RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXX1V, NO. 20. Report H i m Lots tf Fire Not Assessed (or WuDipbrnt At School's End Several Years RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1951 Members Rum-on Auxiliary, Riverview Hospital 10 Cents m cow SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. fttxt Wrditetdmy To Be HegUler Uny Give Your Blood To the Red Cross Here Monday IMw «• UM fact that Tfcanke(Iting fall* •>•• Ikunda), >nv. JJ, Jk' aVgistcr will h* puMiihcd la* \H?<li**4*y previous, Nnv. II. W* Mrgrntly requret »ur adBlood Bank to to §m« svrtl*#r* »n<t Nfwe fnrrra|wiid«iite Operate at MrthtftdUtt Tell mi b so »et ttwlr *4>i rlMnf ropy and •"•• in a* WMin aa powiMe mat With §Wc Chunk tello«ak.|. Hat Axdaca Tell* Why week. TIM- deadline for adverMonday between ll:«l a. m. aat) aUsty-sii aMaaber* of tho ft* poSEA •RIGHT - A chargo af tssitjg r»py •III he Tunday noon 9 30 p. m. at the Red Bank Maths* "gross negligence* wae hurled at lice treat *» couaty aittaiciaaMtlca «f Hfdnradajr noon horli-t church Fellowship hall, tas) Arthur O. Axelsen, aorottfk as Thursday night were graduated of the holiday. Monmouth County Red CroM Chags sessor, hy Councilman Joha E, Don- from th* Menmouth Couaty fire t'l- blood donor lervjra will staff, nelly Friday night, after Council- Police school of iastructioa at cerecallcrting its *hari» of blood plains* man Lawrence McCermick report- monies la Relief EagiM eoaaaany, for members of the I'med farced ed three lots here had been left un- Orumatand ftl. Individual* wishing to five thefe* assessed for a number ef yeara us- Cartitcatea were presented dy j blood m-iy roister at chapter heatV Lieut. Jab* V. Coaaver of the butil this year. I quarters in person, or by calling Mr. Axelsen, wha did not attend reau ot safety education, New Jerj Rod Bin It 8-3113. the meeting, later told a Register sey state police. The department sf I Mondayy the chipter Wood «aMS> state police has encouraged the reporter the lots in question were p "under water until three years ago1' training of Sre police. The moveRUM.SUN -An entranre simi. of . eervji-e hopes to collect 200 pint* of when they were built up as the ment began before Werld War II, rustic. <lfsign in keeping "Mill fur. ' plasma a* part (if their quota q result of a bulkhead construction but did not get into full swing unborough's scenic t<onuty. will tic , tin., i month. The Moodmobile b eff thai erected on R i v e r nl.. near the Plainncld |{<i<l Cross chapter wttl til recently. job. B » e n » V i s t a ave. boundary. The rorne to the Fellowship hall, staffed] Mr. McCormick told the mayor The graduate* ar* expected to s i g n - a gift, nf the Uum.'iiin Im- unii professional Tied Cross bloo4 form a group of instructor* who and council the three lot* were re rovemenl n.-i.iocKition - » a s ills- donor »-orker«. They will be **• corded on the tax books this year will teach smaller group* ia other Saaraa), t«ft t * ri«M: Mri. Da»i«i 6««rf«, Mri. WiHi*m AlStaphan f. Sfavani, Mri. John Varnall, Mrt. Irvinej Vanlrunt, pplayed at tlin tnceiina of the R u m - sisleil hy members of the varisufl and possibly never before. Speak- sections af the county. All are reglan, M M . Ira 0 . Entry, Mrt. Jahn J. Pallor, Mri. ftaaff* T. Lin* Mri. Maria Meyer, Mri. Chariot McCormick, Mri. John ttr- sun m a y o r »nd t o u n n l la ft Thur.-- volunteer services of the CSuntJF ing a* a "member ef the finance Utered with th* state police so that y committee," he said he wanted to they will be available for call If tao, Mri, Chrii larroll, Mri. William Cramey, Mri. Pa»ar fautli. ratti, Mri. G. Schvbarr, Mrt. Frank Pratt. I day night. Councilman Ranrlnll M. .chapter. needed in an emergency. In addi have the borough collect aa much Keatnr, if the sign PJeardsley, chairman at StanfJiftf: Mri. Jahn lannan, M n . Jateph Srralmtiiffr, Top row: M M . John GaaVey, M n . Victor W. Emory, Mrt. j meA Jr.. stated public that, approval. fnur|I thoRandolph blood rtnnor service. r«porta) tion, a Menmouth fire Police asrevenue as possible. nore will b R rtonatPil by die im! that two other hioodmobile vislte sociation wa* formed, Marshall Mri. C. Craft, Mri. Laanara) Marthem, Sr., Mri. ftaymansj MeEdith Luick, Mrt. Jamot Fonnina., Mri. A. A. Kin), M n . F. Siojer, provemrnt association to In; placed Ash Eiemartteti tM have lirrn scheduled for MonmoutN Longstreet of MaUwan being the Mrt. Lawito laaracajva, Mrt. louit Lammam. it oth*r main entranct-i to the t county, pec. 10 st Asbury Para* He alao introduced a motion, la- •resident protem. Richard Klrby ©•ft, M n . Oft* Sfrahmanfar, Mri. Oavisj Kenny, Mri. true* borough. j and Jin 21, 1351 a Lon* Branca* ter adopted, Instructing Mr. Axel- whs wa* secretary at the eight OttofmyM, Mri. f. HtHman, Mri. Gcarf• ScMacliMbcff, Mri. sen ts provide council at its Nov. week school, will hold that post Taa roUwtlone 11 • ' By January, however, lied Croat SI meeting with two lists—one until the association's arst meet honra to hive the blood donor aeiV* Tax collection, in the borouKh 11C0 showing tax exemptions granted In lag. It will be Dec. IS st I a. * at the oml or October wore »3..Vi | b thre »n •«» op-ration, and ther* wfll the years IMO-IMO, th* other the la tba ralr Haven Sre house. per cent of the total, Counrllman 1 ;rm* » ! vl*"» P" m o n t h t 9 *»• same thing for 1M1. i»*ter Cartmell. chairman of the . 'n'y. I" 'he three communities, Instructor for tho local school, About th* three lots, Mr. Me- which met Thursday nights, waa finance committee, reported Thiirs-j hn mentions above. Monmouth countf Cormlck aaid Mr. Axelsea told hint William Everts af Ukewoed. At day night. Thla is the holiest per-1 « t"1'" a*ked to collect MIS plate) no aaaeasntent had been made until tha graduation exercises, Uadercentaxe for th« r-orrrapnndinif per-j°* Mood in a year, and blood donat Christmas seal.4 will go out to this year becauae they were not sheriff Harry Roe of Ocean county SHREWSBURY - Jaatph J. ioil in four year!", Mr. Ortmell 'srrvii'n uant.i to go over the tat) ahown on a tax mat issued In ttM. was toaatmaster. He Introduced Seaman of Monmouth Beach waa 42,000 county residents next Mon- KEYHOnr At the meeting of ent district clerk's office and board stnteil. in this quota. The councilman quoted the assessor Councilman Harold Hurley, chair- appointed school board auditor by day, signaling the beginning of the the mayiir and council Monday meeting room will he made into Anyone between Jl and 51 year*) Reporting on the community the request of the Keyport a classroom Mext year. saying that he put them on the tax man of the Red Bank fire commit the local board of education Mon- 1151 ChrUtmts seal tale In Mon- night Halloween party, Councilman John may give his blood. There Is ltd) hoard of education for permission Following a public hearing a new mouth county, where, It ia hoped, hooks as soon as he found they tee; Wallace Laursen af Matawan day night. His f riii alto audits the nr restrictions. Anyond) chairman. segregations gg y W Carton.. Jr.,, general g 131,500 will be raised to carry on to use all of the borough's borrow fire ordinance waa adopted to es- W. existed. •resident of the county Bremen's borough's records, Ing power for the purpose of build- tablish, maintain, regulate and pmlsed the organizations and indi- In good h-- lth may safely give "This," said Mr. McCormick,'"may association under whose direction The appointment wae made to the tuberculosis control work made Ing an addition to the high school control ce'e of blood. Each prospective dOSJ* the fire department. viduals who made it a success, have been a allp-up that could have the school waa formed, and Philip comply with a recent state law re- possible by the sale of the scale. was denied. or will be examined by a doctor^ The major change In the IMMal* Complimented happened to anybody." But, he aug' H. Beeler, president of the Now quiring achool boards to have cerThe teal this year features Hants who volunteers hi* services, t*) ordinance is to increase the gested, the tack of an assessment Jersey State Fite Poliea associa- tified public accountanta make au- 7laus, jolly and fat, agatntt a green- Members of the council express- new Mayor Peter H. B. Cumming make sure that the prospective doa* of fire wardens from 1. to complimented Councilman Francis through the years represented a tion. blue background. The deaign for ed the opinion that It would be number dit* of achool records. poor business Judgment ta turn ID. The other changes are minor Nary, Cartmell and, Carton on their or has the proper qualifications) money loss to the borough he want the teal was the priae winning enIn other hutinest, Dlatrict Clerk Graduate! were Milton Earlc over all credit to the board, there- in regard to department regula- election laat week and praised the such u weight, temperature, pulsa* od to have made up now. hemoglobin and blood pressure. Fred Munden, Richard A. Klrby Utter C. Scott reported he had try of Robert Stephens of Newark, strapping the council's financial tions. However, Borough A t t o r n e y Frank C. Maaaa, Roy J. King, Rob- received an acknowledgment from who used a* hi* model a clay San- by voters for continuing in office, men A donor who ha* a cold at tk# Following reporta by Councilman who represent honesty, Integrity George A. Gray said state law ert H. Robinson, John Phllla l*rss* the federal government that the ta Claua made a>revl»ualy for his means of operation. S. Crank Weigand, borough at- Qeorge Jacobs, chairman of the and morality. Mr. Nary will be in- time of his appointment, one whf) apeeifles back taxes could be cot* tl, James Cleary, Cornelius A. Var- board's application for federal small daughter. ha* had a recent illness or oawtk torney, explained that if the bor- police committee, and by Police ducted aa mayor Jan. 1. leettd for only one previous year. rey. Charles Julian and Winer R. funds ha* been Hied. The board •tion, one who hi* a history of ma* ThU year's drive Is being eonLeRoy Sproul that the presHa recommended a resolution bo Johnson. Red Bank; Janes W. Bly seeks money baaed on pupils whoae ducted by an enlarged committee ough refused the board's request, Chief The election of Alfred West aa laria or anti-malarial therapy with* th* next procedure would be for ent police car is in bad condition drawn appealing th* case to tho and J. Orover Carter, Shrewsbury; parent* are federally employed. headed by Mra. Edward M. Crane the local hoard to apply to the and unsafe for operation by the an active member of Rumson lire in two years, or Infectious jaundlcav tax board, on notice to the owners, Melvln P. Stout, Joha A. Conner will not be accepted. Donors whs} A letter from Aylln Pleraon, ar- of Middletown, with Mrs. James state hoard of education. If the department, the council decided to company waa confirmed. to fix a 1850 assessment agalast Frank J. Perry, John MeCuo and chitect for the three-room addition Hauck of Uttle Silver as co-chair- state body ia of the opinion that advertise for bids for a new car A letter was received from the have had a fatty meal within foul which a tax bill could be Issued. Rumaon Sea Scout ship thinking hour." will be postponed. Carl Burnaido, Fair Haven: Ooorge to the aehool, Informed the board •an. Others serving on the com- the additional educational facilities to be received at the next meeting, the ofnclalu for u*e of th< third Mr. Donnelly said before any H. Hailanan, Arthur Peter Pauals, that an additional 1250 la due him •Ittee include Mrs. Fred Tatum, are necessary and the borough will Nov. M. Those wishing to give their bloafl floor of the borough hall for should not eat fried food*, foatt vote was taken on thla, he wanted Charles F. Mugge, Matthew Bow- for preparatory work he did in par- Middletown, Dr. Frank AlUchul, not voluntarily give permission for A request from the police de- atoettnia. to make the eoint that he could man, Elmer F. Bluaul, Henry B. titioning the auditorium. Frederic U a g Branch; Mist Laura Harding, the use of the borrowing capacity, partment seasoned or cocked with fats, fate? a 15 per cent Increase "not condone the error made by laden. Sr., Raymond McOlrr, Sr Feeder af Haalet waa the architect Holmdet; Mr*. Henry D. Ackerton, the local board would then be in- in salary for meau, butter, mayonnaise, pie af effective Nov. 1 waa tatha assessor." In further discussion, and Thomas S. Oakes, Rumwn. cake containing tat, milk, thorteao In charge when the auditorium ac- Keyport; Edward Scuddcr, Jr, structed to apply to the state de- bled for the prcacnt. In the requeat he accused Mr, Axelsen of "gross Ralph G. Barto and Robert 01- tually wa* converted Into two Fair Haven; Mr*. Arthur t- White, partment of local government. Fol- it was explained that the Increase ing ar cream. Minor* hetweia tM negligence" in handling these as- rardln, M t d d l e t o w n ; Frank A. classrooms. Clarence Berger, hoard Mra. Leon Conrow, Mra. Maurice lowing this application, there would would equalise the take-home pay ages of II •»«« Il'cafi V'awoptai sessments. He also noted that al- Braun, Llneroft: Sylvester T. Shea- president, directed Mr. Scott to Schwarts, Red Bank; Mr*. Robert be a public hearing at which both to the former level and offset the only with written permi&aioa froaj though the council had asked for a Bard, t M J. Hamhauser, Terry X. hold up payment of Mr. PlersOn'i Durand, Freehold; Mrt. U D. Scely, tho board and the borough would present new taxes. a parent or legal guardian. new tax map two year* ago nono Crass. William Vitelll. East Koaas- bill until the clerk "reviews the Eatontown; Mr*. Edward Cooke, be heard, then the course of action Councilman Jacob* commented Member* of the various voluateaf be determined by the state that he didn't see how the council ha* yet been received. The second annual yueltids batar service, units of the chapter wUl burg; Capl. Ooorge H. Black aad ilnutea to ice If there Is any evi- Koanaburg; Mrs. Walter Stfltnbach, would department. was In position to take any ac- of the Women's association of the serve In several capacities unaaf Keith F. Burdge, Brevent Park and dence of our having commissioned Aibury Park; Mrs. Btrtha Haber'tVala Were Under Waist* stick. Belmar; Mrs. Henry D. Mer- The council acted favorably on tion at this time and recommended Red Bank Presbyterian church will the direction of Mrs. Clarence Uas Mr. Axelsen said he wanted to Leonardo; William J. Breunlg and Mr. Pierson* to do «he work, cer, Rumson; Mrs. F. Wayne Ward, tabling the request until the flrjt be held Thursday, Nov. 29, at West- terberg, chairman of nurses aides! the request of the board fbr per"mske It clear to everybody" just Raymond Miner, Port Monmouth: Study Fire Escape minster house on Harding rd. Mrs. Mrs, John Kames, staff; Mrs. Call Neptune City; Mrs. H. R. Brindle, mission to use the council meeting of the year. August U Humowita and Leslie What happened. Parlemaa, Belford; Edmund H. John B. Myers, Jr., reported that Brielle; Jamea VanMater, Atlantic room in the new borough hall for Two ordinances were adopted Hubert M. Farrow, Sr. Is chsirman. Tongrln, gray ladles; Mrs. Grahaai Ths property In question, He said. Skinner, Franeau; R i c h a r d C. he will continue to atudy the need Highlands, Maurice Pollak, West board meetings «nd also, If possi- providing Numerous a r t i c l e s such a* Aahmead. canteen, and Mr*. Frai for the appropriation of waa transferred In IMd by the Walker and William K. Barnei, tor a fir* escape to replace the one Long Branch. ble, to furnish a room in the new 15,000 each for the purchase of fill aprona, food, flowers, trash and Schock, Jr., motor. Merchants Trust company of Red Haalet: Edwin J. Hamlet. Holmdet: currently at the rear of the buildThe county Red Croia has aa* treasure, books and gifts will be building for the district clerk, bedirt to be used in back of proposed Bank, trustees, to Waller Stewart Theodore Barber and F. Vernon ing. He said that If a new one la The seal sale e x t e n d s from ginning July, 1952, The board ex- bulkhead conatructiona at Marine sold st booths In charge of the cepted the responsibility tor eat) YcComb. it repressnts a house and Stultt, Keyport; William F. Rat- required, the cost will be about Thanksgiving to Christmas, and plained that due to crowded con- park. Front nt., and at the water circles that make up the society. lectlng the blood and shipping M three lota on the Sftuth Beach. cliffe, Sr., Robert C. Sturt and Mar- t*,000. Mr. Feialer said, however, this year will include not only the ditions In the high echool the pres- plant on Cedar at. There will be a story telllnz room for processing aa directed. It wtl| The** lot* were reclaimed only shall Longitreet. MaUwan; John that It might be possible to use the sale of the familiar stickers, but for children in charge of Mrs. go to commercial laboratories lea* •vhen the bulkhead* were built Celendri, H. VlnaenU Enialkln. present escape by relocating It. Mr. alao bands. The Monmouth County George Worthley, Jr., of evening ignated by th* Department ofDos Organisation for Social Service, at some three yeara ago "and oven Frank X. Flynn and Edward M. Myers aaid Howard Matteson, prinfentc for processing into the Root circle one. today two of them are partially un- Kelly. Union Beach; James Otla cipal, considered the steep stcpa on agent for the N. J. Tuberculosis A snack bar will open at noon, plasma. The plasma will then bfj League in the county, has charge der water at high tide." the escape at hacardou*. Mr. Fesaand will sell afternoon tea until shipped out to the armed forces fotf Lewi*. Henry Sadowskl, Peter KoHe aaid that when he went over ubo, Frederick D. Wheeler and Al- lor commented that "all fire escapes of conducting the drive. 4 o'clock, with Mrs. Harry R. Vogel the nation's fighting men. borough listings with Otis Seaman, bert C. Mount, Marlboro; Patrick ar* a haaard," particularly if covand member* of circle three in county engineer, this year, ha dis- F. Dunne and Joseph F. Matovsky, ered with aleet or anow. Clinton FREEHOLD-Altcn Roberts, 22, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Force charge. Mrs. William H. King ia covered the existence of tha tots Deal; William F. Dllger, Oscar Thompson suggested that ehutea be Briliiher to Discuai a short-time Monmouth county who recently sold their home on chairman of a baked ham supper and placed them on the assessment Bieri and William Horsman, Long used, Mr. Fesslcr suggested that by reaident, was held for grand jury Wilson Circle, Rumson, have pur- to be served between 5:30 and 7:30 hooka. He said they ar* shown __ Branch, and Daniel L. Williams, installing fire screens, uae of the Election action Saturday night on a murder chased an attractive home on Rum- p. m. Supper reservations are In lot* 52-J, «« and (3-B, on a new Harry 0. Layton, William Fulton pretent fire escape might not be charge shortly after hi* common- son rd, Little Silver, from Marian charge of Mrs. Raymond Swift. tax map which is due to be com- and Franklin E. Waters, Spring necessary. LITTLE StLVSR-Or. F. John law wife, Alice Mac Roberts, 23, M. Strack. The property adjoins Chairmen include Mrs. Joseph pleted this year. One of tba lots, Lake Heights. Mr*. Arthur Ros* asked If the Long of England will address to- wa* found dead near their home on the residences of Dr. Eugene New. C. Oavison In charge of flowers One of the most successful he stated, is now assessed for IMO and plants, with members of circle "kickoff" dinners in Salvation Army school had planned any special ob- morrow night's meeting of the the Bergcrvillc-Fort Plain* rd. in man and Winflcld Wainwright. and the other (wo for about 1400 Toung Adult fellowship at Embury one; Mrs. Albert W. Wordcn, Jr., servance of Education Week. Mr. history waa held Thursday algal Howell township, The plot ia approximately 200 apiece. Matteson aaid it had not, since Methodist church hall. A Fulbright Her body was found hy Vincent feet on Rumson rd. and 195 feet trash and treature, with members at the local Baptlet church whoa there la a standing Invitation to the scholarship student at Princeton Percello, « grocer, who aaw the on Haneo rd. The colonial resi- of circle two; Mrs. Louis O. Ford, volunteer chairmen and committee* Mr. Axelsen said borough lists public to visit the school at any university, hi* talk will be "Metho- body from his atore and called the dence which consists of large llv- "Oingerbread House," with mem- men met to discuss the 1»51 mala* should be studied by himself and time. The principal alao pointed dism and the Homeland of John atate police at Howell township. injr room, fireplace, powder room, bers of circle four; Mrs. Edwin S. tenance campaign for 120,000. the county engineer at least once Edward J. Macklin, one ot tbo a year, but that this has not al- LINCROFT — Joseph Mendrss. out that parent-teacher conference* Wesley in the Twentieth Century." The Freehold first aid equad took three bedrooms, tile hath, forced Close, aprons, with members of ways been done In the past, be- vice president, was elected presi- are being held today and tomorrow. Dr. Lang was educated at the her to Fltkin hospital, where she warm nir heat oil fired, and two. circle live; Mrs. Harry B. Clayton, county's best toastmuters, paid] cause the county has not scheduled dent of the LJneroft-Holmdet Kl- Regarding the conference*, Mrs. Leys school. Cambridge, and later was pronounced dcud upon arrival. car garage, was built hy William Sr., food, with members of circle tribute to Thomas Irving Brown, such reviews. wanl* club at Thursday night' Ross questioned why five grades at the Queens college, Oxford, Police aaid about 40 shotgun pcl- Scott. The purchasers have already six; Mrs. Charles G. Magill, books editor and publisher of The Regis* and gift shop, with members of ter and publicity ehairman ot th*j There are other minor assess- meeting at the inn here. He sue which will not have the conferencea where he obtained the degree* of leta were In her back. taken possession. ment omission* in Sea Bright, Mr. ceeda Harry Pitcher of Hoimdet will ttill have but a half session master of arts, bachelor of acience Roberts wa* arrested by County The George Schanck agency of circle seven; Mrs. Kenneth C. Burg- campaign, for his generosity In giw for the two days. She said aeveral Axelsen aaid—"left off the book* Laurence Buck was elected vie and doctor of philosophy in chemi- Detective Merritt Kent and State Red Bank has also sold the prop- er, children's table, with members ing apace in The Register. The Salvation Army band (use hecause it is impossible to tell just president, and Arthur Turner wai parente had complained ta her cal engineering. He waa preiident Trooper* William Kennedy and erty owned by the estate of Ella of evening circle two, and Mrs. about having the children out of of the Oxford Union Debating so- John Mazjckien when he returned Hopping on tiie corner of Lincoln James T. Stomber, ceramics and nished music, participating mm where divided property line* are." appointed sicretary-treasurer. school when there la no need for it. ciety and in 1BS0 a Liberal candl to his house while they were in- and River ids,, Fair Haven, to Ray- jewelry, with members of evening slcians being Richard Schmidt, Ed* They were not clearly denned at Mr. Matteson said the two after- date for a aeat In the British Parl- vestigating the shooting. Under mond U Moore who is associated circle three. ward Chadwick, Wesley Shapter, the time of division; he said. noons are being given so that iament, A lay preacher of the Brit- questioning by Assistant Prosecu- with the Equitable Life Insurance John Olson, Sr., Robert Dries, Joha "Take approaches to the HighOlson, Jr, Ronald Dries. Willlaaa teachera can prepare lands and Rumson bridges. I'm go"essay re ish Methodist church, he will dia- tor Charles Frankel he signed a company. Chadwick. Sr., Harold Blair, Ed* gorts" on their pupiU. Ing to have to ask for a careful cuts such questions as "Will atatement admitting he shot her The residence consists of two ward Schmidt and Mis* Florabel and exact survey to And out Just Churchill do away with Socialised when ahe ran from the house after living rooms, fireplace, four bed Blair. what lend* were taken for tho apmedicine?" and "Will the English an argument. He said he was hold- rooms and bath. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harold S. Rlnebart of tha proaches by the state and county. •lection Affect Affair* of the Mid. Ing a 12-gaugc <hotgun with which Moore are now occupying the res I wasn't given this Information die Bast?" he Intended to go hunting. SEA BRIGHT - Plans to build Red Bank Woman's club provided Idence aa their permanent home. when the work waa done, and the a 1185,000 home colony on the South floral table decoration*. Edward H. Conway, general assessment chant* was a minor Beach were disclosed at Friday matter." night's meeting of the mayor and chairman of the drive, stressed hla BATONTOWN-The Red Bank intereat in the campaign and tha council, Strong State Law Business and Professional Women's need to do a thorough and speedy The plant were disclosed in a letOn the question of tax exempclub ha* given tho Long Branch ter from the board of adjustment, job in solicitations because of tha tion;. Mr. Axclsen said he now Is. U.S.O. club a check for $950 to be revealing that the board had ap- proximity of the holidsys. Cspt, working under a "state law that used in erecting a beach pavilion proved of a proposal to sub-divide Philip Carney, New Jersey publla haa teeth in It, a law that has at the U.S.O. beach in North Long the property of John J. Maibach on relations director, represented Brig, helped me correct my books." Branch. Ocean ave. Council favored the pro- Arthur s. Woodruff, divisional cam* The new law, he said, make* It The money was earned at the niander. He expreised appreciation gram. mandatary for anyone applying for fashion show and entertainment It wa* explained that ten houses, for "the fine community spirit held recently by the club at the an exemption—such as a war veteach selling for about 118,500 are shown by the friends of the Saiva* fort Monmouth Service club. eran or' a religious organisation— planned to be built. There will be tion Army In Northeastern MOM to do to formally, In writing, H* Mrs. Ella Wiltshire Dlggle, chaira 35-fcot-wlde access drive to the mouth county, especially that at* man of tho benefit, and a member aaid he has followed that law to lots. Each house will be of year- forded by the military leaders.' of the operating committee of the the letter since It* went Into effect Louis Oringcr, campaign director. round-occupancy construction and U.S.O., gave the check to club ofafter World War II. "Otherwise, I each will have an attached garage. strewed the necessity for hard] ficials at a dinner meeting last could be held for malfeasance of work, application and repeated calla Plans were approved by the ad1 ursday at Crystal Brook Farm office." justment board at It* Nov. 2 meet- and urged campaign worker* to reJoseph Meadrea Inn. The dinner honored Lieut. port weekly to the headquarters at Other exemptions, said Mr. AxelIng. Col. Raymond G. Bennett, former 7 Mechanic st. with their result* sen, were on the books when he George Arculariu*, Charle* Cox, cpecial acrvicea officer at Fort Mor. became assessor in 1938 or were and with request* for assistance. Wounded Marine granted hy him since he took of- Daniel 8, Ely and Anthony Flaa- mouth. At the speaker*'.table were fice. He said lie has continued ex- conaio were elected to two-year Curl C. Culllnson, Lieut. Comdr. , terms on the board of director', Reatrvt Tkst O i l * Home on Furlough emptions, without question, that he N. Sorrnson, Col. Lloyd B. Magrud.. With an curly annnunvrmrnt of tht found vn the hooks and has hcen and Harry Sprung wat chosen I eomini cv, John B. Allen. Harry C. Barnrvtnl rnti'm Inttreittd In. Tht P.t'.C. Thorna* B. Brown, 30-ycar- aid, Jr., Ralph H. Belknap, William very careful "of any that I author- fill the one-year unexpired term ol Reiuttr'i clanilWrl rnlumn, "Comlni Kvinti , It Idrtl fur thli rurnm'. Call old son of Mr. and Mr*. Thomas A, Pluhr, Mrs. Ucorge T. Llnton, Mr. Turner, ized." 1.0113 sue ilk for Clsiilnid.—Ad' B. Brown of 77 Herbert St., re- Rev. Clinton Powera, Mrs. U & The club voted unanimously ti RE Ttrtlitmtnt. turned home Monday on a 30-day Vanlnwegen and John Warren. volunteer at blood donora In the Msrtssfo Messy convalescence furlouuh from the Wedding Sells fnr Srjoita, fa rat, tountrr eitate, bash Red Croia blood bank program Pinner was served under tha Marlnta, «'ii nulldlnsi aaWllns et »•». teat when the mobile unit vlalta Mon- Gltti In allvar, cryital, reiamlci. tow leadership of Mrs. Cottrell. The irrm <.»» pajmint. liberal loans ea mouth county. Vincent Smith rep- •at nrlcti. Rtnduvaui Gift Shop, 521 An Infantryman with tlie Fifth accaion began at »:S0 p. m, and • M'I.-'JI- uruptrtlii, Joitoa 0. MsUue resenting the Red Cros* bloodmp- Ban IF i avt,, Aibury Park.—Advcrti attnt, Marine regiment, First Marine di- ended at S p, m. fW.-ivy rtt»liora. Nortiast Depart* Preparing for Christmas Saal drive, which oponi next waak »rt, left to right: Milt Jai* bile talked to the members about item Panni RU 1-04*4 AdvartlHBMSt vision, he was wounded In action ItUunUIn Hill Nurtiry SckMl the program. Cam* Supptritrs May 20. He had been In combat Matt acortdltid: Chaml Hill, Middle. •ia Stavani of Keyport; Mri. Carolyn Bucklin of Red Bank, Mrs. Edward M. Crane of Middle- alnce January. Blown enlisted In flttid In our OIKHII, prlvktt tilting rutfra* It wa* decided because of ThanksFair Htvin A i H i i s r Nalict 'own "mnihip. Charlottt Olirn, dtrec. town, chairmen of tht drivo which laaki to ralta $31,500 for tubtrculoiii control work in tho «»!'«• it tir»iiu»u tn«K tnd (email r)t« Him ii* nompletoil m» n u n s m f n t giving next week that thu club tor. rhont AT l-tidsd.—Aitvtniiimnnt. the Marines «i.< weeks after grtid- by lrr.1. AIltrHlUins to tU jrou prrDuttall?. brink* fnr Ilia yenr ttiSJ, nan" may lit would hold an tntcr-club session Kur .frvica Kithdul waltlni, or for home. county; Mill Margaret Francis, county TB control luptrviier, and Mri. J«me< Hauck of LiUle uatlng from rtcl Bank high achool (Hum Inrncrtril »l mv nr!lr», KH ftlvcr Rnrnf, Furtraln Piiesn Fssd* fall R«4 Bank ».*«H, ^uutr in June I Mr*, H» arrived In San )•!!•! Surreal Kali' ttaifti, I'rliUy, Novenilur Id, 19»t, with the Ktyport fltih next TuesCall %t i-UeC. W. ft. SwartMl. Jr,, Suntilj. tl latl Iraat Silver, co-chairman ef tha driva. b d w t n 1 and 4 P, M,—Aavutlifaitat. day at Yt Cottage Inn.) Diego, Cal,, a week aio Sunday. street, ta« tiak.'-Ad'aitlMsiial. Fsisa luppllti, Hasltt.—AdTartlltnuat. Runtson to Erect Rustic Signs Sctman Appointed TB Seal Drive School Auditor Starts Monday Council Turns Down School Board's Request to Borrow to Capacity Second Annual Yuletidc Bazar Man Shoots Wife Strack Home After Argument Sold by Schanck Salvation Army Campaign Begins Mendres Heads Kiwanit Club Business Croup Gives m to ISO 9183,000 Homes Project Planned Set $31,500 Goal in Christmas Seal Drive tuyg trnfTnt. *orEM«wt if. wif FUEL-OIL 11* IMCIM CAIN KAN A dlsflar mwt4 i* a dollar made. & DAVIS TBV M 4-0103 | VV/i> Not Have Your Thanksgiving Dinner «f the CASINO ATUNTie WtMUNH C0MMJTI DINNM $1.50torN m n DANCING EVERY SATURDAY MGH1 T*> IAN Mirharlanti ami Hi* •iw ww a*>smAAsm*> au^aa.**** a*\*i sasaa*a*ta»^*ieai PRICM NOW IN W K T IXVCHEOX It to J - MNKKR I «« • ; » . BANqi'ET rAf IMTIrN AVAILARLK. ATtOttS - ATLANTIC MtftHUNM 1 4 M t Spef ial Nasg Marks Birthday Central Promotes Sims ColoVn Selected To Head Lawyers Auxiliary Elect* Council Delegate* ALL.ENHUIMT—Robert M. lias* ABBUBT PARK-City Mkitor aerv* ee saossber* ef th* esaevtlv* WEST END — MiM Leonor Oo- f little Silver ha* he*n promoted J. Gclien of I»*g Branch council ef the Rod Baa* ire deley, deughter of Dr. an>1 Mri. Mar- o the poeltlon cf assistant general Julius of eleetrle trancmM- was nominated lest Thurrtay for parts)*** •uiiUeriee •»•** elected cel J. E. Oelsy of Hollywood ave., luperirtendtnt »f the Monmouth at a meet!** of the Iadepeadeat was dedicated tn the Blessed Moth- ion and diatrihutlon operations 0t th* presidency association *t «h* monthly are eeoapeay auxiliary Meaaay. The er at • *peci»l m«M Monday at St. i-rsry Central Power A Lizht Co. Bar dinner meeting st th* Klngeley delegates will be Mr*. Patrick MieaMichael'* Cutbollr rliurrh. the ocletri, president. Mr*. Charles Jullaa Arms hotel. casion being her ISih birthday. The election ef ameers -.-'n heand Mre. Gerdea Wlleea. Mr*. BuM I D fallow** • truaition carhel« i t the December meetlt Mr. gea* Patter***, it, «rtll «*rv* a* ried OR in MiM Oolay* mother's will succeed 3. Frank aiteraat*. family. Mri. Gelsy Is Spanish and, etnas, Ktyport. The auxiliary eeatrikwtea *M (a Wetaaad, according to Spanish custom, when Edwsrd J. Ascher, judge of the tho Pearl Ralph fuad. A Mtotla a daughter «f th« family reaehe* •bury P*rk district court, was from the womea'e HvWaa *f th* her 15th hlrthitsy, at • sperlsi mm* wniMted for nrst vice president; Meaaneuth ceuaty tafety on (hit day, th* young glii is dealatatc Sen. J. Stanley Herbert, sec- af which the auaiilary la a end vice president; Esra Ksrku*, was read ay the presides*. r.ated to the Blessed Mother. Th»n third vie* president; Mllten Stein, th* mar* l» followed by «rcakfaJt The auxiliary will a ' secretary; Charles F. Dittmar, Dee. II at a holiday party far In th* f\«ning a coming out party treasurer; Harry D. Brlnley and in held for the girl. her* ef the *r* company aad their Edward F. Ju* ka, trustees for three wive*. Dee. *» they will hetd a Rpv. Lewis A. Hay**. g>a»tor ef years, and Melvln Phlle, John War- Christmas party for children of St. Michael's rhurrh, Mid the mast ren, Jr., Harry R. Cooper. Peter member*. Mr*. Patt*r**n, During th* ceremonies Mil* FaCooper, John V. Crow*]], Abraham auxiliary Jr, snd Mrs. Erne* B4*ketoy will triria MorrlMey, a el***met* of ^rsnkei. Jseob Stelnhach, Jr, l*«he I.#onor's at th* Btsr of the «*• Wsinsteln, Mr. Dittmar snd Mr chairmen ef the** event* t* b* h«ld at th* Sre haute. •cademy at Long Branch. we* «rStsln trustees to the county The monthly meettaf pries Finlst. Another fHsnd, Miu Anne aid society. awarded to Mr*. Btakaley. Moetsas Teeter, Rumaon, was aeloiat. Mr. Weigand announced that a •s aervinff refraeamenu wee* Mrs. l>on*>r i M h»r guests, w>» were suggestionfcyM*s M. Barr, Asbury Pstiick Ambretie aad Mre. Frank all dr*M*d In whit* and who all Park, that • committee be appoint. Calaadriella. wer* SpanUh mantlla veils, reed to protect assignment of Meavived Holy Communion together. mouth county judges to ether coun •BSVtTUI All approached the altar carrying let would be taken under e«n*idcendle*. In thia ln*tanc*, however, eratlen. Mr. Barr said, "It is un LEONARDO - Rev. OavM W. he blessing Mid hy the print hon fair to th* litigants and to theAllen wilt apeak ttaiakt end tored all th* girl*, and all were 4*4 The nnnounremenl was mnrtr by people of the county to have the morrow at • o'clock t t the Baptist icat*d to the Blessed Mother. Clytlr A. Mullen, vicr president of judge* rent out of the county when j church here to clues a series af following mas*. Pi. and Mr«. Go he utility, Mr. Sinu will makr here are sufficient casts to keep evasujelistic services. lay entertained *t their home at a hia h<*a'lc|unrtrr« at thr power com- hem here." breakfast, which w>a followed by pany's lor*) tervlr.e building. He re- William C. I.loyl, Keanaburg. snd » cana*ta party, father Hay** wi« port* to Winn M. Roso. superinten- William T. (llynn, Lorn Arbour, no a guest at the breakfast. dent of elfi-trlr trantmisaion and were accepted *• new members. diminution. A committee was appointed ta Winner* at erniMta were MU Judy Riemintkle, «rat; Patricia Aftrr Joining Jersey City in 1M* mild up a large, group to attend Mnrrlwey, second; Pauline Cooney, Mr. fllniB worked on various en- he T4th annual meeting of the hird; Judy Bradford, fourth, and gineering and rlght-or-way align- Hudson County Bar Dec, a at the Eleanor Koran, fifth, T*nnnr I* ment*. For the pa*t. two yenra re Htatlcr hotel, New York. Supreme junior at the Star of the Sen Arad served a* technical aiwtstaut to the ~Viiirt Justice Henry E. Ackerson, emy. Moat of the guests were her ire pircident in chargr <if opera- Keyport, will be one of the apeakJustice Acker«en headed the lassmatee. ion*. Before coming . to Jersey em. committee which nominated the Other* attending ware Ml**** Central he was employed by Ameri- proposed officers. Gloria Wymbs, Mary-Beth King, an Telephone A Telegraph Co. A Nancy Byrne, Janet Hayed, Dolores graduate ef Ohio State university, Hesse, Beverlejr VanBrunt, Yvonne MI, he received a degree there in Quire, Mary Lcuin, Helenc Oolay, Industrial and electrical engineerRaja Bhaheen and Linda Ma* Lues ing. He served with the Signal Corps In World War II. He, hia wife and two children reside at 91 FREEHOLD — Officials results •IHI Willow dr. ef last wetk's general election *nnouncsd by County Clerk of Elec To Vrt.' PrableBM tlone C, I. VanDerveer Friday Mr. and Mr*. John Rice Q I finished school under th* Of showed thet Richard R. Stout piled Bill Just before the Korean cam Fried on 10th Anniversary up a margin of 21,047 votes over Ign, and when things broke out Democratic opponent, Solomon Mr. and Mrs. John (I. Bl«* of 4 his over there t re-enlisted, t WAS Lautman, in th* contest for state discharged with a eervlce-connected William st.. were guests of honor senator. A third candidate, Marvin disability. Am I eligible for Public Friday night at a tenth annivers- Fish of the Progressive party, Law 1* vocational training, even ary party at their home. They were polled 207 votes. though I trained before under the presented with an automatic cof- The M,07T ballot* eaat representfee maker from a group of friend*. OI Bill? ed a* per cent of the iOMti r*r Guests were served a buffet sup- Istered voters in the county. A. To*. The fact that you had per from a table decorated with OI Bill training will not bar you The Democratic ticket was from vocational training under fall flowers. The centerpiece was topped by Charles I . AppUgat*. Public Law tt, as amended, pro- a large cake made in the shape of Keyport mayor, who was unsucvided you meet the** conditions: two bell.>. The cake, baked by Mr*. cessful candidate for th* assembly. he service - connected disability Randolph E. Btromberg, was tinted Mr. Stout received the largest vot* must have been incurred after pale blue and decorated with a Sli- among the flv* Republic** candidates. June J7. 1*50; you must have an er bow. PAIMTIMO Guests Included Councilman and The results released by th* eltrk Other-than-dishonorahte discharge MAMNBV you must need the training to Mrs, Everett C. Baynton, Mrs, Har- of elections are: ATTIC C0NVMM01I* State Senator — gtout, 42,311; overcome the handicap of your dis- ry Angelo, Mrs, Leroy Dcacy, Mr. ana Mrs. Charles A. Imperial and Lautman, 1*,314; Assembly—Elvln ability. Q. I am a Korean veteran, and I Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Mellon, Red R. Slmmlll (R), 41,588; Alfred V. just signed up for a 110,000 Insur- Bank; Mr. and Mr*. Edward «• Beadleston <R>, 41IJ8; Applegate, ance term policy—the new ty,peDaubensehmldt, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- 20,100; Harry Stille (D), 1I.IM; that's available to Korean veter- liam E. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Freeholders—Victor C. Qroeitnger ans. Will I get dividends from this J. Wall, Mrs. Paul VanBrunt, Fair (R), 41,143; Earl Woolty (R), « , Haven; Mr. and Mr*. Harold 3. MS; Frank Dalten (D), 1I.IM; O policy* 3. Front, J»,174. A. No. tinder the law, dividends Haug, y Mr. and Mrs. g, Shrewsbury; are not payable on the new types Herbert E. North. West Long RALTH BENEFIT PABTT s N. of Insurance for Korean veterans. Branch; Mr. Mr. and Mr Mrs. James Mrs. Jessie Thomas Klrby and M and d Your premium rates, however, gen- Btapleton, Long Branch; Mr. erally will be lower than for Na Mrs. Donald J. Southard, Deal; Mr. Mrs. Mabel Coleman will be hosttlanal Service Ufe Insurance for and Mrs, John V. Hauser, Ocean- ess** tomorrow night at a card! party at the Mabel Coleman studio World War II veterans, a type ef port; on Rsetor pi., for th* benefit of the Insurance that doe* psy dividends. Pearl Ralph fund. The publle I* Q. I am attending colleg* under Fire Start* in Wiring, invited. There will be table award*, the OI Bill and the cut-elf date special prises and refr*»hm*nt*. applies to me. Could I drop out un- Wreck* Apartment Here der the OI Bill and pay my own The apartment of Mr. and Mr*. way the reet of this semester, and Harold Hardee, 4* Chestnut St., then resume undtr the OI Bill next wa* badly damaged last Thurtday year, when I will be tithing more night by Kr« which, according to expensive course*? Chief Joseph Cleary, started In deA. No. Such a procedure Is no fective wiring In- a rear wall. permitted. Under the law, you are Chief Clesry estimated damage expected to remain tn continuous at approximately W,000, Two rooms training after the cut-off date, ex- of the apartment were gutted by cept for reasons beyond your eon' the hls7.c which took firemen two trol. If you drop out under any hours to get under control. In adother conditions, you may not re-dition tn damage, caused, by nre sume training later under the Glitself, considerable smoke and Bill. water damage was done to the Har dee apartment and apartments on FINED FOR SPEEDING the first floor. MOUIOBL — Robert Hunter and Jame* Brand ot Long Branch, HarYM d a T*k* II With V*« vey Wilson ef Brlelle, Oerald L. I If you wouU Ilk* to tak* a earl ef gal of Bradley Beach and John t*« Bank *t t o * «ld CeUatal MenSpauldlng ef Asbury Park war* awuth with in *k*n ran g* •* yeur Monmouth county resident* fined raeattsn. It'* *a*r t* 4*. J«H order last week by Magistrate Stanley Th* HtsUtw Mnt t* >nf «acatl*a *dStllwell of Atlantle-Holmdcl town- dr«ii, at our tegular *ubterl»U*a rates, ships. The Monmouth county me and it "ill bt Just Ilk* ftttlnf a «**kl were charged with speeding. letter from home.—Adv*rt!temnt. a j P P I OAHCI 4 fMUH FKEE! UCATIHOUSSONS * TNI VELVET ARENA EVERY 11 to 12 P. M. Commenting NOV. 21 frafaWlamaial Vimml W W ^ w • T Wws™*BBa*i m\ ejapsBj FOU INWWMATION CALL KKAKS. W M S JtVENILE LKiSONS EVKRY M MIAV AITERNOON . 1.30 to 5t3« A An •i»fd ream I* alwtyt w«lc*m* »n4 impravai Ml* «Bat)crgr«c* * f y*ur hawtt. Alt* «jlv*i • • • ! • •I«mal c*mf*H «n*l mttr* tlvieif * r « * . Stout, Applegate Top Party Slates Tti* e*tt It r*«t*f«abl* *n*j probably much lait than y*n thinki Wa h*v* tiv s)Hf*r*nt ttyl*t t * cliooi* Irani. l««f> t f which wlH « M lifht «n*J btavty to y*)t»r «Hlc. Our price)*, tf l*)w| Act «*wl CdtH fcdlayl wiu • Mm toMowew TO IACK W reiurs I I OORMEBS •OOriNU • GARAOES • USADERS-OtOTEM • \ COMB. WINDOW* • PUMR TIMNO • rOBCU ENCtOStBEt stmxo WCATINO r&VMMKO AMZfiiCAN 4*m CONSTRUCTION Ca ^ISTBROAD 5T. - RED BANK • MD BANK 4-4133 • • • • • » for you and your budgettoo/ , "HAPfY THANKSGIVING" ASSORTMENT MW <HV M S P 1 A Y STOW t PUBLIC SALE Having told my home I will sell at Public Auction my Household floods and Furnishing* on the premises at: 172 River Rd. (East Front St.) Red Batik, N. J. — oa — SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th MsM A. M. What • Thankt|lvln« «••»«! IUKIOUI craanu, caramtli> nuts and fruits, criip candltt, banbeml Canditi for tvery taitet And •N wparbly madt with Fanny FarmtVt own I m w l l k * cart, tr*aiur«d rtclpM and mtlhodt of preparation. Mod* fr«ih, of th* finest feed*—and rvitwd freih to thop counten. A gift to warm any htartl TkaalNflvlitg txtratt Aitorftd Sofia Nvhnaofi, $1.60 lha pound. W u Turk*,, HU*d wWi Kiddy fop,, 7it aoch. Vi a w M W Pfwlt and Nut Ati*rtm*nt-on«>pwnd box, $1.33. MUl M M U num. To covar moiling coil, odd 30* for oach ona-pound • • < • • • * ond it for aoch additional pound In tamo packago to torn* oddrau. Send chtck or monay erdar, pliat*. Write t* « ITMH t t , *l Whit* II., ••*- leak, N. i. Refrigerator (Phllea) 12 euh. ft. with Fretting Unit Television (RCAI It inch screen with Antenna, Washing Machine with Spin Dryer (Easyi, Combination Radio and Victrola (Philharmonie) AM and FM. Dropleaf Table* In Cherry and Walnut, TenPiece Dining Room Set (French), a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Five Passenger tPontiac) Streamliner with Radio and Heater. Oil Paintings, Rugs (Domestic and Oriental), Assorted Site*. Pictures, Books, Bookcases, Chlnaware, Glassware, Kltchenware, Occasional Tables, Floor and Table Lamps, Throw Rugs, Bric-a-brac, Mirrors, Boudoir Chairs, Three-Piece Living Room Set, like new; Occasional Chairs, End Tables, Night Tables, Dressers, Bureaus, Chests of Drawers, Single and Double Beds with Springs and Mattresses, Dressing Tables, Pottery, Decorative Objects, Stands, CabInsts, Fireplace Equipment, Attic and Basement full of miscellaneous items. Six kegs of Nails, assorted sizes; SO Oalrons pf Inside and Outside Paints, assorted colors; Generator (Westinghouse I 82 vnlt son watt heavy duty. Porch and Lawn Furniture, Onrden Tools, Hand Tooli, all Outdoor Equipment and contents of Garag*. HE 1982 DaSoto gjvti you more room! Th* 1952 O*8ot* tots you driv* without thiltini! Th* 19S2 DaSoto it taiitr to *t**r... M*l*r to*** out o f . . . Miier to itopt Th* 1952 Daloto giv** you maximum parformanc* with aiinj* mum upkeejp. Vi% her* now. Com* Me it today! DOHA VAIUI THROUGHOUT All items to b« removed from the premises at conclusion of sale, Terms of sale cash at time, of sale. The offerings may he viewed on date of sale from I;30 A. M. until sal* time. The undersigned and Auctioneer shall not be responsible In the event of sccldent or injury to any person or persons in, on or about th* premises. Sale rain or shine Indoors. By Order oft J. M. PARKER Sftopi eonvoniontly located throughout ftreiter New York. T IW) Bath Aye., Long Branch, N. J, Phone fl-SMD, Memberi National and State AaamlMlon of Auctioneers, • Safety-Rim W h e e l * hold tirei Mfely en rlmt in eat* oiblowouti. • Oriflew Shock Abiorben cushion out up-and-down and lateral thockil • Tip-To* Shift with Fluid Drive leti you drive without ihtftinaj • Sit relaxed, tee out better, on Chair-High Seats. • 0 Fanfafi lofaf ttoppln0 with 12-Inch brakM. Completely Waterproof Ignition for all-weather eHOTO-HYMOUTH Peelers prernrt aMUCHO MAIX In ^ . u let Y«ur life" «*ry w*ik *a both Radio and T.l.vlil.n . . . NIC networks. GLOBE B. (i. COATS, Auctioneer. 21-23 MOTOR SALES last Prent Strot COMPANY a#d Bonk 4-2434 *A%% MWWTBI. yHM Cad Party for Riverview Fund w. mi Middlttown Uom Have Annwil Charier EATONTOWN-E Allea MacPuAe, general counselor for the Federal Rtaerv* bank, will addrf) tonights meeting of the Monmoum County Board of Realtors at fry-[ |*tal Brook Farm Inn. I Mr. ifucDuffle '» in charge ef; fettled regulation* for l"ndcrj »nd ! borrower*. He will apeak on that •ubject. A stesk dinner Kill be j aerved at T o'clock, preceded by a \ •Meting of th* board of director* j at d l i •'clock. ' f NEARLY ACCURATE / IS NOT E N O U G H / [ Mr* Reussilk's MltOAO-MOIANK Hear Ra«k«r • aajhery waa ridge held J. H. WHITE •ID t R«*>lnf «f all k i t * • UaVn, Gatlcn SANK ' « iMt Thttradar at Trinity B r a a l ehturek »eri»h k w w a*ae>aer*4 by the rair Haven auxiliary •» Riverview haaattal. Praceed* treat th« evert will ge ta tka auailiary'e He» •ladg* t« tha haeettal kulldiag fund. KKehea eheara were table ewiae* •aMial award* wer* glvea ta Mr* aVter S. Elckak, Mra. Ella rape, Mra. Heward U Burdfe, Mra. Ar. thur OetJ, Mra. WaHar A. McCeach, Mra. Mitfard WUUIa, Mn. Carl Mela. Mra. Marrr C. P. Warden, Mrt. A. •. White. Mra. Clarence Wlekaaaa, Mra. Wlllard Seaaerville Mri. Jeha Heeeell. Mr*. M. U *Ve|. cr, Mra. Jafca P. Mulvlhill, Mra. Jaaaae It. Weleett, Mra. H. A. ttapkaaaaa, Mra. M. V. Yeuag, Mra. Hawl TaMaa. Mra. Clara Chamber*, Tk« 1I1H1 «m«a)l ch«r»«* «SfM 4Umt «l MM MieMUUwn UmnMp Ui>% club «r M Mel Mra. Oaatta Marat, f r , Mra. Ruaaall Miataa, Mra. Julia Tutlk, Mrs nifht ** l««M«d>'i r»t»«yr«n», ieir Ktani»w«. Tfce afinciaal aa«ek«r w«» C««. Frederick W. Oatwr. Mri. Paul f J M M C. A«»fc:ntW«t. L. to R., Mttea), Mn. Re»«rt 6«««1man, Mri. AMCIIIACWM «#je) Matthawa aa4 Miaa Eth*l MeLcan. Ceeaaalttee (Mather* wert Mr*. Mri. 6««r«e i . K*v«h. St«n>w«, Mr. **4man, Ltorn pntiiwU Mr. Kevak, Liexii ajiilrkt Uwreace Schilling, Mri. U w i i E na] C i t y * * * * * A h i l Center, Mr«. Outtavc j . freret, Mra. O. UviwitM Lundy, Mr* Harald Lartaud, Mra. J. J. Dorr, Tha United State* Congrec* has Our farmer* individually, eey* Mr. Mra. Samuel Kaeen, Mra. Wlckman, provided tka mean* for these pro- Orr, can benefit from them by Mra. Malvlhlll and Mra. Wordea grams, for the benefit of agricul- showing an Interest in thi* de ture and for the whole nation; it velopment and administration. Othcra areeent wara Mra. Xavler ha* provided way* for the farmers I. laalth, Mri. Charlet H. Eichmin, FREEHOLD—Ballot* are being Mra. LMlte A. Brucck, Mra. John mailed to the farmers of Mon- thrnuelve* te have a say In their Europe's weather I* generated in development and administration. the Iceland area. J. Knadeil, Mra. Edward Rwikert, mouth county for the purpose of Mra. Arthur M. Riawan, Mn. Ed- choosing P.M.A. community comfar V. Oaalaa, Mra. Cramwcll Wat- mitteemtn to «crv« during the M*. Mra. Allea Ortilioff, Mra. W coming year, according ts Stanley J. MeOallaa, Mra. Raaa E. Wtity M. Oir, chairman of the MonMra. Destar O. Jaaaa, Mra. frtd mouth County Production and MarOrtMt. Mra. A. P. Belea, Mra. Wil. keting Administration, with office* llaat Mark, Mn. Robert Nayea at 4* West Main at. Mra. ChrUty Robmaon, Mn. Ktn P.M.A. community committeemen Math Brewer, Mra. I«wreaee R provide local leadership in developSurdia. ing and adminlttering farm proMra. Rlchar4 McAlllntar, Sr.. Mra, gram* on the community level and • E. CetflM. Mra. Oaaria Holly, act aa adviser* ta tha County Mra. C. Harry tmaek, Mra. J. T. P.M A. committee. Qraf. Mra. Walter H. Fr*«eh, Mra. county la divided Inta Ralph PlaM, Mra. E. O. Praatr, tenMonmouth communities following townMra. Marry BaA»y. Mra. Martin •hip line* as follow*: Upper FreeHlnch, Mra. Niehalaa O. Lamb, hold, Mil)«tone, Manalapan, FreeMra. Philip Ptttra, Mv». J. W hold, Marlboro-Matawan, Howell, Ramlcy, Mra. Ckorfe Woodward Wall-Neptune-Ocean, Atlantic Mlaa iar* Murphy a«d Mlaa Margi. Shrewsbury, Holmdel-Rarltan, MidMeCleea. dle town. Farmcra from each of these ten communities nominate ten people to run for the position of commun, Cola ity committeempn. The** ten EATONTOWN-MtmtMra of the namea are placed on a ballot and VM.O. club and tha Bhor* Service- mailed to all eligible farmer*. There man'a argaalaatlon operating com- I* alto a place on the ballot tor •Ittae, fare • taatlmenlal dlnmr the voter to enter a pcraonal choice. laat Thunday at Cryatat Brook The ballot* are not algned by the •Tana Inn honoring Lieut. Col. Ray. voter and are returned by him to mond E. Bennett. Col. Bennett, the County P.M.A. office in sealed farmer epeelai ttrvleei offleer at envelope:. Tries* will be opened Fort Monmouth, hat been atalgned and counted Friday, Nov. 23, by ta chief of »peclil tervicea of the two farmer teller* from each comt'irat Army at dovernor'i bland, munity. The five people receiving tha highest number of vote* In N. Y. community arc declared Roland J. Hinet, chairman of the each lor 1952. On the aame balShore Servicemen'* orgtniiationt, elected lot, the farmer* elect one delegate waa muter of ceremonlea. Quest* from each community to choose a Included Peter Kennedy, tastetn County P.H.A. committee. Thi* fupervlior of the National Cath- will take place Nov. SO. olic Community aervlee; Joaeph Schwark, chairman 17.S.O. operThe Production and Marketing ating committee; Rev. Leo M. Cox, Administration, adminfeUra on the moderator for tha U.8.O.; Col. County level, farm program* which Oeorge Kilpatrlck, regimental com the United States Congress author* mander oj Fort Monmouth troop*. lies the Dipt, of Agriculture te and Capt. Jamei Chamber*, ipecial carry out. At the present time, aervieea omcer at Fort Monmouth. atate* Mr. Orr, these program* inJohn Diibrow, dinner chairman, clude the Agricultural Conservagave a gold wrlrt watch and acroll tion Program, Commodity Loan*, to Col. Bennett tor hi* effort* on Surplus Removal Program* and Multiple Crop Insurance, behalf of tha U.S.O. Farmers to Vote On Committeenteit DOROTHY TOLAND EiAND-WDVn lUJVCJ? STUDIO BALLET TAP ACROBATIC TOE Children tram S up private or elan bays and girl* JOHN TOLAND Dramatics • Bmto* m c. m o t N a s MII» TIRES J/Tr/t/e/ HMMJ-Taflored SUITS TRIADS On Salt Thursday, FnCMy A SfliUrafly • Goodytat mad* tr«adt Kridel's brings you the finest of all Scottish tweeds..« has them hand-tailored by our famous Marleigh makers iuto superb suits... offers them today at a price nobody beats! Richly handsome, remarkably durable, these rugged Harris Tweeds are thoroughbreds that will win your everlasting satisfaction. Regulars, Longs aud Shorts. Come to Kridel's early for the best tweed suit buy of the season! the SteUmJM it part of the man... right oatfwtwad WB VOAHTOCTIMS AT H9 H I M COST while new treade •re Mat P*> Step In and kew Ike new treada are aaMafa*> lufti la eur own plant. MOUNT TIM SMVfC! 71 WhIU St. K«d knk PHONE RE 4.04M You MO our famous Stetson ffttippft at aporting events, in office buildings »nd theatre lobbiss, everywhere. And in every situation it seems to bring out tho beat feature* and individuality of the wearer. It's America's favorite hat. J/TJ ri R E D B -•• toKOMS Chtifg4 HI Jwtf Pay '4 AN R E D B A Opt* Friday Sight Till 9 •'Clock N mm BANE mtawnn. VOTEM i n Rfd Croii TELEVISION RADIO A APPLIANCE SALES. SERVICE IA, mi Need for Nnntft Aide* kUreella Ro. .rim ••«aaf at; tka Deaaftmeat « | Defenae iMt w«#k tkat ktr tea, CkJ. Ed•Htad M. Mahaa, » , WM killed in NtlM Oet. M. Cat RakM, • vaitt | W M T oa •a Mr rtrce B-tt, kad heea rcaort•4 •laojaa* • vMb Mflicr, M M I < laf to kit atatker. Ho WM aaalgaad la tke SMk Baas, aaawdroa at tke tttk BMik grou». A graduate of Freekold kick aekawl, Cal. Raton MIIK4 N tfce Air roree July tt. IN*. He kad kia koala training at I*eklaM kaae, •MI Aatoale, Ttm-. ead vtat a»erMM laat Marck. Ha • « » kl* trat •aaikat Mlatla* JHM M. •artriviM knMca kia awtker ara tv* •iattn, Marcclla aa4 Pfcyllli, M4 • kartkar Tlaatky. Al taaaira dmt a* LEON'S Freehold Youth Killed in Action HAtOLDS IACMO 1 flfCTIIC W froa* at, Bed Baa* M1M S. DOROTHY RABE Slenderizing Salon MAIMONE BROS. •ULons* SURPRISE STORE SALE FRIDAY * SATURDAY ONLY LADIES' MESH NYLONS SEAMED BACK iflf ftm/ktt JMM CMHiNM III aMHUJM Tha #tet«rt «kava traa Ukaii at coyne will togia Tueaday, Jan. I, In the above photo, tested, left • rafraakcr eaura* far •>•»*'• aide« at ritkia fcotaiul. Miai Qladya to right: Mrit. William Oillan, NepftVMi recently at tha IU4 Croat Wendelken, now aaiictant director tune; Mrs. Morris U. Ferris, Jr., chaster houM at Bhrawibury. In- of nurtti at the hospital, hat vol-Jionmouth Hill*; Mrs. Frank Beach, elMtflng tkaac in tha picture, there unteered t* Instruct. The lecture Calt't Neck; Mr«. Oeorte Bower, ara anly M nurte't aldaa I* Hsu-caufea will be given three nlghta Little Silver. Standing, left to right: mouth county. The ne,e4 in tha haa- a week for approximately live Mrs, R. Biomfleid Brown, volunaitali, dua to many nuran «oln« waakt. Then hoapital orienution taer vice chairman of nurte'aaldaa; 1st* the itrvicM, la great, a Red far another four weeks, arrangad Mrt. Benjamin Elahorn, West Daal; Croea oHkUl «t»te«, and the addi- u much at poatible to Individual Mrt. Itabella Btdla, Red Craat tional need of the bloodmobile convenience, wilt conclude t h e nursing Instructor; Mrt. Hugh unite inakea th« demand critical. coursa. Those willing to enlltt have Alessandroni, Rumson; Mrs. ClarEight nuna't aidea are required at been requested to inform Mrt. ence UnterberK, Eatontown, volunevery vltlt of the bloodmobile. Clarence Unterberg at the chapter teer chairman of nurse's aldea for A new nurie'* aide tralnim house at Ihrewtbury. Monmouth county. Nrt. Garloa Ordoaei EntertaiM D.A.R. I'llNOTAMWPSRMi •BOMNITV, OUT A DAM MADE OF ORWNBitV PlOUt 00U0M TO tUIROUNO TMJ P U S WMttf kTHUt<X*Jjm*mt**TOKX*WOUTO ; iyM«IAJ0lrn.0f UTTllMaU*1M»MaIRRlalll THROWN «aVaV AFTa* MNO UKD O M d - T U J i Water to. h#r#'» Saw** I I t>e*ja» . 1 1 A ••fflfia valwa In l««f«r waarinf, latmae) back math nylon katlary. Tdo IrraejHtaritiai dla net aNtt waar an la ntwait Fad calafi. Sliati I'/i «lgkt Irregular* «a I O ' / I . BigSale-Men'sShirts Loag tleevee. Large variety 1 eolld aalara, Self-Employed Covered by Law FAIR HAVEN-Mrt. Carlat Ordaaei of Harvard rd. wat hotttat laat wotk at tht meeting of tkt Junior group of Monmouth chapter, ASBTJRY PARK-Self-employed Daughteri American Revolution. persona earaing craditt toward oldMitt Jeaa Adama tpoko on "Eng-age and turvhrora Insurance may obtain detailed Information an thtlr llth Homa Ufa." lghti and retpontlbllltles under Tha Junlort will bt luaata of he amended Boelal Security law tha atnlar chapter mtmbere at a hrough a ntw booklet, "Do Tou I f CAUlf Of A dinner la Otctmbar. Atttadlnc Work ror Yourself?" were Mrt. Arthur Morris, Mrt. Robert Edwards, Mrt. Charles Tht booklet It available at tht •INF STtHINQ KNtt Moeller, Mrt. Herbert Parktll, Mrt. social security offlct at Ml Btngt Ua-btbnced whtcli, bent knttt, am. Oaorga Mongoa, Mrt. Thomat Mor- ave. here. It tells in plain lan- auinM fitmH, twn'i jmr nuiuncei I * toa, Mrt. Frank Whiting, Jr., Mlts guagt what the law meant to per- die driver. They weir out c u ind fire*. rranctt Di* and Misa Ckna White. sons who own their own business MUM Keeling psnsfiilurc.loss of contral, work for themtelvtt and et> Mow-outi-ACCIDENTS! BEF0M thtt lalaa haw tkt self-employed ahould uaptns coate ia fo» Ssftty dwek-up oa maka thtlr *rtt reports early nest awKttntiac BEAR Equipment! tar for social tecurity purpose!. la announcing the booklet, Josph B. O'Connor, regional director at tha Maw York headquarters, (Mphatiaod that alaet the a n t of 'H. all telf-tmplojrtd pertent who eara MM or more a year ara covered by tho Boclal Security law, "Quality" Since I t t t If! witfc tha e«eeptlon of farm operator!, doctora, lawyers, dentitte, proftaaloaal tnglaatn, tall-time tceouatantt and certain other proBody Builden ftMlonal people. The booklet gives esamplai of monthly beatfltt for retired self-employed ptrtona»aad or famlliti of deceased persont. Ava* Every eelf-employed peraon cov«... SB ered by tht law ahould have a aoclal aeeurity card before the 1M1 laeoma tax rtpart la dua, Mr. NEMIIMTEIS O'Connor laid. Social aeeurity FIIM COUNT!** cardt may be obtained at tha total NOTICE Boelal Security oflke. New Joney'i MOAD : Appllcitlom arc being- nctlircd far Its eatlmate of tha number of telf-em- cream vindins msehine operation st Fort H i l l MATS ployed ebvered by tht law It 1M,OOO Huneaek. New Jtne)r. Apply. Exchange we r#comm#nd BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS FIRST QUALITY Htavywatajlit cerduray In brown ana] twaaa) •aHarni. Stiai 4 ta 14. Juniar iltai 14 to 101 hav* alattic back and btltad (rent. AN tiiat caw* with tipaar fly. MINS NYLON ANKLET SOCKS • Bafaa* N|IM M r for your child •SaMCaam • Mm l i t * I I m •light trregvlara 7/eSURPRlSE/to/e MONIYIACK tVAMANTM We red taao la maklag Officer Building r.«3, Fort Monmouth, New Jer.ejr, Cloilng date, >• Novel her l i s t . STORI Of 1001 IAR9AINS 8 BROAD ST., RED BANK SHOP FRIDAY 'TIL • P. M . f UPfU UATHIM MINFOtCID TOPIINII STURDY, PUXIHI UATNIR SOUS mil I I EVEIY WAY ! • T i l l SHANKS PORARCH SUPPORT W# honeitly believ* S n i o i R m s t o b e u finathoaiaf Wu powible to make! Evary featun, imidt and cut, aarvta a daflnito ftmction in protaeting and anoouraginf norntalfoot growth! A eompltto ranga of atylaa, titm and widtha angwtrt tha todividual naadi of growing feat — from toddler to teen-age! STRIDE RITES are priced from 4 . 5 0 to 8.95 according to »i«e DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PILLED JA~tS.miL SHOE CO. 18 BROAD STREET RED BANK Aaep. a^aparkUaii That'a tmiay't ftraiuU for t aw* ad?oature ia motoring! Here'*1 kag, law, hNtraut haaaty-dittmetrferf Otdtmobllat Interion ara rich aad laiurlom Itilnred for avUmited eomtortt Aad ta> top ft ad. yonVe got the powor-ftmow "Rocket" pint OMtmobtta Hydra.Matie*l Strih-eurging action pint real high-mmpreeeioti p» taWagtl There't ao doubt about it-OldtmobUe't radiaat "Hoeket 9ff» k aa acdtn ItaaV-ej glamor Imdtr la the nne ear laid. See your OMtmoblle dttler aad try thb mtgnifloent carl Fimit if th'lnldt'tiri! I 0 LB S MO B I L E I I I YOUR NIARIIT OLOIMOII LI'DlALIR HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO;, 8 MAPLE AVE., RED BANK - • a TtleiUlenl O i l news with Dontlai Edwsrdi—Mond., thr« Frldtr at Tilt t, M., IttUon WCM-TV, OktMtl I. Ctvrieiy et%ey» OMIBMIIII teatir— Mtnben Board of Trusted* of Rirrrriew Hospital WELCOME! Whether waleeaa* t * eeaa* la a y ah**) e a t lee* at Oka ing atanpt froaaftUw m n «(tfce aorta. tbaweea for saoet p*f4, world therefore, etaaos* hav* a atory « • tatt. •a etuapa. I t e*a truly he *etd that eTTAM** QUALITY ALL-WAYS * a * of th* most faeclaatlag aasMae la the wartd. aaeourag* their ehildrea te celleat ateaiaa. Aa usual t h * artee* ore elvers SMceroie a a f friendly aad helsful aervte* elver*. JOES STAMP SHOP Our scientific, Mft dry eleaaIng m t t h o d t aaeura you elothe* thut. ».r« hrifht t« «*», ^oninrful to weir, 4n4 «l«»ne4 REALLY CLEAN! . . . Our pricrx »re alwiy* mndcratt! Call Rc<l Bank •-0C03 for flck-jp. I t MONMOVTN tT. lOpp. Te»a Hell irs of/ii r/itsr AKMUMSAHY n f#W( ifff fe f IfM* Mffa vetffa) G* Da Mudey* aMMt Ufa U i Watlhiihai "*-*-*-* A •9WT WBPw'yl ""f* r*j« • • • n p i v t v i i v r i fmvWWWV Dorothy Niceslo, •uaervlsar of aoreo*: Mri. Julia Thrackmartan, edministretar aae! tupariatanelaar; Or. WMiom Motrhews. lack raw, M r i . idwia L loit, • . Owlght Fester, Jacob Wyckoff, M n . Cbarln Cubbage, M n . Stapboa Young, Rabbi Arthur H. Henfcoa, M n . Jabs t>. FaWer. Rumtan auailiery. i ••••tUjrjf M M . t t w f a T. Itntaa, president of aH Itlvervlow atwSliartett M * M a a • • Am SBBh S\AAAAAA & A - -m BOMLirS DeLUXE 44 MARION §T. TEX. RED RANK M2M MMdts row, f e w perse**, M M . AdeteleJe Tax Board Urges RtatfttsmenU ntBEHOLD-Tht ITe later tkea yea SMakt Cease l a •stecttoa ef toy* tor rtHHiaa of aN I r COMVINICNT UV-AWAV MAN Mra wish t a shaah ear ataay M i •atroaag* * » n a g ear a n t yaar e l far their mmmm V B B M I sVasl l a ^ a ^ tSMati taW a ^ a l A ^ ^asw IPPSSJ vjasj SBSSBBS§J ^VBSSJ sass i^Bjajajsa TIE I 0 I I E TOY HOP 224 Shrewsbury A T * . Red I M * 6-1487 OWM BVBWIN4M TO • : « P. M, . VftTN. CNBMTMAI of U M BrMck »r*a*HtM Utt y«i WM aralted by th« eauiity board • tustton tut week a M ChalrMa Wllllaai • . Klrtck at Ike M UBM MaclMcd that Mar* wark . m l t i la tkat city aa well M *tk( •lualelMHtiet la the eatmty. Mr. KlrMh »»W the beard aa reeonmended changn In »••«« •tente In aome other towni In th eaunty, but refined to dkcloe wkleh oaet. He Mid the botrd ha aMde the reeommtMatloai ta laei •aieMori who muit tike th* ai tion, Th* botrd allowed «• •a)u«tmenl « l t ef MS aaa*ali, •••«"»« a n duction of wily • » » • The boar •aid th* reduction* would hav very little eon*eqtienee aa the II •|4,0M added t« the city. U B rol •a a result of the clty-wlde r< aMCiiment. DO YOU KNOW THERE ARE EXTRA ROOMS IN YOUR HOUSE? Yot, you havo rho tpoco for oitro roomi r l f M In yaitr hoMit! Lot ui convort your attic Into o handtomo a p a r t m a n t . . . or roomi. Or . . . you can hava your porch anclatod to fiva you a uiaful « U i t anclaiad room in <ha w i n t a r . . . ^ a cool, intact froa, icroonod in room in tko lummor. Tha cait it nominal. Call ut today lor a froo iwvoy «*d aitiwato. Baptist Pastor Couple Tell Korean Life Opens Bible Class Of MIDDLETOWN lOWNSHIP — A elaaf la (Uldtne* In vader- Sgt. and Mrs. Haver J, Camaaall •Undlnf the Bible itarted lait of Kort Monmouth were the speakThyrtdey aifht at tha Red Bank ers at a meeting of the Mary Mount Baatlit ehweh.. Rev. W. Clinton chapter, Woman'* Missionary BaFawara, patter, la la eharce. He elety. of the Red Bank Baptist hai dMlflnad th* eaure* to hela church, Friday at tha homo of Mra. Men an4 women underatand theJohn T. Uwley, Sr., aa Ceaaver airieai* of the Bible u It la re-lane. lated ta life today. Mm. Campbell told of th* custom* Mlawosraahed outllnei of theof the people of Korea, and die* played native rontume* and handmaterial covered at *aeh aeHiun will be distributed, m that clan craft, ggt. Campbell showed a eemtabera will hav* a notebook at rie* of colored movie*, giving a future reference material. The clana commentary on Korea as th* Mm will be conducted through th* win- was sliown. The couple tlved in Korea with the Army ef Occupation ter Month*. Rafiftarat flat* member* Include prior to the present war, Mr. and Mr*. Alfred C. Beck. Lieut. The annual Chriatmaa party will •nd Mri. Reott Oalbreath, Jr., Lieut. be held Friday, Dee. 14. at the Col. and MM. C. T. Moore, Mr. home of Mra. Alfred C. Beck an and Mr*. John Qulvey. Mr. andHudson ave., Rett Bank. Members Mri. Truman Recvee, Mr. and Mr*. will exchange gift* and bring eonFraneli Iwarti, Mr«. W. Clinton trlhutiona of groeorie* for a basket Power*, Mr*. Gertrude Parmly, to be filled for the Red Bank unit Mr*. M. A. Little, Mr*. Albert of the Salvation Army far distribuLaehder, Mr*. Margaret Berge, Mr*. tion to a needy family. Devotions were in charge of Mr*. Everett Brewer, Mra. Grace Clayton, Mr*. C. J. Degavre, Mri. Wil-Beck. Mra. Homer C. Methot, chairliam Maxmn, Mra. Elwood Powers, man of an October rummage sal*, Mrt. Tx»ul»« B. Sayre, Mra. William reported the event a success, Rchanek, Mn. Charlei Bchanek, AMitting hemteaacs were Mra. Mra. John flchati, Mr*. Howard Methot, Mri. Russell Mlnton, Mrs. Sprlngateen, Mr*. Thomm Wilxon, Charlea Hammell, Mrs. Lyle HelsMra. Edith C. Worth. Mian Eather ley, Mr«. Robert Miller and Mis* Bower, Mill ElvlrfcShfafT, MiM El- Mary Mount. la Davis, MUs Harriett Franciii, Harry L. Andrua, Ruuell Leonard, Sloan Kobertion and Willlanr F. Wlnn. Little Symphony Goneri* Nov. 2 7 at Aabury Park J. YANKO 30 BROAD ST. RED BANK Fine Quaker Lace cloths enrich your holiday table! Un 5.95 to 22.95 Brokers Address Fair Haven Lions FAIR HAVEN—Paul T. Ford and Dudley Robblns of th* New York brokerage firm of Merrill ASBURY PARK-The Monmouth Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Beane, Little Symphony will preacnt iU were gueat spcakeri laat Thursday flrit concert of the 1M1-S2 reason night at the meeting of the Fair Nov. IT at 8:30 p. m. In the Aabury Havena Lions club at the WillowPark high school auditorium, with brook. They showed a movie, "Fair Joieph Waldman, New York con- Exchange," and explained their company's dealings with th* pub* cert planlat, ai tht eoloiat. llc'a Investments, Other diitlngui*hed loloisU will The club welcomed Dr. Wlllard be presented Jan. 29 and March 28 and the orchestra will conclude T. Somcrvllle, 24 Cooney ter., and th* aeaion with Its first chlldien'a Henry J. Jeffrey, 27i Fair Haven concert May 11, with arrangements rd., as new members. In charge of Mrs. T. R. Bmits. David Brcwgter reported cititens Thirty-three additional members or the community had contributed 14,600 pounds of paper during the and patrom were announced recently when the membership com- club's lateit drive held Nov. 4. The mittee met at the home of its chair- next drive, according to Mr. Brewaman, Michael H. Ooldwaawr, 1018 tcr, will be held 8unday, Dec. 2. Benderanera ave., Wanamasta, The club's next dinner meeting bringing th* total membership up will be held Thursday, Nov. 3», ta Mf. Subscriptions are In charge when George E. Kovak, governor of Mn. Robert Honeywell, Asbury of Lion dlatrict 14-B. will be th* Park. gueat. SiHS M i 7 2 • M i l l . 7i*fO • 7 I > 1 M Quekor Loco clothi »rt uniurpened for beouty became they ere euthenric reproduefiom of old-world lice. ore wrinlile-roiittanr end launder easily. They Sites ere for ejinette, dining end banquet teblei. Egyptian color (ecru.). 3-pc. carving stt 1 8 ' ° ° ATTIC CONVERSIONS TAKI Y1AM TO »AY _ PORCH ENCLOSURES old fashioned witn Ain-sntim aim IKOUIE "EVERY J O I INSURED' NBW BATHBOOMf POICH BNOUMOMSfl OAXAOM •EATINO includes new styled pitch fork, knife and 6o modem Your porch ean bo mada uioful If you lot ui oncloto it. You can uto it tho yoar 'round too. It will bo an Idool pla.a far tha children to play In on eeld, natty wintar days. It will bo o wondarful relaxing icraanod In porch In tho summer. Eitlmatet are free, to call nowl KOOFINO SIDINO ROOM ADDITIONS KXTENSIONS EXPAN8IOW ATTICS rtOOB * WAU, TtlIKO highly polished Perkwood hendlei. Set poultry shears. ( Easy Monthly Payments - Sheffield ttainleit ireol sot with Horo h m limplo • no fuit way to hava thoto OMtro roonw that you nood. Wo can convert your attic eomplotaly • inta wondarful living «Mrton ajulakly and lna«paniivaly. Coll for a OABPENTmT KITCHEN CABINETS DOBMCM MASONST •UBCTIICAL WOSK FREE ESTIMATES! |||onmouth fonstruction Co 35 0 Six-piece steak knift stt regularly 5.95 An exceptienel value In hollow fround knives with polished wood hendlei. Sot includes metchinf. wood holster. Eggshell china sets Lovely deorflen agoahell by Homer Laughlin In tho famous dreenbrlar pattern. Sere's starting power that combats eold'tnrine atalllnr.. • I*ta your engin* going at t touch... and k»ep» It going. The aaelusiti* antUitalltng feature la another Mg plus in a gaaollna long famous lor all-around performance—faat warm-up...quick, respongive power... long mileage.,. dean engine aetton. Try a tankful today I In two-tone, with green, grey end rosa coloring that hermonim with ell interior !CMO! Vow 9M UmrthlrmMOM at Yitr N««sy Mars/tof Iraref ESSO STANDARD OIL COMPANY surroundings. Guaranteed for life against •rating. II pioCM M BISCM 91 piacai assaal 28 so tet 39 so sat 49 10 sat asoaaai RED BANK REGISTER LETTERS FROM I OUR READERS Anyone who heard President Truaua nd Secretary of Defense Bobert A. Lovett salute the »-cin*ji is) the armed force* is the Armistice day broadcast and telecast IBVIXO hould realize how important woates are n the a m i r e i . They are so essential to I 4. MOAN, >nr Army, Xavy, Marine Corpa and Air •L S U B O U BE1XV Force that a gigantic recruitment drive is W. BAMY PEXKINOTOB, now wider way to raitv the present 40,00(1 • *f Ha Issirnnd Frets T»t A»oei|.ia« Pleat 1» saUtlsd «Belwl««lV U I H »t* otal to 112,«NM» by neit July. In fact, Mrs. MfubiiMtion of all th. local n*ars |.rinte« !• this »•••• Anna M. Rosenberg, as*i«tant secretary of Ml, M trail u (11 Af >•»• di.Patehea. detVn«e, Mates: "Although we have set a goal for 112,000, we will take all the qaaltTta Me* h M Bag tour _ j ffor t»»D«rarlilcal arrors Is aa»artia«anata, k.i trill h!c«l arroi fled women we can get." •tlat that part sf an aa<rartitaa»nt In wbica It* Ml «*| arror occur*. *a»«rtia*r. trill pleaia notWr tk* Where women were once used only for aaiatelr a* »r(r errar which Bar aeaat. Netluatl *t>ertlalnf B»rr«»»niat!»a. . such joh« an typing and cooking, they now liaa, t i t *roaa«ar Me* York Citr. perform literally thousands of vital and Cafee*»—t*hi l*aal»kl»—Detroit nteresting job*. Fort Monnymth officer* •** M HMIMlMlltlW ft* i it WttMefteei It* mttn. are loud in their praise of the Job* done g»s*crl»tioa Priw* I* Aartnca On* re*r. • • • • ! by the Warn, nurse*, Marine* and other «i* •a*tks. •••••• iintl* ••»». •» m » « , I* twtt. •Dtciallat* at the Signal Corpa center. ^^^ ^^^^_ k. A. ria. EVENTS OF YEARS AQO FROM REQISTER FILES Sire broke out in a double I The ffVaer* J*ba Anthea* Hubbard farm ia MidsUttowa Uwasaip, oa South st. owned by William. •a the road leading frona IMS Bank Dotts. The blaae was discovered by Bod Baak, New J«'r**y. to MorrtovUle, wa* aold t* Jo*«»* Fraak Peaniagten, whs occupied Sir: A. Saabora, who *ecupied tho SmHh Use other side of the dwelling, but I am eaclealaaj a letter to you, farm ia Middletewn t*wn*hip. Mr. it had gaiaed euch headway that it that haa been nasaed owt U the bora, wh* was in the milk busi- wa* impossible te save anything ia men of our Battalion, U tie teat ness, planned te UP* hi* new place tae Dotts' side of the house. Frit* ie to the falk* in the States ao a dairy tarn. Dressier aad Leslie Woodward wer* a* an appeal to ceaaent tbe good Morgan V. Disbrow, wh* bought both Injured Sghtlng th* Mast. will of tbe United State* Fereea About MM poroaa* atteadod Ik* h* Uafetra farm at Shrewsbury a i Austria. nasaad it "Crys- formal opeaiag of the aew Cattto* T* fully nadorotud the •light abort time previous, 1 theater oa Moaawuth *t. Bttk aide* of the** poor unfortunate aouli tal Brook term ' and Wat putting of th* street wer* packed solidly that haw* escaped front th* Iron tbe place ia order. Curtain eountrioe, you have te B. Bcheaek Smack of Wallace at. wttb parked c a n to Sanwaburp know that the haaarde the** people died suddenly of a heart condition ive., and there waa ao available endure to naae tnreajgh th* curteia parking apace left en Mepl* av*. in his T*rd year. He had been em- Oakland, are etupeadoua. Pearl, Ch**Uut aad W**t We ar* in Austria, MO tb**o ref- tloyed as a carpenter by Bordea •4*. ugee* day after day. incidentally k-o*. *f Shrewabury and put in * Albert I* Ivtae, who bad t*M w* are only a matUr of TO tail** full day's work on th* day he died. reoa th* curtain iteelf nnd w* ar* Twe children, Jean C. amack aad New Jersey'! meet famaut trap * a very good ptieitlea to oooerve Mrs. Harry C. Hubbard, both of ahoottr and winner of tb* Oread the condition*. American handicap, th* bigs*** There is nothing mor* pitiful, eveat of th* United State*. Mr*. Eliaa Jane Uttie. widow ot ahooting than t* **« wt« tot* banly able n i forced te give up trap ahoMlag U toddle, without shot* *r warm Neary C. Uttle, died at Fair Haven yaauaad in** of a shoulder lajtiry i This week has been designated Women elothin* It 1* coming Int* winter In her list year. Sh* wa* barn near ••4 Sakearlken I* lartr*»«l»a cMift d * * * t a t here now, and the temperature Atlantic Highland*, th* daughter by the resell of the gua I* • n the Armed Force* Week. In the months repeated «hott la trap shootlag hover* at about aO degree* con- of Mary aad Michael Oespreaun. •I«M* tm PMUI raf» n n aUntly. To a tot that la extremely fer four surviving children were snatch**. ahead, every unmarried woman between It* cold, in • matter of but n few THURSDAY, NOVEMBER It, INI Attending a ahowcr given by Miss and 34 who i« a high school graduate Is weeks the temperature will drop Venry O. Little ef Red Bank, Wll- Beetle Phillip* of Atlantic High(am Nelson Uttl* and Harvey M. land* for Mi** Isabella Skidmore to a steady IS to S O degrees and urged to consider joining one of the service*. Little of Fair Haven an« Frtaeit war* Mrs. Uilr and Mlaaei Florence Suctuate only occasionally. before he *yp* you, I* th* only WWt H M P W . to KM OUMT 47% Pay, promotion and educational opportunI wish to aak you if you would A. Uttl* of Atlantic Highland*. Davis, France* Stephen*, Julia policy that pays off. A reunion of th* Srst Sunday- Pitcher, Dorathy VanHUe, JtUare* print the enclosed letter in The level of publie martU li pleau According to MM. Amy Bhinn, Borough ties for service women are excellent. They school cuss of Mtddletewa Baptist VaaHitc, Ethel Armstead, JMM* the Red Bank Register in hopes low. Unfortunately, the good ei- hat there is some one that may church, which wa* organised in Clerk of Bed Bank, there were 5,850 persons have equal status with the men beside whom in* Ackerson, Helea Tadd and ample U not set In Washington. have tome clothes that they ere tass, was held at Mra. Charles H. they work. The President i* victimil'd by hla about to discard, and they would Morford's. Betides th* teacher, Edith Lufburrow. officially registered which gave them the Frank To*p had a* *l*etr*i W*. friends, but a fait* **HM of loy- be ao kind u to forward them here Mrs. Martha T. Otbora, tnoot atAn interesting and profitable career right to Tote at latt week'i general election. alty prevents him from moving to us for distribution te some poor tending wtr* Mr*. Lydl* Hmdrlek- ter eystem InttalUd in hi* bom* at needy loul. forthright agtinit them. Hi* re•on, Mr* Adelaide Bpader, Mia* LOW ESTATE or Of tnii number only 3,116 c u t their •waits qualified women, who will he serving luctance condone* wrongdoing. Orandin VanNote, •** of Frank Thanking you in advance, I am Lydlt Frost, Mis* Mary MeCI*ee, Onrirnhlp In both pirtiea In weak, ballot! In the American way of t r i e oar nation at a time when tho*> service* Respectfully Mica Margaret Morford and Mra. VanNote of Farmlngdal*. was acTh* discharge of S O Writ Point cidentally ah*t in th* foot by a W* William J. MeKonnn, are desperately needed. Additional Inform* e*4*tt for cheating at examina- became it !* confidently attune* Morford Taylor of Holrndtl. democracy. to th* neit election, not to whit low-hunter. Sire, Firet Sgt. Jam** Cloughly, hi* daughter tion can be obtained at the recruiting office tion* la only OM facet of th* manyla beet for the public welfare. I" Msg Cen Opn Co., Nearly W Hrsons attended a sard We wonder how many of the 2,734 Red Henrietta and Mis* Anna Nieholl, party sided problem of moral dlsintsgra- fact, public morals ar* low became «M Sig Op* Bn, at MM. Ckarlit TfctmpM*'* Banker* who did not rot*, have a good in the Bed Bank pout office building. tlon nationally that li causing polltlci at all level! li played at t APO Mf, c/o PM. NT. NT. all of Long Branch, had a narrow at River Plaaa. Prise* wir* woa ••cap* *• they were driving across ny person! t* wonder whether hlttorlc low. Th* on* i* th* coadMra. Mart* BalMt, Miss f i w aound reason for not doing *o. the trolley track* at that place by HEADQUARTERS America It going down th* path jutor of the ether. •nee Brand, Mrs. John Stiles, Mm. when their rig wa* struck by a trol- B. •f decay that earned the Roman Of court* there are the aged, the Inflrui, SID Signal Operation Battalion Vincent Willis, Mrs. Edward Tct, we etrut th* earth telling ley car. The hone waa hurled SO Bresch, APO Mil U. 8. Army empire to (all. It it a •oberin* Anna Valleau, AddlSM and thote who were compelled to be out feet and both It* leg* broken. Th* Banborn,Mra. thought. But th* fact* muit be everybody elae to look at ui and II October MM. Clifford Stile* and Charta* •ce democracy In faireat flower— Dear Folks: When President Truman recently order- faced. oeeupaat* had a bad fright but *ufof town on election day. But what about and pleaie copy; we'll foot the bill. You have probably read about fered no Injurl**, ed government agencies to clam up and Th* We»t Polntcri war* dUhon- We wonder, for Initance, what the other 47% who did not vote? .. William TaalM* th* numerous families that hav* William Sti«r of Worthley *t, Red _ . , Elmer Manaon *»t. They cheated. Bom* did IO and Fnd and It i* a diigraceful picture to aee that •top telling so much news, he took it upon bteaUM they couldn't play football Pravda will ham to «*y about th* escaped from th* Iron Curtain Bank, waa working at the Berden Albert Fisher, of Port Monmouth countries in an effort to live a place at Oeeanlc whoa a trench 1 We«t Point cadcti. himself t» restrict American freedom of and keep up with their itudiee. •bout half of our local registered voter* Th* time U here far moral n - normal life in a free land. These caved In burying him under several left tor California. They were mailOther* who wcr* not athlete* families of necessity arrive with ing th* trip In a trailer and export* refrained from exercising the greatest thought as well as freedom of the press. cheated bccoiu* that waa th* «aty generation. Wett Point I* Juit on* only the clothes they are wearing. feet of dirt. Workmen dug kirn out odit* r**eh tb* W**t CMtt th* Sr*t item In the tad chronology. Th* Any money they may have Is we* as quickly • • pomlbl* but b* waa •f th* year. privilege that our government offer* them. It appears to be resulting in tbe creation way to mak* pauing gradet. Roman empire fell, not becauw It ess in th* free world. The ehll* almost overcome when rescued. But fundamentally what hap- wa* overwhelmed from without but dren Maurice Sehwarta nurebatad a of these families and th* This apathy on the part of the voter la of a "baby Politburo" to tell the people Son** at W**t Point refect* * bocnun CleanentlM, daughter of Richard fcouM aad tot oa Wall at In tta roar It dteayad from within. thousand* of Austrian children of Protptet av*., wa* mar- •f hi* *w* rmldcnc* fnm.Ottadl*h Jnst what the supporter* of Communism only what a handful of bureaucratic execu BTMOBt dlitwtot atJItud* toward If thi* I* an app**l for a return who have tost their parent* as a ttawtea* ried to John M. Minton, *on of oM-fuhlo«*d hon**ty and Integrity th* day-by-day practice of old result of th* war ar* being pro- Archibald Minton of Bart Red E. Devi*. Ht bought tta property hope will continue to grow in the United tives think is good for them to know about that pertain* not only In our to with tta thought of aaavwtlag It time religion, *nd mpect for Ood'i vided for bv many relief and char- Bank. Th* ceremony took place at within a ftw year* Int* a Mg budtheir government and how it operates. •ehool* but In Am*rlea'» aoclal and moral law, ao b* It. When th* Itabl* organisations. Th* limited State*. tho bride'* horn* and was performed lands available to th*** orgaaitapolitical lift. Mm place, ai hi* promt autem* moral fabric of a nation begin* to The President said the order was drawn any expenditure* for by Rev. Robert O. MaeKelwr of R*d Ml* btwlncM w u InenuMf »*d Jo* 8talin continue* to laugh at us. It It toon In tko high placet In unravel, it I* time to do aoma patch- lon* preclude Bank. gift*. would *vt*tu*)ty because some publication* were printing government, which after World Ing before the entire garment I* Christmas Battalion Ma volunteered Mis* Lottl* S. Johntry, daughter II practiced plain deception gone. The eauee and effect of thi* toOur adopt auch a group of orphan thing* dangerous to national security. He War on th* people. We were told no deterioration nationally will be li- children and endeavor to provide of Harvey Johntry ef Port MonHarry Pttetar. lS-y*ar-tld ton of mouth, married te William William Pitcher, w u believed to ta iuea In next year'! •reildentlal referred particularly to a Fortune magacine Mcret agreement* had been mada a little happlnea* in their otherwise Bad* of waa Hobokon, ton of Careen campaign.—St. Loul* (Mo.) Olob* with anybody. Latter, we dl»eovmeagvr exlateaee by giving each tta youngest trapper at Holmdot. A fund-raising campaign that will en story on atomic energy and said the editor* oroi paett w«r* *lgn»d at Tehran, Democrat. Bad* of Port Moanwuth. Th* certchild a present at ChrTitmas. A bottl* washing maehl**, weigh1 Now, here1* where you can suelst many was performed at the brM* * ing *lght toat and Mating mm. abl* the Salvation Army In Northeastern did not have the "welfare of the United TalU and Potidam that mad* th* horn*. i. Please look around the house DEATH IN THE AFTEBWOOWwaa plaeed In tho plant Vf rtta Monmouth County to continue Its ••vain* States at heart" In printing it. Fortune Kor*an war Inevitable. for old or out-grown children's Ml** Auretta Thome, daughter of Shrewsbury Dairy MOBNINO AND WTOHTt company on ^ In th* New Deal era wae horn w» py and any toys thnt aro not William Thorn* of Hilton Park. •ms*wvw«i able aervlce* to the leaa fortunate la our said its story had been "fully cleared for th* Idea that an admlnUtratlon Th* greatest mystery of out clothing being used. Don't worry about th* naar Atlantic Highland*, heetm* th* per Broad *t. ft' w u eapabl* of ttmee, and our greatest tragtdy can perpetuat* tt*elf In power by waahmg IS bottle* a mlnut* and condition of the Item* aa they can community ha* been started. Upon the sue- security before publication", had been writ* buying th* voUn with handout I* th* Ineomprehenslbl* compla- M repaired her*. In tho lino of brld* of Harry Tomtklnt *f Mil- would bo a Mg time and labor tav* cess of this endeavor will depend the main* ton with the consent and co-operation of monoy- Renumber how Harry cency ot th* American peopl* about toys, pleaa* do not send any gum burn. Rev. W. H. Morgan per- lag devleeaa from ilx to eight thoualmilar Item* which might re- formed th* ceremony at Newark. mmd bottVt* wer* wuh*d dally at tenance of the Salvation Army's present the Atomic Energy Commission—which Hopklna tapped the WPA till to the continuing daughter on th* or Charlea R. D. Foxwtll, Jacob th* plant. mind the children of the war daya. win an oloetlon In Kentucky? Dur- highway* of the country. Should vou find anything which Br., Jaeab Cornwell, Jr., work and the eitenslon of new projects later "bought 500 reprints for distribution" ing that era wa* horn th* action About SOS gu**tt were protent at The National Safety Council h u you feel may be of some uae In Cornwell, and Auguttui Havlland ef Red designed to meet the increasing needs of and the facts were available "at any that cltle* and ttatoa at well at announced that 1,8*0 men, women this project, please send it to the Bank w*r* building new lee yacht*. tb* Italian-American political ehtb la West Red Bank at a birthday individual* nMd not look to their and children were killed on Amer- addreat show below. Wo will so* unsettled times. public library." These claims were never own re*ourcM or Ingenuity to «ur- ican highway* during th* month to it* proper disposition. n«ate Charles Hurd was also expected to celebration In honor of Ml** Fannto build a aew boat for the coming Petlllo, daughter of Frank Pettll* So not send any money. vWo-kt Washington do It. Out of of August. The Salvation Army deserves more than denied. Any gift large or (malt will be of Shrewsbury ave. th* mating of depntilon and poThat brought th* total ef traffic gratefully received by these chit* Th* Srm of Adeock aad Woleott the food wishe* of its friends, and the R. V. R. H. Stout and Oo*rg* As a result of the new order, say* an litical trickery cam* the Inddlou* death* during th* ttrst eight Iren and your a»slstane* will bo maehlnlata at Rod Bank, competed thinking by millions a* American! month* of this year to »,vS0. m m of Broad at. Harry Marvla community. It deserves a helping hand from Associated Press dispatch, Manley Fleisch that deeply appr*el*t«d by th* member* of W. H. Adeock aad Jootn* Wol- T hard work In positively illly. of Wavorly pi. aad J. B. R«* of There la the grim prospect of th* th* Battalion. eott, waa dlMolvtd and th* butlntaa Holmdel township w*nt to Barntgat •very generous person who, through this mann, U. 8. Defense Production chief, on that If on* do** work, do th* Itaat incrlfice of upwards of 10,000 live* ofMall package* to: w u to b* continued by Mr. Adeoek. draw th* blggeit pay poi- before the end of the year. and came back with plenty of clams Commanding Officer, organisation, would like a helping hand Oct. 26 laid down a set of rule* for handling fjottlbl*. alble—and itrlke for mor*. •3d Signal Operation Battalion Mr. Woleott took a petition la th* aad oyster* but no gam*. But outside of the home* and Robert* bolter work*. to be given to others daring the coming basic news. Two men esch from the Defense Mr. and Mr*. Philip MargulM of Tho youth*, itteh M th* W*«t families and Immediate friend* of APO «n, niT XYC, NT, Th* voting ooatert aondueted by t*r«epeet av*. announced tko oayear. Any money given to the Salvation Production administration and the Nation* Pointwt, with whom wo ar* eon* these thousand! of victim*, th* th* Bohemian gtam blowtr* for th* K*g*m*nt of thalr daughter Oathcountry iiemi to be no mor* contoday, wore tablet thtn. pr*ttl**t baby l a Had Bank eatkNd orlno te John Connolly alto of Rod Army goes toward helping thoss who re- al Production authority, will form a com- •ernes They have grow* •"»• "»nhood In cerned about thla horrifying *p*cmor* excitement than th* local elee. quire assistance, without regard to race, mittee with "complete responsibility" for an environment of take-lt-where- tact* than it would normally be tlon. The three principal contestMM. Cathtria* P. Ftp*, widow of entirely alien to the Amer- over a mild epidemic of measles. ants wer* Beatrice Fowler, daugh- Wyckoff Pop*, died at ker homo la creed or color. This is well known by all giving out or keeping secret new* develop- I-nnd-lt ican tradition. They are the un- The public and official apathy ter of Theodore Fowler of Branch Coif* NMk fram Injurleti n**lv*d who have seen this great organisation in ment* in their bureaus. At the top will be pntty fruit of tho mltUkot of th* about highway ea*u*ltl*», a* the ave.; Allee McCrtery, daughter of thro* hour* pnvlou* when bar Safety Council comments, I* a part two deead**. action. thing and utterly un- WHAT YOU CAN BO ABOUT IT Joseph MeCreery of Mechanic it.; clothing went abl*M whll* raking "the Defense Production Information comWhat So w* too In Wuhlngton moastrotti and Harold Duncan, ton of Mis. Sr* coali from th* atov*. Sh* w u worthy of Intelligent and reasonPresident Truman has pointed out that mittee," administering security rules. It today? Corruption and teandalt. slbls Charlea Duncan of Wuhlngton at. TS ytara old and had been tan la Americans. Lea* take-homo pay and In* eloee link between th* underTh* Fowler girl wot th* winner Bcoboyvtll*. Sh* w u aurvivajd by enaied prices en many artlcl** la the work of evangelism which General Wil- appear* these bodies will work something Tho Tho iRCNdibl* thlnf u that • world and politic* w u revealed by family budget a* a result of with MI votm, th* McCrMty baby her daughter, Mlm One* M. Pop*, liam Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, like the "Politburo" and "Supreme Soviet" the Kettwrer eomwltUe. The Fall* minority ot criminally negligent the aooand with only thr** vote* lea* people among all the motorist* in the third boost In Federal tax** than th* winnar and th* Duncan who helped mother tho burning bright committee turned the tpot* clothing. began 80 year* ago ha* never lost the spirit of Bussis. Top man, above all, surely will light on the RFC and the ln«u- the country are causing this nine* Korea should ttlmulato In- boy Snl*h*d third. terest of the average eltlaon in the Jamei O. Worthier, on* of tb* which he infused into i t "That is why," be our Sir. Truman. Newsmen or "outside •nee peddler*, aom* within th* slaughter, the vast majority of •pending program of goremment The St. Jam** basketball team oldest resident* of Occanport, died •hadow of th* Whit* Home, who drivers being decently thoughtful at Washington. d*r*at*d the Lyceum quintet of said the President, "it remains to this day groups are invited to complain if they find told their contact* tor a price. at the home of hla niece, Mr*. 3. P. and eourteoua people. Sine* November 1, th* Fodaral Long Branch by a scor* of IB te «. Wlthtr*. of that place, with whom "But the craiy highway fools one of the most powerful spiritusl forces legitimate news is being withheld. We hear of doubtful golng*-on are atlli piling up a shocking toll Government haa been taking big- Tho Red Bank team comprised bo had lived for Mvoral year*. H* In th* government department that of Lane, captain; Jam** Wit*, waa n y*are old and a veteran of In the world." dead and injured," says th* Na- ger chunk* from Ineom* and higher Jam** This is a far departure from World War collect! our Income taxe*. excise taxes have caused boost* manager; Charle* and Oeorgt John- th* Civil war. tional Baf*ty Council, "while the All cititens night well echo what Presl We hear of patronage nought decent driven ar* doing little or In price* on many item* which ston and William Ltddy. Jam** B. Candldatct trying out for th* R*d II, when Mr. Roosevelt named Byron Price, and Mid Ilk* so much good* over nothing to demand reasonable safe- •how up In the averag* family Dognan was the referee and Loiter Bank flr* department batketball dent Truman added to hi* conclusion: "Thi McQueen kept score. a distinguished Associated Press executive, the eounter. budget. Corporate Income tax*! wer* JackMn Murphy, Ed* ty when they venture en th* highworld can never repay the debt which i An army general *eea no wrong way* . . . have alio been raited. For Mvaral y*ar* past th* tracks ward Murphy, Hanry Higglni, Kento help prepare and enforce a "censorship In accepting gift* from tho** with owea to the 8alvation Army . . . God grant of two otter* had bssn teen along Together, the** ineraas** aro exn*th Woodward, WillUm Macin"A lot of ptopl* who aro In a code" which would serve to prevent news whom he doe* government bualposition to demand leadership a n pected to Impoto an addltionnl tax the bank* of Swimming river n«ar tosh, Walter W. Noble, Harry Ea* that Its good work may grow and prosper burdtn nationally of mor* than Llncrott and alto on th* bank* of tell*, Harry Hoffman, Harry Klat. breaks that would endanger military secur- neet, nor In diverting government sitting en their hand*." material! to private u*e. a* the years pass.'* Bv* and one-half billion dollar*, th* Tlnton Fall* brook. This sea- aky, Joseph Aaay, Albert Snlffen, Why I* It that, units* a mi ity or aid the enemy. Under that system, Tho chairman of th* Democratic a number of hunter* were look- Loui* Hendrlckcon, Henry Bennett, own horn* I* directly affected by New Jtriey's burden is eatlmattd son Contribution* may be mailed to the SalNational Commute* you* "nnear" at ISO million dollars. The increased Ing for the otter* but could discover Raymond Hurley, Robert Starr, An* the press was called upon to exercise judgth* tragedy, a death on tht *tr*et» when It It dlaeovered that he li on tax on personal Income* in N*w no trac* of them. It w u b*H*v*d drew Bublln and Brajamln Pryor. vation Army Maintenance Fund, 7 Mement but wasn't subjected to despotic con* tho pay roll of n St. Loub com- or highways of the country means J*rs*y average* out to an addition* that when th* new dam w u built Walter W. Nobl* w u appointed so tlttl* to M many of u«? It I* a chanic st., Bed Bank. pany tor th* oatMiaible r*a*on that th* Tintew Water company th* manager of th* quintet. trol. Military security was the sole guide. torn ot death that la no respecter l burdtn ot about HO annually for he hat Influenct on RFC lonnt. dynamiting of th* tree atump* per family of four. Thomu & FteM of Mlddlctown of pmoni. Newspapers, co-operating freely, made the The clot* pononnl frUnd of th* Perfectly Innocent people die In This may help to change th* past frightened the animal* away from townihln wa* abl* to be up and code work and proved themselves capabl Preildent, n major general, hat a twlstsd wreckage as swiftly and pattern of cltlaen Indifference—the this locality. about after having been confined to desk In the While Houie where h* agonisingly u the hare-bralntd attitude that "aomobsdy oil* pay* Harry Otraamana, *on ot John hi* horn* at a roault of an accident The recent statements of the financia of trust. No such co-operation is being asked conveniently hand* out neelpti for crackpot! wko caul* the** trage- th* bill". Insttad, real concern Qlensmnnn, celebrated his fourth at Hotrod*!. H* w u taking part in deep frteien presented Mm s n t l i dies. may b* expected about "what goe* birthday with a party for hla young a drag hunt with th* membm of condition of Merchants Trust company and today. We get orders instead. and which he dUtrlbut** where th* Monmouth county hunt club and Ptopl* pomsiilng thi greatest on In Washington" and, particular- friend*. they will do good politically. Second National Bank and Trust company This is not to give Mr. Boosevelt unMichael A. Coteman, who former- In taking a Jump, hi* horn •tumand rarest skills, Irreplaceable to ly, about ways and mean* of reCampaigns for th* Senate tn mankind, have their livea snuffed ducing th* non-war spending of ly conducted the Aberdeen Inn In bled, landing on tho other aid* of are indeed optimistic. In the past year, warranted praise for his handling of press Ohio and Maryland last year were out as casually u the dolts who ths Federal Government and the Matawan, bad hi* new hotel at th* th* fence with Mr. Field beneath It Merchants' total deposits were increased relations. Britian's Prime M i n i s t e conducted along line* that *et a turn automobllti Into murder in- ulltmtte tax toll on the waokly corner of Shrewsbury av*. and N«w. No bones wcr* broken but ha did new political low. family budget man Spring* rd., Red Bank, com- have a badly bruised aad *woll*a struments, t by 11,919,072.28. Second National's likewise Churchill, in a recent chapter of his war So, when 10 Woat Point eadati Reduction In spending through pleted nnd wa* granted a llcena* by chest. Why do we tolerate such a needtook a major jump, increasing by f 1,780,- memoirs, recalled how Mr. Roosevelt, with atray from paths of honasty, wh*n leas When their batteau m i swamped waste of our richest national Installation of economy and *nV Judg* HelMey. Inasmuch a* th* revelations art made of the lives of those we all ciancy in th* Federal Government hotel w u Just outaid* th* town by high wave*, Otto and David 888.03. The total deposit* for each bank Stalin's agreement, insisted the press "be nauieout the bribing of college basketball asaet, limits of Rid Bank, th* 11MM* fee Behnoor and Harry Branson of B*t* I* a big Job In which tho cltlsin and love and particularly why are 114,198,195.17 and 118,217,409.64, re- entirely banished" from the "Big Three" teams, when youths charged with need do we hold ao great a tragedy to hat an Important part, aaya tho would go to Shrewsbury township. ford wer* thrown Into th* rough robbery stand up In court, as they Walter Field of Mlddletown, son water* of Rarltan bay whll* tendspectively. meeting at Teheran. The world has lived did In New Tork, and brannly lightly?—New York Journal Amer- New Jersey Taxpayera Association. The Association points out that of Major Joseph T. Field, captured ing their sound net*. Fortunately ican. project* designed to produce better two targe raccoons and Edward Charlet Schnoor and Albert Blekens What this means is that people in this to regret much that was said and promised admit their guilt, but excuse It by1 saying that "everybody's doing it/ government at less coat a n rlpa vonKatUnglll ot Mlddletown caugh wet* nearby la a motorboat and REFRESHING LOYALTY community are saving more money. With at Teheran. Censorship by government 1 when te*n-ag*r* become delinquent quiokly picked the m*a up. AlIn this day when there la so much for Congressional action. They one. via the narcotic* road, when too nothing new, either. Find any totalitarian the national income and the cost of living of political corruption it await only the power drlv* of back Joseph Caccherally of Wall it,, 13 though before reaching shore their many youths of both sexes flout evidence homo support. These Include: Is refreshing that an employee of year* old, broke hi* leg when h* fell clothing had frosen stiff, they sufsteadily rising, it is a healthy condition to state and you find a controlled press. Mus- th* laws of chastity and decency the fered no HI effect* from their dunkState of Georgia, Mrs. Jenny Remaining recommendations nnd from a trolley car. . —when thcte derelictions of th* have our residents ready for a rainy day cle the press and the road to dictatorship Salomon, la credited with legislation based upon the Hoover Louden Mlnugh, a brother of El- Ing. youths of our lands are toted up. Faike a 1500 bribe in order to Report which presents "a perfectly wood Mlnugh of Broad it., returned Mr. and Mra. Peter Dlbb of To be prepared for a rainy day in the be* lies open. there cornea • time for aobtr ques- "accepting" lay a trap for thosa who allegedly plain blutprlnt for efficiency and to hta cattle raneh In -Montana aft* Shrewsbury ave. left to iptnd th* tioning among the adults. way to prevent it» taking place rudely and offered the money. winter at St. Petersburg; economy which could *av* a total vlaiting relative* In this vicinity. It does seem evident that because of th Mr. and Mrs, George K. Hopping The indictment of two Insurant! of 5.4 billion dollars". Otorge Klrigiland of Front it. left Where does the fault lie* tn roughly. To those with money in the bank, Truman order, the public is now to learn Propoaat to restore to Congrei on a trip to Washington aooompan of Wallace st. left to spend a month the home? Perhapi. In the company officials charges them with occa*ional "showers" of alight misfortunes less. The power of public reaction and,cor- school*? tn part. In th* churches? paying Mrs. Salomon WOO In ex- annual control over Federal ipend- led by Frank and Jamei Price n at South Carolina, planning to conShrewabury and Ellin* Price of tinue to Florida for the remainder In part. But In the main the fault change for secret Information from Inir. cun lie tnken in stride. rection fades when censorship hides evil, lies In tliat nebulous field of public the flies of the state Insurance comof th* winter. Congressional review of the more Pleasure Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lawen left Mis* Frances Kcteham Chandler, II is of particular significance that thi corruption and stupidity in government. morale and spirituality which was missioner's office. Solicitor General than 40 F e d e r a l programs o so highly cultivated by the found- Paul Webb said when the offer wai granta-in-ald to atnte and local gov- daughter of L, O, Chandler of Fai Leonardo for Norway and Sweden, community IIUM placed almost 32>/a mil Mr. Truman, in a huff, not only ha* worked Ing fathers and which of late has made Mra. Salomon took the mat ernments which coat nearly three Haven, wai to bo married on thi wher* they would spend several lioiiH of <lollarf< in Bed Bank's two banks. to reduce public knowledge, he has shown been to scantily tilled, Among too ter up with her superior* and al billion dollars annually and crlss- nth to George Auguitu* Hawkin months. many of us th* accepted promise their direction accepted the mone; cram federal, itat* and local linn of Red Bank at th* Chapel of tb* Stanley Wllklns returned to FlorTli<! officials of both institutions are to 1M a way for lower administrator* than him- la that anything la fair unless we so evidence could bo obtained foi of reiponilblllty. Holy Communion at Fair Havan, ida after a short ttay with his parBUI* currently before Congress Clarence Johnston, olght-year-ot ents, Mr. and Mra. Wellington Wllfor having UIUH gained tli self, rlglil on down to the hometown level aro caught; that each of u» Is en- prosecution. titled to something for nothing; Regardless of whether the sc to strengthen Its budget-control ion of Mra. Ellen Johnston o klns of Tlnton Falls. j p confidence. Tim people, in turn, to curb th<! press, Americans who love, the.1 thnt the world owea uo n living! cuscd art adjudged Innocent oi and appropriations procedure, (Ap Bridge ave,, luffered a brakm nose Frederick P. GUI, Jr,, son of day's work for nn guilty, Mm, Snlomnn hm prove proprlatlona bills at the Inat session when he wai run down by Frank Frederick P. Gilt of Monmouth st., d»wrv« prninr fur tuoir purt in umiiititiiiiiig freedom NIIOIIM demand the order be cull that an honeat 1 honest day * pay Is almost uneth- herself a loyal and trustworthy env of Conirrts* totaled mor* than U VanWInkl*, who w u riding a bl celebrated hla 14th birthday with a Sound ecoiiumr. cslsd. blUlon dollar!). party for kit frtend*. l loali that typing th* othir fallow ployw.-AtlanU Constitution •* nt Editorial Views Of Other Papers Mr. Truman and the News TIM Salvation Army AppwJ Banks Have Optimistic Reports t \m . U a to accw. aaother play running thouatnda of Buffet Supper, Dawee to tacfc awkward heads. Tea hapaaa hapaeaa: It U <tolkiag> is aa aaa accoaa- night*. Governor Harold G HolTaad I ha** a**a aad heard speak- Speakiag S k i <tolkia er* taMrtaif freaa their hurt*— |.iUlun«Bt-**t a gift. It ia a hab- maa u*ed to aay, "We need only At Beacon Hii Nov. 24 aa* treat their head*—who have it raaultlaa- rraaa datag' a>jt like one good a»eech—but different au•totaled awry aia*ie word ia the BO, kcUtaai* aad daadru*. ourdience*." Then tot'a try to realize LEONARDO-David T. /MM* af NAPE TO HEA§URE CLOTHES hook that 1*11* va uactly how to beat frieada woa't tea ua J«*t how that each apeech la an opportunity Red Bank president of Beacoa Hill that aaav cone but once. And that Country club, today announced da M. rat with their eoategeoue baa: wa arr. •YE GIVE YOC STYLE opportunity (the world'* slipprriBMfaeaamy aad <dhtrv**cent erifp- «o, I gucM It a aat aaactly what plans for a Thaaksgivlng buffet Dr. HttWft ¥1 •YE GIVE IOC etJAXITT aoa* actually Bake hard chair* feel you a n a l thiak war* dolag that e*t word) must be caught mid-air supper and daac* at the elubhouae lr»t bounce or loat forever. Con•alter ta aauat up*>a anal cuetom- count*, but what athara thiak •YE GIVK rOO YALtTE I * M • . fJataa VUUaa «. i fueiii* lay, "Opportunity no wait- Saturday, Nov. M. aw (Bar ator atajr 'to tha cad. Bom* we've doae. man hop OB or mis* boat." Akrakaaa J. (aa*r purdawar fc**aa**»B apcakcri Dane* priM* aad special awards Dr. Harhart S i r WlltHaaa; af aaeakr atart eaTactla*; *ay tocatch .....rAR m ucEMor THE raws M a Varna. Jr. Jeha C *>« will ba made at tka affair, which •road at., kaowa Ba»i**i-wtd* aa tka faaer ef tha aarficaee. taa't it *m to* bod *a let fear slated to follow tka pattern of ! i fssffe af Had Bask, tB l a treat A awa lika tftat will rub kit chin, •aeak in aa a afetler af our beet f heard a your,*- Pittaburrh di- is SHCI4UIE tN ALTERATIONS lUaaeeufcer tha audieaca vine preach a gorgeous itrmon At the highly eucceaetul Halloween1 deaaad by or»aalaatlaaa aa a * a l - atralgktaa kia tie, brush off hia effort? aaat aad auk* a4aaaaatker homc- wanta you—that'* wky you were a little over live fret tall, his teit party. Supper will be served at tar diaaer apesker. P. B. PROM1NSKI U Broad St., Real Baa. i* "It Ia I, Be Not Afraid." Bene- H p. m. under tha direction of aatttral Reiaeanber invited. Aad tha Invitatlea alway* atttral aaeitiirca. eitii. R Th* dactor alwaya kaa a>*aty a f Ika, VIka, i l R t h way ke k kept k t ia the kardect thing to get. If diction over, he greeted ua with his Ralph VanPelt of New Moamouth, ] AMJMfLL TIL I f 4-S262 kilaeeafey aad eoajfUe It wttk V i l Refer*—the "How do you do'nT" out front. Said you're all red ia tha face—pepped v ila mtm aad twirlin« tha secretary-treasurer of the club. AT LAW humor. H * haa epakea ia prattital• a rakers k t h t sortt k UB on ea«'r adg* to "a*,"—you're I to him: "Dominie, you n/ver of that ly every city ia the VaMad Matos, fmple e*Bver«atioa*l stylo like that great tkereugbkred Ham- looked at me once during your whole eplendid arrmon." "I'm soraot oabjr to civic elaha aad Hh* af talk oaitehlne* the epread-on- Metaaian ready to trot tha IM M argaalaBttoac. hut alee hafere a a a y thlek peaderositiea af the eoated- heat. Remember the gnat gray ry; what did I do?" "You looked deatal eoeietle*. toague type of orator. Bo do you gelding recard-braafcer of other (traight down renter aisle, like you wer* making a strike on the bowlaad I. tpeakiag' agaia of heart yeara? aaa head. Ton believe, doa't you, Now aloap your eyea—can't you ing alley." how ea* ca "I'b eo glad you told me." aaid "If *Mto had eoBM from th* heart Imagine Ceuatorpaiat ar Hall ef tertaiaer aad helew ho •UMUP. MBTTH aad leea treat th* head things Fame rouadiag lata tka etretch at he, "becauae I auppoce we're, not vice gataaa fraaa eaperieaee. actually talking to those we're not waajldat have been 'meaaeeV up Monauiutk Park with Ukewood'i bat's Ulh hetur talkiag liheathie la our good eld world to- Jimmle ttout up? You wouldn't looking at." After all. after one's "th* humaa voice ie th* want to lav twa "•ingle*" of fold- ego get* a face lift I gurss almost UUHDUTMMI vehicle ape* which ta five pereea* t Speaker today I think aiust ing money oa the BOM af an un- anything decent can be said witha*c****rla»—•ettarla* ality a ride." Aad sever Before eolor a* hi* *tyl* leat he loac lus- emotional IVrchera* truek "hoaa" out giving offense, have ee aaaay cravad ta* art af *v faat. And he al*o outfit to laboring Breuad the track even if Yea, and from here en out let's rok> Iwwa. " . * talking at aervtea club*, WMBIB'B have the physical fore* t s put It he were the only entry ia tka race. trv to be interesting, entertaining. eitik*. lodte* ar.d church affair*, with a bang. Church choir Aa a ipeaker, which aort af a harce amualng and never too dusty, dry haiiajutt tabu* aad eavertad ahM' atrenathena the vocal would yau want to ha? Ood gave nor too aeriou* about life's little **rm. Dale Caraegie proves that. -aaactally ia triple forte. ua all aoma lataat ability, •moke thlnga forgotten tomorrow. HouseThi* l« aa aasv ta ace threugh Wbet'a snare, linger* are not aaout that talent, eeagratulat* oth- wives atiek clovoi in apples ta E. KATY a a frajavcleaaed window aaaa atlaty with their voice* aa •peak- er* for their*, aad bo youreelf with bring oat the baked flavor. Likeie aloat came radio i M lakv eta olac* they ua* all th* wind they what you've got' Yau cea't be the wis* ahouldn't we spice our talka At IAW , vUiaa aattiac ap a toraet la baaw- have atueeularly while the speak- other guya. with aromatic words and prasrs, tlful ipaaek jar Ma to akaat at aa* ers ta* often use about one-third Try tkia atrnala ' aalf-eaachlng not anesthetic aiiecdotea If we're TAS CONaULTAMT try to . . Hit. But tha eaaiett w a / I af thelr-a to tingle their vocal an: Palm yoar goad ear, read aiming to haye and hold our audibaav to tatlauaiaanr bMtofto eord*. Haven't you noticed how oud; over-lip aad over-enunciate ence* t* tha very end? afM, tlcklttit tleklliK araaaa faat radio volume fades i s you every ward. Then your voice will MUUaTEMW ia th* alaahrafM, * fro* fro* ia ia tha tha thraat walk away from it* Well, that •ound to you ju*t aa It ahould tha taaaiia aaa (BOM of which actually calm, I about tell* the story, I think—the •ound to other folk*. Our own Spmker to Explain thlak la ta iuat amll aver aa4 avar •Bleat th* human voice peters out simple, apokCB word, glamorised, Monmomlk County'» Ur$r« Pluming mmd lifting Contractor* tha wara "•peahlat" mttla« aa • freaa platform to rear of hall. glorified and built up. U heaps Local Government aatlrahr aitaraat aapett Maaa attr •beolda't we then hava a heart ahead of graaatag for eamething for Home* mid Indmtritd Pl AVTMWKV AT i * « aaMratiaaa. Carltoi W. Tillinghaat of Trenout of reach. Remember, too, that Of eauraa, with a awrplMi M Rear-aeaters, aomo of whom may controlled gift ef gab "to a golden ton, executive director of the state thawrkt awtarlal a* taa, aaaakan kavo eara BOB* too keen, are en- gift If It happen* ta bo }« karat- tsspnyera association, will apeak at are not ajulte aa apt ta i w freab titled to hear their money'* worth and If you knaw when to aay the meeting of the Red Bank Womout • ( aomethiat ta lay. MM lha lust the aame. 'tbat'a all'." an's club tomorrow afternoon at purr of tha plant an4 alar af tha It I* today call* for more col- 'TU eaid "two peraona eonatitute the clubhouse. The meeting Is in •aw la an humble ctrpenUr tliop, ort oand an audlenc*," ao why let big audlcharm everywhere—more dwelt tha graateit fublia aaaakar luster, greater brilliance, intense encca get our gMta? What'* the charge of the civic* department. af all tlaw-aa* Ha anut htM electric illumination, neon sign* difference anyway betweea an au- Mr. Tillinghast will speak on lobaea thiakiat af tha aerratw ua- everywhere, shorter aklrta, nylon dience of two, » * MO? Tha dif- cal government from the angle of ttaaatartanwe' Uvnm*m\n *f ratt af areraae apeaken tatay •tecklng* and pretty kitchen uten- ference la In you—not la the audiwhea Ha aaU.^Ut aat yaur heart •II*. Everything tries to outshine ence. It could be thara'a only one what the citlien's responsibility ia, what the officers In local governka troubled." HU name n i Jmm itself. Even th* modern home of beat ipeech In every (peaker. For are, and the kind of people w i-aeta today Is a Joy to the eye and a Instance, William Jennlng* Bryan ment •aaaVa Ilka tha mare Maatlaa af had hia "Prinee of Peace," Runacll required to fill them. He will also poem la charm and color. IT NO A»«. M MfOt "puhlla ipaakiaa" aaa aua*laacaa •.•member thla one thing, 'tl* Conwell eicelled la "Acre of Dia- eiplain the theory used by steering f. • . M « II? KA MMMT, N. A auke «i afraia ef ouraelvaa. farsaid speaking auceessfully seldom, mond*," the eait ef •Abie'* Iri.h committee, to elect candidates for wa Imagine we ara la campetltloa just happen*. Fact la, nothing Juat Roae" could Raver hava (tarred In the primary ballot. with tha other fellow-fergettlsg TOM van INK c& that wa auraelvea ara aur *wa greatest e**npetltlen. One wife her husband, "Daa't yau WUTUMAN,LLB. aiked feel acarad befora audiences mat knew more than yau do?" "Who •M? Wha am I to get littery? I deat laeture ta ar at tha audlaaee N. J. I aa a whole aayway—I Juit lavagta* How to Beco«e a PuWie Spftker CUSTOM TAHOt HAVE YOUR PLUMBING, HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORK DON! §Y MARTIN J. McGUIRE ON iCHWAY 3 5 - 2 MILES NMTN OF RED M M U t ft Chrt Y *toEstimate OR Y ur Work Today PN0M MD lAMC 6-3767 UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY AND UTTINOf KM SAU AT A l l TIMIS body alw wa* arauad. e*mp*tltif with th*m, r»*trylajt t a n sloat with thm." MM saM. Oeaerallv eaaeeded, th* Writaaa or baaa voice* a n th* beat laatruauata with which to tuaa up tka argaas of apeech. Nevertbaleas, th* tenor has kept «tw**t Adeline*' alive while the baaa has kept "A*l**» la the Deea" awaka. Tha habit af drabaeaa aad • aajMWM about non^arioua thlnaa haa deprived many a sasaksr af much af the talent be already ha*. Aad suppressed shewmaaahlp may rob oaa faster of tha MMeass ha d***rv** thaa maay af hi* ather attrlbutaa can ever catch up with. Oaa wit laid, "My audleneee ara In three parts taaaa iat la by mistake, others feel sorry aad the ather third are regular cueteaMis." | S M C I A l tUYS FOR THANKSOIVINQI pick your bird-thon cook it to a toity, mouthwatering turn in our specially priced Thafa right, tha alnuata ara hat gtv* your voice* Ufa rla« aad slag, llausts hava a daaalta Macflea la caaasetlsa with our vseal vibrant mechanUai. They ara aot something just to n t a cold la aad k*»p baaaksrehlsf* w*t. Aad you've found alausltls mora aa----" - - luat a aaM ia •ome MUra wear aatthla braatt» ad eoata (which furalah aaa^lghth •Mra good* at tha BUM Brie*) to hid* theatMlvea bahlad. DOM( breaatera alaa lead * havaa oval roasters regularly pHcod ot S1.98 OM laVptjajM fttBt tf> ytW MMf Thara't nothing lika thii staal bata tnamal roaitar for eoofclng high* tbt party b«tBgoalM • PuHlliiwbifcr braattad turkayi, iu9«r.alaifd harm and tuecultnt roaiti to chof> lilta parfaetionl Tha maat browm tvtnly and tha lalf-battinf rings and indantationt maka it tandar and juicy. Built-in gravy wall pravanh sticking. Gat ont at Stan low prical regular $2.89 oblong onamol roosters K«nmer« Convenient oblong tiia givti you mora turn- ThfaalClleh*n.R!ghtSpatd»l ing tpaca. Salf-battlng drip top, dtop bet* torn. Holdi big 20.1b. fowl and 25-1b. roast. $2-29 $3.49 roasters and trivot trays Yaur roaits retain all thair savory juicti whan cooked en thii rack. ,&«. hoighti. Adjuit* to 3 $^.99 Enamal roaitar it 17- 1b. fowl t i u . Sf" " < ? ' ' '"• 2 " . . ' *• ' K«nmor« To«*t*r# ; Opan Door—It Tumi Toaitl SaofilOW-.... S2.SS f M M i • * a "MR." Ta«N entfe IMc* •*•*• af kane-iMde breaa1 of «W(WMI Omaw *g,t., U n i OiflSMClalt 5VsC|t.DutchOv«ns Budga) Mead Woffla Ironi Copper Bottom Stainless Steel Buy New, A M . . S S . Maid of Honor $9.40 QvilM* coeki foot1! le unllorn ttnf i r a w Ik* ksellhfvl "«Nrterl*n way." H!*h rfoms cnvtr. coot olaitte hondlai. WPCT-:3 tryrt Bear Bottoms Hn»r,m, Foit-heotlno Copper 10-inch Size S7.00 erid bright « * ailrrar, IsccpHorally deep lid glvtt addte* • * « • for lewk wm*m*r . r. '****?-* urn Cev«x«*J Sauc«pans 5-purpof* Cook«r» Cevw p Conner Bottom Stainless Steel Copper Bottom Stalnlesi Steal Copper Bottom Stainless Steel 1-quart Size $3.40 Copper bettent obiork »«rt * « - « lattar lha* Itetl, • • » • • <•*!. " » w - lilting lid, tool static hmdlai Mold of Honor SS.40 Manelovi nsiblnatlm ntkw bat »• at. top, ]•*,!. bate. Nseli ejvicaijj ovenly. Coel btael pintle * - " • - * • 36 WHITI STRUT, RID BANK 6-1121 Open t'ridajr fntu • T. M. Dally • ttW. USD1 M M B WMWTMt, BttVMMWKM ML l i f t Member* of the Local Junior Judaea «*> mi Owar far M M atatorl O*e# aha* a* » k » ttary ef * » aN * f V r While me , COCOI SMOOHNG4 Ta» «fc Each tim# y«M deal with OOKN'S PHOTO Stare! Court* Gas In N M « • • » • atota ere memfcari ef the Jk*ier Yetrftf Judaea eltifc af Red lank. Left * • rlfM, beat raw. Oerit Siefel, leit Siefel, Tfeeineer} S I M krakewitch, and Keren RaiMi, recer*% ba. mratary. lack raw, left to rlfhf. Kara* Shwre, Jvdy Intelbere, preiident; Wain* Weld* Mao, eewaiajeiie'tat secretary, —4 S#e Sherman, via* e#e«ide<it. Afetent wfcea Ifce pietttre W H take* were M a d e I W e r and tertera fink. Leaders af the frawa ara Mrs. Herald Kama* H. C Birteall, Mra. T. H. Woad. MM. Jahn H. White, »r., Mn. T. If. DereaiiK, MM. A. T. Ooremua, MM. W. T. Craaler, Mri. George B. Miller, Mra. Henry W. Moller, Mn William P. Bayre, Mi« Thomas Rycr, Mn. Heary Hagcrman, In order to acquaint new reilMM. H. M. Ftrrow, Ir., Mra. F. J. denta of the community with the rieker, Mn. Frederlek f. Noble, work of Red Bank chapter af MaMM. Willla M. Hlaasn, Mn. H. J. diiuh, board mambera wara kaatM M M M M I I I Wilton Wolf, Mra. John O. Boetel. Jr., Mn etaea at a eerlee of membertkip Keaaeth H. Fo« a.nd MIIKI Jean tf««. The programa wera In charge C M Mcmfcwra Adamf, Patriela Reardon. lone of Mrs. Letter Orubman, membarVaaButklrk. Kathryn E. Cooper, •hip chairman, and Mra. Melvln Were la Charge Miry K Coaper, Elite Minton, Mar- aoodman, told of the chapter'* H. Thomraan and Edith Me- program at each event, aaelated Member* ef Manmnutk Wtlaoa garet by board membora. cluk etagvd tk«lr annual scholar- U t a . •hip fund card pert* Utt ThurtHoateasea laatwaok Included MM. day night at the Red Bank WornJoseph Becker of Croft at., Little *•'• club. Tablt award* were maSilver, whose gueit* wara MM. tallie ath trer#. A gift tertlSeat* Helen Houtkln, Mr*. U o n Millar, (ram Dtaa'e I M given U HIM Mr*. Joseph Landau, Mn. Ulliaa Dorothy Bartlott* Berger, Mra. Mlna Lee and Mr*. Helen Brousell Board member* Mra. H«hert M. Farrow, Br, t u chairman. R**reehment* wen TRENTON-A " p a n rooU" CtTll present were Mr*. Ooodman, Mra. Mrvai la Iht clubhouw* library DefenN training program for arubman, Mrs. Arthur Gottfried, whlek WM 4*carat*4 la blu« 4 (round ohacrver corpi penonnrl to Mrs. George Kraft and Mr*. Mary Mhrar, tha Mll«t« c«lar«. •upplcmtnt the radar network with Bmalbuk. Attmamg wcra Mr. aa4 Utt. awtatlat phaaat of ipottlng ana Mrs. George Mars of Plaeknty AIM HMMMr, Mr. M « MM. • . N. tracking low-iyta* aircraft li un- rd., had a* her guaita MM. Iron* Orr, Mr. aM Mrt. J. AIMa Mafca, dtr way la Maw Jereey. Mayan, Mr*. Betty Kotteaoff, MM. Mr. an* Mra. Mar«aa C Kaa»p. Dorla Pfeffsr, Mr*. Lea Forrest Leonard Dreyftiai, itata Civil De- and Mr*. Bernlea Eleanberg. Beard Mr. wrf Mra. Walter D. KrartMl. fenae dlrettar, aaid mobile trainMr. aM Mn. Itoaii D. RttkarteM, membere present wara Mn. GoodMr. M« Mn. Ralph E. Caaaw. lag teama af Air Foree personnel man, Mr*. Oruhman, Mn. lylvaa Rav. aM Mia. lUlnharit Van- from Biter etntera la Trentoa and Garnett, Mrs. Edward Mnui aa4 Dyka, Mr. aM MM. UC.U lailtk. White Plata*, N, T., are carrying Mr*. Bernard Fltcher. Mr. aaa Mn. Chartet H. A m - out the program. Inaugurated Oct. Mrs. Morrla Weiterman af P t •troni, Mr. mm4 Mr*. CUr*nc« C. It IR Princeton, It U tha mott de- pect ave. entertained for Mr*. BeaFannlni, Mn. John T. l*wl«y, i r , tailed In teopa of any program trice Wiener, Mn. Miml Friedman, Mr*. Wtltlnrtra W. Krancdy, Mn. yet dcvUed for ground ohierven. Mr*. Esther Silbenteln, MM. BarCharl«t Hammall, Mrt. Joha T. It ii part of the program which bara Kendall, Mrs. Betty Cotton, will reach 300,00(1 lupervUen and Uwlcy, Jr. ebeervtn from a,0M obitrvation Mr*. Bernice Shutmtn, Mn. Loon Zuckerman, and board member*, Mn. John • . Alltn, Mn. William •c*U. Mrs. Ooodman, Mr*. Grubmaa, Mr*. Bravaart, MM. O«*M Haaea, Mn. rrank W. Htwltt. Mra. 3. VI. Satn. Two-hour training claaae* will Milton M. Abramoff, Mr*. I*»t MM. Charlta AIUIN. MM. Oanltl be heM on an average of once every Glenn and Mr*. Jerome Buelor. HMknar, Mn. E«wln M. CIOM, three monthi. It will be supple- Hostess last Thursday waa Mr*. MM. Jamta W. Ward, Mn. Carl mented by large-icalt training •«• Norton Krongelb of John i t Atr. Clark, Jr., Mn. Jack Dun, MM. ereliei In which both military and tending were Mra. Halen Bragar, Aurut tchweara, Jr., Mn. William CAP aircraft will be tued. Mrs. Ethel Schwarti, Mr*, Ruth V. Cokclet, Mn. «4wla Irwin, Mrs. Such a program will be held Yanko, Mm. Meg Kestanbmum, Mrt, Edwla Hlataft, MM. Joha Bttn, Tuesday at the court home, Free- Florence Kanncr and Mr*. Arlln* Mrt. Robert MaMa, MM. J«eob hold, with Charlea E. Dlttmar at Brager. The board member* atJaffrty. MM. Henry fit, Mn. Wil- hmt. Involved are tending were Mrs. aoodman, Mr*. liam Porter. Mn. Lawnace Roche, AtlantisMunicipalities Highland!, Clarksburg, Orubman, Mrs. Benjamin Athln Mn. frani Bullli, Mn. Ouy Btl- Imlayitown, Englichtown, Form- and Mrs. Victor Siegel. Chtr, MM, Harry Malcnow. Ingdnle, Frethotd, Low Moor and "Eight out nt It rcsilsrt foniull Tin MM. John T. Hendrickien, MM. Marlboro. R«list«r Clsialtlcil AH«."—A4«*rtls««eM lbda«ahWark Explained at Tea* Annual Benefit Held for Wilson Scholarship Fund PLUMBING eVMJ WH%t IlMf It WM MMM yOUf C'MfcM'J •#»?## AIM MMfQ w9* J ——J-t-l- | L . | U tutj LitrAlaii —HiaLaiM KlV *** pVltMIBlVi m n IT win awicjniwn Up yVMr UTCnwn ajtiaj yWr RTwe I f l w y o u c a n a e t .G d AaTJB, B^da4da>dm\dBB IjB^haBBmaV punt. Comt in N O W end t t t for your—K—Itt I N thow you wfict you art m!it!n<j by hanfintj on to ••»•• oM ttovo. ROPE IN A BRAND NEW RANGE.. State Announces CD Program CONTRACTED BY ANTHONY PALMIERI NAVESINK RIVER ROAD ft WILSON PL. MIDDLETOWN RED BANK 6 3 9 0 6 l i e last word in Quality is TWO words: i ^hamdal aimm^maBliBi ••% ^ h Bm^^m^mvAai 4maBi B^aBr BAaVBdaJB • • • ptlGWJ IVWwT aHIBJ HIBTW IS V ITfwfMI TV TIT y W r SAVE I1M2M3I ON UNIVERSAL MAGIC CHEF Adutk ttfUtt* Pint Avenue ' hcu-'.frccm an! low-Down on a high-powered Perfbnner L e t u* tell you diis: The Buick pictured here packs more power than yon find in any other car of its t i n and room and price. That's the power of Buick't newest high-compression valvc-in-head eight— the F-263 Fireball Engine, that really gets miles from a gallon of gas. AnythTncj w« t«y abaut our fin* Htckay-Fraaman euUreaah, yau will My b e t t e r . . . after you've had a ehanee ta enjoy •ha dittinguiihed riehnew ef their woeltm . . . fha i»yla. fully imert appearance these coett five you . . . and tha aaiy comfort that Hiekay-Freemen'i expert hend-teilorina acnievei. Add to this die fact that it tips the scales at 3817 pounds curbside—and you begin to see why this big-powered beauty is such a nimble-footed number out on the road. But that's only Chapter I of the per* formance story. There's a big-car feel to the way this 1m Hi Htum I, WLQS., trim traveler covers the ground—hugs the curves — holds its course on the straightaway —smothers the bumps with its big soft coil springs on all four wheels. There's big-car room inside—fix* passenger room — headroom, hiproom, shoulderroom, kneeroom, front and back. Come in, look it over, and we think you'll agree-it's big in everything but price. % And that's where it really shines. Jf you've shopped around you'll know what we mean when you reed the price tags, and what they include in the way of standard equipment vhat shows up U4m M00R4ID as "extras" on so many others. Such things as an oil filter, air cleaner, vacuum booster, built-in summer ventilation are all yours at no extra charge. It's hard to believe but it's true. If you can afford a new car, you can afford this Buick at the prices we're quoting today. •USHSM MM MONT • WNin-OtOW mtmiMtm • 4-wnm con tmmim rosout-tusi otrw • OUAI VINTIMT»OM Better come in and look this smart buy over. OKAMIINI tmiNS • KOY W HtHtl . H i n < •is'ili aw «K>M W >tss*» MM* m*uim*iru**mimm**mtm Smart Buy's Buick , ~-y Umlt, 107. ta 111. DE RIDDER BUICK. Inc. H I tramway • (Open Friday 'til 9) Lana, Iraneh 163 to 169 Monmeuth Stroot 12282" M 6-2069 If 94 N« •« %m ELECTRICAL SERVKE liiieaa a*r tke af Deearator*. UN Observer TaAdaVta. LaealBah.'i WJS.CS. liftitallt BALLET ART SCHOOL County ReadcBlt Mra. Marie Judge Vint Florida lHUrcd) MattalacaVBi T . faxa* at Fircaiffe HcciiB« f w A f Night Mildred R. Mattahedek ef Wear Terk city win aa th* eaeaker at the traalda weetlag af tha Bad Beak Betel ( r a w Baaday eveaJag at the heate af Mr. aad Mr*. David I* Wart am MeUrea at The laferaaal aaeetiac- haa heea alaaaid by the lecal Bate'le ee a "fellewuo" ta UaKed Natlee* vaak. SERVING RED BANK AND JERSEY SHOW AREA BaUOKT-Mr*. Marl* C. JadJge waa laataiiad u prerldent af the WM.CM. at a candle tight aervtee laat Thuraday nlcrht at the Mathadlat church. The aaraaaaale* e**"'d with a I M t»y Hi- Marie Em•rha wa* followed by incomlay a l l * i i attired 1* maroon robea. Mae. Jeha liadeay w*a nrcaniat. Other aaVer* inittlled were Mm Beatrice Bat* vice president; Mr« Vtetet Jahaaaa, treasurer: Mr>. MUdcad Kaachl. aecretary ef aplrKaal llnj; Mr*. Emll/ Bteven*. rorand Bremotianal aerretary; Mr*. Steahaal* Swenson and Mra. Ulliaa Wett. aecretarle* of church activitlea and Chrintian aocaal ralatieaa: Mra. Thelma Bw»n aaa, aetretary of Miaaionary educa«l*a. aad Mr*. Eleanor Llndaay, raeerdlag aecretary and arcretary af ahMdren »»4 youth. A aaclal, at which refte*hmenli atrved, followed. Mra. Ade faean and n delegation from the Oteeaaert MethodiH church vat* gu**U at the affair. MIAMI BEA<Af. FLA-Bui r e * «*at* of B*d Bank ara included la • party af M New Itrtty vacationere now enjoying a week'a atay at the Patrician aete! *>a tha Miami Beach eceaafroat. Other member* ef the group era from aurreuading eemaauaitiee, aad they hive beta ipreading New Jersey eairit up and down tha heulevarde af tki* fameu* reaart eeater aa they a** th* aight* la thair ewa chartered ku* tram Bora Bueea af Red Bank. Under leaderehip af Natal •tout, tha party aa* viaitad well knew* tauriat tpote, aad k u heaa gettlaf deea Bauth auntan* hatwaea •cran dla< fram the Patrlctaa'a private beach. T»en«y-*ia wame* and ei(ht men comariaa th* aatty. Although ehaervlag all caaad Hav Me, the eapeditieei ma4e a aeat trip af It, drlviag ttraigkt threugh ta cemplet* th* ruafraaa Bad Baak ta Miami Beach la dS haara. Enjoyini the vacatlaa era i t Beta ar* akl* t* nake pocktt mnnty Prate, Harry Kinf, Uelle Waad- r eaHia* T»« BjfliUr.—Advertisement. w*rd, John Oalatra, Nerawa Bteat and Mia* Rita DtlVeeeMa. a> af Ited Bank; Mr*. Harriet Btaat, tittle Silver; MUi Peggy Beheefftia, Oceanport; Robert Imlay awl Mr. and Mra. Norman Hallaaa, fair Htven; Mm. Barbara Mellael. Banv eon; Mr*. Orae* Temalao, Bhrewahury, Mn. Mary Johaaaa, Maw Miry Johnaon and Mr*. Oaarga Laiarian, Eatentewn: Mra. BJaa Itoblnion and Miei edna RaBlaaaa, Be* Bright. Wallace Bennett, Mr*. Bteohaae Nipalitans aad Mr*. Buaan DIBtaedett*, Aikury Park; Mra. M. A. Kraemer and Mrt. Helen Meer* Manaaiuan; Mr*. Vivian VanBraat Weat Belmar; Mr*. Orlen Oavtaaa Elberon; Mr. Mary Palumha, Bel mar; Mr*. Hilda Slat*, Mr*. B. M. Wt*t, Mn. Ruth Sweetie, Mia. J«e»hlne Ollvadottl, Mr*. Bridget Acern, Mr*. A. Barbara, Ml** Orae* Barbara and Mr*. T*r**t Julian*, Long Branch, HELA SLWIYSKA Fr*MH BALLET O£ MONTE CARLO CLASSES NOW IN SESSION FOR BOYS AND U R I S BALLET • TAP - TOE - CHARACTER FOR §TACK AND TELFA|§|O!V PNOIE§§IONAL TRAINING AND OKIGINAL ROUTINES Teen-4g*r» Ctmut* to Oercfo* Gracm, Poitm mnd Charm Hedmeimg Courtet for Women SPECIAL CLASSES FOR PRESCHOOL AGE 6 RROAD STREET RED RANK PHONES RE 64676.M •ml RE 6472B INCREASINGLY DESIRABLE! NEON SIGNS REPAIRS 41 SERVICE LMOMICWt COttCATNOM NO AOVANCI ASRURY PARK 11180 PORCELAIN ENAMKL STAINLESS STEEL INDOOR • OUTDOOR ELECTRICAL DISPLAYS ROAD'AD SERVICE, Inc. 41 SO. MAIN ST. ASIURY •ARK Mr*. MeUafcadefc la aa accredited eba*rver far the Baka'l Internetianal community far the UN. *h* (ervea a* the eieevtlv* accretary af tha ipeaker*' raaaafifc eaaualtte* far th* UN, and la ata* a *>em bar af tha eaeclaJ «emmlt:*e act up ky th* laUrnatlenal Non-Oovernaiantal ergaalaatlen* ta rail national meeting* af tht* group In *l Member aewtrlea af th* UN. Mra. Mettahedeh kaa Wen a dalegat* ta twe meeting* af th* International Nan-Oer*rnm*ntaJ ergantiatlOM at Oeaeva, BwHaerlend, a* well M aetlng a* a delegate ta tha Middle Eaattra eanferenea of Nana*v*ramantal ergealiatlene at I*. taabul Turkey, aad at Lea* BueC*M, If. T. •h* k u traveled ta feur eentinenti, vitHing aior* than 4ft eountrlea, hoik aa a d**lgn*r and lecturer. Profuelonally «h« I* a member of the committee on trade re- Radio Enginrera To Hear Rabbet* PORT MONMOUTK-Or. Oatdaa Raiabeek of Bell Teleahana labaratorle* will addraa* Wadmaday nl(ht'« mtatlnf af tha MaaaMath county *ub«ecUon af th* laatltata af Radio Engineer*. Th* meeting will ha kald at th* Psat Demonstration theater, Bunt ave. Dr. Ralabeck'a talk w||| ^» "bevetopment* In Tranilttor Clr. cuiu." The ifsilon. epen ta th* public, begin* at I p. m. at f ATONTOWN, N. J. IROAO STREET AT MONMOUTH ROAD • • . needs no introduction as address of distinction 10 RMiai lit tha Ftrat Saetion—ALL QUICKLY SOLDI 2 * hamai in tha Saeana* Saetien—SOLD OUTI Ana* M W , with 31 naw hamat tn tha Third Saetlan, thli yauthfwl eammunify racily "eamai af w" ai ana af Ml* lavalfait anywhara. •AMP t R I I f ELKWOOD wan immadtata favor—and no wandarl Tnrfy waltaanttruefad 4-room, 3>badraam madarn ranch hamai « * . built at «olid hamai thautd ka, •ram kana-dry eallar te tmulatad reaf. Daiifnad ta Btrmanlia with thalr turreundingt . . . an ipaeleui, landtaapad 78'KIOO' Iota . . . and budgat>»rtaad at I I 2 . N 0 . NO ADVANCE In prfaa In ipffa af In. araaiad building aaittl Atk anyena who livai In ILKWOOD — they'll wy: "latt buy far milai CHECK THESE "LUXURY HOME" FEATURES 77 A MONTH ONLY *1150 MUM LOW-COST 4% — 21 YIAR MORT»A»I NON-VETERANS: Moderate Down Payment $79 A MONTH MMNltff wtpt* Sal* Make your WMhcwy M easy as turning a dial with a new Automatic Electric Washer. See the many new models on display at your local dealer's today. $ »• a iaa let. 5 Different Models To Choose From! MialitlM. •leaanta dlntag r**m. Direction!! Vltit model hsfflt. from R«d Bank: Rouli 38 t* C*t**« Inwn eintcr. turn lift an Broid It, ta rropi>rtr. ALLEN BROTHERS, Inc I M RIVIR ROAD OFFICE: Red Bank 6-4440 •AIR HAVIN MODEL HOME: Eatontown 3-0561 •nun Bfeir Type Coal Barge Launched for J.CPJkL. CIANB ANTHONY'S rj Comfort and llcnuiy to Your Home CHAILII fair Mama, m. I. PAII . NDlAMt«.IMI SHOP AT HOMf HOW OPM 991900* ', N Y D I H 8. C O EDWIN H WERNER INSURANCE SKATING IN ALL K I N M OF WEATHER EVERY OAY ANO NiOHT UNTIL MAY 1ST IN AMURY '•AUK AT THE FAMOUS MONTE CARLO NEW ARTIFICIALLY FROZEN ICE SKATINO RINK MMNIfJON PIUS TAX Mostswy to i t i M AM. «e 1st*) MeW -ItaliftH. MT. a SUNOAVS 10 A.M. f I ttesrM.-4tet1.MMI, : SKATES FOR RENT FREE PARKINO • mmtMHumn AN». oafgavATMiN aootii ^sFtwa^aewwgsaiiffjgs*/^ •*na^gnin*w •Take any Mssre Point JigeV aftBNTT C A R L * BEAT THE «M J . Sarfaat af New York city, ewner af SeraeM Itae eoraer* i . H. Werner, •resident «f Jersey Central Power a llejht company and the city of Asbtiry Park were honored recently a t christeninf ceremonies held in Kingston, N . Y., where e new typo stool berae was launched. The modern I.OM-ten ejiant I slid into the water bcerinf the utility president's name and As1 b * y Park, N. J . The berae is the Utest of several used m transportinf more then 100.000 ton* of coal ennyeMy to the power compeny's electric production stetions servmf this eree. Photo left: Mrs. Goodwin E. Crosby. Oanby. Vt., niece of 0on. JoiM'» Promnlrd To Private Fir«l Cla>* Tax Board Rules On Long Branch aftaja, aroaeres t a eroeti twa wa«i*iaAai sa^tna acjaM#T fwv ^ajw# n- » A »«_»-. . « J L I . t*< slak* »--»- • > tJlaAl Mf« sarcjanf, canTar, anv PW»« ^afwafa rtfnr, ivas vn* WI^PT a W a :caramany Tna nawwai bar§a pJ«nfai tba wafar far tba fkit M m . TKa attandad byiata tavaral wwnd»»d ptn k f ailciad af J.C.P.AL and tba Sarfant K M . Mawlnf tb» U«Mninf aparatiant. »»a barfa wa« tawad dawn tka Hwdtaa rivar and pot inta tarvica. ward that end, notwithstanding ward Price, Dr. E. f. Oeldeerf aad that they were limited in fund! and Mrs. Sally VuDoerea. Th* committee wa* proposed lest In time for the operation. Our inveattgatlona, involving the month by Csuaetlma* Netla Ja. viewing of more than *H) prop-cobsen. erties in th* city and comparison of aaaerament* on thete and many other properties, Indicate that furIt'. SHERMAN'S ther further adjustment* muat be mad* before the equaliiation For Slip Covers •ought after can be considered aeand Draperies mpltihed and recommendations to that effect are being made to th* aucMor. RIVER PLAZA - Eugene R Joneii, «on of Clarenco Jonr« of thli place, has been promoted to Judgment* resulting from the private first clans and will - be as- tax hearings and investigasigned to Maxwell Air Force base, tionsappeal the Honmouth County Ala., for technical training In theBoard by of Taxation, connection Air Force on the job training pro- with the reassessmentInof gram according to official! at in Long Branch, wer* property Sampson Air Force base, N. Y. Thursday by the board. released P.F.C. Jonet recently completed With these judgment*, the board hi* Indoctrination training at made public the following com•amp/ion, where the program In- ment: cluded character guidance, matheAssessment* In the City of Long 8 M Brisht Pick. matlci, ptyeholosical and chemical Branch the tax year of ltSl Youth Commilif* warfare, cuatoni* of the (crviee, otalled for »2O,2M,O"5, being llttM,. drill and other aubJecU. Z45 on land and buildings and M,- SEA BRIGHT • • A juvenile coun2M,tS0 on personalty. Thi* is an cil •ommlUoe, to help young people Increase of |1,941,MS over the her* who find themselvei on th* ratable* (or th* tax year of 1M0, wrong *ide of the law, was named th* Increase being I1,S4I,3M on land Friday night by th* mayor and and build Inga and $ti,»W on per-council, sonalty. Of thl* total Increase, Council fully endoraed name* for |327,K)0 U on new construction; member* of trm committee which hence it ia reasonable to assume wer* luggeated by Chief of Police that an Increase of IMH.Ott re- B*rt Boyer. Th* local group la on* sulted from the reauesiment. of many which have been set up There are approximately 12,000 In the county to combat juvenile properties In th* city of Long delinquency. Branch which were subject to re- Named a* eommltte* member! •Isw by thoa* employed by th* !lty to make the reassessment. The were Jack Weinheimtr, county pro* IIS appeals filed with the board batlon officer, chairman; John P. 'or the year ltSt represent only Weir, borough magiitratc; Chief 1.5 per cent of the total number Boyer, Rev. Robert 8. Judge, pa*tor at the Sea Bright Methodist if assessments involved. Mr*. Helen Sawyer, prinIn addition to the** US appeal* church; for reductions in the 1M1 assess- cipal at the Bea Bright school; Ed' ment*, there were filed with this board, 95 discrimination appeals for increases of assessment! on a like number of properties. These •5 discrimination appeals were dismissed for lack of prosecution. Of th* Its appeals for reduction*, eight were withdrawn, on* wa* tor an exemption and 14 wer* for reduction! of assessments which hat not been raised from th* assessment* of 19S0. Of the remaining 1 « appeals, which might be attributed to the MMMssment, this board affirmed th* assessment* In M cases anc' m«d* adjustment* In 4t eases, There wer* nve cases in which error* had been mad* in assessing uncompleted buildings and it ease* were settled on recommendations of th* city. Among these 27, were several easea of typographical or clerical error* in entering th* assessments. FR££ZIN SEASON us u m , u p * i , runt AMSOV. N. I i*,N»,«*f ADDKKSS. cirr. Seller performance 4 ways SWITCH TO CITIIf f IRVICI GASOLENE SM.64«bk4Mii enate d * This board fed* that, In this reassessment, th* elty mad* a sincere attempt to bring about en equalisation of asiessmtnta within th* city of Long Branch and that thos* employed for that purpose mad* commendable • progress to- aeetioM hUp yws to work aad SWITCH NOW to Winter-Conditioned Cities Servksa Premium fuoiene. Then whatever the thermometer doet, you can touch the starter and GO! You'll save your battery; you'll end fuss and delay. Quick as you can get into gear, your engine will be running with the full-powered wallop of Cities Service Premium:;. now scientifically Winter-Conditioned. Fill up today. /iw*awW#IB^WBc SOIVIS TW ClOSUM PROMIM Saw /»# $p4ti tw GLOBE PETROLEUM, INC. DISTRWITORS 9 CENTRAL AVE. RED BANK PHONI l i p tANK 6.1023 Shore Gasand Oil Co., Inc. LONG MUNCH, N. J. Distributors Cities Service Products MONKS—Long Brandt 6-1812 Aibury Park 24850 mul* with McxUrnfold, th« KCOI* dion-typ* door. End thot* vtaiag problems tneoumtred with ordi* nary clowns by using Modcrnfold for all tvpts of opbningi. To divide largt rooms, ui* larger Modtra* folds M movabl* walls. Thty'rt fabric-covartd for beauty.;.mttal. framed for rigidity and strength. Call us today. Medsrafeld Deere Seld Sulaslv*h> la MeaaeMk, Oceaa *ad souther* Middle. sea Ceuatlss ky Ml SHMWSIURY AVENUE RED SANK ' PHONE M S-4IM You can turn •harper, maneuver better and park easier with a Dodge 2-ton "Joh-Rated" truck . . . because you get wide front tread, crow-iteering (eieept C.O.E. model*), short whcelbase and worm-androller ateering gear*. traeke you cen more Mg payloede withou That'* became a lot more of your lead ia carried on the front ask. Deep, rugged Basse and aill* mean ettra strength. nwa M'jmt U M S S N ie engUMered to at your body aseda. On whselbaasa of 12T, U9rVlTO% aad 1»V, it wuTaecom. nodate a wide variety of bodise, from 8 f t to 18M f t i s l t h . ^ VoMtalisr trucks provide sjmilar features aad advantages to gWe yea better performance on your Job. FRANK VAN SYCKLE, Inc PRODUCTS CORP. Venn of ConUnuoui S«ivlcs •AfllR HANDLING MYMABS §9 ^ t af VT Stata Chaamlam ehasa DatJaa t . eWve ta ttie 1 M 1 NattsiMl Traek Raattoal OVERHEAD DOOR 16 wisa noflf tiwd I j 149-133 W. Front Stcot t -•lit* 9Am mtnmm. HOVMWM Legion Wonen New Law Relieves Home Owners Pun Program From Capital Gains Inequity On Amerifanmn Auxiliary to Aid Units Meet Al Twtaiifttt Ftst, County Projects A lav ha* feaea pteead wklch relieva* home awaera froaa aa iaeejaity la tke capital gaiaa tea lav. The National Aaaedatioa af Beat Batata Board* ha* keea • M l VUHt • • * • • " MOWNt * • CMNSMI P. T. A. MCETIWO OCEANPORT — The ParentTeach«r a»aocinSon will meet Tues day at f 15 p. m. at the achool. Th<meeting waa originally arhedulri] for Wcdnecday, Nov. 21, but waj changed became of«[ day. Thoma« S. Field. Jr., of Mkidletown will apeik en "Hlstorj? Monmouth County," putting ™. phasli oa the Oceanport aection. Mothera of Bfth grade pugiilj. hrarl«d by Mra. Armando Sebrlnfr, will be hottenaei. * latrtor ela year*. Tko aev lew pravidaa tkat whea Puada for a ckildren* party and HIOHLAMDB — AvaJMerlea a* tka eala e( tka taxpayer'* prin- for the Salvation Army were votrd In 1»4», 102.671 men died of r«ncounty Amcrlcaa Lagiaa paata ta** cipal reticence I* fallavad within at a meeting of the auxiliary of pr, rompared with 10)1,MO womi-n. month wil a yaat by tha purchaa* af a *we» Shrewabury American Legion poat graaju aa the tl atitate. or vkea tke MbatHvU I* laat Tkuraday at the poet home on baeiBjkt wttkta a year prior ta tka Rlveraida ave. Fundo to purchase AaaevacaeMat ef tMa aale, gala I* to a* raeagalaad aely magaahwa and (aaall glfte for inma4* at • a N U a i af tha ta tka eetaat tkat Ike eetllag price daeteaa iate> tha armed forcee wer* ar tke aM keeae attcadc tke cwtalaa approved. Ugiaa awlllaria* TtXUr at light* port Kamt, wHh w r t w eg ef tke aaw. T»e children* party will be held that auxiliary a* > M 1 W I I Tka*, If a dwcltlig pwreheeed la by tk* eouaty auxiliary for the paMM Anna Cheraer, Ifalaa Baeea, IMC far |l*,*»* was **U a* traded tleat* the Child Treatment Cencouaty areeiaeat, aaia' tka taete far ia 1M1 far IIMM, tkera would ter atat Briabaae. rearaaeatatlve* ta tka Ifew /eraejr have heea a taaeki* gala af • • , « • atria' ttata M N > « H M far »SB)wader tke aM law. Vader tke aaw Mr*. Frank Bailey aald that all hat ktaa Mlad. fUaarti af tka araat- law, kewever, aa pertlea. ef tke raaarvatloaa have been taken for dent'* aetlvitie* t i 4 af tkafa af gala la taaabia, presided a eub. tka Ittaeheoa ta be keld Monday at variant* 4eaartmeat rhattoiea were etltate "ariaeipal ratldaaca" • the Weet End manor. Alao, plan* read. Mr*. Ltlliaa MiaM af Kay •aught witkla tka th«a HmH ft* wara aaada tor the eeeond annual part I H namea* etude ehelraaaa. Ill.Cta ar mar*. If tke replaca- ground hog kail Feb. I, 1M2, with Hra. Ckarlca Biter af Waaamaaa* •Mat coat la leee taaa HIM*, **y Mr>. Alea Ravder aa chairman, aan i name! lialami atlcar ta act IU,*M. tke emawat taaebl* a* gala aiated ky Mra. Harold Ely, prealdent, Mra. Stuart Edington. Mra. with Marvin Kewmaa af tka ceaatr 1* 11,0M. Alcaander, Mr*. John Kaatle America* Leglea. Tke arevlelaa anptlea where eac John Mm. Mortimer E. VanSeater af raaldaae* I* eachaaged fer aaather, and Mra. Jamea Braney. riir Havtn » l d tha Atlantla Higa- wh«r* a replacement reiidenca U New membrre Introduced were Janoa luilliary, rree>rlek Dempeey eonetraeted by the taipay»r rather Mr*. Daniel Patteraon, mothfr of auxiliary of Anbury Perk m< Wil- than pwrchaaed, aal where tha re-tha commander of Shrewsbury post, bur J. Price auxiliary of Keaaekurg placement ii a reaidence which and Mra. George H. Kinkatlc, Jr., have exceeded their l«Jt yaar'* had ta be reennuructed In order wife of the poet adjutant. mcmberahiB. Mr a. Elinor Church af ta permit occupancy. In the caie Prlaa* were awardi-d to Mra. Bradley Beach eata 4h* eounty neat of conatruction af a new home, It Alexander and Mro. Kamui>l Caroareeldenta' dinner will h« held at ma*t he need aa tha ttapaycr'a tenuto. A Chriatmax party will bo tVau Rlvage, Spring taka Height*, prteclpel reaideac* within U held at the Dec. IS meeting, In Mar. I, U » . meath* after the eale of the former charge of Mr*. Mortimer E. VanUr«. Church tUa teM af * aaaee, ham*, and thla It montha la al- Sauter. held Saturday at Sea Olrt laa. *Vlowed fer reinvesting proceed* »t the Monmouth County HoaBltallaed th* tele. la ether cue*, th* new V«terane eomatlttee. She aald eam- houa* mnet tw aeed • • the prinmlttee mambera will ataca a a e * * cipal realdene* within a year after for tha vetcraa* *t Maala Park, the eat*. Nov. JT. Mri. Anna RlKaar af Kay- The taapayer la net required to port, county ehlld wtlfara chair- have actually heea eeeupylng hit man, tald that county unit* will old residence en the data of IU PORTAUPECK - The Hhoro live a Thanksgiving party Satur- aale. Belief I* available even though Camera club held an organisational etlng Wednesday night of last day at tha Child Treatment Center he moved Into hi* new home and at the home of Mre, Betty at Allaire. rented th* eld en* temporarily be- week Mr*. Clara VanNot* af Athury fore IU eale. Similarly, he may eb- Carpenter of thla place. Park waa Hi* attendance award. tala relief even though he rent* A committee comprising aeorgn There were «T member* and tkraa eat hie aew realdenee temporarily Tateeilan, 8hrew*hury; Maj. Wilgue*t* preaent. The neat meeting before occupying It, If he mave* In lard Lambe.rtuf, Fort Monmouth: will he Dec. 14 at the rarmlngdal* within a year or It month*, a* theJam** White, Eaton town; Kugene t^irton pott home, with memfcara caaa may ha, after tha aale ef hie Blegel, Long Branch, and Mri. Carof Hawaii auxiliary aa haateaeee. eld houae. Th* apodal treatment I* penter wee named to prepare a avaltabl* only with reepeet la ene eonetltutlon to be read and voted Engineers Obaerve aala *r eiehange per year, eseept on at th* next meeting, Nov. 27. wkea a aew reildenee I* lnvolunt«r. Member* will auhmit print* at that meeting to be dlaeuaaed and comLadles Irjr converted. mented en by Harold Briller, forIf th* realdene* I* part ef bna- mer Inrtruetor at the School af BATONTOWIf — Member* af Monmouth-Ocean ehapter, Society In*** property, a* la th* eea* *f Modern Photography, New York, of Profeaeleaat Engineer* aad Lead an apartment over a ttora building Surveyor*, observed their aaaaal *r a bom* «a a fern, an* the *a- Th* group ha* been Invited to ladlea' night program et a diaaer tira property I* eold, th* provUlM attend Wedneaday'a meeting of the last week at Cryttal Brook Farm appXei aaly t* that part aeed aa Tome River Camera club. Featured Inn. "Hank" Uonard at South Aav a residence, lneludl|ig th* envlrana at that meeting will be a tape rehoy entertained with plaaologae*. aad outbuilding* relating ta tha corded lecture entitled "An AnalyHarry C. Shinn wee glvea a dwelling but net thoee relating ta st* af Reeognlied Sa.on Prtntt," framed cartlSeate la reeegaltlea ef the budnea* operation*, by Ragaar Hedenvall. oeUtaadlag **rvle« readered the Tha club agreed ta tioM future ajioelatlon by Lawrence Wagner, Th* beaeSt* af th* new law aa.meetlnga at tha *un room of the award* committee ehalraaaa. A gift ply to the *al* of an owner'* home Oarfleld Grant hotel, Long Branch. wa* alao gtvea ta Mr*. Shlnn. Fred made after Dec. 11, 1PM. Child* waa *ad~oreed for re-eleetloB Bolrton Waterbury, the vice pre*. Other* preaent were Richard to the etata beard ef engineer*. Went of the fourth dutrlet of the Tuaten, Ralph Armstrong, Mra. Dlnaer tableo war* deeeratea la a Wow Jersey Aaaoclatloa of Real Oeorg* Tateoilan, Lawrence Ooe, Thaahaglvlng motif by the aasll- BeUte Board*, believe* the newMr. and Mr*. Arthur Meeaa, Mr. lary af th* chaster. There were CO law will inereaaa tha aalea of homea and Mra. Thomaa Brown, U E. In thla aeetlea from Sve to tea perEvMuwa, Oeorge Gregory, Anne member* aad gaaeta preaeat. cent. Lucke, Eleanor Voorheea, Ruth Welt, Laverne Klllen, Mr. and Mr*. High katlad aha** and "wadglw- William relit, E. Murry. Dr. A. vw* vora In Biirap* la tka alga- draham Blddla and Ma). Jack CartotaU OMtury. PHOUrT SERVICE Dolly's Hand Laundry tmST-CUSS WOIULMAHSHI* 121 V . FRONT STREET RED BANK. N. J. J. YANKO 30 BROAD ST. REDIANK Wonderful savings on new V U I I t U A a. .Mt MRfiit jnbcthfi Winter Coats 39oo Camera Club Hal Meeting w«N*wfen ta _ ^ _ "****• ^—^e^ B»»MBV t*amMaw Mae paah, >4 »•-»-«- J J * ftt COPROX . M M VarMO, N. Y BUY AND SAVE AT DeFALCO'S LITTLE SILVER HARDWARE PROSPECT AVE. ft CHURCH ST., LITTLE SILVER Mode to til from 49.00 to 59.0$ Better tailored all wool mats af, • new low price! Included in this group lire h u n d a o m e tweed*, suede*, jnrri djed flannel*. All , Tliew fonta have fine crept and «r« wool Interlined. Some with velvet trim, gome with pu«h-tip cuff*. In e I a » «I c and flared For J\m!ors and Misses MANDNIW AUTOMATIC Best Value By Comparison mum Visit These Two Curley Well Built Model Homes AUTOMATIC MtttlNO See For Yourself-FAIR ENOUGH rinta «Javbla«riMai e M l lead af cloth** wtiltar, Here at last is a really expansive ranch home on large landscaped plots with a choice of six different exteriors. T h e n are three well proportioned bedrooms, one uniquely designed to doable as a den and featuring a wood panel wall at one end. There is a large living room with fire place, a dinette and a ceramic tile bathroom. wfIQMOf W Wtllflifiaj BjMHaVn SriRAUTOt WASNINO FOUR ROOMS . TILE RATH • EXPANSION ATTIC . ATTACHED GARAGE . OVERHEAD DOORS LOT 73x150 . SEEDED AND SHRUBBED MODERN KITCHEN Tha modern kitehan It aquippad with 34 in. Wolbilt G « i Range, Spacioui Cabinoh, Iroom Cloict and a Kitchan Linan Clatat, Formica Top. MODERN KITCHEN Th* msatafl klfakan I i •quipped with a landlx Washing Maehlna, OTHER FEATURES 14 In. WsJbll? Oat ftanga, Spa-clout Cabineti, Formica Top, Broom NO-WORK DAMP DRYINO Clotot ana] • Kitchen Llnsn Claitt. ftlNIRAl BJCTMC OIL tURNIR RAWAMT NOT WATIR MAT AUTOMATIC » A $ HOT WATIR H1ATIR INSUUTION OUTSIN WAUS AND ClUlrttM P U S T n i D WALLS WOOD SHIMOtlS I . O. W. WIATHIR STRIPPfO WINDOW! SCRIMS • COMBINATION STORM DOOM WALIPANR OP YOUR OWN SH1CTION ASPHALT TIM ON PLOORS (Celsr ef Ysar Owa SttMtteal AMfVI CLOUT IPACI U R M UTILITY ROOM IQUIPPID WITH MNDM WASHINO MACHINI YAU HARDWARI wtilfli ctatka* OTHER FEATURES l i s B B > laVdBBBalSl l a l a B d B * ^ .. nor vw^w n n f •as Hat' -a EASY Sovti Tliiit and Monty ^ NIW u$m mm Two buty tub* ¥r»rk •» once, do a wttk't n in WM fhofi on hour. Handy Soap 5avtf Fowati.AllBew'vullt.ln-WohKFIIrtf. ^ ^ 2 ^7$Un§W—k$f b«th tufas in km Aon 2 mlnvtM. ^ / Z / / ' / / / ' / " / " ( I I [U Wafaapsr effYeMrOwa MaMltM Asakalff TNs ea Ptesn (Colar of Your Own Saltcttonl | w i n R R f w WW ^BTRBMW III avIvlllRJ M*f# UMIIfy Room Vdaalaa •fjafv HOME SELLS FOR $14,000 a HOME SELLS FOR $12,000 H O M I OPIN DAILY — I to 5 P. M. — Saturday and Sunday 11 ta S P. M. Henry Elfsnrauch, Sr., Salat Agent on pr*mii*«. Talaphona Red lank 4*5102. Dlractionii—lorough ef Shrewsbury, Rout* No. 35, Iroad St., to Sycamore Avo. Turn left at traffic light to Modal Houio. Sign at Garden Rd. ANOTHER CURLEY HOMES DEVEI<OPMENT HAWI Convtrt Monte Carlo Pool Into Skating Rink anccr |1.«M U to aided U tlM aaasiaauai •celt wer* asked for 124 teacher* at an laforaul *ae*»ing with the boar4 «f education and four » ' • • bcrt •« tk« Asbury Park Teacben* association last week. Pointing out the iBcrease* coat of living F. LaraBaa Riaehart, chairman of the Teacher*' aasocitUoa, proposed a plan for the iacreancnts to be spread •v«r th« aret two yean. OOLTI NICK — 7tv» turkey 4iaa«r* will fea • H i m atgfet at Calf* Mack MM at th« aaaual card party k«M tm Ska beaaat •* K. Mary* C M f c e l l a churek. Rev. Jofca Braaaawtki, paater, to honorary caalrssaa. OeawraJ akaifnca ara Mr*. Richard Claaar aa*V Mrs. Nichols* Harvey. They a n Winc aatlate^ »y Mn. I* laiBMta, Mrt. A. Martin, Mrs. W. OaatllM, Mn. Charlca Kelly, Mr*. Ckarla* Crlae, Mr*. WilliaH Oaalcy, Mn. /. Smith, Mn, Jaha T. Ctma, MM Anna Crott Mia* Eliaaaath Cata, Mr*. E. J naaacaa. Mr*. W. laav aierer, Mn. W. Mepaawufk, Mr*. V. Reaiey aM Mrt. Witliaai Caakion. Owcotote It P.M t* Mnrtit* I* tW tagatar. b Your House Growing To Fit Your Needs? Tfee f««w Mania Carla «ta?i«*) tmk at Aifcury Park, tfc* larfeir •# Its tad U* America, with • tketinf araa a* mara ••»•• 20,000 tquara feet, kas bee* c*ma4ere« and l i «aw In »p«r. • t i t * . Mila« af pipa wara laid an tha fcaMem af the peel (• carry etiiited brine. A Una hat wafer ipray btiiMs «p rka ica. Tna Manta Carla hai beared facilities far skate cfcanfin«, a skate rental service end ample fraa parking facilities. A « » pttWia address system has bee* Installed te previde wusie far tfca skaters. An entlesed prcmenede restaurant, bar ana) ceck> fail laynfa avarlaak (da rink. Sketina, will centinue, witfc day ana) nie>t sessieftt, yntil May I, wftan tha rink wiH afain be canvarfaa) te a swimmine, peel. The Medicker bretfcers ara apar«. fart af the naw venture. Ptrfext gtms-ond moor tw—t-btewtw PRANK MIINIM PINF. William J. Connor, M McCarlfr ave., Fair Haven, and John DeItarce, »J Nnreink ave., Highland*, were fined $2S each Monday night by MacUtrate Arnold Tulp for l«mperini with a lire hydrant on Halloween night. John Witkowakl, who police xaicl wa« with DeMarco and Connor, hut who claimed he didn't get out of the car, w n lined |1!S. OUT CL0TWN6 VALUES are something to talk about Davidson Estate Willed to Widow FREKHOl.D — Eira Davld.on ar Red Bank, who died Oct. ZS, willed] hi» entire palate to hia willow, Horolhy Davidson. The will »«i flled for prob»tp last WPPW in thp office of Surrogate Dorman Mcfaddin. Chailea F. Hcott, Ur, of R«4 Bank, whs died Oct. M, willed hla ratate to hla ion, Charle* F. Heott, Jr. Vlncenzo Ceccro of Rrd Bank, who died Fen. W, willed 12,000 to a irandaon, Vinccnio Ceccro, and the remainder sf the eitate to hit tan, Anthony Cecero. Howard A. Sutphen of Freehold, who died Oct. Ml, made 1500 hequOita to hia grandchildren, Charlea Dudley Miller, Elitabeth ". Miller, Marion K. Mayer and Florenea C. Hunter. KM nrqueata fo to hla treat grandchildren, Charlea Dudley Miller, 3d, Oerrlt Mayer and Richard Edward James Hunter. 1100 hequcsU go to Valerie Miller and Freida Zoller. The remainder of the estate goeii to hla daughter, Harriett* 8. Miller. Victoria Updike Pyle ef Allenhur«t, who died Oct. 23, willed 11,000 to her husband, Ernest I«roy Pyle. A granddaughter, l.lnda Updike, recoives $500 and jewelry. A grandson. Warren Updike, will receive $500. Ma4>!ewood Cemetery association of Freehold will receive 1300. Linens, nilver and blanketa go to her dauRhter-in-law. Millie Updike. The home at 308 Cedar ave. and the remainder of the estate goes to her son, Paul Updike. Minnie H. Aufrccht of Avon, who died Oct. 12. willed tl to her ateter, Josephine gherwin. Each child of her deceased brother, William Hampei, will receive $1. A friend, Anna LcPinsky, will receive $499. The remainder of the estate goes to her husband. Rmsel W. Leary of Neptune townahip, who died Oct. 10, willed hi* estate to hla daughter, Elizabeth I. I.eary. IJJbelle D. Long of Spring Lake Heights, who died Oct. 7. willed her estate to her husband. Walter E. Mackley of Sea Girt, who died Oct. 19, willed hia estate to hla widow. (jilt-Edge Improvement Can Be Mode At Pin Money Prices* We'll Show You How ClaMify 25 Cow In Marlu Herd MNCROrT — Twenty-live registered Jeraeyi in the herd, ownj>d by Marlu farm of thii place, were recently classified under a program of the American Jersey Cattle club. The tlaatifliation rated the animals for type, comparing them against the breed'* icore of 100 point* (or a perfect animal. The classification vita for all prevlouily unclaimed femalea that have had at leaat one calf and tor all bulli aver two years old. They were rated by Prof. O. O. SchMfe'r of the Meredith Printing company, New York, K. Y. gchaefer is an official elasslAer for the club, whlrh ha* ita national headquarter* at Columhu*, O. Of the SI animal*, ona received he highest rating of excellent. Rhe « l t Commando Marlu Trlxy. Twenty of the animal* classified scored very good, and four (cored good plus. The classification program sponsored by the American Jeraey Cattla club ia designed to help breeder* ef registered Jerseys improve their cattle by knowing which ones coma closest to the breed's standard of perfection. RIM Build A FuivAHlW Rumpua ROOM That duity, aid cellar e w ba trait** formed into » "Banain Batamtat" with a. llttla CtlatM wtllbaara, a couple af tan* of atial, aaa a Hw athar odd* u i «naa. •pie vU aaaa walla ata aa miM with •aarkfiiii fuaarlHa Ulabaar4 Caatat la artfkt aolata a M aM* tank*, Our i m m i lambar, ar la* torlar aly*iaa« iMkM taUMa fw* •MitraaalaaalaMM, A Charming BedreoM I* Hiding In Your Altie Eneloac T b l P»reh For Why wait* *pac* whta tt'a *o *asy and lnexpenalva to remodel tkat unfinished attic Inta a lovely badroom or small apartmtat. laa our plan book* tor Idea*, FLOWERS AT MONUMENT Five Red Bank organisation* placed flowers in front of the monument at borough hall Sunday in honor of Red, Bank's war dead. (Iroups which placed wreaths at he monument included the Red Bank Are department, Rainbow division Veteran*, Shrewsbury post, American Legion, and its auxiliary. Red Bank post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Executive council of the Red Bank fir*- department. An Extra Uviaf ROOM A grand -*pot (a eat up taa T*H> viilon and *av« waar aad tear as tha reit of th* housa. W* hava ,,JV. everything you a**d, fro** nalli ^^*aa> to *hiagl«(. FREE ESTIMATE . . . PROMPT DELIVERY ANYWHERE TEXACO ROOFING FOR TRANSITMIXED GONGRETE CALL DEAL 7-9200 Monmouth Lumber Co. RED BANK, N.J. 79 CENTRAL AVENUE toat/io drivef Exhibit Painting At Whitney Museum Hara ara two txamplat af why our clothing valuts tn canvartationl tubjacti af And no wandar thay'ra talkad about whaVi wa can maat high standards af fit, laaki and waar and kaap our pricoi «a NEW YORK-A painting called "CompMition," by Marshall Simpson and Roslynn Middleman of Middletown, i* among ISO *uch offering* being displayed In the Whitney Museum of American art here, The show, which opened lait Thursday and will run to Jan. *, U the yearly exhibition of contemporary American art. Painter* submit thilr offering* only by invitation. All phase* of modern American painting* ar* depicted ia the collection. low. Thii suit for axampla, af sturdy all woal worstad cemas in your choiea of gray, brown and blua. Many af thaia formerly sold *i tfAL CHlMATbWM CHOPSW $60 and $6$ . . . an axcaptianal valua at thii prica. 3 Season Zip Coats '65 It'* a wall tallorad tapcaat far spring and fall) Zip in tha warm lining and it's a planty-warm ovarceat far wintarl Yaur ehoieo af all-wool, worsttd gtbardina— Cravanatta proeastad for watar rapallancy —ar goad laoklng all waal chavloti In gray ar tan. Regulars, Sharts, Langs and Extra Langs. n o wOMar HW omar oi a rwwag|iiaa VIIHIIIMBI Nothing for T M to da but heat in the top of i doubla boiler. S e n a with cooked* riea for Chop Sue*, LtChe* diiaeta Noodle* for Chew Meia. Flarof with UOvoy SOT Sauee. Con* U i n t tender chicken, b e t a sfluthroonw, btmboa h , arisp* water I ehntauti an i other L Barer-fall InfredW ; \ ettf*. Serves 2 to 4. is happy! Hwe'i how it worki. Set tha l e w to "Drive." Uae die aceekrator to fcMhe brake to Moe. And you're oS for the irettett driving ihtffl of your lite. It yon haven't yet tried PowetgOde, Ami wak any tanger. Come in toon for a "discovery drive.* Find out (or yourself the new happy way to drive with time-proved Powerglide. ClwVrOfwT 0IMI9 ©lT#ri Mff COflipWiv PoW#f leNMIf Bilfei^e^wejifiil iQaVHiP* veiive^iwiejejej snvgviie r, IcoMMreer l e w Aato •Combination «r •onwr/laV 4vhwiMnV TnwMkMM « » i » « * • > V*iv*4i-HM*t eniiMoctkwMlM O« Law wotWi a> *»iw eeat McKIM-LAYTON CHEVROLET CO 111 MOADWAY LON» IIANCH I MCIM BOOK, wrHei UChty ft**' 'rWuilt, BI«UI*n ef aeetthe toes* C*., AnkheM, Okie. • «•• a 29 KCkVUMC STRST PhaM M l a w «-31M Artblf At WarhjWUa . Akftw 4«i T « n . Rut Tom • Cnaaaa — • Nai IK*rfOLAIBfW coaaty artttt* ere takibitiag their vark a t M H f t aaaual M*w Jeraey •tat* tahtbiU— af aaiaiiaga, etulpt«N. ariata aad draartage at the Maatcialr «ft — I I W . tfca aho« it *a*a*fied ay th* amraai aad Maw M < r chapter af UM AmtrtaM Artt*U Prafeaeiaetal league. * t*4a* prefect <a ail, "relating •erie* Tw*, NuBber four," done by ManlMll Siapioa of Middletova village, aad Hotly** atiddleaua ol flalaAeld, w*a aa k*aerabl* »»<•*• Ma* aarerd. Aarther aelatiag a* tk* ! • • artlata, "Caeaptaltic*," M e«rr*eU* plated aa dlaaiay ia tk* MM eaklbittea af cMtetaparary Aattrkaa palatine at tfc< Whltaey Haetuai a( Aawrieea Aft la Ma« Tark trty. Othtn taklMtiaf at Uaatclair at* VMfiala Birdaell Btafatt af Eat aaaawa, wka la ak*via« a aaiat lag aatMltd tJkurtk"; Aatkeay J. ~ a A Leag Breach, aa ail, Jrldfa"; Heary T. Ovlick, Mddietawa villag*. twa alia, "MlddleWwa O'DONNBJ. TRAV& AGB4CY ItMOAOST. RfMtat RuBtAM. - : i':;->:^";w::::-i;; •>:'*:< \> ::;:>:;:^:^*;:K::>>:S!¥' (ii y«i •• thii wit! i MWIIM? 2E3* ** Driver* Unhurt HI 3 Tkaia am* aa lajurlat la tkraa •laar aecMaatt ktra aver tka i. la a tkraa-car cratk Saturday alght, a car driven by Pvt. •ammy Una, F*rt Monaiouth, traveling aartk aa tUvertlde avt., ttruek the taar af a car drlvaa by Pranela Barceltw, Ea«t Kaaaaburg, farctRff It lata tka raar of a car driven by Bartkaloatew Bailey, Center ave, Uaaardo. aught damage wat 4ora U all tan. A car itirtn by Jarry Vltalll af Mtal Baack, Eatt Kcimburf, •abif m t t aa Watt rrant at. l i t •May, Mruek a Mrkt4 ctr awiM* kv Jaka OaUaa, at Mvartioa avt I M Baak. Tka tniak 1M ••< n«r ItaAtr M tka DaUaa ear wera y A ear driven by Darlt Elliabttk Jack M Brldgewattr dr., Oceanpart, vaa atruek ia tha rear nun* day by an unidentified tar which failed ta ttep. Tht Koch ear waa travtllag aartk aa Shrewtbury ave •I tka flaw af tka aecldeat It'a one of our K M I U M B MW Vafc-Owr. wiA V«l r W *••»•*»«•. %• wear Ihem without MT •breaking Ik." WALKOVER B. ALLEN CO. It MDIANK ML MH7 MAR POST p m a ucnrss OCSANMBT-J. T. Vaarhlt, to Caraaater at. River Plate, wat Sited It* Maaday night and had hit lletate rtvoktd (or •» dayt by MagMrat* WUrlam Weet Ulmaa an • eharg* af reeklott driving. Claa Mekala *( Fort Monatouth «— Saad IT far eerole** driving. RIVER ROAD RADIO fr TELEVISION, Inc Special (Mr {or Rwyor HenlbGttd For Buttertat ••HaS V%Ha7f Guernsey cowa *«a*d by Mayar Georg* BUveat *f New •arewttury produced th* hlgkett arerag* •**• • M of butterfat ameag htrda rae> reteat*d ia the M*aa»*ittk C*uaty Dairy Herd a*toclati*a f*r taa BMatka of September aad Octakar. Thla waa refected thie woek ky Richard O. Rlt*. attarlatt agrlewltural ageat. He aaM tka atayar'a herd averaged a l t aauadt Vt kwtUrfat. OB* af Mayer st***aa* **wa, !**• bett, wt* th# *eae«iatl*B'i greattat butterfat producer far Octakar - t » . t p*uadi-Mr. Bka laid, trtbaaa ranked tfclrd la vaUm* ar*. ductien for tka awntk, wltfc MM pauada. The fcerd alea waa Uftad aaaaag tke Srat Sva la valuasa ataauattea. •tret aavtag aaaatlatlea kerda la velume production w*ra tk* Hat* ttcint ewntd by 9. O. Baa aad Saa* af laUayatewn. with aa avarage of Ml paunda tech. Tea milk producer la tka eiaaelatioat waa Katie, a Halatata. earaed by Walter C. flawnrar «f Colt'* Meek, with S.1W aouada. * Robert Johntaa, aaaoelatloa au* aarvitor, aald herda klgkatt la butterfat production were tkaae awaed by Mayar StertH, D. T. Newbald af OaK'a Meek aad Mr. Rat-, thote hlghett In milk Jta> duet ion, thoie owned by Mr. Rut, Mr. Ntvbetd and Mr. Ilmawar; Individual eewa hlghett In butter. fat production, tkeae awa*d ky Mr. Steven*, Mr. Hewbeld aad Mr. Rue, »*d Individual caw* hlgtaet la production, the** awned by Mr. •immerer, Byraa Jshnaea af Atlaatawa, aad Mayer Steveai. DriverX Appeal ' Denied by Judge 9 Group Elects Officer* ffi 1U*k CMdkaj W«nVit>( KCTPOBT-Rav Noraaa Rnay af m. Jaka'a M*tk«4i*t chureh wat *lacta« araai4aBt at a reoriaaiutiaa MM<iag laat vatk *f 4ht Key •art MiaMtrt' aaMciatloa at the baata af R»v. Albert O. Rhltborsl. aaatar af taa Kaypart Refarme4 church, tltv. Davi4 WIIDOR. new aaatar af Calvary Matholitt ckurck, ««* »tlto»t4 lata tht Other eaV*rt elected were R*v. Bakart K*l**y, paitor of ieeond BaptM church, eacrttary, tad Rev. Mr. WMaaa, treaaurer. ftoae war* mad* for th* unloa Tkaaajayhrlag day aervle* which wW be held, at t a. m. at the Read ehureh. The paetor ef the aharck will praMd* aad Rev. Mr. Bataty will deliver th* wrmon. attaiaUr* *f tha other Keyport ahurckaa wilt partlcipatt. Tka amt aaeetlag will bt Dae. 8 at tka aaraaaag* af Rev. Fredartch Baaa, natter af Get humane Mtkaraa ehureh. it • BCLVORD-Caat. aad! Mr*. William r. Bada ef Laaaardvllla rd. wtra guotta ef honor at a diaatr at Rumaaa iaa Saturday whan they celebrated their gOth weddlag annivertary. Hoet, at (ha diaatr were their •oa-ia-law «ad daughter, Mr. and lire. Robert F. Mayer *f Hoboken. Oueeta wer* Mr*. Vtra* Cannon ef North Bergen aad Mrt. agaet Bad* tad her daughter 0*11 ef Uftden. Capt. and Mra. Bade were bora at Part Moamouth and war* married by Rev. S. W. Clark, Bettor ef the Belferd Metkediit church. They lived at Hotokeit, whert Cept. Bad* waa employed en Lachawanna ferrle* 41 yeare. They returned to Belfard when th* captain retired i* 1M2. Unable t* attend th* aanivfrtary dinner wtra their grandtoaa. Cpl. Rabert W. Bada. V. H, Marine corpi, whe it ia aetiea ia Korea, and PF.C. Richard Bada. ttatloaed at Camp Oardon, Qa. WRRH ffaUaUW^ Of gflUaVTB DR. WARREN FOWLER SPECIAL THIS WEEK FINE AtX COMiEO WOVEN PLAIDS la«j |I.H The Mod* •*ka U Haaavr ef New Terk, the At tht end ef the Amerleta Rev•rat aa>*rti*laf ageat, h*gaa huii- nut Ion there were 41 aewaptp*1* - k » la tMI. la th* eolanltt. BEFORE YOU BUYTHAT NEW HOME RUMSON MODEL HOMES LOCATED AT THI COtNIR OF •LACK MINT ROAD 4 CIDAt AVI, RUMSON. N. J. rREBHOLO-Uakaldlm a car*M driving coavlctlaa by Rarltaa tawathia Maglitrata ttymour R. Kltlhbtrg, C*unty Juag* Jaka C. Olardana rrMay declared that «a> tucceMful appellaatt af munlclaal court deelilona hereafter will bt aaalt with mar* aevtrely tkaa la th* patt. Ht Impoted Ma flrtt taaavlt again*t Rlckard Mohrbutttr, IT, County Una rd, Matawtn, wk*a a* fined htm MS. Mr. Klelnbtrg kad Intd MohrbutUr |1I July U Judge Olordana axplalntd. "It M th* policy of thli court, particularly In regard to motor vehicle aaaaa, wbtn a new trial It not warraatad and an appeal It not merited, that th* court will double, and perhaaa treble, the magittrtte't flat." Judge Olordano revert** a eareleat driving eonvletloa against Ellaworth Wilton, 57 Eatt Front at., Keyport, who had been found guilty la tha Keyport municipal court and fined t U The two world wara laereaaad tha appetite for tortlgn atwa la tht Ualted Btatt*. Imraice Views 4 ROOMS-BATH-FULL CELLAR-2 ROOM EXPANSION ATTIC-ATTACHED GARAGE -COMPLETELY LANDSCAPED-LOT 53x168 '339* WAffltnr-eoaa in aariy. Snail Qipoiit will MaWVai 3^'our Pniloo for nituVai daUvaty, with ap to 78 waaka to ptf. SAVE % 30?/. KXSTON WATMUIV 8aa oa for fall detoUa... all Phileoaata hav* thai 1 to advanea for fututa. TV i RIVER ROAD RADIO * W f f K S 1O PAY EWSION, 3»7 MVII ROAD, PAIR HAVM, N. J. PHONI RID RANK 64247 OTHER FEATURES IpUlffiO WITH STIEl SINK, U R M WAU CAM* NITS. WBJttT «AS RAN«I. UNO WALL. INUID • SPACIOUS CIDAR UNflO aOSITS IN IACH ROOM ANB HAU UNOUUMi • MO OAK HOORS TNROUONOUT 0 CIMTM HALL, MCTUM WINDOW -At lut, Mary, . «C*M going PIMM!** nt R kadat hota for flra kv auraaea, I'd aavar kav* beta ablt to retire. But bar* we ara fra* ta tajojr Ufa." rromathai Tom w u able ta rebuild hit buitneaa baetuaa tea taauraaca paid hit IOMM aad enabled him to carry aa uatll aa waa ready ta retire. Flra Inauranea alas aaftguaraa our oommunlty through hulaftlag lawa aad iniaootloa ttrvlcaa, adueate* our chlldrea la ara aravmtion. It la an Mteatlal baal* for credit la aur frta *aterpiia* aytt'am, vital ta ladua> trial eipantloa. That'* why, to thaaa «rltleal tlmet, art laturaao* la am/kidy 1 * butwaaa. ommimcts I MR n m i M MvmOfMMTI M M.H.F, AND COIOK LARGE MODERN KITCHEN EXTERIOR FEATURES • NO. 1 CtDAR WOOD «WMf> • INSUUTIO WIATHIR STRNflD WINDOWS, 0 COPflR PLUMUNO • MODRRN IATHRO0M • KNOTTY HHI PRONT 0 • VBTUUU INTRANCI AUTOMATIC OIL HIAT WITH AIR CONDITIONINO 2 Blocks From School, Churches, Storei and Bus Good Buy for Vela* Approved by Veterans Administration NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION EVERY SATURDAY ft SUNDAY FROM 10:00 A. M. to 6.00 P. M. Would your lira Inturaaea rebuild H at today1* higher aaata . , , would It cover your furar* tur* and athtr balongingaT Taa little laturaaea eaa be aoatly. For your prottetloa letnteheek your aollelee nowl JOSEPH HOFFMAN BUILDER— Roliton Waterbury INIUIOR i RIALTOR ' U Wait treat M. Bi Phona RE 64500 PHONE RED BANK 6-1607 OTHER DAYS BY APPOINTMENT 62 HARDING ROAD RED BANK, N. J. Brighten Up Now! Betnrtbal T o l l CM Seoul Drive Progresses in KEYPORT — Annour.ce««i;t kaa hrrn made of the engageaaeat of Miss Gloria Esposito, daughter af Mr. and Mi.-. (J. E. Espoiito. Bread .«(. lo John Furry, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Furry of Metawaa. M M ? POT—• P n h * Miss Espnsito was graduated from Frrmont High f.rhflol, Loe Aaeclef, Cnl., and is employed at tha Cmmmy CMUWII far Lavoie laboratories in ttorgaavlUa. Mdpiiig YMIMI Girb Mr. Kurry attended Mttawan Hick school and also I« employed at the Mn. A. Jackioa U*U\»y *f r»lr Lavoi* laboratories. Havca, ckairmaa •( tfc* curraat fuM caaapaio «f tk« Kartkcra Maamauth C«unty Cauacil •{ Girl Beout«, thii werk rcparti that lh« drive ii BfogrtMiaf ia all dittritU. Mn. Ua«c)«y Mid tliat BMt CMtrlkatiMia kav* Wca rcctivc4 wltk IctUri prtiaiar tka wark at tka cavacil aad a typical ana said "Wa witk ta coacratulata tka Nartkara Maaaioutk Cauaty Cauacil • ! OirJ •cauU • • tha (o«4 wark tkey fcava 4aaa aa4 ara 4aia« ia aur eaavatuaity. 8a ataa? Uawa aur 4aucktari kava c«aa iata loag and «ntkuiiattie dataili about their work." la laaakiaf af tha Girl Scout program, Mra, Uadilcy aai4 "Tha fit M teak aval?? flrlt kcra an* abroad hava MIMtklaff all tkair awa, Oirl •eautiag. aa4 at aay af tka tkouiaaaa of valuatcar leader* would aay, It'a •II far tka «lrli, aa« tkay lava it." W a r k a r a aaaauacad by Mr«. Uadilcy ara aa fallowi: Lang Brtaeh, Mn. Daminic Lubralio, chilrmaa, a"l«'ed by Mn. Jo«aah Purcell. Mri. William Clean*, Mrs. Joseph Bacco, Mr*. Alex Prinitreri, Mra. Patrick Hughe«, Mm. Frank Orandinetti, Mra. Joseph I'oole ana Mita Kllen Qraca Burner. tea Bright, Mra. Howard Miller, Mra. Charlea Van Dorcn, Mra. Robert Kncler. Mra. Jamea Welsh, Mra. Walter Beveneon, Mrs Edward Altman, Mra. Cecil Laytoa, Mra. Oarwood Phifer, Mra. George Bet« and Mra. Olaf Axelaon. Moamauth Beach, Mra. John Coagrovt, Mra. Adrian Roae, Mra. Edward Schumacher and Mr«. Frank Maguire, Atlantic Higklanda, Mra. Normaa Freeman, Mra. Carl Paulaon, Mra. Charlea Hadneld, Mra. Lee Parker, Mra. Oeorge Weia, Mra. T.obcrt MeTague, Mra. Edmund McMullen, Mra. Kvrrett Curry, Mrs. T. Thorst•aaaa, Mra. Thomaa Plitnlk, Mra. Robert Abrama, Mra. Robert Van Pernlae, Mra. Henry Knochel, Mra. Blma Qawlcr, Mra. A. aahrbeck, and Mra. H. V. Jaekaon. River Phua, Mra. Benjamin Becker, Mra. Edward Polhemui, Miaa Janet Henely, Mra. Elwooa Hendrlcka, Jr., Mra. Oeorge Makely, Mra, Douglaa Ring. Mra. Clifford Smith, Mra, William Hobo, Jr. Eatt Keaniburg, Mra. William Kruger, Mn. John Shaw, Mra, Eltaabeth MaeCsnehle. Mra. Robrt Evani and Olrl Scouta of All Districts The largest diiplay of Lighting fixture* in the Red Bank area. Look to MIGHTY ATLANTIC for the New Exclusivel952 COPPfft UCHE FEIMM ELECTM. MrfLY CO 7H MVN • • . MM MAVM M eVMM SUPERSETS!*" •••IIIIWIIIIIIIIIIII •lilMlllilfl Television's NEW Engineering Miracle/ Outperforms AU Others in City. Country and Difficult Areas!! traap JO. SETS PRICED FROM #17.75 UP TRACK, SWITCHES, ACCESSORIES. BUY'EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION. N*. I U . MtlMAN MM MM Ma, *— 17 IROAD STXKT RID IANK OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 1 P. M. Keyport, Mra. Stacy Carhart, Mri. Fred Kruaer, Mra. Francis Walaht, Mra. Garrett Post. Mra, Joha Hart, Mra. William Mordecal, Mn. Walter Faron, Mra. John Ruthe, Mra. David Baker, Mra. John Crowley, Mra. Ruaaell Post, Mn, William Whitacra, Mra. Crell Dallaabaek, Mra. George Hern, Mra. John Waltara and Mra. Charlea LatoMniar. Leonardo, Mra. Claude E, Smith, Mn. Charlea Hease, Mra. Gustave Harold, Mra. George MacOregor, Mra. Norman Nfcwmeier, Mrs. Arthur Hatneld, Mra. Herbert Morgan, Mn. Robert Waldmann, Mra. William B a l r n a aad Mn. Frank UtMtar. 17*d. KA Me* IMM . . . Me> MINI NT *M o t t « iMMtM "ttatdtas) fhriMkt" ffeMk* taia. •era. t«M> N M M ) la llaad .eat. l Derit Holbrooke Engagement Told note/ HIW SniOUMOK WOMPtR (Alt 174a*di RCA Vlftar WPEg-sn. Sunpleit taaiag enr. Avtoaatie ttttioB* •elector. New, electronk conlrok keen coatfMt ui brillitnce just u yen want them tUndiot wool cabinet in choice of hniihea. 17T15S. •299.9ft. PROUTS NECK, ME - M r and Mra. Oarald Clark Holbrook of thia plaea and Hoba Sound, Fla., announca tha engagement of Mr. Holbrook'a daughter, Miaa Doria M. Holbrook to Joaaph C. Whitney, aon of Mra. Burgeaa Whitney of Dedham, Maai., and Robert U. Whltnty of Worceiter, Maaa. turn MT i*, ». mn». . . . Me* NMLMT «M ee* I M M » aMwe Me. N FAtTIST SIUINO COMMANDIR in Sludtbaktr hitleryl /20/i.p.Studebaker Commander¥-8 Sav« gas! I f f cUfigntd for sparkling powtr plus thrifti FIRST 8 IN GAS MILEAGE Sav« repair billtl It's amazingly wtar-ratitting! A thrill-packtd ptrformtrl Far-advanctd V-t angina ntadf no prtmiom futll In tht 1951 Mobilgat Economy Run, a Studtbolctr Commandtr V - l ltd all ethir comBOl'"* •ighti in actual mil«t par gallon I eWriaiirAuttmillc Orivtf Btln miruluuf SU/»/"U"V-»> BAILLY BROTHERS t i MONMOUTH STRMT, RID IANK, N. J. chtth Kill! E*tn ml—iul vtitf « / inn DartoM, Miaa H e l b r o o k attended tha Rumton Country Dayachool, NightInfala-Bamford ichool in New Tork and fraduatod from tha W a a t o v a r ichool, Mlddlebury, Coin., and Marjorle Wabatar Junior Collage In Waahlngton. Sho mado bar dabut in Naw York In 1947 at a dinner danea at tha St. Regia hotel. Mlai Holbrook ii the daughter of Mn. H. Llnton Holbrook of Naw Tork and tha granddaughter of Mra. George T. Llnton of Red Bank, and tha Iata Mr. Llnton aad of tha Iata Mr. and Mn. Clark Holbrook, alao of Red Bank. Mr. Whitney, who la tha grandion of Mn. Guy Waring of Boiton. attended tho Penn ichool In Concord, Maaa,, and Nobla and Greenough School In Dedham, until 1948 when ha enllated in tha Marina corpa. He waa with the Army of Occupation for ten montha In Tlent»en and Peiping, China, Upon returning to thla country, Mr. Whitney attended Babaon Institute for two years and la now working In New Tork; NO CASH NEEDED RCA VICTOR 17' REGENCY MODEL 7T123 WHEN YOU TRADE IN YOVR OLD TV SET AS DOWN PAYMENT '415. 78 WEEKS TO PAY! Immediate Delivery! NOW! iMMIIIIIIIIIHIIHI Hydrogenated whale oil makea a subitantial part of Europe'a oleomargarine, lard and soap. WERNER'S GARAGE MATERNITY •TATI HIGHWAY ROUTI 99, N. J. TT^UCKER'S APPLIANCE CO mi "bwfcy 7" W«Mh par h! ner> PAS* nrmtnn, vovFwnr* is, mt ONE OF THE GREATEST VALUES EVER OFFERED NOWA AT ALL 6 CHEAT | ATLANTIC | STORES > HURRY! ONLY A FEW OF THESE AMAZING BENDIX BARGAINS AVAILABLE ON THE PURCHASE OF AMERICA'S MOST WANTED WASHER BRANDNEW GYROMATIC WASHER RttULU PMCE $29900 ATLMmC SAVES YOU $10000 YOU PAY ONLY $ IHO MODlLft.lll Atlantic comtt up with a onea-ht-a-Nffatlnia buy! Our buyor rnakaa spot cash daal for antlra manufaeturar'a surplus! All brand ntw 1980 niodalal Fully guaranteed! •FAMOUS WORMAVINO. WONMR* WORKINO WASHIR • 1UMMJ WASHIS • TRIfU RINin AUTOMATICAUY NO CASH DOWN Whan Wa Taka Your Old Washar In Trada As a Down Paymont! • DAMP DRYI AUTOMATICALLY • NO MIRATION • NO MLTINa TO PLOOR 78 WEEKS TO PAY! LIMITED QUANTITIES NONE SOLD TO DEALERS! 6 GREAT ATLANTIC STORES READY TO SERVE Y O U WATCH FOR ATLANTIC'S NEW "LUCKY 7th" SHOP ! Afbury Park Long Branch Freehold 71S Main St. 216 Broadway LM« Irwwli MAM 30 East Main St. Key port Lakewocnl • a Red Bank 23 Monmouth St. Kant Front St. Kmwt 7-WI \ 227 Second Si. and SAVE STORES OPEN TILL 9 EVERY NITE APPLIANCE CO. fflff SIRVKl (ALL A P I 1400 BASIC nmimrm. %ovmnm is. Taieptienee: mx A»b*y t a r t I - 4 0 M lad lank a-4M0 long lf*«cti e-1741 STEINBACH COMPANY J:;;,;.; sill saesif.ih11511:::"1:; ::"BSH liillSllilPIIIIIiWIl III||!ll!lini|l|ll|II||HI!IIHtl|lll!|l!!lll«MIII!ll!l IIIIIIP 1 I l l l i |tli»ii»«>«»l!»l WiHiiWniHlWHHJI Premiere Sfiowingl Ipilllillllillliif Special Purchase! A collection of dresses that usually sell for 17.98 cack! ORIGINALS Beautiful ftafcfg Wool Jerseys Dramatic new fashions by Forever Young 11.90 17 Pr«sentin« the elimofeus teflettlen of Forever Young by « « f i e Swonttn ftr the waman who wears a h a l M t e aVaitl Tba Mo* •an'i itarrlnf f a b r l c i . . . larathea twill, taffeta, crape, Miiue f a W o . . « anal the newest design«r.deteils are evident in the grou»l Every •lender. MAJESTICS brand naw styles tn dretiai far Jilng l i n e . . . every dramatic touch is spotlighted for flgura flattory! AndJ almait every accaiianl . . . yaurs at ana •vary d r t u it destined to play a leading rale In tha wewm's law, budget prictl Yau'll taa «aftai-a* feather waal jartayi with imart dataili . . . beautiful ptitel colon to w«ar new and through the holiday*! than an! Come in . . . try You'll want mere than one at this price! leautiful Pastel Jerieyi Above: Rhinestone Touches NINA — l e r e t h t a twill dinner wit New Empirt Waittlinet with curved pockets and velveteen Velveteen Accents lapels. Sites I * to 20 and M'/i to 24 V*. Heraldic Crait Accents New Fuller Skirtt Scooped Necklines Covered luttons Siiei 10 to I I F»r right: STUDIO C — smooth cape bright•ned with amber beading. ate bolero. Separ. Sites I 4 ' / I to 24'/i. Hear ri|ht: PREMIERE—lerethta twill designed to add height and slimness to your figure. Sites 14 to 20. One low price! Fill every hosiery need with Famous Nylon Stockings 1.35 Sarvtea sheers for daily extra«duty wear, business sheers fer town, goisamar inters far drew • . . stockings to complemant every phase of your winter wardrobe, and all at one low e«sy»OM the-budget price) GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE U dml«r, SI i«u|«: Shadow or Premttr* J «. '.' We eoulA only sketch & l«w from this exciting group. Come In and o«c them for yourself! BELLE SHARMEER 30 denltr, iS ; t u | i : «wt»t Chord, Overture or Lilt • n v (short) j Modltt (tvirafOl Duohtu (long) SPORTSWEAR, Stelnbach's Street Floor BERKSHIRE IS denier, 81 gauge; Unftrle-top ihttr IS denier, 81 gauge with dark m m 80 denier, 81 gauge: hunlnei* ihier Smooth Beige, Smooth Taupe, Smooth Bland] ALBA 15 denier, 81 gauge • dretiy iheir 30 denier, 81 gauge • builneii aheer Both in Amour, Llberte or Biaux SIZES 8^4 to 11 Order famous nylom by the box for Ohrlatmaa giving,,, chooas today I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiliniiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Shop Daily From 9:30 Til 5:30-Red Bank Store Open Friday Til 9; Asbury Park Store Open Wednesday Til 9 RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXIV, NO. 20. Several Puceb Of Land Sold in Rumson Area 1 I Post Launches Drive for Toye LEONABPO — Leonardo Manorial post of Middletown township, American Leg-ion, thin week began collecting ol4 and biokes) toy*, which, when repaired and reActive Mattel painted, will be distributed ta acedy children in the towiuhip. Ncfjwted) by the An annual project ef the poet, HitfdMMMI AflMMy the work is accomplished with the co-operation of the Middletown The Irm of William H. Hi«#el- township health center at Campnann, realtors of Rumian, report bell's Junction, where the toys will • very active market in the sale of be distributed. vacant land in the Rumson area. Pest members thi* week called Among the recent sales that the on more fortunate residents of the Hintelmann Arm have closed lur- community to contribute otherwise ing th* past few weeks are the fol- tuelcsa toys in ample t i n e for relow ing: pair to insure their use by l e u forEdward Schcr of Newark hat tunate children. Toys will be picked up anywhere purchased from Robert D. Thaler a tract of land comprising l'-j in the county, a poit spokesman acrea fronting 200 feet on the east* «<"d- Donors have been requested to •ide of Bingham ave. on premises] contact Walter A. Woods of Navesink er John John Usher Fisher of of Belford Belford. known v "Bingham Hill" at Rum- ! sia * «r son. Mr. Seller is presently building a large ranch type residence on this property. Tho cost of this new residence is approximately 110,000. Mr. Schcr will occupy his new home as his all-year residence when It is completed. PAIR H A V E N - A written request Arthur Glbb has sold an acre of land fronting 200 feet en Button- for a 15 per cent increase in pay wool lane and ISO feet on water- was received by the mayor and way at rtumson Park to Noiman K. council Tuesday night from memTocrge, Jr. The property directly bers of the police department. "I adjoins the residence property am in sympathy, more or less, with which Mr. Tocrge acquired from this request," stated Mayor Edgar Mr. Glbb through the Hintelmann V, Denisc, "and we will consider it at our 1952 budget meeting." agency a few months ago. Council concurred in the toning Cortelyou L. Simonson has purchased from Robert D. Howard a board of adjustment's granting of tract of land with a large frontage variances for construction of garon the east side of Oak rd. The ages on the properties of Frank J. property comprises approximately Perry, 326 Hance rd.; Walter B. three acres and adjoins Mr. Simon- Moore, 1M Oxford ave., and Henry son's residence property on the L. Bauer, McCartfi ave. On recommendation of Councilnorth. There is a three-car garage man Russell H. Mlnton, council on the premises. Mr. and Mis. Harry S. Wllley confirmed the election of George have Bold a plot comprising \ of Edward Chandler and Edmund A. an acre fronting on a new street Patock u active members of the c u t of Buena Vista ave. This plot fire company. Councilman Tony Hunting exis part of a 40-,icre tract which Mr. and Mrs. Willry recently ac- pressed his thanks to the policemen and firemen and members of the quired through the Hintelmann agency from Porter Hoagland of firemen's auxiliary and ParentTeacher association for their asRumson. The new street is in pro- sistance at the Halloween party. cess of construction and will be He said plans are already under completed about Jan. 1. Mi'. Oar- way for next year's celebration, side expects to build a new home with some new ideas to be inauguon the property for his own occu- rated by the police department. pancy. Mr. Hunting said wreaths were Henry J. Shaheen ef Cranford, placed at the War Monument on lias acquired a tract ofJand front- Armlstlc day by the fire company, Ing 300 feet on the east side of American Legion, borough council Warden ave. and having a similar and Fair Haven Garden club. Counfrontage on Rumson waterway, an cilman Jesse J. Mcllrsy praised the arm of the South Shrewsbury riv- work of the Garden club, which was er, from Arthur Oibb. Mr. Shaheen organized recently, especially their plans to build ranch type houses for project in placing flowers in hosreiale on this tract. Mr. Shaheen pitals. has also acquired from Joseph F. Councilman Arthur H. Ricman, Herrmann for development a large police committee .chairman, said tract of land comprising <3'i acres the young folks over 30 caused adjoining the premises of the Rum- more trouble than the younger son Country club on the west. Tha children Halloween. Police, he said, property has a frontaga on the were kept busy until » a. m. South Shrewsbury river of 3,150 At the request of Councilman feet. Pert of the property haa been James A. Enright, chairman ot the subdivided by its previous owners, road committee, a. letter will be Rumson Park, inc., Into building aent to Allen Bros, ordering them sites ranging in sire from one acre to disconnect a private drain pipe to two acres each. The property Is leading into a catch basin on Oxpresently leased to the Rumson ford ave. The pipe drains water Country club and Is used by the from the basement of a house. Mr, members of the club for duck hunt Enright said that if the order is ing, several duck blinds being built not obeyed he will Instruct Oscar on the premises. Becker, street superintendent, to Bernard Grad of Deal has sold a seal off the pipe at the catch basin. tract of land comprising 2'i acrea A complaint of excessive speedfronting 350 feet on the east side ing on Church st. and other side of Ave. of Two Rivers and with a atrects was made by Councilman The residents, he said, similar frontage on the west tide Mcllray. of Oyster Bay dr., Rumson. The would like permission to put up property Includes about an acra warning signs. He was Informed and one-half of land available for this w,ould require an ordinance. building and a lake which is ap- Traffic on the street, it was stated, proximately an acre In aiic. In the is heavier aince the temporary center of this lake is a wooded ia closing of Fair Haven rd. land. The purchaser Is Vincent Mlletti of Rumson, who plans to lm prove the property with a new residence for his own occupancy in the very near future. The property is part of "Shrewsbury Point," the country estate of Edward W. ScudTRENTON* — Leonardo's naval dcr. which is now being developed. pier has been included in the probe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDsrby ot New Jersey's waterfront activihave purchased property from Mr. ties, it was announced Friday by and Mrs. Eugene R. Lamont com- Attorney General Theodore D. prising an acre and one-half ot Parsons. land and fronting 290 feet on RumMonmouth County Prosecutor son rd. and 200 feet on Ave. of Two J. Victor Carton will co-operate Rivers, Rumson. This corner plot with H. Norman Schwarakopf, who was part of the estate of the late la directing the state's over-all waJ. R. Wllliston and was acquired terfront Investigation from a headfrom the Willlston estate by the quarters in Hudson county. The late General "Howard S. Bordcn, probe includes Bergen, Essex, Midwho subdivided llic entire estate dlesex and Union counties, in addiinto building sites'. The tract has tion to Monmouth and Hudson. many fine century old shade trees The navy docks at Leonardo are and Mr. and Mrs. McDarby plan used for the loading and unloading of supplies for the Earle naval to improve the property by buildIng a residence for their own oc- ammunition depot 12 miles away. The attorney general said Mr. Carcupancy In the near future. The sale of the Lamont property ton had received many complaints from Monmouth county residents to Mr. and Mrs. McDarby was closed by Homer C. Methot of the who claimed they were unable to obtain work at the Leonardo docks. Hintelmann agency. The prosecutor reported stevedores were being "imported".from Brooklyn, Manhattan and Jersey City. In protest to what they called unfair Importation of stevedores in busloads from those places, a number of Monmouth county men FREEHOLD—A suit instituted a few years ago formed the Bay. by Harry W. Sacks of Port Mon short Longshoremen's association mouth rd., Keansburg, against John and twice picketed outside the A. Patt of 21 Twilight ave., Keans sates of the navy grounds at Leoburg, in county court was settled s just before trial this wtek tor M, nardo. 000. A»r«cUtlM Mr. Sacks, who was represented I wlih ta txprtii my IIUMM thinks by Edward W. Wise, Jr., of tho Arm to nil tli» R«d Hunk vatiri «ho demonitraleil their attlifactlon with my work of Wise A Wise, Red Bank, had at hi. esaor for the pait 32 yearn by brought the nuit to recover for In fupportinir me In tho general election and vottnir down the three-msn board Juries he received Feb. 14, 18S1. n( nMeaaort. I will continue •< alwiyt According to the complaint Died tn dct my best for the Red Bank tis* by Mr. Sacks, he was standing in front of his home waiting for a cn. Geo George W, Bray, Aisennr. bus when Mr. Patt stopped and offered him a ride to Red Bank, Af- •—Advertisement,t ter picking up the plaintiff Mr, Patt All Hilrdremri tnuiorum demonstration by th» I'Maiproceeded down Palmer ave., and Company, imlsted by several N»w In negotiating a turn, his car slid ro' York hair styli.-t', £rr nnd hear the off the edge of the paved portion n'tre&t in likai-hing and hnlr colnrlnf. and went into the eoft shoulder All are invited. Tueaday. Nov. SD, K P, M, Brmrry.l.'nrterti Hotel, Aibury cuining It to overturn. Park.—Advertliemtnt. As the result of the accident Mr. Sacks lrt(lurr.d Ins nerlt and was V e n m l a n Bilnift M S» P u m » h i t * i l i t , t i t r i 17 t» 22 Inchei hospitalised MVITSI days. wide, : a to 3D Inchei wide, 12.IK: 37 t o Mr. Patt wai represented by Dur- 111 llulira ivlilr 1.1,08; 40 t o 4.1 Inche* and, Ivlm A Cnrton of Asbury wide, 14 tin, A trrrlflr u l e t National ,1 ft III, P i u w n ' i , — A d v e r t i s e m e n t , Pnik, Fair Haven Police Ask Pay Increase Carton to Probe Leonardo Pier He f>itt-ii lo lite ruml SHHKWSBl'RV — Mr.=. Slimnnn Study Muster Plan At i\. Shrewfbury NEW SHREWSBURY-The planning board here la due to undertake a study of sone-change recommendation* and other features of a master plan at a meeting at Tlnton Falls school next Wednesday night. C. Earl Morrow, New Yoik planning engineer, who has been hire* by the borough to draw up the plan, will mett with the board and discuss issues relating to the future development of eectlens of the borough, it was reported by Mayor George Stevens. Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Morrow, accompanied by Mayor Bt«vens, Or. Robert Barber, planning board president, and Leon M. Shafto, health board president, will make a study tour through various sections of the municipality. One of the proposals about which Mr. Morrow will be asked for recommendations is the creation of a steppedup riitdsntlal zone in tat northern section, calling for large lota and houses of minimum sices larger than those allowed under present zone restrictions. Council has withheld action on this proposal until Mr. Morrow could voict an opinion. Councllmen have been Invited to attend the planning board meeting. Benefit* to Aid Rlverview Shop Red Bank auxiliary of Riverview hospital will stage a rummage aale tonight and alt day tomorrow at Trinity Episcopal church parish house on Front «t. The sale will be open between 7:30 and 9 o'clock tonight, and tomorrow from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Proceeds will be placed in a fund for the coffee shop at Rlverview hospital, which Is one of the auxiliary's projects. Mrs. James A. Enright Is sale chairman, assisted by Mrs. Frank Gregory, Mrs. Oeorge Woodhead, Mrs. Alan Wikman, Mrs. Edwin Maclntirc and Mrs. Edwin Ely. Thursday afternoon, Dec. (, the auxiliary will atage a card par ty at the parish house for the cotfee shop fund. Mrs. Mahlon Parsons, Jr., is chairman. Lou Micliaelran't Band To Play at the Casino ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS— Lou Miehaelson, well known orchestra leader, and his music will begin an engagement at the Casino on Ocean blvd. Saturday night of this week and every Saturday night thereafter. This orchestra has played at a number of places along the shore, including the former Star Dust inn in lied Bank. Mr. Miehaelson, who is the Ciaino'ti banquet manager and host, announces a new schedule of low winter prices is now in effect. Sea Wall Money Given Approval Building Total $248,44)0 PAIR HAVEN-Building permits 8EA BIUOHT-Adopting a finan- totaling $248,400, one of this 1urKe»l cing ordinance, the mayor and in months, wore issued in October, council Friday night computed itccordlng to the report submitted initial arrangements for the flnan- to the mayor and council Tuesday sing of a 1111,000 rock sea wall for night by Building Inspector H. the Low Moor section of the South Lynnwood Minton. Beach. All but 548,400 of the amount Mayor Thorns* Farrcll said that represented permits issued to Alif a normal schedule is followed, len Bros, for 20 new houses at all other arrangements should be $10,000 each. Permits for new finished and a state contract houses aUo were issued to Hmry kwardei in time for construction P. Janaen, Battin rd., $21,000; Frank Patock, 345 Cambridge ave., to start aarly next spring. The sea wall Is expected to *eal $13,000, and Ralph Cole, 2Vi Hancc off openings along South Beach Mi., $10,000. Other permits were: Lloyd through which storms have tent floods of ocean water and sand, Hance, 30 Poplar ave., addition, $300; Emanuel Roscnbaum, 229 damaging property and threatenCambridge ave., porch, $300; Eding the neighborhood. ward Shomo, 20 William st., garage The ordinance provides that Ml> addition, $100; Ruacue Allen, 137 MM will b, added to $40,000 being Kemp ave., garage addition, $500; contributed by the state for the James Knott, 40 Buena Vista ave., new barrier. Of the $U,O0O, the addition tn house, $1,500; Van eauatjr beard • ( freeholders has Simpson, IAS Oxford ave., garage contributes1 two sums af money, one and brceieway, $700; John Parker, of 110,000 for ten per cent of the (0 Navesink ave., addition, $200; basic cost, plus an outright grant i. E. Ksltsehmid. 262 Hance id., • f SM,0OO. To this, Sea Bright is garage, $500, and A. Keilson, 42 adding $25,000, to be raised by Linden dr., breeaeway, $300. , aeUlng bonds, and a (2,000 down payment from budgeted funds. Borough Attorney Oeorge A. Gray said that all of the money will be put together by the State Department of Conservation andi Economic Development, which will award the contract. Sea Bright RUMSON-The Dennis K. Byrne will arrange for the preparation agency of River id. reports the of plans and specifications for the sale of the Frank M. Hall property installation. The borough will aLso at 45 Bingham ave. to Mr. and help supervise construction. Mrs. Richard D. Judge of Jersey Prepsratory to the bond sale, City. The Bingham ave. cottage, forthe borough agrees, in its ordinance, to issue temporary notes merly owned by Andrew Paulson for the |2S,000, at no more than of Fair Haven, is located in the six per cent interest. Provided for Parmly park section of this borIn the over-all financing are $11.- ough. The house consists of a liv000 to cover engineering, inspec- ing room with fireplace, two bedtion and legal expenses,-11,230 for rooms, kitchen and tile bath. A handling the bond iuua and $750 grass enclosed breexeway leads to the) one-car garage. for interest payments. Mr. Judge was recently appointThe local financing will be backed ed deputy manager of the Red by tasation, the ordinance sayi. Bank division of employment seT h e n was no response when discussion o t the sea wall program was curity. asked for by Mayor Thomas Farrell at a public hearing of the mat Legion Asks Donations ter. Runigon Sale Mada By Byrne Agency For Soldiers' Cigarettes Odd Fellow* to Hold Initiation Event Naveiink lodge 39, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will be host to other lodges of the state Saturday afternoon and evening at Fellowship hall of the Red Bank Methodist church, Broad st. A large class of candidates will be initiated, and the degree work will be done by some of the best degree teams in the state. All grand lodge ofnoers have been invited to attend, and plans have been made to make thU event one of the most outstanding of tha year for the local lodge1. Commander Daniel Patterson, at a meeting of Shrewsbury post, American Legion of Red Batik, Monday night announced he had placed containers in Red Bank stores for donations to provide cigarettes for soldiers fighting in Korea. Samuel Carotenuto and Mrs. Alex Rovder were named co-chairmen of a ground hog dance to be held in the near future. G. J. Freret, past commander, spoke about the difficulty of learning the English language. Mr. Frcrct spoke in the absence of the scheduled speaker, M. A. Clark, county agricultural agent, who could not be present due to illness in his family. Fire Police Receive Certificates larm Supplies, *Villt-«-A<i'MtiMaiint. Adurtliimtat, T. Strong 1 uf Hio;iii st . n^'-nt uf Shrew s h i n y Tcjwne chapter, P.-iuisriU'r.s A n i r n , an n r v o l u t i o n , "ill h<* h o s t r s s tumoiiovv aftnrnnon ;it tvpl l i o n v ;it nil lliTui Milliqur .-how <uid piKrr tr.i. P r o ' T f d * will lir g n r n to thr D. A II niu.-rlini fuml of whic-li Mi;. Kiiitiiti !'.. H a n i . , ™ of lirtl HinU, :t r l n p l r r m r m l i n . 1.= st.nlr <",f N , Mrs, ( j r u r j r Kuhn : Y o r k city, cm ,'itor KP il n f ' h P . A. I(. tmuc'iiTii in Wa.shinctcin, ' I*. I*, m a i n t a i n e d liy the national j n . A. I! s o n n y , 'A ill ho one of the ^lie-Is. Thr i vent U oprn to thr pilhlii Mia. n . n i n I K Ob-on '-• c h a i i n i a n of thr antique .show w h i c h will feature colledioti.s of family IKII loom.% silver, rliina, «la.«» and .-mall piccr. of f u r n i t u t ' \ Charter nii'inlicrs who will exhihit a n t i q u e s include Mrs. rdPiick (i. AilanY". Mrs. llohi it M. CadniBn, Si\, Mry. lierhrrt C. Kranek, Mrs. TIIHKIOIT I*. I'arson.s Mrs. B r m a t i l K G o l d s m i t h , Mrs. Stvinty county fir* police rsesivsej c«rtif!e«t«i Thursday night «t the gr«du«tien »««reltti ef the Monmouth County Fire Police tchool et Relief fire house, Drummond pi. L. to R,, Harry Roc, Oeesn county under sheriff; Wallace Laurten, president of the Monmouth County Firemen's association; William Everti, instructor; Lieut. John V, Conover, state police, And two graduates. Frank J. Perry ef Fair H i van and Marshall "Skeeti" Longitreet of School Addition Battle Rages Uet'ifer, (•riffitli, Myers Fight I V l / a l on *2<M.<MM> Proposal —A heated srgu* Christmas (lulh Total §1,647,807 'tinnt fra!u:<:<i Monday nights) j n i T t i n ; : nf thf board of e d u c a t i o n , the |.:r,|M,.-p,| ten-room u d d i t i o a t»J Ih*1 - ' h o o ! being the trasott. I Piincipn! i ;n th* rla.'h werSJ t l i p rrp n ^ ; p r , R i c h a r d Griffith, Chri-tnn, ,.hi>, -K>-< : il.r i • In I J o h n B M T I V . J , , and Henry thi< a i d v.,.1 I'M-rii" . IT-I-;*.- n"\t , f>f,ti,,, M r Petzal p r e c i p i t a t e d it we.k ! " ! : . I I I I K .'iiipiui.inii'r.r.', S l - ; h , . b r , , k : n j i . , „ „ ... r p p n r l being til,.ho,, o f Hi,, :,„„,„!•.: S,.•V!),.'.a. i m ; l ( | ( , h v M r r.nmth. T h o u g h h« has l.rri, ,tll,s. ill" d -.1 Hirer H'-l j r l ( , , . ; i n r , f , „ m l k , a , e p o r t „•„«,, IJ.nili n V i t n t i u n i:,,' M n . i . ; , n t - I ,..„.„„ u p o n h y M , KeTgtt. p r . , j . I HIM. i-.iinii'iny. ih' .~rr.,n,l .vi-i(lrnl M r . p e t z a i a n n o u n c e d he had llim i 1 H;in '' " '•""' T l " ' """l' H n > IfhanKcd hi., mind a s Mr Griffith, ami II..- lied M;,nk Savings a n d : i v ; u , „ . , , j f t h e ni,fi „ ,pt. for l.imi A - Cliei•«, v.i.l lift i c i : l l m r P t l r , B , 0 d . c l d c o n ,, t e a c a . '"••'"V1 *«»»;'•'>• '„,-,• , „ , „ , . / s c h<-du!e. A HM ..f ! . : m k . in this i n n ami rjrriaring the board s h o u l d ' « • the total anmunt MII^-HIT-II :,! I c v p l . v t h i n get the m s y o r a n d to r.-ich is .-i, rolluu.v Mfi'l'Ti.l- ! c 0 1 1 n ( ; l i o n o u r r M t : M r . pttM, Ini-t roMiimm. s u m - 2 . i n . . W o n d , a a i r l M i l v 0 l . A l , , . , . „ N . Preston Ni.tiunal h * n k Tru-t company. l a n ( J n . c m h f r . of the council s h o u l d S^.i.OIKI; rir,| Rank S a v i n g ,ind b f t „ „ „ . . . „ f x p 0 , , „ , ,.„ w n , 1-i.nn a ? , , , c i a t i i i n . J ^ . T H I ; Hr<l Kr w , n , , h € >ehnn]r referr* H e National i;:ml<. K a t u n l o u n , Itt.HfiO: , U) , m,,Ung . w . f e k , . „ | i s t night Kra B r i s h l N a t i o n a l hank. .|6H.«00; | o f t h ( , h o a | d a n d the council w h e n Atlantic: H i g h l a n d s National h a n k . | n P a n n n , i n L . , . d , h , addition W0U14 Jl 13,1)00; Kc-anatuirK National bank, j l n c r c a s . t a x e , by 50 per c e n t . fi!il,Oir>; Kcyport. Hinkini; comArgument Marts pany, $118,170.30: Pe.iplcj N a t i o n a l bank, Koyport, $l(i»,IM.40; KarmMr. Bcrger cautioned that HOtk> crs unil M e r c h a n t s National bank, inj; should be sent the council Matawan, $ll7,0nn, and thr Mata- which 'hasn't been reviewed by. wan hank, $IO8,7tni.i;.">. every member of 'he board." Mr, John K. Bailey. Jr., Mr.-;. John K. WrigM, Mr.-. Murniati H. MiKucldin, Mrs. Klizuhrth S. Noil, MM. C. A. Osborn, Mrs. llalph Shearer, Mrs. Harry Shau-, Mrs. K Howard Jeffrey, Mrs, Genrgr Hull. Mrs. Morgan ('. Knar,p, Mis. William Cokrlott, Mr*. Reginald W. I.yman and Mrs. Garrison. erving on the antique rommitThe amounts subscribed this will be Mr*. Parsons, Mrs. C'haiies V. Borden, Mr?. Ilirhard B. year t o p s last year's Thiist mas club t o t a l by a p p r o x i m a iely Tilton, Mrs. Harold Morforcl, Mr.i. Oliver R. Hatfteld snd Mrs. Fred- $300,000. crick B. Phillipp. Assisting with arrangements for tea will bo Mrs. Wright. Mrs. McFaddin. Mrs. Shrarrr, Mrs, Joseph C. Irwin. Mrs. Walter Woolley and Mrs. Charlea Reckless. I'etzai answered that he would like to find what is behind tha objections." adding that ha and members of the board's planning committee "invite any kind a | reason." Mr. Griffith answered: "I'm not so sure you do. At our last meet*. ing 1 was told 'we're not interesteA in another plan.' I have one which t can offer." Frederic Meanlna, chairman af (jordun C. Irwin uf Fair Haven was the co-redpirnt recently of V. the planning committee, countered S. patent 2,572,132, entitled "Trans- with "We're not interested in % scrihins and Summarizing System." plan for double sessions." Mr. Qrif> This Invention pertains to a meth- fifth then outlined his plan far ord and apparatus for transcrib- alternative sessions" rather t h a s ing and summarizing accounting double sessions." In this manner, he said, youngtr children will ( • rccord.i. In other word.', a. common op- to school in the morning hours aaai erntion p<i formed in accounting I older children will go In the after* system* is the summarizing, fr,jm noon hour... He argued h« oppose^ a detailed record, of the various In-1 the ten-room plan hecauM 1st) dividual items chargeable to differ-1 thought the board Is "biting Off ft ent account?, following which » | larger piece than we can digest new record is made rtowins all of thoroughly." When Mr. Pettal mid that thsj the accounts with the total amount chargeable- to each. Obviously this board must leave the auditorium work can he. performed mate rapid- clsssioom out of its calculations, ly nnd with less labor If the dc- Mr. Griffith said he is "not sura wsj tullcd record is lead by mechanical muat." At the beginning of thai means, rather than visually, if the current school year, the board eon* summarizing is done automatically, verted the auditorium into tw# and If the now record ia produced classrooms, one of which Is partia* by machine instead of by hand. It, ularly small, the other quite larga> therefore, is the object, of this in- The reference was ta the largt vention of Mr. Irwin and his as- room. sociates tn provide an apparatus j *u<gc*ta Gallup roll to effectively accomplish such me-j When Mr. Griffith disputed th« chanical operations. census figures offered by Mr. Pet* A clearer conception of their zal, Mrs. David H. Marx, newest equipment may perhaps be obtained member of the board, suggested by citing Its application to data, re- getting an estimate of the cost for lating to telephone call*. Thus, In some official survey group such M one accounting practice for tele- the Gallup poll. phone, service, use is made of long Mr. Petzal said It Is possible t* paper tapes, each of which pertains to the business of ••. particular have one or two classrooma empty thousand or hundred subscribers in 1953-34. but that by 1956, avan • and contains, in the form of suc- ten-room addition would be lnsut* cessive entries, the directory num- flcient. He said the only space tha bers in numerical order and the school has to figure on is the (out number of message units charge(Continued on Page 2) able thereto. These entries are made by impressing the tape with rows of small, round depressions and the relative positions of adjacent depressions leprrflcnt digits or characters in accordance with a code. Faijr Haven Man Is Co-Inventor Wiltshire Agency Sells Four Homes Reporting that real estate .sale; have rxceeded those of lant yenr the Ella Wiltshire agency of Red Bank and Sea Bright this work announced the .sale of four homes in this area. Ms) and Mrs. Btnwell .lack,on of Bordfn st., ShrrwHbuiy. have purchased from Cnjit. and Mrs. R. E. Vigncault their attractive cnlonlal home at ii Princeton rd.. Fair Haven. Built from plans a year ago by the Haven corporation the house waa sold to the Vigncaults by the Wiltshire agency. Capt. Vlgneault ia now stationed in Japan. His wife and family left this week to join him. Maj. Jackson and family have taken possession of their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thompson of 40 Occanport ave., West bong Branch, have sold their five-room bungalow to Mr. and Mra. Ernest A. Plngitorc of Fourth ave., Long Branch. Mr. Pingltorc, who ia employed in a civilian capacity at Kort Monmouth, In an officer In Red Bank's National Guard unit, the 641th Tank battalion. Mrs. Emily Cologne has purchased from the Lynn Development company a three-bedroom modern ranch type home at 219 Weet End ave., West End. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Newman, formerly of Broad St., Shrewsbury, have purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Wyckoff a brick and frame home at IS Allen st., Rumson. Mr. Newman formerly was a member of the Shrewsbury board of education. He is a special service engineer with the New York Telephone company with offices on West at., New York city. The Wiltshire agency also negotiated four recent rentals. Included was Irene K. Boiler's renting her river cottage at 660 Ocean ave., Sea Bright, to Mr. and Mrs. William H. McCormick. Gcnevicve McCrossin of Rumson has rented from Charles Hartman his hojnc at 1 Imbric pi., Sea Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Tliomaa Ward of Intcrlakrn have rented a unit in the Adelaide Court apartment house on Broad st., Red Bank. Capt. and Mrs. Sidney Rittcr have rented from James T. Donahue of New York city his summer home at 12 Ocean ave, Monmouth Beach. 20 Towns Approve Use of Fluorine Awarded $4,000 For In juries "* I l-itr n irnilv frtlh'r Thfllikv.'ivInK illn* Old C o m m n K L t h l i h Cn«l I n . - hnnir UIK f»mllv In i'n\rr Inn, Cull KG J . l i m i . W, .1.1. S««rt!.»l, J r . , Hiirhn».v 1«, H i g h l s n d i , 111 S - 1 J 8 1 , — DAR to Stage Antique Show And Silver Tea Will Mr». Paul ajo la ftomiHe, Fair Haven, can tar, treasurer af *«a Northern Monmouth County Council of Girl Scovti, praiantt Mrt. Howard Chamberlain, camp chairman, MieJdletown, a chock far $1,04$ ta pay aff tho martfifa an C a m * Nemece, SfflitMwf, Mrt. Robert lehler, lelfersj, tacretary, witnaiiat til* pratafltatian. Tha manay wai raitad in tha annual Scout drive conducted ta obtain aaaratina, (Vina**. H I COM SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO 16. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1951 Girl Scout Camp Mortgage Paid Off 10 Cents The usr of fluorine in the: water supplied hy the Monmouth Consolidated Water company has been approved by all of the governing bodies of the 20 municipalities it serves, The resolution adopted by Shrewsbury township was received Monday by Mayor Solomon Lautman, Deal, completing the list of 20 municipalities, which water company officials said last spring they would require before they would consider installation of fluorldation equipment in their system. In Long Branch, Jacob Herr, manager of the water romp-iny, said hr was unable to estimate when the fluondation wnuld be started a* further action «oiild be up to the company'.- divisional headquarter.-. The availul'ihty of the machinery would also be a determining factor, Mr. Hcrr said. Mayor Lautman, who apearheuded the drive for the use of fluorine, said it would he "a ^reat bcnetlcial step In improving the health of our children." Fluorine hut; been endorsed bv tin; dental unrl nmllciU socleth's of the county a.-, well as, t h f a t n t e n n i l i H ' m m l i|. n i a l . « « i f t i n / s ;•< a d r t c t i c n t o f t o o t h d e c a y ehiJlrtn, China, Class Shop Gets New Silver ' However, as is readily understood, there may be and usually are several entries for each directory number, which shows on the tape, and there may be some directory numbers that do not appear at all. Thu«. as the object of their Invention, Mr. Irwin and his coInventors have devised an apparatus for "reading" the tapes and for producing new ones upon which are recurded data including each directory number and the jum total of message units chargeable thereto. This patent has been assigned to Bell Telephone laboratories. Inc. fn-inventnr« with Mr Irwin are Lindley A. Kllle, Morristown; Walter B. Strickler, East Orange; Henry A. Giroud and John B. Retallack. New York city, and George Riggs, -Port Washington, N. Y. New First Aid Squad To Canvaes Belford BELFOHD — A housc-to-houae canvass will be held here Sunja.v liy the ncv'ly-organizcd Pent Monmi'utli tint aid squad to raise fund* to help pay for the squad's ambulance. Edward Darkc is chairman of the drive. The squad, formed two months ago, has its headquarters and ambulance, but will not he ready to answer calls until after Jan. 1. Ml. Hope Choral Group To Give Concert Here The choral group of Mt. Hope Baptist chinch. New York, will present J musical program Sunday iiffi noon. Nov. 23. »[ 3;3O o'clock in Calvary raptlst church on £>riO;c ,ivr PrucocJ-. of the concert, which Li bems given under the directiun of the Missionary circle, will jo toward payment of the mortgage on thn church pauunage. Mr.-i. Louisa D.ivls Is pri'dluVni of Ihc circle. John Ballanttne of the Chins; and Glass shop at (7 Broad St. announced this week that he h s 4 just completed arrangements t# carry a line of Hallmarked Ster* ling silver from England. Considered, for generations, M the finest silver made, each pieo* of this matchless silver is mads) by hand, and takes several d a y ! of moulding and tooling. Each piece bears the official Hallmark] of the British Assay office, gusr* antccing 925 or more parti of pur* silver in every 1,000. A strange law accompanies thai silver. This law reads that if any manufacturer attempts to falsify the content of this silver, he wilt lose his hesd. Passed more than 800 years ago, this law ii still Is) effect in England today, and Ma body has ever bothered to cbanga the penalty. "Needless to lay," says Mr. Bab lantine. "the people at Sheffield have made sure over the past M l years that the silver they product is the finest silver man can fash* ion. They all treasure their heads* "We feel very lucky being ehoM en aa the Sheffield outlet in thli area, for there is no doubt that it is the epitome of silver. W« , arc stocking a complete line, aw erythlng for gifts from brtad dials* es to salt and peppers, to ask trays. "It is one more step In our polley to make the China and Glass aba* the finest small department stort in all of New Jersey. A one-stof» shop where you can And everya thing you want from silver ta) fancy food, to linem." ———-— Cor i r, Lilly fettlv,. ThankairHUif dll* . r IT:in Ih" fimily to Cidar InSa l u h u . y ,<t, Hltfhlandi, HI 3-M51.-* Tip i ioiul .'> * 1". P-ann i, Phon« S I • • : « • " ~-A<t»irtlieintnt, 4 Salt Cuilam Cut Hints Vrr,'! ^n M'ttcK any color tsi'f. whlta nt- *s;5h»M ?!*u«. any m e up tn IS :nclit; «ill* by 4 | inches Ifltif. raili .-"lid lail'ifr tapiv Betty Rots. ru..'?m 'iiiji.iy rurloird h:a<]j an4 bot« tnni tat!*. figurf* out as low at I ) r<-nt* a iquarc foot. (Uiualt* ••11s f t s .i.'i I'rnti a iq. ft.) Fret meamrlng sir* vice. National S a 19. Prown'a.—Ala vertUeltifnt. TkankesivlM Alda '.' ' , - i m i l i i i t t u r k e y I O H M C I * . I P . e s f '!.!'>. rn, l l . i ! « ' » . ! - . ^k•*^|£ mm, I * 1». rro««i.-A«*tr(ls» \m RED BANK ITS MATTHEWS MOS. MWMAN SWINGS ROAD WIU1S f AlCfl ••« After a morning ef huatiag «*tI urdsy, Mr. ani Mrs. A. 1. Holland served dinner st their hunting lodgr. Giie#t* were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCi.csney, Mi. and Mrs. Harry McCuf, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Foi-man. Mr. ant1 Mrs. Harvey Holland, John B JrUnton and John Holland. Mr. are Mis. Thuiston WhiUon eriipriflined thru club Saturday evening at a dinner at. the White Gate inn. MaUusn. After dinner the group returned to the Whitson home for eard*. Mr. and Mi*. Horace Rub*n#teln recently entertained over night Mrs. Itubenstein's brother-in-law and sifter, r>r. and Mi*. Bernard Jvker «nd three children ol Wynnefleld, Pa Mr*. Betty MucLied of New York, a new resident o! Marlboro Manor, has purchased the management of the Courtesy Hou*e nursing home en Main .«t. Mr. and Mrt. H. V. Holmes and family were Sunday afternoon and Monday gue;t* of Rev. arid Mr*. E. B. Cent* and daughter ef Newark. Mr »nd Mrs. C. Floyd Wyckoff enterttined at dinner Friday evening Mr. and Mr>. Harvey Holland and Mr and Mr*. A. ,1. Holland. Mis* Betty l.on WhlUou rat • recent overnight guest of Miss Jean flue of Freehold. Mrt. Rose Dunn of Hightttown was a Sunday luest of Mr. and Mra. W. U LeMoine. Jr., and family. Mr*. Ruth Pi imost spent lul Pi 1 day in New York with friend... Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hellermnn of Freehuld and Mr. and Mr*. Harvey Holland spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Flintier of Trenton. MIM Marinri Holton of Fret hold was a Wednesday evening guent of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maneini. Mist Judith Weinherg viaitM her cousin, Mr*. Elsie Lout if of Brooklyn recently. Mr*. Oscar Tuvraon and daughter*, Pat and Linda, spent Friday morning ahopping in Newark. In the afternoon they visited Mr*. Ed< win Rowc of Irvington. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowman o( Long Branch were Sunday vbiitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F, Dobbtiu and family. Mr. and Mis, Fred E, Boycs ana daughter Elma were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Oruts of Englithtown. Mr. and Mrt. Luther Bluse,] were Saturday evening KUCSU of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. LeMoine, gr. Mr. and Mr*. John DeVito of Freehold were Sunday afternoon Vlfltor* of Mr. tnd Mn. Horace Ruhenttein. Mlasea Pat Tuveton and Betty Lou Whltion attended a party at the home of Mis* U e Walker of Freehold Friday evening. Mis* Judith Wclnberg visited Mils Linda Greenberg of Rolling Meade, Freehold, Tueiday night, Mlssea Catherine and Bernice Holme* of Freehold were Friday guetta af Mian Helen LeMoine. Luther Bistcli waa Arthur Weinberg'a guest Friday evening. Mrt. Oscar Tuveaon, Mr*. Jack Elienberg, Mr*. Letter Cook and James Applegtte accompanied the following Girl Scout* ef Marlboro troop I to the. Shore Roller Drome in Neptune Friday evening: Satan Jone*, laabella Hsulltt, Carol Holland, Helen LeMoine, Aileen Hall! gan, Nancy Loichle, Luray Cook. Gail tnd Joan Whiteon, Ethel Caine, Madeline Barker and Helen Van Cutan. School Addition lattte *•<}•• The junior group of the Mary (Continued from page on*) Mount chapter, Woman's Missionclassrooms In the old wing and ary society of the Red Bank Baptwo In the 1880 addition. He ex- tist, church, met Monday at the cluded the lars« pre-primary classroom and the two temporary auditorium classrooms. Mrs. Arthur ROM askfd Howard Matteson, principal, for suggestion*. Mr. Mattefnn said he "*«• ions Shrewsbury ,i? a. conimunity that should r.e ahla t.» afford 1he Vipf>t in ctiuration for 11* children." He ««id he believe* that future year* will find larger clatstt in the lower grades, adding that Mr. Griffith'* "alternative sessions" are impossible, hersusr. It would present the difficulty of desk sizes The lower grades, he Raid, eould nut use desks for the higher grade* and it would be a physical impossibility to switch them around each half session. He asserted that overcrowded conditions impair the habits, training and background of pupils. Mr. Myerr entered the by questioning the principal on hit opinion of double sessions. "Educationally." Mr. replied. "double. sessions, are'better than now exists." Mr. Myers then said if the planning committee had been "honest. In Its thinking." it wouldn't try to sell the public a ten-room addition as a "program to eliminate double sesBions." Continuing, Mr. Myers said that by using the commit tee'» own figure* of a minimum of TOO pupils by IBM, It would mean double sesniona anyway. There, now is an enrollment of 301. "Take out «0 for the kindergarten," he said, "and you'll have 1* rooms for *<•> pupils. That will (rive, you 40 pupil* PERSONALIZE per room, which Is two or four more than we have right now and Yoor UIM-IU With you'll hnve to go Into double pensions." He smd a Fix-room addiSHERMAN'S tion would mean 5<MK» pupils per room, which nl'n would mean douUonogramming Benkt ble senKlons hut which would not put an added $100,000 debt burden "Dittinciive* on the borough. "Don't try to Mil it to the public that you're going to eliminate double' session*," he asserted, "when all you'll he doing It spending 1100,000 for the convenience of the housewives for only • two-year period." Mr. PeUal admitted that a tenroom addition might mean double islont, bu:. said: 'We haven't the heart to ask for more. We are the minimum only nskinc needed " Describing double icaslons as harmful ta children, Mr. Petial asked "What will children do walking nroiind the borough half a. dny?" Mr. Myers answered that such a condition Is no concern of the board. "If It is not," said Mr. Pedal, "then you or I should get off the board." ChMrn Petaal for RtwMrk* The clash became pertontl whtn Mr. Pttzal inquired of Mr. Myert as to the number of employees he hlrtd. "I won't listen to thit any further," Mr. Myers shouted, adding he would not stand by and "let you try to shove it down our throats." is satisfied Mr. Petzal said ten rooms. to take a chance He also declared that undue alarm Is being made of taxes, saying the difference between a six-room addition and a ten-room addition it "but $10 a year to a »2flO a year taxpayer." Mr. Petssl quoted James A. Curley, developer of Curley Home*, a* taying; "When wt told our homes, we checked to stt whether tht people would be able to pay, Including larger duties tueh Kcamburg • i added taxe* for schools." Claiming the 16-room plan it not Tht Firtt AM squad mat Mon day, Nov. (. The squad will hold "an arbitary one," Mr. Petial taid Joseph Clayton, county superina nint-WMk ttandard count for both men and women which began tendent of schools, suggested It so ytfttrday. A charity benefit btll that tht school would at leaat have ht* been planned lor Ftb. 33 at two rooms for each of its eight St. Ann'* auditorium toward the grades. Pointing to Mr. Myers, Mr. Btw ambulanee which haa been Petial charged: "You're forcing purchased. Tht ambulance will bt the standards of living down!" delivered in Ftbruary. William Mr. Griffith rejoined the arguKryscnski, Louie Becker and Jos- ment at this point to chide Mr. tph Ttrana made another trip to Petzal for his remarks a* Mr. Roanoke, Va., recently. Myera urged Mr. Berger to conThan Jut the meeting, saying he refusThe West Ktansburg Fire com' tinue to further discuss the matter peny mat Wednesday, Nov. 7. Tht ed • BottU of with Mr. Petial. Mr. Griffith told firemen decided to submit a pro- Mr. Petial: "You possibly can Milk posal ta the township commute* think what you but you (or a referendum to establish fire ought not aay thatwant, to a member zones and for financial support for of this board." the lire department. Joseph Phil lips wa* appointed chairman of rnaldent Hall* Argument MILK CO. tht loeal children's Christmas par Mr. Berger attempted to pacify ty to be held at tht fire house. matters by saying that tht value The Ore truck is in need of redouble sessions is debatable. pairs and work on it haa been of he "is not sold" on the tenauthorised. A barn dance has been 8aying addition, Mr. Berger listed planned for Dec, 1 at the lire room several reason* why he "doubtt house. there 1* real hope for the auccets of the program." Among them, he listed: the board is not unanimous; the board hat gone too far, too fait, without having gotten on common ground; continuous frictions; financial limitation; insufficient study and lack YOU CAN of proof that a 700-pupil school should be located at the present site where tiiffiu is heavy. Mrs. Marx said the people will have to decide it, thu* there is no YOUR BASEMENT harm in trying to get the referendum passed. "The public will bt arguing the aame at wt," she laid, adding that "everyone is agreed that something must bt done." Mr. Berger agreed with her. Ht said, however, that It Is "regrettable that we have gone at far as we have. I doubt If the referendum would have a M)-50 chance of [getting by the public. If you lose, iyou've lost valuable time." Calling upon "many yenrs' experience ail a member of the board of education," he said the board should not go more than four or five years •head "whtn putting money on the line," Tht president defended previous board* for not having supplied ! more room by saying that Shrewsbury finds Itself overcrowded because of the Korean war. He aaid VMM RANftl OP COLORS TO CHOOU MOM: hi* business experience showed that building was in a decline just ttlllTK • IVORY (» CHEAM prior to the war. BUT • VELLOW <• GKKV With an amount of calm restorPCACH • ROSE <• PASTEL ed, the meeting ended at 11:30 SKA • HORIZON GREEN p. m,, 3'i hours after Its start. EarOIIKKN BLIF, 1» TAN lier, Frederic Feasler, architect, BHOMN • BAJIK 1• DARK presented drawings of two tenBRICK GREEN BLtE room proposal*. At the same time, » BLACK Ren he revise*! his estimate of com, eliminating some Items and adding others. The amount offered, though, remained nt S26ft,000. The board Is to ment again Monday, nt which time Mr. rirlfltth Is scheduler) tn get nn with his snlary 70 SO. MOADWAY LONO) MANCH schedule ami the hoard to mull uver Hi 105--5.1 budget, sinviei Puritan We Certify !• Pro*ram Theme A SQUARE YARD! 50« MINERAL Oil M * 1 ounces 2 9 * 18* HYDROGEN PEROXIDE *.(III. 4 MS. 9* TABU*. OUIaW. MUC-A-MM. M H CAGE, T*r MM ftMMtt *4 Bad Baa* AaasMarr at BUrnie* Mer. M. f :B) g>. M. la • t. M. — We*. M, M A. M. I* • t. IMMIT VHCOf*U MMIH NOVfl wear n»ar LIGGETT It SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIAL! BAYER ASPIRIN .10tablets 5 9 * LYSOL DISINFECTANT € ounces 5 5 * sos 5 9 c ANACIN TABLETS FEENAMINT ».21« . 36.43c HILL'S COLD TABLETS ...«v.39 s KLEENEX TISSUES •»of30o28« 72CANULIS VICK'S VAPO-RUB Multiyitamiflcafwlts «hH I n , N»> af concMtratt, iron M I 'aiic Acid. Casts you mtf saiMuas par dayl cmcoun •af.Mc OQARITTIS 2 1 * fACH CA«TON 31c i R E E Z O N E remedy for corns TH Hi nMvMlttB M DRUGS SQUIBB B COMPLEX. i«c ipsuitt 3 . 3 9 **0a(tao»l»aa 18 i n c h ZIPPER mNm,33« Weil IO|I Roto I flnttit lojrtaj ttuJwilriMl M.IMI [ 0)4«aat*4aA aa^taaaA^ati^aK^al Shlnlnf chrome doors, Week enemeW «wo|• unarpraei seomlhMdlesiTei mm**** •aglaltV #Ma*4 alalaitafk ka^igW I ftl flg^Rffllig^l Miniatures urn Wajag^stvw w SAU! V^^si; 99* Bl » • _ • * • . . . » , ! ^am SajAAattOlailAgaaVl ft#ft#la% Long, strong nylon bristles firmly set in plastic; eisy-grip handles.... IACN WHY MEN'S CLUI BRUSH, nylon bristles • *)•••••••< Yearrep<ace^ptarairtee!Hot<oM w r ^ ; h e « H B i y cord. Use as band or table model. W. a p d Brown letther-gra^ MNfoMt for mm. Beautiful colored plastic « * loKtorwoii>OB.WoBicracltorMolt cmsnus RoeJium Dial WRIST WATCH Unbraakabla crystal; iaathar strap; chroma cast, luminous dial A hinds. Out year unconditional fuiranttt. *»Ti»IM MoMA BfolAol 3* i M N l ^ CAWS It CHIer Sporti l*>#al STO> WATCH (rose fold color cise) M r 1 Ftc Yt«r l ^ w . tajr Oej*. t t w Ctf! MAX FACTOR TORSI MSNNSIR [Mirnmmnn ovii v> om Mx-Rejy CHIRRIIS RIG. 69< Wltti"W«rMoft««v*y" HAND LOTION SCOOP! For instant hand can anywhara! Smart gold-colortd diaoawar contains a waak'» supply. «affllabla. Jumbo Mock Chocolejto SHELF PAPER PUIN «r ALMOND BY USING CHANDLER &MAPS O«4." Mrs. Gleam truer * • • la charge. Th*> group's next greeting, Dee. M, will ht a ChrletaaM s»rty at the hone ef Mra. W. Cliatea Power* at) Maple av*. A gift offering program win be ia charge of Mr*. Theeaa* WilMa. 15« WASHCLOTH 19> «.14> 19< PAPER NAPKINS 25'NAIL FILES or TWEEZERS .. 19« 69* SCUFF SLIPPERS 85c NOXZEMA CREAM » * * .m.... 59* WATER PROOF FOR home ef Mrs. Eugtae Magee, It. on River rd. Aa*i*tiag Mrt*ur* were Mrs. William Kacen. Mra. Kenneth Brower and Mrs. Fraaeis Swart*. The program and devotional theme was based oa the subject. "Thert is Freedom t*> Worchif) Senftflry •rafacfian FACIAL TISSUES 400'$ 3*|15< WASHCLOTHS SMS«" QDi PLASTIC STRAWS firMnks! Oft C 9 THERMOMETER 3 AbKrbancias for varying ntadst Jr., fta... Supar. • O X OP 1 0 (Buy the ECONOMY BOX ef 4 0 . . . 1.33) * * * a e ^•^^^>W^^e«^»w^BB^^a^B^11ia^B^^BBB">^B^B^«B|BB^t«^BB^B|B^BPB|B^BB^BBW A1KA- }MINTHOUTUMf SELTZER Brings quick relief to stuffy nostrils! Tabltti lOUNbeerJar 25's (oni-ior)... 10c lai Crayons 3c *A*K wmmm, 81 Church! Services rmamntmux Harding rd Miss Aaaa M. Fuelling aad Mrs. CarroU Arford are coRc« Bank aeadeaj at this circle. "How t» Chans.* Pe»»U Was As- Circle "B" ec the W.SC.I. Tuestray Ton" will be the thesae •( JUv. day, * • » . *», at i:*»,[«MMrt awetCUrl<« f. Weltter at botft tfc* lag at the hoate W Mrs. U o a a r d •:•» aa« II •clock awraiBf ser- 1. Reade. I t Orchard rd, River vice* Mit Sunday. At tke earlier Plase. Mrs. Grace king aad Mrs. Otrvica fhllip Roy, t»or, will Orace BU4die are ee-leaders of this reader tke jolo, "Thanks Be t* group. nee." The ushers, heaaea ky Mah- Circle "D" of tke W.S.C.S. will loa W. Parson, Jr., will include have » I o'clock dessert meeting Charle* R. English, Allea 1. Burke, with M M . William Orace «f 1 » MeWalter A. Woodhead, Georie chanic st. Tuesday, Nov. 29. Mrs. Worthier, Jr., and William C. Rut- Herbert Schild aad Mis. C. V. BeaSKII, Jr. The welcoasina- coauBittee aett are co-leaders of Circle "D." will a* Beaded by Robert C. Tura- Uaiea Thanksgiving ajrvice Wedbull, with Lovis O. Ford aasistiac. nesday, Nov. n, at i p. m. ia the At the 11 o'clock worship a rechurch, with Thanksgiveeptkm of leveral aew aeatbers Methodist ing message being preached by will be keld. The church quartet Rev. Ruayea Wolff, will aing the offertory aathern, Reformed church. minister of the "Frill* the Lord, O Jerusslum," •ad Mrs. J. William Heim will ting -The Lord It My Wiepherd." William H. Crawford will areaide «t the organ console. Head usher will he H. Leslie Webb, assisted »y Arthur Bechtolitt, Frederick I. Donnelly, Jr.. Lewis Errickton, Clinton Thompson and Ellis Webb. The welcoming committee will be Beaded by Arthur T. Holey, with Ralph A. Norton assisting. At S:SO a. m. all department! of the chun I. school will meet in the Westminster houcc, the new educational building atop Tower hill. Hew students are alwayi welcome. Sunday at t:ii p. m. the weekly Meeting of the Westminster senior high school fellowship will meet in Westminster house. Tomorrow at 12:13 p. m. Mr. Webster will address the Long Branch Rotary club at the Oarfleld-Qrint hotel upon the invitation of George Vogel of Long Branch. Tuesday evening at I o'clock an Important joint meeting of the aessioa and the board of trustees will be held in Westminster house. At 1:15 p. m. Tuesday the weekly rehearsal of the Monmouth Civic chorus will be held in the church under the direction of William Gordon Pagdin, Wednesday at • p. m. the union Thanksgiving eve service will be held in the Ifcthodist church, with Rev. Runyon Wolff of the Re formed church as preacher. la ai much at Thursday Is Thanksgiving, the regular weekly meetings of the Brownies, Marl* era and Bey Scouts will b« can' celed, Thursday, Nov. J». the second annual Tuletide baiar will be sponsored by the Women's association from noon until » p. m. in Westminster house. A snack bar will be open for afternoon tea from noon t« 4 p. m. Supper will be served at three slttingi-6:M, « : |0 and T:K> p. m. Tickets may be procured from Mrs. Raymond Bwlft or from any of the circle chairmen. Donations for booths would be appreciated from now on by ths following chairmen: Mrs. Joseph C. Davison, flowers and plants; Mrs. Albert Wordcn, Jr., trash and treasury; Mrs. Harry R, Vogel, anack bar; Mrs. Louis O. ford, gingerbread house; Mrs. Edwin S. Clew, Aprons; Mrs. Harry H. Clayton, rood; Mrs. Charlra C. Msflll, hook and gift shop; Mrs. Qeorge Worthley, Jr, postofflee and story telling room far children; Mrs. Kenneth C. Burger, children's table, and Mrs. James T. Stomber, ceramic and jewelry. METHODIST Red Bank "Thank Cod and Taka Courage" is the subject for the morning, sermon Thanksgiving Sunday, Nov. II, at U o'clock by the minister, Rev. Roger J. Squire. There will be r« ception of new members and the - sacrament of baptism at this morning worship, Music for the service, directed by John Ferris, will include prelude, "Benedictus," Mas Reger; anthem by the junior choir; offertory, organ, "Now Woodt and Fields Are Bleeping," Bdmundaon; chancel choir anthem, "List to the Lark," Dickinson, with Mildred Palmer Stout soloist. Postlude, "Fugue In A Minor," Bach. The t p. m. service will be a ser vice of music In the sanctuary. It will include Tower Chimes, organ prelude "Sonata 8," "Our Father Who Art in Heaven," Mendelssohn; choral, processional of the choir; call to worship by the minister; unison prayer; scripture lesson; pastoral prayer and choral response; offertory hymn, oratorio, "Praise Jehovah," Mendelssohn, to be presented by the 40-volce chancel eholr; recessional of the choir. The aoloist for the service will he Mildred Palmer Stout, soprano, assisted by Mildred J. Morris alto, Richard Warner tenor, and Herbert Burtis baritone. Chance) flowers for the sanctuary nest Sunday will be presented by tho young adult fellowship as a memorial to Miss Lea Coddlngton. Memorial altar flowers will be the gift of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tucker In loving remembrance of mother, Mrs. Martha Whltehead; son, Henry, and daughter, Ruth Lillian. Thty will also be the gift of Miss Beatrice Munsell in memory of her parents. There will be no rehearsal of the chancel choir Nov. 23, The carol choir, conaistlng of children from the first, second and third grades, will begin rehearsals Saturday morning, Nov. U, at 10 a. m., to prepare music for the Christmas season. Mrs. Albert L. Addis of 102 Buena Vista ave., Fair Haven, will entertain Circle 0 of the Woman's society this afternoon at 2:10, Sunday at <:45 p. m. tht youth fellowship will meet in the fireplace room. They will be addressed by Rev. Lisle Bartholomew, chaplain at Fort Monmouth. His subject will be "Christian Democracy." Miss Rosemarie Bdenhofer will lead the devotions. The Red Cross mobile unit blood donor service will hove use of our fellowship hall facilities Monday, Nov, 19, from noon to 8 p, m, The Methodist Men's fellowship met yesterday In Fellowship hall at 8 p, m., and wero addressed by Prof. Oeorge Barrels of Princeton theological seminary, His subject was "Iarap|;' Jordan and the Holy Place*;* Circle "A" of Ilia Woman's Society nf^CbjinHHn flnrvlco meeting TunjdayrWhv, 20, at 2 p, m. at the home of Mrs. John Balnton, 191 IU4 Bask Rev. W. Clinton Powtra has chasen "The Oood Neighbor Policy," for his sersaaa t<n>|c far Sunday which has been Jesignatee! as Good Neighbor Sunday. Th* c h a n c e l choir will sins; "List ts the Lark," by Dickinson and "Sins, to the Lord n Joyful Sons.," by Dont Memorial bouqiMti will be given tor Dr. Edward H. Calyton by his wife and his family. Church deacons who will usher will be Charles Stephens, John Crawford, Q. Truman Reeves and Albert VanNostrand. Baptist Youth Fellowship meets Sunday at 7: SO p. n). in charge af Miss Daisy Loud, president. Church school convenes at MS a. m. Memorial bouqueti Sunday were given in memory of the birthday of Mrs. Maude Sickles by her family. There will he a teachers' planning conference at the church Monday at I p. m , featuring a Him, "As the Twig Is Bent." Cub Scout sack 13 will hold den meetings at the church Tuesday at 3:30 ». m. Chancel choir rehearsal will he held Wednesday. Nov. 21, at S p. m. The annual Union Thanksgiving service will be held at Red Bank Methodist church Wednesday at I p. m. Rev, Runyon L. Wolff, pastor of Reel Bank Reformed church, will deliver the sermon. Choir Sunday will be observed Nov, » . The choir, directed by Mrs. Fraaels Bwarti, will present a special program of sacred music. Rev. Mr. Powers reports n large attendants at the ipeelal elass held Thursdays on the subject, "Guidance in Understanding the Bible." The class will mtet tonight. The next session will be Nov. IS. No classes will be held Thanksgiving, Nov, n. •ludenti of Mrs. Charles Moore's class tro raising funds for the Mather school reconstruction program. They also plan to dress dolls for holiday giving and to make a quilt for White Cross. At • class meeting last week, the following officers elected were Lou< ise Johnson, president; S y l v i a Schanck, vice president; Janet Williams, recording secretary; Martha Jane Barr, correapo iding secretary, •nd Georgia Mae Siler, treasurer. ra«ufvTEB.AN Eatontown Tho morning worship is held at II o'clock with the message being brought by Rev. David Ling. A nursery Is conducted la the chapel during tbe service. Evening worship is at 7:30. Sunday-school meets at M S with classes for all ages. The Senior Young People meet at 1:30 and Wednesdays at 7:30. The Junior Worship club hold* its meeting Thursdays after school. This group is planning; to prepare a basket for a needy family for Thanksgiving. Adult Bible study is held Tuesdays at I p. m. in the various homos. A service will be held Thanksgiving day at »:30 a. m. At a recent meeting of the Session, it was decided to change the Sunday evening service to a Vesper acrvice to he held Sundays at 4:30 p. m. Parents aro urged to bring their children to this acrvice. The Every Member Canvass wai held Sunday, afternoon with U teams participating. The gor.l of the e a n v u a is to have all pledge carda delivered durlnf the week so that the pledges for 1981 may be returned this Sunday, Dedication Sunday. In that w i y It will enable the officers of the ihurch to better plan the work of the church and Sunday school for the coming year. ST. ANDREWS EPISCOrAt, Highlands The service of morning prayer will be held Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. Christopher H. Snyder, vicar, will apeik on "Counting Our Blessings." llusic by Mrs. Ruth Lucas, organist, offertory anthem "I Sing a Song" by Hopkins. Church school at 1) o'clock. The service of Holy Communion will bo celebratei Thanksgiving day at • o'clock br the vicar, assisted by Atfred Anderson and William Rauacher as servers. 8pecial Thanksgiving music by the choir under the direction of Mrs. Lucas. Saturday morning, Nov. 24, the Acolytes' guild will attend an acolytes' service at St. James church, Long Branch, at 10 o'clock and will be guests of that parish for luncheon. Thoie who will attend aro Robert .Lucas, Charles Behrani, Walter Behrens, Charles Wecker, Alfred Anderson and William Rauseher. TIMXITr cum or YMC HOLY Ctnatl'MOK Fair Havea The service of morning prayer will'be held Suaday morning at II o'clock. Rev. Christopher H. Sayderi vicar, trill preach em "The Ble«siB(s of • Fresh Heart." Music by Mrs. Amaada Tali, organist, prelude, "Fifth Nocturne," Ltybach; postlude, "Sweet Hour of Prayer," Bradbury; offertory anthem, "O Bleat Creator," Clark. Church school at »:«5. Thanksgiving dsy there will be a union service of Thanksgiving with the members of the Methodist church •f Fair Haven at 11 o'clock. Rev. William B. Magsam will deliver the message. The choir of Holy Communion has arranged special snusic for the occasion. The vicar will accompany the acolytes to a special service for acolytei to be held Saturday morning, Nov. 24, at III o'clock at St. James Episcopal church, Long Branch, and win be the guests of the parish for luncheon. Those who will attend are Robert Aumack, Douglas Frederick, Joseph Hunter, Stephen Rutledge and John Sangslom. Red Bank The services fer Sunday will to: Holy Cosnsauawa at S o'clock, church school at I.SO, sjsoraiag prayer with terstea at 11 o'clock The choir, uado/ the direction of Charles Ootschalk. will present "Ood so Loved the World," by Staiaer. A nursery school it provided for the children of those who attend the 11 o'clock service. Rt. Rev. Alfred L Bsnyard, D. D, Suffragan Bishop of New Jersey, will be at Trinity church for all services Sunday, Nov. 2S. A special meetiag ef the Mr. and Mrs. Club will he held ia the choir room Monday, Nov. 19, at > p. m The Woman's guild will meet in the parish house Tuesday, Nov. 20. at 2:30. Ray Brown, profejsor of lUiie at the General Theological seminary, will be the speaker. The sewing group meets every Wednesday in the parish house Services for Thanksgiving day HfM.V TRINITY will be: Celebration of Holy ComKVANCKUCAL LUTHERAN munion at ( o'clock, and morning Red Bank prayer with sermon at 10:30. The choir will present "O King ef The services for Sunday, Nov. IS, Kings" by Thompson. include catechical instruction for Red Bank Sunday-school classes will meet at 1:30 a. m. under the supervision of Harry W. Ingalls. The worship service will begin at 10:4ft a. m. Rev. Runyon L. Wolff will preach the sermon. Thankful People." the choir will (ing under the direction of Mrs. Albert Sniffen, organist. Tonight Sunday-school teachers will meet at the church at 7:30 o'clock to discuu new curriculum materials. Monday at S p. m. the Young Women's Social dub will meet at the home of Mrs. L. V, Baden on Catherine st. Mrs. George Olassey will be hostess. Mrs. Alfred Ralph will preside. Wednesday evening, the Mrn'i club will meet at the church. Don aid Gannon will preside. Members of the congregation will attend the Union Thanksgiving service Wednesday at t p. m. at the Red Bank Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Wolff will preach (he sermon. FIRST CHURCH O r CHRIST SCIENTIST Red Bank Services In First Church ef Christ, Scientist, S09 Brosd St., are held Sundays at 11 a. m. and 5:00 p. m ; Wednesdays at 1:19 P- m Sunday school meets at It a. m. The fact that man is immortal as the reflection of God, who Is inBnlte Lilfe, will be brought out at Christian Science service* next Sunday. The subject of the Lesson Sermon is "Mortals and Immortals." The Golden Text is from Romans: "If ye live after the flesh, ye shal die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live." (»:«>. Selections from the Holy Bible (King James version) will Include this from Proverbs: "In the way of righteousness is life; and In the pathway thereof there Is no death.'' beginners at I) a. m. Children's choir inaction at 9 3 0 a. m. Regular session of tho Sunday-school at 9:45, with adult Bible instruction. Tho ii'gular worship service will be at 11 a. ni, at which time the senior choir will sing and the pastor, Rev. Harold Mornbcrger, will pleach on the subject, "How, Then, Should 1 support My Church'.'" Their will bo a planning sonion for the w r y member visitation this rvenind at the church at 1:15. CIHFB in beginners' English will be taught at the church every Thursday evening between 7:30 and 9. Tomorrow night the Luther league will go roller skating at the Singing Wheels. To leave the church at 7 o'clock. Thanksgiving day service will be held at the church at 10 a. m. The pastor will preach on the theme, "Thankful diving." Oathcred around the itltar will be gifts of foodstuffs Riven by the members of the Sun day-«chool and tho congregation, which will be sent to the Old Aged and Children's Shelter, Lutheran Welfare, Jersey City. A. M. K. « O N SHREWSBURY AVE. Red Bank At the 11 a, m. service Chaplain J. Stewart of Ihe I!. 8. Army will1 be the guest preacher. Music will be furnished by the senior choir under the direction of Mrs. Alethia Williams. Rev. Richard A. Councill, pastor, will conduct a special service at 7:30 p, m. which will be in keeping with the observance of the annual roll call. Following this service, members and friends will adjourn to the church school room where refreshments will he served. Sunday-school meets at 9:30 a. m. with classes for all age groups. Mid-week prayer services are held each Wednesday at t f. m. Tomorrow evening, Nov. M, at 8:00 p, m. the St. Thomas A. M. K Zlon church of Pine Brook will sponsor a muelcal program in the church auditorium for the benefit of Its building fund. Rev. N. H. Passages read from the Christian Moss is pastor of the Pine Brook Science textbook "Science and church. Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy will include the following: "Immortals man Is not and never was material, but always splrltusl and e t e r n a l . " (p. 338). "Prom beginning to end, whatever is mortal is composed of material human beliefs and of nothing else. That only is real which reflects Ood* (p. 471). PRESBYTERIAN Shrewsbury Sunday-school is at M S a. m. with classes for all ages, Including an adult Bibla class. Sunday morning worship is at 11 o'clock. Rev. Arthur 8. Joico's sermon topic will be "The Meaning of Thankfulness." Organ selections by Miss Ella King will be "Now Thank We all Our God" by Yates, "Prayer of Thanksgiving" by Demoreat and "March" by Scarmolin. The junior choir will sing "We Plow the Fields and Scatter" by Schult. The senior choir will sing an offertory anthem and d o choral responses. Ronald Clark will alng "He Shall Feed His Flock" by Handel. The Westminster fellowship for teen-agers of the church and com munity will meet Sunday at 4:30 p. m. in the social room. Senior choir rehearsals are Thursday* at 7:15 p, m. Members are urged t o attend and to bring friends since more voices ate needed. Mr. Clark directs the choir. Junior choir rehearsals are Bat urdayji at 10:30 a. m. under tho direction of Mrs. William A. Shoemaker. The Adult fellowship will meet Wednesday, Dec. 12, for its Christ • u party. Members and frlendi are Invited to attend, bringing any type of canned goods for use in making baskets for needy people in the community. The films "New England" and "Wings to Alaska" will be shown. The Women's association will hold its Christmas sale in the near future. Requests for contributions to the tables and help in other ways are being made. BAPTIST Middletown Rev. John E. Bates will preach PRESBYTERIAN on tho topic "Tho Thanksgiving of Atalntlc Highland* the Pharisee and the Publican" at Church school Will meet at 10 the 11 a. m. Sunday worship hour. a. m. Rev. Klmer T. Bchick, pastor, 8unday<*chool meets in the chapel will deliver a sermbn, "Thomas the at 9:4S a. m. under the leadership Doubter," sixth In a series, "Men of Woodrow Francis. Contributions Whom Jssus Made," at the morn- of food for tho New Jersey Baptist Ing aervlce at 11 o'clock, home will be collected both in tho A Aim strip, "Paul's Third Mis- Sunday-school and church. sionary Journey," will be shown at Tho combined churches of Midthe evening service at S o'clock. dletown will hold the annual cornThe Women'* Missionary society-) munlty Thanksgiving service at tho will meet Tuesday at 2 p. m. at tho Reformed church Wednesday at 8 church. Topic of the meeting will p. m. Rev, Andrew M. VanDyke of be "Thailand and Rural United the Episcopal church will bo speak' States," er, assisted by Rev. Mr. Bates and A union Thanksgiving service James Stout. As In previous y e a n , will be held Wedmsday at 8 p, m. the Thanksgiving offering will be at the Methodist church, where distributed to charitable organizaTXev, noy E. Williams, Jr., pastor, tion). will dtliver a sermon, The tenth organ recital and con The communicants' elass will cert of the church will be held Dec. meet Saturday at 10 a, m. I at •;!» p. at BAPTIST New Monmouth Bible school meets at 9:45 a. m with classes for all ages. Rev. William B. Bisgrove will use as his morning topic, "Put on the New Man." The organ prelude will be "Adagio" from Sonata, Opus 42 by Mnrkel. The adult choir will sing "Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem" by Maunder, and the pastor'i choir will also aing at the morning service. The postlude will be "Melody In C" by Silas. The Order of the Eastern Star will be guest* at the evening service at 7:45. The pastor will speak on "Bless the Lord." The choir will sing "Prayer of Thanksgiving.'' Mrs. Arthur Hafncr will play a violin solo. The 48th annual roll call will be held at 3:30 and 7:30 p. m. today. Dr. Samuel Ortcgon of the Eastern Baptist Theologian seminary will be the guest speaker at both services. The union Thanksgiving service will be held at the Leonardo Baptist church at. 10 a. nv, Nov. 32. Rev. Mr. Bisgrove will be the speaker. CENTRAL BAPTIST Atlantic Highlands Sunday-school, with classes for all ages Including the pastor's adult Bible class, will meet at 9:45 a. m. Rev. Harry W. Kraft, pastor, will deliver a sermon' at the morning service at 11 o'clock. Tht adult and junior choirs will be heard. The youth fellowship group will meet at 7 p. m. The pastor again will deliver a sermon at the evening gospel service at 8 o'clock. Donald MacPeek will lead the singing. The board of trustees will meet Monday at 8 p. m. at the church. The Philathea class will meet Tuesday at 8 p. m. and eholr re hearsal held Wednesday at 7 p. m. The congregation will take part in the Thanksgiving evo union ser< vice at the Methodist church Wed' nesday at 8 p. m. PBCMTTEBIAK I Rumson "The Biggest Fact in Life" will be the topic of the keynote sermon by the newly-installed pastor of the church, Rev. A. Kenneth Mag•er. Jr. at the Sunday morning irvice at 11 o'clock. John H. Watson, minister of mualc, will play the prelude selections. Fantaisie" by Dubois. end "Now Thank We All Our God" by KargElert. Congregational singing will include the great Thanlu?iving hymns. The choir will render the anthems. "Praioe the f<ord. O Jerusalem" and "Sing To the Lord ef the Harvest." The organ postlude will be "Festival Postludn" by Seifeit. The church school meet* at 10 o'clock in Bingham hall, under the direction1 of Mis. Arthur Pauels. During the morning worship Inur a church nursery ie conducted in Bingham hall for the young children of the congregation, supervised by the Young Adult club. Sunday afternoon at 3:15 members and friends of the church are invited to attend the reception to be held for the new pastor and hw family. The Session and the hoaid of trustees are sponsoring the reception. Arrangements are being completed by the Ladies' aid and the Supper club. The committee on arrangements is headed by Mrs. Arthur Pauels. sMPTIKT Atlantic Highlands The congregation meets at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Christ;', 33 East Lincoln ave, where Rev. Howard M. Ervln, pastor, will deliver a sermon from thr Rook of Fsalnis at the morning service nt II o'clock. Church school meets at S:4"> i. m. wltli beginners, primary girU and noys, and junior girla and boys meeting «t the Christy residence. Intermediate girls and boys, senior girls and adult classes meet at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bell, 93 Third ave. The pastor's sermon at the evening service at 8 o'clock will come from the Gospel according to Luke. Mid-week prayer service will be held Wednesday at * p. ni. Junior Bible hour will not be held Thursday. The monthly service at Briar Hill welfare home, Freehold, will be held Sunday at 2:30 p. m. EMBURY METHODIST Little Silver The official board will meet at the home of Mr. and Mis H. H. Doan, 304 Branch ave. tonight. Rev, James W. Marshall will preside. The Young Adult fellowship will meet at 8:30 p. m. tomorrow in the church hall. After a short business meeting. Dr. F. John Long, Fulbright Scholarship student at Princeton univrsity, will speak on the theme: "Methodism and the homeland of John Wesley in the Twentieth Century." Church Fchool Sunday is at 9:45 a. m. with classes for nil agca. Morning worship nt 11 o'clock with Rev. James W. Marshall preaching on the theme: "An Act of Thanksgiving that Counts." The senior choir will sing Wagner's "Praise The Lord." Mrs. George Ivins, organist, will play Kern's "Intcrmtuo" and Beethoven's "Grasd Choeur." Union Thanksgiving service will be held Wednesday at 8 p. m. in the Methodist church, Red Bank. SALVATION ARMY Red Bank Major Henry A. Dries will speak on the subject "Thanksgiving, a Milestone of Remembrance," at the 11 a. m. service Bunday. Sunday-school classes to which all children not sttendlng any other Sunday-school are invited will meet at 9:45 a. m. The Young Peoples meeting will be held at «:3O p. m. with Corps Cadet James Chadwlck In charge. A street corner service will be held at 7:30 at the corner of Broad and Monmouth sts. The Women's Home league special thanksgiving and enrollment service will be held next Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. A street corner service will be held Friday night, Nov. 23, at Broad and White sts. A Holiness meeting, a service of prayer and meditation, In charge of Major Dries, will be held Friday night, Nov. 23, at 8 p. m. ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL Keantburg Holy Communion will be offered at 8 o'clock by Rev. Russell A. Smith, STB., vicar. Church school will meet at 9:80 a. m. Rt. Rev. Alfred L. Banyard, Bishop Suffragan of New Jersey, will confirm the 1951 class and deliver a sermon at 11 a. m. The vicar will offer the Holy Eucharist at the scivlou. Holy Communion will be offered at 9:20 Thankagiving morning by the vicar. ST. CLEMENTS EPISCOPAL Belford Rt. Rev. Alfred L. Banyard, Bishop Suffragan of New Jersey, will confirm the 1951 class and offer the Holy Eucharist at the morning service at 9:30 o'clock. Church school will meet at 11 a. m. Holy Communion will he offered by Rev. Russell A. Smith, S.T.B., vicar, at 8 o'clock Friday, Nov, 23, the Feast of St. Clement, patron saint of the parish. Rev. William BAPTIST A. Stott, former vicar, will deliver a aermon at evening prayer serLeonardo Church school meets at 9:4B a. vice at 8 o'clock in celebration of m. Rsv, John E. Johrnon, pastor, the 25th anniversary of the foundwill deliver a sermon at ths morn- ing of St. Clement's. Ing service at 11 o'clock and at the CALVARY BAPTIST eveninf service at 8. The intermeRed Bank diate and senior youth meeting will be held at 7 p. m. Sunday will be roll call day for The junior youth society will the church school at 9:30 a, m., in meet Tuesday at 3 p. m. at tho charge of Mrs. Annie Jackson. church under the direction of Mrs Rev. J. B, Gilchrist will deliver the Mildred Johnson, The monthly sermon at the regular worship church school workers' conference service. will be held Tuesday at 8 p. m, at Sunday at 7:30 p. m, tho Oospel tho home of Mrs. Robert Search. Singers of Jersey City will present The pastor's study of Exodus will a special program, sponsored by be continued at the praise, prayer Mrs. Oertrudo Whitney. The Men's and Blhlo study mooting Wednes- club of the church will hold a dinner Saturday In the basement of day at 8 p. m. The annual union Thanksgiving the church parsonage. duy Bervicu will he held at 10 n. m. The Vlmlnin club will meet MonRev. Wlllinm K. BISKI'OVC pastor of day at tlin church, Prayer and song the Now Monmoulh Baptist church, services will he held Wednesday, will bi guest speaker. Nov, 21, between 8 and 9 p. m, ST. JAMES CATHOLIC I R'd Bank Rev. A. Donald Magaw, pastor, Sunday masses are at t.ZO, t, 9, Allan Yost, Suoday-*chool superin10 and 11 o'clock, with a ma-=.= in itendent. the school auditorium at. !». Hap-1 Sunday-school at 9:30 a. m. Morn- turns are at 1 p. m. Sundays. Con-1 ing worship at 10:45 a. m. Young tessions are heard Sa(uidjy.x from] peoples service at 6:30 p. in. Eve4 to 4 p. m. and 7:30 to !i ii. m. ' ning woiship at 7.45 p. m. Week-day masses are at 7 ami s ' Prayer and praise service Wedo'clock. Sunday-sfhool for tho.-*1 M-j nesday at 7:45 <i. m. tending public school it held in thr | ST. ANTIiOM * CATHOLIC school auditoiium after tin' 9 Ped Bank o'clock , Tomorrow is First Krid:iv Ma-*-' Sunday mis.tes are at 7, I. I, 10'. rs will be at 6. 7 and 8 o'clock, (.'on- • and 11 o'clock. Baptisms are at j fessions will be heard io<iay fiom 12:30 p. m. Sundays. Confession* 4 to * p. m. and from 7:30 to 9 p. • arc heard Saturdays from 4:30 to « m. Holy Hour Fririny will be from ' p ni. ami 7:3i» to !* p. m. The Mirac-: I In I p. m.. after which will bo ! uluii.s Medal novena is hc:!d Mon-• Nocturnal Adoration. [ day* at. 7:.'!0 p. m. The perpetual ; novena to R;. Anthony is held Tuesdays nt 7:30 41. m c m *< ii or tiiBisr Katonto\« n Warren H. VanTuyl, minister. Invited visitor* to all meeting* of the church. Services Sunday are from 10 a. m to norm The first hour is for Bible study, the second for preaching and Communion. At 7 p. m.. a practice sinKinit period l« I held, followed at 7:.'JO by an open I torum discussion, j Bible study Wednesday is at 7:30 ! p. m. ' ! This ^'foup nf Christians conducts all services on thr* basis of Nrw Testament scriptures alone, speaking wheic the Kibln speaks ami beintf silent where the Kible is silent. Undenominational, ;iny<m<' desiring to worship tiod in "spirit and truth" will find worship line acceptable. The church is located on liiuhway j 35. just, south of Entontowns Inus-| iness area. fcOflKTt O r (Quaker*) T h t Jh.'c.vsbury meet inn of He- • li^ious Society of F u o n d s ' Q u a k - ' era) nr-Ms for worship at 11 a. m. I the First-day i S u n d a y l in the meet-j inj; house at Kroad st. and Syca- i MUM' avi-., pm.-eded at in *. m. r.y • the KirM-day school. Vi.= i t » 3 are j welcome. O M l I I I K I V I M ' l M CU'AI. Shirwsbui y Holy Communion \» ai K a. m. > Sunday. Church a.• i> at !» t.', a. m Mm n i n t prayer and s e i m o n j by Kev. Theodore K A. I.cVan. | rector, is at II o'clock. j Holy Communion i.s at. 9 3 0 a. m Wednesday. a, m. t U V NMMtfC COMMl.MI» East KeansbuiR Hev, John P. ISuler, pmtor, will deliver a sermon, "Tim Valley of Decision," at the morning service at II o'clock. Church school and Bible class meet at 10 a. ni. A special request prayer service will be held Wednesday at 8 p. ni. ' Thanksgiving service will lie held at 10:30 a. m. The Women'* guild Will meet Friday, Nov, 23, at *. p. m. RtMSOV — Rev. Alan Kenneth Magner, Jr, who was installed as pastor of the Rumson Presbyterian church Sunday, will deliver his first sermon at the 11 a. m. service Sunday. The new paMor is a 29-year-old former Army Air Force lieutensr.t and Rraduate of Princeton university. Prior to assuming the pastoratp h«re. he served two years as pastor of the Presbyterian church in Yardville. At the installation service, Rev. Dr. Charles R. Erdmar. former moderator of the dencral Ajsenv hly of the Preibytcrian church. U. S. A., delivered the sermon. The charge was delivered by Rev. Mr. Mn;ner'.= fathfr, Rev. Aljn Kenneth Wagner, *r., pastor the past 2M years of the Presbyterian church, Penmnston. Others participating i '.he installation were Rev. Sarge t Bush. pa-»tor of Presbyterian church, Knglishtown; Rev. O. Bell Close, pastor Emeritus of Fewsmith Memorial church, Belleville; Rev. Frederick R. Gibson, pastor of Fust Presbyterian church. Asbury Park; Rev. Arthur S. Joice, paster of trip Shrewsbury Presbyterian church, and Rev. Charles S. Webster. Jr. pastor of the Red Bank Presbyterian church. The road to b*U#r an4 bits** fcuiiiie'i. fnivf-rtina In l'h« Regiiter regularly. MT. JOHN* rl'IMoi'AI.cIIM'rl. —Ailvertiiement. Little Silvrr ST. THOMAK KI'IMOI'AI. Holy Communion and sermon by Hod R.-mk the rector, llrv. Theodore E. A. I..eMatins and sej niun by Rev. Ken- Van is Sunday at !»:30 a. tn. Church neth K MacDonald will he nl !l j Hchool Is from 9.30 tu 10 30 a. m. a. ni. Sunday At 10:30 a . in Sunday-school with P. I,. Jones ?is .suMK1'HOIM*r perintendent. Klorelh V. MacllonRumson aid. organist, will play "h'luiver Evening worship is at 7:30 Honjr" by fiustav Lance. "Jc.sii Joy o'clock with Hev. .lame." \\\ Mar- | of Man's D c s i r i n s " by, anil a! sbail preachinjr on the theme, | postlude, "War March of 1'iiosts" "Worship and Thanksgiving." Folby Mendelssohn. lowing this service, the official ho.ird will inrrt. Fair H a v e n "Saints In W r o n y Places" will he the sermon topic of Hev. William B. Magsam at the 11 a. ni. .service Sunday. Music will include "The T h a n k s g i v i n g Praise," p r e l u d e ; "God's Promise," nfferlory, and "Thou Crownest the Year." anthem. Sunday-school with classes for those of all a g e s will meet at 9 4 5 Rumson Church Installs Pastor SpiritMist StrvioN With Messswea Sundays . 1:M t>. N. Tueoetye 1 M l t I r M. Percale De«eleajtn| Class Mondays, T:M P. M. II HiffcUM Ate., Ruates* Ret. Myrtle A. PinauM* TWO SIMMY MOKNINC, WORSHIP SERVICES 9:30 and lliOO AT TIIK Red Bank Presbyterian Church BKOAI) STREET AND RECKLESS PLACE PHILIP ROY, Soloitt «t »:30 Quarto! it 11:00 l<< v. Charlc* S. Webster Will Preach at Bold Services "How To Change People Who Annoy You** MOTHERS... PRICES REDUCED 5oc A PAIR BY MANUFACTURERS OP MODERN A6E CHILDREN'S SHOES It'* mighty sound advice Mother, to bring your children in a shot BIIO|I that ftpecialiaeei in children's shoes. The t«vo> models we are ihowing for tit and wearing quality can't be beat. NEOLITE SOLES FOR SERVICE MONK LOAFER SIZES SIZES I2'/I to 3 6 to 8 $5.?5 «'/» to 1 2 . $MS 12'/* to 3 I to D WIDTHS $6.95 A to E Widths BOYS AND URLS! M V E YOU SEEN M R APACHE STOCKADES? Come d»Kii and ncc il in our window, then tell Santa Claus you want il under your tree on Christmas. It'* FHEE plus a handsome pair of cowboy hoots just your size ! HERE IS ALLYOi NAVE TO 00 Just come to our store and with every purchase of 91.00 or more you will receive a cou|Mtn which entitles you to a chance on the Fort Apache Slockadr and Cowboy Boots. AWAIU) WILL BE MADE ON SATURDAY NIGHT, DEC. 22nd WALTER S.THOMPSON Children** Fine Shoe$ 3LA MONMOUTH ST. (Oam Frisky TIN • P. M.) RID IANK MKP HAtfK nfMWTfM. SHADOWBROOK INN WOAD STRUT VOVKKHKR Iff. Mftl Q M H n l i r c Hmmmni Oa WU WrtMay Railroad Club Gets New Headquarter* •HUBWaaURT — Charles Rice was gaaet ef honor Friday Bight at a dinner party in honor of hit »2d birthday at the hosoe offciasonia-law aad daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Parker of Sycamore avc. Other guests included hie SOB aad daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rice, and family, Runison; hie graadeaa, Lewis Branin, Syracuse, K. T and Mrs. Jesjic Crossley aad Mitt Ruth Parker, Shrewsbury. SMRIWSIURY offers a reel home-like Therilsf>in§ dinner. Reserve your table early •• w* can prepare accordingly. TWMfV 10HTM STUKS OHADOWBROOK IKN IS OPEN EVERY HAY BXOBPT MONDAY TIUTMOM M » IANI t - i m Radia aewscsstlag has made the puMie mare interested in reading low Leon's fry Clooiii, olto. (bit Fawly "tpnwo I f " i Far tko lili.iyt! IN •NAsnerkawfceBiMwtfco secret that get* P^kW ^s^ro ^WW TAs^^ve IrifjMen your hemo for ••he holiday I M I M ahead. CiH Rl 42100 far prompt up and delivery service. ani|»lr Parking Space in front of plant 64-76 White Street, Red Bank, N. J. Isyourphonm a •••for© thumb" NOW thru VHT& V»V. 17ik JUT KVKLVM REYEf, "MON MAN" •UN. . MOW. • TIE*. 8ea4ar Continuous cadets in full dress parade, and Joan Bailey, Susan Bailey, CharMrs. John Afi irano and rhildrcn the game betweer West Point and lotte Frederick and Martha MatJoy and John of Pemberton ave. Citadel. On the way home they tinglcy. Mothers who accompanied spent the week-end in Belmar. «topp*d et ricottie's diner on rt. 1 the group were Mrs. Arthur Mason, They also attended the wedding of for a supper. The following scouts Mrs. Frank Callahan, Mrs. Janes Mr». Africaners niece, Dolores Pa- made the trip: Jerry Petersen, Finn, Mrs. K Culllson, Mrs. T. Terry Petereen, Gary Hick*, Tom Bacon, Mra. Fred Hartley, Mrs. duano, to Frank Santa. Finley, Tommy Blackburn, Billy J. Tokanas and Mrs. Ray H. Mr. and Mra. Charles Croydon ticott, Jimmy Finn and Oouslaa F. Mattingley. and daughter Sharon of Main ft Forbes. recently motored to Rahway to at- Oirl acoul troop 32 of Oceanport, tend the 25th wedding anniversary accompanied by their leader, Mrs. atony HOIH SATVBOAV of Mrs, Croydon's sister and broth- Frank Callahan, and several The readers at the story hour er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton mothers, enjoyed • day's outing in program Saturday morning at the Woolley. Newark and New York Friday. Westside "V" will be Mrs. Louella The Choir club of the Oceanport They chartered a Boro bus, driven Bradshaw and Mrs. Donald EngMethodist church is having an In by Micky and left lish. Their stories will be 'The tcrnational supper tonight for the Oceanport atFrederick, » a. m. Their first New Tool Chest," "Gunney Wolf," benefit of the organ fund. stop was at Newark airport. There "Hobyahs" and "Thanksgiving." Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan and they wore conducted by pilots and The program i* sponsored by the children Johnny and Jeannie. re uttwirdesies to the control tower Northern M o n m o u t h County cently visited Mr. Ryan's parents, ami observation roof, where they branch, American association ef Mr. anil Mrs. Michael Ryan of were explained the various intrica- University Women, and the book Lake ave. cies of weather eonditian signals. committee of the Red Bank library. John E. Brill of California re Uter they were taxied from the cently visited his sister, Mrs. hangar to take-off position, In ana Charles Moyt of Dwyane st. While of the Airway's large Constellahere he spent *ome time with his tions. From the airport they left mother, Mrs. gam Brill of Rumsen. for New York where they went to the broadcast of the Garry Moore The Oceanport auxiliary of Rlv- show. They received many autoerview hospital met Nov. » at the graphs from various stars Includhome of Mrs. Harry Ooffronn, ing Herb nhrtner. Among the Portaupeek. places of Interest they visited were Mr. and Mrs. Q Leshkowlti and the N.B.C. building, Bt. Patrick's rtsiiRhtsr Ross, formerly of James- cathedral, the skating rink at burf, have moved into their new Rockefeller Center, then to the auOts - _ _ ' * ' * e r i " • home on Monmouth Park pi. tomat where they were taken beMr. and Mrs. J. P. Nolan and hind the scenes to view the operafamilies of Westerley, R. I, spent tloni ef the famoua eatery. Thosa the week-end at the home af Mr. whu made the trip were Barbara and Mrs. Edward Urlon of Eaton- Drahos, JoAnn LaCross, Joann Mason. Mary Wright, Kajf Iselin. town blvd. Mrs. Thomas Ross of Wolf Hilt Karen Dey, Terry MeAullffe, Ar*MMIe TINNf ave. recently attended a claas re- lene Chrlstenson, Veronica Palumbo, Laura Tokanai, Karen Hjembo, union in Philadelphia. Culliaon, Ann Mattlnglsy, Uerd ROM UshkowlU, Betty lean Patty Juska, Owen Reynolds, Dlw Davlioa and Virginia Morgan mo- Joan anna Frederick, Patty Finn, Joan tored ta Asbury Park recently Hartley, Romona Hum), Janet and spent the evening ice skating Dletmler, Frlnne Baeon, Sue Jones, at the Monte Carlo pool. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hurley and nan Richie of Farmlngdale were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Davison of Dwyane st. Mr. and Mn. John V. Hauser of Dwyane st. attended the tenth wedding anniversary party given recently In honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Rice of Red Bank. Mrs. Robert Weiss and sons Richard and Oeorge of Chatham, former residents of Oeeanport, spent the week-end at the horn* ot Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wood, Jr., of Branch ave. While here Mrs. Weiss visited several of her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Planter o! Belmar visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robinson of Pemberton ave. Saturday and enjoyed the evening with several games of at canasta. Mrs. John V. Hauser was a participant in the station WJI>K program sponsored by the Uptown Long Branch merchants recently. Mr. and Mrt. Thomas Roblson and son Gary motored to Fords Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoyt and yssjdj p*/y $1.39 wt nut) son Ronald of Dwyane at. recently far thaia f a m o u i NU-MAIO visited Mr. and Mrs. James Marcello of Brooklyn. NYLONS. Wo UMppad up • Ituta The Oceanport first aid squad mill turplut t * bring rha price down. was called Saturday night to Wolf Hill and Portaupeek aves. where Leonard Grlllo, Newark, driver of a motorcycle, and Richard JohnUMITID TIMI ONLY—HJY NOWI son, Asbury Park, driver of a car, were involved in an accident. Mr. Grille- was taken to the Monmouth Memorial hospital where he waa treated for a alight concussion, scalp wounds and shock. The fame of the Village market of Oceanport waa attested to last week when a letter was received by the Callahans, from 8.K.C. Frederick G. Kirkham, T.4T. Co. lOlal 91K. BM.—c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Cal., now in Korea, requesting food packages be sent to him and enclosing money order for same. S.F.C. Kirkham while stationed at Fort Monmouth was a frequent visitor at the market. The following Is quoted from his letter, "I wish you to take this money and make me up a box of canned goods such as franks, franks and beans, beef and shrimp such as I always purchased there, and ship them to me at the above address In this God forsaken holt of Korea. We hope to have thia affair over with before another That's • perfect •n«>w»rsi cttscription of, year and at this writing I am •«r V I I M I in lAUCIJNAi md CASUALS. very well." a -IN- "THI DUMTFOX" WeA-Thisr. Thtir. Coat. TONV CITRTW I SIOUNE . 1 5 F*FaiMMii.PEIFECT ONLY TNUIttE NOV. 18 • 19 * • •nacr-ThrW A M - - " - - - - >OUI MIN AND ONI WOMAN A t l TNI LAIf PIVI M O M U N ON IAITN •toryl • •IBMS b —IN— Tha nrhwa Wl» W M I Tkief — U TcelMlcetor — FIUNKIK MINK "Smmr Side af tkoStroot" A Walter Resde Tkeetre KalMiiwa, » . J . •«. 10—Al tissatswa TraMc Circle om—*iutn tioo Jtm. 1M1 STKl NEUKr •WMWTK . MON. rtrca IAVMK Arlma WheUa "HASfAOI W l i r tmu Clennert • Lnnndvren • Rug Clemmn I •AT. MAT fWanport 9WmHwHm Iwmmf mmmw www mmmmmy OwfHWf U N m n * wkLnm BBABB TIUATBE FOB TUB wvamt KBBBX Arnucnoxs TWJB. • r a t • CAT. Unit I . Ceefce, oitrome left, Rwmten, president ef the Wreck Pond and Netrhero rail* reed, a model railroad allegation, receives key* to the Lena, trench reilroed station Iran* Michael Strode, superintendent of the New York and Lena, trench railroad. The modal rail. reederi were fronted wie ol the south end of the huildina end wiH construct o tcele model roilrood. In the photo, left to rifht, ore Mr. Cooko, loo McMahen, Levelette; Geor«o Robin. ion, Lenf trench; Will Carey, Sea Girt, treasurer; Mr. Stroll*, R. 0 . Irookt, Oceen Arave, vice pretident; H. A. Pope, Shrewsbury, secretary, and Mej. Oick Waader, Little Silver. •M4 IT I MOVIITIMI U. S. A IwCWstf nUOAV-NOV. M m i '300" u aim u oar •m-Mao.Tiire, Xev. M-lt-M * Tandy W I T H AN A M . OTAN OA«T "DUMT POX" -HJ» r n w KOMANCE" OAIA MOUBAV SHOW! NdniHiytSwreOey. Nev. «!••• The STRANDS 'CATTIB DMVr AkOO—ejMMV OOONgT H -TUB 8TBIP* M NEArS ON «n>M TNt 0NLV TMIATM OS)^kA«StelS^B^Sk BtSMASBiM FRI. . SAT. ' NOV. 16 • 17 A I M SbA SkA OflMA a J l A •OJUIPPslV WITfl IROIVIOvaSj Aaoonmtv OHMANTM* T* Na t u r n a IT III MAYFAIR A8BVRY PARK A WaHer aeade Tkealre NOW Thru WED. ON TIE SC1EEN AT LASTt TW PULITZER PIIZE PLAV! CKIMINAl LAWYII SaBS.B. TCBS. EVK, «:M — THAMK8O1V1NO FOWL KIOHT Turkeys and Chicken. . Courtesy vietory Market* RED HOT MUSICAL HI "THI STRir MICKIY FORMST SPECTACULAR! HIADQUARTMS FOR THI BIST IN OFFICI SUPPLIIS FILES • FILING SUPPLIES • STATIONERY PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS • ADDING MACHINES JRIEf CASES • DESKS • CHAIRS 17 nilOAD STREET MED BANK 6-0001 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P. M. Mrs. Clinton Wood, Jr., was hostess Wednesday evening of last week at her home on Branch ave. at a demonstration party for the benefit of the evening circle of the W.8.C.S. at the Oceanport Methodist church. Present were Mrs. George Loper, Mra. William McCormack, Mrs. John B. Hulse, Mrs. Ida Peters, Mrs. Perley Riddle, Mrs. Arthur Mason, Mn. Charles Covert, Mrs. Charles Walling, Mrs. Oeorge C. D. Hurley, Mrs. Edward Dibble, Mrs. Charles VanBrackle, Mrs. John N. Franks, Mm. Churles Croyden, Mrs, 3, Nagel, Mrs. A. l.ouls Myers, Mrs. A. 12. Muller, Mrs. Pat Holcomli, Mr*. ICdwanl C, Wilson ami Mm, J. 3. l.andi.H. Boy Hi-oui 1rcmp Tjft of Ocmnport w«i driven hy James Finn in West Point Saturday, They vlewtd the ASBURY PARK •MAYFAIRt NOW Thru WED., NOV. 214 my of thtu 10P RANK STYLES at a TINY LITTLE - •n, PULITZER PRIZE PLAY e i N w o w liilitQuuMf ...»»4l Clrl Whs WwtsVi * Lowlyl A Streetcar CtM* 1.69 6S BROAD ST. RED BANK Sellinq 3 Million Pair o Year—THEY MUST BE GOODI Vlvica LEIGH. BRANDO Notleo To Parents: This Picture Not Recommended for Children IHgM wM Vmoi LEKH •Marlon BRiiNDO • ST. JAMIS t IAT. YniirnOf' nnd "Rnmlbluph" •UN.-TUC, NOV. i i . l t . l * "Let's Makn It L«(«l" AN* "The Mooalum" • LYRIC o NOW TNRU. OAT. — "Whittle at Knton Fnlls" •LUI "Never 'I'runt a llumhli-r" •UN.-Wia., NOV. It-fl "Lost Continent" "Bride ef the Ooflte" 9AHK NO THANKSGIVING DCMIM tft COMPUTE Wkkmt. Willey's Fresh Oder WNJJY S FAtM MAMCIT Accounting Firm Adds New Partner Heary g.,In*elk*rg and Caraey P. Petillo have admitted Leonard Weill te the partnership, which rcceatly eacaed lta office* at ( Moaaaauth at. The new accounting arm wilt operate aa Inselberj, Petille ft Wcill. IOVTIII W NATIONALLY FAMOUS 5/tore Sundial Shoes 111 Hew U perfection in *of«e, becaute Fhfrtaff stfet h «tfn rich! MAICH NAII Peel*. Mr*. Matel t r * r •mltli, Wllliaai ItawahM eaKfcftte* fcai third MrtMar W*MM*y. Urn. T, with • family party. That* »VM••t ware Mr. u j Mr*. Rkfeard Waiter, Jr., tn< eMMraa Jeaat and Raady, Mra. lagahart Knwdte* and Mr. aaal Mr*. Richard Wetter, «r, ef Churafe at., wki war* htttt«a«i, Luther Walliag **• «el»t»rat*d •U Utk htrtMay W*Uf. N«*. It. HI* gMtta wer* Mr. and Mn. A Mtlve af Jeraey City, Mr. Welll Orr a»4 aaufhteri af aa eaucated In the Unioa City Themaa puMie aehooli, graduatlnf from KiKgatM, N, T. UfUon Hill high achool and w u Mra. Ltland RieMMM «M |«»en grad«ated from New Tork iiniver*- a aurpriae blrthaay puty Urt W*fity, achool of commerce, account* needay evening after th* maatlag a*4 flnance, with tha 4egre* ef ef the MtrlMri at th* leant MMbachelor of icience in accounting. Ing. Mra. Vernan talaiaa M i ehllMr. Weill ij no atranger tn thii area, having lerved a* an enliatcd dren, Verna, Edward an« WalMr, • u n at Port Monmsuth from April, and Robert MalHy «p*nt TrUty tM>, ta September, IMS. Whila in with Mr*. Ja*a*a Preach ef Me* tha Army Mr. Weill attended th* BruMwlek. Mra. Preneh ht* bata Army finance school and later the ill and ia recuperating at h«r Mat. Mr. anl Mr*. Karawn OcOrete enBtraet termination achool, both •t Port Benjamin Harrlton in In- •f Nutley, vlilUd Mr*. Be*tle Tarnow an« family luMay. diana. Subsequently aa a warrant Mr*. Martha Ceddlngtaa and officer, Mr. Weill waa engaged In renegotiation and termination of daughter Etta af Morrlt av*., and war contract* at the Philadelphia | Mr, and Mr*. E. T, Cailcr an4 fam<Juart»rma»t<T depot and (he Bos-1 ily af Port Menmouth, vUltcd Mr. ton Quartermaater depot, receiving and MM. Jo**ph Coddlngton and hi* discharge from the service In family ef Morrlatawn Sunday. January, Ite«. Mr. and Mr*. William Kelly af After dlvereifled expcrlencct In Item*, N. Y., ia«nt th* week-end and holiday with Mr. and Mr*. tha field of public accounting Mr. Weill attained the ttatus of a cer-George Warraek and ethir relatified public accountant in the atate tive* of New Menmouth, Mr*. Donald Ruatell of Waahaf New York. Me ia married to the former Mia* ftybii Kraah of New Ingten, D. C, *p»nt th* weak-end and Monday with Mr. and Mn. Terk city, and ia preaently redding in Manhattan with his wife and John Heine and other relttlve*. Pvt. Charte* Patterion, wha la twa sona until he transfer! hit ttattmta at Pt. Bit**, Tea., It residence to thia area, (pending a IMay furlou|h with hi* family. Belford Mr. and Mra. William Perry, ir., William Benninga of St. pran- and Mr*. Edna Thome and 4*«gheU college, Loretta, Pa., apent four ter Janet visited Ml»* Laura Perry daya laat week with his parents. Sunday at the Weat Hudson heaMita Florence Fullon and Mra.pital, Ketrny, where the It a paflorence Powers o{ Jersey City tient. (pent the week-end here alao. Mr. and Mr*. William Barrett Mrs, Robert Newlands and Mra.of Trenton, tpent Sunday with Mr. Howard Chamberlain attended the and Mr*. Edward Barnes. teachers' convention at Atlantic Mr. and Mn. Robert Runyon atCity Friday. tended th* wedding ef a friend, Mica Marylu Richmond of State Miss Joan Looaety, of Darlen, Teachers' college, Trenton, Bpent Conn., and the reception at the the week-end and holiday with her Weeburn Country club over tha parents. Mita Lois Compton, alao week-end. Miaa taooaely married a student there, has returned after Carlton Jacob of PlalnSeld. practice teaching in Red Bank Mr. and Mr*. Leslie r*rlema» since September. • and ton Leslie vliited Mn. Hate! Coltlnt of Brooklyn ever the weekPaul Tarnow, Jr., recently celebrated hi* third birthday with a end. family gathering. Among thoae Mr. and Mn. Harold Copeland prcaent were Mi's. Emmctt Walling •pent Sunday with Mn. Julia Copeand ton Emmctt, Jr., of Red Bank, land of Pataaic, who ia confined and Albert Bigelow, Jr. Later In to her home with illnet*. the week another celebration wat Joacph Bundle of Summit ave. held for Paul and his grandmoth- celebrated hi* birthday Nov. 7 with er, Mrs. Bessie Tarnow, aUo a a family dinner. birthday celebrant. The Commercial Fishermen's association met lift Thursday, and heard Seifator-Elect Richard K. Stout. A clam chowder supper wat lerved. Those on the committee were Paul Tarnow, Alfred Conien All focmi of and Warren Ape!. The next meeting will be held Dtc. 13. ! Uf*C«Mlty.Fir« , Karen Thompson, daughter ef Mr. and Mrt. Oavld Thompson ef Bait rd., celebrated her fourth birthday Monday, Nov. 12. Tlioae pretext were her great grandmother, Mra. Marie Vanden Bogart; her I N River Eaai Rod Mart, N. *. grandmothers, Mrs. Bertha BrouRE M»T1 wer and Mrs. William Thompson; Eileen and Richard White, Candy IOOK INOP CUMd VAN laUlfl ft immom mm MIMC P A * WEMMNOa. BECrPTM>««. ETT. rHOKE RC «tnt-l. Praaeata the taeat—th* aaaet diatiaetiv* aelaetloa ef Card* to b* found anywhere. 4a*)*l 4aSv aavMI ft •. aa. 1M M f l t t UTREEt WHEEL TURKEYS M. Coajptaai, Mr*. A«a* Ruayea, Mr*, tout* Ktwtto, Mn. Harry Park**. Mra. t * M Craarfaf*. Mn. Drill* atelr, Mra. h n k WWte. Mn rvu. uucnos A N MM* kf th* Waftfe La*M*l M fattae, Michel* J**M, l*t*y *r«u-1 wer aad Devtd Taoaaaaaa. ST. Mr*. Retort Sealer. Mr*. C. R. fteaita, Mr*. Lutker Walling and lira. Williaaa Mayer etteadad tk« Natioaal Cafeteria ceaveatioa at the Hate! ttatkrr. tt. T , Tueaaay at thi* week. The Weatta'* R**uMie*B club held a luaeaeea la** Thttnday at •uttaawaod ataMr, Matavaa. A ahott ateetiaa; n i haM and Mn. Oeorga Yaraall, pr*ala>at, received a lamp for her rceeat weddiaf eaalv«raarjr. Oueata atteaaUac war* Mrt. Pearl White. Mra. Dera Tai«aw, Mn. Ma4ellaa U»ah#a, Mn. Ella Scfcaeer, Mra. UIHaa Welaea. Mrt. Lilliia ttaiufae. Mr*. U a a Ahern, Mra. Ma* WilleaM. Mrt. Catherine Caajray, Mra. Hilda V»ker, Mia* —~nia flaaa. Mra. D m Rarae*, Mra. D*ra Raaa, Mrt. Maitl* VaaKlrh. Mn. U U Jeaaaa. Mra. OcHrata RWIMMM, Mrt. L. DO VOC/R CHJUSTW4S NOW—A ti>l YOUK mm HENS 10 to 17 Pound. TOMS 75L EVISCERATED 17 to 30 Pounds EVISCERATED r MIX BENOWITZ • G. E. •RCA • DUMONT • PHILCO • ZENITH WESTINGHOUSE PICTURE SHOWING SUNRISE TURKEYS K I N G WEIGHED AND PACKED IN CRYOVAC BAGS We extend a most cordial invitation to you to visit our new plant —one of the most modern in the county—on Sunday, November 18th, when wewill kill and dress Turkeys from 9 a. ni. to 4:30 p. m. BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE EVISCERATED READY FOR THE OVEH ON YOUR OLD RADIO OR TELEVISION SET BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP 46 Montnouth St. Open Phone Red Bank 64310 Friday Eeenfnyt Plenty of Free Parking Space in Rear of Store un White St. PHONE KEANSBURG 6-1088 it THE 000R WITH THI lOMHf ON TNI Tt? MW •tMoa, M W utility, IMW IASKINS FAMIC PAIR 10 MECHANIC ST. RED BANK LOCAL INITALLIN* MSTIIMTOI ELBERON DOOR CO. HERBERT S. EWIN6, Prap. 252 PRRRINE AVE. PHONI LON* IRANCH ELBERON WHOUSAU TO HOTILS, RISTAURANTS fc MJTCHMS ALL SIZIS-ANY AMOUNT SUNRISE TURKEY FARM EAST R O A D , BELFORD, N . J. (NEM CAMPttirs JUNCTNN) OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY Omm **m II CENEIAL KOTOftf PRIO MED IANK 4.1IMI CrtMwarry t T«Mtw Mf CUm Shrimp Craam «f $**» Calary I Oliva* ROAST YOUNft TOM TUMIY. 6iM«» Cravy.. Dratttaa I Cr**ik«fry S«uca ROAST raiMi mis OF IEIF . « j » > IROILIO LAMI CHOW MUD JUMIO SHRIMP. Tartar $ « « . HALF IROIIIO CHICKIN • R I U I O fORTIRHOUSI STIAK • 4.00 WaMtriSata. VMITAILIS: Craama. Whit* Outwit Cattail*. Swaa* Patataat MSSHTSt •arta tat Whist**) M a t a a t Mim Ptidrfiiif, **«.•> Savca Frrali KiUnJ JEUEY HEN HAMS TIIIETt TIIIETS 591 591 6% Con# Tha*sgiw| inner ml* Cup *nWBMt H E w>9B09 SMIIEI ANTHONY'S I f MAIfJ AVI. Molly Pitcher Super Market Polica eklaf aad Mr*. Marty Kirkeejard celehrated their wed. I.JEONARDO-P.F.C. Bicbera R. ateaj •aaiv*rea«y Sunday. It ala* Matt*** naaagaa of tt Caater Curry of the First Armored divt- a* tha chief* birthday. a w , Ksaaeburg, wa* give* • •»• «ion arrived Sunday at hi* horn* Leslie D. Baely la an a buelnoa* •ay osjon*B*jM asawswo H M F on Washington ave. here t* apead tris> ia gueaet aad Herri* eeuaty. saemJae; ay Maftjtrat* Jeaa V. laVaWJ JMgMSMMatll M* F f M aJMWImTjr a furlough with his parents, Mr. Mr*. Elaia DeatareM ka* ratitrsv- CroveH *• a chargt *f M a « dm«a and Mrs. Richard Curry. I U kar paaitiea with th* Hew»nd «**t4*r» «a4 •Mittltw arreot >*ir*iaM WUllMi l%tter**ej, Jersey Trwtt company, M | Armmmr't tmm wao arroetod VtoasfM, Mid he Branch, afUr kaviBf keen ill. riaal plan* (or '-ax Chriets*** foiud the etefendaat waaderiag r la m. Darath**'* Catkettc ar*M*)4 ni tk* *tn*t Monday nl«ht. JERiEY ch«r«k were aaade at a (Mating a Ho aUtod n* took hiea U th* km TON weak ace last aigat. Tk* hasar will statioa bat toetead * kanrdiafl • ! held Dec. 1 and 3. _i, n—*f*a want *re«n4 t* U* Mr. and Mre. Harry Rowland, rear *f tha *Uti*n. Tkere, the t<nV ST., *pe*t Saturday in New Tork ear ntitl, ho am* later f*«M drunk city where they attended Baatk tk* f r w n l aM IVtrataua PatPaelHe. tenon ej«*3*i tknt nusatan *Urted A hrae* cleaning party will k* t* *wln« M M * * • * • k* tilad t* held at th* home of Mr. and Mra.revive Mntthaw Hughe* Saturday at f :*> a. m. Purpose ie ta cleaa ta* bra** altar Sttlng* »r Bt. James Mentorapsn^psa « W « H V * • • • • • m ial Epieeepal church. Aayoae wMb- by antahtn af tk* WaaMa'* C*av ing ta help ie invited. maaMy atab wan atrtad aad «a»iGirl Beaut troop JT met Monday •ue ana*** played. Tka hoy* ar* afternoon at the Methodist church. enUaNaftically laakHf forward la Cad a i Work waa done by the older eeawt* being gmtata at tk* dab at tk* on their Good Grooming badge. ChrMtaaa* party De*. 4 wklck aaw Th* yaaagar girl* worked on their win h* aw*'* aigkt at tha Can*. seeond class badge*, which onUll* muaMy aJa*. They ataa t* aar» Frcsli KilM •IRLOIN Bnm^alBaBkdnaaa uWawBJ^atftslaw' their taking cutting* *t a plant —• V_ !I- M. » A%ftA U N aalaitiiSBBSTS) Ma* WJ |««VvPWwBBa| and making tt grew. Thl* i* d*a* JERSEY 01 under the Nature Study p'ograa*. taaa tw« FRYING A card party ia being held to- vaaattas fr**n hi* awil** la tka FMtTUUIOlJSE T.W.C. Mekartf ft. Carry night at the Ma*oni« temple nt • post akUt. o'clock, uponaored by th* Una* TMta wW b* a baatltaul *H«1C* A 1H« graduate of Middletowa far th* benefit of Rlvervttw aad naaptlaa at a»**ah*n at tk* township high school, PTC. Curry elub koepitaL Tk* elab ask* th* aapMotktdlat church Sunday a**ra!»'«. last week completed training 4t n*rt of the community to make Paraate eotirou* af brlagtag their the non-commisBioned oRtcen school at Fort Benning, Ga. He It It a auccess. There will be table childrtn for Christian kantiem aad on detarhed fiervicn from Camp prise* and special award*, Erneat adult* ar young people wha d*eire Hood, Tex., where he will return Oraf I* chalrmaa. Committee mem- to h* bapti**d *r b***ma members laelude Sheriff Ira E. Wai-bere ia tk* church. *r bath, may Friday, Nov. 23. Mayor r. Wl»s Price, K*a> da *• ay aaatactlag Curry was employed «• • ball- e*»t. doMr operator in construct)** netk VanBrunt, nobert A. Brawn, Hawart M*atga*Mry. Harry lUwland, Councilman P>*d Thaakaghrlag **nrie* will be work In Alabama prior to hit *f> B. Morrii, Carl Oarafola, Leslie D. caaduttod la the Methodlet church llatment last April. Seely and Jaka Homo- bagmalag at » a. m. Tbaaksgivmad* **k* aad a ck*tc* of tea ar lag*»r. Brtitua Win* Sceond coffee will be **rv*4. R***rvatt*M for 90 table* already have k**a After Mi»»ing LMMNM made. Those wishing to reeerv* a IDEAL BEACH — Brutus, boxer tabl* may do eo by contacting any owned by Stephen Nester of M member of tho committee. Ocean avc. her*, Monday nifht wat Cuk Scout pack at will awarded second prlie in obedlanc* Friday at T:K) p. m. at the Methtrials conducted at the Hanrich odist church. Parent* Interested la school for dogi at Metuchen. having their *on* }*in may attaad Brutus scored VI point* *ut *f th* meeting with them. A branding a possible tOO to win th* award, ceremony win a* k*M, which I* th* a replica, at a hnxer In porcelain. acceptance af new memiMr* lata Th* deg't performance ia all th* tha pack. A *ktt *a tka Undlng more noteworthy, Mr. Nestor feel*, •f tk* Pilgrim* win b* givw by (ha because an unforeseen trip to long twa den*. Bay, Canada, made it neeeuary Mr. aad Mra. M. T. Werner ant for Brutus to mlji eevsrat weeks' daughter Man *f Tlnton *v*. vl*lttraining. Mr. Neater telethon** •d tk* Warner** aaa DonaM at Tala th* school from th* Canadian wild* anlrerslty th* put weekend. to learn what wo* being taught Repretenttng CUk Pack 8T at tk* during the weeks he was away. Pow W*w Satartay at Wtnaja**** Brutus attended a final ' — will a* Mr*, rranela Bruce, Mr*. before the trial*. Charle* Sewta, Mr*. Cllewartk Britton and Mn. Mary Andr*. den The Boiton tea party waa >ta*> awth*ri, and William Ma««*«k. ntd in th* back room of th* mttm Vrand* Bra** aad Peter Tomalna, daxett*. Mr. aad Mra. Clifford Cadawa entertained th* Jolly Tea cluk at their home Saturday evening prior Attay fall, H. J. to attending th* highly *uee***M barn dance In th* American Uaton home aponeored by Hi* Woman'* MY TO THI Community club. Capt. and Mr*. ORDiR OF John Oarma of Eliaabeth parkway wer* Initiated lata tka elub at that tint*. Other* present were Mr. and Mr*. Robert Dangler. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Cotgreavo, Councilman and Mra, Le*a B. Smock. Jr, aaa Mr. aad Mrs. J*ka Dicta, Tk* H a m aad Sehaal atab win •Met tkl* ***alng at tk* *ek**L Mr*. Howard Mfltor *f RumMn SEABOAHD will ka th* ipathtr. Sh* wiU ah*w a button coltottea. Th* Oloaner* taetoty af th* Pr**•ytarlaa ehurch met Friday .night la tha *hap*l Mr* "gan af Harding rd. Rat Bank. *kow*d holiday fetal amagojMBta. K*w M m b m aacepted wara Mn. W. a Nlea af Waaanaiaa and Mrs. RBMOII Oal*> man af Sataatawa. Mn. Florin* Brown *t Belntar has r*turn*d hem* after (pending th* wMk wltk Mr. aad Mr*. Fraa«l( Brae*. Th* W.S.CS. af tha Methadtat church awt TuMday evening at th* horn* af Mr*. L**U* D. Saaly. HorteMM wer* Mr*. OoMen Whitneld, Mn. Qladya Warlman aM Mrs. ssslv. A Stanliy party was h*M at th* horn* af Mr*. Howard M**tgom*ry, Brand at, Saturday m*rnng. Flower* ta th* M«tk*dl*t chunh Sunday wer* la Memory of Mra, Henry OdtU, Ir. Mr. aad Mr*. BenlMtln VanKeuren aad Mr*. Fnd sTlUrri* *n«at Friday la Phllaaalphla. Th* k u and Daughter! of lib•rty will attend *v*alag Mrvle** at th* MethodUt ohureh Sunday. Visiting eottag* 11 at Jam**burg Monday night w*r* Mrs. John DaVriM, Mra. Raymond Baaartt, Mrs. Dsrls AaftobMh. Mrs. Richard llwult Tartanl Ctfftt «r T o MntH • STEAKS TayOtada 8UCE0 BACON FRESH eiieiEis IAMS Your Pre-Hdiday Gift! K M THIRTY DAYS ONLY! 741 RIVHI ROA0 PAW HAWK MB RANK 4VMff FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iff. SUtVKB worn W t Will Allow You $ 7 5 * Toward theFull Price OF THIS NEW THATCHIR OIL HEATING SYSTEM HIRIS WHAT YOU GIT: 1. SEABOARD ECONOMY BURNER 2. SOFT BRICK CHAMBER (FOR HIGHER EFFICIENCY) SEW • ASKIN*S for the holidays! SAVE on home decoration! MAKE HANDSOME, MAKE YOUR O W N THRIFTY XMAS GIFTS! Just wtr Iraad St., appeitts Marahanfi Trust Co. lank fl SLIPCOVERS AND 5 WOOLENS 1 to6 °y- SLIPCOVER COTTONS O S 39«to3"y* GOODS 4f RAYONS 89tol yd . ^ *?-»^» mmmnn to HMu «f dN ty lAMIN'g, " U n t t f PBbfle ttwit AtoH tw. Urn*. NOICOMI « HOKI "LDOOR •lath, ate., am «N an IM«*J *"'wii. wr rr ywa aiptrr DRAPESI DRAPERY 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. UNDERWRITER APPROVED WIRING 275.GALLON FUEL TANK (UL LABELED) MINNEAPOLIS HONEYWELL CONTROLS LONG HOUR. OVERLOAD PROTECTED MOTOR RADIO ft TELEVISION INTERFERENCE PROOF TRANSFORMER SUNDSTRAND FUEL UNIT EXTRA OIL FILTER DRAFT REGULATOR COMPLETE BURNER EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS WHEN FINISHED REGULAR PRICE AnnwilPlM'Swi "JHwn • BflBibt ANOTHIR FIRST AT RASKIN'S! We are now afenu for title newest of apace-Mvlna; door*. Kliminalea nasleil Hnl|.Hnn. SPC it MOM, on diajilav at BASKIN'S. ' y 75°° DEDUCT YOUR GIFT TOTAL PRICE TO YOU UtKIN't, r»ity far ya*r *335°o $ 260°° SEABOARD SERVICE • L B . 6-5151 SERVING THE SHORE" • A . P. 2-2620 • R. B. 6-<g48 fine fesfire foocfe SAFEWAT of^^^B^B^BJ vB^vBaj a^a^pj a^aa^Bja^^B/^ ^ ^ me* for planning th« big m#al eUA AflJI Cfl M I A M M ^ B W ift IftA w f W H eev g^OTvvnww w itv Del Monte Ocean Spray Walnuts Mixed Nuts Apple Cider Tomato Juice Apple Sauce ftWT COCKTAH Krispy Crackers *•**• i * * 3 0 * Bread "*i£t2i5< J^'tin w2l> Urge Eggs w o t *~83< 30 or CM J J C OANKRRVSAUa I I ( M | J { IMRAID lAIVSttl Chicken Broth • • • «H * - 1 6 Crtam off Mushroom SffH 17« Tomato Consomme n w w 44OB.con 2 i ) C m r i ^nMM> | k < - Burry Cookies *•Margarine Pancake Flour 10c "—30. ror t n o n a n Q m o j ejejf O ponvJCf ajonng luncay a i OAJMIlB^ftA ^hM^k^kfl4W ^ah^k^kA^k ^h^L< BB^SMB ttA^BklABk BkdMJA •^^BiAJft win p o v m y empejni ctiQQfej oniy m r a i ¥rfwcn iujvej uejejn undor idoal condHiom . . . proporh/ M to product wool moot. Fresh Ham Veal Roast WHOLE or HALF Ib. LEG or RUMP Ib. PRICES IFKCTIVE THROUGH SAT. NOV. 17<h - Wo Roiorvo tho Right to Umlt QuantHiti Mt 98< fach Mt MMaim tf mug* and • bowl hm'i • I M I buy - hvny wpply IhnHMl. FRUIT CAKE DOROTHY DUNCAN V1.90 MRS. IAILEYS jfc Crown Colony Spices Poiltry Seaming VM5« Clnami . . iHifKiiii Tfcyue . . . . i « . * 9 t PmpkiR Pie Spice V «-1.09 » « « 15« » » « - 29« 33« n i l H A « CMOS WITH tACN CAITON CAITON Tomatoes * * » * 2 " ^ 29c Highway Com TZZ ««~15« Sweet Potatoes Ravioli Minute Rice Pickled Beets " X T FancySweetPeaslX^I^ Succotash Red Cabbage Golden Corn Asparagus - fttt" ^ 27« Mondoyi od for our low THANKSGIVING TURKEY PRICES. Kismet Raisins Pitted Dates * - < • " ««»»• 15« String Figs Diced Citron Mixed Fruit Fruit Cake Mix * » w '»•'•» 47« Pumpkin Pie Mix * . * * * £ 2 1 « 27a Hare! Candy ***** |fc«K 49. Almonds • » Brazil Nuts Stkkney Stuffing • « Poultry Stuffing Wax Paper *«•»• Orange Juice 2^33* Green Peas •**-*•«. Cut Corn Grape Juice " * - tmm ««,«•] & Green Beans Pumpkin MOONMAM Slieid Bacn -$& 63* Sanagi "^ 59* % 49> ECC NOC or TOM AND JERRY SETS Gelatins 8* Puddings 3 * » 20* Strawberries 34« Plum Pudding •*• Cling Peaches KadotaFigs Pineapple Pineapple Unpeeled Apricot Fresh C o f f e e 1 ^ 79« , f C 77« Tea Bags ***** »*o •» «• 49« Grape Juice «*•* »4»«^37« Cocaa Cola 6 » » 29« Coa " - ^ H *6 Vul Chips i* *99> FrwkhrUri «M» PirkUiNMu.Hifi.S7. Frytrt •"&&"" *55« HOLIDAY SPECIAL Salad Oil ^ ^ •"**M 33* Cider Vinegar ««•• "«•»* 9« Salad Dressing ^ ^ »^^31« AAayonnaise NuM^* •'"•** 35« French Dressing *•»*» ««**23« Anchovies « * i««t°« Tuna Fish ^ w ^ L " ^ 3 5 * j>oH^#Wifl#t WMM TVuaMBfAflSuaWji ^t^A M o^Aae^a^a A M A I A M Ttiaw^AJ jafl l y u Sweet Pickles «•**•• -»**" 141« Fancy Shrimp " * £ ? » - • - 38« Cheddar Cheese *?JtZ » 77« Potato Chips *** « « • * 25* Froth Groon PASCAL C R I S P and Cloar Ib. U. S. No. 1 Gradt Apples Grapefruit RED DELICIOUS I2 ^ c whit BrMd ^ 2 SEEDLESS tf OM « 15 MIS. WRIGHT'S loo Cream Ib. 7< PARTY PRIM 10 •Mohf. 29* Sweet Potateee 2*19« Belling Onione 2 - 2 7 . Thin Mints 0 0 Red Grapes 2*25« Peere •»•*<• »15« TERRY* u^oa* Yellow Turnips »-4t Fresh Dates i*p*17i — FL I I White Cabbage *7« Oranges cuf» T|M » 5 «»•• 29* Beverages o o c Cranberries • * * 19« Carrots »13< CRAGMONT.^N^ Z £ Z 5 < SAFEWAY Mines Meat NONE SUCH 9 n » o& pk» Z U 1 The Ball Didn't Quite Blake It An Upiet Tackle Spotting Sports Rumson Scores Fifth Win; Raiders Bow l u U o * Forest Right Down ft tkt By Hy Cunningham Wirt ttfort ScoriiNj 134 Triwnpli RUMSON-Ooach Jet Rosati't Rameea BuUdags were forced right dowa to the final whistle Saturday afteraooa btfere the Purple and White team waa able to tegiater its iftk victery of the campaign. They won over Keyport 114 ea the local gridiron. Keyport's Red Raiders proved te tough opposition for the home teaam. After the Rosati men went out front, IM, the Raider* preased BUI JfflMeeM. Pain tke Bulldogs the rest of the way, scoria* in the third chapter and Guile l i t * 2 TtVst then threatening twice just before Kiev* HsU S M M tha Saal wkistle. Joka DeVito's quick kick in the POINT PLEASANT — Strlklag latt quarter forced the Raiders' aa fast a* a rattlesnake, the Oaraet backs against the wall. They strugChilla pasted all ef tkelr touchdowns gled from tht two-yard line, where ia mid-pt'ieda to hand Atlantic DeVito's kick stopped rolling. The Hlghlaads a IT-tl trouncing la a Raiders almost knotted the score Share Conference aaoauater here from this point, seining up with an Saturday afUraeea. offensive that carried, the oval ta The Tigers, fresh from aa upset the Rumson X, whurc the Bulldoga victory ever Rumson Clsetiea day, buckled dawn to douse the fire. were almost helpless aa Billy JohnRumson's two markers racked up son, Gull back, engineered tke vic- earlier in the contest turned out tory with hi* offeatlva play which ta be the insurance for IU fourth was resBonaible for two af the Bve Share Conference triumph in aia ouchdowns. starts. The Bulldogs trail Leonardo Coach Bill Strattan's grlddera high and Freehold in the circuit's acked up a pair af touchdowns in standings. he second parted aad then cootieCoach Rosati> men tallied about •led with a torrid offensive ta add midway in the initial chapter when another pair in the third auarttr. •III Paiicer intercepted Bob RobAtlantic Highlands cease up with taaon's p u s on the Keyport 31. a strong dtftnslve gtmt la the Srtt John Desmond w«s on the firing quarter to hold tha Oulls aeereless, end af a It-yard pass to John Debut once tht Point Pleasaat ma- Vito, which gave the Rumsoniana chine started clicking, it was alt a first down on the It-yard stripe. over for the hard-fighting Tigers. DeVita then wormed his way ta The initial Oull tally caaae after the ane, from where Phil Minton the home team took to the air whtn bulled his way over. It found the Tigers holding en the After the Purple and White team ground. The Oulls started avavlag registered Ita first alK-polnter the «n the third down from tke Tiger Ratders forctt the Bulldoga into a .18 as Johnson connected with a battle the rest af the wsy, and it long aerial to Pat Mooney on the wasn.'t until the last whittle blew ten-yard marker. In two plays the that the Rumconians startrd Oulls advanced to the four from breathing easier. where Berale pearee grabbed a flat Deaataad tallied tha winning pass from Ray Mesaemer far the teuchdown fer Rumeoa on a wellscore. Bob Frlck converted te make eaecuted, 11-yard run, in which he the count 7-0. went to his right and wcaved his An Interception by Point Pleasant wsy over th« double markers standpaved the way for the aeeoad TD. lag up, DeVitf, with his educated Bob Burns waa brought dawa aa drop-kicking foot, reglettred the exthe 48, but a roughing penalty tra point with a perfect boot. against the Tigers moved tha pigKeyport took the ensuing klckoff skin to the SO. After an laeompltte and immediately went to work. pass, Johnson seooted around end Jack Mlrra ran tbs pigskin back for 18 yards. He then took the ball to the Keyport 14 on a It-yard hike. from Pearee on a reverse to. cross Bill Ball wsnt through ths Rumthe goal line. Frlek's conversion aon Una to move the oval to the made the score 144 rust before the Rumson 33 for a 34-yard gain. Tha Raiders picked up only two yarda half ended. The Oulls lost aa tlaaa searing la three plays, but Bob Robinson early in the third. In tha opening thta flrtd aa aerial to liirro en the two. The Bulldoga held for three momenta Measemer Intercepted a downs, but then Hal Bchmock hit Tiger jump pass en the S3 and the Rumaon line to worm over for hiked the rest ef the way for the tha aeore. Bill placement tally. Johnson registered the extra mlaaad Ita mark Baker'a for the conversion. point on a run areund aad. Rumson booted to Keyport's oneJohnson scored his second slx< pointer with a thrilling 70-yard yard marker but it didn't fate the jaunt. He took the ball on hla own visitors. The Raiders came up with 30 and, afttr breaking through aa offeaaivt drive that carried them tackle, reverted hla fleld and head' from their twa ta Rumson'a 20, where the home team took possesed for pay dirt. Battling the Oull reserves the vis- sion ef the pigskin. Coach Joe Roaati's men failed to itors racked up their two tallies In the flnal ssssisn when Dick Kle- get rolling aad were forced to punt. Keyport started on the move again, va bulled over from the one and Ted Hall scampered ten yards for but this time the clock ran out as Mintea intercepted a Robinson pass. the Tigers' second. Point Pleasant Rips Atlantic's Tigere, 27-12 read}) ta order ta gH the teasas aa a ease* e*»a Xow the Httto Oraap I e-heete a-B l « hraatbe easter aad a m osae ba»a aa will fee l a * oae. ta j ~ e < " b e atoyt erbe? Of edacattoa wUl Base ea the HfsasmteMlaHea of tke director and ether ttmts the beard » « ! • " * ; ' TlZ^T^, ese«« * d Bank played nlae gaa*. t a * eeaoaa, ^ * ^ ' ^ « M M I erhy y they y eaaaat beep beta leeaJ aamoeas oa «a» t a w ova J of this new aetup, the Asbury Park Red Bank «r'« Sank 2ndI Leonardo. We mentioned thi. lineup in this corner M Seeks but we didn't know the makeup w.e in the announcing stage. T o r n the Bucs wMI an»t ladatle U - » i * » . » • » • Mver, Ukeweod. Keptuac, M M l i H H , rmha.1 aad (ke Oreea Wavo •I L M I Branik. Getting beck to Red Bank Catholic, they'll probably suffer the lou Of Ukewood, Rumson. probably Red B.nk and tfatawan. The Caseys were just getting along smoothly In making up a schedule alter Struggling for some time to get on local schools' schedules. It look! a. U the Green and Gold team will now have tt « • out digging »•» some «f tke schools let loose by Conference clubi. The New Jersey lalerMhaUtUe A. A. tsaiMtatlsa aafil - X . awmber srbool aHaH play • IMHMK eeaeduse 1 aeere MUM aiae faavt and It la n r i e m M M that aebedutet be limited to •KM games." iu.t a choice la the be* eat*. •a* Urf«y, Na. 4t, M ! • > • CS f Hal D M OMlftr. fit. I I , Cat*y rlfM **4. It tfc-wa w.Stmf ««-r*r witb •ran uHmM fa* KM Blftkta Bwiaf •*»•#•> MM air. S*a»!»f, rV«Mlitow- aMt4. aWn wlMi • "-iawtaa ta back" t««kM to whltlt I M kiwctodi $a)bfl«| • # fcii pin aftor • toa* W I « M . Mtwk to OaolfjOt'i asjrprtt*. 0*a Car»»r, rVa«»«Mawa yar^ fata •ratma) Mr MMJ. Larfay, ««t • ! MM •#••>•>• INM. a)«Mrtar»acb, •*** akaktaf M •* H M M)f>tokNM ma« aa rha thara, l« • vataraa «a HM Catty tfjtM*). a m w HM •aal t«w. Ret) laah CatM(« «••«, 11-7. Buccineers, Back in Win Column. Red Bank Catholic TrouncesFrenchtown Slaughter Neptune Fliers, 274 NEPTUNE — Coach Frank Plng< Bucs their scoring opportunity. The itore's Buccaneer grid machine (I- Bucs kicked ta Neptune and, after nally came to life Saturday after- one play, the Filers fumbled, Red noon with a scoring offensive which Bank recovering. netted the Bucs a 27-4 victory over Gaining possession on the Ncp the Scarlet Fllere of Neptune on 84, Seward then hiked to the 24 the field here. On the next play, Seward outTha Bucs did all of their scoring smertsd the Neptune team to outin the second period when Bab run tho backfttld for the touchSeward ted the teuchdown parads down. Larabee'a attempted boot by crossing the double markers missed ita mark for the first time. twice. Bill Dotts ind Ed Hughes The injury riddled Flier squad added the other two fix-pointers. roared up in li» third period to Andy Larabce's toe was bootleg tally a six-pointer and save the true to form as he connected far home team from a whitewash Job. thine out of four conversions. Coach Joe Pagano's g r l d d e r s Red Bank set the itagc early In marched to four successive first the second quarter when the Bucs downs to come within gun sight of Intercepted a Flier pass on their the goal line. Felix Santaniello, own 44. It took them just nix plays brother of lwt year's Tank" Banto score the alx-pointer, Bob Sew. taalsllo, plunged avtr for the talard lugging the mail over from the ty, Neptune's ene and only of the U Larabee then split tht uprights contest. with hi* first conversion. The first The Sues will be idle this Satscore waa tha green light far the urday, but will spend a busy few Plngltoremen, who continued ta days preparing for their toughest steamrell over the Neptune grM- encounter of the campaign when ders tha remainder of the period. hooking up with the classy Long Red Bank then kicked off to tha Braneh high school crew on the Filers. After three plays, tha Bue- Oreen Wave neld Thanksgiving eaneers were in payoff territory day. anee again. Taking the hall on their Red Saak own 30, the Fliers started firing Er.dn Jacouru, White, Cook, Monie, aerials without nucecss for the RieaerdBon, Cacciatore. Tteklti—Clltrtlla, Menna, Ltrabee, C. home tsam. Tht Bucs intercepts* Wakittr, DanleU. Charlie Broadwater'a tow and the Ouarda—Morrle, B. Wehittr, Ctaatve, stage for the second touchdown waa Antmatal. Tomtlno, Wiliht. set. Hughts, doing most of the lug- Centtm—Holiday. Dotti, Jeffrey. Thorn. ging, carried the pigskin over for ton.Ruki—Huihw, toward, Merern, Soldo, Vt'lnlton the second TD with Larabee boot- ScMoMKr, ghaicr. NeplMM ing his second extra point. •ndi—V. Rertolnml, Taylor. Another Filer aerial aent the T.clil.i-Walton, Mitchell, Smith, D. Bucs off for their third touchdown LeRoy. after Bob Jeffrey hauled in one of jliiiard»—B. Anderson, Knee. Conlere—stiller, Qray.' Sat Bertolami's p a s s e s . Jeffrey Btcki—I. Btrtolami. Bradwater, Roach lugged the oval down to N*»'s 10, gantanlelt*, Wfllo, Mitchell. Risai, W and in two plays Dotts crossed the MIKhell. ^...._ S (I « 0— « double markers. Larahce then eon- Neptune Red Bank (I 87 n 0—27 verted to move Red Bank out to Touchiioani—Red Bank: Reward (2), Dotti, Hufhei. Nrvtinc: Santanlello, RUMSON a 21-0 lead. Atlaatk Hlcklaads Endt—Parker. OuMe, Nataan, ChidRed Bank'a final score came Polnti afttr tsuchdowna—Laratitt (I) Ends—8ny4er, Joy. wick. shortly before intermission time. placement!. Tackles—Manaa-rano, D«rhy, Malaaitn Tackles—McOulnnesa, Farrlnetnn. Officiate—Kcnneally, Collery, Pienson Guarde—Pappa, Guui, Garafhty, This tims a Flier fumble gava the Eildla. Guarde—Baden, Pratt, Smith, Oegatd* Turner. ay. C«My. Seort Rrat Victory, 32-7— Micby Ktnntdy Scorti Two Touchdown, After atruggllagsht waebt far a gridiron victory, Red Bank CatheTomehdtmm Bound lic high school Anally made the grade in the win column by ratline aver Frenchtown, Sl-T, aa the Red Bank high eebeel Said Saturday afternoon. ITS NO TROUBLE AT ALL TO OBT into hot water when knock It was a well-earned trliuaph for Ing out a eports column. For inatance, only la»t week we fctard ef a Coach Joe Bolger and hie Caaeya, coach who it cquawking becauM he isn't receiving enough publicity. who were defeated in several close Another coach, who had a elmller complaint lest eeaion, ie riding along eneeunttra during the caaMMlsa. •miling thle year. And he hae reason for the big imlle, hli club Ie Tha Oreen and Oold team battled the visitors for the flrst half and (licking. justified Its win by breaking up a Her* • • ga agala to teat the bet water tamed M by the strong affenslvt Froaehtewn eleven. U M M heard af odaeeNoa, M M bM aa « « » • •aaeter The visitors started ant la the dab. d«4ag • wonderful Job apratrttag scaoal spirit by harhlag first quarter In grand fashion, mevathletic affaire right a - te the bHt. M*ay atgM MM |UMM#N Inf from dstp In their own terriare heMlag a ham aaare at the WHtow Mra-t atkaei Fair tory rlfbt dawn ta tha Caaey to. A Ha*M. Tha reaeeei far ralr Haraa: Baaawat baart hae • Freacntowa fumble, however, endregwWttmi which chargea far MM MM af tha a*art 1 far ed a anarch which could have delecal tra4a art III far MHMH trala. Tkla tfare velepad Into a score and an exploto MM e«Mt htiek, M H « i «H»e baaaa MM MM. sion af eplrlt that might have Wow!! Of all organiaatloae to ohargt, tha aooeters!! When this meant the ball game. group winda up a aeatoa af aperatiea, appra»la»»tely 1700 or 1100 la Once the Caaeya warded e f •prat aa athletes and athletiet. WhM excelleM taarna are produced Initial period attack, they slowly and era worthy of a banquet in any other school, they gat It, but tt gan< Inaugurated aae af their awn by arally acxts the board of that school money. Nat In Rumson, though. blasting tha etpasltlen far t« pelnU Tha Booders give a banquet following tha football campaign and an- la the second quarter, alx in tha other one in the apring, which generally winds up sports competition third aad another pair af TD*a in John Desmond, Mo. » , Rumson tor tha year. Not only do tba boys cat with tha appetites of elephants, the flnal sesalen. Mickey Kennedy sparked the Ca- high school's speedy back, is picbut they receive individual awards, trophies, etc. Suppose the board was to pay the tab just for one banquet, what would H cost? Certainly Much sey touchdown parade, acquiring tured above heading for pay dirt more than the S3S required for the school, if tha board received it, two elx-pointtrs. Sonny Hotallng. with the Bulldogs' winning touchJim Carroll and Frank Caartaal which they dtJn't. ' down In Saturday's 184 victory over Jolntd In with ene each. The Bolgermtn struck la the see- Keyport. Desmond hlktd M yarda The Booster organisation certainly la MM daatat af any end ehapter following a U-yard for the payoff TD. group caaaactoi with MM scfcaeL if aajreae aboaMa't ha march which waa climaxed by Capchargaa. It's that organisation. Tha group to saving toapajrera rlonl's elght-yard Jaunt areund end. ma»er, aad wall hat these taxpayers waaM ha la favor af The eeeond Oreen and Gold tally came through the air when Mlekey graatlag the Boosters the school without Msattoa. Meat af tha Wade flrcd to Ktnnedy en the hoards ta MM county shell eat greeabaeks when gaattag araaM Frenehtewa It, from where the to koaarlag athletes. A lot af them wtahai thay haa a gaag af shifty back galloped aver the douboaster* working to save these awclsas graeahacks whoa H ble markers. Wade waa credited eeaws to feottag haaa«*t kWs. If tha beaH taak Mato out to with both extra points as tha paroehlals led at Intermission, 144. ftgare oat some of tha thiags tha Boosters prodaced that might Hotatlng boosted the count to othanrlas have hcaa a baraoa to tha baari, tha Beaatora waaM Toms River Halfback *VO in tha third when be took a aa «ouM ha graated tha use at the school aaaa reaaast, far fraa. handoff from Caprionl to bull aver EATONTOWN-Clarence LoveDisplays 68 Points; Tba board waaM atUI ha way ahaad af MM from the four-yard line. Joy, boating editor of the New Kennedy racked up hla ascend York Times, was guest speaker at Minton in 2d Place tht 60th anniversary dinner of the FROM THE FOOTBALL OBSERVATION POST—It looks aa If TD from the Frenehtewa alno-yard afttr it took the Caaeya Just Long Branch Ice Beat and Yacht Toms River -will breeie under the wire with ease la copping the Shore Una Carlton Hamilton, Toms River six plays to move tha plgakn Inta club Saturday night at the Crystal Ceaftrence title. Saturday the Indians jumped their biggest hurdle In scoring territory. The next tally high school back, has his hooks on Brook Farm inn. He spoke en the tha list stretch by hopping over Matawaa, 2S-12. The final jump comes was registered by Carroll after he the short's scholastic individual history of boating on the ShrewsTurkey day when Coach Johnny Dalton sends hie charges against a hauled in a Wade paaa an the IT scoring honors with a JO-point mar- bury and Naveslnk rivers. weak Lakewood eleven. Best performance turned in by the Pinera this from where he galloped far tha tin over his nearest rival. Hamilton haa amassed M points, which Hs told of the need of public season was a scoreless tie against Red Bank. Tha rest of tha alate tlx-potnter. Included U touchdowns and two yacht basins In northern cities to meant defeats. It will take Mandrake or soms other whia to pull an Coach Bolger's grlddera took to extra points. accommodate tha thousands ef tipaet la this one. the air, toaalng several neat aerials yachtsmen. Speaking of Hamilton, leading scorer in the traveling Rumson won agala la a eloae tilt, hat M looks aa If AMaatto which wera responsible both for tha development of Inland waterkeeping the fans Jumping all after- ttJO season, added a pair of six ways from Maine to Florida, hs Highlands did the damage earlier la the week when the Tigers pointers in Toms River's victory predicted that Long Branch will noon and for a Casey triumph. roared to a victory. Baauoa has two Issass oa tha 'U slate Wade spent moat of tba day oa ovtr Matawan Saturday which kept play a significant part In marlnt with a possible third when the strong Leonardo devea meets tho firing line. He connected with him well out in front of Phil Min- facilities for tha boatsman aa proMM Bulldogs on Turkey day at MM Lion gridiron. There always six of 14 tosses, two of the flips ton, Rumscn, who holds down s e c gress is made In aetting up service Is MM possible upset here, but Bumaaa'a last two outlags wera materialising Inte scores. In ana ef oad place by one touchdown. Min- centers. far from early season form. thrilling drlvea, the play start- ton racked up 48 (mint* with Sam The Freehold Colonials lost their bite Saturday when Manaaquan tha on the Casey 41. Hotaling then Apleelll. Asbury Park, sitting In Harold L. Seaman, Long Branch bald tha Schanckmen to a 7-7 tic. Leonardo stepped out of the Confer- ed boat works operator, was presented ripped through tha visitors' line to third spot with 42 markers. ence to lose, 9-6, but the Lion* have an excellent opportunity of taking land on the Frenehtown 4t for a For the next four places, the grid- a lite membsrahlp In the organisasecond place if they whip first division Rumson. On the other hand, first down. Wade fired to Carroll, ders have a nip-and-tuck battle In tion. Ha Is a charter member of Freehold won't receive as much credit If they whip second division Nep- who executed a spectacular diving aanioa with Danny Treua, Leon- the club and waa its flrst aecrttune Thanksgiving day. catch on tha 3* and Mother Brat ardo, showing 41; Butch Harvey, tary. Commodore Kenneth D. down. Wade then flipped to Carroll Toms River, 39; Don MeQuarrie, Adams mads tha presentation to Red Bank high school finally found the double markers af* who scampered aver for tha tally, Matawan, 88; Bill Johnson, Point ter having scored only one touchdown In four games. The Buca Art Halllnger sparked French- Pltaaant, 37, and Carl Anderson, rolled over a hapless Neptune. 17-1 This certainly was na kind town's attack for tha lane touch- Freehold, tt. Ted Hall, Atlantic of a last for the holiday meeting wIMl undefeated Laag Branch. down. Starting on their own 40, the Highlands, comas next in Una with Last week we missed one Bue win, They had two Instead af MM Frenehtownera dug Inte pay dirt 84 markers. one we credited 'em with. They aaw actually have three. In other Shore Conference tilts, Point Pleasant hung up a J7-U after executing flve plays. Hallln- Jim Carroll, Red Bank Catholic, lugged the mall on all flve and who haa 80 points, also is credited whipping over Atlantic. Out of the circuit, Red Bank Catholic bit the ger racked up tha touchdown. TOMS RIVER-Coach Johnny with having most TD's in one tilt, win column with a one-Bided triumph over Frenchtown. The Caaays 1st loose to score in every period for their first win. Score waa M-7. Sure . Knds—Wlleoa,NHolIn>an, florae*, It- four; most acorlng pastes caught, Dalton's Toms River football machine practically wrapped up the flvt; leading scorer among linemen, lrln», B. Canter. is good to see a nice gent like Coach Joe Belger taste victory. Taekles-ntek, BMwtll. Raaer, Sidney. and most points in a single tilt, 14. Shoe Conference diadem Saturday Crawley. John DsVito, Rumson, still haa when the Indians hurdled the Guards—Demist, Mylar, Devla, Fault, SHORT SNORTS FROM SPORTS—Any truth la reporta af tht distinction of having booted the toughest late season Jump by skimDecker. disciplinary action for some Red Bank high school grldders a a i Center—Mlddlctnn. only field goal on a drop kick. The ming over Matawan, 25-12. Backs—D. Carver, Halllnaer, t e l i y . that they will miss the Long Branch game Turkey aayf Wa Tha emooth-running Butch HarXhafftr, Rrunll, Tlser, Lewie, Donato, longest touchdown run goes to Ted also received a report that Chubby Oambacorto, star Hnemaa Hall, who daahad to yards for a vey and Carlton Hamilton contribRote, and hackfleld man, quit the team. Harmony certainly 1s lackklckolf return. uted to tho victory. Hamilton reging there. We suspect It lacked before this happened. Endi—Carroll, Doslfsr, SaxamntMr, Valtl. The longest pasa play, .which cov- istered two (list half touchdowns, Shore Conference item—All you hare to da now is to aama MIL Eek«rt, TacklM—MeDoKMll, SIMOSI, i*nti, ered 87 yards, waa executed by while Harvey was on the firing end coaches. Two Conference mentors ara on their way out of tha grid Hall and Jim Bnyder of tha Tlgtra. ef two passes that materialised Into ""•rtt-CousaU". Uftus, Cwllta, coach bracket Can you name 'em? Dn"r. Hal Apgar, Rumaon, la credited a pair of touchdowns In the second WaklMoraller, M rugged grldder of B.H.S., recently gradC with tha longest scoring run after half. uated from the Naval Interior Commaalottka Eleetrkiaa Matawan scored flrst in the ena paas Interception, aa 80-yard hike, School Command of the Great Lakes, I1L . . . John HeaaeL alaa Howard. Mtrer Sckeel TD..PAT. Pte. counter, but once the classy Ina member of the same squad, Is a studeat at 1'nlverslty of Pennaa •• a T— T Prtnektnwn diana started whooping up a war T Hamilton, 1Tome .... River 11 Si dancing machine the Huskies had Ml Ia T 1111 sylvania. ll>> transferred from Michigan . . . Llsk Wyekoff, •Ud Bank Cithollt d Bank 411 TD K Cithollt It) .... M l I 11—11 Minton, Ruaiava classy Bulldog catcher who handled the hurlers when Rumson TD: K.nn.dr It), Csprtenl, Retallna. B. Aflcelll. Aebury Park 42 no defense to halt the undefeated won the Group I Central Jersey baseball Mile, aad Pete Shlppee Carroll, H«lllni«r. D. Traisa, Leonardo 41 aquad. Point after TD. Wait It), HaUlaitr. Harvey, Terns River S* ara students at Duke university. Offltlali—Abkatltllo, Celswl, Utl*. MeQuarrie, Matawan TOMS RIVER II Coach Don Trotter, Rumson caga coach In 1948-49, visited Rumson wlei. af W. Johnson, Point Plsaeanl r.ntln—Phillip., Ktyro, Rlsg. recently from his Fort Dcvcns, Mass., post, The lanky mentor expects at Andanon, Freehold Tacklci—Brltton, Tollman, AlthouM, 14 Ortweler, to go overseas very shortly. Arch Shuw of the Leonardo coaching staff, Mall, Atlantic Hishlands , aa Aptar. Rumion Guardu—Cngney, Ktiilnn. Bonnrnfeld. now serving with the Army, heads for Japan Jan. 1st, Carroll, Red Rank Catholic .... (>«lm—Gnirllah, Bradley. STANDINGS la la»t week's column, we wrote that one of Tucker Hanson's Wolf. Matawan Racka—Hamilton, Harvry, Hoplon, W L Cranmer, 14 Cranmcr, (Jtrretion, Rtnltio, Hlcki, Toma River miMt notable gridiron feats was racing 71 yards to heat Buck24 Tarns Blver , tthumoek, Keyport nrll. C..IIHH word that Isn't true. According to "Honest George" MATAWAN 24 Laonardo Madtn, FrefhoW .„; (.III, who nays h« saw tha game, Tucker waa stopped by tha 14 Hampton, Freehold „„. Slide—Sullivan, Wolf. FraehaM. l« famed CUrk Hlnklr nn the two-yard line after a 7*>yard run, Roman, Keyport f ncklee—Duffle, Farlello, Blanken. It VtnNoM, Freehold hut he did go ovnr on the next play. If "Honest George" says Guard!—Armour, I . aurnette, Gor1* man, WlUlame, Long Branch Mai saaa Hushee, »*• •*»• "•'" have to go along with him . . . Tarn Darby, Attoav It Luhlsehtr, Long Braach _ Center—w. Bumette, Bod Bank Mr Highlands freshman, will be a developed grldder when ha D'Aaalco, Long B/sneh .......... Backs—Creen, Marvel, Matthews, Me•award, Had Bank . Keyport hits his nfnlnr year. He already plays a rugged game at tackle Ouirrlt, Hcaly, Clifton, fruder, BerIt brl«k. Thorntea, Ret Bank Matawaa for a hrglnnrr, IS Tomi River U Joknstn, Leonardo a a ; §_JB II Monomer, Point Pleasant Point Pleasant I S O C—13 X. J, Koollmll OHIciitls, Trenton District, will hold th«lr annual ban. a n n Matansn Hewltion, Manairiuan Atlantic Highlands 1 1 R l v a # Nov n Tmirhdnwni—Hiimlllnn I, Cranmcr, s s l« TmlTord, Manainusn l l •iip *"" * - • ' • •»»'• Officials dins tonight Lahewood Msyaa, Freehold I II IT Eayrci, Green, Wolf, Otavtnlta—Matter <alMt»ent). . . I 1 II Vi Hamilton Again Paces Scholastic Scoring Race Long Branch Ice Boat and Yacht Club Honors Harold L. Seaman Indians Belt Matawan, 25-12 iVrJi a j e i ^ j ^ j j g i Shore Conference i. the veteran member of the organisation. Short talks were made by Thomas Irving Brown, editor and publisher ef The Register, who Is president emeritus of the North Shrewsbury Ics Boat and Yacht .club. Also speaking were Stewart Cook, president of the same organisation, and Mayor J. William Jonts of Long Branch. Russell K. Hagerman, a mem' her of the club's board of trustees, read the flrst mlnutst which were written by Mr. 8eaman Feb. 37, 1901. He then gave a resume of tha history of the club. Robert Harris presented a cup to Commodore Adamt In recognition of hla being the commodore during the annivtrsary period. Louis Mion and Arthur M. Meeker, also trustees, cut a larga anniversary cake. Commodore Adams recognised several of tha living commodores. The present officer a were also in' troduced. Manasquan Ties Freehold, 7-7 MANASQUAN-Manasquan high school, an underdog aquad which was supposed to he snowed under by the highly favored Freehold Colonials, turned the tide Saturday to force the Freeholders to come from behind In the final quarter to earn a 7-7 ball game. After the Colonials had their wining atreak anapped by the Indians the freeholders lost their alp and have not been the team It waa In mid-season. Bill Hewlston, ace Kg Blue back, came up with the most thrilling dash of the day when he scored Manaaquan'a only marker on a 03yard Jaunt In tha flrst period. Carl Andereon, rugged Freehold fullback, plowed over for the visitors an a one-yard buck, which put the Schanckmen back In the ball game In the final stanxa. This was one encounter that the extra point proved te be a do-or-dle point, as both clubs profltod by It to dead lock the contest. IBEtHOLt) Kndi—Brodlc, Cook, Lykm. Haynn. Tacklea—Reanu, Borodunovitch, Sack nawita, Knelaler, Ouarda—Dora, Oetcrmlllcr, Brcilln, Pretty, Canters—Randolph, Howard. Bscki—Van Note, Hampton, Andcnon, Hadin, R. Burke, Castronova, Maye«. MANASQUAN Indt—Metsuthlln, Tusentw, Keith Ptiltnit. Tackles—J. Burke, N.lion, Plkart. Guards—Newman, Kennedy, Upton, Center*—Mcilll, Blhlr. Bucki Traordlt, llcwltunn, Mym, t.iKtin, nn, Wenrlih, Wcnrlch, Btointr Stun«r, Shaw, Aubrey iy Alfred Uaatr Kinstr, Alirtd Kesaey. Center—Bark. „ Backs-Mall. Snvder. Letts, Kltrs, Dohaon, Bray, Anthony. Center—Tallinn Becke—Minton, A n i r , Johanaeauae, DeVito, Auaack. Demand. KEYPORT J«es—Alexander. Dietrich, Lawrtave, Bliui. ralklnhuri." ' ' ™' Tackles— Baker. Lambcrteon. Tacklea-Chadwlek, Mephtaota, VtaCenters—Collandra, Crumlch. Center— pohlkc. Dyne. Fleck. y rd ll< 111 rbkf B a c k t - J , Mlrra, B. Mlrrt, RoblMM, —S, * !n. "'J' * *"»»•'• Babe. Kllllan, gchroeder. tall, Brtwa, Hanson, Beyers, Schumaek. Cantors—Frey, Delta. •son -......_.„ t • T a—1» Backn—Pcaret, Jtknaen, Maaatr, »P«rtt i • a t— I Mtsseeaer, Law, Mtaaereil. Touckdnwue—Minton, Demon* gchukdnwue Paint Pltaiant t 14 I t •—IT Atlantic Hlshlandi t a t 12—11 TDi Petrce, Johneoa I, Mtesetatr, Kleva, Hull. Points after teuchdown: Frlek t : Johmon. Official.—Holmes. Dohnynikl, Asple•ate, Paaicky. S Buc Yearlings Rip Caseys, 25-6 Keyport Jayvees Trounce Rumson K E T P O R T — Keyport high school's junior v a r s i t y aquad avenged Rumson's win over the Raider varsity Saturday by trouncCoach George Saffa's undefeated ing tha Bulldog Jayvees, 904), MonBue frethmtn grlddera completed day afternoon on the gridiron here. an undefeated grid aeaaon Tuesday winners acored seven points afternoon by rapping Red Bank InThe the aeeond period and then Catholic's yearlings, JM. struck with an offensive that netSparked by Arnie Hayes, who ted IS points In the final session. racked up three touchdowns, the Ball intercepted a Rumaon pass Bankers tallied It points In tha In- and skipped to the Rumson oneitial period and seven each in the yard line to set the stage for the third and flnal. Initial score. After two plays moved Frank Maloney, rugged plunging the pigskin up to the one-Inch spot, Green and Oold back, accounted for Ball crowd up the opposition by the Casey touchdown on a one- sweeping wide around right end yard buck in the fourth chapter. for the score. He then executed Hayes' flrst TD came on a (4-yard the jaunt. Hla aeeond came on a tan- pointIdentical play for the extra yard hike and then came a beauMlrro racked up the second sixtiful 91-yard dash. pointer on a nine-yard p l u n g e Red Beak CstksNt Kndx-Klarnan, Ketler. Orlflen, Wea through the center of the Rumson line. An attempted run around end sal, Schlcr. Tacklei—Akin, Doelser, Kerchtr. failed for the extra point. <iuanta—Breelin, Ceitair, Lavlgnt, On a thrilling run which carried Brandaer. the ovat M yards. Ball hiked from Centers—l.yoni, Parke, Back*—Uddy. Muitlllo, Donley, Ma- the Keyport 3S to the Rumson six loney, Clark, Mornn. Bamhrick, where he was downed by the last Red Bank Bulldog player. Beyer, on the next Ends—Irtvln, Patttn, Tackle*—Toni Baeso, Trautmen, play, passed to Dietrich for the fir,iir>artl»—Pete Kosachok, Amtartlli, nal score. Beyer plunged through Center—Dupret. Barks—Hayei, Moore, Ftvata. llcklii. Rumson's line for tha conversion. Red Rank Catholic n a n »_ , Red Rank H O T 4—21 TO: Hayea 3, Moore, Maloaey. Point after TDi Dunret. Guardsmen Set For Cape Tourney RMiastn i . V. Jnd;—Batman. Chadwlek. McVsll. Taeklee—Schilling, Nelson, Farley, ft Guards—Smith, McQueen, Ptntelle. Ctntar— Scholl. SaniomV ""•"•• •aekj—Aumack, O. Terry, D. Wheel, ar. D Flow. Clambror,,, Rutild.e, R. Wheeler, John.on, Martin. * Ksriwrt t. V. ftida—ft Dlttrleh, Fritter*. Tacklei—O. Schram, WeRtard, Terry. flvardt—Letwanakleke. Rohllng, Truix. Center— E. Schram .Clayton. Ba«ks—Bayar, Ball, Mlrro, Stranltro, Mullanty, Emmoni. Ktyport a T n 13—Sf» Rumson t i n n s TD: Mlrro. Ball. Dietrich. Point, after touchdown—Bill, Beyer. Ofllclala—Abbs, tlcllo, lamnello, McOulnntM. The Red Bank NatlonsrOuardsmen have been conducting stiff practice sessions the past ftw weeks preparing for their first opponents In a cage tournament to determine the New Jersey National Guard haakctball championship, Managsr Howard Orlmm of Rumson will pit his courtmen against Lawrencevllle, Princeton and Bur- ger Pvt. Thomas D'Agoatlno, Red lington units of the Guard, as will Bank; Sgt. John Rlley, Asbury aa Long Branch's 186 Transporta- Park, and Pvt. William Walker, tion Truek battalion, Rumson. Members of tht looal quintet InAlong with tournament games, oiude Sgt. William Kelly, Sgt. Wil- the local flva la seeking games with bur Bishop, and Sgt. Roland Voor- other local teams. Interested manhces, Leonardo; Sgt. JftrnM Stalfa, agtrn are reqiie/itad to contact But. Bobby James and Cpl, Louis Manager Howard Grtmm, 29 SecMebua, Keyport; Pvt. Alts HBMIB- ond at, RumsoB, •'**•• mm wnwr wiwtwFwt, Bowl 'SPLITS and MISSES w. Kennedy Spark** Caeeyi 3 report lhe huntiB? ^ 7 ^ , ' ; ^ Ma""-"" wi-h "rbrrt'W^'-Vy good, d ^ t , roW«r wrth ' A* C PoS'e ' of N^her^ Holm4»! a«1 Capt. Earl Afk'raon , wishing 150 pound* fach. Penguin Ends in 2 Week* •V " HOT* Bsftr I r s * * Sets ISt* WiH) SIS Pu.$ Heocc KW S l l run. 4. la vieitlaf «li«erea» itafiMO l i l l H tfce *oaatf t i l to « w ewa leagues we cease acraM »im—•>» about rules u d rejulatioae ef taie Kefer BVewa ooaUattee hla tta|tea,t gaaae «f tea pi*s. U B««t (MM thers it aa reaeoa fat 11MM arfumesua i r tb* opposing capttiat were feasiliar with the rules theaa- tliac sslllac pace ta Iea4 IS Peatala oklpfwra la the Sfht far the Mlvei. " " "•—' • " - "•*' *" '-'— tteiMeille hawl aeriet aew heiof ^Mrfitcua or Moaasouth Beat du* ea the Navesiak river. • r e * a, tailla( Ma Bee Hive, ceppai three Sret placet te oweep thrOMfh the week-etU raeae aa4 In"It Is wltkia tkt captaia'e tvtharltjr ta remove any player perana- ereaot hia lead te SI palate over aantly freai kit toeaa, iffeala aMe ta fiiraiea feed. aa4 surlkieat retsoa Brub Haaee, akipper of Chatwe. •rewa's total polatt laertattl te to tha leajrue'i beer* of «reetore. M! with Maoca hoMlac eeeead place with- lit. • ! Ma tattoo rears la Ik* payaawat at la the Sret race, Bee Hive cat eut in front tt the ftartar't f/ua sad stares there all the war arauad the ceurat. Heary Pept, pllotlac root Loose, waa aoeoM, with Bah I • sfarot'e Hawie, (a Joker, third, aa< Uttle •vMrfc ha It a Mape, tallool hp Charlie Allaire, "Tat t i M captaka ahtll 4WMe »U U t | w Hit* meaty eccoretM ta feurth. Mickey KMfiwfV, N». 12, Raaj lank Catholic'* (lathy back, verbal or written ttteeafttate. Wk«r« sioauttt ariia heetute of ua- Luck wot with the Itaolaf pllet avola'asle raii(nati«a af ear attajber, 4tcisioa.t aity be rendered by the ia the secea4) whoa Howie had a It ikawn croitino; H M fool lino with »*• af rho two toychajawnt I l»lla\ ltS-iarh srheslbati, •!< foot plrkun baard «f tUrectora af tha Mtfua, If aa aoo>aadea7' ceatfertaolt lead at the Srst aurk ho rockot) up a4jOr«» FroMchtown. Ko«inoo!y't rynninf an«j 4iobody, * ion Ita. GVW. Pickups in the I.-U0, t. 1/(1 but r<nin444 la the wreftf Mreetloa \ of oko MptHa M aat «p by tha ABC. and IA9U awias imlud* 115.127 and l.'U-inrh wheeltiU w u SlHualiSaS. Prawa took fontivo aloy wot an* of tha kif (octori in tha Cuoyt' firtt r taaa tats oast a) h) k*> IMSM, 6 h , a end »-ft. bodies, tiVW's to 8,fV)0 Iba. evtr tha lead to wia with aaee. win of tha ytar. Poae took 010104 aa* Plek Davis, at tha tiller of tke Baathat*, aaithtt] thlr4. ^ OaBBBBBBBBfc BBBI ABBBBBBBBB BIBBBT BBBV BBBBBBBW BBBBBBVBBBB). I s ? BBBBBBBV AIBBBUBUBA BBBBB! Brawa had to outaail P e n la the SBBBBBB a W BBBBBBBB BBBBB! ^ ^ M ABBBBW a V a a aBBBBataBBBafl. CBB hdBMVSBj M ABBMBBBBBBBBI laal whea tht Foot Laoss IM ta If there U » Mistake la tha atara It theuld ba corrected Immediately the tret aiwk. Tka Bee Hive taea and hat a* tha oa4 af MM H M , "Where accessary, tha baard of dl- BiaveO' up ta take over oo the oeeraetari »t th« leasne ahaU 4aelde tipea auettlenable or ebvloue'errors." tadl wladward le( te eeere tht If both aaptalai kaap • ahath aa tha acare throughout tka (aaie, any third] victory of the efttrnota. root HAMILTON It's getting to be a error will ba laiaMdlataly aBaarcat ana c»» be corrected without arru- Loose wat etcond with Chance ar« t w » Bimple reaaoiu why you habit with Ueonaida lilgh school. ment. In all cuaa, perfect hoaeety and fairnen will prevent argument! third. Coach Arnie Truta and hla Lions •avc money when you buy an Interand allow everyone to eajojf tha g»M* aa he ehould. With aalr twe aoore week-eaa> ran into "lack of time" trouble BVaaaaom ajfOkSBat s i a i • - - » dhalAJ 1ft aojBBBBBBal ajaBSaasB *BBJaJ> •**•— AjajBjkJala* national pickup truck. f •*>Ji W M ffjf BBBBV*W • • • • BW W"»BBa"O BBaBBBJll f>BB<BP*> W f •"•BBMBJJBBBBJ ef the aarlet renalainf. the Srst Tuesday againtt Toms River and Hat a ! tao ttiBiailslNr Mafeaoate* oftt,bat tke bowler It three placet ore pretty well tewed again Saturday against Hamilton Pirat, you got lower operating and Both times the Lions were nipped up. maintenance coat*. You get a pickup truck by the clock. Hamilton, n Group LEONARDO — Willie Cannavo SunJtr, Dee. t, will be tke.bli Oaeea Istaior pfaasl— tm real wttk a school, took Leonardo Into recorded the holiest g»nw Sunday that it engineered throughout to do more Turkey Bowl regatta slated for the III camp, »-«. on the gridiron hero. afternoon on tho Hcaron Hill golf work for leas money. Navealak river. Bntry blaaka have avtlaakte, la wMeft eaaa ao thai awMf* Me rapt*** aa eaaet aa cuuixu when he Hicd a .19-36-79 for Leonardo, trailing »-8, had the been milled out to tke top Peaguln •a^Ba^fdaBBBBB BBBafeBBBaai A B B ^ ^^--Vf^df.-at-^J) SaBafaBaaiBBL. BBCBB BBBBSSM BiaaBBBaBBBBMBst BBalaBBBBaaaM the hest gross score turnnd in hy pigskin on Hamilton's two-yard Second, you get longer truck life. Even iklppert en the east coast. Tha lotarn a t flaBalBBBiBBaBJa Skat - * * IIBBBMBBB taa*at ftW akah - * - * — — aa/lM M B L B 1 4 amsMa* with three downa to go and the numerous golfers taking ndvanOJOJ OJ BIVIIIIOOJPBBBBBI O J * BOB M R I CBBWOJ a v i • • OJOMIOJ W M M B B W i t IMOVBTVS cal duo expects te play host te line the MiallMt International pickup truck OBBIBBBOMBBBW IBBBY UaMajaJf •TCBBBBB k l s l BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM. A B M a a f ABBBH BBVBBIB in sight when time ; <n out, tage of the mild week-end weather, IS or o» tklpatra who will compel victory has the traditional atamina that has kept Jon Spicrr piea.sed Cannavo all af tho aowton la the awHer el roMaf la a far the title won ojr Mike raftn ending the tilt. p Hamilton ltd the content for the way when he carded a 3K-3S- -76 Internationals flrst in heavy-duty truck of Maatoloklav latt year. three quarters with the aid of a May we a.u«a tha rule keok onee again? "It ii alas under§ta»d aalea for 19 straight years. Five raeei will he aalM, two in safety in the initial stanza, but thf to trail hy only one rtrnhe, Freddy that the bowler hlmaelf mutt aaeertain peraonally from hit county aeeoMerrimsn had the third heet card, eiatlon or the Amtriean Bowllag Cengreii whether or n«t tha league tho atoralat t M three la tha at- Liont scored Urct in the final ses- S«-3»—77. You get these ail-truck savings right sion to take a 0-2 advantage. It •r tourntment hat baaa acnetlancd. The eicute th*t the hawler w u la toraoea, Herbert Rerghof copped low net Ignorance af the faet that tha league a* taurnament had not baaa teatPta. wat short-lived, however, the home honors, registering gl-lB—4M with team striking back with a TD. Norm Scott second, earding 71-10— tlonH will nat « • aeeeated. Ne arlatt ahall be awarded ta bswlera Ill who bewliag In • •aitettoaea' league bectuaa they are alaa The home team's safety came •I. Mrs. David T. Jones turned in III bowling, ar are found ta ba bawling, la aa untanetloaad league; nat thnut when Bill Worth, HamlHrm the beat ladles' low net score, with 114 ahall Pflwt ba awarded ta a bowter whs, while competing I* a rtgulaf center, hrokn through tht Lion line l»« atactloned taurnaaMM, la nevertkeiaM later found ta htve been, or ta , : : to block Tony Htavola'a punt that a 13047-13. 100 rebounded out of the end lone (or Rut Crouse and Roy Truswell ba, « member af a team bowling la an unianctlonea league, auch Ul won In the kicker's tournament howler automatically dlaf aaHtea Manelf from ill tanctloned league and 110.1 a safety. staged hy popular Pro Andy 81tournament competition and hie chart In any and all Brian of aay Leonardos touchdown drive 14J character." What til tale addt «a te It that the bowler le reepeaelMa It* started In the late sta(ct of thekora. Crouse fired *S-9—7* for first III for tha conduct and Integrity ef thlt game of ttn plm while the eaataln third quarter after taking pos>e«- prlM victory, while Truswell's 101III and league ofllcera are ratpoaalbla for tha tame thing In to far at the ftSMUlt 111 •ion on the 50-yard stripe. Bill 82—79 waa good for second. Get l e e league It concerned. Crash Bemre III Florence sparked the offensive) that Sikora aWo announced he and lea Watts Araeld Ickvtrti IT taw three first downs marked up Beacon Hill members Ed Savidge, Wo roeelvod wara froa Dot Clark, teeretary af the Baadlt lullll. *•»« tall an.I at he reeled off runt of 13, nine, (ar ie* Karsa Uadaly Ml*e4 leta, loot weak bat H arrtvea tea lata far laat woah'a T2 Norm Scott und Mcrriman would feten's Vt> •ltd IS yards to halt thn pigskin 4>1ay in the pro-amateur tourney caUau. fcettaaM Va ara three ItagHH a«t la float wHk a Mor.Qlu* 44 en the Hamilton two. After Sonny three-way tenaihlo for aaoaaa aataag Gee Be*'*. O»aan»e4«rt set for tomorrow »t the Crestmont llokit 44 Vaughtn gained two feet, Danny Country Mliery IS aad Baeheta. Tka Yaaagatert fakew with another gaaw at«> club, WeJt Orange. Trena bulled through the HamilMai (ire II clfc Laaklag back aaetker three gaaaaa ta I waa ana I I laet Mlrfie Maeponald Dlf M« 10 ton line standing up. Florence's are the reaaata. t M for Mw cater ara CryttaJa aad High 17 SkM 'Sm • i i i wiaoir 11 placement attempt missed its mark. Ughta at T aad 11 The MgkNgkta af the league are artoally Melts? tntit i >. Oraako Hamilton struck bark Just aa tka Ooo Oee'a Mgk (krto gaaw tatal of 1MI aaa the Draaawtan, nMkiV.f'. Bek« «|| Uu 4 waa wore la feUk gear tke abjkt obey reaea high ta«m gaate ef Half Plot Diker « fait at the Lions scored. The home team took the ensuing klckoff on Ordsr tt riaha Dot Bhlbla teem* to htve everything her awn way among the wom- Pint rate—P.. Braw*. H. POM. R-Itt ST. Ten plays later, Hamilton scored alter Jim Porter did most en with high game, eerlee and average of 171, 480 ami 1S6.S. Ann No- Mowtt. C. Allaire. M. Mllttakeresr, ' . A. gckarartt, ». Oavle, W. of the heavy lugging, one run riplan la a clot* teeoad, however, wHh 113. Hard on her heelt comet a IIS fkkwtaklr, •orncr. L. Wertkley. D. Mukktrd, Dan by tha able tecretary, and 1M by Maria Newman. The men are in the Entllik, I . (jaafktakusk, i . Ptrrlae, P. ping off 45 yards. The tcoring aama boat with Jim QuMltmt being high ecron the botrd with a 2S1 •atrtra. P.. Uadiltr, aad A. Wcktrdaen. play wat a spread maneuver which game, a Ml tet and a 1M avanga. Ralph Acerra it up and coming In Second race—K. Pr»«n, I. Nosls, H. made Center Worth eligible aa t place potition with Ut while George Seott'e Ml i> good for thow Pese, I. Davit, ft, Qetckeakiuk, H. receiver, when he hauled in the MIHienktrttr. P. Mukkard. P. Perrinr. winning TD past. money. Thete wert the retultt up to tha and of October to the que*. A. C. •ek»ent*r. G. AUaln, tlon it, how will th«y alt oUad at tha end of November? We thtll tee, A. aiekardioa, Tht Lions fought tack, taking Mivarts. Dan Cntllak, W. Beraer. we thall aee. R. Bomra, L. Werlhler, A. Cent, and tht klckoff on their own SS to K. Uadeler. march 63 yards in eight playa, Tka Seaita Mart toagat, roMag TkMraiay nlghta at BM Tklrd raee-R, Breva, V. Pop*. « winding up on the two-yard line. Bank •onaaUoa have a* lateraottag eetiip that tcaoa la level Vaughan fired five successful pasMUtankerttr, - ' ' the taama aat ivory aaee ta a while. They aperato aaaer the tes In "ilcefMlon In the rally, DeRlehartaM, task. ft. r Salvo ekiitcd left end, but was U Wertkiey, i.. „ _. - „ — , . „ halted jutt short of the goal line P. Boosts, W, Beraer, aad Bon Eni-when the whistle blew. IliK, Tht Lions made four defensive stands In the first half, taking pos* session on their one, 12, one and holet ta tha taat af Ikreo to awo to tab* over a four-game lead It-yard stripe-. at t t won aai • laat Lamard* Tha Plttoni mutt have lott oema of their compreitien that night at Ends—MeNamara, Icklof, Stamltk, they could only win oae from the Hot Chlpe aad to could do no better than tia the Poodleri for teeoad place. The big ehanee of the night ocABBURT PARK — Coach Army Harms Tacklet—Best. Kmmpf, Elgrim. curred when tha Bwont and tht Otrbyt met faet to face all even at Ippollto't clttty Long Branch grid Guarda—A. Treua. Carusu, Martsca. 11 and I t Tka Haront knocked tha Derby* Into a cocked hat with a squad continued to atay in tha un- Center!—Stavola, Korwaikl, Emmom. Batki—Cnlllni. Johnion, Sehultheii. clean eweta aad alto knocked them down to the 13th tlot from their beaten rank* Saturday afternoon Trexzn, Vailllhan, Florence, DeSalvo, ninth potrUaa at tha beginning of the evening. At the tame time it when tht Green Wave dumped Its D. Boiaerfflan, Forman, Oonahue. moved tha IttroM Into ttvtnth plaee. Alt the re»t of the matches were toughest rival, Atbury Park high Hmiltea odd *ame wist. Ptrhapt tha happlaet gang there wtra the Sad flackt. school, t o , en the gridiron here. Endft—llyauv, VAmnyak, Jorhiri, Taiklea—Meilvc. Pattertnn, Ska, Out of 24 garnet they had only managed two wini but b i t Thursday It wat tht tld meeting of the Quardt—-Ivans. Conover, Wooliey, De. night they taafued tha Snafu'e for two garnet to give them four wins for the ataaon. They ar* atlll In the cellar but thii may be jutt the ahot in achool* and the Branehera scored Irnnrio Newell. their flrst triumph ever the Blah- Center*—Worth. the arm they htve needed. We hop* to, anyway. ll«ck»—Vnn I'rlt. n»iri>fm,l. Muka, J. ope sine* IMS. Tht atrltt BOW Porter, Trout. Morrtale, MeGee, E. PorTke B-kVe Mg reaeeo for botag aa top It their atar bowler, stands t t II wins for Atbury tar. «—I Leonardo 0 Kuee Maataa, who la laagae average leader wttk la* John against tta victories for Long Hamilton 7—» Shaaika of tke fieloat la tke driving rod for this team with Branch, There are three ties on the Touchdowns— Leonardos2 M. lit, wkleh It tke aaaea caaat tbat tke kVB'a "Sklppy" Coeyman record books. Hamilton; Worth. ••art*. Dick Lotto of the •aroa* aad Larry iackwn. Hat Chlpt, Coach Ippollto's record now dl«- Polnti after touekdown—J. Porter botk have i n aa Ed AdaaMkl. Hot Chip*, and lh« Sperte* Nlek playa flvt triumphs and two knot- (plunge.) Safetr— Slavola (kick klneltd hy Do Mate thew IN. Ta raaai eat tke top' ten we have Bill ted ba|l gamei. Worth and houneed hack ef and aonc.l Kreaia, Doneea WIM, and "Saaay" Joae*. B-B't, i t las and the The w l n n l n , * touchdown was Offlclali—Boylr, Murphy, Tlndall, Bnadtt'e John Beawaaettl at IM. marked up In the third chapter . W M N ^ S I N U S M E N S L E A C O E The B-B'i have a vtry good raaton for being on top at they have when Left Halfback Howard Wilthe two high turn terle* with 2,*1» and 3,853 and the high game of 930. liams climaxed a M-yard drive by 1» The Banna' M4 I* tb* only other 100 game In the league. The individ- duhing SI yard* around left end Bhervood'a Dacbn. .„ 11 ual honor* go to that 110 m*n, Munton, for his tet of *»; John flhamka far the ata-perater. At Mllta' place- Bal'a Globe Motora U . . „ IS of the Pljtom, 8M: the Barons' Dick Lettt, 307, and the Hot Chips' Lar- ment ww blocked by Fred Apleelli Aumack'a Hot Water ProRressivu Life IA ry Jackson, 23S. The proud posteuort of flrat place are Munion, Coey- of the home team. Sal't Tavern — IS man. Jones, Muggrsy Bennett, Harold Crawford and Tony Valenti. In 14 The Brtnchtn had two other De Falca'a looking over the standing theet we find three of the B-B's In the flrat scoring opportunities during the Uo'« Shell H 14 ten average men while the Pletons have one, a* do the Baroni, Sports, contest, but they failed to ffet them Orllll Construction m Deucei Wild and the Bandits. The Hot Chip* are the only ones giving across. On the Una! play of thtCrate'. Daniel's 1» the B-B's a tight with two. The second place Poodlcrs must have a very lint half. Ai Mlllt went IS yard* Alvlno'a 11 even team aa they did not place any In the first ten yet they are nght- to Atbury Park's nine-yard stripe, Aii-poi-t Inn 11 Nat'« JeweliTi » Ing for that lead. All in all then boyt tre doing a wonderful job. * but the period ended before another Bulrd-Davlion M i j l L BMtaJBaaaBaO OOO SERIES play tttrted. In the last period, the MONMOUTH MIXCD LEAGUE C. rorhe, 1(1,1, V. Cantallee «»». Ippolltomtn moved to the tlx, where •• Oullllsmi I.K.7 'a penalty moved them back and Week of Oct. 10 MM CLUB 0- Wldaer 133.14 W. OSulllvm ... .1. Smith 221, K. Gi-illi 200. K. Turner 8TAND1NG8 Let these revolutionary new U. S. Royals give mw 132.11 cooled off an excellent scoring opA- Lynn .. 200. H. Gave 202, H. Hopkins 203, K. 124.0 portunity. Blahtr Allen J02. V. Romnrn J»4. M. Aumack Bottoms Up No. t II 112.14 chiving control on tho ruky POCMS of wftntof I The contest drew 4,000 grid fans. 209, F. Cantallce U». E. Jarvla 300, Gee DCS'K No. S 12 6. Hartilrro'vii 97.0 ^a^ 4 W ggfdu _ ^ ^ ^ ^ pW pV^^at BBaaaaa^attaaBaaa* a m J ^tea. ^aOaaaaaWI .Leonardo Halted at Two-Yard Line When Whistle Blew; Lose, U 1 ^OOjBlOV VaBj ajBBBBBBV BBBBBV O^BBBBB^BJQa. BsJBBB^B/ BV*^B BBBJBBBBnBBBJ VjBp BeBBB^BBJ pf VJV^^aBJBBBBBJ This pickup pinches pennies! Cannavo Shoots 75 at Beacon OjaVaSBaBBl V^WJBV BBBBi ^HOaBBat ^ S a P• BBVBBBPV They ' n i ' h mow in ihi mounuiiu. aaBB OBBT e^gBj^SBBBBBB^ S^BJVja^ivBBBJI aBBBJBBBt VnJafsFaol sBBBBBBBBl vV^PBPSj) BBBBBBBBBbBi OJHOVVJB} BBiAai PJITJ BaBBBBaSkSKaiOaBk OjVBBDJBJBBja^PJ li^ B BSOBW p aBJBJB 1 along with features that no other pickup truck given you. For example—the coMrO-vitiON CAI nV'the roomieat, most comfortable cab on the road." The Silver Diamond engine w an outstanding development of tin' worM'u largest excluaivv truck engine plant. Super-steering gives you maneuverability and eatte of handling that make driving a pleasure. 1 O^OJB^JBB/arBBBBBBB' Q<WBT 0BaBB9>vBjHBBjSJ OBBBBBB flSssvB O^BBBBBBBBBBBBapa^BPi vSFaBB/7 wOB O»BBeej ^asBBBjajBB But get all the facto for yourself. Com* in and learn why International pickup trucks are the best truck value in pickups today. MAURICE SCHWARTZ * SONS 141-143 W«rt font St. I I 6-07S7 Rtd lank TRUCKS BiTuichers Beat Bishops, 6-0 US.ROYAL i • • wfin inner Dynatnotors No, 4 II Roc keln No. 8 12 YouniMtern Nn. 7 _ 11 Pasnuta Mo. I I Crystal* No. 2 7 With Li*ht« No. g I INDIVIDUAL BTANDIKO 0 AVt, 1J5.J I). Shlbla -31 • . 21 HJ.J A. Nolan . 31 D. Clark M. Nowmsn m E. Newman 1S».» M. rinsrnbiuck 110.1.1 M. Hnllnncl N. Bell 114.11 -K. Rrennan • IIO.s A. Ru»wt>ll is ion.* A. SnilrcUl 31 10.1.17 C, Widerr . 11 J». C o n a i ' d 102.17 . lit .IJ. A e p r r a . 11 P. Knffnn *>* 9H.10 Ji. Hunt 4 - « 92.1 H, CanU 95,10 ,1. C'oflentlno ...... . II IS,9 C. Sp.'fk 10 70,1) J, OullllktrU 108,15 R, Aceri-a103,8 0 , ., lll.t D. Acerrn ISII.2 W, JUaenbrusk . W. laMnbru 140.10 A, Cai;ntlne 144, n 1*0.1 194.11 *V itum II.I 8. B«er» j MI«B t»m«—b»n«moi'()ri. •irlM, O n D M ' I , 1.H44; hlich Individual M M , 1, OulllUmi, 293) hleh Mriu. i. (lulllami, »4». BBNMX MEN'S I.EAMJB Week Endlntr Nov. 1 H Poodlem IH riitena 11 Not China ..; Deuera wild ... Pro.»uck« i.'iii dnWhllPB? ePaWfc End.—Coaklla, A. DtAntOI., alosiim. T a r t l a ' i % a e l l t . Kralr,. Xllnfer. Gutrdt—0. Wllaea, Xrela, U » y Grande, Ctattr—P. Aplctlll. RMka—Carner, S. Aplcalll, M«y«ri, Blttmrr, DI'Mnio, M. DcAnstlli, A m t i . L*at Branch Endi—D'Anlts, Attatdl. Tacklea—ftaab, MeOartkr, Cmpar, Valencia. riuardi—MUMO, La'ln, Nettii. Center—Jnhnion. Baefca-Brltton. Mill., l.ubl.rhai. Willlama. Callsnn, Marlatlll, Osvli, Dsllara, Mefilannon, IUm«, Lons- Braneh 0 » I •—» Aakury Park „_ 0 0 0 1—0 TDi Wllllawi. ^ BandlU 13 Injim Kara II Derby. Barans , Alley Duateri .. Sport* !!..!"!"i» Jim Dandle. ... 100 Klub Snafu'a "1 »•»«• . .. . ., Individual Itandlaa K Munaon, 1SO| J, SbamEa, 17H M. Coayman, 17ai D. Letts, H 9 ( L. JackLong Branch at '•"• I M i » Adamikl, I K i K, Dallaae, U l l B, Krenta, 1»5; C. lontn, U 5 | J, Sataraay Bomanilattl. 164. Red Bank Catholic at Lakewood Taam lillh a camei, U-R'n, l . l l l i Leonardo at AtlanNe HlghUnds Team hl«h name. B-H'O, mini Imllvldua! freehold at Point Fleiuant hlsh ,1 tarnpK, R. Munnoii, « 2 5 ; Individual s l i h t a n a , D, Letts, IS?, Perth Asmaoy at Aoaary fata Grid Schedule Pat Illcr! 200, C. Bruno 202, T. Walker 101, M. Colico 10*. B . P l o t * 11«, H. Canonlco 122. Hlnh urnmi, Forbr., 2 1 1 ; tilth aeries. Forbes, s i t : hlth team s a n e . Airport Inn. l.OOH: alsh team aeriea, Bal'a Bsrbers, 2.T49. Oceanport 11 Meets Yellow Jackets Sunday Let them penetrate and hold for you on tkih, tlkk me) mow. Let their great Nylon Life-tubes brMgo and prevent ttio Mowout poMivllity I This is fall and winter driving safety beyond oil pro* vtout stondords—-your ono tiro onsi tuoo rnvostmont for oil soosons/ oil weothor, oN reoiSa O C E A N P O R T - Monmouth County's semi-pro grldders will meet on the gridiron Sunday afternoon when the Shore Yellow Jackets oppOHo the Oceanport A. C. f Tht Oceanport team will be gunning for ltt Jlrat triumph, while on tha other hand they'll alto be seeking to knock off . the undefeated Bsraaond Parahar M t Brsadway, Leaf Braack, N. J. Jackets. Tho Jackets outpointed the Sweeaer Sulca 131 Brudway, U n f Braaaa, N. J . Eagle* In the last start while the Oceanport club was absorbing a 33- McPaddin Motera M l Broadway Leaf Branck, N. J. latrman PonlUc Co. South St. * Stale Hlshway 0 trimming from Cranford. UNITED 5TATIS RUBIIII COMPANY No. 4, Freehold, N, J, Prehistoric Indians left n plln nf oyster shells In Maine estimated to co&Ulft •,000,000 butatla ol thill*. QUICK and EASY TO OWN! M M V flrecsw ^ eosy evnioff* • M p l OtnartMM taith Mtm» •nets ONI y«vr « M Mrts •tiaJ ttSBM...«xtr«tiMiy somvcnlmtt «raaftt«rmi*riya<irn«w«ri«s. e e e Ash far U. I . Royol Moittfi mni IHo-twbot on tho neat cor yew buy. Pilt iBSrn sa y stif SfBisiit isf toaaryt J» DaRMear Butts I t s Msameuta St., Ria< Bank, N. J . Rasasa Broa. Hewlaaa1 l i r a •tratih Msiara a Maple Ava., Ra4 Bank. N. J. 3»« Broad I I . , Bad Bank, N. J. Slats Hl|hwa» M . Karsvrl, N. i. Mount-Entllta 00 Monmoula S t , Rtd Bank, N. J. W.ll.r Cktvrolft 19S F l n l Av.., A l . Hliklaiula, N. J. MtKlm-Urion 10 Mtchanlc <ll., Bad BJanM, N, J. Wtrner'i Stuirebnlitr Ml'way 31, Btllard, N. J. C U S T O M T I K E CO. Monmouth County Distributor, 1200 Main St., Ir.dlty Beach, N. J. Jayvees Blast Biles, 21-7 SURF, FIELD AND STREAM Tiadf N*«M OB TB*I CMS* OMIBBBW BVSTBV VAVVUET hung up ea a rack at Angele'* eerviee atatioa aa Shrewsbury a**., due to warm weatker H waa Ageaneti***- but decided to got them tato cold at**I H 4 ia Ike «ev age aa tuickly aa peaeiki*. clyclepedie Brltaaic* a* • "*Uloid bird,related t* the pelican, whoe* 4i*t een- la a previoue laaue wa measist* of • i h." tieaed a number of bask* aa tke Our deJInitiMi great autaaara waiek akould pre•f • gaaaet I*. vide apleadid winter reading, ratWhen he arrive* lowing are a few more ta add to off our c o a i t , tke Hat ay ca«rtajy of tke Bait Way o u c a n b a t ter Bpartaajaaa. your bottom dolBtcw VeaVliet the Bat-toss ar* "Bait Water Fiabtrmaa* iavorite Met far behiad. The two uafailiag Four' by O. H. P. Redman. Btriped eiga* which kcrald the arrival et btaa, ekanael kaaa, weelafiek and t h i a mueh-sought-sfter g s m c y bluefisk are include* la tble kaok. scrapper are the arrival of the gtn- A kelp to kegiaaer and veteran •et u t the sand «U>. Both ef alike. Published by Morrow * Co., New Tork. which are now here. "•alt Water flaking* by Van Wkile trolling lor *triper* la*t dampen Heilaar. Oaa af tke ataadBsturdsy (no hita, no ruin, no errors), we taw a number cf theM ard* in tke aalt water laid. Pu*> fast lying, slender wiag bird* div- liaked by Alfred A. Knopf, lac, inf inta the ocean Iron great New York. heighte. The force by which they "Bait Water flaking Tackle" by kit th* surface of the water should Harlaa Major. Contain* mlaut* dekeve bunt them wide open. Our tail* concerning equipment. A I ia they were feeling on thin atandard reference work for »> eyed or tinker mackerel, which nical Information. Published by ble Invariably precede the run of their Punk * Wagaall* Co., New Tark. big krothera, the "BoatoM." "Bait Water Ply PUblag" by Jae In checking over our notea of Brook*. Devoted entirely ta Marine previous yeara we find that Nov. », •port witk tk* lyrad and Mia a 1MB, the n a i h King out of John- gap In angling literature. Published •y'a landing, Highland*, put In by Q. r. Putnam'* Ban*, New witk a catch of It to 20 t« a man. Tork. Nov. II, 1MT, the Paramount teet "Bait Water Spartsman'a Handy •Ut of Brielle aent out carda notiby Henry Lyman. On* ef tke fying tkelr customera that catche* moit popular on th* angling book up to SO to a man were being made. akelf. Provide* fundamental fact* Nov. 20, 1*47, boati out of Bettor*, at a reasonable price. PuMUhed by Atlantic Highlanda, Highland* and •alt Water Bportaman, Iae, Beaton, Bea Bright hit into good catckea of BesUns, which were located about "Salt Water Sportsman* Secret*" •va minute*' run aoutheaat of Am- by Henry Ifmaa. Continue* where trot* Lightship. Capt. Johnson of the handy book left e*T. Published Bea Bright brought In aver 2,000 by the Salt Water SporUaua, Inc., pounds. Boston, Mas* In INI the aeaaon got under way "Small Boat Navigation" by Lieut. during the first week In November. Comdr. F. W. Starling. Navigation On Nov. 10, IMt, they gnt Into their for (he average Ashing beat owner •tride, with boata strung out for la d**eribed clearly and (Imply. SO mile* along the Jeracy coaat, Weather, miey ayttems, rule* ef th* starting at "cot land LighUMp and reed, tidal eurrtnt* ant (evading* •standing all the way to1 Bridle ere all described in language for Se *hla« up your giga, fellow*. the layman. Published by Macmlllian Co., Nsw Toik city. afaVoa^kikHBkA sstSBsal BBBVfs^BtM "Spinning Far American Oam* About all that th* atrlped b*ai Pith" by Joseph D. Sat**, Jr., an* trollus—and there were plenty of of America'a aplanlng autheriU**. them out there trying-had to chaw Published by Little, frown * Co, for th* weak-end of drilling up and dawa the coaat wa* gag bill*. A* far u tha fl*h were concerned It "Spinning lUtls aad Tackle" ky WM a total lop. Out of th* 40 or Oeerg* V. Themnwa. AB Mtal warn •0 boata by day, and otkera by for the angler who le laUreMed in night, we doubt there were a total Uklng up thl* typ* af flshlng. Pubof Ua baa* boated. Wa aaw ona llshed by Olivar Durrdl, NewTorh. taken by Joe Hall of Jaraey City "Striped Base" by O. H. P., Redwhile toning aboard tha four of man. A reference work en the Mi, Ua, Capt Johnny BIMO, out of tackle and method* ueed. Publiahed Johnny* landing, Highland*. It by A. 8. Barn** A Co., New Tark. tinned tha acalea at IT pound*. "Str**m*r Hy risking* by Joesph W* art glad Capt. Johnny ended D. Bat**, Jr. It I* an emcellent book for the man who utt* light Uckl* th* aeaaon with a good nth, becauae wa understand hla boat ha* en same A*h varleUea. Pabllthed by C. Van Neatrtnd Co, Mew Torh. gone Into winter atorage. Although the big migration at "Surf Fishing" ky Vlad Evanaff. •trlpera ha* headed aouth, th*r* la Method* *f Uklag San from tht •till plenty of time for aome good aurf, proper taekle and place* to fishing right up to the end of the look for •tripera. blue*. weakSth aeaton, which cornea to a cloae and channel bam ar* ieeerined. Nov. W. Nov. 21 of last year there PuMithed by A. & Sarnes • Ca, waa a heavy concentration of big N*w Terk. baa* located off Monmouth Beach or, law At long last it can new be told, ao that you and your* will know the long-guarded aecret of how th* "Supermen" ef Shark river, who ara able to day their etrlptd baa* while the reat of ua have to stand by and watch them. It haa been a atate'a aecret for a long time, but at last our undercover aganU hav* been able to uncover th* faeta and ara abl* to •upply u* with th* detail*. It ha* been a* tlosely guarded a* the formula of th* "A" bomb, and hat taken lot* ef money (gat) and time to And eut bow it I* done. Bo take heart, you mare mortala don't haul out your boats until you hav* given the "secret" a try, Luafcer* Ara Th* ink had hardly dried on the paragraph headed "Gaaolln* and •trlpera" wh*n our phon* rang. "It*w, thia I* one ef your agent* calling. I have eom* good new* for you. Tell all your friend* thera la a n*w run of big atriptra which ara located at th* Monmouth Beach area. Tell them that laat Monday white trolling alon* In my boat I hooked into a lunker that would go ever U pound*, but in trying to handle th* boat, two rod*, play th* flab and try to gaff him ha broke th* line. It nearly broke my heart, too, and if a fisherman could weep that waa the time. "Tell them that I hav* at last found out how it la the Shark river clan get their flan. Tell them why they are able to hang up score* while the reat of ua spend our money for ga*. "Tell them that I drew up along aide of the Quail when they were playing a big Ash and watehed them land him. Tell them thai they were ualng about 10 feet o what appeared to be nylon gut leader, and when they got tha fish within 10 feet of the boat it was hauled in, hand over hand, until aom* one sinks a gaff into him. Tell them It looked a* though they were ualng about a three-ounce weight ahead of tht leader. Also tall them that th* lure wa* closely guarded when they landed the Ash but that I got a fleeting glance ai It, and It lookeed like a 'Drone No, 4 Spoon.' Tell them the Ash hooked and lost fell for a 'Tony Accetta Pet It Spoon' Tell them I trolled parallel to two of their boat* In order to check tha apeed, and I found they were turning over between too and M0 revolution*. Secret Agent No. 10 signing off." Nine Deer FrWlaaliie Weed* In a previous column we mentioned that a group of local deer hunter* hud left for their annual hunting trip Into the Maine woods. They have now returned with a bag of nine deer. According to one of th* member* they ran Into several daya of very poor hunting weather, due to tha heavy ulna. Dili' lo thin fact the kill fiilli'ii In i'umo up lo that of |it oviotia yMM. LEONARDO-Scoring la every period but the third, Leonardos jayvee* trounced Red Bank high school's junior varsity, 20-7, Tueadey afternoon on the Lion*' gridirea ia th* final encounter for the •ubstitutee. Leoaerd* *tru( k with touchdown* ia th* Brat, second snd fins! ejuartera, while the Red Bankers went right up to the nnal period before Bdding psy dirt. Dick Hemhau*er lipped a pass to Bob Anderson from the 11-yard line er the initial pass, with Peter Ocnerelli missing the conversion attempt, Leonardo took a 114 Irad at halftime after HeaalMuser climaaed aa aerial attack by aweepin* around left end for the tally. This time Oenerelli split the sticks for the point. Coach Vince Paladino'a griddera tallied their lone TD in the final when Jim Richardson picked up a blocked Lion punt and hiked ten yard* ta cross the double marker*. Bill Dott* passed to End Tom Jacobs for the extra point. Th* home team *dded the final TD on a apectacular 55-yard run by Sal DeSalvo. Ckm-rclU generated the extra point with his aecond perfect boot between the uprights. •ED BANK End,—Jacob*. RichardKon. Tacklei—Danl<l«. tUntrlia. Guard!—Anton, Hi, Wright. Center—Bennett. Backs—Lewis, Schloesserc Behacfer, •sward, r»tti. LEONARDO Bn««—Anderson, Htrmi, Srhn«tl«r, Tarkle*—Elgrim, f'hetk. Ouards—tfnydfr, Marfiua. Outer—Tiltjf r. Hack»—Gcnrrelli, HVmhauser, DeSalvo, 'olicaifro. acinirda * T * '•—}* I'd Bsnk S * * 7— 1 Touchdowns—Anderion, Mcnhauflfr JaSalvo. Richardson. Point! aft'r touch., tfowni—43ener»lli 2, Jacobs, St. Louifi Browns Seek Joe Giovia HIQHLAND8 — Joe Olovia. son ef Mr. and Mrs. Peter tllovla, lad Bay av*., former basketball and baseball star at Atlantic Highlanda high school, ii reported sought by th* It. Leuia Brown* of the American league. John L. Dedirlek, Bronx, X. T, aceut In thia area for the Brawn*, contacted young Olovia ta aak If he will be interested in joining the Brown* at the completion of hi* e*l!eg* education. Olovia, a southpaw chucker, I* * •ephemera et Marietta college, O. The portilder hurled for Atlantic Highland* high and the Highlands A. A. He also was on the pitching eta*/ ef Monmouth Junior college b f before going to Marietta. All Unarms, thoae for use, a* well a* thoa* kept aa collector'* Items; •hould be stored under lock and key together with ammunition, Store gun* unloaded and out of reach ef children. Mora than MM children are killed annually by firearm accidents. ^ Pupil* of ta* artk grade ceav ducted a seep sad msgaai** drive ia their classroom, coatrlbutioa* geiag to the Red Cross fer distribution to the children's ward* ia variou* hospitals. Tbis clasa alee made potter* for th* Cemmuaity club, announcing tk* Hallowcea party. Junior Red Cress caairmea are Lawrence Aahia, Mra. Weteett'e primary I; Jaccjucliae VaaBruat, Mrs. Simpson's primary I; Joan Hagen, Mist Moor*'* priaury II; Constance Lewis, Mrs. Howard'* primary II; Varian Ayers, Mia* Smith* primary III; Jamee finley, Miss Worthless primary III; Lea Cabce* and June Tadiee, Mr*. Conover'a intermediate I; Marjorie Ryser, Jerry Beer aad Cathy Bowman, Mr*. Miller'* iatermediat* I; Lucille Rubia, iatermediate II; Beverly Browne, iatermediate HI; Virginia Tyack, Junior I, aad Ruth Taylor, Junior II. Activities ef the Junior Red Cross, aa organisation for service to other*, will be filling ISt overseas boxea by Thanksgiving day and makitg favors, trsy mats snd napkin holders for hospitals, homes and prevcatorium*. There were *t Halleweea favor* made by Mi(* Smith'* primary Iff group. For Thaakagiving, Junior t will make favors and Miss Meere'a primary II will make napkin holders. Mrs. Conover's intermediate group will make Christmas favor*. Lincoln's birthday project will be handled by Mrs. Miller's Intermediate I. Washington's birthday will be by intermediate It and Miss Moore's primary tt. Bt. Patrick's day will be by Mr*. Wslcett'a primary I. Easter will be Mra. Howard's primary It and pre-primary. Memorial day will be by Mrs Simpson's primary I. Intermediate It has collected and sent te Monmouth chapter, Red Cross, mage' tinea, comics and a basket of aoap. Scrapboolu for overseas shipment are being made by Junior II. A Junior Red Cross display Is at Straus department stors, Red Bank. Included in it la a acrapboeh by last year's Junior It. The United Evangeliatie mission of Embury M»thmH*t church, which was held laat week, waa successful. Rev. John N. White et Reranton, Pa., waa the preacher. Evan< gellstic visitors were Mr. and Mra. H. H. Doan, Mr. and Mr*. William T. Sawyer, Mr. and Mn. Noel Nlt< son, Mr. nnd Mr*. William A*men, Mr. and Mra. K. M. Jacobl, Mia* Marie Wilby, Mr*. Hattie Moris, Lewi* R. Lowry, James Taylor, Clifford Keihl, Mr*. Ted Deen, Mica Winona Dtrrah, Mr. and Mrt. J E. Welle and Mr*. Rlehard Clapp. Member* of the Every Member eanvaia of Embury Methodist church will mett Saturday, Nov. M, for a covered] dish supper In the church hall. Harvest home service will he held Sunday at Embury Methodist church. Rev, James W. Marshall ia aching residents ta bring groceries, homo-canned Item*, fruit*, potatoes and similar Item* to the church Saturday evening ao that they can be attractively arranged. The food I* given to the Home for g The Missionary Study groupp of Embury Methodist church, whleh lh Is led by Mrt. Alice Thorn*, mrt W tk?.ve«*Cr's3**i "Sag football" team, traveled] to Marlboro Tuesday. They were transported tasre by Mr*. Chester Theodore D *py. Mrs. " Mr*. Robert Burneide aad Coach John Natal*. Repnaeatiag the local cub pack at the Pew Wow Saturday freaa 1:M to • p. a*, at the Waaaaaassa *ea**i will be Mr*. Adele Matthews, Mra. R. DiNaptas, Mra. Arthur Lecueata. Mr*. Louie* Broaden, Mr*. Neil Smith, Mra. William Mark*. Mrs. Emeu McAvey end Mr*. Marshall T Thempeea. e » metkers; Mr*. German L Bradford, Mr*. J. J. O'Brien aad Mra. Karl Jscobi, former dea mother*, and German L Bradford, William Vaughaa, Robert Emblfck, Karl Jacebl, Clifford Kiekl. Richard J. Weader, Richard Robin*** and Oeorg* Nugent, committee (•embers. Parent-teacher conference* were held Thursday, Friday, Meaday aad Tuesday at the school. The Christmas baser ef Bt. John's Episcopal Oulld will be held tamerraw at the chepel. Luncheon will ke served from noon to 2 p. at. Many Chrietmas gifts can be purchased, helping both the Guild and the purchaser who will get hla Chriatma* shopping •<>•* early. Brownie troop M met tt the •ckeol Wednesday, under the direction of Mra. Murray Gordon and Mrt. Joseph Pace. Carol Ann Hetaling presided. The troop plan* to make "sit-up-ons" aa their project. A diieutiioa waa held en what the variou* membera would like ta do and make for Christmas. Oamea and singing were enjoyed, followed by refreshment* served by Martha Ann Potters. Other* attending were Lois Bradley, Msry Jlass, Penny Bandera, Linda Finlay, Phyllis Bursley, Peggy DiNaplea, Judy Doan, Sandra Dull, Ruth Gordon, Joan Hagen, Joyce •Herberts, Vienna Kern, Darothy Laehas, Lucy Pace, MlMred Pace aad Am Parley. The Child Study Group (net a week ago last night at th* home ef Mrs. J. Dean. Tha discussion was "Discipline," lad by the chairman, Mra. F. Benedict Levin. Mr*. Adele Conover's fourth grade, tomorrow will visit the Walker-Gordon dairy, the county courthouse and the fruit growers association. Rev. Theodora E. A. LeVan hat appointed Mr*. Jane Kelly as chairman of th* blood bank fer thit area. Leonardo Froth Beat Keyport NEW TOBK CITT-Beo.u*aU af about M.M0 each from tha estate of their aunt, the late Mrs. Emma K. Smith of New Tork, ga te Mary Elisabeth Bush and Rlehard A. Bush ef Sea Bright, it wa* disclosed Tuesday a* th* Smith estate wa* appraised at $M,*» gross value, 151,748 net, by th* state transfer tax department her*. Other bequest* >° ' a * numb** af other rdatlvM of th* testatrix. Mr*. Smith, widow ef Clarence Smith, died last January. She Centar—OleiPts*. Baeki—Baraiaaa, Artalll. Andtnoa, Mlrro. aeutar. lylfeiter, Mullantr, Stranlero, Tniax, f II t »—III Leonardo tt 0 0 7 1 Ktftort Tl): liillasaar (1), Ckriat Tl) Leonardoi L • a n . Ktriwrtt Mlrto. Point after TDi Uenardai Oallatkar, Cannnlen. Kaypsrt: M«llan«r. OWalala—Pain, Olawpolla. Fort Monmoulh Wlna Baiketball Opener ASBURT PARK-Th* Fort Mon mouth batketbtll ttam opened it* season tha right way Tuesday night by blasting MeOuIr* Air Force Base, 11-48, at Convsntlon hall here. Arnle Melloy, taking over from where he left off last year, one* again aparkad th* Signaller* with a brilliant M-point performance. The sharp-shooting guard dunked In 12 deuce* and a Ion* foul iho fur hla evenini's total. Bfcaum its dafense odor* si* itfUsually Th* Register Is able IA fartive, a skunk is a placid and <!•• get a plMur* when th* d**r ar* liberal* animal, tad usually gtntlt, lerrev at Uoaarda grade awheel, remote* by the Lseaarde Par***'cacher awacmtsan in *ba*ry*a*a ef Americas eowtetiaa 'week. Tke program, hi tJhtek *• eejkt grade* of the *eh*ei will aartlrapnts. wtu take place at tke Msrimhsr P.T-A. meetlag. Ia the moraiag, wail* cleaee* are ia sasaiaa, pareats ar* lavited te visit the achaol. The progress will be given in th* efteraaea, etartkag at l o'clock, *ad fotwwiac thy, PTA. member* wtu be keateseo* at tea. The pragrem la aador the directiea of Mr*. Ulilaa Reotk aa4 Mr*. MtUrad Meiaert. ft win ape* wMh •election* by the roythm ba*4 of i Brat grade, of whteh Mr*. Jeanie Comptaa, Mra. Margaret EIU* M aM Mr*. Bita Bheehan are the Uachera. Safety **n*« will ke sustg by the sseead grede, Uught by Mrs. Vivienn* Measter. India* aeag* and dance* will he den* by the third grade, taught ky Mm. Jeeephtn* Saaw. The fourth grede will alng a medley, Breham* "Lullaby," T h e American Way" aad "Come, Te Thankful People, Come," directed kp their teacher, Mies Dorothy Vegel. Pupil* ef the fifth, *Uth and seventh grades will give a *l*y, "A Oeod Americaa." Th* fifth grade teacher ie Mra. Ann* Orimm; aisth grade, Mr*. Meiaert, and aeventh grade, Mr*. Ethel Bteraoa. Mra. Ethel Bleed and Andrew VanDyk*. Th* eighth grade, who** member* meke up th* *eh*el Olee club, will •Ing several numbem, directed by Mr*. Fern Sllkl. Eighth grade teacher* are Mr*. Edna Putsch, Mrs. Davey Co. Wins $1JM Settlemetit FREEHOLD - Tk* Davey Tree Espert cempaay tke* week was awarded a tttl»m*at af fLttt ia Tka Davey th* reeakt af M for Mr. Tka tree tk* treaapleatlag «C av*r •ad ether work. Tka matter settled a* tk* **•* I N caBad fitr trtal at Freehold for the sum of MO. A oewtorehUm Sled ky Mr. Beard wa* * * Th* plaiat*t wa* npreeaated ky John Warrea, Jr., B*d Baak otteraey. Mr. Beard va* reptoeented by Arthur M. U B M wf Jersey CMy. ATLANTIC MtONLAMDB-Ckrlstiae Butk Objea, tkr*« maalk old daughter af Mr. aM Mr*. Alfred M. Oiaea af M Oordom ct. Port amowtk, was kaptiaad Buaday morning at tke MetlMdett ckarak ky B*v. Bey B, WllWtmt, Jr, pattor. ^Bl«kt out of It raaden aoawH Tka| Bsaitur CIsaalBad ads."—AdnrtistaMet. lOffN MIOAY TJU t P. M.I \ You had JWtftr buy now ii you need rug* or carpeting • • • and ii you want to $ave on GULISTAN A BROADLOOM Avoid disappointment later ea—bceauet of StBMMtM or Wgk*r price*. W. (tock kesv ef yard* in _.. Tkl* It all rogwltr tech. V* second* er off Our aiaert carpet l*y«r» htv* had many Mara *f •iperleac*. Think what thit mtant! Ton hav* ovory Ouliataa petUrn and color t* chetee from. And our prise* ar* deft•Italy and genuinely low. They d«Mrvt yeur tntptetton and eomparlnn. • ULISTAN IXTRA QUALITY HARD TWIST IROAOLOOM W M $|f.lO Sdj. YtJ., Now f l i . t l •ULISTAN TIXTURID I.ROAOLOOM SMCIAL $p. YD. Chek* of meet popular colon. • ft., 12 ft., II ft. and II ft. width*. Mad* of 100% w»ot yam*. Compare with other twlat carpeting and dlsoover why most people prefer it. Demand* far thl* carpet ar* heavy. Buy yourt new while limited etock remains on hand. • ULISTAN ILENDED TWIST • HO A 0 L O O M M. A clattie, aeroll patttrn d«slgMd for period or modern room*. Mad* of all wool pile to last far y*ar*. Olowing decorator color*. Select your* whin our assortment Ii corn* ptete. Ia I ft, U ft. and U ft. width*. • ULISTAN TONI-ON-TONI QUALITY IROAOLOOM M « WOOL AND M * RATON SPECIAL SO. YD. MMtit 6-1021 BICYCLES and ClrW '. $7.f$ In • ft. U ft. and 2T In. widths. An un•sual buy at thl* prie*. Two popular color* —gray or belg*. Limited quantity. OTHER I R O A D L O O M C A R P E T , Now So,. YtJ, $4.91 *• In Lovely Sculptured Effect ALSO MANY SPECIALS IN f i l l FOOT RUSS Wai f l l . U Saj. YtJH Now $9.71 Made of 100% wool yarn*. An mc*ll*nt value at tat* lew price. In t ft and II ft LIVING ROOM SUITES Btmutlfully Styled, Well Coiutructed And Ogend Ai Xnuu Lay-Away Colon Beautiful LOW PRICES They hav* deep double coil (pring* on webbed bottom for extra comfort and long Mrvlc*. The Masoned hardwood frame* are double dowelled with glued and *er*w*d eorncr block*. Tht fin* quality cover* com* ta today'* moat popular color* . . . Tape*trio*, Fries** and Matdaase*. Compare the** with otktrt and yea will b* convinced of th*ir extraordinary value*. a-PC. SU1TIS, $249.10 tt) $37».W S-PC. DAVENPORT SUITS—Tb* davmpoH optnt to a fun *IM b*d with comtorUbl* inMrtprlng mattr***. Lovdy grew covering. Floor sample*. Reg. IU4.B) KS2.S0 2-PC. SOFA BED SUITE-Sofa ky day, *lt*p* 3 at night Attraetlv* win* covering. Floor Mmplee. R«g. fMMO, Now I1NJ0 MsW*«fjn*£^lea**ta! K*r**rt fVosa Bndt—Waa>k, Salduttl. Tacklti—gchrtaai. Terry. (tuardi—Wslllai, tnltk. LRONABDO-Ther* wM be a special parents day aaosrvaajrs to- WILTON KEYPORT — With Jack Gallagher (parking the Lion froth, th* Leonardo yearlings bretsed through the Xeyport eouad, B>7, her* Tu*sday afternoon. Oellaghtr Ullled two of th* thru touchdown*, Chrlatman contributing the third ont. Mirro regUtered the R*d Rtldtra* Kor* In tht «na chapter. Taektss—Bekaeer. aaellttev*, r.usrds—Msjrer, FUlar. CanUr—Kirk. Baekf—JaekiM, asllssksr, Okrialnia*, Canonic.. O. O'Brteii. fti.ala. tmallar UbMat. 8. Walker. Majr. Maxseii. War. tier, Johnien. Middalana. Mallnka, Uutk, Csnwar. •adilmkl. afaaaiaf. Parents* Day Share la AMM*S Eatatt) Cage Official. To Discuss Rules NEWARK-A meeting of the executive commit!** of tk* Nortk Jttwy Board of Approved Buhttball Official* wa* held last wMk at tha Halsey at. T.M.C.A. Plan* fer the rule* interpretation meeting to be held Monday, Nov. M, at tht Stton Mall u*lv*rslty gym w*r* dlseuMtd. Bta Mlverman, official Interpreter for this area, will discuss the new nil* changes. Coach**, official* and player* ar* Invltid to attend th* meeting which will start at 1:10 p. m. Frank Oarrlgan, chairman of th* examination committee, announced the date of the examination for prospective officials a* Monday night, Dee. I, at T p. m. at th* Chancellor av*. school, Newark. For further Information, contact him at Mo Ca*tl* Feint Terrace, Ho> bokra, N. J. Th*r* ar* Ml approved officials in th* North Jnaey Board. CTAtoOtom PAYMENTS SkatM LOVI SEATS $141.10 « $ I I * . N HUNDREDS OF LAMPS An unusual and Inttrtoting collection of flu quality Lamp* many cannot bt duplicated at any price. Ov*r MO dlffortnt atyle* to. adeot from. All faom Anatrlca't Mat known maktre. $3.21 to $S7.IO FRAMED •l« to $o«.S0 CHAIRS A largt adeetlon of Living Room Chairs. If you ar* looking for extra comfort and valu* w* Invite you to impact our many fln* Oecadoaal Chain, Wing, Barrel-Back, Lounge and Club Chair* ia variou* typ* cover* and color*. Alas fatnoue LA-Z-BOY Chair* with matching Ottoman*; LUXURY Spring Bas* Roektn and many fln* reproductions in Chain and Rocken. $24.10 to $149.80 PICTURES A beautiful itltetlen af Framtd Ploiurtt In many styles aad qualities, Large or small. Skates UPHOLSTERED 0 INI N « ROOM SUITES In awlrl mahogany and figured cherry by nationally famous Morganton. WE WIUHOLD AN.Y MERCHANDISE FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY McKELVEY of Freehold Sobtroomi /or GulUun'i frmoiu Jtiifi M o * in FnwAoM niEHOLD SPECIAL! 21 WEST MAIN ST.> FREEHOLD, N. J. Stert Noun.' Monday thru Saturday 1.00 A.M. to 5:30 KM. ITORI OPiN FRIDAY UNTik f f t f IV OVUITAN MILL NEAR OUR ITORB RED |M*K BEftWTEI. WMHMIM Iff, Ifffff Red CTOM Worker Receives Chevron ajlff OT M l HEADQUARTERS iU MM te NOUN MAUliM M< NMMn MUM LOAN INFORMATION Government regulations — inflation — and other factors are continually at work changing the borrowing picture. But bank loans are still available for all SOUND and Mra. K. E. Tongrlng. right, chulraua of the Oray Lady «ervlce far Msnmouth county, thla week* preaeated a third chevron reareeeatlaa II yeara «f wrvlc. to MM. R. Blmer Ikaa of Allenhurct, aalt chairman of OTtMa hoealtel aa4 vice eaairman af Meamautk itr. The awarei waa made at Red Craaa chapter heuea la Shrewe- % -0 C.oe*. €«pi.-.lty v at., »et, 5:3.^. Tri", 9" $11.53. kwr. U i t I * Mi every fterlttm fterlttm Stertiaraiaea. N't yew f utrtfitN •< <I« UM OW UY-AWAY PUN MRCHMtTMAI WILBURS IIMOAtlT. JKWEIMRS MBUM T«AM la aaaaklng af the award, Mra. Taagriag aald, "Actlvltlea ara eo fall bare at headvaartere that wa eeereelv have tiara ta brlag eur •trvtH atrtaaa aad chevreaa va ta Wa ara ta fact •amawnat la thla eaaa. Mra. Ikaa heade a gn<tp H M Oray Ladt Wa kar* at Red Craaa heidauartera Mary areud at them. Wa . a aaturad by doetera. aaraaa, auaageaient aad aatlaata allba that thaaa ladlaa' by their fealafalaaaa aad goea cheer, have • a d * tkeaiaelvaa aa Integral part af tha heaaltal.1* Mra. Ikaa reported a teUI af MT kaara af aenrlee far harjrevp durlaff Oetaber. laid aha, "The haaat* tal KvM Ui a royal welcome every day when we «o in to work. Wa to to cheer the psticnti. Tha Rurtea u k ui t« eheer them from lima ta time. It all rnulta in our chaarlaf ourielvea. We go home with a wonderfully warm feeling Inalda." Meathara of the group vttlt all war*a aad «cml-piiv»te and private raona unleat a ipeclal nurae la in atUManc*. It a worhera alao help caatral aupply and eovar Mia M donor room, Every mght (ran T ta II, a Orav Lady coven tha OMargaaey room. Boma of tha duUaa llatad on tho Oray Lady aehadwto at Fltkln ara aa follow*: •happinf (or paticnta In tha hotpita! glfl ahop, writing letUn and mahlnf phsne call* for patianta, arramrni towera, aaeertlnt pa* tlanta to tha X-ray room and helplag with tha leading of patleate. "Thea* ara anly a vary few of tha waya III whleh wa a n able ta help,' aald Mra, Ihaa. "tt la exciting, Inttraatlng warh which my ladlaa aad I havo found pay* high dlvldaada la amotloaal aatltfaetlon to auraalvaa," maaor waa hald and tha gu«at« of Bolmdel hoaor waro Mra. Ellaabath Butphln Mr. and Mra. Mas Ravndaia and and Mra. Elian Cenovar of River dMghtor Judy af Bun Down, N. T., Plaaa, Mra. Wilbur Roberta waa In aaoat tha wook-and with Mr. aad eharga af tha davotlona. At tho i t n . Charlaa Ely. A hwdaMM maallag of tho Fadaratad okuroh hoard win ba haM at PtMwthla hall aaat Moaday XV! t u i "fRVtfsjgM" fatfe (IT inn lajfkai utiiit' Maybe you have missed the bjg fact about Kaiser! "Ceaatteei Meaie Wee « i k M aw M a r t * tlwi * • lbl«r it AawMV « N » bMtnllil «ar. Natural)*, ttot'e hM» wmtai te hear. ., , ';. «Bat Tm eeUag I * * /WiW b h r t r• l 4 ihM hit « H M lit awe! aerfieth baleae** SJMM MMVUaRi I N v l J n v acosjaaiy eagiaeariat that Mk«t MM Kilwr mm leaaw atItM «M IhM Iht c u t tea>e AriiteaalywartaiaawlUe hat late ekfee tto Kate* joateeH. Let year e«a | N M ihM * • Kilw it fow •flutfadlaCtejaelitTafKeieei Flowora worn placed at tha iuaday maralag church aarvlea by Mr. aad Mn. Edwia Uabaaow. A ajfaaa af aiathara from floobay* villa r«. attaadad tha hoard of odumatting at towaahlp halt jday aiaht of laat waah. About 1* children are now living aa thla road, which la off tha regular aehool bua routo. Tht mothara a ravlaad whadula lor abm At tkt wwaihlp eommKtaa maatUm laat Thuraday night at townahlp kail, a raquaat waa mada by Joha C Aeherasa aad William FrMlaadar for a aonlng ordinance to permit tha aala of lota In a dovelopment Uld out prior to tha adaption of tha aonlng ordinance. A Btibllo hearing on tho raquaat will ha hald aoon. Maatbart of tha Ladlas* Aid aoelaty af fie Fadaratad church mat Tuaaday night at Fallowahl* hall. Comminaei were choeen for tha dlnaor, whleh waa hald at Fellow•hip hall Wadnaaday night. Plaaa ' to have tha annual Chrlatmaa party of tho Ladlaa' Aid at Fallowahlp hall Tuatday, Dae. 11. Alao plaanad waa tha Sundayaehool Chrlatmaa party, whleh will ba hald Friday, Dae. SI. Thoaa attending tha meeting wara Mlaa Lola Bouaaabtrry. Mra. Joaeph Klnhafar, Mrs. Daniel 8. Ely, Mra. Edwin Uabaaaw, Mra. Joaaph Phllllpe, MM. Harold Holmea, Mra. Wllaon Conover. Mil. William Pitcher, Mra. Robert Rai. Mrt. Barnard OMdamlth, Mra. Douglaa Fromm. Mra, Oaorga Schanck, Mra. John Mount, Mrt. Robert Lawrence, Mra. Taylor Hance and Mre. Jacob Umborgar. Hoateasea wera Mra. Haneo, Mra. Ely and Mra. Fromm. Thomaa Thaurkauf, aen of Mr. and Mra. Edward A. Theurhauf of Ladwood farm, haa enllited In the M»vy aa an analgn, and hat bean called to active duty. New- Monnoath Hy m NIH ti sw m 1951 Kiisir tidtyI Mm Yean thttd M Mhtt can !• rt*»# hum. iht IMNM (Miw « ffivity #f My • * iMi piNt iittftll«tyM M e t tbterbcrt Mtehtd t» KMMP pmmh Outfit* pmml Y«n wt b«Hw (CMMV «kh K l ' Hihi rta* (ullkflith watw Jaekni! y Bllftr bnhM ihM 'MOM can. And » tn MM Pf*t*eUtn, KiltM | I « M you th« IMIOU* Cl Pddd IiUi'i i»»y Kabtr M I M k M4«*r NfMf Orlva It-m* (or roumlil Add' up all Ida tntny ettra advantain ani ywil wall* what a imatt IRVMUMM It It far Ike yeaia ahtad! Built u h«ur iA« I M an tU tttil •mi Wiii-mill MUI (NNHUNI mtiw n«. UINUM LA FREM KF SALES ft SERVICE-117 MMNMMtli S t , rirnn RE M 7 0 2 • • • * * * • • Mr. and Mra. Sidney Pedee apent tha waak-and with Mr. and Mra. Fred Hoff of Walnfleld. Monday of thla woak thay entertained Mrt. Frank O'Connor and children, Mra. Sruco Oonpton and aon and MM. Thomaa Olaaaon of South Amboy. Mlaa Hargarat Allen of Hougaton eallega, Houghten, Pa., apent tht waak^ad with her parantt, Mr. and MM. Jamei Allan. Judith Berbe, daughter of Mr. and MM. Gilbert Rerbe, celebrated har tenth birthday, Wedneaday, Nov. T. Mr. aad Mra. Thomaa Laaeh and children of Rome, N. t., tpant tht week-end and Monday with Mra. Patrlek Laaeh. Sunday a family dinner wai held. Qucnta preaent ware Martin Mulligan of Long laland, Mr. and Mra. Leater Horner and family of New Egypt and John Leach of Middlatown. Mr. and Mra. Charlea Bennett of Camden and Donald BUgrove of Brown'a unlveralty, Providence, n. I. were week-end holiday gueati of Rev. and MM. Wlllinm Bisgrove. Mr. and Mra. Harold Morford are entertaining Mra. Ida Luyater of Colllngawood alt thla week. The annual roll .ah will he held Thuraday evening at the Baptist church. Dr. flamuol Ortegon will be guest speaker. Thr Mary Ellrnheth Sutphln guild met Tuaaday of l«-«t week nt tho Baptlat church, A covered dtah essential purposes. Come in for up-to-date, reliable information about loans, whenever you need to borrow. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY RED BAINTCCrNEW JERSEY OPEN FRIDAY EVBWNCS — 6tSO to 8.00 C • Kettle Cove hdusirtM • Brotlefural Oyaul • Koyml Bavarian dtttw • John Waapter and Som RUSSELL & HUDSON, LTD. 137 BROAD STREET GIRS - FURNITURE - ANTIQUES OPENING FRIDAY 12:00 NOOK NOVEMBER 16, 1951 JHINA GLASSWARE LAMPS TABUS BAR ACCISSORIIS ANTIQUIS PRINTS GOliRMIT HORS DOEUVRBS I A FINE SELECTION OF HOME DECORA. TIONS AND GUTS THAT WILL ADD GOOD LIVING TO ANY HONE. Convenient Parking In Rear of Shop (Adjacent to Steinbach$) 137 BROAD STREET * RED BANK 6-2003 Swccliah Mctalcraft* • Hoyal Staffordtltire • H»a*nlha| China • None Fjord Imports • UiviUnJ China 1 Tiwff A»tri4 WrUm. Vut try fert. Jam* Kathleen Uavla, /, Hu«ta Curry, anual ho»U to member* and aa- bars Bril.ton. Gcarga "Mula" Haaa, atklatte «tl')B-lii«h, Rohai-t VuBetoiek. Urn, •ociat** of the borough* Shade Rich an) Imitlfrbtt reetor a« Part MaaaMutk, waa gvaat J W M Hudaon, ArftoWft Tree commission, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- thur Lyoiw, Tbomaa Quina. apcaker afeaday ai»j»t at a aeaatward 4 e Cordova entertained May- Bannrtt, Kobcrt Wortbinctcn. liif •< ta* • > , , Brigkt U—m eluk * « h , Mary I.. Cuaaina, MirUy or and Mi*. WaMton 1'. Smith, Mr. W ii(H, at Harry'* bakater koua*. Th* club mp, Wini Joan Kracman. Mary EngcUirrt Brenner, Mr. Kinir, Nalcn MrVay, Dori. Mill*. Low, nd Mra. will hold a paper drive acst BunNKMY ft MTUOAT Andrrm, Katklaan Maloaw, nd Mr*. Niiholus Mika and Mr. Kalhryn da y. LaKal Lloa* ar* plaaniaf ta Alir# Slehr. and Mr*. John M. Pillsbury at din- 11B hirfa, Robert Leonard, aataany take a gr*u# af keraiagll ckiMrea t* aer Sunday al Kutionuood manor. Papa. Low. L»wi» World. t h a aataterluaa ja Aibury Park la 1 1 <; «iirh, Nanry AUa*. Alir* AujuaMr. ana Mrs. I'aul Hoffman wore Pe|NiUr at Pajtkaa the Bear future. Fatriria Pourha, Nanry Marek. unable to aitr-nd because of Mr. tinr. Araniatic* elay (ervieea were held CaiHldina Wall. Low, J»nn.t« Clayton, HoaTman'a health. Itoroth.v Edwardx, Patricia Kina*. luna Sunday aioraiag a t th* Methadiet The board uf education's Jack I^drr, Mary Jan* Martin, Joy Manaechurch. Local orgaaiaatioa* repreRo.»nb»i«, A n y Scnloailar. Daly Memoiisl trophy was pre- ro, 12KaihUva M*te4 Included tao Ladle*' auxilB hi h. Williaan M*n<n4». Artaur aeated to K>>y4iori hirh .=< hool at .ci,trfri«rf, r Kart VanBrunt. Ltiw, John iary *f th* t r * departawat; Reaa a#eemb!y thfvp y e x t a r d a y . Kd*-ar<i<, W. Calvin Fraeier, Sakaitian aekah ledge. Odd relieve, and Named for th". former coach who Mtn-atora. Daughter* of Liberty. A wreath, 11'': hig*. J.cgualyn Williami, Ali>)a Frttaalaj-Matawa* wa* killed »* a pMratrnnper durint; »rh><», Virginia Meinei-t. Solvaif provided by th* barmi** camacil,1 World War II, I he trophy became IVirirn. Low, Martaa Matlwtte. waa placed la froat «f th* borHifhway, the permanent pos.= rsfion of KryGrammar achool pupila named t* ough'* haaer roll oa Oecaa av*. the honor roll for the earn* period port which won two out of the by Mra. Ocorg* DayU * HighMAWJOHO, N. J. laat three years' £ames. The Hait- were: land* fH, Veteraaa af Pareifa ian Bay iM'hool won in 194* and Grad* t llnuflaa Bonnrtt, JuOta Ware. Kva B>i>. Roaraary Caikill, thi» year. Tho dcputallun from Ihe RulTnlos, Mayor Elect and Mra. Cteorg* Iliihaid CllatK. Judith Johnson, Patricia high achool here which presented Kr,.|t;in. Judith UMunyrn, Willlaai Kraiu* *f Oeeaa ave. epeat Weal-1 the trophy this week imiudfd Brad- Sinrixeman. Robrrta Vida, Bai-tiara Wil•MONf IOC nraday of laat week la New York ley VanBrunt, hi£h school princicity. >Irad« I -Patricia rior*. Jrffrat pal; Vincent .1. "Hoxy" Finn, uthAWMVAl Of t O « t MAN Shtita Jaeka*!!, Biura SahrWard haa Wen received that AaA director and football roach; tcrk. Ruheita VanP»rai., Elinor White. p.rr. drew Maaalaj;, aoa of Mr. and Mr*. • M U M ? I t M A N WNIll <irada 4 -t'ranria Roraky, Richard Richard Kleva, team captain; MorStephea D'Aathony, Jr Frederie M. Coaaiaa, who waa re- Vineaat Maaalag af New at., I* la Caakill, Ruth Cawlar, Nairn Hotthkiaa, VOV A M ON TNI PHONI no*P.r.C. of Mr. aad Mra. Stephen ton Joy, atudent council president, Havid t.owry, rat rif ia Rtiher, Paul cently appointed vice prealdent in a reat camp aam*wh«r* ia Korea. MMa"S NOMTl 4 Mr*. Chart** Itagera, Br, af D'Anthony, Jr., aea of Mr. and and Jacquelyn Williams and Shir- Tambarella. Orada h Btverly Atla*. Martin •own*. charge af (ale* for Krich-New JerMrl. Stephea D'Aathoay ef M Wil ley Andrews, chrcrleniier.". A,l»n» Gaarler, fatrlria titraarhty, Louii My, inc., ef Newark, cxclueiv* New Beach at., arrlvod kamc laat week Student council membera will Ippnlita, I^Btlla Murtka. Gail Ok»r J e n e y diitributer* of R. C. A. Vic- from Monmouth Manorial haaaital Htm at., a peat th» week-end with hit parenta, while he waa »n rout* aell aauvenlr program* Saturday at landar. Bthal Vida, Kanry Ball, Roy tor product*. A magna cum laud* whera ah* wa* a Medical patient. a*. M * I *« to Mountain Ham* Air Bat*, Id., to th* Leonardo game which will be William) Th* board of education ef the *Jr. IMiH *t Ann Maa MamMond, Ckai. graduate ef Harvard uaivenity, he join the Re-Supply aquadron. P T C . played here. ffH Ma Ma amt yea •••• Dwitrht, Judith H Hamaiond. Robart Rb M Marl will have complete charge ef all Methodi*t church will meat tonight D'Aathoay enlisted in the Air fiiade * — Jaitifs RordulM, Baverly aale* aad ajaerchandiaing programa at th* home of Mra. Joha U a d Pupila named to the honor roll Fore* Mar. 31 and hai been ata at the high school for the period Rrittincham, Judith Rrookn. Cairn* Cola- involving Krich-New Jeraey'a dia- •ay of South at. fnnn, Robert. Covey. Honald Davla». PrI tiened the part eight monthn al ending last Thursday were: Mra. Olive Ponton. Mra. William tir Donoirhua, Robert Garla, Judith tributlon ttf R. C. A. Victor televiM ri I Hampeon, N. Y., where h« took luada »ft hinh. HamM Stork. Arlhur CundarHon, (irrKory Wrath, Robert aion, radio and record* in New Jer-Osiecky and Mr*. Walter Covert V*u will tiava the H M af a mvaTI iriia baatc traintftf. Knutieu. Low, Ailhm Ituike, I'uul Muir, HiiKh". Uonard McCollum. Richard Morof this place, (pent laat Thura"dwerd Mooic, Thniiiaa ItiThv. gan. Thomai Waldrr, William Wigdnton. sey. Preaident of the Hrm ia Max O*'iCt...VowaWt naaaj cailajttral day in New York city. » O _ hlKh. Pnlii.ia VanKirk, Rail Grade 7 Molli. CinUotky. Mithaal H. Krich. mpton, MaiKiit-ct. Itiw^o, earn] Pcdei- Kan<, Nrd Macl^liivrhlin. Roberta Meany a n * etie ta itfln wMtt Kcyport >n, Patriria Mi,h>, c»,i,lyn MrTacut, TaKiir. Rirhard Rclhrr, Rirhaid Ripple, Coloaial newapaper* wcr* the yaw. Our only raajviramaat* ara: liltcnce Lnneo, Virginia Krntlni, Mmv Joanne Vida. PrUe winner* at a bridge h*M aiwan. Alirp .Taik^nti. l.n«'. Susatmr Oradr H - Cm-ol flntirha, CIlHlUn* mainatay of the movement for in- naliat during th* American RevoluFriday at tht home ef Mm. Henry Voe*ali. Jonn Mpnilp^. Joe,in-line I.ynnp, Frunine*. llretrhon VanRrunt. dependence. tion. A f**4 *r*tfil repofO**. E. Afkereon were Mr*. John HartiAH laani an imcnv co«'«t NfiAI. ler, Mra. Daniel A. Holmea, Mr*. MilKpaugh VaaBrackl*. Mra. WilAia\yAf Br*)I*BtBBaB*l *%*• *Vi*Vil*ajHV*v liam Herrmaa, Mra, Norman ara aat contact**). Thtra ti itttMnf Lockweed, Mra. Emilia Fanjul. Mra John B. Hok* and Mr*. Pttcr Read. •Jaffa ta •mbarraii yav. The party waa given for the bine, lit af the fellowship fund ef th Northern Menmouth county branch of Univeraity Women. Othera present were Ml*. Herbert C. Bur rowea, M n . tawrence fjchmid Mr*. Otorge Davie, Mr*. Chtrle H. Miller, Mr*. Robert K. Hartmen, Mra. Howard f. Kggin*on, Mr*. miwn •NICI • MM* William M. Aekemon, Mra. LeRoy Sa S M I MAIBI B. Collliu, Mra. William Hitchcock, Mra. E. F. Ehrlleh, Mra. J. Carl Anderaon, Mra. Harvey 8. Bedle, Mr*. Rufua O. Wallinf, Mra. Clarence E. Bahrenburt, Mr». Howar Pieper. Mra. Herbert Weat, Mr*. Corneliu* Ackerion, Mr*, j . t e e n iehanck, Ir., Mra, C. Kannat Oehlhaua. Mr*. Edgar Palm, Mra. •idney Oeeker, Mr*. Charle* E. Springhorn and Mr*. Harvey O. Hartman Krkh He* PrmUml DANCING C4KCONSTiUCTION CO. CDVHUL coivnucroM anai BmiUtrt EDDIE'0 TAVERN ElMlrlMl AftUmtm mt AU KI-MW M i fcrrica for AU M W M I M I M , U U/UKU •• \T KEOHM1K II I •ELL FINANCE Op«n faiwdare 'Til I t O'c.Mk f Artist's i Christinas i Cards i 4tL PROFIT GOES TO CHARITY THI CON«»NMIMT SHpf 106 Shrawtbury Avt, RED IANK # i SASH INSLLATION SHEETROCK Kitchen Cabinet! MILLWORK HARDWARE MASON SUPPLIES Functional Furniture Lumhvr Number" EA toritown 3 - 1470 MAIN ST. IATONTOWN, N. J. Mary Ann Rieillano, daughter ef Mr. and Mr*. Vincent Sicilian* a t Waahlngten i t , waa baptised recently at 8t. Joseph'a catholic church. Mr. and Mr*. Roy Hye were the apanaora. A party v u held after th* ceremony at tht II clllano horn*. Mi«a Marjorl* Cherry, daughte ef Mr. and Mra. George S. Cherry, ha* accepted a pledge ta the Pil Alpha Mu aorority, at Weatera Maryland college, Weatmintter, whera *he ia a lophomore. Mr. and Mra. Richard U Kray blll and family have moved from Atlantic i t . to Shrewsbury, whera they recently purchased a historic colonial houae. Mr. Krayblll la a •xecuth* with Dunn and Brad atreet, New Tork. Mr*. M. H. Walling recently at tended a reunion dinner of th* Nurati* Alumna* auoclatlon af th Flower-Fifth Ave. hotpltal, New Tork city, at the New Tork Ad vertlaing club. Mra. Q*org« F. Keller, of Miami, Fla., haa been vlaiting her aon-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mr*. Charlea Bchwari, Church at. Announcement haa been made of th* birth of a daughter, Barbara Michelle, to «Mr. and Mr*. Stuart aanx, Oiborn at., In Beth Inael hospital. New Tork city, Oct. 28. Mr. and Mra. Oani alno are parent* of twin aona, Gerald and Stephen. Mra, George G. Diabrow la vlaiting her ion and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr*. Edgar U Diibrow of Angola, Ind. Mill Ann Coilard attended tht "Fall Week-end" at Drew unlveraity. Miaa Eleanor Walling, Miaa Ruth Dolaon. Miai Florence LeRoy and Miaa Shirley Clark were recent gueati at Weatmlnater, Md., where they visited Miia Joyce Clark, a atudent at Weatern Maryland college. Mra. Arthur Cahill la viaiting her daughter, Mr*. Morri* Ragner, and granddaughter*, Patty and Judy, at Santa Paula, Cat. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vialon arc •pending a week in Lancaster, Pa. Mr. and Mr*. Jerome C. Ulrich are spending a month a* gueata of the former's parent*. Mr. and Mr*. Frank G. Ulrich, Milwaukee, Wii. Mr. and Mr*. Peter VanRixoort of Union Beach and Mr*. Stephen Slovens and Mrs. Marion Velcamp of Keyport have returned from a trip to Canada. While there they visited Mr*. VanRixoort'a nephew and niece, Mr. and Mr*. N. V. VanRoon 'in Colburn. Mr. and Mra. Maurice Cohen attended the golden anniversary dinner and entertainment of the National Oil and Supply Co., Newark, at the Robert Treat hotel Saturday. Mra. Robert Bohn entertained the member* of her canatta club. Priica were a w a r d e d to Mr*. Charles Koenlg, Mra. Ralph Walter* and Mr*. Clifford Bray. Others present were Mr*. Wilfred Wilson, Mr*. Albert Bennett, Mr*. Meldon Slulla and Mm. Ruaaell Cobb. Mra. Jack Wotman I* (pending a month visiting relatives in Toronto and Montreal, Canada. Harvey Cowan, U. 8. Coaat Guard, stationed at New London, Conn., waa the week-end guest of hi* grandmother, Mra. Sonya Cohtn. Mr*. Carol Brown waa welcomed aa a member of the junior luild of St. Mary'a Eplacopal church at a meeting laat week at the home of Mr*. Howard Creed, Jr. A donation waa made to the altar guild, Others preaent were Mrs, Leiter Stoney, Mrs. Joseph Shumock, Mr*. Emily Alhcra, Mrs. Harold Metalniua, Mrs. Edgar Brown, Mia* Emily Britton, M n Benjamin R«ye», M n . Clifford Bray, Mr*, Alfred Chlnery, Mra. John Zlllnnki, Mr*, Fred Rchauh, Mr«. Harry Ryder, Mr«. Donald Kyrr, Mrs. Edward Pi'ln*, Mi*. Herhert Wailing and Mn, nd ihrin in • > . « « • gift *f il'* a« Ut|N> a a a >•*»'»! I M • fjUl ft erybmly, al a irrke ymtranafford. LARGEST Stkctkosl FINEST EASIEST ENGRAVING 17.JIWIIWATCHIS tREE 11-DIAMOND MIOAl DUET A gor(t«M» pair of « | . mond rinMin|M(«ul miluild»«jn.l4Kwhilt|tol<l. moumingt. Uditt'ermtn't I modtli, m iih ICKpantioa band, »2K«* Helarn and Idwardt Sitrliag inlaid •ilmplawd lat. •are, mvic* fer t. la choke *f tavd* 71 MOAD STRH1 MD IANK 109 MOADWAY LON« HUNCH RONSON PAHKER or 9HEAFFER PENCIL SETS ENGRAVING ONLY 3 2 SHOWIM, DAYS TILL XMAS — L8E OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN NOW — OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P . M. \n. mi nmwtn. Mr. tnd Mr*. Frtncif Murpky EXTEND A Cordtel innttoliofi To thtOpening Night* at the PLEASANT VMJiY INN ROUTE S4 HOUWeL a«4 fete***. !«•». 16thft17th It TINOTMO HHmimt Tottmthip Lteemfl ftory HMMP Pragraat Semt ?§t» FirementoGive Children Parly Mra. Dante Davarlo anal slaughter at library Betty vielte* ov«r tho weak-end HUMBON — Tkt • # » ! • « • ! t>>ewith Mr. and Mra. Louia Porrino glory heur trofraaa aWtttrtUr at the on Long Ialand. . I Oeeaalc library t « atttnaea' by EATONTOWN — Tha Engine Dante Daverio waat deer hunting Truck and HOBO company will hold SI childnB. The twavraa, te bein Maine with friend* aed the parita Christmas party for the bork*M tvery ether week throughout ty biifd two deer. ough's children at the fire ho'ie the winter, i. tpoataerea by the Kathie Morgan, daughter of Mr. at 19 o'clock Chrittmaj morning. Norther* Monmouth County branch, and Mn. Harold Morgan, w u a Tha rompany'e banquet will he America* Anociation of Univrisl- medical patient at Monmouth MeDec. 5 at 7 p. an ty Women, in* the library book morial hospital »art of lact week. The company haa made plane to coenmlttet. Mre. Lillie B o r d e n of Long purehsne • two-way radio and The program !• arrange* (or Branch is vUiting her daughter and equipment for the new die truek. chiMren between four anal nine. aon-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Harold Nominate! for 1962 are Peter Th« atory hour* te optii u all chil- Willgerodt. Tomaino, president; Theodora I.*w«r»n living in Ruauoa, ana the Week-end gurata of Mr. and Mia. ia, vice president; Frank Hulick, lameaiate arc*. ReUera Saturday Landau were Dr. and Mra. Jonat treasurer; Robert Braun, aaaletant were If iM Carol Joaa Riemaa and Valanch and ton Bruce of Patertreasurer. Councilman Fred A. Hrt. J. Bslwarti Cook. The next ton, and Mr. and Mra. Arthur LanMorris, secretary; Stanley Du«a-1 etety hour will ke Saturday, Nov. dau and son Arthur of Brooklyn. man. chief; Cieorfe Winning, as M. I Mr. and Mrs. William Warneker aistant chitf; Raymond Hill, capA. aV V. W. anteabcrt la charge and daughter Kathleen vial ted with tain; John Dietz, first lieutenant: of the orocraai include Mri. John Gaaton Lord at Chestnut Hill, Pa., Frank Holmgren, Robert Dangler •puralo, branch araaiaaat; Mri Sunday. and Robert Brower, second lieutenCook, Mn. Harvey •chattkin and Mr. and Mra. Clifford Loekwood ants; Ely Miller and Kenneth Vanlira. Walter W. Ootllnjj. Mr*. Rob- and Hrnry 1/ickwood of Richmond Brunt, trustees for three years; ert E. Hill 1. (eaoral ehairman. Hill. 1;. 1.. .pent Sunday with Mr. Theodore Lewis and Edward EmMies Bather Bruce la librarian. Mri. and lira. Roland Buckram and Mr. mon», trustees for two years: Wlillaai Balaaln of the book com- and Mra. E.Oouglaa Braadt. Julius F. Frickel, who waa re-Charlea Dreyer. Mr. Braun and mittee arrvea in a* eavtaory caelected without opposition to the Councilman Ralph 1,. Lewie. trueteea' meeting was A special pacity. held Wednesday right at Lincroft Shrewsbury township committee in trustees for one year; Councilman Community church. The regular last week'* .lection. A Republican Morrii. Mr. Emmons and John trustee.' meeting will be held next Mr. Frickel soiled 180 votea. All Bennett, repreaentatives to the state and county Republican candi- Firemen's Relief association; Mr. Wednesday. Barry Field*, eon of Mr. and Mra. dates tarried thia township by sub- Hill and Mr. Dieti, representatives stantial majorities. tn the Monmouth County aeeoriaEdward Fields, h u recovered from tlon; Mr. Tomalna, flr« marahnl; a recent illness. Myron Kogloky, Clarence Hyslop, Mra. Donald Hoffman spent the Vincent Moyes, Nicholag Marcello week-end with her mother at Ir Thomaa William* and a party of nnrl V. Cnnk. lire police; Kly Milvington. ain from Woodland (arm attended ler, chief engineer; Mr. Tomaino, Mrs. Matilda Salm la visiting hi<r the hoisi> show at Madison Sfjuar Rusnell Tnmalnn, Mr. Prayer, Mr. daughter, Mra. Barton Chamberlain. Kaidrn last week as £iic*ita of Kmmnnp, <*ounrilmnn f.ewla, Ciunat Red Bank. Mra. Salm. was DO Amory 1.. Huskell. Mr. Haxkoll la cllm.'in I,pon R. Smoclj, Jr., Mr. yoaia old. Friday, Nov. ». chairman of the board of director-! Brower and Robert Dunpler, »*Mra, Thoniaj Rock of Roxbury, of thr National Horse Show asso- «iat,mt rnc!neer.«; Mr. Hill. Arthur Mass., sprnt the week-end with Mr. ciation. Colt:reave and Mr. Dictit, viaitors: and Ml*. Thomaa Daley. Mis. Robert Morris left la«t week Nlrlmlaa Mareelln, chief stev.nni, and Prank f.aStelli, Mnyor F. hy plane 'or Arinoni lo join her Karen Bvowftlee, daughter of Mr. Jlis* Price, V. <'r>reiDr>e, Haypvrd and Mrs. Mitlon Brownlee, was giv- htiBh.ind. Mr. and Mr*. H^nty Vasnellia of Foulks, Frank f»n.:r r.nrl Wi'l!ani en a combination Halloween and uttina;, assiitint. *tewi»rd8. i birthday party Oct. SO in celebra- I.imlcn veto week-end Ill''«ta of tion of her ninth birthday. Those, Mrs. Vasnetlis' purenta, Mr. and a t t e n d i n g were Claire Beylei, Mr*. Louia Hkilonls. John Donato has puichased the Maura Mullin, Kathleen Warnektr, Everett Barbara Ford, Mary Alya Warne- Ruba property on Chapel Hill rd. The Joaoph Browne family of ker, Mury Ann Lewandowski. Mar- He moved to his new home laat lerary City xprnt the weekend at garet, Kathleen and Maureen Kel- week from Walnut at. James McCaffery of New York heir place here. ly, Barbara and Dinnit Lamken, Churlea Cox has returned to work Carol Birch, Elaine Volk, Katripa city Is vinitlnc his daughter-in-law, Camennlnd, Kathie Morgan, I«a- Mrs. Hrinnril McCntTrry of Navr- ftnr >i wc'k'rt illncus. Barbara Diem, daughter of Mr leen Vain and Sheila and Maiy iiink River id. Mrs. !>on Kinn haa returned md Mrs. William Diem la conilned Lou Brownlee. Hontos/iea were M1»B Verna Brownlee, Mra. Ernestine from a vinlt with her husband at o net homr hy illntaa. Textile Paint Canvas Panel* Cpl. Paul Mehler epent three day* Williams and Mra. Milton Brownlee. Atlanta, Oa. She made the trip by laal week with his mother, lira. plane. ' Drawing Paper* EaaeU Charlottr Mrhler. He la atatlafled Henderaon ia confined to CAR nAMAORO BY H M htsBarclay at Wratover Air hase in Mataahome by tllneaSketch Pad* Modeling Clay A ear owned by Peter Rome* «f Ctalre and Prank faleanetta are huaelta. Mr. anal Mra. Rudolf Eckstein TS Weitelde av«. waa (lightly dam- confined ta their home hy illnesa Mr. and Mra. fYed Hoffman Pastel* Ete. Figurine* aged Monday nft*rn«on hy Are Miaa Anna Kane left Monday en and and sons, Richard and Freddy «f which atarted in the eltetrle wir- a vacation (rip to Canada. Newark were Monday vfiltaiw ef PrtSkatchad Canvas Panels ing. Karl R, ftorndt. Cenicrville Mra. Edna Stilwell accompanied School waa eloaed Monday in ob- Mr, and Mra. Stanley BtIIwell on a motor tour ol New Jerwy SunThere I S « picture in aarvancs of Armistice day. Mr. and Mra. Frank DePalma are day. parent» of a. *on, born Wedneaday thh adrertltement.. * The New York Sun aold for the of laat week at Rlvervicw hospital. Bay Mason and. family ipent world-record prlee of $4)0,000 In 1837. if you ran recognlte Sunday at High Point. Nicholas Ncapolo haa purchased a new Chrysler automobile. U! ThMt plcturm it Ralph Monteaana spent Saturday ••/«•« 4 Shade Digerent" on a hunting trip, Arthur Philip celebrated Ma 13 BROAD STREET RED BANK 6-1806 15th birthday Friday with a party. The public school was closed FREE DELIVERY Friday to enable the teachers to attend a eon vent Ion at Atlantic There l i high quality In every City. shoe fold Ht Tafaun'g . . . and Mr. and Mm. Vanrierpnni have rustic M U or REAL UTATK roa imrAio TAWS tha prices reflect great value returned from a May in New York TOWNtHlf O r MIPOUTOWN IN THI COUNTY Of MONMOUTH I, Ctrl K. Ititanond, Collider, of Ta«s, ia .ad f»f Iki Tewatkl* al Mieaiitown, • ' Moaaiouta tnd too! city. itata af Mew imn. ksrckr (iva antic* that accotdiaf t . tin law raaiiiriag aw to aaakt tkt unpaid taut, atMiiaacntt and Mr. and Mra. M. Curio and famrsal tatate in said Toaaskip •>( ssUdlatuwn i tor the M«t »»•», ttt ftrta afttr tack particular parcal of vrovtrty will on We •acchriUe la the ily of Perth Amboy spent Sunday Wteneular Detesaber t, J»SI. at 3:80 r. M., at tht Teamshiai Hall. Mia'dlatswn. N. J., sell tkc lands, tcntmtnti, ktrcditaatnti aad real citatt herciaalUr dticribtd to saake Iks aaaetial taarieak.a afaiatt suck iaads, togatatr with iattrtst . a hard) to M. with Mr. and Mri. Peter Oenovete. said amount aad tka costs tH aals, at public vendut. Jerry Allocco hai purchased] '1'he t i l . akall bt aiadt la fet to such ecrsmi as will PUKkas* Ikt same, subjtet t . redemption at Iht lowot AAAAA-AAAA-AAAtalt new car. rata of Intercit, but ia no cms in eiecss of I | » t cent ptr annum, pravldlna any mrssa at tht sals shall oner to yureaatt.' lha piopertr iub)«ct to redtnptlon at a rat* ot intcrtst Itii tkaa on* par c«nt, tkat sack pman nay, ia litu ol any t«t» Andrew pePalma, Jr., celebrated of interest upon irclem|,tion oiler • premium over tnd abo»t tks »mount of uxts, ass*ssn*nts ar other rharaet dm the his fifth birthday Tueaday with OUR MICfS A | g up •ttlikipHlity. and in luch ca» the vrb|icrty will be struck elf aad told t . tks klddsr who oilers to pay tht amount of party. •aid tarns, tiMiimenti 01 charges; Plui tkt kixhot amount af premium. This ialt It made under the provision, of Us Bat Istd BtatuUs *f Mtw Jtnty, Tit). II, Artldt I, Chapter «. Many yountr people from thle Rtetloa Vt f U%. Tht Mid Isnds, ttnamenti. hrreditteunti and rtal cttats to lie told; and namts of tht psriont againai plnce attended the Rumaon-Kay«k*m said U u i have bren aiaetied and the years for which iht taxis have been aiiturd an account ot ttek parcel anU port football fame Saturday i FASHION end SERVICE tha amauat hereinafter « t forth inelud* the total amount af taut for tht year karciaafter stt fortk agilntt tack property, with Inlereit calculated accordini to K. i, (4, t - i l art as fallows: Rumson. The Rumaon team won, P.g* Ua* Naatt OoKrlptloa Mwk U t AnMwal latereat • Ceata Tetal 13 to «. AT 1 i Allen. Charlo, It. Navoink—It, Acs. I "•»( *•'*» • *V.'HI Mm. Robert Wenterdahl an • > Bayard, Mary C Plkt Man tli-tl«-llT il.ta *.W tl.ts daughter Marjorle spent Saturday i a Baytid. ilciucn H. A Mary K.flka Mai. I l l to Uil ».!« li.27 14.37 at New Tork city. 7 U Bennttt, Georn L. Glentale Park S 11-14 I».2U IM I l» Bennttt, (ieorjit L. <Slt«dal* Park It 1-J 1.t« •'••«'• 13.1U II I I Butler, Joi. if. * Clis Lincroft—Plot T II.Ss t.til M.U Bccauae noblea of tho Mlddd 14 a L'allahan, Michaol t i l . Ckaptl Mill—7 Acs. »!.«> lu.Su lOli.lS Agca had no banki In which t 14 10 Callahan, Mlch«ai Eit Chapel Hill—1» Aci. 4S.a4 7.7;, 0J..V.1 depoeit their wealth, the EncycloIt i SpaKimllo. P e t u Bocttncr Tct. F 741-742 11.41 5.«» 17.15 SS 30 DiBiano, Mi coat 1 a Aniiilne N a v t i l n k - i Acs. l».M ••!« 84.40 pedia Americana laya, they had 17 t Maion, John lletddoni Corner S6.0D D.3I «4.:I4 Asburr rark their sold and silver fashioned Int 30 15 Kmmi. Certrud Everett—1.41 Acs. ii.itl i.Vi tl.M ornate cups and vatea. II ii Gillick, Anna South Kctnakurg 17 to l i JU.54 t.Kj J7.3S MTisrs SUPPLIES ANNOUNCING... the addition t» our Smle* force of MR. EDWIM J. SMITH Mr. Smith ha« 2S y«are' experience in hardware and housewaree and will be happy to be of aarvice to you. JACOBS HARDWARE COMPANY 171 ikrtwikmy AM. siaMaTvy lad) Va^VvW^tl ^ ^ T V T WE CARRY... a complete list of artist euppliei for the beginner and for the professional. Stop in today. "Honeatly Foiki, Your New Home I* Grand How Did You Evtr Swing It?** Jim and Bill work tofether-aarn comparable talarlea—yet, Jim juat bought a new home while Bill and his wife still live in • cramped apartment. It doi'sn't. seem tn mail* sens*, hut. actually It's s.« simple aa this. Jim didn't think (in had the financial resources to own his home, until he dropped in t» see us. Why not let rent money p»y oft tha mnrtf»»« <w> your own hom»T F.rl A. Horn* Imprevawieiit L a m RFD BANK SAVINGS #n 4 LOAN to Security 10 t«OAO *ST. CAMEO SHIR-BACK* CURTAINS CAN MAKE YOUR WINDOWS LOOK LIKE THIS QUALITY! and in time lor Thanksgiving, too? A |g It 41 41 4« 4* 4» 49 ID 1? U If* li l» s I* * Godwin, Boot. A Gertrude ^...Platlmount Hargate, Louii Rtd Hill Hargate, William Mlddlttown Henderion, Htrclty _ t'airAeld Uardens Hint, Theodora A Lorraine Fairlltld Garden* Holland fce!Hi' ..Orchard Gardani Hoppan, Heckle t » t Atl. Hiuhl Gardt, Hubos, Howard Orchard Cardtni tli 53 54 if 10 li 1* It Hubbt Walter It. * Antonia Mldflletcwn Jelfcraon, Chattel Orchard Gardens John.on, Henry Mri Navcsink Key>, Marsivrel .....N«vnink 39 (9 «» 75 It 17 IS M Wlsi, Jerome Lincroft. Plots 4-5 Kramer, Henry L. A Harriet W.Middletown—4.8 Acs. Marvel, Henry Lincroft—5 A f t , Murphy, Ivan P. S France. ....Homcerett »:. s« IIU 94 21 t) IS ia Pocella, Polllck Reeve., tianderi, 7* 27 Nichols, Grace R. * Francea New Monmouth Anthony a P , KttrntyOrchtrd Gardens Anna C B. Willett Map Addle l.lncroft Henry A Geneva _ . . . N e w Monmouth 94 14 Sandera, Henry 93 a Schatfer, >'rcda II ill Schroder. Gu> Eit 17? t o 181 I I K I D A C Ntw Monmouth Pltttmoutlt ...Nav.iink iS.n IW.10 3.n I 102.4< T-> 15.2s l.M !>•'•• 41 t o SO Itt.lll 4 1 - 4 7 17.911 102-103-104 7-S-0-19 .14-91 20-30 J94 to i t s 97 1» Lyman A Mary M. ...Chapel Hill—II Act. lit) 7 Tletltn, Carrie Country Club 308 HI I Van Brunt, Joieph - - . . . . Van Brunt. Map III 7 Waatbrook. Frank Nanalnk 11« 4 Wlghtman. Mary Orchard Gaadtns A l>»-140 12s 13 All.n, Harriet T, A K. Slarta Ltddy TrtcT »»-»0 131 10 Bertolettt Anna ...Ideal Beaeh • 5-« 133 1 Bohtnborser, Guntav, Jr, _ E, Keanaburg Manor 111-122 141 IS Davidaon. liabeila F. Kmntburg Park # 2 11 S-4 148 I* tilynn, Michael Honratrad Park # 1 74 r.l) Jl Hanxn, Herbert C, A t'mmi Ocean Park 18 lr.l 13 HtirtI, Helen E, Keamburg Manor 102 1.-,.) tt Jenkins. Merit A Orchard Otrdeat J95-294 155 20 Johnson, William HometUsd Park # t 114 158 12 Kiernan, Joioih a> Mary Ocean Park 11I-120-121 lit! 13 Kraemer, Lonlie Est New Kcannburg # 1 t 8 5 to 2H» 159 14 Kraemer. Loulne E«t New Keambun # 1 t S l thru 251 142 12 Llat, Harold a P. Fantoaai ....Ideal Beach A D4-3S t«4 10 Makowakl. Theodore « Jcnnl* E. Keanaburg Park A 23-24 S.U« a.l,i 3.Ill 17.15 S.9il '••»! «.I5 1.07 lo.lM 11.94 &».i» 3H.2U h.M t.4* »-'il l.Vl 50.74 217.71 O.ln 15.2K ll.ilt JS.i.i a.01 Jl.:>» H.0« ti.ti 21.97 Jl.iu 17.42 tl.69 45.49 7.Oil l».n« e.15 ».n .',7.77 2:15.8(1 IS.::, tlM 7.9( 7.64 tS.94 IS 2« i.l* 5.»S «.3» 11.92 13.44 13.u» 39.30 ll.ltt (l.fF. ».'.'< 45.Ki 49.«0 15.28 1108 37.18 11.08 62.2« 48.24 42.7! 3j.1« 14.OH 32.14 2* 14 4.0'! 8.04 4.1* 3II.1H t.U t.40 7.75 7.98 5.92 5.96 7.2« 6.9« 8.14 7.89 7.5« 4.9J (.«« 4.9.1 «.41 5.?.i 5.49 S.21 4.21 71.23 1S.S4 53.59 67.14 21,20 22.04 44.88 82.04 SI.40 r.O.lH • r.0.33 39,09 • 21.04 .lit.09 34.83 '.(.27 13.S3 ».43 S«.:ll U.-it h.'ri 3o.r,« t.»;l 9.811 «.«.1 tl.Hi « 7 * I 19 1» 21 \l 1} 17 10 Martin, Win. J. A Dor New Kealtaburg # i ' M H.3» Martin, Wm. J. A Uorii New Keansburg # J HI O'Ctllahtn. Paul and Mary..,.Ea« Keantburg >ark *> t 13-11 112.58 Radfprd, Gllhtrt W. A BsatrlcHomntead Park I 134-19H 48.24 Rotolo. Irene » P.tcr ..Btyvlew Manor I 20-21 50.SI ghIns, Mary .^.t. Xeamburg Park # 2 I I 48.24 Silk. John A Irene Bayvlew Maaar 7 1-M-4J.4I.47 18.0J g«aiitOB rrank —Ideil Beack • 1-4 S4.U Smth. * chard A Carrlt Ideal B»ach B 11-34 24.12 Smith. Richard A Carrie Meal Beach 0 10-31 24.11 Young. Mary K. Keaniburg Park # 1 I H inM ».U 12,41 11.71 7.81 8.01 7.81 t.OI «.4S f.45 1.41 T.41 191 197 100 201 21t ?!' 2 5 217 221 U tj * It 3 U 80 24 21 5.31 5.25 «.2I H.48 d.K.1 S.88 5.11 It.17 ».27 1*.l)l 2S.11 «4.7« 39.09 11.14 22.04 227 28.71 "• 239 !!B , 248 250 553 3J If .' 22 .1 11 17 7 Alexnnn>r. Jndn a Nora dilnm. Tract KK S0-U51 «.2« Beglcy. 4,'stherln Ntw Keansburg . ) " IH-81I-8IT 4.02 Ca»pb«ll. J a m t t ™ New Ketntburc # 1 11 U l - « 9 Z > t « 3 1.0.44 Clint, Mary E. MM Homestead Terract K «8.S« 'Jo Id Hallard. Albert L New iC.miil.urK # 1 li 493-494 Ii«.2H Harris. Olga .„ port Monmouth 92.14 Jurow!c«, Stanley • B o n Cletrview B 77-78 1.2s Kunsman. Fred A 4;harlotta-.New Kcantburg • 145-24* 18.08 Merked. Hiirvey f. A I*. Mlchtelli Sandy Hook Bay D i.%28.29 IS.0(1 Nyl«jdrr, ••ui A Jcnnl Homestead Terract .11.1 Southeis, Euijiie a Rita Collins Park A 44 t » 4« ' 1» 2« Ttjtitietbefrajjr. Madeline Port Monmoulh Gar. # ! 0 28-27 12.98 Mluliore, Patrick I). A June V.Now Kc*n«bur» 8 188-187 4 111 VwiMl Eittll B. Kean>burg Btatk % >*\% 24.18 Baumjarlner, Henry Belford Park 4 88-89 1108 Chamberlain. Christina Lenlton Manor I llo-tll 1 ! 0« IlciU, O, >' Relford 25 48 S.095,18 B.,IR 8.88 5,55 8.45 5.91 R.78 8.53 84.18 *.:u J7.I4 29.88 9.27 80.88 22.04 17.79 12.01 5,25 7.89 1.48 11,19 10.79 1.44 t"» (Ml »6,13 80,57 118.92 72.27 14,08 liti :85 HI 211 £51 211 2«? 274 A H » .1 17 17 I 1s mi " " v-r-i r Campbell's Junction ' ' ''•"k S. * Sarah A, Baycreat Lnniiitroth, H. W. A Martha Btlford hmV- ' r " n c M , Htlford Matthtwi, Donald Ueuch View Park MassaromW, P, E I Mildred Rayalda Hgts. RhodM, Samuel L. „ Leniaon i,""" H trve ,107 I I Htnry'a Dinctr Ine. ~.«..-.......Uon«riUan 17 Lttts, Joieph R. . K, w , Lionard Tct, ,17 J tetla. Joseph a Ro K. W, I^onarn Tet. HIM 15 lornch, Mumuli't I.pnnnriln llrnrh ill'! 1 1 lS;"''' 1 . n " l t 1 ' 1 * M."'Z Hfevellt Park »32 15 Murnhr, Jnmi's A Mary Orean Vkw Park 33. l ' ^ " H l"h\S'u , -.••••Hlllilda Park 3,14 II Mpeckman, Mnrlr, Marlmi A Htnry Brtvent Park 1 U-U-ll A J81-18J SS-88 HI-H10 0 S C 18 !!l I,»1M II 98-110 pt.ll 4 18 48.24 24,12 101,58 17,27 17 14 11.11 U7.72 S IS 4 12 87.fl* 10.78 to 30 81..0 li.94 • 12.«« " " n>!:, "!•'•! «48 5 «fi 7,47 f,|f beautiful windows 37.3!) »".0'j 37.39 US 158 173 171 110 »8» lit \u. III 184 194 ' The don with hair y«u ean ctltc! «4.M 58.73 134.31 «l.ll 68.41 51.11 24.18 30.S7 30.S7 30.57 47.41 140.38 8 34 o.S* 44.111 Seiso IS.dd 80 27 |S,«t kFFANifl'S NYLON IXCITJNO, RAYON OR«AN0Y If you've kept away from sheer curtaina becauso 1 Here *, a doll t o thrUl every little girl! 8h»'« Lie o n ^ doll with 3 penonalltiMl Sba's a Monde i. .*. or t redhead .%i. or a brunette ^ . jutt by bruihing on harmless coloring/It's'such W t o d o . . . and so eaty tool Coloring waihet right out with plain water. This wonderful TINTAIX DOLL it dretttd in the latest dolt-world fsihion and hat her own complete Doll Hair Coloring Kit Call, writeorcomeinforonetodayt AND UP (Renlh%vtiilaUt) 17 MOAD STIIIT ^ 10 * WB IAHK OPIN PRIPAY IVININOS UNTIL 9 P. M. they're hard to drape VT. Shir-Back* cartaim m yonr answer! Yon can drape them perfectly in seconds with just a pull of the sewn-in shirring tape.* Like magic—Shir-Back* curtains instantly shir into hundreds of soft p l e a t s . . . And they stay beautifully draped. can't be dia> arranged by wind or blind-pulling. SHERMAN'S Slip Covtrt • VenttUn Hindi f§» fmrtm Singer Recalls Rontberg Roles Hi* witt, faatiUer *ttk tka a n a through euaseur vacatisaa, ka4 suggest*! RuoMsa a« a etaveeJaat ouatry koaae ia C M ? reach af Broae way's curtains. HAtOLDS TUCKER'S RADIO « ELECTRIC SMOf M free* « t ta**NMK« TELEVISION SERVICE Installation • Repairs J ANTINNAS IVAMSt AN* HtSTAUM EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ON RE-POSSESSICD AND THAPE.IN TELEVISION SETS again (da malaejia* fram ?aa lata Sigmune) Ram•arg'i aparsMa, "llanam Tim*," Hawarsj Marili ef River re*., Rumter), the iter af tka anginal Bfetiuctien af that thaw, re« calli an ara af American tKeater hittery that will newer be »,•?• •anaa*. Mr. Marih, whe alta itarrae) in Ra#nfc*ra,'i "The Sty •Jen? Princa," when it wai inrradwceel in New Yerk, ii alt* famaui at tka eriginal craatar af the rala af Geylerej Revenal in Ziaffald'i Breetatien af "Shaw feat." FREE PARKIN* REAK Of STOM OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10 P. M. ATONTOW K A D I O 6t TI I.I V I S I O N / 19 M A I N I A I ON TOWN N STRfl P h o n t I ' . a t i , rit', u n Howard Marsh of Rumson Won Stage Fame in Romberg Roles t A Dream or Reality? 1/ ywiir dream house In atitt in the future we can make it a reality . . • and easier than you realise! Bring your plans in today and dham uith n» arrangement* for a convenient MORTGAGE LOAN CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS 5% INTEREST SEE 0 US Improvement Leant # TODAY # MorfgafS leant Insuraa) Ssvino,! MAINSTAY FEDEML MWINttS DM LOU ASSOMTMN 21 Monmouth Street Red Bank 64)663 The death of Sifcinunrl flnmherp in Nrw York last week held » special significance for residents of thin mra, for it was a Kumson man, Howard Marsh of River id., whose portrayal of the lead roll"? in that beloved composer's two greatest works, "Blossom Time" and "The Student Prince," launched them on their way to their present status as classics of the American miiMcal stnfte. In "Blossom Time," H o w a r d Marsh established himnplf ax « star. In "The Httidelit Prinre," he rose to the pinnacle of nuccesi in his field, to he followed by his creation of a role that has now become a part of the American scene, that of Guy lord Ravenal in Zicsfeld'a most immortal production, "Show Boat." Recalling those unparallcd triumphs which occurred at a time when show business was a realm nf enchantment, Mr. Marsh, in looking nt the scene today, concluded that the mechanical age has taken much of the glamor from that realm and is in imminent danger of burning out it* best talent. When Mr, Marsh began hln climh to the pinnacle of success in the American musical theater, the stage held an aura of mystery and enchantment that literally and figuratively set it in another world in the Imagination and sentiment of the American people. Going to the theater WM an Infrequent event for most, and fur most an experience of inch overwhelming emotional impact that the occasion etched itself deeply and permanently into tho heart, A Show W M An Event This was largely due to the circumstance that for the masses of Americans, the opportunity to n c top-flight stage entertainment was limited, Mr. Marsh declared, It meant New Yorlt, or the occasional chance to lee one of the touring companies as they traversed circuits among the major cities within the country. Later, however, the same air (which held the castle* of imagination the American people identified Must Make Room For Summer Stock! Off WHOLESALE FACTORY PMCE! Women's Winter COATS-SUITS-TOPPERS • Buy Now for Holidays & Save at • -ALFRED DeGENNARO247 BHIDCE AVE. • Plenty Free Parking • RED BANK OPEN IVERY DAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9 A. M. to a P. M. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 Small Itepoilt Satisfaction Guaranteed or Reserve* liarmvnt. RE 6-1373 Money Refunded Within S !>»>», After "The Stuaeat Priace," the aaau of Heware Marsh appeared aa the ntrajueet «f theaters where he New York ruas af "Priaeese FlavU" and "Cherry •leaavaat" were housed. It was a** ia the MOs aaa Mr. Marsh was elate ta establishing a eeaaeetiea with norms ZiegfeM that w u ta Make theatrical hUtory. During tha run of "The Wuaeat Prince," Ziegteld haa waataa Mr. Marsh te do a chaw with Lcea Errol called "Loyis XIV, but Mr. Marsh was not auiovs te leave he r»le ef the prince hehinei. Talk af Zugrele's interest ta Sana rarner's "Show Beat" literary success, however, gave Mr. Marsh his tret opportunity, after "Tha Stvaent Prince" cl«se4, to ate liegtcM. I asked ZiegfeM If there wtuia anything ia 'thaw Beat' far me," Mr. Marsh declared "I haa read the book but taw little ia it. However, when Sitgfeld shewed nu the adaptation, by Oaear Haamerstein, it became a etmpletaly different thing in my mint anal I asked Ziegfeld for the rale af Osyloia Ravenal, 'The part I* yours,' he told me." Mr. Marsh recalls ZiegfeM te a master at arranging stage picture! with beautiful flrls and spectacular lighting effect*. "He knew little about music or direction," Mr. Marsh added, "but he could nlways get the best performance out of of hit cut. Further, he had the unusual ability at that time af interesting Wall Street capital in sufficient amounti that he could realise, th* dreami of grandeur he planned for the stage. He wai one of the vsry few men then who could corral 1300,00* before the curtain went up, ar throw out scenes costing up tt |1S,000 bifoie r,TV COUNTRY flNfiWfcy Nairly EvaryaM's istjaa for ifa NEW, EXCLUSIVE, 1952 he show opened." "Show Boat" had an exceptional ly long pre-Broadway tour before its New York debut ia Dec, Wit. Mr. Marsh said the reception to he chow during this advance tour with the ttage, began lo quivor was phenomenal, but the audience invisibly with a tidal wave of en- nn the opening night In New Tork tertainment clianpe carried by a was something less thaa warm unmechanical trick of electronics tha' it almost mid-way through the came to he known «s broadcasting. performance. The reception In New "Thn state, or entertainment of York, however, surpassed the aethe highest quality, wasn't New York anymore," Mr. Mnrsh laid. lalm the producttoa had received "The curtain suddenly became a on its pre-Broadway tour and asbutton on a box. The state moved abltshed a le|tn« that It still » into the living room and with that milestone In the annals af the fnmiliar immediacy the glowing American atage. We had a superb cast," Mr. tubes of broadcasting burned off much of the sheen, the glitter and Marsh declared, "with Charles Win. ninger, Norma Terrls, Helen Mortlnsrl that for «rnrrs nf decades In gan, Jules Bleosoa and Edna Mae this country had been synonymous Oliver. subsequent staging of with show business and show it In anyNo lorm ever compared with people." hat east." It was against the backdrop of "Show Boat" was on tour In Chithis trend that Mr. Marsh began hiii rHirer, which dntfa hark tn cago when the crash of IMS came, Mr. Marsh remembers conhis childhood. "I was alway* in- which shortened the run. It terested in the stage," he recalls. slderahtf finally In Baltimore. "We As a child I remember singing ran forclosed a year and four months in church festivals nnd then start- in New York, but although the ing to study voice at the age of 12." weekly grot* was »J2,000, It was The Lure nf The State such a fabulously expensive torn The lure of the »t»Ke remained pany that that amount could not with Mr. Marsh, although he in meet expenses, We had to have hcritod no .such tradition tn his capacity business In a large theater family. His father, a mid-Western to make It a financial success, and hanker, was quite proud that hi* with that in mind, the Ntw Tork son was enrolled as an engineer- company was plaeed on tour." ing student at Purdue university. From this supreme achievement, In college, though, slide rule fell Mr. Marsh next found himself victim to the sliding of scenery In what he describes as "an uninto place backstage and he starred happy experience in an awful Bop." in the first musical comedy ever It was "Tha Well of Romance." to be presented by students at Pur- written by Preston atturgis, later due. It was "The Pair Coed," of Hollywood fame, eo-starrlng written by the legendary humorist Norma Terrls. also fresh from her George Ade, then a trustee at the triumph in "Show Boat." Then university. came "Madame duBarry" with Later, Mr. Marsh left Purdue for Grace Moore, which Mr. Marsh the University of Wisconsin, with also remember! aa notable for Its his academic leanings now tending short life, squarely in the family pattern us In the depression-ridden IMOa he sought to master the intricacies Mr. Marsh turned to starring In of law and finance. Here again, a stock eompeny ha owned with the only law which held sway was Milton Aborn. one of the Bret man the law of gravity impelling the to present grand opera In English future star toward footlights and in the United States, and Morris spotlights. Schleslnger. This later developed By this time the course was into a New York company of Gildefinitely set. Mr. Marsh had let- bert and Sullivan productions, with ters from drama critics of Indiana exceptional success. "We had lines newspapers and with these ven- around tht block waiting to buy tured forth a total stranger Into tickets," Mr. Manh said. "There the citadel of Nexv York. There l« nothing so rabid as a Gilbert followed the all-important audition and Sullivan tan." and the supremely important ac- This phase of his earsar he recomplishment of a job. "It was a members as being like a hen an role in the touring company of Not only did he star •The Rose Maid,' and in 35 weeks n griddle. tha productions, ht also had ta we had been in 38 states." bt responsible for tht business His first appearance on the stage management. "I waa on roller In a. New Yrtrk production was skates most of the time." One ef with Mitzi Hajos In "Sari." After the remembered innovations used that came "The Greenwich Village by Mr. Marsh's company then waa Follies" at the old Greenwich Vil- the use of a Japanese prlma donna. lage theater, with Frank Crumlt Hittl Koweka, la the role of Yum and Mary Lewis, one of the first Yum In "The Mikado." The Japshows to be staged by John Murray anese singing star had tsUbliihtd Anderson. Then came "Maytlme" her fame In "Madame Butterfly" with Peggy Wood and William with the Philadelphia Opera comNorrls, and "The Passing Show," pany. opposite Marilyn Miller. Hadte Makee Inroads Summer Stock Companies At thli point radio w u making The summers meant stock com- heavy tncraachmtntt en tht trapanies, after the New Tork aue- ditional vltw of Amtrlcant toward cexses had completed their tours. tht atage. Caught In tha revoluThe stock company experience Mr. tionary change in entertainment Manh describes as invaluable ex- habits, Mr. Marsh turned his talperience and training. "It meant ents toward microphone!, starring a new show every week, learning in tha top shows ef radio at that the next one while still playing time, with Jane Fromsn, Andre the current attraction." . Kosteianeta and Robert Benchley. Mr. Marsh, who felt strongly It was not the stage, however. that his place on the American As Mr. Marsh phrases the sentimusical stage was at the top, con- ment of every true artUt, "There tinued his steady upward climb, Is nothing like walking out on tha finally achieving full and unchal- atage of a theater, getting that unlenged stardom in the production mistakable reaction in that Imof "Blossom Time." "I had felt possible to duplicate atmosphere all along," he recalls, "that I had There Is nothing so moving as an to keep climbing. I could not have appreciative audience, nothing no gone on just being mediocre, Thn loud as a silent ona." lead In "Blnmnm Time" was the Mr. Marth continued aa ont ot first New Tork role of importance he greatest start the American that I created. It remains today musical stage has tvtr known until one of the few shows still being a d«y arrived I felt I had played, thanks to the Immortality reached that "when point where age of Frnnz Schubert's music." created iU effect and I thought 1 Mr. Marsh played the lead In had better get out." "Blossom Time" for three year* And at that point a newer media after its New Tork run of ona arrived—television. Hers again, as year and five months. That rote had been the ease with radio, Mr. led to hit being cast as the prince Marsh feels that the Insatiable In "The 8tudcnt Prince," opposite demands of a machine media are Ilsn Mftivengft. It Is that role the supply of talent. which holds for him his fondest "New stars are needed now every memories, "While 1 was playing month, and there Is absolutely no the prince, I n w nine companies one who can write good material of that show organized and sent fast enough to meet the demand. on tour. No Broadway show had The glamor that existed In thoae ever known such spectacular sue- other years Is no more." ceai,- Even today, there could never bo nine compnnlen of a show as The 8,000,000 froien food atorsge (,'rcnt us "South Pnelflc." units now In American homes have At this point, Mr. Mariih wua created a growing service activity fnmilliir llgurii In Oils mua, IIHVIIIK In ilio custom processing of locally moved from New York to ftumsot produced meats and poultry fo during the run of "Blossom Tims." froien atoraga at horn*. MAVICTOR ftifvrlif Am§th§ tin MtW Haw's Nw nnlsmrim Miracle -j^,^ ffaaMaaBBaVMBBB •Mite* ICA •Vlcter tOCKINOMAMl Meetl I HI 71 aafc&f a.t-1 akaaAABBMMSjtfaV eee) a t ewet tt More peop/t OWN...mor« ptop/# WANT, RCA VICTOR TV, than my offer nraftt! 000 Mecmmaef | Only RCA Vieter tiers direct faetery-le. yeu terviee. • . Only RCA Victor often hisheit nuelily proven in mote than 2,000,000 homes. # Jk Only RCA Vittor rlurgci nothing extra for Miheiany er warranty. The Enriie Tax i« included ia the prke. 4, Only RCA Victor TV It aemsaded by t out ef 10 prespedltre bajren. g , RCA Victor is nnl choice of t oat of M TV dealers for their awn homes. § , No one «aa match RCA Victor's engineering lumwJitw. tVHYDAY THfSff DMLEftS Afit KUWUH9 MOM) HCA VICTOR SUH* SITS THAN AMY OTMMt M4KII BED BANK FBEEHOLD ANDERSON'S MUSIC SHOP ATLANTIC APPUANC CO, INC 30 E. Mela !m : . HOME APPLIANCE STORE IT Swth Strtet «t Bread StrMI ATLANTIC APPLIANCE CO, INC. IS Msaawvth Strstt Strut ASBI7BY PABK ATLANTIC APPLIANCE CO., INC. 71S Main Strut CENTRAL RADIO A TELEVISION aa Mel* Strut JERSEY TIRE CO. 101* Mais Slmt NIESEN MUSIC CENTER CeekaM* A Crand Avc>. STEINIACH COMPANY Ceekma Avtnut B B A D U S V BKACH CUSTOM TIRE CO. 1M0 Mala Stretl BATONTOWN EATONTOWN RADIO 17, Main Slrnt LAKEWOOD ATLANTIC APPLIANCE CO, INC. 227 Sicond StrMI BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 228 Sicead Strtst HURLBURrS 244 Stcead Street THE MUSIC BAR 214 Sseand Street W0LPINS FURNITURE HOUSE 318-117 Fourth S l m t LONG BRANCH ATLANTIC APPLIANCE CO, INC. SIS Breacwer JANDON'S HARDWARE 1S7 Breatoar . VOOEL'S DEPT. STORE IS* Broaiwar FOINT PLEASANT POINT PLEASANT HARDWARE SM Araetd Aveaae POINT PLEASANT TV RADIO * APPUANCE COMPANY •Ot Araeld A M . SPRING LAKE ESTELLE'S TELEVISION CENTER 1901 Tslrd Aveave TOMS RIVER J. W. riNLCV ia Wttalngtea Street MIRVEL'S TELEVISION * APPLIANCES *0J Mela NIESEN MUSIC COMPANY la WaihlatlM Strut IKIICH-NEW J M S I Y , Inc., Newark t , N. J. Am.ri«.'. Fir.* RCA Di.,ribufor •••iiiiiiniiiiM Man mouth County Sur rotate*. Offiti In tilt' mnllrr (*t Hit rMritt; of OfifKc M. tindmin, dcccHKrtt. Nolirr to rreili* tort to preient clnima n«nlnst rotate PtiriUNtU tn the nrtlrr nf liornwi. M o Fuddin, of the County nf Mon* mouth, made on the ftith itny of November, lVfil on the Nprllcntlnn of Loul-e Clarke Hodman and Churlt?* fl, McVeigh. two of thu RxiLMiturrt nf tli<> pstutt- of George M Hurl mini, {li'eeiuiil, milieu In hvrt'liy ulvi'ti to Ilir rrnlitorti (if MI id dri'dUtM. In I'thililt tn Ih<J fciltist'tihtra two ol ihe K:;mitni'R an iihinuiiil, Ilitir dfhu nnd drmiinilh Htislnst tht? Miitl »•*latf, iinHrr irnih, within nix mmilrm from Iht date of th« afnr«aft.r. order, or they luirrnl of their s c t l o n i tlurrflir Jimlhist the s-Hltl Kllti.srrllicls. llnlcil: I ' m hold, N. ,1., Nnv, ,*i, I U J l . LDUI.SU CLAItKK HIIUMAN, Niivrslnk River Rnnil, Iti'il riniik. N , J, I'HAKLES 8, McVEIGH, 111 E. 71st. Street NDW York, N e w York, Arnold A l TillIV, Esn,, 15 llrnml 157 l l r l fit reel, el, Kml M.Hil;l N. N J J. 116.01 Altiirnry. Court, La« ttlvUlnn, on tho ihlrllclbtMw MI November MM, at Ittiitu i.'clo«, in the lortiumti, or an IUUII tliureafteV • • «'t tan be hewn), «t the Court Hejlhe X-rediold, New Jersey, for an UrttVlCK authorlting ui to aasume other rrtpec* .Ive natnea. to wit t Anna Ellubeth an} France, lullsi HW.WS7 »ur- tuset to tha ttstuta la surf can t a d . and provided. ," D.l»d> October 21, 1011,' ANNA EUZABETrfflsmKI HUNCES JULIA CIS7.BHKI, ' An Infant, l,y heiv Uuari||*n nd NOTICL u,.,n J*11.1"' A m i « «™« l «th 0 "tikt. .TO WHOM I T MAY (JONCKHNi William E, Drnly. ArttAicy, TAKK NUIICK tllKt the nniler>l|nril til Km I Front Street will an<ly ta ths Monmouts CounlF Bit Bins, Mivrttritr BAVK Apy Resigns As CD Head Ct, - Mf. a*4 Mra. Muauaajtoa Taylor of Conor tC. ora tho Mraata of • a*a, Lourooco Muotiaf Taytor M, kora Suadar at Moav U T T L E IILVCR — Clifiltr Aay, (araicr councilman h«i gsouU Magaattol fcaoattol. Mra. Mvatiactoo la too tamer night r**lgna« »• chain •rlvi* titoU, daughter of Mr. and Civil Defense cauncil. H Mra. Oaorf* Sirota of New Tark i* letter »t ia*igaation aae»h C. Daviaoa aftei city. How R.R. Lands Are Being Sold EUi iNMaii'a MCHI AniiauiwrtJ Four Awarded Crash LITTLE SILVER — Mr. and j Mrs, George A. Inman of Woodbine BEA BRIGHT — Clarence St*< i ave,, announce the engagement of ( 3 neg Bearh have been asked about Their c l a i m ; when th« railroad weuld offer the automohiie. ar ridmt. early in Januland to interested individuals. Some ary B ' i r Five I'nrner*. Mid' residents expected to he contacted Mr. Hunter and Mr, Kpp* " e r r with an sfr>r. pa^<f^J•»^^ :n Mr*. H y f i s ear Mr. Stevens said he had b*en wliirh wan driven by Mr. Hyer acting as a broker in t o n e of the *o\ith on rl 3'). O p p i a i m g a truck negotiation*. The disposal of the ewned hy F;. anrt B Mill Supply property i* being arranged so the coriipsny. Perth Amhny. north mi borough and the county will have the. highway, Mr. Sut'nn. it n a ? the *.r."t rights of, he said. alleged, pulled hi.« vch-.clo out of The next rights go to owners whose line into the path nf the Hyer properties face upon or are intercar causing a hencj nri rnlll^inn sected hy the roadbed strifi. Thr and Injuries tu Mr. H y e r ' ultimate disposal will he to any Mr. KHP 1 ! and Mr. Hunter and who want t« buy the l»nd, ociet property damace to the automothese rights hav* been satisfied, he bile. said. The truck alsn strurk another Th* only tim* individuals are hevehicle, nwned hy I he Thomas Ing contacted are when foifeone Proctor company. Long Branch, athtr than an adjacent property c a u s i n g damage to the vehicle and owner makes *n offer to huV land, Injury to a passenger. said Mr. Stevens. Then letters (filMr. Hunter anil Mr. Kpps were ing af the offer are written ta conawarded. |2M> each. Mis. liver Si.'iO, cerned persons. for damage tci her car and Mr. In all cases, he said, the st*te Hyer »150 for hi« injury. The plainMta* Klotac laotaa public utility commission hss to tiffs were repiesented hy .John give its spproval lo the private sale Warren. Jr., of Parsons, l,ihrecqtie, Misi Inman was graduated from of the former railroad land to inC a m o n a ami r.nnli- of | > , | R , n l . Cheat** dividuals wherever that land la lo- Red Bank high arhool and the and the defendant hy Kdwaid J. cated. He said the P. U. C. haa not Berkeley Secretarial school in Nrw Ascher c,f Asliury l';irU. l a hi* raaart, Mr. Apy aaia that yet been asked lo approve a aale. York city. She la a member of th* 4*f*a*« wark In the borough mainLittle Silver Junior Woman's club. ly eampriiat the erianiiatlaa al *•• Mr. Pope graduated from Red Pmli'Mriiiii Nil bv Tar, llae reaervei. Ha aaid there are M Metlmdiat Choir Bank high school anil tlif Wharactive polite reserve*, Kl af wham ton School of the University of Suffrra Sliglil ligjury hava taken and passed Arat l i d To I'rrornt Oralorin Pennsylvania. He is a member of Lfe Morris of K2 Hi idcr ayr. .eiif eourtts, and that tfcerr. art regi» The. Chancel choir of the fled Sigma Phi Kp^ilon fraternity. Mon- fered a bruised left thigh-Mmirlav • try l l t u ready for medical strvice Bank Method's! church will pre- mouth Boat cluh, and N o r t h afternoon w h e n he wn.s struck h\' an* demolition aquad*. Though sent "Praise .Jehovah," a Thanks- Shrewsbury Icp float and Yacht » car driven bv Dominic Senlitn nf thera are no Are reserve*, he ex giving oratorio hy Felix Mendels- cluh. Mr. Popr i« employed hy the *a Catherine f'. nn Maple ave. at plain*4 that the Are company l« sohn, Sunday evening at A o clock National Crrdit office in New York Monmouth .ut. larger thin it h u been and that at th* church. John Ferris, min- city. Accordinjr to police, Mr. flcititn it can ha counted upon to supply ister of music, will conduct the w a s turning from Monmouth st. inM y neaded help. choir, which is made up of 411 to Maple ave. when hU enr struck Sayint he believe* the C. D. pro- voices. (imtrllw Urm Benin* Mr. Morris. The pedestrian was gram haa been a "tremendoua iuetreated at R i v e r v i e w hospital, Mildred Palmer Stout will he the eeai," ha said It is due In iU en- soprano soloist, assisted hy Mildred where he wad taken hv Mr. Heatito. tirety ta the "line walk of, Paul J. Morris, alto; filch*id Warner, MTTLK SILVER — Kscavaling Hemtchaat." He praised Mr. Hem- tenor, and Herbert Bui Us, baritone. nnd liiading wurk on the parking nmt»:MH riNMi iiritr: •ehoot tar maintaining Interest in The program will open with the lot adjacent to the Are house on Four persona were fined for motha program, which he termed Sixth Organ aonata hy Mendel- Prospect «ve. her* was started tor vehicle violations by Magistrate "dihVult, when there (• ne pirat- sohn, based on the chorale, "Oui Monday by Costello's Excavating John V. Crowell yesterday nun nine ing amargenry." Father Who Art in Heaven." company of IB Clinton pi, Red In traffic court here. Though Mr. Apy aike* that hta Fined wern John C. Kenny. 121 The choir ia sponsoring this ser- Bank. railgnatlan take effect immediate- vice of music as a contribution lo Victor COHICIIKO said this week tjexlngtnn ave., Kair Haven, !,'> for ly, the mayor «al4 he t u "relue- the cultural life of the. community dlsregaiding a Slow sign; William ! tant ta accept" it hccau«e of the and as a project to aid the build- that the work will he completed in J. Deeve/i, Neptune, f5 raieles* time for the dedication of tht fire "grand iirvice' performed by tha ing fund of the church. Rev. flogdriving; Pvt WNlter Martindale, chairman. Mr. Apy preyed for ar ar J. Squlr*, pastor, will officiate. house Saturday, Nov, 24, Fort Monmouth, $.1 each on charges tlan, howiver, explaining that It af carelasj driving and speeding. Ths mad to betttr and »igf«r ttutl. and Mrs. Charles Canipl.-ii, Highhad bean hi* Intention for aaverel *»••. a<i'<rtiit la »»• augister l l montha to rejlgn. He aaM ha haa Mr*. R. W. Morrii lands, t l , overtime parking. A d t l a i t held1 tha poet ten yearn and that Honored al Shoner Little Oliver'* World War It deEVERETT - Mis* Mary Ellen fans* canter, "one of tha ouUtandIng in tha atate," waa the flrat ta Oarv*y of NuUwamp rd.. entertained last Thursday at a batty gain official recognition. Cauneilman Donald C. Lawu shower and cocktail parly for Mr*. YOUI MUCTION suggested that council accept th* Robert W. Morris ef Shrewsbury, ruignatlan with "thank* and re th* former Ruth Kiltcn. Mrs, Morgreta" and that a letter of com- ris' husband, Lieut. Morris, Is nervmentation h* sent Mr. Apy. Th* ing with th* Army Signal corps In mayar gaid he W M "very grateful" Korea, Attending were Mrs. Ralph Kilto Mr. Apy and that an appointment to replace htm will he an- len, Mrs. Francis Hockey, Mrs. nounead at the Nov. IT meeting. Francla Hockey, Mr.'. John Joyce, Jr., Mrs. John Joyce, ST., Mr*. Chester L. Forrar, Mrs. Jamca KnrADAMEIT H E R E ON VISIT KBTPORT-BMen E. Adameit nry, Mrs. Thomas Kins'. Mrs. Wilh u returned to Dublin, Va., after liam Klrman, Mr*. Richard Klra visit with hi* father, William man, Mrs. Robert Kilien, Mrs. RobAdameit of Second st., and his ert Sagurton, Mrs. Cy Cldum, Mr*. brother-in-law and lister, Mr. and Frank Letterl, Mrs. Carrie Coffey, Mrs. F. C. Sehwelnr, Jr., of Kaan*- Mr*. L. E. Morris, Mra. Fred Cordes, burg. Mr*, Behwtiaer and daugh- Mra. Joseph Dillon, Mrs. Charles ter DOfb and Mr. Adameit apart Oarvey, Sr. and Ml**** Noreen Friday in New York city where Klrman, Helen Wlddl*. Mary FlemNOWHERE Aul NOWHERE mil you find tuck they attended th* world'* premier* ming, Jan* Devlin and Marie Conktin. high quality furniture at ••«* LOW PRICES! af "Quo " eport aa C. D. aetlvitiea l \ date f t Jlr. *nd Mn. Harry Kttrney t*4 ton. tee extend m **rm welcome to their new komt in Awhirook Fan,,. May they find tkh t ii DIDHH the apple treet «.« beautiful and /Kivtfut a» their neighbwi </». Jacob It. V. M. LejfcrU > t'htirlet T. Kilcomiui Apptebrook Farm on Route 35 Just north of .Vawl Under fit MiddMown, Tuwn$hip •CCON aav KAOIATOB. B v Pbwte Red Buik 6-1177 U S West Front Street Red Bank, N. J. WE WILL IUY OR S i l l AT THE MARKET (HUM Aakad STOCK SICOND NATIONAL IANK .. MWCHANTS TRUST CO.... MON. ML JOCKIY CLUI.. fLICTRONIC ASSOCIATIS, Inc. N. J. TRUST CO ....... WELLINGTON FUNO 2 1/1 49 J'/i 4 ISVfc 10.10 1 4 4K 17 Vi <Ntt Prleaa — No Coa)MU*l«a> We speclillte in these ant athar ov«r*tmMou«t« aaeuriilti, wherever located, including Mutual Fun*)*. INQUIRIES INVITED — NO OILWATION I. GEORGE WESTON 4 SONS INVESTMENT SECURITIES II0IROADWAY 1 0 4-0211 ar-0114 10N6MANCH iitwir GLOBE AWNING 4 SHAM CO. 117 11 * • * * p>ajax V . In******* • 9mmt • Thanksgiving fMOM NOiMNl I.7IH PLEAMNT VALLEY M l •OUTI M MOtfttm WANTED Horses To Board UAIU I\«.S BMOkrN M.«.H» I V AMI THAINKI) WILLIAM H. SMITH ASSISTANT TIAINH K IIKII BANK II I'AVN IU AUVKKUSE IN THE REGISTER COMPARE PRICES! Had Yort Sfcaa at IRWIN'S KENMORE Tank-Type PhtGERHttSTER SAVIM) Injay moJtrn cltaninf at a aud' arlea. VA H.P. motar. 20-ft. ijlk anttniian ear*). H!a> quality lijhtwal|ht baa.. Attathmontt in< «ludt hoit, r»4Mw taol, 20* fn. want), uphalittry nottlt. • M a^tftaJiBai wvtfw ajjWa^BbiS wmn R*d aaaa, N. I. PtoaM mi m Mktr IntanMHaii da- PHOMI I I 1*1112 MMONSTRATION UTDlATIJM MAMI •nareii HlMMRfi1Bink6-112Z Open nall,r • to AiM. Friday * to 0, 179 IASY TWMS! MSY WMSI Beiufiful iitlectioir of Ana aats in a large selection of atylea. Other sets to IIM. A value sennattnn at this low, low price. . All spring construction for utmost comfort. Choice of colors. 3*pc. Modern SAU omi Chmia «ith«r • n t at thli •xtrtmtly law ari<i and at •tiuraa) a l Kanmara quality •nd afrktaney! lach hai a pawarful matar far all purpott kama «l*antn«! Pliant w writ* for mara Inftrmitlan. LIVING ROOM $ 69 KENMORE UPRIGHT IN l*al*L lia^awa CHROME DINETTES $ $ w PUnRMf * tWMfaMM MM fPMRMI MM mnd tif> N'i «h4i(i' for Measuring and vmwn HUM) THI •HMASTIR DOM ALL THII AND MOM 9I 1-FC. POSTER $ 169 OUTHT 54SO HRMSI IASY TlftMII USY mi Choose (rum maple or walnut This beiuty la a truly n e a p tlontl vilue. You really must H t It to appreciate It, finish, attractive s t y l i n g makes this outfit a must. Complete with mattress and spring. MANO9ANY INNItSNIING MATTRESS *19,95 398 IASY TIRMII IASY TIRMS! Colonial styling. Consist* of dresser, mirror, full siie hed, chest of drawers and night table, Her* Is sleeping comfort! 310 e o 11 innersprlng mattress. Regularly MM. IRWIN'S OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 V. M. DINING ROOMS and MNITTIS At IKWIN'S you'll find many, many dining rooms and dinettes on display. You'll find all atyles and all prices. Coma rhonse yourg today! Price* start at ~~— 279 SAVISM 3>|»c. Mahogany TAILIS 169 •16 fl IASV Thta aet Is exceptionally well made! A real joy to own! Consists of dresser, ehsat of drawers and full site hed. That takla you'»a bean • a n t ing is hara In thia grsuptng. Choose it today! INNERSPRING CEDAR CHESTS uir *59 10 tauii STUDIO COUCH *59 SO IASY riRMS A sofa hy day! A nig bed at nisht! Hrre truly is a value you can't .ifforri to mias. For your omn use, or for Christmas giving hare is a real value. SAVI 30*/* ta 40% $ T M so *T YD. IASY THMS Beautiful colors and patterns that will give your rooms that ndclcd touch. FREE DELIVERY! LIVING ROOM »249UIY riRMS Thl. inu're'iivt, btaiilllul "lilt* will iilvs ISI nhala family vl«s«ur« for many y S n . Cov»r«l la lisnilmimr ilcroratnr type fabric! that look very costly. FREE STORAGE! * 1KEE I'AHKIN<; FINE FURNITURE 27 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK Whim In Perth Amboy Visit Our Store ai •8S MAIHMO.V AVK. Other Kveniitgt By A|)|t«*iutnii*iit (Nc»l tu Majeatln Th«a»r*1 I'HOINE HE t><N)ll •ED BAVK SCOMVCB. iff Murray* Settle OLSON traditional ftolidaij Great.. Jdeal 'Xoltdai, Gift.. FISCHIR'S FREEHOLD- Lillian Hurray aad her huabtnd, William Murray of 8U River id.. Fair Haven, received • settlement of J2.000 fiosa Huge Magnuson of 170 Naveaink, Highlands, in county court this week. The Murrays, who were represented by Edward W. Wiae, Jr., of the firm of Wipe * Wise. Red Bank, accepted the settlement just before their case was to b* tried before County Judge P. E 4 * s r d Knight and a jury. The suit was the result of an tcrident Mar. 22 on Rumson rd., Little Silver. Both ears were heading west when the Magnuson car, which was in fiont of the car bei ing operated hy Mr. Murray, in i which Mis. Murray was a pasten! gei. hit an icy spot in the i o t a and i went into a spin, turning completely around and hitting the. front end of the Murray ear. As the result of the accident Mrs. Murray received emergency treatment at Rivtrview hospital, and wae then confined to her home for three weeks, Mr. Magnuson wa# represented g p C A hy Durand, IIvins It Carton or Atbury Park. r 11 e H1 1 DauMt-actiag Davit g»*»t double froMCtion. aWittr H I M ia yaur atiiiag bowl ...tata • f t i a ia your ovaa. only $ 2 . 1 0 i i Kt Nc C O N M M Dfll/fS f *km Of Tht Fam»u$ BVTTERCVP BREAD Cash awards and \aluablt t grand ptiits CmnUvml Maw, W.WV f Channel 13, Fir* Quality COLUMBIA ' ' snow At Crystal Brook Marc Than 160 Gacala FaahitM §ft»» Ural Party EATONTOWN — More than 1*0 women attended the annual charity card patty of the Entre Nous of Red Bank Monday at Crystal Brook Farm inn. Cocktail dresses and dinner gowns were shows by Selma's of Asbury Park. Proceed* from the event will fee used for the group's annual contributions to county charities. Double decks of playing cards were table prices. Committee chairmen included Mrs. George Cleveaberg, Mrs. William Decker and Mrs. Rita Haley Douglas. Mn. Sydney Berg »f Aabury Park wat eemmenttter for the show, in which were professional models A apecial award wat won by Mra. Ann Wall. Attending were Mil. William Wall, Mrs. Lewi; Merritt, Mrs. Michael Doyle, Mrs Francis Murphy, Mrs. Lars Ofeen, Mrs. Wilfred MulFireflies live in America In an ler, Mrs. Nicholas O. Lamb. Mrs. E. C. Buck. Mi?. Edward O'Leary, area generally east of the Rockies Mra. John R. Keilt, Mrs. Walter a ni crntcifd nn the 40th parallel. Williams Mrs. Oiandin Chapman, Mrs. Frank Hurley, Mrs. Albert R. White, Jr.. Mr?. Dorothy Ward, Mia. Ross E Wiley, Mrs. Douglas EMu-aids, Mrs. Roger Wymbs, Mrs. Fred Flick, Mrs. Irving Wells. a No ncf4 la risk easily iagr«4icmi... ao atod) • • dittapoiM yaur family i» iht irttl you promtae*1! fit hart it your MCNt of 4*U' clout fcomtmtdc cake thtt'l light • • afcaaWcvary lisar... Hara'i 2 V, lat. * f halMay «aa«flati . . . fane/ fruiti, choict nutmaati, tanfy t a i c o i . . . in a atautifwlly amboutd aumiiha* tola* mttal container with a hundred ana* •nt houithotd u i t i . Ocdor fram yaur i f 4 Atalar «nly « j e n (in smart $iji b»x) **•** fAe ,,mt rate in * HOLLY MX | Entre Nous Holds Accident Suit ROCK WOOL HOIK INSULATION Installed by Olson Company's Trained Mechanics W. W. KCNNEOVi Lacal FRUIG CAKE IS. 1MH on H»ektr't tmmtmr Sunday) at 1:30 P.M. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE HK(,ISTKK r 1 I i LEON'S CERAMIC HOBBIEST CLAY CORNER OFFERS SEW IHKISTU4S GHEENWAHE SPECIALS Holly Sugar A Creamer . ChriatMa. Tree Sah ft Pepper 7 Piece Nativity-Crauf) Santa Nugt, ele. Vm«.rio«i»«d, twtat and w* qvicMrazan at tHoir / faf wofa ™ava'^ iwaatnau—and choict, pick a' rht crop foodntit whan* avtr you ttrvt 4h«m. Thty toiM baMor... for lordon't f *H m* Notion'i I t i t . M0ZMP00M AT urm FOOD STOMS imuourmw mm leach for the besMnaMHe! SWITCH TO - :S' CANADA DRY New officers were installed by Leonard Williams, county 4-H agent, They art Catherine Pierce, president: Richard Moore, vice president; Rosetnarle Braun, secretary, and Suaan Anable, treasurer. Mr. Williams touched on the club's scrap drive and membtrahip cards. Mitt Pierce announced the achool membership committee of Betty Ann Holier, River Plaza; Robert Lum, Lincroft; Mildred Hall, Red Bank Catholic, and Robert Llebenow and George Cross, Holmdel. The p r s g n m committtt la Abble Ann Willgerodt. Catherine Ring, Charlet Withol and Jtlfery Gill. The recreation committee consists of Margaret Ring, Daniel Vittllo and Marion Cheek. Mrt. Thomas Kraan requttttd that all members having flower garden* wert to tavt at many satdt a t possible to be tent to Korea by Mrt. Karl Wihtol. New club members are Charlea Wihtol and Nicholas Price. M O A T ST. WMtSWMifSS • f i t for Zoitfil Liftl .loit for lofroflmioiitl She'll be go happy to receive Ro$e» from HONIY I I I FLOWERS fht btsf drink of of/" RUIMII T. Hodgkln I—iHRtair—littlilt P, M. \i»il'll jjjffr 444 Irtta 1 St. Tol. Rod Itnk 4.4020 With all thm Trimming* . PAIR NAVRN IRIAKFAST • IUNCHI0N . WNNHS A U CARTI R A S Tliaiilii|iwlnf Oay aaffaacnat A»«j yatf plan yaur fattiva timt, Of cavria you'll nmtmktr »ha (vrkay, lyt hava yau rtmambar*^ fliv« hta tor najt, kat Iff to Mad tMH • • • rlfkl Winai iymk«alita frac!a«i livinf Anal atia* to a maal M M gait Which i a h !• apart at taaclal •• rt Far avan thaia Miaii ta 1t» kait. la THE WINE BARREL 4 Monmouth Si. VICTORY MARKETS-RID BANK 21 W. FRONT ST. 110 MONMOUTH ST. TIL 6-050S PttSH KHiBD TOM TURKEYS UAN SALT HMIH PORK Ktf. ROASTING UAN PORK BACON KIDNEYS LIVER BEEF B A CO N PORK HAMS PORK CHOPS BEEF SAUSAGE PORK LQIN CHUCK ROAST BEEF HAMS fHOLfl HALF •LADI RIB ROAST CUT LEAN Btit for Fttverl RED RANK S BROAD STREET Turkey Dinner CLAY CORNER TO SING CANTATA M a u n d e r ' t cantata, "Song of Thanksgiving," under the direction of G. Howard Scott, will be presented by the combined choirt of Firtt Methoditt church, First and Grand ave*., Asbury Park, Sunday evening, Nov. 18, at 7:90. John MeCollum, nationally famout oratorio tenor from New York city, wilt be gueat toloiat. Soloists of the church who will ting are Nell Kohl, Miriam Tompkiiu, Betsy Kohl, Barbara Whitehcad, Emma Koenig and WUlinm Braman. AWNING 4 SHAM CO. Bring in yaur Christmas llring early befort Oee. Itth. Tree-Fyre Ctram Ink glatea special whila catting flip. |.H.<:lub In Hold Dance at Church Hall •xtfo Undtr—l«rdtn'i »aat fOWNCAtOUlU Mat TMatMd M O M for tfiifcaU Wrtte. Mtat S •f Mrt. George Harm, Mrt. Martin Hlrseh, Mr*. Philip Peters. Mrt. Harry Robertson, Mil. Cltrencc Dolan, Mrs. Tony E. Hunting, Mrs. A. J. Patterson, Mrs, Mae Ryan, Mr«. Robert Dunlop, Mri. Betty C. Hitter, Mrs. William Turnier, Mrs. Edward O'Flaherty. Mrs. Fred Bremcyei', Mrs. j8»tpl] Christmas, Mr;. Joseph Bray, Mrs. James Stump, Mrs. Charles Douglas, Jr., Mrs. John Holian. Mrs. Louis Calta. Mrs. Thoma* Meade. Mrs. Carl Wilms, Mis. Mary Mauey, Ml*. Michael Bergin. Mrs. Theodore Mots, Hi., Mrs Joseph Hintelmann. Mrs. Fred Crine, Mrs. Clayton Held, Mrs. Maurice Button, Mis. Donald Matthews, Mrs. Rita Orandlnetti, Mrs. H. I. Samuelstn, Mrs. William Galbtalth, Mrs. Arthur Rciman, Mrs. C. W. Wirktnan, Mrs. Oeorge Reddan, Mrs. Robert Malkmus, Mra. Philip Thoma?, Mrs. John Finnegan, Mrs. J. William Heim, Jr., Mrs. William Ratlismith, Mrs. Lillian Bauer, Mrs. Oeorge Oil). Mrs. William Roswell, Mrt. Marion Neal, Mrs. Theodore D. Moore. Mrs, Catherine Knight, Mrs. Walter Layton, M M . Robert Norman, Mra. Joseph Dillon, Mrt. Henry McDermott, Mrs. Martin McGuire, Mrt. Fred Hall. Mrs Edward Daubenschmidt, Mrs. William Lake, Mrs. Mary Orause, Mrs. Charles Oiblln, Mrs. F. A. Chicone, Misses F.llsabeth Ryan. Nora Ryan, Agnet Kane, Collette Quigley, Agnct Dwyer and Eleanor Koch. LINCROFT T- Tht 1-H club Of this plact will 1ioid a square dance next Friday night from • to 11 at the Community church hall. The committee in charge consiits of Betty Ann Holier, Margaret Ring, Jamea Howard, Richard Moore, Virginia Debbs, Karen and Ptggy Moore, Phyllln Bott, Debby Jacques, Morgan Kiaan, Wlnsor Jacques, Susan Anable and Abble Ann WllUcrodt. .10 Myrtte Icod! SMlOfN MOW STEAK 79V PRRSH WASHIO SPINACH CAPICOB CIANIIRIIIS 19 19 29 14 ib. FIRM Rlfl TOMATOII CARTON URM JUICY ORANtlf DOZIN OOMICI TARIR PIARS ib; RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXX1V, NO. 20. Council Approves Big Tnieb Hurl SUM Emergency Eatontown Roads, In Water Dept Council Reports Gnurta TnuMfer Of Uejtiar UeeMet • 3 0 0 tmr Ughtiaf $» Plate Dinner On Victory Spre Auk* fur Kenlorjtlion Of Public SUeaV U Onktwdl T«J Dreidfe Nen«|y; Accept Fire Truck •tt COM SECTION THREE-PAGES 1 TO 16. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1951 Plaque Presented to James S. Pyrites 10 Cents Hundreds of Pigs " Die in Epidemic SKA ( J I H T - I a s t n i c h l ' s $,V) per Mp R e p u b l i c a n v i c t o r y d i n n e r in iea Girt inn w a s a t t e n d e d by .wf> ue.-ts whtj hc;trd M i c h i g a n ' s Hep. o p. Wolcott ui"xtl a stabilized i c o n o m y as the me;in* of a t t a i n i n g worlrl and national peace." D e c l a r i n g the people have los!. confidence in tlie g o v e r n m e n t be,•ause the present a d m i n i s t r a t i o n m s pUr# ; < "j>9ljtjcil po'ver brfus,-; vorld peace" and "political e.Apedi•ncy before national peace,'• tliff c o n g r e s s m a n c h a r g e d Ilio Denio•rats with "the s t u d i e d policy of a v i n j created inflation to maintain inflation and hiffh prices." He .•vssertert t h e "inflation poly" in g o v e r n m e n t b e g a n in the oO's "In lick a d e p r e s s i o n , " in he. lmu'.^, "to finance a war," and o n t i n u e s today to huld power •||o«i Cholera Variant* Suspected; Human* Thought Safe from Diieaat KATONTOWN-Big-load trucks ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS- Borough council Tuesday night ap- have been causing considerable proved the declaration of a 11,000 damage to local etreeU, the boremergency in the water depart- ough council disclosed laet night. NKW SHREWSBURY — Hit** mtat after Borough Clerk Nelson Councils***, said (elective routing dreds of pigs and hogs reportedly H. Roberta explained that, while and other measures will be studied collections, now made on a two- to help the situation. died in an epidemic that tweet month billing basis, are in line with Uuuija-h i'me Brooit and Heevey* Fear waa expressed that unless last year'a receipts, council's $3,000 town during the past t'.vo weekih decrease in this year's apprcipria- a way waa found to route trucks local officials said yesterday. tion for the department hat been over such roads a* Tinton ave. and HOL.MDr;L-P!"".-:r-nt Vall'y Inn F'rtd L Crocker of Freehold, Maxwell rd. frequent and costly reteas than prudent. on rt. 34 has been purchased by who shared in the investigatios, pairs would be necessary on other Mr. and Mi-. Kian.i.i X. Murphy said this is one of the worst pig Mr. Roberts said the amount from Mr. anil .Mi .-•. T h o m a s V K a - epidemics he has seen. Mr> was needed to prepare for expendi- thoroughfares, like Maple ave. and Clinton it. ncy. Mrs. Murphy is a niece, of M l . r'rnrker i< chief sanitarian ef th* tures of approximately 1100 per K a n e y ' s . Olflt ml oi..^niiis' of Vhe inn i State Department of Health, month for power for the rest of Councilman Leon B. Imock. Jr., uii'Jcr Hie n e w o v . n e r s h i p will be | the year. Funds on hand of 1231 said Lewis st. is one of the roads The exact nuniher of dead swine held t o n i o i r o w n i g h t and .Satuiday | and tin.' exact cause of death at* will be used for miscellaneous ex- now taking a beating. One cause, n i g h t . penses, the clerk said. Council ap- he said, are heavily loaded trucks j unknown. The numbers sre re* He uttered tlie hope that, "we can propriated 17,900 this year and passing to and from the new Eatported up to 1,000, but Mr. Crocker preserve the American system of IW.500 In W50. on town Concrete company plant. I said the count "sppears unreliable." government until Nov., 19!S2." when go ita vehicles can use the road One .source said mnil swine In th* Council approved the transfer in "alert publie" will chance "the borough have died. •f the plenary retail liquor con- safely, the concrete dim U paying pattern cut for the. socialization lumption licence of John ttauba the cost of reinforcing bridges on of America." Human Daai»r DoaMfnl of Keansbuic. trading as Shorty's the Tinton ave. county road, it was Dr. Robert L. Ticehurtt. Hantd tavern at 11J First avc, to Peter disclosed by Councilman Fred 8. ave. veterinarian, said the syms> 'Oemoi-raU MvpRnrt Inflation' Knot and Alef Zarich of Old Morris. The work is being done tumi of the disease as described Criticising President Truman's Bridge, who will trade as Pete's under a county contract but the to him, "point to hog cholera «f Jemet S. Perke., areilsjent • ( liverview hetpitel, center, receivei the Re«J lank Cam* Economic Stability act of 1940, he tavern. The transfer is effective company will pay the Mil. hog choltra variant." Both ail* quoted Democratic Senator Maytoday, muflity Chamber • ( Commerce aJeqwe, «n annual ewerd, (or •wtitansJ na centmunity leader, bank a.i saying the bill would have ments are common to hogs rai**4 Pavls* is iugfoH* A letter from Patrolman Algie In midwestern states, he said. A suggestion was Made by Coun- this. rVeieMetiert wai mait ay f e W s j H. Can way, laft, aretitlent a •he Chamber. Alia socialized the I' S., nationalising Drinkwater of the borough police he whole economy more than was "Neither disease can be paaaai department, president of local 48 cilmsn Ralph L. Lewie that the Msjinf *lia li Hawarsj $. CvHmert, chairman • ! the. New Yark Part Atitharity, who wet done in Great Britain. "World staon to humans," he told a Reglsttf •t the Patrolmen's Benevolent as- concrete company make Lewis at. bility," the .ipenker said, "must reporter. sociation, asking a IS per cent In- more appropriate for truck us* by •fca principal speaker. be built on a firm, strong American However, Dr. Ticehurst said at crease in salary for department paving it with it* product. The dollar," which he claimed cannot had not been called In to eaamiM memberi in line with the rising Arm, still being built, is expected be accomplished by an ndministraany of the dead pigs and eo coiilA cost of living, » u referred to the to be completed and in production ion which supports inflation. not sjy if cholera killed thessy •.nance committee for considera- soon. Among the points he .stressed as Cholera In thlj region is unuiualt tion in the preparation of the 1932 Big oil trucks serving neighbornecessary for stabilization Is the he said. • budget, hood (as stations also were blamed "return of the. Federal rteserve Dr. Irving JUer, president of tM for street damage and (or causing board to a place of independence." • a m i * »*•» O»>« hoard of health, said he had beam traffic congestion. EATONTOWN—Two exceptional He charged the Republicans The irregular payment of bor. informed the epidemic i* being r*» The Red Bank Community cham- tive vice president of the Chamber; hobby displays sre expected to Discussion of street issues abmust, "regardless of the political •ugh employee*—who, according to sorbed most of the meeting. ported to state investigators. Is) ber of Commerce plaque for out- Col. Fred Wood, commanding offi- highlight the antique and hobby consequences," offer the, voters H an ordinance, should be paid the addition, he said his department Concerning complaint* about • standing community spirit and cer at Fort Hancock; Mayor Kath- enow tomorrow from 2 to t p. m hance to drive from office "those Mth end last day of every month severe is "ready to help in any way." leadership was awarded last night arine Elku* White of Red Bank, in the Masonic temple, sponsored dip in a local section of rt. but who, according to custom, are IS, Councilman James If. Wolcett, at the Chamber'* annual dinner at Harry H. Neubergcr, chairman of by the Community Woman's club. n high places who would destroy Francis X. MtiraJtr Sick and dying pigi were disc** paid »fter every council meeting our government and set up some ered early this week when Uh the Molly Pitcher hotel to James the Chamber'* national affair* comImprovements to the Inn by Mr. Crocker and Mrs. Agnes Barkost with a consequent three-week per- Jr., said it had been caused by 8. Parkes, president of Riverview mittee; Edwin R. Conover, treas- One is being showu by members type of collectivism." iod between paydaya (our times per poor drainage' Council went on rec- hospital. Main speaker at the din- urer of the Chamber, Capt. P. C. of the Circus Model Builders and The fund-raising affair brought Murphy include redecorating and local health and welfare officer, year—was referred to Councilman ord • • saying the dip threatened ner was Howard S, Cullman, chair- Wcrts, commanding officer of Earle Owners association, a non-profit out most of the county's nodal set, enlarging the bar and cocktail were making a tour of ini»«etioa, Patrick j , MeConnell, chairman •( public safety and ordered that the man of the New York Port Author- Naval Ammunition depot; J. Ray group which makes circus minia- who heard Amory h. Haskell act lounge. Seating capacity at the Mrs, Barker told a reporter HI* tures. They will show SO models of State Highway department be askbar has been doubled. The restaurthe finance committee, for study. ity, whose topic was "The NewDeRldder, second vice president of one-inch and under of trapete art- as toaatmaster. Mr. Haskell. chair- ant section has normal dinner ac- sons who raise large numbers of to make repair*. Council approved the contribu- edThe highway department also Is Tork Port Authority and How It the Chamber, and Col. James N. ists, clown*, wild animals and cir-man nt the itepubUcan finance commodations for 145 and up to pigs informed her all or moat af tion of 1500 to the Christmas light- going to committee of the county, intro- 200 for banquet*. their animals were wiped Mlfe cus equipment. be asked to do something Affects the Development of Mon- Pureell of Fort Monmouth. Ing of First ave., which again this duced members of his committee. Deaths of more than TOO pigs word mouth County." Mr. Cullman'* adI M B J H I S AwSMNpHMWIVlIM about the "one-eyed" traffic IKht Another is a replica In miniaMr. Murphy, a resident of Red year will be sponsored by the Jundress In entirety appear* on page Mr. Conway gave • reaume of th« ture of the uld De Witt Clinton, Included were Clifford Hetnphill nf Rank a number of years, has had reported in one section of the BON ior Chamber of Commerce, and the at Lewis and Main sts. Residents 11, this section. 173 attended the Chamber's chief accomplishments first engine to make—in 1831—the Spring kake, Marshall Booker of 15 years' experience in the restaur- ough and large number* were tail appointment of Councilmen Ever* complain that near-wrecks develop. affair. during the past year. He said Red 17-mile trip from Schenectady to Middletown, Nrwcombe C. Raker ant and catering business. For the elsewhere. ett C. Curry and Robert J. Corre Motorists get a green light to enter •Igns *4 Dtseaae Presentation of the plaque to Mr. Bank, with its population of 11,000, Albany. Made by Joseph P. Noll of rtunuon, Philip Iselin of Ocean- past six years ha has bsen operto a committee to assist the junior Main from Lewis, but Main st. trafSome owners. Mrs. Barker wJsV fic I* not aignaled to stop. Iterkea, a resident of Rumson and has 1,000 commuten and 75,000 of 12 Youmans ave., the form wat port and Van R. Halseyr of Rum- ating Tbodcs restaurant at New chamber. * CMMre* Ttoetesned former director of the county board shoppers, does an annual business exhibited at the New York Museum son. Also Introduced « er« mem- Brunswick with his brother-in-law, told her a sick pig seem* to tea* Council alts approved th« exth* use ef Its rear legs and gr«s> •f freeholders, was made by the of $42,200,000, and ha* a per capita and at tie 150th celebration of the bers of the night's dinner commit- Willard Woods. emption of Arnold T. Truex of Council President Spencer M. ually collapses before death. Berat* president. Edward H. income of $8,IM as compared with patent eRIee in Washington, D. C. tee, Thomas Procter of t-ont Mr. Murphy has encaged Paul time life lingera a couple of days> South ave. as a member •( Hose Patterson, who conducted the, ses-Chamber's the national figure of M,«0. Branch, John Kelly of Long During Its display and travel, it il Coaway. He told of Mr. Kikes' Enke as manager of the inn. A she said. company j7oT~i and the appoint- sion In the absence of Mayor F. successful Branch and Edward C. Broege of covered by $5,000 Insurance. In the put two year* he Mid the effort* in raising $800,000 former restaurant owner at Asment of Arthur Barnes of 32 Hoop- Bltst Price, said the safety of chil- for the erection of the new 100-bed Chamber ha* r»Ucd $T,O00 toward Theme of the ahow is the early Belmar, state committceman. It was this symptom that ape bury Park, Mr. Enke also at one er ave. as a member of the bor- dren often !• threatened at that In- Riverview hospital. KaafcHI Pralae* Wsalley the cost of tunning the National history <f this borough which wa* Mr. Parkes, he time was manager of the Morocco peered like ehulera to Dr. Ties* ough's Civil Defense council after tersection. Councilman Leon B. said, directed the camps Ign, atsrtcd Sweepstake* regatta here. This settled 11 ISM by Thomas Eaton. Mr. Haskell poured considerable club on Staten Island and catering hurst, and to another veterisjarlM it accepted the resignation of Col. Smock, Jr., said he hi* watched 1MI, in which $500,000 waa raised year $1,900 was raised among The chit's first attempt to stag* praise on Russell Woolley, county manager at the Waldorf-Astoria that spoke to Mr. Crocker. Onrj* Harrison G. Travis, USA. (ret.) traffic stack up at that earner as a In Chamber members for the Christ- such a i how, the event will have OOP. chairman. He commended hotel in New York city. through donations and pledge*. He post-mortem twti can confirm thai which was forwarded by Howard result of the light Oounell believes •aid it was also through Mr. ma* street lights. Through the the county leader for "astuteness" diagnosis, It was pointed out. A. Stockton, director. a regular tranV signal I* needed Parkes' effort* that the remaining Chamber's facilities seven local many oljects on display because and his ability to handle camof the eithuslastie co-operation of Mr. Crocker asid he had bear* there, controlling movement both $300,000 wa* secured in state and businessmen were successful In obj Other AeMont townipecple and local antique paigns. Mr. Woolley later was to of ns similar epidemics In tht) on Main and Lewi*. taining federal government defense federal aid. receive similar accolades from Rep. dealers. Maps, photographs and county. However, he cautioner fig Council alio: Authorised the pay' contract*. Mr. Conway praised Mr. household articles relating to th James C. of Rutmon, It wa* reported that drainage Ment of more than $21,000 in bills; raisers that If the disease It • ( # $lM.Ma Fajrratl Taylor, the Chamber's executive early history will be shown. Hob- who introduced the principal accepted the building inspector's work was completed on Clinton snd cholera variant it should b* re* In his acceptance speech Mr. vice president, and Mr. Klarin, ble* of cub members, their friends speaker. report of fll.OOO in building and Cllffwood sts and sidewalk pavenumbered that sn infected sty M FAIR HAVEN—The mayor and improvements for which he col- ments have been repaired on Parkes said the honor rightfully parking and traffic chairman, for and. neighbors also will be shown. Mr. Woolley Introduced numer- council were informed in a letter unsafe for ute for at least twt their efforts tn behalf of the assoshould go to Riverview hospital. Kramer and Pierce avei. A resolulected 134 in feea; heard an invi Serving with Mrs. Leslie D. See-ous county officials and G.O.P. Tuesday night from Benedict R. years, tation to attend the annual con tion was passed refunding money He thanked the civic organisations ciation and the borough of Red ly, chairman, are Mrs. Raymond leaders in the audience as well as Nicosin, Hcd Bank attorney, that Mr. Crocksr aai4 he would aeV ference of the New Jersey State held in escrow for the sidewalk and the public for their "wonderful bank. The Chamber's service to Bennett, Mrs. Doris Anglcbeck, those at the speakers' table. Among Paul Caruso, 661 River rd., "will vibe anyone preparing pork te> *a< •plrit" and the support given to Red Bank, Mr. Conway emphasized, Mrs. James N. Wolcott. Jr., Clif- the tatter group were Mrs. Oerald- stop any activity" in his shoe re- to eoolc It very thoroughly. Ha 1*11 League of Municipalities at Atlan- job to Norwood homes. ta City Tuesday through Friday, Council accepted a new art truck him in the hospital campaign. The can not be measured In dollars and ford Odmsn, Mrs. Robert Dangler, ine U Thompson, state committee- pair shop at the above address and sure federal inspectors In slaughterNov. ST-30; instructed the clerk to and authorised the iasuance of tax new Riverview hospital, he said, cents. Mrs. C. C. Meeks, Jr., and Mrs.woman; Mrs. Ann Morford. vice "has complied with my advice." houses would deteet any infection write a letter of commendation to anticipation note* in the amount of was one of the best In the state, Paul Braeger. Mayor Edgar V. Denial: said Mr. that might be dangerous to ht*> county chairman; Assemblyman the lire department for the Hal- $10,230 for the equipment, which and added that the same homey, Caruso had converted a garage inmans. But, he said, seme porH A hand-crocheted rug made by and Mrs. Elvin R. Simmill, Assemloween party for children of the will be taken up by the Eatontown pleasant atmosphere which has pre- Richard Norti Elected Miss Bel ty Hum, which will he blyman-elect and Mrs. Alfred N. to a choe repair shop in a resi- might reaeh local consumers with* vailed at Riverview will continue, community; referred to the water National bank. dential zone and had Installed having been Inspected—s% awarded at the close of the show, Beadleston, Senator-elect and Mrs."110,000 in equipment." The mayor out committee the request of Antonio Announcement wa* made that the A* an example of Riverview'i ex- St. Jam* CWV Head "cook it well." is on diiplay in the former Mon- Richard R. Stout, Freeholder and Natale of Bay ave.'for an adjust- Red Croat mobile blood bank will pansion he cited the fact that the Richard Norts l u t night was congratulated Police Capt. Carl The hauling of garbage for fOeV ment of a $74.90 water bill for the be in Eatontown Nov. 19, and res-hospital's annual payroll now is elected commander of St. Jamea mouth iarket store. Tea will be Mr*. Victor E. Grotisinger, Free- Jakubccy on his "excellent job" der and maintaining sanitation 1$ served n the afternoon and holder Earl L. Woolley, Mrs. Auchperiod Jan. 11 to Feb. 16; received idents were asked to give blood for $1*2,000. post. Catholic War Veteran*. He evening. in connection with the investiga- pig sties have been a continuous1 incloss and Mrs. Broege. The chair the reimbursement of 129 from the the soldier* Sghtlng In Korea. The speakers and honored guests will succeed Vincent Arnone. borough problem, Mr. Crocker sale. man also gava Freeholder Woolley tion. state highway department for an Serving with him will be Harold were introduced by David W. RusMr. Nicosia's letter stated that Several violation! of borough ant a bouquet of roses for Mrs. Wool extra 200 eandlepower over the Raritan Twp. Maa, 6 5 , Mangarelli, first vice commander; sell, put president of the Chatnley, who has been ill the past two an application will be made for a health ordinances regarding hog borough's 400 eandlepower mainLEAVES FOB KOBEA ber. In introducing Attorney The- Bartholomew Grlmley. second vice building permit and if denied then raising have been under investk years. tained for lights on Memorial Killed by Hit-Run Car odore D. Parsons of Little Silver, commander; Eugene Homan, third Rev. Joseph F. Bhtehan, former The affair tickets for which his client will apply for a variance. gation recently. pkwy., and heard Mr. Corre report Mr. Russell stressed his high office vice commander; Francis Little, that he had received no local bids curate at St. James Catholic in RARITAN TOWNSHIP - John were in gold print, had all the the state and "the honor you treasurer; Ranjner P. Hedberg, for repairs to ladders for the Honk church here, and at St. Gabriel* have Hano, shout 65, o f route !M, wasrequisites of a victory celebration! brought to the community in historian: John E. Day, welfare church, Bradevelt, left Tuesday for and Ladder company truck. killed instantly early l u t nighi gaiety prevailing. Though informal Camp Stoneham, Cal. A captain In which you live." Mr. Parsons in- officer; John Corrigan, officer of when he was struck by an uni- dress was the order of the eveActing on Mr. McConnell'j rec- the Army Chaplain Corps, Father troduced Mr. Cullman, the main the day; Mr. Arnone, Leslie C. Me-denuded car which failed to stop, ning, fashionable feminine attire ommendation, council instructed Shechan ha* order* to fly to Yoko- •peaker. The attorney general Bride and Joseph Laurlno, trustees, According to state police, Key- was in abundance. Mr. Woolley told the clerk to require an itemized hama, Japan, and expect* to go on praised the Red Bank Chamber as and Msgr. Joseph T. Casey, chapport, Mr Hano waa apparently reporters that about 600 tickets statement from Edward Bahr, wel- to Korea. He has been enjoying a a group, although competitive in lain. walking south on the right ham were sold for the dinner, main fare director, and other borough M-day leave with hi* mother In many respects, «« an organisation MIDDLETOWN — The township aide of route 38, State police have course of which was steak. Tenor GIRL STILL MISSING employees In requests for payment Brooklyn and with relative* and that is ever-progressive and workcommittee yesterday approved ome Ing as one in a body and spirit tar KEANSBURO—Police here are issued an alarm for the car which of all speeches was "victory in '52.' Sea Bright Mayor-Elect friends here. of expenses'. application for a limited retail diet the betterment of the community, continuing their search for Ver-they sus|iect to have a damaged tribution license, laid ever another "Let's keep It moving forward," he onica O'Connor, live feet four Inch front end. The body was taken to To Be Feted at Dinner Mayor to Preside and then adopted a policy to ••*• •aid. 12-year-old, who failed to return the Bedle funeral home. SEA BRIGHT — Mayor-elect era future applications tor slmlllaf At Salvation Army The dinner Invocation was given yesterday afternoon from school to George H, Krauss will be guest permits. W1ATHER REPORT by Maj. Henry A. Dries of the Sal- her home on Roland at, When she Mayor Katharine Elku.i White of honor Saturday night, Dec. 8, at The approved application was fef vation Army, and the address of didn't arrive by 4 o'clock, as usual, Fair today, highest at to « . To- will preside Tuesday night at the a victory dinner at Harry's Lob- Chris and Ann DeFlllipo. Watt welcome by Maxwell M. Klarin, police said her mother became night fair, low 44. Friday, Inerea*- Salvation Army citadel when the The affair is being sponsored by Front st., River Plata, for Chris' the Chamber's first vice preaident. alarmed and telephoned headquar cloiidlneas, high at. General Women's Homo league commis stcr house. Delicatessen. Mr. DeFilllpo turned Others Introduced by Mr. Russell, ters. Police said this morning that •"« west or southwest winds sions local officers, enrolls new Red Bank's Christmas lights— Kiuii]' of Sea Bright residents in a petition with more than 1*4 in addition to those already men they will question her playmates moderate tonight Moderate south- members and holds a Thanksgiving u which will be turned on at 9:30 p. representing both political parties. signatures of residents of the are* today and tloned, were Ray E. Taylor, execu In an effort to locste her. program. Mrs. Brigadier Arthur S. Councilman Lawrence McCormick favoring iasuance of the license te m. the day after Thanksgiving— •rly Frldiijr. - "" Woodruff, itate president of the is general chairman. will be twice an bright as last sell unchilled beer, Women's Home league, will be year's. William D. Bradley made Among the invited guests will 9 The committee withheld aetlesi present. that announcement yesterday mornbe Mrs. Krauss, Councilmen Har- on the request of Louis and Ruth ing at a meeting in borough hall RIVER PtAZA-Otto VanHowe Maj. Dries has received Thanks- ry Lovgrcn, John Donnelly. Neils Gesualde, rt. M, Leonardo, opera* of the Red Bank Community of this plica was re-elected presigiving greetings from the chairman Jacobsen, Kenneth Anderson and tors of a delicatessen store thtre Chamber of Commerce's directors. dent of local 417, International Unof the board of selectmen of Ply- Ralph Lawrence, and Councilmen- when Committeeman Walter A mouth, Mass. He hopes to receive elect Clarence Stevens and John Bills said he felt there «re auaa* ion of Electrical, Radio and MaMr. Bradley said the firm installPuritan hats with turkey feathers Plcknally. ing the Hints will have 300 It-watt chine Workers, C.I.O., at the ancient plenary retail distribution lit —similar to those given President light bulbs on each arch, compared nual meeting Tuesday nlfht. Other censes tn that area. Truman two years ago—from the to 100 last year. Ray E. Taylor, ex-.officers, are Irving I. Splelman, Mr. Bills commented that there VSR OLD FIBE PICTURE Puritan Chamber of Commerce. ' ecutive vice president of the Cham- Keanshurg, vice president; Mis* are Ave on the highway In the ber, predicted the lights will be the Margaret Hunt, Fair Haven, secreThe Nenwrk Star Ledger ran * short stretch that runs through most beautiful tho borough has ev- tary, and Mrs. Sylvia Atkinson, feature article in its magailm sec- Leonardo and that there U one bar GETS *I,.M FOR INJURIES er had. He reported that $3,000 of Fair Haven, treasurer. tion Sunday on Peter Donald, 100 yards to the west of the Oe* LEONARDO Mrs. John Mcthe $4,000 donation* needed has al- The local represents M0 emradio and TV comedian and emcee, sualde store and another 300 yard* Ouire of Viola ave. has received whose ready been received. is chasing flics. Don- to the east. He said that he hid ployees of three local companies, a settlement of $1,250 for injuries nld is hobby a member of a very large heard no opposition to the appllce* Rljrsud B. Paine and Max Klar- Bendix Aviation corporation, Fato her knte sustained In a fall but exclusive of the'human In, directors, questioned the pos- spray corporation and Video Proin the Acme market, Broad at., Red race who lovespecies snd this was "my own per* to chase fire, engine;. tlon sibility of extending the decora- ducts corporation. Bank, June 13, 1950. Mrs. MrGuire, Th<! article carried opinion." No one spoke at a two pictures, sonal tions on Monmouth st, to the rail- Voting was held at the union represented by Theodore J. La- one of Donald, mid the public hearing on the application, other of a road station. Mr. Bradley and, Monmouth St., and at the hrecque of Parsons, Labrecque, fire in the former I. Jay The policy adopted by the com* Trtibln Taylor said that repeated efforts Knights of Columbus hall, Long Csnzona A Combs, claimed she, jtrre on Broad *t. at the foot of mlttee b to consider In all future) ts effect such an extension had met Branch, Mr. VanHowe. is beginning fell nver a hund truck carelessly White st., several years ago. The custi tho number of bars Bi the with no success, even though *ev- his sixth one-year term in office. left in the tihle. picture w.i5 called to the atten- area and other general conditions. eral merchants in that area favor tion o( The negtster by Michael without giving out such a license the plan. renal* S«v» as a matter of general course. We Are Freud And tnjoy pholn grpcliTitf vnriii m.idi> •Icadc, ;7 Locust ave Mayor Katharine Elku* White U riuPont, Tontine window shiiiei sre riom ynur own inipshnl nvsative. 'j,-, fnr To Celcr to Worn* expected to officiate at ceremonies sold flxeluHJvtlir In thli arts st Promt's. S2.*i'i, inelurles envelope*. £3f* .tumples T h a n k i i i v i m and "Hard Tlmti" Dane. Mr. Oesualde told the committee nt Bi'ond and Monmouth st, Nov. The b e d window ihade that montjr can at Pago Phnlo Service, 113 West Front Sponsored by St. Jamei Post 1410, bur. Laitlns tervlce wltk beauty, Call it,, Red Bank.—Advertisement. 23, when the lights go on. Mr, Tay- us. Priiwn'i, National I a 111.—AdrtrRed Bank. Mut.r hy Stanley Mclntosh. that the A.tkP. store in Leonardo, lor Mild the program will begin at tlitmtnt, l)oor anil (Inner prizes, Benefit Welfare which hsa a license tor unchllledj 1, H e l m H u d d l f i t o n d o h e r e b y releaee Fund. At I'hntenu Asbury Pnrk circle, beer, la nearer to a tavern than ft p. m , with bairl music and carols t n y i f l f f r o m a l l d r l i t i a n d r e s p o n s i b i l i Nov. 17. il P. H,'Wear old cluth«».— ho Is. Ho said he proposes to cats* a part'of tho program, C M M I Sallkeat—latrine* Some of th* iptaktri and fluMti «t tha R«d lank Community Chamber el Commerce t i e s Incurred b y William T. H u d d l t i t o n , Ailvertlsement Re«lit«red # 4 1 0 , Two sulti of nils, to women who do not care to ge a i o f J u n e , 194V, Many extma, Flrat I960. 1 0 •• 19II.—• dinner lait night «t tht Molly Pitcher hotel. Left to right: David W. Rjmell, who presided; P l i i t l . Window Sh.Hti 111>i. ItuilillLitmi, into bars but would like to have Wmrtow Shades Complete with roller Cut to Ailvertliement, 17 I'nlliin S I . , K r n n > h u i z , N . J . 1 a ftw ran* of beer for their supper. Ocl ytuir hctf,! qimlity wimlon* !hmlrl Edward H. Conwty, Chamber president; Jsmei S. Parr.ei, Mayor Kathsrin* Elku* White, Col. your il».i» while you wnH Brinv' yiur He nsknl If a petition alined by rnllrra foi- any of • nude, ItiiP'int. for a resiljr festive Thanksirhlni s i r l i rtln f o r » rra','» f r . ' > » i h a i ' W r r ' K i l n . Fred Wood of Fort Hineock, Maxwell H. Klarln, tint vice president of t|te Chamber, and Ray 'I'miUnr 'Lii'lfs, N'n IHr Minder. tlillil''* rii, luinir th» fHmlly In O ri'sklent* of the aren Mould h«Ip Otlnr l Inn, I n f-1. h r . i K ill* f'RVlv I " ' r rlH - IIMI, • hurl" National • * 10, Frown's,—Ad* Hlthw.y t ll , Hlihlandl, Hlhld HI J - I 3 S 1 . n ; \\,u hnni il . Hh ,i«. H i s h l a m j l , H I , 1 . 1 3 5 1 . — >nH Sha>l< i n E. Tayler, the Chamber'* executive vice president. t l ^ Adv«rtlitm<nt, iConttnusii from pagi «M). Outstanding Leadership Award Presented to James S. Parkes r". X. Murphy Buys Inn at liolmdel Untinial Hobbies Shown Tomorrow Shoe Repair Shop Called Violation Township Adopts Policy On Limited Liquor Licenses Twice as Bright Christmas Lights Co on Day After Thanksgiving Union Re-elects Otto VanHowe Speakers Table at the Chamber! Dinner S nil Bank, III. ••JiSt,—Advirtitimtnt, HEP Drisroll Calk Special Session Of Legislature for Next Monday Many Prizes To Be Offered . At Monte Carlo *TA\wn%, vannm u. vm Ui.ld.Wi Book Week Exhibit Officials Criticize Storm Sewer Job; Road Cave* in, Curb. Lawns Damaged FAIR MAVEN-levere criticism of tha s t e m atwer iatUllatiea job • y the Vtreaa Construction com•i« i u*mimf **•?•*'» Township Adopt* Hebrew Society Event Mrs. Chester P. Aumack Of 411 pany highUghtad Tuesday eight's duck last give chance •Btotiag of the sMyer aad ceuaciL River rd., is a surgical peU*>* • ' On tap nestlegielsters Monday •will 24 Liquor Policy r r T . Be HeM Teniffct at to speak their pieces. Cevaellesea Jaaut A. Earight, Riverview hospital. Same ef them probably area't tee chairmaa of the road committee, (Continued on pate I) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HeffsMn Crater concerned ever the fact that they the committee ia reaching • aad Mayas Edgar V. Dealee stated •f Harding rd.. together witk their won't be back next year—they did cision. that the eMtracter is doing a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. aad | The Ladies' Hebrew society «f faet run for re-election. But there 'sloppy job" evea though no fault Mrs. Donald Levy of Moamouth St.. Chairman Lawrence A. Carton, i Red Bank will hold its lath entrill be others still smarting from caa he lettad with the workmaa- havs returned from a three weeks' Jr, told him a petition would be nual Monte Carlo night tonight at •he sting of defeat last week. ohlp in ceaasetiea with the ectual vacation spent visiting Mrs. HoffOddly enough, although the Re- helpful and promised the commit- the Jewish Community center on lastallatiea eT the pipe. They re- man's relatives in Denver, Cols. publicans will send more lawmak- tee would have a decision at its { Riverside ave. There will be many ferred te street after street being The couples visited Mrs. Haffaaas's er • to the legislature neat year than next meeting. Mr. Carton remarked tera up and left that way aad to mother, Mrs. Morris T. Kielaer of that although there is no limit the Democrats, there are also more damage te curbing aad lawns. The Denver; her siaters, Mrs. Harry Prizes will he as follows: a placed on limited distribution littepttblieens among the lame ducks two oatciale said they have receiv- Cohen and Mrs. Lasarus Belleus man's or a woman's suit from •—II to 11. However, many of these censes, the commissioner of alco-: Crawford's; a toilet seat, Cook and ed numerous complaints. "I don't •f Colorado .Springs, and her cousin Republicans did not appear on the holic heverajrr- ha* repeatedly said ; Oakley; a six months delivery of blame the people for being angry," Harry Roeenrjlnom of Pueblo. They •allot last week. said Mayer Deaist. "I wea't sign that they compete to some extent ,a Sunday newspsper, or a three Pike's Peak, the Gardes of the chock for the taal payment te visited There are some very well-known with the plrniry retsll distribution! months delivery of a daily pajier, the contractor," he added, "until the Gods, the Will Rogers shriM JBreslow; a gallon of Dolly MadiBiames among those who will «ing !, "censes. and many othtr placet of interest. all daawge is repaired aad the pettheir gwan tongs at the special its- Committe-mtn J. C r a w f o r d , eO n ice cream, CarHon Sweet, shop; Tht trip home wag malt by plaae. pie are satisied." •Its, | Compton made a suggestion lead-!$& cleaning order, Shore Cleaners; Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fieher Among th« Rtpublicatis there arc ji n f to adoption ef tht policy when a month's pae«, Strmnd theater; Referring to the Fair Haven rd. Of Mechanic st., are parents of a Speaker of the House Merrill H. J'" proposed that in future cates; deanlnst of a 9 by 12 rug, Leon's; cave-in whore the pipe peases until ton born Friday at Riverview hesThompson cf Monmouth; Atsem- ;( t l e committee consider the aspect, scalp treatment, shampoo and s ' the read at Third et. the sstynr pitsl. blywoBisn Grace li. freeman of, °f coiiijji'tltlon, pointiiil uul that I Vinci'nL's; »5 laundry urder, Ne stated that It would probably'he Mr. and Mrs. Alextndlr P«SeEssex, long a «ponsor of social leg- i plenary distribution licenses cost | tune Laundry; a chicken and a doxseveral years before the dirt set- marekne of Washington St., are lslation to Uneflt women and chil- $500 snd the limited licenses cost en eggs, gprung's Poultry farm; tlse and It could be determined if parents of a son horn Batureay at a towel set, Milton Gerard; a pair dren; Assemblyman Enmert R only J50. the pavement la permanently safe. Riverview hospital. of sun glasses, Dr. Eugene TrachtWilson of Hunterdon, a spokesman He said thet until he le certain •Mem til Late First Lieut. Donald N. Portfolio, man; a Bits broiler, National Five for farmers in the legislature since there won't be another cave-In he who has been assigned to tht Mth The committee also reserved ac- and Ten; $10 permanent wave, La1*44. and State Senator J. Stanley will withhold complete payment to ordnance company, Pine Camp. N. Herbert of Monmouth. None of tion on an offer ef 12,00ft from Mode Beauty salon; a pair of the eeatraeter. Y., is visiting; his family at 7» Weet Harris Broiderick, Eant Orange. shoes, Albert S. Miller; a half tea these ran for re-election. A tft«fi«l etitaUy, mwkbf •*• • « • • wsak, «• *l» Had bnk The mayor also said that the for 22* lot!- in Rlendale Park and of coal. Seaboard Ice; a dish garFront st. before reporting for duty Among Democratic lame duck 3» brook north of Third st. ailed with lots in the Willis Clayton tract. library ii (tow* • • • « • . l*»*4to% »y ft* •ihifejt —, I. »• * Mrs. A. H. WM», M ••tii»«*» saad frem the Job and must be in Europe. While with ths Mth legtalatora who did not contest the It was decided to notify Mr. Broid- den and Ivy plant, Bernard Spiordnance company, Lieut. Portfolio wakj a blouse, Wilhelmlne Dob election are Peter P, Artaseree, the li»r«ri«n, «nd Mrs. H « J M Stone** Cwww, librarian, wh« MM «klwi«, tllSifftt' •« cleaaed out. that the committee would ac- tiins; a television lamp, Sterling served as executive officer and comdean of the Assembly; Atsembly- eriek pany commander. J. Richard Vatwft. alt* M •Mit»«rt librarian at tka library. L a v e * BMder msn Jacob Friedland. • sponsor of cept en offer of 14,000 for the prop- furniture shop; a sewing course, Mr. and Mrs. John Mulvihlli. Jr. .Singer Sewing Center; a basket of aoeial legislation sinre ills, and erty. Thtre hat hoe* aome criticism of River id., are enjoying three fruit, Lecldy's Market; revitalizing Mr. Compton said he fslt that Assemblyman T. James T u m u l t y of the council. Mayor Denite conCarroll Stationery, Caroline Catte* he ta ttep Itinerant dealers, who weeks' vacation in Florida. 14,000 would be a fair price because •II of Hudson county. tinued, beeauat the contract was • nd storage of fur coat, Winters' shop, Csrmtl Nut, Chamber's Phar- pay no taaet. "The law without an Mr. and Mrs. James Plummer of not awarded to a Monmouth counBut it's the Deroocrsta wha ran some ef the property is In a low Fur shop; sterling silver candy macy, Nathan Cehtn, Colorest, education program for the public ty Inn. He explained that the con-Cherry st., are parents of a sen •ad didn't get dieted who are real- srea and would require some drain- dish, Nat's Jewelers. Cooperman, Commuter's liquor, D. and the eo-optratlon of the police tract was awarded te the lowest born Saturday at Monmouth Mely hurting. Borne «f the most ctal- age work before they could he used. Portrait gift certificate, Rue Btu-dt H. Paint, Economy Drug, Fair department would inran nothing," The committee voted to write the dia; an electric iron, Shore Electric Haven Market, Fair Havtn Pharbidder, according te law. The com- morial hospital. wart flgures on the Democratic side ht addtd. It wat decided that addiMr. and Mrs. John P. Smith of pany was "well recommended,' he of both houses loM their places last state division of navigation and Supply; a blanket, Sherman shop; macy, Fannie Farmer, L. Felsh- tional discussion at a special comask that 11,000 b* withheld from a half ton >,.' coal or 100 gallons Man, Teddy Fine, Fell* foggta. aald. The Verona eempany't bid Maple ave., are parents ef a sen week. mittee meeting Is needed. of t*T,m was H,<m lewer than the born Monday at Riverview hospital. tt'i anybody's guess what, If a n y the final payment to the Hill of fuel oil, Hance and Davis; elec- Freed's, Globe Awning, Ooods Toy next highest bidder. Mrt. Warren Bookwalttr sf Lea Klatta Pralatd ' Ulng, State Senators Jama* U. Da- Dredging company, Atlantic City, tric peroolator, BetVer Housekeep- shop, Robert Hanee, Huber't, Idee, for the dredging work at the LeonMr. Conway praised Mr. Klarln Hoary F. Laereeque, civil engi- Gertrudes apartments, Broad et-. l» vit, Jr., Burlington and Robert B. ing shop; (10 reflating or repol- Jacob's Hardwars. J. H. Kelly, ReqiiMt b Flrtt Step) ardo yacht basin until repairs are spending the winter st the Mayneer, repreatatlng the borough enMajrasr of Warren and the Demoinning job, Monmouth Plating and Klarin's, Max Klausncr, Leea Lev- far his efforts as head sf tht parkglaorr, Oeerga K. Allen, laid that flower Apartment hotel in Jersey erttla assembly eontlngsnt from made te several streets. Mr. Hills Polishing company; a man's sweat- inson, Little Silver Supply; Lig- Ing and truffle committee. DeclarIn Attempt to Obtain 1 about I7.OW ef the amount due the City. Camden—all of whom were unseat- said the work done by the dredg- er, Clayton and Magee; a pottery gett ., Loft's, Max's Bar, Morris ing that many man hours each I.eon E. VsnBrunt of Lee O«rcontractor up to date was being •d—will have t« cay about tht tit- ing company has created tavtrai pteln, Venetian Craftsmen: three Plate Glass, Parke Drug, Parka week are put in by Mr. Klarin, tht Maximum of 96,000 nuisances, one of which was a years subscription, The Register; Hosiery, Photo Shop, Red Bank president commended tht chairheld baek until all damage has trudes apartments, Broad St., hae Wtten. drainage problem caused when a a relish dish, Wilbur's; r'ielderest Toy ahop, Red Rock Bottllag com- man for "a wonderful job." The The Rtd Bank teachert welfare heen repaired te the satisfaction of returned to his position with But the epeeia! session, whleh ditch was filled In. Straus Co., Broad «».. sfter having towel set, Straus company; an elec- pany, Rosenberg's, Resenblum't, compliment followed Mr. Klarin's committee in a letter to the hoard tht council. Otv. Drlaeall hae said should A letter from the board of edu- tric iron, J. H. Mount; a sweater, Ruda's, Ruitcil's, Saftway, Sample report that painting of stalls in tne »f education read at Tuesday The first formal complaint to been confined to his home eight eemaleted in three or four meeting*, will be their last ehanee for some cation requesting a ban on park- Carolyn's; a basket of fruit, David- Dress, Sander's Liquor, Seaboard new parking lot Increased the ear night's board meeting requested the council was contained In a let- weeks by illness. P.F.C. Joseph Calver, son of Mr. time to corns to get It off their Ing en the south side of T^eonard- son Brothers; a half ton of coal Ice company, Stldin's Department capacity ta MS from m He asked that the board's aalary guise ho ter read at tho meeting from Fred ehwtt • • the floor ef tht legisla- vllle rd. in front of the high school or 100 gallons fuel oil, Harold Coal stare, Stldin't Jewelry, Herpko, Sl> that letters he seat the police de- amended ts provide far a maximum I. Kaiser, who states that ths curb and Mrs. Joseph Cslver of I t Belt during school hours wat referred company; a pottery centerpiece, S. mon's Crockery, Sllbertttia't, partment and Mr. White for ea-ep- •alary sf $4,000 for teachert with la front of hi* pro»~>ty on Kemp Westside ave., will leave tonight to ture. to the police committee for study Rodaek; a lasy tuzan, J. Tanko; a Smith's Jtwelry, Sersteo, MIMA'S •rating. return to the Marine ceres h u o *t ' ' damaged. bachelor's degrees and M,0» far and recommendation. Mr. Bills said • by 12 Congoleum rug, Samuel Crockery. Sllbereteln't, Smith's A resolution U float a S3I.0M Parrit Island, 8. C, after t p t n d n l Mr. Conway alto complimented those with master's degrees. he would like the ordinance to In- Schwtrtt; a bracelet, Reusslllet; a Curtain shop, Sun Ray Drug, Our. n ten-day leave at home. to flaanee tha itorm Tht State Highway Department clude the whole street from Hoeprlte Store, Triangle •bee, Tint- everyone who had a part In mak- Aecordirg to the tetter this la eewar Job aad other road ImproveMist Yoltnda Jones of MeehnmO throw rug, Millerton Rugs. kat finally secured approval from ford ave. to Leonardo ave. the eommlttee'e first stsp In an ating tha Haltoween parade and Ings. United Army and Navy, Whs* St., a student at New Jersey Ctlall interested ptrtlet ef Id plan to American compact, Rot- laa'a drug. White House Barber party • Mweess. He seld the gen- tempt to ultimately havs ths salary ments was adopted. The bonds will Isge for Women, hat bttn aanud The monthly report of David in;Elgin ba M M at the Nov. » meetlni. Ntumber state highways. eral eommtat wat that tht affair maximum raised to MOM. Tht prsta toilet teat, Middlttown shop, Carl Wllms, Yetng't Phanaa* a ntw member of the Little SymDetails of tht renumbering pro- Simpson, building inspector, die- Plumbing and Heating Supply; an ey and Sucktrman's. waa "tht best ever." Mr. Taylor, ent salary maxlmums are M,4M phony orchestra of the college. She gram will be announced nest closed Issuance of 21 permits for electric clock, Sharps Tire comwho was general chairman, said for teaehars with bachelor's degrees cenatruction estimated at |1M,SM. Is a percussion playtr. •enth. but dont expect any sudhit committee worked exception- and M.700 for those with mister's pany; a table, gwarti't Furniture William Morrow of South o t la Richard T- Kendtla was approved store; an electric defrosttr, L. 4ea changsa either In road map* ally hard and particularly thanked degrees. These were,set last year a patient at Ivy House Murorsg for membership In ths Brevent Feldman; a half ton of eoal or 100 •r highway signs. Joseph Holiday for handling the when the board granted aalary Inhome, Middietown village. refreshments and for assisting creases plus yearly bonuses. HighMlghway Commitiloner Ransford Park and Leonardo fire eompany. gallons fuel oil, J. N. Beers; a A recommendation by Commit- necklace and earring set, Ball's, Medical patients at Rlvtrvlsw with the nntnets. J. Abbott of Red Bank said the est salary raise granted at that teeman prank F. Blalsdelt for erechespltal this week Include Miss •Ian will not go Into effect for at Pawn Broker and Jewtler; a perA round of pralst followed for time waa approximately MOO. The Virginia B. Teh, M Locust ave, feaat a year. He aaid Jan. 1, 1MU. tion ef a dead-end street sign on manent wave, Robert't Beauty saMr. Taylor, the service clubs, po- hoard ditcussed the request In exand Louis Donato, 13 Allen pi waa the department tentative tar- Applegste St., north of Foster St., lon; « lamp, Acme Furniture; 100 ecutive session but according te lice, firemen, school offlclali and River Plant, was approved. Mrs. Chester Aumack ef 431 ft date. gallons fuel oil, William A. Fluhr; borough officials. Mr. Klarin re- Paul Young, district clerk, arrived $10 merchandise order, Lynne Action follows Survey River rd., is a surgical patient at Reuon far tfela delay It the time ported that 391 windows were at no conclusion. The board, acting Manufacturing company; a JuiceRiverview. ajetdtd by mapmaktrs to change painted. He stressed that publicity aa a committee of the whole, will O-Mat, Hed Bank Electrie shop; a . Trade Group Defers Of Pupil Population, their plates. Mr. Abbott said he had should be given to the ftct that meet with the welfare committee footstool, Dave Brunon; a man's tm five the mapmakera at least a Judges, professional men from to further consider the request. shirt, Goldin's Men's shop; IS mer- ji Action to Request Law tht Tkice Other Plant year's notice. New York city, were out-of-townThe bosrd set Its tuition rates chandise order, China and Glass Mlghwsy eigna with tht new numers. When criticisms were request- for pupils from sending districts LEONARDO - After hearing a Prohibiting Cftnvanen shop; a half ton of coal or 100 galkena will not b* put up until maps ed, Mr. Reustllle suggested better for the 1952-M school year at SSI.CT plaa for a MVroont wheel recomlons oil, Fred D. Wikoff; an electrie afeawlac tht proper dttignatlont for lighting at the athletic Held. Mr. for the junior high school and at mended by th« building committee, CAMDEN — Although counsel for heating pad, South Jersey Surgical Red Bank merchants and memstate hllhwaya art ready (or die- Frank Hague has admitted the Taylor said tha flre department MT.S7 for the senior high school tho Middietown township hoard of FREEHOLD — IadetermlMto supplies; ten dance lessons, Mae- bers of the Red Bank Community already IrlwiUen, Mr. Abbott said. has arranged to cart (or it. These are tht maximum rates par* education last Thursday night ttrmt in Bordentown reformatory former Jtraty City mayor's ability Chamber of Commerce art to be Me aald the Intervening period to pay damages in John Warren's Levy studios; $760 merchandise asksd their opinions en • proposal mitted by the state and t r t based adopted • reeshition authorising were ordered last Friday by Judge would be used te tdueatt the pub- M.000,000 Ubel suit, hs facta tht order, Miner Supply, to have Monmouth Park race track on last year's operating costs as William C. Dennis, hoard presi- John C. Giordano for two n u n He as to what changes eould be possibility of answering W more Canister stt, Wright stores; (8 close Mondays during the INS Accepted a t new members were shown by ths stats audit. This year dent, to aeaulra II options on pro- convleted of possession of Marl* espected. Purseae ef the renum- questions. merchandise ordtr, Foot craft; a isson. Letter R, Roes, broker of SO West the board juana. la charging IH6.U for posed sltce for tho new school fcerlag program la to simplify the gallon ice cream, Friendly LunchFront it.; Jossph David of the Superior Csurt Judge Frank T. Tht proposal recently was raited Harold Copeland, committee The men are Hobart Lewis, M. the junior high school and - present system. The plan le to re- Lloyd, Jr., who has bein hearing eonette; a compact, Racitl; a tray, David eompany, Pannsoll distribuchairman, aald tho sehool, whleh Shrewsbury avs., Red Bank, aad number all ttate highways aa that pre-trial questions here, has ruled White Furniture; a Fragrance Di- by tht Long Branch Chamber ef tor of 157 Broad st.'. and Louis for ths senior high school. Commerce. Edward K. Conway, will ho etatralty-located In a geo- William E. Harrington, 26, a forthey farm continuous routes, with out 70 of the ISO question* sub. ary, Rumson Pharmacy; a handDr. M. Gregg Hibbs, tuptrvlil president of the local Chamber, Kaabe ef the H. Kaabe Glass eom- principal, graphic sanaa and built on • mini- mtr exercise boy at Qretntrta .the saint designation throughout. mitted by Theodore D. Parsons, at- hag, Simons Nice Things; a door .yesterday told the board ht h pany, Ijong Branch. told Chamber director! of II aad n maximum of 30 farmi racing stable, Ltncroft. Where possible, those state high- torney for Mr. Warren, a Middle- mirror, Atlantic Glass eompany; a Mr. Conway opened tht meeting talked to Everett Preston, assist- mum a request tram Long Branch acres, will cast an estimated ITSO,They were among mort than a ways that also have federal high- town township resident. John Mil- nightgown, Mustillo's; a thirt, S, of by greeting Frank B. Lawes, Mr. ant state commissioner of educa- O to havs Red Bank's trade group way numbers will be numbered to ton, attorney for Mr. Hague, Tues- Hoffman; a bottle of cordial, Peo- Join with them in discussing the Holiday, Ralph Bulkntp and tion, Tuesday afternoon and had Oo without a gymnasium, in addi- doten persons arrested In Match following tht ttiture of Marria .conform to the tedersl designation. day admitted wealth sufficient to ple's Liquor; a blouse, Kirseh- proposal. Thomas R. Bowers, members tf tht been told by the commissioner a tion to the cost of land. The' com- Hoffman, 30, Red Bank, whose mittee, Mr. Oopemnd said, made . I t It eapeeted that ttate highway meet the suit, hut argued that hi* baum's: aun glasses, Dr. Sidney group of Estonians living In Red Chambtr, and newsmen, The meetMr. Conway appointed Rlgaud ing wat covered by representa- Bank were seeking educational the reeemmtndatlon after consid- confessions led to ths othtr »rnumbers will run up Into the 70s client should not be required to Kramer; cutting board, Regal KitB. Paine chairman of a commit- tives of Asbury Park, Long Branch help toward obtaining their cltlstn- ering three other plans to relieve resU. Hoffman pleaded no defense under the new system. Rive his totsl worth. William R chens; wearing apparel, Jean The program has been approved Blair of Mr. Parsons' firm contend. Frocks; a sweater, Kislln; $1 shot tee to meet with tht Long Branch and two Newark dailies and Ths ship paptrs. According ts Dr. overcrowded aoadlttoni which ap- to hit charge and was placid m Chamber and to report to the diprobation. However, at the Hobtrt by the American Automobile asso- ed the admission I* insufficient be- repair, Grand Shoe shop; a key Hibbs, Mr. Preston had received a pear certain to create additional trial he wat ordered held under rectors. Serving with him will be Rtgtsttr. hardship la the township within ciations, the various counties and cause a jury would not award the chain, 3. Kridel. letter from D. Tkaehtnko of M Benjamin Crate, J r , and C. DOB$1,600 ball for grand jury action napmaklng concerns. Abbott said full 12,000.000 if it did not know Cheetnut st., requesting education- tho yoar. pg gallon of lee cream, Charles; aid English. Mr. Cepelaad said tha committee on a charge of perjury by Assistth l dd 100 per that Mr. Hague would have money a AB by al aid. Tht litter, said Dr. Hibbs, the plans was " "endorsed 100 ft Linoleum rug, Baynton's ant Prosecutor George A. Oray. left. WeaM i was accompanied by • pttltloa fan the new school a better solu- who said his testimony In tht trial Linoleum shop; dress length mation than building a new high slffted by S3 other Cstonlant, terial, Baskln's Fabric Fair; three It was pointed out that closing Judge Lloyd ruled out questions school, which would coat an esti- dlfftred from hit ttattmentt to Mr. Young told the board Rer. mated ttMt\M0—considered by the police at the time of hit arrest. Although it it a little bit early dealing with graft, real estate In- garments cleaned, Red Bank Monmouth Park each Monday Cleaners; six free washings, Launwould extend Its season by about Ralph Hornberger, pastor or the 1a say definitely, it appears that the vestments and kick-backs from Alfrtd Ciccone, 62, of 340 Main UNCROPT—J. Frances Rauch Red Bank Lutheran church. Is con- hoard to ha "lmpoeilblt"-or addDora's Photo ten days. Mr. Paine said ths Oceana camera, Doras autumn weather has caused no Jersey _.._, Hudson county _.._ City, and dromat: r rooms to tho high school or it., Ktanshurg, wai fined $1,000, h a handbag, Bernard B Bren- port track naturally would like of New Monmouth, director of the ducting a school for displaced per- ing more than the normal amount of | atate employees. Many of the re- shop; phiced probation for five yean, an arrangement because it Middietown township civil defense sons hut he understood many aueh adding rooms to grammar schools. given on beach erosion along New Jersey I malnlng questions are closely re- ner; cleaning two garments, City tuch a flve-to-seven-year suseouncil, Tuesday night told mem- persons of various nationalities Tha rttolutlon to authorise the would permit additional days in D Cl th j Dry Cleaners; a thermos jug, • t luted to those ruled out. Left to be •escoast. options was Introduced by Francis pended sentence to ttatt prison August when New York racing ebrs of the Llneroft-Everett Par• The State Department of Conier- j answered are such questions as Straus* Stores; a diaper bag, Wig-moves to Saratoga. Ht aaid, how- ent-Teacher association of disaster and religions had shown a reluc- W. Lawley, chairman of a commit- and ordered to pay his victim's tance to go to * church for educavation and Economic Development whether Mr. Hague was gainfully I *'*" tee studying potilblt litet for tht hospital and medical hills for tha in the township at a order, Ribustclli'a market; a purse, ever, that the state's other two preparations tion. They want to learn he added sehool. During the cburte of emu- hatchet attack last Apr. 24 on Mrt. aaid that while wind and wave had employed between 1905 and 19M in " tracks could be expected to op- meeting at the grammar school but they want to go to a school. Ing discussion when board mem- Minnie Mueller, Monmouth Hills, been working against the beaches pose having their own seatons here. Richard Lockwood presented Walter Woodhead stated the bers faced qutstions from mort who last month committed suicide, ateadlly during the fall months, the pushed further back. Mr. Paint a motion picture, "Pattern for Betty, shop; a heating pad, Proproblem imitht reach tremendous than X persons In the audience, according to authorities. coast had been spared any extreme- his annual pay ever exceeded $8,000. fessional Pharmacy; a ladies' asked for the survey of butintts- survival," to accompany Mr. proportion. He added he thought it was disclosed that several oply serious damage, such as that Questions seek to determine if blouse, Vogel's; a child's suit, mtn in Rtd Bank In ordtr to Raueh't talk. Ciccone had pleaded no defense caused by the great windstorm last Hnftuo is "worth In excess of Youth Center; a plant, Dean's; a guide the committee. the hoard should do all It could tlone wilt he taken to Insure the to charges that he brutally attackDr. Wiley O. Patt, tupervltlng November. but it might run Into a great deal confidential nature of the final lo- ed Mrs. Mueller In a car on a lone$50,000,000" and continue down in Furniture; $3 The Long Branch Chamber's let- principal of township schools, told The most serious single instance multiples of five to $1,000,000. Mr. hassock, Rosenfeld cation. Thomas A. Filee, • board ly Holmdel township road whin order, Schulte-Unlted; ter cited what It ttrmtd tht suc- his audience of education for civil of money. of erosion, the department taid, Hague also is asked if his lawyer, merchandise Ralph Davis In voicing his opin- member, declared that the board they argued about Mrs. MutUer'a and oil change, Leo's cess of "Black Monday," programs defense now being taught In the waa caused by a hurricane which Mr. Milton, a former state senator, lubrication ion stated while the board might "Is at the point of closing options." going to Mew Tork. Service Station; stationery) Red at Camden, New Orleans and Cali- school system. passed offshore last month. The paid money in appreciation of Bank Shortly before Mn. Mutlltr died he responsible for helping displaced !,*W Increase store; a cookie Jar, fornia track". Mr. Pains said hs department said this hurricane Hague's political influence and if Simon'sBook a song stssion ltd by Hen- persons who are residents of Red In her home of an overdose of Crockery; an electric believed ths thought bthtnd tht ryAfter Mr. Copeland discussed findings caused "quite a bit of damage" to Mr. Hague shared in fees paid to footwarmer, Handlemann, accompanied by Bank, he didn't think It should be of a survey of township schools sleeping pills, a civil suit had bein Katsin's; radiator proposal it to give race traek emtht ocean side of gandy Hook. Milton's firm. Instituted by her and her husband flush and oil change, Manas Esso ployees and patrons "a day to shop Joseph Mendres at the piano, plans responsible to residents of other revealed that grades three against Ciccone. Broslon slightly greater than The questions arc to be answered station; $5 cleaning order, Anth- rather than to work or gambit." were made for a study group to communities unless some provision which to live * In townihip grammar meet next Monday at • p. m. at •ormal was reported at Atlantic tomorrow. If not, the court may ony's; a nylon sweater, Charm for financial help. "We're Judgt Giordano sentenced Jasper In other business, Mr. Conway the school. Homework will be dis- is made contain more pupils than Fratier, City and Cape May, the department rule that tlii'.v must he answered shop. Claim now to enouzh organ- schooli 37, of Sprlngwood ave., appointed 'Percy Sherman to con- cussed by ths group. Mrs. Frank Santa the numbtr of township student? •aid. isations outside Red Bank," he de- in tht high school. Ht said the Aabury Park, tu five to IS years orally at the trial, slated to start % A vue, Fox's Gift shop; pair of fer with property owners and bor-Hayden of North Long Branch, clared. In state prison on a chargt of aitTV Hearing Denied Nov. 28 at Freehold. student population survey showed ond degree murder aun glasses, Dr. David Sklar; $5 ough offlciaTs relative to the flood- honorary president of the Monto which ha The State Department of EducaDr. Hibhn will Investigate the that by IIM-So an enrollment of pleaded nn defense. Frailer WM merchandise order, Evergreen Del- ed condition of the lane on the mouth county council of parents tion has reported New Jertep's re-! I «!„„.,,., !•„„„. icatessen; cigarettes, Sea Bright east side of Broad it. from Wal- and taachert, will Itad tht discus- situation and report his findings to 4,409 may be anticipated. The figure charged with plunging a knlft six rrr quest to the Federal Communica- " " " ' »««-"-• will represent an Increase of 1,500 times Into the neck and ehtst ef the board, Cigar and Stationery; assorted lace st. to Mechanic at. Mr. Sher- sion. tion Commission for an oral hear- Theft. Morals Charges pupils and will require an addi- Horact toyt, Mechanics Toy Center; mer- man informed the directors that Dr. Hibbs reported that to data 33, of Myrtle ave., Association numbers will hold a ing on the question of allocating tional 60 classrooms In tha town Neptune,Burke, chandise, Phil Waldman's Gulf Ensley M. White, borough suptrlnIn a street fight Aug. 10. and supper at the flrs house • N pupils had been signed up for ahlp system. television channels for educational ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Wil- station; $5 merchandise order, tendent, told him the borough baser In the third day of hit trial he an Insurance plan at the rate of purposes has been rejected. liam C. Hoffman, Jr., 24, of Kearny, Wool worth; a plant, Arnold Soden; could correct the condition If It Is here Saturday, Dee. 1. Mrs. Oeorge Ths board referred to Its per- pleaded. The F.C.C. allocated all remain- who was living at East Ketnsburg, $5 merchandise order, Tetley's; $5 agreeable with affected property Toop Is general chairman. The ba- fl each. The plan protects all pu- sonntl oommittee requests from pils with the exception of those Anthony Bevacqul, 29, West Long sar will be held betwetn J:SO and ing TV channels last spring. New was arrested Tuesday by Capt. merchandise order, Victory Mar- ownert. Concerned are the Parker, Middietown townihip teachers' Branch, convicted of bookmaklng, Jeraey wag the only state which James J. Egidio of the police de- ket; children's clothing, Wolcott's; Dorn, Fisher, Ooremus and Trutx • p. m. Supper will be served from participating In Inter-teholattlc the association and the Janitors' assoathletics i t long as thty are on was fined $1,000, and hit attorney, S until 7:30 p. m. did not have at least one channel partment here and Patrolman John a gallon of wine, Heritage Liquor; lands. ciation, requtttlng Increases In salallocated to it for educational pur- McCarran of Middietown township $5 merchandise order, Cor win's; a Committee chairmen listed first school grounds or traveling on a aries. The request from the teach- Mr. Juska, announced ht would Ordinance Needs Study Die an appeal. tchool activity when Injured. poses. members are as follows: Mrs. police for Lieut. Sharpies of Kearny ladies' slip, Hollywood Apparel; $5 to propose an ordinance and The board authorised the employ- ers' association atked maximum An indeterminate term at An* The Department of Education police, who wanted him for grand merchandise order, Famous Deli- forAction Roger Lyford, Mrs. Edward Fields salaries of S4,M0 for teachers hold borough council's adoption was and Mrs, E. D. Brandt, toys; Mrs. ment of Miss Anna Mary Nanlnnt has pctltluncd the F.C.C. to grant larceny and Impairing the morals catessen; Emerson table radio, At- deferred. Ing matttr'i dtgrett, $4,700 for nandale reformatory was ordarid This concerns house-toit three channels for education out of a minor. lantic. Appliance; 150 gallons fuel house canvassers, a qutttlon which' Harry Jantsen. Mrs. John Lam- and Charles J. Orlppaldl as tit- those with bachelor's degrees, 14,- for Harry Marriner, 20, Farmingof five which were allocated to comor one ton coal, Laves Coal has been discussed at previous ken, Mrt. Toop and Mn. John mtntary teachers. A graduate of M0 for those with not Itts than dale, for assault with intent te Police said Hoffman was em- nil mercial enterprises within the state. handiwork; Mrs. Arthur the local high school, Miss Nan- four yean' training and t2,M0 for commit carnal nhuse on a 13-year* rompnny; 1,1 pound lurkey, Greenmeetings. Mr. Conway Warnektr, _ ^ In rejecting the inquest for an ployed a« a laborer by a plumber wald's Market: a doll, Lou Furst; Chamber Newmler, Mrs. Wilfred Mullln and Inne is a senior at Olasshoro Teach- teachers with milter's degrees who old girl. xald the Chamber should favor prooral hlsrinj:, the F.C.C, said pres- In this area and was working nn n necklace and earring s"t, Reed'i hibiting solicitors from door-to- Mrs. William Lewandnwskl, food; ers college. Mr. Orlppaldl, who Is a are starling employment in the a .lob st Leonardo when they resure of busings was too (reat. the cafeteria at th» high school. $5 cleaning order, Little dnor canvassing, provided It does Mn. James Kelaey and Mrs. H. D, resident or Oakhurst and Is at township system, ceived a teletype message from Jewelers: Hubbard, rummage; Mrs, William present, a senior at GtaMboro, has The bid- wore as follows: General Cleaner* and Dyers; one not affect any local merchants, Kearny police nsklng for his ap- .Silver lUlses Sought , LtXTTRKS FOR FLORIST* been practicing leaching at the Warneker and Mrs. M. Harold Kelconstruction, R. A. Hendrlekson, month's pass, Cnrlton thester; Deprehension. A juvenile girl from tecto Robert Reuasllle, chairman of ly, white elephant and books; Mrs. River Street school since SeptemRiverside Heights, $4,318, and brush holder, Scars Roebuck; Teachers with maatir't degrees Mrs. Frank Dean or Dean's of Kearny whose connection with committee appointed to Inves- John Lamken and Mrs. Alfred Wil- ber. While at Olasshoro he was tt- prtsently receive I4.M0. The rt- Rockafellow Construction comLittle Silver hat returned from Hoffman was revealed also was a can opener, Union Paper; a heat- the the law, said that a Rtd liams, fish pond; Mrs, Paul Cnmen- teeted for "Who's Who In Ameri- quest seeks a ralte of $650. Those pany, New Monmouth, $(,903; New York city, where «he Rave apprehended by Mlddlctnwn police In? pad, Jersey Centrnl Appliance,; tigate Bank of Oct. 7, 1931, tlnd, Mrs. P. B. Henrikssen and can Colleges and Universities.' with bachelor's dtgrtts receive plumbing, Henry Putsch, Port lectures nn floral arrangement at and returned there by Kearny po- S'I cleaning- order, Monmouth Valet would ordinance have to ha amended if so- Mrs. Harry Cole, Christmas tree, Service; 55 merchandise order, Proposal* to make test borings $3,900 and ask an $800 raiso. Tht Monmouth, $409, and Martin Methe. mci'ilng" of the Metropolitan lice Tuesday afternoon. Mae's Yardstick; a mixer, Har- licilor.i me to he prohibited. He and Mr. Kelly, post office. at tho site of the addition to the propostd tcale alto would bring Gulro, Middietown, $824, and elecJ'lorula KCIIOOI. More than 1,200 Kearny police said Hoffman was nld's Radio and Electric shop. explained that the Supreme court high school wore referred to the $SO0 raises to teachers with four trical installation, Kcansburg Siteflorists attended the cession* at the charged with stealing n war bond ruled in favor of such prohibitions building committed who will study years' training who now ncelve trie, 5170. Hotel Stutler, Mrs. Dean, who con-find twn rings from a relative in MARKS BIRTHDAY Others giving prizes were Abbcniuae nrllers uninvited by the them with Victor Ronfeldt, archi- $3,700. Teachtri with master's deduct* elastics HI floral m range- addition to Die morals charge. liey's .Men's shop, Allen's Rimes, homeowner are nuisances, Lou and Fauns' KEANSBURO - Mr. and Mrs.tect, and Klwnotl Powers, consult- grees who snter tht township sysm«nt| at her own shop, has also ilnceiely hoiia It rioun't bsppia l.iz Ambrose, American Building, The danger Involved, he tald, It Walter M, Roeseman of Plnevlew ing engineer. Compnn'en which sub tem at present receive the state li> Wt b«in living demonstrations in vim, hill If ynu thmilij Into lumathifti, Mnrrli Bsclier, Bell Liquor, Bieder that legitimate enterprises might ave. motored Sunday to Pennsyl- mllteri hid* Included the Raymond prescribed minimum nf 12,500. i'«memn«r rhnncen art in your fsvnr thti ideas for Christmas novelties and kr ••Hint Yb« r—Adn>rlli»m«nt. »ou will r«rov«r It Ihrouth th> l«t l»* Jors i n ibl. ti nskt ntkit montr" <Tlon" »Bl» ""1*1. Bowknnt, flrsi- nlsn be restricted, He explained tht vania, where they celebrated Mr, Concrete Pile company, Porttr ••corstiont at Philadelphia. Rtftrrtd to tht building commit- fouml r-lumns of Tht Isfltttr. kp sailing Tht Rsglitsr,—AiveruMamt. low's, Cancellation, Capitol Btktry, purpoit of any such law would Rotttmaa'i birthday. Urquhtrt and Philip 3. Htaly. tee wire bidi for an addition to —Adytrtlitmsnti TMNTOW, <AI»>-A spetlai ess-1 PERSONALS Local Teachers Ask School Board For Salary Hikes Board Approves $1 Land Options For New School Chamber Studies 'No Monday9 Plan For Race Track Hague-Warren Trial Due Nov. 26 Lewis, Ciccone Are Sentenced FTA Hears Rauch, Dr. Pate on CD. HEP BASK nmWfFM, Frake—Wett Nuptials At a deual* riaf caraaaaajr at tka Re« Bank Baptist church ahaday afternaoa, Mra. Noraw Waiver*. daughter ef Mr and Mr*. Earl P. Sigler of Mala tt., Port Maaaaenth, aacara* the bride af Reajaaaia A. Parker *>f fteutk at Rev. W. Ctlav taa Power*, paatar, performed th* eereaaaay. Tha church wae decorated with bouquet* af chryaaatheaauaa* aad autumn leaves. Mrs. Francis •warts was organist. A reception for th* immediate families fallowed at Cedar inn, Highland*. The bride wa* given in marriage by hrr father. Ike waa attired in a purple ballerina cocktail leagch gawn, srade ef faille and nylon net. She wore a anatckiag stole sad headpiece of purple, both trimned with ihiacitoaea. Her flower* were wkita carnation*, witk a large whit* erehid with a purple lip ia the aeater of the bouajuet. Mra. Herbert Caat* af Weat Lsag Branch wa* matroa of honor, and Ruu*!l Jackson «f Red Bank wai ae*t man. The aaatroa af haaar war* a fold braced* cocktail dree* aad carried a bouajuet af mat *et> ered ehryaanthemumi and autumn leave*. Tha bride'a Mother chote a navy blue atreet length dreai, with matching accessories, and • earlag* af chrysanthemums. When the couple return from a Southern wadding trip they will live In Port Monmouth, Fer travcl• Ing the bride wore a gray gabardine auit, with her accessorial, aad a eersage af white archM*. Mra. Parker U employe* ky th* Atlintle Supply company at Atlantic Highland*. Mr. Parker la aaaaMr. aM Mra. ASaa) R. H n t ag«r ef th* Seaboard Service cornHay plant In Red Bank. He la a At a double-ring eereinony Sun- and Mr*. Sigurd Lucassen, Long member of the Red Bank Ratary day, Nov. 4 at th* Red Baak Meth- Branch, th* bridegroom's lister, club, and during World War II odist ehurch, Mia* Jay Barbara w«r* bridesmaids. Jan* Kiel, Midaerved in feurap* with the Army. Frake, daughter of Mr, and Mr*. dletown township, the bride's cumJ. Lester Frake of Sear* ave., in, wai a Junior bridesmaid. Their Naveilnk, became the brWe af P. gown* were made like the honor LONO BRANCH-Mr. and Mr« F.C. Allan Robert Weit, Army Med- attendant'* only in shrimp colored Rudolph L. Homan of Hampton ical corps, ton af Mr. and Mri. satin and tulle. They had matching av*., formerly af Port Monmouth, Harold Wctt of Long Branch. Rav. stoles and headpieces, and rarried announce tha marriage af their Roger J. Squire, paator, performed chrysanthemums which matched thrlr gown*. daughter, Mica Evelyn Homan, ta the ceremony, William Lawson of Pnrlauprck Cpl. Frederick Burwell Harrlton, Th* ehurch was decorated with ton of Mr. and Mr*. Robert Lee bouquet* of yellow chrysanthe- wai beat man. Mr. Lucassen, the Harriton of Lowell, N. C. Tha mums ana palmi. John Ferrl* wa* bridegroom* brother-in-law, and wadding took flaea Nov. I at St. organist, and John Ebner, aoloiat. Edward Well*, also ef Long Luke's Methodist church. The A reception followed at Pleaaant Branch, ushered. etrtmony wa* performed by the Valley inn, Hoimdel. Mrs. Krake chose a gown of pastor, Rev. Paul Frledrleli. Given In marriage by her father, brown lace and beige latin, with matching accessories for her cosThe bride waa given In marriage the bride wore a gown af Chantilly ky her father. Mil* Joan Oaffnty lac* and white satin. Th* fltted tume. The bridegroom'* mother af Long Braneh waa mala af honor. bodice had • high neckline, and a wore dusty pink crepe with black BrMeameMa were Mlaiea Rotelyn full akirt which ended la a long accessories. Both had corsage* at Pleeno «f Weat Long Branch ant train. Her veil wai flngertip length, chrysanthemums. Cynthia Hampton. Long Braneh. and fell from a bonnet of ChantilFor her wedding trip to Virginia, Una* Maman or Belleville, the ly lace, and her (lower* ware white the bride wore a lipstick red auit brltVi eouiln, wai a Junior brides- chrysanthemums. with brown accessories and a corMaid. Min Dorothy Orovea of Red sage of chrysanthemums. The couP.F.C. Carl White af fort Mon Bank was maid of honor. Her ple will make their home in Red mouth wai beit man. Ushcra were gawn of latin and tulle wai cham- Bank. The bride la a graduate Cpli. Donald* Scale* and John Car- pagne in color, made with a strap- of Red Bank high school, and Is ter, both of Fort Monmouth. Ins bodice, and worn with a employed by the Page Photo SerFollowing a reception In tha matching atale and headpiece of vice in Bed Bank. The bridegroom, ehurch parlor*, the couple left for tulle. Her flower* were eprays of a graduate of Long Branch high achool, is stationed with the Army a wedding trip ta Washington, D. bronie chrysanthemum*. C, and Lowell, N. C. The bride la Miss Lynn Hanuon of Oakhurst Medical corps nt Fort Dix. employed by Eatontown Radla Television. The 'bridegroom la staMORE FRKE MASONRY tioned at Fort Monmouth. Kathrya Belli Engaged INFORMATION To Lieut. T. L. Uwley Miaa Helen Cllaabtth (Betty) Hibba, daughter of Dr. and Mra. M. Oregg Hibba, Jr. af Hudjon ave. became the bride of PPC Norman Zlff, V. S. Army, aen of Mr. and Mra. Benjamin Ziff at Brooklyn, Saturday. The ceremony waa par* formed by Rev. Roger 3. Squire, pastor af tha Red Bank Mothodlat euureh, at tha home af tha bride'a pa rente. Mlaa Catharine Atweod af Belvedere waa maid af honor. Charle U Blair af Weat Falmouth, Maae., waa beat nan. A reception for the immediate familie* followed. The bride ia employed by th telephone company In Red Bank, and la a atudent at Monmouth Junior college. Her father la luperintendent ef Red Bank'* public school*. PFC Sin? waa graduated from Brooklyn college. Prior ta hi* entry into tha armed force*, ha waa In tha teaching profeulon. Ho wilt leave for oversea* duty within tha nest ten day*. MMES—ANDERSON KEYPORT — Mr. and Mra. Loula Jamea, Sr., of VanDorn at., announce the m a r r i a g e of their daughter, Miaa Berniee C. Jamea, to Jaenea Albert Anderson, Jr., aan af Jamc* A. Anderaon, Sr. of Orange. The couple were married Oet IS at Second BaptUt church here by Rev. R. 8. Keiiey. The bride waa given in marriage by her brother, Dr. Lewi* A. Jamea at Iowa. Her alater, Mia* QeraMine Jam**, and the bridegroom'* eoutin, William C. Anderaon, were the attendanta. Mr. and Mra. Anderaon are making their home in Eaat Orange. Mra. Anderaon la a graduate of Xeyport high achool. Mr. Andenon graduated from Orange school*. He ta employed by the Veteran'a Administration at Newark. OILLON^WILUAMS KEYPORT — Announcement haa (teen made of the marriage of Mlaa Robbla Reeie Dillon, of Roanoke, Va., daughter of the late Mr. and Mra. George Dillon, to Robert H. Wltliime, of thla place, aon ef thi late Mr. and« Mra. Albert H. WilHam*. The wadding took place Nov. t. Th* ceremony waa performed by tha Rev. Raymond N. Radford, paator of the Belmont Chrlatlan church, Roanoke. Mr. and Mr*. William* wilt reaide In Keyport. Mr. Willlamt la employed by the Keyport Poat office. ' MVNN1NO—LVEHS EAST ORANGE — Mr. and Mra. Auguit Pater Munnine- of Summ at., formerly of Matawan, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mil* Jeanne Lucille Munning, to Cornelius Luohi, Jr., aon of Coi nellui Luihs. The wedding took place Nov. 3 at Our Lady Help of Chrlitlana church, Eaat Orange. Thi bride, a graduate of Wall college, la director of promotion for O'Mara and Ormabee of New York, The bridegroom attended Rutgera university and I* studying bualnei* administration at Pace college. He 1* purchasing agent (or Btrui* dls playi of New York, and during thi recent war, nerved with the Nav; In th« Pacific, The couple will make their horn In Etit Orange. RUM8ON-Chirlei E. Betts, Br., of River rd., announcea the engagement of hit daughter, Mitt Kathryn Helen Betts. to Lieut. Thomw L. Lawley, son ef Mr. aad Mr*. E. O. Uwley or Oulfpert, Ml**. Tha wadding will take place Dae. n e»t Qulfport. yoVEMBEB IS, 77 County Residents Admitted To Citizenship in County Court tu Hadaesali Choral Group Gives Concert QueeHtina Mennigan, Eatontown, FREEHOLD — Fiv* Red Bank residents were among the 77 for- India; Maria Hodgen. Wanamassa, eign born who were received into Germany; Abraham Markisc, FarmAmerican citizenship hi'ic Tuesday ingdale, Poland; Edilh Karl, before County Judge John C. Gior- Clarksburg, Germany; Ursula MKdano. The judge told the group ria Ross, Neptune City, Germany; that "no one caa call himself a EM ilia ChamMin, Fort llonmouth, real American unless he speaks Germany, Elsa, Highsmith, Long and reads and thinks in the lan- Branch, Russia; Giovanni Roma, guage of America." Atlantic Highlands, Italy: Riro The Red Bank residents who George Nargil, Ashury Park, Turbecame new citizens are Marianna key; Adelaide Pisnno, Ashtiry Matthew Btiuso, 11 Catherine St., Italy; John Park. Italy; Jessie Paul Savage, I Elm pi., Poland; Brown, Neptune, Scotland. Alberto Leone. 255 Shrewsbury Augustine Suzanne Kirk, Long ave.. Italy; Lillian Mary Drure Branch, Algeria, North Afri Fielder, 2i Highland ave, Canada. | J o i i n Hendrik Trie], Howell townand Leonardo Ru«*D, IS Catherine j , n i p Holland; Rnswltha Ruth noat.. Italy. nan, Fair Haven, Germany; Jenny Other new citizens in the county Edilh Nickelsberg, I-onjr Branch. are-. i Germany; Pauline Miry SchlesElina Bsleslracci. A^'Ui'y Park, singer, Long Branch, Canada; LilItaly; Agatha Gisela Waugeepack, lian Sadie Bernstein, Long Branch, Oceanport. Germany; Rudnpi The- England; Sperns Coutsoheras Svoodore Mcchtenbrrg, Neptune, Ger- ronos, Neptune, Greece; liarliara many; Theodora Ecrta Eo£co, Key- Mary Orrutt, Long Branch, Engport, Czechoslovakia; Wargot Syl- land; Maria Matsutani, Neptune M n . Sidney Kaour aliftcti tha raw Hadeitak Choral frau^ wKich ptrhrm*4 «t the) a«. via Mundy, Cliffwood, Germany: City, Italy; Ella Margarete Giraiid nual fflemkatihip maetintj Tuaia)ay niajKt at tha tynafefue an Ri«r«r«i*Ja> »*». Fr««t r«w, laft • • Cristofor Campione. Long Branch, AUentown, Germany; Marie Auielis Italy; Ernesto DeMarco, Long Kane, Long Branch, Czechnslovariejht; M n . Komar, Mri. Harala) Meiitrich, M n . Al Fink, Mri. Irvine] HyWin, Mr*. Daviej Slier, Branch, Italy. kia; .Teane Alice Stoner, Belmar, Mrs. fliai Lan§, Mrt. Arthur Gottfriaej. lack r » * , lime arder, Mri. Laa Kwejlar, Mri. Milton Maria Stagliano Bongarzone. Canada. Koiene, Mrs. Harry Nachmiai, Mri. Morrii Wettermtn, Mri. Oavie] lurnan, Mri. Harry Fatett, Branch. Italy: Lia Norma Cesare Schiavone, Long Branch. Santos, Kort Monmouth. Italy; An- Italy; Mri. Cufena Trachtman. Sacknowltz, Fnrmna Koutsenes, Freehold, Greece; infrdale,Goldie Poland: Irene Winifred Issie. Spector, EnRlishtown. Poland; Eleonore Elizabeth Norris, Calise, Ixinjt Brunch. England; HelAsbury Park. Germany; Nino Ca- en Wege. Little Silver, Germany; Tim Many 'Park*,' ruso, Long Branch, Italy; Andrec Klnra Tanne, David Tanne and Marie SchmalherRcr, Shrewsbury, Sarah Tanne, Freehold. Poland; Complain* (MIM-IM! France: Maria Isabel Petrausky, Allunn AntlinpuliM, Port. MonFAIR I I A V » ; N - There are t<m , mouth, Turkey; Dorothea Yaun, Holmdel, Columbia. Catherine Acerra, Long Branch, Oakhurst, Ireland; Margaret Or- many parks In fair llairn," He.v. K a i l Bachr, national k n o w n Italy; Joseph Patrick Hylton, Went Kler, Neptune. Oennany; Mary elated Councilman ***** \. r.n- mlni.strr. civic load*1:- and lecturer. Long Branch, Great Britain; Despi- Realty, Atlantic Highlands, Aus- right, chairman «f tM mad r«m- will the [t,,1 R i n k Kivcnni* na Antutasiadis, Freehold, Gre*cce; tria. c l u b Monday night, at \hf. Molly Solicitation Launched; Josephine Papa, Matawnn, Italy; mitter, at Tunday nlght'a mrrl- P i t c h e r hotel. Lieaclotte Downs, Long Branch, lug uf tho mayor and rounril. "I Germany; Marjorle Elsie Cum- Per KoKh-Hcnriknien, H Eaaay, Poeler Coiileat Lhit mings, Ashury Park, Canada; An- Lincroft. Norway; Max Lipschit*, don't mean the |wrki, •mil a* neliese Therese MeKinney, Sprinir Southard, Russia; Leni Winfredi- OMnrllnian Ilimliiig and (he re«l Winnrre Announred l<ake Heights, Germany; Cedrlc Seher, MorRanville, Germany; Use •f ua are lnt«>rr«lrd in," kif addHedges, West Belmar, Great Brit- Johnnne Brcnnecke, Asbury Park, ATI.ANTIC HIGHLANDS Domain; Irene Forrest, A'bury Park, Germany; Rosa, limit Karming- ed. "HV hate tmi many «tr<rU inic A. Caruso, chairman ef tha Great Britain; Eleanor PizzutirMo, dale, Scotland; Vita Concetta Bonl- named Park. W> hair I'ark rd. memorial gifts' committee, of the Long Branch, Germany; Htrta An-, Keyport, Italy; Yvonne Lil- and I'ark ave, and now annlhrr St. Agnea church building fund na Boyd, LontT Branch, Austria; lian Roberts Whitchrarf, Keanscampaign, last Thursday flight strret ha* hrrn named Park lane. Genovefa Mitchell, Long Branch, hurjr. Englnnd; C'laudetle Fontaine h»srd eommittne members report Poland; Rofle Pease, Keyport. Aus- Wlldrick, Spring Lake Helchts, W'« al«n ha«* a Parker air." At that more than 141,000 has been tria; Zine Lapides, Cream Ridge, Canada, and Edilh August* Frel- the) rMiiM'UnuMt'*, re<iue«t, a letsubscribed for memorial* by parRussia. ley, Long Branch, Germany. ter will k# written to AHVH Rr<». ishioners and frlendi of the church. I* change M*> nanw nf Tark lane, This third and final committee report preceded th» launching ef wMrh I* tmated In River Oak*. Cronnnl Quren thr general solicitation of the pariah Sunday afternoon at the ehurch. Jamt* Phillip* and Oerard Ktn. Council nedy nf the buslneis committee. and Al Wolfe and Joseph Caruia> To Halt CAST KEANRBURO — Albert •f th* frlendi' committee «!«i have LITTLE SILVER—A request to Wagner, superintendent nf the New betun their activities. prohibit gunning in this borough Jersey reformatory at Bordentown, Donald Milea, general chairman was voiced Tuesday night by Chestold members of the Parent-Teach•f the campaign, la directing tha ter Apy, former councilman, who er association here of the admin•eneral solicitation or th* pariili asked council not to "wait until istration of the corrective InstituIn association with John Kozsk, somebody is hurt" before the ordition at a meeting Monday night at Jr. Captain* of eight team* In th* nance, is changed. th* grammar school. <friv* are Nichols* W. Kai«er, John Presently, hunting I* permitted Superintendent since lMft, Mr. Rev. Karl Lynn, Jamea Qroreak*. Walter Daonly when the. property owner acWagner formerly was attached to vl*. John Byrn», John Murphy, companies the gunner. Councilman Rev. Mr. Baehr graduated from John Condon and Richard McGovthe. corrective services division of Donald E. L,iwe* mid the iliffleulty Bethel collpgo in Kansas and from the Navy. with » no-sunning law would he Chicago Theological seminary, ern. His talk preceded the presentaTeaa Mmkora that riverfront property owners where h" received hi* bachelor of tion of a motion picture, "This ia would al.=o be prohibited from off- divinity degrte in 1M2. While at Team number* Include Dr. Little League," by Mrs. Bruce Hunshore duck shooting. In answer th« *emin»ry he conducted aoclor Thomas B. Ahearn, Walter J. Ball. ter, program chairman. P. T. A. Mr. Apy said th»ie arc a great logical (tudies of Chicago neighbor- Alonio W. Rarbetta, William Behr. members are Investigating the esmany homes along the riverfront hoods and aerved varlou* congre- George Bonaett, John Byrne, Jostablishment of a baseball program now and that "those cratter gum gational churches a* supply pastor. eph Caruso, Ambrose B. Coleman, """"~ Box 103, for youngster* of the community. really scatter." On Councilman After his ordination he occupied John J. Connolly, Roy Cook, Jame* Navcsink, N. J. Parents) of Mrs. Margaret Lyon«' Howard Ungerer's suggestion, the th* pulpit of the United Congrega Cullen, Robert H. Curtis, C. J. Nov. 10, 1ML third grade class won the attendpolice department, will pny partic tlonal church of Chicago. Dsnowit*. Rirnard Daui, Steve J. To the Editor: ance award, a hook which will he ular attention to enforcing the He later became Interested In the Demko, John J, Finnegan, Hugh, I read with pleasure the article presented to the clus. The. P. T. present ordinance, Mr. Lawn r» T. Oregerion, Sr, Frank Hligirt!, en Masonry by H. V. B. Voorhlt. I A.'* canteen hiu been named "Ideal plaining that a new ordinance could awakening of the Middle East and Thorn** Higgins, Ben Hillmann, Miss Ruth Kneleer am taking the liberty of submitting Teen Canteen," It was reported at th* rise of thf new state oflsrael. not be passed before the gunning Carl F. Hitlmaiui, Fred P. HHlman, a queition to which he may have the meeting. The canteen, which In 1947 he Itft the United ehurch the answer. Although the following met last night. Is held every other Miss Ruth Knciser of Southard sea/son l» over. to become enecutlve secretary of Clifford Huddleaton, Thomas D. appear* to rhyme In spots, I bee; grange was crowned queen of tha American Christi* n Palestine Jenningi, Ray Kent, A. J. Konoto assure the rcadcra uhould thi* Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. at Bay- Monmouth Pomona grange Saturcommittee, the position he now witf. Frsnk Koiak, William Lamappear In your columns), I am in view hall, Port Monmouth rd, and day at the annual country frolic Bride-to-Be mer, George Lane, Arthur Lintholds. no wav an aspirant for poetical Bray ave. hero. mayer, William H. Maguire, Fred th* Wemrock Grange hall. Pro- (tivrn a Shower fame. Please believe this. I am reWith a distinguished group of Manlgraaio, entries Mangold, MiHostei*«cx at the meeting were at cording an event, one of many mothers of Mrs. May Fields' first ceeds of the frolic went to the Christisn leaders, Rev, Mr. Baehr KEANSBURG — Mr.«. Shirley visited Israel In IMS to study the chael McCann, Joseph McN'ec. Alsuch, and doing it as it occurcd grade class. The report rf her at Monmouth county Girl Scout orSpafford and Mr.«. Jean Buerkle problems confronting the new len Malone, Harold Menkin.'. Frrd and in my own way. tendance nt the national conven ganisation. gave a shower lart week for Mis* state. While there he devoted him- Moller, John Mount, Jamea J. Mull,u, the rare Injun tion of the congress of pai cnts and Arlene Vonrhie.i at Mr.-,. Hpnfford's self particularly to studying the ligan, William Mulligan. Robert We hnvr eittrn niilmnn in<!! mrflt teachers crlven by Mrs. Joseph How home on Harmony ave. Mis« Voor- Arab-Israeli relation, the Arab refu- Murray, Murray Nichols, John the p pl|te Together Hml ssirtokrii i th | of priu-f. piu ard, president, was made a matter hies will become the bride of ,Iohn ge* problem and the relationship O'Keefe, Frank Rich, Jerry Ttich. Pi tit Ojihwny, Black ffoot. Picircn, titnny, jih Bl of record In Its entirety. The group's Navajo, Blood snri Crer, Carmella Saturday at Keansburg between the Israeli government and Walter Rose, Walter Rowan. Fredo Schmidt, George Serivanl, Earl ScAnil held Maaunlc intereourlt with the next meeting will be held Monday, Methodist church. th* Christian Institutions in Jeru Intelligent Chtrokrr. Dee. IT, at 1 p. m. at the achool. Guests were Mrs. Elisabeth nalcm and other parts of the coun ruby, Denni* Sheettan, P. J. SheeAs a RAM I'm p u z i M to know han. Edward Shelly and John J. How on Klo Drl Nortc it cimt. Blakely, Mix. May Voorhies, Mrs. Stiwart. EATONTOWN — Colored slides, Anna Voorhies, Mrs. Mary Wy- try. By th« convent at old St. Pvtti-'R Hospital Auxiliary Their reiponties*>«i« true and the iamc. Hla topic Moniny light will >>e taken by Miss Doris Christcnsen ckoff, Mrs. Mabel Zitzow, Mri. At tru« ami th« u m i an at Phtlly, Contest Winners "Israel and Ita Position In the while a government employee In Helen Sample, Mrs, Marion RturHas 21 at Birthday Toronto, New York anil the 800. Winners In an eiiay and poster Korea during 1947-48, were shown ges, Mrs. Lcona Spafford, Mrs. World As the Newest Democracy.' W« didn't inbe thrir linito, a few word*. FAIR HAVEN-Fair Haven aux"Klnhowa," •'Tillicura," "Etoo." The Kiwanis club hai announced contest conducted at St. Agnes' at a meeting of the Women's So- John Sturgea, Mrs. Jeanette CnviVon eould throw them the sigm; they iliary of Rivervicw. hospital obciety of Christian Service of Eat- gliano, Mrs. Mildred Kolh, Mrs. the meeting wilt be open to the pub- school by Mother Longlna, princi-, Could aive you All Gripa: served its 21st anniversary at a lic free of charge. The address will pal, and SUUra of the school, were' ontown Methodist church Tuesday Marjoric Noble, Mrs. Caroline TwaR Manonlc to Core? But begin at approximately S o'clock. announetd Sunday. Based on the* Where In • • • • did thny Krt it from? meeting Tuesday at the Episcopal at the home of Mrs. Leslie D. Scely Nichols, Mrs. Alice Helfrlch, Mrs. church parish house on Church Brother Maitoni. I leave It with you. them* "The New Church," the conSouth st. MIM Chrlstensen, while Gloria Hunt, Misses Marjnrie Wall This piece had It* origin at St. at. Mrs. Tony E. Hunting, the first on test wai concluded last Thuriday. Peter*, Red River country, Canada, president, gave the history of the showing the pictures, told of life ing, Carol Voorhies, Doris Zitiow Smacks Celebrate Engraved gold medals will be prein Korea. 1M1. N.WT. I doubt if Pauline group. and Janet Spafford. sented to Edmund Mc.Mullin, Jr., Johnaon, famous daughter of a fa38th Anniversary Plans were made for a ChristA large birthday cake decorated first place winner in the poster mous Mohawk chief, who lies in mas party to he held Dec. 2« at the CARD ANI» GAME TARTY and to Chirlotti Mangold, a stone cairn by Siwath Rock «t the tea table, arranged by Mrs. church tITTLE SILVER—Mr. and Mrs. contest, parsonage. The next socieHarold Lartaud «nd Mr:. William the entrance to Burrard inlet, could The auxiliary of Liberty Hose Cyril A. Smack, Sr., of Sea Bright, who took lint place in the essay ty meeting will be at the parnoncontest. Second priie winner* were Kacen, As gift', marking the the answer. A student a t company will hold a card and game were week-end visitors at the home •"PJ Oxford, she remained true to tribal birthday, members brought boxes age, Dec. 4. The society has pur- party Thursday night, Nov. 29, at of their son-in-law and daughter, Phyllis Eppes for her poster and chased a new sink for the church tradition. We were contemporary of Ivory soap cakes to be given to Leola Suplenski for an essay. in a g e and a g e only. Pauline had the hospital. kitchen. Assisting hostesses were the fire l.ouse under the chairman Mr. and Mrx. Reuben Taylor, Birch A surprise party in, honor of Individual class winners In tho education nnd Brain*, I bad and Mrs. George Whltficld, president, ship of Mrs. Franw Wisiemann and ave, Three guests were Mrs. Edward 38th anniversary was cele- poster eonteat were a* follow*: Alhave neither. nnd Mrs. William Wortman. Mrs. Mrs. C'hadwlck Hcndnckson. Mrs. their Conway, Mrs. James Worden and brated Sunday at the home of an- len Ford, grade eight; Martin Respectfully your*, Mr*. C. U Waddell. A Christmas Howard Montgomery, spiritual life Earl Stout, president, is in charge F. H. Gregory. party will be held at the next secretary, was in charge of devo- of priica. Refreshments will be other son-in-law nnd daughter, Mr. Hacker, grade seven: Joieph Rleci, and Mrs, Stephen Rate, Sea Bright. grade six, ani Sutanna Brenner, served. With regard to the foregoing it tions. Highlight of the celebration grade flvt. l i aa well t o add that these Indian* meeting, Dec. 10. Claaa winner* In the e***y conwere and are Treaty Indiana' and earn* upon the Smacks' return not non-treaty, of which several home, where they learned that test follow: Miry Dougherty, grade tribe* y e t remain. That night w a i a tight; Piiacill* Mahler, grade sevtheir family had given them a teleglorious night—40 below «ero. One vision set. Present at the party en; Joseph Stern, grade six; Marhalf of the s k y bluc-btack; the were. Mrs. Andrew Bundguard, garet Scrivinl, grade five; Charles other half bright a* day, caused Miits Mary Ncvin, Mr. and Mrs. Gregerson, grade four, snd Delia by one of the most wonderful exGarwood Thifer and children Pa- Klindientt, grade three. hlbitiona of thn Auroa Borcalis I ricia and Garry, and Mr. and Mrs. have ever seen, and I have ccen : many of them. The sky cut comCyril Smack, Jr., all of Sea Bright, Fair Tomorrow pletely in half, aa though by a and the Raf« children, Stefihen, knife—one half black, the other Martha, Wendy and Sene Ann. At St. John's Chapd bright aa day w a s dripping and scintillating with millions and milLITTLE SILVER — The 7Sth anlions of apcara of light, all colors, niveriary fair of St. John's EpisSalvation Army to Hold which reached In a perfect arc copal chipel win b* held tomorrow from the dome of heaven t o the Report Meeting Next Week from 11 a. m. to 5 p. ra. in the parfrosen prairie* a t our feet. ish house on Point rd. Referring again t o t h e Masonic Edward H. Conway, general Luncheon will be aerved from part of this scribble, only the chairman of the 1951 Salvation chiefs have I t They have no Manoon until 3 p. m. Reservation* are Army maintenance campaign, an being accepted by Mra. William aonic lodges, the algns, secrets, nounced yesterday that the flrat Firth and Mr*. Robert Kelly. Mr*. passwords. Grips are handed down report meeting will be held tomor- Walter Bowkir is general fair from the chief t o hla successor nt> death. This much I got. That is row at 6:13 p. m. at 7 Mechanic chairman. Mra, Henry S. Oermond, alt. What 4 land, Aurora by night, St.. drive headquarters. Borough mirages by day, mystery, sllenno and Area chairmen will turn In all Sd, president of the Womjn'* Guild, laid the fair will be "bigger and and apace reign supreme. contributions. than any before, with many P. H, Gregory. The second report meeting will better" be held next Wednesday at 6:IS p. new feature* being added. m. st campaign headquarters, Both School Clerk meetings will end nt 1 p. m. The Catholic Alumnae Describes Duties active solicitation IK scheduled to Meet at Rrardon'i ' end Monday, Nov. :«, FAIR VIEW — James W, David SHREWSBURY—The departhelser, clerk of the Mldtlletown ment of social aervice of the MonJKWISH COUNCIL DANCE Township schools, was the speaker mouth Circle, International Federat the meeting of the Fair View NEPTUNE-Tho Long Branch ation of Catholic Alumnae, met last Parent-Teacher association Tuessection, National council of Jew- week at the home of the depart* day at the school, He explained ish Women will hold Its annual ment chairman, Mlaa Patricia Rearhow a achoot budget i« compiled dance Saturday night at Jumping don of Shadowbrook rd. and the duties of his office. Brook Country club. Featured on The department chose. Olrl Scout tho evening's program will be a tal- activities a* one of Ita Important Mrs. Robert Koch was named ent contest for which prizes will alms. The work will be adminislegislation chairman. Walker W. bo awarded. Those who have %\%- tered through a local council, where Nelson, achool principal, Invited members to visit the school In obPracticing ior thitr Decembor graduation ara mambart ef tha junior group of tha Old nlflcd their Intention of entiling one exists, or through Individual the content to date are Miss Her- troop committees. OtheY local charservance of Amrrlrnn eriiirntinn Monmouth Dog Training club, L. to R., Suii Ga mwall of Middlatown, Mimi Hauck, Jarry Draw mine Levin, Ml<.i Doris Jonas, Ml."* ity woika also will be administered. week, Mrs. John Burns wns awardColun ami Howard StUlu. Fi'drratlon member! are asked to ed a turkey which was given nn a and Bobby Combi of Littlt Silver: Carol Cobb of Shrewsbury, Arthur MeConnell of Chapel Shirley Mm. David Holtzmap l« chairman •ulat in th* work. Volunteerl special (trite to lalm fund! for the la thargi ef arranftmtiita. ihould contact Mlaa Riatlon, Hill md lat.y Foelei ef Shrewsbury. achool cafeteria. Minister to Speak Memorials Pass To kinanis Club Mark In Chureh Drive PTA Hears Talk On Reformatory Pictures Shown Of Korean Life HIM Kathryn N. tVH* Miss BetU is a graduate of Red Bank Catholic high school. Lieut Lawley wai graduated from Jefferaoa Military school at Waihlngton, Mats., and A. and M. college, 8tlllwater, Okla. During World War II ha aerved with tha Navy, and la attending the Airborne school at Fort Binning, Ga, Upon completion of hi* training at Benntng, he will report to the 11th Airborne at Fort Campbell, Ky. Lieut. Lawley ia a member of Scabbard and Blade, national honorary military society. Catholics Collecting Clothing for Abroad A clothing collection campaign will be held in tha county nest week, aponiored by the War Relief Servlcee of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Rev. Vincent A. Lloyd of I t Reae Catholic church, Belmar la county director. Tha campaign In Trenton dleceae begin* Sunday end enda en Sunday, Nov. Jfc father Lloyd yeaterday aald paat oampalgna have greatly aided war auflerera of all race* and ereeda In tha Orient and In Europe. Tha prieit urge* all eltlatna to bring new and uaed clothing and ahoea to the neareat Roman Catholic pariah center during Thanksgiving weak aa an act of Thanksgiving and a mark of frlendahlp which America aeeka from abroad. He aild to contribute la "a patriotic gcature and a charitable duty." MEMBERSHIP MEETING The annual mamberihip meeting of the League of Women Voter*, Red Bank region, will be held Tueaday night at a:U o'clock at Red Bank borough hall. Mr*. Sugena Badgley la In charge of the program on the aubject, "County Structure and Budget." Several member* of the board of freehold' *ra and other county officials wll attend, nnd participate In the question and answer period which wil fellow the meeting. Junior Dog Trainers Get in Some Practice »BD Vtmt BEfltiTgK. XOVBMMBB M, JfM Part CiOSLlY A WVf C4* teea fit H pretest tot ime«tme«t ai •*•* at • )a B B,jgTaTlItI ** » B1j mmttm t B>a>B)TB) 4tW*a>aAaa>ll V*WBmBBBBSJ aa>9«aAsB#s*^aa*i BrW»m»maj t^ajuomj *amjf W afj as £fAaUUBtJ ^sTwrnrmvawV/ 4)0 A MCOflti 04W» THfRI AW HUNMIOS IN UM IN MONMOUTH COUNTY. COMMIT STiAW MOTORS, Inc. I I at C M St. •rsw BVBNi»ea S 32 '500 EXPANSION TYPE COLONIAL HONE FILL PRICe 15,450 Wa hava aferarf that It !i aatilsla • • »«IM • hema today far tWi law af!«a. I 9 • Automata Haat and Hat Wator • IM.M l\**m • lni.l*(*s SMsfle fatoriar lack Revte It •MII* In Mtt saute* et twa M iliad tlty M l . LAKELAND PARK FRANK A. MaNAUY. laamaM.tlva i BHva alaaf B*sl* B) aa r a H •Both aa Maaa Slaaaa. X a*a> ta * * V M . as^arwjTBjij ^aojti a~v*JBBmii ws^aw^assa^aia. ^*a^ evswejamw a w va^s^atvupmaj Fair Haven PTA Plans for Bazar Ward kaa hoea received by Mr. tad Mra. Eracat Schaffiia of Mala »t. that their aon, Pvt. Jacfel* BchaSMa, haa arrived *af*ly ia Munich, Oermaay. Pvt. SchaSVa FAIR MAVBJT — Mra. Joaeph waa aa tha Army traatpart, OanHuatM I* geaaral e «ira*aa at the aral Herebey," which collided wHh aaawal aaaar to be held by Pair a lucury Uaer recently whll* aa Haves Pareat-Taacaar ajtaalatioa rout* ta Burepa. Tuatday at tha achoal, bttweea I Oa Tburaday. Nov. S, the aad U p. a*. Aaaiatlag eaalrawa Brawai* and Olrl Scout treey «*•»Include Mra. Matl Lartowd, Mra. atitta* held a card party at tb* William Baraar, Jr., aad Mr*. Clifecheol. Tan table* were ia play. ford Orlauaar. Tha deer priae, donated by Emily • Berviag aa tk* hah* taM* a n Beauty *he», waa waa by Mn. Mra. J WilUaas M*r*aa. Mn. BdOaae ODoaael of Kaypart. Ha*v wia Wvraa. Mr* fraaela Maady, player priae* wer* awarded t* Mr*. Mra. Walter Joaaa, Mn. Wot—a Deri* Baeckel, Mi**** Maaaal Wiema, Mr*. Edward Cklnairk. rraak aad Agnaa Kiaaey. aM BdMn. Willlatt Plabar aad Mn. Naawla C. B**m. A large baekat of ry Mursrtt*. raai taM*, Mn. groceries waa awarded ta Martia Charlet O*«dell, Mn. Lewi* B. CaaLawlor, Jr. Table priae* wera woll MOWABB BBRL w w a i r n BSTMEB WILLIAMS w tMa a m aar, Mra. Alva Stewart. Mn. Harold bracket Sower holder*! Wtaaeri MOM'a -TEXAS CABNIVAL." eaataettag BKB ailRLTOV. Uruud. Mra. V. B. aMaipaaa, Mra. ware Mra. Vtela Kolb, Mra. WarSATUBBAV, at MM CABLTON. Frank Keaaoy aad Mn. Ivor Jaoat. rea aillett, Mre. Jean Plak, Mrs. Baaki, Mn. Btaalay Dahlgna, Mn. Anna Weatel, Mra. rred Baiaer and rred Weacal. IUfr**hmat* Mga held a*ea laaUllatlaa Man- aehaol Monday, Nov. II, at I Sloaa Bahartaaa, Mn. Baaaatb wera aerved day eveaiag. Nov. It at tk* Wcet t'elotk U meet the trnap leader., Brewer, Mn. Jamoa Bktawr aM Keaaakwrg are aauae. TIM Kutall- Mra. Jeha Burr aad Mr*. Marahall Mn. Prank Prltha. A *n*mb*r*blp meetlag af th* taf adkar wat Mlat Jean Biyt* a« SaaKh. art Meamauth P.T A. will be bald Treataa aad her ataf. OaVert |a> Car*). William SeatM of Ham- Aproaa, Mn. Jeha MaataM, Mra. at tha echeel Tuaaaay, Nev. B), at ataltod war* chief daughter, Mn. maotoej aad Mia* Bartho Celrrla Frederkk Eberhardt, Mn. Bdwla • p. m. Proceed* for the large Aliee Maade; cub eklef daughter, af May* tondinir wara weck-eari Claea a*4 Mr*. Claraae* Mavaaa. Q'fij, Mr*. Paul *m(«b, M««. Wtrl>*»k*t of groceries tu be awarded Mra. lid Jeteraaa, part MaaiMiith: gue*t* at the horn* af Mr. aadren Huguley, Mr*. Byajall Berg, will go ta purchase Chrlatawa ebaplala, Mra. Agati Prentice, Bel- Mr*. William Wymbe af stattir pi. Mn. Marjorla Laagtaaa aad Mn. treat* for th* school children. paat chief daughter, Mra. Mra. Emma Rnyder expect* ta Barner, Jr. fiawen, Mn. William Mr. and Mr*. George Jargaaaan fard; Sharp; eeaductar, Mr*. •pending thia week-end at Laonla, L. Ruaeell, Jr. Mn. Albert Addla, •f Campbell ava. will celebrate Mariarle Bthel Allfn; auUUnt conductar, where aha plan* ta attend tha wad- Mra. DaaaH Bhlaaaa, Mn. Daaald their fifth wadding aaaiveritry to- Mr*. Olive Paviet af Unlan Beach; ding af her grandson, Henry K. Bnglith and Mra. Jaha Mllllar. Remorrow. guard, Mr*. Janet Oreca, Timm. freshmentj, Mra. H. Paltaa Halt, A surer!** ttork shower wa* glv latlda aut*Me guard, Mr*. Mer- Alfred Cooaey af Cooper rd. and Mra. C. C. Perrlne, Mra. Julian Tuen for Mrs. Mac Hornig at th* Btlfnrd; lin Brand, Red Bank; retarding Jahn Tector were honored by a (Ick. Mra. Prank Black. Jr., Mr*. home of her mother, Mra. Lola Sheppard, Georgia ave., TiMeday aecrettry, Mr*. Minal* Murdaek, aurprla* birthday party last weak. William Herraa, Mn. A. E. Dean, Part Monmmith; financial aecreThese present ware Mr. and Mr*. Mra. Uayd Marsh, Mr*. F. Haward evening, Nov. I), Decaration* were in rink and blue, (lift* war* placed tary, Mra. Jean Adanu, KeaMburf, B*n]*tnta Becker, Mr*. Paula Law. Qage and Mr*. Lawranee Schilling. in a bassinet. A buffet supper wa* treaaurer, Mr*. J*ul* Caker, Union rente, Mr. and Mr*. Pet* Wcdea, Orab bag for children, Mra. Bailaerved. Attending wara Mr*. Wil-Beach, and truatee*. Mr*. Sarah Mr. and Mr*. Ray Moran, Danny ey B. Seott, Mn. Donald Clark, liam Fi», Mrs. Martha Bung*. Mra. •eatt, Oeaan Orave, and Mm. Marga nurnett, Eileen Caonay, Mr*. Ca*> Mrs. Harold Stlne, Mra. Robert Robert Rung*, Mra. Kenneth Mae- Milne. After the ImUllttlon enter- ney, Mr*. Tector, Leonard Jamei King. Mra. William H. Scott, Mr*. kennen, Jr., Mr*. Edward Mae- tainment wa* given by the Mac-Tector and Mr. and Mr*. Larry Charles Kranaberger and Mra. benaea, Mr*. Ellatbtth Spratt, l-«vy DramMIe achasl, Red Bank. Kennedy. Jam** Irwin. Mr*. Mtrg* Lennon, Mra. Robert The dancers were under the direc- Carmine Canonlco of gtatelr pi. Mover, Mr*. Mary Qaaa. Mr*. tion Of MIM Aliuwarth. Refreth- haa bean confined to hi* hama by Catherine Hurley and Mr*. John awnta war* aerved. Illness for the put week. Ghrialmaa Sale Magda. all of Port Monmouth; Barry flmmtrmtn, MM of Mr. Mra. Raymond Bryk af Main at. Mrt. Paul Boreaawthl, Mr*, V. ha* returned home frem Mvervlew and Mr*. William Zimmerman af For Haralg aad Mra. Prancaa Farm- heapitii with her twin tan*, ham Conavar pi., celebrated hi* birthday BHRBWSBURT—The a n n u a l kop* af Newark, and Mr*. Jahn there Tuaaday, Nov I. lad waak. Chriatma* tal* af tha Preabyterlan Nicklea, Mra. Frances Caruso and The canventlnn eammlttea af the church, which wat founded In 1TK, Mra. William O'Brien t K«am- Lady Jean McCarajuodala lodge will he held Wedneiday, Nov. M, Eaat Keanaburg burg. held a dinner Wedneaday af la*t from 2 to • p. m. Tha hi*t*rie The Mother*' club will hold It* Mr*. May Bellas and Mrt. Maew*ek at Perry'* at Newark. Mr*. annual card party tomorrow at church will be open to that the Roman and ton* Richard and Ken- Elisabeth Abbott af ITnlan Beach BaebjUdt'l. A turkey will he public may vi*it th* edatce. neth of Jersey City were dinner and Mra. Minnie Murdaek ef thia awardad. Mrs. Maml* Raid ii Mr*. Claranea Berger I* chairguests at tha home of Mr. andplica attended. chairman of prlles, and Mrs. Rob- man, aaeiited by Charle* Jaaea, Mr*. Nealen of Main at. Sunday, ert Evan* is in charge of the door Mr*. Rabert Ruwell, Mr*. David Nov. 10. Mr*. Naalon alaa ebeerved and dark horse prlz™. Mrs. Emily Mara, Mra. Charle* Braeefleld, Mia* her. birthday Sunday. Obcrle I* chairman af refreshments. Beaale Orean, Mi*. Rokart Maver, The saw and Ha club met at the The Udiei' auilliary of th* flr* home af Mra. Fred Btemyar Tuee- At tha next meeting a Chrtstmej Mr*. Bdwla O. Lomaraon. Mrt. Ivan company met at the fire houae day ntght. Mra. Mai? Maltlar. Mr*. party will be held. Kuhnt, Mn. DowM Strofig. Mr*. Tuesday or thia weak, and plane Ubby King and Mra. Mildred Hall Frank Maine* af Vineyard av*. Frank Borden and Mr*. William wara completed for their annual calabrataa thtlr blrthltya. The at- haa returned from a ten-day hunt- Sheemtker. Included will be a Chriatma* and pal-revealing party tendance prite waa waa by Mr*.ing trip in Main*. fancy goad* table, practical and ta be hild at tha Sra houae Tues- Uaulaa Otandlnattl. Member* voted Mrs. Thomaa Riley of Jersey City "party" apron*, braided ruga, bedday evening, Dee. It. A covered- ta make a donation ta tha Pearl vltlttd Mr. and MM. Robert Evani room dipper* and noveltlaa; food Ralph fund. Tha next matting will and family Sunday. dlah auapar wll Ib* tervad. table, h«m«-nude cake*, br*ad, ale*, Mr. and Mrs. Nelton Raub via- eooklee, Jama, Jellle* and rallahas; Th* Lady Jaan McCora,uodal* be «t tka home af Mra. Mildred MeOulra. AH member* ware prat- Ittd Mr*. Raub'a (liter* at N*w* toy table, grab-bag and white eleant aieea* Mra. Mickey MeOuire, ark on* day thia week. phant table. Alaa offered will ha wha H vae»tionlng with her hut- Kevin Smyth of Kell*. Ireland, plant*. Chriatma* candle*, ribbon*, btn« ta iVrlda. a football pl*y«r on tha County wrapping*, *tatlea*ry aad CkrlatOlrl Scout troop U af Fair Vlaw Meath team which recently played ma* earda. aehaol amjayad a eaak out Satur- la Maw Tork, haa returned to hit Hittary ehow* that tha P***a ha* day. The Seouta eoakad thalr load home la Ireland after visiting Mr. on ttovta they Improvlaad. A moth- and Mn. Eugen* NcMahsn of Vina- been uniformly an th* aid* *f th* yard ave, en' meeting will be held t t tha common people. ^SIMMONS /Star Valuei Conttr trood 4 Whltt Sis. Na Ja SI (VMM SOU RED LAMP A* •Id-ftskUned 4.11aril ked lump! Lovelr tical. L a m Mrd. Attach*! easily. AC-BC. ELECTRIC MATING PAP »'•«>>« l»d with soft, W*<k*blt, rcS»«v*kl« cov»r. full <sf*tr «o*tr»l*. L**( » r d win •••iwe*' svltrh. ruixv CUASANTUOI a.** V A U » AC.DC 2Mneh, PUID •OWL HIATIR An *seell*nt Wr fer 1«l<-« weraatii tM* •iRtsrl HMIISIIBN ksater k u ««lsh releetar, ktavt, Mn.ll* baa*. V, L. **xi»v«l, STUFFED DOLL VISIT OUR STORE TODAY AND SEE THE LIONEL TRAINS IN OPERATION "Night andDay" Sofas . . . Sh* «an take tot* of huggla', toaaln* and rough treatment! Bla blue ay**, rosy cheek*. Velvety jacket, plaid Hack* and bonntt, Buttont 'a bow*l Maafiyin. Hlgkl Iks *»rlM ( M t V i i k H a t Utael ttiS) an, VjNb #VtW>4MRRl MOaM •• HMt fcMlaWRM UtMlTrtlM. trats (MMo. Aka o M waH LIONEL DEMONSTRATION FOR JUNIOR Let your son grab the throttle of a four set railroad system. Four complete trains operating off a single transformer. It's his alone for five complete thrilling minutes. ASHRIH TARS lOraia IN's SHOfSHITrl DEMONSTRATOR FOR DAD Friday Night a n d A l l D a y Saturday ENOM SALTS Rea. 2 k We invite you to come i n and ace this wonderful tool i n action and demonstrated by a factory expert. I POUNDS Watch a table saw change Into a drill press and juat as suddenly revert to a lathe o r sander. Values Up to 279^0 Special! S Days Only 198 .00 A limifaa! numktr af famaui Slm> mam "Hlda-a-laaV 1 taaalally prteaa} far quick diipoial. tu>U<^lutt) •HONE o-02?l 02?l K(DBANK * 3 7 " Down stays This 3 In 1 Pow*r Tool • • • r a i l versatile, maltl-paipaaa SHOP8MITB i t a ***•> •let* power workshop ia an* compact aall. < M M SHOPsMITH owner* wholeheartedly air**—yea aant beat 9HOFSMITH far accuracy, capacity, all arena! util> My. I t doea the work of fitm heavy duty liagk purpose tool*—actually does il heller. SHOPSMITH hat precision features f e u d anly In allheal priced MWS, drill pruits, Itlbtt and Naders. Fear ireate-tealed ball bearlna head slack. Induction ' tplndl* lip. Ccnlerleit iraand M H I wayi. Built in quality through and thf«u|h. I'lS' ipsre. NEKKY-NESTU USE OUR BUDGET PLAN ON ALL PURCHASES OF MACHINE TOOLS PALMOLIVE, LUX or LIFEBUOY SOAP SUPPOSITORIES FACIAL TISSUES IARIARA U N I Ref. 2I« J001 Raaj. 10« lack 2 ROLLS RaN §, mi fit* A*PV Pre -Thanksgiving Thrift Event MMnl 2-23*^28* EvaporatedMBh dexi Utty't Bely Full Fancy-AM brand Cleg Pnehei Bntefntt SicUeee A » Mtcec Meat *•» nMMi M Ttaatt Jitei WlMNlBllU SWtltPlM • " • ^ Mat2ca»23« S t r i a f l l M t WM* 1SHM«»1|« Crisec MCahlagi < ^ ^ * '*>17« 35* Rupperts Knickerbocker Beer tWIlt P l t l t N l AA> tta.o.221 nviHNi urangw Livirwwtt Spriai ^**»< <*« 17« Taauti Jaiei ca^bair. UWM TtMtNf lonabr^ Fresh Cranberries If as Oriuc Olhfft Suhana-waK K>H«. U 5 | l h t r i light—frefhy dry Dromedary Pitted Batee PimlCiltry. plutdw. CtlnVnia JtekFrittSifir tmahiii Nl-Ni Craekirt i» .^35« Vied B I I ' I 229 Saap Mwv*l '*^15« ilana Parh«f j«na Parkar. ftaitinBrill ^23* Itra. AN pwraaM Ml CftB Hard Sauce U. $ Na. 1 yada FligBtgFtid. . Flag Petty Cit Feed US.Na.1 grade Miffim ^ . 3 - 23« Mixed Kite PANCYDOMIITK Diamond bran YiUtwOiiiu YINIW ChmiCaki JanaPtrkar-Cernarlra* IrazHNvtt Urteefmtt Sugar and tpiea and rrtrything nic« art jrouri at a rahia» giving price! Jan. ftrkw Mitt Irtai SwNtPititNt Frith Bath Sup IWiiWant tailat <a*a Buns -i25* c*.c. . ^ ^ 1 9 . 2»27« BeTtapci . 2* 23« Criia 1201 MIHNHIOII 2 b, 17. Wiliiti Molt'ior RedCheak-Swael TinJpi 69 • »4« k y 3 caku gtl t lor 1 cant PAMOUS pot rnej QUALITY AND OMAT V A I W I A&F. fancy Swiss is just plain delicious.. • •lieed ajid priced right, in the bargain. "Super-Right" Meets LtfebHiy Sttp For foil* and bath The uniformly fine quality af AtP't "Super-Right" meat* and AiP'» policy ot pricing each trader, juicr cut aa low a. market com permit, uturet you af ouManding value alwayi. For loilal and bath 32,25* 2£2» I n M Ctemiir To* grade brand* For illb, linftrit, aft BlH-Whlti Flaku MINI whila yau walk 121 MONMOUTH *59« Kraft VahriiU Chaw, lead Snow Crop-Minute Meid-libby'i Top grade Park Loins:>3ifc!3*49»" Smlml Park Shatters Leg sr Riaip sf Visl . *•« -79. CKacalaia (evarad-Warwkk I»79I Fimm Qmmiltg Smmt—d •AMK AT ^ ^ PEARLST *85« * Ah Sunkiit-California Orange Juice 6,.2««.37» Oraige Juice Pin Bnccili Splaiih M Belled N M L i r t Chips Sheet i f Smkid Freeh Perk Sbeuldere »»,«• * 4 2 . Shtulders of Lamb *•..«* ^63* Large Shrinp Fillet ef Ced *57« Frwm»m Witt Pirk Clips wiUiitt SIIW Cht«M food Sharp Cheddar * 6 5 . Chid-O-BIt Hain't icralchad yal Ivory Sliced Mtl-0-Bit Demeitie Aged over 1 year Smoked Hem Swaithnrt Saap Lirgl Eggl Sliced Provelone Uffttaty Stip For toiMt S M psfn Promt Amarictn Wildmera-Mixed Colon I'mtk Mm Yt •air F * C Smmp Cmmpmma At AAP +md Smvm! Joy " PflfjMlf biejey y«uia Sum y« 44. ooap Siltid . ChacaJata PIMHU SnhirdBiri wWi 1^^ ^^^BWi ' wall I W W • 0^1* laylUnseoMy-lMI > ^ e k , 4 1 a Mfaitr e*kl FrM niMl 6NIM i l a a M ^ f J V Tide WW10.C •UN largeptg 2f«47s IT 1 i*Mpk9 87* Biz Mm ift*pi>fl 2>^50« tv t<tM»«f.S8* MPN bft*a4a 2f«50« IT HM»»I*SS* Oxydel Ad terti-laiiatti Till Mint! . ii.b«39' Lieerlce Artar « »33« 15* Open Every Friday Night Until 9 illl prfcw •//•cfnw (Aral Saturday, NovemUr 17th in Super •Markets and Self-Service Storm »nly. STATE HIGHWAY NO. 36 AT MAIN ST KIANSSURG PLENTY Of! FREE FARUM W5P HAWK I C O I i f H . Deaths In Red Bank ma1 Viriahf til ttf 1 Corneliiis Alkr, aad had beea a reaideat ef Key' port t t year* end the ere* met* tkaa S3 year*. A beaded wetahtr amateyed by AaMriaaa SaMMiag aai B*Saiag statpany, Perth Aav SCHOOL NEWS Patrtela Fraaklie, Aerbet.Ua*. Jaaaes Coaaor, 'erthky; Marntore, Dteaa Wise. the sicead Boor et the Mtat Bflan'a third grad* will mm jwater high echo* aa Btecttea g*enp ftmeu* beak characters ia day when SM ef the •cheer* reg- aa erigiaal skit, 'Debars* Meet* keaae, with Rev. Arthur Caseload, of the Baptist church. ALFRED ». MBVEB istered voter* went te th* poll* to ef Flret Presbyterian church, Surviving, beside* hi* wife, e n vote for d*l*getea-et-ierg*tothe Deborah, Deborah Rebetom; AlLONO BRANCH — Alfred J. paator twa sons, Ronald Jaises Hepburn, oAciatiag. Burial will be ia Green P k Red Bawkrr Junior Student nuarH, Mayer, U. husband l l III Itti Greve eeaeetery, Keyport. mt ta Wo-^derlaad, Sheila Walsh; Jr., af Keyport, and Daaiel Wilbooth*, baltete aad baBat b Oeorgla Hilke Meyer, of Ml Stir* liam Hcpbura of Keaaebwrg; a Moid*, Marilyn lager; Mrs. Goose, M theee wood by the voting •va., died Monday «t MeaaMUth MB* AJWaC M. ArfLCOATE daughter, Mrs. EliMbetb Laursea Merjerie Weed heed; Red Ridiag ttoa ef the communitytathe Memorial hospital. He w«a bora ia FAIR HAVEN - Mrs. Aaai* M ef Keyport; twa brothers, Marcaf Head, Canada MeUen; ladiaa, Paul New YorV city, aoa ef the let* Aapiegete, M. wha kad beea a real- Hepburn aad Harold Hepbwra; a OeMhara; Farmer Brown, Arthur us* froea %M a. Frederick M i Hulde Peter***) deat here » yeara, died Friday at eUter, Miss Orac* Hepburn, aad Btegel; Ubrerlaa, Oail Coaroy, MIDMjrrOWM TOWNSHIP - »*aataa< K p. m. The ooa*ttl waa . Meyer, aad had *p*at as*** ef hi*tke a>abroak aunlag kaaae. Key* several grandchildren. Poem: "Bsiklaad." Oeerg* Malls CoraaUM Alter, It. af Tl Coaever Ialarlf praad afttatern eat thai aang, "•ttkltad." Oaas. Ufa ia thii city. A retired portrait port. She wa* tke widow ef How- The funeral WM held yseterdey taaa, died Saturday maralag after which a*ewal that M.T per Ia Mitt RaSa'a third grad* groan, photographer, Mr. Meyer ha* the Bsdl* funeral kerne, wKh batag atrieaaly ill far a weeh. Me ard Appleaatc, eat* of the kalMera et ^ J I I f a a ^^aV^aflfcJtMi a%*b**aO^B%Asaa^Jt amaw Wf I M PVBSJtjaTel VvBJBMJtWtT^BM » • » the tnmana atery ef "Cinderella" Rev. Oeerge A. Casper ef Cemdea, aged the Newark breach af Uader- aad developers ef Lakewaad. • ta tar*, ar MJ par aaa* ef th* entire will be preeaeted. weod and Uaderweod, paatafra- Bora in Dover tewaehip, Mre. Ap- former potter ef the Kcypert Resl popwIeHaa tirrmtd the vot- Cinderella. Jan* Verwehlt; Euph* phera. Among tha fame— Btan plegate waa a daughter of the late ist church. oaViatiag. Burial WM ag privtiage. Laet ytafe porceat* teat*, Barbara Oueatber; Char* whoac »hototra»h ka k«4 takca William aad fteheeea Apalegate ia Fair View eeatetery. ago WM MO. wara Mark TwaJa, Rlekari Hard- Hurley. She waa a member of tha lette, Joyce Dowlea; Oedsaothcr, Regietratiea aa4 voting tag* mCtolre Bloomberg; Priace, Oary t g Davta, Willlaai McKlakir, The- Fair Havea Methediat church. each clsaaraam aarvad te eacaje* a4ora Rooaevalt, William Ha»ar4 BurviviBf ar* twa aens, Elmer V, Pttacy; Herald, Stephen Popper. RVMSON Mrs. UUiaa A. Codpupils from elaaate aad atady hale Mies Breehlartdge's fonrtk grade Tart and Qrerar ClavalaM. Applegau, Aabury Park, and Wal- diagtea, Tt, widow ef Marty H. ar regiatratioe) dejriag the weeh at will do the "Mad Tea PartjT eceaa •xrvlviaf ara twa aaaa, Willl» ter H. Aaelegate, Lekewoed post- CoMlagtaa, died euddenly early Oat M aad far vatlag a* Nov. S. M. Mtyar af ihrew.lMirr, ««4 At-muter; a daughter, Mrs. Helen De- thl* morning at her home oa Buona A M eaaept am af the aahaaTe m- Altec, Dtano Krengelb; Mad Mat. Vitte av*. She waa bora ia B««**> fra4 M- Mayar af Umg Breach, Jaurnette, Rama, Oa.; Ive graaaV reilaktat rtgwterea totantlata) to tar, Aadrow Novel; Merck Man. iafc «iM«ckllarM aa* • «reat- chiidrea, aevaa gr**>t«raa4«hlldrea lya. daughter af tha tote AtaaaaM. and AMsaH Osaara* Marvote. Serving aa th* Ngwtrettea Tammy Hurley; Dormouse, Noel traMehlld. I a brethar, Ctaytea C. Hurloy, der •reedy, anil hatf baea a fattfeat aad tUctlM beard were Larralaa OWen. Tka fuMral will ka heM t«4a» Bt Lakeweed. h te fte fJealag from d , Bad Dupro*. Allea Oeilter, "A Matteweea Surprlae" I* the I a. at. at (ha Waalley funeral Tka funeral WM held Meadey af- her*teayears after BMtJtag from Aatheay Bruao, Shirley •ieder- tHU af the ekittob* glvea by Miss keme, wl(k Rtv. Arthur Co|>e]aM, iraaoa at the Weathail fuaersl Canever >•-. Middtotewa towathlp. Mrs. Coddlngtoe ebie bad Nvtd at paatar of the flrat Presbyterian sme, Lakewood, with Rev. WilBraet'e fourth grad*. hole, Carol Kibter, Roberta Mat- Mre. Dingle, Lynn Share; Mn. church, •MciatlBf. Burial will ke liam B. Mag£*m, pastor of the Fair PlalaSeld a aumber of VMH. She eoaeK. Maree Dtfiera. Patrteia mnHh, Susaa Daniel*; Boy*, Karl in aianwaa4 «aa»etery, Waat Leaf Haven Methodist church, officiating. was a member of the Flrat Baptist church, Red Bank, aad wa*ipest sWytof, tWiHBmS K f l t M f i D o # M( Breach. Bate). Donald Reeen. Thomas MeBurial WM la Tom* River. preaideat ef the Little Silver WomUUiaa McDonald, fMtemaite DoaaM. Chart** Blake, Robert Mean's club and aa active member Ian, Barbara Breeka, Alan Pe> Oalllen, KonMth Pnffer, Charles TMOMAI r MANU»M MBA KATHEBliE a MA&SOW ef the League of Women Voter*, teraeo, Ruth Muaeea. Ann Cerate, Bergman and Alan Lanwene. K E A N I S I T R Q — Thomas T. CHAPEL HILL - Mrs. Kather- Red Bank region. Eddie Awmeek, Jatttee Deeeemb Mlm MeCW* flfth grade will Haalaa, «T, • ( M Beaten blvd. dlea lae Schmidt Hanson, Tt, widow of aa« Carl Sfhwmair. Surviving ara a daughter, Mn. dramatiM the temoue "Wlsard ef •uaaay in an auteaieMt* aceMeat Melvla Maiaoa, died Sunday at her Walter W, OMliag ef Rwaoea, Th* aemlaeaj far del*gate*-*t- Oa." ea rt, M, Newark. Ha wa* earn ' me on Chapel Hill rd. after a three grsndehlMroa. Dr. Richard mrga te the ttwJeat OOMMU, roe- Dorothy, Buty Perhlas; Tin Man, la Inland, eta »t Andr«w and Bl- leag lllnesi. She waa born In Oer W. Oasllng, Miss Barbara A, Ooaaaamandad he* th* laaabaffa la* eat- Raymond Barbate; Beareerew, Jen lea Caaaera Kaalaa, wha aaw live many, daughter of the lete Matthew ling and Miss Phyllis A. Qatllag •tending good " ReweM; Uen. Larry Richmond; Teia Leaden, Enf., and had been a aad Margaret Koph Schmidt, and of Rumton, sad a sister, Mra. te, Peggy Stoye; Witch ef the resident ef Ktanjburg elfht yeara. had beea a resident here mare than Clarence Rentier of Brooklyn. A Stealey North, Sue Kraaaaer; Announcer, Mr. Hanlon wai prftpriotor of anM yeara. Mrs. Maiean waa a mem* brother, Wallace Mercready af Key •vttta, Roberta Olary. Reebetie BMber. ateetrleal appliance repair thop at her of Central Baptist church, At- port, died last week. He WM bora at Clinton la I t * , Danat, Baatrtee Daalela, Sally B o Twa famous tale* have been ••• EllcaBath, where he hud lived be- lantic Highland*. Tke funeral will be held Satur- a soa of the late Jacob J. Aller aad wan, Roberta May, Jamae Mutton, tested by the twe elsth gradea. Mn. fore Moving here. He WM a aiea*. Surviving are five s o u , William day at 1:10 p. m. at Mount Me- Susaa Oulick Aller, and worked en Raashra King. Jaaalta Ubevaky, elaM hae tteeted to de ker af Blehap Merall aaaembly, Mauon and Melvin Manon of morial home with Rtv. W. Clln- his father'e farm at Bergeantville Chart** Parheli, JamM Barter, Cedrt fenrtk degree Knlfhta ef Colum- Chapel Hill, Oliver Mauon of Tea toa Powers, paator of tht First until he WM IT. Ho attended N*w- Oary Sawey aM Jew Wiley. Elect- "Hsbla Heed." Reed, Larry aehwarte; LH* aiw, b*ng Braneh, and wa» deputy M, Clarence Maasea af Oakhuiat Baptist, officiating. Burial will bt ark College ef Pharmaey, graduat- *d by the ttudtat body ware Tarn ttoReMa John, William Beland; Knight, ing in two. BlMhburn, Reaald Chaajiiette, Rob- Mnart trend knight af Bayakere council, and Joseph Maiaoa af Atlaatle la Fair View cemetery, Uwenberg; Merry Men, La* Knight* ef Celumhua, Keanaburt, Highlanda; four daughter*. Mr*. While ia college, he married Ml** ert Daaaa, Batty Duvatl, Jamta UH7M~BATJEB and peat grand commander af Rarah Wright of Chapel Hill, Mr*. Louisa Allen of Booaton. After Hutton, Roaslya Klag aad J B M Ferdhem. Helen Verwehlt; Will irtet, Robert Cadmen; Marten. Wadybtkke caravan, Order of Al Erma Orover of Red Bank, Mr*. Lout* Batjer, It, former etoepie- graduation ha contemplated fur- Wiley. Naaey Hard; Writers, Mary Vail* hambra. He alto waa a member of laahelle McOoldrlch of Newark and chase race rider wha red* aeveral ther study to be a *urg*en, bat Membtrthlp m tht aaundl eea- all, Carolyn Hill; Stage, Mark Bar* Mrs. Margaret Cook* or Lakewood, times at th* eld Meameuth Park Instead, worked for about a year stot* i f tin detegt>t*e«t-larg* and •t. Ann'* Holy Name eoclety. •urvlvlng, boldes hia parent*, are and 15 grandchildren. race tr»ck, died auddaaly yeaterday at Beentea far the town's leading "*Va^VVa^PwV* a^vp^BrwmvwBf «a>v«Vtvw7 «a* n V Miaa Mttagar'a Hath grad* will hi* wlfa, Mm. Anna WaUh Hanlon, Tha funeral was held yesterday afttmaea at kit home, N WtMace were ettettd earlier In the yaw. and twa M M , Robert Hanlon and at the PatUa funeral home, with at., after a heart attach. Mr. and Mr*. Aller later moved The reprojMtetlvee ara Ann Ca.enact "Meeptag Beauty." ThomM Hanion, and two dangk- Rev. Harry Kraft, paator af Cen- Bern In Ntw York elty. Mr, Bat- te Mendham, where Mr. Aller open- inee, Antbeny Bruna. Carat Schteea- PrineeM, Marilyn Jansa; King. ten, Eileen Hanlon and Marytnn tral Baatlat ehurth, eStemtlag. Jor WM a Mn ef the tete Herman ed hi* drat drug store. He sold the Mr, Lorraine Band*, Marco W- Dtek Hartman; Queen. Betty Rae ~ i Wlehed Fairy, Penny Petreltl Burial WM In Bay View eemetery, and Marian Smith Batjer. Ha had•tor*, and th* aeuple moved te Ptera, Neman Slehele, Shirley Bto. Naalea, wha live at home. Prince. Fred Maatey; Oead Fairies, Tha funeral waa held yeatardajr beea a resident here thegwst seven Washington, where Mr. Alter work- lerman, Patrteia Baylar, Donna Roberta Pella, Pam Petrell. Mari* MBS. CHABLES CABNABT at St. Ann'* church, where Rev. yean. In addition to his riding ae- ed for Fred Jenkins, drugglet, far , ta uvprat a ntoi ya Burht, Barbara Tayler, Ardetla Edward A. Corrlgan, pajter, af. HILLSIDE — Mr*. Uura E. Car* tlvtttet, Mr. Batter WM a horn and three year*. ninth grade ream*; Can Schwaaferal a aolemn high WM* af re-hart, n, wife af Charlaa Carhart af dog breeder and dag thow judge. It WM here that Mr. Aller eota- kor UUiaa McDonald aad Alan Pa* letklna, Sharon Burdge, Merle fulaaj. Burial, under tha direction Hlliaide eve., died auddenly Friday In recent yean he WM employed pouadsd a syrup for cough* aad terete fret* eighth ffraae, and Alaf the John J. Ryan hoaw far fu-at Meameuth Memorial hospital. by DavMten brother* aa a wine eekte, which he wed at Waahlag- ien Collier and WIIHam MeKnlght There • at awptay af "good" chit* «r*nt rtadlH baake ta the s«e> aara.1*, wa* In Mt. Olivet eeajMtaqr. She WM horn at Kenvllle, daughter talesman. Me worked during the ton and Red Bank. Many attcmatat MstBM attMas S B U In 10M, th* couple moved te from grade aavta. te of tha tat. Mr. and Mrs, Weeley •ummer et Menmenth Park. attend *M*tO'AVERM Apgar, and had been a resident Surviving are hit wife, Mn. Red Beak, where Mr. Aller resided JBdf• jnalaW mmla>l**i*B> *a g I • • here nearly tea yeara since her hue* Rachel HerohStld Batjer, twa step- for 10 years. He WM flret employ- school elub, LONO BRANCH — Fraak IV. band'a ed by tho Hollywood pharmaey, Ttmptrary aeVera ef the Junior retirement at Eaaton, Pa. teughtiM and a atepeoa. Avtree, Tl, huaband ef the late Mr*. Carhart wa* a member of Cenand was assistant pharmacist until Jteffaala Tarantina D'Avarao, died tral Baptist church, Atlantic High- The funeral will be held Satur- 1MB, when ho bought out M. Ucouncil ere Norman Stehote, prctJ. day at IS a. m. at the Werden fu- Hollywood. auddenly Sunday at hia home, IIlands. neral home with Rev. Robert H. Ia IMa, Mr*. Alter died, and la Mawland pi. He wa* born In Italy, aecretary. The eeancfl aaa af the lat« Mr. and Mia. Oen- Surviving, beaMes her haahand, Aadtnea, Jr., rector af Trinity M l Mr. Aller married Mia. Lente ponding A eaaa^aaBaai fflSW^AAdfc^A^ ^ka\ dh*a*a\ ara twa daughter*, Mr*. M. F. SnyltaUNIBVRO — Mr*. Nettle Episcopal church, emetatlng. eraaa D'Averao, came ta the United & Darling, wha WM formerly Mlat VTfirj WflllNltf m¥a) •IW der af PiHsburgh, Pa., and Mr*. ItAamM* m*mmmmHlBa4 Smf Itmft ffUfalBlBsiat SUte* 11 yean aga aad had keen T. R. Carlsoa af Wllmlagten. Del.; Cnmattea will take place at Ella Applegat*. i n m i Mr. Alter ttmmBatmjaj* B^tJVB*tmaa*mj% ami; ajgffB AI^VajBmBjgamjot R f j F ttw Mthrifty Mftoal hi M M I Rosehin crematory. Linden. a raaMent of thta area more tkaa a brather. Emmatt Apgar af BeatraMftrrtd ceatrel at the Holly- t. Mn. FraacM Maaalag la facaity ant W N J N ' I league here, last «• yeare. Mr. D'Avera* waa em-ten; a alater, Mr*. J. B. Wllaen ef wood drag (tort back te Mr. Hollv- advtter. ~ ' Ight emumed leadership aUTMOND B, IXOYD ployed tt yeara by Monmouth Man- Belvedere, and four grandchildren. weod, *t*ying oa in Mr. Holly- In tht ninth grade elaa* an "Mad- of n movement ef the borough's ctvte ergaalaatleas toward th* •*afacturlng company. He wa* a Raymond E. Lloyd, al, who wat wood'* employ. In l»tt, Mr. Alter funeral WM held Sunday at born la Red Bank, died yeaterday retired from the pharmacy bust- era Livlar ander tha dlrMtlan ef tabllshment of a youth program for her af Hoiy Triaity Catholic theThe Poaten funeral home, with Rtv. at Me efleo, Ml William at., Ntwness upon tho death ef Mr. Holly- Mr*. Charlotte Haw. tht pupllt have the community. ahureh and Olordaao-lruno ledfa, Harry Kraft, pastor of Central York elty. He WM president of wood, but WM back at hia eld pro- a* one ef their primary geeia the • o r aetton followed a panel dmOrder ef tons af Italy. Baptlet church, officiating. Burltf tho Insurance brokerage Arm offession la 1M» M assistant at Whe- dtvslspmsnt ef a •hllaaephy tend- enmlen at a regular meeting ef the Surviving are *ev*n COM, Jerry Tuesday WM hi Eaaton Height* Lloyd and McCarthy, Inc.. and re-laa'a. Bread at., and at tha Profte- ing ta "happy iMng In a demee- rraaeca piece grammar school D'Averao, Andrew D'Averao, Theo- eemetery, Eaaton. sided at I t •dgement rd. Upper elenal pharmacy, Monmouth at,racy." Stimulatlag aad at tlmat Parent-Teacher asteclatloa where dore D*Av*r*», Albert D*Aver*o. befare the Oecrge A. Ouonach, aupervUIng Montelalr. uatil falling health foread hia Saal watet dbJiastlina bring fteak D'Averao, Jr., and Edward A O^gfeBklMBBl M§ M M MAST C0WAI4 principal WM moderator. Panel Mr. Lloyd WM In tht Insurance fetlrenwnt thte *umm*r. D*Avcr*o af Long Branch and Ha» r* IVAvano of Eateatown; twa K E A N S B U R O — Mrs. Mary business In Ntw York elty m e n In WOO, Mr. Alter received a tot-The Srat pastel dbJtaeHen aae> wtmbera Included Meyer Pells J. dNghtan, Mn. Carmella Cuaklng Cowala. 7ft ef IT Terraee al., died than 40 yean and WM prealdent ter ef commendation from th* Mew tertd areand tht topic, "What eur Brtnnan, Jeremiah Wilson, preelaf Long Braneh aad Mr*. Elvira suddenly Saturday at Monmouth of Lloyd and McCarthy more than Jtrtey State Board af Pharmacy, famlltet ateoji te W It waa e >deat af the beart ef education; Memorial hospital. She waa horn "t yearr. Oravler af Wanamaaaa, and IT astolllng hi* long yeara ef etrvtee elded that R la primarily the fam- Jaaue Oravaay, Uena club m m * In th* Ukraine and had b**n a Surviving are hi* wife, Mn. Bdaa aa a pharmacist and hi* great aklll ily that prtvldtt the temrity neeta- tor; Mre. AHda Ohambtrlaln. memgraMchlldren. The funeral waa k*|d yaaterday resident her* mar* than N year*. Baldwla Uoyd; hie mother. compounding preeerlptloe* nnd tar* far "happy llvtag" aa well M ber af Nerthern Menmeuth county the guManca and leva aeoded for a cornel! ef Oirl Scout*; MIM Shirat Holy Trinity, where Rev. Oerald Mrs. Cowal* WM a member of St.Nellie Wood Lloyd; twe deughters, drug*. Mrs. Robert J. Miller and Mrs. Mr. Aller WM alight af build, but well^eunded aaraeaeltty. The next toy Waring, Mlddletown township T. Celtntana, paator, offered a high Ann'* Catholic church. Surviving ar* a daughter. Mr*. Charltt F. Holder and tta grandWM a man of cenaldtrabte atrragth panel dUeuaalea dealt with both high aehMl atuaent, and MIM Canof requiem. Burial, under the despite hit stes. He took aa aetlve "Hew a home east bt made a amen atanee Rebblaa. eighth grade pupil direction af the Damlano funeral Katheriae Keelaa ef Hamburg, children. The funeral will be held at S:W part la athlettot, liked farm wark, demaeracy ta Hear and "What at the grammar ached. home, waa In Mt. Carmtl eemettry, and two granddaughter*. Th* funeral waa held Tuesday at p. m. tomorrow at tha VeaTaittli WM an amateur bomr aad wrestler place eeartety haa la a goad faav Weet Long Branch. St. Aan'a church, where Rev. Ed- funeral home, BteemSeld. Burial, aad took an active part ta bteycte «r Hfe." Aattoe family partlete*, Mayer Brtaaaa pralatd the atward A. Cerrlgaa, pastor, offered at the ceaventenae af tha family, racing. A* a bleyeto raoer ha warn ttot) by Jtnlcv mambtra, «BatM ARTHCB VA» »ELT aamplbibmsaU afttaLtena club a high maa* ef requiem. Burial, unauny prteM, Including geld medal*, LONO BRANCH — Arthur Van- der the direction ef the John J. will bt In Fair View eemetery. for their athletic Sold, theflredeM J V I l l Aft diamond* and a geld diamond act Pelt, «T, huiband af Chrlitin* Ryan horn* for funeral*, waa la St. n partment, which apenaera tha anring at Morrtetown, Aabury Park M g . 4W jour y Plcall VanPelt, died Monday at hi*Joseph'* eematery, Keyport anal Maltaweea parade and party, t n # kORM ft v*MRM61 M_r ODVYtMHft and the Track committee, which LONO BRANCH-Jthn Patter- aad ether placet In Now Jerety. home, alt Vernon at, after a long son Jeffrey, at, a aatlr* af Long A former member ef the RatIlka an vtotaat, abeaM begta at aaaaeny apenaan th* borough Illnea*. A lifelong raaMent of the .O. BLAIR Braneh and retired linotype oper- Bank Uon* club, "DM," M he waa bom* if we waat ta make the hemo- tnek mset Th* mayor aald he felt city, ha waa the eon of tha late knows by hia frtead*. HferaagtMetfely aad bt a real that the ertattea af a "mutir" Jalm and Sarah Richard* VanPelt. LITTLE BILVER-Mrs. Clara O. ator for four New Jerety aad Ntw affectionately elected tall twitter tlta* and eemmKte*. eempritlng representtMr. VanPelt waa a roofing; con- Blair, «0, widow ef Burr Blair, died York paper*, died yesterday In WM again. Ho enjoyed hunting far up- Ah the** Moaa are ttept ttvaa af elvte aM aoetel argaateatractor and a member of Red Bank Tuesday night at the home of her Muhltnberg hospital, PUInfleM. Ho land game every fall and liked te the kind ef phlteeephy youth need lived In North PlalnStM. ttene, eouM coordinate Individual lodge, Independent Forettera af daughter, Mr*. Harold F. Meyer of 1 Sah In the Navetlak rlvtr. and waat It la aptly tammid ap ta Mr. Jeffrey * Srtt job waa with aterta Into a well-rottnded youth Point rd., with whom she ha* been America. Surviving ar* hi* wlf*, a brother, a poem written by Danaa Kemar, tho Long Braneh Dally Record. program. living. Surviving, baalde* hi* wife, ar* Alter ef Atbary Park; a the president af thlt Madam l i v two aon*. Oeerg* A. VanPelt and Born In Wlnona, Minn., she WMHa moved ta North PlalaSeld ia Oeorge Mr. Wllaoa aald the grtateat conand worked for both the lister. Mrs. Joseph DeQroot ef Do- ing claas. Arthur O. VanPelt of Long Branch; the daughter of the late Erneet 1M1 ver; two daughter*, Mrs. Fletcher tribution made by the board of PtainSeld Courier-New* and tha Th* ninth . two daughter*, Mr*. Mayoelle Cam- A. and Henrietta Ihne Gerdtaon. PialnS*l4 Dally P N M . Ha WM em- Sherman ef Pitman and Mr*. Vichav* recently catjipietea aomptelai their 1 atnjdy _ oteaatton waa tha creation ef the Surviving besides her daughter ara eron of Long Braneh and Mr*. by tha New York TUB** 10 tor Rlecl ef MetMhon; a grand- ef the earth'* atateapktrt. Many Physical etaaatlea program adminDorothy Stewart af Hollywood two *on*. Ernest D. Blair ef Ruth- ployed daughter, Ml** Caralya Sherman Marel by John Doerr. Mrs. Matter rear* and retired In U t t at tha Cal.: twa brothara, Eurl* VanPelt ford, Mlna* and Burr O. Blair af ago of 78. H* WM m member of af Pitman, and two p n t N M , NtJI were aurprlaei ta team that tho •JJ^Iktr organlaatlen'a hop* for and John VanPelt of Long Branch; Loe Angeles, Cal, aad three grand. tha International Typographical Sherman and Victor Rled, Jr. Two air in an average ream weigh* be- the cetabtlahment af a youth centwo alater*. Mr*. Mabel Strong and children. Tha William S. Anderson union (A.F.L.) more than 80 yeara. stepsons, Joseph S. Darling af New tween MO and 100 pound*, aad that tertath* community. Mr. Oravany thla la related to tht fact that air Mrs. Sarah Tomb* of Long Branch, funeral home of Red Bank handled York city and John* N. Darling ef doe* work for M . Biampltt of thai •romlMd aid far tueh a praJtct eight grandchildren and one great- local arrangemeati. Mlddletown township, and a tttp- are the vacuum cleaner, alppmg a and Mrt. Chambtrtaln urged that grandchild. daughter, Mr*. Marjorle Wlllte of parenta undertake training in acout LONO BRANCH — Mia* Minnie Mlddtetown towMhlp, alw survive. coke, breathing, pumping water aad baderthlptoaupply needed leaden The funeral will be held tomor- MRS, MABEL H. UNDSLET row at I p. m. at the Damlano fu- Mr*. Mabel H. Llndsley, 78, for-M. Thortr, Portaupeek a v t , died Tie funeral WM held Monday the building af aubterrantaa tun- for additional aeout troops. neral home, with Rev. Arthur mer resident of Red Bank, died yesterday morning at Monmouth afteitaoon at the Warden funeral ntla and ptera. In It* chemical eeCopeland, paator of Flnt Presby- Tuesday night at the home of her Memorial ho*pltal after a long HI- homo with Rev. Chart** Webster, peete, it WM learned that air I* *•- Mombtn heard reporU of the P. Mntlal to th* burning proetw, that T. A. convention at Atlantic City. terian church, officiating. Burial daughter, Mrs. Muriel Saeco, Morpaator of tho Red Bank Presbyterwill be In Olenwood cemetery, Welt ris ave., Long Branch, with whom Bora In Newark, Miw Thortr WM Ian church, officiating. Mr. Alter apentanteua combustion occur* be- The groups' support of th* fluorlth* daughter ef the let* Paid and waa a former president ef thecause af tha chemical action ef air datloa ef th* water supply w u Long Braneh, the had lire* th* past year. Catherine Frauta Thortr. She hadboard of trutttM *f tht PrMby- and that air, and MM oxygen R nude a matter ef record. An award Born In Hull, England. Mr*. contains, are vital to the life ef WM presentedtoMr*. Helen Sehutti ROBERT WA1TT Saeco can* to thl* country when been a resident ef Irvlngton until terian church. aad the attendance award won by LAXEWOOD — Robert Waltt, a young woman. She resided at la yeara ago at which time tht Bearer* w*r* a tan-in-law, Vtomother* af tha btglnnen* elta*. Tl, died Tuesday at his horn*, SO64 Harrlata ave., Red Bank, IT moved to thla area where aha oper- tor Rleel; a attpeon, John N. DarMother* ef Mr*. Bennett'* third ated a grocery ttore. Clover at He waa born at Keyport, years. ling, aad twe long-Urn* friends, Pat An atateaa are celebrating Na- gnd* ctaaa and Mlm Winiami* aon ef the lata Cyrenlus and Mary Surviving, besides her daughter Surviving ara twa elatera, Mr*. Santangelo and Ernest OeFlore, tional Back week wltk the follow- Sfth grade class divided a SM A. Woolley Waltt, and moved here are two grandchildren and twoLouis* Koppelmann and Mr*. Paul- both of Red Bank. Burial waa taing aaaembly program; award, priMtothe recant memberino Undaburg ef Port Monmouth, Fair View cemetery. It year* ago from Long Branch. great grandchildren. Mia. BawWa flnt grade will Mr. Waltt m i retired. He waa a Th* funeral will be held tomor- and a brother, OutUvt A. Thorer dramatlM "The Rabbit Who Want- Rtfrethmsats wort served by member of F l r a t Presbyterian row afternoon at S o'clock at theof Long Branch. edRedWlngt." Mm. Emma Bogart. She WM aechurch, Long Branch. Worden funeral homo with Rev. Service* will b* held Saturday at Honorary Membership Announcer, Ranald Podell; MothSurviving are two aon*, Jams* Theodore E. A. LeVan, rector of the Scott funeral home at 11 a. m Earn 852 for School d u b er Rabbit, Karen Xutohak} LHtle elated by mother* of flmt grade puwith Rav. Robert Blackman, paator Waltt of Montclair and Edward Old Christ church, Shrewsbury, ofBATONTOWN—The Eatoatown Rabbit, Bennte Burnham; Mr. of the Belford Methodiat church, Horn* Waltt ef Nutley; • daughter, Mr*. Seating. and School club hM earned Buahy Tall. Bronte Kail; Mr. PorAanl* Ballaumo of Port Mon- Burial will be la Fair View cem- offlciatlag. Burial will be In Clin- ttt through It* honorary member- cupine, Phllta MeCorkl*; Mrs. Pud- Chamber to Spoaoor ton cemetery, Irvlngton. ' mouth; thres brothers, George etery. ship*, according te an announce* dt* Duck, Jane Attain; Mr. Oround Waltt, Arthur Waltt and Chuter mtnt mada at an executlv* session Hog, Pam Shapiro; Mr. Red Bird, Yuletlde Lighting Waltt «l Long Branch; thres sla- RONALD JAMESHEPBtmN, SB Tuesday at the home ef Mrs. Mer- Peggy Clark. Elks Seek §25,000 ters, Mr*. France* Byaid, Mian Min- KBTPORT-Ronatd Jamta Heprill Beam of Lewi* st. Th* club Ml** Klatsky's attend graftw l ) 1 ATLANTIC HIOHLAND8 - Tht also voted to strv* rifreahments toda "Ptter Rabbit." nie Waltt and Mis* Sadie Waitt of burn, Sr, husband of Elisabeth To Aid Palsy Victim* Junior Chamber of Commerce here all the children In school, prior te Peter Rabbit, Melvla Welntttm; Ttueday night Initiated plan* ta Long Branch, seven grandchildren Ann Dark Hepburn, of 3M First and two great-grandchildren. St., died Sunday at Haiard hospital LONO BRANCH — Ways and Chrlatmu vacation. Ftepsy Rabbit, Donna McKenale; sponsor again thla year the ChristThe funeral will be held tomor after an illness of two days. Hemeans for raiting fund* for th* Honorary memberships ar* held Mopsy Rabbit, Laura Oeodmaat mts lighting tf Flrat ave., the borrow at » p. m, at the Flock funsra was born in Brooklyn, *on of thetreatment of cerebral palsy victim* by Mayor F. Bliss Brlee, Dr. Nor- Cottontell Rabbit. John Henderson; eugh'a main th'oroughfar*. In Monmouth and Ocean countiee man Thetford, Dr. H. H. Wtlner, Mother Rabbit, Emma Jean Caa- Th* chamber two yeara ago war* dlscus**d by th* Elka Crip- Leo Carllng, Albert Woleott, Ira aelia; Farmer MacOregor, Howard brought about the resumption of pled Kiddle* committee last week B. Woleott, Spencer Patterson, Ed- Eckentberger; Meutt, Ann Herbtrt. ths Yuletide decoration, Irving B. at the Long Branch Elks club. Tha ward Emmons, Long Lane Dairy Mrs. Maan'a second grad* wilt do Zelehner, artsldont, aald yeaterdny. committee repressntlng the shore farm, Ratti's liquors, A.R.C. Motel, a dramatisation of "The Three Lit- Borough council Tuesday night aparea Includes Elks from Red Bank, Hartman Trailer service, Flrat Nat- tle Pigs." proved the contribution of $500 to COMPANY Long Branch, Aabury Park, Point ional Bank af Eatontown, B. D. Mother Pig, Elisabeth Appell the project and approved the apPleasant, Lakewood and Freehold. Woleott and Sons, Seaboard Block Three Little Plga, Sandra Evan*, pointment of Councllmen Everett , Headden's Comer, Mlddletown, Route 35 Upon investigation, tho commit- and Concrete, Roger'* Sunoco Mr- Oall Fowler, Marc Ayera; Th* Wolf, C. Curry and Robert Corrn to a tee has found that It will need vice and Mullln's Service, Albert Matlaek; Mm with Straw committee to co-operate with th* $28,000 to carry out a succesafu Sticks, John Oalatro, Chart** lic-Junior chamber. JAMES J. HURLEY, Manager treatment program for tha twoTO ADORES* HOSPITAL "TAFF ks!*, Joseph Luelat Men with Meeting In Mr. B.luhner'a law ofcounties. In addition, thn nhnrc John E. Toolan will be guet Bricks, Donald Hubbard. Ralph Dt- floss, 114 First avt., chamber ofgroup will give Ita support to Hiespeaker next Tuesday night at aFailo, Alan Kltttky, Ernest Van- fleas heard Thomas Flaherty of PHONE RED BANK 6*3810 SUte Blka Crippled Children'* as- nutting of the staff of Rlverview Pelt; Fair MerchanU, David Wil- Bayonne, a national director of the sociation seal drive, and the Mon hospital In the hoipltai solarium. son, Paul Jablonskl; Rhythmical United States Junior Chamber of Long Branch 64978 - Day or Night mouth County Parenti' Organise Mr. Toolan's subject will be "The Animals, Elltan Brtnner, Atan Phi Commerce, discuss future plans and tion of Cerebral Palsy Victim*. fir, Ardtth aid Milk Nettenua, polloiM en tht tut* ltvtl Doctor ia Court." At the Age of SZ 41 #"••> efcere)«rorieo« «N o#* f»nartl —f—fi—H. « e oUcr tct t l i normal daaB't 1K« gives bin more complete *oui satisfaction thee tM buildiag ef • Memorial te bla leted eac* who tare f oat en. Oar eeteet B t m Memorial* ate* the oaiid m e * ef at> >WWl year gMNBtM Of • Seer Memorial et no e«tre •<Mt VMt eur ebowreem H t l M N t displays *f tbtM ttrtlSai memorial*. friendly Vf Pfffl • • • John E. Day Funeral Home JOHN VAN KIRK MmmmaSmmmtatrfamm B. F. D. Bw 10i Ret) IHE PUn£RRL H O m t Of PERSOnflL SERVICE WHUAM r AMOmSQM I M l i M M i Are. H. LAUifNCI SCOTT MORTICIAN 64333 Croups to Seek Youtn Program l The Mount Memorial Home F^derls K. Adam, Mfr. FUNWAL WMCTOW 110 toil l a * N. A IT l Quality BOM known far their hlajfc ajutU Hy thai* many years, e m itlH h a vary redtaatMy plead terviee. It b aur aemtant aim fa keee aitr artfepiltnel wark and aur faallWas at Hia vary Mohair laval, and aur prices at tka lewetr a«Hlele laval. fttdett „ JWNMWC.f.'Jdmi* ••• MMM f. 'unetal home •O t.rtOMT «T. RIO BANK N.J. PHONE RED BANK 6 0 5 5 7 CtorlkrlM Tfwv ^ OrpmUkEanomkatStrvict DISTINCTIVE ARTCIIAFT MIMOtlALS at Maltrlal e a i Wttkmaashlp la BaaaMM twr ••merlUt a n rinulatbared by tkiuai artliaaatoa w •all equipped plant at W«at bang Branch. MONMOUTH MONUMENT LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO. he. Wall Su Tel. LO 64567 Weal Long Branch o a IUDITBATED CATALOODE IT PAYI TO ADVERTISI IN THE REGISTER > > »gp Htawnu. WOTEMiwt t#, tut Put la ta* aetivitl** la a«lrf*al*f th* fraua, Claad* Bakrenburc »on of Mr. and Mra.ningtoa preraratory >choai DurlatT A. P*tU, viea prcaideat ia <karf* •f *»r aceaaaU ana taroufh th«« Clarence Bahrenburg of Keyport. World War II,feeaerved witk «M •adaair* cllaie* w* hop* to imaf •*!•*. *aM: "Mara aad aa*r* wa a v aT tinaklar Ml** Conover U a graduate of Navy la the Pacific theaUr *f war. aaa *rid*aca *f w*i*a kaiaf ta- aart kaowlcat*, eoaMeae* «a4 *•• KM Bank high »ehool and Cen-He ia aMoclatad with hi* father ia) •PRINO LAKE HEIGHTS - At tenary Junior college at H*ckets- b i ar caal was araaeatad by • faculty atntaMatal la U* aal* af Wiakler tkackMai wkarcby ethtr woaica ia Keyaort. af tea eaatpaay *a**wUv«* aad fc*y eo,ui*iwat. Witk th* (rewiaf BMy >a«*an activ* la Wi«k!«r a dinner aarty •••urdty at B«au- town. She is a member of the Little at*a- l a tit* laat tw* day*, tk*v wo- •hortac* of •aapowtr, due largaly MM. MEED A r*TfE»T Sliver Junior Woman's club, *nS Rivi««. Mr. ta4 Mra. Edwin R. awa traia*** wan aaaifaed ta *"- to Military deaaaada, there 1* ev- Mr*, aunt i* a p*rta«r witk h«r Conorer of tilverbrook ti , 8hrcw>-1 u employed in ;he office* of the NEW .SHREWSBURY — W SREWSBURY Mrs N I atatlaa* wker* cack g»v« a ery rea*oa to believe that we will Equitable Life Assurance jocinty In MartraretU L. Reed, borough eletk, atnaiaitU ntail Mia* arMtaUttoa be dependiaf oa aad tookiag far fatter la tk* Tom Wilacnaia coa- bury, annouaccd the tnngtmen: of iRed Bank. became a aurgical paticat at Rl»» th* able aale* aaaiaUaea *f th* •aay, WMkl*r retail aiatributar their daughter, Mil* Dorothy Virwitk iattmetan awrlag ai ftMMr. Bahrenburg, a graduate of •rvit-w hospital Tueaday. Her eoa* ladUa. Already ataay tt them t g . witk imtm a* kigbway M her*. glnia Coaover, t* John Malcolm Keyport high school, attended Pen dition wa* reported Mtiafaetary. tar«4 aw • l Atlemb Industry diiiie k»> M •tataa, at tk* mtk'a ewtr**, a*k***d t* b* tk* trat dial* *«*l<t•tvaly for weaoea la tat keatiaf •AVOMTOWIf-Mr*. Jaaa Wild- iadtictry. Tk* diaU ra aiaailar to keld at WiakVcr UttitwU, er*** KM* ka* returaed k**M tk**a w*er* MO) dealera, their ealetawa fraa* L*b«aia. lad, where ah* at-u « iaatallattoa crtwt arc edferad taadaa a Wakler reUil aal*a traia- fraa aalc* **d product tralaja*. «« by « . a. Ma-Tha aaval laatttirt* kM baaa l a v Your fcMl «f feMt* calk far Ibt Use* , , , Uncmter Utrnd Turkey* ar« itw •JUaMl* la djfjfJUy, mmnrfmti far tenitnien, flavor . • . brwd btcMled, whita M a t ! Bt Mira of j«*t the tiae yen want by ordering ymura ta*]af at jrow Marly ACSM Market! Cranberry Sauce ^ Cranberry Sauce 2'£? Pie Crust Mix •JXWr__ Cake M i x JSSKSKfc VST 34« White Cake Mix VSLfS: 2Je College Inn Tomato Juice Swift Meat for Baby £21c Riti Crackers'Sr^.35c Pancake Flour 555! 17c Hot Roll Mix 'SST.i, 27c PiUtbury Farina £? 13c Tea Bags S T •£•*,,. 21c Upton's Frostee£ 1 2 c J Ideal Pumpkin ?Tl7e Mince Meat-^ Mince M e a t S S o Crmm-White ft," Princen Oleo *£ 2 24c Albweet Oleo T 32c Brownie Mix WrMMUNwMM • • 57c Duff I Ginger Bread Mix 25c New! Farm-dale Dry Milk r 35c at faikii in ««i makM I / a l «aar*j Lifebuoy Soap Ideal Corn MNCTMMN* Ideal Tomatoes Pork & Bean. FarmdalePeas ^7 Walnuts ^ Ideal Mixed Nuts'S: 49c Fancy Pecans '£" 55c BraitlNnto *r47c | Tomato Juice 2 '£23c Grape Juice Zm Prune Juice £Suiv *-*• 57c SURF | MISCELLANEOUS | Cubes'S^f, 7c j ^ , 17c Dorset Hash £ ? * x*2 41c Evape Milk *%££ 2,!!!j27c a»**^araaw vVvawMwv MallSjvUUPI Popping Corn ' ^ 20c Cider J S , N 39c *f"69c Soap-Filled Pads ^ t 20c Gold Dust SSL JH25c TENDEILEAF ^ 7-Minit COMMII ; Tea£34c£66c Mix ; X27c Tea BagsJfti 21c PieItmtm *r Cacaaaal 57c Lux Toilet Soap 3 •*- 25c Bath 2 * « 2 3 c SUver Dust A ^ v •1^>. Ctttilf itVtti B«S> v l V ToWAla *Mo9jt* aaataaU Wrf^C *85c »«vp»»30e FRESH Deodorant HUM Vi Price Sale! 2 A . 46c Zippy Liquid Starch 1^22c 170 BROAD STRIir RID BANK Fruit Cake JkSte Grapefrail 3 - S-tt.pkg.91Jt Caata M l af abate* fraat* «a* • « , akl far brtakfaat! ] Bar Cake SZ£* »*««35c Layer Cake iSriw* 75e Angel Food Cake *- 33c Honey Buns •** •» • 30c Bridge Rye 23T" 16c 5-29' Apples Pascal Celery ^^^w a^a^awa^ •^*» ^a^a^^wj ^p*^^^w^a^a^a> ^a^aaw^^^^^w AtaD, a] At arajv ajav GaUfemla Sugar-Sweet Honeydews aa^paj I a^ajaeSJi ^araaW^b Fathajaat CA Sliced Beef Liver Asco Sliced Bacon Sliced Bacon £ l it* a«oViable* Griaav iVvik laaaaW tfaVi i*-**.****** 30c Ptsa Chucks of Lamb Smoked Cala Hams Fresh Ground Beef VS3T 3 9 * Extra l4*Mo 4Sa a a U C e taaafiiill mill.Mi.1 fcinli » V C MUTTNMmiOW i SOILAX a^"V Peanut Brittle ^ . 3 5 c ^ Mints S S ^ X 39c ^2 dk ( Ukiafa\a>*»^*i^B4 Peaches S T ^ . R1NSO CSIMM *53" FaMyAU-PaVi 4M 2 t C We 2 as 29c %VMi **&•#*#. Krispy Crackers ^ 3 1 e WOTl MIAIMNCV ^^r^rw^^af U M f l H U l IMVaMUC tT 41c Swan Soap Chocolate PuffsJK727c Social Teas"-"80 £ 1 6 c Fig Bars • « • • « • ^38c v e o r a e i n n eaoMai •*«. » i c JPlCBi 22,23c 3 31: 25c Sasdkk wajajaa UMAti c—m, 4 Py-O-My •vVIVPI U t a h tBawaaiAa Vaja|BjBjp| PORK LOINS Mixed VegctaUe* It-oa. Moal FniMb Prloal Cheese Glendale Club *& 2 £ 90c Wh Sharp Cheddar Spread ^^. ^ 34c Kraft Old Englwh Slices £ 40c Sheffield Cottage Cheese *£ 17c Mild Colored Cheese »• 57c Gold-N-Rich Cheese *• 75c Provolone Salami Cheese * 59c Fancy Blue ». 59c | Snappy * * t 18c VITAMONT Dog Food HUNT CLUB Dog Food Potatoes * Baby Limas "^ * 2 3 c Corn-on-Cob ^ , ^ 2 0 c Seabrook Peas Ideal Peas Cauliflower1""^ Peaches JJiJ * Raspberries " 1141. I MNU 0 M M a i i n i P A fuminnJ JU1CO ^ ^ ' « «_. ^a^v^va^BaBVv^pjaa^Bj OjaHIV T i l I P A MMW" * * • i f l l l v v rtM9 OIAN#J n ii ncA jIu e oMmmiT 9 tV-M. *• SUM tea. mt J U I C C cUNaimr eOCRTAK *M Spinach tSSnm 'JT PROTEX Lux Flakes Toilet Tissue 4 3 . H 37c '? 3.£T25? 5 7 6 RIVIR ROAD, FAI« HAVIN if. tiff MLPWAMTID NOTKE1 YOUNG MAM t* 1**» k^Mg'gtrgdki. U - E-PBRVMCCD COOK, gen*r*l k*uMU 8 U I E 0 TIRCE and ana tab*. • n k i r . Owa room, kath and radio. •«ir* Capital Baaawp. I t s BkiMakwrp ,TTSJinOM»—W* k*v« *e*rp_*l-t I N 0120x11. t feed eonditl**; I * * pair >*.. Bod Bank. . Sleep la. Pkoae BB a-»»j7. a«*dtotfea Una • ( pl_a*i*g aad a***- eed akid itkaini. •_•*__•__ SZOxlfc aad * « « i l * . W0VAM-~4jencr*l k«uacwerkcr; Blult lag aapaJia* lag M* kaiKi-t •> «aa*eat. : l » m H ' , fh-i-e KB * VACIIUB c M r > U I M NpliM, H P aa«* ^ like ckildren. t i v a In: U u • week. icg M y*_r k**M. A J*r*w gga*r_MM W •TBADT. COOD.PAYDM M far • Altet B haadlei. tita 44 inehei wide, I I laehee atkpetfi* B W . II Wkit* gum* •TkatMvka. kaataa, taifeu aad m*dW_* WiKlAaror~rtJ»lIS7~iMiei. f*«r IRON BAILINGS far perchei. atair•tod Baak, tbeiougkly *<p*ri*uad Uleviaiaa T i n * C«nH • W«r_ fcigk. Good condition. Wtita, "Screen," montka aid: inoculated AfcX rafitcakin*t_ aiukaa aiaka, laatariaa tka MV wapi, ate, Mada to order ky Seebanck repair a i l . Bivar Boad Ra'm (11. Bel Bank," KE _*-J«ML»r_JiJI_*Oili.* • t u ( N i t M M i kiukaaa: gM. ail aa4 Itrti. preferred, but will traia willing workMinimum Ck**: 7Sc dorf Company, 24 pearl at t WtK W~\J»* dio A Teitviiioa Ca., lac.. I l l BivM coal Irod ka*tl*g plant* for itaam k*a_ Bilot~C»r»(—Double baxrel. l * - « a « a . cvrvniAL EVtcnic' «r» Phono RU I . 0 . 7 I after I P - M. thra* montki; Crosley refrigerator, SO lot *>»ier r.**t or kot air; *U buraar* Excellent condition, 110. * B l - l l l l - f at., l e d Bank, Phone BE 4.218». rd , Fair Mavn. BB «-4l47. KRRUMENT BOMB for tke rigkt perlodel. Both itema lame a l new. Being ritk *1i-aa*p*ii*-M***p-«l) coattal*. after I P. U Blted adl. uling Th* Reglltar'a scHVaBTi. • SONS. Ckrpaoa. Matiir* a t a i D t * care for kome uel taaka aad eaptic taaka. galvaaliad CAS MN'CE. Four-Burner and aida tiaaaferrid from Fort Monmouth. Call "CO-TRACTOC _ MAURICE •p*r*t*fi: perma- and amall child, wbile Bather i i a t f. 0. B**. tic aura. al*r, Plymouth and lat*raati*_al truck ind black pip* aad Ittlig*. cap*** s v n , (rill. Good clean working « n ' AT 1-0941, or come to Brevent _ Bur. g-aalag. t«? eoil. Ill dirt, ci*d*r_ •alM nent; vacation good pap. Pi*c» *ad boeae, but otkorariM weeupiod. Plain aad a*r*i«* a«ld«iMrMr*. "— Bfcfct >• *la*»ify. adit *c rajoot ublag aad tttiagi. ao" P'P* aa* • • • tion, | U . RE t-1613-J after 5 P. M ngton *ves. Lt. Ha rold Palm er.* rave, manure. a***p*al* aad drp w*lla BE *-t7lt. wetiea work. Ala* a**ei*l • • i k l a a a cooking, medera caavcnieneei. Good « adv*r_i*ment !* r***rv*d kr ingi. A lat*w a m r f m *f ilmlrie ' R s T o f bfAWBKS, aacr.tary diTT, uilt, driviwayi repaired. Lionel OUTSTIir HURRY—Burplul bun. 'hone AT 1-2077. living l_ aleaeant lurroundinga and ind ga« water aeatara, *l*ctric «ad ga* galowl de crrd imanediatelj' iataet t h e B*gi»*ar. twa table! and tw* Soor lampa. act Phone RE 4-05*1. 6Oo.e m*d»rata * a V y . RE «-Z85t. angu. 'octrie r*frif*e*tori aad faaaa. •aria* engineer bookl. four Itccl cab. We wiil t o t ba raapoealbl* for All awtal aitariar. parr TkHHS and MMPOOII cU*aed PEOFSS31ONAL EmplapaMnl , in. rb* famoua afpw* water pumps itioned. iniulated' inetl. Perfect condition. Bealoaable, «rro» unla* they ar* d»Uet»d k*td erired: i d 20x14. t4 1'1,40't t itallod. •I** drp *Mlli. draiaa initi ' K*. ~ and amap pumiu. M_m*r*_s otker item*. 20>4l cy, AS 2-2820. Oflka, Ml**, talk. _ _ / S!*J___JU________ er. 47 B * » |or« the wtor.d ln**rtion. II.2S". Impect anytime at Pemtlmatee giea* Oaear B*ckei Middletown Plumbi tGRXntim-lWira UPUIM •leal, Mg'Ctiri M l MMH-ftS . Hereford" iteerl, •__-____a_rl|*»*n. Pkoae KE 4-I444 berton or Thursday*. Fridayi, Saturday!. Ko c«rc»llk(iP"« will kg ac«*pt*d »torr. 41 White »t. Bad B«nk. about l , * t l pouada. Special grain fed Sundays afternoon at Sayreville brickJllTR'S, i,e,At>ER~S, in copper or galm ehanirae mad* In a«v*»Uee*>ea_ (•nip). Ckirma Buildia«, W I Corner. Midd_le*»*. Out mil* a*etk~ *2 snl J 1). Arauhire, Pemberton, M, it for oix months to produce famous qualvaniicd. O i l us for an estimate on an* ksur after re-eatpt a t • • » * . MAPTSMM PB-KNBB. Eiectronie R*d Baak. >k*a* BE S-II7T. Opaa Baaga. Aakurp Park. M*»r* I I . ity ateaks. Singly or as a lot of 25any sheet metal work. J. V. Bogart, 71 Phone..3451 nr 4141. •lalpaieat 4aalga and layout exper. MADLINE: Opea Saturday t - l l , Bivardale Karmi, KE 4-3HI4. Foster st. River Plar.a, Ked Bank. Phone iLV'KR"BI.UWMUSgTlAT colt. Colt bead loaee. Small ar*gr«M<vt company ofciMiaolette, 12" RB t-.->337 B**l EMot*. Tueadar »!•*_. |::tii.i Sell for I2»O P»rfe-ct condition TELBVISION—Philro f e n challaaglag poiitien to top notch WE BUY AND IICLL •artbinfl — l « l p«r week piui l i t n o with heavy electronic background. nek. Receiv#i all channel*, but need! KXPEUT DflViNU iaitructiaai. Uara AU Othera, • ». m. W*d*aadap. •no j,iir» RE_«.4'_<-J. Contanta *f konaa, atarei, Mtatea, n . repairs, |:i:.. ATJ-0494-W^ safety, ta -rive safily. Look far kHGHUT PUCES f*r pour old ear. Wa car aiiowenc, plua b**imi**i*n to it*rt. Elactr* Impulaa Laboratory, ( 2 Whit* USKli STOVEg-^Wick'eii. wick *r ca'aT. k,;.». w* eeiU we trade, t o u t Auto Ore of Jecacy'i leading kome builder* *t.. Bed Baak. eel lira, attici, china, »la»ew»ra, an) CCTP ASr> USTTHIM, ahade. piui the car witb tws itaering wbeeli, Pio*. Will heat one ta n v i raoma. Al Call Cla».fie«l tlguei, art objMtt and all krit-aecri in aut* driving invtructiooi linca Salee, »•?,, I t t Maamcutk *t.. Red Bank. nd realty office* ha* *peniag for BCLE^'T—OMIC TECHNICIANS" Electro itovei guaranteed. Priced |& t* l i e twa i r u n *hadei. In fin, condition alesworran iii Monmoatk Co. Well • • • l i takes them all. RE__340il. 1U3I Easy Method Auto Driver Traia* 234 1 ir»t St., key nor I _ 1-PillM Laboratory. « l White *t.. krac. Buicil'i, SI t**t r r e a l at, Red Baak 64MM3 U M f e R KltTENS. blue pink. Cvi ing School. I I Eait I renl it. BE • •4MIU YtHIk CAB *MW 4W*wl Uv r a w .nbli&hed line of homa. V*ry attractive Red B^nk, iovlt U » t ) " TIRE*" wkoe • aad Hiboa. raona BB • • M i l . wfc**ta akHntpt M l a t currtat ta* .ro]ie>!ition to right woaMa. Momei a o l | C_-A«HNG~W~6-TA!(-^Four 2838. 4.76Mlt. Price l i t far feur. : • • diyi a UMM aVar incct from ollicc. l a rcplg five age. •t Keyport. waak Eaperienced. Befereacei. Call ACCOBTiToS —g8it0. ~so~|irani. five yeara IM RIB BANK-«paa Craft RMdia*. Weubla. Baa* roui alt*» T4i J E . ' . C T A I , I L l . ^ r t C r*frigtr«tor; education, detailed retuaw af prcvioita old. T Akrrlund 120 Seventh It pletur* fraaiwi all falatlaf*. eu-kAT M i l * . etni'loyartnt. and other f*ct*ri tMt will LOST AND FOUND axo 'Hint condition; | t o . RB <-i<UI.* KE l - 1 3 l i - R . Wiil it.l a ••a *ad **graelaa* t«*tir«d: !ub>*lM nALI |VALTlt7!AN, All-'round. determine your «u*lincatioa4. Writ* ~TlUt-^AII aisiiT~reia*"-abU S • l l l nher .til or trade for g i s itovi. AT Bclforl, IIMMSM • * • « ml.rew. • l a a a . » l Five-dap. Eaey koura. Good aalary. •ICririre.* Saleswoman. Box 611. Bed Baak. price* Baaapptng and rapairing, al toST—BiacV and white sira:ftht leased work guaraaMed. Bwyer* Sky-Trak NATIONAL oUCAKUATIWr U « *•••• AL t - l | n | . (er- BATY B A T r i l N - T T E . k i g b cblir, ' * » tiff A fr~GTnrsf o VETI > o7 p Serwith plastic m a t t r m , *nd car wat. Bedsit. H ( m a y b e ! i m i front foot. AUTO AND PERSONAL loans, | i to ing for Mleimaa fraa M tfavil. Intr*. TMOBOVGM CI.EANINO w . m i n . by c* Ct*tion, Highway I I , Mar »i»a a-r)3»4 MOME. , All In perfect conditio*. Like a*«, Phone A n s w e r , t o i i m of " P e p p e r . " Vicinity Cornar*. Middletown. |5(io a* paur nama only; |:<o.9i n r duci copyrighted taaaalal **rvlce, *ualb w l a e n eeunlr. far ana day aack |5R<JAN. DINIMO ROOiTlETrVictroia mobile and *tbai »rMartp wtlk I •nontb leniYt * | l o a loan. Ball Finance naas-!ieor»li»nal men, |i*» •>*!«•• *!o*I ereik. Ka ehildreri. Fiv. rwail »ejim«. C o i f ; Nrik-1 nrho'.d Tuesday. R e w a r d . W E ~ l u y ANVTHlM4j'«ad~ev«r r il. n f RE «-3«:i old rccordt; Eaay ironer, old sen- •in* »r«i«er«. Real Ktaia* and It Ca.. 7 7 Broad It., Bad Bank. Phone BE w y a c o u n t i : |T,OOt-|l,IO* aaralaf • * • ight laundry, (ipert ironing. Steady tl__»rne_lr*';i, Hi_:uj'._R. _ .... and giv* the best prlcei. Call l » l t t l SPA( E HEATER—Good condition. Wltk Ingand MM, T T Broad a l Pk«n« U M i l l . machine, aia pietura fnmrs. fhon* oil control. Reaponablc. Call after I •-I000. Liceaee 1*t. f O S T — B c a f r V h o u n d . Black. white a n d Funiimie. High«i.y 81. BE t - l l l l . Ploaty repeiti. 11*4 WMklP • b . Referaneel required. Three block! PAIKTER. U-CORATOR "aad"Hp*r. iTt SAVE SOMfc *ir?*.Ica u=«d can. tentia.1. AT J.Q789-J.* t a n on S a t u r d a y . N c v , i n . near Hfl7- WE GIVE GOOf) t"r~a.1a-ini on yeur *U ... M. RU I-1II7-W. di«v.-, plus aoaua to me* '" ' •4T Pert Mmmautk bus line. Call *v<f o P SOIL andJ manure kanger; Interlar and eilerlar; 11 . LO J rfar lawn* and peari' Stop in and Ml m. 1*31 Willri itation Write cxnariaaea ta "Mati*n«V let A n d e r s t o n a m e of K r \ . Suitable aiaei aftar T, or laturdar, Sunday BB fuiniture at wa ha>i au outlet far it I»iJW~IS~Tl.E"Tllit to re.ervc you. flower*. i>pcrlence. EitlmatM ikwrfally wagon I t l t two-door Chevrolet sedan, Red Bank. Beautiful pure r e w a r d offered. H u r r y S. I'ciwlef. H i t •\SNBoItE~WASrlEli. GooJ 'condition gleea " "" ' 1 - -r. --• y '.•^ f»arta Kuraitur*. Mlgkwap I i . RB Chriitmal puppy. Uuit a*aan 441 Skrewskarr I»S9 Wt'.yi panel, U l l Jeep, !*«« Jecu T A P". ""BTLLROOM • ? ballet taaekerl 1-111* i t .car. .red Corker Spcniel*. male* aad f a . fit; ),l P h m e KE 7-anilO.W. brown enamel coal hiatcr. 12." RU UABI.E A I U WoVAlT WOVAM. 27» O p agn:-in» b l i or h 11 KE : with anow plow, 1»49 Jeepster. 1947 J e n mal». Sire Ck. J l y I Extra Haaey. Jahn McComack, Itk It., Welt Kenm~*_!u__*"^«i ° * *•****'*• needed Good lieurly rate. Davit J , O S T — P ' v i r 7 i n \ h r a r c ' r ; . Nnuticnl del i g far heuae s a d tw* children. Ref. ui7r"ASLi""S"AlI" Mid and 1 Al!>lTm£R,rWNTtl^7irwir with pewar tak.-off, l t l i Jiep. 1»4I King* Kenmli, Oakhurit. Highwiy I I b u * Btuel II of Music and Dance. LO I.OItt. sign R m l c r H e r e : - . Kiel Knin., \ : r r,;ty areticcl re*ulrad, RB 1-4141 -M. bura. eiecteii. Nn charge for aitlmuM*. dowi and conbimtionf doan; pafer Chevrolet convertible. 1117 Buick Mdan f OTCHili—FVF7id"a"»T *••] tatardari. 7. 7-4HHT.M. _. BronH !•:. l.C «j-H347, lW«nl. KTBAB-nLD ALMA k*u>e traile 'honi Saturday *nd Sunaay, or weekK OKft YOUNG MAN—Far 'aart-tlme itor* hanging; angg; a cakilietl mada .o order, Pkon ctte. Mittkcws Brother! Willyi dealer, .TiNtitR SfWlrfG MACHINE. Ireadl* li.lfio. tall Mr*. Petraglia, AT H I S T — B m c ' t hV'ind." Wcfi i.f Katon- day, after a P. M., RE 4 4 1 4 i - B - ; . RE «-"4J5. Newman -pringi id., Bed Umk. RB 4. Apply Wagner Market C*., IM B*P work, All-year-'round job. Write, "4J5 l i>pe good condition. AT l^t77B._ leiwr W h i t e v : H riiai-l. _ r . d * , brown MvTTEB LAWNS neat rear:'iced and/O. _J» 205. Ked Bank, _ _ _ _ _ _ f 450O,_ 1tfl L'f!TK~~GLA~SS. windinicld, doors FWHCiTUPifoTStlREn iofa, mahoi-. tio.e I . T I - M C N n . T'lfi. Atbury Park. tenllii! thii fill, larm lawn and DOT'VOV"WIN FRIENDS **iiiy?"lBpre _OinfS~l_P_Ot_KNT AgencT"77 BAYV1EW NURS1NO Home far VjVfoN DOUG. PICKiJP; vary good for ltll-411 fontiac six fmir-door If f o i l i n g call A S _ : . : S ! 3 . r . . RewariT* garden iui>pli*i. lliibrov Sretken, you're a natural lucceit. Tfcere't good anf fecretary, buffet. eewiiiK table Sroad at.. RE 1-ilOl Commercial. cundiuon, Rubert L. t'ook, Sr., 102 cr^niiiici and eonvaleicenti. Stat* Whalepand ave., Waat Long Branck. IM i.ilan, two mind 4.00*14 tires and large book cale, odd tablei and rhaii* money in i l l year part time tailing if d*«**tlc. • • • • ! and mtavrant, Horeici liancr I V I , , New ghrawibury. RE I ubes four 7nflx2n truck and bill tire*. Hay be *eea kp appointment anly. Phone I represent Avon Caimetlcl, Train. licentcd. Raatonable rate*; beautiKalleber. pr*p, niir 4finx1», four r,r,0x 1", belter and IU I.«IU. : given. Quick t.'krittmai Mlet now. ful location, overlooking Sanely Hook FOR SALE TOTKraiininiri LIMOLN 1«4t Cosmopolitan 4-door *c- Wilie Ada Haywird, I I Hull ave., tree- PRODUCTION FOREMAN for work in aiiio t'ompletc engine. 4'hryller Crew* bay. For information call AT 1ton, t.'jimaN, Jinzzi and other*. Vttt sir dan. Kadiu hcuter and overdrive. Me heiid. Rebuilt A-l enndltian. All good PETRO OIL BURNER, includin* three electrirtl fabricating plant where imall Honeywell i-nntrole for conversion ell ring with e«i:h pump. If raplace tallic may wlilte wall tirei, low mile 0440. ;i RETARV . lHJo_._-BI<Bk. famTi: atamping and icrew mackine products are BELTS AND PUIXEYB fai i L - mtnt, i-heral iilKitranre on old pui*Ji>. U. imrchandiai'. Make offer. IS Eait ava. from coal ts fuel oil, 940: also auto. age: II.HJO. RU 1-lott. _ •eiembled. Permanent, advancement; Local real e.itite and iasurance oNica Uta moton in itock. Douglae . t e e - i i. Company, Srobeyville, nefcl ta AT l-0«!«.W.» ilamper rotitnil. | t u . LO |.<I»2-H Xafi2't*JAGUAR tport* roadater; hat opening lit neat, eaurteoul, iadua- excellent pay. Communications Product! f W i T E N I I TABLES."two" limps, tele^ malic M o Co., 15 Eait Front atmwt PhoM ,aiiil'» Diitillary. EA I . I U [ . » . j . i'llBlSTMAS tARiiS oT iiitinetian. H4HIVEit cfBANERS repwrad. bru«k<< ll)jl 1»4» Plymouth coupe: 1147 Simci- trioua woiker. Applp In own hand writ. Co., Marlboro, Pkoae FR ^-tsso. phone (able. RK «-ftoT2.' rebrisiKa Alton Eleetn. Bkop. II fiOTTH OATliiUiied~aTid lervicid Henri r'ayette, Inc. Phone reprcaantinside work'; Fiat: alto 1147 Fiat; 1131 Packard. nil". Hating age, *jualile*tiana, experience HKftKhfTHWK"if'eteady S^SE£lPo"r;~CASP_T"f Tk* nawHt kottla g a i ranvci, hot water heateri I T C . SMITH "12-GAUGE double birret ative at_RU I-OTDI-M after « P. M.JWkit* it. Pheni RE__MII. and salary txpcettd t* "Heeretary.iookrala *r akl**, Experi*nca not nceea. ' hotiun. M5. Call after ». RE *•iTVtilO i*OfjClf la urpetini la now or, sale at Carpal nd ice hoxel. Alto full line nf clectri. Red and gray; like WE U>AIPfi)^trr*i, na ekarge, wkile HI S.I405-M. AT 1-fiiltl. keener,' Bn« t i l . Bed Bank." 1 **rr. Baaaamy Nurllrp Co., Branck youra are being reeapr>*d. Mount Tlr* TOP DOLLAR "FOR clean automobile.. 444H-W. Cental"« Br'id it.. Red Bank (aacond a hou«»hold appiiancei. 1) A J. Con new. Was l « 0 , will Mil for ISO, young or old. Dan Donovan, Liborty S-LHKTAR? — Legal eiperienoe J**> ave. Little gilver. pear railroad itation. t o o " . Esti.matai g l a d l y j l v w . irv c,, n While a u Bad Bank. Pkoa* EMERSON TVTT«:fNCi_ two yean old, Phom EA l-fi3««.R. ny. Scolnrville, m i l to Laird'l l»i Mlarir. KA |I.Q14IR-. | . Auto Saici Sprlngwood ave., route I I , ferred. but not etientlil. O i l RB I -HTf.r. MflWIY but unable t o w o r k fufl Illarjr, EA .«1II-K CAKPfeT. ANiTKlJGS by MSk*wk. Aleatablo modil, l » 6 . BE «.|04«.M.' E _t4M. SET—seven or nina-pleci, Neptune, or phone ASJ-772II, _ 1000 time? Earn mbitantinl income. H o u n 1 ^WNAS^ eoinpletely acder Smith, Karagheullan, Mage* rELEVISIOTI XKTEN WRR-TOT«—EVhT-^iki old, AKCREfikMM with Blmmons Heautyrest mattreai CAKBUBeMllBS and magxetua robiull jb.'lrl CllEVROLET"t«o.doar Mdan. 175. Write, "H. A,, * initalledi leleviiion repalrt and ad registered. LO *-*Tlt. • a d Artloom In the newett aelara. d»tiulcb, factari workmanihln Dog, ' HOUSEHOLD HELPER—O** wk* likes at own convenienec. double coil ipring: two-plice living Bo* t i l . Red Sank, latmenti. Baiall icreen talevlilon let S1EW "BED— Spring and mittrete. any •nd Phone KE H-1320-X glgm and fabric! «re now on dlaplap at children Hleep in, two dayl *nT. room l i t , mahogany full t i n bid with Elactrli 0 * . II EaM Front a t . Carpet Center, I Broad I U Red Bank ccnurtnl to larger liiii fur al low n •lie for tbl. week only 119. Swarta m i t t n t i aad ipring, rock maple Win. Bant Phnna RF, « - 0 l | t ltTT P T V M I H J T K — flood condition. HE I-O9I0.R. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 150. Call BB 4-41H.II. fR_.nnil floor.* . Priced reasonable. Phone RE «-139(J-J. WOMEN—Earn" 110^20 evening, t'ithrop desk, sofa bed, like, new, twa run. BACCU. IHK TAILOR. Claaalng a i d Furniture. Highway 15. K1NE CHINA, glaiiwarv, furnitur* am Oppoilte prmlak, a t e : alaa work and draw Call after 4:30 P. M.# sent, "Wearing Apparel IHmonitra* • a r s . t a l l and 9x11 rugs. Kit 7-IIT0.Mlddletawa Fire Ca. SITUATIONS WANTIO bric-a-brac; reaionablr priced. Will COM*. ANT) •CiLDINQ MATERIALS. Maaak pants. Bap dlfeei and m e . Saaeaa ItSO ()I,l)SMOBllE"8S,"Tour-d.ior sedun: * • _ » > * » - _ _ ! B*-^"-_«wJV_»-J«_r__MM —- • — • — • _ , _ in." No investment. Write, Stand. I,r»Olt at our good u*ed buy fine antique*. Georgia Karuno* 7i B i T v e n p i f a n . » ^ a Panti Ikap, I t Watt Froat it.. Bat] new white wall tires radio and heater. ard Style. Co., 298 Chancellor a v c , New. BXPERIENCED WOMAN to cock din. auppliti. National Lusktr C a , furniture depirtment. Two refriger. Atlahtie a v t , Long Branch. LO «.tor* _ ark. Perfect condition, fall RU 1-0731. l i t each, two gnod uied g l l gear, new tirei, kaad brake*, | « 0 , Bank. •oath S t t t t t h avt., at tba tallraad. neri by d i y ar kour. BE «-2IOI.M. tXPEIIT TIANO tuning, repairing. f»"37 PT.VHfOUTH~Htri7fS Tfunning" „. TAILOR-Fur men'! elMhing (tore. Preatovet l i t llch, electric Itnvc | l » , two l i l V ' i l n A m ' tiitfipnfs tiTkTii^ foT iinoi hnuied. noiuhl anil sold; a fkona LO 4.1400., ffi* mm iblr tn make ilterationt and ToTJKC BOTrltR WoVLD lilia tn tiki drr, 1100, Edward F. IIo»'r, tvrrctt. gond braikfitt tet* l i t eirh, and many Thaukigiving ind the holidayt. Home money by madliniring your kouM more good birgxin* at very goad prleei gti»rante*d i reatonalile. t. Cwiklik. do preiiiiin^. machine and hind, or one cira *f children for working mothers. nE _ _ _ _ i i - 1 . W* ar* aguippad to luppiy It Kwartl furniture Mlghwiy 93. RBmade plea, raket. etc. Call afttr tOP 461LI t o f SOIL I Tor luiLI vtry paurself 4-29II.W. who ii willing to learn, Apply in per.CalfjIB I . U M - M . e ^ ^ _ (ood and m t . d . U w t i i cradtd • » « rau with all the material* neeaiiary. *.aaII. gppotite Middletawn Fire (*«. P. M.. RE t - l l l l - J I • rfiCY*Hir«tLL t S d h i B T rt4"i~sxirnrRV"coMvwri»LC COUP*. fan W. H, Woolley, 141 traidway, BXPERIEfiCiC WOMAN—Capable of •atdid. Call afttr » P. M., I l l ».«!«»• Small Konthly paymenti arranged on tTATW B T — t o l i of trael, aeeettori»i. Fully Muipced. metallic green, g 1 rl»». f o n r PJi-anch. ai, cckildren, k i l d n , wlihei lihi i n g or Mint b« in good condition. 1. Kerb*r, THiwfitriAssiNr:furgr,iiT eiring for infanti, iTHiwfitrii ll*n linnovsn, \orner SprinH»ond ave. __..._-l6oc<« wool gabardine'*, r i g •urrhaie of any materialt. Hera a n baby litter. Beit ( f lef. potitii<n M bahy carriage, klgh chair, eir hnm. :n<) siirewihury ave.. Red Bank, Phone route 3,'i. Neptune. AS_2-772*. ii M bba b itt B •( Aim 1I4T B**y Spin Dryer, call RE ENGINEERS—Taka part in thi import, areaeet. ular 114.85, • • ! • price 19.11 i rayon • • m i of the jehi yau can de>: Attle In. ll JO: «__»-J." Call KK «.(ii)ii2-M. mack, two I.wheel triryclei. RE l.ia'J7 __________ 19r."t l L A T _ ) ~ P . K f i A i . lane! Vnijse'r ant Communication* induitry B 8—* •abardine'i 14.05, all i i m . l a ceo i • illation, application nf tilekoard in klteh- l . | « 7 a . B , WHKN YoUTlilVlNISH your rlnor. iiii fi-trical nr tnei-hdiicil ingmtiring, ftcwtfffirfrTitrTTx'. Stiidebaker. Excellent condition rrmrfttfrTt T S tm}Ti6N"~sfeAir"cATri g a n t i Shop. I t W i l t Front g t , Riden or kath. flnlik your k«Maent *r i t l l e HTAHfrcRABS -By doren or buihil. f e e . K B brawn * » d thetternild. site 31; red rerma.Stal, durable, Mratek-proof; mileage, int* • playroom, bedraam *f din, Cam. .jysics, or equivalent. Position! allo ley'i Filk Market, 11 B*P ava., High. fa> fur " i l k plaee, All perfect con- •liminite. feiur.donr ledan, radio, hi r v periinte ia N N. Y. Y C. C Recently R t l moved d eoitli retcraping, Monmouth etc.. plet* Una of lumbir, mlllwork. hardwire, open for thole less qualified • • aulitant t* thll loeillty. 11,100. Phone RU l-!__l. _ ? l _ Writ*, " U e Firm dition, l i t aaeb. KB ••"»•» between • O - P I T A L BEbS BfcNTED—New mod Mowir Shop. Brenrhpert ave.. Partau* 1IJI CKBVtiltEt", with" new tires, enginteri. Work In So«tk Kearny. N. i* 'aim, wall board routing, siding, ply. Seeratarp," Box M l , Bad] Bank' •r» adjuitibl* hotpital bed! for rint. ecod, tlonri, windowi, imulatlen, ate, rjfiliW BnolTf AtCi;" four" ekairT: 11 A, M. a i d I P. M. only. Mn. L. peck. I.O «.2«'t-M. or New York city. Our eejulpmeat envalvi job, battery and painl. ExcelAST MTT'INC—AT l.dtlt.J.' Dunra* Phyfe. new. Saerliea, 171. Harm ' lew and uied Pedi for tala. Call RB _ree eatiaiat*! oa your na*4i. America! •TEtTAtBINO IN maion work and Plal- lent running roaditian, 1200, Phone gineering organisation wrltei ipeellea- fill r ItJn'—_r__'lT-_X t " _ J • OUNG-»witehkeard operalof. iR-TTOB f.2414, ( i k for "Patient gervlea." VrM "nilding Supply, Highway II at Head. Phon. H I »-1!TT-tl.« l A F l — P m i i l l i i i . I l l ; I t inehei high tering; patchwork. Na iak t o * large RU 1-0-44, Oarvln, tiani far tka manufacture and ImtallaRieiptienlit, lyplit. Four yeari exper. TAcnrCAH'RAWtB. foTr.kurMe, eelor lelivery. Sotitk Jeney Surgiial tupllp. bp H a l l , Caa V i a aeen at Ander. • r too imall. John Donate, Jr phane tlon of Ball Telephone Spttem equipment. 'n'l Corner. Middletown. RE * . | I 4 4 . H own, RB « ' • • « , Balaw • N n . Pleia. u l l H I «• «(iU'Rg IK COoTt" nTnd* wttk Allatata — t Front it.. Red Bank. erenm, (tood ikap*. Call BB 4*•on. Bro*. warek»»M. I I Mechanic it, RE «-52fl». . will be given t* auatlfled can. Ajro-MAHE lirde kkndaaili made ta Joan Adelman.' Insurance Company. With Allstate Training IM, Jea ja-W^ 1 j ^ Make an orTer. dldntei In the over.all rharacttilttlll U l l . Mist T fwr c*at,~*i»" i * CTSsi'OGtrANt>"i<F.PTie tank eontrae- auto O d imuranca yeu get! Low coit. nat •rdar, «n» Ctrl*. Order i n forFIGS—Twelve weeki ol*. Weight abe«t LADY ! H V R RRA E WOMAN VYISHI WISHES u acra for children dltion._ •mi the IIM cf varioui l»P»i »f teUphene tor, Caitpoal* <lug and eleaneil. 8*p. "__S"J_!_ •••»»». lonnlly known company, natlon-wridi equipment auck • • : micro-wave, teleIn awa kome hp th* d i y , I ta I , far tie tanki aad drain* installed: 25 pearl' claim* MI pound*. Call HU | . 1 » 4 i . [ M i B A t r ^ FREEZER—14—eWc-"foi See Donald E, Aaav, vision, carrier, rrotibar toll awitcking, working mothers. RB t.4171. 1 SAVE AT WHITE Furnltar* A Howard Tiltoa. SI Center full-timetervlce. •torage. Stalnlen ite.l tap. T» experienra BUToT~a gdod~uiid~M BOY'S 84-iNCTJ~BrcYeTB7~WliTtiwi!i agent. 45 Salem la., Little manual iwbdi—local and toll, Wark •(Btair~B_iiRB~t7iirng"-o"r"~Tf at. RumPon. Phone RU 1-OP73. i ht tire*. Excellenl aaadltlan, l i t . LO eompartmaati; A-1 rondltim. Raaioi Bedding Co., 170 Monmoutk i t . fri tor. Call RB l - m i . for an eitahliiked company. G*od warkCthei'OOU cleanea aad built. MtrUe gilver. BE t.tOia, •ddrening by kand or 1 It'. BItrMi*>e>.Hirrii . . I / . *l'i*Ja.lS>!f_i*L.!i_i * • _ " * • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bad Bank. BE w-lOSI. _ FORD C0NV.RTIBLE. Good con. ing condition!. Paid v i n t l o n i and kal. bookkeeping, l tank) eleaaad and lnitgll*d, g r a j u laprepelied, with rat leaner: Una eondi rOLAROIl) CAMERA. Died il> montkl. "IsTIH.Movii tl.tCTRie " raatt dition, Radio, kilter. Can ka lean at idaye. aickneu kemnti and peallana. • « > . " _ -'• «a i a *wn kerne. Call RU Cair, cxpoiura meter, flaah gun, filter ion end realonakla. Cofover Bra*. with aland, timer and griddle. Good •tailed Phone i n * tlm* dap or atgfci. II Westiiidi avc., Red Bank, or call RE Write, giving details of nualincltlaaa, O T R M OF OMB wlibei ta cara for RU 1.0740. Hirvep C. Tiltoa. I Brace IUT HUBI i«w»w«-ir KUBiFf i"«"«' Miswr-Harrii Milei * Service, HO ( kit. Hacrlle*. I t t . I I . RS 4-5111 af- eondition, 130. RE 4-07M-M.' experience, and lalarp experted, fir ap- child of Mrking motklr. «-2l7*-M. _ _ __ L i v . ia Hl?l, WieVM.mli. •koel for mta and wemea.. wlta built RKlSI)i>oH-Twin. iix rjeeet, manoga^, pi.. Bumion, ply in perten Monday through Saturday, 11)41 KORT). i'OUR-DOOn. Radio an Util* Sliver. Two bloeki fr*m Pinck. WALNUTtaSle," ».x7* dining 4-aeai luiti. Reaionable, RE »1>H INSURANCE ol all kinaa. a t a V I T . l a archil and cu.l.iun.inuer *•!•>. C. I. *:30 A. M. to I P. M L Bring in praef it heater, white wall tirea, fog lights. R. H. Strnt. Uw«a kalldiM. t T . f l Ekeellent Inehei; TKor waihlng machine, gal* ritiicmhlp ind your Soeiil Security carl. —I tt Call RE 4 - I S l l - t . * Clayton. LO KRTILIZBRt—Pat kMt reiulti •»* mechaniaal condition, 1275. 63 . _ enrc>rTROOni*6 autarial Me Broid atrat labava Newl-arre i f re I _ Peach st. RE 4-2245. H9U«*H vanlied twin tuki, Reaaanlbli prlcid. Veterani should allo preient dilckarga RAVE To ( anda to av.iliblt. I In 1 itrip ikinila, al Daptaii Guaranteed rertlliieri. t o «.|5t8.M,' paper*. Western Electric Co., I t t CenBOL-TOP DOOR, t i n t , UMd. Com. •alori. 14.50 t o . ; SO-PBUH* t U t t roll Jt H n b c o u T _ ^ » f o o ; K i _ l tral Paiton, V. i. Ph«a* Harwputk OU, U M P S tM**rU« t w ttortftt. ava., South Kearny, N. 1. Manu* fotrwr eoCi;ER"iPAKIEL~puppy."maaa, algkt _... psoAnt (2.C0 roll: IS-pound falta, It.** Plata wllk all kardwari, | « 0 . RB 07II.N. M. Schwari, Eait End ave,, facturer for the Belt System. pso Junction ?-401t* We alia buy pa* week* old, high pidigrMd AKC, black. t'y. Lamp* piwlr**. W* «*R far Ninth »t. Belford/ timt Work, Saturday, Sunday and l. Ralnh Hundr. Highw>T H . Ktani _ ^ . 30 Bay it., Rumion. •vaaiaga. Willing I * d a anything but ton and fraina. n . KE «.0203-J. • a l oaUnr, RaraM'* Radla * a _ 47 BLACK, MERCUBY" MERCU convertible erte OP-VATORS— MALE *r female: all aec.canvaiilng. Write, P . O. B o s i a l , Bel. MVEKPIECE MAPLEdinett* luita. I * PIANO—Spinet; furniture, bargain. Like White radio t willll tirei ti di and d keater k Elaattt* Ikaa, I I W*M r w M t U tlon work, plica work or tlm* work. viry good eondition, and mania livCOMPLETE LINE OF Iraplaea IPBtl aluminum realng. am iji .. low mileage. Exrelient condition. Price new bedreom l e i with ipring, mat Bed Baak. Pkm* BB 1-1744. Highest salary paid. Steady amploy* T U I M E D TEACHER will eara for young ing room mite, left to icll on conilgn* •900. Pkon* RE 4 S l l t R belweea I • Iding iheett, I x l t feat by . o i l Inckai trill, alngle bedl. dresicrs chesti, mi aquipmfM. Andlrom, Iratacll. ehlldrin at heme bp day ar week: ac. ment. Alio operator) an button tewera, menL at a very good price. Swart* 8*12, folding bed, threi metal bei thick. C. W. Mason, Communication! and T P. M ana ruik work!" WIN at ram I cf alt t r p n , »»od carriari, blind stitch and learn binding maehlnea. tlvitiai for nunar# ages. Hoi lunch. Produeti Company, Marlkara. Phine Fl Furniture. Higkwap IU. RB M i l l . Op- •pringi, mattriw cheipi *et of fou CHAlk'CANlNO L C T A R T S FOR 1940," model H O Buick bur l v l n i . l l Witt Sunlit av*. Pkane Write "Operatan." Box s i t . Red Bank, polite Middlelown Fire <X Capa Cod Ilihtari, fandara, ate. Raa- 8-issn chain, bulfet table, beam l - l t , 14 fee RE * . 4 J j y _ R . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ convertible roadtter, Fendei*, hood SECRETARY OR STENOGRAPHER. f B*tt Hlghlanda ave., Atlantii T f r o KLACE lemala C o e W pupplea" (EVEN-FOOT REFRIGERATOR. Perfect ong. ail'a, I I C u t Front at. KE 4-05S4-J BliTiSJfTTANIISCAPR SERVICE. J o * . radiator, etc. Cheap, HE I.4JI7T. eitliied In Oerman and Scandinavia* running condition. Priee reliamkle. Highlands, Phuna AT 1-16I5.M. 1 pe<iiKteeJ; eligible for AKC tcgiatra* after i f , Id.' eph L. Moreau, Jr., landicapa arelil* Aim collapiikle Heditrom Union kakjr FUCirTlMC"Tt,tANIMG. Llgkt work. tion: ehamploa blaod liao. Can be leea , n.__-CHAffil RljOTb-H.w delux by BCTftlO"'"——~ • lect, contractor. Shade. Cowering and > t ) t CHEVROLET SEDAN | 2 « . Tow Must ka thorough. Apply la pertea. •troller. F. Ekirkardt. >Si Hanca rd.» _ _trola. work a i Rrit-Saor work. appointment. Prieed reatonable t chrome wheel chairs for rant. Rilion. away. Good motor. Idle for four Cryetal Brook Inn. Eatontown. Coit IIJ0 when new. Will *ai •rnamental treat, ihruba and iv«rgre**i Fair Haven. ^ *r *nd cooking, *r general house, •fell. New and «ied ehaira for inle. Cal good home Phone KE 4.1420-1. far 151, Beautiful cabinet. Call LO of the hlgheit auality. Plaia furnli**d month*. Geary, 40 Garntep pi., Bel. I t l o (iRHlN, OLPIMOBILE Ik, canHAT CHECinilHL. Banquet wiltrttici. 'ork. N * Sunday preferred, Call i l l BE 1.2114. aik for "Fatiint Servlei." ford.' for all phases of design. All work p«rP vertibl* Very good condition. Brand] Apply In perton. Crpttal Brook Ina, Mechanic ' i t . Phon* RB 4-1724,• TURKEYS. DUCKS, feeie, eipona Fraa delivery. Soutb Jersey Surgical ItEVnOLET SUPER deluxe hot water •onally planned and *upervl*ed. Pre- FOBh."l»4» STATION WAGON, White Bn t o n t own. new tirei: radio, hiater, puihbuttaii Supply, 33 East Front t^t.. Red Bank. •nd roaiting ehiektni. A full lina heater, l i t , Geiry, 41, GaiaHy p i , liminary vliltt, Mtlmatei, aad dillvirlei wall!, radio, heater, body re con. i t u t bkw etc. Black top. In nn« con- Belford.* HOUSEWOKKKH _ Experienced. Tw* fClBOX. HOLDS 150-200 Ibi. of ice: • f poultry for Taaakigiving ar ( * r window* are free. Alia 4 * lawm ratotllllng, ("Itloned with four coat* marina 8pir ition. 11.171. Inquire Saturdap *nly. ditio adultl. Recent reference! required, EA M6THEB w l i k * i ~ t . ciro f«? II cubie foot food loapartaent. Priaa lURt I o n AH1> octAN CITY .ta" light tree moving and trimming. Leea. varnith 11,395, See at Rumioa Eaio. 1-0624 U Il4»« oecaiion. Alto apaeial mating *f RU •blld for warkilg mother. In ! « : "RE «-28ll. RU 1-1070. I Mail R. D. No. I, drag reel, uied three tlmei, I U tlon Coif* Neek. THREE-PIECE LIVING BOOM luite. I geeti for breeding. Pricri regaa*- M L F^OR T T P W e . nllng and' general t.Uot.e VIBES—Itetreadtag. (i.icaoiiiDg an l»4» OLD8MOBILE l » conveitible. Hy Freihqld.1 Phona KR I.08I7.W.8, Ceiry, 4» (iarniay pi., Belford.' piece kltchin t i t , Reaionakla, BB * • clerical work. Apply R. 1. Malkmul, KWWC iOTUlK would Ilk. t . t . k . anli, Cpruni'i Paultry I'irm, Lla* •paciilty. Your tar tiad up only I I dromatlc, radio, heater, five wriitl O M BALtrthnl"7emile Angara'rab* C JOSEPH" SMITH, general cantrgctarI 1104-J. Hen.on-VanWinkle-Munning Co., Malacir« *f child f»r working mothers. •Inutet to put laaneri on while wa ra. aroft. RB 4.O44I-W-I. roof• icpairad and painted! all type wall tlrri, 11,.100; 184* Chevrolet elaltTfURNING. FORCED hat air fur. Call BA 1.1 Pit, ext. 1I2T. after I P>. M.e ttp four tirei. Mo charga for loaajf •aw roofa installed; •ihaitai tiding In. tion wagon, radio, neater, 11,150. - BU Bare, Camplete.. Snitaklatorm m i lil l O WANTU>. both practical'and girvira. Mount Tlr* Servlc*. 71 Wkitg ANTIQUES—Calm, lilver. cutglaM, brie- bungalow, guaranteed for 10 yean. CarVerp raaiapable, bl BE *OIL BUhNtR-A. good . . new. 'mM •tailed, at., Bid Bank. Pkon* RE 4-04M. penter repairing, kitchen and bathroom !»"« IHTI!HNAtloNAL: l»»o Clievrc.r« a-brae Buy now far Ckriitmaa, Baalregiitered. Phone AT I.HI40. all control!. Complete. Cheap, lloo A - 1 f t (Ok EVERY occnioo. Pottiry, nniible pricei. No dealari. Phom L f112" remodeled! witk all plumbing; anterior l i . t o n pick-up; 1938 Chevrolet ' 4 •USINESI OrPORTUNITICS 1OR "lMMEDIATE^8At_-Twin b.dl. and interior painting, wallpapering, w i n . ooppir. braai and wrougkt l r * « r » «'J972 BXPBRIENCED itenographtr m d . . u i club ekai ehair, lla good dow cleaning. All work hat a guaran- ton panel. Can t e iern nt Weider'l, gray, complite: ilngte mitnl bed, com* •ttlaa. Homy Bo* Flowm, 41* " — AHA1WK 11AM8 WWTWHT, ffaTTi bookkeeper, part or full time. Ocean blvd,, Atlantic Highland!. BOAT BASIN gild michlni ihop. O« gtmt. Pkona BB 4-408*. condition: alio matching n t imil tee. I I Tower Hill ave. RE «-0a«0. crafter* 8X-7I double tuperhet re nleie. blond wood, full lite: crib wltk MmiLEY.DAVlDWJSr cycle. J Only permanent retldentt will be New Jtrsey laland Waterway, lo. S b . A L REBINGTON. 0*d*rwec, . . . eeiver. 1175; Joknton Viking all band lOnff, kamhalr m a t t r m . All in per- I « l « * " - * " " " • • • " " W e 1 Halih, RE OlMClUL CONTRACTOR aad e n i a a . l i 1»«T good ihapc. Muit sell, t i l l KE I- conilderid. I l l Choitnut i t . Red cattd kttwcea Brielle and Bay Head I L. C. Smith typewriter!, low • • | i t . M . tranimltter, 100 watti output AM orfect condition. Consider any affir. BA enanid: carting and grading, t a g •IIJ^ bait lifting facllltlea far marine lervicei -•conditioned, (uaraatwd. S*_dc*'_ CW, Including V r o , tabii, and xtalt, a-filiO.M or . A 8-0»>t.W. Bank. Phone RB 1.4051. manur*. Ill dirt, cladera, gravel knd It48 CRO3LEY itation wagon. Exrcl eitikllikid butlnen: five acret land,. monthi. Price "wken new" ffii.ii, aall. l « l Moamoutk Mr**. Pbaaa RB • •I!«S. Alao have 100 watt 1 mtr. t r i m - WARliRoelt TRUNK, garage doori, nar•and. Eitlmatae gltraa. Pbon* RB I - lint cendition. Call MI 5-0360-J row iaih panel. U " » l \ tool k*> and) Aiking | l ] 3 . Alia apartment ilia four- 14*4 O m i BMkir. «T B*c**d • _ . P»lr mitter at a reaionable price. All unit! OPERATORS—MALE or femalt; i l l aec. •'111. dl after 1:10 P. M. burner gai ttove. Utel one year. Prlea chest, blanket chest, Dutch door, mapla tion work, piice wark or time work. k M i 4 W . « , . , . t Haven MX.VE ON GAKDBN lupplial; calk an« ar. Ilka new condition, RU 1-152». 1941 BUICK 4-DOO» icdan, I92S. KeeJl high boy, folding cot bed, pilot'* heat, »"en new JI00, Aiking | 7 i , RE t salary paid. Steady aaiploy. carry; 6-10-5 fertiliier I 2 . l t pir kin. 1(1 ~JUH_-.ittli,~ hint a little work done on it. Johnle Hen- Highest ment. Alia oiieraton aa kutton iiweri. dred pound*: large bale peat moil 14 AKC COLLIE PVPPICS. MA 1-2I74-R-1 ed suit, four, •« circle n t h : t i l DH gay b«it prlc* far Nf _ dealer. W* v—r . « • ! p n w denon. RE «-S110-W, or write, t i l New Jeney Formula No. 1 grail aeed FLYER'S NEW, long leather, fur llm •ash, small walnut cheet of drawtra, %-SIZB VIOLIN — Pirfiet condition. Iron, pantr and blind itltek and learn binding machlnei. SEA BRIGHT-Wa a f a r for tale a t a t . nd aiattmMt, mattr**m. Call 111 We«t Bergen pi., Bed Bank.* Wit " O " R »U U. Rd] B k tractive price* tka following kuti. coat, ilia 44, Varf reatoaable, Cal chrysinthemums and Irish planti, mapla 10c per pound la five pound lott. Ii Write "Operatora." Ron » Red] Bank. *.1!I4-J tl». ISO Park ave. KE 1.1184." 1139 CH_VROL"ET one-ton truck. Good SERVICB dropliaf table. Antlqu** — Four-poit orted Holland Tulipi, No. 1 illW l.KIII, STATION manager: oaly ex- nine*. Going concern! operating prof* W.bCTKIC MOTOR rabullaiag i* aui condition. Cheap. Watson, Box BOY'S N l V r t A S r i i b a r d i n a overcoiir. mapla bad, marble table, pine eea cheit, Itably. Fish market, retail, catk 11.090, l.tS per SO bulb*; evergreen! i n HORSS" MEAf; Freih froien, choppei perlmeed need annlv. Mml b* nM* builnee* Cm m ff» ftielt **ret»» "" idoll rd., Mlddlettnvn, M" 188-AA. Tin / i p . l a lining, t i n 11: Kenmore i n . t e r m ; tavern, bar and licenict •hrubi II mid up. Myron Koilcky' two ikoundi 15 cent!*, ckunk, heart tcurly mapla table, foot warmer, *mall to do all minor mechanical repalri. balance P*ugl*i" Etaetrlc C*» I I B u t Prant I-0.1I7-W. fully equipped: grocerlea and Garden Store. Route 35, Eatontown. liver, live pound* I I . Op«n dally am atand Call after 4 P. M,. AT 1.1I45.W. burnir wlcklei* oil l i n e , 13x24x30. t at.. B«« Hank Pkona BB 1.1 I I I . Reference* required. Phone RE 1-3751 restaurant, mesti: dry cleaning and tailor; all* Jtollte Aireficnn Lei-ion. Sundayi until • P. M. Cleted Wednei CARRIAGE—Large cuneh, maple crib _ g ! ' " i l _ J » «'*_ P'»»'er, RK t-5541. I5i at PLYMOUTH-flood transportation for appointment. Hern. IT Essex it., Emit Keunsburg, TRUCK DRIVER laleiman: 44-hour riverfront property, residentiil. For and s p r i n g Univirtal Rotary Ironer, MCIDEVIN OCCASloVAL ihair vtTflToi: dayt. Helen Miller'* Pet Mop, High, JORAGE HARVESTER — Jokn Been 14-HOUP. 8BRVICB m Ik* repair o l deUlll, eea Bowman and) Axelten, 1051 KE 4.Q0I7-J,^ _ _ ^ way Sr>. Si* mllci north ef Red Bank. and old mahogany dresser. Ml i-0l«a-B. toraaa foam rubbir cuihioning, dark with corn and pick-up attaehmen week. Apply Brumwlck OxygeS C a a . Ocean ave. gE 2.014T. Ml ».rn4».' KITCHEN SET, 140: also two upright ""en radlm and aleetrtcal appHaaia*. * FORD. MODEL A Ford roadi-er. N ? Six months old. Will mcri. Good enrditinn and reasonable. Conov P«n» 275 Mechanic it,. Red Bank.' clutch, king pins, brakes, good motor metal cahinett. white, 15 each. Can nee. Broil . HO !t-M21, Wirkatunk.._ Phunc RE 4-2724.• We call far ind deliver. Harold o ONE OF RID BANK'S' butlett lunch'. PUPPIES. t> UP, tropical ind gold tlih, ard tire*. After r> P. M. A T _ _ * _ ! _ M . ttXPEKIEHCBb operators wanted • * WOOl> — Kireplace, Itnve. kinillin All i l i e i . l l each"! eonattei and loda fountaini, Doing hirdi. Hamster*, Open daily anrl Sun* be seen after 5 P. M. Mrs. A, Rullo, TincTcLES^Hibuilt. Radl* aad BlMtrta Map, I I Witt . - , -,H^na 25 centl, water hoic v i . indie*' coats. Pocket makers, kutton. larie volume. Excellmt location. Rem14 Bank it. BE t-ri044-W.; Charlri V. Wilion'i wood yard. 31 day i until t P. M, Cloied Wednei 1940 FORD TWOTDOOlTSiDAN. Radio, hole* 40t Cnlumbus pi. Loni; Branch • and nnlakerl. Good lalary, Ber- •"•lita rent. Front i t . . Red Baak. P b « * RB Owner retiring. Priced Peach Ft., New Borp iihrcwibury. Phon diy'i. Hel«n Miller'i Pet Shop. High. UAT-LEG TABLE atTd foiTr cliaira. Otttm-GAXtUN heater. Very gpod motor and ap-gen Coat.Suit OIL TANKTai»o So". Corporation, 249 Wail t-!744. way 3'.. Six milei nortk ef Red Bank right. Frankly* Havllane. Broker. RB KE « • ! < » . maheiany nnlth. Vary good con* twaranre l,10'l. Phone RE_«^1«^7. Bergen pi.. Red Bank. tor and fan. Sullivan, rear b u n « . BALED HAY firlt grade. Fnr furthai MI S-0S4»e dition, Uied at dining room furniture. STSTl6N"WA"GON»-^1t4l Ford station YTSUK&~WoWXN to tell wallpaper and *.tiao. informi t'mi. call Before 0 A. M. am CORUWOOIl SAW and belt with atam • 25. 33 Wallace i t . Call after i P . lew, 120 Hirrlson ave._Red Bank.PAINTERS AND DECORATORS; I S nngon, 1140 Chevrolet station watron, WIST — - I N D — Apartment hotel, year 1'EEb, KEEIt, FEED—G, L. F, ojuality* paint: Interior decoration knowledge any evening. KE H-0TC4-W-2. ytari experience In metropolitan area. 194« Chevrolet station wagon, 1050 riund baslnett: liquor ticenie. real No motor. Phone RE I-I4II, l i t M.. RE 4-2707. Good houn, pleaanat >urNona bctttr. Laying mash 15, grow. Interior and exterior work, plaitariag Wllly'l atatlon wagnn. Prleea rifc'ht necessary. PEDIGREED SIAMESE Sell Point kit'VJ i l . l l " " _ , f • " fU'nlihlngi: priced Kumion rd.. Little Silver.* er 15. terateh feed 14.40, hog ration and glaiing. Raphael Salaa, 10 8hra«rt> William J. Levlne, 41 Oceanport ave. rounding*, good pay. Inquire In perion. DISCONTINUED waihable ind lun- BLDF, WICKER STROLLER, ftcaionable. tent, LO 4-4,' Mr. Blltier, Coloreit C», I t Bread * U 14.70. dairy 4.10, horse feed 14.50 Add » "ry ave.. ave.. Hlahilnd*. Phone HI a 14-1. Wilt Long Branch. L 04-2441 or I fait wall pnpeH for every room In May be iern at 114 Monmoutk at,, R5W LlffXIT~Tommr Tucker reilly S5 centi for h i m , refunded wken ra. Red Bink. i -SSPOOL'' CLEANING and building sep- OKt-1, itngi for hi* lupper, I f i PletlWMt. turnid. Mane* * Davli. Phom RE I . C-SSPOOL' or call RE «.t»09. • your home. Value to 112.80, now tic n k i : dry and gravel wills aad 1141 WrXLVS JElP nation wagon. Jr SALESMAN—Ixeellent apportunlty In i t ik FIPEI.E8S H l A T s n , Parfeet condition, He'g no luckir. Middletown Refrigerwell established kualnen: n*at a p . 13.98 for 10 Blnulo rnlli. Klirln'l drains. I t Peach i t . (Niw Shriwtbury good ihape. Mint iell Immediately pearance; age 15-95. Stat* auillflea. WAJfTED Like new. Four yclri old. Call AT ation. Higkwap »5. Ml 6-Q2tt. OVAL marble top" cofTi. Rorouith). Phone RE 1.1141. C. H.Phone AT 1-UTI.W. Paint* anil Wlllpnperf, 26 Mon- i n r 2 l oWCAN^OU^Alrm^nTrTair ANTlQfJI alom In writing ta "SaUtman," B*x i l l , BW'CAN^U^lrkr^TrTrTi table, walnut slant top daik, Vlotor- Wilson^ l i l t FORD V-8 cloiad body truek: ir Red Bank. refrigeration T Well, that'i ilmple. •n what-not, 8-day steeple clock. All mouth Etreft, U a n n PRICE8 f*r your chlaawira, excellent condition: reasonable. Alio O t ) Y ' S BEAUTIFUL COAT. Brown Buy It from ui. Middletown Refriner- item* thoroughly restored and In per-PAINTING AND paper hanging, done by SALESMAN—Will train the proper man. gtauwara. aatlquaa, Sm llneni. furnl. Forfltmann Virgin wool, brand new, atlon, Hlghwap 15. _ Ml_«.q2t9. day or contract; also door icriplng by 1939 Plymouth tedan, good running conSIXTY NEW WiiEnEi) f.n-l ruof truue feet conditinn. RE 4-2170-R nea* appearance: a s * 13*95, Sterling can. iimui, itatue*, lilverware, bric-adition, No reasonable offer refused. RE with detachable natural Lynx fur colla A FREEZEIPROOM 1x8 .tlf-defroitinit tpnn 23 fiet, at ?3:i each. C. W. Ma Phone RE 1-2242. M. CUSTOM-SIAIIE WEDDING ~ d r ^ T ~ o 7 iqunre foot. Furniture Shop, HI White i t , , Red brar. palatlnga, lewiiry. Call ma for on* •-22O4-R Phone RE »-82»«.M. Thermobank, Any temperature. Uacd •on Communications Produeti Co.. phon Rank. »lat* or many. BE 1-8231. " »»'lj,b'«cade. Slie I I . 11, Original Morton. CARKlARE~like new, 110: darl and running on an estate. Cornel apart TUT FORD Country Squire station EXPERIENCED g a i itation ittindant: KR KRjyj^ . llOLL CARPENTER BUILDER. Jobbing red maple fleik, I2ri: black ma »•», • ' 1 0 . Make oiler. Call RE I . ANTIQUES-Biil prloii paid. Ckiaa. and re-a>emble« eaillp. Middletown Kf wagon. Four months old. Save over fFESH-KILLErT~(|uiility turkey-. 571 Pomi"-anian puppy, 130: orange Pot reference*. Apply in person. Ken. TP M promptly attended to. Floor landing. glauwara. picturaa. autuaa, j*w*lrp, frlK<ration, Hlxhway 3.1 Ml li.oitt. ' Cal: M. Moraon, 11 Mount St., BadHOD. Call BE ».5434." ilrrs. tul-en. A I M I i l u c k e e n d c h i c l e r . 6 . r'!pr!cs ready for Chriitraai. Service Station, .Ridge rd. andlampi, old nvolver*. tllvtr, i n * furnl. EA 3,BEAUtY"STldP" EQUlPMI8Tr"i)7piri I L ___SSi_-_^-i*- *"'' 1947 CHEVROLET REDAN delivery nedy'i P h n n r I!I- f , . K ' . l - - U - l . Ave. of Two River*. Rumaon. office safe and ateel ftllnir cabinet. I . U»nk, RE «-2242. otri'2 evenhi^K, nil day Saturday ture, Monmoutk county bookt, mapi, mnnicurini: tnblc*, chairs, boothl, E \ Black. A rrnl fine lookinir car. Will B T X T ' l i AN'lJ ' r A N ' i i i y ~ M a i i i T K ! . t i - r « , n i l Sunday.* drawer!. Phone RE 4.2379.R or m i y OP_n"ATOfiS^alA:_B or female i all « c Cllaan. n Spring i t . BE I-Ulli-M. FLOOR SANDING, rcfinishlng, waxing: be told at II bargain price. Tile al cellrnt condition. 1)E i-5»29. 331 nyr-. Al-o (laili^lmnd t>upp>s. All tlon work, piece woik or time work. Cem^ouali, inlaid linoleum, rubber nnd moit new. 'J'nmiislni Motors, Highway RooFevrlt ave., llcal. BOSTON TERRIF.R pupnlit. live p* Hinl i t i i i i ' i i l a t ' i l . M n . A. S u a n . •"p'-i"' *' a* l'*'r M*vc" r<1-1 """ asphalt tliuhest sninry paid. Steady employ- OLD FUBNITURIl. antlquet, china. g l . » . tile. Estimates cheerfully given, 35, Eatontown. Phone KA :l«HHri!l. * ware, art object! and bric-a-brac Im. t w o THOROUGHBRED" BoicTTnippr Kim I t m i i r ::.'. t i r n r Kive C o r n e r s . M i d K'ccki old, AKC rrgifttcrcd, 97S — - — —..^.—-.. Boston Arthur W. Acker, thestnut it, Port Man* 1917 CHl!VftnL"ET panel delivery; Bcnu- ment, AIFO operator! on button icweri. Rrmonablr. AIEO mother. Kenmnrc dleifiv.ii. Ml :..n2'M. _ hlind stitch and seam binding machines. locker, pine wash>tindt, pine cup- mnutli, KK ».2ltsa.J. malet; ISO femalei. Inquire 112 tiful eondition: «.ply tlrc«, Very reas Front IL Phon* wi*hing mar nine, RU 1.1019, or inboards marble, tap wisrutanil, pattern Write "Operators." Box 511. Bed Bank. "TTSEIi'm.'lI.liJNG'mnterialVfor'iala' Broid bt., Eltontown. EA 3-010I.J. "liable. Tomn.«iiil Motors, Highway 35 AUTO SU>P*CY STORE hai opening for quire 71 Lafayette at., Rumjon. »'»«. china, etc. Sean ave. Hirhway COMPLETE LANDSCAPE tervice. nn job >i'.f at Rivrrview lioipitil, OC e T" d r a w e r i | T 31. Navcslnk. KE K.0S84.J after B Eatontown. Phone KA^Jl-os_ti.^ OTWUMUUM. china and-goo. smm " HOE~8 TEO~F~a e"v T a utility m m , Permanent poiitlon Now Ii the b u t time to plant cedar cheit II", medium liti pea _ _ _ L Rcil BnnV. STAINLESS STEEX SOIM fountnin uied furnlturii imall piti'M preferred. IMS HUDSONTOUTt-DOOrt. »"«0. Gom for • ambitious yountr man, Applv tn jacket I3.S0, baby erlb and iprlnrs liaymaiie; atljnleli fattel hood; gride] trees, hedgei, rosct, flowering rubber. Running urdrr. 51 Saiem la.. person only. The Pep Boya, 41 Welt DHUaf, mare and lomi traps, • " • . l i l t " A n " ' u e ShopI " l R l v " '•• PUPPIKS—-MiTifHuTrV PinsclitT pupi, and Etal.d. Other small items foi .<-. four 4.7Sxlt tirei and tubet, like BARS Little Silver. RE 4-0SI12.J. shrubs, bulbs, perennials. All ma128. PE * . 3 l t l . « Front st.. Red Bank. new. ID each; end table 15.50. two luncheonette. HI 3-1040 AKC: IIIKO AlrrilaU punt. 110 up. i t « 9 " MMCOTIY FO'UR-i'OOft teilnn rTOU"SEW0RKfR=Triree or more dapa njt4ff-Any-|.lnd, any londltlon.—«. tWCYCCE: chiTi—dike terial supplied and planted, Stevenl. Morey Prmltry Farm, Morclnvllle, MA PIGS—Mother and ten young, iix w i e amoklng itandi, II each. RE I-K239-J, LARGE Radio and heater. Excellent con »*•llWi«101 " • ' • «t-rLa«iwood. Phona equlpptd wltk light! and horn. Con a week, Phone RU 1-1422. RE 6-2SM-R. 1-:ani-J-2 old. 1125: mother and algnt plgi, twi dition Bargain for quick caih anlc, DBIVER ANjT"FtORIST kelper. Apply 140; alto large car bike chain drive. BALANCE OF FURNITURE from AffERlCAN" f l i t nURNlNfi furnaci.i week* old. 9100; boar, about I&O poundl, fBBHOUOHTV IHIllHK bird dog. Call _<•_ l « . Uied very little. Will sell Colonial Flowers, S tia-t Front lit. Complete with *' n^. enntro!* and ther- f«": p!gi from 110 upi dining room the General Borden ettatl. F i n "AXITTLE OUT THB" WAV. but I.II XCTlOA'CKVR'SBi houiekeeper, com K T r . n , . n # 4 . | , T 0 , | > o r [ ) . r l t . B . _ . f i . B . k . mriRtut. ANo twn lDO-ifallon tanke, suit (Jocobeau) 10-piece, mahogan extlngulihari, pleturei, dnpei, d m . M47 I i " ° '* el1 " C > " * " 6 " PHONE KB I - 0 I 4 W far Famlta t* pay," Cartfully selected, low mile panion for elderly woman, leml-lnIllin. r v i KK «-14H-J. _ _ 111, red l e a n . G, Hockenjoi, Cente •ga aari. Outitandlng faldei, all priced vnlld, corsett, glrdlei and branlere*. Small apartment light work, Alk-COOLEiroirrBbAHD engine. State •en, cello, currier and Ivei, Itlga PrtTSTOVE—Concrete bliiil iTimfioh TWO VKHY OI.Il f'HESTS. ' Wood ville rd.. oppailte red brick mho below the prevailing market: 1947 Chev- five or ais-day week. Preferably live in, _ life, am, price Write "Outboard , boiler: radiator I 3 i 2 a i < : bathromn Alma Mnwnt agent, 9 Monmouth roach print*: al«o waihttindi, lalhe w'-th molnr. s l « Itiver rd.. Klir hniifp, ofT Hoiite D&. Lint hou*f! e, rolet Flcetllnr sedan. II4K Ford lerlnn or by day M::|O A. M. to ri!30. Plea** Engine," Box III. Red Hint.' •ink. 2,1 Inchea: parlor «aa healer. RU road. P l o n e K B 7-12«T.-M nvi',, lietwei-n llceun nml Atlantic Ifnvi-n " tablet, curly-maple cheiti, etc. Rut1947 Chevrolet aednn delivery. I"'," write Kivliu; mldresa, phone number, SOWING MACHINES—All klndt, I I t a ANTIDl'K SHOP Ili'na. lirii-a'-brm7. ftAllIU—tTubint't atyle."Ve"rr Kiiod con Chevrultt itallon wagon, 1947 fhcvrole nvi.., Eint Kwiiialiiirg. cll't, 2.'> Eaut Front »t. «nlnry cxpeeteil, references t o "P, H, C,,M l l t l ca«h: cash ngiiter* 110 to 130(1; OPkMNG AIIAJN—"Almost New Shop" four.docr iidan. 1141 Plymouth Tudor. ilitl'in. Phone KK C-KS4 or call Virlur'.im firiyei-ciu veil Inve it-Hi, typewrltera | | to 1110: adding machine, r i Boil 811 Red B « _ _ _ _ ^ •1»« Rtdmond ave., Oakhurit. l O n c r Al ErtllA"NUtN6 leivicei 194IChevrolit four-door, ItSO Studtbaktr chair?, ii,ne r h e i t s wa^httHtirl. 9 x 1 - Kid Maiile ave,, Tied Bank etc Call anywhere, anytime. EA I . half black off Monmouth rd.) DE 7- painting contractor, plain and decora. •,i-ton pickup. IISO Chevrolet fourwlaor WOMAN—fo~do houiecltanlng one day I4E5. r u m . f l . 1 . r l r . Mail. r-t.. P n r t M o n - H A V F . ~ J U S t " E W f W E i r m y Chevn.le NOW 19 THE TIME to furntih. 1044, Whitney collaptiblt baby car. ilvi painting! property maintenance. 11 ledan: l t d * four.door Plymouth sedan; a week. Apply M n , Prank Dean numtj^. Oprt^ ,U'\v. S'nt.f|Hyj.# with four new tiret and tubet, Wi Do it wlicly and economically B1BIMC AKP CHIVING h rilfe, hi by rlothet up t o five yean Mount i t . Rid Bank. orse or mara RI I.OIti far 11(4 Ford Tudor, 19S0 Wllly'l itatlon MttleJHIyer, ______________ 8"\|! HTriVK—iWr liurneri" and ovcii. •ell the eild one, l-ply, i h e OIONI with fine pieces of used, new, and old,] men't white Arrow ahirt*. rir.o estimate wagon. 1941 Chevrolet station wagon, HBr?—far"Ilrivers and yardjmin In lum< Prira IS each til In KII'III rmnlitiiiti O n l y i . r c d l i w o Luis of Wear left. EA"»'!'4|7'W * ' 14 ,j.^4; man'a brown overvmt. size 114* Chevrolet convertible count, 1«<" antique furniture. Block long at* her yard, Experlcnci priferrid, kut rXOOR WAXINO. Call RE 4.1471. 8uami tube. RK 4.5114. Vr.iiln. <l'.' I ' H " « T J^'illBS.NV TABlCp/J 40, Many other article! loo numrimi> wUh to tak. e r a not nrcesiary, Apply 110 Rrmdway, TABRlCp/CJUPLC parlor Floor Wailng Ca. Privati Fntd ntatlon wagon. Mnny others. Low •orlrd fondf. Ruteil'i, IS Bait f J p P i i R T I . ' M T Y ? M ( l P - A"nt1niie,~pinc I VU, SIZE MAHOOANY BEP. »i"in tn mention. All merctiandiie. In cond tiorntt of child, part or full time. Loving r;-t dnwn pnyment, longf't term* po* West f.nnt Rranrh, Pb«n» t.ri l-8"74. nur iiiccinlty. ind mattreit. Like new; reatonabl ilrv , ' | V IVIT 'lialr t«hV, ilrnp Front it, iniiilliiiiit. Keainnahlr. slble, Veteran 10^, down, 31 mnnth air. rhojie H I n-iona.j. STEADY woHAJI™TwWl ronsidir ona l » » w > . |,;. r n f liiai-k i l r i r . r a t r d i - h « i r « . KA ,'l-ll'22)t.l(. * W I N G MAXnlNK, elactHcal" S S e K ODH IOH ELECTRICIAN RE l-nl7'i *mDl3^ room to pay. Open Sundays. William J. with young child): general homeworV c l l i r K W 1 - tiKi'lilr t n | i t a t i l ' l , I ' l l f l l ' e r In new pnrtahlc caic, »24; portnhlc J6SS»H y n i f i r SSH U UATirlsrSiioT; ATlrSiiT; i indlpliuirTr. i i •nd board with privite family in Lavlnr 411 Oceanport ave.. West Long alirp in, On-n ronmt good snlnry, Ref. REMINGTON 22 RIFLE repeater e o n l r r Mil , ' i n i i l r n p p f r IT,: r . l i r « « ^ , t i n I'lietrir. i-hriin and phnnnirraph, IIfl; nrv. No Job I H imall or larg*. l i t Lla.Branch, LO I.24H* or a.(ll22-J, Mnndard Elite tyin modern ir fnchold nr Red Bank, Write, "Room erenee*. ME l.59tn. Ware |ii>»nl a n d i u t i?!a»* bnr.a• IK, fnotlockmi 14,75, Bcntwonrl eral old flintlock plutol*. Inquire 241 •oln it., R. r. DH MlddliUwn. Pkoat fnii-.h E \ c r l l e n t imihanicHl erinditio and Board," Bos S J i ^ I ' d Bank.* i m BUICK CoSTVEHTlTCe?; Radio, CtiflK AKP H . L P - B for Institution fl bnc. ill i,a. » ' i . b u y an-l >r'!. T h e chain ?l.50 r.ich, cue itlckl A0 RB t - l t l l . W . . Ml ri.0^r,1.M-2, jar BOAKh-Ve.rimga ,„ MatMiiw. 1 U , r l i - o a t l w n y , K c y p o r t . K K nnd appenranee, heater. Top grini! Bciil nfTcr, Mutt a future date, Steady Job, If Inter. niataa cent* rich, four rulk bottom laddir break. Hornen legged up and trained. 1.|44f. MAKE OLD FLOORS look like new, Rent ^ « _ W » A P L . i r v l n g ^ o o m sell. RF, *.4»!!_ linlll r,:8ll_P. M. _ pstrel. w l t e "Cook," Bern 111. Bed Bank. 7it~Tl3reWt%Ir"Ji"T7~ for 1 er I rooms, 120, MI S Phnnr RE l-nlia-M." BEIitlOOM S1IITK, "In it, "dr.tMi. v a n cur hlgh.iperd flour landtr and edgcr. I)R_SSMAKIN(;- Alterations; tnllorlnit fRACTltAI, NURS-—Mile nr fem«l unites unfa bed* thrnw rum .mall hack chain HO, apartment g n 4.burner Kit ttnvr, Boston rocker, maple Low rates Enilar Lumbir Co., phom 5 1 1 6 folding carriage, tall remodeling; all typei nf coati relined ily M i l I.ii,ill. I ' D . Call EA 3 range | 2 S , d r m e r i 11,10, grata Inquire from I t t s I P . M,, RB G KT~ HfiBB~l'o'lt~Yot(ll"moni7l~Wi bunk bed! box aprlngi and mattreiiet, KE i.noor,_ _ _ >lppcr* replaced, buttonholes made, Ex. tir.k.'.J,_ have women's dretiet and wlntci 18,10, ate, RUKII'I, 21 Eait Front 7.plece mapla dinette, lO.pleee mihog. I.HT"Ali_ SCARCE and vary exii.ntivi. pert wnrkminihlp. Will call, fit, deliver FOUNTAIN-COUNTER GilfL — StVniiy AUTOMATIC C O A i r h i i r n i r ~ i l r a f t reV- coats men'i sulti and topcoati, Thi •t, any Duncan Phyfe, dining room tulte, Have that old fur coat remodeled, reposition fnr rlcht pemon. Apply In ulatnr: lawn mnwir f h a r p e n i n r m a . Thrift Shop, 104 Shnwibury ave,, Re Inve icati, maple tabli and I chain, condltlored and n v i mxniy, Amy KK «.01114.• A_THSSK._lVl nlnncr" nerion, Friendly Lunchronettc, 1-M BOATS ehim- I U I O . lu<t w i t e r r u l l a t o r , 2B I P P . Bsnk. __________________ NOKGE REFRIGERATOR 140, Iilvlti- •tudlo eouehei, mahogany and mapla Ow.n,_»»7 Union avi,, Btlford. KE I . b_lr lervid at Blhr't famoui restaurant Weit Pront it,, Bad Bank, or phona t l o n i . eiiual lii « 0 r u , ft. neat RTJffS^Used Wilton, 1x12. Prlci 111; bedroom tuitei, maple c h u t of draw. ator waihlng macklna I I I , All la good 1.9778 for appointment, rnrllatlnn M> d-S 1 "!!. MUST BELL LIGHT plywood . „ nrirntala. with rug rtiihlnm, one- 7x working condition. Motor bolt equip- en, breakfut itt*. deep fr.eie, elec. RELIABLE WATCH and Hock repair- Turkey rluek, chleWn, plui our regular m mmil. Fnr reservation!, call HI !M241i RKIIUCKtlM-nli I'I.MI pli!lci7TTI.;"T7r, lire >\i. I4H each. Naw In \ugutt. with l>,i H, ihouuwork RK «-lji^5-W,' ment, *i'iirch light, tachometer, braim trio refrigerators, Burdge'a Wnrehou»e, IttK. RrKarilltil nf make, Quirk trr* kmrrl ( t o n SO M, P. H, Two c . u Ii I . , .1 . • •• „ fMV | T i , , i , t l f I ! . i MAl.l," t.iiM(llNXTfO>r""(7rri 'Jl nnd " m lii II. niuli'iti, uiiri, tno-lnirucr alcnjiul Ntxt In Ktrlnhirli't pariilnir Int. III, Ml ri.Oinl. vlci.. Orii yuar gunrantcr. Worl; on 11E K.iulM, »ir« « ! , ' . r,.- i , ; , | , , , - , , l m , M W y,. -i.ivi, Hrii>oniblr, Krtllk Mnlnr Mini., linii-i furniture, i»dio>, etc, Make 1'lr.y_M.. Hid_Bank, tf—Tn car* for bnV'from I to A. carry with e i . e . Call RE I..S4D.J. limmirr, II, llutln, Jewclira, I K Wcit tiA.S STOVK, apiitmcnl <Ue, llnlllr iir .1, KK H-nil72-M. Punl'ii « I. lii <)• C i ' . l a ' Ifllive %'iliryKIH a v c , KeinNliurif, KK I.|.*.7H.J IIIUI, I'lioni. AT 1-OSUI, rive diys a. week. Nn housework. ci_rrrviNcreLAM""oiSn~bOnt, _»,n: HELP WANTED naliiral g i i , Llko n«w, It:., AT 1. Cull afler T, V. M., HE s-n7l.1-R, l i l N i M . imiiM : r i ,i »|,,-., m, • Alr•"-. •riinK_.pi_c_""_iviNfr IUM>M "euit Itnt lacing boat. Ulmcr lalli, Rat ley 7TjrSK flHajM' AlfVo-RAulOS-SaliiriiTfTicr „.., ftA~tVlXD~7TjriS taka ciri ol Buiunakei f m n u l I I ' M I , I -e I;' ; rug* pnrrli Call RB 4.4741-M MEN WISHING STEADY employment CSTKSVH~VillM\N—To »>IO rug. rocktall unit, two en proofed mohair, one long ruihion, repairing, t a yean eapirlinei. Mol *>alr. I*«|<| bnnki elr Uf,' Rrlrlgl tablM, (loeir limp, l - n tibia l i m n lO.mnntht-old | l r l . Rrfrrinfii i n d CMIU3 CRArT/PKEDBOAT,, drip button tuftws) iirlei In t i r r iai WSVV • e O t M f o T •r.trlgr aTnTTfffrr Jtadln-Ttltvltln ••rtln, I . §. Cu\ APPI» IS MHOS f>e, Red Raak, after l i t e , •Ida * . . experience nerenary. Other klip, On HI l> . . »'•• __.C«L . l i l t l». Iilllnf pilei •I W M | M . Rt< lank. >k«na n 1 Cathirlni i t 0 > t 1 Wttt kill line. Call RU M i l l . cussrauns ( S e _ t _ _ ' t jr-£-"l—'."—JJ-^^ d> j —* •' ~1 1 anrrmrf Joi'w"" * *"*' ** * K foV' V f"'V r _li, ^ *j M e: B4 j * i n i ' j * • •*•• * • • . - • " . . _ . * . * . J.^_Tt4'_JHl'iV »L! «ii '>.i-,' " "' " '"••' H • • i—______ _u • . . _ . • •--••• . — — WWB VMtWMW. REAL EfTATC n i t RUtr RSALEdTTATErOllALK If. REAL ESTATE fOR MLC REAL ESTATE FOR SAl£ MAL CITATl tm M l * NOTICE AK K OVDIN'AN'CE OVDINANCE AMENDING 'THE THE IE* IE VISED BUILDING ZONE ORMVANCg B SAWK-C*aB»l«t»ly »urai»«ed I . nVE-BOOH RMNCg COTTA6B. Firsplsee. ttWiCt'"VlCfbirAil~»eaut'ifully dee- REII BANK — Zorieil fnr b.<r.»-i. Firs UN'K IK A WMILg • house lik« thit W1LUS CONOVER—Tewa *ad Of *iHfi BOROUGH Of LITTLE S1U » • • far*** (Mrtaunt, t)uf*nntcad< Highway 31. Matawaai 171 ••athly. f"f ti. .II ra t or. dortrr. nAi phop «n4 "<*TTI«I aiorif. Only • f«« jr««r# elrj. S1U •rated, in perfect condition. P.neVtR, N J," •at (erviM. Baadis aerviee, beautiful ! • • rail MA i - : m . country k**M* aa4 fare**, t l paaelled kitchen, tile bath, four bed- Ksny o!hen.. ^cven rooms, two ksths. pTfeet ;ncid« »r4 o'J'. Large plot, in •atien. to* raat; carage if desired. Presroom*. L«rge plot. Sacallent resident el a_tonna:;c oil heat: garage. Hsart of »*<••;>nt. loration. Bu.:t of hr;ek »nd Bfi IT ORVAISLU hy •>,« Mayor a n . W*M rr*ai at. BB I-II41. eat teaaat aeeupiM aaartaMnt about six OK PBIVATB ESTATE—About 1 minT _ section. Asking 118,500. Rolston town. Set up for two spar-men's. Pr r#4 C o j r c l of tha B o r i i g a of L.::.* S.ivtr fram* t h t rr>! li<?m« haa i x large utes froaa t e d Bank or Middletowa y*an • • < oiaka* t* se!l coaj»let« fur. Watarbury. Roaltor and Insurer, II r xht at •1.1,,'i0i). A c fas' Scftwur-r.. mnmn I'nrre bedro«Ti>: powder roo_M. that th*> ordlnanrf r,' • ?,* Bocfigk INTKRM4T(0NAL qarrsa»*»«wa» •iaking* etationa. two eeparste katutifully **'-• # at ll,Z«o. Write, "(iaraea •YCAMOCE AVE.—Larta lat, 11.111. known at "Th»j JUv *ei bi .d.r.» Zone Mi-ck:.ti. fc Wh •.!, RK «._3t : | Ur-*at>*r o [ h a t . rerettwti radiiton; feaocl* iM r.u laaltiaual £•««•West Front St. BE l-»50». orstcd modera cottagea, furnished or o v « ( i n Mckciwi i i < I n m Anart5»at." Ux 111, Red Bant." ' h e hnrnign -,< {.,-.- t. $•/,. o f kllMSON'—}i,..t " bui:rT Ver)~ attrVrMs. rf* raic*. porrri, hay w ndawi err HomeO r r l : n a r < - e 11 Call BE I-4I40-W. uafurniahed. feur rooms batbroom. anPICTURESQUE <:OUNTRYSIDE. Seven s*. sVefara tor M*Mfr*era •»••»• V courts*. grounfJi have b«*n ari«tieulouil7 ver, N. J.. b« a-n»>:Jde.j ai fo./jw.: ll^wiisu is S ! a rnnms »rd hath.Kv.ry. tnH BOOMS ••«• three r*o*la. fur- closes porch: *la* Ive ro**aa. two bathacre*, appi* and peer treea. Ten-year-unitiees. Writ* toter »*r Ire; <*W«t. TWO MAB1E C«E AGENCY, gaaltn* aa4 tor Aakintf I2I.00O. Borui SECTION 1. That .-'"••ion 5 • u, be I u | c!;»r. automnt.c '•ar*'<l nice surrouadingl. spacious nieh*4 apartauati. Business cxupl* or rooms, old C*p* Cod, let)",, insulate., living moHcn i. c. « h H RE ar-l trie mm*1 'i /i-T'-S/ ampr'!»-H • ^ xtfi hell- • eeennri flno:'. r.ot d.Vidfd. P>nty A teacher. Ala* lewaa. 14 Prospect a v e . closetfei garage* i st*r*f* room. Vesrly lasurers. Sale* yearly aad *u*S" reem, Ireplar*. dining room, two large k . HMJI* .ni'et'J of neretof*••'•• AS fn lowi. — • of s.'«r», ff,r two or more rooma Pr '-H leases. Excellsnt place for responsible A l t i c Migbl»s4«. AII I - I I H - W . s4«. A .NKD FOR l 7 C o m f o r a*slro*aia. til* kath. large screened "Th« grosi flo'-: ire* of -ha •CIAP LVMllB fraa Mck auiet people. Ptione RB •-II43 or AT • o r raatala. Coaaaacka sis, f*rtr h'>m*» m K ' l w u o n . L» r g t i i g porch, cpaca f*r two *ddiiinnal bed- at lla.pon W:er_n needs •U.onr, _r,*n felloWir a.^ T i O - l o W i r aaa a kata. ka kaO rly y •itaaca. Pbea* LO •-IIII. gri.jrti Unnr of nv.y pr.T.-. pai b ;, -:. Vour« for ta* taai*« Sen* Sr-hwsr'i. *nH An'ng room four largt b»draosaa, hot water oil • • * ! . Large barn, BHlarrn C. I mnrlKage sun**ndings. Unfurnished *r partly 1-17M-M er Wb'.ehall 3 - H H . U f i ing ustd for n i d n '. ^J'P'*»>I .T.'*-. 4t Branch av».. teal Bank.* Mack_.n « Whjr St. HE «;3 1 _ _ I. . t w r , h * f n # , • ' * • ! • h « i t . ml; *m*>small poultry houses. Very deelrah'a rwa.saW. Kear Bad Bank. All utilities HCiLV"f*OlMffllBtl fo-ur-rooai a*4 ;r,af"<*r nrffrrj n ar.yrK-l fZone ana'! i h t t t - A tlMwia AirnrtItaiEMBBALTOiUrg, •t ( l l . s a o . Rol*toa Waterbury Real- | L'llV'Fi.v'rrrtrHT.Stf.VER home, Afl rngp. E x r t i : # n t c o n d i t i o n ; 11 a.ataaineM cawala »refirred. Phoa* RE «kath e*tt«#a. B*frigerator, oil heat. bt not > s s than ),t'- > s r.are f**t •oardinf hone for *la*rl» M partiiil s,ac«> far year c*a«*aiaaca, tor and Insurer. I I West Front si. RE Bnrui ABenfy F i ; r Mavi-B. R K j S r i - ;r n r . t n i c t i o n . Five m o m s ; s t Available tjntit May 1st. KE 4 0 4 7 1 . H t at-.d , n a r . y R-l /.or.r tnn'., r.r,; h e > > s Gaoa food, beautiful • * « • • ? . Tr»* aees*.1 1024-17 But* Miglway It. aanwakury; all ! - • » « * . • •"-•'•3 2 titrherl i f . i r s u e . f n ' l c e l l a r , o i ! - f l r e d h » s ' . Moin«o»t» Parkway, E—t ..Kea_nab»r(. than 1.200 ti'iare f##- and in arf IgfSM *f praperti** tkr*ugh*tst Moalik« atasosnhere. TSuwrvife* »r -ft!*? N.r* gri)iini{< (iooH h o u s e a t s low t t w r * ^ t T V f f . 7 r R-S aha!! not I,* :*si rhjtri V00 aacutk county. Farsae, tew* aad eeuatry MOMRM RANCH BUNGALOW. Artis- I p r . e e . Opening Peeeai*** let. ****** AT ! • I12.9HO. Schwartl-Maekhfl. It fee red 3mi!h. Will ••!! aHractiv* Isquar* fee*. tACtiti tha: in tfle cas* k*<M*s walerfreat propertiet: bueiaeaa tically decorated. Spacious living I W h i ' e S! KK « - S I 2 1 . 2280. rnnin eoltni*. homa in Fair Hav*fi. Livof a cl*«;:;ng with two complatoly •PswftusitlM. Call — writ* your ra- r*osa with flroplsce, tw* big bedrooms. Hrt:ari#/f s'or:a>». na'H in:n:mum grount1 auiroeseate. Large tad) ***sp*t*at t u t l*rg* eloaets, automatic heat; attached I J'Ain"••.T'AVF.N~toverr~nY*r flve-rnoa. ing room wi»h flrtrlart, fining room, s i M t i e o s : h h o m e o n l a r g e I n t r . r - "j'r and un-room. pi'is fnur bfirnnm*. (loor ar»a sha-i b»> t Wf)-»h .rdt tha ta a»»'va you gerege Landaciped, many lowerlni ] RED BANK—Outatanding value I Twoatnr»tinrl rTi'.;r*»__n<>n .a of *n.s teeperennial*, babbling brook. Convenient c u ; i i ! i ; i r t h o i a i r h e s t , o l ' - f l r e d : f u l l c » ! . Srr-#r»*l p"rfh; twy-'-ar g«r*r#. Aikstoty eaccllent condition: living roosn. MX ACRES— Ilt-foet front; • % sails* t* achool and transportation: In.ntii). I H T • • \ i - f l i i » , . i i i n n ' f , t i t e t ' l a c e a r i d a t - in* Ul.*»•-"). Hnrtia A j f n r j , I • r H«- •iin. Th * gro % %flr>r, * area la f ha to Bed Baak. Baautiful lecatl** for ri'im nf tha'. frr:oi»d '07 '.T« onts.dt •replace, dining room, kitchen, three RR «-4f"»2 Rolston Woterhury Realtor and Ittcuror t H c h i . l g » r » _ , . . P u c e 1 1 . 1 . 5 1 1 0 S e h w a r t s - v«n. YEARLY. U N H J « N I ^ . _ _ . - — , , s M «AFt» AVEMUB-fL Mnekl.N '• W h i r » ' R K «-:i2l fn--»« nf a. •x*eriop *»,:» icjrrr.'iiK). bedroaana, bath, cellar: narage. Price count r> home, BB I.IIIT-M-I. II West Front st.' RE |.3»0(l.» tX<TXSTVE"»Kf) BAKK "i-.rar.on. PT^in» * n * « r, ir.fl floor. fKr.-jsiv*. of rooas kungilow or k****. C*U M wTNTIAtRt=l*wii7*Tkulldiri Oaa i T U Baak'a • • « Mnmalsat 111,1)00. Franklyn Haviland, Broker, fwTNTI'~AtRt=lii7T~ R'lvTRfiriK IiTilVr. "«s!i.ldlitown;~ new war in po i d ; 2 1 * f n n » \,v\n§ room *r,y area 'iB<"_ fn- an t*.arh«'i gar. «-s894-i\ , M W i w Call BK I-III4. Mrs. (Xwwea. RE4-IS20 site; all clear land: aifk eaa dry; fast RED BANK—Six-room Cspe Cod house, 4' _ mums, r\pm;*ion ettii-, nne-iie'h- w i ' h rivrT'i""*1. l i v e l y d ' n i r . g "".run, * m^ *Z* nr n[(<>n por n." iWALL,"M'ODr:K»l""uifurnilll.« k « M : »•• running brook. Ideal for aoreee. Ker copper plumbing oak floors: full diy r l l TEWr kitclii toR-ni(>STIoCtM AREA. loi'm peme; fn:: cellar. Ci rciilatmi hot T"II» hHrnomi, "lei. ha'hronm, * •"! Comforcinity Rumion Fair Havea, Atlaatic caliar; attached g*r*ge, e t c Reaaonahlv air, n;' freil. AttHrhefl garage. fleHured V i t f h e n , i arlvilaf** and library with leievisiea. talile five-room Iningslner, Expansion mandy Farms. Ml i-olll-W-1. fuii ra? ; ; • - . #cr»>»n»v1 porrn. ^f.i.TIOS' 2. That ; Sert on * tn'lt'c* Mifhlanai. Ferliaiieiit local realetaats. Call RS * • • • ! • oetweea I and « t . It. attic, cellsr, al! improvements. Transpor- KEYPORTFULLY i priced. • Oldie 14 Pi. Cell (venirgs. RE for nu'et. , „ > | | . . s o i l °rhwarls-Mack> l . a r z * • x r s n i m n i t i i r : 1 1 7\ B o r ' i i d h "M-ri.ri.ijm Lot Areat r Ruirftrrn Zonts'* Adequate rant; *xc«lleiit r*fer**je». All d«» Baturaaf. tad RE I . I I 7 I . J dar. tation, srh'ioli, rommur.ity shops, neari;i, _*_W hite_.' RK H I . I . __ i f i " v —'JJLJKil'.fi•_ *E • 4 v i : ^ h»> and 'ns sarfit ;• h»r*-by amrndfl t * Writ! " l * « l Residents," B e l i l l , •*< by: II 1,200. For veteran*, no dewn read rtj'ead «f h»r#fo''):p an follows: WK. HAVE HOMt.S in all pric* r*ngel. I f Ulia-l'ft __--l>n»--« 3*L payment, about I I I monthly cerrying BKCLUSIVB WITH VAN H O R N 'The ir'n.m .m \n: n -ea for oarh 8PKHAL Or W««K-L«ving for from Is,nnd u;.. On many, vsterans kri«M AfltViciiTtF « C*akr _. _ _ jrawsiBl**>u aearoosaa. wisei charges; R*X_^lU!"Jn- R .."..' - iJ ' '-•— pr r\r [,a h-j ,'!'r.g uri »» fi'fHOff Pour-mile view I Lovely riverJ«ran. Ore-vear-r>:4 r«nrh home. need only 8'r as a down payment. We kitckaa arivjloMs. laemre attar I Fair • • * * * . D«. »*. h-] .d.r K . :• a RESIDENCE Zont PAOl a ITRYKEI. BatMtai. far front celenial hame presents rsr* supply mortgsge*. tome in and talk Firolaet, dintttf, til« bathroom, #xM.. I t r t s i c k M t t »t, R*d Bask. BED BANK ABEA— Exclusive country •ad Una **ut4«. SMI* • ! » * • your ru.nte or mortgage rroKlesa ovsr setting. Witkin few minutee of n a combination *f eaeellent value, P»n#i'>n attir, rot«vl«t< kitrhfn; f ' la) 4',,'ViO si'iare fee", in an E"«l BACHELOE APARTMUfT. *>w*t. a*M. tion: 50 acrei partially fenced; beautiwith exp, rts. Hrhwsrt7.-Mscklin. I White fJM I * . ••laMak MSMS) BO I . choice location, I n * errhitf "ire; t«irh»f <«r«ii LtfBt Aiortg«|t tt> id ir.d.prr.dir.t: ***e r«et MaMWHtk ful lower and vegetable gardens, shrubs Ft HE B-31S1. Nil. 'b> 20.004 sauart feet in an * - l re**e**k!o tax**. Blats roof; oil kill preferablr uaf ttr*l***4; *» iMtrae. and shade trees on residence grounds. OlitSkfRtS' 6F~RT_* BAWK—Three. •Hume at 4K. Aiklnf fries l i t . tnr\p, »ifH't 'htt :n fh« cat* of eorlor; lintle Writ*, "Aaamwat," • • • Early American farm house witii lovely keat. Seven r**ms, Ikree b*ths: liedroom. Isrge living room, kitchen, 800. La«>r HE ••0410. r*r '.' ts 'h« ni.rtimjm rr-ia!remoat open and eae!*s*d porcka*. canter hall, 611. Red Bank,' ,111ft b n t h s'rsm licit, rv! • f u l l c s l ' a r , dock, 400-foot stone liulkhraded lhall b» 3<*>.011 Hftuart ftr*. MOUSE—la Rsd Baa*. T*a r**sma. l 1 large living roans with Iraplare. powdci XFfcRNISHID fc Tkree-hafrMfl TkreehafrMfl a a**** Rr,;i' f M ' U n f ' M i s f i , ' l l n ! v • I ' i . ' . O f t . legate*. • * , *-ai«7-w. ir) ISOOii ai'iare feet in an > • ! ••terfront. Larfc (late-roofed gafliniag r***a, s*mi-m*dern kitchtw* aatha; l*t l l a l l l i kat air or apartment i* II ' d B*nk, klfk B k k eeaeel Sehwartl-Markliii, « White st. RK « • BRICK AKD rRAMI—Qulat «tr«tt U K t i . nir. h*«e; inTIT room, en, servant'a room, bath: five bedrooms, rage, Asking 14ft.SflD. Brokers area. b> Naval O l w . i W •rrij**) r[ I _ 1. kaat, soal Ira. Sal* *wic* 17,000. sprint aaattree*. 17 Bpring at. lad two baths hot water heat. in #xr«]i»fit l.i'tle Silver lorgtion. S E " T K » N n. Tha» Stetiia 12. tntit>4 Outbuildfor t«o to lhree-»ear lour. Oil. asr*. SIIRKWKMJRV 'Vet ' I S O I I down,"' approtected. Van Horn Agency. RE ink. Bowman and Aaalsn. BB 1-1117. "FrnntHzo r,f If,'" h» ar,4 tha t i m i it ings include stables with mow. tark Three bprlrnnm*', t:!f hsth, Hrfpia^t. EA »-10t0, «Nt. 147t* p i u ; . : n i H i < 'y • ? . * , t n l n l monthly payCHRRIUL REKFCT ROOM: attractive location; room, grainery, machinery storage: 2-c*r hershr arrfn'lfj "> read instead of iltrt* Oprn i>orf>h, powder room, full hsMment. N e w two-herlroom hungalow Ikrewsbury, oa bus line. For busi- garage with apartment: corn crih, tool tflfor* a: f" "WS: OCtANPORT—Riverfront property, fully wth e \ r n r * on nit:r. Wfnri -N'melh ' oi.e RE «-3l22.' meni . attarhed gsrago, hot ws'er "In REsIPENCE Zon«t the mlnl•ked, Thicken house; lal.000. Bay Xtillfurnlslied; thre* bedroeeai, living room Aiien.'v. <2 H m a . l st, I'hone R E e- U r * eheerful reom, irnn Highway 3i, Shrewsbury. RE • • wi'h frnn'nue nf any lot nr, iinjr adh'«:.. 12:,000, Lawlfy Afftir-y. Rt nntilace; hardwood floori. Large OVERSEAS ARMY OFFICER rm;st -1 I n . ' aitelr furnished; private hone; e u e l - M i l , joining »•!•••»' >hii,: o# as fo"nw|; eun porch, facing river. W*ll-**.uil<»ed sell ranch house. Expansion atEATONTOWN - - N e w "thrfi-hedriiosi leat location, near railroad atation: 10 'SI One hirilrcd (10'11 frr\ In an kitcaen; attic, cellar, hot air heat. OverACRE/MIS WANTED I tw. ftit lin an R-l 7«n#, minute* to Fort Monmout*; kul p**M* ''nrii'h lype Ii i n j f s ' i i w with dining tic, flreplare, insulation, automatic site garage, on large lot. House needs acre.. Mlfhwiy • • • hetwe** . . . (b Out Hundred flOOj f*»*_r [R sr kouse. RE I" " r o o m , f u l l h « r . r n i c n l . V'rl I t . l . M ) d o w n , det-oratn.K Bsrgsin *t IV.nOO. Marl* heat; 111,500. Assume mortlige KINC, S HIGHWAY. Belntirul «nd H s i s t . Writ* t* "Aereaga ill. RWSBUKY; ^r'our-bedtoom semi- i\>x AitMicy, t^omanche dr., Portaupeek. R-f ?fin». »-<(-»;t that in the »nst of 'hen ITT m n n l h l v t ' n n v e n > tit t o h u s id." Box M l , Red mm aWitk. fOrlJNi*llEnr.o-7eiiaS i'.'r. Little cash, Vsn Horn Agency, bunaalew en attractively Isndsraped I.I I fi-ltiirj. corner ',n'n 'n»> mn m-im f'fin^ags line. Weai'l-Neiiiilh Ai-eney 4 ! Brnan •n, pox " l **_'*** J1.1 | . r r«i'j:r**m«ru iha" ht. nna hundrtf} Fair Have*. RE a-4100.* H.__ P l m n c UK B - . . M . ranch atvi* hosse. Almost an a re. APARTMENT!—r'uralskea or aot; ala* akl* rate; * f Breed at., aear bus line. '4-aire *f ground: countrv surroundings. Just the right neighborhood tor ONr. AMI A THIIill ACRES on Willow in* MlY 1 LSI) f'9* RElf HANK Walk't'i. C m m . I . tnieii. homei for r»nt or aal*. Max a leafthr RK I - I 7 « | A I utilities ave , . b > Asking I I . . 1 sir.. Little Silver Point rd.: near stores. (M On* h<indr»d f Hfll fftt la liit anxious to bur aa* rial, < at» •ait. CATOel. COMroHTAiLE double roam comfortable living without heina iiol-'iiilr-li'dnioni home tile Imlh. hut OitO. Very gnnH buy. l.s«;sy with kitchen privileges. 23 South It. latid. Three minutri to Red Rank sis- sta'inn bus; 12,000. Call RU 1-0411-M an R.3 / i n * " ini. I II MacCrar Afeait, Eatoatowa. ATTRACTIVE RIVERFRONT 10w n t c r , < i ! - ( l r , <i h e n l - a s i H K e . p r i f f 11,1,. Call RB H I I t-W after « P. M. i n s ; I19.JO0. Ray .Stlllman. RE «- after • l> M. Aitenry. RE ••0410. SECT! ON * Thn- i f 'ejr»nd »F :.<>').. W e a n . S i H I . Hi A i t e n e v fl Rroatl EA t-0«43. room home. Four baths, rrsne H I T BANK OaTTitikilPi Mr •» <• CLCAN.'NICELY furnished rooms, single MJI. Icgr ndi rii' nr i ^ o m i n n y n_[ ' h« m > i | st. Plinni' U K «.2'il(l." II, d*uble I I ; ala* rtra with twin RIVERFBONT—Panoramic view, high LITTLE SILVER—20 Orchard pi. i rhair* 111,000 caak; «va « *l«>r**a kmiaaf Bkturcl, ail heat, deluxe kitchen, fffltp, it'tn''h*r1 to anri a par* of tho R t l i " fiANK A «i,»d ' l i n y . Four-beTbungalow, custom built, feur yuan old; fcunpalow. Oceupaatr «* • * f-— * ~ kedi. n « t til* kalh, ihowir. Rultakl* Rnntnv f>rdin«f» <>t the Rnro'ijjh arjov* elevation, beautiful building site, all brick attic fan; two acres. Asking 1.0,MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE. I've. and frame; living roosa witk Are. ronm home lint muter nil heat K.xtwe business people IT each. Breakfast, lawn: 101*15 feat. eeaiiwr l.t. Writ* "Tkra* A4i referred to. hi trwl th* sum* ar* hire* One of the fewplace, uUre-modern kitchen: two bed. 0«v. Vaa Horn Agency. RE • • rellent eomtitiiui thrntlif hout. Price pl*.t*r.e) rooms. Well ekailed lunch laundry privileges. Conveniently choice waterfront properties; I4.50*. 111 Red Bant.' bf amended : to r-onform with the s i r rooms; colored tile bath, full baasment; • 1.1.000 Inelude. detached twn-fsr gslocate* Bed Bank. Call after 5 P. M, SEVEN-ACRE lot. Low taaei, Twa bedmnms, full tions nf th « smrnding nnl;nane» $T\4 ESTATE Ray Htillman. BE l - i l l l . — Beautiful attached KnrHKe. Perfect location. Near CONSTANCE SMITH AGENCY—U Me> raKn with spurtnient. Monthly income any nth*>r rhnngfS herein mad* to tha wooded section Lavcly rambling trnnaportat'um achonl aad buiines. seecellsr. Rusel. Behotl*. .Shopping. l>la ave.. lair Haven. RB « - ! l t l , reaj BB, ir,!i. Weart.Ni-nielh Agency, 42 nrnnpatent nnly fhlt their cnnU'et, with »njr aemi.buna-alow with large living room, T ROOM—In private hone of tlon: :ill diirs possesilon. TIE 7-Hltll. astate, ini'uranca, atortfu* IWH. •ay* PriLtd down to IT, 500, Lawley st. Phone KB «-_24O.' legend or !otrends now a part of said. NEAR RIVER—ipacloui seven, **• • * « • » . On bus lio*. He**- dining room, kitchen, knlroom and bath, HI tar all trati at ifaHrtf. WtlM at Agency, RE 1-041(1, RIVF.R ri.AZA-New 1 Iwo-bedl'oom •nrHnr fnari. > Ul.staire. tkree bedrooms: full cellar, phone iiiforwiatloa.* room newly decorated home. Two aenble_t» reliable »»rsen. _RE_« 1 «l00. hun^nlnw with stain'tmi to large exsteam hiat, oil; three-car garage. WithSECTION 5. This ordinance amtnrl. BUSINESS rKuPERTY for Invtatnaal LAfcGC FURTsTRfiCD room and kiteh* tiled baths, four bedrooms, firenati^iiiu ntti.' tile liHth. full hn'emcnt. Ihg tht) ronlriK arii'nanff of fh* Rorouih, veniently located, one block from bus purpoica: larga or anall. Ala* a*vw •astt*. Utilities supplied. For *er. in 15 minutes drive to Industrial areai. (i. I Jl.r.nn linwn: • « . monthly. Weartplace, automatic heat: garage; OWNER MU1T BELLI r«ur.hs4. OPPORTUNITY — Large having h*>*n approved and r»i*oinfii*ncl*'fi and trnn Ftntion. RK I-O94O-R. •n Broad it,. Maple atra,, «r FraM it.. •antnt business couple, Excellent lo- BO minutee t* New York: lld.noo. Ray DOCTOR'S Nemrth Ai-cncy, 42 Mro»,l et. Phone bf the P'trining Poard nf *h« Rorough, StiUman, Highway 35. Shrcw«bury. RE house, spacious grounds; but line, in • 21,01)0. Van Horn An'ncy, Fair Rcil Bank. Writ* "InveltaMat," • • • eatien. RB 4-ll7«-J. roo»» moriarn homt. Til* bath_ _ UK «-r.Mn • •htll take tffrn on iti r*>*tg* and tub* Attractive and modern, _ Little Kilver. Haven, RE I-I100.* i l l Red B»nk. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rJOOaJg "WITH PKIVAft kitchen: Ive1 l.r.iii. ronm with axtra Isvstory. Lsrg* llratiftii srfording to !«t, Easy term. Constance Smith, I I MaHUD BAWK-Wx-room home. Three 1 salautes' aalk t* fort Monmouth: a! BTNUAI.UW OTTIIOUSE—B*« Ban* *r ceramic tilt kitehsn. Hptcioui hut* SHREWShURY TOWNSHIP. Colored bldteioms. bath. e*ll*r. hot water ple a v e , Far Haven. RF. 4.21IH. Public Natlea vicinity. Fiv* er lix rooms, far Ma* 11 utllitl** furnished, 113.SD per week. or nhilr New fmir-ronm kunitalow. BITJ B A O T * e i r B 7 o r d s t 7 ; S v s S heat: gsruge with tool ihed. Lovely nsnt: anel«««4 hnsiaway. Ctrlar BA JI. o a i. l . fsmily, Prir. not to exceed II*.M*. BA Tha ahnv# nrdininra w n Intradiiceil VAN HORN—live-room, almost I'llll linsrmenl : liirg. Int. (i. I. r-iOO moms oil heat: atcellent fsr reemlng let. flood aeighhorho*'!. Ptnsllinf; l«e-far | argf • ; hf>t Write. "J K," Box 511. Red Bant.* and pststd first reading a' a meeting r>t LA«(5t. Nlftt.V furnished single front landscaped ilnwn. st>pro^irnstrly l.'O monthly. new colonial, Hot water best, •r boarding house; llS.ooa. Constance tht Mayor nn<4 Cntincil of th* Borough reem In private home. On hu« lln*. Within walking diltgnc* of station; Smith. 14 Maple eve., Fair Haven, RE Wesit-Ncmeth Auencr, ti Broad St. wttsr Mat, Miny • At rts. l i s t «f i r VnU ARE LOOKIKG. la buy, tell. lll.»»l>. Ray Sdllman. RE 1-5111. . . *>il-flred: 4% mortgage. Convenftf Littl* Silver h*M on Navtmbor 19, Oarai* Reawnakls. IIT East Beraen Phimr UK l.'..40.Oarai* or rent, see us. Our II y*ar* *f * i . •vsr/thing. Mtk* rttiantblc «(l«r. frttlUFMrTAfiENCT—Attractive build. | 2 3 0 « ' \%M and will '-pint up for final eonti'lerient location. Asking 112.soo. Van IHVRRSH'r", llr:ftiHTJ--New~foTir.rnoSl perienre end too omen, fiv* HI full pi.i ff4 ff»4i k ^ ing lals in Lineroft a n a ; eity water: irmn and p m i i ' ai a regular me*tifiaT Liwl#y Agenff. RC 4-0410, ghway g Kitchen pflv. hunffnlow with expsn«ion attic. Cor. Mora A«i«ey. RE «.41f)».' coverage or prepertl** in til l«*»ltle« rtaHIT7"ib SAn nnfin. «f said fov*rning body t« hm h*ld on • A x n o : | | , l « « . l l b i t fr*nt i t . BE • ix roomi; g l r s | l : 2iJ scrsl. TtMt lletet, Near .tstixn. References re. ntr Int 7-'ixKiU near river. Pries III,* and all price ringei, led Rank *me* Tuesday Kovtmbaf 17, I1M at 1:10 a.oioo^ It": hiilnens or rllidential. Asking Hon. Weart.Nemeth Agency, 45 Broad l l a RE t - H » l - J ' IneMed at 12 Broad st. RC l - l l t l , 8e* auir.d P. M. a' th* Rnrn._«h Hall. T,.-tl, SilMT.VH-AUo.. new. ah 112.100. Constance Smith, I t Mtpla CARLONI AGIKCV. A»trar-|. # ft. Phone RK «-.'_40." Bright office, 1241 Orel* ave., I t ! • RilMSOK— furnished r»oia. RU I-IIT4. ntTLt PRE-WAR COLONIAL—Newly d e c ver, K. J., a' whlfh t'm» tnd rleea all ev_. Fair Haven. RE t-2101 • rooms Finest construction and locaLITTLE Hl.VKH New ~si»-roe>m"home. raneh home, situatttj nn a Itrgt o094. This office •pen evenings *nd r#rir>m fi»»»^-n« to h* h'trd thereon will orated. Excellent neighborhood. large plot: excellent financing. Imnil hest fireplace; gamge. Pries I^AVrlnTqata«cupancr; mv»TTi!^ireo(i~for ?sspTe: tion: week-inds. Ella Wlllaklr* Al*a*r, • * • ! • w e t FAT1I^AVrN'^lTrt"" ha givtn full oppor*unity. pint, Living room with ftrfpltra, medial* poaisssion. RE «-»0»7, aix rooms, two.ear giragat apan front tl«,""0. Weart-Nrmth Agency, 41 Six rooml. T o o baths: hrreiewsy; Ritfkm arlvll*«ei, sUrvicemeii and tors. Dtled: Nnvemh*r IS. IURI, dining r*tm> modern kitrhen, thrtv t O W - I n rssldentlal ~**ctl*n. Uxift, porchi large lot: 111.000. Constance Mrnnil st. Phone RF, • • ' . 2 4 O . ' Phone RE *UiU. garage; barbecue; tool house; • _ . . WE'CAN SILL TOUR _ .-.-., .M»rtr. • • » wlf* »r«f»rred tREIt L. AYBRf, MIDIiLEToWN ToWMSIUP. T.ol 7T»T8»". hlrh and dry. Pew mlrutee from new Smith. II Mapla a**., Fair M*r*a. RE bsdrnomf, lltt bath: ent'Ctr gtrsgt w h ' opportunity af aaavlnf BURMt—Tw tw*. wlttTbriallistrar Randls we have th* 800. Baelualva wltk Van Horn l.2» 1 ijh Citrk. Si\-rooni home. Immediate oceuplant. 1«5 Wall St., in Welt w i • ( klteasn. I Monmouth eve. •t*t«hei,: r«tfltnt heat. Kietltsnt It to ur client*? Urolllnger A Hollar, Aianey, Fair Haven. RE «-4IO0.* nancy. Convenient lo bus. A bargain E HEfQrltA—Bungilow .va. road innd M.rhanle ste, RK M i l l , (Between Oee*n and Atlantic avti.) tang Branch. LO H.3MS. ntl|likorh»«4. Prtr, $lT,#oo, ]S4 at •x,,ilil), Weart-Nemeth Agency, 41 t-«iit • flv« rooms, oil, e«pan*l*n'tTJSr. Slucco: fourI*st Keansbuii. E l-llli. Hrnad » t ^ PhoneJIE «-2I40.' _ .UKlngtM «?•-, fair Miven, RE ear garags, five-room apsrtment tir. For quick isle, 112.100. Exclusive WMOW OR DOUBLE; f*atlemen: priTHE STATE OK NEW JERSEY HltiTltETOWV TOWNSHIP. Conven. •IX.ROOM RANCH MOUSE. Thre* vet* TO: (LlKKORli SOl't'EL and hit itirt, vat *>*dern home; aew furniskiaf*; akove. furnished, netting good income. airt-nt. Constnnce Smith, 14 Maple ave.. Fairjiavrn. RE 1-2308.' irnt to Camp Coles. Plot ISOstlO, Oil heat In kotk plans. Lot 15O.v22V rfevihcei nnd pe fiontl rrprotOflta* Jrkly «Hlraklt. Hesselihe atmoepksre. kedrooms. Larg* wooded plot. klfbl Kef) HANK-=Mndern bungalow. Four Si\-room hnusi*. Screen* and aash, hot lARLOWK AGawfCT—New tivea, and his, thp,r nr anf of thtir v* aalnutss froas Fort Monmmth. outkulldlnis: fruit trees, nicely landauagalow. Plv* Automatic heat, tiled hath, fireplace; Urge innms, tile batk, automatic k*at. water oil hent. ne«ly decorated. Price lurceasors in ri_rht. ti-_:»> or inttrttt; Living r**m, kitchen, two ktareome, Cam** larl.aad We»d. Walklm distance leaped. Few minutes from new Rendi* C attachid garagi: 111,000: I V TWO BEDROOMS, llvlal . Immediate aaeuMRS. <XIKF<.Hi. .^HIEL, wifa af »H,2U0. t l Weart-Nemelh Aeency, 41 bath.' s<*aasimi attic, full kaetav Sacrifice for quick sale. 2«> Conver.lmt location. la Calaa lakaratsry: parkin*; reasoaakle plant h and kltchemtt*. unfuralekac. Caa rental, RE 4-H74-I. Clifford SofTel, her < hriman ntmo martgage. Van H»rn Agency, Fair f * ' WK 1 2 2 4 H ' copi.rr plumbing, automatic kaat. Wall at.. West L«ng Brsnch, I.O «-U4". pancy; •12,501). Constan-e Kmith, 14 s*. after t F. M. *vsi!ags. II last UWGLt 'OK l5J)OBtr, furnished bedsit' eXcfs»flONAC~NKW ran'ch home. I3v. Mai.le ave.. Fair Haven. RK I.2III*.* btlns tinknowm 1ONA G, AOUTH* mediate occupancy. Prlr* lify.smv 114 Mavsn. RB I-4105.' HOUSK. All year around Leiingtan eve., Fair Have*. RE River rd., Rumson.* WORTH and TRACY SOUTH* tina room. Residential ne'uhborhaad. ing room, dining room, beautiful HOLM DEL i'ARM—151 aeresi (icclleat home. Couple only. 2<l Hrlarwood HflTOIsftliU APARTMHT." WilFTiS. Or, h»a line. RE d-ofiyJ. WORTH, her husband; EILEEN kitchen, four bedrooms, 11, bath", base. modernicd colonial dwelling! 14 rooms, sve.. Kfa_bii_rjt,_Phon<;_KE i i y t - M . PRYOU METSKER ami fiRRALD JtU Kail Ktll-l*»4. Exrelient construrtior. four tiled baths: steam oil heat: four. A;r,rffVmf*rtkU kam* lillMSiiK'—Frontinv on the sKnrc of till TIIIIEK IVRNIRHED or unfurnished. merit: gsrage. RIVCR OAKS! Fslr Haven I River METSKRR. h*r hushsnd: JEANNE a ROOMS, ROOMS, furnished furiilikid *nd and waltr. «al«r Inratfd in R*d Bank. Living roam, Automatic heat. I Grandview ave., Trees on fine plat, in good location: car garsice. Five.rnom.balh apartment; beautiful North Shrewsbury river, This WAKEI-IKLt) SUM MK US. an in. Osksl Wa have told over 100 nlihfd: iall modem Impreveaeiitl; la) rXeanabur*;, • 2l.non. Allslre A Son Agency, Inc. dining rnftm. kltehen, thrts h*4r«onn, '•rge barn with four-room-batk apart_ property comprises nrnrly 1 acres of fani ovt>r thf> air* nf fmirtetn fine roidential aiction, nrar cverytklag. homes In this fina community, Oainplttelsr furniihtv. Friet l l l , » RF. «.J45(! ment: eutbuildings: 110,000. Mlaugk well limtlsi-ar-ril grimnd. Residenre eon. hnth, ytam. nnd Rr.DKRT SUMMKR3 htr < Third a n . , Atlantia Mifkltada. AT ! bAUGE AttTkACtlVE front room for CgNTEll'OF R t b BANK-I.ivin. room. Agency. PhoneRU 1 -__•_ 1 •___• •*-r.r). 114 Ltiington ave,, Fair Hi*en available from 114,000 to l.s.omi. hunl'find: a n i BONNIR RAL f*RYk«lln*H faupl*. Lane clneet. Pritaint .'> mantel- lieihoitms. twn master RK « l » » | nr««l dining r*om, kitchen, three hrdrooms KCTV Mlfti—New. Quiet congenial neigh. Oil nn Infant under the ago af n t * home, near Rroad it, 25 Peters hatlis, scivnnt's iiunrtrrp, etr. There il Van Hoin Agency, Fair Htvsn. RE MMEDIATB OCC and hath,, basement: basement: garage: 110.500. fourteeit vears, t)eftndant^, borhondr well-built flve-ro*>m modern Pi. Pkene RE «-l9ir,.' fin attractive atmrtm'nt over the ga* 1-4100.• apartmrnt. Molly Allaire A Son Son A Agency. I Inc. BE I-IIM. I I I M bungslaw, Brlek ana tiaaer bloek YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and bungalow: f replace : tiled hath. Expanrage. OrTrred at 137.000. William H, tVRNIBHED ROOMS for rent, S9 Wa. RB 8-9115. OWrf^Beautiful country )«• sion attic, screened porch, full cellarj HTDDCETOWrfB Hintelmnnn, Firm. Realtors, Rusaion. Beautiful sondltlon. Large raoaM. Liv. •"•quired to terra upon Frsncft W. Law»erly pi. Red Bank.* fURNISHlSD; fhrti-room. ateaai kaat ing room with flreplare, colored til* h ifi i 4 ! lay, Plulntlff't Attorney, whost ad*>**a •team, oi. heat; attacked gersge: I I I , cation with magnificent view; 4 ! j Phone RU 1-08011. _ _ _ _ _ _ hatk, two Ine bedrooms, hug* kltrken. ta # 1 0 0 Highway firTSisVedn Bun,*VAN HORN—Rambling one-story •urpli'd apartment. Electric kltekm. f r t l t l t RboMg: #3.'. Red Bank. New E-FTEl-lWroofWi RRANfH location'; Stair* low). Near all facilities in Port Mon- acres with five-room bungalow: care- 500. John Mlaugk Agency, phone RU | . Supply <-»a electric, 171 P*| W a l k , Call to large expanainn area. Steam Jtrteji. Ait miawrr ta the cyrti.Miint Hied I711,' * colonial. Four bedrooms, twn takers cottage: barn; chicken house. five-room home; automatic, heat; two* heat. oil: garage: 113, .100, ftoru. AT I-016I-J, . •eatk. KE 1-14«» or KE I.MST^ in a Civil Artinn. in which t.EON LAMMany Bne fruit trees. Asking 120.000. RUMSON — Spacious "corner, Victorian car garage: full cellar, aereen*. storm Agency, Pair Haven. tiled baths, (replace, electric kiteh. BER8ON and HfcLfcN LAMBtKSOV, hit ON^RCMJM, kitektMtti; f i t r a i i e i iW«tfc nTBSIJffltff~>UKIMr~l« per Allaire s> Son Agency, Inc. RE «-34S0. dwelling eeven rooms (four kedrooms) windowM, new rangr, Price 110,008, week single: »7 double, TMB* Jnor. BUinJTNG~eTlTE~irits* country, Mlo. two an. all keat: patio; garage: 122,. wife, art PltintitTs. and RoMULA parklnt apace; parklnt apace; utilltiet lae laeluded i» baths • sun room: hot water, oil heat; _ tlon l« Veterans 1100 down. Ella Wiltshire t D ev.rrthlnae t h l n a - I caa caa tt* * aMkt it Mouse fully Insulated, Near Fait Mon161, Van Horn Ageney, Fair Hanr.t, D* Fair Haven, Only twa 7**M old LOTKA. widow, et all, art Defendants, dletawn area. Eight cleared acres. two-car taragt; plot 100x130. Reduced Avency, Realtors. RE i - _ 1 0 l or SE t . aaoutk. 0* k«i line, t t t Sraachport Living rnnm. deluie kilehen. two ked- pending In the Superior Court of Ktw? plta»af.t Call EA j M T f c ; with good alevatlon and mannlflcint to <I.1,000 for quick sale. John Mlnu|h nsi. RB I-IIDO.* n0P|. Open Week-endlL t O I-4IM, Agi-Tmy. Phone RU I.ATIf.* . rooms and hath first Lovely bed. Jersey, Chancery Division. Docket Nun* •OUR-KDOM APAKTMIKT, TW* k*d- ive. view. Bstata area. Asking IK.OOd. AlbjekH4*ajaBjMjsr4aaW a VraTt jaa^^*' RTVKK PROPF.IirY. Cute three-liedroom room and bath secondfloor. b*r r-408.r» within thirtf-flv* d a n af.„„ „.-'.—Deilrakle r**m com- laire 41 Son Agency, Inc. HE 4.3I5Q. Oil heat rooma, partly furnlaM: aear Part home, right on the river; II 8,500, Two.ear garage: IIVOO'i,floor. f*rt*hl*. furalsksd, elsan, »ulet house. nTftar"SlCVER-Ur«nWni Bnrus Agency ter November 2»th, V)Mt txclusiva of Mona.*utk t«d Fort HtaeMk. • • kyt -ear garaie: |l$,0OO. room, NAVK£INK — MODERN flve-reom Many others up to lin.noo. Ynur inOLD FARM VILLAGE AREA. Pic. »ueh date, If you fail 10 tn do, tho line. Weuld conaider ttra canatM If Oi k«s. Haes. AIs* r»*m with twin Hsv>a. RE ••4111, •p.ctlon invited. Kiln Wiltshire; Agsnry, dining room, beautiful kltehen, two relief demanded In the enmnlaint will • • bungalow; veranda: Aroplaca, kot turaaaue ranch kouse. Wooded deiirra. Oil heat. 130* Ocean • « . beds tor business couple, rive minutes bedrooms ard hath on first floor: s e c lff 1 WSKTOUWB prettlllt loc*. taken aviini-t you by default. Realtors. Rr. H-330* or SE 2-0004. walk to town. RE t.OOOI-W.vats,- oil heat. Full cellar. Plot plot tOOxISO, Steam oil heat, mod8 n Hrigh' SE 2-0I4I-J. ions. An exclusive little area near A l i l i Olien «ee|.in,l«. ond floor, two bedrooms and bath: atIOO«100 Taxes ISO. An outstandthe river. Thl* eharming home hae a THKtE-7 i)OH FURNISHED aparleawt VUA8ANT stoBM—In private home. tached g a r x e : hrecseway: basement; ern features; garaiie: 113.500. Van FINF.-T MONEV^'iti^hiiy^YSu " will very Near bui line. Appb at SI t a i l ier- • 20,1101. Allaire A Son Agency, Inc. The aftfon h n been Initituttd f*f tha plot, fully landscaped anr for rouplf. No p*ti. T Lafayill* ing vs.u* at 111,100. John L. Miaairrir when you Insncrt this attractive with targe Horn Ageney, Fair Haven. RE • • il.. Red Bank many tall trees! :4>foot livin, l>urpn*e af forrdosing a certain .wort. avir. Rumion, Entrance la rear. After nK_t-it:,n home located in rhoiite l-'air Havea lough Agency. Phone RU 1-01II.* ! «ag* mud* by Alomo FieTit an*| Carolina 4100.* room with Heatilator flreplai*e, grs I P. M. S o l ) £ t l N hOCTORS residence and ofcality. Living iniini, 34 feet, with clout dining room, tiled kitchen. Very J r'idd, hit wife. *n Ruth R. Diattn, petr^eif floors, T-'nrmal dining room, lile flees. Center of Red Bank, Finest fKHUTIitrfousIjTcoStTived small FOR KENT—In nee] Ran. Ceatrally heated lunroom or den. pawder dated June \Z. 1940. recorded in tha litcheit. den. ntlaeheel garage. large accommodations for professional man. bungalfiW, Living room !0*22 with Isctted. furniakod f*«r.r*««i aMrt. room, three Ana bedrooms tiled hath Monmouth Ctfluntf Clerk's Offlea In B^ok fiUNNISON HOMES. Ranch and Lovely woiuled lot with riparian rights. many built-in features and picture win* Allaire A Son A>ency. Inc. RT. «-S4'.". -»nl, «itk kith, Fhon« RE « . | 0 l l *r Attached two-ear garage: IM.nni. forul 1113 of Mortgagoa. on pagtt O . A f . colonial. Interior wills of me]. VHIUC Mt SZ.'i.non. Immediate neeupan* Agency, fair Haven. RC 1.4)91. covering rremiits on the North ai4t of BED BANK HOME; living room, dining A SHORT'BLOCK"from Broad St., Red dow ovcrlonkinK patio and fish pond; cy. F.ll* Wilt'hire Asrency. Realtors. Rank. Living room, dining room, two bediooms. hnth, kitchen, automatic Wallace Street, in tht Borough of RH r**m; automstic heat; four bedrooms low-tons wood psnclling. Combine fURMSHED APARTMENT, Eltlkin. SF. ..Iif)il4 or RF. «-)*0«. Open weekheat; garage. Price for fiuick sale 19,. Bank, in th* County of Monmouth end Schstiek kitchen, four bedrooms and bath. Basebedruom. living room and kath. En* and kath; 1135 per month. An* living with actual maintenance end". 500. MinuKh Aiirncy, Phone RU 1. Stats of New Jersey, which M<d «Art. ment. Good oil heat; lil.i'OO. Allaire Agency, » Linden Pi.._RE •-0J87. tire third floor. Convenient to railroad NOTKE (1711.* •avings. Two and three bedrooms, SMALL PRICK, hig valutt Kivc-rr>«in age hat been assigned ta plalatlffa aution. Monthly rent 190, Include! fai, DUTCrfTOlbNIAl. house on Hance rd.. A Son Agency Inc _ RE 4-3150. NOTICE la hsrtay given that an afftr pCrinineiihbirHBoi. IT,001 ta II,100 complete on your aear River rd.. Fair Haven. Refer- roURTBEDRooSTHoDSE All Improvehorn* in Middl^'own townihip; in«u> has besn rtetivt4 ay tha Mayor an« trtin. electric. Buiinraa eouply ally, Pkone near N'avesink river: six rooms, bath; ences required. Write "Dutek Colon. ments, partially furnished. East Keana. ktffil, screens and itorm window*. Full Baraugh Caunell af ta« Boraugk of N t * And >ou, Clifforif Soffel an4 hit heirs. RE 6.0923.R after I P. M. lot, Everett H. Thome, King! kurir. Price rensnnahlc. Phone KE I- plpelesi roal heat: front and hack porchbaimrnt, n-itomntlc h«*it. Can't he heat flhitwibury for tb« ptirehait af prop* devisees and personal representative! and FOUR ROOMS—Uafurnieae*.taaaaaU lal.' Bo» 611. Bed Bank.Highway, Mlddletown. es; needs renovations. Corner lot, fnr fft.i.00. Klin Wiltihlr* Agency, arty lacattfl in tha Borough of K t *hit, their or any of their successor! 1* at* oecup*ncy, |T( NT asaatk. Car- flIVaW-ROOM houie, four bedrooms, 02KI.M after I P. M. • 11.50(1. Mlnugh Agency. Phone RU 1. RvultorB. RE 6-3306 or SE 2.0004. right, title nr Interest I on a O. touth* Shrewsbury being Lot* N01. Nina and 114 baths; oil hem. Convenient lo- SHREWSBURY—New lone Agency, 134 Leilntto* a**,. Fair fmir.ronm type 87J1.* Oprn W P P U nfK Ten (• 4 10), Block B at shown on worth, are triad* parties defendant hecation: I l l s per month. Carlone AgenHaven. RE I-MM. hosres; Inrge plots: 1500 down for RUMSON—Two bedroomi, livlnv caufle n* two of the heirs at law nf . . . . jnm residence; fire. the *'Map of property of Oliver A cy 134 Lexington ave, Fair Haven, RE G. l.'a Approximately 152 monthly Ainnro Field, you mny cliim to ha t h t FURNISHED APARTMENT. Four room. l - l l l l room, kitchen, new b«th Ishowplace; three bedrooms; hot water heat; IN l.KH HANK An old house *» Porter, ir Shrewsbury and Orran Town- ownfn taxes, insur* porch, of m'd premifci. and sun-psrlor, with private katk. FLORIDA DUNUALOW Tamiin; fuT- pays principal, interest i-hips, Mnnmouth <.'ounty New J«r»ry, garage: Sll.uQu. Grossinger • fr), pi! h « f , ?»• witcr heater. tifu'ly ri'mriilrlrd that it hnit nil the ain't. Oui, tlute lifl. East End avr,, He ne___Kl__ 2 III l l _ K _ _ . I I_S_ Suits eouple or family ef three. Prlvat* K. Allen, C. E., November, 192 0,' And you Eileen Pryor Metiker. Joanna alihed; three roomt bath, oil keat, cli.iiiii uf .i it- .. home with H modern I!. Conveniently lorwt«.!. Asking 14.* and particularly deiicrihrd in d«ed fron entrance, front ana rear, ConvmlaM t* alKtrl* kitchen, water heater; car port; off Sycamore ave.. between Broad at. S S W CAPK COD; four rooms; two bedWakefield Summrra, an infant over tho nitrht'ti ami Imtln'oorn, three ballroom*, and Branch ave. Model open or call 7.»0, l>fnnii K. Byrne, Re«ltor«. Ar>oi» Corp., a corporation of the State mtr of four teen yean, and Bonnie Raa but. Utilities furnished. RefarancM re. landKaped lot. At but stop. 1300 to rooms, tiled bnth: expansion second livinj,' niotn, diniiiK loom, entrance hall, of R. J. Marvin. MA l.tjua. New Jrriry in dissolution tr» thePryor an infant under thp ag<» of fourquired. Call M—auth Baatli 1-MII.R. June. MO 1-H08-B. floor: Uiemcnt: llo.noo, Grotslntrer * Phone RU MIM).* rn-w hi•Htinjf s-ystrm. fiiUflnd ; one-rar Township nt Shrcwnbury, .luted Febru 4HKIWSBURY—New six-room rancS Heller, RE C^HKI, RK «-ll:l2. THREE.ROOll fOlNISHED aaarfitent. teen your p. ar* mnde parties dtfendnrit. ROOM'S: Railroad . „ . , Belford. Karat;'. Clour to sen or. Is ihopping and type homes. Three bedrooms t lame LlfTLF. SILVER—Colonlsl. seveK roornsl ary 10, 195'). snd recorded in the Mon ht>cau<>e a« legatees and devisees under Adults. CoalraUl loiated. Writ*. Axkini; kl.'.OOO, Wai* mouth County Clerk's OfTW in Bonk th" !*•• Will «n<t Teitumrnt of Alonio OCEANFRONT—Unique thrce-bflilraom tiHn.-porttitioti. plot; electrie stove, electric hot water 1 flraplHce; P » baths: attached garage; Ur ft Tindall. 1 ! » Eait Front it., Red • • • '—.—-—•t-~ ~j^^rJps**saaaajsalBjs^fcjsBBjas|_nMn*jaa^ ' ' ^^^^~ * * rottHKf Tile bnth, ni nt' panrlinif. SIx'llOOH M6USE—th're. "Deanwn*. 224*< > r IVodfl. PaWL 2<1 AC: for thr heater, ol heat: IS50 down for C. l.'s, Field, de.eaned. you nmy <-'aim to hiva k o o y rntNIIHED apartment. water heat Landscaped nlot; MfHtilmor flrrplact, hot air XHM licit; Hank. UK «-':iM. All improvement". 70 Chursh St., approximately 110 monthly pays prin- hnt •11m ni Twenty.'ix IliuuliPii Pol Ian eomr> IntrTPit in »«li1 premiifs, Hut water keat; garage available. A iking $ I ,^,.'.<>", llmni* K. FOR" A pori'tilt ur ntlirr "nrnftiiilnha'r.,) upon th- follnwinz tcrmi a cipal, interest, taxes. Insurance, Only IIH.O0I}. Grosilnitei' ft Heller, RE I- Kundeck. Anil you, Mrv Cl;fTonl SofTel. wife of Nrar but and railroad. 117 Brldga gvt» Belferd. KE *-07JI-M.-_ 8IO11. RK S.idJI^ __^ homr nnd f,tli*T. N»w orcupitd by 1. Mown payment of 1200. t1160* Byrti. n n 1 . J JM iK _U mnmigHfrHOUSE. Seven r^om.: three left. East End ave., off Sycamore 1 >'offt»I, her Chrin'inn name beinf R«H Bank.' '1. Thr balanee nf 13,400 to be paid Clifford two>aar gaiHKe; near school, bus andave,, between Broad st. and Branrtt (JOtlWI.VI.. three years old: three bed- RUM SON—Stunts* "horn*1! fhrtt- larcc M, 11.; 'linci'u'im lion *-, hath roomt up unknown. Tt'try Smti hwnrth. GtriTtt UNKURNISHKI) — Avalllhli now; l>j •tons. Vicinity of Red Bank, Choice ave., or rail R. J. Marvin. MA I .gam. room*, two bMhs: radinnt lieat. Largu in rasll ftr r*ttifl#d ch'rli, upon Mf'iivt f. Pn.i'-rt hid rooma. (IniNhfH third floor. IM'II, uml (Idwii-'iiii-^ : KHnurr for MI vera! rnr«: S'immrrv ere made far1 rooma and batk: kiat, electric and ktt location. Immediate occupancy. plot: two-car gnraiie; tir,.n»o. Grossinhlrain h' iit oil-lii nl, (Ircu.iHnry fl» *onn final aitproval and arceptanc* T%O.TAHIL~Y~HOU'SE. ExraiirnrcoK . hettt: one-cttr «»riigf. i.*«nveni«ntly fciiSuitVr* defer dan* W a ^ o us th* r»an»irtivt water auppliccl; reaionakle. BullRIII of this offer and delivery of t.pO'1'ti of Clifford Soffrl, RE «-'eJ"". RE «-l«:l2. (laird. A • k i n jf $7,800. Dennis K. us di-irril." Ii: It* rl Hunk. AxMnit * I H , . able for two couples; ideal for com- dltion. Good location. RK B-'rjM.W. Sfr_a_nel_r. Inn« (I, South. couple preferred, fall KE l-00il. dtsd. COftAliE ON li ACltKS; eight rooms, iliiO. Will unn^iilfr nny reat-nnnhle niU r. AffRACTIVE, COMFORTABLE sixByrnr. ftfa.1tnr«, _ r h o n a il_U J.-Ji'VL* LO 4-4510, worth .TfBtin* Wrtkrfio!d Summers and fiEAUtlKUCLVKlJRNTSHfDTiuT.rooii. muters. four hr<lroomn: bRrn; close to RedRUMSON—Br»nd ncwl Expansion vnt. Walker & Tin flu M. lit East Front it., room home. Stone fireplace, Venetian RieHLANt>iP=ilodern six-room home. Eileen P'yor Metiker, yon may claim tt> 3. Conveyance to bt made by Bar und three-room apartmenti, 117 RrdJ.iir.k. UK fi.:!1'i|. Grosaingcr k ; sunporch; Bank, Asking 121,,'0o. Bath, furnlikcd, to Junc'l; 175 month- blinds, aiuminum awnings, U»c. Two btdroomR. bath with shmv. A (i(ioi> I!M'J HIMI/r num.' in Re4 vain and Sale Deed, subject to have mm* nt-Tr«t in <aid premises. Ocean ave.. Welt End. LO LOW. ly. Bravand. HI M25» or HI • • two.ear garage. Immediate possession. He!ler_lir^«.310n REI-IIJ_. er Brand newl Sxpinninn cottaie. Twn Dated: November 3th. lOM. the fallowing: Hank. MmNrn in every way with THREE ROOMS—Unfutntikcd: ground Phone between 10 and 1 P, M., RE I- KSW BUNGALOWS" for vetcrana. Llv- bedrooms bath with shower, hnt air ml thrpf T. GRANT SCOTT. (•) Such Ktate of fart ai an af linl rooms, livinj» room, dining floor, private entrance, well hiattd. inK toont. fireplace modern kitchen, heat; garage (bretieway). Asking 114,. M MObBE-No chlldrcr.r~So 4111. Clerk sf the 5upfrior Court of curate survey would dif good locution; garage. RE »-»470.* heat, two hedrooma and bath: 100. DennU K. Byrne, Realton. Phone room, n!ri' kit'lif-n. A well jtpiminted pets Call RE 1-2711. . HSCR-ROOM BUNGALOW. Near every- automatic rime. small homo, rotiv* to rvprything. K«w Jfr^py SSS.3I 1901) dewn, payments 114 per month. THREE-ROOMS — Furnlahed. 155" a NEATLV FURNISHED, three-rooi cot! fb) Restrictions of record. If thlng. Sellinic price 11,900: 175 perSrhnnck Agency, 8 Linden pi. RE I- "" 1-1 ISO." Ont-cai Kit rutf. An r.M'rlli'iit Iniy at month. Call RU 1-1348.W. NOTICE tare Modern kitchen and balk. Suit- month uruil paid. AT 1.0'i«l. any. IttLB IILVER-Brand" newl Living U'*-i thnn I U . 0 0 0 . Wi»lk«r A Tindall, (IJ97. _ _ ^ _ ^ fHRW~UNFURNISHEI» rooma n able adults'Call evenings, AT 1.0188.W. COtOREIt OR WHITK—Three plots of <c> Such itatt of fact i s a Takt notice tha*. application has been room fflreplace), three bedroomH, tilt.' t!) Hast Front M., RMI Hunk. RE I . REIi BANK—ITUTCH culonial home; bath. Newly decorated. Bullntal FWnuWJ(5M~r(oUarrnrurnl«hed. with physleal inip^etion of tht madt to th<2 Mayor ami Council of tha RO-foot frontniie, etich on Hance eve., j.__ _ Inrgo living room, fireplace; modern kath, hot air oil heat: garage. Aikinu couple prrfprreil. All utilities included. hot water, electric ice box, heat; 145 New Mircwahury. Phone HE «-a3H-J, premlus would diielosc. Borough of Rfd Bank to transfer to Dennix K, Byrne, Realtors. A N A T T l t \ " i T l V K H O M E In S h r c w H b u r y , kitchen: tw» bedrooms, tile hath; auto- fll.TiOO. Nice location. Inquire 159 Bridge ave., month. Hamilton ave., and ('home ave., CORNER Id) Posseinlon af the prrmlsei Charles F, Pntlerson Hnd Millie Patter* LOT—55x141 feet. Atlantic matic heat; expansion attic: Itfl.liOO. Pkolw RU l - l i a o , ' w i t h l i v i n g r o o m , difiinit ror.m. k i . c h * R l l l k Rnl_ll«iik. by the present occupants son tanner 1, tradini; ns Holiday LU Leonardo Inquire Sam Sire. nc»t door. and Rockwell aves.. Long Branlh. Ncnr Schmidt Agency, 8 Linden pi. RE I- RUMHON—Two Hummtr eottaKei. Lav. i n , HIM- h i i l r ' i o n i n n d t i l e t i n t h i m flrit UNFURNISHED—Three rooms and katk and surh rights as they may quor», for promi<<'« located at 4 Whlto river, bus: facilities, sidewalk. Contaet floor ; c m i ti« d r f i o m u j ^ t i i i r c ; f u l l c f l i a r . 0.197. inir room, kitchtn, two bedroom*, ttnth on icconrt flonr. In Wcit Long Branch. htivf th»*rrin. Str^t Red Hank, S, J.. rh.? Plenary ReFARM FOB RENT-100 acres, InClarence Reynolds, 485 Hampton ave,, « « ! l l i s ^ ' l u f f'»r n i m i m r o o m . H o t a i r *tch: garttKv »i>ac«'. Excellent incumr. (e) Outitandinv right«. if any taU I>litrihiit!on Lic-rnr So. M-IT, hererh.irc- Ul t;-:i7U-W nr LO « . 3 i U . LITTLE SILVER HOME—Large living Long Branch. eluding' 31 acres applet and *7,O0O. f Offer K tannin K. i i I T U In tin-.r h i n t , o i l - l i r r d ; WHrntfi'. f i n o f l titfur*1 i*Mit>t_ iiy Iht M:ijnr «ni| Council lURNISHKlP—Thrrr rnnm». hath, t u t , room pictil'e window: fireplttre, pow- Aiklnw nf third prrsnn 1 tiiri tin. (J. 1 m i . r i K . u ' ! . i m hv H n M i m n l . n i T n t i l LEASE TO "JUNE 13, 19II. Lovely itu-hulcs hrnt uncl all utilities. ' Leaie peaches, young trees, popular varoom, thrrc hedronms. tile, bath: Byrnr. It.Hitory I'h'ii).- IIU LI l.»ll."__ ;<t ? M , r . ' M i . W n l k i r ft T i n f l n l l 19 E a t ! • 4 In thf event of tht acceptance of the Borough of Rul B^nk to Hugo country home, furnished; two-car ga- der SiiTISuN— two hcdronmi, UvWx" Vomn F r o n t - t . . H. il Hniir.. R K B - S - I " ^ Wiaarrrt, tr«rl!i.j as UninUy Liquors, breeze pnrr-h; >^'J.7.",H. Schanck Agency, «f thi« nffr r the Borough flf R'riulri-il. Available Uec, I. Ray Still rieties. Phono after « P. M., KE rage: 1100 month to responsible family (broadlonm rariietinift, dininir rnnm, Nr* Shrcwhlmry to <*Xfrut« all fn- tho tirpmi'ei locitr'J at 4 White man. RE •-.••III. STIIKKT.'n^l Hank. Liv. or two couples. Reed Agency, RE ! • « Linden pl._llB » . n » 7 . MXI4, Str-M. fifd Bmir,. N. J. kitchen, hftth, hot water, uil: ittuch^l C.yrHKIllNK Hi*(.•(:.•!• try rjitrumfntt^ for thn rli*lUUK.ROiiM - . unfur* iiiK m o m , ( I i n i n e r o o m , l i i t r h r n , o n r NEAR RED RANK—House? four years *arage. Atking II?.'.00, Denni* K. rhirgr nf t»x t;*n< si|jiin*f the 'I'hi' num.- of thr ]t,irtn'T*hip l i Fatni«heH h apartment. One bedroom: ga* i h f i f i t n , first l i o o r : t l i n * Hr i l r n o m 1 - n n d old: 1U.\I8 living room, built-in book Byrnt, W»nlttirt FOR RENT In Eatontown. NcM BBAUf IMJL" Id-Acnfc homes,te. Near premiiea to the date of delivery tfr^on A Patt»r.-(iri nnd tHc names snd Phone RU l-llitn.'. hi rajc; rll utllitirs. Porch and private STORE bitth SITMHII A ir'-n-l h - i y ofTrrrfl »o Viil H«m«, Uood for shop. All Red Bank, City water available. Only ihelveR: dining rnnm: Urge modern nf fWH, »ddrrs»e« nf »)' \t* :-tncr» «re: entraniT. Plenty of rloaeti, Inaulr* kitchen electric »tnvr; twn. bedrooms, dt .«• : . n o . W.-iikrr A T i t u l a i : . 11 K a - t conveniences, Call Swarti furniture, Sl.soo. Also Pints on Hope rd., 2O0x7S0 NINE-ROOM colonial brick threeBE n-n.VH.R nftrr :.;3(l.S. If this nfTer in iccft'trd, the Bor< Charlr* F Patterson, 1'.'^ Second St., F r n n t ^ ' . . IN-1 , , H l r k . _ f ( K r i - I M / H . __ foi 12.400. Reed Agency. RE H.012I,' bath. Fully insuUteil; full dry cellar: RE I-32U (Migh of New ShrewiSury to re- Kryptrt. N J, Itory hfMiic; u i i porch, thrtt! THREE ArAliTM-NT! Furnished ar RX'MVllNA ' t r r r t i v . nioilVrn Pj-ro"om RANCH~kiuicT~"ji7. itorm windotvs, w r i m : attached MrBUNGALOW, furnished. T*0.1sEbROOlsl reive a general re'tair from MilK* Pattenun, III Second St. Key* unfurnished. Automatle fas heat, hot FIVE-ROOM age. I.ot I.Vi.N'.'nn; fully Isndscaiwd. hathi. extra Itvitory; three-car hnniiK'.i.stf]: i o n ;it t i c . Full liiir> foot living room, fireplace, dining Inquire 4 Patterson nve., Shrewnhury. f.enn Williams and BTtha WI1. no-., N . J, water: .irivHte entrance; near transpor* m e r i t : n t l i i ' - l i . i l ir.irfiKf: o i l h ^ a t , ( . n « i l room, modern cabinet kitchen; attached 112.1100, RE ••39^4. garaf*; parqutt floori. Rtiidential Ham 1. upon dtlivsry of dsed and Ution Mrs, M. Dolan, 128 Main it. Ul'FlUk SPACE—Building lofatecj on gatage; corner property; automatic riURttY TO WAtEllIIUhYl-Falr HaObjections, If »ny. nlmuld be mad* l o c a t i o n : .< I::,." fi'i, Bowtrll Airrnry, R U payment of balance of consid toratlon. immedtaU ponfiilon. Immer'iiiteiy in writing to Amy E. Shinn, Bread St.. Red Bank. Inquire Strand (ill heat. i% O, I, mortgage, RE «• ven siipcinl. Twn-gtory frnmc- house. i n A T iMii sratlon: Clerk of the Borough ot Hti Rank. Bor* Phnnc LO «-S100.* CHARMING APARTMENT, Furnishsd, R e s t s u r a n t f l . l t BroadJt. . 4ini-M. Six rooms, nrwly pnititrd and decor' urn. that a hmrlng on the «a!d msttsr cutrh Hall, Mnnmuuth St.. Red Bank, All Improvements; newly decorated. WILL SHARE MY well equipped, soji- SHREWSBURY nti'd, Clv,-n*ir.t'»l iwo-riir KHrilx*:: hobby SMt h \ : horn*' t « ~ i u > i i r c p T i i t f BUNGALOW. — Five >hni>: $11.0110, Is to be held at the Tlnion Fall< Jlrhoal 1 1 For refined huslncsft couple, Call after Rnlstun Wnterbury, v i n i ' r o o m , fl I** t ' l n i ' ' , d i n i t i K fortable six-room house with congenial Thre* btdronmi*, room, rooms, two bedrooms, full cellar; Realtor mill In^uror, Id W o t Front it. SKMI'HUNiiALOW. HtMiup, Tint on Fall-. Nrw Shrt w<bury. CHARLES P. PATTKR3ON, r. P. M.. I.O 8.4.S24-W. c r u n , | . i n »•!, u t r i i kilch»n. business woman or couple. Adults only. mndscniied; butli. Invatnry, lilirnry, tilu kitchen: I i i i w . l . on Thur«ilny Derf-mher d. tfl". I, st «: n ti garaict'; iiittuliiti-di lartri; 123 Meron<l St.. Keyin-rt N. J. nrti lii-t fliinr, Thri*. K'MHI _ FOUR Id Mills—All Improvements. Heat Television: on but line: reasnnnhlo rent plot: oil hmt. Asking JH'J.IMMI. HIIIKII REji-asnii.* nltnrniil tfttratc* ; full tellar; out' urn ; o'rliM'k in thp cvi'ninef. at which time MILLIE PATTERSON. f . u H ::'•• h u t h . n i l h t i i t . f i l l ! funii*hril. Cuiuil., or cuuiile and one for right people. Write "Share," llox Aai'licy^J^ Broad. KK 6-4I5H, liill.'l.' IMMKlTiATE tMISSKSSlON. Convitiif fit NH-atiun, KrHtik rharajilnn X 20.00(1 tin- Mnyor and Borou«h Council wi!! 17.04 122 Second St. Keyixirt. N. I . l S i y K I l l l chilil. I'hune KK «-H)H. 511. lU'd Bunk. . /V-.iiiv i irr i . i ii n . A T i . o i i i i ('lip*-1 ('ml, I'iri'tilHi't- In livinv rontn, B._i*»wi'H.__ KK 6-'JHjfi.'_ rorsldor atld offer and whither It will HKb BANrI=Si<.riiom house. Thni FOUR-ROOM — Rtaullfully furnlihsd BY6MCS—VWO adjoining store., also model kitchen, refriirrriitor nnd elcrtric NKW HUN(iAl.OW- Two brrlroomi), tilr T H E I M l . M l : I ' l l : r . l i i r n i . i i t . " i r S n T H reject the lamn or ion firm and ratify bedrooms, oil heat, fireplace; nne-cnr Nolle* of Settlement of Account ISalO each. Will convert Into en*. apartmrnt, including heat, light, gaa, u m i , sccordin* to <ald term* nnd E.iuti' uf Ufrnon S, Prtntice, ue^eased* *, 1 y 1 * . w ; i h a it' u i i t i f i i l viiw n f t h ethe Asking 110,100, Halgh Agency, ranar. Hie Imth. twn liedrooms, large bath plimtpr wall", nil heat, ArfpfRi.-i>, water. Cal, Swarli Furniture, RE »• Ilia 10x10. Location 107-109 Oakland garage. expnnsion attii', full basement, auto- pNpamlon Hltk-, yarave; large Int, Near 1 - i v i T . S : t i - ; i l , i l m i I m I f - a c i <• n f f i r n l i i - r t y . conditions, providing that no hinhcr Notice ia hert'tiy K.V.I. that the t c l-ptn.' It., Red Btak. Clou by Red Bank rail- 157 Broad, KE «-415M. SB prlcr nr hftter lii'itil >1IAM In- 1»lil fur L'nunts ol the iub^or,bfr»*. Executor! uf N E A K BED ITITIK— Four-room huma-' matic heat; altHched KarHRe. Large eor- trunipoi'tatioi); 111,800, Frank II. T w n l i . v i l y l , i . , l ' . m n , < n n . l H i - , , t i l , h n t h V said roid Itltlon. For Information rail l.a property by t n v othtr per-ion. tilr plot. E.'jceritionsl vatue: 112,000, FLHNISHtli—Two rooms and kath, III Tarrs Q u a i n t Co., l i t Oakland i t . RE Tall f n r II I i J i i i i n l . T i ' l i t Rrililrn Aeency, the rittts of said (Ifiea.-icd. will be auditlow. Two bedrooms, tile bath, ex. Rolston Waterliiiry, ll-sllor and Iniur- |.aw»« Red Hunk, per month. Call RE I-S4II.M. II ' 0H.1. Ill Mi.iintnuth s t . R E«-H9!> o r B.» Order nf th» M«y«r and Unrmigh ed and stated by the Surrogate of tha nanilon attic, full cellar gas heat; Jin.. nr. l » W«it Frniil «l. RK S T _ _ tOi'^-On"tintnn iv»,"" l^*>tTr"iirnml »t., I n r . M h i t * Council of the Borough of New Shrcwi* County of Monmouth and reported for COTTAGE—J 'A room.', »«u monthly; 500. Halgh Agency, 137 Broad. RE BltOAl) STrfEKt^fTrisTfJEWcfr:I r.O\|iS, All iitilltici, K*no »!(•• f«r TdTTl le.tlement to The Monmouth County KEANKBURG — Four-room furnished FAIffTTAVKN 'IrtVEI. him 1*tonm spni'tntftit, t't't furni.^heil, •-4HV 12(13.• *m*\\ hume Ankinn |H5t). IIU 1. for llnrtor. rrater hall, twn l*r«e Court Piobs'i; Mniiion, on Friday, (ha Imlh ami si>- v npiiitmcnt. (JHS, electric. Frigidalre, all utilities Included; 20 minute Hrivr •XTfiNfflrVS—WyUff rd. Come,•1|ois" M A R f i R i r n L. t!Ef:r>. fourteirth day »f Doccmher. A. D. 1151, living ntoms. Hiniiiir rnnm, kiichrn live , H U . HrV rj—"ST\ "rnoiiiT t)».1« prlvato puch; al«n thref-room » u n i t . ta Fort Monmouth, Stmmler, Willow snd Rnrourh Cln-k, Nice location! rlrarcil, eNCavaled. hedrnnmi. till* liath, nil hent:' pint AtlMY WIKK MUST SEliT—New htin- 1:i,'"MI i f ' i | | T t . | | n r tp>. at 10 oV'ork A. M . »f tin- County Court l l f i l . l , II Aitr'l lmv fiiPiMird. Phntir KB «.(I«8|.J.' Locust nt., Highland.". HI a-lflM, fiiiarsiitird lltlr, Saerlncr. wt-rourit ill. • O.sinll h'imi A « \ ' n | Mamnaula County fturragata'a Office Houie, Main «nr| dn\n Sti-sets, Freehold. UHlnw, nvr yr^rs uM. Twn lifHi'oonu, Hern rut I II ir nrnlrrl, VVnnHerful UK n - t I:• :s MOtlEUS—TTirec funil«hed ronim. All FOUn.RO6M7"TW0.Sf(iRV hoiiic. One ne>i, l-jsii, WHtr, llay. 13« North 17th New Jcisey. In 'lt> matter of tn*? rstite of K _ _ r a livintr rnnm, Hininv inom, bnth miH Inr. I « . Moilinvr*tinitit: .?l".7jii. RnMnn Wateruliluitf. In a beautiful neighborhood. iWlEft'SMJIfV I n . r. r n n m " i l l hathrcbm; good condition. One mile E»*t llrangf, ^_ Mavldsnti d*fai*d. Notict to rrerjitnr* oury. flealtnr uml ftiftiirnr, \n WeDt mtirtri ti kitchen, t>!,t<!rr WMIU, It hm H e i | i i i T , | ' . , i I : ' . n o i l Dated Nnvrmbr.- t. A, M. 193t. R e f r l v i - r a t TiTnf. nlth KHrnicr. Call RE •-II47. If out. from Marlboro State Hospital, Hani top iiVfch—Owner K TiiVfchOwner transfirrid, Front st. RK et - :i.-, o li. to ;>rn»»nt rliims against tstatr, nil hnt watrr henl. tu\\ t\u> h««rnifti! ; RAVALP H Mftt-hMNALn. iw it il<'I in I'lir", I V i J f l ' ' ; inH cull BKnln, 1'lpa.Bf.* road, RE l-n.'iln.R.j, lltlitly lloHtril. l Sl Sli-rnom, moilPtir*uai^ In the order nf [forman Me* Hhiartly (wo.cur i/arRgi' HIKI (IMVII .Irlvenay, h . r h ' - i l ^11 Park Avrnue, witiii:''1. m i d f MIM:I«]IIII nttie, a',. ROOMS—On ground floor. Heat and FURNISHED seven-rnom Rumson kousa ern colonial (three bedrooms). I' j tllril ttVTRKWshlfRVc'AtE c-tfli. Fuddln, Di.iroiratn of thr County of Mnn« For Information, PNII RK «-iirm»-_W f deenrbted. Livlhff room, nrcptaee, New York City. New York. A i - r n e y . Ine-,. l « M n n m i i u t h S t . water Included in rent, $82 a month. baths, picture, windows, fireplace, autoto June U 1052 t i n t monthly; fur. mouth, on the aptiliratlnn of thr underTHoMfSON A('JC:NOY--I<ivin« roiVni, RE *t-14.n; THK NKW YORK TRUST COMPANY, Hlnlng room, fli'lt-finor bedroom *nd Available Immediately, 47 Manor dr.. nlshsd three-bedroom heated «partmtnt mntlc heat: garage; 122,750, ii-ui.ij. John tile tlgncd Hnls K*#ciitrl\ of tht eitats nf dlninx roofn, kit^hfii, twn hidroomi, ? f l R B - ' 6 t / A l r r E R " A C H E ' n n r l v i r . llfci. (At iJuccPMor by merser to nnth ^nnclniu bedroom sscopd Rnl Hunk. RE ri-oen.1 until « P. M. at Sea Bright to May 15, 1952, 175 M Mlnueh Agency. Phone lnugh A gency. . . . . . RU . . . I-07U. K*r» Davidinn, ilei'vased, not let Is hsrtby hnt water hmt, oil; fireplace. Fulton Trust Company of N«w Yorltl KB n-tOIM-M lifter « P, M. fnnt f--nnlHiri> nn the Norlh Shrews- git in (0 the rrtdltorl of sala riirsntd monthly, furnished Monmouth Beach fiffin(AiiK=BuiineM ion*. Two thrse". floor, wonderful closet space, attractive hath, By: Jo«tfih A, O'Connnr, NRVI Hink locHtlnn: II 1,000, M East pllyrnum pnnelM In cedar, sutnmatlo iry r!vi t New bulkhead. Older horns to present to th# >ald flols Esscutrli rTScjOMS ANirB'ATH. Furnished! bungalow, two bedrooms, two baths, 1 room bath apartmenti, Automatlt Vice Prpildenl, nf »ix nlre rnnnn (3 hcdrnnins), Hot as aforssaid, thtir clHtms undtr oath. ir unfurnished, In new house, •**• 11,111 annMilly; unfurnlihed Hlfhlands keat| thrss-car latagst let )]x70; | U , . washer snd drier Included. Asking U s - Krnnt HI, RE W ' t i * 100 Broadwny, ion. Rnlaton Wsterhury, Realtor and H P K A i f c N C V Twu-apartmint 1 tatttf*! i l l rooms, bstb, garage, lt,:«ll UNtrr nil h»Ht: twn.rsr garane: fsxes • iiousp oiT Highway ai, near Atlantia within «U month* from Chit dat«» Excellent opportunity to start own Instiror 1» West Front st. RB H.alOO,' THdwetlintr, Central tncntlon, Ft til Rank, New York City, New York, •hlunda. Automatic heat, hot water. aanually. John Minugh Agency, Rumien Its. rirlrr *:mii Shnuli! he seen: I'jo.iinn, Dstf.l: Frrrhnld. N. J,. Nnv, fl 1951. L buslnsss with law sapsnsss. Mlnugh HIVERFHONT™8tstely elms, Exec u tori. Stiacfoili Oil heat! three-car guru if, Hrilnhtvl celSnitrHo. for newly married or builnui loriM Aireni'v Fair Hsi'en. RK H-1.VI3. * ph»n* RU 1-07H.* _ _ _ _ _ _ bV!b«6K mRTHY bAV!b Agency Phone RU 1 •nTir), Henri, Pitney, Hardln A Wird, Drnktrn prntei'trd; # 1 ad.'n.H). Hi SMAI.I, AND Iff \RMfNfi. nlilcr rrslileni'n <it. f«r from the roarl, lar, goujilf Cull AT liOqio^W KsrelleKt '•I Plnckney Bold, :CLLENT EAtTlNfiiWN IncatloT^ n r > l , M ) n M — Will riarrlncc n e w n v L - n i n m F i n n * l i r i l r f i i m e . t i l f h a t h , flrrplsce In EH»t Krnfif HJ. KK S.fiTfin,744 Proud Strut, : •.HI .|i l'» r Hnve'i M.lluhlful WTCE ITENf TT> drilrabie^ builneaa Trd BMik, V, J, Furnlshrd four hrilriiunis: Hiitnmntio Newark 'I, New Jrr«*y, noiibp, T w n b e d r o ' t m n , l i v i n g i ,inrn. livlim innm, mod'nt l.ltrhen. iiowdir i ^ N •"A"iJ>;NrV~""Ra'irrh~" II.HIM", III I. .I'.'i'Nf.v I I « . . l.^iliiinnul. Wilentr. tioldmnn/Spltter t'ouplo twn.rnom unfurnished cottage, heat», Adults prrfcrrril. Immediate nc- n r c n U r r k i t c h e n , d l n e t l r , linlll, CMrnn. Attorney*,, I1S.14 ni, hot ^ u l r r n l h ' H t : tnii.iHr g s . i ] m i i K * ' l t t r i i K f'Miun, K i i r h . Qnlptt tinar hu> line. ilnrr«: |4D month. rupinry A Sit1' We al*n have irvorsl trlntrr • Inn a l l i i . c e l l a r , f u l l y I m t i l a l c i l liartl._••. IJI.Ollii. RolOnll Hatrrhurv, i n , i h r f r h P d i ' f M t m v h i i t l i f i r r - n l u r r n * ! lmmedlata a t ' u n n r y . Write, "Fair Ha- r»ntsl, Ella Wiltshire Agcnry. 12 Broad wooit f l o o r i , oil h s s t , e l u m l n u m w i n d o w s . 11 1* S m i l l i « ( . . Tht toad to vctUr and bigger bu*U 1 i**< . • i t n c h » * 4 g i r « K ' f l t / i O n , t l It. t i t lank. RK Midi, SS 1.0004, '" ' " - I ' n ' Dnitia Ai'n') , lair I - f i - t h A m h n y , N , t, »•!," BM 111, B*4 Itak.' Mil. advtrtlsa In Tha Rt filter r'gularlr. tlseorit... Wrll., MeiaMi / • » , lllf.rd.' Renltnr snil lnsuror. H Win Kronl it. Xut Frtit il. M 1.0109.' RS ••1.190.* Attomyi, 111.41 —AdtarUaMamt Havsn, RC S-4HJ, REAL IITATCTORM I X WANTtDTOHNT & REALISTATEWANTID - - con r e |B | n REAL ESTATE FOR RENT S M J Uncolit'Meiriiry Executive! DiMiut Sales llUILD YOU! HOMI HOWAtD* LOAN MOM A MT OF OuJke ov C * T. PIANK APMMV AO0ICY TOVtl MAIN ST. 4 MATTttON AVI. ASftUIV M M , N. J. (AS Hottgae* Mas i HOWARO SAVIN6S INSTITUTION, Nowort fMQM I f fVIMI Wadsworth Watchos Two New J * m y l>«el*-Mere»ry dealers tJiMuee proeWloo oa*J tales wWfc top eie«*> toot of rVo 1 Motor company at a lunclieoo U Detroit la ooojoactloii witk A * Ua««lii.M«rcvry onnuel meetino. of aaWfitine, eommitteo cfcelnMti. Tfco dealers ara Cileries R. latjlisli, left, pretioW «f t««li«k Motors. Maple eve., eatj P. W. Sftormaa, point!*,, president af P. W . Sherman Motors, Aibwy Park. They ara talking witfc I. A. Duffy, vice pretioW, pur «kait»f, Fort) Motor campany, and rloht, S. W . Ostrender, operations menefcr, lincefn<Mer< Dull, dingy mXk tarn height aad tfcewful with Du Pont Spnri-Euy. An «0 with water—one gallon up to Yws'll lik* ipaadEwy New In town! *VecrtJieMe.ofn GAL J. H. KILLY CO. COR. BROAD ST. *t HARDING ROAD RED BANK PHONE 641900 Satw tkt uafaee umi ymt •ring in your curtains, drapes, btdgpreidi and blanket* fer auparflaa try clMBiBf. ririt-eltii Mrvie*. I CMS* M9 CiMf tmt If % I Hn4»* taW NION LAUNDRY >'• UUHCHIHO • MM K O U O t • MM < ing cocktails, the gueata attended the dinner-danca and ftahion ahow at the Berkeley-Carteret hatel I Aabury Park for tha beneflt of Fit kin hospital. Gueata war* Mr. and Mix. Robert C. Custanea of New York city, Mr. and Mra. Alfred P. Boice of Rum/ion, and Mr. and Mr*. Fred Gregg, Fair Haven, Frank Qulnlan haa returned ta Jersey City after apendint tha summer at hi* home M Fair Haven road. Sunday, Mr. and Mra. Freret wera dinner (uetta of Mr. and Mra. Eugene Mabeau of New York city. Other iiiexts at the dinner were Prof, and Mr*. V. Sldorow, Norman Hathaway and Miai Valentla* Mahen u. Mrs. Mabeau and Prof. Sldorow are Mr. Freret'* Instructor* at the Berliti ichasl ef Languages in New York, whira he la atudying Rueiltn. ' ita Mventh annual dinner Monday at 7:30 p. m. at Buttoawood Minor, Matawan. Robert H. Diabrow It F Haven achooli will clou ehalrmaa. There will be a gue*t n n t Wednesday at l}:30 p. m for speaker. An accordlonUt will acth« Thankierivlni vacation. They company community aiming falwill reopen Monday, Nov. 20. lowing dinner. The board of the Fair Haven library met Monday. Among new Mr. and Mra. Payaon W. Lyman fceoki now at the library are "Harhave evprts*ed their appreciation ta vey rireatono," Lief; "The HM the many friend* and reaidenta who called them following the report Around VK," Carton; "The Calne that their dog wa* lost taat week, Mutiny,* Wouk; "The Cruel Sea," An employee ef the Nicholas De. Manaarat; "Southern Territory," ~~ lo plumbing flrm, Broad at., Tallant; "Lucy Caimlchs*)," Kenfound tht 15-year-old wire-haired nedy; "Hi-nny't naughtt-r," de 1» terrior Friday afternoon after he nochf! "With All My Heart,' had been mining sit days, and Barnea; "Forty Poundi of Gold," notined the borough clerk of th* Strom; "I'm a Lucky Guy," Gll1 dog * itcenae number. Learning hr«th; "Melville Goodwin, V. 8. A.," that the Lymans were tha owner*, Marquand: "The Holy Binner," ho reported ta them that the dsg Mann; "The Preeidenff Lady," wat In a duett condition and ap•tona; "And Bide a Tiger." Wilder, parently suffering. Tht dog had U and "It Happens Every Tkurtday," bo dertroyed. Mcllvalne. Included also ara a number of children'* book*. Mr*. Francia Hockey of Fall* Church. Va., ha* bean vialtlng her Oeorce B. Moiley of Church ft. parent*, Mr. aad Mra. Ralph Kllftn la amployed • • a ata«chand and aeentry man In the musical, "Paint Borough Clerk Ortrude 6. Van- of Parker pi. Tour Wagon," which opened Mon- Vllct la reported to he much Imday In New York city. Jamei Bar- proved. She haa been eonflned home the past two weeka by pneumonia. Green Grove Bar ton atari In the production. Entltn Iluaadl A. Marcellua, V. New reaidenta of tha borough InS. N., aon of Mr, and Mm. Alfred clude a aon to Mr. and Mra. Ernest Handed Penalty Marcfllui of 81 Willow «t., U at- Raynor of Broad at. and a daughtached to Patrol Squadron 7, one of ter to Mr. and Mra. Jerome Silver N E W SHREWSBURY-Afttr Oeorge Trad, proprietor, pleaded IT Naval Air unite engaged in At- of Shadowbrook td. guilty by letter to an after-hourslantic Fleet enterprise 51, the flmt Mr. and Mrs. A. Barton Croai and sale violation, the mayor and counfull icale Atlantic Fleet exercUc to Mr*. Harrison Martin were gueata cil Monday night ruled the Green b« conducted in the past IS month*. Sunday of Mr. and Mr*. Allan Car- Grove Manor be closed ten days, Patrol Squadron 7 ia attached to man at the November meeting of from Nov. M to Dee. «. Th* liquor Fltet Air Wing. Atlantic Command, the LUten-to-Me club at the home llcentt wta auapended for that perwltk headquarter! at tht Naval of Mr. and Mr«. Durand H. Van- iod. Air Station, Norfolk, Va. Doren In South Orange. Mr. VanMr*. Leater Brcet of Hendrlck- Dorcn la prealdent of this New Jer- The violation, reported by the Mn pi. haa returned home from «ey authors' club. He and Henry State Divi*lon of Alcholle BeverRlvervlew hoipital, where she t i l Hall and James MaeFadden pre- age Control, occurred Sept. 1. The • madlcal patient. sented amusing and erudite paper* ABC. had asked "quick action" by on the caae, Mayor George Peggy Ann Minton, daughter of on "Virtue—Paat, Preient and Fu- council Mr. and Mr*. H. Lynnwood Min- ture." Miss Penelope Summerwell, Steven* taid, "although we were ton of Fair Haven rd., ipent the who covered the Washington visit not Informed of the violation until week-end at home. She 1» a atudent of Princeu Kliiabeth and her Duke a few day* ago." at tht aehool of nuraing at Middle- for the Newark Evening New*, was At th* brief council aenlon tht i n General hospital, New Brunt- prcaent and gave an account of her Inter-department trantftr of monty wlek. experiences with "intimate tid bit*" wa* agreed upon. Thl* I* an an. The Ladlei* auxiliary of the Fair that did not make the newt col- null procedure, necessary to nettle all outstanding bills before tha end Haven yacht club will meet tomor- umiu. row night at the home of MM. James S. Reatdon of Shadow- of the year. Ocorge B. Moxley on Church at. brook rd. attended the foundation Member* of the Methodtat church meeting of the Father*' club at will attend tha Thantugivinf aerv- Seton Hill college Sunday, Nov. 4. let next Tbunday at U a. m. it Shrewsbury auxiliary to Rivertha Chapel of the Holy Communion. view hospital ha* postponed Iti MM. Ouatave J. Freret of River meeting until Nov. 38 because of rd., wai hoiteM at a cocktail party the fact the meeting would be the at her home Friday, the occasion day before Thanksgiving. being Mr. Frarefa birthday. Follow- The Community club wilt hold Fair Haven put We have them! pun . wry dl»Wo«. taoatM eaten oad HIM advtrtisadiaLIFEMiuiaa. Jaweted la%ff MOvsiMBis tkat we OsValOBj Bjf IBS pgwjtl pgOpBJ IPJsv I lOfthtMBttjSfl BUT donHhavstobehidjaffteed. totes today) Ntw lint witci VWHM stiff it Reussilles' Need New Furniture? Mrs. James M. Heuck LIHle Silver, New Jersey Dear Ann Marie, Or Bedding? BE A SHOPPER! Wall, what tjo you think of us now? Just like you said we ought to, we've gone and stacked e whole corner with the most exquisite Hallmarked sliver from ell England—Adie. The world's fleetest name in Sterling for generations. •, , ,,j.,,:».. w , And en English lew (e bond to the last) soys that you can actually have yaur head chopped off because of this silver. 'Tit a fact. If you falsify its cantent, yau losa your head. That's the law, made over 600 yeort 090 and still in effect. Wo agree, you'll *urely lose your head ovor this silver —'but in a bloodless sort of way. Take a look—seme of the pieces aro pictured at right—the covered vegetable dish with gadraoned edges, $69.60 including tax—the gravy beat, $37.30 Including tax—tha salt and pepper, $15 each including tax—tha small mustard dish with blue-glass liner, $2f.6O Including tax. We've many mere—none inexpensive—and all magnificent. Truly, wa hava liacame tha finest small depart, ment stera en tha ceast —with everything from food, to silver, to linon, to furniture. No wander sa many people mike us a on*.stop<thoB. Please do. 5\ \ .CHINA ? GLASS-SHOP land KIOMTYUVEN UOAD STREET RED IANI • • • MEW lEIStY As over, Ann and John Itllantine Chine and Glass Shop Go Here! Go There! Go Anywhere! But Btjfort Buying ntw living room furniture, bedroom furniture, tnnerspring matfressei, kitchen furniture or juvenile furniture .. * visit Clayton J . N e w m a n . . . . compare our merchandise for quality end price. See if you don't agree we give most for the money. CLAYTON J. NEWMAN FURNITURE - BEDDING - JUVENILE FURNITURE 1717 F STREET ' • SOUTH BELMAR I Veal STOtI HOUMl MONDAY • W1DMI0AY . FRIDAY TOWDAY > THURSDAY • SATURDAY • » » A.M. to t t M P.M. I t M A.M. to eiM P.M. 1ED IKOIttTKB. aOVEMsMSB II, l i f t Text of CUIIMIH Spcerh Sp«dtHiiM in to tk« taal tl tka tortaiaal ocrvie* avUskit asjitifcen ltwt aiftu kafara tka ia tke world. Aad we are BOW esr 4 ta ualtir Oagakstr t faced ia a Ni-asilUsa dollar airport IU4 pro-rats at Newark, Caaaatrct kf Hewtvi) C. Cullaaaa, development Teteraoro, Hear Tork taUraatioaal ckturaaa tt tka Part tt Maw Tark aad LaOuardia airports. Awtkaiity: At Newark airport, wkick *J« *f* t *aj aeu«iau • ttmr ttthtlm- dtvelopiaf aad operating natter a ttVvear leasekold witk tfc* CMr tcraatiaf mmt laftHBMtlvt ''Near Jaraer OtMttaa" tka atktr 4«y of Newark, ow plaas iaelitde • aew ruawav systesa and a aew pasaeawtuw I mttUtt am tka cevtr (er tenaiaal buildiaf aad etaor fatkt aaViti wiklicatia* af tkt i eilitie* that will atakt New Jercitttlaa at Ckaaaa rrackttlaan af Maw iugav » K : "A ttur«|r pcafl*, •ev's pioaeer airport one of tks tjwiatlr IMuaUatHia, iatelltfaatly Saieot aaywkere. Da*if«# to kaadls •racraajtva aati avar BtMrtatlc. ut l.«M pUne* a d*r, Newark airport ktstMiaa a. grat>Ur MaatBtxatk *<HM- will tpecialiat ia Vtsy-tsaiaatt 4tr aatsHie llskt* aerviaf tho New Jot* ty." I k»»a Mvcr eaaaa i fraattar coaasllaatat ta aar caav eer-Hew Tork *r«tv Aad it wW five tke people of Nortkera New •uKltir aat) iu people. laeliialng- Meeiwrawtk asaa Maaatautk couaty. ajuita abviaut- Jersey, a eoavenleatly located saodero ly, at Aaserlc*. in galaiaturt, aa« a* ty, tertaiaal for tki* aeweet aad tosa*f af tra kavc "eturdy acapla, tjuletly latliutrlaua, lattllljtBtly cresslBflr peptilar tseaas of traastatioa. Bkfere Mac tk* air irafrtaalva aa4 avar aatriatlc," wa velcr frosa Red aUak wiU k* fan kava tha frtataaf kapa la tha Intuit. Cv«a tkeittk It etrUlaly •kle to drive to Newark airport o*j rt. M sad tks New Jotts* mutt twagi u Mart tl w, M URMC, t« b« a 4afk ftati staaftraut warIC pike la about « •Uaat**.As • part of ow rsfioaaJ airport HiatorU Maatawtiik cwRty It alia rats we kotifkt Teterkoro ait•Mdlara Uaaatautk cauaty. 4*4 la Berfea comtr to sask* as*v tkat, of court*, ia laaaartant Far U t developsMai ttiftShk it wauld aat ka aaaufk Itt tka pta> rtfientl airport tjrkMi OM pU af MoaaMtitk cauaty ta »lt back •aaptr aeed arises. In the mesntisnt Tettrand refect upoa their tlluatrioua is specialisinc la tke kaadliaf larakaara, tktir rjiafK'eteaat lam*- boro of private, esecutlvt-typ* aad earfs marki * H tke natural bcaittie* of air traffic. their countryaltft •,n a their ihore, The modern and arocreMiva Man- Under lease from the CUr af mouth county, M you know to well, Newark we alao have the retpoiiav it one thai a»»reci%tct tka import- ibility far Port Newark. We are re ance of gr'at roadways. It It one hahillt.iiinir and developing this that underttantla tha need] for (and vital New jersey facility as a modhospital* and other community tor- ern marine terminal, which will be vicea. Many of you here tonight arc particularly beneficial to Industrie* reaponaikle to a Uifa degree lor and business in Northern and Centhd guccenlul welfare ioh that ia tral New Jersey. The availability hung done In the county. I know ef thia seaport means aulektr. that you art ai proud of your cheaper and more convenient transaehoela at you are of what I under- portation for New Jersey skipper* tttnd it your excellent fttcal poil and receiver* af freight. As tke tion anil your autataadjlag agrleul leading; lumber port on tht last tural production. Tour long and] Coast. Port Newark handled more busy tkort, providing ant of the than tW million board feet of lumcountry'* moat active and prot-per- ber in 1PSO. A great part of tkis out and beautiful recreational lumber wat delfvegVat-tn distribuareaa, it not th« lettt of the re- tors in Monmouth county, as yetj markable attractions af your great may know. As a result of our business promotion program and Ikt county. avaiUbilitv of new facilities which t can only agree with My fellow we built, Port Newark kas Become rommiaaioner and dear ptrtonal • center for the receipt and storage friend, T. Palmer Armttrong, that of many commodities, including he haa A home community of which canned fruits and vegetables frogs ht can be proud. I have been great- the West Coast, Again, maay of ly Impreaied by tha fact that linn- these cargoes ars destined for Menmouth county haw more Ulan (50 mouth. bridge*. In tha Port Authority we are kept pretty buay operating jutt Under our Port Newark program four of them, and two tunnel*. All ws have already spent or commitof them conntct the great ttttt tt ted over nine million dollars on our New Jentey with New Tark. Improvement program, and tonnage When my frltnd, and your friend, over the nut nine month* amount, Harry Neuberger, athed ma to ed ta 1,JM,5M long ton*, as COM. come down her* and k* with you pared with 1,037,41(1 In th» tonight, I had a feeling that moat year under city management of you had probably been kept In Mt MM**) Paffcsi pretty tloee contact with Port Aut-ajrrolls at Port Newark hav« la. thority affaire through Oommit- created from M,IM,0(» to tt* a l l . tloner Armttroag. But *t th« rlik of repeating *em* af tha thing* hi lion dollars under Port Authority aaantgement. ha* already told you, I thouid Ilka to review for you here briefly aome . The Port Authority but terminal fact* ab*ut *ur M-atata organist' I* now used by four bus compMles tlon. tenrini Monmouth county. Tnla InAa Engllah atudent of public ad- clude* a new lint which starts* mlnUtratloa ha* aaid that the publie authority "it tho mo*t Important Innovation la political organisation and eoMtltutlonal practice la our time." Aa a buelneaeman I believe that public authorities play a partlcularly Important pa" In democratic government, beeauaa they make It poaalble to apply tha method* and efficiency of good ktwiaaji management to tho development, financing: and adminittratioa of large public enterprltr*. In the Port Authority our board of eommiMloner*, on which you have a native ton, comparet with the board of director* of an efficient private corporation. Perbapt we la the Port Authority cometime* work a llttl* harder at out public lob* than we do at our private John. Although, a* you know, the eommlttlonera receive no compematlon for their Port Authority service. A ahort time ago on* of my fellow eommleiloner* nd I found ourgelve* hard at work on Port Authority bualneaa at t o'clock at let* you d o n an »rwsgt>tiM night. He atked me why I thought the Port Authority commUalonera living room without onto worked to hard at their public job*. moving the dttnet ^"™ "Why do you tuppoa* we do thJt, Howard?" he aaked. And when 1 quite frankly «ald: "I dont know." ho answered hi* own question: "It't because wa are Interetted, and the constructive work wa are doing ta to tatttfying." No Bed ttaao But ths Port Authority commitlionets, no matter how greatly Interested or devoted, could not handle alone the reiponaibllltie* plseed upon them, fortunately they have available a career ataff of expert* on whoac Integrity and ability they can rely completely. Our Port Authority ataff is headed by our capable, hard-working executive director, Austin J. Town. And I cannot overstate the Importance of ths fact that the Port Authority I* able to operate unhampered by rid taps, bureaucracy aad political pressure!. Many ef tho benefit* derived from the Port Authlrlty1* facilities and service* can be traced directly to Monmouth county. For example, the third tube of the Lincoln tunnel, Improved tunnel and bridge approaches and the like, are aa Important to Monmouth •* they are to *tiy other community in the New Jersey-New York Port district. There It no doubt that much of Honmouth'a buelnets and employment rely for their continuance on the ease tnd comfort of automobile travel between tha metropolitan canters and the New Jersey shore resorts. Ths Port Authority's dote co-operation with state and local highway agencies, such ss ths New Jersey Turnpike Authority, ths New Jeney Stats Highway department and county and city tnglnaere assures a highway system efficiently integrated with Port Authority crotiinns. And this program encourages travel to the Monmouth area. A few years sgo we reported to the governor of New Jertey that 'tn Important area of future recreational development I* the New 'it Most efficient clcansi madtt Jersey shore. The future developit Eitrflsrg* "Throw-Awsj/* ment of the beach reaorts will detag! . •',^- '¥ pend In large measure upon the completion of highway routes, not it Circular tihtuit—no «lr only In Monmouth but In Bergen, Union, Passalc tnd Essex counties." it 10 icitnuflcilly-deiipned Significantly, the Oarden State parkway, now being; built, will •uachmtmi! eventually tap all of these counties of Northern New Jersey, And the completion of this route will come, Um to wf pbMt fir a as you know, to be of major importance to your own county. We have always laid that a new express highway, auch ss the New Jersey Turnpike, eliminating the tlruome travel over the con/tested rt. 25, would stimulate business at the magnaflclent beaches of Monmouth county and South Jersey, When the turnpike 1* completed, New Jersey's largest and most ple In Red Bank will be able complete Hardware Stors drive to Times *q. In a little Uptown B'way . Tel. «-MU over an hour. Thlt It about 45 minLong Branch utes lest than it take* them to get Plenty of frtt parking there by rt, 29, The entenslon of the Oarden State parkway Into roar of store. Monmouth county would cut driv«Vrthorl*»d Dealer ing time even more, Airport Kxpanalon GENERAL { £ fllCTRIC The Port Authority's regional VACUUM CLIANIM tlrport program it giving to tht metropentkn area of New Jersey •nd Now Tork the aoat aodna air •peeck COPWt MM, iMMOHl •aa f ^ t t a M l M C#)e m- ral **•*• I •••Iff s s t s ) *>i •HBHHH LISTEN TO 4 1 4 4 Mtxemstitw St N. J. H U O W A R I . TOOLS •URNITUtl JUVfMMJ FURMTURI ChristianWitScience SHI Boor* ISO P M K •appybTbtlNqf W i l l Btckicfct Smith Furs 14 SocoritJ Avo.. lona trtiwt) • MTAMIfrt • IMTTUN* aW eSsattta |*sg«ag) • • flrnW CoftMet) C»M Mango Vault* PHONI I**-•<•"«"••»147.1441 Ionclheel Amqr • • • • ktttfawoaadeaeray. swVla M l a t W_t t t f c * - ttl Sown af kidney f utetlot. Doctors t t r (nod d kidanr £iwctioa It wry iaaiwrtMt lo good C S S WtNtotattvttreaMtMttlaa.tuth m «Mt tawortMt igfofcttusWsiatTM . Minor M»t> •ins W c k M w f o n M n•Me. ler Ir rNMiont due to eold or wrong alict m»> «ti»iiit»«iL__ DoeTt tMdtti II tknt eotti. Doat Msbei your tMdtti D ' fill.-* fill <M tlon kothtr rau. T Trr Dote'e *<M dtiuaUs. Utt* tn fuHT kf MUIIOM (or twtrMrtaft. H't a i t t l M luwr att»r tl—t DWi'i « I M kewr rtlttf h a that* dtKoca. ( l l l W f l i l r V i l t k 4 « l (orl»lul»lWflaiilnrViiln«rtukM»li4«l. t i n Swk oat wtrtt. Get Doea't PlUetotafl NOTKC At erdlatnce to tmtrid "AM ORDI. IANCR TO KEOCLATI AND CONTIIOL XCAVATION AMD MOVING OK SOIL. f. UrON AND WOM LAND! IN THE OROUr.H OF NEW BMMWglURY." ADOPTED September I, U i l , was Introduced: Orttttr «, 1151, Paattd! Oettker 4, 1151, A l t t t t d l Mtnmlor 1 i t l l , GtOBdl ITfcVINA Attttti MAROMTTA t . M I D , " " " ' Cltrt, MM •UPEWM COURT Of HVH JCMEY Cheater* Wvlttt., MMHwatk Cwwir Tet L U L U I* MALL; AUTOMATIC tor your home I f irlrtut • ' an ordir • ( the Superior Court »f (*• Kelt tf Ntw Jersey, made Ml tkt Kill dar at OeMher 1DIII, where. Ill NANCY OWYNN MALI- U plaintiff. • l 4 rets art dtfeiidaiit rtu trt herehir rttulrtd l» l i n i r the tiwultlnt of ilalnti* m or beftrt tkt Utk dtr of li wkk t i n n» » tt ,, »>4 »t>4 i» i» 4 4«(tu!t th«rt«( « u ! t th«rt«( ill kt k rtmltrti l luck jiNnMntt will u t l nl i tt at Oit C«»rl ihtll think t i t l t t k l t iM M4 i«M. Tkt tkjtet t l Ml4 ««U It t t •kttln • »4iawnt »f 4lTtrtt kttwtta Hit plainill tn4 you. Attoraty (or Plaintiff. H I • » Av<n<w, Hlikltndi. N.w Jtrur. •!•.«• Mtaaitma C«i*ly Iwrafitt't OMu NatiM tu Crtditait Crtdit ti tu «t P m t n t Clalait la lit lit Sfi/ fitt/r af'tkt f't IMtlt tf Adtlpk L. Oil DELIVERY,*. • n i l * . Dtcuttd. f t r w t n t tt tht or4« a( Domini Mc> Pk44la, KurrofHt tf tkt County of Mon. aioutk, tklt 4*y mti: on Ih« tpplleatisn of tht vndtrilfntd. bteutort of tkt • • • att »i A4tli>k L, Bftuii, dwitMd, aatlc* It kinky a l » « t t tht trt4Uori tf H i t 4 M M M 4 t> artMRt f Ikt tala t a u a t o n at tftmald, their rlilmi undtr «ath, 'ItnFn iiv mnnthi from thii riitt. Datta Frakold.N. J., Ontakt r II, itSI, UEORGE A. DKAUN. IK., I f (tlcnwood Av», Oranct, N. ROBIRT A. R«AUN. IDI Rroad St^ Eatontown, N. I. AbraaiorT A Prlcf. 111.41 Atlaratya. m Btel Settle la the •etaaik */*&*££!?'' WITH THIS NEW *" "•••'•«'•*« •• Puiiit aotict la keraby *l«ta that I. Hulk • . Crawford. Collector af T t i t t of Ik* Bortuak of New Dhrt-iburr Honmeutk Ctunty. Ntw Jtiiejr. will atll at oublie tuietlon on th. 2»th da» af N o n a t t r . 1111, at IOIOO A. M., la tkt Ctlltetei's JSfetTiMpi Vails. N.J., tkt following BareUtfttr deteribtd ltndt. t k t ttld lands will kt told tt a a k t tkt eMttillt ef amnieiral lltSI esargeatle Otllaat tht i>s» on tht flrit day ol July, M i l . at eonputed la tka taa Hit. te. gatktr with interest on taid amount from tkt «rit day of July. 1151, to tha date «f salt and the eottt of sale at pubiit vendue to tuek ptraont at w^l purchase tht Matt aubject to redemption at Iht lowett rttt ef lattrett, kut in at ease in excess " ' <i*hisP."l.e'i!ti"»dr."nd."",>th. pr.vl.ltn. of 4. Chtpte, I. Title II. ef the Kevin* Statutta of New Jtriey. 111?, tatitltd, "lalt tf Real Property t t Bnforct LltBI " Ths ttld lands to »t told tnd tkt naaitt tf Mrtont tgaiait wkosi Mid taitt save B««B lain on aetouat ef tack parttl, art at fellewti Wa. Davit E.t. ft W » . Held, blk It, lot M. was. Wa»il*t......|J.2l CylaiaKufnn. blk II, part lot II, laad, Pint Break „ I.M F O Turner, blk <*, part lot II, a tcraa land, Grttn Gro»e ...lO.ei Dusa'n Abruaio. blk •», part lot II, t« teiei land and buildi n n and Part int II Aden, T. BerrJ. part Iota 45. .4. 41. * bid*., White's Ptrk. Pine Brook •• Otetr a Mary Cook, blk <«, ptrt of lot T, land and buildingi, Shnfto Bond, lteeveytown _ Roland Cupitt, blk »7. part lot 21. land and building. Green Grove „ „ „ , Unknown John Dot, klk V, part lot I, about II acres land. mort or leu, Arturr Avenue ........... .......„.;................. Rebecca ft Stanley Forehead, blk F, lott ». 1, Sprlngdttt Isaae H, tiiihuly l t t ~ klk aTTlot 4. i t atrti itnd and buildIngi Hopt Boad «. «...«— • Kino K.t'olain.n, blk i . H lot II. Orthard St., Hanet Park.... Abraham A. Megill orKcGIII. rart let. II. II. II. and building, Whltt'a Park. Pine Breek _ - . Dora liorosnw ft Charltt Ira, klk I s , part itt I, t aertt land. Stttt Hwy. # 1 3 , Saaftt't Ceistf «-_..._... Ottt McMillan.' blk A. Itt 71. Hante A f t , Haaet Park Mestant Corp.. Chtrft. F. sVkajidt, abtut J aeits. laad and buildings, Fiat Brook . . — . . — — ....••••• OUvtr A, ft Ella J. Porter, ktltaet of late, Peittr Tratt. tnd buildings, Pint Brook - • • . — — ~ ~ . —. Htnty Jtlppt-Nath'an Phlftpt, bun aad building! Pint Brook Andrew Bitbardtoa, blk 14, s a t let I. lead, Pint Brook John IUnsay-r, S, Marpkv. klk 14, part Itt 1, 1 aert laad, Pina Brook — - . . •• W. A. Richardson I t t , klk II, lot 25, about 14 aertt, land and building Beereytown Cart ft Mary Riltei. blk 17, part lot 36. land and buildings, Aabury A»e., Green Grovi Ruisell KchafTtr, hilt B, lot To, CUciry St.. Hanet Park Robert Seirller, blk 47, part lot 10. ii teret land ac4 buildinRi, Sycamore Ave » .. Herbert Schum.m hlk 5», lots VI Si 4 II atr«s land and buildings. Wayside Rd.. Wnysldt —J.... Mty W, Biimliinu et als blk IS, van lot II, II terct, land, IJ.IJ T.JI 19.24 IT.ST T.J7 lt.94 11.11 11.71 t.J* IS.TS 11.88 IS.Ol 41.71 4t.ll ^ 114.81 1.71 US.II 1.71 lt.ll 11.11 11.11 U.ll 11.91 U.ll 11,11 4t.ll 10.11 17.1? ll.U 7.11 41.01 7.1? 7.11 15.JJ 11.41 11.10 15.14 10.85 ft,7S 11.51 111,11 11.41 11.11 Aabury Ave, Reeveytown 114.11 111.17 Gutrin k Helm Tcdd, blk 43, utrt lot 5. land tnd buildings, Hope fill . . . >«. 11171 111.11 Gutrin ft Helm T»M hlk 43, ptrt lot !, land, Hem Rd 11.11 1S.I4 Guerln * Helen ToO.I, blk 43. ptrt lot «. A. land, Hop* Rd 11.14 11.14 John A. Taylor blk 68. lot 4 I terta land ft buildings, tktfto Rd!, Reiveytown »,...»..T.™ 11.14 U.ll leon ft Michael Tamurln, blk <9, ptrt let 1, I aert. ltnd, State Hwy #33. Shatto't Corner 71.14 11.11 T. Irai.-. Vallrau, blk 52 part lot 4, I aeret land, Wayside Rd., Pine llrnok 17.51 11.11 Irneit k Ethe Wadlcy blk 48, ptrt lot I. 14 tcres, land and buMdlnm Tinlnn Ave 410.10 411.11 Wm. Winxn, hlk '>«. imrt Int 19. 1 acres 'and and buildings, WBi»iil« Rd.. Pine llrnok 11.11 19.41 Jamei Arthur, blk C, lot 82. house tnd lot, Patch St., Htnct paI> Oitnlel Bowman Eit., blk 63, lot 1. 10 tertt itnd. Bhafto Rd., Reavcytown Mary DeMalo, blk C. lots ID, 31, Appla St., Ittt 10 and 11, Peach St., Hanet Park ...». 14.11 Wm. C. Halt, blk A, lot 59 home tnd lot. Cherry St,, Hanea Park 10.14 Robert P, * Hc»sie Ilnlly, blk B lot 14, house and lot, Chtrry St., Huncc Purl; 70.31 Howard Hotchklat, blk 43 par', lot 12, 1 acre, land, near Crystal Brook Broad St 10.70 Harriett t. Lockct't Kst,. land and buildings, Pint Brook Rd,, Pine Brook J9.30 1 'CahonUs LeMleus. blk (0, lot 10, about 44 acres land and building, Keevcytown I.S2 Altx Mtdlion. blk 57, lot 11 lot and building, Wtyslda Id., Pint Brook Bella Marx, blk II part lot U . lot tnd building, Green Grovt Rd. Wtytlda .. •• 111,11 Mat MeAleer. blk is. ptrt lot T. land and building, Syetmort Ave, Tlnton 1'nlla Itl.10 Robt, S. k K. Lueilla McMnuis. blk »7, lot «l, t t t e n . land itnd liiitlillnitH, Rr^en (,1-ovt 115.II G»M'ir k JcU,,lilytiii Prllnlic. — Clirmo, blk II, part lot I, I aero land and huilillnr, Tinton Ave., Tlnton Fills 111.57 Alvin I), ilo»», blk B. lot 132. Cherry Bt., Htnee Park 11.11 Rudolph A. Voncl, hlk 57 lot II, land aad bulldlnte. War* sldf Hi)., Pino Brook : : _ „ ;.. ||,ll Wm, While Eil., blk St. part Int 14 I s o r t , land and build* Ins, llnmlllnn lid., Pine Brook 11,10 Hnrvey tinker, blk C5, part lot 40. about I I acre, land, Reov. eytuwn 18,94 When the min tukex tilut-'e, tuiyment of iM taxei, or Kftflcsuments, cnxts iinil interest mutt be pulil by Ihr niirchantr before the rnucluslon o( tho sate, otherwise tho pi'nriorty will he ininii'iliaU'K it'MtlU, At any time brfnre the sale, ills collrctrtr will receive phyment of the amount due, together w l h Interest and costs Innurrad to the data of payment, wf,M« nt, btnd .... l l n dsr .« O.t.b.,, I.... »lll»» S Celltiier. Q.E Pi a* Eleven July. not beea aoeepted by the asuBicl- in th* Interests) of ittf**v«d rail, teas. la this way wt are able to heat lilinei pelitl fro** llsamouth »uth using usiag these truck and air, a* well a* water : finance, develop and operate in the a*o aaKaaf ug- to *» taiautte in transportation rates. public Interest the land « a arri _ _ _as_ ceaapared _ _ Ma*d MtaVrti pter* travot ta**. witk the I jut* want to add] that th* Port elr terminal*, which the' Port A> taok lor their Our proposal for tht impiovement project UaaO It tt task far tkasi them t* to raaek tl could be Bnsnced, de-' thority hat proviicl for vo'j todjv tormiaal destinations in of the municipally owned piers in vnioped which operated through the without burden to the taxpayer "' termiaaU ia mldtown N e w York, which play avch an im- Authorityind doe* not undertake any I — MaakotUa ia pr*-P*rt Authority portant part In the prosperity of i investment of private »attr»o Tawt Data capital. Our bus ttwaaiaal day*. And. ef couite, all the people in th<. port district ft"Id ia within that, narrow W > h en eir'.i Bnr.^ir^^rr.p: margin tswy now sajoy all tke comfort* in both iitatp* wan aUo r-jer'e.i by where private eapltal cannot earn j '.m.r.z «v«n- y o u ' r e ir.-< rr,.-.--.J sad OMvatuSBces of the world* | the muniiipality. The impoj-tanre <,f a tufficieBt return on Itt Investment I | • s o t Isadora kas termiaal. government can aqueege j i | a port improvement pro^mm, hoth ! anu la oar family of termiaal fanli- I in New Jersey and Si-v York is through for a long pull without * E'I-MIJ s.d i "i^'ci.V.' tertlaemtnt. tie* sr* th* Near Terk Union Mo- . quite iihvious. The people cannot! tor Truck terminal aad it* (idtcr ! ^et full hrn^flts from ovpi-aged, detertBiaal ta Newark. At present the U-iioraled, inefrlcifnt pierg and othNewark termiaal is ieseed to the er water-front facilities The. grea 1 UaHed ttais* Air rorec. But when e«t port in the world d e e n v e * the 4 PI«U CI— M Is released far general use 1 am bent farilitiet in tho. world. We ours tkat Ma ksBoSts will be re- ceitainly do not havo them today. Mirrert S*tt*d ia hottor aad cheaper truck I want to tell you about a part (ntflht strrtes ia this county. of the Port Authority program to Mat sad IBM, at th* request which in not as obvious aj our ter-1 Glu4 TOM Far of Oov Dtiscoll. tk* Port Author- minalt and Intorjtat'! rrasslnirs but Dttla swIF ity rttMrveved the New Jentey wn- plays an important part in the welterfroat to determlot possible sites fare of the people in hoth *Utcs. for m aad Improved marine term- Thi« it what v.i- call our port proS*ftt. Auto Glass iaals. This study covered those per- motion and protection program. We. ISffttMl) WMMS r«SJ Walt Wkt ti*M of Middles** and Monmouth now have trade promotion ortice* in I ceewtiss wrth tho port dUtrict At Chicago, Cleveland and Washington at well a* a very new I.*uin-Amertks foovjtot of tke towaskip of Middlttown hi Mossssutk, we invosti- ican trade promotion office in Rio •stsd tks ifssiillttiee of utlng the dt Janeiro. officers promote WtMBtt I t t •*!«•» S-IMJI t««s*>srde Havsl ammuaitlon pier the movement of good* from the for prtvaU radastrial ourpostt U New Jersey-New fork port, and thus help to meet the promotional WM tmr {segment, however, that ' c*n- ••(forts of competing ports, particularly the agKreMiVn Oulf porta. •f asaalatioa a»4 harbor Our port protection program is defrom its availa detracted tlvitla* •igned to assure that our port will rcial or industrial bilityasta water-front facility, and could not enjoy fair and equitable freight work out •aaaelally. Wa have rec- rates comparable to those at comommended important pier improve- peting; ports. The Port Authority ment programs for Jersey City and appears before! committees of TonHobobea, but these program* h.iv grea* and varlout federal agencies MS tkosaf wat z " . ' " ' ' • ' • • • • ; f i " ! "''»; T l GLASS CO. •Ve^B S^^PBtSPoS^S^B' B^B^BSs*1B^p^a^tBjBjBxaBB^ MONEY LOANED BS^VISV Broadway Loan Co. gggktaaS) | * L . gsVai aTftJaW * **-- llweWI I W ItW M l W f WWImw Boyt* CnrtJurny 9poH Jacket! IW. VAlUf f|.M •olid ootoitj. Orosa, Maroon, Rust or Navy. I t k aocfeou. Also plaid eorduroy la •row* or MtM, giM* | ** comnmoY VMM tl Jt WTT 1ON« "MINT OP UN LOOM* POLO SHIRTS M t . VAUN tiewf SiMi l > I * . -MM , ftvottts k CHILDREBTS COAT SWEATERJI RM. VAMN V-nteb, I button front, wsvtn designs, sol Id enlor. Rlbhsd eulf and band bottom. 100% LADIES' FUNNEL PAJAMAS RM. VALVi U N Bsay aaat style top, elastic back pants. Pastal, Ptak, Blue, Males. Lac* eyelet trim •oekllao. Slat*Mlota Bojn* Cotton Coat Sweater* M t . VAIIM l i j f froat, blsaer strips front, wild eolor •tasvas and baek. I U M I to «, LADIES* RAYON PANTIES VALUI Sf« MtmHy aad las* trim. Color* Whit* and Pink; gaootly mtdlum else. Ladles* X-Siie Rayon Pantint RM. VAIUI Itt LLEARASCE LADIES' DRESSES Rtf. Vattw to Osiers WhtU, Pink and Blue all lisas in in; eat ttrlt. MINt QUALITY SPORT SHIRTS RM. VALUI S!.ft Gabtrdlnt, Celanet* Rayon and Flannel. Wide astortmtnt of colors. Sites: Small, Medium, Large. MINI HIAW WORK GLOVES Rtf.Vtlw»SHr«lr gaJ * * . « • * • sffaaslMkgaJBi abssagsstk •WWW * OTfiwi rrvfiiT COAT SWEATERS R«f. ¥••»• $1.91 Hew 1951 NOME CLEANER COAST HARDWARE CO., Inc. r INFANTS' FLANNEL PAJAMAS RM. VALUI $1.2f *Mtsl colored Juvwlls prints. Sites 2-4-«. Children's Flannel Pajamas RM. VALUI $1.19 Pastel solid colors with printed Juvenils trim. Sites 2-44. INFANTS' SLEEPING BAGS RM. VALUI $1.49 furtil oolon, PsMh, Blut, Pink and Yellow. J. J. NIWBERRY 77-79 IROAD ST., RED MNK / / / / / / " / / / • • Tk» iMt rtturM had iuat eeiM ! • •ad thota ha backad had fat lad to win. At «rat fca « u upMt about t ha w a y * ha whoia thing had turned out. But. ih*n ha realized lhat ha mu»t i!#it tha matter aanaibly. So, artiftjr lika a real good •port, ha gava ttaa vietorn hit tupport. Tha ana a-naava mon#v H#«ri<a high food pneaa ii lo rent a fro?.on fond Irtrkrr. In ifcla way you ran riuv fnnd in riua.tititv and uaa it a* you n**?d it. Coma ia today and laH in five you all tha rietaila. Red Kink ("old Stora»a « l.orkar Crv. 1 h H*rh*rt Ptip*??. rhr>n#> F»d Punk 6-3PC4, I N K CIM ftoragt a*. Uckir C*. U HMfeMt MMtf Salvalion Army3 To Hold Cadet Day «** BBBB>wa«> < a w aBBaasaai taaaaaanaiv *j • ! • • • ^ — l* a preparatery aovra* tm aha** anticipating Salvation Area* e*V crrship aa a career. Mere tkaa ta per cent of those enteriag tha Salvation Army omcers traiala« «•!• lege, New Tork city, «**•* tram Salvation Arsny Corn Cadet tha rank* of the eorp* cadet*. OthSunday will b* observed Sunday at er college* maintained by tha SalI ji. m. In the Red Bank citadel. vation Army for «alter* ar* la riorabel Blair, higher grade Atlanta, Chicago and Baa Freav corp* cadet, will be th* principal cisco. speaker of the evening. Her sub- Claaae* for eorp* c*4*t*h»» ar* ject will be "The Door." The pro- held weekly in every BjaJvatioa gram ia being held in conjunction Army citadel. H with the national observance of The Red Bank SalvaUea Araiy Corp* Cadet Sunday which will be annual maintenance caapaldja now htld in every Salvatioa Army cita- being conducted la N*rth*a*t*» dtl in the United State*. Monmouth county aaakee H p**Received at the local citadel this sihle to carry en th* eorp* cadet week were certiScetee for leseont program and other activities at completed by cadet* together with the citadel. a letter of congratulation* by Major Frank Gibson *f Newark, divil^iral WfttaM lajarc*! % sional young peoples secretary. * Active corp* cadets ia Red Bank Aa Car OvertwnM are Higher Grace Corps Cadets FAIR HAVEN-Mr*. Dmtllla riorabel Blair, Roaald and Robert Rutler, in« West Bergea pi, *ed Dries, and Lower Orad* Corps Ca- Bank, entered bruise* of th* aaek det* Betty VanPelt and James and and left arm Friday afteraooa Edward Chadwick. Mr*. Major when the car in wkieh tha waa Henry A. Dries is higher corps radet counselor, and Graduate Corps tiding, driven by her hueUad, Csdet Marjorie Chadwiek, lower Hydie Rutler, overturned at aM|e and Hance rda. grade counselor. According to Fair Havea pelic*, Salvation Army corps cadets are the Butler car wa* travaliag waat young persona who hsve reached on liidge rd. whea it waa MriKk ' tha age of 12 and have expressed by a Morey URu* track, drive* | the desire and interest In the six- by Oeorge W. Straehla af Naatwna. year course of Bible study and The truck, said p*1***. • • * •'•"" hand book ef doctrine, Salvation Army orders and regulations. The ellng South on Hanee rd. Mrc. Butler wa* treated at Riverlower grade comprises -he first three years of study and th* high- view hospital. Groups Of Odd MATTRESSES and BOX SPRINGS Special FOB, THIS SAU ONLY! .95 FORMERLY TO 69.50 each 5 Pc. Chrome Dinette Set ' - " * aattnaasfcft* taaflatfc -*•—*- tftjm^ - • - - « . - • J da>haBaa WMm t H | M I WNWffw WlfW MVHIs. HwBWa MJ*HVB1 ^rWV VHfBI fw" M l n M f *ep* rieWfy UwVHie BMrrM*Jf VMMfM*! WfSa 4 MRTOHM (CaaaaalaaM AlaaVaaaM aVaa%MaaB#ataaa4 Aaaaaaaaaaal wtWTl*, W f M V f f i f W l BVtBJfl* ftaaaaaaaaW# akatMajaa taatlH LaaaaaaMM I t t tfaaaaV 9 H M r r BWQRffVOTl WIH mmwj 5*50 IN TVr tuts. R«fl> • • Delivery auanntsad for Thankaglvlnf * At Ratr «f Start on I'nlim Avcnti* Daptrimtnt Sfera LONG BRANCH SHOT MIBAVI TILL » P. M. ATMM! PALL SMCIAL - 491 1. COMPILUI MOfOt WWM»* t. umm•AHOM M T"1 1 fVAisTt •> CNAM•a taAM. a Mpa, M L , C CNAMI •V A N N• fafaaaaaaiaaidtV ^ *, MMfC a, fAOi HOMT WNMJ ua *A« ,, - ua , SJt .._ 1A« ua fitAf ...AU PM 11471 SUTTON MOTORS Mn. Ma(af Hawy A. Driat, Ui^m «raa)a *mpt Ca*5at aa«M*ala», am—ti —itt>—ta» far latiant cam»lata«j la ca«ati at MM CitaaM Manaiay *!•>». •icturad) aa««a *• fratu UH «• rifht, Mn. Majar Oriai, Hifkar Cara« Cadja« «la«abal VUit, Lawar *r*4» Carat CaaVtl Ittty V « W t an. i.war. Cka.wick; Hlfkar 6f«4a Car** Catfat HaWt Orla*. a*d) M^rsri* O M # > wiek, lawar fra.a carat caakt cawnalar. Tkata wka racatva*) racaflaitia* •«• m act »<<t«radj «<l»aa Lawar 6ra*1a Carat Jamat Ch.awick an*) Hifkar 6ra«Ja Carat Catfot K « M M Orlat. Tha ca*Mi camalataa) lattaat latt mantli. A MW pvatram af ttudly It uoaV way. sided Wednesday night of last DeGtrma, associate editor; Herbert Hadet week at a meeting af the Ladies' art editor; Wallace OykaHsrry M. Welcford of Red Bank, auxiliary of the flre company in Kaul, associate art editor; Heary a Member of the Monmouth county the absence of the praaident, Mis. man, and Donald Merrlck, parole board, wan a truest speaker Martha Decher, who is in Florida. Hammondmanagers; Geerge DaOar Tuesday evening at the mretlng of The meeting was held at the home busineas mo, James Bruce Murray, tha Woman'a Society of Christian of Mrs. Lester Richens, and Mrs. Herbert KaulKirk, Fraak Slayer, Service held in the church rooms William Mile* was co-hostess. The mimeographing;and Herbert Kaul aad af HI. John's Methodist cliurrh. He auxiliary'* annual Christmas party John Richards, cover; Mrs. Edward told of hit duties and experiences will be held at the Willowbrook, Flanagan, typing, and Mr*. Naaaal M a member of the parole hoard. Fair Haven, with Mrs. Edward Wy- Smith, adviser. MUs Vera Tombleson used "Thanks- lie In charge of reservations. The New seventh trade tAeara a n giving" for her topic in the devo- next meeting will be held at the tional service. Several hymns were home of Mrs. Benjamin Richards. Carl Sellers, president; Wilkins, vice president; sung by the group. Miss Mildred Tha Ladies' Helping circle of the Hamernick, secretary, and Laughlin, president of the society, Reformed church met Wednesday conducted the business session and afternoon of last week at the home Kinsledler, treasurer. Michael J. Crine hat been era welcomed Mrs. John Boyd aa a the president, Mrs. Joseph Moto hia home by illn*M far new member. It was decided to of reau, Sr. Mrs. A. C. Buck was co- lined mike a donation to the deaconesa hostess. Mrs. John Fitch of Bco- the paat six weeks. af the Methodist Home in Cimden. beyvllle and Mrs. William Marble Gloria Updike, daughter of Mr, The nest meeting will b» held at of Bfiyside, Me., were guests of the and Mis. Donald Updike, hM retha ehurch Tuesday pvenlnf, Dec. circle. Mrs. Irving Gemmell *ave turned ta school after being laid t, at the church, at which time the a report on tha work of the calling up several weeks with illness, Christmas party will he held. A committee. A plastic party wss Garrett Thompson and family cavered dish sufprr wilt precede held yesterday afternoon at the hav* moved back into their heu*e tha affair. The women will bring church. her* after spending several month* lift* for the children at the Cam- Mrs. Henry Hammond, Jr., en- with Mr. Thompson'* parent* at dan Methodist home at that time. tertained her bridge club Wednes- Vanderburg while their hone* was Hiss Tombleson reported on the renight of last week. Present being moved ta a new loeatloa. cant purchase of equipment for the day were Mrs. Woodrow Matthews, Mn. Ellmbeth Messier has rekitchen and silverware for the din- Mrs. Harry Surgent, Mrs. Walter Ing room. Hostesses for the evening Foster, Mr*. Sam Venti, Mrs. Har-ceived word from her toa, F r t Lawrence Adams, that he I* stawer* Mr*. Elmer A. Bahrenburg, ry Hawthorne, Mrs. Howard Mn. Elwood I. Monahan, Mr*. Ro-Thompson and Mrs. Virginia Haw- tioned In Germany. H* arrlvad there several weeks ago. land Cmmona and Mrs. II. Bhoo- thorne, all of Freehold. The Parent-Teacher attociatlaa bridge. Guest of the evening was Mrs. William Wilshim. Attending Th* staff of the public school held the first of a series of taa paper, "Th* Blue and Oold Talks,' parties Tuesday for teachers la were Mrs. Annahcllc Spiniue, Mrs. Ullie B. Brunei-. Mrs. Joseph D. I* Beth Flanagan, editor; George the local school. Bedle, Mrs. Jay Baker. Mrs. Leon Wallace, Mrs. Howard Potter, Mm. Walter 8male, Mrs. N'ormnn R. Rl ley, Mr*. Frank Laughlin, Mrs. Roe llf H. LeRoy, Mm. James Nelrlin*er, Mrs. Albert Heath, Mrs. Hendrlck h. Rcnnett, Mn. William Bell, MUs Anna Cowles, Miss Florence l>Roy. Mrs. Theodore Hathaway, Miss Vera Tomhlrson, Mrs. Warren Anderson, Miss Mildred Laughlin, Mrs. Augustus Bogart, Miss Stella Bailey, Miss Beulah Thistle, Mrs. Harold Strneck, Mrs. D y s o n Weodhouie, Mn. taille Hughaon, Mr*. Leonard Lufburrow and Mrs. Francis Woolley. Mis* Marie Reiainger celebrated her l«th birthday with a dlnnet •arty at her home on Indian Hill farm Monday evening. Marie received many gift* and a shower of card*. Quest* were Ruth Neighbors, June Laughlin, June Bennett, Miss Marie Bailey and Mr. and Mr*. Theodore O. Bailey. Ernest E r Peseux attended the fourtieth anniversary dinner of Manhattan Empire chapter of the Telephone Pioneers of America at the Hotel Astor, New York city, I Monday. The Haslet Fire Co. No. 1 was called out- to a lire Saturday mornIng at 4:30 In the Green Acres tavsrn on highway 30. The interior wa* badly burned and smoked up and a hole was burned through the roof. Tha firemen decided the lire WM ctuMd by faulty wiring. Mr*. John B. Ackerson and Infant •on Robert James have returned home from Fltkln hospital. The Hailet Scout units went roller skating this afternoon at the Belvidere rink In Keansburg. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Bailey of Indian Hilt farm, are the parent* of a daughter born Sunday at Rlvervlew hospital. Ray. and Mr*. George W. Kann«r* of North Long Branch were Saturday gueata of Harry S. Cowles •nd family. Seaman John J. Wsrneek of Norfolk, Va., spent, the week-end with Ills parent*, Mr. and Mrs, Henry J, Warnoek. highway 3D. Miss Winifred Zucker Is on a ten-day vacation trip to Daytona Beach, Fia. Mr. and Mr*. John T. Wataon hava returned home from a two weeks* trip ta Canada. Mr*. Louis* Jones of Lone Island •pent • few day* with Mrs. Lillle aVtKka Hnghion. Mr. and Mr*. William H. Campbell of Seattle, Wash, hav* returned home after sptndlns; several week* with Mr. and Mr*. T. Longo. Mr. and Mrs. Gsorge Dunn wer* Brldgeton visitor* Saturday, Roellf H. LeRoy, Elmer A. Bahrenburg, Lester W. Bahrenburg, James Neldinger and Howard Pnrt*r visited Wilfred Morreli, a former Haaiet resident, In Boonton Sunday. Colt'a Neck FURNITURE—Third Floor Knlraiirc Salvation Army Corps Cadeta Receive Certificate* Margaret Ann Orine, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Charles Crine, had a party Monday afternoon in calibration of her sixth birthday. Present were Mr, and Mrs. Crine, Laura Sparrow, Diana and Joan S v gotsky, Diana and David Mataon, (Horglanna Cross, Joan Harmata, Lynn Miles, Carol Zlmmarer, Thomas MoKnlght, Jr., Thoma* McGuire, Bucky LeMeun*. Lester Rlchens, Jr., Mrs. Thomas McKnlght, Hr., Mrs. John T. Cross, Mr I, Hairy Hngotaliy and Mrs., Thomas McOulre. Mr*. Crlns, vie* president, pre- UNQER SEWING CENTER 69 BROAD ST. RED BANK PHOUf RK BANK aaUONBt, J. H. MOUNT CO. CORNM MAKI 4 WMTI Headquarters for, Lionel Trains tUKK WMWfKU. »OVEH»K» 13. Btmawem CMS* **yf£* •Sfc. Beach Pavilion Fund Gctt 9S5O TairU Service Leapt Volunteer fork b Outlined The Rumsoa ausilisry of Bint* MB HtttifM vi*w avteaital wiU hold Its aaaual Mr. M 4 MI*. Meaty Dc agea tad Borough folice are placing wan- dinn*r for membsrs r.est Thuraeta Retort, 8 f t Pint Cleat ead ing* on all cur* left parked • • *»y at 1 p. m. at Bmghaan hall. Mr*. A M I Dnaae aad 4e«gkt<r KBTPOatT—William B. Wealley, street! hen over night. After next Mr*. Raymond MeOirr I* ckainua fl44ii. gurrtsjatt if Ik* Cwetr <4 • * • • N M M , H n . Pheeke A. ttegkjr, Jr., af Weet P#eat « . bee retired Thursday, Nov. 22, person leaving ia eharg* of arrangements • • • t k a*4t ta tk* •matMtjte .ear •» Mr. aad Mr*. Vtecee*, Orey •*« treat hi* aeeiUea with tto J. * . J. their can on the street over night Mrs. S. Wilsoa Uird of U DocehUdrtt Margaret ead David. MiM W. Saetrertk OytUr compaay plant will receive lummoni'i. wood lane has been corflned t» Wiatfred Bertotck M 4 real fieg- at Otaoapett L. I , after at yaara Rumson achooli win rloae next aer borne by illnesi the past w»*k Wf ( W M KNtM Batter*, I**, at aarvit* aadto*retaraed tora. at 1 p. m. for the MeaaWn Servo *4 I SO Wednesday f»ir*nt-T*ach«r auoclatlon I tkt *»kMfib*r, B.!* Euecttt • * altetPravlea* to letviag tto camaaay Thanksgiving vacation. They will I *fTha Croi^ school »!ll hold a »14. twit eebte i«4 i w u t i *•»'»*• **• Mra. Oraee Curraa ef **re*part to era* gaeat ef toaar at a tarertopen Monday morning, Nov. M. cakeHoly Cetvbral CHmie sale in the ichool cafeteria •lat aad Ml** «Ui* Baaraaburg well dktaer glvea by aampaar eeV •Matkafroa) tk* date t t tki *lim»id Mrs. Evelyn Hartm*n of River Saturday morning immediately s i . «*4w, M tktf will k* f*r*-*r karrtt *f ef Hsalet have returned after at- cial* aad boat ceptaiM. He waa rd. Is speniiir,£ two weeks In MiABMI I N Nuraiakf ikfit Mtlt>« tearefw aa*ia*t ike Midteadwar the t*a*h*r** eeaveatlea peaaaatad with a wrlet watch. • ami. Fla., and Havana.. Cuha_ She ter the 1:30 mass. On salt will to at Atlaattc City ever tto weea-ead. Mr. Weeiley, wto je«a** tto *•*•RUMSON-Rtp.,** e f v»lunt**r i* on a vacation from her position homemade cakes, candy and fill Meut. Edwin Piters of River fd. MIM Judith Aaa atrehmcagcr, paay whn* it wt* la thlt hwretigh. service* aivin by mtaaker* ef the at Flnnerty's market. Rlvtr rd. the watk-end at tome. Me aaaflbter ef Mr. aad Mr*. Otte had haea at tto Graaapaet piaat Juaier Btrvic* Uagite ef R*« William Chapman of River rd. spent 1. atrabm**n«r. etiebtated her M year*. He I* aa etaeapt Ireaaaa Beak, were glvea *t a meetlag has ratnrned home after • two ii itttionad at Atlantic City with the u. B. >favy. • fourth btrtbday Meadar at a aad termer avember of t t o KeyTuesday at tto heaae of Mr*. Doug- w*ekt' bmlnets trip through New tJ*ut. Harold Sh**h*n of n r a t laarhiaa party- Tto gneiU were part Bagia* eampaay. He I* a las Frederick oa Bellevu* av*. York HalUada Nag. Caady mgfw. Kathy •imk»r af Careaal esuaeil. Reyal Mr and Mr- Arthur JicKe<- have I •t apent th. wMk-snd at tom* Mrs. j*kR H. Weteoa esid that V. U a k Be*t*Md. »•<!•• t * *nd» MeOraw, tUaabetb Aaa Barealew, Arcaaam, aad aerved a* a tewa league member* have revised the returned to N»w York city aftn | from Fort Bragg, N. C, where to let; w m m i tlaiaat eaelMt edge* William Hammead. "Beete* Bce-ceaaciuaaa bf'ora tki* bareugfc'* mailing list f»r the county mental •pending the rimmer at their i* stationed with the Army. •HroiMM »• tat oritr »f D t f l i • » iw*u*r, Waya* Dyer, Mr*. William lacerparatiaa. hygiene committee, and fer thehome, IS Flrit. st PeMla, Swraeete * l tkt Ctwtr at M**w MeOraw aad Mr*. W. W. BeeewetMr. aad Mra. Woolle/ have two •»»•*. aeet ea tke aiatk 4*r f t Mopublic health aurees' manual. Bto Mr*. Mary Bnirkn«r and daughnahtr, H i I. « tk* •nll«ati*a *f Ur et MaUwaa: Mr*. Jeaa Ctaray caiklNa, Edward Wealiey «f Craaalt* said meesker* are Nrving at' ter and ».on In liw, Mr. and Urs Clem** C. CMBk*. Jr., * • ! • Baesatw daughter Karca ef Rahway ford aad Mri. Kenneth C. Oemlla, tha Long Branch U.B.O. club as Joseph MaUa.ivago of Allen at, et Ik* t t u n trf glitt* F. C**sk*» 4c aad Mrs. Walter Laad aad daugha Karpert frammar attoel teaator. ehaperene* at tto saeaUry daacei left Sunday for Florida, where sj*4ic* i* k*r*kf slvta • • tk* • *esa*4 •fSitiiri of t*)4 e*ct**t4 t* *xklkit U ter Carol ef Weedbrtdg*. they are spending two weeks. Mr*. Jame* Rebottam teld *t the Ike lukterlker tilt tateuttr a! eft**Mr*. M . WiMaMM. «a.lrm«a « l K M *•*•*» Mr. aad Mra, Allse R A Bee- m v cm AMinv>aWAB>v HalKweea party told at th* Re* Mri. Henry Austin of Flrit at. •aid. tatir «•••* *>4 4***ea4* (ftlait «k* atid eetat*. eader **ik vilkia six tor af Crewa at are tto pawat* »y M M IW«l<te)M eaej Prafaiiievial Wg-maVa «(*)•> af Bank "Y" houae for children using returned homi Saturday from FAIR MAVEN-Mr. tad Mr* •utiUt •••« tk* 4*u tt tk* afanwid •f a a n t ablM, a tea, beta Oct. the cerebral pally clinic sad their Monmouth Memorial hoapite.1, eee*r, — tk*r will kt I m m baned • ( U at Bt- Peter1* heepKat, M*w OueUw i, Fraret ef River rd. were IU«J lank, gtraaa«H • • * « « • (W M M • • JeMg*. fadwarb, clienr. mother*. Bhe also said that the where she wai a lurgicat patient. tk*ir ecll**i tkcrefw (fsiatt tk* M M guaata ef toaer Tuceday at a *urBruatwlck, Tto toby weighed league will work with tto women's Member* of th* Lddi**' auilllataa • ! M M U.S.C. •ptrarlaf «a«M*ilrra«. The meaay wiN f a M |ffteeTr-eekeM. ». I , K I X I H I » elgkt peaad* end ala auace* aad priee cocktail party and buffet nipdivision of the Manmouth County ary ef Ocmnio hook and !»ddir per at ttolr tome la eelebretioa tawertii M M erattie* • ! M M M W ha* toea aamed Allia Meward. I Safety council, in promoting taftty company attended th* ahow "Call CU1SMCB e. COMM IB.. Mr. aad Mr*. Herbert Bbwr tove •f ttolr 11th wedding anniversary. ia tto home for the haadieapped. Ma Madam" last Thursday night r«urai t . th. |.«ldH .dvtrWi •u(*Kl|k«ar B*«u II •• •ad t retiiraed U ttolr hsm* aa Ravlae Preeent wara Mr. aad Mra. Fred Mri. Oeorge Cattlemaa made an in Niw York fity. • * I-O»I3 an< pile, that « < . ' family moved Sunday from Fourth tppetl for comic booh* te he tent _ M. t, dr. after epeadlag tto weeh-*ad E. Qregg. Mr. aad Mr*. Alfred P. Evelyn M, Voplrkn, aiater of Ed—Sdvt at. t* Red Rank. with ttolr eea Herbert, Jt- a fr*ab- Bayce. Mr. aad Mr*. Keaaeth W. Pirna*. Tikr*ee»s,"e*»s«ie the Children's Shelter at Free- ward Voplrka of * Oak wood lane, Omcer* of tht Mai|.t-Jtggt Caet- Mn. A. Meade Robert ton cele- ta HertaeU, Mr. aad Mri. Peter J. hold. at Albright celleg* at Is one of 433 new students rfjrliElctola, Mr. aad Mn. Richard Ef- ieette club, iacludinf Mn. Mianie brated her birthday Tuesday tt Atttratrt. 111*1 lag. P». Arrangement! are undtrway to •*r*d at Haldwin-YVallaci college. of Bea Bright, a member et tor home ea Miller it. fray, Mr. and Mn. E. Joeepli Doyle 1 NOTlCa Berea, O., for the full quarter. Mis.i reeune tha program of playe the Ladlei autillary ef the VeterTto Matawaa Alumal a Mcmton ef th* Ladles' auxiliary league member* gave at eeveral Vopicka, graduated in June from! Sf (iit** ef • I »4**M*t et tkt H*** la Ml4laf iti aaavta]latfibla fralk Bctorer, Mr. and Mr*. Joa«ph P. •aa ef Foreign War* tor*, were laPeyte*, Mr. aad Mr*. Retort M. •)«,•• Cwtatf Ct-trt fllkaU IH«Ww •f th* Veterans ef Foreign Wars a. (*•*• NifMiktr J. l»5i, tki wkwriktr. aanci rrtaay, a**. », at tka M|h Raoke, Mr. and Mri. Albert Me stalled at a dinner Monday aigat here Tuesday night mad* plant for county school!. Last year, mem- at. Boniface high school. Cleveaekool tymaaiiuaa. KayaoH aa4 * tk* *4siinitlrit.r •( la* ntett *t tare Mttawaa taami aa4 their coachei, Crackea, Mr. aad Mn. John Scully, of last week at Marlta'a restaurant, a biage party for pttlent* at Fort ber* aUged -Th* Tinder Baa," in land. rural schools at no cost to th* St. Mary's guild of St. George'! Kcyport. Plane wen mad* at the •titatata aaa aJwMl a n lavitctl. Mr. aad Mn. Rotort Cuitance, dinner for attending a acrferawae* Moameuth station hocpital Wednes- school or the child. Thii year, the la tbt fanaana, Mil al ivkli* set eaWalt Btaigar an* hb) baM will Mri. U i U r E. McQueen, Mn. Ber< of "Finian's Rainbow" Meadty, day, Nov. M. Mrs. Ella Hennessey, opening play will to "Rumpelitilt- Eplacopai church met lust Thtiraday at Ralph hall. The group «k* ttMsitts at Valaa A»ea»*. Btll«4, Mew Jwter, 1 « e •iaiaaas »rlct of furilih tha awale aaa tat Brtaia* tha McCraaken, Mia* Ella Boehm, Nov. W, at the Paper Mill play- chairman of the auxiliary's hospital skln." Final try-out* will be held agreed to work on a mrmorial to II,711.11, all tket trett aFland aura tatlsa wf tha "LittU Bfawa Jug" Carl Mullir, John Andenon, Jamea house, Mlllburn.' committee, is ia charge of arrange- Monday night tt th* home ef Mr*. Rev. H. FalrfleM Butt, 3d, former 1*ttll»t4 a* nllews: ta tha wlnalar ttaa. will to tto E. Wallen, William L. Baily, Jr., rector who died recently at BaltiMri. Beast* Bpeekia aad Victor ments for the party. The auxiliary Robert Malda In Fair Haven. intt ef UM i" Bel.awia. fcatur*. Wallace Davidton, Richard Ford PRICKS SLASHED Bauter ot Jersey City were week- win contribute prlaes and eerv* re- Another program fer children be- more. It was reported the guait and Wilfred H. McCracken and Vlrtfaia Kuhiu aaa Ctauaia Hit* freahmenti. Plan* also were made ing planned Is a Saturday morn- ipeaker st th* January meeting end guest* of B. J, Miller at hie anilei hav* to*a alaetaa afRetri «f IHtral Ml** Ftonne* Plough. In Every DmpmHmmt at Tueeday'a meeting for a secret ing art workshop. Mr*. Herman »ill be the head of th* Kanwi i horn* en Ocean ave. • *f O M aa4 ! • • • « • IHaliaak a t * tya* pal party Tuesday, Nov. 2T, when Hteflttt, cemmunlty arta chairman, lorn* for underprivileged hoyi. EXTRA SrCCIAL ••—» Member, of Twlnlight poet and — EXTRA Tattlt af Patral Two af tto Mwly* lnvltsmember* wha celebrate birthday* week had a eonferaae* with The guild has received an j » T o ; lMvW'p*«'i?»vJ?l71mrH»»d •ftaalaia Olrl U*A IratB. Tto Uaraac* Harbor, Moadajr evening Ladle*' auxiliary of the Amerlesa durieg October, November and Pe-Uet lon from Canon Smith lr> «tttr\d a rtpretentatlv* ef tto Peoples' Legion, VF.W, and Ladle*' autllM BlBINNilM si • HIM I* tk* K.rtfc. trooa It alraet*4 by Mri. rta4triek af tto Auxiliary of th* Midway Ity, and Bona and Daughter* of Lib-eembtr will be gueat* of honor. Art center at tto Maxim ef Modluncheon for consumers' league* •elf tije •( V*l*a A'tnut, 4lttiat Ittr Moatr aa4 H i t Varaon Kllla»». Hoi* Fin company • " WaihiatMra. Alle* Johnson is chairman et Art la New York, te tee if a D*c. 1 at the Essex houie, Newerty took part in Armlatice day *b> the tenet pal committee. Secret ern III) fttt Wtt<erl» from tkt Milt • ' ton it. Thoee installed for the 1*51Mri. C. M. Thalia sf Chicago werkihea program eeuld to worked irk. Hostesses wir* Mre. John H. leltriteUia »f tkc Wtnttrlir tie]! n( Cot* ifivincoi Sunday IA tha World (**• Pliet tfilk Ike Norlherl- si4t *r Ii tto guMt ot Mr. M4 Mra. Nleho- 1152 year were Mra. Frank Martin, War 1 monument on NaVMink ave. pals will exchange Christmas gifts nut In Ihli area. The league i* Smith, Mrs. Joseph Htrohmingar, president; Mri. Stanley Ellteon, _ Ualta Avtsut, at4 'rtm Ihenea runnlns lai A. Muaaiac af Crown pi. and Identify themselvot at the aux- hopeful of starting thli project In airs. Paul VanBrunt and Mri. Hamf (II Nirtlerlr, alons Ut Nystker Mr. aa4 Mn. Wllltom H. But* vice president; Mra. Raymond Ina- at the bridge to Bet Bright, and iliary's Chrirtm** party Thursday, the near future. lei Bentsen. A hand crocheted takilailr, ia« hundred *a« tnatr*t*>* aad the World War II honor roll at Dee, ao, at Rahrs' Landing restaurwa» won by Mr*. Philip -.-•ttntk! <i:j.l» ftrt Ii U t Nwsiktr phla af ItuaxMty. M4, ara vlaltlag ley, eecrttary, tnd Mr*. Harold •t Huddy park, where wreath* were ant, aeeret pal* for nent year will Mrs. John Laaganberger, a past >l*el*th ltr.Batkt em ttt* Haa: tktret (t> ttolr aoa-ln-law aa4 teughter, Mr. Xiagier, treasurer. president of the {faveilnk Garden i>etere ef Uonnrdo. 'Mltrlr, il*n( Utt KyaiWrs fiftr* aa4 Mra. William Btaattt af *!acb> Mr. aad Mn. R. L. Bimptea ef placed. be drawn at the party. Mrs. Vivian club and an eeredtted flower shew Igkt *ad nfti'Mlas, nftr (1*1 fttt I* Waedhury and Mr. and Mn. Ed- "Our Club* met Wednesday ef Bsndbora, chairman of the group's judge, gave an Illustrated lecture i Nuaiker llihtr-levm ta 1*14 Mac •aa it. laet week at the home ef Mrs. Otte (II atetlitrlr. elan* L*t "" Mr*. Jam** MeCermaek ef IU* win H. Walker ef Berlin have recancer fund, will hold a rummage on floral arrangements. ArrangePOtTAMJ via* a>. to a Htlaat at rairawat turned te thilr tome* after enend- Reut on Central ave, Members la aai* Saturday, Dec. 1, at the library, ment* mad* by Mn. Lengtnbtrger U,ICT»IC Ing Sunday aa th* gueit* af Mr.attendance were Mra. Elisabeth Preeeede of the sale, which will be* were awarded te the following toaaltal, Jaracy City. Mra. Jay r . Moautur aai 4a«ffc> and Mr*. Je**ph Baler on Main et. Watts, Mi*. Henry Roemmele, Mr*. gtn at 10:10 a. m, will be contrib- members, Mr*. Jam** Cewaa, Mr*. V l l l l l l ter IHfgy hava ratura*4 te ttolr Atvla Clarke and Paul A. Egtn Robert Matetotte, Mri. Charles uted to e*ne*r nteirch. Auxiliary Qeorg* Cattlemen, Mra. I* C, TilYeingit and Mra. Harold Oakea. UM IMBM aa rwiatala av*. aftar I M M > ara Mjeylng a vaeatloa from ttolr members Tuesday night made a lattnn and Mn. Stanley Rumell, Jr. with ith • Skhta • V UWIDICI KOTT. lag a vaeatloa la Ptaaiylvaaik. peiltloni with th* Prudmtlal Life Mr*. Watte waa haatew at th*contribution to th* chairman of the Mn. J. Spann Jeffera asked for A4aiiiili(rttM> af tk* Kttat* club's mittlng yMterday at Mra.•th district ef V. F. W. auxlilsrlea U i P*im«ttl aa4 family hava InauranM fomntny, • Iwaatan • toys to be sold In th* ttagw*'* •( Itra la«aifartii>r, IID.ll rcturnad to ttolr horn* la LaiwaSgt. Flrit CIIM and Mr*. Jame* Oakes' home on Beach blvd. Pltnt hospital drive. The fund will fl- Thrift shop on Shrewsbury av*.. were made for a Christmaa dinner bors, Man., aftar ajMRdlng tha Drugaa and daughter Franeei of nanc* th* purchase ef glfU and a Mrs. John H. Bassett said that th* NiMu el BaMlstaMl *t A**«n« •etati af le>i>kla X, WillUtnn, 4eet»t4. wtah-aad with ratatlvn htra. Frankfort, Oermany, are vlaltlng Tueiday, Dec. IS, at Cedar inn onparty for patient* at the Veterans chop wai selling a a*w Ha* af Kttlet Ii ktrek? *lvtn laat the ae. Mri. Phoato A. Zicglar antcr- hli pannta, Mr. and Mra. Henry Naveiink ave., where this year'a Administration hosplttl at Lyons. Christmas card*. email af tkt subaerlhera, trusttti *f secret pals will Identify themaelve*. Th* auxiliary accepted a casket tk* *tt*tt * • Ml<l 4eetiH4. will kt taln«4 tht Frlaay Evinlng Plnoeh- Drugai, at their home en Broad The December ateetlaf, an egg Mr. and Mra, Chtrlea Ernie of flag for us* In funenl service* con* M4ltt4 (ad ttntil nr tht llnrrit(att la «hib at hir homi aa Jaehaon et. They returnid from Oermany i f Ik* Countf tf Mtnmautk an4 Prim w«r« twar4a4 ta Mra.on Oet. W tnd will move an tothe Bronx Monday doted their trlbuted by Mr*. Johntoa. Retldenta nog party for awmtora, will to held at the home ef Mr*. Edwin MHed far stttlmtnt t* tht Maaaauih Cmalr Ceurt, Pr*kat* Oiviaien, on Frl- TtoRiaa Walllag, Mri. Aloyilua Fort Jaekeon, R. C, where he will summer horn* on Beach blvd. Mon- ef th* community who are aware Irwln la Hubbard garb, Red Baab. day. jar, tkt ftu-leenlh 4ar • ' Dteenktr, Ptanattl and Mra. Hcary Drugaa. to itatloned. of th* Far East service of High• lifaflat A. P., l l l l . at I* a'eioek A, M.. at tkt Mra. William C»la intartein«4 Mn. Fred Mohr ef Fifth it. andlands youths now In action have TM Sub-Junior Womm'i elub Cnttr Ceurt Hiutt, Main aae Cavrt tto toar4 at tto Matawan Woav told a board meeting l u t alght, Mn. Hilda Kelffertort ot Twin- been aeked to contact Mrs. Charles Hebrew Women** League Itrtttt, FTHkali, Nt« Jtrttf, light ter, left Sunday by car for Yelngat, auxiliary prenidtnt and To Hold SMergMboriJ D*t*«i Nmaakir lltk. A. P.. l i l t an'i ftapobliean cl«b at luachaaa and plant were completed for a (SampiM) *. PIAKCB BUOWrtlNO JR., Thuraday at Buttenwood manor. card party and faihlon ahow to VVeot Palm Beach, Fla, where they chairman ef the group's communi»Vg. n*ttket*k B M 4 , N*W Ceaeen, will apend the winter. to held Wednesday afternoon, Nov. KEYPORT-Tto Hebrew WomTto guaiti wara Mn. M. 1. Da Narty strvlc* committee. Mn. Yelngat BMBta rtlrltld Caaalr. Ctnn. M, at Cryatel Brook Inn. EttonHoliday we*k-*nd guaita ef Mr. reported tbl* week that mor* than en'* league will hold a amerga*BAKK OF MBW YOBK AND P i m i do, Mra. Rotort Colot aad Mn. AVBMtlB BAMK Itanatrlr • • • » « Caaavar H. Burlaw. Mra. Malealm towa. They will hold a tag day at and Mrs. A. C. Quasi at their borne II gift package* have been aent to bord Sunday la th* reereatlea Baak af Ntw Tark. ead fa-at-lr tto Matawan-Keyport football on Naveiink ave. were their aonroom of the aynagogu* with Mr*. aiaiid Baak af Niw T*rk aad Tuat aad Mn. Itaadalpk Hraaar game Thinkigivlng day, proceedi in-l»w and daughter, Warrant Of- members of tto armed force* In Larry Eisemaa aad Mra. Paul Waf* wart aaabla ta attead. I U S B B I M sftatda* BMP a\BBMaa1 ama Korea and tto committee I* apfram which will go to the Mobile ficer aad Mr*. Earl Morse ef Ales- proaching tha «nd of its currant fenfeM In charge. Tto aanaal |«V N VWirV BWwaMIt Mr*. Afcwaa White aad Mia* Cancer I r F l V V I l i l VfMJBJ t * M I iJalatW HvffBJBJa Fvnd drive. After tha meet- aadrla, Va. atej*MP m etu***M*aM BaBB* lilt of former Highland* reildenti Chanukah party will to told Sun- as* Ifjtam m l»t»Mm (teat Whltt, Mala it., hava raturn* ing movie* V a i l 'Street. Nea> Terk were ahewa by Thee- .Sponsors ef the OHto'friendly •ervlng there. A package will to day,; at 1:» p. m. Mn. • r fSJSJV f l BWfBJIV l l t l • Bt*aaj-aT*jTwej B^Pw •d la ttolr ham* after ipaadlai dore bear. •**•» • • •»••• Je Simla Phelta. Hyman Korebow I* chairman. Trtstttts. society of St. Andrew'*Episcopal •MB VM M H MNwlt sfNSs •rat this week to P. F. C. Andrew tto wMk-and vliltlag Mr. aad Mra. iAMaHT a««Ti a *M**I a* eta Ataaaa White, N . of UadMburg, P.F.C. Jeatph Smith hai returatd church will bold • Pollyanna secret J. Kelly ef the Flrit Infantry di- Mrs. Samael Rabkln, URIea, pres- fl% M l QQwwfV a a 4 ^aVSjSJ VvaW ^e/Sj# ident of the Northern Mew Jtteey 0 0 Vw^JRVasT ( VBfV*r§)«l*jwv te Fort Bragg, N. C, aMr tpeni- pal party tomorrow at i p. m. atvision. Pa. H41|Fv VPUvwlaf ajvv CaUferala lltadlafed I l l 44 Attanitri. "Pram High School to College* Ing th* weak-end aa the gueit of the parish houae. Oueet* of honor Mrs. Elisabeth WttU was host- branch of the National Women'* league of the United Synagogues «rai th* theme ef a program hii parent*, Mr. and Mr*. Robert will to member* who celebrate MOCCASINS *•* yesterday te "Our Club" at the birthdays during October, Novemof America, will to gueit ipeakir Smith, of Main it. •maud by th* Monmouth County ike nm. w**k> V ? ber and December. Mra, Elltsbeth home of Mrs. Harold Oak** on at th* nest meeting Thunday, A chart! concert of aeouwr nutAhmaaa elub vt Miw Jiriey ColRegate* •* UM M«ta* •***• Hit w*** teg* far Womea, Rutgeri unlveril* ate will be prciented by th* Aug.Heiiker I* chairman ef the party Beach blvd. All member* were pres- Nov. » . S T lieutt k « l toss* ••eaeta MS Prtibyttrltn commute*. Sponsors wrapped and ent, They are Mr*, Rita Bluett, ty, te aattrtaln county high aehoel minted Mattwan atar aMBaer wktf It M •**«**• mailed Christmas gift package* on Edna Hutehlnsan, Mn. Henry rta Moaday evening, Nov. U at choir under the direction of Mra. Saturday for Roy Irwln, who I* InMrs. fWV Hard Time* Dance Reemmile, Mr*. Otto Reut, Mn. , Jerst», Cella Magea tomorrow night at o'clock at tte Red Bink Meth. action in Korea, and Ensley Charles Yelnsgt and Mra. Robert ALL HATI Set for Saturday odlit ehurah. Miaa Annabal Swing* S:1S o'clock at the American Lei n * t'elwk P, K, at wkliL. will bi pukllelV eHMd ead aa*tea *f thli plaea v u gentral ctolr- gion hall, Main at. Tha accompa- Wright, who la stationed In Oer-Mtchett*. Mr*. Hutchinson will be St. Jam** post, Catholic War ' for the HnksM *f l l l . i l * man af tto event. Two alumnae aa* nlit win to Mri. Walter Stamm. many. Thanksgiving baiketa will hostess when th* elub n u t * next Boada ef Mid Baraii*-*, Tki to distributed In the community by Wednesday at her home oa Ocean Veteran*, will hold a "Hard limes' „ III kt dated OMMaktr I. l l l l •tttiag tor w*ra Mn. Martla Bank Tha Preibyterlan Couplei elub. will society sponsors. dance Saturday night at tto Cha- ftlBa) tMaBf vVwvBHlBsa vva «P>s# vaBjaB/^ aaJw ave. . win ataWit (vltkwst **«IM «. and Mra, Jullua Ballnvtr. Ttoaa put e a a comedy iklt under the teau, Asbury Park, with Stan Me- er M , I I * veHe. l i e «etk> ea retrier Ndcajatliai ia tke ectailsel attwdlag from tor* were Mlaa direction ef Mn. Wlllard BoeiwetMembers of the Women's auslr* Mra. Minnie Doyle of Sea Bright, Intosh'i orchestra furnishing mu- m—**. V (tsewta eerd. Jeel at** •aimat • ( le.oet *a Otttytter I ia Joye* dark*. MIM Viola Btengcr, ter and Mn. John flkehan. a member ef the Ladle*' auxiliary RAYOIt HJPt lary of St. Andrew's last Thursday each ef tki i n n l l l l te l l l l . ketk latlaiia), and l l . l l l aa D*t*aiktr l , MIM JaAna Laiow and Mln Pa- Mil* Joan Bterl. daughter of Mr. made plans for a basar and turkey ef th* V. r. W. hire, la planning •Ic. •aff.teBglMl Alfred Targontky I* chairman, •lie. witk iattmt parakli Jas* I aad trleU Kgaa. ana Mn. Robert Steel of Valley dinner Tuesday, Dec. 4, at the par-a card party for the auxiliary's DMtaiktr I ia task rear. DtUVWY assisted by Leslie C. McBrlde and Frederick Moier, Jr., atv*n*ytar- dr., ealebrated tor 11th birthday ish house. The tour will atart at benefit esrly in January at Harry's John Corrlgan. Dance prise* and a Tk* loads will kt Istut4 la knrer fern witk eouswas and will a* *t tkt ald ton ef Mr. and Mr*. Predirlck at a party Monday afternoon. The 2 p. m. and dinner will be served Lobster house. Sea Bright. ipeclal priie will to awarded. deaimlnatian ef 11,0(1 tack. an4 will Mottr. M I painfully Injured Fri-gueit* w i n Gall Mtlnnr, Janice between 5:30 and a p. m. Mn. Al- Sgt. Richard W. Conard, V. 8. be reiiaterakla i s tt principal mlf *r tseaefeitaren •**•« Gentry, Patricia Ntalls, Caroline fred Wright Is chairman of the M. C, and Kenneth Mageary of Ores* 1* to be In old elothet. • • t* both BrlaelMl and lattnit it* day afternoon when he wai aa* at aaa •*•*• • * • *t*« • a**. a**. • MWW MIWW i. a t **• * • » * No Charge*, X* AltcraNeaa, angat ein»erllbl- at tki tiptnte *f tki keMtr tilting hit father cut down a large Haaeman, Elili Bennett ind Fran- affair, which will offer fancy ar- Long Branch were welcomed a* California produces men gold t a n t N. N i AUaeleanaaL lat* eoupon kaadi an4 will k* perebl* tree In their backyard. Freddie was ce* Lotcee. ticle*, apronn, hand-made flowers membet* ef Twlnlight pest ef the than aay other *tat*. H • * seaaw, flg a*4f ae at tkt olHct af tkt Mtrckint's Tmtt Mr. and Mr*. Walter R. MeBrlde and assorted Christmaa gifts for American Legion at a meeting last Casaaaar, in M Baak, N«w Jirstir. balding a limb by a hiavy rope Kaek propoaal aiuit iptelfr I* a a«l- whia tto tree gave way, lifted him and aon Walter hav* nturnid to aale. Further plans will be made Thursday night at th* Legion hall tlpli at t / l or 1/JO at I * a al _' off the ground to the other aide their horn* on Edgemer* dr. after at another meeting today at 1 p. m. on Bay av*. Pott numbers attended ret* of intertst not eutidlaf 1% atraf the yard and he received rope •pending a week vliltlng Me at the pariah house. an Armistice Day dance Saturday aanam whlek tht kon4t art t* kear, a*d no proposal will kt c*nsld*r*d wkick burnt down to the bone •cron tto couila, Mn. Fred Orator, at Tar- Mra. Junes Lepl* ef Jiraey City night at Sea Oirt Inn held by the • s « i * i i a ratt hlcktr thia iki lewwit four finger* of hi* left hand. R* rytowii, N. T. was gueit of honor at a stork hospitalised veteran* committee of rat* tttttd in any Itaallr •ccaptakl* wai treated at the office of a local Mr. and Mn. William 3. Ratol shower Saturday alght at the horn* th* county organisation. The post traaoial. bek propsul n u t itat* tk* of tha Proipect Point gardem plan of her alster, Mrs. Daniel Collopy, took part, with It* Ladle*' auxiliary, ••aunt bid for tkt k.ndi. wklek akall phyilclan. k* aot l u i tkin 111,101 n*r at*rt tkaa Mra. Frank Sautvllle of Mlllburn to begin eonatructlon In the near Monmouth ave., Navtslnk. Decora- the V. F. W. and IU auxiliary, and III.OOO. future of their home on Edgemere tions were In yellow and white and the Sons and Daughters of Liberty Al bttwetn leiill* aeeiptakl* pro* and Miller'* pi., L. I., enjoyed dr. a buffet »upp*r was served. Duett* Sunday at the World Wtr I meluncheon with Mn. Ann* O'Nein •••all ilweKyini tht u n rata at In* ttrtit. tki bond! will kt told ta tk*and Mn. Paul Bgan, following Mr. aad Mr*. Lawrence Schmidt at the ahower were Mrs. Richsrd # kldder cumpirlnt with tkt ttrm of talt which they vUlted Mn. Richard and daughters of Marietta, 0., Lucas, Mra. Fred Mohr, Jr., Mr*.morial tt the bridge and at the World War II honor roll at Huddy •ad offtrihil to icetpt for tkt Mount kid tki lent amount of bond*, tkt Erdmann, Sr, who Ii convaleielnK have moved to Matawan and are William Hodge, Mn. Edward Fin- park. k*adi to kt leecptad ktlni tkatt first at her home on Main it. from a now reiidlng on Proiptct Point. lay, Mrs, Thomas Hlggtns, Mlsa Th* Lien* club held a tpagtottl raaturinf, tnd If two or aiort blddtri Mr*. David Brae* entertained Helen Bruenlnger, Mrs. William supper •fl«r to icrtpt tkt um> lent mount, rteint operation. Tuesday at the Legion hall tkea ta tkt bidder offtrlnf to par Mil* June Lacerra of Church it. her bridge club at her home at Rsuacher, Mrs. Chtrlcs Wecker, on Bay ave. to raise fund* for a tktrefor Ike klikett price, Tkt pur* celebrated her tenth birthday at a deitert. Prlaei were awarded to Mrs. Helen Shea, Mn. Alfred ehijer muit ilio pay in laiount ta.utl Wright, Mrs. Paul Muir, Mr*. John Chrlitma* party for children or th* ta tke Intereit on the kondt itemed party Monday afternoon. The Mr*. Owlght Qatwood tnd Mra.King, Mrs. Frank Hemhauser, Mr*. community next month. t* tkt date of parment of tkt pur gueit* were Carol Bchaffer, Janice Howard V*ale, both of Parlln, and Member* ef the Ladles' auxiliary Robert E. King, Mrs. William Feite, Zahn, Carol Dellctr, Diane Herbert. Mr*. Milton F. Btevinion. V The right Ii rcutved to reject all Betty Heany, Betty MeOowen, SttMr*, William Kendrick, Mr*. Thom- of Twlnlight post of the American Mia* Darlene Bedle, daughter of kldi and iny kid not complying wllk as Lyons, Mrs. Thomas Derby, Mrs. Legion placed a bouquet at the Livtkc termc of tkli notice will be rejected. •aan* Crlne, Timothy Magta, Rob- Mr. and Mra, Ralph Badle, h u r*. Erro Lappalamien, Mri. Catherine ing War Memorial monument, KaAll atdstra ate rewind to dtpoilt a •rt Lmdy aad Richard Laeerre, all turned te tor horn* on Main it. afttrtKed er eickler'a ekeek parakl* t* ef tbl* plae*. • . ter being a (urgietl patitot at Rlv- Hallam and Mrs. Emlel Aufleri. vookjlan field, Sunday morning, • .• tk* order of Barouik of Fair Havm, In Mrs. Lspto I* the former Audrey Mra. A g n e * Rauschenberger, Mr. and Mr*. Qarald Dederiek ervlew hupltel. tki County of Honaioutk, Ntw Inut, Ut 1711, drawn upon aa Incorporate! have returned to their home in Mra. Howard Brdmann enter- Aufleri, daughter of Mr. and MM.chairman ef th* rehabilitation comkank or truit compujr. Tkt «keck a Oradell after (pending the week- telned her Thuraday Afternoon Emlel Aufleri of tt Cornwall it. mittee of th* auxiliary, 1* in charge tkt •uietnful klddtr will kt retained She has two daughters, Susan and of a eard party to be held Tuesday t« kt applied In part paraitiit for tkiend ae the gueit* of Mr, and Mr*.Bridge' club at her home on Valley Christina. • IS" ta ! • ' wMc tt l:J0 p. m. at the Legion hall. - kaa4i or to ceeurt tkt »ero»«k from Fraferlek Dederlck, dr. Prliea were ~a,w<trded to Mn. V •••> Ion rtiultlm from tkt fallirt af Den mother* of Highland* Cub Richard and Rotort Walker, Edward \V. Currle, Mra. Leroy SlcJuniors of the Girls' Friendly sotki klddtr to comply witk tki terrae tom of Mr. and Mra. Lawrence keli and Mr*. Ralph W. Harrlek. ciety held a cake sale Saturday Scout* will hold a ctke sale Sat• Al M" laaf Mr. and Mn. Courtney Raymond at the library. urday at tha library. The tale will Tkt lucceatful aldder ally i t bll Walker of Maiden lane, celebrated aptlon refuie to aecept tki ktndl It their fifth birthday at a party Mon- have moved from the Aberdeen stsrt at 10 a. m. A. Meade Robertaon, Sr, former prior to their dellverr any Ineont tax Mis* Oraee Bailey, daughter of law ot tbt United Statce af America day afternoon. The gueat-i were apartment*.to their new home at mayor end councilman-elect, and •kail provide tkit tke intent! aa nekJohn Bradley. William Bradley and Keansbur-f. Mrs. Robertson, of 28 Miller at., Mr. and Mr*. John Bailey, Sr., wae kaadi ii taxable, or akall kt taxable Michael Macnado. Mri. Renmelaer L, Ctrtan en- celebrated his return to public of- guest of honor st t party at her at a future date, ftr federal Income tax purpmet, and In luch caee tki dt* Mr. and Mri. Oarrett J. McKeen tertained her brldg* club Tueiday fice aftar last week's election by home, n Cornwall tt., Saturday . tnlt rnidt by him will bt relumed of Broad it. w*r* Sunday gueat* evening. The prlxe winnir* were spending the week-end In Newwhen the celebrated her 16th birthf and he will kt relieved af kl) csntric of their ion tnd daughter-ln-ltw, Mri. Richard Erdmann, Jr., MM.York city. They stayed tt the Ho- day. tual ablliatloni arlitne from tki ae* Mr. tnd Mr*. Richard McKein, at Gerard Devlin and Mri. Paul A. tel Lexington, where they dined Mri, Charles Httienbuehier will •iptanee of kli pronoial. Euan. PHONE OR MAIL OR COME I N . . . BUT QUICK ! at th* Hawaiian room, and attend- be hostess to members of the exPropoMli ahoutd ke addreaitd ta Mr. Cait Orange. M. Floyd Smith. Rorsutk Cltrk, Bor* Or. and Mri. Chtrlen Bernstein ed Sunday evening's performance ecutive commute* of the Pi rentThe Character Sock Hop wai •utk Hall Fair Haven, New JtrMr, and held Thunday evening In the gym- of Miami, Fit., are vliiting her Hi- of "A Streetcar Named Desire." THESE ARE A SPECIAL PRICE AND THEY'LL GO FAST. Teacher association Monday at S:15 •nelAi'd In a wiled envelop* marked •a tkt outilde "PranaMl far Bandt." nailum iponwrtd by the major- ter, Mill Either Blau, of Zlegler Mr. Robertson, a councilman pre- p, m, at her home, (0 Washington viously for ieven yean, waa mayor ave. Tkt •ueeeiaful bidder will kt fur* ettn of th* high achool. Th* music pi. Miked wltkout emit, witk tkt tppr*v. waa furnlihed by th* Rhythmalrea, The Washington Engine com- four years before the election of Cheek Thete Feature* In* opinion of Hawklna, Dtlaflefd t. taket a pressure of from eight Wood to the effect that tki band! ire th* high ickool dance band, under, pany Ii lelllng "Ouetiei" ia to former Mayor Joseph A. Dempsey. • valid and leiatly klndlni oktitatlont the direction of Qiorge Lamritaff. whit hour, minute and iceond a He tied Councilman Herbert Harts- toIt18 pounds to break a normal af Mid Horouih all tk* taxable nran* r r1«H« Kawtd watch will itop that Is being gove's 606 vote last week when trty within wklek will kt lubjeet ta tke Mr. and Mri. Christian Klrchman wound and letled and placed in Councilman John Newton and for-tgg. It tike* an II psr cent greater J fW ^H AHdJIffA Itvy of ad valorem tixea ta pay laid are the parent* of a ion, born Wedforce to break th* ism* egg on the V I TI avVVwIHifJ bomli and intereit thereon, wltkout neiday, Nov. T, In Dr, E. C. H u -the window of Holden'i Jewelry mer Recorder Frank J. Hall wer* imill end than on the large. limitation of rate or amount, ? *fSlBHWllPaWf» • • ^ • • J V O T B T * •hop. Th* prlte I* a 21-jewei watch, dtf*tt«d. •rd hoipltat, Long Branch. Mr*. Hjr order of tht Borounh Council, Klrchman la tha former.Mlta Shir- any ttyl*. Dated! November II. 10111, Mm. Minnie Liming of Fourth ley Lambertton. Frank Tourlne, Jr., ha* been con- st. wai a week-end guest of her M. FiOTO RM1TM. 111.01 Bareuik Clerk. Mr. and Mri. Elwood Clayton of fined to hi* homi by Illneia. brother tnd nlster-ln-law, Mr, and Fountain ave. are entertaining Mr. Mri. Edwtrd Schlatter, at their , U l t and Faaad Th* atrttoiptore Is th* layer of home In Rah way. We iln-et«l> hop* tt doian't kappin and Mra. Charlet Boyce tnd daughta you, but If ynu ahould Ion iottlithln«i ter Kithtrlnt. of Lake Qtori*, the atmosphere when the temper- Mr. anr) Mm. Andrew Hnmink rimimhtr cnincei i n in ytur fivtr that Ni Y, ature, around 7H degrtts below moved Wednesday of last week au will recover It through tk* LMt III*! Inittllttlon of offlcera wtj held zero, P., dooi not decrease with al* from Miller at. to Valley it. •und ••lurnni if Tki Xiilitir. —A4virtl»tatat, tt a dlnmr at Burltw't rettaurint* tltudi. Mri, Louella, Richard and htr A*et»t gctete. Baa\ tsaal saliSBDtCsBBT dbsf f*-sadl B^aftjkAdk SMT eswdJfMMsaal mssm SUITS IS**] 10% MEW! I M t M t t aati t i NCATEHS E 20% tt1 10,9t wag*JBv Vw aaaaaeja^saHlSBiaaasB. n , . a^waay a •aptr _ • * . ^. aniaaaaB wsav A «•. ^ * j * j | MH«-*iaaaBa Off sr-ekShtMie j r wajfjwjiw aa^sasa*aa\ laaaajfiBi easasai V W t 200 easaataf sMfcjmaadfc ^ d j BBBBBaT#Bl*BaB-i 4ata*aa^B*BaaaeBBl Baal ft Off 3 CAM. HCKMANN WHILE THEY LAST! tVIN WITH THI SHORTAGE OF Wl HAVI FLEXIBLE STEEL Venetian Blinds Mich FREE DELIVERY a/ AaaaBaaatBaaaaiAlsaf CssaaaBk AsaaiaaaBlatM Mion. M « - u i o J P-oa «A>K Zoning Planning Problems Studied LITTLE SILVER—Zoning and planning problem* uffd up mo*t of the borough council! thrtr-hour meeting Tuesday night. A new ordinance, a new housing development, a nf»- buainev, a requert for a new bu#inpts rone. and a po«sible new housing development wer« the principal itrmi ef bueiThe new ordinance concerned the planning board1! attempt to increase the »ise of corner Iot§. frontage* and minimum floor arew. It « a i introduced at the Oct. 21 meeting hut had to be reread because (if an error. It will he up for final adoption at the Nov. 27 meeting. William R. Blair, Jr. of the Red Bank firm cf Psrfonf, Labrecque, Onions and Comb.*, objected to the introduction of the ordinance, but council adopted it. Mr. Blair aaid he represents MiM Marguerite Ward, owner of property at Little Silver Point rd. a n ! Parker He explained that by requiring a corner lot to have a ISO-foot front age. council impose* a hardthia on Mit« Ward. He paid the property on Little Silver Point rd. hat a frontage of 3347 feet, which would permit three lots under precent 100-foot frontage requirement*, but only two under the proposed law. Mirjrer Oajrrta Councilman Donald E. L*we« luggrjted that the matter be Brought to the hoard of adjustment after council ha* adopted the ordinance. Mr. Blair disagreed, hawevcr, claiming the ordinance ai it affect* hit client it an "arbitrary dittinction." when a given (one require* one person to have a 100foot frontage and the next pereon a 190-foot frontage. Borough Attorney Leon Reua•III* adviaed council that Mr. Blair'* "(tatement of law in correct, but he it not necectaiily correct in the application of it." Building Inspector Winfleld S. r.'ainwrlght told Mr. Blair the rea- Congratulate! Kraut* on Victory l K H i ehaaaa la that—wit a « lS*-feot frontage) corner 1st—a builder »»ul« ta reetriete* to • (Moot aeu«e. He captained that SO-feet tetaack* arc required oa Little Silver Point rd. aad on Parker eve., wkieh anuat be added t* It-foot eidevard retuireauatj. Urwie R. Lowry. chairman *f the planning hoar*, presented a ma* of Berkshire Home*, off Whit* rd. The Map wta approved on the board'* reeomaaeneation, but with the coaditien* that only the ten lot* fronting on White rd. can immediately be developed, that banded proof I* *upplie4 fer curbing on another street in the development, and that location «f utilities on the other street be ihown an the maa. Tn eaplaininar the new S2-home development. Mr. Lowry Mid the developer* had allowed l ' i f>«t depth for the pocilblc future widening of Whit* rd. Hepreientative* *f the Atlantic eoriwration aaked permission to •nova into the building formerly occupied by Little •ilvnr Cleanrrt and Dyer* an Branch ave. Mr. Wainwright aaked council whether •r nut he eheuld ia*ue an occupancy permit became *>f tha Chang* . in type *f mialaeaa. Tb* new flrm will do n» cleaning on the premiar*. hut will tew and preai clothing which ha* been cut el** where. The representative* »«pl*ined that it ia different from a factory because the tame type work would be tour. Mr. Reuwllle r'coni mended that the question go to the adjustment board Because the propose 1 bualnau ia not ipeciflcilly Included In the goning ordinance. Defer bavett ArMoa Council deferred action on the reajueat of John T. lovett to have four L*vctt-own*4 lota reclaaiiAed from reildential to commercial. The area I* at Markham pi, and Protpect ave. A letter from Oeorg* Welgel, aecretary of the planning board, recommended that n» changa be mail*. It pointed out that property adjacent to a buainet* cone—tuch »• the Lovett land --"U not unique," and that If a lava SIMM a . a l Bed flu* SIMMONS IUMI MMMONI rakatow Value! Fabatava tavlaga! SALE! All 3 Piece* 6'om/i/rfe.' *249 BEDROOM FURNITURE SAW Rai. 4-Pe. Sand riniah Oak Bedroom. Trlpi* Dreuar, Mirror, Cheat, Night Ta bl*, Bed _ ..... $429 $299 S-Pe. Mapl* Sofa Bad Suitt. S o f a ^ ^ — — open* to double bed, Dre.ier, Mirror,^ 1 Q Q S-Pe. Solid Maple Bedroom. Oreaatr, Mirror, Chest, fied...H..M...».H..»..u..H ReguTmly $349 A*i«ftdai C l J Q $159 $120 LIVING ROOM FURNITURE R.,. SAUI 3-Pc. ALAN Deluxe Built Modern U V ' J , ( « < « / > ing Room Suite. Massive, heavy hard-MV < I U wood rramei, quality craft*m»n*hip....^-"'«'^ Hollywood Bed Headboard, aet of leg* and bracket*, box spring and inneriprlng mattrei*. Headboard con•trueted of 2x2 stock. Your choice of colora. SALE! TREATED AT HOSTITAL Persons treated in the omeriieney room of Rivcrvicw hnspital during the week include Brien Slavrn, 7, of la Comanche dr., Portaupcck, broken right leg, fell from awing; John O'Mallcy, 138 Manor dr., Red Bank, cut right index finger on a broken dbh; Dan Taylor, Middletown, acratch over the right eye, fell; Oarrett Jonec, 3, of 33 Birchwood ave., KeanaburR, drank lysol, had atomach pumped out; George Brown, a, of Eaat Bergen pi., Injured right elbow, roll from bicycle; Thomaa Franccaconi, M Leonard at., Red Bank, dialocatcd left middle Anger, fell down ataii*; John Douglas, 112 Robinson pi., Shrewsbury, puncture wound of the left foot, atepped on nail; Pamela Koenit, Queen Anne dr., Shrewsbury, cut forehead, tell, atriklng head on lUgatone, and Michael Kennedy, 91 Locuat ave., Red Bank, Injured left ahoulder playing football, $249 >179 Come ia now and take advantafe of our good selection priced at 91.23 for SO carda up to f 19.2$ for 2 3 cards, including Imprinting. We also have all of our Halhnark Chrlttnu» cards for Family, Friends, Boss, Foreign Unfpuge, Secret Pat, Servicemen, Doctor, Nurse, etc., on display now. Hall* mark Cello Paes, 10 cards 29e or 4 0 cards for Il.OOt Hallmark Boxed Assortments, SOe to 92.00. S-* the Hallmark Train Card • 91.00 Hear the Barker Musical Chrialm-. Cards • 91.00 Tha Enchantlna I 41 MONMOUTH ST. Hallmark CareJi PHONE RE 6 4 3 3 3 *TAe Urge* CARDS TO CHOOSE FROM Mott Complete Selection of Hellmmrk Corals te Monmouth County" TO TNI TUMI OF 2750 CHRISTMAS CLUB CHECKS TO M I M I M S OP THi MUCHANTf TWIST COMPANY'S CHWITMA1 CLUt Kitchen Set Just think of the Christmas Shopping that mn be accomplished with over ont>quarier of a million dollars! Enough caah for all your gifts . . . with some left over to put in a regular savinga account for future needs. ,. mm CHOOSICtfOfTHtHttAUEl DepotH Waealy £T •O-U.4I •tieill evr re VOUR OROIR SMALL DEPOSIT WILL GUARANTEE DELIVERY IN TIME FOR THANKSGIVING CONVENIENT IUDGET TERMS • 200 Finer Fabric, Iroadclofhi... Oxfords . . . W o o l . . . Gabardine* • 34 Collar Sfylst • • Cuff Stylet N O RED TAPE ALAN'S.. „ .50 1.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 % Priced At Low At a Long Branch OVER 2,000 SANTA PAYS OFF AGAIN! 301.222.50 Benjamin Franklin originated the practlc* of printing letter* to the editor. Lamps & Tables Galore LAMPS TABLES Seventh Ave. FOX'S GIFT SHOP Tha Unusual! Tha laautiful I SALE! 70 So. MVRT IN WOBJMVT MARIETTA, O. — WaMraa P. Smith, Jr., eon af Mayar and Mra, Waldron P. Smith t Av*. D, Atlantic Highlands), auffered a aprataed ankle Tueaday of last waek when he waa working out with tha baakctball *a.uad here. A ganhaiaw. Smith entered the college thai aemeater after (Inlahing a year at Monmouth Junior college, Long Branch. But we will be MaMble to •eeept say Bjore orrlera for sll»fd ttriatMM einls AFTER DECEMBER STH. (That's only 2 weeks iway.) Formica. Top Table and 4 Alpine Upholstered Chaira. Many colora and stylet to choose from. 3-Pc. ALAN SOCIETY BRAND Luxury Built Living Room Suite, Manu- . _ , - _ . faetured at ALANS . . . by A L A N ' S C / t S U akllled craftsmen $> U\J* A Mia* Barbara Waad, a atudcat at Hope college, Miehl«an, ha* been elected to ligata teta BaU Mraritf. Her eloetian W H aaaauaeed thia waek by Dr. Jeha W. Hallenhaeh, toliafa deaa. Dr. Wylle O. Pate ha* returned from Atlantic City, where he attended the annual fall convention af (he New Jeraey Education aaaotlatloa. Mra. Winston Kock and family of Backing Ridge, farmer reaidenU at M M Robert Park aa Caaaar r«. Pttdar T. D. Oaaaver 1 tha Bahama* ia viaitiag hi* pareata, Mr. aad Mra. Gerit H. Cenover. Mr. aad Mr*. Vieter B. Ora*«lag*r and Mr. and Mr*. Ira Cranae have returned front fiacaaa aaaaor ia Penmylvaaia, where they aaeat the week-end. The annual ualea ThaaawftirtnaT atrvice «f the ehureaea af tha Village will ha field Wedaaaaay aigat, Nov. »1, at t o'clock at the Reformed church. Rav. Andre* M. VanDyke, rector af Chriet gnlaea pal church will deliver tha awtnaa. Other* participating win he Rav. John Bates, Baptlat church paatar. and Jamea Stout t the Raratwad church. Mr*. W. B. gpolford, Sr., M *«*»• aylvania, waa a week-end gaatt • * Mr*. E. W. Swackhamar. Mr. and Mr*. Everett Thaea hava returaed front French Uck •arinfe. lad., where they attended a convention far bulldera af Owaaiaaa neu*c«. 5-Piece Chrome 4-Pc. Modern Living Room, luxury upholatery, Sofa. High Back Chair, Low Back Chair, matching Ottoman ' Priced At Low 4$ School chUdraa ara alliag g hasea far tha Red Craaj at the public (cheat. Their daaatioaa mu*t SM4 a* (aad, breakable* «r war toy*. Every claaaraaaa ia already earalled aa aaeaiaera af the Red Craas. Bhraad •aarlea of Orchard rd. returned latarday freea a buaiaea* trip to Barhertaa, O., fat Babcea dt Wilcaa. Mr*. WilUam Alesaader aad children, David aad Daugla*, are «i*it•a« her faaaily in Caraeadale. Fa., while Mr. Alecaaacr ia an a haatin* trip. Five aseatbera a( tha PareatTeacher aaaociatloa attended the annual fall attetiag af tha Man•aautk County Council ef Parent* and Teacher* yeaterday at Keanaburf Khaol. They were Mra. Cheater E. Wilhelm, pruidenf. Mra. Harold Perry, Mra. Benjamin Becker, Mra. Eleaaar Smith and Mr*. Mary Smith. SORR Y! Garden Group Arranges Program Mr. Lowry aleo ahowed council a map submitted by Mr. Uivett for "11 lota of unusual *l*e." The LITTLE SILVER-MK. Rail O property begin* at Rumson rd. and continue* through to Hilverton ave. Benton of Holtndc), a number uf Garden Club R.F.D. and an accredin Foxwood Park. The planning ited flower «how judge, gave an illustrated lecturr OH floral arrangement* at a meeting of the Little Silver Woman'* club yesterday. The program was arranged by the garden department. The tea table waa decorated In a Thanksgiving motif hy Mrs. Nathan laelin, a department member. The hocttKet were Mra. Edmund VomSteeg, Mr*. O. Ivan Lyonc, Mr*. John Inwright, Mr*. Fred Ounnell. Mr*. Venetia Crawford waa guest aololit. accompanied by Mra. Daphne O. Carman. The art* and crafta department will meet thia afternoon at the home of Mr*. Chester Bohcnna on Lovett ave. Nov. 24, Mrs. Bohenna will again be hoatera at a meeting of the literature department, rridy E. Wuir win speak on Veneluela. Julti Oilly of Turner Brothers niliacry will uprak on "Holiday Decorations," at a meeting of the garden department Dec. 11 al the club houae. Following the lecture, member* will decorate the clubhouae for the annual Christma* meeting, Dec. 13. At thl* time, Mr*. Peter Reed of Matawan will speak on "The Hiatory of Stained Olate." Mrs, Robert Caheen and MM. Charles O, Stephens will be hoiteciea at the garden department meeting. At an executive board meeting yeiterday morning the following new member* were accepted, Mrs. Winifred Ireland, Mr*. Drew Q. Brinkerhoff, Mra. Dorrnr Smith and Mn. William M. Wolff. Thanksgiving Sale! SfylaeJ tn moa'arn (Jatiant «f lima. OAK. Tha itratckinq Ortiitr. hat a marvaUui ihaptfJ frcnt, fyll ilt«*l dlrawan, «J«t» and commawiotii. Tha *Jr«n«r ntrrtr It • araathlati •waap of «l!H«r?n| »!•(• <jU«a. Y«y f i t tha Chait, Draiur and lad PLUS a SIMMONS Innariprinf MaHrau an4 a SIMMONS lax Spring. Cama taa it. Cama ana, cama all. Sf hook Must Teach De«*orraey FAIR HAVEN — KvwaeU O. tUaw y , chief tt the aaacial lawtructiaai Kkeal at Fort Manaaciith, aaakc aa "Education far Democracy," at a aaeetiac • ' the Fair Havea ParentTeacher aaaociatioa Tuesday at Willow Street echoal. The aragraa waa arranged by Mr*. Miltea Ar*aw«, •areat-cditcatiaa. ehalrajaa. Mr. Itanaejr atreaaed the iaiawrtaace af the aehaol feaching the true aaeaaiatg af deaaacracy hacauec "*>ublic achaola are private cvatadiana ef the a>ublie eaaaeieaca, ather organisation* are the character builder*. School* ajuit give BMTC lip aerviee t* the principle* af laagr ago." Mr. Itanner thea brought entt th« fact that it la moat imaartaat ta teach «oed reading habita la achaat. "bacauac peafjle wha are nat |aa*l reader* fail ia their etudiea, and later fail ia life." He thea remarked that moat seofle today have a reading level, not better than • tfth Char)** MoeNfr «aa aomlaated Mayar-ala.t vasraa H . al $ • • triaM, riffct, ««>•»• grade pupil, thtia leaving thea* "net far chief af tha Fair Have* Are, prepared to live with life'a arah- tonaaar at • ateetlaf laat weak. CMffatwUtow at hi« reitsuraat, Marry'i la»*tar hawa, By lem* today." Mr. MaelUr ha* aervad • * trat Hala* W . Uwr««c* a* hi*, victcry U»f waa.. aasiftaat chief *)«ri*jg tha pa** MOVIE ON CtOAMETTEa Krautt iMaata*) May*? Themai FarraN, wha wai r««*in< far A movie about the manufacture, kit flftn Urm, by I t »••#•• Ha wiN • • twrm in Jan. I. development and research of cigIa th* fourth aad Ifth centuries arette* will be shown at 11:11 p. the title "pep*" waa freejuentljr m. today at a meeting ef the Red tiaed fer Mahepa, but gradually beprecedent it aet. bminen coiling board will consider the map at its Bank Rotary club at th« Molly came reserved far the Bishop af might progren "to include the en- nfxt meeting. Rome. Councilman Charlea VV. Stephen* Pitcher hotel. tire borough." The letter mentioned, however, that the requelt reported that work will start on Silverwhite Qardpn«' la auhjert to review when the mas- cleaning ter plan for the borough U con- drains, cajuipmrnt for it having arrived. Councilman Wellington •ldcrrd. Mr. Lovett (aid he wat "told that Wilkina said that a Ore alarm box when we got a bona Me oiler, the wilt he installed Id the cchool at property would be r«elas«ln>d." He a cost of 1350. argued that tince the property "I* right opposite the (tore*, we can't do anything with the land, making it worthies*." A L A N ' S SAVE 25% TO 50% M a w * * FVIHIMM! mm* T.I. Lenq Iraneh 6-0350 TO TNI Mcraav A N . txawtaaita, t...wa . , „ , Taea • • • » *a M*rrl* »«*. TkM leH *a a*. T<b »*«. t* fattory, OPEN EYURY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY WENINV UNTIL 9.00 • • Pocket Srylts "The Ferntby-Custom Made by HiNLBIN, ltd." LEON E. CORONER PHONE LON« IRANCH 4-II47-W Saaaiva ta N Waahs 125.00 50.00 100.00 250.00 500.00 Larfar waakly saymanh will ba aceastad If aatlraa1. 'MEROANTS JOIN OUR 1952 CHRISTMAS CLUR OMNS NOV. 26th Another carafrao Chrlttmai h yaun far ths sUnnlnfl Yau can sully srevUle tha turn yau naa*J far 1912 halliUy ihap«lr»| sy apanlna a Chrtifmai Clui. Thara it na antrenca faa—hawavar, a small charfja will bs maala It all saymanh tn nat cam1 ,\m »A»K life in bntl Dttcribedby Recent Visitor Teeple Fine. 3 Council N U M I New Aides \fmr Injured temhomrd Queen Civil Dtftnst O-Wky It M lataarlaaH T* Btol M B t f w t i Tkeao T ) m *f A So that your eubiequent eeAlWrt Caraaa, I.N., a«« *t Mr Unr.t ran be governed accordingly. tad Mr*, Laui* Ctttaa * adt If an s;r burst, then you can leave MIDDUCTOWN-Aetlag RecordShrcwakury eve- returned Tuaeaey MIDDLETOWN" — Four percoa* Mra. Wllllaa. Bill af Waat t « w er Irving w . Teepl* la*t night fined ef la*t week to Norfolk, V a . frets Branch and Mra. William Or*>ft ef three injured in a headon collision bf able to a.«sm inflre-fighMng,ir;ee persons p e r a o t on charge* a g *brought g ail aaratb*-' «rula* ia tka Mtdi- Matawaa r*a»»**ated the Northern ky th* Society for the Prevention early ihi« morning on rt. Vi ne*r cue and generally help tho'e ;n tarraacaa. Htaaarulk Cauaty Council af Girl of Cruelty to Animals. need of s.r.-*stance. A ground or • Old lh» Chrrry lre» farm. MM. KcMdaaM Tdla •couta at tk* aatleaal cenvaatioa Aater mean.* Stay VrA^v i'o:tv. la ea*M ruerved for devisinn Treated «nd released from Moilof Oirl tcoutt laat <va*» at Baaten. by Recorder W. Gilbert Hanson mouth MrmorUl hospital where H— Hnuldii t Aa Atnaakr sViMb •> Of W«ck D M M by I'rottfMxl la a B#tfrtnlr By Tke Tkey gave report* ef tk* event at i latt w*«k, Mr. Trrple finrd John they wer» taken hy the Wett leetiag of th* county bo*rd Anderton of rt. 35. liiddlrtown Kpnn.<hu!;; n>.«1 aid squad wrre Kinc Williams of N'eptun", driver A On.y if h# wa.= pretty much of HsJstnh TWw Meaday at Girl Sceut hcadejuarter* 110 far failure te piovic> proper * ff'Gl. »nd for several good r e t halter and protection from the of n yoing west on the high• a Bread at. Mm. Jacob Kecaeuaaa *f Mill.»;n«. It ju«t wouldn't be worth it, Metabcrt of th* leader* aaeoeia- reather far a dog and pig. A Sim- wily, vim Milfercd rui.c of the fore•ura, a foraur president ef the fc*r one. Thr bomb wouldn't c * ' i « tiea ef District Tw*. eeatrikutcd lar charge for neglecting a dog head nnd ch.n; Rlridge Mr.N'ral of Northern Mew Jersey Regie* of nr.v physical d a m a g e ro the city. Utl.U, with the auggeatiaa that it rought a Ine of 15 to Anna M ?A Ridge JIT.. Ashury Park, cuts Hadaaaah, are* the apaaktr at th* ar.d >o re-.v people would be affected of thr chin, abrasions of the tight Hamilton of rt. SS, lliddletnwn. u*ed to build a lean-to at th* annual measberahip netting *f tke hy the resulting radioactive eoncouncil camp. Camp Nomoce. Mr*. The charge! were lodged by Mrs. oyr and forehead, and David BrantRed Beak chapter ef Hadaaaah tirnmat.'tn that, the effort would or. Bill aaid that th* council ha* con- Blanch* Sneddon. S.P.C.A. agrnl. ley of HOT Sprlngwnoit »ve., Aabury it—I h a w ti'-.iril t h a t f Tiiaider at the Jewish Ceaununity 'or'h><>, lj».<i than one per cent Christy Winters of O r e i n #iov F*r failure la ttop or report hit- Parli, fuii'licnd alirnsion.«, and head tributed to the national JuCtater oa Riverside «v*. The proof a city's watpi supply e n u v * waa named " M i t i Aeahuaul So: ing a dog with hla ..utomobilr, A. anii arm liniisrs. liette Low* fund, which hener* the % i « o i « " t On- a l n i n i r b o m b i n g s . I t 1 gram m e arranged ky Mr*. Reaee people ? ji'oniachp; there are several C. Budenkay* of We*t Front et.. Admitted to the Fort Monmouth vice' over three other eonte»tar! founder «f Oirl Scenting. ; Mils t r u e ? Popper. «o j:rea of water supply for a big Mr*. Robert Pearte, praaident, Red Bank, wae lined «» by Mr. station hospital was Cpl. n«org* at th* "Movi* Auction" pn.e'iani A Y r = T l , . - . e . • , , » . M.-re ":•> s n d t n y o n e c o n t s m i n t t e d Mra. KaeMlmaa ha* receatlv re! W. Weissmann, who Is stationed ' Monday night at the Paramoum fli «l c i : . | - r . . e , , f , | , - . i ; . e , | f f f •'» n*m*d the following eaHc*r* and Tecpl*. r o i d -je rut oft*; and m u c h radioturned from an astmsive tour in Th* recorder postponed hearing i (here. He is being treated for a : th*at«r at Long Branch. Mis.? Winchairmet: Mrt. C. B. •priagharn, the V n m . r '* Kx^Tninat a r i a e r o n t a m ; n » ' i o n in a larg* lire*!, made oa a apecial Hadaaaah Mra. W. W. Hance and Mr*. Her- af a mater vtWele charge g against I fractured left jaw and cuts nf tera won prizaa valued st nure o f a h o M ' 1 '"• ' p e . vir,< :i:o<h.,d> of water is trapped in t h * fellewahla grant. l a tetakiig ef j than 1**1. plus • Se.iboard Servire w h n n i w p ' f l " . ' " n ^ n v f - m i ! ' * c man Carter, vice a>re*ldenta; Mr*. Howard Teft. Atlantic Highlands !, l!i knrrx il' *nd mud of *he water bottom. the rale that Hadattah members Paul de la RtuuiHe, tieajurer; Mia. atioraiy. until the return of Lieiit, o police reported Cpl. W*issm*nii | advertising contract. The rontf .< in the United Statca could play i* sponsored by Seahojnl Ser- e d l^d t o "he ,1 .*.- ,-, ^ v n ' iu r e t ' Q - H h a . ASMUI Tk*~ M - C a l M Occir Kreuger, who investigated said he must have fallen atlaep at A r t h u r Bemindinger, Mcretary; : tiding the new natien, Mra. KasHtuilnlogieal M i l l s a n d Dtl*l*? thf wheel of hi> car, going east on vice. Mra. Iceland ftichmond. regiatrar; the ineld«n(, from vacation. VAX1' Of I .1.1 n ' ,n ;; I 1 I I H . " * T'l talmaa told her audienc* that th*y A Their m e w r h i n th« r e x t few the Inchw>y. Both cars wer* towed Mrs. William Si rot her. nominating ctuld give fund* to carry an artijems • e x t i e m e l v doubtful. A* from the acetic. Patrolmen William i committee; Mn. Howard Chamber(nt Hadaasah project* which aid Q—What aliniil t h . you hs^a s l r e a d v ^ e n told, rsdioWoodward and Jerry Oenerelli In- ! lain, camp; Mra. Ganuton King, fittraal and it* aettlir* in many a r a r a w e tui%<* w w i In |iii-l re*? Are d»(Hv ot.i.uis nuti:k'iy, ami vestigated for township police. Th* \ nance; Mra. Thomaa Phillipt, ataff Gage Twin Hill Reid*. She tald of the crying net* t h r > * r i ' t u l l iif r a d i a t i o n thai would mean cor.stant replenand afflce; Mr*. George Plant, erfor beapital*, and way* 2a which A Nn The,, h i - lief « h i g h ishment of the TORT MONMOUTH-Army has K*ir View tire I aid squad took Alamt Caetaa, B.W. d m : supply. M o n ganization; Mr*. Lawrence Pick, kcthall will produce a topflight Welssmann tn Fort Monmouth. they must aid new aettlers wht I R . n . . t h . « riifflcilt prohlem how would it K* bring with them all kinda af dlii n t he e r - i r s f i i >: ii ' h<M :T ll b i n , - i s , A i*t» graduate af Red Bank training; Mr*. Frank F. Blaiidell, double-header tomorrow night i t , . . , - , „ . . , . ii-..'-'emir.ated? By s i i c u f t ' Con(Mleiala of the Red Bank Cham; «*s*a. 'athelie kigh tchoel, th* aeaman chairman, asaistcd by Mrt. Herbert Aabury Park* Convention hall. I I>JI. t j l t t * H a * AllHIIII •id-M- t h e di.«tanre= between h*re ber of Commerce will parti.ip.-ite .Japanr.-,. r\p.i.*,-,l I . , ' ; i I and Mra. Robert Thatcher, with the For m g < nt T i J n n -IT ,| ,,t!;ei nnd the Snviet I'nlon, and then <'.•'Of th* new nation *he aald waa enaaleycd with hi* father, a Morgan in special ceremonies tomorrow nt t^r*tnin« 'IT- fllgh* path nf the bom"larsel with all it* sorrows and painter, prior to kit entrance into publicity; Mrs. Howard Parker, gunning for its Hud-.m. s h o w e d a h i ! ; : : :r.r. \rry r cookie a*1e; Mr*. Arthur Hood, pro- WAC Signalettcs inaugurstlng their j Monmouth county high achool the opening of Russell ami . ly .1 ra- her ovei our* while fighters austerity, i* a Joyful and yaung the Navy in Apr, 1M0. Lid., a new shop for fcrifi=, china gram; Mra. A. Jackoon Llndfley, n-e* ci^l tia*^ u ; severe s n d i n t i - a i r c r s f t 'lid th»ir heit to m i I t campaign country, full of vitality and thi Cancan laid he i* due for a Itreceived a taste of college and antiques, in the Mattlieui chairman for DUUrlct One, and Mr*. In making their second appear- !lgirls down it. T h e proj r et heennies s i will to live. It ia a country ef day leave at Chrittmis. i f , M.imlay night in a program building on Broad st. The new firm bin ns. Bill, chairman for Dittriet Two. q—IHdn'l the atimiir hnmhlng nf un r eaaih[e its u«e *s • 'Ae*pon ance at the aea#!iore auditorium planned by the Monmouth County is owned hy C. Alan Hudson, ,lr, many contraaU, barren desert thia week, where, admiaiion is free A i l i m n s e rlul) of New Jersey Coi- of Fair Haven, anil Councilman Hlrmhlmt de«lrn> more clly arra a«a:n«t our cltie* become* somealeng aide af beauty mad* of Sowt h i n g not t n be concerned wi*h. ta all tpectatora through th« cour- 1(>gp f()r VVomen at the Red'Bank and Mrs. David VV. Unwell nf than anv <•• >><> single attaik* er* and trtea. The people have MotorcyelUt Hurt A S u i pi i . s i n g l y e n n i l i : h . ' r n M a n \ teay et Convention hall officials, the Methodist Fellowship hall. lowered their atandarda af living, Shrewsbury. Q — H A W Miteli M a m i i t g Wilt Tho After Hillinf Car •a that Immigrant* of all kinds MKTHOMHT Signalmen oppotc an outstanding I M i s s norothy Simpson, associate . ,„ interior of the simp hasc o r i \ e n t i o n a 1 h f i n i h i n c ^ o f . I i p - i n e - s p Red Alert ftlve I t ? Th* OCEANPORT - Leonard Grille may be fed, clothed and haute*1." Hopkln* club from the Bronx. The ;pn , fryrfnl . o f hygiene and physical been dune In a color si'heme of ari'l ( I r r n r i n riti--1^ de-,:i -' : i , r d m l K h Atlantic Highland* A -Nohndv ran aa.«wer that nueiRev. Roy C. William*, Jr., pat- Fort Monmouth WA<'t op", tnnior- edumtlun nt the college, led a di»- guv and ytlln , with fircents nt Entertainment was provided by ef Newark wat released yetteiday tion. It may he le.»? than a minute. from Monmouth Memorial horpltal, Cfi. lOI'i. o n T o k y o " w i p e i l n u t " « n m e tot, will deliver a aermon, "In All tow night'* court activities, at 7 Cussion of the theme, "Krnm High white. .Shadow hn\et have hern the Hadastah choral, which is dior it may he nevrrsl hour-. The rected by Mra. Sidney Komar. where h« waa taken Saturday night Thincs-Thanlugivlng," at th* o'clcck against thf touring Valley, 8 c h o o l , 0 ColleRe," with further placed on the walls ufr ili.opl.'iys If* . s q t i n t e im!e;.- : w h i l e o n l y * o m e many method! the enemy can emTheir program Included Hebrew, with head injuries after being 11 o'clock morning service, Roy K forge Army ho»|.,tal WAC't Irom | c o m m e n l , t ) vf o i l r N . j c . ,t u i e ntt, of a wide selection of rryMfil, im- fl\'e .s'|H.'ire milr.= o f M n o s h i m a w e i e ploy for an stt»ek. the direction thrown from hli motorcycle on Jeffrey, organiit, will play "An- Phocnicville, Pa. Engllak and Tlddlth toait liana Huchner of Patir- ported Swedish silver pieces ntul t i i t i i l l v rli'v.i.^i.-ileii. a n i l s o n i o 1 3 of approach of an attack, and othdante Cantahilc" by Widor, and Judging from the Hopkin*' club ( Hon Marilyn Wiilillierg of Cran- china made hy American. Knglish S U U : M T m i l ' S lilt h r t l i l . T h e ' I ' t ' k v o er fartoi* will determine this. MM. LttUr Orubmtn, member- Welfhlll ave, here. According to police, a car driven •Poatlud* In B Flat' by Wett. The rostcr th* vlaitor. could well by ,„„,„, R. r , Margaret Murphy of _ ...,„.. .designers. „ . . , „ . „ . The . „„ .,„„, ship chairman, told of a a*rl«* of 4—Hill I Prraonally He> Ahlc * • ami Itnlian simp r a i l l o f M n r c h It 10. I M S . k i l l e d a n tea* held by chapter members for by Richard F. Johnson of Aabury •enlor choir will aing 'Tata Thee, considered a college unit, andI »jrt niujjewood and Mary Ellis of New w Tol* floor and table lamps e s t i m a t e i l IIH.OOII p e o p l e d e p l o y e d Cop* With Th« M«iy I Ire* < MMed 16 «i|ii,-ue m i l e - , o f t h . ' c i ' y , i n j u i e d new and prospective members. She Park tlowed down for a blinker O God, Do We Give Thanka" by Monmouth will have a rusged tua- Brunswick. Tole Iand. _ . trays. ' - M l n y ftrM w | | , then Introduced SI prospective light and Orillo who waa riding be- Wataon, and th* junior choir will ale ahead of them. Colored slide, tn Illustrate, th* In their antiqut furniture col- m i l l i o n s a n d m a r t , , t h e m h o m e l e s s . | ' A Y m | f i n . ,.„„,,.„,• l f ) d w i ! , mimbers, Mn. R. Jick Zelk, Mn. hind the car struck the rear of the ling "For the Beauty of the Signnlcer co*ch "Mule" Haas hafl | o p |,. were shown hy Minn Aliton lection |they hav* a three-section ; U-»»w MMHV wav. ran Ihr rnr- h r b . o n ( 1 ,h J W j o h # f , , l f h t b m l ) o r „ „ . t. P. Meyer, Mr*. Joseph Uvltt1 Johnton vehiclp. Police tald he waa Earth." Mr*. GutUve Huacaitaa attemblcd a aquad capable of hold- Contswoith, field tecretary st th* Heppltwhtt* mshogsny l>nni|iiri t.-i- w.v .1.11.IT an alonilo IM.HII.? Mrt. Jeseph Airon, Mrs. Arnell thrown through the alx a dUtince and Mrt. William Crlppa, Jr., will ing its own. Uting Tuesday niRlit's . r o l |,,g r bftor* the group of 32hle and some early New llnKlnnd A Hi ha- .irveial me.-,,,, nt his fleh,|nf apparatus. How.ver. small Tli'.-'Iniliuie heavy Hartmin, Mra. P. M. FrledmaR, af about 30 feet and landed on hit ting the aoprano-contralto duet, opening »M» rout ovc- McUuli-c :ni(rh srh(l ,,| M u d r l l t , t i»8,.hers and fruit wood chairs. Annther antique ili.-.po^al. flies can b» controlled hy th* in"The Lord la My Shepherd" by Mra. Mellv Smith, Mrs. Jane Jaffa, head. Air Korce stase as an Mample, the j N j c . alumnae. A ruest ,' ion period piec* la a Lowestoft. ho« I l i ( ) i n l i e r « a n i l , h n m b s c o u l d h e l e f t dividual with sand, water and reg•mart, Mr*. H. M. Nachmits, Mrs. Hairy in c i t y h i it m r h y s h i p w i t h t i m e d ular Are estlnguisher*. Poliee Issued a aummon* to Jo Signaleera showed e.\crllenl b«H ar ,,| refreshments fni:llowed the pro- with matching teacups and saucers. Thete'a nn Freedman. Mra. David «llb«ftteln, leph Orillo *f Newark for allowing fu-i's In set them off many hour« nee,i to run from a email f<re and "Let Tour Light Shim' will be handling with an aga,'ies:uvi: Mrs. Sandy Koplik, Mrs. Alfred hit brother, Leonard, an unllcented the theme of the pattor't sermon ing punch, plui good defensive ball. gran r a f t e r t h f y h a v e l i r e n l ' ' f t i n t l i e i i . i r - let it. deitrov a building or yotir ^ Chairman of the event ,, was Mils „ j |.jf(> t l 1 l l f > r H f i l m Saxon, Mrt. Leuit Harvey, Mn. driver, ts ope rat t the motorcycle at ta« evening eervlce at T O . Orh o r i i n t l e i - w a i n; • .• T h e m o s •' t l i k e l•• y i h o m e w h e n 1 *m i n u t e s ' w o r k will The hive Signalettea for the.almoit P»»t| Annabel Ewlngtim nf Matawtn, atM. L. Sandtlburn, Mrt. Htrhart beta practicing gan mutle will Include "Cantilena' month t u c - i n * o f .'itt.-UK, h i v . \ e v r i , m h y s i r . I C . 1 D i^ sifted by Mrs. Martin Boeak and To Hear A. J. S hi, It Kanner, Mra. Norman Brager, Mrs. by Pierre, "In the Twilight" by daily and will have a tiller team Mr*. Julius Selinger, both of MatH—W III enrmy lM.mhrr« he able to " «>-W1ial If An natta? Daa* It H. L. Brager, Mrs. 8*1 Pftfftr, Mn. KeBtwburg "Uft That Iron Curtain" will he get part nur Agtitcr defense*? Harker, and "Procaaaional" by Ba than laat teason, plus three holdShot Dow* Before It Oroot Ita Lto Ketiler, Mra. Monroe Corn, th* luhjcct Of a talk by Albert tiate. The aenior chair will aing oven. They are Betty Berry and The W.8.CJ. er the Methodist A If the enemy prc.«.«cs a skillful Mrt, J. M. Sttrn, Mrt, J, W. Kehn- church met Monday. Mn. Raymond "Blesa the Lord, O My Soul" J. Schlck, chartered life undeiwrii- attack with x^iKor ami deterrnlni- Atomic sVmh* Won't II Rtflaia Paula Wade, forwards, along with Three Women Hurt ttamm, Mra. Frieda Levey, Mn. Stryktr ltd th* devotion* and her Ipolitoff-Ivanoff. er, before the Monmouth County t i n n , i! i.«. altiio.i'. c e r t a i n U I H I MitliC mien It Cratlaaa? Guard Mary Jones A-Not neceaatnly. That <u*lJerome Bitenberg. Mrt. David Lin- topic wat "Making What We Have Life Underwriters' association to- a i r c r a f t , w i l l Ret t n t h . » i r t a r g e t t o Sunday-achool, including men's In Middletunn (rath tlon Is difficult to answer becausi den, Mr*. L*uli Mend, Mra. Sara- Count," A gift ef %» waa made morrow at th* Molly Pitchtr hotel. thrir aton^ie. »n many f*et»r* Influence the titttl Bergtr, Mrs. Mas Karp, Mn, to the church. The mtmbera are and women'a clataci, will meet at Chairmen Named for MIDDLETOWN-Thie* putenTh* speaker it on the faculty «J-Won t lladar He ANe In l * t ChartM Coaaovey, Mn. 8. M. Krln- preparing for their Chriatma* t;tt a. at. Nuraery ia conducted gens suffered minor Injuries in a of Set on Hall and Rutgers unl- U* know If Knessj.v Aireraft Are aiolion. All I can aay Ii that an at 11 a. at. during the church *erSandy Hook Bay Unit atomic homh la a very precise Inaky, Mra. Charlet Undau, Mrt, lar, and will tell neektiea and viee. The intermediate and youth ATLANTIC RIGHLA.NDS-Stndy rear-end collision between two cir* veraltlea and ha* served as an In- AHarklngr Sol Ruth, Mr*. Ruth Helta, Mn. yesterday afternoon on rt. 35 hue, structor In life Insurance »t the A—Not nlway.». Radar hlind strnmtnt and must he earefully tet hetort it can h« exploded. The. Ulllaa KepoowHt and Mra. Ann atatlonery at Its booth. A ttudy fellowthipa will meet at •:«* p. m Hook Bay auxiliary, American Le- near » section nf the highway un- latter th* past II years. The above group will b« a teparat* unit and The church board of education spot". Since it c m unly operate In answer I*, perhapt. Stein. will hold a food and cake dergoing widening construction. talk, originally delivered hy Mi. meetlngi will be held the fourth and Sunday-achool teacher* wil gion, ;t. .straight line, a low-flying aircraft sale Saturday morning in the lobby Treated and reloaded at River- "chick btfore the Hudson County can *onif.l.inirs e:-enpe detection. O - W r m t Moat reoat* Within Mn. Harry Madantky reported Monday of each month at the par meet Monday at t p. m. a Mil* af Ground b r a w Japan of the Atlantic theater. Mn. Marie Life Underwriters association, hai The annual Thanksgiving ev< Green was named chairman nf the viow hospital were, Mrs. Ella Coats, he*n published in several of the that a life membership ha* been tontge. They have choten aa their 'That's why .•iircraft spotters are Hilled* suffered an injury to her elgiven to Mr*. Norton Krongelb by theme, Latin America. Mrs. Norm* union service will be. held thlt year event, at an auxiliary meeting who j vitally nepiied tn supplement the A No. Tht homhing surveys ef leading insurance Journal". how, a passenger in a car driven her mother-in-law, Mrt. Anna Kroa. Stamford and Miw Almeda Payn- at the Methodist church Wcdneaday Monday. , 1".'1 c1:11• W H I H i n c n r t ^ o t U . tli* atomic hombingi of Hiroshima by Irving Coats of 209 Hudson ave., ter were ho«teMC». M.yor Edgar V. penlse of Fair j ^ l ^ u M n t W ^ T u m at a p. m. Rev. Mr. Williams will (tlb. Turn nil Our and Nagasaki state that M out of Mra. Dale Otto, chairman, named East Kranrburg, and Mra. Jnmes Haven, Red Bank district manager n M „ „ „ i n s tWe W P , ,„ Group 4 of the C.t.A. of the Meth- deliver a sermon. He will be astlitevery 100 people within on* mil* ef following committee chairmen: Lench of 21 East Front it., Kty- for the Prudential Insurance comadltt church held a luncheon for ed by Rev. Elmer T. Schick, oat> the the Hanger »f Her? grnutd aero lived la Hiroshima, Mra. Ann Halleran. Christmas parport, cuts over the right eye, and pany, will introduce the speaker. tor of the Presbyterian church, and the county Parent-Teacher associA No. Leave your pilot light and Nie rat In » u M out of (very Lyman Morris of Mattwan, Charlea F. Sh»w o f Allenhunt, ation at the church Wednesday Rev. Harry W. Kraft, paator o ty; Mrs. Marie Kelso, American- Mrs. alone. If neee.=jary, your local 100 at Nagstikl. And. ef eour'r. Mr. aad Mra. Elmtr Truax af of thla week Central Baptist chureh, whole con- ism; Mn. Jerry HiiaenlUa, child of the arms, ptisenger* In president nf the county association, utility company will turn off gas th*lr flimty heuiH affordid nothwelfare; Mrs. note Aron, constitu- an automobile driven hy Mrs. Kath- will preside. Church *t, Ktantburg, ar* parenta Ctpt. Jamea O'Neill of Beacon gregation will attend the aervice, tion ing like the protection et butMlngi thiough a master valve. and by-laws: Mra. Harry erlne Emmons of Keyport. of a aea horn Friday at Monmouth Beaeh, The aenior choir af the Methodttt vittted hit mother, Mrt. Jot4—Will Food He Safe to Kal Af- in our grcit eltlet. 1 Mmorlat hosplttl. Murttte, hotpitality; Mrs, Lnulle. church will be heard during tht Mrs, Kmmons told police ahl was eph Stag" , over the week-end. He firnund Bunt? What About O'lUurh*. legislation; Mra. Green, diivitg east on th* highway when Marlboro Girl Seoul* Mr. art Mn. Eraatt Rayaer af had fceaa trantferr*d from Preague- aervlee. Water? membenhip; past president's par- the Coats vehicle came to an abrupt Plan for Investiture •road at., Shrewsbury, are parent! lilt, Me., to an air force bate on A—If notified 'your area la conlay and publicity, Mn. Ortndin J. halt at the aignal of a highway af a aM hara Saturday at River- Long Maud. METMOBBT MARLBORO — Marlboro Girl taminated, you must he especially Chapman; Mn. Ann Abrams and worker. Her ear rammtd the rear Highlands Chariot Pug* ef Highland blvd careful shout foodstuffs and water. Scout troop » made plan* for sn Mr, and Mn. Thomaa Lapse ef left laat wtak by hi* own plan* to Mra. Halleran, popples; Miss Mar- of the car ahead. Police Chief Earl Sunday-Khoal will meet at t;M ilyn O'Rourke, community service; Hoyer and Patrolman Meivin L**k investiture of new .Scouts at aDo not eat any food that has been Ctnttr avr, Keantsurg, art par* apend th* winter with hi* mother, MIDDLETOWN VILLAOt-tleata of a aea bora lait Thursday Mr*, Annl* Pugh, of Miami, Fla. a, m. Mra. Murtha, radio; Mrs. Jane inveMigated for township pollet. melting last week at the .Ire house. left exposed. Food In ncaled and Rev. Roger W. Kuech*, paator, Oaffty and Mrs. Halleran, Oirl The injured were taken to (he hos- Mrs. Emily Tuveson, leader, and tightly covered contajnet* Is safe, ther Noreroat of thi* pile* la in fair at Maamouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mra. William Place of Patricia Tuveson and Dorothy Neihut the package should he thorcondition thi* morning at Monwill deliver a ttrmon, "The Groat Mr. a r t Mn. Raymond Kalehtl Miss Jean Ruddy, juniors; pital by the Fair View flrit aid beilien, senior aide*, were in York city, apent the week-end eat Power," at the morning wor- State; oughly washed. You will he noti- mouth Memorial hoapital, whtrt gqund, al Perrttt av*., Keanthurg, ait New Mn. Abrimt, program; Mrs. Doreharg*. fied by CD authorities whether she i« being treated for a fractured partat* of a aon born lait Thurs- and Monday at thiir home on Pine- ship ttrvlee at U o'clock. othy Mandia, Induction center, and Allten Mulligan reMvM * nee- water Is safe to drink. right leg. shock and poaaibl* head Tht patter again will tpeak at Mitt ORourhe, Pun American day at Monmouth MtflMrlal hoi- view ave. TIM»III|IMIII for Treasurer Mn. Ethel Davit entertained the Hlscraft badge, and Carol Holland the evening worth I p servlee at M-Hhal AIHMII t.tanialliiit? Ha* injury suffered late last night when pit*!. member* et the J U T . club at her 7:30. Title of hit termon will bt study. gat a hostess badge. Eileen Jursa she waa ttruek by a e.*r driven Nrw .Irrncy I'lannerl For Thla? Mr. and Mr*. Andrtw Patty ef home recently. There were 1: It OK'd hy Haikell and Susan Jones worked nn reA -There «il! be no mass evacu- northwest on rt. M ky Bernard KiLakeaJda ave., Rumson, are parents member* present. Th* girl* hive "God'i Craftsmanship." Boehni Honored hostess ation of American cities in cape nf t!»t of M Shor* blvd., Keanaburg. SKA GI ft T — Assemblyman quirement* for their The Eplatle te the Hebrew* wil •f a ion born lait Thuriday at planned a ChrUtmaa party tor Merrill H. Thompson lait night baijges. Ailem Halligan taught the attack. You must accept that fact. Kitiat told polie* he aaw th* he the (uViject of the piayir and By Borden Company Manmouth Msmorlal hoapital. their next meeting. troop a new game, called Actions. moved *. step closer to being counBible ttudy aervlee at T:SO p. m. tain priority groups -agert and woman atandmg In (he middle of Mr. and Mn. John Calamart ef LEONARDO — Ernest Boehm, ty treasurer, a fwst for which he Refreshments were served *t. the C'e TheladlM' auxiliary of th* Firtt Wednesday, Thanksgiving breakthe highway with a car approachcrippled, pregnant women, women Twelfth it., Keanlburg, a n parent! Aid Kjuad, held ita meeting Mon Highland av*., was honored for 40 destined when he steps down conclusion of th* meeting, which with, pte-jc.hoot youngsters and fh» Ins from th* oppoait* direction. of a daughter born Monday at MOB- day, Nov. 12. Plan* were mad* for fast and worahlp will be held ytara' aetvice with the Borden com- seems marked the troop's third birthday. the first of the year to let ShrewsThurtday at B o'clock. like —will ho evacuated at their own When the saw th* car In tht other mouth Memorial hosplul. pany last night at a btnquetjn the bury'a Mayor Alfred K. Beadleston two Chrlitmaa partlei. A chilrequest. Otherwise, only the in- lane, Klxiat said, ah* ttepptd hack Mr. and Mrt. Herbert Loag ef dren's party will be held Sunday, Hotel Blltmore, New York city. auccecd him. jured and homeless will be moved Into his Ian*, right In front of hit Clark av*., Union Beach, art par* Dec. », for the member*1 children, Ntvetlnk Mr. Boihm la employed in Bor- Frequently rumored as tke O. O. 600 Parents Visit out of a bombed city eat* af a daughter bora Moaday and a huibanda' party will be held Rtv. Roger W. Kutehe, paator, den'* print and stationery division. P. steering committee's choice for Mechanic St. School Capt. William H i and PatrolQ-VVon't M»nv People Jam at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Saturday, Dee. a. will daliver a aermon, "The Great' Mr. Boehm was one of 24 long- the $5,000 a year patronage job, Mr. Mori than 400 parents, together Road* and Highway* and Try (A man William Schanck Investigated Mr. and Mn. Lawrence Taylor eit Power," at th* morning woraerviee employees to receive speHerman Colodln has returned Thompson wns introduced by Flee a City Which lias Hira Atom I for town.hip police. Th* r»lr View of Crawford'a rd., Holmdel, ar* from a vacation in Phoenix, Aril. ship tervlce at M S a. m. cial tribute at the Quarter Century Amory I.. Hnskell, toastmaater at with their children, attended the - -llmt aid *<iu»d took tha Injured parent* of a ton born Sunday at Arthur and Fred Schaarf, John A combined Thankagiving break' club meeting of Borden'* national the $5« m plate victory dinner, at annual go-to-tehool night meeting Bombedof th* Mechanic Street ParentA — Undoubtedly — snd unfor- ] woman to the hospital, Monmouth Memorial hotpltal. Sehaab, Jamet Papa and Frank fast and worahlp aervice will bt executive onVe* staff. All received the man "about to be your next Teacher association last night. The tunatoly-many people will prob- ' Mr. and Mn. Jerome Silvtr ef Orenger, who alto have been va- held Thurtday at T o'clock. diamond-set gold pint from Theo- county treasurer." Mr. Haikell la- program waa held in observance ably attempt to take such action, i Shadowbrook rd., Shrewibury, art cationing In Ariaona with Mr. dore O. Montague, president of the ter Indicated that Rumaon'e Jam** of American Education week, and It will not be allowed, and hesvlly- Veterann Auxiliary ST. OBOBOaTH BY THE BIVBB parent! of a daughter born Sunday Colodin, will return home Sunday. company. Of the group, 1» were. C. Auchlnclosa would be, *ndora«d prior to the hutinesa session open manned roadblocks will keep ve-; Entertains Children EFIBCOrAl. at Monmouth Memorial hospital. honored for 85 y*ara' aervle*. Mr. to run for re-election to Congress house wat held In the school's 14 hides off the highways Mr*. William Orelg of Forest ave, and main | Rumton ' Mr. and Mrt. Harold Romin o Boehm waa one of nine honored in next November's election. Mr. clatset, celebrated her birthday Monday „ .„ .„ -. .... FAUMINODALB - Member! of ines of fomniunicntitin". We A aervlee of Holy Communion for 40 yeara' *ervlet. .Second ft.. Keyport, ar* parents with her family. H.iskell is chairman of the county'* A speelal exhibit, arrsnged by will be held Sunday at S a. m. keep certain main loads open for ! the Catholie War Veterans au.xillof a aon born Saturday at Mo«. Republican F l n a n c i committee, Mrt. Frank Hurley and Mrt. Jo- emerReney tran?porta.tior., and we ary of St. Jam** peat wer* holtThe Lady Jean MaeCorquodale Church achool will meet at I:*) Auxiliary Start* mouth Memorial hoapital. which arranged the fund-raising aeph Welnatein, marked Children's ! will keep them open under any con esses Sunday at a pre-ThanksgivMr. and Mra. Jamea Wild* el lodge met Monday evening and In- and 11 a. m. atallatlon of ofllcera was held. Th event. Book Week. Mrs. John Hammond i ditions. In an attacked city, no In? party for the nursery group A atrvlee of morning praytr Fund Railing Project Winneld dr., Little Silver, are pargrand deputy, Mrt. Jean Blyth, o gave a report of the fall conference | vehicle movement of sny kind e.x- of children at the Farmingdalt prtwith a aermon by th* rector, Rev. cat* of a daughter bora Sunday at the Lady Cameron lodge, Trenton, Memben of the auxiliary of the of the Monmouth County Council nf cept that authorized hy the lo"al eventorium. George A. Robertahaw, will ba held Rlvervlew hospital. Workers Give I30O Thirty children attend(1 t n a waa laataller. Guest* were present National Ftdiratlon of Poatofflce r* r t l' a n ( 1 ttLCti o n e received Parent* and Teachera held yester- j civil defence director will al at 11 a. m. Music will Include "LeMr. and Mrs. Auguatua Bailey of from th* varloua aurroundlng day at Keantburg. Mra. Hyman Po- lowed. Holmdel rd., Hatlet, are parents lodget. Children from the MacLev: gende" and "Venlte," prelude; "A* Clerk* ara tailing ehafee In aTo Building Fund Mrs. Vincent Arnont, past presiclub to be dlapoied of In DeQ—If a Porwin llaa Reason t o of a daughter born Sunday a ttudio in Red Bank entertained. Wavtt of a Storm-Swept Ocean," 60-80 MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE - lin gave a report of the state P.T. Believe offertory; "God Be In My Head." cember. They will alto start their Mlddletown-Holmdet II.- | | H * lUilliMirtlve Par- dent, was chairman, assisted by A. convention. Rtvervicw hospital. auxiliary of On Tueaday, Nov. 20, Installation Melvin Rose. Mrs. Frank ArMr. end Mrs. Charlea V. Bell o will be held at the Helen Mac- choral ratnonte, and "Prelude in aeeond Merchandise cluh, Dec. 1. Monmouth Memorial hospital, at a Mn. Henry nitterman announced tides on Him, What Should He I)o? n•«';' Member* working on the 80-50 meeting yesterday at Mia Reform- that the annual bat/ir will he held A If there la renstm to believe n n i > . M r > - J o 5 r ' ) h Laurlno. Mrs. Tlnton ave., Eatontown, are par- Oregor lodge, New Brunswick. Mrs. D Major," poitlude. A will mike report* at a meetFeh. «, vm. your clothes have hern eontamin- *~™ Kochelle. Mrs. Robert Ciament* of a son born born Saturday Margaret Milne of Union Beaeh The vestry and associate vettry club, Ing Monday at th* home of the.ed church, voted tu send a check atcd, discard them as soon a., you i t i r o n » . Ml'«- J o h n Molian, Mrs. Euat Rlvervlew hospital. will be installer. This ja to be an will meet Monday night in th* auxiliary pr*tld*nt, Mrs. Jasper for $300 to tha hospital building can. If po.=.=ihie. ebeck with a « ' " • H"wsn. Mr«, Alfred Targon Mr. .and Mrs. Grandin K. Ham. open Installation and anyone desir- Clolstera. E, Townund Look will Sharabha. At the group's meeting, fund, They also purchased thrtt Tndcla Sail for Urncl radio-lojtieal monitoring station or s n ( 1 M r s - Alfred Relss. mell of Gut River rd., Rumson, ing to attend may eontact Mrt, be th* ipeaker. foam rubber sett of cushions for last week In the, Elks eluh rooms And Cnn«uUlf> Font ntcrllcal aid pu^t. Rut dnn't jet tha three wheel chairs they gave art parents of a ion born Sunday Milne. Buses will leave Union Tht (llrli' choir will mttt nest on Broad st., an attendance price hysterical, Mtny personnel hail ( ] | | n j p W i l l S i UK Mr. and Mrs. .lames Tnrld and ' hysterical. at Rlvervlew hospital. Reach ait T p, nr. and from Red Wednesday and the Boys' choir, waa awarded to Mra. William Hlnr- the hospital in the summer. . « • tomorrow. There will be no re- dsn. Refreshments were served Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns of -Dank at «'.3O p. m. Mr*. Earl Snyde.r, chairman of daughter Cynthia sailed Tuesday | radioactive particles nn them dur-' # H. .«.. MGuardia for 1 Ins the Bikini tr.-i--. and got rid nf ( r r r £ O r i t l l 1 .M||9IC hearaal on Thanksgiving day. Main it., Oceanport, are parents et by the hostesses, Mrs. Harold the gift shop at the hospital, rill- hoardw hthe The Daughter* of Scotia are r Mr Tod 1 1 thevn particle.* u-ithnut any ill efThe Thanksgiving day service a, daughter born Monday at Monp!»yd «. large collection of items J"**' ' » ' ' ,'' aaslgned the request of the American p holding a rummage tale *H thin will he held at 10 a. m. Musical Mangarelll and Mrs. Rlordan. tn the consulate section of thofect* at all. Follow this procedure: ; O l At mouth Memorial hoapital, from th* shop, which auxiliary American embassy In Tel Aviv. at the Epltcopal church, Key- aelectlona will Include "Largo From •ii'nni'v" u " l.d o f .Organists, As Joon in the water supply is , - • _ • « members » . . ,ofn the .. Mr. and Mrs. Htnry Hiti ef Fal week, FINED AT SHREWSBURY members bought for Christmas Mrs, Todd, the former Miss Nur- aulhnrincd hy CD nfflclils an , i l f » ; « n l o r choir of _St. Anthony sCaththe New World" and "Venite," Havtn rd., Fair Haven, ara par port. 8 H R E W S B V R Y-Magistrate gifts. Proceeds from the shop go olic church will prtsmt a special Group 2 of the C.I.A. of the Methpralude; "Thou Vlaitett the Earth," enta of a daughter born Monday al Lane, Jr., fined two motor to the hospital, Members complet- ma Bllto, daughttr of Mr. and Mrs. j for use. take a hot shower or hath, program of Gregorian music In oditt church will hold a meeting offertory, and "Now Thank We All Merritt Monmouth Memorial hoapltal. vehicle violator* Monday in police ed 1,000 surgical dressings for the Joseph Brlto of 180 River St.. ac- i or a cold shower or bath if April. Plant far tht program were Tuetday at the home of Mrs. Grace Our God," poitlude. companied her husband to Kgypt ln>r units are not operating. Use Mr. and Mn. David Crawford court here. Patrick Munccigroato, operating room supply closet. announced by the choir director, In IMS, where they were stiilioneil pli'ii'.ly of soap, nnd .scrub hard. Harold Weber, at a reheintl lait MacLean of Wichita, Kan., former- Lund, Llnlon pi. Belleville, t u aliened 115 for fillCHRIST EPISCOPAL for six years. Their daughter iviu Pay particular HtU-ntinn t the hair | ly of Navcslnk River rd., Locust, Camp U, P.O. of A., Ii consoling to report an accident, and Rich- St. John's Church 1 1 Middletown Village born In Cairn. Returning here lant and beniath th- tin ye 1 n:nlp, Mepent. I night are parent* of a ton, Bruce Robert, idating with the Long Branch orard J. Amses, Bayonne, wns fined Following the concert, Apr. 11, They met Tutxday evening "Son* of God, Hairs of Eterna $10 on a careleaa driving chnrge. HohU Annual H»ll Call this two or ihire time.-*, and chances May, y Mr. Todd recently completed p born laat week at Wesley hoiplta der. 1952, members of the choir will bt the West Long Branch borough Life," will b* Rev. Andrew M. Van Paying Ones to the violations clerk gotten rid of any hosts at a social hour at St, Anlaw course In Washington, D. c., I »if you'll Wichita. The couple have: two other at hall. aermon subject at the 1 were Donald Keirstead, Ashury KEYPOHT — Rev, Dr. Justin g iiv e n b y t h e S t a t * d e p a r t m e n t . H e a n d a l l c o n t a m i n a t i o n o n y o u . C h e c k sons, Kenneth and Thomas; Mae- The women'a executive hoard Dyke't a.m. tervlc* Sunday. Pupils of th Part, »10, driving on th« wrong Vanderkolk, head of the Theologi- w i l l w o r k o n r l t i w n ' h i p m a t t e r s w i t h t h e r t d i n l n c l r . i l s t a t i o n a n y - thony'i hall. Lean. will m»*t Friday afternoon at th church school, at their IMIt a. m side of the road, and CMlmer Dut- cal department at th* New Bruns- concerning i Amtrirana. Ai Mr. and Mrs. Ottn Oattnfeld ol Rntevelt lew room. Little. Silver aeaaion, will make their ThanktrlvBRADFORD TO SPEAK N •J—MOM Tan I Tell Thr lltf/erencj' klewlca, Irvington, *10, Improper wick seminary, was guest speaker Frentsu ave,. Matawan. ire par Mr*. Catherine Compton and Mrs ing offering; of canned goods fo paaging. nt thn annual roll cull services of Bel»ten An Air, Mater nr f H a r m o n M. Bradford. Long rnts nf s son horn ytsttrdsy al Howard Ondyke, members of the Th» Evergreens, at thla time. Rt. Joseph'* Methodist chureh last Among the medical patient* at Hurst: Rranch superintendent of school!, Monmouth Memnrial hospital. bnnrri, attended from this place. Christ church will participate in Thursday afternoon and evening. rtlvervlew hospital this «T"U are A Ry Ih" '-loinl it creale>, The i will speak on the topic "Religion Mr. and Mra. Ernsst W. CopeMis* .Tune Andreach and Mrs, the community Thanksgiving aer- Barbara Pr. Vnndorkolk spoke, on theMl.'s Barbars. Worden, 112 H-nri- air hiust priKliii-cs Hir ch.inct'r- nnd Education" tomorrow night at Und of Orange ave., Fair Haven, Verlta Aalbue attended th* wed- vicei to be held Wednesday night, subject, "TlecovorinE Our Original aon ave, Pair Haven, and William IstU' muslunum cloud that attains 8:30 at Temple Beth Miriam, Long ara parent* of a daughter horn thli ding of Mil* Martha Mark of Poll Nov. 21, at the Reformed church, Ha« Birthday Parly Intention" at the afternoon session Brown, Naveslnk niver rd. Mid- a height from five to 12 mllca above Branch, The tpeaker will be Intromorning at Itlvervlew hospital. Monmouth to John Kelgher of J«r- Tht offering will he given for apeSHREWSBURY—Barbara Isaac and on "Resources for the Christ- dletown township. Surgical pa- thr curtli. This Ij a, swiftly-riling duced by Dr. Alexander Vlnaburg, ley City It Jersey City recently, elal CARE food package* for ihlp- daughttr of Mr, and Mn. H. J. Inn Life" at tho evening meeting, tients nt Rlvervlew Include, Mrs. column of white and multi-colored a mute* of Ttmple l t t h Miriam SENTENCED TO JAIL The couple ai« residing In Bayonne, ment to Europe. Iaaae of Obrt pi., observed her Organ recitals by Mrs. tfivangellne Edwin need, Sycamore t v e , New smoke, and. occurred during the ex- and a member of th* Long Branch Shrewsbury; Jo-Ann Malmone, 74 plosions nt Hiroshima nnd Naga- board of •ducatlon This will bt KETPORT-Abaalom Lewis of sixth birthday Tuuday at a party Mi'nnett preceded both services. Mr. nnd Mrs, John Hoioblnko an TARES OWN LIFE First st. waa sentenced to 60 days aon Jack ar* visiting Mr, Holo Her guttU were Susan Tlshmnn Mrs. Victor Kredda of Matawan North Sunnycrest dr., Little Silver; saki, The water burst produces the first In a terles of monthly disdrover T. Keaton, 78 Manning pi, tln> familiar (jlnnt waterspout and cussions to be held at the tempi* In county Jn.ll by Magistrate Her* blnko'a parentt In Madera, Pa., thli AVON — Richard L. Johnson, 44, Lee Matone, Susan Covlco, Carol was (innst soloist In Ihe afternoon. bart Rothenberg yesterday whin he week. 15 Oarfttld ave., a laleaman for Slderman, Jane Maslow, Amelia She was nciompnnled by Mrs, A. Kranshuig; Chnrles H. Frlcdrlch, caulltUnvrr column ms.ny of you on religious education, was charged with panhandling, The W o t Keantburg Tlie Co. Seara Roebuck at thtlr store Ii Plmplnell.i, John PIPerrI, Jr., nnd A. Kanke also of .Matnwnn. Cyrus Hope ril., Shiewflluiry; Mr«. Oml- hnvc sern in plii-tojitaplis. A ground Emit Stnrker, Monmouth hotel n will hold its children'* ChrlitmM Aabury Park, ahnt, and killer) him- ,lnhn l h Bhsip, Bh l R b 'paternal t l nnm, n M l sang a m\n \ andd h The American Federation of I*,lr Rai'hara's Mnxlst then I ley llaidlns. 1H ."I. Jnlni's pi. or ne,-ii..«ui e s p i o s i o n will proflrnsd st., wss fined 120 nn a dli party Dae, 22, Joseph Phillip* 1 self with a 22. calibre rifle yetterday grandmother, Mr*. Abraham lease 'n Hurt .it the evening tcrvlct with Ketntbiirg. and Miss Catherine. duce great, d i r k , low-hnnelnc hnr « M nrganlstd in Pittsburgh orderly person chargt, ehalrmin. •4 alt homi. Nov. 19, 1111. of EltMbeth, waa also a guett. Mn. William Btrnei, Pryor, IT, Willow it., Fair Haven, cloudi, In Head-On Crash New CiffShop To Open Here ,. liiimii. CHURCH NEWS COUNTYJIRTHS Woman Hit by Car; Has Broken Leg • . » t I "• „ * 4 t Name Committees For 'Army9 Drive At Mmrimt H S. Shepuard. Mrs. J. F. aaaouaceo1 ta« follonmj chairaua C. PeUlle, N n . J. Straus, Mr*. U. Mrs. John Sveele, Mrs. Evas Rut' a a l caats*iUe*aua lor the 1M1 Sal- WeUbackwr, Georte Lovett, Mrs. New Murder Jury Motion Denied caiT»« k i * MaMajimaaj ia • * * * • • • • f tkla r««r. Tk« aawaa iatattructi** la iafantry taetica, weaa*aa aa< teasterahis. ton and Mri. Clinton Thoaipeoa. vation Army drive: Fair Haven. Vinceat teviero, Mr*. Jeaa WarCol. C. R. Ha if chairman. Mr. and ren. Mr*. Norman Gritla. Mr*. H. lira. William Barrett. Mrs. H. E. T. Lawley, Mrs. Arthur Go«f, Vir- KMsMiry MuJv Group) Battertby, Mr>. E. Baumann. Mrs. jginia Bailey. Mrs. Fraak Warner, HWu at Pareoaafe rHEEHOLD-Objectioas by *•Mra. William RoMvell, Mrs. Paul feaa* attorneys ia th* Jeremiah Edward J. Macklin chairman of Francis ifcrtrath. Mrs. l*Ruy so- jDie!i. Mm. Schroeder, Mrs. Marfield. Mrs. R. Dilione. Mr*. Roy I LITTLE SILVERThe Dcihaaea asurder trial war* upthe steering committee for the 1»»1! shall Booker. Dr. C. Malcom Oillheld yesterday by County Judge Salvation Army Maintenance earn- j Rosenberg. Mrs. Waiter Hansm. !i man. Mrs. Miltenbeiger. Mm, Hen- arv study group of Embury MethO«*4 Nei(kk«r tuaday will ba J*ha C. Giordano when he depaisn. announced this week the | Mrs. Philip B. Coan. Mrs. lloURlas |! ry Wirkman. Mic. Ricf, Mrs. Tim- odist church was entertained Tues•b**rv«4 at tk« 11 a. at. service tt nied Assistant Prosecutor Charles following cuttiniiueeme n eoliciting : Clark. Mrs. Robert Ban-, Mrs. John ! olat, Jr., Mr». Timolat, Sr., Mrs. day night in tho pjrsonage, with tk* Had Baak Baati«t church. The franker* request ~ for a special donittons in the business arcs of! Coitello. Mrs. Peter J. Ei'helc, Mrs. Holbrook Smith. Mrs. Kngclberg, Mi«. W. Mai.ihall as hostess. aastor, Rev. W. Cliatsa Powers, jury. Red Bank: Ralph Allen. Beverly i William Frank. Mrs. Harry <Jir- j1! Mix Alfred Mathiason. i l l s . Don- Mrs. Alice Thorne is loader of the will deliver a atraioa • • the aubAnderson. Hork Angle. Jack Bow- jquist, Mrs. George Harm. Mrs. Wil- ald Hubb»rd and Mrs. G. Patttrson. group, which is studying- l^atiaThree teen agen ar* accused of Jact, "Our O**4 N«i«hbor Felicy" Amei ica. *r*. Charles Bruno. Robert Burn- ham Jones. Mrs. Henry Kilian. Mrs. beating Delhtfen. They are Mm. Karl Andersen is chairman Robert Noyes. Mrs. J. J. Regan, VallawiBg to* *ervie.«, members fatally Present were Mr*. Noel Nils»a, side. Edward Carroll. Harry CompJohn VasMrich, It, of Ocean for Shrewsbury. Her committee inat tk« kamr4 *f trustees will take Grave,L.George ton. Ray DeRidder. Ceorge Emery, Mrs. William Russell, Jr., Mrs. Jo-: elude.i Mrs. Philip Andrew*, Mrs. Mrs. William Asman. Mrs. Jerry Eugene Brown, 18, church aacaihar* *ad friaad* George S. Erickson. Mm. Hubert seph Srhercr. Mrs. Everett Smith. ; Rudolf Bai'K, Mrs. John Bell. Mrs. Kenyon. Mis. Edward Well*. Mrs. thrxtan tha a*w caucatlaaal buiU- af Aibury Park, aad Robert U Wcader. Mrs. Williaaa Farrow. Sr.. Harold A. Hendrirk- Mrs. Otto Stark. Mrs. Stanton i J. E Benlley. Mia. Clarence Berger, Richard ia(. tVutaas waai hav* assume*] Berry of Arlington. They are t« son. Jof Holiday, Jules Huber. Mrs, Whiting. Mrs. R. W. Francis. Mrs. Mri. C. 1. BrasrAeld, Mm. Bruce Skidmore, Mr;. Nril Smith, Mil. rasaoaaibility far tha « e * addition be tried Monday, Nov 3», for the Marie Hahn. James Humphries. Arthur Whitemore. Mr. and Mrs. ' Campbell, Mrs. K W. Carroll. Ed- Walter Morris. Mr*. Jennie Burnett, (r*at tk* a*w buildiay catnnittee robbcry-alayinf af Mr. Dclhagen Councilman Harold Hurley. Paul Charles Schmidt, Mrs. Ross Lyons. «-in Conover. Virginia Conover, Mrs. Johan Srnit, Mrs. Harrison ar* BHwoad D. Powers, chairman; Auf. 1» in Ocean township. Joy. Max Klarin, Sanrae! Lihovsky, Mrs. C, Cerreta. Mrs. William Ka- Mrs. A. J. nalton. Mm. N. E. Dea- Shampanore, Mrs. Willism Sawyer, Ia asking- for a special jury, Warrea a*Br*wa, secretary; Keat Ralph I.ippiiKot!. Albert MeCloy, cen, Mr?, William Burling. Mrs. | oon. Mrs. William OeVries. Miss Mrs. Lindaay an<t Mrs. Heraun Ciuhaaaa, tr*t*ur*r; Albert Lath- rraakel said th* state has been Harold Perry. M?N Pokus, J i m t i \ William Scott, Mrs. Albert Addis, j Kernadftte Emaions, Mis« Bessie fritache. iiaabla In Moamauth csunty to aar, Elawr Cattrall, Glean Brucr, Rhode.". Wi.liam Salladin. Sandy Mr. and Mr«. Joseph Hunler. Mrs. | Green. Mr*. R. OriMIn, Mrs. Wil•i<aay Dull, l**t*r C.oks and s*at a jury willing to return a Sandcrj. Victor Sat'.er. Mike Paul Smith. Mrs. Tony Hunting, ; <iam Hjigermtn, Mrt. David Hil•MM, caavietioa for asurder which calls T S M I I Wilaaa. Schnridermin. Morvis Strum, Min- Miss M Planim, Mrs. E. O. Walden. Hard, Mr*. Hnwari Isaac, Mrs. Na•ELFORD — The Parcat-T«Mker McCall Taylor, John Warrm snd Mrs E. F. Younger and Mrs. Ceorge j than Iselia, Mr*. Harold Kin(, John Fuailt *>| th* Iun4ay-*cko*l hav* far etalUt aunishaunt. Not since •r association here will hold a cake Rober; Worden. Mr. Macklin is Kirk. »•«• iaviUa* ta brine their nei«K- 111* has a pertoa convicted] here ; Kling, Mrs. I. Kuhnt. Miss Edna Ml* tomorrow at 1 •• m. at tha one of four captain*. The others • * • ta ttiaaay-aehaol *a thU day af nurder be«a teat to th* electric Mn. George T. l.intnn i> chair- Mapp», David Marx. Mrs. Fred Mcs- grammar school. The sale will kc U*ut. Charl** R. Maul*, Jr., *f chair. ar* Edward H. Conway. Ralph H. man of Red Bank residential area 1 nina, Mrs. Richard Nevius, lira. B. tor thair servie*. continued at 10 a. m. Saturday at (ha haiie school at tha Maria* Tti* d*f*ns* attorneys are EdBelUnap and rtiy E. Taylor. No. 3. Her committee comprises \ Orr, Mrs. Matthew P»te, Mrs. Charlie's Sweet (hop. Mr*. Mark Carp* base, QuMtiea, Va. h tratu* •V«M • « ! • ! I* ratters sMstilt Tkl ward r. Juska. William J. O'Hagaa Colonrl I.loyd B. MapruAer en- Mrs Stanley Brown, Mrs. William Arthur Ross, Herbert Scnild, Mr* Green is chairman. •tUavu* *v*, Runuoa, U attajMUac t««i«ur CI*Mi**4 Ada."—Adnrtiwsust aM Robert MeCurri*. la • dlfordinalor [or horuugh. and aroas Bennett, Mrs. S a m Norman, Mrs. Chunk to Olxcrrc HAM GaMlavc ATLANTIC HIGHLANM — Osjt. tav* Husenitta, iatmediat* aaat commander of Sandy Meek Bay post of the American Ugisw, will be guest of honor at a dinaer Wednesday, Nov. U, at U g Cabia inn. Mayor Weldren P. talth fta« William I. Klataky of Si ritaer »1, Red Bank, county Ugl«a eee»mander, will be aanoM the eaocUl guest* at the p u t coajBiaadcr* dinaer. Councilmas Harry B. Mur. tba, poet cosasaaader, I* chairaMa) of the dinner cesaaiitte*. MEXICORN AROUNP THiSE \MLW$ n fereat saotioa, tkejr were ft«M ajar* s»laal— ta tiaaaia*) a wretch *m» which Dclhe«et> waa aaatea, re> part* of aaadical aad aaychiatri* exaasinatiea*, aad the autopsy re•ort. They were deaicd p»r»B'»siea t* inspect alleged ceafcatieat of toe throe boys. Judge Oierdaaa eac* agaia criticiaed the jury cesaaiaaioa (M having the same aaatet oa the IX» and 1*81 (truck panel Jury. H* said Mr. Frankel'a remark* are a atreng condemaatiea of the fury system ia toe cotiatjr. eoeMD MHNUSS t •ONCUSS Our low price* and high qualily eembim! to make your moat elaborate ateal a pleaMire to WMOU COUIMINN CHICKEN PtIN Of IOUTH JWUT CRANBERRY SMNE PUMPKIN a. * FIGS FIGS BUT IN MIATI OAIIUN« 33* 39* 23* 39* 55* 55* 55* 23* 49* OLIVIS OLIVIS OLIVES PLUM PLUM Itedcem Your Proeler ft Gamble Coupon* Hera unu HYGRAOE PURE PORK lkittfJOY WALNUTS ALMONDS MIXED PECANS PEANUTS II WITH COUfON ASPARAGUS HYGRADE PURE PORK UNK 2 C 47# Oft With COMBO* DATES Ktt*. DATES DATES Slit u. •mm TIU s y WltaCe«ae« Whea Van B MINCE MEAT FRUIT CAKE PEACHES PROZIN POODS Cemey far FLAGSTAFF CHIFFON NAMSeO • 2 LI. TIN • • M t a or FLAKES APRICOTS NEBRASKA BRAND 2^39* IIM««M GOLDEN BEAR %Af I | J B • CAUPOINIA ff E RPI E 20% by volumt beHU*J In California WINE A M B DRY 1009b CAL IMPORTID HOLUND VAN UH0T CHERRY BUCKKMY WINE 1 00 :«% bt Volume 3-5 • • • • 1.95 IUMUNPY ZINFANDU IARIARONI - _ CHIANTI • • "" ^ NAT! KAMA FKBMENTEO IN TIIIO HOTTI.K . •Ql* • PALI DRY SHIRRY 1.590.99 • • • • PORT • SHIRRY J. MUSCATU Halt Cal. -f,. DAVIDSON'S BUNDED WHISKEY COMSTOCK APPLE BRANDY .55 ruth BEER WHISKEY .49 3 tilth DAVIDSON'S PALE DRY . SPARKLING BURGUNDY V +0 COMSTOCK DROI BOTTLED IK BONO IN *BOOF, I YBAM HINCH 9 ruth •MM CASK KENTVCr 340- 4 29 79 2 Ftftt CASI Of 24 NO DEPOSITS , 2 AIOVI ITIMS IXCLUSIVI WITH DAVIDSON IROS. STEINIES 99 Urfa Rotldt 6L Vegetables Fancy Hard Ripe OIANOES TOMATOES U. S. 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