It just feels good to win. $1.2 Million GRAND PRIZE showhome $700,000 GRAND PRIZE penthouse in the ravines of Bedford South at king’s wharf PLUS $10,000 CASH! PLUS $10,000 CASH! 076126 Cahill, Andrea; Fall River 004252 MacNeil, Mary & Violet Daigle; Hammonds Plains 50/50 ADD-ON В® $1,273,860 WINNER TAKES HALF 2015 RANGE ROVER EARLY BIRD PRIZE OR $100,000 CASH! 045769 Poirier, Alfred; Cheticamp Winner Takes $636,930 413584 Morris, Lydia & Fred; Beaver Bank Did you win? Look for your name in our list of PRIZE winners! THANK YOU NOVA SCOTIA! Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! Your ticket purchase for the QEII Home Lottery will support what matters most В– your health, the health of your loved ones and the health of your community. Congratulations to all Prize Winners in The QEII Home Lottery 2014! HIGH ROLLERS BONUS PRIZE Six People to Las Vegas Plus $10,000 Spending Money OR $45,000 Cash 024466 Flemming, M & J; Sydney VEHICLES 2015 BMW M4 Coupe OR 2015 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible OR $80,000 Cash 059638 Bernier, Nadine; Porters Lake 2015 Cruisers Sport Series 258 Bow Rider OR 2015 Striper 2305 Center Console OR $80,000 Cash 070138 Berthier, Charlene & Stanley; Lower Sackville 2015 Porsche Macan S OR 2015 Volvo XC 60 OR $56,000 Cash 010770 Langdon, Aline & Michael; Arichat 2015 Toyota Tundra OR 2015 GMC Sierra OR $51,000 Cash 013576 Brown, Mary J; Maccan 2015 Bentley Pontoon Boat OR 2015 Lowe Fishing Boat OR $26,000 Cash 028957 Grady, Bruce; Dartmouth 2015 Harley-DavidsonВ® SportsterВ® SuperlowВ® OR 2015 Harley-DavidsonВ® SportsterВ® Seventy-TwoВ® OR $15,000 Cash 076098 Rhodenizer, James; Port Medway VACATIONS Costa Rica OR London 041588 Monette, Kimberley; Coldbrook Dublin, Ireland OR Glasgow & Edinburgh, Scotland 004685 Brosha, Noella D; Heatherton Caribbean Cruise OR Western Frontiers – California & Nevada 053273 Hamilton, Pam & Bruce; Dartmouth Mayan Riviera, Mexico OR Jamaica 049946 Macrae-Triff, Linda; Dartmouth Cozumel, Mexico OR Dominican Republic 057516 Nazaretian, Maxine; Halifax November 20,2014 Nova Scotia Golf Weekend OR New York City 100 – Bosch Tassimo Home Brewing Systems 043100 047948 060477 010918 003787 021502 Faulkner, Tina; Lower Sackville Toronto Sports Weekend OR Boston Sports Weekend 075000 Theriault, Scott; Halifax Nova Scotia Romantic Getaway OR Cape Breton Stay & Play Weekend 022001 Sparkes, Branden; Sydney LEISURE PRIZES 1 – Whirlpool Duet Steam Washer & Dryer 053077 Macdonald, Reginald; North Sydney 2 – Sharp 60” LED TVs 015475 055033 Grandy, Gregory M; Dartmouth Snelgrove, Ronald; Halifax 1 – Honda Gas Generator 054989 Benson, Cathy; Elmsdale 2 – Apple 13” MacBook Air Laptops 005382 077871 Middleton, Melinda; Dartmouth Walsh, Grant & Rose Marie; Inverness 2 – Nikon D3200 DSLR Cameras 032969 018227 Jewers, Robert; Bedford Larade, Wayne; Dartmouth 2 – Toro Personal Pace Mowers 073305 020224 Macleod, Franklin; Big Bras D’or Mosher, Borden; Dartmouth 2 – Napoleon Terrace Grills 066663 041716 Conrod, Wendell; Halifax Timms, Jason; Hubley 5 – Electra Cruiser 7D Bikes 039873 059722 057147 075326 064767 Atkins, Terrence; Lower Sackville Boucher, Richard; Head of St Margarets Bay Matthews, Shannon; Mount Uniacke Parker, Shannon; Dartmouth Wiseman, Hughie; Upper Rawdon 2 – Glass Ember Fire Pits 015521 061661 Price, Thomas; Dartmouth Slaunwhite, William & Nicole; Terence Bay 5 – Eureka Tetragon Tents 004619 044846 026893 059492 033190 Baker, Kenton; Italy Cross Gouthro, Mary; Timberlea Graham, Colleen; Beaver Bank Myatt, Reg; Bass River Sandra, Currie-Samson; Halifax 057470 014108 023171 031374 073229 054405 074902 004016 072737 041144 015391 047608 071289 044273 034144 029369 018004 011314 003976 033990 019533 027162 002126 008005 009830 061099 027828 029973 016675 019617 032768 011242 004913 047564 049267 046828 004334 030704 044374 038718 031663 020540 003494 007323 017866 044280 070048 010904 046326 039075 038696 015531 Auffrey, Renee; Dartmouth Baker, Joanna; Chester Basin Bartlett, Sylvia Anne; Tantallon Bedard, Linda; New Germany Berthier Sampson, Darlene; Sydney Beumer, Sandra; Hammonds Plains Bond, Brenda; Kennetcook Boudreau, Marcel A; D’Escousse Boudreau, Pauline & Cyril; Petit De Grat Boutilier, Martha; Port Caledonia Braunstein, Heather; Halifax Brousseau, JP; Halifax Burgess, Daryl & Judy; Fletchers Lake Burke-Altawil, Vernice; Halifax Butt, Derek; Port Hawkesbury Carmichael, Alan J; Dartmouth Chisholm, Louis; St Andrews Colborne, Bruce; Lower Sackville Cole, Chris; Dartmouth Comeau, Janice; Meteghan Cushing, Charles; Bridgewater Desmond, Herbert; Dartmouth Deveau, Hughena; Sydney Dickson, Orland; Valley Digout, Debra; River Bourgeois Digout, Kelvin; St Peters Dowding, Ernest E; Middle Sackville Dunphy, Patrick; Fall River Edwards, Suzanne; Clementsport Ehler, Lee; Halifax Fanning, Marian; Lower Sackville Fennell, John & Betty; Antigonish Flinn, Randi; Bedford Flynn, Joani; Tatamagouche Fralick, Paul; Halifax Francis, Lewis; Lower Sackville Gillis, Richard & Donelda; South West Margaree Goodman, Paul; Halifax Goodwin, Steven; Middle Sackville Gough, Sean; Hammonds Plains Grauman, Sandra; Barss Corner Grosvold, Steve; Truro Hanlon, Karen & Gerard; Lunenburg Harris, Anita; Sydney Hayes, Judy; Lower Sackville Hazel, Jeannine & Owen; Beaver Bank Heisler, Brenda; Halifax Hunt, Paul J; Oakfield Hutchinson, Scott; Dartmouth Hyndman, Helen; Glen Haven Joyce, Natasha; Bedford Keddy, Bonnie & Kevin; Aylesford Keizer, Helen & Joseph; Dartmouth Lefresne, Kolby; Windsor Liem, Berty K; Bedford Lohnes, Jessica; Dartmouth 007005 032327 007755 021708 017552 032157 039743 062806 041987 063454 040967 035927 019410 022670 020949 003301 076850 075221 063230 075452 008861 064693 056269 039393 010530 055843 047143 042238 074589 045158 008393 043765 031574 003702 003735 053370 038604 068181 077928 027021 052524 003399 071765 Macalpine, Peggy & Alston; Digby Macdonald, Chris; Bras D’or Macdonald, Roy G & Nancy; Sydney Macdonald, Vince; East Bay Mackay, Donald; Lingan Mackinnon, Bernice; Tangier Maclean, Deborah & Gregor; New Glasgow Macleod, George; Halifax Macphail, Marcella & Walter; Sydney Macpherson, Chris; Beechville Mansfield, Hazel L; Caledonia Marchand, Anne & Andy; Lower Sackville Marchand, Susan; Petit De Grat Mccarthy, Kathy & Owen; Dartmouth Mcintyre, Arthur & Mary; Dominion Mercer, Robert B & Dorothy; Pine Grove Miller, Ryan; Sydney Milligan, Julie; Fall River Moore, David P; Halifax Morash, Grace; Fall River Neaves, Elaine; Lower Sackville Nguyen, Quoc; Beaver Bank Nickerson, Donald; Pubnico O’Connor, Mary Lou; Halifax O’Neil, Francis & Patricia; Havre Boucher Olsvik, Glenn; Halifax Paruch, Paul; Hubley Patterson, Patricia & Ron; Hammonds Plains Pearson, Terry; Wolfville Power, Jason; Port Williams Reid, Dean; Dartmouth Rice, Paul; Dartmouth Riemersma, Jennifer; Musquodoboit Harbour Ritchie, Barbara; Halifax Selig, Mark; Digby Seward, Gloria & Clarence; Sydney Sherlock, Adam; Cow Bay Steele, Sandy & Isabel; Bedford Villeneuve, Marion; Bedford Weir, Shawn; Fall River West, Peter & Suzanne; Dartmouth Wilson, Alan & Budge; Halifax Wojick, Walter; Sydney Woodill, Greg & Mary; Halifax 1,600 – Nikon COOLPIX Cameras 059867 076524 040673 056754 059895 077472 007538 068408 017212 019833 017564 001540 026649 074607 2 of 16 Aalders, Wayne; Bedford Abdulrahman, Mohammad; Halifax Acker, Andrew; Clyde River Acker, Paul; Bedford Adair, Valerie; Dartmouth Adams, Charles; Middle Sackville Ahmad, Amer; Windsor Akitt, Aaron; Dartmouth Alhassan, Fatimah; Halifax Ali, Rozina; Halifax Allison, Harvey B & Janet; Truro Almisleh, Farid; Bedford Alsuhaibi, Yahya; Bedford Amirault, Dennis; Middle Sackville 045454 067513 030407 067553 062851 076769 071557 014216 046636 024545 057475 073454 043828 035150 025407 077499 038600 008964 067861 011236 060763 046840 003962 031954 058041 015011 020459 028523 034180 034180 034181 060271 046718 076459 077890 005147 041568 065995 009904 013958 013149 016564 051476 008724 001898 004538 062555 042939 007376 056778 041213 072632 071990 014768 046263 035909 003989 043408 002823 015565 077931 010912 012151 040707 Anderson, Irene; Halifax Anderson, Keith; Sydney Anderson, Rick; Head of Chezzetcook Andrew, Sean; Dartmouth Andrews, Ruth; Marion Bridge Angle, Bernadette; Eastern Passage Apt, Christine; Granville Ferry Arbique, Kevin; Dartmouth Archibald, Alison (Abbie); Timberlea Archibald, Ceily & Brian; Stillwater Lake Armour, June; Hubbards Armstrong, Andy; Dartmouth Armstrong, Steve; Dartmouth Arnold, Alice; Halifax Arsenault, Angela D; Herring Cove Arsenault, Cynthia; Upper Hammonds Plains Arsenault, Larry & Jane; Dartmouth Arthur, George; Halifax Asaad, Rafik; Halifax Atkinson, Robert; Clarks Harbour Aucoin, Lorne; Sydney Austen, Michael; Dartmouth Austin, Janet; Canning Aves, Judith; Halifax Ayres, David; Cow Bay Ayres, Kathleen; Amherst Backman, George; Halifax Bagley, Susan; Tantallon Baird, David; Amherst Baird, David; Amherst Baird, David; Amherst Baird, David & Carol; Lower Truro Baird, Michael; Bedford Baker, Howard; Shad Bay Baker, Mark; Jeddore Oyster Ponds Balcome, Nancy; Blockhouse Ball, Tammy; Lower Sackville Bancroft, Julie & John; Tusket Banfield, Wayne & Kevin; Halifax Bardsley, Arthur; Timberlea Barker, Stanley; Bedford Barkhouse, Heather; Halifax Barkhouse, Tracy & Phillip; Hammonds Plains Barnes, Mary-Ann; Bedford Barrie, Keith; Lawrencetown Bartlett, Bradley; Kennetcook Bates, Gilbert A; Middleton Bathurst, Susan; Halifax Batstone, Munden; Bedford Battson, Michael; Lower Sackville Beaton, Bernie; Dartmouth Beaton, Janet; Halifax Beatty, Lorri; Halifax Beaver, Alexander; Halifax Beaver, Roberta; Lawrencetown Beck, Christine & Michael; Wilmot Station Bell, Anita & David; Halifax Bell, Patrick & Carla; Waverley Belliveau, Audrey; Woods Harbour Belliveau, Margaret & Gary; Little Brook Benjamin, Allan & Thelma; Carrolls Corner Benstead, Timothy; Halifax Berdan, Tyler; Cole Harbour Berrigan, Tena; Halifax 025196 062226 054431 007697 007700 025550 027771 031885 048750 048454 010310 026524 014434 063499 051184 012815 041680 060008 004464 032592 024588 024588 033113 065975 075368 028990 030132 073129 022287 060237 066244 001022 001030 003762 022680 061271 061162 035937 028700 058608 051639 047561 022952 077667 026529 047003 072960 045053 007843 002712 019318 065761 066982 011315 054405 027735 063906 071543 012906 015108 037656 023874 Besaw, Stacey; Lower Northfield Bhola, Kelvin; Dartmouth Bidermann, Joe; Fall River Biggs, Leonard & Jane; Westphal Biggs, Leonard & Jane; Westphal Blackburn, Marie; Dartmouth Blackwood, Barb; Cow Bay Blair, Ana M; Halifax Blair, Nancy; Middle Sackville Blakney, Darrell; Hubbards Blenkhorn, Sheldon & Evelyn; Truro Boddie, John; Upper Tantallon Bonang, Jeffrey; Dartmouth Bonang, Ron Wayne; Porters Lake Bond, Darrell; Aylesford Bond, Percy & Eileen; Upper Rawdon Bonn, Philip; Ste Croix Boone, Fabian; Halifax Booth, Sylvia; Lunenburg Borden, Carol Ann; Hammonds Plains Botea, Mariana; Bedford Botea, Mariana; Bedford Bottomley, John; Halifax Boucher, J P; D’Escousse Bouchie, Everett; Little Dover Boudreau, Bernice; Halifax Boudreau, Jacinthe; Bedford Boudreau, Joseph; West Arichat Boudreau, Morris A; Harrietsfield Bourgeois, Brenda; Halifax Bourque, Greg; Cole Harbour Bourque, Patrick; Mavillette Bourque, Patrick; Mavillette Boutilier, Barry & Marjorie; Dartmouth Boutilier, Harold & Albertha; Halifax Boutilier, Nancy; Hacketts Cove Boutilier, Raphael; Glace Bay Boutilier, Raymond; Sydney Mines Boutilier, Rick; Antrim Boutilier, Sandra & Lorne; Seabright Bowden, Kathy; Eastern Passage Bowen, Barbara Lynn; Dartmouth Bower, Lisa; Falmouth Bowser, Graham; Halifax Boyd, Fred; Bridgetown Boyd, Glen & Judy; New Glasgow Boyd, Lacey; Wolfville Boyd, Melodee; Halifax Boylan, Hazel; Centreville Boyle, Tanya; Williamswood Brace, Allen; Lewis Lake Bradford, Henry M; Wolfville Brady, Lisa; Musquodoboit Harbour Braine, Sharon & Allan; Waverley Braunstein, Heather; Halifax Breau, Judy; West Arichat Brennan, Bernard L; Boutiliers Point Brennan, Florence; Mulgrave Brewer, Mary; Ingonish Beach Brightman, Herman; Halifax Brockway, Thomas; Bedford Brown, Andrena; Beaver Bank LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 067599 012775 063537 037931 012221 025276 051147 010623 041643 008890 005008 070714 022235 018042 037888 016003 023750 063861 066556 011545 019373 063353 026396 015192 011381 033851 055070 061584 059465 046232 043320 076164 011163 036332 025410 056853 047203 026330 077936 061386 070770 016844 069729 001287 059001 033904 051950 025835 077424 059788 048098 051988 014465 046016 001524 071010 060382 019529 073174 052900 077839 005488 007292 044571 068343 002116 Brown, Charles; Kentville Brown, Edward L; Hatchet Lake Brown, Ervin & Janice & Craig; Falmouth Brown, Peter; Halifax Brown, Steve; Halifax Browning, Geraldine; Centreville Bruce, Gordon & Diana; Timberlea Buchanan, Roland C; Lockeport Buckley, Terry; Pictou Budden, Harrison & Nadara; Glace Bay Burke, Anita; North River Burke, Brad; Central Onslow Burke, Lester A & Michelle; Shad Bay Burke, Peter & Marlene; Sydney Burke, Ruth; New Waterford Burkhardt, Jordan; Oxford Burns, John Christopher; Halifax Burrell, Craig; Clementsport Burton, Jan; Dartmouth Bussey, Christy; Halifax Butler, John; Hubley Butler, Robert; Head of St Margarets Bay Butts, Jessie; Glace Bay Byrne, Gerry; Hammonds Plains Byrne, John & Olive; Lower Sackville Byrne, Liam; Halifax Cahill, Alfred; Porters Lake Caines, Jeffrey; Halifax Caissie, Betty; Pictou Calder, Patricia; Sydney Cameron, Angus & Pamela; Dartmouth Cameron, Donald; Truro Cameron, Greg; Lunenburg Cameron, Mark; Halifax Campbell, Charles J; Glace Bay Campbell, David; Dartmouth Campbell, Glen; Halifax Campbell, John & Belindia; Georges River Campbell, John H; Lower Sackville Campbell, Kevin; Dartmouth Campbell, Lynn; Wolfville Campbell, Pamela; Lower Sackville Campbell, Robert; Dartmouth Canning, Reagh; Upper Musquodoboit Cannon-Macdonald, Barbara; Port Hood Carabin, Mitch; Reserve Mines Carew, Michael & Sean; Halifax Carey, Jenna; Timberlea Carlton, Chris; Hatchet Lake Carpenter, Kaven; Eastern Passage Carr, Debbie; Dartmouth Carrigan, Jessie & Earl; Mulgrave Carrigan, Lorena; Halifax Carroll, Nancy; Hatchet Lake Carson, Bruce; Lower Sackville Carter, Craig; Porters Lake Carver, Paul N; Bridgewater Carver, Wade; Mahone Bay Carvery, Glen; Dartmouth Casey, Alana; Dartmouth Cassidy, Brendan; Dartmouth Castineiras, Jose-Effie; Halifax Caudle, Mary; Truro Chabassol, Richard; Sydney Chadwick, Rick; Hammonds Plains Chafe, Leo & Gail; Chester November 20,2014 054280 039990 001744 077082 053961 063859 024552 024031 055676 044118 069282 033268 065207 045470 058666 076336 050536 067653 029347 022846 022334 073969 036434 073806 053609 000514 064964 057945 044094 018656 064709 032510 066325 042861 046988 065038 053084 032166 068158 066479 000697 009741 068087 069046 050137 027937 066302 015724 007019 001513 026783 015083 045898 002132 032720 049156 011483 046103 011810 019052 000948 043792 053646 031759 034680 017560 011851 035359 070244 Chamberlain, Patricia; Lower Onslow Chambers-Laffin, Joanne; Dartmouth Champion, Greg; Halifax Champniss, Julia; Lakeside Chapman, Jacqueline; Hammonds Plains Chase, Ron; Wolfville Chase, Stacey; Middle Sackville Chaulk, Rosemary; Halifax Cheverie, Janet; Dartmouth Chisholm, Brenda; St Andrews Chisholm, Mark; Antigonish Chisholm, Robert; Dartmouth Chislett, Ryan; Waverley Choi, Shu Hua; Halifax Christal, Carol Ann & Al; Dartmouth Christie, Allan Joseph; Dartmouth Christmas, Bruce; Glen Haven Churchill, Douglas; Halifax Churnside, Donald; Dartmouth Clark, Ann Marie; Hammonds Plains Clark, Catherine; Dartmouth Clark, Paul; Brookside Clark, Richard K; Windsor Clarke, Beverley; Parrsboro Clarke, Carol; Dartmouth Clarke, John; Sydney Clarke, John Paul; Fletchers Lake Clayton, Maurice & Shirley; Bedford Cleary, Mark; Black Point Coady, Adam; Dartmouth Coady, Carl; Dartmouth Cochlan, Lynden; Chester Cochran, Andrew; Bedford Cock, Deborah; Great Village Cogswell, Bruce; Cleveland Cohoon, Dick & Eileen; Windsor Colburne, Norma; Truro Coldwell, Karen; Windsor Coleman, Stephen; Hammonds Plains Collicutt, Christine; Western Shore Collier, Paul; Head of Chezzetcook Collings, Larry & Cathy; Porters Lake Collings, Tim; Dartmouth Collins, Karen; Brookside Colman, William; Timberlea Colpitts, Gordon; Lower Truro Comber, Scott; Halifax Comeau, Brian; Meteghan Comeau, Gilbert; Saulnierville Comeau, Louis; Digby Comeau, Lynda; Beaver Bank Comeau, Marcel; Saulnierville Comeau, Marcel P; Meteghan River Comeau, Raymond; Brookside Comeau, Thomas; Bridgewater Commerford, Pierce; Bedford Connolly, Paul; Middle Sackville Connors, Carolyn; Newport Conrad, Caroline; Pine Grove Conrad, Susan A; Fall River Conrod, Donald; Berwick Conrod, Maureen; Halifax Conrod, Tammie; Whites Lake Cook, Harold & Jacqueline; Halifax Cook, Paula; Halifax Cook, Vera; Western Shore Cooke, Jason; Dartmouth Cooke, Shirley; Halifax Coolen, Chris; Halifax 062989 033800 007406 055609 002647 038354 004472 075502 056733 021954 058454 005268 003009 067181 036357 059126 064989 069553 046653 009936 067825 032520 032522 059766 046480 058569 035106 067537 023807 038573 055489 012983 063819 005436 030020 030020 036981 068028 070547 013083 006481 005722 009185 029368 060240 049346 024450 061322 028681 064486 048178 066428 074176 074176 073251 003116 071649 056891 000503 077665 008511 044164 028237 002056 069365 069366 Cooper, Leonard; Mahone Bay Cooper, Stephen; Valley Corkum, Donald; Springhill Corkum, Jane; Hubley Corkum, Lloyd; Halifax Cormer, Dale; Halifax Cormier, Leon; Dartmouth Cornell, Nelson; Fall River Costello, Gerard; Waverley Cotie, Shauna; Head of Chezzetcook Cowie, Jane; Halifax Cox, Kathy; Clarks Harbour Cox, Paul; Truro Crane, Frank; Lockhartville Crawford, Alton; Wentworth Creaser, Eric; Riverport Crewe, Norman; Halifax Critchley, Rachel; Bedford Croft, Michael D; Bridgewater Cronk, Rockwell R; Ellershouse Crooks, Kim & George; Dartmouth Crosby, Carole & Paul; Dominion Crosby, Carole & Paul; Dominion Cross, Gerald; Head of Chezzetcook Crowell, Cecile M; Lower Argyle Crown, Larry & Margie; Dartmouth Croxall, Peter; Beaver River Cuff, Tracy; Milford Cullen, Alan; Bedford Cullen, Gary William; Prospect Bay Cullip, Gary; Belmont Cummins, George & Margaret; Dartmouth Cunningham, Barbara; Lower Sackville Cunningham, Jerilynn; Clarks Harbour Cunningham, Karen & John; Dartmouth Cunningham, Karen & John; Dartmouth Currie, Bernie & Mary Lynn; Mount Uniacke Currie, Enille; Whites Lake Currie, Mike; Onslow Curry, Brian E; Wallace Curtis, Carole & Fred; Halifax Curtis, Della; New Glasgow Cusack, Chris & Sophie; Eastern Passage Cushing, Charles; Bridgewater Czapalay, Ava; Halifax D’Entremont, Gary; Middle West Pubnico D’Eon, Bertha A; Middle West Pubnico Dacey, Travis; Halifax Dalton, Jim & Nicole; Dartmouth Dalton, Judith; Bridgewater Dalton, Tanya; Halifax Danio, Mary; Middleton Dao, Quy; Sydney Dao, Quy; Sydney Dares, Maureen; Eastern Passage Darragh, David; Eastern Passage Darragh, Kim; Eastern Passage David, Maurice; Dartmouth David, Patrick; Mahone Bay Davidson, Colin & Erinn; Greenwich Davis, Kelly; Halifax Davis, Lora; Lower Sackville Davis, Robert; Lower Sackville De Molitor, William; Halifax De Rozari, Luana; Halifax De Rozari, Luana; Halifax 024226 038565 031785 011158 065330 076441 076441 063526 040332 028644 034307 015731 018936 057885 042140 019533 021514 065113 041114 049020 063735 062872 036203 038411 051272 071950 004433 029068 045272 026209 008301 012958 002719 059057 051091 062695 020235 021029 027707 023477 063083 064328 031730 060297 055295 068887 019012 067455 016158 076926 066018 051986 038212 029784 051439 011677 043620 046052 057484 002511 027997 063099 041422 060564 054109 019822 023466 3 of 16 De Viller, Stephen & Wilma; Arcadia Dearman, Lloyd; Newport Decoste, Bonnie; Antigonish Decoste, Kathy & Fabian; Porters Lake Delaney, Jean; Truro Deligiannis, Ioannis; Halifax Deligiannis, Ioannis; Halifax Delorey, Wayne & Patrica; Lower Sackville Dempsey, Dennise; Halifax Dempster, Dwight; Windsor Junction Denny, Steve; Stellarton Deveau, Joanne; Halifax Deveci, Muzaffer; Halifax Devoe, Chickie Brenda; North Sydney Deyoung, Kelly; Havre Boucher Digout, Kelvin; St Peters Dillman, Muriel; Meaghers Grant Dingwall, John P; Dartmouth Dingwell, Laura; Dartmouth Dionne, Michel; Lunenburg Dixon, Terry; Halifax Dobrowolski, John & Angela Levy; Upper Tantallon Dodds, Marjorie & Gregg; Central Onslow Doell, Bradley; Halifax Dominey, Jillian; Dartmouth Donaldson, Aviva; Enfield Donovan, Darrell; Dartmouth Dorey, Charles; Dartmouth Dort, Ron & Glenda; Tantallon Doucet, Nancy & Mike; Springhill Doucet, Raymond; Cheticamp Doucette, Chester; Halifax Doucette, Elise M; Wedgeport Doucette, Linda & Kenneth; Sand Beach Doucette, Louise; Cape St Marys Doucette, Mark; Tantallon Doucette, Sarah; Halifax Dowling, Sandra; Dingwall Doyle, Adrian; Eureka Doyle, June; Dartmouth Doyle, Robert W; Dartmouth Doyle, Wade; Musquodoboit Harbour Drinnan, Cynthia; Baddeck Druhan, Ann; Antigonish Du Toit, Theunis; Halifax Dubois, Ryan; Halifax Dubuc, Alain; Eastern Passage Dueck, Andrew; Halifax Dueck, Terry & Juanita; Pugwash Duggan, Lois; Beaver Bank Dunbar, Jane; Halifax Dunbar, Millie; Antigonish Dunn, Jocelyn; Dartmouth Dunn, Pat & Patsy; New Glasgow Dunn, Patricia A; Halifax Dunn, Paulette; Dartmouth Duprey, Charles P; New Waterford Dykman, Sheryl; Lawrencetown Eason, Amber; Dartmouth Easterbrook, Herbert; Middle Sackville Eastman, Judith & Dale; East Lawrencetown Eaton, Dale & Robin; Port Williams Edgett, Evan; Eastern Passage Edwards, Evelyn; Hebbs Cross Edwards, Mary Frances; Wolfville Edwards, Noel; Dartmouth Edwards, Thomas; Eastern Passage 014653 003682 023659 010455 004465 006631 063186 045533 063911 039283 013228 056933 059217 018772 065816 006247 066613 051516 008465 001108 058923 076026 052190 009816 012441 059907 065726 014877 069199 069199 050215 041782 048838 047066 049523 036930 011046 025074 055478 029572 035695 031232 008090 012039 033699 061055 052259 036379 038363 038364 004898 022569 046143 035171 044949 036707 004690 061552 019097 017480 073709 041904 039105 004888 067948 044826 067331 Eisenhauer, Borden; Western Shore Elias, Edward & Mary; Halifax Elsworth, Richard W; Greenwood Embree, Margaret; West Bay Embrett, Heather; Halifax English, Alain J; Middle Sackville Ernst, Marion; Western Shore Ernst, Nancy; Lantz Ershler, David; Halifax Evans, John; South Bar Evans, Owen R & Betty; Grand Lake Fagan, Barbara; Middle Sackville Faltenhine, Colin; Halifax Farmer, Janice; Halifax Farmer, Lloyd Sr & Charlotte; Rose Bay Farthing, Norm; Middle Sackville Faubert, Ryan; Hubley Faulker, Heather; Waverley Feindel, Carolyn; Halifax Fenske, Buzz; Dartmouth Fenton, Garnet; Cross Roads Country Harbour Ferguson, Helen; Lake Echo Ferguson, John D & Irene; Lower Sackville Feron, Ryan; Dartmouth Ferro, Marco; Timberlea Field, Greg & Jeannine; Dartmouth Fields, Marie; Yarmouth Fisher, Christina; Bedford Fitzgerald, David; Halifax Fitzgerald, David; Halifax Fleet, Molly & Jody; Marie Joseph Fletcher, Allan; Kentville Fletcher, Chris; Halifax Fletcher, Richard & Kristen; Halifax Flindall, Aaron; Upper Sackville Flinn, Bryan; Dartmouth Folk, Paul; Bedford Fontaine, John R & Wilma; Inverness Foran, Andrew; Mcgraths Cove Forbes, Eva; Lower Woods Harbour Forrest, Derek; Lower Sackville Forrestall, Daniel; Dartmouth Forster, John & Arlene; Port Williams Foster, Don; Dartmouth Foster, Edward; Brooklyn Foster, Rudi; Lower Sackville Fougere, Janice & Patrick; Middle Sackville Fowler, Doug; Hunts Point Fraser, Bob; Bedford Fraser, Bob; Bedford Fraser, Graham; Kentville Fraser, Jean; Halifax Fraser, Mike; Lantz Fraser, Susan; Halifax Fredericks, Douglas; Halifax Friesen, Patricia & Clifford B; Dartmouth Fullerton, Sylvia & James; Wolfville Fulton, Sylvia; Truro Galante, Joao J; Dartmouth Galarneau, Karen & Patrick; Middle Sackville Gale, Doreen; Mount Uniacke Gale, Kingsley; Halifax Gallagher, Chris & Valerie; Southampton Gallant, Arthur; Londonderry Gallant, Colleen; Dartmouth Gallant, Maureen; Bedford Gallant, Robert; Hammonds Plains 040065 027473 038036 048852 061947 009536 051363 002516 070433 038607 052647 033401 048056 067690 018049 073561 032687 018652 008204 008205 072021 022274 019563 047452 015015 007934 053857 052106 032052 006362 011240 073929 007429 020208 056535 056054 004178 060839 037260 003039 022942 074157 073522 054907 025352 009000 042956 047600 011834 066700 042108 038970 057804 002355 026894 035955 004700 065977 006345 020511 009328 015556 070178 019405 069105 045969 Gallinaugh, John; Halifax Gamble, Wayne; Halifax Gammon, Linda; Dartmouth Garden, Larry; Nine Mile River Gardiner, Greg & Jennifer; Williamswood Gardiner, Mark & Marg; Eastern Passage Gardiner, Wendy; Halifax Gardner, Blake; Kentville Garland, Kevin; Grimm Settlement Garson, Richard; Lower Sackville Gaudet, Theresa; Timberlea Gaudreault, Denis; Lower Sackville Gauthier, Reginald J; Halifax Geddes, Dale; Dartmouth Geddes, Don; Upper Tantallon Geddes, Dorcas G; Dartmouth Geddry, Eric; Meteghan Geldert, Georgina; Wolfville Genge, Karolyn & Roland; Baddeck Genge, Karolyn & Roland; Baddeck Georgantas, Jimmy; Halifax German, Clarence; Meteghan River Gibson, Patricia; Fall River Gilbert, John; Dartmouth Gilbert, Vernon; Sydney Gilbert, Viola; Southampton Gill, Tim; Dartmouth Gillies, Susan; Halifax Gillis, John; South West Margaree Gillis, Joyce; Scotsville Gillis, Richard & Donelda; South West Margaree Gillis, Roberta; Dartmouth Girard, Virginia; Dartmouth Given, Steve & Marlene; Grand Lake Glawson, Chelsey; Eastern Passage Glick, Sheldon; Wellington Glover, Don; Mahone Bay Godding, Ronald & Donald; Dartmouth Godfrey, Michelle & Steve; Cole Harbour Goodfellow, Sandra; Halifax Goodwin, Darren & Jackie; Glenwood Goodwin, Theresa; Dartmouth Googoo, Diane; Sydney Goreham, George; Barrington Goreham, Rosalie; Lower Woods Harbour Goreham, Shelly; Shelburne Gorman, Sharon; Halifax Goulden, Gary & Barbara; Whites Lake Goulding, Chris; Waverley Gow, Jennifer; Bridgewater Grabka, Brian; Halifax Grace, Mary; St Andrews Gracie, Wayne; Dartmouth Grady, Lee & Sharon; Dartmouth Graham, Colleen; Beaver Bank Graham, Delores E; Sydney Graham, Don & Carol; Beaver Bank Graham, Robert; Valley Granchelli, Pencie; Sydney Mines Grant, Julie & Gary; Hammonds Plains Grant, Steven; Wentworth Graves, Ted; Falmouth Gray, Geraldine; Eastern Passage Gray, Gordon; Halifax Gray, Joe; West Pennant Greene, Garfield; Sydney LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 038543 048670 028278 028280 017350 022535 069177 060609 037911 036396 043026 022868 077240 059659 064400 008774 008776 008777 029504 077141 061148 073288 000817 064160 025936 073721 026059 010667 011901 008150 025146 073392 046821 055408 061430 003448 046601 013283 044619 072714 016558 058924 034173 067676 020068 026226 023558 032094 018671 028824 056992 033862 046654 046656 024819 045581 036664 015948 032218 059394 048545 056997 045772 058821 012803 032139 040509 048126 042674 023393 Greenwood, Stephanie; Newport Greer, Barry; Dartmouth Gregg, Kim & Mike; Lawrencetown Gregg, Kim & Mike; Lawrencetown Gregor, Ronald; Halifax Griffiths, Jessie M; Annapolis Royal Gryner, Regina; Dartmouth Hackett, Gary M; Lewis Lake Hadley, Joann; Antigonish Hadley, Tom; Mulgrave Hage, Robert; Halifax Haidar, Sal; Halifax Haigh, Veronica; Halifax Haikings, Michael; Halifax Hal & Baykur Batman, Waston; Lower Sackville Hale, Stephanie; Kentville Hale, Stephanie; Kentville Hale, Stephanie; Kentville Hale, Stephen; Cambridge Haley, Diane; Economy Hall, William; Nine Mile River Halley, Frances; Dartmouth Hamilton, Doreen; Timberlea Hamilton, Glenn; Halifax Hamilton, Roger C; Windsor Junction Hamm, Adam; Mahone Bay Hamtson, Peter; Eastern Passage Handy, Michael & Robin; Middle Sackville Hanley, Doug; Dartmouth Hann, Susan M; East Pennant Hannam, Michael; Shubenacadie Hannevold, Audrey; Head of St Margarets Bay Hannon, Bradford; Middle Sackville Hanrahan Perigo, Anne; Truro Hanson, Francis Lloyd; Trenton Harbers, Martin H J; Wolfville Harding, Cyndi & Glee; Shelburne Harding, David; Halifax Harding, David; Dartmouth Harding, Stephen; Bedford Hardman, Andrew; Halifax Hardy, Wilfred C; Sydney Hares, David; Dartmouth Hargreaves, Anne; Hebbville Harrietha, Marlene; Eastern Passage Harrington, George & Darlene; Salmon River Harris, Charles; Florence Harris, Charles; Shelburne Harris, Darrell; Catalone Hart, Dean; Port Hastings Hart, Melissa; Elmsdale Hart, Ralph; Enfield Hartley, Brad; Halifax Hartley, Brad; Halifax Hartley, Ross C; Cow Bay Harty, Derrick; Dartmouth Harvey, Annie; Newport Harvey, Catherine Marie; Baddeck Harvey, Peter; Kentville Harvie, Chris; Ste Croix Hasey, Angela; Indian Harbour Hatcher, Nancy; Bedford Hatfield, Edward & Sandra; Great Village Hattie, Jonathan & Manette; Arcadia Hawboldt, Sharon; Trenton Hawley, Edwin C; Port Hood Hayes, Katherine & Thomas; Halifax Hayes-O’Sullivan, Ryan; Halifax Hayley, George; Middle Sackville Healey, James; Dartmouth November 20,2014 073632 005825 031694 057004 055221 055038 065993 007226 003003 003005 003005 068871 020645 062135 070837 002889 025663 025664 061537 073566 047534 000110 030727 014079 054569 034304 001640 027537 060343 063829 030157 017702 074536 027668 011877 043111 042445 057592 012555 016355 025959 013261 031064 064389 036093 006464 034986 019122 013117 024219 027421 066048 046166 041793 048129 063308 006127 055421 038590 019113 037512 020049 006428 042048 073773 073773 059829 072329 055814 Hebb, Elsie; Wileville Hebblethwaite, Bruce & Gail; Timberlea Hebert, Julie & Steve; Hammonds Plains Heckel, Bonnie; Halifax Heckman, Stephen; Upper Sackville Heferan, Jerome; Truro Height, Carl; Middleton Helpert, Brian; Dartmouth Hemeon, Robin; Hunts Point Hemeon, Robin; Hunts Point Hemeon, Robin; Hunts Point Henderson, James; Lawrencetown Henman, (In Trust) Sheila; Waverley Henn, David; Brookside Henneberry, Dawn; Sambro Herbert, Gary; Bedford Herve, Arthur; Dartmouth Herve, Arthur; Dartmouth Hewitt, Marshall & Brenda; Beaver Bank Higgins, Florence; Stellarton Hiles, Todd; Newport Station Hill, Charles; New Glasgow Hill, Debra C; Wellington Hill, Eric; Halifax Hill, Nola; Kentville Hill, Pat; Dartmouth Hill, Wanda; Weymouth Hills, Albert & Ginny; Middleton Himmelman, John & Judy; Middleton Himmelman, Philip; Pleasantville Hindle, Carol & Kevin; Mount Uniacke Hines, Robert; Herring Cove Hinks, Diann; Timberlea Hire, Marcella; Lower Sackville Hiseler-Bond, Nancee; Ingramport Hogan, Victoria; Amherst Hogue, Kimberlea; Windsor Hollett, Glenn & Sandra; Halifax Holley, Brad; Dartmouth Holman, Sarah; West Chezzetcook Holmes, Richard & Susan; Dartmouth Holt, Nancy; Dartmouth Hood, Clifford & Joan; Yarmouth Horsman, Allan; Hubley Hoskin, Gary; Eastern Passage Hosking, George & Michelle; Dartmouth Howard, Karen; Halifax Howell, John; Dartmouth Hubley, Nancy; Bridgewater Hubley, Richard; Indian Harbour Hughes, Beverley; Dartmouth Hughes, Rustin; New Ross Hughes, Tudor; Pictou Hum, Jin; Coldbrook Hum, Tony; Amherst Humby, Keith; Lower Sackville Hume, Randy; Chester Hunt, Steve; Nine Mile River Hunter, Anne; Halifax Hunter, Christene & Ben; Dartmouth Hunter, Karen; Westville Huntington, Russell; Marion Bridge Hurley, Barbara; Dartmouth Hutt, Laurie; Belnan Hynes, Raymond; Chester Basin Hynes, Raymond; Chester Basin Innocente, Steven; Lanesville Irons, Gerald; Halifax Irvine, Danielle; Lower Sackville 023521 049215 010649 002325 003431 020349 071077 045979 077129 043476 004381 019893 071441 023172 051969 035568 029261 030957 052281 032907 030571 039805 009550 030306 066321 060398 022219 047296 001486 016292 029169 001869 038980 017349 001310 017039 076723 069250 030893 012088 038081 053070 041345 027481 023910 015120 037183 037184 050338 033199 032307 037665 070156 014162 041099 019159 030726 027264 048464 035278 016520 028630 045829 026246 066694 045098 074520 Irving, Carol; Halifax Isenor, Jim & Joanne; Shortts Lake Isenor, Ross D & Helen; Westphal Jackson, Georgina; Sydney Jackson, Robert; Kingston James, Bernie; Halifax James, Howard; Halifax James, Ronald & Margaret; Dartmouth Jamieson, Doug; Westville Jarvis, Wilfred & David; Middle Sackville Javier, Edgardo; Bedford Javornik, Nadiene; Bedford Jean, Amanda; Bedford Jebailey, Adel; Wileville Jefferson, Pam & Eric; Halifax Jeffrey, Loretta & Andy; Halifax Jellow, Walter; Florence Jenkins, John B & Linda; Lawrencetown Jenkins, Linda; Hammonds Plains Jenkins, Wade & Denise; Eastern Passage Jenkins, Wade Henry; Baddeck Jess, Russell; Kentville Jesso, Rhoda; Hacketts Cove Jessome, Doug & Doris; Stillwater Lake Johnson, Andrew; Pine Grove Johnston, Trevor; Valley Johnstone, Nancy; Brookfield Jollymoore, Barry; Terence Bay Jones, Dale; Amherst Jones, Greg & Hisayo; Halifax Jones, Stephen; Hubley Joseph, Michael; Springhill Joudrey, Glenn; Chester Basin Judge, Pearl M; Halifax Julien, Gordon; Head of Chezzetcook Julien-Khan, Rennee; Bedford Justason, Andrew; Dartmouth Kaiser, Devin; Bickerton West Kan-Macdonald, Katherine; Dartmouth Kanaan, Laura; Bedford Kane, James & Diana; Kingston Kanellakos, Jo-Ann; Halifax Karahka, Markus; Halifax Kavanaugh, Grace; Dartmouth Kearney, Joan; Halifax Keating, Vera; Harrietsfield Keddy, Donna & Gary; Bedford Keddy, Donna & Gary; Bedford Keddy, Geoff; Halifax Keddy, Nancy; Truro Keenan, Daniel; Halifax Keeping, John; New Waterford Kehoe, Roma; Sydney Kelly, Ann & Joe; Mount Uniacke Kelly, Brian E; Fall River Kelly, Craig; Hammonds Plains Kelly, John & Rose Marie; Dartmouth Kelly, Maria & Michael; Dartmouth Kendall, Brenda; Main-A-dieu Kenneally, Garth & Judy; Berwick Kennedy, Christopher; Port Hawkesbury Kennedy, Dougald; Granville Ferry Kennedy, Margaret & Arthur; Main-A-dieu Kennedy, Margie; Halifax Kenney, Jonathan; Dartmouth Kenney, Stephen & Ruth; Fall River Kenny, John; Wolfville 030799 Kerr, Merlin C; Meaghers Grant 022969 Khadra, Sonia; Halifax 072959 Kiley, Wilfred Joseph; Dartmouth 007605 Killen, Daniel; Porters Lake 022573 Kimball, Reginald; Dartmouth 010027 Kimball, Steve; Dartmouth 033788 King, Carman; Halifax 048459 King, Karen; Dartmouth 058232 King, Michael; Lakeview 059762 Kingdon, David; Dartmouth 016075 Kingston, Frank; Amherst 069780 Kinnear, Rod; Biblehill 006879 Kinney, (In Trust) Elspeth; Halifax 016634 Kirkey, Ken; Kingston 020773Kleronomos-Macalpine, Anastasia; Halifax 013022 Kleykens, Karen E; Dartmouth 003450 Kline, Yvette Mary; Lantz 059757 Knickle, Greg; Lunenburg 072468 Knight, Deborah; Lake Loon 007917 Knott, Steven; North Sydney 003805 Korber, Anne; Pictou 010744 Kramers, Donna; Dartmouth 014564 Kressner, Claire; Timberlea 024697 Labartkava, Alexandre; Halifax 000277 Labossiere, Cliff; Timberlea 056574 Lahaise, Donald; Hammonds Plains 051135 Lahaye, Lawrence; Dartmouth 076952 Laing, Ray; Lantz 052154 Lake, Jason & Holly; Harrietsfield 066895 Lambert, Carol; Stellarton 062832 Lamontagne, Jo-Anne & George; Halifax 060415 Landry, Al & Gail; Coldbrook 018426 Landry, Daniel & Karen; Hubley 062885 Landry, Darryl; Newport 020614 Landry, Roy; Barton 045130 Langford, Grant & Arlene; Truro 051227 Langille, Gale & Kenneth; New Glasgow 063960 Langille, Gary; Dartmouth 050836 Langille, Gladys; Malagash 001680 Langille, Jim; Truro 005890 Langille, Wendy; Fall River 023221 Langley, Linda; Halifax 018231 Larade, Wayne; Dartmouth 073008 Lauder, Bruce; Head of Chezzetcook 016510 Laurendeau, Kandace; Hubbards 016969 Lavers, Chris; Windsor 062333 Lawrence, Cheryl; Currys Corner 064858 Lawrence, Dale; Herring Cove 053919 Lawson, Philip; Upper Lahave 047430 Lazier, Christina; Falmouth 030254 Leblanc, Carole A; Dartmouth 016132 Leblanc, Gerard; Lower West Pubnico 023594 Leblanc, Mary; Groves Point 050369 Leblanc, Robert; Belnan 002062 Leckie, Andrew; Windsor 023915 Leckie, Dale; Porters Lake 011051 Lee, Lez; Truro 008261 Lee, Peter; New Glasgow 068606 Lefave, Elaine; Port Maitland 061957 Legge, Dorothy & Murray; Lunenburg 020960 Leitch, Anne & John; Halifax 029237 Lemoine, Gordie; Windsor Junction 058888 Lepair, Arie & Cornelia; Halifax 063473 Lescamela, Roger; Halifax 051371 Leslie, Anne; Bedford 011802 Leslie, Christopher; Halifax 053087 Levangie, Taylor; Halifax 072556 Lewicki, Victor; Lawrencetown 059342 Lewin, Donna; Halifax 015899 Liang, Hui; Porters Lake 074829 Lightburn, David; Smiths Cove 034893 Lijva, Margaret; Halifax 006365 Lind, Mary; Halifax 076038 Lindsay, Ryan; Middle Sackville 017105 Lindsey, Calvin C; Dartmouth 4 of 16 056387 002384 077905 069456 068419 059673 065129 032475 027013 027014 025451 046694 028512 047175 059780 067729 016691 033755 037807 075618 023917 008577 072200 006526 037377 012010 027854 027089 049313 075330 071948 069357 013557 050127 076373 015063 045588 005540 023115 054104 038000 030529 043986 006818 061883 027667 077741 054902 029293 059043 034947 019327 028438 027511 071774 076867 018083 070866 067912 043952 Ling, John; Sydney River Little, Alan G; Halifax Little, Johnathan; Harrietsfield Little, Jon; Halifax Little, Mark; Dartmouth Lively, Drew; Harrietsfield Livingston, David & Sandra; Middle Sackville Lloyd, Mary & Jason & Felicia; New Glasgow Lloyd, R Grayson; Port Williams Lloyd, R Grayson; Port Williams Locke, Gary W; Wellington Locke, Krista & Stephen; Brookfield Lohnes, Barry & Faye; Hebbville Lohnes, Max & Linda; Conquerall Bank Lohnes, Vikki; Dartmouth Looker, E Dianne; Wolfville Lord, Richard; Chester Lothian, Peter; Newport Lumsden, Paul; Dartmouth Lutz, Clyde; Arcadia Lyttle, Heather; Halifax Mac Donald, Pat/marie; Mabou Macalpine, James; Waverley Macaulay, Paul & Jo-Anne; Lower Truro Maccalder, Walter; Upper Sackville Maccallum, Mary; Upper Onslow Macconnell, David & Melissa; Scotsburn Macdonald, Barbara J; Dartmouth Macdonald, Barry; Baddeck Macdonald, Bethanie; Hammonds Plains Macdonald, Christopher; Dartmouth Macdonald, Dave; Ingonish Macdonald, David Wayne; Centreville Macdonald, Douglas; Dartmouth Macdonald, Douglas; Antigonish Macdonald, Emerson; Lakeside Macdonald, Emma Lee; Antigonish Macdonald, Irma; West Bay Macdonald, Jeri & Gary; Glace Bay Macdonald, Jim; Wolfville Macdonald, John; Centreville Macdonald, Ken & Betty; Bible Hill Macdonald, Laurene; Bedford Macdonald, Linda; Lahave Macdonald, Linda; Hatchet Lake Macdonald, Lucy; Granville Ferry Macdonald, Mary M; Truro Macdonald, Mike; Hammonds Plains Macdonald, Mike & Scott & Doug; Truro Macdonald, N J; Hubbards Macdonald, S; Halifax Macdonald, Shawn; Halifax Macdonald, Sheila; Hubley Macdonald, Stanley B & Elizabeth A; Sheet Harbour Macdonald, Steve; Lawrencetown Macdonald, Susan; Halifax Macdonald, Terri & Greg; Lantz Macdonald, Thomas; Hopewell Macdonald, William; Halifax Macdougall, Kevin; Dartmouth 012201 002618 029911 046836 038959 015936 031396 047985 026340 030795 073218 074533 073942 029633 029633 065194 054024 031137 025946 072054 011306 067935 029386 067254 070626 048187 034277 055725 063680 025754 061383 076553 023925 071012 027315 028756 036694 035193 036073 023063 056042 021349 021350 038304 073890 027974 068321 072175 055854 036845 026975 032271 043820 062975 009504 011787 034428 033418 015763 Maceachern, Tanya; Dartmouth Macfarlane, J Bruce; Halifax Macgillivray, Camille; Dartmouth Macgillivray, Keith; Glen Haven Macgregor, Andy; New Glasgow Macgregor, Kimberley; Grand Lake Macgregor, Robbie & Mary; Eureka Macinnis, Amber & Joseph; Bedford Macinnis, Derek; Whycocomagh Macintosh, Donald W; New Glasgow Macintosh, Ron; Halifax Macintyre, Dan; Lingan Macintyre, Greg & Patricia; Hammonds Plains Macisaac, Hilary; Antigonish Macisaac, Hilary; Antigonish Macisaac, Lauchie & Elizabeth; Antigonish Macisaac, Martin; North Sydney Macisaac, Rod; Lakeside Mackay, Dan & Donna; Debert Mackay, Hugues; Porters Lake Mackay, Justin; Bedford Mackay, Leonard; Halifax Mackay, Robert & Cathy; Sydney Mackeigan, Neil; Stellarton Mackenzie, Anne; Big Beach Mackenzie, Danny; Glace Bay Mackenzie, Gary; Bedford Mackenzie, John; Hammonds Plains Mackenzie, Maureen; Dartmouth Mackenzie, Robert A & Betty; Dartmouth Mackenzie, William & Darlene; Riversdale Mackinnon, Charlene Marie (Amy); Bay St Lawrence Mackinnon, Cynthia; Mineville Mackinnon, Deborah; North Sydney Mackinnon, Judy; West Bay Road Mackinnon, Leslie; Dartmouth Maclean, Angus; East Bay Maclean, Basil; Cheticamp Maclean, Billy Joe & Glenda; Port Hawkesbury Maclean, Bradley; Dartmouth Maclean, Dan; Sydney River Maclean, Debra; Dartmouth Maclean, Debra; Dartmouth Maclean, Eileen; Enfield Maclean, Gordon; Barss Corner Maclean, Harvey; Mill Village Maclean, Lionel & Helen; Hubbards Maclean, Nicole; Dartmouth Maclean, Ryan; Dartmouth Maclean, Shirley; Beaver Bank Maclellan, Phyllis; Little Narrows Macleod, Ann M; Marion Bridge Macleod, Claude; Victoria Mines Macleod, Daniel & Cynthia; Margaree Valley Macleod, David; Halifax Macleod, Doug; Shenacadie Macleod, Kirk; Eastern Passage Macleod, Linda; Halifax Macleod, Marlene; Williamswood LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 044225 015774 048322 005182 075955 037541 044474 049437 033146 059791 064523 029539 055195 016081 020343 042977 034958 040114 055332 011920 024618 041282 030758 045302 025157 011515 054152 055721 055338 066584 076513 011417 076458 007389 050804 025311 022124 060194 004307 030182 049517 026628 069935 014363 013773 015690 050222 027204 058241 074046 072108 002660 019410 003944 017240 025127 068596 044569 027637 019352 076772 Macleod, Mary; Westville Macleod, Priscilla & Greg; Truro Macleod, Susan; Halifax Macleon, James K; West Bay Macmillan, James; Trenton Macmillan, Kathleen & Eric; Upper Onslow Macneil, Beverly; Goodwood Macneil, Jim; Groves Point Macneil, Michael; North Sydney Macneil, Paul & Debbie; Halifax Macpherson, Chris; Lower Sackville Macpherson, Lawrence; Iona Macquarrie, Allan; Halifax Macrae, Eileen; Belnan Maggio, Sheila & Fred; Dartmouth Mailman, Anne; Midville Branch Malloy, Cindy; Bedford Malo, Helen; Aylesford Manders, Marilyn; Hammonds Plains Manning, Shelley; Salt Springs Mansfield, Nancy; Dartmouth Manthorne, James; Dartmouth Marchand, Leonard D & Donna; Arichat Marfels, Sonja; Hammonds Plains Marinelli, Rodney & Lorraine; Sydney Mines Marsh, Michael; Dartmouth Marshall, Brent; Halifax Marshall, Joel; Hammonds Plains Martell, Beverly; Crouses Settlement Martell, Darrell; L’ardoise Martin, Darrell; Halifax Martin, Louis; Bridgetown Maskell, Deborah; Timberlea Mason, David; New Minas Mason, Everett; Lunenburg Massey, Amall; Cow Bay Masters, Al & Rosemary; Antigonish Matheson, Gregory S; Dartmouth Matheson, Kenzie & Sheldon; Little Narrows Mattatall, Gloria & Douglas; Crowes Mills Matthews, Daniel; Lunenburg Mayhew, Dave & Diane; Lower Sackville Mc Cuish, Peter; Halifax Mcaloon, Mike; Lake Loon Mcaskile, Louise; Bedford Mcbride, Cynthia & John L; Upper Tantallon Mccabe, Cindy; New Glasgow Mccabe, Gary & Patricia; Riversdale Mccaffrey, Jeremy; Eastern Passage Mccarthy, Gerard; Fletchers Lake Mccarthy, Glenda; Stillwater Lake Mccarthy, James; Antigonish Mccarthy, Kathy & Owen; Dartmouth Mccormick, Marilyn & Irvin; Springhill Mccracken, Shirley V; Dartmouth Mccrone, Hugh Muir; Pictou Mcculloch, Dennis; Kentville Mcculloch, Maureen & Malcolm; Tantallon Mccurdy, C Malcolm; Halifax Mccurdy, Jeannie; Halifax Mccurdy, Stephen; Dartmouth November 20,2014 033991 020393 068276 072454 003436 071971 012255 077191 020361 056419 062171 033318 033387 019922 021245 059363 043796 040341 006030 056553 051452 028231 011687 075742 006782 001514 040526 026387 030106 040480 073039 040072 015888 066506 032084 003415 062444 004029 045870 066947 050707 015217 039428 054833 022667 070954 074448 004493 033596 050005 024231 065648 067480 074838 042335 020207 051563 009174 005995 037354 007411 010440 049357 015270 070286 003686 Mcdavid, Alice; Trenton Mcdonald, Arthur A; Clementsport Mcdonald, Rosemary; Dartmouth Mcgarth, Karl Edward; Halifax Mcgonigal, Patrick; Halifax Mcguinness, Joseph; Halifax Mcguire, June; Stewiacke Mcinnis, George; St Peters Mcisaac, Karen; Lower Sackville Mcisaac, Robyn; Wolfville Mckay, Jean; Halifax Mckay, Linda; Enfield Mckearney, Sue; Enfield Mckee, Florence; Woodville Mckenna, Patricia & Kenny; Lantz Mckenzie, Lauchlin; Halifax Mckenzie, Mike; Dartmouth Mckenzie, Stan; Dartmouth Mckim, Ann; Valley Mckinnon, Fran; Hammonds Plains Mcknight, Lloyd; Chester Basin Mclaren, Richard & Jennifer; Glen Haven Mclaughlin, Anne; Kentville Mclean, Alice C; Hubbards Mclean, Murray; Woodville Mcleod, Alexander; Truro Mcleod, Martha; Wolfville Mcmullin, Stephen J & Beverley; Prospect Bay Mcneil, Allan J; Sydney Mcneil, Gregory; Prospect Bay Mcnutt, Dan; River John Mcphee, Cameron; Glace Bay Mcquaid, Jeffery; Bedford Mcrae, Lloyd; Hacketts Cove Meade, Joan & Darlene; Dartmouth Meagher-Stewart, Donna; Halifax Medwid, Robert; Halifax Medynski, Deborah & Margaret; Halifax Megeney, Vern & Phyllis; Amherst Mehta, Irene; Halifax Meins, Karen; Cole Harbour Meisner, Peter; Baddeck Melanson, David & Jeannette; Halifax Melanson, Jim; Dartmouth Mercer, Barry & Donna; Lunenburg Merchant, Maureen; Halifax Meredith, Elizabeth; Mahone Bay Merkley, Jim; Bras D’or Merrigan, Michael; Hampton Michaelis, Connie L; Dartmouth Middleton, Walter; Dartmouth Miles, Norma; Halifax Millen, Alisha; Halifax Miller, Greg; Cape Breton Miller, Oscar & Carolyn; Dartmouth Miller, Terry; Dartmouth Miller, Theodore & Georgina; Prospect Milne, Gordon & Donna; Wellington Milne, James; Ingonish Milner, Valerie & David; Windsor Minacapelli, Gregory; Fall River Mingo, Pamela; Shelburne Misner-Gennette, Crystal; Little Brook Mitchell, Alexander; Middle Sackville Mitchell, Brittney; Bedford Mitchell, James; Halifax 027598 051684 063337 038613 046563 047201 041588 057189 061029 005997 000718 062726 023302 074676 029843 064870 055469 032854 074982 008731 026327 025270 008002 036319 025627 025262 075458 077947 006437 029020 014224 047451 054366 039693 049901 076258 020211 063912 023960 031254 011732 073904 039676 018992 003901 003902 039444 010054 059054 053298 027989 014931 052099 021826 017628 017628 076602 042952 076232 038461 038462 028324 018978 Mitchell, Margaret; Middle Musquodoboit Mitchell, Mark; Halifax Mitchell, Sandy & Bill; Waverley Mitchell, Sharon; Upper Tantallon Moignard, Christine; Halifax Moir, Rick & Gail; Truro Monette, Kimberley; Coldbrook Monminie, Lisa; Fall River Mont, Janice; Eastern Passage Moody, David; Middleton Moody, Robert; Oakfield Moore, Catherine & Lloyd; Howie Center Moore, Greg; Fall River Moore, Joe; Halifax Moore, Lisa; Upper Tantallon Moore, Richard; Halifax Moreau, Linda; Eastern Passage Moreau, Nicholas; Hubley Morel, Jean-Marc; Head of Chezzetcook Morgan, Siovhon; Halifax Moriarty, Monica & Brian; Halifax Morrison, James & Catherine; Thorburn Morrison, Kelly A; Lantz Morrison, Maureen & Theresa; Dartmouth Morrissey, Leona; Antigonish Morrow, Marita; Halifax Mossman, Earl; Liverpool Mouland, George; Sydney Mines Mounce, William; Windsor Mousseau, Doug & Jacalyn; Bedford Moyles, Craig; Dartmouth Muehleisen, Ernest & Wilma; Eastern Passage Muise, Matthew; New Waterford Mullen, Shirley Roberta; Springfield Munroe, Jim; Sydney Murphy, Corinne & Donald; Dartmouth Murphy, David; Bedford Murphy, Joanne-Marie; Bedford Murphy, Joseph & Violet; Halifax Murrant, Parker & Debbie; Port Morien Murray, Chris; Lantz Murray, Doug & Vicki; Dartmouth Murray, Douglas & Annie; Middle Sackville Murray, Janet; Dartmouth Murray, Ross; Halifax Murray, Ross; Halifax Musgrave, Floyd & Pat; Frenchvale Musleh, Yousef; Bedford Myatt, Reg; Bass River Myers, Carmen; Tusket Myers, Danny; Sydney Myers, Wayne; Lake Loon Myette, Darlene A & Jeffery; Antigonish Naas, Leo; Halifax Nadeau, Kimberley; Jeddore Oyster Ponds Nadeau, Kimberley; Jeddore Oyster Ponds Nader, Dominic; Halifax Nagle, Garnett; Dartmouth Nakhaie, Ahmad; Halifax Nash, Andrew; Oldham Nash, Andrew; Oldham Nasrallah, Zahi; Halifax Naugle, Anthony; Eastern Passage 001361 043584 075453 019389 013591 060715 056290 047964 011061 011061 037487 058201 034455 032123 031900 049926 020837 008304 008304 047693 051641 018015 042039 062683 022135 059509 003223 000591 022847 035282 057522 022405 062235 066821 074441 065595 039725 013356 041281 003364 014400 052611 016302 002377 010061 000589 036876 049824 074007 007598 035873 075325 075325 075975 022070 034074 012199 056558 056560 076179 059411 073484 003516 051522 013885 037565 018553 059080 5 of 16 Nauss, William & Lorna; Hubbards Neal, Walter; Eastern Passage Neaves, Elaine; Lower Sackville Negus, Robert; East Preston Nelson, Laura M & Glenn; Elmsdale Nemeskeri, Monica; Chester Newell, Rick; Westphal Newton, Lynn; Shubenacadie Nichols, Sheila; Yarmouth Nichols, Sheila; Yarmouth Nickerson, Irene & Kirk; Upper Port La Tour Nickerson, Paul; Middle Sackville Nickerson, Sandford; Clarks Harbour Nickerson, Terry M; Halifax Nickless, Stewart & Rachel; Sydney Nicoll, Thomas; Green Bay Nicolle, Christine; Halifax Niven, David; Sydney Niven, David; Sydney Nixon, June & Doug; Dartmouth Noiles, William & Terry; Westphal Norman, Marilyn & Laurence; North Sydney Norwood, Tobias; Chester Nugent, George; Eastern Passage O’Brien, Marc; Bedford O’Brien, Sandy & Elly; Port Hastings O’Connor, Lee; Shelburne O’Connor, Wayne; Timberlea O’Flaherty, Yorke; Halifax O’Hara, John; Kentville O’Neill, Brianne; Halifax O’Neill, Ron & Jeff; Amherst O’Rourke, (In Trust) Evelyn; Sydney O’Shaughnessy, Craig; Dartmouth Oakey, Jordan; Dartmouth Oakley, Gladys; Dartmouth Oickle, Marilyn; Bridgewater Oldham, Stephen & Sandra; Lower Sackville Olsvik, Brian; Beaver Bank Oppedisano, Darlene; Waverley Oram, Brent; Tantallon Osmond, Richard & Karen; Middle Sackville Ottenbreit, Larry & Marilyn; Lower Sackville Outhouse, Eileen; Digby Overmars, Christian; Halifax Owen, Douglas; Fall River Owen, Stephen & Shelley; Dayspring Owens, Robert; Halifax Pancura, Del; Dartmouth Paquin, Joscelyn; Wellington Parker, Louise; Falmouth Parker, Shannon; Dartmouth Parker, Shannon; Dartmouth Parks, Margaret; Wallace Parris, John; Sydney Parsons, Craig; Middleton Parsons, John; Dartmouth Parsons, John; Sydney Parsons, John; Sydney Patterson, Kimberley; Dartmouth Payne, Sharon; Head of Chezzetcook Peach, Lorraine; Dartmouth Peapell, Jill & Mark; Halifax Pelley, Sharon L; Hammonds Plains Pelley, Spencer; Halifax Penney, Troy; Upper Northfield Percy, Roger; Lake Echo Perkin, Dorothy; Wolfville 059012 043850 030596 030596 030598 020636 018966 061042 009116 057230 077788 077900 067195 047027 030880 059406 002508 065440 059370 028811 057626 041538 033720 023352 040898 003878 073761 040516 031051 028867 048357 054777 007878 059449 019763 033813 047902 044760 023134 043399 056749 067193 019003 071481 075388 019970 019971 064651 040917 074811 025992 005170 049615 046532 047885 047885 000455 006540 030384 009798 031910 028676 028676 042099 012207 020767 059964 040192 056048 069379 053080 062169 021689 070813 042401 063223 061510 073913 Perro, Brian; Halifax Perry, Darin; Halifax Peters, Floyd & Charles; Weymouth Peters, Floyd & Charles; Weymouth Peters, Floyd & Charles; Weymouth Petrie, Jean; Halifax Pettipas, Karen & John; Dartmouth Phillips, Gary; Eastern Passage Phillips, Paul; Halifax Phillips, Ward; Halifax Pickett, Gerard; Hammonds Plains Piercey, Wayne & Gail; Middle Sackville Pinks, Jennifer; Halifax Pippy, William; Harrietsfield Pitkanen, Ivy & Greg; Halifax Poirier, Jody & Mark; Mineville Poirier, Paul; Ketch Harbour Pollett, Marc; Fall River Popkov, Alexander; Fall River Porskamp, Susan; Canning Porter, Dean; Lower Sackville Porter, Ian; Halifax Porter, Jocelyn; Dartmouth Porter, Margaret; Tusket Porter, Robert; Dartmouth Porter, Roy; Amherst Pothier, Alvin; Tusket Power, Diane; Herring Cove Power, Randy & Barbara; Jeddore Oyster Ponds Prime, Wayne; Halifax Provost, Tracey; Brookside Ptasznik, Dan; Timberlea Pugh, Cheryl; Bridgewater Pugsley, Elaine; Halifax Purcell, John & Donna; Upper Musquodoboit Purdy, Ryan; Halifax Purvis, Heather; Dartmouth Quillan, Doug; Dartmouth Quinn, Pat & Sam; Millville Quinn, Tarri; Dartmouth Quinn, Terry; Bedford Rafuse, Christine E; Halifax Ramier, Kim; Bedford Randell, Joe; Wellington Rankin, Heidi; Bedford Rankov, Stephen I; Mill Village Rankov, Stephen I; Mill Village Ransom, Tom & Stacey; Halifax Rapitta, Eric; Waverley Ray, Don; Whites Lake Raymond, Dennis; Halifax Redden, Isabelle; Middleton Redden, Keith; Lake Echo Redden, Margaret; Upper Rawdon Redding, Sherry; Beaver Bank Redding, Sherry; Beaver Bank Reid, Jacob Jr; Florence Reid, Rod; Summerville Remy, James & Barbara; Williamswood Restin, Brian; Halifax Revels, William; Lower Sackville Rhodes, Karen; River Hebert Rhodes, Karen; River Hebert Rhynold, Ann; Canso Richard, Elliott; Lundy Richard, K Peter; Halifax Richard, Tyler; Guysborough Richards, Blair F; Halifax Richards, Derek; Beaver Bank Richards, Tracy; Hunts Point Richardson, Ivan; Dartmouth Richardson, Marilee; Yarmouth Richardson, Michael; Lower Sackville Richardson, Phillip; Halifax Riley, Mark; Dartmouth Riley, Patrick; Sydney Ripley, Jeff; Port Howe Ritcey, Jane; Chester 024239 000287 029906 052379 073842 005937 029142 022691 067142 046795 032264 032264 059250 037480 076497 030854 011749 005566 070699 006242 040942 000281 048600 050575 021637 024099 067883 033127 027896 035128 064343 058118 006086 066211 030687 007261 024085 036044 036532 015017 063570 021554 018418 033041 002309 041997 049783 001802 014032 060620 033817 000224 003965 007447 043245 019632 040618 042719 031077 031077 031077 024952 048305 032805 056316 017391 011517 069110 019340 009831 073194 Ritcey, Rhonda; Porters Lake Ritchie, Alex; Dartmouth Ritchie, Wayne & Linda; Antrim Roberts, William J; Baddeck Robertson, Donna; Dartmouth Rodgers, Donald; Debert Rodgers, Mark P; Dartmouth Rogers, Calvin & Shirley; Canning Rogers, Judy & Neil; Yarmouth Rogers, Stephen; Dartmouth Rollin, Marc; Dartmouth Rollin, Marc; Dartmouth Rondeau, John I; Upper Tantallon Rose, Jim; Berwick Rose, Laura; New Haven Ross, Helen; Ellershouse Ross, Marilyn; Halifax Rossiter, Stanley; Windsor Rowter, Marie; Caledonia Roy, Delphis; Bedford Roy, Jenna; Dartmouth Rudd, Michael; Kentville Rudolph, Barb; Liscomb Rushton, Lawrence & Susan; Port Howe Russell, Darren; Dartmouth Russell, David; Bedford Russell, Lori; Lower Sackville Ryan, Allister Gerard; Antigonish Ryan, Jackie; Harrietsfield Ryan, Kathy & Sterling; Middle Musquodoboit Ryan, Stan & Wayne; Prospect Bay Ryckman, Norman & Mamie; Bedford Sabean, Amanda; Mount Uniacke Salmon, Charles; Halifax Salsman-Pay, Jean; Dartmouth Sampson, Erleen; Louisdale Sampson, Lisa; Halifax Sampson, Mary; Howie Center Sanford, Don; Wilmot Station Sanford, Marie; Dartmouth Sanichar, Deonanan; Bedford Sarty, Patricia; Conquerall Mills Saulnier, Michelle; Dartmouth Saulnier-Terrio, Tracy; Granville Ferry Saunders, Marilyn; Hebron Savory, Philip M & Pamela; Lunenburg Sawler, Daniel; Dartmouth Saxon, Roland; Middleton Schaller-Beaton, Colette; Windsor Scheucher, Roland & Mary; Upper Stewiacke Schleihauf, Brian; Porters Lake Schnare, Barry; Bridgewater Schonhoffer, Virginia; Albert Bridge Schori, Beatrice; Halifax Schwartz, Judi; Tantallon Schwartz, Neela; Timberlea Scott, Charles K; Shad Bay Scott, Janice M; Halifax Scott, Margaret; Lake Echo Scott, Margaret; Lake Echo Scott, Margaret; Lake Echo Scott, Shane & Tracy; Port Hawkesbury Scott, Troy & Deanna; Nine Mile River Seaman, Lowell & Rhonda; Fall River Sears, Lloyd; Bedford Semple, Elizabeth & Stuart; Malagash Seniuk, Elaine; Enfield Shain, Andrew; Eastern Passage Shannon, Kelly; Bedford Sharp, Margaret; Enfield Shaw, Melinda; Halifax LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 042877 024201 048827 068047 070695 029942 051736 012945 072890 001230 075849 021314 039577 054727 053775 073770 077019 025383 055998 035194 059620 045899 018501 045376 069540 057852 051231 052916 062856 024520 010678 018333 063663 063664 009946 052801 037266 069795 007492 025523 002746 030716 003639 003171 047391 044432 075499 020635 065453 054924 045058 040907 070271 027885 075635 016871 050540 040862 004617 006313 008322 043860 058532 004066 052575 014338 023494 Shearer, Michael; Truro Shearer, William; Brookfield Sheehan, Stephen; Halifax Sheffield, Jacqueline; Newport Shepherd, Sheldon; Glace Bay Sheppard, Kathy & Gerald; Howie Center Shore, Betty; Sydney Sidey, James; Fall River Simmons, Carol; Halifax Simmons, Elkiney; Halifax Simmons, Roger; Dartmouth Simmons, Rudy; Fall River Simmons, Rudy; Fall River Simoneau, Richard; Eastern Passage Simpson, Lori; Dartmouth Singleton, Geraldine; Hantsport Skaling, Crystal; Kentville Skinner, Doreen; Bridgewater Skinner, Jeff; Hammonds Plains Slauenwhite, Beatrice; Halifax Slaunwhite, Colette & Stephen; Terence Bay Slaunwhite, Heather; Brookside Slaunwhite, John; Terence Bay Slaunwhite, Matthew; Halifax Slaunwhite, Pat; Ellershouse Slaunwhite, Sean; Brookside Smith, Barry; Dartmouth Smith, Blair; Middle Sackville Smith, Dennis & Valerie; Lawrencetown Smith, Garth & Donna; Bedford Smith, James; Cross Roads Country Harbour Smith, Laura; Dartmouth Smith, Margaret; New Germany Smith, Margaret; New Germany Smith, Muriel & Frank; Hammonds Plains Smith, Stephen K; Stewiacke Smith, Stephen W; Halifax Snide, Christopher; Hammonds Plains Soliman, Roy; Halifax Sollows, Gail & Alger; Tiverton Soucie, Raymond; Dartmouth Spear, Russell; Dartmouth Spears, D Bruce; Westville Spencer, Frank; Dartmouth Spencer, Myles; Halifax Sperry, Mike; Porters Lake Sprague, Lynne; Wellington St Onge, Mike & Cathy; Amherst Steadman, Heather; Lawrencetown. Steele, Rob; Halifax Steeves, Peter; Bedford Steffens, Barry; Upper Sackville Stephen, Betty; New Glasgow Stevens, Edward B; Sherbrooke Stevens, Ella; Halifax Stevens, Scot; Sydney Stevens, Sheila & Merlin; Port Williams Stevens, Vicki; Porters Lake Stewart, Connie; Fletchers Lake Stewart, Lisa; Dartmouth Stewart, Loren; Middle Musquodoboit Stewart, Sharla; Dartmouth Stewart, Sue; Hammonds Plains Stewart, Terrence & Colleen; Lower Sackville Stewart, Terry; Halifax Steyn, Danita; Halifax Stiles, Donald & Crystal; Amherst November 20,2014 006808 038166 053897 015968 030335 006293 062134 068492 054876 044651 064951 073114 005151 027917 038639 003815 027476 028113 018683 048138 027792 058595 067496 070687 028098 001190 062004 023948 002456 002461 033686 074679 031928 066030 026635 046872 004317 073718 041920 065338 075537 021168 046184 034635 071121 072098 072101 009397 057379 057379 012090 020582 064267 067037 046493 063039 073198 016187 054285 028267 074844 026653 063744 001724 043780 048793 Stimson, Russell; Halifax Stinson, Warren; New Glasgow Stoneman, James; Fall River Stoupakis, Laky & Lynda; Dartmouth Strachan, (In Trust) Rhonda; Mulgrave Streatch, Ken; Middle Musquodoboit Strickland, Elma & James; Lower Sackville Stuart, Lex; Halifax Stuart, Manon; Halifax Stuart, Steve; Halifax Stuthard, Al & Janice; Halifax Sullivan, Elise; Bedford Sullivan, Robert; Halifax Swansburg, Paul & Linda; New Ross Sweeney, Michael; Halifax Swinimer, Kerry & Nancy; Bridgewater Swinimer, Robert & Frances; Western Shore Taggart, Don; Coldbrook Tan, Zhuliang; Dartmouth Tatlidil, Erhan; Dartmouth Taylor, Bev & Mike; Bridgetown Taylor, Lisa; Lower Sackville Taylor, Wilfred R; Halifax Terrio, Patrick; D’Escousse Terry, Bruce; Musquodoboit Harbour Thibeau, Rodney & Grace; D’Escousse Thibeau-Smith, Anne; Petit De Grat Thibodeau, Karen; Dartmouth Thistle, Greg; Halifax Thistle, Greg; Halifax Thomas, Anthony; Dartmouth Thompson, Janice; Bedford Thompson, Kaye & Jack; Fall River Thompson, Nathan; Dartmouth Tingley, Sarah; Crousetown Tipping, Margaret; Prospect Village Titus, Blaze; Dartmouth Tkalec, Radoslav & Genevieve; Dartmouth Tobin, Andrew; Middle Sackville Tofflemire, Ross; Musquodoboit Harbour Tompkins, Bill; Halifax Totten, Lyman; Truro Tracy, Veronica; Middle Sackville Travers, David; Bedford Travers, Debbie; Halifax Travers, Heather; Bedford Travers, Heather; Bedford Tremblay, Andre; Dartmouth Tremblay, Danielle; Halifax Tremblay, Danielle; Halifax Tremblett, Loretta; Lewis Lake Trenchard, Bonnie E; Porters Lake Truong, Tran; Halifax Tucker, Mary; Dartmouth Tucker, Rose & Jim; Lower Sackville Tufts, Kenneth; Springfield Tweddle, Lola & Gerald; Oakhill Uloth, Ann; Antigonish Umlah, Ashley; Porters Lake Upham, Julie & Ken; Upper North River Upton, Matthew; Dartmouth Urquhart, Colleen; North River Vallis, Cindy; Hammonds Plains Van Der Poel, Irene; Truro Vanblarcom, Margaret; Kentville Vanslyke, David; Enfield 051617 028581 052918 003798 073519 061759 027747 046637 016499 041858 015578 050927 001764 066359 009379 037027 042870 018055 074265 038660 023124 063327 020787 025436 026163 018849 064852 014009 041005 057735 041657 041659 011508 011509 033956 016039 077386 067206 030918 000421 028433 054317 050790 025330 041146 077926 077926 040824 051701 014281 007274 017768 027021 064292 009563 016773 061015 061263 039921 021868 076730 014015 073571 Vaters, Jennifer; Hammonds Plains Vaughan, Anthony; Halifax Verge, Sandra & Mark; Lake Loon Vermeulen, Melanie; Milford Station Verschuren, Andy; North Sydney Verschuren, Turk; Upper North Sydney Vienneau, Bruce & Dawn; Porters Lake Villeneuve, Antoine; Middleton Vincent, Jackie & Erin; Halifax Virostek, Kathleen; Valley Vlemmas, Demetria & Potula; New Glasgow Vogt, Steven; Middle Sackville Wadden, Angela; Dartmouth Wadden, Mike; Kentville Wadey, Nicholas; Fletchers Lake Wagner, Charmaine; Barss Corner Wagner, Mervyn D & Kathryn; Dartmouth Wagner, Terry L & Geraldine; Barss Corner Wagstaff, Elizabeth; Porters Lake Walker, Jean; Halifax Walker, Nolan; New Waterford Walsh, Dwayne; Shubenacadie Walsh, Jamie; Middle Sackville Walsh, Richard J; Aylesford Wamboldt, William; Greenfield Wang, Han; Dartmouth Wang, Rony; Bedford Ward, Beverley; Dartmouth Ward, Richard; Halifax Wardrope, Richard; Dartmouth Wareham, Tracy; Lake Egmont Wareham, Tracy; Lake Egmont Warnica, Andrew; Upper Hammonds Plains Warnica, Andrew; Upper Hammonds Plains Warren, Donna; Hammonds Plains Warren, Michael Keith; Timberlea Watts, Colin; Port Hood Watts, Peggy; Bedford Weagle, Kevin & Kathy; Berwick Weare, Leigh; Shelburne Webb, C & C; Lunenburg Webb, Kim; Halifax Webb, Terry; Mineville Webber, Robert B; Halifax Webster, Mike; Halifax Weir, Shawn; Fall River Weir, Shawn; Fall River Wells, Shelley; Halifax Wellwood, Jack & Wendy; Head of Chezzetcook Wentzell, Percy; Mahone Bay West, Dalton; New Minas West, Don & Audrey; Halifax West, Peter & Suzanne; Dartmouth Whalen, Hazel & Joe; Timberlea Whebby, Flora & Jack; Waverley Whiley, Catherine; Hammonds Plains White, Allen; Mount Uniacke White, Annie & Max; Porters Lake White, Brian & Deborah; St Peters White, Derek; Dartmouth White, Donna; Lower Sackville White, Kenda; Beaver Bank White, Maxwell & Laurie; Dartmouth 012013 006793 059208 041236 067489 038005 051031 002310 069033 045960 007084 052917 052917 008799 018588 008183 036309 001805 075264 006915 030494 042364 002583 044891 033873 063397 036173 054284 028390 075063 074286 012197 052283 070760 023691 010872 045312 013419 058381 033712 003883 009952 033063 077492 009889 053492 065936 001738 009425 015312 020484 006460 017333 053473 051431 046452 White, Paulette; Middle Sackville White, Paulette & Will; Lower Sackville White, Pius & Annie; Cleveland White, Ruth; Truro White, Tim; Hammonds Plains Whitehead, Joann; Hammonds Plains Whittington, Larry & Carol; Montague Gold Mines Whorrall, Nancy & Robert; Halifax Whynot, Brad; Brookside Whynot, Pat & Theresa & Sandra; Halifax Whynot, Wayne D; Bridgewater Whyte, Garfield & Barbara; Truro Whyte, Garfield & Barbara; Truro Wiebe, Cathie; Kingston Wier, Doug; Lower Sackville Wiggins, Bruce; Lakeview Wilber, Christine; Enfield Wilkie, Charmaine; Timberlea Wilkins, Clinton; Dartmouth Williams, Derrick; East Preston Williams, Donna; Shelburne Williams, George W; Beaver Bank Williams, Scott; Antigonish Williams, Sue-Ellen; Hammonds Plains Willison, Tom & Jean; Afton Station Wilmshurst, Dolores; Head of Chezzetcook Wilneff, Sandra J; Birch Grove Wilson, Doug; Fall River Wilson, John; Halifax Wilson, Melanie; Hantsport Wilton, Ed; Bedford Wilton, Ruth; Conquerall Mills Windsor, Graham & Margaret; Cleveland Winters, Bob; Truro Wittenberg, Gail; Centreville Wittenberg, Rick & Gail; Centreville Wolfe, Brian & Connie; Dartmouth Wolfe, Kathy; Dartmouth Wong, Ka Ho; Truro Wood, Peter; Halifax Woods, Sharlene; Halifax Woulff, Nina; Halifax Wright, Andrew; Upper Stewiacke Wyse, Bruce; Halifax Yawarski, Linda & K Haron; Halifax Yetman, Karen; Halifax Yorke, Roddie; Little Bras D’or Young, John; Halifax Young, Shawn; Wellington Young, Shirlene; Halifax Zinck, Blair; West Northfield Zinck, Ken; Lake Charlotte Zinck, Maureen; Hubbards Zinck, Stacey; Pleasantville Zwicker, Barbara; Lunenburg Zwicker, Blaine & Michelle; Chester Basin 50 – Apple TV Devices 066500 039027 038383 073441 016818 012942 063351 053374 056873 6 of 16 Adams, Terry; Dartmouth Arnold, Gerald; Windsor Junction Atkins, James; Dartmouth Baker, Robert; Porters Lake Bullen, Ann; Dartmouth Burris, Jean; Green Oaks Butler, Robert; Head of St Margarets Bay Chislett, Richard; Windsor Conrad-Howie, Jaime; Lower Sackville 066664 014016 002057 046052 056343 056329 052871 029745 041217 032765 046680 063089 052138 066937 019609 063346 041711 049252 030258 017300 039853 022489 014222 060981 010214 065078 048478 011746 041467 051028 013608 005719 001800 014192 046669 009629 005026 067796 076108 048044 038838 Conrod, Wendell; Halifax Day, Paul; Hammonds Plains De Molitor, William; Halifax Dykman, Sheryl; Lawrencetown Eagles, Shaun; Londonderry Fleet, Leslie; Lake Echo Garcin, Darren & Sherry; Dartmouth Gillis, John; Margaree Forks Green, Rhona; Ben Eoin Guthrie, Samantha & Gary; Middle Sackville Harding, Laurena; Porters Lake Hart, Carol & Edsel; Margaree Centre Hebb, Gordon & Nicole; Hammonds Plains Hilliard, Paul; Fall River Hingely, Preston; Chester Basin Horsnell, Sally; Berwick Hulan, Brenda R; Kingston Hurlburt, Richard; Yarmouth John, Derek; Riverport Jost, Susan; Annapolis Royal Kelly, Ralph; Antigonish Maxwell, Trudy L; Lower Sackville Moyles, Craig; Dartmouth Muise, Lili M; Tusket Munroe, Roger & Winna; Coxheath Noade, Carole Ann & Stephen; Mount Uniacke Pappin, David; Hammonds Plains Payne, Jane; Port Williams Pearl, (In Trust) Nick; Stillwater Lake Peterson, Mike; Lawrencetown Pothier, Irene & Bill; Arcadia Ryan, Linsday; Fall River Saxon, Roland; Middleton Singer, Joanne & Christie; Halifax Snow, Michael; Middle Sackville Soubliere, Kenneth & Janet; Halifax Spence, Timothy; Springhill Stevens, Carl; Head of Chezzetcook Stymiest, James; Halifax Taneja, Swadhin; Halifax Terry, Kelly & Carolyn; Truro 161 – Hamilton Beach Food Processors 075642 058399 029952 032530 070456 075495 069412 066845 008070 077906 049260 037646 060009 010621 011383 034715 001168 034465 023731 068265 026962 012821 034757 Adair, David; Dartmouth Al-Sayed, Wala; Bedford Anderson, Katherine; Halifax Aulenback, Penny & Peggy; Elmsdale Baker, Anna & Keith; Lahave Barnes, Judy; Halifax Barnett, Karen; Dartmouth Bartlett, Evelina; Hubley Beaulieu, John; Hubley Bellefontaine, Sharon; Middle Sackville Bhan, Virender; Halifax Bigio, Ruth; Halifax Boone, Fabian; Halifax Buchanan, Roland C; Lockeport Byrne, John & Olive; Lower Sackville Caines, Scott; Brookside Campbell, John Colin & Carol; Pictou Cassidy, Peter & Elizabeth; Dartmouth Chahley, Wayne; Halifax Champagne, Luc; Cow Bay Chatman, Jason; Halifax Chisholm, A Colin; Antigonish Chisholm, Donald W; Lower Sackville 017011 016151 051584 017010 062035 050963 049346 014714 057837 066179 050896 052003 037012 053580 029475 014636 054565 029285 014414 058309 059326 017837 050050 006910 066957 008537 038952 001901 064775 023118 067160 049605 027696 044044 059578 042492 075908 034667 017697 038919 036793 009655 072164 073151 037163 052195 052609 055154 074678 067187 025549 040087 036084 029439 030060 022005 004648 005820 011373 004065 023514 046511 043953 048090 071532 Chisholm-Pearson, Marie; Margaree Forks Coldwell, Fred; Truro Conrad, Grace & Albert; Milton Coolen, Dennis; Dartmouth Coughran, Betty D; Middle Sackville Crooks, Sheila; Peggys Cove D’Entremont, Gary; Middle West Pubnico Darai, Stephen & Christine; Debert Davis, Dora; Windsor Deleskie, Jennifer; Sydney Deyoung, Lorraine; New Glasgow Dobbin, Linda; Middleton Doucette, Joseph & Barbara; New Waterford Eddy, Carrilee & Ernest; Newport Eghan, Felicia & Tony; Halifax Emmerson, Crystal & Shelley; Stillwater Lake Feely, Phil; Wolfville Feltham, Dorothy; Antigonish Fleet, Thomas; Halifax Fong, Richard; Halifax Forsyth, Gladys; Dartmouth Forsythe, Arnold & Judy; Wolfville Forsythe, Stephen; Beaver Bank Frame, John; Truro Gallant, James; Dartmouth Gaudette, Jan; Halifax Gilroy, Marie; Springhill Gordon, Joey; Oxford Green, Robert & Ethel; Annapolis Royal Groombridge, Starla; Middle Sackville Gunn, Betty; Fall River Guthrie, Ronald; Timberlea Hamer, Richard & Carolyn; Dartmouth Hanley, Bernard; Judique Hardwick-McTiernan, Nancy; Nine Mile River Harrie, Larry & Kathleen; Terence Bay Harris, Julie; Wolfville Harris, Mark; Amherst Haynes, Sherman; Digby Hayward, Alison V; Dartmouth Heffernan, Frank; Antigonish Henry, Leo; Bedford Howell, Helen; Windsor Isner, Colleen; Hammonds Plains Jackman, Marcel; North Sydney Jones, James; Kentville Keith, Lorraine & Greg; Montague Gold Mines Kerwin, Darryl; Fall River King, Anne; Dartmouth Kinsman, Gregg; Berwick Langille, Elroy & Barbara; Truro Langlois, Bill & Colleen; Hammonds Plains Lavers, Joan; Upper Tantallon Lerue, James; Belnan Leslie, Joan M; Amherst Little, L; Brookside Lucas, Wayne B; Ellershouse Lusby, John; Amherst Mac Isacc, Dorothy; Pictou Macdonald, Mary L & Sandy; Port Hawkesbury Macdonald, Patti; Eastern Passage Macdonnell, Charles D; Inverness Macdougall, Kevin; Dartmouth Maceachern, Roberta; Halifax Macisaac, Anne; Dartmouth LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 005535 036851 068130 009139 020031 000338 033604 048646 042030 016164 062866 027428 003189 004463 024649 006573 042335 070324 042538 045106 022167 063042 006975 017518 076315 003365 000052 066279 023704 042988 077644 044158 071779 015515 073210 011459 048819 030390 052070 009963 019348 046545 062659 012448 039746 055352 002307 014008 011405 011519 071426 056397 049728 064076 072280 014158 046530 011868 023605 030024 008300 040075 069271 001760 000760 038039 Macisaac, Donalda & Richard; Lower Sackville Mackenzie, Judy; Stellarton Maclean, Martin; Millville Macneil, Ruth & Malcolm; Big Pond Macquarrie, Susan; Beechville Macumber, Valerie; Walton March, Ken; Middle Sackville Marr, Chad; Weymouth Mcintyre, Katherine; Mount Uniacke Mckinley, James; Halifax Mckinnnon, Wanda & James; Sydney Mcminn, Fiona; Dartmouth Mcsween, Natashia & Ronnie; New Victoria Meade, Carl; Halifax Melanson, Pam & Scott; Head of Chezzetcook Miller, Burke; Cooks Brook Miller, Oscar & Carolyn; Dartmouth Mills, Kimberly; Lake Loon Mosher, Patricia & Max; Chester Basin Murphy, Maureen; Dartmouth Newman, Michelle; Halifax Northrup, Jim; Dartmouth Noyes, John; Middle Sackville O’Neil, Derek; Halifax O’Neill, Michael; Halifax Oppedisano, Darlene; Waverley Otter, William; Pictou Pare, William; Upper Hammonds Plains Parker, Mary; Parrsboro Pennell, Leonard; Beaver Bank Pettipas, Bob & Bonnie; Dartmouth Pettipas, Liz; Wallace Power, Mike; Pugwash Presti, Matthew; Halifax Rehberg, Patricia; Head of Chezzetcook Reinhart, Erin; Lower Sackville Richard, Chris; Head of Chezzetcook Richardson, William; Bedford Robicheau, Ginette; Meteghan Rochefort, Andre; Bedford Rudolph, Ronnie; Halifax Russell, Barry M; New Ross Ryan, Wayne; Baddeck Sack, Laverna; Shubenacadie Salto, Dimitros; Lucasville Saunders, Dawn; Middle Sackville Saunders, Marilyn; Hebron Sauntry, George; New Glasgow Segado, Roberto; Wolfville Seniuk, Elaine; Enfield Shannon Loomis, Carmel; Bedford Smith, Dylan; Pugwash Smith, Neala; Halifax St-Louis, Shane; Halifax Stauch-Kennedy, Marian; Dartmouth Stevens, Ken & Joan; Dartmouth Stewart, Carol; Rawdon Gold Mines Stone, Jessie; Baddeck Swinimer, Marilyn; Aylesford Thompson, Luke; Mineville Thorne, Diane; Bedford Tuck, Geraldine & Wayne; Chester Basin Urquhart, Ian Alexander; Dartmouth Videto, Frances; Middleton Wall, Robert; North River Wallace, Robert; New Glasgow November 20,2014 075425 071433 068595 061297 062802 011755 041725 Walsh, Stephanie; Halifax Whalen, Anne; Dartmouth White, Bryan; Dartmouth Williams, Philip & Sandra; Musquodoboit Harbour Wilson, George; Yarmouth Winter, Ken; Bridgetown Yeo, Bruce; Bedford 250 – $100 Trail Shop gift cards 007202 027960 003612 021701 067415 068561 076523 059154 075434 051652 062103 031481 012468 028120 030029 008396 065903 055781 025009 012132 030132 030132 018214 069179 044423 044001 048617 057935 046190 033430 064622 025377 025377 042487 000489 061764 066001 069793 026643 044477 058794 026232 000067 056676 038512 055960 074731 020109 073206 008460 063381 069652 009184 026665 014675 047352 026499 012611 000090 030358 005476 005254 035017 Adams, Debbie; Halifax Amirault, Lorna; West Pubnico Arenburg, Helen M; Conquerall Mills Aucoin, Lawrence; Halifax Austin, Ted; Lower Sackville Baker, George; Yarmouth Baker, Melissa; Halifax Barkhouse, Merlin; Canning Barteaux, Alpin; New Glasgow Bayer, Deborah; Dartmouth Beaulieu, Philip; Halifax Beck, Jerome CE; Mill Village Beed, John & Paula; Halifax Benham, Howard & April; Yarmouth Boddie, Marry A; Glen Haven Bolten, Caner; Halifax Bonnell, Janice E; Valley Borden, Chris; Brookfield Boudreau, (In Trust) Craig; Sydney Boudreau, Glenna & Cal; Yarmouth Boudreau, Jacinthe; Bedford Boudreau, Jacinthe; Bedford Boudreau, Ronald; Church Point Boutilier, Debra; Dartmouth Boutilier, Edward & Theresa; Lower Sackville Bowie, Debbie; Antigonish Boyce, Glenn; Dartmouth Boyd, Debbie; Meteghan River Bradshaw, Jill; Mount Uniacke Braid, David; Dartmouth Bremman, Art; New Glasgow Brewer, Olga; North Sydney Brewer, Olga; North Sydney Brewer, Renee; Elderbank Browner, Mary Lou & Vince; Glace Bay Burnie, Carmen; Digby Cain, Barbara; Wolfville Cake-Lawrence, Diane; Dartmouth Cameron, Mark; Bedford Camplin, Stacy; Bedford Cann, Jack H; Pembroke Cantwell, Norma; Bras D’or Carey, Danny; Bridgewater Carruthers, Angela; Upper Tantallon Castel, Leah; Bedford Charlong, Chris; Lower Sackville Chase, Christy; Bedford Clarke, Gregory; Halifax Cochrane, Mary & Gary; Halifax Coleman, Evelyn; Kentville Comeau, Eddie & Yvonne; Meteghan Conrad, Graham; Halifax Corkum, Sterling; Westville Costello, Mary; Wolfville Cox, Robert H; Kennetcook Craig, Becky; Pictou Creaser, Angela; Halifax Crowell, Sheila; East Lawrencetown Cushing, Charles; Bridgewater David, Tina K; Upper Hammonds Plains Day, Brian; Dartmouth Debay, Marlene; Halifax Demello, Nancy; Halifax 008982 034308 060581 054002 025865 019585 074031 055356 055358 015728 054582 029183 063341 007585 068499 023336 023771 029536 017464 065910 051577 049595 028835 075066 070799 072781 041514 038138 023208 031757 009897 022867 029478 052050 058590 070169 044340 056993 033859 043445 058477 038718 074925 016515 004045 065279 030220 005253 011643 066049 045227 072165 023812 072057 077481 062118 003548 026989 039440 015528 022565 034092 023561 072364 070296 033363 037863 004513 005631 028556 002069 060120 Demmings, Andrew & Teresa; Mount Uniacke Denny, Steve; Stellarton Dewolfe, Michelle; Newport Dipchand, Christine; Halifax Dithurbide, Deborah; Sydney Druhan, John L; Halifax Dunfee, Shannon; Enfield Durst, Rick; Halifax Durst, Rick; Halifax Dussault, Jacques; Dartmouth Edwards, Mitchell; Dartmouth Ellison, George R; Granville Ferry Fage, Ernest L; Amherst Faulkner, Lovett & Barb; Hantsport Ferguson, Brian; Beechville Fleming, Mary; New Glasgow Ford, Freddie; Florence Ford, Sandra; Richmond Forrest, Kenneth; Halifax Forsyth, David; St Peters Gale, David J; Head of Chezzetcook Gammon, Trevor; Sheet Harbour Garnhum, Robert; Fall River Gavan, Mark; Halifax George, Michael; Blockhouse Giles, David B; Bedford Goulden, Murray; Barss Corner Grace, Robert; Dartmouth Gray, Chad; East Pennant Gray, Gerald; Halifax Green, Peggy M L; Mount Uniacke Haidar, Sal; Halifax Hall, Joanne & Jason; Sydney Mines Hamm, Coleen; Mahone Bay Hamza, Shahien Abbas; Halifax Hanf, Beverly; Brazil Lake Hansen, Linda; Salmon River Hart, Melissa; Elmsdale Hart, Ralph; Enfield Hartigan, Don; Dartmouth Hartlen, Patricia; Dartmouth Hayes, Judy; Lower Sackville Hickey, Brad; Bedford Hines, Michael; Westphal Hines, Ronald B & Barbara; Hammonds Plains Hirtle, Edythe; Wolfville Hodges, Margaret; Halifax Hopkins, Gary; Pubnico Howard, Linda; Halifax Hughes, Rustin; New Ross Hyland, R; Lantz Inglis, Derek; Waverley Isenor, Ryan; Belnan Jardine, Jennifer; Porters Lake Jehr, Jeffrey; Halifax Jessome, Joel; Hammonds Plains Johnston, Michael & Carol; North River Julian, Blair; Sydney Mines Julien, Terry; Halifax Kane, Shirley; Halifax Kelly, Lewis & Brenda; Lower Sackville Kelly, Yvonne Caroline; St Peters Kenney, Gail & John; Barrington Keramaris, Frankie; Dartmouth Khan, Hamida; Dartmouth Knapman, Paul; Halifax Kristjansson, Ralph & Peggy; Hammonds Plains Lachance, Gerard; Dartmouth Leblanc, Gary; Glace Bay Leitao, Joaquim; Halifax Lemaire, Louis; Halifax Levy, Bernard; Halifax 013306 041768 015530 032852 007078 035354 071152 043376 045057 003480 026791 015616 037517 067788 002579 041516 026023 023135 005718 074909 072269 054190 007775 055334 040327 018634 023074 051553 054211 019408 000100 057809 055056 048583 029810 022667 060973 012309 058669 007410 031874 039113 026426 015497 054368 045645 007444 004646 052322 050649 060716 035783 063591 004945 7 of 16 Lombard, Denise & Therese; Kingston Mac Donald, Laura; New Waterford Macalpine, Peggy & Alston; Digby Macdonald, Angela; Dartmouth Macdonald, Edward L; Brookfield Macdonald, George H; Westville Macdonald, Sharon; Dartmouth Macdougall, Monty Allen; Stellarton Macdougall, Rodney; Beaver Bank Macgillivray, M Anita; Westville Macinnis, Alayne; Halifax Macintyre, Ann Marie; Little Bras D’or Mackay, Christine; Westville Mackenzie, Karen; Truro Mackenzie, Robert; Westville Maclean, Craig & Mary Ellen; Beaver Bank Maclellan, Lynn; Wellington Maclennan Todd, Viginia; New Glasgow Macneil, Anne & Roddie; Sydney Forks Macneil, Joan; Lower Sackville Macpherson, Darren; Halifax Macpherson, Roderick; Dartmouth Mak, Grant K K; Halifax Manders, Marilyn; Hammonds Plains Manning, Lynda & Allan; River John Manthorne, Kirsten; Dartmouth Marchand, Kevin & Paulette; Arichat Marriott, Sue & Don; Halifax Marryatt, Stephen; Lower Sackville Mccarthy, Kathy & Owen; Dartmouth Mcdonald, Darlene & Thomas; Lingan Mclernon, Sarah; Upper Tantallon Mcmaster, Patricia; Halifax Meagher, Larry; Havre Boucher Melanson, James & Ronald; Meteghan Mercer, Barry & Donna; Lunenburg Messervey, Donald & Carol; Halifax Milliard, Collette & Michael; Timberlea Milne, John V; Halifax Minacapelli, Gregory; Fall River Minard, Herbert G; Enfield Moore, James & Jean; Kingston Moors, Ken & Kim; Halifax Morash, Robert Harvey; Louisbourg Muise, Matthew; New Waterford Mullen-Gray, Donna; Stewiacke Murphy, Lem; Bedford Murray, Vernon R & Hazel; Antigonish Musgrave, Wendell; Sydney Mines Negus, Kenneth M; Shearwater Nemeskeri, Monica; Chester O’Brien, Peter; Dartmouth O’Neil, Ed; Dartmouth Park, Stephen; Greenwood 015396 042677 040147 011805 063656 035610 073983 045392 055916 066562 056003 013820 060392 058391 041909 075521 070545 035125 003733 058445 014618 073356 072187 043237 030839 022456 021149 013812 023850 026019 002733 018953 010855 013474 054110 058004 047253 068153 067630 011551 028008 059136 021026 074738 065047 069536 043204 009868 068526 041535 003250 065620 052955 045395 063631 041699 071349 015618 033712 047032 076071 Parker, Dana & Tom; Middle Musquodoboit Parsons, Raymond & Dorothy; Kingston Patterson, Daniel; Enfield Patton, Cheryl; Lower Sackville Pelham, Tom; Halifax Peppard, Kaye Louise; Middleton Petrie, William M; Halifax Pipes, Terri; Hammonds Plains Potter, Charlotte; New Glasgow Purcell, Christopher Andrew; Williamswood Purdy, Lori & Kelly; Windsor Junction Rand, Virginia; Waverley Randall, Hughes; Halifax Rasmussen, John & Beula; Dartmouth Renault, Lise; Halifax Richard, Denis & Pauline; Eastern Passage Richards, Jason; Prime Brook Richey, Robert; Fall River Ritchie, Wayne; Hebron Robart, Joseph; Halifax Rodgers, Jeff & Wes; Dartmouth Rogers, Angus; Dingwall Rondeau, Margaret; Tantallon Roy, Gregory; Dartmouth Rudderham, Betty; Sydney Sampson, Cora; Beaver Bank Sampson, Lynn; Lakeside Sampson, Mel; Halifax Sargeant, Peter; Halifax Scott, Monica P; Brookfield Shaw, Doug; Dartmouth Sheppard, Robert & Sheila; Lower Sackville Sisco, Diane Deborah Robinson & David; Yarmouth Snow, Clarence T; Mulgrave Spencer, Joanne; Kentville Stephens, Raymond Joseph; Sydney Stevens, Trevor; Newport Stokvis, Phyllis; Margaretsville Surette, Jason; Hammonds Plains Taillieu, Rick; Eastern Passage Tanner, Joyce; Wileville Tanner, Theresa & James; Bass River Taylor, Donald; Truro Thompson, Colleen; Halifax Thurber, Robert; Freeport Timmons, Lucille; Cheticamp Townsend, Barbara & Glen; Shelburne Umlah, Marlene & Borden; Halifax Van Dyk, Anthony; Caledonia Van Nieuwenhuizen, Sharon; Sable River Veinotte, Gene; Voglers Cove Wade, Lee-Anne; Mount Uniacke Wayne, Barbara & Robert; Dartmouth Webb, Joce; Halifax Westlake, Evan; Bayside Wetmore, David; Kentville White, Judy; Upper Rawdon Wilson, Tom & Marie; Sydney Wood, Peter; Halifax Worth, Kimberley & Brian; Monastery Zorychta, Don; Tatamagouche 1,600 – $100 Tim Hortons gift cards 021560 061266 010047 Abbott, Grant; Fall River Abbott, Jennifer & Irving; Lower Sackville Abdelmalek, Hisham; Bedford 076526 023735 046507 014047 066499 002147 002147 075395 006785 062321 013655 003101 004884 047036 033810 056122 073338 040931 047181 016598 077334 065432 044405 035122 040417 004012 003292 018688 018688 051301 010468 023345 043318 056771 042797 046154 055367 067626 050780 020924 020936 001660 004697 014034 008248 003427 049399 071581 069917 057653 041570 052507 062955 009903 009543 008724 068579 036718 074252 040157 054517 045561 019216 026809 027179 052929 012422 065659 Abdulrahman, Mohammad; Halifax Abramson, Lara; Bedford Adams, Patrick; Enfield Adams, Susan; Cole Harbour Adams, Terry; Dartmouth Adamsson, Nils; Lower L’ardoise Adamsson, Nils; Lower L’ardoise Aitken, Dorothy Anne; Milford Amero, Gerald & Marie; Granville Ferry Amirault, Holly & Kevin; Lower East Pubnico Amiro, Clarence & Wanda; Lower East Pubnico Anderson, Jean & John; Dartmouth Anderson, John; Glen Haven Anderson, Robert; Beaver Bank Anderson, Terry; Dartmouth Andrea, Steve; Hillside Boularderie Andrews, Anthony & Nancy; Digby Angel, Katherine; Fall River Annett, Martin & Carolyn; Middle Sackville Appleton, Howard K; New Glasgow Arsenault, Jason; Bedford Arsenault, Mary-Anne; Halifax Arthur, James; Enfield Ash, Chris; Halifax Atkinson, Dale; Pine Grove Atkinson, Garth & Marla; Barrington Passage Atkinson, Geoff; Halifax Atkinson, John; Halifax Atkinson, John; Halifax Atwood, Kathy; Barrington Passage Aucoin, Claude; Halifax Aucoin, Janice & Kyle; Sydney Aucoin, Mary & Jude; Halifax Audas, Lorelei; Bedford Austin-Smith, Peter; Wolfville Avery, Clement; Havre Boucher Aylward, Ronelda; Mabou Aymar, Suzanne; Meteghan Ayres, Darlene; Williamswood Bacon, Roger; Amherst Bacon, Roger; Amherst Bailey, Jason; Truro Bailey, Joan & Karen; Halifax Bain, Chris; Upper Tantallon Baird, Allan; Upper Onslow Baird, Charles E; Lower Sackville Baker, Jennifer; Fall River Baker, Jenny; Dartmouth Baker, Marina; Dartmouth Baker, Paul; Head of Jeddore Ball, Tammy; Lower Sackville Ballar, Lise; Halifax Balsor, Rick; Aylesford Banfield, Wayne & Kevin; Halifax Bannerman, Alex & Joyann; Dartmouth Barnes, Mary-Ann; Bedford Barnett, Scott; Dartmouth Barnhill, Ruth; Valley Barrett, Judith; Stellarton Barron, Glenna; Eastern Passage Barry, Andrea; Blockhouse Barry, Arthur; Dartmouth Bassett, Robert; Bedford Bastock, Richard; Aylesford Battson, Marlene; Lower Sackville Bayer, Stephen & Kim; Hammonds Plains Beairsto, Carl; Mineville Beaton, Debra M; Mabou LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 058564 067615 032755 015447 059227 036113 040814 072306 035526 052482 031224 035581 041944 049939 044428 064002 070071 000374 009446 000824 076277 042262 038266 033281 022504 025895 073256 020996 069994 071677 003765 002736 026774 068680 014433 001045 001754 061547 060008 068117 019790 058715 066746 023480 028244 038333 054536 005898 001481 022213 049655 018666 000255 025083 003762 046123 046123 044423 027140 069396 032350 039466 057936 023262 034355 071385 Beaton, Stephanie; Halifax Beaton, Stephanie; Baddeck Beazley, Peter; Dartmouth Beck, James & Dawn; Ecum Secum Beers, Merle; Dartmouth Belfield, Stephen; Seaforth Bell, Patrica; Dartmouth Bell, Susan; Lakeside Belliveau, Philip & Theresa; Halifax Belzevick, Diane; Halifax Benedict, Ann & David & Cheryl; Sydney Forks Benedict, Gary D; Kentville Benedict, Lee-Anne; Halifax Bennett, Albert E; Halifax Bennett, Beverly; Dartmouth Bennett, Lawson; Kentville Berghaus, Ulrike & Olaf; Hammonds Plains Berglund, Wade; Dartmouth Bernardo, Carla; Dartmouth Best, Creighton; Centreville Bezanson, Mervin; Lake Echo Bird, Wendy; Halifax Blackburn, James; Lawrencetown Blackburn, Shirley & David; Lakeside Blanchard, Elaine; Fall River Blinn, Paul J & Connie; Greenwood Blois, Lee; Mount Uniacke Blondon, Brenda; Fall River Blue, Donald; Hubley Bobbitt, Deanna; Halifax Bodnarchuk, William; Hammonds Plains Boisvert, Sylvie; Eastern Passage Bolger, Shane; Hammonds Plains Bona, Kathleen; Glace Bay Bonang, Jeffrey; Dartmouth Bonang, Sidney; Head of Chezzetcook Bond, Douglas; Canso Boone, Brian & Helen; Northside East Bay Boone, Fabian; Halifax Boone, Michelle; Bedford Borden, Brenda; Dartmouth Borden, John A; Sydney Bordian, Matthew; Dartmouth Bossack, Karen & Rob; Dartmouth Bosse, Brenda; New Glasgow Bostock, Michael; Dartmouth Boudreau, Anne & Roy; Halifax Boudreau, Dawn-Marie; Lawrencetown Boudreau, Jason; Arichat Boudreau, Joanna; Dartmouth Boudreau, Virginia; Canso Boudreault, Andre; Greenwood Bourgeois, Kevin; Waverley Bourque, Yvon & Marion; Dartmouth Boutilier, Barry & Marjorie; Dartmouth Boutilier, Deborah & Charles; Gardiner Mines Boutilier, Deborah & Charles; Gardiner Mines Boutilier, Edward & Theresa; Lower Sackville Boutilier, Martin; Timberlea Boutilier, Morgan; Spry Bay Boutilier, Stephen & Deborah; Head of Chezzetcook Boutilier, Susan; Tantallon Boyd, Debbie; Meteghan River Boyd, Gordon; Halifax Boyd, Sandra & Jeff; Bedford Brannen, Joanne; Sand Beach November 20,2014 021616 002910 012842 028043 046309 012904 050487 072511 072152 061843 027490 054048 026737 026850 008486 035376 002180 035856 043456 061770 006270 023876 004189 037970 067601 034270 073555 046097 053109 035057 012035 003174 071056 071267 058776 021946 038506 068085 054743 009910 034933 032823 054443 008136 021642 044058 048721 053696 028186 075201 031105 050468 037209 072778 074775 009795 064199 023246 018875 072119 048318 062022 055654 058523 010361 002301 003763 045575 051557 067751 023313 Brannon, Russ; Waverley Brayley, Chris; Dartmouth Brennan, Theresa; Halifax Brenton, Lee & Shirley; East Stewiacke Bresnan, John; Wolfville Brewer, Mary; Ingonish Beach Briand, Debbie; Bedford Briand, Margaret; Halifax Bright, Jason; Halifax Britten, Georgette; Halifax Britten, Shirley; Arichat Brockway, Leanne; Timberlea Broderick, Paul; Dartmouth Brodie, Marie; Truro Bromley, Adele; Halifax Bronson, Robert & Sarah; Pictou Brooks, Elaine; Head of St Margarets Bay Brooks, Richard; Middle Sackville Brooks, Shawn; Lower Sackville Brophy, Shawn; Antigonish Brothers, Bernard; Ellershouse Brown, Andrena; Beaver Bank Brown, Barbara; Dartmouth Brown, Bernard; Lakeside Brown, Charles; Kentville Brown, Christopher; Eastern Passage Brown, Gordon; Halifax Brown, Kirk & Mabel; Kentville Brown, Robert J; Dartmouth Brown, Wendell; Macphees Corner Brown, Weston; East Preston Bruhm, Bernadette; Cookville Bruhm, Shannon; Hubley Brussard, Derrick; Chester Buchan, Frances; Pictou Buchan, Shane; Wolfville Budden, Joanne; Halifax Budge, Marlene; Neils Harbour Buglar, Merrill; Berwick Bull, H A; Bedford Bungay, Fern M; Dartmouth Buntain, Jack; Kentville Burden, Robert; Halifax Burgess, Peter M & Rosemary; Port Mouton Burke, Colleen; Halifax Burke, Colleen; Upper Musquodoboit Burke, Diane; Sydney Burke, Monica; Head of St Margarets Bay Burns, Terry; Cleveland Bush, Peter; Lower Sackville Butcher, Sandra & Andrew; Enfield Butt, George; Dartmouth Butts, Sandra; New Waterford Byrne, Len & Kathy; Fall River Byrne, Michael; Bedford Caines, Paul; Hammonds Plains Cameron, Barry & Darlene; Port Hood Cameron, Glenn & Linda; Windsor Cameron, Maurice; Halifax Cameron, Tonya; Truro Campbell, David; New Ross Campbell, Flo; Judique Campbell, Janice; Dartmouth Campbell, Leonard; Dutch Settlement Campbell, Odille & William; D’Escousse Campbell, Reg & Sheila; Dartmouth Campbell, Susan; New Waterford Card, Patti; Halifax Carey, Arthur; Avonport Carlyle, Ron; Stellarton Carmichael, Kathy & Clay; Baddeck 068001 043294 000540 063877 053710 023484 056043 062627 064684 055893 072908 018447 018447 072298 001210 053923 036356 027349 023308 031419 010280 077074 046285 051773 050725 071924 066931 041317 048763 018219 054269 037927 000468 043693 032968 024711 069670 002557 072603 053047 053047 077571 022932 001315 068088 004238 008467 066302 036548 052582 050230 011249 039373 052939 033276 075369 051583 070789 031759 010106 070245 028426 012390 033800 040029 055633 Carroll, Josh; Halifax Carruthers, Mark; Lawrencetown Carter, Ellen; Westmount Carter, Hugh; Brookfield Carter, Matthew; Lawrencetown Carter, Sheldon; Timberlea Carver, Earl (Joey); Western Shore Carver, Kathleen & Glen; Berwick Carver, Sandra & Robert; Caledonia Casey, Donald; Halifax Casey, Eugene; Granville Ferry Casey, Peter; Mount Uniacke Casey, Peter; Mount Uniacke Castellani, Michael; Hammonds Plains Chandler, Victor & Maxine; Windsor Chant, David; Halifax Chapman, Laurence; River John Chesley, Ron & Sandra; Middleton Chiasson, Alice; Cheticamp Chiasson, Michael K; Sydney Chisholm, Edward; Glace Bay Chisholm, John; Dartmouth Chisholm, (In Trust) Mary M; Dartmouth Cholock, Kim & Calvin; Middle Sackville Christensen, Morten & Eilsa; Fall River Christie, Mark; Halifax Churney, George; Bedford Chytyk-Praznik, Krista; Halifax Ciotoroschi, Daniela; Dartmouth Clancey, Steve; Halifax Clark, Albert; Lower Sackville Clark, Gary; Middle Sackville Clarke, Justin; Middle Sackville Clarke, Mike; Bedford Clarke, Robert; Halifax Clarke, Robert & Kristen; Dartmouth Clarke, Tiffany; Bedford Clarke, Velvet; Halifax Clifford, William; Halifax Cole, Gwendolyn; Whites Lake Cole, Gwendolyn; Whites Lake Colley, Phyllis; Lakeside Collicutte, Dwayne; Chester Basin Collier, Verna & George; Sydney Collings, Tim; Dartmouth Collins, Larry; Halifax Collins, Mary Jane; Dartmouth Comber, Scott; Halifax Comeau, Antoinette; Little Brook Comeau, Hector & Louise; Lower Sackville Comer, Jason; Dartmouth Conklin, Shirley & Bill; Whycocomagh Connors, Brian; Dartmouth Connors, Flo & Bill; Parrsboro Conrad, Annette; Mill Village Conrad, Carolyn & Gregory; Dartmouth Conrad, Grace & Albert; Milton Conrad, Laurie; Wolfville Cook, Harold & Jacqueline; Halifax Cook, Janice; Dartmouth Coolen, Chris; Halifax Cooper, Dale M; Tangier Cooper, Jean; Tangier Cooper, Stephen; Valley Corbett, Rene; Halifax Corbin, Dwight; Lake Echo 039667 027933 043002 042718 046384 033628 026421 010664 075974 075050 019990 027681 032277 058157 052889 055498 034202 006842 021781 065223 037421 049312 053992 053255 037038 007459 058570 004374 001534 005723 000090 027406 013536 011575 073893 060442 039537 030735 064377 000521 002031 047135 057969 040946 071650 051120 029350 029351 028327 020323 014167 044164 047875 069111 054916 024996 003592 076626 029497 023217 023220 022011 037141 029151 038565 8 of 16 Cordeau, Charles; Sydney Mines Corey, Marlene; Dartmouth Corkum, Kendall; Lunenburg Cormier, Martha & Gerald; Amherst Correy, Kimberly; Ingonish Beach Cosh, Robert; Antigonish Cougias, Andre & Rhonda; Westville Coulson, Derrick; Halifax Court, James; Dartmouth Cousins, Brenda; Dartmouth Coveyduck, Dawn & Karen; Truro Covin, Rhonda; Louisdale Cox, David E & Sarah; Halifax Cox, Theresa & Albert; Timberlea Craig, Charles & Dora; Lower Sackville Craig, Kara; Hammonds Plains Crane, Robert; Rose Bay Crosby, Betty; Coldbrook Crosby, Mark; Wolfville Cross, Duane; Dartmouth Crouse, Doug; Mahone Bay Crowell, Anne & Allan; Middleton Crowell, Brad; Kentville Crowell, Chris; Halifax Crowell, Christina & Teddy; Woods Harbour Crowley, Carolyn & Randy; Dartmouth Crown, Larry & Margie; Dartmouth Cunje, Alwin; Halifax Curley, Kathleen; Dartmouth Curtis, Della; New Glasgow Cushing, Charles; Bridgewater Cuthbert, Sheila; Bridgewater Cyples, Al & Nancy; Bridgewater D’Entremont, Edward; West Pubnico D’Entremont, Geoffry; Arcadia D’Entremont, Gus & Diane; Dartmouth D’Entremont, Larry; West Pubnico D’Entremont, Mary; Centreville D’orsay, Cathy; Lower Sackville Dacey, Sarah & Charles; Judique Dalling, Robert; Dartmouth Daly, Duane; Halifax Daniels, Leigh; Brookside Darragh, John; West Porters Lake Darragh, Kim; Eastern Passage Darrah, Charles; Herring Cove Dauphinee, Owen G; Ingonish Beach Dauphinee, Wilfred; Hubbards David-Hartling, Gisele; Dartmouth Davis, Art & Susan; Kingston Davis, Kenneth; Lakeside Davis, Lora; Lower Sackville Davis, Mk; Enfield Davis, Shari; Upper Tantallon Davison, Pamela; Ellershouse Dawson, Betty; Port Williams Daye, Ernie; Antigonish De Bont, Raymond; Mabou De Grenier, Armand; Mill Village De Young, James W; Lower Sackville De Young, James W; Lower Sackville Dean, Robert; Stewiacke Dearden, Nola; Antigonish Dearman, Fern & Maurice; Walton Dearman, Lloyd; Newport 032117 022857 004931 009269 009165 052503 074851 021770 011585 055887 043047 045257 015225 016889 046847 060581 054595 072566 018894 064817 035994 045570 021514 035790 001495 063737 056906 075276 009973 017157 043996 071629 001953 042288 047241 057775 068815 053394 031442 062262 041338 056737 016786 056616 041055 063083 004487 019585 053936 054046 055386 002585 055143 034817 013521 076611 061748 037810 071689 035424 044330 065170 071312 076105 074812 038499 060685 063749 040625 009670 041290 022506 Debly, Charbel & Pauline; Bedford Delaney, Anne S & Dave; New Glasgow Delorey, Aleta; Truro Demone, Shane; Oakhill Dempsey, Lionel & Daniel; Herring Cove Dempsey, Nancy; Middle Sackville Dennison, John; Bridgewater Densmore, Kari; Stewiacke Desroches, Edmund; Halifax Detmers, Brandon; Antrim Deutsch, Mike; Kingston Deveau, Jane & Paul; Halifax Deveau, Louis; Dartmouth Deveau, Shelley; Middleton Devoe, Wade; Mount Uniacke Dewolfe, Michelle; Newport Deyoung, Karla; Fall River Dib, George; Bedford Dickerson, Eric; Lantz Diggs, Roxanne; East Preston Digout, Stan L; River Bourgeois Dillman, Linda & Darren; Carrolls Corner Dillman, Muriel; Meaghers Grant Dinham, Ellis & Glen; Truro Dipersio, Hector A & Rebecca; Sydney Mines Dixon, Terry; Halifax Dobbin, Susan; Lower Sackville Dobek, Isabella; Chester Dobson, Erin; Dartmouth Dodge, Karen & Bruce I; Dartmouth Doherty, (In Trust) Harold; Lower Sackville Doherty, Percy; Kingston Doiron, Robert; St Andrews Donnelly, Carol; Dartmouth Dooks, John; Dartmouth Doucet, Brian & Therese; Margaree Forks Doucet, Bruce; Sydney Doucet, Pamela; Saulnierville Doucette, Terry & Charlene; Central Chebogue Dove, Cecilia; Lantz Doward, S; Indian Harbour Dowling, Paul; Liverpool Downey, Marshall; Dartmouth Doyle, James; Dartmouth Doyle, Julia; Bedford Doyle, Robert W; Dartmouth Drage, Stephen; Halifax Druhan, John L; Halifax Drummey, Tom; Bedford Drysdale, Evelyn; Halifax Dubreuil, Dan; Eastern Passage Ducey, John; Lower Sackville Duggan, Robert; Dartmouth Dulong, Barb; Timberlea Duncan, Peigi; Dartmouth Duncan, Shawn; Bedford Dunn, Glenn; Smiths Cove Durant, Phil; Halifax Eadie, Steven; Antigonish Eaglestone, Edith; Dartmouth Eason, Shawna; Dartmouth Ebeid, Sameh; Bedford Edsall, Jordan; Halifax Edwards, Barry; Eastern Passage Ehler, Laurie; Halifax Eisan, Teena; Dartmouth Eisenhauer, Craig & Rosie; Hubley Eisenhauer, David; Hammonds Plains Eisner, Marisa; Bridgewater El Chaar, Jeanne D’anc; Bedford Elias, Ronald; Halifax Elliot, Sharon; New Glasgow 044564 001370 073425 054057 056126 065161 026375 021295 009405 023168 041993 056926 027877 010237 006007 056934 057878 017841 015819 034877 028313 037023 044726 029553 070342 073645 034058 027828 071413 060870 009199 050606 015382 057651 007957 070627 010177 006795 014414 020514 051331 008783 028568 075124 003490 000517 028607 066439 021672 036778 055451 055452 014443 011844 020077 003689 014628 029721 014870 053197 019284 067604 028639 072305 073048 052867 038003 Elliott, Corinne & Shelby; Nine Mile River Elliott, Lawrence K; Halifax Ellis, Derrick & Lynn; Dartmouth Ellis, John; Lower Sackville Ellsworth, Erville; Bedford Embree, Calvin; Port Hawkesbury Enman, Charlotte & Fred; Lawrencetown Enslow, Kevin & Dana; Lockeport Estabrook, Pamela; Dartmouth Estabrooks, Kelly; Amherst Etheridge, Evelyn; Baddeck Evans, Jessica; Halifax Evans, Joan & Barbara & Kitty; Halifax Everitt, Ronald; Truro Ewert, Greg; Sambro Head Fagan, Barbara; Middle Sackville Fahie, Gary; Halifax Fahie, Keith A; Kingston Falconer, Glenn; Westville Faloon, Gary; Dartmouth Farid, Milad; Lower Sackville Faught, Emery & Dorothy; Westphal Faulkner, Gary G; Eastern Passage Faulkner, Jean; East Chezzetcook Feener, Wayne; Blockhouse Feit, Martha; New Glasgow Fells, Brian; Halifax Fennell, John & Betty; Antigonish Ferguson, Heather; Herring Cove Ferguson, Linda & David; Dartmouth Fernandez, Conrad; Halifax Findlay, Doug & Marie; Bedford Finlay, Ramona; Sydney Finley, Layton; Amherst Fisher, Douglas A; Fall River Fisher, George; Chester Basin Fisher, Margaret; Truro Flannery, Erin; Halifax Fleet, Thomas; Halifax Flewelling, Scott; Hammonds Plains Foley, Brian & Pat; Sydney Fooladi, Iraj; Halifax Forbes, Rebecca; Bedford Ford, Frances; Sydney Forest, John; Hubbards Forrestall, Bernie; Trenton Foster, Daniel; Millville Foster, Hal; Halifax Foster, Thomas & Shirley; Halifax Fougere, Al; Port Hawkesbury Fougere, William; Middle Sackville Fougere, William; Middle Sackville Fowler, Ivan; Bedford Fowler Hamilton, Holly; Lower Sackville Francis, Roderick & Shirley; Trenton Frank, William & Ellen; Cole Harbour Fraser, Deborah; Porters Lake Fraser, Thomas; Glace Bay Frederick, Tammy; Glen Haven Freeman, Barry; Head of Chezzetcook Fry, Dawn; Fall River Fry, Tonya; Halifax Fudge, Ken; Catalone Fullerton, Kevin & Donna; Lower Sackville Funari, Isabel; Reserve Mines Furdas, John; Sydney Furlong, June; Harmony LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 001427 038617 047871 040212 068660 027473 067055 052871 051785 063393 007625 001857 075461 047649 035984 070879 076308 067690 031766 008203 060315 052318 058059 030624 010091 063794 056957 052108 026285 007709 013194 027486 006401 002635 008566 054039 051378 015093 040123 029452 036053 054543 055802 000030 023997 022598 061199 025749 058053 044883 015125 049383 038828 030036 023212 045492 045492 025680 013811 027145 015144 068571 045875 041218 008604 040661 048667 008027 Gagne, Jean Olivier; Dartmouth Galante, Gabtano; Dartmouth Gale, Ashley; Baddeck Gale, Jean & Richard; Chester Basin Gallant, Andrew; Halifax Gamble, Wayne; Halifax Gannon, Jessica; Brenton Garcin, Darren & Sherry; Dartmouth Gardiner, Tracy; Antigonish Gardner, Murray; New Glasgow Garron, Wintford M; Digby Gass, David; Halifax Gatchell, Jessie; Cape Dauphin Gates, Vaughn & Joy; Waterville Gaudet, Genevieve; Aspen Gauthier, Guylaine; Cole Harbour Gauthier, Karen; Dartmouth Geddes, Dale; Dartmouth Geddes, Kerry & Conn; Brookfield Genge, Karolyn & Roland; Baddeck George, Martina; Centreville Geraghty, Robert; Halifax Giannoulis, Stephanie; Halifax Gibbons, Albert; Huntington Giffin, Rupert H; Bedford Gilfoy, Wanda; Timberlea Gillard, James; Halifax Gillies, Susan; Halifax Gillis, Cathy & Bill; Stellarton Gillis, David; Dartmouth Gillis, Eleanor; Victoria Mines Gillis, Jean; Halifax Gizzi, Jean & Giuseppe; Dartmouth Gjesdal, Colin; Dartmouth Glenn, Andrea; Hammonds Plains Glover, Daniel; Whites Lake Godfrey, Charlotte E; Lower Sackville Godsoe, Brian; Dartmouth Gomes, Carol; Dartmouth Goodick, Sandra & Jim; Shelburne Goodwin, John; Dartmouth Gosse, Chris; Halifax Gould, Andy; Wilmot Station Gouthro, Vic; Westmount Gowen, Susan; Fall River Grace, Margaret; Antigonish Grady, Donald; Antigonish Graham, John A; Westport Grandy, Thomas & Carolyn; Halifax Grant, Gillian; Halifax Grant, Ian; Halifax Grant, Mona; Lower Sackville Grant, Walter; Bridgewater Graves, Susan; Bedford Gray, Chad; East Pennant Gray, Claude M & Linda; West Pennant Gray, Claude M & Linda; West Pennant Gray, Joyce; Halifax Greek, Michael; West Clifford Greek, Robert & Geraldine; Dartmouth Green, David S; Lawrencetown Green, Gerald & Alice; Lewis Lake Green, Ken; Halifax Green, Rhona; Ben Eoin Greenough, Sharon; Dartmouth Greenside, Richard & Barbara; Lawrencetown Greer, Barry; Dartmouth Greer, Cheryl; Bedford November 20,2014 028281 013944 027858 031457 028590 013110 064819 045929 026120 073289 011113 071964 068760 030762 022131 077490 070239 073721 005919 029018 064250 044043 041427 072296 072296 022463 006272 027414 034734 004582 035002 077269 008822 013146 076095 020564 070948 064135 072686 065231 000078 072671 046095 000102 017695 024208 031383 018990 023297 072483 052813 000328 000447 064211 040819 057012 076461 055738 074824 066906 057487 006167 051830 036336 012648 024546 077942 058458 073358 Gregg, Kim & Mike; Lawrencetown Gregor, Shelley; Glace Bay Groves, Robert; Bedford Habib, Elias; Dartmouth Haddad, Paulette; Sydney Hadley, Hazel & Gordon; New Minas Haley, Martha; Wellington Hall, Christina & Vala; Halifax Hall, Murray A; Lower Sackville Halley, Frances; Dartmouth Halliday, Brenda & Noah; Digby Halliday, Jane; Sydney Mines Hamblin, Nicholas; Head of St Margarets Bay Hambly, Virginia R; Halifax Hamilton, Barb & Blaine; Dartmouth Hamilton, Greg; Mount Uniacke Hamilton, Terry & Brenda; Annapolis Royal Hamm, Adam; Mahone Bay Hancock, Pamela; Halifax Haney, Maureen; Dartmouth Hanifen, Shawn; Hammonds Plains Hanley, Bernard; Judique Hannem, Merri-Sue; North Sydney Hansen, Flemming; Amherst Hansen, Flemming; Amherst Hardiman, Robert; Lockeport Harding, George; Bedford Harding, Stephen & Linda; Lower Sackville Harnish, Sandy & April; Hubley Harpell, Brittany; Hammonds Plains Harrie, Jack & Karen; Whites Lake Harris, Sherri; Shelburne Harrison, Sharon; Westphal Hartigan, Frank P; Dartmouth Hartley, Gerald D & Daphne; Blockhouse Hartling, Mona; Halifax Hartt, Paul; Falmouth Harvey, Anton; Mahone Bay Harvey, Vaughn; Kennetcook Hatch, Ardith; Westville Hawboldt, Mike R; Kingston Hawes, Douglas; Antigonish Hayes, Deborah; Bedford Hayes, Lynda & Wayne; Sydney Haynes, Sherman; Digby Heading, Wanda; Halibut Bay Hebb, Scott; Granville Ferry Hebert, Claudette; Bedford Hebert, Stephane; Eastern Passage Hefler, Rendell; Wolfville Heisler, Nancy & Blain; Dartmouth Hekman, Willem; Lyons Brook Hemeon, Doug; Prospect Bay Henneberry, Gary; Halifax Henneberry, Joanne; Eastern Passage Hennessey, Michael; Truro Henry, Angela; Halifax Hernandez, Chris; Coldbrook Hey, Tracy; Head of St Margarets Bay Higgins, Janet; Central Onslow Higgins, Jennifer; Halifax Higgins, Thomas; Bedford Hilchie, Joanna; Montague Gold Mines Hilchie, Sheree; Waverley Hill, Corinne; Lower Sackville Hill, Shelley & Tim; Dartmouth Hilton, Tim; Fall River Hiltz, Linda & Raymond; Dartmouth Hiltz, Peter & Janet; Wolfville 007064 052623 019921 016946 055097 018943 068466 022193 013443 010425 013781 065164 040235 059182 007692 067854 057031 055774 050403 006981 031118 030569 044921 055879 040376 000419 048296 044690 050881 040388 004197 066704 023521 042331 009682 026049 037162 032403 032747 069074 076780 000853 066159 018517 002084 075507 074112 030571 002367 028652 005175 025381 000937 005868 043969 059746 072967 048232 073055 016307 074386 037549 012001 033590 036299 037182 050340 038665 Himmelman, Kevin; Lunenburg Hines, Greg; Bedford Hines, Martin; Truro Hirtle, Glenn; Italy Cross Ho, Grace; Halifax Hobson, Edward; Dartmouth Holden, Steven; Halifax Holland, Stephanie; Middle Sackville Hollett, Peter; Dartmouth Hollis, Layton; Eastern Passage Hooper-Leblanc, Sheila; Middle Sackville Horne, Sue Ellen; Enfield Horton, Cecilia; St Peters Horton, F Grant; Kingston Hoskin, Thomas & Scott; Dartmouth Houde, Katherine; Hubbards Houlihan, Joanne; Hammonds Plains Houston, Adam Rock; Halifax Houston, Sharon R; Yarmouth Howard, Marilyn & Ken; Bedford Howe, Paul E & Ann; Dartmouth Howie, Arthur M; Donkin Hubley, Greg; Lower Sackville Hubley, Mike; Dartmouth Hughson, Dhru; Middle Sackville Hume, Wendell; Halifax Huntington, Carl; Dartmouth Huskins, Lori & Michael; Hammonds Plains Hynes, Vivian; Petit De Grat Hynes, William & Laura; Timberlea Inkpen, Frances; Nine Mile River Inkpen, Marshia; Dartmouth Irving, Carol; Halifax Irwin, Gerald & Denyse; Dartmouth Isaacs, Milt & Carla; Bedford Isadore, George; Membertou Jackman, Marcel; North Sydney Jacquard, Angela; Lower Sackville Jakeman, Paul; Porters Lake James, Cindy; Beaver Bank James, Craig; Dartmouth Jamieson, Betty Lynn; Barrington Jardim, James; Timberlea Jarrett, Kate; Dartmouth Jefferson, Glen; Halifax Jenkins, Dale & Charmaine; Trenton Jenkins, Nigel; Halifax Jenkins, Wade Henry; Baddeck Jennex, Vincent; Halifax Jess, Sally; Centreville Jewkes, Douglas; Springhill Jodrey, Bette; Wolfville Johnson, Carl & Marion; New Glasgow Johnson, Carol; Scotsburn Johnson, Gordon; Truro Johnston, Blaine; Dartmouth Johnstone, Stuart & Muriel; Waterville Jones, Belinda & Dan; Bedford Jones, John & Donna; Tatamagouche Jordan, Tracey; Dartmouth Josey, Jason; Sheet Harbour Josey, Judy; Tangier Junek, Wade; Mineville Kalra, Love; Halifax Kay, Margaret; Halifax Keddy, Donna & Gary; Bedford Keddy, Geoff; Halifax Keefe, Roger & Constance; Lower Sackville 010775 030365 030367 057062 057062 008044 045629 009038 036316 015801 061924 022566 039855 052675 060598 002782 044752 026744 026745 031620 019792 005502 031899 055154 072958 076587 010765 077989 068273 007659 004332 040887 059535 076028 050947 037949 022861 059345 055253 057882 016198 007546 034563 019534 066463 009510 023043 001465 074337 014004 064708 058760 005889 025112 074105 026539 037643 016476 065110 009122 048890 076814 016967 027584 012445 9 of 16 Keen, Delephina; Lower Sackville Kehayes, Shauna & Bob; Halifax Kehayes, Shauna & Bob; Halifax Kehoe-Breau, Kim; Middle Sackville Kehoe-Breau, Kim; Middle Sackville Keillor, Ramsay M; East Lahave Keizer, Jeff; Coldbrook Kell, Richard & Lily; Dartmouth Kellock, Gordon F & Shirley; Trenton Kelly, Audrey & Edward G; Waverley Kelly, Elizabeth; Mount Uniacke Kelly, Lewis & Brenda; Lower Sackville Kelly, Ralph; Antigonish Kelly, W F; Halifax Kendziora, Kinnon; Halifax Kennedy, Kris; Dartmouth Kenneth-Slaunwhite, Charles; Dartmouth Kenney, Chris; Tusket Kenney, Chris; Tusket Kenney, Gregory & Gina; Digby Kent, Donna E; Halifax Kerr, Helen; Antigonish Kerrigan, Matt; Halifax Kerwin, Darryl; Fall River Kiley, Wilfred Joseph; Dartmouth Kim, Kara; Halifax King, Keith & Brenda; Collingwood Corner King, Nathan & Natasha; New Glasgow King, Roland; Dartmouth King, Thomas Elmer; Bedford Kirby, Audrey; Halifax Kirk, Sara; Halifax Klein, Robert & Katherine; Coldbrook Kline, Jeff; Halifax Knight, Dave; Beaver Bank Knowles, Richard; Halifax Knox, J M Gerard; Halifax Korman, Steve; Halifax Krichew, Corinne; Musquodoboit Harbour Kuhn, Fred H; Dartmouth Kuniski, Kevin; Middle Sackville Kwakernaak, Jeremiah; Wilmot Station Kwan, Peter; Enfield Kydd, Rick; Hebbville La Roche, G Robert; Head of St Margarets Bay Lacoul, Paresh; Halifax Lake Young, Shelley; Dartmouth Landry, Brian; Halifax Landry, Ellen; Sydney Lane, Craig; Mount Uniacke Langille, David & Brenda; Pugwash Langille, Sharon; Halifax Langille, Wendy; Fall River Langthorne, Wayne; Shelburne Lannigan, Stephanie; Lower Sackville Lannon, Barry; Kingston Lanthier, Helen; Lunenburg Lapensee, Louise; Cole Harbour Larade, Clare & Sharon; New Waterford Larkin, Gladys; River John Larocque, Roger; Halifax Laurie, Bill; Sydney Lavers, Chris; Windsor Lavigne, Paul & Karen; Lawrencetown Law, Rita; Dartmouth 050235 055290 044697 018911 040202 007730 075614 035014 073941 050370 002062 058182 018768 041814 016548 073788 021840 029437 029437 022329 022329 059342 070218 047127 033277 039075 077500 055859 055859 034581 008813 029926 006802 038438 055327 048980 006364 006364 000303 076040 034343 005123 031309 029093 006960 069559 064465 073784 059948 051086 076247 045550 031009 060175 044450 027275 051214 074066 075745 027852 072772 050395 026632 007005 030767 065766 Lazar, Norman & Diana; Hammonds Plains Leblanc, Derrick; Halifax Leblanc, Diane; Halifax Leblanc, Durwin; Fall River Leblanc, Eric; Pictou Leblanc, Gordon; Cambridge Leblanc, J G Robert & Denise; Dartmouth Leblanc, John Angus; Port Hawkesbury Leblanc, Lawrence & Lillian; Antigonish Leblanc, Robert; Belnan Leckie, Andrew; Windsor Ledwith, Joyce; Lower Sackville Lee, Linda & David; Dartmouth Lefort, Bradley; Antigonish Leigh, Michael; Halifax Lemoine, George; Albert Bridge Leonard, Lisa; Dartmouth Lerue, James; Belnan Lerue, James; Belnan Leslie, Inez & Byron; Tangier Leslie, Inez & Byron; Tangier Lewin, Donna; Halifax Lewis, Joan; Windsor Lewis-Thibodeau, Joan; Digby Liban, Joan; Dartmouth Liem, Berty K; Bedford Lilly, Cora; Bedford Lindsay, Charles; Halifax Lindsay, Charles; Halifax Lindsay, Christopher; Eastern Passage Lipton, Steven; Bayside Little, Madonna; Hammonds Plains Lively, Verney; Beaver Bank Livingston, Kim; Bedford Locke, James; Beaver Bank Logan, Jancy; Dartmouth Lohnes, Morton; Lower Sackville Lohnes, Morton; Lower Sackville Lohnes, Nancy; Lunenburg Long, Marlene; Hubbards Lorette, Jeffery; Stewiacke Lovely, Alfred; Kentville Lowe, Lisa E; Mahone Bay Lucas, Natalie; Lucasville Lumsden, Myrna; Lower Sackville Lund, Shelley; Sydney Lynch, Darren; Three Mile Plains Lynch, Jerry; Fergusons Cove Lynk, Kevin; Sydney Mac Donald, Kenneth; North Sydney Mac Innis, Marlene & Gord; Bedford Macalpine, Mike; Middle Sackville Macarthur, John B; Sydney Macarthur, Shane; Shearwater Macaskill, Elizabeth; Halifax Macaskill, Kenneth; Windsor Macaulay, Christine & Bruce; Timberlea Macburnie, James; Dartmouth Maccarthy, Tom & Shirley; Pictou Macconnell, David & Melissa; Scotsburn Macdonald, Alison; Dartmouth Macdonald, Beverley; Truro Macdonald, Bruce & Elizabeth; Conquerall Mills Macdonald, Chris; Bras D’or Macdonald, Conrad; Halifax Macdonald, Diane; Dartmouth 007080 035353 003220 045756 005108 028003 065705 040227 032947 021046 019327 065535 074336 069703 074267 063838 032786 049612 037913 003510 063415 019524 011587 053996 003477 027629 005600 006679 031635 028357 026339 030472 063385 009847 008583 040891 040891 074532 007654 007656 020447 050883 061983 030874 073011 068614 037518 025944 028797 072054 075755 026384 002579 055400 003897 052745 074813 015962 058504 053721 Macdonald, Edward L; Brookfield Macdonald, George H; Westville Macdonald, John & Patsy; Antigonish Macdonald, John Angus & Peggy; Antigonish Macdonald, Kaye; Antigonish Macdonald, Kevin; Mulgrave Macdonald, Kevin & Muriel; Heatherton Macdonald, Malcolm; Dartmouth Macdonald, Micheal; Mulgrave Macdonald, Rick; Brookfield Macdonald, Shawn; Halifax Macdonald, Shelly; Antigonish Macdonald, Todd; Coldbrook Macdonald, Vladka; Hubley Macdonald, Wanda; Upper Onslow Macdonnell, John; Camperdown Macdougall, Greg; Eastern Passage Macdougall, Hughie; Port Hawkesbury Macdougall, Patricia; Ellershouse Macdougall, R Lorne; Truro Maceachern, Donald; Antigonish Macgilliuray, Carolyn; Halibut Bay Macgillivray, Andrew; Williams Point Macgillivray, John; New Minas Macgillivray, M Anita; Westville Macgillivray, Paul; Chester Basin Macgregor, Alan & Arlene; Valley Macgregor, James & Yvonne; Eastern Passage Macinnis, Cecilia; Frenchvale Macinnis, Danny & Shelly; Upper Musquodoboit Macinnis, Derek; Whycocomagh Macinnis, Peggy J; Westville Macinstosh, Joan; Truro Macintosh, Bill & Marion; Bedford Macintosh, Holly; Dundee Macintosh, Stephen; Sydney Macintosh, Stephen; Sydney Macintyre, Dan; Lingan Macisaac, John; Digby Macisaac, John; Digby Macisaac, Pauline H & Carol; New Glasgow Macisaac, Richard; Yarmouth Macisaac, Sam; Port Hood Mack, Al Cox & Elfriede; Bridgewater Mackay, Alton; Mcgray Mackay, Andy; Lawrencetown Mackay, Christine; Westville Mackay, Dan & Donna; Debert Mackay, Dayna; Halifax Mackay, Hugues; Porters Lake Mackay, Kathleen; Nappan Mackenzie, Dave; North River Mackenzie, Robert; Westville Mackenzie, Shana; Hammonds Plains Mackenzie, Trudy; Birch Grove Mackinnon, Donna; Tatamagouche Mackinnon, Gordon Francis; New Glasgow Mackinnon, Mary & John; Truro Mackinnon, Rosemary; Halifax Maclean, Alma; Port Hawkesbury LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 077053 070420 056512 073470 025210 073890 028497 015485 037943 002605 032422 046422 062867 027563 069369 060404 060404 063764 015697 039869 008909 064086 073884 029883 014275 060539 033664 026760 006979 005990 037799 032163 041862 067778 067778 076457 052538 013935 011122 077140 014269 072625 025961 020413 065092 003235 040651 007865 000548 058143 018804 077266 011224 073957 037968 055066 022602 063567 077542 047962 038357 009084 069127 012021 Maclean, Annmarie; Dartmouth Maclean, Deborah; Fall River Maclean, Donald; Sydney Maclean, Donald & Linda; Dartmouth Maclean, George; Bedford Maclean, Gordon; Barss Corner Maclean, Shawn; Dartmouth Maclellan, Marian & Ronald; Long Point Maclellan, Marisa; Bedford Macleod, Danial; Valley Macleod, Fred; Baddeck Macleod, Heather; Middleton Macleod, June; Halifax Macleod, Patricia & Thomas; River Denys Macmillan, Bill; Bridgewater Macmillan, Wayne; Heatherton Macmillan, Wayne; Heatherton Macmullen, Joyce; Halifax Macnaughton, Lynn; Dartmouth Macneil, Donald; Big Pond Macneil, Malcolm L; Porters Lake Macneil, Maura; Fall River Macneil, Neil J; Big Beach Macneil, Robert; Marion Bridge Macneil, Roderick; Halifax Macneil, Roger & Carol; New Waterford Macneil, Susan; Halifax Macneil, Theresa; Antigonish Macondald, Douglas Robert; Halifax Macpherson, Anne; Antigonish Macpherson, David; Antigonish Macpherson, Jack & Trisha; Antigonish Macpherson, Morgan; Halifax Macrae, Darrell; Middle Sackville Macrae, Darrell; Middle Sackville Macrae, Elaine; Sugar Camp Macrae, Hector; Baddeck Madden, Stephen; Musquodoboit Harbour Madore, Veronica; Kingston Magee, Michael; Bedford Maguire, Leslie; Elmsdale Maguire, Tom; Indian Harbour Maguire, William; Wittenburg Mahaney, J K; Shelburne Mahe, Judy; Dartmouth Major, Jillian; Halifax Makhan, Karla; Halifax Makridis, Maria; Halifax Malik, Pardeep; Dartmouth Malik, Santosh K; Halifax Mallett, Michelle; West Chezzetcook Mallov, Sherri; Truro Malone, Carole; Elmsdale Maloney, Gail & Fred; Big Ridge Manchester, Keith & Carol; Fall River Mannette, Donna; West Chezzetcook Manson, Ardythe; Centreville Manthorne, Dwayne; Sherbrooke Mantolino, Hector; Dartmouth Manuel, Tim; Dartmouth Manuel, Wayne; Glen Margaret March, Stephen & Marie; Halifax Marchand, Daniel; Dartmouth Marchbank, Laurie; Halifax November 20,2014 073066 051507 053171 010720 070128 006321 066583 046911 046912 070371 008378 068070 015492 004626 025365 022056 011890 033137 046425 060193 057144 072696 001140 003792 041403 013539 029252 007233 028733 000295 077032 042962 075583 021914 048962 016407 045246 045246 003945 063312 021089 075170 000973 045284 024845 057159 010840 042702 040176 034626 077044 028022 039057 026605 051452 027124 057166 002904 008646 057168 056372 072982 040726 031353 011220 054834 Marenick, Peter & Lori; Sydney Marks, Gary; Dartmouth Marr, Roland; Shubenacadie Marriott, Beverly A & David; Whites Lake Marshall, Lynn; Dartmouth Marshall, Robert & Fay; Pictou Martell, Darrell; L’ardoise Martell, Mike W & Darlene; Halifax Martell, Mike W & Darlene; Halifax Martin, Daniel; Ketch Harbour Martin, Glenn; Halifax Martin, Vanessa; Beechville Maskine, Hamide; Halifax Mason, Anna; Bridgewater Mason, Avery & Dorothy; Bedford Mason, Patricia & Fred; Halifax Mason, Wayne & Brenda; Waverley Mastrapas, Billy; Halifax Matheson, Bernadette; Baddeck Matheson, Gregory S; Dartmouth Matheson, Marilee; Middle Musquodoboit Matthews, Clinton E; Stewiacke Matthews, Glenn; Woods Harbour Matthews, Patricia; Dartmouth Matthews, Valerie; Halifax Mattie, Thelma; Afton Station Maybee, Craig; Enfield Maylin, Susan; Halifax Mc Gean, Wayne; Sydney Mines Mcallister, Peter; Bedford Mcandrew, James; Parrsboro Mcavoy, Daniel; Halifax Mcbride, William J C; Dartmouth Mcburnie, Jason; Springhill Mcclelland, David; Oxford Mcconnell, Rj; Nine Mile River Mccormick, Donna & Michael; Halifax Mccormick, Donna & Michael; Halifax Mccormick, Marilyn & Irvin; Springhill Mccrossin, Norman; Dartmouth Mcdade, Joy; Halifax Mcdow, Diana Crissy; Dartmouth Mcglone, Tom & Joyce; Pugwash Mcgregor, Ken & Crystal; Truro Mcinnis, Denise & John; Trenton Mcintosh, Jessica; Middle Sackville Mcintyre, Anna; Inverness Mcintyre, Bernice; Dartmouth Mcintyre, Richard; Hammonds Plains Mcintyre, Robert; New Glasgow Mckay, Frania; Sydney Mckay, Kevin; Falmouth Mckenna, Janice; Dartmouth Mckinnon, Ian; Glace Bay Mcknight, Lloyd; Chester Basin Mclaughlin, Allan; Dartmouth Mclean, Barbara; Dartmouth Mclean, Wilfred; Kentville Mclellan, Jay; Cow Bay Mcleod, Corinne; Dartmouth Mcleod, Don; Dartmouth Mcmullin, John; New Glasgow Mcphee, Jennifer; Halifax Meagher, Frank; Halifax Meister, Gene & Shirley; Kingston Melanson, Jim; Dartmouth 016794 063996 073471 005651 033068 006641 035496 025854 077652 058829 041901 055380 012692 027502 045287 060972 051511 044108 026764 047202 072774 049621 067130 037645 041586 041527 049039 073972 000921 012369 004356 005139 076999 024028 018623 049702 033267 010583 028741 061101 059377 030479 027766 072042 065322 072129 046444 053245 004400 031525 035538 045654 023962 004244 041023 039678 043005 061349 025951 072445 000025 063053 Melanson, Stephen; Lower Sackville Melchior, Leo; Truro Melvin, Joseph L & Donna; Prospect Bay Meng, Zhaolin; Halifax Menkenrick, Rebecca; Dartmouth Mercer, Valerie; New Waterford Merrigan, David & Paula; Beaver Bank Merrill, Wayne; New Minas Miles, Cathy; Whites Lake Miles, Lenore; Wolfville Miller, Colleen; Bayside Miller, Elias; Upper Hammonds Plains Miller, Frank; Fall River Mills, Albert; Hubbards Mitchell, Harold & Irma; Dartmouth Mitchell, Steven; Dartmouth Mitchelmore, Ivan; Dartmouth Mitrovic, Blanka; Halifax Mohr, James; Halifax Moir, Rick & Gail; Truro Mollins, Josh; Whites Lake Mombeurquette, Frank & Karen; New Glasgow Mombourquette, Alex; Dartmouth Mombourquette, Rozelle; Enfield Monette, Kimberley; Coldbrook Moore, David; Lunenburg Moore, Kristina; Lower Sackville Moore, Terry; Sydney Morash, Hector & Rosie; Terence Bay Moraze, Jean-Claude; Halifax Morgan, Angela; Glace Bay Morgan, Barry; Lower Sackville Morgan, Scott; Hammonds Plains Morris, Stephen; Halifax Morrison, A Wayne; Bedford Morrison, Bruce & Ruth; Baddeck Morrissy, Brendan; Halifax Moser, Glenn & Colleen; New Glasgow Mosher, Art; Bedford Mosher, Bill & Mona; South Brookfield Mosher, Jonathan; Dartmouth Mossman, Faye Walters; Lunenburg Muise, John & Donna; Eastern Passage Muise, Ryan; Yarmouth Mullen, Stan; Port Maitland Munro, Deborah; Halifax Munro-Thieu, Nancy; Elmsdale Munroe, Joseph; Head of Jeddore Murdoch, David; Chester Murphy, Greg & Debbie; Sydney Mines Murphy, Herman & Mary Ann; Larrys River Murphy, Joan C; Mount Uniacke Murphy, Joseph & Violet; Halifax Murphy, Scott; Eastern Passage Murray, David; Halifax Murray, Douglas & Annie; Middle Sackville Murray, Edith & Brian; Granville Ferry Murray, Glenda; Liverpool Murray, Ray; Valley Murray, Sylvia; Halifax Musgrave, Fred; Elmsdale Myatt, Don & Wayne; Dartmouth 037670 028325 033312 001872 072242 072346 016758 067477 073190 032181 037728 025921 064893 024908 020853 008444 076010 064693 072192 025013 057207 004209 008304 067605 020108 012241 075848 058337 034977 070969 060376 068404 022134 022134 035783 007049 051784 001645 071233 038390 042990 034509 034295 016576 016722 045572 036704 034650 003363 035398 061607 074194 054645 019176 064315 029651 038483 031112 015397 058139 011460 006944 056559 052686 072357 037189 022817 005178 036872 10 of 16 Nagle, Michelle; Halifax Nasrallah, Zahi; Halifax Naud, Jocelyn; Eastern Passage Nauf, Andrea; Fall River Naugle, Veronica; Eastern Passage Nauss, Robert; Halifax Nelson, Kevin; Hubley Neumann, Janice; Bedford Newell, Edward; Dartmouth Newell, Herbert & Amy; Mill Village Newell, Paul; Clarks Harbour Newman, Donald & Ann Marie; North Sydney Newman, Tracey; Halifax Newton, Jean & Darrell; Halifax Nguyen, Thien; Halifax Nichols, Cluny; Yarmouth Nicholson, John; Halifax Nickerson, Donald; Pubnico Nicolle, Barry; Dartmouth Nieforth, Sheila; Enfield Nikolaev, Shelley; Dartmouth Nippard, Freeman & Judy; Clarks Harbour Niven, David; Sydney Nix, Gregory; Pugwash Noble, Brent; Halifax Noel, Michael; Hubley North, Julia Z & Leonard; Waterville Northuys, Curtis & Debbie; Halifax Nowe, Melissa; Timberlea O’Brien, Carole; Dartmouth O’Brien, Glenna & James; Lower Sackville O’Brien, Kevin; Dartmouth O’Brien, Marc; Bedford O’Brien, Marc; Bedford O’Brien, Peter; Dartmouth O’Connor, Jerimiah; New Glasgow O’Hearn, Stephen; Halifax O’Keefe, Kevin; Aylesford O’Leary, Andrew & Tanya; Lower Sackville O’Neil-Adams, Michelle; Dartmouth O’Neill, Daniel & Michelle; Halifax Oake, Ray; Sydney Oddy, Mark; Prospect Bay Ogden, Darren; Yarmouth Ogley, Pat; Lower Sackville Olczyk, Barbara & Marian; Halifax Oldford, Erva; Glace Bay Oliver, Paul; Halifax Oppedisano, Darlene; Waverley Orlic, Anton; Halifax Osborne, Cheryl; Halifax Otto, Mary; Dartmouth Pace, Geno; Prospect Bay Page, David; Densmores Mills Palmer, Colin; Hammonds Plains Papazian, David; Englishtown Paquette, Rosaire; Sydney Parke, Ronald A; Wentworth Parker, Dana & Tom; Middle Musquodoboit Parker, Harrison; Shubenacadie Parker, Ronda; Middle Sackville Parlee, Kevin & Theresa; Kingston Parsons, John; Sydney Parsons, Stephen; Halifax Partner, Barbara; Truro Pashkoski, Patricia; Middle Sackville Passmore, Richard; Dartmouth Paterson, Glenda; Inverness Patrick, Steve; Bedford 019450 018763 032989 015685 057526 002786 041473 044854 047857 052512 050601 000038 076037 024544 074576 035145 027255 024489 007026 073378 076838 003044 055111 023681 047688 012593 053655 066655 018545 038854 004548 023452 024157 073828 002978 023436 001984 052206 014568 077086 065499 068396 007705 030445 040899 059813 036571 006898 063134 027711 045806 059356 002478 035312 071929 026902 019246 038210 022424 061137 068892 029951 027260 019360 027191 005480 053073 027374 057720 Patry, Frank; Stillwater Lake Patterson, William R; Lawrencetown Payne, Michael; Williamswood Payne, Phillip; Williamswood Pearo, Jonathan; Halifax Pearson, Gordon; Bedford Peck, Tammie; Bear River Peddle, Sue; Beaver Bank Peitzsche, William; Little Dover Peknik, Leslie; Dartmouth Pelham, Don; Halifax Pelley, Walter & Theresa; North Sydney Pelrine, Phillip; Halifax Penney, Randy; Enfield Penny, Adam; Dartmouth Perry, Carleton; Shelburne Perry, John & Annie; Lunenburg Perry, Myra; Baccaro Peters, Donna; New Glasgow Petrie, Doug; New Waterford Pettipas, David; West Porters Lake Phalen, Gerard; Glace Bay Phillips, Jennifer; Dartmouth Phillips, Linda & Peter; Windsor Phillips, T Olive; Halifax Philpott, Denise & Allan; New Minas Pickles, Dave; Windsor Junction Pierangeli, Shannon; Windsor Pike, Cameron; Dartmouth Pinch, Joanne & Randy; Halifax Pineo, Paulette; Bridgewater Pinkohs, Sharon & Ulrich; Antigonish Piper, Charles & Carol; Lower Sackville Pirri, Carolyn & Onorio; Three Fathom Harbour Plehn, Robert; Middleton Plomp, Edwin; Brookfield Poirier, Natasha; Shelburne Poirier, Wayne; Victoria Mines Pollock, John D; Hatchet Lake Pompeo, Anthony; Bedford Poole, Bradford & Jennifer; Bridgetown Porter, Arnold; Tusket Porter, John & Cecile; Lake George Porter, Loring & Cathy; Wolfville Porter, Robert; Dartmouth Porter, Sheldon; Dartmouth Pothier, Patsy & Brent; Wedgeport Pothier, Sylvia T; Tusket Potter, Sandra; Grand Lake Pottie, Ron L; Halifax Poulain, Chuck; Stellarton Poulin, Mary Jane; Dartmouth Poulter, Donald & Margaret; Waverley Powell, Emma L; Dartmouth Powell, Wayne; Truro Power, Peggy; Middle Sackville Power, Scott & Madeleine; Herring Cove Power, Shaun; Port Hawkesbury Powers, Linton & Evelyn; Berwick Price, Pat; Sydney Priest, Cody; Halifax Publicover, Kerry; Chester Pulsifer, Robert W; Halifax Purba, Chhaya; Halifax Purcell, Jeff & Crystal; Portuguese Cove Purchase, Jacquelyn; Dartmouth Purdy, Darlene; Bedford Purvis, June & Roy; Thorburn Pye, Sharon & Vincent; Dartmouth 017071 077888 041848 076800 015462 071015 045361 057250 076947 060393 060393 077626 008707 064647 046083 048601 057439 076569 012162 021119 005017 005258 029731 000931 062498 021132 031913 043051 048086 004192 073655 039253 007723 031322 040524 070810 070810 042994 058962 051880 034160 057865 037588 010685 070362 060898 047590 047764 010212 064442 051374 064057 003000 026929 068233 047925 008895 024019 068430 070855 035736 026017 017387 019416 019417 060915 071447 057272 039046 Pye, Victoria; Ecum Secum Pyke, David; Sydney Pyle, Greg; Kentville Quann, Gary; Eastern Passage Quinlan, Theresa; Halifax Quinn, Scott; Hammonds Plains Rafuse, Chris; Halifax Rafuse, Dawn; Hubley Rahey, Michael; Georges River Randall, Hughes; Halifax Randall, Hughes; Halifax Rankin, Andrew; Bedford Rankin, Lee; Bridgewater Ransom, Tom & Stacey; Halifax Raymakers, Regina; Hammonds Plains Raymond, Janis; Halifax Rea, Heather; Halifax Read, Beverley; Brentwood Redden, Kara; Timberlea Redquest, Jane; Ingonish Reeve, Dean; Halifax Reeves, Audrey M; New Ross Reid, Bill; Berwick Reid, Donald; Halifax Reid, Lynn; Truro Reuter, Ursula; Pleasantville Revels, William; Lower Sackville Reynolds, Bruce & Elaine; Dartmouth Reynolds, Jillian; Halifax Rhymes, Fred; Centre Burlington Rhyno, Ross; Dartmouth Rhyno, Wayne & Betty Ann; Westville Rice, Donald; Rose Bay Richard, David; Dartmouth Richardson, Elinor & Dale; Stillwater Lake Richardson, Phillip; Halifax Richardson, Phillip; Halifax Richardson, Valerie; Truro Ricketts, Michael; Kentville Rideout, Dorothy; Sydney Rideout, Nancy; Dartmouth Riggs, Margaret; Lantz Robb, George; Lawrencetown Robbins, Marvin; Merigomish Roberts, David & Julie; Parrsboro Robertson, Amber; Fall River Robertson, Steve; Belnan Robertson, Terry; Tusket Robichaud, Cathy & Paul; Lake Loon Robichaud, Cyril; Lower Sackville Robichaud, Donna; Middle Sackville Robichaud, Janette; New Glasgow Robichaud, Margaret & Phillip; Antigonish Roda, Michael; Halifax Rodgers, Greg & Sherry; Middle Sackville Rodgers, Kevin; Stillwater Lake Rogers, Malcolm; Chester Basin Romkey, Bill & Jean; Dartmouth Rondeau, Barrie; Tantallon Rook, Laurence; Eastern Passage Rose, Clarence E & Marie; Dartmouth Rose, Doug; Dartmouth Rose, (In Trust) Christine; Lower Sackville Ross, Debbie; Middle Sackville Ross, Debbie; Middle Sackville Rossi, Jack; Dartmouth Rossignol, Daniel; Middle Sackville Rowsell, Wanda; Windsor Roy, Carmain; Amherst LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 024641 022488 074299 039564 058882 010394 066293 012448 066411 066211 065469 069591 007750 016020 013602 073091 055986 055987 011640 052049 025815 076377 067106 007982 011540 003986 029977 025055 028983 028984 013009 038726 003854 073702 005211 005586 050032 058543 073560 062144 038734 058915 075714 022894 062246 044683 037123 072677 066122 036300 020501 047364 028894 037788 022772 074127 051419 012476 039575 015263 072077 Royale, Doris; Halifax Rudderham, Dawn; Point Edward Rumley, Harry; Merigomish Rushlow, Blair L; Port Hawkesbury Russell, Mavis G; New Ross Russell, Ronald W; Halifax Ryba, Donna; Sydney Sack, Laverna; Shubenacadie Salgueiro, Roberto; Dartmouth Salmon, Charles; Halifax Sampson, Dorothy; East Preston Sampson, Kelly; Hammonds Plains Sampson, Marie Alice; Dartmouth Sanderson, Vicki & Brent; Stewiacke Sanford, Angela; Halifax Sanford, Elizabeth; Annapolis Royal Sarsfield, Jeff; Waterville Sarsfield, Jeff; Waterville Sarty, Peter; Halifax Saulnier, Darrell & Claire; Lower Sackville Saulnier, Hubert; Saulnierville Saulnier, Margaret; Debert Saunders, Scott; Hammonds Plains Savage, Jim; Halifax Sawler, Glen; Dartmouth Sawlor, Keith & Debbie; Fall River Sayah, Nasser & Tracy; Timberlea Sayers, Tanya; Dartmouth Scanlan, Earl; Cow Bay Scanlan, Earl; Cow Bay Schultz, Elizabeth & Carol; Dartmouth Schumacher, Blaine; Annapolis Royal Scott, Chris & Pam; Hammonds Plains Scott, Matthew; Cow Bay Scott, Nellie; Wolfville Semeniuk, Christopher J; Dartmouth Sencabaugh, Dana & Charlene; Dartmouth Severeyns, Brent; Hammonds Plains Shaw, Mary; Cole Harbour Shaw, Tara; Dartmouth Shea, Michael & Margie; Timberlea Sheldon, Robert; Waverley Shelley, Donna & David; Brazil Lake Sheppard, Clarence; Halifax Sheppard, Roy & Sheila; Coldbrook Sheppard, Terry & Teri Lynn; Timberlea Sheriff, Gordon & Carol; Albert Bridge Sherwood, Louise & Keith; Halifax Shih, Karen; Dartmouth Short, Robert; Bedford Shreenan, Burton & Delores; Lower Sackville Shupe, Dennis & Cindy; Newport Siddle, Norman; Dartmouth Sieberath, Lisette; Belliveau Cove Silver, Barbara; Bedford Silverman, Allan; Fergusons Cove Simard, Alma; Dartmouth Simmons, John & Valerie; Lower Sackville Simmons, Rudy; Fall River Singh, Amarjit; Halifax Singleton, Scott; Loon Lake November 20,2014 016442 050460 039506 003766 059789 077775 077777 009020 059086 022550 063256 050724 060744 030243 030966 043095 050183 050185 024007 076102 013790 028379 035550 042328 057320 062757 007651 068831 009615 055036 069795 053083 077312 076720 076955 045522 040109 031858 043958 065773 045519 044432 043700 026936 016948 034359 055335 071164 064077 076158 006342 060552 054922 038604 072261 051613 030708 048279 035090 000359 046389 060823 029320 009777 004032 004035 034192 Skode, Elizabeth; Halifax Slauenwhite, Earl & Sally; Mill Village Slauenwhite, Sharon & Stanley; Rhodes Corner Slaunwhite, Bruce & Brandon; Terence Bay Slaunwhite, Kevin; Halifax Slaunwhite, Sidney J; Terence Bay Slaunwhite, Sidney J; Terence Bay Slesinski, Stan & Jane; Dartmouth Small, Olivia; Freeport Smith, Alex; Dartmouth Smith, Bart; St Andrews Smith, Betti Ann & Preston; Head of St Margarets Bay Smith, Constance June; Clarks Harbour Smith, Daniel C; Lake Loon Smith, Earle; Bedford Smith, Elizabeth & Roy; Lower Sackville Smith, Eric J; Hatchet Lake Smith, Eric J; Hatchet Lake Smith, Garry Donald; Hammonds Plains Smith, Gerry; Dartmouth Smith, Jim; Dartmouth Smith, Larry & Carolyn; Clarks Harbour Smith, Leslie R; Truro Smith, Mike; Hunts Point Smith, Patricia; Dartmouth Smith, Patsy; Halifax Smith, Russell; Halifax Smith, Steve; Halifax Snelgrove, Juanita; Dartmouth Snelgrove, Ronald; Halifax Snide, Christopher; Hammonds Plains Snider, Don A; Kingston Snyder, Beth; Wolfville Snytkin, Volodymyr; Dartmouth Sobers, Andre; Halifax Soroka, Cheryl; Upper Tantallon Soucy, Linda; Valley Spalding, Debra; New Glasgow Sparkes, Tyrone; Halifax Spears, Garth; Port Hood Sperry, Katherine; Kentville Sperry, Mike; Porters Lake Spicer, Peter; Middleton Spidell, Neal; Midville Branch Squires, Barry; Kentville Squires, Elmer; Bedford Squires, James; Brookside St Laurent, Paul; Granville Ferry St-Louis, Shane; Halifax Stanhope, Rosemary; Halifax Starr, Edward; Dartmouth Starratt, Sandra; Halifax Steele, Rob; Halifax Steele, Sandy & Isabel; Bedford Steeves, Tracy; Halifax Stetter, Barbara; Glace Bay Stevens, Doris; Mahone Bay Stewart, Donnie & Wilhelmina; Antigonish Stewart, Janet; Springhill Stewart, John; Truro Stilwell, Cheryl & Brian & Karen; Valley Stoddard, Darryl; Jeddore Oyster Ponds Stoddard, Wayne & Darlene; Lake Charlotte Stone, Bill & Helen; Halifax Stone, Kim & Anne; New Glasgow Stone, Kim & Anne; New Glasgow Story, Peter; Waverley 023369 023369 003232 028381 021335 072013 067117 032793 012368 018629 041924 050576 028114 048240 005075 064122 002198 076386 013882 050041 048334 048334 062731 017367 043528 008287 051885 067496 003033 019829 024977 020071 071795 041103 027069 023819 015203 037050 012813 036868 030629 065047 057367 047024 075724 006667 039416 050060 057371 046364 046365 044707 021516 012212 046330 014199 009399 020582 075174 054319 046493 066453 011592 057380 025302 011696 019154 074235 064935 010940 Strowbridge, Sonia & Ken; Lunenburg Strowbridge, Sonia & Ken; Lunenburg Stuart, Seumas; Englishtown Sullivan, Chris; Windsor Sullivan, Everett; Sydney Sullivan, Kyle; Wolfville Sullivan, Laura; Lewis Lake Sweet, Lois; Mill Village Sweetapple, Hebert; Dartmouth Szabo, Jocelyn; Lower Sackville Szeto, Ryan; Sydney Tabor, Brian & Rachael; Dartmouth Taggart, Don; Coldbrook Talbot, Steve; Truro Heights Tanner, Andrew; Bridgewater Tanner, Rick; Portuguese Cove Taplin, Lawrence; New Glasgow Tascona, Brooke; Halifax Tasker, Jill; Bedford Taylor, Anna L; Bedford Taylor, Donald; Truro Taylor, Donald; Truro Taylor, Helen; Halifax Taylor, James E; Dartmouth Taylor, Larry; Middleton Taylor, Lynn; Dartmouth Taylor, Sandra; Truro Taylor, Wilfred R; Halifax Teague-Schofield, Beverley; Kentville Teasdale, Paul; St Andrews Tekle, Abay; Bedford Theriault-Gallant, Brenda; Aylesford Thibeau, Doreen; Valley Thiel, Kathryn; Glace Bay Thomas, Charlene; Dartmouth Thomas, Cordell; East Preston Thomas, Sharon; Dartmouth Thompson, Sandy & Robert; Elmsdale Thompson, Thomas; Ellershouse Thorbourne, Wayne B; Middle West Pubnico Thorburn, Beverley & Judith; Coldbrook Thurber, Robert; Freeport Thurlow, Jennifer; Halifax Thurlow, Sylvia; Parrsboro Thurston, Flora S & Edward; Sandford Timmons, Earl; Baddeck Timmons, Gladys; Pleasant Bay Tobin, Anne; Sydney Tohidi, Daryoush; Halifax Tolson, Lynne; Bedford Tolson, Lynne; Bedford Toman, Ethel; Halifax Torrealba, Dawn; Dartmouth Touesnard, Shelley; Dartmouth Toulany, Elias & Bonnie; Dartmouth Tran, Hung; Hammonds Plains Tremblay, Andre; Dartmouth Trenchard, Bonnie E; Porters Lake Troop, Chris; Halifax Tsuluhas, Peter; Halifax Tucker, Rose & Jim; Lower Sackville Tufts, Peter; Halifax Tugwell, Ross & Karen; New Glasgow Turcot, Jennifer; Halifax Turnbull, Brian; Dartmouth Turnbull, Peter; Dartmouth Turner, Edward; Halifax Turner, Gloria J; Lunenburg Turner, Greg; Lake Echo Urquhart, William; Dartmouth 052430 003308 025375 003528 066632 035490 024773 047245 019282 056657 030947 014315 073619 042360 075442 075442 068185 051497 002452 007350 018674 021546 047800 044384 030815 030816 030816 020268 052633 061181 020377 044005 064342 059464 052505 002740 056005 007513 073355 033956 019565 001258 026579 003419 027280 027778 072758 055772 001332 003148 076897 076899 003457 025643 015820 028413 060559 020750 020750 066311 018876 031405 11 of 16 Vail, Roxanne & Stephen; Bedford Valardo, Donald A; Dartmouth Van Dyer, David; Halifax Van Gestel, Wilhalmus; Wolfville Van Meekeren, Julianna; Kentville Van Wychen, Betty; Middle Musquodoboit Vance, Arthur; Dartmouth Vantassel, Paul; Eastern Passage Vaughan, Peter; Beaver Bank Vaughan, Vanessa; Halifax Veinot, Arnold; Kingston Veinot, Sarah; Bedford Venedam, Sharon; Dartmouth Veniott, Kathy & Harvey; Greenfield Verhaeghe, Jules; Elmsdale Verhaeghe, Jules; Elmsdale Villeneuve, Margaret; Bedford Wadden, Katherine; Mount Uniacke Wagner, Roger & Donna; Kentville Wagner, Stephen; Head of St Margarets Bay Wagner-Whynot, Corinna & Rodney; Newcombville Wakeham, Terry; Halifax Walker, Denina; Dartmouth Walker, Duncan & Denise; New Ross Walker, Grace; Waverley Walker, Grace; Waverley Walker, Grace; Waverley Walker, Mary Elizabeth; Dartmouth Wallace, Bryden G; Antigonish Wallace, John & Patsy; Antigonish Wallace-Chagnon, Stella & Michael; Mount Uniacke Walsh, Andre; Dartmouth Walsh, Maurice; Collingwood Corner Walsh, Thomas; Tangier Walton, Barbara; Middle Sackville Ward, Alexander; Eastern Passage Wareham, Angela; New Germany Warford, James; Elmsdale Warner, Gloria; Tusket Warren, Donna; Hammonds Plains Watson, Donald; Upper Musquodoboit Watson, Neil; Lower Sackville Watt, John; St Andrews Weatherbee, Vincent & Flora; Truro Weatherbie, Rhoda; Tatamagouche Wedlock, David; Kingston Weir, Yvonne & Lisa; Lower Sackville Wells, Robert; Carleton Wentzell, Bernard & Margaret; Bridgewater Were, Albert; Dartmouth Weston, Margaret; Halifax Weston, Margaret; Halifax Wetmore, Rod; South Ohio Whalen, Jen; Judique Whalen, Keegan; Inverness Whalen, Mike; Dartmouth Wheatley, Mary; Enfield Whebby, Bill & Sandy; Dartmouth Whebby, Bill & Sandy; Dartmouth Wheeler, Ross; Middle Sackville White, Debbie; Halifax White, Michael; Kennetcook 041331 003836 059211 028794 015890 034241 041576 051004 070044 012121 048004 069035 018096 069224 040929 075875 051747 067806 069048 059875 075801 003151 059503 034957 022161 040996 033474 073049 023778 063676 001264 034946 065118 016425 034542 024831 048561 034169 033711 040051 047622 029663 015720 061445 004805 036531 021929 062616 067453 071676 053492 015670 003664 067293 042461 050786 050788 024852 031799 031799 071945 000330 001469 077178 071185 041285 064751 White, Noel; New Waterford White, Philip; Dartmouth White, Pius & Annie; Cleveland White, Robert; New Glasgow White, Sara J; Ross Ferry White, Sharon; Lawrencetown White, Winnifred; Inverness Whitehead, Paul; Lake Echo Whittle, A Ellsworth; Wolfville Whynacht, John; Mahone Bay Whynacht, Nora; Mahone Bay Whynot, Brad; Brookside Whynot, Kathryn; Liverpool Whynot, Leigh-Anne; Kentville Whynot, Sharon; Middlewood Widgery, Majorie; Dartmouth Wilcox, Jeanne; Bateston Wiles, Stephen; Whites Lake Williams, Angie; Stillwater Lake Williams, Barbara; Hantsport Williams, Cameron; Barneys River Station Williams, Harold; Thorburn Williams, Howard; St Margaret Village Williams, Jane & Clare; Halifax Williams, Pam; Halifax Wilman, Bernie; Beaver Bank Wilson, Bryson; Halifax Wilson, Ken & Norma; Middle Cape Winters, John; Dartmouth Wiseman, Enos; Fall River Wiseman, Wendy & Chris; Halifax Woerz, Andre & Diana; Lower Sackville Wojcik, Antoni; Glen Haven Wolfe, Krista; West Chezzetcook Wong, Kyle; Halifax Wong, William; Antigonish Wood, Caleb; Bedford Wood, Colin; Stellarton Wood, Peter; Halifax Woodman, Donna; Falmouth Wootton, James & Ann; Ellershouse Worthen, Garnet; Westville Worthen, Todd; New Glasgow Wotherspoon, Steven; Halifax Wright, John; Halifax Wright, Vivan & Fred; Dartmouth Xu, Yao; Dartmouth Yahnke, Marion L & Vic; Kingston Yang, Tao; Halifax Yeadon, Joan; Truro Yetman, Karen; Halifax Yokuboski, Diane; Glace Bay Young, Allister; Truro Young, Breen; Hubbards Young, Pamela; Ingonish Beach Young, Robert; Cross Roads Country Harbour Young, Robert; Cross Roads Country Harbour Young, Shawna & Benjie; Oldham Yurczyszyn, Harold & Phyllis; Frenchvale Yurczyszyn, Harold & Phyllis; Frenchvale Zed, Robert; Halifax Zhang, Roger; Lawrencetown Zinck, D Lloyd; Falmouth Zinck, Laura; New Ross Zwicker, Julie; Halifax Zwicker, Kate; Valley Zwiker, Rob; Cole Harbour 1,600 – $100 Bertossi Resturant Group gift cards 052847 003351 042916 Abbass, Raymond; Sydney Abenheimer, Susan; Sydney Acker, Richard F; Kingston 074550 034207 037823 045328 041801 017213 068193 025255 003819 037519 024348 034094 034094 073084 066782 004664 073308 040161 063293 046408 046408 040443 074405 016099 028349 059920 026538 016598 060735 011488 076357 026473 021978 043526 077244 019160 053816 038887 069016 028751 048525 045295 024369 056140 049976 069710 014035 036164 061047 037820 075758 053135 033856 072973 075673 036430 000144 051248 040317 062555 026077 001397 050640 070381 070313 031666 062103 009091 Adams, Susan; Cole Harbour Adshade, Shirley; Oxford Junction Alcolado, Rafael M; Halifax Alexander, Austin Boyne; Fletchers Lake Alexander, James; Falmouth Alhassan, Fatimah; Halifax Alia, Rami; Lunenburg Allan, Judith; Halifax Allen, Barry; Halifax Allen, Jo Anne; Sydney Allen, Susan; Bedford Aloisi, Robert; Halifax Aloisi, Robert; Halifax Alward, Ernest; Dartmouth Alwayn, Ian; Halifax Amero, Joseph; Lunenburg Anderson, Donna & Gary; Belnan Anderson, Heather; Baddeck Anderson, Helen; Halifax Anderson, Ryan; Springhill Anderson, Ryan; Springhill Anderson, Shelly; Sydney Andrews, Gwen; Port Morien Angevine, Eric & Debbie; Bible Hill Annett, Robert & Alice; Dartmouth Ansong, Felicia; Halifax Apostolides, Costa; Bedford Appleton, Howard K; New Glasgow Aquino, Emmanuel & Dolores; Lawrencetown Armes, Victor; Halifax Armstrong, Margaret; Granville Ferry Armstrong, Ronald; Dartmouth Arnold, Michelle; Jeddore Oyster Ponds Arsenault, Claudia; Middle Sackville Arsenault, Teri; Antigonish Arseneau, Gary; Eastern Passage Askew, Dale; Wellington Atkinson, Blanchard; Truro Atton, Darlene; Upper Tantallon Aucoin, Doug; South Bar Aucoin, Laurie; Hammonds Plains Aucoin, Margot; Halifax Aulenback, Donald; Mahone Bay Ayer, Matthew; Lower Sackville Bailey, Lucy & Bruce; Dayspring Baillie, Janet; Pictou Bain, Chris; Upper Tantallon Baker, Blair; Head of Jeddore Balcom, Norman; Dartmouth Baltzer, Carl; Coldbrook Bampton, Alan; Halifax Banfield, Charles G & Roberta; Dartmouth Banfield, William; Ellershouse Barkhouse, Irene; Hubbards Barkhouse, Richard & Sharon; Halifax Barlow, Cornelia; Whycocomagh Barnes, Victor W; Bridgetown Barrett, Glenn J; Hatchet Lake Barteaux, Kevin; Kingston Bates, Gilbert A; Middleton Bates, Marry & Allen; Dartmouth Batson, Cathy & Ron & Paige; Bridgetown Baugil, David Bruce; Lunenburg Beairsto, Jeri; Rose Bay Beals, Patsy; Halifax Beaton, Joan; Hatchet Lake Beaulieu, Philip; Halifax Beaver, Arthur; Halifax LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 039552 002133 017685 066623 074566 070089 002245 004260 004261 002129 015566 007560 074761 026506 055784 034919 048258 055698 068703 006308 063886 043811 064809 070921 005588 005588 053050 031889 064182 006236 060276 020777 004783 051780 060421 048988 049982 042670 077655 061630 000275 022459 038181 040165 028475 010333 006747 073480 033003 023470 035942 000912 046396 043387 057845 058153 008483 024445 069095 010286 057936 016006 058581 068248 068248 000703 Beaver, Donna & Barry; Amherst Beaver, Vernon; Halifax Beiswanger, Eileen; Sherbrooke Bell, Robert; Bedford Bellamy, John; Dartmouth Bellefontaine, Belinda & Terry; West Chezzetcook Bellefontaine, David & Vivian; Halifax Bellefontaine, Pierre & Valerie; West Chezzetcook Bellefontaine, Pierre & Valerie; West Chezzetcook Bellisle, Robin; Head of Jeddore Belliveau, Margaret & Gary; Little Brook Bennett, Aaron; Waterville Bennett, Lawrence; Macphees Corner Bennett, Patricia; Port Dufferin Bentley, Bettina; Halifax Bentley, Wayne & Linda; Halifax Berkers, Dale; Dartmouth Bernard, Lucina; Dartmouth Berrigan, Andrew; Halifax Berta, Tibor & Diane; Dartmouth Berthier, Wayne; Halifax Bethune, Kim; Porters Lake Bezanson, Lois; Bedford Bineshaq, Gamal; Halifax Birch, Douglas; Lower Sackville Birch, Douglas; Lower Sackville Blackburn, Joe; Halifax Blair, Ana M; Halifax Blinkhorn, Wayne; Shelburne Blom, Colleen & Greg; Fergusons Cove Blom, Gerald; Halifax Blue, Douglas Scott; Parrsboro Blumenthal, Darren; Bedford Bolhuis, Aafke; Mineville Boltz, Deborah; Halifax Bonar, Victor; Millville Bond, Linda M; Chester Bond, Mike; Kingston Booker, Roger & Paola; Herring Cove Bookholt, L Tim & Gail; Lower Sackville Bouchard, Robert; West Arichat Bouchard (group), Pamela A; Lake Echo Boucher, Tony; Monastery Boudreau, Darlene; Port Hawkesbury Boudreau, Dina; Dartmouth Boudreau, Hector W; Yarmouth Boudreau, Mark & Virginia; Williamswood Boulay, Andre; Malagash Bourgeois, Esther; Mahone Bay Boutilier, Beverley; Halifax Boutilier, Elmer & Edna; Indian Harbour Boutilier, Maritta; Lake Echo Boutilier, Phyllis; Reserve Mines Boutilier, Ruth & Gerry; Sydney Bouvette, Robert & Barbara; Halifax Bowen, Wayne; Liscomb Bower, Verna; Pugwash Bowie, Barbie & Angus; Heatherton Bowman, Doug; Halifax Bowness, Laurie; Bedford Boyd, Debbie; Meteghan River Boyd, Gary & Louise; Lawrencetown Boyden, Brian; Halifax Boyle, Bill; Bible Hill Boyle, Bill; Bible Hill Boyle, Joe; St Andrews November 20,2014 009282 014673 010173 042428 046048 000429 027239 008223 008225 054578 076585 054397 049873 049873 075727 008485 069278 056824 026971 060926 057730 031751 031751 073556 020885 053013 020940 028447 075418 014111 048382 002168 055899 003145 016124 074199 033617 044077 017945 075396 077627 014052 056841 070671 003934 003934 047152 023725 060641 063233 065449 034515 022298 041029 035168 050723 056850 050246 062440 061385 065873 060261 069729 010456 059000 059002 Bradshaw, Anne; New Glasgow Bradshaw, Patricia; Halifax Bradshaw, V I; Dartmouth Bragg, Ann; Coxheath Bragg, Jean & Bob; Digby Bramah, Nathanael; Halifax Brannan, Anne & Jim; Bridgewater Brant, Lindy; Upper Sackville Brant, Lindy; Upper Sackville Braun, Scott; Cole Harbour Brennan, Michael; Dartmouth Brewer, Tim & Robyn; Fall River Briand, Xavier T; L’ardoise Briand, Xavier T; L’ardoise Broadbent, Jane; Halifax Bromley, Adele; Halifax Brooks, Jeanne; New Glasgow Brow, Trudy; Timberlea Brown, Barry M; Lake Loon Brown, Donald & Valerie; Ellershouse Brown, Donald E; Halifax Brown, Frederic & Lillian; Ellershouse Brown, Frederic & Lillian; Ellershouse Brown, Gordon; Halifax Brown, John David; Enfield Brown, Marilyn; Sheet Harbour Brown, Scott; Dartmouth Brumaire, Pierre & Paulette; Dartmouth Bryan, Herbert; New Glasgow Buckland, Bill; Mira Road Buckley, Betty; Dartmouth Buckrell, George; French Village Bungay, Dale; Cole Harbour Burden, Eugene T; Dartmouth Burdett, Nathan & Sara; Brookside Burgess, Bernadette; Dartmouth Burgess, Dave; Dartmouth Burghardt, Rudolph; Kentville Burke, Bj & Leonard; Dartmouth Burke, John; Dartmouth Burns, Ron; Lower Sackville Burrows, Norman; Digby Burton, Colleen; Hammonds Plains Burton, Linda; Dingwall Burton, Margaret; Lawrencetown Burton, Margaret; Lawrencetown Burton, Sam; Coldbrook Burton, Scot; Yarmouth Butler, William & Diane; Beaver Bank Butts, Betty & Bruce; New Waterford Byrne, Sean; Dartmouth Caborn, Cynthia; Lawrencetown Caldwell, Heather & William; Windsor Cameron, David; Timberlea Cameron, Jack; Mabou Campbell, Darrell; Halifax Campbell, David; Dartmouth Campbell, David & Ann; Dartmouth Campbell, Julie E; Bridgewater Campbell, Kevin; Dartmouth Campbell, Laura & Brad; Head of Chezzetcook Campbell, Michelle & Glenn; Sydney Campbell, Robert; Dartmouth Canavan, Carol & Brian; North Sydney Cannon-Macdonald, Barbara; Port Hood Cannon-Macdonald, Barbara; Port Hood 012158 011629 033395 074089 024709 057464 052118 054280 077082 001210 024799 065286 055959 025757 059409 076790 050067 043177 004923 053825 067083 067084 027926 065941 073233 064781 073489 050725 042060 030235 038902 062677 022970 018218 064319 064319 022845 048572 048166 032645 034170 034987 054467 022484 001571 016216 028067 017586 026594 071599 029123 059082 076527 058288 053084 013055 063688 060855 068065 055950 025067 039980 Carew, Alphonse; Hammonds Plains Caron, Johanne; Halifax Carrier, Kelly; Dartmouth Carroll, Linda; Bedford Carroll, Shawn; Lower Sackville Carter, Jennifer; Dartmouth Carter, Wade & Krista; Enfield Chamberlain, Patricia; Lower Onslow Champniss, Julia; Lakeside Chandler, Victor & Maxine; Windsor Chant, Lori & Gary; Glace Bay Charchuk, Lillan; Eastern Passage Charlong, Chris; Lower Sackville Charman, Judy; Dartmouth Charnonneau, Mark; Eastern Passage Charumski, James; Halifax Chauder, Sherry & Darren; Enfield Chernin, Martin; Sydney Chetwynd, Fredrick & Aileen; Barrington Passage Cheverie, Sean; Amherst Chiasson, Brian; Sydney Chiasson, Brian; Sydney Chiasson, Thomas; Cheticamp Childerhose, Raymond & Lillian; Dartmouth Chirico, Bernadette & John; Porters Lake Chisholm, Patricia Ann; Heatherton Chisholm, Rosanne; Halifax Christensen, Morten & Eilsa; Fall River Christian, Nathan A; Halifax Chu, Dianne N; Lower Sackville Church, Sandra; Newport Chute, Myrna; Berwick Chute, Tony B & Leeanne; Sandy Cove Clancey, Steve; Halifax Clancy, Val & Anne; Lower Sackville Clancy, Val & Anne; Lower Sackville Clark, Ann Marie; Hammonds Plains Clark, Bill; Bridgewater Clark, Bob; Dartmouth Clark, Margaret & Pamela & Colin; Fall River Close, Bruce; Dartmouth Clothier, Pearl; Bridgewater Clow, Trent; Grand Lake Coade, Patricia & Paul; Timberlea Coade, Peter; Upper Tantallon Coakley, Robert; Halifax Cochrane, Carol; New Glasgow Cochrane, Elizabeth; Mahone Bay Cochrane, R Cameron; East Lahave Cody, Eileen; Glen Haven Coffen, Charles; Dartmouth Coghill, Elizabeth I; Wolfville Cohen, Lee; Halifax Colaiacovo-Nguyen, Anna; Halifax Colburne, Norma; Truro Coldwell, Kathryn E; Halifax Coldwell, Tony; Halifax Cole, Leonard; Belnan Cole, Winston; Bedford Colwell, Scott; Hammonds Plains Comeau, Carol & Donald; Arcadia Comeau, Christine; Saulnierville 010261 011946 015086 020919 048619 020029 030807 042999 046435 003555 014899 026157 020877 072857 034682 062989 062011 071034 008675 060791 062638 075720 049515 004472 062537 013027 005707 040084 056733 000402 013691 047044 010662 002680 012181 014675 039222 005370 055499 039470 053019 059128 060435 014591 022443 017194 009935 014193 021962 043040 070198 055489 015646 030020 011255 003381 022092 022092 048859 048860 077875 077875 013429 005465 050352 12 of 16 Comeau, Gerald & Sylvio; Meteghan River Comeau, Louise; Stillwater Lake Comeau, Marcel; Saulnierville Comer, Blair & Marion; Westville Condon, William & Mary; Trenton Connolly, Brent; Bridgewater Connolly, Donald & Pat; Halifax Connolly, Paul; Boylston Connolly, Sally; Dartmouth Connors, Eugene & Donna; Afton Station Connors, Patrick J; Halifax Conrad, Beverly; Mill Village Conrad, Howard; Montague Gold Mines Cook, Michele; Lower Sackville Cook, Paula; Halifax Cooper, Leonard; Mahone Bay Corkum, Charlene; Halifax Corkum, Erica; Halifax Corkum, Kenneth; Hammonds Plains Cormier, Doug; Joggins Cormier, Earl; Bedford Cormier, Ellen & Victor; Lantz Cormier, Kimberleigh; Wellington Cormier, Leon; Dartmouth Cormier, Lowell; New Waterford Corn, Earle & Betty; Lower Sackville Cosman, Charles; North Chegoggin Costello, Barry; New Minas Costello, Gerard; Waverley Cottreau, Aaron; Yarmouth Coughlin, Sandra; Stillwater Lake Coulombe, Benoit; Dartmouth Coulson, Derrick; Halifax Courage, Rosalie; Hubbards Covell, Brian; Truro Cox, Robert H; Kennetcook Cox, Ross A & Denice; Maitland Cragg, Frank & Michelle; Marion Bridge Craig, Kara; Hammonds Plains Crane, Virginia & Robert; Sydney Crawford, Robyn & Colin; Dartmouth Creaser, Eric; Riverport Creaser, Philip; Riverport Crewe, Gary; Dartmouth Crews, Robert; North Sydney Crocker, Janet; Bedford Cronk, Rockwell R; Ellershouse Cross, Ans; Halifax Crowell, Joseph; Halifax Crowell, Sharon; Tatamagouche Cudmore, David; Antigonish Cullip, Gary; Belmont Cumming, Elaine; Hammonds Plains Cunningham, Karen & John; Dartmouth Curren, Nancy; Halifax Currie, Angela M; Halifax Currie, Kenneth; Windsor Junction Currie, Kenneth; Windsor Junction Currie, Natalie J; Halifax Currie, Natalie J; Halifax Curry, Joe; Sydney Curry, Joe; Sydney Czapalay, Joan; Dartmouth D’Entremont, Richard; Dartmouth D’Entremont, Rosalie; West Pubnico 018036 019875 061324 060413 044938 074174 014713 042165 003116 074823 070265 070266 045716 045234 030357 035322 045086 035103 037773 037773 038410 005475 056408 038891 028401 049078 003075 009390 035731 038899 044784 072397 060467 077832 011314 048912 042340 029299 055502 031611 059798 042141 009412 041114 054000 046079 053520 075275 010580 012925 038889 040599 043647 075816 007287 048477 039345 047242 059143 010267 004080 068173 044377 023170 036477 044590 054556 022929 D’Entremont, Viateur & Pauline; West Pubnico D’Eon, Timothy R; Middle West Pubnico Dacey, Travis; Halifax Dale, Florence; Truro Daley, Theresa; Dartmouth Dao, Quy; Sydney Darai, Stephen & Christine; Debert Dargie, Audrey; Halifax Darragh, David; Eastern Passage Darrah, Matthew; Halifax Darton, Barbara & Robert; Wellington Darton, Barbara & Robert; Wellington Dauphinee, Twila; Enfield Daviau, Margaret; Harrietsfield David, Tina K; Upper Hammonds Plains Davies, Harry; Wolfville Davis, Roy Douglas; Mount Uniacke Dawe, Allister; North Sydney Dawe, James; Sable River Dawe, James; Sable River Dawson, Sandra; Sydney Day, Brian; Dartmouth Day, Patricia M; Portage Daye, Kevin; Dartmouth De Montigny, Luc; Middle Sackville Dean, Greg; Enfield Dean, William S; Parrsboro Dearing, Robert; Glace Bay Decicco, Sandy; Gabarus Decoste, Deborah; Bedford Dembogaj, Istref & Atdhe; Halifax Denomme, Mark; Lower Sackville Desbarres, Terry & Brian; Amherst Devarennes, Brandon; Lake Echo Deveau, Hughena; Sydney Deveau, Jamie; Halifax Deveau, Shirley; Springfield Devries, John; Louisbourg Dewolf, John Mark; Halifax Dexter, Wayne & Trina; Carrolls Corner Deyarmond, Richard; East Stewiacke Deyoung, Kelly; Havre Boucher Dimitropoulos, William; Beaver Bank Dingwell, Laura; Dartmouth Dipchand, Christine; Halifax Dixon, Lisa; White Point Doary, Corina; Hatchet Lake Dobek, Isabella; Chester Dobson, David; Boutiliers Point Dobson, Gladys; Dartmouth Dodsworth, Craig; Fall River Doerty, Garfield; Lake Charlotte Doggett, Gilbert; Dartmouth Doherty, Steven E; Lawrencetown Dolinger, Patrick; Enfield Donohue, Cindy; Dartmouth Donovan, Matthew; Dartmouth Dooks, John; Dartmouth Dooks, Kathleen; Dartmouth Dorey, Dorothy; Head of St Margarets Bay Dorey, Karen; Wileville Dorey, Sania; Wileville Dorland, Kirk; Halifax Dorrington, Terry; Dartmouth Dort, Mary; Canso Doubleday, Patricia; Middle Sackville Doucet, Walter; Church Point Doucette, Brian; West Pennant 077561 015744 067688 019046 060831 060834 043677 022487 033701 039759 033876 019014 001518 058522 011285 052491 005494 027492 076382 073224 074803 009501 045790 002124 016206 065043 037811 056921 001490 044317 044329 065169 048866 045183 046290 042000 031176 015498 009673 018404 066199 066201 016942 069839 024021 070756 060886 060886 010550 069373 059666 061481 070575 021054 040800 061805 039744 031955 013215 004970 005541 037732 063870 054149 054151 075558 056942 056941 029046 030496 073934 Doucette, Cathy; Dartmouth Dowe, Valerie & Richard; Carrolls Corner Downing, Robert; Dartmouth Doyle, David; Halifax Doyle, Margo; Dartmouth Doyle, Margo; Dartmouth Driscoll, George; Dartmouth Drolet, Sharon; Lower Sackville Druhan, Bryan; Bible Hill Drysdale, Jd; Herring Cove Dubois, Gilles; Oakfield Dubuc, Alain; Eastern Passage Ducusin, Cheryl Anne; Halifax Dudfield, Carol; Beaver Bank Dueck, Walter & Esther; Hubbards Dufour Sr, Jules; Halifax Duggan, Michael; Halifax Dunbar, John & Barbara; Bridgewater Duncan, Patrick; Halifax Dunlop, Ed; Lake Loon Dunn, Barrie; Seaforth Dunn, Shirley; Westville Dunphy, Marilyn; Stillwater Lake Dunphy, Patrick; Fall River Duperreault, Garry; Onslow Mountain Duplessis, Lionel; River John Durant, Phil; Halifax Dutton, Tanya; Halifax Earle, Gordon & Jane; Upper Tantallon Earle, Patrick; Dartmouth Eason, Shawna; Dartmouth Ebeid, Sameh; Bedford Edelstein, Otis; Halifax Edwards, Barbara; Seabright Ehler, Pam; Elmsdale Eikelenboom, Colleen & Anthony; Shubenacadie Eisenhauer, Edgar & Sharon; Middle Sackville Eisenhauer, Jim G; Lahave El Chaar, Jeanne D’anc; Bedford El-Jakal, Hassan; Clarks Harbour El-Semaani, Eve; Halifax El-Semaani, Eve; Halifax Eldershaw, Jesse; Hilden Elias, Danielle; Halifax Elliott, Betty; Dartmouth Elliott, Debbie; Wallace Elliott, Marjorie; Pugwash Elliott, Marjorie; Pugwash Ellsworth, Don; Kingston Emberly, George; Hammonds Plains Emin, Louise; Tusket Erickson, Deborah; Bedford Erickson, Henry & Brian; Sydney Erlendson, Brian; Halifax Esford, Don; Upper Sackville Everard, Judith; Dartmouth Everett, Dorothy; Dartmouth Ewald, Michael; Stillwater Lake Facey-Doucet, Lorraine & Jennifer; Heatherton Fairclough, Delle; Middleton Falconer, Clarence & Elaine; Springhill Farrell, Frances; Dartmouth Farrell-Johnson, Erwin & Nancy; River John Faulkenham, Greg; Dartmouth Faulkenham, Greg; Dartmouth Ferguson, Lynn; Dartmouth Ferguson, Wanda; Hammonds Plains Ferguson, Yvonne; Halifax Fewer, Brian; Dartmouth Fielding, David; Halifax Fifield, Maureen & Ronald; Lower Sackville LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 054387 072174 026260 026262 062379 050703 039967 049776 040700 036136 071464 000668 004167 004915 036377 070079 019828 052363 001452 040080 075538 065245 047029 056679 074145 041307 033999 030964 022199 029303 046526 019617 025124 016241 038361 050905 075480 057821 074805 040238 036706 031425 031425 005200 037234 002840 041560 071853 002175 040064 063743 051363 046575 064683 026100 007624 064096 033983 041326 066158 032405 063232 046562 020905 027801 040310 043202 037711 018260 062366 Figueiredo, Dennis; Hammonds Plains Finley, Lois; Middeton Fish, Cathy; Lower Sackville Fish, Cathy; Lower Sackville Fish, David; Lower Sackville Fitzgerald, David; Dingwall Fitzgerald, Harper; Tantallon Fitzgerald, Roland; South Ohio Fitzpatrick, Sharon; Dartmouth Fitzsimmons, William; Dartmouth Fleet, Cynthia; Fletchers Lake Fleet, William A; Halifax Fletcher, Adelle; Centre Rawdon Fletcher, Harold & Beverly; Goldboro Flood, William; Brookfield Flynn, Cynthia & Gregg; Brookside Follett, Harold & Maxine; Windsor Fong, Sarah; Beechville Forbes, John G; New Glasgow Forbes, Joseph & Nancy; Beaver Bank Forbes, Robert; Dartmouth Ford, John; Caledonia Forewell, Heidi; Halifax Forsyth-Smith, Debra; Halifax Foster, James; Halifax Fougere, Julianne; Hilden Fougere, Lori & Blair; Fall River Fougere, Margaret; D’Escousse Fowler, Bob; Halifax Fox, George C; Newtown Fox, Glenn & Lois; Halifax Fralick, Paul; Halifax Francis, Hubert & Dianna; Lunenburg Francis, Peter; Yarmouth Fraser, Bob; Bedford Fraser, Janet; Halifax Fraser, Kathy; Belnan Fraser, Mary; New Glasgow Fraser, Tracy; Merigomish Fraser, Wallace; Herring Cove Friesen, Patricia & Clifford B; Dartmouth Fullerton, Sherry; Parrsboro Fullerton, Sherry; Parrsboro Fulton, Cyril & Minnie; Dartmouth Furmidge, Evelyn; Brookfield Gale, Dean; Halifax Galgay, Helen; Bedford Galino-Corbascio, Lucia; Portuguese Cove Gallant, Gary; Dartmouth Gallinaugh, John; Halifax Gallop, Levina-Dollie; Halifax Gardiner, Wendy; Halifax Gariety, Sandra; Cow Bay Garland, Sandra; Lower Sackville Garrison, Harold & Janet; Halifax Garron, Wintford M; Digby Gasse, Alain; Porters Lake Gates, Bonnie; Lawrencetown Gates, Cheryl; Chester Basin Gates, Matt; Timberlea Gaudet, Allen; Middleton Gaudet, Gean Paul & Claudette; Cheticamp Gaudet, Michael; Halifax Gaudet, Roger & Marilyn; Lower Sackville Gaynor, Robert; Pictou Gelevan, Morris; Bedford Gerald, Reynolds; Lower Sackville Gibbs, Donnell; Halifax Giffin, J Robert; Halifax Gilbert, Denis; Head of Chezzetcook November 20,2014 049601 052105 051933 044309 009095 027087 008471 003784 027139 041062 047568 002844 006922 055203 055577 028235 070715 018509 068144 054273 000212 026131 050689 031895 064089 038827 054318 047115 026675 023122 018505 003458 025336 009897 059486 000846 058412 047496 056317 018777 030273 027858 001317 006857 024160 047970 030297 074673 022866 077613 064399 064400 066997 055362 038912 056610 033654 068167 076659 023244 070241 075625 010669 064251 044042 064332 Gill-gagnon, Charleen; Dartmouth Gillies, Susan; Halifax Gillis, Anne C; Pugwash Gillis, Carmella; Lower Sackville Gillis, Francis; Marion Bridge Gillis, Gordon G & Patricia; Sydney Gilmour, Harvey; Centreville Girroir, Robert & Anita; Antigonish Godin, Gerald J & Rita; Dartmouth Golemiec, Kevin; Belmont Gollan, Royston A C & Muriel; Windsor Gomes, Desmond; Dartmouth Goodmanson, Barbara & Brian; Shubenacadie Goodwin, Mark; Dartmouth Goreham, Louann; Clarks Harbour Gosse, Norman; Bedford Goudey, Isabell; Trenton Gould, Katherine; L’ardoise Goulden, Jeff; Williamswood Grady, Tyler; Cole Harbour Graham, Jane; Sydney Grandy, Jonathan; Timberlea Grant, Marie; Halifax Grant, Rick; Dartmouth Grant, Shane T; Kennetcook Grant, Walter; Bridgewater Grantham, Christeane; Halifax Grantham, Robert & Martha; Stewiacke Graves, Julie; Prospect Bay Gray, Lynn L; Halifax Gray, Paul; Halifax Gray, Vennie; Halifax Green, Jason; Dartmouth Green, Peggy M L; Mount Uniacke Greencor, Cecel; Halifax Greenough, Stephen & Darlene; Falmouth Greenwood, Norman & Edna; Halifax Gregan, Olin; New Minas Gregg, Russell; Middle Sackville Gromick, Barbara (Suz); Dartmouth Grove, Stephen; Beaver Bank Groves, Robert; Bedford Gruz, Andres; Truro Guitard, Sharon & Royce; Kingston Gunnersson, Olafur; Jeddore Oyster Ponds Guptell, Ashley; Windsor Hadley, Ann; Boylston Hagen, Carrie; Dartmouth Haidar, Sal; Halifax Haines, Elaine; Halifax Hal Waston, Baykur Batman; Lower Sackville Hal Waston, Baykur Batman; Lower Sackville Haley, Allan & Doreen; Greenfield Haley, J Brett; Dartmouth Halfyard, Ken & Freda; Pugwash Hall, Anthony; Halifax Hall, George; Halifax Halliday, Blair; Sydney Mines Hamilton, Belinda; Berwick Hamilton, James; Kentville Hamilton, Terry & Brenda; Annapolis Royal Hamm, Neil D; Danesville Handy, Michael & Robin; Middle Sackville Hanifen, Shawn; Hammonds Plains Hanley, Bernard; Judique Hanley, Drew; Halifax 038938 075164 046819 027404 027686 026853 034010 073103 001996 075319 025494 040952 032565 037764 065280 070685 026562 068230 005415 016671 034439 004927 007284 073492 075364 021986 052210 068610 021639 051573 040292 062285 000447 052250 068871 008854 034925 073836 030781 059856 009760 002889 026357 061538 074824 062335 077135 043967 047630 016514 057806 004656 023799 075898 017024 037171 043111 010246 022195 014862 025959 033772 077094 007673 029770 Hanlon, Bernie; Fall River Hannam, John; Fall River Hannon, Bradford; Middle Sackville Hanson, Frida; Baddeck Harding, Deborah; Brooklyn Harding, Michelle; Canso Hardy, Matthew; Lawrencetown Harmes, Thomas; Eastern Passage Harnish, Barbara; Hubbards Harnish, Cheryl & Jerry; Hubbards Harnish, Edith; Hubbards Harrington, Linda; Debert Harris, Charles; Shelburne Harris, Lisa; Chester Harris Sr, Warren; Shelburne Harrison, Jim; Greenwood Hart, Bonnie; Halifax Hart, Jason; Fall River Hartigan, Valerie; Dartmouth Hatcher, Donald; Bedford Hatfield, Dana & Lana; Dartmouth Hatt, Richard; Milton Hattie, Sandy; Fall River Haughn, J Robert; Western Shore Hayes, Elliott & Judith; Bedford Hayes, Gail; Halifax Hayward, Wayne & Connie; Dartmouth Head, Aneitra; Halifax Healy, Rob; Halifax Heart, David Hoppner; Bedford Heffler, Terry & Cheryl; Fall River Helpard, Barry; Waterville Hemeon, Doug; Prospect Bay Henderson, David & Isabelle; Stellarton Henderson, James; Lawrencetown Hendsbee, Steven & Beverley; Trenton Henman, Jack; Waverley Hennessey, John; Halifax Hennigar, Craig & Betty; Chester Hennigar, Sylvia & Stephen; Dartmouth Henry, Dawna & Kevin; Timberlea Herbert, Gary; Bedford Herman, Delia; Truro Hewitt, Marshall & Brenda; Beaver Bank Hey, Tracy; Head of St Margarets Bay Hickey, Brenda; North Sydney Hillier, Reg Sr; Eastern Passage Hilton, William; Lawrencetown Hines, Brenda; Fall River Hines, Michael; Westphal Hines, Randy; Dutch Settlement Hines, Ronald B & Barbara; Hammonds Plains Hinze, Andrew; Head of Chezzetcook Hoeg, Jim; Southampton Hoffer, Kenneth; Dartmouth Hoffman, Herman; Lower Sackville Hogan, Victoria; Amherst Holland, Randy; Hammonds Plains Holland, Stephanie; Middle Sackville Holmans, George & Sharon; Halifax Holmes, Richard & Susan; Dartmouth Holst-Diemand, Steven; Halifax Holz, Christina; Cleveland Hooper, Kay; Middleton Hooper, Leonard; Dartmouth 004855 030655 045825 023476 065854 047874 057031 029511 024219 070417 058259 040479 040479 053560 065997 073319 055354 057489 012730 003494 039783 004567 049252 008144 014947 029456 074374 074374 031670 039592 040132 064239 055191 029957 026920 015126 015126 019133 004198 071499 042333 056690 056690 009825 008808 008808 077344 030887 037086 043476 010039 051969 003435 053020 063733 075536 052281 032907 065567 036729 043617 075011 042146 007319 016345 057049 13 of 16 Hope, Peter; Dartmouth Hopkinson, Victoria; Dartmouth Horne, Darrell; Halifax Houck, K & T; Hammonds Plains Houlihan, Andrew; Beaver River Houlihan, Dan; Dartmouth Houlihan, Joanne; Hammonds Plains Houweling, Brigitte; Tantallon Hubley, Richard; Indian Harbour Hudson, Raymond & Deborah; Hampton Huestis, Donna; Wellington Huestis, Terry; Bedford Huestis, Terry; Bedford Huffman, Jody; Grand Lake Hughes, Elizabeth & Daniel; Halifax Hughes, Frank; Halifax Hull, Keith; Dartmouth Hung, Ana; Halifax Hunt, Leona; Valley Hunt, Paul J; Oakfield Hunter, Celeste & Rick; Kennetcook Hunter, Gina; Baddeck Hurlburt, Richard; Yarmouth Hutchinson, Donna; Pugwash Hutt, Duncan; Porters Lake Huyghue, George W; Halifax Hyndman, John; Halifax Hyndman, John; Halifax Hynes, Shawn; Halifax Idy, Joe; Hammonds Plains Ignaszewski, Jolanta; Halifax Ingarfield, H Lynn; Halifax Inglis, Marc; Dartmouth Ingraham, Garland; Fall River Ingraham, Osprey & Helen; Murray Siding Ingram, Lew & Bern; North Sydney Ingram, Lew & Bern; North Sydney Ingram, Roslyn; Dartmouth Inkpen, Frances; Nine Mile River Irvine, Robert & Deborah; Halifax Irwin, Gerald & Denyse; Dartmouth Isadore, Michael; Membertou Isadore, Michael; Membertou Isnor, Malcom & Daphne; Windsor Jackson, Alison; Bedford Jackson, Alison; Bedford Jacquard, Tricia; Lower Wedgeport Janega, Ann; Dartmouth Jardine, Linda; Chester Jarvis, Wilfred & David; Middle Sackville Jay, Marion; Halifax Jefferson, Pam & Eric; Halifax Jeffrey, Kathleen; East Dover Jeffrey, Thomas; Halifax Jenkins, Brian A; Halifax Jenkins, Cory L; Yarmouth Jenkins, Linda; Hammonds Plains Jenkins, Wade & Denise; Eastern Passage Jennex, Ken; Lower Sackville Jennings, Fred & Alayne; Bedford Jennings, Russell & Sally; Crowes Mills Jensen, Koleen; Halifax Jobes, Jim; Lower Sackville Johnson, Earl; Middleton Johnson, Trevor; Dartmouth Johnston, Cynthia & Ted; Middle Sackville 036315 029698 070959 074843 020504 020504 018201 037687 040729 013947 067313 011385 059478 010640 000004 004158 032465 066267 067317 077515 077516 057060 048031 077482 003267 068369 068369 047301 010775 037663 008497 070157 039231 060333 052674 018162 077769 015765 001222 041367 069148 074043 040950 005867 039901 039901 072364 043347 055827 070270 014229 014903 042911 011370 005783 065801 007603 016073 058721 046262 045700 002851 044934 052155 047080 067792 055262 058880 Johnston, David & Elizabeth; Port Williams Johnstone, Jean; Berwick Jollimore, Crystal; Hubbards Jollimore, Dawn; Dartmouth Jonasson, Verna & Wayne; Lower Sackville Jonasson, Verna & Wayne; Lower Sackville Jones, Christopher; Dartmouth Jones, George & Lynn; Auburndale Jones, Jeffrey A; Liverpool Jones, Katherine; Truro Joseph, Derek; Dartmouth Joudrey, George L; Barss Corner Joudrey, Harlin; Kentville Joudrey, Margaret Rose & Mike; Chezzetcook Joudry, Steven; Greenfield Joukhadar, George; Halifax Joynt-White, Beverly; Bedford Jutla, Dawn; Halifax Kaiser, Christopher; Port Bickerton Kanellakos, John; Bedford Kanellakos, John; Bedford Kathryn, Hart; Dartmouth Kaulback, Brenda; Lower Sackville Kaulback, Carol; Halifax Kearns, Allison; Halifax Keddy, Brandon; Dartmouth Keddy, Brandon; Dartmouth Keefe, Nicholas & Edward; Cleveland Keen, Delephina; Lower Sackville Keeping, John; New Waterford Keeping, Neil; Dartmouth Kehoe, Roma; Sydney Keiver, Gary; Pugwash Kelly, Paul; Fall River Kelly, W F; Halifax Kemp, Rodney; Halifax Kenneally, Joshua; Elmsdale Kennedy, Kathleen J; Stellarton Kennedy, Lawrence R; Louisbourg Kennedy, Marion; Kingston Kennedy, Nastasya; Cambridge Kent, Blaine; Halifax Kent, Carl; Kentville Kent, Douglas; Brooklyn Keough, Sharon; Cow Bay Keough, Sharon; Cow Bay Keramaris, Frankie; Dartmouth Kerfont, Wilfred; Hubley Kerr, Barb; Dartmouth Kerr, Janice; Sydney Khalaf, Yasser; Halifax Khokhar, Rano; Halifax Khouri, Salam & Abraham; Elmsdale Kidson, Donald R & Rosemarie; Wellington Kiley, Harvey; Sydney Killam, Debbie & Peter; Overton Killen, Daniel; Porters Lake Kingston, Frank; Amherst Kirby, Lois; Amherst Knock, James & Christine; Upper Lahave Knowler, Ted & Frankie; Dartmouth Koelink, Louis; Halifax Laing, Tom; Halifax Lake, Jason & Holly; Harrietsfield Lake, Marilyn; Eastern Passage Lalonde, Donna; Dartmouth Landriault, Phillip; Port Hawkesbury Landry, Oswald & Helen; River Ryan 009896 014494 053924 005888 035297 035297 035297 006148 070068 005661 046952 009647 025231 036083 016572 015875 061032 076650 020147 065665 006517 026369 068995 047542 020661 005630 016130 027813 020521 014992 001048 024627 067430 011854 019526 001792 045941 060120 059342 005793 052439 028970 021362 061043 006132 069656 007373 007374 040475 057106 034242 005123 026878 028844 074138 043342 069561 076718 005059 043752 062734 008602 071085 007028 004555 051214 Landry, Terri & Donald; Antigonish Lane, Lois; Timberlea Langille, Shawn; Head of St Margarets Bay Langille, Wendy; Fall River Langley, Daniel; Halifax Langley, Daniel; Halifax Langley, Daniel; Halifax Lantz, Andrea; Halifax Lanz, Sandra; Halifax Large, Robert; Wellington Larsen, Kris; Wallace Laskowski, Alexandra; New Glasgow Lauzon, Rudy & Margaret; Halifax Lavers, Joan; Upper Tantallon Lavoie, Marcelle; Tarbot Lawley, Alan; Fall River Lawrence, Norman; Dartmouth Lawrence, Peter; Halifax Layden, Jane; Halifax Layne, Judy & Bob; Hacketts Cove Lazaric, Daniel & Lisa; Port Williams Le Blanc, Teresa; Church Point Leadley, Michelle; Eastern Passage Leblanc, Brian; Church Point Leblanc, Frank; Sydney Leblanc, Gary; Glace Bay Leblanc, Gerard; Lower West Pubnico Leblanc, Gloria & James; Rockville Leblanc, Grace & Russell; Salmon River Leblanc, Hubert & Diane; Yarmouth Leblanc, Jospeh Myles; Margaree Leblanc, Robert G; Lake Echo Leblanc, Shannon; Bedford Lee, William; Dartmouth Lefave, Eileen; Tusket Lepere, Frank; Windsor Levangie, Anne; Halifax Levy, Bernard; Halifax Lewin, Donna; Halifax Lewis, Sheila & Brian; Yarmouth Little, Hallette F & Elaine; Greenwood Lively, Jeffrey; Halifax Lloy, Brian; Middle Sackville Lloy, Mary & Marven; Yarmouth Lloyd, Glynne; Dartmouth Logue, Edward; Dartmouth Longmire, Peter; Granville Ferry Longmire, Peter; Granville Ferry Longmire, Roger Jaye; Granville Ferry Lord, Karen; Windsor Loureiro, Christina; Beaver Bank Lovely, Alfred; Kentville Lowe, Tom; Hammonds Plains Lozowski, Gina; Halifax Lucking, Barry; Port Mouton Luedey, William J; Halifax Lund, Shelley; Sydney Lundrigan, Chris; Bedford Lunn, Laurie & Yvonne; Kentville Lynk, Diane; Truro Lynk, Mary E; New Waterford Mac Donald, James; Blacketts Lake Mac Lean, Adam Davidson; Inverness Macarthur, Ethel & Lloyd; Lower Sackville Macaskill, David; Sydney Macaulay, Christine & Bruce; Timberlea LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 052542 072027 022221 010952 058853 049083 018058 035353 010389 022351 001949 035420 005849 038520 001862 000574 054901 000880 025601 017748 071152 071771 008272 018084 054401 074336 034022 053116 004944 075994 007170 007778 028781 024282 012203 007428 010508 051200 026489 063986 024686 031554 047893 050686 026200 009834 072054 072054 059427 073505 015292 051290 063419 058504 050129 019926 068307 023623 070418 Macculloch, Ernest H; Dartmouth Macdermid, Pat; Dartmouth Macdonald, Allan; Fall River Macdonald, Catherine; Antigonish Macdonald, Charles; Ellershouse Macdonald, Debbie; Halifax Macdonald, G Leslie; Port Hastings Macdonald, George H; Westville Macdonald, Gina & George; Halifax Macdonald, Hugh & Helen & Douglas; Sherbrooke Macdonald, John; Sydney Macdonald, John; Georges River Macdonald, John R; Caribou Marsh Macdonald, Lynda; Ben Eoin Macdonald, Marion; Stellarton Macdonald, Michael; Sydney Macdonald, Mike; Hammonds Plains Macdonald, Peggy & Ken; Gardiner Mines Macdonald, Raymond & Anne; Antigonish Macdonald, Richard; Hammonds Plains Macdonald, Sharon; Dartmouth Macdonald, Steve; Lawrencetown Macdonald, Susan; New Glasgow Macdonald, Terri & Greg; Lantz Macdonald, Theresa; Williamswood Macdonald, Todd; Coldbrook Macdonald, Victor & Betty; Windsor Macdonell, Joe & Margaret; Enfield Macdonell, John L; Judique Macdonnell, Yvonne; Troy Macdougall, Robert; Kentville Maceachen, Annie; Port Hood Maceachern, Catriona; Halifax Maceachern, Dianne; Havre Boucher Maceachern, Tanya; Dartmouth Macfarlane, Cheryl; Bedford Macgillivray, Ruby; Antigonish Macinnis, David & Irene; Sydney Macintosh, Keith; Dingwall Macintyre, Tom; Georges River Macisaac, Carol; Halifax Macisaac, Emily; Donkin Macisaac, Frank; Halifax Macisaac, William & Louise; Judique Macisaace, Keith; Sydney Mines Mackay, Ed & Darlene; Truro Mackay, Hugues; Porters Lake Mackay, Hugues; Porters Lake Mackay, Iain; Dartmouth Mackay, Judy; Halifax Mackay, Marjorie; Halifax Mackay, Sheldon & Deborah; Whycocomagh Mackinnon, Ann & Art; Westville Mackinnon, Rosemary; Halifax Mackintosh, David; Dartmouth Mackintosh, Russell M & Patsy; Granville Ferry Maclaren, Ed; Pictou Maclaughlin, Mary-Jayne; Dartmouth Maclean, Deborah; Fall River November 20,2014 022067 011391 040845 027599 027601 029657 043806 004521 005084 021038 026023 043819 052370 070822 068516 001946 001353 047832 059668 068377 068377 002856 026762 003908 038437 041985 072269 062799 036640 031941 022796 027634 056716 016872 034712 034713 073870 030999 015656 019105 019105 004718 034476 028711 052033 018127 058367 026168 010721 048719 058598 053285 022991 055293 007683 003676 000273 049250 048487 009854 065496 037554 006415 023129 051083 066558 058578 002106 Maclean, Donald; Stellarton Maclean, Donna Lynn; Ingonish Maclean, John; Sydney Maclean, Louis; Glace Bay Maclean, Louis; Glace Bay Maclean, Muriel; Trenton Maclean, Sheldon; Margaree Harbour Maclellan, Barry; Clementsvale Maclellan, Bernaro; Lower Sackville Maclellan, Daniel; Judique Maclellan, Lynn; Wellington Macleod, Claude; Victoria Mines Macleod, Georgina C; Little Narrows Macleod, Megan; Port Hood Macleod, Shirley; Truro Macneil, Alban; New Victoria Macneil, Aleah & Sheldon; New Waterford Macneil, Debbie; Dartmouth Macneil, Jerry; Halifax Macneil, Norman; Sydney Macneil, Norman; Sydney Macneil, Sid & Joan; Sydney Mines Macneil, Theresa; Antigonish Macneill, Donald; Halifax Macphee, Michael; Lower Sackville Macpherson, Chris; Beechville Macpherson, Darren; Halifax Macpherson, Sharen; Dartmouth Macrae, Helen; New Glasgow Madden, Magdalena; Arichat Madison, John & Linda; Westphal Mahaney, Donald; Ste Croix Mahoney, Jake; Halifax Mailman, Barbara; Shelburne Mainville, Jon; Dartmouth Mainville, Jon; Dartmouth Makin, Tony; Dartmouth Malec, Janet; Dartmouth Mancornmick, John; Dartmouth Manning, David; Waverley Manning, David; Waverley Manos, George & Shirley; New Glasgow Mapplebeck, Cindy; Bedford Marchand, Ja; Halifax Marche, Monica & Leo; Middle Sackville Mardian, Carl; Tatamagouche Marinelli, John Louis & Brenda; Sydney Mines Marple, Allan; Port Hood Marriott, Beverly A & David; Whites Lake Marriott, Steven; Head of St Margarets Bay Marshall, Louis; Dartmouth Marsters, Peter; Kentville Martel, Carlene & Patrick; Waverley Martell, Alex; Halifax Martell, Gerard; Dartmouth Martin, Basil; Bridgewater Martin, Kris; Waverley Martin, Paul; Belnan Masad, Marlene; Halifax Matheson, Keith; Halifax Matheson, Valerie; Halifax Matthews, Faye; Harmony Matthews, George; Beaver Bank Matthews, Paula; Dartmouth Matthews, Ross & Jane; Dartmouth Maughan, Lynn; Dartmouth Mayfield, Stanley; Lower Sackville Mazier, Patricia; St Andrews 008795 043498 015691 060223 048078 067157 054486 065876 008532 004991 067271 057784 013405 063620 014287 020393 065677 000740 034564 063479 068755 010839 077044 021495 058387 035256 026533 039571 012266 066720 042130 010789 019539 048329 067475 063402 062678 039107 033744 032085 004029 068751 005584 043766 016794 038858 013364 043516 047139 009308 061191 076927 077719 069651 010318 010318 047437 055014 060391 009785 009785 036189 014660 053686 070286 003687 066186 066186 Mcavoy, Michelle; Herring Cove Mcbean, Jeff; Wolfville Mcbride, Cynthia & John L; Upper Tantallon Mccarron, Kelly; Yarmouth Mccarthy, Jocelyn; Lake Loon Mccarthy, Jocelyn; Lake Loon Mccarthy, Kevin; Alton Mccarthy, Leonard J; Middle Sackville Mccarthy, Michelle; Waverley Mcclearn, Carol A; Timberlea Mccormick, Chris; North Sydney Mccormick, Elizabeth; Halifax Mcculloch, Cathy; Lakeside Mccully, Lawrence; Truro Mcdonah, Roland; Halifax Mcdonald, Arthur A; Clementsport Mcdonald, Madeline & Bernard; Waverley Mcfarland, Timothy; Wolfville Mcgill, Alexia; Fall River Mcgregor, Deborah; Lawrencetown Mchugh, Greg; Waverly Mcintyre, Anna; Inverness Mckay, Frania; Sydney Mckay, Justin; Halifax Mckenna, Gerry & Jack; Halifax Mclean, Agnes; Halifax Mclean, Michael; Halifax Mclean, Wendy & Peter; Middleton Mcmanaman, Michael; Amherst Mcmaster, Colleen; Tantallon Mcmillan, Bruce; Halifax Mcmullen, Glenn; Wolfville Mcnabb, Ray & Shirley; Sydney Mcnairn, David; Amherst Mcnaughton, David & Shirley; Fall River Mcnea, Carl; Stewiacke Mcneil, Donalda; Lower Sackville Mcnutt, G Jean; Truro Mcnutt, Shawn; Halifax Meade, Joan & Darlene; Dartmouth Medynski, Deborah & Margaret; Halifax Meilleur, Daniel; Westphal Meisner, Doris & Zane; Hubbards Melanson, Gary; Timberlea Melanson, Stephen; Lower Sackville Melvin, Debbie & James; East Lawrencetown Melvin, Kevin; Cole Harbour Mercer, Kenneth; New Waterford Merchant, Ross; Truro Meredith, Lynn; Dartmouth Messenger, Burton; Bridgetown Messenger, Valerie; Wileville Mieosue, Yvonne; Timberlea Miles, Philip; Halifax Miller, Jeff; Maitland Miller, Jeff; Maitland Miller, Lloyd; Dartmouth Miller, Margaret; Middle Sackville Millett, Joan; Wolfville Millington, Valerie; Halifax Millington, Valerie; Halifax Mills, Hannah; Milford Station Mills, Marilyn; Halifax Mills, Sunday; Parrsboro Mitchell, Brittney; Bedford Mitchell, James; Halifax Mitchell, Stephen; Brookside Mitchell, Stephen; Brookside 050429 047202 022590 065313 045823 061235 013765 067274 062388 005244 005244 050228 017658 055468 074457 041383 032602 011930 033361 033361 025777 032557 038101 030479 030752 052756 058862 045725 072041 055346 063615 054729 004078 028766 050301 046593 046593 062993 058057 063493 054760 065835 047820 047820 045490 050527 017082 031646 001870 018979 010337 063999 072342 000166 075454 048693 025343 048566 045325 068994 021900 020841 020841 023322 047692 015451 009050 045290 14 of 16 Moakler, Ron; Beaver Bank Moir, Rick & Gail; Truro Mondoux, Ina D; Halifax Montgomery, Michael; Seabright Moody, George C & Jeanette; Waterville Moody, J Harley; Berwick Moore, James; Ingramport Moore, Yvonne; Pugwash Junction Moores, Charmaine M; Head of St Margarets Bay Moran, Blaise; Port Hood Moran, Blaise; Port Hood Morash, Betty; Dartmouth Morash, Norman & Carol; Dartmouth Moreau, Linda; Eastern Passage Moriarty, Elizabeth; Dartmouth Morris, Darryl; Hatchet Lake Morris, Gary M; Truro Morris, Roderick; Port Hood Morrison, Heather; Halifax Morrison, Heather; Halifax Morrow, Elizabeth & Roland; Monastery Morse, John A; Hantsport Moss, Jane; Middleton Mossman, Faye Walters; Lunenburg Mouat, Gale & John; Dartmouth Mueller, Erhard; Stillwater Lake Muise, Burton; Tusket Muise, Miriam & Victor; Mount Uniacke Muise, Ryan; Yarmouth Muise, Shannon; West Pubnico Mullen, Aiden; Digby Munro, Natalie; Bedford Munroe, Wayne; Kinsac Murphy, Daniel W; Halifax Murphy, Don; Trenton Murphy, Hazel; Halifax Murphy, Hazel; Halifax Murphy, James; Dartmouth Murphy, Janet; Halifax Murrant, Darlene; Antigonish Murray, David; North Sydney Murray, Keith & Sharon; Hammonds Plains Murray, Kirk; Cole Harbour Murray, Kirk; Cole Harbour Myers, David; Black Point Myra, Lynn; East Dover Nahas, Hala; Halifax Napier, Nellie Brothers & Jean; Cambridge Nauf, Andrea; Fall River Naugle, Anthony; Eastern Passage Naugle, Randy; Eastern Passage Naugle, Stephen; Eastern Passage Nauss, Robert; Halifax Nearing, Timothy David & Elizabeth; Glace Bay Neaves, Elaine; Lower Sackville Neild, P; Halifax Newman, Tina; Halifax Ngan, Marie Joan; Bedford Nguyen, Hoang; Dartmouth Nichol, Gabe; Halifax Nickerson, Brandon; Clam Point Nicolle, Christine; Halifax Nicolle, Christine; Halifax Nixon, John & Patricia; Hammonds Plains Nixon, June & Doug; Dartmouth Noel, Rodger & Melissa; Dartmouth Noonan, Jim; Kentville Nordin, Glynn A; Cow Bay 019499 076408 032607 025416 033949 062840 010396 072702 020435 021212 053443 067915 047547 051897 046829 038282 044468 040262 016722 060051 061772 033742 040370 003363 035458 016069 013939 048412 015473 023940 025804 015477 061533 036876 065608 066891 026678 043145 024807 066786 006397 066260 000893 065144 005262 049765 007963 050457 000096 033950 062926 041485 054693 028295 032684 032684 075928 003785 042945 023187 025626 006644 064460 048883 076680 052607 019627 054842 Norman, Mary; Bridgewater Norris, Timothy; Halifax Northcott, Jessie; Beaver Bank Norton, Stephen & Doressa; Dartmouth Noseworthy, Ron; Dartmouth O’Brien, Carolyn; Middle Sackville O’Brien, Gloria; Middle Sackville O’Brien, Kirby; New Minas O’Connell, Harold; Dartmouth O’Connell, Ruth; Lower Sackville O’Grady, Julie; Halifax O’Handley, Adam; Dartmouth O’Neill, Eileen; Lower Sackville O’Neill, Joe & Joyce; Sydney O’Quinn, Heather Ann; Hubley O’Regan, Ryan; Williamswood O’Reilly, Scott; Eastern Passage Oaks, Janice; Bedford Ogley, Pat; Lower Sackville Oickle, Ken & Judy; Middle Sackville Oickle, Susan; Bridgewater Oliver, Wade & Rebecca; Reserve Mines Olsen, Darren; Pembroke Oppedisano, Darlene; Waverley Oppedisano, Darlene; Waverley Ormston, Ron; Dartmouth Osmond, James; Dartmouth Osmond, Nichole; Lower Sackville Osmond, Spencer; Canning Osterling, Kristin; Halifax Otomanski, Margaret; Halifax Oulton, David & Constance; Glen Haven Owen, Christopher; Halifax Owen, Stephen & Shelley; Dayspring Oxby, William; Halifax Pace, Laura; Hubley Parker, Jade; Halifax Parks, Stephen; Greenfield Parsons, Osborn; Hammonds Plains Parsons, Sandra; Dartmouth Patterson, Grace; Halifax Patterson, Paul; Dartmouth Payne, Brenda; Truro Payne, Colleen; Dartmouth Peach, John; Head of Chezzetcook Pearce, Eleanor M & Ross; Musquodoboit Harbour Pearl, Cheryl & Reg; Berwick Pearl, Kathleen; Aylesford Pearson, John A & Helen; Sydney Pearson Sr, Tom; Valley Peck, Douglas; Yarmouth Pellerin, Denise; Mineville Pelrine, Peggy; Halifax Pemberton, Elaine; Hantsport Penny, Coleen; Sydney Penny, Coleen; Sydney Penny, Stephen; Halifax Pereira, Leon; Halifax Perkins, Marilyn F; Lower Sackville Perry, Sharon & Maurice; Halifax Peters, George & Marina; Dartmouth Peterson, Carol; Brookfield Peterson, Colin; Dartmouth Petrie, Loraine; Halifax Pettipas, Darlene; Charlos Cove Pickett, Lorraine; Dartmouth Pickings, Milne & Mary; Upper Lahave Pickles, Colin; Truro 055900 010572 023348 018544 028665 001988 078000 052208 016385 022374 047921 052173 040899 026301 041075 030400 056154 060439 060439 063617 028332 040516 059979 051651 020285 002075 055983 029951 015349 059421 057720 002394 045516 032477 047810 047898 061709 043011 021053 039699 003543 074638 027963 076206 031463 058391 033690 046096 066335 016224 057258 047885 069592 042814 066557 033217 074001 011112 029059 029059 011459 011459 051843 037192 073146 Pierce, Ronald; West Porters Lake Pierrard, Debbie; Baddeck Pike, Barbara & Sam; Windsor Junction Pike, Cameron; Dartmouth Pineau, Jacqueline; Dartmouth Poirier, Natasha; Shelburne Poirier, Paul; Hammonds Plains Poirier, Wayne; Victoria Mines Pomeroy, Rod; Bedford Poole, Clifford & Tanya; Sambro Poole, Laurel; Halifax Pope, Carol; Kentville Porter, Robert; Dartmouth Pothier, John; Falmouth Potter, David; Halifax Pottie, Jerome; L’ardoise Pottier, Mark; Tusket Potvin-White, Colleen; Mahone Bay Potvin-White, Colleen; Mahone Bay Poulain, Pierre; Halifax Powell, Jeff; Fall River Power, Diane; Herring Cove Power, Linda; Kentville Powers, Edith; Shelburne Pratley, Blanche & John; Dartmouth Pratt, Joni; Bedford Probert, Charles Henry; Middle Sackville Publicover, Kerry; Chester Purdy, Herbert W; Barrington Passage Pye, Brent; Eastern Passage Pye, Sharon & Vincent; Dartmouth Pyke, Angus & Merrie; Sydney Quigley, Robert; Dartmouth Quillan, Bev; Waverley Quinlan, Russ & Dale; Beechville Quinlivan-Hall, Duncan; Lower Sackville Quinn, Joan & Howard; Parrsboro Quinn, Warren J; Dartmouth Rafuse, Nellie & John; River John Rainnie, Brenda; Dartmouth Rajaraman, Murali; Halifax Ramia, Charles; Halifax Ranahan, Bill & Donna; New Glasgow Rand, Marilyn; Canning Ranson, Georgina; Main-Adieu Rasmussen, John & Beula; Dartmouth Raymond, Greg; Upper Sackville Raymond, Paul & Donna; Beaver Bank Reardon, Carol; Timberlea Reardon, Holly; Dartmouth Reddick, Nina; Timberlea Redding, Sherry; Beaver Bank Reeves, Linda; New Minas Regan, Genevive; Dartmouth Reid, Allison; Halifax Reid, James; Dartmouth Reid, James Casey; Baddeck Reid, Julia L & James F; Elmsdale Reid, Mary Ann; Lower Sackville Reid, Mary Ann; Lower Sackville Reinhart, Erin; Lower Sackville Reinhart, Erin; Lower Sackville Reynolds, Sherri & David; Falmouth Rhindress, Wendy; Amherst Rhodenizer, Mervin; Barss Corner LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! 075438 004119 038584 021044 003376 073651 042101 070163 064155 000377 054328 021437 007973 026280 023944 053476 030553 043867 006260 058032 060385 060898 040171 052070 066424 055003 055003 063257 020166 020166 005938 039504 003442 021653 018337 071249 017750 051849 026159 013747 044545 040671 051370 037103 073731 071902 040941 065586 072589 019344 019349 071562 008435 074697 074697 060077 050851 Rhodenizer, Victoria; Rhodes Corner Rhuland, Lisa; Mahone Bay Rhyno, Edward; Halifax Rhyno, George & Marie; Timberlea Rhyno, Mike; Hubley Rhyno, Ross; Dartmouth Rhynold, Ann; Canso Rice, Lesley J & Robert; Middle Sackville Richard, Mark; Head of St Margarets Bay Richards, Shawn; Upper Hammonds Plains Richardson, Brian D; Sambro Richardson, Rose; Port Hawkesbury Richert, Ken; Kentville Riley, Doug & Heather; Cole Harbour Riley, Kathy; Windsor Rippey, Janice & Dani; Windsor Ritcey, Allison; Eastern Passage Roach, Jack & Joan; Glace Bay Roache, Thomas; Halifax Roberts, Keith & Elsie; Bedford Roberts, Teresa; Dartmouth Robertson, Amber; Fall River Robicheau, Cecil A; Middleton Robicheau, Ginette; Meteghan Robinson, Arthur; Dartmouth Robinson, George; Hammonds Plains Robinson, George; Hammonds Plains Rochon, Paula & Mathew; Five Islands Rodger, George; Hacketts Cove Rodger, George; Hacketts Cove Rodgers, Donald; Debert Rogers, Darlene; Upper Sackville Rogers, John E; Stewiacke Rogers, Kirk; Centreville Rolle, Brandon; Halifax Romkey, Darren; Lunenburg Romkey, Thelma & Don; Upper Stewiacke Romney, Philip; Bridgewater Ronaldson, Joni; Dartmouth Rondelet, Robert; Merigomish Rose, David; North Sydney Ross, Catharine; Halifax Ross, Janet; Halifax Ross, Mackie & Sandra; Parrsboro Roulston, Ross; Upper Rawdon Routledge, Trevor; Halifax Roy, Jenna; Dartmouth Roy, Leroy; Halifax Rozee, Burton; Lower Sackville Rudolph, Ronnie; Halifax Rudolph, Ronnie; Halifax Rushton, Jim & Lillian; Debert Russell, Bob; Mulgrave Russell, Jen; Brookside Russell, Jen; Brookside Russell, Paul & Evelyn; Lawrencetown Rutka, (In Trust) Karen; Halifax 069241 046973 035779 027231 051482 049981 013812 060349 018417 004207 038190 021803 059414 053220 062068 011068 014550 031651 011160 074162 057879 033969 076161 062795 028109 028109 030126 007209 059989 070368 001053 003735 013185 007544 047635 047996 068302 039766 003845 036896 071427 022205 018449 059185 029743 058622 009714 042404 001280 022771 008152 037669 069904 006723 015385 029051 073772 Ryan, Dan; Howie Center Ryder, Maude; Halifax Ryerson, Gerald; Halifax Saab, Gordon; Halifax Safire, Robert Doyle; East Lawrencetown Sampson, Cindy; Halifax Sampson, Mel; Halifax Sangster, Matthew & Maria; Stellarton Saulnier, Michelle; Dartmouth Saunderson, Jane; Brookfield Savage, Darlene; Bear River Savoie, Sebastien; Timberlea Sayer, Roger; Upper Tantallon Scanlon, Angela; Timberlea Scaravelli, Lance & Lorna; Trenton Scattolon, James & Faith; Dartmouth Schoen, Doris; Halifax Schofield, Cristal; New Glasgow Schwartz, Yvonne; Halifax Scott, Barry; Bedford Scott, Bill; Enfield Scott, Linda; Canning Scott, Shelagh; Mildford Scratch, Dave & Theresa; Lower Sackville Seaman, Jayne; Dartmouth Seaman, Jayne; Dartmouth Sears, Cathy; Antigonish Sears, Ken; Windsor Sellars, William; Halifax Seller, Jonathan; Halifax Sellon, Edith; Hubbards Seward, Gloria & Clarence; Sydney Seyforth, David &suzanne; Berwick Shacklock, Barbara; Halifax Shaffer, Steve & Barb; Kentville Shanahan, John; Westville Shanahan, Mike; New Glasgow Shanahan, Nilda; Sydney Shand, Norman & Hazel; Shag Harbour Shand, Rodney & Phyllis; Barrington Passage Shannon Loomis, Carmel; Bedford Sharma, Dinesh; Halifax Shaw, Patricia; Cole Harbour Shepard, Percy & Leona; Louisbourg Sheppard, Douglas & Terry Lynn; Glace Bay Sheppard, Pauline; Halifax Shubaly, Meaghan; Dartmouth Shunamon, Donna & Wayne; Kingston Sigut, Florence; Sydney Silver, Barbara; Bedford Silver, Ronald; Lower Northfield Simard Pelletier, Monique; Dartmouth Simmons, Glad; Wellington Simms, Ranald; Lower Sackville Simpson, Karen R & Lowell; Centreville Singer, Lisa M; Kennetcook Singleton, Geraldine; Hantsport 040989 031657 055998 013432 041192 005749 012788 040288 060745 069563 024361 051021 054123 028935 010678 031755 052204 053420 003610 056711 069054 057870 052886 008383 047193 076429 039047 009954 012346 008302 003639 030411 005409 005346 050286 018073 064355 022915 049478 049479 016263 075612 059987 075634 062375 016871 040863 000774 048277 046523 019956 023502 008936 023779 076342 057343 061393 060932 Skinner, David; Dartmouth Skinner, David S; Amherst Skinner, Jeff; Hammonds Plains Slattery, John; Lower Sackville Sloan, David; Dartmouth Smith, Arnold Warren; Middle Musquodoboit Smith, Beverly; Windsor Smith, Blair & Theresa; Kentville Smith, Constance June; Clarks Harbour Smith, Dean & Pam; Dartmouth Smith, Eric; Clarks Harbour Smith, Gary & Barb; Lower Branch Smith, Glennis & Ernest; Brookside Smith, Irene; Sydney Mines Smith, James; Cross Roads Country Harbour Smith, Janet; Halifax Smith, Judy; Pictou Smith, Mark; Dartmouth Smith, Ralph & Joanne; Windsor Smith, Wayne; Hilden Sniezyk, Maggie; Wolfville Snow, Philip; Sydney Sodero, Ted & Shannon; Halifax Sollows, Vivian; Port Maitland Soloy, Lauren; Bridgetown Soni, Pritpal; Hammonds Plains Soper, Alan B; Brooklyn Sparkes, Kim; Middle Sackville Spearns, Barry; Halifax Spears, Christine & Dan; Bedford Spears, D Bruce; Westville Spencer, Elizabeth & Donald; Summerville Spencer, Ryan; Beaver Bank Spencer, Steve; New Minas Sponagle, Harold; Halifax Spracklin, Donna; Truro Sproule, Leonie; Hatchet Lake Spruin, Alan & Tanya; Dartmouth Squarebriggs, Stirling; Berwick Squarebriggs, Stirling; Berwick Stacey, Cooper; Waverley Steele, Sheldon; Dartmouth Steeves, Shirley; Dartmouth Stevens, Ella; Halifax Stevens, Harry; Meaghers Grant Stevens, Scot; Sydney Stevens, Vicki; Porters Lake Stevenson, Ken; Halifax Stewart, Donnie & Wilhelmina; Antigonish Stewart, Ingam J; Berwick Stewart, Kenneth; Rhodes Corner Stewart, Susan A; Pictou Stiles, Loretta; Springhill Stone, Angelia & Jeff; New Glasgow Strochuk, Jennie; Lower Sackville Strohm, Elaine; Shearwater Stuart, Brenda; Enfield Surette, Winnifred & Roger; Yarmouth 057350 060044 006051 068951 033009 002593 043689 060942 028114 029613 076385 011731 004449 017368 043388 010564 017599 037527 048016 070687 012399 019518 002457 070658 027073 034620 047794 037050 070346 053433 016169 034765 006408 028875 036279 036283 060340 067746 018394 005669 004318 033980 039426 044290 046331 046332 022626 002810 046183 038010 051559 050716 074421 011364 047877 017759 014236 012497 009849 069813 013825 066742 Sutherland, Lindsay; Dartmouth Sutherland, Pamela; Shubenacadie Swan, Rose; Point Aconi Sweet, John; Lower Sackville Swim, Charles; Bridgewater Swim, Georgina; Barrington Swinamer, Lisa; Lake Echo Symonds, Chadrick; Lower Woods Harbour Taggart, Don; Coldbrook Talwar, Joanne; Halifax Tascona, Brooke; Halifax Tasse, Martin; Middle Sackville Taylor, Bill; Bedford Taylor, James E; Dartmouth Taylor, Linda; Dartmouth Taylor, Nancy; Lower Sackville Taylor, (In Trust) Peter; Valley Teasdale, Pamela; Dartmouth Terrio, Kristopher; Halifax Terrio, Patrick; D’Escousse Terris, Michael; Bedford Theriault, Donald Andrew; Annapolis Royal Thistle, Greg; Halifax Thistle, Michele; Halifax Thomas, Charlene; Dartmouth Thomas, George; Halifax Thomas, Lane; Halifax Thompson, Sandy & Robert; Elmsdale Thompson, Shawn; Lake Echo Thompson, Tina; Fenwick Thorburn, Sheila & Or David; Shelburne Thorne, Terry; Dartmouth Thornham, Daniel; Dartmouth Thornton, Jennifer; Halifax Thurston, Reigh; Hebron Thurston, Reigh; Hebron Tibbel, Phil; Salt Springs Tiddyt, Roger; New Germany Tingley, William; Halifax Tinkham, Gary; Dartmouth Titus, Blaze; Dartmouth Toney-Janes, Lisa; Cambridge Tooker, Christopher & Jane; Clementsvale Totten, John R; Tatamagouche Toulany, Elias & Bonnie; Dartmouth Toulany, Elias & Bonnie; Dartmouth Toulany, Kamil; Head of Chezzetcook Tracey, Laurie; Halifax Tracy, Veronica; Middle Sackville Tran, Terri-Lynn; Fergusons Cove Trefry, Holly; Digby Treloar, Jacqueline; Jordan Falls Trimper, Matt; Beaver Bank Tucker, Randall G; Dartmouth Tufts, Deanna; Lakeview Turner, Carroll; Dartmouth Turner, Ernest; Granville Ferry Turner, Ken & Helen; Lower Sackville Tuttle, Megan; Fall River Udall, Robert; Chester Ueffing, Susan; Hammonds Plains Urquhart, Connie; Baddeck 070459 006592 006593 049037 001726 001726 065041 003161 035602 067447 046635 073619 017545 060146 068037 047846 061963 055257 073461 064847 014563 019330 065506 034698 073854 001708 068687 026110 011691 052505 034866 029389 024605 066417 042987 042987 033955 050007 036305 045154 012529 072897 073079 073079 063025 042229 073996 031568 063434 045809 000891 009246 007888 071203 042266 055063 011326 058269 053682 013235 Usher, Martyn & Elizabeth; Porters Lake Vacon, Danny; Tusket Vacon, Danny; Tusket Vale, Jane; Pugwash Van Der Poel, Irene; Truro Van Der Poel, Irene; Truro Van Dyk, Jeannie; Maitland Vanduiven, Ruth; Moser River Varbeff, Lillian; Dartmouth Vaughan, Lesa; Bedford Veinot, Wayne; Bridgewater Venedam, Sharon; Dartmouth Vermeir, Jacques & Kay; Dartmouth Verrette, Marcel & Colleen; Mineville Verrier, Darren; Windsor Victor, Michelle; East Lawrencetown Victor, Nick; Stillwater Lake Vigliarolo, Jamie; Dartmouth Viney, Dawn; Dartmouth Voerman, Gardia; Middle Sackville Walker, Dawn; Bedford Wall, Brian; Enfield Wall, Shane; Halifax Wall, William; Halifax Wallace, Maxine; Truro Wallace, William; Antigonish Walsh, Corinne; Halifax Walsh, Patricia; Sydney Walters, Gordon; Blockhouse Walton, Barbara; Middle Sackville Wamback, Theresa; Whites Lake Wambolt, Glen & Fay; Sydney Wang, Guan Xing; Bedford Ward, Garnet & Darleen; Centreville Warner, Elizabeth; Dartmouth Warner, Elizabeth; Dartmouth Warren, Donna; Hammonds Plains Warren, Michael L & Charlene; Monastery Warren, Robert; Dartmouth Watrfild, Douglas & Bess; Bedford Watt, Erin; Dartmouth Watters, Joan M; Eastern Passage Waybret, Ronald; Lower East Pubnico Waybret, Ronald; Lower East Pubnico Weatherbee, Bill; Springhill Webber, Dave; Dartmouth Webber, John; Scotch Village Webbink, Nancy; Hammonds Plains Wedge, Charles; Dartmouth Weir, Phyllis; New Minas Weldon, Trevor; Head of St Margarets Bay Welsh, Heather; Truro Wentzell, Gary; Bridgewater Werenka, Cindy; Hilden Whalen, Joe; New Glasgow Whalen, Shawn; Hubley Whare, Bradley J; Dartmouth Wheatley, Mark R; Brookside White, Corey; Porters Lake White, Frank & Bernadette; Beaver Bank 059530 024738 074451 069033 030347 067972 004581 054138 050095 071868 012134 014157 056339 073824 010959 033475 021602 039360 020621 072183 060259 036475 016010 036040 038770 031828 057426 010585 076940 023160 035264 043963 073859 001738 049010 042533 041064 063023 015745 009489 White Jr, Ron; Amherst Whittle, Dave & Jane; Hatchet Lake Whymark, George; Beaver Bank Whynot, Brad; Brookside Whynot, Brenda & Donald; Danesville Whynot, Nicholas; Halifax Wilkins, Marilyn; Wilmot Station Williams, Arlene; Bedford Williams, Bernard R & Joyce; Dartmouth Williams, Carl & Merelys; Grand Pre Williams, Helen; Fall River Williams, Julia; Dartmouth Williams, Monica; Bridgewater Williams, Terry; Lower Sackville Wilson, Bernard; Halifax Wilson, Bryson; Halifax Wilson, Charles; Dartmouth Wilson, John& Debra; Halifax Wilson, Peter; Hantsport Winters, Richard; Dartmouth Wolfe, Henry; Lake Echo Wong, Mary R; Antigonish Wood, Bruce; Halifax Woodford, Myrna; Glace Bay Woodman, Gail & Kirk; Middle Sackville Woodworth, Gregory K; Brooklyn Woodworth, Karen; Halifax Woodworth, Marianne & Charles; Berwick Woolvett, Amy; Sable River Wright, Christine & Lonny; Dartmouth Wright, Florence; New Germany Yeomans, Janice; Bedford Young, Elizabeth & Dale; Ellershouse Young, John; Halifax Young, Ryan; Dartmouth Younis, Tallal & Corrine; Halifax Yuill, Robbie; Lower Truro Zinck, George E; East Dover Zwicker, Janet; Camperdown Zwicker, Marshall A; Pine Grove This concludes our list of all prize winners. Visit every day in December to see if you’re a winner in the 2014 QEII Home Lottery Cash Calendar! Every day we will announce a winner – $5,000 cash, the $10,000 weekly prize on Fridays, and the big $50,000 cash prize on December 31! Cash Calendar winners will be posted at every day in December. November 20,2014 15 of 16 LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14 Congratulations to all Prize Winners in the QEII Home Lottery 2014! Thank you for supporting what matters most – your health, the health of your loved ones and the health of your community. “Taking that first step Your ticket purchase for the 2014 QEII Home Lottery will help strengthen care for patients at the QEII Health Sciences Centre, in all 10 buildings in the pool was an across both the Halifax Infirmary and VG sites. important milestone. Proceeds will help fund many of the QEII’s top priorities including vital I realized that my goal, research, equipment and patient comfort and care. This includes restoring the therapeutic pool at the QEII’s Nova Scotia Rehabilitation to live independently, Centre; improving outpatient clinics at the VG site through new exam was attainable.” rooms, medical equipment and technology; and helping create Atlantic Canada’s first academic neurosciences program to advance care for - Michael Coady “ patients with disorders of the nervous system. Your support is changing lives and saving lives. Michael Coady Thank you for sharing our vision of better health. A snowboarding accident at 16 years old left Michael paralyzed. Six years later, Michael lives independently and credits the QEII’s Rehabilitation Centre and its staff for helping him get there. To learn more, visit Should a discrepancy occur between this winners list and the official records of Deloitte LLP, the latter shall be deemed final and correct. The professional services firm of Deloitte LLP will notify all winners in writing regarding the claiming of prizes. Special Thanks to our Prize Suppliers and Ticket Outlets Absolute Travel Specialists Ltd. Land Rover Halifax The Brick Atlantic Photo Supply Maritime Lawn & Garden The Trail Shop CAA Travel Maritime Travel Volvo of Halifax CanMac Watercraft and More Marlin Pools and Spas Cyclesmith O’Regan’s Automotive Group Henry’s Porsche of Halifax . . . and all others who provided goods and services. il Mercato Trattoria, Ristorante a Mano, The Bicycle Thief, La Frasca Cibi & Vini Privateers Harley-Davidson November 20,2014 Thank you to the builder of the Grand Prize Showhome. Thank you to the builder of the Grand Prize Penthouse Our thanks to the professional services firm for ticket issuance and draw control. Thank you for supporting the QEII Foundation. Schooner Cove Marine DID YOU WIN? 16 of 16 Search this winners list online at LL #AGD-104053, 55, 57-14
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