St, Agnes Church, Atlantic HighKeansburg, has been named secOf Motor Vehicles. B. Bodine Jr., a sheet metal their aunt." He said they had notForce's senior military educa- Regional High School PTA were Ann's Church, Keansburg, to St.lands, to Incarnation *"u Mrs. Frank Yapps, president; retary and actuary of the DioThe bill fras sponsored by the worker and a police reserve of- indicated that they knew what tion institution, v/hich prepares John Miller, vice president; Mrs.cesan Tribunal, which handles Dorothea's Church, Eatontown. Trenton. five Republican assemblymen ficer in Ocean Township, used happened to their parents. officers for higher command and Harold Breining, second vice matrimonial matters. Father —Rev. August Neumann from Rev. James N, Cammisa:f?om from Essex County and Assem his police revolver to shoot and president; Mrs. William Kelley, Reissner formerly was master St. Joseph's Church, North Plain- St. Joseph's Church, Beverly* to Dr. Raul Pietri, the physician staff positions. blyman Joseph J , Maraziti, R- kill his wife, Florence, 39, and to field to St. Joseph's Church, Key- St, Agnes Church, Atlantic #$ghshoot and critically wound thein charge of the boys, has re- Maj. Stephenson is being reas- corresponding secretary, and of ceremonies and secretary to Morris, port. Father Neumann formerly lands. the bishop. signed to Holloman AFB, N. Mex.Carl Dahlbom, treasurer. fused to discuss the case. boys before taking his own life in Other bills signed into law by their home at 540 Dow Ave., Hughes, listed by sponsor, inOcean Township. cluded: Assemblyman Keith, R-Mon- Besides being paralyzed, the elniouth, and two others—provides der boy was blinded by the that in apportioning costs in re-shooting. Despite all this, Seat Belts Boy* 8ho$ by FatherStephenson Still fiieftt for Life Is Air Force Wednesday, June 16, 1965—5 THE DAILY REGISTER College Grad Transfers Announced For Trenton Diocese ml gional school districts, pupil enrollment figures will be based on the number of children registered on the last school day in September rather than on average daily enrollment. Assemblyman Sears, It-Mor- SHREWSBURY — Mrs. Franris—Reduces the residence re- ces Gesner of Paterson was quirement for voting in a school elected first president of fhe New election to six months from one Jersey State Association of Larynyear in the state and to 40 days gectomee Clubs at a meeting in » county from five months. here Sunday. Sen. Sarcone, R-Essex—ProCortland B. Ogden of West vides that in cases where someKeansburg, president of the Garone seeks to lease or buy ripariden State Nu Voice Club, was an lands, the applicant shall chosen assistant secretary and give six months notice of his intreasurer of the association. tention when it is impossible to specifically determine bounda- Presiding at a meeting of the Nu Voice Club Saturday in Trinries. Sen. Stout, R-Monmouth—Ap- ity Episcopal Church, Red Bank propriates $5,000 to defray state Mr. Ogden welcomed new memexpenses of a national conven- ber Sylvester Zsak of Perth Amtion of the Legion of Valor of the boy. Appointed chairman of the picUnited States of America, Inc., nic committee was Walter Hagthis month in Asbury Park. Sen. Ozzard, R-Somerset—Pro- erman. Larry Flannigan is a covides that a widow of a police- chalrmaji. Committee members man or fireman must have mar- include Sally and Mahlon Jesried before he retired or five sup, Michael Riordan, and Des years before hisdeath to be eli-Boganouriz. gible for pension benefits. The Speech therapist John McClear present law provides that a wid- directed speech class from 10 un' ow is eligible if she married a til 11 a.m. policeman or fireman before he The club'a next meeting will reached age 50 and before he re-be Saturday, July 10, in the tired. church. FOOD BUYS Laryngectomee Club Organizes County Paying $8,419 For Film Equipment FREEHOLD — The Monmouth have to truck the materials, the County Board of Freeholder ap- board decided. proved purchase yesterday of C. A. Sutphen Co., Freehold, microfilming equipment in hopes low bidder, received a contract of stretching out storage space for $2,400 for supplying 150 bar In the county clerk's office. rels of joint filler for roads. At a cost of $8,419, the board Rale on Route bought two cameras, a projector, a processor, and other equipment Final action was taken, after from Recordak, Jnc.\ an East- a public hearing at which no one m*n-Ko&ait subsidiary, Roches- appeared, on a' rts&tftui' adopting more severe regulations for ter, N. Y., the only bidder. repair of roads opening on counThe clerk's bfflM will employ ty highways. Its own technicians to operate The measure had been slated the machinery in an area adjafor adoption two weeks ago but cent to the clerk's photocopying was delayed to permit the county lection. counsel, John M. Pillsbury, to County Clerk J. Russell Wool reply to inquiries directedtohim ley has estimated that there is by utility companies and contracavailable ahelf apace for stocking tors. deeds, mortgages, and other docRoads are opened primarily uments for another two years. By microfilming future papers, either for installation or repair however, the same space is be-of utility lines, or for road building projects. lieved to be adequate for six The new . regulations provide years. for the procedure in obtaining a Contracts Divided permit, guaranteeing financial reOn receipt of identical bids of sponsibility for satisfactory cov$160,000 for 2,000 tons of bituminering of holes, and effecting penous concrete material for road alties. patching, the board decided to di vide Its purchases between the Final approval was given an bidden, M. J. Stavola Co., New ordinance appropriating $265,000 for first stages of development Shrewsbury, y, and Fred McDowell of the Turkey Swamp County C N t Co.) Neptune. with Park in Freehold Township. A Orders will be placed p i closest to thepublic hearing produced no comwhichever firm is ment. job site where the county will Authorization was voted for the taking of bids July 6 for installation of a traffic safety signal at Joline Ave. and Liberty St., Long Branch. A-Negative Blood Asked For Patient RED BANK — Miss Nadia Garcia of 19 Park Ave., Port Monmouth, a patient at Riverview Hospital, needs type A-negative rot Mir ntmmwHRf PURRS* blood. T(ie 15-year-old girl recently underwent heart muscle surgery after being cut with a piece of glass in a freak accident in her home. Mildred Kaiser, secretary of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Middletown, and family friend, is appealing for blood donors as well as financial aid for the family. Although slightly Improved, Miss Garcia's condition Is still critical. PLUS YOUR MOST VALUABLE TRADING STAMPS FREE TflPAY thru SAT CHUCK STEAK WELL TRIMMEDFIRST CUTS CALIFORNIA STYLE'CHUCK SONEESS-FOR POT UK OR OVEN •unooMVKrui wen JMn>i7 «•«* • *«1 "•"* f M " " Mimn • North Aibury Pttlc • Fair B»»« • Bolmdel • Coin Hmk • Brltlli Itamlwr Vtdenl n » a m / r e d e » l DlDMU lniu«nc« Corp.. ""*"N falCi/kQ FURNITURE '-*-- |,-^ ' • Crtintori of Fushion lor the Homu" _ j ^ ( CENTER cur CUTMIUUUKK SHOULDER UNitK 4fc4fc CROSSR1B ROAST » 7 9 LONDON BROIL J l W POT ROAST FROZEN FOOD DEPT. MILK FED. VMLJfGS .49 VEAL CHOPS REGULAR STYLE-FOR FRYING or BROILING ORANGE JUICE TWO GUYS RUMPS " O J . " FROM FLORIDA 7.t99 c BIRDSEYE-CORN, SPINACH, BUTTER BEANS, VEGETABLES 7 2: LOIN * 9 9 ' I RIB . 8 9 ' DAIRY DEPT. V BEEF FOR BRAISING V AMERICAN CHEESE SHORT RIBS CANNED HAM 1 £ V CHICKEN IEGS *.45< REG. STYLE CHICKEN BREAST * 5 5 ' LEG or BREAST * 3 9 CHICKEN QUARTERS BONELESS BRISKET-THICK CUTS 59 69 CORNED BEEF BONELESS BRISKET-FIRST CUTS CORNED BEEF ROYAL DAIRY 8- SWIFT'S PffEMn/M-»ONHBS \ YELLOW& WHITE-SLICES or. TURKEY ROAST FRESH BLUEBERRY YOGURT MAXWELL HOUSE APPETIZING DEPT. KRAFT-CASINO SLICED TO ORDER 1b. SOLID WHITE TUNA 'N BRINE *% TWO GUYS J c IMPORTED FRESHLY SLICED ib. PAPER TOWELS TWO GUYS ALL COLORS 4 % 9 8 ' CHOPPED HAM L COFFEE 79 98 SLICED POLISH MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 48 ROUND TOMATOES PRODUCE DEPT. TWO GUYS YELLOW CLING TWOGUYS PEACHES S ? OIL 6^98' PEACHES SWEET D R I N K S ORANGE, PUHCH4£98" L GEORGIA 25 TWO GUYS FRUIT WEEKLY SPECIAL FIRST MERCHANTS CHURCH PICINIC LINCROFT — The second annual picnic of the Lincroft Presbyterian Church will be held June 27 beginning at 2 p.m. on the new church grounds, Newman Springs Rd. ; PLASTIC ASH TRAYS New high-fashion design. Your choice of marbleized colors. REG. 22c each O8 3 47 C WITH A FOOD PURCHASE OF $ 2 OR MORE SUGAR PLUMS SWEET DELICIOUS 24. SALAD or COOKING bU. TWO GUYS GREEN jc - BEANS ^ 6 S TWO GUYS TRADING STAMP ONE BOOK SPECIAL YOUR BOOK WORTH WT/FM Wj ^ TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF 7-FT. GARDEN UMBRELLA NEW GREEN CABBAGE BLUEBERRIES CARROTS Aluminum tilt pok, umbrella tori, «oBd color eubid* with floral design imkta. 4 " fringe, assorted cobra. SUMMER FRESH |jC J CRISP TENDER Reg. 2 2 . 9 5 PLUS ONE rilUD TWO GUYS TRADING STAMP BOOK SEASONAL DEPT. HOUSEWARES DEPT. Ivory Large & Medium 2 large for 3 3 c 3 medium for 31c Ivory Personal 4 26' Ivory Snow Giant Size Premium Duz Queen Size Salvo Giant Size Oxydol Giant Size 79' MO BROAD ST , RED BANK • 747-4000 Visit our Complete: * Contract Department * Fabric Dept. * ®MIDDLETOWN-ROUTE35 Decorator Department W»m»wti»**M»Mt«mttta Not mpamUtfortTPO90|Mad«nx»l>>n>^(Kt>va thuSoU A M U Open Dally 9:30 A.M. • - ' " P. Sunday* 9:30 A.M. 'til 8 P.M. *For Salti Allowtd by Law • • • 1 . - m Bishop: Reporter.,.f' Tlie Register's Opiilion •--•'• U ' 1 Industry for the County Levere Leese, regional industrial development manager for Jersey Central Power and Light Co., told the Middletown Chamber of Commerce last week that Monmouth County— located between Norfolk, Va., and Boston, Mass.—is an ideal Eastern Seaboard location for industry. In recent years, the county has had moderate success in attracting industry, but the record could be fettered and should be if school, municipal and county services are to be improved. Mr. Leese noted, for example, that despite the attractiveness of this general area, only 18 of Monmouth County's more than 50 municipalities have commissions or groups actively working to promote industrial development. The industrial promotional field is s highly competitive one. Twenty years ago, there were 800 groups in the nation working in the field— at present there are between 15,000 and 20,000. Mr. Leese pinpointed four major attractions for industry: sound local government, good educational and community facilities, good transportation facilities, and a sound tax structure. This is not to, say that industry is an end-all. There are those towns which want to remain totally residential and there are those which want to maintain certain residential areas. Each municipality has a right to map its own destiny. On the other hand, there is no doubt that more can be done at the county and local levels to bring industry to proper locations within the county. Matawan Library Question The motivations of the Matawan Borough-iMatawan Township Library Board in proposing a new library were of the highest nature, but the board's method of approach leaves much to be desired. The two towns operate a joint library system. The present library is outmoded and inadequate as a result of population growth in the area. The board—although its stand is not unanimous—has had . a survey compiled wherein a 21,000-squarefoot building is. proposed, in two stages. Estimated cost, including construction, equipment and $150,000 for new books, totals more than $800,000. Members of Matawan Borough Council and Matawan Township Committee have already made it clear that the cost is too high and have shown their displeasure over the fact -* . \" that the board did not co-ordinate its planning with master plans which are being prepared in" the two towns. The reason given by the board's consultant was that the master plans are not ready. That is true, but they will be ready in the near future and they will include a section on capital expenditures, based on the over-all needs of the communities and methods of financing. Matawan Borough is faced now with major expenditures for_ roads and an expanded water system. The township will be spending several hundred thousand dollars on roads and an addition to town hall. A 10-year, $5'/£ million school building program is already under way. A need for a library—yes—but there is also a need for co-ordinated, over-all planning. That is the concept of master plans. Sylvia Porter: Your Money's Worth Those Corporate Bigamists If you are one of America's millions of husband Is trying to ease his conscience. wives with an ambitious husband who is Feinberg even goes so far as to say flatly, dedicated to his job, you surely have heard ' "Most top executives find their careers more (countless times) one or more of these phony exciting, than their wives, especially after alibis to explain his long working hours: 20.or 30 years of marriage. That makes for a troubled marriage at a critical period in Alibi One: I'm really the executive's life . . ." doing it all for you and' Admitting that these are sham excuses, the kids. what can the husband and his wife do to Alibi Two. You have resolve the conflict? In this sphere I think everything you could posFeinberg is rather superficial, but here are sibly waht—money, social Lucien Nedzl, (IM/lldi.); John Brademai, WASHINGTON - A well organized, caresome of his "cures": •• status, a beautiful home. (D-Ind): Augustus Hawkins, (D-Calif.). fully planned, amply financed nationwide What can you possibly have For the husband: . ;, With {both the subcommittee and full comdrive is now In full swing to force a roll call to complain about? Assume responsibility for your wife and mittee tifising thumbs dwn,, that means a vol4 ia thB House to unseat Mississippi'* Alibi Three?' You aren*'. <>.!children, schedule andip"lah>Hrne!for them, strongly jfeappraving report"'— plus other five congressmen — four Democrats, one Interested in My career. regard this as therapy. Let yourself be inhampering complications. Republican. terrupted during the business day by and Alibi' Four. You don't BATTLE PLANS - This is well known to Significantly Indicative of the tactics and for your family. If you're away on prolonged PORTER recognize me for what I SNCC and other leaders, but it's far from nature of this movement trips, call home regularly and frequently. am. In the office I'm the boss. At home, discouraging them. is the participation of Rep. Spend money freely on your wife, don't you try to turn me into a handyman. They art> convinced an aggressive camJohn Lindsay, liberal Remake this a tax deduction by combining Alibi Five: I'm a very busy man. I don't paign of high-powered lobbying, demonstrapublican candidate for maybusiness with pleasure and buy thoughtful have enough time for the family. tions, and other pressure tactics can make or of New York, in what is gifts for your children too. Share your failAlibi Six: I can't reason with you anya big difference. Above all, they view this being characterized as a ures and successes with your family as fremore. Everytlme I try to talk to you about fight as part of the general civil rights agi"giant outdoor rally" of the quently as they occur. Start now to make tation, and feel it's bound to pay off regardless . my work, you turn the discussion into a,Mississippi Freedom Demsmall, compromising changes in your pattern • of the outcome in the House. ' ' • terrible argument. ocratic Party in Brooklyn of activity. .• this Sunday. Each is humbug to cover up the truth— . Pursuing this backstage strategy, followFor the wife: . Chief promoter of this namely, that your husband thrives on hard ing is what they have in the works: Sit it out and wait until the pressures on meeting is the Student Nonwork, is compulsively drawn to his job, is —Several hundred college students and your husband lessen. Get Involved in comALLEN Violent Co-ordinating Comspurred on by his job's challenge, competifaculty members will converge on Washingmunity affairs, go back to school, develop mittee (SNCC). militantly in the forefront tion and pressures, would probably do just ton this week for intensive lobbying of selecInterests, feel important and useful. Don't of the civil rights fusillading. what he is doing even if he never had marted congressmen — particularly from metroreject your husband's gifts, particularly if ried you. Express purpose is to exert direct popolitan and other centers with large Negro he picked them out for you. That will be. the accusation of Dr. Mortilitical pressure on two leading Brooklyn reppopulations. To me, a dedicated working wife of a mer R. Feinberg in the forthcoming Issue of resentatives; — Emanuel Celler, (D), veteran —Next weekend Freedom Party, SNCC dedicated working husband, it seems these "Business Management," a trade publication chairman of the Judiciary and other leaders will confer in the capital "cures" will be meaningful only if you first going to a selected group of about 140,000 Committee, and John on other lobbying and political plans. They place all the alibis on the kitchen table and, executives in corporations with 100 or more Rooney, (D), head of a will a!so seek meetings with House leaders together, face them for what they are. Then, employees. With appreciation, I report Feinmajor appropriations subof both parties — who so far have been quietly singly and together, try to find the most re' berg's findings to you who otherwise would committee. but flatly opposed to the ouster olamor. warding routes to the richest lives you can not get his message, because I thoroughly Last January at the —Freedom Party lawyers will file a 200create. agree that these are commonplace alibis of opening of Congress both page brief with the elections subcommittee the "corporate bigamist"—the man married voted against the Freedom Whatever .you do won't be perfect (what; detailing the case for unseating the five Missisboth to his company and his wife, dedicated ^ ^ Party's demand that the is?), but it surely will be .superior to today's sippi congressmen. Principal basis for that to the first, devoted to the second. gk < ^ ^ H five Mississippi congressshrill squabbles or, even worse, suffocating demanj is the contention that Negroes in the k W'^^KM rnen be denied their seats. Behind, each alibi is the fact that the silences. : state are generally denied voting rights, and I J H H Other' congressmen are therefore the legislators ere holding their SCOTT slated to be subjected to seats illegally. The five congressmen will have similar "heat-applying" affairs. 30 day? te file a reply. , , AMONG THE CITIES on SNCC's list are WHILE FACING heavy odds, ouster leadBoston. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, ers have scored one tactical, gain. Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, Seattle, San House Clerk Ralph Roberts has agreed to Francisco, Los Angeles. In all of these areas, publish as an official document all Freedom Democrats and Republicans voted to accept Party charges and supporting material — <the Mississippi lawmakers' certificates of running into some 15,000 pages of affidavits, election and to seat them. June 25 is the 20th anniversary of the depositions, statements and a large mass of glass house. The Soviets moved their missiles If a majority of these votes can be won, founding of the United Nations. The anniother material. It is estimated this will cominto Cuba, and it took the eyeball-to-eyeball they would go a long way reversing that prise three volumes — of which Roberts is versary day comes at a time when the UN action'of President Kennedy to do anything ballot credited as indicating 1,000 sets will be has never been more powerless to affect about that. It was suggested at the time that As of now, the prospects of doing that printed. the UN provide inspection inside Cuba to the behavior of nations. The UN General are not promising. see that the missile sites had really been Assembly met this year Foi rronths he had refused to publish Numerous difficult obstacles stand in the dismantled, but we are still waiting for that this material. He has given no reason for his. without ever daring to put way — starting with the House elections subto happen. And now. as the tempo of warunannounced decision to do so. anything to a vote, lest committee considering the ouster action. Not fare rises in Viet Nam, and the OAS takes Mere than 100 volunteer lawyers throughSoviet Russia, which has only is Chairman Robert Ashmore, (D-S.C.) the play away from the UN in the Dominican out the country collected this data in 28 refused to pay its share of against it, but so are the other four members. Republic, the UN's U Thant wrings his hands states and among Mississippi communities. the bill for past "peaceThey are virtually certain to file a unanimous and bemoans his lack of power to do anything. The work was done under the direction of keeping" operations, should adverse report. William Kunstler, N.Y., chief counsel for the •When the speeenmakers converge on San be forced by the regulations In the full committee only six of the 25 Mississippi party; Arthur Kinoy, Rutgers UniFrancisco a few days from now to celebrate either to pay up or be demembers are known to be favorable. They versity law professor; Benjamin Smith, New the UN's 20th anniversary, they will no doubt prived of participation in are Pep. Jonathan Bingham, (D-N.Y.); Orleans attorney; and Morton Stavis, Newark, pay pious tribute to the world organization Assembly declsiqns. What Frank Thompson, (D-N.J.) John Dent, (D-Pa.) N.J. as "the last best hope." And, in so doing, this means is that the UN they will be helping to perpetuate an illuCHAMBERLAIN has no way of forcing its sion that has ruined the teaching of political members to obey its own internal rules. science In the United States. For a generation How, then, can it make its writ effective in now American students In high school and the world at large? college have been led to believe that the The answer is that UN peace-keeping peace of the world can be kept by machinery, 4042 Broad St., Red Bank, N.J. has always been at the mercy of chance. or by gimmicks, not by the will of statesmen (71 RL IS, Middletown, N.J.-30 East Main St., Freehold, N.J.-271 Broadway, Long Branch The one important UN action, which was to deploy power to the ends of making war taken in Korea in 1950 after a Communist unprofitable. Our people have had their eyes Established 1878 by John H. Cook and Henry City ~ army had invaded South Korea from the diverted from realities, and, like all dreamnorth, came at a time when the Soviet Union walkers, they have not been able to act Published by The Red Bank Register Incorporated had absented itself from the Security Council responsibly when confronted with crises. W. HARRY PENNINGTON, President JAMES J. MOGAN, Editor and so failed to use its veto. The UN has This does not mean that the UN is useM. HAltOLD KELLY. General Manager had a couple of successes in preventing conless. The business of making your diplomacy flagrations in the Middle East, and it achieved stick, and of balancing the power, is a matter jr. BIy e n e m m Editor William F. Sandford and Arthur Z. Kimto *u«»iut Editor, a most dubious victory In the Congo by drivof convincing others, and the UN offers a Frank W. Harbour mrnsmam Bur<«i u p . Charles A. Johnston rnmoid Bureau up. ing Moise Tschombc out of his home province forum that can be Just as useful as the old of Katanga. But this just about completes meetings of plenipotentiaries. But the point Member of the Associated Press the record of the UN's peace-keeping atoUUd PrMt It «ctltled •zciuilvtly to ui« ui» (or rtpubllcfttloi oi au UM loon a m pnaua i i u u Is that the UN is merely a place for a meetaf will al all AP otwi dlip&lcha accomplishments. Ing of the powers, not a power in itself. The Meanwhile, terrible things have happened great disservice that all the professional Member of American Newspaper Publishers Association while the representatives of 100-odd nations "friends of the UN" have done Is to confuse Member Audit Bureau of Circulation talked and talked and talked in the glass the categories. The school children whom Th» lUd Buk R t i w » . tea. t u u m u no nnanciai nixxummuei lor ij-pocriprucu trron In UrtitiMminu. out house hard by the waters of Manhattan's they herd through the gates of the UN to Win. nprlfit prltliout eharfi. that part of an idv«rtliem*nt In which tn» typofnptucu trror oeeun. AdvtrtlMn ffIB ylaua fiotM? tbi maoaftmtat Immediately of any error irMcti ma; occur. East River. Khrushchev's tanks rumbled in•tell them about "world government" grow up to Hungary In 1956 and the UN did nothing. with much in place-of brains. rau » n « » u w MroriM at iwpMUlbllltlM lor naitmeoU oi •pinion in J»u»r« trom It* radar*. When Nehru, supposedly one of the UN'j A lot of things will bo said at San Fran•obeorlpUMi pr!e«ia U n n n hnt ttu I MM. Per montti »l.W true believer*, « n t Indian troops into-Portur Cisco on June 26. But will anyone have tha •iogit copy a* counter, f omti MDfle cop/ h j null. 10 centi « montht-iixS Imnthi-KN guese Goa, there wasn't a peep eut^of the courage to come up with one honest speech? Robert S. Allen, Paul Scott: Ingide Washington Mississippians Face Ouster Move K John Chamberlain: These Days The UN's Twentieth Anniversary The child Is ait enigma. He can be loved. And appreciated And taught And tamed. He can be bathed and fed ana awdicited, But how does a parent scrub a mind?. Who can jjet into that small round lovable skull to find out what is really going on? If anything . . . Dr. Ivan C. Berlien is a psychiatrist s psychiatrist. He is a member of the Mental Health Society, a founding member of The Group for the Advancement of Phychlatry. He is 57, handsome, blue-eyed, and wears silver-framed glasses and a goW wedding band. He sat at lunch in the Calcutta Room of . the Diplomat Hotel an talked of the little ones, "Children," he said, "require total love. Vou cannot turn effection on them and turn ..it off." He worked over a lean salad with fat dressing. "You cannot fool dogs, horses or babies," he said. "They can detect love BISHOP as a Gelger counter detects radiation." •With love, he said, goes discipline. A well-loved child understands, and secretly appreciates, a good whack on the rump. A beating alienates a youngster, and screaming relieves the parent, but a sharp .paddling teaches the colt that ,he has tried to hop the fence of the parental corral. The young are always testing the love of mothers and fathers. The infantile sexual desire of the child turns toward himself. This Is normal. Dr. Berlien thinks it is best to ignore thU so-called naughtiness, rather than draw attention to it. Exposing a child to shame seldom stops the offense. What is done openly can be done secretly. Sleep is sometimes fretful because little ones fear losing the few skills they have. The use of a spoon, toilet training, buttoning clothes properly, can keep a youngster awake. Often, a bed-wetter is merely trying to say: "See? I'm a baby. You have placed too much responsibility on me." Proper diet Is almost unimportant, Youngsters sense their food needs, often with more accuracy than parents or doctors. The best rule is: "Put it on the table and permit the child to take it from there." One little boy was found chewing the morter from between bricks in a house. Blood chemistry tests showed that he had a calcium deficiency. He knew where to cure it. Imaginary games are important. For the young, it is the creation of a lovely world. However, if the child-prefers imaglnary games when real children 'are available for play, see a psychiatrist. If girls play boys' games, and vice versa, there is no danger unless it persists through puberty. At that time, it might be a single indication of homosexuality. "Adolescence," said Dr. Berlien, choosing the parts of the salad he liked, and ignoring the rest of it, "is so stormy that I wonder how anybody gets through it. Often, an adolescent will appear to be emotionally disturbed when he Isn't, and appear not to be when he is." Like travel In outer space, there are no absolutes In a ; young mind: The best advice is to watch a persistent behavior flaw. Then use common sense. If it rings an alarm • bell in the parent's mind, do not excuse it, hide it or attack . It alone. Ask for psychological help. It's a lovely feeling when a competent doctor tells you that there is nothing abnormal. There Is a herd instinct in our youth. The current generation wants to play everything "cool." This denotes an undying enmity to tears, sentiment—almost all the emotions except derisive iaughter. The girls, like sheep, depress their natural emotions because the boys want everyone to "play it cool." It applies to music, love, dates, moo rule, dress, cleanliness* and responsibility. This generation, I would *ur-. mise, has a date with oblivion. , The battle with the teen-agers is already lost. This, fortunately, Is not true with babies. Infants who scream and hold their breath, or bang their heads against walls, should be ignored. Continued holding of breath induces a comatose state, and natural breathing automatically begins. All of this •amounts to.a. clash of wills. The .parent mu£l frin'it. . ' v j i "The main components," the doctor sail 1 eyeing a dessert .'• wagon*1 and £ try ing to turn away from it; "are'itotal love And total truth, Love is shown, not said. Truth is said not phown. ;If a child asks about sex, answer all questions bluntly and permit the youngster to control the depth'of Ihe questioning. "If you don't answer all the questions, the child is prone to experiment with the opposite sex tosatlsfy curiosity. It Is impossible to enuciate hard rules, but love, truth and education come close to good mental health."- ••• • ,; There is a Mental Health Society listed in your phSne book. It costs $2 to join. In return, you will get good brochures with helpful guidelines free. It's as good Jor.parents as it is for children., ' Dr. Berlien sipped, his coffee and left. He really digs kid*. He has been married 30 years. "We were never blessed with ahy,"he'saM... Events of Years Ago 50 Years Ago Walter D. Brown of Freneau plowed up two old copper cents. One was dated 1800, the other 1807. Both had liberty heads. A. P. Clayton, the cop who directed auto traffic,; at a dangerous corner in Adelphia, appeared in a new uniform. Cape. G. N. Finlay of the Military Academy at Fueeho'ld broke his wrist cranking an automobile. Henry Stricklin of Adelphia had a Revolutionary War powder and ball box marked with the date 1778. 25 Years Ago : Frank'Haagan of West Long Branch retired after 57 yeari as a barber. He had never taken a vacation except for legal holidays, and missed only three days work on account of sickness. The U.S. Navy's radio direction-finding station at iFort Hancock was closed permanently. Mr. and Mrs. George W, C, McCarter of Rumson held t reception In the Shelburne Hotel, Atlantic City,, to .celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary. . : EMBARRASSINGLY HARD TO IGNOREI 6-^Wednesday, June 16, 1965 FREE GIFTS RED BANK MERCHANTS DOZENS Of GIFTS! 9 SRAM PROS! tHj5RSDATJUHE2O 00 FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! certificate from each participating store! 1. " A day et Monmouth Park" Free — Passes *nd spending money. 2. "An Evening at t h * Theater" — Ticket! for two at the Papermill Playhouse, MSttburn. 3. "Golf for Two" — W e pay the green fees and the cart charges at Old Orchard In Eatontown. 4. "Ball Same" — For two — Tickets for a M e f s game. •- • .- 5. "Steaks and Bar>B-Q Set" — Two-inch steaks for two plus accessory set (mitt, hat, apron, ate.)' b. "Weekend with a '65" — Buiek Sports Wagon — Covalr Sports Convertible — Ford Galaxy Hardtop. Winner* get free us* of automobH* for full weekend — Friday evening through Monday morning. — CONTEST RULES-—- d i p the contest couponi below or w e a reasonable facsimile. Fill in your name, address and phone number on each one. Coupons may be deposited any t i n * until 5 p.m., %*&• urday, Jims 19. Pleas* check your preference, l Contest is no* open to employe*! «f the participating *ror*f« SPONSORED ONLY BY THESE FRIENDLY HOUSEKEEPING RED BANK RETAIL MERCHANTS KRIDEL ANDERSON TAPS UN SURPRISE STORE 8 BROAD ST. PROWN STRAUS COMPANY 35 BROAD ST. NAME . . ADDRESS ADDRESS , CLAYTON & MAGEE RED BANK NAME . CITY • Only one prize may be won by a family. Decisions of • the judges will be final. • Deposit or mail each coupon in contest box at the store* of the sponsoring merchani whose name appears on the coupon. • Tickets to the ball gam* and theater must be used a t specified. • A drawing will be held at Chamber of Commerce office to determine winner* of the free gifts. • Anyone over 18 years of age is eligible to participate. No purchase it necessary. • Winners wiH be notified Tuesday, Jun* 22. You need not be present at any store to win. Winners will also be announced fit this newspaper. . TY . . . . TEL PREFERENCE RED RANK |1|2|3|4|5|6| m IEFER1 ew-MM m ABBEY MEN'S WEAR i NEWBERRY 15 W 62 BROAD ST. NAME NAME . VOGEL R I D BANK ..... ..™ .... ADDRESS . . . . . . . ADDRESS CITY CITY PREFERENCE TEL/ PREFERENCE :.— | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 EHHRMESBE WOOLWORTH'S Red Bank Youth Center 20BROAD ST. RED BANK STEINBACH CO. 121 BROAD ST. RED RANK NAME NAME ADDRESS i. CITY ...... ADDRESS CITY TEL. PREFERENCE | 1 | 2 | 3'| 4 | 5 | 6 EEHB YANKO A.S. MILLER SHOE CO. 18 BROAD ST. NAME RED RANK .7..:....... .... ADDRESS CITY PREFERENCE PREFERENCE . . . TEL. .. I I I 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 S1SU8U Goldin's Men's Shop Broad S t , Corner Mechanic St., Red Bank NAME ADDRESS TEL CITY PREFERENCE TEL |1|2|3|4|5|6| DANIELS New Play-It-Anywhere 9 in. Portable TV (9-te. i di»jon»l, 43-sq. In. riewlne uceti, Sears Price Less Batteries 128 Take it on a picnic or when you go boating. Operates * from batteries or line cord. All-channel set is transistorized for instant play. Strong chassis with tinted t, safety shieli Weighs 12 lbs. for easier carrying. Everyttj&g You Neeffeoi^facatlc^ Appawl to Home Repairs*'... a^Sears^ool Summer Prices A TERRIFICIL'NF WASHER. DRYER RI Y SAVE $6.10 Boy** M-ln. «r GirV SPYDER BIKES TOUR CHOICE AUTOMATIC WASHER 3888 Lively 'riding, mart looking. Boy's model in gleaming gold^olor with all-chromed fenders, girl's model in rich turquoise with white wicker basket with 3 Wash-Water Temperatures No Trade-in Required • Simple , ','. you jnst load it, set it, forget it • Handy lint filter slips ^out for easy cleaning • Safety switch stops spin when lid is; raised Charcoal Lighter Fluid Quart, Regular 35c. Little smoke, no odor. Easy- • pour spout. Acrylix>fini8hed.cabinet exterior is long-lasting . . . wipes clean with a damp cloth. Come in today for a free demonstration! Kenmore Compact Automatic Washer agitator 128 Automatic 20-Inch Rollabout Fans Regular $56.95 l M Mf 44 Changes air in average 5 rooms in just 2 minutes! 3 •lectrically reversible speeds. Ideal if space is a problem. Compact, yet does a family-size 10-lb. wash. .Simple—1-speed, 1-cycle. Just load it, set it, forget it! Safety switch stops spin action when lid > raised. #5400 Compact Coldspot Refrigerator 14.1 Cn>Ft»irostlegsRetrigeratoi> Freezer Priced at Only h No Trade-in Required • Has porcelain-finish interior. 11 Cu. Ft. l2Jn. Portable Picnic Grills Sears Price Molded Styrerte Foam Ice Chests 99* $6.95 Brackets for Doorside 199 Smart deBign on white glass panels. Aluminum holder, brass trim. • All frostless-even 3 cu. ft. zero-degree freezer • Has full crisper, shucker-type ice trays. • Has 1.3 Cu. Ft. Freezer, storage on door. • Also seer through Crisper cover-shelf Glass-lined Gas Water Heaters 3(M;ALLON At Only $2.95 Outdoor i - L t Brackets Save 96c 199 Crystal • glass shade in aluminum holder..Esfflted.black, ' : Save $ 3to Craftsman Electric Hand Tools pne-plec« construction wont leak Sang fittta* Ed Hottied color? 18xTSll ' • HONOR-BILT ECONOMY No Trade-in Required • With two full-width steel shelves Regular $1.69 Has chromed grill and legs, red enameled fire bowl. Handle folds for compact storage. Save $1.96 168* 28' Heats 47.6 gallons of water 60* in 1 hour. 100% gas cutoff. Non-softening Fiberglas® dip tube for improved safety. Complete with center \ flue, glass-lined tank and wrap-! around 1-inch glass-wool insulation.' Complete with charcoal trim. *NO MONEY DOWN on Seara Easy Payment Plan ALUMINUM WINDOWS Completely Installed A. 4-INCH BELT SANDER has big 4x24-inch belt for smooth sanding. Alumi•• num alloy housing. Ball and sleeve bearings. 110-120-volt, 25-60-cycle'AC-DC. UL lisled. Regular $64.99. B. 829.99 CRAFTSMAN POWER PLANEU-2/5-HI> "develops" 27,000'RPM. Culler 1%-in. long planes up to 1/64-in. deep. Aluminum housing; 100% ball bearings. C. m.99 i{,-I.\CH INDUSTRIAL DRILL — Develops %-HP. . . . drills in SIOPI. Reversible-flip switch. Removable spade-grip and pipe handles. 100% ball bearings. D. 814,99 CRAFTSMAN 14.FNCH DRILLS - Develops 1/5-HP. Spindle lock . . quick chuck and accessory change. Self-lubricating bronze bearings. UL lisled. E. $29.95 61/2-1NCH ELECTRIC HAND SAW. (not'shpwn) — Develops H4-HP. Has sawdust hlower. Depth of cilt 0' to 2^-in. at 90"; 0 tb I 15/lfj-in. at 45°. UL lisled. . .. Fits Up To A Big 34x67in. or 101 United Inches Mill-finished aluminum Window has 2 glass pahel inserts and 1 screen insert. • 'Normal Installatlnn *8&^?is2JL.'i 1 #fe»' ^i.'rl*» JUi, ",«,„,.'},: SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back 1 • Ved.rThiii-k-Fri.-Sat. June 16-17-18 19 Sears Black and White Film Sears New High Speed Slide Film Regular $2.29 J3 Sears Prices With developing end plastic mounts included. 20 exp. rolL Shoots even in poor light. Numbers 120, 127, 6390. Vfitj little grain lor d e a r l o y picture*. Stock op now. $ Men's Regular 3.99 Ivy or Continental Style Walking Shorts SAVE $1.02 ON EACH PAIRI Relax this Summer . . . the choice is yours »t Sears Men's Store! See the trim look in easy-tocare-for Dacron® polyester and cotton or 100% combed cotton fabrics . . . shorts are shrinkagecontrolled and feature a large selection of washfast solids and plaids. Ivy style in waist sizes 28 to 40. Continental style in solids, 28 to 38, plaids 28 to 36. ! SUPER-STRETCH . * • • • ' * • ' ' • , " . . . • • • • • . . . , . . . , fiiirfer Style Trunks for Boys Regular $2.49 the yAuthentic Fashion Worn by Surfers Here they, are in sleek-fitting super-stretch 2ply nylon knit Popular short-leg model with laced front, coin pocket, contrasting trim, drawstring waist and front supporter. Sizes Small , Medium (12^14), Large (16-18). J * 99 Women's and Children's Cotton JeeDers All seams are sewn with Dacron 8 polyester thread. Fully-cushioned insoles provide daylong support, comfort. Rugged polyvinyl soles, too! Choose women's sizes 4 ^ - 9 , 10 in black, white, : navy. Young misses' sizes •12^-4 in white, navy or red. Children's protective toe-capped Btyle, sizes 4-12, comes in white, red, navy, plaid. CHARGE-IT on Sears Revolving Charge 2 Pairs for S3 Cool Cotton Crinkle Crepe Sleepers and Pajamas Boys' Values from Sears C Infants' Sizes 6 mos. to 4T Bccolar $ U 9 Crew Shirts... 2 for 1 Sale! Regular $1 Each Chfldrenis .<• y^j. Siies a i o t a ' Begular J1^9:" Our well-made bold striped cotton knit jersies. Colors are vat-dyed,' shoulders are taped for extra wear. Machine washable. Sizes 4-12. • Cotton crinkle crepe is lightweight, cool and absorbent... so comfy for warm-weather sleeping! And it machine washes 'n dries qtiickly with no ironing needed. • Tops of children's style are one inch longer so they tuck in mort securely. Pante haye comfortabje all-around elastic waists.; • : • • • \: ; ' '••••, Jd ;, . \ .•'•.'•" '••; Bull Denim Camp Shorts Regular $2.99 ' Three-Gripper front on infants' sizes keeps baby covered all night long. Elastic back waist will not bind. :: ; All seams are double-sewn to give longer wear. ' Wide choice of prints, but hurry in n o w . . . while selections; are complete. . 2 Strong 11.2-oz. cotton denim. Real campers, too with accessory loops, 1 big carry-all bellows pocket. 1 zip, 2 back pockets. Navy, loden. Sizes 4-18. 3 Open Mon.-Sat. 9:30-9:30 Phone 671-3800 Is and \egi4ables! TuKSratMpe HONEYDEW • WATERMELON 12 69 ORANGES NONE PRICED HIGHER! m& Florida Red Ripe WHOLE MELON IP California Seedless LAME SIZE RONE PRICED HiaHER! ROME. PRICED HKHERI N»«rkyFirtM T.ndw&hp Iceberg lettuce HOT NONE PRICED HI6HERI Summing it up in a few words: if you want full value for your food dollar buy AfcP brands! You'll be delighted with the fine quality and appetizing variety. This week; why not tiyAfkP brands...especially A&P Custom-Ground Coffee, Ann Pag* Fine Foods and Jan* Parker Baked Foods. P.S. The taste and thrift wffl help maka Father's days happier, too! Pascal Celery N ^ P S I U W New Greei Cabbage vlHllll'HiV ^lmniniiA ALWAYS A FRESH SELECTION . ..SAVINGS-PRICED! 19 Seedless Grapes *5lb€ Red Plums ^ 1 9 C ling Cherries «™™£ 49*1 1 0 ; Chicory or Esrarole 2 ^ 2 5 ' , noMiM»ceoH«wBi 4 B Q i ^ M ^ k ^ k / i m i f A l * NONE PRICED H10HBU wi»>ji9 rresniarTOis Old World Ch.m-PLin %m SWIIYBROOK^-MEDieM SIZE—FRESH 6RABE A Jane Parker Baked Food MORTON'S—QaNA FrozeiH-AR Flavws _ ROLLS Frankfurter or Sandwich Tomato Juice 3 kit—Srtdt Final Touch MfhfoHtMr d—Oir Finest QnlHy Fruit Cocktail DANISH ALMOND RING H 39 I f s butter-rich, delicious cake, topped with almond chips and tast«>toaslog iriogl LEMON o« JELLY ROLL 39 Tart-sweet lemon filling or sprightly currant jelly. Both delicious and low-priced! Raisin Bread BBS Z 29 AssortsdCeiwils ^ £ 3 9 * MPWWteTww S'^.95* A»P ImfMrt Flwmd Chocolate Drink Mix 33 Pink Salmon A i l Pt|t—WHk Mitkraun c Spaghetti Sauce , e tip«r Right BrtRd Mm. m 59< Potato CMpS IU>L 59c POP U i n MX TRIM THE COST OF GOOD EATING WITH wfwl* fomilyl Real eating fun at thrifty low prices! A&P APPLESAUCE SWEET PEAS S ANN PAGE Fine Foods MAYONNAISE A'&W ~ 4^89' xkltt 3 £41*. 1.00 Oreo or Baronet Spaghetti or C Chooolatt FIsvorM' Spaghettis "*°" 2 ;:.. 45 Hershey's Syrup 5 Kin-L-RatloR MtBUl't *11-85' RkeMdina Mb. uiu Taste what it does for your salads and sandwiches! Save cash on the low price, too! 99 CHERRY PRESERVES Hoc 2-.43 The ridi,, sweet terte of chemaa % »vety spoonful Youitfora caah-saving price. •j^Zc - «55 CRAPE JAM or JELLY 45 e Blast Berry 59* Swift's Pran SALAD MUSTARD «" *« JUNE IS DAIRY MONTH • REFRESHING BEVERAGES! AppleMte Duz Detergent C«ld S m » C ANN PAGE—REALLY FINE Vim Detergent Tablets Grape Juice Silver Dust Hue Detergent 114/1 ei. ikf. M » r»KH—DANISH Wtloh's FerDiihM •!»»•»«•««• plastic DINNER FmaySolMPMk Real Cream Topping 49 Chili Con Carne 4 "1*99* A&PhstantRice 35* Staffed Olivw JANI MHtER Wl Swan Pink Lotion Macaroni rYs-CMkMhlarMM ioii A " V ' ' Orange Chiffon Cake 19 Dry Milk ! ™ ^T99 iiiiiiiiiii| : :ffl?i^5^ I«NE'MM(H'.1'MAHGE AlB ?•£•—With OhMM SmiyiWM F» Automatic Diihwiihirt Swffetwgmt ^ \u*/A Ik, Mnti C Cascade lib.* Z 1 C oi.pkg.OI - 4 * 1 89C Margarine ^ 5^87' m) timtncc4ch,iloiplMrry,VaflNla rudgt.PtnutBaltwvOrangi *AIP—<'/ * * — * ' / 2i ' oi. * • Mrotol »rostl n t i n ( I * Dilry Dllry C Cist) • Two tasty, thrifty newcomentotry! lie OFF LAKL ^ Marvel Ice Milk 99 l Cookies Thebreadtotry-foradelidou&changel Caramel Pecan Ring CoWlwer Ai A VtRlllitrNMedlttu lqt.Mfl. WHITE HOUSI C lOcOPf I 0 »«. O l t 0 uh, 0/ A Blended Juice 2 :i*69' IceCream "-T591 Fresh and flavorful rolls that hold hot and cold meats and cheese deliriously! BuiriyhrkHiStn ixia "'' MMVU The fresh taste of bhAerries, encaMdiaa goMw, flaky V fiavotfol«ra«t *»P—flr»d» A landtd Tog.th.r 'II** M. Sweet K Low Sugar Substitute V391 Praise Deodorant Soap -»»i# Tomatoes tA^X 7^25* Cucumbers NoN<^cS R»HMi3fer25< Scallions mJSSZmi 2 ^ 1 9 e Radishes 'NON.ISS'S.H. IX 19 e Yellow Onions T G H ? 3 t, 49 C Lemons N ^ P ^ ^ P , 6 >!:, 29 C JANE PARKER-UB., 8 - O L - 8 " Ragu Spaghetti Sauce Praise Deodorant Soap 1 #C WHITE EGGS 3 = 1.00 BLUEBERRY CREAM PIES 4 ^ 9 9 ' PRUHE JUKI PIE H49* SUNSWEET In. Q7c phi- v ' Zest Deodorant Soap I Swttt Juicy NONE PRICED HISHER! > COME SEE...YOU'LL SAVE AT A&PI Gerber's toby Cereals n*n«vM«n« e Urg> htad * ; Zip up your salads with the zesty taste of this fine mustard I Save cash, toot Hlscomin Well Aged Yukon Omi—All Flavor*—Regvlar or Low Calorie Sharp Cheddar cheese CannedSoda 12-1-89' 9 KINDS OP CHUM JUDI A&PSIIeed Swiss GottageOoeio Borden's Velveeta ANN PAGE Beans 3 VARIETIES AMU MM 2 t « c A&PerapJilM ^ W Caiwwl0w*Cola I T Ne-Gal Beverages £*2 tomtom Pack BONESSE SHAMPOO . Sold .md 8 " IMDofl Relish nut ANN PA6E UOULAK (N*ttf««t) • J DUNK MIX (Wllh Sugar) I NI-IWIITINID • DIITI1IC { CWlkotrt J»[Of) 6 nv. |9c I 3 ft... 25c I 3 np. |9c Values to make tasty drinks thriftier! Sandwich Spread % 23* ANN PAGE Garden Relish W E DAILY REGISTER , J.m* 16, IF YOU UKE FIME GIFTS Peace Corps Trainee BROILING, FRYING, BARBECUE CHICKENS Split, Quartered or Cut Up Fresn Cnicken Paris! LEGQUARTERS TSS 3 5 * C BREAST QUARTERS Z 45 LEGS w 49 S BREASTS : Chicken Wings Chicken Backs & Necks 1O illm Ib. •I m "Sipir-fflgfct11 Qia c GROUND CHUCK?59 TURKEY ROASTS sr 8 9 PICNICS "H™ 3 • 1.99 Ib. BONELESS WHITE and DARK HEAT-NONE PRICED HIGHER! ' "Sipw-RifM" ftuilllr-21/2 to 1 lbs. NONE PRICED HIGHER! 4 9 Ib. • Pvt'n Ready • Only The First 4 Ribs fire Soli) As Rib Roast FEATHER BONES AND BACK-STRAP, REMDVED / "Saptr-RltM" Qiallty BOLOeNA J CHIME BONE REMOVED Chicken Livers 6 9 Bologna VirginiaHams - 7 9 c Sliced Cooked Ham Ib. F99 C King Crab legs Froun Swordfish Steaks l «•«• Oip'i John'* Qilck-Fruii Cip'n lohn't Qulck-Fniia C PEELED 1 DEVEINED Breast of Veal BtrbKtn 19« 69 Breast of lamb ' 4 * 39* Rock Cornish Hens 49,; Varlout Bnndt, All Flavors iHoladlng Ltnonado lOOL QuickFroxtn 99c i§ m m || RICH AND FULL-BODIED VIGOROUS AND WINEY EIGHT O'CLOCK RED CIRCLE BOKAR M B . BAG I-LB. BAG I-LB. BAG Rleh't Or«m, J W M I Chocolate Eclairs Birds Eye Peas 2 : 3 7 A&PQradtA Choked 3 ™ 49 e Spinach Grape Juice BR05irs BMI, Chiokin, Turkty •MlrCNIolni.Tirkiy Banquet Dinners Banquet Pies 3-IB. BAG '2.13 3-LB. BAG *2.I9 3-LB. BAG >2.25 2i35c 5 ' ; 93 e lOOOsfceet rolls RED BANK — Mrs. Mary M. Shotwell of Point Pleasant is retiring from New Jersey Bell Telephone Co. after 2S years' service. She is a line assignment clerk in the telephone company's traffic department in Red Bank. She will be honored by her fellow employees Wednesday, June 30, at an open house in the company's office at 163 Broad St., here. 120s*«et rolls 12 cz. packages 601. A A B CAT and DOS FOOD Seott Gut-Rite - ™ r Scotties Facial Tissue Gentle Fels Clear Fels Instant Granules fOcoff label For Automatic Snowy Bleach Waihtn With Bright Sail Cleanser Onma cam " 50 on I a rail' ' 3 < Mb. pita.' 9 14M. ' ...once coffee is ground, flavor fades faster even vacuum-packed in a can. That's why A&P whole-bean m Coffee isnever factory-ground. You seeit ground right in the store to give you big, fresh, wonderfa] COFFEE MILL FLAVOR...fresh-ground flavor If you can't get in a can...at any price! ^59e 89e Bank since 1949. She was formerly a night chief operator. She and her husband, Burnett Shotwell, plan to travel to Phoenix, Ariz., in the fall. In Germany IOOLMC bo,** Green Giant Brand-—i Corn Nifclets £*• Mexicorn Golden Corn *»«<* Green Beans Kii:h-5 Whole Green Beans Asparagus WHOLE 5 • cam Mb. I 01. I cant 4 4 Mb. cam cant 79" 95s l-lb.3oi.JJC0 Low-Pr/cecf Person til Needs 1 MacLean's Toothpaste Mennen's Deodorant 3 ' Mrs. Shotwell began her New Jersey Bell career In Morristown Cand has been working in Red 1.00 99'( 49 3 1 249 Baebman Thin Pretzels BLUE BONNET 1-lb. Margarine 2<=o«lih.l c>n85° :t 1.69 Kraft Miracle Margarine Maxwell House Coffee Yuban Coffee Savarin Coffee Bonnie Cat Food WdlU 73* 75« 77« e C Boi. II Mrs. Mary M. Shotwell 98 ORANGE JUICE 6 9 7 3 :95 C *4r Potato Morsels 2 ; 39 Fruit Drinks 10 !.: 89 9 SCOT TISSUE SCOT TOWELSCORN FLAMS 5 KELLOGG'S 2 2 ! FortDaltcloui A&P Grade A-Coneentrated Oip'n John's 69 Deviled Crab NONE PRICED HIBHER! NOHIPRNEO HNHER! c U P Onion Flivorad Codfish Fillet 8 9 e Shrimp ! T QC «* | b . SAVE ON THESE FROZEN FOOD BUYS'. Wck-Frozen-Heat N' Sena Mackerel ^ 3 5 ^ ^-25, b Frazil J0Hrs FRONT CUTS Straight A A c Cufc T * l b . 9 9 Beef Kidneys >0NELESS Fine Quality SEAFOOD VALVES I ' c £29* Veal Cubed Steaks 55 c Stewing Veal . "Jupir-RIgM" Qualify ap N FRESH BONELESS HONE PRICED HIBHEK BY THE PIECE e Retiring From Bell Tel l BONELESS—NOME PRICED HIGHER! N0NZMICEDHIQHER1 9 I IVll J SHORT BIBS REMOVED AND SOLO SEPARATELY AT SHORT M B PRICE Rib Steaks J c T ^ L 85^ Brisket Beef ALL MEAT Liverwurst " Fruk • Wasteful Chine Bone Cut Away Front Ciiti 69lbe CUT FROM THE FIRST 4 RIBS One Price Onl> • E.j'.icr Cirving - N o Fuathor Bonr-s • Short Ribs Removed SHORT CUT Frankfurters Roasting Chickens tl 4 9 STICKS RIB ROASTS OFFER BET1ER VALUE! "Supar-RlgNI" Qoallty "lipir.Rljht Sliotd C^ntry Farm Typo 5 REASOHS WHYfaP Suptr-Rlght or Wll.oa Lare«—NONE PRICED KIQHEfll ib. RIBS BEEF ^ 99,! Corned Beef " a r w i "Super-Right" Quality DUCnS ^ loMltttlrltkof—NONE PRICED HIQHER1 B0NELKS Dinner Hams ^ John L. Moncrief iFAIR HAVEN - John t. Moncrief, son o( Mr. and Mrs. John Moncrief, 106 Park A w . , leave* torooriw for Hawaii as a member of <he Peace Corps. Training will be for 12 weeks at the University of Hawaii. Mr. Moncrief, an alunnui of RumsonnFair Haven Regional High School, received a bachelor oi arts degree in American civilization from Brown University at commencement exercises June 7 on the Providence, R. I., campus. At Brown he was a member oi the lacrosse club, served as president of his dormitory and was a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. When his training ' In Hawaii Is complete, Mr. Moncrief plans to teach English in a school in Bangkok, Thailand. A&P SELLS ONLY O V E N - R E A D Y ^ Ib. vftVMMIght 1 ' Qualfty-NONE PRICED HIGHER! Sold at these advertised prices only...none priced higher! Bayer Aspirin Brylcream Hair Groom 3.5 ci. iubi Plu«F.ETa« WE GREAT AHAWIC & PACIFIC TEA CONPMCf, N C . uperJ^arkets AMERICA'S DEPEHD4BIE FOOD MERCHflNT SINCE 1859 PricM •ffectiv* thru Sat, Jun» 19th In Sup«r Marlc»h and Self-Service Store* •nly In Northern New Jersey, Orange) and dockland Countle*. All Tobacco Product*, Fiesh Milk & Alcoholic Bevetagei exempt fiom Plaid Stamp offer. PFC PETER BURNETT NUREMBURG, Germany Army1 PFC Peter Burnett, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Burett, 525 Sycamore A m , Shrewsbury, N.J., who graduated from Atlantic Highlands High School in 1962, is now serving as an air traffic controller at the Army base here. PFC Burnett, who recently :elebrated his 21st birthday here, as graduated from Air Traffic Control School at Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Miss., before being asilgned here.. He is taking college xedit correspondence courses ind plans to enter college upon iis return to the United States. Training in the Army aviation 'ield under the choose-it-yourself program is open to high school graduates. Applications can be made to the Army Recruiting; Station, 7 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N.J. Butterflies and moths form ne of the largest order* of Insects. North America h u about 700 species of butterflies and more than 7,000 special oi moths. I. O. U. 1.0. U. 10- WHEN YOU PURCHASE WHEN YOU PURCHASE 2 I B . 1 5 O Z . HCG. ANY 2 U S . OF PANTRY PRIDE I DETERGENT o. S R B R W I T H THIS I.O.U 2 Om C«p«l h f th^plng Family «S>* WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY DOZ. CARTON OF GRAVY DOG FOOD CONTROUED SUDS DETERGENT gRBRWITH THIS I.O.U. RBRWITH THIS I.O.U. RBRWITH 0 i » Cwpai Far Stopping Family SgRBRWITH THIS I.O.U. On* Cwtwi N r O M Cwpw r w tlapplni Family VOID AFTER JUNE 2 0 DISCOUNT FOODS iiiil CLIP THESE VALUABLE o g I.O.U. 20 WITH $1.00 SAVE PURCHASE I N OUR APPETIZING DEPARTMENT MONEY SAVING COUPONS WITH $1.00 PURCHASE IN OUR o WHEN YOU PURCHASE 56 I. O. U. 10< WHEN YOU PURCHASE § WHEN YOU PURCHASE GROUND <=> On. C M V M h » itopplnf family j g ANY VARIETY UGHT BULBS fROZEN t>n* CWIMR N r ShMoInf Family VOID AFTER JUNE 2 0 m GREENDELL STEAKS THIS I.O.U. THIS I.O.U. Om Coupon • « Shipping Family VOID AFTER JUNE 20 . O. U. 10 o WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY FOUR THIS I.O.U. R B R W I T H THIS I.O.U. On. Coupon ttr Shepr<"a ' " " H f I.O.U. 20 ANY PKG. OF FRESH HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS is! RBRWITH THIS I.O.U. H I.O.U. 10 - I . O . U . 20= VOID AFTU JUNE 2 0 Om C*a>n.F»r ll»M>lnt VOID AITER JUNE 20 tally VOID AFTtt JUNI 20 M ALL PURPOSE POULTRY BROILERS or Whole U. S. GOVT. INSPECTED Pantry Pride 2-lb. 115-oz. pkg. Only FRYERS WITH COUPON . Pantry Pride &USDA CHOICE SHOULDER STEAK -98= FRESH CUBE STEAK 9 8 SHORT RIBS of BEEF »48 C U A H GROUND CHUCK. » 63' VEAL CUTLETS BROLING o r FRYING "SSf^n FRESH CHICKEN LEGS . . . . 4 8 FRESH CHICKEN BREAST . . . 5 8 FRESH ROASTING CHICKENS *.35 S R I B ROAST o - ...68 CONTROLLED SUDS DETERGENT 14 WITH COUPON BEEF POf ROASf RIB STEAK Pantry Pride Pantry Pride Pantry Pride & U.S.D.A. CHOICE DOG FOOD WHITE EGGS-GRADE "A COMPARE THE SAVINGS 5^37 SANDWICH BOLOGNA SKINLESS FRANKS DANISH BACON 68C ITALIAN MAID PIZZA PIES ' ALlBKF •CASHED C D A I I K C ••>. 6 8 C H V « n i H r n f l l l l m S GRD I DLES or SPECA IL • SLICED TURKEY ROAST WHIT*U SLICED HAM CAPICOLLA IMPORTED CHOPPED HAM . H>98< INSTANT DOG FOOD I I oo SAVE 17c SIZE SLICES PARKAY MARGARINE • • LO-CAL DRINK l ™ . SHRIMP COCKTAIL . . . 3 : corf. Jor. 1 S W O R D F I S H S T E A K S SELECTED ib.68 e W H I T E S H R I M P SELECTED . . . Ib. K I N G C R A B M E A T SELECTED SEA SCALLOPS A B f fk # • U E C SWEETIUSCIOUS trEA%IIE9 GEORGIA LEMONS & ORANCESS Ib, .AMEUCAN CHEESE . Pantry Pride 10<"38< H H ICEBERG LETTUCE 5EUECTE0 TENDEt SAVE 38c U.S. 1 pkg. a- 49* 439 ( CALIF. POTATOES •»"•» FRESH CRISP 18* head WITH COUPON COMPARE THE SAVINGS COMPARE THE SAVINGS WHY PAY MORE? BIG DOUAR NIFTY APPLE JUICE. . . . LIQUID DETERGENT MIRACLE WHIP FINAL TOUCH . • • KRAFT SALAD DRESSING • . FABRIC SOFTENER . . . . . SUNSHINE STATE FROZEN FLORIDA JUICE c = D R I N K S . . . . O R A N G E JUICE . . . . . . X PURE giant pkg. CUA* OR PINK Dft MONTE J 100 CHEF'S CHOICE I MAYONNAISE. . . . . DETERGENT 58 78 Ib. COMPARE THE SAVINGS 5HME SLICED W T O COUPON SAVE 6c SAVE 2 1 c SHORTCUT " Pantry Pride GRAVY BONE IN FRENCH FRIES . . . . . . . -COFFEE PRICES ARE LOWEST AT PANTRY PRIDE PANTRY PRIDE MAXWELL HOUSE CHOCK FULL O' NUTS PANTRY PRIDE HOLLAND HOUSE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE 1-lb.OOc can QQ V'b Sf 99 <an < • ?SAVE 1 30c WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO IIMIT QUANTITIES MIDDLETOWN SAVE 6c SAVE 5c can # 4 | f SAVE 6t 'S751 SAVE 8c fcANTKY > PRIDE INSTANT COFFEE SAVE 10c MARTINSON'S COFFEE 86 SAVE 7c PANTRY PRIDE COFFEE FRESH GROUND Mb. C|Ac Area Youth Injerviewed Fir Aide Job ''ABrand New "Twist' OCBANPORT - Art stddenta many of the children really ex-lwbot bead and a rocket ship. at Wolf Hill School have been cited about sculpturing with "The boys had a bead start in twisting and turning at their wire," said Mrs. Markov, whosculpturing because of their mandesks recently under the encour- teaches art to more than 600 ual dexterity and' knowledge of •gensnt of their teacher, Mrs. children at the school, building things," said Mrs. MarInn* Markov, who wants the chil- A good figure in wire sculpture kov. "However," she added, "the dren to express themselves. requires a substantial length of girls soon caught on and were The.name of their educational wire, a sense of artistic .style really much better because of game is wire sculpture. "The In- and the patience to twist tha wire their ability to make "prettier and gredients for success are hunlike a coiled spring to form the more decorative objects." dreds of feet of scrap wire do- arms, legs, body and head. More than 70 students, most nated by the New Jersey Bell Among the many objects of them eighth graders, became Telephone Co. and a display of sculpted by the school's various involved in wire sculpturing at enthusiasm from the students. art classes were human figures, WoM Hill School. The children "I yras surprised to find so animals, a monkey in a cage,, a worked on their models from two AMERICA'S LARGEST FAMILY CLOTHINS CHAIN to five weeks during art classes. NEW SHREWSBURY - David R. Teeters, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Teeters, 86 Edgebrook Ct., is one of five young men in the country being interviewed by the Navy for the post of scientific aide in Alaska this summer. Soon after the convention, she read newspaper and magazine advertisements featuring profes- WIRE SCULPTURE — Kathy Bryan, an eighth grade student at Oceanporf s WolfhiJI sional wire sculpturing. She called the local New Jersey Bell Avenue School, displays wire sculpture figures th» made during an art class project. Telephone office and ' shortly More than 70 students took part in the program. The wire was donated to the school thereafter the company donated a quantity of scrap wire 'to the by tha New Jersey Bell Telephone Company. The student is the daughter of Mr. and school. Mrs. Joseph F. Bryan, 254 Arnold St. Mrs. Markov lives at Loden Court, Long Branch. Her husINSURANCE COURSE band, Demetrius Markov, is an MATAWAN - Charles P. Brew assistant professor of social sci- of 75 Ivy Way has successfully ence at Monmouth College. completed an advanced insurance course with emphasis on commercial lines and multi-peril policies and was awarded a certificate of completion by the professional School of Business at Union, N. J. He is a member of the Mutual Agents Association. FREE ALTERATIONS SPORTIME* WALK SHORTS great buyl If accepted as a scientific aide: the young man will leave for two-month, all-expense-paid trip to Alaska, where he will be based at Point Barrow. He will work It will be offered each year to an outstanding high school graduate who attended seventh and eighth grades here, and still resides in the borough. DOWNTOWN RED BANK J. Kridel knows fathers best. OPEN WEDNESDAY a n d FRIDAY EVENINGS iminwrnumumnnmnunmnnnflmiifr STOP... LOOK. ..ITS NEW! AUTOMOTIVE DEPARTMENT WOW! WHAT VALUES FLOOR MATS Assorted Colon! RIDE RELAXED, mm AUTO HEADREST 0 0 ONLY * fI (fronts) $4,87 Heavy duty rubber construction, l-pc. fully contoured, double thickness heel pads. Finest carpet protection for the money, Safety Special I Deluxe, customized headrest addi beauty to your car interior, provides protection against. whiplash and gives real comfort t o driver and passengers. Adjustable. Choice of colors. EATONTOWN Assemblyman Alfred N. Beadleston (RMon) will be the speaker at a meeting of the Monmouth-Ocean Section of the New Jersey Association for Brain Injured Children tonight at 8:15 in the Civic Auditorium of Che Monmouth Shopping Center, here. ! Mr. Beadleston, author of the state laws which bear Ms name and mandate the education of physically handicapped and mentally retarded children, will speak on "Education of the Handicapped-'-Wliere Do We Go From Here?" Daniel S. Lubetkin, former Essex County assemblyman and now executive director of the state Association for Brain Injured Children, will be a guest. After the meeting, Mr. Lubetkin will answer questions concerning the state group. Sherman Tarr, 5 Arlington St., Oaldiwrst, is, in charge of membership for the local group. All combed cotton twills in handsome solid shades... in belt-loop Ivy or extension waist-v band models, 29-42. The scholarship was initiated last year by the Shrewsbury Teacher*' Association upon Mr. Matteson's retirement after 20 years as principal here. NEWBERRYS The council points particularly to the age group under 15. Seventy-six of these youngsters were killed in accidents last summer, and 5,100 others were injured. Home accidents, accounting for 34 of the deaths, were the major cause, Including fires, falls, poisonings and mechanical suffocations. Brain Injured Children's Unit Sets Meeting 2.99 Before attending Cornell young Teeters graduated from Monmouth Regional High School, second in his class and president of the student council. EVERY DAY NEWARK — Watch out for House Hunting! It's open sea : youngsters, the New Jersey State ran in the Daily Register dassiSafety Council urges, reminding |fied now, adults that by the end of June, more than 2 million school children will begin summer vacations. Traffic accidents took 21 more lives in the under-15 age group; 3,043 other youngsters were injured on our highways, Pedestrian children comprised 16 of the 21 dead. Causes, In order of Importance, were crossing in mid-block, crossing from behind parked cars, crossing at Intersections, and playing in the roadway, The other 21 children lost their lives- in pubiir-accldertttr drowning, two being Jellied on their bicycles, one each in a fire and in a fall, and others in miscellaneous mishaps. The record, the safety council points out, clearly shows need for increased supervision of youngsters during the summer. Miss Cunliffe Is Awarded Scholarship BIG VALUES OUR ENTIRE Children Need STOCK OF Supervision REGULAR 5.95 For Safety TROPICAL SLACKS Take your pick of . these cool, crisp warmweather fabrics: Dacron® polyesterand-rayon... Arnel® triacetate and rayon . . . Dacron®polyesterand-cotton.Wida range of colors to the plain front Ivy styling... lizet 29-42. Young Dtvitf will gotoHew York City today In preparation for a final interview Wednesday by officials of the Navy expedition. Results of the interview will I"- announced by telegram Thursday. •I don't know yet just what type of work I'll be expected to do," the young man said yesterday, "but if I'm picked. It'll be a wonderful summer." Teeters, an Eagle Scout and member of the Forestburg Scout Reservation staff for several summers, has completed his reshman year at Cornell University, where he has been on the dean's list for the entire SHREWSBURY — Joanne Cun:erm. liffe of Sickles PI. has been He was one of 60 boys in thenamed the recipient of the $200 Howard E. Matteson scholarship. country recommended by Scout units for the post, and has now Miss Cunliffe is graduating progressed to the final screen- from Red Bank High School and ing, competing against four oth- will attend Trenton State Coler candidates. lege. Mrs. Markov, who also teaches Russian language at Fort Monniouth and the Long Branch Adult School, became interested in wire sculpture after hearing teachers discuss the use of wire lor science projects at a recent teachers' convention in Atlantic City. reduced to... *er« with th« Vxrft Itbotniary. V7t&t**i*y, June 16,1965-13 THE DAILY REGISTER Pupils Take to Wire Scnlptnre Ameron MOTOR OIL Heavy duty, high quality virgin oil, S. A. E. wgkts. S. A . E. and American Seat Belt Council tpproved, with metal to OIL FILTERS metal nylon webbing. Adjustable. (Limit t par emromtrl Keep teat belts tidy and out of way. Chev. 6 end I , '56 • '62. Ford and Mercury 6 and 8, "54 - 'S6. Plymouth 6 and I , '55 - '59. Dodge 6 and S, '53 . '59. Olds, Buick, Pont., '55 - '58. ALEMITE CD-2 Fraet sticky valves and •nglne performanco. Continuing Our Fabulous Truck Load TIRE SALE Wins Scholarship Brand New100% Nylon Cord, Blackwoll Tires . . , Cleani and polishes in $ • a i y operation. ENTIRE STOCK REG. 2.99 MEN'S J AC-SHIRTS prica-s/ashedf You'll find woven cottons, tricots, silk blends, iridescents and many, many morel Wanted colon in sizes S-M-L. - HERE'S W H Y •,.,.,,_ YOU5AYE AT ROBERT HALL 2 for $i Stephen J, Dorsey WEST REANSBURG — Stephen John Dorsey, son of Mr. * Woiellforcaihorilyl and Mrs. Elbert Dorsey of IS • There or* no credit eharoeil Union St., has been awarded the . We have no credit lone»l $3,200 Dr. Thomas MoDeg Schol • Von iove become w» lovel arshlp at Croydon Hall Academy, Leonardo. He Is a student at St. Ann's Catholic School, Keans-burg, and will graduate I PERTH AMBOY | M l Smitk ft, Wnt *f M SHMM June 16. KEANSBURG: RT. 36 on MAIN STREET ASBURY PARK If. I I eft A*wy hrfc Cln* V FREE TIRE MOUNTING FREE WHEEL ROTATION FREE FLAT REPAIR FREE 1O0O-MI. TIRE INSPECTION FREE BALLOONS for the KIDDIES 6.50x13 tubeless 6.70x1 S tube-type 6.50x13 tubeloss 6.70x15 rube-type 12-MONTH GUARANTEE 18-MONTH GUARANTEE 7.50x14 - 8.00x14 Mbelei*—$10. 7.50x14 . 8.00x14 4.70x15 tubeless—$12. A budget-priced 100% Nylon Cord Safety Tire. Built lor cooler, smoother rides. Hen's a,Super Strength allnylon cord lira made (or safety and durability I 12 14 $ 6.00x13 • 6.50x13 tubeleu 6l00xl 3 • 6,50x11 tubeleu 27-MONTH GUARANTEE 36-MONTH GUARANTEE 7.DOX13, 7.00x14, 4.00x15 ..314 7.50x14, 8.00x14, «,SOx!4, «.70x 19, 7.10x1!, 7,60x15, B.OO/8.20X U Tubeleis •_ SIS 7.00x1). 7,00x14, 4.00x15 . 114 7.50x11, t.OOXI4, 9.50X14. e\70x 15, 7.10x15, 7.(0X15, e.OOxU, ».no,'a.Joxi5 s» Comparable to new cor orlgmain safer, itronger, longerwearing, with 100% Nylon Cord I Better than original equipment tires I Vi more treadwear, safety . . . Cooltr riding too I WHITEWALLS ONLY 2.44 MORE (Prices plus tax and iira off your car on a!) tiri purchaiei) J M, FIELDS AUTOMOTIVE CENTER HWY. 35, HAZLET Open daily 10 A.M.. 10 P.M. Around Monmouth Change in Mood ana,Dress cockulli at their beautiful By MILLI HRUSKA Spring ends and summer be- house on Broadmoor at Rumgins this weekend. The transi- ion • Rd. Saturday evening. tion is the signal for a change ir Their son, Nicky, and several mood and dress for ensuing par of his classmates from the Hll School, Pennsylvania, provided ties. The Monmouth Players' party the spectacularly good musical it the Monmouth Hills Club on entertainment. Among the 200 or more Saturday evening is set to begin early in the evening so that guests were Kay and Jack McCaffrey of AUenhurst, the Wlluests who are new to the area may thrill to the breathtaking Ham Diiffys ol Interlaken, ieauty of the view from the club- Claire and O'Neill Duffy, the house grounds. And, if they en Robert Badeahops, Ruth and joy a climb and can stand the Jack Van Kirk, Joe and Jacque excitement, guests will be in McMahon, the John Hursts, vited to climb the steep narro' Capt. and Mrs. James Shea, stairway to the Widow's Walk or EUen and Frank (Dr. and Mrs.) Gilbertson, Paul Hughes, the roof of the clubhouse. The party will begin with cock Jack Embry, the Jack Ekdahls tails at 7:30 followed by buffe! and June and Jack McRoberts, supper and (lancing 'til aftei Rumson; Janice and Tom midnight. The Far Eastern moot Ward, Fair Haven; Norman of the party will predominate ir and Helen Badenhop, Locust, the attire of the guests, the fooc and Irene and BUI Lynch, and the music. The committee ol Northover. hostesses costumed as Geisha girls will include Peg (Mrs. Bob) The Victor Hruskas of Ponti Goodman of Navesink, Peg (Mrs, Verde, Fla., are In residence In Frank) Baldwin of Monmouth Molly Pitcher Inn, Red Bank Hills, Betty (Mrs. James) They are shopping for a ne Gwynn, Fay (Mrs. Neil) Festa, home in Rumson since his transDorothea Corbin and Barbara fer to the Newark office of Pru(Mrs. William) Rupy of Re dential Insurance Co. Victor Bank, Kay Gladding of Elberon an executive at Prudential. His and Aggie (Mrs. S. S.) Smith of brother Is Sen. Roman Hruska of Monmouth Beach. Nebraska. SCHOLARSHIP WINNER Miss Patricia Marra, rigM, o Long Branch, receives $325 award from Miss Louin Tomaini, chairman of the scholarship fund of the Mon mouth Stars Business and Professional Women's Club. The Monmouth Medical Center student nurse received her award Monday at the club's dinner meeting in ShVidowbrook, Shrewsbury. Student Nurse Receives BPW Club Scholarship ntly living in this Among those present were Marya (Mrs. Albert) Weber and Mrs. Marshall Oleson, Hazlet, a n d E n i d (Mrs. Charles) Wood of New York, national president of the Cosmopolitan Club. Wagonwheel Playhouse will present a summer season of •Theater Under the Start" In Bodman Park, Middletown, beginning July 1 and ending Aug. 21. The plays, in order of their presentation, will be "The Little Hut," "Born Yesterday," "Send Me No Flowers" and "Little Mary Sunshine." COLOR ME IMMUNE — A new coloring book designed to encourage immunization against contagious' diseases is tried out by four-year-old Errol Dovine of Oceanport, left, and his. brotiis-r Edwin, 5, while a third brother, Johnny, 2, and" Carol Sasleill of Eatontown wait thair turn. Books, provided by the state Department of Health, are On the Champagne Circuit being distributee! at Well-Child Conferences conducted by the Monmouth County through the week were: Jean and Jack Von der Lieth, Organization for S»c!aJ Service. The children pictured are at the Bodman H«*Iih Sue and Gene Schueler, Red Center, Wayside, during clinic sewion at which MCOSS provided health examfiiWtionj, Farley and Rosemary Walters of immunizations and haalrh guidance. Rumson and Bob Bazley and Douglas Hart of Middletown at Dave Doran's Quay in Sea Bright. At Marge and Frank Manson's elegantly beautiful -Cobblestones, Middletown, enjoying an epicurSHREWSBURY-JMrs Kay De a Rurason vocal and instrumental ean delight that is a specialty of CWcchio was installed as pres- group, King James and His Court, the house, broiled shrimp stuffed ident of the Monmouth Shore Members are Jamie Mellish, and EDITOR'S NOIEi This primary purpose of a Crossroads ment. These two programs -are with crabmeat, were Lillian de Business and Professional Wom- Misses Sharon Leroy, Sue Hofl Gore, Sea Bright; Woodrow is a jirst of a series of ar- work project Is not the speedy by no means In competition. OCA en's Club at a dinner meeting man, Joan Karlnja and Sue Gai Bowne, Cobble Close, Middle- ticles by a 20-year-old Rum- finishing of a concrete building, may be said to have an advanside. here In Shadowbrook. but'the gradual beginning of an tage because of its age and perBy Water, the magnificent Kathy (Mrs. Frederick B.) Other new officers are Mrs. Mrs. Feinstein, Miss Ruffi river front estate of the Laurence Finkenstaedt of Rockywold, to town; Douglas Hart, Middletown, son resident, Mks Cynthia intangible bridge between/very sonal consldertion but both proLucile Morf, first vice president; and Mrs. De Chicchio were ii Huntington Taylors on River Rd., cust, has taken a beautiful house and Al and Poppy Larson ol Atlantic Highlands. Al owns the Russell, who will spend the different people. A mysterious grams help to improve internaMrs. Ann Otto, second vice presi- charge of the dinner. tional communications. Rumson, will be the scene of a on the beach in Mantoloking for Raven in Sea Bright. summer in Sierra Leone, dent; Mrs. Ruth Crawford, cor- Monmouth Shore BPW will the season. Kathy moved in with Crossroaders take on extra jobs cocktail party Friday evening. responding secretary; Mrs. Ceil represented at both the National the children this week and Fred George and Mary Forrester of Ajrica, as a participant in and a variety of chores in order And the enchanting playhous Convention and International Coi Elizabeth are hosts at the old Ruffinl, recording secretary, and took off for Africa on a business to help raise their share ol costs Miss Loretta Shebell, treasurer. jress to be held in Washington, in the garden of Mayor and Mrs.trip. He will join his family in and romantic Peninsula House in the ' Operations Crossroads or to help poorer but equally Sea Bright. George is a former Ajrica program. Miss RusA gift and past president's pin D.C., In July. The club plans tc Frank Van Duzer's estate on the Mantoloking on his return. worthy students who could not freeholder of Union County and tell, who last week received were presented to Mrs. Rosine send American-made gifts for di river and ocean in Sea Bright will otherwise participate, Many Intribution at the International Con- be the scene of another cocktail When summer ends, the Fink a friend of the owners of PeninFeinstein, retiring president. dividuals and group organizations enstaedts will take up resideno sula House, the Murphy broth- an associate in arts degree party Saturday evening. Miss Louise Tomaini presented gress. have worked hard to contribute the club's scholarship check of Meetings will resume is Sep- Doris (Chickie) Van Duzer and in the magnificent Tudor mansion ers, Ed, Bill and Jim, and Tom jrom Bennett College, Millto the program but Crossroads is Betty Langhammer of Rumson on Bellevue Ave., Rumson, they McDarby. The bar at Peninsula brook, N.Y~, is the daughter $325 to Miss Patricia Marra, Long tember. constantly in need of money and has been a favorite rendezvous will be- hostesses at this one. Thepurchased recently, Branch, student nurse at Monany backing Is always appreciof Monmouth, Hudson, Bergen, of Mr. and Mrs. John B. party will precede dancing at the mouth Medical Center, Long Some cooks like to add ated. Fred and Marie Giersch will Union and Essex Countlans and Russell, Jr., 82 Buena Vista Branch. (inch of oregano to butterec Peninsula House. leave for three weeks in Eng- New Yorkers for generations. This summer 21 groups, apEntertainment was provided by ;reen peas, good with roast lamb Ave., Rumson. proximately 200 persons In all The Sea Bright Republican club land Friday, one day after mov- At Reidy's, Rumson, were are going to 17 countries. As will be hosts at a cocktail party ing Into their new home on Janet and Spencer Miller of Fair and dance in the main dining Sheraton La., Rumson. Theli Haven, Flo and Bob Bainton, Where am I going this sumusual, OCA received many more daughter, Judy-and son, Ricky, room of the Peninsula House Fred and Marie Giersch, the Jack mer? Africa. Why? Because invitations than it could accept will accompany them on the EuSaturday evening. The annual Ekdahls and Jack Embry of was fortunate enough to be because of lack of funds. I have party has become a gala occa- ropean vacation. Rumson. one of the ones selected to join been assigned to one of the .two sion for the county. The comthe Crossroads Africa Program, groups In Sierra Leone. There mittee includes Astrid Pearson, Faith and Allan Abrahams of a truly valuable experience. How Betty Cousins, Helen and Joe New York, who have been sumdid J get interested In the first are 14 In my group. Including the Rone, Harriet and Paul Ammer- mering in Rumson for the past place? Dr. James, H. Robinleader, and. cur project is to several years, have leased Paul man, Ella Wiltshire Diggle and son, the founder ah*present dibuild "a development center for and Mary Gillen's house on HartMiss Cynthia Russell Doug Adair, all of Sea Bright rector of Crossroads, is his own women In Bb. '' ''•:'•"f^'^'l ^P^JW^tteWfos'tliap: ' The Bud Pillon orchestra will shorne La. this year. They>wiU 'develops between people divide their time between PeninBefore everyone leaves on June p pp gram. As'-sucn, h e .personally] play for dancing. l h i ff jit sula House and supervising tin \o pool their efforts In a joint 25 from Kennedy Airport, there spreads the word about f of physical is an orientation period at Rutroads, from country to country, Norman and Connie Hilton construction of a fabulous Japagers University starting on June p city to city, and from school to With such a ggreat response of Rnnuon were hosts for nese modern house they are Try Us — Send This Coupon Today building in Rumson. h pro- 22, Hopefully, I will write school. No one is too young or from that first project, the gram has grown tremendously by another article during that time too old to learn about CrossLITTLE SILVER Mrs. Thomas B. Schweers 0 roads. I first heard him speak invitations from African govern- which will be followed by several 1 UPHOLSTERY Red Bank is chairman of Georat Milton Academy when I was ment agencies. Last year, some more in which I will tell of my 1 Canll Travel, I K . Court's Monmouth County in my junior year. Usually chap- 250 workers were sent to 17 coun- experiences once in Africa, I Annual Lawn Sale gian 1M2 N W M Sirhai M. 741-6500 | Club party at Reidy's on Avenue el speakers didn't affect me one tries In East, West and Central realize how lucky I am to Jiave lUieroft, N. J. Upkahttry, draptry, slipcover of Two Rivers, Rumson, late way or the other but Dr. Robin- Africa. The students represent this opportunity for such a broadfabric* a t glva-away pricoi. Sunday afternoon. i PLiASian M l AWAY FROM ALL THISI j son certainly did. From that mo- many different racial and religi- ening summer. I want to a$are ment on I was his follower, in ous groups."Crossroads has had this experience with you and chick «m . | The Garden Room of the spirit anyway, respecting his Invitations from as many as 28 hope to arouse your Interest In _ • Alcnt 1 i N**ttt _ Molly Pitcher Inn, Bed Bank, ideas and values, admiring him countries, but the constant prob- Operation Crossroads Africa, • AddF.tt „ _ • Togtihtr | was the scene of tbe Cosmoas a person, although I never lem of lack of funds has prewith mudln under e»v«r politan Club's dinner party this dreamed I would actually par- vented further spread of the pro- Any kind of melon balls may 1 Ttlaphsn* __....__ • Family j past week. The club Is comticipate in his summer program. gram opportunities. Crossroads be used along with grapefruit or 333 Silverside Avenue ! Mm^mi posed of women who were Since then, I have met several is supported by contributions orange sections and strawberries (Near R. R. Station) born outside the United States crossroaders who have told me from schools, colleges, churches, for a delightful fruit compote. 747-2690 of their experiences. After civic groups, businesses and more research, I decided to ap- foundations. Each participant ply last fall while in my senior pays approximately. 25 per cent "" ' College, MiU- of the cost of sending a student JtaL and to Africa for the summer and Miss Clayton Maloney several scholarships are given Privately Financed ATLANTA, Ga. >- Miss Clayton to those who cannot afford that Maloney of Sea Bright, N.J., has Crossroads Africa sum. Expert Real Estate Adviea completed the four-week training a privately financed Costs No More Junior peaca Corps course at Delta Air Lines' Stew- program, which takes mainly stu- Crossroads has often been ardess School at tha Atlanta Air- dents, but also teachers end cer- termed the "Junior Peace PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. port. tain specialists, to countries In Corps," but this label is misleadReal Estate for 71 Yean Prior to joining Delta, ehe was Africa. For two months during ing. Not only 'was Crossroads 60 White St., Red Bank a medical assistant for Dr. Ray- the summer. The aim of the established before the federal 741 • 7200 mond Cunneff, Red Bank. Daugh- program Is to better Afro-Ameri- Peace Corps,, but it has no conter of Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Ma- can relations, an object of great nection with the U.S. governBetter Buys By Bowers loney, Caldwell, N.J., she was importance in our rapidly degraduated from Mount St. Domi- veloping world. The project began in 1958 after Dr. Robinson nic Academy. had traveled the world over trying to raise money to send the first trial group. Some 50 AmerParents Entertain icans and one Canadian went to 54 Newman Springs Rd. — Red Bank — 747-9310 'or Son's Teacher five countries in Africa; French Across From Monmouth County National Bank Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia, NiRUMSON - Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Rappoport," Rohaffion Dr., geria, and Sierra Leone. Each OPEN 7 DAYS — FRIDAY 'TIL 8 P.M. were hosts at a cocktail party in group, consisting of about 15 each with a group leader, was asL G . EGGS — T-PAK -... 3/89o honor of their, son, David's teach- signed to a building project, such in Mrs. Edna Heim of the Ran- as a schoolhouse or a youth cenCALIF. BING CHERRIES :... .29c LB. ley School faculty. C L I N G PEACHES ~.....Z LB./49c ter, hopefully to be completed by Miss Virginia Catherine Stengel Guests were the following pa- the end of the summer. Under BABY BAR-B-9 SPARE RIBS 59c LB. BABY BEEF LIVER .49c LB. NEW SHREWSBURY - Mrs. •ents of ether first grade pupils: Dr. Robinson's supervision, the S U B BACON 49c LB. Mary Stengel, 282 Riveredge Rd., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer and program has continued along this announces the engagement of her Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Mindlin, both line. Americans work with the of Fair Haven; Mr. and Mrs. same number of African coundaughter, Miss Virginia Catherine Stengel, to Robert Edward Wil Burt De Witt, New Shrewsbury, terparts toward the completion liama, son of Mr, and Mrs. Rich' and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ostran- ot some project. Fruit Baskets for all Occasions — Made to Order Nylons and prints, zip front, ard E. Williams, 238 Vanderveer der, Middletown. Intangible Bridge Ft— R*Mg«n>tai D*llvfry Pkow 747-9310 >]., Long Branch. As Ruth T. Plimpton say* In er book on Crossroads, "The pullovers. Rea. 5.98 and 7.98. An August wedding is planned. CHANGE MEETING PLACE Miss Stengel it a graduate of HOUMDEL — The local anxilRed Bank Catholic High School. ary of ttie Bayshore Community Mr. Williams, a graduate of Hospital will hold its final meetLong Branch High School, Is a ing tonight at 8 o'clock in the former employee of PWIrus Pro- Indian Hrll School, instead of the LIGHTWEIGHT lucts and Is presently stationed •folmdel Village School as pre Skirts it Fort Dix in basic Army train- iously announced. Agenda *v Culottes ing. nclude Installation of officers. Rumson Girl to Spend Summer With Operation Crossroads Africa You have no Vacation Plans Yet??? Stewardess WE WOULD LOVE TO SEND YOU AWAY!! SSL.5070 :: i APARTMENTS Engaged LUCY HOMES FACTORY OUTiET LADIES' 1-PC. and 2-PC. Bathing Suits 75 75 NEWMAN SPRINGS MARKET Regular $13 - $30 5 &7 LADIES JACKETS 2 FINAL CLEARANCE STRETCH SLACKS 3 we feature FARMER BOY MEATS 75 CONSIGNMENT SHOP ALL CHILDREN'S ITEMS Shifts^ Jackets Raincoats 40 Price Sale OFF OUR tow PRICS ALL ITEMS IN THE STORE ON SALE JUNE 16, 17, 18 AND MANY OTHER UNADVERTISED SPECIALS BRIDGE AVE. &FRONT ST., RED BANK-74MITOT Store Hours: Thursday and Saturday 10-6; Friday 10-8 BOYLE FINE HOME FURNISHINGS «nd BROADIOOM Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontoun —• $42-1010 THRIFT 70 MONMOUTH STREET _. ' RED BANK Owned and Op«r«t»d by tht Junior S»rvlc» U i g u * et Monmeulh Incoiporittd Civic Chorus Marks Its 15th Anniversary THE DAILY BEGISTER WednwUy, June 16,1965-15 Near Goal To Finance AFS Visitor RVMSON - Hie Monmou grown to a s many as 130 memCivic Chords celebrated its 15tlbtit1. The non-profit, non-sectaranniversary, and the end of a suc- ian group was Incorporated in cessful season at its annual 1956 and is governed by five of spring dinner-dance Saturday fleers and a board of trustees evening. WEST LONG BRANCH - The Its objectives are to present Mrs. Wilbert Cornelius of Bel-choral music of high calibre and gMl of $750 needed to finance ford, entertainment chairman, to provide a congenial gathering the visit of a foreign exchange was hostess and In charge of ar-place for people who love to slrg biudont at Shore Regional High rangements for the event, whlc School for the coming year, unwas held in Reidy's. The dinln der the American Field Service, tables were decorated in a Ja[ has almost been reached, accordanese motiff by Mrs. Wai ing to Richard Tewell, faculty adHunt, a member of the chorus. viser. The money has been Guests were entertained during raised by students through varithe cocktail hour by Jean Reed ous projects. of Fair Haven, tenor soloist who Members of the AFS chapter at has sung wtih the chorus In th< the school have been conducting past Raoul Longworth accom interviews with families interATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - St panled him on the guitar. Col Agnes School Parent-Teacher As ested in becoming hosts for the ored slides of the recent choru sociation will hold « dessert exchange student who will arproduction of. "The Mikado bridge party on June 39 from rive in August. Mr. and Mrs. were shown by Oscar Hennlngs 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. on the grounds Edward Urion and family. OceanHonor Samuel Harvey port, have been hosts this year to of Daemon. Hall, the school s Bettina Guttges of Kassel, GerSamuel Harvey of Fair Ha- newly acquired property on South many. Ave. Following the bridge, guest ven, retiring president and charter member of the Civic will b e conducted on tours of STRAWBERRY FRITTERS—They gat a sweat and crunchy coating before they are fried. John Jones, faculty member at Chorus, was honored for his the building. Shore Regional, reports that IS many contributions to the group. Chariman is Mrs. Joseph Mestudents are interested in the M M . Michael David Ward Mr. Harvey has sung tenor roll Nee, assisted by Mrs. Raymond Americans Abroad program (Hie former Miss Diane Elizabeth Burr) in chorus productions of "Rue Adams and Mrs. Herbert Kochon. which will send a student abroad digore," "Pirates of Penzance,' Ticket chairmen are Mrs. Robert to study next year. Fund-raising Diane Burr Is Bride "Iolanthe," "Yeomen of th Adams and Mrs, Joseph Hynes. By CECILY BROWNSTONE 1 orange and strawberry — were dip into the corn syrup and allow plans are being discussed by the Mrs. Frank Wilson, newly- Associated Press Food Editor also served. Guard" and "HMS Pinafore. excess egg to drip off; roll In local chapter. He has served in the past i elected president, named the fol- HOW OLD-FASHIONED cooks The strawberry fritters are graham cracker crumbs. Relowing members to the executive president of the board of trustees loved fritters! Pick up one ofprobably the most unusual of all,peat process with remaining berWin First Places treasurer, and on several' com board for the coming year: Mrs. their cookbooks and the chances and It's this recipe we've resurries. Chill for 2 or 3 hours. mittees. Mr. Harvey was pre-John Rathemacher, ways and are you'll find recipes for these rected — in modern style. Our LONG BRANCH - Mrs. Ralph Fill a heavy saucepan one- J. Walsh won first place in Class sented a brass plaque inscribed means; Mrs. Frederick Hillmsn, delicacies. berry fritters get a coating of with a message of gratitude from program; Mrs. Joseph Kennedy, Clam, corn, oyster and tomato corn syrup and chopped almonds, third full of corn oil; heat over Four arrangements, and Mrs. hospitality; Mrs. Robert Adams, fritters were favorites for thethen they are dipped in beaten medium heat to 375 degrees on a Harry Ely, first place in hortichorus members. WATERVIULE, Maine—!Lortim- Jonquil yellow chiffon over silk, civic; Mrs. Gregory E. Schilling, main course of a meal. But des- egg and rolled in graham crack- candy or fat thermometer, or un- culture, at a meeting Monday of er Chapel at Colby College wa designed with bateau necklines In appreciation of their ser til a 1-inch cube of bread turns the Long Branch Garden Club vices, inscribed silver bowls wen publicity; Mrs. John Condon, the setting here June 8 for the and elbow-lengtii sleevea, and presented to William Shoppell membership; Mrs. James Mul- sert fritters — apple, banana, er crumbs. The corn syrup brown in 40 seconds. Fry batch- in the auditorium of the Chester makes the almonds stick to the wedding of Miss Diane Elizabeth bell-shaped skirts accented at musical director; Felix Molze ligan, welfare; Mrs, Kochon, es of berries, without crowding, A. Arthur Apartments here. berries, and the egg helps the Burr, daughter of Mrs. Mildred the waistline with matching satin until lightly browned — about 30 A plant sale was held under assistant director and conductor literature; Mrs. Richard Macgraham cracker crumb3 to adBurr, Browns Dock Rd., Locust, crushed roses. They wore matchseconds. If you like, you maythe direction of Mrs. Joseph of the recent production of "TheMillan, health; Mrs. Angelo Pehere. To make life easy, we use N.J, and John Burr, New York Ing cloche hats fashioned of crush- Mikado," and Allan B. Wallace, traglla, special event; Mrs. , the graham cracker crumbs that fry the berries in a basket, but Oliverr. City, to Michael David Ward, ed roses and carried cascade stage director. The officers and Frank Cassone, school bus, and do not crowd. Serve at once At the July 13 meeting mere come in a handy package. Norwood, Mass. He is the ion bouquets of mint green carnations committee chairmen who served Mrs. Sam Marino, Communion with any favorite pudding sauce. will be a discussion on corsages, of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Saver and babies'-breath. MATAWAN - Mrs. Frank Each of these strawberry frit- Makes 6 servings — 5 berries and judging of patriotic corsages during the past year each re- breakfast. of Norwood and Falmoutfa, Mass. Geoffrey T. Robbias, Mamaro- ceived a silver tray. Panek, president of the Matawan ters is a delightful mouthful of per portion. entered by the d u b members. Junior Woman's Club, has named surprise; the berry sweet, fresh Rev. Clifford Oshorne, chaplain, neck, N.Y., was best man. Ushers Season's Concert the following members a s de-and still cool, the coating slightly officiated at the double ring cere- were David F . Parish, New Hav- In observance of the anniverpartment chairmen for the com-crunchy. mony. Organist was Miss Adele en, Conn., end Steven C. Slaver, at sary, the chorus presented its ing year: Mrs. Harold Becker, In the following recipe, we sugHeinrich. A reception followed in home, brother at the bridegroom. most popular offerings during the American home; Mrs. Harold gest that you serve these fritters the Jefferson Hotel here. Mr. and Mrs. Ward will leave past season, Handel's "Messiah" Haddock, art; Mrs. Ralph Babri- with a favorite pudding sauce. The bride was escorted by herfrom San Francisco, Calif., on In December and "The Mikado" sky, Braille; Mrs. Bruce Brown, What flavor? Lemon, vanilla, brother, Phillip E . Burr. Leon-Thursday for three month's train- on June 4 and 5. In addition tc civics; Mrs. Barton Hoeg, cred- brandy or what you will. If you ardo, N.J. She wore a floor-length ing for the Peace Corps in'Hawail. these regular concerts, Dvorak's in the gown of Chaivtilly lace fashioned The couple took a wedding '"Stabat Mater" was given during FAIR HAVEN - The Shrews- its; Mrs. Robert Yosaitis, drama; are adept at concocting the conMrs. John Hughes, international with a Sabrina neckline trimmed too to Cape Cod, Mass. the Lenten season. bury Power Squadron will bold its relations, and Miss Betty Jean tinental Sabayon Sauce — a combination of egg yolks, sugar and with sequins and pearls and a The bride is a graduate of Thp Monmouth Civic Chorus third annual luncheon and fashion bouffant skirt ending in ft chapel Mlddletown Township High School was founded in 1849 by W. Gor-show Tuesday, June 22, at 12:30 Gullman, literature and educa- sherry or marsala — you might want to offer that. train. Her scalloped veil was and attended Colby College, don Pagdin, a former resident of p.m. in «he SSuwwsbury Yacht tion. OF THE Also, Mrs. William Wright, secured by a crown headpiece where she was a member of Little Silver. The original chorus Club. River Rd. STRAWBERRY FRITTERS trimmed with crysal teardrops Alpha Delta Pi sorority and thenumbered 54 voices and has since Fashions will be presented by membership; Mrs. John Kovacs, 1 pint medium or large strawmusic; Mrs. Andrew Hulsart, berries (about 30), ind she carried a cascade of Colbyettej. She was also a memThe Deck at Mihm's Nauvoo hospitality; Mrs. Frank O'Neill, V4 cup light corn syrup roses and babies'-breath. ber of the Wagon WJieel PlayMarina, Sea Bright. Mrs. Joe newspaper; Mrs. Patrick DeRosa, 1 cup finely chopped blanched RESTAURANT Mrs. George Obre, Jr., Middle- house, Middletown, N.J. Scott will be commentator. program; Mrs. Kenneth Sproul, town, N.J., sister of the bride, The bridegroom, a June gradModels will be Mrs. Douglas publicity; Mrs. Edward Potts, almonds INFORMAL DINING - LUNCHEON SERVED I I A . M . h> 2:1 S was matron of honor. Bridesmaid uate of Colby College, is. «feo en Wright, Little Silver; Mrs. Ray-public welfare; Mrs. Donald Ca- 2 eggs, slightly beaten DINNER FROM 5 P. M. t o 9:00 P.M. was Miss Susan Saver, and junior alumnus of Norwood High School, mond Fertig, Mrs. Richard Karr, cace, Tel-A-Junior; Mrs. Lance % cup graham cracker crumbs bridesmaid, Wendy Saver, both Norwood, Mass. At college h e Corn oil (for frying) Monmouth Shopping Center • Eatontown and Mrs. Walter Morton, Fair Warne, scrapbook; Mrs. Cacace, at home, sisters of the bride- was a member of Tau Delta Phi Haven; Mrs. William Dunn, New yearbook; Mrs. Dorean Wert, Wash and hull srtawberries; Phone 542-2744 groom. fraternity, the John Marshall Shrewsbury; Mrs. Walter Rath- youth, and Mrs. James Atkins, drain. Insert the sharp tines of The honor attendant and brides- Society, «ad the Powder and Wig a fork into the top- of a berry; bun, Rumaon; Mrs. John Corbly, sunshine.' maid wore identical gowns of Society. Fort Monmoutli; Mrs. Jay Cummings, Red Bank, and Cynthia and Stephanie Scott, Sea Bright. PTA Plans Bridge Party On June 30 Delightfully Different Dessert Colby College Chapel Is Setting for Wedding Juniors List Chairmen Squadron's Luncheon Is June 22 Shop In Comfort • • Eat In Comfort*** TERRACE ROOM Bride-Elect Silows W e d 50 Years Mrs. Uoner Lancaster, Red Bank, chairman of the event, is assisted by Mrs. James Kimbrough, Fort Monmouth; Mrs. Alfred Urffer, Fords; Mrs. Grover MIDDLETOWN - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Silow, Nutswamp Culshaw, Rumson, end Mrs. Rd., celebrated their 50th wedWright ding anniversary last week with a party given in their home by their children. Mr. and Mrs. Silow were marMIDDLETOWN — "Summer ried In New York City June 6, Iruise" was the theme of the1915. Mr. Silow came to MidFour Seasons Club's final dance dletown with his family from of the year held In Bamm Hollow New York City In 1916. H e r e Country Club here. Chairmen tired from the Bennett Estate rere Mr. and Mrs. John Pavelka. five years ago. Both are 80 Miss Dorothy E. O'Neill Members of the June commit- years old. The couple have five children: HIGHLANDS - Mr. and Mrs. :e modeled fashions. John J. Stager, 12 Charles Ave., Edward W. Collins, Jr., retir- William, John, Edward, and Keansburg, announced the en- ig president, announced officers Stanley Silow and Mrs. Bert Ar> gagement of their granddaughter, ir the coming year: Mr. Pavel- plegate; nine grandchildren, and president; Robert Meihls, two great-grandchildren. Miss Dorothy Ellen O'Neil, 1339 Eatontown Blvd., Oceanport, to ice president; Joseph Fodale, Miss Wendy Silow provided Ernest W. Geroni, at a dinner lecretary; John McCutcheon, music on her accordion at the party ta Bahrs' Restaurant here treasurer. Members of the newparty. board of directors are Mr. Colrecently. Miss O'Neill is the daughter of lins, John O'Neill and Milton Red Oak School Mrs. Dorothy O'Neill, Rector PI., Klein. Red Bank, and the late William The next dance will bs held in To Hold Sale J. O'Neill. Mr. Geroni is the son leptember. KEYPORT •- The, Red Oak of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cooperative Nursery School will Plan Flower Show Geroni, 99 Rumson Rd., Little hold a bazar and rummage sale Silver. POINT PLEASANT BEACH • Friday and Saturday from 10 The bride-elect is a graduate of litial plans far the annual (lower a.m. to 4 p.m. in St. Mary's EpisMiddletown Township High School how of the Woman's Club of copal. Church Annex, 10 East and is employed as a secretary 'oint Pleasant were made at a Front St. in the General Counsel Office of leetlng of the garden and conA variety of new merchandise the U.S. Army Electronics Com- srvation department of the club. will be featured in addition to mand, Fort Monmouth. The event will be held Friday clothing, appliances, furniture Her fiance is an alumnus of nd Saturday., Aug. 27 and 28,and household articles in good Red Bank High School and a the auditorium of Britt's De-condition. June graduate of Monmouth Col- trtment Store, Brick Plaza lege, receiving a BS degree in >wnship. Theme will be "Salute The three and four-year-old classes took a train trip, visited business administration. Autumn." Red Bank Airport, and held a family picnic at Holmdel State Park recently to end the school year. Classes for the 1965-66 season will be held in the Old First Church, Kings Hwy., Middletown. Mrs. Steven David, 49 Andover LITTLE SILVER - Mrs. Eu-Baird and Mrs. Jack Kaplan, La., Matawan, is in charge of gene Badgley, chairman of theRumson; Mrs. G. W. G. Grulich, registration Information. Volunteer Service Committee of Deal; Mrs. J. D. Johnannesen, the Mental Health Association, Colts Neck; Mrs. Louis Silver, 25th Anniversary entertained at a luncheon recent- Fair Haven, and Mrs. Van Rooly in her home here. Assisting jen and Mrs. John E. Grossman, RED BANK — Mr. and Mrs. were members of the committee, Matawan. John Maiza, Bridge Ave., celeMrs. Carl Nocka, Atlantic High- Mrs. Benjamin Ashin com- brated their 25th wedding annilands; Mrs. Edward Massell, Red mended the volunteers for their versary last week with a lawn A PLASHING SHEATH Bank, and Mrs. Jan Van Roojan, dedication and expressed the party at home. Matawan. gratitude of the. board of direc- Attending were Miss Josephine 18.00 tors for their service to the pa-Mazza, their daughter, at home; Volunteers attending the luncheon are graduates of the eight- tients of Monmouth County. Mr, and Mrs. James Mazza, week training program sponsored Special' recognition was given their son anddaughter-in-law, Bare your arms In the cool, by the association and co-spon- to Mrs. Snoke, Mrs. Wall, Mrs. Red Bank; Mrs. Margaret Daishort sleeve* of our bow tied sheath... sored by the Extension Division Bianchini and Mrs. Wilkinson for done, and other relatives and of the Rutgers University School their length of service. friends. a flash of richly textured silk of Social Work. They are givIr * ing regular.volunteer service at and rayon in cranberry, green or black. Brldgeway House, Red Bank, and MORE MONMOUTH COUNTY FAMILIES In the Social Service Department Exclusively ours In 5 to 15 s i z e s . . . of Marlboro State Hospital, MarlCHOOSE OUR QUALITY WORKMANSHIP boro. Junior Dresses. They are Mrs. R. H. Wall and CUSTOM Mrs. P. W. P . Mitchell, Atlantic Mail and phone orders filled. MADE Highlands; Mrs. Emedio Blanchlnl, Farmlngdale; Mrs. D. F. SOPA and 2 CHAIRS Nnmt fobrlct IrtaNd with ltaln mlilnrt Caffe, Mrs. A. L. P. Brown, Mrs. tcatcMord • Htavy duty ilppto, guarantor FITO ihop-alLloyd Snoke, and Mrs. David I i woriUTUininip. Wilkinson, Uttle Silver; Mrs. Johomt Mrvlc* BELFORD FABRICS seph Tubiak and Mrs. Justine D. MONMOUTH SHOPPING GTR., EATONTOWN, 542-3325 Shaver, Middletown; M n . O. F. . HWT. I I , MIDDUIOWN spoilt* Howard Johnw.'s OPEN DAILY'TIL 9:30, SATURDAY T i l 6 Anderson, Oakhurtt; M n . J. A . | | •71-5808 for that Unforgettable Moment THURS. - FRI. • SAT. Four Seasons Club Holds Final Dance Chairman of Volunteers Entertains New Aides FRANKLIN SIMON SLIPCOVERS JUNE 17-18-19 get a beautiful 8"x10" 98 plsture of your child PIN-UPS fitted* it M m "CoasttoCoast" Bring all the children. 8x10, only 98c, each taken singly or I 8x10 group only $1.00 per child. You'll see the cutest expressions and professional poset captured by our friendly lady photographer. Select from finished pictures, NOT PROOFS! Extra finished 8x10, 5x7s and wallet size will be shown at unbelievably low prices for your approval. Example: Wallet size lets than SOc each in groups of 4 sama pose. — BRING A FRIEND — MONDAY thru FRIDAY 10 A.M. to A P.M. FRIDAY UNTIL 7:30 P.M. SATURDAY UNTIL 5:30 P.M. LUNCH HOUR 1 to 2 P.M. JUNE 17 - 18 - 19 Capture that once in a lifetime moment with a lovely portraiture, taken by our friendly lady photographer. Excellent photographs taken at price to please your pocketbook. Want More for Your Money? Keep Your Eye on Grants Uttle Silver Shopping Center P I '* - - r.' It's the lively new way to shop . . . ONE STOP TOTAL SAVINGS Over 100,000 of your neighbors have won with Acme LUCKY CHECKS RIB : m^'Wib:^mTr\b.mm STHI TIME TO W I N . . . EVERYONE DOES R O M $1 to $1,000. GET YOUR "FREE" LUCKY CHECK TODAY! You can win more than once. Lean, Short Shank • •. SMOKED CALftS...... to 39 e MORE RECENT WINNERS! s Wen '500 Won $I0O Won 500 . Lancaster Brand Hickory • '• SMOKED H A M . . . . . i t 4 B Lancaster Brand Sliced Prices effective Jom 16 thn 19, 1965. Quantity Riobb Reserved MB. KATmill OU MBS. EUL COLOMBO •OROTHY KRBST ittCakmBoai WMUiKL PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN ' BEEF LIVER.v....,...i,3$e BREASTS (Quarters) LEG (Quarters) "June is Dairy Month and Savings Monih at Acme" •''. KRAFT ; 1 IA»> « a. Ideal Steed WHla or Colortd _ ,, AM. I - _ . I Fireside VELVEETA AMERICAN CHEESE. 3 J£89 -Jro.Dain'Wiit.orColDrml • • • • • • • . - • ' • • - . • • • • . SLICED BACON...,.; CHEESE SPREAD 2 . ^ 6 9 ° i C .'. Loncoster Brand '.•'..• • SKINLESS FRANKS.. I Fresh Gray C AMERICAN CHEESE^:59 CH SHARP CHEESE.DaL.fc.69ii ' • SOLEFILLET. • • - • • . * * f t . IV •Virginia Lee White <tf Coiofs for Bothrootn — •—• — — : mil $ GROUND PLAIN, SUGAR or CINNAMON Meal PEANUT BUTTER « . • • • > • LEAN, FRESH REGULAR jkjk DONUTS • • • A W E JUICE.... PRESERVES Ib. GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS..4 1 W i o b Puled or Halvts Unpeeled _ IDEAL APRICOTS WHITE BREAD......5 ^ 5 •OVErWJEADY ; TURKEY BREASTS \Rtgimal«Fr«h Baked CHB!IW« DUTCH APPLE PIE UYEFCAKE..... «.5 «.99= •••••••fc. W.1 >teorf;e .> 8WLTEST HEAVY SMCJWOOP FROZEN Action Bleach. T ^ . . . ^ r 5 i 0 1 99' S.O.S.SoapPads... i t 4 / ' l 4/95' Tide Detergent 7?7P 70' Johnson's Bravo W a x . ^ T J]°* 97' Sandwich Bags «•">•>"' ^ 49e 39' ( I Dixie Cold Cups % 67 C 59' c Swift's P r e m . . . . . . . ^ 4 7 Elbow Macaroni M A ^2/25< Blue Cheese Cream Cheese Baby Gouda Cheese . Chefs Delight JSU a 69= u Jack Frosted 1 f f i . ^•55' 55' Kraft Margarine *m . £ 40/ Borden'sCremora... Maxwell House K Nescafe1"!"" ,^t-$l" Yuban Instant Coffee.. ,111, S I " 31' 1EVBIBROS, WTKGENT 49' 39' 45' SAMOA Sara lee Frozen "DINN "DINNERFOR3". RED, RIPE CUT Oft .WHOLE Lancaster Brand WATERMELON 5 SLICED TURKEY.... Lancaster Brand MINUTE STEAKS.... Lancaster Brand Frozen PORK. BEEF or TURKEY SLICED with GRAVY! NEW! iqui Vim Tablets "••" 'iff 22-oz. . bot. UUNDRY FAIR HAVEH-57Ulvet Rd Cliff EXTRA FANCY CRISP GREEN PASCAL SUNWST LARGE CUCUMBERS CELERY LEMONS |Ac 6 29 2 15' 5-or. Lux. LEVER BROS. f5c OFF can ™ ^ ^ ^ or 35'each - Dove Liquid SOAP 32-ox. HONEYDEWS fei 10 3 HALF SOAP 1Oe OFF UBEL Praise Soap q Lux Liquid. 69' 39' 10' 89' 38' 35' 49' Sweet, Vin» Mponed 2S5SP- SOAP FABRIC SOFTENER 10c OFF LABEL giant size 50-ox.pkg. LEVER BROS. Fluffy A I L UHCROFT-Hewiwn Springs U at Hurley La. Final Touch..^ — Wisk: _ LIQUID DETERGENT stalk 1 M tr12for55c FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS Dishwasher All___ Cold Water An LEVER BROS. SHORTENING II y ; an a | 'ANT Lysol Spray. can For Quick Results $m Our Want Ad* ^341-0010 741^1110 NIGHT at.s THEDAILY in i, HOME DELIVERY RAIN OR smm 741-0010, Copyright—The Red Bank Register, lac.,. 1965. SECTION TWO _ ••*:- 7ei TER'CQPY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1965 Theme: 'The Elusive American Spirit9 Red Bank High Graduation Tomorrow RED BANK .— Outdoor com- "VOuth:' Change With Continumencement exercises for 306 Red ity," cosalutatorian Gesine M. Bank High School seniors will Brueckmann on "The American be tomorrow at 8 p.m. on the Character: Conflicts in PerspecRed Bank Athletic Field, if rain tives," and co-salutatorian Susan doesn't interfere. v • D. Lombard on "Creativity: If it rains, commencement will Tradition Without Tradition." be Friday night, ">, Douglas Raynor, president of The tieme of the program this his class, will offer the welcomyear will be "The Elusive Ameri- ing address, and Lawrence Cavacan Spirit," and that will be the iola, vice president, will lead the subject of speeches by the top salute. scholars of the class of 1969. Musical offerings will be made Talks Scheduled by the Red Bank High School The talks will be by valedic- Band and the Senior Ensemble torlan Arnold M. • Howitt on singing "No Man Is An Island" and;; "Freedom's Song." Rev. names of some to Indicate memCanon Charles Hi Best of Trin- bership in the National Honor Soity .Episcopal Church will give ciety, French Honor Society and the invocation and Rev. Earl B. Spanish Honor Society: Scott of St. Thomas Episcopal Alfred Aikens, Ann T. Allocco, Church the. benediction. Frank C. Ambrosino, Frankie A. Administrators on the stage Ambrosino. Allan T. Anderson, will be Principal Royal H. Hintze, Gregory F. Andrews, James M. presenting the awards; Dr. Rob- Andrews (N), Joseph P. Angiuli, ert C. Hoops, superintendent, Carldad Aponte, Jean Ann Arpresenting the class of 1965; and none, Patricia B. Arnone (N. F), Edmund J. Canzona, president of Donald E. Asay, Jr., Robert R. the Board of Education, confer- Ayres, Edith M. Bacigalupi, ring the diplomas. Adele E . Bailey, Elisabeth M. Following is a list of the grad- Baird (N), Victoria R. Ball, Richuates, -with letters following the ard G. Balmer (N), Geraldine T. Balsamo, Stephen Barberio, Christine L. Barmann, Diane M. Bayer, Nancy J. Bennett, Nick Berardi, John F. Bertelsen (N), Susan M. Bishop and Immaculate Mary Blasi. Also Michael D. Bloom, Phyllis M. Bloomberg, Irene Dolores Boeckel, Betty L. Booth, Robert C. Bottger, Louis Boyd, Dale A. Brazee, William E. Brooks, Barbara J. Brownlie, Gesine M. Brueckmann (N,F), Richard C. Bruer, Peter R. Bruguiere, Edwina Yvonne Burgess, Ronald Cacarillo, Jacqueline A. Cadman, Joanne Camm, Albert H. Capis Glenn C. Davis, Marie L. DeAdta, Jr., Pamela J. Carson, Vlr der and Sharon Doan. ginia K.. Carter, JoAnn Marie Also Sue Ann Dohrn (N), Cartmill, Lawrence J. Cavaiola Marilyn I. Doremus, Jacqueline (N), and Giovannina J. Cerrone. J. Douglas, Patricia «R. Dowd, Also John A. Christman, Rose Evangeline M. Doyle, Saundra M. Ciampoli (S), Alger T. Clark, M. Dozier, Jessie Drew, Virginia Carol B. Clarke, Lawrence G. T. Drew, Joan M. Dunlap, Carol Clay, James Clayton, Deborah A. Elphick, Eileen Emerian, McD. Close, John R. Colavito, Shirley M. Evans, Ann Ewing, Lois C. Conlan, Susan A. Con- Douglas R. Farrow, Robert A. nolly (F), Maurice Cooper, Kath- Fazzone, Steven M. Feldman, erine A. Cornell (N,S), Isabelle Cameron Ferguson (N), Sandra A. Coward, Charles V. Cox, Hom-S. Ferrogiari, Suzanne M. Flemer Credle, 3d, David B. Crossley, er, Ann Marie Florio, Ray Fordliffe (N,F), Maureen L. Daggett, George B. Crowell, JoAnn Cun- 68 County Residents Become Citizens lam, Dolores A. Frappler and Jon E. Frederickson (N). Others Listed Also James G. Frick, Robert Friedauer, Richard Frye, Peter McKee Gale, Eva R. Garoff, Nancy Geltzeiler (N, S), Charles L. Genovese, Ellen L. Goldberg, Judith A. Goldberg (N, F), Pamela L. Gordon, Vera Gorlenko, Daniel R. Govinsky, Allen K. Grammer (N), Ralph L. Grasso, Roy E. Grayzel, Frances H. Greenberg (N, S), Maria C. Grez (N, F), Linda L. Graver, David N. Grubb (N), Karen G. Grubman (N, F), Wendy S. Grudin and Donna L. Gunnell. Also Ruth C. Haas (N, F), Mary M. Hanrahan, Henry H. Hardy, Patricia A. Harleman, Carol A. Harris, Barbara V. Harrison, Sherry L. Havlland, Florence C. Hendrickson, Rosemary FREEHOLD—Second- youngest Army Sgt. 1/C Norman W. Kim-ducted by a sister of the Shah'. States. Two years «go, but be- tricia Keogans, Fair Haven, to, Matawan, Italy; Amalia Fol- Yoko Figel, Union Beach, Japan; A. Hennahane, Gregory F. Herrand ona of four children among ball, and Marie KimbaJl, and the The place was called the Re fore the process could be com- Scotland, lenvaider, New Shrewsbury, Ann I. Simons, Howell Town- man, Janet L. Hill (N, F); San68 Monmouth county residents sister of •11-year-old Norman, Jr., Lion and son and the royal family pleted, the sergeant was called Yugoslavia! Ruth E. McGuire, ship, Netherlands. From Italy dra J. Hill, Se-Thia D. Hill, kept close supervision of it. to South Viet Nam where he re- Jean M. Feiling, Atlantic High- Eatontown, who became U. S. citizens here of 50>VilIa PI., Eatontown. Israel; Artemis Bernard V. Eaton, Atlantic Gordon R. Hodas (N, S), AnMonday, was a former orphan The Kimballs were in Teheran Citizenship was among the first cently completed duty with dis- lands, Scotland; Michelangelo J., Shutkin, Asbury Park, Greece; Highlands, England; Erenzen drea M. Hofer. Virginia M. Hofffrom Iran, five-year old Debra on a two year. assignment in considerations the Kimballs list- tinction. Luisa, Orfeo and Guiseppe Jonathan Gerweck,-Sea Bright, Moschkin, Howell Township, Rus mann, Donald E. Holmes, J r . Anne Kimball. 1961 when Debra Anne was given ed far their new daughter when Was Decorated D'Ambrlsi, Long Branch, Italy; Greece, Thomas Tiber!, Belford, sia; Lorenzo Meloro, Middle- Eileen Holmes, Bruce M. Holt, town Township, Italy; Margaret Judy A. Honegger, William A. Debra now is the daughter of' to them by an, orphanage con- they returned to the United Now assigned to the Fort Mon- John F. Coogan, Neptune, Ire- Italy. M. Roessler, Matawan, Ireland; Horlacher, 3d, Hugh Howard, Came From India mouth Signal School, he had been land; Maggie K. and Francis H. with a transmitter station in Ayden, Wall Township, Scotland; Mulo I. Gidmual, Matawan, Adele M. Carney, Matawan, Arnold M. Howitt (N, F), and Viet Nam and for his efforts Anita Louise Norman, Asbury India; Klaus M. Weickmann, Canada: Kosta Lindardakis, As- Inez Y. Hughes. won a commendation medal for Park, British Virgin Islands; Ocean Township, Germany; Janet bury Park, Greece: Helen Rinke, More Graduate* meritorious service for what the Emanuel Appeal, Asbury Park, Shopp, Spring Lake, Scotland; Marlboro Township, Germany; Also Sherry Huhn, Carolyn A. government calls our "counter- Cuba; Hans Hieslmair, Long Sarah K. Dalrymple, Spring John Follenvaider, New Shrews- Hunt/Robert Huserik, Jr., Gladys, Branch,^ Austria. Lake, Scotland; John and Wini- bury, Yugoslavia. Insurgency" effort. R. llarraza, Talbot D. Ingram, Mrs, Kimball has an active In- Anton Geek, Freehold, Ruma- fred Mitcheli, and Johr. Mitchell, Debra Kimball, Eatontown', Anne M. Izzo, Donna L. James, terest In politics and on June 1 nia; Tiber Gyiraszi, Freehold Jr., Atlantic Highlands, Scotland; Iran; Effie Sfiridis, Asbury Park, Arnold B. Jensen, Jeffrey 3. JoSorrentlno, L o n g Greece; Angelina Haynes, Ocean- hanson, Brenda <M. Johnson, was elected Democratic commit- Township, Hungary; Ann and Anneliese teewoman in the second district. Ivan Merzalow, Howell Town- Branch, Germany; Nobuko Spur- port, Italy; Thea G. Nolting, Sea Hugh C. Johnson,'' Richard J. Mrs, Katlierine McCloskey, a ship, Russia; Teresa T. Mucci, lock, Eatontown, Japan; Florence Bright, and Rhoda Parnes, Free- Johnson, Judith A. Keller (N), school teacher and the borough's Matawan, Italy; Louis Tomasiel- H. Clarke, Long Branch, India; hold, Canada. David K e m p f , Susan L. Democratic leader, says "Debbie Kennedy, Cheryl A. Kerwin, Is Eatontown's most adorable Phyllis M. Kicia, Linda J. King, Democrat." Janet Knake and John C. Knott. Debra will enter the MeadowAlso M. janene Kollock, Mary brook School, Eatontown, in G. Kosopod, William C. Kroll (N, September. Norman, Jr., will be S), John E. Kusler, Janice M. her escort as an upper classman Layton, Doris J. Leeger, Lyle T. at (he public school. Leverich (N), Louise Levituon (N, F), Peter F. Locilento, SuSmith's Address san D. Lombard (N, F ) , John R. The Kimballs. are natives of Loversidge, Philip C.. Lowden, Lynn, Mass., and found particu- EATONTOWN—The machinery .he line, indicating on the stakes places." Karen A. Lundquist (N, F ) , Terlarly heartening the welcoming moves in today, according to the depth, of the tie-in line to each Tying up the last'loose legal esa L. Lyons, William H. Matalk given new citizens by counresidence, if possible. ends before construction begins, George W. Winning, Sewerage y Judge Thomas J. Smith, par"This will • save householders the Authority last night resolved honey, Jr., Vincent R. Maletto, ticijlajly TJrtv^!^''dftw from the Authority secretary. tlme'and tttSnejr l»t*r on," the unanimously to accept four ease- Patricia Malpne, Richard A. inaugural" address of the most Mr. Winning announced at last constructor said. "We" can pu£ n^ent? nfOeJsary to1 clear the pro- Mami, Barbara A. Marlon, Beryl F. Marx and Betty L. Maughler f g f i j f e w Englander, the late night's authority meeting that our tie-in points in the'rtghi posed sewer extension route. (N). President John F. Kennedy: "Ask Cape-Atlantic Construction Co. of Also Suzanne C. Mawby (N, not what America will do for you, Somers Point, low bidder on the S), Alice C. May, JJnda S. Mayask what you can do for your borough's $130,000 sewer extener, Carol A. McCormick, Patricountry." sion, starts work today. cia C. McCullion, Judith A. MeJudge Smith, compared the The project will extend the Ever (N), Jeanne C. McKnight, courage of today's astronauts and present borough sewer system Wayne McLaughlin, Virginia L. A NEW CITIZEN, AND MAYBE A DEMOCRAT — Debra Anne Kimball, 5, born in Iran military iheros to that of the from a point south of the Garden Meijer, Michael J. Menpsky, Robcountry's earlier battlefield war- State Parkway spur near Husky and adopted there by Army Sgt. First Class Norman W. Kimball, and Mrs, Kimball, riors and urged an everlasting ert B. Michel, Helen M. Moore, Brook to the intersection of Grant LONG BRANCH — Mayor Mil- This statement referred to the Eatorrtown, celebrates receipt of U. S. citizenship after ceremony in Monmouth Coun- appreciation to and respect for Ave. and Wyckoff Rd. Houses in ton F. Untermeyer yesterday United States intervention in the Roy J. Mosca, David Tl Murphy, Marsha A. Murphy, Martha S. / Turner Village and in Woodmere- blasted the United States Su- Dominican Republic which Presity Court Monday, Looking on, left, is Mr*. (Catherine McCleskey, Eafontown Demo- them. Girl Scouts from Spring Lake at-Eatontown, Bernard Silver- preme Court for some of its re- dent Johnson said was decided Myers (N, F), Charles Nettercratic leader. Mr«. Kimball is a Democratic committaewamah in the. Second District Heights participated in a citizenman, Robert A. Nordt, Jr., stein's development on Wyckoff cent rulings which he said give upon when the Communists ship program; watched as Miss Rd., will be served. the American people "a back- gained control of the revolution James W. Parker, 3d, Nancy «nd Mrs. McCloskey avers "Debbie is Eatontown's most adorable Democrat." Parker, Bruce L. Perlmutter arid Mary A. Collins, naturalization in that country. ward approach" to life. Dorothy F. Piscitelli. clerk, presented the group to be Work will start at the parkawy Mr. Untermeyer spoke before The mayor said that more and Also David A. PolesU (N, S), spur end of the line, says Edward sworn in by Judge Smith. 38 members of the Long Branch more confirmed criminals are beSharyn D, Polin, Sandra M. PoMembers of the league of wom- Hanley, Cape-Atlantic representa Police Department arid neighboren /Voters presented flags and tive, and proceed toward Wyckoff ing departments at the final ses- ing turned loose into the streets tosky (S), Richard.J. Potter (N), because of "loopholes and legal Jajnes Powell, Linda J. Pulbooks on U. S. government. Rd. There, the new line will ties sion of a six-week training procrano (N), Douglas P. Raynor Members of the Ayelet Chapter, into a line Mr. Silverstein has! gram in police and community beagles." already laid along Wyckoff..Rd.; Bnai Brith, of Matawan, Keyport, : "I salute you," said Mr. Un- (N, F), Stephen W. Reil, Kathryn relations. to serve his newly built houses. and Raritan and Middletown termeyer to the assembled police L. Ribustelll (N), Jeffrey Ricci, Townships, later served refresh' Mr. Hanley stated that Turner "The decisions of the Supreme officers. "You are the symbo Frederick A. Ricles (N. S), ReCourt fill me with more fear and ments. Village residents should have their of authority in our city, but yoi nee R. Rizzuto, George H. Robplumbers place stakes marking trepidation than the war in Viet are not being given the tools tc erts, Dudley W. Robinson, Jean New Citizens OCEANPORT—About 100 persons attended Industry. He caHed for use of the tract north Nam," the mayor remarked. back up the power vested ir E. Robson, Barbara J. Rose (N), The new citizens and their na- locations of house connections to the public hearing of this borough's master of Oceanport Ave. between the railroad and ; He lashed out'at a recent high you." Thomas H. Ross, Harold A. RoyFort Monmouth as a recreation area. He sug- tive countries are: plan in the Wolfhill Ave. School last night, court ruling which struck down a ster, Mark: E. Rubin and. Phyllis Alexander Goldfarb, Freehold, Mayors' Council gested the. use of the Eatontown Blvd. tract when the plan was reviewed, suggestions for The mayor also took a swipe at law outlawing Communists in Rudrow. which faces the cemetery for light industry. from Russia; Eleanore Brou, revisions were made and criticism of the "bleeding hearts" for allowing unions. The mayor asserted that Remainder of Group proposal was aired. Edward Waitt of 15 Sagamore Ave. agreed Farmingdale, Germany; Margo Is Reactivated juvenile delinquents to escape because of this ruling "we (the that the borough needs commercial and in- Harari, Bradley Beach, Mexico; Also Robert J. Russo, John L. Melvin Kasler, senior planner for Candeub, SHREWSBURY - Mayor Fred- United States) are'now in a posi without receiving adult punishdustrial ratables. He, too, however, objected Ruth F. Opdyjte, Deal, Germany; Ryder, Roberta Sacchetto, Lynn Fleissig, Adley and Associates detailed the ments. to the Myrtle Ave. site for such use. He also Alvaro A. Carbajal, Neptune iric Messina has reactivated an tion where we seem to be saying land use, community facilities and traffic M. Santorp, Gregory A. Schaer, 1 area council of mayors. He said "Juvenile delinquency is th' to foreign countries — you can't called for multi-unit dwelling zones to be City, Cuba; Emanuel and Agnes phases of the plan. He noted that the plan Craig Schaffter, Linda A. Schelestablished on now vacant lands. has been more than three years in the making. Orlick, Atlantic Highlands, Cana- last night the mayors of Little have Communists in your coun- gravest threat to the Constitution deler, Linda J. Schenck, Ronald APARTMENT ZONING Silver, Red Bank, Fair HaVen, today," Mr. Untermeyer warned. try or we'll step in, but it's all The report, he said, Is not a static docuda; Lizzen Van Slate, Bradley H. Scherer (N, S), Sarah A. "This borough needs no spot apartment ment. He said it is a constant document, Beach, Denmark; Henry Pater- Eatontown, New Shrewsbury and right for us to have them in our He forecast that "the next gen- Schipani, Steven O. Schiro, Robzoning," he said. Rumson have been invited to a country. The whole thing is riwhich must be revised as times and conditions eration will be terrible unless ert C. Schumann, Jeanne M. He suggested expansion of the planned in- nostro, Neptune, Italy. meeting June 22. warrant changes. diculous." something is done soon." Schusler, Sue Roberta Schwartz, Alfonso Apicclla, Asbury Park, dustrial zone at Eatontown Blvd. and Turtle Mrs. Florence Forgotson, Red Bank atAngelina D. Scopetanl, Lena L. Mill Brook for better access to Rt. 36, and to Italy; Steve Athanasakos, Astorney, started the question and answer period 1 Scott, Richard Sebastian, Deborkeep the zone on the borough's outskirts. bury Park, Greece; John D. and closed the session three hours later with BOARD IS PRAISED ah A. Seitz (N), Leslie H. ShamKirksdat, Fair Haven, Ireland; a statement. line and John R. Sherman. Frank Pietroniro, president of the Ocean- Mario Vincenz and Grazia AlalWATERFRONT PARK port Businessmen's, Association, lauded the mo, Neptune City, Italy; John Also Mark P. Shlcoff, Stuart She first asked a single question: "Are board and its consultants for "a fine job" in Keefy, Monmouth Beach, Canada; D. Shicoff, Scott L. Shive. Rathere any recommendations in the plan for the preparation of the master plan. He also sabella Bell, Eatontown, Scotchel E. Shorr, Margaret Ann Siethe use of riverfront property, except for the said that, despite adverse comments about the land; William H. Bell, Eatongel (N, F), William Siegle, Ranplan to develop a public waterfront park?" jockey club, it is an asset here. town, Northern Ireland; Pa dall H. Simmons (N), Gayle C. She was told there Is no definite plan for Anthony De Stefano, also a local businessSlater, Arline M. Smith (S). KenBuch use, other than a planned park. man, told the gathering that is it reasonable At the end of the session, she said that neth W. Smith, Lester F. Smith, to assume there would be minor discrepancies she has tried for three years to develop a Jr. (N), Renee S. Smith, Shirin the map and in the plan. " 537-foot riverfront tract next to the Branch- , laine Smith, Lynn M. Snoke (F), "Revise the plan as It may be needed, and, port bridge. JohnC. Sonatore, Antoinette M. no doubt, it will need revision. But, let's get She chided the board for considering conTRENTON (AP) — New JerSpagnuolo, Patsy P. Spagnuolo, going," he said. struction of a public park, which would bring sey parents who don't watch Nadine J. Spatola, Margaret R. Thomas Ross, president of the Board of In no tax revenues, and denying her the opporAdjustments, asked If the board will be kept their children could wind up Stafford,- Qandace J. Steck, tunity of constructing a $1 million marina and advised of planned changes in the borough's paying $250 for their inattenSheryl K. Stoothoff, Earl Stout, yacht club apartment complex. Zoning requirements as plans progress. tiveness. Leon J. Stout (N), and John E. Noting discrepancies In the map were Mr. CONSULTATIONS PLANNED Strahle, Jr. Gov. Richard J. Hughes signed and Mrs. John de Groot of 430 Branchport He was told that such plans would call into law Tuesday a bill making Also Thomas Strahle (N), Ave. and Col. Clarence Lovejoy of Horseneck for consultation between planners, zoners and parents and'guardians liable for Gregory R. Strand, Gall V. StrasPoint. Borough Council. Colors of the chart show the point section ser (N), Susan E. Strohmenger Also calling for a playground and recrea- up to $250 in damages for any as being a part of Fort Monmouth. Mrs. de (N), Eugene V. Sullivan, Richard tion site at the Myrtle Ave. tract was John willful, malicious or unlawful in' Groot also noted that areas where dwellings jury or destruction caused by M. Swanson, Jr., Robert Taylor, Nagel, Jr., Board of Education president. He exist are shown as vacant land on the map. children under 17 years old. asked further that a turn-around be included Judy A. Terry, William H. Mr. de Groot said the map, as now drawn, in plans which would dead-end Shrewsbury Parents would be liable in Thacker, Patricia A. Thomas, does not present a true picture of the shaded Ave.,' near the new school site. The circle, cases where they "fail or Sandra L. Thomas, Paul E. Torre map areas. He said the plan Is advantageous he said would be needed for school buses to neglect to exercise reasonable (N), Linda Trimboli, Patricia A. turn. to the1 racetrack and ignores the wishes of supervision and control." Trufolo, Lynn M. Tuzeneu, Mararea residents, who could be affected by exAll out against the master plan was garet W. Umberger, Albert VacL&M Restaurant And Pizzeria pansion of the club. ' , William Reilly, a member of the Shore caro, Daryl R. Van Pelt and Now open daily, 11 a.m. to 1 Joseph Bryan of 254 Arnold Ave., newly Regional Board of Education. He said that John J. Vaughn. proper zoning would take over the function of a.m. Serving delicious food and appointed member of the Board of Education, Also Anne Wainwright, Robert a master plan. pizzas. 619 River Rd., Fair Haasked why there Is no .planned recreation area Weber, Howell K. Walton, Jr., in Oceanport's planned medium density sec"We don't need a master- plan," he said. ven.—Adv. Terrie-Lynn Weber, Ernest Wiltion. He was told that a park was planned He added that he is opposed to possible exLumber Yards Closing liams, Patricia Wehrli, Jeanle pansion of the racetrack also. for the site known as Charles Park, but that COMPLETES COURSE — Long Branch Police Chief. Thomas M. Pesano, right, preAfternoons on Saturday from It has been learned the property is privately . Mr. Lawson also called for a second open Maurine White, Jerald M. Wlglents award certificata to Patrolman Vincent Maccioli, left, for completion of a sixuly 3 through Sept. 4. American hearing of the plan for review of possible plan owned recently and was sold. dortz (N), James Williams, revisions. John Volterl of 19 Sagamore Ave. objected Lumber, Blaisdell Lumber, Red week training course in police and community relations. Looking on is Howard J . James E. Williams, Jean A. Wilto a planned light* industrial zone along the Charles Llppert, Planning Board chairman, Bank Lumber.—Adv. Devaney, executive director of the National Conference of Christians and Jaws, New liams, Wayne W. Williams. Gail said that developments of the plan will be east side of Myrtle Ave. He said the InstallaE. Wilson, Lynn A. Winer, BarAutomobile aired at regular board sessions; He added that tion of Industrial sites there would create a Jersey Region, which cooperated with the Long Branch Police Department in spon- bara R. Worden, Jan E. Wynthe suggestions and recommendations made If you're thinking of a car, think alum area within 10 years. soring ths course. Awards were presented to th» 38 police officers who took the dorf, Michael D. Yaroih, Donald last night W W taken into consideration by of McCarthy Chevrolet.. 2M-110L William Lawion, 84 Seneca Ave, alio obT J. York, Janle M, Young tod course. the plannen. -Adv. jected to the w e of Myrtle Ave. tract for light Sewer Extension Work Starting in Eatontown Supreme Court Rule Hit by Untermeyer Plan Heard, Draws Protests rt Better Mind Your Children Phyllis H. Zager. THE DAILY REGISTER tal in raising money In Monmouth or and is a past president and mendation by Lafayette College 18— Couaty tor five 1964 US. Olympic trustee of the Rumson Improve- in 1960 tot notable achievement • Eqcestritr Team. Shefcajtwo ment Ajfcxiattoc. H e l i A o a He is . been * trustee„ ,offlieNew He H %vuijKe*Ska & RED BANK — Chutes B. Fi*ni- del, will provide a cultural cen- is involved locaiJy in documtn- daugbttre and has been £ resi- trustee of the Children's Psychi- Md'servSce ta «us work of * e „has Connca <A tA Economic Eto- «per of Sea Srigfct Beach Club, ilwnol ws«*Mioo. H e h u atoo. Jersey Conndi U/y film work. Recently she dent here IS yftrs. ter for the county, devoted tfi 60 atric Center ia EatontomvIng, Rurawm,' peeaM * «* **>• tit, science and nature. • • • • • • 'former director of Hpwon Counservedon the ptanatag cojnmittw cation and is » former memfcer of wrote, directed, end produced the Mcmmoulb Museum, recently anthe Sponsoring Committee of try Club, apd a member of tae full length documentary fiUn, "A Mr, Hague, a graduate of La- RHs Interest and activityfathe of tht NewaA College of Ett-] nounced the election of Mrs. Rob- Mrs. Eisner Is a former Broad- Bridge to Understanding" for the fayette, College, recently retired field of education led to i com-gtoeering Research Foundattonj'Monmouth College. American Legion. ert S. Eisner of Red Bank andway and television actress (Stu- Children's Psychiatric Center of from the board of directors of M&TChemicals, Inc. where he Louis M. Hague of Rumsontothedio One, Philco Playhouse, the Monmouth County. She is currentserved as executive adviser museum's Board of Trustees. The lead for five years in the daytime ly directing and producing a doo had to the chairman of the board. museum, to be located in Holm- serial, "The Secret Storm") andumentary she has written for the Prior to this position he served Monmouth Medical Center, as chairman of Hanson-Van She is also a board member of Winkle-Munning Co., Matawan, Marlboro State Hospital, Mon- which merged with M&T Chemmouth County Mental Health As- icals in 1964. He is a trustee VACUUM and APPLIANCE PARTS C O . 110 MONMOUTH BRANCH AVENUE 13 MAIN ST. sociation (where she serves ad- of the New Jersey Manufacturers Association and a director of the 156 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK, N . J . ditionally as chairman of public RED BANK LITTLE SILVER EATONTOWN New Jersey Manufacturers Inrelations), and the Monmouth PHONE 747.5623 surance Company. 741-5292 741-5350 Park Charity Ball. 542-0743 A long-time resident of Rumson, She organized the North Jersey he has been active in many Shore Tennis League for Women local civic affairs. He has served m rresn miieo—4 - 4 m. size—Split, quartered or cut up 4 % g% Eureka and Hoover Sales and Service last year. She was also instrumen- as borough councilman and may- Two Elected As Trustees Of Museum MONMOUTH GRAMAN'S AUTHORIZED c 'Frying CHICKENS 33 c : CHUCK ROAST 49 ; CROSS RIB ROAST NEW and REBUILT CLEANERS • REPAIRS O N • Ib SE - HOOVER - ELECTROLUX, etc. IRONS—VACUUMS—TOASTERS PERCOLATORS—MIXERS, etc. • PARTS FOR VACUUMS. WASHERS, DRYERS. IRONS. RANGES. TOASTERS, MIXERS. LAMPS, etc. f CHOICE-CENTER CUTS Hit Ib • CHOICE—BONELESS ON ALUMINUM COMBINATION SAVE BASEMENT WINDOWS 32"xl8" 32"xl4" ONLY r 32"xl6'/2" 32"x20V2" 32"x22" /I99 C99 ***^*^^*^*******^mmi^mmMmmmmmmmmmmHmm^mm^mmmmBmmmmm^mmm^^^^mmmi^^^mmmm^^m I 59 Lean - Fresh Mrs. Robert S. Elmer GROUND Louis M. Hague Old Shrewsbury Day CHUCK C Observance Is Sunday> Ib 599 VINYL COVERED STEEL FOLDING DOORS 3 4 " x 8 0 " , Grey Beige. Keeps air - conditioning where you want i t I SHREWSBURY — Rev. Dr,has been invited to attend Old Arthur 0. Roberts, chairman the religion and philosophy department and director of the honors program at George FOJ College, Newberg, Ore., will be the speaker at the Shrewsburj Friends Meeting annual 0 ) Shrewsbury Day at the meeting house, Rt. 35 and Sycamore Ave., Sunday. Jffi8 VENETIAN BLINDS 23-27 29 31 - 35x54" long MIDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY Daily awl Sotanlay • A.M.-5:30 P.M. N T r«M« JLI)WHS naa 4Amytimu? 741-7500 LOIN PAN READY 5-6 Ib. Size SKINLESS FRANKS PORK 59 Summer Fun Begi Seafi 215 5 0 32 BROAD ST. warn RED BANK Give Dad a Father's Day Gift prom Sears Has Everything A B B E Y MEN'S SHOP Rev. Dr. Arthur 0 . Roberts (Remember... Father's Day is Sunday) Jantzcn' SWIM WEAR %AK 4 \r His topic will be "Tares Among the Wheat." An annual affair for many generations. Old Shrewsbury Day will begin with meeting for worship at U a.m. Dr. Roberts' lecture, the fifth in a 10-year series will be given at 2 p.m. The meeting will provide the dessert and beverage for a picnic lunch. A recorded Friends minister, Dr. Roberts has a bachelor of di vinity degree from Nazarene Theological Seminary and a doctorate in ohurch history from Bos ton University, He is editor of the Quaker journal "Concern," and author of "Through the Flaming Sword," a spiritual biography ol George Fox, of Quakerism. The community at large in Monmouth and Ocean Counties ! Lightweight $ # 95 i SLACKS from O in pools and accessories for the nicest summer treat you can give your family! Instant-Fun Swimming Pools Save 25* Skimming Manhomm and Traval JAC SHIRTS j Technical Study Applications Coming In Adam $ 4 0 0 J STRAW from * t I HATS $495 from I I vnctrtal* about Dad's i ! » • or tatta, qlv* him an • ABBEY i GIFT CERTIFICATE'* 6 Men Join Recovery Team ! Lightweight ! SPORT A»o!labl» l» any amounti" ! JACKETS from SHOP TONITE and FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. RED BANK - The Red Bank Fire Department's Underwater Recovery Team has accepted six new members, bringing its strength to II. Recently completing a course at the Asbury Park YMCA to qualify for membership were Joseph Lay ton, Dominick Russo, William Wolflcamp. Brad Dupree, Frank Letterie and Conrad Newman, The recruits will join charter members Copt. Edward J. Bloom, Lt. Jack Illmensee, Raymond England, Joseph Flammia and Richard Chadwick in providing stand-by protection at the National Sweep stake* Regatta July 24 tad 25. A B B E Y MOTS SHOP 62 BROAD ST. ^Mv, RED BANK C 1 0 ^ * Have a family-neighbor splash party tonight • Big enough for everyone to cool off fast Chlorine Tablet! Enjoy this strong and long-Iasting pool today. Steel top and bottom rails joined to form one solid unit. FREEHOLD — Applications for the Monmouth County Technioal Institute which opens In September now are being received In the offices of the county's Vocational Board of Education, 8 Throckmorton St. The two-year drafting program is designed to prepare technicians as engineering aides for similar work. The one-year automotive mechanics course and will provide students with knowledge and skills in this field. These two programs signal the start of this type of post high school education In Monmouth County. MankaKan long, short slnvo BERMUDA t>|951 SHORTS from * f • SHIRTS Neb Heavy bonderized steel sidewalls in lovely rust-resistant Pool Filters «ea green finish. 2 large portholes bring you more swimming fun. 99 15 ft. x 42 in. Set It Up Tonight for the Whole Family to Enjoy! Water Test Kits Water Treatment Chemicals <;s .... J Steel Wall Wading Pools with Easy-open Feature Phone Sears Today for Your Swimming Pools and Accessory Needs 671-3800 265-gallon size A Heavy vinyl lining and tube steel rim already attached to pool walls. To set up, just telescope sides into place. Bottom drain for easy emptying. Siphon tube included. 6 ft. x 15 in. Shop at Bears and Save Satisfaction Guaranteed « r Your Money Back , Butyl-coated Wading Pools with Two Snap-on Seats Sears Price' Canvas sides are coated with synthetic butyl rubber to give soft, smooth surface, Holds 180 gallons. Bsked-on enamel seals lock on with clips. Drains from garden hose. SEARS -Mitfdletown 1500 HIGHWAY SS Open Mon. thru Sat. tat. t:H PtNMttl-UM FOR BRAND NAME FOODS-WHAT AWAY TOSAVE! ave You iscovered the Difference? Y e s . . . you have, if you shop for food at "Big W " . You'll find, if you arenew to "Big W " , that we have made an bonMt efforttotoeup to all we advertise! Otr everyday low prices do not go up like a balloon from week to week. All of your favorite Brand Names are within easy reach . . . and clearly price-marked! Don't w a i t . . . Come on in and discover the "BIG W " ! . Prieel effective thru Saturday, June 19/1965. Nora sold to deaen. .JMr Any limits! ••y 41/foe W«f / DISCOUNT Super Markets N m r Any Units!toyAR You 56 Newman Springs Road Right off Route 35 RED BANK DAILY STORM HOURS MMW TUM., VML, HWN. A Sa*.-9 « *to9 pm OPIN FRIDAYS-» am to 10 pm OPEN SUNDAYS-9 a n to 6 pm "Big W " has the lowest food prices FREE CHECK CASHING! ill New Jersey! You BetterBelieve It! Yet — Pay Lett in Our "International Appetiser Departmenf'l Yes - Pay Less for Brand Names...You Always Do At "Big W"! LYSOL lor Household Use REGULAR and PINE OAKBURNB ^ M l MONIE FRUIT COCKTAIL CAKE MIXES J L £ 4 99c Devils Food, Yellow, While, Dark Chocolate, Lemon - 6 c OFF LABEL lb 98<= LONDON BROIL lb 98c Gold Star Top Quality Ye* — Pay Lett for "Country Fresh" Dairy Foods! flforMMc CANNED SODA — 7 = WHITE BREAD Slralmd Junior <»*39c BABY FOODS 10<«85c 6*-75c LEMON TREE LEMON JUICE cu.nbcHi.395 Tropl-Cal-Lo from Troptcana > Low Color!* l g- ««»••*""<«**•" ' L ^ W c Cherries *ta"«)-'» ! S ? 4 « - 9 9 i Relishes llMkn How. All 'lovon - Na t>mn\\ kHbl SODA I'NDEN HOUSE ^ 6 ^ 9 5 1 Kosher Mil Pkkles i-^^oo'39c Colgate Toothpaste J' i e Family Toothpaste Large Family Size •*--* COME TO "BIG W " FOR MILK I N JUGS I MODIFIED VITAMIN D M Ballon glut jug Gallon glatt ]«f HOMOGENIZED 4 2 V 7 8 ' "dep.' MILK :2 49 O«M Her . Tap Quality • SIM WhH. Milk ft Young Veal Sale ! legs & Rumps B R 0 W N Boneless RIB STEAK & SERVE carton IK 98c GOLDSTAR TOP QUALITY <>>• 7 8 Yes — Pay Lest for "Country Fresh" Deli Favorites! BUTTER PORK ROLL 38 Ib. HAMBURGER ^ C CHUCK CHOPPED " ROUND GROUND * " ° L " « SARA LEE CAKES Coffee Cake-Cinnamon Nut or Pound Cake Fresh Frozen ORANGE JUICE 13 oz. pkg. Orange Chopptd or Leal • Frnh ftnm Juice 6C" 7*"99c l Spinach "»"" f— 'p°°g! 9c Tip Top • Fraih Fmi.n • 1 Auarlld HORMEL~AU MEAT FRANKS 448 EXTRA LEAN ,n,, M , 7 8« JTA WHIP DESSERT TOPPING KOSHER PICKLES PURE MAID 1009b PURE - 1 - 38c 10 oi. can ORANGE JUICE Vacuum Packed - Slind - Bologna, P I P loaf, $ocl*ty Loaf, iphti Lunchaon, Cookad Salami, Oliv> Lool SLICED COLD CUTS ARMOUR STAR Birdi Eyi • Fmh Froi.n Halv., Lemonade *£ 12'»99c Strawberry 'p°k00!2h'49e KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE 6 99< B llndin Farmi • Frtih Froun CHEDDAR STIX «• 58c 88c lb Yet — Pay Ltu for Freth Froien Foodtl MINUTE MAID • FRESH FROZEN Grade AA ib. Gov't Inspected pkg. FRESH FRUIT SALAD »4oc Gold Star-Tap Quality-Fresh Ground-All Bcel UWBtffEliZXZZ,*** TAYLOR MIDGET KRAFT w PURE MAID A GAME HENS Oeld Star Tap Quality l f t la l l b i . Ib GOLD STAR-TOP QUALITY ib.; lb GOLD STAR - TOP QUALITY ITALIAN . ROCK CORNISH LAND 0 ' LAKES KRAFT CRACKER IARREL • EXTRA SHARP Vi Gallon 98 BREAST V VEAL ^ 2 8 c VEAL STEW " « " • >»68c Orange Juice Drink "**l* 39c i«>'«<2'°'29c Corn, SwHt, Hot Dog. Hamburotr Polyethylene Juice Decanter Ib. SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS k 4 8 c RIB VEAL CHOPS * 68c LOIN VEAL CHOPS M 8 c SHOULDER STEAK COLD STAR-TOP QUALITY BEEF, FORK, VEAL ALL FLAVORS - Slim Bert Lew Calorie or linden House I*'89c JUMBO 26-30 Ib. TOP ROUND STEAK ,Z1 1 BEEF STEW MEAT LOAF CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS M l M O N I I - PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT Dondw- Enrlchxl • SIlMd MEDIUM 41-50 88c EYE ROUND ROAST 95c CROSS RSB ROAST S O U ) STAR-TOP QUALITY LEAN CUBES FACIAL TISSUE 98c WHITE SHRIMP GOLD STAR-TOP QUALITY CUBE STEAK H K . »H lb lb GOID STAR - TOP QUALITY GOLD STAR - TOP QUALITY Gtrbw or l » » * . N u t lk * 78c Chicken Liver O'VEAL TOP ROUND HOAST TOP SIRLOIN ROAST TOMATOES Lirgt 46 oz. ein - 78c Prtlh • Choppid Yet —Pay Lett for Fresh Fith & Seafood Round Roast PRIDE OF THE FARM VANITY M I R - REGAL PRINT Swi« Cheese BOTTOM 3 Ib. can TOILET TISSUE Kraft Cailno • Fmhly Jilc.d BONELESS ROAST SALE! REGULAR or DRIP VANITY FAIR • REGAL PRINT SCHICKHAUS BOLOGNA Gold Star - Top Quality - "Big W's" Femous - Extra Valo Trim Maxwell House DRINK 49 FRESHLY SLICED • REGULAR Yes— Pay Lesi for GotiStar - Top Qualitf Meat* & Poultry! «& , Yei—Pay Lett for Brand Name Foods! You Always Do At "BigW! MAXWELL f/HOUSE B o i l e d Haiti|Ri>ii>ruiiib-98c swucwrs Preserves CHARC0A1 BWQItt NEW JUMBO MEDIUM SIZE BOTTLE EXTRA LEAty-FRESHLY SLICED * 4 -99c Fet —Par leu for "Springlimm Frt$h" Frulli & Vegetabltl! LUSCIOUS- J U I C Y - F | p M SOUTHERN ORCHARDS Peaches 18 TOMATOES Freih Firm Red • • "'p* 18 C earton PASCAL CELERY * CUCUMBERS lona• r e e n - c ° o 1 4 f w 28 c CUSP • M N G Y • SALAD Chicory FULL OF JUICE 2 "»• 28c Calif. Oranges GREEN - LEAFY • WHITE HEART Etcarole 10'" 48c THIN SKINS • JUICY 2lb* 28c Calif. Lemou 10^ M l THE DAILY REGISTER In Red Buk, it shows, the viction and 29-30 year sentence ChargeJ a r 100 kilowatt hours ol O-Wednexky, June I for kilting Bruno Hauptiaaim Gussto i s 1862 he said • eootef t9t''US0!pgt^t VA VRpDM slon m i beaten out of him bt police and he WI not btety hne«l«, earae'w fiX a month. formed of his rights bttoH EUewhere to the United States *A1^ V^A^r^r hand. the average for thisftmountwa looaHy. l»*ve M B ipwm » $4.03. In the Middle AtUnti heiiSt year « t w , they remmn Justice Vincent S. Hanemar TRENTON (AP) - Three ap- said Puchalski's conduct an NEW YORK - H the amount States It was 54.37. • her than they were W years peals based a controversial U.S. confession "bear the earmarks 1 electricity used by a family For 250 kilowatt hourj a month, go Then, the cost for 100, 250 Supreme Court decision on con-of a man finally stricken with is an Indicator of its standard the local bill was $8:43. Thi ind 500 kilowatt houfi ««w $3.86, fessions were turned down Mon- remorse . . . " He said the po of living, then living standards compares with"* national aver ?7.18 and $10.30. •. day by New Jersey's Supreme lice testimony showed Puchalsk: are on the rise in Red Bank. age of $7.43 and with $7.67 ir The figures show, fhat the Court. was asked if he wanted a lawyei the Middle Atlantic States. The two go hand-in-hand, say imount of residential electricity A man convicted of drunken and replied that his sister woulc the economists. When one goes For local households that used jonsumed in Red Bank1* regiondriving tried to use the U.S.take care of getting one. up, so does xthe. other. Locally, 600 kilowatt hours a month il area came to 3,258 kilowatt court decision to knock out the Puchalskl and Gussie wer< according to the latest figures, which covered lighting, refriger lours per household In the year results of a blood test performed part of a four-man gang thai lectric consumption per house- ation, appliances and cooking, tin is agaftist 2,565 used in 1958. on him. burglarized a Jersey City home bills were $10.98. told is at an all-time high. A man convicted of killing a Gussie, the last man out, raped Details on the amount of cur- In the rest of the country thej partner in crime contended that the homeowners wife and an EATONTOWN, N. J. rent used and on the cost of averaged $10.61 and, in the Mid police failed to inform him ofgered Puchalski, who found oul die Atlantic States, $11.66. service are provided in reports his right to have an attorney. about It the next day. Pudhalsk •eleased by the Edison Electric There is a considerable rang And another man convicted of also confessed that Gussie ha Institute and by the Federal In the cost of electricity; from beating a woman to death con- implied he might talk to police Power Commission. one section of the country to an ,/w \ONTGOMERY tended police failed to ask him Gussie was shot in the back o: As to costs, a basis of com- other.' Various factors tend t< if he wanted a lawyer before he the neck at a parking lot produce these. variations, point parison Is offered in the FPC regave an oral confession. Ridgefield Park. port, which presents typical elec- out the PPC. Among them an In all three cases, the state su- Herbert James Daley sough tric bills in effect in 5,704 com- differences in production cost; preme court rejected the ap-to overturn his conviction foi munities throughout the nation due to distance from the sourci peals. beating Lillian Oskutis to deat of fuel, the compactness of thi of Jan. 1, 1964. The motorist lost out in his ap- after a night of drinking in ElizNO MONEY DOWN . . . peal because the court said a abeth. He got a 20-24 year sen- REWARDED FOR GOOD WORK — Thrsa member! of the U. S. Army Signal School'i FREE ESTIMATES . . . blood test does not constitute tence. Department of Nonresident Instruction were this week commended and rewarded for testimony, and therefore is rot covered by the U.S. Constitu- Daley's written confessio outstanding work performance: Robert W. Roy, left, of 125 Blackpoitvt Rd., Rumson; tion's privilege against giving was excluded at his trial but po- Mrs. Dorothy M. Lippert of Port Monmoutti and Emil Kravec of 41 Lane Ave., Eatonself, incriminating testimony. lice were allowed to relate hi ^However, the court said a state oral confession. He contende town. Making the presentation! is Col. Norman E. Akerj, director of the department. O n , two CMWtilMt offices offer law still requires police to getthe police failed to tell him c In addition to certificates, Mr. Roy received a cheek for $100 and M n . Lippert and . . . IS OUR yen ll Drtv..|» Window" »rvle« written consent before adminis- his rights, but the police contra- Mr. Kravec each received a substantial increase of salary. BUSINESS dicted that testimony. The sudaily 9 A. M. to S P. M.I tering a blood test to a suspected preme court said the trial judg drunken driver. MATTRESS FIRE The case involved Robert E. had the right to believe the po 4 % ANNUAL DIVIDEND LONG BRANCH - Members of Blair, 41, of Washington, N.J., lice and disbelieve Daley. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY the Independent Engine and Let WARDS do the entire who was arrested by a state All three cases touched on Truck Company and the Phi Daly trooper and charged with drunk- ruling by the U.S. Suprerm |ob, material, installation Hose Company put out a small en driving. Blair was convicted Court last year, requiring polio and financing. mattress fire in the home of Erin municipal court but a Warren to allow criminal defendants t> nest G. Hoalcraft, 286 Rockwell Ph. 542-2150 County judge ordered the blood see their lawyers if they aske Highway 35, Mlddletown Hwy. 3 * . Atlantic Highlands Ave., shortly before 11 a.m. Moritest evidence quashed because for them. The Third Circui 671-2400 291 >• 0100 \ OpM •very nlr« "rll •:30 day. : Blair had not been informed of Court of Appeals in Philade' his right to refuse to provide a phia has since extended that ruling to apply xetroactivel via! of blood. Anthony M. Puehalskl of Un-and requiring the police to as ion City tried tp upset his con-defendants If they want lawyers led Bankers ore Three Appeals Turned Down By High Court le<>tricity WARD INSTALLED CHAIN-LINK FENCE MARINE VIEW LIQUIDATORS LEISURE TIME MEALS START AT / * IT A DEI I A'C MEATS and DELI V I I A K E I X A d Open Sunday ? A.M. - 1 P.M. ENTIRE STORE BUYERS LITTLE SILVER SHOPPING CENTER—741-105? HOME MADE SALADS Rotfsserle B.B.Q. Chickens AT ALL TIMES Summer Meal—Oar QUALITY COLD CUTS PRIME MEATS Turkay—Coponi fpart Ribs tit «rd«r ' •lull b a n tor 1 hour. I t ' i m« ram of t i n town. Cclatam fmn Italln Sptclalrin 69 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. I OPEN 3 DAYS ONLY CONCEPTS OF LEISURE AND RECREATION which mark today's modern motel are the design basis of Lakeview Club and Apartments, 107-unit garden apartment community off Tinton Ave., Eatontown. Builder is Donrich Corporation, New York, headed by William H. Perlman, one of the> largest motel-building organizations on the East Coast. One and two-bedroom units are available. Air-conditioning, individual room thermostats, swim club, laundry room and on-sita Darkino are featured. $2 million non-profit nursing care center near Princeton, N.J. v offers unequalled care and comfort hospital-like features At Rt. 35. Sl.mnb.rr-.t l l »fedBank U n . | THURS., FRI. 10-9 • SATURDAY 10-6 Entire Stock or Parts Wanted - Call 747-9813 or 354-5350 AMERICA'S Most Famous BRANDS at GIVE-AWAY PRICES! AND CONTINUES FOR 3 DAYS UNTIL CLOSING - SAT. 6 P.M. PRE 4th of JULY REDUCTION RIOT PUBLIC NOTICE INSTEAD OF WAITING UNTIL AFTER THE 4TH OF JULY TO REDUCE OUR SUMMER STOCK, WE HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE ANOTHER FIRST AT OUR STORE BY RUNNING AN ALL OUT STORE-WIDE SUMMER CLEARANCE GIVE-AWAY SALE!!! SALE STARTS 10 THURSDAY«•« OVER 1,500 TO CHOOSE FROM OVER 10,000 YARDS TO CHOOSE FROM YARD LADIES' 3VMIDS OUR REG. PRICE TO 8.00 NOW ; GOODS • • • • • DRAPERY UPHOLSTERY CURTAIN DRESS OTHERS M • ONE-PIECE TWO-PIECE THREE-PIECE N0NE HIGHER NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TO 22.9f EACH UP TO 3.98 EACH YARD OVIR 1,000 TO C H O O S I Father's Day Special MEN'S DRESS & SPORT The new $ 2 million Meadow Lakes Nursing Care Center in Hightstown, New Jersey-part of the magnificently landscaped Meadow Lakes Village retirement community-is now accepting resident nursing patients. This modem 90-bed Center provides—at reasonable cost-the most comprehensive nursing care available anywhere, combined with facilities and services usually associated only with hospitals. Palients arc cared for by a staff of 42 nurses. Registered nurses are on duly 24 hours a day. Medical facilities include: x-ray, dental, examination, laboratory and testing equipment, a pharmacy, supervised bathing rooms-and a Department of Physical Rehabilitation: diathermy,' hydrotherapy,.massage. Fine meals are served from Meadow Lakes' $500,000 kitchen - operated by world-famous Stouffen, with their own <fietitians and chefs. Patients select from •mned-daih/menii-and all special diets carefully observed. There are convenient floor kitchens in each wing. The Center is non-profit and sponsored and operated by The Presbyterian Homes of the Synod of New Jersey, Inc. It is entirely non-sectarian. Private rooms are $165 per week; semi-private rooms $125 per week. There are no extra charges. The basic rate includes round-the-clock nursing care, meals, etc. and use of all medical facilities and services in the Center. Physicians and drugs are paid for by the patient, who may select his own physician, or use our staff members from the Princeton Medical Group. Each spacious room is handsomely appointed and decorated and opens on landscaped courtyards and gardens. Every room has a lavatory, individually controlled heating and air-conditioning, private telephone, a direct patient-nurse Executone communications system, built-in dresser and ample closet space. Beautiful public areas include 2 large solariums or day rooms and 2 patients' dining areas - all of which can also be used for TV and other social activities. Patients may use the recreational and community services (barber and beauty shops, hobby and craft rooms, etc.) of Meadow Lakes Village. Besides the cost advantages, modern medical and nursing facilities, and beautiful surroundings-it is the environment of competent, sympathetic, personal care which makes the Meadow Lakes Nursing Care Center so unique. A s one of our residents put it, "Here I am treated at a friend-not a patient." Please visit, if convenient, or write for further details-without obligation. SHIRTS NONE HIGHER OVER 2,000 TO C H O O S I LADIES' & GIRLS' DIRECTIONS: Via the New Jersey Turnpike, use Exit 8, follow the Hightstown signs into town, bear left under the railroad bridge, go through the town and turn left at Etra Road, immediately beyond the Peddie School. Meadow Lakes Village is 1.3 miles from the Turnpike. Via Route 130 or Route 1, follow the Hightstown signs to the center of town, turn right at the street light and drive to Etra Road. You are welcome from 9 to 6, every day. Telephone: (609) 448-4100. Meadow Lakes Nursing Care Center Etra Road, Hightstown, New Jersey owned and managed by TM Pntbyterian Homes of the Synod of New Jersey, he. Ellis II: Willard, Executive Director SHIFT RIOT 69' oo 1 NONE HIGHER OVER 1.000 TO CHOOSE FROM LADIES' • MEN'S • CHILDREN'S OVER 1,000 TO LADIES' & GIRLS' SNEAKER RIOT! SNEAKERS,-- YOUR CHOICE CASUALS SUMMERETTES 111 KEDS TREDLITE POKIES CRICKETS ETC NONE HIGHER NAT. ADV. UP TO 6.50 EACH PAIR OVER 1,000 TO CHOOSE FROM LADIES1 SUMMER • SLEEVELESS MAT. ADV. UP TO l.?B OVER 1,500 TO CHOOSE LADIES' & CHILDREN'S OUR RES. PRICE UP TO t.»B YOUR. CHOICE SWEATER RIOT TO NONE HIGHER NAT. ADV. U» TO 2.H SIZES PETITE— MISSIS1 NONE HIGHER .NONE HIGHER PRMHN-JUNIOR NAT. ADV. UP TO 35.95 EACH NAT. ADV. UP TO S.'»8 EA. AIR CONDITIONED-FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE THE PRICE IS HIGH! AT SHOP-RITE! WHY PAY MORE SHOP~mmS CHUCK STEAK I [CHDg; f Center Cut t 9 9 ( CHUCK STEAKS Cut for London BroS SHOULDER STEAK CHUCK POT ROAST K 75« BEEF CUBES ROAST GROUND CHUCK NEWPORT ROAST I Ta1triim»lleg.orCrinUtCiit GREEN PEAS POTATOES ORANGE JUICE 7™'fl 0 0 ORANGE JUICE .51.09 SMOKED BUTTS CutShort VEAL ROAST h 79c CUTLETS Shop-ret* ,79 •, 99e OSCARMAYER COLD CUTS COLD CUTS 4 Shop-«H«ViC.Ndk,Md«l t J ! H FRESH CUT CHICKEN PARTS CQc JQ C AO C 9O C BREASTS S«hicl<houiViK.P«V I n k ™ , PW.OIiri, HOT, twWSilMil lmck.lt WINGS UVERS IKS Shop-Rite, V a c Pock Imported BOILED HAM ^ ^ f c . "•^fc. W W B , ^#^*. Anerted, Voc Packed HORMEL SALAMI 3 EVERYTHING'S PRICED RIGHT AT SHOP-RITE! PEACHES A 2 , 3 9e WATERMELON Kb 1 5 BAKERY DEPT. STRAWBERRY i SUNKIST ORANGES 1 0 , 4 9 ' CHICORY„ESCAROLE T ^ 2 ^ 2 5 ' L E n U C E ^ 2 M , 2 9 ( PLUMS p l f t 25 c CUCUMBERS ^ 3 2 5 ' JWhut* M a M ORANGE JUICE ' HARD SALAMI JPPERONI O O < PJPPERONI ^ .., 69 ( ( DELI PASTRAMI ^ 79 49 SHOP-RITE JUST SLICE & SERVE •a. WHITE BREAD 2&,35 C FRANK ROLLS 8 ^ 2 3 VANILLA WAFERS 4 r ^' $ l JELLY TARTS OREOCREMES FRESHNESS MAKES THE DIFFERENCE AT SHOP-RITE! APPETIZERDEPT.(ah*f available) CHICKEN ROLL ft. Ex-Uan (Chunk) ORANGE/APRICOT/GRAPE APPLE/ APRICOT APPLE/CHERRY APPLE t.791 SHOP-RITE COFFEE LIQUID INSTANT TEA AJAX DETERGENT .79 KtdmhwhCrabMMtSoiador SHRIMP SALAD «i, HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS NBC NEW CRACKERS ENTERTAINERS Sumhipe Cookies CHOC. CHIP WHY PAY MORE? iqt. SHOP-RITE btl. giant size 59' m MAYONNAISE 67 HELLMANN'S Swift', P-TIPS WESSON OIL MOTT'S DRINKS 59 Meat/liver/Chicken Dog Food MY FAVORITE Lemon-lime, Lemon-Orange REALEMON 4 Assorted Drinki Ban$1V<*»Roll-Oii • JUICED RITE DEODORANT ShopJJil»C HAIR TONIC SHOP-RITE BLEACH 3 5 ' TIDE DETERGENT KEN-L-RATION-fi-SB6 85 I FAB DETERGENT £? BLEACH £ 4 9 ' SLICED PEARS 3 8 9 'CLOROX FRUIT COCKTAIL 5 £ . ' I $ CAMPBELL'S SOUPS 6 1 APRICOTS 4 SHRIMP SALE LARGE 4 1 - 5 0 COUNT PER IB. -79* $ 10e OH 3c Off SEAFOOD DEPT. Lbo X $ 3 7 9 JUMBO 2 6 - 3 0 COUNT PER LB. 10 &S 1 Shop-Rite Whole Unpeekd APPLESAUCE WELCHADE PEACHES HD :•:•:•: 'A-gal. cont IVORY SOAP C 2 & 33 IVORY SOAP C 4 e 27 CAMAY . Shop-Rite Veryfine 50,bex*5*9 WHY PAY MORE? SHOP-RITE Vanilla, Vanfflo-Chotolote, Von.-Choc-Strow., VonFudgt,(10tOH) 3 Giant Size PETROLEUM JELLY8£*33< 2 &69 C OSCARMAYER BRlAST V E A l , 33c VEAL CUBES . 7Se POTATOES WELCHADE OOc * 59C FRANKS, AH Meat, A I Beef ^_ RIB VEAL CHOPS ONIONS bath size can Sited Bologna »r*Iy*ttg.arCrMcbCut ASSORTED SOAP 4 CAIMED BACON CORNED 7i°£'fl BOLOGNA run UVERWilRST MILKSHAKES ! Doriih Imported Shop-Kte Peas & C a m * or Schiddious 3 HORMELHAM 39 Plymouth Rock or Schickhaui SHOP-RITE'S TOPQUAIJTYMJLKmD VEAL - ORANGE JUICE Bora^tm Chore., V o n , Stra*beiT»,Coff»»CKI»d COTTAGE CHEESE m J F « COTTAGE CHEESE ». 69* ITALIAN SAUSAGE AlwayiATrcat tEMONADE H). H). ORANGE DRINK 2 £&25< Shop-Rite, Tasty • Hot or Sweet Choice and Lean 9top4Qt« or Libby (Ital. (Ital. Dry Dry Sausoge) Sausoge) '. DELI DEPT. FROZEN FOOD BUYS! , , _. _ 3£ FRUIT SALAD Shop-Rite of Manvitle it a Brand new Grand new Supermarket. Modem in every way. Ratfu or Swift's 4 DtlTiChilted f u n Mold Chilled RUSTIC SHOPPING PLAZA, M A N V U E , N J . GREEN PEAS ORANGE JUICE Shop-Rite, Creamy SHOP.RITE of MANVIUE ¥ffaMt> H A r Looalam WfcfrgdlW Pure Moid C h M i GROUND BEEF RIB STEAKS FRUIT DRINKS f DELL'S ICED TEA 2&33< * 49' CutExtraLton CHUCK POT ROAST l i p Top or libby (7 flavor*) BUTTER Chilled. a 99C BKF SHORT RIBS CoWonte NOW OPEN ,f• or Salt Cup Well Trimmed First Cut CUBE STEAK SHOP.RITE OF MANVILLE B IUSDAI NoW(nte,AIIM«frt SHOP THE ALL NEW, BRAND NEW " I WHY PAY MORE? COVEBNMEtiT GRADED USDA CHOICE reg. size PLEGRAPE AJAX FIOOR & WAIL CLEANER 6c OFF Ib. 23 C COLGATE 15c OFF SOAKY UQUID . ~ AJAX 63 C 10-oz. cont. COLD WATER ALL AIL PURPOSE UQUID CLEANER 15-or. O 7 c cont. O / • P ^ r ^ DYNAMO KING , $ 1.12 3^95' It; I SHOP-RITE NEW SHREWSBURY 39 ZEST SOAP JUKI DRINKS 3c OFF 3-qt. $O I T cont. • 9 i i l w LUX LIQUID qt. cont. 87 C SHREWSBURY AVENUE AT ROUTE 35 WISK LIQUID . cont. . $1 O7 I'.O/ SHOP-RITE MIDDLETOWN SWAN UQUID DETERGENT Economy l-pf. 6-oz. cont. 61C LOCATED IN ATLANTIC SUPERAMA . • g a Shop-Rite near you ROUTE 35 and NEW MONMOUTH ROAD Call ESsex 5-7300 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKM 22-WeaW»y, June W, 1965 THE DAILY REGISTER By Hy Cunningham Braves TopPhUaddphia Bjr MUKJUY CHASS The Alou brother*, Including Amchtted P r e u Sprats Writer Jesus, played together with the Felipe and Matty Atou haven't Giants in 1963. At the time, Febeen teammates for two sea- lipe was in his sixth year, Matty sons, but they still work togeth- his fourth and Jesus his first at er like the Lone Ranger and San Francisco. But in December of that year, Felipe was Tonto. i shipped to Milwaukee, and then The brothers, Felipe with Mil- there were two. waukee and Matty with San Jesus has been a permanent Francisco, teamed up Tuesday fixture in the Giants' outfield night to move the Braves a this year while Felipe has startgame closer to the National ed either at first base or in the League-leading Los Angeles outfield at Milwaukee Matty, Dodgers. on the other hand, has been only Felipe drove in six runs with a sometimes San Francisco two homers and a single, spark- starter. ing tiie second-place Braves to a He enjoyed one of his better 12-7 victory over Philadelphia nights against the Dodgers, while Matty scored both runs in though; With one out in the first the Giants' 2-1 triumph over the inning, the 26-year-old lefty douDodgers. Milwaukee now trails bled and stole third ai pitcher Los Angeles by V/2 games. Don Drysdale peered in for the Carleton League Lakewood Wins 3d Gan& Freehold Cops 5-4 Victory sign tor bis first pitch to Willie Mays. Mays then tripled for the first run. . ^ After Wes Parker's home run tied the game in the fourth, Matty led off the sixth by beating out a bunt in front of the plate. He moved to seqond on an infield out and raced home as Lakowood made Rumson-Palr Haven its thdrd straight-victim in Jim Hart singled to right.. Felipe, meanwhile, became the Southern Division of the Ed the first National Leaguer to Carleton League last night, scorknock in six runs in a game this ing a 4-1 victory on Its Ocean season. His performance Cpunty diamond. brought his average to .302, his In another game, host Freehold homer total to 10 and his runs edged Long Branch, 5-4, in a batted in mark to 36, the last game that was called after five just one behind Ed Mathews1 innings because of darkness. Lakewood commands the eightteam-leading 37. In other NL games, Pitts- team Southern Division with a 3-0 mark. Freehold holds second burgh outslugged St. Louis 1041, Cincinnati downed New York 5- with two wins in three outings 1 and Chicago whipped Houston and Long Branch is tied for fourth with a 1-1 mark. Rumson-Fair Ha5-0. ven hasn't won in three official the tying run. Jack Hill Mkwed with an infield single, and Walstarts. Tonight, the league is idle. Two ling tallied when the shortstop games are on tomorrow's sched- threw wildly to first trying to ule. Ocean Township (1-2) is get Hill. slated at Long Branch and Twin The Southern Division standBoros (1-1) is host to West Long ings: Pts. W Branch (0-1). .J Tally Trio In Sixth Lakewood —••-• 4 ...2 Lakewood earned its, victory Freehold ..... 2 1 with three markers in the bottom Neptune 2 ...1 of the sixth inning on two walks, Twin Boros 2 a force play, a single by Shelly Long Branch — _ 1 2 1 Franklin and three more wallts. Ocean Twp 0 Rumson-FH averted being W. Long Branch ...0 0 blanked when it picked up its Rumson-F.H Lakmr<M4 « > lone tally in the top of the fourth AS R H on walks to Tom Vetterl and Tim Brlftiton.Jb 3 o o L.Vart'l_ne,.lb 2 0 " Ryan, Fred Sanborn's single and V » , a fielder's choice ploy. J O 6 Kristb'»«,M i O 0 Ryan.o Sanborn,iL 3 0 1 F'klln.Jblb 3 0 1 Two Hits Help B'katewlb.p 3 0 0Meyer«.3b 3 1 I • 2 O0 A pair of runs in the home Be«ty,p.lb 333 00 10 Lowe.rt 0 1 B«lltraniJ,U « O Babcoek.lt 3 MID0LETOWN — Mrs. Austin half of the fifth allowed Freehold Thilet, rt 1 0 0 BHm».n,l«:b 1 0 1 ' cuadraifo.ct i l l Cushman posted low gross and to edge Long Branch. Tom ,, kovi.e 0O < Bunteln.c S 1 0 Mrs. Albert Morrison had low net Stieniti opened matters by walk' Dolamore,p 3 0 0 1 0 1 among Class A shooters in worn ing, but was forced at second by Jamu.p 0 1 0 en's 18-hole action yesterday :at Jim Leon. Greg Waiting then S4 4 • doubled to send Leon home with • 21 1 3| ©amm Hollow Country Club. ...0 0 » 1 9 0 O - l Rumion-PH Class B honors among the 18..,.0 0 1 0,0 J * - « Laknrood !B—Vetterl. hole shooters went to Mrs. John Fitzgerald for low gross and Mrs. Freehold (51 Lonf Branch (4) RH AB H H Charles Kitcman, low net. Mrs. LINCROFT - Kathy West', 12, Hyer«,«s A3 3 1 1 Will,i» Mike Kosyk had low putts with daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- St.rolto.rMb 2 0 0 Mount,2b Sleln!lz.2D DlUey.ir 1 33. Leon,3b ard P. West, of 47 Oaklawn Rd., MIDCVR.C 3 In nine-hole play, M r s . C.N. Fair Haven, turned in a fine rid- Chaiey3ii>r V'carlUccf 3 2 Walltncrt.p ounther.lb 03 01 01 Bramley's 56 was low gross for ing performance Saturday in ManneNa.p 0 0 0! Hlll.c 3 00 0 1 ' " 0' Hellman.lb Class A players. Mrs. Frank registering a third place in the Piiza.ph j.Wilb«rt,3b 1 0 0 Enderly.rt 1 O O 0 0 0 Bowe.p O'Connor had low net of 40, and open equitation class at the Lin- Rydcl;pb Rdei;pn • 0" " "—'0 0 Clayton,ef 3 1 1 Perrl.SI Mrs. Rockford Era had low putts croft Horse Show. 0 0 Mother,!! 3 0 0 with 15. Miss West Is a member of the U 5 5 .00 It-* frn Class B, Mre.Joseph Sharab-Sleepy Hollow Riding School in Lone Branca „ _ J O i l S—» 'reehold ............ ba had low gross of 58 and Mrs. Middletown. SB—Waillnc Cbuey. Ralph Weaver's 45 was low net. Mrs. Sidney Finger had low putts on 20. Bsmm Hollow Trophy play in the nine-hole group reached the ALUMINUM SEAMLESS ) • finals when the duo of Mrs. Ern and Mr. Sharabba play Mrs. O'Connor and Mrs. Ed Collins, Among the 18-holers, Mrs. George Carey and Mrs. Morrison gained the finals by defeating Mrs. Cushman and Mrs. Carroll Morley. • Boki en White Enamel FOOTBALL COACHES HAVE NO FEAR — Bob Osgoodby, former football player, coach and one of the grid game's best backers, held a "conditioning session" in August the past couple of years and it turned oui tremendously for athletes wishing to get into condition before the fall sport seasons got under way. In the past couple of years it was a great success and only this year have some local coaches become skeptical of the program because of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association, the governing body of high school sports. In the American League, Minnesota blanked Chicago 4-0, BalHave no fear coaches, it is legal from opening day timore edged New York 2-1 in 10 to the conclusion of the program. We checked innings, Detroit nipped Boston 6-5, Kansas' City stopped Los yesterday with James G. Growney, executive secAngeles 5-0 and Cleveland retary-treasurer of NJSIAA. knocked off Washington 8-3. Jim's statement yesterday — "There is nothing RED BANK - Arthur B. Hal- be obtained at the Red Bank Rec- Marichal held the Dodgers to wrong with the conditioning program as long as schools ner, chairman of Region Three reation office, Monmouth Street, five hits, two by Drysdale, and are not involved. Our desire is that the school or of tiie American Power Boat As- •Red Bar*. A June 30th deadline brought bis record to 10-5. Dryssociation, last night reported that been set for "queen" con- dale, who had won nine of his school personnel would not attempt to control the ac- boat owners and drivers are set has testants. last 10 games, suffered his tion of their athletes during the summer. Coaches for the Eastern hydroplane chant Tfce Red Bank regatta has been fourth setback against 11 victohave reason for team members to report in top physl pionships slated for the National voted the "best" on the racing ries. Sweepstakes Regatta to be held Felipe Alou ignited a 21-hit cal condition, but this type of program is solely the on the Navesink River, July 24-25. circuit and this year should be Braves' attack with his firstno exception. For the first time responsibiliy of athletes." At a session of the National in championship competition driv- nning homer, then singled home two runs in the six-run Growney said that his group is not in the habit Sweepstakes committee in the ers will be awarded prizes for Pitcher Inn last night plans elimination heats. The champion third and olouted a three-run of telling parents what to do with students dur- Molly were discussed for the coming of the several divisions also will homer in the sixth. Eddie Maing school vacation. The situation here is that annual classic held here. receive a Jacket which win in- thews triggered the six-run outNJSIAA has nothing against a conditioning proMine classes of the speedy hy< clude lettering on the back of burst with a home run, the 2,gram as long as schools, coaches, booster clubs droplanes will compete here for his championship won at the Red 000th hit of his career. The Pirates beat St. Louis for and school personnel are not involved. If they en- the championships including the Bank regatta. 44s, 48s, 145s, 150s, ski boats, One of the features of the Red the first time in 18 games as ter the picture, then It is time for NSIAA to look 225s, 230s, 266s and the Jersey Donn Clendenon drove in four Bank National Sweepstakes ReInto the matter. If an individual desires to put Speed Skiffs. Eliminations will be gatta will be the reception lor runs with homers in the eighth and ninth innings. Pinch hitter himself Into top condition for his athletic year held Saturday and the champion' oonstestants and tiielr families at Ossie Virgil's bases-empty homships will be on tap for Sunday's the Willowbrook Inn, Fair Haven ahead of him, that Is his own business. er in the Pittsburgh seventh tied program. following Saturday's races. This it 5-5 after the Cardinals had Athletes getting the "get-in-shape" urge around The Eastern championships is one of the highlights for the scored four times in the fourth, August, may do so without worries connected. Big takes in quite some territory with visitors to Red Bank, and it is two on Jerry Buchek's triple. expected from east of the getting to be as popular with the Jim gave the word! Coaches and others connected 'boats Mississippi and including Eastern drivers as the regatta. In fact, it Sammy Ellis pitched a fourwith schools have no worries either, that is, as long Canada. might have something to do wjth hitter for his 10th victory agajnst two defeats. He allowed as they ignore their athletes until they go under their Once again this year the Sweep- the Voting of Red bank as the the Mets only one hit after the stakes committee will conduct best regatta of the year. wing Sept. 1. second inning and at one stretch the annual "Sweepstakes Queen" One of the disappointing fac- retired 18 straight batters. Pete Big Bob Osgoodby believes hi athletes being contest. Several prizes will be on tors coming out of last night's Rose and Deron Johnson each In tip top condition for any sport, and that is why tap for the queen including a meeting was the report that At- lashed a two-run double for Cinhe has this conditioning program. It must he a (100 bond. The "queen" will reign lantic Refining Co., could not cinnati. the two-day regatta and also see its way clear in supporting The Cubs extended Houston's hobby of his as there can't be a profit involved over will be involved in ceremonies the "Sweeps" this year.. Atlantic, losing streak to eight games and Little Silver _ with the conditioning prices he charges. prior to the July 24-25 affair. a sponsor of the Phillies in the its scoreless inning string to 31. Eatontown Being some kind of a nut with conditioning, Os- Applications for the contest may National Baseball league, is con- Bob Buhl set the Astros down on Oceanic .. centrating on baseball this sea- five hits through eight innings, Oceanport goodby guarantees to get a customer in A-l condition son and because of this, have and Ted Abernathy finished up. Fair Haven for any fall sport he might be participating in. Oscut out sponsoring regattas which Don Landrum doubled home a West Long Branch they have done in the past several run and scored on Ron Santo's Shrewsbury goodby's conditioning program starts Aug. 2 and consacrifice fly in the fourth. Liberty cludes Aug. 27. In fact, it is only 16 days. The first week it is held Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Sec- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS American League ond and third weeks it is conducted on Monday, TuesW. L. Pet. G.B. day, Thursday and Friday. Final days the group is Minnesota .... 35 20 .636 — worked from Monday through Friday. Chicago 34 22 .607 V/, The cost is slightly over a buck a day ($15) Baltimore 32 25 .561 4 plus $3 fee for Insurance. This is what Growney Cleveland _... 30 24 .55» 4% Ht'swi... 39->25 .545 S doesnt want to happen — booster groups, schools Los Amjeie* 29 32 .475 9 or athletic directors entering the scene by urging New York 26 31 .456 10 24 32 ,429 IV, athletes to attend. Once they put their foot right Boston Washington 25 35 .417 12V in it, It could spell trouble by mixing up a hot pot Kansas City 16 35 .314 17 of stew. Tuesday'! Remits You can't take conditioning away from a condi- Baltimore 2, New York 1, 10 tioning fan like Bib Bob Osgoodby. Furthermore, he nnings City 5, Los Angeles 0 has two sons he wants in top form for the football sea Kansas Cleveland 8, Washington 3 son. Young Bob is head line coach at Asbury Park Minnesota 4, Chicago 0 High, and former star gridder Glenn is an assistant Detroit 6, Boston 5 Today's Games line coach at Shore Regional. Minnesota at Chicago, N SPORT SHORTS — John Wentz of Raritan Baltimore at New York, N r n Any Size Listed Washington at Cleveland, N Township High, Central Jersey Group 2 champion BLACK TUBELESS Boston at Detroit, N and state Group 2 runner-up in the 880-yard run, 5.20x13 6.00x13 t o s Angeles at Kansas City expects to enter Maryland or South Carolina in 2 twl-nlght 5.60x13 5:5 x l 5 5.50x13 the fall. Thursday's Games BLACK TUBE-TYPE Don Czok, Raritan Township athletic director, no Boston at Detroit 7.75x15 6.00x16 Minnesota at Chicago doubt will start a sailing team next season. Congenial 6.70x15 Washington at Cleveland, N Don is "dock master" at Molly Pitcher Inn for the sum- Baltimore at New York, N mer and protector of the pool. "Keep the Slips Full" Only games scheduled Czok, will know his boats at summer's end. Sweepstakes Regatta Progressing Rapidly Bamm Hollow Women's Day Miss West Scores III 11S *•••••••••••*•••••***•• . . . IS YOUR GUTTER ROTTING? GUTTERING Fill • Heovy Oouge Aluminum • Posirivtly No Leaky Storm Firemen's )• LIMITED TIMI ONLY! We Will Rtpolr Your • Ont Pltct for ony Length )• FASCIA BOARD Monmouth County's only aluminum stainless gutter dealer. At No Colt T« Vw. Fret e m r explrm June M RED BANK ALUMINUM General Contractors Phone 741-3939 for Free Estimates Baseball LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED! Closing Out Our Safety 1 All-Weather Tire! National League W. L. Pet. G.B. Los Angeles 38 23 .633 Milwaukee „ 32 22 .593 Cincinnati 32 26 .552 San Francisco 32 26 .552 Pittsburgh .... 28 .517 29 .491 Philadelphia 31 .475 St. Louis 32 .443 Chicago 36 .419 Houston 40 .344 17 New York ..:. Tuesday's Results Milwaukee 12, Philadelphia Cincinnati 5, New York 1 Pittsburgh 10. St. Louis 6 Chicago 5, Houston 0 San Francisco 2, Los Angeles Tufsyn Rubber, Beat All Major I GivesExtra Traction 3-TNylon, Competition in I in Rainand Wrap-around TreadI its Price Class in '6411 Dry Weather! Thursday's Games Philadelphia at Milwaukee,1 N Pittsburgh at St. Louis, N Chicago at Houston, N San Francisco at Los Angeles, Only games scheduled MCBA Meeting RED BANK - The annual meeting of the Monmouth County Bowling Association will be held Sunday, In the Liberty Fire Co., quarters, White St., here. The session will start at 2:30 p.m. with election of officers being the main source of buslnesi. Also on the agenda will be the awarding of tournament prize money and formulating plans for the state tournament. RUSSIAN CAGERS WIN MOSCOW (MP) - Russia won the European basketball championships recently by defeating Yugoslavia, 59-49, in the title game. Yugoslavia finished sac ond with Poland third and Italy fourth. Any Size Listed BUCKTUBEUM 8.00x14 8,15x15 8.25x14 7.10x15 BLACK TUBMYPE 8.15x15 6.50x16 7.10x15 Any Size Listed r JJ A Any Size Listed BLACK TUBELESt 8.55x14 8.50x14 8.45x15 7.60x15 •LACK TUIELEM 6.50x13 7.00x13 5.60x15 (.90x15 6.00x15 6.85x15 T Plmtaiindoldtln P ft Any Size Listed BLACK TUBELESS 6.50x14 6.40x15 7.00x14 6.50x15 7.75x14 7.35x15 7.50x14 7.75x15 7.35x14 6.70x15 Any Size Listed HURRY! WHILE THEY LAST! WHITIWALLS ONLY $3.OO MORB Pita tai widow tin Today's Games New York at Cincinnati, N Chicago at Houston, N Philadelphia at Milwaukee. N Pittsburgh at St. Louis, N San Francisco at Los Angeles i 4 RIM tai art old tin Our Best-Selling Tire! AH Sizes for all Cars! SAVE ON PAIRS! OUR LOWEST PRICED 3-TNYLON TIRE! AU-Waath>r"42" wlthTudyn rubber. TeiUd (or 100 mtlai i t 100 miles per hourl 2FOR17 t.TO x U tube-type blackwall. plui tax and 2 old tirei NO MONEY DOWN! FREE MOUNTING! "No Limit" Guarantee! GO GO GOOD/VEAR JOODVIArt NATION-WIDE "NO LIMIT" GUARANTEE-No limit en months • No limit on mllti • No limit at to roads* No limit at to spttd • For tha tntlra lift of lh« triad. ALL NEW OOODYEAR AUTO TIRES ARE GUARANTEED against dtfoctt In workmanihlp and materials and normal road haxards, txcapt rapalrablt puncturas. IP A GOODYEAR TIRE FAILt UNDER THIS GUARANTEE any of mor. than 80.000 Goodyear dialers In tha Unltad States and Canada will maka allowance on a new tira baasd on original tread depth rsmtlning and Goodyear's printed "Exchange Prlca" current at tha time of adjustment, not on the higher "No Trade-in Prlca." LANES INC. RED BANK 741-0484 11 MAPLE AVE. COR. WHITE STREET »»• SrfexEntries m$, J jr.*, O f , Pearl t Hose* Mistake BnmfMd i. Lfemift U d y Goazale* 4. aOJC Aei Pearl I. Morrislea Brooks (.Bayard Park Meree 7. Shlproll Boulmetii I. Grey Ruler NB I. Mlu Strob Sellers II. Cavanboy Brooks 11. Navy Metil Boulmetls 12. Rosy Phim Cnlmone a)RlvIdlo-Pre«tlleo-Bemadotte entry. Tigers Beat Boston,,6-5 Wedrwday, June 16,1965-23 THE DAIEY REGISTEB Todafs Sdect 'Cap Draics Field Of 15; Golden Joey to Carry 124 I ttHM* Ftftt laea-tOM, 1 y . « , AJhr., About I m. Turf Barreur 115 1-1 111 M-l I. Native HOI Pfcarf 107 20-1 1-1 IBayroo HI Brocklebank 107 20-1 117 21-1 7. Solid Word 6-1 Sellers 111 114 KM 8. Hurry Up Dear rVFANPTlBT — Pifioon 3. tihnn 111' P Plavornund Stake* and Sy-R, <was OCEANPORT Fifteen 3pono, 114; E. VI M. (VRrfon'a O'Brien's Playground S-I Grimm 115 117 15-1 9. Clean Sheet Dennis the Menace Is one-up nesota's 4-0 triumph over sec year-olds were named yesterday Wrong Card, 114; Mrs. Leonard runner-up in the 1964 New Jer0-1 Sellers 115 11* S-l 10. Your Topi the Monster; the Monster ond-place Chicago in the opener for today's 18th running of theLoveridge's Big Rock Candy, sey Futurity at Monmouth. 5-2 117 ae Bureau Chief Brumfleld HI 4-1 has the WlUies and the Boston of a three-game series between slx-furlong Select Handicap at 113; Hill-N-Dale Farm's Deutron, Johnny Sellers Is scheduled to 117 Baeta 118 10-1 a* Will Net Maa ride Golden Joey. Other riding 117 10-1 Red Sox have had a tankful of the two contenders. Baltimore Monmouth Park, and this bump- 113; E. L. Stephe'nson's Vaga- assignments for the Select in114 5-2 ae Poachers Pocket Grant nipped the New York Yankeeser crop brought a gross value of bond Prince, 113; Ada L. Rice's the Tigers. IK 10-1 *a)Drake-Fourth Estate entry. with $12,171.25 awaiting Whistling Kettle, 113; Mary V. clude Howard Grant on. Time Detroit's Denny McLain, no 2-1 In 10 innings; Cleveland (18,725 114 8-1 :he winner if they all go. whipped Washington 8-3 and Fisher's Space Song, 112; Colon- Tested, Karl Korte, Hl-Hasty; Sixth Race—$(000, 4 y.o. A up, allw., 1A m. Turf menace in 10 of 11 previous 111 (-1 Baeza, Country Field; 1. «Jolly Whistler Pearl •107 5-2 pitching efforts this year, set a Kansas City blanked the Los Mrs. Marion R. Frankel's ial Farm's Surge Ahead, 112; Braulio Grimm, Cosimo; Larry 111 Baeza 2-1 major league strikeout record Angeles Angels 5-0. olden Joey is top weight of the Blue-Gold Stable's Swoon's Fire, Phil 2. Sheet Anchor My Apollo; Safn Boul112 Sellers 5-1 Tuesday night in the Tigers' (-5 McLain, who relieved Wicker- field under 124 pounds and he'll 111, and Tagg Farm's Sy-R, 110.Pierce, Second Race-Purse ttOW, 4 & up, CIg., 6fur. 3. Whatever metis, Wrong Card; Joe Culsham with Boston in front 3-D in be giving from four to 14 pounds 122 4-1 Another Stakes Winner . Chambers 4. Sheldrake Boston. 1. Dark Blaze NB mone, Big Rock Candy; Don 112 1M 117 8-1 Dick Radatz, the Monster of the first, yielded two more runs to his rivals. Brumfleld Joey was the winner Brumfield, Deutron; Bill Zakoor, 112 20-1 5. Journalist 2. PeggtM Pet Gonzatef before leaving the game for a Remainder of the field con- of Golden 117 10-1 Grant 6. Saltvllle ;he Red Sox' bullpen who the Florida Breeders Stakes Vagabond Prince; Sandino Her117 20-1 >. Foot Rullah CUIton 117 15-1 thared the strikeout mark bro- hitter in the seventh. Brooks sists of Ogden Mills Phlpps' Time at Hialeah and finished third in Whistling Kettle; Steve, 4. Grey Dust Chambers 112 M 7. Mantaro 112 5-2 en by McLain, came in to pro- Radatz, the third relief pitch. Tested, 120; Jumping Brook the Governor's Gold Cup at Bow-nandez, NB «. aTele Jr. J. Scarlet Sage Pearl S-I 114 .er to fan six men in a row — he^arm's Hi-Hasty, 118; Circle M. ie. Time Tested is another 1965Brooks, Space Song; Wayne ect a three-run lead in the Chambers, Surge Ahead, and I. Udjr Angler NB 111 20-1 a)HUl-N-Dale Farm entry. did it against the Yankees last 7. Ranbee NB 112 15-1 Seventh Race-$75O0, S y.o. fUlles, allw., 1 mile ighth inning and gave up four, month — gave up a run in theFarm's Country Friend, 115; stakes winner with a victory in Dave Kassen, Sy-R. Including a decisive three-runMrs. Arnold A. Willcox's Cosi- Garden State Park's Delaware 119 6-1 1.1 Deceive «. Conteerate Pierce Alvarez lit S-l homer by American League eighth on a hit batsman, Jerry mo, 114; John Gurich's My Ap-Valley, and My Apollo finished Last year's Select was won by 8-1 2. Clown Around t. aCape Aim Korte HI M. Roebling's Black Lumpe's double and Gates Baeza 110 5-1 home run leader Willie Horton. first in the George Washington Joseph II. Zlmmer'i Flame Pearl 114 15-1 S. Fairway Fun Mountain. Brumfleld !!• 8-1 McLain, a 21-year-old rlght- Brawn's infield single before at Bowie anH was third in Laur11. Old Whltey Grant 116 10-1 4. Bank Book Sayde NB 118 10-1 ander who struck out 2S1 hit-Horton unloaded a 3-2 pitch into el's Senatorial. 11. Our Son Don McCurdy 116 15-1 5. Torld Miss the lower left field stands. NB 112 5-2 ers and married Lou BouCosimo and Hi-Hasty loom as •e Nightlife Charlie McCurdy 116 4-1 0. Nature Sellers l i t 12-1 dreau's daughter two years ago, The homer was Horton's third strong contenders. Hi-Hasty has ae Indian Chief NB 112 8-1 7. Wendy's Crown Grant lit 7-2 replaced Detroit ttarter Dave In three games and 14th of the been second in the Hibiscus, Govaa Miss Normandy NB 111 1M season. ernor's Gold Cup and Delaware 115 8-1 Eighth Race-Pane $15,000 added, I y.o,, I fur. Wlckersham hi the first inning Minnesota's • e aGo Ahead Korte Jim Grant Valley. Cosimo's record shows Tuesday night and fanned the stopped the White Sox on five SCORES a)Heard-Klmme] entry. SELECT HANDICAP seconds In the Francis Scott Key I..S. Ea(ln *, Shrewsbury TCoIrerlwe 1 first seven Red Sox he faced, hits for his sixth, victory in seV' Niirpws vrv Fo*ei fl. LH. Hovers B ^ 1. Deutron Brumfleld IIS t-1 making by one the all-time and George Washington. OCEANPORT - First eight IWrd Race-Purse MOW, 2 y.o., fll., allw., Stf f. 2. Golden Joey Faultier! «, R.P. T l | ) n S " Seller* 124 7-2 •ecord for consecutive strike- en decisions. He has beaten Chi days of the 56-day Monmouth Deutron was the victor here in R.P. R.P. Bean A, 1.8. EatW 1 cago three times without a loss Lions I, flhrtwi. Wolve0-1 1. aUnfalr Brumfleld 116 1-1 3. Cosimo Grimm 114 8-1 >uts by a relief pitcher. race in which Hi-Hasty was fa-HhrewH. I..K. Ravrnii 2, L.K. Rover* O Tony Ollva and Bob Allison hi Park meeting Indicate that the avored, 2. Nero'i Daughter Chambers 114 10-1 4. Vaaabond Prince Zakoor 118 8-1 He wound up with 14 strike- home and he also turned back Shrenq. Foxes 4, HhrewK. Llorta 9 runs off Gary Peters, 5-5 R.P. Brim R.P. rimthrrs 1 I. Persian Melody Brumfleld 114 H 5. Whistling Kettle Hernandez 11) I M uts in 6 2-3 innings •i- and noas the Twins stretched their season will be comparable to last Golden Joey, Cosimo and MyL.S. Rovers5.14, Shrewsbury IJona 3 4, Trljugate Boulmetli US 8-1 0. Space Song STANDINGS Apollo In that event. Off that Brooks 112 20-1 :igar. Fred Gladding, who league lead to l'/j games. wear's record session. W h i. Nancys Prldt Sellers Il« 10-1 7. Hl-Hasty Korte 118 10-1 itched the final two innings Russ Snyder, a former Yan- Mutuel play during that period showing Deutron seems to rate MKIr Xilvrr lUvrne 8 I. alike Atoll Brumfleld US J-l 8. Swoon's Fire 6 Boulmetls 111 20-1 after McLain was lifted for a kee farmhand, drove in both otalled $11,434,881, an Increase highly in the field. Surge Ahead Rlvnr FlaiA Bears 7. Lucky Shlrl Grimm 116 15-1 9. Sy-R. Kassen 110 20-1 inch-bitter, received credit for Baltimore runs with a sacrifice )f {23,861 over the $11,411,020, had won his last two and Vaga Mill* Sll'er Eatlea 5 IJHIe Sliver Rovers 4 I. Canmbas Brumfleld 116 5-1 10. Wrong Card Boulmetls 114 20-1 :he victory. Gladding added our fly in the eighth and a 10th in-Dr 2/10ths of one per cent, for the bond Prince was a winner earlier Rlvw Plata Tlaere 3 flbreWHhury IJonn 4 •(Pelican StablfrSarmento entry. 11. Big Rock Candy Culmone l i t 20-1 itrikeouts, giving the two De-ning single, beating Mel Stottle- same period in 1964. Attendance in the session. Whistling Kettle River Plata. Panthers ... . 3 12. Time Tested Grant 120 S-l roit relievers a total of 18 formyre, 7-3, and enabling the Ori-is down 6/10thj of one per cent was second In last season's World Shnwitmry Wolverlnea 3 Fourth Race-Purs* $4500, 2 y.o., allw., 5ft fur.1$. Surge Ahead Chambers 112 5-1 the game. oles to stretch their winning with 121,920 fans turning out Baeza 115 10-1 McLain, whose string of seven string through five games. 1. Ocean Reef 8-1 14. Country Friend against a total of 122,770 in the 117 Brumfleld Pierce 114 10-1 trikeouts also tied the AL Rocky Colavito's three-run first eight days of 1964. t-1 H. My Apollo 2. Gary Dear Chambers 112 ». Tickled Silly Boulmetls record for starting pitchers and homer and Chuck Hinton's solo One factor involved in main118 10-1 4. LataJUh Barrow 112 6-1 Ninth Race-KSOO, 4 y.o. & up, CIg., irV m., Turf relievers — starters Max Sur-shot powered Cleveland past thi taining business at a high level Grimm l i t (-1 kont, Johnny Podres and JimSenators. Gary Bell pitched th< has been the success of the faI. National Idol Zatoor 117 4-1 1. Oleata NB l i t 8-1 Maloney share the modern m * last three innings, preserving vorites to date, So far, 28 have I. Hip Shooter 2-1 2. Brown Jay Gonzalez 117 NB HI • 5-2 jor league mark of eight — nowSam McDowell's seventh victo- scored in-72 races for a winning 1-1 1. All Baba 2nd 7. MtoKrtl King 112 Baeza 4. Parmenlo BouImetJs 114 10-1 has fanned 66 in 73>/£ innings. ry. Hlnton, an ex-Senator, hai mark of 39 per cent. Fifth Bace—$4500, I y.o., Allw,, About 1 m. Turf 5. Buckles Pearl *1U 12-1 The Chicago native has start- hit four of his six homers Competition has been keen in 114 7-2 ed nine games this season and against Washington. 1. Even Take Brumfield 117 8-1 0. Good Flight 2nd Baeza all divisions of the action and to Baeza 112 15-1 ompleted only one of them, a Diego Segui stymied Los An-date 719 different horses were 2. GflXHNB 112 20-1 7. Trial Balloon Boulmetis 114 15-1 three-hit 4-0 victory over Wash- geles on two hits and Bert Cam- ntered during the first eight S. Mango Walk Kassen 112 20-1 8. Gamboling NB 115 6-1 ington May 19. He is 2-3 for thepaneris singled, doubled and days. 4. agyneopa Brumfleld 119 M t. Kings Song season and 8-9 with the Tigers stole two bases to pace the Ath- Leading money-winners during since they picked him up from letics' attack. The two stealss this early span of the meeting are the White Sox on first-year gave Campaneris 20 for the Turbo Jet II, $15,193; Our Miyear, tying him with his second chael, $11,505; Honor Bright, $11,ICT RAILROAD AVB. waivers in 1963. i n BAIT NEWMAN IPRINOt RD. ASSURY PARK. N. 1. RBD BANK, N. J. OFF TRACK TODAY'S PICKS McLain's strikeout feat over- cousin, Jose Cardenal of th 407f- Uncle Percy, $11,391, and 7744100 MI-3M1 Angels, for the league lead. Quite an Accent, $5,815. ihadowed league^leading MlnPICKS lint Business Up Slightly At Monmouth Seaboard 8-12 Baseball Loop M.rfw» .iir- Monmouth Park AT OCEANPORT By SAM WEDNESDAY Miss Sarob ' Navy Metal Honest Mistake . Grey Dust .. Scarlet Sage §.,;•';;. Cooiecrate Caxambui Unfair Nancy's Pride Mtautrel King 1 wwmm-'- • .v- : 5 6 7 8 9 Syncope Mango Walk You're Tops . Sheldrake Jolly Whistler Whatever' I Deceive Fairway Fun Wendy's Crown Time Tested OoMea Joey Country Friend Good Flight 2nd All Baba 2nd Oleata By A.P. Honest Mistake Miss Sarob Navy MetaK Dark Blaze Go Ahead Scarlet Sage Caxambus Nancy's Pride Persian Melody Minstrel King You're Tops Syncope Mango Walk Jolly Whistler Whatever Sheet Anchor Fairway Fun I Deceive Nature Deutron l i m e Tested Golden Joey Good Flight 2nd Kings Song Trial Balloon . EARLY MORNING SCRATCHES 1. O.K. Ac* J. Cape Ann, Nltelife Charlie, Indian Chief, Miss Normandy 8. Tike Atoll f. Bayzon, Bureau Chief, Poachers Pocket «. Tele Jr. I. My Apollo . TRACK - Good WEATHER - Showery ' U T - c i g ; in jn: s f: off l:oo. Oolden Eddie (Kaiaen) 10.49 B.4O 1.20 Rudy Rullla (derkln) ..18.60 9.20 Pnedami L'd (Brooks) 4.00 T,4:Utt. Alia — Tow«r Jet. Aetean Spin, Jeuiionid, Hjrpnotlte, Flint Beaeon, Caalno D» Paris, Add a Claim, Ovirtare, Btue'i Road. 2D—Clmi; 1-up; 1U m: olf 5:29',. Kyrop (Oonialez) ..6.(0 4.V> 2.80 Red! Handful (Zakoor) .. 7.80 5.00 Llmpkln (Stevenson) ..... (.20 T.-1:MK. Alto — Arcabuz, Flight Letter, Btltona-er D, Orllit. Amtsli LINCROFT 'Bank. Brinka, Fundar; Bnquert. Acordc. assist from Bug, Oak String Farm. 3 Hlghfleld - With a major Kite Shadow, Jean Roako, 4. Knocka the weatherman, doon. Bleepy Hollow Farm, F>. Famle> New Moon, Kit RMk S 1 '(Dally Doable 4-ft P«M 937.80.) Saturday's Llncroft Horse Show Caroueel Farm. LAHOE PONY WORKrNO HUNTER: proved a huge success. 3D—Mdm; S-rn; B'A t; oft J:DO. I. Hlghfleld Nlte In, Kit Roartco. 5. Sprint Double fBr'flild) &.M 4.00 3.80 Ttii cniat locimmi 10.90 7.20 Short Order, owned and ridden Wennol Bechan, Tourelay Tarm, 3. Nl Double la Brau (Daly) S.M by Mrs. Steven Wood of Middle- and Tuck, Mr>. R. O. Salman. I. m.ort gtnry. walle.oottdapker, o. ,B»b. , 7.-l:OSH. Alao — Battel thill. Roust) Law*,- Oood Land, Tarpon tprliise, In town, won Grand Hunter Cham- Beau. * • « • * . muia, fc: .shorn rftrvrPatttyland,DoDugiy -•»">•'- *------ The big bay "^^""a-^HsW——' - Peter -• A OPEN EQUITATION: I. X Karen Peterion, 3. Kathy Weil le ribboiiiFfc «.ken,Karen Leftirloh. Onward Upward (MeC'dy) VUtlm rcnamberl) S.S0 the Green Working Hunter and OREEN WORKDJO HUNTERS: T..l:0«. Alio — Keral Native, Square the Nancy Murry Badenhop Me- Short Order, 7. Cha Cha, J. Miachll p Maker, Karen Pateraon. I. Sluih y y Brother. Beslto, New Ballot, Admiral Farm, 5. Pumpkin, 6. Mil. Tudor, Harmenr Acaln. morial Challenge Trophy for Trlcome Ellen M,, Karen Lefwich. oTB-cira»: 4-up; « (: on . . . . . . . OPEN JUMPERS: 1. The Bachelor, Model Lea (Brumrleld) 14.60 T.00 5.40 Working Hunters. Dana Bren- Bob zibrlakle, % Kilkenny. Sleepy Hoi. Jolly Count (Bonialu) S.80 4.40 nan's Cha, scored 12 points, low Parm, ' Cha Ch Ch 3. orayilone Quality Lady. Seven Hills (Zakoor) ... ».« (. Seion, Mri. Steven Wood, i. Stable T..1:12H. AUo — Lueky Tokm. New one less than Short Order, and Mate. Carouael Farm, 6. Moon Bultei Leader. Alpenhorn, Col. Noorbel, Master thus captured Reserve Cham' SHALL PLEASURE HORSE AN1 Malt H. Brow Band, lecond Meaiege, PONY: 1. Mlichlef Maker, 2. Bab' pionshlp laurels for the Rumson Beau, BombaiUe. 3. Lady BUR. ITK-Alw; 3*4 yrii « t: off 4:JB. rider. BEGINNER EQUITATION: 1. Llll Mm Dicker (B'metli) .13.60 «.«0 4.49 Sun Tumble (A'varei) . l i s a 5.80 Miss Georgia D. Hudson's Ris Arlln. 2. Colleen Qulnn. 3. Marian El len Dolan. i. Lorrle Herb, S. Jeai P'neilan Play (Orlmm) 4.40 8. Nancy. T.-lrUM. Ali» - Top Effort. Bleiaed que, captured the first leg on theRoiEko, N.J.P.H.A. JUNIOR JUMPERB: HOIK, Small Voice. Tudor lllatreei, Thomas Harry Klley Memorial Kilkenny, 2. Happy Hooligan, 3. Stab] "Toodmald, fltreat Show. Challenge Trophy, representing F05LD HUNTERS: 1. Irene Adler, TTH-Alw; <up; S f; off 4:»T. Hear Man (Bouferaette) 4.00 3.00 !.4J the Pleasure Pony Champion Trlcorne Flrat, 3. Slush, i. Cha Cha, Baraston (Orlmm) 4.20 3.01 Happy Hooligan, Suaan Kent King. I n p u t (Culmone) I.oo ship. Barnegat Bay, Trlcorne Farm. * - l : l l H . Alio-Pamtum. Play Rmifb, Miss Andrea Stafford of Tri OPEN JUMPERS KNOCKDOWli Joey Binder, Tlpoplek. OUT: 1. The Bachelor, eior, 2. t. Moor Bra—Alw; I y n ; lfr m: off 5:28. come Farm, Holmdel Township, AND Watcher, 3. Seaon, 1. Slyitlteh (Orlmm) 3 « 2.80 2.60 Kllkeminy, Cor.vel (Cnamberi) . 5.00 3.41 took horsemanship honors with . Hal Bama Day (lellera) . 3.40 T.l:45%, Alio - Knobi, Republican firsts in the McClay (ASPCA ryrconio JoiTeiT 2- Llnflen Hill, Jtnnl fer Stanley, 3. Pride and Joy, 4 Way, Oauehe, Henmilea, War. Hanmilea/ horsemanship) and open equita- Rathkeale, Kathleeri Weldon, 5. Coppei (TH-C1: 4-up; 1A m; off »:M',4. Phenomane (Kaiim) ...35.20 11.40 7.80 tion competition and a second in Bottom, i. Rueh Hour, Nancy Kaiser Silver Moon II (S'ari) . I.3O 1.90 ASPCA medal hunter seat equita- AHSA HUNTER SEAT MEDA CLAS8: 1. Kit Roftko, 2. Andrea Ste Cmcet'i Choice (C'bare) .... r.20 ford, !. Jamie Altken, 4. Mary Elli T.-1:4)H. Alio—Rsallim, Dunk Dunk, tion class. Ruperto, Barb and Poll^, Wis Wise ComU Following is a summary of the N!J°P!H.A. BMALL PONY HUNTERS mand. Luck. mand Dandy Intent, Intent It'i Luck u 1. Knockadoon. 2. Farnley New Moon - - - ' - HANDLE I13K (ACT. ll.Yl I1.3K.595.) results: 3.'aeebe *. Lady Bus:. 5. Hlghfleld Nil OPEN EQUITATION: 1. Pamela Schneider, 1. Jamie Altlun, S. Karen Peterson, 4. Fettr Altlun, 5. Elite Huber, 6. Connie 8mHh. ORKBlf WORKINO HUNTERS: 1. 'atrick, ridden by Bobert Zabrlekle, 2. Mtlliia, ridden by Mary Ellen McDonald, I. Pumpkin, ridden by Andrea Stafford, 4. Moon Watcher, Mra. Criae. Fitch, o. Short Order, ridden by Mra. Bteven Wood, S. CotoneaJter, Mri. AlRUMSON — Tommy Shea and ran a leg on the winning 440-yard In regular ladles' day competind Klnf, Jr. Tom Dooley each won two indiN.J.PH.A. OPEN WORKINO HUNTrelay team that also Inoluded tion, Mrs. Donald Lawes, Jr., ERS: 1. Cha Che, Dina Brennan, 2. vidual event) to steal the show Tom Brophy, Jerry McSorley and was the winner In Class A. while Shtrt Order, 3. Irene Adler, Mra. C. Combi, 4. Qrayatone Quality Lady, Mrs. William Jones took the hon- in the third annual track and Harold Mullens, Hubbi, S. Mlngls More. Nlela field meet sponsored by the Rum- A Forrestdale School seventh Howard ~. Nlelaen. ors in Class B. ASPCA HORSEMANSHIP CLASS: 1. son Recreation Commission last grade student, Dooley topped the .Mrs. Marsh A. Bryan and Mrs. Andrea Stafford, 2. Jamie Altlten, 3. Bllm McDonald, 4. Sherrle Smith, William Abernathy were the re-Saturday at Rumson-Falr Haven high jumpers with a four foot, Mary Kit Rosko. Regional High School. one inch effort and was first in LEAD LDUS: 1. Debra Montgomery, •pscdrve runner-ups. Judy Qervealr, 3. Sandra MontShea, an eighth grader at Holy the softball throw on a toss of (omery, 4. Nora Olll. 9. Colleen alii. SMALL PONY WOHKIMO HUNTER : Unebacter Charles Thornhill Cross School, won- the 60-yard 18S feet, 1 inch. Beebe, Mra. Jamea Qana, 2. Lady Of Roanoke, Va., impressed Mich- dash in 8.1 seconds and broad Shelly Nolan was the top perigan State coaches .during spring Jumped 14 feet, 3% inches for former in the girls* events, winhis pair of victories. He also ning the high jump (3-10), placing football drills. second In the broad jump and finishing third in Die Softball throw. Recreation Commission mem- "FRANCORCHAMPS, Belgium ber Ralph Lawrence presented AP) — Jim Clark of Scotland, h recent Inmedals to the top three placers winner of the ianapolis 500-mile race drove In each event. p L Judges in the meet were Dave s Lotus to a clear-cut victory WEEKLY HI-LIGHTS SELECT HANDICAP Zapora, Walter Splllane, Bob n the European Grand Prix SunWed., June 16 Harding and Don and Bob Olshan. day and took the lead for the world driving championship. The results: REGRET HANDICAP Clark finished the 32-lap, 27S.7SVHMJUUES Sat.,Jun*19 mile race with a margin of nearly Hoys flOyd. daah-l. Tom Shea, 2, Harold ne minute over Jackie Stewart Mullfna, 3. Tom Santry. Tim.: :08.l. Hlah lump—1. Tom Dooliy, 5. Paul f Britain, who drove a BRM. Keany, 8. Jamel Oavln. Height: 41". Bruce McLaren of New Zealand, Broad ]umj>—1. Tom flhei, 2. Larry Kuitor, 3. Tom Kantry. Distance: 14' n a Cooper, was second and Jack Shot put—1. Larry Kugler, 2. Tom Brabham, finished fourth. Both Brofihy, 3. HiroM Uulllna. Dlitance: were a lap behind Clark. Following them were Graham Softball throw—1. Tom Dooley, 2. Larry Kuglir, S. Mark Shea. Distance: Hill of Britain, BRM; Ritchie IIS'1". 440-yd. rilay — 1. Team of Tom Ginther, Granada Hills, Calif., Brophy, Jerry McBorley, Tomflhea,and Honda; and Mike Spence, Britain, Efarold Mulllna; 2. Team ol Tom gantry, Jack Campanula, Paul Kuny Lotus, lark's Victory Gives Him Lead outdoor and Indoor dining terraces ' cafeteria and dining area on grandstand lower level, completely air-conditioned (MMrMlMMtllNatAdnHM - » Miss Stafford Gets Horsemanship Honori .RUMSON'- Mrs. Robert C, Tom Shea, Tom Dooley Sparkle (Stanley's net 11 yesterday led die qualifiers for the Challenge In Rumson's Annual Track Meet Cup at the Rumjon Country Club. MtAKFOkT, H.J. t • D M (nil Bsdii SL riiwy., EA10I i Monmouth Results and Mark Shea: S. Team of Prank Lawrence, Billy Gavin, Don Sutherland and Michael ouban. Tlmi: 1:09. OlrU BO-yd. d u h - 1 . Mary Jo Mirle, 3. Diana Brotin, 3. Cathy Pattrao. Time: :07.o. Broad lump — 1. Sharon LeRoy, 3. Shelly Nolan, I. Sue Oaritde. Dlitanca: •T4". Softball throw—1. Diana Broten, 1. Bue aaraldi, 3. fihelly Nolan. Dlitanee: 144'1". HUH lump—1. Shell; Nolan, 2. alnny mill, 3. (Tie) SUB aaralda and Sharon Lenoy. Htlght: 3'10", Y. A. Tittle threw 312 touchdawn passes during Ms National Football' League career, Johnny Unltas ranka second with 1S7, one nor* than Sammy Baugh. Wexler, 8. Bhort Story, S. Mlaiy Bo, OPEN JUMPERS: TIME FIRST ROUND: 1. seaon, 2. The Bachelor, 3, S A \ S W F S W HUNTE 1. Mlai Ellen M, 2. Barnegat Bay, Improvlie. Tony Ercellno, i Coton^ O ^ m a i C T E R S UNDER SAD , DLE: 1. Barneiat 2. Cha Cha, B n i Bay, ay, 2. M Quibble. Qibbl Mra. Mra K. K T. T Gordon, Gordon 4 Mr. Tl LJd Hill LJn'den Hill, 8 8. Coto Cotoneaater, 66. Trlcorni OPEN EQUITATION: 1. Andrea Star ford, 2. Pamela Schneider, 3. Kali Lyon, 4. Patricia Chandler, S. Susai _ UNDE SADDLE: i."Hlrtrield"Nile Shallow, ', SADDLE • But, 3. tlaeter Bright Ribbon, Lady 3. Oall Kalbherr, 4. Beebe, 5. Knockr UNDE Lp6NYHUHTER DE a ADDLE: 1. Hlghflelde Evenlnf Serenade, owned by Lucy dam, 2. Wenni Bechan, 3. Mlaay Bo, 4. Another Sta 5. Hlgnfleld Nlte In, t. Bab'a Beau. PLEASURE HOR8K AND PON1 CHAMPIONSHIP STAKE: CHAMPION: Rlique, Georgia Hudeon. Reaerve: Go Lovely, Kate Lyon. 3. Mlai Fortune, Pamela Rlchdale, 4. MIM lllen M, 5. Baba Beau, 8. Pump- Buy 1st tire at price RESERVE: With 12 polnli, Cha Cha .—Dana Brennan. REGULAR WORKING HUNTEB CHAMPIONSHIP: 10 polnta—Irene Ad M C. C Combs. Cmba .. -Mn. RESERVE: » polnti—Cha Cha •rid. ' Dana Brennan. den and owned" by LARGE PONY WORKING HUNTER: CHAMPION: Hlahlleld'a Nlte In, with S points—Kit Roauto. RESERVE: Wennol Bechan, with polnte—Tourelay Perm. SHALL PONY WORKING HUNTER CHAMPION: Beebe, with S polnti Mra. J&mea Gans. RBSIRVE: Lady But, with 7 pslnta Oak Spring Farm. OPEN JUMPER CHAMPIONSHIP The ' Bachelor, with 13 pta. Bol Zaortakle , RESERVE: Siaon, with I polnti — Mre. Steven Wood. CAPTAIN'S TROPHY; Preiented to exhibitor who demonatiatea the highest degree of iportemanehlp and conaldera tlon toward hli horee, fellow commtltore and ehvw peraonnel. Preaented to Lorrle Schneider. SIZE 6.70-15 6.70-15 6.70-15 6.70-15 7.50-14 7.50-14 TYPE Tubed-type Blackwall Tubed-type Whltewall Tubeless Blackwall Tubeless Whitewall Tubeless Blackwall Tubeless Whitewall 1st Tire' 2nd TIRE* $5.00 $14.95 $17.95 $5.00 $17.95 $5.00 $5.00 $20.95 $5.00 $17.95 $5.00 $20.95 NO TRADEIN NEEDED •Plus tax All Tires Mounted FREE NO MONEY DOWN Buy on take,montfjs'topay Amount Chirged Monthly Piymtot $50.00 75.00 95.00 $5.00 7.00 9.00 m on $11 merchandise &rM car $$rvice$ 1 frtctd on ihown at Flrtitont 5tor»ij tomptlltlvely prlcttt at Flraiion* Dwlan and at all wrvtet stations diiplayins tht Hretiont itgi Open Wed. and Fit Evenings til 9 p.m. Daily and Sat. 'til & p.m. where your dollar buys MILES more STORES Maple Ave. at White St. Red Bank—747-5700 1000 Asbury Avt. Asbury Pork 775-8700 Frank Porter1* Red Bank Tire - listed below S ...GET THE T 2nd TIRE FOR ONLY ORAND HUNTER CHAMPION: With 13 polnta, Short Order—Mri. Steven W Best Service Best Quality Best Price SHMWSIURY AVINUI NYLONAIRE TIRES FONT HUNT- Mrs. Stanley on Top RESORT OF RACING r . 747-3404 Opm Monday thni ftUwf—t to t p.m.: Sat. to 3 p.m. ALSO AVAILABLE AT YOUR TEXACO, SHELL AND CROWN SERVICE STATIONS THE DAILY REGISTER 34-Wedne«ky, June 16,1965 AMMOUHCEMBm ™ ""ttftTRJ-B. LOST * FOUND JOUKO — HaSe t«ji mi AUTOS FOR SALE 1M« CUIVROLBT — Chtnlla, «_•toot s»d_n. Po -HlUfla, ( m m eU»Hn n_lo cix-cyiind». tow DlHao. Me CAfttny Chevrolet, a i l Q UM TRIUMPH - T I H wfciW 1WP- IMS TRIUMPH condition. xlra Caxatlecl HELP WAWTED-FEMAIX HELP WANTED-FEMALE SECRETARIES HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-M_U . Ferns!* MERCHAND1SI FOB SALE A.OTO taCHAOTCB — We h»M » » « U v*A mtcWJito. II JOII aremtul tt*le4 <*Wa gnftent t*Jf f.r!&c« lewfla or wmklni couUUouf, come oo BJLEB EXF-OrXENT A£J_NCl »nl;f'«! Persatu*! For QuUitl Orders « Bros/ U>H Bmwb XtUW FOR SAIE DONT WALK BLOCKS down la VIM JOMt. txtft O«J*'. KatMrtown. Or etli H 2 - i m Utt tot THESE POSITIONS ARE M O R E ' PaJermo. THAN THE TITLES IMPLY ;orjRKEYlO6H MECHAKIBIi - Mtjor Central /«ii«y cbtialcsi olant now COEWe eHtr unuwol opportunltle M r a good future. You will Ilk* your p n l t k n . ductlni interview, for H P M T T T E M here doing Important, dignified work "In our expanding company. Excellent and BAINT_KAIi6E MnAWWOHTS. •oloricf, pleownt efffcM. tfiut be over 21 years of ace and a lift school graduate. Minimum of five yeare Industrial eiperlence. Apply NaSECRETARY TO EMPLOYMENT MANAGER tional Lead Company, Titanium Biylilon, Chevalier Ave., Sayrtvllle, N . I A> right hand gal. Top skills, Correipondence, urtenlng. etc. AN E()UAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYEH. APPLY IN PERSON, OR PHONE 89-11C0. four-door sedan. _43_r Boy's gold ring, Red Bank 1963 CHEVY IL Nova Chevrolet. s i S W a o n CenleJ. taltlsJi WOC. Re- O595. McCARthy 291-1101. n r d . Call 741-3210. 1963 FORD — XL Convertible. 390-1 Four speed. Low mileage Excellei AUTOMOTIVE condition. Best otter, 8421587. 1863 PONTIAC — Grand Piril, toll AUTOS FOR SALE equipped, fl.ll power, one owner car MR. P. ARGYRIS, PERSONNEL DEPT. Outstanding condition. Must be seen It 1957 FORD COUNTRY BQUmE MEN WhltewallJ, power steering, brand ne be appreciated. Gem Oldsmoblle Inc. battery. Cood buy. J100 or belt olte: 110 Main St., Malawan. 866-3600. HOW MANY HOURS DO YOU WANT Call alter 6:30 p.m. 747-<070. 1961 FOHD CONVERTIBLE. - V-« TO WORK? 1962 CORVETTE — Very clem. Foul aulo.nitic. 11295. McCAKthy Chevrolet 185 MONMOUTH PARK HWY. We guarantee three dollars ipeed Tansmlsslon. McCARthy Chevro IEil-1101 let. 291-1101. IM3 VOLKSWAGEN — Perfect ti per hour. WEST LONG BRANCH, N. J. erailtiatlon. Excellent condition, »109i 1950 OPEL — Good second car. Rea Jnlimlted amount of hours. Make HB An Equal Apportunlty Employer ~ I fi7153S2 much as you wish. Must have car. (onablt. Ca.ll liter 6 P.m. Thl« li not conduction. Call Kl-4010. 1982 FORD — "i ton pickup. Excellenl 226-^530 running condlUon. Will linance. Call TOUNG MAN WANTED — Slitter train, 1955 DE SOrO ^STATION WAOO Stan, 747-0787. HELP WAiVTED-FEMALE MOTORCYCLES ee. If you are Interested In good future 1963 CORVAlrt, Spyder Coupe, loui rather than high immediate earnings, Call 261-8791 or 741-2S74 apply In person to Ralph Frledland i960 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERT speed S1795. McOAR-thy Chevrolet 29. 1963 B8A EOCKET — 650 cc. Must sell, SSM or beat offer. O n JU-0125 or & Bros., Locust Bt., Keyport. IBLE — Aulomntlc transmission. Goo( 1101. WOMEN condition. CHI H66-IOS5 alter 6 p.m 1951 CHEVROLET — Four-door led! 8(2-1121. (Day. 7:30 to 4 p.m.) WASHING MACHINE REPAIR MAN— 196o CHEW II - Nova, two-door hard Excellent second car. Best offer over Help ui maka toy. [or Christmas In Vanted. Apply In person, Eatontown TV top, Powergllde, radio, all-cylinder, $165. 741-fH93 after 7 p.m. our n*weit, modem planL We are one Appliance Co., 50 Hwy. 35. Eatontown. MOBILE HOMES *17i5, McCARthy Chevrolet 291-1101 1952 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGO! or Monmouth County's newest '»nd HOUSE TKAILBK FOR RENT — fssteat growing employer*. Steady,, light MEN OVER 21 — We are taking apBUICKS-CHEVY'S-FOHUS - 195! Good shape. Best oirer. fictory work, company paid benefits. plications for joba In packing and shlpChoice location, Monmouth County. 741-3227. 1965 tor all parties medlnB i ca.r. W< Union thop. Modern cafeteria, parking >ing department. Also machine ihop c m lUiMice lull price with no 'no™! 1!>57 CADILLAC, lour-door hardtop. *5i Yearly. Cell 842-3378. on premliei convenient location. Five- iclpTuI, Apply in person. Estey Metal flown. Call Mr. Button.. OASIS MO McCARlhy Chevrolet. 1961, RICHARDSON MONTCUAIR—30i day week. Toy discounts to all em- Products, 1 Kathryn Et., Red Bank. TORS, PA 1-710(1. 59. 45' awning and a 5x7 ateel ahed In- ployees. 291-1101. cluded. Desperate. (3,600. Ready to 1963 OLDSMOBILE - Holiday r CLASSIC - 1956 Tnunderblrd. Pow EXCITING SALES CAREER SEWING Automatic and power utoerine S18SS brakes, power steering, two tops auj move In. Call 264-3585. McCAKthy Cnevrolel 291-lim. Expanding sales force in central Jer1060 SABRE Will) matli. nest offpr in one week. 141-8311. MACHINE sey. Opportunities (or management No Two bedrooms. Take over payment!. I860 RAMBLER — Wagon, npw 1S63 FORD CONVERTIBLE OALAXI travel. Mature peraon. College graduate Call 741-3672 OPERATORS new battery, excellent condltlonl $59. 500- Fully equipped: white, low mMj or sales experience. Guarantee to $750 Phone 7(7-3350. age, perfect condition. S1.698. 222-1W0 monthly. Daytime, 511M.75; evenings, Immediate openings for experienced 1963 OLDSMOBILE - Starllre, conver 1955 CHEVROLET — Bix cylinder singl* needle operators. (Day shift 747-0151. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE only.) , lble, loaded, low mlleue. Call afl stick shift, (our^ioor, excellent Ores, MECHANICS—Maintenance and instalt n.m. 671-M76. WE PICK U P JUNK CABS — Uied excellent transportation- 747-0070. Machinists, mill' it our Personnel Office, Mon- lation of machinery. 1861 OHEVY U Wagon. Aulomatl 1961 CORVAIR MONZA — Coupe, aul parts for saie. Twlnbrook Auto Wreck- -Apply electricians. Versatility deday through Saturday, 9 to 3 p.m. wrights, ing. Ca>l 747-0282 or 541-2235. (1699. McCABUiT Chevrolet. sired. Interviewing all grades, reliable fnatlc. 11895. McCARtty Chevrolel 201-1101. men who want permanent year-round SMALLEST TYPE J E E P — 1937. 1941 2911101 MATTEL INC. obs closft to home. Openings on all Dr 1950. IN OOOD CONDITION. 1957 FORD — Four-door, Hydramatii 1946 stilfta, Appl/ ATCO CERAMICS CORP., Ask for 8am, alter 7:30, 741-3347. Eood condition. Call Hwy. 35, Keyport. TOY MAKERS MONMOUTH MOTORS Et. 35 Holmdel, N. J. NIGHT WATCHMAN — 10 p.m. to 8 Hwy. SJ 542-2414 Eatonlown 1958 THUNDERBIRD — All BOATS A N D ACCESSORIES a.m. Steady Job. Salary open. For ma1961 VOLKSWAGEN Call lure, telable man with car. Call 566 Sedan White. Radio, seat belts, clean, Private owner. 222-S397. — General cleaning. Flvs or 5300 between 9 - 12. WANTED — SUNFI3H - Good con- MAID <_Jj 542-0962. day week; hours to suit. Call B12dition. Reasonable price. Phone after six I960 CHEVROLET BELAIR Two AiJSISTANT MANAGER — Hardware 05O5. NAUTILUS MOTEL APART1963 CADILLAC - Bedan de vllle. a; 5 p.m., 741-5822. conditioned, six-way seat), power w r n™r sedan. t6»5. McCARthy Chevrole MENTS, 2 Rumson Rd., Sea Bright. department. High volume ntore. Experienced only. Red Bank area. Bbt dowe. Mc6ARthy Chevrolet. 291-11111 2911101. WANTED MACHINE OPERATORS days. Apply "A.P.", Box 511, Red Bank. Easy starting*, dependable 10 or 15 h.p. SMWING heater, 1659 CADILLAC — Four-door hardtol 1957 FORD — Radio, work on ladies' and children's outboard motor. CM! 6T1-1243 after t To $8.1. coati. Single needle. Jo-Ann Coats, AUTO MECHANIC — EXPERIENCED Power windows, power brake!, nowc Runs good. Clean. p.m. 566.5918. 34 Willow St., Bed Bank. 7.1-9025. — Excellent opportunity (or the right steering. Good clean condlUon. She ha man. Contact Mike Scotto, Service Manalways alept in Has four new [eel 1958 FORD -- Two-door sedan, six cyl- 24' CHRIS CRAFT CRUISER — 175 SIiADY — Experienced, part-time. ager, Bayshore Chrysler, Atlantis Highw i n cared for.' 11M5. Call 187-1131 inder, overdrive lor economy, low mile- h.p. engine new 1957. Sleeps two. Head, Evenings and Saturday. Apply In per* lands. 291420a. fresh water sink, upholstered seats, age, »35O. riione 842-3787 after 5 p.m. Bond Clothea, Monmouth Shopping IMS CHEVROLET, Bel All top, shlp-to-ahore, automaitlo pump ion, MECHANIC — Mount English Sales Center, Eatontown. six-cylinder standard, radio. 1961 CHEVROLET BROOKWOOD - navy lire preservers, lire extinguisher, comCo., ford Dealer, Red Bank, CARthy Chevrolet 281-1101. Wajoa J795. Call McCARthy Chevrolet. pass, bumpers, llnei, anchor. _ - t r s CLERK TYPIST — Must have pleasant • 7lfcO0O 1857 CADILLAC — Fleetwood, Jou shaft, prop and battery. Can be seen personality. For reception and answerIloor, hardtop. Full power electric wi 1963 BUICK ELJ0CT11A 225 - Four-dool at Irwlns Yacht Works. H6M. Doa Ing phones. Typing experience nec- QUAXJTY CONTROL WORKER—Proessary. Job location In Matawan area- cess control work. Experience not nec«ow> and s«ats. 787-24B5. sedan, air conditioned, tolly equlppe; Enclljh, 747-3329. Excellent working conditions with na- essary. Must be dependable and high 1858 DODOJJ — Two-rioor hardto Exceptionally (ins buy. Call 747-2212. LONE STAR — Outboard, boeii and tionally known company. Call 828-2000 school graduate. Apply ATOO CERAMblack and white, 8 cylinders, automat 1957 FORD — Two-door, automatic motors. _S 13 _a.Uboa,t. br Gbryaler. for Interview or send letter with full ICS CORP., Hwy. 35, Keyport. transmission, power steerlnB. lour gcx excellent running condlUonl 1105. Ca-1 Sea Brink sailboat, complete, I&SI.75. details to P. O Box 253, Soramerset, OIL BURNER SERVICEMAN - Good tarn, radio, aircondltloner. Needs main 229-2658. MONMOUTH -CARINA N.J. opening tor experienced man. Apply in tenance. Asking 1100. Call 842-3282 alte 1963 TEMPEST LEMANB Sport Coups. 46 West St., Monmouth Beach. 222-3492 SALESLADY WANTED — Five-day p e n on HENRY ALLEN CO., 30 Main «ve. NO TIME TO USE IT! 11595. McCARUiy Chevrolet. Call St., Batontown. week, Including Saturday and one or 1963 PONTIAC, Catallna convert!'*! Twenty-four fool ZOBEL, 210 h.p. two evenings. Excellent opportunity for 201-1101 automatic and power steering. fJ95 engine, cabin, head Made experienced person. Only ROUTE MEN VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE Chrysler McCARthy Chevrolet 291-1101. Aug. 1961. In water. All accessories, ambitious, those Interested In a permanent posiGood condition (4,000. Call 291-1163. FULL AND PART-TIME. STEADY tion need apply. Apply in person, East TTEAR-ROUND, COUNTRY SQUIRE — 1956. nine-pa; Call 542-2711 WORK, NO LAYOFFS. Orange Mill End Shop, 137B Broad St., •enter. New tires. JIM. Call SPECIAL SALE J102. CAR "AND PHONE REQUIRED. EXCELLENT 195B Chevrolet wagon, V Overstocked. 'Have fun in the tun with Red Bank. "ALL 162-1074. Power Glide, radio, heater. Good tlrei n Alcort Super Sallrish. Boat Bkl & ASSISTANT — For busy of 1898 RENAULT plus snow tires. Call 747-5597. Scooter Center, 75 White St., Red Bank, DENTAL — Male, flee 1In Matawan. Reply In full to BOOKKEEPER-ACCOUNTANT preferably with some brokerage 1953 KARMANN GHIA Convertible. 159 7411124, "B.K. Box 511, Red Bank. experlence. Permanent position In Red McCARthy Chevrolet. 14' — Fiberglass, with anchor, accea1963 ALFA ROMEO, Sprint coups Utt WAITRESSES — Or Bark office. Submit resume "A.xV 291-1101. sories, (275. 741-6334. 6 p.m.- Must sea EXPERIENCED 11995. McCAKlhy Chevrolet. girls over 21 willing to learn waitress Box 511, Red Bank. ' worlt. I960 VOLKSWAGEN — Bun root, radio to appreciate. 291-1101. Dinner hours only. Apply In MACHINIST — We seat-belts roof-rack. $976. Call O'DAY SPRITE — -icellent condlUon. person only between 11 a.m to 1:30 FIRSTa CLASS 1M2 BUICK CONVERTIBLE - 2 permanent opening. Accuraly 741-6983 Monmoutb Marina, 46 West BL, Mon- p.m. or after 4 p.m. Colony Restaurant have Eleotra. Power brake!, power steering, and reliability are essentlaj. Work Is Ridge ltd. and Ave. of Two Rivers, varied power windows, radio, heater, Low PONTIAC — 1952 CataMna convertible, mouth Beach. 222-3492. and Interesting. Top wages. HosRumson. mileage. In excellent condition. Must excellent condition all power, low mllf CARRY CRAFT pitaJlzat;on. Vacation. Call 201-0500 for BAVJ •ell In one week. Moving. Call 741-834] age. Sacrifice. 787-4237. QUALIFIED PUBLIC HEAUfH ntervlBW. Boat Tralteri anytime. 1961 CHEVROLET — Forward control 156 W. Front St., 261-0430 Keyport NURSE — For staff position in small Health Nursing itatlcn wagon Sacrifice. McCARth) SHIP-TO-SHORE RADIO — Bendlx, 35 voluntary Public Agency. Qualified, supervision provided. Chevrolet. 291-1101. COLLEGE MEN watt, with antenna, and ready for In- Call AUTOS FOR SALE after 5 p.m. 8I2-10M. 1958 CHEVROLET — Two-door sedan, stallation. Call 747-9770 before 6 p.m. NURSIiS AIDES — 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. ilx cylinder, standard shift. $205. Call and 741-3895 after 6. and 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Five-day week. SUMMER r87-N31. WAiNTED — Used Instrument panel. Paid holidays. Apply In person Brook' 1961 DODGE — Six-cylinder automatic Also beat exchanger. Must be In good dale Nursing Home. Hwy 35, Hazlet Good condition, good tfcres. S325. Easo condition. Call 787-0035 after 5 p.m. EMPLOYMENT A YOUNd LADY WANTED-For light station, Campbell* Junction. W» a m arrange to ra-flnance your MARINE SUPPLIES clertcai work. Working knowledge of p r o m t car and lower your monthly 965 THUNDERBIRD — Factory alr- Everything for the Boatman. New Jer- sewing dealrabia. Pleasant working con- Bell Ice cream on only the best sea sey's largest marine supply house. shore routes. High earnings, pleasant payments. condltloned. dark blue, two monthi old. ditions. Five-day week. Many company work. Evlnrude Bales and Service START AT ONCE. Must be at Military officer leaving country. Will benefits. Apply The Singer Co., Moir least 18 and safe driver. THE BOATMAN'S SHOP tell for $4,000. 842-3010, before !:30. mouth Shopping Center, Eatontown. 24 Wharf Ave. 741-5780 Red Bank FOR FAST CREDIT OK CALL ask tor Bill. (Open Sundays and holidays, 9 BOOKKEEPER - RECEPTIONIST — - Apply noon to five dally and Sun. 1963 BUICK SPECIAL — Four-dool ;o 1 p.m.) Must have knowledge of double-entry S31 Arnold Ave., Point Pleasant. Ask Sharp. McCARthy Chevrolet system and payrolls. Write "A.L.." Box CABIN CRUISER — 11,100. 21', 511. Red Bank. State qualifications and for Mr, Murphy at rear bldg. 291-1101. 60 h.p., Chris Craft inboaTd (BOSCO). DEPENDABLE MAN — Who knows or TRIUMPH — H59. TR-3A, yellow, Head, two bunks, navy top, in water salary desired. wan.a to learn kitchen operation, black lop and tonneau, line condition, at Coast Yacht Works. 146 Bodman SI_P COVER OPERATOR — Experi- needed, All year Job. Good pay. 5 p.m, CREDIT MANAGER shop manual. One owner. 563-M23. PL, Red Bank. Call 741-4338 enced, excellent pay. All benefits. Ap- to 2 a.m., six night. Apply Wedneada;1 Thursday morning between 9 and I AWAITING YOUR CALL 1958 FORD — Hardtop, good runnln 15' FREE LAND — All meUU boat ply The Interior Shop, 81 White Road, or m. Hi Btir-ws-bury Ave., Red Bank, condition. *2(5. Call with flotation. In excellent condlUon. *NreWBbury. 747-2306. 291-3883. Must sell, S05. 264-4009. MACHINIST — Flint or eeconrt cli HAIRDRESSER CARS and TRUCKS steady, year round work. Maintenance CORVJIIR MONZA — 1B63, A-l Condi 8' PRAM ROWBOAT — »25. Experienced, five-day week. Closed and tool room.' Pay according to exlion, many extraj, J1.350,. or BES1 Mondays. Vlnraar Hair Stylist. Little at DISCOUNT PRICES perience. 7.7-3084. Call OFFER, 222-02*6. 741-7425 Silver, N.J. 741-7789. TIME SALES — Average J2.50 CERTIFIED BLUE JAY No. 3200. With QENE-RAE HOUSBWORKER—To sleep PART per hour minimum commission as FullLOW WEEKLY PAYMENTS trailer. Fully equipped. Top-notch conIn. Pleasant home one In family. Call er Brush salesman. No Inventory. TRUCKS FOR SALE dition. All stainless steel track and 747-4730 •64 Volkswagen fll-SO Fuller salesmen and product- courteous. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN VAN - Complel fittings. Flberglas. 747-0924. Radio and htattr WOMEN — For rewarding and Interest- ly received by most aU housewivei with built-in racks. Good for plumbei 14' RUNABOUT — Good condition, ing position. Make your own hours. Car today. Call 7«-_76O for Initial appoint •42 Caddy HMO ir electrician service. Good shape, cr water ski equipment, and cushion lift neceisary. Call 892-516} collect. ment. 4-door Hardtop, Air '41-0611. preservers, (215, 234-1086, alter 6. GIRL — Four days a week. 8 a.m. MANAGER TRAINEE •41 PONTIAC I13B 196t CHEVROLET — H-ton plck-UL 1962 3 h.p. — JOHNSON OUTBOARD, to 5 p.m. Must havs good knowledge FRONT END Six-cylinder, J1495. McCARUiy Chevro- motor, very good condition, (80. 747- of typing and shorthand. Call 2S4-4W4. Bonnevllli. Convtrtlbls No experience necesiary, will train perlet. 291-1101. •61-Chevy M.1J EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER—SYom son with appltude for figures and reBel Air, Radio, Heoltr Automatic 1851 DODGE TRUCK — Rack body, 35' CABIN BOAT — No motor, In ex- Red Bank area. Mondays. Wednesdays, port making, able to handle personnel. Good condition. $150. Call '41 Ford S5.9O cellent condition, already- In water. and weekends. 741-SH2. APPLY TO MR. PA3QUALE Call 842-2029. after t. Convertible REGISTERED NURSE — Two nights TWO GUYS 1963 FORD PICK-UP TRUCK — 1964 18' JOHNSON SEAHORSE MOTOR a week. 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Call BrookRT. 35 & TWIN BROOKS RD. Like new. dale Nursing Home. 2S4-6800. Call UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAT MIDDLETOWN, N. J. 787-1825. 842-1703. WOMEN WANTED — Experienced In WITH NO MONEY DOWN 191B INTERNATIONAL — Half tor 14' RUNABOUT —v Ready for water. factory work. Apply In person, Ralph ONE FULL-TIME — One part-lime. pick-tip. Enilne and body In good con- EHOO. Evenings. Frle41ajd * Bros.. Locust St., Keyport. We will train jou to sell direct to 2 LOANS NO PROBLEM home owner on route basin. Average 842-2538. dltioa Call 787-7195. WOMEN FOR WIRING AND BO_DER take home commission $110 for 40 25' ZOBEL SEA FOX — Like new; Ufa — of electronic p a n s and smaU hours. One opening at present. Must SPECIAL FINANCING 185 h.p. Shelter cabin. V bunks, hesd, parti sssembiy. Exparlencs preferred. have car and be bonded. Be at emMOTORCYCLES FOR SERVICEMEN e x t r u . (3750. Call 747-9120. Apply Koagiand Iostrument Co., 65 ployment office Thursday 10 a.m. Ask Chestnut St., Red Bank, between 2 for Mr. Ruperto or call alter 7 p.m. INDIAN ROYAL INFIELD — 1857, WO „ PENNANT CUA6S SLOOP and and 4 p.m. only. In parson. Do not at manager's home 257-7824 for Initial :c. Excellent condition. Call trader. Ready to launch. $375. 8t2- phone. LOURON'S M Interview. 671-3398. 2259. CLEANER OR KITCHEN HELPER — DART RACING CART — Excellent con. 16' SKIFF, Irtboard alreooted engine. Information, 10 a.m. tt>' 2 p.m. River- EXPERIENCED automobile salesman dltlon, slicks. 3H n.p. «niln«. 183. Call Oood condition. Call after 7 p.'m. 776- crest Nursing Home, 31 Chapln Ave., for local Pont lac agency to sell both new and used cars. Apply only If 291-1393. ^ ^ 7119. Red Bank. you are willing and able to put In the Hwy. 35 Neptune, N. J . 1962 18 H.P. EVINRUDE OUTBOARD HAND SEWING AND PRESSING — time and effort that a well paying automobile sales job requires. Ask for (cor. Springwaod Ave.) MOTOR — Like new. Call AUTOS FOR SALE Drapery workroom. Apply: The Interior Ben Rassas at Rassas Bros. Pontiac, 787-1992. Shop. 81 White Rd., Shrewsbury. 395 Brna.il St., Red Bank. Phone 741-5180 17' FLYING FINN — 35 h.p. Evlnrude WOMAN FOR THURSDAYS — Up motor, navy top, all accessaries, good atnirs cleaning and light cooking for BAiRTENDER WANTED — Call becondlUon, reasonable. 284-3384. twD adulu. Navesink River Rd., Red tween 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. 872-1.SO. SANDY HOOK BAY MARINA. Banlt, phons 291-0952. BOOKKEEPER — Immediate position BROKER WANTS — Full time working STORAGE AND SERVICE for full charge bookkeeper. Including partner In well established real estate office In Holmdel. Thorough knowledge PRIVATE BOATS CLEANED — By financial statements. Car necessary. of real estate necessary, write "C.E.' £75 and up depending on backthe day or week. Reference. Call 774- Salary ground experience. DAVENPORT Par- Box 511, Red Bank. 8525. between 5:30 and 7 p.m. sonnel Services, Inc., 77 Broad SL, Red Bank. H7-3363. ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES, INC lnmi81P NEED CASH? 776-7700 A UTORAMM HIS DREAM COME TRUE... Mom ordered that OK Used Car dad wanted for Father's Day. If you're looking for the perfect gift, don't forget to take advantage of the FANTASTIC REMODELING SALE NOW GOING ON AT CIRCLE CHEVROLET C O . ! Yet . . .Deals Like Never Before SURPRISEDAD ON HIS DAY. FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO THE "NEW" CIRCLE Chevrolet Co. 325 MAPLE AVE. 741-3130 RED BANK IUSINESS NOTICES WE'LL PICK UP WOMEN WANTED Ready-to-Wear Department Manager. Full-time. Saleswomen, lull or parttime. Cashiers, full or part-time. Paid vacations, group Insurance, Blue Cross. LERNER SHOPS, MonmouUi Shopping Center, Eatontown. 542-3570. Mlas. Diamond. TEENAGER — BABYSIT — Hon., Wed., Frt., 10-4 through aiimmer, Little Silver area. Call 741-7523, after 7. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR EIGHT WOMEN — For ertenslvj training in Hollywood make-up tech nlques. For eventual beauty consultan work with Vivian Woodard Cosmetics. Can 261-1507. after 5:30. ASSEMBLERS — Small components, experienced and Inexperienced. Many employee benefits. Excellent working conditions. Rowan Controller Co., 2fl Bridge Ave., Red Bank. CLEANING WOMAN — Monday and Friday, experienced, references, own transportation, Mlddletown. 671-1421. MATURE WOMAN — Care of one child. FIVE DAYS A WEEK, your home or mine. References. 222-G387. DICTAPHONE TYPIST — Experienced. Accuracy, speed necessary. Phone Mrs. King, Children's Psychiatric Center. 542-2(93. STUDENTS — Housewives, Union Beach to Long Branch, spars time work. Will train. 222-H5 or 7S7-773S your d&magpil window acreeni, fix them and deliver them back to you. Can't beat that for icrvlce. Call HELP WANTED-MALE PROTECT YOUR ASPHALT INVESTMENT. Seal your driveway or parking areas now. Guaranteed protection from destruction by (as, oil and other harmful materials. Call today (or a tree esllma'e. 141-3227. TOP SOIL BULLDOZING CUBAN CELLARS. YARDS, OARAOC3 — Hare truck. Ugbt haullni. Call after S p.m. 741-D_L FIREPLACES A SPECIALITY — All types ol masonry. CHARLES BOWXR, Contractor. Call 747-44J& INBTALL WINDOW AIR CONDITION ER8 — Call after 3 p.m. 741-II4H LAWNS CUT REASONABLE RATES 741-7931 ATTICS, CELLARS CLEANED — Light hauling Free estimates. Call after 5 p.m.. all day Saturday, Sunday. 747-3002 OR0W1N0 PAINSt Call Ever Oreen Landscaping. All phases of landscaping including maintenance. Weekly, monthly or season. F. IntermasolL 787-O81S or 787-3240 PROWN'S S2 Bro»<l St. Red Bank 741-7500 FUHNITURE REFINIBHUJO - Canlnel work, antiques reilored. Call 78777B1. EXTERIOR PAINTINO — Will paint any average ranch of Cape Cn'l house". (135. You supply paint. 747-9411. ALTERATIONS — ADDITIONS Roofinj. New rmmes. RALPH A. COLE, Bulldir, 741-3305. EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTED-FEMALE INSPECTOR8-No experience necessary. Apply In person only. Seal! Eastern. T Peach St., New Shrewsbury. AVON BELLB IT BBLF - Full or part time. Territories open for women who are Interested in having a good steady Income. Experience unnecessary. Call 741-4:4} or write Mil Margaret Gulotla* Box 100. P.ed Bank. SECRETAHY — Law office, Red Bank area, (alary commensurau with ability. Phone 222-7700, OPERATORS SEWING} MACHINE OPERATORS — Worl. on coats. Bhore Coat Company. Incorporated. 22 Bridge Avenue, Red Bank {Elmer Building). DENTAL ASSISTANT - In Middletown area Will Irilo. Writ* "CT." Box t i l , Red Sank. BULLDOZER — Motor grader rubber tired soraper trainees, Ses our adv. under Instructions entitled "Earn 1170 week." ^^ BAFtTENDER—Full time, for cocktal lounge ysar.rouna work, experience necessary. Writ* "B.L.," Box BU, Red Bank. MAN WANTED -*- 25 years or older. Work as floor w s » r , window clesner and rug •liampooer. Will teach If will. Ins to "earn. Call 86H-MHEXPERIENCED DRIVER LOADER WANTED — For local moving work. Permanent position for right man Reply to Box !2S. Eatontown. or call M2O28» for »ppolntm»nL AUTO BAILSMEN - Opportunity unlimited New and Used Cars. Detltr handling ons ol the Big Thrlt In long Branch area, needs career •sJesraan. Permanent position witn opportunity lor real future for the man "!••>'• >>»• lermlned to make the •utomobllf In. dustry s career. Past selling experience desirable. Call Mr. Palermo at M2-UI7 for appointment. ARCHITECTURAL SPEC WRITER To prepare specifications for low-rise industrial. laboratory, office and process buildings. Work with registered architects. Mlnumum three y e a n experience desired. Good salary and over time and benefits. Ample parking. _LCJ5 zHPLorvxtn na iftry-order * a.»Uc_j.t our SCREEN PORCH ENCLOSURE PANELS At i f_opplD« c e n t " r o w ft jiaa WDMJL j ' * * www- * » * y / " *• f j Call uf t * the pfeoae. Orotr w tftli*«7. You Oui Ll ui<J«t oofnw t « USO VaaX. Get Ui6 hlMH aim c*U «0 Wood frame, iltunlnuzn wlrtyl. You m d lav*. Bring la Altfitm. ot r/W OR WOliM.W - To htlp in •tail PROWN'S tbt irea you want La encUitt &r._ let itcbea weekends. Run_at|a vicinity Ttl-TWO ui provide figuieg tor retuly-buLlt 32 Broiul Bt. Bed 8snH ;rred. C*U1 842-2131. ,. •creea paneU. . ' ' .-• MOVINO TO i_>ARTMBirr - _ ALS6MAN OR SALESWOMAN - For two«cUonal red sof», green <«* RED BANK LUMBER tlgh Income career with unlimited op* bed. dresslrig l«««». " » artunltleiVCall Walker & Walker ReaJ. Comer Pearl and Wall St.., Red Bank HoUywood tablea lamps chairs, m«s, c«(e« serors, 671-1111. Mr. Miller. 741-5500 S S r c i S S S . eolarger nun/ houseThe Low Overhead Lumber Tfard hold Items. Call S«-l«6 liter COT or Sa-turday m d BundtyilTUATIONS WANTED • Female ' Graduation Bpecla] Antique gold ring. fS-ilO, 268 Rt. 35. EELtntowo, n«xt to Canlae Chateau. IISH SCHOOL JUNIOR — Wlshss labysitlng Job for summer. Red Bank- GLRL'S COLOMBIA BIKE - J15 >lttle Silver ares. Phone after 5, 7(7Call 15. 711-3210. 1ATURE WOMAN — Excellent refer- KITCHEN CHAIRS RECOVERED—And OF ASBURY PARK nces, full lime, experienced with sick dinette sets at towesl prices. Monmoutl] nd handicapped. Governess or conl- 31cette Co.. 116 Uonmmth St.. Red THE LARGEST OROAN AND PIANO inlon. etc. 222-3885. DISPLAY IN THE 8HOKE ABBA. Bank. 711-6833. ABYSITTING — In my home by the .NEW AND USED y or week Call weekdays, between Wood and 4. 741-86*6. Use our rental-purchass plan Slat Window Shades for pianos and orgtns. 'UTOR — College senior will tutor White, natural or gold spatter. Regular ^enlngs In Math or English. Call custom price 36"—Natural I10.S2—OUT 1-5546. silo price $3.98. White custom price From $12 per Month I10.T4—our sale price U.K. Gold spat/OMAN WANTS IRONINO to no at ter custom prico (13.43—our prlci $3.98. dally til 9 p.m. s a t til 8 p-m. ome. Call 747-9963 alter There li no charge lor special fit. Quite open kept r.d bsauljr. fully P"™."* » » J 5:30 p.m. a sale! Corner ol Main 8L 4 Mat-son Avs, HAMMOND ORGAN PROWN'S SITUATIONS WANTED • Male PR 5-9300 32 Broad St. Bed Bank: 741-7500 115 up. FILES. ta-Dies chair, IARTENDER — Cocktail loungs ei- DESKS machines, typewriters, office e. Still en employed, "ience. ' " available June adding equipment, etc., at bargain prices, new Full• time. • 71 787-3467. or used. AAC DUSK OUTLET. Rte. iONTCLAlft PAINTING AND Decorat- 35, Oathuraty E3H990. ig. Interior and exterior. Specializing n paper hanging. 187-2321. Formerly rom Montclalr. Portable day. ween. BASSHORE TV 36 Church St.. Keanaburg. 787-4400. i_:i»_<WiilTERS, ADDING machine* FINANCIAL Ml makes new or used. Quajranteed. ad (25. S&rplco's. 101 - MonmouU) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Low BL Neit to theater. 7i7-MB.. RENT A TV FOR LEASE STATION FOR LEASE ,nk. 30MPLBTE BEAUTY SALON for sale. hree-operator shop on busy downtown treet. Equipment In excellent condlon. Air conditioned. Low rent. SacrlIce at J15O0. Call collect (609)-393-2369. -0OKING FOR — A profitable bar or lackage store? Call us, we have severa sale. 3R0WN & OVERTON AGENCY Borrow any amount for whatever purpose you desire IF YOU O W N PROPERTY YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD UP TO 15 YEARS TO REPAY you wliti., pur representative will call st your home,-- CALL COLLECT. MR. SILVER ME 4-* PILGRIM MORTGAGE SERVICE RED BANK LUMBER TRY 3 A N D SEE the advantages of aluminum storm and Comer Pearl and Wsll screen combination windows. 3 for $34.99 INSTALLED. Quite a b&rgalol (More Classified Keel Bank Red B i n t Ads On The, Next Page) PROWN'S HI- HELP WANTED-MALE WANTED-MALE MORTGAGES HOME OWNERS ONLY INSTALLATION? TWO SEWER PUMPS — with tank. UNPAINTED FURNITURE One brand new, the other one-year-old. Both with tank. J250, or test offer. 25% OFF CASH CARRY DISCOUNT 812-3567 from 12 to i p.m. The Low Overhead Lumber Yard E.A.I. FIRST AND dECONU MORTGAG! AVAILABLE - Edwin 8. Stark, Real I i t a t e it Mortfage Coniultant. 26.-0333 CASH RED BANK LUMBER Corner Pearl and Wall, Red Baalt Ml-5500 , . . The Low Overhead Lumber Yard FISH TANKS (9). 514 gallons each. Like new pun Ljke pump; used one month. Oall after S. 7S7-7 CUSTOM WHITE FENDER — J e n Basa with case, excellent condition. SIM. Call 842-215S. FIVE-PIECE REYNOLDS aluminum dinette set, $25. Two single beds, »10 each. One boudoir chair, # . Call T417808 after 5:30. We can Install a traverse or curtain t o ! in any kind of wall, steel, concrete. Our Installers have the "know how" and the Hello, Virginia Boyd latest Installation tools. Complete Kinch Our lamp shads buyer for a great drapery rod department. man; years with the finest taste In lamps and lamp shades. We have man; PROWN'S specials right now. Why pay decorator 32 Broad St. Red Bank T«-7500 prlccsr CUSTOM WHITE FENDER — Strata PROWN'S caster, good condition. Must sell, flSO. 32 Broai Bt. Red Bank 1U-7B00 Call 71W815. TREMENDOUS BAVINOS — On all MAN'S AND WOMAN'S BIKE — Engtype doors and windows. Oall NO-OOBO. lish, two months old- Used less thsn 10 times. (2i a piece. Moving. 7tl-«aM. After o p.m 281-1676 LESTER SPINET PIANO — Full board. LARGE OE ELECTRIC FAN — LtrW Good condition. 3300. Call 6712158 alter self-de!rostlng Frlgldalre. call 7(7.9024 6 p.m. Realtors White St. Red Bank 7U-2525 rULF MODERN TVWKBAY SERVICE ITATION — For lease. Paid training 32 Broid St ;nd iom« financial help. 9 to 5 weekIsya, HE 6-6366. HELP tights, weekends. 281-1)439. For all your needs MAHOGANY BOARDS In'(4" thickness and W thickness, In stock in our basement (or lmmedlits pick up. BASKETBALL A handiome painted backboard with & Modern, two-bay service station. *_Ex- sturdy rim and net, only 115,95. Regu :ellent opportunity in rapidly growing iation. irea of Hazlet. •• Paid training proram, ••• Retirement plan ***• Paid RED BANK LUMBER itilltlei. • • • ' Call 8:30 - five MArket 3The Low Overhead Lumber Yard 121, or after five call, 721-0315. Corner Pearl and Wall Red Bank 1HOCERY DELICATESSEN — Fu'ly CAR TOP'CURRIER — Zlppered, exquipped, Four,,room apartment in rear. cellent condition, 120. 21" console Mag;a3ollne pumps In front, On corner navox TV 3 years old, excellent condiiroperty in growing area of Howell tion, J60 642-2353. 'ownahlp Honey maker. Owner, 038SIX-PIECE — Caitro living room set. 807. Best offer, Very reasonable. Call 2CM323 lOTElu17 unlU on new super hlghay, operating under absentee manageCU. FT. REFRIGERATOR, lent. Immediate sale, (18,000 down, U'raezer, like new, $125. Call wner 5*2-1700. 291.0589 listing business available. Minimum .vestment for stock and equipment, 'nil consignment o£ gaBouti_F,inire8 and atterlei. Call weekdays, OR 5-0MB. Ivenlngs CH 8-O962. TWFNTY-FIVE YEARS—In Meat and Grocery business. Beady to retire. $30,00 worth of stock and fixtures. Best [for. Write "B.K.," Box 511, Rea Bank. J A U N D K O M A T — service, drop-off, •Ickup and delivery. Five days, good olume. Write "C. G." Box 511, Red F I V E - P I E C E mahogany bedroom set; maple bunk-beds; baby accejiorlss; odds and end». 671-0428. MAHOGANY- BED FRAME - L«rg« [our-Doste-r. Need room, must sell. Reasonable. Call 2&MOT1. TORO WHIRLWIND lawn inower, 21 i used half season, etlll under guarantee, >76. New \U1. 7)1-0821 after 7 l JOIN US IN THE START OF A BETTER CAREER! EAI PRODUCTS ARE IN GREAT DEMAND YOU C A N HELP US CONTINUE TO G R O W AND PRODUCE THE NEWEST, MOST ADVANCEDDIGITAL, ANALOG A N D HYBRID COMPUTERS. . . . You Will Develop Your Skills working with top caliber people Interested In helping you make ttn molt of your |ob. . . . You Con Earn The Kind ol Salary You Wont Liberal fringe benefits, paid holidays ond vacations. , . . . ,..,,,. . . . You Will Work In Cleon, Spoclous, modern surroundings with top equipment. PRODUCTION OPERATORS PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD EXPERIENCE FINISHERS - INSPECTORS Perform diversified inspection of various lypu of finishes, Including plating, pointing an/f lettering. SHEET METAL WORKERS INSURANCE NATIONWIDE....I67.T0 STATE FARM,...W9.80 ALLAIRE—FARROW..,$55._O montlii rates for 190-300-10 compreicmlve and 50 deductible colllilon unli ured motorist and towing. ALLAIRE—FARROW AGENCY Call Mr. MacConnell 741-3*50 .69 Broad St. Red Bant. Mus read and work from prints, know bend allowances. 1ST or 2ND SHIFT If you are employed elsewhere we will conilder you under flexible shift arrangementi. KEY PUNCH OPERATOR MINIMUM ONE YEAR MILLING MACHINE OPERATOR MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE LATHE OPERATORS INSTRUCTION TUTOR — Experienced college teacher Is now preparing* lummer schedule and isat openings for a few more Indlvldiai student!. Mornings only. Will hanjlc grade levels Junior High School lirouKh college. Call 711-2902. Fitf-orlng. your home, mine. Teacher, A.A. All elementary subjects. Proft :lent new math. Mrs. Kraut. 741-6.3* 3ARN fl70 A WEEK AND UP — I ou are 18 or ovor.you may qualify or Immediate field training a» heavy nulpment operator or mechanrlc in ilphway and construction, one of Amerca's fastest growing Industrie!, No previous experlenct or special education ieed«d. You'll lea-rn on bulldozerB. iranes, motor graders, lelfpropelled icrapere and other man-sired equipnent now used by Industry. Complete flO-hour coursft. National, original ichool of heavy equipment 1B not a correspondence schDoL It'fl government ap. proved and budget terms arc available. Free Job placement service upon graduation, Get full details now on high pay and Job security. Send name, addreis, ;e, phone number, hours home, to _.J,," Box 511, Red Bank. ' EXPERIENCE' MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS MUST HAVE DIGITAL EXPERIENCE FIELD ENGINEER TRAINEE RELOCATE TO CHOICE AREAS. Should be experienced In 440 volt, 3 phase, industrial electrical tysffms. TECHNICAL WRITER STRONG COMPUTOR BACKGROUND WORK DIRECTLY FROM SCHEMATICS Knowledge ot publication techniques. OUR PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT WILL BE GLAD TO MEET WITH YOU. SEE MR. P. ARGRYIS or CALL 229-11(0 It you ore unable to come In during the day, evening mi Inttrvlcwi can be arranoed. Saturday ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES, INC. 185 MONMOUTH PARK HWY. WEST LONG BRANCH, N. J. An Equal Opportunity Employer Call Or Submit Resume To: Personnel Dept., 8*2-7040 ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 20 M t Pleasant Ave. Newark, N. J. For local appointment, Call 74MS58, after 7 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BUPBRVWOR(90. l.B.M. Tab experience; payablei and disbursements: local corporation. Mall resume to "A.N.", Bos 511, Red Bank. N.J. ORIDD-E MAN — PERKINS PANCAKE House. Hwy. 35. Mlddletown. Experience required, 671-1145. EXPERIENCED PLUMBERS — Am helper*. Steady work, new construction. Call 671-5946. TWO MACHINE OPERATOR ME CHANICS — Immediate opening. Apply Wfdneadny. Thursday and Frldny between 9-12. THOMPSON INDUSTRIES INC., Park Rd., Mid Monmouth Indm trial Park, Ea-tontown. CUTTERS steady, permanent poiitions with rellabk firm. Excellent earning*. Experienced on children's or ladles' coati. Long Branch Manufacturing Co,, ChlMrem Coatn. 29 Third Ave., Long Branch, 223-SS.5. GARDENER — HANDYMAN - Fo all-around work. nmill farm estate, part-time, near Marlboro Hospital, Plione 9ifMI05. SURVEYORS WANTED — Experienw as chief of survey party Indispensable. Call 741-0111. MAINTENANCE MAiN — Experienced with general factory machinery. Apply Martin Riibber Co., Low Branch Ave. Long Branch. HELP WANTED-Male - Female REAL ESTATE FUTURE — S&lei person to Join eitibllihed uency. Experience not neces&ry. PAUL P. BOVA INC.. 871-2541 DESK CLERK — Experienced pre ferred, but not necessary. Apply In person, SHORE HILL MOTEL. Ocean Ave., Sea Bright. HAIRDRESSERImmediate opening, (with Manager • WAITERS WANTED Optralor license), some following;. Salary open, Come in or phone 26.-1(64. EXPERIENCED ONLY aood pay, steady work In one of the Keyport. Clwied Mondays. finest restaurant! In County. A.X. TEACHERS — Bummer position with Box 511. Red Bank. guaranteed lncoma of (1,000 for full PRODUCTION WORKERS — Sever*! ttm«; I50O for part time. Muit havs Uuttit or substituted at laail one year openi ^-""••'s-.}" CERAMIC* wo?_ ifiSllfnl wHHff In Monmouth County. For Interview r CORP., Hwy. ApMtfritmtnt i«nd d-tills to "A.DBoa HI. RM Baok. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES T 6 SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS I Adding Machines— Typewriters Entertainment Painting and Decorating ADDING MACHINES — Typewriters Ticket! available (or. latest Broad, L. H. HILL. — Painter Interior and sold.- rented, repaired. Serplco's, 101 way Bhowi and lla]6r Bports BvenU. exterior. Mo Jots too large or too 176 Monmouth St., Red Bank. MotimDuth at., Red Bank. 747-0185. small. Very reasonable, call 228-1383. PAPER HANGING AND PAtNTIHO Complete renovating, Interiors and exteriors. Home and commercial and religion! institutions. TralneJ specialists. Member of A.I.D. Serving all of New Jersey. DAniU 284-8H3 Home Improvements CARL, B. JONKB — Painting and Auto. Body Repair HOME OWNERS—Contractor, altera- wallpap&rlnR. Fully Insured. For free tions, additions, painting, masonry. estimate, call 7«7-30U. EXPERT PAINTINO and body re- Small Jobi too. Bfrl-9714, pair. Moderate prices. MccAHUiy Chevrolet, Atlantic Highlands. 2S1-TO05. Plumbing & Heating Asphalt Paving General Contractors L. SMITH BUILDEHS — Patloi. alGENERAL ASPHALT PAVING INC. teratlons, additions, garages. Call 201Bl&cktop driveways and parking lots. 1785 or 7U-7330. Call (or tree estimate 252-8:63. Insurance Auto. Transmission ABILITY-SERVICE - Dependability PLUMBING — Heatlnf and bathroom when you Insure your HOMS, AUTO, remodeling. or other lines or Insurance through CORRIGAN'S AHMSTKONa AGENCY. 7»-<W0. U7 Oikland 8 t Red Bank 717-27M Moving and Storage Roofing, Siding and Insulation IJOHT HAULUJO Furnlihlngs. refrigerators. Fragile Items. Will Haul OLBBN CO. INC. Soollng, Bldtm _ anywhere. Call 8I2-H03 lneulatlon inrtalled and guaranteed for 10 years. 77S-O70S, 281-lisJl) Nursing Home SIDING - Alsco, Dupont Tedlar and H01.MDBL NURSINO HOME - Ac- Alcoa. Work guaranteed. FREE TOWINO credited for ' skilled nursing horns PROWN'S 193 E. Newman Springs Rd.. care. Hwy. 3), Holmdel. PO-1230. 33 Broad 8tRed Bank 741-7600 Red Banlt 812-3500 Nursery Stock Rugs Cleaned-Sbampooed AMERICAN HOLLY — Named. I1.2B a pot HOLMDBL NURSERIES, FLOORS CLEANED WAXED — In AVIS Rent a new car or truck. Low Newman Spring! Rd., Holmdel. your home or olllce Call 20t-2(jr fir ratea. Maple Ave., Red Bank. T47appolntmenL Work Inmred. 0308. rn-tiu. Dally T a.m.-10 p.m. Odd Jobi Auto and Truck Rental Building Contractor BUILDER — New homes, room additions, basement and attlo rooms, kltehentA'garage, repairs and altera* tlom Herbert EHenrauch. 7«l-53" MASONRY — Patios, steps, sidewalks, HOU8B PAINTJNa, carpentry Re». •onaftle Rates. 717-1582 or 9(5-0370. _BT US BE your secretiry. Ho need Painting and Decorating SLATE - BHX-R Painting and Dacoratlnc Pullj Insured. 7414336. TsT^BIS. INTERIOR AND RXTERIOR paintLet us buy tilt diamond! you don't ing. Also decorating. Our prices art m u or let ui nstyls tmm (or you cheaper than ttaslra. CsJI Black PaintPttiofuny. Reusilllii. M Broad «L Ing Co. lor t r « sstlmate. 141-4(00. Diamonds Bought or Resiyled TeL Answering Service Wet Watch Repair Immediate, einerl attention ij watchei dunked In tub, pool or oc«tn Dry watchu repaired, too. rUOUl'. BILUW. M Broi4 BU, B s j BaSt. FWISAM TOR MIX NOT THE HEAVIEST a * XBT tlawlwm fuEun is «Wts i n Joto UOi. «o)r *te tuft toils mm ooljr a« STn«M* Mini i «U W APAKTMEim COUNTRY CLUB tt HOUSES FOKSALE HOUSES rat ZATOHTOWI4 — ThTM &**il«, <aanata4 to y t i h »160 Oti O«W9 td Fort JMCOKKEHDED 1 P U T - HOUSES FOB U 1 E KEAL U T A H WANTB MIDDLETOWN LOOK WHAT WE FOUND; SXCUAHQS RZtl. BRATS1 Mil Xvt lUn THE DAILY REGISTER , J™* W » 1965-25 NOTICE—— Wtwl ¥M W t * for four) , bftlrwm rtacb, tun poreft, wo bcthi, t f r l u rtXtm, OrtyUct, 4in uA Bctt$ BtelOO lot an4 <*J| OLD RHfLXWIBL'RT — Or.« JAMMJ off room, kUcEto, u.r(« j j u n w o o m . PROWN'S home, Tkn* bedrbonv, t% btthf, largt fUWMot, two-ot-r f»r«4f«, wortutop, 2 BKrl4 SI. Red B k ••rimming to your own private wwim p i t y room, formai dicing roetii, study. outdoor p&Uo with b&itoteut, cugUi-m»y. It TBMM notlci tfart Cfe»i ear garage. Wallt to school. De- twllU ttf.WO. Ex4*ti«Dt 1300 down RED BANK LUMBER TiUDK IK »ouf old taMtm WIUJ"K> club right on t n i i i u , . , only m l a u t n ~ " Ms nd Atfelln* Ru««»*- ? / . neighborhood 1310 per month. rYB K U O XOUH BUUK VBTB NO ion, hU tPPli Comer Pearl mi Wall Bta., R*<1 Bulk down payment s o l « « • new pulor away from ocean bathing, white" sanay 74.-8269. Ou> U lalMptopU u v i elttnu m PANORAMIC VIEW! M mllN In two or (lining room l e t al alt Prices. WL- beaches, boating, fishing and Monmouth louncU of -tht L v : . 741-5500 your lining. Tbir CMd ranchM, dtrtction*, 4t)moat new. Tbrtc bed- Four bad room ipiit. 1U baths, patto, Cor Uaun httt Furnituw * Inc.,1 Hwy 35, Shopping Center . . . on* block from Tlip Low Overhead ljumber Yard •put l«v«U, two itoiiel; tUo tnveitnant >r * Plenary R e gamiroom, 90x120, stormi, and screeni, tb« Weft Oat* of Fort Monmouth . . . r o o m , d t n , tV, b d h s . &lr-condtUoned. Mlddiuown. 741-S213. open ivsnlnn till RENTALS opvrty. Call us for a quick ffclt. Two ~ flana mtny extras Included. within walking distance of express A d m m and lmm&culatt. fM.BOO. /•M Front Str#et. lUd.BiLnk, V.J. HAMMOND OROAN — Modtl M-S. » urn. itflou itrvlng you. u s e s to Newark and New York City. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Hilltop '• eotioni, if any, thould J>« , m » r i l Iic«.l«nt condition. WalDul. (700. llrrn . A L L - E lee trie kitchens with O S hideaway. Furnished cottage, equal to ONLY $600 DOWN WALKk.'h « WALKER OAKS COLONIAL—241 llvx A SUMMER PORCH Ca.ll T4T-M31. •ang*. OB refrigerator. GE AIR CON* an efficiency apartment | 8 5 monthly. room, dining room, nic« kitchen, three Rtfcltori of state owner aayi "sell below 1 lirk of uit Borougn you have a root and 0. ctment slab, DITIONINO. Ample ott-street lighted Year's lease required. UlddUtown Office bedrooms, 1H baths. pan»l»d game- .ppnisei value." Hurry u then will hrewibuiy Office PINO PONG TABU! — Compute. v« can enclose it with twnlnf windows parkins areas, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — HIU i«c11-0212 „ «71-3311 ^ m « * ~ » i A. RUSIM Foldi lor itoroge. Perfect. 120. Cal ir jalousies at low prlcm. by experts, tlon. Executive's home, perfect for room, Boreened porch. Fin* location. o fast. A D U U N B RUBIN ,'E NE1CI) — Five or <ll, 2-3 bedroom 7«7«S72 t'i tlma now to get going. :ra clous entertaining. Six bedrooms. J30.300. S^-ROOM APARTMENTS omes, (urnlihed or unfurnished, from jne 9, 16 Four baths, Swimming pool. A real BEACH AGENCY (ONE-BEDROOM) BWIMMINO POOL — U l « 8 " , llmost PROWN'S 85 to S17S per month for Incoming arty house. BROKER .1122 MONTH new, many e i t r a i , 1190; pool table, JOSEPH G. McCUE, Realtor trionnel. T H E BERO AOBNCT, P.L Red Bank 741-7600 400 Rt, 35 Middletuwn, N. J. •tandard lire, Ulu Dow, u k l n g flOO. 32 Broad S t Mlidletown. 671-1000. F."A. GEHLHAUS 4%-ROOM APARTMENT 671-2727 TAPPAN QAS IUNOE. Weetlnghouae 787-7337. RUMSON - 842-0444 Real Eit«U9 (TWO BEDROOMS) )ally to 8 p.m. Sat. A Sun. tn 8 p.m, WE BUY HOMES •efrlgerator. Relaxaclzor. step-stoo], The""Fori" Monmouth Exchange iaHwy. 30 Leonardo J1W MONTH ihh PAYMENTS APPROXIMATE AND Irect from you with any problem •illcltlnK :hrome kitchen set. 6j>eed-o-pr!nt Dupproposaln for the operation HERE IS WHAT WE DO (Next to Blue A White Bus Terminal) you have, iUBJECT TO V.A.-F.H.A. APPROVAL. Icator, two sets clam longs, water skis. F R E E HEAT & HOT WATER [ washing and drvln* machinei on 2i-Hour Telephone Service We buy right and we sell right. You Phone 747-5357. DON'T WAiT - CALL US NOW indom locations s t Fort Monmouth, get Quality Merchandise—Free Delivery MANLEY ASKOC. INC. Renting Office on Premises. DISCRIMINATING BUYERS . J. and mpported actlvlUei. Details 291-0488 —Charge Account! and terrillo variety 1BTATB BALJ2 — Tlfrany lamps, Clilp671-2544 871-5353 lie obtained from Mr. F U h , conemlale chairs, cut glass, cualom deIn the linei we carry. Don't waste time TEL; S42-9054 Sefl this classic center hall colonial In /ANTED — Medium sited house or lay salons BupervUor. telephona area igned furniture'. Red Bank Antique HORSE AND COUNTRY AJR LOVEItS Call u i for your neidi. ane of the mont aouihl after locations. 3t. Colts Neck or surrounding areas, Evenings — 22&-oo(3 de 201. 532-3505.. The deadline (or relenter. Booth 7, 217 W. Front Bt. DIRECTIONS; From Red Bank, Route — Two-bedroom cottage. Private t s :oxy living room with fireplace, tour IS to TlntoQ Ave., turn right on Tin lalo, LlncroR BtalU ivlllablo. AdulU lust be realistically orlctd and morf giving broposals 13 0:00 O-Clocle A.M., [ours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. PROWN'S ovtiy bedrooms, 2«{, bafha, wnlk-ln REALTOR-INSUROR Ave., approximately 1.000 ft. tt ^nly. Hi-8001. July 12, 1085, T h e Exchange loeett, den, gamerrtom, full baRement, <««eabH. W. SJovall, P.O. Box 011, Red ID3T, 32 Broad St. Red Bank ' 741-7500 TRADE YOUR HOUSE IN lountry Club Apartments and Bwtm caervea tho right to reject a n y or all [)atlo «nd two-car garage. Perfect for 3ank. m to «175 p - r Month trcipoaali. _. __ PIANOS — Blve |100 o r m o m oil list This Is the month for really big savings Hub. ihe family who wants plenty of space, TIER BiCRO AOENCY tune 14, 18, Ifl tH.73 prlco on brand new clanos. Corns see, on ALUMINUM AWNINGS AND DOOR FUIttnBHED APAOTMBNT — All utili- U. 35 Mlddletown WILDERNESS - NOT QUITE Thli houie la In A-l condition and -LEGAL NOTICEsave. Lifetime warranty. Tenzer'i 100D3. Call Mr. Dlllow to stop at your ties. Residential area, call after 6 p.m., convenient to schools. Priced at $33,But, yes, rabbits, squirrels, birds and «7MO00 NOTICE Muiic Btore, SOS Main Bt., Lakewood. ome Tor a free awning estimate. ices. Don't worry, transportation ex- 150. 47-8320. STATE O F N E W J E R S E Y WIDE BELiCCTION OP RENTALS - :ellent. Schooli and shopping close at NOTICE I1EPABTMENT O F S T A T E and unfurnished. Immedl' .and. One acre, trees, shrubbery, Now OLD FURNITURE — Antiques, china, PROWN'S PAHTMENT ON BAY — With l u - PurnlBhed TAKE NOTICE that Viola Stolilt ai CKBTIFICATE O F F I L I N a O F ts occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHKIi [lassware, art objects and bric-a-brac, 33 Broad Bt. Red Bank 7414600 nge 'ony M. Stoble trading a s Stoble Coupla only. No animals. Al: AaBNCY. Oceanport Ave.. Oceanport ers. Four bedrooms, lovely cape. Fami CONSENT B V H T O C H H 0 L D E B 3 mmedlate cash lor anything and everyly room, two bathi, work-in kitchen, 3ar and Orlll h a s appllerl to the Mnvi.. itMtles Cal) S6M408. TO DISSOLUTION thing. Ruselrs. 25 East Front B t . 7*1icreencd-ln p6rch, garage and base ind Council of the IlorouKh of Red •a i l l to w h o m Uiese p r e s e n t ! m a y Established 1932 1693 MODERN — Four-room unfurnish, lent. And above all, a place lor chit' Bank for a Plenary Ketall Consumi>- ome, MERCHANDISE WANTED Oreetlng: apartment. Tile kitchen and bath, heat ItAClNO BBA80N', summer, yearly and ren. Priced at 520,^00. lon License for premlsei sltjated a t winter rentals. ELLA WILTSHIRE WHEHEAS, It a p p e a r s t o m y satlsfacRealtors - Insurort SHEET ROCK 80 MonmouLh St.. Red finnlt. N. J . Ion, Open J 9 a.m. to 8:'M) p.m. :A8H for old toy trains, trolley c a n md hot watei supplied. Call 222-3008. AOENCY, Realtors. Open seven days. by duly a u t h e n t i c a t e d record of Objection,. If any, sliollil be made lie proceedings for Oie voluntary dls* d cast Iron toys made before 1940. SED BANK — Four rooms. Two bed HBO Ocean Ave., Sea Bright. 8*2-0001 4xT>H. 11.40. per sheet. Caah and ttft after 5 p.m. mmeulfttely In wrlllne to Jnhn Bryan. olution thereof deposited in m y ofrooms, Bpucloua walk-in closets N'ce KUM30N — Three-room, hath, unfur- WISH UPON A STARV . . . not when Carry. 4 U 4x9, 4x10, 4x12 In stock. Multiple Listings buying a home. Sound judgment nnrl llerk of the Borough of Red Bank. ocatlon, $110 plus utilities. 671-3709. fronted in m y office, t h a t T H E BISACT NOW! Top dollar paid lor electric nished bungalow. Available at once to J18,»00 will buy thlB FOUR-BKDHOOM, 'Sinned) ERS REALTY CO. I N C . « corporation RED BANK LUMBER and all pre*lP40 trains and toy catalogs. :ouplo only, $75 morttnly on leaje. TWO-BATH RANCHER. This Invest<{ tlila Stale, whoss principal offlca Is VIOLA STOBLE 741-6262 RENTALS Corner P l t r l and Wall s t s . . Red Bank 774-3J1O. OHN MINl/aH, owner, 842-0500. ment also hfui living room, ritnlng room, ituuted a t No. 29 R e c k l e s s P l a c e , In TONY M. STOBLE 711-5300 he City ot Red Bank, County of MonWJH BUY — Household turnlture, rugs, 3EA BRIGHT—Charming apartment on SIX ROOM MODERN RANCH — Onekitchen, center hall, attached one-car ,Th» low ovsrnead lumber yard. outh, s t a t e of New J e r s e y <Thomas glassware, jewelry. Prompt action. Call he strip. Living room with fireplace mile from Red Bank Near all trans- garage, and YES. a basement. Only 3O0D-U>0KINQ RAl^CH, Brick and NOTICE 900 down and approximately $169 a Warshaw being t h e , w e n t therein SIMPLEX 400 — Lawn mower ih&rpen- '75-1726. ind balcony. Sunny eat-In kitchen. portation, 1160 monthly. 747-W11. . Take notice that John J.. P e t e r E . . montft will move you In. (Subject to IrftJne, living room, dining room, kltchid in charge thereof, upon w h o m • r , LOGAN lathe, power hack-eaw, ro,argo bedroom with tile h a m . Thli LADIES — Golf oluba, or let, small ;a a Bummer rental or longer. MIDDLETOWN — Meal for young uaiiflcatlon.) Let us ihow you how»n with dlahwnsher, c)(>n, three bed' .nd H a r r y Genovese t > Holmdel LI- ircceas m a y b e served*, h a j comtary Hade grinder. Call 284-3305. trunk, good condition, reasonable. Call ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Yearly ren- executive, three large bedrooms one Bay it can be to make a wise lelec- •ooms, t w o baihs, flft-jiton* lerr&ce, uor Store h a i applied to th« Mayor lied with the r e q u i r e m e n t s of Title Ind Council of the Township of Holm- I. Corporations, General, of t h a R e WALLPAPER your room ror 119.70, 942-2104. )ne a c r e , shade treoa. $27,900. ;al. One-bedroom apartment. All king air-condltloned. Dining room, larally lei for a Plenary Retail Distribution labor and material* complete. Price aed Statutes, preliminary to t h e lssulandscaped. eize rooms. $85. Free heat. Handy to room, Exceptionally covere h ilnrla roll! wallpaper and MALL lUVERFTtONT C O L O N U L J c e n s e D-l for premises situated a t is of this Certificate t h a t such conSchools, shopping close. Appliances, ^STERLING THOMPSON shopping. Boro bus stops at door. paper b a n g e r i labor. Larger rtwme me acre, privacy a n d lovely grounds, :M» Highway 35, Holmdel Townehlp, mt has hern filed 291-1750, after five. SWAP OR EXCHANGE LEONARDO — Newly decorated two AND ASSOCIATES, REALTORS - allgntly hlgtiter. KLARIN'B, 29 lionNOW T H E R E F O R E . I, the S e c r e t a r y •lew, t h r e e bedrooms, Ufc baths, tlrehed room apartment. $00 plus utflltlei. MIDDLETOWN, N. J2O1-747-5600 mouth S t , Red Bank, 747-3833. OOUNTHY HOMES >iace, porch, hot water heat, J39.500. Objections, If a n y . should he made I Slate of tho State of New Jersey, 1950 STATION WAGON — Naal) Ramo- .dulta preferred. Seashore Homes mmedlately In wrltln« to Daniel S. io Hereby Certify that t h e said corr Classic. Trade for boat, motor, LITTLE SILVER BUY Five rooms, one bath. YOU ARE RIGHT fltlMSOK OLDER COLONIAL. Com- Ely, Cleric of the Township of Holm- firntlon did, on the 4th d a y of June, •aller. Call 220-OM1. F. A. GEHLHAUS Seven rooma, two baths. mx file in m y office a rluly executed Ranch on 150x150 lot. Beautifully tortiible. charmliiR, newly dpcornted. lei, N. J . We do have the lowest price on paint. J10O per inunUi and up. nd attested consent In writing to the landscaped. Living room with fireplace, :arpetwl and curtnined. Bpolicss. About Ucai Estate Call today for Cook A Dunn's Rainbow lasolutlon of snid corporation, e*ecuBy the year only. dining room, kitchen. Tlirre lied room? •ie were. Convpnlptit. Four t»e<lroomn, Hwy. 36 Leonardo i JOHN J., P E T E R E . . PETS AND LIVESTOCK Latex P.V.A. Paint, J2.&8 gal. white. jd by more than two-thirds In Interest 146-8560 or 462-25R0 two hatha, lovely rten. Utility room ani. vo drpfislng roomn, m a i d ' s room, S'i [Next to Blue * White Bus Terminal) •nil HARRY OENOVESE Choice of 1,000 colors, (3.88 gal, We'll if t h e stockholders thereof, which said 24-Hour Telephone Service MM Highway 35. BUNGALOW — Furnished three roomi 2'i car garage. Contains electric ranee, nths. AH ichooli a r e a , must tie seen deliver. Call us. crtlflcate a n d Uie record of the proHolmdel Township, N . J . bath. AduJts, no pets. $85 monthly. 276 dishwasher, combination storm win sW&,50O. WATCH DOG ceedings aforesaid a r e now on file In Jowa, wall-to-wall carpeting and patio 291-0488 une 9, U 59,20 my said office a s provided by law. Mechanic St., Red Bank. 7tl-127<. PROWN'S erman Shepherd, beautiful, white. 11 Asking $ 3 * , m IN TESTIMONY W H E R E O F . I NOTICE ionth, male, all shots, housebroken. R E D BANK — Nswly decorated unfurS3 Broad Bt. Red Bank 741-7500 JOSEPH G. McCUE, Realtor FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT — Unfur'elghs 105 1M. Excellent animal tor Located at o5A Prospect Ave. nished four-bedroom home. Fireplace in AYERS-TRUFOLO AGENCY HOVJHQ SOUTH — Excellent condl home protection. Very gentle with* older nlehed. HIIEBRIFF'H SAM! h a v e h e r e t o s e t m y hand and RUMSON 842-0444 Bank. Heat and hot water supplied. living room. New kitchen and bath. .6 Church St. Little Silver SUPEKIflll COURT OK MilV J E I I S E V ' tlon. Three-piece sscttona], two endchildren. Completely obedience trained. Red affixed m y official seal, a t TrenLease at H W montri. WEART-NEMETH Adulta preferred, no peta. Permanent . UMea, cottee-tihlf, drum-table, plat- Prefer home with fencd-in yard. Will resident* only. Available July 1. Rent AGENCY, 741-2240. CHANCERY DIVISION lEAL ton. this 4Ui d a y of June A. D. IT TAKES A h E A P O F LIVIN' and 741-2838 MONMOUTII COUNTV form rocker. Be«t olfer, 7TM122: iell to right party for (150. Call 531- IDS per month. Call owner, 741-0903. one thousand nine hundred a n d tills home offers Just that. Four<bed nwkei .No. r-13«M4 sixty-five. L435 anytime. rooms, 2 ^ batha, 16x18 living room FREEHOLD-LAKE WOOD AREA WB8TINOHOUBE AIB CONDITIONER FURNISHED 3H-ROOM APARTMENT R O B E R T M. FALCEY WANTED TO RENT FOUR-BEDROOM RANCH on lurj 12x11 dining raom, 20x11 family room COMMUNITY BANK ot LINDEN — Two years old, 10,000 BTU, 220 voiU, EEMAN SHEPHERDS — BlacH and — Acting S e c r e t a r y of SUte. Excellent, all utilities Included landscaped l o t Aluminum storms ar... l l x l l iun room, two-car garage, and HC Plalnlirt va: DAVID MAItGOLIE '*12S. Call 741-0374. tan males; all black [emale3, 12 weeha AdulU only. Call 204-6334 until U p.m une B. 16, 23 Wi.19 WANTED — Offlc« »pact for m y desk screen?. • Walkmr distance to highway YOU will make thin BI-LBVEL houaa & it Rl, t>e(en<Unts ld, IteMonable. 787-20S9, 7-10 p.m. and New York busaes. Only $425 down HOME. Only J26hOOO . . . .occupancy : TOT "I» TSSEN B E D — In excellent By virtue ot s. writ ot sxecutlon Ir and file cabinet. Write "B.S.," Box 511, R E D BANK ' eondltlon. Alio c i r r i 20" bike. In good aKC F U P S — Cockers. Bassets, 3ato qualified buyer. Selling at FHA ap- ine month, Red Bank. the above stateti ncllon lo me direct . eoodlUon. P l i u i ca.ll 711-21M pralnal of $13,375, SHERIFF'S SALE Trtoydu, Beagles, Dalmatians, Irish Set. BJ, I itiall expose for sale at pub!l{ RIVERSIDE GARDENS BELL LABS EMPLOYEE — Needs CPERIOH COURT O F NEW JERSEY ters. Also many good crosses on sale, STERLING THOMPSON »endut, at the Court House In th( three or four bedroom home, preferWeisgold & Krupnick, Inc. CHANCERY DIVISION 50 W. Front St. NOT $25 3 up. Call 41 Horough of Freehold. County of Mon AND ASSOCIATES, REALTORS ably furnished, In area adjacent t< MONMOUTH COUNTV but much, much less when you buyWIRE HAIR FOX T E t t m E R - E l g h t overlooking river. I tour room and I ITolmdel Call 946-8589. UIDDLETOWN. N. J . 201-747-56OC nouth. New Jersey, on Monday the Brokers Docket No. F ;mo-fl4 list day o( June. 1IW5. at 2 o'clock. your aluminum awnings made by eeka old. AKC registered, champlon- five room apartment available now. HAMMONTON SAVINGS AND LOANT 22.5 Hwy. 9 Lakewood 363-3089 FOUR BEDROOM — Split level, IH ?. M. rri-valllrig Time. • K l n c h . L e u than half the price of ilp Woailllne. Pure white back. Best Cross ventilation. Near shopping and OARAGE — RUMSON B D . , WARDELL ASSOCIATION, N e w Jeraey corpoAll lhat tract, or parcel of land, sit ration, Plaintiff & va; transportation. See 8upt. on premises AiVHJ., VICINITY. bathi, living room, dining room, modeuitom ' made. K l n c h means Quality. >[(er. ME 4-0395. CHARLES O. GIVE 'EM THE AX ir call Mr. Carlln MA 2-7890. ern kitchen, laundry room, den, two^unte, lying* and being In the Township 3EAN, et ux, et al Defendants I n itoclc to (It ANlf width window. (19 *]•> 842-1010. That's right, give those nut moded liv- car overjiied garage. J200 per month. of Mlddletown, County of MonmouUi, and up. ROOMS — Parking and laundr. By virtue of a writ of execution In ing quarters the ax. Invest in this five:ute and fat, registered, shots, 201 3% and Btate of New Jersey; facilities. $108 per month plus electric, he above stated action to m e directyear-old ranch, three bedrooms. 1^4 :OT-2846 BEING known and designated ai PROWN'S THE CURTIN AGENCY FURNISHED ROOMS .vallable August 1. 842-3567 from 12 u baths, recreation room, living room, l/it No. 62 63 and 64 In Block N. a ed, I shall expose for vale at pubKeallor n Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 p.m. ic vendue, at the Court House in combination "Kltchen-dinlng room, full GOING AWAY? ihown and set forth on a certain mav .EONARDO 291-1100 THREE SINGLE ROOHb In priBorough of Freehold, County of W l BUY AND SELL anything and attached two-car garage, Boarding, bathing, grooming. entitled. "Map ot GlendaJo Park. r> the FOUlt ROOM FURNISHED APART- vate home Near Ihopplng and trans- basement, Monmouth New Jersey on Tuesday averythlns. Give t h e highest prices. BRIOOSON KENNELS, 741-3310. MENT — Available June 15 for sea H. Cooby, Inc.." dated April. 1023, the 6th day of July 1W5 at S o'clock portation. J8 W&verly PI., Red Bank. lovely landscaping with privacy. $28,•Call William Left Furniture, I n c . Hwy. 500. A. FRED MAFFEO AGENCY. COLTS NECK 222-5322. and filed In the office of the Clerk o: P. M. Prevailing Time. MINIATURE POODLES — AKC. jet .ARQE, CLEAN NICELY FURNISHED Realtor, 669 River Rd., Fair Haven, IS, Mlddletown. 741-3213. o p e n tvinlngi Monmouth County on August 3, 1903 NEW HOMES — $25 BOO U P black beauties six weeks r>M. Ex ' NICEJLY furnished three-room, apart- ROOM MAN ONLY. CALL AH the following tract or parcel of •til » p.m. "41-9333. as Map IS-23. J. D. noCHK, liealtor lent breeding. Reasonable. 264-0113. ment, available Immediately BUBII 747-2609 Being commonly known and deslg land and the premlsea hereinafter parONLY $700 DOWN — For this possible Long Bridge Rd. Colts Neck 946-49J! couple only. 201-2160. BELIEVE IT OR NOT LOdSl, B R E D — Healthy angel fish. aled ao No. 51 Walnut Street. Mid ticularly described, situate, lying and Multiple Listing ServlCB FURNISHED EOOM — Gentleman. Call three bedroom home wllh dining room, ' ft In the Township of Marlboro In each. Five for | 1 . 905 Stont Rd.. SEA BRIGHT—On beach, furnished. after fl p.m. and all day Sunday. 741-spacious living room, full basement, lletown. New Jersey. We buy right, even better, In many 25c ot Mon mouth and Stat* of Union Beach, before 0 p.m. The approximate amount of the Judg- NewCounty Four rooma in duplex. July and Augua 1923. two-car garage. Full price $17,000. Sub- BROWN t OVERTOK. REALTORS Jersey: • A I M , than discount houses and chain ment to ba satisfied by said saie u 15 through Labor Day. Available Call "24 Hour Service" ject to VA or FHA approval. Call now •tores. You benefit by our lower prices. BEGINNING at a point on the east PRIVATE HOME — Gentlemen prethe sum o f 117,500.00 together with th S to 0 p.m. 842-3136. 9 White St., Red Bank. 741-2525 for appointment. CLIPPING AND BATHING C*J1 today and get Free Delivery. ilde of Roosevelt Avenue distant 200 ferred. Call after 6:30 p.m. :onts of thli sale. [eet southerly from a monument iltL0W*L0W price*. Charge accounts. And \U breeds. Margie Schmidt, by ap747-09B5. Daltd May 7, 1865 RUMSON -r- Remodeled carriage nous THE CURTIN AGENCY uated at Uie Intersection ot the east pointment. 787-5688. Monmouth Beach y o u don't knock younelf out. JOSEPH A, 8HAJTO, Sheriff. on tree shaded acre. Estate' area. SI LONG BRANCH — Larte fresh room ilde of Rooaevt.lt Avenue with tho Realtor S3 Broad fit Red Bank 741.7600 MJSTIIALIAN TERRIERS — Chamhuge bedrooms, 2 ^ modern baths, Kaplovrttz & Wise, Attys. for alert retired couple. Cooking prtv LEONARDO south aide of Nelson Street extended: LUXURIOUS APARTMENT 2S1-1800 May S6. June 2, 9, 16 M6-8 pion sired. Show stock at pet prices. maid's quarters. This Is a most unusual thence (1) Along the east side of ' leges. Block from beach. 229-465S. PLAY SAND FOUR.ROOM — Cooperative bungalow, home, perfect (or entertaining. Living Ideal ror children. Rugged and lovable. Roosevelt Avenue souui II degree* 01 LIVING WITH NOTICE OHJNTELMAN WILL — Rent room I fenced yard. Low down payment. J60.K room 29x30, spacious family den, fire, minutes e u t 100 feet; thence (2) At Washed and purified to protect the Call 222-B461. 4«7 apartment. Private entrance, prlvati ilace. Two-car garage, new bafleboar monthly Includes g a s , electric, hoi right angles to Rnoaevelt Avenue north ' heiJlh of your children. 80 lb. ban only WANTED — Cocker etud service. AKC S H E R I F F ' S SALE PRIVATE MARINA! bath, kitchen privileges. Aabury Par hot water heating. Priced tw pell H a t e r . 542-1935 after 5 p . m . 15 degrees 50 minutes east 200 feet; jjl. Btos In ana pIcK up • couple ol 3erman Bhepherd for stud, $13 or IUFERIOR COURT O F NEW J E B S E area. C m 774.2134. $11,500. Don't delay, call today. Elr thence (3) North 14 decrees 01 minpuppy. 7B7-7OV7. N E E D MORE ROOM? Here It Is an CHANCERY DIVISION utes West pajraJlel to Roosevelt AvePRIVATE BEACH! AGENCY, ROOM P>OR LADY — Kitchenette and a beautiful wooded a r e a besides. Fou: WOOD A. ARMSTRONG MONMOUTII COUNTY nue 100 feet to a point; thence (<) Realtor, 555 Prospect Ave., Little SI FOR F R E E — Eight week-aid kittens. *" RED BANK LUMBER refrigerator. Call l a r g e bed.-ooms, 214 baths. Huge famll Docket N o . F-14OO-4M South IS dejzreeB 59 mtmitei west parClean, healthy weaned housebroken. CABANA CLUB! 671-3895 room. Two-car g a r a g s a n d a flni ver. 741-4500. Comer Pearl and Will Bis.. Hed Bank, >t3 of fun. Call 741-4368. COMMUNITY BANK of LINDEH1 allel to the second course 200 l e w to baflement. All the house you want piut the place of beginning. 741-5500 SPACIOUS, MODERN, RANCH — Oi ROOMB — Clean and cometc.. Plaintiff v s : DAVID M A R O O U PRIVATE TERRACE! a lovely neighborhood. $23,950, RUB niTTANY SPANIELS — AKC regll The Low Overhead Lumber Yard two acres. Brand new. Price J2T.9O0 et a l . Defendants fortable. Reasonable -rates. Gentletne Together with the following removS E L L M. BORU3 Realtors, 600 Rlvei Call alter 4 p.m. 363-6401, ;ercd. Sliow and hunting quality. $C5 preretmi. 92 Wallace St. 741-5392. By virtue of a writ of execution 1 able items: OWE RCA TWO-WAY ^base radio, ind $75. Call 44M572. Rd., F a i r Haven. 747-«32. Membei the above stated action to m e cllrecte three mobile units, all narrow banded. Counter Cooking Unit and Oven. ROOM FOR LADY — Kitchenette a n Multiple Listing Service. 4 AND 5 ROOMS IDEAL LOCATION 1 shall expose for sale a t public ve A-l condition. 1700, or best offer. Call The property li located on Rooserefrigerator. Call MIDDLETOWN — Four-bedroom, two- Two mites from Red Bank ataUon due, a t the Court House In the- Bo velt Avenue, MorganvULe, Eaat Bide ( 1 * 2 BEDROOMS) FROM 364-2809. 671-3595. convenient to good schools; atlracMvi ough ol Freehold, County ad Mot REAL ESTATE FOR RENT b a t h split level on large lol a e r of Roosevelt Avenue, 200 feet South Large lamlly home wlu mouth, New Jersey, on Monday tli ANTIQUE PINE DE3K — Stone bench, LITTLE SILVER — Room for rent, from park. Kllchen, dining room, livini neighborhood. bedirooms, 2V4 baths: carpeted 11' Slot d. y of J u n e . M«5. a t 3 o'clocl of Nelaon Street, Townahlp ot MarlAPARTMENTS mtU] lawn chair ami bench, golf has Kitchen privileges. Ne&x bua. Ca-U 747- r o o m a n d d e n pUia full b a s e m e n t am four boro, N e w Jersey. P. M. Prevailing Time. and 10 dubs, baseball shoes, lu'/S city sewerage. Asking; $19,500. 747.&HC Ing room and dining room; 25' famll 1346. ' ; The approximate amount of the Judgroom. Priced In mld-20"B. owner warn heal Riding boots, Bit. Short-wave radio, I'.ED BANK - urancn and Madison Includes. Individually-controlled All t h a t tract, or parcel of land, s ment to be satisfied by s&Id fal* is other smaller article* Call Gaor*< Ave,, spact&uB on* and two-bedroom and air conditioning. Featuring Fash- OETNTL.BMJIN' — Studio room, /ur- TWO BEDROOMS — Living room, to move when school is out, Cali 74" unte: lylnE a n d belns In the To» the sum of 118,000.00 together with the f " ' ••'• Bmlth 13 E. River St., Red Bank. 747- zarden apartment. Apply apt. 24, Molly ion batha (145 baths jvjlh built-in ntBhed, linens supplied. P r i v a t e eq- with wall-to-wall carpet. Eat-In kitchen, 5S1S. ship of Mlddletown, County of Moi CMta of this sale. tile bath, aluminum itorms and tranfce, battf arid driVp, CaU 542-0477 vanity In 2 bedroorh apt*.)' . \ t e e n 'Itcher Village Court or ca.ll Mr. S i m mouth, and State of New J e r s e y : trna. • Dated May 18, 1953 soreenB, good sized lot. Near trans- MIDDLETOWN — six-room ranch, ont age recreation room . . . adult party ,omnzzo. 741*9115. B E I N O known a n d designated a s Lc portation and shopping. 7S7-»38Q2, JOSEPH A. SHAFTO, Sbarlff. acre lot. Perfect for children. Owner No. 50. 60 a n d 61 In Block N a s show 5 A.M. or 6 A.M. TWO EFFICIENCY BOOMS — ReasonLONG BRANCH — Summer rental. and set forth on a certain m a p en Ourclo & Donio. Attys able rates. Call 291-0590. 14 East High- THREE-ROOM — Co-op bungalow with Call 671-589S, Too early to wake up. Bring your win Furnished lour rooms and bath, heat 153.36 titled, " M a p of Cltndalf P a r k . D. F June 9, 18, 23, 30 land Ave., Atlantic Highlands. fenced in y a r d and in a good l o c i ' SET YOUR OWN CLIMATE In th tfow shade rollers In. Let us put whltt and water, supplied. Ocean front, prlCosby. I n c . . " dated April, 1823, am tion. Call 542-1788. NOTICE •hades on them, that will keep out all 'ate beach. Newly decoarted. 229-1553. custom crafted centrally alr-condltlonec filed In the Office of the Olerk of MonSHREWSBURY — Large room an. NOTICE the early morning light SI.59 and up, bath with kitchen privilege!. Call 747- EATOMTOWN — Two-bedroom ranch. brtclc and shake ranch set back amlc mouUl County o n August 3, 1903, a s HOLMDEL-KBYPORT AREA 4-74 Lot 75x125. City sewers. Reasonable. wide green lawns and treea, 21' llvlnfi Map 10-23, SHERIFF'S SALE PROWN'S room, fireplace, formal dining room Call 5*2-2987. Being commonly known and desl SUPERIOR COIHT OF NEW JERSEY eat-in automatic kitchen, three largE 13 Broad St, Red Bank 741-7600 CHANCERY DIVISION LINCROFT — 3% years old, on woode< bedrooms, main bath 12' with twii nated a s No 49 Walnut Btreet, M i l off Ocean Ave., Monmouth Beach REAL ESTATE FOR SALE acre, AIR CONDITIONER — Top-rated FVel MONMOUTH COUNTY beautifully shrubbed. Kitchen wltl alnks. Also large master hath, fulls dletown. N e w Jersey. DIRECTIONS: East on Rumson Rd. derlch. 9,000 RTU. 110 volts, moved t< The a p p r o x i m a t e amount of th» Iud Docket No. P tUO-6* stainless steel appliances, dining room, tiled, 20' walnut paneled family room (county Route 520) to Ocean Ave., B«a HOUSES FOR SALE ment to b » satisfied by «aW s«l« apartment. Call SS3-14I5; JACOB MOSKOW. Plaintiff v s : ISIliving room, library, recreation room full b&sement, flagBtone patio attached Bright: right (south) to Park Rd., the s u m of H7.OOO.0O together with Uli DORE YAVERS et a l l . . Defendints with fireplace. Thermopane sliding, garage. $30,600. 671-0527. Monmouth Beach: right to Hamlltonl&n J8" MAHOGANY THREE—TIER PIC costs of this Bale. LOUISIANA PURCHA8E — *40,900. glass doors to patio, two-car atached By virtue of a writ of execution In ~ Monmouth apartment. TORE WINDOW TABLB — «2S. • 48" This lovely Kew Orleaiw-«ty!e Colonif garage. Four bedroom", 2H bntha, cor. J O S E P H A. SHAFTO, Sheriff. 'he above stated action to m« directed, mahogany coffee table, plastic top, with all of t h s chsrm of the GULvenlent to shopping, gchools. Interente B E D BANK — Living room, fireplace, Dated M a y 7, 19«5 t uhal expose for sale at public venPhono: 222-8120 sun porch, dining roor.i, complete!! 120. Like new, 871-2774. light E r a " w u designed with built' call 741-8*72. Kanlowltz A Wise. Atys. due, at the Court House In the Bormodern kitchen. Wall-to-wall carpeting. 131.7! ough of Freehold. County of Monmouth. LINCROFT — Thre» rooms and bath, In "Pride ot Ownership," Th« mair OCEANPORT — Income, riverfront Large bedrooms and batri. Finished May 26, June 2. 0, 16 KAREY KAREY KAREY CLUB FOR TENANTS New Jersey, on Monday the 2Ut day of all utilities except cooking ga«. ? « Door boasts a 26x15 parlor, 15H three houses, three acres. A rasul buy. baaernent. Newly decorated interior. •Rut's all you hear now when people banquet room, 16x15 paneled master's June, 1B95, at 2 o'clock, P. M. PrevailMust see to appreciate. Call 741-77M, talk about quality etorm windows and FRED HEAT. COOKING QA8, HOT den with fireplace, 15x15 cuisine (mod' Moving to Florida. $30,500. Call 741-2233. after 6 p.m. for appointment. Ing Tlmt, WATER AND AIR CONDITIONING doors. Also quit* pome itlr about the vUXURY EFFICIENCY — Furnished. em) with room for informal dining, NotlcB Is hereby glvin that S«L}W! ALL that certain tract or pare*! of ARB YOU A BIO FAMILY? » w low prices on this Cadlllao quallt> LV4 nxmia anil bath. Include* air con-laundry, center hall, AND & room o Five-bedroom bide will be received In the Receptlor land and premises, hereinafter parti* Colonial, city sewers, on THREE OR FOUR—BEDROOM SPLIT T V . and phone outlets, 12 cu. ft relltionlng. TelevUion, all utlUt!e«. J135 necessity. The upper floor 1B comtor product l a v e about W on each window. Room or the OHlca of the Director cularly described, situate, lying and berigerator. parking and walk-In storage >er month. One-year l e w e . Call 8<2- ably divided Into four large rooms-, tw quiet street. Walking distance to New- with game room and two additional Division of Purchase and Property, 2n ing In the Township of Rarlttn, Counark and N. Y. buses. Asking only S19, half-baths, plus laundry exit. With PROWN'S 'acllltlei. Spacious room*, large closets. .190 afler 6 p,m. floor, Room 232-2. fltatt Houae, Tren batha, and disappearing stairway to 500. Call now. walking distance of Mlddletown Vll ton 25, New 'Jersey, on June 22, 196. ty of Monmouth and State ot New Red Bank . 7(1-7500 Walk to shopping plaza, buses, schools. H Broad St. NEW 3!-^ ROOM Oarage apartment the attic. Thli home h a i a full base- E. R. SNYDER & CO., REALTOR! lage School. Just reduced to S21.40C at 2:00 P. M. and will be opened am ment, a two-car garage, and Is situated "ffioiNNINO at a point In th* southHlgl.lB.nd Excellent landicAplng-Mlabllslied law: read immediately' thereafter, for th ON1-WHEEL UTILITY TRAILER - DIRECTIONS: Garden State Exit 117 Hill section avenlooKIng ocean. Wall on a one-acre "parish" with appro* 135 F! rat Ave.. Atlantic eaatery line of the New Jersey State Phone 291-0900. Member Multiple Lii and shruba In perfect condition. Ideal [or camping. to 36, east on 35 to Airport Shopping to-wall carpet. A-dulta only. UWumlahed roately $700 per year taxes. Highway Route No. 35 <&0 feet wide) «110 plus utilities. 291-2687. ing. . E.R. SNYDER s Co., Realtors - (HTOall 671-0019.. t0 Plaza, turn left, then two blocks to ANNl?AL CONTRACT FOR VAK10U wheni Uie tame Is Intersected by the 5 Corners 671-25M FAIR HAVEN — Direct sale. Six-bed ITIddletown STERLING THOMPSON WIPING BAGS HOUIE SHUTT-ESa — Painted red. model apartment. From 35, (J. M. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT — FOU dividing line between lands of the parMemhers of Multiple Listing Service! Fields) to Razlet Ave., turn left on rooms, heat Included. Three blocks room Colonial, excellent condition. Sc\ CANDY ty w i h e l l r s i part on the southwest AND ASSOCIATES, REALTORS MIt!din Rd., etralcht ahead. :6MB40. from ocean. Long Branch. 5*2-2987. MIDDLETOWN, H. 1. 747-1831. and lands, now or formerly belonging COOMES 201-747-560 en minutes from beach. In Elver Oak BED BANK — Plnckney Rd., five, be to Fred D. Schwlng on the northeast BUMMER RENTAL — Lovely 4% AVAILABLE JULY I — Unfurnished, NEW RED BANK COLONIAL — Hlvel Near all conveniences. 741-4489. rooms, 2>Js baths, living room, dlnin, COUNTEItR as recited In Deed Book 2075 p a i e 466 FISH FOOD rooms. Furnished apartment, first floor twoiroom and bath apartment. One privileges, five bedrooms, 2M baths, LITTLE SILVER-RED BRICK ENG room, kitchen, Bun room, basement FROZEN HERRING !or Monmouth County, said point also % block to bca^h. 15 Franltlln Ter. block from downtown Red Bank. SM living room fireplace, dining room, LJSH TUDOR — Almost one acre, tre( large lot, three-car garage. 924,90G MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION being distant 770.19 feet northeasterly Long Branch 229-1081. per month. Call 741-3400, ask ror MUa kitchen, den, basement, double garage. shaded groundfl. Seven spacious rooms SCHANCK AOENCY. Realtor, 8 L!nd< T (STICKERS along said southeasterly line ol the Scliacfer. large 18x28' living room with atom PI., Red Bank 747-0397. J33.500. B U T T O N PARK APARTMENTS OLEOMARGARINE Vew Jersey Stats Highway Route No. fireplace, 18x18' dining room, 18x1 Branch Avenue. One bedroom apart* NEW FOUR ROOM DUPLEX - R » KING SI2E RANCH — With sevei PRINTING 36 from the Intersection with trie easttiled kitchen, four huge bedrooms, 2! spacious mtnt, Rent Includes all utilities except frlgerator, waaher, 'dryer, J100 plus utilrooms, three bedrooms, twi RADAR erly line ot . Pool* Avenue (33 feet tile baths, full basement, hot water oL baths, charming electricity. Call superintendent, 747-2685. ities. Available July 1. 787-4350. living room with brlcl RGPUSR COLLECTION ( wide) and running thence (1) South heat. Screened poroh with privacy. fireplace, separate he&Uor dining room, com SOUP BASE, BEEF 50"' 03' 30" East 500.00 feet along the KUM6ON — Three rooms, bath, on TWO ROOMS — And kitchen, one oi S Linden PI. Red Ban! Gorgeous brick-fenced patio with bar fortable den, flagstone patio; on bcautl STAGE CURTAINS afore men tioned dividing line to a point; butllne, near achools, churchps, ihop two adulU. After 5 p.m. Vicky's Rt. beque, attached two-car garage. Rlvei ful acre in nelghbornood. Just $27,900. 7470397 Specifications and the form or , . thence (21 Boutth 58* 45' 40" West 324.ping. $00. Mr. Jullano, 229-2403. rights and mly R38.50O. Call today. 30, West Keansburg. And ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG AOENCY, contract and bond tor Uie propo** 43 feet: thence (3> South 74* 5tV 30" RED BANK-RUMSUM ana miles ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, SHREWSBURY TWP. work are on fli« In the Office 6E th Wcat 345.84 feet; thence (4> North IS* Complete llatlngi, horn 6 B, Realtor, 555 Prospect Ave,, Little Sts Realtor. 555 Prospect Ave., Little S KEANSBURG — Lovely unmrnishe around. Director and may be lecured by pro* 00' 30" West 500.00 feet to the southWVII ttiow you the ver, 741-4500. . ' three rooms. FlTBt floor apartment wltl tarmi, businesses. Member multiple •or, 741-4500. . pectlve bidders during office liOttr1 arge wood-paneled living room. $S listing service. Large private parktni easterly line of the New Jersey State —Ranch. Three bedrooms, FOUR—BEDROOM DUTCH COLONIA1 Bids muBt be (11 made on R standa per monUi plus utilities. The Bmolko lot. Highway Route No. 35: thence (5) Furniture to beautify Living room with fireplace, dlnin proposa.1 form, (2) enclosed In t|i*!,.sp Acency, 2WJ Main Bt., Kttmaburg. 787' baiicb'oa.rd heat. FHA appraised, J17.000 — North 74" 59' 30" East 370.19 feet along room center ball, (18,990. After 8 p,i cial addressed nnvelope, (3) fluCcom 0123. RAY STILLMAN, Realtor anklng $18,500. 7A7-2060. the aamq to tho point or place of Beyour home . . . 741-7532. panied by a certified check dravm ti Contains 5.B72 acres. THREE-BEDROOM RANCH •- Pc_. NEW SHREWSBURY — Lovely four the order of the Treasure of tha Stat ginning. "Our 47th year" The propftrty is located on New Jer• Private swim pool on property. 648 Hwy. 35 Ehrpwsbury 741-860 end Btreet. Fenced-ln varrt, nicely land- bedroom rmch,. excellent condition ot New Jersey, or a bid bond, an Whether you want new y State Highway Route No. 36, 400 COMMERCIAL RENTALS • Shopping on and next to property. of which shall not be less than 103 scaped. Near Red Bank. Principa well kept grounds. Good schools, tv of n t of Poolee Avenue,, TownTHREE BEDROOM RANCH — CloBe t< only. J17.20O Call 741-7975. of the amount of the bid, and (i) de feet northeast Bus and Train to Newark and N.Y.C. or uied—we've got itl • Pin* tiled baths. Full basement. DraperL llvercd at the above plac* on or b&'on ship hi of f R Raritan, i N New JJersey. IF YOU ARB INTERESTED—In shopping, schools and traraportotion, schools. throughout. Newly painted exterloi the hour named as no bid will 1 The lie approximate amount of tha Judgbrand new modem office space, we Immediate occupancy. $115 per month, COLTS NECK — Four-bedroom hou-i Ono full, two half bathJ, Four yean New awnings and gutters. Air-cond ment to be satisfied by said -suiKls located ir ^1c cenier of Red Bank, conaccepted after the hour specified.FBI old, In excellent condition. Lar^e eat-li tioned master bedroom. Owner trans not io submitted will be consifler th sum, off {2400000 t h ithth.0 th tact us for further Information. THH the {24,000.00 ttogether with THE CURTIN AGENCY kitchen and formal dining room. Snn ferred, priced low 20's. Call 542-2911 Informal and will be rejected. T DOW3TKA AGENCY. 741-8700. coats of thjr sale, Realtor clous living room with fireplace, 26' Director reserves the right to reje> Dated May 12 1965 LEONARTX) , 29M40I PO YOU HAVE A CHAMPAONE! LEASE OR HALE — 70x100. Reason recreation room, storm windows nn< any and all bids and to award c" JOSEPH A. SHAFTO, Sheriff. able. Suitable and zoned (or a n y bus MIDDLETOWN — ORkhlll section, two four appliances Included. Large patio TAffTE — But a beer Income? Tills Is tract fn part or whole If deemed Bronstein, Kohlrelter & Bornateln, nesa. Three big overhead doors, ampl acre lot. Charming Cape Cod. Ideal fo: One acre landscaped lot. Nice neigh the home for you. Spacious Red Ban! the best Interest of the State to Attys. Colonial on wooded plot, convenient parking area Call 87M7J3, small horse farm, $10,000. Call us fo borhoofi. Owner must sell by July io The successful bidder will be r May 26, June 2. 9, 16 $59.10 shopping and transportation. FHv« tv quired to furnish surety bond In tin det&lUl THE BERO AGENCY, Real Just reduced to J25.7O0. GEORGE Including: individually-controlled heal NOTICE OFFICE SPACE tora, 671-1000. Hwy 35, Mlddletowi ILLMENSEE, Realtor, Rt. 34, Coll elzed hedrnoms. 2M; bait™, large kite! full amount of the contract of a com and air conditioning, hot water. Neck. 462-3172. en. separate -dining room, ^replace I pany authorized to do business In th< 500 SQUARE FEET. Will finish tt NEW MONMOUTH — Foil r-bert roo living room, 13' den, usable basemen Stitte of Now Jersey. OF NEW JERSEY suit tenant. Prlmo Kwy. 38, location, npl H, 2 Mi-car Borage, large play room, WEST KEAN8BURG — Custom . bufII Uiree-oar garage, low taxes. Going CHANCERY DIVISION RARITAN TOWNSHIP. excellent condition. Near shopping and three-bedroom ranch, Hotwater heat, lol $24.1)00. Don't hesitate to call for DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASUR MONMOUTII COUNTY •choolB. Way below FHA appraisal 100x125. Near school and bua line. 78T- polntment. ELWOOD A. AKMSTRONC Division of Purchase and Propert Ditrket No. F 11M-61 THE KIRWAN COMPANY Owner transferred. Asking $18,900, 7526 or 78T-55M. 7-11 E. Front St. AOENCY, Realtor, 555 Prospect Avt, CHARLES F. SULLIVAN, Direct-CARTERET SAVINGS AND LOAN make offer. Call 671-3272. June B. 15 ?= ASSOCIATION, a corporation of tha LITTLE SILVER — Spilt level, foyer Little Silver, 741-4600. 787-5500 Keyport, N. J . O F F SHREWSBURY AVE. State of New Jersey, Piaintttt v i ' RED BANK COLONIAL—Plus ndjacenl family room, sliding: glass doors to WELL KEPT — TwD-bedroom, ha! NOTICK SHREWSBURY TWP. LEWIS WILLIAM BAILEY, et aJB., De>ESIHABLE KIVER FRONT luilo lot. Three bedrooms, living room vvltli patio. H i baths, three bedrooms, storm baaement. full bath. Enclosed fron Tel. 264-3020 , 4-IW TirepJacc, tlirvlng room, both with wall- windows. Excellent shrubs and wooded porch, lame shaded lot, schools, buse: fendants • DIRECTIONS: Newman Springs Rd. ti On first floor In tho Tullcr Bulldini SHERIFF'S SALE to-wall carpeting, eat-In modern kitch- lot, Save brokera fee, call now. 747-0159 shopping olose. Priced low, F.H.A. ai By virtue of a wrtt of execution In Shrewsbury Avo.: left to Barker Ave, Cull 747M4O SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSE en, 1>{' baths. Lovely residential area. the above stated action to me direct* right 100 ft. then left on Crawford St pralsal, $10,900. 787-llJft. : QPEN MONDAY AND 25,000 SQ. FT, LIGHT minufaotunns 747-(H8;i. COLONIAL HOME — Eight yeara oil CHANCERY DIVISION d, I shall expose for sale at public to model apartment. lolts fo lenBc Can b& l e u e d separate. thrco or four bedrooms; 1\i, tiled bathi MONMOUTH COUNTV MUST SELL- TRANSFERRED — Be enilne, at the Court House In the Agent: BRITE REALTY, INC. 204-0066- ]y, conulninz about 25W no. It. poi NEW SHUEWBURY COLONIAL — Ex- large living room; separate :, : FRIDAY NISHTS dlninf en yearn, corner home, eleven room • Docket No. F-18J8-«4 torouga of Freehold, County ot Mon* 741-3030—Model Apt.; 512-1)393. lloor. 741-1100. cellent condition. Four bedrooms, three room; modern kitchen Includes dish1 patio, sewers, alr-conriltloneri. nil mouth, New Jersey, on Tuesday th« SOUTH ORANGE FEDERAL RA NEW LUXURY 2ft ROOM APART FAIR HAVEN — Ottlco <p»c« In ne\ batt.s. Large rooma, $27,500. 747-5380 washer. 20' paneled game room; base pllance*. One block all transportation INO3 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 6th day of July, 1965, at 2 o'clock* Other days 'til 6 p.m. MENT — - F u l l y air conditioned, near Colonial building. Air conditioned. Law, EATONTOWN — Carriage home, tw mcint. Attached two-car garage. AH cli phorT'lf'g, cnlertalnment. $21,900. Ca] corporation of the United States P. M. Prevailing Time. utilities. .Muny extras Including air co 8.11 trannoortatlon. 21 Leroy Pince, Re< yers, dcntlBta desirable. Maffeo Agoncy. bedrooms, l',£ batha, atcam heat, larf 204-0449. | All thiit tract or parcel of land, America, Plaintiff vs: CHAHLE3 •OLID MAPLE DINETTE - Table? Bank. Call 741-1003 or 747-B3G3. ditlonlng by Fodders. Collar exit, pat! 741-9333. rien with atone firnplnce, box stal situate, lying and being In East Keana* RUBINO and ANNA I>. RUBINO h porcelain exteoalon top, four chivlrs, concrete driveway, storm windows am CHARMING LITTLE SILVER 1 burs. In tho Township of Mlddletown, IWD hllt-ton window air conditioners. TWO—BEDROOM FURNISHED RENT OFFICE — IDEAL, FOR ONE MAN — Lhat are unfinished, & chullcnee to th< noreon.1. Well established lanrtacaplni Picture th.lB lovely four-bedroom him wife, et al, Defendants ' buyers tnRenulty. Rennnnable. A. KO County of Monmouth and State ol New By virtue of a writ of execution including over lorty shrubs, smn-U fron Tione 741-6807. AL — Lovely walerfront aectlon o Operation, one mile north Red Danlt on a tree shaded lot wllh [lagnton the above stated action to me direct $125 per month on year' on Hwy 35, pnrlUng apace, flign space. ZICKY REAL ESTATE — Rt. 35 yard and large back yard. Wfllkin entrance, large Inviting living roo SURFBOARD - Tltlan-WInd and Sea,Port'au'Pecli. EatoJltown, 642-2223. BEGINNING a t a point In the Eastdistance to grade school. Being trnn; with ed, I shall expose for aale at pub! lease. Call 741-4)87, wall-to-wall carpeting, faml Call 747-43M for appolntlnsnt. »'a", used three months good condition, ferred. Buy direct. $21,000. Call 261-381 'enrluc, at the Court Houuo In thi erly line of Day Avenue, said point room, twj> full baths and g a m e c Wal esc. 741-P291. ATTRACTIVE three-room furnished HANUDACTURINQ PLANT - around IN ONE OF OUR BEST ARBA8 — Ing distance to Little Silver Station ..ormiRh of Freehold, County ol Mor being 200 leet south ot • the Intersecapartment, private house, private en- lloor, containing 6,000 jq ft. for lease, With Gewage Bystema,, four-bcdrooras, RIVER OAKS — Bargain. Four be mouth. NEW Jersey, on Monday th tion of the Easterly line of Day Avetrance, Karngfi. Near Fort Monmoutti 'Ight manufacturing. Immediate poj two-batha. Den, living room, dlninf rooms, two bathn, living: room, dlnln, schools, transportation and shoppin MR. WOLCOTT 2l9t day of June, 1WJ5, at 2 o'clocl nue with the Southerly line of HarNew price S l i m FHA and VA flnam room, and kitchen, plus full basemen! and beach. N o pets. 50 N . Linden Avo, Reaslon 747-11M. mony Avenue; thence U) North 72 deP. M. Prevailing Time. will etop at your home and talk about West Long Branch. FHA appraised asking $19,000. Owner room, screeneil porch. $25,500. 747-223? Ins available. Call 671-3311 Immcdiateli grees 30 minutes East along the SouthAll the following tract or parcel WALKER * WALKER, Realtors, 20! Broker The Dowstra ARency. 741-870(1 genuine DuPont Tedlsr aluminum t\? COMMERCIAL apace available. Als RARE OPPORTUNITY — Abflentei erly line of lot No. 120 as shown on Hwy. 35, Mlilrtlpt'iw i-Holnulpl. ' l u l t n l land and the premises hereinafter pa Ing. End your painting problems. HIGHLANDS — Four-room apartment nfflco siiacp. Ideal [or automatic tram owner nnxioua for I m mediate an a certain map entitled "Homestead tlcuarly described, situate, lying a LINCROFT — Sacrifice. Builders mofl Listings and Trado-lns. Send for cati heat, electric, hot water supplied. Al mission work and similar automotlvi two-bath split le Park, Eaat Kennaburg, Mlddletown el. $3,000 down buys thli custom bull Four-bedroom, bcini? In the Townuhp of MldUletow PROWN'S year round. Overlooking ocean. Adult worlt. 74,1-660(1. and den for filth bedroom), ba.se log. PHONE.. 871-3311. executive home. Choice area. Ono ficr home In the County of Monmouth and SU1 Township, dated October 25. 1&15", 100 ment anri garage. Half acre plot nca n Broad Bt. Red Bank 741-780; only, 11)5 per month. 872-1012. feet to a point common to lots No 18, of New Jersey; TWIN QAilLES - Sfl fti.erilde Ave. MODERN OFFICE FOR RENT — plot. Four bedrooms, 2',i baths, llbran Hchool, J21.500 3<Vye.ir FHA ^mortgngf 19. 116 and 120 as shown on the aforeREFRIGERATOR AND OA8 R A N O E - Red Bank on river Bcng Lot No. 2, In Block " B " 3H and fcjui Lights, .-ilr conditioning, heal all In- wltli rireplnce, and ninny other deluxe Avnllaible to qualified purchaser. Noi .. LOTS & ACREAGE said m a p ; thence (2> South 17 degrees Oall 787-MSJ moms unfurnished, five-room oft'ie cluded. $60 a month. V. Arnone Build- features. Located Orcentree Terrace, reduced to appraised value $23,350. Oi map entitled, "Map of Sunrise Kim aflar 6. 7413300. In*, 30 Linden PI., Red Bank. Call orf Newman Bprings Rd., next to Chrl fera invited. HALL BROS, REALTORS, CHAPEL HILL AREA — One acr Blluale In Mlddlelown Township, Moi 30 minutes East aJong th« Westerly tlan Brots,era Academy. Builder. 3 T < 747-3620. No answer call 741-0321. mnuth County, N. J., Scaln 1"—Sfl line of said Lot No. IT and 18, 50 feet 613 River Rd., Fair Haven, 741-7688, building lot. Wooded location. AsUIn 2418 or 229-1334. to a point common to Lots No. 18, 17, August, 1DC0, maila by Raymond 10.500 Call Nick Mullaney. The Klrwa APARTMENTS 117 and 118; thence (3) South 7 2 deWilson Asjoclatea, Civil Engineers a HOUSES FOR SAUL Co., Realtors. 787-5500. INTERLAKEN — LarRo lakefron' MIDDLETOWN — Newly paLnted, eiR Land Surveyors," which map was file grees SO minutes West along Uio NorthHOUSES FOR RENT house. Modern kitchen. Newly palntet room, four bedroom, split. Central BUY NOW: BUILD LATER — Beau In the Monmouth County Clerk's O easterly line of Lot No. 117 as shown exterior and Interior. Price (21,000. Cal located. Low 20'n. 301-1231. ful Colls Neclc; lot ready to build o on the Aforesaid map 100 feet to a fee on January 11, 1WU In Case ' HOLMDEL— Estats cottage. Six roome LOVELY SETTINO! — Custom bu $4,600, Also hnve some choice home Sheet 35. point tn the Easterly line of Day AveMORE LISTINGS SHOWN \Vi bathi, oil, mmlflni kitchen. Adults. 531-1631. Principals only. RAOB TRACK or BUMMER iltg high on a knoll with woo In Colts Neck, HAROLD LINDEMANN Subject to grants in Deed Book 16! nue; thence (i) North 17 degrees 30 Available now. 1175. OIIMSSl. SIX nOO-M MODERN RANCH — On home RENTALS In the rear Entrance foyer, pleasan Broker, Entontown. 542-1103. miftutca Went along the Easterly line pnRc 237 lo Jersey Central Power an mile from Red Bank. Near all tram Furnished and Unfurnished MORE LISTINGS SOLD living room, dining room, modern kltch of Day Avenue 50 feet to the point portfttlon, $18,900. Call 747-9411. LEONARDO — 100x150'. Choice prt Light Company, nml In De*d Boc and place of BEGINNING. en wllh dishwasher, 26' paneled famt 2436 page 5H.1 to Jersey Central Powi Reasonable Rates REAL ESTATE WANTED periy. One block from beach Leonar SYLVAN PARADISE — "Prettiest ol room wllh fireplace, three bedroom Bolng Intended to ba all of Lot* and Light Company and New Jerai Ave., 212-AL 5-5788. N e w York Clt all ' settings" Is how we rate th with unfinished fourth, two-car garam 4H, 8!4 and efficiency apartments No. U6 and 119, Block A, a s thowa Bell TeTeiitiuntt Company, and tn Dei lovely home. Giant shade trees and Carpeting and many other extras. D on the aforementioned map. Book 3002 pago 303, to New Jersi riot of rhododendrons. Three larp to personnel clrcumatnncea thin charm The nbove description Is In accordBell Telephone Company mid Jerr WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS PROPERTY bedrooma, two deluxe bathn, Two-cn Ing home ia offered for Bale much he ance with a survey made by Henry Central Power A Light Company. BariiEo. fftill bttflPment, All in super' low npnralscd vnlue. $37,000. HEDDK1 HOUSE TO SELL F. Latirecqup, dated March it, IBM. Cooper Ave., corner t>f Orant Bnlng commonly Known find flc! latlve condition. $20,POO Is most realis- AGENCY, REALTORS 301-Mnple Avr. BUSINESS LOCATION —"Adjacent Being known nnrt designated as 20 ' Ave. Overlooking ocean. Long nated aa No. MQ Roxbury llond, Be tic. Call at once. This la truly a case corner Berfjen PI., Red Bank. 741-MOO Hwy. 35. Shrewsbury. Ideal workani D.iy Avenue, East Kearuburf, Hew ford (Mlddletown Township), New Je Branch. for repair services plus comfortab of tho owner's loan 1B your good for PORTAUPECK. Three bedroom ranch, house and rental Income npartmei Included: Heat, hot water, g a s Mine, RU8BEIX M. BOIUJB Rcaliors, Toe approximate amount of th* JudgThru The Red Bank Area Thfl dpproxlmate amount o( the Iud; cooking, irmsler T.V., antenna, Priced to 'sell $14,000. 741-7017. 600 River-ltd., Fair Haven. 747-4532. Dining room. Kitchen with dining are ment to be satisfied by tald •*[« J§ ment to be aatlsfled by said sale Tiled 1>.£ batha. Screened porch. Drj parking laundering facilities. Member Multiple Listing Service. the turn of 120.000.00 together with th the sum of 17,500.00 together with t h i banement. Attached garage. Wei EATONTOWN, N.J. — 10 acre buslnti Multiple Lilting Service Jimulre on. eite. 5 « dally. 11-7 pplebroolc Agency costs of this sale. cofttq of this sale. property, 430' highway frontage on R SHRBWBBUnY CAPK COD — Llvlni plan:ed plot with fruit and ormunent Dated May 21. 1065 Also rear entrance to proper!1 Dated May 13, 1B6S gaturdey anil Sunday. _ S M Pag* 200 In tftt 960 HWY. 35 .MIDDLETOWN room, dining area, Kitchen, four hed trees. Near river. Ta*o> $470. LAW 39. JOSEPH A. BHAFTO, Sheriff. PHONE: mitm o> m-tooo. JOSEPH A. BHAFTO, She r if I rooms, two baUis, lot 87x183 with trow. RBN"CE J, SCHILLING, REALTOR. All utilities available. Will sell all ,oi . Ytllow Pagtt. B. Arthur fltem, .Ally.. , . 47I-230& mamt $17,900. BCHANCK AOBKOY, Realtor, Willow Drive A Paxker Avtaue. liUl part. A. KOZICKY, REAL ESTATE, Frederic C. R l t « r . Ally. |«3U S t . 35, Eatontown, (43-3323. Way 28, June 2, B, 15 133.1 June B, 16. 23, SO a i . 747-ilSl. B U o d e n P L , R*d Bank. 74T-03&8. APARTMENTS 4 CWIU-CUTS TINTON AYE. ittws PAUL P. BOVA AWNINGS NOW LAWLEY AGENCY { $135 MO. GREEN GROVE GARDENS HAMILTONIAN AT MONMOUTH $95 UP PROPOSAL Wo will not be undersold! NAME YOUR PRICE... SCHANCK AGENCY STEPS FROM EVERYTHING... AND BUDGET TERMS, TOO! FIELD FURNITURE 4 & 5 rooms from $114 HAMILTONIAN AT SHREWSBURY COOPER MANOR LIST WITH IBE DAILY REGISTER Promoted 26-Wedandftf; June 16, 1965 ACROSS NOTICE HOWE Ttk* txttlc* t t t t Ptlmer CocktaU Lounct, Inc. h u tpplled to me Townflhlp Commit!** of Tffwnihip of RarfUn, for * PISQUT rettll conaumpllon Uccnw No. C 2, (or premiie* situated *t Southwest Corner of Colemin St. «nd Palmer Avenue, Weit Keanaburg, Township ol RarH&n, County of MonBiouth, New Jersey. Officers, Directors and Stockho'.dei owning on* or mor« percent of atoc In said corporation are: Eileen Kelm, Prea-Trea. and/or Chairman of UIE Board of Directors, 589 Palmer Ave., Weit Keansbjrg, N, J.; Elizabeth MePartland, Vice-Pros., 205 Correja Ave., Iselin, N. J.; Victor Lagomarsfno, Sec. Allenwood Roaci, Allenwood, N. J. Objections, if any. ahoulri I* madi immediately in writing to Donald J. Malloy, Clcru of Township or Raritan. (Signed) PALMER COCKTAIL LOUNGE, INC. Eileen Kelro, Pren.-Treas, 589 Primer Ave. Weit Keansburg, N. J. June 16, 23 IU.2I NOTICE SHERIFFS SALE SUPERIOR COURT OF NKW -1ERSE CHANCEBV DIVISION MONMOUTH COILNTY Jonas Berger Docket No. F !838-«4 IRVING SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation o[ the State NEW YORK Harry W. or New Jersey. Plaintiff vs: THOMAI Graff, Inc., advertising and pubA. SMITH, et als.. Defendants By virtue of a writ of execution ii lie relations firm, announces thi the above stated action to me direct ad, I shall cxposn for Bale at pub]] promotion of Jonas Berger, of 47 vendue. at the Court House In tli Chiton La., Matawan, to vice Borough of Freehold. County of Mon. mouth. New Jersey, on Monday the president and accounts co-ordin21st day of June, 1965, at 2 o'clock ator. P. JI. Prevailing Time. All th« following tract or parcel ol Mr. Berger joined the agency'i land and premises hereinafter particularly described, situate, lying and be-production department In 1952. ing In the Township of Rarttaii. in tin He moved on to become the County of Monmouia and State of. N r Jersey: agency's media director, and then BEING known and designated as Lol g In Block N on a map entitled 'Sub account executive. Among the ac division Plat Woodland Park Sectioi counts he has served for the 6even. Township of Uarltan, Monmoutl County, N. J." fled in the MonmouU agency are Emery Air Freight . County Clerk's Office on July 1, 195!Corporation, Seaboard World Airu Map Case No. 66-15. ALSO being known and designated HI lines, Caledonian Airways, the 82 Appleton Drive. EdRewaler. RariUn Township. Monmoutn County, New Jer Surinam Tourist Bureau, World fey. Tobacco Company, the Mort N. This Is a purchase money mortgage. The approximate amount of the juilR- Norton Corporation and the Amement to b< satisfied hy said sale I rind Shipping Corporation, tea imn of tl'.OOO.W together with th Costa ol this sale. Charge Driver Tried to Escape NOTICE 4-133 objecUv« S. Slant 1L Apportion IZDomesUcated 13. French river 14. Banish 15. Merit 17. Denary 38. Breaks suddenly 20. Knock sharply 23. Man's nickname 2 1 Malarial fever 28. Unending 33, African rtrer 32. Negative reply 33. Excavate 34.Atwin crystal 37. Dance step 40. Large, showy flowers 44. Spirit lamps 16. Bowstring hemp! Asia 47, Gaze fixedly BOWW LBetU«d,«i in account Z.OUierwlM Z. Pub items .21. Ctrl'* •KM 23. Indit* 25. Dto«a« of sheep 24. Etruscan Juno Ht3 laSHaEUli 27. Ovum taaa anaa m 29. Male sheep 30. Wise aUIII king 35. Projecting 39. Easy: si. ends' of 41. Flower churches 42. S.ilamandei 36. Harden: 43. Man's var. , name: 37. Bore poss. 38. WheaUn 45. Part of flour: Ind. "to be" centers 5.1nflnite 6.HUly 7. Not strict 8. Leave out 9. Hawaiian goddess 10. Paradise 16. Drapery across window top 19. Asiatic fowl 20. Soak flax 1 I i" 4 !» II li window 49. Certain recordingB 50. Snug retreats A ''A 6 so % % 22 T~1 - % £4 & ARE WE KEEPIN1 YOU UP, MISTEE CAPP? a 11 V A ''A V 25 ib % JO » ii 31 M ^ S7 9 £ k 58 ^A 59 V //< ib ^/< V> 41 40 44 4a Bay V IS % By WALT KEUY POGO to VP DAILY CROSSWORD <»7 <n ft H 4b By WALT DISNEY MICKEY MOUSE % IS % 50 % AMP THAT'S FOR. PEOPLE IN-BETWEEN. Bridge Column Human natura being what it is, you produce a certain effect on your opponents. You bring out tfie best in some, the worst In others. Just don't go out of your way to make your opponents play well. ' When this hand was played South made a fatal mistake at :he first trick. Hoping to conceal he location of the queen of learts, declarer played the king if hearts from dummy. This compelled East to play, he ace of hearts at the first ;rick. Deciding that he needed at least one diamond trick, East returned the deuce of diamonds at the second trick. Now South was on the skids. East got in with the ace of clubs to cash two diamond tricks, thus iefeating the contract. It was a ifery accurate defense, and South iad only himself to blame for it. The Hand SHERIFF'S SALE •UFKRIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY M M O J E T O W N — Donald KoCHANCERY DIVISION North dealer acs, Cliffside Park, will receive MONMOUTH COUNTY North-South vulnerable Docket No. F l«?A-64 a hearing in Municipal Court JuNORTH X 1. KISUAK MORTGAGE CORP.. t New Jersey corporation, Plaintiff vs: ly 8 on a charge of eluding po4. Q J 6 5 FRANCIS X. O'BRIEN and JOAN M. V K7 S w S a S his wife; ANN OSTROWER ce. and THE PEOPLES NATIONAL O A107 He was arrested by Trooper BANK OF KEYrOJlT, DcfendantA 4> K J 7 4 By virtue of a writ of execution In Charles Herter of the Holmdel WEST EAST the above stated action to me direct' barracks on the Garden State A 72 A 8 «d I shall expose for sale at public ve'ndue, at the Court House In the Parkway Monday night. V 1062 <$ A J 9 8 4 3 Borough of Freehold, County of Mon- The trooper said he chased 0 KI3 O Q52 mouth, New Jersey, on Monday the 12th day of July, 1995, at 3 o'clock, tovacs down the superhighway A 98332 - * A106 P. M. Prevailing Time. : SOUTH ALL the (ollowing tract or parcel of or speeding. Kovacs left the * AK10943 land ind premises hereinafter partiDti- rarkway at the Red Hill Rd. larly described, situate, lying and beC Q3 lnj in the Township of Mi<idl«town, in wit and was later apprehended O 9864 the County of Monmouth and State of >y the trooper on Red Hill Rd. • Q New Jersey: BEGINNING at a point in the WestNorth East Sonfli West The driver was released under erly line ol Geary Drive, Bald point 1 * 1 V 14 Pass being distant South 14 degrees 50 min-$200 bail pending the hearing. utes West 218.52 feet Irom the Inter2 * Pass 4 4 All Fas section or said line with the southerly Opening lead — V 2 line of Klnkade I>rive, BRM point being TRI-HI-Y EVENT the Southeasterly corner of Lot 13 in The Tri-Hi-Y Block " B " as shown on "Map of Kin- MARLBORO fcade Manor, Middlelown TownsWp, ;iub of Camp Arrowhead will Monmouth County, N, J." filed. In the —Q 5 2. Clubs-^A 10 6. What do Monmouth County Clerk's Office as Cane iponsor the "Return of Aqua you say? 62-19 on 7/3/1956 and running thence Better First Play <1> afore < tht westerly line of Geary ,uau" Tuesday, June 29, at 7:30 Answer: Bid one heart. You Drive aoulh 14 degree* 50 minutes west i.m. -at the YMCA pool. All South has a better chance for have only 11 points in high cards 100.00 f*ei to a pofnt, said point being the northeasterly comer of Lot 15 in ligh school students are invited. lis contract if he makes the right but should count 2 points for the Block " B " on the aforesaid nap: thence jlay at the first trick. If he plays singleton. With 13 points you have (2) along the northerly line of Lot 15, The Tri-Hi-Y is a club for girls North 75 degrees 10 minutes West 125.00 if high school age, and meets he low heart from dummy, East an optional opening bid, and can feet to a point, said point being the nortJiwesterly corner of Lot 15; thence wice monthly at Camp Arrow- >robably tries a finesse with the afford to bid since you have a (3) north 14 degreei 50 minutes east cad, Hie YMCA extension center ack in the hope that the opening fine 6-card major suit. 100.00 feet to a point, nald point beead is from Q-x-x. ing the southweeterly comer of Lot m Rt. 520, here. 13 In Block " B " as Bhown on the For Sheinwold's 36-page bookSouth wins the first trick with aforesaid m a p : thence (4> alonjr the -LEGAL N0T1CEsoutherly line of Lot 13, Smith 73 dethe queen of hearts, draws let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge,' grees 10 minutes East 125.00 feet to :rumps and leads the queen of send 50 cents to Bridge Book ,.a point in the westerly line of Geary Drive, said point being the point and Take notice that Mary C. Nepp, T-A :lubs to force out the ace. South Red Bank Register, Box 3318 [urphy's Tavern, b a s applied to the plflc* of BEGINNING. ayor and Council of the Borough of :an then discard two diamonds Grand Central Station, New York BEING further described as Lot H tn Block " B " on Map of Kinkade um£on for a Plenary Retail Consump17, N. Y. Manor, Middletown Township. Mon- Ion license for premises situated at on dummy's good clubs, limiting mouth County, K. J , " Case 62-1B, Bled L7 Ward Lane, Kumson. Objections, If any, should be made the diamond loss to one trick T-3-1958. BEING also known a s No. 227 immediately In writing to Albert A. When you want to win the first DEBATE SLATED Kerr, Jr., Clerk of the Borough of Geary Drive. trick, don't force your opponent The approximate amount of the Judg- kumson. ASBURV PARK - The Mon-j [Signed) ment to be satisfied by said sale 1B to win the trick instead. mouth County Progressive SociMARY C. NEPP. the sum of $20,200.00 together with the J6-90 une t, 19 costs ol this sale. 1 ety debate team will debate at DAILY QUESTION Dated June 3, 1665 NOTICE JOSEPH A. BHAFTO, Sheriff. As dealer, you hoJd: Spades— the YMCA Sunday at 3 p.m. on Addonlzlo, Slwelman, Nlttl A Take notice that Lawrence J. Nolan .Gordon, Altys, a Lakevlew Inn has applied to tht S. Hearts—A J 9 8 4 3. Diamonds the topic of birth control. June 13, 23. 30, July 7 169.92 Mayor end Township Commute* of the Town.*lp of tRarltan for a Plenary Retail Consumption Liquor License C-lo NOTICE for premises located at Highway 36, 4-133 Rarltan Township, N. J. SHERIFF'S SALE Objections, If any, should be made HJFEH1OR COURT OF NEW JERSEY tanmedlttely In writing to Donald J. CHANCERY DIVISION Malloy, Clerk ot Uie Township ol RirlMONMOUTH COUNTY Docket No. F VMM (Signed) KAMBURO SAVINGS BANK, a bankLAWRENCE J . NOLAN tog corporation of tne State of New 42 Mam St. York Plaintiff vs; JOHN P . HEIV Keyport, H. 3, XJHT, et als, Defendants June It, 23 JS.M By virtue of a writ of execution ii toe above stated action to me direct NOTICE OF INTENTION ad, I shall expose for sale at publli Take notice that Keanaburg Steamvendue, a t the Court House In th< boat1 Company t-a "Excursion PavilBorough of Freehold, County of : ion' haa applied to the Municipal mouth, New Jersey, on Monday th< Council of the Borough of Keanaburg, 12th day of July, IMS, at 3 o'clock, N. J. for a Plenary Retail ConsumpT. H. PrevaHInc Time. tion License for the premises situated ALL that certain lot, tract or parc< at foot of Uie Steamboat Pier. In the of land and premises, situate, lylnti paid Borough of Keanaburc, N. J. and belnp In Uie Township of RariUn, H. F. Gehlhaus, 22A Beachway, In the County of Monmouth, in the Keansburg. N. J., President, DirecState of New Jersey, bounded and d< tor A Stockholder. acrlbed as follows: U. a. Holoblnko, 22 Beachwiy, KeansBEING known and designated on burg, N. J. Vice President. Asweeruln map entitled "1IAP OF OREE. an t Treasurer, Director at Btockiiol HILLS, situated In Raoitan Township, der. Monmouth County, N. J., "Scale 1-50' H. W. Roberts. Middletown Rd., m . made by Craig Fdnnegan, c E. & gur MoBmoutu. Kf. J. Secretary, Treasveyor, dated February 20, 1»M and urer, Director * Stockholder filed In th« Clerk's Office or Monmoutfc C. K. Oehlhaua 13 ElliabeUi" Street, County on April 73. 19S7 in Case Hi Keyport, N. J. Assistant Secretary. •0—H) u Lot Number 4. Block A. Objections. If any. should be made ALSO known by I Lillian Drlva, Immediately In writing to William F. Hazlet, New Jersey. Herllhy. Municipal Clerk of the BorThe approximate amount of the jud ough of Keansburg, N. J. menl to be satisfied by said sale KEANSBURG STEAMBOAT COMPANY the sum of 06,600,00 together with ttii To Beachway costs of this sale. Keanaburg, New Jersey Dated June 3. 1065 June B. IS I14.W JOSEPH A. SHAFTO. Sheriff. Finn and Rtmm, Attya. NOTICE June 16, 23, 30, July 7 |IMI TAKE NOTICE that The) Riverside Cocktail Lounge trading as Rlversld NOTICE Cocktail Lounge has applied to the 4-m Mayor and Council of the Borough of SHKItlFK'S SALE Red Bank for a Plenary Retail Con•CPEBJOR COURT OF NKW JEItSE sumption License for premises situated CHANCEKV DIVISION st 24 White St. MONMDUTH COUNTV Objection, If any, should be made Docket No. F-4841-43 Immediately In writing to John Bryan, THE DIME SAVINGS BANK Ol Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. iBIgned) BROOKLYN, a corporation of the Stale OFFICERS tt New York. Plaintiff v«: WILLIAM * My NAME » Ottto\s AVKHEU., I uve AT 4 2 5 MAPLE. niANCIS SMITH and ROSE MAKY Sebastian . Gollno, 26 Martin Place, Midnletown (Red Bank P. 0.) ViceSMITH, hla wife, et als., Defendant THATS PRETTY WR.AH'IHASOA QOTOTHE Pr*-ildent and Treasurer By virtue of a writ o/ execution n (he above stated action In me direct Mnrle Gollno. 2S Martin Place. Mlddietovn (Red Bank P. o.) Vice-Presed, 1 snail expose For Kale at publ ident vendue, at the Court House In It Borough of Freehold. County of Mo Frank Oollno. 6 Walnut Street, Jamei burn, N. J., President mouth, New Jersey, on Monday II Claire Gollno. 6 Walnut Street, James12th day of July, 1!W5, at 2 o'clock burg. N. J., Secretary P. M. Prevailing Time. For Thursday. Juno 17 nOARII OF DIRECTORS ALL that certain !>lnt, piece, or pa eel of Isnrl with the Imildings and Inr Sebsstlan Oollno. 26 Martin PI., Mids a dletown, Red Bank P. O., New J e r provements therein erected, or to hi •rected, situate, lying and being In tlii Townahip of Middletown, In the Cou Marie Gollno, 29 Martin PI., Middlefine time t o be o n your way if yon plan any town, Red Bank P. 0., New Jersey t! of Monmouth, and state of Ne Frank Oollno, 6 Walnut Street, Jamessort of journey, business or pleasure, long or short Jersey: burs, New Jersey BEING all of Lot No. 3 as shou People you meet in. strange places will prove to Claire Gollno, S Walnut Street, James«n map enlltlei "Subdivision of filocl burg, New Jersey D, Orchard lianor. East Road an be fascinating and could have more than a minor glT.tt Park Ave., MJddlelown Township, N.J. June 9, 16 effect on your future, too. Be gracious and friendly. owned by W, D. 8wartzel, dated Fel NOTICE 11, 1950 marie by Henry F. Labrecriu i-St Children are surprisingly well-behaved. C. E., Red Bank, N. J.. Bald lot heln SHERIFF'S SALE more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at a point marked b sirtmim <<ii;nr OK NKH JERSKV a monument at the point of intersec CIIANCKRY DIVISION tlon of the Westerly side of East Roai .Md.VMOIiTH f'llIINTY and the Northerly nlclr of Swarlzi ll.iitrl No. Flim-tH Ariel. Bom Mar. 21 lo Apr. I f Libra. Sepf. 23 lo Oct. 22 Drive; ihence II) Nfjrlh &S riegrci COMMLMTY BANK of LINDEN, If 7011 feel that you're shoulYou nhould feel no obliKalion 46 mlnules 30 seconds West nlong th etc., Pljintlff vii: DAVID XIAr.GOLIS, dcring too mucli of the burdrn, lo humor fotneone wlio IiaMtuNortherly side of swartzel Drive 156.1 el fil, Pcfendants you re probably right. By virtue of a writ of execution li ally imposes on you. feet to a point marked by a monumeu In thi Easterly side of a Right.of-Wa the alKnc staled action lo me directTsurui. April 20 lo May 20 Scorpio. Oct. 23 lo Nov. 21 ©[ Jersey Central Power and Ligh ed, 1 !ili:i)l expose for Bale at publl Tc!crJw«ei and odier internipThis is sn excepliontlly Ijlisy Company; tlience (2) North 0 degreei vendur, nt Ihe Court House in Ihf 1 or Freehold, County of Monplague you, but Uie news OS minutes West along the Eriste>rl] BorouRh period, especially if you keep moutli, New Jersey, (in Monday thi is good. line of said night-of-Way 152.96 fe. 21st your work up-to-date. d«y of June, 1905, at 2 o'clock, to a point; thence (3) South 81 degrees Prevailing Time. Gemini. May 2 Ma Jung 21 Sagittarius. Nov.22 to D K . 2 I 02 minutes East 178,88 feet to a point in P.AllII.that tract, or parcel of land, No one can teach you liow to to Ybu Ybumay mayreap reap revarila revarila now now that that the Westerly elde of East Road : tlioncc situate, »nd being In Uie T< friend. It u k t j on-lhe-joli you ilidn't M a friend onlhejoli l i d ' t arilicirate l i i t f forM Mme e <4) South 8 degrees £8 minutes Weat ship of lylns Middle! County of Mon iriming. t i m B | 0 com,. along the Westerly skte of Ea.it Tload mouth, and State of New jersey: 130.00 feet to the point or place BEING Known and designated an Cancer. June 22 (o July 2! Capricorn. Dee. 22 lo Jan. 20 BEGINNING. more particularly Identified on a 'Ma When people find out tiiat you I'eople and events seem to hol!:TOGETHER with all right, HUs andof Glendale Park, D. H. Coaby, Inc.,' really jiitan business, lhey'11 er you and make you difficult Interest of the mortgagor, In and to the dated April, 1923. which mar. was file help. land lying in the streets and roads In the Wonmouth county Clerk's Ofto get along with, In front of an adjoining nald premises. fice on Augil.it 3. ]!)53 ,-u) Mup JU-23 nt Aquarius. J i n . 21 10 Fab. I? Leo. July 22 lo Aug. 21 Being commonly known and desig- Lots 3, 4 anil 5 In block E. You'll achieve more under twnAn uncomfortable day is denated fls No. 46 East Road, Middle- Bring commonly known iind R efic rays than you even dared noted. This could perlain 10 town, New Jersey, ialeil as No. 14 Walnut Street, Hidto hope for. weather or social events. Th« approximate amount of Use Judg- dletown, New Jersey ment to be satisfied by said sale ii The approximate amount of the judgVirgo. Aug. 22 Is Sapt. 22 Pitcai. Fab. 20 to March 20 the turn of 118,200.00 together with the ment to be satisfied by said aale it Leave no stone unturned in It ia necessary i> protect your •oets of Uils sale. the sun of $17,000.00 together with tht aiiievinr wliat you Kt out to. raouice* jealously u ttgatin Daiedl May 26. 1B65 costs of this Bale. do carl/ i s the morning. nya largest toss. Dated May 7, 1965 ' JOSEPH A. SHAFTO. Sheriff, wuem, Qoidmai A Spltzar, JOSEPH A. BHAFTO, Bharlff. IMS, MOdan Xmi*m Altya. Kaplowllz & Wise. Att>«. June i t , 23. X, July J M»y % 4, (66.08 M % Juni.2, J 2 4 1« $31,72 DENNIS THE MENACE "ASTRO-GUIDE" By SAUNDERS and OVERGARD STEVE ROPER WHEW FREDDIE ASKS, 'WHO JUST LET ME KNOW WHEM \ IS OLD MIKE ? " » r U SAVI VWRE SETTLED, DOLLY" J'JUST A WUWUA'FUL JELLA AND 111 SHIP THE LOOT.'J - A N ' HIDE MY FACE SO MY HALF WILL BE A - C * * — , HE WON'T SEE ME WEDDINS PRESENT FROM OLD MIKE/ STEVIE-THA1 GIRL ftXJLDVE MADE/SURE, HONETOOIL/ SOMETHIMS OF 7 - B U T I D0U9T IF WE'D LIKE THE SOMETHIMS SHE'D By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW NUBBIN MISSTWINK.'THISISOLK ANNIVER6ARV.'WE'V BEEN IN JLISINfs YOU ON THE FINE U0S VOU'VE PON£ By ALLEN SAWDERS and KEN ERNST MARY WORTH MR. BRK5« WILL DINE WITH ME—I HOPE!-AND, IF HE DARE« 1 0 LIVE DANGEROUSLY, I'LL TAKE OVER THE KITCHEN MMEIT! By Hank Ketchum By Ceean WR.BR1GG5 AMD I WILL WAIK HOWE.5HAWH! ALL RISHT/-ALL R I G H T / - D O N T STOB 'lOU 6RINMINS APES/-HL PUT AN AD IN THE PAPER* SAY1NS m//£iP WANTED'/ VERY 6 0 0 f t MBS ERIN! By LEE FALK THE PHANTOM IH 7HEHANTA RUMS- HE PEEKS INTO WE LOCKED CEUAH- REST OF THE RUMS ARE ROTTEN WITH JUNGLE PAMP THIS ROOM'S PRY AS A BONE AIL THAT AIR-CONCTnONINGMACHINERY IS FOR THIS ROOM—I'LL HAVE A LOOK- WONPER IF Wl? ANYONE HEARD ME BREAK THE LOCK--? By GEORGE SIXTA RIVETS Present—For You and Yours • • • Th' » The Day Under Your Sign dMrth A 4 ' • > * ,* _ —w— ± « -A Bv ED DODD MARK TRAIL VEAH, I CAN TAKE CARE OP Y3UR UORSE...AND VDU CAN RENT A CAR ACROSS THE STREET/ my, V E S , MR. TRAIL, I'M THE DtBECTOR HERE AND VOUteE RiGMT.-I JUST BOUGHT A BLACK MOUNTAIN LION-WHY? W?. PAIR, 1.CAME HERETO ASK\OUTD RELEASE HER..SHES A PBT/ . APET?..COrV\EWITH ME...I WANT TO SHOW VOU SOMETHINS/ TELEVISION • THEATER • MOVIES • MUSIC • DINING OUT Television Highlights At The Movies 7:304 (lJ)-Concert XIII. "The Aeolian 9-9:3» (IS) - The Creative Penan. Chamber Players." (Repeat.) Edgar Yarese's "Chamberlain and Segal." If you're Interested piece (or solo flute, "Density 21.5," and WilIn expanding your understanding and apliam Sydeman's "Chorus No. Two" for flute, preciation of pop art, and pop art sculptors clarinet and piano, are the featured works in particular, tune In here for Marcel performed by the Aeolian Chamber Players. RED BANK Duchamp's evaluation of the work of George CARLTON8:30-9 (2) - Beverly Hillbillies. (Repeat). Segal and John Chamberlain. Batlle or Villa Klorlta 2:00- 7'1D Actually, this was Granny's show, but she got 10-11 (2) - Danny Kaye. (Repeat). No 10:40. Preview: Olrl Happy 9;05. ' a run for her money from deadpan actor big stars, just little stars with host Danny EATONTOWN John McGiver playing the weatherman. In Kaye. Howard Morris and Danny are fine COMMUNITY— the plot, Granny is at war with the weather in a skit about two Italians arguing about Wen Wind In Jamaica 2:15; 7:15 bureau. Seems she relies on a beetle and their children's wedding plans. There's anshe knows the bug is never wrong. DRIVE-INother skit with Harvey Kerman and Kaye Qlrl Happy 8:00; 12:15; This Rounder! 8:30-9.30 (7) - Shindig. Petula Clark about an old lawyer and a reformed cronk. may be a mite, but she's a powerhouse to As for the rest, little Laurie Ichino reFREEHOLD her teenage fans and a hit on the show. turns, and singer Kit Smythe handles the FREEHOLD— Others along to shake the rafters are P.J. The Rounder* 8:35; Olrl Happy 7:09 vocalizing. •10:00^ Proby, the Everly Brothers, Gary Lewis and 10:30-U (7) — Scope. "The American ASBURY PARK the Playboys, Gerry and the Pacemakers, ELVIS PRESLEY serenades a seemingly preoccupied LYRIC— Dream — Class of '65." In an attempt to the Blossoms, Dick and Dee Dee, Gary High Wind In Jamaica 7:20; 9:30 explore the connection between overcrowded Shelley Fabares in this pooltide scene from "Sirl Happy," MAYFAIR— Brentoweis, and Cliff Bennett and the Rebel conditions in our large universities and the Battle of Villa. Plorlta 2:05; 7:00 Rousers. Merro-Goldwyn-Mdyer romantic comedy, filmed in Pana- 10:35; current spate of student unrest and rebellion, Preview; Qlrl Happy 9:00. 9-9:30 (2) Dick Van Dyke. (Repeat). vition and color. Gary Crosby, Nita Talbot, Joby Baker, ABC Scope pays a visit to Ohio State UniNEPTUNE CITY Another sparkler from this stylish comedy versity in Columbus for illuminating talks Mary Ann Mobley, Harold J . Stone and Chris Noelrliave NEPTUNE CITY— series with a strong storyline. It seems that with Dean John Weaver, Vice President and The Rounders 8:35; olrl Happy 7:00 fan letters were written to boss Alan comco-starring roles in film which starts tonight at'EatonDean of Faculties; and Dr. John D. Millett, menting on a TV show that didn't go on the BRICKTOWN town Drive-In Theater. Director and Chancellor of the State of Ohio's air, and writer Petrie is sure in a jam. BRICK PLAZABoard of Regents; among others. 9-11 (4) — Wednesday Night at the Olrl Happy 7:00s 10:00; Th« Room era 8:35. 11-12; 30 (11) — Merv Griffin, Frankle Movies. "The Caddy." (1953). (Repeat). One R.P.HedleyNamed LAURELTON Avalon, science editor Walter Sullivan, comic of the films made by the comedy team of DRIVE-INAssistant Treasurer John Byner, Basil Rathbone, and Vivian Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis before their Glrl Happy 8:15; 12:20; Beat Vance are all on Merv's schedule tonight. split, and it should'please their fans. Lewis NEW YORK — Itobert P. Hed- Blanket Bingo 10:10. 11:15-1 (7) — Nightlife, Jan Murray is a bit more subdued in this one which comes ley of 83 Ingram Cir., Matawan, North of Red Bank -(. LOUNGE and William B. Williams bring on jazz as a welcome relief. Of the many songs in has been elected assistant treastrumpeter Dizzy Gillespie, vocalists Michelle the picture the hit is "That's Amore." •( RESTAURANT ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS urer of Texas Giilf Sulphur Com- ATLANTICLee and Julius LaRosa, and the author of a *-to cnnluslon (9) — Baseball. 'New York controversial book called "Liquor: Servant Mets vs. Cincinnati Reds, from Cincinnati. pany,, it was announced by Claude Dr. No 7:00: 1 0 : « ; From R u n With Love 8:40. of Man," Dr. Morris Chafetz. (Color). 0 . Stephens, president. HAZLET - ( "The Fabulous" Mr. Hedley has been with Tex- LOEWS DRIVE-INCartoon 8:45; Girl Happy 8:52; 12:30 as Gulf since February, 1963, Thirty-jlx Hours 10:30. most recently serving as finan- PLAZAcial analyst. Prior to joining the Glrl Happy 7:00; 10:00; The Bounde Channel 9 __ . WOR-TV 8:35. WNEW-TV Channel S . Channel 2 . . WCBS-TV company he was employed by EAST BRUNSWICK _ WABC-TV . WPIX-TV Channel 11 __ Channel 7 . Channel 4 . . WNBC-TV the Colgate-Palmolive Company TURNPIKE— •¥ FEATURING INDOOR—Qlrl Happy 7:30! 11:40 in New York. 7— News—Dill Beutel 5-Peter Gunn-Wlyitery WEDNESDAY Boms Came Running 9:20. 1—Merv Grllln—Variety 7—General Hospital—Serial AFTERNOON He graduated from Dartmouth OUTDOOK-GIrl Happy 8:501 10:60 11:10 9—James Beard—Women 12:00 4—Weather—TeK Antolne 11—Pioneers—Drama College in 1959, and in I960 re Some Came Running 10:50. 3—Love of Life—Serlol S—Film—The Petrified Forest— 3:23 . { Octan Blvd., Long Branch SAYRE WOODS 4—Coll My Bluff—Gamo ceived his MBA in finance from Leslie Howard—1 hr.. 45 mln. • 2—News— Douglas Edwards 7—Donna Rnd-Coimdy • C Your hoit, Pnt — 222-4432 ) • the Amos Tuck School of Busi- SAYRE WOODS11:15 3:M 9—Memory Lone—Joe Franklin The Truth About Spring 6:35: 9:55 11—Cartoons—Children 4-Local News—Jim Hortl 2—Edge of Nlghl—Serial ness Administration. Send Mo No Flowera 8:15, 7-Nlghtllfe-VarKty 4—You Don'l Say!—Game *••••*••••• SURF :[ TONIGHT Complete Program Listings :<NICKIE DON : c QUARTETTE [JACKIE HILL* ••••••••••• U:2S 2-Nows 11:M 2—Search Tor Tomorrow 4— I'll Bel—Gam» 7—Father Knows Best 11—Buckaroo SOD—Buck Weaver 12:45 2—Guiding Light—Serial It—Olck Tracir—Cartoon 11:55 4—News—Ray Scherer I:N 2—Leave It ta Beaver 4-Everyltilng's Relative S—Cartoons—Children 7—Rebus—Game 11—Film—The Lady Confesses— . Mary Beth Hughet-90 mln. 1*15 CANTERBURY FAIR AT ST. GEORGE'S-BY-THE-RIVER Waterman Avenue, Rumson June 18 brie Day Only F R I D A Y l:» 1-to trie World Turns 4 - L e t ' i Make A Deal 5—Film—Laughter In Paradise— Alastair Sim—1 hr., 25 mln. 7-Glrl Talk-Panel • - R i m - L a d y LuckRobert Dice—90 mln. 1:95 4-Newt-Floyd Kolber 3:00 2—Password—Game 4-Moment of Truth—Serial 7—Flams In the Wind-Serial 2 - 8 P.M. RAIN OR SHINE • Country Store Booth • Plants and Flowers • Calces and Cookies • White Elephant • Pony Rides • Gifts • Games • Merry-Go-Round 11-Newt SUPPER SERVED 5, 6 AND 7 P. M. ,. 2:20 2:M * - H O U M Party—UnktoHw 4-Oocton-SHial 7—Day In Court—Drama,.. 11—True Adventure : • 2:55 LOBSTER SALAD OR OVEN-FRIED CHICKEN Hot Dogs - Submarines - ^ o d a - lee Cream VICTORY RED BANK MARKET OPEN FRIDAY TILL 8 P.M. 31 W. FRONT ST., DELIVERY TEL 747-0508 747-1339 ENJOY VICTORY MARKET'S FAMOUS TOP QUALITY BEEF BOTTOM ROUND ROAST LONDON BROIL cur mm S»LMI . 9 9 EYE ROUND ROAST '99 SIRLOIN STEAK wans OK™*!.89 4:M Hunt—Adventure 4 u r y at Furnace Creek —Victor Mature—90 mln. 5—Sandy Becker—Children 11-Plonet Potrol-CWIdren 9:W t—Film—Tartan's Savage Fury— Lex BarRer—90 mln. J-FIlm—Gung Ho— Randolph Scott—l hr., 25 mln. 9—Mike Douglas—Variety n-Beachcomber Bill 11-Let's Llpread 5:M , 11—Three Stoogw—Comedy tt-Once Upon a Day tVENINO <:M 4—News—MocNell—Pressman 5-Mlckey Mouse Club 11—News—Kevin Kennedy 13-What's New-Children 4:10 11-Loral Mews-John Tinman CM f 7-Weamer— Ken R a t a l • : II—Weother—Vlvlon Farrar HAM 12 Ib. size—Ib. 89< IMPORTED CANNED size—each Il-Spom-Bab Wolff 11:15 II—Best of Groucho—Quit l-N«ws-P«ter Hvarr* 11:55 1:N 2—Film—The Grapes of V»roth— Henry Fonda—2 hrs.. 30 mln. 4-News-Geaffrey Pond 7-Fllm-Tronsatlanllc Merry-Oo-Round —Jack Benny—1 hr., tt mln. 1:05 4—Waterfront—Drama 1:11 4—Flfm—The Woman In the Painting— Geronlmo Mevnler—90 mln. 1:25 9—News end Weather . .-, • FANCY FOWL AQlb.*tYC CHICKEN LEGS -.>!• •••.. . f c j f r Yellow SQUASH California ORANGES Hard Green CABBAGE 19 29 29 2 dozen 2 pounds 2 pounds head 3 bunches pound ASBURY PARK — Tha Social Security Administration office here has a message for girl about to be married, stated Benjamin Sandberg, district manager. "If y,ou haive a social security account number card," he says, be sure to notify your social security office when you change your name. A new card will be issued showing your new name with the same account number, and the social security records will be changed to show your new name. There are more than 100 million individual accounts in the social security records. The earnings record is kept according to name and social security number. Love Lucy—Comedy 4-Wtiafs This Sono-Cam« 9—Farm Report 19:55 4—News—Edwin Newman lews and Weather 11:00 J-Andy Grlttlm-Comedy mcentration—Gome 9—Seeker*—Medicine II—Cartoons—Children 11:10 r-News-BIII Owen 11:10 J—Metropolitan Mrmo 11:15 sws 1I:M 2—r^cCoys—Comedy 4—Jeopardy—Game 5—Hall of Fun—Fred Hall 7—Price Is Right—Game o-Tell Me, Dr. Brothers 1—Carol Cortntt-CMIdren Fiftyjtjwo of the 82 mountain peaks over 14,000 feet elevation in the United States are located in Colorado. AIR CONDITIONED "THE BATTLE of the VILLA FIORITA" PREVUE TONITE 9 P.M. * STARTS TOMORROW * 9 1 1 brings hiSbeat; gtft»-FRHS<T.NITE"i'iV,;.T L O O K I N G FOR LOVE" CONNIE I BANGS ATLANTIC THEATRE • Alinntlc lllBhlnnas—Tel. 391-0143 NOW—EVENINGS FROM 7 JAMES BOND IS BACK.. .TO BACK! flErW cammnr 9th Record Week! STARTS TODAY! MARINE THEATRE lllchlfuiils ai2-C7il OPENS FRIDAY AT 7 BOTH THEATRES "Roustabout' and " P A J A M A PARTY" 'TrlATMS- aiHiBinKhnntiiiaiKiir rair amm SHOWS D«llYhi7FJl*S«T,SUH,R0LS.Iiwi2P.M. • J4 HOUR PHOK SBWIK at M l THEATRES * C 39 15 C 2—Jack Benny—Comedy 5—Topper—Comedy 7—Lone Ranger—Western 1—Racket Squad—Police t:JS 4—News—Bob Wilson 10:00 3-News-Mlke Wallace 4—Truth or consequences—Gam* S—Film—The Bullfighters— ILaurel and Hardy—1 hr.. SO mln. %-Fllm—A Girls wllh IdeasWendy Borrle-90 mln. J—Billy Graham Crusade LAST DAY MAUREEN O'HARA — ROSSANO BRAZZI PLAZA Sweet Bing CHERRIES !:n '—Gale Storm—Continued • • • ! • : HsincnEifnfVEUf TUT «*JSHR from rnrncr II rot. FREEHOLD RESERVED SEATS AVAILABLE FOR ALL PERFORMANCES NEPTUNE CITY Houte K MPIUN[ C I U » • SHOPPING CENTER A;fcringSNS beat r to the beach! QUARTERS , 4 5 c Jersey RHUBARB Social Security Gives Advice to Brides '—News—BUI Owen 1—News EVENINGS AT 8:30 P. M. MAT. WED. SAT. SUN. 2:30 SUMMER VACATION KIDDIE SERIES EVERY WEDNESDAY 2:00 P.M. FRESH MADE SALADS-POTATO - MACARONI - COLE SLAW Large Iceberg LETTUCE I—Jack La Lanne— Extrclst WALTER READE-STERLING THEATRES * Jtumphrey Bogart—2 hrs. THURSDAY M0RNIN9 4:00 4—Education Exchange FRESH, GRADE A OUR POULTRY IS ALWAYS GUARANTEED F For Salad LEONARDO - The New Jer located i s a place where the iey Blind Men's Association will blind men couM eventually take lebrate the 50th anniversary of part in community RctiVltiw. Afsummer vacation camp pro- ter much searching, a suitable ram for blind men of the state, site was found in Highlands. Successful Program iturday, June 26. Tq> commemorate the occasion, The value of the program was en^ipuse, from 1 to 6 p.m.,shown almost immediately. Blind ll be held at Camp Happiness, men who had been sheltered and urlington Ave. Refreshments protected by their families II be served. learned that they could do things The first camp for blind men for themselves, and were soon the state was started because taking part in community activie blind men who founded the ties. Their two-week vacation ;sociation in 1910 discovered away from the pity and welllat there was a real need for a meaning protection of their fam[ace for blind men to go to re- ilies proved to them that they ive instruction and gain ex- could live almost normal lives, :rience away from their homes. if given the opportunity^ It was decided that a summer The first camp was small, one imp should be established, that rented bungalow that provided should provide all the normal two-week vacations for only eight crealional activities of any men the first year. However, the immer resort, and should be need has grown steadily over the years. Today, Camp Happiness 6:10 provides two-week free vacations 2—Summer semester for approximately 200 blind men usader Rabbil—Cartoon F —Pro|ect Know—Education from all parts of the state. 7:00 Thousands of blind men have 2-Nevn and Weather 4-Today been helped through the "reha7—Cartoons—Children bilitation through recreation" 7:15 S-Newi program. A great majority of 7:» these men have gone on to live 5—Survey of the ArU 1:00 useful, happy lives. J—Captain Kangaroo This work has been carried on 5—Sandy Becker—Children by blind men without financial ,1—Operation Alphabet II 1:15 aid from any governmental J-Carloons—Children source. Funds have boen raised 5—Romper Room—Children through their efforts. Contribu1—Laurel and Hardy tions from sighted Individuals 2-Love That Bob I-Comedy and organizations have been the 4-Blrrhday Houw-Chlldnn main source of income. 7—<5ale Storm—Comedy indudine ASSOWTO 499 FRYING CHICKENS ,29 Blind Men's Assocwtion To Celebrate 50th Year !:» 2-Fllm-Hloti Sierra— 2—News—Robert Trout 5—Astroooy—Cartoon 7—Local News—Van Sickle t - T r o l l j West-Drama 11—Superman—Adventure 13-Electronlci at Work <:45 7—News—Peter Jennings 4:15 . 2-Edlbrlal-Mlchael Keating 7:00 J-News-Waller Cronklte 4—Newi—Huntley, Brlnkley 5—Soupy Sales—Variety 7—Passport 7—Documentary 11—Peter Potomus—Cartoons 13—Koltanomkl on Chess ... . 7:30 2—Mister Ed—Comedy 4-Vlralnlon-Western S—Room far One Mara 7—Onle and Harriet 9—Film—The Lady from Cheyenne— Loretta Youna—90 mln. U-Clnv Cole—Variety 13—Concert XIII—Music 1:01 2—My Uvlna Doll 5—Untouchables—Drama 7—Patty Duke—Comedy 13-News-Garv Gllvn 1:10 l l - M w ' c Interlude CIS 13— British Calendar 1:10 3—Beverly Hillbillies ' 7— Shlndlo—Variety 11—Film—Curse of ttie Faceless Man— Richard Anderson—«0 mln. 13—French Chef—Cooking •:00 2-Dlck V<m Dyke <-Fllm-The Caddy— Martin and Lewis—2 hrs. 5—Wide Country—Drama 9-Baseball-Mets vs. Red 13—Creative Person 9:30 , 2—Our Private World 7— Burhe's Low—Mystery 11—One Step Beyond—Drama 13—Changing Conpr*^ 10:09 2—Danny Kciye—Va'lety 5—Richard Boone—Drama 11—Lloyd Thaxton-JVarlefy 13-News—Robert Pot»s 10:85 13—Oporallon Alphabet II 10:3« 7—ABC Sew* 11:01 S—News—Jim Jensen 4—News—Frank NIcGee LEAN CHOPPED BEEF 3 £• H TENDER CUBED STEAKS „ 99' ASSORTED COLD CUTS ,b 89' GRIDDLE FRANKS ,.,«„-,, 79' IMPORTED CANNED 2-Fllnv-The Killer Thai Stalked New York—Evelyn Keyes-40 mln. 11 :M 4—Johnny Carson—Variety 9-Nevn-Wlngate. Kltrrnn 11:45 »-Sports—Clur« Moitier 11:55 9-Fllm-Subway In the Sky— > Van Johnson—90 min. 4:M 7—News—Marlene Sanderi 1:00 2—To Tell the Truth-Panel 4-Another World-Serial Come to the Fair, Friday, June 18 11:10 5-Cartoom-CMIdrtn 7—Young Marrleds—Strlal 9-Blm-Hollday A f f a i r Robert Mlldium—90 mln. ll-Cartooiu-Chlldred 4:M 2—Secret Storrn—Serial 4-Match Came 7—Trollmaster—Western U-Chudt McCann-Chlldren * 4:15 4—News—Noncy Dlcktrson THE DAILY REGISTER Wefc«diy, Jwh %; 1965-27 atontowN Drive IH NITELY FROM DUSK _ V brings MS beat tev to the beach? STARTS WEDNESDAY JUNE 30 • # Pahavlslon Color! ALSO—2D GREAT HIT WITH 2 GREAT STARS! THE WILD WEST AT ITS WACKIEST.' 10 BIG SHOWS $1.00 TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT CARLTON —PLUS CO-HIT— Watch For The Opening Of Mlddletown't New Deluxe Theatre THE TOWN Rt. 35 at Palmer Ave. THE DAILY BEGISTER TMnlr of the valuable gifts you get with America's Most Valuable Stampsi Think of the cold cash you save on our famous low prices I MOJM- SUPERMARKETS ROASTING FOR YOU AT FINAST . CHICKENS IN NEW POST — Ernest E Laftamiti, of 79 Truex PL, Middle-town, hat been ap pointed a sales representative for +h« residential elsctriheating program in Jane' Central Power and LigK Company's Bay Division Union Beach. Ho formerf) worked in the dealer lale: department of the division which covert from the Raritar River to the Navesink Rivoi and inland to the New Bruin wick area. He it married t the former Miss Mariann Hartigan of Oakhurst. Th^y have a daughter, Lisa, tw months old. S^SfIttGOURC iRKH-OOVT GRADE "A CHICKEN LEGS with THIGHS CHICKEN BREASTS with RIBS GROUND CHUCK *****»»«***** JUICY RIB STEAKS * DELI SPECIALS* Gets Doctorate 49c FINAST SKINLESS FRANKFURTERS * 5 9 c FINAST TASTY or OLIVE LOAF M0GEN DAVID mHKS 79c CAMKO COOKED HAM 79c SIMMY DELICIOUS < «"*» 59< TENDER VEAL STEAKS SWIFT BROWN 'N SERVE SAUSAGE ,. , Ko pV 7 9 e BACK BAY SLICED BACON *-*>• 55c FRESH SLICED COD For greatest OVER-ALL values.. .shop Finast7 49c ROAST BEEF »«*»«* BAKED VIRGINIA HAM » * 75 FANCY WHITEFISH CHUBS > 6 9 CUCUMBER SALAD «*"•«« «*29 GRADE A EGGS «s 2-79 MIRACLE WHIP . * . 4 9 **£"•""" f f | ..Aft, MAZOLA CORN OIL 59 Fruit Drinks IU""O7 HI-FLAVOR DRINKS 2 49 REYNOLDS WRAP Coffee Cake 3 IB. 31b. 39, CAROLINA RICE Bread Dough 39 2 ORANGE JUICE 4 SB* SPAGHETTI BEEF STROGANOFF 45 OREO CREMES 33 lemonPie 49' SLICED CHEESE Chiftafak. 4 9 CANNED SODA 12 89 •AVAILABLE AT STORES WITH DELI DETT. fROltH fOOD SPECIALS Schrafft's Thomas J. Bradshaw „ NEW SHREWSBURY—Thomas J. Bradshaw, principal of Mori' mouth Regional High School, was •warded a doctor of education degree at commencement exercises at New York University, New York City, June 9. Dr. Bradshaw received his AB- degree from Holy Cross College, in 1951 and his A.M. from New York University in 1957. Frwn 1951 to 1954 he served as lieutenant (j.g.) In the United States Navy. Before coming to Monmouth Regional he was a teacher and administrator at Snyder High School, Jersey City. He came to New Shrewsbury as chair -tnan of the social studies department when the school opened in September, 1961, and was named principal in January, 1962. Dr. Bradshaw and his wife '•nd five children reside in Wanamassa. Sara Lee Cinnamon Nut ALUMINUM FOIL 12 w. L0N6 GRAIN Morton's White MACARONI er ELBOW MACARONI-FINAST SNOW CROP 12 ox.-2 for 87c 1*9 6 9 e MRS. MYERS NORTON REASSIGNED SAN ANTONIO, Tex. - Airman James R. Norton, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Michael Norton o! Belmar has been selected foi technical training as a commun cations electronics specialist a Lackland AFB, Tex. He is a 1964 graduate of Free bold Regional High School. FINAST AMERICAN or PIMENTO PASTEURIZED PROCESS 4K. tin FRESH GEORGIA 4 * m Jfc HOMES Expert Real Estate Advice Costs No More PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. Real Estate for 71 Yean 60 Whit* St.. Had Bonk 741.7200 Better Buys By Bowers *%#fc pi • m% • Tlb.pkg.40C in>.pks.31« quortoarton 3 3 ' Hoi. tub* 10 oi. tin « oi. ill. 3.3 ot. ill. 4oz.il»g]C Bing Cherries " 4 9 * Jscarole«ChKory 2-39 ?«,„ »O,TCN _- _ Cucumbers mm 'B|5* String Beuns .«*• 2 " 3 9 . FINAST SALAD OIL SOLID WHITE TUNA - NEW DANISH BORDEN'S MARGARINE SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS BUY 3 —OET 1 FOR U WOODBURY SOAP DAIRYLEA PURE ORANGE JUICE 3 LITTLE KITTENS SEAFOOD TREATS ! HEALW & BEAMY AIDS • RAPID SHAVE-KING SIZE ( E LAVORIS MOUTH WASH ILISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 1 BRIOSCHI ANTI-ACID I MENNEN BABY MAGIC < * « * « * I POND'S COLD CREAM I VASELINE CREAM HAIR TONIC 1COPPERTONE SUNTAN LOTION ! SEA & SKI SUNTAN LOTION 3-^25 I CREST TOOTHPASTE PEACHES 2 ^ 3 9 I CALIFORNIA-SWEET CALIFORNIA-SWEET 8oz. 12 02. cans FINAST ALL FLAVORS FINAST STUFFED MEDIUM OLIVES » - * 59c 1p FINAST TOMATO KETCHUP 2 r°'49c FINAST APPLE SAUCE 3'""*1 9 Vtei. E D U C A T O R COSMOPOLITAN COOKIES 1pkn.O 1 35« FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Lettuce and lib. SANDWICH COOKIES 20-YEAR SERVICE FORT MONMOUTH - John L Owen, 114 Lakewood Rd., Manatquan, chief of the Preparation frilllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIUIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ and- Revision Division of the Department of Nonresident Instruc tion at the Army Signal School, had received his 20-year servio FINAST pin. > IN OIL APARTTPNTS lib. Pkgs. MBISCO FINAST BAKERY SPECIALS Ffnast-2 Crust 1*. Honor Memory Of Stillwell FINAST OLD FASHION DONUTS 11/1 lb z#v EXTRA URGE WHITE BREAD-• loaf -07c HONEY OATMEAL BREAD * i ib.io.f 2 9 c FREEHOLD — The late Earle C. StiHwell, a teacher here fo 44. years, was eulogized Monday by both the Freehold borough and Freehold Regional High School Boards of Education. Mr. StiHwell, who died lasi week, had founded the agricul ture department in the formei Freehold High School and con tlnued to head the department when the school became the free hold regional high school in 1955 "He was in a category all bj himself," said James Higgins, president of the borough board. pkg. ROYAL GELATIN llb.4oi. FAB Pkg. 31c AJAX CLEANSER AIL FLAVORS W v.^:,4jc PEANUT BUTTER 3L";95< WHITE PAPER PUTES CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 3lb. VAoz. pkg. 75c AJAX CLEANER " S = 2-'2» AJAX LAUNDRY DETERGENT UMIT ONE PER ADUIT - CIGARETTES, TOBACCO, BEER. LIQUOR and FRESH MILK EXEMPT FROM STAMP OFFER. i COUPON NOT REDEEMABLE AT RBR PLAINFIEID OR WESTflELO GRIllTIWE ALL I5o, PURPOSE- bot. e | N C H 3 Ib. VA oz. pkg- 1 pi 12oi rr% C CO H UPON GRM STAMPS I WITH A PURCHASE OF$7.50 | FNASTSM00TH 5IIIIHIIIIIIUIIIH -.ww-JfhroSat.#.• U '69 """ N J S = Finast ^~" PRICES EFFEaiVE THRU SATURDAY, JUNE 19th a» NEW CITY, PEARL RIVER, l i b . 4oz. O O r S ™ pkg. tfv reiarve 6 ^ IStAND, NEW JERSEY (oxcapt PLAINFIELD and WESTFIELD). W« th* right tq limit quanlltlei. Not responsibls for typographical trron. RED BANK, 3 6 2 BROAD STREET
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