14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan NEWSLETTER NO. 34/14 MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE ROSH YESHIVA DARKENU PARSHAT CHAYEI SARAH “DARKENU” – The Yeshiva Way! Did you meet my Zaida or Bobba???? It is certainly puzzling when, in spite of parents having done �everything right’, a child rebels (chas v”sh); it is equally enigmatic when, despite the child’s exposure to every violence and immorality, somehow a fine upstanding citizen emerges. Rivka did not have Lot’s advantages – she grew up far from the rarified atmosphere of the Home of Avraham, which exerted a pull and upward force beyond the simply verbal. You almost could not help learning to look after the underdog, indeed even at personal risk, in that home. Rivka grew up in the house of the evil man Besuel and her brother, the conniving Lavan – one of the most deceitful people in history. Perhaps an essential key to understanding our children is to look sometimes beyond our four cubits. There are zaidas and bobbas, there are generations who we did not even know. There are uncles and aunts. There is a veritable �shtetl’ in our homes. The Chinuch crucible is not just the measurable in our homes. It depends on the variables of generations long gone and continents never visited. Possibly that is why the Torah registers the birth of Rivka immediately preceding the death of Sarah. Perhaps that is why Yitzchak brings Rivka, his wife to be, into his mother’s tent. Immediately the miracles that occurred for his mother, occurred for Rivka. Perhaps this is all an indication that it takes a shtetl to raise a child. It takes a history as old and as wide as the world itself. Perhaps this opens a new page in Chinuch challenges. Perhaps we are not always our most kind and patient and uplifted selves; indeed sometimes we might even struggle with our morality. However, there is no doubt an Avraham somewhere in the family who is davening passionately for all his family. We would do well to incorporate within our Chinuch and family vision all the refined, noble, just and pious people that populate our family tree and our relationships. We don’t, and we should not, fight alone. Good Shabbos Rabbi Avraham Tanzer Rosh Yeshiva Dads, For An Inspiring Uplifting Tefillah. Please join our Davening each morning Mesivta 06:45 Tichon 07:30 A L L W E L C O M E. SHABBAT TIMES Candle Lighting: 6.15 Shabbat ends: 7.07 CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE ROSH YESHIVA 1 MISSION STATEMENT OF YESHIVA COLLEGE 3 MENAHEL'S MICHTAV 4 MENAHELET'S MEMO 8 COUNSELLORS' CORNER 10 Y C SPORTS BUZZ 12 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRIMARY SCHOOL 13 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL (Includes Playschool) 17 ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIEDS 21 CLASSIFIEDS 30 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 2 MISSION STATEMENT OF YESHIVA COLLEGE To create a nurturing environment in which the Yeshiva partners with parents to provide excellence in Torah Chinuch (education) and General Studies, in order to prepare children for life and its responsibilities as Torah Jews, with values in line with the core values of our school. CORE VALUES OF YESHIVA COLLEGE ● Ahavat Hashem – nurturing a meaningful relationship with Hashem. ● Commitment to Halacha – striving to live according to Torah values. ● Talmud Torah – pursuit of Torah learning. ● Derech Eretz – approaching all endeavours with responsibility and integrity. ● Gemillut Chassadim – respect, sensitivity, tolerance and concern for individuals and community. A social responsibility towards society. ● Love of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) and appreciation of the State of Israel. 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 3 MENAHEL’S MICHTAV In one of our break-time shiurim this week Gabi Herring asked a “worthy of a Barmi Parshah” (mazal tov for Shabbat!!!) question that lead to us exploring the meaning behind the Midrash that Sarah died of fright when she heard what Avraham was attempting to do to Yizchak on Har Hamoriyah at the end of last week’s Parshah. We explored how Avraham & Sarah were a perfect unit. They received new names at the same time. Hashem united them (& all of us as a result!) in the first brit-covenant carried out on 8-day old Yitzchak their son. When Sarah dies in this week’s Parshah Avraham continues to live for a further 38 years. We’d expect to hear about great things he does over this extensive period of time – yet all we hear of is his efforts to ensure Yitzchak finds a wife – and then he marries Keturah and disappears into obscurity! Perhaps what the Midrash highlights is the incredible “nisayon” (test of faith) of Akeidat Yitzchak was just as much part of Sarah’s challenge as it was Avraham’s (and maybe more!!!). Avraham eulogises Sarah at the beginning of the Parshah. What did he say? Well, according to the above thesis, whatever praise we would give Avraham belongs equally to Sarah – so the following idea would most certainly have been appropriate! As I mentioned in the Sichah last Friday – it is more important to develop ourselves through many small mitzvoth rather that one huge event of faith. This is how the Rambam interpreted the Mishnah in Avot that states: “it all depends on multiple good deeds”. It is also the idea the Gemara in Yuma teaches that the path to walk in front of Hashem is the market place – the daily almost mundane repetitive experiences of life – doing lots of small good deeds in the course of life! This was why the chessed Avraham displayed at the beginning of last week’s Parshah should be more of a daily focus than the heroic Akeidah at the end of the Parshah! It was this type of ongoing chessed that typified Sarah! We had the most incredible Akeidah-type (in a sense) experience when we hosted the Selwyn Eagles last week. We certainly lived by the iCare motto – but what is more important is that we take our queue from this wonderful experience and we embrace the new motto of iLead – this should lead us to daily acts of chessed as we develop our personalities as Bnei Torah! And as I committed to last week, here is the bumper issue of photos’s… (Shkoyach to Shane Serebro for the expert photography!) Our Grade 7 students welcome the “Eagles” to our grounds – shkoyach Grade 7 for all your efforts!!! 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 4 Captains Gil & Gilad shake hands with Sports-commentator Shmuli in the background… Official combined team photo before the match The eagles have landed!!! 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 5 And now for some actions shots… Hey Mandla – who said you could play for YC??? (Cool goal nevertheless!) Absolute control… With the final score line YC 3, the Eagles 4, the true winners (if you think about it) were all of us here at YC!!! (Think about it…) 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 6 Inclement weather or not – you won’t stop the Grade 9’s from their favourite “onebounce” pastime… even if it means using a brolly or two! Here is a shot from last Friday’s guest speaker Ari Schonbrun who relived with us the crazy string of miracles that enabled him to defy death when escaped from the burning Twin Towers of 9/11. As Ari mentioned, he wrote the full story of his amazing miraculous experience in book form “Miracles & Fate on 78” and is also available in digital form on his website www.AriSchonbrun.com . Finally – our Grade 7 students enjoy some sweet fruits of their early morning labour that led to the completion of Massechet Brachot in Mishnah shiur. Shkoyach Reb Moskowitz and talmidim – may you merit to complete many more massechtot!!! Continued Hatzlachah Rabbah to Matrics and Grade 11’s with exams! Shabbat Sha-lom, Ilan Raanan 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 7 YESHIVA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL MENAHELET’S MEMO It has been a difficult week for Am Yisrael with the terrible terrorist attacks in Israel. On Monday, two Israelis were murdered in separate attacks. Almog Shiloni z”l was killed by a Tel-Aviv train station and Dahlia Lemkus z”l while waiting for a bus in Gush-Etzion. In Israel, when people have suffered a tragedy we say “mishtatfim betzarah” - we try in some way to feel some of their pain and participate in their mourning. We discussed after Davening, that when there is darkness in the world, we need to add more light. Each of us needs to do more good in the world to compensate for the terrible loss and darkness experienced by the families of Almog and Dahlia, as well as all the recent victim of terror. To this end, our Israeli Madrichot, Tal and Chana ran a beautiful Challa baking activity. The girls lit candles and said special tefillot for the welfare of Am Yisrael and then baked delicious looking challot. As the year winds to a close, we are focusing on our end of year siyum. Please see the inviation at the end of this memo. We encourage all girls to participate and invite their female relatives to join us. A very special mazeltov to Liat Shear. Liat won the the Apple in Education Competition 2014 with her entry: “Shapes of our World Category“. There were over 500 entries into the competition! Not only was Liat’s presentation an incredible display of talent, it reflected her pride in being Jewish and her love of her community. Thank you Liat for your wonderful achievement and for giving us so much nachas! In other achievements, I want to congratulate all the students who participated in Concour and the Osrin school of Dancing show. A special mention to Eliana Lewus and Ami Selikson for participating in the Acrobatics Festival. Finally, a very happy birthday to Galia Ronthal, Shevi Hendler and Sassie Weinberg. Wishing you all a wonderful Shabbos! CHANA MEIRA KATZ Menahelet 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 8 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 9 COUNSELLORS’ CORNER DON’T STRESS!!! iLead – Leaders have better skills to manage stress Part of helping your child to prepare for exams and tests is showing them how to deal with stress and anxiety. Gordon Smith, from a mental literacy organisation in Durban, says in a test situation, stress can affect your child’s ability to think clearly or impair their memory. Try these tips to ensure they don’t stress too much before a test:       Eat well: Make sure your child has a healthy diet, with a variety of fruit, vegetables and proteins. Exercise: Children who exercise three to four times a week should be more receptive to learning, so make sure they fit in some exercise while studying. Good study habits: By helping them develop good study habits, they will learn the material better and be less anxious in the exam room. Children should prioritise what they should study by finding out which sections are more important. Help them draw up a good study timetable and stick to it. They shouldn’t leave studying to the last minute. Be prepared: get your child to check with his teacher about what test is on what day and at what time. Be organised: Create a comfortable study area, with everything they need, including the necessary notes and books. Open communication: Encourage your child to talk to you about any concerns or fears they may have. If your child shows abnormal stress levels, talk to the teacher and work together to reduce this tension.  Make sure they get a good night’s sleep the night before the test.  Pack stationery and necessary items (like a calculator) the night before.  Give them a good breakfast that morning. 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 10    If the test is first thing, leave a little earlier to avoid any heavy traffic. Discourage your children from discussing what they have learnt with friends before the test, as this may create more anxiety. Remind your child to pace herself: If the test is an hour long, and worth 60 marks, there is a minute for each mark. http://www.childmag.co.za/content/stress-tips 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 11 Y C SPORTS BUZZ 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 12 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRIMARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Dear Parents I am sure you are all as busy as us at school as we rapidly approach the end of the year. On Wednesday night we hosted our annual Grade 1 concert entitled � I am me”. It was a celebration of what the children have achieved over the year. It was an evening of nachas for the parents, for as we all know the beginning of Grade 1 holds a lot of nerves and anxiety. I thank the Grade 1 teachers and Morah Jenny for a truly memorable occasion and for making the event an evening filled with joy. A big Yishar Koach to Morah Bender for writing a script that was meaningful and appropriate for the children. I thought that I would share an inspirational poem that I read. FAITH AND COURAGE IN LIFE In life there are people that will hurt us and cause us pain, but we must learn to forgive and forget and not hold grudges. In life there are mistakes we will make, but we must learn from our wrongs and grow from them. In life there are regrets we will have to live with, but we must learn to leave the past behind and realize it is something we can't change. In life there are people we will lose forever and can't have back, but we must learn to let go and move on. In life there are going to be obstacles that will cause interference, but we must learn to overcome these challenges and grow stronger. In life there are fears that will hold us back from what we want, but we must learn to fight them with the courage from within. G-d holds our lives in his hands. He holds the key to our future. Only he knows our fate. He see's everything and knows everything. Everything in life really does happen for a reason: "G-d's Reason". Shabbat Shalom Joseph Beer 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 13 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRIMARY SCHOOL (Cont.) PRINCIPAL As you know, parents are expected to participate in the protection of our children at school. By doing CSO duty you help contribute to achieving a high level of protection for our children at school. All that is expected of you is to keep your eyes and ears open, and to be aware of anything suspicious. Your attendance and punctuality is vital. Please report for security duty on the day allocated at 7.10 am at the main entrance, Long Ave. Duty ends 7.45 am. If you are unable to do the allocated shift, it is your responsibility to swap your shift with another parent. Please inform Mark Finkelstein on (082 808 8632) of the change or contact him should you have any queries. 17 – 21 November 2014 - 7.10 am Monday 17.11.14 Names Tuesday 18.11.14 Names Wednesday 19.11.14 Names Thursday 20.11.14 Name Friday 21.11.14 Names Romberg, Danielle Ross, Joshua Rothbart, Kira Sack, Jayda Segal, Joshua Shapiro, Adam Veffer, Mia Abrams, Liah Bome, Noa Diamond, Shayna Fransman, Daniel Friedland, Ariella Glicksberg, Yehudai Gluch, Anja Goldberg, Jake 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 14 PLEASE CALL BEFOREHAND TO ARRANGE A TIME Contact Melanie: 011 440-1906/082 462-7713 PRICE LIST Jersey Girl’s Skirt Girl’s Shirt White Shirt (with or without badge) Sport Skirt Sport Shirt Sport Shorts Sport Caps (with Yeshiva logo) Swimming Costumes Tzitzit (not pasul) Raincoat Thick Rain Jacket Grey Pants Shoes Blazers 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 75 00 15 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 16 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Dear Parents This week saw the start, in the Nursery School, of our exciting Pro-Social Skills programme. Ilanit Gerson, who presented the parents' talk a few weeks ago, introduced the programme to the Younger Group (4s unit). To the delight of the children, Eli the Empathy Man and Esti the Empathy Girl were brought into the classrooms, with each class having its own session. Together with the teachers, Ilanit told the children a story of how Eli learned that he did not have to listen to Esti even though she is his friend. Through the very effective medium of storytelling, the children learned that, although they can choose to listen to their friends, they can also choose NOT to listen or follow. Learning to say, "You are not my boss" (in a nice voice!) and understanding that they are allowed to make their own choices were the two important life lessons communicated in the sessions. Reinforcement of these concepts can take place at home through discussion and the presenting of relevant scenarios. In terms of the programme, too, the "Yossi and Laibel" series of books, usually available at the Chabad and Kollel bookshops, is a wonderful series to read with your children. 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 17 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL (cont). PRINCIPAL The Middle Group (5s unit) will have their first session next week Thursday, presented in a manner appropriate for their age. Discussion is under way to possibly introduce the programme into the Playschool next year. As discussed at the meeting, Yohni Spruch will continue with her Social/Life Skills programme with the Grade Rs. REMINDER: MAIDS' DAY: THURSDAY 20 NOVEMBER We have had the most amazing response to what is surely one of the nicest events on our calendar Maids' Day! Please ensure all bookings have been paid. No tickets will be available at the door. MAZALTOV to Morah Julie and Simeon Kahan and family on the birth of a precious daughter. Have a lovely and, hopefully, sunny weekend! SHABBAT SHALOM. Ruth Kirkel 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 18 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL (cont). PRINCIPAL Please take note of the security duties for the week commencing 17.11.2014. Your attendance and punctuality is vital. If you are unable to do your allocated shift, it is your responsibility to swap your shift with another parent. Please inform Mark Finkelstein on 082 808-8632 of the change, or contact him should you have any queries. PLAYSCHOOL SECURITY ROSTER MORNING SHIFT 07h45 – 08h30 DATE Monday 17 November David Greenstein Tuesday 18 November Mikayla Leslie Wednesday 19 November Kayla Levy Thursday 20 November Aliyah Norton Friday 21 November Raphael Onay PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL SECURITY DUTIES DATE MORNING SHIFT 07h45 – 08h30 AFTERNOON SHIFT 12h20 – 13h00 Eliana Felsher Rachel Kirkel Eitan Ehrlich Gavriel Zagey Shoshana Krasner Ma’ayan Saltzman Nava Froom Talia Resnik Orit Leor-Lever Gilad Ancer Seth Silver Tal-Or Lachmi Yonatan Bricker Channah Lewis Aharon Glass Cole Matthews Aliza Rogoff Ayala Zagey Sara Urison Liora Bolel Monday 17 November Tuesday 18 November Wednesday 19 November Thursday 20 November Friday 21 November * On a Friday the Afternoon Shift begins at 12h00 and ends at 12h30 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 19 FEED A GUARD 1. The Feed a Guard programme has been functioning for six years now thanks to the participation members of the Yeshiva campus (shuls and schools). The security guards who look after our campus throughout the night while we are snuggled in our warm cosy beds are deeply grateful for the hot meal they received nightly. I am now looking for volunteers to assist us with continuing this project for next year. Can you make supper for 3 security guards one night every second month? If you can please email me so I can include you on the roster. If you are not going away at the end of the year, can you help do a meal while most of our volunteers are away? Many thanks WENDY KAHN [email protected] . 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 20 ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIEDS FOR NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENTS, PLEASE CONTACT SHIRLEY SAACKS AT YESHIVA COLLEGE. TELEPHONE NUMBER: (011) 640-3111 - OR EMAIL SHIRLEY AT: [email protected]. THE NEWSLETTER IS AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE AND IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN HARD COPY (limited amounts) EVERY FRIDAY DURING TERM TIME. THE D E A D L I N E FOR INSERTIONS AND ADS IS 4 P M ON T U E S D A Y S. THE COST IS AS FOLLOWS: Classified Ad = R100 ½ Page = R200, Full page = R320 N.B. IF THERE IS NO PAYMENT IN ADVANCE -- THERE WILL BE NO ADVERT 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 21 We must not only give what we have; we must also give what we are. (Desire Joseph Mercier) 1. 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 22 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 23 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 24 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 25 BABY, TODDLER, KIDS AND MOMMY STORE OPEN FAIRMOUNT (behind Genesis centre) Call Toni - 084 604 1994 or email – [email protected] “Just what the neighbourhood needs” Clothes from birth to 12 years old, boys and girls Educational toys and games Class gifts Books Nursery Décor Furniture Gift Hampers Personalised gifts Banana Brushes – teethers, Sunhats, umbrellas, rain ponchos Stockists of: Precioux clothing Aden & Anais Havaianas Sophie Carters Melissa and Doug Djeco 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 26 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 27 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 28 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 29 CLASSIFIEDS A member of the Jewish Community needs a kidney transplant. Blood Group O If you would consider this great mitzvah of donating a kidney Please contact: Dr Robert Odes Email: [email protected] Or: sms 082 391-5062 BOOK COVERING SERVICE I will take the hassle out of covering your children's school books for next year. Contact 082 775-8900 Calling all runners! Join the South African contingent to the Jerusalem Marathon in March 2015 organised by ORT SA, Mizrachi and the SAZF. Amazing fun, amazing training with Comrades winner, full Jerusalem programme. Call Mizrachi 011- 485 3624 or sign up:www.unitychallenge.co.za. TIMESHARE TO LET - UMHLANGA Fully serviced self-catering Timeshare. La Lucia Sands – 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 6 sleeper. Great swimming pool, tennis court and sauna. On the beach and close to all amenities. We have available the following weeks and combinations: In on 1st – out on 8 December 2014 – R7 500 (7 nights) In on 8th – out on 16 December 2014 – R10 500 (8 nights) CALL: MICHELLE on 011 767-0136 / 083 327-3263 or reply to: [email protected] CABANA BEACH-R7000.00 WEEK 50- 13-12-14 TO 20-12-14,2 - SLEEPER, OPEN PLAN KITCHEN, BALCONY WITH SEA VIEW CLOSE TO POOL. PHONE-RON 082-827-9027 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 30 Qualified PA looking for employment. Has many years of experience as a Doctor’s receptionist and school administration. Excellent typing skills. Happy to do secretarial work too. Available to commence work immediately. Please contact Paula on 082-707 8615 GLENHAZEL MIKVEH PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING: Keilim Mikveh: Keilim Mikveh times – in order to protect the privacy of women using the main Mikveh, please observe that the open times are strictly from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. To ensure that vessels are toivelled in the proper manner, please remove all stickers before immersing . Ladies Tvilah Times Please note that the Mikveh is open from ½ hour before tvilah time and closes 1½ hours thereafter. If you intend to prepare at the Mikveh, come at least ½ hour before closing time. If you are running late, call the Mikveh on 011 485-1555 and the attendant will gladly wait for you. Enquiries and Bookings: Please book appointments for Friday evenings and Yom Tov (preferably 2 days in advance) Contact GLYNNIS SKLAR on 082 926-0965. 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan 31 YESHIVA COLLEGE SHUL Include your Shul in celebrating your s’machot. Sponsor a Kiddush Sponsor the Newsletter Phone Beverley on (011) 640 3111 if you have an engagement, wedding, birthday, family birth, Barmitzvah or anything else worthy of a le’chaim. Do we really need an excuse for a party!! WEEKLY SHIURIM BY RABBI TANZER Gemara Shiur Masechet Megilla Every Tuesday Parsha of the Week Shabbat morning 11.15 ________________ Pirkei Avot Every Thursday (Ladies only) 10:30 19:30 Main Shul Sunday Morning FOOD FOR BODY AND SOUL 14 November 2014 – 21 Cheshvan In Rabbi A Tanzer’s office 32
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