Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Historic Savannah Foundation P.O. Box 1733 Savannah, GA 31402-1733 Savannah, GA Permit No 345 52 SAVANNAH WAY S H S F S E R V E D A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014 HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 2 Dear HSF Member: On behalf of the Board of Trustees and Staff of Historic Savannah Foundation, we extend warm greetings and sincere thanks for your support of our mission and operations in 2014. There are 52 weeks in a year and HSF packed each one with success— even in the path of an array of hurdles. From challenges to the Height Map and a green light for more hotels along River Street to the sale of half of Broughton Street to a private developer, HSF was up to its neck in issues. And from our Revolving Fund’s purchase and sale of endangered buildings along Whitaker Street to a well-received Realtor training workshop, we went a long way towards fulfilling our mission. In the Chinese tradition, 2014 was the Year of the Horse. Given all we accomplished this past year, we think it’s appropriate because HSF was a workhorse! In Chinese lore, the horse is one who makes unremitting efforts to improve oneself. It is energetic, bright, warm-hearted and able. We agree. And we continue to plod along. We’re not taking credit for ourselves. We’re acknowledging and thanking you—our members and supporters—for giving us the necessary horsepower to make 2014 a success. Your encouragement, your resources, your helping hands, and your belief in us propels us forward. As you read this report of 52 successes and 12 outstanding highlights, do so with pride because you helped all of this happen in one form or another. If you were a docent at the Davenport House; if you donated to our Annual Appeal; if you helped during Preservation Festival; if you bought a ticket to our Gala; if you helped clean up a veteran’s cottage on Henry Lane; or if you helped pick up litter in Cuyler-Brownville…you advanced HSF. Thank you for the confidence you placed in us and our programs. Preservation is a chore…like plowing a field. Hold the reins tight, keep a straight line and press on from sunup to sundown. It’s hard work, but we never tire because you are with us every step of the way. TABLE OF CONTENTS Auditor’s Report Financial Statement 12 Months of Succcess Household Members 13th Colony Members Corporate Members Past Presidents 2013-2014 Board of Trustees Staff 8 9 11 24 24 27 28 30 31 Sincerely, Kathy Horne Chair, Board of Trustees HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Daniel G. Carey President & CEO 4 1 HSF brings President of NTHP, Stephanie Meeks, as keynote speaker at 2013 Annual Meeting 5 8 11 12 13 16 4 2 HSF’s Gala showcases Bethesda Academy 3 HSF 2013 Annual Appeal raises funds for fulfilling our mission HSF 2013 Annual Report receives praise throughout community 6 9 HSF engages Atlanta leaders at the Georgia State Capital during Savannah Chatham Day HSF inspires young professionals with 13th Colony Architectural Pub Crawl HSF expands diversity through proactive Volunteer Recruitment Program 7 HSF engages more than 800 runners in the Race for Preservation 10 HSF receives The Rotary Club of Savannah Century Service Award for HOHP Equipment Davenport House carries out archaeological dig on site yielding interesting artifacts HSF gives Hands on History Program Students a unique opportunity to tour Savannah’s Port Davenport House shares rich program with community on Super Museum Sunday HSF enlightens SCCPSS Savannah Early College Students with a Field Trip to Davenport House 14 HSF awards middle school student Odysseus Dingle with first prize Pres Fest Poster Contest during SCCPSS Board Meeting 17 18 19 HSF receives increased funding from Gulfstream for Hands on History Program Davenport House raises record results at the annual Oyster Roast hosted at Lebanon Plantation 20 22 24 15 HSF strengthens membership communications by implementing redeveloped outreach Initiatives HSF lends hands to a wounded warrior family to clean-up unique historic carriage house HSF engages the community with National Preservation Conference Program Development 21 Davenport House provides a unique educational experience with their Lafayette Fete HSF contributes to ongoing preservation efforts with proceeds of the 79th Annual Tour of Homes & Gardens HSF’s 13th Colony partners with Savannah Tree Foundation to plant trees in Thomas Square neighborhood HSF invests in communication enhancements to keep community better informed: Facebook, Twitter, Newsletters, E-Blasts 23 25 HSF establishes partnership with TourismLeadership Council for the National Preservation Conference Davenport House develops skills and character in our youth through flourishing JI Program 26 HSF co-hosts the first Slave Dwelling Project Community Luncheon 27 HSF acknowledges the best in Preservation with annual Preservation Awards Ceremony HSF publicly announces Capital Campaign results of $1.3M raised of $1.5 M goal 31 33 28 29 HSF contracts comprehensive Economic Impact Study with industry leader Don Rypkema 32 34 35 36 37 38 42 40 41 13th Colony partners with Chamber of Commerce’s Launch Savannah for educational programing HSF and Development Committee provides more sustainable support with new fundraising model for Gala HSF contributes to ongoing preservation efforts with proceeds of the 79th Annual Tour of Homes & Gardens HSF inspires and motivates the next generation at Hands on History Summer Camp 39 43 44 HSF increases productivity with technology updates and advances HSF develops educational tour focusing on early preservationists in Savannah HSF updates archives by digitization HSF achieves Gold status on GuideStar HSF completes comprehensive Easement inspections on over 350 properties HSF partners with Habitat for Humanity and USGBC to design and build infill home in Cuyler-Brownville HSF participates in Great Savannah Clean-up with City of Savannah HSF increases members with new volunteers 50 51 30 HSF’s administers panel discussion on economic impacts of Preservation with Don Rypkema as keynote 47 48 HSF increases members with new volunteers HSF helps to give King Tisdell Cottage a new paint job 45 46 49 HSF unveils website enhancements for improved communication HSF develops Tourism Summit for National Preservation Conference HSF offers Realtors Historic Preservation Leadership Class HSF advocates for sustainability in the first annual Mattress Dash HSF strengthens Corporate Community Partnerships HSF saves and sells 2240 Whitaker Street through the Revolving Fund HSF files a complaint against Zoning Board of Appeals approval for demolition on Broughton Street 52 HSF sells long-held Revolving Fund property in Eastside: 1004 E. Park Ave. 6 FINANCIALS Independent Auditors’ Report To the Board of Trustees Historic Savannah Foundation, Inc. We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Historic Savannah Foundation, Inc. as of September 30, 2013 and 2012, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended. The financial statements are the responsibility of Historic Savannah Foundation, Inc.’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. The accompanying condensed financial information of Historic Savannah Foundation, Inc. as of and for the years ended September 30, 2013 and 2012 is not a presentation in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the accompanying condensed financial information is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the portion of the basic financial statements from which it has been derived. Savannah, Georgia January 15, 2014 8 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT POSITION HISTORIC SAVANNAH FOUNDATION, INC. (a nonprofit organization) STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 HISTORIC SAVANNAH FOUNDATION, INC. (a nonprofit organization) STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION 2013 ASSETS Cash Short-term investments Accounts receivable Property held for sale Short-term pledges receivable Prepaid expenses Inventory Due from Tour of Homes Total current assets $ 935,456 441,591 81,203 109,971 89,208 69,583 54,056 164 1,781,232 $ 2012 592,974 379,378 114,476 170,000 54,382 42,382 167 1,353,759 REVENUE Gifts and grants Special events Tour service and museum entrance fees Membership dues Sale of merchandise Loss on sale of property held for sale Realized gain on investments Unrealized gain on investments Interest and dividend income Other income Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation of $866,619 and $804,864, respectively 940,306 1,354,264 Intangibles, net of accumulated amortization of $20,902 and $17,791, respectively 16,565 17,926 1,985,730 854,505 296,830 3,137,065 1,790,507 854,505 21,367 2,666,379 NET ASSETS RELEASED FROM RESTRICTION Satisfaction of program restrictions EXPENSES Program services Tour and museum operations Special events Cost of merchandise sold Preservation and restoration Supporting services General and administrative Education and public relations Membership Long-term investments Investments, permanently restricted Long-term pledges receivable Investment in joint venture Total other assets Total assets LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued salaries and expenses Deferred revenues Total current liabilities $ 5,875,168 $ 5,392,328 $ 34,447 25,525 109,505 169,477 $ 18,221 19,401 112,470 150,092 Note payable Total liabilities NET ASSETS Unrestricted, undesignated Unrestricted, designated Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 September 30, $ - 290,541 169,477 440,633 2,180,320 2,179,761 491,105 854,505 5,705,691 1,534,619 1,976,451 586,120 854,505 4,951,695 5,875,168 $ OF ACTIVITIES Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted $ $ Total revenue Total expenses $ Total 42,500 (99,722) 95,543 26,330 - - 64,651 - 1,958,645 159,666 (159,666) - - 2,053,660 (95,015) - 1,958,645 1,893,994 Total revenue and other support INCREASE IN NET ASSETS 662,429 357,118 303,445 166,812 102,677 4,799 168,259 50,489 77,966 Permanently Restricted $ 704,929 357,118 303,445 166,812 102,677 (99,722) 4,799 263,802 76,819 77,966 429,152 132,559 82,618 49,151 - - 429,152 132,559 82,618 49,151 473,025 26,295 11,849 - - 473,025 26,295 11,849 1,204,649 - - 1,204,649 849,011 $ (95,015) $ - $ 753,996 5,392,328 10 12 MONTHS OF SUCCESS 1 HSF BRINGS PRESIDENT OF NTHP, STEPHANIE MEEKS, AS KEYNOTE SPEAKER AT 2013 ANNUAL MEETING HSF was honored to host Stephanie Meeks, president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, at its 2013 Annual Meeting at the Beach HSF EXPANDS DIVERSITY THROUGH PROACTIVE VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT PROGRAM 3 Institute last November. Stephanie impressed a standing-room-only 2014 has been a remarkable year for HSF. HSF partnered with the crowd of more than 150 with her remarks on the National Treasures National Trust for Historic Preservation to produce PastForward, the program and America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places list. Prior annual National Preservation Conference hosted in Savannah for a to Stephanie’s address, the crowd was wowed by the Troubadours record third time—1968, 1998 and 2014. To develop and prepare and the Knights of Harmony, Windsor Forest High School’s a capella for the execution of such an event that attracted more than 2,000 male and female ensembles. Afterwards, the crowd feasted on an visitors in Savannah, HSF needed to recruit extra minds and bodies. array of soul food—from oxtails to homemade lemonade—catered HSF developed a new Volunteer Recruitment Program to ensure a by Pin Point native and Ossabaw Island descendant, Sula. n quality experience for Conference attendees, and recognized the value and wisdom in making it a permanent program that will be used throughout the year. Implemented last March, the Volunteer Program has successfully engaged hundreds of new volunteers with whom HSF will foster lasting relationships well into the future. n 2 HSF RECEIVES THE ROTARY CLUB OF SAVANNAH CENTURY SERVICE AWARD FOR EQUIPMENT HSF proudly accepted a $1000 grant from the Rotary Club of Savannah, as part of its Century Service Award to commemorate the Club’s 100th anniversary of Service Above Self. HSF is using the funds to provide protective safety gear for students participating in our Hands on History Program (HOHP) which is geared towards Savannah Chatham County Public School students. During last year’s Hands on History summer camp, we were invited by our camp sponsor, Rives E. Worrell Company, a J. E. Dunn Construction Company to tour the dynamic restoration project of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. In preparing, we quickly realized that HSF did not have the protective gear required to visit such a project, and certainly not in the quantity we needed for our students. Fortunately, we were able to borrow the gear from the Rives E. Worrell crew and the tour became a reality. Recognizing the value of this unique opportunity, we did not want to miss out on future sites and experiences for our students and we decided we needed our own gear. Thanks to the Rotary Club of Savannah and their Century grant, we have been able to purchase protective gear for our HOHP students and they can now visit a range of historic and active rehabilitation HSF’s 13th Colony partners with Savannah Tree Foundation to plant trees in Thomas Square neighborhood With shovels in hand–HSF’s 13th Colony partnered with Savannah Tree Foundation to host a special tree planting event in the Thomas Square Streetcar District. 55 trees were provided by Savannah Tree Foundation to be planted throughout the Thomas Square neighborhood, thanks to a CSX Tree Giveaway Grant. Nine larger trees were provided and planted near the P.J. O’Connor House, a former HSF Revolving Fund property at 222 East 32nd Street. Members of HSF’s 13th Colony with other volunteers spent a Saturday morning planting the trees with guidance and assistance from City of Savannah and Savannah Tree Foundation staff.  sites as well as participate in restoration activities, thereby giving them a more hands-on experience and understanding. n HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 12 4 DAVENPORT HOUSE CARRIES OUT ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIG ON SITE YIELDING INTERESTING ARTIFACTS Project Manager Rita Elliot of LAMAR Institute People look at you funny when you tell them you are excited that archaeologists found the Davenports’ privy. They must not know that people in the past used their privies for more than the obvious. Privies were the garbage dumps of old and often reveal a wealth of knowledge about the history of a location. After committing to do an archaeological survey of the DH property in January, we got scared that the property has been so disturbed that there was nothing there to find. That would have been fine from the public programming aspect since at least 100 people came to the site either through the workshop or for the eight day excavation and learned about the value of archaeology. By day six of the excavation we were beginning to feel we had done our “due diligence” and could leave it at that. Then they found a privy on the HSF GIVES HANDS ON HISTORY PROGRAM STUDENTS A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO TOUR SAVANNAH’S PORT 5 HSF’s Hands on History Program (HOHP) students from Woodville-Tompkins’ Historic Preservation, History, Hospitality and Marketing career pathways participated in a day-long experience which demonstrated, firsthand, the economic impacts of the Savannah River— from the first ship, to the mighty powerhouse of today’s Georgia Ports Authority. lot line between Lots 13 and 14. Our archaeologists To get a good understanding of the important role of the Savannah River and its historical were so excited about the find that they worked two contributions to trade, the students first visited the Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum. extra days in the winter chill to thoroughly go over There students took a tour of the museum and heard accounts of the history of our river the test pit. commerce. Thanks to program support from Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, HSF was When analyses and additional research are complete, many of the mysteries above, along with some old ones from our research questions and some new ones, will be solved. This, along with other information, will be included in the report and made available to the public. n able to arrange for a coach tour bus to transport students for the duration of the trip. Next, the students took advantage of the rare opportunity for an on-site visit at the Georgia Ports Authority. After receiving a private tour, they continued their educational experience with an insider’s look at the progress of today’s port operation, bringing their understanding full circle. Student and teacher reactions were very positive. In fact, HSF’s implementation of HOHP into a second school—Woodville-Tompkins High School—has played a role in earning the school the highest pass-rate for ninth grade History in their school district! n HSF engages the community with National Preservation Conference Program Development 2014 National Preservation Conference: PastForward 2015 will be another success story! By the time you receive and read HSF’s 2014 Annual Report, PastForward will be a pleasant memory which will be documented in the 2015 Annual Report. As a development and production partner with the National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) and SCAD, HSF invested significant resources during the 2014 fiscal year to ensure this re-engineered conference would serve conference attendees and reflect positively on the City of Savannah. As the preeminent annual gathering for a wide range of preservation leaders, including architects, developers, planners, educators, government officials, nonprofit staff, volunteers, activists, historians, and students — the full report will be meaningful. The 2000 plus visitors who were in Savannah for nearly a week contributed mightily to the local economy and to our understanding of the importance of preservation. HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 14 HSF LENDS HANDS TO A WOUNDED WARRIOR FAMILY TO CLEAN UP UNIQUE HISTORIC CARRIAGE HOUSE 6 HSF is always looking for ways to give back to and educate our reached out to HSF for guidance in an effort to save the endangered community, whether it be through the saving of a blighted property carriage house. In response, HSF called on volunteers not only or reaching out to neighborhood residents. In March of 2014, HSF from our loyal membership but also from Dominic’s unit-the accomplished both! In collaboration with Staff Sergeant Dominic 1/75th Ranger Battalion. One Saturday, in the early morning hours, J. Annechini and his wife Melanie, HSF lent its expertise and man 9 volunteers gathered and cleaned out debris from the old carriage power to clean and stabilize an endangered carriage house on the house. With their hard work and determination, a project that Annecchini’s historic property located at 120-122 West Anderson should have taken days, was finished in a few short hours. There Street. SSG Annecchini, a member of the 1/75th Ranger Battalion, aren’t enough words to express how grateful HSF is to Dominic and who was critically wounded during combat in Afghanistan for the 1/75th Ranger Battalion- not only for their service to our county Operation Enduring Freedom in 2012, has made a remarkable but also for answering the call for preservation. n recovery. While restoring the main house on the site, the Annechinis DAVENPORT HOUSE DEVELOPS SKILLS AND CHARACTER IN OUR YOUTH THROUGH FLOURISHING JI PROGRAM 7 Each year the Davenport House presents two Junior Interpreter HSF files a complaint against Zoning Board of Appeals approval for demolition on Broughton Street Concerned for the potential loss of an historic building and a pattern of disregard for MPC staff’s recommendations and Historic District Board of Review’s findings, HSF appealed the Zoning Board of Appeals decision to allow Ben Carter to demolish 240 W. Broughton Street. In order to appeal, HSF filed a complaint in Superior Court. HSF’s standing to file was based on its ownership of property and easements on Broughton Street. However, due to their distance from the subject property and prevailing law in Georgia, that position was not on the firmest ground. After much debate and discussion, the Board of Trustees voted to withdraw the lawsuit and, instead, reach out to the Mayor and City Council to convey concerns about the integrity of the review process. That educational campaign continues in earnest. Programs, one in the summer for any interested high school students to learn to give tours to the public. That program began in 2003. The second program began in 2005 thanks to Savannah Arts Academy American history teacher Rod MacKay who recruits students from his classes. Every October, 15 or so SAA students arrive to participate in the fall program over an eight week period. Following training both groups come together to volunteer at the Davenport House. Some JIs become living history performers, others are program volunteers working with activities such as the Tour of Homes and Gardens and SuperMuseumSunday. A small number of JIs become staff docents who give tours at the DH on weekends and during school holidays. At this point over 200 young people have taken a JI program preparing them for future stewardship of museum properties! They make the DH vital and exciting while it give them communication skill and an affinity for museums in their lives. n HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 16 HSF ACKNOWLEDGES THE BEST IN PRESERVATION WITH ANNUAL PRESERVATION AWARDS CEREMONY 8 What’s so great about peace, love and understanding…when what you really want is to win a Preservation Award from HSF? Elvis Costello knows how to write song lyrics, but HSF knows how to bestow awards! Winning a Preservation Award is really a distinguished honor. Each year, HSF celebrates the best of preservation by presenting Preservation Awards to individuals and organizations whose contributions demonstrate excellence in historic preservation. We continue to refine the process, and competition is keener; there are only about a dozen winners each year. When recipients hang their certificate or plaque on the wall, they do so with HSF’s full faith and confidence that the project is something to be celebrated and emulated. We want our awards to challenge other property owners to aspire to greatness in restoration and infill construction. So, when HSF acknowledges new infill at 306 W. Waldburg, the rehabilitation of Hayman’s Hall on E. Charlton, the restoration of United Community Bank on Johnson Square, or great people like Aaron Levy for the Nicola Coe Volunteer of the Year Award and Cullen Chambers for the President’s Award (posthumously) in 2014, then those projects and people set the bar for others to surpass. Nobody said it would be easy, but then again who said peace, love and understanding was a breeze? n HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 18 9 HSF PARTNERS WITH HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, USGBC AND SCAD TO DESIGN AND BUILD INFILL HOME IN CUYLER-BROWNVILLE Stemming from a Julia and Richard Moe Fund grant from the infill house that would meet Habitat’s criteria for affordability; the National Trust for Historic Preservation that HSF received in 2012, City of Savannah’s guidelines for visual compatibility; and LEED HSF collaborated with the US Green Building Council—GA Chapter, Certified guidelines for energy sustainability. Using SCAD’s research SCAD, Lynch Associates Architects and Coastal Empire Habitat and designs, we approached Lynch Associates Architects to turn for Humanity in the design and construction of an affordable, SCAD’s charrette into permit-able construction drawings. Then, compatible and sustainable infill house for the Cuyler-Brownville we turned over those designs to Habitat who executed the plans Historic District. HSF’s Revolving Fund was already active in the to a T. HSF further assisted this project’s completion by donating 800 block of W. 42nd Street with the purchase and sale of a worker’s $5k to the construction of this new home that is now occupied cottage when we noticed the adjacent vacant lot and thought to by a family. Meanwhile, the building next door is also undergoing ourselves, wouldn’t this be a great spot for an infill house? We found rehabilitation and we have lifted up a troubled corner in one of an able funding partner in USGBC and contracted with SCAD to Savannah’ important historic neighborhoods. n undertake a class project to design a sensitive but contemporary HSF OFFERS REALTORS HISTORIC PRESERVATION LEADERSHIP CLASS 10 How do you sell an historic property for optimum value? This year HSF worked to create Savannah’s first accredited Historic Preservation Leadership Class for real estate professionals in partnership with Savannah Area REALTORS® and sponsored by Austin Hill Realty. HSF recognizes that Realtors are often the first point of contact with property owners who are buying and selling properties in our historic HSF publicly announces its Capital Campaign. $1.3M raised of $1.5 M goal districts, and we felt it was especially important to provide them We are almost there! Under the leadership of co-chairs Aaron Levy, this year’s Nichola Parker Coe Volunteer Award recipient, and Helen Downing, HSF Past Chair, the Capital Campaign has raised $1.3 million of our $1.5 million goal. We are confident we will soon meet our goal, and in 2015, donors will be recognized for their participation unless they have requested to be anonymous. with the tools and education to assist their clients and also maximize the value of our historic real estate. Additionally, better-informed Realtors lead to better-informed clients and better stewards of our historic buildings. Offered for the first time in July, HSF received extremely positive feedback from the Realtors who participated! The class offers continuing education credits to all Realtors licensed in the state and it covers important topics including Savannah’s architectural styles, Over the last six decades, HSF has spearheaded the local preservation movement saving and protecting some of Savannah’s most acclaimed and visited historic properties--more than 360 in number. In order to continue its mission to preserve historic Savannah, HSF announced its capital campaign this past May, This Place Matters: The Campaign to Continue Preserving Savannah. This important campaign will help provide the vital resources HSF needs to save endangered historic properties and continue to lead the preservation movement in Savannah and Chatham County. economic incentives for historic properties, information on altering properties in historic districts, how to respectfully rehabilitate historic properties, and creative opportunities for development. Watch for future program opportunites! n HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 20 11 HSF SAVES AND SELLS 2240 WHITAKER STREET THROUGH THE REVOLVING FUND Another corner saved by HSF! In a classic and traditional use of its poised to remove the building—which suffered a debilitating fire Revolving Fund, HSF intervened to purchase the vacant and blighted in 2010 and sat exposed and fallow for several years—but HSF property at 2240 Whitaker Street just prior to contacted the owner and struck a deal to its demolition. Thanks to HSF’s participation in purchase it, thereby saving him time, money “Project Enforce,” (a regular meeting hosted by and hassle with the City from resultant fines the City of Savannah that convenes key agencies and liens. A few months later, HSF sold the and organizations to assess and resolve issues building to sympathetic owners who will with vacant and blighted properties) the fate rehabilitate the property. Architectural plans of this c.1900 building in the Thomas Square and permitting are underway, and it is expected Historic District became known. The City was that the building will be finished in 2015. n HSF COMPETES IN THE FIRST ANNUAL MATTRESS DASH TO RAISE MONEY FOR SUSTAINABILITY 12 All for a great cause! The first annual “Sustainativity Mattress Dash” was held on Sunday, September 28, on the south end of Forsyth Park. The Park’s center walkway was converted into a rip-roaring track as costumed teams of five people raced mattresses 150 meters all to promote preservation and the “greening” of historic buildings without sacrificing architectural integrity. Teams were required to build a racing frame capable of holding a single mattress and one rider, while being pushed by the remaining four team members. Proceeds from the Race benefited Historic Savannah Foundation (HSF). Prizes were awarded for Fastest Team, Greenest Racing Frame, Judge’s Choice and People’s Choice. In partnership with Design for Ability, OxForm and Southern Pine, HSF took the prize for the Greenest Racing Frame with great pride and merriment. n HSF contracts comprehensive Economic Impact Study with industry leader Don Rypkema HSF seized an opportunity to pursue a second grant from the Julia and Richard Moe Fund (see article on Habitat infill on page 19 from the National Trust for Historic Preservation and spearheaded a professional study of the economic impacts of preservation on Savannah’s economy. The uniqueness of this report is that it does not dilute preservation’s impact with heritage tourism numbers. Instead, the study focuses on preservation’s �pure’ benefits in terms of jobs, property values and tax revenues for local governing authorities. The $30k study by Don Rypkema and PlaceEconomics will affirm HSF’s role in generating jobs and significant economic development in the community. The report should be ready for distribution in early 2015. HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 22 HSF GENERAL MEMBERS 1733 SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP Mrs. Emma Adler Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Jefferson Bolch, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cortese Mrs. Edward Downing Mr. and Mrs. Don Gardner Mrs. Elizabeth Mercer Hammond Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Levy Mr. Robert Long and Ms. Tracy L. Steen Ms. Carol Sawdye and Mr. Johno Morisano Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Morrison, Jr. Mr. Wayne Spear and Mr. Murray Perlman Mr. and Mrs. William Sprague, Jr. Ms. Ann Tenenbaum and Mr. Thomas H. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon U. Tenenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tisch Ms. Anne P. West RESTORER MEMBERSHIP Mr. and Mrs. George Fawcett Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. George, Jr. Ms. Kathy Horne and Mr. Carl S. Pedigo Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Jepson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kole Mr. and Mrs. Angus C. Littlejohn, Jr. Ms. Judy Woodard ARTISAN MEMBERSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Adams Mr. and Mrs. Alan Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Bergen Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Clifford Mr. and Mrs. John J. Clinard Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. Darbyshire Mr. Jeffrey S. Eley and Mr. Gregory Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Kent M. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. James Holcomb Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Johnson HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Mr. Martin Karp Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Keller Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kole Ms. Sarah H. Lamar Dr. and Mrs. James G. Lindley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lovett The Reverend and Mrs. George M. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Monahan Ms. Gaye S. Reese Ms. Swann Seiler Mr. and Mrs. Philip Solomons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Tatum Mr. and Mrs. Hue Thomas III CONSERVATOR MEMBERSHIP Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Argentinis Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Barber Mr. Mark Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Berrigan Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Boice Ms. Anne Whitton Bolyea Dr. and Mrs. Franklyn Bousquet Dr. and Mrs. Chad Brock Ms. Sharon Mimbs Bromley Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Caldwell Mr. Donald Callahan and Mr. Mark O. Conway Mr. and Mrs. W. Park Callahan Mr. Charles H. Chewning and Mr. John T. Gennuso Ms. Karen Clarke Dr. and Mrs. John W. Coursey Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Coy Dr. and Mrs. William Dascombe Bobby and Liz Davenport Dr. Deane Donnigan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Jim Emery Mr. and Mrs. James Fredrick Mr. Robert S. Glenn Jr. Mrs. Ruth Goldsmith Mrs. Marie Simmons and Mr. Thomas F. Hairston Mr. and Mrs. Mark Haskins Mr. and Mrs. Joe Herring Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbs Juha and Holley Jaakkola Steve and Janice Johannsen Mr. Jim Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Kearns, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted J. Kleisner Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kluttz Mrs. Catherine Dunn Kostilnik Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Wilder G. Little Mr. Kevin McCarthy James A. D. Cox and Ronald C. Melander Dr. Julia L. Mikell Carolee F. and George H. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Nichols Mr. Charles Taylor and Mr. Samir Nikocevic Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Olson Mr. and Mrs. James L. Pannell Dr. Melissa C. Parker Dr. Amanda Parks Mr. and Mrs. John O. Paull Mrs. Audrey Platt Mr. Nicholas C. Procaccini Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ramee Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reitman Mrs. Lombard M. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Ryan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Saseen Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Schmidt Mrs. Marie Simmons and Mr. Thomas F. Hairston Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sirlin Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Smith Mrs. Maria T. Sparkman Ms. Carmela Spinelli Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Steffen Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Stuebe The Kaminsky Family Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Thorpe Jr. Ms. Barbara Treadwell Mr. and Mrs. Wiley A. Wasden, III Mr. and Mrs. Roland B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams Mrs. Emily Winburn Mr. and Mrs. David A. Young Dr. and Mrs. Michael Zoller HEARTH (FAMILY) Dr. and Mrs. D. Stephen Acuff Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Arredondo Ms. Eleanor Rhangos and Mr. Daniel Bromstad Dr. James J. Burke II and Mr. Penfield C. Price Dr. Blake Caldwell and Dr. Joel Rosenstock Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Callejas Mr. and Mrs. William R. Claiborne Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coker Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Compton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Timothy Corley Mrs. Elizabeth C. Corzilius Mr. and Mrs. E. Brian Culver Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Culver Mr. and Mrs. Asa B. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Fagin Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Fingerle Mr. and Mrs. David Flanary Mr. and Mrs. Murray Galin Mr. W. H. Durrence, Jr. and Ms. Barbara Gatens Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L.T Gay Mr. Phillip B. Carter and Mr. Seth Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Kent Gregory Ms. Ellen L. Grill Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hoppe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kaminsky Mr. and Mrs. B.H. Levy, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Logan Mr. and Mrs. Bates Lovett Mr. Gordon K. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. William T. Moore Mr. and Mrs. John F. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Ted Muller Mr. Robert and Dr. Holly Metts Pace Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paolucci Mr. and Mrs. Allan L. Peakes Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Pedigo Mr. and Mrs. John D. Platte Dr. and Mrs. Paul Pressly Col. and Mrs. Henry M. Reed, II Mr. Ben Burrell and Mr. David Shephard Mr. and Mrs. Joel Snayd Mr. and Mrs. Christian B. Sottile Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Roland S. Summers Dr. and Mrs. Jules Victor III Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Vinyard Mr. and Mrs. Ron Washburn Mr. George Vincent West and Mrs. Elizabeth Dodd West The Rev. Michael S. White Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wilford Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Wilkes Dr. and Mrs. Fremont P. Wirth SUSTAINER INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP Mr. Robert K. Bell, Jr. Mrs. Martha Blessington-Padilla Ms. Nancy S. Boyd Dr. Annette K. Brock Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Butler Mrs. Frank A. Chisholm Ms. Dianne Clabaugh Ms. Susie Clinard and Mr. Harley Lingerfelt Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cocalis Ms. Dorothy W. Courington Mrs. F. Willson Daily Mr. Stephen P. Dantin Dr. Marie Dent Dr. H. Clark Deriso Mr. Morgan Derst Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Feiler, Jr. Ms. Chloe Fort Dr. Philip C. Gainey Ms. Geneen M. Gibson Mrs. Robert Groves, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard Hackney Mr. Lynford B. Hadwin Mr. Andrew M. Ham Mr. and Mrs. Jed Harris Mr. Joseph W. Hartley, Jr. Ms. Allison Hersh Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hiott Ms. Ann Howell Mr. and Mrs. Sam Inglesby, Jr. Ms. Cindy Kelley and Mr. Ken Zapp Mr. William M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kennedy Ms. Paula Kreissler Mrs. Jeanne R. Lee Dr. J. Stanley Lester Dr. and Mrs. Blake Long Mrs. Wallace Lynah Mr. and Mrs. Joel Lynch Mr. Jay Massey Mr. and Mrs. Eric Meyerhoff Mrs. Kathryn A. Murph Mr. Jesse J. Napoli Mr. and Mrs. Ali M. Nasr Mr. and Mrs. John L. Neely Ms. Kelley Parker Mr. Roger Smith and Mr. James Peek Mr. A.M. Peterson Ms. Linda Ramsay Mr. and Mrs. James A. Scott Mrs. Jason Shirah Dr. and Mrs. Robert Tomhave Dr. and Mrs. Olon C. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. G. Mason White Mr. B. Franklin Williams, Jr. Mrs. Catherine Smith Wise-Bey Mrs. Lois Wooten Mr. Dana R. Zipperer 13TH COLONY (YOUNG PROFESSIONALS) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew K. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Paul Belliveau Miss Elizabeth G. Bittson Mr. David Burkoff Ms. Liorah Camak Mr. R. Pierce Cannon 24 Mrs. Heather D. Capallo Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carroll Mr. Kevin Cartee Ms. Erinn Carter Mr. William C. Cook Mr. Charles E. Daniels Miss Caty Dickensheets Mr. Luke Dorman Ms. Sarah Dylla Ms. Rebecca Fenwick Mr. Allan Galis Mr. Will Gallagher Mr. Hitch Gilchrist Mr. Blake W. Gillman Mr. Patrick Godley Ms. Trisha M. Growe Mr. Justin Gunther Mr. and Mrs. John Harper Ms. Ellen I. Harris Mr. Austin Hill Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Hill Mr. Ed Hissam Mrs. Jessica Hissam Ms. Kathryn Hull Mr. Chad Keller Ms. Melissa B. Kendrick Drs. Monica and Jeffrey Kenney Mr. James Kidd Mr. Kevin M. Klinkenberg Miss Shannon G. Lancaster Mr. Christopher Lane Ms. Kate Lawson Ms. Jessica Leavitt Dr. and Mrs. James A. Long Mr. and Mrs. Colby Longley Mrs. Heather Lundy Ms. Jessica Lyons Ms. Chassidy Malloy Mrs. Megan Manly Mr. Harris Martin Mrs. Stella R. Mathews Ms. Danielle Meunier Mrs. Lee McGee Ms. Janet Miller Mr. Wayne Murphy HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Ms. Yaires Oliveras Mr. and Mrs. David Orne Mr. Nick Palumbo Ms. Jessica G. Pedigo Mrs. Carson B. Penney Mr. Nathaniel L. Phillips Ms. Laura C. Pitts Mr. Matthew Price Mr. Thomas M. Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Brent Scoggins Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sewell Ms. Ashley L. Simeone Mr. J. Reeves Skeen Mr. Kyle Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sparks Mr. Eric Chin & Mr. Jonathan Stalcup Mr. and Mrs. Matthew I. Stroud Mr. Zachary Thomas Ms. Courtney L. Valentine Mr. Thomas R. Vermillion II Mr. Jules Victor IV Mr. and Mrs. Austin York PRESERVER INDIVIDUAL Mr. James A. Abraham Mr. Francis W. Allan Mr. Gregori S. Anderson Ms. Jane B. Annakin Mr. Gustavo Arias Dr. Linda D. Atkinson Ms. Megan Ball Mrs. Martha A. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. George H. Barrow Mrs. Bruce Barstow Mr. and Mrs. William B. Beaman Dr. David A. Bell The Honorable Carolyn Bell John and Rebecca Bertram Ms. Mathilde L. Billheimer Mrs. Kelly Bittinger Mr. Kenneth W. Boyd Mrs. Janice Brodhead Mr. and Mrs. E. Kenneth Brownfield Mr. Michael D. Browning Mrs. Leslie C. Buchanan Mrs. Tiffany Burckhalter-Alewine Mrs. Stephen R. Burke Ms. Donna R. Butler Mr. John A. Carley Ms. Gene B. Carpenter Mrs. Karen D. Cassard Mrs. Rebecca A. Cheatham Dr. and Mrs. Joe D. Christian Mr. Robert A. Ciucevich Mrs. Jane S. Clark Dr. Melissa L. Cobbs Dr. Scott A. Cohen Mr. Edward J. Coleman III Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coley Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryan Connerat, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Coonce Ms. Joellen Cooper-Pyles Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cording Mr. Lonnie Coulter Mr. Derek Council Mr. Alan Cowart Mr. Gerald D. Cowart Mrs. Christine K. Coyle Mr. William H. Crawley Mrs. Jamie Credle Mrs. Judy Crisp Ms. Deborah Cooling Davis and Mr. Ashton Davis Mrs. Jennifer Deacon Ms. Laurie DeVegter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dietz Dr. Eduard Docu Mr. George Doerner Mrs. Amelia W. Dreese Ms. Elizabeth DuBose and Mr. Mark Frissell Mrs. Pamela L. G. Eaton Ms. Susan Lowrey Flaherty and Mr. Frank J. Eckel Mr. and Mrs. Reed L. Engle Mr. and Mrs. Nick Eskandar Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Everard Mrs. Kathy Fairchild Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Fitzpatrick Mr. Kevin Ford Ms. Eleanor D. Foster Mrs. Patricia S. Fraker Mr. Jeffrey Freeman Mr. and Mrs. David Fuchs Ms. Charlie Garbutt Ms. Susan Giddens Mr. Mark Turner and Ms. Heather Ginner Mr. Hugh S. Golson Dr. Theodora L. Gongaware Mrs. Vaughnette Goode-Walker Mr. Vincent J. Green Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hagerty Mr. Greg G. Hall Dr. and Mrs. O. Emerson Ham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ham Mr. and Mrs. Brian Harlender Mr. Stephen H. Harrington and Mrs. Diane White Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hensley Dr. Thomas Hetherington Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill Mr. Roy Hill Mrs. Suzanne Hirst-Plucker Mrs. Lucy McIntire Hitch Ms. Erica Scales and Mr. Stephen H. Hooten Mrs. Gloria D. Horstman Dr. Jay Howington Mr. Keith Howington Mr. Sigmund Hudson Mr. John Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hultman Mr. Kevin L. Iocovozzi Mr. Felton Jenkins III Mr. Stuart M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Jones, Jr. Mr. Eli P. Karatassos Mr. Daniel P. Kaufman Mrs. Elizabeth H. Kaynor Dr. Maggie Keenan Mrs. Mary Lawrence Kennickell Mrs. Irene C. Kestas Mr. Leftwich Kimbrough Ms. Beth Kinstler Mrs. Carissa N. Klutzke Dr. Brian and Joan Kornblatt Ms. Rebecca S. Kostrach Mrs. Mary Kramer Ms. Sally E. Kruger Dr. and Mrs. John Wesley Krulic Mr. and Mrs. Randolph H. Kulp II Ms. Marlowe B. H. Laiacona Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lamar Mr. and Mrs. Jon Land Mr. and Mrs. Alex A. Lawrence, Jr. Dr. Richard F. Leighton Ms. Monica Letourneau Mr. and Mrs. Gary Levy Ms. Frances D. Lindgren Ms. Margaret Livingston Mr. Mike Lofton Dr. Brian Luckett Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Lyman Mrs. Malcolm Maclean Mr. and Mrs. Todd Martin Mrs. Karen Martorelli Mr. and Mrs. Richard Matteo Mr. Sam McCachern Mr. and Mrs. Corey McClimans Mr. and Mrs. Mat McCoy Mr. Alfred McGuire Mrs. Gwen S. McKee Mr. Thomas Q. McKinnon Mr. Michael McLeod Ms. Linda Lane Meyer Mrs. Leah G. Michalak Dr. and Mrs. John L. Mikell Mrs. Aileen J. Miller Ms. Pamela A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Miller Mrs. Christina Mondy Mr. and Mrs. William T. Moore, III Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morison Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson Morris Ms. Donna Murley Ms. Elizabeth Koomler and Mr. Ryan Murphy Mr. W. Cliff Murse Mr. Henry Nanninga Mr. Michael Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Nelson Ms. Rhondda Netherton Mr. Robert E. Neumann Mrs. Kimberly Newbold Mrs. Maureen C. O’Brien Ms. Judy R. Ochsner Mr. and Mrs. Eric Oetgen Ms. Patricia A. Otis Mr. and Mrs. John Otter Mrs. June Parsons Mrs. Doug Perry Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Peters, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Poole Mr. Andrew J. Powers Ms. Doris Preus Mr. and Mrs. Gary Radke Ms. Mary E. Raines Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rasplicka Mrs. Katherine J. Ratterree Mrs. June Ray Ms. Charlotte A. Rehmert Mrs. Beverly C. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. L. Allan Reynolds, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Rhangos Mrs. Benjamin R. Roach Mr. Marcus B. Robertson Mr. Stuart Robertson Ms. Antoinette Roise Mrs. Monica Roppel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosenwald Dr. E. G. Daves Rossell Ms. Sally S. Roth Ms. Dolly Chisholm and Mr. Graham Sadler Dr. Susan Sammons Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Samuel Mr. Jason Sapp Ms. Sharon L. Saseen Mr. Charles P. Sawyer SCAD- Historic Preservation Department Mr. Robert W. Schivera Mr. Dan Schneider Ms. Karen Schroder Mr. Phillip Sellers Mr. and Mrs. John B. Severance Ms. Esther Shaver 26 Ms. Dedra D. Shuman Mr. and Mrs. Bradd Siegel Mr. William L. Simmons Dr. Brad Sites Mrs. Phyllis S. Skeffington Ms. Mary Ann Smith Ms. May Ann Smith Mrs. Victoria Smoke Ms. Marilyn Sobwick Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sparks Ms. Janet T. Spillane Mr. Harry Spirides Mrs. Marilyn Stack-Gill and Mr. Robert P. Gill Ms. Ridley Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stengel Mr. Ben Stowers Ms. Jill S. Strauss Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Stubbs, Jr. Mrs. Cornelia G. Stumpf Mr. Christopher M. Surber Ms. Danielle Swift Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Szczecinski Mr. and Mrs. John Tegley Mr. Tony Thomas Mr. John P. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Thompson Mr. Tom Thomson Ms. Terri L. Tillman Mrs. Jane Allison Townsend and Mr. David Levy Ms. Virginia Anne Tyree Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Valentino Mr. and Mrs. Joe Virant Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Wade Mr. Arthur H. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wallace Dr. and Mrs. William H. Wallace Ms. Kelly D. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Lamar C. Walter Mr. Arvin Ward Mr. and Mrs. Josh Ward Mr. and Mrs. Brian West Mrs. Susan Skardon White Mr. William H. Whitten Mrs. Minda Widich-Office Mrs. Suzanne H. Williams HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Mr. J. Reid Williamson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Willis Ms. Alice E. Withrow Mrs. Ardis Ann H. Wood Mr. and Mrs. George L. Woods Ms. Laura C. Wright Mr. Walter G.B. Wright Mr. Winter Wright Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Wyatt Mrs. Robert B. Yeomans Mrs. John H. Yingling STUDENT Ms. Naomi Braff Mr. Matthew Finley Mr. Andrew D. Hyatt Ms. Elizabeth Isaacs Ms. Kendra Parzen Mr. Ethan Weyrick HSF CORPORATE MEMBERS 1733 SOCIETY CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP Abshire Public Relations Ameris Bank Ashley’s Business Solutions Audi Hilton Head Chatham Orthopaedics Associates, PA Critz Auto Group DIRTT Environmental Solutions, Inc. Dulany Industries, Inc. The Fiduciary Group Georgia Power J.T. Turner Construction Co., Inc. Queensborough National Bank & Trust Robin Upchurch Allen Design Savannah Morning News Seacrest Partners, Inc. GUARDIAN CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Allen Kennickell Print and Communications Dr. & Mrs. Walker T. Pendarvis, DMD, MHS Rives E. Worrell Company, Inc. Savannah Distributing Company Old Town Trolley Tours PROTECTOR CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP Bethesda Academy Bottega Bellini Bouhan Falligant LLP CHS Construction and Preservation Coastal Canvas Products Kole Management Company, Inc. Garibaldi’s Café and The Olde Pink House Green Truck Pub The Kennickell Group Newfield Construction Company Pier & Beam Savannah Chamber of Commerce Staci Donegan, Celia Dunn Sotheby’s Int’l Realty The Parker Companies Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Renovation Lending ADVOCATE CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP 37th @ Abercorn Antiques & Design Dr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Allen, DDS Appraisal Enterprises, Inc. Atlantic Records Management Co. Inc. Austin Hill Realty, LLC Azalealand Nursing Home INC Bernard Williams & Company Brennan & Wasden, LLP Byck Management, LLC Cathedral Stone Products, Inc. Chatham Area Transit Authority Choate Construction Circa Lighting Clark Creative Design Coastal Business Storage, Inc. The Coastal Bank Dawson Architects, Inc. The Detail Department Ellsworth-Hallett, LLC Felder & Associates, LLC Friedman’s Fine Art Georgia Ports Authority Guenther Wood Group, Inc. Guerry Lumber Company Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Gunn, Meyerhoff & Shay, Architects Hancock Askew Hansen Architects, P.C. Historical Concepts, LLC Holland, Henry and Bromley, LLP HunterMaclean JTVS Builders Karp, Ronning, & Tindol, PC KEIM Mineral Coatings of America, Inc. The Kessler Collection Lane, Clark & Company Real Estate Appraisers Lominack Kolman Smith Architects Luxury Living Savannah LYNCH associates architects, PC Mermaid Cottages Vacation Rentals Minis & Company Mitsubishi Power Systems, Inc. Moon River Brewing Company The Pinyan Company Pioneer Construction, Inc. Sandpiper Supply Inc. Savannah Economic Development Authority Savannah Kitchen & Bath, LLC Savannah Pedicab Savannah Technical College Savannah Tire Sea Island Bank Seabolt Brokers Six Pence Pub South State Bank Southern Motors of Savannah, Inc. Southern Urgent Care Spectrum Printing and Marketing, Inc. Sterne Agee Tharpe Engineering Group Thomas J. Sheehan Insurance, Inc. Three Oaks Realty Company Tybee Island Historical Society United Community Bank Weiner, Shearouse, Weitz, Greenberg & Shawe Wells Fargo Private Bank Wet Willie’s Management Corp. PAST PRESIDENTS J.T. Turner Jr., 2009-2011 W. John Mitchell, 2007-2009 Susie Clinard, 2005 – 2007 Zelda Tenenbaum, 2003-2005 Helen D. Downing, 2001-2003 Graham P. Sadler, 1999-2001 Susan Riley Myers, 1997-1999 Lawrence B. Lee, 1995-1997 Lee C. Mundell, 1993-1995 Mrs. Donna R. Butler, 1991-1993 Joseph A. Webster, Jr., Deceased, 1988-1991 Gordon K. Matthews, 1986-1988 Robert S. Glenn, Jr., 1984-1986 Mrs. Henry Garlington, Deceased, 1983-1984 Mr. John Allen, Deceased, 1981-1983 Mrs. Elizabeth C. Sprague, 1979-1981 Arnold Tenenbaum, 1977-1979 John E. Cay, III, 1976-1977 J. Wiley Ellis, 1975-1976 Mrs. Lawrence Lee Jr., 1973-1975 Mrs. Elliott A. Cobb, Deceased, 1971-1973 Dale C. Critz, Sr., 1969-1970 Walter C. Hartridge II, 1969-1970 Robert D. Gunn, Deceased, 1968-1969 Walter Coke Scott, Deceased, 1963-1964 Leopold Adler, II, Deceased, 1961-1963 Albert Stoddard, Deceased, 1959-1961 Mrs. Anne C. Hunter, Deceased, 1958-1959 H. Hansell Hillyer, Deceased, 1956-1958 J.J. Rauer, Deceased, 1955-1956 28 2013-2014 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ms. Kathleen Horne - Chair Mr. Jeffrey S. Eley - Vice Chair* Mr. Bill Lovett - Past Chair Ms. Sarah Lamar - Secretary Ms. Susan Clifford - Treasurer* Mr. Brian Felder - Parliamentarian* Mr. Phillip Adams Ms. Robin Upchurch Allen Mr. Gregori Anderson Mr. Josh Brooks* Mr. Austen Carroll Mrs. Pamela Clinard Ms. Elizabeth DuBose Mrs. Helen Williams Johnson Mr. Josh Keller Mr. Jeffrey Kole Mr. Robert Long Mr. Jamie McCurry Mr. Patrick Monahan* Mr. Peter Nelsen Mr. David Paddison TRUSTEES BY REPRESENTATION Mrs. Julia Butler 2014 Gala Chair Mr. Austin Hill 13th Colony Chair Ms. Dottie Courington Mrs. Eden Combes Mrs. Gay Park Tour of Homes & Gardens Chairs 2014 Mr. John Buckovich Downtown Neighborhood Representative Mrs. Brooke Wilford Davenport House Committee Chair *denotes HSF committee chair HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 30 calendar of events 2014-2015 18 October Annual Gala 11-14 November National Trust for Historic Preservation Conference: PastForward STAFF Mr. Daniel G. Carey President & CEO [email protected] Ms. Frances C. Colón r Ab all H o u se c. 18 [email protected] a S h eft 18 Membership & Volunteer Coordinator m ha Mrs. Jamie Credle Director, Davenport House Museum [email protected] 26-29 Mr. Jeff Freeman Assistant Director, Davenport House Museum [email protected] Mr. James R. Kidd Director of Finance [email protected] Ms. Chassidy Malloy Administrative Assistant [email protected] Ms. Danielle Meunier Preservation & Education Coordinator [email protected] HSF Offices 321 East York Street Savannah, Georgia 31401 912 233 7787 Davenport House Museum 324 East State Street Savannah, Georgia 31401 912 236 8097 Ms. Terri O’Neil Director of Development [email protected] 2014 Annual Report proudly designed in partnership with Claywell Design 28 February 2015 Hands on History Program Black History Program February Race for Preservation 28 2015 Race for Preservation March 80th Annual Savannah Tour of Homes and Gardens 7 8 May Savannah Preservation Festival: Awards Luncheon Opening – Lecture and Reception--Evening Savannah Preservation Festival Wine Tour & Art Auction 9 May Savannah Preservation Festival Block Party May National Preservation Month 25-29 May Hands on History Camp For updates and more information visit the Events Calendar on our website at HSF ANNUAL REPORT 2014 32
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