The Parish Community of St. Catharine R.C. Church A Stewardship Parish 905 South Maple Ave., Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452 201-445-3703 (phone) 201-670-7149 (fax) [email protected] (e-mail) (website) Sunday, November 16, 2014 Served by Rev. Thomas S. Wisniewski, Pastor Rev. William F. Benedetto, Parochial Vicar Rev. Thomas F. Blind, Parochial Vicar Annette Gallagher, Parish and Family Life Heather E. Schnaars, Principal Roberta Maguire, DRE Rosemary Miller, Youth Ministry Sally Trahan, Music Director/Organist Leonard A. Minichino, Deacon James A. Mueller, Deacon John A. Sarno, Deacon Joseph Castoro, Deacon 201-612-4660 201-445-0622 201-444-5690 201-693-3743 201-445-3703 Patrick Duff and Mary Anne Galati, Trustees Michael Guariglia, Pastoral Council Chair [email protected] Eucharist - Weekend Masses Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA A process for non-Catholics who wish to experience parish community and join the Catholic Church. Also for Catholics who wish to return to the Church or have not celebrated Eucharist. Daily Masses Monday-Friday 8:00 and 11:30 a.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. Daily Masses are held in the Ministry Center Chapel. Eucharistic Adoration First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is in the Ministry Center Chapel following the 8:00 a.m. Liturgy until Benediction at 11:00 a.m. (except July & August). Holy Days Consult the bulletin. Anointing of Sick Communal celebration as scheduled or individual Anointing at home by appointment. Penance Saturday at 4:30 p.m. in the Church or by appointment. Rectory Hours Mon. - Fri.. 8:30am - 8pm; Saturday 9am - 5pm; Sunday 9am - 2pm Baptism The sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated at a ceremony following the last Mass on the following dates: Jan. 4th, Feb. 8th, and April 12th. Please call the rectory to schedule the Baptism. If this is your first child, please schedule several months in advance so that you can attend the pre-Baptismal class which takes place on a bi-monthly basis. Marriage Arrangements must be made at the rectory ONE YEAR prior to date of Marriage. Visitation to Homebound Contact the rectory to arrange for a visit to home, hospital or nursing home. The Word Academy of Our Lady 201-445-0622 Pre K - 8th grade including before school and after school care. Religious Education 201-444-5690 For children in grades K-8 who attend a public school. Parish Registration New parishioners and those not registered, please take a Welcome Packet from the Narthex and return the registration form to the rectory. Please inform the rectory when you move or change phone number. Mission Statement We, the parish community of St. Catharine, are dedicated to spreading the Good News by word and example. Nourished by the Eucharist, we seek to advance God's Kingdom by enriching spiritual life, increasing parishioner involvement, deepening commitment to social justice, fostering communication, and building community. Page Two St. Catharine R.C. Church What’s Happening? Anointing Mass The answer to the above question is, as always, lots. I am taking a break from the discussion of our book and discipleship to update the happenings of the past few weeks as well as inviting you to consider some upcoming opportunities. Please join us next Sunday, Nov. 23rd at the 12 noon mass as we communally celebrate the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, the sacrament that is received by those who are ill or suffering, in any physical or emotional way. By the sacred anointing and the prayer of the priest, the whole Church commends those who are sick to Christ. The sick person receives the Holy Spirit’s gifts of strength, faith, peace, and courage, and his or her suffering is united with the suffering of Christ for the building up of the Church. As usual, the fall is always packed with activities. Just in the past few weeks, we had approximately ninety 10th graders confirmed. The Confirmation celebrations were packed and there was great music, celebration and prayerful participation by all. It is always great to see our teens going forward in the faith, inviting the Holy Spirit to guide and influence them. Our All Souls Memorial Mass was poignant and memorable. So many who attended were deeply touched by the overall tone of the Mass set by Fr. Blind. Our recently deceased were honored and we are able to recall our faith in the resurrection. This past Sunday our new church doors were blessed at the 10:30 Mass. They have made quite a difference in adding to the sacred tone of our church space. Several families allowed for the work to be done, and to be completely covered, without withdrawing any money from the parish maintenance & repair fund. Thank you! Next Sunday, November 23rd we will have a Mass of Anointing. In addition to the more physically disabled, we invite anyone to come forward as we do for Communion to receive this special prayer of healing from the church. This will take place at the Noon Mass and all are welcome. Finally, every Tuesday during Advent I am going to lead a group meditation and a series of reflections at 7:30pm in the church. These 30-45 minutes sessions will begin on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd and will help us to reflect and calm down during this hectic time of year. Peace, “a grateful heart”… Please join us as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving and all of God’s blessings, by stopping in the Narthex and writing on our Gratitude Boards. A simple word or short phrase is enough to share with the parish community of the wonderful blessings we have received. Loyola Jesuit Center in Morristown invites the women of both St. Catharine and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parishes to attend the final silent retreat this year. Fr. Thomas Sciraghi, S.J. will direct the Women’s Advent Retreat, Dec. 12-14. For more information or to reserve your space, please call ASAP! Erma McCarthy 201-652-1460, Mary Weinstein 201773-6239, or Carolyn Amoresano 201-704-2278. If you are in need of a ride to church in order to receive the sacrament, please call the rectory Monday – Friday during the hours of 9am – 3pm up until Thursday, Nov. 20th. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process of initiation into the Catholic Church. We invite you, or someone you know, to grow in faith and to be part of our Catholic community. The RCIA process is underway! Join us in the Ministry Center Meeting Room this Wednesday, Nov. 19th at 7:30pm. Ms. Cathy Buchanan will present a Night of Reflection. The RCIA process is for: • Adults (18 & older) who are interested in becoming Catholic, including those who are not baptized and those who are baptized in another Christian faith. • Adult Catholics who are in need of receiving First Communion or Confirmation. • RCIA is also for Catholics who have not been attending church and want to renew their faith; get reacquainted with the church. Confirmation Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults If interested, please contact Fr. Thomas Blind at 201-445-3703 ext. 303 or [email protected]. Respect Life Ministry The St. Catharine Respect Life Ministry would like to thank all parishioners who participated in our annual "Prayers & Pampers" collection. The local crisis pregnancy centers, Several Sources, Good Counsel Homes, and Birthright have expressed their gratitude for your prayers and donations. Prayer for Our Troops O God of mercy, we beg You now to protect in a special way those who are fighting for us and for the country we love. Bless them and take care of them. Give them strength. Give them comfort. Touch them with Your gentle hand and let them know that You are near them. Hasten the day, dear Lord, when we may all enjoy the blessings of peace once more. Amen. Page Three 905 South Maple Ave., Glen Rock, NJ 07452 Mass Intentions and Schedule Saturday, November 15 5:30 p.m. Connie Strazza req. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Strazza Sunday, November 16 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. Jack Wagner req. Wagner Family William C. Little req. Pat Friedman Kevin Patrick Harkin req. Tomaszewski Family Bill Hayes req. Agnes Cori 8:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. All Parishioners Timothy Finucane req. Mary & Morgan Hurley 8:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Frances Buono req. Rosemary Miller Bob Cremin req. Brian Cassin 8:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Kevin Patrick Harkin req. Harkin Family Joseph Birchwale req. Testa Family Monday, November 17 Tuesday, November 18 – The Eucharistic Presence of our Lord in the Tabernacle – The Sanctuary Lamp will be burning this weekend in loving memory of Charles Ferrara by Margery Loftus Please Pray for the Recently Deceased America Aguirre, Mario LaRosa and Leila Jean Garry Our parish community extends its deepest sympathy to the families on their loss. Wednesday, November 19 Thursday, November 20 8:00 a.m. Virginia Floyd 11:30 a.m. req. Bobbi & Stan, Judy, Kathy & Emilie Joseph Irving req. Reers Family 8:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Victoria N. Quijano req. Ron Barry Rosemary Lyons req. Mary & Morgan Hurley We joyfully welcome our newly baptized: Reid Richard Albanese Sean James Byrne Quinn Summer Coppola Brody Robert Romano Juliana Rose Salerno Logan Mark Sheldon Friday, November 21 Saturday, November 22 9:00 a.m. Naomi Kate Ganac (8th Anniversary) 5:30 p.m. George Waddleton req. Crifo Family 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Dolores Tozzi req. Donohue Family Ellen O’Meara req. Maguire Family Robert Smith (15th Anniversary) 12:00 p.m. Michael Altana req. Lautermilch Family req. Avena Family Sunday, November 23 Children's Choir for Christmas Join us for our Children's Choir for Christmas. The choir is open to all children in grades 1 - 6. Rehearsals will be on Thursday nights, Dec 4th, 11th, 18th and Monday, Dec 22nd from 6:45 - 7:30pm in the Hope Room. The choir will sing at the noon mass on Christmas Day. Registration is required. Please email your child's name, grade, and phone number to Sally Trahan at [email protected]. req. Ilenko Family 9 Annual th for Coffee & Community After All Masses Today & Next Sunday, Nov. 23rd! "Work of Human Hands" Sale St. Catharine Hospital Visitors Ministry St. Catharine will hold its 9th Annual "Work of Human Hands" sale during the 2nd weekend in Advent on Saturday, Dec. 6th and Sunday, Dec. 7th after all Masses in Community Hall. "Work of Human Hands," a project of Catholic Relief Services, brings goods from the developing world to the United States for sale, with all the proceeds going to those artisans and farmers who produced them. If you would like to help with this year's sale, contact Bob Stickles at 201-406-0277 or [email protected]. Are you looking to volunteer for a rewarding and meaningful ministry that will fit into your busy schedule? St. Catharine Hospital Visitors are St. Catharine parishioners who visit other St. Catharine parishioners who are patients at Valley Hospital in Ridgewood. The time commitment is very flexible and the rewards are great—for both you and those whom you visit. There is a brief training that consists of accompanying a current Hospital Visitor during his or her Valley Hospital visits. This brief training will make you feel confident, comfortable and ready to serve in this rewarding ministry. If you have any questions or wish to “Join up” please contact Deacon Len Minichino at [email protected] or call 201-739-7257. MANY THANKS for your generous donations of warm items for the adults and children of Eva’s Village. Page Four November 16, 2014 A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence ACADEMY OF OUR LADY Building the Kingdom...One Child at a Time Please Join Us! Open House for Pre-K and Kindergarten: Thursday, Dec. 4th 9-10:30am and 7-8 pm * Classes nurture every child in a Christ-centered environment and are taught by exceptional certified faculty assisted by fulltime aides. * Pre-K program (ages 2-4) includes pre-reading, math, music, religion and arts & crafts. Flexible morning and afternoon enrichment sessions available. * Kindergarten offers a strong academic program complemented with computer, library, music, physical education and Spanish. Before and after-care available. Please call the school office at 201-445-0622 for details or visit All welcome! Consider the Academy of Our Lady Advantage! Teacher Feature: Hello, I’m Susan Piermatteo. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. My husband and I recently dropped our son off at college and my daughter just started high school. It is my tenth year at AoOL. I started with the Pre-K-4 Enrichment Program (PEP), and now I currently teach both Pre-K-4 & PEP. Another incredible month has come and gone. My little friends have learned about autumn changes and self-portraits. We wrapped up October with our Halloween celebration which included trick-or-treating throughout the school and we hosted a Halloween show of songs and poems for the listening pleasure of our proud parents and grandparents. Moving on to Pilgrims and Indians, everyone is looking forward to whipping up some homemade butter to enjoy with our special Thanksgiving snack. The best part of it all has to be the hugs, giggles, and smiles; it lets me know they feel safe and happy. Ministers of Care to Homebound Parishioners Ministers of Care to Homebound Parishioners provide a vital link between the parish community and parishioners who are homebound (either temporarily or permanently). If you are homebound and wish to receive one or more of the following services OR if you wish to provide one or more of the following services - kindly contact our Ministers of Care to Homebound Parishioners coordinator Frank Mikos at 201-4456318 or [email protected]. Services include: bringing the Eucharist, visiting or calling the homebound, providing transportation to the doctor, and light grocery shopping. Archdiocese of Newark - Be Informed! To learn more about the ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark, please visit or visit us on Facebook at �Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark’. Confirmation Interviews - Grade 9 will be held on Monday, Nov. 17th in AoOL. Please consult your letter for your time. 1st Penance Workshops - Grade 2 will be held on Saturdays, Nov. 22nd and Dec.6th from 9:30am – noon. Please consult your individual letters for more information. Sunday Family Catechesis - Families are reminded to bring their gifts for “The Nurturing Place” to the Religious Ed. Office the week of November 17th. GIFT - Adult Education Growing in Faith and Theology Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Presents: “Healthy Self/Healthy Relationships” on Wednesday, Nov. 19th from 7:30-9:30pm in the OLMC Parish Center. The presenter will be Jack Kakolewski, M.S., ED.S, LMFT. No fee, good will offering. CYO Tonight: Movie Night in Community Hall! Next Week: Mass & Challenge Questions? Call Mrs. Miller at 201-693-3743 Children’s Liturgy of the Word We welcome all children, ages 4½ through 4th grade, to participate in our Liturgy of the Word for Children program. No pre-registration is required, simply attend the 10:30 Mass on the following dates. This program involves reading & interpreting the Sunday Liturgy to children, in the Academy of Our Lady classrooms, during Mass. The children will be led out of church after the opening prayers by the LOTW teachers and they return to their parents in church after the Homily & Prayer of the Faithful. Upcoming Dates: Nov. 23rd & 30th If you are interested in sharing your time with our young people for this ministry, or for more information, please contact Tara Piazza at 201-857-4178 or [email protected]. Thank you! Food Resources for the Parish & School Community The St. Catharine’s community is not immune from the economic slowdown. In an effort to help those who may be struggling, St. Catharine's has the opportunity to provide families in need with food & provisions - either on a short-term basis or to help meet a greater need. If you or someone you know is in need of groceries, please call or text Mary at 201-661-3651. All calls & inquiries will be kept strictly confidential. St. Catharine Church will host this year’s Glen Rock Interfaith Service on Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, Nov. 26th at 8pm. There will be one mass at St. Catharine on Thanksgiving Day at 9am in the Church and one mass on Friday, Nov. 28th at 9am in the Ministry Center Chapel. The Rectory will be closed both days. Page Five Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish & Family Life News Annette Gallagher 201-612-4660 / [email protected] Annual Frozen Turkey Drive Bring out your turkeys! It's the annual Frozen Turkey Drive sponsored by St. Catharine's MOTHERS! Bring a frozen turkey or other Thanksgiving meal component (boxed stuffing, instant mashed potatoes, canned vegetables, etc.) to the church parking lot Saturday, Nov. 22nd from 9am till 12noon. All donations will be delivered to the Center for Food Action pantry in Mahwah. Thank you and a Happy Thanksgiving to all! Opportunities for Giving As part of our �Christmas Giving’ we are offering opportunities to reach out and help others in need. Christmas Gift Drive Gift tags will be put out the weekends of Nov. 16th and 23rd for the following three groups. If you can contribute to one or more of these drives, it will be greatly appreciated. Please place gifts, with the parish tags attached, on the outside of the package and place your gift in the rotunda in the marked place. Gifts for Bergen Regional and Resurrection may be wrapped with colorful paper, but for gifts to Eastern Christian, it would be appreciated if they were not wrapped, but instead placed in individual bags. Please do not return any gifts prior to Nov. 29th. Adults at Bergen Regional Medical Center and Adults at Eastern Christian Children’s Retreat (ECCR) both groups are due back by Dec. 7 Children in Resurrection Parish, Jersey City— due back by Dec. 20 Advent – Monetary Collection As always, we will have a monetary collection to support St. Catharine’s reach-out ministries. A marked drop box will be in the narthex - this collection will continue until the end of the year. God bless you, and thank you for your generosity! Saint Elizabeth will host the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe Saturday, Nov. 22nd 8-10am - Trip from St. Elizabeth to pray with the Image at abortion clinic in Hackensack Saturday, Nov. 22nd 5pm Mass - Image processed and available until 7pm for Veneration Sunday, Nov. 23rd 7am-2pm - Image displayed at all Masses; Rosary at 1pm For more information on the visit contact Lynn Albanese at 201-960-9600. For more information on the Missionary Image visit: Sponsored by St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish, 700 Greenwood Ave., Wyckoff Grateful Gathering An opportunity for women to rejoice & reflect on the blessings in their lives. Thursday evening, Nov. 20th 7:30-9pm in Community Hall Before the rush of the holiday season, give yourself a gift! Come together with other women to spend some quality time feeding your soul, as well as your body. Come be inspired and rejuvenated! Refreshments will be served. A donation is requested to hold your spot. All proceeds to benefit those in need at Resurrection parish in Jersey City. Please return this form along with your donation ($5 suggestion) to the rectory by Nov. 16th. Name: ___________________________________________ email or phone # ___________________________________ Shawl Ministry The Shawl Ministry will meet again on Tuesday, Nov. 18th at 7:30pm in the meeting room of the Ministry Center. All are welcome to join us as we give thanks for God's gifts by creating, blessing and distributing prayer shawls and lapghans. These are given to anyone needing support due to a life challenge whether it be illness, loss of a loved one, divorce etc. Directions and supplies are available and no experience is necessary. Please request a shawl through the cards in the narthex or by emailing [email protected]. Faith and Grief Luncheon Open to all faiths, Faith & Grief Luncheons are opportunities for those mourning the loss of a loved one to gather together and be strengthened through sharing, scripture, prayer, and reflection. These gatherings are offered the third Wednesday of the month and include a complimentary lunch. The next luncheon is this Wednesday, Nov. 19th from 12noon to 1pm at the Christian Health Care Center Auditorium, 700 Wyckoff Ave., Wyckoff. Register at Contact CHCC Pastoral Care Department at 201-848-4264 for more info. Children's Clothing Drive We are collecting new and/or slightly used clothing for the children of School #6 in Paterson’s 4th Ward. We need warm clothing, shoes, socks, belts,& underwear for children PreK-8th grade. Children's books will also be accepted. Please bring donations to the church narthex next weekend, Nov. 22/23. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated. Questions, call Dolores Floyd at 201-4475287, Lorraine Casey at 201-447-0639 or Mary Flynn at 201-652-2585. Page Six Glen Rock / Fair Lawn Sharing the Gift of Treasure St. Catharine AMPs “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much…” Association of Mature Parishioners - Matthew 25:21 God expects us to nurture and develop the gifts He has given us and then generously give back with increase. He doesn’t want us to waste or hoard the gifts He has given us; He expects us to grow our gifts, use them wisely and be generous with them. Thank you for your generosity to St. Catharine! Peace & Justice Corner Visit the Imprisoned While most of us will not be able to undertake this corporeal work of mercy in a direct manner, here is an opportunity for us to help these forgotten brethren. First Friends NJ is a community network in Kearny, NJ that visits immigration detainees and helps to reduce the despair they feel after months and years imprisoned in our jails. Their annual “Stamp Out Despair” collection asks for donations of HANDWRITTEN NOTES OF ENCOURAGEMENT, simply addressed “Dear friend”. Please help by writing some notes and placing them in the narthex basket labeled “First Friends”. Thank you! Solidarity "What is needed is a change in the lifestyles of individuals and communities, in habits of consumption and in perceptions of what is genuinely needed. Most of all, there is a moral duty to distinguish between good and evil in human action, so as to rediscover the bond of communion that unites the human person and creation." Pope Francis, Vatican Message on World Day of Peace, 1/1/2010 By our faith we believe that God's creation can provide for all. But we cannot expect to meet all our material desires and whims. We are called to be in solidarity with the world's poor. The unbridled consumption of resources can only lead to scarcity and waste. Whereas, an ethic of resource conservation and recycling will lead to sustenance for all. Excerpted from "Recapturing the Agrarian Spirit" by Bob Gronski, Catholic Rural Life Magazine, Summer 2014 p.18 Immaculate Heart Academy’s Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Dinner Immaculate Heart Academy students will be hosting their annual Thanksgiving Dinner for local senior citizens. This FREE event (includes dinner, raffle & entertainment) will be held on Monday, Nov. 24th from 5-8pm at IHA, 500 Van Emburgh Ave., Washington Twnsp. RSVP to Sarah at 201-4456800 x125 or [email protected]. Please leave your name, number, & the number of people in your party. Next Weekend’s Presiders Saturday Sunday 11/22 11/23 5:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Fr. Benedetto Salesian of Don Bosco Fr. Tom Wisniewski Fr. Tom Wisniewski Fr. Tom Blind - always subject to change - Our next General Meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 20th at 1:30pm in the Holmes Rec. Building. For entertainment we will have Kevin Woyce, who will give a talk and slide presentation on Niagara Falls. We invite eligible parishioners, i.e. those fifty years or older, who are interested in joining to come to this meeting. Future Activities: Annual Christmas Party on Thursday, December 11th at the Brownstone, together with the Activities Club. The cost is $34 with checks made payable to the Activities Club. Festivities start at 12 noon, followed by the usual fine cuisine. For further details and reservations call Bob Dour at 201-444-1024. Reservations are due by Dec. 1st. Attention Unemployed Parishioners The St. Cajetan Ministry Network (parishes of St. Catharine’s and St. Anne’s) invites all unemployed/underemployed men & women to join their ministry which provides support through prayer & helpful guidance in the job search process. If you know of someone who is out of work tell them about the St Cajetan Ministry Network. We meet every two weeks in St. Catharine’s Ministry Center (Thursdays, 7-9pm) and in Fair Lawn at St Anne’s Faith Center (Saturdays, 10am-12noon). Upcoming dates: Sat., Nov. 29th - St. Anne's Faith Center, Fair Lawn (rectory, lower level) Thur., Dec. 11th - St. Catharine’s, Ministry Center Mtg. Rm. (1st floor) Meeting times: Saturdays from 10am - 12noon; Thursdays from 7 - 9pm Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10 Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 CYO Basketball - Open Gyms High School Boys interested in participating in the CYO BBall program are invited to attend open gyms on Sundays, Nov. 16th and 23rd from 3-5pm. We expect to field a JV & Varsity team, and may need to add teams depending on interest & coaching availability. Please contact Robert Egermayer at 201-444-9110 if interested. Check out our parish webpage at and click on the Facebook link to be informed of upcoming events and news. 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