San Francisco | 15-19 December 2014 Session & Page Numbering Paper Numbers - A paper number designates the section, or other sponsoring group, and chronology of the presentation. Example: A21A-01 = Atmospheric Sciences, Tuesday, AM, concurrent session A, first paper in that session. A 2 1 Discipline Day Time A - 01 Session Sequence in Session Day Time 1 = Monday 1 = AM 0800–1000 2 = Tuesday 2 = AM 1020–1220 3 = Wednesday 3 = PM 1340–1540 4 = Thursday 4 = PM 1600–1800 5 = Friday 5 = PM 1830–1930 Session Information Oral Sessions Sessions are being held in the following venues: Moscone West, Levels 2 and 3 Moscone South, Esplanade Level and Lower Level (Gateway Ballroom) Poster Sessions Posters are on display in the following venues throughout the week: Moscone South, Lower Level, Poster Hall Moscone West, Level 1, Poster Hall 0930h U41A-07 Modeling Stratigraphic Architecture of Deep-water Deposits Using a Small Unmanned Aircraft: Neogene Thin-bedded Turbidites, East Coast Basin, New Zealand: N Nieminski, S A Graham 0945h U41A-08 Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in coastal areas: lessons learned from applications in Liguria, NW Mediterranean: A Rovere, E Casella, A Pedroncini, L Mucerino, M Casella, L A Cusati, M Vacchi, M Ferrari, M Firpo ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES A41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Constraining Climate Model Simulations and Predictions Using Observations I Posters 0815h U41A-02 NOAA Utilization of the Global Hawk Unmanned Aircraft for Atmospheric Research and Forecast Improvement: G A Wick, R E Hood, M L Black, J R Spackman, F M Ralph, J M Intrieri, T F Hock, P J Neiman 0830h U41A-03 UAS-Based Radar Sounding of Ice: R D Hale, S Keshmiri, C Leuschen, M Ewing, J B Yan, F Rodriguez-Morales, S Gogineni 0845h U41A-04 Recent Advances in the Tempest UAS for In-Situ Measurements in Highly-Dynamic Environments: B M Argrow, E Frew, A L Houston, C Weiss 0900h U41A-05 Greenhouse Gas Sensing Using Small Unmanned Aerial Systems – Field Experiment Results and Future Directions: A D Aubrey, L E Christensen, R Brockers, D R Thompson 0915h U41A-06 Using Small Unmanned Aerial Systems to Advance Hydrological Models in Coastal Watersheds: R Moorhead, L Hathcock, J J Coffey, R E Hood, S van Cooten, K Choate, H Rawson, A Kosturock 0800h A41A-3018 POSTER Vertical Distributions of Cloud Water Content Associated with Different Cloud Types as Observed by A-Train Satellites: L Huang, J H Jiang, Z Wang, H Su, M Deng, S T Massie 0800h A41A-3019 POSTER Seasonal variations of marine boundary layer clouds and climate warming sensitivity: C Zhai, J H Jiang, H Su A41B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h 0800h A41A-3002 POSTER Parameter Estimation in CLM4.0 Using Surrogate Model Based Global Optimization: J Mueller, C A Shoemaker, N M Mahowald, R Paudel 0800h A41A-3003 POSTER Evaluation of Interannual Variability of Cloud Liquid Water Path in Climate Models Using a Multidecadal Record of Passive Microwave Observations: A Manaster, G Elsaesser, C O’Dell 0800h A41A-3006 POSTER Obs4MIPS: Satellite Observations for CMIP6 Model Evaluation: R Ferraro, D E Waliser, P J Gleckler, K E Taylor, V Eyring 0800h A41A-3007 POSTER An Analysis of Precipitation Associated With the ITCZ in the CMIP5 AMIP and Historical-Coupled GCM Simulations: A Quantitative Assessment of Magnitude and Position: R Stanfield, J H Jiang, X Dong, B Xi, H Su 0800h A41A-3008 POSTER Quantifying the Lack of Consistency between Climate Model Projections and Observations of the Evolution of the Earth’s Average Surface Temperature since the Mid-20th Century: P J Michaels, P C Knappenberger 0800h A41A-3009 POSTER Decadal Variability of Clouds and Comparison with Climate Model Simulations: H Su, T J Shen, J H Jiang, Y L Yung 0800h A41A-3010 POSTER Creating “Intelligent” Climate Model Ensemble Averages Using a ProcessBased Framework: N C Baker, P C Taylor 0800h A41A-3011 POSTER Atmospheric water balance and trend over ocean estimated from satellite, merged and reanalysis data: D B Shin, H J Park 0800h A41A-3012 POSTER How does the difference between low- and high-latitude climate sensitivity affect climate feedback diagnosis?: J Park, Y S Choi, H Cho Improved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components II Posters (joint with GC) Presiding: Arturo Sanchez-Lorenzo, University of Girona; Martin Wild, ETH Zurich; Paul Stackhouse, NASA Langley Research Center; Nikos Hatzianastassiou, Univ Ioannina 0800h A41B-3021 POSTER The NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget: Next Generation Data Product With Reprocessed ISCCP: S J Cox, P W Stackhouse, S K Gupta, J C Mikovitz, T Zhang 0800h A41B-3022 POSTER Re-Evaluation of the Earth’s Surface Energy Balance Using a New Method of Heat Fluxes: S Y Huang, Y Deng, J Wang 0800h A41B-3024 POSTER Cloud-Dependent Surface Energy Budgets over the Ocean: Observation-Based and Reanalysis Estimates: S Wong, T S L’Ecuyer, E J Fetzer 0800h A41B-3025 POSTER A new CM SAF Solar Surface Radiation Climate Data Set derived from Meteosat Satellite Observations: J Trentmann, R W MГјller, U Pfeifroth, C TrГ¤ger-Chatterjee, R Cremer 0800h A41B-3026 POSTER Development and Analysis of a Global, Terrestrial Sensible Heat Flux Dataset: A Siemann, G Coccia, N Chaney, E F Wood 0800h A41B-3027 POSTER Interannual Variations and Recurrent Seasonal Discrepancies in Land Surface Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes from Satellite Data and a Land Surface Model: A Lipton, P Liang, C Jimenez, J L Moncet, F Aires, C Prigent, R Lynch, R P d’Entremont 0800h A41B-3028 POSTER An Evaluation of the Net Tropical Ocean Surface Heat Flux from Atmospheric and Ocean Reanalysis: C Binkley, K H Cook 0800h A41B-3029 POSTER Improving and validating 3D models for the leaf energy balance in canopyscale problems with complex geometry: B Bailey, R Stoll II, N E Miller, E Pardyjak, W Mahaffee 0800h A41B-3030 POSTER Seasonal dynamics of the land surface energy balance of a boreal forest-peatland landscape affected by degrading permafrost in the Taiga Plains, Canada: M Helbig, K Wischnewski, L Chasmer, W L Quinton, N Kljun, M Detto, O Sonnentag 0800h A41B-3031 POSTER Investigation of wind turbine effects on Evapotranspiration using surface energy balance model based on satellite-derived data: E hassanpour Adeh, C W Higgins 0800h A41B-3032 POSTER Seasonal and interannual variation of energy balance and partition over a rain-fed cropland in the semi-arid area of Loess Plateau, northwestern China: X Chen, Y Yu 0800h A41B-3023 POSTER Evaluations of Surface Shortwave and Longwave Radiation from Earth System Models of CMIP5: Q Ma, K Wang, M Wild Union Agency Lecture Secretary Sally Jewell U.S. Department of the Interior Thursday, 18 December 12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M. Moscone South, Gateway Ballroom Rooms 103-104 0800h A41A-3013 POSTER Relationships Between Ice Cloud Properties and Radiative Effects from A-Train Observations and Global Climate Models: B J Berry, G G Mace All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 1 0800h A41A-3017 POSTER Examining Model Fidelity via Shadowing Time: H Du, L A Smith 0800h A41A-3001 POSTER Thermodynamic and Dynamic Control of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor: H Takahashi, H Su, J H Jiang 0800h A41A-3005 POSTER An Assessment of Upper Tropospheric and Lower Stratospheric Moisture Simulations in Analysis and Reanalysis Models Using 10-Year Aura MLS Observations: J H Jiang, H Su 0800h U41A-01 Observations of the Summertime Boundary Layer over the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica Using SUMO UAVs: M A Nigro, J J Cassano, B Jolly, A McDonald 0800h A41A-3016 POSTER Observational Constraints of Humidity Climatology From GPS Radio Occultation measurements: P Vergados, J H Jiang, H Su, A J Mannucci 0800h A41A-3020 POSTER Revisiting Earth Radiation Budget from ERBE Wide-Field-of-View Nonscanner: A K Shrestha, S Kato, T Wong, P W Stackhouse, G L Smith, F G Rose, W F Miller, K Bush, D A Rutan, P Minnis, D Doelling UNION Presiding: Gijs de Boer, University of Colorado at Boulder; John Cassano, Univ Colorado; John Burkhart, Organization Not Listed 0800h A41A-3015 POSTER A Scenario Is A Projection Is A Forecast: And All Should Be Verified: W M Briggs Presiding: Hui Su, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Jonathan Jiang, Jet Propulsion Lab; Leo Donner, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 0800h A41A-3004 POSTER Convective Mixing, Lower Tropospheric Stability and Low Cloud Feedback: H Su, J H Jiang, C Zhai, T P J Shen Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in Observing the Earth System (Virtual Session) 18 DECEMBER The program is current as of 14 November 2014. An omitted abstract ID number in the presentation order indicates that the abstract has been withdrawn by the presenter from the session. Please refer to the online program for updates: THURSDAY A.M. U41A Moscone West 2009 Thursday0800h THURSDAY 2014 1 11/28/2014 11:06:14 AM 0800h A41B-3033 POSTER Estimating Turbulent Surface Fluxes from Small Unmanned Aircraft: Evaluation of Current Abilities: G de Boer, D Lawrence, J Elston, J J Cassano, J Mack, N Wildmann, M A Nigro, M Ivey, D E Wolfe, A Muschinski 0800h A41B-3034 POSTER Simulation of Lake Surface Heat Fluxes by the Canadian Small Lake Model: Offline Performance Assessment for Future Coupling with a Regional Climate Model: P Pernica, J L Guerrero, M MacKay, H S Wheater 0800h A41B-3035 POSTER Understanding the combined cloud-aerosol radiative effect for heterogeneous scenes: S Song, S Schmidt, P Pilewskie, S E Platnick, J W Hair, J Redemann, S E LeBlanc, M Segal-Rosenhaimer, C J Flynn, B Schmid 0800h A41B-3036 POSTER Cloud Radiative Effect to Downward Longwave Radiation in the Polar Regions: K Yamada, T Hayasaka 0800h A41B-3037 POSTER Quantifying Cloud Radiative Effects in the Tropical Western Pacific: C D Burleyson, C N Long, J M Comstock 0800h A41B-3038 POSTER Transmission in Solar UV and Total Radiation for Different conditions of Cloud, Aerosol and Ozone at Seoul: H Lee 0800h A41B-3039 POSTER Long-Term Trends of Observed and Simulated Total Cloud Cover over the Mediterranean Region: A Sanchez-Lorenzo, J Calbo Angrill, A Enriquez-Alonso, J A GonzГЎlez, M Wild, D Folini, J R Norris 0800h A41B-3040 POSTER Downward shortwave radiation trends in Europe since the 20th century: what we know from direct measurements and sunshine duration records: A Sanchez-Lorenzo, M Wild, J Calbo Angrill, M Brunetti, E van den Besselaar, J A Guijarro, A Sanchez-Romero, A Klein Tank, V Manara, S M Vicente-Serrano, E Palle Bago, K Wang, M Hakuba, J Trentmann 0800h A41B-3041 POSTER Stochastic Simulation of Daily Solar Radiation from Sunshine Duration: N Lockart, D Kavetski, S W Franks 0800h A41C-3053 POSTER Uncertainty in the Identification of Indian Summer Monsoon Onset: S A S, S Ghosh 0800h A41C-3054 POSTER Projections of Active and Break Spells of the Indian Summer Monsoon using Original and Statistical Downscaled CMIP5 GCMs: S Singh, K Salvi, S Ghosh, S Karmakar 0800h A41C-3056 POSTER Interannual Variability in the Large-Scale Dynamics of the South Asian Summer Monsoon: J M Walker, S Bordoni, T Schneider A41E Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Mineral Dust Aerosols: From Small-Scale Insights to Large-Scale Understanding I Posters (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with B, EP, GC) 0800h A41E-3104 POSTER Characterization of longrange transported Saharan dust by means of groundbased Raman and depolarization lidar measurements at Barbados: S Gross, V Freudenthaler, A SchГ¤fler, C Toledano, M Wiegner, B Weinzierl, G Ehret Presiding: Jasper Kok, University of California Los Angeles; Amato Evan, Scripps Institute of Oceanography; Kerstin Schepanski, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research; James King, Indiana University Bloomington 0800h A41E-3105 POSTER Dust Storm over the Middle East: Retrieval Approach, Source Identification, and Trend Analysis: A Moridnejad, N Karimi, P A Ariya 0800h A41C-3057 POSTER Monsoons and Their Response to Climate Change in Idealized GCM Experiments: A Laraia, S Bordoni 0800h A41C-3058 POSTER The Role of African topography in the South Asian Monsoon: H H Wei, S Bordoni 0800h A41C-3059 POSTER ВВВThe Role of the Tibetan Plateau in the South Asian Monsoon Atmospheric Circulation: S Ortega Arango, P J Webster, V E Toma 0800h A41C-3060 POSTER Impact of biennial SST oscillation on the Southeast Asian summer monsoon: J Kim, K Y Kim 0800h A41C-3061 POSTER The Impact of Boreal Summer Intra-Seasonal Oscillation on the development of extremely wet and dry condition in South Asian Summer Monsoon: M Minamide, S Ahmad, T Koike A41D Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Intraseasonal to Interannual Variability of the Asian Monsoon in a Changing Climate II Posters (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with GC) 0800h A41D-3063 POSTER Intraseasonal Variability of the South Asian Summer Monsoon: Present-day Simulations with the Regional Atmospheric Model HIRHAM5: F S Hanf, A Rinke, K Dethloff 0800h A41C-3044 POSTER Investigating the Systematic Biases on Intraseasonal Time-Scale in NCEP CFSv2 Simulated Indian Summer Monsoon – an Effort of Improvement through Superparameterization Technique: B B Goswami, M S Deshpande, R P M M Krishna, P Mukhopadhyay, S R Anguluri, R G Murtugudde, M Khairoutdinov, B N Goswami 0800h A41C-3045 POSTER Evaluation of Boreal Summer Monsoon Intraseasonal Variability in the GASS-YOTC Multi-Model Physical Processes Experiment: N J Mani, D E Waliser, X Jiang 0800h A41C-3046 POSTER Simulation of monsoon intraseasonal oscillations in a coarse resolution aquaplanet GCM: A M Ravindran, B Khouider, A Majda 0800h A41C-3047 POSTER Inter-annual Variability of Monsoon Low Pressure Systems in Reanalysis and Climate model Simulation: V Praveen, S Sandeep, A M Ravindran 0800h A41C-3048 POSTER Understanding the regional anthropogenic signature in weakening of the south Asian Summer Monsoon: S TP 0800h A41C-3049 POSTER A Spatio-Temporal Approach To Evolution Of Spatial Homogeneity Of Monsoon Extremes Over India: S Ghosh, B Banerjee, S Sandeep, A M Ravindran 0800h A41C-3050 POSTER An Assessment of Real Time Extended Range Forecast of 2013 Indian Summer Monsoon: N Borah, A K Sahai, S Abhilash, R Chattopadhyay, S Joseph, S S, A Kumar 0800h A41C-3052 POSTER Soil-Moisture and Precipitation coupling in observations and GCM over intra-seasonal timescales: S Agrawal 2 AGU2014News.indb 2 2014 0800h A41E-3102 POSTER Impact of Dust Events during 2003-2014 on the Ecological Changes in Bohai Sea (China): A Chauhan, S Zheng, C Cao, R P Singh 0800h A41E-3103 POSTER Electron Microanalysis of Aerosols Collected at Mauna Loa Observatory During an Asian Dust Storm Event: J M Conny, R D Willis, D L Ortiz-Montalvo, A Colton A41C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h 0800h A41C-3043 POSTER Intraseasonal Oscillations of the Indian Monsoon Rainfall during 1901-2010: V Krishnamurthy 0800h A41E-3101 POSTER Asian Dust Particles Identified with Microscopes: Aging, Mixing and Subsequence: D Zhang, Y Iwasaka, G Y Shi 0800h A41D-3080 POSTER Zonal Oscillation of Western Pacific Subtropical High and Subseasonal SST Variations during Yangtze Persistent Heavy Rainfall Events: X Ren, X Q Yang, X Sun Presiding: Ajaya Mohan Ravindran, New York University Abu Dhabi; Simona Bordoni, California Institute of Technology; Venkat Krishnamurthy, George Mason University Fairfax Presiding: Ajaya Mohan Ravindran, New York University Abu Dhabi; Simona Bordoni, California Institute of Technology; Venkat Krishnamurthy, George Mason University Fairfax 0800h A41D-3079 POSTER Coupling of Indian and East Asian Monsoon Precipitation in July-August: J A Day, I Y Fung, C M Risi 0800h A41E-3099 POSTER Light Absorption by Soil Dust in Regional Haze over the United States: W H White, K Trzepla, N P Hyslop 0800h A41C-3055 POSTER Characteristics of Lowpressure Systems associated with Intraseasonal Oscillation of Rainfall over Bangladesh during Boreal Summer : D Hatsuzuka, H Fujinami, T Yasunari 0800h A41B-3042 POSTER Blue Hill Observatory Sunshine – Assessment of Climate Signals in the Longest Continuous Meteorological Record in North America: N B Magee, P Finocchio, E K Melaas, M J Iacono Intraseasonal to Interannual Variability of the Asian Monsoon in a Changing Climate I Posters (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with GC) 0800h A41D-3078 POSTER The Relationship Between Monsoon Onset and Synoptic Scale Features of the Australian Monsoon: S Narsey, H Zhang, C Jakob, A F Moise, S L Lavender 0800h A41D-3064 POSTER Subseasonal variability of precipitation in China during boreal winter: Y Yao, H Lin, Q Wu 0800h A41D-3065 POSTER Recent intensification of the western Pacific subtropical high associated with East Asian summer monsoon: S Matsumura, S Sugimoto, T Sato 0800h A41D-3066 POSTER Two distinct intraseasonal modes of summer rainfall variation over the eastern Tibetan Plateau: J Yang, H He, Q Bao, B Wang, R Mao, D Gong 0800h A41D-3067 POSTER Distinguished Intraseasonal Characteristics in East Asian-western North Pacific summer monsoon: H Oh, K J Ha, J E Chu, H Moon, K S Yun 0800h A41D-3068 POSTER Decadal Changes of Meiyu Rainfall Around 1991 and Its Relationship with Two Types of ENSO: J Zhu, D Huang, Y Zhang, A Huang, X Kuang, Y Huang 0800h A41D-3069 POSTER Future changes in precipitation of the baiu season under RCP scenarios: Y Okada, T Takemi, H Ishikawa 0800h A41D-3070 POSTER Effects of Tibetan Plateau and Tropical Ocean on Autumn Rainfall Variation in Southwest China: Y Liu 0800h A41D-3071 POSTER The Development of Ensemble Statistical Prediction Model for Changma (EASM) Rainfall : J Kim, K H Seo, J H Son 0800h A41D-3073 POSTER Moist Static Energy as an Indicator of South Asian Summer Monsoon Dynamics: A L D’Agostino, R L Miller 0800h A41D-3074 POSTER Possible Linkage between Arctic Oscillation and Climate over South China Sea during the Boreal Spring: J Qu, D Gong 0800h A41D-3075 POSTER Topology and Seasonal Evolution of the Network of Extreme Precipitation over the Indian Subcontinent and Sri Lanka: P Martin, V Stolbova, B Bookhagen, N Marwan, J Kurths 0800h A41D-3076 POSTER Impact of East Asian Summer Monsoon on the Interannual Variation of South Asian High: P Zhang, Y Liu, J Lu 0800h A41D-3077 POSTER Response of Monsoons to Extreme Climates Using an Idealized GCM: R Payne, J E Lee THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0800h A53D-3247 POSTER Convective clouds: From aerosols filter to smoking machine: N BenMoshe, P A Ginoux, S J Lin 0800h A41E-3082 POSTER The Role of Meteorology and Surface Condition to Multi-Decadal Variations of Dust Emission in Sahara and Sahel: D Kim, M Chin, T L Diehl, H Bian, M E Brown, L A Remer, W R Stockwell 0800h A41E-3083 POSTER Climatology and variability of the Middle Eastern summer Shamal wind : Implications to dust storm variability: Y Yu, M Notaro 0800h A41E-3084 POSTER Dust and highway safety in the Southern Plains of the US: J J Li 0800h A41E-3085 POSTER Relating Observations of Natural Wind Erosion Events with Field Wind Tunnel Measurements: T M Zobeck, R S Van Pelt 0800h A41E-3086 POSTER Dust transport from glacierized rivers of southern Alaska to the Gulf of Alaska: Interannual variability in magnitude and sources: J Crusius, A W Schroth, R W Campbell, J Resing, S Gasso 0800h A41E-3087 POSTER Internal boundary layer devleopment over a salt pan: Measured and modelled dust emissions: J King, G Wiggs, K Haustein, F D Eckardt, D S G Thomas, R Washington 0800h A41E-3088 POSTER DO4Models: Testing the Performance of Current Dust Emission Schemes from a Box and Climate Model Perspective: K Haustein, R Washington, J King, G Wiggs, D S G Thomas, L Menut 0800h A41E-3089 POSTER Radiative Effects of Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols on the Structure of African Easterly Waves: E Bercos-Hickey, T R Nathan, S H Chen 0800h A41E-3090 POSTER Radiative Effect of Saharan Mineral Dust on the Nonlinear Dynamics of African Easterly Waves: D Grogan, T R Nathan, S Chen 0800h A41E-3091 POSTER A Theory for the Effects of Dust-Radiative Heating on the Linear and Weakly Nonlinear Dynamics of African Easterly Waves: T R Nathan, D Grogan, S H Chen 0800h A41E-3092 POSTER Dust Propagation and Radiation In the Presence of a Low-level Jet in Central China on March 17, 2010 : B K McDowell, S Chen 0800h A41E-3093 POSTER Low-level Jest and Its effects on Dust Emission over Taklimakan Desert : J Ge, H Liu, Q Fu, J Huang 0800h A41E-3094 POSTER Response of mesoscale convective system (MCS) and cold pool formation to dust-radiative effects: M T Waylonis, S Chen 0800h A41E-3095 POSTER On the Role of Flash Floods for Dust Emission over North Africa: Alluvial Sediments acting as Dust Source: K Schepanski, L Klueser, I Tegen 0800h A41E-3106 POSTER The Link Between Mineral Dust and Wind Speed: Implications for Wind Energy in the Maghreb: Z McGraw, T Storelvmo A41F Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Mineral Dust Aerosols: From Small-Scale Insights to Large-Scale Understanding II Posters (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with B, EP, GC) Presiding: Jasper Kok, University of California Los Angeles; Amato Evan, Scripps Institute of Oceanography; Kerstin Schepanski, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research; James King, Indiana University Bloomington 0800h A41F-3107 POSTER Modeling and Satellite Observation of Dust Emission and Transport over the Taklimakan Desert : J Su, C Xu, J Huang 0800h A41F-3108 POSTER Monitoring Airborne Dust from Source to Sink Using the e-Deep Blue Aerosol Products from VIIRS, MODIS, and Seawifs: N Carletta, N Y C Hsu, C Bettenhausen, A M Sayer, J Lee 0800h A41F-3109 POSTER Identification of Dust and Ice Cloud Formation from A-Train Datasets: D S Russell, K N Liou 0800h A41F-3110 POSTER Comparison of Dust and Smoke over the Tropical Atlantic Ocean from MODIS and CALIOP Remote Sensing Observations: Y Zhang, H Yu, M Chin, L Ellison, M Petrenko 0800h A41F-3113 POSTER Structure and Optical Properties of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Dusty Hot Deserts: B Chalermthai, M Al Marzooqi, G Basha, T Ouarda, P Armstrong, A Molini 0800h A41F-3114 POSTER The Aerosol Coarse Mode Initiative: W P Arnott, N Adhikari, D Air, E Kassianov, J Barnard 0800h A41F-3115 POSTER The Size Distribution of Desert Dust and Its Impact on the Earth System: N M Mahowald, S Albani, J F Kok, S Engelstaedter, R Scanza, D S Ward, M Flanner 0800h A41F-3116 POSTER African Dust Fertilizing the Amazon Rainforest: An Assessment with Sevenyear Record of CALIOP Measurements: H Yu, M Chin, T Yuan, H Bian, J M Prospero, A H Omar, L A Remer, D M Winker, Y Yang, Y Zhang, Z Zhang 0800h A41F-3118 POSTER Aerosol Phosphorus Composition: New Insights from Synchrotron X-ray Spectroscopy: A Longo, E D Ingall, J M Diaz, M M Oakes, L King, A Nenes, N Mihalopoulos, K Violaki, A Avila, C R Benitez-Nelson, J A Brandes, I McNulty, D Vine 0800h A41F-3119 POSTER How will dust variability change the effect of dust as ice nuclei?: Y Yun, P A Ginoux, Y Ming 0800h A41E-3096 POSTER Mineralogical, Chemical, and Optical Interrelationships of Airborne Mineral Dusts: J P Engelbrecht, H Moosmuller, S L Pincock, R K M Jayanty, G Casuccio 0800h A41F-3120 POSTER Chemical Evolution of Mineral Dust and Its Impact on Radiative Forcing in East Asia during 2006-2010: J S Fu, X DONG, K Huang 0800h A41E-3097 POSTER Characterizing Mineral Dust from the Arabian Coast of the Red Sea: J Puthan Purakkal, G L Stenchikov, J P Engelbrecht 0800h A41F-3121 POSTER Impact of Dust Aerosols on the Sahel Climate: A GCM Investigation of Aerosol-Radiation-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions: Y Gu, K N Liou, Y Xue, J H Jiang, H Su, M Chin 0800h A41E-3098 POSTER Observation of Individual Particle Morphology, Mineralogy in tandem with Columnar Spectral Aerosol Optics: A Summertime Study over North western India: S Mishra, N Saha, S Singh, R Agnihotri, C Sharma, M V S N Prasad, B C Arya, T Naaraayanan, S Gautam, J S Rathore, V K Soni, J S Tawale 0800h A41F-3123 POSTER Amplification of the ENSO Effects on Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall by Absorbing Aerosols: M K Kim, W K M Lau, K M Kim, J Sang, Y H Kim, W S Lee All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:15 AM 0800h A41F-3124 POSTER An Improved Parameterization of Dust Dry Deposition Velocity for Climate Models: M Chamecki, L Souza Freire 0800h A41G-3145 POSTER Understanding moisture stress on light-use efficiency based on MODIS and global flux tower data: Y Zhang, C Song, G Sun 0800h A41F-3125 POSTER Analyzing the Effects of Dust on Atmospheric Composition over Northwestern China in Spring 2008 Using WRFChem: J Wang, D J Allen, K E Pickering, Z Li 0800h A41G-3146 POSTER Response of High Latitude Wetland Fluxes of Methane to Changes in Temperature and Water: J Worden, A A Bloom, K W Bowman, M Lee, C Frankenberg, D Schimel 0800h A41F-3126 POSTER Performance evaluation of CESM in simulating the dust cycle: S P Parajuli, Z L Yang, G Kocurek, D M Lawrence 0800h A41G-3147 POSTER Spring Hydrology Determines Summer Net Carbon Uptake in Northern Ecosystems: Y Yi, J S Kimball, R H Reichle, M A Rawlins 0800h A41F-3127 POSTER Evaluation of a physicallybased dust emission scheme in the Community Earth System Model (CESM): J F Kok, S Albani, N M Mahowald, D S Ward 0800h A41F-3128 POSTER Semi-direct dynamical and radiative effect of North African dust transport on lower tropospheric clouds over the subtropical North Atlantic in CESM 1.0: M J Deflorio, S J Ghan, B Singh, A J Miller, D R Cayan, L M Russell, R C J Somerville 0800h A41F-3130 POSTER The Spring 2014 Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction System “Dust Offensive”: E D Hunt, R Adams-Selin, J Sartan, G Creighton, E Kuchera, J Keane, S Jones 0800h A41F-3131 POSTER An analysis of aeolian dust in climate models: A T Evan 0800h A41F-3132 POSTER Local Sources for the “Megadust” Events at the WAIS Divide Ice Core: A Borunda, G Winckler, S L Goldstein, M R Kaplan, J R McConnell, N W Dunbar A41G Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Remote Sensing of the Carbon Cycle: Exploiting New Measurements and Linkages to the Water Cycle I Posters Presiding: Christopher O’Dell, Colorado State University; Annmarie Eldering, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; John Worden, JPL / Caltech; Charles Miller, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 0800h A41G-3133 POSTER Assessment of Oco-2 Target Mode Vulnerability Against Horizontal Variability of Surface Reflectivity Neglected in the Operational Forward Model: A B Davis, Z Qu 0800h A41G-3134 POSTER Accelerating 3D radiative transfer for realistic OCO-2 cloud-aerosol scenes: S Schmidt, S T Massie, S E Platnick, S Song 0800h A41G-3135 POSTER OCO2 3D Radiative Transfer Calculations: S T Massie, S Schmidt 0800h A41G-3136 POSTER Evaluating Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2) Nadir and Glint Observing Sequences: R Nassar, F Deng, S Polavarapu, M Neish, D B A Jones, C O’Dell 0800h A41G-3137 POSTER Quantifying the Sampling Bias in OCO-2 Observation Modes: S M Wuerth, I Y Fung, A Eldering, J Liu 0800h A41G-3138 POSTER Development of the inverse model for estimation of the surface CO2 fluxes at grid scale and high resolution with GOSAT data: S S Maksyutov, A Ito, T Oda, J W Kaiser, D A Belikov, R Janardanan Achari, A Yaremchuk, R Zhuravlev, A Ganshin, V Valsala 0800h A41G-3139 POSTER An Assessment of Biases in Satellite CO2 Measurements Using Atmospheric Inversion: D F Baker, C O’Dell 0800h A41G-3140 POSTER Differences in satellite CO2 data coverage and their influence on regional flux constraints: H Takagi, R J Andres, D A Belikov, H Boesch, A Bril, A Butz, M Inoue, I Morino, T Oda, C O’Dell, S Oshchepkov, R Parker, M Saito, O Uchino, V Valsala, T Yokota, Y Yoshida, S S Maksyutov 0800h A41G-3141 POSTER Quantifying Regional Sources and Sinks of CO2 Using Data From GOSAT and TES : F Deng, D B A Jones, N Bousserez, S S Kulawik, D K Henze, K W Bowman, R Nassar 0800h A41G-3142 POSTER Pseudo-data Inversions of California CO2 Fluxes Combining Tower Measurements of CO2 and 14CO2 with OCO2 Column CO2 Retrievals: M L Fischer, S Jeong, J Bagley, C Frankenberg, N Parazoo, R F Keeling, H D Graven 0800h A41G-3143 POSTER Husbandry Trace Gas Emissions from a Dairy Complex By Mobile in Situ and Airborne and Spaceborne Remote Sensing: A Comex Campaign Focus: I Leifer, D M Tratt, H Bovensmann, K Buckland, J P Burrows, J Frash, K Gerilowski, L T Iraci, P Johnson, R Koyler, S Krautwurst, T Krings, J B Leen, C Hu, C Melton, S A Vigil, E L Yates, M Zhang 0800h A41G-3144 POSTER Field Spectroradiometer Characterization of Solar-Induced Fluorescence to Monitor Plant Health, Estimate Carbon Flux, and Application as Ground-Truth Data: T Merrick, R Bennartz, J Rausch 0800h A41G-3148 POSTER Three Years of CARVEFTS Observations of CO2, CH4, and CO in the Alaskan Arctic: Status Quo and Comparison with Satellite Measurements: T P Kurosu, C E Miller, S J Dinardo 0800h A41G-3149 POSTER Arctic Methane: the View from Space : I Leifer, L Yurganov, X Xiong A41H Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Remote Sensing of the Carbon Cycle: Exploiting New Measurements and Linkages to the Water Cycle II Posters Presiding: Christopher O’Dell, Colorado State University; Charles Miller, Jet Propulsion Lab; Annmarie Eldering, JPL; John Worden, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 0800h A41H-3150 POSTER CO2 Observation from Space from Two Complementary Spectrometers; Oco-2 and Gosat: A Kuze, H Suto, K Shiomi, S Kawakami, F M Schwandner, C J Bruegge, T Taylor, D Crisp, L T Iraci, T Tanaka 0800h A41H-3151 POSTER The Contribution of GOSAT to Understanding Global GHG Distribution and Estimating Regional Carbon Fluxes Over Its Five-year Operation Period and Future Prospect for Community-wide Collaboration: T Yokota, N Kikuchi, Y Yoshida, A Bril, S Oshchepkov, M Inoue, I Morino, O Uchino, D A Belikov, H Takagi, M Ishizawa, H S Kim, M Saito, S S Maksyutov, F Kawazoe, M Ajiro 0800h A41H-3152 POSTER Radiometric trend of lunar calibration compared with vicarious calibration for GOSAT: K Shiomi, S Kawakami, A Kuze, H Suto, T Hashiguchi, F Kataoka, R Higuchi, C J Bruegge, F M Schwandner, L Chapsky 0800h A41H-3153 POSTER Correction of Spectral Distortion on Oxygen a-Band Due to Non-Linear Phase Delay Onboard Tanso-FTS/Gosat: H Suto, A Butz, A Kuze 0800h A41H-3154 POSTER Recent Topics about the GOSAT TANSO-FTS SWIR L2 Retrievals: Y Yoshida, N Kikuchi, M Inoue, I Morino, O Uchino, T Yokota 0800h A41H-3155 POSTER Performance test of greenhouse gas retrieval algorithm over East Asia: W V Kim, Y Jung, J Kim, H Lee, H Boesch, M L Ou, T Y Goo 0800h A41H-3156 POSTER The sensitivity analysis of aerosol properties to carbon dioxide retrieval algorithm : Y Jung, J Kim, W V Kim, S Lee, H Lee, H Boesch, T Y Goo, M L Ou 0800h A41H-3157 POSTER Analytical Jacobian Calculation in RT Model Including Polarization Effect: Y Okabayashi, Y Yoshida, Y Ota 0800h A41H-3158 POSTER Retrievals of atmospheric columnar carbon dioxide and methane from GOSAT observations with photon path-length probability density function (PPDF) method: A Bril, S Oshchepkov, T Yokota, Y Yoshida, I Morino, O Uchino, D A Belikov, S S Maksyutov 0800h A41H-3159 POSTER High Resolution CO2 Simulation for Detecting Emission Hotspots Signal in GOSAT XCO2 Data: R Janardanan Achari, J W Kaiser, S S Maksyutov, A Ito, A Ganshin, R Zhuravlev, Y Yoshida 0800h A41H-3160 POSTER Point source detection and validation using GOSAT and OCO-2 data: Volcanoes and Power Plants: F M Schwandner, S A Carn, F Kataoka, V J Realmuto, A Kuze, K Shiomi 0800h A41H-3161 POSTER Comparison of airborne measurements of greenhouse gases over Railroad Valley, Nevada to satellite and model results: T Tanaka, E L Yates, L T Iraci, M S Johnson, J Lopez, M Loewenstein, W Gore, J Tadic, A Kuze, S Kawakami 0800h A41H-3162 POSTER Validation of Multispectral GOSAT/TANSO-FTS CH4 Retrievals: E De Wachter, N Kumps, A C Vandaele, S Robert, S Kochenova, M De Maziere 0800h A41H-3163 POSTER An Intercomparison of XCO2 spatio-temporal variability from AIRS, SCIAMACHY, GOSAT (ACOS) satellite datasets and TCCON and GAW ground-base measurements using spectral analysis: J Li, B E Carlson, A A Lacis All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 3 0800h A41H-3164 POSTER CO2 Annual and Semiannual Cycles from Satellite Retrievals and Models: X Jiang, D Crisp, E T Olsen, S S Kulawik, C E Miller, T S Pagano, Y L Yung 0800h A41H-3165 POSTER Validation of TANSO-FTS TIR V01.00 CO2 and CH4 N Saitoh, S Kimoto, R Sugimura, R Kawakami, K Shiomi, T Machida, Y Matsuda GOSAT/ products: Imasu, S Sawa, H 0800h A41H-3166 POSTER Characterizing the errors in AIRS mid-tropospheric CO2 retrievals: T Oda, D F Baker, S R Kawa 0800h A41H-3167 POSTER Methane CrossValidation Between Spaceborne Solar Occultation Observations from ACE-FTS, Spaceborne Nadir Sounding from Gosat, and Ground-Based Solar Absorption Measurements, at a High Arctic Site: G Holl, K A Walker, S A Conway, N Saitoh, C D Boone, K Strong, J R Drummond 0800h A41H-3168 POSTER Precision FT-IR laboratory measurements of atmospheric molecule: K Sung, L R Brown, T J Crawford 0800h A41H-3169 POSTER Retrieval of CO2 Mixing Ratios from CLARS Measurements: Correcting Aerosol Induced Biases: Q Zhang, V Natraj, R L Shia, C M Roehl, Y L Yung, S P Sander A41I Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Remote Sensing of the Carbon Cycle: Exploiting New Measurements and Linkages to the Water Cycle III Posters Presiding: Christopher O’Dell, Colorado State University; Charles Miller, Jet Propulsion Lab; Annmarie Eldering, JPL; John Worden, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 0800h A41I-3170 POSTER TCCON at Ten: C M Roehl, D Wunch, P O Wennberg 0800h A41I-3171 POSTER The total column of CO2 and CH4 measured with a compact Fourier transform spectrometer at NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center and Railroad Valley, Nevada, USA: S Kawakami, K Shiomi, H Suto, A Kuze, P W Hillyard, T Tanaka, J R Podolske, L T Iraci, R T Albertson 0800h A41I-3172 POSTER Aircraft Measurements for Calibration of the NIES TCCON FTSs and Comparison of the GOSAT Data Observed over Tsukuba and Rikubetsu in Japan: M Inoue, I Morino, O Uchino, K Nakamae, T Machida, K Katsumata, T Yokota 0800h A41I-3173 POSTER Calibration of a TCCON FTS at Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) Using Multiple Airborne Profiles: P W Hillyard, L T Iraci, J R Podolske, T Tanaka, E L Yates, C M Roehl, D Wunch, P O Wennberg, R T Albertson, D R Blake, S Meinardi, J E Marrero, M M Yang, A J Beyersdorf, S C Wofsy, J V Pittman, B C Daube 0800h A41I-3174 POSTER Compact Solar Spectroscopic Column CO2, CH4, H2O and HOD Observations: Performance Evaluation at TCCON Sites: Z Butterfield, R Lindenmaier, M K Dubey, J Hedelius, D Wunch, P O Wennberg, J R Podolske, L T Iraci, P W Hillyard, F Hase 0800h A41I-3175 POSTER CO2 Total Column Variability From Ground-Based FTIR Measurements Over Central Mexico: J L Baylon, W Stremme, E Plaza, A Bezanilla, M Grutter, F Hase, T Blumenstock 0800h A41I-3181 POSTER CO2 Virtual Science Data Environment: Providing Streamlined Access to CO2 Data: H Nguyen, L Cinquini, S Davidoff, B Duran, A Eldering, R A Granat, M R Gunson, J Hofman, B Knosp, E Murphy, G B Osterman, P Zimdars 0800h A41I-3183 POSTER An Uncertainty Quantification Framework for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Mission: J Hobbs, A J Braverman, M R Gunson, R A Granat, N Cressie 0800h A41I-3184 POSTER A Preliminary Validation Analysis of Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Measurements Using TCCON Data: G B Osterman, B Fisher, C M Roehl, D Wunch, P O Wennberg, A Eldering, B J Naylor, D Crisp, H R Pollock, M R Gunson 0800h A41I-3185 POSTER A First Look at Target Mode Retrievals of CO2 from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2): V Natraj, T Taylor, M Smyth, B Fisher, C O’Dell, H R Pollock, D Crisp 0800h A41I-3186 POSTER Remote sensing of CO2 from the NASA OCO-2 satellite by RemoTeC: R Raecke, P Hahne, O P Hasekamp, H Hu, J aan de Brugh, J Landgraf, D Schepers, A Butz 0800h A41I-3187 POSTER A Comparison of Aerosol Parameterizations in the ACOS XCO2 Retrieval Algorithm: R R Nelson, C O’Dell, D Crisp, A Eldering, C Frankenberg, M R Gunson, V Natraj, D Fu 0800h A41I-3188 POSTER Lower Tropospheric CO2 from OCO-2: S S Kulawik, C O’Dell, F Deng, D B A Jones, R R Nelson, V Payne 0800h A41I-3189 POSTER Evaluation of Cloud and Aerosol Screening of Early Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Observations with Collocated MODIS Measurements: T Taylor, C O’Dell, H Q Cronk, P Partain, C Frankenberg, A Eldering, H R Pollock, D Crisp A41J Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h The Southern Ocean: Precipitation, Clouds, Aerosols, and the Air-Sea Interface I Posters Presiding: Roger Marchand, University of Washington; Trish Quinn, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 0800h A41J-3190 POSTER The Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study (SOCRATES): An Observational Campaign for Determining Role of Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation in Climate System: G M McFarquhar, R Wood, C S Bretherton, S Alexander, C Jakob, R Marchand, A Protat, P Quinn, S T Siems, R A Weller 0800h A41J-3191 POSTER CCN Cloud Processing Interhemispheric Comparisons: S S Tabor, S R Noble Jr, J G Hudson 0800h A41J-3192 POSTER A Statistical Analysis of Seasonality of Cloud Microphysics, Biogenic Aerosols and Rainfall Over Ocean Using The A-Train Satellites: S Zeng, C R Trepte, Y Hu, D M Winker, J Riedi 0800h A41J-3193 POSTER Evidence for a Significant Source of Sea Salt Aerosol from Blowing Snow Above Sea Ice in the Southern Ocean: M M Frey, I Brook, P A Anderson, K Nishimura, X Yang, A E Jones, E W Wolff 0800h A41J-3194 POSTER Where and What Is Pristine Marine Aerosol?: L M Russell, A A Frossard, M S Long, S M Burrows, S Elliott, T S Bates, P Quinn 0800h A41I-3176 POSTER Remote sensing of XCO2 and XCH4 above the Atlantic from aboard the research vessel Polarstern: F Klappenbach, M Bertleff, K Julian, F Hase, M Gisi, A Butz 0800h A41J-3195 POSTER Sources and Properties of Cloud Condensation Nuclei in the Marine Boundary Layer: P Quinn, T S Bates, D J Coffman, K Schulz, L M Russell, P Massoli 0800h A41I-3177 POSTER Remote Sensing of CO2, CH4, CO, and H2o from Geostationary Orbit: X Xi, V Natraj, M Luo, Q Zhang, R L Shia, S P Sander, Y L Yung 0800h A41J-3197 POSTER A hybrid approach to identifying cloud regimes for model evaluation applied to the Southern Ocean cloud and radiation biases: S Mason, C Jakob, J M Haynes, C N Franklin 0800h A41I-3178 POSTER Demonstration That Calibration of the Instrument Response to Polarizations Parallel and Perpendicular to the Object Space Projected Slit of an Imaging Spectrometer Enable Measurement of the Atmospheric Absorption Spectrum in Region of the Weak CO2 Band for the Case of Arbitrary Polarization: Implication for the Geocarb Mission: J B Kumer, R L Rairden, I N Polonsky, D M O’Brien 0800h A41I-3179 POSTER Balloon Demonstrator Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer for the Measurement of Methane and Carbon Dioxide over the Arctic: C T McElroy, K A Walker, Z Vaziri, O Moeini, R Martin 0800h A41I-3180 POSTER Satellite Observations of CO2 and CH4 Supported from NASA GSFC: T J Hearty III, A K Savtchenko, J C Wei, A Albayrak, B Vollmer THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0800h A41J-3198 POSTER Marine biogeochemical influence on primary sea spray aerosol composition in the Southern Ocean: predictions from a mechanistic model: D McCoy, S M Burrows, S Elliott, A A Frossard, L M Russell, X Liu, O O Ogunro, R C Easter, P J Rasch 0800h A41J-3199 POSTER Tying Biological Activity to Changes in Sea Spray Aerosol Chemical Composition via Single Particle Analyses: C M Sultana, C Lee, D B Collins, J L Axson, O Laskina, J R Grandquist, V H Grassian, K A Prather 0800h A41J-3200 POSTER The impact of marine surface organic enrichment on the measured hygroscopicity parameter of laboratory generated sea-spray aerosols: S Schill, G Novak, K Zimmermann, T H Bertram 2014 3 11/28/2014 11:06:15 AM 0800h A41J-3201 POSTER Investigating Correlations of Horizontally Oriented Ice and Precipitation in North and South Pacific Maritime Clouds Using Collocated CloudSat, CALIOP, and MODIS Observations: A Ross, R Holz, S A Ackerman 0800h A41J-3202 POSTER Evolution of aerosol and CCN properties on the Antarctic Peninsula and Southern Ocean during the spring and summer seasons: C Corrigan, G Roberts, G Grant 0800h A41K-3223 POSTER Effects of CloudProcessed CCN on Warm Clouds: S R Noble Jr, J G Hudson 0800h A41K-3224 POSTER Modulation of the Wind Speed Response of Marine Stratocumulus Clouds: J Kazil, G Feingold 0800h A41K-3225 POSTER Aerosol-stratocumulusradiation Interactions over Southeast Pacific and Their Implications to SST: G Chen, W C Wang 0800h A41J-3203 POSTER The Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System: P J Cameron-Smith, S Elliott, S J Ghan, M B Shrivastava, D D Lucas, M E Maltrud 0800h A41K-3226 POSTER Cloud microphysical relationships and their implication on the mixing processes in the stratocumulus clouds measured during the VOCALS-REx: S S Yum, J Wang, Y Liu, G Senum, S R Springston, R L McGraw, J Yeom A41K Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h 0800h A41K-3227 POSTER Subseasonal Vertical Correlations with MBL Cloud Top Heights over the Southeastern Pacific and Cloud Top Height/ Vertical Velocity Relationships in a Baroclinic Atmosphere Using Satellite and Re-Analysis Data: T L Kubar, V E Larson, G L Stephens, R Wood, M D Lebsock Warm Boundary Layer Clouds and Climate Change from the Cloud to the Global Scale I Posters (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with GC, OS) Presiding: Jan Kazil, NOAA/CIRES; Armin Sorooshian, University of Arizona 0800h A41K-3204 POSTER Three Key Processes Drive Marine Low-Cloud Cover Feedback: X Qu, A D Hall, S A Klein 0800h A41K-3205 POSTER The highs and lows of cloud radiative feedback: Comparing observational data and CMIP5 models: A Jenney, D A Randall 0800h A41K-3206 POSTER Using the Annual Cycle to Understand Climate Model Biases in Trade-wind Clouds: B Medeiros, L Nuijens 0800h A41K-3207 POSTER Regional Biases in Droplet Activation Parameterizations: Strong Influence on Aerosol Second Indirect Effect in the Community Atmosphere Model v5: R Morales, A Nenes 0800h A41K-3208 POSTER Understanding subtropical cloud feedbacks in anthropogenic climate change simulations of CMIP5 models: T A Myers, J R Norris 0800h A41K-3209 POSTER Is a Low Cloud Signal in Response to CO2 Forcing Potentially Observable in the Satellite Record?: M R Olheiser, J R Norris 0800h A41K-3210 POSTER Subtropical Low Cloud Responses to Central and Eastern Pacific El Nino Events: A D Rapp, R Bennartz, J H Jiang, S Kato, W S Olson, R T Pinker, H Su, P C Taylor 0800h A41K-3211 POSTER Speeding up CRMs for cloud-climate interaction studies by acceleration of mean state tendencies: C R Jones, C S Bretherton 0800h A41K-3212 POSTER Modelling Volcanic Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Warm Cumulus Cloud Using the High Resolution Nested Suite of the UK Met Office Unified Model: A K Hodgson, P Field, K S Carslaw, A A Hill, B J Shipway, D P Grosvenor, J H Marsham 0800h A41K-3213 POSTER Signatures of semidirect radiative forcing by absorbing aerosols in satellite observations and models: E M Wilcox, F Hosseinpour, P R Colarco 0800h A41K-3214 POSTER Emulation of CloudAerosol Indirect Radiative Effects (ECLAIRE): E M Dunne, H Korhonen, H Kokkola, L Lee, S Romakkaniemi 0800h A41K-3215 POSTER A Framework for Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Monitoring: H W J Russchenberg, K Sarna 0800h A41K-3216 POSTER An Improved Method for Detectingand Separating Cloud from Drizzle Radar Signatures Using a Time Domain Parametric Technique: C Nguyen, C V Chandra 0800h A41K-3217 POSTER Statistical Analysis of Turbulence-Induced Fluctuations In In-Cloud Saturation Ratio and Rates of Cloud Droplet Growth: R L McGraw, E P Luke, P Kollias 0800h A41K-3218 POSTER Verification of difference of ion-induced nucleation rate for kinds of ionizing radiation: A Suzuki, K Masuda, Y Takeuchi, Y Itow, T Sako, Y Matsumi, T Nakayama, S Ueda, K Miura, K Kusano 0800h A41K-3219 POSTER Investigation of the Relationship Between Turbulence and Drizzle Onset and Development in Continental and Marine Stratiform Low-level Clouds Using ARM Observations: E P Luke, P Borque, J Y C Chiu, P Kollias 0800h A41K-3220 POSTER How individual clouds contrbute to the cloud overlap of fields of shallow cumuli: T Heus, D TГјns, R Neggers 0800h A41K-3221 POSTER Role of Spatial Distribution of Rain in Formation of Open Cellular Circulation: T Yamaguchi, G Feingold A41L Moscone West 3012 Thursday0800h Advances in Weather and Climate Science Enabled by Atmospheric Profilers and Ground-Based GNSS/GPS Techniques II (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with G) Presiding: David Adams, Universidad Nacional AutГіnoma de MГ©xico; Yolande Serra, Univ Arizona; Bjorn Lambrigtsen, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Eric Fetzer, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 0800h A41L-01 Using GPS Water Vapor Measurements to Validate, Calibrate, and Improve Microwave Satellite Water Vapor Retrievals: C A Mears, J Wang, H Huelsing, D K Smith, F J Wentz 0815h A41L-02 GNSS observations as a numerical weather prediction data source, a way forward to enhanced forecast quality; aims, challenges and plans for 2014-2017: W Rohm, M Kryza, K Wilgan, J Kaplon, M Stanek 0830h A41L-03 The North American Monsoon GPS TRANSECT Experiment 2013: D K Adams, R A Bennett, O R Perez, C Minjarez, Y L Serra, A Quintanar, L Alatorre, A Granados, G E Vazquez 0845h A41L-04 The Relationship between Sea Surface Temperature and Total Column Precipitable Water Vapor Across the Broader Caribbean: J Braun, T Vanhove 0900h A41L-05 Cloud-Climate Interactions: Using Satellite Observations to Probe the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: J Teixeira 0915h A41L-06 New Insights into Convective Dynamics and Convective Cloud Vertical Structures from Synergistic Measurements by CloudSat, CALIPSO and MODIS: Z J Luo, H Takahashi, S Iwasaki, G L Stephens 0930h A41L-07 Thermodynamics in the Suppressed Phase of the Madden-Julian Oscillation Using a Multiplatform Strategy: J B Roberts, F R Robertson, C A Clayson, P C Taylor 0945h A41L-08 Cloud Radiative Effect by Cloud Types Based on Radiative Transfer Model Calculations and Collocated A-Train Data: Q Yue, E J Fetzer, M M Schreier, B H Kahn, X Huang A41M Moscone West 3002 Thursday0800h Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes and Turbulence I (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with B, H, NG) Presiding: Pierre Gentine, Columbia University; Marcelo Chamecki, Pennsylvania State University; Marcelo Chamecki, Pennsylvania State University 0800h A41M-01 The impact of variable building height on drag, flow and turbulence over a realistic suburban surface: M G Giometto, A Christen, M Calaf, M B Parlange 0815h A41M-02 Formation of nocturnal low-level jets and structure of the nocturnal boundary layer in the Southern Great Plains: P M Klein, T A Bonin, J F Newman, C E Wainwright, W G Blumberg, D D Turner, P B Chilson, S Wharton 0830h A41M-03 Atmospheric Surface Layer Flow over Distributions of Cubes and Evaluation of Transient Dynamics: W Anderson, Q Li, E BouZeid 0800h A41K-3222 POSTER Cloud Processing of CCN Spectra: J G Hudson, S R Noble Jr 0845h A41M-04 A closer look at boundary layer inversion in large-eddy simulations and bulk models: P Gentine, G Bellon, C Van Heerwaarden 4 THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER AGU2014News.indb 4 2014 0900h A41M-05 Application of Stable Isotope Tracers to Determine Latent Heat Exchange in Stable and Condensing Boundary Layers: D C Noone, A Raudzens Bailey, M B Berkelhammer, C Cox, A Kaushik 0915h A41M-06 A Unified Theory for the Great Plains Nocturnal Low-Level Jet: A Shapiro, E Fedorovich, S Rahimi 0930h A41M-07 Scaling Properties of Turbulent Mixing for Scalars Measured at Arctic Terrestrial Sites: A A Grachev, T Uttal, O P G Persson, S Crepinsek, C W Fairall, R Albee, A Makshtas, V Y Kustov, I Repina, A Y Artamonov 0945h A41M-08 Horizontal Divergence and Vertical Velocity Adjacent to the Pyrenees Measured During the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon & Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) Experiment: I C Faloona, M Lothon A41N Moscone West 3014 Thursday0800h Improving Emissions Through Observations VI (joint with B, GC) Presiding: Gregory Frost, NOAA; Monika Kopacz, NOAA; Ray Bambha, Sandia National Labs; Hope Michelsen, Sandia Natl Lab 0800h A41N-01 Methane emissions in the US and Canada: contributions of various source sectors and evolution of emissions over time: S M Miller, A M Michalak, S C Wofsy, A E Andrews, S Biraud, E J Dlugokencky, M L Fischer, G Janssens-Maenhout, E A Kort, B R Miller, J B Miller, S A Montzka, D E J Worthy 0815h A41N-02 Seasonal Variation of Methane Emissions in California’s Urban and Rural Regions Using Multi-site Observations: S Jeong, Y Hsu, A E Andrews, L Bianco, S Newman, X Cui, J Bagley, H D Graven, P Salameh, C Sloop, B LaFranchi, H A Michelsen, R Bambha, R F Weiss, R F Keeling, M L Fischer 0830h A41N-03 Atmosphere-based estimates of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions for the U.S. derived from 14CO2 during 2009-2012: S A Montzka, J B Miller, S Lehman, B Miller, L Hu, A E Andrews, C Sweeney, E J Dlugokencky, J R Southon, C Wolak, J W Elkins, P P Tans, J C Turnbull, B W LaFranchi, T P Guilderson, M L Fischer 0845h A41N-04 Verification of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions of Europe; capabilities of the current and future surface network: A T Vermeulen, M Schmidt, S Hammer, P M Bergamaschi, L Hazan, U Karstens 0900h A41N-05 High-resolution methane emission estimates using the InTEM inversion system: S Connors, A Manning, A D Robinson, S N Riddick, G Forster, D Oram, S O’Doherty, N R P Harris 0915h A41N-06 Comparison of Emissions Inventories of Anthropogenic Air Pollutants in Asia: E Saikawa, C L Young, H Kim, J I Kurokawa, Y Zhao, G G A Janssens-Maenhout, Q Zhang, T Ohara 0930h A41N-07 Optimizing global CO concentrations and emissions based on DART/ CAM-CHEM: B Gaubert, A F Arellano, J Barre, H M Worden, L K Emmons, C Wiedinmyer, J L Anderson, M N Deeter, A P Mizzi, D P Edwards 0945h A41N-08 Recent global methane trends: an investigation using hierarchical Bayesian methods: M L Rigby, A Stavert, A Ganesan, M F Lunt A41O Moscone West 3006 Thursday0800h 0845h A41O-04 Age Spectra and Transport Rates in the UTLS over the Tropics and the North American Monsoon Region: J V Pittman, S C Wofsy, B C Daube, J Budney, R Commane, J Lindaas, K McKain, J Samra, G Santoni, M R Sargent, J B Smith, J G Anderson, R S Gao, A W Rollins, T D Thornberry, L A Watts, E J Hintsa, F L Moore, J W Elkins, A E Andrews, E L Atlas, M A Navarro, T Wang, A E Dessler 0900h A41O-05 Impact of Deep Convection on UTLS Composition -New Observations from Recent Airborne Field Studies: L Pan 0915h A41O-06 Determination of stratospheric and anthropogenic contributions to enhanced midtropospheric O3 in the tropical western Pacific: D C Anderson, J M Nicely, R J Salawitch, R R Dickerson, T P Canty, T F Hanisco, G M Wolfe Jr, E C Apel, E L Atlas, T L Campos, R S Hornbrook, D E Kinnison, L Pan, W J Randel, D D Riemer, A J Weinheimer 0930h A41O-07 Using Long-Term Observations of VOCs from the CARIBIC Observatory to Refine Understanding of Transport and Chemistry in the UT/LS: A K Baker, U R Thorenz, C Sauvage, H Riede, T Umezawa, J Williams, A Zahn, C A M Brenninkmeijer 0945h A41O-08 Fast Transport from Southeast Asia Boundary Layer Sources to Northern Europe: Rapid Uplift in Typhoons and Eastward Eddy Shedding of the Asian Monsoon Anticyclone: R Mueller, B Vogel, G Guenther, J U Grooss, P M Hoor, M Kraemer, S Mueller, A Zahn, M Riese A41P Moscone West 3008 Thursday0800h Toward Reducing Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models: Evaluation, Understanding, and Improvement I Presiding: Shaocheng Xie, Lawrence Livermore Nat’’l Lab; Jui-Lin Li, JPL; Brian Medeiros, NCAR/CGD; Fanglin Yang, NCEP/EMC 0800h A41P-01 Thirty Years of Improving the NCEP Global Forecast System: G H White, G Manikin, F Yang 0815h A41P-02 Sensitivity of NCEP GFS Forecast of Hurricane Sandy to Model Biases: F Yang 0830h A41P-03 Ensemble Forecasting – Reducing Systematic Error and Identifying Forecast Errors: H Guan, Y Zhu, B Cui 0845h A41P-04 Development of the Atmospheric Component of the Next Generation Gfdl Climate Model: J C Golaz, M Zhao 0900h A41P-05 Assessing air-sea interaction in the evolving NASA GEOS model: C A Clayson, J B Roberts 0915h A41P-06 The Impacts of Cloud Snow Radiative Effects on Pacific Oceans Surface Heat Fluxes, Surface Wind Stress, and Ocean Temperatures in Coupled GCM Simulations: J L F Li, W L Lee, T Lee, E J Fetzer, J Y Yu 0930h A41P-07 The Mean State and Inter-annual Variability of East Asian Summer Monsoon in CMIP5 Coupled Models: Does Air-Sea Coupling Improve the Simulations? : T Zhou, F Song 0945h A41P-08 Westerly wind biases over the equatorial Atlantic and their link to South American convection: I Richter, B Taguchi, T Doi, S K Behera BIOGEOSCIENCES Processes Controlling Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere Composition and Structure IV B41A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Presiding: Ross Salawitch, University of Maryland; Troy Thornberry, NOAA ESRL; Neil Harris, University of Cambridge 0800h A41O-01 Transport of Air to the Stratosphere: Perspectives From the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) Instrument: N J Livesey, M L Santee, G L Manney, M J Schwartz, W G Read, A Lambert, J L Neu, L Froidevaux 0815h A41O-02 The Flushing of the Northern Lower Stratosphere and the Influence of the Monsoon: Results from Tacts/Esmval 2012: P M Hoor, S Mueller, H Bozem, H Fischer, E Gute, A Engel, H Boenisch, T Keber, A Zahn, M Kraemer, H Schlager, H Wernli, B Vogel 0830h A41O-03 Rossby-wave driven stirring of the UTLS - a detailed view on the intricately layered structure by the 3-D imaging limb-sounder GLORIA: J Ungermann, F Friedl-Vallon, M Hoepfner, H Oelhaf, P Preusse, M Riese Biochar Research: Advances in Production and Application I Posters (joint with GC) Presiding: Jehangir Bhadha, Univeristy of Florida - Everglades Research and Education Center; Timothy Lang, Univeristy of Florida - Everglades Research and Education Center 0800h B41A-0001 POSTER Metal Sequestration Is Influenced By Biochar Properties and Changes in pH: J Clemente, S Beauchemin, T MacKinnon, J Martin, B Joern, C T Johnston 0800h B41A-0002 POSTER Sustainable biochar effects for low carbon crop production: A 5-crop season field experiment on a low fertility soil from Central China: X Liu 0800h B41A-0003 POSTER Organic Amendment Effects on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from LongTerm Stockpiled Soils: F Zvomuya, J Laskosky All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:15 AM 0800h B41A-0004 POSTER Chemical Composition of Fresh and Aged Biochars: W T Cooper, R Hamdan, A Mukherjee, A R Zimmerman 0800h B41A-0005 POSTER Characteristics and phytotoxicity assay of biochars derived from a Znrich antibiotic residue: R Li, R Xiao, J J Wang, Z Zhang 0800h B41A-0006 POSTER Effect of almond shell biochar addition on the hydro-physical properties of an arable Central Valley soil: V Lopez, T A Ghezzehei 0800h B41A-0007 POSTER Grain-Size Effects on Field Capacity of Soil-Biochar Mixtures: Z Liu, B Dugan, C A Masiello, H M Gonnermann 0800h B41A-0008 POSTER Chemical and Isotopic Thresholds in Charring: Implications for the Interpretation of Charcoal Mass and Isotopic Data: L Pyle, W C Hockaday, T W Boutton, K Zygourakis, T Kinney, C A Masiello 0800h B41A-0009 POSTER Influence of biochar amendments on marine sediment trace metal bioavailability: G E Gehrke, H Hsu-Kim B41B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Biogenic Carbonates: From Biocalcification to Geochemical Proxies III Posters (joint with GC, OS, PP) Presiding: Weifu Guo, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.; Alexander Gagnon, University of Washington Seattle Campus; Glenn Gaetani, WHOI; Anne Cohen, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst 0800h B41B-0010 POSTER BIOMINERALIZATION IN FORAMINIFERA: L D Nooijer, T Toyofuku, J Bijma, G J Reichart 0800h B41B-0011 POSTER Microscopic visualization approach of foraminiferal calcification environment: T Toyofuku, K Fujita, M Yamamoto, L J de Nooijer, H Nomaki, M Tsuchiya, H Kitazato 0800h B41B-0012 POSTER Controls on shell thickness in modern planktonic foraminifera: K H Salmon, P Anand, P F Sexton, M H Conte, J Bijma 0800h B41B-0013 POSTER Determinants of Seasonality of Planktonic Foraminifera Shell Flux: Consequences for Paleoproxies: L Jonkers, M Kucera 0800h B41B-0014 POSTER Distinguishing Morphotypes of Foraminifera Orbulina Universa Using Shell Morphometrics: B J Marshall, R Thunell 0800h B41B-0015 POSTER Survival of the 1%: Consequences of a Two-Phase Dynamic of Aragonitic Shell Loss and Stabilization for the Temporal Resolution of Proxy Data: S M Kidwell, A Tomasovych, C R Alexander Jr, D S Kaufman, J leonard-Pingel 0800h B41B-0016 POSTER Investigating Coccolithophorid Biology in the Sedimentary Laboratory: H L O McClelland, N Barbarin, L Beaufort, M Hermoso, R E M Rickaby 0800h B41B-0017 POSTER Influence of Cd, Co, and Zn on inorganic carbon acquisition and carbon metabolism in Emiliania huxleyi: J N Sutton, M Boye, D De La Broise, I Probert 0800h B41B-0018 POSTER Can Species Interaction Provide New Insight into Biomineralization Processes?: A L H Oppelt, C S Rocha 0800h B41B-0019 POSTER Deep-Sea Carbonate Lithification Influenced By Bioturbation on the Southwest India Ridge: H Xu, X Peng, J Li, S Chen 0800h B41B-0020 POSTER Insights into Carbonate Formation through the Incorporation of Trace Metals into Ooids: V E Fairbank, L F Robinson, I J Parkinson, T Elliott 0800h B41B-0021 POSTER Quantification of Dynamic Water-Rock-Microbe Interactions in a Travertine-Depositing Hot Spring, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, USA: L M DeMott, M Sivaguru, G Fried, R A Sanford, B W Fouke 0800h B41B-0022 POSTER Foram Farming in the Mid-Continent: Culturing Low-Mg Benthic Foraminifera to Calibrate the Mg/Ca Paleothermometer: D Jennings, F Hasiuk, E Thomas, J C Varekamp 0800h B41B-0023 POSTER Salinity proxy comparison in four tropical biogenic carbonates for suitability in paleohydrologic reconstruction: K Broach, A Paytan, J H Street 0800h B41B-0024 POSTER Accurate climate reconstruction from coral aragonite: The impact of seawater pH on skeletal Sr/Ca: C S Cole, N Allison, C Hintz, A Finch 0800h B41B-0025 POSTER High-Resolution Synchrotron Radiation Imaging of Trace Metal Elemental Concentrations in Porites Coral: M Cirino, R B Dunbar, N Tangri, A Mehta 0800h B41B-0026 POSTER Elucidating the Composition and Distribution of Trace Metals in Corals: G Farfan, S M Webb, A Apprill, C M Hansel 0800h B41B-0027 POSTER Geochemical Proxy Distribution at the Atomic-Scale: Atom Probe Tomography of Foraminiferal Calcite: O Branson, D E Perea, M A Winters, J S Fehrenbacher, A D Russell, H J Spero, A C Gagnon 0800h B41C-0046 POSTER Ecosystem Greenhouse Gas Fluxes Respond Directly to Weather Not Climate: A Case Study on the Relationship of Global Atmospheric Circulation, Foehn Frequency, and Winter Weather to Northern Alps Regional Grassland Phenology and Carbon Cycling: A R Desai, G Wohlfahrt, M J Zeeman, G Katata, M Mauder, H P E Schmid 0800h B41B-0028 POSTER Elemental relationships in synthetic calcite at variable fluid chemistry and crystallization rate: R I Gabitov, J M Weremeichik, A Sadekov 0800h B41C-0047 POSTER Influence of cloud optical thickness on surface diffuse light and carbon uptake in forests and croplands: S J Cheng, A L Steiner, K J Nadelhoffer 0800h B41B-0029 POSTER Measuring Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Uptake into Inorganic Calcite using Crystal Growth Experiments: E B Baker, J M Watkins 0800h B41C-0048 POSTER Influences of Terrain Complexity on the Temporal Sensitivity of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes to Climate: W M Reyes, R E Emanuel 0800h B41B-0030 POSTER Clumped Isotope (О”47) Investigation of Kinetic Isotope Effects: Implications for Biomineralizing Fluids: A S Colman, B He, G Olack 0800h B41C-0049 POSTER Uncertainty Analysis of Gross Primary Production Separated from Net Ecosystem Exchange Measurement at Speulderbos Forest, The Netherlands: R Raj, N A S Hamm, C V D Tol, A Stein 0800h B41B-0031 POSTER Clumped isotope paleothermometry of eggshells as an indicator of vertebrate endothermy: R R Canavan, D J Field, F Therrien, D Zelenitsky, H P Affek 0800h B41B-0032 POSTER Coastal CO2 climatology of Oahu, Hawaii: Six years of high resolution timeseries data: G J Terlouw, P S Drupp, E H De Carlo, M Tomlinson 0800h B41B-0033 POSTER Modeling pH Regulation During Coral Calcification: Implications for Predicting Coral Calcification Responses to Ocean Acidification and for Interpreting Geochemical Proxies: W Guo 0800h B41B-0034 POSTER Ocean Acidification Model Predicts a 65% Reduction in Large Benthic Foraminiferal Carbonate Sediment Production on the West Florida Shelf By 2140: P O Knorr, L L Robbins, P J Harries, P Hallock Muller, J G Wynn 0800h B41B-0035 POSTER Bryozoans as indicators of global change: predictable shifts in morphology and carbonate mineralogy in response to warming and ocean acidification: D S Swezey, J R Bean, A T Ninokawa, E Sanford 0800h B41B-0036 POSTER Exploring the utility of high resolution “nano-” computed tomography imaging to place quantitative constraints on shell biometric changes in marine pteropods in response to ocean acidification: R Eagle, E Howes, S Lischka, R Rudolph, J BГјdenbender, J Bijma, J P Gattuso, U Riebesell 0800h B41B-0037 POSTER CaCO3 Dissolution Kinetics at the Sediment-Water Interface: C Lix, A Mucci 0800h B41B-0038 POSTER Dissolution Kinetics of Biogenic Magnesian Calcites: R Thompson, M Guidry, F T Mackenzie, E H De Carlo 0800h B41B-0039 POSTER Mg-calcite dissolution in carbonate sediments: role in ocean acidification: P S Drupp, E H De Carlo, F T Mackenzie 0800h B41B-0040 POSTER Analysis of Anthraxolite and Precambrian Carbonates of Kakabeka Falls, Ontario, Canada: A M Rutter B41C Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Biosphere-Atmosphere Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystem IV Posters (joint with A, H) Presiding: Sebastian Wolf, Univ. of California, Berkeley; Ankur Desai, University of Wisconsin Madison; Christopher Williams, Clark University 0800h B41C-0041 POSTER Theory Of Climate Control On NEE Dynamics: C Yi, X Xu 0800h B41C-0042 POSTER Net ecosystem CO2 exchange of a primary tropical peat swamp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia: A Tang Che Ing, P C Stoy, L Melling 0800h B41C-0043 POSTER Estimating Carbon Stocks and Atmospheric Exchange of Depressional Marshes on the Central Florida Landscape: B Benscoter, M D McClellan, V Benavides, D Harshbarger, X Comas 0800h B41C-0044 POSTER Climate variability and management impacts on carbon uptake in a temperate pine forest in Eastern Canada using flux data from 2003 to 2013: M A Arain, J J Brodeur, R Thorne, M Peichl, S Huang, M Khomik All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 5 0800h B41C-0045 POSTER Ecological and Environmental Controls over Fifteen-Year Forest Net Ecosystem Production at the University of Michigan Biological Station: C M Gough, S J Cheng, B S Hardiman, P Curtis, G Bohrer, C S Vogel, K J Nadelhoffer, T H Morin 0800h B41C-0050 POSTER Water Use Efficiency as a Means for Up Scaling Carbon Fluxes from Leaf to Stand : M L Linderson, L Tarvainen, G Wallin, J Uddling, L Klemedtsson 0800h B41C-0051 POSTER Modelling Effects of Water Table Depth Variations on Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange of a Western Canadian Peatland: S Mezbahuddin, R F Grant, L B Flanagan 0800h B41C-0052 POSTER Inverse Estimation of Parameters for a Coupled Photosynthesis and Stomatal Conductance Model Using Eddy Covariance Measurements at a Black Spruce Forest in Alaska: M Ueyama, N Tahara, H Iwata, H Nagano, Y Harazono 0800h B41C-0053 POSTER Robust increase of seasonal amplitude in simulated terrestrial CO2 exchange in last decades: M I Inatomi, A Ito 0800h B41C-0054 POSTER A hierarchical modeling approach to estimating soil trace gas fluxes from static chambers: K Ogle, E Ryan, F A Dijkstra, E Pendall 0800h B41C-0055 POSTER Ecosystem Resiliency Study under Extreme Droughts using MultiLand Surface Models: L Xu, C A Schlosser, D W Kicklighter, K T Paw U, K Y Chang, B S Felzer, Z Kothavala 0800h B41C-0056 POSTER Modeling the Impacts of Long-Term Warming Trends on Gross Primary Productivity Across North America: Z A Mekonnen, R F Grant 0800h B41C-0057 POSTER Beyond the Big Leaf: Quantifying Interactions between Canopy Structure and Canopy Photosynthesis Using Isotopic Partitioning of Net Ecosystem-Atmosphere Exchange of CO2 in a Temperate Forest: J Asirwatham, R A Wehr, S R Saleska 0800h B41C-0066 POSTER Effect of residual biomass burning on CO2 flux at a paddy field in Japan: Y Taniguchi, T Iwata, K Nakaya 0800h B41C-0067 POSTER The Dynamics of Energy and CO2 Transport above a Subtropical Rice Paddy: C I Hsieh 0800h B41C-0068 POSTER A direct human influence on atmospheric CO2 seasonality from increased cropland productivity: J M Gray, S E Frolking, E A Kort, D K Ray, C J Kucharik, N Ramankutty, M A Friedl 0800h B41C-0069 POSTER Sources of Respired Carbon in a Northern Minnesota Ombrotrophic Spruce Bog: Preliminary 14C Results from the SPRUCE Site: T P Guilderson, G McNicol, A Machin, P J Hanson, K J McFarlane, J L Osuna, J Pett-Ridge, M J Singleton 0800h B41C-0070 POSTER Temporal Dynamics of Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Soil and Canopy CO2 Fluxes in a Temperate Deciduous Forest: E Santos, C Wagner-Riddle, X Lee, J S Warland, S Brown, P A Bartlett, R M Staebler, K Kim 0800h B41C-0071 POSTER SAMPLING SOIL CO2 FOR ISOTOPIC FLUX PARTITIONING: NON STEADY STATE EFFECTS AND METHODOLOGICAL BIASES: H S K Snell, D Robinson, A J Midwood 0800h B41C-0072 POSTER Investigating landatmosphere exchange using observations of the stable isotopes in water vapour during a short term field campaign: S D Parkes, A Griffiths, L Wang, M F McCabe, S D Chambers, A G Williams, A Element, J Strauss 0800h B41C-0073 POSTER A high-altitude balloon platform to measure regional carbon dioxide exchange from agricultural systems: M J Potosnak, M Pocs, A Bouche, K Roberts, C Goedde, B BeckWinchatz 0800h B41C-0074 POSTER Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchange: B Rastogi, Y Kim, M B Berkelhammer, D C Noone, C T Lai, D Y Hollinger, K Bible, J B Leen, M Gupta, C J Still 0800h B41C-0075 POSTER Soil-atmosphere carbonyl sulfide (COS) exchange in a tropical rainforest at La Selva, Costa Rica: W Sun, K S Maseyk, S Juarez, C Lett, U H Seibt 0800h B41C-0076 POSTER Decadal Effects of Elevated CO2 and O3 on Forest Soil Respiration and Belowground Carbon Cycling at Aspen FACE: A F Talhelm, K S Pregitzer, D R Zak, A J Burton 0800h B41C-0077 POSTER Partitioning Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Respiration at Howland Forest: M S Carbone, D Y Hollinger, E A Davidson, H Hughes, K E Savage 0800h B41C-0078 POSTER Partitioning soil respiration: examining the artifacts of the trenching method. : K E Savage, E A Davidson, A Finzi, M A Giasson, R A Wehr 0800h B41C-0079 POSTER Land-use and climate effects on soil respiration quantified with a landscape sensor network: S Crum, D Jenerette 0800h B41C-0058 POSTER Intermittent spring flooding of agricultural fields will increase net global-warming potential of greenhouse gas fluxes: R F Paul, E M Smyth, C M Smith, I B Kantola, A Krichels, W H Yang, E H DeLucia 0800h B41C-0080 POSTER Seasonal Variation in Soil Microbial Biomass, Bacterial Community Composition and Extracellular Enzyme Activity in Relation to Soil Respiration in a Northern Great Plains Grassland: E Wilton, L B Flanagan 0800h B41C-0059 POSTER Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions across a Riparian-Upland Transect: How Will Soils Respond to Anticipated Changes in Rainfall Magnitude and Frequency?: T Weiglein, D Scott, B Strahm 0800h B41C-0081 POSTER Diel patterns of soil respiration in a moist subtropical forest: key drivers and future research needs: O GutiГ©rrez del Arroyo, T E Wood 0800h B41C-0060 POSTER Seasonal Variability in Atmospheric-Methane Oxidation in a Swiss Glacier Forefield: M H Schroth, E Chiri, P A Nauer, E M Rainer, J A Zeyer 0800h B41C-0061 POSTER A Modern Automatic Chamber Technique as a Powerful Tool for CH4 and CO2 Flux Monitoring: M Mastepanov, T R Christensen, M Lund, N Pirk 0800h B41C-0062 POSTER Seasonal CH4 and N2O emissions and plant growth characteristics of several cultivars in direct seeded rice systems : M Simmonds, M M Anders, M A Adviento-Borbe, C Van Kessel, A McClung, B Linquist 0800h B41C-0063 POSTER Carbon decomposition process of the residual biomass in the paddy soil of a single-crop rice field: K Okada, T Iwata 0800h B41C-0064 POSTER A study on characteristics of Methane emission from a periodically irrigated paddy field in Japan: N Wakikuromaru, T Iwata, K Yagi 0800h B41C-0065 POSTER The variations of Oxidation-Reduction Potential in paddy soil and effects on the methane emission from a periodically irrigated paddy field: K Yagi, T Iwata, N Wakikuromaru THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER B41D Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Fluxes from Wetland Ecosystems: Implications for Climate Change, Coastal Management, and Adaptation II Posters (joint with A, GC, H) Presiding: Omar I. Abdul-Aziz, Florida International Univ.; Jianwu Tang, The Ecosystems Center, MBL 0800h B41D-0082 POSTER Annual Greenhouse Gas (CO2, CH4, and N2O) Fluxes Via Ebullition from a Temperate Emergent Wetland: G Mcnicol, C S Sturtevant, S H Knox, D D Baldocchi, W L Silver 0800h B41D-0083 POSTER Comparison of analytical procedures to estimate CH4 and N2O fluxes from a two-year ecosystem study in a constructed wetland system: J Ramos Jr, E J Chapman, N Weller, P Susanto, D L Childers 2014 5 11/28/2014 11:06:15 AM 0800h B41D-0084 POSTER A Year in the Life: Annual Patterns of CO2 and CH4 from a Northern Finland Peatland, Including Anaerobic Methane Oxidation and Summer Ebullition Rates: K Miller, D Lipson, C Biasi, M Dorodnikov, M MГ¤nnistГ¶, C T Lai 0800h B41D-0085 POSTER Controls of Carbon Preservation in Coastal Wetlands of Texas: Mangrove vs. Saltmarsh Ecosystems: A M E Sterne, P Louchouarn, M J Norwood, K Kaiser 0800h B41D-0086 POSTER Ecosystem Carbon Stocks of Intertidal Wetlands in Singapore: V X H Phang, D Friess, L M Chou 0800h B41D-0087 POSTER Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Subtropical Mangrove in Hong Kong: D Y F Lai, J Xu 0800h B41D-0088 POSTER Estimating Carbon Storage in Eelgrass Meadows in the Gulf of Maine: J Simpson, B McDowell, M Sacarny, P Colarusso 0800h B41D-0089 POSTER Influence of hydroperiod on aquatic primary productivity between short- and long-hydroperiod Florida Everglades marshes: J Cummings, P C Olivas, S F Oberbauer, S L Malone, G Starr 0800h B41D-0090 POSTER Scaling for Robust Empirical Modeling and Predictions of Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) from Diverse Wetland Ecosystems: K S Ishtiaq, O I Abdul-Aziz 0800h B41D-0091 POSTER Estimating Global Natural Wetland Methane Emissions Using Process Modeling: The Spatiotemporal Patterns and the Contributions to Atmospheric Methane Fluctuations: Q Zhu, C Peng, J Liu, X Fang, H Jiang 0800h B41D-0092 POSTER The geographic concentration of blue carbon in the continental US: R A Feagin, A Hinson 0800h B41D-0093 POSTER BIOMASS CARBON IN THE SOUTH MEXICAN PACIFIC COAST: EXPLORING MANGROVE POTENTIAL TO REDD+ MECHANISMS: M Bejarano, I AmezcuaTorrijos 0800h B41D-0094 POSTER Carbon distributions in Spartina alterniflora dominated salt marshes in Galveston, Texas: The role of elevation, relative sea level history, and land cover conversions: R W Kulawardhana, R A Feagin, S C Popescu 0800h B41D-0095 POSTER Measuring the Role of Ecological Shift and Environmental Change on Organic Carbon Stocks in Salt Marshes and Mangrove Dominated Wetlands from the Texas Gulf Coast: M J Norwood, P Louchouarn, A R Armitage, W HighField, S Brody, N White 0800h B41D-0096 POSTER Effects of Experimental Warming on Net Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from a New England Salt Marsh: J Carey, K D Kroeger, K Morkeski, X Chen, J Tang 0800h B41D-0097 POSTER Response of carbon sequestration in salt marshes to changes in nitrogen loading and sea level rise: K J Vadman, M E Gonneea, K D Kroeger, J Tang, S MosemanValtierra 0800h B41D-0098 POSTER The response of soil organic matter decomposition and greenhouse gases emission to global warming and nitrogen addition: H Oh, J H Choi 0800h B41D-0099 POSTER SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL VARIABILITY IN CARBON DIOXIDE FLUXES AT THREE COASTAL MARSHES ALONG A SALINITY GRADIENT IN THE NORTHERN GULF OF MEXICO: HOW SUSCEPTIBLE ARE COASTAL MARSHES IN THE REGION TO FUTURE WARIMING?: B Mortazavi, B Wilson, R P Kiene 0800h B41D-0100 POSTER Long term (>100 years) Carbon Sequestration in California Coastal Salt Marshes: L N Brown, G M MacDonald, J R Holmquist 0800h B41D-0101 POSTER Spatial Variability of Greenhouse Gas (CH4, N20, and CO2) Soil Fluxes in Restored and Historic Marshes in California: K P Sherrill, S C Anisfeld 0800h B41D-0102 POSTER Benthic Primary Production in a Saltmarsh Pond: Insights from Fluxes of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Oxygen: J S Karolewski, R H Stanley, E M Howard, A C Spivak B41E Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Changing Ecosystems of the Arctic and Antarctic Posters II (joint with C, GC, OS) Presiding: Lauren Everett, National Academy of Sciences; Eileen Hofmann, Old Dominion U-Innov Res Bldg; Jacqueline Grebmeier, Univ MD Center Enviro Science; Gaius Shaver, Marine Bio Lab 6 AGU2014News.indb 6 2014 0800h B41E-0103 POSTER Changing Seasonality of Tundra Vegetation and Associated Climatic Variables: U S Bhatt, D A Walker, M K Raynolds, P Bieniek, H E Epstein, J C Comiso, J Pinzon, C J Tucker, M Steele, W S Ermold, J Zhang 0800h B31J-04 POSTER Response of Peat-forming Ecosystems of the Western Antarctic Peninsula to Recent Climate Change: M Tardona, D Beilman, Z Yu, J Loisel 0800h B41E-0105 POSTER Diverging Plant and Ecosystem Strategies in Response to Climate Change in the High Arctic: K S Maseyk, J M Welker, C I Czimczik, M Lupascu, C Lett, U H Seibt 0800h B41E-0106 POSTER A Greener Arctic: Vascular Plant Litter Input in Subarctic Peat Bogs Changes Soil Invertebrate Diets and Decomposition Patterns: E J Krab, M P Berg, R Aerts, R S P van Logtestijn, J H C Cornelissen 0800h B41E-0107 POSTER Developmental History of an Intriguing Peat-Forming Community Along the West Antarctic Peninsula: J Loisel, Z Yu, D Beilman, K Kaiser 0800h B41E-0108 POSTER Modeling study of phytoplankton and sea ice algal production and phenology in the Antarctic Ocean: M Jin 0800h B41E-0109 POSTER A Shift to Melted Sea Ice From Runoff as the Major Component of Chukchi Shelf Open Water Freshwater Fractions, 19932013: L W Cooper, K E Frey, C L Logvinova, D M Biasatti, J M Grebmeier 0800h B41E-0110 POSTER CO2 Flux From Antarctic Dry Valley Soils: Determining the Source and Environmental Controls: D A Risk, C M Macintyre, F Shanhun, P C Almond, C Lee, C Cary 0800h B41E-0112 POSTER Variability in Canopy Transpiration with Atmospheric Drivers and Permafrost Thaw Depth in an Arctic Siberian Larch Forest: M M Loranty, L T Berner, H D Alexander, S P Davydov 0800h B41E-0113 POSTER An Inter-Disciplinary Approach to Assess Adaptation Processes Resulting From a Long-Term Drainage Disturbance of a Permafrost Ecosystem: M Goeckede, M J Kwon, F Kittler, I Burjack, M Heimann, N Zimov, S A Zimov 0800h B41E-0114 POSTER Effects of Winter Climate Change on Plant and Soil Ecology of Cryoturbated Non-Sorted Circles Tundra: S Monteux, E J Krab, J RГ¶nnefarth, M Becher, G Blume-Werry, J Kreyling, F Keuper, J Klaminder, M Kobayashi, E J Lundin, A Milbau, L M Teuber, J Weedon, E Dorrepaal 0800h B41E-0115 POSTER Experimental evidence that microbial activity lowers the albedo of glacier surfaces: the cryoconite casserole experiment: M Musilova, M Tranter, N Takeuchi, A M Anesio 0800h B41E-0116 POSTER Future Biome Projections in Alaska and East Russia: A Hendricks, K Saito, N H Bigelow, J E Walsh 0800h B41E-0117 POSTER Distribution of dissolved and particulate trace metals in Arctic sea ice: M Taylor, I L Hendy, S Aciego, K Meyer 0800h B41E-0118 POSTER A Spatially-Explicit Modeling Approach to Examine the Interaction of Reproductive Traits and Landscape Characteristics on Arctic Shrub Expansion: A T Naito, D M Cairns, R M Feldman, W E Grant 0800h B41E-0120 POSTER Seasonal and interannual variability of dissolved inorganic nutrients along the western Antarctic Peninsula: is the Southern Annular Mode a potential driver? : H Kim, D G Martinson, R A Iannuzzi, H W Ducklow 0800h B41E-0121 POSTER Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter across a Marine Distributed Biological Observatory in the Pacific Arctic Region: S L Berman, K E Frey, K L Shake, L W Cooper, J M Grebmeier 0800h B41E-0122 POSTER Evaluating Post-fire Ecosystem Effects in Tussock Tundra of the Seward Peninsula: Characterizing Above-ground Biomass Accumulation, Soil Nutrient Pools, and Foliar Nitrogen: T N Hollingsworth, M C Mack, A L Breen 0800h B41F-0125 POSTER Photosynthetic Carbon Isotope Discrimination Increases with Elevated CO2 in a Grassland Ecosystem: T J Zelikova, E Pendall, D G Williams, D R LeCain 0800h B41H-0144 POSTER Iron Mineral Catalyzed C-H Activation As a Potential Pathway for Halogenation Processes: C Tubbesing, H F Schoeler, K Benzing, T Krause, S Lippe, M Rudloff 0800h B41F-0126 POSTER Winter wheat and summer shade: S Artru, S Garre, L Lassois, C Dupraz 0800h B41H-0145 POSTER Iron Catalyzed Halogenation Processes in Saline Soils: C Tubbesing, S Lippe, V Kullik, L Hauck, T Krause, F Keppler, H F Schoeler 0800h B41F-0127 POSTER Are above and belowground phenology in sync?: R Z Abramoff, A Finzi 0800h B41F-0128 POSTER The Role of Soil Biological Function in Regulating Agroecosystem Services and Sustainability in the Quesungual Agroforestry System: S Fonte, N Pauli, L Rousseau, J W U A SIX, E Barrios 0800h B41F-0130 POSTER Imagining Future Forests: What Models Can Learn from Field Data: E J Ward, J C Domec, M A Laviner, T D Fox, G Sun, S G McNulty, J King, A Noormets 0800h B41F-0131 POSTER Using large area imaging to integrate biogeochemical data across spatial scales: H M Sapers, A Laquerre, M W Phaneuf, G R Osinski 0800h B41F-0132 POSTER Evaluation of the biophysical limitations on photosynthesis of four varietals of Brassica rapa : J R Pleban, D S Mackay, T Aston, B Ewers, C Weinig B41G Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Intergrating Omics and Chemical Knowledge for an Improved Understanding for Soil Microbial Community and Nutrient Dynamics II Posters (joint with GC) Presiding: Vanessa Bailey, Pacific Northwest National Lab; Lee Ann McCue, Pacific Northwest National Lab; Taniya Roy Chowdhury, Oak Ridge National Lab; Neslihan Tas, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 0800h B41G-0133 POSTER Incorporating Functional Gene Quantification into Traditional Decomposition Models: K E Todd-Brown, J Zhou, H Yin, L Wu, J M Tiedje, E A G Schuur, K Konstantinidis, Y Luo 0800h B41G-0134 POSTER Coupled Metagenomic and Chemical Analyses of Degrading Fungal Necromass and Implications for Microbial Contributions to Stable Soil OC: K M Schreiner, B S T Morgan, J Schultz, N E Blair, L M EgertonWarburton 0800h B41H-0146 POSTER Diagenetic Iron Cycling in Ancient Alkaline Saline Lacustrine Sedimentary Rocks: A Case Study on the Jurassic Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation, Colorado Plateau, USA: S L Potter-McIntyre, M A Chan, B J O L McPherson 0800h B41H-0147 POSTER Formation of Biogenic Fe-Oxyhydroxides in an Extreme Thermal Environment: X Peng, S Chen, H Xu 0800h B41H-0148 POSTER The structure of ironoxyhydroxide mounds affected by iron-oxidizing bacteria at shallow submarine hydrothermal vent in Satsuma Iwo-Jima: T Kuratomi, S Kiyokawa, M Ikehara, S Goto, T Hoshino, F Ikegami, Y Minowa 0800h B41H-0149 POSTER Microbial Fe(III) Oxide Reduction in Chocolate Pots Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park: N W Fortney, E E Roden, E S Boyd, B J Converse 0800h B41H-0150 POSTER Dissolved Oxygen and Sulfide Define the Boundaries of Thermophilic Microbial Iron Mats: B St Clair, E Shock 0800h B41H-0151 POSTER The glacial iron cycle from source to export: J Hawkings, J L Wadham, M Tranter, R Raiswell, L G Benning, P J Statham, A J Tedstone, P W Nienow, J Telling, E Bagshaw, S L Simmons 0800h B41H-0152 POSTER Structural and Chemical Modification of Fe-Rich Smectite Associated with Microbial Fe-Respiration By Psychrophilic Bacteria in King George Island, West Antarctica: J Jung, J Kim, H S Lim, H Yoon, Y K Lee, K Park, J Lee, J W Kim 0800h B41H-0153 POSTER Implication for the occurrence of low temperature smectite to illite reaction in the Bering Sea slope sediments (IODP Expedition 323): A Ijiri, S Wakaki, M Murayama, F Inagaki 0800h B41H-0154 POSTER Potential application of microbial iron redox cycles in nitrate removal and their effects on clay mineral properties: L Zhao, H Dong, R K Kukkadapu, B R Briggs, Q Zeng 0800h B41H-0155 POSTER Environmental Factors Affecting Ammonium Oxidation Under Iron Reducing Conditions: P R Jaffe, S Huang, M RuizUrigГјen 0800h B41G-0136 POSTER Impacts of elevated CO2 on plant-microbial interactions: S Shi, D Herman, E E Nuccio, J Pett-Ridge, E Brodie, Z He, J Zhou, M Firestone 0800h B41H-0156 POSTER A Description of an Acidophilic, Iron Reducer, Geobacter sp. FeAm09 Isolated from Tropical Soils: O Healy, J Souchek, A Heithoff, B LaMere, D Pan, G Hollis, W H Yang, W L Silver, K A Weber 0800h B41G-0137 POSTER Microbial Decomposition of Extracellular DNA in Clay Soils: E M Morrissey, T A McHugh, E Schwartz, L Preteska, M Hayer, B A Hungate 0800h B41H-0157 POSTER High Potential for Iron Reduction in Upland Soils from Diverse Terrestrial Ecosystems: W H Yang, D Liptzin 0800h B41G-0138 POSTER Frozen in Time? Microbial strategies for survival and carbon metabolism over geologic time in a Pleistocene permafrost chronosequence: R Mackelprang, T A Douglas, M P Waldrop 0800h B41G-0139 POSTER The influence of salinity and restoration on wetland soil microbial communities and carbon cycling in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Region: S Theroux, W Hartman, S He, L Windham-Myers, S G Tringe 0800h B41G-0140 POSTER Pyrogenic and Fresh Organic Matter Effects on Soil Microbial Communities: T Whitman, D H Buckley, J Lehmann 0800h B41G-0142 POSTER Unraveling the Complex Drivers of CO2 and CH4 Flux in Permafrost Soils: J G Ernakovich, L M Lynch, F Calderon, P E Brewer, M D Wallenstein 0800h B41H-0158 POSTER Role of Siderophores in Dissimilatory Iron Reduction in Arctic Soils : Effect of Direct Amendment of Siderophores to Arctic Soil: A J Srinivas, E A Dinsdale, D Lipson 0800h B41H-0159 POSTER Soluble Iron as an In Situ Indicator of the Redox State of Humic Substances in Arctic Soil: Implications for Seasonal Regeneration of Oxidized Terminal Electron Acceptors: D Lipson, J E Zlamal, A J Srinivas, T K Raab 0800h B41H-0160 POSTER Lifting the Humic Veil: A Novel Approach to Quantitating Occluded Iron in Peat Porewater: T J Veverica, E S Kane, A M Marcarelli, S A Green 0800h B41H-0161 POSTER The Redox Dynamics of Iron in a Seasonally Waterlogged Forest Soil (Chaux Forest, Eastern France) Traced with Rare Earth Element Distribution Patterns: M Steinmann, A L Floch, E Lucot, P M Badot 0800h B41E-0123 POSTER Compound-Specific Amino Acid Isotopic Analysis of Benthic Food Webs in the Chukchi Sea: M Zhang, L W Cooper, D M Biasatti, J M Grebmeier 0800h B41G-0143 POSTER A Metagenomic Perspective on Changes to Nutrient-cycling Genes Following Forest-to-agriculture Conversion in the Amazon Basin: K M Meyer, A M Womack, J Rodrigues, K NГјsslein, B J M Bohannan B41I Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h B41F Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h B41H Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Ideas in Terrestrial Biogeochemistry: Tell the Story II Posters (joint with EP, GC, H) Iron Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems and Extreme Environments I Posters Presiding: Santonu Goswami, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Daniel Hayes, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Guido Grosse, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Center for Polar and Marine Research Potsdam; Benjamin Jones, U.S. Geological Survey Presiding: Naama Raz Yaseef, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Margaret Torn, Berkeley Lab/UC Berkeley; Stan Wullschleger, Oak Ridge National Laboratory THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER Presiding: Wendy Yang, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Daniel Liptzin, University of Colorado; Sophie Nixon, University of Edinburgh; Jemma Wadham, School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol Remote Sensing of Northern HighLatitude Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems I Posters (joint with C) 0800h B41I-0162 POSTER Timing of Retrogressive Thaw Slump Initiation in the Noatak Basin, Northwest Alaska, USA: A Balser, J Jones, R Gens All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:15 AM 0800h B41I-0163 POSTER A Comparison of Satellite and Aircraft-Mounted Thermal Observations of Freeze/Thaw Cycling of the Alaska Tundra and Boreal Forests during the Carbon in the Arctic Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE): N Steiner, K C McDonald, C E Miller, S J Dinardo 0800h B41I-0164 POSTER Thermokarst Lake Gyre Flow Speed and Direction Derivation Using Image Matching from Sequential Satellite Images: S Zhan, S Wang, R A Beck, H Liu, K M Hinkel 0800h B41I-0165 POSTER Using Discriminant Analysis to Examine Spectral Differences Among Four Tundra Vegetation Communities at Ivotuk, Alaska: S Bratsch, H E Epstein 0800h B41I-0166 POSTER Mapping plant functional type distributions in Arctic ecosystems using WorldView-2 satellite imagery and unsupervised clustering: Z Langford, J Kumar, F M Hoffman, V L Sloan, R J Norby, S D Wullschleger 0800h B41I-0167 POSTER Using geomorphology to map plant community distribution in complex polygonal tundra landscapes: V L Sloan, C Gangodagamage, C M Iversen, R J Norby, S D Wullschleger 0800h B41J-0182 POSTER Modelling the Impact from Combined Changes on Riverine Nutrients Across Sweden: Y H Hirpa, R Capell, G Lindstrom, J StrГ¶mqvist, B Arheimer 0800h B41J-0183 POSTER Identification and characterization of anthropogenic nitrogen fluxes using stable isotopes and reactive hydrologic modeling: M T O’connell, S A Macko, Y Fu 0800h B41J-0184 POSTER Detection and Attribution of Regional Land-Use and Climate Change Signatures in River Nutrient Time-Series Using Dynamic Factor Analysis: R Aguilera, R MarcГ©, S Sabater 0800h B41J-0185 POSTER An Integrated Modeling Approach for Describing Fate and Transport of Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) in Estuarine Reservoir: J Zhang, T Nguyen Viet, X Wang, H Chen, K Y H Gin 0800h B41J-0186 POSTER Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in Coastal Pacific Northwest Rivers: Biological Controls and Management Options: D J Sobota, E Foster, R Michie, D Waltz 0800h B41I-0168 POSTER Estimating aboveground biomass of low-stature Arctic shrubs with terrestrial LiDAR: H Greaves, L A Vierling, J Eitel, N Boelman, K L Griffin, T S Magney 0800h B41J-0187 POSTER Using Оґ15N of Chironomidae as an index of nitrogen sources and processing within watersheds as part of EPA’s National Aquatic Resource Surveys: J R Brooks, J Compton, A Herlihy, D J Sobota, J Stoddard, M Weber 0800h B41I-0169 POSTER Wetland Maps of Central Canada based on L-band SAR Imagery: J Whitcomb, D Clewley, M Moghaddam, K C McDonald 0800h B41J-0188 POSTER Nitrate dynamics within a stream-lake network through time and space: L C Loken, J T Crawford, E S Childress, N J Casson, E H Stanley 0800h B41I-0170 POSTER Retrieval of Understory NDVI in Sparse Boreal Forests By MODIS Brdf Data: W Yang, H Kobayashi, R Suzuki, K N Nasahara 0800h B41J-0189 POSTER NEON: High Frequency Monitoring Network for Watershed-Scale Processes and Aquatic Ecology: J M Vance, M Fitzgerald, S M Parker, C L Roehm, K J Goodman, C Bohall, R Utz 0800h B41I-0172 POSTER Using Image Segmentation to Identify Tundra Vegetation Variability in High Resolution Satellite Images: Z Lazow, L Roemke, M M Loranty 0800h B41I-0173 POSTER Systematic HighResolution (30 meter) Inventory of Global Lakes: Pan-Arctic and Beyond: Y Sheng, J Wang, L C Smith, E A Lyons, G Te, J Woods, D Garibay, B Knox 0800h B41I-0174 POSTER Assessing Rates of Biological and Morphological Change in Northern Ecosystems Using Remote Sensing Time Series Data, LiDAR, and Gridded Climate Records: L Chasmer, C Hopkinson, R M Petrone 0800h B41I-0175 POSTER Quantitative Interpretation of Arctic Tundra Attributes Using Remote Sensing: Leveraging Field Data, Modernand Legacy Landsat Data, and Commercial Imagery in Northern Alaska: G V Frost Jr, M J Macander, P R Nelson 0800h B41I-0176 POSTER Calibration, Compositing, and Classification of Landsat Datasets and High-Resolution Imagery in Arctic Alaska: M J Macander, G V Frost Jr B41J Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Variations in Aquatic Biogeochemical, Hydrological, and Ecosystem Functional Responses to Anthropogenic Changes II Posters Presiding: Hong-Yi Li, Pac NW National Lab; Nandita Basu, University of Waterloo; Heather Golden, US EPA, ORD, NERL, EERD; Christopher Knightes, USEPA--ORD/NERL 0800h B41J-0190 POSTER Monitoring Physicochemical and Nutrient Dynamics Along a Development Gradient in Maine Ephemeral Wetlands: L Y Podzikowski, K A Capps, A Calhoun 0800h B41J-0191 POSTER Natural and Anthropogenic Water Treatment: How Riverine Ecosystem Services of Nitrogen Removal Interact with Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure in the Northeast U.S: R J Stewart, W M Wollheim, K A Whittinghill, M Mineau, B Rosenzweig 0800h B41J-0192 POSTER Scaling of increased dissolved organic carbon inputs by forest clear-cutting in a boreal forest - What arrives downstream?: H Laudon, J Schelker, K Г–hman, S LГ¶fgren 0800h B41K-0202 POSTER Tree species composition influences dependence of climate forcing on spring phenology across temperate deciduous broadleaf forests in Eastern United States: E K Melaas, M A Friedl, A D Richardson 0930h B41L-07 Forest age, channel morphology, and biogeochemical processes in mountain rivers: R O Hall Jr, N K Day, H L Madinger, E Wohl, B Livers, S Carlson, M A Plemel, G C Poole, D M Walters, M P Venarsky 0800h B41K-0203 POSTER New prognostic phenology in the Yale Interactive Terrestrial Biosphere Model: implications for plant volatile emissions and surface air pollution in the temperate zone between 1980s and 2010s: X Yue, N Unger 0945h B41L-08 Climate Change and the Fate of Nitrogen on Northern Temperate Forests: I F Creed, E M Enanga 0800h B41K-0204 POSTER Predicting Treatment Windows for Invasive Buffelgrass in Southern Arizona using MODIS and Climate Data: C Wallace, J F Weltzin, S M Skirvin, C PatrickBirdwell, H Raichle 0800h B41K-0205 POSTER Incorporating Plant Hydraulics Into Phenological Modeling: P Savoy, D S Mackay 0800h B41K-0206 POSTER Assessing Phenological Controls on Carbon and Water Fluxes Using a Process-based Ecohydrological Model Incorporating Field Observations and Remote Sensing Data: J Kim, T Hwang, Z Wang, Y Yang, S F B B Rouhani, C Schaaf 0800h B41K-0207 POSTER Evaluation of Growing Season Milestones, Using Eddy Covariance TimeSeries of Net Ecosystem Exchange: G Pastorello, B Faybishenko, C Poindexter, O Menzer, D Agarwal, D Papale, D D Baldocchi 0800h B41K-0208 POSTER An Ecoinformatic Analysis of the Effect of Seasonal and Annual Variation in Temperature, Precipitation, and Solar Irradiance on Pollen Productivity in Two Neotropical Forests: D S Haselhorst, D K Tcheng, J E Moreno, S W Punyasena 0800h B41K-0209 POSTER Greater deciduous shrub abundance extends the annual period of maximum tundra greenness and increases modeled net CO2 uptake: S K Sweet, K L Griffin, H Steltzer, L Gough, N Boelman 0800h B41K-0210 POSTER Assessing NEE and Carbon Dynamics Among European Forestecosystems: Development and Validation of a New Phenology and Soil Carbon Routines within the Process Oriented 3D-Cmcc-Forest-Ecosystem Model: S Marconi, A Collalti, M Santini, R Valentini 0800h B41K-0211 POSTER Dynamic Pulse-Driven Flowering Phenology in a Semiarid Shrubland: N Krell, S A Papuga, E L Kipnis, K Nelson 0800h B41K-0212 POSTER Characterizing Climate Controls on Vegetation Seasonality in the North American Southwest: M A Fish, B Cook, J E Smerdon, R Seager, P Williams 0800h B41J-0193 POSTER Evaluating changes in water quality with respect to nonpoint source nutrient management strategies in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: J Keisman, A Sekellick, J Blomquist, O H Devereux, W D Hively, M Johnston, D Moyer, J Sweeney 0800h B41K-0213 POSTER Flowering phenology in the subarctic shows earlier flowering species are less variable: J Davies, M Lessard-Therrien 0800h B41J-0194 POSTER Estimating the Influence of a Tributary on Primary Productivity in Delaware Bay from Continuous Data: Biogeochemical and Ecological Responses to Inputs from the Murderkill: Y G Voynova, K C Lebaron, R T Barnes, W J Ullman Coupled Physical and Biological Processes Across Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems (joint with H) B41K Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Vegetation Phenology in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Observations, Modeling, and Implications on Climate Change I Posters B41L Moscone West 2006 Thursday0800h Presiding: Ed Hall, Colorado State University; Stephanie Kampf, Colorado State University; Marco Marani, Duke University; Alexander Petroff, Rockefeller University 0800h B41L-01 Marsh Equilibrium Theory: A Paleo Perspective: J T Morris, A Kemp, D C Barber, S J Culver, J Kegel, B Horton 0800h B41J-0177 POSTER Concrete-WaterInteraction and Ikaite (CaCO3.6H2O) Precipitation in a Man-Made River Bed : R Boch, M Dietzel, P Reichl, A Leis, P PГ¶lt, A Baldermann Presiding: Min Chen, Harvard University; James Clark, Duke University; Koen Hufkens, Harvard University; David Moore, University of Arizona 0815h B41L-02 Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls on the Fate of Dissolved Organic Matter in Large Drainage Networks: The Pulse-Shunt Concept: J E Saiers, P A Raymond, W V Sobczak, J Hoyle 0800h B41J-0178 POSTER Impacts of Climate and Human-induced Changes on Stream Temperature in Large River Systems: An Earth System Modeling Perspective: H Y Li, L R Leung, T K Tesfa, N Voisin, X Yang, J Rice 0800h B41K-0195 POSTER The importance of phenological tracking to plant community structure under stationary versus nonstationary environments: E M Wolkovich, M J Donahue 0830h B41L-03 Comparative Biodynamics; The Form and Function of Two Living Stromatolite Assemblages: D M Paterson, D Gleeson, B Burns, L Collins 0800h B41J-0179 POSTER Characteristics of nitrogen retention along the river network of upper Xin’anjiang catchment in China: A Wang, D Yang, L Tang 0800h B41J-0180 POSTER Geochemical Controls on the Partitioning and Hydrological Transport of Metals in a Human Impacted, Non-Acidic, River System: J Thorslund, J Jarsjo, T WГ¤llstedt, C M Morth, M Lychagin, S Chalov 0800h B41J-0181 POSTER Sedimentologic, Chemical, and Isotopic Constraints on the Anthropogenic Influence on Chilika Lake, India: T W Vennemann, L Decrouy, M Ecuyer, K Delavy, P Lange, G Rastogi, A Pattnaik, M Suar 0800h B41K-0196 POSTER Standardizing PhenoCam Image Processing and Data Products: T E Milliman, A D Richardson, S Klosterman, J M Gray, K Hufkens, D Aubrecht, M Chen, M A Friedl 0800h B41K-0198 POSTER Ecophysiological Remote Sensing of Leaf-Canopy Photosynthetic Characteristics in a Cool-Temperate Deciduous Forest in Japan: H M Noda, H Muraoka 0800h B41K-0199 POSTER Integrating Visual (Ground-Based) and Near-Surface Remote Sensing Phenology in a Deciduous Urban Woodlot: M D Schwartz 0800h B41K-0200 POSTER Space-Derived Phenology, Retrieval and Use for Drought and Food Security Monitoring: M Meroni, F Kayitakire, F Rembold, F Urbano, A Schucknecht, O LEO All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 7 0845h B41L-04 Biogenic Cracks in Porous Rock: A Hemmerle, J Hartung, O Hallatschek, L Goehring, S Herminghaus 0900h B41L-05 Landscape and plant physiological controls on water dynamics within a watershed: J Hu, N T Looker, J T Martin, Z H Hoylman, K G Jencso 0915h B41L-06 Transport of Black Carbon Across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface Following Wildfire: Contributions of Short and Long-term Controls: C M Boot, M F Cotrufo, M L Haddix, S Schmeer, S K Kampf, D J Brogan, P A Nelson, C Rhoades, S E Ryan, S L Rathburn, E Hall THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER B41M Moscone West 2004 Thursday0800h Managing Phosphorus Fate and Transport at the Biogeochemical, Hydrologic, and Food Production Nexus I (joint with H) Presiding: Josephine Archibald, Cornell University; Sheila Saia, Cornell University; Michael Walter, Cornell University 0800h B41M-01 Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity in Regional Watershed Phosphorus Cycles Driven by Changes in Human Activity over the Past Century: R L Hale, N B Grimm, C J Vorosmarty 0815h B41M-02 Hydroclimatic Controls on the Seasonal and Inter-Annual Variability of Dissolved Phosphorus Concentration in a Lowland Agricultural Catchment: R Dupas, C Gascuelodoux, C Grimaldi, G Gruau 0830h B41M-03 Estimating Phosphorus Loss at the Whole-Farm Scale with User-Friendly Models: P Vadas, M Powell, G Brink, D Busch, L Good 0845h B41M-04 Seasonal Dynamics in Runoff Generation, Flowpaths and Phosphorus Mobilization From Reduced-till Agricultural Fields in Ontario, Canada: M L Macrae, C van Esbroeck, R Brunke, K McKague 0900h B41M-05 The Role of Legacy Effects and Reactive Amendments on Phosphorus Retention Within Riparian Zones: B Surridge, R Habibiandehkordi, J Quinton 0915h B41M-06 Legacy phosphorus accumulation and management in the global context: insights from long-term analysis of major river basins: S M Powers, T P Burt, N I Chan, J J Elser, P M Haygarth, N J K Howden, H P Jarvie, H M Peterson, J Shen, F Worrall, A N Sharpley 0930h B41M-07 Managing for Phosphorus and Other Resources in Globalized Agriculture: G K MacDonald, N D Mueller, E M Bennett, K A Brauman, J S Gerber, G S Metson, P C West 0945h Discussion B41N Moscone West 2002 Thursday0800h Remote Sensing of Vegetation Function and Traits II Presiding: Rasmus Houborg, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST); Joshua Fisher, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Andrew Skidmore, University of Twente 0800h B41N-01 Towards a Handshake of GroundBased Measurements and Remote-Sensing of Vegetation Traits at Global Scale?: J Kattge, S DГaz, S Lavorel, I C Prentice, P Leadley, P B Reich, A Banerjee, F Fazayeli, F I Schrodt, J Joswig, M D Mahecha, C Wirth 0815h B41N-02 Clustering of Leaf and Canopy Spectra: How Do They Correspond to Functional Traits and Types?: K L Roth, M Huesca, S Mathews, ГЃ Casas Planes, M M Alsina, M GarciaAlonso, S Ustin 0830h B41N-03 Remote Sensing of Mycorrhizae? Detection of Mycorrhizal Association from Canopy Spectral Properties: J B Fisher, S Sweeney, E R Brzostek, T P Evans, N A Bourg, R Phillips 0845h B41N-04 Linking Seasonal Foliar Chemistry to VSWIR-TIR Spectroscopy Across California Ecosystems: S Meerdink, D A Roberts, J Y King, K L Roth, C H Amaral, S J Hook 0900h B41N-05 Mapping Amazonian Canopy Foliar Traits with Imaging Spectroscopy: G P Asner, R Martin, C B Anderson, D E Knapp 0915h B41N-06 Hyperspectral data for scaling ecosystem traits from point to landscape: E Tomelleri, S Asam, C Notarnicola 0945h B41N-08 Thermal Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Plant Species and Stress Detection: M Schlerf, G Rock, S Ullah, M Gerhards, T Udelhoven, A K Skidmore 2014 7 11/28/2014 11:06:16 AM B41O Moscone West 2003 Thursday0800h Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change II (joint with C, GC) Presiding: Christina Schaedel, University of Florida; Anthony McGuire, University of Alaska Fairbanks; David Olefeldt, University of Alberta 0800h B41O-01 Climate Change and the Permafrost Carbon Feedback: E A G Schuur, A D McGuire, G Grosse, J W Harden, D J Hayes, G Hugelius, C D Koven, P Kuhry, D M Lawrence, S Natali, D Olefeldt, V E Romanovsky, C Schaedel, K M Schaefer, M R Turetsky, C C Treat, J Vonk 0815h B41O-02 Carbon Pool of Permafrost in Kolyma-Indigirka Lowland: D Shmelev, A Veremeeva, G Kraev, A L Kholodov, E Rivkina 0800h C41A-0326 POSTER A grid-based Model for Backwasting at supraglacial Ice Cliffs on a debriscovered Glacier: P Buri, J F Steiner, F Pellicciotti, E S Miles, W Immerzeel 0800h C41A-0327 POSTER Energy-balance and melt contributions of supraglacial lakes, Langtang Khola, Nepal: E S Miles, I C Willis, F Pellicciotti, J F Steiner, P Buri, N S Arnold 0800h C41B-0350 POSTER Modeling the Mass Balance of Arctic-Asian Glaciers using the WRF data: case study in the Altai Mountains: Y Zhang, H Enomoto, T Ohata, H Kitabata, T Kadota, Y Hirabayashi 0800h C41B-0351 POSTER Estimating the Bedrock Topography of the Gangotri Glacier in India: P Gantayat, A V Kulkarni, J Srinivasan 0800h C41A-0328 POSTER Quantifying the uncertainty in surface energy fluxes of glacierised environments: How does the lack of information affect estimations of ablation amounts?: A Ayala, F Pellicciotti, P Burlando 0800h C41B-0352 POSTER Impact of glaciomorphological parameters in the glacier change: A case study of parts of Western Himalaya, India: R Brahmbhatt, I Bahuguna, B Rathore, A V Kulkarni, R Shah 0800h C41A-0329 POSTER Uncertainties in Modelling Glacier Melt and Mass Balances: the Role of Air Temperature Extrapolation and Type of Melt Models: F Pellicciotti, S Ragettli, M Carenzo, A Ayala, J P McPhee, M Stoffel 0800h C41B-0353 POSTER Ice Cliff Backwasting over debris-covered Glaciers – Insights into their Formation and Development based on new Measurements and a point-scale Model: J F Steiner, F Pellicciotti, P Buri, E S Miles, T D Reid, W Immerzeel 0800h C41A-0330 POSTER Hydro-glaciological modeling in the Upper Maipo River basin, extratropical Andes Cordillera, with explicit representation of debris-covered glaciers: J P McPhee, Y Castillo, M Escobar, F Pellicciotti 0800h C41B-0354 POSTER Complex erosion patterns produced by the Haizishan paleo-ice cap, SE Tibetan Plateau: P Fu, A P Stroeven, J Harbor, J Heyman, C HГ¤ttestrand, M W Caffee 0845h B41O-04 Age of Dissolved Organic Carbon across an Arctic Landscap: K J McFarlane, H Throckmorton, T P Guilderson 0800h C41A-0332 POSTER Developing Temperature Forcing for Snow and Ice Melt Runoff Models in High Mountain Regions: A P Barrett, R L Armstrong, M J Brodzik, S J S Khalsa, B H Raup, K Rittger 0800h C41B-0355 POSTER Climatic vs. Seismic Controlled Rockglacier Advances in Northern Tien Shan - Insights from Lichenometry: S Rosenwinkel, O Korup, A Landgraf, A Dzhumabaeva 0900h B41O-05 Carbon and Nutrient Limitation of Microbial Decomposition of Organic Matter in Permafrost Soils: A Richter, J Barta, P Capek, N Gentsch, G Guggenberger, C Kaiser, R Mikutta, O Shibistova, H Santruckova, J Schnecker, B Wild 0800h C41A-0333 POSTER Modeling Runoff from Partially Glacierized Catchments in the Tropical Andes with Different Glacier Coverage and Land Cover Conditions: T Kinouchi, J Mendoza, J Luna, Y Asaoka 0800h C41B-0356 POSTER Thermal State and Characteristics of Permafrost in Qilian Mountains, Northwest China: B Cao, T Zhang, X Zhang, X Wan, L Zheng, X Peng, J Liu, B Wu, C Mu, L Cao, H Guo 0915h B41O-06 Variations in the Horizontal and Vertical Distributions of Organic Carbon Stocks across Ice Wedge Polygons of Arctic Alaska: J D Jastrow, C L Ping, R Matamala, T W Vugteveen, J S Lederhouse, G J Michaelson 0800h C41A-0334 POSTER Combination of remote sensing data products to derive spatial climatologies of “degree days” and downscale meteorological reanalyses: application to the Upper Indus Basin: N D Forsythe, N Rutter, B W Brock, H J Fowler, S Blenkinsop 0800h C41B-0357 POSTER Effect of Permafrost Degradation on the Development of the Rainfallcontrolling Thermokarst Ponds on the QinghaiTibet Plateau: Q Yu, X Pan, Y You, L Guo, Y Li 0830h B41O-03 Ancient CO2 Emissions from the High Arctic-Svalbard in Winter: Responses to Deeper Winter Snow in a Permafrost Dominated Landscape: J M Welker, M Lupascu, M Welker, E Cooper, C I Czimczik 0930h B41O-07 Controlled Freeze-thaw Experiments to Study Biogeochemical Process and its Effects on Greenhouse Gas Release in Arctic Soil Columns: Y Wu, T J Kneafsey, N Tas, M Bill, C Ulrich, S S Hubbard 0945h B41O-08 In Situ Contribution of Old Respired CO2 from Soils in Burnt and Collapsed Permafrost in Canada: C Estop-Aragones, J P Fisher, M Cooper, A Thierry, M D Williams, G K Phoenix, J Murton, D Charman, I P Hartley CRYOSPHERE C41A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Advances in High-Altitude Glaciohydrology II Posters (joint with H) Presiding: Wouter Immerzeel, University of Utrecht; Francesca Pellicciotti, ETH Zurich; Joseph Shea, International Center for Integrated Mountain Development 0800h C41A-0316 POSTER Assessment of Regional Climatic and Hydrological Changes in the Eastern Himalayan Region: A Agrawal, S Tayal 0800h C41A-0317 POSTER Estimating Snow and Glacier Melt in a Himalayan Watershed Using an Energy Balance Snow and Glacier Melt Model: A Sen Gupta, D G Tarboton, A Racoviteanu, M E Brown, S Habib 0800h C41A-0318 POSTER Ensemble Predictions of Future Snowfall Scenarios in the Karakorum and Hindu-Kush Mountains Using Downscaled GCM Data: T M Mosier, D F Hill, K V Sharp 0800h C41A-0335 POSTER Reaction path modelling used to explore the relationship between secondary mineral precipitation and low Si content in the meltwaters of a polythermal surge-type glacier: J W Crompton, G E Flowers, D M Kirste, B Hagedorn 0800h C41A-0336 POSTER Three decades of debriscovered area change for 94 glaciers in Northern Pakistan: S Herreid, A Ayala, F Pellicciotti C41B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Climate and the Changing Cryosphere in High Asia I Posters (joint with EP, GC, NH, SI) Presiding: Jeffrey Kargel, University of Arizona; Umesh Haritashya, University of Dayton; Michael Bishop, Texas A & M University 0800h C41B-0337 POSTER Identifying and Evaluating Possible Trigger Mechanisms for Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in the Hindu Kush Himalayas Using Remote Sensing Satellite Data: T G Hess, U K Haritashya 0800h C41B-0338 POSTER Glacial Lake Expansion in the Central Himalayas By Landsat Images, 19902010: Y Nie, Q Liu, S Liu 0800h C41B-0339 POSTER Hazards Associated with High Altitude Rain-Fed Lakes (HARL) in the Overdeepened Deglaciated Region of Hindu Kush and Himalaya: U K Haritashya, T G Hess 0800h C41B-0340 POSTER Heterogeneous Status of Glacial Terminal-Contacted Lakes in Himalayas Due to Different Geomorphology and Glacier Characters: Q Liu, Y Nie, S Liu 0800h C41B-0358 POSTER Response of Changes in Soil Seasonal Freeze/Thaw to Climate Change from 1950 to 2010 in China: T Zhang, X Peng, D Yue, R Jin, K Wang C41C Moscone West 2022-2024 Thursday0800h Modeling of the Cryosphere: Glaciers and Ice Sheets II (Virtual Session) Presiding: Mauro Werder, University of Bristol; Sophie Nowicki, NASA GSFC; Ian Hewitt, University of Oxford; Christian Schoof, Univ British Columbia 0800h C41C-01 A Thin-Plate (Shallow Shelf) Treatment of Viscoelastic Ice-Shelf Flexure with Applications: D R MacAyeal, O V Sergienko, A F Banwell, S H R Rosier, G H Gudmundsson 0815h C41C-02 Constraints on Subglacial Conditions from Seismicity: B Lipovsky, D C Olivo, E M Dunham 0830h C41C-03 An Improved Model for TidallyModulated Grounding Line Migration: V C Tsai, G H Gudmundsson 0845h C41C-04 Investigating the Flow Dynamics of Ice Shelves using Laboratory Experiments, Simple Theoretical Models and Geophysical Data Analysis: M Wearing, R C A Hindmarsh, G Worster 0900h C41C-05 OCEAN TIDAL INFLUENCE ON SUBGLACIAL HYDROLOGY AND ITS EFFECTS ON ICE SLIP: T T Creyts 0915h C41C-06 Mass conservation in free-boundary ice dynamics models: E Bueler 0930h C41C-07 Proposed Design of the Third Marine Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Exercise: S L Cornford, G H Gudmundsson, F Pattyn, G Durand, D F Martin, A J Payne 0800h C41A-0319 POSTER Integrated simulation of snow and glacier melt runoff in a distributed biosphere hydrological modeling framework at Upper Indus Basin, Karakoram region: M Shrestha, T Koike, Y Xue, L Wang, Y Hirabayashi 0800h C41B-0342 POSTER Glacial lake monitoring in the Karakoram Range using historical Landsat Thematic Mapper archive (1982 – 2014): J Y H Chan, R E J Kelly, S G Evans 0800h C41A-0320 POSTER Glaciological and hydrological sensitivities to climate change in the Hindu-Kush Himalayas: J M Shea, W Immerzeel 0800h C41B-0343 POSTER An estimate of glacier melting contribution to inland lakes on Tibetan Plateau: Q Ye, G Moholdt, T Yao, S Liu, Y Zhang C41D Moscone West 3004 Thursday0800h 0800h C41A-0321 POSTER Impact of Air Temperature Distributed Calculation in Glacier Mass Balance Modeling: G Dalla Fontana, L Carturan, F Cazorzi 0800h C41B-0346 POSTER Analysis of Climate Trends in the Altai Mountains Between 1988 and 2012: H Kitabata, K Sugiura, T Kadota Snow Hydrology: Flooding, Modeling, and Vegetation Interactions I (Virtual Session) 0800h C41B-0347 POSTER Multi-Decadal Comparison between Clean-Ice and DebrisCovered Glaciers in the Eastern Himalaya: J M Maurer, S Rupper Presiding: John Pomeroy, University of Saskatchewan; Mukesh Kumar, Duke University; Timothy Link, University of Idaho; Tobias Jonas, SLF / WSL 0800h C41A-0323 POSTER The suitability of different surface melt models for long-term simulations of glacier response to climate change : J Gabbi, M Carenzo, F Pellicciotti, A Bauder, M Funk 0800h C41A-0324 POSTER Energy Balance Modeling of Interannual Snow and Ice Storage in High Altitude Region by Dynamic Equilibrium Concept: R J Johnson, N Ohara 0800h C41A-0325 POSTER Controls on diurnal streamflow cycles in a high altitude catchment in the Swiss Alps: R Mutzner, S V Weijs, P Tarolli, M Calaf, H J Oldroyd, M B Parlange 8 AGU2014News.indb 8 2014 0800h C41B-0348 POSTER Cosmogenic Be-10 Constraints of the “Little Ice Age” Glacial Advances in the Eastern Tian Shan, China: Y Li, Y Li, G Liu, Y Chen 0800h C41B-0349 POSTER Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Surface Irradiance in the Himalaya: I D Dobreva, M P Bishop THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0945h C41C-08 Glacier response to climate perturbations: an accurate linear geometric model: G Roe, M B Baker 0800h C41D-01 Coupled atmospheric-hydrological modelling of the Canadian Rockies rain-on-snow flood of June 2013: A Pietroniro, B Davison, V Fortin 0830h C41D-03 How Important Is Snowmelt Input for Runoff during Rain-on-Snow Floods over the Western U.S. Mountains?: N E Wayand, J D Lundquist, M P Clark 0845h C41D-04 Correcting Inadequate Model Snow Process Descriptions Dramatically Improves Mountain Hydrology Simulations: J W Pomeroy, X Fang 0900h C41D-05 The Need for Modernized Operational Snow Models: A Tale of Two Years: A H Winstral, D G Marks 0915h C41D-06 Forests, Snow, and Change: How Modeling History Is Shaping Our Predictions for the Future: J D Lundquist, E D Gutmann, M P Clark 0930h C41D-07 Ray Trace Modeling to Determine Optimal Forest Canopy Gap Size for Reduced Solar Irradiance During Snowmelt: Field Verification and Continental Scale Application: K N Musselman, J W Pomeroy, T E Link 0945h C41D-08 Long-wave emission from trees in snow-covered Arctic boreal forests: measurement and modelling: N Rutter, T D Reid, S Hancock, M King, R Essery, R Baxter, B Huntley STUDY OF EARTH’S DEEP INTERIOR DI41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Seeing Red: The Structure, Properties, Origin, and Dynamics of LLSVPs II Posters (joint with GP, S, T, V) Presiding: Maxwell Rudolph, Portland State University; James Wookey, University of Bristol; Abigail Bull, University of Oslo 0800h DI41A-4313 POSTER New Insights into ULVZs Using a Bayesian Inference: A Case Study for ULVZs Beneath the East of Australia: S Pachhai, H Tkalcic, J Dettmer 0800h DI41A-4314 POSTER Layer Stripping Forward Tomography with S, ScS, and Sdiff phases to sharpen images of deep mantle shear velocity heterogeneity: H Lai, E Garnero, C Zhao 0800h DI41A-4315 POSTER Tidal Tomography: Constraining Long-Wavelength Deep Mantle Structure Using Earth’s Body Tide Signal: H C P Lau, H Y Yang, J Tromp, J X Mitrovica, J L Davis, K Latychev 0800h DI41A-4316 POSTER Multipathing Analysis of Mid-Pacific Anomaly Using S and Secondary S*Arrivals: A Chan, D Li, D Sun, D V Helmberger 0800h DI41A-4317 POSTER Seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle near low shear velocity provinces: A comparison of the Perm Anomaly and the African LLSVP: M D Long, C Lynner 0800h DI41A-4318 POSTER Vertically deflected mantle flow at the eastern edge of the African Large Low Shear Velocity Province: H A Ford, M D Long, X He, C Lynner 0800h DI41A-4319 POSTER First-Principles Study of the Elastic Properties of Aluminous Phases at High Temperature and Pressure: S Stackhouse, T Liu 0800h DI41A-4320 POSTER Can Suspended IronAlloy Droplets Explain the Origin, Composition and Properties of Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces?: Z Zhang, S M Dorfman, J Labidi, S Zhang, M Manga, L P Stixrude, W F McDonough, Q C Williams 0800h DI41A-4321 POSTER On the Relationship Between Volcanic Hotspot Locations, the Reconstructed Eruption Sites of Large Igneous Provinces and Deep Mantle Seismic Structure: R Davies, S D B Goes, M Sambridge 0800h DI41A-4322 POSTER Iron-spin Transition Controls the Structure of LLSVPs beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean: C Huang, W Leng, Z Wu 0800h DI41A-4323 POSTER The Effects of Chemically Distinct LLSVPs on the Geoid: the Results from Both 3-D Thermochemical Convection and Seismically Constrained Instantaneous Flow Models: X Liu, S Zhong 0800h DI41A-4324 POSTER The Dynamics and Evolution of the African and Pacific LLSVPs: A L Bull, C Thomas 0815h C41D-02 Impact of Increasing Rainfall and Rain-on-Snow on Flood Generation in a Canadian Prairie Catchment: S Dumanski, J W Pomeroy, C Westbrook All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:16 AM DI41B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h The Mantle Transition Zone: Its Role in Earth’s Thermochemical Evolution II Posters (joint with MR, S, V) Presiding: Nicholas Schmerr, University of Maryland; Jiuhua Chen, Florida International Univ.; Elizabeth Day, University of Cambridge; Caroline Beghein, UCLA - Earth and Space Sciences 0800h DI41B-4325 POSTER Imaging Upper Mantle Discontinuities Using Stacking and FiniteFrequency Methods: J Gong, Z Ge 0800h DI41B-4326 POSTER Using Seismic Discontinuities to Image Melt and Dynamics in the Sub-Continental Upper Mantle: N C Schmerr, A M Courtier, S Hier-Majumder, V Lekic 0800h DI41B-4327 POSTER Effects of topography on upper mantle discontinuities for array detections of PP precursors: C Thomas, S Lessing, S Rost, E A Vanacore, N C Schmerr 0800h DI41B-4328 POSTER Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of Transition Zone Seismic Discontinuities: Part I. New Constraints from Receiver Function Forward and Backward Scattering Waves: X Shen, T R A Song, X Yuan 0800h DI41B-4329 POSTER Imaging Resolution of the 410-km and 660-km Discontinuities: K Deng, Y Zhou 0800h DI41B-4330 POSTER Heterogeneities within natural enstatite and their role in phase relations, rheology, and lattice-preferred orientation within akimotoite: J Lockridge, T G Sharp 0800h DI41B-4331 POSTER In Situ Measurements of the Post-Spinel and Post-Garnet Phase Boundaries in Pyrolite at 17-32 GPa and 1500-2400 K: Y Ye, C Gu, S H Shim, V Prakapenka, Y Meng 0800h DI41B-4332 POSTER Seismic Signature of a Hydrous Mantle Transition Zone : L J Cobden, V Thio, J Trampert 0800h DI41B-4333 POSTER Transition Zone Anisotropy Beneath Deep Slabs and the Transport of Water into the Lower Mantle: A Nowacki, J M Kendall, J M Wookey, A Pemberton 0800h DI41B-4334 POSTER Mid-mantle Seismic Anisotropy in the Southwestern Pacific Subduction Systems : A Mohiuddin, M D Long 0800h DI41B-4335 POSTER Mid-mantle anisotropy beneath Japan and South America from source-side shear wave splitting: C Lynner, M D Long 0800h DI41B-4336 POSTER Evidence from P-wave receiver functions for lower mantle plumes and mantle transition zone water beneath West Antarctica: A Nyblade, E Emry, J JuliГ , S Anandakrishnan, R C Aster, D A Wiens, A D Huerta, T J Wilson 0800h DI41B-4337 POSTER Transition Zone Structures beneath Hawaii Imaged with SS precursors: C Yu, R D van der Hilst, E A Day, M V De Hoop 0800h DI41B-4338 POSTER Mantle transition zone structure beneath the western Gulf of Mexico and central southern US from triplicated P waveforms: H Lim, Y Kim, J Rhie 0800h DI41B-4340 POSTER Upper-mantle seismic structure beneath a region northeast of Japan based on Hi-net array triplication data: S Park, A Okeler, M Ishii 0800h DI41B-4341 POSTER Seismic Constraints on the Japan Subduction Zone from Waveform Inversions of SS precursors: R Dokht, Y J Gu, M D Sacchi 0800h DI41B-4342 POSTER Can Mantle Transition Zone beneath the Caroline Plate, Equatorial Western Pacific Be Resolved Seismologically Using Available Dataset?: H Kang, K Konishi, S M Lee 0800h DI41B-4343 POSTER A Receiver Function Study of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath Egypt and Saudi Arabia: K H Liu, A A Mohamed, S S Gao, A A Elsheikh, Y Yu, R E FatHelbary 0800h DI41B-4344 POSTER Investigating Transition Zone Thickness Variation under the Arabian Plate: Evidence Lacking for Deep Mantle Upwellings: J JuliГ , Z Tang, P M Mai, H Zahran 0800h DI41B-4345 POSTER Hydrous upwelling across the mantle transition zone beneath the Afar Triple Junction: D A Thompson, J M Kendall, J O S Hammond, G W Stuart, G R Helffrich, D Keir, A Ayele, B Goitom EDUCATION ED41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h 0800h ED41A-3429 POSTER Size Evolution and Stochastic Models: Explaining Ostracod Size through Probabilistic Distributions : M Krawczyk, S Decker, N A Heim, J Payne Bright STaRS: Bright Students Training as Research Scientists Posters (joint with GC, PA, SI) 0800h ED41A-3430 POSTER Ostracod Body Size: Locality in Accordance with Cope’s and Bergmann’s Rules: T Vo, R Tolosa, N A Heim, J Payne Presiding: Jennifer Saltzman, Stanford University; Pranoti Asher, American Geophysical Union 0800h ED41A-3431 POSTER The Effect of Human Impact on Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis prevalence in Taricha torosa: V Deng, E Macario, C Tumey 0800h ED41A-3406 POSTER Identifying Phytoplankton Classes In California Reservoirs Using HPLC Pigment Analysis: S Siddiqui, M B Peacock, R M Kudela, K Negrey 0800h ED41A-3407 POSTER DNA Analyses of Phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean: Y Xu, M F Gonzalez, S Bench 0800h ED41A-3408 POSTER Effects of Carbon in Flooded Paddy Soils: Implications for Microbial Activity and Arsenic Mobilization: S Avancha, K Boye 0800h ED41A-3409 POSTER Increased Precipitation over the Yucatan Peninsula Inferred from the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Late Holocene Foram Assemblages: M Rachmallu, K Broach, A Paytan, J H Street 0800h ED41A-3410 POSTER Response of Benthic Foraminiferal Size to Oxygen Concentration in Antarctic Sediment Cores: D Guo, C KeatingBitonti, J Payne 0800h ED41A-3411 POSTER The Influence of Oxygen, Temperature, and Salinity on Ostracod Body Size in the Gulf of California and the Pacific Coast of North America: N Wong, M Weber, N Heim, J Payne 0800h ED41A-3412 POSTER Body Size Preference of Marine Animals in Relation to Extinction Selectivity: A Sriram, S Idgunji, N A Heim, J Payne 0800h ED41A-3413 POSTER Comparison of Genus and Species-Level Compilations of Metabolic Rate through Time: D Sundararajan, N A Heim, J Payne 0800h ED41A-3414 POSTER Investigation of Glacial/Interglacial Periods Using IRD Flux Records from Site U1340A in the Bering Sea: M R Chopra, M K Drake, D Mendoza, A C Ravelo 0800h ED41A-3415 POSTER Dispersal and Germination Patterns of Monterey Spineflower at Fort Ord Natural Reserve: Z Chaudhry 0800h ED41A-3416 POSTER Plant Phenology and Climate Change in the Santa Cruz County: S Choudhary, J R Oshiro, L R Fox 0800h ED41A-3433 POSTER Sustainable Seas Student Intertidal Monitoring Project at Duxbury Reef in Bolinas, CA: A Rainsford, K Soave, F Gerraty, G Jung, M Quirke-Shattuck, J Kudler, J Hatfield, M Emunah, A F Dean 0800h ED41A-3434 POSTER Conservation Biology of Xenopus Longipes : R Quock, D C Blackburn, S Ghose 0800h ED41A-3435 POSTER Phylogenetic systematics of the Indo-Pacific heart urchin Metalia Gray, 1885: S Guevara-Plunkett, R Mooi 0800h ED41A-3436 POSTER The Ants of the Arabuko Sokoke Forest: E Brandau 0800h ED41A-3437 POSTER Relationship Between the Surface Area to Volume Ratio and Temperature across Geologic Time in Ostracods: C Jackson, S Zaroff, N A Heim, J Payne 0800h ED41A-3438 POSTER Testing for Bergmann’s Rule in the Evolution of Ostracods: J Rascon, J Gonzalez, N A Heim, J Payne 0800h ED41A-3439 POSTER Does the Heat Island Effect Affect Lake Chabot: K A Singh, Y Mock, C Pun 0800h ED41A-3440 POSTER Dissolved Oxygen Levels in Lake Chabot: D Sharma, R Pica 0800h ED41A-3441 POSTER Suitability of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Monterey Bay as a Nutrient Source to Phytoplankton: J Han, A Lecher, A Paytan 0800h ED41A-3442 POSTER Water Quality of Peralta and Courtland Creek Oakland, CA: A Ahumada, K L Zhen, X Ponce, A Johnson, N Varela, D Quintero, G Hernandez, E Oghogho 0800h ED41A-3443 POSTER A Relationship Between Phosphate Levels in Lake Champlain Tributaries and Soil Type and Particulate Size: R Larose, S Lee, T Lane 0800h ED41A-3418 POSTER Fractal Landscape Algorithms for Environmental Simulations: H Mao, S Moran 0800h ED41A-3444 POSTER Monitoring Water Quality at Lake Merritt, Oakland, CA Following Improvements to the Tidal Channel to the San Francisco Bay: H Bracho, J Martinez, M Johnson, A Turrey, M Avila, S Medina, E Rubio, E Ahumada, S Nguyen, Y Guzman 0800h ED41A-3419 POSTER Searsville Sediment Experiment: What is the ideal agricultural soil?: J Leal, D Lo, N Patel, S Gu 0800h ED41A-3445 POSTER Preliminary Investigation into the Water Usage from Fracking in Drought Ridden California: S Lew, M Wu 0800h ED41A-3417 POSTER Bats in Agroecosytems around California’s Central Coast: A Wayne 0800h ED41A-3420 POSTER Trace metal enrichment in agricultural soils of Jianghan Plain: R Zhao, S Ying, J N Daniel, J Bu, Y Gan, Y Wang, M Schaefer, S E Fendorf 0800h ED41A-3421 POSTER Crop Uptake of Arsenic from Flooded Paddy Fields in the Mekong Delta: K Mohr, K Boye 0800h ED41A-3422 POSTER How Does Boiling in the Earth’s Crust Influence Metal Speciation and Transport?: K Kam, K Lemke 0800h ED41A-3423 POSTER Using Mobile App Development Tools to Build a GIS Application: A Mital, M Catchen, K Mital 0800h ED41A-3424 POSTER Comparison of Capabilities of Quadcopters for Use in Cryospheric Sciences: M U Herzfeld Mayer, U C Herzfeld 0800h ED41A-3425 POSTER Study of Motion of the Auroral Oval During September 30 - October 4, 2012 Geomagnetic Storm. A Project of National Secondary School Competition in Scientific Research on Antarctica “Feria Antarctica Escolar 2014”, organized by Chilean Antarctic Institute (INACH): M V Stepanova, J F Cabezas-Escares, T C Letelier-Ulloa, P Ortega-Letelier 0800h ED41A-3426 POSTER Modeling Solar Magnetic Fields Using Satellite Data: G Lee, A V Malanushenko, M L DeRosa 0800h ED41A-3427 POSTER Efficient Analysis of Simulations of the Sun’s Magnetic Field: C W Scarborough, J MartГnez-Sykora 0800h ED41A-3428 POSTER Ostracod Body Size Change Across Space and Time: L Nolen, L A Llarena, J Saux, N A Heim, J Payne All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 9 0800h ED41A-3432 POSTER Correlations Between Emerita analoga and Profilicollis spp. as Influenced by Environmental Factors at Ocean Beach, San Francisco CA: E Fang, A Le 0800h ED41A-3446 POSTER Testing Total Ammonia Levels in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Valley Delta: C Kaser, A Harris, K Miller 0800h ED41A-3447 POSTER Castro Valley High School’s Solar Panels: A Lew, S Ham, Y Shin, W Yang, J Lam 0800h ED41A-3448 POSTER Effectiveness of the Solar Panels in the Castro Valley Unified School District Based on Projected Amount of Energy to be Produced: J R Sparks, T C Palmer, A P Siegel 0800h ED41A-3449 POSTER Global Warming Impacts on Heating and Cooling Degree-Days in the United States: Y Petri, K Caldeira 0800h ED41A-3450 POSTER The Use of Biofuel for Sustainable Growth in Developing Countries: J Tsang ED41B Moscone South 307 Thursday0800h Scientist Engagement in Education and Public Outreach: Sharing Effective Tools, Resources, and Stories of Success I (joint with P, PA, SH) Presiding: Sanlyn Buxner, Planetary Science Institute; Nicholas Gross, Boston University; Brooke Hsu, Lunar and Planetary Institute; M Alexandra Matiella Novak, Johns Hopkins University APL 0800h ED41B-01 Surveying Space Scientists’ Attitudes, Involvement, and Needs in Education and Public Outreach: J Grier, S Buxner, N M Schneider 0815h ED41B-02 Why do scientists do outreach, what do we achieve, and how can we better learn from each other, and from research in this field?: R A Salmon, H A Roop 0830h ED41B-03 Successfully Engaging Scientists in NASA Education and Public Outreach: Examples from a Teacher Professional Development Workshop Series and a Planetary Analog Festival: A P Jones, B C Hsu, L Bleacher, A J Shaner 0845h ED41B-04 Sky Fest: A Model of Successful Scientist Participation in E/PO: H Dalton, S S Shipp, A J Shaner, K LaConte, C B Shupla 0900h ED41B-05 Outreach Opportunities for Early Career Scientists at the Phoenix ComiCon: L Horodyskyj, S I Walker, J H Forrester 0915h ED41B-06 Engaging Scientists in Meaningful E/PO: The Universe Discovery Guides: B K Meinke, B Lawton, S Gurton, D A Smith, J G Manning 0930h ED41B-07 NASA and Earth Science Week: a Model for Engaging Scientists and Engineers in Education and Outreach: T G Schwerin, A deCharon, E C Brown de Colstoun, L H Chambers, M Woroner, J Taylor, S Callery, R Jackson, H Riebeek, G J Butcher 0945h ED41B-08 Learning From Engineering and Computer Science About Communicating The Field To The Public: S L Moore, K Tucek ED41C Moscone South 102 Thursday0800h Transformative Innovations in Earth, Oceans, and Atmospheric Science Education for Undergraduates Supported by the NSF Educational Funding Programs, and New Needs and Directions I Presiding: Jeffrey Ryan, University of South Florida; Jill Singer, SUNY-Buffalo State 0800h ED41C-01 NSF-Sponsored Summit on the Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education: outcomes: S Mosher 0815h ED41C-02 Transforming Indigenous Geoscience Education and Research (TIGER): A R Berthelote 0830h ED41C-03 On the Cutting Edge: Workshops, Online Resources, and Community Development: D W Mogk, H Macdonald, C A Manduca, B J Tewksbury, S Fox, E A R Iverson, R J Beane, D A Mcconnell, K Wiese, M E Wysession 0845h ED41C-04 Incorporating Cutting Edge Scientific Results from the MARGINS-GeoPRISMS Program into the Undergraduate Curriculum: An Overview: J K Morgan, A Costa, A M Goodliffe, J S Marshall, E A R Iverson 0900h ED41C-05 The use of high-frequency data to engage students in quantitative reasoning and scientific discourse: C O’Reilly, T Meixner, N Bader, C Carey, D Castendyk, R Gougis-Darner, R Fuller, C Gibson, J Klug, D Richardson, J Stomberg 0800h ED41A-3451 POSTER Errors When Extracting Oil from Algae: E Murphy, R Treat, T Ichiuji 0915h ED41C-06 Creation and Assessment of an Active E-Learning Introductory Geoscience Course: S M Sit, M R Brudzinski 0800h ED41A-3452 POSTER An Investigation of Cellulose Digesting Bacteria in the Panda Gut Microbiome: M Lu, F C Leung 0930h ED41C-07 Using Systems Thinking to Frame the Evaluation of a Complex Educational Intervention: K A Kastens, C Baldassari, J DeLisi, C A Manduca 0800h ED41A-3453 POSTER Installation and Setup of Whole School Food Waste Composting Program: A Zhang, S E Forder 0800h ED41A-3454 POSTER Local Economic Development and Hydropower Along the Brahmaputra River Basin in Northeast India: A Mock 0800h ED41A-3455 POSTER Feasibility of Wave Energy in Hong Kong: M Lu, P Hodgson THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2014 9 11/28/2014 11:06:16 AM EARTH AND PLANETARY SURFACE PROCESSES EP41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Advances in Understanding Fluvial-Deltaic Processes and Their Interactions with the Tectonic Setting I Posters (joint with NH, T) Presiding: John Shaw, University of Arkansas; Jeffrey Nittrouer, Rice University; Meredith Reitz, Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory; Carol Wilson, Vanderbilt University 0800h EP41A-3495 POSTER Morphology, structures and seismic characters of the Chimei Canyon-Fan system offshore eastern Taiwan: Y H Hsieh, C S Liu 0800h EP41A-3496 POSTER Experimental Investigation of the Morphodynamic Controls on Delta-Lobe Formation and Shoreline Rugosity: A J Chadwick, V Ganti, M P Lamb 0800h EP41A-3497 POSTER Abandoned Channel Fill Sequences in Tidal Estuaries: A B Gray, G B Pasternack, M A Goni, E B Watson 0800h EP41A-3498 POSTER Deciphering the evolution and origin of the lower Colorado River and uplift of the Colorado Plateau: Preliminary U-Pb carbonate dating results and future directions: R S Crow, K E Karlstrom, L J Crossey, V J Polyak, Y Asmerom, K House 0800h EP41A-3499 POSTER Medium-Detail Delta Morphodynamic Modeling: Initial Experiments with Avulsion Behaviors, Sediment Delivery, Artificial Leeves, and Relative Sea Level Rise Rates: K M Ratliff, A B Murray, E W H Hutton, A Piliouras, W Kim 0800h EP41A-3500 POSTER Fluvio-Deltaic Response to Tectonic and Sea-Level Perturbations: R L Caldwell, T Sun 0800h EP41A-3501 POSTER A reduced complexity approach to morphodynamic modeling: Validation of DeltaRCM and prediction of fluviodeltaic channel dynamics: C Van Dyk, M Liang, P Passalacqua 0800h EP41A-3502 POSTER Spatial Trends in Sediment Sorting and Stratigraphic Architecture within Lowland Rivers: A M Fernandes, K M Straub, T E Tornqvist, D C Mohrig 0800h EP41A-3503 POSTER Viscoelastic Deformation Due to Sediment Loading in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta and in the Bay of Bengal: M Karpytchev, V Ballu, P Valty, S Calmant, J Guo, F Papa, M Becker, F Hossain, C K Shum 0800h EP41A-3504 POSTER Analysis on the Criterion for Channel avulsions of the Costal Delta in the Yellow River: Y Wang, X Fu 0800h EP41A-3505 POSTER Growth, Uplift and Truncation of Indo-Burman Anticlines Paced By Glacial-Interglacial Sea Level Change: J Gale, M S Steckler, D Sousa, L Seeber, S L Goodbred Jr, E K Ferguson 0800h EP41B-3511 POSTER Mapping Forest Edge Using Aerial Lidar: M G MacLean 0800h EP41B-3512 POSTER Geomorphic Effects of Engineered Log Jams in River Restoration, Middle Fork John Day River: J Duffin, P F McDowell 0800h EP41B-3513 POSTER Practical Enhancement of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Fluvial Geomorphology Surveys: K Hwang, D G Chandler 0800h EP41B-3514 POSTER Lidar Investigation of Infiltration Water Heterogeneity in the Tamala Limestone, SW WA: K Mahmud, G Mariethoz, P C Treble, A Baker 0800h EP41B-3515 POSTER Performance Evaluation of Four DEM-Based Fluvial Terrace Mapping Methods Across Variable Geomorphic Settings: Application to the Sheepscot River Watershed, Maine: A J Hopkins, N P Snyder 0800h EP41B-3516 POSTER Detection to the DepositFan Occurring in the Sun Moon Lake Using Geophysical Sonar Data: L Mimi 0800h EP41B-3517 POSTER LiDAR Analysis of Hector Mine Fault Scarp Degradation: X Zhang, K W Hudnut, C L Glennie, F Sousa, J M Stock, S O Akciz 0800h EP41B-3518 POSTER On the surface roughness of a braidplain in an Alpine proglacial area: H Baewert, D Morche, C Culha 0800h EP41B-3519 POSTER Quantifying Geomorphic Change to a Point Bar in Response to High Flow Events Using Terrestrial LiDAR, White Clay Creek, Delaware: M J Orefice, M A O’Neal, J E Pizzuto 0800h EP41B-3520 POSTER Controls of climate, topography, vegetation and lithology on drainage density extracted from high resolution topography: H Sangireddy, R A Carothers, P Passalacqua, C P Stark 0800h EP41B-3521 POSTER Estimating Small Scale River Channel Roughness Using a Through-water Photo-based technique: M R James, F Scarborough, A M Folkard 0800h EP41B-3522 POSTER Using LiDAR to Estimate Surface Erosion Volumes within the Poststorm 2012 Bagley Fire: R P Mikulovsky, J A De La Fuente, Z J Mondry 0800h EP41B-3523 POSTER The Devil is in the Details: Using X-Ray Computed Tomography to Develop Accurate 3D Grain Characteristics and Bed Structure Metrics for Gravel Bed Rivers: H Voepel, R A Hodge, J Leyland, D A Sear, S I Ahmed 0800h EP41B-3524 POSTER 3D Mapping of Glacially-Sculpted Bedrock in Central Park: L Laderman, C P Stark, T T Creyts 0800h EP41B-3525 POSTER Uplift revealed by LASER scanner surveys in Murono mud volcano, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, and estimation of its source: A Takahashi, Y Fukuda, S Kusumoto 0800h EP41B-3526 POSTER Anthropogenic Impacts of Recreational Use on Sandbars in Hells Canyon on the Snake River, Idaho: M D Morehead 0800h EP41A-3506 POSTER Modeling coupled avulsion and earthquake timescale dynamics: M D Reitz, M S Steckler, C Paola, L Seeber 0800h EP41B-3527 POSTER Asymmetric alluvial fans along strike-slip faults: A potential slip-rate record?: A E Morelan III, M E Oskin 0800h EP41A-3507 POSTER The role of vegetation in the development and resiliency of the coastal freshwater deltaic system of Wax Lake Delta: E A Olliver, D A Edmonds, Z Jiang, A E Bevington, W Nardin, R Twilley 0800h EP41B-3528 POSTER Changes in Bar Morphology in an Aggrading Gravel Bed River: R A Hodge 0800h EP41A-3508 POSTER Sediment transport dynamics linked to morphological evolution of the Selenga River delta, Lake Baikal, Russia: T Y Dong, J Nittrouer, B J McElroy, M J Czapiga, E Il’icheva, M Pavolv, G Parker 0800h EP41A-3509 POSTER What might rice piles tell us about non-local sediment transport?: A Longjas, V R Voller, C Paola, N Filipovitch EP41B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h High-Resolution Topography and Process Measurements for Analyzing Earth-Surface Dynamics I Posters (joint with H) Presiding: Thad Wasklewicz, East Carolina University; Julian Leyland, University of Southampton; Paola Passalacqua, University of Texas at Austin; Christopher Crosby, UNAVCO 0800h EP41B-3510 POSTER Active Faulting, Earthquakes and Geomorphological Changes from Archaeoseismic Data and High-Resolution Topography: Effects on the Urban Evolution of the Roman Town of Sybaris, Ionian Sea (Southern Italy): L Alfonsi, C A Brunori, F R Cinti 10 AGU2014News.indb 10 2014 0800h EP41B-3529 POSTER Integration of multitemporal and multisource data using point cloud based methods to quantify landscape change at the Mill Gulch earthflow, California: S B DeLong, N N Avdievitch 0800h EP41B-3530 POSTER Field implementation of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) for studying flow dynamics at river confluences: Q W Lewis, B L Rhoads 0800h EP41B-3531 POSTER Predicting multi-scale relationships between geomorphology and bedrock geology of the rocky intertidal in Central and Northern California: A Wheeler, I W Aiello 0800h EP41B-3532 POSTER Evaluating the effectiveness of low cost UAV generated topography for geomorphic change detection: K L Cook 0800h EP41B-3533 POSTER Detecting Blind Fault with Fractal and Roughness Factors from High Resolution LiDAR DEM at Taiwan: Y S Cheng, T T Yu 0800h EP41B-3534 POSTER High-resolution DEM Effects on Geophysical Flow Models: M R Williams, M I Bursik, R E R Stefanescu, A K Patra 0800h EP41B-3535 POSTER Topography and Vegetation Characterization using Dual-Wavelength Airborne Lidar: A L Neuenschwander, B Bradford, L A Magruder THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0800h EP41B-3536 POSTER Analyzing post-fire topography at the hillslope-channel interface with terrestrial LiDAR: contrasting geomorphic responses from the 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire of Colorado and the 2013 Springs Fire of California: R Storesund, A Chin, J L Florsheim, L O’Hirok, K Williams, K E Austin 0800h EP41B-3537 POSTER Numerical Modeling of an Active Salt System in Canyonlands, Utah: The Role of Topography in Driving Plastic Flow and Brittle Extension: K Kravitz, P Upton, K J Mueller 0800h EP41B-3538 POSTER Coupling the New with the Old: High-resolution Elevation Data and Radiocarbon Dating Yield Holocene Erosion Rates for Steep Mountainous Catchments: M J Poulos, J L Pierce 0800h EP41B-3539 POSTER Automated Probabilistic LiDAR Swath Registration: A Jalobeanu, G R GonГ§alves 0800h EP41B-3541 POSTER The Greenland Ice Sheet, now in HD: I M Howat, M J Noh, C C Porter, P J Morin, B Herried EP41C Moscone West 2007 Thursday0800h Advances in the Science and Communication of Biophysical Interactions in Riverine Landscapes I (joint with H) Presiding: Desiree Tullos, Oregon State University; Timothy Beechie, Northwest Fisheries Sci Ctr; John Buffington, US Forest Service; Mathias Collins, NOAA 0800h EP41C-05 Managing riverine landscapes as meta-ecosystems: K Tockner 0815h EP43A-3549 Defining and Identifying Functional Habitat to Inform Species Recovery on a Large Regulated River: S Erwin, R B Jacobson, C M Elliott, T Gemeinhardt, T Welker, A J DeLonay, K Chojnacki 0830h EP41C-06 Functional Flows in Modified Riverscapes: Hydrographs, Habitats and Opportunities: S M Yarnell, A A Whipple, E Beller, C Dahm, C Enright, P Goodwin, G Petts, J H Viers 0845h EP41C-02 Reproductive Potential of Salmon Spawning Substrates Inferred from Grain Size and Fish Length: C S Riebe, L S Sklar, B T Overstreet, J K Wooster, D G Bellugi 0900h EP41C-03 Interpretation of hydraulic model outputs in supporting ecologially-led river restoration: E Gillies, H J Moir 0915h EP41C-04 Co-evolving Physical and Biological Organization in Step-pool Channels: Experiments from a Restoration Reach on Wildcat Creek, California: A Chin, A P O’Dowd, P K Mendez, K Z Velasco, R D Leventhal, R Storesund, L R Laurencio 0930h EP41C-07 Negotiating the question: using science-manager communication to develop management-relevant science products: T J Beechie, A K Snover 0945h EP41C-08 The Paradox of Restoring Native River Landscapes and Restoring Native Ecosystems in the Colorado River System: J C Schmidt EP41D Moscone West 2005 Thursday0800h Complex Geophysical Flows and Morphological Complexity Across Scales I (joint with A, H) Presiding: Gianluca Blois, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; William Anderson, University of Texas at Dallas; Joe Calantoni, Naval Research Laboratory; Kimberly Hill, University of Minnesota 0800h EP41D-01 Measuring Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in the Swash Zone: J A Puleo 0815h EP41D-02 Non-Equilibrium Erosion and Suspenion By a Forced Impinging Jet: K T Kiger, K Corfman, R Mulinti 0830h EP41D-03 Bedload Transport on Steep Slopes with Coupled Modeling Based on the Discrete Element Method: J Chauchat, R Maurin, B Chareyre, P Frey 0845h EP41D-04 A Two-Phase Solid/Fluid Model for Dense Granular Flows Including Dilatancy Effects: A Mangeney, F Bouchut, E D FernГЎndezNieto, G Narbona-Reina, E H Kone 0900h EP41D-05 A New View of Dynamic River Networks: J T Perron, S Willett, S W McCoy 0915h EP41D-06 Teasing out Simplicity from Complexity: the Law of Constant Bankfull Velocity in Alluvial Rivers: G Parker 0930h EP41D-07 The Impact of Unsteady Reconfiguration on Turbulence Structure within a Flexible Canopy: Experimental Study of a Model Seagrass Meadow: H M Nepf, E Follett, M Chamecki, Y Pan 0945h EP41D-08 The Impact of Unsteady Reconfiguration on Turbulence Structure within a Flexible Canopy: Large-Eddy Simulation Study of a Cornfield: M Chamecki, Y Pan, H M Nepf, E Follett GEODESY G41A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Geodetic Detection of Nontectonic Crustal and Surface Movements I Posters (joint with A, C, H, T) Presiding: Shimon Wdowinski, Univ Miami; Tonie van Dam, University of Luxembourg 0800h G41A-0458 POSTER An Investigation on the Reliability of Deformation Analysis at Simulated Network Depending on the Precise Point Position Technique: U M Durdag, B Erdogan, S Hekimoglu 0800h G41A-0459 POSTER Compaction of Aquifer at Different Depths: Observations from a Vertical GPS Array in the Coastal Center of the University of Houston, Texas: D Lee, T Kearns, L Yang, G Wang 0800h G41A-0460 POSTER The Maximum Compaction Depth of the Aquifers in the HoustonGalveston Area: a result from long-term GPS and extensometer observations: J Yu, G Wang, T Kearns, L Yang 0800h G41A-0461 POSTER Short-term, Seasonal, and Long-term Deformation in the Central Range of Taiwan Induced by Earthflows : Y J Hsu, R F Chen, C W Lin, H Y Chen, S B Yu 0800h G41A-0462 POSTER Crustal Movements and Gravity Variations in the Southeastern Po Plain, Italy : S Zerbini, S Bruni, M Errico, E Santi, H Wilmes, H Wziontek 0800h G41A-0463 POSTER Study of Typhoon Morakot Loading Signal in Taiwan GPS Time Series: M Mouyen, L Yuan, A MEMIN, B F Chao 0800h G41A-0464 POSTER GPS ensemble analysis applied to Antarctic vertical velocities: E J Petrie, P J Clarke, M A King, S D P Williams 0800h G41A-0465 POSTER Crustal deformation due to fluid extraction and re-injection in the Hengill geothermal area in Southwest Iceland: D Juncu, T Arnadottir, K BudziЕ„ska, A J Hooper 0800h G41A-0466 POSTER First Results of Continuous GPS Monitoring of Surface Deformation at the Aquistore Underground CO2 Storage Site: M R Craymer, R Ferland, M Piraszewski, S V Samsonov, M Czarnogorska 0800h G41A-0467 POSTER Monitoring Ground Deformation at the Aquistore CO2 Storage Site with Radarsat-2 Radar: S V Samsonov, M Czarnogorska, D J White, M R Craymer 0800h G54A-05 POSTER Sinkhole Precursors and Formation Mechanism along the Dead Sea Shorelines, Israel, Analyzed by InSAR, Field Mapping, Water Analysis and Elastic Modeling: R N Nof, G Baer, Y Avni, M Shviro, S Atzori 0800h G41A-0469 POSTER InSAR Measurements of Non-Tectonic Deformation Patterns in the Western Transverse Ranges, CA: J R Phillips III, S T Marshall, G Funning 0800h G41A-0470 POSTER Inventory of anthropogenic surface deformation measured by InSAR in the western U.S./Mexico and possible impacts on GPS measurements: A Semple, M E Pritchard, H Taylor 0800h G41A-0471 POSTER Subsidence and associated shallow faulting hazard assessment in central Mexico using InSAR and GPS: E CabralCano, D E Solano Rojas, T Oliver-Cabrera, L Salazar-Tlaczani, S Wdowinski, C DeMets, J Pacheco 0800h G41A-0472 POSTER Measuring surface deformation of Beijing and surrounding area using X-band InSAR data: Q Lu, J Sun, Z Shen 0800h G41A-0473 POSTER Lake Urmia Shrinkage and its Effect on the Settlement of the Surrounding Areas Investigated Using Radar and Optical Satellite Images: M Motagh, R Shamshiri, F Hosseini, M A Sharifi, M Baes 0800h G41A-0474 POSTER Experimental Investigation of Catastrophic Cover-collapse Sinkhole Formation: X Tao, D Wang, M Ye, X Wang, J Zhao, R B Pacheco Castro All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:16 AM G41B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Real-Time Earthquake Analysis for Disaster Mitigation: Focus on Pacific Rim I Posters (joint with NH, S, SA) Presiding: Yehuda Bock, UCSD/ IGPP 0225; Attila Komjathy, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Glen Mattioli, University of Texas at Arlington; Timothy Melbourne, Central Washington Univ 0800h G41B-0475 POSTER Uncertainty of the GPSBased Tsunami Forecasting: A Case Study for the April 2014 M8.0 Pisagua, Chile Earthquake: K Chen, A Y Babeyko 0800h G41B-0476 POSTER The Mw6.6 Lushan Earthquake Characteristic Analysis Based on HighRate GPS: T Gu 0800h G41B-0477 POSTER Improvement of the Earthquake Early Warning System with Wavefield Extrapolation with Apparent Velocity and Direction: A Sato, K Yomogida 0800h G41B-0478 POSTER Preliminary Analysis of the CASES GPS Receiver Performance during Simulated Seismic Displacements: A De la RosaPerkins, A Reynolds, G Crowley, I Azeem 0800h G41B-0479 POSTER Real-Time GNSS Positioning Along Canada’s Active Coastal Margin: J A Henton, H Dragert, Y Lu 0800h G41B-0480 POSTER Synthetic testing of the Pacific Northwest earthquake early warning system: B W Crowell, D A Schmidt, P Bodin, J E Vidale, J S Gomberg, D Jamison, S E Minson, J R Hartog, V C Kress, S D Malone, M Usher 0800h G41B-0481 POSTER Real-Time Baseline Error Estimation and Correction for GNSS/Strong Motion Seismometer Integration: C Y N Li, P D Groves, M K Ziebart 0800h G41B-0482 POSTER Merged Real Time GNSS Solutions for the READI System: V M Santillan, J Geng 0800h G41B-0483 POSTER Effectiveness of Observation-Domain Sidereal Filtering for GPS Precise Point Positioning: C Atkins, M K Ziebart 0800h G41B-0484 POSTER Combination of High Rate, Real-Time GNSS and Accelerometer Observations and Rapid Seismic Event Notification for Earthquake Early Warning and Volcano Monitoring with a Focus on the Pacific Rim: L G Zimakov, P Passmore, J Raczka, M Alvarez, M Jackson 0800h G41B-0485 POSTER UNAVCO Real-Time GNSS Positioning: High-Precision Static and Kinematic Testing of the Next Generation GNSS network: H T Berglund, K M Hodgkinson, F Blume, D Mencin, D A Phillips, C M Meertens, G S Mattioli 0800h G41B-0486 POSTER Fast Estimate of Rupture Process of Large Earthquakes via Real Time Hi-net Data: D Wang, H Kawakatsu, J J Mori 0800h G41B-0487 POSTER Atmosphere Mitigation in Precise Point Positioning Ambiguity Resolution for Earthquake Early Warning in the Western U.S: J Geng, Y Bock, Y Reuveni 0800h G41B-0488 POSTER Plate Boundary Observatory Southwest Region Network Operations, Expansion and Communications Hardening: D Mann, C P Walls, A Basset, R Turner, S Lawrence, K Feaux, G S Mattioli G41C Moscone West 3024 Thursday0800h Recent Advances in InSAR and GNSS Techniques and Their Applications for Crustal Deformation III (joint with NG, S, T, V) Presiding: Manoochehr Shirzaei, Arizona State University; Roland Burgmann, Univ California Berkeley; Andrew Hooper, University of Leeds; David Bekaert, University of Leeds 0800h G41C-01 Recent Advances in Modeling Earth Deformation from Monsoonal Flooding in Bangladesh using Hydrographic, GPS and GRACE Data: M S Steckler, S L Nooner, S V Bettadpur, S H Akhter, S K Chowdhury, L Seeber 0815h G41C-02 Earth’s surface loading study using InSAR: F Amelung, W Zhao, M P Doin 0830h G41C-03 Greenland’s Elastic and Viscoelastic Adjustments to Ice Mass Changes: M G Bevis, S A Khan, A Brown, M J Willis, I Sasgen 0845h G41C-04 Global Surface Mass Variations From Multiple Geodetic Techniques – Comparison and Assessment: X Wu, M B Heflin 0900h G41C-05 Visco-Elastic Response of the Earth to Seasonal Loading: K Chanard, L Fleitout, E Calais, G Ramillien 0800h GC41B-0536 POSTER Avoiding Drought Risks and Social Conflict Under Climate Change: E Towler, H Lazrus, D Paimazumder 0800h GC41B-0563 POSTER Geoengineering, Climate Harm, and Business as Usual: F J Jankunis, K Peacock 0915h G41C-06 InSAR Observations and Finite Element Modeling of Crustal Deformation Around a Surging Glacier, Iceland: K Spaans, A Auriac, F Sigmundsson, A J Hooper, H Bjornsson, F PГЎlsson, V Pinel, K L Feigl 0800h GC41B-0537 POSTER Solar Radiation Management and Olivine Dissolution Methods in Climate Engineering: S Kone 0800h GC41B-0564 POSTER From GCM Output to Local Hydrologic and Ecological Impacts: Integrating Climate Change Projections into Conservation Lands: S B Weiss, L Micheli, L E Flint, A L Flint, J H Thorne 0930h G41C-07 The Transient Behavior of Aseismic Slip Along the Creeping Section of the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey: R Jolivet, B Rousset, M Simons, C Lasserre, B V Riel, P Milillo, Z Cakir 0945h G41C-08 Evidence for Significant Aseismic Strike Slip During the 2007 Dike Intrusion Episode in Tanzania: Y Himematsu, M Furuya GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE GC41A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h C4 Photosynthesis in the Earth System II Posters (joint with A, B, H, PP) Presiding: Stephanie Pau, Florida State University; Christopher Still, Oregon State University; David Fox, University of Minnesota; Caroline StrГ¶mberg, University of Washington 0800h GC41A-0523 POSTER Root biomass and soil Оґ13C in C3 and C4 grasslands along a precipitation gradient: S Pau, C L Angelo 0800h GC41A-0524 POSTER Using vegetation model-to-data comparisons to test the role of abiotic factors in the Neogene and Quaternary origins of modern C4 grasslands: D L Fox, C StrГ¶mberg, S Pau, L Taylor, C Lehmann, C Osborne, D J Beerling, C J Still 0800h GC41A-0525 POSTER Timing and Nature of Appearance of C4 Plants in the Indian Subcontinent: Clue from Isotopic Ratios of Biomarker: P Sanyal 0800h GC41A-0526 POSTER Root functional diversity in C3 and C4 grasslands in Hawaii: C L Angelo, S Pau 0800h GC41A-0527 POSTER Elevation-induced climate change as a dominant factor causing the late Miocene C4 plant expansion in the Himalayan foreland : H Wu, Z Guo, J Guiot, C Hatte, C Peng, Y Yu, J Ge, Q Li, A Sun, D Zhao 0800h GC41A-0528 POSTER Spatiotemporal variation in C4-grass abundance during the early to middle Miocene in Spain: M A Urban, M Urban, D M Nelson, G Jimenez-Moreno, F Hu 0800h GC41A-0529 POSTER Reconstructing Vegetation and Hydrological Changes from Biomarkers in Modern Soils and Late Neogene Paleosols, Meade Basin, KS, USA: B FischerFemal, K T Uno, P J Polissar, K Fox-Dobbs, J M Feinberg, D L Fox, K E Snell, R Martin 0800h GC41A-0530 POSTER Late Miocene Rise of C4 Vegetation in NW Africa from Leaf Wax Biomarkers: C A Rose, P B deMenocal, P J Polissar 0800h GC41A-0531 POSTER A Plio-Pleistocene molecular isotopic record of Turkana Basin vegetation: K T Uno, P J Polissar, R Bonnefille, C J Lepre, P B deMenocal GC41B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Climate Change: Impacts, Resilience, Vulnerability, Adaptation, and Mitigation I Posters (joint with ED, NH, PA) Presiding: James Byrne, University of Lethbridge; Simon Donner, University of British Columbia; Brian O’Neill, National Center for Atmospheric Research; Kent Peacock, Univ of Lethbridge 0800h GC41B-0532 POSTER Quantifying the Benefit of Early Climate Change Mitigation in Avoiding Biodiversity Loss: R Warren, J Vanderwal, J Price, J Welbergen, I M Atkinson, J Ramirez-Villegas, T Osborn, L Shoo, A Jarvis, S Williams, J A Lowe 0800h GC41B-0533 POSTER Climate Change Impacts on US Agriculture and the Benefits of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: E Monier, I Sue Wing, A Stern 0800h GC41B-0534 POSTER An analysis of avoided impacts on climate extremes when comparing RCP8.5 and RCP4.5, as part of the BRACE project: C Tebaldi 0800h GC41B-0535 POSTER Population exposure to heat-related extremes: Demographic change vs climate change: B Jones, B C O’Neill, C Tebaldi, K W Oleson All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 11 0800h GC41B-0538 POSTER Climate Change: Ethics and Collective Responsibility: K Peacock, M B Brown, M E Mann, S Lewandowsky 0800h U54A-05 POSTER Visualization of the chains of risks under global climate change: T Yokohata, K Nishina, K Takahashi, M Kiguchi, Y Iseri, T Sueyoshi, M Yoshimori, K Iwase, A Yamamoto, M Shigemitsu, Y Honda, N Hanasaki, Y Masaki, A Ito, T Iizumi, G Sakurai, M Okada, S Emori, T Oki 0800h GC41B-0540 POSTER Assessment of Flood Vulnerability to Climate Change Using Fuzzy Operators in Seoul: M J Lee 0800h GC41B-0541 POSTER Evaluating Vulnerability and Resilience between Urban and Rural Area in a Regional Water Resources System under Climate Change: T M Liu, C P Tung, M H Li, J H Tsao, C Y Lin 0800h GC41B-0542 POSTER Improvement of Soil Carbon Determination using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: S J Moon 0800h GC41B-0543 POSTER Livelihood Vulnerability Approach to Assess Climate Change Impacts to Mixed Agro-Livestock Smallholders Around the Gandaki River Basin of Nepal: J Panthi Sr 0800h GC41B-0545 POSTER Avoided Impacts in Ensembles of Tropical Cyclone Damage Potential: J Done, D Paimazumder, G J Holland, E Towler 0800h GC41B-0546 POSTER Review of Mitigation Costs for Stabilizing Greenhouse Gas Concentrations: B J van Ruijven, B C O’Neill 0800h GC41B-0547 POSTER CESM-simulated 21st Century Changes in Large Scale Crop Water Requirements and Yields: S Levis, A Badger, B A Drewniak, B C O’Neill, X Ren 0800h GC41B-0548 POSTER People as sensors: mass media and local temperature influence climate change discussion on Twitter: A Kirilenko, T Molodtsova, S Stepchenkova 0800h GC41B-0549 POSTER Estimating the limits of adaptation from historical behaviour: Insights from the American Climate Prospectus: A Jina, S M Hsiang, R E Kopp III, D Rasmussen, J Rising 0800h GC41B-0550 POSTER Defining Canadian Perspectives on Climate Change Science and Solutions: C Rieger, J M Byrne 0800h GC41B-0551 POSTER ELK RIVER WATERSHED – FLOOD STUDY: C C Barnes, J M Byrne, R J MacDonald, D Lewis 0800h GC41B-0552 POSTER Green cities, smart people and climate change: F Mansouri Kouhestani, J M Byrne, P Hazendonk, M B Brown, T Harrison 0800h GC41B-0553 POSTER High Resolution Modelling of Crop Response to Climate Change: S S Mirmasoudi, J M Byrne, R J MacDonald, D Lewis 0800h GC41B-0554 POSTER Global Squeeze: Assessing Climate-Critical Resource Constraints for Coastal Climate Adaptation: N T Chase, A Becker, B Schwegler, M Fischer 0800h GC41B-0555 POSTER Development of Climate Change Adaptation Platform using Spatial Information: J Lee, K Y Oh, M J Lee, W J Han 0800h GC41B-0565 POSTER How CO2 Leakage May Impact the Role of Geologic Carbon Storage in Climate Mitigation: C A Peters, H Deng, J M Bielicki, J P Fitts, M Oppenheimer 0800h GC41B-0566 POSTER America’s Water Supply Challenge: Adaptation to Future Population Growth and Climate Change: V Mahat, T C Brown, J A Ramirez 0800h GC41B-0567 POSTER The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Comparing the Climate Mitigation Potential of Advanced Biofuels: E S Cassidy GC41C Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Earth’s Future: Navigating the Science of the Anthropocene I Posters (joint with A, B, EP, SI) Presiding: Ben Van der Pluijm, University of Michigan; Guy Brasseur, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology; Michael Ellis, British Geological Survey; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University 0800h GC41C-0569 POSTER The Human Thirst for Water Under Global Change: What and where are the Future Risks?: C A Schlosser, C Fant, X Gao, K Strzepek, J M Reilly 0800h GC41C-0570 POSTER Integrating Water, Actors, and Structure to Study Socio-HydroEcological Systems: R L Hale, A Armstrong, M A Baker, S Bedingfield, D Betts, C A Buahin, M Buchert, T Crowl, R Dupont, J Endter-Wada, C Flint, J Grant, S Hinners, D Horns, J S Horsburgh, D Jackson-Smith, A S Jones, C Licon, S E Null, A Odame, D E Pataki, D E Rosenberg, M Runburg, P Stoker, C Strong 0800h GC41C-0571 POSTER Impact of Cumulated CO2 Emission on Air Temperature: MillennialScale Prediction: T Sasai, D Sugiyama, K Murakami, Y Setoyama, S Watanabe, R R Nemani 0800h GC41C-0572 POSTER Resilience Thinking as a Framing Mechanism to Facilitate Collective Community Response to Various Implications of Global Environmental Change: Y Yamagata, A Sharifi 0800h GC41C-0573 POSTER Long-term Terrestrial Carbon and Water Cycle Responses to Projected Climate Change Beyond 2100: F M Hoffman, J T Randerson, W Fu, K T Lindsay, E Munoz, N M Mahowald, G B Bonan 0800h GC41C-0574 POSTER Seasonal Trends and Changes of Extreme Precipitation Events over the Continental United States: E E Janssen, D J Wuebbles, K Kunkel, S C Olsen 0800h GC41C-0576 POSTER Emerging Climate-data Needs in the Air Transport Sector: T R Thompson 0800h GC41C-0577 POSTER Sustainably Managing Sediment in Regulated Rivers: Recent Developments: G M Kondolf, Y Gao, G W Annandale, G L Morris, T Sumi 0800h GC41C-0578 POSTER The Behavioural Biogeosciences: Moving Beyond Evolutionary Adaptation and Innate Reasoning: P D Glynn 0800h GC41B-0556 POSTER The effects of carbon tax on the Oregon economy and state greenhouse gas emissions: A L Rice, C L Butenhoff, J Renfro, J Liu 0800h GC41C-0580 POSTER Multi-Decadal Global Cooling and Unprecedented Ozone Loss Following a Regional Nuclear Conflict: M J Mills, O B Toon, J M Lee-Taylor, A Robock 0800h GC41B-0557 POSTER The Effect of Natural Gas Supply on US Renewable Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: C Shearer, J Bistline, M Inman, S J Davis 0800h GC41C-0581 POSTER Building an ocean research coordination network for Future Earth: an opportunity for innovative collaboration: K Yarincik, R B Gagosian, K Cerveny, L Zimmermann, J Hauser, M Morell 0800h U54A-06 POSTER Drought Effects on Agricultural Yield: Comparison Across Regions and Crop Types: S Daryanto, L Wang, P A Jacinthe 0800h GC41B-0559 POSTER National Energy with Weather System Simultator (NEWS) Sets Bounds on Cost Effective Wind and Solar PV Deployment in the USA without the Use of Storage: C Clack, A E MacDonald, A Alexander, A D Dunbar, Y Xie, J M Wilczak 0800h GC41B-0560 POSTER Mitigating Climate Change with Ocean Pipes: Influencing Land Temperature and Hydrology and Termination Overshoot Risk: L Kwiatkowski, K Caldeira, K Ricke 0800h GC41B-0561 POSTER Climate regulation enhances the value of second generation biofuel technology: T W Hertel, J Steinbuks, W Tyner THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0800h GC41C-0582 POSTER Recent global temperature “plateau” in the context of a new proxy reconstruction: S Obrochta, T J Crowley, J Liu, G C Hegerl 0800h GC41C-0583 POSTER Making Data Visible: Satellite Observations of Arctic Change (SOAC): J Beitler, S Tanner, A P Barrett, M H Savoie, H Wilcox, T Hoyer, K Beam 0800h GC41C-0586 POSTER Dissemination of Climate and Environmental Information: Successes and Failures of Climate Services: G P Brasseur 0800h GC41C-0587 POSTER Climatic driven variability of surface water energy potential and implications for future hydroelectricity: A L E Worman, G Lindstrom 2014 11 11/28/2014 11:06:16 AM 0800h GC41C-0588 POSTER From the Cosmos to the Geosphere: the quest of four European Deep Underground Laboratories originally built for Astroparticle Physics to understand Global Environmental Change: I Agrafioti 0800h GC41C-0589 POSTER Flood Risk and Global Change: Future Prospects: A Serra-Llobet 0800h GC41C-0590 POSTER Future Secretariat: an innovation research coordination and governance structure: D S Ojima, R Johan, W Cramer, K Fukushi, S Allard GC41D Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Extreme Events and Climate Change: Impacts on Environment and Resources IV Posters (joint with A, H) Presiding: John Dawson, Florida Department of Environmental Protection; Michael Hiscock, United States Environmental Protection Agency; Dorothy Koch, United States Department of Energy 0800h GC41D-0591 POSTER Effects of pH Limitation on Population Growth,Nutrient Uptake and Photosynthesis Physiological Processes of Karenia mikimotoi: W Yue 0800h GC41D-0592 POSTER Historic and Future Ice Storms: K Klima, M G Morgan 0800h GC41D-0593 POSTER Sensitivity of Global Wildfire Occurrences to Various Factors in the Context of Global Change: Y Huang, S Wu 0800h GC41D-0594 POSTER Developing ClimateInformed Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts over the Colorado River Basin: W P Miller, J Lhotak, K Werner, M Stokes 0800h GC41D-0595 POSTER Low Flows over the Eastern United States: Variability, Trends, and Attributions (1962-2011): J Kam, J Sheffield 0800h GC41D-0596 POSTER Modeling of Effects of Climate and Land Cover Change on Thermal Loading to Puget Sound: Q Cao, N Sun, J R Yearsley, B Nijssen, D P Lettenmaier 0800h GC41D-0597 POSTER Dry Deposition Estimates in Texas during Drought Years: L Huang, Y Kimura, E McDonald-Buller, G McGaughey, D Allen 0800h GC41D-0598 POSTER Future Ozone Extremes: Clues from a Data Analysis: P Phalitnonkiat, P G M Hess, G Samorodnitsky, M D Grigoriu 0800h GC41D-0599 POSTER Changes in Terrestrial Water Availability under Global Warming: C W Lan, M H Lo, C Chou 0800h GC41D-0600 POSTER Analyses of Extreme Weather Indices in the Mountain: A Case Study of the Gandaki River Basin, Nepal: N S Shrestha, P Dahal 0800h GC41D-0601 POSTER Analysis of Coastal Sediment Plume Dynamics in Puerto Rico using MODIS/Terra 250-m Imagery: D B Otis, F E Muller-Karger, P Mendez-Lazaro, M McCarthy, F R Chen 0800h GC41D-0602 POSTER Modeling the Impacts of Historic Climate Change and Extreme Droughts on Water Yield and Productivity of National Forests over the Conterminous U.S: S Sun, G Sun, P V Caldwell, S G McNulty, Y Zhang 0800h GC41D-0603 POSTER Characterizing Uncertainties in Hydrological Projections Under Climate Change in the Amazon Basin: D A Rodriguez, L G Lopez, J L Siqueira Junior, J Tomasella 0800h GC41D-0609 POSTER Intercontinental difference in extreme weather events for the Northern Hemisphere over the past half century: A Chen, J Tan, S Piao 0800h GC41E-0632 POSTER Investigation of Climate Change Effect on Probable Maximum Flood at a Northern Watershed: H Rouhani, R Leconte 0800h GC41D-0610 POSTER Meteorological influences on extreme duration PM2.5 air pollution episodes: J Matthys, D E Horton, N S Diffenbaugh 0800h GC41E-0633 POSTER Changes in the Extreme Rainfall Events Trends and Variability in Kansas, USA: V Rahmani, S L Hutchinson, J A Harrington Jr, S Hutchinson 0800h GC41D-0612 POSTER Evaluation of Potential Climate Change Impacts on Particle Movement in Open Channel Flow: E Lin, C Tsai 0800h GC41D-0613 POSTER Soliciting Feedback from Resource Managers to Inform Response to Extreme Event Impact: L W Bedsworth 0800h GC41D-0614 POSTER Projecting PolicyRelevant Metrics to Characterize Changing Ozone Extremes over the US: Variations by Region, Season and Scenario: H E Rieder, A M Fiore, G J P Correa, O Clifton, L W Horowitz, V Naik 0800h GC41D-0615 POSTER High Temperature Extremes – Will They Transform Structure of Avian Assemblages in the Desert Southwest?: D Mutiibwa, T P Albright, B O Wolf, A E Mckechnie, A R Gerson, W A Talbot, G Sadoti, J O’Neill, E Smith 0800h GC41D-0616 POSTER Links between Plant Invasion, Anthropogenic Nitrogen Enrichment, and Wildfires: A Systematic Review: E Felker-Quinn, M Gooding Lassiter, A Maxwell, R Housego, B Young 0800h GC41D-0617 POSTER The National Extreme Events Data and Research Center (NEED): J Gulledge, D P Kaiser, T J Wilbanks, T Boden, R Devarakonda GC41E Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Extreme Events and Climate Change: Impacts on Environment and Resources V Posters (joint with A, H) 0800h GC41E-0622 POSTER Simulating the Response of Urban Water Quality to Climate and Land Use Change in Partially Urbanized Basins: N Sun, J R Yearsley, B Nijssen, D P Lettenmaier 0800h GC41E-0623 POSTER Land Use Land Cover Impact on Probable Maximum Flood and Sedimentation for Artificial Reservoirs: A Case Study in Western US: W Y Yigzaw, F Hossain 12 AGU2014News.indb 12 2014 0800h GC41E-0638 POSTER Seasonal Precipitation Variability Associated with Climate Change and Impacts on Vermont Flood Risk: J Guilbert, A Bomblies, D Rizzo 0800h GC41E-0639 POSTER Development of a Simple Framework to Assess Hydrological Extremes using Solely Climate Data: E Foulon, P Gagnon, A N Rousseau 0800h GC41E-0640 POSTER Evaluation of Potential Wetlands to Reduce Peak Flows in Future Climate Scenarios in the Eagle Creek Watershed, IN: K M Walters, M Babbar-Sebens Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models and Observations I Posters (joint with A, B, H, SI) 0800h GC41F-0641 POSTER Shale Gas Boom or Bust? Estimating US and Global Economically Recoverable Resources: R J Brecha, J Hilaire, N Bauer 0800h GC41F-0642 POSTER Empirical Determination of the Human Influence on Climate Change: A P Hope, T P Canty, N R Mascioli, R J Salawitch 0800h GC41F-0643 POSTER Sampling Biases in Datasets of Historical Mean Air Temperature over Land: K Wang 0800h GC41E-0624 POSTER The Tale of Flooding over the Central United States: Not Bigger but More Frequent: I Mallakpour, G Villarini 0800h GC41E-0625 POSTER Improved Simulation of Peak Flows Under Climate Change: PostProcessing or Multi-Objective Calibration?: X Zhang, M J Booij, Y P Xu 0800h GC41F-0645 POSTER Generating future climate time series in semi-arid regions for hydrologic modeling: C Chadwick, S Vicuna, J A Gironas 0800h GC41E-0626 POSTER Estimation of Future Return Levels for Heavy Rainfall in the Iberian Peninsula: Comparison of Methodologies: S Parey 0800h GC41F-0646 POSTER Objective Tuning of Model Parameters in CAM5 Across Different Spatial Resolutions: V Bulaevskaya, D D Lucas 0800h GC41E-0628 POSTER Inland Flooding Damages in the United States: Historical Trends and Climate Change Implications: C W Wobus, R Streeter, R Jones, J Martinich 0800h GC41D-0608 POSTER Precipitation variability and the sugarcane climate demand in Brazil: V R Pereira, A M H de Avila, G Blain, J Zullo Jr 0800h GC41F-0657 POSTER Projecting global tropical cyclone economic damages with validation of tropical cyclone economic damage model: Y Iseri, A Iwasaki, C Miyazaki, S Kanae 0800h GC41F-0644 POSTER Uncertainty Quantification for Characterizing Spatial Tail Dependence under Statistical Framework: S Jeon, C J Paciorek, M Prabhat, S Byna, W Collins, M F Wehner 0800h GC41D-0605 POSTER Modeling the Emission, Transport, and Dispersion of Postwildfire Dust from Western Sagebrush Landscapes within a Regional Air Quality Framework: S H Chung, N S Wagenbrenner, B K Lamb 0800h GC41F-0647 POSTER Complex Empiricism and the Quantification of Uncertainty in Paleoclimate Reconstructions: K C Brumble 0800h GC41F-0648 POSTER Maximum warming occurs about one decade after carbon dioxide emission: K Ricke, K Caldeira 0800h GC41E-0629 POSTER Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Flood Event Types in Two Alpine Catchments: T Turkington, K Breinl, V Jetten, J Ettema 0800h GC41F-0649 POSTER The Social Network of Tracer Variations and O(100) Uncertain Photochemical Parameters in the Community Atmosphere Model: D D Lucas, M Labute, K Chowdhary, B Debusschere, P J Cameron-Smith 0800h GC41E-0630 POSTER Observed low flow trends in major US river basins: M Pournasiri Poshtiri, I Pal 0800h GC41F-0650 POSTER Using Runoff Data to Calibrate the Community Land Model: J Ray, Z Hou, M Huang, L Swiler 0800h GC41E-0631 POSTER Study on the water related disaster risks using the future socioeconomic scenario in Asia: M Kiguchi, M Hatono, H Ikeuchi, S Nakamura, Y Hirabayashi, S Kanae, T Oki 0800h GC41F-0651 POSTER Assessing the Problem Formulation in an Integrated Assessment Model: Implications for Climate Policy Decision-Support: G G Garner, P M Reed, K Keller THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0800h GC41F-0655 POSTER Estimates of climate system properties based on recent climate records up to 2012: A G Libardoni, C E Forest, A P Sokolov 0800h GC41E-0637 POSTER Climate-Driven Trends in the Occurrence of Major Floods in North America and Europe: B Renard, G A Hodgkins, P Whitfield, D H Burn, J Hannaford, K Stahl, A K Fleig, H Madsen, L Mediero, J Korhonen, C Murphy, P Crochet, D Wilson Presiding: Maoyi Huang, Pacific NW Nat’l Lab-Atmos Sci; Katharine Hayhoe, Texas Tech University; Linda Mearns, NCAR; Elisabeth Lloyd, Indiana University Bloomington 0800h GC41E-0620 POSTER Predicting Air-Water Geysers and Their Implications on Reducing Combined Sewer Overflows: Y Choi, A Leon, S Apte 0800h GC41F-0654 POSTER Assessing the impacts of using energy balance models to estimate probabililty distributions of equilibrium climate sensitivity: C E Forest, A Warner, K Keller, A P Sokolov 0800h GC41F-0656 POSTER Parameter Estimation in High-Dimensional Climate Models: K Sargsyan, C Safta, B Debusschere, H N Najm, D M Ricciuto, P E Thornton 0800h GC41E-0618 POSTER Uncertainties in Projected Runoff over the Central United States: I Giuntoli, G Villarini, C Prudhomme, D M Hannah 0800h GC41E-0619 POSTER Climate Change Impacts on U.S. Streamflow and Water Quality : X Z Liang, Y He 0800h GC41F-0653 POSTER Using Impact-Relevant Sensitivities to Efficiently Evaluate and Select Climate Change Scenarios: J A Vano, J B Kim, D E Rupp, P Mote 0800h GC41E-0636 POSTER High Resolution, Consistent Online Estimation of Potential Flood Damage in The Netherlands: O Hoes, R Hut, E van Leeuwen GC41F Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h 0800h GC41E-0627 POSTER The unspoken link between flooding and global warming – will future storms and floods intensify?: C Wasko, A Sharma 0800h GC41D-0607 POSTER High ground-level ozone events over the Eastern United States: meteorology and source attribution: M Seto, O Clifton, J Guo, L T Murray, L C Valin, A M Fiore 0800h GC41E-0635 POSTER Taking climate change into estimation of long-term flood risks: A case of Devils Lake of North Dakota, USA: G Kharel, A Kirilenko Presiding: John Dawson, Florida Department of Environmental Protection; Michael Hiscock, United States Environmental Protection Agency; Dorothy Koch, United States Department of Energy 0800h GC41D-0604 POSTER Long-term statistical analysis on hot days and heat wave in Mongolia: E Erdenebat, T Sato 0800h GC41D-0606 POSTER Effect of ocean acidification on growth of the N2-fixational cyanobacteria from the subtropical NW Pacific: H C Lin 0800h GC41E-0634 POSTER Hydrological Model Parameter (In)stability – Implications for the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Flood Seasonality: K Vormoor, D Lawrence, M Heistermann, A Bronstert 0800h GC41F-0652 POSTER Exploring regional patterns of uncertainty over precipitation change among CMIP5 models using empirical mode techniques, with a focus on the midlatitude Pacific storm track region: B Langenbrunner, J D Neelin, B R Lintner, B T Anderson 0800h GC41F-0658 POSTER Biogeophysical controls on land-atmosphere fluxes in the Community Earth System Model: D M Ricciuto, J Mao, X Shi 0800h GC41F-0659 POSTER Quantifying Uncertainties in Global and North American Regional Climate Change Projections using the Multi-Thousand Member Global Climate Model Perturbed Physics Ensemble: D H Rosendahl, D J Karoly 0800h GC41F-0660 POSTER From Land Use to Land Cover: Restoring the Afforestation Signal in a Coupled Integrated Assessment - Earth System Model and the Implications for CMIP5 RCP Simulations: A V Di Vittorio, L P Chini, B P BondLamberty, J Mao, X Shi, J E Truesdale, A Craig, K V Calvin, A D Jones, W Collins, J Edmonds, G C Hurtt, P E Thornton, A M Thomson 0800h GC41F-0661 POSTER An Examination of Sensitivities in Uncertainty Quantification for Future Climate Projections over India: R Singh, K M Achutarao 0800h GC41F-0662 POSTER Uncertainty Analysis of Downscaled CMIP5 Precipitation Data for Louisiana, USA: S J Sumi, M Tamanna, B Chivoiu, E H Habib 0800h GC41F-0663 POSTER Applicability of surrogate-based MCMC-Bayesian inversion of CLM at flux tower sites with various climate and soil conditions: Z Hou, J Ray, M Huang, L Swiler 0800h GC41F-0664 POSTER Uncertainty Analysis of CMIP5 Future Projection in Global Water Cycle: S Watanabe, H KIM, Y Hirabayashi, S Kanae 0800h GC41F-0665 POSTER Assessment of Climate Projections Using Ensembles of CMIP5 GCMs and Developing a Probable Future Scenario for Evaluation of Possible Future Changes: A Ahmadalipour, A Rana, H Moradkhani 0800h GC41F-0667 POSTER Assessing the Assessment Methods: Climate Change and Hydrologic Impacts: L D Brekke, M P Clark, E D Gutmann, N Mizukami, P A Mendoza, R Rasmussen, K Ikeda, T Pruitt, J R Arnold, B Rajagopalan 0800h GC41F-0668 POSTER Environmental health risk assessment and management for global climate change: P Carter 0800h GC41F-0670 POSTER Uncertainty in stormwater drainage adaptation: what matters and how much is too much?: L J Stack, M H Simpson, T Moore, J S Gulliver, R Roseen, L Eberhart, J B Smith, J Gruber, L Yetka, R Wood, C Lawson GC41G Moscone West 3005 Thursday0800h Assessing the State of the Art in Change Detection and Analysis for Geophysical Time Series II (joint with B, H) Presiding: Kirsten de Beurs, University of Oklahoma Norman Campus; Jan Verbesselt, Wageningen University; Geoffrey Henebry, South Dakota State University 0800h GC41G-01 The Many Hazards of Trend Evaluation: G M Henebry, K de Beurs, X Zhang, J S Kimball, C Small 0815h GC41G-02 30 years of change in water-limited ecosystems: S Horion, R Fensholt, J Verbesselt, T Tagesson, K Grogan, A Ehammer, F Tian All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:17 AM 0845h GC41G-03 Measurement and Classification of Long-Term Seasonal Trends: Procedures and Results using a 30-Year Monthly Series of Global NDVI: R Eastman 0915h GC41G-04 Identifying Optimal Spatial Resolutions For Trend Detection: W Barnett, P Duffy 0930h GC41G-05 Evaluating Trends in Historical PM2.5 Element Concentrations by Reanalyzing a 15-Year Sample Archive: N P Hyslop, W H White, K Trzepla 0945h GC41G-06 A Reliable and Accurate Longterm Climate Record: Solar Irradiance: G J Rottman, T N Woods, M A Snow GC41H Moscone West 3001 Thursday0800h Renewable Energy I (joint with A, H, OS) Presiding: Elizabeth Weatherhead, University of Colorado; Scott James, Exponent, Inc.; Jessica Lundin, Vaisala Inc.; Andrew Clifton, National Renewable Energy Lab 0800h GC41H-01 Modelling and Optimization of Nannochloropsis and Chlorella Growth for Various Locations and Seasons: P E Gharagozloo 0815h GC41H-02 Modeling Heteroscedasticity of Wind Speed Time Series in the United Arab Emirates: H Y Kim, P R Marpu, T Ouarda 0845h GC41H-04 Wind Resource Assessment in the Middle East: C M A Yip, U B Gunturu, G L Stenchikov 0800h GP41A-3602 POSTER The Effects of Dislocations on the Verwey Transition as Observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy and Low Temperature Magnetic Measurements: A K Lindquist, J M Feinberg, R J Harrison, J Loudon, A J Newell 0800h GP41A-3603 POSTER Shock-Induced Magnetic and Structural Changes in Magnetite: New Insights Towards Strain Memory Mechanisms: A M Kontny, B Reznik, P Lied, A Holzwarth, J GГ¶ttlicher, A Boubnov 0800h GP41A-3604 POSTER Pressure Dependence on the Remanent Magnetization of Fe-Ni Alloys: S A Gilder, Q Wei, B Maier 0800h GP41A-3605 POSTER Distributions from Deconvolved Magnetic Susceptibility: K Fukuma Grain-size Broadband 0800h GP41A-3606 POSTER Forculator: A Micromagnetic Tool for Simulating First-Order Reversal Curve Diagrams: R J Harrison, I Lascu 0800h GP41A-3607 POSTER Predictability of magnetic hysteresis and thermoremanent magnetization using Preisach theory: A J Newell, M Niemerg, D Bates 0800h GP41A-3608 POSTER Rock Magnetic Mineral Assemblage in Mineral Separates from Xenoliths of Continental Lithospheric Mantle: E Khakhalova, J M Feinberg, D A Ionov, E C Ferre, S A Friedman, F M Hernandez, C R Neal, J A Conder 0800h GP41A-3609 POSTER Paleomagnetism of Cougar Point Tuff XII, Snake River Plane Idaho: E D Brown, D R Finn, R S Coe, G H Rea-Downing, M J Branney, T Knott, M K Reichow 0900h GC41H-05 Advances in Optimizing Weather Driven Electric Power Systems: C Clack, A E MacDonald, A Alexander, A D Dunbar, Y Xie, J M Wilczak 0800h GP41A-3610 POSTER Partial Anhysteretic Anisotropy Measured in the Greys Landing Ignimbrite of the Central Snake River Plain: G H Rea-Downing, D R Finn, R S Coe, E D Brown, M K Reichow, T Knott, M J Branney 0915h GC41H-06 Could Crop Roughness Impact the Wind Resource at Agriculturally Productive Wind Farm Sites?: B J Vanderwende, J K Lundquist 0800h GP41A-3611 POSTER Change from inverse to normal magnetic fabrics through thermal treatment: H Kim, H Cho, J O Jeong, M Son, Y K Sohn 0930h GC41H-07 The impacts of land-use change from grassland to bioenergy Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) willow on the crop and ecosystem greenhouse gas balance: Z M Harris, G Taylor, G Alberti, M Dondini, P Smith 0945h GC41H-08 Toward Improved Off-Shore Wind Predictions by Combining Observations with Models through State Estimation – An Analysis of Marine Boundary Layer Parameterizations: B Kosovic, L Delle Monache, J Hacker, J A Lee, F C Vandenberghe, Y Wu, A Clifton, S Hawkins, J Nissen, D Rostkier-Edelstein GC41I Moscone West 3003 Thursday0800h The Third Pole Environment (TPE) Under Global Changes I (joint with A, C, H) Presiding: Tandong Yao, Inst of Tibetan Plateau Res; Bernd Wuennemann, Nanjing University; Lonnie Thompson, Ohio State University Main Campus; Volker Mosbrugger, Senckenberg 0800h GC41I-01 Climate, ENSO and вЂ�Black Swans’ over the Last Millennium: L G Thompson, E Mosley-Thompson, M E Davis, D V Kenny, P N Lin 0830h GC41I-02 A Review of Climatic Controls on Оґ18o in Precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau: Observations and Simulations: T Yao, V MassonDelmotte, J Gao, C M Risi 0900h GC41I-03 A Longer–Term Perspective of the Karakoram–Pamir Anomaly: Length, Area and Mass Changes since the 1970s: T Bolch, N Holzer, S Joshi, N Moelg, K Mukherjee, S B Maharjan, F Paul, T Pieczonka, J M Shea, F Shrestha, A B Shrestha 0920h GC41I-04 Two Centuries of Trace Element Deposition at the Top of the Himalaya: Natural Background vs. Anthropogenic Pollution: A Wegner, P Gabrielli, J D Barker, R Sierra Hernandez, E Beaudon, L G Thompson 0940h GC41I-05 An Assessment of Glacial Contributions to Lake Dynamics across the Tibetan Plateau since the Late Pleistocene: Y Sheng GEOMAGNETISM AND PALEOMAGNETISM GP41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Fundamental Mineral and Rock Magnetism II Posters (joint with DI, MR) Presiding: Dario Bilardello, University of Minnesota; Michael Jackson, University of Minnesota; Bruce Moskowitz, University of Minnesota 0800h GP41A-3612 POSTER Study of Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility on Central Chimei Fault, Coastal Range of Eastern Taiwan: C Y Rong 0800h GP41A-3613 POSTER Magnetic Investigations in the J-M Reef Section of the Stillwater Complex, Montana: J D Wnukowski, E C Ferre, K C Butak 0800h H41A-0773 POSTER Improving Hydrologic Data Assimilation by a Multivariate Particle FilterMarkov Chain Monte Carlo: H Yan, C M DeChant, H Moradkhani 0800h H41A-0774A POSTER Spatial Characterization of Flood Magnitudes from Hurricane Irene (2011) over Delaware River Basin: P Lu, J A Smith, L Cunha, N Lin 0800h H41A-0775 POSTER Inflow forecasting model construction with stochastic time series for coordinated dam operation: T Kim, Y Jung, H Kim, J H Heo 0800h H41A-0776 POSTER A New Approach in Generating Meteorological Forecasts for Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting using Multivariate Functions: S Khajehei, S Madadgar, H Moradkhani 0800h H41A-0777 POSTER Generation of Daily Rainfall Scenario Based on Nonstationary Spatial-Temporal Downscaling Techniques with Multimodel Ensemble of Different GCMs: T J Kim, H H Kwon 0800h H41A-0778 POSTER Water Resource Assessment in KRS Reservoir Using Remote Sensing and GIS Modelling: M V H, K C Gouda, N Bhat, A Reddy 0800h H41A-0779 POSTER The Potential of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture Retrievals in Calibrating Land Surface Models: D Ryu, A Kunnath Poovakka, L J Renzullo, B George 0800h H41A-0780 POSTER Regionalization and Prediction of Seasonal Precipitation in Ethiopia: Y Zhang, P Block 0800h H41A-0781 POSTER Study of Seasonal Forecasting of Typhoon in East Asia: X SUN, J Chen 0800h H41A-0782 POSTER Can improved SSTA prediction be translated into better seasonal rainfall forecast?: M Z K Khan, A Sharma, R Mehrotra, A Schepen, Q Wang 0800h H41A-0783 POSTER Skill of Global Climate Models in Capturing Dependence of Great Basin Precipitation on Pacific Modes of Variability: K Smith, C Strong, S Y Wang 0800h H41A-0784 POSTER Effects of Climate Change on Stormwater Capture Depths in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region: I Khan, G E Moglen, K Hubacek 0800h H41A-0785 POSTER Estimation of Design Rainfall Based on Climate Change Scenario in Jeju Island: S K Yang, J H Lee, W Y Jung 0800h H41A-0786 POSTER Historical Climate Change Analysis over American River Watershed by Means of 137-Year Long-Term Dynamic Downscaling: K Ishida, M L Kavvas, Z R Chen, N Ohara, S Jang 0800h H41A-0787 POSTER On the Predictability of SSTA Indices Relevant for Rainfall Prediction from CMIP5 Decadal Experiments: D Choudhury, A Sharma, A Sen Gupta, R Mehrotra, B Sivakumar 0800h H41A-0788 POSTER Hourly Precipitation Downscaling With Empirical Statistical Methods: Case Study near the US Eastern Coast: Y Wang, G Sivandran 0800h H41A-0789 POSTER Modeling climate change impacts on hydrological variability using an efficient multi-site GCM downscaling method: Z LI, Z LГј 0800h H41A-0790 POSTER Downscaling using Probabilistic Gaussian Copula Regression model: M A Ben Alaya, F Chebana, T Ouarda 0800h H41A-0791 POSTER Flood Frequency Analysis of Future Climate Projections in the Cache Creek Watershed: I Fischer, T Trihn, K Ishida, S Jang, E Kavvas, M L Kavvas 0800h H41A-0792 POSTER A New Method for Radar Rainfall Estimation Using Merged Radar and Gauge Derived Fields: M M Hasan, A Sharma, F Johnson, G Mariethoz, A Seed 0800h H41A-0793 POSTER Comparison of Conceptual and Neural Network Rainfall-Runoff Models: V K Vidyarthi, A Jain 0800h H41A-0794 POSTER Characterizing weather and climate variability for precipitation: A databased stochastic modeling framework: D Gianotti, B T Anderson, G Salvucci 0800h H41A-0795 POSTER Modeling transitions in the hydrologic and thermal regimes of Earth’s largest lake system: A Gronewold, E J Anderson, P Blanken, B M Lofgren, J Wang, C Stow 0800h GP41A-3614 POSTER Separation of magnetic susceptibility components from magnetization curves: L Kosareva, D Nourgaliev, D Kuzina, S Spassov, A Fattakhov 0800h GP41A-3615 POSTER Rotational Remanent Magnetization (RRM) to Identify Pyrrhotite in Natural Iron-Sulfide-Bearing Samples: S P Slotznick, J L Kirschvink, W W Fischer, S M Webb HYDROLOGY H41A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Advances in Hydrometeorological Predictions and Applications II Posters (joint with A, NH) Presiding: Hamid Moradkhani, Portland State University; Nathalie Voisin, PNNL; Andrew Wood, National Center for Atmospheric Research 0800h H41A-0764 POSTER Joint System of the National Hydrometeorology for disaster prevention: J Lim, K Cho, Y S Lee, H S Jung, H D Yoo, D Ryu, J Kwon 0800h H41A-0765 POSTER WRF Performance Skills in Predicting Rainfall Over the Philippines: G J P Perez, J S Combinido 0800h H41A-0766 POSTER NECESSITY OF FLOOD EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS IN INDIA: C Kurian, U Natesan, D R K H V 0800h H41A-0767 POSTER Wind Velocity Predictions over the Penghu Islands of Taiwan during Tropical Cyclones: C C Wei 0800h H41A-0768 POSTER Estimation of Extreme Rainfalls Using the DDF Curves for Han River Basin in Korea: S Kim, H Ahn, T Kim, J H Heo 0800h H41A-0769 POSTER Regional Frequency Analysis of extreme rainfall events, Tuscany (Italy): E Caporali, V Chiarello, G Rossi Remember to Upload Your ePoster by Friday, 19 December 6:00 P.M. PST 0800h H41A-0770 POSTER Threshold Frequency Estimation for the Russian River, CA: A Pelle, G A Tootle, L E Johnson, R Cifelli, C Hsu 0800h H41A-0771 POSTER A Markov track model for simulating Typhoon Tracks in North-Western Pacific Ocean: B Song, B Rajagopalan, G H Lim All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 13 0800h H41A-0772 POSTER Multivariate NonParametric Simulation of Daily Streamflows Considering Climate Change: U Haberlandt THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2014 13 11/28/2014 11:06:17 AM 0800h H41A-0796 POSTER Improvements of Physically-Based Hydrological Modelling using the ACRU Agro-Hydrological Modelling System: C M T Bonifacio, S W Kienzle, W Xu, J Zhang 0800h H41A-0797 POSTER Forecasting Urban Water Demand via Machine Learning Methods Coupled with a Bootstrap Rank-Ordered Conditional Mutual Information Input Variable Selection Method: J F Adamowski, J Quilty, B Khalil, M Rathinasamy H41B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Evapotranspiration, Evaporative Demand, and Drought: Exploring Dynamics and Linkages, and Highlighting Emerging Applications Posters (joint with A, GC) Presiding: Mike Hobbins, National Integrated Drought Information System; Christopher Hain, University of Maryland; Martha Anderson, USDA ARS 0800h H41B-0798 POSTER Estimating and Validating Soil Evaporation and Crop Transpiration during the HiWATER-MUSOEXE: L Song 0800h H41B-0799 POSTER The Evaporative Demand Drought Index: The Physical Basis: M Hobbins, D McEvoy, J L Huntington, A W Wood, J P Verdin 0800h H41B-0800 POSTER Temporal Changes in Drought Indices Provide Early Warning of Drought Development over Sub-Seasonal Time Scales: J Otkin, M C Anderson, C Hain, M Svoboda 0800h H41B-0801 POSTER Monitoring the Lower Colorado River’s Arid Delta in Mexico by Measuring the Response in Vegetation and Evapotranspiration Resulting from the 2014 Spring Pulse Flood: P L Nagler, E P Glenn, M Gomez-Sapiens, C Jarchow, J Milliken 0800h H41B-0802 POSTER Evapotranspiration from Airborne Simulators as a Proxy Datasets for NASA’s ECOSTRESS mission – A new Thermal Infrared Instrument on the International Space Station: P C Guillevic, G C Hulley, S J Hook, A Olioso, J M Sanchez, D Drewry, S W Running, J B Fisher 0800h H41B-0803 POSTER Fully-automated estimation of actual to potential evapotranspiration in the Everglades using Landsat and air temperature data as inputs to the Vegetation Index-Temperature Trapezoid method: A L Yagci, J W Jones 0800h H41B-0804 POSTER Multi-model drought evaluation at regional and global scales: A Ershadi, M F McCabe, J Sheffield 0800h H41B-0805 POSTER Local Contributors and Predictability of Flash Drought at the Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (MOISST) During 2012: J B Basara, J Otkin, H R Mahan, M C Anderson, C Hain, P Wagle, X Xiao 0800h H41B-0806 POSTER Water Footprints of Cellulosic Bioenergy Crops: Implications for Production on Marginal Lands: S K Hamilton, M Z Hussain, A K Bhardwaj, B Basso, M G Abraha, G P Robertson 0800h H41B-0807 POSTER Terrestrial Water Balances in the Face of Variable Climate over 49 years in Southern Michigan: S K Hamilton, M Z Hussain 0800h H41B-0808 POSTER Trends and Patterns of Change in Temperature and Evaporation: E Ragno, A AghaKouchak 0800h H54C-05 POSTER Utility of a Two-source Energy Balance Approach for Daily Mapping of Landsat-scale Fluxes Over Irrigated Agriculture in a Desert Environment: R Houborg, M F McCabe, J Rosas Aguilar, M C Anderson, C Hain H41C Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Global Floods: Forecasting, Monitoring, Risk Assessment, and Socioeconomic Response III Posters (joint with A, IN, NH) Presiding: Huan Wu, ESSIC/NASA GSFC; Tara Troy, Lehigh University; Philip Ward, IVM - VU University Amsterdam; Robert Brakenridge, University of Colorado 0800h H41C-0810 POSTER The Effect of Long Lasting Floods on the Thermal Regime of the Pampas: E G Jobbagy, C M Di Bella, M D Nosetto, J Houspanossian 0800h H41C-0812 POSTER Attenuation of Storm Surge Flooding By Wetlands in the Chesapeake Bay: An Integrated Geospatial Framework Evaluating Impacts to Critical Infrastructure: A Khalid, J Haddad, S Lawler, C Ferreira 0800h H41D-0834 POSTER Agent-based Modeling to Simulate the Diffusion of Water-Efficient Innovations and the Emergence of Urban Water Sustainability: L Kanta, M Giacomoni, M E Shafiee, E Berglund 0800h H41C-0813 POSTER Real-Time Correction of TRMM Precipitation for Hydrological Monitoring over China: X Zhang, Q Tang 0800h H41D-0835 POSTER Modeling the Effects of Land Use and Climate Change on Streamflow in the Delaware River Basin: P Y S Kwon, T A Endreny, C N Kroll, T N Williamson 0800h H41C-0814 POSTER Ensemble Prediction of Flood Maps Under Uncertain Conditions: A Pedrozo-AcuГ±a, J P RodrГguez-RincГіn, J A A Brena-Naranjo 0800h H41C-0815 POSTER A new approach for deriving Flood hazard maps from SAR data and global hydrodynamic models: P Matgen, R Hostache, M Chini, L Giustarini, F Pappenberger, P Bally 0800h H41C-0816 POSTER Utah Flooding Hazard: Raising Public Awareness through the Creation of Multidisciplinary Web-Based Maps: J Castleton, B Erickson, S D Bowman, C D Unger 0800h H41C-0817 POSTER Prospects for Seasonahead Global Flood Forecasts: D Lee, P J Block, P Ward 0800h H41C-0818 POSTER Evaluation of Outlier Detection and Modification Methods Used in Flood Frequency Analysis: S U S Senarath 0800h H41C-0819 POSTER Temporal changes in extent and duration of flooding in the GangesBrahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh: M B Sciance, S L Nooner 0800h H41C-0820 POSTER A Short-Term Rainfall Estimation using Motion Vectors based on COMS Satellite Data: K Park, J Kim, S Yoon, I Jung 0800h H41C-0821 POSTER Where Are the Flashiest Watersheds in the United States? Exploring the Spatial Patterns of Frequent Flash Flooding Across the Contiguous United States: B K Smith, J A Smith, M L Baeck 0800h H41C-0822 POSTER Changes in Benefits of Flood Protection Standard under Climate Change : W H Lim, S Koirala, D Yamazaki, Y Hirabayashi, S Kanae 0800h H41C-0823 POSTER Integrated flood risk analysis during different SST conditions in a changing climate: A case study of the Korean Han River basin: S Yoon, J Kim, Y I Moon 0800h H41C-0824 POSTER Paleoflood Analysis and Flood Areas Mapping of Saricay (Canakkale) Using Geographical Information Systems (GIS): O Karaca, M Tiryaki, M Bozcu 0800h H41C-0825 POSTER Implementing Extreme Value Analysis in a Geospatial Workflow for Storm Surge Hazard Assessment: J Catelli, S Nong 0800h H41C-0826 POSTER Calibrating a RainfallRunoff and Routing Model for the Continental United States: S Jankowfsky, S Li, A Assteerawatt, S Tillmanns, A Hilberts 0800h H41C-0827 POSTER Prediction of River Flooding using Geospatial and Statistical Analysis in New York, USA and Kent, UK: A Marsellos, K Tsakiri, M Smith 0800h H41C-0828 POSTER Performing Multiple Simulations for Multiple Watersheds in Flood Forecasting Using the GSSHA Distributed Hydrologic Models in Large Basins: F Perez, N Jones, E J Nelson, S D Christensen 0800h H41C-0829 POSTER Modeling Flood Risk for South Korea: Y Mei, S Li 0800h H41C-0830 POSTER A faster and economical approach to floodplain mapping using the SSURGO soil database: N Sangwan, V Merwade 0800h H41C-0831 POSTER Developing a Graphical User Interface to Automate the Estimation and Prediction of Risk Values for Flood Protective Structures using Artificial Neural Network: M Hasan, A Helal, M Gabr 0800h H41C-0833 POSTER Importance of Integrating High-Resoultion 2D Flood Hazard Maps in the Flood Disaster Management of Marikina City, Philippines: B J M Tapales, J Mendoza, C Uichanco, A M F A Lagmay, M A Moises, P Delmendo, N E Tingin H41D Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Sociohydrology: Modeling Feedbacks in Complex Coupled Natural Human Water Systems (Panta Rhei ??Everything Flows) II Posters 0800h H41C-0811 POSTER Floods in the Pampas: Insights from over a Decade of Satellite Observations: S Kuppel, J Houspanossian, M D Nosetto, E G Jobbagy Presiding: John Murphy, Argonne National Laboratory; Arne Bomblies, University of Vermont; Charles Kroll, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Tara Troy, Lehigh University 14 THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER AGU2014News.indb 14 2014 0800h H41D-0836 POSTER Modeling Household Water Consumption in a Hydro-Institutional System – The Case of Jordan: C J A Klassert, E Gawel, B Klauer, K Sigel 0800h H41D-0837 POSTER Modeling Feedbacks Between Individual Human Decisions and Hydrology Using Interconnected Physical and Social Models: J Murphy, R B Lammers, A A Proussevitch, J Ozik, M Altaweel, N T Collier, L Alessa, A D Kliskey 0800h H41D-0838 POSTER A Smallholder Sociohydrological Modelling Framework: S Pande, H Savenije, P Rathore 0800h H41D-0840 POSTER Understanding SocioHydrology System in the Kissimmee River Basin: X Chen, D Wang, F Tian, M Sivapalan 0800h H41D-0841 POSTER A Coupled Modeling Framework of the Co-evolution of Humans and Water: Case Study of Tarim River Basin, Western China: D Liu, F Tian, M Lin, M Sivapalan 0800h H41D-0842 POSTER Modeling RainfallRunoff Dynamics in Tropical, Urban SocioHydrological Systems: Green Infrastructure and Variable Precipitation Interception: C J Nytch, E J MelГ©ndez-Ackerman 0800h H41D-0843 POSTER Participatory Water Resources Modeling in a Water-Scarce Basin (Rio Sonora, Mexico) Reveals Uncertainty in DecisionMaking: A S Mayer, E R Vivoni, K E Halvorsen, D Kossak 0800h H41D-0844 POSTER Post-settlement drivers of streamflow variability in the Canadian Prairies: an analysis of the effects of the Anthropocene: A Nazemi, H S Wheater, K P Chun, B R Bonsal 0800h H41D-0846 POSTER Building Adaptive Capacity with the Delphi Method and Mediated Modeling for Water Quality and Climate Change Adaptation in Lake Champlain Basin: S Coleman, S Hurley, C Koliba, A Zia, S Exler 0800h H41D-0847 POSTER Use of Participatory Systems Dynamics Modelling to Generate UserFriendly Decision Support Systems for the Design of Management Policies for Complex HumanEnvironmental Systems: A Case Study from the Varied Socio-environmental Landscape of Guatemala: J J Malard, A I Baig, J Carrera, L Mellini, P Pineda, O Monterroso, H MelgarQuiГ±onez, J F Adamowski, J Halbe, H Monardes, J GГЎlvez 0800h H41D-0848 POSTER A Hypothesis Test for Hydrologic Alteration: C N Kroll, K E Metz, R M Vogel 0800h H41D-0849 POSTER Coupled Dynamic Modeling to Assess Human Impact on Watershed Hydrology: I N Mohammed, Y Tsai, S Turnbull, A Bomblies, A Zia 0800h H41D-0850 POSTER Interactions of Landowners? Land Use Decisions with Flood and Water Quality: Y Tsai, I N Mohammed, S Turnbull, A Zia, A Bomblies 0800h H41D-0851 POSTER Attribution of hydrologic trends using integrated hydrologic and economic models: M P Maneta, D R Brugger, N L Silverman 0800h H41D-0852 POSTER Understanding the influence of watershed storage caused by human interferences on ET variance: R Zeng, X Cai 0800h H41D-0853 POSTER Predictions of Flow Duration Curve Shifts Due to Anthropogenic and Climatic Changes: N F Henry, C N Kroll, T A Endreny 0800h H41D-0854 POSTER Evaporation Ponds or Recharge Structures? The Role of Check Dams in Arkavathy River Basin, India: K Jeremiah, V Srinivasan, A R 0800h H41E-0856 POSTER Validation of SCS CN Method for Runoff Estimation with Field Observed Regression Analysis Results in Venna Basin, Central India: Y B Katpatal, S V Paranjpe, M Kadu 0800h H41E-0857 POSTER Coupling an Inverse Gaussian Model with Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Soil Moisture from Hyperspectral Imagery: W Zeng, C Xu, J Huang, J Wu, M Tuller 0800h H41E-0858 POSTER Drought-Induced Vegetation Variation Across Land Biomes in Northern Hemisphere from 2001 to 2012: J Chen, L Sun 0800h H41E-0859 POSTER Estimating Groundwater Quality Changes Using Remotely Sensed Groundwater Storage and Multivariate Regression: A Gibbons, B F Thomas, J S Famiglietti 0800h H41E-0860 POSTER Validating Flood Mapping Products Using a Digital Elevation Model Comparison Technique: J Fayne 0800h H41E-0861 POSTER Variability of Cloud Cover and Its Relation to Snowmelt and Runoff in the Mountainous Western United States: E Sumargo, D R Cayan, S Iacobellis 0800h H41E-0862 POSTER Estimation of Actual Crop ET of Paddy Using the Energy Balance Model SMARET and Validation with Field Water Balance Measurements and a Crop Growth Model (ORYZA): N D Nallasamy, B V Muraleedharan, K Kathirvel, B Narasimhan 0800h H41E-0863 POSTER Vegetation Response and Streamflow Anomalies: Exploring the Modulating Effect of Watershed Storage as Estimated by a Regionalized Stream Recession Index: S C Worland, R Bennartz, J Murphy, T Merrick, M Bradley, G M Hornberger 0800h H41E-0864 POSTER Detecting Rainfall Extreme Fields and Their Scaling Using Weather Radar Data: A Hamidi, N Devineni, A Zahraei, R Khanbilvardi 0800h H41E-0865 POSTER Evaluating the Use of In-situ and Remote Sensing Data to Answer Critical Hydrological Questions: T R Petty 0800h H41E-0866 POSTER A Novel approach for monitoring cyanobacterial blooms using an ensemble based system from MODIS imagery downscaled to 250 metres spatial resolution: A El Alem, K Chokmani, I Laurion, S E El-Adlouni 0800h H41E-0867 POSTER Change in Total Water in California’s Mountains and Groundwater in Central Valley During the 2011–2014 Drought From GPS, GRACE, and InSAR: D F Argus, Y Fu, F W Landerer, T Farr, M M Watkins, J S Famiglietti 0800h H41E-0868 POSTER Calculator for Evaluation of Crop Water Use Fractions in California: L Johnson, F Cassel-Sharma, D Goorahoo, F S Melton 0800h H41E-0869 POSTER Estimation of Spatially Distributed Evapotranspiration Using Remote Sensing and a Relevance Vector Machine: I Maslova, R Bachour, W R Walker, A M Ticlavilca, M McKee 0800h H41E-0870 POSTER Precipitation Uncertainty and its Impacts on Hydrologic Modelling and Flood Prediction: An Investigation in IFloodS Focal Basins: H Wu, R F Adler, Y Tian, G J Huffman 0800h H41E-0871 POSTER Identification of Suitable Water Harvesting Zones Based on Geomorphic Resources for Drought Areas: A Case Study of Una District, Himachal Pradesh, India: D C Prakasam Jr, B Zaman 0800h H41E-0873 POSTER Sructural Control Of Groundwater Flow In The Sinai Peninsula: Integrated Studies: L Mohamed, M Sultan, A Z A Farag 0800h H41E-0874 POSTER Controls on Algal Bloom Propagation in the Kuwait Bay Utilizing: An Integrated Remote Sensing and Statistical Approach: C J Manche, M Sultan, R Elkadiri, S Uddin, A Al-Dousari, K Chouinard 0800h H41E-0875 POSTER Hydrology Applications of the GRACE missions: M M Srinivasan, E R Ivins, M F Jasinski 0800h H41D-0855 POSTER Weekly Hydrometeorological Signatures – Characterization of Urban-Induced Streamflow and Rainfall Variability: S Schnier, X Cai, M Sivapalan 0800h H41E-0876 POSTER An Integrated Lysimeter and Satellite Imagery Approach for Estimating Crop Evapotranspiration: D Goorahoo, F CasselSharma, L Johnson, F S Melton H41E Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h 0800h H41E-0877 POSTER Optimal Scaling of Filtered GRACE dS/dt Anomalies over Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins, California: M Ukasha, J A Ramirez Remote Sensing Applications for Water Resources Management III Posters Presiding: John Bolten, NASA GSFC; Forrest Melton, California State University Monterey Bay 0800h H41E-0878 POSTER Spatial Downscaling of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Using Support Vector Machine in Northeast Asia : M Choi, H Moon, D Kim All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:17 AM 0800h H41E-0879 POSTER Spatial Scaling Assessment of Surface Soil Moisture Estimations Using Remotely Sensed Data for Precision Agriculture: L Hassan Esfahani, A F Torres-Rua, A Jensen, M McKee 0800h H41E-0880 POSTER Hydrogeologic Aspects of GRACE Modeling: A Case Study of the Upper Mississippi Basin: A Skaskevych, J Lee, F S Policelli, J D Bolten, J L David 0800h H34D-08 POSTER Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration in California Vineyards Using Landsat 8: M C Anderson, K A Semmens, W P Kustas, F Gao, J G Alfieri, L McKee, J H Prueger, C Hain, C Cammalleri 0800h H41E-0882 POSTER Subpixel Mapping of Wetland Inundation Using Time-Series Landsat Data: An Assessment of Its Sensitivity to Climate Change Indices: H Jin, I Y Yeo, C Huang, M W Lang 0800h H41E-0883 POSTER Management of Egypt’s Surface and Groundwater Resources: Present and Future: M Sultan, M Ahmed, E Yan, A Milewski, L Mohamed, A Z A Farag 0800h H41E-0884 POSTER Understanding the paleohydrological setting of the Arabian Peninsula: An integrated approach: M K Emil, M Sultan, N C Sturchio, M Ahmed, K Chouinard 0800h H41E-0885 POSTER Improving Agricultural Water Resources Management Using Groundbased Infrared Thermometry: S Taghvaeian 0800h H41E-0886 POSTER A Dynamic Model for Rainfall-Triggered Landslides in Central America: J M D Simmons 0800h H41E-0887 POSTER How Much Do We Know about the Storage Changes in the Major River Basins of the World? Analysis of Storage Change from GRACE: N M Velpuri, G B Senay, J P Verdin H41F Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Recent Advances in ContinuumScale Modeling of Flow and Reactive Transport in Porous Media Posters 0800h H41F-0900 POSTER Full-scale Testing and Numerical Modeling oF Axial and Lateral Soil Pipe Interaction in Deepwater: M Sarraf Joshaghani, A MRaheem 0800h H41F-0901 POSTER Mixed LagrangianEulerian and Eulerian Approach to Discretizing Richards’ Equation : G T Yeh, C H Tsai H41G Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Recent Advances in Groundwater Hydrology Posters 0800h H41G-0903 POSTER Spatio-temporal Variations in Groundwater Levels in Northwest India and Implications for Future Groundwater Management: S K Joshi, S P Rai, R Sinha, S Gupta, S Shekhar, Y S Rawat, M Kumar, P J Mason, A L Densmore, A Singh, N Nayak, W M van Dijk 0800h H41G-0906 POSTER Integrating Predictive Modeling with Control System Design for Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery Applications: Z W Drumheller, J Regnery, J H Lee, T H Illangasekare, P K Kitanidis, K M Smits 0800h H41G-0907 POSTER Analytical Analyses of Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Infiltrated Water for Managed Aquifer Recharge: V A Zlotnik, G Ledder, A Kacimov 0800h H41G-0908 POSTER The Exit Gradient As a Measure of Groundwater Dependency of Watershed Ecosystem Services: B R Faulkner, T J Canfield, G F Justin 0800h H41G-0910 POSTER Characterization of Groundwater Flow Processes in the Cedar Creek Watershed and the Cedarburg Bog in Southeastern Wisconsin: J P Graham, W S Han, D Feinstein, D J Hart 0800h H41F-0889 POSTER Modeling of the T S D E Heater Test to Investigate Crushed Salt Reconsolidation and Rock Salt Creep for the Underground Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Waste: L Blanco Martin, J Rutqvist, J T Birkholzer, R Wolters, K H Lux 0800h H41G-0913 POSTER Modeling Changing Morphology and Density Dependent Groundwater Flow in a Dynamic Environment: case study: S Huizer, M F Bierkens, G Oude Essink 0800h H41G-0915 POSTER A Numerical Simulation for Movement of Contaminated Water through a Wellbore: Z P Stanko, T Nishikawa, N F Teague, J A Izbicki 0800h H41G-0916 POSTER Comprehensive set of analytical solutions for two-dimensional advectivedispersive transport involving flexible boundary inputs, initial distributions and zero-order productions: Y L Tu, J S Chen, K H Lai 0800h H41G-0918 POSTER Impact of Boundary Conditions on Pumping in a Fully Bounded Aquifer: C Lu, P Xin, L Li, J Luo 0800h H41F-0893 POSTER A methodology to ensure local mass conservation for porous media models under finite element formulations based on convex optimization: J Chang, K Nakshatrala 0800h H41G-0919 POSTER Impacts of Hydraulic Variables on Groundwater Model Calibration for Long Island, New York: E G Chesebrough, Y Gorokhovich 0800h H41F-0894 POSTER Mixing Limited Reaction Rates in Radial Groundwater Flow Upscaled by the Lamella Approach at Continuum-Scales: A A M Ali, T R Ginn, T Le Borgne, M Dentz 0800h H41G-0920 POSTER Comparison of reactive transport model predictions for natural attenuation processes occurring at chlorinated solvent contaminated site: H M Chiu, C H Tsai, K H Lai, J S Chen 0800h H41G-0921 POSTER Modeling Radionuclide Decay Chain Migration Using HYDROGEOCHEM: T C Lin, C H Tsai, K H Lai, J S Chen 0800h H41F-0896 POSTER Strain localization in usnaturated soils with large deformation: X Song, R I Borja 0800h H41G-0922 POSTER Fast analysis of radionuclide decay chain migration: J S Chen, C P Liang, C W Liu, L Li 0800h H41F-0897 POSTER Development of two simplified geochemical models for permeability evolution due to calcite dissolution in preferential pathways in caprock: B Guo, J P Fitts, C A Peters 0800h H41G-0923 POSTER Canada’s Deep Geological Repository For Used Nuclear Fuel –The Geoscientific Site Evaluation Process: S Hirschorn, M Ben Belfadhel, A Blyth, A J DesRoches, J R M McKelvie, A Parmenter, M Sanchez-Rico Castejon, A Urrutia-Bustos, A Vorauer 0800h H41F-0898 POSTER Gaining a Better Understanding of Surface-Subsurface Reactive Transport using a High-Order Advection Approach: J J Beisman III, R M Maxwell, A Navarre-Sitchler, C I Steefel 0800h H41F-0899 POSTER Decoupling instead of grid coarsening: how to achieve reservoir scale reactive transport simulations in highly heterogeneous settings. Example from CO2 storage: M De Lucia, T Kempka, M Kuehn 0800h H41G-0924 POSTER A Tree Diagram: Compilation of Methods for Evaluating Host Rock Suitability Taking Account of Uncertainties in Hydrogeological Modeling: A Sawada, A Hayano, J Goto, M Inagaki All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 15 0800h H41G-0927 POSTER First Tritium-Helium Dating Results of Groundwater in Eastern Taiwan and Further Implications: A T Chen, T F Yang, T K Liu, Y Sano, N Takahata, K Y Chen, Y Wang 0800h H41G-0929 POSTER Identifying functional zones of denitrification in heterogeneous aquifer systems by numerical simulations – a case study: E Jang, T Kalbacher, W He, H Shao, C Schueth, O Kolditz 0800h H41F-0888 POSTER A Monolithic MultiTime-Step Computational Framework for Transient Advective-Diffusive-Reactive Systems: S Karimi, K B Nakshatrala 0800h H41F-0895 POSTER On the performance of maximum-principle enforcing methods applied to large-scale subsurface problems: S Karra, J Chang, K Nakshatrala 0840h H41I-03 A New Concept for Geothermal Energy Extraction: The Radiator – Enhanced Geothermal System: M Hilpert, P Geiser, B D Marsh, P E Malin, S Moore 0800h H41G-0902 POSTER Investigation of Climate Change Impacts to the Coastal Aquifer of North Germany: A 3D Modelling Study: T Ptak, J Yang, T Graf 0800h H41G-0912 POSTER Groundwater Response to Precipitation Variations and Increased Abstraction Rates in the Nasia Sub-catchment, Ghana: F M Oteng, C A Alo, S M Yidana 0800h H41F-0892 POSTER Importance of dynamic mesh adaptivity for simulation of viscous fingering in porous media: P Mostaghimi, M Jackson, C Pain, G Gorman 0800h H41G-0926 POSTER Does Tritium Counts Help Quantify Residence Time of Recharge Waters Today?: A D Damtew, S Wohnlich 0800h H41G-0928 POSTER Interaction of chemical dissolution fronts during transport in an anisotropic porous medium with initial small non-uniformity: K H Lai, J S Chen, C W Liu 0800h H41G-0911 POSTER GIS and SBF for estimating groundwater recharge of a mountainous basin in the Wu River watershed, Taiwan: H F Yeh, H I Lin, C H Lee 0800h H41F-0891 POSTER Fingering, Fracturing and Dissolution in Granular Media: R Juanes, L Cueto-Felgueroso, M Trojer, B Zhao, X Fu 0820h H41I-02 Multi-Fluid Geo-Energy Systems for Bulk and Thermal Energy Storage and Dispatchable Renewable and Low-Carbon Electricity: T A Buscheck, J Randolph, M O Saar, Y Hao, Y Sun, J M Bielicki Presiding: Geoffrey Bohling, Univ Kansas; Kenneth Carroll, New Mexico State University Presiding: Satish Karra, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Kalyana Nakshatrala, University of Houston 0800h H41F-0890 POSTER Simulation of three component two phase flow in porous media using method of lines: S Goudarzi, S Mathias, J Gluyas 0800h H41G-0925 POSTER Noble Gas Signatures in Antrim Shale Gas in the Michigan Basin - Assessing Compositional Variability and Transport Processes: T Wen, M C Castro, B R Ellis, C M Hall, K C Lohmann, L Bouvier 0800h H41G-0930 POSTER Natural background concentrations and threshold values of chemical species for groundwater in Korea: Y Hyun, S Lee, H Lee 0800h H41G-0931 POSTER Evaluating GroundWater Quality Using Artificial Adaptive Systems: M J Friedel, M Buscema, C Daughney, R Litvak, A Chambel 0800h H41G-0932 POSTER A New Windows-based Program for Analyzing Groundwater Rebound in Abandoned Mines: L S Jae, Y Choi, H Yi H41H Moscone West 3016 Thursday0800h Characterizing Hydrological and Linked Processes in Arid and SemiArid Regions I Presiding: Raghavendra Jana, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Binayak Mohanty, Texas A&M University; Matthew McCabe, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Bridget Scanlon, University of Texas at Austin 0800h H41H-01 Multi-scale Hydrologic Modeling of the White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico: S M Bourret, B T Newton 0815h H41H-02 A Method for Partitioning Surface and Subsurface Flow Using Rainfall Simulaton and Two-Dimensional Surface Electrical Resistivity Imaging: A M Carey, G B Paige, S N Miller, B J Carr, W S Holbrook 0830h H41H-03 Hydrological responses and scaling effects in vegetated semi-arid areas with surface sealing: L Chen, S Sela, T Svoray, S Assouline 0900h H41I-04 Micro-earthquake Analysis for Reservoir Properties at the Prati-32 Injection Test, The Geysers, California : L J Hutchings, A K Singh 0920h H41I-05 Sensitivity Studies of 3D Reservoir Simulation at the I-Lan Geothermal Area in Taiwan Using TOUGH2: C W Kuo, S R Song 0940h H41I-06 Uplift Around the Geothermal Power Plant of Landau (Germany) Observed from InSAR Monitoring: C Heimlich, F Masson, N Gourmelen, J Schmittbuhl, J Azzola, S W Kim H41J Moscone West 3022 Thursday0800h Improving Computational Efficiency in Modeling Complex Environmental Systems (with Uncertainty) II (joint with A, IN) Presiding: Saman Razavi, University of Saskatchewan; George Shu Heng Pau, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Howard Wheater, University of Saskatchewan; Ye Zhang, Univ of Wyoming 0800h H41J-01 Dynamic emulation modelling for the optimal operation of water systems: an overview: A Castelletti, S Galelli, M Giuliani 0815h H41J-02 Simplifying and upscaling water resources systems models that combine natural and engineered components: N McIntyre, G Keir 0830h H41J-03 Does optimal complexity that is required to model a basin depend on its hydrologic characteristics?: S Pande, M Moayeri 0845h H41J-04 Implicit sampling for assimilation: X Tu, A J Chorin, M Morzfeld 0900h H41J-05 Reduced-Order Models Based on POD-Tpwl for Compositional Subsurface Flow Simulation: L J Durlofsky, J He, L Z Jin 0915h H41J-06 Modeling CO2 Migration at Sleipner Using Models of Varying Complexity: K Bandilla, M A Celia, E Leister, B Guo 0930h H41J-07 Improving Computational Efficiency of Model Predictive Control Genetic Algorithms for Real-Time Decision Support: B S Minsker, A L Zimmer, A Ostfeld, A Schmidt 0945h H41J-08 A New Selection Metric for MultiObjective Hydrologic Model Calibration: B Tolson, M Asadzadeh, D H Burn 0845h H41H-04 Impact of Water Retention Curves on Evaporation Under Diurnal Atmospheric Forcing: F Ciocca, I Lunati, M B Parlange H41K Moscone West 3007 Thursday0800h 0900h H41H-05 Continental Tele-connections of ET and Precipitation: Tractable Models, Viable Management, and Potential Monitoring: J S Selker, C W Higgins, L C M Tai Multiscale Preferential Flow from Soils to Fissured/Karst Systems: Hydrologic, Geochemical, and Biological Implications I (joint with B, EP) 0915h H41H-06 A dynamical study on sodium accumulation and soil reclamation in secondary salinization: Y Mau, A M Porporato 0930h H41H-07 A two-layer soil moisture conceptual framework for exploring land surface-atmosphere interactions in water-limited ecosystem: S A Papuga 0945h H41H-08 Understanding the Basin-Wide Impact of Agricultural Irrigation on the Water Cycle in Dry Inland Areas: An Integrated Modeling Approach: Y Zheng, Y Tian, B Wu, X Wu, J Li, C Zheng, J Liu H41I Moscone West 3018 Thursday0800h Conventional and Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Characterization, Integration, Stimulation, Simulation, and Induced Seismicity I (Virtual Session) (joint with MR, NG, S, V) Presiding: Souheil Ezzedine, Univ California LLNL; Azadeh Riahi, Itasca Consulting Group; Alain Bonneville, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 0800h H41I-01 Effect of Reservoir-Caprock Interface Dip and Circulation of Produced Fluid on CO2-Based Geothermal Heat Extraction from Saline Aquifers: N Garapati, J Randolph, M O Saar THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER data Presiding: Nicolas Massei, University of Rouen, UMR 6143; Andreas Hartmann, University of Bristol; Ingrid Padilla, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez; Joshua Larsen, University of Queensland 0800h H41K-01 Learning from models: Insights into the behavior of water in unsaturated fracturedporous media: A M Ireson, A P Butler 0815h H41K-02 Occurrence and Relevance of Vertical and Lateral Preferential Flow Pathways across Land-uses and Landscapes: M Weiler 0830h H41K-03 Modeling Solute Reactivity in a Phreatic Solution Conduit Penetrating a Karst Aquifer: M Field 0845h H41K-04 Relationships Between Conduit Properties and the Damping and Retardation of Thermal Pulses in Karst Conduits: M D Covington, A J Luhmann, J M Myre, M Perne, S W Jones, E C Alexander Jr, M O Saar 0900h H41K-05 Conduit network structural controls on groundwater flow and solute breakthrough in karst aquifers: M J Ronayne 0915h H41K-06 How to Quantify the Quality of Karst Network Models?: P Renard 0930h H41K-07 Rapid salinization of a karst aquifer after a typhoon-generated storm surge: Hydraulics, geochemistry, and community impact: P Bennett, M B Cardenas, P B Zamora, K M Befus, R S Rodolfo, H B Cabria, M R Lapus, M Muan 2014 15 11/28/2014 11:06:18 AM 0945h H41K-08 Soil-water interactions in shrinkswell clays: measurements and models across scales: R D Stewart, D E Rupp, M R Abou Najm, J S Selker H41L Moscone West 3020 Thursday0800h Water Footprint Assessment I (joint with GC, PA, SI) Presiding: Saket Pande, Delft University of Technology; Arjen Y. Hoekstra, University of Twente; Megan Konar, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Bridget Scanlon, Univ Texas Austin 0800h H41L-01 Is the U.S. experience replicable? A decomposition of U.S. water use since 1950 : P Debaere 0815h H41L-02 U.S. Biofuel Policies and Domestic Shifts in Agricultural Land Use and Water Balances: J Teter, S Yeh, G S Mishra 0830h H41L-03 An Economic Valuation Of The Water Footprint: A Case Study Of The Citrus Sector In The Lower Sundays River Valley, Eastern Cape, South Africa: S A Munro, G C G Fraser, J D Snowball 0845h H41L-04 Projections of Virtual Water Trade Under Agricultural Policy Scenarios in China: C Dalin, N Hanasaki, H Qiu, D L Mauzerall, I Rodriguez-Iturbe 0900h H41L-05 Agricultural Virtual Water Flows in the USA: M Konar, Q Dang, X Lin 0915h H41L-06 Water Footprint Assessment and the Panta Rhei research initiative of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS): H Savenije 0930h H41L-07 Methodologies for Analyzing the Water Footprint of Cities: W Paterson, R Rushforth, B L Ruddell, I C Ahams, J A Gironas, M Konar, A Mijic, A Mejia 0945h H41L-08 Water Footprint Assessment to support water resources management in the regulatory context: a case study in the Thames River Basin, UK: G Zhang, R E Mathews, G Frapporti, M M Mekonnen, A Y Y Hoekstra EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE INFORMATICS IN41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Cyberinfrastructure for Field Work: Data Standards, Computer Applications, Instrumentation, and Best Practices I Posters (joint with A, B, C, DI, EP, G, GP, H, NH, OS, PP, T, V) Presiding: Xiaogang Ma, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Matty Mookerjee, Sonoma State University; Charuleka Varadharajan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Deb Agarwal, LBNL 0800h IN41A-3639 POSTER Building Interactive Visualizations for Geochronological Data: J Zeringue, J F Bowring, N M McLean, F Pastor 0800h IN41A-3648 POSTER Integrated Tools for Remote System Monitoring, Data Management and Automated Data Processing: M Velgersdyk, K Beaty, G Fratini, A Forgione, K Ediger, J Li, L Xu, I G Begashaw, J C Kathilankal, D Johnson, E Price, G G Burba 0800h IN41A-3649 POSTER The community-driven BiG CZ software system for integration and analysis of bio- and geoscience data in the critical zone: A K Aufdenkampe, E Mayorga, J S Horsburgh, K A Lehnert, I Zaslavsky, D W Valentine Jr, S M Richard, R Cheetham, F Meyer, C Henry, G BergCross, A I Packman, E L Aronson IN41B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Dark Data: Rescuing Data from the Edge of Oblivion I Posters Presiding: David Gallaher, University of Colorado Boulder; Kerstin Lehnert, Columbia University; George Campbell, University of Colorado Boulder 0800h IN41B-3650 POSTER The Lunar Data Project: Recovery and Restoration of Apollo Data: D R Williams, H K Hills, P T Taylor, E J Grayzeck, E A Guinness 0800h IN41B-3651 POSTER The Alsep Data Recovery Focus Group of NASA’s Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute: S Nagihara, L R Lewis, Y Nakamura, D R Williams, P T Taylor, H K Hills, W S Kiefer, C R Neal, G K Schmidt 0800h IN41B-3652 POSTER Keeping Research Data from the Continental Deep Drilling Programme (KTB) Accessible and Taking First Steps Towards Digital Preservation: J F Klump, D Ulbricht, R Conze AGU2014News.indb 16 0800h IN41C-3670 POSTER BAID: The Barrow Area Information Database – an interactive web mapping portal and cyberinfrastructure for scientific activities in the vicinity of Barrow, Alaska: R P Cody, A Kassin, K B Kofoed, W Copenhaver, C M Laney, A G Gaylord, J A Collins, C E Tweedie 0800h IN41C-3673 POSTER Semantic-enabled Spatiotemporal Web Portal for Polar Sciences: K Liu 0800h IN41B-3656 POSTER The Future of GLOSS Sea Level Data Archaeology: S Jevrejeva, E Bradshaw, M E Tamisiea, T Aarup 0800h IN41B-3657 POSTER A New Database of Digitized Regional Seismic Waveforms from Nuclear Explosions in Eurasia: I N Sokolova, P G Richards, W Y Kim, N N Mikhailova 0800h IN41B-3658 POSTER Heliophysics Legacy Data Restoration: R M Candey, D Bilitza, R Chimiak, J F Cooper, L N Garcia, B T Harris, H K Hills, R C Johnson, T Kovalick, N Lal, H Leckner, M Liu, R E McGuire, N E Papitashvili, S A Rhodes, D A Roberts IN41C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Polar Cyberinfrastructure Posters (joint with C, GC, H, OS) 0800h IN41C-3660 POSTER Updates on the Polar Cyberinfrastructure Program at the National Science Foundation: M Tedesco 2014 0800h IN41C-3669 POSTER Antarctic Glaciological Data Center: Evolution towards a web-integrated data system for Antarctic Data: R Bauer, S Tressel, T A Scambos 0800h IN41B-3655 POSTER National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys (NAMSS): A USGS-Boem Partnership to Provide Free and Easy Access to Previously Proprietary Seismic Reflection Data on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf: P J Triezenberg, P E Hart, J R Childs 0800h IN41A-3642 POSTER Publication of sensor data in the long-term environmental monitoring infrastructure TERENO: V Stender, M Schroeder, J F Klump 16 0800h IN41C-3668 POSTER Publishing Earth Science Data with Python: A Case Study with Regional Climate Model Output: G M Green, M Tedesco, P M Alexander, X Fettweis, R Datta 0800h IN41C-3672 POSTER An Intelligent Polar Cyberinfrastrucuture to Support Spatiotemporal Decision Making: M Song, W Li, X Zhou 0800h IN41C-3659 POSTER A Solr Powered Architecture for Scientific Metadata Search Applications: S A Reed, B W Billingsley, D Harper, J Kovarik, M Brandt 0800h IN41A-3647 POSTER Open-Source Data Assimilation for Land Models and Multiscale Observations: T J Hoar, A M Fox, Y Zhang, R Rosolem, A M Toure, B J Evans, J L McCreight 0800h IN41C-3667 POSTER Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP) Showcases discovery level metadata for US Funded Research Projects: R Score, A G Gaylord, A Kassin, R P Cody, W Copenhaver, W F Manley, M Dover, C E Tweedie 0800h IN41B-3654 POSTER Traceds: An Experimental Trace Element Partitioning Database: R L Nielsen, M S Ghiorso 0800h IN41A-3641 POSTER Incorporating Geoscience, Field Data Collection Workflows into Software Developed for Mobile Devices: D A Vieira, M Mookerjee, S Matsa 0800h IN41A-3645 POSTER Implementation of Cyberinfrastructure and Data Management Workflow for a Large-Scale Sensor Network: A S Jones, J S Horsburgh 0800h IN41C-3666 POSTER Lessons Learned from the Deployment and Integration of a Microwave Sounder Based Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Surface Wind Estimation Algorithm into NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Product Operations: S P Longmore, J A Knaff, A Schumacher, J Dostalek, R DeMaria, G Chirokova, M Demaria, D C Powell, A Sigmund, W Yu 0800h IN41B-3653 POSTER Rocket Ozone Data Recovery for Digital Archival: S H Hwang, A J Krueger, E Hilsenrath, D P Haffner, P K Bhartia Presiding: Chaowei Phil Yang, George Mason Univ.; Wenwen Li, Arizona State Univ; Paul Morin, Polar Geospatial Center; Lynn Yarmey, National Snow and Ice Data Center 0800h IN41A-3644 POSTER Linking Geobiology Fieldwork and Data Curation Through Workflow Documentation: A Thomer, K S Baker, J G Jett, S Gordon, C L Palmer 0800h IN41C-3665 POSTER PolarHub: A Global Hub for Polar Data Discovery: W Li 0800h IN41C-3671 POSTER The Evolution of NSF Arctic Data Management: Challenges and Lessons Learned after Two Decades of Support: J A Moore, M C Serreze, S Williams, M K Ramamurthy, D Middleton 0800h IN41A-3640 POSTER Chroni - an Android Application for Geochronologists to Access Archived Sample Analyses from the NSF-Funded Geochron.Org Data Repository: J J Nettles, J F Bowring 0800h IN41A-3643 POSTER Sharing Site-Based Research Data: Standardizing and Packaging for Reuse: S Gordon, T DiLauro, J G Jett, A Thomer 0800h IN41C-3664 POSTER The Arctic Observing Viewer: A Web-mapping Application for U.S. Arctic Observing Activities: A Kassin, A G Gaylord, W F Manley, S Villarreal, C E Tweedie, R P Cody, W Copenhaver, M Dover, R Score, T Habermann 0800h IN41C-3661 POSTER Data Curation in the Long Tail of Science: Preparing Community Land Model Validation Data for Reuse and Preservation: M L Langseth, G Strand, W R Wieder 0800h IN41C-3662 POSTER NSF Antarctic and Arctic Data Consortium; Scientific Research Support & Data Services for the Polar Community: P J Morin, J W Pundsack, S M Carbotte, C E Tweedie, A Grunow, M A Lazzara, P Carpenter, C M Sjunneskog, L Yarmey, R Bauer, B M Adrian, J Pettit 0800h IN41C-3663 POSTER Moball-Buoy Network: A Near-Real-Time Ground-Truth Distributed Monitoring System to Map Ice, Weather, Chemical Species, and Radiations, in the Arctic: F Davoodi, C Shahabi, J Burdick, M Rais-Zadeh, D Menemenlis THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER MINERAL AND ROCK PHYSICS MR41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Physics and Chemistry of the Deep Earth IV Posters (joint with DI, S, T, V) Presiding: Tetsuya Komabayashi, University of Edinburgh; Zhicheng Jing, Case Western Reserve University; Razvan Caracas, CNRS; Carole Nisr, Arizona State University 0800h MR41A-4364 POSTER A Paris-Edinburgh Cell for Liquid Silicate Structural Studies Using Monochromatic Diffraction and Soller Slits: Y Wang, T Yu, C Prescher, V Prakapenka, P J Eng, J Stubbs, Y Kono, G Shen 0800h MR41A-4365 POSTER Structure study of sodium disilicate glass in a Paris-Edinburgh cell using monochromatic x-ray diffraction and a multichannel collimator: T Yu, C Prescher, Y Wang, V Prakapenka, P J Eng, Y Kono, J Stubbs, G Shen 0800h MR41A-4366 POSTER Structure of Mg2SiO4 glass up to 140 GPa: C Prescher, V Prakapenka, Y Wang, L B Skinner 0800h MR41A-4367 POSTER Equation of State of Amorphous MgSiO3 and (MgFe)SiO3 to Lowermost Mantle Pressures: R Sinmyo, S Petitgirard, W Malfait, I Kupenko, D C Rubie 0800h MR41A-4368 POSTER High-Pressure, HighTemperature Equations of State Using Fabricated Controlled-Geometry Ni/SiO2 Double Hot-Plate Samples: J S Pigott, D A Ditmer, R A Fischer, D M Reaman, R J Davis, W R Panero 0800h MR41A-4369 POSTER Iron Partitioning in the Lower Mantle: New Experimental Data from Al-Enriched Olivine: H Piet, F Nabiei, P Gillet, J Badro 0800h MR41A-4370 POSTER The effect of ferric iron concentration on lower mantle phase assemblage: Implications for mantle convection: T Gu, C A McCammon, K K M Lee 0800h MR41A-4371 POSTER High-Pressure Melting of Pyroxenite: Implications for Deep Mantle Melting: M Hirs, K K M Lee IN41D Moscone West 2020 Thursday0800h 0800h MR41A-4372 POSTER Melting phase relations in MgO-FeO-SiO2 ternary system at high pressure : A Morishita, R Nomura, K Hirose Near-Real-Time Data for Earth Science and Space Weather Applications I (joint with A, G, NH, OS) 0800h MR41A-4373 POSTER AB-INITIO STUDY OF INCONGRUENT MELTING IN SILICATES: C Pinilla, L P Stixrude Presiding: H Michael Goodman, NASA Marshall Space Flght Ctr; Gerald Bawden, US Geological Survey; Kevin Murphy, NASA GSFC 0800h MR41A-4374 POSTER Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Uranium at High Pressures and Temperatures: B Chidester, K Righter, Z Rahman, A J Campbell 0800h IN41D-01 USGS Provision of Near Real Time Remotely Sensed Imagery for Emergency Response: B K Jones 0815h IN41D-02 From Data to Knowledge — Faster: GOES Early Fire Detection System to Inform Operational Wildfire Response and Management: A Koltunov, B Quayle, E M Prins, V G Ambrosia, S Ustin 0830h IN41D-03 Asynchronous Processing of a Constellation of Geostationary and Polar-Orbiting Satellites for Fire Detection and Smoke Estimation: E J Hyer, D A Peterson, C A Curtis, C C Schmidt, J Hoffman, E M Prins 0845h IN41D-04 Global Near Real-Time MODIS and Landsat Flood Mapping and Product Delivery: D A Slayback, F S Policelli, M M Tokay, G R Brakenridge 0900h IN41D-05 Volcview: A Web-Based Platform for Satellite Monitoring of Volcanic Activity and Eruption Response: D J Schneider, M Randall, T Parker 0915h IN41D-06 A Photo Storm Report Mobile Application, Processing/Distribution System, and AWIPS-II Display Concept: S P Longmore, D Bikos, E Szoke, S D Miller, R Brummer, D T Lindsey, D Hillger 0930h IN41D-07 A Deep-Ocean Observatory with Near Real-time Telemetry: J Berger, J A Orcutt, G Laske 0945h IN41D-08 Use of Real Time Satellite Infrared and Ocean Color to Produce Ocean Products: M A Roffer, F E Muller-Karger, D Westhaver, G Gawlikowski, M Upton, C Hall 0800h MR41A-4375 POSTER Melting phase relations in the system Fe-FeO to the inner core boundary pressure: T Komabayashi 0800h MR41A-4376 POSTER Equation of State and Spin Transition of (Mg,Fe)O at High Pressures: N V Solomatova, J M Jackson, W Sturhahn, J Zhao, T Toellner, B Kalkan, J K Wicks, W Steinhardt 0800h MR41A-4377 POSTER First Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations of molten (Mg,Fe) O at Mantle Conditions: D B Ghosh, B B Karki, S K Bajgain 0800h MR41A-4378 POSTER First-principles study of the thermodynamical, structural, transport properties of liquid CaO and CaSiO3 at high pressure: S K Bajgain, B B Karki, D B Ghosh 0800h MR41A-4379 POSTER Thermodynamics, Diffusion, and Structure of Liquid NaAlSi3O8 at Elevated Temperature and Pressure from Molecular Dynamics Simulations: R Neilson, F J Spera, M S Ghiorso 0800h MR41A-4380 POSTER Thermal Conductivity of Lower Mantle Minerals and Heat Flux Across the Core-Mantle Boundary: C Bennett, E Rainey, A Kavner 0800h MR41A-4381 POSTER The Equations of State of Liquid Pure Fe and Fe-light Elements Alloys by Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations: H Ichikawa, T Tsuchiya, M Ohsumi 0800h MR41A-4382 POSTER Disruption of the PVPPV Phase Transition by a Dome-like Upwelling Beneath Alaska: D Sun, D V Helmberger, M S Miller 0800h MR41A-4383 POSTER Chemical diffusivity of perovskite and post-perovskite from studies of fluoride analogues. : D P Dobson, A Lindsay-Scott, I G Wood, E Bailey, J P Brodholt, L Vocadlo 0800h MR41A-4384 POSTER The Perovskite to Post-Perovskite Transition: Atomistic Simulations of Compositions on the MgSiO3-FeSiO3 and MgSiO3-FeAlO3 Joins : C Mohn, R G Tronnes All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:18 AM 0800h MR41A-4385 POSTER Deformation and Transformation Textures in the NaMgF3 Perovskiteв†’Post-Perovskite System: L M Miyagi, M Jugle 0800h MR41A-4386 POSTER Equation of state of MgSiO3 post-perovskite: T Sakai, H Dekura, N Hirao 0800h MR41A-4387 POSTER Atomistic Modeling of Dislocations in MgSiO3 Post-Perovskite: A Goryaeva, P Carrez, P Cordier 0800h MR41A-4388 POSTER Phase H: A new high pressure phase of dense hydrous magnesium silicates in the lower mantle: J Tsuchiya, T Tsuchiya, M Nishi, M Mookherjee MR41B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h The Role of Transition Elements in the Geophysical and Geochemical Processes in the Deep Earth II Posters (joint with DI, V) Presiding: Jung-Fu Lin, University of Texas at Austin; Renata Wentzcovitch, University of Minnesota Twin Cities; Catherine McCammon, Universitaet Bayreuth 0800h MR41B-4389 POSTER The Jahn-Teller-Effect of Cu2+ on the Spinel Structure at High Pressure: A Kyono, Y Nakamoto, M Sakata, M Kato 0800h MR41B-4390 POSTER The Local Structural State of Aluminosilicate Garnet Solid Solutions: An Investigation of Grospydite Garnet from the Roberts Victor Kimberlite Using Paramagnetically Shifted 27Al and 29Si MAS NMR Resonances: C A Geiger, A C Palke, J F Stebbins 0800h MR41B-4391 POSTER Application of multigrain crystallography to mineralogy of the deep Earth: L Zhang, Y Meng, D Popov, J Wang, H K Mao 0800h MR41B-4392 POSTER Elasticity of SingleCrystal Phase D across the Spin Transitions of Ferrous and Ferric Iron in the Lower Mantle: X Wu, J F Lin, J Liu, Z Mao, X Guo, T Yoshino, C A McCammon, Y Xiao, V Prakapenka 0800h MR41B-4393 POSTER Spin and Structural Transitions of Ferromagnesite in the Earth’s Lower Mantle: J F Lin, J Liu, V Prakapenka 0800h MR41B-4394 POSTER The High Pressure Behavior of the FeOOH Polymorphs: M M Reagan, A E Gleason, W L Mao 0800h MR41B-4395 POSTER Elasticity of ferropericlase at lower mantle conditions: Z Wu, J F Justo, R M Wentzcovitch 0800h MR41B-4396 POSTER Thermoelastic properties of rock-salt NaCl at high pressures and temperatures: M L M Santos, G Shukla, R M Wentzcovitch MR41C Moscone South 301 Thursday0800h Deformation, Constitutive Response, and Failure of Sedimentary Rocks II (joint with H, T) Presiding: Mathew Ingraham, Sandia National Laboratories; Kathleen Issen, Clarkson University 0800h MR41C-01 Deformation of Aztec Sandstone at Valley of Fire of Nevada: failure modes, sequence of deformation, structural products and their interplay with paleo fluids: A Aydin 0820h MR41C-02 Effect of Пѓ2 on All Aspects of Failure in Rocks from Granite to Sandstone: B C Haimson, X Ma 0840h MR41C-03 Mechanical Weakening during Fluid Injection in Critically Stressed Sandstones with Acoustic Monitoring: C David, J Dautriat, J Sarout, R Macault, D Bertauld 0900h MR41C-04 Compaction and Permeability Reduction of Castlegate Sandstone under Pore Pressure Cycling: S J Bauer 0920h MR41C-05 Compaction bands in high temperature/pressure diagenetically altered unconventional shale gas reservoirs: K RegenauerLieb, M Veveakis, T Poulet 0940h MR41C-06 Determination of Shear Strength of Rocks from Scratch Tests: Theoretical Justification: E Detournay NONLINEAR GEOPHYSICS NG41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Scale and Scaling in the Atmosphere, Ocean, Hydrosphere, Natural Hazards, and Climate II Posters (joint with A, B, OS, PP) Presiding: Shaun Lovejoy, McGill Univ; Daniel O’Malley, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Sarah Tebbens, Wright State Univ; Alin-Andrei Carsteanu, INP National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico 0800h NG41A-3730 POSTER Scaling Properties of Climate Variability as Reconstructed from Different Paleo-Indicators : an Analysis of Holocene Time Series Based on Haar Fluctuations: R HГ©bert, S Lovejoy, A de Vernal 0800h NG41A-3732 POSTER Variability and Trends in Long Term Time Series and Correlations with Climate Factors: L J Pietrafesa, T Yan, S Bao, P T Gayes 0800h NG41A-3733 POSTER Scaling and Variability of Global Storms: R Esmaili, Y Tian, D A Vila 0800h MR41B-4397 POSTER Thermoelasticity of Al3+- and Fe3+-bearing bridgemanite: G Shukla, R M Wentzcovitch 0800h NG41A-3734 POSTER The transient behavior of scaling in the atmosphere: stratiform/ convective transition and applications to sub-grid scale statistics: M Nogueira, A P Barros 0800h MR41B-4398 POSTER Electronic Spin and Valence States of Iron in the Lower-Mantle Silicate Perovskite: Y Y Chang, Y Wu, J F Lin, C A McCammon, T Okuchi, N Tomioka 0800h NG41A-3735 POSTER Hierarchical Tree Model for Barotropic Turbulence Interaction with Zonal Jets: K Ghantous, Г– GГјrcan 0800h MR41B-4399 POSTER Thermoelasticity of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite: G Shukla, H Hsu, Z Wu, M Cococcioni, R M Wentzcovitch 0800h MR41B-4400 POSTER Single Crystal Elasticity of Iron Bearing Perovskite and Post Perovskite Analog: A Yoneda, H Fukui, A Q R Baron 0800h MR41B-4401 POSTER Post-Perovskite: The Last Mantle Phase Transition? an Ab Initio Study on Fe-Bearing MgSiO3: S Zhang, B Militzer 0800h MR41B-4402 POSTER (Fe, Al)-bearing postperovskite in the Earth’s lower mantle: H Bian, Z Mao, J F Lin, J Yang, J Liu, H C Watson, J Chen, V Prakapenka, Y Xiao, P Chow 0800h MR41B-4403 POSTER Pressure Induced Iron Spin Crossover in MgGeO3 Perovskite and Postperovskite: R M Wentzcovitch, G Shukla, M Topsakal 0800h MR41B-4404 POSTER Firstprinciples study of rare-earth (RE) cobaltites (RE=Nd,Sm,Gd,Dy,Er,Lu): M Topsakal, R M Wentzcovitch 0800h MR41B-4405 POSTER Searching for high magnetization density in bulk Fe: a new metastable Fe6 phase: M Cococcioni 0800h MR41B-4406 POSTER Properties of Silicate Melts at High Pressure and Temperature from Ab Initio Calculations: A C Seclaman, R Caracas 0800h NG41A-3747 POSTER Modelling of NW Himalayan Seismicity: A R Bansal, V P Dimri NG41B Moscone South 300 Thursday0800h 0800h NH41A-3778 POSTER Statistical Analyses of Historical Rock Falls in Yosemite National Park: L J Austin, G M Stock, B D Collins Stochastic Modeling and Complex System Approaches to Nonlinear Geophysical Systems I (joint with A, GC, OS) Presiding: Adam Monahan, University of Victoria; Cecile Penland, Physical Sciences Division; Paul Williams, University of Reading; Reik Donner, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research 0800h NG41A-3741 POSTER Anomalous Transport in Carbonate Rock – Predictions and Quantitative Measures: B Bijeljic, M J Blunt 0800h NG41A-3742 POSTER Spatial scale invariance of aggregated dynamics – Application to crops cycle observed from space: S Mangiarotti, F Le Jean 0800h NG41A-3744 POSTER Spatial scaling and Multi-Scale analysis of remote sensing reflectance, Chlorophyll-a and Sea Surface Temperature: F G Schmitt, R Pannimpullath Remanan, H Loisel 0800h NH41A-3780 POSTER 4D Analysis of Slope Monitoring Data from Terrestrial Laser Scanning: J Williams, N J Rosser, R J Hardy, A Afana 0800h NG41B-01 Arctic Sea Ice : Trends, Stability and Variability: W Moon, J S Wettlaufer 0815h NG41B-02 Impact of a Stochastic Parameterization of Cumulus Convection Using Cellular Automata in a Meso-Scale Ensemble Prediction System: L Bengtsson 0800h NH41A-3783 POSTER Random Blocks in the Rock Mass Around the Underground Powerhouse on the Right Bank of Wudongde Hydropower Station : X Lu, X Wang, Q Yu 0830h NG41B-03 The Effects of Explicit Atmospheric Convection at High CO2: E Tziperman, N Arnold, M Branson, M A Burt, D S Abbot, Z Kuang, D A Randall 0845h NG41B-04 Threshold Models for Rainfall and Convection: Deterministic Versus Stochastic Trigger: S Hottovy, S N Stechmann 0900h NG41B-05 A Data-based Low-dimensional Stochastic Model of the NGRIP delta-O18 with Built-in Delays: H Liu, D A Kondrashov, M Chekroun, A Svensson, D D Rousseau, M Ghil 0915h NG41B-06 An Efficient Perturbed Parameter Scheme in the Lorenz System for Quantifying Model Uncertainty: G Chen, B P Kirtman, M Iskandarani NH41B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Landslide Vulnerability, Risk, and Cost Assessment I Posters (joint with EP, SI) Presiding: Dalia Bach Kirschbaum, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Paola Reichenbach, CNR-IRPI; Paola Salvati, CNR-IRPI 0800h NH41B-3784 POSTER Automated Techniques to Extract Shallow Landslide Data from LIDAR: A McClure, J D Stock, J M Jones 0930h NG41B-07 Analyzing Global Climate System Using Graph Based Anomaly Detection: K Das, S Agrawal, G Atluri, S Liess, M Steinbach, V Kumar 0800h NH41B-3785 POSTER Evaluation of Landslide Mapping Techniques and LiDAR-based Conditioning Factors: R Mahalingam, M J Olsen 0945h NG41B-08 A novel method for the detection of persistent and recurrent climatic regimes as almost invariants of the transfer operator: A Tantet, H A Dijkstra 0800h NH41B-3786 POSTER Automated Means of Identifying Landslide Deposits using LiDAR Data using the Contour Connection Method Algorithm: M J Olsen, B A Leshchinsky, B F Tanyu NATURAL HAZARDS NH41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Advances in Analysis and Prediction of Rock Falls, Rock Slides, and Rock Avalanches I Posters (joint with EP, S) Presiding: Greg Stock, Yosemite National Park; Brian Collins, U.S. Geological Survey; Jeffrey Moore, University of Utah 0800h NH41A-3769 POSTER Resonant Frequency Monitoring at Mesa Arch, Canyonlands National Park: A Dorsey, J R Moore, M S Thorne, J Culp 0800h NG41A-3740 POSTER Damping Effect of an Unsaturated-Saturated System on Tempospatial Variations of Pressure Head and Specific Flux: C Yang, Y K Zhang, X Liang 0800h NH41A-3779 POSTER Spatial and Temporal Variations in Rockfall Determined from Repeat Lidar Measurements in a Deglaciated Valley, Switzerland: T A Ehlers, J Strunden, D Brehm 0800h NH41A-3781 POSTER Helicopter, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Ground Based Photogrammetric Monitoring of Mass Movements in Deglaciating Landscapes: S Dunning, M S Allan, M Lim, N J Rosser 0800h NG41A-3737 POSTER Using Multiple Stochastic Tools in Identification of Scaling in Hydrometeorology: D Koutsoyiannis, P Dimitriadis Sr 0800h NG41A-3739 POSTER Tsallis Entropy and Anomalous Dispersion in Stochastic Hydrology: J H Cushman, V V Vesselinov, D O’Malley 0800h NH41A-3776 POSTER The Sentinel Rock Avalanche of Zion National Park, Utah: J Castleton, J R Moore, S Ivy-Ochs 0800h NH41A-3777 POSTER Avalanche induced Tsunamie June 21st 2014, in the Askja caldera lake Iceland: A Hoskuldsson, P B Gans, D Burbank, A Wiss, M G Jackson 0800h NH41A-3768 POSTER Modal Analysis of Landscape and Double-O Arches: J R Moore, A Dorsey, J R Wood, M S Thorne, E Bilderback 0800h NG41A-3738 POSTER Optimal Moment Estimators and Their Application in Stochastic Hydrometeorology: A A Carsteanu, A RendГіn, L Villanueva 0800h NH41A-3775 POSTER Seeking a Credible Cause of the Recent Increase in Rock-avalanche Frequency in New Zealand’s Southern Alps: M J McSaveney, S Cox, G T Hancox 0800h NG41A-3749 POSTER Probabilistic Forecasting of Life and Economic Losses due to Natural Disasters: C C Barton, S F Tebbens 0800h NG41A-3736 POSTER Recent Changes in the Statistics of Extreme Daily Precipitation in Mainland Portugal: I deLima, F Espirito Santo All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 17 0800h NG41A-3745 POSTER Study of the dependence between the simultaneous wind speed and the global solar radiation measurements using the Time dependent Intrinsic Correlation method: F G Schmitt, R Calif, Y Huang 0800h NH41A-3770 POSTER Broadband analysis of landslides seismic signal : example of the OsoSteelhead landslide and other recent events: C Hibert, C P Stark, G Ekstrom 0800h NH41A-3771 POSTER Characterization of blocks impacts from seismic signal: insights from laboratory experiments: M Farin, A Mangeney, R Toussaint, J de Rosny, J Sainte-Marie, N Shapiro 0800h NH41A-3772 POSTER Application of Fuzzy Logic GIS to Modelling Coseismic Landslide Susceptibility in the Southern Alps, New Zealand, from a Potential Alpine Fault Earthquake: T Robinson, T R Davies, T M Wilson, C Orchiston, T Kritikos 0800h NH41A-3773 POSTER Investigating Potential Earthquake Triggers for the Exceptionally Large Green Lake Rock Avalanche, New Zealand, through Fuzzy Logic GIS Based Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: L Hall, T Robinson, B G Duffy, S Hampton, D M Gravley 0800h NH41A-3774 POSTER The Geometric Characteristics and Initiation Mechanisms of the Earthquake- Triggered Daguangbao Landslide: J J Dong, C C Tsao, C M Yang, W J Wu, C T Lee, M L Lin, W F Zhang, X J Pei, G H Wang, R Huang THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0800h NH41B-3787 POSTER Landslide Investigation by Repeat Airborne LiDAR and Ground Monitoring in the Western Suburb of Sapporo, Japan: M Kasai, T Marutani, H Yoshida 0800h NH41B-3788 POSTER The types of the landslide by the heavy rain presumed from geographical and geological features in Japan: S Doshida 0800h NH41B-3789 POSTER Shallow Landslide Assessment using SINMAP in Laguna, Philippines: A A B Bonus, M L Rabonza, M K B Alemania, I K Alejandrino, R L Ybanez, A M A Lagmay 0800h NH41B-3790 POSTER Assessment of Debris Flow Hazards, North Mountain, Phoenix, AZ: K J Reavis, T A Wasklewicz 0800h NH41B-3791 POSTER Assessing landslide susceptibility, hazards and sediment yield in the RГo El Estado watershed, Pico de Orizaba volcano, Mexico: G Legorreta Paulin, M I Bursik, J Lugo Hubp, J F Aceves Quesada 0800h NH41B-3792 POSTER Analysis of Landslide Hazard Impact Using the Landslide Database for Germany: M Klose, B Damm NH41C Moscone South 309 Thursday0800h Landslides and Gravitational Slope Deformation: Case Studies and Their Mechanism I (joint with EP, H, S) Presiding: Hiroshi Fukuoka, Niigata University; Federico Agliardi, University of Milan - Bicocca; John Clague, Simon Fraser University; Ning Lu, Colorado School Mines 0800h NH41C-01 Topographic Controls on Landslide and Debris-Flow Mobility: S W McCoy, S Pettitt 0815h NH41C-02 Mechanics-Based Definition of Safety Factors Against Flow Failure in Unsaturated Shallow Slopes: G Buscarnera, J Lizarraga-Barrera 2014 17 11/28/2014 11:06:18 AM 0830h NH43A-3798 Real-time monitoring of Deepseated gravitational slope deformation by TCPInSAR technology and GPS time series analysis in the Taiwan mountain area: R F Chen, S H Liu, Y J Hsu, H Y Chen, C W Lin, S B Yu 0800h NS41B-3834 POSTER Location Capability and Site Characterization Installing a Borehole VBB Seismometer: the OGS Experience in Ferrara (Italy): D Pesaresi, C Barnaba 0845h NH41C-04 Large slope failures in the La Paz basin, Bolivian Andes: N J Roberts, R L Hermanns, B Rabus, M A GuzmГЎn, E Minaya, J J Clague 0800h NS41B-3835 POSTER Estimation for seismic wave propagation property of soil structure based on seismic interferometry: S Kuroda, S Masukawa, H Tagashira 0900h NH41C-05 Modelling long term damage in rock slopes and impact of deglaciation: D Amitrano, P Lacroix 0800h NS41B-3836 POSTER Probing Near Surface Shear Velocity Structure from Ambient Noise in Hefei Urban Area: C Li, H Yao, H Fang 0915h NH41C-06 Deep fluids effects on rupture of slow-moving giant landslides as a result of stress transfer and weakening: Y Guglielmi, F Cappa, S Viseur, C Baudement, S Garambois 0800h NS41B-3837 POSTER Case Study in the Santa Susana Mountains: Observing Discontinuities Using Non-invasive Surface Wave Methods: S L C Morton, R D Miller, E T Vander Velde, M O Bower, G P Tsoflias 0930h NH41C-07 Studying the Hydrology of Landslides: Pore Water Pressure, Preferential Flow and Feedbacks Between Slope Displacement and Hillslope Hydrology: T Bogaard, R Greco 0945h NH41C-08 Estimation of Dynamic Friction Process of the Akatani Landslide Based on the Waveform Inversion and Numerical Simulation: M Yamada, A Mangeney, L Moretti, Y Matsushi NEAR SURFACE GEOPHYSICS NS41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Geophysical Methods for Groundwater Evaluation and Management I Posters (joint with H) Presiding: Rosemary Knight, Stanford Univ; John Lane, USGS 0800h NS41A-3823 POSTER Assessing recharge using remotely sensed data in the Guarani Aquifer System outcrop zone: M C Lucas, P T S Oliveira, D D Melo, E Wendland 0800h NS41A-3824 POSTER Comparative Analysis of Electrical Resistivity and Ground Penetrating Radar For Subsurface Parameters in a Basaltic Terrain, Nagpur: T A Ansari, A Vasudeo Sr 0800h NS41A-3825 POSTER Groundwater Surface Trends at Van Norden Meadow, California, from Ground Penetrating Radar Profiles: N I Tadrick, T M Blacic, S M Yarnell 0800h NS41A-3826 POSTER Measurement of Relative Permittivity in Controlled Soils using Three Electromagnetic Sensors : HYMENET, TDR and Resonant Cavity: B W Idris, X Chavanne, J P Frangi 0800h NS41A-3827 POSTER Multi-Faceted Geophysical Analysis of a Mountain Watershed in the Snowy Range, WY: from Airborne Electromagnetics to NMR: R S Armstrong, W S Holbrook, B A Flinchum, M Provart, B J Carr, E Auken, J B Pedersen 0800h NS41A-3828 POSTER Hydrogeophysical investigation of Logan, MT using electrical techniques and diving wave refraction tomography: T D Stipe 0800h NS41A-3829 POSTER Characterization of Carbonate Hydrostratigraphy Using Ambient Seismic Noise: A Pilot Study in the Floridan Aquifer System, Ocala, FL, USA: S James, E Screaton, R M Russo, M P Panning, P M Bremner, A C Stanciu, M E Torpey, S Hongsresawat, M E Farrell 0800h NS41A-3830 POSTER Monitoring and modeling very large, rapid infiltration using geophysics during the 2014 Lower Colorado River pulse flow experiment: J Kennedy, J P Macy, J B Callegary, J R Lopez 0800h NS41A-3831 POSTER Impact of Internal Magnetic Field Gradients on the NMR Relaxation Time Distribution: D J Grombacher, E L Fay, R J Knight 0800h NS41A-3832 POSTER A Combined Nearsurface Geophysical Approach to Delineate Hydrostratographic Boundaries in a Fractured Aquifer in the Laramie Range, Wyoming: B A Flinchum, W S Holbrook, D Grana, J T St Clair, B Carr 0800h NS41A-3833 POSTER Modeling the impact of decay due to diffusion in internal gradients on NMR data: E L Fay, R J Knight NS41B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Near-Surface Seismic Methods for Geohazard Assessment I Posters (joint with NH, S) Presiding: Laura Socco, Politecnico di Torino; Richard Miller, Univ Kansas; Georgios Tsoflias, University of Kansas 18 AGU2014News.indb 18 2014 0800h NS41B-3838 POSTER Application of microtremor array measurements to delineate S-wave velocity structures in Bangkok Basin, central Thailand: K Hayashi, P Pananont, T Wongpanit, S Habangkham 0800h NS41B-3839 POSTER Preliminary Results of Near-Surface Shear-Wave Velocity Models and Seismic Site Conditions in Gangneung, Korea Using Rayleigh-Wave Dispersion Curves: A Ali, K Y Kim 0800h NS41B-3840 POSTER Determination Strength of Concrete in-Situ by Seismic Ultrasonic Method in Detecting Risky Structure: O Uyanik, S Г–ziГ§er, N SabbaДџ 0800h NS41B-3841 POSTER Shear Wave Velocity Imaging over Quick Clays Using Multiple Seismic Methods: C Comina, C M Krawczyk, U Polom, L V Socco 0800h NS41B-3842 POSTER Shear Wave Reflection Seismics Image Internal Structure of Quick-Clay Landslides in Sweden: U Polom, C M Krawczyk, A Malehmir 0800h NS41B-3843 POSTER Preliminary Geophysical Survey for Assessing the Geotechnical Conditions and Geohazards at Huaca de La Luna, Peru: G J Zavala, S Lopez, C J Ebinger, M A Pando, C Lambert, R Morales, S Uceda, R Perucchio, B Castaneda, R Aguilar 0800h NS41B-3844 POSTER SEISMIC VELOCITIES FOR QUALITY CONTROL OF COMPACTED SOIL AT EMBANKMENT DAM: A CASE STUDY- SERIK AKBAS DAM (ANTALYA) : B Ekinci, N SabbaДџ, O Uyanik, M N KГ¶k 0800h NS41B-3845 POSTER Multi-phase Temporal Seismic Imaging of a Slope Stability Mitigation Project at Newby Island Sanitary Landfill, San Jose, California: B J Treece, R Catchings, D Reed, M Goldman 0800h NS41B-3846 POSTER Comparison of Shearwave Profiles for a Compacted Fill in a Geotechnical Test Pit: M B Sylvain, M A Pando, M Whelan, D Bents, C Park, V Ogunro NS41C Moscone South 302 Thursday0800h Use of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing in the Study of Geophysical Processes II (joint with A, C, H, S) Presiding: Tom Read, University of East Anglia; Nick Van De Giesen, Delft University of Technology; John Selker, Oregon State University; Scott Tyler, University of Nevada 0800h NS41C-01 Advances in Using Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing to Identify the Mixing of Waters: M A Briggs, F D Day-Lewis, D O Rosenberry, J W Harvey, J W Lane Jr, D K Hare, D F Boutt, E B Voytek, S Buckley 0815h NS41C-02 Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing of Recharge Basin Percolation Dynamics: M Becker, E M Allen, A Hutchinson 0830h NS41C-03 Monitoring seasonal basal melting of ice shelves using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing: S Kobs, S W Tyler, D M Holland, V Zagorodnov, A A Stern 0845h NS41C-04 Advances in the use of Distributed Temperature Sensing for measuring soil moisture: S C Steele-Dunne, J Dong, T E Ochsner, N Van De Giesen 0900h NS41C-05 Recent developments in the use of DTS to monitor atmospheric flows: M J Zeeman, C K Thomas, J S Selker, M Mauder 0915h NS41C-06 Quantification of Natural Gradient Flow Using Active Fiber Optic DTS in Sealed Boreholes: T I Coleman, B L Parker, J D Munn, A Chalari, M Mondanos 0930h NS41C-07 Field Trial of Distributed Acoustic Sensing Using Active Sources at Garner Valley, California: H F Wang, N E Lord, A Chalari, C Lancelle, J A Baldwin, E Castongia, D Fratta, R L Nigbor, R Karaulanov THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0945h NS41C-08 Development of a surface-wave imaging system for geotechnical applications based on distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) and ambient noise interferometry: J B Ajo Franklin, T M Daley, B M Freifeld, D G Tang, R Zhang, A M Wagner, S Dou, N Lindsey, K Bjella, R Pevzner OCEAN SCIENCES OS41A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Airborne Systems in Support of Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research I Posters (joint with A) Presiding: Philip McGillivary, US Coast Guard Ice Breaker Operations; Luc Lenain, University of California San Diego 0800h OS41A-1175 POSTER Air-Sea Interaction Measurements from the Controlled Towed Vehicle: D Khelif, R T Bluth, H Jonsson, J Barge 0800h OS41A-1176 POSTER Bringing the Ocean into Finer Focus through the NASA COAST, HyspIRI, and OCEANIA Suborbital Missions: S L Palacios, L S Guild, R M Kudela, S B Hooker, J H Morrow, P B Russell, J M Livingston, K Negrey, J L Torres-Perez, M S Kacenelenbogen 0800h OS41A-1177 POSTER An assessment of a software simulation tool for lidar atmosphere and ocean measurements: K A Powell, M Vaughan, S P Burton, J W Hair, C A Hostetler, R S Kowch 0800h OS41A-1178 POSTER Fluid Lensing, Applications to High-Resolution 3D Subaqueous Imaging & Automated Remote Biosphere Assessment from Airborne and Space-borne Platforms: V Chirayath 0800h OS41A-1179 POSTER Remote sensing and in situ payloads for atmosphere-ocean and earth observations aboard a Manta Unmanned Aerial System (UAS): C J Zappa, S Brown, T Dhakal, T S Bates, R S Gao, D M Murphy, H Telg, S Stalin 0800h OS41A-1180 POSTER Quantifying the Accuracy of a Quad-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle as a Platform for Atmospheric Pressure, Temperature and Humidity Measurements near the Surface: P S Guest 0800h OS41A-1181 POSTER Building oceanographic and atmospheric observation networks by composition: unmanned vehicles, communication networks, and planning and execution control frameworks: J T Sousa, J Pinto, R Martins, M Costa, F Ferreira, R Gomes 0800h OS41A-1182 POSTER Visible and thermal imaging of sea ice and open water from Coast Guard Arctic Domain Awareness flights: C C Chickadel, R W Lindsay, D Clark 0800h OS41A-1183 POSTER Airborne Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Temperature Using the Ball Experimental Sea Surface Temperature (BESST) Radiometer With A Discussion of the 2013 Marginal Ice Zone Observation Processes EXperiment: M Tooth, W J Emery 0800h OS41A-1184 POSTER Remote Sensing of Arctic Environmental Conditions and Critical Infrastructure using Infra-Red (IR) Cameras and Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs): M C Hatfield, P Webley, E Saiet II 0800h OS41A-1185 POSTER Atmospheric Aerosol Sampling with Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in Alaska: Instrument Development, Payload Integration, and Measurement Campaigns : S R Barberie, E Saiet II, M C Hatfield, C F Cahill 0800h OS41A-1186 POSTER Exploring Science Applications for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Aboard UNOLS Ships: R Bailey, T Lachenmeier, M C Hatfield 0800h OS41A-1187 POSTER Access to the Sea: A Roadmap for Expedition Planning: A M DeSilva, P R Girguis 0800h OS41A-1188 POSTER Monitoring Coastal Processes at Local and Regional Geographic Scales with UAS: M J Starek, D Bridges, D Prouty, J Berryhill, D Williams, G Jeffress 0800h OS41A-1189 POSTER Application of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Techniques to Evaluate Water Quality in Turbid Coastal Waters of South Carolina: K A Ali, K Ryan 0800h OS41A-1191 POSTER Sensitivity of Radar Wave Propagation Power to the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer: N Lentini, E E Hackett 0800h OS41A-1192 POSTER Shipboard Video Observations of Whitecaps: M Schwendeman, J M Thomson OS41B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Modeling and Observing of Tides and Waves in the Ocean I Posters (joint with A) Presiding: James Richman, Naval Research Lab Stennis Space Center; Edward Zaron, Portland State University; Richard Ray, NASA; Patrick Cummins, Institute of Ocean Sciences 0800h OS41B-1193 POSTER A Global Map of Coherent M2 Internal Tide Surface Elevations: R D Ray, E D Zaron 0800h OS41B-1194 POSTER Combined ExactRepeat and Geodetic Mission Altimetry for HighResolution Empirical Tide Mapping: E D Zaron 0800h OS41B-1195 POSTER Estuary Tides Using Satellite Altimetry And SAR/InSAR Data: C K Shum, Y Yi, J Kim, Y Jia, K S Tseng, K Shang, S Calmant, V Ballu, L Testut, Z H Khan, X Wang 0800h OS41B-1196 POSTER A Practical Scheme to Introduce Explicit Tidal Forcing into an Ogcm: K Sakamoto, H Tsujino, H Nakano, G Yamanaka 0800h OS41B-1198 POSTER Methods for analysis of internal-tide propagation variability: T F Duda, Y T Lin 0800h OS41B-1199 POSTER Numerical Study for Baroclinic Tides Modified By an Oblique Current: C A Wang, S Jan 0800h OS41B-1200 POSTER Can Tidal Perturbations Associated with Sea Level Variations in the Western Pacific Ocean Be Used to Understand Future Effects of Tidal Evolution?: A T Devlin, E D Zaron, D A Jay, S A Talke 0800h OS41B-1204 POSTER Using airborne LIDAR to measure tides and river slope: S A Talke, A Hudson, C C Chickadel, G Farquharson, A T Jessup 0800h OS41B-1205 POSTER Analyzing the Modeled Tidal Signal in the Bab El Mandeb Strait and Adjacent Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Waters: R N B Guillory 0800h OS41B-1206 POSTER Comprehensive Prediction of Large-height Swell-like Waves in East Coast of Korea: S J Kwon, C Lee, S J Ahn, H K Kim 0800h OS41B-1207 POSTER Variability of the internal tide on the southern Monterey Bay continental shelf and associated bottom boundary layer sediment transport: K J Rosenberger, C D Storlazzi, O M Cheriton, E E McPhee-Shaw 0800h OS41B-1208 POSTER Quantifying wavebreaking dissipation using nonlinear phase-resolved wave-field simulations: Y Qi, W Xiao, D K P Yue 0800h OS41B-1209 POSTER Incomplete Similarity of Internal Solitary Waves with Trapped Core: V Maderych, K T Jung, K Terletska, I Brovchenko, T Talipova 0800h OS41B-1210 POSTER Spatial Variation in Storm Surge in the Strait of Georgia: N K Soontiens, S E Allen, D Latornell, K Le Souef, I Machuca 0800h OS41B-1211 POSTER An Unstable Mode Formed by Combination of Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves and Tollmien-Schlichiting Waves in Jets on the Bottom: S Abe, T Nakamura, H Mitsudera 0800h OS41B-1213 POSTER Studying Nearshore Ocean Waves Using X-Band Radar: B Laughlin, R W Bland OS41C Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Ocean Salinity and Water Cycle Variability and Change I Posters Presiding: Paul Durack, Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; J. Thomas Farrar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst; Jacqueline Boutin, LOCEAN CNRS; Eric Lindstrom, Nasa Headquarters 0800h OS41C-1214 POSTER Investigating the Physical Basis of Aquarius/SAC-D Salinity Retrievals’ Regional SST Bias: J P Scott, T Meissner, F J Wentz 0800h OS41C-1215 POSTER Assimilation of Satellite Sea Surface Salinity Fields: Validating Ocean Analyses and Identifying Errors in Surface Buoyancy Fluxes: A Mehra, S Nadiga, E J Bayler, D Behringer 0800h OS41C-1216 POSTER Sea Surface Salinity Under Rain Cells: SMOS and in-Situ Observations: J Boutin, N Martin, G P Reverdin, S Morisset, X Yin, L Centurioni, N Reul 0800h OS41C-1217 POSTER Spatial and Temporal Statistics for Validating Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity Measurements with Argo in Situ Observations: E Mannshardt, K Sucic, F Bingham, M Fuentes All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:18 AM 0800h OS41C-1218 POSTER Assessment of the Aquarius Space-borne Sea Surface Salinity Retrievals in Polar Ocean: E Dinnat, L Brucker, I O Caraballo ГЃlvarez 0800h OS41C-1219 POSTER Improving Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity Estimates in the Southern Ocean: Response Surface Models Link Salinity and Temperature: C Mueller, H Xie 0800h OS41C-1220 POSTER Lagrangian modeling of Aquarius surface salinity in the Bay of Bengal: M Freilich, A Mahadevan 0800h OS41C-1221 POSTER An Examination of the Sea Surface Salinity - Fresh Water Flux Relationship Using Satellite Observations: P Xie, A Kumar, Y Xue, W T Liu 0800h OS41C-1222 POSTER Connections Between a High-Resolution Model and Aquarius Salinity Measurements: E Douglass, J G Richman 0800h OS41C-1223 POSTER Sea surface salinity variability in the East China Sea observed by the Aquarius instrument: S Kim, J H Lee, P de Matthaeis, S H Yueh, C S Hong, I Pang, G S E Lagerloef 0800h OS41C-1224 POSTER Validation of SMOS with Malaspina surface drifter data: J Ballabrera, A Turiel, J Salvador, P FernГЎndez, J Font 0800h OS41C-1225 POSTER Salty Anomalies Forced by Central American Gap Winds: Aquarius Observations: S A Grodsky, J Carton, A Bentamy 0800h OS41C-1226 POSTER Global River Discharge Variability Revealed by Aquarius and SMOS Sea Surface Salinity: H A Chandanpurkar, J T Reager, J S Famiglietti 0800h OS41C-1227 POSTER The Seasonal Water Cycle over the India Subcontinent Indicated in the Correlated Analysis of Aquarius, GRACE and River Discharge Data : S H Yueh, W Tang, A Fore, A Hayashi, R Bindlish, T Lee, T J Jackson 0800h OS41C-1228 POSTER Relating river discharges to salinity changes: X Xie, W T Liu 0800h OS41C-1229 POSTER The time-variable position of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current salinity fronts from Aquarius data: D Volkov, S Dong, G J Goni 0800h OS41C-1230 POSTER Investigating the Possible Mechanisms by Which the Salinity Fronts Form and Grow Under the Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone: H Y Kao, G S E Lagerloef 0800h OS41C-1231 POSTER To What Extent Aquarius’ Sampling Pattern Affects the Estimated Amplitude of Tropical Instability Waves?: T Lee 0800h OS41D-1241 POSTER Formation Mechanism of Barrier Layer in the Subtropical Pacific: S Katsura, E Oka, K Sato 0800h OS41D-1242 POSTER The role of ocean salinity in the water cycle associated with Indian monsoon: W Tang, S H Yueh, W T Liu 0800h OS41D-1243 POSTER Salinity Exchange through the Quasi-Stationary Jet from the Subtropical to the Subpolar Pacific Ocean: T Miyama, H Mitsudera 0800h OS41D-1244 POSTER Salinity Variation in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: L Ren, E J Bayler 0800h OS41D-1245 POSTER Changes in the Seasonal Cycle of Sea Surface Salinity during the Argo-era (2004-2013): J R Reagan, T Boyer, J Antonov, M Zweng OS41E Moscone West 3010 Thursday0800h Equatorial Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Oceans I (Virtual Session) (joint with A, GC) Presiding: Dennis Moore, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory; Julian McCreary, Univ of Hawaii; Ted Durland, Oregon State University; George Kiladis, NOAA/ESRL 0800h OS41E-01 Mixed Layer Dynamics and the Diurnal Cycle in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean: J O Wenegrat, M J McPhaden 0815h OS41E-02 Extratropical Influence on Tropical Intraseasonal Variability: N M Hall 0830h OS41E-03 MJO: AsymptoticallyNondivergent Nonlinear Wave?: A Review: J I Yano 0845h OS41E-04 Pca’s with Physics Iiustrating ENSO Air Ocean Interactions: J J O’Brien, J P Michael 0900h OS41E-05 Balanced and Transient Dynamics of Deep and Shallow Hadley Circulations: A O Gonzalez, G Mora Rojas, R Taft, W H Schubert 0915h OS41E-06 The Vortex Dynamics of Tropical Instability Waves and their Impacts on Equatorial Mixing in a Regional Ocean Model: R Holmes, L N Thomas 0930h OS41E-07 Planetary Wave Signatures Across Three Oceans: M K Youngs, G C Johnson 0945h OS41E-08 Who Killed the 2014 El NiГ±o (and is it Really Dead?): M J McPhaden OS41D Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h OS41F Moscone West 3011 Thursday0800h Ocean Salinity and Water Cycle Variability and Change II Posters Ocean Mesoscale Processes I (joint with A, B, NG) Presiding: Paul Durack, Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; J. Thomas Farrar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst; Jacqueline Boutin, LOCEAN CNRS; Eric Lindstrom, Nasa Headquarters Presiding: Ali Belmadani, University of Concepcion; Ryo Furue, IPRC Univ of Hawaii; Hidenori Aiki, JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology; Pedro VГ©lez-BelchГ, Spanish Institute of Oceanography 0800h OS41D-1232 POSTER Mean Structure and Large-Scale Variability of the Subtropical Underwater in the North Atlantic: T Qu, L Zhang 0800h OS41D-1233 POSTER The Export of Salty Surface Water to Depth in the North Atlantic: J J M Busecke, A L Gordon 0800h OS41D-1234 POSTER Estimating Absolute Salinity (SA) in the World’s Oceans Using Density and Composition: R J Woosley, F Huang, F J Millero Jr 0800h OS41F-01 Structure and Surface Properties of Eddies in the Southeast Pacific Ocean: J Holte, F Straneo, C Moffat, R A Weller, J T Farrar 0815h OS41F-02 The quiet revolution: continuous glider monitoring at ocean вЂ�choke’ points as a key component of new cross-platform ocean observation systems: E E Heslop, J Tintore, S Ruiz, J Allen, J L LГіpez-Jurado 0800h OS41D-1235 POSTER The Role of Fresh Water and Salt Fluxes in Southern Ocean DeepOcean Warming: V Young, S Bulusu, E S Nyadjro 0830h OS41F-03 Biogenic N2 and Оґ15 N-N2 As Proxies for N-Loss in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific: A Lagrangian Float Experiment: A Bourbonnais, M A Altabet, C L McNeil, J Larkum, A C Reed, E A D’Asaro 0800h OS41D-1236 POSTER Freshening in the South China Sea during 2012 Revealed By Aquarius and in-Situ Data: L Zeng, W T Liu, H Xue, D Wang, T Xing 0845h OS41F-04 The role of mesoscale kinetic energy in natural occurring phytoplankton blooms and export in Drake Passage: A R Davies, F Veron, M J Oliver 0800h OS41D-1237 POSTER Distribution and Seasonal Variation of Halocline in the World Ocean: H Ueno, K Yasui 0900h OS41F-05 Western North Pacific Integrated Physical-Biogeochemical Ocean Observation Experiment: Summary of the Intensive Observation Around the Biogeochemical Mooring S1 (S1INBOX): T Suga, R Inoue, S Kouketsu, S Hosoda, T Kobayashi, K Sato, H Nakajima, M C Honda, T Fujiki, K Matsumoto, T Kawano, T Saino 0800h OS41D-1238 POSTER Modeling Skin-Layer Salinity: Focus on Seasonal Variability and Global Means: Y T Song, T Lee, J H Moon, T Qu, S H Yueh 0800h OS41D-1239 POSTER The Relative Influence of Surface Sea Salinity and Temperature on Surface Density Gradient in the Tropical Pacific Ocean: A E A Hasson, T Lee 0800h OS41D-1240 POSTER Upper Water Structure and Mixed Layer Depth in Sub-Tropical Waters: The Seats Station in the Northern South China Sea: G T F Wong, J H Tai OS41G Moscone West 3009 Thursday0800h The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Climate Variability, and Change I (joint with A, GC, NG, PP) Presiding: Alexey Fedorov, Yale Univ; LuAnne Thompson, University of Washington; Jerry McManus, Columbia U. / LDEO; Eleanor Frajka-Williams, National Oceanography Centre, 0800h OS41G-01 Observed MOC Variability at 26.5В°N and 34.5В°S: Structure and Time Scale Similarities and Differences in the North and South Atlantic: C S Meinen, W E Johns, S Speich, D Smeed, R C Perez, G McCarthy, S Dong, A R Piola, S L Garzoli, E Frajka-Williams, M O Baringer, E J Campos 0815h OS41G-02 New Direct Estimates of IcelandScotland Overflow Water Transport Through the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone: A S Bower, H H Furey, X Xu 0830h OS41G-03 Attributing Variability in Atlantic Meridional Overturning to Wind and Buoyancy Forcing : D P Marshall, H R Pillar, P Heimbach, H L Johnson 0845h OS41G-04 Impact of Gyre-Specific Overturning Changes on North Atlantic Heat Content: R G Williams, V Roussenov, M S Lozier, D Smith 0900h OS41G-05 Simulated Response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Northern Hemisphere Climate to NAO Variations on Interannual to Centennial Time Scales: T L Delworth, F J Zeng 0915h OS41G-06 Indirect Wind-Forcing of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: E Frajka-Williams, R G Williams, A Duchez 0930h OS41G-07 How AMOC variations affect climate: the Northern Hemisphere versus the interhemispheric seesaw: L Muir, A V Fedorov 0800h P41A-3889 POSTER Stratigraphic Analysis of Phyllosilicate and Hydrated Sulfate Deposits Across the Margaritifer-Meridiani Boundary: J Adler, J F Bell III 0800h P41A-3890 POSTER Variations in the association of H2O with sulfur on Mars: S Karunatillake, J J Wray, O Gasnault, S M McLennan, D Rogers, W V Boynton, J R Skok, L Ojha, N E Button 0800h P41A-3891 POSTER Jarosite Precipitation from Acidic Saline Waters in Kachchh, Gujarat, India: an Appropriate Martian Analogue?: S Mitra, S Gupta, S Bhattacharya, S Banerjee, P Chauhan, G Parthasarathy 0800h P41A-3892 POSTER Formation of Fe/Mg Smectite under acidic conditions from synthetic Adirondack Basaltic Glass: An Analog to Fe/ Mg Smectite Formation on Mars: B Sutter, T Peretyazhko, R V Morris, D W Ming 0800h P41A-3893 POSTER Don Quixote Pond Sediments: Surface and Subsurface Chemistry and Mineralogy: P A J Englert, J L Bishop, S Patel, E K Gibson, C Koeberl 0800h P41A-3894 POSTER Analysis of the Paleoenvironment of Gale Crater on Mars: Using Ephemeral Lakes in Western Australia as Analogs to the Mineral Assemblages of Gale Crater: C Cocks, A M Baldridge, B J Thomson 0800h P41A-3895 POSTER Spectral Variation Across the Mono-Inyo Craters Chain, Weathering of a Young Volcanic System. : N Pearson, W M Calvin 0800h P41A-3896 POSTER Changes In The Characteristics of Basaltic Particles During Different Transport Processes: R A Craddock, T R Rose 0800h P41A-3897 POSTER Log-Likelihood Method of Reducing Noise in CRISM Along-Track Oversampled Hyperspectral Images: C Kreisch, R E Arvidson, J A O’Sullivan, A A Fraeman P41B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Exploring the Igneous Evolution of Mars with Observations and Analogs II Posters (joint with DI, EP, T, V) 0945h OS41G-08 Decadal Variations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: M Visbeck, J Fischer, J Karstensen, R Zantopp Presiding: Suniti Karunatillake, Louisiana State University; James Wray, Georgia Institute of Tech.; John Skok, Louisiana State University PLANETARY SCIENCES 0800h P41B-3898 POSTER The Implications of Flank Vents on Olympus Mons: S Peters, P R Christensen P41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Alteration and Secondary Phases on Mars: Indicators of Habitable Environments II Posters (joint with EP) Presiding: Nina Lanza, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Craig Hardgrove, Arizona State University; Nina Lanza, Los Alamos National Laboratory 0800h P41A-3881 POSTER Aqueous Alteration of Endeavour Crater Rim Apron Rocks: D W Ming, D W Mittlefehldt, R Gellert, B C Clark, R V Morris, A S Yen, R E Arvidson, L S Crumpler, W H Farrand, J A Grant III, B L Jolliff, T J Parker, T Peretyazhko 0800h P41A-3882 POSTER Smectites in the Rim of Endeavour Crater, Mars, Detected Using AlongTrack Oversampled CRISM Observations: V K Fox, R E Arvidson, S W Squyres, S L Murchie 0800h P41A-3883 POSTER ChemCam Depth Profiles at Gale Crater to Assess Coating and Alteration Distribution and Chemistry: D L Blaney, S M Clegg, R C Wiens, S Maurice, N Lanza, N Bridges 0800h P41A-3884 POSTER Excavation of Stratified Phyllosilicate-Bearing Rocks in the Northern Plains of Mars: C Gross, J Carter, L L Tornabene, M Sowe, J L Bishop 0800h P41A-3885 POSTER Acidic Alteration Environments on Mars and Implications for Habitability: J L Bishop, J Flahaut, C M Weitz, C Gross, M Parente, B H N Horgan 0800h P41A-3886 POSTER The Record of Aqueous Alteration at Iazu Crater, Mars: K Powell, R E Arvidson 0915h OS41F-06 Inferring upper ocean dynamics from horizontal wavenumber spectra: Insights from Drake Passage: C B Rocha, T K Chereskin, S T Gille, D Menemenlis 0800h P41A-3887 POSTER Modeling soluble salt assemblages on Mars: past aqueous history and present-day habitability: J D Toner, D C Catling, B Light 0930h OS41F-07 Climatological Mean Features and Interannual to Decadal Variability of Ring Formations in the Kuroshio Extension Region: Y N Sasaki, S Minobe 0800h P41A-3888 POSTER Hydrated sulfates on Mars’s surface: water cycle and S isotope tracking: R Caracas, E Bobocioiu All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 19 0945h OS41F-08 A Microscale View of Mixing and Overturning Across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: A Naveira Garabato, K L Polzin, R M Ferrari, J D Zika, A Forryan THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0800h P41B-3899 POSTER The Unique Formation of the Nili Patera Caldera on Mars: J R Skok, S Karunatillake, P Fawdon 0800h P41B-3900 POSTER Using CRISM and THEMIS to characterize high thermal inertia terrains in the northern Hellas region of Mars: J McBeck, K D Seelos, S E Ackiss, D Buczkowski 0800h P41B-3902 POSTER Seeking Signatures of Martian Magmatic Evolution within the Greater Thaumasia Plateau: T Judice, S Karunatillake, D Rogers, J M Dohm, D A Susko 0800h P41B-3903 POSTER The Formation of Widespread Volcanically Filled Crater Floors on Mars: Insights from Modeling and Observations: C S Edwards, P D Asimow, S T Stewart, B L Ehlmann 0800h P41B-3904 POSTER Chemical provinces reveal Elysium Volcano’s compositional evolution: D A Susko, S Karunatillake, J J Wray, J R Skok, J Hurowitz, L Ojha, T Judice, R O J Bently 0800h P41B-3905 POSTER Investigating the role of small vent volcanism during the development of Tharsis Province, Mars: J A Richardson, J E Bleacher, C Connor, L Connor, L S Glaze 0800h P41B-3906 POSTER Chronologic Studies of Lava Flow Fields in the Southern Tharsis Region of Mars: D A Crown, D C Berman, E Herrick P41C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Rosetta 2014 IV Posters (joint with SH) Presiding: Matthew Taylor, ESA/ESTEC; Claudia Alexander, JPL 0800h P41C-3907 POSTER Rosetta Mission Status Update: M G Taylor, N Altobelli, C J Alexander, G H Schwehm, F Jansen, M KГјppers, L O’Rourke, M Barthelemy, B Geiger, B Grieger, R Moissl, C Vallat 0800h P41C-3908 POSTER Philae - Landing on a Comet: S Ulamec, J Biele, C Delmas, C Fantinati, P Gaudon, K Geurts, E Jurado, M Maibaum, R Roll, M Salatti, L Witte 2014 19 11/28/2014 11:06:18 AM 0800h P41C-3909 POSTER Close-up multispectral images of the surface of comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko by the ROLIS camera onboard the Rosetta Philae lander: S Schroeder, S Mottola, G Arnold, H G Grothues, R Jaumann, H Michaelis, G Neukum, I Pelivan, J P Bibring 0800h P41C-3927 POSTER First insights on the organic species from the high resolution mass spectrometer ROSINA DFMS on-board the Rosetta spacecraft: L Le Roy, K Altwegg, J J Berthelier, U Calmonte, F Dhooghe, B Fiethe, S Fuselier, T I Gombosi, M Rubin, C Y Tzou 0800h P41C-3910 POSTER Full-Waveform Inversion Method for Data Measured by the CONSERT Instrument aboard Rosetta: C Statz, D Plettemeier, A Herique, W W Kofman 0800h P41C-3928 POSTER Multifluid MHD Simulations of the Plasma Environment of Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko at Different Heliocentric Distances: Z Huang, X Jia, M Rubin, N Fougere, T I Gombosi, V Tenishev, M R Combi, A M Bieler, G Toth, K C Hansen, Y Shou 0800h P41C-3911 POSTER Reconstructing the Surface Permittivity Distribution from Data Measured by the CONSERT Instrument aboard Rosetta: Method and Simulations: D Plettemeier, C Statz, S Hegler, A Herique, W W Kofman 0800h P41C-3912 POSTER Rosetta Consert Radio Sounding Experiment: A Numerical Method for the Inverse Problem: M Cardiet, A Herique, Y Rogez, S DoutГ©, W W Kofman 0800h P41C-3913 POSTER First Results from the RPC Magnetometer Experiment during the Approach Phase to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: I Richter, K H Glassmeier, C Koenders, C Carr, E Cupido, C Vallat, U M Motschmann, B T Tsurutani, M Volwerk 0800h P41C-3914 POSTER First Rosetta Observations of the Cometary Plasma at Churyumov–Gerasimenko with the Mutual Impedance Probe (RPC-MIP): H Pierre, J P Lebreton, C BГ©ghin, P DГ©crГ©au, A I Eriksson, J Geiswiller, R Grard, M Hamelin, C X Mazelle, O Randriamboarison, W Schmidt, J G Trotignon, G Wattieaux, D Winterhalter, Y Aouad, D Lagoutte, X ValliГЁres, C Carr, E Cupido 0800h P41C-3915 POSTER Recommended values and correlations of thermophysical properties for comet modelling: J Biele, I Pelivan, E Kuhrt, B Davidsson, M Choukroun, C J Alexander 0800h P41C-3929 POSTER In Situ Space Gas Dynamic Measurements by the ROSINA Comet Pressure Sensor COPS on the Rosetta Spacecraft: C Y Tzou, K Altwegg, B Fiethe, S Gasc, M Rubin 0800h P41C-3930 POSTER A 3D Description of the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Constrained by Rosetta Observations: N Fougere, V Tenishev, A M Bieler, M R Combi, T I Gombosi, K C Hansen, X Jia, Y Shou, Z Huang, G Toth, K Altwegg, P Wurz, H Balsiger, A JГ¤ckel, L Le Roy, S Gasc, U Calmonte, M Rubin, C Y Tzou, M HГ¤ssig, S Fuselier, J De Keyser, J J Berthelier, U A Mall, H RГЁme, B Fiethe 0800h P41C-3931 POSTER 3D Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Modeling of the Spacecraft Environment of Rosetta: A M Bieler, V Tenishev, N Fougere, T I Gombosi, K C Hansen, M R Combi, Z Huang, X Jia, G Toth, K Altwegg, P Wurz, A JГ¤ckel, L Le Roy, S Gasc, U Calmonte, M Rubin, C Y Tzou, M HГ¤ssig, S Fuselier, J De Keyser, J J Berthelier, U A Mall, H RГЁme, B Fiethe, H Balsiger 0800h P41C-3932 POSTER Measuring Oxygen Isotopes with COSIMA: J A Paquette, C Engrand, O Stenzel, M Hilchenbach 0800h P41C-3916 POSTER CONSERT Link Budget Simulator for the Direct Path: D Plettemeier, R Hahnel, C Statz, W W Kofman, A Herique, S Zine 0800h P41C-3933 POSTER Optical Detection and Characterization of Cometary Grains Collected for Analysis by the COSIMA Mass Spectrometer onboard ROSETTA: Y Langevin, K Hornung, M Hilchenbach, J Kissel, J V Silen, C Briois, R Schulz, D Baklouti, P Eng 0800h P41C-3917 POSTER First Results at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Ion Composition Analyzer of the Rosetta Plasma Consortium: H Nilsson, G Stenberg, E Behar, R N A Lundin, S Barabash, C Carr, E Cupido, J L Burch, A Fedorov, J A Sauvaud, H E J Koskinen, E J Kallio, J P Lebreton, A I Eriksson, K H Glassmeier, R Goldstein, H Pierre, C Koenders, P Mokashi, Z Nemeth, I Richter, K Szego, C Vallat 0800h P41C-3934 POSTER On the Inorganic Composition of Cometary Dust from Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko, as Seen by COSIMA on Board ROSETTA: C Engrand, D Baklouti, C Briois, H Cottin, H Fischer, N Fray, M Godard, H Henkel, M Hilchenbach, K Hornung, J Kissel, A Koch, Y Langevin, H Lehto, S Merouane, F R Orthous-Daunay, J RynГ¶, R Schulz, J V Silen, S SiljestrГ¶m, T Stephan, L Thirkell, K Varmuza 0800h P41C-3918 POSTER The Rosetta Ion and Electron Sensor (IES) Measurement of the Development of Pickup Ions from Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko: R Goldstein, J L Burch, P Mokashi, C J Pollock, T W Broiles, K Mandt, T Cravens, M Samara, A I Eriksson, C Carr, J P Lebreton, H Pierre, K H Glassmeier, H Nilsson, C Koenders 0800h P41C-3935 POSTER Morphological Forms of Cometary Activity: H U Keller, M F A’Hearn, O Groussin, S F Hviid, E Kuhrt, N Thomas, S Besse, S Schroeder, J B Vincent 0800h P41C-3919 POSTER Early Observations with the Rosetta Langmuir Probe Instrument at the Target Comet: A I Eriksson, N J T Edberg, R Gill, F Johansson, E Odelstad, J E Wahlund, E Vigren, T Karlsson, P A Lindqvist, R Jarvinen, B Lybekk, W Miloch, A Pedersen, J P Lebreton, C Carr, E Cupido 0800h P41C-3920 POSTER Ion and Electron Sensor Observations on Photoelectrons and Coma Development at Comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko: J L Burch, R Goldstein, P Mokashi, C J Pollock, T W Broiles, K Mandt, T Cravens, M Samara, A I Eriksson, C Carr, J P Lebreton, H Pierre, K H Glassmeier, H Nilsson, C Koenders 0800h P41C-3921 POSTER Can Rosetta IES Measure Charged Dust Grains at Comet 67P/C-G?: G B Clark, C J Pollock, R Goldstein, M Samara, T W Broiles, K Mandt, J L Burch, Z Sternovsky 0800h P41C-3922 POSTER Structure and Dynamics of the Interaction Region at Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Comparing Numerical Simulations and RPC Magnetic Field Observations: C Koenders, K H Glassmeier, I Richter, C Goetz, C Carr, E Cupido, C Vallat, U M Motschmann 0800h P41C-3923 POSTER Does 67P/C-G Have a Dusty Plasma Environment?: T I Gombosi 0800h P41C-3924 POSTER A Multi-neutral-fluid model of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Y Shou, M R Combi, T I Gombosi, X Jia, G Toth, K C Hansen, V Tenishev, N Fougere 0800h P41C-3925 POSTER Giada improved calibration of measurement subsystems: V Della Corte, A Rotundi, R Sordini, M Accolla, M Ferrari, S Ivanovski, F Lucarelli, E Mazzotta Epifani, P Palumbo 0800h P41C-3926 POSTER A Computer-assisted Method for the Calibration of Raw Data from the DFMS sensor on Rosetta: R Maggiolo, F Dhooghe, J De Keyser, K Altwegg, U Calmonte, S Fuselier, M HГ¤ssig, J J Berthelier, U A Mall, T I Gombosi, B Fiethe 20 AGU2014News.indb 20 2014 0800h P41C-3936 POSTER Geomorphology of Active Regions on Comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko from Osiris Observations: A T Auger, O Groussin, L Jorda, S Bouley, P L Lamy, G Cremonese, N Thomas, H Sierks 0800h P41C-3937 POSTER The Nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: a New Case of Contact Binary?: P L Lamy, M F A’Hearn, O Groussin, L Jorda, H U Keller, H Rickman 0800h P41C-3938 POSTER 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko Spectrophotometric Properties: S Besse, S Fornasier, H Sierks, M A Barucci, C Leyrat, S F Hviid, L Jorda, H U Keller, M KГјppers, S Magrin, M Massironi, N Oklay, M Pajola, N Thomas, C Tubiana, C Snodgrass, J B Vincent 0800h P41C-3939 POSTER Jets of 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko as Observed by Rosetta/OSIRIS : W H Ip, Z Y Lin, L Lara, P GutiГ©rrez, R Rodrigo, M F A’Hearn, J B Vincent, J Agarwal, I Bertini, S Lowry, A Rozek, M Pajola, I Lai, Y Liao 0800h P41C-3940 POSTER The Geomorphology of Comet Churymov-Gerasimenko As Revealed By Rosetta/Osiris: Implicationsfor Past Collisional Evolution: S Marchi, M F A’Hearn, C Barbieri, M A Barucci, S Besse, G Cremonese, W H Ip, H U Keller, D Koschny, E Kuhrt, P L Lamy, F Marzari, M Massironi, M Pajola, H Rickman, R Rodrigo, H Sierks, C Snodgrass, N Thomas, J B Vincent 0800h P41C-3941 POSTER Multi-Resolution Stereophotoclinometry by Deformation, a New 3D Shape Reconstruction Method Applied to ROSETTA/OSIRIS Images: C Capanna, L Jorda, G GesquiГЁre, R W Gaskell, O Groussin, P GutiГ©rrez, S F Hviid, P L Lamy, F Preusker, S Rodionov, F Scholten, D Vibert 0800h P41C-3942 POSTER Color Variegation on 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: S F Hviid, K Joerg, F Preusker, S Mottola, E Kuhrt, S Schroeder, L Jorda, S Fornasier, J B Vincent, C Leyrat, N Thomas, A Pommerol, M Pajola, S Besse, H U Keller, N Oklay, P Hasselmann THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0800h P41C-3943 POSTER The Shape of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta/ Osiris Images: L Jorda, R W Gaskell, S F Hviid, C Capanna, O Groussin, P GutiГ©rrez, L Philippe, F Scholten, F Preusker, H U Keller, K Joerg, E Kuhrt, S Mottola, H Sierks, C Snodgrass, N Thomas, J B Vincent, S Marchi, M Massironi 0800h P41C-3944 POSTER Simulations of impact features on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, as imaged by OSIRIS/ROSETTA: G Cremonese, A Lucchetti, S Marchi, E Martellato, M Massironi, N Oklay, H Sierks, J B Vincent 0800h P41C-3945 POSTER On the Spatial Homogeneity of the H2O Coma of 67P/C.-G. at 3.9-3.5 AU as Seen from MIRO: C Jarchow, L Rezac, P Hartogh, S Gulkis, M Allen, P A A Von Allmen, G Beaudin, N Biver, D BockelГ©e-Morvan, M Choukroun, J Crovisier, P Encrenaz, T Encrenaz, M A Frerking, M D Hofstadter, W H Ip, M A Janssen, S Lee, E Lellouch, C Leyrat, F P Schloerb, T R Spilker 0800h P41C-3946 POSTER Inferring the Thermal and Electrical Properties of Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko from the Continuum Measurements of the Microwave Instrument on the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) : S J Keihm, S Gulkis, M D Hofstadter, P Von Allmen, F P Schloerb, M Choukroun, S Lee, M A Janssen 0800h P41C-3947 POSTER Dust thermal properties in the coma of comet 67P/CG as observed by from Rosetta/VIRTIS: C Leyrat, D BockelГ©e-Morvan, S Erard, F Capaccioni, G Filacchione, G P Tozzi, P Drossart 0800h P41C-3948 POSTER Photometric Properties of Comet 67P/CG as Seen by VIRTIS-M Onboard Rosetta: Light Curves and Disk-integrated Phase Curves: M Ciarniello, F Capaccioni, G Filacchione, S Erard, A Raponi, M C De Sanctis, F Tosi, M T Capria, G Piccioni, C Leyrat, D BockelГ©e-Morvan, E Palomba, A Longobardo, S Schroeder, P Drossart, E Quirico, P Beck, B Schmitt 0800h P41C-3949 POSTER Rosetta/VIRTIS-M spectral data: Comet 67P/CG compared to other primitive small bodies: M C De Sanctis, F Capaccioni, G Filacchione, S Erard, F Tosi, M Ciarniello, A Raponi, G Piccioni, C Leyrat, D BockelГ©e-Morvan, P Drossart, S Fornasier 0800h P41C-3950 POSTER Distant Coma Composition of Comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko as Observed from Rosetta/VIRTIS: D BockelГ©e-Morvan, S Erard, C Leyrat, F Capaccioni, G Filacchione, G Piccioni, P Drossart, V Debout, J Crovisier, T Encrenaz 0800h P41C-3951 POSTER Thermal Properties of the Surface of 67P/Chryumov-Gerasimenko: Initial Results: M T Capria, F Tosi, E Kuhrt, A Raponi, M Formisano, M C De Sanctis, F Capaccioni, G Filacchione, E Palomba, A Longobardo, M Ciarniello, D BockelГ©e-Morvan, S Erard, C Leyrat, P Drossart, G Arnold 0800h P41C-3952 POSTER Looking for minor spectral features on 67P: S Erard, F Capaccioni, G Filacchione, C Leyrat, F Tosi, M C De Sanctis, D BockelГ©e-Morvan, P Drossart 0800h P41C-3953 POSTER Comet 67P/C-G: Surface Temperatures as Derived by Rosetta/VIRTIS in the Mapping Phase: F Tosi, M T Capria, F Capaccioni, G Filacchione, M C De Sanctis, S Erard, C Leyrat, D BockelГ©e-Morvan, E Kuhrt 0800h P41C-3954 POSTER Modeling the Spectrophotometric Properties of 67/P Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Seen by VIRTIS-M Onboard Rosetta: A Raponi, F Capaccioni, G Filacchione, M Ciarniello, M T Capria, S Erard, E Palomba, A Longobardo, M C De Sanctis, F Tosi, G Piccioni, C Leyrat, D BockelГ©e-Morvan, M A Barucci, P Drossart, B Schmitt, P Beck P41D Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Topography in the Solar System II Posters (joint with EP) Presiding: Ross Beyer, NASA Ames Research Center; Gerald Patterson, Applied Physics Laboratory 0800h P41D-3955 POSTER Fusion and Visualization of HiRISE Super-Resolution, Shape-from-Shading DTM with MER Stereo 3D Reconstructions: S Gupta, G Paar, J P Muller, Y Tao, L Tyler, C Traxler, G Hesina, B Huber, B Nauschnegg 0800h P34C-03 POSTER A Topographic Analysis of Lunar Pit Craters Using LOLA: P T Malinski, K A Milam 0800h P41D-3957 POSTER Valles Marineris as a Cryokarstic Structure Formed by a Giant Dyke System: Support From New Analogue Experiments: M S Ozeren, A M C Sengor, D Acar, S C Гњlgen, I E Onsel 0800h P41D-3958 POSTER The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions: T Roatsch, R Jaumann, G Neukum, D Tirsch, E Hauber, H Hoffmann, K Gwinner, F Scholten, G Di Achille, T C Duxbury, G Erkeling, S vanGasselt, S Gupta, J W Head III, H Hiesinger, W H Ip, H U Keller, M G Kleinhans, T Kneisl, T B McCord, P Muller, J Murray, M Pondrelli, T Platz, P C Pinet, D Reiss, A P Rossi, L Wendt, D A Williams, N Mangold, T Spohn 0800h P41D-3959 POSTER Slopes from Photoclinometry for the Mars InSight Landing Site Selection Process: R A Beyer 0800h P41D-3960 POSTER Assessment of Systematic Differences Between the SPC and SPG Vesta Shape Models Derived from the Dawn Mission: A Ermakov, M T Zuber, D E Smith, C A Raymond, R W Gaskell, F Preusker 0800h P41D-3961 POSTER Uplifts on Venus and Earth: A Principal Component Analysis: P R Stoddard, D M Jurdy 0800h P41D-3962 POSTER A Laser Altimeter for a Planetary Flyby Mission: D E Smith, M T Zuber, X Sun, J Cavanaugh, G A Neumann, E Mazarico, A Genova 0800h P41D-3963 POSTER The Effect of Incidence Angle on Stereo DTM Quality: Simulations in Support of Europa Clipper: R L Kirk, E HowingtonKraus, T M Hare, L Jorda 0800h P41D-3964 POSTER Toward comprehensive Titan digital topography construction: A technical demonstration with stereogrammetry and photo/ radarclinometry: J Kim, W Wan, S Lee, Y Choi P41E Moscone West 2011 Thursday0800h Geophysics of Satellites and Small Bodies I Presiding: Ashley Davies, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Dennis Matson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Thomas McCord, Bear Fight Institute; Torrence Johnson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory 0800h P41E-01 Ceres: Dawn visits a Warm Wet Planet: T B McCord, J P Combe 0815h P41E-02 A Brief History of Ceres: J C Castillo 0830h P41E-03 Large Impact Basins on Ceres: Probing Beneath the Icy Mantle: T J Bowling, B C Johnson, D M Blair, J Melosh IV 0845h P41E-04 Tides on Membrane Worlds: Europa, Titan and Co: M Beuthe 0900h P43C-3999 Thermal Convection in HighPressure Ice Layers Beneath a Buried Ocean within Titan and Ganymede: G Tobie, G Choblet, M Dumont 0915h P41E-06 Tidal Dissipation in the Oceans of Icy Satellites: I Matsuyama 0930h P41E-07 Thermodynamic Equations of State for Aqueous Solutions Applied to Deep Icy Satellite and Exoplanet Oceans: S Vance, J M Brown, O Bollengier, B Journaux, C Sotin, M Choukroun, R Barnes 0945h P41E-08 Convection and Melt Migration in Io’s Mantle: C M Elder, P J Tackley, A P Showman PUBLIC AFFAIRS PA41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h New Opportunities in Global Change Collaboration: Utilizing Federal and University Partnerships to Develop Actionable and Needs-Driven Science Agendas Posters (joint with ED, GC) Presiding: Aranzazu Lascurain, North Carolina State University; Josh Foster, Oregon State University; Aparna Bamzai, University of Oklahoma Norman Campus; Stacy Lynn, Colorado State University 0800h PA41A-4020 POSTER Regional Collaborations to Combat Climate Change: The Climate Science Centers as Strategies for Climate Adaptation: T L Morelli, R N Palmer 0800h PA41A-4021 POSTER Building nontraditional collaborations to innovatively address climate-related scientific and management needs: A Bamzai, R A Mcpherson All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:19 AM 0800h PA41A-4022 POSTER Great Lakes Integrated Sciences + Assessments: Connecting Users and Generators of Scientific Information to Inform Climate Change Adaptation: W J Baule, L Briley, D Brown, E Gibbons 0800h PP41A-1341 POSTER Constraining riverine Оґ13C-DIC using Late Cretaceous and Early Paleogene freshwater bivalve mollusks (Unionoidea) form Montana: D P Gillikin, D H Goodwin, M Davidson, J Hartman 0800h PA41A-4024 POSTER Data mining to predict climate hotspots: an experiment in aligning federal climate enterprises in the Northwest: P Mote, J G Foster, S B Daley-Laursen 0800h PP41A-1342 POSTER The onset of the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum, including the K/X event, at Branch Stream, Clarence Valley, New Zealand: B S Slotnick, G R Dickens, C J Hollis, J S Crampton, P Strong, E Dallanave, A Philips 0800h PA41A-4025 POSTER Best Practices of Collaboration in Arctic Research: How to Succeed, or Fail, in Cross-Disciplinary Efforts: H V Wiggins 0800h PA41A-4026 POSTER Interagency collaboration in the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains: Federal-university climate service networks for producing actionable information for climate change adaptation: A J Ray, E McNie, K Averyt, J T Morisette, J D Derner, D S Ojima, L Dilling, J J Barsugli 0800h PA41A-4027 POSTER Climate in Context – How partnerships evolve in regions: A S Parris 0800h PA41A-4028 POSTER Useful to Usable (U2U): Transforming climate information into usable tools to support Midwestern agricultural production: L S Prokopy, M Widhalm 0800h PA41A-4029 POSTER Climate Science Centers: An “Existence Theorem” for a Federal– University Partnership to Develop Actionable and Needs-Driven Science Agendas: B Moore III 0800h PA41A-4030 POSTER A Three-Legged Stool or Race? Governance Models for NOAA RISAs, DOI CSCs, and USDA Climate Hub: J G Foster 0800h PA41A-4031 POSTER Climate Science Centers: Growing Federal and Academic Expertise in the Nation’s Interests: S J Ryker 0800h PA41A-4033 POSTER Discussion 10 am to 11 am: Group Poster PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY PP41A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes: Extracting the Signal from the Noise to Improve Paleoclimate Applications I Posters Presiding: JoГЈo Trabucho-Alexandre, Durham University; Christopher Junium, Syracuse University; Aaron Diefendorf, University of Cincinnati; Erika Freimuth, University of Cincinnati Main Campus 0800h PP41A-1332 POSTER Carbon isotopes of plant biomarkers record past changes in the carbon cycle, but separating signal from noise is key to reducing uncertainties: A F Diefendorf, K H Freeman, S L Wing, E D Currano 0800h PP41A-1333 POSTER From buds to litter: seasonal changes in leaf wax concentrations and carbon isotopes and implications for the geologic past: Y J Suh, A F Diefendorf 0800h PP43E-02 POSTER Statistical signal analysis of the Phanerozoic Г°13C curve: implications for Earth system evolution: A Bachan, L R Kump, J Payne, M Saltzman, E Thomas 0800h PP41A-1335 POSTER Furongian Stable Carbon Isotope Excursions (SPICE and HERB) in the Mixed Carbonate-Siliclastics on an Epeiric Platform of the Taebaeksan Basin, Korea: G S Chung, J N Lim, T Y Park, K S Lee, B S Lee, K S Seo 0800h PP41A-1336 POSTER Coupled Variation of C and Mg Isotopes in the Middle to Late Cambrian Carbonate Ramp Deposits of the Machari Formation in the Yeongweol Area, Korea : S W Lee, G S Chung, J S Ryu, K S Lee 0800h PP41A-1337 POSTER Coupling Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope with Carbonate Carbon Isotope Excursion Across the Early Mississippian Kinderhookian-Osagean Boundary in Great Basin, Western USA: D K Maharjan, G Jiang, Y Peng, S K Sahoo, R A Henry 0800h PP41A-1338 POSTER The Carboniferous carbon isotope record from sedimentary organic matter: can we disentangle the carbon cycle?: S J Davies, C E Bennett, M J Leng, T Kearsey, J E Marshall, D Millward, E J Reeves, A Snelling, J E Sherwin 0800h PP41A-1339 POSTER Distribution of Iridium in Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic Strata of the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria: L H Tanner, F T Kyte, S Richoz 0800h PP41A-1340 POSTER Understanding Intrabasinal Organic Carbon Records: A New Carbon Isotope Record for the Early Cretaceous Abu Dhabi, UAE: A H Al-Suwaidi 0800h PP41A-1343 POSTER Comparison between organic and inorganic stable carbon isotope ratios for understanding Pleistocene global and local climates, results from IODP Exp. 317 offshore South Island of New Zealand: K Hoyanagi, T Takeuchi, E Ichinose, Y Kobayashi 0800h PP41C-1379 POSTER What Forced Holocene Millennial-Scale Variability? A Tale from the Western Tropical Pacific: D Khider, L D Stott, C Jackson, G Huerta 0800h PP41B-1360 POSTER Multi-decadal forcing of precipitation along the southeastern USA during the late Holocene: C E Bernhardt, A Kemp, M Jones 0800h PP41C-1380 POSTER X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) calibration and its application as a tool to study the Oxygen Minimum Zone variability during the Holocene: K G Mejia-Pina, O Gonzalez-Yajimovich, M A Huerta-Diaz 0800h PP41B-1361 POSTER A new record of provenance and hydroclimate in Santa Barbara Basin, California spanning the last 250 years: T Napier, I L Hendy 0800h PP41C-1381 POSTER Severe droughts in the Philippines in AD 1700-1800: R Saban, F P Siringan, C Villanoy 0800h PP41A-1344 POSTER Deciphering the Paleochemistry and Holocene Environmental Variability in Central New York: Different Perspectives from the Stable Carbon Isotopes of Organic Matter and Carbonates: D B Finkelstein, D E Colcord, T Curtin 0800h PP41B-1362 POSTER A 26,600 yr record of climate and vegetation from Rice Lake in the Eel River drainage of the northern California Coast Range: L E Heusser 0800h PP41C-1382 POSTER North Atlantic Oscillation Dynamics Recorded in Central Norwegian Fjord Sediments During the Past 2800 Years: J Faust, J Knies, K Fabian, J Giraudeau 0800h PP41B-1363 POSTER 1,500 YEAR PERIODICITY IN CENTRAL TEXAS MOISTURE SOURCE VARIABILITY RECONSTRUCTED FROM SPELEOTHEMS: C I Wong, E W James, M M Silver, J L Banner, M Musgrove 0800h PP41C-1383 POSTER Warm World Ocean Thermohaline Circulation Model: N Zimov, S A Zimov 0800h PP41A-1345 POSTER Dissolved inorganic carbon isotopic composition of the Gulf of Mexico deep-water masses: J G Quintanilla-Terminel, J C Herguera, V Ferreira-Bartrina, J M HernГЎndezAyГіn, V Camacho-Ibar 0800h PP41B-1364 POSTER Gulf of Alaska Holocene paleoceanography and paleoclimatology from diatom proxies in core EW0408-22JC, Crawfish Inlet, Baranof Island, Alaska: C Loofbourrow, J A Addison, E Hemphill-Haley 0800h PP41A-1346 POSTER Can Stress-Induced Biochemical Differences drive Variation in the Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Leaf Wax n-Alkanes from Terrestrial Higher Plants?: Y Eley, N Pedentchouk, L Dawson 0800h PP41B-1365 POSTER Initial sedimentology, geocronology and oxygen isotope stratigraphy of a new core from Pretty Lake, Indiana: Exploring Midwestern hydroclimate during the last 2000 years: A Albert, B W Bird, W Gilhooly III, L G Stamps, O M Rudloff, B A Steinman, T V Lowell 0800h PP41A-1347 POSTER From Leaf Synthesis to Senescence: n-Alkyl Lipid Abundance and D/H Composition Among Plant Species in a Temperate Deciduous Forest at Brown’s Lake Bog, Ohio, USA: E J Freimuth, A F Diefendorf, T V Lowell 0800h PP41A-1348 POSTER Leaf water and plant wax hydrogen isotopes in a European sample network: D B Nelson, A Kahmen 0800h PP41A-1349 POSTER Stomatal Density Influences Leaf Water and Leaf Wax D/H Values in Arabidopsis: H Lee, S J Feakins, L O Sternberg 0800h PP41A-1350 POSTER Increased Deuterium Discrimination in Micronesian Mangroves Growing at High Salinity: Insights from Leaf and Xylem Water Isotopes: N Ladd, J P Sachs 0800h PP41A-1351 POSTER A biomarker isotope record of hydrologic change in NE Spain from the late Eocene to early Oligocene: K Patros, M T Hren 0800h PP41A-1352 POSTER Evaluating Changes in Paleo-temperature Gradients using Hydrogen Isotopic Compositions of Leaf-wax Biomarkers: S Krishnan, M Huber, M Pagani 0800h PP41A-1353 POSTER Holocene n-Fatty Acid О”d Records from Lake Hurleg, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Y He, C Zhao, Z Liu, H Wang, W Liu, Z Yu PP41B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h North American Hydroclimates over the Past 120 Ka BP: Terrestrial, Marine, and Model Evidence for Oceanic/Atmospheric Forcing II Posters (joint with A, GC, H, OS) Presiding: John Barron, USGS; Matthew Kirby, Cal-State Fullerton; Jay Alder, U.S. Geological Survey 0800h PP41B-1354 POSTER Constraining the Last Glacial Maximum Westerly Storm Track over Western North America through Model-Proxy Comparison: J L Oster, D E Ibarra, M J Winnick, K Maher 0800h PP41B-1355 POSTER Deglacial Record in the Illinois River Valley Explains Asynchronous Phases of Meltwater Pulses and Clay Mineral Excursions in the Gulf of Mexico: H Wang 0800h PP41B-1356 POSTER Holocene Evolution of Precipitation Patterns in the Southwestern US, Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean: Comparison with Tropical SST Records: J A Barron, S E Metcalfe, S J Davies 0800h PP41B-1357 POSTER Changes in Holocene Climate, Fire and Vegetation from the Northeastern Great Basin: A 13,500 Year Sedimentary Record from Swan Lake, ID: L Anderson, D Wahl, D M Miller, J J Rosario, L Presnetsova 0800h PP41B-1358 POSTER SEDIMENTARY RESPONSE OF AN EPHEMERAL LAKE DURING DEGLACIAL AND HOLOCENE CLIMATE EVOLUTION, SWAN LAKE, SOUTHEAST IDAHO: J J Rosario, D M Miller, D Wahl, L Anderson, A Tripati, L Presnetsova, C G Oviatt, J P McGeehin, J E Bright All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 21 0800h PP41B-1359 POSTER Interpreting the seasonality of precipitation in northern Baja California for the last ~45,000 cal yr BP: V Chavez, A Brunelle, S Brewer 0800h PP41B-1366 POSTER A Laminated Carbonate Record of Late Holocene Mid-Continental Hydroclimate: Geochemical and Sedimentological Results from Martin Lake, LaGrange County, Indiana: L G Stamps, B W Bird, W Gilhooly III 0800h PP41B-1367 POSTER Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphic framework and paleolimnology of Walker Lake, Nevada: M Friday, C A Scholz, C K Junium PP41C Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology General Contributions Posters Presiding: Matthew Schmidt, other; Petra Dekens, San Francisco State University 0800h PP41C-1369 POSTER Analytical bias in the oldest section of the Dome C CO2 record: S Eggleston, B Bereiter, J Schmitt, C Nehrbass-Ahles, T F Stocker, H Fischer, S Kipfstuhl, J A Chappellaz 0800h PP41C-1370 POSTER Carbon Isotopes in Pinus elliotti cellulose from Big Pine Key, Florida: Indicators of Seasonal Precipitation, ENSO and Disturbance Events: C Rebenack, H E Willoughby, W T Anderson Jr, P Cherubini 0800h PP41C-1371 POSTER ENSO-Type Signals Recorded in the Late Cretaceous Laminated Sediments of Songliao Basin, Northeast China: E Yu, C Wang, L A Hinnov, H Wu 0800h PP41C-1372 POSTER 400+ Years of ENSOlike Climate Cyclicity from Tree Ring Width-Data, Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA: D E Dahms, D Richards, P Pease 0800h PP41C-1373 POSTER Climcor: Paleoclimatic Coring: High Resolution and Innovations.Cnrs Gathers the Present Coring Equipment , and Coordinates the Different Efforts Provided By the Concerned Communities (ocean, ice and continent): M Calzas, D D Rousseau 0800h PP41C-1374 POSTER Distribution and Geochemical Composition of Living Planktonic Foraminifera in the Caribbean Sea: A Jentzen, J SchГ¶nfeld, D Nuernberg 0800h PP41C-1375 POSTER From ecology to geochemistry to DNA: New information about Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi: A M Burkett, A E Rathburn, R A Venturelli, M E Perez, L A Levin, N Spendal 0800h PP41C-1376 POSTER A New Palaeoenvironmental Proxy from Roman Aqueducts: What Can We Learn from Calcareous Sinter?: G Surmelihindi, C W Passchier 0800h PP41C-1377 POSTER A time-transgressive Holocene onset from Globorotalia menardii records on Brazilian continental margin sediments: F S Iwai, K B Costa, F A D L Toledo, A C A Santarosa, C M Chiessi, E Camillo Jr, J P Quadros 0800h PP41C-1378 POSTER Holocene variations in the southern westerly winds at centennial and millennial timescales over the last 10,000 years: P I Moreno, I Vilanova, R P Villa-Martinez, R De PolHolz THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0800h PP41C-1384 POSTER A Glimpse at South Atlantic Deep and Surface Water Evolution over the Last 40 Ky: C Waelbroeck, N Vazquez Riveiros, H W Arz, J Gottschalk, L C Skinner, T M Dokken 0800h PP41C-1385 POSTER Mineral and trace element indicators of changes in sediment delivery and deposition on a Western Boundary Upwelling System (Cabo Frio, Brazil) since the Last Glacial Maximum: A L Albuquerque, U Mendoza, P A Meyers, A L Belem, A Sifeddine 0800h PP41C-1386 POSTER Glacial sea surface and subsurface temperature reconstructions off northern Chile (27.5В°S) from 970 ka to present: G Martinez-Mendez, J Groeneveld, D Hebbeln, F Lamy, M Mohtadi 0800h PP41C-1387 POSTER Sea surface temperature variability of the Peru-Chile Current during the previous ten interglacials: M Caniupan, G Martinez-Mendez, F Lamy, D Hebbeln, M Mohtadi, S Pantoja 0800h PP41C-1388 POSTER Weathering fluxes to the Gulf of Mexico from the Pliocene to Holocene based on radiogenic isotopes: A M Portier, E E Martin, S R Hemming, M M Thierens, M E Raymo 0800h PP41C-1390 POSTER A Multistage Volcanic and Tectonic Evolution History on the High Plateau, Part of the Manihiki Plateau, Central Pacific: R Pietsch, G Uenzelmann-Neben 0800h PP41C-1391 POSTER Long-range memory in temperature reconstructions from ice cores; glacial vs interglacial climate conditions : T Nilsen, K Rypdal, H B Fredriksen 0800h PP41C-1392 POSTER Persistent link between solar activity and Greenland climate during the Last Glacial Maximum: F Adolphi, R Muscheler, A Svensson, A Aldahan, G Possnert, J Beer, J Sjolte, S Bjorck, K B Matthes, R ThiГ©blemont 0800h PP41C-1393 POSTER Eccentricity Forcing and Preconditioning of the Super Interglacials: R Roychowdhury, R M Deconto, J Brigham-Grette 0800h PP41C-1394 POSTER Sediment Mixing in a Pockmark Field on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand – Implications for Paleoceanographic Reconstructions: P S Rose, J K Cochran, C Heilbrun, I A Pecher, R B Coffin 0800h PP41C-1395 POSTER Global climate and monsoons response to orbital forcing in the Late Miocene: A Marzocchi, D J Lunt, R Flecker, A Farnsworth, C Bradshaw 0800h PP41C-1396 POSTER A Quantitative Assessment of the Sea Level Drop in the Messinian Mediterranean: J Bartol, R P Topper 0800h PP41C-1397 POSTER Aridification of the Sahara desert caused by Tethys Sea shrinkage during Late Miocene: Z Zhang, G Ramstein, M Schuster, C Li, C Contoux, Q Yan 0800h PP41C-1398 POSTER Neodymium isotope records of pelagic sediment core from the Northeast Pacific: implications for latitudinal position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone in the early Miocene: K Hyeong, I SEO, C M Yoo, S B Chi 0800h PP41C-1399 POSTER Exploring Sensitivity of Carbon Dioxide and Aerosol Forcing When Modelling the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum: A P Goldner, N K Herold, M Huber, M Komurcu 0800h PP41C-1400 POSTER Orbital forcing and climate response at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary: stable isotope records from IODP site U1334: H Beddow, A Harrison, A Sluijs, B Wade, D Liebrand, L J Lourens 0800h PP41C-1401 POSTER Obliquity-Dominated High-Latitude Continental Triassic-Jurassic Climate, from the Coal-Bearing Junggar Basin, (ГњrГјmqi, China): P E Olsen, J Sha, Y Pan, D Xu, X Yao, Y Wang, X Zhang 2014 21 11/28/2014 11:06:19 AM 0800h PP41C-1402 POSTER Cyclostratigraphy of the Middle Triassic bedded chert sequence in the Chichibu Belt, Southwest Japan: K Soda, T Onoue, M Ikeda 0800h PP41C-1403 POSTER A Global Distribution of Late Eocene Vegetation: A M Dulak, J O Sewall 0800h PP41C-1404 POSTER Impact Event and Radiolarian Faunal Turnover across the Middle– upper Norian Transition in the Upper Triassic of Japan: T Onoue, H Sato, D Yamashita, K Uno 0800h PP41D-1422 POSTER Towards Better Calibration of Modern Palynological Data against Climate: A Case Study in Osaka Bay, Japan: I Kitaba, T Nakagawa, E McClymont, D L Dettman, K Yamada, K Takemura, M Hyodo 0800h PP41D-1423 POSTER Changes in daily pollen concentration based on meteorological data and days after seasonal initiation - a case study for Japanese hop: H Choe, K R Kim, M Kim, M J Han, C Cho, B C Choi 0800h PP41C-1405 POSTER Multiple States in the Vegetation-Atmosphere System during the Early Eocene: U Port, M Claussen 0800h PP41D-1424 POSTER Human Influence As a Potential Source of Bias in Pollen-Based Quantitative Climate Reconstructions: J Li, Y Zhao, Q Xu, Z Zheng, H Lu, Y Luo, Y Li, C Li, H SeppГ¤ 0800h PP41C-1406 POSTER Global Ocean Sedimentation Patterns: Plate Tectonic History Versus Climate Change: A Goswami, E Reynolds, P Olson, L A Hinnov, A Gnanadesikan 0800h PP41D-1425 POSTER Cscibox: A Software System for Age-Model Construction and Evaluation: E Bradley, K A Anderson, T M Marchitto Jr, L R de Vesine, J W C White, D M Anderson 0800h PP41C-1407 POSTER Rethinking Controls on the Long-Term Cenozoic Carbonate Compensation Depth: Case Studies across Late Paleocene - Early Eocene Warming and Late Eocene - Early Oligocene Cooling: S E Greene, A J Ridgwell, D N Schmidt, S Kirtland Turner, H Paelike, E Thomas 0800h PP41D-1426 POSTER Linking high resolution 14C records to ice core time scales by means of Bayesian wiggle-matching: F Adolphi, R Muscheler, M Friedrich, D GГјttler, L Wacker, B Kromer 0800h PP41C-1408 POSTER Mapping the distribution of global carbonate cover from 0 to 100 Ma by modelling the carbonate compensation depth: C R Lithgow-Bertelloni, J Davis 0800h PP41C-1409 POSTER Assessing the dendrochronological and dendroclimatic potential of Shasta red fir (Abies magnifica var. shastensis): M C A Torbenson, S St George 0800h PP41C-1410 POSTER AMAZON PALEOFIRES RECORDS: COMPARISON BETWEEN LAND USE CHANGE AND PALAEOCLIMATIC EVENTS: R C Cordeiro, B Turcq, L S Moreira, R D A Rodrigues, F L SimГµes Filho, G S Martins, A B Santos, M Barbosa, M C G da Conceição, R D C Rodrigues, H Evangelista, P F Moreira-Turcq, Y P Penido, A Sifeddine, J Seoane 0800h PP41C-1411 POSTER Climate and flow variation revealed in tree rings of riparian cottonwood, western North Dakota, USA: J M Friedman, J R Edmondson, D M Meko, R Touchan, E R Griffin, H Zhou PP41D Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday0800h Understanding Uncertainties in Paleoclimate and Paleoecology: Age Models, Proxy Processes, and Beyond I Posters (joint with B, GC, NG) Presiding: Connor Nolan, University of Arizona; John Williams, University of Wisconsin; Lorraine Lisiecki, University of California Santa Barbara; Deborah Khider, University of California Santa Barbara 0800h PP41D-1412 POSTER A Comprehensive Database for the Most Commonly Measured Paleoceanographic Proxies: Evaluating Global Carbon Burial Variations over the Last Deglaciation: O Cartapanis, E D Galbraith, D Bianchi 0800h PP41D-1413 POSTER Dealing with Uncertainties in Analyzing Holocene Northern Peatland Carbon Dynamics: C Massa, Z Yu, M Blaauw, J Loisel 0800h PP41D-1414 POSTER Accounting for Multiple Sources of Uncertainty in the Statistical Analysis of Holocene Sea Levels: N Cahill, A C Parnell, A Kemp, B Horton 0800h PP41D-1415 POSTER Uncertainty in applied tree-ring reconstructions: Klamath River basin streamflow: S B Malevich, C A Woodhouse 0800h PP41D-1416 POSTER Finding a Needle in a Climate Haystack: K L Verosub, R Medrano, M Valentine 0800h PP41D-1417 POSTER Are Your Paleoecological Indicators Telling the Truth? Diatoms in Great Lakes Sediment Cores As an Example: E D Reavie, A J Heathcote 0800h PP41D-1418 POSTER Vegetation and Mammuthus primigenius extinction history on St Paul Island, Alaska: Y Wang, L Newsom, S Belmecheri, B Culleton, J W Williams 0800h PP41D-1419 POSTER Uncertainties Associated with Climatic Estimates from Plant Macrofossil Assemblages in the Southwestern United States: Evaluations Based on Comparisons of Modern Observed and Estimated Values for Climatic Variables, and Application to Late Quaternary Assemblages: R S Thompson, K H Anderson, L E Strickland, R T Pelltier 0800h PP41D-1428 POSTER A Comparison of Rapid-Screen 14C Dates and U/Th Dates from Fossil Corals: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstruction: P R Grothe, K M Cobb, S Bush, H Cheng, G Santos, J R Southon, R L Edwards 0800h PP41D-1429 POSTER Paleotempestological chronology developed from gas ion source AMS analysis of carbonates determined through realtime Bayesian statistical approach: D J Wallace, B E Rosenheim, M L Roberts, J R Burton, J P Donnelly, J D Woodruff 0800h PP41D-1430 POSTER Dating Wood-Benthic Foram-Planktic Foram Trios from the Panama Basin to Better Constrain Antarctic Intermediate Water Ventilation Age during the Last Deglaciation: N Zhao, L D Keigwin 0800h PP41D-1431 POSTER Effects of Seafloor Diagenesis on Planktic Foraminiferal Radiocarbon Ages: J Wycech, D C Kelly 0800h PP41D-1432 POSTER Estimating Age Model Uncertainties for the Last Interglaciation: J S Hoffman, P U Clark, N G Pisias, S A Marcott, J D Shakun 0800h PP41D-1433 POSTER A Detailed Radiometric Chronological Framework for Nordic Seas Ocean– Ice Sheet Interactions Spanning 50-150 Ka BP: J Brendryen, R L Edwards, H Haflidason, H Cheng, K J Grasmo, H P Sejrup 0800h PP41D-1434 POSTER New Benthic Оґ18o Stacks and Age Models for the Last Glacial Cycle (0150 kyr ago): L E Lisiecki, J V Stern 0800h PP41D-1435 POSTER Orbital tuning of deep ice cores using O2/N2 of trapped air: K Kawamura, S Aoki, T Nakazawa 0800h PP41D-1436 POSTER Statistical Constraints on the Relative Link Between Eccentricity Forcing and the 100,000-Year Glacial Cycle: D Khider, L E Lisiecki 0800h PP41D-1437 POSTER A Method to Separate Proxy Climate Records into Relevant Temporal and Individual Periodic Signals and Application to the “LR04” Benthic Foraminifera Оґ18O Stack: G W Bickel 0800h PP41D-1438 POSTER Reconstructing Changes in Deep Ocean Temperature and Global Carbon Cycle during the Early Eocene Warming Trend: High-Resolution Benthic Stable Isotope Records from the SE Atlantic: V Lauretano, J C Zachos, L J Lourens 0800h PP41D-1439 POSTER Constraints on the rate of carbon injection across the PETM – towards a theoretical framework for hyperthermals: S Kirtland Turner, A J Ridgwell PP41E Moscone West 2008 Thursday0800h Advanced Understanding of Tropical Hydroclimate Changes during the Late Pleistocene I (joint with A, H, OS) Presiding: Chuan-Chou Shen, Natl Taiwan Univ; Xianfeng Wang, Earth Observatory of Singapore 0800h PP41E-01 Linking hemispheric radiation budgets, ITCZ shifts, and monsoons: D McGee, A Donohoe, J Marshall, D Ferreira 0815h PP41E-02 Simulating the effect of glacial sea level changes on Indo-Pacific climate: P N Di Nezio, J E Tierney, A Timmermann, B L Otto-Bliesner, B E Mapes 0800h PP41D-1421 POSTER Improving estimates of regional vegetation: Using pre-settlement vegetation data and variable wind speed to quantify pollen dispersal and source area: K D Burke, S J Goring, J W Williams, T Holloway 0830h PP41E-03 The eastern Tropical Pacific hydroclimate over the last 120kyr: a perspective from HadCM3: W H G Roberts, P J Valdes 22 THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER AGU2014News.indb 22 2014 0845h PP41E-04 Understanding the Effect of Precession on South American Climate: X Liu, D S Battisti 0800h S41A-4411 POSTER Dynamic Time Warping for coda wave interferometry studies: D Mikesell, A E Malcolm, M M Haney, D Yang 0900h PP41E-05 Precipitation Isotopes Reveal Intensified Indonesian Monsoon Circulation During the Dry Last Glacial Maximum: B L Konecky, J M Russell, H Vogel, S Bijaksana, Y Huang 0800h S41A-4412 POSTER Reflection Response from the Autocorrelation of Ambient Noise as Recorded on the Transportable Array: A B Snyder, B Bockholt, C A Langston 0915h PP41E-06 Interhemispheric Orbital-Scale Asymmetry of the Intertropical Convergence Zone Movement at the Asia-Pacific Realm over the Past 3 Glacial-Interglacial Cycles: L Yi, C C Shen, L Lo, Z Shi, K Y Wei, C J Chou, C C WU, H S Mii, C K Chuang, H Amakawa, G S Burr, Y C Chen 0800h S41A-4413 POSTER On the Limitations of Interstation Distances in Ambient Noise Tomography: Y Luo, Y Yang 0930h PP41E-07 A Southwest Pacific Coral Perspective on ENSO Variability: Precessional Forcing vs. Internal Variability: T M Quinn, J W Partin, K Thirumalai, C R Maupin, M A Vara, C C Shen, F W Taylor 0945h PP41E-08 Glacial to Holocene Hydroclimate of the western Indo-Pacific Warm Pool: M Mohtadi PP41F Moscone West 2010 Thursday0800h Multiproxy Records for Climatic and Oceanic Reconstructions I (joint with A, B, GC, OS) Presiding: Kristine DeLong, Louisiana State University; Grant Harley, University of Southern Mississippi; Emilie Dassie, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory; Jason Polk, Western Kentucky University 0800h PP41F-01 Reconstructing seasonal climate from high-resolution carbon and oxygen isotope measurements across tree rings: B Schubert, H Jahren 0815h PP41F-02 How the Surface Seawater of the South China Sea Exchanged CO2 with the Atmosphere over the Last Glacial Cycle?: T WANG, Z Jian 0830h PP41F-03 A Global View of Deep Ocean Carbonate Ion Concentration Over GlacialInterglacial Cycles and the Effects on Atmospheric pCO2: J Kerr, H Elderfield, R E M Rickaby 0845h PP41F-04 An 800-kyr Record of Global Surface Ocean Оґ18Osw and Implications for Ice Volume-Temperature Coupling: J D Shakun, D W Lea, L E Lisiecki, M E Raymo 0900h PP41F-05 Tropical Atlantic Temperature Seasonality at the End of the Last Interglacial: T Felis, C Giry, D Scholz, G Lohmann, M Pfeiffer, J PГ¤tzold, M KГ¶lling, S R Scheffers 0915h PP41F-06 Reconstructing medieval climate in the tropical North Atlantic with corals from Anegada, British Virgin Islands: K H Kilbourne, Y Y Xu 0930h PP41F-07 Eastern Tropical Pacific Mean State and Variability During the Past 1000 Years: G T Rustic, A Koutavas, T M Marchitto Jr, B K Linsley 0945h PP41F-08 The Climate Continuum in a Global Multi-proxy Temperature Reconstruction Spanning the Common Era: J Wang, J Emile-Geay, D Guillot, A Vaccaro, B Rajaratnam SEISMOLOGY S41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Ambient Seismic Investigations: Oceans, Ice, Environment, and Climate I Posters (joint with OS) Presiding: Anya Reading, University of Tasmania; Keith Koper, University of Utah; Richard Aster, Colorado State University; Victor Tsai, CaltechSeismological Lab 0800h S41A-4407 POSTER Detecting Seismic Activity with a Covariance Matrix Analysis of Data Recorded on Seismic Arrays: L Seydoux, N Shapiro, J de Rosny, F Brenguier 0800h S41A-4408 POSTER Frequency Dependence of Short Period Seismic Noise from Two Decades of Observations at Warramunga Seismic Array (WRA), Australia: M Gal, A M Reading, S P Ellingsen, K D Koper, H Tkalcic, M A Hemer 0800h S41A-4409 POSTER On the Noise Level of the Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation Function and Its Application: Y N Chen, Y Gung, L Y Chiao 0800h S41A-4410 POSTER Toward Understanding Crustal Body Wave Recovery with Ambient Noise Seismic Interferometry Applied to USArray: C R Labedz, D Mikesell, P Poli, G A Prieto 0800h S41A-4414 POSTER Exploration of the Body Wave Phases Generated by Ambient Noise Crosscorrelation: S Li, G Jin, Y J Chen, J B Gaherty 0800h S41A-4415 POSTER Cross-correlations of ambient noise recorded by accelerometers: S E RГЎbade GarcГa, L Ramirez-Guzman 0800h S41A-4416 POSTER Surface wave attenuation from ambient noise correlation: methods and applications to 1D and 2D arrays: J Li, L Zhou, X Song, R L Weaver 0800h S41A-4417 POSTER Impulse Response from Seismic Interferometry and Earthquake Simulations: A Juarez, L Ramirez-Guzman 0800h S41A-4418 POSTER Tracking Paths of Ocean Source Ambient Seismic Noise into, and through, the 3D Earth: A M Reading, M Gal, P E Morse, K D Koper, M A Hemer, N Rawlinson, M Salmon, M De Kool, B L N Kennett 0800h S41A-4419 POSTER Directionality of Ambient Noise on the Juan de Fuca Plate: Implications for Source Locations of the Primary and Secondary Microseism: Y Tian, M H Ritzwoller 0800h S41A-4420 POSTER Microseism Source Direction in Cascadia Using Cross-correlation and Array Coherence: Z Chen, P Gerstoft, P D Bromirski, R Menon 0800h S41A-4421 POSTER A broadband investigation of microseisms and ocean surface gravity waves at the Cascadia array: C Peureux, F Ardhuin, J Berger, W E Farrell, A Rawat 0800h S41A-4422 POSTER The Ocean-Continent Boundary Effect on Seismic Noise Recorded on Land: E Stutzmann, L Gualtieri, Y Capdeville, V Farra, A Mangeney 0800h S41A-4423 POSTER Modeling Seismic Noise Body Waves: E Stutzmann, V Farra, L Gualtieri, M Schimmel, F Ardhuin 0800h S41A-4424 POSTER Infragravity Wave Generation and Reflection Off the Coast at Oregon, USA: J F Neale, N Harmon, M A Srokosz 0800h S41A-4425 POSTER Natural Migration of Scattered Surface Waves from Correlated Ambient Noise: Applications on Long Beach Array and USArray: A AlTheyab, E J Workman, F C Lin, G T Schuster 0800h S41A-4426 POSTER Remote, real-time monitoring of cyclones with microseisms: B G Jo, W D Lee, F A Schwab 0800h S41A-4427 POSTER Tracking Cyclones in the Southwest Indian Ocean with an Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Network: C Davy, G Barruol, F R Fontaine, K Sigloch, E Stutzmann 0800h S41A-4428 POSTER Microseismic sources in North Atlantic Ocean: X Chen, L Wen 0800h S41A-4429 POSTER Secondary microseism generation mechanisms and microseism derived ocean wave parameters, NE Atlantic, West of Ireland: S E Donne, C J Bean, I Lokmer, M Nicolau, M O’Neill 0800h S41A-4430 POSTER Characteristics of body wave microseism observed at northern continental Asia: D H Sheen, S Jung 0800h S41A-4431 POSTER Array Analysis of Microseism Sources in the NE Atlantic: D Craig, C J Bean, A Moni, I Lokmer, S E Donne, M MГ¶llhoff 0800h S41A-4432 POSTER Spatiotemporal variation of ambient noise wavefield in Japan: R Takagi, K Obara 0800h S41A-4433 POSTER Microseisms Generated by the 2010 Typhoon Megi in the Western Pacific Ocean: J Lin, J Lin 0800h S41A-4434 POSTER Characteristic Cryoseismic and Oceanic Waves Associated with Surface Environments at the LГјtzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica : M Kanao 0800h S41A-4435 POSTER Characteristic Surface Processes Between Atmosphere, Cryosphere and Oceanic Environment Inferred from Infrasound Array Observations in LГјtzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica: Y Ishihara, M Kanao, M Y Yamamoto, Y Kakinami, T Murayama, K Okada, S Toda, T Matsushima 0800h S41A-4436 POSTER Automatic detection of iceberg calving events using seismic observations: M L Andersen, T Larsen, G S Hamilton, M Nettles All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:19 AM 0800h S41A-4437 POSTER Tidally modulated seismicity at a major outlet glacier in Greenland: S A Veitch, M Nettles 0800h S41B-4460 POSTER Hydrodynamic Modeling of the Near-Source Environment at a Jointed Site: C M Snelson, C R Bradley, D W Steedman, E Rougier 0800h S41B-4486 POSTER IDC Infrasound technology development: P Mialle, D J Brown, R Le Bras, M J C Charbit, J W Given 0800h S41A-4438 POSTER Seasonal changes in H/V spectral ratio at high-latitude seismic stations: R F Lee, R E Abbott, H A Knox, A Pancha 0800h S41B-4461 POSTER Large-N Over the Source Physics Experiment (SPE) Phase I and Phase II Test Beds: C M Snelson, J D Carmichael, R J Mellors, R E Abbott 0800h S41B-4487 POSTER Seismo-acoustic Signals Recorded at KSIAR, the Infrasound Array Installed at PS31: T S Kim, I Y Che, J S Jeon, H C Chi, I B Kang 0800h S41B-4462 POSTER Regional Attenuation of Southern Nevada Using Multiphase Inversion: M L Pyle, W R Walter, M Pasyanos 0800h S41B-4488 POSTER Observation and Modeling of Infrasound Signals Generated By Rocket Motor Tests and Rocket Motor Demolitions in the Western US: J Park, C Hayward, B W Stump 0800h S41A-4439 POSTER Shear velocity of the Rotokawa geothermal field using ambient noise: F Civilini, M K Savage, J Townend 0800h S41A-4440 POSTER 4-D monitoring of the Solfatara crater (Italy) by ambient noise tomography: M Pilz, H Woith, S Parolai, G Festa 0800h S41A-4441 POSTER Seismologically determined bedload flux during the typhoon season: W A Chao, Y M Wu, L Zhao, C H Chen, V C Tsai 0800h S41A-4442 POSTER Seismic Energy From Waterfalls in Yellowstone National Park: E J Workman, K D Koper, R Burlacu, F C Lin 0800h S41A-4443 POSTER Weather-related Ground Motions Recorded by Taiwan Broadband Seismic Network Stations: C F Yang, W C Chi 0800h S41A-4444 POSTER Microseisms from the Great Salt Lake: K J Goddard, K D Koper, V Burlacu 0800h S41A-4445 POSTER Acoustic investigations of lakes as justification for the optimal location of core sampling: P Krylov, D Nourgaliev, P Yasonov, D Kuzin 0800h S41A-4446 POSTER The Anthropogenic Ambient Noise Field: Tracking Cars, Trains and Planes Seismically: N Riahi, P Gerstoft 0800h S41A-4447 POSTER Seismic Interferometry of Cultural Noise: Body Waves Extracted from Auto and Train Traffic: D A Quiros, L D Brown, D Kim 0800h S41A-4448 POSTER P diving wave tomography using ambient noise recorded at Long Beach: N Nakata, J P Chang, J F Lawrence 0800h S41A-4449 POSTER Illumination of Geology and Recent Tectonic History in Idaho and Oregon from Persistent Scattering Extracted from Ambient Noise: M P Panning, R M Russo, P M Bremner, S Hongsresawat, V I Mocanu, A C Stanciu, M E Torpey, J C VanDecar 0800h S41A-4450 POSTER Using Ambient Noise Data from the ALBACORE OBS Array to Determine a 3D Seismic Velocity Model Offshore Southern California: M D Kohler, D C Bowden, V C Tsai, D S Weeraratne 0800h S41A-4451 POSTER Variation of Crustal Shear Velocity Structure Along the Eastern Lau Back-Arc Spreading Center Constrained By Seafloor Compliance: Y Zha, S C Webb, R A Dunn 0800h S41A-4452 POSTER Shear Velocity Structure of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle across the Mariana Trench from Ambient Seismic Noise: C Cai, D A Wiens, D Lizarralde 0800h S41A-4453 POSTER Broadband ocean bottom seismometer in the Gulf of Cadiz (offshore SW Iberia and NW of Moroccan margin): Characterization of ambient noise and tomographic model of the crustal structure. : C J Corela, G M Silveira, L M Matias, W H Geissler, M Schimmel 0800h S41A-4454 POSTER Temporal Changes in S-Wave Velocity at Different Depths Near Parkfield, CA: C Wu, A A Delorey, F Brenguier, R A Guyer, J S Gomberg, P A Johnson 0800h S41A-4455 POSTER Ground Motion Prediction of Subduction Earthquakes using the Onshore-Offshore Ambient Seismic Field: L Viens, H Miyake, K Koketsu 0800h S41A-4457 POSTER Martian Ambient Seismic Noise: from the first modeling to the future data of the InSight Seismic experiment: P H Lognonne, W B Banerdt, D Mimoun, N Kobayashi, M P Panning, W T Pike, D Giardini, U R Christensen, Y Nishikawa, N Murdoch, T Kawamura, S Kedar, A Spiga S41B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Geophysics for National Security Needs I Posters (joint with NS, T) Presiding: Catherine Snelson, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Jessie Bonner, Weston Geophysical; Robert Mellors, LLNL L-046 0800h S41B-4458 POSTER Locating the Origin of Scattered Waves By Simulating Time Reversal of the Seismic Wavefield: S C Myers, A Pitarka, B Sjogreen, A Petersson, N A Simmons, G Johannesson 0800h S41B-4459 POSTER On the Transportability of Ms Versus Yield Relationships: H J Patton, G E Randall 0800h S41B-4463 POSTER Comparative study of large scale simulation of underground explosions inalluvium and in fractured granite using stochastic characterization: O Vorobiev, S M Ezzedine, T Antoun, L Glenn 0830h S41D-03 Imaging Rayleigh Wave Attenuation and Phase Velocity beneath North America with USArray: X Bao, C A Dalton, G Jin, J B Gaherty 0845h S41D-04 Why Ignoring Anisotropy When Imaging Subduction Zones Could be a Bad Idea: M J Bezada, M Faccenda, D R Toomey, E Humphreys 0900h S41D-05 Constraints on the Thermal and Compositional Nature of the Oceanic LithosphereAsthenosphere Boundary from Seismic Anisotropy: C Beghein, K Yuan, N C Schmerr, Z Xing 0800h S41B-4464 POSTER Shallow Refraction and Rg Analysis at the Source Physics Experiment Site: C A Rowe, J D Carmichael, H J Patton, C M Snelson, D D Coblentz, C S Larmat, X Yang 0800h S41B-4491 POSTER Imaging the Subsurface with Upgoing Muons: N Bonal, L A Preston, D Schwellenbach, W Dreesen, A Green 0915h S41D-06 Global Radially Anisotropic WholeMantle Structure from Multiple Datasets: A M Ferreira, S J Chang, J Ritsema, H J van Heijst, J H Woodhouse 0800h S41B-4465 POSTER The Use of Signal Dimensionality for Automatic QC of Seismic Array Data: C A Rowe, R J Stead, M L Begnaud, D Draganov, M Maceira, M Gomez S41C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h 0930h S41D-07 Full Waveform Inverted Models Are Homogenized Models: Y Capdeville, E Stutzmann, J P Montagner Science and Societal Lessons from a Decade of Giant Megathrust Earthquakes I Posters (joint with G, NH, SI, T) 0945h S41D-08 Interpreting Radial Anisotropy in Global and Regional Tomographic Models: T Bodin, Y Capdeville, B A Romanowicz, J P Montagner 0800h S41B-4466 POSTER Small Arrays for Seismic Intruder Detections: A Simulation Based Experiment: A Pitarka 0800h S41B-4467 POSTER Modeling the Combined Effects of Deterministic and Statistical Structure for Optimization of Regional Monitoring: C J Sanborn, M Fitzpatrick, S Walsh, V F Cormier, N Mistry Presiding: Andrew Newman, Georgia Tech; Lujia Feng, Earth Observatory of Singapore; Jamie McCaughey, Earth Observatory of Singapore; Aron Meltzner, Earth Observatory of Singapore 0800h S41B-4468 POSTER Implementation and Testing of an Improved Mathematical Framework for the Bayesian Infrasonic Source Localization Method: P S Blom, S Arrowsmith, O E Marcillo 0800h S41C-4492 POSTER Determination of source process and the tsunami simulation of the 2013 Santa Cruz earthquake: S C Park, J W Lee, E Park, S Kim 0800h S41B-4469 POSTER Blind Source Separation in CTBTO Expert Technical Analysis Procedures: M Rozhkov, I Kitov 0800h S41B-4470 POSTER Threshold Monitoring Maps for Under-Water Explosions: N S Arora 0800h S41B-4471 POSTER Seismic Source Characterization of Small-Scale Contained Explosions Utilizing Near-Source Empirical Data: M D MacPhail, B W Stump 0800h S41B-4472 POSTER Regional Moment Tensor Source-Type Discrimination Sensitivity Analysis: A Chiang, D S Dreger, S R Ford, A Pitarka 0800h S41B-4473 POSTER Explosion-Earthquake Discrimination at Local Distances: C T O’Rourke, G E Baker, A F Sheehan, S H Harder 0800h S41B-4474 POSTER Extending SALSA3D: Adding Secondary Phases to a Global 3D P-Velocity Model for Improved Seismic Event Location: M L Begnaud, S Ballard, C J Young, J R Hipp, A V Encarnacao, M Maceira, W S Phillips, E P Chael, C A Rowe 0800h S41B-4475 POSTER Depth Estimation of Earthquakes in Southwest Asia using Back Projection of Multiple Seismic Phases: G G Euler, H E Hartse, G E Randall 0800h S41B-4476 POSTER Region-Specific Pn Geometric-Spreading Models for Eurasia: X Yang, W S Phillips 0800h S41B-4477 POSTER Wenchuan Event Detection And Localization Using Waveform Correlation Coupled With Double Difference: M Slinkard, S Heck, D P Schaff, C J Young, P G Richards 0800h S41B-4478 POSTER Lg-Wave Cross Correlation and Epicentral Double-Difference Relative Locations in China: D P Schaff, P G Richards, M Slinkard, S Heck, C J Young 0800h S41B-4479 POSTER Numerical Simulations of Surface Topography Effects on Shallow Explosion Ground Motions with Applications to S-Wave Generation and North Korean Nuclear Tests: A J Rodgers, T Lay 0800h S41B-4480 POSTER Upper mantle and crustal P-wave attenuation beneath the North Korea region: M Cleveland, G E Randall, H J Patton, W S Phillips 0800h S41C-4493 POSTER Excitation of Tsunami By Horizontal Motion in Subduction Zones and Its Impact on Earthquake Source Inversions: Q Bletery, L Matteo, A Sladen, B Delouis 0800h S41C-4494 POSTER Bayesian TsunamiWaveform Inversion and Tsunami-Source Uncertainty Estimation for the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake: J Dettmer, M J Hossen, P R Cummins 0800h S41C-4495 POSTER Advanced Real-time Monitoring System and Simulation Researches for Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Japan -Towards Disaster Mitigation on Earthquakes and Tsunamis-: M Hyodo, Y Kaneda, N Takahashi, T Baba, T Hori, K Kawaguchi, E Araki, H Matsumoto, T Nakamura, S Kamiya, K Ariyoshi, M Nakano, J K Choi, S Nishida 0800h S41C-4496 POSTER Imaging and Understanding Foreshock and Aftershock Behavior Around the 2014 Iquique, Northern Chile, Earthquake: H Yang, X Meng, Z Peng, A V Newman, S Hu, A Williamson 0800h S41C-4497 POSTER Outer-rise stress regime post 2004 mega-thrust rupture: Constraints from source process of selected Sumatra – Andaman outer-rise earthquakes: A Earnest, S K 0800h S41C-4498 POSTER The 2008 MВw 7.2 North Pagai Earthquake Sequence and its Relationship to Ruptured and Unruptured Parts of the Mentawai Patch: R Salman, E M Hill, S Barbot, L Feng, P Banerjee, I Hermawan, D H Natawidjaja, B W Suwargadi, K Sieh 0800h S41C-4499 POSTER Seismic Cycle Observations of the Lesser Antilles Megathrust Based on Coral Microatolls: B Philibosian, N Feuillet, E Jacques, J Weil Accardo, A S B Meriaux, A Guihou, A Anglade 0800h S41C-4500 POSTER A record of brittle wedge internal deformation and its link to the subduction earthquake cycle: A Dielforder, A Berger, M Herwegh 0800h S41C-4501 POSTER A secondary zone of uplift caused by megathrust earthquakes: Insights from seismo-thermo-mechanical models and geodetic data: L E Preiswerk, Y van Dinther, T Gerya S41D Moscone South 305 Thursday0800h 0800h S41B-4482 POSTER A Study of Regional Wave Source Time Functions of Central Asian Earthquakes: J Xie, M R Perry, F R Schult, J Wood Imaging the Earth VII from Data to Processes When Imaging Anisotropy and Attenuation (joint with DI, T) 0800h S41B-4483 POSTER Investigation of an unusually shallow earthquake sequence in Mogul, NV from a discrimination perspective: I M Tibuleac, J G Anderson, G P Biasi, D H von Seggern, M D Ramos Jr Presiding: Monica Maceira, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Carene Larmat, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Andreas Fichtner, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich; Paula Koelemeijer, University of Cambridge 0800h S41B-4484 POSTER Characterization of S-waves Generated from Aboveground and Underground Explosions in Alluvium: J L Bonner, V Napoli, R Reinke 0800h S41B-4485 POSTER Effect of Velocity of Detonation of Explosives on Seismic Radiation: A F Stroujkova, M Leidig, J L Bonner All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 23 0800h S41B-4489 POSTER Determination and Statistical Analysis of Infrasound Sources Near Socorro, New Mexico: T Larson, J M Lees, D C Bowman, K R Jones 0815h S41D-02 Attenuation and Velocity Structure in Spain and Morocco: Distinguishing Between Water, Temperature, and Partial Melt: M J Bezada, E Humphreys 0800h S41D-01 Lg Attenuation of the Western United States: A C Gallegos, N R Ranasinghe, J Ni, E A Sandvol THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER S41E Moscone South 303 Thursday0800h Seismology Contributions: Earthquake Ground Motions and Engineering Seismology II Presiding: Victor Tsai, CaltechSeismological Lab; Carl Tape, University of Alaska Fairbanks 0800h S41E-01 Broadband Ground Motion Simulation Recipe for Scenario Hazard Assessment in Japan: K Koketsu, H Fujiwara, K Irikura 0815h S41E-02 Imaging Ground Motions in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Based on MeSO-net Using Lasso: S Mizusako, H Nagao, M Kano, K Hirose, M Hori 0830h S41E-03 Long-period Ground Motion Simulation in the Osaka Basin during the 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake: T Iwata, H Kubo, K Asano, K Sato, S Aoi 0845h S41E-04 Ground Motion Prediction Atop Geometrically Complex Sedimentary Basins - The Dead Sea Basin: S Shani-Kadmiel, M Tsesarsky, J N Louie, Z Gvirtzman 0900h S41E-05 The Effect of Topography on the Seismic Wavefield: U Cahayani, C Tape 0915h S41E-06 Unique Amplification Patterns Generated by Models of Small-scale Crustal Heterogeneities: W H Savran, K B Olsen, B H Jacobsen 0930h S41E-07 GPS-seismograms reveal amplified shaking in California’s San Joaquin Delta region: I A Johanson 0945h S41E-08 Regional-specific Stochastic Simulation of Spatially-distributed Ground-motion Time Histories using Wavelet Packet Analysis: D Huang, G Wang SPA-AERONOMY SA41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Chemistry and Dynamics of the Meosphere and Lower Thermosphere of Earth and Other Planets II Posters (joint with A, P, SH) Presiding: Diego Janches, NASA/GSFC; Richard Collins, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Michael Taylor, Utah State Univ 0800h SA41A-4042 POSTER Observations of Thermospheric Na Layers up to 170 Km at Lijiang (26.7 N, 100.0 E): Q Gao, X Chu, X Xue, X Dou 0800h SA41A-4043 POSTER Meteor Smoke Particles in the D-Region Ionosphere - Implications from the Sic Model on Ions and Other Neutrals: C Baumann, M Rapp, P T Verronen, C F T Enell, A Kero 0800h SA41A-4044 POSTER Development of a Sodium Lidar for Space-Borne Missions: D Janches, M A Krainak, A W Yu, S Jones, B Blagojevic, J R Chen, X Chu 0800h SA41A-4045 POSTER The Overturning Structure of Sodium Layer in Lower-thermospheric Region and Its Relevance to Ionospheric Field Align Irregularity (FAI) and Gravity Waves: X Xue, X Dou 2014 23 11/28/2014 11:06:19 AM 0800h SA41A-4046 POSTER Interferometric radar observation of fast moving meteor trails in strong electric field: Y Lee, S Kirkwood, Y S Kwak 0800h SA41B-4066 POSTER Supporting ITM Missions by Observing System Simulation Experiments: Initial Design, Challenges and Perspectives: V A Yudin, S England, T Matsuo, H Wang, T J Immel, R Eastes, R A Akmaev, L P Goncharenko, T J Fuller-Rowell, H Liu, S C Solomon, Q Wu 0820h SA41D-02 Meteor Trails in the Lower Thermosphere: What Do Large Radars Really Detect?: M M Oppenheim, Y S Dimant 0800h SA41B-4067 POSTER Study of Ionospheric Storms Using Global Assimilative Ionospheric Models: X Pi, M Butala, A J Mannucci, B D Wilson, A Komjathy, C Wang, G Rosen, R W Schunk, L Scherliess, V Eccles, L C Gardner, J J Sojka, L Zhu 0850h SA41D-04 The Relative Roles of Dynamics and Energetic Particle Precipitation in Driving Variability of High-Latitude Mesospheric NOx: D R Marsh, M A Clilverd, D E Kinnison, C J Rodger, P T Verronen 0800h SA41A-4049 POSTER Influence of Sporadic E layers on Mesospheric Na and Fe Layers over Arecibo: S Raizada, C A Tepley, Q Zhou, S Sarkhel, J D Mathews, N Aponte, R Kerr 0800h SA41B-4068 POSTER A Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Data Assimilation Method Tailored to the Inner Radiation Belt: T B Guild, T P O’Brien III, J E Mazur 0800h SA41A-4050 POSTER Observational Evidence for Temporary Planetary-Wave Forcing of the MLT during Fall Equinox: N H Stray, R de Wit, P J Espy, R E Hibbins 0800h SA41B-4069 POSTER Kalman filtering and smoothing of radiation belt observations on the basis of model and measurement error identification: T Podladchikova, Y Shprits, A C Kellerman, D A Kondrashov 0910h SA41D-05 Effects of Two Large Solar Energetic Particle Events on Middle Atmosphere Nighttime Odd Hydrogen and Ozone Content: O P Verkhoglyadova, M Butala, S Wang, M G Mlynczak, L A Hunt, G P Zank 0925h SA41D-06 Updated Chemical, Radiative, and Transport Properties of Thermospheric Odd Nitrogen: J D Yonker, K Venkataramani, S M Bailey, W Wang, S C Solomon, C E Randall 0800h SA41B-4070 POSTER A novel data assimilation model for the plasmasphere: R Nikoukar, G S Bust, D Murr 0940h SA41D-07 Non-LTE Diagnostics of the IR Observations of Planetary Atmospheres: A A Kutepov, A Feofilov, L Rezac SA41C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h SPA-SOLAR AND HELIOSPHERIC PHYSICS 0800h SA41A-4047 POSTER First Observation of the Altitude Distribution of Atomic Potassium Dayglow in the MLT: W F Evans, S Budzein, E J Llewellyn 0800h SA41A-4048 POSTER Recent Progress in Understanding the Sodium Nightglow D2/D1 Ratio, and Future Prospects for Measuring the Mesopause [O]/[O2] Ratio: C Y She, J M C Plane, T Yuan 0800h SA41A-4051 POSTER Heat and Constituent Flux due to Dissipating Gravity Waves and Turbulence over the Andes Lidar Observatory: Y Guo, A Z Liu, C S Gardner 0800h SA41A-4052 POSTER Sodium lidar observed gravity wave breaking event and its associated significant sodium sporadic layer: C Ban, T Li, X Fang, X Dou, J Xiong, J M Russell III, Q Wu 0800h SA41A-4053 POSTER Roles played by electric field, vertical wind and aurora in the source, formation and evolution of thermospheric Fe/Fe+ layers at high latitudes: Z Yu, X Chu 0800h SA41A-4054 POSTER Observations of mesospheric nitric oxide and ozone variability above Halley station, Antarctica: D Newnham, M A Clilverd, R B Horne, C J Rodger, A SeppГ¤lГ¤, P T Verronen, M E Andersson, D R Marsh, T Kovacs, J M C Plane 0800h SA41A-4055 POSTER OASIS, Observatory for Atmosphere Space Interaction Studies: G R Swenson, J P Thayer, C S Gardner 0800h SA41A-4056 POSTER Direct measurements of vertical heat flux and Na flux in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere by lidar at Boulder (40В°N, 105В°W), Colorado: W Huang, X Chu, C S Gardner, I F Barry, J A Smith, W Fong, Z Yu, C Chen 0800h SA41A-4057 POSTER Mountain Wave Climatology at Cerro PachГіn, Chile, from All Sky Imager Analysis: J Aguilar Guerrero, A Z Liu, F Vargas, G R Swenson, A D Mangognia 0800h SA41A-4058 POSTER Contributions of the Higher Vibrational Levels of Nitric Oxide to the Radiative Cooling of the Thermosphere: K Venkataramani, J D Yonker, S M Bailey 0800h SA41A-4059 POSTER The Energy Budget of the Mesosphere Derived from SABER: L A Hunt, M G Mlynczak, C J Mertens, B T Marshall, J M Russell III 0800h SA41A-4060 POSTER Global Distribution of Atomic Oxygen in the Mesopause Region as Derived from SCIAMACHY O(1S) Green Line Measurements: M Kaufmann, Y Zhu, M Ern, J Ungermann, M Riese SA41B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Data Assimilation for Space Physics and Aeronomy I Posters (joint with SH, SM) Presiding: W Kent Tobiska, Space Environment Technologies; Tomoko Matsuo, University of Colorado; Humberto Godinez, Los Alamos National Lab 0800h SA41B-4061 POSTER A Multimodel Ensemble Data Assimilation Approach to Specify Ionospheric Weather: L Scherliess, R W Schunk, L C Gardner, L Zhu, V Eccles, J J Sojka, X Pi, M D Butala, A J Mannucci, B D Wilson, A Komjathy, C Wang, G Rosen 0800h SA41B-4062 POSTER Towards forecasting IRTAM: patterns in foF2/hmF2 global assimilative maps during storm events: A Vesnin, I A Galkin, D Bilitza, B W Reinisch 0800h SA41B-4063 POSTER Global High-Latitude Conductivity Modeling: New Data and Improved Methods: R M McGranaghan, D J Knipp, T Matsuo, H C Godinez 0800h SA41B-4064 POSTER Specification of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere Environment Using Ensemble Kalman Filter with Orthogonal Transformations : H C Godinez, E C Lawrence, D M Higdon, A C Walker, R Linares, A J Ridley, J Koller, A V Klimenko 0800h SA41B-4065 POSTER Climatological Upper Atmospheric Data Assimilation from Multiple Missions and Instruments: D P Drob, D E Siskind 24 AGU2014News.indb 24 2014 Upper Atmospheric Research through Ground-Based Networked Instrumentation II Posters (joint with A, AE, SM) Presiding: Asti Bhatt, SRI International; Elizabeth Kendall, SRI International 0800h SA41C-4071 POSTER Ionospheric Response to the 2009 Sudden Stratospheric Warming over the Equatorial, Low- and Mid-Latitudes in American Sector: P R Fagundes, L P Goncharenko, A J de Abreu, M Gende, R de Jesus, M Pezzopane, V Kavutarapu, A J Coster, V G Pillat 0800h SA41C-4072 POSTER New results on the midnight temperature maximum with the NATION Fabry-Perot network for the central eastern continental US: R Mesquita, J W Meriwether, S Sanders, J J Makela, D J Fisher, B J Harding, A J Ridley, G D Earle, N A Frissell, M Ciocca, M Castelaz 0800h SA41C-4073 POSTER Global Ionosphere Radio Observatory: I A Galkin, B W Reinisch, X A Huang 0800h SA41C-4074 POSTER Eastward Propagating Auroral Vortices Observed in the Post-Midnight Sector: Y Tanaka, Y Ogawa, A Kadokura, B Gustavsson, N Partamies, D K Whiter, U Brandstrom, C F T Enell, H Miyaoka, A Kozlovsky 0800h SA41C-4075 POSTER Characteristics of longterm variation in the amlitude of the geomagnetic solar quiet (Sq) daily variation using the Interuniversity Upper atmosphere Gobal Observation NETwork (IUGONET) data analysis system: A Shinbori, Y Koyama, M Nose, T Hori, Y Otsuka, A I Yatagai 0800h SA41C-4076 POSTER Convection Electric Field Patterns for Quiet and Disturbed Periods: S G Shepherd, E D P Cousins 0800h SA41C-4077 POSTER Results From A Network of Optical Imagers in The Western United States: A Bhatt, E A Kendall 0800h SA41C-4078 POSTER A Lidar for the Region from the Stratosphere to the Thermosphere: V B Wickwar, L Sox, D L Barton, J P Herron, M T Emerick 0800h SA41C-4079 POSTER Superposed Epoch Analysis of GPS Total Electron Content Variations Driven by Geomagnetic Storms: E G Thomas, J B H Baker, J M Ruohoniemi, A J Coster 0800h SA41C-4080 POSTER Flare response to the thermospheric diurnal neutral wind measured by the OMTIs’ Fabry-Perot Interferometers: A I Yatagai, K Shiokawa SA41D Moscone West 2016 Thursday0800h Chemistry and Dynamics of the Meosphere and Lower Thermosphere of Earth and Other Planets I (joint with A, P, SH) Presiding: Diego Janches, NASA/GSFC; Richard Collins, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Michael Taylor, Utah State Univ 0800h SA41D-01 On the Size of the Cosmic Dust Input to the Earth’s Atmosphere: J M C Plane, W Feng, J D Carrillo-SГЎnchez, D Janches, D Nesvorny, C S Gardner, D R Marsh THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0835h SA41D-03 Laboratory Micrometeroid/Dust Ablation Studies: E Thomas, M Horanyi, D Janches, T L Munsat, J M C Plane, J Simolka, Z Sternovsky SH41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Implications and Applications of Kappa Distributions in Space Plasma Physics I Posters (joint with NG, SA, SM) 0800h SH41A-4128 POSTER Numerical simulations of self-consistently generated Оє distributions in the solar wind and solar corona: B M Randol, E R Christian 0800h SH41A-4129 POSTER On a few properties of very dilute matter frozen in space magnetic fields: D B Berdichevsky, K Schefers SH41B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Linking the Solar Interior with the Corona: Observations, Models, and Data Assimilation I Posters Presiding: Junwei Zhao, Stanford University; Nagi Mansour, NASA Ames Research Center; Irina Kitiashvili, NASA Ames Research Center; Mausumi Dikpati, NCAR 0800h SH41B-4130 POSTER Quantifying Photospheric Processes Using a New Pixel Dynamics Model: A Rasca, J Chen, A A Pevtsov 0800h SH41B-4131 POSTER Magnetic Flux Concentrations in Stratified Turbulent Plasma Due to Negative Effective Magnetic Pressure Instability: S Jabbari, A Brandenburg 0800h SH41B-4132 POSTER Three Dimensional Chromospheric Temperature Structure of Sunspot: D P Choudhary, C Beck, R Rezaei 0800h SH41B-4133 POSTER Do New Solar Active Regions Trigger Flares in Existing Regions?: Y Fu, B T Welsch Presiding: George Livadiotis, Southwest Research Institute; Ioannis Kourakis, Centre for Plasma Physics; Jacob Heerikhuisen, U of AL/Huntsville-CSPAR 0800h SH41B-4134 POSTER Realistic Modeling of Multi-Scale MHD Dynamics of the Solar Atmosphere : I Kitiashvili, N N Mansour, A A Wray, S Yoon, A G Kosovichev 0800h SH41A-4114 POSTER Foundations of Statistical Mechanics in Space Plasmas: G Livadiotis 0800h SH41B-4135 POSTER Improving Synchronic Maps with Far-Side Active Region Emergence: L Upton, D H Hathaway 0800h SH41A-4115 POSTER Implication of Kappa models in realistic parameterization of the kinetic anisotropy and the resulting instabilities in space plasmas: V Pierrard, S Poedts, M Lazar 0800h SH41A-4116 POSTER Modelling of Electrostatic Solitary Waves and Shocks in NonMaxwellian Plasmas: A Review of Recent Results: I Kourakis, G Williams, S Sultana, M Hellberg 0800h SH41A-4117 POSTER Whistler Cyclotron Electromagnetic Fluctuations in a Maxwellian and Tsallis-kappa-like Plasma : A F Vinas, P S Moya, R Navarro, J A Araneda 0800h SH41A-4118 POSTER Whistler-cyclotron spontaneous fluctuations as a proxy to identify thermal and non-thermal electrons in the solar wind: P S Moya, A F Vinas, R Navarro, J A Araneda 0800h SH41A-4119 POSTER Magnetic AlfvГ©nCyclotron Fluctuations of Anisotropic NonThermal Plasmas: R Navarro, V Munoz, J A Araneda, A F Vinas, P S Moya, J A Valdivia 0800h SH43C-05 POSTER Tsallis Distributions and the q-Triplet of the Magnetic Field in the Heliosheath : L F Burlaga 0800h SH41A-4121 POSTER Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere with a Kappa-Maxwellian Proton Distribution: S Singh, H Sugiyama, Y Omura, M Shoji, D Nunn, D Summers 0800h SH41A-4122 POSTER Ion-Acoustic DoubleLayers in Plasmas with Nonthermal Electrons: L A Rios, R M O GalvГЈo 0800h SH41A-4123 POSTER On the Ordinary mode Instability for Non-Extensive Anisotropic Distribution: M F Bashir, P H Yoon, G Murtaza 0800h SH41A-4124 POSTER Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the Out-of-Equilibrium Plasma of the Inner and Outer Heliosheath Regions: P C Frisch, M A Dayeh, M I Desai, H O Funsten, J Heerikhuisen, P H Janzen, D J McComas, G Livadiotis, K Ogasawara, N V Pogorelov, D B Reisenfeld, N Schwadron, J D Slavin, G P Zank 0800h SH41A-4125 POSTER How Do Оє-Distributed Protons in the Heliosheath Affect Energetic Neutral Atoms: J Heerikhuisen, E J Zirnstein, N V Pogorelov 0800h SH41A-4126 POSTER Suprathermal Tails in the Solar Wind and at Interplanetary Discontinuities: H Kucharek, M Popecki, C J Farrugia, A B Galvin, B Klecker 0800h SH41A-4127 POSTER Suprathermal Ion Acceleration in Multiple Contracting and Reconnecting Inertial-scale Flux Ropes in the Supersonic Solar Wind: J A le Roux, G P Zank, G M Webb 0800h SH41B-4136 POSTER Morphological model for quadrupolar Оґ sunspots: K Takizawa, R Kitai 0800h SH41B-4137 POSTER Current and Kinetic Helicity of Long-Lived Activity Complexes: R Komm, S Gosain 0800h SH41B-4138 POSTER Detection of FastMoving Waves Propagating from Penumbra to Outside of Sunspots in the Photosphere: J Zhao, R Chen, T Hartlep 0800h SH41B-4139 POSTER Temporal Evolution of Solar Interior Meridional Flow: J Zhao, R S Bogart, R Chen 0800h SH41B-4140 POSTER Measuring deep solar meridional flow by a new strategy: R Chen, J Zhao 0800h SH41B-4142 POSTER Importance of Solar Atmospheric Coupling on P-Mode Power within Magnetic Elements: A Gascoyne, R Jain 0800h SH41B-4143 POSTER Measuring the Solar Meridional Circulation Using Local Helioseismology: B Greer, B Hindman, J Toomre 0800h SH41B-4144 POSTER Coronal Dynamics at Recent Total Solar Eclipses: J M Pasachoff, M Lu, A B Davis, M Demianski, V Rusin, M Saniga, D B Seaton, R Lucas, B A Babcock, R Dantowitz, P Gaintatzis, C H Seeger, C Malamut, A Steele 0800h SH41B-4145 POSTER Heartbeat Of the Sun Derived With PCA From Solar Background Magnetic Field And Its Use For Prediction Of the Solar Activity: V V Zharkova, S Shepherd, H Popova, S Zharkov 0800h SH41B-4146 POSTER Coupling and Correlation-analysis Between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres’ Solar Cycle Features based on Sunspot Area Data: W N Wilson, M Dikpati 0800h SH41B-4147 POSTER Improving Solar Cycle Prediction Using Variational Data Assimilation in a Mean-Field Dynamo Model: A Fournier, C P Hung, L Jouve, S Brun 0800h SH41B-4148 POSTER Extrapolating Solar Dynamo Models Throughout the Heliosphere: B T Cox, M S Miesch, K Augustson, N A Featherstone 0800h SH41B-4149 POSTER Reconstructing meridional flow speed variation from synthetic magnetic observations by using EnKF data assimilation: M Dikpati, J L Anderson 0800h SH41B-4150 POSTER Large-scale flows and magnetic fields in solar-like stars from global simulation with and without tachocline: G Guerrero, A G Kosovichev, P K Smolarkiewicz, E M de Gouveia Dal Pino 0800h SH41B-4151 POSTER A Babcock-Leighton solar dynamo model with multi-cellular meridional circulation in advection- and diffusion-dominated regimes: B Belucz, M Dikpati, E Forgacs-Dajka All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:19 AM SH41C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Solar Physics with Subarcsecond Resolution II Posters Presiding: Alexander Kosovichev, Stanford Univ; Alexandra Tritschler, National Solar Observatory; Valentin Pillet, National Solar Observatory 0800h SH41C-4152 POSTER Dynamical behaviour of photospheric bright points during merging: S Criscuoli, M Stangalini, I Ermolli, F Zuccarello, A Cristaldi, M Falco, S Guglielmino, F Giorgi 0800h SH41C-4153 POSTER Observation of 201102-15 X2.2 Flare in Hard X-Ray and Microwave: N Kuroda, H Wang, D E Gary 0800h SH41C-4154 POSTER An Automatic Image Reconstruction Procedure for the De-Saturation of SDO/AIA Images: R A Schwartz, G Torre, M Piana, F Benvenuto, A M Massone 0800h SH41C-4155 POSTER The VAULT2.0 Observing Campaign: A Comprehensive Investigation of the Chromosphere-Corona Interface at Sub-arcsecond scales: A Vourlidas, C Korendyke, S D Tun-Beltran, I Ugarte-Urra, J S Morrill, H P Warren, P Young, B De Pontieu, G Gauzzi, K Reardon 0800h SH41C-4156 POSTER RHESSI/SAS Observations of the Optical Solar Limb Over a Full Solar Cycle: M D Fivian, H S Hudson 0800h SH41C-4157 POSTER Microarsecond Solar Limb Astrometry from Space: J R Kuhn, I Cunnyngham, R I Bush, M Emilio, I F Scholl 0800h SH41C-4158 POSTER On Formation Of HXR, Hydrogen, White Light Emission and Sunquakes in Hydrodynamic Flaring Atmospheres Heated by Particle Beams : R Dobranskis, V V Zharkova, S Zharkov, M Druett 0800h SH41C-4159 POSTER Swirling motions, fast plasma flows and small-scale chromospheric eruptions in a sunspot light-bridge: S Vargas DomГnguez, A G Kosovichev 0947h SH41D-09 Cycle-to-Cycle Variations in the Properties of Solar Energetic Particle Events: R A Mewaldt, C M Cohen, G M Mason, T T von Rosenvinge, A Vourlidas 0800h SM41A-4236 POSTER Interaction Between Oblique Whistlers and Reflected Ions in a Supercritical Quasiperpendicular Shock: Evidences from Themis: L Muschietti, A J Hull SPA-MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS 0800h SM41A-4237 POSTER Microinstabilities from the Ion Inertia Length to the Electron Gyroradius Due to Reflected Ions in the Front of Supercritical Perpendicular Shocks: L Muschietti, B Lembege SM41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Bow Shock, Magnetosheath, and Magnetopause Processes I Posters (joint with P) Presiding: Brian Walsh, University of California Berkeley; Olga Gutynska, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Nojan Omidi, Solana Scientific Inc.; Kyoung-Joo Hwang, NASA GSFC 0800h SM41A-4219 POSTER Identification of higher frequency plasma waves inside a Kelvin-Helmholtz vortex responsible for plasma heating and mixing: T Moore, K Nykyri, A P Dimmock 0800h SM41A-4220 POSTER The role of KelvinHelmholtz waves in the dynamics of the dayside magnetopause and the inner magnetosphere: K J Hwang, D G Sibeck, M L Goldstein, T Nishimura, E Donovan, E Spanswick 0800h SM41A-4221 POSTER Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at the Magnetopause under Different Solar Wind Conditions: 3D Global MHD Simulations and Statistical Study: C Wang, W Y Li, D Lin, X C Guo 0800h SM41A-4222 POSTER Earth’s Magnetosphere 3D Simulation by Coupling Particle-In-Cell and Magnetohydrodynamics Models: Parametric Study: S M Baraka, L B Ben-Jaffel 0800h SM41A-4223 POSTER Microscale dynamics within Kelvin-Helmholtz waves: A probe of localized reconnection occurrence: A Varsani, C J Owen, A N Fazakerley, J Rae, C Forsyth, A P Walsh, M Andre, I Dandouras, C Carr 0800h SM41A-4238 POSTER Nonlinear Langmuir Wave Interactions inside the Foreshock of Saturn Observed By the Cassini Spacecraft: D Pisa, G B Hospodarsky, W S Kurth, D A Gurnett, O Santolik, J Soucek 0800h SM41A-4239 POSTER The Very High AlfvГ©n Mach Number Bow Shock of Saturn: A Sulaiman, A Masters, M K Dougherty 0800h SM41A-4240 POSTER Plasma clouds/jets transport across transverse magnetic barriers through three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations: G Voitcu, M Echim, J F Lemaire 0800h SM41A-4241 POSTER Kinetic equilibrium for an asymmetric tangential layer with rotation of the magnetic fiel: N Dorville, G Belmont, N Aunai, L Rezeau 0800h SM41A-4242 POSTER Analysis of Bow Shock Oscillations Observed by the Cluster Spacecraft: O Kruparova, M Maksimovic, V Krupar, O Santolik, J Soucek, J Safrankova, Z Nemecek 0800h SM41A-4243 POSTER Comparison of Global 3D Bow Shock Models with Different Controlling Parameters: J Merka, D G Sibeck 0800h SM41A-4246 POSTER Ubiquity of KelvinHelmholtz Waves at Earth’s Magnetopause: S Kavosi, J Raeder 0800h SM41A-4225 POSTER Magnetopause Standoff Position and Its Time-Dependent Response to Solar Wind Conditions: Models and Observations: Y M Collado-Vega, D G Sibeck 0800h SM41A-4248 POSTER Foreshock Significance in Generation of ULF Waves: A Angelo, O Gutynska, D G Sibeck, G J Fasel 0800h SH41C-4164 POSTER Analysis of HighResolution Observations of Sunspot Oscillations and Waves: A G Kosovichev 0800h SM41A-4228 POSTER A Statistical Study of FTE Orientations : A Lynnyk, D G Sibeck, M V Dias Silveira SH41D Moscone West 2012 Thursday0800h 0800h SM41A-4229 POSTER Nonlinear Evolution of the Mirror Instability in the Magnetosheath Using PIC Simulations: N Ahmadi, K Germaschewski, J Raeder Connection of Solar Events with the Variability of Space Environments I (joint with SA, SM) Presiding: Chin-Chun Wu, Naval Research Lab DC; Kan Liou, JHU/Applied Physics Lab 0800h SH41D-01 Origin of the Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Field and Its Effects on the Magnetospheric System: J H Shue 0812h SH41D-02 The Effect of Strong (Dst < -100) Disturbances on Plasmasphere Composition: J Krall 0826h SH41D-03 Space Weather Models - What They Can and Cannot Do: P J MacNeice 0840h SH41D-04 Tracking Coronal Mass Ejections through the Space Environment: D F Webb, T A Howard 0854h SH41D-05 Investigating Plasma Motion of Magnetic Clouds at 1 AU through a Velocitymodified Cylindrical Force-free Flux Rope Model: Y Wang, C Shen, R Liu, Z Zhou 0907h SH41D-06 Extreme Space Weather Events Observed Through the Decades: W F Denig 0921h SH41D-07 Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Large Solar Energetic Particle Events: N Gopalswamy, S Yashiro, S Akiyama, H Xie, P A Makela, N Thakur 0845h SM41B-04 Assessment of GIC Risk Due to Geomagnetic Sudden Commencements and Identification of the Current Systems Responsible : D M Gillies, R A Fiori, D H Boteler 0900h SM41B-05 Solar Wind and IMF Control of Large-Scale Ionospheric Currents and Their Time Variations: L Juusola, K Kauristie, E Tanskanen, N Partamies, A Viljanen, K AndrГ©eovГЎ, M van de Kamp, H VanhamГ¤ki, S E Milan, M Lester, A Grocott, S M Imber 0915h SM41B-06 Local Geomagnetic Indices and the Prediction of Auroral Power: P T Newell, J W Gjerloev 0930h SM41B-07 Dependence of poleward auroral and equatorward motion on substorm current wedge: X Chu, R L McPherron, T S Hsu, V Angelopoulos, Z Pu, Z Yao, H Zhang, M G Connors TECTONOPHYSICS 0800h SH41C-4161 POSTER The DKIST Operations Lifecycle: From Proposal Preparation to Completion: A Tritschler, S J Berukoff, T R Rimmele 0800h SM41A-4227 POSTER Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Precursor Studies of the Magnetopause Current Layer: C Zhao, C T Russell, R J Strangeway 0830h SM41B-03 Mapping High-Latitude Ionospheric Current System Based on Ground Magnetometers and Other Data Sets: G Lu 0800h SM41A-4245 POSTER Geoeffectiveness of Transient Ion Foreshock Phenomenon: D Murr, F Beyene 0800h SM41A-4247 POSTER Full-particle 2-D Simulations of the Ion Foreshock associated to a Supercritical Quasi-perpendicular Curved Collisionless Shock : Origin of Backstreaming Energetic Particles: P Savoini, B Lembege 0800h SH41C-4163 POSTER Flare Energy Release in the Low Solar Atmosphere: Fine Structuring, Electric Currents and Sunquakes: I Sharykin, A G Kosovichev 0815h SM41B-02 Contributions from Different Current Systems to Sym and Asy Mid-Latitude Indices: N Y Ganushkina, S Dubyagin 0945h SM41B-08 Field-Aligned and Ionospheric Current Contributions to Ground Magnetic Perturbations: M G Connors, R L McPherron, B J Anderson, H Korth, C T Russell, X Chu 0800h SM41A-4224 POSTER First Simultaneous Observations of Lower Hybrid, Whistler Mode, Electrostatic Solitary, and Electron Cyclotron Waves Near the Earth’s Magnetopause: X Tang, C A Cattell, L B Wilson III, R J Alexander 0800h SM41A-4226 POSTER Analysis of the Alfven transition layer in the cusp region by the use of 3D global particle-in-cell simulations: D S Cai, B Lembege, A Esmaeili, K I Nishikawa 0800h SM41B-01 Recent developments from ICSWSE/MAGDAS Research Project: A Yoshikawa, K Yumoto, H Kawano, S Abe, T Uozumi, C Cardinal, G Maeda 0800h SM41A-4244 POSTER Multi-Point Themis Observations of Multiple Transient Ion Foreshock Phenomena: Z Liu, D L Turner, V Angelopoulos, N Omidi 0800h SH41C-4160 POSTER Study of a sunspot umbra using spatially deconvolved Hinode spectropolarometric data: A Sainz Dalda, C M M Cheung 0800h SH41C-4162 POSTER Next-generation Solar Data and Data Services from the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope: S J Berukoff, K Reardon, T Rimmele Laboratory; Mervyn Freeman, British Antarctic Survey; Shinichi Ohtani, JHU/ APL 0800h SM41A-4249 POSTER ULF Waves in the Foreshock and Their Effect on the Magnetosphere: O Gutynska, D G Sibeck, A Angelo 0800h SM41A-4250 POSTER THE EARTH’S ULF WAVE FORESHOCK: CLUSTER OBSERVATIONS: N Andres, K Meziane, C X Mazelle, D O Gomez, C Bertucci SM41B Moscone West 2018 Thursday0800h Causes of Large-Scale Geomagnetic Disturbances I (joint with SA) T41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Earth Instabilities Across the Scales: From Quantum Scales to Plate Tectonics Posters (joint with EP, MR, NH, S) Presiding: Manolis Veveakis, CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering Perth; Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, CSIRO Exploration & Mining; Thomas Poulet, CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering Perth; Hans Muhlhaus, University of Queensland 0800h T41A-4589 POSTER Welcoming Remarks: 0800h T41A-4591 POSTER Brittle, creep and melt damage mechanics of the lithosphere: is slow creep deformation a key to intraplate volcanic provinces?: J Liu, K Regenauer-Lieb, A Karrech, G Rosenbaum, V Lyakhovsky 0800h T41A-4592 POSTER Incorporating elastic and plastic work rates into energy balance for long-term tectonic modeling: M S Ahamed, E Choi Presiding: Jesper Gjerloev, Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics 0800h SM41A-4230 POSTER Magnetosheath Filamentary Structures: D I Rojas-Castillo, X Blanco-Cano, N Omidi, P Kajdic 0800h SM41A-4231 POSTER Formation and Evolution of Mirror Mode Type Fluctuations in the Earth’s Magnetosheath in Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations: S Hoilijoki, B Walsh, Y Kempf, O Gutynska, L B Wilson III, S von Alfthan, O Hannuksela, U Ganse, D G Sibeck, M Palmroth 0800h SM41A-4232 POSTER Current-Driven Instabilities and Energy Dissipation Rates As a Predictive Tool for Solar Probe Plus: L B Wilson III, A W Breneman, D Malaspina, O Le Contel, C M Cully 0800h SM41A-4233 POSTER Large-Amplitude Electromagnetic Proton Cyclotron Waves throughout the Earth’s Magnetosheath: Cassini and Wind Observations: R Bhanu, B T Tsurutani, V Reddy, G S Lakhina, B J Falkowski, E Echer, K H Glassmeier 0800h SM41A-4234 POSTER Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Magnetosheath High Speed Jets: F Plaschke, H Hietala, V Angelopoulos, R Nakamura 0800h SM41A-4235 POSTER Cluster Observations of Energetic O+ Ions Correlated with Ulf Waves in the Night-Side High-Latitude Magnetosheath during a Storm Initial Phase: S Duan, C Wang, Z Liu, A Lui, Z He, Y Zhang, H Reme, I Dandouras ASK THE EXPERTS Experts will be on hand to answer questions and share best practices and advice about science communication. Stop by the AGU Marketplace to speak with one of our experts! 16 - 18 December 10:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. AGU Booth, Moscone South, Exhibit Hall 0934h SH41D-08 Forecasting Sep Events with Same Active-Region Prior Flares: S W Kahler, A G Ling, S M White All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 25 THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2014 25 11/28/2014 11:06:20 AM 0800h T41A-4593 POSTER Extended friction to flow laws and their applications to fault models and earthquake modeling across the lithosphere: T Shimamoto, H Noda 0800h T41A-4594 POSTER From nanoparticles to plate tectonics : insights for laboratory experiments using colloidal dispersions: A Davaille 0800h T41A-4595 POSTER Fractures Sets Associated to Buckle Folds: X Liu, A Eckert, P T Connolly 0800h T41A-4596 POSTER Multiphysics Couplings and Stability in Geomechanics: J Sulem, I Stefanou 0800h T41A-4597 POSTER Modeling episodic tremor and slip events in the ductile carbonates of the Glarus thrust: M Veveakis, T Poulet, K Regenauer-Lieb 0800h T41A-4598 POSTER Numerical Simulation of Thermal Evolution of the Danba Anticline, Sichuan, China: C J Huang, W H Wang, Y H Lee 0800h T41A-4599 POSTER Strain localization driven by co-seismic pore fluid pressurization: J D Platt, N Brantut, J R Rice, J W Rudnicki 0800h T41A-4600 POSTER Post failure localization instabilities in chemically active creeping faults: Steady-state bifurcation and transient analysis: S Alevizos, T Poulet, M Veveakis 0800h T41A-4601 POSTER Folding and Boudinage As the Same Fundamental Energy Bifurcation in Elasto-Visco-Plastic Rocks: M Peters, M Paesold, M Veveakis, T Poulet, M Herwegh, K RegenauerLieb 0800h T41A-4602 POSTER Generalization of the slip line field theory for temperature sensitiveviscoplastic materials: M Paesold, M Veveakis, K Regenauer-Lieb, A Bassom 0800h T41A-4603 POSTER Discussion 0800h T41A-4604 POSTER Concluding Remarks T41B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Structure, Evolution, and Seismic Behavior of Oceanic Strike-Slip Faults Posters (joint with MR, S, V) Presiding: Jochen Braunmiller, University of South Florida Tampa; Rachel Abercrombie, Boston University; Kasey Aderhold, Boston University; Monica Wolfson Schwehr, University of New Hampshire Main Campus 0800h T41B-4606 POSTER Remote Imaging of Earthquake Characteristics Along Oceanic Transforms: M Cleveland, C J Ammon 0800h T41B-4607 POSTER Detecting Small Earthquakes on Remote Oceanic Transform Faults: R Vieceli, C J Ammon, M Cleveland 0800h T41B-4608 POSTER Spatial-temporal clustering of large earthquakes on Oceanic Transform Faults: M Wei 0800h T41B-4609 POSTER Finite fault modeling of oceanic strike-slip earthquakes: K Aderhold, R E Abercrombie 0800h T41B-4610 POSTER Fault modeling of the Mw 7.0 shallow intra-slab strike-slip earthquake occurred on 2011 July 10th using near-field tsunami record: T Kubota, R Hino, T Iinuma 0800h T41B-4611 POSTER The Nature of Intraplate Deformation in the Wharton Basin and Its Consequence on the Subduction Processes: S C Singh, Y Qin 0800h T41B-4612 POSTER Evidence for power-law rheology of the Wharton Basin asthenosphere: S Barbot, E M Hill, S S Masuti, Q Qiu 0800h T41B-4613 POSTER Delayed triggering of the 2012 Mw 8.6 Wharton Basin earthquake: S S Masuti, S Barbot 0800h T41B-4614 POSTER Tracking the IndiaArabia Transform Plate Boundary during Paleogene Times. : M Rodriguez, P Huchon, N R A ChamotRooke, M Fournier, M Delescluse 0800h T41B-4615 POSTER Structural Evolution of the India-Arabia Plate Boundary from Miocene to Present-Day (NW Indian Ocean) and Comparison with the Dead Sea Fault (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). : M Rodriguez, P Huchon, N Chamot Rooke, M Fournier, M Delescluse, Z Ben Avraham, U S Ten Brink 0800h T41B-4616 POSTER Roles of the Mendocino Transform, Vizcaino Block, and Onshore King Range Terrane in Evolution of the Northern San Andreas Fault System and Its Associated Slab Windows: R J McLaughlin, G A Barth, D S Scheirer, S M Hoover, A M Trehu, J Jencks 26 AGU2014News.indb 26 2014 0800h T41B-4617 POSTER Formation and Evolution of the San Cristobal Trough Transform Fault Linking the Southern Solomon Islands and Northern New Hebrides Trenches: K P Furlong, G P Hayes, M W Herman, H Benz 0800h T41B-4619 POSTER The Relationship Between Structural Variations and Earthquake Rupture Properties Along the Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise: H Guo, H Zhang, B Froment 0800h T41B-4620 POSTER Seismicity of the diffusive Iberian/African plate boundary at the eastern terminus of the Azores-Gibraltar Transform fault: D Lange, I Grevemeyer, L M Matias 0800h T41B-4621 POSTER Investigation of the Oceanic Crust and Mantle in the Eastern Mid Atlantic Next to a Major Transform Fault (Gloria Fault) By Receiver Function Analysis: K Hannemann, F Krueger, T Dahm 0800h T41B-4622 POSTER The Intersection between the Gloria Transform Fault and the ToreMadeira Rise in the NE Atlantic: New Tectonic Insights from Analog Modeling Results: F M Rosas, R Tomas, J C Duarte, W P Schellart, P Terrinha 0800h T41B-4623 POSTER Dilatancy Strengthening As a Mechanism for Earthquake Rupture Barriers and Aseismic Creep Transients on Oceanic Transform Faults: Y Liu, J J McGuire, M D Behn 0800h T41B-4624 POSTER Ductile Faults Control Seismogenic Movement on Oceanic Transforms: G S Lister, H Tkalcic, M A Forster, S McClusky 0800h T41B-4625 POSTER Dynamic Weakening of Serpentinite Gouges and Bare-Surfaces at Seismic Slip Rates: B Proctor, T M Mitchell, G Hirth, D L Goldsby, F Zorzi, J D Platt, G Di Toro 0800h T41B-4626 POSTER The Origin of Hydrous Minerals in Peridotite Mylonites from an Oceanic Transform Fault: N J Deems, J M Warren, F M McCubbin, M Wolfson-Schwehr 0800h T41B-4627 POSTER What the rock record tells us about ocean crustal faulting: N W Hayman T41C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h The Earthquake Cycle: Linking Observations from Satellite Geodesy, High-Resolution Topography, and Paleoseismology IV Posters (joint with G, NH, S) Presiding: Ryan Gold, U.S. Geological Survey; John Elliott, University of Oxford; Michael Floyd, MIT; Edwin Nissen, Colorado School of Mines 0800h T41C-4628 POSTER Paleoseismic trenching, slip-rates and kinematics of a high-angle rifttransform junction, HГєsavГk, Iceland: J Harrington, S Jonsson, U Avsar, Y Klinger 0800h T41C-4629 POSTER Postseismic Viscoelastic Relaxation Following the L’Aquila 2009 Earthquake: Implications for Lithospheric Rheology of the Apennines : F Silverii, N D’Agostino, M Metois 0800h T41C-4630 POSTER A 665 year record of Coulomb stress changes on active faults in the central Apennines, Italy: L N J Wedmore, J Faure Walker, G Roberts, K J W McCaffrey, P R Sammonds 0800h T41C-4631 POSTER A Signal of Ice Loading in Late Pleistocene Activity of the Sudetic Marginal Fault (Central Europe): F Hartvich, P Stepancikova, T K Rockwell, D NГЅvlt, J Stemberk, D H Rood, J HГіk, M OrtuЕ€o, M Myers, K M Luttrell, N Wechsler 0800h T41C-4632 POSTER Paleoseismologic data and seismic tomographic images of the 1992 Erzincan Earthquake along the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey: A Caglayan, B Kaypak, V Isik, R Saber, I Yasar 0800h T41C-4633 POSTER Paleoseismology of the 1966 Varto Earthquake (Ms 6.8) and Structure of the Varto Fault Zone, Eastern Turkey: V Isik, A Caglayan, R Saber, N Yesilyurt 0800h T41C-4634 POSTER Integrated Multidisciplinary Fault Observation in Marmara Through MARSite: N Meral Ozel, O Necmioglu, A O Ozel, S Ergintav, O Tan, L B Geli, P Favali, C M Guralp, J Douglas, P P Mathieu, C Gurbuz, M O Erdik 0800h T41C-4635 POSTER Preliminary Obtained Data from Borehole Geodetic Measurements in Marmara Region, Turkey: H Ozener, B Aktug, H Karabulut, S Ergintav, A Dogru, O Yilmaz, B Turgut, B Ahiska, D Mencin, G S Mattioli 0800h T41C-4636 POSTER Direct Inversion of Postseismic Deformation for 3D Lithosphere Viscosity Structure and Fault Slip: T Hines, E A Hetland THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0800h T41C-4637 POSTER 20 years of SAR measurements along the NAFS: interseismic deformation: S Stramondo, T R Walter, S Ergintav, F Diao, R Wang, M Polcari, E Serpelloni, R Devoti 0800h T41C-4638 POSTER The Relationship Between Coseismic Slip and Postseismic Creep: E Hussain, T J Wright, G A Houseman, R J Walters, A J Hooper, D P Bekaert 0800h T41C-4639 POSTER Characteristics of the Pambak-Sevan-Sunik Fault in the Lesser Caucasus by SAR interferometry: W L Hu 0800h T41C-4640 POSTER Relocation of the 2008 and 2012 earthquake sequences on the Zagros Foredeep fault (SE Iran/Iraq border): S E J Nippress, R G Heyburn, R J Walters 0800h T41C-4641 POSTER Great Earthquakes in Low-Strain-Rate Continental Interiors: An Example from SE Kazakhstan: G Campbell, R T Walker, K Abdrakhmatov, J A Jackson, J R Elliott, D Mackenzie, T Middleton, J L Schwenninger 0800h T41C-4659 POSTER GPS Source Solution of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake: N Houlie, D S Dreger, A Kim 0800h T41C-4660 POSTER Statistical Analysis of GPS Vertical Uplift Rates in Southern California: S M Howell, B R Smith-Konter, L N Frazer, X Tong, D T Sandwell 0800h T41C-4661 POSTER How can tidally modulated low-frequency earthquakes in the mid crust along the San Andreas Fault be reconciled with its shallow apparent locking depth?: E H Hearn 0800h T41C-4662 POSTER Holocene Geologic Slip Rate for the Banning Strand of the Southern San Andreas Fault near San Gorgonio Pass, Southern California: P O Gold, W M Behr, D H Rood, K J Kendrick, T K Rockwell, W D Sharp 0800h T41C-4663 POSTER New high-resolution topographic data and updated tectonic geomorphology at Wheeler Ridge, California: E Kleber, R Arrowsmith 0800h T41C-4642 POSTER Slip rate gradients along parallel strands of the eastern Altyn Tagh fault confirm modeled rupture behavior at a transpressional bend: A J Elliott, M E Oskin, J LiuZeng, Y Shao, Z Liu, B Duan 0800h T41C-4664 POSTER Paleoseismic Studies of the Peninsula San Andreas Fault at the Filoli Estate, Woodside, California: C S Prentice, K Clahan, R R Sickler, A Salin, S B DeLong, R McDermott, A Pickering, J N Baldwin 0800h T41C-4643 POSTER Different surface ruptures and dynamics between the 2008 and 2014 Mw7.1 Yutian earthquakes in the western segment of the Altyn Tagh fault, Western Tibet: H Li, J Pan, Z Sun, D Liu, J Zhang, C Li, M L Chevalier, K Liu, K Yun, Z Gong 0800h T41C-4665 POSTER Characterizing Recent Slip on the Kuikui Fault, a Link Between the Green Valley and Bartlett Springs Fault Zones, Wilson Valley, Northern California: J J Lienkaemper, S B DeLong, R C McPherson, J Mielke, N Avdievitch, A Pickering, C Lloyd 0800h T41C-4644 POSTER Rapid Shortening at the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Prior to the 2008 Mw=7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake: T B Thompson, B J Meade 0800h T41C-4666 POSTER Multiple-Event Deformation on the West Tahoe Fault from Lidar and Trenching: Reconciling On and Offshore Paleoseismology: G G Seitz, M Mareschal 0800h T41C-4645 POSTER Are we missing earthquakes? A new insight into the M 8 1556 Huaxian earthquake: Y Zhou, J Ma, R T Walker, X Feng, X Song, B Parsons 0800h T41C-4667 POSTER Using SLAM to Look For the Dog Valley Fault, Truckee Area, California: V S Cronin, J A Ashburn, K A Sverdrup 0800h T41C-4646 POSTER Re-Visiting the 1739 Earthquake Ruptures in the Yinchuan Graben, Northern China: T Middleton, R T Walker, B Parsons, Q Lei, Y Zhou, Z Ren, D H Rood 0800h T41C-4647 POSTER Micro-geomorphology Surveying and Analysis of Xiadian Fault Scarp, China: R Ding 0800h T41C-4648 POSTER Surface Processes Can Influence the seismicity of Active Faults: P Steer, M Simoes, R Cattin, J B H Shyu 0800h T41C-4649 POSTER Evidence of Late Quaternary Fault Activity from Pollen Fossil Assemblages and Estimate of the Coseismic Events, Central Japan: H Takemoto-Shimomura, K Okumura, T Azuma, H Kondo 0800h T41C-4650 POSTER Tectonic Geomorphology of the Hanging Wall Blocks of the Cimandiri Fault Zone, West Java, Indonesia: G I Marliyani, R Arrowsmith 0800h T41C-4651 POSTER Paleoseismology of the Mt. Narryer Fault Zone, West Central Western Australia: a Multi-Segment Intraplate Fault System: B B Whitney, D Clark, J Hengesh 0800h T41C-4652 POSTER Analysis of highresolution lidar digital topographic data along the Marlborough Fault System: The Awatere and Clarence faults, South Island, New Zealand: R W Zinke, J F Dolan, E J Rhodes, R Van Dissen, R Langridge, J Grenader, C P McGuire, A Nicol 0800h T41C-4653 POSTER Analysis of a New Marlborough Fault System Lidar Dataset: The Wairau and Hope faults, South Island, New Zealand: J Grenader, J F Dolan, E J Rhodes, R Van Dissen, R Langridge, R W Zinke, C P McGuire, A Nicol 0800h T41C-4654 POSTER GPS Measurements of Interseismic,Coseismic, and Postseismic Deformation in Puysegur Subduction Zone, New Zealand: N Benz, L M Wallace, S Hreinsdottir, P H Denys, C F Pearson 0800h T41C-4655 POSTER The Western Solomons Forearc: Independent Inner and Outer Forearc Paleo-Uplift Histories and Relationship to Megathrust Rupture: F W Taylor, K Thirumalai, L L Lavier, A K Papabatu, T Toba, C C Shen, B Cai 0800h T41C-4656 POSTER Quantifying Quaternary Deformation in the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes Using Cosmogenic Nuclide Geochronology and Fluvial Geomorphology: E Dalman, M H Taylor, G Veloza-fajardo, A Mora 0800h T41C-4657 POSTER Modeling Coseismic Slip of the 2012 Nicoya Peninsula Earthquake, Costa Rica: Roles of Megathrust Geometry and Surface Displacement: P Burgi, J P Loveless, J S Marshall, M Protti 0800h T41C-4658 POSTER An Objective Mechanical Modelling Approach For Estimating the Distribution of Fault Creep and Locking From Geodetic Data: G Funning, R Burgmann 0800h T41C-4668 POSTER Lidar Mapping Documents Post-glacial Faulting West of the High Cascades Axis at Crater Lake National Park, Oregon: C R Bacon, J E Robinson 0800h T41C-4669 POSTER Differential Uplift and Incision of the Yakima River Terraces: A M Bender, C B Amos, P R Bierman, D H Rood, S J Sorsby, H M Kelsey, T C Ladinsky 0800h T41C-4670 POSTER Using LiDAR to quantify uplift of shoreline angles during late Holocene earthquakes in northwest Washington: B L Sherrod 0800h T41C-4671 POSTER Estimating Earthquake Magnitude from the Kentucky Bend Scarp in the New Madrid Seismic Zone Using Field Geomorphic Mapping and High-Resolution LiDAR Topography: K I Kelson, W G Kirkendall T41D Moscone South 306 Thursday0800h Density Structure of the Lithosphere and Upper Mantle: A Key for Tectonics I (joint with DI, G, MR, S) Presiding: Mikhail Kaban, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences; Walter Mooney, USGS MS977; Hans-Juergen Goetze, Univ Kiel; Carla Braitenberg, Univ Trieste 0800h T41D-01 Satellite Gravity Gradients Complementing Seismology for Imaging of the Lithosphere: J Ebbing 0815h T41D-02 Interpretation of Continental Scale Gravity Signatures from GOCE at Smaller Scale Mineral Hosting outcrops: C F Braitenberg 0830h T41D-03 Effective Elastic Thickness of Planetary Lithospheres from Gravity and Topography: P Audet 0845h T41D-04 Structure and Evolution of the North American Upper Mantle: Insight from Integrative Modeling of Gravity, Topography and Seismic Tomography Data: W D Mooney, M K Kaban, M Tesauro 0900h T41D-05 3-D Density Modeling of the Combined EGM2008/Terrestrial Gravity Field over the Mt. Paekdu (N Korea/China) Stratovolcano and Its Evolution : H J Goetze, S Choi 0915h T41D-06 Compositional Density Structure of the Upper Mantle from Constrained 3-D Inversion of Gravity Anomaly: A Case Study of Southeast Asia: Q Liang, C Chen, M K Kaban, M Thomas 0930h T41D-07 Mantle Heterogeneity Beneath Europe Resolved from GOCE Satellite Gravity: M Herceg, I M Artemieva, H Thybo All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:20 AM 0945h T41D-08 Joint Inversion of Geoid Anomaly and Teleseismic P-Wave Delay Times: Modeling Density and Velocity Perturbations Beneath the Parana Magmatic Province: C A M Chaves, N Ussami, J Ritsema 0800h V41A-4764 POSTER Analysis of H in Natural and Experimental Nominally Anhydrous Minerals: A Comparison of Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis, Infrared and SIMS Measurements: A C Withers, J L Mosenfelder, H Bureau, C Raepsaet, M M Hirschmann T41E Moscone South 304 Thursday0800h 0800h V41A-4765 POSTER NEW CA-TIMS AND LA-ICP-MS ANALYSES OF GJ-1, PLESOVICE, AND FC1 REFERENCE MATERIALS: J D Feldman, A MГ¶ller, J D Walker Illuminating the Factors That Determine Subduction Megathrust Fault Slip Style I (joint with G, MR, NH, S) Presiding: Ake Fagereng, University of Cape Town; Matt Ikari, MARUM, University of Bremen; Kohtaro Ujiie, University of Tsukuba; Laura Wallace, University of Texas at Austin 0800h T41E-01 Megathrust Properties and Large Earthquake Rupture Processes: T Lay, L Ye, H Kanamori 0815h T41E-02 Mechanics of Slip-to-the-Trench and Frontal Prism Deformation for the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake: F M Chester 0830h T41E-03 Laboratory-observed frictional slip instabilities in samples of the Tohoku plate boundary megathrust: M Ikari, Y Ito, K Ujiie, A Kopf 0845h T41E-04 Mechanisms Behind Aseismic Slip Pulsing on the Northeast Japan Subduction Zone: Insights from Time-Dependent Modelling of GPS and Repeating Earthquakes: J M Weston, M Shirzaei 0900h T41E-05 Coupling, fluids and foreshocks – preparing megathrust ruptures at the Chilean plate boundary: O Oncken, M Moreno, B Schurr 0915h T41E-06 Aftershock mechanisms from the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake: detailed analysis using full waveform inversion: A Rietbrock, S P Hicks, B Chagas, H A Detzel 0930h T41E-07 Imaging the Locked Zone of the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using Receiver Functions from the Cascadia Initiative: H A Janiszewski, G A Abers, J B Gaherty, H D Carton 0945h T41E-08 Investigation of small earthquakes and microseismicity at the down-dip end of the seismogenic zone associated with slow slip events and large subduction earthquakes: H Colella, M R Brudzinski VOLCANOLOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY AND PETROLOGY V41A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Advanced Techniques for Determining Elemental Composition, Isotopic Abundance, and Radioisotopic Age Using Bulk and Microanalysis III Posters (joint with P) Presiding: Chuan-Chou Shen, NTU National Taiwan University; Matthew McKay, West Virginia University 0800h V41A-4754 POSTER TitaniQ in reverse: backing out the equilibrium solubility of titanium in quartz: J B Thomas 0800h V41A-4755 POSTER A new LA-ICPMS method for Ti-in-Quartz: Implications and application to HP rutile-quartz veins from the Czech Erzgebirge: A M Cruz-Uribe, R MertzKraus, T Zack, M D Feineman, G Woods 0800h V41A-4756 POSTER Application of the TitaniQ Geothermobarometer to metamorphic rocks of the Santa Rosa Mylonite Zone in southern California: T Canada, W M Behr, L Stockli, D F Stockli 0800h V41A-4757 POSTER SIMS Investigations on Growth and Sector Zoning in Natural Hydrothermal Quartz: Isotopic and Trace Element Analyses: E May, T W Vennemann, L P Baumgartner, N Meisser 0800h V41A-4758 POSTER Towards a magmatic quartz database: tracing melt sources: N D Tailby, M R Ackerson, E B Watson, J B Thomas 0800h V41A-4760 POSTER Raman investigation of magma mingling experiments as a tool for tracking the chemical and structural evolution of melt: D Di Genova, D Morgavi, K U Hess, C J Pritchard, N Borovkov, D Perugini, P B Larson, D B Dingwell 0800h V41A-4762 POSTER Ion Microprobe U-Pb Dating and Sr Isotope Measurement of Conodont: Y Sano, A Ishida, T Kagoshima, N Takahata 0800h V41A-4763 POSTER Matrix Effects in SIMS Analysis of Hydrogen in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals (NAMs): J L Mosenfelder, G R Rossman 0800h V41A-4766 POSTER New calibration standard for LA-ICPMS analysis of sulphides: I Belousov, L V Danyushevsky, P H Olin, S Gilbert, J M Thompson 0800h V41A-4767 POSTER Assessing the Accuracy and Precision of Inorganic Geochemical Data Produced through Flux Fusion and Acid Digestions: Multiple (60+) Comprehensive Analyses of BHVO2 and the Development of Improved “Accepted” Values : T J Ireland, R Scudder, A G Dunlea, C H Anderson, R W Murray 0800h V41A-4768 POSTER Unmixing 40Ar/39Ar Muscovite Ages Using Powder X-ray Diffraction: R J McAleer, M J Kunk, P M Valley, G J Walsh, D L Bish, R P Wintsch 0800h V41A-4769 POSTER Unique Thermal Histories from Whole-Rock 40Ar/39Ar Step-heating Data: P Boehnke, M Harrison, M T Heizler, O M Lovera, P H Warren 0800h V41A-4770 POSTER Modeling Argon Isotopic Behavior in Polygenetic Impact Melt Breccias: C M Mercer, K V Hodges 0800h V41A-4771 POSTER Isotopic Fractionation of 20Ne, 21Ne, and 22Ne in a Simulated Thermal Gradient: B Jester, G Dominguez 0800h V41A-4772 POSTER The Precise Determination of Cd Isotope Ratio in Geological Samples by MC-ICP-MS with Ion Exchange Separation: C Du, S Hu, D Wang, L Jin, W Guo 0800h V41A-4773 POSTER High precision calcium isotope analysis using 42Ca-48Ca double-spike TIMS technique: L Feng, L Zhou, S Gao, S Y Tong, M L Zhou 0800h V41A-4774 POSTER Estimation of palaeohydrochemical conditions using carbonate minerals: H Amamiya, T Mizuno, T Iwatsuki, T Yuguchi, H Murakami, Y Saito-Kokubu 0800h V41A-4775 POSTER Calcium Activities During Different Ion Exchange Separation Procedures: Z Zhang, H Zhu, Y Liu, F Liu, C Zhang, W Sun 0800h V41A-4776 POSTER Boron and Lithium Isotope Determinations in Minerals from Subduction-Related Rocks by LA-MC-ICPMS: C Martin, G E Harlow, E Ponzevera, H Marschall 0800h V41A-4778 POSTER Common-Lead Corrected U-Pb Age Dating of Perovskite by LA– SF–ICP–MS: D Frei 0800h V41A-4779 POSTER High-Precision Th-Pb Dating by Isotope-Dilution TIMS+MC-ICPMS – Preliminary Results: R B Ickert, R Mundil, W D Sharp 0800h V41A-4780 POSTER Neodymium Isotope Variability at the Grain Scale in the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle: NdO+ Analyses of Individual Clinopyroxene Grains (<5 ng Nd aliquots) from a Kilbourne Hole Harzburgitic Xenolith: J Harvey, D Honn, E F Baxter, J M Warren, S Hammond, R Walshaw 0800h V41B-4804 POSTER High Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing of the 2013-2014 Eruption of Sinabung Volcano, Sumatra, Indonesia: R L Wessels, J P Griswold 0800h V41A-4788 POSTER Developing a Correction to Remove Systematic Bias in U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Zircon Ages Related to Zircon “Matrix Effects”: W A Matthews, T V Angelo, B Guest 0800h V41B-4805 POSTER ASTER/AVHRR Data Hybridization to determine Pyroclastic Flow cooling curves: K A Reath, R Wright, M S Ramsey 0800h V41A-4789 POSTER Speciation of Phosphorus by coupled HPLC-ICPMS: Application for quantification of reduced forms of phosphorus in rocks and natural waters: Z D Atlas, M A Pasek, J Sampson 0800h V41A-4790 POSTER Determination of Оґ88/86Sr Using Matrix Correction by MC-ICP-MS: B Zhu, T Yang, X P Bian, Z Y Zhu 0800h V41A-4791 POSTER High Precision Ti stable Isotope Measurement of Terrestrial Rocks: M A Millet, N Dauphas, H M Williams, K W Burton, G M Nowell V41B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h Integrating Multiple Complementary Data Streams to Better Understand Volcanic Processes III Posters (joint with G, NH, S) Presiding: Jessica Johnson, University of Bristol; Kyle Anderson, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory; Katherine Cashman, University of Bristol; Tamsin Mather, University of Oxford 0800h V41B-4792 POSTER Study a Relation Between the Lascar Volcano Microseimicity and Changes in the Local System of Lineaments, Obtained Using the Landsat 8 Images: A A Arellano-Baeza, C A Soto-Pinto 0800h V41B-4793 POSTER Observed inflationdeflation cycles at Popocatepetl volcano using tiltmeters and its possible correlation with regional seismic activity in Mexico: M G Contreras Ruiz Esparza Sr, J C Jimenez Velazquez Sr, C M Valdes Gonzalez Sr, T A Reyes Pimentel, S A Galaviz Alonso 0800h V41B-4794 POSTER Kinematic GPS Analysis Gives New Insights on the Origin of the Very-LongPeriod Seismic Signals at Miyake-Jima Volcano during the Caldera Formation: H Munekane, J Oikawa, T Kobayashi 0800h V41B-4806 POSTER Monitoring volcanic systems through cross-correlation of coincident A-Train satellite data: V J B Flower, S A Carn, R Wright 0800h V41B-4807 POSTER Deformation at Lava Lake Volcanoes: Lessons from Karthala: J Biggs, A Rust, C Owens 0800h V41B-4808 POSTER Circulation patterns in active lava lakes: T C Redmond, E Lev 0800h V41B-4809 POSTER Laboratory and numerical decompression experiments: an insight into the nucleation and growth of bubbles: L Spina, S Colucci, M De’ Michieli Vitturi, B Scheu, D B Dingwell 0800h V41B-4810 POSTER A new method to monitor water vapor cycles in active volcanoes: T Girona, F Costa Rodriguez, B Taisne 0800h V41B-4811 POSTER Widespread Gravity Changes and CO2 Degassing at Laguna Del Maule, Chile, Accompanying Rapid Uplift: C A Miller, G Williams-Jones, H Le Mevel, B Tikoff 0800h V41B-4812 POSTER Multiparametric Experiment at Mt. Etna: Investigation on Both Degassing and Eruptive Dynamics: A Cannata, E Privitera 0800h V41B-4813 POSTER The 2014 Broadband Acquisition and Imaging Operation (BAcIO) at Stromboli Volcano (Italy): P Scarlato, J Taddeucci, E Del Bello, D Gaudin, T Ricci, D Andronico, L Lodato, A Cannata, F Ferrari, T R Orr, J Sesterhenn, R Plescher, Y BaumgГ¤rtel, A J L Harris, M Bombrun, T D Barnie, B F Houghton, U Kueppers, A Capponi 0800h V41B-4814 POSTER Expert Systems for RealTime Volcano Monitoring: C Cassisi, F Cannavo, P Montalto, P Motta, G Schembra, M A Aliotta, A Cannata, D PatanГЁ, M Prestifilippo 0800h V41B-4815 POSTER Integration of Petrologic, Geophysical, and Gas Monitoring Data at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii: C R Thornber, R L Lee, C A Gansecki, T R Orr, A Miklius, A J Sutton, W A Thelen 0800h V41B-4795 POSTER Decaying Rate of Volcanic Inflation near Three Sisters, Oregon, Measured with GPS and InSAR: M Lisowski, R McCaffrey, C W Wicks Jr, D Dzurisin 0800h V41B-4816 POSTER Real-time measurements of CO2 and Оґ13C in volcanic gases emitted in atmosphere from Mt. Etna (Italy): H J H Jost, A L Rizzo, M A Ancellin, A Caracausi, M Martelli, M Liotta 0800h V41B-4796 POSTER Investigating Rapid Uplift and Subsidence Near Norris, Yellowstone, During 2013-2014: W K Stovall, P F Cervelli, D R Shelly 0800h V41B-4817 POSTER Combining Geological and Geophysical Data in Volcanic Hazard Estimation for Dominica, Lesser Antilles: O George, J L Latchman, C Connor, R Malservisi, L Connor 0800h V41B-4797 POSTER Renewed Inflation of Long Valley Caldera (2011 – Present): E K Montgomery-Brown, C W Wicks Jr, J O Langbein, D P Hill, D R Shelly, J L Svarc, M Lisowski 0800h V41B-4818 POSTER A new approach to relate kinetic parameters, composition and temperatures of igneous minerals: the case of Villarrica Volcano 1971 eruption: C Contreras, M A Parada, E E Morgado, A Castruccio 0800h V41B-4798 POSTER Time-dependent deformation source model of Kilauea volcano obtained via InSAR time series and inversion modeling: G Zhai, M Shirzaei 0800h V41B-4819 POSTER Is there a recipe for Plinian eruptions? Evidence from past events and analogous volcanoes: A E G Winson, C G Newhall, F Costa Rodriguez 0800h V41A-4781 POSTER Aluminum substitution in quartz and its effect on dissolved H2O: V S Riggi 0800h V41B-4799 POSTER VOLCAN DE COLIMA, MEXICO DEFORMATION ANALYSYS OF RECENT DOME EXTRUSION 2009-2014 USING TILT METER SURVEYS CONFRONTED WITH DEFORMATIONS REGISTERED DURING PERIOD 1998-2007: J J Ramirez-Ruiz 0800h V41A-4782 POSTER Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Green River Shale By Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Using a Desolvating Nebulizer System: F Smith, D Clarke, S Moody 0800h V41B-4800 POSTER Real-time source deformation modeling through GNSS permanent stations at Merapi volcano (Indonesia: F Beauducel, A Nurnaning, M Iguchi, A A Fahmi, M A Nandaka, S Sumarti, S Subandriyo, J P Metaxian 0800h V41B-4821 POSTER Testing Connections between Campanian Ignimbrite Volcanism, Climate, and the Final Decline of the Neanderthals: B A Black, M Manga, R R Neely III 0800h V41A-4783 POSTER Online Standard Additions Technique for La-ICP-MS Using a Desolvating Nebulizer System : J Roy, D Asogan, S Moody, D Clarke 0800h V41B-4801 POSTER Long-Term Geodetic Measurements at the Most Active Volcanoes in Iceland: Role of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar and GPS in Hazard Monitoring at Hekla, Katla, EyjafjallajГ¶kull and Askja Volcanoes: M Parks, S Dumont, V Drouin, F Sigmundsson, S Hreinsdottir, K Michalczewska, S Hjaltadottir, B Ofeigsson, T Arnadottir, E Sturkell, K Spaans, A J Hooper, A R Hjartardottir, H Geirsson, P C La Femina, E R Heimisson V41C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday0800h 0800h V41A-4784 POSTER Searching for Superconductivity in Micrometeorites: M H Thiemens, S Guenon, J G Ramirez, A C Basaran, S Taylor, I Schuller 0800h V41A-4785 POSTER Combining fs LA-ICPMS, FIB and STXM-NEXAFS Methods for in-situ High-Spatial-Resolution Rock Varnish Analyses at the nm to Вµm Scale: D Macholdt, M O Andreae, K P Jochum, M Kappl, A L D Kilcoyne, M MГјller, C PГ¶hlker, B Stoll, B Weber, M Weigand, U Weis 0800h V41A-4786 POSTER Argon Intercalibration Pipette System (APIS): Smoking from the Same Pipe: B D Turrin, C C Swisher III, S R Hemming, P R Renne, A L Deino, K V Hodges, M C Van Soest, M T Heizler All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 27 0800h V41A-4787 POSTER Discrimination of the Cigarettes Geographical Origin by DRC-ICP-MS Measurements of Pb Isotope Compositions : W Guo, S Hu, L Jin 0800h V41B-4802 POSTER The Interplay Between Deformation and Volcanism on Santa Cruz Island, GalГЎpagos: A Multidisciplinary Study Using Structural, Geophysical, and Geochronological Analyses of Faults and Lavas: D M Schwartz, K S Harpp, E L Mittelstaedt 0800h V41B-4803 POSTER Spatial and temporal patterns of dome extrusion during the 2004-2008 eruption of Mount St. Helens: J T Salzer, R P Denlinger, A K Diefenbach, T R Walter THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 0800h V41B-4820 POSTER Constructing the volcanic architecture of Kalkarindji, an ancient flood basalt province, using a multidisciplinary approach: P Marshall, M Widdowson, S P Kelley, C Mac Niocaill, D T Murphy Reducing Vulnerability from Latin American Volcanoes through Enhanced Monitoring Efforts Posters (joint with NH, S) Presiding: Charlotte Rowe, Los Alamos National Laboratory - LANL; Francisco Nunez-Cornu, Universidad de Guadalajara; Randall White, USGS 0800h V41C-4822 POSTER Advances in volcano monitoring and risk reduction in Latin America: W A McCausland, R A White, A B Lockhart, J N Marso, V D Assitance Program, L A Volcano Observatories 0800h V41C-4823 POSTER Unrest of Chiles – Cerro Negro volcanic complex: A binational Ecuador – Colombia effort: M C Ruiz, D Gomez, R Torres, O Cadena, P A Mothes, J C Anzieta, D A Pacheco, B Bernard, W Acero, S Hidalgo, W Enriquez, A Cordova 2014 27 11/28/2014 11:06:20 AM 0800h V41C-4824 POSTER Volcano Monitoring in Ecuador: Three Decades of Continuous Progress of the Instituto Geofisico - Escuela Politecnica Nacional: M C Ruiz, H A Yepes, M L Hall, P A Mothes, P Ramon, S Hidalgo, D Andrade, S Vallejo Vargas, A L Steele, J C Anzieta, H D Ortiz, P Palacios, A P Alvarado, W Enriquez, F Vasconez, M Vaca, S Arrais, G Viracucha, B Bernard 0800h V41C-4825 POSTER Analysis of the seismicity activity of the volcano Ceboruco, Nayarit, Mexico: N A Rodriguez-Ayala, F J Nunez-Cornu, C R Escudero, A Zamora-Camacho, A Gomez 0800h V41C-4826 POSTER Characterization of Seismicity at VolcГЎn Baru, Panama: May 2013 through April 2014: C J Hopp, G P Waite 0800h V41C-4827 POSTER A Reassessment of the Seismicity Related to the 1998-1999 Eruption of Colima Volcano, Western Mexico: A ZamoraCamacho, F J NuГ±ez-Cornu, J M Espindola 0830h V41D-03 Lava Discharge Rates at KД«lauea Volcano, HawaiвЂ�I, during 2011-2013 Determined from Tandem-X-Derived Topographic Data: M P Poland 0845h V43A-4848 Insights on the 2010 Lava Flows of Piton de la Fournaise Using Cosmo-SkyMed and TanDEM-X Data: Lava Displacement Rates, Thicknesses, and Volume Estimates: M G Bato, J L Froger, A J L Harris, N Villeneuve 0900h V43A-4851 Repeat Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning at Kilauea Volcano Reveals Basaltic Lava Lake Surface Slope, Structure and Micro-pistoning: S W Anderson, A L LeWinter, D C Finnegan, M R Patrick, T R Orr 0915h V41D-06 Modeling Explosive Eruptions at KД«lauea, HawaiвЂ�i: H M Gonnermann, D J Ferguson, A P Blaser, B F Houghton, T A Plank, E H Hauri, D A Swanson 0800h V41C-4828 POSTER Evolving Hazard Monitoring and Communication at San Vicente Volcano, El Salvador: L J Bowman, J S Gierke 0930h V41D-07 Modeling the Failure of Magmatic Foams and Application to Infrasonic Signals at Stromboli Volcano, Italy: D R Baker, C A O’Shaughnessy, F Brun, L Mancini, J Fife 0800h V41C-4829 POSTER Some Recent USF Studies at Volcanoes in Central America: S R McNutt 0945h V41D-08 Conduit speed limit promotes formation of explosive `super slugs’: E W Llewellin, M R Burton, H M Mader, M Polacci 0800h V41C-4830 POSTER Utility of regional satellite volcano deformation monitoring in Latin America: The CEOS pilot project: F Delgado, M E Pritchard, J Biggs, D Arnold V41E Moscone South 310 Thursday0800h 0800h V41C-4831 POSTER Slope instability and postemplacement lava flow deformation revealed using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala: L N Schaefer, Z Lu, T Oommen 0800h V41C-4832 POSTER Monitoring Volcano Deformation in the Northernmost Andes with ALOS InSAR Time-Series: A M Morales Rivera, F Amelung 0800h V41C-4833 POSTER Eruptive and magma circulation patterns determined by satellite imagery: The case of Lascar volcano, Northern Chile: M Inostroza, C GonzГЎlez, F Aguilera 0800h V41C-4834 POSTER Variable Deformation Rates at Sierra Negra Volcano: Geodetic Observations from 2008 to Early 2014: N J Meier, P C La Femina, H Geirsson, G Ruiz 0800h V41C-4835 POSTER Estimating Sulfur Dioxide in Volcanic Plumes Using an Ultraviolet Camera. First Results from Lascar, OllagГјe and Irruputuncu Volcanoes: C A Geoffroy, A Amigo 0800h V41C-4836 POSTER Plume Imaging Using an IR Camera to Estimate Sulphur Dioxide Flux on Volcanoes of Northern Chile: F Rosas Sotomayor, A Amigo 0800h V41C-4837 POSTER Change detection and characterization of volcanic activity using ground based low-light and near infrared cameras to monitor incandescence and thermal signatures: M Harrild, P Webley, J Dehn 0800h V41C-4838 POSTER Systematic observations of VolcГЎn Turrialba, Costa Rica, with small unmanned aircraft and aerostats (UAVs): the Costa Rican Airborne Research and Technology Applications (CARTA) missions: D C Pieri, J A Diaz, G Bland, M M Fladeland, A Abtahi, A Alan Jr, O Alegria, S Azofeifa, R Berthold, E Corrales, S Fuerstenau, J Gerardi, D Herlth, G Hickman, G Hunter, J Linick, Y Madrigal, D Makel, T Miles, V J Realmuto, B Storms, A Vogel, R Kolyer, K Weber The Making of a Continent I (joint with DI, S, T) Presiding: Richard Carlson, Carnegie Inst Washington; Grant Michael Bybee, University of the Witwatersrand; Oliver Jagoutz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Stephen Parman, Brown University 0800h V41E-01 On craton thinning/destruction: Insight from 2D thermal-mechanical numerical modeling: J Liao 0815h V41E-02 The Making of Early Continents and the Initiation of Plate Tectonics on Earth: P F Rey, N Coltice, N E Flament 0830h V41E-03 Convergent Plate Boundary Processes in the Archean: Evidence from Greenland: A Polat 0845h V41E-04 Geologically Controlled IsotopeTime Patterns Reveal Early Differentiation and Crust Formation Processes: V C Bennett, A P Nutman 0900h V41E-05 The petrogenesis of ultramafic rocks in the >3.7 Ga Isua supracrustal belt, SW Greenland: K Szilas, P B Kelemen, M T Rosing 0915h V41E-06 Support for a Uniformitarian Model of Continental Mantle Lithosphere Formation from the “Near-Cratonic” Composition of Proterozoic Southern African Mantle Lithosphere: P E Janney 0930h V41E-07 The Building of the Archean Superior Craton: Thermal Perspective: C P Jaupart, J C Mareschal 0945h V41E-08 Temporal Evolution of the Upper Continental Crust: Implications for the Mode of Crustal Growth and the Evolution of the Hydrosphere: R L Rudnick, R M Gaschnig, S Li, M Tang, L Qiu, J W Valley, C Zurkowski, W F McDonough BIOGEOSCIENCES 0800h V41C-4839 POSTER Regular Characterisation of VolcГЎn de Colima’s Dome Through Photo-based 3D Topographic and Thermal Surveys: M R James, H Moss-Davies, N R Varley B41P Moscone South 103-104 Thursday0900h 0800h V41C-4840 POSTER Expanding Geophysical and Geochemical Investigation of Causes of Extraordinary Unrest at the Laguna del Maule (Rhyolitic) Volcanic Field, Southern Andes, Chile: B S Singer Presiding: Scott Werts, Winthrop University V41D Moscone South 308 Thursday0800h Magma Transport and Eruption at Basaltic Volcanoes I (joint with DI, MR) Presiding: Nicolas Villeneuve, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris; Marie Edmonds, University of Cambridge; Paul Okubo, U S Geological Survey; Nicole Metrich, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris 0800h V41D-01 Time-Dependent Dike Propagation from Joint Inversion of Seismicityand Deformation Data: P Segall 0815h V41D-02 Linking the dynamics of the 2000 dike intrusion at Miyakejima to the focal mechanisms and the statistics of the induced seismicity : E Rivalta, L Passarelli, S Cesca, Y Aoki 28 AGU2014News.indb 28 2014 Sagan Lecture (Virtual Session) (joint with P) 0900h B41P-01 Microbial Communities: Tracing Growth Processes from Antarctic Lakes to Early Earth to Other Planets: D Y Sumner ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES A42A Moscone West 3002 Thursday1020h Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes and Turbulence II (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with B, H, NG) Presiding: Elie Bou-Zeid, Princeton University; Marcelo Chamecki, Pennsylvania State University; Pierre Gentine, Columbia University 1020h A42A-01 The Modification of a Thermally Induced Mesoscale Circulation By Deep Moist Convection: M Rieck, C Hohenegger, P Gentine THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1035h A42A-02 Wind Shear and Buoyancy Reversal at the Stratocumulus Top: J P Mellado, B B Stevens 1050h A42A-03 Large-eddy simulations with a dynamic explicit vegetation model: G Bohrer, K Maurer, E Chatziefstratiou, D Medvigy 1105h A42A-04 Air Parcel Residence Times within Tropical Forest Canopies and Implications for Reactive Gases: T Gerken, M Chamecki, J D Fuentes 1120h A42A-05 Observation of environmental boundary layers at miltiple scales: C W Higgins, E Pardyjak, H Holmes, D Blunck, Z Liu, M Calaf 1135h A42A-06 Co-spectrum and mean velocity in turbulent boundary layers: G G Katul, A M Porporato, C Manes, C V Meneveau 1150h A42A-07 The evolution of atmospheric surface layer heat and momentum flux co-spectra with increasing flux Richardson number: D Li, G G Katul, E Bou-Zeid 1205h A42A-08 How well do we need to simulate cloud radiative effects to simulate stratocumulus?: G Bellon A42B Moscone West 3012 Thursday1020h Greenhouse Gas Measurements Using Active Optical Remote Sensing I (joint with B) Presiding: Edward Browell, NASA Langley Research Ctr; James Abshire, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr; Gerhard Ehret, DLR; Chikao Nagasawa, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ 1020h A42B-01 The Importance of the Spatial Density of Satellite Measurements for the Retrieval of Spatial Flux Patterns: J Marshall, T G NuГ±ez Ramirez, C Kiemle, A Butz, O P Hasekamp, G Ehret, M Heimann 1040h A42B-02 Validation Issues of a Space-based Methane Lidar: C Kiemle, A Fix, G Ehret, P Flamant 1055h A42B-03 ASCENDS: Past, Present and Future: B Moore III 1115h A42B-04 An overview of NASA’s ASCENDS Mission’s Lidar Measurement Requirements: J B Abshire, E V Browell, R T Menzies, B Lin, G D Spiers, S Ismail 1130h A42B-05 Advancements for Active Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide from Space using the ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator: First Results: M D Obland, A R Nehrir, B Lin, F W Harrison, S A Kooi, Y Choi, J Plant, M M Yang, C Antill, J F Campbell, S Ismail, E V Browell, B Meadows, J T Dobler, T S Zaccheo, B Moore III, S Crowell 1145h A42B-06 Passive and Active Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases in the GOSAT Project: I Morino, M Inoue, Y Yoshida, N Kikuchi, T Yokota, T Matsunaga, O Uchino, T Tanaka, D Sakaizawa, S Kawakami, S Ishii, K Mizutani, Y Shibata, M Abo, C Nagasawa 1205h A42B-07 Lidar Observation of Ozone Profiles in the Equatorial Tropopause Region: M Abo, Y Shibata, C Nagasawa A42C Moscone West 3014 Thursday1020h Improving Emissions Through Observations V (joint with B, GC) Presiding: Gregory Frost, NOAA; Monika Kopacz, NOAA; Ray Bambha, Sandia National Labs; Hope Michelsen, Sandia Natl Lab 1020h A42C-01 Long-term Trends and Confidence in Global Natural Gas Fugitive Emissions Rates Based on Оґ13C-CH4: S Schwietzke, O Sherwood, P P Tans, S E Michel, J B Miller, E J Dlugokencky, W M Griffin, L Bruhwiler 1035h A42C-02 Isotopic constraints on the decadal trends of global methane emissions favor increasing fossil fuel emissions over recent decades: C L Butenhoff, A L Rice, F H Roeger, D G Teama, A K Khalil, R Rasmussen 1050h A42C-03 Contribution of Oil and Gas Production to Atmospheric CH4 in the SouthCentral United States: Reconciling Bottom-up and Top-down Estimates: Z Liu, J P Pinto, A J Turner, L Bruhwiler, D K Henze, J F Brioude, N Bousserez, K Sargsyan, C Safta, H N Najm, B W LaFranchi, R Bambha, H A Michelsen 1105h A42C-04 Quantifying the Industrial FacilityLevel Emission Rate of Methane in Various Segments of the Natural Gas Industry: S C Herndon, J R Roscioli, T I Yacovitch, C R Floerchinger, A Mitchell, D S Tkacik, R Subramanian, A L Robinson, D M Martinez, T L Vaughn, L Williams, D Zimmerle, A Marchese 1120h A42C-05 Global Emissions of Refrigerants HCFC-22 and HFC-134a: Unforeseen Seasonal Contributions: B Xiang, P K Patra, S A Montzka, S M Miller, J W Elkins, F Moore, E L Atlas, B R Miller, R G Prinn, S C Wofsy 1135h A42C-06 Are National HFC Inventory Reports Accurate?: M F Lunt, M L Rigby, A Ganesan, A Manning, S O’Doherty, R G Prinn, T Saito, C M Harth, J Muhle, R F Weiss, P Salameh, T Arnold, Y Yokouchi, P B Krummel, P Steele, P J Fraser, S Li, S Park, J Kim, S Reimann, M K Vollmer, C Lunder, O Hermansen, N Schmidbauer, D Young, P G Simmonds 1150h A42C-07 Solving the carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) budget mystery using surface observations: Q Liang, P A Newman, J S Daniel, S Reimann, B D Hall, G S Dutton, L J M Kuijpers 1205h A42C-08 Atmosphere-derived National Emissions of Ozone Depleting Substances and Substitutes for the United States: L Hu, S A Montzka, J B Miller, A E Andrews, B R Miller, S Lehman, D Godwin, K W Thoning, C Sweeney, H Chen, M L Fischer, S Biraud, M S Torn, M E Mountain, T Nehrkorn, J Eluszkiewicz, E Saikawa, B D Hall, J W Elkins, P P Tans A42D Moscone West 3006 Thursday1020h Processes Controlling Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere Composition and Structure V Presiding: Ross Salawitch, University of Maryland; Troy Thornberry, NOAA ESRL; Neil Harris, University of Cambridge 1020h A42D-01 Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment (ATTREX) 2014 Western Pacific Campaign: E J Jensen, L Pfister 1035h A42D-02 Relative Humidity Distributions in the Tropical Tropopause Layer Measured During NASA ATTREX: A W Rollins, T D Thornberry, R S Gao, S Woods, T V Bui, D W Fahey 1050h A42D-03 How much ice is there in the Tropical Tropopause Layer? Observations from the ATTREX mission, from the Global Hawk and from Space: M A Avery, T D Thornberry, S A Young, S Woods, Q Mo, P Lawson, M J McGill, M Vaughan, J E Yorks, J R Pelon, G S Diskin, E J Jensen, D L Hlavka, D M Winker, D W Fahey, C R Trepte, B Gandrud, A Garnier, A W Rollins 1105h A42D-04 Tropical Tropopause Layer Cloud Formation, Convection and Stratospheric Dehydration: M R Schoeberl, A E Dessler, T Wang, M A Avery, E J Jensen 1120h A42D-05 Variability and trends in UTLS temperatures and water vapor: K H Rosenlof, B Hassler, R R Neely III, S M Davis, D F Hurst 1135h A42D-06 Processes Controlling Water Vapor in the UT/LS: Eight Years of Monthly Measurements by the IAGOS-CARIBIC Observatory: C A M Brenninkmeijer, A Zahn, E Christner, P J F van Velthoven, A Rauthe-Schoech, A K Baker 1150h A42D-07 A case-study analysis of convectively sourced water vapor plumes in the overworld stratosphere over the continental U.S. observed in situ during the SEAC4RS mission: J B Smith, M R Sargent, D M Wilmouth, J G Anderson, K M Bedka, R L Herman, J V Pittman, E J Jensen 1205h A42D-08 Is There Evidence of Convectively Injected Water Vapor in the Lowermost Stratosphere Over Boulder, Colorado?: D F Hurst, K H Rosenlof, S M Davis, E G Hall, A F Jordan A42E Moscone West 3008 Thursday1020h Toward Reducing Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models: Evaluation, Understanding, and Improvement II Presiding: Shaocheng Xie, Lawrence Livermore Nat’’l Lab; Jui-Lin Li, JPL; Brian Medeiros, NCAR/CGD; Fanglin Yang, NCEP/EMC 1020h A42E-01 Exploiting Satellite Observations in the Development of Global Models: R Pincus 1035h A42E-02 Upper Air Temperature and Circulation Climatologies from GPS Radio Occultation Measurements for Climate Process Studies and Model Evaluation: C O Ao, O P Verkhoglyadova, A J Mannucci, S S Leroy All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:21 AM 1050h A42E-03 Climate Model Evaluation Using a Satellite Simulator for TRMM PR: T Spangehl, M Schroeder, A Bodas-Salcedo 1105h A42E-04 On the Nature of Cloud Property Errors in Contemporary Gcms: A Hindcast Approach: M D Zelinka, H Y Ma 1120h A42E-05 CAUSES: Clouds Above the United States and Errors at the Surface: H Y Ma, S A Klein, S Xie, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, C Morcrette, K Van Weverberg, J Petch, M H Lo 1135h A43F-3344 Excessive Cold-tongue and Weak ENSO Asymmetry: Are These Two Common Biases in Climate Models Linked?: D Z Sun 1150h A42E-07 Implication of observed cloud variability for parameterizations of microphysical and radiative transfer processes in climate models: D Huang, Y Liu 1205h A42E-08 Far-Infrared Surface Emissivity Impacts on Climate and the Potential for a Positive Feedback: D Feldman, W Collins, X Huang, X Chen, V P Walden BIOGEOSCIENCES B42A Moscone West 2004 Thursday1020h Analysis of Land Cover Change in Response to Climate Variability and Change Using Remote Sensing II (joint with A, GC, H, NH) Presiding: George Xian, ARTS/USGS EROS; James Vogelmann, USGS EROS Center; Thomas Loveland, USGS EROS Data Ctr 1020h Welcoming Remarks: 1021h Introductory Remarks 1022h B42A-01 A New Global LAI Product and Its Use for Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Estimation: J M Chen, R Liu, W Ju, Y Liu 1038h B42A-02 Using Time Series of Landsat Data to Improve Understanding of Short- and Long-Term Changes to Vegetation Phenology in Response to Climate Change: M A Friedl, E K Melaas, D J Sulla-menashe, J M Gray 1054h B42A-03 Land Cover / Climate Interaction at Global and Regional Scales: Y Xue 1110h B42A-04 Effects of Land Use and Climate on Ecosystem Carbon Balance from a Recent National Assessment: Z Zhu, S Liu, D M Bachelet, B M Sleeter, S M Stackpoole, T J Hawbaker, T Larson, B Reed 1124h B42A-05 Evaluating Current and Future Rangeland Health in the Great Basin Ecoregion Using NASA Earth Observing Systems: K Wilson, J Ely, E Essoudry, N Patadia, B Zajic, J L TorresPerez, C Schmidt 1138h B42A-06 Characterization of the Regional Distribution Patterns of Shrubland Ecosystems from Responses to Climatic Controls using Multiscale Remote Sensing Data in the Western United States : G Z Xian, C Homer, J E Vogelmann 1152h B42A-07 Spatio-temporal Trends in Seasonal Vegetation Photosynthetic Activity Across Uttarakhand Himalayas, 2000-2014: N B Mishra, G Chaudhuri 1206h B42A-08 The Vegetation Greenness Trend in the Arctic and Subarctic of North America from Landsat Data Record: J Ju, J Masek, M Carroll B42B Moscone West 2005 Thursday1020h Biogeochemical and Isotopic Characterization and Modeling of Biologically Mediated Processes Across Scales II (joint with EP, H) Presiding: Yiwei Cheng, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; Mark Conrad, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; Christopher Hubbard, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; Nicholas Bouskill, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1020h B42B-01 Microbial Colonization of Earth’s Subsurface: A Thermodynamically Consistent Perspective: C M Bethke, R A Sanford, Q Jin, M F Kirk 1050h B42B-02 Evidence of a dynamic microbial community structure and predation through combined microbiological and stable isotope characterization: J L Druhan, M Bill, H C Lim, C Wu, M E Conrad, K H Williams, D J DePaolo, E Brodie 1105h B42B-03 Compound-specific stable isotope analysis of pesticides: a combined monitoring and modeling approach to assess pesticide fate and degradation at catchment scale: B M van Breukelen, S Lutz, Y Van der Velde, O F Elsayed, M LeFrancq, S Payraudeau, G Imfeld 1120h B42B-04 Coupling Isotopic Fractionation to Multiple-Continuum Reactive Transport Models of Biogeochemical Systems: E L Sonnenthal, C Wanner 1135h B42B-05 Beyond The Blueprint: Development Of Genome-Informed Trait-Based Models For Prediction Of Microbial Dynamics And Biogeochemical Rates: E Brodie, E King, S Molins, U Karaoz, J N Johnson, N Bouskill, L A Hug, B C Thomas, C J Castelle, H R Beller, J F Banfield, C I Steefel 1120h B31G-0112 Constraining Soil C Loss upon Thaw: Comparing Soils with and without Permafrost: J W Harden, C L Ping, J A O’Donnell, C D Koven, G J Michaelson, H Genet, X Xu 1135h B42D-06 Correlating Permafrost Organic Matter Composition and Characteristics with Methane Production Potentials in a First Generation Thermokarst Lake and Its Underlying Permafrost Near Fairbanks, Alaska, USA: J Heslop, K M Walter Anthony, A Sepulveda-Jauregui, K C Martinez-Cruz 1150h B42B-06 Scaling Soil Microbe-Water Interactions from Pores to Ecosystems: S Manzoni, G G Katul 1150h B42D-07 Understanding Carbon Storage in Permafrost Peatlands: Examples from Thermokarst Landscapes in Interior Alaska: M Jones, J W Harden, J A O’Donnell, K Manies, T Jorgenson 1205h B42B-07 An Evaluation of Processes Critical to Predicting the Carbon Sink of Natural Tropical Forests in a Demographic Vegetation Model: R G Knox, J A Holm, J Q Chambers, M Longo, P R Moorcroft, N Higuchi, W J Riley, A O Manzi, C D Koven 1205h B42D-08 Climate impacts on Canadian subarctic peatland C accumulation and storage potentially mediated by moisture, peatland development, and fire: P Camill, C E Umbanhowar Jr, C Adams, A Westervelt, D Lesser, A Hall, C Hamley, A Bourakovsky B42C Moscone West 2002 Thursday1020h CRYOSPHERE Remote Sensing of Vegetation Function and Traits III C42A Moscone West 3007 Thursday1020h Presiding: Rasmus Houborg, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST); Joshua Fisher, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Andrew Skidmore, University of Twente Glacier Monitoring from In Situ and Remotely Sensed Observations II (joint with A, GC, H, NH) 1020h B42C-01 The NDVI: Back to Basics: C M Steele, A M Smith, D M Browning 1035h B42C-02 Site-level Evaluation of Remote Sensing Based Terrestrial Gross Primary Production from New MODIS fAPARchl Product: T Yao, Q Zhang, A Lyapustin, Y Wang 1050h B42C-03 Measuring Bi-Directional Reflectance for Gross Primary Productivity with a Constellation of SmallSats: S Nag, C K Gatebe, T Hilker, F G Hall, O L de Weck 1105h B42C-04 Towards Using Radar to Detect Water Stress: Observations of an Agricultural Maize Canopy from the SnowScat Scatterometer: S C Steele-Dunne, C L Werner, A Wiesmann, T H M van Emmerik, N Van De Giesen 1120h B42C-05 On Variability in Satellite Terrestrial Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurements: Relationships with Phenology and EcosystemAtmosphere Carbon Exchange, Vegetation Structure, Clouds, and Sun-Satellite Geometry: J Joiner, Y Yoshida, L Guanter, Y Zhang, A P Vasilkov, K M Schaefer, K F Huemmrich, E Middleton, P Koehler, M Jung, C J Tucker, A Lyapustin, Y Wang, C Frankenberg, J A Berry, R D Koster, R H Reichle, J E Lee, S R Kawa, G J Collatz, G K Walker, C Van der Tol 1150h B42C-07 Improving the monitoring of crop productivity using spaceborne solar-induced fluorescence: K Guan, D B Lobell, J A Berry, J Joiner, L Guanter, Y Zhang, B Grayson 1205h B42C-08 Calculations for chlorophyll fluorescence incorporated into the Community Land Model: J E Lee, J A Berry, C Van der Tol, L Guanter, A Damm, I T Baker, C Frankenberg B42D Moscone West 2003 Thursday1020h Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change III (joint with C, GC) Presiding: Christina Schaedel, University of Florida; Anthony McGuire, University of Alaska Fairbanks; David Olefeldt, University of Alberta 1020h B42D-01 Reducing Uncertainty in Methane Emission Estimates from Permafrost Environments: T R Christensen, M Mastepanov, M Lund, M P Tamstorf, F J W Parmentier, S RysgГҐrd, A J Lilienthal 1035h B42D-02 Changes in long term CH4 fluxes from the Alaskan North Slope based on a sector analysis of Barrow CH4 mole fraction measurements: C Sweeney, E J Dlugokencky, S C Wofsy, A Karion, C E Miller, S J Dinardo, L Bruhwiler, J B Miller 1050h B42D-03 The Influence of Thermokarst on Potential Decomposability of Soil Organic Matter in a Taiga and Tundra setting in NE Russia: N Weiss, P Kuhry, G Hugelius All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 29 1105h B42D-04 Impact of hydrology and vegetation community structure on CO2 and CH4 flux patterns in a permafrost ecosystem in Northeast Siberia: M J Kwon, M Goeckede, M Wildner, M Heimann, N Zimov, S A Zimov Presiding: Bruce Raup, University of Colorado at Boulder; Richard Armstrong, Univ Colorado; Michael Zemp, University of Zurich; Tobias Bolch, University of Zurich 1020h C42A-01 On the benefits of a multi-level monitoring strategy, some examples of the recent advances within the French GLACIOCLIM observatory: A Rabatel 1050h C42A-02 The Response of Alpine Glaciers in Western Canada to Early 21st Century Climate Change: B Menounos, M J Beedle, S Lueders 1105h C42A-03 Spatially Distributing a GRACE Mascon Solution Across Gulf of Alaska Glaciers: J C Young, A A Arendt, S B Luthcke 1150h C42B-07 Antarctic surface temperature and sea ice biases in coupled climate models linked with cloud and land surface properties: D P Schneider, D B Reusch 1205h C42B-08 Spatio-temporal Variability of Arctic Sea Ice from Days to Decades: J S Wettlaufer, S Agarwal EDUCATION ED42A Moscone South 307 Thursday1020h Scientist Engagement in Education and Public Outreach: Sharing Effective Tools, Resources, and Stories of Success II (joint with P, PA, SH) Presiding: Sanlyn Buxner, Planetary Science Institute; Nicholas Gross, Boston University; Brooke Hsu, Lunar and Planetary Institute; M Alexandra Matiella Novak, Johns Hopkins University APL 1020h ED42A-01 The Ocean 180 Video Challenge: An Innovative Broader Impacts Strategy for Helping Scientists Share Discoveries and Connect with Classrooms : R A Tankersley, M Watson, J G Windsor, M Buckley, L Diederick 1035h ED42A-02 Hess Deep Interactive Lab: Exploring the Structure and Formation of the Oceanic Crust through Hands-On Models and Online Tools: N Kurtz, N Marks, S K Cooper 1050h ED42A-03 Scientific Resource EXplorer: Z Xing, A Wormuth, A Smith, J Arca, Y Lu, E Sayfi 1105h ED42A-04 Using Digital Globes to Explore the Deep Sea and Advance Public Literacy in Earth System Science: S E Beaulieu, A Brickley, M Emery, A Spargo, K Patterson, K Joyce, T Silva, K Madin 1120h ED42A-05 Project HEAT: Temperature as an Organizing Theme for Inquiry-Based Learning in the Environmental Sciences: T P Albright, K L Howard, J Ewing-Taylor 1135h ED42A-06 Understanding Urban Watersheds through Digital Interactive Maps, San Francisco Bay Area, California: J M Sowers, M G Ticci, P Mulvey 1150h ED42A-07 GeoBus: bringing experiential Earth science learning to secondary schools in the UK: C J Pike, R A J Robinson, K A Roper 1120h C42A-04 Glacier Change at Suntar-Khayata Mountains in North-East Siberia: T Ohata, H Enomoto, T Kadota, A N Fedorov 1205h ED42A-08 Public Participation, Education, and Engagement in Drought Planning: D J Bathke, N Wall, T Haigh, K H Smith, T Bernadt 1135h C42A-05 A novel multispectral glacier mapping method and its performance in Greenland: M Citterio, R S Fausto, A P Ahlstrom, S B Andersen ED42B Moscone South 102 Thursday1020h 1150h C42A-06 A Novel Remote Sensing Approach for Determining 20th Century Multi-Decadal Glacial Change Across the Antarctic Peninsula: P E Miller, J P Mills, A J Fox, L E Clarke, M A King C42B Moscone West 3005 Thursday1020h Polar Climate: Processes and Predictability I (joint with A, GC, OS) Presiding: Cecilia Bitz, Univ of Washington; Sarah Gille, UCSD; Marilyn Raphael, UCLA; Ed Hawkins, University of Reading 1020h C42B-01 Arctic Sea Ice Predictability and Prediction on Seasonal-to-Decadal Timescales: V Guemas, E Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, M Chevallier, M DГ©quГ©, F Doblas-Reyes, N S Fuckar, D Volpi, D Salas y MГ©lia 1035h C42B-02 Will sea ice thickness initialisation improve Arctic seasonal-to-interannual forecast skill?: J J Day, E Hawkins, S Tietsche 1050h C42B-03 CMIP5 Projections of 21st Century Westerly Wind Changes over the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica: Long-Term Predictability and the Role of Tropical Linkages: T Bracegirdle, J Turner, J S Hosking, T Phillips 1105h C42B-04 Internal Variability Limits the Predictability of a Summer Ice-Free Arctic: A Jahn, M M Holland, J E Kay 1120h C42B-05 Multi-Model Comparison of Southern Ocean and Sea Ice Trends in CORE-II and CMIP5 Model: S M Downes, S M Griffies, R Farneti, S J Marsland, P Uotila, A Hogg 1135h C42B-06 The causes of the interannual variability of the Atlantic water inflow to the Arctic Ocean: T Kawasaki, H Hasumi THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER Transformative Innovations in Earth, Oceans, and Atmospheric Science Education for Undergraduates Supported by the NSF Educational Funding Programs, and New Needs and Directions II Presiding: Jeffrey Ryan, University of South Florida; Jill Singer, Buffalo State College 1020h ED42B-01 GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI): Undergraduate curricular modules that feature geodetic data applied to critical social topics: B J Douglas, B Pratt-Sitaula, B Walker, M S Miller, D Charlevoix 1035h ED42B-02 GETSI Project: Using geodetic data to each about changes in ice mass and sea level in introductory courses: L A Stearns, B Walker, B Pratt-Sitaula 1050h ED42B-03 Designing Geoscience Educational Innovations That Propagate: P Lea 1105h ED42B-04 Google Earth Grand Tour Themes: D G De Paor, S J Whitmeyer, C Bentley, M M Dordevic 1120h ED42B-05 Transforming Spatial Reasoning Skills in the Upper-Level Undergraduate Geoscience Classroom Through Curricular Materials Informed by Cognitive Science Research: C J Ormand, T F Shipley, B L Dutrow, L B Goodwin, T A Hickson, B Tikoff, K Atit, K M Gagnier, I Resnick 1135h ED42B-06 Observations of Undergraduate Geoscience Instruction in the US: Measuring Student Centered Teaching: R Teasdale, C A Manduca, D A Mcconnell, J K Bartley, M Z Bruckner, D Farthing, E A R Iverson, K M Viskupic 1150h ED42B-07 NAGT-GER: A Community of Practice to Support the Emerging Field of Geoscience Education Research: L Lukes, N LaDue, K Cheek, K Ryker 2014 29 11/28/2014 11:06:21 AM EARTH AND PLANETARY SURFACE PROCESSES EP42A Moscone West 2022-2024 Thursday1020h Sharp Lecture (Virtual Session) Presiding: Alan Howard, University of Virginia Main Campus; Andrew Wilcox, University of Montana; Noah Finnegan, University of California Santa Cruz 1020h EP42A-01 Living Landscapes: Present and Past Interactions Between Coastal Sediments and Biota: G Mariotti GEODESY G42A Moscone West 3024 Thursday1020h Recent Advances in InSAR and GNSS Techniques and Their Applications for Crustal Deformation IV (joint with NG, S, T, V) Presiding: Manoochehr Shirzaei, Arizona State University; David Bekaert, University of Leeds; Andrew Hooper, University of Leeds; Yuning Fu, Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1020h G42A-01 Measurement of Subsidence Across the Sacramento Delta: Applying InSAR to a Coherence-challenged Area: C E Jones, P Sharma 1035h G42A-02 Global Tropospheric Noise Maps for InSAR Observations: S H Yun, S Hensley, P S Agram, M Chaubell, E J Fielding, L Pan 1050h G42A-03 Multi-temporal InSAR measurement of interseimic motion on the eastern Tibet border: M P Doin, C Lasserre, P He, J de Sigoyer 1105h G42A-04 Finding Small Transient Deformations in Noisy InSAR Time Series: H A Zebker, J Chen 1120h G42A-05 Mobile Laser Scanning Geodesy: a Complement to Space-based Methods: B A Brooks, C L Glennie 1135h G42A-06 The Sentinel-1 Constellation – A new era of operational InSAR: T J Wright, A J Hooper, P Marinkovic, P J GonzГЎlez, R Walters, J R Elliott, S K Ebmeier, Y Larsen 1150h G42A-07 Estimating time-dependent magma source properties at the Long Valley caldera using InSAR and GPS time series: B V Riel, M Simons, P S Agram 1205h G42A-08 Separation of continuous GPS transients using independent component analysis and low rank methods: G Ely, T Herring GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE GC42A Moscone West 3010 Thursday1020h ENSO: Precursors and Expected Change II (Virtual Session) (joint with A, OS) Presiding: JinHo Yoon, Pacific Northwest National Lab; Shih-Yu (Simon) Wang, Utah State University; Sang-Wook Yeh, Hanyang University 1020h GC42A-01 Untangling ENSO Precursors: K Pegion, M A Alexander 1030h GC42A-02 Does Recent Change in Tropical Pacific Forecast Skill Represent Variation in ENSO Predictability or Precursors?: M Newman 1045h GC42A-03 Study on the precursor of frequent occurrence of central Pacific El Nino: S W Yeh, X Wang, C Wang, B Dewitte 1055h GC42A-04 Understanding ENSO precursors from a Linear Inverse Modeling Perspective: A Capotondi, P D Sardeshmukh 1105h GC42A-05 Optimal Initial Conditions and Stochastic Forcing for Central and East Pacific ENSO Events: D Vimont, M Newman, M A Alexander 1200h GC42A-09 Intensified ENSO-Driven Precipitation Teleconnections in the Future : C Bonfils, B D Santer, T J Phillips, K Marvel, L R Leung, C Doutriaux 1210h GC42A-10 ENSO and its Precursor simulated by UNICON with CESM1: S Park, J H Yoon GC42B Moscone West 3001 Thursday1020h Renewable Energy II (joint with A, H, OS) Presiding: Elizabeth Weatherhead, University of Colorado; Scott James, Exponent, Inc.; Jessica Lundin, Vaisala Inc.; Andrew Clifton, National Renewable Energy Lab 1020h GC42B-01 Modulation of the Global Wind Resource by the El-Nino: U B Gunturu, C M A Yip, G L Stenchikov 1035h GC42B-02 Characterization of Ambient Offshore Turbulence Intensity from Analysis of Nine Offshore Meteorological Masts in Northern Europe: D A Pollak, N G Nygaard, M M JimГ©mez, R Wagner, A Sathe 1050h GC42B-03 Establishing a Long-term 30 Year Global Solar Resource at 10 km Resolution: Preliminary Results From Test Processing and Continuing Plans: P W Stackhouse, J C Mikovitz, S J Cox, T Zhang, R Perez, J Schlemmer, M Sengupta, K Knapp 1105h GC42B-04 Operational Solar Forecasting System for DNI and GHI for Horizons Covering 5 Minutes to 72 Hours: C F Coimbra 1120h GC42B-05 Advances in Solar Power Forecasting: S E Haupt, B Kosovic, S Drobot Paleogeography of Supercontinents, Terrane Tectonics, and Geodynamo History I (joint with DI, T) Presiding: David Evans, Yale Univ; Randolph Enkin, Geological Survey of Canada; John Geissman, University of Texas at Dallas 1020h GP42A-01 The Importance of Age Control in Defining Apparent Polar Wander Paths of Fast Moving Plates: The Jurassic Case Study: G Muttoni 1035h GP42A-02 The Kiaman its Beginning and End: N D Opdyke 1050h GP42A-03 Ted Irving and the Precambrian continental drift of (within?) the Canadian Shield: P F Hoffman 1105h GP42A-04 Iberian and Welsh Variscan Oroclines: A record of Permian subduction within the heart of Pangea and the case against a long-lived stable Pangea A: S T Johnston 1120h GP42A-05 Ted Irving and the Arc of APW Paths: D V Kent 1135h GP42A-06 Ted Irving’s early contributions to paleomagnetism: H R Frankel 1150h GP42A-07 Origin of Siletzia, an Accreted Large Igneous Province in the Cascadia Forearc, and the Early History of the Yellowstone Hotspot: R E Wells, D Bukry, R M Friedman, D G Pyle, R A Duncan, P J Haeussler, J Wooden 1150h GC42B-07 Developing the Next-Generation National Solar Radiation Data Base (NSRDB): M Sengupta, A Habte, P Gotseff, A Lopez, A Weekley HYDROLOGY 1205h GC42B-08 Temporal Variability of Surface Solar Irradiance as a Function of Satellite-retrieved Cloud: L M Hinkelman, M Sengupta, A Habte GC42C Moscone West 3003 Thursday1020h The Third Pole Environment (TPE) Under Global Changes II (joint with A, C, H) Presiding: Tandong Yao, Inst of Tibetan Plateau Res; Bernd Wuennemann, Nanjing University; Lonnie Thompson, Ohio State University Main Campus; Volker Mosbrugger, Senckenberg 1020h GC42C-01 Lake sediment records of Indian summer monsoon variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice: Support for a late Holocene pluvial event on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: B W Bird, P J Polissar, Y Lei, L G Thompson, T Yao, B Finney, D Bain, D P Pompeani, B A Steinman 1040h GC42C-02 A Circulation Index for the Himalayan Mountain Arc: Reconciling Conflicting Signals of Climate Change Along the Third Pole”: H J Fowler, N D Forsythe, S Blenkinsop H42A Moscone West 3022 Thursday1020h Advances in Process-based, Very High Resolution Hydrological Modeling Across Scales II Presiding: David Gochis, National Center for Atmospheric Research; Marc Bierkens, Deltares; Hoori Ajami, University of New South Wales; Mark Wigmosta, Pacific Northwest National Lab 1020h H42A-01 P C R - ВG L O B W B version 2.0: A High Resolution Integrated Global Hydrology and Water Resources Model: E Sutanudjaja, L P Van Beek, N Drost, I E M de Graaf, K de Jong, M W Straatsma, Y Wada, D Wisser, M F Bierkens 1035h H42A-02 Example Applications of A Physically-Based 3D Surface-Subsurface Hydrologic Model Over Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales: E A Sudicky, Y J Park, H T Hwang, S Berg, S Frey 1050h H42A-03 A new look at regional groundwater flow using a high-resolution integrated hydrologic model of the Continental U.S: L E Condon, R M Maxwell, S J Kollet 1100h GC42C-03 Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Firn Line Altitudes in the Asian High Mountains over the Past Decade: N Wang, Z Guo, H Wu 1120h GC42C-04 The Sand Seas of northern China: Important sinks and sources of global sediment fluxes and their changing roles during different climate conditions of Late Quaternary: X Yang 1120h H42A-05 Groundwater processes in high resolution large-scale water cycle simulations: G Miguez-Macho, Y Fan, B Gomez, A MartГnez de la Torre 1140h GC42C-05 Erosion and Sediment Transport Across Pronounced Topographic and Climatic Gradients in the Himalayan Orogen: M R Strecker, B Bookhagen 1135h H42A-06 Generalized Continental Scale Hydrologic Model Parameter Estimates: Application to a VIC model implementation for the Contiguous United States (CONUS): N Mizukami, M P Clark, B Nijssen, K M Sampson, A J Newman, L E Samaniego 1200h GC42C-06 Late Quaternary Lake-Catchment Processes in Hala Lake, Northern Tibetan Plateau, and Their Effects on Lake Evolution: D Yan, B Wuennemann, G Stauch, Y Zhang, C E, K Chen, G Cao, J Wang Advancing Hydrologic Predictions in Snow- and Glacier-Fed River Systems I (Virtual Session) (joint with C) Presiding: Yuqiong Liu, University of Maryland College Park; Martyn Clark, NCAR; Regine Hock, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Charles Luce, USDA Forest Service 1020h H42B-01 Understanding How Snowmelt Manifests in Streamflow: R A Woods, W Berghuijs, M Hrachowitz 1035h H42B-02 Differential Effects of Wildfire and Forest Harvest on Snow Hydrology in the Oregon Cascades: A W Nolin, K E Gleason, T Roth, M G Cooper 1050h H42B-03 Simulating the spatial distribution of snow pack and snow melt runoff with different snow melt algorithms in a physics based watershed model: M L Follum, C W Downer, J D Niemann 1105h H42B-04 Integration of Snow Data from Remote Sensing into Operational Streamflow Forecasting in the Western United States: S Bender, T H Painter, W P Miller, K Andreadis 1120h H42B-05 A Variational Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Assessment Approach for Quantifying Streamflow Forecast Skill Elasticity: A W Wood, T M Hopson, A J Newman, L D Brekke, J R Arnold, M P Clark 1135h H42B-06 Increases in River Runoff Projected for High Mountain Asia’s River Basins during the 21st Century: W Immerzeel, A Lutz, F Pellicciotti, S Ragettli, A B Shrestha, M F Bierkens 1150h H42B-07 Peak water from glaciers: advances and challenges in a global perspective: M Huss, R Hock 1205h H42B-08 Society – Cryospheric Reservoirs – Society: G Kaser, B Marzeion H42C Moscone South 302 Thursday1020h 1105h H42A-04 Recent Developments and Applications of the WRF-Hydro Modeling System for Continental Scale Water Cycle Predictions: D J Gochis, W Yu, A L Dugger, J L McCreight, D N Yates, M P Clark, A W Wood, K M Sampson, R Rasmussen 1150h H42A-07 Are Equivalent Cross Sections the answer to the computational woes of Distributed Hydrologic Modelling? : A Sharma, U Khan, N K Tuteja, H Ajami 1205h H42A-08 Development and Implementation of the DTOPLATS-MP land surface model over the Continental US at 30 meters: N Chaney, E F Wood Critical Zone in the Anthropocence I (joint with B, EP, GC, NG) Presiding: Praveen Kumar, University of Illinois; Thanos Papanicolaou, University of Tennessee; Amilcare Porporato, Duke Univ; Daniel Richter, Duke University 1020h H42C-01 Irrigation and Fertilization Controls on Critical Zone Carbon and Nitrogen cycles in Harvested Ecosystems: A Parolari, G G Katul, A M Porporato 1035h H42C-02 In-stream nitrate responses integrate human and climate systems in an intensively managed landscape: A S Ward, C A Davis, A J Burgin, T Loecke, D A Riveros-Iregui, D J Schnoebelen, C L Just, S A Thomas, L J Weber, M A St Clair, S Spak, K E Dalrymple, Y Li, K Prior 1050h H42C-03 Assessing the Impact of Landscape Evolution on Carbon Dynamics: A Coupled Physically-Based Modelling Approach: Y G Dialynas, S Bastola, S A Billings, R L Bras 1105h H42C-04 Potential Carbon Transport: Linking Soil Aggregate Stability and Sediment Enrichment for Updating the Soil Active Layer within Intensely Managed Landscapes: K Wacha, T Papanicolaou, B K Abban, C G Wilson 1120h H42C-05 The Cascade of Non-Stationarity: P Belmont, K Kumarasamy, S A Kelly, K R Schaffrath, T J Beach 1135h H42C-06 Recent advances towards a theory of catchment hydrologic transport: age-ranked storage and the О©-functions: C J Harman 1150h H42C-07 Tracing suspended sediment sources in the Upper Sangamon River Basin using fingerprinting techniques: M Yu, B L Rhoads, C Neal, A M Anders 1205h H42C-08 Understanding the Variations in Flood Responses to Tropical-Storms and Hurricanes: M Kumar, X Chen, B L McGlynn H42D Moscone West 3016 Thursday1020h Cryptic Wetlands and Incognito Streams: Connectivity of Headwaters to Downstream Receiving Waters and Impacts on Water Quality and Ecological Functions II (joint with B) Presiding: Heather Gall, Pennsylvania State University Main Campus; Kelsey Jencso, University of Montana; Heather Golden, US EPA, ORD, NERL, EERD; Jud Harvey, USGS 1145h GC42A-08 El Nino Since the Early-1990s Climate Shift in the Pacific: J Y Yu, H Paek, C Qian AGU2014News.indb 30 GP42A Moscone South 300 Thursday1020h 1205h GP42A-08 Reversal Asymmetry after the end of the Cretaceous Superchron: J L Kirschvink, R N Mitchell, C Thissen, V Pietrasz, M E Rioux, A Montanari, R Coccioni, P D Ward, T D Raub, D A Evans, S A Bowring 1130h GC42A-07 Towards Understanding El NiГ±o Complexity and Change: F F Jin 2014 H42B Moscone West 3004 Thursday1020h 1135h GC42B-06 Improvements in SatelliteDerived Short-Term Insolation Forecasting: Statistical Comparisons, Challenges for AdvectionBased Forecasts, and New Techniques: M A Rogers, S D Miller, J M Haynes, A K Heidinger, S E Haupt, M Sengupta 1120h GC42A-06 Ocean-atmosphere mechanisms explaining the heat buildup leading to El NiГ±o events: J Ballester Claramunt, S Bordoni, D Petrova, X Rodo 30 GEOMAGNETISM AND PALEOMAGNETISM THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:21 AM 1020h H42D-01 What are the Ingredients of a Scientifically and Policy-Relevant Hydrologic Connectivity Metric?: G Ali, C English, G McCullough, M Stainton 1035h H42D-02 Sensitivity of intermittent streams to climate variations in the western United States: K Eng, D Wolock, M D Dettinger 1050h H42D-03 Controls on Flow Permanence in Temporary Rivers: A Framework of Hydrogeomorphic Processes Across Space and Time: K H Costigan, K L Jaeger, C W Goss, K M Fritz, P C Goebel 1105h H42D-04 A Hydraulic Nexus between Geographically Isolated Wetlands and Downstream Water Bodies: D L Mclaughlin, D A Kaplan, M J Cohen 1120h H42D-05 Geographically Isolated Wetlands of the Coterminous United States: C Lane, E D’Amico 1135h H42D-06 After the deluge: Establishing rates of geographically isolated wetland loss within the prairie pothole region: J Serran, I F Creed 1150h H42D-07 Assessing the cumulative effect of the weather variability on wetlands and the hydrological connection between wetlands and downstream waters: I Y Yeo, M W Lang, S Lee, G Mccarty, Y Peng, C Huang 1050h IN42A-03 Near-Real Time SatelliteRetrieved Cloud and Surface Properties for Weather and Aviation Safety Applications: P Minnis, W Smith Jr, K M Bedka, L Nguyen, R Palikonda, G Hong, Q Trepte, T Chee, B R Scarino, D Spangenberg, S Sun-Mack, C Fleeger, J K Ayers, F L Chang, P W Heck 1105h IN42A-04 The Morphological Composite Product of Cloud Properties for Alaska: A J Wimmers, A K Heidinger 1120h NH42A-05 New Patterns in High-Speed Granular Flows, or How Supported Regimes Could Explain Frictional Velocity-Weakening in Landslides: R Delannay, N Brodu, A Valance, P Richard 1120h IN42A-05 GOES-R Rapid Refresh Imagery Advancements for the Earth and Space Weather Enterprise: S J Goodman, T J Schmit, D T Lindsey, W F Denig 1135h NH42A-06 A generalized method for calibration of parameters in numerical models for landslide runout prediction: J Cepeda, S Lacasse, F Nadim 1135h IN42A-06 Near Real Time Data for Operational Space Weather Forecasting: T E Berger 1150h NH42A-07 Analyzing Shallow Landslides and Rainfall Conditions in Taiwan: An Application of the Soil Water Index: C W Chen, H Saito, T Oguchi 1150h IN42A-07 Using Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing via Aurorasaurus as a Near Real Time Data Source for Space Weather Applications: E MacDonald, M Heavner, M Hall, A Tapia, N Lalone, J Clayon, N Case 1205h IN42A-08 Development and transition of The Radiation, Interplanetary Shocks, and Coronal Sources (RISCS) Toolset: G P Zank, J F Spann MINERAL AND ROCK PHYSICS 1205h H42D-08 A Continuum of Connectivity: Geographically Isolated Wetlands and the Conservation of Landscape Functions: M J Cohen, I F Creed, N B Basu, J W Jawitz, D L Mclaughlin, M C Rains MR42A Moscone South 301 Thursday1020h H42E Moscone West 3020 Thursday1020h Presiding: Wenlu Zhu, University of Maryland College Park; Jessica Warren, Stanford University; Heather Savage, Lamont-Doherty; Margaret Boettcher, University of New Hampshire Water, Energy, and Society in Urban Systems I (joint with A, B, GC, SI) Presiding: Claire Welty, Center for Urban Environmental Research; Anne Jefferson, Kent State University Kent Campus; Darrel Jenerette, University of California Riverside; Alfonso Mejia, Pennsylvania State University Main Campus 1020h H42E-01 Water-energy links in cities: the urban metabolism of London: A Mijic, J Ruiz Cazorla, J Keirstead 1035h H42E-02 Water Use in Los Angeles, California: Consumption Patterns, Ecosystem Response and Impact on Regional Water Budgets: T S Hogue 1050h H42E-03 Adaptive Urban Stormwater Management Using a Two-stage Stochastic Optimization Model: F Hung, B F Hobbs, A E McGarity 1105h H42E-04 Catchment Dispersion Mechanisms in an Urban Context: J A Gironas, A Mejia, F Rossel, A Rinaldo, F Rodriguez 1120h H42E-05 The Hydromorphology of an Urbanizing Watershed Using Multivariate Elasticity: M Allaire, R M Vogel, C N Kroll 1135h H42E-06 Statistical complexity in the hydrological information from urbanizing basins: T Jovanovic, A Mejia, R Siddique, J A Gironas Physical Properties of Earth Materials (PPEM): Evolving Rock Structure II (joint with T) 1020h MR42A-01 Friction experiments on Alpine Fault DFDP core samples: Implications for slip style on plate boundary faults: M Ikari, S TrГјtner, V G Toy, B M Carpenter, A Kopf 1020h IN42A-01 Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS): M D Daniels, S J Graves, F Vernon, B Kerkez, C V Chandra, K Keiser, C Martin 1035h IN42A-02 Near Real Time Integration of Satellite and Radar Data for Probabilistic Nearcasting of Severe Weather: M J Pavolonis, J Cintineo, J Sieglaff, D T Lindsey Presiding: Louise Pellerin, Green Geophysics; Kennedy Doro, University of TГјbingen; Darcy McPhee, USGS 1020h NS42A-01 The Precambrian Singo Igneous Complex (SIC), Uganda Revealed As a Mineralized Nested Ring Complex Using High Resolution Airborne Radiometric and Magnetic Data: E A Atekwana, A LePera, M G Abdelsalam, A B Katumwehe, M Achang 1035h NS42A-02 Potential for a significant deep basin geothermal system in Tintic Valley, Utah: C Hardwick, S Kirby 1105h MR42A-04 Creep Events and Shear Localization in a Polyphase Material: Insight into the Brittle-Ductile Transition: J E Reber, N W Hayman, L L Lavier, S Jammes 1120h NS42A-05 Kalman Filters in Improving the Signal to Noise Ratio of Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry Data: M Sepehrmanesh, D Ravat 1120h MR42A-05 Evolution of Strain Partitioning during Creep of Carrara Marble: A Quintanilla Terminel, J B Evans, D Mainprice, R Lebensohn 1135h MR42A-06 Cyclic loading experiments to measure material response over a broad frequency range: from tickling of rocks to squeezing of moons: C McCarthy, Y Takei, R F Cooper, H M Savage 1150h MR42A-07 Influence of Mineral Fraction on the Rheological Properties of Forsterite + Enstatite during Grain Size Sensitive Creep: M Tasaka, T Hiraga NH42A Moscone South 309 Thursday1020h Landslides and Gravitational Slope Deformation: Case Studies and Their Mechanism II (joint with EP, H, S) Presiding: Hiroshi Fukuoka, Niigata University; Ning Lu, Colorado School Mines; Federico Agliardi, University of Milan - Bicocca; John Clague, Simon Fraser University 1020h NH42A-01 Geomorphological mapping and geotechnical testing of the March 22, 2014, SR530 landslide near Oso, Washington: B D Collins, M E Reid, J W Vallance, R M Iverson, K M Schmidt 1035h NH42A-02 Challenges in Modeling DebrisFlow Initiation during the Exceptional September 2013 Northern Colorado Front Range Rainstorm: R L Baum, J A Coe, J Godt, J W Kean 1050h NH42A-03 Spatial Coupling Among Landslides, Geological Structures, Cataclinal Slopes, and Fluvial Knick Zones in Nepal Himalayas : T P Ojha, P G DeCelles All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 31 Advances in Exploration Geophysics III (Virtual Session) (joint with GP, H, NH, S) 1105h NS42A-04 Recent Advancements in Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry for Resource Exploration: A Case study from West Africa Birmian Greenstone Belt: J Mataragio, J Brewster NATURAL HAZARDS Presiding: Gerald Bawden, US Geological Survey; Kevin Murphy, NASA GSFC NS42A Moscone West 3018 Thursday1020h 1050h MR42A-03 Can grain size sensitive creep lubricate faults during earthquake propagation?: N De Paola, R Holdsworth, C Viti, C Collettini, R J Bullock, I Faoro 1205h H42E-08 Sustainability in urban water resources management – some notes from the field: W Shuster, A Garmestani, O O Green Near-Real-Time Data for Earth Science and Space Weather Applications II (joint with A, G, NH, OS) NEAR SURFACE GEOPHYSICS 1050h NS42A-03 A New Self-Constrained Inversion Method of Potential Fields Based on Probability Tomography: S Sun, C Chen, H WANG, Q Wang 1205h MR42A-08 Reactive Melt Migration and Channelization in Partially Molten Rocks: M Pec, D L Kohlstedt, M E Zimmerman, B K Holtzman IN42A Moscone West 2020 Thursday1020h 1205h NH42A-08 Feasibility Study on the Satellite Rainfall Data for Prediction of Sediment- Related Disaster by the Japanese Prediction Methodology: Y Shimizu, T Ishizuka, N Osanai, T Okazumi 1035h MR42A-02 The Frictional Behavior of San Andreas Fault Materials Formed by Carbonation of Serpentinite: F Klein, D L Goldsby, J Lin, M Andreani 1150h H42E-07 Ecohydrology frameworks for green infrastructure design and ecosystem service provision: M Pavao-Zuckerman, A Knerl, G Barron-Gafford EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE INFORMATICS 1105h NH42A-04 A rate- and state-dependent friction model to describe the seasonal motion of slow-moving earthflows and quantify their potential for catastrophic failure: A L Handwerger, A W Rempel, J J Roering, G E Hilley, R M Skarbek 1135h NS42A-06 A 3D homogenous locator for magnetic anomalous sources: algorithm development and testing: X Zhou 1150h NS42A-07 Three Algorithms of Magnetization Vector Inversion for Magnetic Data: S Liu, X Hu, Y Xi, Y Zhao 1205h NS42A-08 Magnetic evidence for lightning strikes on mountains: a case study from Lesotho: S J Webb, J Knight, S W Grab OCEAN SCIENCES OS42A Moscone West 3011 Thursday1020h Ocean Mesoscale Processes II (joint with A, B, NG) Presiding: Ali Belmadani, University of Concepcion; Ryo Furue, IPRC Univ of Hawaii; Hidenori Aiki, JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology; Pedro VГ©lez-BelchГ, Spanish Institute of Oceanography 1020h OS42A-01 Rossby Rip Currents : D P Marshall, B Vogel, X Zhai 1035h OS42A-02 Eddy-Mediated Transport of Circumpolar Deep Water Across the Antarctic Shelf Break: A Stewart, A F Thompson 1050h OS42A-03 On the role of mesoscale eddies in ventilation of the Southern Ocean: I V Kamenkovich, R L Pennel, Z D Garraffo, R A Fine 1105h OS42A-04 Water Mass Transformation by Near-Surface Mesoscale Eddy Stirring: R P Abernathey 1120h OS42A-05 Potential utility of threedimensional temperature and salinity fields estimated from satellite altimetry and Argo data for improving mesoscale reproducibility in regional ocean modeling: R Kanki, Y Uchiyama, D Miyazaki, A Takano, Y Miyazawa, H Yamazaki 1135h OS42A-06 Various Regimes of Instability and Formation of Coastal Eddies Along the Shelf Bathymetry: L Cimoli, G Roullet, A Stegner THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1150h OS42A-07 Tracer Stirring Around a Meddy : The Formation of Layering: T Meunier, C Menesguen, R Schopp, S Le Gentil 1205h OS42A-08 The Energetics of Centrifugal Instability: W K Dewar, Y Jiao OS42B Moscone West 3009 Thursday1020h The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Climate Variability, and Change II (joint with A, GC, NG, PP) Presiding: Alexey Fedorov, Yale Univ; LuAnne Thompson, University of Washington; Jerry McManus, Columbia U. / LDEO; Eleanor Frajka-Williams, National Oceanography Centre, 1020h OS42B-01 Assessing AMOC over the Last 40,000 Years from Seawater Density Gradients: J Lynch-Stieglitz 1035h OS42B-02 Reconstructing Modes of the Amoc Back to the Penultimate Glacial Maximum: J A Lippold, E BГ¶hm, M Gutjahr, M Frank, P Blaser, B Antz, J Fohlmeister, N Frank, M B Andersen, M Deininger 1050h OS42B-03 North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and Abrupt Climate Change through the Last Glaciation: G Henry III, J F McManus, W B Curry, L D Keigwin, L Giosan 1105h OS42B-04 Carbon Cycle Variability Due to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: G A McKinley, M Breeden 1120h OS42B-05 Recurrence of Winter Convection in the Warming Labrador Sea and Associated Variability Downstream: I Yashayaev, J W Loder, M A Morales Maqueda 1135h OS42B-06 Characteristics of the Sinking Branch of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a Global Ocean Model - the Impacts of Model Resolution: C A Katsman, E Burrillon, S S Drijfhout, H A Dijkstra, M A Spall 1150h OS42B-07 The Role of the AMOC in Forecast Cooling of the Atlantic Subpolar Gyre and Its Associated Impacts: R Eade, L Hermanson, N Robinson, N Dunstone, M Andrews, J Knight, A A Scaife, D Smith 1205h OS42B-08 Revisiting the role of atmosphereocean coupling in North Atlantic variability and predictability: L Zanna PLANETARY SCIENCES P42A Moscone West 2011 Thursday1020h Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) at Mars I (joint with NH) Presiding: Petrus Jenniskens, SETI Institute; Diana Wooden, NASA Ames Research Center; Apostolos Christou, Armagh Observatory; Padma Yanamandra-Fisher, Space Science Institute 1020h P42A-01 Hubble Space Telescope View of Comet C/Siding Spring during its Close Encounter with Mars: J Y Li, N H Samarasinha, M S P Kelley, T L Farnham, D Bodewits, M F A’Hearn, C M Lisse, W A Delamere, M J Mutchler 1035h P42A-02 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter observation of Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring): L Tamppari, R W Zurek, B A Cantor, W A Delamere, A Egan, D C Humm, D M Kass, A S McEwen, A McGovern, R J Phillips, M Restano, R Seu 1050h P42A-03 Mars Express Observations During Comet Siding Spring Mars Encounter: H Svedhem, O G Witasse, J L Bertaux, J P Bibring, M Giuranna, D A Gurnett, M Holmstrom, R Jaumann, F Montmessin, D D Morgan, R Orosei 1105h P42A-04 BOPPS Observations of Oort Cloud Comets Siding and PanSTARRS: A F Cheng, C Hibbitts, E F Young, P N Bernasconi, K Tibor 1135h P42A-06 MAVEN remote sensing observations of Comet Siding Spring and its effects on Mars: N M Schneider, B M Jakosky 1150h P42A-07 MAVEN In Situ Measurements of Siding Spring and its Effect on Mars: R V Yelle, B M Jakosky 1205h P42A-08 Imaging of comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) from the Martian surface: M T Lemmon, J F Bell III, M C Malin, M J Wolff, J Maki, J Lasue, S Le Mouelic 1219h 1-minute oral summaries of posters: 2014 31 11/28/2014 11:06:21 AM P42B Moscone West 2009 Thursday1020h Evolutions, Interactions, and Origins of Outer Planet Satellites I (Virtual Session) Presiding: Amanda Hendrix, Planetary Science Institute Tucson; Krishan Khurana, University of California at Los Angeles 1020h P42B-01 Maintenance of Surface Current Balance by Field-Aligned Thermoelectric Currents at Astronomical Bodies: Cassini at Rhea: B D Teolis 1035h P42B-02 Cassini ENA Observations of an Asymmetric Europa Torus with Indications of Dynamics: P C Brandt, J H Westlake, D G Mitchell, B Mauk, H T Smith 1050h P42B-03 The State of the Plasma Sheet and Atmosphere at Europa: D E Shemansky, Y L Yung, X Liu, J Yoshii, C J Hansen, A Hendrix, L W Esposito 1105h P42B-04 Helene: A Plastic Model: O M Umurhan, J M Moore, A D Howard, P Schenk, O L White 1120h P42B-05 Analysis of very-high-resolution Galileo images of Europa: Implications for smallscale structure and surface evolution: E J Leonard, R T Pappalardo, A Yin, L M Prockter, D A Patthoff 1135h P42B-06 Specular Reflections from Titan’s Equatorial Region: Solving the Decade Old Mystery: J D Hofgartner, D B Campbell, A Hayes, J I Lunine 1150h P42B-07 Rheology and Thermal State of Titan’s Crust: Potential Role of Methane Clathrates: D Basu Sarkar, M Elwood Madden 1205h P42B-08 Magnetospheric Interaction at Jupiter’s Galilean Moons Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto: Galileo in-Situ Measurements Compared with Simulation Results: N Krupp, X Jia, E Roussos, M Fraenz PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY PP42A Moscone West 2010 Thursday1020h Multiproxy Records for Climatic and Oceanic Reconstructions II (joint with A, B, GC, OS) Presiding: Kristine DeLong, Louisiana State University; Grant Harley, University of Southern Mississippi; Emilie Dassie, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory; Jason Polk, Western Kentucky University 1020h PP42A-01 Robust Patterns and Process Insight from Multi-Site, Multi-Proxy, MultiRegion Holocene Paleohydrologic Reconstructions: B N Shuman, M Serravezza, J Marsicek 1035h PP42A-02 A Multiproxy Approach to Calibrating Speleothem Paleoclimate Reconstructions using Modern Isotopic and Remotely Sensed Data: J Polk, V Hall, G Ouellette Jr, J Durkee, X Fan 1050h PP42A-03 The Change in Black Sea Water Composition and Hydrology during Deglaciation from Multiproxy Reconstructions: A Yanchilina, W B F Ryan, J F McManus 1105h PP42A-04 Linking North Atlantic Climate Dynamics with Shell Growth and Geochemistry in Northern Norway: M Mette, A D Wanamaker, M Carroll, W Ambrose, M Retelle 1120h PP42A-05 How Do Test Size and Dissolution Modify Stable Isotope Ratios and Mg/Ca in Planktonic Foraminifer Tests? a Quantitative Analysis: F Mekik 1135h PP42A-06 Comparisons of multiple isotope systems in the aragonitic shells of cultured Arctica islandica clams: Y W Liu, S Aciego, A D Wanamaker P42C Moscone West 2007 Thursday1020h 1150h PP42A-07 A Modern Sr/Ca-Оґ18O-Sea Surface Temperature Calibration for Isopora Corals in the Great Barrier Reef: L D Brenner, B K Linsley, D C Potts Mars Science Laboratory’s Prime Mission: An Exploration of Fluvial and Lacustrine Environments on Gale Crater’s Plains I (joint with EP) 1205h PP42A-08 Toward a New Assessment of the Environmental Impacts of the Younger Toba Super Eruption : P N Ranasinghage, L Giosan, M Mohtadi, C Ponton, S Steinke, N Samarasinghe, J E Johnson Presiding: Ashwin Vasavada, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Michael Meyer, NASA HQ PP42B Moscone West 2006 Thursday1020h 1020h P42C-01 Geologic Framework for Aeolis Palus Bedrock, and Its Relationship to Mt. Sharp, Mars: J P Grotzinger, D F Blake, J A Crisp, K S Edgett, R Gellert, S Gupta, K W Lewis, P R Mahaffy, M C Malin, H E Newsom, T J Parker, M S Rice, D M Rubin, K L Siebach, K Stack, D Y Sumner, R C Wiens, R M E Williams Presiding: Ian Fairchild, Univ Birmingham; Huiming Bao, Louisiana State Univ.; Francis Macdonald, Harvard University 1035h P42C-02 Making sense of martian sediments at the Kimberley, Gale crater: S Gupta, D M Rubin, M S Rice, K W Lewis, K Stack, D Y Sumner, J P Grotzinger, R M E Williams, L A Edgar, K S Edgett, L C Kah, J P Muller 1050h P42C-03 Overview of the composition of sedimentary rocks along the Curiosity rover traverse: N Mangold 1105h P42C-04 Mineralogy of Fluvio-Lacustrine Sediments Investigated by Curiosity during the Prime Mission: Implications for Diagenesis: E B Rampe, R V Morris, D L Bish, D T Vaniman, T Bristow, S Chipera, D F Blake, D W Ming, J Farmer, S M Morrison, A H Treiman, C Achilles, J Crisp, D J Des Marais, R T Downs, J M Morookian, P Sarrazin, N Spanovich, A Yen 1120h P42C-05 Reconstructing Ancient Fluvial Environments at the Balmville and Dingo Gap Outcrops, Gale Crater, Mars: L A Edgar, D M Rubin, J Schieber, S Gupta, R M E Williams, K Stack, M S Rice, J P Grotzinger, K W Lewis, M C Malin, D Y Sumner, J F Bell III, K S Edgett 1135h P42C-06 Curiosity in Situ Observations at Kylie, a Preview of the Kimberley Drill Site Geology: L A Edgar, R M E Williams, M S Rice, K Stack, J P Grotzinger, S Gupta, D M Rubin, D Y Sumner, K W Lewis, L Le Deit, R C Wiens 1150h P42C-07 Sandstone Diagenesis at Gale Crater, Mars, As Observed By Curiosity: K L Siebach, J P Grotzinger, S M McLennan, J Hurowitz, L C Kah, K S Edgett, R M E Williams, R C Wiens, J Schieber Neoproterozoic Glaciation: Interrogation of Data and Models I (joint with A, C, EP, P) 1020h PP42B-01 Flood Basalts and Neoproterozoic Glaciation: G P Halverson, G M Cox, M Kunzmann, J V Strauss, F A Macdonald 1035h PP42B-02 How cloud radiative forcing could allow Snowball Earth deglaciation: D S Abbot 1050h PP42B-03 Did photosynthetic organisms take refuge in ice shadows during Snowball Earth events?: A J Campbell, S G Warren, E D Waddington 1105h PP42B-04 Orbitally Forced Climatic Fluctuations in Snowball Earth: Compelling Evidence from a Data-Model Study: D Benn, I J Fairchild, G Le Hir, E Fleming, G Ramstein, C Stevenson, Y Donnadieu, H Bao, M Hambrey, M S Petronis, P Wynn 1120h PP42B-05 Developing an Age Model for the Cryogenian: the South China perspective : D J Condon, M Zhu, F A Macdonald, S Tapster 1135h PP42B-06 Making up for Lost Time: Stratigraphic and Geochemical Implications of a Long-Lived Sturtian Glaciation: F A Macdonald, M D Schmitz, D J Condon, M Zhu, A D Rooney, A D Brandon 1150h PP42B-07 Sea-level change following the Marinoan Snowball Earth deglaciation: J R Creveling, J X Mitrovica 1205h PP42B-08 Cryogenian Snowball Earth: a 25th anniversary assessment of models and data: P F Hoffman 1205h P42C-08 Fluids and Sulfate Vein Formation in Gale Crater, Mars: S P Schwenzer, J Bridges, R J Leveille, F Westall, R C Wiens, N Mangold, A McAdam, P G Conrad, J MartГn-Torres, M P Zorzano PP42C Moscone West 2008 Thursday1020h The East Asian Monsoon and Its Impact on Marginal Seas: Marine and Terrestrial Records, Modeling, and Observations I (joint with A, GC, OS) Presiding: Richard Murray, Boston Univ; Ryuji Tada, University of Tokyo; Hongbo Zheng, Nanjing Normal University 1020h PP42C-01 Evolution of the South-East Monsoon System – An Investigation of the Dynamical Controls on the Monsoon System Over Geologic Time Scales: A Farnsworth, D J Lunt 1035h PP42C-02 Long-Term Evolution of the East Asian Monsoon and Impact on Erosion and Weathering Around the South China Sea: P D Clift 1050h PP42C-03 Evidence for at Least Two Different Sources of Asian Dust to the Northwest Pacific Ocean Since the Eocene: R Scudder, R W Murray, H Zheng, R Tada 1120h PP42C-05 Comparison of the timings between abrupt climate changes in Greenland, Antarctica, China and Japan based on robust correlation using Lake Suigetsu as a template: T Nakagawa 1135h PP42C-06 Inter-linkages of SE Asian, Indian and Indonesian-Australian monsoonal subsystems on orbital and suborbital timescales: A E Holbourn, W Kuhnt, R Tada, R W Murray, C A Alvarez Zarikian, S C Clemens 1150h PP42C-07 Latitudinal Expansion of the Holocene Optimum in the East Asian Monsoon Region: X Zhou, L Sun, T Zhan, W Huang, X Zhou, Q Hao, X He, C Zhao, J Zhang, Y Qiao, J Ge, P Yan, D Shao, Z Chu, W Yang 1205h PP42C-08 Mid-Miocene to Pleistocene Radiolarian fossil record from IODP Expedition 346: Faunal response to the global climatic changes and local/regional tectonics: T Itaki, I Motoyama, S Kamikuri, R Tada, R W Murray, C A Alvarez Zarikian SEISMOLOGY 1020h S42B-01 Exploring the Differences Between the European (SHARE) and the Reference Italian Seismic Hazard Models: F Visini, C Meletti, V D’Amico, A Rovida, M Stucchi 1035h S42B-02 Normal Mode Analysis of AmbientNoise Induced Free Oscillations of a Slender Medieval Masonry Tower in Bologna (Italy): A Morelli, R M Azzara, A Cavaliere, L Zaccarelli 1050h S42B-03 Ground Motion Uncertainty and Variability (single-station sigma): Insights from Euroseistest, Greece: O J Ktenidou, Z Roumelioti, N A Abrahamson, F Cotton, K Pitilakis 1105h S42B-04 Rupture Directivity Effect on the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps in the Marmara Region, Turkey: E Spagnuolo, A Akinci, A Herrero, S Pucci 1135h S42B-06 Accounting for Epistemic Uncertainty in PSHA: Logic Tree and Ensemble Model: M Taroni, W Marzocchi, J Selva 1150h S42B-07 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment In the Upper Rhine Graben, Eastern France: T Chartier, C Clement, D Baumont, O Scotti, S Baize 1205h S42B-08 Earthquake Hazard and Risk in New Zealand: E V Apel, M Nyst, D D Fitzenz, G Molas SPA-AERONOMY SA42A Moscone West 2016 Thursday1020h Data Assimilation for Space Physics and Aeronomy II (joint with SH, SM) Presiding: W Kent Tobiska, Space Environment Technologies; Tomoko Matsuo, University of Colorado; Humberto Godinez, Los Alamos National Lab 1020h SA42A-01 Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) for the Ionosphere-ThermosphereElectrodynamics System: R W Schunk, L Scherliess, V Eccles, L C Gardner, J J Sojka, L Zhu, X Pi, A J Mannucci, M Butala, B D Wilson, A Komjathy, C Wang, G Rosen 1035h SA42A-02 Principles and Problems of Data Assimilation for High-Latitude Ionospheric Electrodynamics: A D Richmond, T Matsuo, E D P Cousins, D J Knipp, G Lu, S Marsal S42A Moscone South 305 Thursday1020h Imaging the Earth VIII Theoretical Developments (joint with DI, T) Presiding: Monica Maceira, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Carene Larmat, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Andreas Fichtner, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich; Paula Koelemeijer, University of Cambridge 1020h S42A-01 Wavelet-based multiscale adjoint waveform-difference tomography using body and surface waves: Y O Yuan, F J Simons, E Bozdag 1035h S42A-02 Accelerated Source-Encoding FullWaveform Inversion with Additional Constraints: C Boehm, A Fichtner, M Ulbrich 1050h S42A-03 Green’s Functions for Surface Waves in a Generic Velocity Structure: V C Tsai, S Atiganyanun 1105h S42A-04 Accounting for propagation outside of the model boundaries in regional full waveform inversion based on adjoint methods: Y Masson, C Pierre, B A Romanowicz, S W French, H Yuan 1120h S42A-05 A Nonparametric Approach to Automated S-Wave Picking: C Rawles, C H Thurber 1135h S42A-06 Does Accuracy Matter? the Role of Approximations in Geophysical Inverse Theory: A P Valentine, J Trampert 1150h S42A-07 Direct ambient noise tomography for 3-D near surface shear velocity structure: methodology and applications: H Yao, H Fang, C Li, Y Liu, H Zhang, R D van der Hilst, Y C Huang 1205h S42A-08 Numerical Resolution of Seismic Wavefield Simulations in Southern California: C Tape, E Casarotti S42B Moscone South 303 Thursday1020h 1050h SA42A-03 Combining Radiation Belt Models with Multiple Satellite Observations to Reconstruct the Dynamics of the Radiation Belts Using the 3D VERB Code: Y Shprits, A C Kellerman, D A Kondrashov, T Podladchikova, A Drozdov 1105h SA42A-04 Estimating the Global Solar Magnetic Field Distribution Using ADAPT: C N Arge, C J Henney, W A Toussaint, H C Godinez, K S Hickmann SPA-SOLAR AND HELIOSPHERIC PHYSICS SH42A Moscone West 2012 Thursday1020h Solar Sources and Heliospheric Consequences of Coronal Mass Ejections in Solar Cycle 24 I (joint with SM) Presiding: Ying Liu, NSSC National Space Science Center, CAS; NoГ© Lugaz, University of New Hampshire; Benoit Lavraud, IRAP/CNRS; Neel Savani, Naval Research Laboratory 1020h SH42A-01 Multi-Viewpoint Observations of X-Class Flares and Associate CMEs 2010-2014: R R Fisher 1035h SH42A-02 Solar Sources of Coronal Mass Ejections: Y Li 1050h SH42A-03 Solar Proton Events during Solar Cycle 24: A Multi-Spacecraft Perspective: I G Richardson 1105h SH42A-04 Anisotropies of Solar Energetic Electron Events Observed By Multiple Spacecraft: N Dresing, R Gomez-Herrero, A Klassen, B Heber, O Malandraki, W Droege, Y Kartavykh 1120h SH42A-05 Propagation and Evolution of Interplanetary Magnetic Clouds: Global Simulations and Comparisons with Observations: P Riley, M Ben-Nun, J Linker, T Torok, R Lionello, C Downs Seismology Contributions: Earthquake Ground Motions and Engineering Seismology III Presiding: Victor Tsai, CaltechSeismological Lab; Carl Tape, University of Alaska Fairbanks 1135h SH42A-06 ICME Shock Accelerated Seps Transport in 3-D Heliospheric Magnetic Fields: Simulations and Multi Spacecraft Observations in Solar Cycle 24: G Qin, Y Wang 1150h SH42A-07 Open Issues on CME Propagation in the Inner Heliosphere: A Vourlidas 32 AGU2014News.indb 32 2014 THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:21 AM 1205h SH42A-08 Radio emission during the interaction between two coronal mass ejections in the interplanetary medium: T Niembro, A Lara SPA-MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS SM42A Moscone West 2018 Thursday1020h Theory and Observation of Magnetic Reconnection in Complex Heliospheric and Magnetospheric Conditions II (joint with SH) Presiding: William Matthaeus, University of Delaware; John Dorelli, NASA/GSFC; Michael Shay, University of Delaware; Marc Swisdak, University of Maryland 1020h SM42A-01 Generation of Alfvenic Waves and Turbulence in Magnetic Reconnection Jets: M Hoshino 1038h SM42A-02 Current Sheet Formation, Equilibria and Heating in the Closed Corona: A F Rappazzo 1056h SM42A-03 Magnetic reconnection in 3D magnetosphere models: magnetic separators and open flux production: A Glocer, J Dorelli, G Toth, C M Komar, P Cassak 1114h SM42A-04 Magnetic Reconnection and Intermittent Turbulence: K Osman, W H Matthaeus, K H Kiyani, J T Gosling, S C Chapman, B Hnat, A Greco, S Servidio, T D Phan, Y V Khotyaintsev 1132h SM42A-05 Observations of Plasma Waves in the Colliding Jet Region of a 3D Magnetic Flux Rope Flanked by Two Active Reconnection X Lines at the Subsolar Magnetopause: M Oieroset, D J Sundkvist, C C Chaston, T D Phan, F Mozer, J P McFadden, V Angelopoulos, L Andersson, J P Eastwood 1144h SM42A-06 Magnetic Island Dynamics and Energy Dissipation in Multiple X-line Reconnection : M Zhou, Y Pang, X Deng, S Huang, X Lai 1156h SM42A-07 Asymmetric Reconnection at the Magnetopause Under the Presence of LowEnergy Ions of Magnetospheric Origin: S Toledo Redondo, A Vaivads, M Andre, Y V Khotyaintsev 1208h SM42A-08 Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection in Partially Ionized Chromospheric Plasmas: N A Murphy, V S Lukin, J C Raymond TECTONOPHYSICS T42A Moscone South 304 Thursday1020h Illuminating the Factors That Determine Subduction Megathrust Fault Slip Style II (joint with G, MR, NH, S) Presiding: Ake Fagereng, University of Cape Town; Matt Ikari, MARUM, University of Bremen; Kohtaro Ujiie, University of Tsukuba; Laura Wallace, University of Texas at Austin 1020h T42A-01 Subduction zone structures and slip behavior in megathrust: S Kodaira, A Nakanishi, Y Nakamura 1035h T42A-02 A New Model for the Seismogenic Behavior of Subducted Seamounts Based on MultiChannel Seismic Reflection and GPS Data Collected in Central Ecuador: J Y Collot, E Sanclemente, A Ribodetti, M Chlieh, P Jarrin, J M Nocquet 1050h T42A-03 Identification of subducting plate structure within seismogenic zones and relationships with seismicity: D Bassett, A B Watts 1105h T42A-04 Tectonic controls on earthquake size distribution and seismicity rate: slab buoyancy and slab bending: T Nishikawa, S Ide 1120h T42A-05 Upper Plate Geology Controls the Rupture Area Segmentation of Subduction Zone Earthquake - A Case Study of the Nankai Trough: G Kimura, Y Hashimoto, Y Kitamura, A Yamaguchi, M Hamahashi, H Koge, S Morita 1135h T42A-06 The Role of Fault Heterogeneity on the Diversity of Slip Styles in Megathrust Earthquakes: J P Ampuero 1150h T42A-07 Can clay minerals account for the non-asperity on the subducting plate interface?: I Katayama, T Kubo, H Sakuma, K Kawai 1205h T42A-08 Possible coseismic laminar and non-laminar flow along subduction megathrusts: K Ujiie, K Noguchi, T Saito, A Tsutsumi T42B Moscone South 306 Thursday1020h Linking Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection to Wilson Cycles: Constraints from the Geological Record and Surface Processes II (joint with DI, EP, S) Presiding: Nicolas Flament, University of Sydney; Thorsten Becker, USC; Rebecca Flowers, Univ of Colorado, Boulder; Zheng-xiang Li, Curtin University 1020h T42B-01 Supercontinent Reconstructions as of 2014: Advances and Challenges: D A Evans 1035h T42B-02 Supercontinent Breakup and the Deep Earth: T H Torsvik 1050h T42B-03 Supercontinent Pangea, Mantle Dynamics, and Reference Frame of Global Plate Motions: S Zhong, M L Rudolph, X Liu 1105h T42B-04 The Dispersal of East Gondwana from Continental Breakup to the Start of the Cretaceous Quiet Zone: J K Davis, L A Lawver, I O Norton, L Gahagan 1120h T42B-05 Mid-Continent Rift: Rift, LIP, or Both?: C A Stein, S A Stein, J Kley, D Hindle, G R Keller Jr 1135h T42B-06 Global Age Distribution of Detrital Zircons, the Supercontinent Cycle, and Subduction Flux Through Time: D C Bradley 1150h T42B-07 The Role of Subduction and Mantle Plumes in the Supercontinent Cycle: P J Heron, J P Lowman, C Stein 1205h T42B-08 Slab Rollback Instability and SuperContinent Dispersal: D Bercovici, M D Long VOLCANOLOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY AND PETROLOGY V42A Moscone South 308 Thursday1020h Magma Transport and Eruption at Basaltic Volcanoes II (joint with DI, MR) Presiding: Nicolas Villeneuve, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris; Marie Edmonds, University of Cambridge; Nicole Metrich, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris; Paul Okubo, U S Geological Survey 1020h V42B-01 The temporality of anorthosites and insights into Earth evolution: L D Ashwal 1035h V42B-02 Sink or Swim? the Role of Intracrustal Differentiation in the Generation of Compositional Diversity and Crustal Delamination in the Archean: J A VanTongeren, C T Herzberg, B Kaus, T E Johnson, M Brown 1050h V42B-03 Proterozoic Stability of the Kaapvaal Craton from Titanite (U-Th)/ He Thermochronology and Strong Influence of Radiation Damage on this Underutilized Thermochronometer: J S Baughman, R M Flowers, T Dhansay 1105h V42B-04 On the Viability of Slab Melting: J Van Hunen, P Bouilhol, V Magni, B L Maunder 1120h V42B-05 Relamination and the Differentiation of Continental Crust: B R Hacker, P B Kelemen, M D Behn 1135h V42B-06 Eu Anomalies Constrain Recycling of Lower Continental Crust: M Tang, R L Rudnick, W F McDonough, R M Gaschnig, Y Huang 1150h V42B-07 The State of Subduction in Southern Peru: R W Clayton 1205h V42B-08 Mantle Discontinuities and the Origins of the U.S. Cratonic Lithosphere: K M Fischer, E Hopper SPA-MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS SM42B Moscone West 2016 Thursday1120h Interhemispheric Differences in HighLatitude Geospace I (joint with SA) Presiding: Karl Laundal, University of Bergen; Matthias Foerster, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences; Stephen Milan, University of Leicester 1120h SM42B-01 Global response of M-I coulping revealed by AMPERE: C L Waters, B J Anderson, H Korth 1135h SM42B-02 Hemispheric differences in solar wind – magnetosphere interactions: J P Reistad, N Ostgaard, K Laundal, K Snekvik, P Tenfjord, K Oksavik 1020h V42A-01 Magma storage under Iceland’s Eastern Volcanic Zone: J Maclennan, D Neave, M E Hartley, M Edmonds, T Thordarson, D J Morgan 1150h SM42B-03 Radar Observations of Interhemispheric Ionospheric Convection Morphology Associated with Magnetotail Dynamics: A Grocott 1035h V42A-02 Untangling a crystal storm through time: how do 500 diffusion stopwatches inform our view of EyjafjallajГ¶kull 2010?: M J Pankhurst, D J Morgan, T Thordarson, S Loughlin 1205h SM42B-04 North-South Differences in the Polar Ionosphere and Thermosphere: The Role of Magnetic Field Asymmetry, Seasonality, and Solar Activity: I Cnossen, M Foerster 1050h V42A-03 Caldera collapse unloading volcanoes: the textbook case of Fernandina, Galapagos: F Corbi, E Rivalta, V Pinel, F Maccaferri, V Acocella THURSDAY P.M. 1105h V42A-04 Long- and Short-Term Magmatic Behavior of Piton De La Fournaise Volcano Inferred from Noise-Based Seismic Monitoring: F Brenguier, D N Rivet, P Kowalski, E F Larose, T Lecocq, J A Chaput, S Rambaud, N Shapiro, M Campillo, P Roux, V Ferrazzini, N Villeneuve 1120h V42A-05 KД«lauea’s Upper East Rift Zone: A Rift Zone in Name Only: D A Swanson, R S Fiske 1135h V42A-06 Measuring the speed of magma ascent during explosive eruptions of Kilauea, Hawaii: D J Ferguson, P Ruprecht, T A Plank, E H Hauri, H M Gonnermann, B F Houghton, D A Swanson 1150h V42A-07 Constraints on the nature and evolution of the magma plumbing system beneath Mt. Etna (1991 – 2008) from a combined thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of the compositional record of minerals: M Kahl, S Chakraborty, M Pompilio, F Costa Rodriguez 1205h V42A-08 Building the Crust through Melt Intrusions, Askja, Iceland: T S Greenfield, R S White V42B Moscone South 310 Thursday1020h TOWN HALL TH43A Moscone West 2002 Thursday1230h Challenges in Redefining Global Geological Heritage and World Heritage (joint with ED, SI, T, V) TH43B Moscone West 2004 Thursday1230h Planning for the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) (joint with A, B, OS, SI) TH43C Moscone West 2006 Thursday1230h Better Living through Collaboration: Science Hack Day Town Hall (joint with ED, IN, SI) TH43D Moscone West 2008 Thursday1230h Water Science: Building Research Networks in China (joint with H) The Making of a Continent II (joint with DI, S, T) TH43E Moscone West 2003 Thursday1230h Presiding: Richard Carlson, Carnegie Inst Washington; Grant Michael Bybee, University of the Witwatersrand; Oliver The Deep Carbon Observatory DECADE Initiative: First Results from the Volcanic CO2 Monitoring Network and Campaign Studies (joint with A, DI, T, V) All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 33 Jagoutz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Stephen Parman, Brown University THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER TH43F Moscone West 2005 Thursday1230h International Soil Carbon Network: Data and Collaboration in Support of Carbon Cycle Science (joint with B) TH43G Moscone West 2007 Thursday1230h Ethical Challenges in the Geosciences TH43H Moscone West 2009 Thursday1230h Challenges of Complexity and Complex Systems in Geophysics (joint with A, GC, H, NG) UNION U43A Moscone West 2009 Thursday1340h Long-Term In Situ Data Networks (Virtual Session) Presiding: David Huggins, USDAARS; Philip Robertson, Michigan State University; Brian Wee, National Ecological Observatory Network; Michael Cosh, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 1340h U43A-01 The Long-Term Agro-Ecosystem Research (LTAR) Network: A New In-Situ Data Network For Agriculture: M R Walbridge 1355h U43A-02 FROM THE PAST TO THE FUTURE: BUILDING A NEW CONTINENTAL SCALE LONG-TERM IN-SITU DATA NETWORK: J R Taylor 1410h U43A-03 Long Term Eddy Covariance Networks – When Collaboration Works: An Example from Ameriflux, ICOS and Fluxnet: D Papale, D D Baldocchi, H W Loescher, M S Torn 1425h U43A-04 Insights and Challenges to Integrating Data from Diverse Ecological Networks: D P C Peters 1440h U43A-05 Building Capacity for a Long-Term, in-Situ, National-Scale Phenology Monitoring Network: Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned: J F Weltzin, D M Browning 1455h U43A-06 The USDA-ARS Experimental Watershed Network – Evolution and Lessons Learned: D C Goodrich, P Heilman, M Nichols, S M Moran, J L Steiner, J Sadler, M R Walbridge 1510h U43A-07 Interfacing with in-Situ Data Networks during the Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE): M McInerney, P C Griffith, D Duffy, E Hoy, J L Schnase, S Sinno, J H Thompson 1525h U43A-08 What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been: Lessons Learned From NASA EOS, LTER, NEON, CZO And On To The Future With Sustainable Research Networks: M W Williams ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES A43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes and Turbulence III Posters (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with B, H, NG) Presiding: Elie Bou-Zeid, Princeton University; Pierre Gentine, Columbia University; Marcelo Chamecki, Pennsylvania State University 1340h A43A-3228 POSTER The characteristic averaging time for the surface-layer fluxes: M Calaf, V Iungo, H J Oldroyd, M G Giometto, M B Parlange 1340h A43A-3229 POSTER The Ergodic Structure of Passive Scalar Turbulence Statistics within Dense Canopies: K Ghannam, D Poggi, A M Porporato, G G Katul 1340h A43A-3230 POSTER A mass-spring-damper model for unsteady Ekman boundary layers: E BouZeid, M Momen 1340h A43A-3231 POSTER A Clustering Method to Characterize Intermittent Bursts of Turbulence and Submeso Motions Interaction in the Stable Boundary Layer: N Vercauteren, R Klein 1340h A43A-3232 POSTER Turbulent flow over an interactive alternating land-water surface: C Van Heerwaarden, J P Mellado 1340h A43A-3233 POSTER A Large Eddy Simulation to determine the effect of trees on wind and turbulence over a suburban surface: P E Egli, M G Giometto, T R Tooke, S Krayenhoff, A Christen, M B Parlange 2014 33 11/28/2014 11:06:22 AM 1340h A43A-3234 POSTER Land-atmosphere interaction effect on convective available potential energy during the initiation of moist convection: J Yin, A M Porporato, J Rigby, J D Albertson 1340h A43A-3235 POSTER A One-dimensional Stochastic Model of Turbulence within Plant Canopies: M Chamecki, L Souza Freire 1340h A43A-3236 POSTER A velocity-dissipation stochastic trajectory model for dispersal of heavy particles inside canopies: T Duman, A Trakhtenbrot, D Poggi, M Cassiani, G G Katul 1340h A43A-3237 POSTER The effect of Rossby number on the characteristics of superstructures and their impact on interscale energy exchange in the atmospheric boundary layer: M A Khan, R Stoll II 1340h A43A-3238 POSTER A Comparison of Explicit Algebraic Turbulence Models and the Energy-Flux Budget (EFB) Closure in Gabls: W M Lazeroms, E Bazile, G Brethouwer, S Wallin, A V Johansson, G Svensson 1340h A43A-3239 POSTER A New Diagnostic Turbulence Parameterization Scheme for Representing Diurnal Variations of the Boundary Layer Wind Speed PDF and Clouds in CANAM4 SCM: Y He, N McFarlane, A H Monahan 1340h A43A-3240 POSTER Characterization of Mesoscale Variability in WRF - a Coastal LowLevel Jet Case Study: K Tay, J K Lundquist, M Skote, T Y Koh 1340h A43A-3241 POSTER Catastrophic Equatorial Icing Caused the Air France 447 and Malaysian 370 Crashes: Risks of More Such Disasters Are Increased By Global Warming: C H Gibson 1340h A43A-3242 POSTER Sensitivity of PBL Schemes of WRF-ARW Model in Simulating Mesoscale Atmospheric Flow-Field Parameters over a Complex Terrain: S Madala, A N V Satyanarayana, C V Srinivas, R Boadh 1340h A43A-3243 POSTER Large-eddy simulation of street canyons and urban microclimate using Uintah:MPMICE: A Nemati Hayati, R Stoll II, T Harman, E Pardyjak 1340h A43A-3244 POSTER Numerical Study on urban parameterization using a CFD model : H Lee, J Kim 1340h A43A-3245 POSTER A Numerical Study on Characteristics of Flow and Reactive Pollutant Dispersion in Step‒up Street Canyons: E R Kim, J Kim 1340h A43A-3246 POSTER Numerical Study on Sensitivity of Pollutant Dispersion on Turbulent Schmidt Number in a Street Canyon : J WANG, J Kim 1340h A43A-3247 POSTER A Semi-Analytical Model for Short Range Dispersion From Ground Sources: E Gavze, E Fattal, R Reichman 1340h A43A-3248 POSTER Lagrangian-stochastic modeling of pollutant dispersion in the urban boundary layer over complex terrain, and its comparison to Haifa 2009 tracer campaign: E Fattal, E Gavze 1340h A43A-3249 POSTER Dispersion Simulations Using Inline WRF-HYSPLIT for Atmospheric Studies in Complex Terrain (ASCOT) Experiment: F Ngan, A F Stein, R R Draxler A43B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes and Turbulence IV Posters (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with B, H, NG) Presiding: Elie Bou-Zeid, Princeton University; Pierre Gentine, Columbia University; Marcelo Chamecki, Pennsylvania State University 1340h A43B-3250 POSTER Finite-difference largeeddy simulations of atmospheric turbulence using a Lagrangian scale-dependent sub-grid scale model: C L Archer, S Xie, N Ghaisas 1340h A43B-3251 POSTER Improved estimation of sensible heat flux by a LAS using a Bowen ratio at urban residential area : M S Park, J H Chae 1340h A43B-3253 POSTER A numerical study of atmospheric KГ rmГ n vortex shedding from Jeju Island: J Ito, H Niino 1340h A43B-3254 POSTER Turbulence and pollutant transport in urban street canyons under stable stratification: a large-eddy simulation: X Li 1340h A43B-3255 POSTER Sensitivity of WRF Model to Planetary Boundary Layer Schemes in Different Climate Zones over India: P Gunwani, M Mohan 34 AGU2014News.indb 34 2014 1340h A43B-3256 POSTER LES of large wind farm during a diurnal cycle: Analysis of Energy and Scalar flux budgets: V Sharma, M Calaf, M B Parlange 1340h A43B-3257 POSTER Influence of the turbulence and convection parameterization on convective initiation in kilometer-scale simulations: C SchГ¤r, S BГ¶ing, J Schmidli, O Fuhrer 1340h A43B-3258 POSTER Experimental Evaluation of Flux Footprint Models: K Heidbach, H P E Schmid, M Mauder 1340h A43B-3260 POSTER Reconciling Remote and In-Situ Measurements of CH4 Dispersion in a Convective Boundary Layer with Multi-Model CFD Simulations: J Sauer, K R Costigan, J Canfield, T A Rahn, M K Dubey 1340h A43B-3261 POSTER Towards Improved Turbulence Model Parameterizations of the Stably Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer: J Wilson, S K Venayagamoorthy 1340h A43B-3262 POSTER Land- and sea-surface impacts on local coastal breezes : D E Veron, C Hughes, J Gilchrist, J Lodise, W Goldman 1340h A43B-3263 POSTER Comparison of Thorpe and Ozmidov Length Scales from Direct Numerical Simulations: L Wang, D C Fritts 1340h A43B-3264 POSTER Relating the Bulk Richardson Number (RiB) to Monin-Obukhov Stability (z/L): W Pendergrass, R White 1340h A43B-3265 POSTER Modeling METREX Tracer Releases Using High-Resolution WRF Meteorology: J D Hegarty, R R Draxler, T Nehrkorn 1340h A43B-3266 POSTER Eddy covariance flux of sulfur dioxide to the sea surface: Air-side resistance to deposition of a highly soluble gas: J Porter, W J De Bruyn, S D Miller, E S Saltzman 1340h A43B-3267 POSTER Study of near surface layers in Coastal Texas and their correlation with PBL heights using LIDAR during the NASA 2013 Discover AQ Campaign: V Caicedo, B L Lefer, A J Scarino, C A Hostetler, A Wisthaler, J D W Barrick 1340h A43B-3268 POSTER Canopy wake measurements using multiple scanning wind LiDARs: C D Markfort, F Carbajo Fuertes, V Iungo, H G Stefan, F Porte-Agel 1340h A43B-3269 POSTER Urban atmospheric boundary layer height by aerosol lidar and ceilometer: M H Choi, M S Park, S H Park 1340h A43B-3270 POSTER Measuring turbulent gust impressions in a forested canopy: A Hiscox, K Ertell 1340h A43B-3271 POSTER Two-component vector wind fields by scanning aerosol lidar: S D Mayor, P Derian, M Hamada, C F Mauzey 1340h A43B-3272 POSTER Development of a 266 nm Raman lidar for profiling atmospheric water vapor : T Uesugi, T Tsuda, M Yabuki, Y Liu A43C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Greenhouse Gas Measurements Using Active Optical Remote Sensing II Posters (joint with B) Presiding: Edward Browell, NASA Langley Research Ctr; James Abshire, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr; Gerhard Ehret, DLR; Chikao Nagasawa, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ 1340h A43C-3273 POSTER Investigating the constraint imposed by column averaged PBL CO2 data within an atmospheric inversion framework: A E Schuh, S R Kawa, A S Denning, D F Baker, A K Ramanathan 1340h A43C-3274 POSTER On the Ability of Ascends to Constrain Fossil Fuel, Ocean and High Latitude Emissions: Flux Estimation Experiments: S Crowell, S R Kawa, D Hammerling, B Moore III, P J Rayner 1340h A43C-3275 POSTER Impacts Of Atmospheric State On Differential Absorption Spectroscopy Retrievals Of Column XCO2 Mixing Ratios: T Pernini, T S Zaccheo, C Botos, E V Browell, J Henderson, M D Obland 1340h A43C-3276 POSTER Surface and Column Variations of CO2 using Weighting Functions for Future Active Remote CO2 sensors and Data from DISCOVER-AQ Field Campaign: M M Yang, Y Choi, S A Kooi, E V Browell 1340h A43C-3277 POSTER Impact of Using Assimilated Data for Evaluating Performance of Active CO2 Optical Depth Measurements: S A Kooi, B Lin, S Ismail, E V Browell, F W Harrison, M M Yang, Y Choi, S R Kawa THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h A43C-3278 POSTER Boundary Layer CO2 mixing ratio measurements by an airborne pulsed IPDA lidar: A K Ramanathan, J Mao, J B Abshire, G R Allan 1340h A43C-3279 POSTER Retrieval of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration above Clouds and Cloud Top Pressure from Airborne Lidar Measurements during ASCENDS Science Campaigns: J Mao, A K Ramanathan, M Rodriguez, G R Allan, W E Hasselbrack, J B Abshire, H Riris, S R Kawa 1340h A43C-3280 POSTER Atmospheric Airborne Pressure Measurements using the Oxygen A Band for the ASCENDS Mission: H Riris, M Rodriguez 1340h A43C-3281 POSTER Improved Instrumentation for the Detection of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration using an Airborne IPDA LIDAR for 2014 NASA ASCENDS Science Campaign: G R Allan, H Riris, W E Hasselbrack, M Rodriguez, A K Ramanathan, X Sun, J Mao, J B Abshire 1340h A43C-3282 POSTER The 2014 ASCENDS Field Campaign - a Carbon Dioxide Laser Absorption Spectrometer Perspective: G D Spiers, R T Menzies, J C Jacob, S Geier, S F Fregoso 1340h A43C-3283 POSTER Atmospheric CO2 Column Measurements Under Clear and Cloudy Conditions Using an Airborne Intensity-Modulated Continuous-Wave Lidar: B Lin, S Ismail, F W Harrison, A R Nehrir, E V Browell, T F Fan, S A Kooi, J T Dobler, B Meadows, M D Obland 1340h A43C-3284 POSTER Column CO2 Measurements with Intensity-Modulated Continuous-Wave Lidar System During the ASCENDS 2014 Summer Field Experiment: B Meadows, A R Nehrir, B Lin, F W Harrison, J T Dobler, S A Kooi, J F Campbell, M D Obland, E V Browell, M M Yang 1340h A43C-3285 POSTER Advancements in Algorithms for the Retrieval of CO2 Column Amount and Path Length Using an IntensityModulated Continuous-Wave Lidar: F W Harrison, B Lin, S Ismail, A R Nehrir, J T Dobler, E V Browell, S A Kooi, J F Campbell, M D Obland, M M Yang, B Meadows 1340h A43C-3286 POSTER Advanced IntensityModulation Continuous-Wave Lidar Techniques for Column CO2 Measurements: J F Campbell, B Lin, A R Nehrir, F W Harrison, M D Obland, S Ismail, B Meadows, E V Browell 1340h A43C-3287 POSTER Signal to Noise Ratio Estimation for a Space-borne Swept-Frequency Intensity-Modulated CO2 Laser Absorption Spectrometer: S Chen, B Lin, L B Petway, S Ismail, J F Campbell, Y Bai, F W Harrison, T F Refaat, M D Obland, B Meadows, E V Browell 1340h A43C-3288 POSTER Development of Compact 1.6 Ојm DIAL System for Measurement of Lower-Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Distribution: C Nagasawa, Y Shibata, M Abo 1340h A43C-3289 POSTER Wavelength Scanning Employing the Return to Zero Modulation Technique to Retrieve Atmospheric CO2 Profiles: J Burris Jr 1340h A43C-3290 POSTER CH4 IPDA LIDAR DATA SIMULATOR AND PROCESSOR FOR MERLIN MISSION: PROTOTYPES DEVELOPMENT AT IPSL/LMD: S Berthier, P Flamant, O Chimi-Chiadjeu, F Gibert, R Armante, C D Crevoisier, C Pierangelo, J Chinaud, B Millet, G Ehret 1340h A43C-3291 POSTER High Power and Frequency-Agile Optical Parametric Oscillators for Airborne DIAL Measurements of CH4 and H2O: A R Nehrir, T Shuman, T Chuang, J W Hair, T F Refaat, S Ismail, S A Kooi, A Notari 1340h A43C-3292 POSTER An Open-Path Tunable Diode Laser Sensor for Simultaneous Measurement of Methane And Carbon Dioxide: D M Bailey, E M Adkins, E L Wilson, J H H Miller 1340h A43C-3295 POSTER Design of an Autonomous Polarized Raman Lidar for Arctic Observations: R A Stillwell, R R Neely III, M O’Neill, J P Thayer, M M Hayman 1340h A43C-3296 POSTER A New Lidar Data Processing Algorithm Including Full Uncertainty Budget and Standardized Vertical Resolution for use Within the NDACC and GRUAN Networks: T Leblanc, A Haefele, R J Sica, A van Gijsel 1340h A43C-3297 POSTER Radiometric InterComparison between Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite and Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 on METOp-A/B: J Zeng, X Wu, R Lang, R Munro, L E Flynn, M Grotenhuis, C T Beck, S Pan A43D Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Multimodel and Initial-Condition Ensemble Simulations for Climate Research III Posters (joint with C, GC, H, OS) Presiding: Clara Deser, NCAR; Jennifer Kay, NCAR; Jin Huang, NOAA; Ben Kirtman, University of Miami - RSMAS 1340h A43D-3298 POSTER Uncertainties of Precipitation Simulated By the CMIP5 Models and Its Sensitivity to Model Resolution: D Huang, J Zhu, Y Zhang, H Song, A Huang 1340h A43D-3299 POSTER Comparison of Dryland Climate Change in Observations and CMIP5: M Ji, J Huang, Y Xie 1340h A43D-3300 POSTER The Amplification of Australian Heatwave Characteristics in a Large Single-Model Ensemble: S E Perkins, S C Lewis, A D King, L V Alexander, E M Fischer 1340h A43D-3302 POSTER Dynamical Adjustment of Surface Air Temperature Fields from Large Initial-Condition Ensemble Simulations: Ensemble Spread and Multi-Decadal Trend Attribution: B V Smoliak, C Deser, A Phillips 1340h A43D-3303 POSTER Investigating Climate Responses to Large Volcanic Eruptions in an Ensemble of Climate Model Simulations: A M Varuolo-Clarke, B Medeiros 1340h A43D-3304 POSTER Using the CESM1CAM5 Large Ensemble to study the predictability of midlatitude atmospheric dynamics: L M Polvani, A L Solomon 1340h A43D-3305 POSTER Evaluating Lossy Data Compression on Climate Simulation Data within a Large Ensemble: A H Baker, J Dennis, D Hammerling, S A Mickelson, D W Nychka, H Xu 1340h A43D-3306 POSTER Probabilistic representations of regional climate change in the CESM Large Ensemble: N C Johnson, S P Xie 1340h A43D-3307 POSTER Quantifying decisionrelevant climate uncertainties in climate model ensembles across multiple spatial and temporal scales: R L Sriver, C E Forest, K Keller 1340h A43D-3308 POSTER Global Weirding? – Using Very Large Ensembles and Extreme Value Theory to assess Changes in Extreme Weather Events Today: F E L Otto, D Mitchell, S Sippel, M Black, A J Dittus, L J Harrington, N H Mohd Saleh 1340h A43D-3309 POSTER Irreducible uncertainty in regional near-term climate projections: R S Smith, R Sutton, E Hawkins, D A Stainforth, J M Gregory 1340h A43D-3310 POSTER Simulation of PresentClimate Precipitation: Parameter Perturbations and Internal Variability with the GFDL Model: L Zamboni, J D Neelin, R L Jacob, M Zhao, I Held, T L Moore 1340h A43D-3311 POSTER Trends In Secular Mean State And Variance Changes In Ocean Carbon Uptake In RCP8.5 Large Ensemble Experiments With Two Earth System Models: S Schlunegger, K B Rodgers, J L Sarmiento, T L Froelicher 1340h A43D-3313 POSTER Estimating the anthropogenic sea surface temperature response using pattern scaling: A Bichet, P J Kushner, L Mudryk, L Terray, J C Fyfe 1340h A43D-3314 POSTER Estimation of Regional Inter-Annual Variability in a 40-Member Ensemble of the CCSM3 and Three Observation Grids over QuГ©bec: D Gampe, B Gauvin St-Denis, D Chaumont, R Ludwig 1340h A43D-3315 POSTER Timescales and Magnitude of Internal Variability in Surface Ocean pCO2: 1975-2036: D Pilcher, G A McKinley, K T Lindsay, M C Long, N S Lovenduski 1340h A43D-3316 POSTER Water under a Changing and Uncertain Climate: Lessons from Climate Model Ensembles: B B Boehlert, S Solomon, K M Strzepek A43E Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Multimodel and Initial-Condition Ensemble Simulations for Climate Research IV Posters (joint with C, GC, H, OS) Presiding: Clara Deser, NCAR; Jennifer Kay, NCAR; Jin Huang, NOAA; Ben Kirtman, University of Miami - RSMAS 1340h A43E-3319 POSTER Diagnostic Evaluation of Nmme Precipitation and Temperature Forecasts for the Continental United States: G S Karlovits, G Villarini, A Bradley, G A Vecchi All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:22 AM 1340h A43E-3320 POSTER NMME Monthly / Seasonal Forecasts for NASA SERVIR Applications Science: F R Robertson, J B Roberts 1340h A43E-3321 POSTER Seasonal Predictions of African Rainfall and Their Verifications: W M Thiaw 1340h A43E-3322 POSTER Variations in the Predictability of Extremes in Subseasonal MultiModel Ensemble Forecasts: D C Collins 1340h A43E-3324 POSTER Multi-Model Ensemble Prediction during Central and Eastern Pacific El NiГ±o Events: J Infanti, B P Kirtman 1340h A43E-3325 POSTER Increasing Foresight and Forecast Quality with Skillful Low-Cost Empirical Models: H Du, L A Smith, E Suckling, E L Thompson 1340h A43E-3326 POSTER Interdecadal change of interannual variability and predictability of two types of ENSO using a MME method: H I Jeong, J B Ahn, J Y Lee, A Alessandri, H Hendon 1340h A43E-3327 POSTER Coupled Modes over Indian Ocean at Sub-seasonal time Scales and its Prediction: E Jung, B P Kirtman 1340h A42E-06 POSTER Impact of Land Initialization on Short-Term Forecast Skill During Episodes of Wet and Dry Land-Atmosphere Coupling: H J Song, C R Ferguson 1340h A43F-3345 POSTER Errors in the Simulated Heat Budget of CGCMs in the Eastern Part of the Tropical Oceans: J Hazel, M T Masarik, C R Mechoso, R J Small, E N Curchitser 1340h A43F-3346 POSTER Key Signatures in the Barotropic Vorticity Budget within Ocean Western Boundary Currents : Understanding the Gulf Stream Pathway: J A Schoonover, W K Dewar, N Wienders, J Gula, J C McWilliams, M J Molemaker, S C Bates, G Danabasoglu 1340h A43F-3347 POSTER The role of sunshine absorption on rainfall increase: B Fildier, W Collins 1340h A43F-3348 POSTER WRF EMS model High resolution simulations over river-urban area in Amazonia: J Tota, K Lima, R D Silva, P F Kuhn 1340h A43F-3349 POSTER A Multi-Model Analysis of the Cloud Phase Transition in 16 GCMs Using Satellite Observations (CALIPSO/GPCP) and Reanalysis Data (ECMWF/MERRA): G Cesana, D E Waliser, X Jiang, J L F Li 1340h A43E-3328 POSTER Enhancement of seasonal prediction of East Asian summer rainfall related to the western tropical Pacific convection : D Y Lee, J B Ahn, J H Yoo 1340h A43F-3350 POSTER Developing sub-domain verification methods based on GIS tools: J A Smith, T A Foley, J W Raby 1340h A43E-3329 POSTER Ensemble Forecasts with Useful Skill-Spread Relationships for African meningitis and Asia Streamflow Forecasting: T M Hopson A43G Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h A43F Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Toward Reducing Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models: Evaluation, Understanding, and Improvement III Posters Presiding: Shaocheng Xie, Lawrence Livermore Nat’’l Lab; Jui-Lin Li, JPL; Brian Medeiros, NCAR/CGD; Fanglin Yang, NCEP/EMC 1340h A43F-3330 POSTER Extended-Range High-Resolution Dynamical Downscaling over a Continental-Scale Domain: S Z Husain, L Separovic, W Yu, D Fernig 1340h A43F-3331 POSTER Climate Change Response of Ocean Net Primary Production (NPP) and Export Production (EP) Regulated by Stratification Increases in The CMIP5 models: W Fu, J T Randerson, J K Moore 1340h A43F-3332 POSTER Statistical Downscaling of Wintertime Temperatures over South Korea: S Y Lee, K Y Kim 1340h A43F-3333 POSTER Nonparametric Stochastic Model for Uncertainty Quantification of Short-term Wind Speed Forecasts: A M ALShehhi, M Chaouch, T Ouarda 1340h A43F-3334 POSTER Climate Model Biases in the Width of the Tropical Belt: N Davis, T Birner 1340h A43F-3335 POSTER Systematic Dependence of Projected Future Changes in the Arctic Oscillation on the Stratospheric Wave Activity Among HighTop CMIP5 Models: J H Kim, J W Kim, B M Kim, S J Kim 1340h A43F-3337 POSTER Temperature and Humidity Profiles in the “TqJoint” Data Group of AIRS Version 6 Product for the Climate Model Evaluation: F Ding, F Fang, T J Hearty III, M Theobald, B Vollmer, C Lynnes 1340h A43F-3338 POSTER Simulated Climate Sensitivity Uncertainty: Control Bias, Perturbed Physics and the Tuning of Models: D Dommenget 1340h A43F-3339 POSTER Quantitative Characterization of Spurious Gibbs Waves in 45 CMIP5 Models: K L Geil, X Zeng 1340h A43F-3340 POSTER The impact of the observation nudging and nesting on the simulated meteorology and ozone concentrations from WRFSMOKE-CMAQ during DISCOVER-AQ 2013 Texas campaign: Y Choi, X Li, B Czader 1340h A43F-3341 POSTER Impact of soil parameter and physical process on reproducibility of hydrological processes by land surface model in semiarid grassland: S Miyazaki, K Yorozu, J Asanuma, M Kondo, K Saito Toward Reducing Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models: Evaluation, Understanding, and Improvement IV Posters Presiding: Shaocheng Xie, Lawrence Livermore Nat’’l Lab; Jui-Lin Li, JPL; Brian Medeiros, NCAR/CGD; Fanglin Yang, NCEP/EMC 1340h A43G-3351 POSTER Improvement of Systematic Biases of Climate Forecast System (CFS) Model through Revised Convection-Microphysics and Superparameterization: P Mukhopadhyay, B Goswami, A Santra, M Ganai, R P M Krishna, M Mahakur, M Khairoutdinov, B N Goswami 1340h A43G-3352 POSTER Regional Wind Speed Comparison of Climate Models, Era-Interim Reanalysis and Observations: S T Gebremariam, B Demoz 1340h A43G-3354 POSTER Observational Evaluation of Simulated Land-Atmosphere Coupling on the U.S. Southern Great Plains: T J Phillips, S A Klein 1340h A43G-3355 POSTER On the Sensitivity of the Diurnal Cycle in the Amazon to Convective Intensity: K F Itterly, P C Taylor 1340h A43G-3356 POSTER Using Ensemble ShortTerm Initialized Coupled NASA GEOS5 Climate Model Integrations to Study Convective Bias Growth: F R Robertson, C Cohen 1340h A43G-3357 POSTER Assessment of Two Planetary Boundary Layer Schemes (ACM2 and YSU) within the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model: J Wolff, M Harrold, M Xu 1340h A43G-3358 POSTER Examining the Vertical Structure of Clouds Systems in CAM5 Using Simulated Cloudsat Radar Reflectivities with Estimated Uncertainties from Precipitation Distribution: Y Zhang, S A Klein, H Y Ma 1340h A43G-3359 POSTER Diagnosing cloud occurrence biases in the AM3 using atmospheric classification: S M Evans, R Marchand, T P Ackerman 1340h A43G-3367 POSTER Evaluation of simulated vertical aerosol profiles from global climate models: S Park, R J Allen 1340h A43G-3368 POSTER Impacts of atmospheric and oceanic resolution on the tropical Pacific climatology simulated by GFDL’s new climate models: A T Wittenberg, G A Vecchi, T L Delworth, A Rosati, W Anderson, F J Zeng 1340h A43G-3369 POSTER Developing a 3D Constrained Variational Analysis Method to Calculate Large Scale Forcing Data and the Applications: S Tang, M H Zhang 1340h A43G-3370 POSTER Evaluation of the UK Met Office’s HadGEM3-RA and HadRM3P regional climate models within South America-CORDEX simulations: ENSO related interannual precipitation variability: D Bozkurt, M Rojas 1340h A43G-3371 POSTER Evaluation of A Convective Cloud Microphysics Scheme in CAM5 under the CAPT Framework: S Xie, H Y Ma, S A Klein, X Song, G J Zhang A43H Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1340h A43G-3361 POSTER Evaluating the Representation of Low Clouds in CAM5 Based on ARM Observations from the Azores: X Zheng, S A Klein, H Y Ma 1340h A43H-3377 POSTER The role of climateecosystem interactions on summer time ground level ozone pollution in North America: S Kavassalis, J G Murphy 1340h A43H-3378 POSTER Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions from Dairies and Agriculture as a Potential Contributor to Sulfate Aerosols in the California Central Valley: E Lebel, J E Marrero, T H Bertram, D R Blake 1340h A43H-3379 POSTER DECADAL CHANGES IN ARCTIC RADIATIVE FORCING FROM AEROSOLS AND TROPOSPHERIC OZONE: T J Breider, L J Mickley, D J Jacob, M Payer Sulprizio, B Croft, D A Ridley, C Ge, Q Yang, C M Bitz, J McConnell, S Sharma, H Skov, K Eleftheriadis 1340h A43H-3380 POSTER Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds (Including Dimethyl Sulfide), Aerosol Particles, and CCN in the Canadian Arctic: Preliminary Results from the Summer 2014 NETCARE Expedition Aboard the CCGS Amundsen: E L Mungall, J Abbatt, A Lee, L Ladino Moreno 1340h A43H-3381 POSTER Compilation of Global Surface Ozone Observations for Earth System Model Trend Evaluation: E D Sofen, M J Evans 1340h A43H-3382 POSTER The Impact of Urban Emissions on Chemistry and Climate over Central Europe: P Huszar, T Halenka, M Belda 1340h A43H-3383 POSTER Modeling of LightningRelated Plumes into the Chemistry and Transport GEOS-Chem Global Model: Impact on the Upper Tropospheric Chemistry: A Gressent Tropospheric Chemistry-Climate Interactions I Posters 1340h A43H-3384 POSTER The Co-Benefits of Global and Regional Greenhouse Gas Mitigation on US Air Quality at Fine Resolution: Y Zhang, J H Bowden, Z Adelman, V Naik, L W Horowitz, S Smith, J J West Presiding: Lee Murray, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Christopher Holmes, UC Irvine; Timothy Bertram, University of California San Diego; James West, Univ. of North Carolina 1340h A43H-3372 POSTER Global Air Quality and Climate Impacts of Mitigating Short-lived Climate Pollution in China: K Harper, N Unger, C Heyes, G Kiesewetter, Z Klimont, W Schoepp, F Wagner 1340h A43H-3373 POSTER Direct observations of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound (BVOC) AirSea Exchange in the remote North Atlantic from the High-Wind Gas-Exchange Study (HiWinGS): M Kim, M X Yang, B Blomquist, B J Huebert, T H Bertram 1340h A43H-3374 POSTER Variations in hygroscopic growth of sub- and super-micron sea spray aerosols during a phytoplankton bloom: S Forestieri, T S Jayarathne, E A Stone, O Laskina, V H Grassian, C Lee, C M Sultana, K Moore, G Cornwell, G Novak, T H Bertram, K A Prather, C D Cappa 1340h A43H-3375 POSTER Natural Aerosol Feedback Effects During Extreme Weather Events For North East U.S: M Astitha, E N Anagnostou, J Yang, X Zhang 1340h A43H-3376 POSTER Global Air Quality Predictions of Particulate Matter in the Middle East and Sensitivity to Future Emissions Scenarios: E A Couzo, C D Holmes, S Paltsev, A Alawad, N E Selin 1340h A43H-3385 POSTER Benchmarking Climate Model Top-of-Atmosphere Radiance in the 9.6 Micron Ozone Band Compared to TES and IASI Observations: H M Worden, K W Bowman, A J Conley, J F Lamarque, D T Shindell, C Clerbaux, P F Coheur, S Doniki 1340h A43H-3386 POSTER Biogenic Contributions to Summertime Arctic Aerosol: Observations of Aerosol Composition from the Netcare 2014 Aircraft Campaign: M D Willis, J Burkart, F Koellner, J Schneider, H Bozem, P M Hoor, R Brauner, A B Herber, W R Leaitch, J Abbatt 1340h A43H-3387 POSTER Interannual variabilities in tropospheric constituents during 2000-2013 simulated in a chemistry-aerosol coupled climate model: K Sudo, A Ito 1340h A43H-3388 POSTER Impact of Mixing State on Anthropogenic Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Associated Climate Response: A Avramov, H J Shin, C Wang A43I Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Tropospheric Chemistry-Climate Interactions II Posters Presiding: Lee Murray, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Christopher Download the Mobile App 1340h A43G-3360 POSTER The Role of Shallow Convection in Tropical Climate via Impacts of the Model Spatial Resolution: H X Bui, C Chou itors Exhib nters s/Prese Author Agenda Agenda Authors/Presenters Exhibitors Agen da n Auth ors/P resen ters Video Exhib itors Information Email Email Video Infor mation Email tio Informa Video Calen dar 1340h A43G-3362 POSTER Basic Evaluation of Beijing Normal University Earth System Model (BNU-ESM) Version 1: D Ji, L Wang, J Feng, Q Wu, H Cheng Calendar Weat Weather her Messaging Mess aging ging er Messa Weath dar Calen 1340h A43G-3363 POSTER Evaluation of Cloud and Precipitation Parameterization Using a SingleColumn Model: A TWP-ICE Case Study: J Y Han, S Y Kim, I J Choi, S Y Bae 1340h A43F-3342 POSTER Impacts of Gravity Wave Drag Parameterizations on the Middle Atmosphere in Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems-Global Model : H J Choi, E K Jin 1340h A43G-3364 POSTER Numerical Weather Predictions Evaluation Using Spatial Verification Methods: I Tegoulias, I Pytharoulis, S Kotsopoulos, S Kartsios, D Bampzelis, T Karacostas 1340h A43F-3343 POSTER A Study on Future Changes in Precipitation Associated with the Baiu Front Using CMIP5 Simulations: C Yokoyama, Y N Takayabu, S Kanada 1340h A43G-3365 POSTER A comparison of global reanalyses to satellite observations: quantifying errors in Cloud Fraction and TOA cloud radiative forcings: E K Dolinar, X Dong, B Xi All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 35 1340h A43G-3366 POSTER Assessment of NASA GISS Post-CMIP5 Single Column Model Simulated Cloud Fraction, Liquid Water Path, and Precipitation Using Ground-based and Satellite Observations: L Zhang, X Dong, B Xi, A D Kennedy, Z Li Browse, add, and sync sessions, events, and presentations to your itinerary. THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2014 35 11/28/2014 11:06:32 AM Holmes, UC Irvine; Timothy Bertram, University of California San Diego; James West, Univ. of North Carolina 1340h A43I-3389 POSTER Analysis of the Evolution of the Chemical Composition of the Atmosphere over the Past Three Decades: Comparisons of Chemistry-Climate Model Simulations with In-situ and Remote Sensing Observations: C Granier, E H T Doumbia, K Sindelarova, S Tilmes, A Hilboll, A Richter, A Colette 1340h A43I-3390 POSTER Evaluating the Contribution of Natural Variability and Climate Model Response to Uncertainty in Projections of Climate Change Impacts on U.S. Air Quality: F Garcia Menendez, E Monier, N E Selin 1340h A43I-3391 POSTER Impact of the 2011 Southern US Drought on Ground-Level Particulate Matters (PM) in Summertime and Implication for Drought-Driven PM Response in Future Climate: Y Xie, Y Wang, W Dong, Q Zhang, L Chai, L Zhang 1340h A43I-3392 POSTER Mitigation of hurricane potential intensity by the Montreal Protocol: S J Camargo, L M Polvani, R R Garcia 1340h A43I-3393 POSTER Effect of NOx emissions from lightning on the production of aviationinduced ozone: A Khodayari, D B Phoenix, D J Wuebbles 1340h A43I-3394 POSTER Coupled Impact of Changing Emissions and Meteorology on Air Quality Inferred from Remote Sensing Observations and Model Simulations: X Liu, L C Valin, S E Pusede, R C Cohen 1340h A43I-3395 POSTER Continuous Underway Seawater Measurements of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in the Western Atlantic Ocean: M Zoerb, M Kim, T H Bertram 1340h A43I-3396 POSTER Sensitivity of Organic Aerosols to Meteorological Variables over North America: Interannual Variability as a Diagnostic for Climate-Air Quality Interactions: T M Fu, W Kang, A Zhang 1340h A43I-3397 POSTER Pre-industrial ethane levels inferred from polar ice cores: K R Verhulst, M Aydin, M R Nicewonger, E S Saltzman 1340h A43I-3399 POSTER Measurements of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and NO2 at the South Pacific Ocean: J Yeon, D Song, J S Lee, T S Rhee, K Park, G Lee 1340h A43I-3400 POSTER Measurements of CFC Isotope Changes in Firn, Stratospheric and Tropospheric Air: S Allin, J Laube, E Witrant, J Kaiser, E McKenna, P Dennis, R Mulvaney, E Capron, P Martinerie, T Blunier, J Schwander, P J Fraser, W T Sturges 1340h A43I-3402 POSTER Formation of water-soluble dicarboxylic acids, oxoacids and a-dicarbonyls by ozone oxidation of isoprene: K Kawamura, E Tachibana, Y Sakamoto, J Hirokawa 1340h A43I-3403 POSTER Shifts in Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity Following Natural and Anthropogenic Climate Change: W Walters, G M Michalski 1340h A43I-3404 POSTER Sensitivity of Tropical Tropospheric Composition and radiative forcing to Lightning NOx Production and ENSO: D J Allen, C E Liaskos, K E Pickering, J X Warner 1340h A43I-3405 POSTER Impact of Cosmic Rays on Global Aerosol, Clouds and Climate: E M Dunne, H Gordon, K S Carslaw, J Almeida, K Sengupta A43J Moscone West 3010 Thursday1340h Improving Emissions Through Observations VI (joint with B, GC) Presiding: Gregory Frost, NOAA; Monika Kopacz, NOAA; Ray Bambha, Sandia National Labs; Hope Michelsen, Sandia Natl Lab 1340h A43J-01 Reconciling Long-Term Trends in Air Quality with Bottom-up Emission Inventories for Los Angeles: B C Mcdonald, S W Kim, G J Frost, R Harley, M Trainer 1355h A43J-02 Airborne Measurements of the Atmospheric Emissions from a Fuel Ethanol Refinery: J A De Gouw, S A McKeen, K C Aikin, C A Brock, S S Brown, J Gilman, M Graus, T F Hanisco, J S Holloway, B M Lerner, J Kaiser, F N Keutsch, J Liao, M Z Markovic, A M Middlebrook, K E Min, J A Neuman, J B Nowak, J Peischl, I B Pollack, J M Roberts, T B Ryerson, M Trainer, P R Veres, C Warneke, A Welti, G M Wolfe Jr 1410h A43J-03 Local and Regional Scale Impacts of Arctic Shipping Emissions Off the Coast of Northern Norway: L Marelle, J L Thomas, K Law, J C Raut, J P Jalkanen, L Johansson, A Roiger, H Schlager, J Kim, A Reiter, B Weinzierl, M Rose 36 AGU2014News.indb 36 2014 1425h A43J-04 Biomass Burning: Major Uncertainties, Advances, and Opportunities: R J Yokelson, C Stockwell, P R Veres, L E Hatch, K C Barsanti, X Liu, G Huey, T B Ryerson, J E Dibb, A Wisthaler, M MГјller, M J Alvarado, S M Kreidenweis, A L Robinson, O B Toon, J Peischl, I B Pollack 1450h A43L-05 Observation of Dust Aging Processes During Transport from Africa into the Caribbean – A Lagrangian Case Study: B Weinzierl, D N Sauer, A Walser, M Dollner, O Reitebuch, S Gross, F Chouza, A Ansmann, C Toledano, V Freudenthaler, K Kandler, A SchГ¤fler, R Baumann, I Tegen, B Heinold 1440h A43J-05 Assessing the Parameterization of Nitric Oxide Emissions By Lightning in a Chemical Transport Model with Nitric Acid Columns from the IASI Satellite Instrument: M Cooper, R Martin, C Wespes, P F Coheur, C Clerbaux, L T Murray 1505h A43L-06 Identifying African dust sources that contribute to the seasonal cycles of dust transport to the Caribbean Basin and South America: J M Prospero, P A Ginoux, J Molinie 1455h A43J-06 Evaluating CMAQ Simulations of Ammonia Sources, Formation and Impacts using Surface, Aircraft, and Satellite Data: C R Lonsdale, M J Alvarado, K E Cady-Pereira, J D Hegarty, D K Henze, J B Nowak, J G Murphy, R Ellis, T C VandenBoer, M Z Markovic 1510h A43J-07 Ammonia and methane emissions from cattle and dairy feedlots in Colorado: L Golston, D Pan, L G Stanton, L Tao, K Sun, M A Zondlo 1525h A43J-08 Development and Evaluation of the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) Model v3.5: J O Bash, K R Baker, G Pouliot A43K Moscone West 3008 Thursday1340h Intraseasonal to Interannual Variability of the Asian Monsoon in a Changing Climate III (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with GC) Presiding: Ajaya Mohan Ravindran, New York University Abu Dhabi; Simona Bordoni, California Institute of Technology; Venkat Krishnamurthy, George Mason University Fairfax 1340h Introductory Remarks 1355h A43K-01 Understanding South Asian Monsoon Variability in a Changing Climate: H Annamalai, V Prasanna, T Mohan 1410h A43K-02 Synoptic-scale monsoon disturbances: a review and recent progress: W R Boos 1425h A43K-03 Extended Range Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon: Current status: A K Sahai, S Abhilash, N Borah, S Joseph, R Chattopadhyay, S S, M Rajeevan, R Mandal, A Dey 1440h A43K-04 The Impact of Agricultural Irrigation on the South Asian Monsoon Variability and Moisture Transport: S P McDermid, B Cook, M J Puma, L Nazarenko 1455h A43K-05 Understanding the Dynamic and Thermodynamic Causes of Historical Trends in the Intraseasonal Variability of the South Asian Summer Monsoon: D Singh, D E Horton, N S Diffenbaugh 1510h A43K-06 Intraseasonal variability of the Indian Monsoon: A test bed to study dynamical conditions and the transition from shallow to deep convection: T Wang, S Wong, E J Fetzer 1525h A43K-07 Changes in the Indian Summer Monsoon Synoptic Activity in a Warming Scenario: S Sandeep, V Praveen, A M Ravindran A43L Moscone West 3001 Thursday1340h Mineral Dust Aerosols: From Small-Scale Insights to Large-Scale Understanding III (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with B, EP, GC) Presiding: Jasper Kok, University of California Los Angeles; Amato Evan, Scripps Institute of Oceanography; Kerstin Schepanski, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research; James King, Indiana University Bloomington 1340h A43L-01 The southern Kalahari as a dust source: Results from the field: G S Okin, N Webb, A Bhattachan, K Dintwe, P D’Odorico 1400h A43L-02 Dust emission thresholds from sodic playas with varying geochemistry and environmental conditions: J M Nield, C McKenna Neuman, P O’Brien 1520h A41F-3111 CALIPSO Measurements of Saharan Dust Properties near Source and Transport Regions: A H Omar, Z Liu, J L Tackett, M Vaughan, C R Trepte, D M Winker A43M Moscone West 3006 Thursday1340h 1440h A43N-05 Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Ship Tracks Using Terra MODIS/MISR: Y C Chen, M Christensen, D J Diner, M J Garay, D L Nelson 1455h A43N-06 Aircraft- and ground-based assessment of the CCN-AOD relationship and implications on model analysis of ACI and underlying aerosol processes: Y Shinozuka, A D Clarke, A Nenes, T L Lathem, J Redemann, A Jefferson, R Wood 1510h A43N-07 Simulating Feedbacks Between Stratocumulus Cloud Dynamics, Microphysics and Aerosols Over Large Scales: D P Grosvenor, P Field, A A Hill, B J Shipway 1525h A43N-08 The Subtropical Cloud Transition: From the Turbulence Scale to Global Climate: J Teixeira Processes Controlling Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere Composition and Structure VI Presiding: Ross Salawitch, University of Maryland; Troy Thornberry, NOAA ESRL; Neil Harris, University of Cambridge 1340h A43M-01 Low Ozone and High Mixing Ratios of Long-Lived Trace Gases in the Tropical Tropopause Layer over the Western Pacific: E J Hintsa, F L Moore, G S Dutton, B D Hall, A Haugstad, A McClure-Begley, J D Nance, J W Elkins, R S Gao, A W Rollins, T D Thornberry, L A Watts, B C Daube, J V Pittman, S C Wofsy, T L Campos, C R Homeyer, S Honomichl, L Pan, A J Weinheimer 1355h A43M-02 Model analysis of the tropospheric ozone trend over Reunion Island from 1992 to 2011: J Liu, J M Rodriguez, A M Thompson, A R Douglass, M A Olsen, S D Steenrod, J A Logan 1410h A43M-03 Examining the Oxidative Capacity of the Troposphere in the Remote Tropical Western Pacific Using Measurements from CONTRAST: J M Nicely, D C Anderson, T P Canty, R J Salawitch, G M Wolfe Jr, E C Apel, E L Atlas, N J Blake, J F Bresch, T L Campos, S R Hall, T F Hanisco, C R Homeyer, S Honomichl, R S Hornbrook, J B Jensen, D E Kinnison, J F Lamarque, L Pan, D D Riemer, K Ullmann, A J Weinheimer 1425h A43M-04 Modeling the Formation of Tropical Rings of Atomic Bromine and Iodine: A Saiz-Lopez, R Fernandez, R J Salawitch, D E Kinnison, J F Lamarque, C OrdoГ±ez, J C Gomez Martin, S Tilmes 1440h A43M-05 Organic Halogen and Related Trace Gases in the Tropical Atmosphere: Results from Recent Airborne Campaigns Over the Pacific: E L Atlas, M A Navarro, V Donets, S Schauffler, R Lueb, R Hendershot, S Gabbard, R S Hornbrook, E C Apel, D D Riemer, L Pan, R J Salawitch, J M Nicely, S A Montzka, B Miller, F L Moore, J W Elkins, E J Hintsa, T L Campos, B Quack, X Zhu, L Pope 1455h A43M-06 Bromine Chemistry in the Tropical UTLS during the 2011, 2013 and 2014 ATTREX Experiments: J Stutz, M Spolaor, J Festa, J Y Tsai, S F Colosimo, R Cheung, B Werner, T Deutschmann, L Scalone, R Raecke, U Tricoli, K Pfeilsticker, M A Navarro, E L Atlas 1510h A43M-07 IO in the Lower Stratosphere and Vertical Profiles over the Tropical Eastern and Western Pacific: T K Koenig, R M Volkamer, S Baidar, B K Dix, M J Evans, L Carpenter, T Sherwen, D E Kinnison, J F Lamarque, A SaizLopez, E C Apel, R S Hornbrook, E L Atlas, L Pan, R J Salawitch 1525h A43M-08 IODINE’S IMPACT ON TROPOSPHERIC OXIDANTS; A GLOBAL CTM EVALUATION WITHIN GEOS-CHEM: T Sherwen, L Carpenter, M J Evans, R M Volkamer, B K Dix, A Saiz-Lopez BIOGEOSCIENCES B43A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Atmosphere-Surface Exchangeable Pollutants: Emissions, Environmental Processing, Governance, and Perturbations Related to Global Change I Posters (joint with A, GC) Presiding: Judith Perlinger, Michigan Tech Univ; Shiliang Wu, Michigan Tech; Daniel Obrist, Desert Research Institute 1340h B43A-0214 POSTER Understanding the Impacts of Land Uses on the Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Contamination By Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons throughout a Small State in the Northeast United States: L A Schifman, T B Boving 1340h B43A-0215 POSTER Use of Passive Sampling Methods to Understand Sources of Mercury and Other Pollutants to High Elevation Sites in the Western United States: J Huang, M S Gustin 1340h B43A-0216 POSTER From Source to Sink of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sediments in the East China Seas: Z Guo, T Lin, L Hu 1340h B43A-0217 POSTER Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Bioaccumulation in Fish: A Look at Michigan’s Upper Peninsula: E C Sokol, N R Urban, J A Perlinger, T Khan, C L Friedman 1340h B43A-0218 POSTER Impacts of Land Cover Change on Biomass Burning Emissions of Mercury: A Kumar, S Wu, Y Huang 1340h B43A-0219 POSTER Real-time measurements of Hg0 and H2S at La Solfatara Crater (Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy) and Mt. Amiata volcano (Siena, Central Italy): a new geochemical approach to estimate the distribution of air contaminants: J Cabassi, S Calabrese, F Tassi, S Venturi, F Capecchiacci, C Di Lonardo, W D’Alessandro, O Vaselli 1340h B43A-0220 POSTER Assessing New Dry Deposition Parameterization Schemes for Incorporation into Global Atmospheric Transport Models: T Khan, J A Perlinger, S Wu, C W Fairall 1340h B43A-0221 POSTER ASSESSING THE GLOBAL AND ARCTIC TRANSPORT OF POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS UNDER PRESENT AND FUTURE CLIMATE AND EMISSIONS: C L Friedman, N E Selin 1340h B43A-0222 POSTER Concentration and Gasparticle Partitioning of Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Relation to Monsoons: F C Ko, J O Cheng, C L Lee A43N Moscone West 3012 Thursday1340h 1340h B43A-0223 POSTER Degradation Pathways for Geogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Soil Gases from the Solfatara Crater (Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy): F Tassi, S Venturi, J Cabassi, F Capecchiacci, B Nisi Sr, O Vaselli Warm Boundary Layer Clouds and Climate Change From the Cloud- to the Global Scale II (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with GC, OS) 1340h B43A-0224 POSTER Impacts of the Minamata Convention for Mercury Emissions from Coal-fired Power Generation in Asia: A Giang, L C Stokes, D G Streets, E S Corbitt, N E Selin Presiding: Jan Kazil, NOAA/CIRES; Armin Sorooshian, University of Arizona 1340h B43A-0225 POSTER Effects of Climate Change and Land Cover Change on Atmospheric Mercury: H Zhang, S Wu 1415h A43L-03 Differences in Fine- Coarse Aerosol Ratios in Convective and Non-Convective Dust Events in a Desert City: T E Gill, N I Rivera Rivera, D J Novlan 1340h A43N-01 What controls drizzle initiation? Insights from a comparison of large-eddy simulations with observations: M Witte, P Y Chuang, L P Wang, O Ayala 1430h A43L-04 Measurements of Saharan Dust from the Fennec Aircraft Campaign: Giant Particles, Optical Properties and Effects of Transport: C L Ryder, P Rosenberg, H Sodemann, E Highwood, J B McQuaid, J H Marsham, R Washington 1355h A43N-02 Observed Trends in Subtropical Stratocumulus and Associated Meteorology: S Chellappan, J R Norris, T A Myers THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1425h A43N-04 Regional Fast Cloud Feedback Assessment As Constraint on Global Climate Sensitivity: J Quaas, P Kuehne, K Block, M Salzmann 1410h A43N-03 Satellite Retrieval of Marine Stratocumulus Surface Coupling State and its Effect on the Clouds Cellular Organization: T Goren, D Rosenfeld 1340h B43A-0226 POSTER Physicochemical Characterization of Lake Spray Aerosol Generated from Great Lakes Water Samples: A P Ault, J L Axson, N May, K Pratt 1340h B43A-0227 POSTER Accumulation of policyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface litter and soils in four forests in the United States: D Obrist, J A Perlinger, B Zielinska All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:34 AM B43B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Biogeochemistry of Arctic Atmosphere, Terrestrial, Freshwater, and Coastal Systems III Posters (joint with C, GC, H) Presiding: Kimberly Wickland, US Geological Survey; Marion Bret-Harte, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Maria Tzortziou, CUNY City College 1340h B43B-0228 POSTER A Survey of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Three Sub-arctic Lakes near Abisko, Sweden: J Sampson, K Stilson, R K Varner, P M Crill, M Wik, M Crawford 1340h B43B-0230 POSTER Changes in tundra vascular plant biomass over thirty years at Imnavait Creek, Alaska: M S Bret-Harte, E S Euskirchen, C Edgar, D C Huebner, K Okano, C Tucker, H Genet, P M Ray, G R Shaver 1340h B43B-0231 POSTER Distinct temperature sensitivity among taiga and tundra shrubs in Alaska: L Andreu-Hayles, K J Anchukaitis, R D’Arrigo 1340h B43B-0232 POSTER Long-Term Perspectives of Shrub Expansions and Peat Initiation in Arctic Tundra on the North Slope of Alaska: K Cleary, Z Yu 1340h B43B-0233 POSTER The effect of freezing and drying on leaching of DOM from above ground vascular plant material from the Alaskan Arctic: M S Khosh, J W McClelland 1340h B43B-0234 POSTER Pathways and transformations of dissolved methane and dissolved inorganic carbon in Arctic tundra soils: Evidence from analysis of stable isotopes: H Throckmorton, G Perkins, J D Muss, L J Smith, M E Conrad, M S Torn, J M Heikoop, B D Newman, C J Wilson, S D Wullschleger 1340h B43B-0235 POSTER Characterizing dissolved organic carbon concentrations and export in a boreal forest-peatland landscape under the influence of rapidly degrading discontinuous permafrost: J Hanisch, R Connon, M Templeton, W L Quinton, D Olefeldt, T R Moore, N T Roulet, O Sonnentag 1340h B43B-0236 POSTER Hydrology and biogeochemistry of zero-order channels draining arctic hillslopes: T Harms, S Godsey, E Longano, S Ludwig, R R Risser, C R Rushlow 1340h B43B-0237 POSTER Connections Among Terrestrial Sources of Organic and Inorganic Carbon and Surface Waters in a Permafrostand Wildfire-Impacted Headwater Catchment, Alaska: K Wickland, J C Koch, J T Crawford, M Dornblaser, K Kelsey, R G Striegl 1340h B43B-0238 POSTER Utilising conservative tracers and spatial surveys to identify controls on pathways and DOC exports in an Arctic catchment: J S Lessels, D Tetzlaff, K J Dinsmore, L E Street, J Dean, I J Washbourne, M F Billett, R Baxter, J A Subke, P A Wookey 1340h B43B-0239 POSTER Aquatic carbon and GHG export from a permafrost catchment; identifying source areas and primary flow paths: J S Lessels, K J Dinsmore, M F Billett, L E Street, P A Wookey, D Tetzlaff, R Baxter, J A Subke, J Dean, I J Washbourne 1340h B43B-0240 POSTER Seasonal Variability of Riverine Geochemistry (87Sr/86Sr, Оґ13CDIC, Оґ44/40Ca, and major ions) in Permafrost Watersheds on the North Slope of Alaska: G O Lehn, A D Jacobson, T A Douglas, J W McClelland, M S Khosh, A J Barker 1340h B43B-0242 POSTER Arctic-COLORS (Coastal Land Ocean Interactions in the Arctic) – a NASA field campaign scoping study to examine land-ocean interactions in the Arctic: P Hernes, M Tzortziou, J Salisbury, A Mannino, P Matrai, M A Friedrichs, C E Del Castillo 1340h B43B-0243 POSTER Factors Contributing to High CH4 and CO2 Efflux Rates from Thermokarst Lakes in the Rapidly Warming Hudson Bay Region: A Matveev, W F Vincent, I Laurion 1340h B43B-0244 POSTER The Application of Methane Clumped Isotope Measurements to Determine the Source of Large Methane Seeps in Alaskan Lakes: P M Douglas, D A Stolper, J M Eiler, A L Sessions, K M Walter Anthony 1340h B43B-0245 POSTER Life Under the Ice: Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Rates of Water Column and Sediment Respiration in 5 Alaskan Arctic Lakes: S Sadro, S MacIntyre 1340h B43B-0246 POSTER Carbon Release from Melting Arctic Permafrost on the North Slope, AK: 12CO2 and 13CO2 Concentrations and Fluxes, and Their Relationship to Methane and Methane Isotope Concentrations Measured in August 2013: J B Munster, D S Sayres, C E Healy, E J Dumas, R Dobosy, J Kochendorfer, M Heuer, T P Meyers, B Baker, J G Anderson 1340h B43B-0247 POSTER Flux Chamber Measurements of Methane Emissions and Stable Isotope Composition from an Arctic Wetland Using Field-Deployed Real-Time CRDS Vs Lab Measurements: H A Thompson, J C Stern, H V Graham, L M Pratt, J R White 1340h B43B-0248 POSTER Boundary layer O3 dynamics and deposition to tundra during a summer in the Alaskan Arctic: B A Van Dam, D Helmig, P V Doskey, S J Oltmans, P Boylan 1340h B43B-0249 POSTER Assessment of bubbleborne methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf via interpretation of sonar data: D Chernykh, I Leifer, N E Shakhova, I P Semiletov 1340h B43B-0250 POSTER New atmospheric methane observations in the Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian Seas during SWERUS-C3: B F Thornton, P M Crill, I P Semiletov 1340h B43B-0251 POSTER Methane concentrations and oxidation in nearshore waters of the Lena River Delta: S B Joye, V Samarkin, N E Shakhova, I P Semiletov B43C Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Cryptic Cross-Linkages Among Biogeochemical Cycles: Novel Insights from the Perspective of Reactive Intermediates II Posters (joint with OS) Presiding: Scott Wankel, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Colleen Hansel, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1340h B43C-0252 POSTER NOx and ammonium isotopic fingerprints of anammox in natural and engineered systems: Implications for N isotope budgets and the use of NOx isotopes to diagnose process stability in wastewater treatment: M F Lehmann, N StГ¶cklin, B Brunner, C H Frame, A Joss, M Kipf, T Kuhn, P Wunderlin 1340h B43C-0253 POSTER Nitrite isotope dynamics in coastal sediments: An intricate link between nitrogen and oxygen cycling: C Charoenpong, C Buchwald, W Ziebis, S D Wankel 1340h B43C-0254 POSTER Stable Isotope Systematics of Abiotic Nitrite Reduction Coupled with Anaerobic Iron Oxidation: The Role of Reduced Clays and Fe-bearing Minerals: K C Grabb, C Buchwald, C M Hansel, S D Wankel 1340h B43C-0255 POSTER Sulfur reactions and cryptic cross-linkages to oxygen, iron, and carbon cyclin: G Druschel, F C A Kafantaris, D A Fike, P Schmitt-Kopplin, S Dvorski, H Oduro 1340h B43C-0256 POSTER Characterizing mechanisms of extracellular electron transport in sulfur and iron-oxidizing electrochemically active bacteria isolated from marine sediments: A R Rowe, L J Bird, B R Lam, K H Nealson 1340h B43C-0257 POSTER Sulfur Speciation in Peat: a Time-zero Signature for the “ Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Climate and Environmental Change” Experiment: O Furman, B M Toner, S D Sebestyen, R K Kolka, E A Nater 1340h B43C-0258 POSTER Reactivity of elemental sulfur nanoparticles and their role on the formation of sulfur intermediates: F C A Kafantaris, G Druschel 1340h B43C-0266 POSTER Understanding the Development and Stabilization of Mn(III) Intermediates during Microbial Manganese Reduction: J E Johnson, P Savalia, B D Kocar, S M Webb, K H Nealson, W W Fischer B43D Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Forests Under a Changing Climate: Uncertainties, Carbon Management, and Adaptation II Posters (joint with GC) Presiding: Kathy Kelsey, University of Colorado; Nancy Cavallaro, USDA/NIFA; Connie Millar, USDA Forest Service; Christopher Swanston, USDA Forest Service 1340h B43D-0267 POSTER Simulating Carbon Dynamics and Species Composition Under Projected Changes in Climate in the Puget Sound, Washington, USA: D Laflower, M D Hurteau 1340h B43D-0268 POSTER Science-based Forest Management in an Era of Climate Change: C Swanston, M Janowiak, L Brandt, P Butler, S Handler, D Shannon 1340h B43D-0269 POSTER Modeling Forest Composition and Carbon Dynamics Under Projected Climate-Fire Interactions in the Sierra Nevada, California: S Liang, M D Hurteau, A L Westerling 1340h B43D-0270 POSTER Uncertainty Analysis for Southwest Forest Biomass and Carbon Stocks Using Active and Passive Remote Sensing: Z Wu, B Middleton, J Vogel, D G Dye 1340h B43D-0271 POSTER Assessing Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Fire-Affected Pinus Palustris Forests: J R Butnor, K H Johnsen, J A Jackson, P H Anderson, L J Samuelson, K Lorenz 1340h B43D-0274 POSTER Simulating Pacific Northwest Forest Response to Climate Change: How We Made Model Results Useful for Vulnerability Assessments: J B Kim, B K Kerns, J Halofsky 1340h B43D-0275 POSTER Carbon of Woody Debris in Plateau-type Karst Evergreen and Deciduous Broad-leaved Mixed Forest of Central Guizhou Province: Y Wu, J Ni, L Liu, C Guo 1340h B43D-0276 POSTER Biomass of Secondary Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaved Mixed Forest in Plateau-type Karst Terrain of Guizhou Province, SW China: L Liu 1340h B43D-0277 POSTER Enhancing Tools and Geospatial Data to Support Operational Forest Management and Regional Forest Planning in the Face of Climate Change: M J Falkowski, P Fekety, A T Hudak, N Kayastha, L M Nagel 1340h B43D-0278 POSTER Uncertainties in forest soil carbon and nitrogen estimates related to soil sampling methods in the Delaware River Basin: B Xu, A F Plante, A H Johnson, Y Pan 1340h B43C-0259 POSTER Geochemical Evidence of Cryptic Sulfur Cycling in Salt Marsh Sediments: J V Mills, G Antler, A V Turchyn 1340h B43D-0279 POSTER Investigating Appropriate Sampling Design for Estimating Above-Ground Biomass in Bruneian Lowland Mixed Dipterocarp Forest: S Lee, D Lee, K Abu Salim, H M Yun, S Han, W K Lee, S J Davies, Y Son 1340h B43C-0260 POSTER Shifts in Microbial Community Structure with Changes in Cathodic Potential in Marine Sediment Microcosms : B R Lam, A R Rowe, K H Nealson 1340h B43D-0280 POSTER User-relevant Climate Data for Climate Impact Assessment: The Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts Downscaled Climate Data: D Vimont, D J Lorenz 1340h B43C-0261 POSTER Occurrence, pathways and implications of biological production of reactive oxygen species in natural waters: T Zhang, C M Hansel, B M Voelker, C H Lamborg 1340h B43D-0281 POSTER An inventory-based approach for estimating the managed China’s forest biomass carbon stock: M Huang, G Yu, X Yue, J Wang 1340h B43C-0262 POSTER Temperature and Light Effects on Extracellular Superoxide Production by Algal and Bacterial Symbionts in Corals: Implications for Coral Bleaching: C Brighi, J M Diaz, A Apprill, C M Hansel 1340h B43D-0282 POSTER Estimates of carbon allocation to ectomycorrhizal fungi in a temperate forest: S J Tumber-Davila, A Ouimette 1340h B43C-0263 POSTER Hydrogen Peroxide Cycling in Acidic Geothermal Environments and Potential Implications for Oxidative Stress: M Mesle, J Beam, Z Jay, B Bodle, E Bogenschutz, W Inskeep 1340h B43C-0264 POSTER Dynamics of Superoxide Production and Decay in Natural Trichodesmium Colonies from the Sargasso Sea: Implications for Cell Signaling: C M Hansel, C Buchwald, J M Diaz, S Dyhrman, B A S Van Mooy All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 37 1340h B43C-0265 POSTER Role of Reactive Intermediates in Manganese Oxide Formation By Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi: C A Zeiner, C Anderton, S Wu, S Purvine, E Zink, L PaЕЎa-ToliД‡, C M Santelli, C M Hansel 1340h B43D-0283 POSTER Bayesian state-space model estimation of canopy height with nextgeneration space-borne LiDAR: B Wallin, O Makhnin, U C Herzfeld 1340h B43D-0284 POSTER PDF Weaving - Linking Inventory Data and Monte Carlo Uncertainty Analysis in the Study of how Disturbance Affects Forest Carbon Storage: S P Healey, P Patterson, C Garrard 1340h B43D-0285 POSTER Uncertainty in accounting for carbon accumulation following forest harvesting: P Lilly, R D Yanai, M A Arthur, K Bae, S Hamburg, C R Levine, M A Vadeboncoeur THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER B43E Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: Detecting, Modeling, and Its Effects on Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Dynamics at Various Temporal and Spatial Scales II Posters (joint with GC) Presiding: Xiaoliang Lu, Marine biological lab; Yaling Liu, Purdue Univ; Qing Zhu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1340h B43E-0286 POSTER Mapping Urban Expansion Across North America Using MultiTemporal Landsat and Nighttime Lights Data: C Milesi, C Small, U Kumar, K Raja, A Michaelis, G Zhang, S Ganguly, P Votava, W Wang, F S Melton, J L Dungan, S E Alexander, R R Nemani 1340h B43E-0287 POSTER Application of Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) in detecting and quantifying forest loss caused by artisanal gold mining activities in Upper Mazaruni River Basin, Guyana: B S Mengisteab, L Blesius, L Hennessy 1340h B43E-0288 POSTER MANUALLY INTERPRETED LAND-USE/LAND-COVER CHANGE FOR VALIDATION AND REGIONAL ASSESSMENTS – 2001 TO 2011: C E Soulard, W Acevedo, K L Sayler, J L Taylor 1340h B43E-0289 POSTER Preliminary Analysis of Historical Water Quality in the Tidal Christina River, Delaware: M Christie, R Martin, J E Pizzuto 1340h B43E-0290 POSTER Land-use impacts on water resources and protected areas: applications of state-and-transition simulation modeling of future scenarios: T S Wilson, B M Sleeter, J Sherba, D Cameron 1340h B43E-0291 POSTER Integrating Ecology and Watershed Processes: Historical Rangeland Change as a Driver of Sediment Yield and Impacts on Reservoir Storage: M Berg, B P Wilcox, F Marcantonio, S C Popescu 1340h B43E-0292 POSTER Modeling and mapping regional land use/land cover change in South Central Texas: T Ranatunga, D Messen 1340h B43E-0293 POSTER Spatial relationship with the grazing pressure and alpine grassland degradation base on the GPS tracing experiment: a case study in the source region of Yellow River: L Liu, Y Zhang 1340h B43E-0294 POSTER A biogeochemical and isotopic view of Nitrogen and Carbon in rivers of the Alto ParaГba do Sul basin, SГЈo Paulo State, Brazil: E D C Ravagnani, L D Coletta, S R M Lins, J Antonio, E A Mazzi, A L M Rossete, T M B Andrade, L A Martinelli B43F Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Mercury Pollution and Environmental Change I Posters (joint with A, GC, SI) Presiding: Michael Bank, University of Massachusetts; James Shanley, USGS; Heather Golden, US EPA, ORD, NERL, EERD 1340h B43F-0295 POSTER Comparison of Mercury Measurement Methods Using Two Active Filter Measurement Methods and a Tekran Speciation Unit: A Pierce, M S Gustin, J Huang, K Heidecorn 1340h B43F-0296 POSTER Comparison of the Chemical Composition of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury in the Atmosphere at Three Different Locations in Nevada: K Heidecorn, J Huang, M S Gustin 1340h B43F-0298 POSTER NOMADSS Aircraft Observations Suggest Rapid Oxidation of Elemental Mercury in the Subtropical Free Troposphere: V Shah, L Jaegle, L Gratz, J L Ambrose II, D A Jaffe 1340h B43F-0299 POSTER MODELING PROFILES AND SIGNATURES OF ENRICHMENTS: A Ali, C Qualls, S G Lucas, G Lombari, O Appenzeller 1340h B43F-0300 POSTER Quantifying the effects of China’s pollution control on atmospheric mercury emissions: H Zhong 1340h B43F-0301 POSTER Elucidating effects of atmospheric deposition and peat decomposition processes on mercury accumulation rates in a northern Minnesota peatland over last 10,000 cal years: E A Nater, O Furman, B M Toner, S D Sebestyen, M M Tfaily, J Chanton, C Fissore, K J McFarlane, P J Hanson, C M Iversen, R K Kolka 1340h B43F-0302 POSTER The Importance of Measuring Mercury in Wood: Y Yang, R D Yanai, C T Driscoll, M Montesdeoca 2014 37 11/28/2014 11:06:34 AM 1340h B43F-0303 POSTER Naturally Elevated Monomethylmercury and Mercury Concentrations of Redwood Trees of Coastal California: J J Rytuba 1340h B43F-0304 POSTER Effects of Timber Harvest on Mercury Cycling in the Pacific Northwest, USA: C Eckley, C Eagles-Smith, M T Tate, D P Krabbenhoft, B Kowalski, L Woodruff 1340h B43F-0305 POSTER Fate and Transport of Mercury in a Watershed-Reservoir System Burned During the 2012 Hewlett Gulch Fire, Ft. Collins, Colorado: J Webster, J N Ryan, G Aiken 1340h B43F-0306 POSTER Mercury Speciation and Trophic Magnification Slopes in Giant Salamander Larvae from the Pacific Northwest, USA : M S Bank, J Crocker, J Wachtl, P Kleeman, G Fellers, C Currens, R Hothem, M A Madej 1340h B43F-0307 POSTER Historical and Present Day Mercury Contamination From Gold Mining in Three Feeding Guilds of Bats From the Peruvian Amazon: A Kumar, T Divoll 1340h B43F-0308 POSTER Unexpected Consequences: Gold Mining in Peru and Trace Metal Mobilization: R Z Wang, P Pinedo-Gonzalez, K E Clark, A J West 1340h B43F-0309 POSTER The adsorption behavior of mercury on the hematite (1-102) surface from coal-fired power plant emissions: J E Jung, A D Jew, E Rupp, S Aboud, G E Brown, J Wilcox 1340h B43F-0310 POSTER The Behavior of Mercury in Coal Combustion Residue-Contaminated Sediments: T Gofstein, A Heyes 1340h B43F-0311 POSTER Geochemical evidence of chemical and physical weathering of mine waste downriver from the New Idria Mercury Mine, San Benito County, California: R K Sharma, B Weinman 1525h B43G-08 Improving Timeliness of Winter Wheat Production Forecast in United States of America, Ukraine and China Using MODIS Data and NCAR Growing Degree Day: E Vermote, B Franch, I Becker-Reshef, M Claverie, J Huang, J Zhang, J A Sobrino B43H Moscone West 2004 Thursday1340h Ecosystem Structure: Remote Sensing Observations and Modeling of Its Influence on Radiation Regimes and Gas Exchanges II (joint with GC) Presiding: Martin Beland, University of California, Berkeley; Hideki Kobayashi, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology; Brady Hardiman, Boston University 1340h B43H-01 Prognostic land surface albedo from a dynamic global vegetation model clumped canopy radiative transfer scheme and satellite-derived geographic forest heights: N Y Kiang, W Yang, W Ni-Meister, I D Aleinov, J Jonas 1355h B43H-02 Canopy structure and compensating biases in models of ecosystem function: T L Quaife 1410h B43H-03 First Near-Continental Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Vertical Foliage Profile (VFP) Product from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS): H Tang, R Dubayah, S Ganguly, G Zhang 1425h B43H-04 Ground based remote sensing and physiological measurements provide novel insights into canopy photosynthetic optimization in arctic shrubs: T S Magney, K L Griffin, N Boelman, J Eitel, H Greaves, C Prager, B Logan, R Oliver, L Fortin, L A Vierling 1340h B43F-0312 POSTER Evidence of Mercurial Contamination and Denundation Downstream of New Idria Mercury Mine, San Benito County, California : H E Letsinger, R K Sharma, B Weinman 1440h B43H-05 Beyond Fapar: Modeling Light Utilization in Tropical Forests: D C Morton, J Rubio, B D Cook, J P Gastellu-Etchegorry, M M Keller 1340h B43F-0313 POSTER Mercury and methylmercury related to historical mercury mining in three tributaries to Lake Berryessa, Putah Creek Watershed, California: G C Sparks, T Horner, K Cornwell, V Izzo, C N Alpers 1455h B43H-06 Spatio-Temporal Canopy Complexity and Leaf Acclimation to Variable Canopy Microhabitats: A T Fotis 1340h B43F-0314 POSTER Mercury methylation trends pre and post refilling in a Northern Appalachian impoundment: K J Eklof, P J Drohan, E W Boyer, L Iavorivska, J Harper, M Brown, C Fink, J Gogno 1340h B43F-0315 POSTER Mercury in the mix: An in situ mesocosm approach to assess relative contributions of mercury sources to methylmercury production and bioaccumulation in the SacramentoSan Joaquin Delta: J Fleck, D P Krabbenhoft, T E C Kraus, J Ackerman, E B Stumpner, J DeWild, M C Marvin-DiPasquale, M Tate, J Ogorek B43G Moscone West 2002 Thursday1340h Earth Observations for National to Global Agricultural and Rangeland Monitoring (GEOGLAM) II Presiding: Christopher Justice, University of Maryland; Debra Peters, USDA; Bradley Doorn, NASA Headquarters 1340h B43G-01 Establishment of the Geoglam Rangelands Acivity and Progress: A A Held, M Grundy, R J Donohue 1355h B43G-02 Hierarchical Satellite-based Approach to Global Monitoring of Crop Condition and Food Production: B Wu, R Gommes, M Zhang, N Zhang, H Zeng, W Zou, Y Zheng, N Yan 1410h B43G-03 Drought monitoring and warning system of rice paddy field in Asia by MTSAT and GSMaP: W Takeuchi, S Darmawan, K Oyoshi 1425h B43G-04 Scaling up Satellite-Based Crop Yield Mapping at the Field Scale: Recent Progress and Testing: D B Lobell, C Seifert 1440h B43G-05 Linking Fine-Scale Observations and Model Output with Imagery at Multiple Scales: C L Walthall 1455h B43G-06 Building Capacity for Production of Gridded Precipitation Products in the East Africa Community: G Galu, J P Verdin, T Magadzire, D H Pedreros, C C Funk, M E Budde, G J Husak, P Peterson, M F Landsfeld, L White 1510h B43H-07 Comparing Individual Tree Segmentation Based on High Resolution Multispectral Image and Lidar Data: P Xiao, M Kelly, Q Guo 1525h B43H-08 Voxel-Based 3-D Tree Modeling from Lidar Images for Extracting Tree Structual Information: F Hosoi B43I Moscone West 2006 Thursday1340h Variation in Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Transport as Indicators of Ecological,Hydrological, and Watershed Processes II (joint with H) Presiding: George Aiken, USGS; Brian Bergamaschi, USGS-Calif State University; Yuehan Lu, University of Alabama; Elizabeth Canuel, Virginia Inst Marine Sciences 1340h B43I-01 Matching scale to processes in stream DOM biogeochemistry: P Hernes, B A Pellerin, R G Spencer, R Y Dyda, P A Bachand, B A Bergamaschi 1355h B43I-02 The Utility of CDOM for Improving the Resolution of Riverine DOM Fluxes and Biogeochemical Function: R G Spencer, G Aiken, P J Mann, R M Holmes, J Niggemann, T Dittmar, P Hernes, A Stubbins 1410h B43I-03 Assessing the Fate of Terrigenous Dissolved Organic Carbon in River-influenced Ocean Margins: C G Fichot, R H Benner 1425h B43I-04 Seasonal and Event Scale Forcings on the Magnitude and Composition of Particulate Organic Matter Fluxes Across a Small Mountainous River Estuary: M A Goni, J A Lerczak, L Smith, E P Lemagie, Y Alleau 1440h B43I-05 Hydrological exchanges and Organic Matter dynamics in highly vulnerable tidal wetland ecosystems at the land-ocean interface: M Tzortziou, P Neale, P Megonigal, C Loughner 1455h B43I-06 Black Carbon in Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon: Abundance and Radiocarbon Measurements in the Global Ocean: A I Coppola, B D Walker, E R M Druffel 1510h B43G-07 Development and testing of crop monitoring methods to improve global agricultural monitoring in support of GEOGLAM: L Bydekerke, S J B Gilliams 1510h B43I-07 Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter from Subtropical Wetlands: A Comparative Study Through the Analysis of Optical Properties, NMR and FTICR/ MS: R Jaffe, N Hertkorn, M Harir, K Cawley, P Schmitt-Kopplin 38 THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER AGU2014News.indb 38 2014 1525h B43I-08 Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Microbial Diversity In The Lake Tahoe Basin, Sierra Nevada, California: L Aluwihare, S J Goldberg, G I Ball, W G Mendoza, A Simpson, J Kharbush, C E Nelson B43J Moscone West 2003 Thursday1340h Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change IV (joint with C, GC) Presiding: Christina Schaedel, University of Florida; Anthony McGuire, University of Alaska Fairbanks; David Olefeldt, University of Alberta 1340h B43J-01 Hydrologic controls on the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: D M Lawrence, C D Koven, S C Swenson, W J Riley, A G Slater 1355h B43J-02 The Vulnerability of Permafrost from 1960 to 2300 Based on Simulations of the Process-Based Model GIPL2 Across the Permafrost Region in the Northern Hemisphere: Implications for Soil Carbon Vulnerability: S S Marchenko, D Nicolsky, V E Romanovsky, A D McGuire 1410h B43J-03 Terrestrial ecosystem model performance for net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in permafrost regions: J Xia, A D McGuire, D M Lawrence, E Burke, X Chen, C L Delire, C D Koven, A H MacDougall, S Peng, A Rinke, K Saito, W Zhang, R Alkama, T J Bohn, P Ciais, B Decharme, I Gouttevin, T Hajima, D Ji, G Krinner, D P Lettenmaier, P A Miller, J C Moore, B Smith, T Sueyoshi, Z Shi, L Yan, J Liang, L Jiang, Y Luo 1425h B43J-04 The Influence Horizons on Thermal Dynamics Soils: Identifying Thresholds State Change: J A ODonnell, J Romanovsky of Organic-Soil in High-Latitude for Permafrost W Harden, V E 1440h B43J-05 The Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE) Measurements of Seasonal to Interannual Variability in Alaskan CO2 and CH4 Fluxes: C E Miller, S J Dinardo 1455h B43J-06 Enhanced Methane Concentrations over the East-Siberian Arctic Shelf: Explanation Hypothesis Based on the Analysis of Data from Land, Marine, and Satellite Observations: O A Anisimov, V Kokorev 1510h B43J-07 Modeled changes in terrestrial C storage on the Arctic coastal plain of Alaska suggest a mid-century 21st shift from C sink to source: C Tucker, E S Euskirchen, H Genet, A D McGuire, S T Rupp, A L Breen, T A Kurkowski, A Bennett, G Kofinas 1340h C43A-0366 POSTER A Simple Framework for Quantifying Warming-based Snowpack Declines at the Landscape Scale: C Tennant, B T Crosby, S Godsey, R Van Kirk, D Derryberry 1340h C43A-0368 POSTER Comparison of Microphysics Schemes for Simulation of Snow Cover Fraction in the Sierra Nevada: M Wrzesien, M T Durand, T Pavelsky, S B Kapnick, T H Painter 1340h C43A-0369 POSTER Validation of snow cover simulated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model using in-situ snow survey data in the Altai Mountains: K Sugiura, H Kitabata, T Kadota 1340h C43A-0370 POSTER Estimating Longwave Atmospheric Emissivity in the Canadian Rocky Mountains: S Ebrahimi, S J Marshall 1340h C43A-0371 POSTER Quantifying the change in equilibrium-line altitude during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Subtropical Andes using a massbalance model: L Vargo, J Galewsky 1340h C43A-0373 POSTER Modeling the surface mass balance and firn evolution of glaciers around Kongsfjorden, Svalbard: J Kohler, W J J van Pelt 1340h C43A-0374 POSTER Near-surface climate of the Antarctic Peninsula as simulated by a highresolution regional atmospheric climate model: M van Wessem, C Reijmer, M R van den Broeke 1340h C43A-0375 POSTER Changing SurfaceAtmosphere Energy Exchange and Refreezing Capacity of the Lower Accumulation Area, West Greenland: C Charalampidis, D van As, H Machguth, P Smeets, M R van den Broeke, J E Box 1340h C43A-0376 POSTER Numerical model of meltwater retention and firn aquifer formation in Greenland Ice Sheet: X Liu, J N Bassis 1340h C43A-0377 POSTER Basal Melt Under the Interior of the Greenland Ice Sheet: Comparison of Models, Deep Ice Cores, and Radar Observations: S Rezvanbehbahani, L A Stearns, C J van der Veen C43B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Polar Climate: Processes and Predictability II Posters (joint with A, GC, OS) Presiding: Cecilia Bitz, Univ of Washington; Sarah Gille, UCSD; Marilyn Raphael, UCLA; Ed Hawkins, University of Reading 1340h C43B-0378 POSTER Recent Patterns of Antarctic Surface Air Temperature Trends in the Context of Natural Variability, as Simulated by the CMIP5 Models: K L Smith, L M Polvani, A de O Lobo 1525h B43J-08 Spatially Resolved Projections of Carbon Releases from Thawing Polygonal Tundra: S L Painter, E Coon, A L Atchley, D R Harp, J D Moulton, E Shelef, C Xu, C J Wilson 1340h C43B-0379 POSTER Links Between the Amundsen Sea Low and the Sea Ice Variability in the Ross Sea: M N Raphael, M M Holland, L Landrum CRYOSPHERE 1340h C43B-0380 POSTER Variations of Antarctic Oscillation during the past millennium and the twenty first century: S Feng, Z Long, S J Kim, Y Zhang C43A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Modeling of the Cryosphere II Posters (joint with A, H) Presiding: Noah Molotch, University of Colorado at Boulder; Adam Winstral, USDA-ARS; Michael Durand, Ohio St Univ-Earth Sciences; Tobias Jonas, SLF / WSL 1340h C43A-0359 POSTER Ground Ice in the New Crrel Permafrost Tunnel: M Z Kanevskiy, Y Shur, J E Beget, N H Bigelow, K Bjella, M Cysewski, T Jorgenson, M Sturm 1340h C43A-0360 POSTER Developing a numerical model of ice wedge degradation and trough formation: V Garayshin, D Nicolsky, V E Romanovsky 1340h C43A-0361 POSTER Sensitivity of rock slope stability in relation to thermal regime – examples from Norway: K S Myhra, B Etzelmuller, L H Blikra 1340h C43A-0362 POSTER Evaluation of Gridded Snow Water Equivalent Products in British Columbia, Canada: A M Snauffer, W W Hsieh, A J Cannon 1340h C43A-0364 POSTER Assessment of Hydrologic Impacts of Snowdrift in a Snow Dominated Watershed: M Kumar, X Chen, B Seyednasrollah, A H Winstral, M Reba, D G Marks 1340h C43A-0365 POSTER Snowmelt sensitivity to warmer temperatures: a field-validated model analysis, southern Sierra Nevada, California: K N Musselman, N P Molotch, S A Margulis 1340h C43B-0381 POSTER A closer look at the wintertime Antarctic sea ice trend with a focus on the Ross Sea: C H Chang, N C Johnson 1340h C43B-0382 POSTER Characterizing dominant climatic oscillations in Antarctic Surface mass balance: K Pangaluru, I Velicogna, T C Sutterley, M R van den Broeke 1340h C43B-0383 POSTER How Well Does Natural Variability Explain the Difference Between Observed and Modeled Sea Ice Trends in Both Hemispheres?: E J Rosenblum, I Eisenman 1340h C43B-0384 POSTER Impact of Freshwater Fluxes on Labrador Sea Dynamics in the Regional Arctic System Model: S Hossainzadeh, W Maslowski, R Osinski, S M Tulaczyk 1340h C43B-0386 POSTER Investigating the atmospheric response to future sea ice loss in the western Arctic using a fully coupled global climate model: M Gervais, B Tremblay, J R Gyakum, E Atallah 1340h C43B-0387 POSTER The climate response to sudden sea ice loss in CCSM4: P J Kushner, R Blackport 1340h C43B-0388 POSTER Sensitivity of Modeled Far-IR Radiation Budgets in Polar Continents to Treatments of Snow Surface and Ice Cloud Radiative Properties: X Chen, X Huang, M Flanner 1340h C43B-0389 POSTER September Arctic sea ice minimum predicted by spring melt pond fraction: D L Feltham, D Schroeder, D Flocco, M Tsamados 1340h C43B-0390 POSTER A New Variable Resolution Sea-ice Model: A K Turner, D Jacobsen, E C Hunke All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:34 AM 1340h C43B-0391 POSTER Assessment of Sea Ice Predictability in CMIP5 Decadal Hindcasts: J LIU, C Y Yang 1340h C43B-0392 POSTER The Arctic in the Anthropocene: a Report from the National Academy of Sciences: L M Everett, H P Huntington, S L Pfirman 1340h C43B-0393 POSTER Arctic Sea Ice Predictability and the Sea Ice Prediction Network: H V Wiggins, J C Stroeve 1340h C43B-0394 POSTER Seasonal Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice by a Linear Markov Model: X Yuan, D Chen, C Li 1340h C43B-0395 POSTER Development of Stochastic Seasonal Prediction Model of Arctic Sea Ice Concentration: H R Kim, Y S Choi, Y Kim 1340h C43B-0396 POSTER Arctic Sea Ice Reemergence: The Role of Large-Scale Oceanic and Atmospheric Variability: M Bushuk, D Giannakis, A Majda 1340h C43B-0397 POSTER Estimation of Sea Ice Thickness through Maximum Covariance Analysis: A Dirkson, A H Monahan, W J Merryfield 1340h C43B-0398 POSTER Summer Arctic Sea Ice Intra-Seasonal Predictability Using a Vector AutoRegressive Model: X Yuan, L Wang, M Ting C43C Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Quantifying Spatial and Temporal Variability of Snow and Snow Processes II Posters (joint with A, GC, H) Presiding: Jeffrey Deems, University of Colorado; Hans-Peter Marshall, Boise State University; Ernesto Trujillo, Г‰cole Polytechnique FГ©dГ©rale de Lausanne 1340h C43C-0399 POSTER Comparison of Snow Depth Measurements and Snow Patterns at Scales Ranging from 1 km2 to 210 km2: A M Wagner, M Sturm, C A Hiemstra 1340h C43C-0400 POSTER Snow Pattern Delineation, Scaling, Fidelity, and Landscape Factors: C A Hiemstra, A M Wagner, E J Deeb, B F Morriss, M Sturm 1340h C43C-0403 POSTER Snow modeling within a multi-layer soil-vegetation-atmosphere model: L E McGowan, K T Paw U, D R Pyles 1340h C43C-0404 POSTER Geomatics contributions to key indicators for estimation and monitoring of snow cover input to hydrogeological resources: J Somma, L Drapeau, C Abou Chakra, T El-Ali 1340h C43C-0405 POSTER Niveograph Interpolation to Estimate Peak Accumulation of Snow Water Equivalent in Rocky Mountain National Park: G G Patterson, S R Fassnacht 1340h C43C-0406 POSTER Localized Detection of Frozen Precipitation Events and the Rain/Snow Transition: S Strachan 1340h C43C-0407 POSTER Influence of landscape features on variation of Оґ2H and Оґ18O in seasonal mountain snowpack: E L Kipnis, W Chapple, J M Frank, E Traver, B E Ewers, D G Williams 1340h C43C-0408 POSTER Spatial and Temporal Variability of Surface Snow Accumulation and Snow Chemistry at East Antarctic Ice Sheet : H Motoyama, K Ito, M Hirabayashi 1340h C43C-0409 POSTER Seasonal and interannual variations in snow cover thickness, water equivalent, and gravity-induced dynamics in a high Arctic valley glacier watershed: F Tolle, A Prokop, Г‰ Bernard, J M Friedt, M Griselin 1340h C43C-0410 POSTER Snow Cover Quantification in the Central Andes Derived from Multi-Sensor Data: G CortГ©s, E Cornwell, J P McPhee, S A Margulis C43D Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Recent Advances in Monitoring, Measuring, and Modeling Snow Processes II Posters Presiding: Danny Marks, USDA Agriculture Research Serv; Adam Winstral, USDA-ARS; Ned Bair, University of California Santa Barbara; Jordy Hendrikx, Montana State University 1340h C43D-0411 POSTER Snow Water Equivalent Reanalysis Over a Scarce Data Region Via Assimilation of Snow Covered Area from Landsat 5, 7 and 8: G CortГ©s, M Girotto, S A Margulis 1340h C43D-0412 POSTER Optimization of Sensor Placements Using Machine Learning and LIDAR data: a Case Study for a Snow Monitoring Network in the Sierra Nevada: C Oroza, Z Zheng, S D Glaser, R C Bales, M H Conklin 1340h C43D-0413 POSTER Airborne LiDAR and hyperspectral mapping of snow depth and albedo in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado, USA by the NASA JPL Airborne Snow Observatory: J S Deems, T H Painter 1340h C43D-0414 POSTER Revisiting Runoff Model Calibration: Airborne Snow Observatory Results Allow Improved Modeling Results: B J McGurk, T H Painter 1340h C43D-0415 POSTER Snow Depth from Lidar: Challenges and New Technology for Measurements in Extreme Terrain: D F Berisford, V Kadatskiy, J W Boardman, K Bormann, J S Deems, C E Goodale, C A Mattmann, P Ramirez, M Richardson, T H Painter 1340h C43D-0436 POSTER Extreme icing event in snowpack at High Arctic site: J Kohler 1340h C43D-0437 POSTER Measuring Wind Ventilation of Dense Surface Snow: S A Drake, H Huwald, J S Selker, C W Higgins, M Lehning, C K Thomas C43E Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Snow Hydrology: Flooding, Modeling, and Vegetation Interactions II Posters Presiding: John Pomeroy, University of Saskatchewan; Timothy Link, University of Idaho; Tobias Jonas, SLF / WSL; Mukesh Kumar, Duke University 1340h C43D-0416 POSTER An Evaluation of Vegetation Filtering Algorithms for Improved Snow Depth Estimation from Point Cloud Observations in Mountain Environments: B J Vanderjagt, M T Durand, A Lucieer, L Wallace 1340h C43E-0438 POSTER The Sensitivity of Mountain Snowcovers to Temperature, Humidity, and Phase Change in a Warming Climate: D G Marks, H P Marshall, A H Winstral, A R Hedrick 1340h C43D-0417 POSTER Cross-sites analysis of snowpack depth from LiDAR in Southern Sierra Nevada: Z Zheng, P B Kirchner, R C Bales, S D Glaser 1340h C43E-0439 POSTER Observed Impact of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Snowmelt Energy Balance Factors and Runoff Sources During Rain on Snow Events: S Pohl, J Garvelmann, M Weiler 1340h C43D-0418 POSTER The information content of terrestial LIDAR images with respect to different snow cover processes: M Bernhardt, K Schulz, S HГ¤rer 1340h C43D-0419 POSTER Quantifying Snow Volume Uncertainty from Repeat Terrestrial Laser Scanning Observations: P J Gadomski, P J Hartzell, D C Finnegan, C L Glennie, J S Deems 1340h C43D-0420 POSTER Design, implementation and hydrologic evaluation of a snow-measurement network using wireless sensors in the American River basin of California: R Rice, R C Bales, D G Marks, M H Conklin, Z Zhang, S D Glaser 1340h C43D-0421 POSTER In situ monitoring and machine modeling of snowpack evolution in complex terrains: J Frolik, C Skalka 1340h C43D-0422 POSTER Simultaneous Estimation of Depth, Density, and Water Equivalent of Snow using a Mobile GPR Setup: T Jonas, N Griessinger, S Gindraux 1340h C43D-0424 POSTER Estimating snow-water equivalent (SWE) over long mountain transects with snowmobile-mounted GPR: W S Holbrook, M Provart, S N Miller, M Dogan 1340h C43D-0425 POSTER Improvements in simulating liquid water flow in snow using Richards Equation: N Wever, C G Fierz, M Lehning 1340h C43D-0426 POSTER Ground Penetrating Radar for Measuring Snow Water Equivalent in Wet Snow: M Robertson, H P Marshall 1340h C43D-0427 POSTER Understanding Mountain Range Spatial Variability of Surface Hoar: J Hendrikx 1340h C43D-0428 POSTER Ground Based Insitu Measurements of Snowfall with a 2D-Video Distrometer on Mt. Zugspitze, Germany: F Bernauer, M Schwinzerl, K Huerkamp, J Tschiersch 1340h C43D-0429 POSTER Snow Never Falls on Satellite Radiometers: A Compelling Alternative to Ground Observations: L M Hinkelman, K E Lapo, N C Cristea, J D Lundquist 1340h C43D-0430 POSTER Assimilating Spaceborne Passive Microwave Measurements into a Land Surface Model to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent in the Yampa River Basin: R S Kim, D Li, M T Durand 1340h C43D-0431 POSTER Evaluating Mesoscale Numerical Weather Predictions and Spatially Distributed Meteorologic Forcing Data for Developing Accurate SWE Forecasts over Large Mountain Basins: A R Hedrick, D G Marks, A H Winstral, H P Marshall 1340h C43D-0432 POSTER The Cycles of Snow Cover in Pyrenees Mountain and Mont Lebanon Analyzed Using the Global Modeling Technique: L Drapeau, S Mangiarotti, F Le Jean, S Gascoin, L Jarlan 1340h C43D-0433 POSTER MODIS Data and Services at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC): M McAllister, L Booker, D K Fowler, T M Haran 1340h C43D-0434 POSTER Establishing Transferable Sub-Pixel Relationships for Estimating Snow Depth from Remotely-Sensed Snow Covered Area and Terrain Variability: D Schneider, N P Molotch All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 39 1340h C43D-0435 POSTER Discrepancies between two measurements and two model approaches for liquid water flow in snow: N Wever, L Schmid, A Heilig, C G Fierz, M Lehning 1340h C43E-0440 POSTER A Cold Rain-on-Snow Event in a Canadian Rockies Alpine Catchment: Characteristics and Modelling: J W Pomeroy, X Fang, D G Marks 1340h C43E-0441 POSTER Canada’s Fraser River Basin transitioning from a nival to a hybrid system in the late 20th century: D H Kang, H Gao, X Shi, S J Dery 1340h C43E-0442 POSTER Precipitation-Snowmelt Timing and Snowmelt Augmentation of Large Peak Flow Events, Western Cascades, Oregon: K S Jennings, J A Jones 1340h C43E-0443 POSTER Diagnosis of Insidious Data Disasters: J D Lundquist, N E Wayand, A Massmann, M P Clark, F Lott, N C Cristea 1340h C43E-0444 POSTER Which forcing data errors matter most when modeling seasonal snowpacks?: M S Raleigh, J D Lundquist, M P Clark 1340h C43E-0445 POSTER Constraining snow model choices in a transitional snow environment with intensive observations: N E Wayand, A Massmann, M P Clark, J D Lundquist 1340h C43E-0446 POSTER Evaluating snow models for hydrological applications: T Jonas, J Magnusson, N Wever, R Essery, N Helbig 1340h C43E-0447 POSTER Understanding the Role of Controls on the Timing of Daily Streamflow Peak and its Seasonal Variation: X Chen, M Kumar, R Wang, A H Winstral, D G Marks 1340h C43E-0448 POSTER Flow and Temperature Dynamics in the Hydrologic Response: Travel Time Formulation and Application to Alpine Catchments: F Comola, B Schaefli, A Rinaldo, M Lehning 1340h C43E-0449 POSTER The application snowmelt runoff model considered the characteristics of snow distribution outside of forests to the dam located in high elevation zone in Japan: T Nishihara, M Nakatsugawa, T Usutani 1340h C43E-0450 POSTER How does the representation of altitudinal variation of temperature in gridded forcing data affect modeled assessment of snow sensitivity to climate warming?: M G Cooper, A W Nolin, M Safeeq 1340h C43E-0451 POSTER Improving the Community Land Model (version 4) Regional Snowpack Predictions in the Western United States Using High Resolution Forcing Data: T Crawford, J Jin 1340h C43E-0452 POSTER Newly Implemented Snow-Vegetation Representation in the Community Land Model: J Perket, M Flanner, M P Clark, D M Lawrence 1340h C43E-0453 POSTER Improving Snow Canopy Interception Modelling Using Airborne Lidar Data: D Moeser, T Jonas 1340h C43E-0454 POSTER A New, Two-layer Canopy Module For The Detailed Snow Model SNOWPACK: I Gouttevin, M Lehning, T Jonas, D Gustafsson, M MГ¶lder 1340h C43E-0455 POSTER Influence of Tree Proximity on Simulated Sub-Canopy Incoming Longwave Radiation to the Snow Surface in MidLatitude Boreal Forests: C Webster, N Rutter, T Jonas, F Zahner 1340h C43E-0457 POSTER A Comparison of Snowpack Mass and Energy Dynamics Across a Canopy Discontinuity and Small-Scale Elevational Gradient: T E Link, D Carson C43F Moscone West 3007 Thursday1340h Glacier Monitoring from In Situ and Remotely Sensed Observations III (joint with A, GC, H, NH) Presiding: Bruce Raup, University of Colorado at Boulder; Richard Armstrong, Univ Colorado; Michael Zemp, University of Zurich; Tobias Bolch, University of Zurich 1340h C43F-01 Modelling Glacier Mass Balance on Regional and Global Scales: How Precise Can the Models Be?: V Radic, R Hock 1400h C43F-02 Geodetic Glacier Mass Balance of Norway: L M Andreassen, H ElvehГёy, B KjГёllmoen 1420h C43F-03 Glacier Mass Loss in Alaska from Airborne Lidar Altimetry: E W Burgess, C F Larsen, A A Arendt, S Oneel, A Johnson, R W McNabb, L S Zirnheld, C Kienholz 1435h C43F-04 Potential and limitations of ICESat over small mountain glaciers: D Treichler, A Kaeaeb 1450h C43F-05 North Cascade Glacier Annual Mass Balance Record Analysis 1984-2013: M S Pelto 1505h C43F-06 Ten new long-term glaciological mass balance series for Swiss glaciers: M Huss, L Dhulst, A Bauder 1520h C43F-07 Glacier Change of China during the Last 50 Years As Revealed By Glacier Inventories: S Liu, W Guo, X Yao, J Xu, D Shangguan, J Wei, Q Liu, X Wang, Z Jiang STUDY OF EARTH’S DEEP INTERIOR DI43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Mantle Plumes: Predictions and Observations from Source to Surface II Posters (joint with S, T, V) Presiding: Anna Courtier, James Madison University; Anthony Koppers, Oregon State University; Garrett Ito, Univ Hawaii; Nicholas Schmerr, University of Maryland 1340h DI43A-4346 POSTER Of Mantle Plumes, Their Existence, and Their Nature: Insights from Whole Mantle SEM-Based Seismic Waveform Tomography: B A Romanowicz, S W French 1340h DI43A-4347 POSTER The Residual of the Oki-Daito Plume in the Lower Mantle with the P wave Arrival-time Delays: H Cui, Y Zhou, G Li, X Wang 1340h DI43A-4348 POSTER Topography of Upper Mantle Seismic Discontinuities Beneath the North Atlantic: The Azores, Canary and Cape Verde Plumes: C Thomas, M Saki, S E J Nippress, S Lessing 1340h DI43A-4349 POSTER P-wave travel-time tomography reveals multiple mantle upwellings beneath the northern East-Africa Rift: J O S Hammond, C Civiero, S D B Goes, A Ahmed, A Ayele, C Doubre, B Goitom, D Keir, M Kendall, S D Leroy, G Ogubazghi, G Rumpker, G W Stuart 1340h DI43A-4350 POSTER Determining resolvability of mantle plumes with synthetic seismic modeling: R Maguire, P E Van Keken, J Ritsema, A Fichtner, S D B Goes 1340h DI43A-4351 POSTER The Role of Geometrically Restricted Large Low Shear Velocity Province Source Material on Hotspot Volcanism: E Baker, E L Mittelstaedt 1340h DI43A-4352 POSTER The Effect of Plumes on the Dynamics of Supercontinents in a SelfConsistent Plate Tectonics Setting: C Jain, A Rozel, P J Tackley 1340h DI43A-4353 POSTER Evolution of the central Atlantic hot spots cluster in the last 100 Myr: interaction between plate tectonics, a lower mantle thermochemical instability and upper mantle secondary plumes: A Sibrant, A Davaille, F O Marques, A Hildenbrand 1340h DI43A-4354 POSTER Preserving Deep Mantle Structure in Hotspot Lavas: T D Jones, R Davies, I H Campbell, C R Wilson, S C Kramer 1340h C43E-0456 POSTER Evaluating Observational Methods to Quantify Snow Duration under Diverse Forest Canopies: S E Dickerson-Lange, J A Lutz, K Martin, M S Raleigh, R Gersonde, J D Lundquist THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2014 39 11/28/2014 11:06:34 AM 1340h DI43A-4355 POSTER New Insights into the Morphology of the Galapagos Platform from Lower Crustal Flow Models: F Orellana Rovirosa, M A Richards 1340h DI43A-4356 POSTER The role of heat source for spatio-temporal variations of mantle plumes: I Kumagai, Y Yamagishi, A Davaille 1340h DI43A-4357 POSTER Effect of partial melting on small scale convection atop a mantle plume: R Agrusta, D Arcay, A Tommasi, A Gonzalez 1340h DI43A-4358 POSTER Testing links between mantle plumes and true polar wander: A E Eyster, R J O’Connell, F A Macdonald 1340h DI43A-4359 POSTER SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION, DENSITY STRUCTURE, AND RELATIONSHIP OF INTRUSIVE AND EXTRUSIVE VOLCANICS OF SEAMOUNTS ALONG THE NORTHWEST HAWAIIAN RIDGE: J P Tree, G Ito, M O Garcia, C Kelley, P Wessel, B Shiro, B Boston, H Togia, J R Smith Jr 1340h DI43A-4360 POSTER An Evaluation of the Complex Age Progression along the CookAustral Islands Using High-resolution 40Ar/39Ar Incremental Heating Ages: J Rose, A A P Koppers 1340h DI43A-4361 POSTER Explaining TristanGough Plume Dynamics with New Age Data from Multiple Age-Progressive Seamount Sub-Tracks in the Young Walvis Ridge Guyot Province: S Schnur, A A P Koppers, C Class, W W Sager 1340h DI43A-4362 POSTER A top to bottom stratigraphic investigation of two transects through the Ethiopian flood basalt province: S R Krans, T O Rooney, J W Kappelman, D Ayalew, G Yirgu 1340h DI43A-4363 POSTER Age constraints on basalt samples from a transect across the Lau Basin: supporting evidence for modification by multiple mantle sources: C S Conatser, A A P Koppers, M G Jackson, J G Konter, A A Price, K Konrad DI43B Moscone South 301 Thursday1340h Dynamic Evolution of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary System in Diverse Geological Settings: An Integrated Approach I Presiding: Anne Pommier, University of California San Diego; Edward Garnero, Arizona State University; Samer Naif, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Huaiyu Yuan, Macquarie University 1340h DI43B-01 Origin of the Low Velocity Zone: L P Stixrude, C R Lithgow-Bertelloni 1355h DI43B-02 Seismic constraints on the evolution of the continental lithosphereasthenosphere boundary system: H A Ford, E Hopper, K M Fischer, V Lekic, K Selway, P B Kelemen 1410h DI43B-03 Lithosphere and Asthenosphere Properties beneath Oceans and Continents and their Relationship with Domains of Partial Melt Stability in the Mantle: R Dasgupta 1425h DI43B-04 Electrical Conductivity of H2OCO2 rich-Melt at mantle conditions: interpretation of the LAB using petrology-based 1D conductivity profiles: D Sifre, F Gaillard, L Hashim, M Massuyeau, E GardГ©s, S Hier-Majumder 1440h DI43B-05 A high resolution seismic reflection image for the oceanic LAB (LithosphereAsthenosphere Boundary), beneath southern North Island, New Zealand: T A Stern, S A Henrys, D A Okaya, M K Savage, H Sato, T Iwasaki, J N Louie, S H Lamb 1340h ED43A-3456 POSTER Demographic Change in the American Geophysical Union’s United States Membership, 2006-2014: D D Rhodes 1340h ED43A-3457 POSTER Highlights from the First Ever Demographic Study of Solar Physics, Space Physics, and Upper Atmospheric Physics: M Moldwin, C A Morrow, S C White, R Ivie 1340h ED43A-3458 POSTER GeoFORCE Texas: An Outreach Program that is Increasing the Number and Diversity of Students Completing STEM Degrees and Entering the Workforce: E Snow, S L Moore 1340h ED43A-3459 POSTER Extending the Pathway: Building on a National Science Foundation Workforce Development Project for Underserved k-12 Students: W Slattery, T Smith 1340h ED43A-3460 POSTER Increasing the Overall Quality and the Number of Women and Hispanic Geoscientists for the Workforce: Rebuilding an Undergraduate Program: M T Ford, T L McGehee 1340h ED43A-3461 POSTER GENDER IN THE GEOSCIENCES: FACTORS SUPPORTING THE RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION OF WOMEN IN THE UNDERGRADUATE MAJOR: E M Riggs, J M Sexton, K Pugh, C Bergstrom, R Parmley, M Phillips ED43B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Increasing the Diversity of Undergraduate Students in the Geosciences II Posters (joint with DI) Presiding: Joshua Villalobos, El Paso Community College; Diane Doser, University of Texas at El Paso 1340h ED43B-3464 POSTER Understanding the Prevalence of Geo-Like Degree Programs at Minority Serving Institutions: J R McDaris, C A Manduca, K Larsen 1340h ED43B-3465 POSTER Undergraduate-driven interventions to increase representation in science classrooms: M Freilich, D Aluthge, R M Bryant, B Knox, J McAdams, A Plummer, N Schlottman, Z Stanley, E Suglia, J Watson-Daniels 1340h ED43B-3466 POSTER Implementation of InTeGrate Modules into Introductory Courses in the El Paso Higher Education Community : D I Doser, J I Villalobos, I E Henry 1340h ED43B-3467 POSTER The effectiveness of courses developed to recruit and retain minority students in the geology major at California State University, Sacramento: L C Hammersley AGU2014News.indb 40 2014 1340h ED43C-3480 POSTER Communicating Geoscience through Geoheritage: The Chaine Des Puys and Limagne Fault Unesco World Heritage Project: C Olive-Garcia, B van Wyk de Vries 1340h ED43C-3481 POSTER NASA’s Planetary Science E/PO Forum: Reflections on Five Years of Effort to Support an E/PO Community: S S Shipp, S Shebby, S Buxner, D Boonstra, E A CobabeAmmann, W H Cobb, H Dalton, J Grier, S L Klug Boonstra, K LaConte, J Ristvey, C B Shupla, S Weeks, A S Wessen, R Zimmerman-Brachman 1340h ED43C-3482 POSTER Tools for Scientist Engagement in E/PO: NASA SMD Community Workspace and Online Resources: H Dalton, S S Shipp, J Grier, N A Gross, S Buxner, L Bartolone, L M Peticolas, M Woroner, T G Schwerin 1340h ED43C-3483 POSTER Tools for Engaging Scientists in Education and Public Outreach: Resources from NASA’s Science Mission Directorate Forums: S Buxner, J Grier, B K Meinke, N A Gross, M Woroner 1340h ED43C-3484 POSTER NASA SMD E/PO Community Addresses the needs of the Higher Ed Community: Introducing Slide sets for the Introductory Earth and Space Science Instructor: S Buxner, B K Meinke, D Brain, N M Schneider, G R Schultz, D A Smith, J Grier, S S Shipp 1340h ED43C-3485 POSTER Engaging Scientists in Meaningful E/PO: NASA Science4Girls and Their Families: B K Meinke, D A Smith, L Bleacher, K Hauck, C Soeffing 1340h ED43B-3471 POSTER Integrating Enhanced STEM Themes in the UTEP CAREERS Weather Camp for Youth: M GГјereque, J G Olgin, M W Kier, C E Winston, R M Fitzgerald, V Morris 1340h ED43C-3489 POSTER Daymet: Daily Surface Weather Data on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 2: R Devarakonda ED43C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1340h ED43C-3472 POSTER Promoting Scientist Communications Through Graduate Summer School in Heliophysics and Space Physics: N A Gross, K Schrijver, F Bagenal, J J Sojka, M J Wiltberger 1340h ED43C-3473 POSTER NSF-supported education/outreach program takes young researchers to the Arctic: V A Alexeev, J E Walsh, R Hock, I Repina, U Kaden, L Bartholomew Presiding: Dallas Rhodes, Humboldt State University; Chris Keane, American Geosciences Institute 40 1340h ED43C-3479 POSTER Communicating the Science of Nasa’s Maven Mission through Public Engagement: T Mason, L M Peticolas, E L Wood 1340h ED43C-3488 POSTER Visualizing Space Weather: The Planeterrella Auroral Simulator as a Heliophysics Public Outreach Tool: E V Masongsong, J Lilensten, M J Booth, G Suri, T G Heflinger, V Angelopoulos Presiding: Sanlyn Buxner, Planetary Science Institute; Nicholas Gross, Boston University; Brooke Hsu, Lunar and Planetary Institute; M Alexandra Matiella Novak, Johns Hopkins University APL Geoscience Workforce Issues: Demography, Gender, and Diversity II Posters (joint with GC, PA, SI) 1340h ED43C-3478 POSTER Development of Experience-based Learning about Atmospheric Environment with Quantitative Viewpoint aimed at Education for Sustainable Development: Y Saitoh, H Tago 1340h ED43B-3470 POSTER Increasing Diversity in STEM through Ka Hikina O Ka LДЃ Summer Bridge Program for Native Hawaiian Students: A Coopersmith, D K Cie, S Calder, D Naho`olewa, B Rai 1510h DI43B-07 Constraints on the Nature of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary: Comparison of Observed Textural Evolution to Measured Seismic Anisotropy: L N Hansen, C Qi, K Kumamoto, J M Warren, R F Katz, D L Kohlstedt ED43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1340h ED43C-3477 POSTER Student and Community Engagement in Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences Through Experiential Learning and Citizen Science as Part of Research Broader Impact: A I Ibrahim, R Tutwiler, A Zakey, M E Shokr, Y Ahmed, D Jereidini, M Eid 1340h ED43C-3487 POSTER The “Space Weather” Exhibit at the Children’s Discovery Museum of West Virginia: P Cassak, J Bryan, J Carver Scientist Engagement in Education and Public Outreach: Sharing Effective Tools, Resources, and Stories of Success III Posters (joint with P, PA, SH) EDUCATION 1340h ED43C-3476 POSTER Project SMART: A UNH-Sponsored Outreach Program for High School Students: C W Smith, L Broad, S Goelzer, R Levergood 1340h ED43B-3468 POSTER Increasing diversity in the geosciences through the AfricaArray geophysics field course: G Vallejo, E Emry, B L Galindo, V Carranza, C D Gomez, K Ortiz, J G Castro, J Guandique, C Falzone, S J Webb, M Manzi, S B Mngadi, K Stephens, B Chinamora, R Whitehead, D P de Villiers, K Tshitlho, R P Delhaye, J A Smith, A Nyblade 1455h DI43B-06 SUBDUCTION-DRIVEN RECYCLING OF CONTINENTAL MARGIN LITHOSPHERE: A Levander, M J Bezada, F Niu, I Palomeras, S Thurner, E Humphreys, M S Miller, R Carbonell, J Gallart, M Schmitz 1525h DI43B-08 Integrative Analysis of Mantle Lithosphere Rheology: G Hirth, J A Collins, P H Molnar, P B Kelemen 1340h ED43C-3474 POSTER Initiating New Science Partnerships in Rural Education: STEM Graduate Students Bring Current Research into 7th-12th Grade Science Classrooms: S Radencic, K S Dawkins, B S Jackson, R M Walker, D Schmitz, D Pierce, W K Funderburk, K McNeal THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h ED43C-3486 POSTER Reverse Asteroids: Searching for an Effective Tool to Combat Asteroid Belt Misconceptions: F Summers, B Eisenhamer 1340h ED43C-3490 POSTER The Whole World In Your Hands: Using an Interactive Virtual Reality Sandbox for Geospatial Education and Outreach: T Clucas, G S Wirth, D Broderson 1340h ED43C-3491 POSTER PLANETarium Pilot: visualizing PLANET Earth inside-out on the planetarium’s full-dome: M D Ballmer, T Wiethoff 1340h ED43C-3492 POSTER Social Media and Student Engagement in a Microgravity Planetary Science Experiment: S S Lane, K Lai, B Hoover, A Whitaker, C Tiller, S Benjamin, A Dove, J E Colwell 1340h ED43C-3493 POSTER The Community Cloud Atlas – Building an Informed Cloud Watching Community: N Guy, A Rowe 1340h ED43C-3494 POSTER Crowdsourced Contributions to the Nation’s Geodetic Elevation Infrastructure: W A Stone ED43D Moscone South 102 Thursday1340h Best Practices in Meaningful and Authentic Science Outreach to Formal and Informal Audiences I Presiding: Todd Ellis, SUNY College at Oneonta; Melissa Burt, Colorado State University 1340h ED43D-01 Lessons Learned by Combining Formal and Informal Science Education at CMMAP: S Denning, M A Burt, B Jones, R M Russell 1355h ED43D-02 Building the Bridge to Help Engage your Audience to your Science and Mission: K Yuen 1410h ED43D-03 The CERES S’COOL Project: Dynamic NASA Earth Science Education and Public Outreach for Formal and Informal Audiences: S Crecelius, L H Chambers, P M Lewis Jr, T Harte 1425h ED43D-04 NASA and GLOBE Connect K–12 Students to NGSS with Big Data Applications: D Oostra, T Hunt, L H Chambers, P M Lewis Jr 1440h ED43D-05 Meaningful, Authentic and PlaceBased Informal Science Education for 6-12 Students: E Ito, D M Dalbotten 1455h ED43D-06 Introducing School Children in Nigeria to SPACE Technology As a Tool for Mitigation of National Catastrophes: O Alabi 1510h ED43D-07 Scientist engagement in NGSSrelated professional development: the role of subject-matter experts in implementing the NextGeneration Science Standards: M A Rogers 1525h ED43D-08 Building Effective ScientistEducator Communities of Practice: NASA’s Science Education and Public Outreach Forums: T G Schwerin, L M Peticolas, S S Shipp, D A Smith EARTH AND PLANETARY SURFACE PROCESSES EP43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Advances in the Science and Communication of Biophysical Interactions in Riverine Landscapes II Posters (joint with H) Presiding: Desiree Tullos, Oregon State University; John Buffington, US Forest Service; Lee Harrison, NOAA Santa Barbara; Hamish Moir, University of the Highlands and Islands 1340h EP43A-3542 POSTER River Restoration by Dam Removal: Assessing Riverine Re-Connectivity Across New England: F J Magilligan, K H Nislow, B Graber, C Sneddon, C Fox, E Martin 1340h EP43A-3543 POSTER Testing Geomorphic Controls on Salmonid Spawning Habitat: A Pfeiffer, N J Finnegan 1340h EP43A-3544 POSTER Deep-Seated Landslides Influence Topographic Variability and Salmon Habitat in the Oregon Coast Range, USA: H W Beeson, M A Fonstad, J J Roering 1340h EP43A-3545 POSTER Relationship between channel morphology and foraging habitat for stream salmonids: Effects of body size: P Cienciala, M A Hassan 1340h EP43A-3546 POSTER Salmon Spawning Effects on Streambed Stability: T H Buxton, J M Buffington, E Yager, A K Fremier, M A Hassan 1340h EP43A-3547 POSTER Field and flume investigations of the effects of logjams and woody debris on streambed morphology: V Leung, D R Montgomery, M L McHenry 1340h EP43A-3548 POSTER Geomorphic Function and Restoration Potential of Spring Creeks in Southeastern Idaho: Analysis and Communication: T P Hanrahan, Z Hill, A Levell, T Maguire, D Risso 1340h EP43A-3550 POSTER 2D Hydrodynamic Based Logic Modeling Tool for River Restoration Decision Analysis: A Quantitative Approach to Project Prioritization: D Bandrowski, Y Lai, N Bradley, D A Gaeuman, J Murauskas, N A Som, A Martin, D Goodman, J Alvarez 1340h EP43A-3551 POSTER Opportunities and Limitation of Hyporheic Restoration in a 4th Order Semi-Arid Floodplain: a Case Study of Meacham Creek, Oregon : S J O’Daniel, B E Amerson, M B Lambert 1340h EP43A-3552 POSTER Heat Budget of Large Rivers: Sensitivity to Stream Morphology: S T Lancaster, R Haggerty 1340h EP43A-3553 POSTER Comparing riparian forest processes on large rivers to inform floodplain management and restoration: J C Stella, H Piegay, C Gruel, J Riddle, B Raepple 1340h EP43A-3554 POSTER Determinants of Riparian Vegetation along Western Sierra Nevada Mountain Streams and Management Implications: K M Ross 1340h EP43A-3555 POSTER Integrated Stochastic Evaluation of Flood and Vegetation Dynamics in Riverine Landscapes: H Miyamoto, R Kimura All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:34 AM 1340h EP43A-3556 POSTER An Ecohydrological Approach to Riparian Restoration Planning in the American Southwest: G T Leverich, B Orr, Z Diggory, T Dudley, J Hatten, K R Hultine, M P Johnson, D Orr 1340h EP43A-3557 POSTER Preparing for uncertainty: toward managing fluvial geomorphic assessment of Massachusetts rivers: C E Hatch, S B Mabee, N B Slovin, E Vogel 1340h EP43A-3558 POSTER Understanding Biophysical Interactions In The Great Barrier Reef Catchments: Better Landscape Management For Water Quality Outcomes: E N Bui, S Wilkinson, R Bartley 1340h EP43A-3559 POSTER Biophysical Interactions within Step-Pool Mountain Streams Following Wildfire: A Parker, A Chin, A P O’Dowd EP43B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Aeolian Geomorphic, Sedimentary, and Atmospheric Processes I Posters (joint with A, NG, P, PP) Presiding: Ryan Ewing, Texas A&M University; David Rubin, University of California Santa Cruz; Raleigh Martin, University of California Los Angeles; Jonathan Perkins, UC Santa Cruz 1340h EP43B-3560 POSTER Boundary Conditions for Aeolian Activity in North American Dune Fields: A F Halfen, N Lancaster, S Wolfe 1340h EP43B-3561 POSTER Morphodynamics of Planetary Deserts: A Laboratory Approach: A Garcia, S Courrech Du Pont, S Rodriguez 1340h EP43B-3562 POSTER Is The Enclosed Qaidam Basin In The Tibetan Plateau Accumulative Or Erosive?: Z Lai 1340h EP43C-3575 POSTER Spatiotemporal Structure and Covariance of Bedload Motion and Near-Bed Fluid Velocity over Bedforms: Laboratory and Numerical Experiments Downstream of a Backward-Facing Step: K P Leary, M W Schmeeckle 1340h EP43C-3601 POSTER Meandering River Dynamics: Spatial and Temporal Wave Growth and Non-Periodic Wave Patterns: S Weiss, J Higdon 1340h EP43C-3576 POSTER The Effects of Bed Configuration on Incipient Motion in Oscillatory Flows: D P Frank, D L Foster, J Simeonov, I M Sou, J Calantoni Advances in Understanding Fluvial-Deltaic Processes and Their Interactions with the Tectonic Setting II (joint with NH, T) 1340h EP43C-3577 POSTER Seabed Spectra Predictions Using a Time-Dependent Seafloor Boundary Layer Model: M L Palmsten, A Penko, K O Olejniczak, J Calantoni, A Sheremet, J M Kaihatu, R Weiss 1340h EP43C-3578 POSTER Laboratory Observations of Sand Ripple Evolution in a Small Oscillatory Flow Tunnel: J Calantoni, M L Palmsten, J Chu, B J Landry, A Penko 1340h EP43C-3579 POSTER Bedform Morphodynamics in a Meandering Stream: M L Palmsten, J L Kozarek, A Khosronejad, J Calantoni 1340h EP43C-3580 POSTER Discrete Element Method Simulations of Ice Floe Dynamics: J Calantoni, S P Bateman, F Shi, M Orzech, J Veeramony 1340h EP43C-3581 POSTER Experimental and numerical study of turbulent flow associated with interacting barchan dunes: J M Barros Jr, G Blois, W Anderson, Z Tang, J Best, K T Christensen 1340h EP43C-3582 POSTER Sector-Scanning Sonar Imagery of Laboratory Bedforms: K O Olejniczak, J Calantoni, A Penko, M L Palmsten, A Sheremet, J M Kaihatu, R Weiss 1340h EP43C-3583 POSTER Hyporheic exchange induced by channel-spanning obstacles in a coarse, highly-permeable laboratory streambed: D Lichtner, J Best, G Blois, T Kim, K T Christensen 1340h EP43B-3563 POSTER An Isotopic Map of Dust Source Areas in the McMurdo Sound Sector of Antarctica: M A Blakowski, S Aciego, B Delmonte, C Baroni, M C Salvatore 1340h EP43C-3584 POSTER Structural perturbations in immersed granular beds due to shear-flow-driven erosion in a laboratory flume: J C Salevan, M D Shattuck, C Ohern, N T Ouellette 1340h EP43B-3564 POSTER Evaluation of Surface Slope Effects on Ripple Orientations Observed on Sand Dunes in the Terra Tyrrhena Region of Mars: J R Zimbelman, M B Johnson 1340h EP43C-3585 POSTER Dynamic Similarity and Instability in Porous Flows: A Papke, I Battiato 1340h EP43B-3565 POSTER Eolian Soft-Sediment Deformation Records on Earth and Mars: M A Chan, C H Okubo, R L Bruhn 1340h EP43B-3566 POSTER Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Image Paleotopography and Structural Controls at Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Kane County, Utah: E J Rozar, J H Bradford, R L Ford, D E Wilkins 1340h EP43B-3567 POSTER Periodic Trajectories in Aeolian Sand Transport: A Valance, J T Jenkins 1340h EP43B-3568 POSTER Formational Mechanisms and Morphology of Windblown Coarse-Grained Sand Ripples at White Sands, New Mexico: R Glade, D J Jerolmack, J D Pelletier 1340h EP43B-3569 POSTER Gnamma Pit Growth: Insights from Wind Tunnel Experiments and Numerical Modeling: Y Wang, M W Schmeeckle 1340h EP43B-3570 POSTER Morphologic and Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Sand Dune-Topographic Obstacle Interactions on Earth and Titan: J Cisneros, G D McDonald, A G Hayes Jr, R C Ewing 1340h EP43B-3571 POSTER Morphology and stratigraphic evolution of aeolian protodunes at White Sands Dune Field: R C Ewing, B A Weymer, P Barrineaux 1340h EP43B-3572 POSTER A seismic search for the paleoshorelines of Lake Otero beneath White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico: P F Wagner, R Reece, R C Ewing 1340h EP43B-3573 POSTER Linking Atmospheric Models and Dune Morphology – Testing a Forward Modeling Approach: N Lancaster, C E Newman 1340h EP43B-3574 POSTER Quantifying Turbulence Effects on Aeolian Sand Transport: R L Martin, J F Kok, M Chamecki EP43C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Complex Geophysical Flows and Morphological Complexity Across Scales II Posters (joint with A, H) Presiding: Gianluca Blois, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; William Anderson, University of Texas at Dallas; Joe Calantoni, Naval Research Laboratory; Kimberly Hill, University of Minnesota Presiding: John Shaw, University of Arkansas; Jeffrey Nittrouer, Rice University; Meredith Reitz, Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory; Carol Wilson, Vanderbilt University 1340h EP43D-01 Exploring the Effects of Baselevel Change and Differential Subsidence on Fluviodeltaic Channels with a Reduced-Complexity Model: M Liang, C Van Dyk, P Passalacqua, S L Goodbred Jr, W Kim 1355h EP43D-02 GROWTH AND EVOLUTION OF RIVER MOUTH BARS UNDER WAVE ATTACK: W Nardin, D A Edmonds, S Fagherazzi 1410h EP43D-03 Evaluating the signatures of fluvial, wave, and tidal processes on deltaic deposits in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: E A Hajek, S M Trampush 1425h EP43D-04 A New Method for Quantifying Compaction Rates and Their Spatial Variability in the Mississippi Delta: E L Chamberlain, Z Shen, T E Tornqvist, B Mauz 1340h EP43C-3592 POSTER Modeling Channelization in Coastal Wetlands with Ecological Feedbacks: Z J Hughes, A Mahadevan, S Pennings, D FitzGerald 1340h EP43C-3593 POSTER Slow Granular Dynamics in River Beds: Toward a Continuous Definition of Bed Load Transport: M Houssais, C P Ortiz, D J Durian, D J Jerolmack 1340h EP43C-3594 POSTER Two-Phase Flow Modelling Perspectives Based on Novel HighResolution Acoustic Measurements of Uniform Steady Sheet-Flow: J Chauchat, T Revil-Baudard, D Hurther 1340h EP43C-3595 POSTER Statistical Inversion of Acoustic Backscatter Profile Data with SedimentInduced Attenuation: G Wilson, A E Hay 1340h EP43C-3596 POSTER Experimental Support of Statistical Mechanics Theory of Bed Load Sediment Motions Using High-Speed Imagery: S L Fathel, D J Furbish, M W Schmeeckle 1340h EP43C-3597 POSTER Bedload transport flux fluctuations over a wide range of time scales: H Ma, X Fu, C Ancey 1340h EP43C-3598 POSTER Characterization of the intermittent behavior of sediment transport from numerical simulations on a flat bed channel: C GonzГЎlez, C R Escauriaza, D H Richter, J Calantoni, D Bolster 1340h EP43C-3599 POSTER Using Computational Fluid Dynamics to investigate the generation of soluble bedrock forms: J M Myre, M D Covington 1340h G43A-0489 POSTER Using InSAR for Characterizing Pyroclastic Flow Deposits at Augustine Volcano Across Two Eruptive Cycles: D B McAlpin, F J Meyer, Z Lu, J E Beget 1340h G43A-0490 POSTER Refining the Magnitude of the Shallow Slip Deficit: X Xu, X Tong, D T Sandwell, C W D Milliner 1340h G43A-0491 POSTER Synergistic Usage of ERS, ASAR and PALSAR Data for PS InSAR Based Mining Induced Subsidence Monitoring: C J Thiel, N Salepci Jr, C Schmullius, A Kuehl Jr 1340h G43A-0493 POSTER Subway Subsidence Monitoring and Analysis in Beijing through Envisat-Asar and Terrasar-X DATA: G Duan, H Gong, B Chen, X Li 1340h G43A-0494 POSTER Detection and Monitoring of Inundation with Polarimetric L-Band SAR: B D Chapman, J E Celi, S K Hamilton, K C McDonald 1340h G43A-0496 POSTER Ground Deformation Mapping of Houston-Galveston, Texas Using InSAR Time-Series Analysis: F QU, Z Lu, G W Bawden, J W Kim 1510h EP43D-07 Patterns and Rates of Deltaic Aggradation and Progradation: Insights from the Mississippi Delta: T E Tornqvist, Z Shen, E L Chamberlain, C R Esposito, B Mauz, J Marshak, C D White, A N Nijhuis, L Sandoval 1340h G43A-0497 POSTER Active anthropogenic and surface salt deformation measured by InSAR, northwestern China: C Colon, A G Webb, C Lasserre, M P Doin EP43E Moscone West 2007 Thursday1340h 1340h EP43C-3591 POSTER Flood-Derived Sand Lobes on the Shelf of the Northern Santa Barbara Channel, Southern California: E Steel, A Simms, J A Warrick, Y Yokoyama Presiding: Lin Liu, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Jessica Reeves, Stanford University; Piyush Agram, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1455h EP43D-06 A Synthetic View of Delta Progradation, Distributary Channel Stability and Alluvial Aggradation in Terms of the Control of Basin Water Depth: T Muto 1340h EP43C-3588 POSTER Single-parameter Model of Vegetated Aquatic Flows: I Battiato, S Rubol 1340h EP43C-3590 POSTER Different bed surface and flow resistance characteristics for gravel and sand bed: N Fan, K Yang, R Nie, X Liu Advances in InSAR Data Processing for Earth System Applications I Posters (joint with B, C, H, OS) 1340h G43A-0495 POSTER Spatial-temporal heterogeneity of land subsidence evolution in Beijing based on InSAR and cluster analysis: Y Li, Y Ke, H Gong, X Li, L Zhu, B Chen 1525h EP43D-08 How Does Subsidence Affect Deltaic River Systems?: C Paola, S L Goodbred Jr, S H Akhter, J Pickering, M D Reitz, L Seeber, M S Steckler 1340h EP43C-3589 POSTER Quantifying Flow Resistance of Mountain Streams Using the HHT Approach: L Zhang, X Fu G43A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1440h EP43D-05 Mechanics of BackwaterMediated Avulsions on River Deltas: V Ganti, H J Hassenruck-Gudipati, A J Chadwick, M P Lamb 1340h EP43C-3587 POSTER Vertical Subsurface Flow Mixing and Horizontal Anisotropy in Coarse Fluvial Aquifers: Flow Field: E Huber, P Huggenberger High-Resolution Topography and Process Measurements for Analyzing Earth-Surface Dynamics II (joint with H) Presiding: Thad Wasklewicz, East Carolina University; Julian Leyland, University of Southampton; Paola Passalacqua, University of Texas at Austin; Christopher Crosby, UNAVCO 1340h EP43E-01 Rapid-Response or Repeat-Mode Topography from Aerial Structure from Motion: E Nissen, K L Johnson, F S Fitzgerald, M Morgan, J White 1355h EP43E-02 3D Reconstruction of a Fluvial Sediment Slug from Source to Sink: reach-scale modeling of the Dart River, NZ: J Brasington, S Cook, S Cox, J James, N Lehane, S T McColl, D J Quincey, R D Williams 1410h EP43E-03 Multi-Resolution Analysis of LiDAR data for Characterizing a Stabilized Aeolian Landscape in South Texas: C P Barrineau, I D Dobreva, M P Bishop, C Houser 1425h EP43E-04 Observations of the Changing Spatial Patterns of Post-Wildfire Erosion and Deposition Using Terrestrial LIDAR: F K Rengers, G E Tucker, J A Moody 1440h EP43E-05 What’s the Point of a Raster? Advantages of 3D Point Cloud Processing over Raster Based Methods for Accurate Geomorphic Analysis of High Resolution Topography: D Lague 1455h EP43E-06 Improving Aboveground Carbon Estimates in Dryland Ecosystems with Airborne LiDAR and Satellite Laser Altimetry: N F Glenn, R Shrestha, A Li, L Spaete 1510h EP43E-07 The topographic signature of anthropogenic geomorphic processes: P Tarolli, G Sofia 1525h EP43E-08 Assessing the Ability of Pleiades Stereo Imagery to Determine Height Changes in Earthquakes: A Case Study for the El Mayor– Cucapah Epicentral Area: B Parsons, Y Zhou, J R Elliott, I Barisin, R T Walker 1340h EP43C-3600 POSTER Preliminary Investigation of Momentary Bed Failure Using a Multi-dimensional Eulerian Two-phase Model: Z Cheng, T J Hsu, J Calantoni All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 41 EP43D Moscone West 2005 Thursday1340h GEODESY THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h G43A-0498 POSTER A new Persistent Scatterer InSAR method based on phase decomposition, with application to subsidence in greater Houston area: N Cao, H Lee, H C Jung 1340h G43A-0499 POSTER Exploring Small-Scale Movement and Deformation of Landfast Sea Ice through InSAR Observations and Pseudo-Inverse Modeling: D O Dammann, H Eicken, F J Meyer, A R Mahoney 1340h G43A-0500 POSTER On the Utility of High-Resolution InSAR Data for Geodynamic Applications: Y Zhang, F Amelung 1340h G43A-0501 POSTER Data assimilation experiment for reproducing localized delay signals derived from InSAR: Y Kinoshita, M Furuya 1340h G43A-0502 POSTER Results from the NASAISRO SAR Mission Applications Workshop: Linking Mission Goals to Societal Benefit: S E Owen, G W Bawden, P A Rosen, M C Dobson, B Holt, E S Kasischke, J M Kellndorfer, X Li, F E Lindsay, F M Monaldo, W G Pichel, M E Pritchard, T Stough, H A Zebker 1340h G43A-0503 POSTER UAVSAR: InSAR and PolSAR Test Bed for the Proposed NI-SAR Mission: C E Jones, S Hensley, Y Lou 1340h G43A-0505 POSTER InSAR-Detected Tidal Flow in Louisiana’s Coastal Wetlands: T OliverCabrera, S Wdowinski 1340h G43A-0506 POSTER Apply Multi-baseline SAR Interferometry on Long Term Space-borne SAR Data for 3-D Reconstruction in Forest and Urban Areas: Q Lin, H A Zebker 1340h G43A-0507 POSTER Localized Surface Deformation Monitoring Applications using Ground Based Interferometric Radar: J J Legarsky, F G Gomez, B Rosenblad, E Loehr, G Gurnani, Z Fallert, J Gilliam 1340h G43A-0508 POSTER Planned Data Products and Science Processing Paradigm for the Proposed NASA-ISRO SAR Mission: P A Rosen G43B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h After the “Big One”: Integrated Studies of Seismic and Geodetic Processes after Large Earthquakes I Posters (joint with S, T) Presiding: Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jacob Walter, University of Texas at Austin 2014 41 11/28/2014 11:06:35 AM 1340h G43B-0509 POSTER Postseismic Slip Inferred from Repeating Earthquakes Following the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya Earthquake in Costa Rica: D Yao, J I Walter, X Meng, Z Peng, A V Newman, S Y Schwartz, M Protti 1340h G43B-0511 POSTER Postseismic Deformations Associated with Maule Earthquake and the Mechanical Properties of the Asthenosphere and Subduction Interface: E Klein, L Fleitout, C Vigny, J D Garaud 1340h G43B-0512 POSTER Deep Postseismic Viscoelastic Relaxation Excited By an IntraSlab Normal Faulting Earthquake in the Chile Subduction Zone: L Bie, I M A Ryder 1340h G43B-0513 POSTER Evidence of Viscoelastic Deformation following the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake Revealed from Seafloor Geodetic Observation: S I Watanabe, M Sato, M Fujita, T Ishikawa, Y Yokota, N Ujihara, A Asada 1340h G43B-0514 POSTER Numerical Simulation of Earthquake Generation Cycles before and after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake in Northeast Japan: R Nakata, K Ariyoshi, M Hyodo, T Hori 1340h G43B-0515 POSTER Fast Displacement Rate of the Subducting Pacific Plate After the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake Measured by GPS/ Acoustic Surveys: F Tomita, M Kido, Y Osada, T Iinuma, R Hino, Y Ohta 1340h G43B-0516 POSTER Spatiotemporal Evolution of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake in Northeastern Japan Arc: S Miura, Y Ohta, T Demachi, K Tachibana, T Sato 1340h G43B-0517 POSTER GPS/Acoustic Observations Along the Japan Trench for Postseismic Deformation After the 2011 TohokuOki Earthquake: M Kido, F Tomita, Y Osada, H Fujimoto, R Hino, Y Ohta, T Iinuma, R Azuma, I Wada 1340h G43B-0518 POSTER Updated Rupture Model for the M7.8 October 28, 2012, Haida Gwaii Earthquake as Constrained by GPS-Observed Displacements: L Nykolaishen, H Dragert, K Wang, T S James, B de Lange Boom, M Schmidt, D Sinnott 1340h G43B-0519 POSTER A New Ensemble-Based Method for Assessing Uncertainties and Parameter Tradeoffs in Complex Models of Postseismic Deformation: Application to the 2010 M=7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake: C Rollins, S Barbot, J P Avouac 1340h G43B-0520 POSTER Aftershock Sequence of the Mw = 7.9 Little Sitkin, Alaska Earthquake of June 23, 2014: K A Macpherson, N A Ruppert 1340h G51C-01 POSTER The lowdown on postseismic deformation: Integrated studies from Tibet: I M A Ryder, L Bie 1340h G43B-0522 POSTER Coseismic and postseismic slip of the 2006 Kiholo Bay earthquake in Hawaii from GPS data: A Aryal, B R SmithKonter, J H Foster G43C Moscone West 3024 Thursday1340h Gravity Data and Geoid Modeling: Methods, Theories, and Opportunities I Presiding: Theresa Damiani, NOAANat-l Geodetic Survey; Vicki Childers, NOAA, National Geodetic Survey; David Avalos-Naranjo, INEGI; Thomas Johnson, NGA 1340h G43C-01 The Path to an Up-to-date Absolute Gravity Reference System: H Wilmes, R Falk, H Wziontek 1355h G43C-02 Too Fast to Measure: Network Adjustment of Rapidly Changing Gravity Fields: J Kennedy, T P A Ferre 1510h G43C-07 Improving New Zealand’s GeoidBased Vertical Datum with Airborne Gravimetry: M Amos, J McCubbine, R Winefield 1525h G43C-08 Astrogeodetic Deflection of the Vertical at ETH ZГјrich: From the Development of Instrumentations to Concrete Applications: S Guillaume, B BГјrki GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE GC43A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Renewable Energy III Posters (joint with A, H, OS) Presiding: Elizabeth Weatherhead, University of Colorado; Scott James, Exponent, Inc.; Jessica Lundin, Vaisala Inc.; Andrew Clifton, National Renewable Energy Lab 1340h GC43A-0671 POSTER Effect of Climate Change on Shallow Geothermal Energy Utilization: B H Park, S W Ha, S Y Lee, H S Kim, K K Lee 1340h GC43A-0695 POSTER Assessing Surface Solar Irradiance in French Guiana using the Heliosat-II method and GOES images: T Albarelo, I MarieJoseph, A Primerose, F Dolique, F Seyler, L Linguet 1340h GC43A-0696 POSTER Environmental and Economic Performance of Commercial-scale Solar Photovoltaic Systems: A Field Study of Complex Energy Systems at the Desert Research Institute (DRI): X Liu 1340h GC43A-0697 POSTER Sensitivity analysis of numerical weather prediction radiative schemes to forecast direct solar radiation over Australia: S K Mukkavilli, M J Kay, R Taylor, A A Prasad, A Troccoli 1340h GC43A-0673 POSTER A preliminary study on the feedback of heat transfer on groundwater flow in a Karst geothermal field: Y Kong, Z Pang, S Hu, J Pang, H Shao, O Kolditz The Emerging Science of Climate Attribution, Detection, and Trend Analysis II Posters (joint with A) 1340h GC43A-0674 POSTER Exergetic Analysis of Hybrid Power Plants with Biomass and Photovoltaics Coupled with Intermediate Temperature Steam Electrolysis : F Petrakopoulou, J Sanz Presiding: Chris Funk, UC Santa Barbara; DГЎithГ Stone, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; Andrew Hoell, University of California Santa Barbara; Stephanie Herring, NOAA Boulder 1340h GC43A-0675 POSTER H2S Injection and Sequestration into Basalt - The SulFix Project: S Gudbrandsson, P Moola, A Stefansson 1340h GC43A-0676 POSTER Power Curve Modeling in Complex Terrain Using Statistical Models: V Bulaevskaya, S Wharton, A Clifton, G Qualley, W Miller 1340h GC43A-0678 POSTER Spatial Analysis of Geothermal Resource Potential in New York and Pennsylvania: A Stratified Kriging Approach: J D Smith, C A Whealton, J R Stedinger 1340h GC43A-0679 POSTER Probabilistic Weather Information Tailored to the Needs of Transmission System Operators: I Alberts, V Stauch, D Lee, R Hagedorn 1340h GC43A-0680 POSTER Understanding the Role of Interannual Variability and Momentum Transfer on Wind Energy: S Koerner, N A Brunsell, L Miller, D B Mechem 1340h GC43A-0681 POSTER Exergetic analysis of parabolic trough solar thermal power plants: F Petrakopoulou, B Ruperez, G San Miguel 1340h GC43A-0682 POSTER NCAR Global Climate Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation (CFDDA) Hourly 40 km Reanalysis: a high-resolution dynamically downscaled climatography: G S Peng, C Y Hou, D L Rife, R Dattore 1340h GC43A-0683 POSTER Improved solar irradiance forecast with Weather Research and Forecasting model: A Sensitivity test of shallow cumulus clouds to the turbulence process: C K Kim, E A Betterton, M Leuthold, W Holmgren, A Cronin 1340h GC43A-0684 POSTER Mexican Network for the evaluation of Solar Resources in the country: M Valdes, R Bonifaz, H Estevez 1340h GC43A-0685 POSTER Global Potential for Hydro-generated Electricity and Climate Change Impact: Y Zhou, M I Hejazi, C Leon, K V Calvin, A M Thomson, H Y Li 1425h G43C-04 Updated Status of the Planar Electrostatic Gradiometer GREMLIT for Airborne Geodesy: B Foulon, B Christophe, K Douch, V Lebat, I Panet 1340h GC43A-0687 POSTER Developing and testing solar irradiance forecasting techniques in the Hawaiian Islands region: D K Matthews, J M Souza, K Stein 1440h G43C-05 RegGRAV - Regional gravity field modeling as multi-resolution representation estimated from the combination of heterogeneous data sets: V Lieb, K BГ¶rger, W Bosch, J Bouman, K BuГџe, D Dettmering, M Fuchs, C Haberkorn, W F Kersten, S Kirsch, G Ressler, M G Schmidt, C Schwatke 1340h GC43A-0688 POSTER Quantifying the Geographic Diversity Needed to Reduce Wind Power Variability: C St Martin, M Handschy, J K Lundquist 1455h G43C-06 Harmonic Analysis as a Tool for Locating Errors in Terrestrial Gravimetry Data: S A Holmes 1340h GC43A-0690 POSTER Using ensemble NWP wind power forecasts to improve national power system management: D Cannon, D Brayshaw, J Methven, P Coker, D Lenaghan AGU2014News.indb 42 1340h GC43A-0694 POSTER Towards a More Accurate Solar Power Forecast By Improving NWP Model Physics: C KГ¶hler, D Lee, A Steiner, B Ritter GC43B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1410h G43C-03 Development of a Portable Matter Wave Gravimeter: B Desruelle, V MГ©noret, P Vermeulen, P Bouyer, A Landragin 2014 1340h GC43A-0693 POSTER Renewable Energy Production and Urban Remediation: Modeling the biogeochemical cycle at contaminated urban brownfields and the potential for renewable energy production and mitigation of greenhouse gases: G Gopalakrishnan 1340h GC43A-0672 POSTER Economic and Environmental Evaluation of Flexible Integrated Gasification Polygeneration Facilities Equipped with Carbon Capture and Storage: M Aitken, W H Yelverton, R S Dodder, D H Loughlin 1340h GC43A-0686 POSTER Spatial Pattern Classification for More Accurate Forecasting of Variable Energy Resources: E Novakovskaia, C Hayes, C Collier 42 1340h GC43A-0691 POSTER Estimating the Power Characteristics of Clusters of Large Offshore Wind Farms: D Drew, J F Barlow, O Coceal, P Coker, D Brayshaw, D Lenaghan 1340h GC43A-0689 POSTER Gaussian vs nonGaussian turbulence: impact on wind turbine loads: J Berg, J Mann, A Natarajan, E G Patton THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h GC43B-0714 POSTER Significant Anthropogenic-Induced Changes of Climate Classes Since 1950: D Chan, Q Wu 1340h GC43B-0715 POSTER Hiatus in global mean temperature: trend patterns inspected with MSU/ AMSU and GNSS-RO satellite data: J K Nielsen, B Christiansen, H Gleisner, P Thejll 1340h GC43B-0716 POSTER Dependence of Precipitation Extremes on Temperature over United States: V H, J Singh, S Karmakar, S Ghosh 1340h GC43B-0717 POSTER Long-term variation of the typhoon trajectory pattern estimated from the typhoon best track data: S Nakano, K Ito, G Ueno 1340h GC43B-0718 POSTER The influence of ElNiГ±o Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation on secular rainfall variations in HawaiвЂ�i: A G Frazier, O Elison Timm, T W Giambelluca 1340h GC43B-0719 POSTER Event Attribution: A fast Method based on Surrogate Fields: B Christiansen 1340h GC43B-0720 POSTER Surface Temperature Extremes and Detectable Trends in Northern Hemisphere Mid-Tropospheric Planetary Wave Pattern Occurrence and Persistence: D E Horton, D Singh, D L Swain, N S Diffenbaugh 1340h GC43B-0721 POSTER Impacts of anthropogenic activities on climate change in arid and semiarid areas based on CMIP5 models: T Zhao, C LI 1340h GC43B-0723 POSTER Identifying and Investigating the Late-1960s Interhemispheric SST Shift: A R Friedman, S Y Lee, Y Liu, J C H Chiang 1340h GC43B-0698 POSTER Sensitivity of Recent Event Attribution Analyses to Methodology: O M AngГ©lil, D A Stone, P Pall, M F Wehner 1340h GC43B-0699 POSTER Detection and quantification of fraction of attributable risk of extremes at regional to global scale: E M Fischer, R Knutti 1340h GC43B-0700 POSTER Evaluation of methods to determine the fraction of attributable risk for a given extreme event: F Selten, G J van Oldenborgh, F E L Otto 1340h GC43B-0702 POSTER Attribution of UK Winter Floods to Anthropogenic Forcing: N Schaller, K Alison, S N Sparrow, F E L Otto, N Massey, R Vautard, P Yiou, G J van Oldenborgh, R van Haren, R Lamb, C Huntingford, S Crooks, T Legg, A Weisheimer, A Bowery, J Miller, R Jones, P Stott, M R Allen 1340h GC43B-0704 POSTER The Extraordinary California Drought of 2013-2014: Character, Context, and the Role of Climate Change: D L Swain, M Tsiang, M Haugen, D Singh, A Charland, B Rajaratnam, N S Diffenbaugh 1340h GC43B-0705 POSTER An attempt to reconstruct the observed climate trends in the Baltic Sea Basin: A Barkhordarian, H Von Storch, C R Mechoso 1340h GC43B-0706 POSTER Impact of Interdecadal Sea Level and Sea Surface Temperature Variability on Primary Productivity and Harmful Algal Blooms in Southern California: K L Perry 1340h GC43B-0707 POSTER Attributing the Increase in Northern Hemisphere Hot Summers during the Last Half of the 20th Century and the Recent Climate Hiatus: Y Kamae, H Shiogama, M Watanabe, M Kimoto 1340h GC43B-0708 POSTER Assessment of the Climate Vulnerabilities of the Arabian Peninsula: T Alharbi, M Sultan, M Ahmed, K Chouinard 1340h GC43B-0709 POSTER Evidence of Causality Between the Atmospheric Concentration Level of Carbon Dioxide and Temperature : K F Forbes 1340h GC43B-0710 POSTER Anthropogenic Influence on Multi-Decadal Changes in Hydrology of Western Canada: M R Najafi, S Kumar, F W Zwiers, N P Gillett, M Schnorbus, A J Cannon, R Shrestha, A T Werner 1340h GC43B-0711 POSTER Attributing the Global Warming Slowdown of the Last Decade: V Guemas, F Doblas-Reyes 1340h GC43B-0712 POSTER West African warming: Investigating Temperature Trends and their relation between Precipitation Trends over West African Sahel: M LY Jr 1340h GC43B-0713 POSTER The Fingerprint of Climate Trends on European Crop Yields: F Moore, D B Lobell GC43C Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h The Third Pole Environment (TPE) Under Global Changes III Posters (joint with A, C, H) Presiding: Tandong Yao, Inst of Tibetan Plateau Res; Bernd Wuennemann, Nanjing University; Lonnie Thompson, Ohio State University Main Campus; Volker Mosbrugger, Senckenberg 1340h GC43C-0724 POSTER Seasonal Variations of Chemical Compositions of Lake and Inflowing River Water from Nam Co Catchment — a ThreeYear Monitoring Study: J Wang, J Ju, G Daut, Y Wang, Q Ma, L Huang, R Maeusbacher, L Zhu 1340h GC43C-0725 POSTER Water Budget over the Tibetan Plateau and Its Dependency on Horizontal Resolution Simulated By an MRI High-Resolution Global Atmospheric Model: O Arakawa, A Kitoh 1340h GC43C-0726 POSTER Observation and Simulation of Runoff and Suspended Sediment Flux of the Mabengnong Catchment in Southeast Tibet: F Zhang, C Zeng, X SHI, X Zhang 1340h GC43C-0727 POSTER Projected East-West Contrast of Water Budget in Future Climate over the Tibetan Platea: A Kitoh, O Arakawa 1340h GC43C-0728 POSTER Evaluation of Future Precipitation Scenario Using Statistical Downscaling MODEL over Three Climatic Region of Nepal Himalaya: M Sigdel 1340h GC43C-0729 POSTER A BrightnessTemperature-Variance-Based Passive Microwave Algorithm for Monitoring Soil Freeze/Thaw State on the Tibetan Plateau: M Han, K Yang, J Qin, R Jin, Y Ma, J Wen, Y Chen, L Zhao, Z La, W Tang 1340h GC43C-0730 POSTER Using Field Observations and Satellite Data for the Energy and Water Cycle Study over Heterogeneous Landscape of the Third Pole Region: Y Ma 1340h GC43C-0731 POSTER Southern Tibetan Plateau Ice Core Оґ18o Reflects Abrupt Shifts in Atmospheric Circulation in the Late 1970s: J Gao 1340h GC43C-0733 POSTER Terrestrial Water Storage Changes in the Tibetan Plateau in the Past Decade and the Possible Cause: F Meng, F Su 1340h GC43C-0734 POSTER Modeling of Lake Water Storage Changes in the Tibetan Plateau Using a Land Surface Model Coupled with a GlacierMelt Scheme: K Tong, F Su, Z Ren, Y Zhang 1340h GC43C-0735 POSTER Spatio-Temporal Variations of Evapotranspiration in the Lake Selin Co Basin (Tibetan Plateau) from 2003 to 2012: J Zhou, L Wang, Y Zhang, Y Guo, X Li, W Liu 1340h GC43C-0736 POSTER Seasonal Evapotranspiration Changes (1983–2006) of Four Large Basins on the Tibetan Plateau: X Li, L Wang, D Chen, K Yang, A Wang 1340h GC43C-0737 POSTER Mass Balance of a Maritime Glacier on the Southeast Tibetan Plateau and Its Climatic Sensitivity: W Yang All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:35 AM 1340h GC43C-0738 POSTER Response of Lake Area on the Tibetan Plateau to Climate Change: K Yang, Y Lei, B Wang, Y Sheng, B W Bird 1340h GC43C-0739 POSTER Spatial Variability of Soil Water and Soil Organic Carbon Contents Under Different Degradation Degrees of Alpine Meadow Soil over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: C Zeng, F Zhang 1340h GC43C-0740 POSTER Impact of Recent Glacier Advance to Runoff of a Large Glacier-Fed River in China Karakoram: L Jingshi GC43D Moscone West 2022-2024 Thursday1340h Schneider Lecture and the Tyndall History of Global Environmental Change Lecture (Virtual Session) Presiding: Malcolm Hughes, University of Arizona; Steven Lloyd, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr; Rong Fu, Jackson School of Geosciences 1340h GC43C-0741 POSTER Strong Regulation of Precipitation on Spring Phenology in the Tibetan Plateau from 1982 to 2008: Y Yi, W Zhang, J S Kimball, Y Kim 1340h Introduction by Prof. Malcolm Hughes: 1340h GC43C-0742 POSTER Teleconnections of Tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean Oscillations with Monsoon Rainfall Variability over Southern Slope of the Central Himalayas: L P Devkota 1432h Questions for Dr. Field: 1340h GC43C-0743 POSTER Is the Growth of Birch at the UPPER Timberline in the Himalayas Limited By Moisture or By Temperature?: E Liang, B Dawadi, N Pederson, D Eckstein 1340h GC43C-0744 POSTER Recent Climate Changes in Northwestern Qaidam Basin Inferred from Geothermal Gradients: J Liu, T Zhang 1340h GC43C-0745 POSTER Interrelations between snow cover and climate and topographic factors in Upper Heihe River basin, northwestern China: Y Bi, H Xie 1340h GC43C-0746 POSTER Atmosphere Vapor Isotope Change in Monsoon Region at Lhasa in Southern Tibetan Plateau: L Tian 1340h GC43C-0747 POSTER Towards High SpaTemporal Resolution Estimates of Surface Radiative Fluxes from Geostationary Satellite Observations for the Tibetan Plateau: X Niu, K Yang, W Tang, J Qin 1342h GC43D-01 Schneider lecture: From climate change impacts to climate change risks: C B Field 1440h Introduction by Dr. Rong Fu: 1442h GC43D-02 A PERSPECTIVE ON ACCELERATING CHANGE: K T Redmond 1532h Questions for Dr. Redmond: GC43E Moscone West 3004 Thursday1340h Climate Change: Impacts, Resilience, Vulnerability, Adaptation, and Mitigation II (Virtual Session) (joint with ED, NH, PA) Presiding: James Byrne, University of Lethbridge; Simon Donner, University of British Columbia; Brian O’Neill, National Center for Atmospheric Research; Kent Peacock, Univ of Lethbridge 1340h GC43E-01 Our Globe Vs. Our Brain: Modeling and Understanding the Climate Vs. Human Cognition: S Lewandowsky 1340h GC43C-0748 POSTER Study on Yarlung Zangbo River Sediment Distribution: X SHI, F Zhang, C Zeng 1355h GC43E-02 Improving Communication About Potentially Catastrophic Risks of Climate Change: R E T Ward, N H Stern 1340h GC43C-0749 POSTER Characterization of atmospheric trace elements in the Puruogangri ice core: a preliminary account of Tibetan Plateau environmental and contamination histories : E Beaudon, P Gabrielli, R Sierra Hernandez, A Wegner, L G Thompson 1410h GC43E-03 Quantifying Climate Change Impacts on Infrastructure: Three Case Studies: K Hayhoe, A M K Stoner 1340h GC43C-0750 POSTER Lakes’ state and abundance across the Tibetan Plateau: G Zhang, T Yao, H Xie 1440h GC43E-05 Recent advances in research on climate and human conflict: S M Hsiang 1340h GC43C-0751 POSTER Spatial distribution and magnification processes of mercury in snow from high-elevation glaciers over the Tibetan Plateau: J Huang, S Kang, J Guo, Q Zhang, G Zhang, K Wang, L Tripathee 1340h GC43C-0752 POSTER 10 Be dating of boulders on moraines of the last glacial period in the Nyainqentanglha Mountains, Tibet: C Yi, G Dong, M W Caffee 1340h GC43C-0753 POSTER Third Pole Environment (TPE) -Latest Progress: Z Liu, T Yao, F Zhang, X Yang, W Wang, F Ping 1425h GC43E-04 Sink or Swim: Adapting to the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change: P H Gleick 1340h GC43C-0762 POSTER Late Quaternary Climate and Precipitation Оґ18o Variations over the Tibetan Plateau from Paleoclimate Modeling: T A Ehlers, J Li, M Werner, S Mutz, C Steger, H Paeth, C J Poulsen, R Feng 1340h GC43C-0763 POSTER Spatial variations in 10Be-derived catchment wide denudation rates and the timing of glaciation in the NW Pamir SW Tien Shan Mountains, Tajikistan: E Grin, T A Ehlers, M Schaller 1525h GC43E-08 Paper 5944 Changing Climates @ Colorado State: It’s Everybody’s Business: S Campbell, J Calderazzo, S Denning, M Betsill, J A Klein, M Fiege 1340h GC43G-01 Uncertainty in Climate Change Projections due to Internal Variability: C Deser, A Phillips 1400h GC43G-02 Uncertainty in Socioeconomic Pathways and Their Implications for Climate Forcing and Analysis—the Shared Socioeconomic Scenarios (SSPs): J Edmonds 1420h GC43G-03 The Role That Clouds Play in Uncertainty in the Climate Sensitivity: A E Dessler 1440h GC43G-04 A Philosopher’s Look at ModelTuning: M Frisch 1500h GC43G-05 Biases in the instrumental temperature record: the policy and communications context: K Cowtan, R Way 1520h GC43G-06 Climate feedback uncertainty quantification and learning using reduced models: N M Urban, B T Nadiga GEOMAGNETISM AND PALEOMAGNETISM GP43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Paleogeography of Supercontinents, Terrane Tectonics, and Geodynamo History II Posters (joint with DI, T) 1340h GP43A-3617 POSTER Paleomagnetism of the ~1.1 GA Portage Lake Volcanics (Michigan, USA): E Kulakov, A V Smirnov 1340h GP43A-3618 POSTER A New Paleomagnetic Study of the ItararГ© Group from the State of SГЈo Paulo, SE Brazil and Implications for Pangea Reconstructions: Inclination Shallowing or Pervasive Remagnetizations?: D Bilardello, W Callebert, M I B Raposo, P R dos Santos 1340h GP43A-3619 POSTER Amalgamation of East Eurasia Since Late Paleozoic: Constraints from the Apparent Polar Wander Paths of the Major China Blocks: L Wu, V A Kravchinsky, D K Potter 1340h GP43A-3620 POSTER Paleomagnetism and Its Tectonic Implication of the Red Beds of Oligocene Kangtuo Formation in the QinghaiTibetan Plateau: J Ding, S Zhang, W Chen, H Li, H Wu, T Yang, K Zhang 1340h GP43A-3621 POSTER A new Late Carboniferous Pangea reconstruction: X Tan 1340h GP43A-3622 POSTER Lower CambrianEdiacaran Paleogeography and True Polar Wander with New Paleomagnetic Constraints from West African Craton: B Robert, J Besse, O Blein, M Greff-Lefftz, T Baudin, L Fernando, S Meslouh, M Belbadaoui 1340h GP43A-3623 POSTER Ted Irving’s legacy: recent developments on his pioneering work in paleomagnetism: R J Enkin, N D Opdyke, D V Kent, H R Frankel, D A Evans, J W Geissman 1340h GP43A-3624 POSTER Geomagnetic Paleointensity As Recorded By the ~1.1 Ga BaragaMarquette Dike Swarm (Michigan, USA: M S Foucher, E J Piispa, A V Smirnov 1340h GP43A-3625 POSTER Chemical Remagnetization of Jurassic Carbonates and a Primary Paleolatitude of Lower Cretaceous Volcaniclastic Rocks of the Tibetan Himalaya: W Huang, D J J Van Hinsbergen, M J Dekkers, E Garzanti, G Dupont Nivet, P C Lippert, X Li, M Maffione, C G Langereis, X Hu, Z Guo, P A Kapp 1340h GP43A-3626 POSTER Results of Paleomagnetic Investigation of Angara - Taseeva Depression and Central Part of Tunguska Syncline (Siberian Trap Province, Russia): A Latyshev, R V Veselovskiy, V Pavlov 1340h GP43A-3627 POSTER Translation vs. Rotation: The Battle for Accommodation of Dextral Shear at the Northern Terminus of the Central Walker Lane, Western Nevada: C W Carlson, J E Faulds 1340h GP43A-3628 POSTER Exploring ElongationInclination Relationships in Datasets from Plutons and Remagnetized Sediments: Examples from the North Cascades and the Blue Mountains: B A Housen 1340h GP43A-3629 POSTER Late Carboniferous paleomagnetism of the Southwestern Tarim block and its implications for the paleogeography of central Asia: Z Sun, H Li, J Pei, J Pan, L Zhang, C Li, J Si, D Liu 1340h GP43A-3630 POSTER 900 Ma Pole from the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Layered Intrusion, Rogaland Igneous Complex, Norway: Where Was Baltica in the Early Neoproterozoic?: L L Brown, S A McEnroe 1340h GP43A-3631 POSTER Paleomagnetism of Jurassic Carbonates from Germany: V Bachtadse, E K Settles, H Soffel Earth’s Future: Navigating the Science of the Anthropocene II (joint with A, B, EP, SI) 1340h GC43F-01 Policies for Correcting Anthropogenic Drivers: R B Norgaard 1355h GC43F-02 Towards a Self-Consistent Physical Framework for Modeling Coupled Human and Physical Activities during the Anthropocene: T J Garrett 1410h GC43F-03 The Sea Level Fingerprints of Global Change: J X Mitrovica, C Hay, R E Kopp III, E Morrow 1425h GC43F-04 Translating Knowledge: The role of Shared Learning in Bridging the ScienceApplication Divide: M Moench 1440h GC43F-05 Future Earth: Reducing Loss By Automating Response to Earthquake Shaking: R M Allen 1455h GC43F-06 Managing Nitrogen in the anthropocene: integrating social and ecological science: X Zhang, D L Mauzerall, E A Davidson, D Kanter, R Cai, T Searchinger All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 43 Presiding: Maoyi Huang, Pacific NW Nat’l Lab-Atmos Sci; Donald Lucas, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Katharine Hayhoe, Texas Tech University; Elisabeth Lloyd, Indiana University Bloomington 1340h GP43A-3616 POSTER Paleomagnetic and Geochronological Studies of the Kola Devonian Alkaline Province (Kola Peninsula, Russia) and Their Geological Implication: R V Veselovskiy, A Arzamastsev, S N Thomson Presiding: Ben Van der Pluijm, University of Michigan; Guy Brasseur, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology; Michael Ellis, British Geological Survey; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University 1340h GC43C-0761 POSTER Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Environmental Changes in Large Endorheic Basins: Challenges and Problems: K Hartmann, B Diekmann, F Lehmkuhl, K R Reicherter, G Stauch, B Wuennemann Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models and Observations II (joint with A, B, H, SI) 1510h GC43E-07 Applying the Science of Science Communication to Climate Change and Clean Energy: Lessons Learned from the NSF- and PBSsupported “Earth: The Operators’ Manual”: G Haines-Stiles, E Akuginow, C Sanford 1340h GC43C-0755 POSTER Influence of the Tianshan Mountains on Arid Central Asia: J W Baldwin, G A Vecchi 1340h GC43C-0759 POSTER Continuous Lake Recession of Siling Co, Central Tibet, Since the Middle Holocene: X Shi, E Kirby, K P Furlong, K Meng, R A J Robinson, H Lu, E Wang GC43G Moscone West 3003 Thursday1340h Presiding: David Evans, Yale Univ; Randolph Enkin, Geological Survey of Canada; John Geissman, University of Texas at Dallas GC43F Moscone West 3005 Thursday1340h 1340h GC43C-0758 POSTER Water level variation of Inland lakes on the southeasten of Tibetan Plateau in 1972-2012: Y Wu, L Lei 1525h GC43F-08 From Domination to Stewardship? Living with the Biosphere in the Age of the Anthropocene: J A Foley 1455h GC43E-06 Scientists Are from Mars, Laypeople Are from Venus: An Evidence-Based Approach to Consensus Messaging: J Cook, P Jacobs, D Nuccitelli 1340h GC43C-0754 POSTER Trace Element Determination from the Guliya Ice Core to Characterize Aerosol Deposition over the Western Tibetan Plateau during the Last 500 Years: R Sierra Hernandez, P Gabrielli, E Beaudon, A Wegner, L G Thompson 1340h GC43C-0757 POSTER Soil Temperature and Moisture Change and the Impacts on Vegetation over the Tibetan Plateau: L Cuo, T J Bohn 1510h GC43F-07 Identifying and Reconciling Risk Across Sectors: The implications of differing views of risk in climate policy, environmental conservation, and the finance sector: T Johns, I Henderson, G Thoumi THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2014 43 11/28/2014 11:06:35 AM 1340h GP43A-3633 POSTER Advancing Late Mesoproterozoic Paleogeography With New Constraints From The Keweenawan Rift And The Umkondo Large Igneous Province: N SwansonHysell, T M Kilian, S A Bowring, R E Hanson, S D Burgess, J Ramezani 1340h GP43A-3634 POSTER Rapid True Polar Wander Oscillations Preserved In Continuous Orosirian Strata: R N Mitchell, P F Hoffman, A Brenner, X Xu, D A Evans, S A Bowring, W Bleeker 1340h GP43A-3635 POSTER Paleomagnetism of Jurassic dolerites from Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica - Onset of rapid Jurassic pole shift?: U Kirscher, V Bachtadse, N Petersen, C Rolf, O S Lemna 1340h GP43A-3636 POSTER The First Paleomagnetic Data from Permian-Triassic Rocks of Belkovsky Island (New Siberian Islands): A Zhdanova, D Metelkin 1340h GP43A-3637 POSTER New Paleomagnetic Data for the Franz Josef Land Archipelago and their Tectonic Consequences: V Abashev, N Mikhaltsov 1340h GP43A-3638 POSTER Paleomagnetism of the ~1.1 Ga Baraga-Marquette dykes (Michigan, USA): E J Piispa, M S Foucher, J A Chmielewski, A V Smirnov, L J Pesonen GP43B Moscone South 300 Thursday1340h ESA’s Swarm Mission, One Year in Space I (joint with DI, G, SA, SM, T, V) Presiding: Gauthier Hulot, IPGP; Hermann Luhr, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum, GFZ; Eigil FriisChristensen, DTU; David Knudsen, Univ Calgary 1340h GP43B-01 Swarm - Mission Status, Exploitation and Evolution Plans: R Floberghagen 1400h GP43B-02 Results from the First Year of Swarm GPS Receiver and Accelerometer Data: S Bruinsma, E Doornbos, C Siemes, R Pe?estГЅ, J Kraus, A Bezd?k, J van den IJssel, J Encarnacao, P N Visser 1420h GP43B-03 Deriving a Core Magnetic Field Model from Swarm Satellite Data: V Lesur, M Rother, I Wardinski 1440h GP43B-04 Swarm’s Absolute Magnetometer (ASM) Experimental Vector Mode, a Unique Capability With Considerable Potential: G Hulot, P Vigneron, J M Leger, I Fratter, N Olsen, T Jager, F Bertrand, L Brocco, O Sirol, X Lalanne, A Boness, V Cattin 1340h H43A-0936 POSTER Estimating the Reactivation Potential of Pre-Existing Fractures in Subsurface Granitoids from Outcrop Analogues and in-Situ Stress Modeling: Implications for EGS Reservoir Stimulation with an Example from Thuringia (Central Germany): N Kasch, K M Ustaszewski, M Siegburg, P Navabpour, G Hesse 1340h H43A-0937 POSTER A Numerical Study for Groundwater Flow, Heat and Solute Transport Associated with Operation of Open-loop Geothermal System in Alluvial Aquifer: D K Park, G O Bae, K K Lee 1340h H43A-0939 POSTER Hydro-chemical specifications of thermal waters from different geographical regions in Turkey: D Z Seker, S Aydin, N Sivri, E Bitik, Z Cakir 1340h H43A-0940 POSTER Deep Stimulation at Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration: K Grasso, T T Cladouhos, S Petty, G H Garrison, Y Nordin, M Uddenberg, M Swyer 1340h H43A-0941 POSTER Optimum bleeding rate of open loop ground source heat pump systems determined by hydrogeological modeling in Korea: W H Jeon, N Kim, J Y Lee 1340h H43A-0942 POSTER Tectonic Evolution of Chingshui Geothermal Field Inferred from Evidence of Quartz and Calcite Veins: Y C Lu, S R Song, P L Wang, C M Liu, E C Yeh 1340h H43A-0943 POSTER Using High Pressure Thermal Vessel For Mineral Solubility Experiments in Geothermal System: H L Liu, Y H Huang, H F Chen, S R Song 1340h H43A-0944 POSTER Simulating the Mineral Scale by High Pressure Thermal Vessel: Y H Huang, H L Liu, H F Chen, S R Song 1340h H43A-0945 POSTER Numerical modeling of Non-isothermal two-phase two-component flow process with phase change phenomena in the porous media: Y Huang, H Shao, M Thullner, O Kolditz 1340h H43A-0946 POSTER The Thermal Conductivity from Central Cross-lsland Highway and South Cross-Island Highway in Taiwan: C H Chen, J H Hung 1340h H43A-0947 POSTER Development of a Laboratory Experiment to Derivate the Thermal Conductivity based on Electrical Resistivity Measurments: T Vienken, L Firmbach, P Dietrich 1340h H43A-0948 POSTER Understanding High Temperature Gradients in the Buckman Well Field, Santa Fe County, New Mexico: M Folsom, C J Gulvin, F M Tamakloe, K Yauk, S Kelley, J Frost, G R Jiracek 1455h GP43B-05 A Secular Variation Model for Igrf-12 Based on Swarm Data and Inverse Geodynamo Modelling: A Fournier, J Aubert, T Erwan 1340h H43A-0949 POSTER Stochastic Model of Fracture Frequency Heterogeneity in a Welded Tuff EGS reservoir, Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA: A Moody, J P Fairley Jr 1510h GP43B-06 Estimating susceptibility and magnetization within the Earth’s continental crust: Petrophysical and Satellite approaches: M E Purucker, S A McEnroe 1340h H43A-0950 POSTER A Numerical Study on Small-Scale Permeability Creation Associated with Fluid Pressure Induced Inelastic Shearing: D Vogler, F Amann, P Bayer 1525h GP43B-07 Sensing the Electrical Conductivity of the Upper Mantle and Lithosphere Using Satellite Magnetic Signal Due to Ocean Tidal Flow: N R Schnepf, A V Kuvshinov, T J Sabaka, N Olsen 1340h H43A-0951 POSTER Estimation of Reservoir Geotemperatures from Multicomponent and Classical Geothermometry of the Bath Geothermal Reservoir: An Integrated Approach: D N Wishart HYDROLOGY H43A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Conventional and Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Characterization, Integration, Stimulation, Simulation, and Induced Seismicity II Posters (joint with MR, NG, S, V) Presiding: Souheil Ezzedine, Univ California LLNL; Azadeh Riahi, Itasca Consulting Group; Alain Bonneville, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 1340h H43A-0933 POSTER Stimuli Responsive/ Rheoreversible Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids for Enhanced Geothermal Energy Production (Part I): C A Fernandez, H B Jung, H Shao, A Bonneville, D Heldebrant, D Hoyt, L Zhong, J Holladay 1340h H43A-0934 POSTER Stimuli Responsive/ Rheoreversible Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids for Enhanced Geothermal Energy Production(Part II): A Bonneville, H B Jung, H Shao, S Kabilan, W Um, K C Carroll, T Varga, N Suresh, S Stephens, C A Fernandez 1340h H43A-0935 POSTER Characterization of Site for Installing Open Loop Ground Source Heat Pump System: S W Yun, Y Park, J Y Lee, M J Yi, J H Cha 44 AGU2014News.indb 44 2014 1340h H43A-0952 POSTER ВВFault scaling and permeability controls in geothermal systems: D L Siler, N Hinz 1340h H43A-0953 POSTER Study of Hydrothermal Mineralization in 2013 Drill Core from Hawaii Island: N C Lautze, W M Calvin, J Moore, E Haskins, D M Thomas H43B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Multiscale Preferential Flow from Soils to Fissured/Karst Systems: Hydrologic, Geochemical, and Biological Implications II Posters (joint with B, EP) Presiding: Nicolas Massei, University of Rouen, UMR 6143; Andreas Hartmann, University of Bristol; Ingrid Padilla, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez; Joshua Larsen, University of Queensland 1340h H43B-0954 POSTER Relative Importance of Karst-Conduit Hyporheic Zones Co-occuring at Different Spatial Scales: K Henry, J L Wilson 1340h H43B-0955 POSTER Carbamazepine breakthrough as indicator for specific vulnerability of karst springs: application on the Jeita spring, Lebanon: J Doummar, T Geyer, K Noedler, M Sauter THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h H43B-0956 POSTER Evaluation of Rapid Recharge Processes and Spring Source Vulnerability of Karst Aquifers in Semi-arid Environments: S Schmidt, F Ries, M Sauter 1340h H43B-0957 POSTER Assessment of groundwater recharge in an ash-fall mantled karst aquifer of southern Italy: F Manna, J R Nimmo, P De Vita, V Allocca 1340h H43B-0958 POSTER Use of microbial analysis to evaluate denitrification in the karstic aquifer of Okinawa, Japan: J Yasumoto 1340h H43B-0959 POSTER Elucidation of denitrification mechanism in karstic Ryukyu limestone aquifer: K Hijikawa 1340h H43B-0960 POSTER Using Smoke Injection in Drains to Identify Potential Preferential Pathways in a Drained Arable Field: M H Nielsen, C T Petersen, S Hansen 1340h H43B-0961 POSTER Monitoring of Emerging and Legacy Contaminants in Groundwater and Tap Water of the Karst Region in Northern Puerto Rico for Assessment of Sources and Fate and Transport Processes: I Cotto, I Y Padilla, P M Torres 1340h H43C-0979 POSTER Application of HydroGeoSphere to model the response to anthropogenic climate change of three-dimensional hydrological processes in the geologically, geothermally, and topographically complex Valles Caldera super volcano, New Mexico: Preliminary results: M Wine, D D Cadol 1340h H43C-0980 POSTER Quantifying the Effects of Upstream Farm Dams on inflows into the Gaborone Dam in Botswana: An integrated approach: J Helmschrot, P K Kenabatho, B Parida, S Kralisch, M Fleischer 1340h H43C-0981 POSTER An integrative approach to characterize hydrological processes and water quality in a semi-arid watershed in Northeastern Brazil: M R Franklin, N Fernandes, L H S Veiga, L R Melo, A C S Santos, V P Araujo 1340h H43C-0982 POSTER Modeling the hydrologicEffects of Spatial Heterogeneity in Soil Hydraulic Properties in a Mountainous Watershed, Northwest China : C He, X Jin, L Zhang, X Zhang H43D Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1340h H43B-0962 POSTER Fate and Transport of TCE Solvents Through Saturated Karst Aquifer: M Carmona, A A Anaya, I Y Padilla Critical Zone in the Anthropocence II Posters (joint with B, EP, GC, NG) 1340h H43B-0963 POSTER Laboratory study of the possible division of fractures and conduits and the applicability of Cubic law in closed fractures: C Zhang Presiding: Praveen Kumar, University of Illinois; Thanos Papanicolaou, University of Tennessee; Amilcare Porporato, Duke Univ; Daniel Richter, Duke University 1340h H43B-0964 POSTER A new stochastic hydraulic conductivity approach for modeling one-dimensional vertical flow in variably saturated porous media: M D Vrettas, I Y Fung 1340h H43B-0965 POSTER Numerical Study of a Groundwater Flow Cycling Controlled By Seawater Intrusion within Karst Conduit Networks Using Modflow-CFP: Z Xu, B X Hu, H Davis 1340h H43B-0966 POSTER Modeling and characterization of flow processes in the carbonate aquifer vadose zone: N Z Dvory, Y Livshitz, M Kouznetsov, E Adar, A Yakirevich 1340h H43B-0968 POSTER Dolines on ultramafic rocks : the case of the Southern Grande Terre of New Caledonia (SW Pacific): J Jeanpert, P Genthon, J L Join, M VendГ©-Leclerc, P Maurizot, J SГ©rino 1340h H43B-0969 POSTER Infiltration of Highway Stormwater Runoff into Vegetated Filter Strips under Wet Climate in Western Oregon: Z Liu, C W Higgins, R D Stewart H43C Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Characterizing Hydrological and Linked Processes in Arid and SemiArid Regions II Posters Presiding: Raghavendra Jana, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Binayak Mohanty, Texas A&M University; Matthew McCabe, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Bridget Scanlon, University of Texas at Austin 1340h H43D-0983 POSTER The Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory: understanding the evolution of the critical zone after centuries of anthropogenic degradation: J M Mallard, B L McGlynn, D Richter Jr 1340h H43D-0984 POSTER Human Impact Intertwined with Glacial Legacy: HydroGeomorphologic Exploration using LiDAR data: Q Yan, P Kumar 1340h H43D-0985 POSTER Stream Channel Change in an Intensively Managed Agricultural Landscape: Implications for Critical Zone Processes: Q W Lewis, B L Rhoads, W Andresen 1340h H43D-0987 POSTER A GIS-based Framework for Examining the Effects of Water-Driven Erosion on Soil Biogeochemical Cycling: B K Abban, T Papanicolaou, K Wacha, C G Wilson 1340h H43D-0988 POSTER Differences in Net Ecosystem Exchange for an intensely managed watershed using a lumped, regional model and a mechanistic, hillslope-scale model: C G Wilson, K Wacha, T Papanicolaou, C O Stanier, A Jamroensan 1340h H43D-0989 POSTER Mapping the Legacies of Historic Charcoal Production: A Schneider, A Raab, T A Raab, M Takla, A Nicolay, H RГ¶sler 1340h H43D-0990 POSTER Small Particles – Big Change? Engineered Nanomaterial Effects on Soil Subsurface Properties: I Dror, B Yaron, B Berkowitz 1340h H43D-0991 POSTER Reservoir and contaminated sediments impacts in high-Andean environments: Morphodynamic interactions with biogeochemical processes: C R Escauriaza, M T Contreras, D A MГјllendorff, P Pasten, G E Pizarro 1340h H43C-0970 POSTER Soil Water Content Variations and Hydrological Relations of a Typical Land Use Pattern in an Arid Inland River Basin of Northwest China: Q Shen, G Gao, B Fu 1340h H43D-0992 POSTER Insights into the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Rangelands Through Measurement and Modeling of Differently Managed Pastures: J J Owen, M Hartman, W J Parton, W L Silver 1340h H43C-0971 POSTER Impacts of Salinity on Soil Hydraulic Properties and Evaporation Fluxes: V Fierro, F Cristi Matte, F I Suarez, J F Munoz 1340h H43D-0993 POSTER Biogeochemical evolution of sulfide ore mine tailings profiles under semi-arid climate: J Chorover 1340h H43C-0972 POSTER Comparisons of Four Methods for Evapotranspiration Estimates in Jordan: H Zhang, S Gorelick, J Yoon 1340h H43D-0994 POSTER Sediment budgeting and restoration planning in a heterogeneous landscape, the Root River watershed, southeastern Minnesota: J M Hemmis, M Souffront, J C Stout, P Belmont 1340h H43C-0973 POSTER Column Experiments Investigating Wetting and Drying of Soil and Consumption of Organic Contaminants for Managed Aquifer Recharge: M Silver, C Schueth, A Wefer-Roehl, C Kuebeck 1340h H43C-0974 POSTER Use of Sharpened Land Surface Temperature for Daily Evapotranspiration Estimation over Irrigated Crops in Arid Lands: J Rosas Aguilar, M F McCabe, R Houborg, F Gao 1340h H43D-0995 POSTER Effects of Aggregation: How Significant Are They to Potentially Skew Slope-Scale Carbon Balances?: Y Hu, N J Kuhn 1340h H43D-0996 POSTER Long term responses of a subtropical rainforest ecosystem to logging in the Australian Main Range Volcanics CZO: T Santini, J Larsen, S R Howell 1340h H43C-0976 POSTER Mode Decomposition Methods for Soil Moisture Prediction: R B Jana, Y R Efendiev, B Mohanty 1340h H43D-0997 POSTER Sediment and solute transport in a mountainous watershed in Valle del Cauca, Colombia: C D Guzman, A Castro, A Morales, F Hoyos, P Moreno, T S Steenhuis 1340h H43C-0977 POSTER The hydrologic response in a hilly-gully catchment with a developed checkdam system on the Loess Plateau, China: H Tang, Q Ran, Q Qian H43E Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1340h H43C-0978 POSTER Hydrogeology in The Semi-Arid South-West of Madagascar – a Multi-Scale Approach: A Englert, L Dworak, J Rasoloariniaina, K Brinkmann, S Kobbe, A Buerkert Water Footprint Assessment II Posters (joint with GC, PA, SI) Presiding: Saket Pande, Delft University of Technology; Arjen Y. Hoekstra, University of Twente; Megan Konar, All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:35 AM University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Bridget Scanlon, Univ Texas Austin 1340h H43F-1017 POSTER Soil moisture dynamics and their effect on bioretention performance in Northeast Ohio: S A Bush, A Jefferson, K Jarden, L E Kinsman-Costello, J Grieser 1340h H43E-0998 POSTER Sustainability of Italian Agriculture: A Methodological Approach for Assessing Crop Water Footprint at Local Scale: F Altobelli, A Dalla Marta, O Cimino, S Orlandini, F Natali 1340h H43F-1018 POSTER Green infrastructure retrofits on residential parcels: Ecohydrologic modeling for stormwater design: B Miles, L E Band 1340h H43E-0999 POSTER Effect of irrigation techniques and strategies on water footprint of growing crops: A D Chukalla, M S Krol, A Y Y Hoekstra 1340h H43E-1000 POSTER Environmental, Economic and Social Efficiencies of Irrigated Farming Systems: Using Water Footprint Indicators to Compare Farm Income and Labor Generated per Volume of Water Available in Irrigated Farming Systems in Campania, Italy: F Altobelli, A Meybeck, V Gitz, A Dalla Marta, O Cimino 1340h H43E-1001 POSTER Global Anthropogenic Phosphorus Loads to Fresh Water, Grey Water Footprint and Water Pollution Levels: A HighResolution Global Study: M M Mekonnen, A Y Y Hoekstra 1340h H43F-1019 POSTER Impacts of Green Infrastructure on the Water Budget and Other Ecosystem Services in Subhumid Urban Areas: Y Feng, S J Burian, E Pardyjak, C A Pomeroy 1340h H43F-1020 POSTER Storm Water Retention on Three Green Roofs with Distinct Climates: P A Breach, A Sims, D M O’Carroll, C E Robinson, C C Smart, B S C Powers 1340h H43F-1021 POSTER Stormwater Attenuation by Green Roofs: A Sims, D M O’Carroll, C E Robinson, C C Smart 1340h H43F-1022 POSTER Effects of substrate properties on the hydraulic and thermal behavior of a green roof: V P Sandoval, F I Suarez, F Victorero, C Bonilla, J A Gironas, S Vera, W Bustamante, V Rojas, P Pasten H43H Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Remote Sensing of Rivers: Observations Across Scales I Posters (joint with B, EP) Presiding: Tamlin Pavelsky, University of North Carolina 1340h H43H-1038 POSTER A computationally efficient 2D hydraulic approach for global flood hazard modeling: L Begnudelli, Y Kaheil, B F Sanders 1340h H43H-1039 POSTER Prospects and challenges in integrating reservoir operation in a global surface water dynamic modeling framework: A Getirana, Y B Sulistioadi, J Van Den Hoek, C D Peters-Lidard 1340h H43H-1040 POSTER Progress on the calibration of channel geometry and friction parameters of the LISFLOOD-FP hydraulic model using time series of SAR flood images: M Wood, J C Neal, R Hostache, G Corato, P D Bates, M Chini, L Giustarini, P Matgen, T Wagener 1340h H43H-1041 POSTER Evaluation of regionalscale water level simulations using various river routing schemes within a hydrometeorological modelling framework for the preparation of the SWOT mission: V HГ¤fliger, E Martin, A A Boone, F Habets, C H David, P A Garambois, H Roux, S M Ricci, A ThГ©venin, L Berthon, S Biancamaria 1340h H43E-1002 POSTER Assess water scarcity integrating water quantity and quality: J Liu, Z Zeng 1340h H43F-1023 POSTER Was all that Los Angeles River flood control concrete necessary?: W C Patzert, S S Regalado, S LaDochy, P C Ramirez, J K Willis 1340h H43E-1003 POSTER Developing a methodological framework for estimating water productivity indicators in water scarce regions: S T Mubako, T M Fullerton, A Walke, T Collins, G Mubako, W S Walker 1340h H43F-1024 POSTER Remotely Measuring Trash Fluxes in the Flood Canals of Megacities with Time Lapse Cameras and Computer Vision Algorithms – a Case Study from Jakarta, Indonesia: F Sedlar, E Turpin, B Kerkez 1340h H43E-1004 POSTER Virtual water flows and Water Balance Impacts of the U.S. Great Lakes Basin: B L Ruddell, A S Mayer, S T Mubako 1340h H43F-1025 POSTER Observation of Isotope Ratios (Оґ2H, Оґ18O, 87Sr/86Sr) of Tap Water in Urban Environments: C J Mancuso, B J Tipple, J R Ehleringer 1340h H43H-1043 POSTER Design of Airborne Surface Water Elevation Observation Campaigns for Improved Hydrodynamic Modeling of Deltas: C Michailovsky, E Rodriguez, K Andreadis 1340h H43F-1026 POSTER Integrated watershed planning across jurisdictional boundaries: A W Watts, R Roseen, P Stacey, R Bourdeau 1340h H43H-1044 POSTER Quantifying the level of improvement in discharge estimation from the SRTM-era to the proposed Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT)-mission era : M S Sikder, F Hossain 1340h H43E-1005 POSTER Inter-City Virtual Water Transfers Within a Large Metropolitan Area: A Case Study of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area in the United States: R Rushforth, B L Ruddell 1340h H43E-1006 POSTER The Urban Food–Water Nexus: Modeling Water Footprints of Urban Agriculture using CityCrop: T R Tooke, M J Lathuilliere, N C Coops, M S Johnson 1340h H43E-1007 POSTER Tracing the Temporal and Spatial Variations in the Origin of Fecal Material in Three Oklahoma Watersheds Using Sterol Fingerprints: Y Lu, P R Philp 1340h H43E-1008 POSTER Cultural Dimensions of Water Pollution: L Polaki, V R Bekkam H43F Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Water, Energy, and Society in Urban Systems II Posters (joint with A, B, GC, SI) H43G Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Ecohydrology for Earth System Models I Posters (joint with A, B, GC) Presiding: Gretchen Miller, Texas A & M University; Salvatore Manfreda, University of Basilicata; Maoyi Huang, Pacific NW Nat’l Lab-Atmos Sci 1340h H43G-1027 POSTER Development of HighResolution Regolith Thickness and Topographic Datasets for Regional/Global Land-Surface Modeling: J D Pelletier, P D Broxton, P Hazenberg, X Zeng, P A A Troch, G Y Niu, M Brunke, D J Gochis Presiding: Claire Welty, University of Maryland Baltimore County; Anne Jefferson, Kent State University Kent Campus; Darrel Jenerette, University of California Riverside; Alfonso Mejia, Pennsylvania State University Main Campus 1340h H43G-1028 POSTER Evapotranspiration flux partitioning using an Iso-SPAC model in a temperate grassland ecosystem: P Wang 1340h H43F-1009 POSTER Managing Stormwater Runoff From Urban Areas in Consideration of Predicted Climate Change Impacts in the MidAtlantic Region: M Williams 1340h H43G-1030 POSTER A New Approach to Estimating Potential Reduction in Fish Species Richness in a Global Hydrological Model: S Kanae, S Yoshikawa, S Koirala, Y Hirabayashi, A Yanagawa, Y Iwasaki, C Yoshimura, P Sui 1340h H43F-1010 POSTER Evapotranspiration and surface energy balance across an agricultural-urban landscape gradient in Southern California, USA: S A Shiflett, R G Anderson, D Jenerette 1340h H43F-1011 POSTER Temporal evolution of flow regimes in urbanizing basins: A Mejia, F Rossel, J A Gironas, T Jovanovic 1340h H43F-1012 POSTER Estimating the Limits of Infiltration in the Urban Appalachian Plateau: S M Lavin, D Bain, K G Hopkins, E K PfeilMcCullough, E Copeland 1340h H43F-1013 POSTER An Optimal Balance between Efficiency and Safety of Urban Drainage Networks: Y Seo 1340h H43F-1014 POSTER A watershed scale assessment of the impacts of suburban turf management on runoff water quality: M Bachman, S P Inamdar, S Barton, J Duke, D Tallamy, J Bruck 1340h H43F-1015 POSTER URBAN HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY MODELING –HIGH RESOLUTION MODELING COMPARISON FOR WATER QUANTITY AND QUALITY: T J Fry, R M Maxwell 1340h H43F-1016 POSTER Particle-Tracking within an Ultra-High-Resolution Urban Domain Integrated with Best Management Practices: S R Lopez, R M Maxwell 1340h H43G-1029 POSTER Representing Soil Moisture Heterogeneity in the “SuperParameterized” Community Earth System Model: P M Kraus, S Denning 1340h H43G-1031 POSTER Development of a distributed model for eco-hydrological simulation in the upper Heihe River: B Gao, D Yang 1340h H43G-1032 POSTER Exploring the Influence of Topography on Belowground C Processes Using a Coupled Hydrologic-Biogeochemical Model: Y Shi, K J Davis, D M Eissenstat, J P Kaye, C Duffy, X Yu, Y He 1340h H43H-1045 POSTER Using Width-Based Rating Curves from Spatially Discontinuous Satellite Imagery to Monitor River Discharge: T Pavelsky 1340h H43H-1046 POSTER First Airswot KaBand Radar Backscatter Returns over a Complex California Wetland: O N Baney, L C Smith, L H Pitcher, C J Gleason, V W Chu, M M Bennett, T Pavelsky, G A Sadowy 1340h H43H-1047 POSTER First Airswot Interferometric Radar Water Surface Elevations and Flooded Inundation Extent from the Sacramento River and Edwards AFB Wetland Complex, California: L H Pitcher, L C Smith, C J Gleason, O N Baney, V W Chu, M M Bennett, T Pavelsky, G A Sadowy 1340h H43H-1048 POSTER River flood events in Thailand and Bangladesh observed by CryoSat: O B Andersen, K Nielsen, H Villadsen, L Stenseng, P Knudsen 1340h H43H-1049 POSTER Dynamic Connectivity in the Middle Ganga Reaches Impacted by Human Disturbance: H Mohanta, P Carbonneau, R Sinha 1340h H43H-1051 POSTER The Continuous Monitoring of Flash Flood Velocity Field based on an Automated LSPIV System: W Li, Q Ran, Q Liao 1340h H43H-1052 POSTER Use of Ground Imagery to Study Wood Raft and Ice Dynamics in Fluvial Systems: Potential and Challenges: V Benacchio, H Piegay, T K Buffin-Belanger, L Vaudor, K Michel 1340h H43H-1053 POSTER Development of a Novel, Parsimonious, Model-based Approach for Representing High-resolution Gravel Facies: N Burrows, N S Entwistle, G L Heritage 1340h H43G-1033 POSTER Optimality and dynamic equilibrium conditions in a simulated hillslope under periodic, arid atmospheric forcing: S J Kollet 1340h H43H-1054 POSTER On the Quality of Point-Clouds Derived from Sfm-Photogrammetry Applied to UAS Imagery: P Carbonneau, T James 1340h H43G-1034 POSTER Changing Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency over Agricultural Lands of the Inland Pacific Northwest During the 21th Century: Implications for Adaptation and Mitigation: M Liu, K Malek, J C Adam, C O Stockle, K Rajagopalan, R Nelson 1340h H43H-1055 POSTER Structure from Motion vs. the Kinect: Comparisons of River Field Measurements at the 10-2 to 102 meter Scales: M A Fonstad, J T Dietrich 1340h H43G-1035 POSTER The sensitivity of modeled evapotranspiration to rooting parameters during interstorm periods: G Sivandran, G Bohrer, B Rizzo, D Soldaini 1340h H43G-1036 POSTER Modeling Environmental Controls on Tree Water Use at Different Temporal scales: H Guan, H Wang, C T Simmons All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 45 1340h H43H-1042 POSTER Two dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of a high latitude braided river: E Humphries, T Pavelsky, P D Bates 1340h H43H-1056 POSTER Mapping Spatial Distributions of Stream Power and Channel Change along a Gravel-Bed River in Northern Yellowstone: D M Lea, C J Legleiter 1340h H43H-1057 POSTER Mapping water surface roughness in a shallow, gravel-bed river using hyperspectral imagery: B T Overstreet, C J Legleiter 1340h H43H-1058 POSTER Stream Restoration Monitoring Utilizing an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Teton Creek, Idaho: T Stegman 1340h H43H-1059 POSTER Measuring the Discharge of River Flood Using Witnesses Movies Found on the Internet: A Hauet, J LeCoz, R Le Boursicaud, L PГ©nard THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h H43H-1060 POSTER Characterizing Sediment Flux Using Reconstructed Topography and Bathymetry from Historical Aerial Imagery on the Willamette River, OR: T Langston, M A Fonstad 1340h H43H-1061 POSTER Water Quality Measurements from Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: The Case of the River Ganga: A Baruch, P Carbonneau, R Sinha, S Scott 1340h H43H-1062 POSTER Retrieving TN and TP Concentration of Urban River From High Resolution IKONOS Multispectral Imagery: Y Zhang, J Liu, L Zhang, X Song 1340h H43H-1063 POSTER Optimization of field spectroscopy and Hyperion data to evaluate water quality in the Shenandoah River Basin, Virginia: M J Mbuh, P R Houser H43I Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Streamflow Prediction from the Catchment to the Continental Scale I Posters Presiding: Stacey Archfield, US Geological Survey; Martyn Clark, NCAR; Jan Seibert, University of Zurich; William Farmer, US Geological Survey 1340h H43I-1064 POSTER Simplicity of Monthly Climate and Its Implications for Hydrologic Signatures at Various Time-Scales: W Berghuijs, M Sivapalan, H Savenije, R A Woods 1340h H43I-1065 POSTER Hydrological similarity and controls of streamflow behaviour in eastern Australian catchments: R Trancoso, C A Mcalpine, J Larsen, S R Phinn, T McVicar 1340h H43I-1066 POSTER Interactions of the Pacific ocean variability with western U.S. streamflow: S Sagarika, M Bernardez, A Kalra, S Ahmad 1340h H43I-1067 POSTER Uncertainty assessment in the regionalisation of hydrological signatures: I Westerberg, H K McMillan, G Coxon, T Wagener, A Castellarin, A Montanari, J E Freer 1340h H43I-1068 POSTER Resampling Gaged Networks to Provide Uncertainty Estimates for Daily Streamflow Predictions in Ungaged Basins: W H Farmer, T M Over, R M Vogel, S A Archfield, J E Kiang 1340h H43I-1069 POSTER Fitting Three- and Four-Parameter Probability Distributions to Daily Streamflow: S A Archfield, R M Vogel 1340h H43I-1070 POSTER The dependence structure of daily hydrological processes: N J K Howden, T P Burt, F Worrall, S A Archfield, R M Vogel, R A Woods 1340h H43I-1071 POSTER A Statistical WeatherDriven Streamflow Model: Enabling future flow predictions in data-scarce headwater streams: A Rosner, B H Letcher, R M Vogel 1340h H43I-1072 POSTER Regionalization of Low Flows in Hawaii Streams for Past and Future Rainfall Conditions: M Bassiouni 1340h H43I-1073 POSTER Global Maps of Temporal Streamflow Characteristics Based on Observations from Many Small Catchments: H Beck, A van Dijk, A de Roo 1340h H43I-1074 POSTER European Continental Scale Hydrological Model, Limitations and Challenges: E Rouholahnejad, K Abbaspour 1340h H43I-1075 POSTER Development and Application of a Process-based River System Model at a Continental Scale: D Dutta, J Vaze, S S H Kim, J D Hughes, A Yang, J Teng 1340h H43I-1076 POSTER Calibration of the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model from HyperResolution to the Regional Scale: R Uijlenhoet, L A Melsen, R Teuling, P Torfs, M Zappa 1340h H43I-1077 POSTER Monthly Water Balance Model Portal for the United States: L Hay, A Bock, S L Markstrom, G J McCabe Jr, D Atkinson 1340h H43I-1078 POSTER A Geospatial Fabric (GF) for National Hydrological Modeling: R Viger, A Bock 1340h H43I-1079 POSTER Temporally Variable Land Cover Parameterizations for the USGS National Hydrologic Model: R M Hart, R Viger 1340h H43I-1080 POSTER Evaluation of Potential Evapotranspiration from a Hydrologic Model on a National Scale: K A Hakala, L Hay, S L Markstrom 1340h H43I-1081 POSTER Improving USGS National Hydrologic Model Parameterization with SatelliteBased Phenology Products: P D Micheletty, T S Hogue, L Hay, S L Markstrom, R S Regan 2014 45 11/28/2014 11:06:35 AM 1340h H43I-1082 POSTER Using Gridded Snow Covered Area and Snow-Water Equivalence Spatial Data Sets to Improve Snow-Pack Depletion Simulation in a Continental Scale Hydrologic Model: J C Risley, J A Tracey, S L Markstrom, L Hay 1340h H43I-1083 POSTER Development of a Consistent GIS Based Method for Estimating the Groundwater Runoff Parameter for Regional Scale Precipitation-Runoff Models : D M Bjerklie 1340h H43J-1103 POSTER Assessing the Potential Impact of Climate Variability on the Hydrology in the Shubuto River Basin, Hokkaido, Japan: A M Bhatti, T Koike, M Shrestha 1340h H43J-1104 POSTER Simulated Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology of Multiple Watersheds Using Traditional and Recommended Snowmelt Runoff Model Methodology: E Elias, A Rango, C M Steele, J Mejia, R Baca, D James, S Schrader H43L Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Emergent Behaviors and Patterns in Catchment Water, Energy, and Carbon Balances Posters Presiding: Pierre Gentine, Columbia University; Stanislaus Schymanski, ETH Zurich; Hong-Yi Li, Pac NW National Lab 1340h H43I-1084 POSTER Evaluation, Calibration and Comparison of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) National Hydrologic Model (NHM) Using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Snow Data Assimilation System (SNODAS) Gridded Datasets: P A Norton II, A E Haj Jr 1340h H43J-1105 POSTER From Snow to Flow: Predicting the Timing of Peak Streamflow Using SNOTEL Ablation Curves: K J Ferguson, J P McNamara, R Abramovich 1340h H43L-1124 POSTER Predicting the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on catchment carbon and water fluxes: R J Donohue, M L Roderick, T McVicar, G D Farquhar 1340h H43J-1106 POSTER Application of Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) in ungagged Manasi River Basin, Northwest China: X Chen, S Liang, A Bao H43J Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1340h H43J-1107 POSTER Implementing the Effects of Changing Landscape by the Recent Bark Beetle Infestation on Snow Accumulation and Ablation to More Accurately Predict Stream Flow in the Upper Little Laramie River, Wyoming watershed: J Heward, N Ohara 1340h H43L-1125 POSTER Emergent Behavior in Slow-Fast Landscape-Climate Dynamics: Evidence from Spatiotemporal Flood Statistics and a Nonlinear Dynamical Model of Coevolution: R A P PerdigГЈo, G Bloeschl Advancing Hydrologic Predictions in Snow- and Glacier-Fed River Systems II Posters (joint with C) Presiding: Yuqiong Liu, University of Maryland College Park; Martyn Clark, NCAR; Regine Hock, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Charles Luce, USDA Forest Service 1340h H43J-1086 POSTER Adapting the iSNOBAL model for improved visualization in a GIS environment: W J Johansen, D Delparte 1340h H43J-1087 POSTER Implications of Snowpack Data Uncertainties for Hydrological Modelling of Climate Change Impacts in Northern India: I Holman, R Remesan, A J Adeloye, C S P S Ojha 1340h H43J-1088 POSTER Using an Ablation Gradient Model to Characterize Annual Glacial Melt Contribution to Major Rivers in High Asia: M J Brodzik, R L Armstrong, S J S Khalsa, T H Painter, A Racoviteanu, K Rittger 1340h H43J-1089 POSTER Sensitivity Analysis of a Conceptual HBV Ra?nfall-Runoff MODEL Using Eumetsat Snow Covered Area Product: Z Akyurek, S Surer, J Parajka 1340h H43J-1090 POSTER Incorporation of Glacier Mass Balance Modelling in the Variable Infiltration Capacity Hydrology Model, with Application to Western Canada: M Schnorbus, F S Anslow 1340h H43J-1091 POSTER Developing a hydrological model in the absence of field data: E A Sproles, C Orrego Nelson, T Kerr, D Lopez Aspe 1340h H43J-1092 POSTER Twenty-first century changes in the hydrology, glaciers, and permafrost of the Susitna Basin, Alaska: A K Bliss, R Hock, G J Wolken, J Zhang, E Whorton, J L Braun, A Gusmeroli, A Liljedahl, J Schulla 1340h H43J-1093 POSTER Integrated snow and hydrology modeling for climate change impact assessment in Oregon Cascades: M Safeeq, G Grant, S Lewis, A W Nolin, L A Hempel, M Cooper, C Tague 1340h H43J-1094 POSTER Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwater Export and River Discharge: A K Rennermalm, M Tedesco, T L Mote, I Overeem, A B Mikkelsen, B Hasholt 1340h H43J-1095 POSTER Impact of altitudinal variability on streamflows in mountainous catchments under changing climate (Upper Indus Basin), Himalayas Pakistan: K M Khan, M Yaseen 1340h H43J-1096 POSTER High-Resolution Modeling of Freshwater Discharge and Glacier Mass Balance in the Gulf of Alaska Drainage: J P Beamer, D F Hill, A A Arendt, G E Liston, E W Hood 1340h H43J-1097 POSTER Toward improving streamflow prediction in the Upper Colorado River Basin via assimilating bias-adjusted satellite snow depth retrievals: Y Liu, C D Peters-Lidard, S Kumar, K R Arsenault, D M Mocko 1340h H43J-1099 POSTER Comparing Measurements, Simulations, and Forecasts of Snow Water Equivalent Across the Great Lakes Basin: R A Bolinger, C Olheiser, B Krumwiede, A Gronewold 1340h H43J-1100 POSTER How the state vector configuration matters in multivariate data assimilation for streamflow predictions of snow-fed rivers: J Bergeron, M Trudel, R Leconte 1340h H43J-1101 POSTER Tree Ring and Climate Information based Reconstruction of Streamflow for Sacramento River, California: S S Bukhary, M Bernardez, A Kalra, S Ahmad 1340h H43J-1102 POSTER The Signature of Hillslope Aspects on the Hydrologic Response of Snow-Covered Catchments: F Comola, B Schaefli, P Da Ronco, G Botter, A Rinaldo, M Lehning 46 AGU2014News.indb 46 2014 1340h H43J-1108 POSTER Incorporating Watershed-Scale Groundwater/Surface Water Interactions to Better Understand How ENSO/PDO Teleconnections Affect Streamflow Variability in Geologically Complex, Semiarid, Snow-Dominated Mountainous Watersheds: L Tsinnajinnie, M D Frisbee, J L Wilson 1340h H43J-1109 POSTER On the Frozen Soil Scheme for High Latitude Regions: A Ganji, L Sushama H43K Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h New Insights into Catchment Heterogeneities and Spatial Patterns I Posters Presiding: Anna Coles, University of Saskatchewan; Jennifer Jacobs, Univ New Hampshire; Josie Geris, University of Aberdeen 1340h H43K-1110 POSTER Examining Soil Moisture Variability and Field Mean Estimation Methods using Nested Observations: A Peterson, W Helgason, A M Ireson 1340h H43K-1111 POSTER Calibration of a Hydrologic Model via Densely Distributed Soil Moisture Observations: A R Thorstensen, P Nguyen, K L Hsu, S Sorooshian 1340h H43K-1112 POSTER A Simple Runoff Model Based on Topographic Wetness Indices and Soil Moisture for Central New York Agricultural Fields: K Hofmeister, C Georgakakos, M T Walter 1340h H43L-1127 POSTER Insights about Stomatal Behavior and Surface Conductance from Globally Distributed Ecosystem Scale Observations (FLUXNET): C A Williams 1340h H43L-1128 POSTER Monitoring and Modeling Water, Energy and Carbon Fluxes at the Hillslope Scale in the Landscape Evolution Observatory: P A A Troch, G Barron-Gafford, K Dontsova, Y Fang, G Y Niu, L A Pangle, M Tuller, J L M Van Haren 1340h H43L-1129 POSTER Time-Scale Invariance As an Emergent Property in Water Balance: D Wang, Y Tang 1340h H43L-1130 POSTER Relating Variations in Streamflow to Variations in Climate in Catchments across the Contiguous United States: H Y Li, S Li, S Ye, L R Leung, L Xiong, F Sun, Y Demissie 1340h H43L-1131 POSTER Examining the Intraannual Variance in Streamflow: What is the Contribution from Climate Variability?: S Ye, H Y Li, S Li, L R Leung 1340h H43L-1132 POSTER Hydro-climatic fluctuations driven by natural and anthropogenic forcing in China: S Zhang, D Yang 1340h H43L-1133 POSTER The Budyko and complementary relationships in an idealized model of large-scale land-atmosphere coupling: B R Lintner, P Gentine, K L Findell, G Salvucci 1340h H43L-1134 POSTER Using Sulfur Hexafluoride to Quantify the Gas Leakage Rate within the Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO) and the Diffusion Coefficient of the Crushed Basalt: J Barta, M Costa, J L M Van Haren, L A Pangle, P A A Troch H43M Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1340h H43M-1145 POSTER The Importance of Protons in Reactive Transport Modeling: C J McNeece, M A Hesse 1340h H43M-1146 POSTER Propagation of Gravity Currents of non-Newtonian Power-Law Fluids in Porous Media: V Di Federico, S Longo, V Ciriello, L Chiapponi 1340h H43M-1147 POSTER Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Modeling of Gravity Currents on a Dry Porous Medium: E Daly, S Grimaldi, H Bui 1340h H43M-1148 POSTER Influence of Ssurfactants on Physico-chemical Properties of Nanofluids for Enhanced Oil Recovery: B M Luther, C J G Darnault 1340h H43M-1149 POSTER Analysis of the time scales in time periodic Darcy flows: T Zhu, C Waluga, B Wohlmuth, M Manhart 1340h H43M-1150 POSTER STUDY OF WATER HORIZONTAL REDISTRIBUTION IN SOIL: L Zhuang, S M Hassanizadeh, A Leijnse, M Van Genuchten, A Raoof 1340h H43M-1151 POSTER Experimental and Computational Study of the Hydrodynamics of Trickle Bed Flow Reactor Operating Under Different Pressure Conditions: S Rabbani, I Ben Salem, H Nadeem, J C Kurnia, T Shamim, M Sassi 1340h H43M-1152 POSTER Mechanics and hydraulics of unsaturated soils: what makes interfaces an indispensable part of a physicallybased model: E Nikooee, S M Hassanizadeh 1340h H43M-1153 POSTER Incorporating NonLinear Sorption into High Fidelity Subsurface Reactive Transport Models : L S Matott, A J Rabideau, R M Allen-King 1340h H43M-1154 POSTER An improved method of calculating infiltration into unsaturated soil by discretizing moisture domain: J Zhu, F L Ogden, W Lai 1340h H43M-1155 POSTER Organic Compounds Complexify Transport in the Amargosa Desert— The Case for Phytotritiation: D A Stonestrom, W Luo, B J Andraski, R J Baker, S Maples, C J Mayers, M B Young 1340h H43M-1156 POSTER An Evaluation of Coupled Water and Heat Transport Models in the Vadose Zone with Different Assumptions and Processes: Z Yang, B Mohanty 1340h H43M-1157 POSTER Coupled Heat and Moisture Transport Simulation on the Resaturation of Engineered Clay Barrier: W H Huang, Y F Chuang 1340h H43M-1158 POSTER Quantifying impacts of coupled chemical and physical heterogeneity on water quality evolution during Aquifer Storage and Recovery: H Deng, C Descourvieres, S Seibert, B Harris, O Atteia, A J Siade, H Prommer 1340h H43K-1113 POSTER Influences of topography and subsurface heterogeneity on lateral subsurface flow in unsaturated zone: J Kim, B Mohanty Complexities of Flow and Transport in Porous Media Across Diverse Disciplines I Posters (joint with NG) 1340h H43K-1114 POSTER Incorporating landscape heterogeneity to understand patterns of stream discharge across spatial and temporal scales in forested mountain watersheds: A Bergstrom, K G Jencso, B L McGlynn Presiding: Chaozhong Qin, Utrecht University; S. Majid Hassanizadeh, Utrecht Univ; Denis O’Carroll, Western University 1340h H43K-1115 POSTER Spatial variation in streamflow generation in a small forested catchment in Japan: H Sun, T Kasahara, K Otsuki, M Tateishi, Y Onda 1340h H43M-1137 POSTER 3D Flow Simulation Using Lattice Boltzmann Method on Real Carbonate Core-Plug Samples: A Islam, T F Faisal, S Chevalier, M S Jouini, M Jouiad, M Sassi 1340h H43M-1161 POSTER Hyporheic Flow in Coarse Gravel Beds: A Laboratory Investigation: H Wu, C C Zuniga Zamalloa, G Blois, J Best, K Christensen, M H Garcia, A I Packman 1340h H43K-1116 POSTER Temporospatial Patterns of Manganese Concentrations in a Hydropower Dam Watershed: Z Munger, M E Schreiber 1340h H43M-1138 POSTER Reactive Transport Modelling By Using Euleria-Lagrangian Methods Based on Mixing: J soler Sagarra, A Nardi, M Saaltink, J Carrera 1340h H43M-1162 POSTER The Impact of PoreScale Heterogeneity on Drying Porous Media: R Holtzman, O Borgman, P Fantinel, L Goehring 1340h H43M-1139 POSTER About the Relevance of Downscaling for Nonlinear Problems in Porous Media: V Leroy, D Bernard H43N Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1340h H43K-1117 POSTER Development of a numerical reactive transport modelling framework - Concept & Case Studies: T Kalbacher, E Jang, W He, H Shao, R Zolfaghari, O Kolditz 1340h H43K-1118 POSTER Investigation of the SCSCN initial abstraction ratio using a Monte Carlo simulation for the derived flood frequency curves: E Caporali, V Chiarello, G Galeati 1340h H43K-1119 POSTER Heterogeneity in sensitivity and response to drought in a headwater catchment: J Geris, D Tetzlaff, C Soulsby 1340h H43K-1120 POSTER A Storage Capacity Model Integrating Terrain and Soil Characteristic: X Xiang 1340h H43K-1121 POSTER The Power of the Variogram for Characterising Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Streamflow Variability: A Chiverton, J Hannaford, I Holman, R Corstanje, C Prudhomme, T Hess, J Bloomfield 1340h H43K-1122 POSTER Validation of Pacific Northwest Hydrologic Landscapes at the Catchment Scale: K A Sawicz, S G Leibowitz, R Comeleo, P J Wigington Jr 1340h H43K-1123 POSTER Data-Driven Scale Extrapolation: Application on Continental Scale: L Gong THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h H43M-1140 POSTER Interactions Between Chlorinated Waste Solvents and Clay Minerals in Low Permeability Subsurface Layers: D Ayral, M Otero-Diaz, A H Demond 1340h H43M-1141 POSTER Effects Of Evaporation Rate of Some Common Organic Contaminants on Hydraulic Conductivity of Aquifer Sand : Q J Saud, S E Hasan 1340h H43M-1142 POSTER Snap-off Time for Continuous Nonwetting Liquids in Sinusoidally Constricted Pores: W Deng, M Balhoff, M B Cardenas 1340h H43M-1143 POSTER A New Approach to Modelling Water Flooding in a Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell: C Qin, S M Hassanizadeh 1340h H43M-1144 POSTER Experimental and Computational Study of Multiphase Flow Hydrodynamics in 2D Trickle Bed Reactors: H Nadeem, I Ben Salem, J C Kurnia, S Rabbani, T Shamim, M Sassi 1340h H43M-1159 POSTER Effects of Gravity and Aperture Statistics on DNAPL Entrapment in Fractures : J A Beattie, S Cianflone, S E Dickson 1340h H43M-1160 POSTER SPECT Imaging as a Tool for Testing and Challenging Assumptions About Transport in Porous Media: S M Moysey, T A DeVol, M P Tornai Evolution of Groundwater Hydrochemistry and Isotope Composition in Arid and Semi-arid Zones Posters (joint with EP) Presiding: Grzegorz Skrzypek, University of Western Australia; Shawan Dogramaci, Rio Tinto Iron Ore; Pauline Grierson, University of Western Australia 1340h H43N-1163 POSTER Water Balance of Lakes in the Continental Arctic: An Arid Zone Case Study: J J Gibson, Y YI, S J Birks 1340h H43N-1164 POSTER Application of 129I/127I Ratios in Groundwater Studies Conducted at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico: P Longmire, M Dale, K Granzow, S M Yanicak 1340h H43N-1165 POSTER Constraints in calculations of evaporative losses in arid climates using the stable isotope composition of water: G Skrzypek, A Mydlowski, S Dogramaci, P Hedley, J J Gibson, P F Grierson All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:36 AM 1340h H43N-1166 POSTER Imported Versus Local Water Sources? Origins of Stream Flows at the Wildlands/Urban Interface in Suburban Parts of Southern California: B J Hibbs, J W Scott, Y Wong 1340h H43N-1167 POSTER Identifying the Source and Generation of Thermal Groundwaters based on Stable Isotopes and Rare Earths – the Case of the Lower Yarmouk Gorge Artesian Wells: C Siebert, P MГ¶ller, F Magri, S Kraushaar, P Dulski, J Guttman, T RГ¶diger 1340h H43N-1168 POSTER Groundwater Sources in a Desert Watershed (Tule Basin, Nevada) Estimates of Recharge and Interbasin Flow from Groundwater 14C Patterns and Deviations from a Local Paleoclimate Archive: B Hagedorn, G L Bushner 1340h H43N-1169 POSTER Tracing Recharge Sources and Salinization Processes of the Quaternary Aquifer Using Stable Isotopes and Hydrogeochemistry, South of the Ismailia Canal, Egypt: M M A M Khalil, T Tokunaga 1340h H43N-1170 POSTER Sources and Relative Timing of Groundwater Recharge in Northwest India Using Environmental Isotopes: S P Rai, S K Joshi, R Sinha, S Gupta, A L Densmore, Y S Rawat, S Shekhar 1340h H43N-1171 POSTER Groundwater changes in evaporating basins using gypsum crystals’ isotopic compositions: E Gatti, D Bustos, A Allwood, M L Coleman 1340h H43N-1172 POSTER Groundwater Recharge Processes Revealed By Multi-Tracers Approach in a Headwater, North China Plain: K Sakakibara, M Tsujimura, X Song, J Zhang 1340h H43N-1173 POSTER Recharge Regimes of the Saq Aquifer System, Saudi Arabia: Inferences from Geochemical and Isotopic Compositions: A Abouelmagd, M F McCabe, M C Castro, M Sultan, R B Jana, S Al-Mashharawi 1340h H43N-1174 POSTER Uranium and Strontium Isotopic Study of the Hydrology of the Alluvial Aquifer at the Rifle Former U Mine Tailings Site, Colorado: J N Christensen, A E Shiel, M E Conrad, K H Williams, W Dong, T K Tokunaga, J Wan, P E Long, S S Hubbard H43O Moscone West 3016 Thursday1340h Advances in Hydrogeology and Hydrogeophysics: Innovations in Experimental Methods, Data Processing, and Modeling I (joint with NS) Presiding: Deqiang Mao, Colorado School of Mines; Pernille Marker, Technical University of Denmark; Kristopher Kuhlman, Sandia National Laboratories; Tobias Lochbuehler, University of Lausanne 1340h H43O-01 Characterization of Anomalous Transport in Fractured Rock through the Imaging of Push-Pull Experiments Using Single-Hole Ground Penetrating Radar Reflection Data: A Shakas, N Linde, L Baron, O Bour, O Bochet, T Le Borgne 1400h H43O-02 Detailed Measurement of Horizontal Groundwater Velocities Without a Borehole: M Bakker, R Calje, K J Van der Made, F Schaars 1415h H43O-03 The potential of hybrid gravimetry for hydrology; application to a sudanian catchment (West Africa): B Hector, J Hinderer, L SГ©guis 1435h H43O-04 Footprint Characteristics of Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing for Soil Moisture Monitoring: M SchrГ¶n, M KГ¶hli, M G Zreda, P Dietrich, S Zacharias 1450h H43O-05 Hydrogeological Parameter Estimation Using Low-Field Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Lessons from the Laboratory: K Keating, S Falzone, G K Osterman, D S Wallace 1505h H43O-06 Tiltmeters as Tools for Characterizing Geometrical and Hydrodynamical Properties of Fractured Crystalline Aquifers and Fault Zones: J Schuite, L Longuevergne, O Bour, N Lavenant, F Boudin 1520h H43O-07 Don’t Use Geophysics: T P A Ferre, C Kikuchi, J A Vrugt, J Kennedy, T Bayley H43P Moscone West 3022 Thursday1340h Advances in Hydrometeorological Predictions and Applications III (joint with A, NH) Presiding: Hamid Moradkhani, Portland State University; Nathalie Voisin, PNNL; Andrew Wood, National Center for Atmospheric Research; Hamid Moradkhani, Portland State University 1355h H43R-02 Experiments on Plume Spreading by Engineered Injection and Extraction: D C Mays, M Jones, R G Tigera, R Neupauer 1340h H43P-01 Development of large-ensemble hydrology simulations in support of water resources planning and management: M P Clark, B Nijssen 1410h H43R-03 Multi-Objective Optimization of Engineered Injection and Extraction to Remediate Sorbing Contaminants in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Aquifers: A N Piscopo, R Neupauer, J R Kasprzyk 1355h H43P-02 CBaM : A calibration, bridging and merging method for post-processing GCM forecasts of meteorological variables: A Schepen, Q J Wang, D E Robertson 1410h H43P-03 Characterizing the Behavior of NOAA’s Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast Service in California: M He, B Whitin, J Brown, P Fickenscher, A Henkel, S Talanki, R Hartman 1425h H43P-04 Long lead-time flood forecasting using data-driven modeling approaches: N Bhatia, J He, R K Srivastav 1440h H43P-05 Evaluation of North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) Climate Forecasts in China: Q Duan, F Ma, A Ye, W Gong 1455h H43P-06 A Simple Bayesian Climate Index Weighting Method for Seasonal Ensemble Forecasting: A Bradley, M A Habib, S S Schwartz 1510h H43P-07 Toward Improving Predictability of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events: the Use of Multi-scale Climate Modeling in the Northern High Plains: F Munoz-Arriola, J Torres-Alavez, A Mohamad Abadi, R L Walko 1525h H43P-08 SPATIO-TEMPORAL DESCRIPTION OF THE RAINFALL FOR COLOMBIAN ANDEAN MOUNTAINOUS REGION FOR WEATHER FORECASTING PURPOSES. CASE STUDY: MANIZALES CALDAS, COLOMBIA: J N Suarez Hincapie H43Q Moscone South 308 Thursday1340h Knowledge Translation: Mobilizing Environmental Data and Modeling for Uncertain and Changing Decision and Policy Contexts I (joint with B, EP, GC, SI) Presiding: Theodore Melis, USGS Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center; Shaleen Jain, University of Maine; Anthony Jakeman, Australian National University; Patricia Gober, Arizona State University 1340h H43Q-01 From community preferences to design: Investigation of human-centered optimization algorithms in web-based, democratic planning of watershed restoration: M BabbarSebens, S Mukhopadhyay 1355h H43Q-02 The Role of Integrated Modelling and Assessment for Decision-Making: Lessons from Water Allocation Issues in Australia: A J Jakeman, J H A Guillaume, S El Sawah, S Hamilton 1410h H43Q-03 Participatory Modeling Processes to Build Community Knowledge Using Shared Model and Data Resources and in a Transboundary Pacific Northwest Watershed (Nooksack River Basin, Washington, USA): C Bandaragoda, M Dumas 1425h H43Q-04 Implementing interactive decision support: A case for combining cyberinfrastructure, data fusion, and social process to mobilize scientific knowledge in sustainability problems: S A Pierce 1440h H43Q-05 Evaluating Investment in Missouri River Restoration: The Missouri River Effects Analysis : R B Jacobson, C J Fischenich, K E Buenau 1455h H43Q-06 Monitoring and Research of the Colorado River Ecosystem: When Is Enough Enough?: J C Schmidt 1510h H43Q-07 The Science and Policy of the First Environmental Flows to the Colorado River Delta: K W Flessa, E Kendy, K Schlatter 1525h H43Q-08 Bridging the Knowledge Gap towards more Resilient Environmental Decision Making: C Kirchhoff H43R Moscone West 3014 Thursday1340h New Developments in Soil and Groundwater Remediation: Advances in Process Understanding and Sustainability I (joint with B) Presiding: Jason Gerhard, University of Western Ontario; Geoffrey Tick, Univ Alabama; Deyi Hou, University of Cambridge; Jian Luo, Georgia Institute of Technolog 1340h H43R-01 Is Sustainable Remediation Now a Self-Sustaining Process? an International Progress Report: J W N Smith All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 47 1425h H43R-04 Laboratory Validation of Passive Flow Focusing of Horizontal Wells for in Situ Groundwater Remediation: A DiMarco, M Crimi, T Holsen, C Bellona, P Kumarage, C Divine, T O’Fallon 1440h H43R-05 Physicochemical Approaches for the Remediation of Former Manufactured Gas Plant Tars: S Hauswirth, C T Miller 1510h H43R-07 Estimation of Injected Carbon Longevity and Re-oxidation Times at Enhanced Reductive Bioremediation Sites: J Tillotson, R C Borden 1525h H43R-08 Nonlinear Chlorinated Solvent Sorption Impedes Remediation in Sedimentary Aquifers: R M Allen-King, A J Rabideau, A Merlo, J A Salvado i Estivill, V Barbarosa, L S Matott H43S Moscone West 3020 Thursday1340h Uncertainty Quantification and Reduction in Hydrogeological Forecasting and Inversion II (joint with A, GC, MR, NG) Presiding: Souheil Ezzedine, Univ California LLNL; Niklas Linde, University of Lausanne; Philippe Renard, University of Neuchatel; Daniel Tartakovsky, Univ California San Diego 1340h H43S-01 Developing Training Image-Based Priors for Inversion of Subsurface Geophysical and Flow Data: J Caers 1410h H43S-02 Uncertainty in TrainingImage Based Inversion of Hydraulic Head Data Constrained to ERT Data: Workflow and Case Study: T Hermans, F Nguyen, J Caers 1425h H43S-03 Consistent integration of geoinformation: T M Hansen, K S Cordua 1440h H43S-04 Uncertainty Quantification and Transdimensional Inversion: M Sambridge, R Hawkins 1510h H43S-05 Functional Error Models to Accelerate Nested Sampling: L Josset, A H Elsheikh, V Demyanov, I Lunati 1525h H43S-06 Assimilating Hydraulic Conductivity Data Using Multiscale Training Images: G Mariethoz, K Mahmud, A Baker, A Sharma EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE INFORMATICS 1340h IN43A-3683 POSTER Open NASA Earth Exchange (OpenNEX): Strategies for enabling cross organization collaboration in the earth sciences: A Michaelis, S Ganguly, R R Nemani, P Votava, W Wang, T J Lee, J L Dungan IN43B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Frontiers in Uncertainty Quantification for Geophysical Modeling Posters Presiding: Ming Ye, Florida State University; Jasper Vrugt, UC-Irvine; Bryan Tolson, University of Waterloo 1340h IN43B-3685 POSTER Characterizing the Effect of Different Sources of Uncertainty on Surrogates of Groundwater Models: M Asher, B F W Croke, A J Jakeman, L Peeters 1340h IN43B-3686 POSTER UQ -- Fast Surrogates Key to New Methodologies in an Operational and Research Volcanic Hazard Forecasting System: C G Hughes, R E R Stefanescu, A K Patra, M I Bursik, R Madankan, S Pouget, M Jones, P Singla, T Singh, E B Pitman, D Morton, P Webley 1340h IN43B-3687 POSTER Applying Bayesian Compressed Sensing (BCS) for sensitivity analysis ofclimate model outputs that depend on a highdimensional input space: K Chowdhary, Z Guo, M Wang, D D Lucas, B Debusschere 1340h IN43B-3688 POSTER Uncertainty Quantification and Learning in Geophysical Modeling: How Information is Coded into Dynamical Models: H V Gupta 1340h IN43B-3690 POSTER How Well Do Earthquake Hazard Maps Work and How Good Do They Have to be?: E Brooks, S A Stein, B D Spencer 1340h IN43B-3691 POSTER New Statistical Approach to the Analysis of Hierarchical Data: S P Neuman, A Guadagnini, M Riva 1340h IN43B-3692 POSTER Multilevel Monte Carlo Method with Application to Uncertainty Quantification in Reservoir Simulation: D Lu, G Zhang, C Webster, C N Barbier 1340h IN43B-3694 POSTER Probabilistic volcanic ash cloud simulations: Characterizing the uncertainty and moving into the operational environment: P Webley, A K Patra, M I Bursik, E B Pitman, J Dehn, T Singh, P Singla, R E R Stefanescu, R Madankan, S Pouget, M Jones, D Morton, C G Hughes 1340h IN43B-3695 POSTER Quantification of Model Uncertainty in Modeling Mechanisms of Soil Microbial Respiration Pulses to Simulate Birch Effect: A S Elshall, M Ye, G Y Niu, G BarronGafford 1340h IN43B-3696 POSTER Estimating Model Probabilities using Thermodynamic Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods: M Ye, P Liu, P Beerli, D Lu, M C Hill IN43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h IN43C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Collaborative Community Platforms for the Earth Sciences Posters (joint with A, C, DI, GC, OS) Near-Real-Time Data for Earth Science and Space Weather Applications III Posters (joint with A, G, NH, OS) Presiding: Mark Parsons, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Erin Robinson, Foundation for Earth Science Presiding: H Michael Goodman, NASA Marshall Space Flght Ctr; Gerald Bawden, US Geological Survey; Kevin Murphy, NASA GSFC 1340h IN43A-3676 POSTER Moving Green Chemistry Forward: Networks as a Foundation: T Carter, G Lough 1340h IN43A-3677 POSTER The ACI-REF Program: Empowering Prospective Computational Researchers: M Cuma, W Cardoen, G Collier, R M Freeman Jr, A Kitzmiller, L Michael, K I Nomura, A Orendt, L Tanner 1340h IN43A-3678 POSTER Interdisciplinary Collaboration amongst Colleagues and between Initiatives with the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database: R Minnett, A A P Koppers, N Jarboe, L Tauxe, C Constable, L Jonestrask, R Shaar 1340h IN43C-3698 POSTER Near Real Time Data Products from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder: W G Read, A Lambert, N J Livesey, L Froidevaux, M J Schwartz, G L Manney, P A Wagner 1340h IN43C-3700 POSTER NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data Centers Near RealTime Data Products: T Davenport, L Parker, P L Rinsland 1340h IN43C-3701 POSTER Near Real Time VIIRS EDR Products Via Direct Broadcast Using the Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP): G P Cureton, S Mindock, G Martin, R Garcia, K Strabala, J Davies, N Bearson, L Gumley, A Huang 1340h IN43A-3679 POSTER DCO-VIVO: A Collaborative Data Platform for the Deep Carbon Science Communities: H Wang, Y Chen, P West, J S Erickson, X Ma, P A Fox 1340h IN43C-3703 POSTER Near Real Time MISR Wind Observations for Numerical Weather Prediction: K J Mueller, S Protack, B E Rheingans, E G Hansen, V M Jovanovic, N Baker, J Liu, S Val 1340h IN43A-3680 POSTER User-driven Cloud Implementation of environmental models and data for all: R J Gurney, B J Percy, Y Elkhatib, G S Blair 1340h IN43C-3704 POSTER Integration of Earth Remote Sensing into the NOAA/NWS Damage Assessment Toolkit: A Molthan, J E Burks, P Camp, K McGrath, J R Bell 1340h IN43A-3681 POSTER EarthCube: A Community Organization for Geoscience Cyberinfrastructure: K Patten, M L Allison 1340h IN43A-3682 POSTER STEPPE: Supporting collaborative research and education on Earth’s deep-time sedimentary crust: D M Smith THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h IN43C-3705 POSTER Early Benchmarks of Product Generation Capabilities of the GOES-R Ground System for Operational Weather Prediction: S N Kalluri, B Haman, D Vititoe 2014 47 11/28/2014 11:06:36 AM 1340h IN43C-3706 POSTER Testing the estimated hypothetical response of the magnetosphere to a major space weather event: R Bala, P H Reiff 1340h IN43C-3707 POSTER Near-Realtime Cosmic Ray Intensities from the Neutron Monitor Database: C T Steigies 1340h IN43C-3708 POSTER Enhancements to NASA’s Land Atmosphere Near Real-Time Capability for Eos (LANCE): D Davies, K J Murphy, J E Schmaltz, R A Boller, M F Cechini, E Mauoka, G Ye, H Conover, K J Regner, S Harrison 1340h IN43C-3709 POSTER CDDIS Near Real Time Data for Geodesy Based Applications: B P Michael, C E Noll, J Roark 1340h IN43C-3710 POSTER The AIRS Applications Pipeline, from Identification to Visualization to Distribution: S E Ray, T S Pagano, E J Fetzer, B Lambrigtsen, J Teixeira 1340h IN43C-3711 POSTER The Earth Observation Monitor – Automated monitoring and alerting for spatial time-series data based on OGC web services: J Eberle, C HГјttich, C Schmullius 1340h IN43C-3712 POSTER Field Research Campaign Support: A web based tool to provide support to researchers in the field and to broadcast experiment status in real time: T Chee, L Nguyen, P Minnis, D Spangenberg, J K Ayers, R Palikonda, R Dubois, P R Murphy 1340h IN43C-3713 POSTER Early warning of active fire hotspots through NASA FIRMS fire information system: S Ilavajhala, D Davies, J E Schmaltz, K J Murphy 1340h IN43C-3714 POSTER Upgrading the HiSeasNet Ship-to-Shore Satellite Network: S Foley, J C Meyer, J A Orcutt, J Berger 1340h IN43C-3715 POSTER Near Real Time Review of Instrument Performance using the Airborne Data Processing and Analysis Software Package: D J Delene IN43D Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Science Data System Architectures for New Earth Science Missions and Applications Posters Presiding: John Moses, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Ron Weaver, National Snow and Ice Data Center; David Meyer, USGS 1340h IN43D-3716 POSTER Evolving Data System Architectures in NOAA: Perspectives from the National Data Centers: K S Casey, S Mesick, D Kowal, E J Kearns, S A Hausman, S A DelGreco, J Morris 1340h IN43D-3717 POSTER SMAP Science Data System Architecture: D Cuddy 1340h IN43D-3718 POSTER Evolution of the JPSS Ground Project Calibration and Validation System: G Chander, P Jain 1340h IN43D-3719 POSTER The New Online Metadata Editor for Generating Structured Metadata: R Devarakonda, B Shrestha, G Palanisamy, L Hook, T Killeffer, T Boden, R B Cook, L Zolly, V Hutchison, M T Frame, A T Cialella, K Lazer 1340h IN43D-3720 POSTER Data System Architectures: Recent Experiences from Data Intensive Projects: G Palanisamy, M T Frame, T Boden, R Devarakonda, L Zolly, V Hutchison, N Latysh, M Krassovski, T Killeffer, L Hook 1340h IN43D-3721 POSTER Augmenting Basic Web Data Services with Middleware Services to Facilitate Usability and Interoperability: J Werpy, C Torbert 1340h IN43D-3722 POSTER Sentinel-1 Data System at the Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center: V G Wolf 1340h IN43D-3723 POSTER A GIS-based Model for Natural Gas Data Conversion: E Bitik, D Z Seker, H H Denli 1340h IN43D-3724 POSTER Architectures Toward Reusable Science Data Systems: J F Moses 1340h IN43D-3725 POSTER DEVELOPMENT OF LANDSAT INFORMATION PRODUCTS TO SUPPORT LAND CHANGE MONITORING, ASSESSMENT, AND PROJECTION (LCMAP): J L Dwyer 1340h IN43D-3726 POSTER Near-Real-Time, Global Radar Data at the Alaska Satellite Facility DAAC from NASA’s SMAP Satellite: S A Arko, A R Allen, I R Dixon 1340h IN43D-3727 POSTER Integrating Actionable User-defined Faceted Rules into the Hybrid Science Data System for Advanced Rapid Imaging & Analysis: G J M Manipon, H Hua, S E Owen, G F Sacco, P S Agram, A W Moore, S H Yun, E J Fielding, P Lundgren, P A Rosen, F Webb, Z Liu, A T Smith, B D Wilson, M Simons, M P Poland, P F Cervelli 1340h IN43D-3728 POSTER NASA’s Global Imagery Management System: TIE: C Alarcon, J T Roberts, T Huang, C K Thompson, M F Cechini, J R Hall, K J Murphy 1340h IN43D-3729 POSTER A Distributed, Open Source based Data Infrastructure for the Megacities Carbon Project: R Verma, D J Crichton, R M Duren, P Salameh, A Sparks, C Sloop IN43E Moscone West 2020 Thursday1340h Dark Data: Rescuing Data from the Edge of Oblivion II Presiding: David Gallaher, University of Colorado Boulder; Kerstin Lehnert, Columbia University; George Campbell, University of Colorado Boulder 1340h IN43E-01 Citizen Science for Data Rescue: Recovering Historical Climate Records with a Network of 20,000 Volunteers: P Brohan 1355h IN43E-02 Efforts to Find, Recover and Restore “A National Treasure”, The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Data Set: S Nagihara, L R Lewis, Y Nakamura, C R Neal, P J Chi, D R Williams, G K Schmidt, D G Currie, P T Taylor, H K Hills, M Horanyi, E Gruen, P Dyal, J W Freeman, P H Reiff, J Bates, M A Hager, W S Kiefer, D Perkins 1410h IN43E-03 Rescuing Seasat-A from 1980: J Hausman, A Sanchez, E M Armstrong 1425h IN43E-04 The Quest to Find the Ring (Data): M D Allison, P H Wiebe, N J Copley, R C Groman 1440h IN43E-05 Seeing Earth for the First Time and Other Archive Adventures: V A Toner, N A Ritchey, J M Cooper 1455h IN43E-06 Rescuing NOAA’s Earliest Airphoto Archive: F C Hsu, K Baugh, C Elvidge, M V Hendy 1510h IN43E-07 NASA GES DISC Efforts for Preserving Nimbus Atmospheric and Meteorological Data Sets: J E Johnson, A E Esfandiari, E B Zamkoff, I V Gerasimov, A F AlJazrawi, G T Alcott 1525h IN43E-08 NIMBUS 3 AND 4 VISIBLE IMAGE CLIMATOLOGY: 1969 AND 1970: G G Campbell, D W Gallaher NONLINEAR GEOPHYSICS NG43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Stochastic Modeling and Complex System Approaches to Nonlinear Geophysical Systems II Posters (joint with A, GC, OS) Presiding: Adam Monahan, University of Victoria; Cecile Penland, Physical Sciences Division; Paul Williams, University of Reading; Reik Donner, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research 1340h NG43A-3751 POSTER On an Unified Scaling Law for Volcanic Eruptions: F Cannavo, G Nunnari 1340h NG43A-3752 POSTER Nonlinear Decomposition of Climate Data: a New Method for Reconstruction of Dynamical Modes: D Mukhin, A Gavrilov, E M Loskutov, A M Feigin 1340h NG43A-3753 POSTER CHARACTERIZATION OF PACIFIC OCEAN SURFACE TEMPERATURES USING EULERIAN MOTION MAGNIFICATION: J D Rojo Hernandez, O J Mesa 1340h NG43A-3754 POSTER Using Scaling to Understand, Model and Predict Global Scale Anthropogenic and Natural Climate Change: S Lovejoy, L del Rio Amador 1340h NG43A-3755 POSTER Multifractal properties of geoelectric time series associated with main shocks occurred in Mexico: A Ramirez Rojas, L R Moreno-Torres 1340h NG43A-3756 POSTER Empirical Modeling and Stochastic Simulation of Sea-Level Pressure Variability: S Kravtsov, N Tilinina, Y Zyulyaeva, S Gulev 1340h NG43A-3757 POSTER On estimation of stochastic forcing with application to El NiГ±o: C Penland 48 AGU2014News.indb 48 2014 THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h NG43A-3758 POSTER Earthquake Sequencing: Significance of Kuramoto Model on Directed Graphs: K Vasudevan, M Cavers 1340h NG43A-3759 POSTER Crossover in Scaling: Asymptotic Hyperbolic Behavior and Computation of Crossover Point: A S Sharma, V A Setty 1340h NH43A-3806 POSTER New Insights on the Creeping Phase of the Vajont Landslide form Rotary-Shear Experiments: F Ferri, E Spagnuolo, F Di Felice, G Di Toro 1340h NG43A-3761 POSTER A method for the evaluation of global source and destination characteristics of geophysical data: A Pares-Sierra, A L Flores Morales 1340h NH43A-3807 POSTER Binary Logistic Regression Versus Boosted Regression Trees in Assessing Landslide Susceptibility for MultipleOccurring Regional Landslide Events: Application to the 2009 Storm Event in Messina (Sicily, southern Italy): L Lombardo, M Cama, M Maerker, L Parisi, E Rotigliano 1340h NG43A-3762 POSTER Stochastic averaging of fast-slow systems forced with alpha-stable noise: W F Thompson, R A Kuske, A H Monahan 1340h NH43A-3808 POSTER Landslide hazard analysis – a case study in WuShe reservoir catchment: C M Huang 1340h NG43A-3763 POSTER Optimal Empirical Prognostic Models of Climate Dynamics: E M Loskutov, D Mukhin, A Gavrilov, A M Feigin 1340h NG43A-3764 POSTER A stochastic model for tropical cyclone tracks based on Reanalysis data and GCM output: K Ito, S Nakano, G Ueno 1340h NG43A-3765 POSTER The Statistical Differences Between the Gridded Temperature Datasets, and its Implications for Stochastic Modelling: H B Fredriksen, O LГёvsletten, M Rypdal, K Rypdal 1340h NG43A-3766 POSTER Multiple Regimes of Flow, Stratification, and Turbulence in the Stable Boundary Layer: A H Monahan, T Rees 1340h NG43A-3767 POSTER Climate Variable is Time-Averaged: Dealing with Uncertainty of Paleoclimatic Record Caused by Smoothening of Noisy Variations: K Umemura, K Ebina NATURAL HAZARDS NH43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Landslides and Gravitational Slope Deformation: Case Studies and Their Mechanism III Posters (joint with EP, H, S) Presiding: Hiroshi Fukuoka, Niigata University; Ning Lu, Colorado School Mines; Federico Agliardi, University of Milan - Bicocca; John Clague, Simon Fraser University 1340h NH43A-3793 POSTER Topographical Factors in the Formation of Gully Type Debris Flow By Landslides in Dechang, Sichuan, China: B Yu, Y Zhu 1340h NH43A-3794 POSTER Frequencies of Deep Catastrophic Landslide during the Past 10000 Years in Hokkaido, Japan: K Aoto, T Gomi, M Hiraoka, T Ishizuka, T Uchida 1340h NH43A-3795 POSTER Landslide Hazard in Aizawl, India Revealed from Field and Geodetic Observations and Hillslope Stability Analysis: C Schaeffer, M H Huang, A Smedley, N Sitar, D S Dreger 1340h NH43A-3797 POSTER On the importance of variable soil depth and process representation in the modeling of shallow landslide initiation: S Fatichi, P Burlando, G Anagnostopoulos 1340h NH43A-3799 POSTER Study of Rain-Induced Landslides Prediction in Malaysia: S P Koay, H Lateh, H Fukuoka, N Sakai, S Murakami, T Koyama, S B Jamaludin 1340h NH43A-3800 POSTER Statistical Signature of Deep-seated Landslides: C Gangodagamage, E Foufoula-Georgiou, P Belmont, B H Mackey, T K Fuller 1340h NH43A-3801 POSTER A Method for Assessing Spatial Patterns of Rainfall-Intensity Duration Thresholds for Shallow Landslides: R Akiyama, A Kinoshita, T Uchida, T Takahara, T Ishizuka 1340h NH43A-3802 POSTER Debris flow hazard assessment by integrated modeling of landslide triggering and propagation: application to the Messina Province, Italy: L M Stancanelli, D J Peres, L Cavallaro, A Cancelliere, E Foti 1340h NH43A-3803 POSTER Geomorphological analysis of large-scale slope instability, Trotternish, Isle of Skye, Scotland: C H Fenton 1340h NH43A-3804 POSTER The Influence of Increasing Rain and Earthquake Activities on Landslide Slope Stability in Forest Areas: T Kubota, A Aditian 1340h NH43A-3805 POSTER First-time Sliding Failure in Weak Sandstones and Subsequent Evolution in a Fast-moving Flow: A Simoni, M Berti, B Bayer, L Bertello, S Franceschini, M C Morandi 1340h NH43A-3809 POSTER Coseismic Deformation and Landslides Assosiated with Cinchona Earthquake, Mw 6.1, Costa Rica, Detected by ALOS/PALSAR: S Umemura, M Furuya 1340h NH43A-3810 POSTER Experimental research on a slope destabilization process with a movement of groundwater: N Sakai, T Ishizawa, T Fukuzono 1340h NH43A-3811 POSTER Determination of Strength Parameters of Soil Samples Recovered from Eastern Nankai Trough for Seafloor Stability Study: S Nishio, E Ogisako, A Denda, T Mitachi, H Hirakawa 1340h NH43A-3812 POSTER Movement of Landslide Triggered by Bedrock Exfiltration with Nonuniform Pore Pressure Distribution: C D Jan, Z K Jian 1340h NH43A-3813 POSTER A Study of the Relationship between Mountain Bridges Damaged and Multi-Hazards Induced by Extreme Rainfall: C W WANG, K Yoshimi, T Yamada, W F Lee 1340h NH43A-3814 POSTER Integrated Interpretation of Geophysical, Geotechnical, and Environmental Monitoring Data to Define Precursors for Landslide Activation: S Uhlemann, J Chambers, A Merritt, P Wilkinson, P Meldrum, D Gunn, H Maurer, N Dixon 1340h NH43A-3815 POSTER An Integrated Landslide-Runout Model for the Assessment of Typhoon-Induced Landslide Hazard and Early Warning Practice: S H Chiang, K T Chang, Y C Chen, C F Chen 1340h NH43A-3816 POSTER Current development of mass movements in lowland river valleys at the site of old landslides - case study form Vistula Valley, Poland: S Tyszkowski 1340h NH43A-3817 POSTER Research on Slope Disaster Risk Evaluation Considering the Hydrologic Processes throughout the Watershed: M Nakatsugawa, T Usutani 1340h NH43A-3818 POSTER Rainfall thresholds for the initiation of shallow landslides in Nuevo Leon, Mexico: L R M Sanchez Castillo, T Kubota, I Cantu Silva, H Hasnawir 1340h NH43A-3819 POSTER Developing a warning system in Ambon city, Indonesia: Rainfall threshold for sediment related disasters: H Hasnawir, T Kubota, L R M Sanchez Castillo 1340h NH43A-3820 POSTER Using Runoff Hydrograph Model for Early Detecting Landslide Dam Failure: C Chompuchan, W L Chen, C Y Lin 1340h NH43A-3821 POSTER Spectral Characteristics of Landslide Induced Seismicity: Experimental Validation Based on the Use of an Up-Scaled Sheer Box: G Yfantis, H E M Carvajal, S Pytharouli, R J Lunn 1340h NH43A-3822 POSTER A GIS-based numerical simulation of the March 2014 Oso landslide fluidized motion: H Fukuoka, I Ogbonnaya, C Wang NH43B Moscone South 309 Thursday1340h Advances in Analysis and Prediction of Rock Falls, Rock Slides, and Rock Avalanches II (joint with EP, S) Presiding: Greg Stock, Yosemite National Park; Brian Collins, U.S. Geological Survey; Jeffrey Moore, University of Utah 1340h NH43B-01 Exploring the Dynamics of the August 2010 Mount Meager Rock Slide-Debris Flow Jointly with Seismic Source Inversion and Numerical Landslide Modeling: K Allstadt, L Moretti, A Mangeney, E Stutzmann, Y Capdeville 1355h NH43B-02 New Perspectives on Long Runout Rock Avalanches: A Dynamic Analysis of 20 Events in the Vaigat Strait, West Greenland: J Benjamin, N J Rosser, S Dunning, R J Hardy, K Karim, W Szczucinski, E C Norman, M Strzelecki, M Drewniak 1410h NH43B-03 Characterization of Unstable Rock Slopes Through Passive Seismic Measurements: U Kleinbrod, J Burjanek, D FГ¤h All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:36 AM 1425h NH43B-04 Damage In Rock Massives, Evidences From Microseismic Monitoring and Numerical Modelling: D Amitrano, S Gruber, L Girard 1440h NH43B-05 Quantitative Simulation of Granular Collapse Experiments with Visco-Plastic Models: A Mangeney, I R Ionescu, F Bouchut, O Roche 1455h NH43B-06 Enhanced Rockfall Activity from Periglacial Environments in the Swiss Alps Correlates with Warm Summer Temperatures over the Course of the 20th Century: M Stoffel, D Trappmann, C Corona 1510h NH43B-07 The performance of rock slopes during the 2010/11 Canterbury Earthquake sequence, New Zealand: C I Massey, M J McSaveney, C Francois-Holden, A E Kaiser 1525h NH43B-08 Recent advances in analysis and prediction of Rock Falls, Rock Slides, and Rock Avalanches using 3D point clouds: A Abellan, D Carrea, M Jaboyedoff, A Riquelme, R Tomas, M J Royan, J M Vilaplana, N Gauvin NEAR SURFACE GEOPHYSICS NS43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Advances in Exploration Geophysics IV Posters (joint with GP, H, NH, S) Presiding: Louise Pellerin, Green Geophysics; Kennedy Doro, University of TГјbingen; Darcy McPhee, USGS 1340h NS43A-3847 POSTER Full Elastic Waveform Search Engine for Near Surface Imaging: J Zhang, X Zhang 1340h NS43A-3848 POSTER Resolution in Electromagnetic Prospecting: D F Aldridge, L C Bartel, H A Knox, K A Schramm 1340h NS43A-3849 POSTER Truncated GaussNewton Implementation for Multi-Parameter Full Waveform Inversion: Y Liu, J Yang, L Dong, Y Wang 1340h NS43A-3851 POSTER Seismic Reflection – Focusing on Muting Jacquelyn Daves University of Colorado – Boulder SAGE 2014: J Daves 1340h NS43A-3852 POSTER Simulation and Processing Seismic Data in Complex Geological Models: S Forestieri da Gama Rodrigues, W Moreira Lupinacci, C A Martins de Assis 1340h NS43A-3865 POSTER A research of 3D gravity inversion based on the recovery of sparse underdetermined linear equations: M Zhaohai 1340h NS43A-3866 POSTER A primary research on marine magnetic disturbance using GPS precise point positioning : Y Liu, X Luo 1340h NS43A-3868 POSTER A better method to define electrical chargeability from laboratory measurements of spectral impedance using a parallel Cole-Cole equivalent circuit: R J Enkin 1340h NS43A-3869 POSTER Modelling Study at Kutlular Copper FIELD with Spat This Study, Evaluation Steps of Copper Mine Field SP Data Are Shown How to Reach More Accurate Results for SP Inversion Method: O K Sahin, M Asci 1340h NS43A-3859 POSTER Integration of Seismic Sequence Analysis and High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy for Delineating the Sedimentation Characteristics and Modeling of Baltim Area, OffShore Nile Delta, Egypt : A M E S Nasr El-Deen Badawy, A S A Abu El-Ata, N H El-Gendy 1340h NS43A-3860 POSTER Suppression of Pulse Noise in Electromagnetic Seismic Vibrator Data: T Jiang, X Xu, H Jia, Z Yang 1340h NS43A-3861 POSTER The Acoustic Wave Field Features and Thickness Analysis of the Footstone of the Yellow River Levee: G Li, P Zhu, K Yang, J Jiang 1340h NS43A-3862 POSTER Imaging the Subsurface of the Thuringian Basin (Germany) on Different Spatial Scales: A Goepel, M Krause, P Methe, N Kukowski 1340h NS43A-3863 POSTER Inversion of Seismic Cross-hole Data from Dom Joao Field, Reconcavo Basin, Brazil: A Bassrei, N P D Oliveira 1340h NS43A-3872 POSTER Geological Hypothesis Testing and Investigations of Coupling with Transient Electromagnetics (TEM): A C Adams, M M Moeller, E Snyder, E J Workman, S Urquhart, P Bedrosian, L Pellerin 1340h OS43A-1249 POSTER Influence of ENSO and MJO Phases on Extreme Events of Precipitation over Amazon: M H Shimizu, T Ambrizzi 1340h NS43A-3873 POSTER Inversion of Airborne Electromagnetic Survey Data, Styx River Area, Alaska: A Kass, B J Minsley, B D Smith, L Burns, A Emond 1340h NS43A-3874 POSTER Monitoring of magnetic EOR fluids in reservoir under production by using the electromagnetic method : S KIM, D J Min, S Moon, W K Kim, Y Shin 1340h NS43A-3875 POSTER Wide Field Electromagnetic Method for Marine Shale Gas Exploration in Southern China: X Yang, B Li, C Peng, Y Yang, J Che 1340h NS43A-3876 POSTER An approach for monitoring resistivity variations using surface magnetotelluric data and its application to CO2 storage site: X Ogaya, J Ledo, P Queralt, A G Jones, A Marcuello 1340h NS43A-3877 POSTER IRETHERM: Geophysical modeling of the southern margin of the Dublin Basin: J Vozar, A G Jones, J C Llovet, R Pasquali 1340h NS43A-3878 POSTER Old data, New tricks: New insights into the Stillwater Complex: B R Bloss, C Finn, M L Zientek, B J Minsley Near-Surface Seismic Methods for Geohazard Assessment II (joint with NH, S) Presiding: Laura Socco, Politecnico di Torino; Richard Miller, Univ Kansas; Georgios Tsoflias, University of Kansas 1340h NS43B-01 Integrated Geophysical Methods Applied to Geotechnical and Geohazard Engineering: From Qualitative to Quantitative Analysis and Interpretation: K Hayashi 1420h NS43B-02 Including Faults Detected By Near-Surface Seismic Methods in the USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps – Some Restrictions Apply: R A Williams, K M Haller 1440h NS43B-03 Full Microtremor H/V(z,f) Inversion for Shallow Subsurface Characterization: A M Lontsi, F J Sanchez-Sesma, J C Molina Villegas, M M Ohrnberger, F Krueger 1455h NS43B-04 Multicomponent Body and Surface Wave Seismic Analysis using an Urban Land Streamer System: An Integrative Earthquake Hazards Assessment Approach: G Gribler, L M Liberty 1510h NS43B-05A Quantifying monthly to decadal subsidence and assessing collapse potential near the Wink sinkholes, west Texas, using airborne lidar, radar interferometry, and microgravity: J G Paine, E Collins, D Yang, J R Andrews, A Averett, T Caudle, K Saylam 1525h NS43B-06 Recent Experience Using Active Love Wave Techniques to Characterize Seismographic Station Sites : A J Martin, A Yong, L Salomone 1340h NS43A-3864 POSTER CO2 mass estimation visible in time-lapse 3D seismic data from a saline aquifer and uncertainties: A Ivanova, S Lueth, P Bergmann, M Ivandic All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 49 1340h OS43A-1246 POSTER How ENSO Modifies the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in a General Circulation Model: S Schirber 1340h OS43A-1248 POSTER Trade Wind Charging of the Equatorial Pacific As a Driver for ENSO Variability: B T Anderson, R C Perez NS43B Moscone South 302 Thursday1340h 1340h NS43A-3858 POSTER Accurate Estimation of the Fine Layering Effect on the Wave Propagation in the Carbonate Rocks: F Bouchaala, M Y Ali Presiding: Dennis Moore, NOAA/PMEL; Julian McCreary, Univ of Hawaii; Ted Durland, Oregon State University; George Kiladis, NOAA/ESRL 1340h NS43A-3871 POSTER 2D TEM Modeling and Inversion by Adaptive Born Forward Mapping : T Lee, M Seo, I K Cho, K B Ko, Y J You 1340h NS43A-3854 POSTER High-resolution S-velocity structure of the shallow crust via Transdimensional Multi-Frequency Receiver Function inversion: N Piana Agostinetti, A Malinverno 1340h NS43A-3857 POSTER An Algorithm for Evaluating Fresnel-Zone Textural Roughness for Seismic Facies Interpretation: H Di, D Gao Equatorial Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Oceans II Posters (joint with A, GC) 1340h OS43A-1247 POSTER Variability of South Pacific Tropical Water Subduction: X Lu, R A Fine, T Qu 1340h NS43A-3879 POSTER Mapping of Gold Mineralization Alteration Zones in Central Eastern Desert Egypt using Spectral Angular Mapper and Aeromagnetic Data: E Hasan, T Fagin, Z El Alfy 1340h NS43A-3856 POSTER High Resolution Seismic Reflection Survey for Coal Mine: fault detection: M Khukhuudei, U Khukhuudei OS43A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1340h NS43A-3870 POSTER Modeling Electric Current Flow in 3D Fractured Media: S Demirel, D Roubinet, J Irving 1340h NS43A-3853 POSTER High resolution crustal image of South California Continental Borderland: Reverse time imaging including multiples: A Bian, C Gantela 1340h NS43A-3855 POSTER Synthetic Seismic Study for Hydraulic Fracture in Shale-Gas Reservoirs: Y Xia, Y Li OCEAN SCIENCES 1340h OS43A-1250 POSTER Long-Range Radiation of Barotropic Rossby Waves from the Equatorial Pacific Ocean: J T Farrar, T Durland 1340h OS43A-1251 POSTER Influence of the Basic State Zonal Flow on Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves: G N Kiladis, J Dias 1340h OS43A-1252 POSTER Persistent Cold States of the Tropical Pacific Ocean in an Intermediate Coupled Model and a General Circulation Model: N Ramesh, M A Cane, R Seager 1340h OS43A-1253 POSTER A Theory for the Formation and Equilibration of Equatorial Deep Jets from Stratified Turbulence: J Fitzgerald, B Farrell 1340h OS43A-1254 POSTER Energy partition between the hemispheres when an equatorial Kelvin or Yanai wave reaches an inclined eastern boundary: D W Moore, T Durland, H G Hristova 1340h OS43A-1255 POSTER Walker Circulation, El NiГ±o and La NiГ±a: D Halpern 1340h OS43A-1256 POSTER Changes in the relationship in the SST variability between the tropical Pacific and the North Pacific across 1998/99 regime shift: H S Jo, S W Yeh, S K Lee 1340h OS43A-1257 POSTER Impact of Sea Surface Salinity on Coupled Dynamics for the Tropical Indo Pacific: A J Busalacchi, E C Hackert 1340h OS43A-1258 POSTER Energy transport and secondary circulations due to vertically-propagating Yanai waves observed in the equatorial Indian Ocean: W Smyth, T Durland, J N Moum 1340h OS43A-1259 POSTER Revisiting Coupled Instability Theory and the Initiation of ENSO: S Larson, B P Kirtman 1340h OS43A-1260 POSTER Characteristics of the Dominant Frequency of West Pacific Warm Pool Subsurface Temperature in Response to ENSO Events: G S Park, D K Lee, Y H Jo 1340h OS43A-1261 POSTER Nonlinear traveling wave solution for the MJO skeleton model: S Chen, S N Stechmann 1340h OS43A-1262 POSTER Climatic Influences on Indian and Pacific Ocean Heat Waves: H A Scannell, M H England, A Sen Gupta 1340h OS43A-1263 POSTER Tropical-Midlatitude Rossby Wave Coupling in the Presence of an Overturning Meridional Circulation: A Back, J A Biello 1340h OS43A-1264 POSTER Analysis of different intraseasonal patterns of large-scale circulation over the Amazon: C P de Oliveira, T Ambrizzi, L D Aimola 1340h OS43A-1265 POSTER Meridional Energy Flux Near an Eastern Boundary Within the Turning Latitudes of an Equatorial Basin: T Durland, D W Moore, J P McCreary Jr 1340h OS43A-1266 POSTER Westerly Wind Bursts, ENSO Asymmetry, and Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability: A F Z Levine, M J McPhaden OS43B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Ocean Mesoscale Processes III Posters (joint with A, B, NG) Presiding: Ali Belmadani, University of Concepcion; Ryo Furue, IPRC Univ of Hawaii; Pedro VГ©lez-BelchГ, Spanish Institute of Oceanography; Hidenori Aiki, JAMSTEC Japan Agency for MarineEarth Science and Technology THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h OS43B-1267 POSTER Intermittent Displacement of the Kuroshio Extension Front from the Current Axis Revealed from Simultaneous Observations By Three Research Vessels and an Eddy-Resolving Ocean General Circulation Model: F Kobashi, Y Onikata, N Iwasaka, Y Kawai, E Oka, K Uehara, S I Ito, M Odamaki, H Sasaki 1340h OS43B-1268 POSTER Shipboard Observations to Clarify the Formation and Subduction of Central Mode Water in Relation to Fronts and Eddies: E Oka 1340h OS43B-1269 POSTER Decadal Mesoscale Eddy Modulations in the South Pacific Subtropical Counter-Current: S Travis, B Qiu 1340h OS43B-1270 POSTER Global Dstribution of Merger and Split of Oceanic Mesoscale Eddies: H Ishiyama, H Ueno, M Inatsu, S Itoh 1340h OS43B-1271 POSTER Analysis of Large Red Tide Bloom off the South East/Japan Sea Using Multi-Satellite Measurements in the Summer of 2013. : D W Kim, Y H Jo 1340h OS43B-1272 POSTER Subsurface eddies in the northern Baja California oxygen minimum zone: J Gomez-Valdes, H S Torres, L Zavala Sanson 1340h OS43B-1273 POSTER A Novel Teflonmembrane Gas Tension Device for Denitrificationstudies in Oxygen Minimum Zones: A C Reed, C L McNeil, E A D’Asaro, M A Altabet, B Johnson, A Bourbonnais 1340h OS43B-1274 POSTER Observation of Mesoscale Instabilities of the Northern Current in the North Western Mediterranean Sea : a Combined Study Using Gliders, Surface Drifters, Moving Vessel Profiler and Vessel Data in the Ligurian Sea: I L Pairaud, P Garreau, D Le Berre, D Fernandez BruyГЁre, L Bellomo, V Garnier 1340h OS43B-1275 POSTER Mesoscale variability of deep currents in the Northwest Pacific Basin: M Miyamoto, E Oka, D Yanagimoto, S Fujio, M Kurogi, H Hasumi 1340h OS43B-1276 POSTER Comparison of characteristics of hydrographic structures in Aleutian eddies : R Saito, I Yasuda, K Komatsu, H Ishiyama, H Ueno, H Onishi, T Setou, M Shimizu 1340h OS43B-1277 POSTER Seismic Images of the Gulf Stream Front off the Coast of North Carolina from the 2014 ENAM Community Seismic Experiment: T M Blacic 1340h OS43B-1278 POSTER Deep Eddies in the Gulf of Mexico: H H Furey, A S Bower, P Perez-Brunius, P Hamilton 1340h OS43B-1279 POSTER Origins and impacts of mesoscale meanders in the Agulhas Current: S Elipot, L M Beal 1340h OS43B-1280 POSTER Comparison of Large Oceanic Eddies from Satellite Observations and a High-Resolution Coupled Climate Model Simulation: C Y Yang, J LIU OS43C Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Ocean Mesoscale Processes IV Posters (joint with A, B, NG) Presiding: Ali Belmadani, University of Concepcion; Ryo Furue, IPRC Univ of Hawaii; Hidenori Aiki, JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology; Pedro VГ©lez-BelchГ, Spanish Institute of Oceanography 1340h OS43C-1281 POSTER How Do Hydrodynamic Instabilities Affect 3D Transport in Geophysical Vortices?: P Wang, T M Ozgokmen 1340h OS43C-1283 POSTER On Verifying Currents and Other Features in the Hawaiian Islands Region Using Fully Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System Compared to Global Ocean Model and Ocean Observations: P G Jessen, S Chen 1340h OS43C-1284 POSTER Relation between meandering of subpolar front of the Japan Sea and volume transport of the Tsushima Warm Current found in numerical experiments based on global warming: Y Igeta, K Fukudome, M Kuga, T Watanabe, H Kidokoro 1340h OS43C-1285 POSTER A Multi-wavenumber Theory for Eddy Diffusivities: Applications to the DIMES Region: R Chen, S T Gille, J McClean, G Flierl, A Griesel 1340h OS43C-1286 POSTER Ocean Circulation and Biogeochemical responses to Typhoons: S M Huang, L Y Oey, P L Lin, K K Liu 1340h OS43C-1287 POSTER Assessment of Mixed Layer Mesoscale Parameterization in Eddy Resolving Simulations: C A Clayson, M V Luneva, M S Dubovikov 2014 49 11/28/2014 11:06:36 AM 1340h OS43C-1288 POSTER Zonal Variations of Eddy Diffusivities in an ACC-like Channel: Discrete Transport Corridors: A Lazar, A F Thompson 1340h OS43D-1313 POSTER Diagnosing and Understanding the AMOC Biases in NorESM: D P Ivanova, M Bentsen, M Ilicak, C Guo, H Drange 1340h OS43C-1289 POSTER Pathways of the North Pacific Intermediate Water identified through the tangent linear and adjoint models of an ocean general circulation model: Y Fujii, T Nakano, N Usui, S Matsumoto, H Tsujino, M Kamachi 1340h OS43D-1314 POSTER Coupling analyses of new high-resolution regional ocean climatologies and ocean model output in relation to long-term AMOC fluctuations: A R Parsons, D Seidov, S L Cross, A V Mishonov, J R Reagan 1340h OS43C-1291 POSTER How to diagnose the horizontal flux of mesoscale / Rossby eddy energy in the extension regions of western boundary currents?: H Aiki 1340h OS43D-1315 POSTER OVERTURNING CIRCULATIONS DRIVEN BY DENSE WATER FORMATION IN THE INTERIOR OF AN OCEAN BASIN: F Schloesser, J P McCreary Jr, R Furue, L M Rothstein 1340h OS43C-1292 POSTER Hydrostatic Modeling of Buoyant Plumes: A Stroman, W K Dewar, N Wienders, B Deremble 1340h OS43C-1293 POSTER Air-sea coupling in the Hawaiian Archipelago: J M Souza, B Powell, D Mattheus 1340h OS43C-1294 POSTER Eddy diffusivity in the equatorial and tropical Pacific Ocean diagnosed from an ocean state estimate: M Linz, R M Ferrari, R A Plumb 1340h OS43C-1295 POSTER Mesoscale Eddy Parameterization in an Idealized Primitive Equations Model: J Anstey, L Zanna 1340h OS43C-1296 POSTER Upwelling and downwelling induced by mesoscale circulation in the DeSoto Canyon region: T T Nguyen, E Chassignet, S L Morey, D S Dukhovskoy 1340h OS43C-1297 POSTER Jet-topography Effects on Horizontal Eddy Mixing in the Southern Ocean: S Waterman, A Barthel, A Hogg 1340h OS43C-1299 POSTER Effect of the Mesoscale on Southern Ocean Water Mass Structure and Properties - Assessment Based on a Suite of Model Simulations of Varying Resolution: I Frenger, J L Sarmiento, C O Dufour, G de Souza OS43E Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Climate Variability, and Change IV Posters (joint with A, GC, NG, PP) Presiding: Alexey Fedorov, Yale Univ; LuAnne Thompson, University of Washington; Jerry McManus, Columbia U. / LDEO; Eleanor Frajka-Williams, National Oceanography Centre, 1340h OS43E-1316 POSTER Progress and Priorities of the US AMOC Program: M W Patterson, G Danabasoglu, K Uhlenbrock 1340h OS43E-1317 POSTER Impact of LargeScale Ocean Circulation Changes on Climate: D S Trossman, J B Palter, T M Merlis 1340h OS43E-1318 POSTER Diagnosing Factors Influencing Amoc Decline in Climate Models: A Ahlert, M Winton 1340h OS43E-1320 POSTER Impact of Greenland Ice Sheet Melt on Future AMOC Evolution: P Bakker, A Schmittner, J Lenaerts OS43D Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1340h OS43E-1321 POSTER Greenland Freshwater Input to the North Atlantic: N Beaird, F Straneo The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Climate Variability, and Change III Posters (joint with A, GC, NG, PP) 1340h OS43E-1323 POSTER The Canary Basin contribution to 26ВєN AMOC Seasonality: M D PГ©rez-HernГЎndez, G McCarthy, D Smeed, A Hernandez-Guerra, P VГ©lez-BelchГ Presiding: Alexey Fedorov, Yale University; LuAnne Thompson, University of Washington; Jerry McManus, Columbia U. / LDEO; Eleanor Frajka-Williams, National Oceanography Centre, 1340h OS43E-1324 POSTER Evidence of a Weakening Gulf Stream from In-situ Expendable Bathythermograph Data, 1996-2013: L Roupe, M O Baringer 1340h OS43D-1300 POSTER Lagrangian Pathways of Temperature Anomalies from the Subtropical to the Subpolar Gyre in the North Atlantic: N Foukal, M S Lozier 1340h OS43D-1301 POSTER The Impact of Salinity Perturbations on the Future Uptake of Heat By the Atlantic Ocean: R S Smith, J M Gregory, R Sutton 1340h OS43D-1302 POSTER Influence of Ocean Diapycnal Diffusivity on the Amoc Stability and Variability: Y Liu, R Hallberg, S Manabe, B Samuels, O V Sergienko, M Oppenheimer 1340h OS43D-1303 POSTER Quantifying the Contribution of Wind-Driven Linear Response to the Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Amoc Volume Transports Across 26.5ВєN: K Shimizu, J S von Storch, H Haak, K Nakayama, J Marotzke 1340h OS43D-1305 POSTER Processes Governing the Location and Depth of Convection in the Labrador Sea – Lessons Learned from an Idealized Model Study: C A Katsman, R Gelderloos 1340h OS43D-1306 POSTER Interannual to decadal temperature variability in the north-west Atlantic: Observations from the MV Oleander XBT line: J S T Forsyth, M Andres, G Gawarkiewicz 1340h OS43D-1307 POSTER Bringing Together Simulated ~20 Year Variability in Coupled Climate Models: M Menary, D Hodson, J Robson, R Sutton, R A Wood 1340h OS43D-1308 POSTER An OSSE study using the GFDL ensemble coupled data assimilation system: Biased twin experiment for deep Argo array: Y S Chang, S Zhang, A Rosati, G A Vecchi, X Yang 1340h OS43D-1310 POSTER Stronger Ocean Meridinal Heat Transport with a Weaker Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation?: F Sevellec, A V Fedorov 1340h OS43D-1311 POSTER Does External Forcing Interfere with the AMOC’s influence on North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature?: N F Tandon, P J Kushner 1340h OS43D-1312 POSTER North and South Atlantic Bidecadal SL variability: Rossby Waves, AMOC fingerprints and Regime Shifts: M L Vianna, V V Menezes 50 AGU2014News.indb 50 2014 1340h OS43E-1326 POSTER Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during Heinrich-Stadial 1 & 2 as seen by 231Pa/230Th: B Antz, J A Lippold, H Schulz, N Frank, A Mangini 1340h OS43E-1327 POSTER Extraction of seawaterderived neodymium from different phases of deep sea sediments by selective leaching: P Blaser, J A Lippold, N Frank, M Gutjahr, E BГ¶hm 1340h OS43E-1328 POSTER The Nd-isotopic fingerprinting of North Atlantic water masses and its influences from local sources such as Iceland: N Frank, A Waldner, C Christophe, P Montagna, Q Dubois-Dauphin, Q Wu 1340h OS43E-1329 POSTER The interplay between particulate and dissolved neodymium in the Western North Atlantic: First insights and interpretations: T Stichel, S Kretschmer, M Lambelet, T van de Flierdt, M Rutgers van der Loeff, M J A Rijkenberg, L J Gerringa, H J W De Baar 1340h OS43E-1330 POSTER A brief history of climate – the northern seas from the Last Glacial Maximum to global warming: B Risebrobakken, T Eldevik, A E Bjune, C Andersson Dahl, H J B Birks, T M Dokken, H Drange, M S Glessmer, C Li, J E Г� Nilsen, O H OtterГҐ, K Richter, O Skagseth 1340h OS43E-1331 POSTER How Well Do Neodymium Isotopes Trace AMOC Mixing? A Test in the Southwest Atlantic: Y Wu, S L Goldstein, L Pena, A E Hartman, M J A Rijkenberg, H J W De Baar OS43F Moscone West 3011 Thursday1340h Modeling and Observing of Tides and Waves in the Ocean II (joint with A) Presiding: James Richman, Naval Research Lab Stennis Space Center; Edward Zaron, Portland State University; Richard Ray, NASA; Patrick Cummins, Institute of Ocean Sciences 1340h OS43F-01 Mapping M2 Internal Tides Using a Data-Assimilative Reduced Gravity Mode: G D Egbert, S Erofeeva 1400h OS43F-02 Simulations of low-mode internal tides in realistic mean flows: S M Kelly, P F J Lermusiaux, T F Duda, P J Haley Jr THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1420h OS43F-03 Numerical Internal Tide Scattering, Diffraction, and Dissipation on the Tasman Continental Slope: J M Klymak, H L Simmons, J A MacKinnon, M H Alford, R Pinkel 1340h P43A-3973 POSTER Chandra, HST, and NASA/Irtf Observations of Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)’s Encounter with Mars: C M Lisse 1440h OS43F-04 Seasonal Variation of Semidiurnal Internal Tides and Their Impact on Shelf-Slope Water Exchanges in the Southwestern East/Japan Sea : J H Park, C Jeon, S Seo, H J Lee, Y S Kim, H S Min, Y G Park 1340h P43A-3974 POSTER OH & H2O Production and Radial Distribution from Ultraviolet Observations of C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) by MAVEN: M M J Crismani, N M Schneider, J Deigan, I F Stewart, M R Combi, N Fougere, B M Jakosky 1455h OS43F-05 EVOLUTION OF TIDES AND TIDAL DISSIPATION OVER THE PAST 26,000 YEARS USING A MULTI-SCALE MODEL OF GLOBAL BAROTROPIC TIDES: H Salehipour, W R Peltier 1340h P43A-3975 POSTER UV/Visible Observations of C/2012 K1 PanSTARRS and C/2013 A1 Siding Spring from a Stratospheric Telescope: E F Young, J Diller, K Dinkel, Z Dischner, A F Cheng, C Hibbitts, S N Osterman 1525h OS43F-07 Modeling the Ocean Tide for Tidal Power Generation Applications: M Kawase, M Gedney P43B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Evolutions, Interactions, and Origins of Outer Planet Satellites II Posters OS43G Moscone West 3009 Thursday1340h Ocean Salinity and Water Cycle Variability and Change III Presiding: Paul Durack, Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; J. Thomas Farrar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst; Jacqueline Boutin, LOCEAN CNRS; Eric Lindstrom, Nasa Headquarters 1340h OS43G-01 Aquarius Satellite Salinity Measurement Mission Status, and Science Results from the initial 3-Year Prime Mission: G S E Lagerloef, H Y Kao 1410h OS43G-02 Overview of SMOS Salinity: R Nicolas 1425h OS43G-03 Three Years of Aquarius Salinity Measurements: Algorithm, Validation and Applications: T Meissner, F J Wentz, D M Le Vine, G S E Lagerloef 1440h OS43G-04 Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity in the South Indian Ocean: Revealing Annual-Period Planetary Waves: V V Menezes, M L Vianna, H E Phillips 1455h OS43G-05 Is the Tropical Zonal Bias in Aquarius-Argo Salinity Comparisons Due to the Difference in Measurement Depth?: R Drucker, S Riser 1510h OS43G-06 Mixed Layer Variability and Subduction in the SPURS Area: J E Anderson, S Riser 1525h OS43G-07 Isohaline Salinity Budget of the North Atlantic Salinity Maximum: F Bryan, S Bachman PLANETARY SCIENCES P43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) at Mars II Posters (joint with NH) Presiding: Petrus Jenniskens, SETI Institute; Diane Wooden, NASA Ames Research Center; Apostolos Christou, Armagh Observatory; Padma Yanamandra-Fisher, Space Science Institute 1340h P43A-3965 POSTER Evaluating the hazard from Siding Spring dust: Models and predictions: A Christou 1340h P43A-3966 POSTER Meteor showers from comet 209P/Linear at Earth and comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) at Mars: P M M Jenniskens 1340h P43A-3967 POSTER Impacts of Comet Siding Spring in the Middle Atmosphere of Mars: J M C Plane, J D Carrillo-SГЎnchez, E Dawkins, J C Gomez Martin, T Mangan, D Duft, M Nachbar, T Leisner 1340h P43A-3968 POSTER Dust Observations by the MAVEN Spacecraft at Mars associated with the Comet Siding Spring Encounter: L Andersson, D Malaspina, G T Delory, R Ergun, M W Morooka, C M Fowler, T McEnulty, A I Eriksson, B M Jakosky 1340h P43A-3969 POSTER Comet Siding Spring’s Impact on the Martian Magnetosphere: Observations from MAVEN’s magnetometer: J R Espley, J E P Connerney, G A DiBraccio, B M Jakosky 1340h P43A-3970 POSTER Ion cyclotron waves near comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) and Mars: F J Crary, V J Dols, J E P Connerney, J R Espley 1340h P43A-3971 POSTER The Mars Magnetosphere in the Tail of Comet C/2013 A1(Siding Spring): Y Ma, Y D Jia, C T Russell, A F Nagy, G Toth, M R Combi, R V Yelle, C Dong, S W Bougher Presiding: Amanda Hendrix, Planetary Science Institute Tucson; Krishan Khurana, University of California at Los Angeles 1340h P43B-3976 POSTER Science and Reconnaissance from the Europa Clipper Mission Concept: Exploring Europa’s Habitability: D Senske, R T Pappalardo, L M Prockter, B Paczkowski, S Vance, B Goldstein, T J Magner, B Cooke 1340h P43B-3977 POSTER Argus: An Io observer mission concept study from the 2014 NASA/JPL Planetary Science Summer School: L E Hays, C Holstein-Rathlou, P Becerra, K Basu, B Davis, V K Fox, J F C Herman, A C G Hughes, J T Keane, E Marcucci, E Mendez-Ramos, A Nelessen, M Neveu, N L Parrish, A L Scheinberg, J S Wrobel 1340h P43B-3978 POSTER Compositional Mapping of a Satellite Surface with a Dust Mass Spectrometer : J Schmidt, S Kempf 1340h P43B-3979 POSTER The Past, Present, and Future of Tidal Deformation at Europa: M Walker, B G Bills, J Mitchell 1340h P43B-3980 POSTER Interaction of Europa with Jovian Plasma Torus: P M Travnicek, O Sebek, S D Bale, P Hellinger, J S Halekas 1340h P43B-3981 POSTER Reaching Europa’s Surface: Erosion of the Viscous Lid by Compositional Plumes with Implications for OceanSurface Material Exchange: D Allu Peddinti, A K McNamara 1340h P43B-3982 POSTER Investigating Stress Seources and Fault Parameters Along Major StrikeSlip Lineae on Europa: M E Cameron, B R SmithKonter, R T Pappalardo 1340h P43B-3983 POSTER Defining the Contribution of Fragmentation to Icy World Geology: C C Walker, B E Schmidt 1340h P43B-3984 POSTER Global Morphological Mapping of Strike-Slip Structures on Ganymede: B R Smith-Konter, M E Cameron, F Seifert, R T Pappalardo, G C Collins 1340h P43B-3985 POSTER The Global Contribution of Secondary Craters on the Icy Satellites: T Hoogenboom, K E Johnson, P Schenk 1340h P43B-3986 POSTER How are Rhea’s Alfven Wings Generated?: K K Khurana, E Roussos, N Krupp, M Holmstrom, J Lindkvist, M K Dougherty, C T Russell 1340h P43B-3987 POSTER Cassini CIRS Emissivity Variations across Dione and Rhea’s Polar Regions: C Howett, J R Spencer, T Hurford Jr, A Verbiscer, M Segura 1340h P43B-3988 POSTER Surface Composition and Physical Mixture State of the Regoliths of Outer Solar System Satellites: The Role of Scattering and Absorption by the non-Ice Components and Implications for Rayleigh Absorption and Rayleigh Scattering: R N Clark, Z S Perlman, N Pearson, A R Hendrix, J N Cuzzi, D P Cruikshank, E T Bradley, G Filacchione, P D Nicholson, M M Hedman, R H Brown, B J Buratti, K H Baines, C Sotin, R M Nelson 1340h P43B-3989 POSTER UV-IR Spectra of the Icy Saturnian Satellites: A R Hendrix, G Filacchione, P Schenk, R N Clark, J N Cuzzi, K S Noll, J R Spencer 1340h P43B-3990 POSTER Crater Relaxation and Heat Flow in the Saturnian System, and Anticipation of New Horizons Observations at the Pluto-Charon System: O L White, P Schenk, A J Dombard, J M Moore 1340h P43B-3991 POSTER Destruction and ReAccretion of Mid-Size Moons During an Outer Solar System Late Heavy Bombardment: N Movshovitz, F Nimmo, D G Korycansky, E I Asphaug, M Owen 1340h P43B-3992 POSTER Fault Formation and Evolution on Icy Satellites as a Result of Bidirectional Cyclical Shear: Insights from Physical Analog Experiments: I S Curren, A Yin, R T Pappalardo All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:36 AM P43C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Geophysics of Satellites and Small Bodies II Posters Presiding: Ashley Davies, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Dennis Matson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Thomas McCord, Bear Fight Institute; Torrence Johnson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1340h P43C-3993 POSTER The Contribution of Impact Basins and Mascons to the Lunar Figure: Evidence for Lunar True Polar Wander, and a Past Low-Eccentricity, Synchronous Lunar Orbit: J T Keane, I Matsuyama 1340h P43C-3994 POSTER New Map of Io’s Volcanic Heat Flow: A G Davies, G J Veeder, D Matson, T V Johnson 1340h P43C-3995 POSTER Tidal Heating and Melt Segregation and Migration within Io: A Rajendar, C S Paty, J Dufek, J H Roberts 1340h P43C-3996 POSTER Improvement of Europa’s Gravity and Body Tides and Shape with a Laser Altimeter during a Flyby Tour: E Mazarico, A Genova, D E Smith, M T Zuber 1340h P43C-3997 POSTER Inverse theory resolution analysis in planning radio science gravity investigations of icy moons: A Ganse, S Vance 1340h P43C-3998 POSTER Modeling Tidal Stresses on Planetary Bodies Using an Enhanced SatStress GUI: D A Patthoff, R T Pappalardo, L Tang, J Kay, S A Kattenhorn 1340h P41E-05 POSTER Viscoelastic Membrane Tectonics on Europa: M Beuthe, A Rivoldini 1340h P43C-4000 POSTER The H2O-MgSO4 system up to 1 GPa: implications for deep oceans in Ganymede and Titan: O Bollengier, J M Brown, S Vance, O Grasset, E Le Menn, G Tobie 1340h P43C-4001 POSTER The Librations of Titan: T Van Hoolst, T Tokano, R M Baland, A Coyette, A Rivoldini, A Trinh, M Yseboodt 1340h P43C-4002 POSTER Unstable Titangenerated Rayleigh-Taylor Lakes Impact Ice: O M Umurhan, D G Korycansky, K J Zahnle 1340h P43C-4003 POSTER A Study Regarding the Possibility of True Polar Wander on the Asteroid Vesta: M Karimi, A J Dombard 1340h P43C-4004 POSTER Radio Science Observations of the Mars Express December 2013 Phobos Flyby and Implications for the Satellite’s Gravity Field: T Andert, M Paetzold, P Rosenblatt, V Lainey, A Pasewaldt, J Oberst, R Jaumann, W Thuillot, S Remus, L Gurvits, S Pogrebenko, T Bocanegra Bahamon, G Cimo, D Duev, G Molera Calves 1340h P43C-4005 POSTER The Anomalous Drift of Comet ISON (C/2012 S1) due to Sublimating Volatiles near Perihelion: J K Steckloff, J V Keane, S Milam, I Coulson, M M Knight 1340h P43C-4006 POSTER New Calculations of Temperatures and Volatile Migration on Small Bodies: L A Young, C Olkin, W B McKinnon, C Howett 1340h P43C-4007 POSTER Structural Failure Condition for Bifurcated Rubble Pile Asteroids: M Hirabayashi, D J Scheeres P43D Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Mars Science Laboratory’s Prime Mission: An Exploration of Fluvial and Lacustrine Environments on Gale Crater’s Plains II Posters (joint with EP) Presiding: Ashwin Vasavada, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Michael Meyer, NASA HQ 1340h P43D-4010 POSTER Comparing MSL ChemCam Analyses to Shergottite and Terrestrial Rock Types: J Bridges, P Edwards, M D Dyar, M R Fisk, S P Schwenzer, O Forni, R C Wiens Institute; Julie Castillo, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Carey Lisse, JHU-APL 1340h P43D-4011 POSTER Long-term Passive Mode Data Measured by the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) Instrument onboard Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) and Comparison to REMS Surface Pressure and Temperature Measurements: I Jun, I G Mitrofanov, M L Litvak, A B Sanin, J MartГn-Torres, M P Zorzano, W V Boynton, F Fedosov, D Golovin, C J Hardgrove, K Harshman, A Kozyrev, R Kuzmin, A Malakhov, M A Mischna, J Moersch, M Mokrousov, S Nikiforov, C G Tate 1340h P43F-01 The Ring System Discovered Around the Centaur Object (10199) Chariklo: F Braga-Ribas, B Sicardy, J L Ortiz, R Vieira Martins, F Colas, R Duffard, J I B Camargo, J Desmars, A Gulbis, M Assafin, L Maquet, W Beisker, G Benedetti-Rossi, F Vachier, C Dumas, V D Ivanov, S Renner, K L Bath, A Klotz, J T Pollock 1340h P43D-4012 POSTER Characteristics and Origin of a Cratered Unit near the MSL Bradbury Landing Site (Gale Crater, Mars) Based on Analyses of Surface Data and Orbital Images: S Jacob, S K Rowland, K S Edgett, L C Kah, R C Wiens, M D Day, F Calef, M C Palucis, R B Anderson 1340h P43D-4013 POSTER Banding in Mount Sharp, Gale Crater: Stratigraphy, Strandlines, or Buttress Unconformities?: T J Parker, W E Dietrich, M C Palucis, F J Calef III, H E Newsom 1340h P43D-4014 POSTER Compositional and Physical Properties of Materials Along Curiosity’s Traverse Inferred from CRISM Hyperspectral Data: A A Fraeman, R E Arvidson, B L Ehlmann, J P Grotzinger, V E Hamilton, J MartГn-Torres, M P Zorzano 1340h P43D-4015 POSTER Visible to Near-IR Spectral Units Along the MSL Gale Crater Traverse: Comparison of In Situ Mastcam and Orbital CRISM Observations: D F Wellington, J F Bell III, A Godber, K M Kinch, A A Fraeman, B L Ehlmann, R E Arvidson, M S Rice, J R Johnson 1340h P43D-4016 POSTER Evaluation of Sedimentary and Terrain Parameters from MARDI Camera Imaging and Stereogrammetry at Gale Crater: M E Minitti, J B Garvin, R A Yingst, J Maki 1340h P43D-4017 POSTER Multivariate Statistical Analysis of MSL APXS Bulk Geochemical Data: V E Hamilton, C S Edwards, L M Thompson, M E Schmidt 1340h P43D-4018 POSTER Mars Science Laboratory Sample Acquisition, Sample Processing and Handling Subsystem: A Description of the Sampling Functionality of the System after being on the Surface for Two Years: L W Beegle, R C Anderson, W J Abbey 1410h P43F-03 New Dust Measurements throughout the Solar System: M Horanyi 1425h P43F-04 The Water Regime of Ceres and its Potential Habitability: J Y Li, M V Sykes, J C Castillo, L A McFadden 1452h P43F-06 Composition of Rheasilvia Basin on Asteroid Vesta: E Ammannito, M C De Sanctis, F Capaccioni, M T Capria, J P Combe, A Frigeri, R Jaumann, A Longobardo, S Marchi, T B McCord, H Y McSween Jr, D W Mittlefehldt, K Stephan, F Tosi, C A Raymond, C T Russell 1504h P43F-07 A Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout (MASCOT) for the Hayabusa 2 Mission to 1999 JU3: The Scientific Approach: R Jaumann, J P Bibring, K H Glassmeier, M Grott, T M Ho, S Ulamec, N Schmitz, H U Auster, J Biele, H Kuninaka, T Okada, M Yoshikawa, S Watanabe, M Fujimoto, T Spohn, A Koncz, D Hercik, H Michaelis 1516h P43F-08 The Potential of Extreme Adaptive Optics Systems for Asteroid Studies: F Marchis, D Vega 1528h P43F-09 End of Life Scenarios for Rubble Pile Asteroids: D J Scheeres PUBLIC AFFAIRS PA43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Working with Diverse Partners to Communicate Climate Science and the Effects Associated with Climate Change Posters (joint with ED, GC, SI) 1340h P43D-4019 POSTER Mars Rover Curiosity Traverses of Sand Ripples: N Stein, R E Arvidson, F Zhou, M Heverly, M Maimone, F Hartman, P Bellutta, K Iagnemma, C Senatore Presiding: Alexandra Shultz, American Geophysical Union; Cynthia Schmidt, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research P43E Moscone West 2011 Thursday1340h 1340h PA43A-4034 POSTER Using Climate Science to Inform Local Planning: Challenges and Successes from the Field: K Hayhoe Geophysical Investigations of Planetary Volatiles I Presiding: Stephen Clifford, Lunar and Planetary Institute; Valerie Ciarletti, LATMOS/CNRS; Essam Heggy, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Igor Mitrofanov, Institute for Space Research 1340h Introductory Remarks 1355h P43E-01 Radar techniques to study interiors of the small bodies: W W Kofman, A Herique 1420h P43E-02 POLAR VOLATILES ON MOON AND MERCURY: SIMILARITY AND DIFFERENCE: I G Mitrofanov 1435h P43E-03 Probing Planetary Bodies for Subsurface Volatiles: GEANT4 Models of Gamma Ray, Fast, Epithermal, and Thermal Neutron Response to Active Neutron Illumination: G Chin, R Sagdeev, J J Su, J Murray 1450h P43E-04 A Passive Probe for Subsurface Oceans and Liquid Water in Jupiter’s Icy Moons: A Romero-Wolf, S Vance, F Maiwald, P A Ries, K Liewer 1340h P43D-4008 POSTER In Situ Analysis of Mars Soil and Rocks Sample with the Sam Gcms Instrumentation Onboard Curiosity : Interpretation and Comparison of Measurements Done during the First Martian Year of Curiosity on Mars: C Szopa, P J Coll, M Cabane, A Buch, D Coscia, M Millan, P Francois, I Belmahadi, S Teinturier, R NavarroGonzalez, D P Glavin, C Freissinet, A Steele, J L Eigenbrode, P R Mahaffy 1505h P43E-05 Mini-RF Bistatic Observations of Cabeus Crater: G Patterson, B Bussey, P Spudis 1340h P43D-4009 POSTER Determination of the Possible Source of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Detected By SAM during MSL Mission: A Buch, I Belmahdi, C Szopa, C Freissinet, D P Glavin, P Francois, P J Coll, K Miller, J L Eigenbrode, J C Stern, R Navarro-Gonzalez, A McAdam, S Teinturier, J Y Bonnet, R E Summons, M Millan, T Dequaire, M Cabane, P R Mahaffy P43F Moscone West 3002 Thursday1340h 1520h P43E-06 Titan Ground Complex Permittivity at the HUYGENS Landing Site; the PWA-HASI and Other Instruments Data Revisited: M Hamelin, A Lethuillier, A A Le Gall, R Grard, V Ciarletti, C BГ©ghin, K Schwingenschuh, R D Lorenz, J J LopezMoreno, I Jernej, V Brown, F Ferri Solar System Small Bodies: Relics of Formation and New Worlds to Explore I 1340h PA43A-4036 POSTER Bridging the Partisan Divide Over Climate Change: Messenger is as Important as the Message: M Cater 1340h PA43A-4037 POSTER Why We Don’t Collaborate in Response to Climate Change: The Knowledge Deficit, Co-Production, and the Future of the IPCC: B R Cook, J T Overpeck 1340h PA43A-4038 POSTER The New England Climate Adaptation Project: Enhancing Local Readiness to Adapt to Climate Change through Role-Play Simulations: D Rumore, P H Kirshen, L Susskind 1340h PA43A-4039 POSTER Climate Change and Political Action: the Citizens’ Climate Lobby: P H Nelson, S Secord 1340h PA43A-4040 POSTER Simple but accurate GCM-free approach for quantifying anthropogenic climate change: S Lovejoy 1340h PA43A-4041 POSTER Communicates Real-Time Developments in the Arctic: P L Langen, S B Andersen, K K Andersen, M L Andersen, A P Ahlstrom, D van As, V R Barletta, J E Box, M Citterio, W T Colgan, G DybkjГ¦r, R Forsberg, J L HГёyer, M B Jensen, N Kliem, R Mottram, K P Nielsen, M Olesen, F C Quaglia, T A Rasmussen, C B Rodehacke, M Stendel, L Sandberg SГёrensen, R T Tonboe 1340h PP43A-1441 POSTER A speleothem record of South Pacific Convergence Zone dynamics during MIS 3 - Evidence for non-stationary coupling between the southern tropical Pacific and Greenland?: D J Sinclair, R M Sherrell, H D Rowe, J D Wright, R A Mortlock, J C Hellstrom, H Cheng, A Min, R L Edwards 1340h PP43A-1442 POSTER The Indian Monsoon Variability over the Past 280,000 Years: G Kathayat, H Cheng, A Sinha, C SpГ¶tl, R L Edwards, W Liu, H Zhang, Y Cai, S F M Breitenbach 1340h PP43A-1443 POSTER Role of Seasonal Transitions and Westerly Jets in East Asian Paleoclimate: J C H Chiang, I Y Fung, C H Wu, Y Cai, J P Edman, Y Liu, J A Day, T Bhattacharya, Y Mondal, C Labrousse 1340h PP43A-1444 POSTER Abrupt Late Pleistocene Changes in Northern South American River RunOff: J Hoffmann, A Bahr, S Voigt, J SchГ¶nfeld, D Nuernberg 1340h PP43A-1445 POSTER El NiГ±o evolution during the Holocene revealed by a biomarker rain gauge in the GalГЎpagos Islands: Z Zhang, G Leduc, J P Sachs 1340h PP43A-1446 POSTER Hydrological and Vegetation Dynamics in Central Indonesia since the Last Glacial Maximum: S A Wicaksono, J M Russell, S Bijaksana, A E Holbourn, W Kuhnt 1340h PP43A-1447 POSTER North African dust deposition and hydroclimate over the last 60 ka: A combined view from the east and west of the continent: C W Kinsley, D McGee, L I Bradtmiller, J E Tierney, G Winckler, J B W Stuut, P B deMenocal 1340h PP43A-1448 POSTER Multi-decadal Variation of the Indian Monsoon Rainfall: Implications of ENSO: D Pothuri, D Nuernberg, M Mohtadi 1340h PP43A-1449 POSTER Glacial termination hydroclimate in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool: S Yuan, X Wang, H W Chiang, S Bijaksana, X Jiang, A M Imran, S A Wicaksono 1340h PP43A-1450 POSTER The Asian Monsoon Moisture Transportation Revealed by Two Cave Sites in Myanmar: G Liu, X Wang, H W Chiang, P Maung Maung, X Jiang, L T Aung, S T Tun 1340h PP43A-1451 POSTER Pluvial Period over NE Brazil linked to Heinrich Stadial 4: K A Wendt, A HГ¤uselmann, D Fleitmann, X Wang, A S Auler, H Cheng, R L Edwards 1340h PP43A-1452 POSTER The Role of Regional Atmospheric Circulation in Shaping Abrupt Climate Reorganization in Africa: C B Skinner, C J Poulsen 1340h PP43A-1453 POSTER Magnitude of hydroclimatic variance in paleoclimate records and in multi-millennial simulations of two Earth System Models: L A Parsons, J T Overpeck, J Yin, J P Krasting, S Malyshev, R J Stouffer 1340h PP43A-1454 POSTER Using Idealized GCM Simulations to Reconstruct and Interpret Past Precipitation Change: M P Erb, C S Jackson, A J Broccoli, D W Lea 1340h PP43A-1455 POSTER The Impact of Orbital Insolation Changes on East Asian Climate: S Y Lee, C C Shen, C H Wu 1340h PP43A-1456 POSTER Late Pleistocene and Holocene Hydroclimate Variability in the Tropical Andes from Alpine Lake Sediments, Cordillera de MГ©rida, Venezuela: D J Larsen, M B Abbott, P J Polissar 1340h PP43A-1457 POSTER Millennial-scale Climate Variability During the Last Interglacial Recorded in Two Speleothems from Eastern North America: Y Gao, H D Rowe, Z Rao, J A Buckles, X Wang, H Cheng, R L Edwards 1340h PP43A-1458 POSTER Role of Atmospheric Circulation and Westerly Jet Changes in the midHolocene East Asian Summer Monsoon: W Kong, J C H Chiang PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY PP43B Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h PP43A Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Multiproxy Records for Climatic and Oceanic Reconstructions III Posters (joint with A, B, GC, OS) Advanced Understanding of Tropical Hydroclimate Changes during the Late Pleistocene II Posters (joint with A, H, OS) Presiding: Franck Marchis, Carl Sagan Center, SETI institute; Padma Yanamandra-Fisher, Space Science All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 51 1355h P43F-02 A new mechanism for the formation of regolith on asteroids: M Delbo, G Libourel, J Wilkerson, N Murdoch, P Michel, K T Ramesh, C Ganino, C Verati, S Marchi 1340h PP43A-1440 POSTER Widespread Lake Highstands in the Southernmost Andean Altiplano during Heinrich Event 1: Implications for the South American Summer Monsoon: C Y Chen, D McGee, J Quade THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER Presiding: Kristine DeLong, Louisiana State University; Grant Harley, University of Southern Mississippi; Emilie Dassie, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory; Jason Polk, Western Kentucky University 2014 51 11/28/2014 11:06:37 AM 1340h PP43B-1459 POSTER A multiproxy fjord sediment record of Holocene climate change from the subantarctic Auckland Islands: I M Browne, C M Moy, G S Wilson, H Neil, C R Riesselman 1340h PP43B-1481 POSTER Plio-Pleistocene paleoclimatic variability: results from the NW Arabian Sea: M Prakasam, A K Gupta, A Yuvaraja, A Velu 1340h PP43B-1460 POSTER New Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Smear Slides in Pelagic and Hemi-Pelagic Sediments of the Bering Sea: M K Drake, I W Aiello, A C Ravelo 1340h PP43B-1482 POSTER Connection of the Oxygen Isotope in Stalagmites from East Asia with the Large Scale Atmospheric-Oceanic Patterns: S Li, Y Jing, F Luo, J Wan 1340h PP43B-1461 POSTER Microfossil Records and Shifts of Paleo-Kuroshio Current in the Nankai Trough since last 1 Ma: X Su, X Duan, L Ling, F Chen 1340h PP43B-1483 POSTER Multi-System and Compound-Specific Isotopic Study of Neogene Vegetation and Climate Changes in the Siwalik Strata, Nepal Himalaya: P C Neupane, M R Gani, Y Huang, N D Gani 1340h PP43B-1462 POSTER Leaf Wax n-Alkane Distributions and Stable Isotope Ratios, Paleovegetation, and Dust Flux to Reconstruct North Pacific Climate During the Late Holocene: T Liu, J E Nichols, D M Peteet, C M Moy, J Crusius, A W Schroth 1340h PP43B-1484 POSTER Use of Groundwater Tracers to Assess Climate Change in North-Central New Mexico during the Holocene Epoch: S M Yanicak, M Dale, K Granzow, P Longmire, G Perkins 1340h PP43B-1463 POSTER Pleistocene – Holocene Rainfall and Productivity Records in Alfonso Basin Baja California Sur : V D R Martinez-Perez, O Gonzalez-Yajimovich, K G Mejia-Pina 1340h PP43B-1485 POSTER Seasonal Climate Signals in Multiple Tree-Ring Parameters: A Pilot Study of Pinus ponderosa in the Columbia River Basin: M Dannenberg, E K Wise, J H Keung 1340h PP43B-1464 POSTER Climate and sea level changes and the role of shelf morphology in recording in Sibuyan Sea Basin, Philippines during the last 14 kyBP: R B Lloren, F P Siringan 1340h PP43B-1486 POSTER Projecting Future Water Availability in the Great Lakes Megalopolis: Reconstructing Lake Michigan-Huron Lake Level and Regional Hydroclimate Using Tree Rings: K R Schmidt 1340h PP43B-1465 POSTER Pairing Leaf-Wax Isotopes and Lithogenic Fluxes to Understand the Drivers of Dustiness in the South Pacific: F J Pavia, J E Nichols, G Winckler, P De Deckker 1340h PP43B-1466 POSTER Understanding TEX86H Temperature Estimates in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific over the Last Deglacial: N J Randle, M W Schmidt, T S Bianchi, J E Hertzberg, M R Shields PP43C Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h Neoproterozoic Glaciation: Interrogation of Data and Models II Posters (joint with A, C, EP, P) 1340h PP43B-1467 POSTER Multi-proxy Analysis of Pleistocene Carbonate Fluctuations in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: S Gwizd, D W Lea Presiding: Ian Fairchild, Univ Birmingham; Huiming Bao, Louisiana State Univ.; Francis Macdonald, Harvard University 1340h PP43B-1468 POSTER Reconstruction of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific circulation over the last 160 kyr using foraminiferal Nd isotopes: R Hu, A M Piotrowski 1340h PP43C-1487 POSTER Energy and Heat Transport Constraints On Tropical Climates of the Sturtian Snowball Earth: L E Sohl, M A Chandler, J Jonas, D H Rind 1340h PP43B-1470 POSTER Eastern Pacific Climate Variability Reconstructed from Porites Coral Geochemical Tracers over the Last Millennium: M Moreau, T Correge, E Piga, R L Edwards, H Cheng 1340h PP43C-1488 POSTER Stratigraphic architecture of the Cryogenian successions of South China : M Zhu, Z Yin, J Zhang, D J Condon, F A Macdonald, P Liu 1340h PP43B-1471 POSTER Hydrological shifts in seawater ?18O in southwest tropical Pacific since 1649 CE: K L DeLong, T M Quinn, F W Taylor, K Lin, C C Shen 1340h PP43C-1490 POSTER Neoproterozoic Glacial Strata of the Centralian Superbasin: New Insight From Subsurface Data in the Southern Georgina Basin, Australia: C Verdel, R J Willink, J Gurney 1340h PP43B-1472 POSTER Assessing the accuracy of oxygen isotopes and Sr/Ca as proxies of sea surface temperature at the extreme latitudinal limits of Porites corals: S Hirabayashi, Y Yokoyama, A Suzuki, Y Kawakubo, Y Miyairi, T Okai, S Nojima 1340h PP43B-1473 POSTER Replicating and calibrating Haitian microatoll coral Sr/Ca variations to build confidence in sea surface temperature reconstructions: G Ouellette Jr, K L DeLong, K H Kilbourne, F W Taylor, P Mann, P Jean 1340h PP43B-1474 POSTER Millennial-Scale Climate Variability for the Last Glacial Cycle along the Iberian Margin based on Dinoflagellate Cysts: M Datema, F Sangiorgi, G J Reichart, L J Lourens, A Sluijs 1340h PP43B-1475 POSTER Holocene-Pleistocene Environmental Changes in Eastern Mediterranean Sediments: Foraminiferal and Geochemical Approach: K S Sinoussy Mohamed Jr, M I A Ibrahim, A R Moustafa, M R Abd Elkarim, M M A Shreadah 1340h PP43B-1476 POSTER Restrictions in Mg/ Ca-Paleotemperature Estimations in High-Latitude Bottom Waters: Evidence from the Fram Strait and the Nordic Seas: K Werner, T M Marchitto Jr, C Not, R F Spielhagen, K Husum 1340h PP43B-1477 POSTER Deep Ocean Circulation and Nutrient Contents from Atlantic-Pacific Gradients of Neodymium and Carbon Isotopes During the Last 1 Ma: A M Piotrowski, H Elderfield, J N W Howe 1340h PP43B-1478 POSTER Environment and Climate Changes during the Holocene: Inferred from Sedimentary Record/Proxies of a Paleodelta Region, Southwest Coast of India: N C Allu, V Prakash, P K Gautam, S K Bera 1340h PP43B-1479 POSTER Sr-Nd isotopes and mineralogy as tracers of continental erosion and sediment transport to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden during the last 20,000 years: V P Rojas, L Meynadier, F C Bassinot, C Christophe, J P Valet 1340h PP43C-1491 POSTER Cryogenian-Ediacaran Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of the Amadeus Basin, Central Australia: R L Joubert, C Verdel, I Schultz 1340h PP43D-1500 POSTER Simulation of Monsoonal Characteristics of the East Asian Climate during the Mid-Cretaceous in a Coupled Climate Model: J Zhang, C Wang, J Yang, Y Guo 1340h PP43D-1519 POSTER Pleistocene Indian Monsoon Rainfall Variability: D G Yirgaw, E C Hathorne, L Giosan, T S Collett, S AV, B N Nath, M Frank 1340h PP43D-1501 POSTER Transient Simulation of Oxygen Stable Isotopes over the Asian Monsoon Region with the Iloveclim Model: T Caley, D M Roche, H Renssen PP43E Moscone West 2010 Thursday1340h 1340h PP43D-1502 POSTER The Time-lagged Impacts of Spring Sensible Heat over the Tibetan Plateau on the Summer Rainfall Anomaly in East China: Cases Study by Using WRF Model: A Duan 1340h PP43D-1503 POSTER Millennial-scale Variation in East Asian Summer Monsoon Front Position Deduced from Provenance Changes in Yangtze River Delta Sediments: R Tada, W Ke, K Saito, H Zheng, T Irino, L Chao, M He, S Sugisaki, Y Kuboki, Y Suzuki, M Uchida 1340h PP43D-1504 POSTER Stable Isotope Ratios of Carbon and Nitrogen in Suspended Organic Matter: Seasonal and Spatial Dynamics Along the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Transport Pathway: L Gao, D Li 1340h PP43D-1505 POSTER OSL dating of finegrained quartz from Holocene Yangtze delta sediments: S Sugisaki, J P Buylaert, A S Murray, R Tada, H Zheng, W Ke, K Saito, T Irino, L Chao, L Shiyi, M Uchida 1340h PP43D-1506 POSTER Tracking Monsoon Related Provenance Changes in Continental Margin Sediments of the East China Sea: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 346: C H Anderson, A G Dunlea, R W Murray, C W Kinsley, D McGee, L Giosan, H Zheng, R Tada, C A Alvarez Zarikian 1340h PP43D-1507 POSTER Seasonal variability of mineral composition of suspended material in the Yangtze River: T Irino, K Saito, Y Suzuki, R Tada, L Chao, M He, H Zheng 1340h PP43D-1508 POSTER Quantitative Estimation of Chemical Weathering versus Total Denudation Ratio within Tributaries of Yangtze River Basin Based on Size Dependent Chemical Composition Ratio of River Sediment: Y Kuboki, L Chao, R Tada, K Saito, H Zheng, T Irino, M He, W Ke, Y Suzuki 1340h PP43D-1509 POSTER Variations in the Yangze River outflow in the last 7 ky deduced from ?18O and Mg/Ca in the northern East China Sea: Y Kubota, K Kimoto, R Tada, Y Yokoyama 1340h PP43D-1510 POSTER An 8000-Year Record of Extreme Floods in the Yangtze Catchment from the Subaqueous Yangtze Delta: D Fan, L Chen, G Burr 1340h PP43C-1493 POSTER Climatic Instability and Regional Glacial Advances in the Late Ediacaran: J L Hannah, H J Stein, N Marolf, B Bingen 1340h PP43D-1511 POSTER Influence of relative sea level on a marginal sea environment and its implication for reconstructing ice volume changes using IODP Expedition 346, Site U1427: T Sagawa, R Tada, R W Murray, C A Alvarez Zarikian 1340h PP43C-1494 POSTER Coupled Changes in Sulfur and Carbon Isotopes Preceding the Sturtian Glaciation of the Neoproterozoic: J Gouldey, M Hurtgen 1340h PP43C-1495 POSTER Microbial mat structures in the basal Ediacaran Doushantuo cap dolostone from the Yangtze Gorges area of South China and their environmental implications: Z Wang, J Wang, S Xiao, J Hu 1340h PP43C-1496 POSTER Testing the “Mudball Earth” Hypothesis: Are Neoproterozoic Glacial Deposits Capped with Supraglacial Dust?: J C Goodman, C Alvim Lage 1340h PP43C-1497 POSTER Boron and diagenesis: Questioning the fidelity of Snowball ?11B excursions: G L Foster, J Stewart, M Gutjahr, F Pearce, P K Swart PP43D Moscone West Poster Hall Thursday1340h The East Asian Monsoon and Its Impact on Marginal Seas: Marine and Terrestrial Records, Modeling, and Observations II Posters (joint with A, GC, OS) Presiding: Richard Murray, Boston Univ; Ryuji Tada, University of Tokyo; Hongbo Zheng, Nanjing Normal University 1340h PP43D-1498 POSTER Asian Winter Monsoons in the Eocene: Evidence from the Aeolian Dust Series of the Xining Basin: A Licht, R Adriens, A T Pullen, P A Kapp, H Abels, M van Cappelle, J Vandenberghe, G Dupont Nivet 52 THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER AGU2014News.indb 52 1340h PP43D-1518 POSTER Annual-Resolution Precipitation Record of Lake Suigetsu Based on Lamina Thickness and Its Chemical Composition during the Last 350 Year: Y Suzuki, R Tada, T Irino, K Yamada, K Nagashima, T Nakagawa 1340h PP43C-1492 POSTER High-Albedo Salt Crusts on the Tropical Ocean of Snowball Earth: Measurements and Modeling: R Carns, B Light, S G Warren 1340h PP43B-1480 POSTER Erosional History of the Himalayan Range Since the Last 180 kyr: Clay Mineralogical and Geochemical Investigations From the Bay of Bengal: R Joussain, Z Liu, C Christophe 2014 1340h PP43D-1499 POSTER Provenance of Asian Dust Delivered to the Philippine Sea and Its Transport Pathways: Isotopic and Mineralogical Evidences: I SEO, Y I Lee, C M Yoo, H J Kim, K Hyeong 1340h PP43D-1512 POSTER East Asian Summer Monsoon Variations in the Last 1,700 Years Inferred from ?18o of Ostracode Shells: K Yamada, S Sakai, K Seto 1340h PP43D-1513 POSTER Terrestrial biomarkers in the sediment of the East Sea (Japan Sea) since the MIS 11: implications for paleoproductivity and paleoclimatic changes: S Hyun, Y J Suh, K S Woo, M Ikehara 1340h PP43D-1514 POSTER Variability of the Tsushima Warm Current during the Pleistocene and its relationship with the evolution of the East Asian Monsoon. Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 346 (Sites U1427 and U1428/29) based on benthic ostracod assemblages: M A Bassetti, C A Alvarez Zarikian, S Toucanne, M Yasuhara, A E Holbourn, T Sagawa, R Tada, R W Murray 1340h PP43D-1515 POSTER High-Resolution Pleistocene Alkenone Temperature Records of IODP Expedition 346 Sites U1425 and U1429: K E Lee, S W Bae, K Kim, R A Kim, N Kang, T W Ko, R Tada, R W Murray, C A Alvarez Zarikian 1340h PP43D-1516 POSTER Orbital and suborbitalscale sedimentary rhythms in the Middle Miocene Onnagawa Formation, Northeastern Japan: S Kurokawa, R Tada, S Takahashi, T Itaki, Y Kubota 1340h PP43D-1517 POSTER Sedimentation Rates at IODP Site U1424 since the Pliocene Deciphered from Spectral Analyses of RGB and GRA Bulk Density Profiles: T J Gorgas, R Tada, T Irino, S C Clemens, M Ziegler, A E Holbourn, R W Murray, C A Alvarez Zarikian Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes: Extracting the Signal from the Noise to Improve Paleoclimate Applications II Presiding: JoГЈo Trabucho-Alexandre, Durham University; Christopher Junium, Syracuse University; Aaron Diefendorf, University of Cincinnati; Erika Freimuth, University of Cincinnati Main Campus 1340h PP43E-01 The Nature of Carbonate and Organic ?13C Covariance Through Geological Time: A M Oehlert, P K Swart 1355h PP41A-1334 Application of ?13c Values Recorded in Neoproterozoic Marine Dolomite As a Marker for Global Correlations: Significance of Major ?13c Variations for the Carbon Cycle Based on Studies of Modern Dolomite Precipitating Environments: J A McKenzie, T R R Bontognali, A Bahniuk, C Vasconcelos 1410h PP43E-03 Is my C isotope excursion global, local, or both? Insights from the Mg and Ca isotopic composition of primary, diagenetic, and authigenic carbonates: J A Higgins, C L BlГ¤ttler, J M Husson 1440h PP43E-05 Hydrogen Isotope Biogeochemistry of Plant Biomarkers in Tropical Trees from the Andes to Amazon: S J Feakins, C Ponton, A J West, Y Malhi, G Goldsmith, N Salinas, L P Bentley 1455h PP43E-06 A Spatiotemporal View of the African Humid Period from Leaf Wax Isotopes: J E Tierney, P B deMenocal 1510h PP43E-07 Fidelity of leaf-wax n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid D/H ratios in space and time: P J Polissar, M B Preefer, C Liu 1525h PP43E-08 Predicting the Hydrogen Isotope Ratios of Leaf Waxes Across Landscapes: B J Tipple, M A Berke, B Hambach, J R Ehleringer PP43F Moscone West 2008 Thursday1340h Observations and Dynamics of Deglaciations I (joint with A, C, OS) Presiding: William Roberts, University of Bristol; Guleed Ali, Columbia University in the City of New York; Anna Hughes, University of Bergen; Kyle Armour, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1340h PP43F-01 Ice Stream Dynamics during Deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: C Stokes, M Margold, C Clark 1355h PP43F-02 The Role of Ice Streams in Deglaciation: A Robel, C Schoof, E Tziperman 1410h PP43F-03 Update on the Dynamics of the Late Wisconsinan Northwestern Laurentide IceSheet: C Hillaire-Marcel, L Tarasov 1425h PP43F-04 Early Break-up (~20 ka) of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum: J I Svendsen, J P Briner, J Mangerud, A L C Hughes, N E Young, K Vasskog 1440h PP43F-05 Paleoceanography and Ice SheetOcean Interactions on the Central West Greenland Margin, LGM through Deglaciation: A E Jennings, J T Andrews, C Г“ Cofaigh, G St-Onge, S T Belt, P Cabedo-Sanz, J A Dowdeswell 1455h PP43F-06 When Was MWP-1A? Evidence From Two New Hawaiian Coral Reef Records: K H Rubin, C H Fletcher II, J X Mitrovica 1510h PP43F-07 How much did the N. American ice sheet contribute to the Meltwater Pulse 1a sea level rise event ?: L J Gregoire, N A Gomez, B L Otto-Bliesner, A J Payne, P J Valdes 1525h PP43F-08 Rapid Climate Shifts during last Deglaciation over Central to Northern Europe: F Schenk, F Muschitiello, J Brandefelt, B Wohlfarth, L Tarasov, J O Naslund, A V Johansson All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:37 AM SEISMOLOGY S43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h General Contributions in Seismology I Posters Presiding: Victor Tsai, CaltechSeismological Lab; Carl Tape, University of Alaska Fairbanks 1340h S43A-4502 POSTER Diversity in the HighFrequency Wave Radiation of Small Repeating Earthquakes: N Hatakeyama, N Uchida, T Matsuzawa, T Okada, J Nakajima, T Matsushima, T Kono, S Hirahara, T Nakayama 1340h S43A-4503 POSTER Improvements of the Ray-Tracing Based Method Calculating Hypocentral Loci for Earthquake Location: A H Zhao 1340h S43A-4504 POSTER Using Benford’s Law As a Seismic Detection Tool: J Diaz Cusi, J Gallart, M Ruiz 1340h S43A-4505 POSTER Activity of Small Repeating Earthquakes along Izu-Bonin and Ryukyu Trenches: K Hibino, T Matsuzawa, N Uchida, W Nakamura, T Matsushima 1340h S43A-4506 POSTER A highlight of data products from IRIS Data Services: A R Hutko, M Bahavar, C M Trabant, M Van Fossen, R T Weekly 1340h S43A-4507 POSTER InSight detection of a Lithospheric Low Seismic Velocity Zone in Mars: Y Zheng, F Nimmo, T Lay 1340h S43A-4508 POSTER Fuzzy Discrimination Analysis Method for Earthquake Energy K-Class Estimation with respect to Local Magnitude Scale: T Mumladze, J Gachechiladze 1340h S43A-4524 POSTER Time-Domain Techniques to Automatically Detect Local Earthquakes in the Wavetrain of Large Remote Teleseseismic Events Using Data within the Continental United States: R A Alfaro-Diaz, A A Velasco, D Kilb, K Pankow, L M Linville 1340h S43A-4525 POSTER MUSTANG: A Community-Facing Web Service to Improve Seismic Data Quality Awareness Through Metrics: M E Templeton, T K Ahern, R E Casey, G Sharer, B Weertman, S Ashmore 1340h S43A-4526 POSTER Numerical Simulation of Stoneley Surface Wave Propagating Along ElasticElastic Interface: V A Korneev, M A Zuev, P Petrov, M Magomedov 1340h S43A-4527 POSTER F-Mode Heliotomography: S de Ridder, J Zhao Eikonal 1340h S43B-4550 POSTER Numerical Solution of Poroelastic Wave Equation Using Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method: K Shukla, Y Wang, P Jaiswal 1340h S43A-4530 POSTER A new approach for estimation of seismic moment from back projection analysis: R Honda 1340h S43A-4531 POSTER A Meshfree Method for Wave Propagation using the Multi-variable Taylor Expansion: J Takekawa, H Mikada 1340h S43A-4532 POSTER Local Magnitude Scaling Relations from P-waves in Turkey : M Yilmazer 1340h S43A-4533 POSTER Assessing the benefit of 3D a priori models for earthquake location: F J Tilmann, A Manzanares, K Peters, R L Kahle, D Lange, J Saul, N Nooshiri 1340h S43A-4535 POSTER Recent advancements on the development of web-based applications for the implementation of seismic analysis and surveillance systems: P A Friberg, R S Luis, M Quintiliani, S Lisowski, S Hunter 1340h S43A-4536 POSTER Federated data access and other services offered by the IRIS DMC: C M Trabant, T K Ahern, M Van Fossen, Y Y Suleiman, B Weertman, R T Weekly, M Stults 1340h S43A-4538 POSTER Simulation Of Broadband Seismic Wave Propagation In A Deep Mine in Sudbury Ontario Canada: R Saleh, H Chen, B Milkereit, Q Liu 1340h S43A-4515 POSTER High-Order Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) Method for Wave Propagation Simulation in Complex Geophysical Media – Elastic, Acoustic and Hydro-Acoustic – an Unifying Framework to Couple Continuous Spectral Element and Discontinuous Galerkin Methods: T SГ©bastien, J P Vilotte, L Guillot, C Mariotti 1340h S43A-4539 POSTER Hypocenter relocation of microearthquakes in offshore area of northeastern South Korea: H M Cho, I Y Che, G Kim 1340h S43A-4517 POSTER Epicenter Relocation of 2013 Boryeong Earthquake Sequence in Korea, Using Travel-Time Double- Differences and LgWave Cross- Correlation: J S Shin, M Son, G Kim 1340h S43A-4518 POSTER Harmonic seabed tremors recorded by ocean bottom seismometers offshore Taiwan: S Y Wang, S K Hsu, C W Liang 1340h S43A-4519 POSTER Applications methods of spectral ratios in the estimation of site effects: Case Damien (Haiti): B J Jean, S ST Fleur 1340h S43A-4520 POSTER Topography Effects on Frequency-dependent Traveltimes and Amplitudes from Regional Earthquakes: Y J Luo, L Zhao, S H Hung 1340h S43A-4521 POSTER Curvilinear Grid Finite-Difference Method to Simulate Seismic Wave Propagation with Topographic Fluid-Solid Interface at Sea Bottom: Y SUN, W Zhang, X Chen 1340h S43A-4522 POSTER Retrieving the Green’s function of attenuating heterogeneous media by time-reversal modeling: T Zhu 1340h S43A-4523 POSTER No clear evidence for localized tidal triggering of earthquakes in the Japan region: W Wang, P M Shearer 1340h S43A-4540 POSTER SKS Splitting from Ocean Bottom Seismometer Data Offshore Southern California: J Ramsay, M D Kohler, P M Davis, D S Weeraratne 1340h S43A-4541 POSTER An Empirical Study of Atmospheric Correction Procedures for Regional Infrasound Amplitudes with Ground Truth: J E Howard S43B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Imaging the Earth IX Imaging Seismic Anisotropy and Attenuation + Theoretical Developments Posters (joint with DI, T) Presiding: Monica Maceira, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Andreas Fichtner, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich; Paula Koelemeijer, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich; Carene Larmat, Los Alamos National Laboratory 1340h S43B-4552 POSTER Solving the 3D Acoustic Wave-equation on Generalized Structured Meshes: A FDTD Approach: J C Shragge 1340h S43B-4553 POSTER Three-dimensional Distribution of Azimuthal and Radial Anisotropy in the Japan Subduction: M Ishise, H Kawakatsu, K Shiomi 1340h S43B-4554 POSTER Seismic Attenuation beneath Tateyama Volcano, Central Japan: K Iwata, H Kawakata, I Doi 1340h S43B-4555 POSTER A radial anisotropy model of the upper mantle from surface wave observations: T M Ho, E Debayle, K F Priestley, C H Chapman 1340h S43B-4556 POSTER 2D Global Attenuation Model of the Upper Mantle from Combined Analysis of Surface Wave Phase and Amplitude Data: Z Ma, G Masters 1340h S43B-4558 POSTER Empirical sensitivity kernels of noise correlations with respect to virtual sources: P BouГ©, L Stehly, N Nakata, G C Beroza 1340h S43B-4559 POSTER Cross-gradient Constrained Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Tomography of the Aftershock Zone of the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan Earthquake, China: X Zhang, H Zhang 1340h S43B-4560 POSTER Application of Timewindow Selection Method in Tomography with Topographic Effects: E Wei, W Zhang, X Chen 1340h S43B-4561 POSTER Qs-values in the Southern Korean Peninsula Area: I Kim, J M Lee, H M Cho, D H Lee 1340h S43B-4562 POSTER Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Tomography of the Tonga Arc and Lau Back-arc Basin: S S Wei, Y Zha, D A Wiens, S C Webb 1340h S43B-4563 POSTER Comparison of misfit functions for phase-only inversion in the frequency domain: G Jeong, W Jeong, D J Min 1340h S43B-4564 POSTER Parameterization of density estimation in full waveform well-to-well tomography: K Teranishi, H Mikada, T N Goto, J Takekawa 1340h S43B-4565 POSTER Teleseismic Body-Wave Attenuation beneath the Western and Central United States: B Yang, C A Reed, K H Liu, S S Gao 1340h S43B-4566 POSTER Synthetic normal-mode spectra: a full-coupling perspective: H Y Yang, J Tromp 1340h S43B-4567 POSTER Apply Seismic Migration Technique to Teleseismic Receiver Functions: S Hu, L Zhu 1340h S43B-4568 POSTER Waveform Inversion of Synthetic Ocean Models in the Laplace Domain: H Rosado, T M Blacic, H Jun, C Shin 1340h S43B-4569 POSTER A New Method to Minimize the Influence of Lateral Heterogeneity on Inversion Applying Triplicated Phases: J Li, C Cai, D Kang, J Ning Catch Up on Content You Missed with Virtual Options! • Watch more than 600 Fall Meeting oral session presentations, including Union and Named Lectures. • View thousands of ePosters and share comments with authors. 1340h S43B-4542 POSTER Body-wave Attenuation in the South-Central Region of the Gulf of California, MГ©xico: R R Castro, C A VidalesBasurto, C I Huerta, D F Sumy, J B Gaherty, J A Collins 1340h S43B-4543 POSTER An Objective Rationale for the Choice of Regularisation Parameter with Application to Global Multiple-Frequency S-Wave Tomography: C Zaroli, M Sambridge, J J Leveque, E Debayle, G Nolet 1340h S43B-4544 POSTER Attenuation Tomography of the Upper Mantle: A Adenis, E Debayle, Y R Ricard All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 53 1340h S43B-4551 POSTER Anisotropy in the Pacific Upper Mantle from Inversion of a Combined Global and Regional Dispersion Dataset: C L Eddy, G Ekstrom, M Nettles, J B Gaherty 1340h S43B-4557 POSTER Computing Sensitivity Kernels of Noise Correlations with Respect to Noise Sources: L Stehly, L Margerin, P BouГ© 1340h S43A-4537 POSTER Implementation and testing of a real-time 3-component phase picking program for Earthworm using the CECM algorithm: B I Baker, P A Friberg 1340h S43A-4514 POSTER Automatic Detection and Location of Teleseismic Events with Using Usarray As a Big Antenna: L Retailleau, N Shapiro, J Guilbert, M Campillo, P Roux 1340h S43A-4516 POSTER An Effective Method for Small Event Detection: Match and Locate (ML) and Its Applications: M Zhang, L Wen 1340h S43B-4548 POSTER Anisotropic Shear Velocity Models of the North American Upper Mantle Based on Waveform Inversion and Numerical Wavefield Computations: C Pierre, Y Masson, B A Romanowicz, S W French, H Yuan 1340h S43A-4529 POSTER Seismic Observations of the 15 February 2013 Chelyabinsk Meteor from Dense ChinArray: L LI, B Wang, Z Peng, W Wang 1340h S43A-4510 POSTER GPU-accelerated Modeling and Element-free Reverse-time Migration with Gauss Points Partition: Z Zhen, X Jia 1340h S43A-4513 POSTER The LITHO1.0 Model: M Pasyanos, G Masters, G Laske, Z Ma 1340h S43B-4547 POSTER New Zealand-Wide 3-D Qp Attenuation Model: Low Qp North Island Crust Contrasts with High Qp South Island Terranes: D M Eberhart-Phillips, M Reyners, S C Bannister 1340h S43B-4549 POSTER Sn Attenuation in the Iranian and Tibetan Plateaus: W Ku, A Kaviani, X Bao, J Christopher, E A Sandvol 1340h S43A-4534 POSTER ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for Seismology - Recent Developments and Applications: T Megies, L Krischer, R Barsch, E Sales de Andrade, M Beyreuther 1340h S43A-4512 POSTER Detailed Analysis of a Multiplet Earthquake Sequence: A Iglesias, S K Singh, V H GarduГ±o 1340h S43B-4546 POSTER Sensitivity of Coda Waves to Lateral Variations of Absorption and Scattering: Radiative Transfer Theory and 2-D Examples: J Mayor, L Margerin, M Calvet 1340h S43A-4528 POSTER Pre-Processing and Cross-Correlation Techniques for Time-Distance Helioseismology: N Wang, S de Ridder, J Zhao 1340h S43A-4509 POSTER Topography and Anisotropy Adaptation of a Modified Discrete Element Method in Elastic Seismic Wave Modeling: X Hu, X Jia 1340h S43A-4511 POSTER Estimation of the Mean Free Path using Cross-Correlations in the Seismic Coda: V Clerc, P Roux, M Campillo, R Maynard, J A Chaput 1340h S43B-4545 POSTER Global S-Wave Tomography Using Receiver Pairs: An Alternative to Get Rid of Earthquake Mislocation: J J Leveque, C Zaroli, B S A Schuberth, Z Duputel, G Nolet THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2014 53 11/28/2014 11:06:37 AM 1340h S43B-4570 POSTER Waveform inversion schemes for 3D density structure: N Blom, A Fichtner 1340h S43B-4571 POSTER The impact of crustal density variations on seismic wave propagation: A Plonka, A Fichtner 1340h S43B-4572 POSTER High Resolution Models of Regional Phase Attenuation and Velocity Structure of the Turkish-Iranian Plateau and Zagros: A Kaviani, E A Sandvol, X Bao, R Gok, G Rumpker 1340h S43B-4573 POSTER Frequency dependent Lg attenuation in Northeast China and Korean Peninsula: N R Ranasinghe, A C Gallegos, A R Trujillo, A R Blanchette, T M Hearn, E A Sandvol, J Ni, S P Grand, F Niu, Y J Chen, J Ning, H Kawakatsu, S Tanaka, M Obayashi 1340h S43B-4574 POSTER Sn Attenuation Model in Tibetan Region and its Geodynamic Implications to Plateau Formation: L Zhao, X B Xie, N Fan, Z Yao 1340h S43B-4575 POSTER A highly attennuative zone beneath the Tokyo Metropolitan area: Y Panayotopoulos, N Hirata, S Sakai, S Nakagawa, K Kasahara 1340h S43B-4576 POSTER Imaging the Juan de Fuca subduction plate using 3D Kirchoff Prestack Depth Migration: C Cheng, T Bodin, R M Allen, B Tauzin 1455h S43C-05 Source Inversion of Glacial Earthquakes: A Sergeant, A Mangeney, E Stutzmann, J P Montagner, L Moretti, O Castelnau, V Yastrebov 1510h S43C-06 A Surface Wave Study of the Greenland Ice Sheet: W Shen, A L Levshin, M P Barmin, L Feng, M H Ritzwoller 1525h S43C-07 The Seismic Signal of Sediment Transport in Rivers: D L Roth, E E Brodsky, N J Finnegan, J M Turowski, C R Wyss, A Badoux S43D Moscone South 303 Thursday1340h Geophysics for National Security Needs II (joint with NS, T) Presiding: Catherine Snelson, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Jessie Bonner, Weston Geophysical; Robert Mellors, LLNL L-046 1340h Welcoming Remarks: 1345h S43D-01 High resolution atmospheric transport modelling in support of radionuclide detections at CTBTO network: M Krysta, B Szintai, J Ku?mierczyk-Michulec, J A Carter, J W Given 1340h SA43A-4090 POSTER First Measurements of Aspect Sensitivity of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes by a Bistatic Radar System: C La Hoz, H Pinedo, O Havnes, M J Kosch, A Senior, M T Rietveld 1340h SA43A-4091 POSTER The Limb-imaging Ionospheric and Thermospheric Extremeultraviolet Spectrograph (LITES): S C Finn, A W Stephan, T Cook, J Martel, S Chakrabarti 1340h SA43A-4092 POSTER First Studies with the Compact Echelle Spectrograph for Aeronomical Research (CESAR): T G Slanger, J Hedin, D Matsiev 1340h SA43A-4093 POSTER Evaluation of Ionospheric Parameters Obtained by Inverting O II 83.4 nm Dayglow Profiles from RAIDS: G Geddes, S Chakrabarti, T Cook, E S Douglas 1340h SA43A-4095 POSTER DETERMINATION OF IONOSPHERIC TOTAL ELECTRON CONTENT DERIVED FROM GNSS MEASUREMENTS: S Inyurt, C Mekik, O Yildirim 1340h SA43A-4096 POSTER Metastable Oxygen Production by Electron-Impact of Oxygen: J D Hein, C P Malone, P V Johnson, I Kanik 1340h SA43A-4097 POSTER Estimation of SelfClutter of the Multiple-pulse Technique for HF Radars: A S Reimer, G C Hussey 1340h S43B-4577 POSTER Hybrid optimization methods for Full Waveform Inversion: D Datta, M K Sen 1400h S43D-02 Recent Advances in Infrasound Science for National Security Applications: S Arrowsmith, P S Blom, O E Marcillo, R W Whitaker 1340h SA43A-4098 POSTER Penn State Radar Systems: Implementation and Observations: J V Urbina, R Seal, R Sorbello, K Kuyeng, L P Dyrud 1340h S43B-4578 POSTER Data inversion immune to cycle-skipping using AWI: L Guasch, M Warner, A Umpleby, G Yao, J V Morgan 1420h S43D-03 Spall Effects on Infrasound Generation: K R Jones, A J Rodgers, R W Whitaker, S M Ezzedine, O Vorobiev 1340h SA43A-4099 POSTER Ionospheric Analysis with Langmuir Probes: Sheath and Edge Effects: R M Albarran, J Klenzing, D L Cooke, P A Roddy 1340h S43B-4579 POSTER Shear-wave splitting across the central Appalachian Mountains using USARRAY and PASEIS data: A White-Gaynor, A Nyblade, K Homman 1435h S43D-04 Using Seismic and Infrasonic Data to Identify Persistent Sources: S Nava, R Brogan 1340h SA43A-4100 POSTER Observations of neutral mesospheric smoke particles using triboelectric current measurements from a multisurface Langmuir probe: A Barjatya, M Friedrich, B Strelnikov 1340h S43B-4580 POSTER A dam-break simulation using the higher-order MPS(Moving Particle Semiimplicit) Method with a new treatment of the Neumann boundary condition: D Cheng, T Yamada 1340h S43B-4581 POSTER ASDF: A New Adaptable Data Format for Seismology Suitable for LargeScale Workflows: L Krischer, J A Smith, A Spinuso, J Tromp 1340h S43B-4582 POSTER Crustal and Mantle Structure Beneath the Iles Eparses (Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean): G Barruol, F R Fontaine, C Davy, V S N Schlindwein, K Sigloch 1340h S43B-4583 POSTER Surface Wave Scattering and Mode Coupling: Implications for Surface Wave Tomography: A Datta, K F Priestley, C H Chapman 1340h S43B-4584 POSTER Seismic Attenuation Structure beneath Harrat Lunayyir, northern Arabian shield: N S Al-Arifi, S El khrepy, I Koulakov, I Sychev 1340h S43B-4585 POSTER TOTAL-FIELD/ SCATTERED-FIELD TECHNIQUE FOR 3-D MODELING OF SHORT PERIOD TELESEISMIC WAVES: V Monteiller, S Beller, S Operto, T Nissen-Meyer, J Tago Pacheco, J Virieux 1340h S43B-4586 POSTER CHINA AMPLITUDE TOMOGRAPHY: T M Hearn 1340h S43B-4587 POSTER Seismic Attenuation Tomography of the Rupture Zone of the 2010 Maule, Chile, Earthquake: M E Torpey, R M Russo, M P Panning 1340h S43B-4588 POSTER Accuracy and Stability of the Interior-Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Acoustic and Elastic Wave Propagation: J D De Basabe S43C Moscone South 305 Thursday1340h Ambient Seismic Investigations: Oceans, Ice, Environment, and Climate II (joint with OS) Presiding: Anya Reading, University of Tasmania; Keith Koper, University of Utah; Richard Aster, Colorado State University; Victor Tsai, CaltechSeismological Lab 1340h S43C-01 Ambient Noise, External Forcing and Monitoring of Elastic Properties of the Crust: M Campillo, G Hillers, A Colombi, F Brenguier, J A Chaput, B Froment 1410h S43C-02 Amplitude retrieval from correlations of the ambient seismic field: P Poli, G A Prieto 1425h S43C-03 Investigating hum sources using cross-correlation asymmetry: L A Ermert, A Fichtner, M Schimmel 1440h S43C-04 Geophysical Constraints on Glacial Earthquakes in Greenland and Implications for Glacier Dynamics: M Nettles 54 AGU2014News.indb 54 2014 1455h S43D-05 What can we get out of acoustic coda from explosions?: O E Marcillo, S Arrowsmith, R W Whitaker 1510h S43D-06 Near- Source, Seismo-Acoustic Signals Accompanying a NASCAR Race at the Texas Motor Speedway: B W Stump, C Hayward, R Underwood, J E Howard, M D MacPhail, P Golden, A Endress 1340h SA43A-4101 POSTER First Results from a New Rigid Falling Sphere Probe to Measure Winds, Density, and Temperature in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere : C S Fish, M F Larsen, R F Pfaff Jr, R Fullmer, C Swenson, R Martineau, W Sanderson, M Pilinski 1525h S43D-07 Can GDSN Seismometers be used as Temporary Replacements for Hydrophone Stations?: R G Heyburn 1340h SA43A-4102 POSTER Topside Ionospheric Sounder for CubeSats: C Swenson, J Pratt, C S Fish, C Winkler, M Pilinski, I Azeem, G Crowley, M Jeppesen, R Martineau SPA-AERONOMY 1340h SA43A-4103 POSTER The Calibration of a Large Number of Scientific Instruments for the Auroral Spatial Structures Probe Sub-Orbital Mission: A Swenson, J Miller, T L Neilsen, C S Fish, C Swenson SA43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Aeronomy: General Contributions I Posters Presiding: Larry Paxton, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory; Ian Richardson, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Robyn Millan, Dartmouth College 1340h SA43A-4081 POSTER Middle Atmosphere Sounder and Thermal Emission Radiometer – Master: M G Mlynczak, D K Scott, R W Esplin, S M Bailey, C E Randall 1340h SA43A-4082 POSTER Derivation of Incident Angle and Sweeping Voltage Design on Advanced Ionospheric Probe onboard FORMOSAT-5: Z W Lin, C K Chao, Y S Chang 1340h SA43A-4083 POSTER Design of Miniaturized Time-of-Flight Reflectron Mass Spectrometer for Upper Atmosphere Density Measurements: M L Pyle, C Swenson, R Davidson 1340h SA43A-4084 POSTER A global upper atmosphere observatory using lidar on the International Space Station: J H Clemmons, S M Beck, J H Hecht, C F Corey, J C McLeroy, K L Ferrone, J F Spann, G R Swenson, D Janches, B L Giles, M A Krainak, A W Yu, S Jones 1340h SA43A-4085 POSTER Total Electron Content Monitoring over South America Region: Validation and Case Studies: P M D S Negreti, E R Paula, Y Otsuka 1340h SA43A-4087 POSTER GPS Observation of Fast-moving Continent-size Traveling TEC Pulsations at the Start of Geomagnetic Storms: R Pradipta, C E Valladares, P H Doherty 1340h SA43A-4088 POSTER Overview of the Performance of the Compact Total Electron Content Sensor (CTECS) on the Space Environmental NanoSatellite Experiment (SENSE): R L Bishop, S Hansel, D Stoffel, D Ping, J Bardeen, A Chin, S Bielat, T L Mulligan 1340h SA43A-4089 POSTER HF Radio Wave Propagation in the Ionosphere Observed with the ePOP RRI (Radio Receiver Instrument) -SuperDARN Experiment: G C Hussey, R G Gillies, C G Ridley, A W Yau, K A McWilliams, G J Sofko THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h SA43A-4104 POSTER Theory and Capability of the Planar Langmuir Probe: D L Cooke, P A Roddy, J Ballenthin, J Machuzak, R M Albarran, J Klenzing 1340h SA43A-4105 POSTER Measurement of Neutral Winds and Gradients in the Lower Thermosphere with Multi-Point, Chemical-Release Sounding Rocket Payloads: C Andersen SA43B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Ice Layers in the Mesopause Region: Their Physics, Relationship to the Environment in Which They Form, and Response to External Forcings I Posters Presiding: James Russell, Hampton University; Scott Bailey, VA Tech 1340h SA43B-4107 POSTER Nucleation of Mesospheric Cloud Particles: Model and Laboratory Results: H Wilms, A Kirsch, M Rapp, D Duft, M Nachbar, T Leisner 1340h SA43B-4108 POSTER SBUV Version 4 PMC Data and Trend Analysis: Did the Trend Change in the mid-1990’s?: M T DeLand, G E Thomas 1340h SA43B-4109 POSTER Cips (Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment) Observations of a Newly Discovered Population of Very Large Ice Particles in Polar Mesospheric Clouds: D W Rusch, G E Thomas, A Chandran, A W Merkel, J D Lumpe Jr, C E Randall, J J Olivero, S M Bailey, J M Russell III 1340h SA43B-4110 POSTER Interannual Variability in PMCs from AIM/CIPS: C E Randall, V L Harvey, L A Holt, J D Lumpe Jr, S M Bailey, J M Russell III 1340h SA43B-4111 POSTER Mesospheric Zonal Mean Winds Derived from Consecutive Orbits of AIM Cips Images: P P Rong, J Yue, J M Russell III, J D Lumpe Jr, J Gong, D L Wu, C E Randall 1340h SA43B-4112 POSTER An Albedo-Ice Regression Method for Determining Ice Water Content of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from UV Observations: G E Thomas, C Bardeen, S Benze 1340h SA43B-4113 POSTER On the formation of sharp gradients in electron density resulting from an ice-plasma feedback instabilities in the polar summer mesosphere: J Yee, H Bahcivan SA43C Moscone West 2016 Thursday1340h Frontiers in Global Change in the Middle Atmosphere and Its Coupling to the Lower Atmosphere I (joint with A, GC) Presiding: Xun Zhu, Johns Hopkins Univ; William Swartz, Johns Hopkins Univ; Ming Cai, The Florida State University; Jae Lee, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 1340h SA43C-01 Simulation of secular temperature trends in the stratosphere, mesosphere and lower thermosphere: R R Garcia 1355h SA43C-02 Global Distribution of CO2 Volume Mixing Ratio in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere and Long-Term Changes Observed By Saber: J M Russell III, L Rezac, J Yue, Y Jian, A A Kutepov, R R Garcia, K A Walker, P F Bernath 1410h SA43C-03 Interpreting Recent Global-Mean Temperature Changes in the Lower Stratosphere Simulated by Climate Models: M A Geller, T Zhou, W G Martin, H Song, S Wang, L Nazarenko, K W K Lo 1425h SA43C-04 The Future of the Stratosphere and the Ozone Layer: P A Newman, L Oman, S Pawson, E L Fleming, F Li, C H Jackman 1440h SA43C-05 MLT Dynamics Related to Major Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events: V Limpasuvan, Y J Orsolini, A Chandran, R R Garcia, D E Kinnison 1455h SA43C-06 Occurrence of Winter Stratospheric Sudden Warming Events and the Seasonal Timing of Spring Stratospheric Final Warming: R Ren 1510h SA43C-07 Why Does a CO2 Increase Cool the Stratosphere?: S Sejas 1525h SA43C-08 Neutral Air Density Variations Derived from Specular Meteor Echo Observation Spanning One Solar Cycle: G Stober, V Matthias, J L Chau, P Brown SPA-SOLAR AND HELIOSPHERIC PHYSICS SH43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Connection of Solar Events with the Variability of Space Environments II Posters (joint with SA, SM) Presiding: Chin-Chun Wu, Naval Research Lab DC; Kan Liou, JHU/Applied Physics Lab; Simon Plunkett, Naval Research Lab; Shi Tsan Wu, University of Alabama in Huntsville 1340h SH43A-4165 POSTER Comparisons of characteristics of magnetic clouds and cloud-like structures during 1995-2012: R P Lepping, C C Wu, K Liou 1340h SH43A-4166 POSTER An Unusual Heliospheric Plasma Sheet Crossing at 1 AU : C C Wu, K Liou, A Vourlidas, R P Lepping, Y M Wang, S P Plunkett, D G Socker, S T Wu 1340h SH43A-4167 POSTER Severe to Extreme Solar Storms: Magnetic Field Complexity and Warnings: H Lundstedt 1340h SH43A-4168 POSTER Characteristics of solar wind density depletions during solar cycles 23 and 24: K Park, J Lee, S Oh, Y Yi 1340h SH43A-4169 POSTER Full Halo Coronal Mass Ejections: Arrival at the Earth: C Shen, Y Wang, Z Pan, B Miao, P Ye, S Wang 1340h SH43A-4170 POSTER Coronal shocks properties and their associations with energetic particle events measured near 1AU: A P Rouillard, A Vourlidas, A J Tylka, C K Ng, C M Cohen 1340h SH43A-4171 POSTER Study of QuasiHomologous Coronal Mass Ejections from Super Active Regions in Solar Cycle 23: L Liu, Y Wang, C Shen, R Liu, P Ye, S Wang 1340h SH43A-4172 POSTER A reexamination of long-duration radial IMF events: G Pi, J H Shue, C K Chao, Z Nemecek, J Safrankova, C H Lin All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:37 AM 1340h SH43A-4173 POSTER Interaction of magnetic clouds with the Earth’s environment: effects due to the terrestrial bow shock: D Fontaine, L Turc, P Savoini 1340h SH43B-4193 POSTER A Comparison of FeRich Solar Energetic Particle Events from Cycle 24 to Those of Cycle 23: C M Cohen, R A Mewaldt, G M Mason, M E Wiedenbeck 1340h SH43A-4174 POSTER Dual-Time Stepping Method for Solar Wind Model in Spherical Coordinates: X S Feng 1340h SH43B-4194 POSTER 2012 May 17th GLE: New Views of a GLE with PAMELA: G A de Nolfo, M Boezio, U Bravar, A Bruno, E R Christian, M Martucci, M MergГЁ, M Mocchiutti, R Munini, M Ricci, J M Ryan, S Stochaj, N Thakur 1340h SH43A-4175 POSTER Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Interplanetary Shocks Near Earth: P Kajdic, X Blanco-Cano, B Lavraud 1340h SH43A-4176 POSTER Global MHD Simulation of the Coronal Mass Ejection on 2011 March 7: from Chromosphere to 1 AU: M Jin, W Manchester, B van der Holst, I Sokolov, G Toth, A Vourlidas, C A de Koning, T I Gombosi 1340h SH43A-4177 POSTER Could the Collision of CMEs in the Heliosphere be Super-Elastic? (ii) Influence of the Initial Speed of CMEs on Their Collision Process: F Shen, Y Wang, C Shen, X S Feng 1340h SH43A-4178 POSTER RealВ-Time Ensemble Forecasting of Coronal Mass Ejections Using the Wsa-Enlil+Cone Model: M L Mays, A Taktakishvili, A A Pulkkinen, D Odstrcil, P J MacNeice, L Rastaetter, J A LaSota 1340h SH43A-4179 POSTER Evolution of Three Geoeffective Shock-CME pairs in September 2011 : S T Wu, K Liou, C C Wu, A Vourlidas, S P Plunkett, M Dryer, PhD, D G Socker, B E Wood 1340h SH43A-4180 POSTER Squeezing of Particle Distributions by Expanding Magnetic Turbulence and Space Weather Variability: D J Ruffolo, P Tooprakai, A Seripienlert, P Chuychai, W H Matthaeus 1340h SH43A-4181 POSTER The Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles as Observed by the Stereo Spacecraft and Near Earth: T T von Rosenvinge, I G Richardson, H V Cane, E R Christian, A C Cummings, C M Cohen, R A Leske, R A Mewaldt, E C Stone, M E Wiedenbeck 1340h SH43A-4182 POSTER Magnetic reconnection at the solar wind current sheets as a possible cause of strahl electrons acceleration and SEP dropouts: O Khabarova, V V Zharkova 1340h SH43A-4183 POSTER Persistent Energetic Ion Outbursts from the Sun: R Bucik, D Innes, G M Mason 1340h SH43A-4184 POSTER Q/A Dependence on Shock Geometry Using Multi-Spacecraft Observations: L Zhao, G Li, G M Mason, C M Cohen, R W Ebert, R A Mewaldt, I G Richardson 1340h SH43A-4185 POSTER A searching of past large Solar Proton Event by measuring carbon-14 content in tree-rings: F Miyake, K Masuda, M Hakozaki, T Nakamura, K Kimura 1340h SH43A-4186 POSTER Association Rate of Major Sep Events As a Function of CME Speed and Source Longitude: S Yashiro, N Gopalswamy, S Akiyama, P A Makela, H Xie 1340h SH43A-4187 POSTER Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration in the Solar Corona with Simulated Field Line Random Walk and Wave Generation: A D Arthur, J A le Roux 1340h SH43A-4188 POSTER The Solar Energetic Particle Event on 2013 April 11: An Investigation of the Solar Origin of its Longitudinal Widespread: N E Raouafi, D Lario, R Y Kwon, J Zhang, R GomezHerrero, N Dresing, P Riley 1340h SH43A-4189 POSTER Transport of Solar Energetic Particles across the Parker field direction due to field line meandering: T L Laitinen, A Kopp, F Effenberger, S Dalla, M S Marsh 1340h SH43A-4190 POSTER High Energy Particle Events in Solar Cycles 23 and 24: N Thakur, N Gopalswamy, P A Makela, S Yashiro, S Akiyama, H Xie SH43B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Solar Sources and Heliospheric Consequences of Coronal Mass Ejections in Solar Cycle 24 II Posters (joint with SM) Presiding: Ying Liu, NSSC National Space Science Center, CAS; NoГ© Lugaz, University of New Hampshire; Benoit Lavraud, IRAP/CNRS; Neel Savani, Naval Research Laboratory 1340h SH43B-4191 POSTER 25 MeV Solar Proton Events in Cycle 24 and Previous Cycles: I G Richardson, H V Cane, T T von Rosenvinge 1340h SH43B-4192 POSTER Energetic Particle Anisotropies Observed By Stereo/LET in the 23 July 2012 Solar Particle Event: R A Leske, A C Cummings, C M Cohen, R A Mewaldt, A W Labrador, E C Stone, M E Wiedenbeck, E R Christian, T T von Rosenvinge 1340h SH43B-4195 POSTER Preliminary Results on Simulations of Ground Level Enhancements (GLEs) detected by The High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC): O Enriquez Rivera, A Lara 1340h SH43B-4196 POSTER GLE and the NON-GLE Solar Events Observed by AMS-02 in Solar Cycle 24: V Bindi, C Consolandi, C Corti, K Whitman 1340h SH43B-4197 POSTER Proton Intensity Spectra during the May 17th, 2012 and January 6th, 2014 Solar Energetic Particle Events - Measurement Capabilities of the Electron Proton Helium Telescope on Board SOHO : P KГјhl, S Banjac, N Dresing, R Gomez-Herrero, B Heber, A Klassen, C Terasa 1340h SH43B-4199 POSTER Simulations of Solar Energetic Particles Response to Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections in the Gradual Events: G Qin, Y Wang 1340h SH43B-4200 POSTER Possible Role of Coronal Streamer as Magnetically-closed Structure in Shock-induced Energetic Electrons and Metric Type II Radio Bursts: X Kong, Y Chen, F Guo, G Li 1340h SH43B-4201 POSTER A Solar type-II radio burst from CME-coronal ray interaction: simultaneous radio and EUV imaging: Y Chen, G Du, L Feng, S Feng, X Kong, F Guo, B Wang, G Li 1340h SH43B-4202 POSTER What Do EUV Dimmings Tell Us About CME Topology?: B J Thompson, M L DeRosa, R R Fisher, L D Krista, R Y Kwon, J P Mason, M L Mays, N Nitta, N Savani, M J West 1340h SH43B-4203 POSTER DIRECT OBSERVATIONS OF MAGNETIC FLUX ROPE FORMATION DURING A SOLAR CORONAL MASS EJECTION: H Song, J Zhang, Y Chen, X Cheng 1340h SH43B-4204 POSTER Microwave Signatures in the Pre-impulsive Phase of a Solar Flare: Z Wu, Y Chen, G Huang, G Li SH43C Moscone West 2012 Thursday1340h Implications and Applications of Kappa Distributions in Space Plasma Physics II (joint with NG, SA, SM) Presiding: George Livadiotis, Southwest Research Institute; Ioannis Kourakis, Centre for Plasma Physics; Jacob Heerikhuisen, U of AL/Huntsville-CSPAR 1340h SH43C-01 The kappa Distribution as Tool in Investigating Hot Plasmas in the Magnetospheres of Outer Planets: S M Krimigis, J F Carbary 1340h SH43B-4210 POSTER ForeCAT: Using CME Deflections to Constrain their Mass and the Drag: C Kay, L F G dos Santos, M Opher 1340h SH43B-4211 POSTER Propagation of the 2012 March Coronal Mass Ejections from the Sun to Heliopause: Y D Liu, J D Richardson, C Wang, J G Luhmann 1340h SH43B-4212 POSTER Rotation of a Magnetic Cloud: MESSENGER and STEREO-B Observations: S W Good, R J Forsyth 1340h SH43B-4213 POSTER Forecasting the magnetic vectors within a CME at L1 by using solar observations: N Savani, A Vourlidas, A Szabo, M L Mays, R M Evans, B J Thompson, I G Richardson, A A Pulkkinen, T Nieves-Chinchilla 1340h SH43B-4214 POSTER The HELCATS Project: Characterising the Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed During Solar Cycle 24: M M Bisi, R A Harrison, J A Davies, C H Perry, C Moestl, A P Rouillard, V Bothmer, L Rodriguez, J P Eastwood, E Kilpua, P Gallagher, D Odstrcil 1340h SH43B-4215 POSTER Observations of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections and its Geoeffectiveness During 1996-2013: Y Chi, C Shen, Y Wang 1340h SH43B-4216 POSTER Shocks Propagating Through Coronal Mass Ejections: N Lugaz, C J Farrugia, C W Smith, K W Paulson 1340h SH43B-4217 POSTER 3D Numerical Study of Typical CME Event: The 2010-04-03 Event: Y Zhou, X S Feng, X Zhao 1340h SM43A-4263 POSTER A Statistical Study of EMIC Waves Observed at THEMIS Probes in the Outer (L > 7) Magnetosphere Under Quiet Geomagnetic Conditions: G J Kim, K H Kim, J S Park, E Lee, D H Lee 1340h SM43A-4265 POSTER Analysis of EMIC waves in relation to magnetospheric heavy ion density: H Kim, E H Kim, J Johnson, D H Lee, C R Clauer, M Lessard, M J Engebretson, Z Xu 1425h SH43C-04 Low Energy Neutral Atoms and Kappa Ion Distributions in the Heliosheath: S Fuselier, F Allegrini, M Bzowski, M A Dayeh, M I Desai, H O Funsten, A Galli, D Heirtzler, P H Janzen, M A Kubiak, H Kucharek, W S Lewis, G Livadiotis, D J McComas, E Moebius, S M Petrinec, M S Quinn, N Schwadron, J M Sokol, K J Trattner 1438h SH41A-4120 The Dispersion Relations for Dispersive AlfvГ©n Waves in Superthermal Plasmas: R Gaelzer, L F Ziebell 1451h SH43C-06 On the Radial Evolution of ?-Distributions of Pick-up Protons in the Supersonic Solar Wind: H J Fahr, H Fichtner, K Scherer 1504h SH43C-07 Electron kappa distribution, quasi-thermal noise, and spontaneously-emitted electromagnetic fluctuations: P H Yoon 1518h SH43C-08 Quasi-Conformality of a NonExtensive Entropy and Kappa Distributions: N Kalogeropoulos 1531h Discussion SM43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h 1340h SH43B-4209 POSTER The Interaction of Two Coronal-Mass Ejections: Particle-in-cell simulation: Z Yang, Y D Liu, R Wang, C Huang 1340h SM43A-4262 POSTER Statistical Characteristics of EMIC Waves Observed at Geosynchronous Orbit during Quiet Geomagnetic Conditions: J S Park, K H Kim, D H Lee, E Lee, H Jin 1410h SH43C-03 The Common Spectrum in the Heliosphere: Observations and a Theory to Explain the Observations: G Gloeckler, L A Fisk 1340h SH43B-4206 POSTER The relationship between CME momenta and magnetic forces: Y Li, B J Lynch, B T Welsch, D J Bercik 1340h SH43B-4208 POSTER The possible trigger mechanism of the solar eruption in 2012 July 12: R Wang 1340h SM43A-4261 POSTER Application of Local Time Dependent Ion Composition to Observations, Modeling, and Effects of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves: J H Lee, V Angelopoulos, L Chen, R M Thorne 1340h SM43A-4264 POSTER Statistical analysis of plasmaspheric EMIC waves: Y Kato, Y Miyoshi, K Sakaguchi, Y Kasahara, K Keika, M Shoji, N Kitamura, S Hasegawa, A Kumamoto, K Shiokawa SPA-MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS 1340h SH43B-4207 POSTER Using Ionic Charge States to Investigate the Relationship Between Eruptive Flare Emission and the Heating of CME Plasma: B J Lynch, M Kazachenko, Y Li, A Reinard, T L Mulligan 1340h SM43A-4260 POSTER ULF Wave Electromagnetic Energy Flux into the Ionosphere: Joule Heating Implications: M Hartinger, M Moldwin, S Zou, J W Bonnell, V Angelopoulos 1355h SH43C-02 Kappa Distributions: The Injection Problem At Perpendicular Shocks And The Transmission Problem At The Heliospheric Termination Shock: G P Zank 1340h SH43B-4205 POSTER Early Evolution of An Energetic Coronal Mass Ejection: R Liu, Y Wang, C Shen All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 55 1340h SH43B-4218 POSTER New approach for the inverse boundary value problem of Laplace’s equation on a rectangle: technique renovation for the Grad-Shafranov (GS) reconstruction: H Li, X S Feng, J Xiang, P Zuo Cross-Energy Interactions in the Inner Magnetosphere II Posters Presiding: Jichun Zhang, University of New Hampshire; Yiqun Yu, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Colby Lemon, The Aerospace Corporation; Michael Liemohn, University of Michigan 1340h SM43A-4251 POSTER Advancements in empirical geomagnetic field modeling during the Van Allen Probes era: G K Stephens, M I Sitnov, H Korth, A Y Ukhorskiy 1340h SM43A-4252 POSTER Source of O+ in the ring current: Van Allen Probes observations during the 1 June 2013 storm : J Yang, P Song, W J Burke, J Zhang, M Noah, B Larsen, H E Spence, G D Reeves 1340h SM43A-4253 POSTER Ion Spectral Structures Observed by the Van Allen Probes and Cluster: C Ferradas, J Zhang, H Luo, L M Kistler, H E Spence, B Larsen, R M Skoug, H O Funsten, G D Reeves 1340h SM43A-4254 POSTER On the threshold energization of radiation belt electrons by double layers: A P Dimmock, A Osmane, T I Pulkkinen 1340h SM43A-4256 POSTER Observations of the coupling efficiency of VLF lightning-generated whistlers into the low-latitude plasmasphere: A R Jacobson, R H Holzworth II, R F Pfaff Jr, R A Heelis 1340h SM43A-4257 POSTER Comparison between Low and High Latitude Lightning VLF Wave Propagation Using WWLLN and Van Allen Probes: H Zheng, R H Holzworth II, J B Brundell, J R Wygant, G B Hospodarsky, F Mozer, A R Jacobson, J W Bonnell 1340h SM43A-4258 POSTER The interaction of high-m guided poloidal alfven waves with magnetospheric electrons and the ionosphere: R Rankin, D Sydorenko 1340h SM43A-4259 POSTER Observations of purely compressional waves in the upper ULF band observed by the Van Allen Probes: J L Posch, M J Engebretson, J Johnson, E H Kim, S A Thaller, J R Wygant, C Kletzing, C W Smith, G D Reeves THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h SM43A-4266 POSTER EMIC waves and associated relativistic electron precipitation on 2526 January 2013: J Zhang, A Halford, C L Huang, H E Spence, G D Reeves, R M Millan, R J Redmon, C W Smith, R B Torbert, W S Kurth, C Kletzing, S G Claudepierre, J B Blake, J F F Fennell, D N Baker 1340h SM43A-4267 POSTER Electron Lifetimes from Narrowband Wave-Particle Interactions within the Plasmasphere: J F Ripoll, J Albert, G Cunningham 1340h SM43A-4268 POSTER Long-term Trends in Plasmapause Location Based on Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Observations: R Pernak, L M Winter, W R Johnston, Y J Su, J Cho, R A Quinn 1340h SM43A-4269 POSTER Fine Structure of Plasmaspheric Hiss: D Summers, Y Omura, S Nakamura, C Kletzing 1340h SM43A-4270 POSTER Long-duration exohiss waves outside the plasmasphere: observed by Van Allen Probes: H Zhu, Z Su, F Xiao, H Zheng, Y Wang, Z He, C Shen, M Zhang, S Wang, C Kletzing, W S Kurth, G B Hospodarsky, H E Spence, G D Reeves, H O Funsten, J B Blake, D N Baker 1340h SM43A-4271 POSTER Drifting QuasiPeriodic Modulation of the Fast Magnetosonic Mode: Van Allen Probe Observations: S A Boardsen, G B Hospodarsky, C Kletzing, R F Pfaff Jr, W S Kurth, J R Wygant, E MacDonald 1340h SM43A-4272 POSTER Role of Lower-hybrid Resonances to Relativistic Electrons: S H Chen, M C H Fok, G V Khazanov SM43B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Incorporating Plasma Waves in Models of the Radiation Belts and Ring Current III Posters Presiding: Vania Jordanova, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Richard Thorne, UCLA; Jichun Zhang, University of New Hampshire 1340h SM43B-4273 POSTER Statistical Character of Emic Waves: Van Allen Probe Observations: D Wang, X Yu, Z Yuan, X Deng, S Huang 1340h SM43B-4274 POSTER Model of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere: K V Gamayunov, M J Engebretson, M Zhang, H Rassoul 1340h SM43B-4276 POSTER EMIC Wave Induced Radiation Belt Losses and Proton Aurora: R E Erlandson, L J Paxton, Y Zhang, R K Schaefer 1340h SM43B-4277 POSTER Predominance of Ech Wave Contribution to the Diffuse Auroral Precipitation in Earth’s Outer Magnetosphere: X Zhang, V Angelopoulos, B Ni, R M Thorne 1340h SM43B-4278 POSTER Statistical results describing the bandwidth and coherence coefficient of whistler-mode waves using THEMIS waveform data: X Gao, W Li, J Bortnik, R M Thorne, V Angelopoulos, Q Lu, X Tao 1340h SM43B-4279 POSTER Characteristics of Plasmaspheric Hiss Wave Spectrum and Their Effects on Energetic Electron Dynamics: W Li, R M Thorne, J Bortnik, Q Ma, C Kletzing, W S Kurth, G B Hospodarsky 2014 55 11/28/2014 11:06:37 AM 1340h SM43B-4280 POSTER A Global Model of Plasmaspheric Hiss Waves Inferred from Poes Observations: M de Soria-Santacruz Pich, W Li, R M Thorne, Q Ma, J Bortnik, B Ni, C Kletzing, W S Kurth, G B Hospodarsky 1340h SM43B-4281 POSTER Activity Dependent Global Model of Electron Loss inside the Plasmasphere: K Orlova, M Spasojevic, Y Shprits 1340h SM43B-4282 POSTER Wave Properties of Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves as Observed by Cluster: M A Balikhin, S N Walker, Y Shprits 1340h SM43B-4283 POSTER The dependence of fast magnetosonic wave instability on wave normal angles: L Chen 1340h SM43B-4284 POSTER RAM - C P L Simulations of Electron Transport and Plasma Wave Scattering Using Van Allen Probes Data: V Jordanova, J Zhang, A Saikin, J Albert, W Tu, Y Chen, S Morley, S De Pascuale, C Kletzing 1340h SM43B-4285 POSTER Bounce averaged diffusion coefficients in a physics based magnetic field geometry from RAM-SCB: L Zhao, Y Yu, G L Delzanno, V Jordanova 1340h SM43B-4286 POSTER Characteristics of Pitch Angle Distributions of 100s Kev Electrons in the Slot Region and Inner Radiation BeltВВВВВВВВ: H Zhao, X Li, J B Blake, J Fennell, S G Claudepierre, D N Baker, A N Jaynes, D Malaspina 1340h SM43B-4287 POSTER The pitch angle diffusion by stochastic motion in the Earth’s radiation belt: C Choi, K Dokgo, S B Kang, E J Choi, K W Min, J Hwang, Y D Park 1340h SM43B-4303 POSTER Energetic electron interaction with broadband ULF waves: D Vassiliadis, M Tornquist, M E Koepke, X Shao 1340h SM43B-4305 POSTER Falling-tone chorus: theory and simulations: A R Soto-chavez, G Wang, A Bhattacharjee, G Y Fu, H M Smith 1340h SM43B-4306 POSTER Simulation Study of the Direct Measurement of the Pitch Angle Scattering of Energetic Electrons by WhistlerMode Chorus Emissions: M Kitahara, Y Katoh, H Kojima, Y Omura 1340h SM43B-4307 POSTER Laboratory investigation of nonlinear whistler wave processes: B Amatucci, E M Tejero, C E Crabtree, D D Blackwell, M Mithaiwala, L Rudakov, G Ganguli 1340h SM43B-4308 POSTER Wave-Kinetic Simulations of the Nonlinear Generation of Electromagnetic VLF Waves through Velocity Ring Instabilities: G Ganguli, C E Crabtree, L Rudakov, M Mithaiwala 1340h SM43B-4309 POSTER Nonlinear VLF Wave Physics in the Radiation Belts: C E Crabtree, E M Tejero, G Ganguli, M Mithaiwala, L Rudakov, G B Hospodarsky, C Kletzing 1340h SM43B-4310 POSTER Nonlinear Generation of Electromagnetic Waves Through Scattering by Thermal Electrons: E M Tejero, C E Crabtree, D D Blackwell, B Amatucci, M Mithaiwala, L Rudakov, G Ganguli 1340h SM43B-4311 POSTER Simulating the Decay of Inner Radiation Belt Electrons: W R Johnston, R Selesnick, J Albert, J P McCollough II, X Li, W Tu 1340h SM43B-4288 POSTER Estimation of pitch angle diffusion coefficients for EMIC waves with realistic field models: S B Kang, K W Min, C Choi, J Hwang 1340h SM43B-4312 POSTER Experiment of ~200 keV electron pitch angle diffusion near loss cone boundary: J Lee 1340h SM43B-4289 POSTER Sub-packet structures in EMIC triggered emissions observed by the THEMIS probes: S Nakamura, Y Omura, M Shoji, M Nose, D Summers, V Angelopoulos SM43C Moscone West 2018 Thursday1340h 1340h SM43B-4290 POSTER Examining EMIC wave spectral properties using in situ measurements of multi-ion species and hybrid simulations: K Min, K Liu, H E Spence, G D Reeves, H O Funsten, B Larsen, C Kletzing, G B Hospodarsky, W S Kurth, R E Denton, J R Wygant, J W Bonnell, A W Breneman, J M Jahn 1340h SM43B-4291 POSTER Global Simulation of EMIC waves at Earth: Generation and Application of Linearly Polarized EMIC waves: E H Kim, E J Valeo, J Johnson, H Kim, D H Lee, C Phillips 1340h SM43B-4292 POSTER Relativistic electron microbursts due to pitch angle scattering by EMIC triggered emissions: Y Kubota, Y Omura, D Summers 1340h SM43B-4293 POSTER Whistler mode wave generation in a laboratory plasma: X An, B Van Compernolle, J Bortnik, R M Thorne 1340h SM43B-4294 POSTER Quasi-periodic Whistler Mode Waves Detected by the Van Allen Probes Spacecraft: G B Hospodarsky, O Santolik, F Nemec, W S Kurth, C Kletzing, S R Bounds, J R Wygant, J W Bonnell 1340h SM43B-4295 POSTER Emergence of Electron Distributions Related to Banded Chorus Excitation: K Liu, K Min, X Fu, S P Gary, D Winske, M Cowee 1340h SM43B-4296 POSTER Correlations between chorus properties and electron velocity distributions: Van Allen Probes: X Fu, M Cowee, S P Gary, K Liu, K Min, D Winske 1340h SM43B-4297 POSTER Whistlers on Density Gradients in the Radiation Belts: A V Streltsov, J R Woodroffe, M T Bengtson 1340h SM43B-4298 POSTER Hybrid code simulations of whistler mode chorus waves in oneand two-dimensinoal dipole coordinates: S Wu, R E Denton, K Liu, M K Hudson 1340h SM43B-4299 POSTER Analysis of the Effects of Finite Particle Temperature on Whistler Mode Wave Propagation in the Earth’s Magnetosphere: M Golkowski, P Kulkarni 1340h SM43B-4300 POSTER Quasi-Linear Evolution of Trapped Electron Fluxes Under the Influence of Realistic Whistler-Mode Waves: O V Agapitov, D Mourenas, A Artemyev, V Krasnoselskikh 1340h SM43B-4301 POSTER A study on characteristics of radial transport of relativistic electrons by ULF Pc5 waves in the inner magnetosphere based on the GEMSIS-RC and RB models: K Seki, T Amano, S Saito, Y Miyoshi, Y Matsumoto, T Umeda, K Keika, Y Miyashita 1340h SM43B-4302 POSTER Novel Estimates of ULF Wave Radial Diffusion of Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belts using the Van Allen Probes, THEMIS and GOES: T E Sarris, X Li, Q Schiller 56 AGU2014News.indb 56 2014 Magnetic Energy Dissipation through Magnetic Reconnection in Laboratory and Heliophysical Plasmas II (joint with SH) Presiding: Hantao Ji, Princeton Univ; Vassilis Angelopoulos, UCLA---ESS/ IGPP; William Daughton, MS-F699, Plasma Theory and App 1340h SM43C-01 Coronal Signatures of Magnetic Energy Dissipation in Solar Eruptions: S Krucker 1400h SM43C-02 Ion and Electron Bulk Heating in Magnetic Reconnection: Dependence on the Inflow AlfvГ©n Speed: T D Phan, J F Drake, M A Shay, J T Gosling, G Paschmann, M Oieroset, M Fujimoto, J P Eastwood, V Angelopoulos 1420h SM43C-03 Instabilities in the separatrices of asymmetric reconnection at the dayside magnetopause: D B Graham, A Vaivads, Y V Khotyaintsev, H Viberg, M Andre 1434h SM43C-04 Theoretical Studies of Energy Conversion in Magnetic Reconnection: P Cassak 1454h SM43C-05 Ion Temperature Anisotropy across Reconnection Exhaust Jets: H Hietala, J F Drake, T D Phan, J P Eastwood, J P McFadden 1508h SM43C-06 Study of Energy Conversion and Partitioning in the Magnetic Reconnection Layer in Laboratory and Space Plasmas: M Yamada 1528h SM43C-07 Laboratory Magnetic Reconnection Experiments with Colliding, Magnetized Laser-Produced Plasma Plumes: W R Fox II, A Bhattacharjee, W Deng, C Moissard, K Germaschewski, G Fiksel, D Barnak, P Y Chang, S Hu, P Nilson TECTONOPHYSICS T43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Three-Dimensional Observations and Models of Lithospheric Extension I Posters (joint with S) Presiding: Dale Sawyer, Rice University; Timothy Minshull, University of Southampton; Timothy Reston, University of Birmingham 1340h T43A-4672 POSTER Enigmatic rift-parallel, strike-slip faults around EyjafjГ¶rГ°ur, Northern Iceland: J A Proett, J A Karson 1340h T43A-4673 POSTER Multiple Generations of Faulting: A Kinematic Analysis of the LagarfljГіt Region, Northeast Iceland: K Runnals, J A Karson, A J Fiorentino II THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1340h T43A-4674 POSTER Exploring Crustal Structure and Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Associated with the Incipient Southern and Southwestern Branches of the East African Rift System: Y Yu, C A Reed, S S Gao, K H Liu, B Massinque, H S Mdala, P R N Chindandali, M Moidaki, D M Mutamina 1340h T43A-4697 POSTER Seismic valve as the main mechanism for sedimentary fluid entrapment within extensional basin: example of the LodГЁve Permian Basin (HГ©rault, South of France): D Laurent, M Lopez, A Chauvet, P Imbert, A C Sauvage, M Buatier, M Thomas 1340h T43A-4675 POSTER Character of High Temperature Mylonitic Shear Zones Associated with Oceanic Detachment Faults at the Ultra-Slow Mid-Cayman Rise: C Marr, B E John, M J Cheadle, C R German 1340h T43A-4698 POSTER LATE CRETACEOUS LOCALIZED CRUSTAL THICKENING AS A PRIMARY CONTROL ON THE 3-D ARCHITECTURE AND EXHUMATION HISTORIES OF CORDILLERAN METAMORPHIC CORE COMPLEXES: P B Gans, M Wong 1340h T43A-4676 POSTER Lithospheric Structure, Stress, and Magmatism at the Rainbow NonTransform Offset on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: M Paulatto, J P Canales, R A Dunn 1340h T43A-4677 POSTER GPS Constraints on the Spatial Distribution of Extension in the Ethiopian Highlands and Main Ethiopian Rift: Y B Amere, R O Bendick, S Fisseha, E Lewi, R E Reilinger, R W King, G Kianji 1340h T43A-4699 POSTER Thermal Evolution of Continental Rifting in Corsica (France): N M Seymour, D F Stockli, M Beltrando, A Smye 1340h T43A-4700 POSTER P-to-S Receiver Function Constraints on Crustal Structure and Rift Magmatism in the Southeastern United States: H Parker Jr, R B Hawman, K M Fischer, L S Wagner 1340h T43A-4678 POSTER Radial Anisotropy beneath the Main Ethiopian Rift and Afar Depression: N J Accardo, J B Gaherty, G Jin, D J Shillington 1340h T43A-4701 POSTER Neogene Extension and Exhumation in NW Sulawesi: E L Advokaat, R Hall, L T White, R A Armstrong, B P Kohn, M K BouDagher-Fadel 1340h T43A-4679 POSTER Quantifying crustal back-arc extension and shortening in the Northeast Japan arc: S Okada, Y Ikeda, T Imaizumi 1340h T43A-4702 POSTER Pliocene Core Complex Exhumation on Land and Rapid Subsidence in Gorontalo Bay, Sulawesi (Indonesia): G Pezzati, R Hall, P Burgess, M Perez-Gussinye 1340h T43A-4680 POSTER Model of lithospheric rifting controlled by magmatic underplating in the South China Sea: H Xu 1340h T43A-4681 POSTER Neogene Extension of the Central North Arm of Sulawesi, Indonesia: A Rudyawan, R Hall, L T White 1340h T43A-4682 POSTER 3D Seismic Reflection Experiment over the Galicia Deep Basin: D S Sawyer, B Jordan, T J Reston, T A Minshull, D Klaeschen, C Ranero, D J Shillington, J K Morgan 1340h T43A-4683 POSTER Galicia Bank OceanContinent Transition Zone: New Seismic Reflection Constraints: S L Dean, D S Sawyer, J K Morgan 1340h T43A-4684 POSTER Searching for the Onset of Seafloor Spreading West of Galicia: Wide-Angle Seismic Constraints: R G Davy, T A Minshull, G Bayrakci, J M Bull, D S Sawyer, D Klaeschen, C A Papenberg, T J Reston, D J Shillington, C Ranero, C A Zelt 1340h T43A-4685 POSTER Constraining Lithosphere Deformation Modes during Continental Breakup for the Iberia-Newfoundland Conjugate Margins: L Jeanniot, N J Kusznir, G Mohn, G Manatschal 1340h T43A-4686 POSTER Deep seismic studies of conjugate profiles from the Nova Scotia – Moroccan and the Liguro-Provencal margin pairs: F Klingelhoefer, Y Biari, M Sahabi, D Aslanian, S Philippe, M Schnabel, M Moulin, K E Louden, T Funck, C J Reichert 1340h T43A-4687 POSTER Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Iberia and Newfoundland Rifted Margins: A Quantitative Modeling Approach: G Mohn, G D Karner, G Manatschal, C A Johnson 1340h T43A-4688 POSTER Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Rift Systems: Implication for the Nature, Kinematics and Timing of the Iberian– European Plate Boundary: J Tugend, G Manatschal, N J Kusznir 1340h T43A-4689 POSTER Lithosphere continental rifting and necking in 3D analogue experiments: role of plate divergence rate: Y Nestola, F Storti, C Cavozzi 1340h T43A-4690 POSTER Highly Faulted Upper Crust Caused by Continental Rifting: Evidence from Seafloor Compliance Inversion in the Okinawa Trough: B Y Kuo 1340h T43A-4691 POSTER The Evolution of Back-Arc Extension Driven by the Interference of Different Subduction/Collisional Systems: L C Matenco, K Vogt, T Francois, E Willingshofer 1340h T43A-4693 POSTER Lithospheric mantle deformation in the Yerer-Tullu Wellel Volcanotectonic Lineament: A study of peridotite xenoliths: K R Trestrail, T O Rooney 1340h T43A-4694 POSTER 3D Anisotropic structure of the south-central Mongolia from Rayleigh and Love wave tomography: D Yu, Q Wu, J P Montagner 1340h T43A-4695 POSTER Strain Partitioning and Localization within Dobe Graben Using Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-INSAR) and Shuttle Radar Terrain Model: Z S Demissie, M G Abdelsalam, J M Byrnes, D Bridges 1340h T43A-4696 POSTER Seismogenic Expression of Three Dimensional Strain within a Single Earthquake Sequence: J M Fletcher, M E Oskin, O Teran, E Hauksson 1340h T43A-4703 POSTER Feedbacks Between Surface Processes and Tectonics at Rifted Margins: a Numerical Approach: M Andres-Martinez, M Perez-Gussinye, J P Morgan, J J Armitage 1340h T43A-4704 POSTER Force Required to Breakup a Continent: Implications on Rifting Localization and Migration: A E Svartman Dias, L L Lavier, N W Hayman 1340h T43A-4705 POSTER Regional 3D Numerical Modeling of the Lithosphere-Mantle System: Implications for Continental Rift-Parallel Surface Velocities: D S Stamps, W Bangerth, B H Hager 1340h T43A-4706 POSTER A Constrained MultiObjective Optimization Framework for Multiple Geophysical Data Sets: L E Thompson, A A Velasco, V Kreinovich, A Sosa 1340h T43A-4707 POSTER Gravity Inversion with Geological Modeling Constraint and Its Application in the Okinawa Trough: S Zhang 1340h T43A-4708 POSTER 3D Numerical Models for Along-axis Variations in Diking : X Tian, E Choi 1340h T43A-4709 POSTER Normal-fault development in two-phase experimental models of shortening followed by extension and comparison to natural examples: K F Warrell, M O Withjack, R W Schlische 1340h T43A-4710 POSTER Assessing the Influence of Orogenic Inheritance on the Architecture, Time Evolution and Magmatic Budget of Hyper-extended Rift Systems: a Combined Mapping and Numerical Modelling Approach: P Chenin, G Manatschal, L L Lavier, D Erratt T43B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Advances in Subaqueous Paleoseismology and New Insights from the Sedimentary Records into Earthquake Recurrence and Deformation throughout the Earthquake Cycle I Posters (joint with NH, OS, S) Presiding: Chris Goldfinger, Oregon State University; Ken Ikehara, Marine Geology Research Group 1340h T43B-4711 POSTER River capture by earthquake caused the transition of ancient Sichuan civilizations: N Fan, B Wu, R Nie, X Liu, S Cao 1340h T43B-4712 POSTER Paleoseismic Records of 1762 and Similar Prior Earthquakes Along the South-Eastern Coast of Bangladesh: D R Mondal, C M McHugh, R A Mortlock, D Gurung, A BastasHernandez, M S Steckler, L Seeber, S Mustaque, S L Goodbred Jr, S H Akhter, P Saha 1340h T43B-4713 POSTER Constructing an Alpine Fault Paleoseismicity Record from Slumped Lacustrine Deposits in the Cascade River Valley, South Westland, New Zealand: G Coffey, C M Moy, V G Toy, C Ohneiser, J D Howarth 1340h T43B-4714 POSTER Paleoseismological investigation offshore eastern Sicily and Calabria (Ionian Sea) and possible origin of megaturbidites: M A Gutscher, L San Pedro, N Babonneau, A Cattaneo All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:38 AM 1340h T43B-4715 POSTER Preservation of submarine event deposits: Where is the most preferable area to reconstruct the past earthquake/ tsunami events from marine sediment records?: K Ikehara, T Kanamatsu, J Ashi, M Strasser, K Usami, Y Nakamura, S Kodaira 1340h T43B-4716 POSTER Seismo-turbidites in the Japan Trench inner slope: K Usami, K Ikehara, T Kanamatsu, C M McHugh 1340h T43B-4717 POSTER Seismo-turbidite Sedimentology: Implications for Active Tectonic Margin Stratigraphy and Sediment Facies Patterns: C H Nelson, C Goldfinger, J Gutierrez Pastor, A Polonia, M E Van Daele 1340h T43B-4718 POSTER Sedimentary Records of Past Earthquakes during the Last 2400 Years in Botnsvatn Lake on the HГєsavГk-Flatey Fault, North Iceland: U Avsar, S Jonsson, A Geirsdottir, T Thordarson, G H Miller 1340h T43B-4719 POSTER Investigating the coastal paleo-seismic and paleo-tsunami records using vermetid benches in the Eastern Mediterranean: case of the Palm Islands reserve -Lebanon: A Elias 1340h T43B-4720 POSTER Correlated Paleoseismic Interpretation of Turbidites from 3 Distinct Sedimentary Environments in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Off Vancouver Island Canada: R J Enkin, T S Hamilton, G C Rogers 1340h T43B-4721 POSTER Definition and Paleoseismology of the Active, Left-Lateral Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault Zone Based on High-Resolution Chirp Profiles: Lakes Azuey and Mirogoane, Haiti: J Wang, P Mann, A V von Lignau 1340h T43B-4722 POSTER Comparison of Offshore Turbidite records and Lake Disturbance Events at the Latitude of Seattle, Washington: S Galer, C Goldfinger, A E Morey, B Black, C Romsos, J W Beeson, M Erhardt 1340h T43B-4723 POSTER Exploring the Use of Historic Earthquake Information to Differentiate Between Deposit Triggers for the High-resolution Stratigraphy from Squaw Lakes, Oregon, USA: A E Morey, D G Gavin, C Goldfinger, A R Nelson 1340h T43B-4724 POSTER Archaeoseismological Study of Prehistoric Earthquakes in Anhui Province, China and Adjacent Areas: D Yao, X Shen, X Gong, W Wu, Z Hu, H Zheng, A Chen, P Zhao, Y Yang 1340h T43B-4725 POSTER Continuous Holocene Submergence of Southern Sanriku Coast Consistent with the Coseismic Subsidence of the 2011 TohokuOki Japan Earthquake Revealed from New PaleoGeodetic Data: Y Niwa, S Toda, T Sugai 1340h T43B-4726 POSTER Sedimentary Record of Paleodeformation of the Saint Martin Anticline Reveals the Interaction Between Tectonics, Sedimentation Processes and Relative Sea-level Changes: Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta Burma Arc Collision, SE Bangladesh: A Bastas-Hernandez, C M McHugh, D R Mondal, L Seeber, M S Steckler, D Gurung, S Mustaque, J Marsh, S H Akhter 1340h T43B-4727 POSTER Evidence of Coseismic Subsidence Along the Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone During the Late Holocene: R J Leeper, B P Rhodes, M E Kirby, K M Scharer, S Starratt, E Hemphill-Haley, N Bonuso, B Balmaki, D J Garcia, D O Creager 1340h T43B-4728 POSTER Abrupt change of sedimentation rate recorded in lacustrine sediment from coastal lakes, Nankai subduction zone: H Matsuoka, M Okamura 1340h T43B-4729 POSTER Quantifying Coseismic Normal Fault Rupture at the Seafloor: The 2004 Les Saintes Earthquake (Mw 6.3) Along the Roseau Fault (French Antilles): J Escartin, F Leclerc, M Cannat, S Petersen, N Augustin, A Bezos, D Bonnemains, V Chavagnac, Y Choi, M Godard, K Haaga, C Hamelin, B Ildefonse, J W Jamieson, B E John, T Leleu, M Massot-Campos, C Mevel, P Nomikou, J A L Olive, M Paquet, C Rommevaux, M Rothenbeck, A SteinfГјhrer, M Tominaga, L Triebe, R Garcia, N Gracias, N Feuillet, C Deplus 1340h T43B-4730 POSTER Coseismic Coastal Movements Associated with Strong Submarine Paleoearthquakes in the Eastern Segment of the Hellenic Arc: Observations from Rhodes Isl. (Greece): I Triantafyllou, G A Papadopoulos 1340h T43B-4731 POSTER A Record of the inLake and Upland Response to Large Earthquakes, Lake Quinault, Washington: E L Leithold, K W Wegmann, D R Bohnenstiehl, S A Smith 1340h T43B-4732 POSTER Evidence for a tsunami generated by the 1762 Great Arakan earthquake, Southeastern Bangladesh: D Gurung, C M McHugh, D R Mondal, L Seeber, M S Steckler, A Bastas-Hernandez, S H Akhter, S Mustaque, S L Goodbred Jr T43C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Density Structure of the Lithosphere and Upper Mantle: A Key for Tectonics II Posters (joint with DI, G, MR, S) Presiding: Mikhail Kaban, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences; Walter Mooney, USGS MS977; Hans-Juergen Goetze, Univ Kiel; Carla Braitenberg, Univ Trieste 1340h T43C-4733 POSTER Structure of the Lithosphere in Central Europe: Integrated Density Modelling: M Bielik, M Grin?, H J Zeyen, D PlaЕЎienka, R Pasteka, M Kraj?ГЎk, M BoЕЎanskГЅ, J MikuЕЎka 1340h T43C-4734 POSTER Study on Density Structure and Tectonic Movement of Xiaojiang Fault System: G Yang, C Shen, H Tan, G Wu, J Wang 1340h T43C-4735 POSTER Integrative Approach for Inversion of Gravity, Seismic and Tomography Data: Application to Northern Eurasia: M K Kaban, W Stolk 1340h T43C-4736 POSTER On the Mode of Deformation and Thickness of Earth’s Outer Layers: R L Patton, A J Watkinson 1340h T43C-4737 POSTER Revisiting the RidgePush Force Using the Lithospheric Geoid: R M Richardson, D D Coblentz 1340h T43C-4738 POSTER Anomalous Structure of Oceanic Lithosphere in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans: A Preliminary Analysis Based on Bathymetry, Gravity and Crustal Structure: O Barantsrva 1340h T43C-4739 POSTER Influence of the Density Structure of the Caribbean Plate Forearc on the Static Stress State and Asperity Distribution along the Costa Rican Seismogenic Zone: O H LГјcke, B D Gutknecht 1340h T43C-4740 POSTER P-wave Velocity and Density: Borehole Data for a Better Shallow Crust Model in the Po Plain (Italy): M T Mariucci, P Montone 1340h T43C-4741 POSTER Crustal Structure Beneath the Lake Ontario Region from Inverse Models of Potential Field and Seismic Data: L C Navarrete, M H Benoit, C J Ebinger, F Horowitz 1340h T43C-4742 POSTER 3D density model of the western US lithosphere: Insights on chemistry, temperature, topography, and intraplate stress: W Levandowski, C H Jones 1340h T43C-4743 POSTER BSDWormer; an Open Source Implementation of a Poisson Wavelet Multiscale Analysis for Potential Fields: F G Horowitz, O Gaede 1340h T43C-4744 POSTER Up-to-date Terrain Correction Evaluation within the Gravity Database of the Slovak Republic: R Pasteka, P Zahorec, I Marusiak, J MikuЕЎka, J Pap?o, M Bielik 1340h T43C-4745 POSTER Crustal Thickness Variation in Southern China and Adjacent Areas Using High-Accuracy Constrained Nonlinear Density Interface Inversion Methods: B Wang 1340h T43C-4746 POSTER Estimated Moho Temperature from Observed Heat Flow and Comparison with P-Wave Velocity in the East Sea, Korea: W Y Jung, W T Wood 1340h T43C-4747 POSTER Thermal data from recently drilled boreholes near Bergen, Stavanger and Moss, southern Norway: Y P Maystrenko, O Olesen, J S RГёnning, H K Elvebakk, G V GanerГёd 1340h T43C-4748 POSTER Crustal structure of norther Oaxaca terrane; The Oaxaca and caltepec faults, and the Tehuacan Valley. A gravity study: J O Campos-Enriquez, M A Alatorre-Zamora, V M RamГіn, S Belmonte 1340h T43C-4749 POSTER Late Cenozoic Basin Architecture in Central Turkey: Geodynamic Implications: A Gurbuz, N Kazanci 1340h T43C-4750 POSTER Seismic Stratigraphy of the Ross Island Flexural Basin, West Antarctica: C P Wenman, D L Harry, S Jha 1340h T43C-4751 POSTER Orogen-parallel Variation in Flexure of the Arabian Plate Beneath the Zagros Mountains: M Pirouz, J P Avouac, G Simpson, J Hassanzadeh, F Herman, P Sternai 1340h T43C-4752 POSTER Geophysical Investigation of Avon Valley, West-Central Montana, using Gravity and Seismic Reflection Profiling: L Knatterud, J Mosolf, M A Speece, X Zhou All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 57 VOLCANOLOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY AND PETROLOGY 1340h T43C-4753 POSTER Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: L W Braile, J F Ferguson, C Boucher, C G Novitsky, P M O’Shea, J Daves, R Marzen, K Mendoza, T Rasmussen, W Wei, W S Baldridge, S Biehler, J M Claytor, S H Bischoff, N R Ranasinghe, A Corredor V43A Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h T43D Moscone South 304 Thursday1340h Magma Transport and Eruption at Basaltic Volcanoes III Posters (joint with DI, MR) Illuminating the Factors That Determine Subduction Megathrust Fault Slip Style III (joint with G, MR, NH, S) Presiding: Ake Fagereng, University of Cape Town; Matt Ikari, MARUM, University of Bremen; Kohtaro Ujiie, University of Tsukuba; Laura Wallace, University of Texas at Austin 1340h T43D-01 Fault plane reflectivity along subduction thrusts: What does it really tell us?: D M Saffer, H J Tobin 1355h T43D-02 Pore Fluid Pressure and State of Stress Above the Plate Interface from Observations in a 3 Kilometer Deep Borehole: IODP Site C0002, Nankai Trough Subduction Zone: H J Tobin, D M Saffer, T Hirose, D A Castillo, H Kitajima, H Sone 1410h T43D-03 Quantification of in situ stress and pore pressure in the Nankai subduction zone: Effects of lithology and loading path: H Kitajima, D M Saffer 1425h T43D-04 Role of Silica Redistribution in the Rate-State Behavior of Megathrusts: Field Observations and Experimental Results: D M Fisher, S A M Den Hartog 1440h T43D-05 Focused Fluid Flow and Cementation in Fault Zones From NanTroSEIZE Site C0002, Expedition 348: J C Sample, E Even, S Hammerschmidt, S Fuchida, T Hirose, D M Saffer, H J Tobin 1455h T43D-06 Hikurangi Margin: Geology, Flow Rates, Water-Rock Interaction and Relative Fluid Ages: A G Reyes 1510h T43D-07 Can Competition Between Frictional Sliding and Viscous Creep Determine Megathrust Fault Slip Style?: A Fagereng 1525h T43D-08 Plastic Creep and Brittle-Ductile Transition in Hydrated Rocks of the Plate Interface: B Reynard T43E Moscone South 306 Thursday1340h Linking Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection to Wilson Cycles: Constraints from the Geological Record and Surface Processes III (joint with DI, EP, S) Presiding: Nicolas Flament, University of Sydney; Thorsten Becker, USC; Rebecca Flowers, Univ of Colorado, Boulder; Zheng-xiang Li, Curtin University 1340h T43E-01 Recognising the Different Roles and Expressions of Dynamic Mantle Flow and Plate Kinematics in the Evolution of Africa’s Topography: R W Brown, M Wildman, R Beucher, D Chardon, D Rouby, F M Stuart, C Persano 1355h T43E-02 The Columbia Plateau Revealed; Low Temperature Thermochronology Across the Canadian Cordillera and Links to Lithospheric Delamination: B Guest, D Bacque, N Miles, D F Stockli 1410h T43E-03 Spatial Patterns of Channel Steepness in the Central Rockies: Do River Profiles Record Landscape Evolution Forcing By Yellowstone Dynamic Topography?: E F Guerrero, A Meigs, E Kirby, P M Gregg 1425h T43E-04 Localisation of Mantle Upwelling Beneath Recent Intra-Plate Volcanism in Australia: R Davies, N Rawlinson 1440h T43E-05 Rejuvenation of Appalachian topography due to subsidence induced differential erosion: L Liu 1455h T43E-06 The Amazon River reversal explained by tectonic and surface processes: V Sacek Presiding: Nicolas Villeneuve, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris; Marie Edmonds, University of Cambridge; Paul Okubo, U S Geological Survey; Nicole Metrich, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris 1340h V43A-4841 POSTER Temporal and Spatial Strain Distribution Derived from GNSS Network in Volcanic Area, the Case Study of Piton De La Fournaise: A Peltier, J L Got 1340h V43A-4842 POSTER Dike Intrusions and Magma Accumulation in the Red Sea Region: Insights from InSAR and High-Resolution Optical Imagery: W Xu, S Jonsson, J Ruch 1340h V43A-4843 POSTER The June 2014 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise: Robust methods developed for monitoring challenging eruptive processes: N Villeneuve, V Ferrazzini, A Di Muro, A Peltier, F Beauducel, G C Roult, T Lecocq, F Brenguier, I Vlastelic, L Gurioli, S Guyard, T Catry, J L Froger, D Coppola, A J L Harris, M Favalli, A Aiuppa, M Liuzzo, G Giudice, P Boissier, C Brunet, P Catherine, F J Fontaine, L Henriette, F Lauret, A Riviere, P Kowalski 1340h V43A-4844 POSTER The “Jerk” Method for Predicting Intrusions and Eruptions of Piton De La Fournaise (La RГ©union Island) from the Analysis of the Broadband Seismological Rer Station: G C Roult, F Beauducel, V Ferrazzini, P Boissier, N Villeneuve 1340h V43A-4845 POSTER Transient Source Processes Prior to the March 2011 Kamoamoa Fissure Eruption, K?lauea Volcano, Hawai?i: P Lundgren, M P Poland, A Miklius, K R Anderson 1340h V43A-4846 POSTER Deformation Sources in K?lauea’s Southwest Rift Zone Inferred from the Modeling of Geodetic and Seismic Data: C Wauthier, D C Roman, M P Poland, A Miklius, Y Fukushima, A J Hooper, V Cayol 1340h V43A-4847 POSTER Post-2008 Inflation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska, from InSAR: Z Lu, F QU, D Dzurisin, J Kim 1340h V41D-05 POSTER The Bubble’s Wake: Localized Rebound of K?lauea’s Summit Lava Lake Following Minor Bubble Bursts: T R Orr, B F Houghton, J Taddeucci, E Del Bello, P Scarlato, M R Patrick 1340h V43A-4849 POSTER Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Eruptive Activity in a Youthful Extensional Setting: the Case of the Nyamulagira Volcanic Field, Western Branch of the East African Rift: B Smets, M Kervyn, N d’Oreye, F Kervyn 1340h V43A-4850 POSTER Hidden Outgassing Dynamics at Kilauea (Hawaii) Lava Lake: E Del Bello, J Taddeucci, T R Orr, B F Houghton, P Scarlato, M R Patrick 1340h V41D-04 POSTER Mapping the Spatial Distribution of CO2 release from K?lauea Volcano, Hawaii, USA: T Elias, C A Werner, C Kern, A J Sutton, E H Hauri, P J Kelly 1340h V43A-4852 POSTER Lava Lake Thermal Pattern Classification Using Self-Organizing Maps and Relationships to Eruption Processes at K?lauea Volcano, Hawaii: A M Burzynski, S W Anderson, K Morrison, A L LeWinter, M R Patrick, T R Orr, D C Finnegan 1340h V43A-4853 POSTER Tracking the nature and duration of magma transfer beneath Mauna Loa using a crystal population and kinetic modelling approach: M Kahl, D J Morgan, C R Thornber, F A Trusdell 1340h V43A-4854 POSTER The effect of microlite and permeability on the Plinian eruption of basaltic magma: P Moitra, H M Gonnermann, B F Houghton, J Crozier 1340h V43A-4855 POSTER Volatile content of Hawaiian magmas and volcanic vigor: A P Blaser, H M Gonnermann, D J Ferguson, T A Plank, E H Hauri, B F Houghton, D A Swanson 1510h T43E-07 Constraining the upper plate surface deformation across coupled subductioncollision systems: P Sternai, L Jolivet, A Menant, T Gerya, J P Avouac, M Pirouz, K Ueda 1340h V43A-4856 POSTER Basaltic cannibalism at Thrihnukagigur volcano, Iceland: M R Hudak, M D Feineman, P C La Femina, H Geirsson 1525h T43E-08 Geodynamic inversion to quantify the rheological parameters of the lithosphere: T Baumann, B Kaus 1340h V43A-4857 POSTER Magma Differentiation in the Plumbing System of an Alkaline Ocean Island Volcano (Fuerteventura, Canary Island): E Tornare, F Bussy, S Pilet THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2014 57 11/28/2014 11:06:38 AM 1340h V43A-4858 POSTER MELT HETEROGENEITY AND DEGASSING AT MT ETNA FROM MELT INCLUSIONS: L C Salem, M Edmonds, J Maclennan, R A Corsaro 1340h V43A-4860 POSTER Recent and Hazardous Volcanic Activity Along the NW Rift Zone of Piton De La Fournaise Volcano, La RГ©union Island: G Walther, I Frese, A Di Muro, U Kueppers, L Michon, N Metrich 1340h V43A-4861 POSTER Contrasting conditions between reservoirs of two nearby volcanic complexes of the SVZ, Chile: Caburgua-Huelemolle Small Eruptive Centers and Villarrica Volcano: E E Morgado, M ГЃ Parada, C Contreras, F J GutiГ©rrez, A Castruccio 1340h V43A-4862 POSTER Ponding Conditions and Degassing Dynamics of Mafic Magmas Beneath the Azores Islands: N Metrich, V Zanon, C D’Oriano 1340h V43A-4863 POSTER Effects of State and Decompression Rate on the Decompressive Response of Volatile- and Crystal-Bearing Analogue Magmas: L Spina, C Cimarelli, B Scheu, D B Dingwell 1340h V43A-4864 POSTER Gravity Change at the Summit of K?lauea Volcano, Hawai?i, during 2012-2014: S Moore, M P Poland, N K Young, M Bagnardi, D Carbone 1340h V43A-4865 POSTER Production of Seismic Radiation By Top Down Excitation of a Magmastatic Column: The Role of Non-Equilibrium Degassing and Complex Conduit Geometry: L Karlstrom, E M Dunham 1340h V43A-4866 POSTER 3-D Anisotropic Ambient Noise Tomography of Piton De La Fournaise Volcano (La RГ©union Island): A Mordret, D N Rivet, M Landes, N Shapiro 1340h V43A-4867 POSTER Mapping tremor at K?lauea volcano: A Wech, W A Thelen 1340h V43A-4868 POSTER Rheological Properties of Ascending Magma at a Basaltic Andesitic System: Puy De La Vache, France As a Case Study: L Sanchez, A Sehlke, A J L Harris, A G Whittington, T Menand 1340h V43A-4869 POSTER The Rheology of ThreePhase Basaltic Magma: E W Llewellin, J Truby, S P Mueller, H M Mader 1340h V43A-4870 POSTER Fracturing and Seismicity at the PrestahnГєkur Fissure Swarm in the Ultra-Slowly Spreading Western Volcanic Zone, Iceland: A R Hjartardottir, S Hjaltadottir, P Einarsson, K S Vogfjord 1340h V43A-4871 POSTER Recent Rifting Events in the Southern Red Sea and Regional Implications: J Ruch, W Xu, S Jonsson V43B Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Petrochronology I Posters (cosponsored by MSA) (joint with DI, T) Presiding: Martin Engi, Univ Bern; Bradley Hacker, University of California; Matthew Kohn, Boise State University; Pierre Lanari, University of Bern 1340h V43B-4872 POSTER Diffusion kinetics of geochronologically relevant species in baddeleyite: E M Bloch, J M Watkins, J A Van Orman 1340h V43B-4873 POSTER 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating experiments on celadonite from the Skessa Tuff, eastern Iceland: Thermochronology of lowtemperature alteration of a flood basalt pile during burial metamorphism: M S Riishuus, D P Miggins, A A P Koppers, R A Duncan 1340h V43B-4874 POSTER 2.69-2.68 Ga granulite facies metamorphism in the Wyoming Craton revealed by Sm-Nd garnet geochronology and trace element zoning, eastern Beartooth Mountains, Montana and Wyoming, USA : V Guevara, B Dragovic, M J Caddick, E F Baxter 1340h V43B-4875 POSTER Radiogenic heating to ultrahigh temperature: Geochronology and 4+ thermometry across southern Madagascar: F Horton, B R Hacker, A R Kylander-Clark 1340h V43B-4876 POSTER Petrology and Geochronology of High-Grade Metamorphic Rocks from Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico: D Gonzales, M L Leech 1340h V43B-4877 POSTER Lu-Hf Garnet Geochronology Reveals the Tectonic History of Precambrian Rocks in the Southern Rocky Mountains: R Aronoff, C Andronicos, J D Vervoort, R A Hunter 1340h V43B-4879 POSTER Chemical and textural record of REE accessory phases along a well constrained prograde pelitic suite: implications for allanite and monazite petrochronology: M Robyr, S Goswami-Banerjee, M Engi 1340h V43B-4880 POSTER Monazite traceelement and isotopic signatures of high-pressure metamorphism: examples from the Western Gneiss region, Norway: R M Holder, B R Hacker, A R Kylander-Clark, J M Cottle 1340h V43B-4881 POSTER Geochronology of Zircon in Eclogite Reveals Imbrication of the UltrahighPressure Western Gneiss Region of Norway: D J Young, A R Kylander-Clark, D B Root 1340h V43B-4882 POSTER Unraveling the polymetamorphic history of garnet-bearing metabasites: Insights from the North Motagua MГ©lange (Guatemala Suture Zone): G Bonnet, K E Flores, C Martin, G E Harlow 1340h V43B-4883 POSTER Metamorphic evolution of high-pressure–low-temperature rocks from the northern section of the Guatemala Suture Zone: PTt paths and tectonic implications: K E Flores, S R Hemming, G E Harlow, Y Cai, G Bonnet, C Martin, H K Brueckner 1340h V43B-4884 POSTER Geochronological and Petrological Constraints on the Evolution of the Pan African Ajjaj Shear Zone, Saudi Arabia: M Hassan, K Stuewe, T S Abu-Alam, U S Kloetzli, M Tiepolo 1340h V43B-4885 POSTER Triassic High-P Metamorphism of the central Qiangtang terrane, Tibet; constraints using mineral equilibria modelling and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology: A Rajkumar, L Hui, G L Clarke, J C Aitchison, M A Forster 1340h V43B-4886 POSTER A 30 Myr record of retrograde metamorphism and multiple generations of monazite and garnet in western MA revealed by coordinated LASS and EPMA: E M Peterman, Z F M Burton, J N Rubel, D R Snoeyenbos, A R Kylander-Clark 1340h V43B-4887 POSTER >2500-km-Long Contemporaneous Deep Continental Subduction in the West Gondwana Orogen: D Rubatto, C E Ganade de Araujo, J Hermann, U G Cordani, R Caby, M A S Basei V43C Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h The Making of a Continent III Posters (joint with DI, S, T) Presiding: Richard Carlson, Carnegie Inst Washington; Grant Michael Bybee, University of the Witwatersrand; Oliver Jagoutz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Stephen Parman, Brown University 1340h V43C-4888 POSTER Continental growth on Early Earth: Crustal electrical conductivity models of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: U Weckmann, S Kutter, M De Wit 1340h V43C-4889 POSTER Helium isotopes of the Siberian sub-continental lithospheric mantle: Insights from eclogite xenoliths: P H Barry, D R Hilton, J M Day, J Pernet-Fisher, G H Howarth, L A Taylor 1340h V43C-4890 POSTER The Preservation of Meso- Archean Refractory Lithospheric Mantle Underneath the Eastern Margin of the Tanzania Craton: Q Shu, J Liu, G D Pearson, S A Gibson 1340h V43C-4891 POSTER Mesozoic-Cenozoic thermal evolution of lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton: evidence from REE-intwo-pyroxene temperatures of mantle xenoliths: C Wang, W Xu, Y Liang 1340h V43C-4892 POSTER Tracing origins of cratonic eclogites by magnesium isotopes: S Wang, F Z Teng, R L Rudnick, S G Li 1340h V43C-4893 POSTER Looking up from the Base of a Thickened Arc — Evaluating Eclogite Fractionation Depths: T Chapman, G L Clarke, N R Daczko 1340h V43C-4894 POSTER Stable isotopic constraints on formation of continental lithospheric mantle: a case study from the Colorado Plateau: E W Marshall IV, J Barnes, J C Lassiter 1340h V43C-4895 POSTER Time-Lapse Zirconography of Continental Growth: S W Parman 1340h V43C-4896 POSTER Uplift of the Colorado Plateau via Lower Crustal Foundering: M Erdman, C T Lee, H Jiang 1340h V43B-4878 POSTER Time-scales of crustal anatexis in the Himalaya revealed by petrochronology: G W Lederer, J M Cottle 1340h V43C-4897 POSTER Role of Plumes and Plates in the Construction and Preservation of Hadean-Archean Continental Nuclei: P A Mueller, D W Mogk, D Henry, J Wooden 58 THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER AGU2014News.indb 58 2014 1340h V43C-4898 POSTER Crustal composition of the Western Australian craton and implications for craton formation tectonics: H Yuan 1340h V43C-4900 POSTER Multiphase volcanism of the Archean TipasjГ¤rvi greenstone belt (Eastern Finland) revealed by single-grain U-Pb dating of zircons: E Lehtonen, A KГ¤pyaho 1340h V43C-4901 POSTER Lithostratigraphy and structure of the early Archaean Doolena Gap Greenstone Belt, East Pilbara Terrane (EPT), Western Australia: D Wiemer, C E Schrank, D T Murphy 1340h V43C-4903 POSTER Isotopic Disequilibrium and High-Crystallinity Magma Ascent: Clues to the Temporal Restriction of Proterozoic Anorthosites: G M Bybee 1340h V43C-4905 POSTER P-T evolution of the garnet-amphibolites from the Quanji Massif: Amalgamation of the continental blocks in NW China and Links to assembly of the Columbia supercontinent: N Chen, H A Mustafa, X Li, B Xia, Q Wang, M Sun 1340h V43C-4906 POSTER The ~2.4 Ga granitoids in the Quanji Massif?NW China: Petrogenesis and Implication for the early Paleoproterozoic Tectonics: S Gong, N Chen, Q Wang 1340h V43C-4907 POSTER Neoproterozoic Orogeny-Related Magmatic Event in the Northwestern Yangtze Block and Its Implications for the Unification of South China: B Wafa 1340h V43C-4908 POSTER Late Permian Melt Percolation through the Crust of North-Central Africa and Its Possible Relationship to the African Large Low Shear Velocity Province: J G Shellnutt, T Y Lee, C C Yang, J C Wu, K L Wang, C H Lo 1340h V43C-4909 POSTER Distinctly different parental magmas for plutons and lavas in the central Aleutian arc: Y Cai, M E Rioux, P B Kelemen, S L Goldstein, L Bolge, A R Kylander-Clark 1340h V43C-4910 POSTER Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications for High Ba-Sr Porphyries from South Qinling Oroganic Belt, China: H F Zhang, B J Luo, L M Shen, Y Liu V43D Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Using Sediments to Understand the Evolution of the Earth I Posters (cosponsored by EGU-GMPV) (joint with EP) Presiding: Marion Garcon, Carnegie Inst Washington; Jeffrey Vervoort, Washington State University; Eduardo Garzanti, University of Milano-Bicocca; Richard Gaschnig, University of Maryland College Park 1340h V43D-4911 POSTER Tracing Earth’s O2 Evolution Using Zn/Fe Systematics in Carbonates: X M Liu, R M Hazen, L C Kah, D A Sverjensky, H Cui, A J Kaufmann 1340h V43D-4912 POSTER Geochemical Characterization of Bitumen Carbonate from Grosmont Formation, Alberta: Well 10-12-9324W4 and 11-33-94-22W4: J Seol, Y W Kil, J H Kim, J Choi 1340h V43D-4913 POSTER Newly discovered Cryogenenian Diamicties and Cap-carbonate in the Neoproterozoic successions from the Tarim Craton, NW China: B Wen, D A Evans, Y Li, Z Wang 1340h V43D-4914 POSTER Determining the Provenance of Late Paleozoic Loess Using Radiogenic Isotopes: M R Wiltse, S Aciego, G S Soreghan, A Bailey, N G Heavens, L A Hinnov 1340h V43D-4915 POSTER Li Isotopic Composition and Concentration of the Upper Continental Crust: New Insights from Desert Loess: L Sauzeat, R L Rudnick, C Chauvel 1340h V43D-4916 POSTER Elemental geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopic fingerprinting of sediments in monsoon dominated river systems along the west coast of India: S U Pradhan, J Zhang, M M Baskaran, P Shirodkar, Y Wu 1340h V43D-4917 POSTER Where is basalt in river sediments, and why does it matter?: M Garcon, C Chauvel 1340h V43D-4918 POSTER Petrography of sandstones from drill cores BARB4 and BARB5, Paleoarchean Mapepe Formation, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa: Implications for provenance and tectonic reconstructions: N Drabon, D R Lowe, C E Heubeck 1340h V43D-4919 POSTER Geochemistry of Heavy Minerals from Wang River, Lampang Province, Thailand: T KIM, I Lee 1340h V43D-4920 POSTER From Back-arc Drifting to Arc Accretion: the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Evolution of the Guerrero Terrane Recorded by a Major Provenance Change in Sandstones from the Sierra de los Cuarzos, Central Mexico: N B Palacios Garcia, M Martini 1340h V43D-4921 POSTER U-Pb Detrital Zircon Ages from Sarawak: Changes in Provenance Reflecting the Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia: H T Breitfeld, T Galin, R Hall 1340h V43D-4922 POSTER Episodic crustal growth of South China as revealed by U–Pb–Lu–Hf–O isotopic studies of detrital zircons from Yangtze river: Z Liang, S Gao, L Zhou, H Yuan, X Liu, M Li 1340h V43D-4923 POSTER Thermal History of Drummond Basin, Queensland (Australia) from Apatite and Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronology: W Zhang, K K Min, S E Bryan 1340h V43D-4924 POSTER Detrital Record of the Middle to Late Paleozoic Transition from Subduction to Collision in the Northern Andes: Implications in the Paleogeographic Reconstructions of Pangea: V Valencia, A Cardona 1340h V43D-4925 POSTER Provenance of OligoMiocene Strata from the Adriatic Foredeep of the Alps-Apennines System Determined through Detrital-Zircon U-Pb Geochronology: L N Dafov, O A Anfinson, M G Malusa’, D F Stockli 1340h V43D-4926 POSTER Provenance of the Heavy Mineral-enriched Alluvial Deposits at the West Coast of Red Sea. Implications to the Evolution of Arabian–Nubian Crust: M A Mahar, T Ibrahim, P Goodell 1340h V43D-4927 POSTER Zircon U-Pb Ages of Tuffs and Volcaniclastic Sandstone of the Core Sample of IODP Exp. 322 at the Northern Part of the Shikoku Basin: H Shinjoe, T Nakajima, Y Orihashi, S Saito, H Oda, T Danhara 1340h V43D-4928 POSTER Extraterrestrial Impact Event Recorded in the Late Triassic Deep-Sea Deposits from Japan: H Sato, N Shirai, M Ebihara, T Nozaki, K Suzuki, T Onoue, S Kiyokawa 1340h V43D-4929 POSTER Palynology, geochemistry and Re-Os age of the Lower-Middle Pennsylvanian stage boundary, central Appalachian basin, USA: N Geboy, G R Tripathy, L F Ruppert, C F Eble, B M Blake, J L Hannah, H J Stein V43E Moscone South Poster Hall Thursday1340h Volcanic Plumes: Dispersion Dynamics and Atmospheric Phenomena I Posters Presiding: Shannon Kobs-Nawotniak, Idaho State University; Kimberly Genareau, University of Alabama; Kirsten Chojnicki, Scripps Institute of Oceanography; Sonja Behnke, University of South Florida Tampa 1340h V43E-4930 POSTER Volcanic Lightning: Update on New Global Observations and Constraints on Source Mechanisms: S R McNutt, E Venzke, E R Williams 1340h V43E-4931 POSTER Alteration of Tephra Conductivity Resulting From Secondary Pyroclast Disaggregation: K D Genareau, A W Farley 1340h V43E-4933 POSTER Volcanic Particle Aggregation: A Fast Algorithm for the Smoluchowski Coagulation Equation : E Rossi, G Bagheri, C Bonadonna 1340h V43E-4934 POSTER Aggregation Of Volcanic Particles: Physical Constraints Provided By Field And Numerical Investigations: G Bagheri, E Rossi, C Bonadonna 1340h V43E-4935 POSTER Mapping Densities in Analogue Laboratory Turbulent Plumes Using Dye Concentration: M A Fisher, S E Kobs-Nawotniak 1340h V43E-4936 POSTER Partial Collapse of Plinian Volcanic Jets and the Production of Multiply Layered Ash Clouds: J T Gilchrist, M Jellinek 1340h V43E-4937 POSTER Rise and Collapse of Volcanic Plumes Produced By Explosive Basaltic Fissure Eruptions: S Paillat, E C Kaminski 1340h V43E-4938 POSTER Impacts of winds on volcanic plumes – Do crossflows challenge the Morton, Turner and Taylor entrainment assumptions?: T J Aubry, M Jellinek, G Carazzo 1340h V43E-4939 POSTER Complex tephra dispersion from 3D plume modeling using ATHAM: B C Nicholson, S E Kobs-Nawotniak 1340h V43E-4940 POSTER Reconstruction of eruption column model based on the 3D numerical simulation of volcanic plume for 2011 Shinmoedake eruption: A Hashimoto, Y Suzuki, T Shimbori, K Ishii, A Takagi All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:38 AM 1340h V43E-4941 POSTER Identification of Regime Transitions in Umbrella Cloud Growth for Shortand Long-Lived Eruptions: S Pouget, M I Bursik, C G Johnson, A J Hogg, R S J Sparks, J Phillips 1340h V43E-4942 POSTER Insights into Coignimbrite Plume Dynamics from Numerical Models: S L Engwell, M De’ Michieli Vitturi, S Barsotti, J Eychenne, T Esposti Ongaro, A Neri 1340h V43E-4943 POSTER Dynamics of Volcanic Jets from Short-Duration Eruptions: Mixing and Rise: K N Chojnicki, G R Gisler, D Ogden 1340h V43E-4944 POSTER Plume Dynamics, Turbulence and Volcanic Lightning: S A Behnke, E C Bruning 1340h V43G-01 Storage and Transport of Hydrocarbons in Organic-Rich Mudstones: R L Kleinberg, K I Falk, B A Coasne 1355h V43G-02 Prediction of Shale Transport Properties Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method: Permeability and Effective Knudsen Diffusivity: Q Kang, L Chen 1410h V43G-03 Mechanical properties of organic matter in shales mapped at the nanometer scale: M Eliyahu, S Emmanuel, R J Day-Stirrat, C Macaulay 1425h V43G-04 Monitoring hydraulic fracturing with seismic emission volume: F Niu, Y Tang, H Chen, K TAO, A Levander 1340h V43E-4945 POSTER Comparison of sampling methods for the determination of sulfur species in volcanic gases: S Lee, M Park, H Y Jeong 1440h V43G-05 Variations of Carbon Isotopes during Shale Gas Production from the Horn River Basin, British Columbia, Canada: G Norville, K Muehlenbachs 1340h V43E-4946 POSTER Global microphysical simulation of stratospheric sulfate aerosol after the Mt. Pinatubo eruption: T Sekiya, K Sudo 1455h V43G-06 Minimizing the water and air impacts of unconventional energy extraction: R B Jackson 1340h V43E-4947 POSTER A High-resolution Simulation of the Transport of Gazeous Pollutants from a Severe Effusive Volcanic Eruption: J Durand, P Tulet, J B Filippi, M Leriche 1510h V43G-07 Trace Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals Present in Pennsylvania Groundwater are Correlated with Geogenic Brines rather than Hydraulic Fracturing Active Zones: B Drollette, K Shregglman, E D’Ambro, M Elsner, N R Warner, M O’Connor, O Karatum, A Vengosh, R B Jackson, T Darrah, D Plata 1340h V43E-4948 POSTER Magma Boiling Underneath Volcanoes: A Key to Massive S Release during Eruption: Y Su, C Huber, O Bachmann, Z Zajacz 1340h V43E-4949 POSTER Triple oxygen and sulfur isotope analyses of sulfate extracted from voluminous volcanic ashes in the Oligocene John Day Formation: insight into dry climate conditions and ozone contribution to supereruptions: J Workman, I N Bindeman, E Martin, G Retallack, J L Palandri, N Weldon 1340h V43E-4950 POSTER Application of NIR Laser Spectroscopy to the Monitoring of Volcanic Plumes: Principles and Practicalities : A Hamish, B W Christenson, A Mazot 1340h V43E-4951 POSTER Impact of improvements in volcanic implementation on atmospheric chemistry and climate in the GISS-E2 Model: A N LeGrande, K Tsigaridis 1340h V43E-4952 POSTER Climate Throughout Geologic Time Has Been Controlled Primarily by the Balance Between Cooling Caused by Major Explosive Eruptions of Evolved Magmas Typical of Island Arcs and Warming Caused by Voluminous Effusive Eruptions of Basaltic Magma Typical of Subaerial Ocean Ridges and Island Chains: P L Ward V43F Moscone South 310 Thursday1340h Physical Petrology I (joint with MR) Presiding: Adam Simon, Univ of Michigan; Dennis Geist, University of Idaho 1340h V43F-01 On the Basic Principles of Igneous Petrology: B D Marsh 1355h V43F-02 Petrologic Regime Diagrams: Parameterizing Kinetic Controls on Vesiculation and Crystallization: K V Cashman 1410h V43F-03 On the Grand Challenges in Physical Petrology: the Multiphase Crossroads: G W Bergantz 1425h V43F-04 Eddy Flow during Magma Emplacement: The Basemelt Sill, Antarctica: N Petford, S Mirhadizadeh 1440h V43F-05 The Vanda Dike Swarm, Dry Valleys, Antarctica II: Geochemistry and Geochronology: K S Harpp, B Bray, D Geist, M O Garcia 1455h V43F-06 Magma Pulsing and Internal Structure of the Torres del Paine Laccolith (Patagonia) Constrained by High Precision Zircon U-Pb Dating, and Thermal and Crystal Size Modeling of its Contact Aureole: L P Baumgartner, R Bodner, J Leuthold, O Muntener, B Putlitz 1525h V43G-08 Evaluating the Influence of Chemical Reactions on Wellbore Cement Integrity and Geochemical Tracer Behavior in HydraulicallyFractured Shale Formations: C Verba, A Lieuallen, J Yang, M E Torres, A Hakala UNION U44A Moscone West 3018 Thursday1600h 1715h A44A-06 Confronting Climate Model Simulations with Satellite-Based Evaluation of Warm Rain Formation: Can We Reconcile “Bottom-up” Process-Based Constraints with the “Top-Down” Temperature Trend Constraints?: J C Golaz, K Suzuki, H Guo 1730h A44A-07 Climate Model Sensitivity to Moist Convection Parameter Perturbations: D N Bernstein, J D Neelin A44B Moscone West 3008 Thursday1600h Intraseasonal to Interannual Variability of the Asian Monsoon in a Changing Climate IV (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with GC) Presiding: Ajaya Mohan Ravindran, New York University Abu Dhabi; Simona Bordoni, California Institute of Technology; Venkat Krishnamurthy, George Mason University Fairfax 1615h A44B-02 Simulation of East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) in SP-CCSM4: Y Jin, C Stan 1600h U44A-01 Dramatic increases in likelihoods of extreme seasonal temperatures since 2003: P Stott, N Christidis, A Ciavarella 1615h U44A-02 Assessing Extreme Events for Anthropogenic Influence: Examples of Recent Cases for Australian Temperatures, U.S. Precipitation, and Hurricane Sandy: T R Knutson, F J Zeng, A T Wittenberg, P Duffy, J R Arnold, C Massey, M F Wehner, D A Stone, M Bender, M Morin 1630h U44A-03 Relevance of land forcings and feedbacks in the attribution of climate extremes: S I Seneviratne, E Davin, P Greve, L Gudmundsson, M Hauser, M Hirschi, B Mueller, B Orlowsky, R Orth 1645h U44A-04 Attribution of low precipitation in California during the winter of 2013-2014: R J Mera, B Ekwurzel, D E Rupp 1700h U44A-05 Ethical Implications of Probabilistic Event Attribution for Policy Discussions about Loss and Damage: F E L Otto, A Thompson 1715h U44A-06 Framing Extreme Event Attribution from the Bottom up – an Enquiry into the Social Representations of key stakeholders, of the Press and of Climate Scientists: J P Vanderlinden, M Fellmer, N Capellini, I Meinke, Y Remvikos, D Bray, C Pacteau, H Von Storch 1730h U44A-07 Can we attribute changes in risk to anthropogenic emissions?: D A Stone, C Huggel, G Hansen 1745h U44A-08 Educating Local Audiences about Climate Change: H M Cullen, D Satterfield, M R Allen ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES Constraining Climate Model Simulations and Predictions Using Observations II Presiding: Hui Su, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Leo Donner, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory; Jonathan Jiang, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1600h A44A-01 The tropospheric moisture and double-ITCZ biases in CMIP5 models: B Tian All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 59 1700h A44A-05 Observed relationship between Arctic sea ice, cloud, and solar radiation and its implication for ice-albedo feedback: Y S Choi, B M Kim, S K Hur, S J Kim, J H Kim, C H Ho Presiding: Myles Allen, University of Oxford; Heidi Cullen, Climate Central; Gabriele Hegerl, University of Edinburgh; Judith Perlwitz, NOAA 1525h V43F-08 Magmatic Processes and Systems Deduced from Single Crystals: J Davidson, R C Bezard, D J Morgan, C Ginibre Presiding: Paul Craddock, Schlumberger-Doll Research; Nicholas Drenzek, Statoil 1645h A44A-04 Predicting Shortwave Cloud Feedback in Models and Observations Based on the Seasonal Cycle of Liquid Water Path: P Ceppi, D McCoy, D L Hartmann 1600h A44B-01 Isentropic analysis of the Indian Summer Monsoon circulation and its implications for the active and break periods: O M Pauluis, S Sandeep, A M Ravindran A44A Moscone West 3006 Thursday1600h Shale Reservoir Science and Technology I (Virtual Session) (joint with H, MR, NS) 1630h A44A-03 Constraining cloud responses to CO2 and warming in climate models: physical and statistical approaches: S C Sherwood, D Fuchs, S Bony, D Jean-Louis The Attribution of Extreme Weather Events and Their Impacts to External Drivers of Climate Change (Virtual Session) 1510h V43F-07 Towards true 3D textural analysis; using your crystal mush wisely: D A Jerram, D J Morgan, M J Pankhurst V43G Moscone West 3018 Thursday1340h 1615h A44A-02 A-Train Observations in Extratropical Cyclones: A Comprehensive Tool for Model Evaluation: C M Naud, J F Booth, D J Posselt, S C van den Heever, A D Del Genio 1630h A44B-03 Role of the SST over the East China Sea in the linkage between East Asian winter and summer monsoon variability: Y Kajikawa, Y W Seo, K S Yun, K J Ha, R H Johnson 1645h A44B-04 Relationships between ENSO and East Asian-western North Pacific monsoon: observations versus 18 CMIP5 models: B Wu 1700h A44B-05 Future Projection and Associated Uncertainty of the East Asian Summer Monsoon: J Chen, S Bordoni 1715h A44B-06 Predictability of the Indian Summer Monsoon onset through an analysis of variations in surface air temperature and relative humidity during the pre-monsoon season: V Stolbova, E Surovyatkina, B Bookhagen, J Kurths 1730h A44B-07 Intraseasonal-to-interannual variability of the Indian Monsoon: the present climate and future projections of climate change: L V Carvalho, C Jones, F Cannon 1745h Concluding Remarks A44C Moscone West 3001 Thursday1600h Mineral Dust Aerosols: From Small-Scale Insights to Large-Scale Understanding IV (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with B, EP, GC) Presiding: Jasper Kok, University of California Los Angeles; Amato Evan, Scripps Institute of Oceanography; Kerstin Schepanski, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research; James King, Indiana University Bloomington 1600h A44C-01 Toward a Greater Understanding of the Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Impacts of Mineral Dust Aerosol Through Fundamental Laboratory Studies: V H Grassian 1620h A44C-02 Using Brittle Fragmentation Theory to represent Aerosol Mineral Composition: C PГ©rez GarcГa-Pando, R L Miller, J P Perlwitz 1635h A44C-03 Global trends in mineral dust aerosol: determining causes and attributing uncertainty with the GEOS-Chem model: D A Ridley, C L Heald, J M Prospero 1655h A44C-04 Estimating the Sensitivity of Regional Dust Sources to Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Patterns: A Hoffman, C E Forest THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1710h A44C-05 Dust in the Arctic during the Past Millennium from a Developing Array of Ice Cores: Linkages to Climate and Land Use: M M Arienzo, J R McConnell, N Chellman, D Fritzsche, K J Kreutz, S Kipfstuhl, O J Maselli, M Nolan, D R Pasteris, M Sigl, J P Steffensen 1730h A44C-06 Dust emissions from eastern Australia during the mid to late Holocene record changing hydro-climatic conditions and landuse: S K Marx, H A McGowan, B Kamber 1745h A44C-07 4He in Bahamas Carbonates: A Link between Dust Export and North African Mega-droughts over the Last Millennium: A Bhattacharya, S Mukhopadhyay, A C Maloof, E R Williams, A T Evan A44D Moscone West 3004 Thursday1600h The Southern Ocean: Precipitation, Clouds, Aerosols, and the Air-Sea Interface II (Virtual Session) Presiding: Roger Marchand, University of Washington; Trish Quinn, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 1600h Welcoming Remarks: 1601h A44D-01 The cloudy nature of southern ocean preciptation: G L Stephens, R Forbes 1616h A44D-02 The Evidence for Two-Way Feedbacks Between Cloud Processes and Large Scale Climate Variability over the Southern Oceans: D W J Thompson, Y Li 1631h A44D-03 The pristineness of the Southern Ocean aerosol system: a model view: K S Carslaw, D Hamilton, L Lee 1646h A44D-04 Marine biogenic aerosols explain seasonal and spatial patterns of Southern Ocean cloud droplet number concentration: D McCoy, S M Burrows, S Elliott, D P Grosvenor, D L Hartmann, P J Rasch, R Wood 1701h A44D-05 Observations of Clouds, Aerosols and Surface Energy Fluxes over the Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean with the OceanetAtmosphere Platform Onboard RV Polarstern: A Macke, M BrГјckner, H Deneke, R Engelmann, T Hanschmann, J Kalisch, T Kanitz, M Merkel, B Pospichal, M van Pinxteren 1716h A44D-06 A Mixed Phase Tale: New Ways of using in-situ cloud observations to reduce climate model biases in Southern Ocean: A Gettelman, J L Stith 1731h A44D-07 A new source of Southern Ocean and Antarctic aerosol from tropospheric polar cell chemistry of sea ice emissions: R S Humphries, A R Klekociuk, R Schofield, A D Robinson, N R P Harris, M Keywood, J Ward, I Galbally, S Molloy, A Thomas, S R Wilson 1746h A44D-08 Linkages between Southern Ocean Cloud-Radiative Processes and the LargeScale Southern Hemisphere Circulation, and Their Implications for Climate Model Projections: K M Grise, L M Polvani A44E Moscone West 3012 Thursday1600h Warm Boundary Layer Clouds and Climate Change from the Cloud to the Global Scale III (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with GC, OS) Presiding: Jan Kazil, NOAA/CIRES; Armin Sorooshian, University of Arizona; Jan Kazil, University of Colorado at Boulder 1600h A44E-01 The Response of Trade-wind Clouds to a Changing Environment: Why Climate Model Cloud Feedbacks Might Differ from Nature?: L Nuijens, B Medeiros, I Sandu, M Ahlgrimm 1615h A44E-02 Shallow cumulus rooted in photosynthesis: J Vila-Guerau Arellano, O H G, G Horn, M Sikma, C M Jacobs, D Baldocchi 1630h A44E-03 The Role of Cold Pools in Mesoscale Organization of Shallow Cumulus and Congestus: D B Mechem, S E Giangrande, D D Turner 1645h A44E-04 Investigating Warm Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Organization By Thermodynamic and Dynamic States with NASA a-Train and MERRA Reanalysis Data: B H Kahn, G Matheou, M Christensen, E J Fetzer, M D Lebsock, J Teixeira, Q Yue 1700h A44E-05 Radiative forcing by coastal anthropogenic emissions explains observed 20th century Southeast Pacific cooling: S Spak, P E Saide, M Mena, G R Carmichael 1715h A44E-06 Transport of Mass and Water Vapor in Cumulus Topped Boundary Layer: A Case-Study from Arm Darwin Facility: V P Ghate, M P Jensen 2014 59 11/28/2014 11:06:38 AM 1730h A44E-07 The Response of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds to Idealized Climate Perturbations: P N Blossey, C S Bretherton, A Cheng, S Endo, T Heus, A Lock, J van der Dussen, K M Xu 1745h A44E-08 Aerosol Indirect Forcing Dictated by Warm Low-Cloud: M Christensen, Y C Chen, G L Stephens BIOGEOSCIENCES B44A Moscone West 2003 Thursday1600h Carbon Cycle Dynamics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Terrestrial and Peat Dominated Environments II (joint with GC) 1645h B44B-04 Changes in Landscape-level Carbon Balance of an Arctic Coastal Plain Tundra Ecosystem Between 1970-2100, in Response to Projected Climate Change: M J Lara, A D McGuire, E S Euskirchen, H Genet, V L Sloan, C M Iversen, R J Norby, Y Zhang, F Yuan 1700h B44B-05 Impact of Hydrologic Variability on Nutrient Age Distribution in Intensively Managed Landscapes: P Kumar, D K Woo 1730h B44B-07 Water and Carbon Fluxes in a Semi-Arid Region Floodplain: Multiple Approaches to Constrain Estimates of Seasonaland Depth Dependent Fluxes at Rifle, Colorado: T K Tokunaga, J Wan, W Dong, Y Kim, K H Williams, M E Conrad, J N Christensen, M Bill, B Faybishenko, C Hobson, R Dayvault, P E Long, S S Hubbard 1745h B44B-08 Seasonal and spatial variations of in situ measured benthic fluxes of nutrients and carbon at the sediment water interface of the southern North Sea: T Oehler, R Martinez, M Schlueter Presiding: Michael Rawlins, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Pawlok Dass, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Charles Lane, US Environmental Protection Agency; Bradley Autrey, US Environmental Protection Agency B44C Moscone West 2002 Thursday1600h 1600h B44A-01 Importance of West Siberian Peatlands to Global Carbon and Water Cycles: L C Smith Mapping, Methods, Modeling, and Monitoring: Agriculture’s Four Means of Global Change Assessment II (joint with GC, IN) 1615h B44A-02 The Methane to Carbon Dioxide Ratio Produced during Peatland Decomposition and a Simple Approach for Distinguishing This Ratio: J Chanton, S B Hodgkins, W T Cooper, P H Glaser, J E Corbett, P M Crill, S R Saleska, V I Rich, B Holmes, M E Hines, M Tfaily, J E Kostka Presiding: Jessica McCarty, Michigan Technological University; Rick Mueller, USDA NASS; Jesslyn Brown, USGS/ EROS; Tatiana Loboda, University of Maryland 1630h B44A-03 Western Siberian Peatlands As Indicator and Regulator of Climate Change on Global Scale through Feedbacks with Carbon Effluxes: S Kirpotin, O Pokrovsky, E P Gordov 1600h B44C-01 A Multi-Sensor Approach for Satellite Soil Moisture Monitoring for Agricultural Climate Risk Assessment: C Champagne, P Cherneski, T A Hadwen, A Davidson 1645h B44A-04 Enhanced Seasonal Exchange of CO2 by Northern Ecosystems – Observations and Models: H D Graven, R F Keeling, S C Piper, P K Patra, B B Stephens, S C Wofsy, L R Welp, C Sweeney, P P Tans, J J Kelley, B C Daube, E A Kort, G Santoni, J D Bent, R Thomas, I C Prentice 1615h B44C-02 Monitoring Crop Phenology and Growth Stages from Space: Opportunities and Challenges: F Gao, M C Anderson, I E Mladenova, W P Kustas, J G Alfieri 1700h B44A-05 The Importance of Explicitly Representing Soil Carbon with Depth over the Permafrost Region in Earth System Models: Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics at Multiple Temporal Scales between 1960 and 2300: A D McGuire 1715h B44A-06 Quantifying Net Carbon Exchanges Between the Atmosphere and Terrestrial Biosphere in the Arctic: What Have We Learned through Decade Regional Modeling Studies?: Q Zhuang 1730h B44A-07 The Role of Remote Sensing in Modeling Landscape Change and Its Associated Carbon Cycle Impacts Across Terrestrial Arctic Ecosystems: D J Hayes, S Goswami, B M Jones, G Grosse, A Balser, S D Wullschleger 1745h B44A-08 Intercomparison of the WetchimpWsl Wetland Methane Models over West Siberia: How Well Can We Simulate High-Latitude Wetland Methane Emissions?: T J Bohn, J R Melton, V Brovkin, G Chen, S N Denisov, A V Eliseev, A V Gallego-Sala, M Glagolev, A Ito, J O Kaplan, T Kleinen, S S Maksyutov, K C McDonald, M A Rawlins, W J Riley, R Schroeder, R Spahni, B Stocker, Z M Subin, H Tian, B Zhang, X Zhu, Q Zhuang B44B Moscone West 2004 Thursday1600h Characterizing Spatial and Temporal Variability of Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes Across Scales II (joint with H) Presiding: Bhavna Arora, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; Haruko Wainwright, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; Susan Hubbard, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1600h B44B-01 Environmental controls on CO2 flux variability across spatial and temporal scales: A M Michalak, Y Fang, V Yadav, S Gourdji, K L Mueller 1615h B44B-02 Tracing arctic hydrology with observations of water vapor isotopes from in situ, airborne, and satellite platforms: J E Cherry, E S Klein, R L Herman, J M Young, J Leffler, J Worden, J M Welker 1630h B44C-03 Mapping Agricultural Land-Use Change in the U.S. 2008-2012: T Lark, M Salmon, H Gibbs 1645h B44C-04 Profiling Fallow Land in California’s Drought Conditions Using the Cropland Data Layer: A Zakzeski 1700h B44C-05 Mapping Agricultural Fields in SubSaharan Africa with a Computer Vision Approach: S R Debats, D Luo, L D Estes, T Fuchs, K K Caylor 1715h B44C-06 Providing a Spatial Context for Crop Insurance in Ethiopia: Multiscale Comparisons of Vegetation Metrics in Tigray: B F Mann, C Small 1730h B44C-07 Biogenic carbon fluxes from global agricultural production and consumption: Gridded, annual estimates of net ecosystem carbon exchange: J Wolf, T O West, Y le Page, A M Thomson 1745h B44C-08 Identification of Arctic transport potential within the Northern Hemisphere based on an analysis of trajectories, 1979-2009: N K Larkin, J L DeWinter, S M Raffuse, T Strand, S G Brown, K Craig, R C Solomon B44D Moscone West 2006 Thursday1600h Variation in Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Transport as Indicators of Ecological,Hydrological, and Watershed Processes III (joint with H) Presiding: George Aiken, USGS; Brian Bergamaschi, USGS-Calif State University; Yuehan Lu, University of Alabama; Elizabeth Canuel, Virginia Inst Marine Sciences 1600h B44D-01 Evolving Human Alteration of the Carbon Cycle: the Watershed Continuum: S Kaushal, K Delaney Newcomb, T Newcomer Johnson, M J Pennino, R M Smith, J J Beaulieu, K Belt, M Grese, J Blomquist, S Duan, S Findlay, G Likens, P M Mayer, S Murthy, R Utz, M Yepsen 1615h B44D-02 Do soils loose phosphorus with dissolved organic matter?: K Kaiser, D BrГ¶dlin, F Hagedorn 1630h B44D-03 Evidence for Direct Transfer of Carbon from Surface Litter to Subsoil in WellDeveloped Spodosols of Northern Michigan, USA: D Rothstein, E R Toosi, R Schaetzl, S Grandy 1630h B44B-03 Landscape analysis of methane flux across complex terrain: K E Kaiser, B L McGlynn, J E Dore 1645h B44D-04 CARBON METABOLISM, UPTAKE KINETICS, AND EXPORT: HOW WATERSHED FORM INFLUENCES CARBON MOBILIZATION AND IN-STREAM TRANSFORMATIONS IN HEADWATER CATCHMENTS: E C Seybold, B L McGlynn 60 THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER AGU2014News.indb 60 2014 1700h B44D-05 The quality and quantity of DOC: Ecological and biogeochemical significance in a nested boreal stream network: H Laudon 1715h B44D-06 A Multiyear Study of the Variability in Organic Matter Concentration and Composition in a Flashy Temperate Stream: E C Minor, M J Macdonald, P K Zigah 1730h B44D-07 Shades of Brown: Changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) with storm-event and seasonal hot moments: S P Inamdar, S Singh, M J Mitchell 1745h B44D-08 Making Sense of Sensors: Stream Carbon Flux Determination at the Five USGS WEBB Watersheds: J B Shanley, J Saraceno, M Dornblaser, B T Aulenbach, A Mast, D W Clow, J F Walker, K Hood, K Wickland, B A Pellerin, G Aiken, J T Crawford, R G Striegl CRYOSPHERE C44A Moscone West 3005 Thursday1600h Climate and the Changing Cryosphere in High Asia II (joint with EP, GC, NH, SI) Presiding: Jeffrey Kargel, University of Arizona; Umesh Haritashya, University of Dayton; Michael Bishop, Texas A & M University 1600h C44A-01 Adding the Long-Term Perspective: Tien Shan’s Glacier Mass Change during 19612012: D Farinotti, L Longuevergne, G Moholdt, D Duethmann, T Bolch, S Vorogushyn, A Guntner, A Gafurov 1615h C44A-02 Glacier Retreat Recovered from Landsat Images by Object-Oriented Classification in Central Tianshan, 1977-2013: X Wang, M Liu, J Wang 1630h C44A-03 Glacier dynamics of the PamirKarakoram-Himalaya region over the last 40 years: N Gourmelen, A Dehecq, E Trouve 1645h C44A-04 The deformation of ice-debris landforms in the Khumbu Region from InSAR: D A Schmidt, A D Barker, B Hallet 1700h C44A-05 Regional Glacier Sensitivity to Climate Change in the Monsoonal Himalaya: Implications for Water Resources: S Rupper, J M Maurer, J M Schaefer, K Tsering, T Rinzin, C Dorji, E S Johnson, E R Cook 1720h C44A-06 High-Resolution Monitoring of Himalayan Glacier Dynamics Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: W Immerzeel, P D A Kraaijenbrink, J Shea, A B Shrestha, F Pellicciotti, M F Bierkens, S M de Jong 1740h C44A-07 Seasonal and Elevational Variations of Black Carbon and Dust in Snow and Ice in the Solu-Khumbu, Nepal and Estimated Radiative Forcings: S Kaspari, T H Painter, M Gysel, M Skiles, M Schwikowski C44B Moscone West 3007 Thursday1600h 1745h C44B-08 An Initial AUV Investigation of the Morainal Bank and Ice-Proximal Submarine Processes of the Advancing Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska: D E Lawson, S P S Gulick, J A Goff, W O’Halloran STUDY OF EARTH’S DEEP INTERIOR DI44A Moscone South 301 Thursday1600h Driving the Interior: The Role of Boundary Layers in the Dynamic Evolution of the Earth’s Mantle I (joint with GP, MR, S, T, V) Presiding: Keely O’Farrell, University College London; Shijie Zhong, University of Colorado at Boulder; Tobias Rolf, ETH Zurich 1600h DI44A-01 Lower Mantle Superplume Growth Stimulates Geomagnetic Reversals: P Olson, H Amit 1615h DI44A-02 Interaction Between Mantle Plumes, Subducted Oceanic Crust and Primordial Reservoirs at Earth’s Lowermost Mantle: M Li, A K McNamara, E Garnero 1630h DI44A-03 When Boundary Layers Collide: Plumes v. Subduction Zones: L N Moresi, P G Betts, M S Miller, D Willis, L O’Driscoll 1645h DI44A-04 A Dynamical Context for Smallscale Heterogeneity Throughout the Mantle Beneath Subduction: D A Frost, S Rost, E Garnero 1700h DI44A-05 Slab Deformation in the Mantle Transition Zone: The Effect of Plate Age and Strength Evolution: S D B Goes, F Garel, R Davies, J H Davies, S C Kramer, C R Wilson 1715h DI44A-06 Attenuation in the Upper Mantle Beneath “Normal” Old Seafloor in the Western Pacific: D W Forsyth, D S Weeraratne 1730h DI44A-07 Origin of Azimuthal Seismic Anisotropy in Oceanic Plates and Mantle: T W Becker, C P Conrad, A J Schaeffer, S Lebedev 1745h DI44A-08 Mantle Rheology and Plate Tectonics: Damage and Inheritance: Y R Ricard, D Bercovici, G Schubert EDUCATION ED44A Moscone South 102 Thursday1600h Challenges and Approaches to Running Effective Undergraduate Research Experiences in the Geosciences II Presiding: Rebecca Haacker, UCAR; Daphne LaDue, University of Oklahoma; Valerie Sloan, UCAR 1600h Introductory Remarks Glacier-Ocean Interactions: Iceberg Calving and Submarine Melting II (joint with OS) Presiding: Ellyn Enderlin, Climate Change Institute; Timothy Bartholomaus, University of Texas 1600h C44B-01 How to choose a calving law: M O’Leary 1615h C44B-02 First-principles Simulations and the Criticality of Calving Glaciers: D Vallot, J A Г…strГ¶m, M SchГ¤fer, E Welty, S O’Neel, T C Bartholomaus, Y Liu, T Riikila?, T Zwinger, J Timonen, J Moore 1630h C44B-03 Melt Undercutting and Calving from Tidewater Glaciers: Observations and Model Results: D Benn, S Cook, J A Г…strГ¶m, A J Luckman, T Zwinger 1645h C44B-04 When ice meets water: Subaqueous melt and its relevance in various settings: M Truffer, R J Motyka 1700h C44B-05 Oceanic Boundary Conditions for Jakobshavn Glacier: Variability and Renewal of Ilulissat Icefjord Waters, 2001-2014: C V Gladish, D M Holland, A Rosing-Asvid, J Behrens, J Boje 1715h C44B-06 Laboratory Experiments Investigating Glacier Submarine Melt Rates and Circulation in an East Greenland Fjord: C Cenedese 1730h C44B-07 Runoff Routing Beneath Marineterminating Glaciers in Central West Greenland: M Fried, G A Catania, T Bartholomaus, C Black, D Duncan, M B Davis, L A Stearns, J D Nash, E Shroyer, D Sutherland, R T Walker 1605h ED44A-01 Tackling diversity challenges in Geoscience with the “Advancing Space Science Undergraduate Research Experience” (ASSURE) program at UC Berkeley’s Space Sciences Laboratory: C L Raftery, R Paglierani, R L Shackelford III, L M Peticolas, R Frappier, B Mendez 1620h ED44A-02 UAHuntsville-NASA MSFC Heliophysics REU: A Model for Recruiting Targeted Groups: S Farid, J Heerikhuisen, A R Winebarger 1635h ED44A-03 Battling the GPA Bias: Selecting NSF-REU Participants for Transformative Research Experiences: M Smith, C S Kim, J Osborn 1650h ED44A-04 Tailoring Summer Research Experiences to Diverse Student Cohorts: Lessons Learned from Teaching Scientific Communication to Summer Interns: R L Batchelor, R Haacker 1705h ED44A-05 The CSU-CHILL REU: The Interdisciplinary challenge: C V Chandra, J C Hardin 1720h ED44A-06 Broadening participation in Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs: an evaluation of the team research model for undergraduate research experiences: A R Berthelote, E M Geraghty Ward, D M Dalbotten 1735h ED44A-07 Solving Nutrient Loading in the Great Lakes: An Integrative, Interdisciplinary and Ambidextrous Approach: M C Borrello, T Keeton, T Foley, A Frost, N Green, J Isler 1750h ED44A-08 Supporting REU Leaders and Effective Workforce Development in the Geosciences: V Sloan, R Haacker All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:38 AM ED44C Moscone South 308 Thursday1600h Unlocking the Educational Value of Hydrologic Research for Development of Student-Centered, ContextRich, Active Hydrologic Learning Experiences I (joint with H) Presiding: Emad Habib, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; David Tarboton, Utah State University; Upmanu Lall, Columbia Univ; Thorsten Wagener, University of Bristol 1600h ED44C-01 Integrating Place-based Science and Data into Hydrology and Geoscience Education Using the CUAHSI Water Data Center Resources: J S Arrigo, D M Dalbotten, R P Hooper, J Pollak, E Geosling 1615h ED44C-02 New Student-Centered and Data-Based Approaches to Hydrology Education: G Bloeschl, P A A Troch, M Sivapalan 1630h ED44C-03 Significant Learning Experiences in Ecohydrology in the Critical Zone: K A Lohse 1645h ED44C-04 Model My Watershed: Developing a Pipeline from Secondary School to College That Engenders Interest in Hydrologic Sciences: S E Gill, A K Aufdenkampe 1700h ED44C-05 Interactive Learning Environment: Web-based Virtual Hydrological Simulation System using Augmented and Immersive Reality: I Demir 1715h ED44C-06 Experiences with the Development of an Undergraduate Degree in Ecohydrology: L Saito, M Walker, N Markee 1730h ED44C-07 Ecohydrology: no future without a past: O Batelaan, R Hunt, M Hayashi 1745h ED44C-08 Training young scientists across empirical and modeling approaches: D J Moore EARTH AND PLANETARY SURFACE PROCESSES EP44A Moscone West 2005 Thursday1600h Floodplain Dynamics through Space and Time I Presiding: Elizabeth Hajek, Penn State University; Irina Overeem, Univ Colorado 1600h EP44A-01 MAST-1D, a Model to Route Sediment and Tracers in Channel-Floodplain Complexes: E Viparelli, J W Lauer, P Belmont 1615h EP44A-02 Modeling Flood Dynamics Along the Super-Elevated Channel Belt of the Yellow River, China, over the Last 3,000 Years: Y Chen, I Overeem, A J Kettner, S Gao, J P Syvitski 1630h EP44A-03 Interactions of Flow, Sediment Transport, and Vegetation in the Long-Term Evolution of Arroyos: M C Perignon, E R Griffin, G E Tucker, J M Friedman, I Overeem 1645h EP44A-04 Time-scale bias in evidence for anthropogenic acceleration of soil erosion and floodplain accretion: J K Willenbring, T Hoffmann, P Sadler, J O Kaplan, R C Chiverrell, G Erkens, F von Blanckenburg 1715h EP44A-06 Global-scale simulation of riverfloodplain water and sediment exchange within a riverine modeling framework: S Cohen, A J Kettner, J P Syvitski, D Yamazaki 1730h EP44A-07 Deconvolving Flood Plain Dynamical Processes from Pedogenic Processes on Ancient Floodplains: N D Sheldon 1745h EP44A-08 Evaluating the Influence of Floodplain-filling Styles on Channel-belt Stacking and Basin-scale Fluvial Architecture: E Chamberlin, E A Hajek EP44B Moscone West 2007 Thursday1600h High-Resolution Topography and Process Measurements for Analyzing Earth-Surface Dynamics III (joint with H) Presiding: Thad Wasklewicz, East Carolina University; Julian Leyland, University of Southampton; Paola Passalacqua, University of Texas at Austin; Christopher Crosby, UNAVCO 1600h EP44B-01 Laser Scanning Applications in Fluvial Geomorphology: P Alho 1615h EP44B-02 Topographic and Acoustic Estimates of Grain-Scale Roughness from HighResolution Multibeam Echo-Sounder: Examples from the Colorado River in Marble and Grand Canyons: D Buscombe, P E Grams 1630h EP44B-03 Application of Uav Photogrammetry for Assessment of Fluvial Dynamics of a Montane Stream. Case Study – RoklanskГЅ Creek, Е umava Mts., Europe: J Langhammer, J Mi?ijovskГЅ, F Hartvich, J KaiglovГЎ 1645h EP44B-04 Using High-Resolution Field Measurements to Model Dune Kinematics in a Large Elongate Meander Bend: K M Konsoer, B L Rhoads, J Best, C E Frias, J D Abad, E J Langendoen 1645h GC44A-04 Climate Risk Management in the Anthropocene: From Basic Science to Decisionmaking and Back: K Keller 1700h GC44A-05 Managing U.S. climate risk through mitigation: Insights from the American Climate Prospectus: R E Kopp III, S M Hsiang, T Houser, K Larsen, D M Rasmussen Jr, A Jina, J Rising, M Delgado, S Mohan, R Muir-Wood, P S Wilson 1700h EP44B-05 Bedform dynamics in a large sand-bedded river using multibeam echo sounding: C M Elliott, R B Jacobson, S Erwin, A B Eric, A J DeLonay 1715h GC44A-06 A Multi-Model Framework to Achieve Consistent Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts in the United States: M C Sarofim, J Martinich, S Waldhoff, B J DeAngelo, J McFarland, L Jantarasami, K Shouse, A Crimmins, J Li 1730h EP44B-07 Bedrock Channels: Towards a Process-Based Understanding: D R Parsons, S E Darby, C R Hackney, J Leyland, J Best, A P Nicholas, R E Aalto, C A P T Horn III, M R Thy 1730h GC44A-07 A new large initial condition ensemble to assess avoided impacts in a climate mitigation scenario: B M Sanderson, C Tebaldi, R Knutti, K W Oleson 1745h EP44B-08 Combining Remote Sensing with in situ Measurements for Riverine Characterization: J Calantoni, M L Palmsten, J Simeonov, D W Dobson, K Zarske, J A Puleo, K T Holland 1745h GC44A-08 The Feasibility of Avoiding Future Climate Impacts: Results from the AVOID Programmes: J A Lowe, R Warren, N Arnell, S Buckle GEODESY G44A Moscone West 3024 Thursday1600h Cryosphere, Solid Earth, and Sea-Level Interactions and the Next Generation of Glacial Isostatic Models I (joint with C, NH, S, T) Presiding: Jeanne Sauber, NASA Goddard SFC; Erik Ivins, JPL/Caltech; Wouter van der Wal, Delft University of Technology; Volker Klemann, GFZ German Research Centre 1600h G44A-01 Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Antarctica: P L Whitehouse 1615h G44A-02 The Influence of Earth structure on a coupled Antarctic ice sheet - sea level model: N A Gomez, D Pollard, D M Holland, K Latychev 1630h G44A-03 Antarctic Glacial Isostatic Adjustment from an inversion of satellite and insitu observations: A Martin, J L Bamber, N Schoen, A Zammit-Mangion, J Rougier, E J Petrie, R Riva, S B Luthcke, T Flament 1645h G44A-04 Earth Structure, Ice Mass Changes, and the Local Dynamic Geoid: C Harig, F J Simons 1700h G44A-05 Constraining Earth’s Rheology of the Barents Sea Using Grace Gravity Change Observations: W van der Wal, B C Root, L Tarasov 1715h G44A-06 Construction of Late Pleistocene Laurentide Ice History on Earth with Composite Rheology: P P C Wu, W van der Wal, H Steffen, H Wang 1730h G44A-07 The thickness history of the northern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: an assessment of glacial isostatic adjustment models, sea-level measurements, and vertical land motion rates: K M Simon, T S James, J A Henton, A Dyke 1745h G44A-08 Postglacial Rebound Model ICE-6G_C (VM5a) Constrained by Geodetic and Geologic Observations: W R Peltier, D F Argus, R Drummond GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE GC44A Moscone West 3010 Thursday1600h Climate Change: Impacts, Resilience, Vulnerability, Adaptation, and Mitigation III (Virtual Session) (joint with ED, NH, PA) Presiding: James Byrne, University of Lethbridge; Simon Donner, University of British Columbia; Brian O’Neill, National Center for Atmospheric Research; Kent Peacock, Univ of Lethbridge 1600h GC44A-01 Political Challenges and Opportunities to Climate Change Mitigation: A View from the Front Lines: A J Weaver 1615h GC44A-02 Addressing Global Warming, Air Pollution, Energy Security, and Jobs with Roadmaps for Changing the All-Purpose Energy Infrastructure of the 50 United States: M Z Jacobson All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 61 1630h GC44A-03 Regional Renewable Energy Cooperatives: P Hazendonk, M B Brown, J M Byrne, T Harrison, R Mueller, K Peacock, J Usher, R Yalamova, R Kroebel, J Larsen, R McNaughton GC44B Moscone West 3003 Thursday1600h Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models and Observations III (joint with A, B, H, SI) Presiding: Maoyi Huang, Pacific NW Nat’l Lab-Atmos Sci; Donald Lucas, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Katharine Hayhoe, Texas Tech University; Linda Mearns, NCAR 1600h GC44B-01 A brief overview uncertainties in climate change projections and their consequences for impact assessment: C Tebaldi 1620h GC44B-02 Climate models, extremes and the role of statistics: D W Nychka 1640h GC44B-03 (non) Emergent Constraints: C S Jackson, M W Hattab, G Huerta 1700h GC44B-04 Regional climate predictability from regional climate feedbacks: G Roe, N Feldl, K Armour, Y T Hwang, D M Frierson 1720h GC44B-05 Stringent Mitigation Policy Implied By Temperature Impacts on Economic Growth: F Moore, D Turner 1740h GC44B-06 The Influence of Downscaling Models and Observations on Future Hydrochemistry Reponses of Forest Watersheds: A Pourmokhtarian, C T Driscoll, J L Campbell, K Hayhoe, A M K Stoner GEOMAGNETISM AND PALEOMAGNETISM GP44A Moscone South 300 Thursday1600h ESA’s Swarm Mission, One Year in Space II (joint with DI, G, SA, SM, T, V) Presiding: Gauthier Hulot, IPGP; Hermann Luhr, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum, GFZ; Eigil FriisChristensen, DTU; David Knudsen, Univ Calgary 1600h GP44A-01 Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling from Dynamics Explorer to Swarm and Beyond: T E Moore, J H Clemmons, G Collinson, D J Gershman, G V Khazanov, L M Kistler, D J Knudsen, R F Pfaff Jr, C J Pollock, D E Rowland 1615h GP44A-02 Scientific Highlights from the Swarm Electric Field Instruments: D J Knudsen, W Archer, J K Burchill, S C Buchert, E Donovan, B G Fejer, B J Jackel, M Patrick, J P St-Maurice, C Stolle 1630h GP44A-03 Coordinated Swarm in Situ and THEMIS All Sky Imager (ASI) Observations of the Motion of Patchy Pulsating Aurora: B Yang, J Liang, E Donovan, D J Knudsen, J K Burchill, A Kouznetsov, J M Ruohoniemi, E Spanswick, K Rae 1645h GP44A-04 Coordinated Coverage of the Ring Current, Cusp and Adjacent FACs with Cluster and Swarm: M W Dunlop, Y Bogdanova, J Yang, Y Yang, C Shen, H Luhr, C Xiong, N Olsen, Q H Zhang, P Ritter, K Kauristie, A Masson, R Haagmans 1700h GP44A-05 Swarm Observations of FieldAligned Currents: Case Studies: G Le, P J Chi, J W Gjerloev, C Stolle, H Luhr, J Park, J Rauberg THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1715h GP44A-06 Confirmation of Small Scale FieldAligned Currents in Middle and Low Latitudes and an Estimation of Their Typical Period of Temporal Variation: T Iyemori, K Nakanishi, T Aoyama, H Luhr, M Nose, Y Koyama, Y Yokoyama 1730h GP44A-07 Equatorial Post-Sunset Plasma Irregularities As Seen from the Swarm Constellation Mission: C Stolle, J Park, C Xiong, H Luhr, B G Fejer, J Rauberg, I Michaelis 1745h GP44A-08 A study of magnetosphereionosphere coupling using Swarm ULF wave observations: G Balasis, I A Daglis, K Papadimitriou, I R Mann, R Haagmans HYDROLOGY H44A Moscone West 3016 Thursday1600h Advances in Hydrogeology and Hydrogeophysics: Innovations in Experimental Methods, Data Processing, and Modeling II (joint with NS) Presiding: Deqiang Mao, Colorado School of Mines; Pernille Marker, Technical University of Denmark; Kristopher Kuhlman, Sandia National Laboratories; Tobias Lochbuehler, University of Lausanne 1600h H44A-01 Hydraulic Tomography Implementation Considerations at a Recalcitrant Environmental Site: C H M Tso, C M W Mok, T C J Yeh, W A Illman, Y Hashimoto 1615h H44A-02 Should Hydraulic Tomography always rely on the Geostatistics Approach? A Laboratory Sandbox Investigation: W A Illman, S J Berg, Z Zhao 1635h H44A-03 The Science and Practice of Oscillatory Flow Testing: M A Cardiff, Y Zhou, D Lim, T Bakhos, D L Hochstetler, W Barrash, P K Kitanidis 1650h H44A-04 High Resolution Aquifer Characterization - Busting the Grain Size Myth: T Vienken, P Dietrich 1705h H44A-05 Inversion and Experimental Methods for Tomographic Investigations in Hydrogeology: C Leven, R L Schwede, K O Doro, E E Sanchez-Leon, O A Cirpka 1725h H44A-06 Efficient Method for Calculating Hydraulic Conductivity from Pneumatic Slug Tests: X Peng, B Cheung, P S Knappett, H Zhan 1740h H44A-07 Model Selection and Calibration with Sparse Representations : B Jafarpour H44B Moscone West 3022 Thursday1600h Advances in Hydrometeorological Predictions and Applications IV (joint with A, NH) Presiding: Hamid Moradkhani, Portland State University; Nathalie Voisin, PNNL; Andrew Wood, National Center for Atmospheric Research; Hamid Moradkhani, Portland State University 1600h H44B-01 What can data assimilation do for water quality forecasting?: S Kim, H Riazi, D J Seo, C Shin, K Kim 1615h H44B-02 Towards a More Effective Postprocessing of Hydrologic Forecasts by Copula-Embedded Bayesian Model Averaging: S Madadgar, H Moradkhani 1630h H44B-03 Towards guided data assimilation for operational hydrologic forecasting in the US Tennessee River basin: A Weerts, A W Wood, M P Clark, S Carney, G N Day, M Lemans, J Sumihar, A J Newman 1645h H44B-04 A Successful Example of Transitioning Research to NCEP Operations: The North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS): M B Ek, Y Xia, H Wei, J Meng, J Dong, K Mitchell, E F Wood, J Sheffield, C D Peters-Lidard, D M Mocko, B Cosgrove, D P Lettenmaier, K C Mo, W Ebisuzaki, M Rosencrans, L Luo, E Luebehusen 1700h H44B-05 Streamflow forecasting and data assimilation: bias in precipitation, soil moisture states, and groundwater fluxes: J L McCreight, D J Gochis, T Hoar, A L Dugger, W Yu 1715h H44B-06 Drought Patterns Forecasting using an Auto-Regressive Logistic Model: M del Jesus, J Sheffield, F J MГ©ndez Incera, I J Losada, A Espejo 1730h H44B-07 Drought Occurrence and Management in Kazakhstan : Y Iskakov, A Mendigarin, B Sazanova, Y Zhumabayev 2014 61 11/28/2014 11:06:39 AM 1745h H44B-08 Event-based aquifer-to-atmosphere modeling over the European CORDEX domain: J Keune, K Goergen, M Sulis, P Shrestha, A Springer, J Kusche, C Ohlwein, S J Kollet H44C Moscone West 3014 Thursday1600h New Developments in Soil and Groundwater Remediation: Advances in Process Understanding and Sustainability II (joint with B) Presiding: Jason Gerhard, University of Western Ontario; Geoffrey Tick, Univ Alabama; Deyi Hou, University of Cambridge; Jian Luo, Georgia Institute of Technolog 1600h H44C-01 Gas Dynamics during Thermal Remediation: Visualization, Quantification and Enhancement: K G Mumford, P R Hegele H44E Moscone West 3020 Thursday1600h Uncertainty Quantification and Reduction in Hydrogeological Forecasting and Inversion III (joint with A, GC, MR, NG) Presiding: Souheil Ezzedine, Univ California LLNL; Niklas Linde, University of Lausanne; Philippe Renard, University of Neuchatel; Daniel Tartakovsky, Univ California San Diego 1600h H44E-01 Incorporating Pore-Scale Data in Field-Scale Uncertainty Quantification: A MultiScale Bayesian Approach: M Icardi 1615h H44E-02 Transient Hydraulic Tomography in the Field: 3-D K Estimation and Validation in a Highly Heterogeneous Unconfined Aquifer: D L Hochstetler, W Barrash, P K Kitanidis 1615h H44C-02 Seasonal Variations in CO2 Efflux, Vadose Zone Gas Concentrations, and Natural Attenuation Rates at a Crude Oil Spill Site: J Trost, N Sihota, G N Delin, E Warren 1630h H44E-03 Hierarchical Acceleration of Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Computationally Expensive Simulations in Reservoir Modeling: G Zhang, D Lu, C Webster 1630h H44C-03 Activated Persulfate Treatment of 1,4-Dioxane in the Presence of Chlorinated Solvent Co-contaminants: T T Boving, D E H Eberle, R Ball 1645h H44E-04 Inverse Groundwater Flow Modelling Via Conditional Simulation: S HГ¶rning, A Bardossy 1645h H44C-04 Regulation of Electrochemically Generated H2O2 in Situ from a Novel CB-PTFE Cathode for Transformation of Chlorine Benzene in Groundwater: J Jiang, X Zhang, G Li 1700h H44C-05 Laboratory Assessment of a Screening Model: Exploring the Coupling between Dissolution and Degradation Rates in GangliaDominated Source Zones: T J Phelan, L M Abriola, J L Gibson, K M Smits, J Christ 1715h H44C-06 Slow Release of Permanganate from Injectable Fumed Silica Gel: Rheological Properties and Release Dynamics: S Yang, L Zhong, M Oostrom, G Li 1745h H44C-08 Long term impacts of CMC/nZVI amendment injection on organohalide-respiring microbial communities at a chlorinated solvent field site: C M Kocur, L Lomheim, H K Boparai, A I Chowdhury, K Weber, L M Austrins, B Sleep, D M O’Carroll, E Edwards H44D Moscone West 3002 Thursday1600h Open-Source Tools and Software Development for the Hydrological Sciences I (joint with IN) Presiding: Joseph Hughes, USGS Office of Groundwater; Christopher Kees, US Army Corps of Engineers; Karthik Ram, University of California, Berkeley 1600h H44D-01 Leveraging Open-Source Software and Data Standards within the Integrated Water Resources Science and Services Initiative: E P Clark 1615h H44D-02 A suite of R packages for webenabled modeling and analysis of surface waters: J S Read, L A Winslow, D NГјst, L De Cicco, J I Walker 1630h H44D-03 OpenGeoSys: An Open-Source Initiative for Numerical Simulation of ThermoHydro-Mechanical/Chemical (THM/C) Processes in Porous Media: N Watanabe, L Bilke, T Fischer, T Kalbacher, T Nagel, D Naumov, K Rink, H Shao, W Wang, O Kolditz 1645h H44D-04 Akuna: An Open Source User Environment for Managing Subsurface Simulation Workflows: V L Freedman, D Agarwal, K Bensema, S Finsterle, C W Gable, E H Keating, H Krishnan, C Lansing, W Moeglein, G S H Pau, E Porter, T D Scheibe 1700h H44D-05 Software Carpentry In The Hydrological Sciences: A J Ahmadia, C E Kees 1715h H44D-06 Rapid setup of the high resolution interactive hydrological / hydraulic model for flood forecasting at global scale: G Donchyts, A Haag, H Winsemius, F Baart, R Hut, N Drost, N Van De Giesen 1730h H44D-07 The Jupyter/IPython architecture: a unified view of computational research, from interactive exploration to communication and publication: M Ragan-Kelley, F Perez, B Granger, T Kluyver, P Ivanov, J Frederic, M Bussonier 1745h H44D-08 Rapid Prototyping of Hydrologic Model Interfaces with IPython: M W Farthing, K D Winters, A J Ahmadia, T Hesser, S E Howington, B D Johnson, J Tate, C E Kees 1700h H44E-05 CDF solutions of diffusion equation with random inputs: F Boso, D M Tartakovsky 1715h H44E-06 A Comparison of Three Stochastic Approaches for Parameter Estimation and Prediction of Steady-State Groundwater Flow: Nonlocal Moment Equations and Monte Carlo Method Coupled with Ensemble Kalman Filter and Geostatistical Stochastic Inversion: E MoralesCasique, J V BriseГ±o-Ruiz, A F HernГЎndez, G S Herrera, O Escolero-Fuentes AGU2014News.indb 62 2014 1600h OS44A-01 Developments in Airborne Oceanography and Air-Sea Interaction : W K Melville NH44A Moscone South 309 Thursday1600h Landslide Vulnerability, Risk, and Cost Assessment II (joint with EP, SI) Presiding: Dalia Bach Kirschbaum, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Paola Reichenbach, CNR-IRPI; Paola Salvati, CNR-IRPI 1600h NH44A-01 From Physical Process to Economic Cost – Integrated Approaches of Landslide Risk Assessment: M Klose, B Damm 1615h NH44A-02 New Method for Estimating Landslide Losses for Major Winter Storms in California: C J Wills, F G Perez, D Branum 1630h NH44A-03 Post-Fire Debris-Flow Hazard Assessments at the U.S. Geological Survey – Recent Advances and Future Directions: D M Staley, J W Kean, G M Smoczyk, J A Negri 1645h NH44A-04 Towards Cross-Border Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment in Central Asia: A Saponaro, M Pilz, M Wieland, M Pittore, D Bindi, S Parolai 1700h NH44A-05 Elements at Risk Exposed to Landslides in the Eastern European Alps: S Fuchs, A Zischg, M Keiler 1715h NH44A-06 A Tool for Modelling the Impact of Triggered Landslide Events on Road Networks: F E Taylor, M Santangelo, I Marchesini, B D Malamud, F Guzzetti 1730h NH44A-07 Field-based landslide risk of deep-seated landslides reactivating based on changes in infrastructure: an example from Kelso, Washington, 2014: S F Burns 1730h H44E-07 Characterizing Roughness and Connectivity Properties of Aquifer Conductivity Using the Method of Anchored Distributions (MAD): F Hesse, J E Sege, C Murillo, S Attinger, Y Rubin 1745h NH44A-08 Impact Of Landslides Along Road Network And Direct Cost Estimation: A Case Study In Marche Region, Central Italy: P Salvati, M Donnini, F Guzzetti, F Ardizzone, M Cardinali, F Bucci, F Fiorucci, M Alvioli, M Santangelo 1745h H44E-08 Optimal Observation Network Design for Model Discrimination using Information Theory and Bayesian Model Averaging: H V Pham, F T C Tsai NEAR SURFACE GEOPHYSICS EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE INFORMATICS NS44A Moscone South 302 Thursday1600h Geophysical Methods for Groundwater Evaluation and Management II (joint with H) IN44A Moscone West 2020 Thursday1600h Presiding: Rosemary Knight, Stanford Univ; John Lane, USGS Cyberinfrastructure for Field Work: Data Standards, Computer Applications, Instrumentation, and Best Practices II (joint with A, B, C, DI, EP, G, GP, H, NH, OS, PP, T, V) 1600h NS44A-01 Aquifer-System Characterization by Integrating Data from the Subsurface and from Space, San Joaquin Valley, California, USA: M Sneed, J T Brandt Presiding: Xiaogang Ma, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Matty Mookerjee, Sonoma State University; Charuleka Varadharajan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Deb Agarwal, LBNL 1600h IN44A-01 Digital Curation of Earth Science Samples Starts in the Field: K A Lehnert, L Hsu, L Song, M R Carter 1613h IN44A-02 Sedimentary Geology Context and Challenges for Cyberinfrastructure Data Management: M A Chan, D A Budd 1626h IN44A-03 Towards Making Data Bases Practical for use in the Field: T P Fischer, K A Lehnert, G Chiodini, B McCormick, C Cardellini, L E Clor, E Cottrell 1652h IN44A-05 The many facets of integrating data and metadata for research networks: experience from the AmeriFlux Network: G Pastorello, C Poindexter, C van Ingen, D Papale, D Agarwal 1705h IN44A-06 Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Clustering: A Framework for Integrating Disparate Data to Understand Network Representativeness and Scaling Up Sparse Ecosystem Measurements: F M Hoffman, J Kumar, D M Maddalena, Z Langford, W W Hargrove 1718h IN44A-07 Information Requirements for Integrating Spatially Discrete, Feature-Based Earth Observations: J S Horsburgh, A K Aufdenkampe, K A Lehnert, E Mayorga, L Hsu, L Song, I Zaslavsky, D L Valentine 1731h IN44A-08 Machine Learning on Images: Combining Passive Microwave and Optical Data to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent: J Dozier, K Tolle, N Bair 1744h IN44A-09 FreshAiR and Field Studies— Augmenting Geological Reality with Mobile Devices: D G De Paor, H Crompton, M Dunleavy 62 NATURAL HAZARDS THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1615h NS44A-02 Spatiotemporal Characterization of Aquifers Using InSAR Time Series and Timedependent Poroelastic Modeling in Phoenix, Arizona: M M Miller, M Shirzaei 1630h NS44A-03 Extracting Hydrogeology from Heliborne Dual Moment Transient Electromagnetic Investigation in Geologically Divergent Terrenes: S Ahmed, S Chandra, E Auken, S K Verma 1645h NS44A-04 Hydrogeophysical Monitoring of Water Infiltration in the Context of Soil Aquifer Treatment at the Shafdan Site (Israel): K Haaken, A Furman, N Weisbrod, A Kemna 1700h NS44A-05 Advanced Borehole Radar for Hydrogeology: M Sato 1715h NS44A-06 Spectral induced polarization and the hydraulic properties of New Zealand sands: S Joseph, M Ingham 1730h NS44A-07 An experimental investigation of the relationship between borehole-NMR derived effective diffusion in unconsolidated media and hydraulic conductivity: T P Irons, K Martin, J D Abraham 1745h NS44A-08 Improved estimates of formation factor for combined electrical and nuclear magnetic resonance models of permeability of sandstone cores: G K Osterman, K Keating, A M Binley, L D Slater, R McDonald 1615h OS44A-02 Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft System to Study the Evolution of the Boundary Layer Related to Fog Events: G C Roberts, G Cayez, C RonflГ©-Nadaud, M Albrand, J P Dralet, G Momboisse, K Nicoll, Y Seity, M Bronz, G Hattenberger, M Gorraz, A Bustico 1630h OS44A-03 Observations of Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes and HighFrequency Internal Waves from Ship-Launched UAVs and Ship-based Instrumentation: B D Reineman, L Lenain, W K Melville 1645h OS44A-04 Solar Radiation Measurements Onboard the Research Aircraft HALO: I Lohse, B Bohn, F Werner, A Ehrlich, M Wendisch 1700h OS44A-05 NASA COAST and OCEANIA Airborne Missions Support Ecosystem and Water Quality Research in the Coastal Zone: L S Guild, R M Kudela, S B Hooker, J H Morrow, P B Russell, S L Palacios, J M Livingston, K Negrey, J L TorresPerez, J Broughton 1715h OS44A-06 Airborne lidar for oceanatmosphere studies and assessment of future satellite mission concepts: C A Hostetler, J W Hair, Y Hu, M J Behrenfeld, I Cetinic, C F Butler, K A Powell, R A Ferrare, S P Burton, B Cairns, J Chowdhary, R J Hare, D B Harper, A L Cook, T Berkoff, T L Mack, A Notari, G A Woodell 1730h OS44A-07 MIZOPEX – A UAS Arctic Campaign During Summer 2013: M A Tschudi, J A Maslanik, W J Emery, S E Palo, A C Bradley, D Weibel, C J Zappa, S Brown, D Lawrence, M M Fladeland, L Ligon, P Elstner, R Berthold, J Adler 1745h OS44A-08 NOAA Marine and Arctic Monitoring Using UASs: T Jacobs, J J Coffey, R E Hood, P Hall, J Adler OS44B Moscone West 3009 Thursday1600h Ocean Salinity and Water Cycle Variability and Change IV Presiding: Paul Durack, Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; J. Thomas Farrar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst; Jacqueline Boutin, LOCEAN CNRS; Eric Lindstrom, Nasa Headquarters 1600h OS44B-01 Ocean-to-Ocean Dissimilarities of Salty Subtropical Surface Water: A L Gordon 1615h OS44B-02 A Subtropical North Atlantic Regional Atmospheric Moisture Budget: F Bingham, J M D’Addezio 1630h OS44B-03 Water cycle amplification inferred from broadening of the ocean’s salinity distribution: J D Zika, N Skliris, G Nurser, A Blaker, R Marsh 1645h OS44B-04 Variability of the Tropical Atlantic and Pacific SSS Minimum Zones in the Last Three Decades and Their Relations to the ITCZ and NECC: T C Delcroix, M L Tchilibou, G Alory, G P Reverdin, S Arnault 1700h OS44B-05 Where to Look for Recent Decadal Ocean Temperature and Salinity Changes: a CMIP Model Density Analysis: E Guilyardi, P J Durack, P J Gleckler 1715h OS44B-06 The Impact of the Ozone Hole on the Salinity of the Southern Ocean: A L Solomon, L M Polvani, R P Abernathey, K L Smith 1730h OS44B-07 Upper Ocean Salinity Stratification in the Tropics As Derived from the Buoyancy Frequency N2: C Maes, T O’Kane 1745h OS44B-08 The Role of Time Scales in Estimating the Relative Importance of Isopycnal and Diapycnal Oceanic Mixing: J J Schanze, R W Schmitt PLANETARY SCIENCES P44A Moscone West 2009 Thursday1600h Accretion, Differentiation, and Early Planetary Evolution I (Virtual Session) (joint with DI, EP, MR, V) Presiding: Henri Samuel, IRAP; Gregor Golabek, ETH Zurich OCEAN SCIENCES OS44A Moscone West 3011 Thursday1600h 1600h P44A-01 On the Ways That Planetesimals Were Analogs to Terrestrial Planets: L T ElkinsTanton Airborne Systems in Support of Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research II (joint with A) Presiding: Philip McGillivary, US Coast Guard Ice Breaker Operations; Luc Lenain, SIO/UCSD 1615h P44A-02 Mixing of Impactor Liquid Cores and Planetesimals Constrained by Single Silicate Crystal Magnetism: R K Bono, J A Tarduno, F Nimmo, E Scott, L FerriГЁre 1630h P44A-03 Making an Iron Planet: The Case for Repeated Hit and Run Collisions: E I Asphaug, A Reufer All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:39 AM 1645h P44A-04 Investigating Planetary Volatile Accretion Mechanisms Using the Halogens: C J Ballentine, P L Clay, R Burgess, H Busemann, L RuziГ©, B Joachim, J M Day 1700h P44A-05 Selenium isotopes indicate a chondritic origin of volatile elements on Earth: H Vollstaedt, K Mezger, I Leya 1715h P44A-06 Partial Atmospheric Loss and Partial Mantle Melting during the Giant Impact Stage of Planet Formation: S T Stewart, S J Lock, S Mukhopadhyay 1730h P44A-07 Metal-Silicate Equilibration at Super-Liquidus Temperatures During Core Formation: J W Hernlund, H Ichikawa, S Labrosse, M Kameyama 1745h P44A-08 Combining N-body accretion simulations with partitioning experiments in a statistical model of terrestrial planet accretion and core formation: R A Fischer, F Ciesla, A J Campbell PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY PP44A Moscone West 2008 Thursday1600h Observations and Dynamics of Deglaciations II (joint with A, C, OS) Presiding: William Roberts, University of Bristol; Guleed Ali, Columbia University of New York; Kyle Armour, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Anna Hughes, University of Bergen 1600h PP44A-01 Coherent Changes of Northern and Eastern Equatorial Africa Rainfall during the Last Deglaciation: B L Otto-Bliesner, J M Russell, P U Clark, Z Liu, J T Overpeck, B L Konecky, P B deMenocal, S E Nicholson, F He, Z Lu 1615h PP44A-02 Decoupled Changes in Western Niger Delta Primary Productivity and Niger River Discharge Across the Last Deglacial: A O Parker, M W Schmidt, N C Slowey, Z R Jobe, F Marcantonio 1630h PP44A-03 Penultimate Deglacial Dust Fluxes in the Equatorial Pacific: Implications for ITCZ Movement and a Common Mechanism for Glacial Terminations: A W Jacobel, J F McManus, R F Anderson, G Winckler 1700h PP44B-05 What in reality did we count? Some details of the Suigetsu chronology (SG06_2012 yr BP chronology): T Nakagawa 1715h PP44B-06 Quantifying Uncertainty in Spatio-temporal Forest Composition Changes Inferred from Fossil Pollen Records: A Dawson, C J Paciorek, J S McLachlan, S J Goring, J W Williams, S T Jackson 1730h PP44B-07 A Statistical Reconstruction of Bivariate Climate from Tree Ring Width Measurements Using Scientifically Motivated Process Models: J Tipton, M Hooten, N Pederson, M Tingley, D A Bishop 1745h PP44B-08 Seeing the Forest for the Tree(ring)s: Guarding Against False Discovery in Large-Scale Dendroclimatology: S St George SEISMOLOGY S44A Moscone South 305 Thursday1600h 1715h S44A-06 35 years of Ambient Noise: Can We Evidence Daily to Climatic Relative Velocity Changes ?: T Lecocq, H Pedersen, F Brenguier, K Stammler 1730h S44A-07 Effects of Seasonal and Secular changes in Antarctic Sea Ice on Microseismic Noise: R E Anthony, R C Aster, C A Rowe, D A Wiens 1745h S44A-08 Predicting High Frequency Windwave Generated Seismic Noise: a Way to Remotely Monitor Sea-ice Mechanical State: F Gimbert, V C Tsai S44B Moscone South 303 Thursday1600h Geophysics for National Security Needs III (joint with NS, T) Presiding: Catherine Snelson, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Jessie Bonner, Weston Geophysical; Robert Mellors, LLNL L-046 Ambient Seismic Investigations: Oceans, Ice, Environment, and Climate III (joint with OS) 1600h Welcoming Remarks: Presiding: Anya Reading, University of Tasmania; Keith Koper, University of Utah; Richard Aster, Colorado State University; Victor Tsai, CaltechSeismological Lab 1625h S44B-02 A Micromechanical Damage Mechanics Model for the Seismic Coupling of Underground Nuclear Explosions: M A RogersMartinez, C G Sammis, J M Mihaly, H S Bhat 1600h S44A-01 numerical broadband modelling of ocean waves, from 1 to 300 s: implications for seismic wave sources and wave climate studies: F Ardhuin, E Stutzmann, L Gualtieri 1615h S44A-02 Sources of Secondary Microseisms in the Indian Ocean: G Barruol, C Davy, F R Fontaine, E Stutzmann, M Schimmel 1630h S44A-03 Crustal Shear Structure and Seafloor Compliance in the Shallow and Deep Ocean: A K Doran, G Laske 1645h S44A-04 Splitting of the Double-Frequency Microseismic Peak at Land-Based Seismometers in North America: K D Koper, V Burlacu 1700h S44A-05 Decay of Hurricanes Tracked by Dense Seismic Array: A Lamontagne, T Tanimoto 1605h S44B-01 Numerical modeling of explosions for nuclear monitoring: J L Stevens 1640h S44B-03 Numerical Simulations of Underground Explosions: Effect of Joints Near the Source on Energy Coupling, Shear Motions and Gas Flow: T Antoun, S M Ezzedine, O Vorobiev, L A Glenn 1655h S44B-04 Seismic Methods of Identifying Explosions and Estimating Their Yield: W R Walter, S R Ford, M Pasyanos, M L Pyle, S C Myers, R J Mellors, A Pitarka, A J Rodgers, T F Hauk 1745h S44B-07 The use of waveform cross correlation for creation of an accurate catalogue of mining explosions within the Russian platform using joint capabilities of seismic array Miknevo and IMS arrays: I Kitov, M Rozhkov, I Sanina S44C Moscone South 304 Thursday1600h Science and Societal Lessons from a Decade of Giant Megathrust Earthquakes II (Virtual Session) (joint with G, NH, SI, T) Presiding: Andrew Newman, Georgia Tech; Lujia Feng, Earth Observatory of Singapore; Jamie McCaughey, Earth Observatory of Singapore; Aron Meltzner, Earth Observatory of Singapore 1600h S44C-01 Characterizing the Variability of Supercycles on the Mentawai Segment of the Sunda Megathrust and Implications for Global Fault Behavior: B Philibosian, K Sieh, J P Avouac, D H Natawidjaja, H W Chiang, C C WU, H Perfettini, C C Shen, M R Daryono, B W Suwargadi 1615h S44C-02 Constraining Paleoearthquake Slip Distributions with Coral Microatolls: A Lindsay, J McCloskey, M nic Bhloscaidh, S Murphy 1630h S44C-03 Paleoseismic Records of Multiple Great Earthquakes from the Subduction Zones of Sumatra, Chile, and Alaska: T Dura, B Horton, R W Briggs, M Cisternas, L L Ely, H M Kelsey, A R Nelson, C M Rubin 1645h S44C-04 Deterministic and Nondeterministic Behavior of Earthquakes and Hazard Mitigation Strategy: H Kanamori 1700h S44C-05 Influence of the Great Megathrust Earthquakes of the Past Decade on Risk Assessment and Outreach Programs: L A Dengler 1715h S44B-05 Source Time Functions of the Dprk Announced Nuclear TESTS of 2006, 2009 and 2013: A Ziolkowski 1715h S44C-06 Counter-intuitive Behavior of Subduction Zones: Weak Faults Rupture, Strong Faults Creep: K Wang, X Gao, S L Bilek, L N Brown 1730h S44B-06 Moment Tensor Descriptions for Simulated Explosions of the Source Physics Experiment (SPE): X Yang, E Rougier, E E Knight, H J Patton 1730h S44C-07 Localized Fault Slip to the Trench in the 2010 Maule, Chile MВw = 8.8 Earthquake from Joint Inversion of High-Rate GPS, Teleseismic Body Waves, InSAR, and Tsunami Observations: H Yue, T Lay, L A Rivera, C An, C Vigny, X Tong 1645h PP44A-04 Dynamics of Glacial Terminations Simulated By a Coupled Ice-Sheet-Earth System Model: A Timmermann, M Heinemann, D Pollard, A Abe-Ouchi, F Saito 1700h PP44A-05 Heat Storage in the Deep Ocean as a Capacitor to Explain Deglaciations: J F Adkins, N Thiagarajan 1715h PP44A-06 Late Circulation Response in the Deep Southwest Atlantic during Termination I: D C Lund, A C Tessin, A Schmittner 1730h PP44A-07 Mid-ocean ridge bathymetry records past variations in sea level: evidence from spectral analysis of abyssal hills and implications for 100 ky glacial cycles: P J Huybers, S M Carbotte, R F Katz, C H Langmuir 1745h PP44A-08 Interglacial Climate from Deglaciation to Glacial Inception: J F McManus, D Raynaud, P C Tzedakis, E W Wolff, Q Yin, K Pol, L C Skinner, M Crucifix, D A Hodell, A Berger, A Ganopolski, B L Otto-Bliesner, C Mangili PP44B Moscone West 2010 Thursday1600h Understanding Uncertainties in Paleoclimate and Paleoecology: Age Models, Proxy Processes, and Beyond II (joint with B, GC, NG) Presiding: Connor Nolan, University of Arizona; John Williams, University of Wisconsin; Lorraine Lisiecki, University of California Santa Barbara; Deborah Khider, University of California Santa Barbara 1600h PP44B-01 The Paleoclimate Uncertainty Cascade: Tracking Proxy Errors Via Proxy System Models: J Emile-Geay, S G Dee, M N Evans, J F Adkins A joint meeting, hosted by the U.S. and Canadian scientific community, covering a diverse program across the Earth and space sciences 1615h PP44B-02 Foraminifera Record the Good Years More than the Bad: P M Hull 1630h PP44B-03 Radioisotopic Tie Points of the Quaternary Geomagnetic Instability Time Scale (GITS): How Accurate and Precise?: B S Singer 1645h PP44B-04 A Probabilistic Model of Chronological Errors in Layer-Counted Climate Proxies : M Comboul, J Emile-Geay, M N Evans, N Mirnateghi, K M Cobb, D M Thompson All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 AGU2014News.indb 63 Abstract Submissions Deadline: 14 January THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2014 63 11/28/2014 11:06:39 AM 1745h S44C-08 Modeling Afterslip of the 2010 Mw 7.8 Mentawai Tsunami Earthquake Using Stressdriven Rate-and-State Frictional Slip: L Feng, S Barbot, E M Hill, P Banerjee, I Hermawan, K Sieh S44D Moscone South 310 Thursday1600h The M6.0 24 August 2014 South Napa Earthquake II (joint with G, NH, T) Presiding: Jeanne Hardebeck, USGS ; Arthur Rodgers, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Ingrid Johanson, University of California Berkeley; Michael Oskin, University of California Davis 1600h S44D-01 Successful ShakeAlert Performance for the Napa Quake: R M Allen, D D Given, T H Heaton, J E Vidale 1615h S33F-4921 Monitoring seismic velocity changes associated with the 2014 Mw 6.0 South Napa earthquake: T Taira, F Brenguier, Q Kong 1630h S44D-03 Where was the 1898 Mare Island Earthquake? Insights from the 2014 South Napa Earthquake: S E Hough 1645h S44D-04 Sources of Increased Spring and Streamflow Caused by the 2014 South Napa Earthquake: J J Rytuba, T L Holzer 1700h S44D-05 Drought-induced stress changes on faults associated with the 2014 South Napa earthquake: A A Borsa, D C Agnew 1715h S44D-06 Stress transferred by the 2014 M=6.0 American Canyon (Napa), California, earthquake, to the West Napa and Concord-Green Valley faults: S Toda, R S Stein, V Sevilgen SPA-SOLAR AND HELIOSPHERIC PHYSICS SH44A Moscone West 2011 Thursday1600h Linking the Solar Interior with the Corona: Observations, Models, and Data Assimilation II Presiding: Irina Kitiashvili, NASA Ames Research Center; Nagi Mansour, NASA Ames Research Center; Mausumi Dikpati, NCAR; Junwei Zhao, Stanford University 1600h SH44A-01 Modeling the Convection Zoneto-Corona System over Global Spatial Scales: W P Abbett, D J Bercik, G H Fisher 1615h SH44A-02 The Sun’s Meridional Flow and Its Role in Magnetic Flux Transport and the Sunspot Cycle: D H Hathaway, L Upton 1630h SH44A-03 Solar Meridional Flow from Helioseismic Observations: R Komm 1645h SH44A-04 Dynamo Action and Meridional Circulation Dynamics in Eulag-MHD Global 3D MHD Simulations of Solar Convection: D M D C Passos, P Charbonneau 1700h SH44A-05 Shaping Meridional Circulation in Solar and Stellar Convection Zones: N A Featherstone, M S Miesch 1715h SH44A-06 Coronal Eruptions in Simulations of Magnetic Flux Emergence from the Convection Zone: F Fang, Y Fan, S W Mcintosh 1730h SH44A-07 Direct interlink of plasma in the convection zone and in the corona: K Shibasaki 1730h S44D-07 Dynamically Triggered Earthquakes in the Geysers Region following the 2014 M6.0 South Napa Earthquake: X Meng, Z Peng, C Aiken, D Kilb 1745h SH44A-08 Measuring Coronal Energy and Helicity Buildup with SDO/HMI: P W Schuck, S K Antiochos, G Barnes, K D Leka 1745h S44D-08 Ambient Tremor Triggered by the 24 August 2014, M6.0 South Napa Earthquake in the Parkfield-Cholame region of California: R M Nadeau SPA-MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS SPA-AERONOMY SA44A Moscone West 2016 Thursday1600h Ice Layers in the Mesopause Region: Their Physics, Relationship to the Environment in Which They Form, and Response to External Forcings II Presiding: James Russell, Hampton University; Scott Bailey, VA Tech 1600h SA44A-01 Modeling and observations of PMC/NLC in the mesopause region: U Berger, F J Luebken, G Baumgarten 1618h SA44A-02 The Roles of Greenhouse Gas and Solar Cycle Forcing on the Interannual Variability of Temperature and Ice Layers near the Mesopause Region : S M Bailey, B Thurairajah, J M Russell III, C E Randall, M E Hervig, D E Siskind 1636h SA44A-03 Two-day period fluctuation of PMC occurrence over Syowa Station, Antarctica observed by a ground-based lidar and AIM satellite: T Nakamura, H Suzuki, M Tsutsumi, M K Ejiri, Y Tomikawa, M Abo, T Kawahara, T T Tsuda, T Nishiyama 1650h SA44A-04 Stratospheric Impact on the Onset of the Mesospheric Ice Season: J Fiedler, G Baumgarten, U Berger, A Gabriel, R Latteck, F J Luebken 1704h SA44A-05 Interhemispheric Coupling in AIM/CIPS in Dec 2013/Jan 2014: A Connection to Cold Air Outbreaks?: L A Holt, C E Randall, V L Harvey, J France, J Pettit, J D Lumpe Jr, J M Russell III, S M Bailey 1718h SA44A-06 Drivers of PMC Variability from SOFIE and the Implications for Long-Term PMC Change from SBUV: M E Hervig, M H Stevens 1732h SA44A-07 Gravity Waves in the Polar Stratosphere and Mesosphere and Their Relations with Ice Cloud Observed Sofie/AIM: X Liu, J Yue, J Xu, L Wang, W Yuan, J M Russell III, M E Hervig SM44A Moscone West 2012 Thursday1600h Effects of Suprathermal Electrons in Space Plasmas I Presiding: George Khazanov, NASA/ GSFC; Viviane Pierrard, IASB-BIRA; Michael Liemohn, University of Michigan; John Dorelli, NASA/GSFC 1600h SM44A-01 The Role and Implications of Non-Thermal Distributions in the Solar Corona/ Wind: J D Scudder 1615h SM44A-02 The Importance of Suprathermal Electrons in the Solar Wind: G LE CHAT, N MeyerVernet, F G E Pantellini, K Issautier, M Moncuquet 1630h SM44A-03 Suprathermal Electrons in the Plasma Environments of Mars and Venus: D A Brain 1645h SM44A-04 Data-Model Comparison Investigations of Thermospheric Density and Composition Influences on High-Altitude Photoelectron Fluxes at Mars: S Xu, M W Liemohn, S W Bougher, D L Mitchell 1700h SM44A-05 Prompt Ion Outflows and Artificial Ducts during High-Power HF Heating at HAARP: Effect of Suprathermal Electrons?: E V Mishin, G M Milikh 1715h SM44A-06 The role of superthermal electrons in high latitude ionospheric outflows: A Glocer, G V Khazanov, M W Liemohn, G Toth, T I Gombosi 1730h SM44A-07 The Role of Superthermal Electrons in the Formation of Double Layers and their Application in Space Plasmas: N Singh 1745h SM44A-08 Investigation of sounding rocket observations of field-aligned currents and electron temperature: I J Cohen, M Lessard, M D Zettergren, J Moen, K A Lynch, J M Heavisides TECTONOPHYSICS SM44B Moscone West 2018 Thursday1600h Magnetic Reconnection and Its Universal Consequences in Magnetospheric and Solar Plasmas II (joint with P, SH) Presiding: Pontus Brandt, Johns Hopkins Univ/APL; Brian Anderson, Johns Hopkins Univ; Paul Cassak, West Virginia University; Harry Warren, Naval Research Lab DC 1600h SM44B-01 Thermal Structure and Dynamics in Supra-arcade Downflows and Flare Plasma Sheets: K Reeves, W Hanneman, M Freed, D E McKenzie 1615h SM44B-02 Secondary Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in the Reconnection Exhaust Jet: A Mechanism for Supra-Arcade Downflows in the Solar Corona: L Guo, A Bhattacharjee, Y M Huang, D Innes The Birch Lecture (Virtual Session) Presiding: Greg Hirth, Brown Univeristy; Anthony Watts, University of Oxford; Andrea Tommasi, University of Montpellier II 1700h Presentation of the Jason Morgan Early Career Award: 1705h T44B-01 On the Origin of Plate Tectonics: D Bercovici VOLCANOLOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY AND PETROLOGY 1630h SM44B-03 Spontaneous Reconnection Onset in the Magnetotail: Kinetic and MHD Pictures: M I Sitnov, V G Merkin V44A Moscone South 306 Thursday1700h 1645h SM44B-04 Consequences of Kinetic Effects in Nonsymmetric Reconnection Configurations on Large-Scale Dynamical Processes in Magnetosphere and Solar Plasma: M M Kuznetsova, M Hesse, N Aunai, D E Wendel, L Rastaetter, A Glocer, G Toth Presiding: Adam Simon, Univ of Michigan; Dennis Geist, University of Idaho 1700h SM44B-05 In-situ observations of magnetic reconnection in the Jovian nightside magnetosphere: S Kasahara, E A Kronberg, T Kimura, C Tao, S V Badman, A Masters, A Retino, N Krupp, M Fujimoto 1715h SM44B-06 The Impact of Plasmapheric Mass Loading on Dayside Reconnection: J Ouellette, J Lyon, O Brambles, B Zhang, W Lotko, M J Wiltberger 1730h SM44B-07 Comparative Examination of Reconnection-Driven Magnetotail Dynamics at Mercury and Earth: J A Slavin 1745h SM44B-08 Mercury’s Plasma Mantle during Solar Wind Dynamical Pressure Enhancements : D Delcourt, K Seki, N Terada, T E Moore Physical Petrology II (joint with MR) 1700h V44A-01 The Distribution and Separation of Crystals from Melt During Magmatic Evolution: J Dufek 1715h V44A-02 Petrology and Geochronology of Kaula Volcano lavas: An off-axis window into the Hawaiian Mantle Plume: M O Garcia, D Weis, B R Jicha, J P Tree, M Bizimis 1730h V44A-03 A record of lower crustal chamber sizes from Icelandic olivine-hosted melt inclusions: J Maclennan 1745h V44A-04 Quantification of the Intrusion Process at KГЇlauea Volcano, Hawai’I: T L Wright, B D Marsh TOWN HALL TH45A Moscone West 2002 Thursday1815h TECTONOPHYSICS NASA Earth Science Division Town Hall Session (joint with A, B, GC, IN) T44A Moscone South 306 Thursday1600h Linking Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection to Wilson Cycles: Constraints from the Geological Record and Surface Processes IV (joint with DI, EP, S) TH45B Moscone West 2004 Thursday1815h Presiding: Nicolas Flament, University of Sydney; Thorsten Becker, USC; Rebecca Flowers, Univ of Colorado, Boulder; Zheng-xiang Li, Curtin University TH45C Moscone West 2006 Thursday1815h 1600h T44A-01 Spherical Harmonic Models of Observed Dynamic Topography: M Hoggard, N J White, D Al-Attar 1615h T44A-02 Ice Age Sea Level Change on a Dynamic Earth: J Austermann, J X Mitrovica, K Latychev, A Rovere, R Moucha 1630h T44A-03 The Relationship between Dynamic Topography and Sequence Stratigraphy: N J White 1645h T44A-04 Dynamic Topography and Sea Level Change Inferred from Dipole and Quadrupole Moments of Plate Tectonic Reconstructions: C P Conrad, B M Steinberger, T H Torsvik VOLCANOLOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY AND PETROLOGY DOE’s Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) Project NSF Division of Polar Programs Town Hall TH45D Moscone West 2008 Thursday1815h The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) Town Hall (joint with GC) TH45E Moscone West 2003 Thursday1815h NWS Model Development Forum TH45F Moscone West 2005 Thursday1815h Evaluating the Implementation of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and Envisioning the Next Decade (joint with SI) TH45G Moscone West 2007 Thursday1815h V44B Moscone South 103-104 Thursday1600h Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM) Town Hall Meeting (joint with C) Daly Lecture (Virtual Session) Presiding: Catherine McCammon, Universitaet Bayreuth; Vickie Bennett, Australian National University 1746h SA44A-08 Laboratory Measurements on Heterogeneous Nucleation and Growth of Water Vapor on Meteor Smoke Particle Analogues under Conditions of the Mesopause: D Duft, M Nachbar, H Wilms, M Rapp, T Leisner T44B Moscone South 103-104 Thursday1700h 1600h V44B-01 A Chlorine-Centric Perspective on Fluid-Mediated Processes at Convergent Plate Boundaries: J Selverstone TH45H Moscone West 2009 Thursday1815h U.K. Science and Innovation Network: Strategic International Engagement in the Earth and Space Sciences and Policy (joint with PA, SI) TH45I Moscone West 2011 Thursday1815h Strategic Planning Update from UCAR (joint with A, B, ED, OS) 64 AGU2014News.indb 64 2014 THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER All information is current as of 14 November, 2014 11/28/2014 11:06:39 AM
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