DRAGANFLY MOTORCYCLES THE OLD TOWN MALTINGS BROAD STREET BUNGAY NR35 1EE UNITED KINGDOM Telephone +44(0)1986 894 798 or 892 826 Facsimile +44(0)1986 894 799 e-mail [email protected] www.draganfly.co.uk Opening times Monday to Friday 9:30 to 5:00 Use this space to record your machine details etc. Customer number Model Year Engine number Frame number Gearbox number INDEX SECTION NO. Accessories Air filter Alternator Battery carrier Barrel etc Big end assembly Bolts and nuts Brake pedal, rod etc Brakes Cables, not speedometer Camshafts and followers Carburettor Catalogues Centre stand Chains and chainguards Clutch Crankcase and fittings Crankshaft assembly Cylinder barrel Cylinder head and fittings Cylinder liners Dual seats Dynamo Electrical- Charging Electrical- Ignition Electrical- Lighting Electrical- Switches Electrical-Wiring Engine Plates & tie bolts Exhaust system 41 39 40 A 34 5 10 42/3 29 21 37 14 39 2 18 31 20 12 10 5 5 13 35 40 A 40 A 40 B 40 C 40 D 40 D 17 33 SECTION NO. Fastenings, standard 42 Footrests 29 Forks 23 Frame fittings 25 & 26 Gaskets, loose 4 Gasket sets 3 Gearbox 19 Girder fork 23 Handlebars and controls 36 Head steady 5 Horns 40 D HT coils etc 40 B Lighting equipment 40 C Liners 13 Magneto 40 B Main bearings (crank) 12 Manuals 2 Mudguard, front 24 Mudguard, rear 30 Nuts and Bolts 42/3 Oil feed pipes, rocker box 9 Oil feed pipes, engine 32 Oil pressure regulator 16 Oil pump 16 Oil tank and oil 32 Owners guides 2 Paint equivalents 41 Panniers 30 Parts books 2 Petrol tank and fittings 27 SECTION NO. Pistons and rings Pivoted rear fork Plunger suspension Primary chaincase Rear stand Rocker box and fittings Saddles Service sheets Shock absorber (engine) Shock absorbers Side panels Silencers Speedometers cables Stands Swinging arm Switches Tank, petrol Tank, oil Telescopic fork Timing case fittings Timing gear Tools and toolboxes Transfers Tyres Valve springs Valves and guides Washers Wheels Wiring looms Workshop manuals 13 26 25 31 18 9 35 2 11 26 38 33 28 18 26 40 D 27 32 23 15 14 38 41 22 7 6 42 21 40 D 2 The drawing on the cover was skilfully drawn by Nick Ward, commissions, post cards etc. 01493 393 570 • Note that not all listed parts are available, check the price list for current availability. • Similarly not all parts that are available are listed, please ask for anything you need. If we do not have the part your enquiry may encourage us to may it. • Most of the drawings in this catalogue show typical parts, the parts actually fitted to your machine may well look different. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS CATALOGUE A A7 A7SS A7ST A10 A10SF A10RR A10SR A10Spit A10RGS All ‘A’ Group Just A7 A7 Shooting Star 1954-62 A7 Star Twin 1949-54 A10 Golden Flash 1950-63 A10 Super Flash 1953-54 A10 Road Rocket 1955-57 A10 Super rocket 1958-63 A10 Spitfire Scrambler 1959-63 Rocket Gold Star 1962-63 B C M Rig Plun S’arm Tel Gir L/H R/H All ‘B’ Group All ‘C’ Group All ‘M’ Group Rigid Frame Plunger Frame Swinging arm frame Telescopic Fork Girder Fork Left Hand Right hand MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If you are unsatisfied with any part that we supply for any reason simply return it for credit. You do not even have to give a reason but we would prefer to have one so that if there is a problem we can rectify our remaining stock. We are committed to supplying high quality parts but occasionally faulty or incorrect parts slip through. With the wide range of items stocked it is just not possible to check them all. FAST DELIVERY. Most orders are now despatched within 24 hours by 1st class letter, 24hr Parcel Force or air mail. WHY WE NEED ENGINE, FRAME AND GEARBOX NUMBERS We need to know the year of manufacture, not the year of registration, in order to supply the correct parts. This we can ascertain from our engine and frame number list. The engine number will be found stamped on the crankcase just below the cylinder. The position of the frame number varies but is usually around the headstock area; however on the C10/11 models it is to be found at the bottom of the front down tube and on unit A models it is on a lug at the bottom of the engine. PER The figure in the column headed ‘PER’ indicates the quantity of that component used on one motorcycle. It is NOT the quantity that you will receive if you order one of that component, you will receive ONE. PART NUMBERS Throughout this list BSA part numbers have been used. This of course does not imply that the parts offered for sale are of original manufacture although some are. The parts are arranged under section headings, approximating as closely as possible to the headings used in the factory parts books, copies of these invaluable publications are available from us, see section 2. 2 LITERATURE There is no VAT on books. PARTS BOOKS are probably the most useful book to have. Every year BSA issued a parts book that covered all the models for that year up until 1952. In about 1950 they began to issue parts books for each model group that covered several years in one book. These books covered more and more years until there were too many changes to be contained in one book and a new book was started. The problem for restorers wishing to return their machine to 'as built' specification is that parts fitted to later years are, where suitable, listed for earlier machines with no mention of the earlier part. For example a cast widget may be fitted in 1950 but in 1951 it was changed to a sheet metal one and because they both do the same job the 1949 to 1953 parts book only shows the sheet metal one for all years. A 1949 to 1953 parts book may be taken to be correct for a 1953 model but may well be quite inaccurate for a 1949 model. In the multiple year parts books if a year is given after the description of the part, this usually means up to or from that year and you will need to check the other descriptions, and read between the lines! BSA in common with other manufacturers began the model year in the previous August and some of the parts book dates refer to the year of manufacture not the model year. We have tried to correct this anomaly in the list below. If you are unsure of the year of your BSA we can check your engine and frame numbers against our lists. 2 LITERATURE, CONTINUED OWNERS GUIDES were supplied with the machine when new and cover controls, minor servicing and even how to ride the motorcycle! SERVICE SHEETS were the closest that BSA came to issuing a manual for pre-unit machines. Each sheet covered a different aspect of maintenance, overhaul or information; sometimes for just one model but sometimes for the whole range. Our reprints contain all the relevant sheets for a particular model group but many of the sheets are in more than one collection. The complete set of service sheets is a large loose-leaf book; if you are interested in obtaining a complete set please enquire. HAYNES MANUALS are well known and are pretty good, their main drawback being that the actual example that they use in order to write the book is very well covered but variants somewhat less so. ROY BACON BOOKS are also well known; they contain a wealth of information and are particularly useful for the enormous number of pictures both from contemporary sources and later detail photographs making them very useful for the restorer. The restoration guides give a lot of detail on how to restore and on yearly changes. The other books are arranged chronologically and cover the history of the various model groups. Many other parts books, owners’ guides and manuals are available back to 1914, in fact about another 150 items in addition to those listed below, all high quality and complete reproductions, please enquire. DESCRIPTION YEARS MODELS PART NUMBER COVERING ALL MODELS (1930-52) These parts books have many pages and in order to reduce the cost the pages covering dealers, GPO and AA special parts, sidecars and the numerical index have been omitted. We can supply these if required. Motor Cycling Electrical Manual (reprint) All WM63ELEC Lucas maintenance book 1936-62 All WMLUCAS 1930-36 Owners guide All 00-8010 1936 Parts book, 178 pages All 00-5021 Parts book, 90 pages 1938 All 00-5015 1939 Parts book, 114 pages All 00-5016 Parts book, 55 pages 1940 All 00-5017 Parts book, 41 pages 1946 All 00-5018 Parts book, 100 pages 1947 All 00-5019 Parts book, 96 pages 1948 All 00-5020 1949 Parts book, 100 pages All 00-5022 1950 Parts book, supplement, 107 pages All 00-5023 Parts book, 146 pages 1951-52 All 00-5014 A GROUP 1950-72 Parts book (not long stroke A7, see ‘all models’ above) 1950-53 Parts book (better than 00-5003 for these years) 1954-55 Parts book 1954-57 Parts book 1958-59 Parts book 1960-62 Service sheets, improved version, with index, 182 pages 1947-63 Owners Guide 1947-50 Owners Guide, plunger models but covers S’arm suspension 1950-54 Owners guide 1957-58 Owners guide 1958-62 Owners guide 1960-62 Gold Portfolio – reprint of assorted period road test and articles 1947-62 Haynes workshop manual 1947-62 BSA Twins Restoration Guide by Roy Bacon, all A7/10 & A50/65 models BSA Twins & Triples by Roy Bacon, hardback history of all the A group A7/10 A7/10 A7/10 A7/10 A7/10 (not RGS) A7/10 A7 A7/10 A7/10 A7/10 A7/10 A pre-unit A (pre-unit) 00-5002 00-5003A 00-5003 00-5013 00-5086 00-8006 00-4061 00-4080 00-4062 00-4063 00-4078 OG-GP1 WM47A OG-94 OG-98 2 LITERATURE, CONTINUED B GROUP 1950-72 Parts book (inc. 1953 supplement) (not 1953 Gold Star) Parts book Parts book Parts book Parts book Service sheets, improved version, with index, 168 pages Owners guide Owners guide, alternator model Haynes workshop manual (pre-unit engines) Haynes workshop manual Gold Portfolio – reprint of assorted period road test and articles 'Gold Star and other singles' hardback history by Roy Bacon Singles Restoration Guide by Roy Bacon, all post war singles, soft cover 1949-53 1954 1954-55 1954-57 1958-59 1946-60 1946-55 1958-60 1954-62 1958-72 1945-63 1945-72 B31/33 B31/33 B31/33 B31/33 B31/33 B31/33 B31/33 B31/33 B/M B/C (unit engines) Singles B/C/M/D 00-5005 00-5008 00-5008 00-5006 00-5007 00-8007 00-4064 00-4079 WM-54SING WM-58SING OG-GP3 OG97 OG-93 C GROUP Parts book Parts book Service sheets, improved version, with index, 124 pages Service sheets, improved version with index, 133 pages Service sheets, with index, l25pages Owners guide Owners guide Owners guide Gold Portfolio – reprint of assorted period road test and articles Gold Portfolio – reprint of assorted period road test and articles 'Gold Star and other singles' hardback history by Roy Bacon Singles Restoration Guide by Roy Bacon, all post war singles, soft cover 1949-53 1954-58 1946-53 1954-57 1954-58 1954 1956 1956-58 1945-63 1964-74 1945-72 C10/11 C10L/11G/12 C10/11 C10L C11G/12 C10L/11G C10L C12 Singles Singles B/C/M/D 00-5000 00-5001 00-4021 00-8004 00-8009 00-4058 00-4060 00-4058 OG-GP3 OG-GP4 OG97 OG-93 1940-45 1949-58 1938-63 1940-45 1947-62 1945-63 1954-62 1945-72 WM20 M20/21/33 M including M33 WM20 M Singles M/B B/C/M/D 00-5010 00-5009 00-8003 00-5012 00-4077 OG-GP3 WM-54SING OG97 OG-93 M GROUP Parts book Parts book Service sheets, improved version, with index, 144 pages Instruction book Owners guide Gold Portfolio – reprint of assorted period road test and articles Haynes workshop manual 'Gold Star and other singles' hardback history by Roy Bacon Singles Restoration Guide by Roy Bacon, all post war singles, soft cover 3 GASKET SETS For individual gaskets see section 4. Where available our gasket sets include solid copper head gaskets. PART NO DESCRIPTION MODEL YEARS 74,75,274,275 76,276 89,289 375 376 389 Mk1 Mk1 1/2 1939-54 1939-54 1939-54 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 CARBURETOR GS275 GS276 GS289 GS375 GS376 GS389 622/208 622/209 Amal type 6 carburettor Amal type 6 carburettor Amal type 6 carburettor Amal Monobloc carburettor Amal Monobloc carburettor Amal Monobloc carburettor Amal Concentric Amal Concentric 3 GASKET SETS, CONTINUED A GROUP GS314 GS315 GS320 GS325 Gasket set, long stroke engine Gasket set Gasket set, solid copper head gasket Gasket set, solid copper head gasket A7/ST A7/ST/SS A10/SF A10RR/SR 1947-50 1950-62 1950-63 1956-63 Gasket set Gasket set Gasket set, alloy head Gasket set Gasket set, alloy head Gasket set B31/32 B31/32 B31/32 B33/34 B33/34 B40 1945-48 1949-60 1950-61 1947-60 1950-63 1960-65 Gasket set Gasket set Gasket set M33 M20/1 M20/1 1947-60 1939-49 1950-63 Gasket set Gasket set Gasket set Gasket set Gasket set C10 C10L C11 C11G/12 C unit 1939-53 1954-57 1939-53 1954-58 1959-67 B GROUP GS307 GS308 GS309 GS312 GS313 GS328 M GROUP GS312 GS318 GS319 C GROUP GS303 GS304 GS305 GS306 GS327 4 INDIVIDUAL GASKETS For petrol tap washers see section 27, gasket cements see section 38. We also have a lot of pre-war gaskets, some of which are unidentified, and ones for A75, scooters, Dandy etc. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS 4 2 A7 long stroke A7/10 A7 long stroke A A A7 long stroke A A A A A7 long stroke A7ST long stroke A7SS A7ST long stroke A A7 long stroke A7/ST/SS A10 A7 long stroke A A A A long stroke A A long stroke A 1947-50 1950-62 1946-50 1950-59 1960-62 1946-50 1950-59 1960-62 1950-62 1947-62 1946-50 1949-50 1954-57 1949-50 ENGINE - PRE-UNIT A GROUP 67-42 67-279 67-39 67-278 67-1583 67-40 67-277 67-1582 15-203 36-481 67-36 67-192 67-1120 67-194 67-933 67-28 67-382 67-255 67-70 67-256 19-1429 67-1258 67-144 67-281 67-147 67-282 Rocker box inspection cap washer Rocker box inspection cover Rocker box, inlet Rocker box, inlet Rocker box, inlet Rocker box, exhaust Rocker box, exhaust Rocker box, exhaust Rocker oil feed pipe Rocker spindle dome nut washer nut Inlet manifold Inlet manifold Inlet manifold Carburettor distance washer Carburettor, insulating 1 1/8 Cylinder head Cylinder head Cylinder head Cylinder base Cylinder base Dynamo cork Magneto to crankcase Timing cover, inner Timing cover, inner Timing cover, outer Timing cover, outer 2 2 2 2 2 1946-50 1950-62 1950-62 1946-50 1950-62 1950-62 1947-62 1947-50 1950-58 1947-50 1950-62 4 INDIVIDUAL GASKETS, CONTINUED 67-1393 67-1394 67-1466 67-1288 42-163 Oil pump, body to crankcase Oil pump paper washer under top stud Oil union to crankcase Sump plate (2 per if separate filter plate used) Tachometer drive 1/2 A A A Rig/Plun A A 1947-62 1947-62 1947-54 1947-62 1960-62 ENGINE - PRE-UNIT B GROUP AND M33 65-1164 65-1587 65-1588 65-1590 31-8430 36-481 2-2894 66-127 65-2542 65-1238 67-933 29-160 29-161 65-93 65-91 65-168 65-1328 65-1606 65-1648 65-1817 27-81 65-80 65-34 66-92 66-92 66-92 65-1706 65-1329 65-1582 65-819 65-851 65-852 65-861 65-854 65-855 65-881 65-882 65-928 65-928 65-929 66-1379 66-1367 65-2198 65-2198 65-2203 65-1143 66-1937 42-121 66-1920 65-2618 66-1683 31-8430 65-2612 Tappet adjusting cover B31/32/33/34 Rocker cover GS Rocker box GS Rocker inspection cover GS Rocker oil feed top union fibre washer B/M33 Rocker spindle dome nut washer nut 2 B ohv Exhaust lifter bush fibre washer B/M33 Carburettor, 1 1/8 B Carburettor GP carbs Carburettor insulator, 1 1/8 B33/4/M33 Carburettor insulator 1 1/8 B32GS Cylinder head (not fixed head) B1 Cylinder head B2/18 Cylinder head B20 Cylinder head B23 Cylinder head B23 Cylinder head, alloy head B32 Cylinder head B32 alloy Cylinder head, alloy head B32 Cylinder head, alloy head B32 (DBD only) Cylinder base B1 Cylinder base B20/3 Cylinder base B21/2 Cylinder base B29/31/M33 Cylinder base B33/M33 Cylinder base B32/4 Cylinder base B/M33 Cylinder base, alloy B31/32 Cylinder base GS Push rod cover, upper, 5/32 thick B21/2/4/5/6 Push rod cover, upper, 1/32 thick B21/2/4/5/6 Push rod cover, upper, 1/16 thick B21/2/4/5/6 Up to HB21-1840/HB22-1426/HB24-1689/HB25-245/HB26-111, then 65-861 Push rod cover, upper B21/2/4/5/6 Push rod cover, lower B21/2 Push rod cover, lower B21/2 Up to HB21-519/HB22-243 then 65-881/2 Push rod cover, lower, 1/32 thick B21/2/4/5/6 Push rod cover, lower, .010" thick B21/2/4/5/6 Push rod cover, lower B21/2/4/5/6 Push rod cover, lower B21std Push rod cover, lower B21deluxe/4/5/6 Push rod cover, lower B29/31/32/M33 Pushrod tube seal B/M33 iron head Tappet recess B Tappet recess B21/3 Tappet recess B21deluxe/23/24/25/26 Rocker inspection (square plate, top of push rod tube) B29/31/32/33/34 Tappet cover, bottom of push rod tube B29/31/32/33/34/M23/24/33 Contact breaker housing B Timing cover B/M33 Oil pump B/M33 Oil valve spring fibre washer B Air release valve fibre washer B/M33 Sump plate 2 B/M33 1946-60 1946-60 1937-60 1937-60 1937-40 1949-63 1933-36 1933-36 1937-38 1937 1938-40 1949-51 1952-57 19541931-32 1937-39 1937-39 1939-56 1947-55 1946-52 after 66-92! 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1938 1939 1939 1937-60 1946-60 1937-38 1939 1939 1940-60 1939-60 1958-60 1940-63 1938-63 1938-60 1937-63 1937-63 4 INDIVIDUAL GASKETS, CONTINUED ENGINE - PRE-UNIT C GROUP 29-2261 66-127 65-93 65-168 29-2039 29-2265 29-2111 29-2262 29-2589 29-2159 29-1942 29-2133 29-1997 29-2132 29-1985 65-2618 31-8430 29-8025 65-2612 Rocker cover Carburettor, 1 1/8 Cylinder head Cylinder head Cylinder head Cylinder head Cylinder base Cylinder base Cylinder base Tappet cover Tappet cover Timing cover, inner Timing cover, inner Timing cover, outer Points cover Oil pump Air release valve fibre washer Crankcase felt washer Sump plate 2 C11/11G/12 C C10 C12 C10L C11/11G/12 C10/10L C11 C12 C10/10L C10L C10/11 Cl0L/11G/12 C10/11 C11/11G/12 C C C10 std C 1946-58 1937-40 1939-40 1938-40 1954-57 1946-58 1939-57 1946-53 1940 1946-55 1956-58 1946-53 1954-58 1946-53 1954-58 1938-63 1946-50 1939 1937-63 2 M19/22/23/24 M10/11 M except M24 M20/21 M11 M20/21 M20/21 M19/22/23 M23 M22 M20/21 M19/22/23/24/33 M19/22/23 M19/22/23 M19/22/23 M23/24/33 M20/21 M19/20/21 M22/23/24 M22/3/4 M M M M M 1937-40 1933 1937-40 1949-63 1933 1939-40 1941-62 1937-38 1939-40 1939 1939-63 1937-60 1937 1937 1937 1939-57 1937-63 1937-39 1937-38 1939 1940-63 1938-63 1937-58 1937-63 1937-63 ENGINE - M GROUP EXCEPT M33 66-344 15-1070 66-127 66-9251 24-1577 66-90 66-58 66-68 66-92 66-68 66-93 66-1379 66-1362 66-1377 66-1378 66-1937 66-243 66-1909 66-1909 66-1920 66-1920 65-2618 66-1683 31-8430 65-2612 Rocker box top cover Carburettor, 1" Carburettor, 1 1/8 Carburettor insulator, 1 1/8 bore Cylinder head Cylinder head Cylinder head Cylinder base Cylinder base Cylinder base Cylinder base Push rod cover, lower Push rod cover, upper, 5/32 thick Push rod cover, upper, 1/16 thick Push rod cover, upper, 1/32 thick Tappet cover, bottom of push rod tube Valve spring cover Timing cover Timing cover Timing cover Timing cover Oil pump Fibre washer, oil feed union on crankcase Air release valve fibre washer Sump plate ENGINE - OTHER PRE-WAR MODELS 15-1070 15-1066 27-1335 M850 15-1065 15-2149 15-2328 29-405 27-207 31-453 Carburettor, 1" Cylinder head Cylinder head Cylinder base Cylinder head, 350 ohv Cylinder head Cylinder head Cylinder head Timing cover inspection cap Crankcase scavenge R4/5/W6/7/8 G12/13/14 L6 R5/17/20 R4/19/Y13 X0 Y13 Y 1933 ? 1922-40 1925-31 1933-36 1933-37 1935-36 1938 4 INDIVIDUAL GASKETS, CONTINUED PRIMARY CHAINCASE - ALL MODELS 67-1702 42-7507 66-7514 42-7507 42-7544 66-7514 29-8101 42-7509 42-7509 66-7575 66-7575 29-8110 27-207 67-42 66-4902 66-7518 67-1709 67-1709 29-8115 66-3813 66-3090 15-8814 66-7518 67-3264 15-4316 Primary chaincase Primary chaincase Primary chaincase, cork Primary chaincase Primary chaincase Primary chaincase, cork Primary chaincase, cork Primary chaincase to crankcase 1 Primary chaincase to crankcase 2 Primary chaincase to crankcase Primary chaincase to crankcase Primary chaincase to crankcase Filler plug washer Filler plug washer Footrest boss cork washer 1/2 Drain plug fibre washer Drain plug fibre washer Level plug fibre washer Cork washer, behind clutch Cork sealing ring behind clutch Oil retaining washer between felt washer & clutch sleeve collar Sliding plate felt washer Sliding plate fibre washer 2 Clutch cover Clutch dome, single spring clutch A Rig/Plun A S’arm B/M Plun/Rig B S’arm B S’arm C10/11 C10L/11G/12 A S’arm A B/M Rig/Plun C C B/C/M A/B/C/M B/C/M Plun/Rig B/C/M Rig/Plun A S’arm A Plun C10L/11G/12 Single spring clutch B/M Plun/Rig B/M B/M Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun M/AA 1947-57 1954-62 1938-62 1954-57 1958-60 1939-53 1954-58 1954-59 1960-63 1939-63 1939-53 1954-58 1937-48 1949-62 1938-62 1937-62 1954-62 1947-57 1954-58 1948-63 1937-63 1946-62 1947-57 1940-63 GEARBOX - All Models For a description and application of gearbox types see section 19. 67-3031 67-3346 65-3023 66-3069 66-3069 67-3031 29-3313 29-3633 67-3032 67-3354 65-3022 65-3355 66-3068 66-3131 29-3312 67-3032 29-3577 67-3033 67-3033 67-3033 15-4110 29-3449 M196A 29-3449 29-3297 67-3112 Gearbox inner Gearbox inner Gearbox, foot and hand change Gearbox inner (2 used 1937-40) Gearbox inner Gearbox inner Gearbox inner Gearbox inner Gearbox outer Gearbox outer Gearbox outer, foot change Gearbox outer Gearbox outer Gearbox outer Gearbox outer Gearbox outer Gearbox outer Push rod adjuster cover gasket Push rod adjuster cover gasket Push rod adjuster cover gasket Gearbox inspection cover Inspection cover gasket Gear box filler cap fibre washer Inspection cover gasket Gearbox square plate inspection cover Gear selector cam plate MISCELLANEOUS 15-1070 95-28 96-34 K153-48 A7/1057/14 A7-1057/17 Carburettor, 1" Carburettor, 1 1/8" Carburettor, 1 1/16" Carburettor insulator, 1" Carburettor insulator 7/8" bore Carburettor insulator, 1 1/16" 1/2 A Rig/Plun A/B S’arm B G/M/Y B Plun C 4 speed C 3 speed C A Rig/Plun A/B S’arm B B M B/M Plun C 3 speed C 4 speed C A B S’arm C1O/I1/11G B/M Plun/Rig A/B S’arm B/M C 4 speed C 3spd A Rig/Plun 1947-57 1954-63 1937-48 1937-63 1949-57 1951-55 1940-55 1956-58 1947-57 1954-63 1937-40 1946-47 1938-48 1948-63 1940-55 1946-55 1956-58 1948-62 1954-60 4spd 1938-63 1954-62 1937-47 1951-57 1946-57 1947-57 4 INDIVIDUAL GASKETS, CONTINUED 66-9251 66-8361 67-42 M196A 42-8343 82-9070 29-7971 2-100 65-8421 Carburettor insulator, 1 1/8" Oil tank cap washer, wing nut type Oil tank cap washer Oil tank filter fibre washer Oil tank filter washer Oil tank feed union fibre washer Oil tank feed union fibre washer Oil tank drain plug fibre washer Oil return pipe on oil tank, fibre washer A51-91 A52-91 A53-91 S4-4 S4-6 S4-8 1/64" sheet of gasket material 10" X 15" 1/32" sheet of gasket material 10" X 15" 1/16" sheet of gasket material 10" X 15" Dowty bonded sealing washer 3/8 bore (1/8 BSP) Dowty bonded sealing washer 1/28 bore (1/4 BSP) Dowty bonded sealing washer 5/8 bore (3/8 BSP) M A/B/C G/Y A/B31/3 S’arm (B32/4 S/A 1954-55) 2 2 C A/B/C/M B Rig/Plun 1940-62 1949-62 1954-60 1946-55 1946-63 1946-57 5 CYLINDER HEAD AND BARREL For gaskets see section 4; for rocker oil feed pipes see section 9; for cylinder liners and pistons see section 13; for cam followers and push rods see section 14; for push rod covers see section 15. We have a fully equipped workshop with all facilities for the overhaul of any engine. Much of the specialist work is carried out on the premises including fitting liners, boring cylinders, reclaiming threads, fitting valve guides and facing valve seats etc, etc. In addition our staff are experts in the reconditioning of all motorcycle engines. Please contact us for details or an estimate for any job no matter how small. 5 CYLINDER HEAD AND BARREL, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT A GROUP. The 1947-51 long stroke A7 had a cast iron head with a separate inlet manifold and 2 rocker boxes and the cylinder does not have the tappets mounted in it. The 1950-53 A10 and 1952-53 A7 were fitted with a cast iron head with integral inlet manifold and a 1-piece rocker box, tappets in cylinder. In 1954 the fin area was increased for the A7, Star Twin and A10 models. In the same year the A7SS had an alloy head with a separate inlet manifold until 1955 when it became integral. Also in 1954 the Road Rocket gained an alloy head and the famous thick flange cylinder, which is ½” thick instead of 3/8”, this was fitted to the all 650cc models from 1958. There are variations of inlet size. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODELS YEARS Cylinder head – Used available, please enquire Cylinder – Used available, please enquire 1-4676 Tappet securing screw ball bearing 1 A 1950-62 2-49 Carburettor fixing nut 2 A7SS/A10SR/Spitfire/RGS 1954-62 2-129 Carburettor fixing bolt 2 A7ST 1949-51 2-129 Carburettor fixing bolt (not long stroke A7) 2 A7/A10/A10RR 1950-62 2-923 Head steady and rocker box bolt plain washer 2 A S’arm 1954-59 2-2138 Head bolt washer 9 A 1954-62 15-1355 Head steady bolt to frame 1 A S’arm 1954-59 15-1367 Inlet manifold stud 4 A7 1947-51 15-2018 Head steady bolt to frame 1 A 1960-62 21-2902 Carburettor fixing bolt 2 A7 1947-51 24-563 Inlet manifold nut 4 A7 1947-51 24-5160 Cylinder base nut (8 per 1947-49, 9 per 1950-62) 8/9 A 1947-62 24-6040 Head steady and rocker box thin nut 4 A Plun/Rig 1947-57 24-6040 Head steady bolt nut 2 A S’arm 1954-62 24-8784 Head steady and rocker box bolt spring washer 2 A S’arm 1954-62 24-8784 Head steady bolt spring washer 2 A S’arm 1954-59 29-565 Carburettor fixing stud 2 A7SS 1954-62 36-382 Inlet manifold shake proof washer 4 A7 1947-51 36-382 Carburettor bolt shake proof washer 2 A 1947-62 36-382 Head steady and rocker shake proof box washer 2 A Plun/Rig 1947-57 36-382 Head steady bolt shake proof washer 2 A S’arm 1960-62 42-51 Head steady spacer 1 A 1960-62 42-52 Head steady L/H bracket to rocker box 1 A S’arm 1954-62 42-53 Head steady R/H bracket to rocker box 1 A S’arm 1954-62 42-54 Head steady spacer 1 A S’arm 1954-59 42-55 Head steady bracket to frame 2 A S’arm 1954-62 42-56 Head steady bracket bolt 1 A S’arm 1954-62 42-62 Head steady and rocker box bolt 2 A S’arm 1954-62 67-35 Inlet manifold 1 A7 1947-51 67-72 Cylinder head bolt 7 A7/ST 1947-50 67-75 Cylinder head to barrel nut 2 A7 1947-50 67-76 Compression plate (decompression really) A7 1947-50 67-79 Head steady stay 2 A Rig 1947-51 67-120 Carburettor drip tray 1 A7/10 1947-62 67-254 Head bolt, iron head, long 4 A7/ST/10 1950-62 67-258 Head bolt, iron head, medium 2 A7/ST/10 1950-62 67-276 Tappet securing screw, top, thin flange barrel 1 A7/ST/SS/10/SF/RR 1950-62 67-283 Head bolt, iron head, short 3 A7/ST/10 1950-62 67-299 Tappet securing screw, side 2 A 1950-62 67-331 Tappet locating pin 1 A 1950-62 67-346 Head steady bracket to frame 2 A Plun/Rig 1949-57 67-347 Carburettor fixing stud 2 A10SR/Spitfire/RGS 1958-63 67-949 Tappet securing screw, top 1 A10/SR 1958-62 67-1114 Head bolt, alloy head, short 3 A7SS/10RR/SR 1954-62 67-1115 Head bolt, alloy head, medium 4 A7SS/10RR/SR 1954-62 67-1116 Head bolt, alloy head, long 2 A7SS/10RR/SR 1954-62 67-1119 Carburettor manifold stud, lower A7SS 1954-55 67-1245 Head steady and rocker box stud 2 A Plun/Rig 1947-57 5 CYLINDER HEAD AND BARREL, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT B GROUP, M22, 23, 24, 33. The standard models were always fitted with cast iron heads and cylinders; the only change was in 1953 with an increase in fin area. The B32 and B34 used the standard iron head and cylinder until 1954 when aluminium alloy parts were used (optional from 1950). PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODELS YEARS Cylinder head – Used available, please enquire Cylinder – Used available, please enquire 2-49 Carburettor stud, nut 2 B/M33 1937-60 2-49 Engine steady nut 1 B 1946-60 2-443 Exhaust lifter cable stop lock nut 1 B/M33 1937-60 2-443 Exhaust lifter spindle nut 2 B/M33 1937-60 2-525 Exhaust lifter spindle washer 2 B/M33 1937-60 2-1584 Exhaust lifter cable toggle screw 1 B/M33 1937-60 2-1588 Exhaust lifter cable toggle nut 1 B/M33 1937-60 2-2582 Tappet inspection cover screw 4 B/M33 iron head 1946-60 2-2894 Exhaust lifter bush washer 1 B/M33 1937-60 15-480 Engine steady bolt 1 B Rig/Plun 1946-55 15-5155 Carburettor stud plain washer 2 B31/2 1946-49 15-5196 Carburettor fixing nut 2 M24 1938-39 24-5205 Carburettor stud, iron head 2 B/M33 1937-60 24-8784 Carburettor spring washer 2 B 1937-39 24-8784 Engine steady spring washer 1 B 1946-60 26-1253 Rocker box oil return pipe banjo bolt 2 B/M19/22/23/24/33 1937-60 27-1163 Exhaust lifter cable stop lug 1 B/M33 1937-60 28-2338 Engine steady bolt 1 B S’arm 1954-60 29-565 Carburettor stud 2 M24 1937-39 29-565 Carburettor stud, alloy head 2 B32/34 1950-58 35-701 Exhaust lifter split pin 1 B/M33 1946-60 36-382 Carburettor stud, washer, shake proof 2 B/M33 1946-60 42-50 Engine steady plate 1 B S’arm 1954-60 65-1142 Cover, valve rocker, iron head 1 B29/31/32/33/34/M33 1940-60 65-1153 Engine steady stay 1 B Rig/Plun 1946-55 65-1215 Oil return pipe 1 B/M33 rigid/plunger 1946-55 65-1218 Oil return pipe 1 B/M33 S’arm 1954-60 65-1822 Head bolt B34? 66-115 Cylinder head through bolt 4 M22/23/24 1937-40 66-115 Cylinder head through bolt, iron head 4 B31/32/33/34/M33 1946-58 66-1431 Exhaust lifter lever 1 B/M33 1937-54 66-1435 Exhaust lifter spindle 1 B23 1937-39 66-1436 Exhaust lifter lever 1 B/M33 1955-60 EB102 Exhaust lifter lever nut 1 B/M33 1937-50 5 CYLINDER HEAD AND BARREL, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT C GROUP The side valve models started with a cast iron head but changed to aluminium alloy in 1949 after ZC10 1377, fining was increased in 1956. The ohv models stuck with cast iron, fining increased in 1951. The C11G and C12 had a different head stud arrangement. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODELS YEARS Cylinder head – Used available, please enquire Cylinder – Used available, please enquire 1-1796 Head stud nut 5 C11 1949-53 2-46 Cylinder head stud nut 5 C11G/12 1954-58 2-49 Carburettor fixing nut 2 C 1946-58 2-49 Cylinder head stud nut 2 C11/11G/12 1949-58 2-49 Head steady nut 2 C 1954-58 2-923 Head bolt washer 8 C10 1949-53 2-923 Head steady to head plain washer 1 C10L 1954-57 15-5155 Carburettor stud plain washer 2 C10/11 1946-49 15-1367 Carburettor stud 2 C 1949-58 24-8328 Cylinder head timing bolt 1 C10/10L 1949-57 27-5156 Cylinder head bolt 5/4 C10/10L 1940-57 27-6260 Cylinder head bolt, short 3 C10/10L 1949-57 27-8784 Carburettor stud spring washer 2 C 1950-58 27-8784 Head steady to head spring washer 1 C 1954-58 27-8784 Head steady to frame spring washer 1 C 1954-58 29-1950 Cylinder 1 C11G/12 1954-58 29-1954 Cylinder head 1 C11G/12 1954-58 29-1956 Head stud 5 C11G/12 1954-58 29-1957 Head stud 2 C11G/12 1954-58 29-2017 Head bolt washer 8 C10L 1954-57 29-2033 Head bolt to head steady (extended head) 1 C10L 1954-57 29-2259 Head stud 5 C11 1939-53 29-2335 Cylinder head 1 C10/11 1949-55 29-2346 Head stud 2 C11 1950-53 29-2544 Cylinder 1 C10/11 1949-55 29-2550 Tappet cover 1 C10/12 1940 29-2554 Tappet cover 1 C10 1946-53 36-382 Carburettor stud shake proof washer 2 C10/11 1946-49 5 CYLINDER HEAD AND BARREL, CONTINUED 36-382 36-399 65-42 66-1933 66-4707 Cylinder head stud shake proof washer Head stud spring washer Tappet guide Tappet cover screw Cylinder head stud shake proof washer 2 5 2 4 5 C11/11G/12 C11 C10/10L C10/11 C11G/12 1949-58 1949-53 1939-57 1949-57 1954-58 M GROUP (NOT M22, 23, 24, 33). Cast iron up to 1950 and aluminium alloy from 1951. Up to 1949 (to 1957 for AA models) a liner was fitted as standard. Same head and cylinder used on M20 and M21. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODELS Cylinder head – Used available, please enquire Cylinder – Used available, please enquire 2-49 Carburettor fixing nut 2 M 2-443 Exhaust lifter lever nut 1 M 2-861 Head bolt washer 10 M20/21 2-1584 Exhaust lifter cable toggle screw 1 M 2-1588 Exhaust lifter cable toggle nut 1 M 15-152 Cylinder base nut 5 M not M33 15-1367 Carburettor stud 2 M 15-5155 Carburettor stud plain washer 2 M 15-5196 Carburettor fixing nut 2 M24 24-5205 Carburettor stud 2 M 24-8328 Timing hole bolt 1 M20/21 24-8784 Carburettor spring washer 2 M 29-541 Exhaust lifter shake proof washer 1 M 35-1086 Head bolt, short, 1 7/16 3 M20/21 35-1086 Head bolt, short, 1 7/16 5 M20/21 36-11 Head bolt, long, 1 ¾ 5 M20/21 36-11 Head bolt, long, 1 3/4 10 M20/21 36-382 Carburettor shake proof washer 2 M 66-88 Cylinder 1 M20/21 66-132 Cylinder 1 M20/21 66-242 Valve spring cover, cast alloy, except WM20 1 M20/21 66-244 Valve spring cover, flat steel 1 WM20 66-1431 Exhaust lifter lever 1 M 66-1432 Exhaust lifter lever spring 1 M 66-1434 Exhaust lifter bush 1 M20/21 YEARS 1937-63 1951-63 1949-63 1937-62 1937-62 1937-62 1948-49 1940-63 1938-39 1937-47 1939-62 1937-39 1940-63 1937-39 1940-49 1937-49 1950-63 1940-63 1939-51 1952-63 1937-62 1940-45 1937-54 1937-63 1937-63 5 CYLINDER HEAD AND BARREL, CONTINUED 66-1435 66-1436 66-1933 66-8507 66-9250 EA80 EB76A EB102 27-8119 66-98 66-421 Exhaust lifter spindle Exhaust lifter lever Valve spring cover screw Exhaust lifter cable toggle Carburettor stud Carburettor fixing nut Head bolt washer (7 per 1938-39, 9 per 1940-48) Exhaust lifter lever nut Engine steady stay nut, 1/2x20TPI Head steady Head steady 1 1 4 1 2 2 7/9 1 1 1 M20/21 M M M M M M20/21 M M24 M M20/21 1937-63 1955-63 1938-63 1937-62 1949-58 1937-49 1937-48 1937-50 1940 1940-48 1949-63 6 VALVES AND VALVE GUIDES PRE-UNIT A GROUP MODEL YEARS INLET VALVE GUIDE EXHAUST VALVE INLET EXHAUST A7 1947-50 67-31 67-32 67-29 67-30 A7ST 1949-50 67-31 67-32 67-189 67-190 A7/ST 1951-57 67-31 67-31 67-394 67-395 A7 1958-62 67-31 67-31 67-740 67-741 A7SS 1954-55 67-1140 67-1140 67-394 67-395 A7SS 1956-57 67-1140 67-1140 67-351 67-532 A7SS 1958-62 67-1110 67-1110 67-740 67-741 A10/SF 1950-57 67-31 67-31 67-323 67-324 A10 1958-62 67-31 67-31 67-742 67-743 A10RR 1954-55 67-1140 67-1140 67-323 67-324 A10RR/SR 1956-57 67-1140 67-1140 67-968 67-967 A10RR/SR 1958-59 67-1110 67-1110 67-968 67-967 A10RR/SR 1960-63 67-1110 67-1110 67-1551 67-967 BSA actually fitted cast iron guides to the later aluminium alloy heads but we recommend the bronze as detailed above. We can of course supply the cast iron if preferred; they were fitted from engine numbers CA7SS 4024 and CA10R 5602. 6 VALVES AND GUIDES, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT B GROUP MODEL YEARS B21/2 B20/23 B23 de Luxe B24/25/26 B29 B31/2 B31 B32 iron head B31/2 alloy head B32 B33 B33 B34 B34 iron head B33/4 alloy head B34 1937-39 1937-39 1939 1937-39 1940 1946-48 1949-60 1949-53 1950-53 1954-57 1947-48 1949-60 1947-48 1949-53 1950-53 1954-57 INLET 65-42 (2) 65-1145 65-1513 65-1513 65-1511 65-1595 65-1241 65-1515 65-1241 65-1515 65-1517 65-1597 VALVE GUIDE EXHAUST VALVE INLET 65-207 EXHAUST 65-42 (lower) 65-224 65-152 65-1110 65-1110 65-1110 65-1110 65-1110 65-1760 65-1240 65-1240 65-1240 65-1240 65-1353 65-1753 65-1111 65-1111 65-1111 65-1111 65-1111 65-1759 65-1239 65-1239 65-1239 65-1239 65-1352 65-1752 65-1144 65-1514 65-1514 65-1512 65-1596 65-1242 65-1516 65-1242 65-1516 65-1518 65-1598 M GROUP MODEL M19 M20/21 M20/21 M22/23 M24 M33 YEARS 1937-38 1937-39 1940-63 1937-40 1938-39 1948-57 INLET 66-144 66-137(2) 66-140 66-143 66-193 65-1515 VALVE GUIDE EXHAUST 66-143 66-137/8 66-139 66-142 66-194 65-1516 INLET 66-217 66-206 66-235 66-213 66-213 65-1239 VALVE INLET 29-2109 65-37 65-37 29-2109 VALVE GUIDE EXHAUST 29-2110 65-37 65-37 29-2110 INLET 29-2120 65-208 29-2124 29-2591 EXHAUST 66-215 66-208 66-236 66-211 66-211 65-1240 PRE-UNIT C GROUP MODEL C10/10L C11 C11/11G/12 C12 YEARS 1939-57 1939-40 1946-58 1940 VALVE EXHAUST 29-2121 65-208 65-208 29-2592 17 Automatic or mechanical inlet valves "A mechanically-operated inlet valve is to be preferred, because it never sticks, no parts of it can get adrift in the cylinder, and the engine will run more slowly on a hill." 7 VALVE SPRINGS Valve springs are sold in sets using the ‘Terry’s’ numbers as given below. We do have some loose springs. SET NO. VS37 VS454 VS463 VS464 VS268 VS37 VS345 VS345 VS471 VS471 MODEL A7/ST 2 sets per engine A7/ST/SS/10/SF A7ST (racing) A10SR/RR B20/23 B21/22/24/25/26 B31/33 B32/34 B32/34 GS B32 YEARS 1947-49 1950-62 1953-58 1954-62 1937-39 1937-40 1946-60 1946-52 1949-52 1953-60 VS409 SET NO. VS268 VS37 VS268 VS37 VS268 VS265 VS345 B34 MODEL C10/12 (sic) C11/11G C10L C12 M20/21 M19/22/23/24 M33 1953-60 YEARS 1937-53 1937-53 1954-57 1956-58 1937-63 1937-40 1948-57 8 FITTINGS FOR VALVES PART NO 29-410 65-1624 67-33 67-886 67-34 67-960 29-410 15-1525 15-1525 65-1149 66-221 65-1519 31-103 31-103 31-103 65-209 65-209 66-221 66-222 15-1215 31-111 66-221 29-410 DESCRIPTION Split cone (per half) Split cone (per half) Lower valve spring cup Lower valve spring cup Top valve spring collar Top valve spring collar Split collet, inlet valve only, per half Split collet, exhaust valve only, per half Split collet, inlet & exhaust valve, per half Valve spring top collar Lower valve spring collar (split cone end) Lower valve spring collar Valve end cap, exhaust Valve end cap, exhaust Valve end cap, exhaust Valve end cap, inlet Valve end cap, inlet Lower valve spring collar (split cone end) Split cone (per half) Valve spring bottom collar Valve spring top collar Lower valve spring collar (split cone end) Split cone (per half) PER 8 8 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 4 MODELS A (not SR/RR) A10SR/RR A (not SR/RR) A10SR/RR A (not SR/RR) A10SR/RR B31 B31 B33/M33 B/M OHV B20/23 B B24/5/6 B31 B32 B31 B32 M20/21 M20/21 C11/12 C11G/12 C10/10L C YEARS 1947-62 1956-62 1947-62 1956-62 1947-62 1956-62 1946-60 1946-60 1946-60 1946-58 1937-39 1946-60 1937-39 1946-60 1946-52 1946-60 1946-52 1937-63 1937-63 1939-58 1954-57 1946-58 1946-58 9 ROCKER BOX AND FITTINGS For gaskets see section 4; for head steadies, rocker box drain pipes and exhaust lifter see section 5; for push rods see section 14; for push rod covers see section 15. 9 ROCKER BOX, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT A GROUP. The long stroke A7 had 2 separate rocker boxes with circular inspection caps that unscrewed. All the later models used a large 1-piece rocker box with 2 large inspection covers. Although there are 7 different rocker boxes listed in the parts books, after inspecting our large collection of used ones, no differences could be found. Initially no rocker oil feed was fitted and the first supply was to the exhaust only, from engine number XA7 450. In late 1948, from engine number YA7 3402, a new pipe was used that supplied the inlet as well as the exhaust. This pipe was used on all plunger and rigid models. The 1954-59 swinging arm oil pipe is similar to the plunger version but in 1960 it was split into 2 parts connected by a short length of rubber pipe. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS 21-2903 Fixing bolt, inlet, inner 3 A7/ST 1947-50 65-1119 Oil feed pipe from YA7 3402 1 A Long stroke 1949-50 67-26 Rocker box, inlet 1 A7 1947-51 67-27 Rocker box, exhaust 1 A7 1947-51 67-44 Fixing bolt 4 A7/ST 1947-50 67-59 Rocker spindle, inlet 1 A7 1947-48 67-66 Feeler gauge access plug, alloy 4 A7/ST 1947-49 67-67 Rocker box cap – not available but can use 70-1564 4 A7 1947-51 5897-93 Clip for 42-8327 2 A 1960-62 1 65-2153 Inspection cover nut 8 A 1950-59 1 1-6032 Inspection cover nut 8 A 1960-62 2 2-1462 Inspection cover spring washer 8 A 1950-62 3 65-306 Oil feed pipe banjo bolt 2 A 1947-53 3 65-317 Oil feed pipe banjo bolt 2 A 1954-63 4 42-139 Oil feed pipe, upper 1 A 1960-62 5 67-280 Inspection cover stud 7 A 1949-59 5 31-222 Inspection cover stud 7 A 1960-62 6 15-1355 Fixing bolt, short inner 1 A 1950-62 7 67-343 Inspection cover stud, top rear 1 A 1950-62 8 67-261 Fixing bolt, long 4 A Plun 1950-57 8 42-62 Fixing bolt 4 A S’arm 1954-62 9 24-8784 Fixing bolt spring washer 4 A S’arm 1954-62 10 2-537 Fixing bolt washer 4 A Plun 1950-57 10 2-923 Fixing bolt plain washer 4 A S’arm 1954-62 11 67-347 Fixing stud, front 2 A Rig/Plun 1950-57 11 67-1245 Fixing stud, rear 2 A Rig/Plun 1950-57 11 67-1117 Fixing stud, front & rear, alloy head 4 A7SS/10SR 1954-62 11 67-1245 Fixing stud, front & rear, not alloy head 4 A S’arm 1954-62 12 67-64 Rocker spindle 2 A 1950-62 13 67-65 Tappet adjuster locknut 4 A 1947-49 13 24-563 Tappet adjuster locknut 4 A 1950-62 14 67-56 Tappet adjuster 4 A 1947-62 15 67-266 Rocker, exhaust LH 1 A 1950-62 16 67-60 Thrust washer 6 A 1950-62 17 67-267 Rocker, exhaust RH 1 A 1950-62 18 65-311 Rocker spindle dome nut 2 A 1947-62 19 67-61 Rocker spindle thrust washer, small 2 A 1947-63 20 67-62 Spring washer 4 A 1950-62 21 67-265 Rocker, inlet RH 1 A 1950-62 22 67-264 Rocker, inlet LH 1 A 1950-62 23 67-161 Oil feed pipe from XA7-450 to YA7 3401 ex only 1 A 1947-49 23 67-450 Oil feed pipe 1 A Rig/Plun 1950-57 23 42-48 Oil feed pipe 1 A S’arm 1954-59 24 36-382 Fixing nut shake proof washer 4 A not alloy heads 1950-62 24 29-7796 Fixing nut washer 4 A alloy heads 1954-62 25 24-6040 Fixing nut, front 2 A plunger 1950-57 25 2-49 Fixing nut, front 2 A S’arm iron & alloy 1954-62 26 2-49 Fixing nut, rear 2 A iron heads 1950-62 26 67-1118 Fixing nut, extended, rear 2 A7SS/10SR 1954-62 28 42-139A Oil feed pipe, lower 1 A 1960-62 29 42-8327 Oil feed pipe, rubber joining piece 1 A 1960-62 30 67-263 Inspection cover 2 A 1950-62 31 15-203 Oil feed pipe fibre washer 2 A 1947-63 9 ROCKER BOX, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT B AND M GROUP PART NO 29-541 42-46 42-48B 42-48B 65-306 65-311 65-317 65-318 65-1117 65-1119 65-1159 65-1160 65-1166 65-1364 65-1544 65-1547 66-8338 5897-93 DESCRIPTION Inspection cover screw washer Rocker oil feed pipe (use 42-48 with 66-8338) Rocker oil feed pipe (one piece) Rocker oil feed pipe (one piece) Rocker feed pipe banjo bolt Rocker spindle dome nut Rocker feed pipe banjo bolt Rocker feed screw, large hole, exhaust Rocker spindle spring Rocker oil feed pipe (one piece) Inlet rocker cover Exhaust rocker cover Inspection cover screw Rocker oil feed pipe (use 65-1119 with 66-8338) Rocker oil feed pipe (one piece) Rocker oil feed pipe (use 65-1119 with 66-8338) Rubber connection for oil pipes, as necessary Clip for 66-8338 PER 8 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 MODEL B/M33 iron head B32/34 S’arm B31/33 S’arm B32/34 S’arm B/M33 B/M33 B/M33 B32/34 B/M33 B/M33 B/M33 B/M33 B/M33 iron head B32/34 B/M33 Rig/Plun B32/34 YEARS 1946-60 1956-57 1954-60 1954-55 1947-53 1947-60 1954-60 1954-56 1946-63 1946-50 1946-60 1946-60 1946-60 1950 1951-55 1951-53 9 ROCKER BOX, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT C GROUP There was no oil feed pipe fitted except to the C12, which can be fitted to the C11 and C11G models. 2 breathers were fitted in the rocker cover up to engine ZC11 29669 but none afterwards. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS 2-537 Rocker cover bolt washer 1 C12 1956-58 2-4553 Rocker cover bolt fibre washer 1 All 1946-58 24-563 Locknut tappet adjuster 2 C11 1946-53 24-5914 Rocker trunnion washer 2 C11/11G/12 1946-58 29-2029 Rocker cover 1 C11G/12 1954-58 29-2086 Rocker oil feed pipe 1 C12 1956-58 To fit the above rocker feed pipe to C11 and CllG engines the following parts are also required: - 29-2091 Rocker trunnion; 29-2092 Bolt; 45-2454 Locking plate; 65-8420 Oil tank connection; 65-8421 Oil tank connection washer; 65-8424 Oil tank connection nut. 29-2092 Rocker oil feed and rocker cover bolt 1 C12 1956-58 29-2268 Rocker arm 2 C11/12 1939-58 29-2266 Trunnion 1 C11/11G 1946-57 29-2270 Rocker arm spring 2 C11/12 1939-58 29-2271 Tappet adjusting screw 2 C11/12 1939-58 29-2280 Breather in rocker cover up to ZC11 29670 1 C11 1939-52 35-698 Split pin 2 C11/11G/12 1946-58 45-2454 Trunnion (rocker block) lock plate 1 C11G/12 1954-58 65-109 Rocker box bolt 1 C11/11G 1946-57 10 CRANKSHAFT For main bearings see section 12; for alternators and fittings see section 40A. PRESSED UP CRANK ASSEMBLIES. Most single cylinder engines have a built up crankshaft, which means that the big end, flywheels and mainshafts are separate components that are pressed together and retained by nuts or rivets. Wear takes place in the big end assembly, evidenced by up and down play, which should not be confused with side play. A fair amount of side play is acceptable, however figures for it are hard to come by and it is also expensive to cure. The only other problem likely to be encountered is worn shafts where the bearings run; they should be a light drive fit. Shafts can be reclaimed by industrial hard chromium plating and grinding to size. In order to replace any of these parts correctly, special equipment and skills are required all of which is available at Draganfly. Make sure that the oil ways are clean before assembly! 10 CRANKSHAFT, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT A GROUP The first A7 models used a built up crank, changing to a conventional one with split big connecting rods after XA7 600. Both of these have a stroke of 82mm; the flywheel is retained by 6 bolts on the shaft axis. The A10 1950-57 and A7 1951-62 are to the same design but with strokes of 84mm and 72.6mm respectively. The Road Rocket and the A10 from 1958 used 3 radial bolts to retain the flywheel and a larger big-end journal of 1.68” instead of 1.46”. Some late crankshafts have a removable sludge trap tube. A7 connecting rods are 6.000” between centres and the A10 is 6.469”. Most engines have an oil hole drilled in the left connecting rod, which should face outwards. It is a good idea to have the big-end eyes of alloy con-rods checked for ovality and it is imperative that the oil ways are cleaned out. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS A selection of used crankshafts and con-rods usually available, please enquire 35-705 Split pin, big end nut (for original castle nuts) 4 A 1947-49 35-702 Split pin, big end nut (for original castle nuts) 4 A 1950-59 67-297 Big end nut washer so that spanner will fit. 4 A 1950-59 67-674 Oil seal, crankshaft 1 A 1954-62 67-1220 Sludge trap tube 1 A10/RR/SR/Spit 1958-62 1 67-1033 Big-end bolt, small journal 4 A 1950-53 1 67-1059 Big-end bolt, small journal 4 A10 1954-57 1 67-1181 Big-end bolt, large journal 4 A10RR 1954-57 1 67-1059 Big-end bolt, small journal 4 A7/SS 1954-59 1 67-1181 Big-end bolt, large journal 4 A10/SR/S 1958-59 1 67-1535 Big-end bolt, small journal 4 A7/SS 1960-62 1 67-1536 Big-end bolt, large journal 4 A10/SR/S 1960-62 2 67-210 Small end bush 2 2 67-209 Small end bush 2 A7/ST 1947-50 2 67-298 Small end bush 2 A10/SF/RR 1950-57 2 67-393 Small end bush 2 A7/ST/SS 1950-62 2 67-303 Small end bush 2 A10/SR/Spit 1958-59 2 67-298 Small end bush 2 A10/SR/Spit 1960-62 3 65-615 Plug, crankshaft sludge trap, small journal 2 A7/ST/SS 1947-62 3 65-615 Plug, crankshaft sludge trap, small journal 2 A10/SF/RR 1950-57 3 67-1211 Sludge trap plug, large journal 1 A10/RR/SR/Spit 1958-62 3 10404-58A Hexagon socket sludge trap plug, large journal 1 A10/RR/SR/Spit 1958-62 3 67-1212 Sludge trap plug, with tit, large journal 1 A10/RR/SR/Spit 1958-62 3 67-1212A Hexagon socket sludge trap plug, with tit, large journal 1 A10/RR/SR/Spit 1958-62 4 15-5155 Flywheel bolt washer, small journal cranks 6 A (650 to 1957) 1950-62 5 67-302 Nut, flywheel retaining 6 A (650 to 1957) 1950-62 6 66-4707 Shake proof washer, flywheel bolt, large journal 3 A10/RR/SR/Spit 1958-62 7 67-224 Castle type big-end nut for original bolts & our new ones 4 A7/ST 1947-50 7 67-272 Castle type big-end nut for original bolts & our new ones 4 A10 1950 7 67-1034 Castle type big-end nut for original bolts & our new ones 4 A 1950-59 7 67-1537 Castle type big-end nut for original bolts & our new ones 4 A 1960-62 8 67-301 Bolt, flywheel retaining 6 A (650 to 1957) 1950-62 8 67-1213 Bolt, flywheel retaining 3 A10/RR/SR/Spit 1958-62 9 67-671 Shims, crankshaft, set of 5 (.003, .005, .010) A 1947-62 10 10419-54A Big-end nut (Simmonds type not castle) 4 As above 10 67-244 Big-end shells, small journal 1.46", -.010" 1 A (650 to 1957) 1947-62 10 67-245 Big-end shells, small journal 1.46", -.020" 1 A (650 to 1957) 1947-62 10 67-246 Big-end shells, small journal 1.46", -.030" 1 A (650 to 1957) 1947-62 10 67-247 Big-end shells, small journal 1.46", -.040" 1 A (650 to 1957) 1947-62 10 67-320 Big-end shells, small journal 1.46", Std 1 A (650 to 1957) 1947-62 10 10416-54/5 Big end shells, small journal 1.46", -.005 1 A (650 to 1957) 1947-62 10 67-1430 Big-end shells, large journal 1.68", Std 1 A10/RR/SR/Spit 1958-62 10 67-1431 Big-end shells, large journal 1.68", -.010" 1 A10/RR/SR/Spit 1958-62 10 67-1432 Big-end shells, large journal 1.68", -.020" 1 A10/RR/SR/Spit 1958-62 10 67-1433 Big-end shells, large journal 1.68", -.030" 1 A10/RR/SR/Spit 1958-62 10 67-1434 Big-end shells, large journal 1.68", -.040" 1 A10/RR/SR/Spit 1958-62 10 CRANKSHAFT, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT B AND M GROUP As the 350 and 500 B group use the same 88mm stroke care must be taken to ensure that the correct wheels and connecting rod are used. All B and M models use the same big-end assembly except the Gold Stars. Not including Gold Stars, there are 3 connecting rod lengths, 7 3/8” between centres used in all B31, B33, B34 and M33 models to the end of 1952, 6 7/8” between centres used in the B33/M33 from 1953 and 8 ¼” between centres for the M20/21. The short 6 7/8” rod was also used in the B32 for 1956-57. Cast iron flywheels were used for all years of the M20/21 except 1947-49 and all AA models. The M20 has a stroke of 94mm, M21 is 112mm. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS 2-36 Crankpin key (EA101) 1 B/M 1937-63 2-77 Crankpin nut lock washer, locking screw 2 B/M 1950-63 24-375 Big end bearing roller, ¼ x 5/16 24 B/M 1938-63 24-2112 Main bearing oil retaining washer 1 M (M22 only 1939) 1937-39 24-2113 Oil flinger, drive side 1 B/M 1937-63 27-1239 Rivet for shaft to flywheel 14 B/M 1938-62 31-300 Crankpin nut lock washer 2 B/M 1937-63 65-441 Small end bush 1 B21/2 1937-39 Connecting rod, big end and small end bush, exchange, rod 65-443 65-444F B20 1937-38 65-459 Connecting rod 1 B23/24/25/26 1937 65-463 Connecting rod 1 B23/24/25/26 1938-39 65-472 Cage for big end rollers 1 B20 to 26 1937-39 65-486 Crank pin 1 B23/24/25/26 1937-40 65-506 Big end bearing roller cage 1 B/M 1940-63 66-480 Connecting rod with bushes, marked 66-481 1 M20/21 1938-63 66-481 Con rod with big end assembly 1 M20/21 1938-63 66-490 Big end bearing outer race 1 B/M 1937-63 66-491 Small end bush 1 M20/21 1937-63 66-492 Small end bush 1 B24/5/6/31/32/33/34 1938-60 66-492 Small end bush 1 M19/22/3/4/33 1948-55 66-545 Big end assembly with cage (Not GS which has bigger nuts!) 1 B/M except M24 1937-62 66-630 Connecting rod thrust washer rivet 6 B23/4/5/6/31/32/33/34/M 1937-63 66-640 Mainshaft, timing side 1 M20/1 1940-58 66-644 Mainshaft, drive side 1 M20/21/33 1940-58 EA62 Crankpin nut lock washer, locking screw 2 B/M 1937-49 10 CRANKSHAFT, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT C GROUP 80MM STROKE. As the big-end rollers run directly in the connecting rod an exchange rod is the only cure for a worn big-end. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER 2-36 Crankpin key 1 24-2112 Main bearing oil retaining washer (outside of bearing) 1 24-2112 Main bearing oil retaining washer (outside of bearing) 2 29-1970 Crankshaft oil seal 1 29-2027 Engine breather collar on drive side shaft 1 29-2277F Big end, small end and con-rod assembly, exchange, rod 29-2276’ 65-441 Small, end bush 1 65-444F Big end, small end and con-rod assembly, exchange, rod 65-443 65-486 Crank pin 1 65-2055 Oil flinger, next to flywheel 1 MODEL C C C C10L/11G/12 C C11/12 C C10/L C12 C10/11 YEARS 1946-58 1939-53 1954-58 1954-58 1954-57 1946-58 1940-57 1946-55 1937-40 1939-53 MODEL Y13 Y13 YEARS 1937-39 1937-39 OTHER MODELS PART NO 33-300 EA62 DESCRIPTION Crankpin nut lock washer Crankpin nut lock washer, locking screw PER 4 4 11 ENGINE SHOCK ABSORBER For primary chains see section 31; for alternators and fittings see section 40A. The pre-unit plunger and rigid A group uses a duplex chain sprocket, the first year of the swinging arm models used a 4 lobe shock absorber changing in 1955 to a 2 lobe one. The pre-unit singles all used the 4 lobe one up to 1954 and then a 2 lobe one, except the C group which dropped the shock absorber entirely in 1953 when an alternator was fitted. The B and M group did likewise when they gained alternators. Any sprocket from the relevant section can be fitted; the listings are to show the original application. Overall gearing was usually altered by changing the engine sprocket. PLUNGER A GROUP 1947-57 PART NO 35-709 67-349 67-1239 67-2052 67-2053 67-2054 67-2055 67-2056 DESCRIPTION Retaining nut split pin Shim between drive side bearing and sprocket spacer Shim between drive side bearing and sprocket spacer Spring Shock absorber sleeve Retaining nut Cush drive cam Sprocket shim, .005" PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AR MODEL A Rig/Plun A A A7/ST A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun YEARS 1947-57 1949-53 1947-48 1947-50 1947-53 1947-57 1947-57 1946-57 11 ENGINE SHOCK ABSORBER, CONTINUED 67-2057 67-2058 67-2062 67-2071 Sprocket shim, .010" Sprocket shim, .030" Spring Shock absorber sleeve AR AR 1 1 A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun 1946-57 1946-57 1950-57 1954-57 4 LOBE 1954 SWINGING ARM A GROUP, 1937-54 B/C/M GROUP PART NO 15-46 15-46 15-1555 15-1560 15-1564 15-1565 15-1566 15-1567 15-1568 29-2634 35-709 65-2519 65-2520 65-2521 65-2523 65-2534 66-661 66-1706 66-1706 67-1097 67-1098 67-2056/7/8 67-2062 DESCRIPTION Spring Spring Cush drive cam Sprocket, 21T Sprocket, 20T Sprocket, 19T Sprocket, 18T Sprocket, 17T Sprocket, 16T Distance collar Retaining nut split pin Cush drive bearing sleeve Retaining nut (C group up to 1953) Retaining nut lockwasher (C group up to 1953) Cush drive bearing sleeve Cush drive bearing sleeve Shim, drive side Spring Spring Cush drive bearing sleeve Retaining nut Sprocket alignment shim Spring PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AR 1 MODEL B20/21/22/23 C/G14/M20/21/Y13/G14 A/B/C/M A S’arm M21/33 solo B33/M A7/SS/M20 solo B31/C/M33 S’car C/M20/21 S’car C A S’arm B/M B/C/M A/B/C/M B/C/M WM20 B/M B24/25/26/M19/22/23/24 B A S’arm A S’arm A A S’arm YEARS 1937-39 1937-54 1937-54 1954 1937-54 1937-54 1954 1937-54 1937-54 1939-53 1954 1937-39 1937-54 1937-54 1946-54 1940-45 1946-63 1937-40 1946-54 1954 1954 1955-62 1954 2 LOBE ALL MODELS 1955-63 EXCEPT WHEN ALTERNATOR FITTED PART NO 35-709 42-69 42-70 42-71 65-2520 65-2521 65-2539 66-661 67-1134 67-1135 67-1136 67-1137 67-1138 65-2536 DESCRIPTION Retaining nut split pin Cush drive bearing sleeve Cush drive cam Retaining nut Retaining nut Retaining nut lockwasher Cush drive bearing sleeve Shim, drive side Cush drive bearing sleeve Cush drive cam Spring Retaining nut Spacer Sprocket, 16T, sidecar PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MODEL A A A/B/M A B/C/M A/B/C/M B/M B/M A A/B/M A/B/M A A M20/21 (B32 solo) YEARS 1955-62 1956-62 1956-62 1956-62 1955-63 1955-63 1954-63 1940-63 1955 1955 1955-62 1955 1955-56 1955-63 11 ENGINE SHOCK ABSORBER, CONTINUED 65-2537 65-2537 67-1132 67-1132 45-2776 65-2538 67-1133 10470-54 65-2541 10471-54 Sprocket, 17T, sidecar Sprocket, 17T, solo Sprocket, 18T, sidecar Sprocket, 18T, solo Sprocket, 19T, solo Sprocket, 20T, solo Sprocket, 21T, solo Sprocket, 22T Sprocket, 23T Sprocket, 24T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M33 Spitfire/B31 A10/RR/SR A7/SS/M20 B33 B34/M21/33 A10/RR/SR PER 1 1 1 1 1 MODEL C10L C11G/C12 B33 B31 B 1955-57 1955-63 1955-62 1955-62 1955-57 1955-62 1955-62 ALTERNATOR MODELS PART NO 29-1999 29-2034 42-88 42-89 66-661 DESCRIPTION Sprocket, 16T Sprocket, 17T Sprocket, 19T Sprocket, 17T Shim, drive side YEARS 1954-57 1954-58 1958-60 1958-60 1958-60 124. Removing pulleys "Pulley is usually driven on to a taper shaft, held by a feather, and secured by a locknut. To remove locknut, fit big spanner on it, and tap butt of spanner with a hammer. Locknut being removed, run engine on stand, when pulley will usually swirl off and hit any fool in its line of travel." 12 CRANKCASES AND FITTINGS For gaskets see section 4; for crankshaft see section 10; for timing gear see section 14; for timing case and fittings see section 15; for oil pump and fittings see section 16; for tie bolts to engine plates see section 17; for oil pipes from oil tank see section 32; for alternators and fittings see section 40A. 12 CRANKCASES, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT A GROUP When rebuilding the bottom end of an BSA twin or other engine with a plain timing side bearing we strongly recommend that the bushes are fitted to the crankcases and then 'line bored'. This will ensure that they are in perfect alignment with the drive side main bearings, resulting in a perfect bottom end that will last many thousands of miles. Most automotive machine shops should be able to do this for you. Our timing side bushes are manufactured in the UK to a high standard and are made slightly undersize for finish machining once fitted. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS 1-4606 Bolt for breather pipe (see 25-7151 for nut) 1 A 1950-62 2-49 Tie stud nut 8 A Plun 1947-57 2-49 Tie stud nut 9 A S’arm 1954-62 2-51 Sump plate nut 4 A 1947-62 2-833 Dynamo strap nut 1 A 1947-62 2-2395 Fixing stud nut inside crankcase 1 A 1947-59 21-5104 Gearbox stud nut 2 A Plun 1947-57 24-5160 Magneto fixing nut 2 A 1947-62 25-7151 Nut for 1-4606 1 A 1950-62 29-541 Sump plate shake proof washer 4 A 1947-62 29-2203 Dynamo strap eye bolt 2 A 1947-62 29-4101 Tie stud, bottom rear 1 A Plun 1947-57 29-4101 Tie stud, bottom 2 A S’arm 1954-62 29-4662 Dynamo strap saddle washer 2 A 1947-62 31-222 Sump plate stud 4 A 1947-62 36-382 Tie stud shake proof washer 7 A Plun 1947-57 36-382 Tie stud shake proof washer 9 A S’arm 1954-62 36-382 Magneto fixing shake proof washer 3 A 1947-62 65-2352 Dynamo strap trunnion 1 A 1947-62 66-4707 Oil pipe union shake proof washer 1 A Plun 1947-57 66-4707 Gearbox fixing shake proof washer 4 A Plun 1947-57 67-74 Cylinder base stud 9 A10/SF/RR 1950-57 67-74 Cylinder base stud 8/9 A7/ST/SS 1947-62 67-74 Fixing stud inside crankcase 1 A 1947-59 67-340 Scavenge pipe 1 A Plun 1947-57 67-352 Crankcase tie stud, front 2 A Plun 1947-57 67-352 Crankcase tie stud, front 4 A S’arm 1954-62 67-353 Dynamo strap stud in crankcase 2 A 1950-62 67-355 Crankcase tie stud, upper rear 1 A 1950-62 67-648 Main bearing, timing side, std 1 A 1947-57 67-670 Main roller bearing, drive side 1 A 1950-62 67-671/2 Drive side bearing shim set AR A 1950-62 67-674 Oil seal, crankshaft 1 A 1954-62 67-787 Main bearing, timing side, -.020" 1 A 1947-62 67-790 Main bearing, timing side, std 1 A 1958-62 67-799 Main bearing, timing side, -.010" 1 A 1947-62 67-800 Main bearing, timing side, -.030" 1 A 1947-62 67-801 Main bearing, timing side, -.040" 1 A 1947-62 67-922 Breather pipe 1 A 1950-62 67-1214 Cylinder base stud 9 A10/SR/S 1958-62 67-1235 Crankcase joining stud, rear 2 A Plun 1947-57 67-1240 Main ball bearing, drive side (can use 67-670) 1 A7/ST 1947-50 67-1242 Oil seal in primary case 1 A Plun 1947-57 67-1243 Oil seal washer in primary case 1 A Plun 1947-57 67-1245 Magneto fixing stud 3 A 1947-62 67-1259 Magneto bolt, long lower 1 A 1947-62 67-1285 Sump plate 1 A 1948-62 67-1400 Anti drain valve spring above timing side bush 1 A 1947-62 67-1401 Anti-drain valve grub screw inside c/case 1 A 1947-62 67-1461 Oil pipe union with pipes 1 A Rig/Plun 1947-57 67-1496 Oil pressure relief valve spring 1 A 1947-62 67-1498 Oil release valve plug fibre washer 1 A 1947-62 67-1499 Oil release valve fibre washer 1 A 1947-62 67-1505 Oil pressure relief valve plug 1 A 1947-65 67-1876 Dynamo strap 1 A 1947-63 12 CRANKCASES, CONTINUED 67-1878 71-1126 10330-54/50 S9-2 S9-3 Dynamo strap stud Sump filter (can be used to replace old gauze) Main bearing, timing side, -.050" Anti drain valve ball Oil pressure relief valve ball 2 1 1 1 1 A A A A A 1947-50 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 PRE-UNIT B AND M GROUP PART NO 2-51 2-923 2-4553 15-1355 24-722 24-722A 24-724 24-732 24-949 24-1620 24-1620 27-261 27-279 27-5156 28-243 28-243 29-541 29-4661 29-4662 DESCRIPTION Sump plate nut Magdyno strap bolt washer Drain plug washer Tie bolt Main bearing, timing side. Non lipped and a lot cheaper and no problem Main bearing, original lipped type Main roller bearing, drive side inner Main ball bearing, drive side outer Magdyno strap lower fixing stud, rear, 3 3/32" Cylinder base stud Cylinder base stud Main ball bearing, gear side outer Crankcase tie stud Magdyno strap clamp bolt Drain plug Drain plug Sump plate shake proof washer Magdyno strap clamp bolt Magdyno strap saddle washer PER 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 MODEL B/M B/M B/M B/M B/M B/M B/M M B/M M20/21 M20/21 M B B/M B1/2/18/XO B/M B/M B/M B/M YEARS 1937-63 1937-63 1937-63 1937-63 1937-63 1937-63 1937-63 1938-40 1937-63 1937-39 1940-63 1940-63 1937-40 1937-53 1936 1940-60 1937-63 1954-63 1937-63 12 CRANKCASES, CONTINUED 31-212 31-222 42-98 65-1388 65-2045 65-2045 65-2240 65-2252 65-2352 65-2353 65-2611 65-2623 66-660 66-660 66-1625 66-1627 66-1683 66-1685 66-2320 66-2321 66-2327 66-2353 66-2355 Tie stud, crankcase and magneto strap Sump plate stud Alternator securing stud Main roller bearing, drive side inner Main ball bearing, drive side outer Main ball bearing, drive side outer Circlip, drive side outer main bearing Oil pipe union, from oil tank Magdyno strap plain trunnion Magdyno strap tapped trunnion Sump plate Sump filter Spacer between bearings Spacer between bearings Main ball bearing, drive side outer Cylinder base stud Oil pipe union washer Breather on LH crankcase Magdyno strap, long, rear 8 7/8 Magdyno strap, short, front 5 ¾ Magdyno strap, short 2 3/16 Magdyno strap, short, front 5 ¾ Magdyno strap, long, rear 8 7/8 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 B/M B/M B B34 GS B/M33 M20/21 M/B B/M B/M B/M B/M B/M M20/21/23/24 B M M20/21 B/M M B/M B/M B32/34 B/M B/M 1937-63 1937-63 1958-60 1951-53 1946-60 1950-63 1939-63 1940-63 1937-63 1937-63 1937-63 1946-63 1939-63 1946-60 1940-49 1940-63 1940-63 1939-48 1937-55 1937-55 1946-49 1956-63 1956-63 PRE-UNIT C GROUP PART NO 2-46 2-46 2-49 2-51 2-51 2-923 2-1462 2-4553 2-2903 2-2903 DESCRIPTION Cylinder base nut Cylinder base nut Dynamo strap eye bolt nut Sump plate nut Tie stud nut Dynamo strap eye bolt washer Sump plate washer Drain plug washer Cylinder base washer Cylinder base washer PER 4 6 1 4 10 1 4 1 4 6 MODEL C10/10L C11/11G/12 C10/11 C C C10/11 C C C10/10L C11/11G/12 YEARS 1946-58 1946-58 1939-53 1946-58 1946-58 1939-53 1946-58 1940-60 1946-58 1946-58 12 CRANKCASES, CONTINUED 15-82 15-6524 24-732 24-8784 27-279 28-243 29-565 29-2073 29-2203 29-2240 29-2241 29-2242 31-222 31-8430 65-2048 65-2052 65-2188 65-2252 65-2352 65-2611 65-2612 65-2623 66-1682 66-1683 66-1701 S9-1 Air release valve disc Cylinder base stud nut Main bearing, drive side Cylinder base stud washer Crankcase tie stud Drain plug Cylinder base stud Alternator stator distance piece Dynamo strap eye bolt Air release valve body Air release valve body, adaptor Air release valve body, screw Sump plate stud Air release valve fibre washer Main bearing spacer Main bearing, timing side Oil valve cap screw Oil pipe union, from oil tank Dynamo strap trunnion Sump plate Sump plate gasket Sump filter Oil valve spring Oil pipe union and oil valve fibre washer Circlip, bearing retaining Oil pressure relief valve ball, 3/16 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 C C10/10L C C10/10L C C C10/10L C C10/11 C C C C C C10/11 C C C C10/11 C C C C C C C 1946-53 1939-57 1946-58 1939-57 1939-58 1940-60 1939-57 1954-58 1939-53 1946-53 1946-53 1946-53 1946-58 1946-53 1946-53 1946-58 1946-58 1946-58 1939-53 1946-58 1946-58 1946-58 1946-58 1946-58 1939-58 1946-58 13 PISTONS, RINGS AND LINERS Unless requested not to we will supply the nearest oversize piston available. Do not bore your barrel before obtaining a piston, as the size you require may not be available. In any case a barrel should always be bored to suit a piston. If when boring the barrel you find that a larger oversize than that which you have obtained is required we will exchange it without levying a handling charge. Available over sizes are given in thousandths of an inch. 20 = .020” or .5 mm. If you are not sure whether your piston, bore or rings are worn or not then your local automotive machine shop will normally check them for you without charge. The clearances are listed under each section. We may have many 'new old stock' pistons in stock so please enquire also state if you are prepared to accept one of the 'newly manufactured' pistons as an alternative. All pistons are complete with rings, gudgeon pins and circlips. Current availability is shown below. We can frequently help with pistons for earlier models. Some pattern pistons are heavier than the originals. We have asked the suppliers if they can reduce the weight, the answer is that they can but at about £1000 tooling for each type. Particularly on twins we recommend that the crankshaft be dynamically balanced to reduce the vibration, which is a good idea anyway. ALL PISTONS ARE COMPLETE WITH RINGS, GUDGEON PIN AND CIRCLIPS PART NO DESCRIPTION (C.R. = Compression Ratio) MODEL YEARS DO NOT FORGET TO STATE SIZE REQUIRED. ALL PRICES ARE EACH, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. PRE-UNIT A GROUP Standard bore sizes and piston to bore clearances are (Clearances in inches): 1947-51 long stroke A7 std bore = 62mm. Clearance, std compression piston .003/.005; high compression .004/.006. 1952-62 A7 std bore = 66mm. Clearance .002/.004; split skirt pistons .0011/.0031; 8:1 C.R. after CA7SS 4501 .0035/.005. 1951-63 A10 std bore = 70mm. Clearance .003/.0045; split skirt .0028/.0045; 8.5:1 C.R. in A10SR .004/.0055; 8.75 C.R. in RGS .001/.0025. 10030 Piston, 7:1, std, 20, 40, 60 each A7 1947-50 11288 Piston, c.r. 7.25:1, std, 20, 40, 60 each A7 1950-62 67-1558 Piston, c.r. 8.5:1, std. +20=67-1560; +40=67-1562; +60=67-1558/60 each A7SS 1960-62 11062 Piston, c.r. 7.25:1 – STD, 20, 40, 60 each A10 1950-62 Piston, 7.25:1 genuine Hepolite STD Other sizes are 67-431 +20, 67-433 +40, 67-429 A10 1950-62 67-435 +60 each 13 PISTONS, CONTINUED 11787 11412 R3630 R3570-90 R4550 R3650 67-100 67-392 65-440 67-101 67-101A 66-954 2207 2131 Piston, c.r. 8.25:1, – std, 20, 40, 60 sold in pairs only but priced each Piston, c.r. 9:1, std, 20, 40, 60 sold in pairs only but priced each Ring set for original or Hepolite pistons. This set will fit if the oil ring groove depth is increased by .008” for the +.040” and +.060” sizes. The standard and+.020” sizes do not require any modification STD, 20, 30, 60 (per piston) Ring set for GPM pistons. This set will fit if the compression ring grooves are increased in depth by .010” on standard and +.020” sizes only. Ring set, STD, 20, 30, 40, 60 (per piston) Ring set std, 20, 40, 60 (per piston) Gudgeon pin Gudgeon pin Gudgeon pin Circlip Circlip for GPM pistons Circlip Cylinder liner, 66 mm bore Liner 70mm bore A10 A10 1950-62 1950-62 A7/ST 1947-50 A7 1947-50 A7/ST/SS A10 A7 A7 A10 A7/ST/SS A A10 A7 A10 1950-62 1950-62 1947-50 1951-62 1950-62 1947-62 1950-62 1951-62 1950-62 PRE-UNIT B GROUP See section 10 for notes on ‘long and short’ con-rod lengths. Standard bore sizes and piston to bore clearances for standard models are (Clearances in inches):350cc std bore = 71mm. Clearance std C.R. piston .004/.0055; high C.R. piston .003/.005; split skirt .0005/.0016. 500cc std bore = 85mm. Clearance .0045/.0065; split skirt .0006/.00275 7150 Piston 20 B1, 2, 18, 20 1933-39 7131 Piston, std, 30, 40 B2, 22 1937-38 8317 Piston, 71mm, 7.5:1 STD, 20, 40, 60 All ohv 350cc 1933-60 681 Std piston and liner (plain liner, not flanged) Bl, 2, 3, 4, 18, 20, 21, 22 15504 Piston, c.r. 6.5:1, std, 20, 30, 40, 60 B23, 26, 30, 31, 32 1937-60 11341 Piston, c.r. 6.8:1, std, 20, 40, 60 (long con-rod) B33, 34 1946-52 11744 Piston, c.r. 7.5:1, std, 20, 40, 60 (short con-rod) B33, 1952-60 R3660 Piston rings, std, 20, 30, 40, 60 B23, 26, 30, 31, 32 1937-60 R3680 Piston ring set, std, 20, 40, 60 B33, 34 1946-60 65-440 Gudgeon pin B23-26, 30, 31, 32 1937-60 66-953 Gudgeon pin B33, 34 1937-60 66-954 Circlip B23-26, 30-34 1937-60 734 Cylinder liner B31, 32 1946-60 2107 Cylinder liner, cast iron barrels B33, 34 1946-60 PRE-UNIT C GROUP Standard bore sizes and piston to bore clearances are (Clearances in inches):- C10, 10L std bore = 63mm. Clearance .0045/.0065. C11, 11G, 12 std bore =63mm. Clearance .0035/.0055 681 Std piston and liner (plain liner not flanged) C10, 10L, 11, 11G, 12 7150 Piston +.020 C10 1939-57 15504 10962 8267 R3660 R3640 65-440 65-438 65-438A 66-954 1940-41 1940-41 1939-58 1940-41 1946-58 1940-41 1966-58 1946-58 1940-41 Piston, c.r. 6.5:1, std, 20, 30, 40, 60 Piston, as 15504 but split skirt, 20, 30 Piston, 6.5:1, std, 20, 30, 40, 60 Piston rings, std, 20, 30, 40, 60 Piston rings, std, 20, 40, 60 Gudgeon pin Piston circlip, wire type for genuine pistons Piston circlip, Seeger type, Hepolite pistons Circlip C12 C12 C11, 11G, 12 C12 C C12 C C C12 M GROUP Standard bore sizes and piston to bore clearances are (Clearances in inches):- M20, 21 std bore = 82mm (M21 1937 = 85mm). Clearance .004/.006. M33 std bore = 85mm. Clearance .0045/.0065; split skirt .0006/.00275 7110 Piston, std, .020, .030, .040, .060 M19 11957 Piston, c.r. 4.9:1, std, 20, 40, 60 M20 12659 Piston, c.r. 5.0:1, std, 20, 40, 60 M21 11341 Piston, c.r. 6.8:1, std, 20, 40, 60 (long con-rod) M33 11744 Piston, c.r. 7.5:1, std, 20, 40, 60 (short con-rod) M33 R3670 Piston rings, std, 20, 40, 60 M20, 21, 23, 24 1937-38 1938-63 1939-58 1947-52 1952-57 1938-63 13 PISTONS, CONTINUED RM11 R3680 66-953 65-440 66-954 66-75 2107 Piston rings, std, 20, 30, 40 M20/21/23/24 The piston will need to be re-grooved to fit the RM11 rings that are 3/32 and 5/32 thick. Piston rings, std, 20, 40, 60 M33 Gudgeon pin M20/21/22/23/24/33 Gudgeon pin M19 Circlip M Cylinder liner M20/21 Cylinder liner, cast iron barrels M33 1938-63 1948-57 1938-63 1938-40 1938-62 1938-62 1946-60 OTHER MODELS 15504 734 1603 Piston, c.r. 6.5:1, std, 20, 30, 40, 60 Cylinder liner Piston, 80mm, s.v. R4/17 R35/4/R36/17/B23/B26 /B30WD/C12 S/S7/S9 1935-36 1935-41 1925-31 14 TIMING GEAR For A7/10 cam follower fittings see section 5; for timing case, push rod covers and fittings see section 15; for contact breaker assemblies see section 40B; other case screws see section 43. Where camshafts and followers are marked as exchange, THIS MEANS THAT WE WANT YOUR OLD ONE FIRST. Although the profiles used when re-grinding camshafts are close to the originals, they are not exactly the same. If the follower or lobes of the cam are badly worn there will be an extra charge to cover the cost of building them up, price per lobe is part number 1750-91. Additionally if the camshaft is worn where it runs in a bush or bearing there will be an extra charge for reclaiming it by industrial hard chrome plating it back to size, price is given by part number RES-14. 14 TIMING GEAR, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT A GROUP PART NO 2-124 2-449 2-2903 15-40 19-1429 19-1473 19-1577 24-195 24-7000 27-1386 29-2199 35-1896 35-698 35-4224 40-3150 67-57 67-58 67-134 67-135 67-137 67-137A 67-286 67-296 67-332 67-333 67-334 67-335 67-337 67-339 67-356F 67-356F 67-357F 67-357F 67-360 67-362 67-396 67-398 67-540 67-641 67-642 67-643 67-644 67-645 67-685 67-686 67-686 67-686 67-687 67-690 67-695 67-707 67-708 67-709 67-713 67-721 67-725 67-727 67-729 67-987 DESCRIPTION Camshaft pinion nut Dynamo driving sprocket nut Manual advance/retard gear, retaining washer Half time pinion key Dynamo cork Dynamo driven sprocket nut Lockwasher, dynamo sprocket Manual advance/retard gear, retaining nut Camshaft pinion nut Idler pinion key Dynamo chain (N/A use 67-296 and 67-727) Camshaft pinion key Dynamo driven sprocket split pin Dynamo driving sprocket lockwasher Half time pinion key Push rod, inlet Push rod, exhaust Breather cork 1/8" thick Breather cork 5/32" thick Breather cork 3/32" thick Breather cork 7/32" thick Idler pinion bush, outer Dynamo chain Cam follower, inlet Cam follower, exhaust Camshaft (EXCHANGE) Idler pinion and spindle Camshaft pinion Half time pinion Camshaft (EXCHANGE) Camshaft (EXCHANGE) Camshaft (EXCHANGE) Camshaft (EXCHANGE) Push rod, inlet, improved quality, correct length and radius Push rod, exhaust, improved quality, correct length and radius Push rod, inlet, improved quality, correct length and radius Push rod, exhaust, improved quality, correct length and radius Manual advance/retard gear, (Duralamin) Half time pinion Oil pump worm drive gear Half time pinion lock nut, left hand thread Half time pinion lockwasher Oil pump gear washer Camshaft pinion lockwasher Camshaft bush Camshaft bush Idler pinion bush, inner Camshaft bush, drive side Camshaft used before engine number XA7 600, reground to order Camshaft fitted after engine number XA7 600, reground to order Idler pinion spindle – see 67-335 Idler pinion oil seal Idler pinion bush, outer Rev counter drive nut on magneto Dynamo driving sprocket Dynamo sprocket 13T (N/A use 67-727) Dynamo driven sprocket 11T Dynamo driven sprocket lockwasher Crankcase breather PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 AR AR AR AR 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MODEL A A A A A A A A A A A7/ST A A A A A7/ST A7/ST A A A A A A A A A7/10 A A A A7/SS/10 A7ST/SS/10RR/SR A10SR/RGS A10Spitfire A10 A10 A7SS A7SS A A7 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A10RR A A7/ST A A A YEARS 1954-62 1947-62 1950-62 1947-59 1947-62 1947-62 1947-53 1950-62 1947-53 1947-62 1947-50 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1960-62 1947-50 1947-50 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1950-62 1950-62 1950-62 1950-62 1950-59 1950-62 1950-62 1950-62 1960-62 1952-59 1960-63 1958-63 1950-62 1950-62 1951-62 1951-62 1950-62 1947-50 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-50 1950-62 1947-62 1947-50 1947 1947-49 1947-62 1947-62 1947-49 1954-57 1947-62 1947-50 1950-62 1954-62 1950-62 14 TIMING GEAR, CONTINUED 67-1021 67-1022 67-1024 67-1882 67-1882F Inlet tappet guide Exhaust tappet guide Cam follower Automatic advance/retard replacement Dural gear wheel & rivets Auto advance unit EXCHANGE 2 2 4 1 1 A7 A7 A7/ST K2F K2F 1947-51 1947-51 1947-50 1954-62 1954-62 PRE-UNIT B AND M GROUP PART NO 1-5069 2-2903 15-6524 15-6524 15-6524 21-2902 24-195 29-905 36-382 42-122 42-123 65-441 65-692 65-693 65-695 65-1084 65-1332 65-2316 65-2334 65-2335 65-2336 65-2382F 65-2417 65-2420 65-2422 65-2425 65-2425 65-2526 66-698 66-1493 66-1493 66-1493 66-1494 66-1494 DESCRIPTION Timing gear plate bolt Magneto pinion nut washer Tappet adjuster lock nut Tappet adjuster lock nut Tappet adjuster lock nut Timing gear plate bolt Magneto pinion nut Half time pinion nut Timing gear plate bolt washer Contact breaker driving pinion pin Contact breaker driving pinion circlip Camshaft pinion bush (4 per) Crankshaft timing pinion Crankshaft timing pinion key Half time pinion lock washer Push rod Tappet adjuster lock nut Magdyno pinion oil seal Magdyno pinion Idler pinion spindle Idler pinion bush Inlet camshaft, exchange Timing gear plate bush Camshaft, inlet and exhaust with bushes Cam spindle (not 1939 B21/23std/M22) Camshaft spindle, exhaust Camshaft spindle, inlet Cam spindle, exhaust - not available Big end oil feed quill Tappet or cam follower, inlet Tappet or cam follower, exhaust Cam follower Tappet guide, inlet & exhaust Cam follower guide PER 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 MODEL B/M B/M B33/M33 B31 M20/21 B/M B/M B/M B/M B B B/M (M22) B/M B/M B/M B31/33 B33/M33 B/M B/M B/M B/M B21/2/3 std B/M B/M B/M B/M B/M B/M B/M M19/20/1/2/3/4 M19/20/1/2/3/4 B M B YEARS 1940-63 1937-57 1946-55 1946-62 1938-63 1940-63 1937-57 1940-63 1940-63 1958-60 1958-60 1939-63 1940-63 1940-63 1940-63 1949-60 1956-60 1937-57 1940-57 1940-63 1940-63 1937-39 1940-63 1940-63 1939-45 1946-50 1946-63 1951-62 1940-63 1937-63 1937-40 1946-60 1937-63 1946-60 14 TIMING GEAR, CONTINUED 66-1495 66-1497 66-1498 66-1511 66-1923 66-2007 66-2008 66-2250 67-713 Tappet or cam follower, exhaust Tappet adjuster, inlet Tappet adjuster, exhaust Tappet adjuster Timing cover oil feed rubber washer Cam pinion bolt Timing gear plate and bush Idler pinion with bush Rev counter drive nut on magneto 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 M20/21 M20/21 M20/21 B31/3/M33 B/M B/M B/M B/M A10RR 1940-63 1937-63 1937-63 1946-60 1940-63 1938-62 1940-63 1940-63 1954-57 PER 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 MODEL C C C C10/10L C11/11G/12 C10/10L ClOL/11G/12 C C C10L C11G/12 C10/12 C11 C C C C10/10L C C10L/C11/C12 C10/11 C10/11 C10/11 C C11/12 C10/10L YEARS 1940-58 1939-58 1940-57 1940-57 1939-58 1938-57 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 1954-57 1954-58 1939-53 1939-53 1939-53 1939-53 1939-58 1938-57 1939-58 1946-58 1946-53 1946-53 1940-53 1939-53 1947-58 1940-57 PRE-UNIT C GROUP PART NO 2-36 15-40 15-1410 24-6040 29-224 29-252 29-1994 29-1995 29-1998 29-2075 29-2076 29-2078 29-2079 29-2134 29-2135 29-2141 29-2148 29-2162 29-2170 29-2172 29-2173 29-2198 29-2199 29-2284 65-42 DESCRIPTION Camshaft pinion key Half time pinion key Timing pinion lockwasher Tappet adjuster lock nut Push rod Tappet adjuster Camshaft follower spindle Camshaft bush in timing case Contact breaker cam securing bolt ¼ x 3 1/8 Camshaft Camshaft Camshaft Camshaft Camshaft bush in timing case, outer Camshaft bush in timing case, inner Camshaft bush in crankcase Cam follower Camshaft pinion Camshaft follower spindle circlip Camshaft nut lock washer Camshaft follower spindle Dynamo driven sprocket Dynamo chain Camshaft follower, inlet & exhaust Tappet guide 14 TIMING GEAR, CONTINUED OTHER MODELS EA101 24-195 Camshaft pinion key Magneto pinion nut 2 1 G14 Y13 1938-40 1937-39 15 TIMING CASE For gaskets see section 4; for cam bushes etc. see section 14; for oil pipes and unions see section 32. CASE SCREW SETS Case screws may be ordered individually or as sets, the contents of the sets are listed below. Our case screws have the correct pattern head; we do not sell 'Allen' head screws. Dimensions can be found under section 43. MODELS A A except A7SS/A10RR/SR A7SS/10RR A7SS/10RR/SR B B C10/11 C10L/11G/12 M YEARS 1947-49 1950-62 1954-55 1956-62 1946-57 1958-60 1946-53 1954-58 1937-63 SET CONTENTS 5 off 67-132, 8 off 67-133 (5 off inner cover), 4 off 65-3063 4 off 67-132, 7 off 67-133 (4 off inner cover), 5 off 65-3063 4 off 67-132, 7 off 67-133 (4 off inner cover), 5 off 65-3063 4 off 67-132, 7 off 67-133 (4 off inner cover), 5 off 65-3063, 2 off 65-9165 9 off 65-2157 9 off 65-2157, 3 off 42-124 2 off 29-2136 (inner), 10 off 65-2158 (4 off inner) 2 off 29-1984 (contact breaker cover), 6 off 65-2158 9 off 65-2157 PRE-UNIT A GROUP PART NO 24-209 42-153 42-166 42-195 67-142 67-284 67-287 67-714 67-716 DESCRIPTION Bolt for dynamo cover plate Inner case Tachometer drive cover plate (pump drive) Rev counter adapter (pump drive) Inner case Inner case Timing cover outer cover Tachometer drive cover plate (magneto drive) Screw, tachometer drive or cover plate (pump drive) PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 MODEL Spitfire A10SR A A1OSR/RGS A A A A10RR/SR A10RR/SR YEARS 1958-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1951-59 1960-62 1950-62 1954-59 1960-62 15 TIMING CASE, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT B AND M GROUP PART NO S9-2 2-2582 15-82 24-978 24-4227 29-541 29-2158 29-2240 29-2241 29-2242 65-930 65-1080 65-1082 65-1142 65-1918 65-2166 65-2171 65-2188 66-242 66-244 66-1367 66-1684 66-1933 66-1936 65-2143 66-8332 S9-1 DESCRIPTION Non return valve ball, 1/4" Tappet inspection cover screw Air release valve disc Shake proof washer, valve chest cover Stud, push rod tube lower fixing Shake proof washer, push rod tube lower fixing Tappet adjusting cover screw Air release valve body Air release valve body, adaptor Air release valve body, screw Push rod tube lower fixing dome nut Push rod tube Push rod tube gland nut (iron head) Cover, valve rocker, iron head Timing cover Air release pipe and nut Air release adapter screw Oil valve spring screw Valve chest cover, polished alloy Valve spring cover, flat steel Pushrod tube seal Non return valve spring Valve spring cover screw Cover, tappet adjuster Timing cover, with valve Gland nut for breather pipe Non return valve ball, 3/16" PER 1 4 1 4 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 MODEL B/M B/M33 iron head B/M M B/M33 B/M33 B/M33 B/M B/M B/M B B/M33 B/M33 B29/31/32/33/34/M33 B/M B/M B/M B/M M s.v. not WM20 WM20 B/M33 iron head B/M M20/21 M23/23/B33/M33 B/M B/M B/M YEARS 1946-63 1946-60 1937-60 1937-62 1946-60 1946-60 1946-60 1937-48 1937-48 1937-48 1946-60 1946-60 1940-60 1940-60 1939-47 1948-63 1948-63 1937-62 1937-62 1940-45 1946-60 1940-63 1938-63 1939-60 1948-58 1948-63 1937-39 15 TIMING CASE, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT C GROUP PART NO 2-1096 29-541 29-1972 29-1979 29-1981 29-1983 29-1984 29-1985 29-1996 29-1997 29-2128 29-2129 29-2132 29-2133 29-2136 29-2158 29-3319 65-2158 65-2158 65-2158 66-1933 DESCRIPTION Washer, contact breaker plate Shake proof washer, case screw Contact breaker cover Outer cover Outer cover Screw, contact breaker plate Contact breaker cover screw Gasket, outer cover Contact breaker oil seal Gasket, inner cover Outer cover Inner cover Gasket, outer cover Gasket, inner cover Case screw, inner cover, long Tappet adjusting cover screw Shake proof washer, contact breaker plate Case screw, inner cover, short Case screw, outer cover Case screw, inner cover Screw, distributor clamp PER 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 4 6 6 1 MODEL C C C C10L C11G/12 C C C C C C C C C C C10 C C C C C YEARS 1954-58 1946-53 1954-58 1954-57 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 1939-53 1939-53 1946-53 1946-53 1946-53 1940 1954-58 1946-53 1946-53 1954-58 1946-53 16 OIL PUMP AND PRESSURE REGULATOR For individual gaskets see section 4; for oil see section 32; for ball bearings see section 42. Individual oil pump parts may require some fettling when fitting as originally selective assembly was used. If in doubt or if you get into trouble buy an assembled body and gears or better still send your old pump to us and we will supply an exchange, reconditioned pump. PRE-UNIT A GROUP PART NO 2-51 2-3525 29-541 42-156 42-157 67-642 67-645 67-1381 10600-54F 67-1382 DESCRIPTION Nut Driving spindle thrust washer for non-tachometer drive type Shake proof washer Driving spindle with tachometer drive extension Driving spindle thrust washer for tachometer drive type Oil pump worm drive gear, on crankshaft Oil pump gear washer, on crankshaft Oil pump assembly Oil pump assembly, EXCHANGE reconditioned ( CAST IRON BODY ) Oil pump body only PER 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MODEL A A A A10SR/S A A A A A A YEARS 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1960-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 16 OIL PUMP, CONTINUED 67-1383 67-1384 67-1385 67-1386 67-1387 67-1388 67-1389 67-1390 67-1391 67-1392 67-1393 67-1394 67-1395 67-1396 67-1403 67-1404 67-1405 67-1406 67-1496 67-1498 67-1499 90-241 2210-91 Feed gear, driver with spindle Feed gear, driven, thin, no spindle Scavenge gear, driver with spindle Scavenge gear, driven, no spindle Spindle for driven gears Oil pump nose casting Driving spindle without tachometer drive extension (not A10SR/S) Driving spindle circlip End plate for oil pump End plate screw Gasket Fibre washer under nose Oil pump stud, long Oil pump stud, short Feed gear, driver with spindle Feed gear, driven, thin, no spindle Scavenge gear, driver with spindle Scavenge gear, driven, no spindle Oil pressure relief valve spring Fibre washer, oil pressure regulator plug Fibre washer, oil pressure regulator body Oil pressure relief valve ball bearing Oil pump body, gears, spindle and end plate all assembled and checked 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1947-55 1947-55 1947-55 1947-55 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1956-62 1956-62 1956-62 1956-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 PRE-UNIT B, C AND M GROUPS PART NO 24-978 65-2579 65-2580 65-2589 65-2589F 65-2590 65-2592 65-2599 65-2600 65-2601 65-2602 65-2603 65-2603 65-2618 65-2619F 65-2622 66-2588 66-2620 66-2620 S9-1A DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS The oil pump gears were redesigned in 1955 and individual gears are not interchangeable with the later ones but complete sets are. Spring washer, fixing bolt 2 B/C/M 1940-63 Spindle retaining pin 1 B/M 1940-50 Spindle retaining pin 1 B/M 1950-63 Oil pump, large gear, will fit earlier models 1 B/C/M 1956-62 Oil pump, large gear, EXCHANGE reconditioned (yes we will) 1 B/C/M 1956-62 Scavenge gear 2 B/C/M 1956-63 Feed gear, driven 1 B/C/M 1956-63 Scavenge gear 2 B/C/M 1937-55 Feed gear, driven 1 B/C/M 1937-55 Feed gear, driving 1 C/B/M 1937-55 Driving spindle 1 C 1939-58 Spindle retaining pin 1 B/M 1937-39 Spindle retaining pin 1 C 1939-58 Gasket 1 B/C/M 1940-63 Oil pump, small gear, EXCHANGE reconditioned (no we won’t) 1 B/C/M 1940-55 Ball valve circlip 1 B/C/M 1940-63 Oil pump 1 Driving spindle 1 M24 1937-39 Driving spindle 1 B/M 1940-63 Ball bearing 7/32 1 B/C/M 1940-63 17 ENGINE PLATES For parts attached to the frame see the relevant section for that part. E.g. for head steadies see section 5; crankcase tie bolts see section 12; for stands see section 18; for frame tie bolts see section 25 for rigid and plunger frames and section 26 for swinging arm frames. 17 ENGINE PLATES, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT A GROUP - PLUNGER AND RIGID PART NO 2-46 2-49 2-440 29-4101 36-382 66-4707 66-4708 67-350 67-354 67-1292 67-4026 67-4028 67-4036 DESCRIPTION Nut, crankcase and exhaust pipe tie stud Nut Nut Tie stud to engine plate Shake proof washer Shake proof washer, crankcase and exhaust pipe tie stud Shake proof washer Tie stud to engine plate Engine tie bolt, engine plate to frame, top front Tie stud extended nut Engine tie bolt, engine plate to frame, top front Bolt, gearbox lower fixing Front engine plate insert PER 2 5 2 3 6 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 MODEL A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun YEARS 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 1947-49 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 1950-62 1954-57 1947-62 1947-53 1947-57 1947-57 17 ENGINE PLATES, CONTINUED A GROUP - SWINGING ARM 1954-62 Parts marked * are what you get if you ask for a set of engine tie bolts 2-1462 2-1616 2-1925 2-1945 2-1967 2-2395 15-5664 27-5705 27-6276 42-4074 42-4075 42-4076 42-4077 42-4272 42-4278 42-4279 42-4280 42-4281 67-1292 Spring washer, gearbox adjuster lug Nut, gearbox adjuster Nut, tie stud, 7/16x20 Plain washer, tie stud Spring washer, tie stud Nut, gearbox adjuster lug Gearbox adjuster nut Gearbox adjuster lug Engine plate tie stud to frame, lower Gearbox top bolt with 1 serrated washer & nut Gearbox top bolt serrated washer, the other one Gearbox adjuster bolt Gearbox plate pivot stud to gearbox, lower with nuts Rear engine plate cover (ski slope) Gearbox plate, upper, RH Gearbox plate, upper, LH Gearbox plate, lower, RH Gearbox plate, lower, LH Sleeve nut, top front tie stud * * * * * * * * * * 1 1 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-60 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 A GROUP - SWINGING ARM 1954-57 ONLY (Plus parts listed above under 1954-62 heading) 42-4132 2-522 2-46 65-4182 27-5683 66-4163 27-5690 67-350 24-8784 2-49 Gearbox plate tie bolt to frame, top rear Spring washer, tie stud Nut, tie stud Gearbox plate tie stud to engine, front & to frame, rear Gearbox plate tie stud to frame, front Gearbox plate tie stud to engine, top front Engine plate tie stud to frame, top Engine plate tie stud to engine Spring washer, tie stud Nut, tie stud * * * * * * * * * * 1 15 15 2 1 1 1 3 6 5 A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 A GROUP - SWINGING ARM 1960-62 ONLY (Plus parts listed above under 1954-62 heading) 2-522 2-46 24-8784 42-4474 2-2138 42-4476 42-4472 42-4473 42-4471 42-4469 42-4470 42-4475 2-923 Spring washer, tie stud Nut, tie stud Spring washer, tie stud Engine tie bolt, 3/8x4 1/8x26 Plain washer 3/8 Nyloc nut for tie bolts, front Engine tie bolt, 3/8x3 7/8x26 Engine tie bolt, 3/8x4 5/8x26 Engine tie bolt, 3/8x4 3/8x26 Tie bolt Engine plate bolt to engine 5/16 Nyloc nut for tie bolts, front Plain washer * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 2 2 2 6 6 1 1 1 1 3 5 5 A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 17 ENGINE PLATES, CONTINUED B GROUP - PLUNGER AND RIGID PART NO 2-46 2-522 15-5664 27-5683 27-5684 27-5710 65-4189 65-4516 65-4517 65-4519 66-4163 66-4168 66-4169 66-4200 66-4201 DESCRIPTION Tie bolt nut Tie bolt spring washer Gearbox adjuster nut Tie stud Tie stud Gearbox adjuster eye bolt Lower gearbox mounting bolt serrated washer Gearbox adjuster lug Engine plate, rear, right Engine plate, rear, left Tie bolt Gearbox adjuster bolt Gearbox rear bolt spacer Engine plate, rear, right Engine plate, rear, left PER 20 20 1 1 7 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MODEL B Rig/Plun B Rig/Plun B Rig/Plun B Rig/Plun B Rig/Plun B Rig/Plun B Rig/Plun B Rig/Plun B Rig B Rig B Rig/Plun B Rig/Plun B Rig/Plun B Plun B Plun YEARS 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 17 ENGINE PLATES, CONTINUED B GROUP - SWINGING ARM AND 1954-55 B32/4 RIGID 2-46 2-522 2-1309 2-1462 2-1616 2-1925 2-1945 2-1967 2-2395 15-5664 27-5683 27-5684 27-5690 27-5705 29-3319 42-4072 42-4073 42-4074 42-4075 42-4076 42-4077 42-4099 42-4125 42-4272 42-4406 65-4182 66-4708 Tie stud nut Tie stud spring washer Front engine plate cover screw Gearbox adjuster lug spring washer Gearbox adjuster eye bolt lock nut Gearbox plate stud nut, 7/16x20 Gearbox plate tie stud plain washer Gearbox plate tie stud spring washer Gearbox adjuster lug plain washer Gearbox adjuster nut Gear box plate tie stud Front tie stud Front tie stud Gearbox adjuster lug Front engine plate cover spring washer Gearbox plate upper Gearbox plate lower Gearbox top bolt with 1 serrated washer Gearbox top bolt serrated washer, the other one Gearbox adjuster bolt Gearbox plate tie stud Front tie stud Front engine plate cover Rear engine plate cover (ski slope) Rear engine plate cover (ski slope) Gearbox plate tie stud Gearbox plate tie stud spring washer 20 20 6 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-57 1958-60 1954-60 1954-60 MODEL M Girder M Tele M M M M YEARS 1938-46 1946-63 1938-63 1938-63 1938-63 1938-63 M GROUP PART NO 2-46 2-46 2-49 2-52 2-522 2-923 DESCRIPTION Nut Nut Nut, gearbox adjuster lug Nut, chain stay to frame, rear when no shield fitted Spring washer, gearbox tie stud, lower rear Plain washer, gearbox adjuster lug PER 17 20 1 2 2 1 17 ENGINE PLATES, CONTINUED 2-1925 2-1925 2-2138 15-541 15-5664 15-6240 15-6325 24-7065 27-5683 27-5684 27-5684 27-5684 27-5684 27-5694 27-5710 29-3319 65-4189 66-2721 66-2726 66-2744 66-4098 66-4157 66-4158 66-4167 66-4168 66-4169 66-4173 66-4181 66-4200 66-4201 66-4601 66-4602 66-4604 66-4707 66-4707 66-4708 Nut, engine plate to frame, except when 66-2721 shield is fitted Nut, top front tie stud Plain washer Nut, engine plate to frame, lower, with 66-2721 crankcase shield Gearbox adjuster nut Spacer, gearbox tie stud, lower rear Gearbox tie stud, lower rear Screw, front engine plate cover Gearbox tie stud, top front Tie stud Tie stud, engine to gearbox and front plates Tie stud, front engine plate to frame, top Tie stud, front engine plate to frame, lower of the 2 upper ones Tie stud, front engine plate to frame, upper of the 2 upper ones Gearbox adjuster eye bolt Shake proof washer, front engine plate cover Lower gearbox mounting bolt serrated washer Crankcase shield, flat type Tie stud nut when crankcase shield fitted Crankcase shield, curved type Tie bolt, engine to front plate, top Rear engine plate Front engine plate Gearbox adjuster lug Gearbox adjuster bolt Gearbox adjuster bolt spacer Tie stud, engine plate to frame, front lower Front engine plate cover Gearbox plate, RH Gearbox plate, LH Spacer, gearbox tie stud, lower rear Spacer, gearbox tie stud, lower rear Stud, seat stay to chain stay Shake proof washer Shake proof washer Spring washer, top front tie stud 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 15 2 M M Tele M Tele M M M Rigid M Rigid M Tele M M19/22/23/24 M20/21/33 M Girder M Tele M Tele M M Tele M Tele M M M M20/21/33 M20 Rigid M Girder M M M M M Tele M Plunger M Plunger M M M M Girder M Tele M Tele 1938-63 1946-63 1946-63 1938-63 1938-63 1938-60 1938-60 1946-63 1939-63 1938-40 1938-63 1940-46 1947-63 1947-63 1938-63 1946-63 1947-63 1937-41 1938-63 1942-63 1938-63 1938-60 1938-47 1938-63 1938-63 1940-63 1937-63 1949-58 1951-63 1951-63 1938-63 1938-63 1937-62 1938-46 1946-63 1946-63 17 ENGINE PLATES, CONTINUED Key C GROUP Except C12 Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 Description C10 C11 Rigid Rigid 3/4 speed 3/4 speed 29-4103 Bolt 2-440 Nut Front engine plate 29-4075 24-5160 Nut 24-8784 Spring washer 29-4100 Tie stud 24-8784 Spring washer 24-5160 Nut Nut Spring washer Tie stud Spring washer Nut 27-5674 Bolt or tie stud Nut Serrated washer Shake proof washer 66-4707 35-5864 Serrated washer Spring washer Shake proof washer 66-4707 2-46 Nut 29-4132 Bolt or tie stud 15-431(1) Plain washer 2-1925(1) Nut Spring washer 29-4103 Bolt 15-431 Plain washer 15-716 Spring washer 2-440 Nut Gearbox plate RH 29-4183 Gearbox plate LH 29-4183 24-5160 Nut Plain washer Screw Distance piece Crankcase cover 1954-55 Crankcase cover 1956-57 C10/11 Plunger 3 speed 29-4103 2-440 29-4075 24-5160 24-8784 29-4100 24-8784 24-5160 29-4103 2-440 29-4075 24-5160 24-8784 29-4100 24-8784 24-5160 27-5683 2-46 65-4189 27-5674 65-4189 35-5864 C10/11 Plunger 4 speed 29-4103 2-440 29-4075 24-5160 24-8784 29-4100 24-8784 24-5160 24-5160 24-8784 29-4100 24-8784 24-5160 65-4540 65-4189 66-4707 2-522 66-4707 2-46 2-46 29-5315 29-4132 29-4290 29-4290 15-431(1) 15-431(2) 15-431(2) 2-1925(1) 2-1925(2) 2-1925(2) 15-716 15-716 29-4103 29-4103 29-4103 15-431 15-431 15-431 15-716 15-716 15-716 2-440 2-440 2-440 29-4183 29-4183 29-4184 29-4183 29-4183 29-4188 24-5160 24-5160 24-5160 29-4463 29-4463 Grommet Description C10 C11 Rigid Rigid 3/4 speed 3/4 speed C10/11 Plunger 3 speed C10/11 Plunger 4 speed C11G Rigid 3 speed C11G Plunger 3 speed C11G Rigid 4 speed 29-4103 2-440 29-4075 24-5160 24-8784 29-4100 24-8784 24-5160 29-4103 2-440 29-4075 24-5160 24-8784 29-4100 24-8784 24-5160 29-4103 2-440 29-4075 24-5160 24-8784 29-4100 24-8784 24-5160 27-5683 2-46 65-4189 66-4707 65-4189 27-5683 2-46 65-4189 66-4707 65-4189 27-5683 2-46 65-4189 66-4707 2-46 29-4132 15-431(1) 2-1925(1) 3-812 15-431 15-716 2-440 29-4380 29-4380 29-4477 2-525 21-6172 29-4377 29-4463 29-4463 89-4283 C11G Rigid 3 speed C11G Plunger 4 speed 29-4103 2-440 29-4075 24-5160 24-8784 29-4100 24-8784 24-5160 24-5160 24-8784 29-4100 24-8784 24-5160 65-4540 C10L 29-4102 2-440 2-4454 24-5160 27-8784 29-4481 27-8784 24-5160 24-5160 24-8784 29-4481 24-8784 24-5160 29-4458 65-4189 65-4189 65-4541 2-522 65-4189 2-995 66-4707 2-46 29-4290 15-431(2) 2-1925(2) 15-716 3-812 15-431 15-716 2-440 29-4379 29-4380 29-4477 2-525 21-6172 29-4378 29-4463 29-4463 89-4283 2-46 29-4290 15-431(2) 2-1925(2) 15-716 3-812 15-431 15-716 2-440 29-4380 29-4380 29-4477 2-525 21-6172 29-4378 29-4463 29-4463 89-4283 29-5315 29-4290 15-431(2) 2-1925(2) 15-716 3-812 15-431 15-716 2-440 29-4381 29-4382 29-4477 2-525 21-6172 29-4378 29-4465 29-4465 89-4283 29-5315 ??-???? ??-???? ??-???? ??-???? C11G Plunger 3 speed C11G Rigid 4 speed C11G Plunger 4 speed ??-???? ??-???? 29-4477 2-525 21-6172 29-4461 29-4498 89-4283 C10L 17 ENGINE PLATES, CONTINUED C12 PART NO 2-440 2-522 15-431 15-716 24-5160 24-8784 29-4075 29-4100 29-4103 29-4459 29-5315 DESCRIPTION Nut for tie bolt Spring washer for gearbox bolt Plain washer for tie bolt Spring washer for tie bolt Nut for tie stud Spring washer for tie stud Front engine plate Tie stud Tie bolt Gearbox tie bolt Nut PER 2 2 2 2 10 10 2 5 2 2 2 MODEL C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 YEARS 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 18 PROP, CENTRE AND REAR STANDS The first A7 models had a vertically mounted telescopic centre stand, which was not a success and was replaced with a more conventional version from frame number XA7 1101. The C group centre stands pivot on engine or footrest studs. Side, prop or jiffy stands were available as an option from at least 1938. All models that had a side stand fitted used a loose 2 piece clamp to fix it to the frame, but when the swinging arm frame was introduced the top half of the clamp was attached to the frame. The exception (there is always an exception) is the 1953-57 plunger A10, which had a welded on bracket. The C10L did not have provision for a side stand. The rigid M group used a rear stand but the plunger had a conventional centre stand. 18 STANDS, CONTINUED PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS 2 2 1 1 1 2 A Plun A Plun A Plun A Plun A Plun A Plun 1947-57 1947-57 1952-57 1947-51 1947-57 1947-57 1 1 1 2 1/2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A except Spitfire A/B S’arm A/B S’arm B S’arm A S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A except Spitfire A Spitfire A/B S’arm 1954-57 1954-57 1958-62 1954-57 1954-62 1958-62 1960-63 1954-57 1954-57 1954-57 1954-57 1954-62 1958-60 1958-62 1960-63 1960-63 1958-62 CENTRE STAND - A GROUP– PLUNGER/RIGID 28-2080 35-698 67-4816 67-4843 67-4847 67-4848 Centre stand pivot grease nipple Centre stand pivot split pin Centre stand Centre stand (fitted from XA7 1101) Centre stand spring Centre stand pivot CENTRE STAND - A/B GROUP S’ARM 2-1945 2-1967 3-1346 24-5860 28-2080 35-707 40-3075 42-4713 42-4714 42-4719 42-4725 42-4730 42-4736 42-4744 42-4761 42-4762 42-4745 Plain washer Spring washer Thackery washer Centre stand pivot bolt nut Grease nipple Split pin Rubber for centre stand extension Centre stand pivot tube Pivot stud Centre stand Centre stand Centre stand spring Centre stand, not available - use 42-4761 with 40-3075 Centre stand pivot pin Centre stand, with extension Centre stand without extension Centre stand pivot pin tube 18 STANDS, CONTINUED CENTRE STAND - B/M GROUP RIGID AND PLUNGER AND C GROUP EXCEPT C10L 2-1925 2-1967 15-645 15-716 15-5290 15-5290 28-2080 29-4387 29-4840 29-4840 29-4840 35-5016 65-4727 65-4728 Centre stand stud nut Centre stand spring washer Stop bolt Pivot stud spring washer Centre stand pivot grease nipple Centre stand pivot grease nipple Centre stand pivot grease nipple Centre stand spacer Centre stand pivot tube Centre stand pivot tube Centre stand pivot tube (Rigid only 1954) Centre stand pivot grease nipple, angled Centre stand spring Centre stand stud 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B/M Rig/Plun/C12 B/M Rig/Plun C10/11 C12 C10/11 Gir C11G B Rig/Plun/C12 C11G Plun B Rig/Plun C10 Std C10/11/11G Rig C10/11/M Plun B/M Rig/Plun/C except C10L B Rig/Plun 1946-62 1946-62 1949-53 1956-58 1946 1954-55 1946-56 1954-55 1946-56 1938-39 1940-55 1946-62 1946-62 1946-56 1 1 1 C10L C10L C10L 1954-57 1954-57 1954-57 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 M A/B B S’arm B S’arm B Plun/Rig/C (not C12) A S’arm B/M/C A S’arm 1946-62 1948-57 1956-57 1954-55 1946-60 1954-62 1946-60 1954-62 CENTRE STAND – C10L 35-705 2-2138 90-4716 Split pin for link plate Plain washer for link plate Link plate SIDE STAND – ALL MODELS 2-49 2-1945 3-1156 28-2338 28-2338 36-382 36-382 42-4765 Side stand clamp nut Side stand pivot washer Side stand clamp bolt Side stand clamp bolt Side stand clamp bolt Side stand clamp shake proof washer Side stand clamp shake proof washer Side stand leg, use 42-4769 assembly 18 STANDS, CONTINUED 42-4767 42-4769 42-4772 42-4793 42-4793 42-4796 42-4796 42-4797 65-4741 65-4742 65-4784 67-4907 67-4907 67-4907 Side stand clamp bolt Side stand assembly after CA7 2735 Side stand leg Side stand pivot bolt Side stand pivot bolt Side stand clamp bolt Side stand clamp bolt Side stand clamp nut Side stand pivot pin Side stand spring Side stand clamp bolt Side stand pivot pin Side stand pivot pin Side stand pivot pin 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 A S’arm A/B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A/B S’arm B/C/M Rig/Plun A/B/C/M M A Plun A S’arm B S’arm 1960-62 1954-59 1954-59 1955-62 1958-60 1954-59 1958-60 1954-62 1946-57 1948-62 1946-62 1951-57 1954 1954-57 2 2 2 2 1 1 M M M WM20 B/M M 1940-60 1940-60 1940-60 1940-45 1937-60 1940-60 1 1 1 1 1 1 WM20 WM20 WM20 WM20 WM20 WM20 1940-45 1940-45 1940-45 1940-45 1940-45 1940-45 M GROUP REAR STAND 15-716 24-6040 24-6058 24-6058A 66-4767 66-4772 Rear stand pivot bolt spring washer Rear stand pivot bolt nut Rear stand pivot bolt Pivot bolt, special for our rear stands Rear stand spring Rear Stand with pivot bolts WM20 FIELD STAND 15-6053 66-4710 15-6045 15-6046 15-6052 15-6056 Field stand pivot bolt Field stand assembly, this one fits and works Field stand half clamp, threaded Field clamp half clamp, not threaded Field stand spring inside pivot Field stand pivot pin collar OTHER MODELS A27-90 Universal clamp on side stand for 7/8” tube, 10” long 19 GEARBOX For gaskets see section 4; for clutch, clutch operating parts see section 20; for clutch cables and adjusters see section 37. There are 5 different gearboxes used on the pre-unit A, B and M group machines and 4 different gearboxes for the pre-unit 'C' group. There are however similarities between them and for this listing the gearboxes have been grouped as follows:1. Pre-war models except M and C group 2. 1938-48 M; 1946-48 B; 1949-63 M and B Plunger 3. 1946-57 Plunger A; 1954-63 S’arm A and B; C10/11/11G 4 speed; C10L/12 4 speed. 4. C group 3 speed. 5. Unit models. PRE-WAR MODELS (EXCEPT 1938-48 M AND C GROUP) PART NO 2-2538 15-374 15-374 15-4179 24-68 24-4261 24-4257 24-4253 24-4255 26-4215 27-4170 27-4093 28-43 29-3829 29-3857 65-3212 65-3212 65-3131 65-3161A 65-3135 66-3081 DESCRIPTION Filler plug Mainshaft nut, clutch end Mainshaft nut, clutch end Kickstart lever Positive stop spring Kickstart return bump stop rubber Kickstart quadrant Kickstart ratchet pinion Kickstart ratchet pinion lock nut Kickstart inner casing, hand change Kickstart spring Mainshaft ring Drain plug Kickstart quadrant Mainshaft bearing, clutch end Kickstart rubber Kickstart rubber Dog clutch Clutch arm rubber boot, for tapered clutch arms with a groove machined on the clutch arm boss Kickstart return spring Kickstart bush MODEL M B1/2/3/18/Q7/8/21/R4/5/17/19/20/W 6/X0 M20/21/22/23 G14/Y13 All ? G14/Y13 Old shit YEARS 1936-37 1936 1937 1938-40 1936-40 ? ? 4 speed B1/2/XO & others ? B/Y/G B18 B B22/4/5/9/Gl4 Y13 B20/21/22/23/24/25/26/29 B/M All 1936 1937-48 1936 1938 1940 1938 1937-40 1937-40 B G14 1938-40 1930 19 GEARBOX, CONTINUED B AND M GROUP 1938-62 PLUNGER AND RIGID The design of this gearbox goes back to the early 1930’s although applications have only been researched back to 1938. For earlier models refer to the maker’s parts books, see section 2. The list below covers 3 variations of what is essentially the same gearbox although the short lived 1946-48 B group variant has quite a few different parts from the other two. All parts are listed but are not necessarily available, see the price list. KEY 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 KEY DESCRIPTION M 1938-48 B 1946-48 Sprocket retaining nut 24-4226 29-3835 Sprocket retaining nut lockwasher 24-4263 29-3836 Sprocket, 19T Sprocket, 18T 24-4280 65-3370 Sprocket 24-4280 does not have oil groove & should be used with 24-4065 sealed bearing Sprocket, 15T B32 65-3398 Shell 66-3028 65-3394 Inspection plate oil baffle 24-4288 Inspection cover gasket 15-4110 (2) 15-4110 Inspection cover plate screw, hex head 27-4258 (4) 27-4258 (4) Inspection cover plate 66-3070 66-3070 Sprocket oil seal 24-4232 65-3372 Mainshaft bearing oil retaining washer 24-4225 29-3858 Mainshaft bearing, clutch end 24-4065 29-3857 Layshaft bush packing washer Gear control shaft bush, clutch end 66-3084 65-3336 Gear selector fork 66-3248 65-3292 Gear control shaft peg 66-325 (2) 66-3258 (2) Gear selector fork 66-3248 65-3292 Gear control shaft 66-3083 65-3156 Gear control shaft bush, inner 24-4245 Gear control shaft bush packing washer (as required) 29-8740 Gear control index plunger sleeve 15-4223 15-4223 Plunger spring 15-4225 15-4225 Gear control plunger 15-4224 15-4224 Operating shaft nut EB171 EB171 Operating shaft washer 15-39 15-39 Gear change operating shaft bush, inner 15-4226 15-4226 Gear change shaft 15-4229 15-4229 Nut EA80 (2) EA80 (2) Shake proof washer 36-382 (2) 24-8784 Gear change operating plate and pawl arm stop 15-4228 15-4228 Operating plate and pawl arm stop screw M208 (2) M208 (2) Operating plate 15-4231 15-4231 Circlip 15-4240 15-4240 Gear change pawl main spring 15-4139 15-4139 Pawl pivot 15-4138 (2) 15-4138 (2) Pawl carrier arm, lower 15-4249 15-4249 Pawl carrier arm, upper 15-4236 15-4236 Gear change pawl secondary spring 15-4161 15-4161 Gear change pawl, lower 15-4141 15-4141 Pawl pivot nut 15-4143 (2) 15-4143 (2) Pawl pivot locknut M263 (2) M263 (2) Gear change pawl, upper 15-4142 15-4142 Gear change control rod 15-4255 15-4255 Gear control rod adjusting yoke locknut 24-563 24-563 Gear control rod adjusting yoke or clevis 15-4254 15-4254 Gear change ratchet lever 15-4206 15-4206 Split pin for gear control rod pivot pin 35-705 (2) 35-705 (2) Gear control rod pivot pin 15-4221 (2) 15-4221 (2) Gear change ratchet lever sleeve bush 15-4227 15-4227 Gear control shaft spacing collar 15-4233 Gear control quadrant arm 15-4239 15-4239 Gear control quadrant lockwasher 15-4232 15-4232 DESCRIPTION M 1938-48 B 1946-48 M/B 1949-62 24-4226 24-4263 65-3506 66-3140 24-4288 15-4110-2 27-4258 (4) 66-3070 65-3508 65-3509 24-4065 66-3086 66-3084 66-3290 66-3291 66-3290 66-3083 24-4245 66-3087 15-4223 15-4225 15-4224 2-440 15-39 15-4226 15-4229 2-49 (2) 36-382 (2) 15-4228 2-2211 (2) 15-4231 15-4240 15-4139 15-4138 (2) 15-4249 15-4236 15-4161 15-4141 15-4143 (2) 2-395 (2) 15-4142 15-4253 24-563 15-4254 15-4206 35-705 (2) 15-4221 (2) 15-4227 15-4233 15-4239 15-4232 M/B 1949-62 19 GEARBOX, CONTINUED 52 53 54 Gear change quadrant operating lever nut Gear lever pinch bolt Gear lever pinch bolt washer 55 Outer cover fixings (65-3062 = 2 ¼, 65-3063 = 1 ¾, 65-3357 = 2 ½, 663065 = 1 ½, 56 56 57 58 59 60 61 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 KEY Gear lever Gear lever, in reversed position, B32/34 1949-62 Gear change rubber (not WM20) Kickstart rubber Filler plug wash Filler plug Kickstart lever, fixed Kickstart lever, folding Nut for outer cover stud Case screw (65-3356 = 3/8 x 2 9/16, 65-3062 = 2 ¼) Cotter pin (2-2579A for worn holes) Kickstart spring anchor pin nut Outer gasket Grease nipple Outer cover Kickstart spindle bush, outer Kickstart spring anchor pin Kickstart return spring (24-4300 = 1938-39) Kickstart quadrant Kickstart stop rubber wedge Speedometer spindle bush, small M21/33 B32/4/M20 Speedo driven gear bush Speedo drive fibre washer Speedo driven gear bush nut Speedo driven gear bush cap nut Speedo driven gear thrust washer Layshaft bush, long kickstarter end Layshaft B32/4/M20 Layshaft 1st gear bush Layshaft 1st gear, 29T Layshaft dog clutch Layshaft 2nd gear, 25T Layshaft 2nd gear bush Layshaft 3rd/4th gear, 20/17T Layshaft bush, short clutch end Mainshaft packing washer, .005/.010 (as required) Inner cover ball race oil flinger washer Mainshaft 1st/2nd gear, 20/16T Mainshaft 1st gear Mainshaft 2nd gear Mainshaft 3rd gear bush Mainshaft 3rd gear, 25T Mainshaft dog clutch Mainshaft sleeve gear, 28T Mainshaft sleeve gear bush Drain plug Outer cover stud, long Mainshaft bearing oil retaining washer Mainshaft key for clutch Mainshaft Gear control quadrant Gear control quadrant plunger Gear control quadrant bush DESCRIPTION EB201 15-5153 15-5155 66-3065 (6) 65-3062 (2) 65-3171 29-3250 65-3212 EB106 65-3361 K234A 65-3357 (4) 65-3063 (1) 21-2896 (4) 65-3380 15-4179 29-3250 65-3397 65-3365 65-3364 65-3381 2-2579 EB102 66-3068 65-3356 2-2579 K457 65-3355 66-3102 24-4258 M588 24-4300 15-4121 66-3259 65-3346 65-3359 24-4214 65-3135 65-3353 29-3308 65-3377 65-3367 65-3402 65-3375 65-3392 65-3391 24-4241 24-4394 65-3116 65-3386 65-3401 65-3479 65-3496 65-3131 65-3494 65-3478 65-3388 65-3389 65-3371 66-3211 66-3209 24-4393 66-3215 66-3214 24-4221 24-4223 66-3071/2 24-4235 24-4231 66-3214 66-3212 24-4393 15-4165 66-3155 (2) 28-43 24-4225 K139 15-4260 24-4247 15-4035 24-4248 M 1938-48 65-3475 65-3492 65-3478 65-3494 65-3131 65-3173 65-3097 (2) 28-43 29-3858 K139 65-3382 65-3137 15-4035 B 1946-48 2-1813 65-3361 2-525 66-3065 (3) 65-3417 42-3017 29-3250 65-3212 67-42 65-3364 15-4179 42-3037 29-3242 (4) 65-3062 (4) 2-2579 2-443 66-3131 28-2080 66-3125 24-4258 2-3718 66-3058 15-4121 66-3259 65-3377 65-3367 65-3402 65-3396 65-3392 65-3391 65-3399 65-3375 66-3133 66-3132 65-3498 66-3211 66-3209 24-4393 66-3215 66-3214 24-4221 24-4223 66-3071/2 24-4235 24-4231 66-3214 66-3212 24-4393 15-4165 66-3155 (2) 28-43 29-3304 (2) 24-4225 2-433 15-4260 24-4247 15-4035 24-4248 M/B 1949-62 19 GEARBOX, CONTINUED 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 132 134 135 136 137 138 139 Gear control quadrant plunger spring Gear control quadrant plunger cup Inner gasket Inner cover with bearing etc Speedometer drive bush grub screw Inner case screw (24-4214 = 9/16, 65-2157 = 1 1/8) Dowel Outer cover stud Mainshaft bearing distance washer, kickstart end Locking strip for 21-2888 bolts Outer cover bolt, 3/4 Outer cover stud Retaining washer Mainshaft bearing, kickstart end Bearing circlip, kickstart end Kickstart ratchet Kickstart ratchet pinion Kickstart ratchet bush Kickstart ratchet spring Kickstart ratchet pinion sleeve nut Kickstart ratchet lockwasher Kickstart ratchet pinion locknut Filler plug Filler plug washer Nut for outer cover stud Outer cover stud 1 3/32 Foot change only Outer cover bolt Shake proof washer for 15-4207 bolts Pin Gear indicator plate Gear change ratchet lever sleeve clip ring 24-68 24-4251 66-3069 15-4211 24-68 24-4251 65-3023 65-3344 24-4214 (2) 24-4214 (1) 27-1589 (2) 24-4237 15-4246 21-2888 (2) 15-4246 21-2888 (2) 24-4236 24-4217 65-3116 66-3079 66-3080 66-3081 24-4256 24-4282 24-4278 24-4255 M196 M196A M263 15-4208 15-4207 (2) 29-541 (2) 65-3169 15-4222 15-4219 65-3283 29-3839 29-3850 65-3139 65-3140 24-68 24-4251 66-3069 66-3128 65-3400 65-2157 (3) 66-3074 (2) 65-3073 24-4237 15-4246 21-2888 (2) 66-1910 24-4236 24-4217 67-3028 66-3079 66-3080 66-3081 24-4256 24-4282 24-4278 24-4255 THE FOLLOWING PARTS ARE NOT ILLUSTRATED ON THE DRAWING Pawl carrier assembly, lower. Consists of 15-4249, 15-4138, 15-4142, 15-4143, M263 Pawl carrier assembly, upper. Consists of 15-4236, 15-4138, 15-4141, 15-4143, M264 Selector fork spindle core plug Selector fork assembly Pawl carrier shim .024 Pawl carrier shim .022 Spring washer for 15-4208 (Key 134) Spring washer for 24-4214 (Key 71) Mainshaft sleeve gear thrust washer Mainshaft sleeve gear thrust washer Layshaft thrust washer Kickstart bush Kickstart oil seal Kickstart bush, inner Kickstart stop plate Screw for speedometer spindle bush B31/3 Screw for speedometer spindle bush B32/4 Spring washer for speedometer spindle bush screw 15-4243 15-4243 15-4243 15-4242 15-4242 15-4242 35-1079 66-3082 15-4234 15-4235 K197 65-3155 15-4234-3 15-4235 66-3288 29-541 65-3098 M144A 65-3113 (2) 65-3116 65-3354 65-3358 65-3296 (2) 65-3369 65-3400 29-541 19 GEARBOX, CONTINUED RIGID & PLUNGER A GROUP, S/ARM A & B GROUP AND ALL 4 SPEED C GROUP This design covers five gearboxes that are based on the ‘Plunger A10 Gearbox’ with minor variations to the cam plate pivots, gear selector mechanisms, cam plate plungers and casings. The change to various parts of the plunger A group gearbox (mainly the gears) took place after engine number ZA10 1214 (1950 650cc) and engine number AA7 101 (1951 500cc). These gears are not interchangeable. The B group changed from a 1/4 wide rear chain to a 3/8 wide one in 1958. If in doubt as to which sprocket to use, look at the rear wheel sprocket. Although the C10L/12 gearbox is of a similar design to the others, most of the parts are different. The gears however are of a different design, so the illustration is not accurate. N.B. All parts are listed but are not necessarily available, see the price list KEY DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 35 Shell Filler plug, B32/34 1954-57 Filler plug washer, B32/34 1954-57 Inspection hole plug Inner gasket Inspection cover gasket Inspection cover Inspection cover screw Inspection cover screw Drain plug washer Drain plug Stud for casing Stud for casing Stud for casing Circlip Sprocket oil seal Mainshaft bearing, clutch end Sleeve gear bush, plain Sleeve gear bush, drill holes after fitting Sleeve gear, 26T, close ratio 1948-50 Sleeve gear, 26T, wide ratio, 1948-50 Sleeve gear, 26T, standard 1951-62 (27T on C10L/12) Sleeve gear, 25T, Spitfire 1961-62 Sleeve gear, 26T, wide ratio, 1954-57 Mainshaft 2nd gear, 20T (21T on C10L/12) Mainshaft 2nd gear, Spitfire 19T Mainshaft 2nd gear, wide ratio, 18T, 1954-57 Mainshaft 2nd gear, wide ratio, 22T, 1954-57 Mainshaft 3rd gear, 24T (25T on C10L/12) Mainshaft 3rd gear, Spitfire 22T Mainshaft 1st gear, 16T 1948-50, wide ratio Mainshaft 1st gear, 16T 1951-59 (17T on C10L/12) Selector fork spindle grub screw Selector fork spindle Selector fork up to ZA10 1214 Selector fork after ZA10 1214 Cam plate Selector arm pivot pin Kickstart inner casing 1948-59 Kickstart inner casing 1960-62 Kick start stop Kickstart quadrant stop nut washer Kickstart quadrant stop nut Nut for inner case stud Washer for inner case stud Sprocket nut Sprocket retaining nut lockwasher 16T Sprocket B31/33 1954-55, B32/4 1954-57 S’arm ¼ chain 16T Sprocket, Spitfire, 1961-62, 3/8 chain 17T Sprocket, s/car, A 1958-62, B 1958-60, 3/8 chain PLUNGER A GROUP 67-3014 67-3027(2) 67-3031 2-4553 28-243 67-3023(4) 67-3026 67-3067 24-4065 67-3080 67-3073 67-3071 67-3076 67-3192 67-3192 67-3201 67-3209 67-3210 67-3202 67-3062 67-3191 67-3117 67-3116 67-3118(2) 67-3204(2) 67-3113 67-3136 67-3017 67-3152 24-8784 2-49 67-3053 24-4263 S’ARM C10/11/11G 4 SPEED A/B GROUP 42-3006 29-3444 42-3049 24-8504 67-3027 (2) 67-3346 67-3031 29-3449 29-3449 29-3448 29-3448 2-498 27-4258 (3) 27-4258 (4) 2-4553 2-4553 28-243 28-243 67-3023 (4) 67-3023 (4) C10L/12 4 SPEED 29-3571 29-3633 29-3449 29-3448 67-3026 67-3067 24-4065 67-3080 67-3073 67-3026 67-3067 24-4065 67-3080 67-3073 27-4258 (4) 2-4553 28-243 29-3604 29-3603 (2) 29-3605 29-3588 29-3608 29-3857 29-3600 29-3601 67-3192 42-3088 67-3192 29-3598 67-3201 67-3302 67-3201 29-3614 67-3202 67-3305 67-3202 29-3615 67-3191 67-3117 67-3116 67-3191 67-3117 67-3116 29-3613 67-3117 29-3627 67-3204(2) 67-3332 67-3350 67-3344 42-3247 67-3152 24-8784 2-49 67-3204(2) 67-3113 67-3136 67-3017 29-3628 29-3589 67-3350 29-3573 67-3152 24-8784 2-49 67-3053 24-4263 42-3015 67-3055 67-3068 67-3053 24-4263 67-3152 24-8784 2-49 67-3034 15-5155 29-3835 29-3836 19 GEARBOX, CONTINUED KEY DESCRIPTION 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 37 38 39 39 40 41 41 41 42 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 55 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 61 62 62 63 64 65 65 66 67 68 68 68 17T Sprocket 18T Sprocket, 1948-49, standard 18T Sprocket, A7/ST 1950-57, standard 18T Sprocket, A10 1954-57, standard 19T Sprocket, A7 optional, 1948-49, and C10L 19T Sprocket, A7/ST optional, 1950-57, and C12 19T Sprocket, A10, standard 1950-53, optional 1954-57 PLUNGER A GROUP KEY DESCRIPTION C10/11/11G 4 SPEED 29-3450 67-3051 67-3064 67-3064 67-3050 67-3065 67-3065 C10L/12 4 SPEED 29-3610 29-3609 67-3065/20 67-3065/21 42-3016 67-3065 67-3065/20 67-3065/21 67-3065A 67-3065A 24-4217 67-3028 67-3161 67-3162 67-3166 67-3169 67-3159 24-4217 67-3028 67-3161 67-3162 24-4217 67-3028 67-3161 67-3162 90-11 29-3586 3-1049 67-3162 67-3169 67-3169 29-3637 67-3168 67-3168 67-3168 67-3376 67-3158 67-3167 67-3164 67-3163 67-3376 67-3167 67-3164 67-3163 67-3167 67-3164 67-3163 65-3377 67-3175 65-3375 65-3396 65-3392 65-3391 28-2080 65-3361 2-525 65-3417 67-3171 65-3377 67-3175 65-3375 65-3396 65-3392 65-3391 28-2080 65-3361 2-525 65-3380 42-3017 65-3417 29-3250 65-3397 42-3159 2-2579 2-2579A 65-3381 42-3167 24-7178(2) 67-3024 67-3033 64-3106 65-3061 (2) 67-3176 67-1705 65-3377 67-3175 65-3375 65-3396 65-3392 65-3391 28-2080 65-3361 2-525 65-3380 67-3034(4) 2-923 (4) 67-3034(4) 2-923 (4) 19T Sprocket, B31/33 1956, B32/34 1954-57 rigid, ¼ chain 19T Sprocket, A std 1954-62, A10 s/car 1958-62, B 1958-60 20T Sprocket, optional, 3/8 chain 21T Sprocket, optional, 3/8 chain 19T Sprocket, cheap pattern, suitable for low mileage machines, 3/8 chain Mainshaft bearing, kickstart end Bearing circlip, kickstart end Kickstart ratchet pinion sleeve washer Kickstart ratchet spring Kickstart ratchet pinion bush 1948-50 Kickstart ratchet pinion bush 1951-62 Kickstart ratchet pinion 1948-50 Kickstart ratchet pinion 1951-53 ‘A’, 1954-55 ‘B’, 1951-55 ‘C’. Use 67-3376 with 42-3160 quadrant Kickstart ratchet pinion 1954-62 A&C, 1956-60 B Kickstart ratchet 1948-50 Kickstart ratchet 1951-62 Kickstart ratchet pinion lockwasher Kickstart ratchet pinion nut Speedometer driven gear thrust button Speedometer drive bush, small Speedometer driven gear Speedometer driven thrust washer Speedometer drive bush, large Speedometer drive fibre washer Speedometer drive bush nut Grease nipple Gear lever pinch bolt Gear lever pinch bolt washer Gear lever A & C 1948-53, B 1954-55 Gear lever A & C 1954-62, B 1956-60 Gear lever Spitfire Gear change rubber Kickstart rubber 1948-59 Kickstart rubber 1961-62 Cotter pin Cotter pin for worn shafts Kick start lever, non-folding 1948-57 Kick start lever, non-folding 1958-62 Case screw, inspection cover, 1/2 (2 per) Inspection cover Inspection cover gasket 1948-57 Inspection cover gasket 1958-62 Case screw 67-1706=1 5/8, 65-3061=1 7/8 Speedometer bush locating pin Case screw, 1 3/8 Case screw, 2 1/4 Nut for outer cover Washer for outer cover nut Outer cover 1948-50 Outer cover 1951-62, C10/11 Outer cover, C11G S’ARM A/B GROUP 29-3250 65-3397 2-2579 2-2579A 65-3381 24-7178(2) 67-3024 67-3033 67-1706(2) 67-3176 67-1705 67-3034(4) 2-923 (4) 67-3019 67-3021 PLUNGER A GROUP 67-3351 67-3376 29-3636 29-3585 2-124 29-3580 29-3638 65-3375 65-3396 65-3392 65-3391 65-3361 2-525 42-3010 29-3250 65-3397 29-3250 65-3397 2-2579 2-2579A 29-3455 2-2579 2-2579A 65-3381 24-7178(2) 67-3024 67-3033 67-1706(2) 67-3176 67-1705 65-3364 67-42 67-42 67-1706 (2) 67-1705 65-3062 67-3034 (3) 15-5155 (3) 67-3019 29-3575 67-3021 S’ARM C10/11/11G C10L/12 A/B GROUP 4 SPEED 4 SPEED 19 GEARBOX, CONTINUED 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 75 76 76 77 78 78 78 78 79 80 81 81 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 84 84 85 86 88 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 95 95 96 97 97 98 99 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 107A 108 109 110 111 112 113 Kickstart spring screw lock nut Level plug Level plug washer Outer cover gasket Dowel Kickstart spindle bush, outer Kickstart return spring 1947-49 Kickstart return spring 1950-62 Kickstart return spring anchor screw 1948-50 Kickstart return spring anchor screw 1951-62 Kickstart spindle sleeve 1948-59 Kickstart quadrant 1948-49 Kickstart quadrant 1950-53 Kickstart quadrant and shaft 1954-62 Kickstart quadrant only 1954-62 Kickstart inner bush Layshaft 1st gear bush Layshaft 1st gear, 27T (26T on C10L/12) Layshaft 1st gear, 29t, wide ratio Layshaft 3rd gear, 19T, close ratio A7 1947-50 Layshaft 3rd gear, 21T wide ratio, A7 1947-50 Layshaft 3rd gear, 19T, 1950-62 (18T on C10L/12) Layshaft 3rd gear, 21T wide ratio, 1954-62 Layshaft 3rd gear, 25T, wide ratio 1954-57 Layshaft 2nd gear, 23T, close ratio A7 1947-50 Layshaft 2nd gear, 25T, wide ratio A7 1947-50 Layshaft 2nd gear, 23T 1951-62 (22T on C10L/12) Layshaft 2nd gear, 24T Spitfire Layshaft output gear, 17T (16T on C10L/12) Layshaft output gear, Spitfire, 18T Speedometer driving gear pin Speedometer driving gear Layshaft bush, kickstart end Layshaft bush circlip Layshaft thrust washer Layshaft Locating ring Layshaft bush, clutch end Locating ring Clutch thrust washer abutment ring Mainshaft, C10/11 Mainshaft, wide ratio 1954-57 Mainshaft, Spitfire, C11G, C10L/12 Cam plate pivot gasket Cam plate pivot 1948-50 Cam plate pivot 1951-62 Cam plate pivot bolt shake proof washer Cam plate bolt 1948-50 Cam plate bolt 1951-57 Cam plate pivot circlip Cam plate pivot washer Cam plate pivot bolt nut Gear selector arm claw Gear selector arm plunger Gear selector arm plunger spring Gear change bush, inner Gear selector arm claw pivot Gear selector arm assembly 103/4/5/7/8 Gear selector arm Gear selector lever bolt Gear selector lever bolt lockwasher Gear selector return spring Gear selector lever Gear selector lever spindle 27-4401 28-243 2-4553 67-3032 66-3074(2) 67-3153 67-3157 67-3174 67-3154 2-3718 67-3173 67-3165 67-3178 42-3160 67-3375 67-3151 67-3093 67-3199 67-3213 67-3090 67-3096 67-3198 67-3212 67-3211 67-3089 67-3095 67-3197 67-3196 67-3128 67-3088 67-3099 67-3203 67-3195 67-3101 65-3337 67-3101 67-3251(2) 67-3061 67-3206 67-3112 67-3111 67-3137 29-541 (2) 2-2888(2) 21-5842(2) 27-4401 28-243 2-4553 67-3354 66-3074 (2) 67-3153 27-4401 28-243 2-4553 67-3032 66-3074(2) 67-3153 2-51 28-243 2-4553 29-3577 66-3074(2) 67-3153 67-3174 67-3174 67-3174 2-3718 67-3173 2-3718 67-3173 27-4405 67-3178 42-3160 67-3375 67-3151 67-3093 67-3199 29-3634 67-3151 67-3093 67-3199 29-3631 29-3625 29-3623 67-3198 67-3212 67-3198 29-3621 42-3023 42-3024 42-3020 42-3022 67-3128 67-3088 67-3099 67-3197 29-3622 67-3196 29-3618 67-3128 67-3088 67-3099 67-3203 42-3019 67-3101 65-3337 67-3101 67-3203 67-3195 67-3101 65-3337 67-3101 29-3620 29-3619 29-3578 29-3639 29-3626 (2) 29-3617 29-3584 29-3579 29-3584 67-3330 29-3452 67-3315 29-3782 29-3612 67-3327 29-3451 29-541 (2) 29-3606 21-5842(2) 29-3607 67-3328 2-124 67-3132 67-3134 67-3135 67-3170 67-3133 67-3130 67-3131 67-3144 67-3145 67-3146(2) 67-3143 67-3147 67-3132 67-3134 67-3135 67-3170 67-3133 67-3130 67-3131 67-3144 67-3145 67-3146(2) 67-3143 67-3147 19 GEARBOX, CONTINUED KEY DESCRIPTION 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 PLUNGER A GROUP 67-3140 Gear change spindle bush, outer Gear change quadrant Gear change lever spindle bush, inner Gear selector plate spring washer Gear selector plate spring Gear selector plate Gear change lever spindle Gear selector plate spring washer split pin Gear change stop plate return spring 1954-59 Gear change stop plate return spring 1960-62 Gear change lever spindle bush, outer Circlip for gear lever K/start arm spring bolt, RR/SR/Spit Shake proof washer, RR/SR/Spit K/start arm spring, RR/SR/Spit K/start arm pivot bolt, RR/SR/Spit Shake proof washer, RR/SR/Spit K/start assembly, RR/SR/Spit cotter pin & rubber not included K/start arm, RR/SR/Spit Cam plate pawl pivot bolt Cam plate pawl spring Cam plate pawl Cam plate pawl pivot washer Cam plate pawl pivot nut Cam plunger 67-3119 Cam plunger spring 67-3121 Cam plunger housing lock nut 67-3122 Cam plunger housing lock 67-3120 S’ARM A/B GROUP C10/11/11G 4 SPEED 67-3140 67-3347 67-3170 24-868 67-3342 67-3341 67-3335 35-709 67-3340 67-3378 67-3353 15-4240 2-220 29-541 65-3428 29-5156 66-4707 42-3037 65-3427 C10L/12 4 SPEED 29-3593 29-3632 24-868 67-3342 67-3341 67-3335 35-709 67-3340 67-3353 15-4240 29-3630 29-3629 29-3591 2-525 1-6032 67-3119 67-3121 67-3122 67-3120 67-3119 67-3121 67-3122 67-3120 PRE-UNIT C GROUP, 3 SPEED 1939-55 C10/10L/11/11G- Different to all the others! PART NO 2-53 2-433 2-443 2-498 2-525 2-1925 2-2579 2-2579A 2-4553 15-267 15-268 15-4035 15-4040 24-68 27-4027 24-4214 27-1163 27-4033 27-4057 27-4093 27-4099 27-4112 27-4146 27-4170 27-4258 27-4276 27-4290 27-4424 27-4429 27-4436 DESCRIPTION Kickstart spring anchor nut Mainshaft key Clutch cable stop lug lock nut Foot change plate stop screw Gear lever pinch bolt washer Layshaft nut Kickstart lever cotter pin Kickstart cotter pin for worn shafts Oil plug washer Mainshaft nut, kickstart end Mainshaft bush, kickstart end Gear control plunger Positive stop plug Gear control plunger spring Mainshaft bearing, clutch end Kickstarter spring anchor pin Clutch cable stop lug Sleeve gear oil retaining washer Sprocket lock nut Mainshaft split ring Mainshaft pinion split washer retaining ring Kickstarter ratchet Layshaft 1st gear, 30T Kickstart spring Inspection cover screw Layshaft thrust washer Layshaft output sleeve gear bush 2nd gear mainshaft, 27T 1st gear mainshaft, 22T Layshaft 2nd gear, 25T PER 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 MODELS YEARS C10L/11G C10 Std 1939 19 GEARBOX, CONTINUED 27-4447 28-243 28-243 29-541 29-3240 29-3242 29-3243 29-3250 29-3255 29-3258 29-3260 29-3265 29-3265 29-3266 29-3267 29-3268 29-3269 29-3272 29-3274 29-3282 29-3284 29-3286 29-3287 29-3288 29-3289 29-3297 29-3298 29-3302 29-3303 29-3307 29-3308 29-3312 29-3313 29-3314 29-3319 29-3404 29-3412 29-3431 29-3432 29-3781 29-3783 29-3825 29-3837 65-2162 65-2603 65-3296 65-3354 65-3361 65-3364 65-3365 65-3381 65-3397 66-3250 66-3291 67-42 Kickstart ratchet spring Drain plug Level plug Inner cover shake proof washer Outer cover Case retaining nut Plug, selector shaft pin Gear change rubber Shell Inner case Pushrod bush in mainshaft Gear change bush, inner Gear operating spindle bush Gear control shaft bush, inner cover Kickstart inner bush Kickstart quadrant bush, outer Gear change spring stop pin Sprocket oil seal Sprocket oil seal washer, outer Gear selector shaft Mainshaft selector fork Layshaft selector fork Layshaft packing washer Layshaft Layshaft nut lockwasher Inspection cover gasket Gear control quadrant Gear change return spring Pawl spring Kickstart return spring Kickstart stop rubber buffer Outer cover gasket Inner gasket Foot change stop plate Foot change plate stop screw shake proof washer Pawl carrier plate Gear lever Mainshaft Sprocket 17T Mainshaft Sprocket, 19T Mainshaft output gear Layshaft output sleeve gear Case screw, 1 3/16 Gear control shaft pin Kickstart stop plate Kickstart quadrant cork washer Gear lever pinch bolt Filler plug Inspection plug washer Kick start lever, non-folding Kickstart rubber Gear control shaft retaining plug pin lockwasher Gear control shaft peg Inspection plug washer 1 1 1 3 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 (not 1939 C10 std) (not 1939 C10 std) (not 1939 C10 std) (not 1939 C10 std) C10L/11G C10L/11G C10L/11G 1946-55 1940-53 Not C10L C1OL 1954-55 1954-55 1946-55 C10/11 C10L 1946-58 C10L/11G 163. Types of Gear. "Variable gears are yet in their infancy; only one or two machines are sold complete with a variable `gear it usually adds a disproportionate amount to the price, and is not always sound." 20 CLUTCH For primary chain, chaincases, and covers see section 31; for cables and cable adjusters see section 37. There are 2 qualities of clutch plates available; needless to say we will only stock the inferior version if the better ones are unavailable. All parts fit all years and models for a particular type of clutch unless stated otherwise. A BRIEF GUIDE TO BSA CLUTCHES. Most if not all pre-war machines used a ‘single spring clutch’; the last variant of this was used on the M group until 1947. This was replaced by the ‘6 spring clutch’ (identified by its’ sheet metal centre) for all models except the ‘Plunger A’ group, which had its own design. The ‘6 spring clutch’ is often replaced by the ‘Triumph type’ as used on the A group from 1960 onwards. Alternator equipped models used a ‘Triumph cush drive clutch’ and the later C group models were fitted with a ‘3 spring cush drive’ clutch. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODELS YEARS PRE-WAR - MANY OTHER PARTS MAY BE AVAILABLE, PLEASE ASK, PREFERABLY QUOTING PART NUMBERS. 15-297 15-374 27-4336 29-3136 29-3860 65-3164 65-3824 65-3824 65-3824 65-3824 65-3825 65-3825 65-3825 65-3830 65-3831 65-3831 65-3833 65-3857 65-3857 66-3775 66-3781 66-3785 66-3790 66-3799 66-3800 M129 M129 M129 M131 S9-1 Driving plate R5/17/20/Q7/8/21 1936 Mainshaft nut, clutch end M20/21/22/23 1937-39 Spring B1 1931 Spring X0/B1/B2 1935 Push rod B22/3 1937-39 Push rod B24/5/6 1937-39 Plain plate, driven 1 B20/1 1937-39 Plain plate, driven 2 B22/3 1937-39 Plain plate, driven 3 B24/5/6 1937-39 Plain plate, driven 4 M 1937-39 Friction plate, driving 1 B20/1 1937-39 Friction plate, driving 2 B22/3 1937-39 Friction plate, driving 3 B24/6 1937-39 Spring cup 6 B20/22/23 1937-39 Spring 6 B 1937-49 Spring 6 M19 1937 Collar for sleeve B/M 1937-39 Friction plate, driving 3 B25 1937-39 Friction plate, driving 4 M 1937-39 Clutch sleeve to gearbox mainshaft M 1937-38 Spring cup 6 B24/5/6/M 1937-39 Centre with studs M 1937-39 Push rod M 1938-40 Clutch sleeve to gearbox mainshaft M 1939-40 Spring 6 M 1937-39 Spring 6 H8/S9/10/E11 1931 Spring 6 M10/11 1935 Spring 6 G14/Y13 1938-40 Friction plate 6 1/2x4 3/4x1/8 E1l/G12/13/14/H8/M10/11/S9/10/Y13 and some earlier models 193040 Ball bearing 22 B/M 1937-39 'EMPIRE STAR' SINGLE SPRING CLUTCH 1940-47 M AND AA MODELS. PART NO 2-51 2-124 2-360 2-452 2-525 2-1462 15-374 15-2419 15-4261 15-4306 15-4307 DESCRIPTION Nut for operating cap Adjuster lock nut Cover screw Operating lever adjuster lock nut Operating lever nut washer Spring washer for operating cap Mainshaft nut Friction plate Push rod Centre Plain driven plate PER 6 1 8 1 1 6 1 8 1 1 3 MODELS YEARS AA AA 1948-63 1948-63 M 1940-47 20 CLUTCH, CONTINUED 15-4308 15-4311 15-4312 15-4313 15-4315 15-4316 25-4251 26-650 27-4411 29-3324 65-3943 35-702 61-3306 65-3160 65-3161A 65-3161B 65-3162 65-3403 66-3067 66-3808 66-3809 66-3811 66-3812 66-3813 S9-3 Sliding plate with studs 1 Spring 1 Spring nut 1 Operating cap 1 Cover or dome 1 Gasket for cover 1 Push rod adjuster in operating arm 1 Chainwheel roller bearing 22 Clutch push rod adjuster lock nut 1 Push rod (alternative) 1 AA Push rod (alternative) 1 AA Operating lever split pin 1 AA Single spring clutch – spring compressor 1 Operating arm 1 Clutch arm rubber boot, for tapered clutch arms with a groove machined on the clutch arm boss Clutch arm boot for parallel clutch arm, no groove on clutch arm boss Operating arm pivot pin 1 Operating lever adjuster screw 1 AA Push rod 1 M not AA Clutch assembly 1 Chainwheel 1 Clutch sleeve 1 Plain driving plate 4 Cork sealing ring behind clutch 1 Push rod ball bearing 2 1948-63 1948-63 1948-63 1937-48 1938-40 1939-46 1948-63 1948-63 '6 SPRING CLUTCH' – This clutch is easily identified by the rather crude sheet metal centre. It is not very good and is often replaced by either of the 2 types of Triumph clutches listed later. It was fitted to 'A' swinging arm models from 1954 up to 1960 or 1961, depending on the model (see below), C10 and C11, 'M' from 1948 to 1963 but not the AA or alternator models, 'B' from 1946 to 1957 (i.e. not alternator models). The illustration is a composite drawing, i.e. not all of the parts on the drawing were used on all of the models. The A group changed from a 6 spring clutch to a Triumph 4 spring type in the early 1960's. The change took place on and after the following engine numbers: - A7 - CA7 8623; A7SS - CA7SS 8122; A10 - DA10 13298; A10SR - DA10R 2443. How to use the table: - Firstly find the ‘key’ number of the part you require on the drawing, then find your model at the top left of the table, move across until the correct year is found. Move down that column until you are in line with the relevant key number on the left and select the part number of the one that has a quantity shown in your column. Use the part number to order, the quantity shown is the number used per bike. Check for any notes appended to the description, as some applications are complex, see the push rods! 20 CLUTCH, CONTINUED llustration next page A S’arm B31 Rigid/Plunger B31 S’arm B32/4 Rigid B32/4 Plunger B32/4 S’arm B33 Rigid/Plunger B33 S’arm M Rigid/Plunger NOT AA C10/11 KEY 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 16 16 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 DESCRIPTION Arm Arm (C, 4 speed only) Arm (C, 3 speed only) Lever washer Distance piece Operating lever (C, 4 speed only) Operating lever (C, 3 speed only) Adjuster (C, 4 speed only) Adjuster (C, 3 speed only) Adjuster locknut Adjuster locknut (C, 4 speed only) Adjuster locknut (C, 3 speed only) Washer (C, 4 speed only) Washer (C, 3 speed only) Split pin (C, 4 speed only) Arm nut (C, 4 speed only) Arm nut (C, 3 speed only) Key to mainshaft Felt washer (Plunger only) Oil retaining washer (Plunger) Collar Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve Back plate Chainwheel Chainwheel Chainwheel Chainwheel Bearing outer Bearing Inner bearing race Plain plate Friction plate Centre Centre Centre Lockwasher Centre nut Centre nut Pressure plate Pressure plate Spring cup Spring cup Spring Spring Spring nut Spring nut Push rod (A 1954-55 only) Push rod (1956-62 A group) Push rod (1946-48 B32) Push rod (1949-55 Plun only) Push rod (S’arm only) Push rod Push rod (1949-53 B32/3/4 Rig/Plun) Push rod (1947-48 B33/4Rig) Push rod, 3 speed 1946-49 Push rod, 3 speed 1950-53 Push rod, 4 speed Push rod bush 1954-59 1960-62 1949-57 1954-55 1956-57 1954-55 1949-53 1949-53 1954-55 1956-57 1949-55 1954-55 1956-57 1948-63 1946-53 PART NO 65-3383 67-3180 29-3245 66-3245 66-3256 66-3360 66-3241 65-3403 29-3794 2-452 3-720 3-2395 2-525 31-424 35-702 15-1485 15-6524 2-433 24-4232 66-3090 65-3833 42-3107 65-3873 29-3833 65-3872 42-3060 42-3223 65-3919 65-3922 65-3912 65-3910 65-3911 29-3832 65-3857 66-3903 66-3906 65-3914 65-3822 66-3787 65-3823 42-3056 65-3828 66-3781 65-3830 66-3800 65-3831 2-2395 42-3249 29-3860 42-3108 29-3860 65-3940 42-3050 29-3477 66-3067 66-3164 29-3791 29-3795 29-3324 29-3260 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 1 6 1 6 6 1 6 1 6 6 1 6 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 12 6 12 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 CLUTCH, CONTINUED Listing previous page ______________________________________________________________ ‘6 SPRING PLUNGER A GROUP’ WITH DUPLEX CHAIN – FITTED TO ‘A’ PLUNGER AND RIGID. PART NO 2-452 2-525 2-2511 26-650 29-3319 35-702 65-3360 65-3403 67-3183 67-3237 67-3240 67-3241 67-3242 67-3245 67-3247 67-3249 67-3250 DESCRIPTION Push rod adjuster locknut Washer for operating lever nut Pressure plate thrust button for push rod Chainwheel roller Shake proof washer Split pin for operating lever nut Operating lever arm Push rod adjuster Push rod Centre Plain plate, rear Plain plate Friction plate Spring pressure plate Spring Spring nut Clutch thrust washer, .125” PER 1 1 1 18 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 6 6 1 MODELS YEARS 1947-51 20 CLUTCH, CONTINUED 67-3251 67-3252 67-3253 67-3257 67-3260 67-3264 67-3266 67-3271 67-3276 Split collets on mainshaft Centre nut Centre nut lockwasher Centre nut Clutch basket and chainwheel Gasket for cover Nut for clutch cover Clutch basket and chainwheel Clutch thrust washer, .125” 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1947-50 1950-57 1947-50 1951-57 1952-57 '4 SPRING TRIUMPH' TYPE WITH CUSH DRIVE - used on alternator equipped 'B' and 'M' models from 1959. Can be fitted to earlier 'M' and swinging arm 'A'. PART NO DESCRIPTION BSACUSH Clutch assembly 2-433 Key, adapter to mainshaft 2-452 Push rod adjuster locknut 2-525 Washer for operating lever nut 15-4124 Push rod 35-702 Split pin for operating lever nut 42-3170 Adaptor, clutch to mainshaft 42-3171 Centre nut 42-3173 Pressure plate 42-3177 Bearing outer race 42-3182 Clutch centre inner plate 42-3183 Screw, clutch centre plate to centre 42-3184 Spider 42-3187 Clutch centre outer plate 42-3189 Spring stud 42-3190 Centre nut washer 42-3191 Lock washer 42-3192 Friction plate 42-3195 Plain plate 42-3195 Plain plate 42-3197 Spring cup PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 4 1 1 5 5 6 4 MODELS B31/33 YEARS 1958-60 B31/33 1958-60 B31/33 1958-60 M AA alternator B31/33 B31/33 1958-60 1958-60 B31/33 M AA alternator M AA alternator 1958-60 20 CLUTCH, CONTINUED 42-3198 42-3199 42-3200 42-3201 42-3202 42-3203 42-3204 42-3206 42-3207 42-3208 65-3360 65-3403 66-3075 68-3236 Spring Spring nut Clutch centre Cush drive rubber, small Cush drive rubber, large Spring cup, 4 plate Spring, 5 plate Chainwheel roller bearing Spring stud Chainwheel Operating lever arm Push rod adjuster Push rod Spring, 4 plate 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 20 4 1 1 1 1 4 M AA alternator B31/33 B31/33 B31/33 B31/33 B31/33 1958-60 1958-60 1958-60 1958-60 1958-60 B31/33 B31/33 1958-60 1958-60 M AA alternator ‘4 SPRING TRIUMPH’ TYPE WITHOUT CUSH DRIVE – 1960-61 ‘A’ group models that do not have the ‘6 spring clutch’ fitted, see below. This clutch can be found with 4 or 5 friction plates. As far as we can ascertain the 4 plate version was only used on some pre 1953 500 Triumphs. We cannot always obtain all the parts for the 5-plate version. Apart from the number of plates they differ in the centre, springs and spring cups. These clutch assemblies can be fitted to all swinging arm pre-unit A group. The A group changed from a 6 spring clutch to a Triumph 4 spring type in the early 1960's. The change took place on and after the following engine numbers: - A7 - CA7 8623; A7SS - CA7SS 8122; A10 - DA10 13298; A10SR - DA10R 2443. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODELS YEARS BSA4SPR5 5 plate clutch assembly & adapter, 4 spring 1 2-433 Key, adapter to mainshaft 1 2-452 Push rod adjuster locknut 1 2-525 Washer for operating lever nut 1 35-702 Split pin for operating lever nut 1 42-3108 Push rod 1 Not A10 SR 42-3170 Adaptor, clutch to mainshaft 1 42-3173 Pressure plate 1 42-3189 Spring bolt, 4 and 5 plate 4 42-3195 Plain plate 5 or 6 42-3197 Spring cup, 5 plate 4 42-3199 Spring nut 4 42-3203 Spring cup, 4 plate 4 42-3206 Roller bearing, ¼ 20 42-3235 Centre, 5 plate 1 42-3236 Centre nut lockwasher 1 42-3237 Centre nut washer 1 42-3262 Friction plate 4 or 5 20 CLUTCH, CONTINUED 42-3266 42-3267 42-3273 42-3274 65-3360 65-3403 68-3236 Chainwheel Centre nut Spring, 5 plate Push rod Operating lever arm Push rod adjuster Spring, 4 plate 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 A10 SR ‘C GROUP 3 SPRING’ WITH CUSH DRIVE 1954-1958 2-525 2-2395 3-720 15-431 15-6524 26-650 29-3260 29-3465 29-3466 29-3467 29-3469 29-3471 29-3473 29-3474 29-3475 29-3476 29-3477 29-3641 29-3642 29-3643 29-3794 29-905 35-702 65-3360 65-3403 66-3250 66-7028 67-3240 67-3241 67-3249 S9-2 Operating arm lever washer Push rod adjuster Push rod adjuster Centre locknut washer Operating lever arm nut Chainwheel roller bearing Push rod bush Clutch spider Back plate for clutch centre Pressure plate Spring Spring bolt Thrust washer at back of clutch Clutch thrust washer abutment ring Push rod Friction plate Push rod Push rod adjuster Push rod adjuster lock nut Push rod Push rod adjuster lock nut Centre nut Operating arm lever split pin Operating arm lever Push rod adjuster lock nut Operating lever distance piece Centre locknut Plain plate Plain driven plate Spring nut Push rod ball bearing 1 1 1 1 1 18 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 C11G 4 speed C10L/11G 3 speed C11G 4 speed 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 C10L/11G 3 speed 1954-55 3spd C10L/11G 3 speed 1954-55 C11G 4 speed C10L/12 4 speed C10L/12 4 speed C10L/12 4 speed C10L/11G 3 speed 1954-55 1956-57 1956-57 1956-57 1954-55 C11G 4 speed C11G 4 speed C11G 4 speed C10L/11G 3 speed 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 C11G 4 speed 1954-55 21 WHEELS For tyres, tubes 'n' tapes see section 22; for brake rods and pedals see section 29, for pivot pins see section 42. Snail cam chain adjusters are listed here; other rigid ones see section 31, plunger see section 25, swinging arm see section 26. Each wheel fitted to BSA's has been given a 'type number' in order to simplify the parts listing. The chart below will, with reference to the table below that, tell which wheels should be fitted to a particular model. The first type number is for the front wheel and the second for the rear one. Ascertain which wheels you should have and check the ones you have against the description in the table or find the description that matches the wheels you have and note the type numbers. The parts are listed under each wheel type. All ball bearings that we supply are of the sealed type making the old felt or rubber seals redundant. Use the part number to order - "Wheel type" is not required except where indicated. The wheel types have been revised since the last catalogue was issued. APPLICATION CHART Front wheel/Rear wheel Model A7 Rig/Plun A7 ST A10 Rig/Plun A10 SF/SR A7 S’arm A7 SS/A10 S’arm A10 RR B31 Rig B32/4 Rig B33 Rig B31/2/4 Plun B33 Plun B31 S’arm B33 S’arm B32/4 S’arm M group Rig M group Plun 1947-48 4/4 ------3/9 3/9 3/9 -----2/8 -- 1949-51 3/11 3/11 5/11 ----3/9 3/9 3/9 3/11 3/11 ---3/10 3/11 1952 3/11 5/11 5/11 ----3/9 3/9 3/9 3/11 3/11 ---3/10 3/11 1953 3/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 ---3/9 3/9 5/9 3/11 5/11 ---3/10 3/11 1954-55 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 3/9 3/11 5/9 3/11 5/11 3/11 5/11 3/11 3/10 5/11 1956-57 --6/12 -6/12 6/12 6/12 -----6/12 6/12 3/11 5/10 5/11 1958-63 ---7/13 7/13 7/13 ------7/13 7/13 -5/10 -- 15/18 15/18 15/18 15/18 -- -- -- C10/11 Plun C10L C11G Rig C11G Plun C12 1938-46 -------1/9 1/9 ------2/8 -14 or 15 18 or 23 ------ ------ 15/19 ----- 15/19 ---- 15/19 ----- -16/20 15/18 16/19 -- Model 1938-46 1947-48 1949-51 1952 1953 1954-55 C10/11 Rig N.B. 1945-46 ‘C’ group used both type 14 and 15 front wheels and type 18 and 23 rear wheels. Other applications Type 6 A50 1962-64 Type 7 A65 all 1962-64; A65T 1965; A65R 1964-65 Type 21 D1/3/5 --15/20 ---17/19 (1955) 17/21 17/21 1956-57 1958-63 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED TABLE OF WHEEL TYPES BY DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION MODELS YEARS WHEEL TYPE B M A,B,M A A,B,M A,B A,B C10/11 Rig C10/11/10L/11G C10L C11G Plun C12 1938-46 1938-47 1947-55 1947-48 1949-63 1956-57 1958-63 1939-46 1946-57 1954-55 1955 1956-58 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 15 16 17 17 M B M A A,B,M A,B A,B C10/11/11G Rig C10/11/11G Plun C10L C12 1938-48 1938-55 1949-63 1947-48 1949-55 1956-57 1958-63 1939-55 1949-55 1954-55 1956-58 8 9 10 4 11 12 13 18 19 20 21 FRONT Girder fork Girder fork 7 inch, half width with steel brake plate Splined hub, interchangeable with rear 8 inch, half width, alloy brake plate 7 inch, full width alloy, by Ariel 7 and 8 inch, full width cast iron, alloy brake plate Girder Half width, cup and cone bearings Half width, ball bearings, drop out spindle, 36 spokes Half width, ball bearings, knock through spindle, 40 spokes Full width version of C11G hub REAR QD, 3 bolt fixing Riveted brake drum and hub, rigid Riveted brake drum and hub, rigid Splined hub, rigid, interchangeable with front Splined hub, plunger & swinging arm (and rigid B32/4 1954-55) Full width aluminium alloy rear hub, 4 stud QD by Ariel 7 inch, full width cast iron, alloy brake plate Half width, cup & cone, brake drum on right, telescopic fork Half width, ball bearing, brake drum on right Half width, ball bearing, brake drum on left Full width SPOKES AND RIMS 41100-94 41200-94 41300-94 42400-94 42500-94 42200-94 Set of spokes & nipples, rustless - specify wheel type & rim diameter (butted not available) As above but stainless steel (to order 2-3 weeks) As above but butted stainless steel (to order 2-3 weeks) Chrome steel Italian Radaelli rim, good quality - specify wheel type, width & diameter British chrome steel rim, even better quality - specify wheel type, width & diameter Polished stainless steel rim, superb quality - specify wheel type, width & diameter 1 – GIRDER FRONT - 1938-46 B GROUP & OTHER EARLY STUFF PART NO DESCRIPTION P MODEL ER 29-5700 29-5701 29-5700 29-5701 29-5702 29-5700 29-5701 29-6153 24-7810 24-7810 65-5673 24-7058 24-7058 24-7810 27-6830 24-6994 65-6166 4108-26 Bearing cone front & rear 2 Bearing cup front & rear 2 Bearing cone R/H front & rear 2 Bearing cup front & rear 2 Bearing cone L/H adjusting front & rear 2 Bearing cone R/H front & rear 2 Bearing cup, front & rear 2 Bearing cone L/H adjusting front & rear 2 Brake shoe return spring, front 2 Brake shoe return spring, rear 2 Brake cam, front and rear 2 Flange bolt, sprocket to hub 3 Flange bolt, sprocket to hub 3 Brake shoe return spring 2 Rear sprocket, 51T, 1/2x3/16 1 Adjusting sleeve lock nut, front 1 Spindle, rear 1 Brake shoe rivet, 1/2" overall x 1/8" diameter, countersunk alloy B1/2 B1/2 B1/2/18/X0 B1/2/18/X0 B1/2/18/X0 B20/21/22/23 B20/21/22/23 B20/21/22/23 B21/22/23 B20/21/22/23 B21/23/24/25/26 B3/4/R5/17/W7/8/9 B3/R4/19 B/L etc B3,R4,R19 B3/J/Q/R/W B YEARS 1933-34 1933-34 1935 1935 1935 1937-39 1937-39 1937-39 1938-39 1938-39 1939-40 1935 1936 1931-39 1936 1936 1938-39 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 2 – GIRDER FRONT - 1938-47 M GROUP PART NO 15-6737 24-6846 24-6860 24-6867 24-6994 24-7065 24-7127 24-7802 28-2080 35-6432 35-6440 35-9235 66-4708 66-5505U 66-5526 6606-27 6606-30 61119-39F 62419-39F EA82 EB171 DESCRIPTION Spindle nut Felt washer retainer, LH Bearing, RH and LH Bearing adjusting sleeve, LH Adjusting sleeve lock nut Bearing dust cover retaining screw Brake cam Brake arm Grease nipple Brake lining, pair Brake shoe return spring Brake shoes, exchange, pair Brake arm shake proof washer Bare hub, used Spindle Spanner for spindle nuts (use with 6606-30) Spanner for spindle nuts (use with 6606-27) Spoke and nipple set, 'rustless', 19” Wheel rim, 19” chrome or bare steel PLEASE STATE WHICH Anchor plate nut Brake arm nut PER 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 MODEL 1 1 1 1 WM20 WM20 YEARS 1937-39 1940-48 3 - 7 INCH FRONT, HALF WIDTH WITH STEEL BRAKE PLATE - 1947-55 A,B,M PART NO 2-510 2-440 2-443 2-1462 15-431 24-5860 29-5871 65-5876 65-5883 65-5884 65-5885 65-5886 65-5888 65-5889 65-5892 65-5893 65-5893 DESCRIPTION Screw, front brake cable to brake arm Brake operating lever nut Nut, clevis pin Spring washer, clevis pin Plain washer, brake cam Nut, fulcrum to brake plate Clevis for cable Hub Sealed bearing, RH and LH Thrust washer Bearing locking ring, RH Bearing, felt washer Felt retaining cup Bearing sleeve Sleeve for spindle Spindle nut Brake plate securing nut PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MODEL YEARS 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 65-5895 65-5901 65-5904 65-5905 65-5907 65-5929 66-4708 6606-27 6606-30 41100-94 42400-94 Brake plate Brake shoes, pair Brake shoe return spring Brake cam Brake arm Spindle Shake proof washer, brake cam Spanner for spindle nuts (use with 6606-30) Spanner for spindle nuts (use with 6606-27) Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim - see table near the start of this section 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 - SPLINED HUB, INTERCHANGEABLE WITH REAR – 1947-48 A GROUP PART NO 2-440 15-431 15-5290 24-5860 65-5883 65-5884 DESCRIPTION Nut, brake arm Plain washer, brake arm Grease nipple in hub Nut, fulcrum pin Sealed bearing, RH and LH Bearing thrust washer 1 Front & Rear 1 Front & Rear 1 Front & Rear 1 Front & Rear 2 Front, 3 Rear 1 Front & Rear 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 65-5885 65-5886 65-5901 65-5904 65-5907 65-6279 66-4708 67-5531 67-5532 67-5534 67-6027 67-6030 67-6031 67-6033 67-6034 67-6038 67-6039 67-6040 67-6050 67-6051 41100-94 42400-94 Bearing retaining ring Felt washer Brake shoes, pair Brake shoe return spring Brake arm Brake arm Shake proof washer, brake cam Brake drum thrust washer Bearing thrust ball cage Thrust washer, front brake plate Sleeve between bearings Spindle, short QD one Spindle nut Shim, ball bearing Circlip, ball bearing Brake drum securing bolt Locking strip, brake drum bolt Sprocket, 46T, solo Sprocket, 49T, sidecar Large rubber ring inside hub Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim - see table near the start of this section 1 Front & Rear 1 Front & Rear 1 Front & Rear 2 Front & Rear 1 Front 1 Rear 1 Front & Rear 1 Front 1 Front 1 Front 1 Front & Rear 1 Rear 1 Rear 1 Rear 1 Rear 6 Rear 3 Rear 1 Rear 1 Rear 1 Front & Rear 1 Front & Rear 1 Front & Rear 5 – 8 INCH FRONT, HALF WIDTH, ALLOY BRAKE PLATE – 1949-63 A, B, M N.B. There are 2 versions of wheel type 5; the ‘Gold Star’ version with knockouts in the hub and a loose cam bearing and the standard version without these features, they both have a torque arm, which the 7” does not. The wheels are identical otherwise. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS 2-49 Nut, torque arm to fork leg 2 2-440 Brake operating lever nut 1 2-443 Nut, shackle to brake arm 1 2-510 Screw, front brake cable shackle to brake arm 1 2-1462 Plain washer, shackle to brake arm 1 2-2527 Nut, brake fulcrum pin 1 15-431 Plain washer, brake arm 1 15-541 Nut, torque arm to brake plate 1 15-716 Spring washer, torque arm to brake plate 1 28-2080 Grease nipple, hub 1 29-5871 Shackle, brake cable to brake arm 1 35-701 Split pin, bearing locking ring, LH 1 35-702 Split pin, bearing locking ring RH 1 36-382 Shake proof washer, torque arm to fork leg 2 65-5876 Hub, usually available used, please enquire 1 A 1949-53 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 65-5883 65-5904 65-5907 66-4708 66-5556 66-5556 67-5547 67-5547 67-5555 67-5558C 67-5558F 67-5561 67-5562 67-5563 67-5565 67-5566 67-5567 67-5567 67-5567 67-5572 67-5576 67-5578 6606-27 6606-30 41100-94 42400-94 Bearing, sealed type, RH and LH Brake shoe return spring Brake arm Shake proof washer, brake arm Hub, usually available used, please enquire Hub, usually available used, please enquire Hub, usually available used, please enquire Hub, usually available used, please enquire Brake plate Brake shoes, sell outright Brake shoes, exchange Bearing lock ring, LH Bearing lock ring R/H Rubber oil seal, LH Spindle spacer Spindle Cam bush Cam bush Cam bush Brake cam Brake fulcrum pin Torque arm Spanner for spindle nuts (use with 6606-30) Spanner for spindle nuts (use with 6606-27) Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim - see table near the start of this section 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A Plun/B 1954-55 M 1956-62 M 1955 A S’arm 1954-55 Not 1949-55 A Plun A S’arm B M 1954-55 1954-55 1 1 6 - 7 INCH FRONT, FULL WIDTH ALLOY, BY ARIEL - 1956-57 A,B Although this wheel is an Ariel design there are a surprising number of parts that are different. There are 2 types of brake cam and arm, the Ariel one where the shaft and arm are one piece with a loose cam and another type with a 1 piece shaft and cam with a loose arm. The parts books show that the Ariel type is used on the B group and the other type on the A group, but all photographs show the Ariel type fitted to all models! PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS 2-49 Brake cable adjuster lug, nut for 1 2-522 Spring washer, brake arm 1 A 21-5304 Castle nut, brake cam 1 B 28-2080 Grease nipple, brake arm 1 35-698 Split pin, brake cam castle nut 1 B 35-702 Split pin, bearing locking ring 1 36-382 Shake proof washer, brake cable adjuster lug 1 42-5573 Brake cam assembly 1 A 42-5577 Brake cam stop plate 1 A 42-5580 Bearing locking ring, LH 1 42-5583 Bearing locking ring, RH 1 42-5590 Spindle 1 42-5594 Brake cam 1 B 42-5600 Hub, usually available used, please enquire 1 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 42-5606 42-5614 42-5617 42-5618 42-5621 42-5622 42-5623 42-5628 42-5630 42-5631 42-5646 42-6083 65-311 89-3022 41100-94 42400-94 Bearing sleeve, RH Brake plate Fulcrum adjuster Brake shoe, EXCHANGE, pair Nut, spindle Brake shoe return spring Brake shoe wedge assembly Brake cam stop plate Brake arm felt washer Brake cam return spring Bearing circlip Nut, torque arm to brake plate (chrome) Brake arm securing nut, domed Bearing, LH & RH, sealed type Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 B A 7 – 7 AND 8 INCH FRONT, FULL WIDTH CAST IRON – 1958-63 A,B PART NO 2-449 24-5914 35-701 42-5805 42-5807 42-5814 42-5819 42-5820 42-5821 42-5823 42-5824 42-5827 42-5836 42-5837 42-5841 42-5842 42-5843 42-5844 42-5853 42-5854 DESCRIPTION Brake arm securing nut, plain (number also used for a dome nut) Plain washer, brake arm Split pin for pin holding cable to brake arm Hub, 8” usually available, please enquire Hub, 7” usually available, please enquire Hub, 7” usually available, please enquire Sealed bearing, RH and LH Bearing dust cover, RH Circlip, bearing dust cover Bearing lock ring, Left hand thread, RH Spindle Brake plate, 7” Pin, brake cable to arm Brake shoes, pair, 7” EXCHANGE Brake shoe return spring (not A7 1961-63 with 42-5876 shoes) Spindle nut Hub cover plate, chrome, 7” Hub cover plate, chrome, 8” Brake plate, 8” Brake arm, before FRAME No:FA7 5600 See Cables PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 MODEL YEARS A10 A7 B 1958-63 1958-63 1958-60 A7/B 1958-63 1958-63 A7/B 1958-60 A7/B A10 A10 All 1958-63 1958-63 1958-63 1958-60 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 42-5864 42-5867/8F 42-5876F 42-5886 65-5904 68-5515/6F 41100-94 42400-94 Nut, fulcrum pin Brake shoes, pair, 8” EXCHANGE Brake shoes, pair, 7” EXCHANGE Brake arm, before FRAME No:FA7 5600 See Cables Brake shoe return spring, use with 42-5876 shoes Brake shoes, pair 7 inch, floating type EXCHANGE Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 A10 A7 All A7 1958-63 1961-63 1961-63 1961-63 MODEL YEARS 8 – QD REAR, 3 BOLT FIXING – 1938-48 M PART NO 2-440 14-431 15-1166 15-5290 15-5816 15-7045 15-7046 15-7048 15-7049 15-7059 15-7092 15-7961 24-6994 24-7065 24-7127 26-6689 26-6855 26-6861 26-6890 28-2080 33-5520 33-5530 35-6432 35-6440 35-9235 66-4708 66-6070 DESCRIPTION Brake arm securing nut Plain washer, brake arm Castle nut, torque arm bolt Grease nipple for brake cam Brake plate anchor strap Bearing support ring Half spindle in hub Felt washer in hub Half spindle nut with peg Felt washer in brake drum Spindle nut with washer, for 66-6101 Brake arm Adjusting sleeve lock nut Bearing dust cover retaining screw Brake cam Hub packing washer (looks more like a spacer to me) Half spindle nut lockwasher Half spindle locknut Sealed bearing, RH and LH Grease nipple for hub Hub shell Brake drum to hub bolts Brake lining, pair Brake shoe return spring Brake shoes, exchange, pair Shake proof washer, brake cam Brake drum to hub bolts PER 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 1939! 1938-45 1938-45 1946-48 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 66-6096 66-6101 66-6104 66-6105 66-6107 66-6123 61119-39R 62419-39R Wheel adjuster snail cam Spindle, full length Half spindle in brake drum Half spindle nut Sprocket/brake drum Brake plate Spoke and nipple set, 'rustless', 19” Wheel rim, 19”, chrome or bare steel PLEASE STATE WHICH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 - RIVETED BRAKE DRUM AND REAR HUB – 1938-55 RIGID B PART NO 2-46 2-440 15-431 15-5290 24-5860 24-7047 24-7058 27-6738 65-5670 65-5901 65-5904 65-5905 65-6136 65-6161 65-6274 65-6276 65-7028 66-4708 41100-94 42400-94 DESCRIPTION Nut, torque arm to brake plate Nut, brake arm Washer, brake arm Grease nipple in hub Nut, fulcrum pin to brake plate Felt washer Bearing, RH and LH Snail cam wheel adjuster Bearing adjusting nut Brake shoes, exchange, pair Brake shoe return spring Brake cam Spindle nut, outer Spindle Brake arm swivel pin Brake plate Torque arm bracket, rear Shake proof washer, brake arm Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section PER 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MODEL YEARS 1946-48 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 10 - RIVETED BRAKE DRUM AND REAR HUB – 1949-63 RIGID M PART NO 2-440 2-2138 15-431 15-1166 15-7961 24-209 24-6846 24-6846 24-6860 24-6867 24-7127 24-7133 28-2080 28-2080 29-5841 35-5016 35-6432 35-6440 35-9235 66-4708 66-5525 66-6098 66-6256 66-6265 41100-94 42400-94 DESCRIPTION Nut, brake cam Plain washer, torque arm Plain washer, brake cam Castle nut, torque arm Brake arm Bolt, torque arm Cup for felt washer Cup for felt washer Bearing, RH and LH Adjusting sleeve Brake cam Spindle nut Grease nipple, brake cam Grease nipple in hub Felt retaining washer Grease nipple in hub Brake lining, pair Brake shoe return spring Brake shoes, exchange, pair Shake proof washer, brake cam Felt washer Brake plate Snail cam wheel adjuster Spindle Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 MODEL YEARS 1951-63 1949-50 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 11 - SPLINED REAR HUB – 1949-55 PLUNGER & SWINGING ARM A,B,M PART NO 2-124 2-440 2-452 2-452 3-720 15-431 15-5290 24-5860 24-8045 28-2080 35-698 42-6024 42-6025 42-6033 42-6036 42-6046 65-5883 65-5883 65-5884 65-5885 65-5886 65-5887 65-5899 65-5901 65-5904 65-5905 65-6279 65-6294 66-4708 67-6027 67-6030 67-6030 67-6031 67-6033 67-6034 67-6038 67-6039 67-6051 67-6060 67-6060 DESCRIPTION Fulcrum pin nut Brake operating lever nut Nut, brake drum to hub Nut, brake drum to hub Nut, brake drum to hub Brake arm washer Grease nipple in hub Fulcrum pin nut Brake fulcrum pivot pin serrated washer Grease nipple in hub Split pin, torque arm bolt Rear sprocket, 42T, 5/8 x 1/4 Rear sprocket, 46T, 5/8 x ¼ Brake shoe fulcrum pivot pin, other end to cam Torque arm Brake arm return spring Sealed bearing in hub RH and LH Sealed bearing in brake drum Bearing thrust washer under RH bearing Locking ring Bearing, felt washer Bearing, felt washer retaining ring Brake arm fulcrum pin Brake shoes, pair Brake shoe return spring Brake cam Brake arm Brake drum and sprocket, 42T, 5/8 x 1/4 Brake arm shake proof washer Bearing spacer Brake drum bearing sleeve (fixed spindle) Short spindle Spindle nut, L/H Bearing collar Bearing circlip Brake drum securing bolt Brake drum securing bolt lockwasher Large rubber ring inside hub Spindle, short QD one Short spindle PER 1 1 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 MODEL S’arm YEARS M Plun A/B A/B Plun 1948-63 1954-55 1949-53 Not 1954-57 Plun Plun Plun Plun S’arm B S’arm B S’arm S’arm S’arm S’arm S’arm S’arm S’arm S’arm Plun Plun B/M Plun B/M Plun S’arm S’arm S’arm S’arm S’arm S’arm Plun Plun 1954-57 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 67-6073 67-6073 67-6074 67-6076 67-6076 67-6077 67-6078 67-6085 67-6101 67-6123 67-6124 67-6126 67-6128 67-6133 67-6149 67-6150 67-6161 67-6164 67-6180 67-6180 89-3022 41100-94 42400-94 Spindle nut, main Nut, main spindle Nut, short spindle Bearing lock ring Locking ring Bearing spacer, R/H Hub collar between sprocket and brake plate Brake plate Driving flange, sprocket to hub Rear sprocket, 46T, 5/8x3/8 Rear sprocket, 49T, 5/8x3/8 Hub Hub bearing cover Bearing cover, RH Rear sprocket, 42T, 5/8x3/8 Brake drum and sprocket, 42T,5/8x3/8 Spindle, main Wheel spindle Brake plate with fixed fittings Brake plate Sealed bearing in brake drum Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Plun Plun Plun Plun Plun Plun Plun M Plun A7 Solo Plun A Plun S/car Plun Plun S’arm A S’arm A10 Plun S’arm Plun A/B Plun A/B Plun Plun 12 – FULL WIDTH ALUMINUM ALLOY REAR HUB – 1956-57 A,B See notes under type 6. PART NO DESCRIPTION 2-49 Nut for brake cable adjuster lug 2-522 Spring washer, brake arm 15-431 Plain washer, torque arm 21-5105 Anchor bar to hub, fixing nut 24-5860 Castle nut, torque arm 28-2080 Brake arm grease nipple 35-698 Brake cam split pin 35-705 Split pin, torque arm bolt 36-382 Shake proof washer, brake cable adjuster lug, 42-5573 Brake cam 42-5577 Brake cam return spring stop plate 42-5583 Bearing locking ring, R/S 42-5594 Brake cam 42-5614 Brake plate 42-5617 Brake shoe adjuster 42-5618 Brake shoe, exchange, pair (see notes) 42-5622 Brake shoe return spring 42-5630 Brake arm felt washer PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 MODEL A B A A B YEARS 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 42-5631 42-5646 42-6069 42-6071 42-6074 42-6076 42-6077 42-6078 42-6082 42-6084 42-6085 42-6087 42-6088 42-6091 42-6095 65-311 66-4708 89-3022 41100-94 42400-94 Brake cam return spring Bearing circlip Sprocket 42T, 5/8 x 3/8 Spindle, main Spindle washer, R/S Short fixed spindle Spindle nut, L/S Washer, spindle nut Sprocket retaining stud Torque arm Bearing spacer Sprocket, 42T, 5/8 X ¼ Hub Washer, fixed spindle Sprocket securing nut Brake arm securing nut, domed Shake proof washer, torque arm Bearing, L/S & R/S, sealed type Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 A B A 13 – 7 INCH REAR, FULL WIDTH CAST IRON – 1958-63 A,B PART NO 2-449 2-449 2-861 2-2138 15-431 15-541 15-716 24-5860 24-5914 35-701 35-705 40-162 42-5819 42-5828 42-5836 42-5837 42-5841 42-5864 42-5876 42-6077 42-6078 42-6084 42-6309 DESCRIPTION Brake arm securing nut Dome nut, fulcrum pin (use 940-38 as 2-449 is also a plain nut) Washer, fulcrum pin Washer, fulcrum pin Plain washer, torque arm to frame Nut, torque arm to hub Spring washer, torque arm to hub Nut, torque arm to frame Washer, brake arm Split pin, cable to brake arm pin Split pin, torque arm to frame Dome nut, fulcrum pin Sealed bearing, RH Brake fulcrum pin Pin, cable to brake arm Brake shoes, pair, exchange Brake shoe return spring Nut, torque arm to hub Brake shoes, pair, exchange Spindle nut Washer, spindle nut Torque arm Hub PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 MODEL YEARS A A Not A 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 Not A 1960-62 Not A 1960-62 Not A 1960-62 Not A 1960-62 Not A 1960-62 A A Not A 1960-62 A 1960-62 1960-62 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 42-6314 42-6317 42-6320 42-6324 42-6325 42-6326 42-6327 42-6328 42-6329 42-6331 42-6333 42-6335 42-6336 42-6352 42-6353 42-6354 42-6357 65-5904 66-4708 89-3022 41100-94 42400-94 Brake plate with integral cable abutment Brake arm Spindle Spacer collar Short fixed spindle Sprocket bolt Sprocket securing nut Dust cover in sprocket Rear wheel bearing abutment ring in hub, RH Sprocket, 42T Sprocket, 42T Bearing lock ring Spindle washer, R/H Cable abutment Brake arm Torque arm Brake plate with loose cable abutment Brake shoe return spring Shake proof washer, torque arm to frame Sealed bearing, sprocket Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1958-59 Not A 1960-62 A Not A 1960-62 1960-62 A A A A A 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 MODEL YEARS 14 – GIRDER – ‘C’ GROUP – 1939-46 PART NO 15-431 15-5290 24-5860 24-7000 24-7047 24-7767/8F 24-7810 24-7960 28-2080 29-5700 29-5701 29-5702 29-5733 29-6153 35-5016 65-5663 65-5673 41100-94 42400-94 EA 82 EB 171 S9-3 DESCRIPTION Washer, brake cam Grease nipple in hub Nut, brake fulcrum pin Lock nut for adjusting cone Bearing felt washer Brake shoe, relined to order Brake shoe return spring Brake fulcrum pin Grease nipple, brake cam Bearing cone R/H Bearing cup Bearing cone L/H adjusting Spindle Bearing cone, L/H adjusting Grease nipple in hub Bolt, torque arm Brake cam Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section Nut, torque arm Nut, brake arm Ball bearing 5/16 PER 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 1946 C10 Std C10 Std 1939 1940-46 Not C10 Std 1939-40 1940 Not C10 Std 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 15 - HALF WIDTH, CUP AND CONE BEARINGS – C10/C11, 1956-57 C10L, 1954 C11G PART NO 2-440 15-431 15-5290 24-6790 24-7800 28-2080 29-5832 29-5833 29-5834 29-5835 29-5837 29-5839 29-5840 29-5841 29-5842 29-5842 29-5843 29-5850F 29-5856 29-5863 65-5904 66-4708 41100-94 42400-94 S9-3 DESCRIPTION Nut, brake arm Plain washer, brake arm Grease nipple for hub Felt washer, bearing Brake arm Grease nipple for hub Bearing cup Bearing cone, L/H adjusting Bearing cone R/H Sleeve, wheel spindle Wheel spindle, front Spindle nut, LH thread Cup, felt retaining Felt retaining washer Lock nut, brake plate Lock nut, bearing cone Brake plate with fixed fittings Brake shoes, pair, re-lined to order Brake cam Brake plate with fixed fittings Brake shoe return spring Shake proof washer, brake arm Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section Ball bearing, 5/16 PER 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 22 MODEL YEARS Not C10L C10L 1946-48 1949-53 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 16 - HALF WIDTH, BALL BEARINGS, 36 SPOKES – C10L 1954-55 PART NO 2-440 2-443 2-510 2-1462 15-431 24-7800 28-2080 29-5850F 29-5856 29-5871 29-5935 65-5904 66-4708 90-5525 90-5535 90-5536 90-5537 90-5538 90-5540 90-5541 90-5546 90-5575 41100-94 42400-94 DESCRIPTION Nut, brake arm Nut, cable toggle Screw, front brake cable to brake arm Spring washer, cable toggle Plain washer, brake arm Brake arm Grease nipple Brake shoes, pair, exchange Brake cam Cable toggle Brake plate with fixed fittings Brake shoe spring Shake proof washer, brake arm Sealed bearing, RH and LH Bearing spacer tube Bearing support ring Lock ring, bearing Felt retaining washer Felt washer Spindle Lock nut, bearing Spindle nut Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 MODEL YEARS 17 – HALF WIDTH FRONT WHEEL – 1955 C11G AND FULL WIDTH C12 THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THE HUB PART NO DESCRIPTION 2-440 15-431 24-5860 28-2080 29-5962 29-5968 29-5979 35-701 65-5883 65-5884 65-5901 65-5904 65-5905 65-5907 66-4708 Nut, brake arm Plain washer, brake arm Nut, fulcrum pin Grease nipple Half width hub Brake plate with fixed fittings Full width hub Split pin, locking ring Sealed bearing, RH and LH Bearing thrust washer under bearing Brake shoes, pair Brake shoe return spring Brake cam Brake arm Shake proof washer, brake arm PER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 MODEL C11G C12 YEARS 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 67-5561 67-5562 67-5563 67-5565 41100-94 42400-94 Locking ring, LH Locking ring, LH Rubber oil seal, LH Spindle spacer Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 - HALF WIDTH, CUP & CONE, AND BRAKE DRUM ON RIGHT - Rigid C Group The version fitted to the girder fork model differs principally in that the sprocket is part of the hub. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODEL 2-440 Nut, brake arm 1 2-833 Nut, rear sprocket bolt 6 Tele 15-431 Plain washer, brake arm 1 15-5290 Grease nipple 1 24-7767/8 Brake shoes, pair, re-lined to order 1 24-7810 Brake shoe return spring 2 27-6738 Snail cam wheel adjuster 2 28-2080 Grease nipple, brake arm 1 C10 std 29-5700 Bearing cone R/H 1 29-5701 Bearing cup 2 29-5702 Bearing cone L/H adjusting > XCT 3468 1 29-5710 Grease retaining cap 2 29-5766 Brake plate with fixed fittings 1 Tele 29-5791 Rear spindle 1 Tele 29-5850 Brake shoes, pair, re-lined to order 1 29-5856 Brake cam 1 29-6151 Spindle 1 Gir 29-6153 Bearing cone L/H adjusting < XCT 3469 1 29-6181 Hub 1 Tele 29-6186 Sprocket 1 Tele 29-6187 Rear sprocket bolt 6 Tele 29-6270 Brake plate 1 Tele 29-7360 Brake operating lever 1 35-5016 Grease nipple 1 65-5673 Brake cam 1 Not C10 std 65-5904 Brake shoe return spring 2 66-4707 Washer, brake arm 1 Tele 66-4708 Shake proof washer, brake arm 1 S9-3 Ball bearing, 5/16 20 41100-94 Spoke set – see table near the start of this section 1 42400-94 Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section 1 YEARS 1946-55 1946-55 1939-48 1939-48 1939 1939-47 1946-48 1946-55 1949-55 1949-55 1939-46 1947-55 1946-55 1946-55 1946-48 1946-55 1939-40 1939-48 1949-55 1946-48 1949-55 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 19 – HALF WIDTH, BALL BEARING, BRAKE DRUM ON RIGHT – PLUNGER C GROUP PART NO 2-51 2-440 15-431 24-7122 28-2080 29-5856 29-6186 29-6187 29-6207 29-6211 29-6216 29-6217 29-6226 29-6230 29-6231 29-6232 29-6233 29-6234 29-6235 29-6236 29-6237 29-6238 29-6240 29-6241 65-5904 66-4708 90-11 41100-94 42400-94 DESCRIPTION Nut, chain adjuster Nut, brake arm Plain washer, brake arm Spindle nut Grease nipple Brake cam Sprocket Rear sprocket bolt Brake plate Sealed bearing, LH Spindle lock nut Brake plate lock nut Hub Bearing distance tube Retaining ring, felt washer Felt washer Bearing lock ring Felt washer Felt washer retaining cup Spindle Hub distance piece Lock nut, speedometer gearbox Sprocket securing nut, reduced hex Brake operating lever Brake shoe return spring Shake proof washer, brake arm Sealed bearing, RH Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section PER 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 MODEL YEARS 21 W HEELS, CONTINUED 20 - HALF WIDTH, BALL BEARING, BRAKE DRUM ON LEFT – C10L 1954-57 PART NO 2-51 15-5155 21-5103 28-2080 29-8740 36-382 65-5904 90-5520 90-5533 90-6063 90-6066 90-6067 90-6074 90-6090A 90-6092 41100-94 42400-94 DESCRIPTION Chain adjuster nut Plain washer, brake cam Nut, brake cam Grease nipple Speedo gearbox spacing washer Shake proof, brake cam Brake shoe return spring Brake shoes, pair Brake cam Sealed bearing, RH and LH Speedo gearbox locknut Spindle nut Felt washer, LH Sprocket, 48T Rear spindle c/w nut Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section PER 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 MODEL YEARS PER 1 1 2 1 1 1 MODEL YEARS 21 – FULL WIDTH – C12 REAR PART NO 2-440 15-431 24-563 29-5850 29-5856 29-6211 DESCRIPTION Nut, brake cam Plain washer, brake cam Nut, chain adjuster Brake shoes, pair, re-lined to order Brake cam Sealed bearing, LH 21 WHEELS, CONTINUED 29-6216 29-6217 29-6230 29-6231 29-6232 29-6233 29-6234 29-6235 29-6310 29-6311 29-6319 29-6319 65-5904 66-4708 90-11 41100-94 42400-94 Lock nut Brake plate nut Bearing spacer tube Washer Felt washer Lock ring Felt washer Dust cover Spindle Spindle nut Brake operating lever Brake arm Brake shoe return spring Spring washer, brake cam Bearing, RH Spoke set – see table near the start of this section Wheel rim – see table near the start of this section 22 TYRES 'N' TUBES PART NO 4570-91 4571-91 4572-91 4560-90 4550-97 4564-97 4563-90 4550-90 4561-90 4551-90 4552-90 4560-97 4553-90 MB16 MA17 MA18 MB18 MC18 MA19 MB19 MA20 MA21 A30-90 A31-90 A57-91 A58-91 A59-91 A60-91 A65-96 DESCRIPTION 3.25 X 16 Michelin tyre M38, Universal 3.25 X 16 Dunlop K82 or TT100, Universal 3.25 X 16 Pirelli MT15 tyre, Universal 4.00 X 18 Avon SM MKII, Rear 3.00 x 19Tyre, Avon ribbed, Front 3.00 x 19Tyre, Metzler, Universal 3.50 X 19 Avon sidecar, Universal 3.25 X 19 Avon SM ribbed, Front 3.25/3.50 X 19 Avon SM MKII, Rear 3.50 X 19 Avon SM ribbed, Front 3.00 X 20 Avon SM ribbed, Front 3.00 x 20Tyre, VTS, Universal 3.00 X 21 Avon SM ribbed, Front 275/300/325 x 16 inner tube 275/375 X 17 inner toob 250/325 X 18 inner tube 350/410 X 18 inner tube 400/450 X 18 inner tube 275/300 X 19 inner tube 325/350 X 19 inner tube Inner tube, 20", no longer available use MA19, yes it does fit and work 250/300 X 21 inner tube Security bolt WM2 Security bolt WM3 Rim tape 18" Rim tape 19" Rim tape 20" Rim tape 21" Metal tyre valve dust cap with valve key We can also supply other sizes and brands of tyres. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 23 FRONT FORKS For fork oil see section 32; for tools see section 38. Girder forks were used up to 1948 on the 'M' group, up to 1940 on the 'B' group and up to 1946 for the 'C' group, although telescopic forks were also fitted to the C Group in 1946. The telescopic forks fitted to all post war models were designed by Herbert Perkins during the Second World War and were based on the BMW version. Changes to the telescopic forks over the years were mainly cosmetic. All models were initially fitted with upper shrouds with ears for the headlamp, which was replaced by a cowl, nicknamed ‘cowpat’, in 1953. A one piece top shroud and headlamp unit came next, nicknamed ‘top hat and trousers’, in 1958 for the A and B groups only. The M group returned to the first set up with the headlamp mounted on ears in 1958 except for the AA model, which had this type all along. Other exceptions are the Super Rocket and Road Rocket, which were fitted with the headlamp ear shrouds; the Spitfire that had short top shrouds with ears and rubber gaiters and of course the Gold Stars, which are outside the scope of this worthy tome. Some later super Rockets were fitted with the cowl providing only the speedometer was fitted. All C10 and C11 models had the headlamp ears; C10L used a Bantam fork for 1954-55 with a hood over the headlamp and changed to one with headlamp ears in 1956. The C11G and C12 used a different fork also with a hood. There are many other detail differences particularly to the fork legs and yokes. 2 types of stanchion were used; the early one is shorter and has 1 oil hole, they can be replaced with the later type as a pair. The top bush was lengthened at the same time and again the later bushes can be used. If your model is not listed under the part number for the later stanchion (89-5061) it would have had the shorter one (67-5014) fitted. The fork legs hold 1/3 of a pint of oil each. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODELS GIRDER FORKS – Some parts available for other applications, please enquire. 15-431 Washer, spring sleeve, top 1 M 15-5051 Friction disc, fork 2 B (and C 1946) 15-5151 Handlebar half clamp 2 M (std only 1939) 15-5151 Half clamp, handlebar clamp to yoke 2 M (not 1939 std) 15-5153 Handlebar half clamp bolt, 1” see 65-5334 for 1 1/4” 4 M 15-5155 Washer, handlebar clamp bolt 4 M 15-5190 Link bolt, top, 5 ¾” 2 M 15-5196 Link bolt nut 3 M (4 on 1939 std) 15-5240 Top link, plain holes 1 M 15-5241 Top link, tapped holes 1 M 15-5243 Bottom link, plain holes 1 M 15-5247 Link bolt, bottom rear, 8” 1 M (not 1939 std) 15-5249 Link bolt, bottom front, 8 3/8” 1 M (not 1939 std) 15-5249 Spindle, lower, rear 1 M std 15-5251 Fork damper friction disc 2 M (not 1939 std) 15-5254 Fork damper knob 1 M 15-5256 Fork damper centre nut 1 M 15-5257 Fork damper knob locking washer 1 M 15-5258 Fork damper knob spring 1 M 15-5260 Fork damper star washer 1 M (not 1939 std) 15-5290 Grease nipple 3 B/M 15-9001 Headlamp bracket, top 2 M 24-5208 Steering stem nut 1 B22/24/25/26/M 24-5226 Spring top distance cone 1 M 24-5228 Spring top fixing bolt with peg 1 M 24-5914 Plain washer, spindle, lower, front 1 B 24-6035 Spring washer, spindle 3 M (4 off 1939 std) 24-7000 Nut, spindle 4 B 24-8784 Spring washer, steering damper anchor plate bolt 1 M 25-5234 Steering damper friction disc 2 M 25-5247 Steering damper star washer 1 M 27-5135 Steering stem pinch bolt 1 M (and C pre-war) 27-5152 Steering damper anchor plate 1 M 28-2080 Grease nipple 2 M 28-2080 Grease nipple 2 B 36-382 Shake proof washer, link bolt 3 M 36-382 Shake proof washer, headlamp bracket 4 M 36-382 Shake proof washer, steering damper anchor bolt 2 M YEARS 1937-38 1937-38 1939-48 1937-38 1937-48 1937-48 1937-48 1937-48 1937-48 1937-48 1940-45 1937-48 1937-48 1939 1937-48 1937-48 1937-48 1937-48 1937-48 1937-48 1937 1940-46 1937-48 1938-48 1937-48 1937-38 1937-38 1937-38 1937-38 1937-48 1937-48 1937-48 1937-48 1937 1937-38 1940-48 1940-46 1940-48 23 FORKS, CONTINUED 65-5126 65-5127 65-5145 66-4149 66-4707 66-5065 66-5138 66-5144 66-5150 66-5151 66-5153 66-5153 66-5203 66-5260 66-9078 66-9114 EA80 EA80 EA80 EA82 EB106 EB150 K51A S9-2 Head race, top cone Head race, bottom cone Friction disc, steering damper Head race, frame cup Shake proof washer, main spring bolt Spindle bush Top yoke Bottom yoke Spring Spring stop Spring Spring Head race dust cover Top yoke Headlamp bracket, bottom Speedo bracket Nut, headlamp bracket bolt Nut, steering damper anchor Nut, steering stem pinch bolt Nut, main spring bolt Nut, spring sleeve, top Thackery washer, damper knob Washer, spring sleeve, top Head race ball bearing, 1/4 1 1 1 2 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 40 B/M (and C 1946) B/M (and C 1946) B 22/24/25/26 B/M (and C 1946) M M M M M M B M B/M (and C 1946) M (std only 1939) M M M M/B 22/4/5/6 B M B M/B B All 1937-48 1937-48 1937-38 1937-48 1940-45 1937-48 1940-45 1940-45 1937-45 1937-48 1937 1946-48 1937-48 1939-45 1940-46 1940-46 1940-46 1937-48 1937-38 1937-48 1937-38 1937-48 1937-38 1937-48 Our fork bushes are manufactured in the UK to the highest standards and are grooved for oil retention, like the originals but unlike other pattern ones. We also make our own head races to ensure the highest standards, some pattern ones are loose on the steering stem! TELESCOPIC FORKS PRE-UNIT A/B/M/C EXCEPT 1954-55 C10L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2-2138 A38-97 112,201 29-5128 29-5342 29-5342 67-5044 67-5044 67-5044 67-5044 29-5129 29-5340 29-5340 67-5042 67-5042 67-5042 67-5042 29-5314 29-5373 42-5145 65-5390 65-5390 65-5390 65-5390 65-5391 65-5391 67-5036 67-5036 89-5036 89-5036 89-5036 Washer, steering stem pinch bolt Fork oil, sae 20, 500ml Headlamp chrome bolt and washer Top shroud with headlamp ears, RH Top shroud with headlamp ears, RH Top shroud with headlamp ears, RH Top shroud with headlamp ears, RH Top shroud with headlamp ears, RH Top shroud with headlamp ears, RH Top shroud with headlamp ears, RH Top shroud with headlamp ears, LH Top shroud with headlamp ears, LH Top shroud with headlamp ears, LH Top shroud with headlamp ears, LH Top shroud with headlamp ears, LH Top shroud with headlamp ears, LH Top shroud with headlamp ears, LH Fork spring, pair Spring, pair Fork springs, pair, s/car, see table below Fork springs, pair, solo, see table below Fork springs, pair, solo, see table below Fork springs, pair, solo, see table below Fork springs, pair, solo, see table below Fork springs, pair, s/car, see table below Fork springs, pair, s/car, see table below Fork springs, pair, s/car, see table below Fork spring, pair, s/car, see table below Fork springs, pair, solo, see table below Fork springs, pair, s/car, see table below Fork springs, pair, solo, see table below 1 C10L 1956-57 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 All C11G/12 C10/11 C10L A A10RR/SR B/M M and AA models all years C11G/12 C10/11 C10L A A10RR/SR B/M M and AA models all years C C10L A A7 B M C except C10L A M A7 M A B M 1946-63 1954-58 1948-53 1956-57 1948-52 1954-63 1949-52 1958-63 1954-58 1948-53 1956-57 1948-52 1954-63 1949-52 1958-63 1946-50 1956-57 1960-62 1947-49 1947-60 1947-57 1950-58 1950-63 1947-63 1947-49 1949 1950-62 1958-60 1958-63 23 FORKS, CONTINUED 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 17 18 19 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 29-5310 29-5310S 42-5315 29-5313 29-5320 29-5346 65-5424 29-5347 29-5338 29-5283 45-5112 65-5360 65-5408 65-5408 67-5057 67-5057 67-5057 67-5057 42-5051 42-5051 42-5078 67-5057 42-5078 42-5141 42-5078 29-5294 29-5351 29-5140 29-5166 29-5351 42-5089 2-292 2-1309 2-46 2-2903 36-382 2-803 29-5293 65-5295 42-5084 35-33 H73-46 65-5362 65-5410 65-5410 65-5410 67-5050 67-5055 67-5050 65-5420 42-5050 42-5050 65-5420 42-5076 42-5076 65-5420 42-5142 42-5076 29-5303 29-5353 29-5140 Oil seal holder, chrome with seal (painted 1946-47) Oil seal holder in stainless steel Oil seal holder Oil seal Top bush retaining circlip Top bush Top bush Lower bush Lower bush retaining nut washer Lower bush retaining nut Lower bush retaining nut Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH (A10RR from 1954) Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH Fork leg, LH` Fork leg cap Drain plug fibre washer (H35) Drain plug (EB673) Nut, wheel spindle pinch bolt Spring washer, wheel spindle pinch bolt Shake proof washer, wheel spindle pinch bolt Pinch bolt, wheel spindle Wheel spindle pinch bolt, LH Pinch bolt, wheel spindle Fork leg cap bolt Spring washer, fork leg cap bolt Shims for top fork bush, set (4X.010;2X.020;2X.030) Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH, not 1954-55 B33 Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 AR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A/B/M/C A/B/M/C A10SR/Spitfire USA A/B/M/C A/B/M/C A/B/M/C A/B/M A/B/M/C A/B/M/C11G/12 A/B/M/C except C10L C10L A/B A7/B33 not A7ST B31 Plun/M (7” brake) A10/A7ST A Plun B33 A S’arm except A10RR A S’arm B A M (8” brake) B A not Spit A Spit C10/11 C10/11/11G C10L C11G/12 C10L A/B A/B/M/C A/B/M/C A/B S’arm A/B/M C A/B S’arm C10/11/11G A/B/M Rig/Plun C12 A/B A/B A/B/M/C A/B A7 B M (7” brake) A10/ST Plun A7 A7 Plun A S’arm not RR A RR A/B S’arm B33 A B M (8” brake) A except Spitfire Spit C10/11 C10/11/11G C10/L 1946-62 1946-63 1960-62 1946-62 1947-62 1946-49 1950-63 1947-62 1947-62 1947-62 196-57 1946-48 1949-52 1949-57 1950-52 1952-57 1953-55 1954-55 1956-57 1956-58 1958-59 1958-63 1959-60 1960-62 1960-62 1946-48 1949-54 1954-55 1955-58 1956-57 1958-62 1946-62 1946-62 1956-57 1946-57 1946-58 1956-57 1946-55 1946-58 1958-62 1958-62 1946-63 1946-48 1949-50 1949-55 1949-57 1950-57 1951-52 1953-57 1954-55 1954-55 1956-57 1956-57 1958-59 1958-60 1958-63 1960-62 1960-62 1946-48 1949-54 1954-55 23 FORKS, CONTINUED 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 29-5167 29-5353 29-5273 67-5014 89-5061 89-5061 89-5061 89-5061 89-5061 42-5027 65-5355 67-5028 66-5088 66-5088 65-5430 67-5448 42-5035 42-5036 65-5448 42-5010 42-5035 65-5431 65-5447 29-5292 29-5316 29-5363 29-5171 29-5137 45-5110 65-5332 65-5331 2-46 21-5104 29-5315 29-5315 65-5445 90-5128 29-5291 42-5021 65-5330 67-5024 67-5024 29-5290 65-5329 67-5023 67-5023 65-5334 15-5155 65-5426 2-370 65-5333 21-5720 27-5135 65-5321 65-5321 66-5203 66-5204 S9-1 S9-1 S9-2 65-5127 Fork leg, RH Fork leg, RH Stanchion Stanchion, see note at top of this section Stanchion Stanchion Stanchion Stanchion Stanchion Stanchion, hard chrome Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Top yoke Stanchion top nut washer Stanchion top nut Nut, steering stem pinch bolt Nut, steering stem pinch bolt Nut, steering stem pinch bolt Nut, steering stem pinch bolt Steering lock Steering lock Steering stem cap nut Steering stem cap nut, no hole Steering stem cap nut, no hole Steering stem cap nut with hole Steering stem cap nut with hole Steering stem adjusting sleeve Steering stem adjusting sleeve Steering stem adjusting sleeve Steering stem adjusting sleeve Handlebar half clamp bolt 1 ¼” see 15-5153 for 1” Washer, handlebar clamp Steering damper knob securing plate Washer under damper knob securing plate Handlebar half clamp Pinch bolt, steering stem Steering stem pinch bolt Head race dust cover Head race dust cover Head race dust cover Head race dust cover Ball bearings for head races Head race ball bearing Head race ball bearing, ¼ Bottom cone 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 48 40 1 C11G/12 1955-58 C10L 1956-57 C 1946-58 Models that do not use 89-5061 A 1950-62 B31/3 S’arm 1954-60 B32/4 1954-60 M Rig 1949-60 M21 Plun 1958-63 As for 89-5061 1949-63 B 1946-48 A 1947-48 A/B 1949-52 M 1949-57 A/B 1953 A Rig/Plun 1954-57 A S’arm & Spit, not RR 1954-62 A10RR/SR 1954-63 B Rig/Plun 1954-55 B S’arm 1954 B 1955-60 B 1956-57 M 1958-63 C10/11 1946-48 C10/11 1949-51 C10/11 1952-53 C10G/12 1955-58 C10L 1954-55 C10L 1956-57 A/B/M/C 1946-63 A/B/M/C 1946-63 B Rig/Plun 1954-55 C10L 1956-57 A/B/M except 1954-55 B Rig/Plun 1947-62 C except C10L 1946-58 A/B/M/C except C10L 1955-62 C10L 1956-58 C 1946-58 B31/3 1956-57 B 1946-48 A 1947-62 B/M not B31/3 1956-57 1949-62 C 1946-58 B/M 1946-49 A 1947-63 B/M 1950-63 A/B/M/C except C10L 1946-63 A/B/M/C except C10L 1946-63 A10 SR/RR 1954-62 A10 SR/RR 1954-62 A/B/M/C except C10L 1946-63 C10L 1956-57 A/B/M/C except C10L 1946-62 B 1946-48 C 1946-58 A/B/M (not B 1946-48) 1946-54 A/B/M 1955-63 B 1946-48 C 1946-58 A/B/M (not B 1946-48) 1946-70 A/B/M (not B 1946-48) 1946-70 23 FORKS, CONTINUED 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 42 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 65-5320 65-5320 2-204 45-5107 24-5160 42-5110 2-2395 65-5435 36-382 65-5353 67-5016 66-5089 66-5089 42-5012 42-5015 42-5012 42-5086 42-5012 29-5286 29-5138 29-5370 65-4465 65-4465 66-4149 65-5126 65-5319 65-5319 65-5446 67-5080 67-5088 67-5084 67-5009 67-5087 19-2126 42-9009 29-5126 2-525 24-7178 67-6851 29-541 2-2395 67-5021 28-2338 65-5327 24-6035 27-5152 25-5241 65-5328 25-5247 2-49 36-382 65-5380 2-923 42-5014 24-6035 29-5120 36-382 67-302 42-5318 42-5320 42-5323 21-5371 Bottom cone Bottom cone Bolt, steering stop Bolt, steering stop Nut, pinch bolt bottom yoke Pinch bolt dome nut, bottom yoke Lock nut steering stop Pinch bolt, bottom yoke Shake proof washer, pinch bolt, bottom yoke Bottom yoke Bottom yoke Bottom yoke Bottom yoke Bottom yoke Bottom yoke Bottom yoke Bottom yoke Bottom yoke Bottom yoke Bottom yoke Bottom yoke Frame cup Frame cup Frame cup Top cone Top cone Top cone Steering lock grub screw Headlamp cowl support washer between cowl & yoke Speedometer rubber mounting grommet Headlamp cowl (Cowpat) Shrouds without ears for cowpat Beading around cowl Tube for speedometer cable through cowl Grommet Headlamp cowl Plain washer, headlamp cowl to shroud Bolt, headlamp cowl to shroud Beading, headlamp cowl Shake proof washer, headlamp cowl to shroud Nut, headlamp cowl to shroud Steering damper rod with knob Bolt, anchor plate Stud, anchor plate to frame Thackery washer, damper rod Steering damper anchor plate Steering damper bottom plate Steering damper centre (bottom nut) Steering damper star washer Nut, anchor plate bolt Shake proof washer, anchor plate bolt Steering damper friction disc Plain washer, anchor plate bolt Steering damper anchor plate Thackery washer, damper rod Headlamp clamp Shake proof washer, headlamp clamp Nut, not available but use S1-2 Shroud Rubber gaiter, pair Clip for gaiter, stainless steel Screw, adapter ring to nacelle, 4 BA 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 8 4 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 4 3 B C A7SS/10RR/SR C10L A/B/M/C A A7SS/10RR/SR A/B/M/C A/B/M/C B A A/M Rig/Plun B A S’arm not SS/RR A7SS/A10RR/SR B A/B not SR A10SR C except C10L C10L C10L B C A/B/M (not B 1946-48) A/B/M (not B 1946-48) B C A/B/M/C except C10L A/B/M not RR A/B/M not RR A/B/M not RR A/B/M not RR A/B/M not RR A/B/M not RR C11G/12 C11G/12 C11G/12 C11G/12 C11G/12 C11G/12 C11G/12 A/B/M A/B S’arm A/B/M Plun A/B/M A/B/M Plun A/B/M Plun A/B/M A/B/M A/B/M A/B/M A/B/M A/B/M A/B S’arm A/B/M C10L C10L C10L Spit Spit Spit 1946-48 1946-58 1954-59 1956-57 1946-60 1960-62 1954-59 1946-62 1946-63 1946-48 1947-48 1949-63 1949-53 1954-57 1954-59 1954-56 1958-62 1960-62 1946-58 1954-55 1956-57 1946-48 1946-58 1946-70 1946-70 1946-48 1946-58 1955-62 1953-57 1953-57 1953-57 1953-57 1953-57 1953-57 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 1946-62 1954-63 1946-63 1946-63 1946-63 1946-63 1946-63 1946-62 1946-63 1946-63 1946-62 1946-63 1954-62 1946-62 1956-57 1956-57 1956-57 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 23 FORKS, CONTINUED 82 42-5099 Washer, adapter ring to nacelle, 4 BA 3 A/B not SR/Spit 1958-62 83 2-360 Screw, cowl to trousers 4 A/B not SR/Spit 1958-59 84 29-3319 Shake proof washer, cowl to trousers 4 A/B not SR/Spit 1958-59 85 2-47 Nut, cowl to trousers 4 A/B not SR/Spit 1958-59 86 42-5093 Top yoke cover plate 1 A/B not SR/Spit 1958-62 87 42-5090 Headlamp shroud (trousers) 1 A/B not SR/Spit 1958-62 88 42-5102 Oval ring & rubber, between top hat & trousers 1 A/B not SR/Spit 1958-59 89 42-5094 Headlamp nacelle, with fixing screws (top hat) 1 A/B not SR/Spit 1958-62 90 21-5164 Nut, adapter ring to nacelle, 4 BA 3 A/B not SR/Spit 1958-62 91 19-730 Adaptor ring, cowl to headlamp rim 1 A/B not SR/Spit 1958-59 92 42-5095 Chrome flashes on cowl (our part number) 2 A/B not SR/Spit 1958-59 Below is a table showing the different fork springs used by BSA over the years. Using the table you should be able to work out which springs you have fitted now and decide if you wish to replace them with the same or a different spring. Prices are for a pair. DESCRIPTION PART NO 65-5390 21 coils of .212" diameter wire, 10" long, 29 lbs/inch 89-5036 20.5 coils of .212" diameter wire, 10 3/4" - 10 7/8" long, 30 lbs/inch 67-5036 19.5 coils of .212" diameter wire, 11 1/2" - 11 5/8"long, 34 lbs/inch 65-5391 19.5 coils of .212" diameter wire, 11 1/2" - 11 5/8"long, 34 lbs/inch 42-5145 19.5 coils of .212" diameter wire, 11 5/16", 34 lbs/inch 23 FORKS, CONTINUED TELESCOPIC FORKS C10L 1954-55 2-2138 21-5104 28-2080 29-541 29-5120 29-5137 29-5140 29-5290 29-5291 36-382 42-5009 65-4465 65-5319 65-5320 65-5321 66-4707 67-6851 90-5044 90-5067 90-5068 90-5069 90-5081 90-5096 S9-1 Washer, steering stem pinch bolt Nut, steering stem pinch bolt and spring scroll Grease nipple Lock washer, oil seal holder retaining clip Handlebar clamp Top yoke Fork leg, LH & RH Steering stem adjusting sleeve Steering stem cap nut Shake proof washer, handlebar clamp Grommet Frame cup Top cone Bottom cone Head race dust cover Shake proof washer, spring scroll nut Beading Oil seal Oil seal holder Distance tube, fork bush Fork bush Gaiter Retaining clip, oil seal holder Head race ball bearing 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 48 C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L C10L 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 1954-55 138. Brakes with spring forks "Very few spring forks are suitable for use with a brake. Therefore, since the law requires it, insist on two good brakes being fitted to the rear wheel" 24 FRONT MUDGUARD AND STAND For number plate letters see section 41. A surprisingly complicated subject, mainly due to the fastenings changing every 5 minutes. Some part numbers have been changed from those listed in the parts books with equivalent parts, in order to simplify the listing. The original number, from the parts book, or those listed here can be used, in any case the same part will be supplied. You are welcome to order a part by saying ‘centre stay and all fastenings’ etc. and we will work what you need. Not all parts are available but we have plans to rectify that. It would appear that BSA used the part number 67-6543 for 2 similar mudguards so they have been given suffix ‘A’ and ‘B’ to distinguish them. 67-6543A has a rib, side skirts and a pressed area for the number plate; used on plunger models. 67-6543B does not have a rib or a pressed number plate area and is made from one pressing. Find your model and year in the tables and then find the relevant drawing by looking in the first row of the listing in the table. A GROUP 1947-53 Key 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A7 Rigid A7 Plunger A7 Star Twin A10 Plunger and Rigid Type of mudguard and drawing Mudguard Front stay Front stay, bolt to leg “ “ lock washer to leg “ “ nut to leg “ “ bolt to guard “ “ plain washer to guard “ “ lock washer to guard “ “ nut to guard “ “ insulator 1947-48 1949-51 1949-51 Per 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Sports 67-6526 67-6528 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 Sports 65-6605 65-6607 15-7354 24-8784 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 Sports 65-6605 65-6607 15-7354 24-8784 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 1952 Sports 65-6605 67-6544 15-7354 24-8784 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 1953 1949 1950-53 Valenced 67-6543A 67-6544 15-7354 24-8784 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 67-6547 1950 Valenced 67-6543A 67-6544 15-7354 24-8784 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 1951-53 Sports 65-6605 65-6607 15-7354 24-8784 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 12 Front stand/rear stay 1 67-6530 67-6530 67-6530 67-6530 67-6530 67-6530 67-6530 28-2338 24-8784 2-1616 28-2338 24-8784 2-1616 EB150 2-1354 15-447 65-6606 28-2338 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 2-1934 24-8784 2-1616 28-2338 24-8784 2-1616 28-2338 24-8784 2-1616 28-2338 24-8784 2-1616 2-1354 15-447 65-6606 28-2338 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 2-1354 15-447 65-6606 28-2338 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 67-6546 2-1354 15-447 65-6606 28-2338 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 2-1354 15-447 65-6606 28-2338 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 1950 1951-53 24 FRONT MUDGUARD, CONTINUED 13 15 16 17 18 22 28 29/30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Key Rear stay, bolt to leg “ “ lock washer to leg “ “ nut to leg “ “ Thackery washer to leg “ “ bolt to guard “ “ nut to guard Centre stay Centre stay, bolt to leg “ “ lock washer to leg “ “ nut to leg “ “ bolt to guard “ “ plain washer to guard “ “ lock washer to guard “ “ nut to guard “ “ fibre washer “ “ insulator Number Plate “ “ nut “ “ lock washer A7 Rigid A7 Plunger A7 Star Twin A10 Plunger and Rigid 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 Per 36-382 2-49 EB150 2-1354 15-447 67-6532 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 1947-48 2-1354 15-447 65-6606 28-2338 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 1949-51 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 1949-51 1952 1953 1949 1950-53 24 FRONT MUDGUARD, CONTINUED A GROUP 1954-62 A7 Star Twin 1954 A7/10 Plunger Key Per A7/10 Swinging Arm A7SS & A10 RR/SR Spitfire Type of mudguard and drawing Sports 1 Mudguard 1 65-6605 2 Front stay 1 65-6607 2 Front stay 2 3 Front stay, bolt to leg 2 15-7354 3 “ “ bolt to leg 3 3 “ “ bolt to leg 4 3 “ “ bolt to leg 5! 4 “ “ plain washer to leg 2 4 “ “ plain washer to leg 3 4 “ “ plain washer to leg 4 4 “ “ plain washer to leg 5! 5 “ “ lock washer to leg 2 24-8784 6 “ “ nut to leg 2 2-1616 7 “ “ bolt to guard 2 2-204 8 “ “ plain washer to guard 2 27-8560 9 “ “ lock washer to guard 2 2-1462 10 “ “ nut to guard 2 2-2395 11 “ “ insulator 2 67-6547 12 Front stand/rear stay 1 67-6530 12 Rear stay 2 13 “ “ bolt to leg 2 2-1934 14 “ “ plain washer to leg 2 15 “ “ lock washer to leg 2 24-8784 16 “ “ nut to leg 2 2-1616 18 “ “ bolt to guard 2 2-1354 18 “ “ bolt to guard 1 19 “ “ plain washer to guard 2 1954-57 1954-57 1958-59 1954-57 Valenced Valenced Sports 67-6543A 67-6543B 67-6556 67-6544 67-6544 67-6557 15-7354 1958-59 Sports 67-6556 42-6529 1960-62 1960-62 Valenced Late 67-6543B 42-6553 67-6544 1960-62 Spitfire 42-6544 42-6548 15-7354 24-6770 24-6770 24-6770 24-6770 2-923 2-923 2-923 24-8784 2-1616 2-204 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 67-6547 67-6530 24-8784 2-49 2-204 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 67-6547 67-6530 24-8784 2-49 2-204 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 67-6547 67-6558 24-8784 2-49 2-204 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 67-6547 67-6558 2-1934 2-1934 2-923 24-8784 2-1616 2-1354 2-1934 24-8784 2-49 15-7354 2-923 24-8784 2-49 2-14 27-8560 2-14 27-8560 24-8784 2-1616 2-1354 2-923 24-8784 2-49 2-204 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 67-6548 67-6530 15-7354 2-923 24-8784 2-49 2-1354 24-8784 2-204 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 42-6550 15-7354 2-923 42-6548 15-7354 24-8784 2-1354 2-14 27-8560 27-8560 24 FRONT MUDGUARD, CONTINUED 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 32 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 39 40 41 42 “ “ lock nut to guard “ “ lock washer to guard “ “ nut to guard “ “ nut to guard Stiffener plate “ “ screw “ “ plain washer “ “ lock washer “ “ nut Centre stay Centre stay Centre stay, bolt to leg, LH “ “ bolt to leg, RH “ “ lock washer to leg “ “ nut to leg “ “ bolt to guard “ “ bolt to guard “ “ plain washer to guard “ “ plain washer to guard “ “ lock washer to guard “ “ lock washer to guard “ “ nut to guard “ “ nut to guard “ “ fibre washer “ “ insulator Number Plate “ “ nut “ “ lock washer A7 Star Twin A7/10 Plunger A7/10 Swinging Arm A7SS & A10 RR/SR Spitfire 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 1 2 2 27-410 15-447 15-447 27-410 15-447 2-2395 2-1462 2-2395 15-447 65-6606 65-6606 65-6606 15-447 67-6560 24-7178 2-2580 2-1462 2-2395 67-6565 15-447 15-447 67-6865 65-6606 28-2338 15-7354 36-382 2-49 2-204 28-2338 15-7354 36-382 2-49 2-204 28-2338 15-480 36-382 2-49 2-204 28-2338 32-194 36-382 2-49 2-204 28-2338 32-194 36-382 2-49 2-204 28-2338 28-2338 36-382 2-49 2-204 27-8560 27-8560 27-8560 27-8560 27-8560 27-8560 40-6505 24-8784 24-563 42-6547 28-2338 28-2338 36-382 2-49 2-204 2-204 27-8560 27-8560 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 66-7518 67-6548 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 1954 66-7518 67-6548 66-7518 67-6548 66-7518 67-6548 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 40-6506 2-2395 2-1462 1954-57 1954-57 1958-59 1954-57 1958-59 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 24 FRONT MUDGUARD, CONTINUED B 31/33 KEY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 B31 B33 Type of mudguard and drawing Mudguard Front stay Front stay, bolt to leg “ “ plain washer to leg “ “ lock washer to leg “ “ nut to leg “ “ bolt to guard “ “ plain washer to guard “ “ lock washer to guard “ “ nut to guard “ “ insulator Rear stay/stand Rear stay, bolt to leg “ “ plain washer to leg “ “ lock washer to leg “ “ nut to leg “ “ Thackery washer to leg “ “ bolt to guard “ “ bolt to guard “ “ plain washer to guard “ “ nut to guard “ “ nut to guard Stiffener plate “ “ screw “ “ plain washer “ “ lock washer “ “ nut Centre stay Centre stay, bolt to leg, LH “ “ bolt to leg, RH “ “ plain washer to leg “ “ lock washer to leg “ “ nut to leg “ “ bolt to guard “ “ plain washer to guard “ “ lock washer to guard “ “ nut to guard “ “ fibre washer “ “ insulator “ “ spacer LH leg Number Plate “ “ nut “ “ lock washer “ “ plain washer PE R 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 PLUNGER AND RIGID 1946-47 1946-47 Sports 65-6569 1948 1949-51 1948 1949-51 Sports Sports 65-6569 65-6605 65-6580 65-6580 65-6607 15-7354 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 65-6582 As front 65-6582 67-6530 As front 28-2338 36-382 2-49 EB150 2-1354 36-382 2-49 EB150 2-1934 2-2395 SWINGING ARM 2-49 2-204 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 67-6547 67-6530 2-1934 67-6544 15-7354 2-923 24-8784 2-2395 2-204 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 67-6548 67-6530 15-7354 24-8784 2-1616 1952-55 1954-55 1952 1953-55 Sports Valenced Sports 65-6605 6767-6556 6543A 65-6607 67-6544 67-6557 15-7354 15-7354 15-7354 2-923 24-8784 24-8784 24-8784 2-1616 2-1616 2-1616 15-7161 15-7161 15-7161 27-8560 27-8560 27-8560 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 67-6547 67-6530 67-6530 67-6558 2-1934 2-1934 2-1934 2-923 24-8784 24-8784 24-8784 2-1616 2-1616 2-1616 2-49 24-8784 2-2395 2-1934 2-1934 2-1934 2-1934 15-447 15-447 65-6606 28-2338 28-2338 65-6606 28-2338 28-2338 2-923 36-382 2-49 2-204 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 24-8784 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 2-1934 15-447 15-447 15-447 15-447 65-6581 65-6584 28-2338 28-2338 2-923 36-382 24-6040 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 65-6606 28-2338 28-2338 65-6606 65-6606 28-2338 28-2338 28-2338 32-194 2-14 27-8560 15-447 (1) 27-410 67-6560 24-7178 2-2580 2-1462 2-2395 67-6559 28-2338 28-2338 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 67-6546 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 65-6576 65-6576 2-2395 2-2395 2-1462 2-1462 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 2-923 36-382 24-6040 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 15-447 1956-57 1958-60 1954-57 1958-60 Valenced Valenced 67-6543B 67-6543B 67-6544 24-6770 36-382 2-49 2-204 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 67-6546 42-5101 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 65-6576 65-6576 2-2395 2-2395 2-1462 27-8560 B 32/34 AND M GROUP Key 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 Per Type of mudguard and drawing Mudguard Front stay Front stay, bolt to leg “ “ lock washer to leg “ “ spacer to leg “ “ nut to leg “ “ bolt to guard “ “ plain washer to guard “ “ lock washer to guard 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1946-47 B32/34 Sports 65-6591 65-6593 36-382 65-6598 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 1948 1949-52 B32/34 B32/34 Sports Sports 65-6591 65-6611 65-6593 65-6612 15-7354 36-382 24-8784 65-6598 2-49 2-1616 15-7161 15-7161 27-8560 27-8560 2-1462 2-1462 WM20 Sports 66-6536 66-6540 2-1354 29-541 A176 M263 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 1946-48 M Sports 65-6530 65-6542 2-1354 29-541 1949-51 M Sports 65-6605 65-6607 15-7354 24-8784 1952-54 M Sports 65-6605 65-6607 15-7354 24-8784 1953-63 M AA Valenced 67-6543A 67-6544 15-7354 24-8784 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-1616 2-220 27-8560 2-1462 10 “ “ “ nut to guard “ plate 2 2 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 15-7160 2-2395 15-7160 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 24 FRONT MUDGUARD, CONTINUED Key 11 12 13 15 16 18 18 19 21 22 22 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 41 42 43 Per “ “ insulator Rear stay/stand Rear stay, bolt to leg “ “ lock washer to leg “ “ nut to leg “ “ Thackery washer to leg “ “ bolt to guard “ “ plain washer to guard “ “ lock washer to guard “ “ nut to guard “ “ nut to guard Centre stay Centre stay, bolt to leg, LH “ “ bolt to leg, RH “ “ plain washer to leg “ “ lock washer to leg “ “ nut to leg “ “ bolt to guard “ “ plain washer to guard “ “ lock washer to guard “ “ nut to guard “ “ fibre washer Centre fixing bolt/nut to fork “ “ plain washer “ “ lock washer Number Plate “ “ nut “ “ nut “ “ lock washer “ “ plain washer “ “ screw 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 4 1946-47 B32/34 65-6597 As front 36-382 2-49 EB150 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 65-6592 2-923 36-382 24-6040 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 1948 B32/34 1949-52 B32/34 WM20 65-6597 As front 36-382 2-49 EB150 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 65-6614 15-7354 24-8784 2-1616 66-4727 28-2338 36-382 2-1616 66-4727 28-2338 36-382 2-1616 1953-63 M AA 67-6547 67-6530 67-6530 67-6530 28-2338 2-1934 2-1934 24-8784 24-8784 24-8784 2-1616 2-1616 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 27-5446 27-5446 2-1354 2-1354 2-1354 15-447 15-447 15-447 15-447 15-447 65-6600 65-6613 28-2338 28-2338 2-923 36-382 36-382 24-6040 2-49 15-7161 15-7161 27-8560 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 2-2395 66-7518 65-6576 65-6576 2-2395 2-2395 1949-51 1952-54 M M 65-6606 65-6606 65-6606 28-2338 28-2338 28-2338 28-2338 15-7354 15-7354 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 EA80 27-7166 36-382 65-6576 2-2395 1946-48 M 15-7354 27-7166 36-382 66-6535 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 65-6576 65-6576 2-2395 2-2395 25-7151 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 27-8560 24-7065 2-1462 27-8560 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 24 FRONT MUDGUARD, CONTINUED C GROUP – TELESCOPIC FORKS Key 1 2 2 12 12 3/13 3/13 4/14 5/15 6/16 7/18 8/19 9/21 10/22 29 29/30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 1954-55 1956 C10L C10L Sports Sports Sports C10L C10L 29-6551 29-6564 29-6564 90-6527 90-6527 29-6553 29-6565 29-6565 90-6530 29-6573 29-6552 29-6552 29-6552 90-6531 29-6573 1-5609 15-7354 15-7354 21-5401 15-7354 27-8560 2-923 36-382 24-8784 24-8784 29-541 24-8784 2-1616 2-1616 2-2395 2-1616 15-7161 15-7161 15-7161 21-5401 21-5611 27-8560 27-8560 27-8560 27-8560 27-8560 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 29-541 2-1462 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 29-6554 29-6554 29-6554 90-6528 29-6574 28-2338 28-2338 28-2338 21-5403 28-2338 27-8560 36-382 36-382 36-382 2-1462 24-8784 2-49 2-49 2-49 21-5102 2-49 15-7161 15-7161 15-7161 21-5401 21-5611 27-8560 27-8560 27-8560 27-8560 27-8560 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 29-541 2-1462 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 66-7518 65-6576 65-6576 65-6576 65-6576 65-6576 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-2395 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 2-1462 27-8560 27-8560 PER 1946-48 1949-50 1951-53 Type of mudguard and drawing Mudguard Front stay Front stay Rear stay Rear stay Front & rear stays, bolt to leg Front & rear stays, bolt to leg “ “ plain washer to leg “ “ lock washer to leg “ “ nut to leg “ “ bolt to guard “ “ plain washer to guard “ “ lock washer to guard “ “ nut to guard Centre stay Centre stay, bolt to leg “ “ plain washer to leg “ “ lock washer to leg “ “ nut to leg “ “ bolt to guard “ “ plain washer to guard “ “ lock washer to guard “ “ nut to guard “ “ fibre washer Number Plate “ “ nut “ “ lock washer “ “ plain washer 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1954 1955 C12 C11G C11G Sports Sports Sports 29-6564 29-6570 29-6531 29-6565 29-6565 29-6532 29-6565 29-6565 29-6532 15-7354 15-7354 15-7354 24-8784 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 29-6554 28-2338 24-8784 2-1616 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 29-6554 28-2338 24-8784 2-1616 2-204 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 29-6533 28-2338 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 36-382 2-49 15-7161 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 66-7518 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 24-8784 2-49 2-204 27-8560 2-1462 2-2395 65-6576 2-2395 2-1462 27-8560 25 RIGID & PLUNGER FRAMES & REAR SUSPENSION For lifting handles see section 30; snail cam chain adjusters see section 21, for rigid frame chain adjusters see section 31. Rigid frames, also known as standard frames, were available 1947-51 on the A Group; 1937-55 B and M Group; 1939-54 C Group. Plunger frames were used 1949-57 for the A Group; 1949-55 for the B Group; 1951-57 C Group; 1951-63 for the M group. Swinging arm frames were introduced in 1954 for the A and B group and 1956 for the C group. A selection of used frames always in stock, please enquire. A/B/M GROUP PART NO 2-46 2-46 2-46 2-49 2-49 2-440 2-995 2-1925 2-1945 3-1399 15-431 15-541 15-1312 27-6043 28-2080 28-2080 31-68 36-382 36-382 65-4147 65-4511 66-4163 66-4175 66-4175 66-4603 66-4707 66-4707 66-4708 66-4708 DESCRIPTION Nut, plunger pinch bolt Nut, lower frame tie stud Nut, upper frame tie stud Nut, pinch bolt, lower, outer Nut, pinch bolt, lower, RH outer Nut, frame bolt Thackery washer, upper frame tie stud Nut, upper frame tie stud Plain washer, upper frame tie stud Pinch bolt, plunger, LH lower Plain washer, upper frame tie stud Nut, upper frame tie stud Wheel adjuster spring Spring washer, upper frame tie stud Grease nipple, head races Grease nipple, plunger Pinch bolt, upper Shake proof washer, pinch bolt, lower, outer Shake proof washer, pinch bolt, lower, outer Rebound spring Frame, rear section Upper frame tie stud Upper frame tie stud (Replaced by 67-9095 when dual seat fitted) Upper frame tie stud Wheel adjuster Shake proof washer, plunger pinch bolt Shake proof washer, lower frame tie stud Shake proof washer, frame bolt Shake proof washer, upper frame tie stud PER 4 2 1/2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 MODELS A/B/M A M A B/M A M B Rig/Plun A B/M B Rig/Plun A A/B/M Plun M A/B/M A/B/M A/B/M A B/M B32/4 B Rig B Rig/Plun B Rig/Plun A A/B/M Plun A/B/M A A A YEARS 1949-63 1946-57 1940-63 1949-57 1949-63 1946-57 1952-63 1946-55 1946-57 1949-63 1946-55 1946-57 1949-63 1940-51 1940-63 1949-63 1949-57 1949-57 1949-63 1949-53 1949-54 1946-51 1952-55 1947-57 1949-63 1949-63 1946-57 1946-57 1946-57 25 PLUNGER , CONTINUED 67-1251 67-4127 67-4132 67-4134 67-4166 89-4041 89-4046 89-4049 89-4240 89-4241 89-4247 89-4248 89-4249 89-4259 Frame tie stud, lower Rebound spring top collar Main spring Plunger column Plug for top of plungers Plunger column Plunger tube with bushes Main spring Rebound spring shroud, outer black Rebound spring shroud, inner chrome Main spring Main spring shroud, outer black Main spring shroud, inner chrome Rebound spring 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 A A/B/M A/M M A/B/M A/B A/B/M B A/B/M A/B/M A S/car A/B/M A/B/M A/B31/33/M 1947-57 1949-63 1949-63 1951-63 1949-63 1949-57 1949-63 1949-55 1949-63 1949-63 1949-57 1949-63 1949-63 1949-63 C GROUP 2-46 2-49 2-522 2-803 2-1813 3-1399 15-431 15-541 15-716 15-1355 15-5290 21-5104 21-5720 28-2080 28-2080 29-4103 29-4327 35-5016 36-382 65-292 66-4707 90-4103 90-4104 Nut, plunger lug pinch bolt Nut for pinch bolts Spring washer, chainstay to saddle stay Bolt, chainstay to saddle stay Nut, chainstay to saddle stay Pinch bolt, plunger lug LH Plain washer, rear frame to front section Nut, rear frame to front section Spring washer, rear frame to front section Pinch bolt, LH lower plunger Straight grease nipple Nut, plunger lug pinch bolt Pinch bolt, plunger lug Grease nipple, steering head Grease nipple, plunger lug Bolt, rear frame to front section Pinch bolt, plunger lug RH Angled grease nipple Shake proof washer for pinch bolts Pinch bolt, RH lower plunger Shake proof washer, plunger lug pinch bolt Main spring Rebound spring 2 4 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 2 C Plun except C10L C Plun C Rig C Rig C Rig C Plun except C10L C Plun/Rig except C10L C Plun/Rig except C10L C Plun except C10L C Plun except C10L C11G Plun C10L C10L C C Plun C Plun except C10L C Plun except C10L C10 C Plun C Plun except C10L C Plun C10L C10L 1949-57 1949-57 1946-54 1946-54 1946-54 1949-57 1946-57 1946-57 1949-57 1949-57 1954-55 1954-57 1954-57 1946-57 1949-57 1949-57 1949-57 1946-53 1949-57 1949-57 1949-57 1954-57 1954-57 25 PLUNGER , CONTINUED 90-4105 90-4110 90-4111 90-4119 90-4120 Bump stop Plunger shroud, top inner chrome Plunger shroud, top black Plunger shroud, lower inner chrome Plunger shroud, lower outer black 4 2 2 2 2 C C10/11 C10/11 C10/11 C10/11 1949-57 1949-57 1949-57 1949-57 1949-57 26 SWINGING ARM FRAME & REAR SUSPENSION Swinging arm frames were fitted to A and B group models from 1954 although plunger frames were still produced until 1957. The M group never did get the new frame and the C group had to wait until 1956 and then only for the ohv models. A selection of used frames and swinging arms always in stock, please enquire. A AND B GROUP PART NO 2-46 2-51 2-522 2-1733 3-1399 24-563 24-563 36-382 42-4112 42-4112 42-4115 42-4115 42-4116 42-4116 42-4155 42-4289 42-4291 42-4292 42-4297 42-4340 42-4340 42-4343 42-4343 42-4362 42-4362 42-6040 DESCRIPTION Nut, shock absorber mounting bolt Lock nut, chain adjuster Spring washer, shock absorber bolt, upper Plain washer, shock absorber bolt Bolt, shock absorber, lower Chain adjuster lock nut Chain adjuster lock nut Shake proof washer, locking spindle to frame Swinging arm spindle, solid type Swinging arm spindle, solid type Swinging arm bush, solid type Swinging arm bush, solid type Swinging arm spindle nut, solid spindle type Swinging arm spindle nut, solid spindle type Rubber bush, shock absorber Shock absorber collet Upper shroud, black Lower shroud, chrome Shock absorbers, pair, with shrouds, 110 lb springs Swinging arm spindle, hollow type Swinging arm spindle, hollow type Swinging arm spindle nut, hollow spindle type Swinging arm spindle nut, hollow spindle type Swinging arm bush, hollow spindle type Swinging arm bush, hollow spindle type Chain adjuster PER 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 MODELS A/B B31/33 A/B A/B A/B B A A/B A/B B32/4 A/B B32/4 A/B B32/4 A/B A/B A/B A/B A/B A/B31/3 B32/4 A/B31/3 B32/4 A/B31/3 B32/4 A YEARS 1954-62 1954-55 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1956-60 1954-62 1954-62 1954-55 1956 1954-55 1956 1954-55 1956 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1956-62 1957-60 1956-62 1957-60 1956-62 1957-60 1954-62 26 SWINGING ARM, CONTINUED 42-6040 42-6040 42-6763 42-6901 65-4185 66-2010 66-4707 67-4800 68-9462 Chain adjuster Chain adjuster Spacing collar Bolt, shock absorber top Bolt, shock absorber top Bolt, locking spindle to frame Shake proof washer, lower shock absorber bolt Chain adjuster 'C' Spanner for adjusting shock absorbers 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 B32/4 B31/3 A/B A A/B A/B A/B B31/33 1956-57 1958-60 1954-62 1960-62 1954-59 1954-62 1954-62 1954-56 C12 See section 21 for chain adjuster 24-563 28-2080 29-4103 15-431 15-716 15-541 21-5720 2-1733 2-522 21-5104 90-4232 2-1733 2-522 2-46 2-1934 2-923 24-8784 2-49 90-4250 Chain adjuster lock nut Head race grease nipple Bolt, Plain washer, back stay to frame Spring washer, back stay to frame Nut, back stay to frame Bolt, shock absorber upper fixing Plain washer, shock absorber upper fixing Spring washer, shock absorber upper fixing Nut, shock absorber upper fixing Nut, swinging arm spindle Plain washer, shock absorber lower fixing Spring washer, shock absorber lower fixing Nut, shock absorber lower fixing Bolt, ignition switch cover lower fixing Plain washer, ignition switch cover lower fixing Spring washer, ignition switch cover lower fixing Nut, ignition switch cover lower fixing Shock absorber, pair, chainguard will need to be modified to fit these 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 C12 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 1956-58 27 PETROL TANK PETROL TAPS AND FITTINGS All A, B, C and M pre unit models have a 3/8 BSP thread in the tank for the tap. Initially the tank end of the tap was without a filter and had a 1/8 BSP thread that screwed into an adaptor with a 3/8 BSP male thread and a filter. It was this that screwed into the tank. Later taps were fitted with a filter and had a 3/8 BSP thread and so dispensed with the adaptor. 27 PETROL TANK, CONTINUED Most taps had a 1/4 BSP threaded outlet and originally used a rigid copper pipe with soldered fittings. For a few years the A group used a spigot on the lower end of the tap and a 'banjo' fitting on the petrol pipe. Where a tap, at the time of writing, is not available a suitable alternative is suggested, however as new items are being discovered all the time it would be wise to check the price list for current availability. The sizes given with the taps listed are British Standard Pipe or BSP thread sizes, tank end is given first then the outlet. A tap with a 1/8 BSP thread will need the 27-8436 adaptor with filter or A16-96, a tap with a 1/4 BSP thread will need the A16-90 adaptor. BSP thread sizes are confusing because the size relates to the size of the pipe not the thread. Nominal thread sizes are as follows (male then female):- 1/8 BSP .375, 0.35; 3/16 BSP 0.425, 0.375; 1/4 BSP 0.515, 0.468; 3/8 BSP 0.650, 0.609. All sizes of threads are 19 TPI except the 1/8, which is 28. DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF AVAILABLE TAPS AND FITTINGS - Applications are listed below under model headings 27-8552 27-8553 29-7764A 65-8171 27-8553A 5050-87 5050-88 68-8024 T2191 5050-54A 29-7764 42-8075 67-8092 1/8 x 3/16 petrol tap, flat slide, no filter 1/8 x ¼ petrol tap, flat slide with reserve and filter, 1/8 x push on spigot petrol tap, single plunger, 1/8 x ¼ petrol tap, lever with taper seat, no filter ¼ x ¼ petrol tap, flat slide with reserve and filter, ¼ x ¼ petrol tap, modern BAP lever type, reserve only with filter ¼ x ¼ petrol tap, modern BAP lever type, main only with filter BAP type taps are a modern non-leaking tap with 1/4 BSP threads top and bottom, so usually a 1/4 to 3/8 BSP adapter will be required. A nice feature is a locking nut so that the tap can be lined up where it is convenient to use rather than having the lever stuck round the back. The down side is that they do not look anything like the original. ¼ x ¼ petrol tap, single plunger, back entry, with filter ¼ x ¼ petrol tap, single plunger with filter 3/8 x 7/16 petrol tap, single plunger & filter 3/8 x push on spigot petrol tap, single plunger 3/8 x banjo petrol tap, single plunger with filter, 3/8 x ¼ petrol tap, single plunger with filter 27-8436 A16-90 A16-96 A10-90 Adaptor with filter, 1/8 BSP taps in tanks with 3/8 BSP outlets. Adaptor, to use 1/4 BSP taps in tanks with 3/8 BSP outlets. Adaptor, to use 1/8 BSP taps in tanks with 3/8 BSP outlets. Tap plunger & cork, straight pull 27 PETROL TANK, CONTINUED A11-90 A49-91 A49-92 A49-97 A49-98 5899-30 2153-37 65-8218 S4-4 S4-6 S4-8 5899-30 67-8060 14/026 14/026A 14/042 14/042A A3-90 A33-91 A33-92 A34-91 Tap plunger & cork, pull and turn to lock Tap plunger retaining screw Tap plunger retaining screw shake proof washer Tap cork for flat slide taps Tap cork for plunger taps Fibre washer for 1/8 BSP (tap to adaptor or banjo nut to banjo) Fibre washer for 1/4 BSP (tap to adaptor) Fibre washer for 3/8 BSP (adaptor or tap to tank) Oil seal washer for 1/8 BSP (tap to adaptor or banjo nut to banjo) Steel washer with integral rubber seal, much superior to fibre Oil seal washer for 1/4 BSP (tap to adaptor) washers. Oil seal washer for 3/8 BSP (adaptor or tap to tank) Fibre washer for banjo to tap fitting (1 per banjo) Banjo nut (1/8 BSP dome nut) Spigot for petrol tap, ¼ bore pipe Spigot for petrol tap, 3/16 bore pipe Petrol tap union or gland nut, 1/4 BSP Petrol tap union or gland nut, 3/16 BSP Tank sealer, for lining rusty or pin holed tanks, sufficient for 3 galls Plastic 1/4" bore petrol pipe (per metre) Petrol pipe, black Neoprene, per metre. Wonderfully flexible, long lasting and practical but not very original 'T' piece for flexible petrol pipe TAPS PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODELS YEARS PRE-UNIT A GROUP The change of petrol tap for A7 models in 1950 took place at plunger frame ZA7S 7034 and rigid frame ZA7 4488. All A10 models had 67-8057 from the start. 27-8552 27-8553 67-8057 67-8092 67-8087 67-8092 42-8070 42-8075 42-8075A 67-8060 65-8218 5184-37 65-8171 Petrol tap, flat slide, 1/8 x 3/16 Petrol tap, flat slide & reserve, 1/8 x ¼ Petrol tap, flat slide, 1/8 x banjo Petrol tap, single plunger, 3/8 x ¼ Petrol pipe assembly with black pipe (not armoured) Petrol tap, single plunger, 3/8 x ¼ Petrol pipe assembly Petrol tap, single plunger, 3/8 x banjo Banjo for 42-8075 petrol tap Dome nut for banjo taps Fibre washer, upper for banjo taps Fibre washer, lower for banjo taps Petrol tap, lever with taper seat, 1/8 x ¼ 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 A7 A7ST A A (not A10SF) A A Plun A S’arm not RR/SR 1947-49 1949-50 1950 1951-54 1954 1955-57 1955-62 1955-62 1955-62 A10 SF/RR/SR 1953-63 27-8553 65-8216 65-8171 Petrol tap, flat slide with reserve, 1/8 x ¼ Petrol tap, single plunger with reserve, 3/8 x ¼ Petrol tap, lever with taper seat, 1/8 x ¼ 1 1 2 B B31/3 B32/4 1946-53 1954-60 1954-60 27-8552 67-8092 29-7764 27-7765 Petrol tap, flat slide, 1/8 x 3/16 Petrol tap, single plunger, 3/8 x 1/4 Petrol tap, single plunger, 3/8 with pipe Petrol tap, single plunger, 3/8 with pipe 1 1 1 1 C C C11/12 C10 1946-49 1950-53 1954-58 1954-57 27-8552 27-8553 65-8216 27-8552 27-8443 Petrol tap, flat slide, 1/8 x 3/16 Petrol tap, flat slide with reserve, 1/8 x ¼ Petrol tap, single plunger with reserve, 3/8 x ¼ Petrol tap, flat slide, 1/8 x 3/16 Petrol tap adapter with filter 2 1 1 2 1 M M (not 1940-47) M M AA model M 1940-47 1938-53 1954-60 1947-63 1938-53 A S/arm not SR 1958-59 A S’arm not RR/SR 27 PETROL TANK, CONTINUED BADGES 67-8017 65-8207/9 65-8220 67-8050 67-8051 67-8116 42-8105 67-8070 67-8071 65-8220 65-8220 40-8015 40-8014 Badge, enamel/red/gold-not available can use 29-7910 Badge, long barred type-not currently available Badge, piled arms, red, not large tanks 1960-62 Transfer, ‘Star Twin’ star in gold/red/black Badge, cast alloy version of ‘tin star’ badge, each Badge, large round, green/gold Badge, big round, black/gold Badge, ‘Golden Flash’, gold painted, cast, RH Badge, ‘Golden Flash’, gold painted, cast, LH Badge, piled arms, red, not large tanks 1960-62 Badge, piled arms, red, not large tanks 1960-62 Badge, pear drop badge, red, LH (large tanks only) Badge, pear drop badge, red, RH (large tanks only) 29-7910 65-8157/8 65-8208/10 65-8211 65-8193 65-8220 29-7820 65-8317 42-8034 42-8020 40-8016 65-8201 Badge, chrome & blue enamel (not B32/32 1950) Badge, long barred type – not currently available Badge, less centre – not currently available Badge, centre only in polished alloy Badge, big and red and blousy Badge, round badge, piled arms, red(B32/34 1954-56) Cast alloy badge Badge screw Badge screw nut Badge clip for round badges (not competition) Badge screw for pear drop badges 40-8014/5 Badge screw for 67-8116 Fittings, listed below 65-8317 65-8317 65-8317 42-8034 42-8020 65-8317 65-8201 65-8317 42-8034 42-8020 65-8317 65-8317 65-8317 42-8034 42-8020 65-8317 42-8034 42-8020 40-8016 40-8016 65-8317 65-8317 65-8317 65-8317 42-8034 42-8020 65-8317 42-8034 42-8020 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 A7 A7 A7 A7ST A7ST A7ST/SS A7SS A10 A10 A10RR A10/SR A A 1947-51 1952-53 1954-62 1949-50 1951-52 1953-57 1958-62 1950-57 1950-57 1954-57 1958-62 1960-62 1960-62 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 4 4 B/C/M B/C/M B31/3/C/M B31/3/C/M B32/4 B/C11/12/M C10L B/C/M(not C10L) B/C/M(not C10L) B/C/M(not C10L) A A7ST/SS 1946-51 1952 1953 1953 1953 1954-60 1954-57 1946-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1953-57 27 PETROL TANK, CONTINUED KNEE GRIPS 29-7868 29-7869 65-8314/5 65-8205/6 40-8012/3 40-8029 40-8030 40-8114 40-8115 2-79 Knee grip mounting plate L/H Knee grip mounting plate R/H Knee grip rubbers, pair Knee grip rubbers with plates(pair)(2 gallon tank only from 1960) Knee grip, grey, pair (4 gall tank with pear shape badges) Knee grip, L/H (USA 4 gallon tank only) Knee grip, R/H (USA 4 gallon tank only) Knee grip plate, L/H (not for 65-8205/6) Knee grip plate, R/H (not for 65-8205/6) Knee grip plate securing screw 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 A A A A A A A A A A 1947-51 1947-51 1947-51 1952-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1947-62 65-8093/4 65-8314/5 29-7868 29-7869 65-8205/6 2-79 Knee grip rubbers, pair, foot change only Knee grip rubbers, pair Kneegrip mounting plate L/H Kneegrip mounting plate R/H Knee grip rubbers, pair complete with steel plates Knee grip plate securing screw 1 1 1 1 1 4 M19/22/23/24 B/C/M B/C/M B/C/M B/C/M 1938-39 1940-53 1940-53 1940-53 1954-62 1940-62 A Plun A Plun A A7 Plun A Plun A10 Plun A Plun 1947-57 1954-57 1947-51 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 B/C/M not AA model MOUNTINGS A PLUNGER/RIGID 2-46 27-5690 65-4185 65-8326 66-4707 67-8076 67-8109 Front and rear tank mounting stud nut Rear tank mounting stud Rear tank mounting stud Front tank mounting bolt Front and rear tank mounting stud shake proof washer Front tank mounting bolt Spacer tube, front and rear 3 1 1 1 3 1 4 B PLUNGER/C/M FRONT 27-8447 27-8448 27-8449 28-2338 2-46 2-449 65-8326 65-8326 66-4707 67-8076 24-8784 2-923 21-5662 REAR 30-660 30-660 Front tank sleeve, front Front tank rubber, front Front tank cup for rubber, front Front tank bolt Front mounting bolt nut Front tank bolt nut Front tank mounting bolt Front tank mounting bolt Front tank bolt shake proof washer Front mounting bolt Front mounting bolt spring washer Front mounting bolt plain washer Front mounting bolt 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Rear mounting bolt, plain washer Rear mounting bolt, plain washer 2 2 B 1938-40 C 1938-46 M 1938-63 C (not C10L) B Plun B Plun C B/C (not C10L) C (not C10L) C10L C10L C10L 1946-58 1946-57 1946-57 1946-53 1946-57 1954-58 1954-56 1954-56 1954-56 B (not B33 1948) Plun 1937-57 1947-58 C (not C10L) 27 PETROL TANK, CONTINUED 30-660 36-4140 36-4140 36-4140 65-8032 65-8032 65-8032 65-8032 65-8033 65-8034 65-8034 65-8034 66-8089 66-8089 66-8089 66-8091 66-8091 21-5676 2-923 21-5103 24-8784 Rear mounting bolt, plain washer Rear mounting rubber, lower Rear mounting rubber, upper Rear mounting rubber, lower Rear mounting rubber, upper Rear mounting rubber, upper Rear mounting rubber, lower Rear mounting rubber, upper Rear mounting rubber, lower Rear mounting bolt Rear mounting bolt Rear mounting bolt Rear mounting bolt Rear mounting bolt Rear mounting bolt Rear mounting rubber, lower Rear mounting rubber, upper Rear tank mounting bolt Rear tank mounting bolt plain washer Rear tank mounting bolt nut Rear tank mounting bolt shake proof washer A/B S’ARM 2-1945 Centre fixing bolt plain washer 29-8740 Adapter socket in frame for centre bolt, plain washer 40-8039 Tank bung ‘BSA’ 42-4078 Adapter socket in frame for centre bolt 42-8010 Tank bung ‘BSA’ 42-8010 Tank bung ‘BSA’ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 M & 1937! M (not 1949-50!) 1940-62 1949-57 19?-46 1940-50 1937-57 1946-53 1951-62 1949-50 1947-58 1939-48 1947-58 1951-62 1949-57 19?-46 1940-50 1937-48 1940-62 1 2 1 1 C10L C10L C10L C10L 1956 1954-56 1954-56 1954-56 1 1 1 1 1 1 A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A not USA A/B S’arm A S’arm A ‘USA’ 1954-62 1954-62 1960-62 1954-62 1954-59 1960-62 B (and B33 1948) Plun C Gir M B (not B33 1948) Plun C M M C (not C10L) B (not B33 1948) C (not C10L) M B (and B33 1948) Plun C Gir M B (not B33 1948) Plun 27 PETROL TANK, CONTINUED 42-8010 42-8011 42-8012 42-8049 42-8051 42-8051 42-8052 Tank bung 'BSA' Centre fixing bolt Centre bolt rubber sleeve Rubber pad, front Rubber pad, rear (2 per 1954-59, 1 per 1960-62 (rear)) Rubber pad, rear Rubber buffer under front of tank 1 1 1 2 1/2 2 2 B31/3 S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A/B S’arm 1954-60 1954-62 1954-62 1960-62 1954-62 1954-60 1954-62 MISCELLANEOUS 29-7898 5025-56 66-8215 66-8351 67-8085 2-923 36-382 2-49 24-8784 42-8070 66-8195 33-8255 5075-WIDE 2-204 27-8560 2-2395 2-1462 Filler cap, std 2 ½” push and turn type Filler cap sealing washer for std 2.5” diameter caps Filler cap, wing nut type, large, 3” Filler cap, wing nut type, small, 2 ½” Stiffening strap Stiffening strap, plain washer Stiffening strap, shake proof washer Stiffening strap, nut Stiffening strap, spring washer Petrol pipe Petrol pipe, rigid copper as original Balance pipe 3 ½” wide but see next line Balance pipe 4 3/8” Tank beading bolt Tank beading bolt plain washer Tank beading bolt nut Tank beading bolt spring washer 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 A/B/C/M (not B20/1/3/6/1940-47 M/AA) A/B/C/M (not B20/1/3/6/1940-47 M/AA) M M AA model A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm (not SR 1958-59) M20/21 M M C11G/12 C11G/12 C11G/12 C11G/12 1937-63 1937-63 1940-47 1950-63 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1960-62 1955-62 1940-46 1937-63 1937-63 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 1954-58 28 SPEEDOMETERS AND CABLES Tachometer drive parts may be found under section 15, timing chests and section 16, oil pumps. When fitting a reconditioned speedometer it is advisable to also fit a new cable as an old one may damage the new unit. The cable can be tested by holding one end of the inner cable and attempting to twist the other end, more than a ¼ to ½ a turn of movement indicates that it should be replaced. We can repair or supply most speedometers and revolution counters including re-calibration. The faces that we use are printed for each specific application so exact model details are required. Please contact us for a quotation. A group speedometers were always driven from the gearbox and were initially mounted on a bracket on the forks and from 1953 in the headlamp cowl. The instruments on the sporting Road Rocket and Super Rockets were mounted a variety of brackets depending on whether 1 or 2 instruments were fitted. It would appear that there was an option to have only a rev counter fitted or a speedometer as well for 1954-57; whilst for 1958-62 either or both could be fitted. From 1960 the Super Rocket was supplied with either the cowl, with speedometer in it or with headlamp ears and the clock(s) on brackets. The rev counter was driven from the magneto until 1960 when the drive was taken from the oil pump instead. B group Speedos were mounted on a fork top bracket before the war and driven from the front wheel. With the introduction of telescopic fork models the speedometer moved initially to the petrol tank until 1948 when it moved to the forks. Drive on telescopic models was from the gearbox. C group speedometers were initially driven from the front wheel and mounted on top of the forks. With the advent of the telescopic forks the drive moved to the rear wheel and the speedometer head moved to the tank. When the 4 speed gearboxes were introduced in 1951 the speedometer was driven from the gearbox and the speedometer was on the forks. In July 1954 the speedometer on 3 speed gearbox equipped machines moved to the forks but the drive remained at the rear wheel. The C10L used a ‘D’ shaped speedometer. M group girder fork speedometers were driven from the front wheel but telescopic fork model’s drive came from the gearbox. The speedometer was always on the forks mounted on a bracket either to the side or centrally. 28 SPEEDOMETER, CONTINUED PART NO 15-6939 5204-38 5204-47 641 A50-91 00610 5200-97 5201-99 DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS Front wheel internal drive pinion retaining peg 1 All ?-39 Speedo bezel, plain. For free standing speedometer 1 Speedo bezel, flanged. For sheet metal housing 1 Bulb, chronometric speedometer, 6V 2W 1 Bulb holder with bulb for Chronometric speedometer 1 All 1938-62 Trip cable 8 ½” overall Speedo face, please specify model details as they are correct even down to the speedometer model number. Chronometric speedometer, to order, specify model and year 1 All 2-204 2-443 2-1462 2-2395 15-7383 15-7383 15-7383 19-2126 24-8328 27-8560 29-541 42-195 42-196 65-9111 65-9111 65-9111 65-9167 65-9171 65-9179 65-9179 67-713 67-5088 Bolt, mounting plate to forks Lock nut for speedo & rev counter bracket to mounting plate Spring washer, mounting plate to forks Nut for speedometer & rev counter bracket to mounting plate Rubber mount for speedometer Rubber mount for rev counter bracket (when both fitted) 67-9057 67-9063 65-9267 42-9187 67-9057 65-9267 65-9267 65-9172 Tube for cable through headlamp Bolt, fixing rev counter bracket (when only rev counter fitted) Plain washer for speedometer & rev counter bracket Shake proof washer, clock brackets to mounting plate Rev counter adapter on timing case Rev counter pin (between oil pump spindle and cable) Speedo and rev counter bracket (when both fitted) Speedo bracket (when only speedometer is fitted) Speedometer bracket on forks Rev counter bracket (when only rev counter fitted) Speedo and rev counter mounting plate (when both fitted) Bolt, fixing speedometer bracket Bolt, fixing rev counter bracket (when both fitted) Rev counter drive nut on magneto Speedometer grommet in cowl 2 4 2 4 4 4 2 1 2 4/8 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A not RR A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A10 SR A10 SR A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A10RR/SR A 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1953-55 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1960-62 1960-62 1954-59 1954-59 1948-52 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1954-60 1953 Speedo cable, 40.5” Speedo cable, 41” Speedo cable, 44” Speedo cable, 44” Speedo cable, 40.5” Speedo cable, 44” Speedo cable, 44” Rev counter cable 38” 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A A Plunger A7/7SS/10 S’arm A7/7SS/10/Spit A10RR/SR A10Spit A10SR A10RR/SR 1947-52 1953-57 1954-59 1960-62 1954-59 1958-59 1960-63 1954-60 Rubber mount, rev counter bracket (when only rev counter fitted) 28 SPEEDOMETER, CONTINUED 42-9227 Rev counter cable 34 ½” 1 A10SR 1961-62 2-204 2-1462 15-7383 19-2126 27-8560 65-9111 65-9111 65-9179 67-5088 Bolt, bracket to forks Spring washer, bracket to forks Rubber washer, bracket to forks Tube for cable through headlamp Plain washer, bracket to forks Speedometer bracket Speedometer bracket Bolt, bracket to forks Speedometer grommet in cowl 2 2 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 B B B32/4 B B32/4 B31/3 B32/4 B32/4 B 1948-53 1948-53 1954-56 1953-55 1954-56 1948-52 1948-56 1954-56 1953-57 65-9102 65-9150 65-9160 65-9160 29-9326 67-9057 65-9267 65-9257 65-9172 Speedo cable, 39” Speedo cable, 44.5” Speedo cable, 46.75” Speedo cable, 46.75” Speedo cable, 56” Speedo cable, 40.5” Speedo cable, 44" Speedo cable, 46.75” Cable, chronometric tachometer 38" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B B B31/33 B32/34 Rig/Plun B31/33 Rig/Plun B S’arm B31/33 S’arm B32/34 B32/34 15-7383 27-8560 65-9111 65-9179 29-9320 29-9326 90-9021 67-9057 29-9402 Rubber washer, bracket to forks Plain washer, bracket to forks Speedometer bracket Bolt, bracket to forks Speedo cable, girder fork models, 23.625” Speedo cable, telescopic fork models (to June 1954), 56” Speedo cable (from July 1954), 65” Speedo cable, not C10L, 40.5” Speedo cable, 37.5” 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 C (3 speed from 7/54) C (3 speed from 7/54) C (3 speed from 7/54) C (3 speed from 7/54) C C 3 speed C 3 speed C 4 speed (not C10L) C10L 4 speed 1951-58 1951-58 1951-58 1951-58 1946 1946-54 1954-55 1951-58 1956-57 2-1374 15-7383 21-5620 24-8328 24-8784 28-2338 65-9111 65-9111 66-9114 65-9179 66-9262 67-5088 Plain washer, bracket to forks Rubber washer, bracket to forks Bolt, speedometer bracket to forks Bolt, speedometer bracket to forks Spring washer, bracket to fork Bolt, speedometer bracket to forks (central position) Speedometer bracket (central position) Speedometer bracket (central position) Speedometer bracket (side mounted) Bolt, speedometer bracket to forks Distance piece, bracket to forks Speedometer grommet in cowl 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 M Plun/AA M Plun M/AA M Plun/AA M M M M AA M Gir M AA M AA M 1951-62 1951-52 1949-54 1951-62 1940-48 1948 1949-52 1950-62 1940-47 1955-62 1950-62 1953-57 24-5484 66-9112 66-9145 29-9341 66-9177 Speedo cable, 27.25” Speedo cable, 24.5” Speedo cable, 26.75", girder fork top speedometer Speedo cable, 50” Speedo cable, 50” 1 1 1 1 1 M M M M M AA 1938-39 1940-47 1947-48 1949-63 1949-63 1946-47 1948 1949-52 1949-55 1953-55 1954-55 1956-60 1956-60 1954-60 29 FOOTRESTS, BRAKE PEDAL AND FITTINGS For brake cables see section 37. 29 FOOTRESTS, CONTINUED PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS BRAKE PEDALS AND FITTINGS All rear brakes were operated by rod except 1956-63 A and B group swinging arm machines and they used a cross over bar as the brake is on the opposite side to the pedal A/B/M GROUP 2-46 2-46 2-79 2-522 2-522 2-861 2-1027 2-2395 15-541 15-541 15-1455 15-4100 24-978 24-7343 28-2080 29-541 30-196 30-196 30-660 30-660 36-399 36-382 42-7011 42-7012 42-7029 42-7031 42-4349 42-4350 42-4355 42-4359 65-7054 65-7060 65-7060 65-7060 65-7063 65-7063 66-4707 66-4707 66-4708 66-7005 66-7029 66-7029 66-7032 66-7033 66-7033 66-7034 66-7034 67-4032 67-4032 EA82 Brake pedal pivot nut Brake pedal pivot nut Brake pedal return spring retaining bolt Brake pedal pivot spring washer Brake pedal spindle spring washer Brake pedal stop plate washer Brake pedal return spring retaining bolt nut Brake pedal stop bolt lock nut Brake pedal pivot inner nut Brake pedal spindle nut Nut, brake pedal spindle to frame Washer, between brake pedal and frame Pinch bolt spring washer Brake pedal pinch bolt Brake pedal grease nipple Brake pedal spring retaining bolt shake proof washer Brake pedal pivot plain washer Brake pedal spindle plain washer Brake pedal pivot plain washer Brake pedal spindle washer, thick Brake pedal pivot spring washer Brake pedal pinch bolt shake proof washer Brake pedal stop bolt Brake pedal pivot Brake pedal pinch bolt Brake arm pinch bolt Brake cross over shaft Brake arm Brake pedal return spring Brake arm Rear brake pedal return spring Brake pedal Brake pedal Brake pedal Brake pedal return spring Brake pedal return spring Brake pedal pivot shake proof washer Brake pedal pivot shake proof washer Brake pedal spindle shake proof washer Brake pedal Brake pedal spindle Brake pedal spindle Brake pedal return spring Brake pedal stop plate Brake pedal stop plate Brake pedal bush Brake pedal bush Brake pedal pivot stud Brake pedal spindle stud Brake pedal pivot nut NB no brake pedal return spring fitted 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B Rig/Plun/M Plun A/B S’arm M Rig B Rig/Plun/A/B S’arm M Plun M Rig M Rig A Plun B Rig M Rig M Rig M Rig A/B S’arm A/B S’arm M Rig M Rig B Rig/Plun/A/B S’arm M Plun B Rig M Rig A Rig A Plun 1946-55 1954-55 1937-63 1949-55 1951-63 1937-63 1937-63 1949-57 1946-48 1937-63 1937-62 1937-63 1956-62 1956-60 1937-63 1937-63 1949-55 1951-63 1937-48 1937-63 1947-51 1949-57 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A/B S’arm A S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A S’arm B B Rig B Plun M Plun B M Plun B Rig A/B S’arm M Rig M AA B M Rig A Plun/M Rig B M Rig B M Rig B Plun/A/B S’arm M Plun A Rig A/B S’arm 1954-55 1961-62 1956-62 1956-62 1956-60 1956-62 1961-62 1946-48 1949-55 1952-55 1951-63 1949-55 1951-63 1946-48 1954-55 1937-63 1951-63 1937-39 1937-63 1937-63 1937-39 1937-63 1937-39 1937-63 1949-55 1951-63 1947-51 1954-55 29 FOOTRESTS, CONTINUED C GROUP 2-46 2-1462 2-1733 2-1945 2-2395 2-2580 21-5102 27-6276 27-8059 29-7322 29-7363 29-7388 29-7327 29-7392 67-4801 Nut, brake pedal shaft Spring washer, brake pedal stop Plain washer, brake pedal shaft Plain washer, brake pedal shaft Nut, brake pedal stop bolt Plain washer, brake pedal stop Nut, brake pedal stop Brake pedal spindle Nut, brake pedal shaft Brake pedal spindle Brake pedal Brake pedal spindle Brake pedal spindle Brake pedal return spring Stop bolt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C12 C10L C12 C10/11/11G C12 C10L C10L C12 C Rig/Plun C C10/11/11G C Rig/Plun C10/11/11G/12 C10L C12 1956-58 1954-57 1956-58 1946-53 1956-58 1954-57 1954-57 1956-58 1940-55 1939 1946-53 1940-55 1946-58 1954-57 1956-58 BRAKE RODS 2-443 2-510 2-525 2-2395 15-1312 15-1312 15-1312 15-7980 15-7980 15-7985 15-7985 24-595 29-7328 29-7365 29-7368 35-704 42-7007 65-6274 65-7007 65-7007 65-7071 67-7031 67-7033 90-7006 90-7012 Nut, brake rod clevis screw nut Screw, brake rod clevis screw Plain washer, brake rod connection Nut, brake rod nut Spring, brake rod Spring, brake rod Spring, brake rod Spring, brake rod Spring, brake rod Wing nut, brake rod Wing nut, brake rod Spring, brake rod Bush, brake rod Brake rod Adjuster nut, brake rod Plain washer, brake rod connection Brake rod Trunnion, brake rod Brake rod Brake rod Brake rod Extension tube, brake rod Brake rod Adjuster nut, brake rod Brake rod 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 All rods (not C10L) All rods (not C10L) C10L All rods A/B Rig/Plun/C A/B S’arm M Plun B M Rig B M Rig B Rig C10/11 Rig/C11G B Rig/C (not C10L) All rods (not C10L/M Rig) C10L A/B S’arm All rods (not C10/11 Rig) B M Rig B/M Plun A/B/M Plun A Plun C10L C10L 1937-58 1937-58 1954-57 1937-58 1950-58 1954-55 1951-62 1937-39 1937-62 1937-39 1937-62 1946-49 1946-57 1946-54 1947-58 1954-57 1954-55 1937-58 1937-39 1937-62 1949-55 1949-62 1949-57 1954-57 1954-57 29 FOOTRESTS, CONTINUED PILLION FOOTRESTS Post war pillion footrests were not fitted with rubbers until 1955, except (isn’t there always one) for the rigid M20. The pillion footrest assemblies listed below are all of the type that uses a rubber but are supplied without rubbers. They can supersede the earlier non-rubber types. The accessory type footrests are supplied with rubbers. 2-46 Nut, pillion footrest anchor (not B Group LH Rig) 2 A/B/C All/M Plun 1947-62 2-49 Nut, pivot bolt 2 M Rig 1938-58 2-49 Nut, pillion footrest bracket to frame 4 C12 1959-61 2-522 Spring washer, pillion footrest anchor 2 A/B/C All/M Plun 1947-62 2-923 Plain washer, pillion footrest bracket to frame 4 C12 1959-61 2-1813 Nut, pillion footrest anchor, LH 1 B Rig 1946-55 2-1934 Bolt, pillion footrest bracket to frame 4 C12 1959-61 15-8155 Pillion rubber 2 B 1937-40 15-8155 Pillion rubber 2 M Rig 1938-58 24-5914 Plain washer, anchor bolt (LH only C12) 2 C10L 3 spd/12 1954-58 24-6040 Nut, pillion footrest pivot bolt 2 A/B/C All/M Plun 1947-62 24-8784 Spring washer, pillion footrest bracket to frame 4 C12 1959-61 27-6312 Bolt, pillion footrest pivot 2 M Rig 1939-58 29-7560 Pillion footrest anchor 2 A/B S’arm/A/B/M Plun 1949-62 29-7560 Pillion footrest anchor 2 C Rig 1946-53 29-7560 Pillion footrest anchor, LH 1 C11G Rig 1954 29-7564 Bolt, pillion footrest pivot 2 A/B/C All/M Plun 1947-62 29-7581 Pillion footrest bar (uses 29-7583 rubber) 2 A/B/M 1955-62 29-7581 Pillion footrest bar (uses 29-7583 rubber) 2 C 1954-58 29-7583 Pillion rubber (none used 1946-55) 2 A/B/C All/M Plun 1955-62 36-382 Shake proof washer, pillion footrest pivot bolt 2 A/B/C All/M Plun 1947-62 65-4917 Bolt Pillion footrest anchor 2 C10L/12 1954-58 67-4871 Pillion footrest anchor 2 A Rig 1947-51 67-4871 Pillion footrest anchor 2 C Plun (not C10L) 1946-57 PILLION FOOTREST ASSEMBLIES 29-7560A 65-4894 65-4895 29-7560A 29-7560A 65-4894 65-4917A 5540-90 Pillion footrest assembly Pillion footrest assembly, RH Pillion footrest assembly Pillion footrest assembly Pillion footrest assembly, LH Pillion footrest assembly, RH Pillion footrest assembly Pillion footrest assembly (accessory type), pair 2 1 1/2 2 1 1 2 1 A/M/B S’arm B Rig B Rig/Plun not RH Rig C10/11 Rig C11G Rig C11G Rig C10L/12 All except Rigid 1955-62 1955 1955 1946-53 1954 1954 1954-58 1947-62 RIDERS FOOTRESTS BSA didn't half muck about with the part numbers for riders footrest securing nuts for swinging arm A group and all B group frame types. It is therefore impossible to produce definitive applications so it has to be done by description. Footrest nut, thin, for footrests with splines to outer end 1954-62 2-124 1/2 A/B S’arm 15-5753 Footrest tie stud nut 2 B/M Plun/Rig 1940-63 Footrest nut, thick, for footrests with splines to outer end 1954-62 15-5753 1/2 A/B S’arm 29 FOOTRESTS, CONTINUED 15-8155 24-5914 24-5914 24-5914 29-7551 29-7551 29-7551 42-4808 42-4841 42-4842 42-4855 65-4811 65-4811 65-695 66-4900 66-4902 66-4903 66-4913 Riders rubber Footrest tie stud, plain washer Footrest tie stud, plain washer Footrest tie stud, plain washer Riders rubber Riders rubber Riders rubber Footrest tie stud (not B32/34 1956-57) Footrest nut, sleeved for footrests with recess in outer end Footrest tie stud, shake proof washer Footrest tie stud Footrest support, LH only Footrest support Footrest tie stud shake proof washer Footrest tie stud Cork washer Chaincase distance piece Riders footrest 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1/2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 B/M A S’arm B S’arm B/M Plun/Rig A/B B Rig/Plun M A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm B31/33/M Plun/Rig B/M Plun/Rig B/M Plun/Rig B/M Plun/Rig B/M Plun/Rig M 1939-40 1961-62 1954-55 1940-63 1947-62 1946-55 1949-62 1954-57 1954-62 1954-62 1958-62 1954-57 1940-63 1940-63 1940-63 1938-63 1938-63 1940-48 29 FOOTRESTS, CONTINUED 67-4029 67-4029 67-4041 67-4852 67-4852 67-4856 Footrest stud, R/H thread Footrest stud, R/H side & thread Footrest stud, L/H side & thread Footrest stud nut, R/H thread Footrest stud nut, R/H side & thread Footrest stud nut, L/H side & thread 2 1 1 2 1 1 A7 A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A7 A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun 1947-50 1951-57 1951-57 1947-50 1951-57 1951-57 Plain washer, see drawing! Nut, Footrest stud Plain washer, footrest tie stud Nut, Footrest stud Footrest support rod RH Footrest spacer, RH Footrest spacer, LH Footrest distance piece, LH, 61/64" long (approx) Footrest distance piece, LH, 61/64" long (approx) Footrest spacer, LH Footrest support rod LH Riders rubber Riders rubber Cork washer between chaincases Spacer between chaincases 1 2 2 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 C C10L C10L C (not C10L) C (not C10L) 3 speed C (not C10L) C (not C10L) C10 Std C (not C10L) C (not C10L) C (not C10L) 3 speed C C C (not C10L) C (not C10L) 1946-58 1954-57 1954-57 1940-57 1946-54 1946-58 1946-58 1938-39 1940-57 1946-58 1946-54 1946-53 1954-58 1938-58 1938-58 C GROUP 15-4100 21-5105 24-5914 27-8059 29-7529 29-7530 29-7531 29-7532 29-7532 29-7532 29-7544 29-7551 29-7575 66-4902 66-4903 30 REAR MUDGUARD For tail lights see section 40; for number plate letters see section 41. PART No 15-7383 15-7383 15-7383 15-7383 M80 DESCRIPTION Rubber washer, no. plate to 'guard (1 per) Rubber washer, no. plate to 'guard (1 per) Rubber washer, no, plate to 'guard (1 per) Rubber washer, regulator box to 'guard (2 per) Top 'U' clip, mudguard to frame, rigid MODEL J/Y/G R/W6/7 R/W/Q/X J/Y/G Y/G YEARS 1935-40 1935 1936 1937-40 1937-51 30 REAR MUDGUARD, CONTINUED NUMBER PLATES – number in brackets denotes quantity used, no number means only 1 used. A RIGID A PLUNGER A SWINGING ARM B RIGID B PLUNGER B SWINGING ARM C RIGID NOT C10L C PLUNGER NOT C10L C S/ARM NOT C10L M RIGID M PLUNGER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number plate Screw, upper fixing Plain washer Spring washer Nut Fixing bolt Rubber washer Spring washer Nut Fixing bolt Reflector Beading 1947-51 1949-52 1953 1954-55 1953-55 1954-55 1954-55 1952-54 1953 1946-52 1949-53 1946-51 1949-52 1954-57 1956-60 1961-62 1956-60 1956-58 1946 29-6885 15-7161 (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 1-5945 15-7383 2-1462 2-2395 1947-51 1952-62 1955 1954 66-6944 2-220 (2) 66-6875 2-220 (2) 67-6830 67-6881 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 24-225 15-7383 2-1462 2-2395 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 24-225 15-7383 2-1462 2-2395 29-541 (4) 27-8560 (4) 27-8560 (4) 2-1462 (4) 2-1462 (4) 2-1462 (2) 2-1462 (2) 21-5102 (2) 21-5102 (2) 2-220 (4) 67-9067 67-6851 67-6752 67-6752 1-5069 (2) 2-923 (2) 36-382 (2) EA80 (2) 42-6887 2-220 (4) 2-220 (4) 67-6851 67-6851 90-6794 90-6839 21-6173 (2) 21-6173 (2) 67-9067 The number in brackets denotes quantity used, no number means only 1 used. A B B A RIGID A & B 1947-48 1949-51 1946-47 1948 1 Mudguard blade 7 Bolt 8 Plain washer 10 Shake proof washer 11 Nut 12 Seatstay bridge bracket 13 Bolt 14 Plain washer 16 Spring washer 17 Nut 18 Upright stay, RH 1955-57 1951-54 65-6835 EB112 65-6835 EB112 2-1462 2-2395 65-6770 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6837 2-1462 2-2395 65-6770 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6837 B 1949-51 B 1952 67-9067 B 1953-55 65-6857 27-6312 M625 36-382 2-49 65-6770 K132A (2) 65-6857 27-6312 2-2899 36-382 2-49 65-6770 2-204 (2) 65-6742 27-6312 2-2899 36-382 2-49 65-6770 2-204 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6837 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6837 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6837 30 REAR MUDGUARD, CONTINUED 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Upright stay, LH Bolt Plain washer Spring washer Nut Lifting handle & stay Bolt Plain washer Spring washer Nut Rear stay, LH Rear stay, RH Bolt Nut Nut Spring washer Plain washer Nut Lifting handle Bolt Plain washer Shake proof washer Nut Bolt, RH Bolt, LH Spacer Spring washer Nut Bracket, LH Bracket, RH Bolt Shake proof washer Grommet RIGID A & B 65-6838 15-7161 (2) K51A (2) EB106 (2) 67-6755 M447A (2) K51A (2) EB106 (2) 67-6755 M447A (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6839 15-7161 (2) 24-8784 (2) EA80 (2) 67-6758 67-6758 B751 (2) 15-447 (2) 24-8784 (2) EA80 (2) 67-6758 67-6758 B751 (2) 15-447 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6842 65-6840 K132A (2) 15-447 (2) 2-449 M576B M576B 2-449 67-6765 24-6770 M550A 36-382 EA80 67-6760 65-4185 67-6761 (2) K51A (2) EA82 (2) 67-6765 24-6770 M550A 36-382 EA80 67-6760 65-4185 67-6761 (2) K51A (2) EA82 (2) 67-6766 67-6767 28-2338 (2) 24-8784 (2) 28-2338 (2) 24-8784 (2) 65-6838 2-1354 (2) 2-1374 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6839 2-1354 (2) 2-1374 (2) 2-1462 (2)#1 2-2395 (2) 65-6842 65-6840 K132A (2) 15-447 (2) 2-449 M576B M576B 2-449 65-6838 2-1354 (2) 2-1374 (2) 65-6838 2-1354 (2) 2-1374 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6839 2-1354 (2) 2-1374 (2) 65-6838 2-1354 (2) 2-1374 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6839 2-1354 (2) 2-1374 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6842 65-6840 K132A (2) 15-447 (2) 2-449 M576B M576B 2-449 2-2395 (2) 65-6842 65-6840 2-204 (2) 15-447 (2) 2-449 2-2903 2-2903 2-449 2-2395 (2) 65-6842 65-6840 2-204 (2) 15-447 (2) 2-449 2-2903 2-2903 2-449 2-2395 (2) 65-6839 2-1354 (2) 2-1374 (2) 67-6839 A 1947-48 A 1949-51 B 1946-47 B 1948 B 1949-51 B 1952 B 1953-55 #1 B33 only The number in brackets denotes quantity used, no number means only 1 used. The front stays were only used when a pillion seat was fitted. C C C RIGID C 1946 GIR 1946-49 1950 1 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 Mudguard blade Upright stay, RH Upright stay, LH Bolt Spring washer Nut Lifting handle & stay Bolt Plain washer Plain washer Spring washer Nut Rear stay, LH Rear stay, RH Bolt Nut 29-6865 29-6875 29-6876 15-7161 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 29-6870 EB112 (2) K196 (2) 29-6865 29-6875 29-6883 15-7161 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 29-6881 EB112 (2) K196 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 29-6872 29-6871 K132A (2) 15-447 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 29-6882 29-6871 K132A (2) 15-447 (2) 29-6865 29-6875 29-6883 15-7161 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 29-6890 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 29-6882 29-6871 K132A (2) 15-447 (2) C 1951 29-6865 29-6875 29-6883 15-7161 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 29-6890 2-1354 (2) 27-8560 (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 29-6882 29-6871 K132A (2) 15-447 (2) C 1952-53 29-6918 29-6875 29-6883 15-7161 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 29-6897 2-1354 (2) 27-8560 (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 29-6882 29-6871 2-204 (2) 15-447 (2) C 1954 29-6815 29-6875 29-6883 15-7161 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 29-6897 2-1354 (2) 27-8560 (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 29-6882 29-6871 2-204 (2) 15-447 (2) 30 REAR MUDGUARD, CONTINUED The number in brackets denotes quantity used, no number means only 1 used. WM20 M M M RIGID M 1940-45 1946-47 1948-49 1950 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 59 Mudguard blade Chainstay bridge bracket Bolt Plain washer Spring washer Nut Bolt Plain washer Shake proof washer Nut Seatstay bridge bracket Bolt Plain washer Fibre washer Spring washer Nut Upright stay, RH Upright stay, LH Bolt Plain washer Spring washer Nut Lifting handle & stay Bolt Plain washer Plain washer Spring washer Nut Rear stay, LH Rear stay, RH Bolt Plain washer Nut Nut Spring washer Plain washer Nut Stud, LH Stud, RH Bolt Nut Spring washer Plain washer Bolt, RH Bolt, LH Spacer Spring washer Nut Bracket, LH Bracket, RH Grommet 66-6835 24-7385 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6835 24-7385 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-930 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6945 66-6945 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 29-541 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6947 28-2338 (2) K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-930 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6945 66-6945 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 29-541 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6947 65-6794 (2) K359A (2) 36-382 (2) 2-49 (2) 66-6891L 66-6891R 2-1354 (2) 27-8560 (2) 15-447 (2) 36-382 (2) 2-49 (2) 66-6891 66-6891 2-1354 (2) 2-923 (2) 2-49 24-5205 15-480 2-49 36-382 (2) K359A (2) 15-447 (2) EA80 36-382 36-382 2-49 24-5205 24-5207 66-6835 24-7385 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6835 24-7385 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6770 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-930 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6945 66-6945 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6947 28-2338 (2) K359A (2) 15-7563 (2) 24-8784 (2) 2-49 (2) 66-6891 66-6891 2-1354 (2) 27-8560 (2) 15-447 (2) M 1951 M 1952-54 M 1955-62 66-6833 24-7385 2-204 (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6833 24-7385 2-204 (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 65-6770 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-930 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6945 66-6945 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6947 28-2338 (2) K359A (2) 15-7563 (2) 24-8784 (2) 2-49 (2) 66-6891 66-6891 2-1354 (2) 27-8560 (2) 15-447 (2) 66-6835 24-7385 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 1-5069 (2) 2-923 (2) 36-382 (2) 2-49 (2) 65-6770 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-930 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6945 66-6945 K132A (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6947 28-2338 (2) K359A (2) 15-7563 (2) 24-8784 (2) 2-49 (2) 66-6891 66-6891 2-1354 (2) 27-8560 (2) 15-447 (2) 65-6770 2-204 (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-930 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6945 66-6901 2-204 (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6947 2-1934 (2) 2-370 (2) 15-7563 (2) 24-8784 (2) 2-49 (2) 66-6891 66-6891 2-1354 (2) 27-8560 (2) 15-447 (2) 65-6770 2-204 (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-930 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6945 66-6901 2-204 (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 66-6949 2-1934 (2) 2-370 (2) 15-7563 (2) 24-8784 (2) 2-49 (2) 66-6891 66-6891 2-1354 (2) 27-8560 (2) 15-447 (2) 2-923 (2) 2-49 24-5205 2-923 (2) 2-49 24-5205 2-923 (2) 2-49 24-5205 2-923 2-49 24-5205 2-923 2-49 24-5205 15-480 2-49 15-480 2-49 15-480 2-49 15-480 2-49 24-8784 2-923 15-480 2-49 24-8784 2-923 67-6760 65-4185 65-6598 (5) 66-4707 (2) EA82 (2) 67-6760 65-4185 65-6598 (5) 66-4707 (2) EA82 (2) 67-6766 67-6767 67-6839 67-6839 30 REAR MUDGUARD, CONTINUED The number in brackets denotes quantity used, no number means only 1 used. PLUNGER ALL MODELS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Mudguard blade Stay, LH Stay, RH Nut Bolt Grommet Nut S/proof washer Plain washer Bolt Stud, LH Nut Spring washer Spacer #1 Bolt #2 Nut S/proof washer Plain washer Spacer Bolt Bracket, LH Bracket, RH Bolt S/proof washer Lifting handle #3 Spacer A 1949-52 67-6771 67-6774 67-6772 15-447 (2) 2-1354 (2) A 1953-57 67-6841 67-6774 67-6772 15-447 (2) 2-1354 (2) 67-6839 2-49 (2) 2-49 (2) 36-382 (2) 36-382 (2) 2-923 (2) 2-923 (2) 24-6770 (2) 24-6770 (2) 27-5684 2-449 (3) 2-449 (2) 2-522 (2) 2-522 (2) 67-6761 (3) 67-6761 (2) 67-4030 67-4030 2-49 (2) 2-49 (2) 36-382 (2) 36-382 (2) 2-923 (2) 2-923 (2) 1-5069 (2) 67-6766 67-6767 67-8313 (2) 36-382 (2) 67-4130 B 1949-53 B 1954-55 65-6862 67-6774 67-6772 15-447 (2) 2-1354 (2) 65-6470 67-6774 67-6772 15-447 (2) 2-1354 (2) 67-6839 2-49 (2) 2-49 (2) 36-382 (2) 36-382 (2) 2-923 (2) 2-923 (2) 24-6770 (2) 24-6770 (2) 27-5684 2-449 (3) 2-449 (2) 2-522 (2) 2-522 (2) 67-6761 (3) 67-6761 (2) 67-4030 67-4030 2-49 2-49 36-382 36-382 36-5344 (2) 36-5344 (2) 66-8348 66-8348 65-110 65-110 1-5069 (2) 67-6766 67-6767 67-8313 (2) 36-382 (2) 66-4205 67-4130 #1 When 3 spacers are listed 2 are fitted on the left. #2 When 1 bolt listed it is on the right. #3 The A group lifting handle changed in 1954 not 1953. 67-4130 C 1951 C 1952-53 C 1954 C 1955 M 1951-62 29-6901 29-6904 29-6902 15-447 (2) 2-204 (2) 67-6839 (2) 2-49 (2) 36-382 (2) 2-923 (2) 15-7354 29-6916 29-6904 29-6902 15-447 (2) 2-204 (2) 67-6839 (2) 2-49 (2) 36-382 (2) 2-923 (2) 15-7354 29-6817 29-6904 29-6902 15-447 (2) 2-204 (2) 67-6839 (2) 2-49 (2) 36-382 (2) 2-923 (2) 15-7354 29-6818 29-6762 29-6760 15-447 (2) 2-204 (2) 67-6839 (2) 2-49 (2) 36-382 (2) 2-923 (2) 15-7354 2-2395 24-978 2-2395 24-978 2-2395 24-978 2-2395 24-978 66-6831 66-6856 66-6858 15-447 (2) 2-1354 (2) 67-6839 (2) 2-49 (2) 36-382 (2) 2-923 (2) 24-6770 (2) 27-5684 2-449 (3) 2-522 (2) 67-6761 (3) 67-4030 2-49 36-382 2-923 (2) 2-1354 2-1354 2-1354 2-1354 24-6770 29-6910 29-6911 29-6911 15-7563 29-6911 15-7563 66-4205 30 REAR MUDGUARD, CONTINUED The number in brackets denotes quantity used, no number means only 1 used. SWINGING ARM A & B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Mudguard blade ‘U’ clamp to frame Rubber pad Bolt, clamp to mudguard Washer, clamp to mudguard Reinforcing plate, clamp to mudguard Spring washer, clamp to mudguard Nut, clamp to mudguard Stay, LH Stay, RH Bolt, stay to mudguard Plain washer, stay to mudguard Spring washer, stay to mudguard Nut, stay to mudguard Bracket, stay to frame, RH Bracket, stay to frame, LH Bolt, stay to bracket Plain washer, stay to bracket Spring washer, stay to bracket Nut, stay to bracket Lifting handle Bolt, lifting handle to mudguard and stay 1954-55 1956-59 1960-62 42-6841 42-6759 (2) 42-6853 (2) 24-8328 (4) 2-525 (4) 42-6782 (2) 2-1462 (4) 2-2395 (4) 42-6822 42-6824 28-2338 (3) 2-923 (4) 24-8474 (4) 2-49 (4) 42-6761 42-6762 28-2338 (4) 2-923 (4) 24-8784 (4) 2-49 (4) 42-6865 27-6037 (2) 42-6856 42-6759 (2) 42-6853 (2) 24-8328 (4) 2-525 (4) 42-6782 (2) 2-1462 (4) 2-2395 (4) 42-6858 42-6860 28-2338 (3) 2-923 (4) 24-8474 (4) 2-49 (4) 42-6761 42-6762 28-2338 (4) 2-923 (4) 24-8784 (4) 2-49 (4) 42-6865 27-6037 (2) 42-6904 42-6759 42-6853 2-14 (2) 2-525 (2) 42-6782 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 42-6893 42-6895 27-6742 (2) 2-522 (2) SPITFIRE 42-6885 42-6785 2-204 (4) 27-8560 (4) 42-6782 (2) 2-1462 (4) 2-2395 (4) 42-6848 42-6846 24-6770 (4) 24-8474 (4) 2-49 (4) 42-6761 42-6762 28-2338 (4) 2-923 (4) 24-8784 (4) 2-49 (4) 30 REAR MUDGUARD, CONTINUED SWINGING ARM A & B 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Bracket, mudguard to frame Bolt, bracket to frame Spring washer, bracket to frame Nut, bracket to frame Reinforcing plate Bolt, bracket to mudguard Spring washer, bracket to mudguard Nut, bracket to mudguard Wiring grommet Bolt, stay to frame Spring washer, stay to frame Bolt, shock absorber top mount & stay or bracket Plain washer, shock absorber top mount & stay or bracket Spacer, shock absorber top mount & stay or bracket Spacer, shock absorber top mount & stay or bracket Spring washer, shock absorber top mount & stay or bracket Nut, shock absorber top mount & stay or bracket Bracket, rear of stay to mudguard Screw, bracket to mudguard Plain washer, bracket to mudguard Spring washer, bracket to mudguard Nut, bracket to mudguard ‘U’ clamp to frame, lower 1954-55 1956-59 1960-62 SPITFIRE 42-6820 15-7354 (2) 24-8784 (2) 2-49 (2) 42-6783 24-7148 (2) 24-8784 (2) 2-49 (2) 67-6839 67-8313 (4) 24-8784 (4) 65-4185 (2) 2-1733 (2) 42-6763 (2) 67-6839 67-8313 (4) 24-8784 (4) 65-4185 (2) 2-1733 (2) 42-6763 (2) 67-6839 (2) 67-8313 (2) 24-8784 (2) 65-4185 (2) 2-1733 (2) 42-6763 (2) 2-522 (2) 2-46 (2) 2-522 (2) 2-46 (2) 67-6839 (2) 67-8313 (2) 24-8784 (2) 42-6901 (2) 2-1733 (2) 42-6763 (2) 42-6900 (2) 2-522 (2) 2-449 (2) 2-522 (2) 2-46 (2) 42-6832 15-7161 (2) 27-8560 (2) 2-1462 (2) 2-2395 (2) 42-6759 PANNIERS AND FRAMES 66-6915 66-6891L 66-6891R 66-6915 66-6915L 66-6915R 66-6916 66-6919 66-6979WD Pannier frame Lower stay when pannier frame fitted, L/H Lower stay when pannier frame fitted, R/H Pannier frame Pannier lower bracket L/H Pannier lower bracket R/H Pannier bag Pannier bag 'Y' straps (set of 2) Rear carrier, needed for pannier frame 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 B Plun/Rig WM20 WM20 M WM20 WM20 B/M Plun/Rig B/M Plun/Rig M Rigid 1954-57 1940-45 1940-45 1940-63 1940-45 1940-45 1940-63 1940-63 1940-62 5575-90 5580-90 5650-53 Rear mudguard, 6" wide, 15 1/8" radius, ribbed blank (i.e. unfinished) Rear mudguard, 6" wide, 14 11/16" radius, ribbed blank (i.e. unfinished) Beading for rear number plate, 'U' shape, many uses 31 CHAIN COVERS AND CHAINS For gaskets see section 4; for snail cam chain adjusters see section 21, plunger chain adjusters see section 25, swinging arm see section 26. CASE SCREW SETS – ALL MODELS AND YEARS Case screws may be ordered individually or as sets, the contents of the sets are listed below. Our case screws have the correct pattern head; we do not sell 'Allen' head screws. Dimensions can be found under section 43. A Rig/Plun 1947-57 1 off 67-1704, 3 off 67-1705, 7 off 67-1706, 1 off 67-1711 A S’arm 1954-62 3 off 42-7517, 7 off 65-3063, 3 off 67-1706, 2 off 67-1711 C/M 1938-63 16 off 1-4606, 16 off 29-3319 (shake proof washer)(sheet metal chaincases) B 1938-55 16 off 1-4606, 16 off 29-3319 (shake proof washer)(sheet metal chaincases) B32/34 Rig 1954-55 3 off 42-7508, 7 off 65-3063, 3 off 67-1706, 2 off 67-1711 B S’arm 1954-57 3 off 42-7508, 7 off 65-3063, 3 off 67-1706, 2 off 67-1711 B 1958-60 6 off 65-3063, 3 off 67-1704, 4 off 67-1706, 2 off 67-1711 PART NO DESCRIPTION MODEL YEARS SHEET METAL PRIMARY CHAINCASES – PLUNGER/RIGID B/C/M 1-4606 2-1374 2-2395 15-645 15-8814 21-5103 24-8784 24-8784 24-8784 27-207 27-209 29-3319 29-7531 Many other chaincases in stock, please enquire Case screw Plain washer, sliding plate Nut, sliding plate bolt Drain plug Felt washer, sliding plate Nut, chaincase support stud Spring washer, chaincase to crankcase Spring washer, chaincase to crankcase Spring washer, chaincase support stud Fibre washer, inspection cap Inspection cap Shake proof washer, case screw Spacer, chaincase support stud 16 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 16 2 B/C/M B/M B/M B/C/M B/M C10L B/M C C10L B/C/M B/C/M B/C/M C10L 1938-63 1940-62 1940-63 1938-63 1937-63 1954-57 1939-63 1939-53 1954-57 1937-48 1938-48 1938-63 1954-57 31 CHAINCASES, CONTINUED 29-8101 29-8110 65-3364 65-8218 66-4902 66-4903 66-7502 66-7514 66-7514 66-7517 66-7518 66-7518 66-7520 66-7523 66-7550 66-7550 66-7575 66-7575 66-7601 67-42 Gasket, primary chaincase, cork Gasket, chaincase to crankcase Inspection cap Fibre washer, level plug Cork washer, chaincase distance sleeve Chaincase distance sleeve Primary chaincase, outer Gasket, primary chaincase, cork Gasket, primary chaincase, cork Level plug Fibre washer, drain plug Fibre washer, sliding plate Sliding plate Bolt, sliding plate Bolt, chaincase to crankcase bolt Bolt, chaincase to crankcase bolt Gasket, chaincase to crankcase Gasket, chaincase to crankcase Primary chaincase, inner Fibre washer, inspection cap 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 C10L/11G/12 C B/C/M B/C/M B/C/M B/C/M M B/M C10/11 B/C/M B/C/M B/M B/M B/M B/M C C B/M M19/20/1/2 Rig B/C/M 1954-58 1954-58 1949-60 1940-63 1938-62 1938-63 1940-45 1938-62 1939-53 1937-63 1937-62 1940-62 1940-63 1940-63 1939-63 1939-53 1939-53 1939-63 1937-58 1949-62 ALLOY PRIMARY CHAINCASES – See above for case screws PLUNGER A GROUP 2-923 15-5155 65-3364 66-3074 67-42 67-1242 67-1262 67-1264 67-1266 67-1268 67-1701 67-1702 67-1709 Plain washer, tensioner holding stud Plain washer, tensioner holding stud Inspection cap, alloy Dowel Gasket, inspection cap Oil seal, gearbox mainshaft hole Stud, chain tensioner Castle nut, chain tensioner Lock nut, tensioner adjuster screw Tensioner adjuster screw Primary chaincase outer Gasket Fibre washer, case screw 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun A Rig/Plun 1948-57 1947 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 1951-57 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 31 CHAINCASES, CONTINUED SWINGING ARM A AND B GROUP 2-49 2-443 2-923 2-1462 2-2395 2-2395 2-6026 2-6026 15-645 24-8784 24-8784 40-3089 42-4792 42-4792 42-7504 42-7504 42-7507 42-7507 42-7509 42-7515 42-7516 42-7516 42-7518 42-7520 42-7539 42-7544 42-7546 64-6054 65-109 65-109 65-3364 66-3074 66-3074 66-7518 66-7523 66-7575 Nut, primary case to frame Nut, sliding plate bolt Plain washer, primary case to frame Spring washer, sliding plate bolt Nut, sliding plate bolt Nut, sliding plate bolt Bolt, primary case to frame Bolt, primary case to frame Level plug Spring washer, chaincase to crankcase Spring washer, chaincase to crankcase Fibre washer for drain plug Spacer, primary case to frame Spacer, primary chaincase to frame Felt washer, sliding plate Felt washer, sliding plate Gasket Gasket Gasket, chaincase to crankcase (2 off 1960-62) Inner chaincase Bolt, primary chaincase to crankcase Bolt, primary chaincase to crankcase Spacer disc, chaincase to crankcase Bolt, sliding plate, long for use with rear chaincase Grommet, alternator wires Gasket Level plug with tube Bolt, primary case to frame Bolt, primary case to frame Bolt, rear primary chaincase Inspection cap, alloy Dowel Dowel Fibre washer for level plug Bolt, sliding plate when chainguard fitted Gasket, chaincase to crankcase 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 A/B S’arm B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A/B S’arm B32/4 Rig A S’arm B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A S’arm A/B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm B32/34 A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A S’arm A/B S’arm B S’arm 1954-63 1954-55 1954-63 1954-63 1954-63 1956-60 1954-59 1956-60 1960-63 1954-63 1954-60 1960-63 1954-62 1956-60 1954-62 1954-55 1954-63 1954-57 1954-63 1954-63 1954-62 1956-60 1954-63 1954-62 1958-60 1958-60 1960-62 1960-62 1954-55 1956 1954-62 1954-63 1954-57 1960-63 1954-63 1954-60 31 CHAINCASES, CONTINUED 66-7520 67-42 67-1709 67-1709 67-1709 67-4028 Sliding plate Gasket, inspection cap Fibre washer for drain/level plugs Fibre washer for drain/level plugs Fibre washer for drain/level plugs Bolt, chaincase to crankcase 1 1 2 2 5 3 A/B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm B S’arm B S’arm 1954-63 1954-63 1954-63 1954-57 1958-60 1954-55 Notes The Fully Enclosed Rear Chaincase (FERC) was optional on swinging arm models from 1956. CHAINGUARDS AND REAR CHAINCASES A RIGID/PLUNGER 1-5069 2-204 2-204 2-204 2-923 2-1462 2-1462 2-2395 2-2395 Bolt, top rear fixing Bolt, clip to frame Bolt, lower fixing Bolt, top rear fixing Plain washer, top rear fixing Spring washer, clip to frame Spring washer, lower fixing Nut, clip to frame Nut, lower fixing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A Plun A Plun A Plun A Rig A Plun/Rig A Plun A Plun A Plun A Plun 1949-57 1949-50 1949-57 1947-51 1947-57 1949-50 1949-57 1949-50 1949-57 31 CHAINCASES, CONTINUED 2-1462 21-2880 24-8784 27-8560 27-8560 36-382 67-7725 67-7726 67-7778 Spring washer, top rear fixing Bolt, front fixing to crankcase Spring washer, front fixing to crankcase Plain washer, clip to frame Plain washer, lower fixing Shake proof washer, top rear fixing Chainguard up to ZA7 4488 Chainguard, used after frame ZA7 4488 Chainguard (superb repro, the dogs twitcher) after ZA7S 7034 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A Rig A Plun/Rig A Plun/Rig A Plun A Plun A Plun A Rig A Rig A Plun 1947-51 1947-57 1947-57 1949-50 1949-57 1949-57 1947-50 1950-51 1950-57 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 3 4/8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 A/B31/33 S’arm A/B S’arm A/B31/33 S’arm A/B S’arm A/B31/33 S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B31/33 S’arm A/B S’arm A/B31/33 S’arm A/B31/33 S’arm B32/34 S’arm A/B31/33 S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm (not Spitfire) A/B S’arm A/B31/33 S’arm 1954-55 1956-63 1954-55 1956-63 1954-55 1956-62 1956-62 1954-55 1956-63 1954-55 1954-55 1954-57 1954-55 1956-63 1956-63 1956-63 1956-63 1956-62 1956-62 1954-55 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M Rig B31/33/M Plun M Rig B31/33 Rig B31/33/M Plun B31/33/M Plun B31/33/M Plun B31/33 Rig B31/33/M Plun B31/33 Plun M Rig not 1941-45 B31/33 Rig M Rig B31/33/M Plun M Rig M Rig B31/33 Rig M Rig B31/33/M Plun B32/34 S’arm B31/33/M Plun B31/33 Rig M except M24 M Rig M Rig M Rig 1937-63 1949-63 1937-63 1946-54 1949-63 1949-63 1949-63 1946-54 1949-63 1949-63 1937-63 1946-54 1937-63 1949-63 1937-63 1937-63 1946-54 1937-63 1949-63 1954-57 1949-63 1946-54 1937-63 1941-45 1937-63 1938-49 1 C Plun, not C10L 1951-57 A AND B SWINGING ARM 2-49 2-204 2-353 2-525 2-923 2-1354 24-7343 24-8784 29-541 33-4089 42-7701 42-7701 42-7703 42-7715 42-7719 42-7722 42-7727 42-7730 42-8010 65-292 Nut, rear fixing Bolt, rear section of FERC to front Bolt, front fixing Plain washer, rear section of FERC to front Plain washer, rear fixing Bolt Bolt, chainguard and chaincase to swinging arm Spring washer, all fixings Shake proof washer Bolt, upper rear fixing Chainguard Chainguard, bare steel (originally chrome) Chainguard distance tube, upper rear fixing Chaincase top section, steel Chaincase, lower section, steel Chaincase, rear section, steel Rubber sleeve chaincase Chainguard Grommet, chaincase Bolt, lower rear fixing B AND M RIGID AND PLUNGER 1-4606 1-5069 2-51 2-525 2-525 2-923 2-1462 2-2395 2-2395 15-7161 15-8833 24-7065 25-7151 27-8560 28-2338 29-541 29-3319 29-3319 36-382 42-7701 65-7720 66-7715 66-7806 66-7821 EB113 27-4401 Screw, lower fixing Bolt, rear fixing Nut, top fixing Plain washer, front & rear fixing Plain washer, upper front fixing Plain washer, rear fixing Spring washer, lower and upper front fixing Nut, front fixing Nut, fixing chainguard Screw, lower fixing Chainguard, lower Bolt, rear fixing Nut, lower fixing Plain washer, lower fixing Bolt, rear fixing Shake proof washer, top and rear fixing Shake proof washer, rear fixing Shake proof washer, lower fixing Shake proof washer, rear fixing Chainguard, bare steel (originally chrome) Chainguard Chainguard – pattern wanted to copy Chainguard, upper rigid Chainguard, lower Nut, rear fixing Rear wheel adjuster shouldered lock nut C GROUP 2-49 Nut, rear fixing 31 CHAINCASES, CONTINUED 2-49 2-49 2-129 2-923 2-923 2-923 21-5663 24-8784 24-8784 29-8336 36-382 36-382 42-7703 65-292 Nut, front fixing Nut, rear fixing Bolt, front fixing Plain washer, rear fixing Plain washer, front fixing Plain washer, rear fixing Bolt, front fixing Spring washer, front fixing Spring washer, front and rear fixing Chainguard Shake proof washer, rear fixing Shake proof washer, front fixing Spacer, rear fixing Bolt, rear fixing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 C Rig/Plun, not C10L C12 C Rig/Plun, not C10L C Plun, not C10L C10L C12 C10L C10L C12 C12 C Plun, not C10L C Rig/Plun, not C10L C12 C12 1946-57 1956-58 1946-57 1951-57 1954-57 1956-58 1956-57 1954-57 1956-58 1956-58 1951-57 1946-57 1956-58 1956-58 B25/44/50 A75 B40 1969-72 OTHER MODELS 57-2166 57-3642 41-143 Push rod adjuster inspection cap Oil seal, clutch shaft Primary chain tensioner 1965- CHAIN - For prices use the Renolds chain numbers given at the end of this section. Our chain is not Renolds as this has proven to be both expensive and at times difficult, if not impossible, to obtain. What we do supply is good quality imported chain that is reasonably priced and readily available. Renolds chain is not in any case made in the UK. Lengths include joining links and cranked links etc. For sprocket sizes, see relevant section, best to count the one fitted. PRE-UNIT A GROUP PART NO. 67-1703 24-8930 24-8716 24-8931 67-9041 67-9046 67-9042 67-9045 42-9033 42-9034 DESCRIPTION Primary chain, duplex 80L (67-1703 on price list) Primary chain, 18T sprocket Primary chain, 18T sprocket Primary chain, 21T sprocket Rear chain, 45/46T sprocket Rear chain, 42T sprocket Rear chain, 49T sprocket Rear chain, 49T sprocket Rear chain, 19T sprocket, (not Spitfire) Rear chain, 16/17T sprocket CHAIN NO X LINKS 114038 x 80 110046 x 68 110046 x 67 110046 x 69 110056 x 102 110056 x 100 110056 x 103 110056 x 104 110056 x 98 110056 x 97 MODEL A Rig/Plun S’arm S’arm S’arm A7 Solo A10 Solo A7/10 Rig S/car A7/10 Plun S/car A7 Solo/10 S’arm A7 S/car/Spitfire YEARS 1947-57 1954-59 1960-62 1954-62 1946-53 1950-53 1946-53 1949-53 1954-62 1954-62 110046 x 68 110046 x 69 110046 x 70 110046 x 66 110046 x 67 110046 x 68 110046 x 69 110054 x 93 110054 x 96 110054 x 91 110054 x 95 110054 x 91 110054 x 98 110054 x 97 110056 x 98 Plun/Rig Plun/Rig Plun/Rig S’arm S’arm S’arm B34 S’arm B31/33 Rig B31/33 Plun B32/34 Rig B32 Plun B34 Plun B S’arm B32/34 B31/33 1946-52 1946-55 1946-55 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1954-60 1946-55 1946-55 1946-55 1946-53 1946-53 1954-57 1956-57 1958-60 110046 x 69 110046 x 70 C not C11G Plun C11G Plun 1946-58 1954-55 PRE-UNIT B GROUP 24-8930 24-8931 24-8932 24-8716 24-8930 24-8931 65-9191 15-817 15-8967 24-8713 15-8967 66-9162 66-9160 42-9033 Primary chain, 15/16T sprockets Primary chain, 17/18T sprockets Primary chain, 19/20T sprockets Primary chain, 15/16T sprockets Primary chain, 17/18T sprockets Primary chain, 19/20T sprockets Primary chain Rear chain Rear chain Rear chain Rear chain Rear chain Rear chain Rear chain Rear chain PRE-UNIT C GROUP 24-8931 24-8932 Primary chain Primary chain 31 CHAINCASES, CONTINUED 65-9188 65-9184 29-9317 29-9427 Rear chain Rear chain Rear chain Rear chain 110046 x 104 110046 x 107 110046 x 110 110046 x 114 C Rig C10/11/11G Plun C10L Plun C12 1946-55 1946-57 1954-55 1956-58 M GROUP 24-8930 Primary chain, 15/16T sprockets 110046 x 68 M 1940-63 24-8931 Primary chain, 17/18T sprockets 110046 x 69 M 1940-63 24-8932 Primary chain, 19/20T sprockets 110046 x 70 M 1940-63 24-8713 Rear chain 110054 x 95 M Rig 1940-55 66-9162 Rear chain 110054 x 98 M Plun 1951-63 Any other lengths on request as all chains are cut from long reels. Length given will be assumed to include necessary joining links. 110038 3/8 x .225" chain, price per link 110046 1/2 x 5/16 chain, price per link 110054 5/8 x 1/4 chain, price per link 110056 5/8 X 3/8 chain, price per link Add the suffix below to chain number to order or price individual components. e.g. a spring joining link for 110054 chain is 110054-26. These links are included with complete chains as required. -26 Spring joining link -30 Cranked link, for an odd number of pitches -107 Soft (rivet) link for a stronger joint 100 Choice of belt "The belt should be as wide as possible. A 1-inch on a 3 h.p. spells no trouble. It should be a 28 degree section, and see that your pulley fits it, taking no man's word, for all men are liars." 32 OIL TANK For fibre washers etc. see section 4; for rocker oil feed pipes see section 5; for oil pipe adaptors on engine see section 12. On the subject of oil, we recommend that engines with roller bearing big ends are run on monograde oils i.e. single viscosity sae 40 in winter and sae 50 in summer. This is because this type of oil can withstand the high loads experienced in a roller bearing big end where all the force is through just one or two rollers. Monograde oils should not be confused with 'straight oil', which means oil without additives. The principal additive in modern oils is a detergent that is used to keep deposits in suspension until they reach the oil filter. They will also loosen existing deposits and as there is no effective filter this can be disastrous in an engine that is full of ‘gunge’ accumulated over the years. Engines with shell bearing big ends can use either a monograde or a modern multi-grade oil. The multi-grade oil will lubricate the shells more quickly when the engine is first started which is when most of the wear takes place and so is more suitable for short journeys; it is also cheaper and more easily obtainable. Monograde oil will leak less; the engine will run cooler and quieter, is available as a straight oil and is more original! Do not forget to clean out the oil tank when rebuilding the engine. 32 OIL TANK, CONTINUED PLUNGER AND RIGID A/B/C/M AND C12 KEY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 PART NO 65-8350 67-8334 29-7981 65-8479 65-8479 65-8479 66-8350 65-8442 65-8500 29-7958 65-3364 66-8351 5854-35 67-42 66-8361 66-8359 66-8359 66-8359 35-707 65-8424 65-8421 65-8420 65-8422 11 12 65-2060 65-8422 DESCRIPTION PER MODEL Oil tank, new old stock, small dents 1 M Girder Oil tank 1 A Plun Oil tank 1 C10/11/11G Oil tank 1 B31/33 Plun/Rig Oil tank 1 B32/34 Plun not 1949 & 51 Oil tank 1 B32/34 Rig except 1949-51 Oil tank 1 WM20 Oil tank 1 M Tele Filler cap, genuine BSA with writing 1 A/B/C Rig & Plun/C12 Filler cap (up to XC10 9721, XB31 3456) 1 B/C Filler cap, after XB31 3456/XC10 6721 1 B/C Filler cap, small wing type, 2 ½” 1 M QD oil filler cap (push & turn) no writing Sealing washer, filler cap 1 A/B/C Plun & Rig/C12 Sealing washer, filler cap 1 M Oil filter element 1 B Oil filter element 1 C Oil filter element 1 M Split pin, filler cap 1 M Nut for rocker oil feed pipe connector 1 A/B Rig/Plun/C12/M33 Fibre washer, rocker oil feed pipe connector 1 A/B Rig/Plun/C12/M33 Connector for rocker oil feed pipe 1 A/B Rig/Plun/C12/M33 Ferrule for crimping rubber oil pipe to rigid pipe 2 A/B/C/M Plun & Rig/C12 65-2067 hose clip can be used instead of the ferrules as they require a special tool to fit Rubber oil pipe joining piece, return 1 A/B/C/M Plun & Rig/C12 Ferrule for crimping rubber oil pipe to rigid pipe 2 A/B/C Plun & Rig/C12 YEARS 1940-48 All 1948-55 1948-55 1948-53 1948-53 1940-45 1946-63 1951-57 1946-47 1948 1940-62 1946-57 1940-62 1940 1940 1940-62 1940-62 1946-58 1946-58 1946-58 1946-57 1940-62 1940-62 32 OIL TANK, CONTINUED 12 12 65-2067 65-8422 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 20 21 21 21 29-7996 65-8465 29-8141 66-8402 66-8406 66-8410 66-8332 67-8309 65-8461 29-7994 65-2060 65-8465 66-8402 29-8141 66-8332 66-8406 65-8422 65-8422 65-2067 22 22 23 23 23 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 37 37 38 38 40 41 42 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 47 65-2060 65-2060 67-8324 66-8330 66-8330 29-7971 29-7971 42-8343 29-7962 29-7962 42-8334 2-100 2-84 29-4100 2-923 24-8784 2-49 67-8314 29-4100 67-8313 24-8784 24-8784 24-8784 67-8313 15-480 66-4707 67-1461 67-1463 67-1466 2-204 2-204 2-2395 2-2395 29-8137 29-7998 29-8350 65-8419 65-8419 66-8332 Hose clip for rubber oil pipe 2 M Ferrule for crimping rubber oil pipe to rigid pipe 2 M 65-2067 hose clip can be used instead of the ferrules as they require a special tool to fit Rigid oil pipe to engine, feed 1 C except C10L Rigid oil pipe to engine, feed – pattern wanted 1 B Rigid oil pipe to engine, feed 1 C10L Rigid oil pipe to engine, feed 1 M20/21 Return oil pipe assembly, 1 M20/21 Return oil pipe assembly, 1 M33 Gland nut, 5/16 pipe 1 B/M/C Plun & Rig/C12 Oil feed pipe, oil tank end 1 A Rig/Plun Oil feed pipe, oil tank end (N/A but can use 67-8309) 1 B Rig/Plun Oil feed pipe, oil tank end 1 C10/11/11G Rubber oil pipe joining piece, feed 1 A/B/C/M Rig & Plun/C12 Rigid oil pipe, return from engine – pattern wanted 1 B Rigid oil pipe, return from engine 1 M20/21/33 Rigid oil pipe, return from engine 1 C10L Gland nut, 5/16 pipe 1 B/C/M Rig & Plun/C12 Feed oil pipe assembly, items 10,12,17-19,46,47 1 M20/21/33 Ferrule for crimping rubber pipe to rigid pipe 2 A/B/C10/11/11G Plun & Rig Ferrule for crimping rubber pipe to rigid pipe 2 M Hose clip for rubber oil pipe 2 M 65-2067 hose clip can be used instead of the ferrules as they require a special tool to fit Rubber oil pipe joining piece, breather 1 A/B/M Rig & Plun Rubber oil pipe joining piece, breather 1 C10/11/11G Rigid breather pipe 1 A Plun/Rig Rigid breather pipe 1 B Plun/Rig Rigid breather pipe 1 M Fibre washer, filter 2 A/B Plun/Rig Fibre washer, filter 2 C10/11/11G Fibre washer, filter 2 C10L/12 Filter and drain plug 1 A/B Plun/Rig Filter and drain plug 1 C10/11/11G Filter and drain plug 1 C10L/12 Fibre washer, drain plug 1 A/B/C/M Plun & rig Drain plug 1 A/B/C/M Plun & rig Stud, lower mounting 1 A Plain washer, lower mounting 2 A Spring washer, mounting studs 4 A Nut, mounting studs 4 A Stud, upper mounting 1 A Stud, upper mounting 1 A Bolt, upper fixing 1 A Spring washer, upper fixing 1 A Spring washer, rear fixing 3 A Spring washer, rear fixing 3 M Bolt, rear fixing 3 A Bolt, rear fixing 3 M Shake proof washer, oil pipe adapter 1 A Plun/Rig Oil pipe adapter 1 A Plun/Rig Dowel, oil pipe adapter 1 A Plun/Rig Gasket, oil pipe adapter 1 A Plun/Rig Bolt, breather clip 1 C Bolt, breather clip 1 M Nut, breather clip 1 C Nut, breather clip 1 M Spigot, rubber oil pipe to oil tank, return 1 C10L Spigot, rubber oil pipe to oil tank, return 1 C Spigot, rubber oil pipe to oil tank, return 1 C12 Spigot, rubber oil pipe to oil tank, return 1 M33 Spigot, rubber oil pipe to oil tank, feed & return 2 M20/21 Gland nut, 5/16 pipe 1 C/M33 1940-47 1948-62 1950-58 1954-56 1940-63 1940-63 1948-57 1940-62 1947-57 1947-57 1950-55 1940-62 1938-62 1954-56 1940-62 1940-63 1946-57 1948-63 1940-47 1940-55 1946-55 1947-57 1946-48 1940-62 1946-57 1946-55 1956-58 1946-57 1946-55 1956-58 1940-62 1940-62 1949-51 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 1947-48 1949-57 1949-57 1949-57 1947-48 1940-62 1947-48 1940-62 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 1947-57 1946-53 1940-62 1946-53 1940-62 1954-55 1950-53 1956-58 1948-57 1940-62 1946-58 32 OIL TANK, CONTINUED 47 48 49 50 50 66-8332 65-2252 66-1683 66-4889 66-4895 Gland nut, 5/16 pipe Union on crankcase Fibre washer, union on crankcase Oil tank support plate Oil tank fixing plate when no battery carrier 2 2 2 1 1 M20/21 B/C/M Rig/Plun B/C/M Rig/Plun M Gir M AA 1940-62 1940-62 1940-62 1940-47 -63 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 A/B A B A/B A B A/B B32/4 S’arm A/B B32/4 S’arm A/B A/B A/B A/B A/B B32/34 Rig B32/4 S’arm A/B A/B B A A B A/B A B B31/3 A/B A/B 1954-62 1960-62 1957-60 1954-62 1954-62 1954-56 1954-62 1954-55 1954-62 1954-55 1954-62 1954-62 1954-57 1954-62 1954-62 1954-56 1954-55 1954-62 1954-62 1954-57 1954-62 1954-62 1956-60 1954-62 1954-62 1956-60 1958-60 1958-62 1954-62 SWINGING ARM A AND B 2-49 2-2894 2-2894 2-537 15-203 15-203 29-5289 29-5289 42-8329 42-8329 42-8330 42-8331 42-8334 42-8340 42-8341 42-8341 42-8341 42-8342 42-8343 42-8344/5 42-8346/7 42-8351 42-8351 42-8367 42-8385 42-8385 42-8422 42-8426 65-2252 Nut, fixing bolt Fibre washer, rocker feed pipe to tank Fibre washer, rocker feed pipe to tank Plain washer, fixing bolt Fibre washer, rocker feed pipe to tank Fibre washer, rocker feed pipe to tank Fixing bolt, top rear Fixing bolt, top rear Saddle washer, top front fixing bolt Saddle washer, top front fixing bolt Cupped washer, top mounting Spacer, rear fixing Filter and drain plug Nut, rocker feed pipe to oil tank Fixing bolt, top front, rubber bush Rubber mounting Fixing bolt, top front, rubber bush Rubber buffer Fibre washer, filter Oil pipe, feed and return, flexible armoured, pair Oil pipe, feed and return, flexible armoured, pair Fixing bracket Fixing bracket Oil tank Bolt, front fixing Bolt, front fixing Oil pipe, armoured, feed & return, 14.5" Filter and drain plug Union on crankcase 32 OIL TANK, CONTINUED 65-8500 66-1683 67-42 Filler cap, with writing, genuine BSA Fibre washer, union on crankcase Fibre washer, filler cap 1 2 1 A/B A/B A/B 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 OIL AND MISCELLANEOUS 5896-89 Oil pipe, rubber, original type hatched pattern, 3/16" bore, per inch 5896-90 Oil pipe, rubber, original type hatched pattern, 1/4" bore, per inch 5896-91 Oil pipe, rubber, original type hatched pattern, 5/16" bore, per inch 5896-92 Oil pipe, rubber, original type hatched pattern, 3/8" bore, per inch 5896-93 Oil pipe, rubber, plain, 3/8" bore, per inch 5897-35 Clip for 5/16 hatched rubber oil pipe 5897-37 Clip for 3/8 hatched rubber oil pipe Our hose clips are not the 'Jubilee' worm drive type but a more period type with a small screw and nut. A35-91 Silkolene Chatsworth, sae 30 monograde oil, 5 litres (weighs 5kg) A35-93 Silkolene Castorene R30, sae 30 vegetable oil, 1 litre, nice smell!!! A36-90 Silkolene sae 40 monograde oil 1 litre A36-91 Silkolene Chatsworth, sae 40 monograde oil, 5 litres (weighs 5kg) A35-95 Silkolene Donington, sae 40 straight oil, 5 litres (weighs 5kg) A37-91 Silkolene Hardwick, sae 50 monograde oil, 5 litres (weighs 5kg) A39-91 Silkolene Osmaston, sae 50 straight oil, 5 litres (weighs 5kg) A38-91 Oil for filling forks, sae 30, 500ml 33 EXHAUST SYSTEMS All prices are each not pairs. All exhaust pipe and silencer clamps are standard pattern items and we do not claim that they are 100% replicas of the original but they are very close and good quality. No exhaust pipe clamp was fitted to many model/years and frequently the silencer clamp was incorporated in the silencer, however the available pattern silencers do not include silencer clamps so we have listed suitable ones. The following chart is a full list of original applications; not all are available but please enquire as we may be able to offer an alternative. 33 EXHAUST SYSTEMS, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT A GROUP MODEL FRAME YEARS EX PIPE R/H EX PIPE L/H SILENCER R/H SILENCER L/H EXHAUST CLAMP SILENCER CLAMP A7/ST Rig 1947-49 67-2675 67-2679 67-2700 67-2701 67-2690 A7/ST Rig 1950-53 67-2675 67-2679 67-2700 67-2701 67-2694 A7/ST/S Plun 1949-53 67-2675 67-2679 67-2711 67-2711 67-2694 S A7/SS S’arm 1954-57 42-2761 42-2763 42-2774 42-2775 67-2694 A7/SS S’arm 1958-59 42-2952 42-2955 42-2963* 42-2964* 67-2694 42-2860+ A7/SS S’arm 1960-62 42-2952 42-2955 42-2652 42-2652 42-2848 42-2860+ A10 Rig 1950-51 67-2720 67-2722 67-2700 67-2701 67-2694 A10 Plun 1950-57 67-2720 67-2722 67-2711 67-2711 67-2694 A10/RR S’arm 1954-57 42-2766 42-2768 42-2774 42-2775 67-2694 A10/SR S’arm 1958-59 42-2957 42-2959 42-2963* 42-2964* 67-2694 42-2860+ A10/SR S’arm 1960-62 42-2957 42-2959 42-2652 42-2652 42-2848 42-2860+ A S’arm 1960-62 Silencer bracket 42-2655 42-2655 Fittings for brackets Bracket to silencer - Bolt 2-204, spring washer 2-1462, nut 2-2395 Fittings for silencer or On plunger models they are mounted on the plunger pinch bolt, on swinging arm models they are bracket to frame retained by the pillion footrests or if no footrests:- Bolt 2-803, spring washer 2-522, nut 2-449 * These silencers are not available but 42-2652 is identical except that the brackets are loose instead of being welded on. The brackets (42-2655) must be ordered separately. + These clamps are available as pattern (42-2860) or genuine type (42-2860G) Silencer clamps were part of the silencer 1947-57, use clamp number 6063-29 with our silencers. PRE-UNIT B GROUP MODEL YEARS RIGID EX PIPE RIGID SILENCER 65-2754 65-2845 PLUNGER EX PIPE 65-2687 PLUNGER SILENCER 65-2780 S’ARM EX PIPE S’ARM SILENCER 42-2725 B31/3 1946-55 65-2687 42-2705 B31/2 High level 1952-53 65-2840 B31/3 1956 42-2705 42-2888 B31/3 1957 42-2705 42-2970 B31/3 1958-60 42-2967 42-2970 B32/4 High level 1946-48 65-2690 65-2784 Up to ZB31 19,000 B32/4 High level 1949-51 65-2784 65-2776 From ZB31 19,001 B32/4 1949-53 65-2840 65-2845 65-2687 65-2780 B32 1954-55 42-2748 42-2751 42-2778 42-2781 B34 1954-55 42-2822 42-2751 42-2705 42-2730 B32/4 1956-57 42-2914 42-2918 Exhaust clamps were not fitted 1949-52 15-2345 Exhaust pipe finned clamp B21/2/4/5/6 1938-40 15-1351 Silencer and fishtail clamp (2 port upswept on B) B24/5/6/Y13 1938-40 15-2345 Exhaust pipe finned clamp B 1946-48 65-2890 Exhaust pipe finned clamp B31/3 1953-60 67-2694 Exhaust pipe finned clamp B32 S’arm 1954-57 65-2890 Exhaust pipe finned clamp B34 S’arm 1954-57 Silencer clamps were part of the silencer until 1958, use 6066-29 with our silencers, except B32 S’arm use 6063-29. 42-2861 Silencer clamp B 1958-60 24-7065 Legshield fixing screw (3 per) B32/4 1946-53 Rigid models use Bolt 3-1399; nut 2-449. Plunger models the silencers are mounted on the plunger Fittings for silencer to pinch bolt. On swinging arm models they are retained by the pillion footrests or when footrests not frame fitted use bolt 2-803; spring washer 2-522; nut 2-449. 33 EXHAUST SYSTEMS, CONTINUED PRE-UNIT C GROUP MODEL YEARS RIGID EX PIPE RIGID SILENCER 29-2975 29-2975 PLUNGER EX PIPE PLUNGER SILENCER 29-2998 29-2998 29-3010 S’ARM EX PIPE S’ARM SILENCER C10 1946-53 29-2980 29-3000 C11/11G 1946-55 29-2971 29-2995 C10L 1954-57 29-1920 C12 1956-58 29-2995 29-3005 Fittings for silencer Rigid models use Bolt 2-803; nut 2-46. Plunger models the silencers are mounted on the plunger pinch to frame bolt. I haven’t a clue where the silencer is mounted on the C12, probably on the pillion footrest. The C range did not use exhaust or silencer clamps, use 6063-29 clamp with our silencers. M GROUP MODEL YEARS RIGID EX PIPE RIGID SILENCER PLUNGER EX PIPE PLUNGER SILENCER M20/21 1938 66-2904 M20/21 1939 66-2904 66-2944 WM20 1940-45 66-2904WD 66-2944WD M20/21 1945-49 66-2904 66-2944 M20/21 1950-62 66-2995 66-2865 66-2995 66-2670 M33 girder 1948 66-2986 66-2865 M33 1948 66-2998 66-2865 M33 1949-54 66-2998 66-2865 66-2998 66-2670 * M33 1955-57 66-2998 66-2991 66-2998 66-2670 * * When used on the M33 66-2993 reducer is required. Exhaust systems for WM20 are in bare steel for painting, if preferred the chrome versions can be fitted. The WM20 silencer is the version that slopes upward slightly, the civilian, chrome one sits horizontally. 66-2993 Reducer 1 ¾ to 1 5/8 M33 Plunger 66-2808 Exhaust pipe finned clamp M19 1938 66-2809 Exhaust pipe finned clamp M22/23/24 1938-40 15-2345 Exhaust pipe finned clamp (2 port upswept) M22/23/24 1938-40 15-2345 Exhaust pipe finned clamp M33 1948-50 66-2967 Exhaust pipe finned clamp M33 1951-57 24-1001 Silencer and fishtail clamp M23/24 1938-40 15-1351 Silencer clamp (4 per)(2 port upswept) M22/23/24 1938-40 None of the M group used any clamps other than those listed above, use 6062-29 on our silencers, except for M33 use 606629. OTHER MODELS 24-1001 15-1351 90-3063 90-3064 21-5102 Fishtail clamp Silencer and fishtail clamp Pin for original silencer clamps Saddle washer for original silencer clamps Nut washer for original silencer clamps G14 Y13 1938-40 1938-40 The following are the same clamps as listed above but in size order and the equivalent Ariel part numbers that we use. 6063-56 Finned exhaust pipe clamp, to fit 1 1/2" diameter pipe 6061-31 Finned exhaust pipe clamp to fit 1 5/8" 6061-33 Finned exhaust pipe clamp, to fit 1 3/4" diameter pipe 6062-28 Finned exhaust pipe clamp, to fit 1 7/8" diameter pipe 6062-32 Finned exhaust pipe clamp, to fit 2" diameter pipe 13064-54 Silencer clamp to fit 1 1/2" diameter silencer 6063-29 Silencer clamp to fit 1 5/8" diameter silencer 6063-29G Silencer clamp to fit 1 5/8" diameter silencer, as original 6066-29 Silencer clamp to fit 1 3/4" diameter silencer 6066-29G Silencer clamp to fit 1 3/4" diameter silencer, as original 6062-29 Silencer clamp to fit 1 7/8" diameter silencer 6064-29 Silencer clamp to fit 2" diameter silencer 34 BATTERY CARRIERS For batteries see section 40. M GROUP 1940-47 PART NO DESCRIPTION PE MODEL YEARS M M M M M M M M 1940-47 1940-47 1940-47 1940-47 1940-47 1940-47 1940-47 1940-47 R EA80 K132A 15-1120 29-541 36-382 66-4870 66-4870A 66-4889 Nut, carrier to frame Bolt, carrier to oil tank plate Stud, carrier to frame Shake proof washer, carrier to oil tank plate Shake proof washer, carrier to frame Battery carrier assembly Battery carrier assembly, wrong strap, (Indian) Oil tank support plate 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 PLUNGER AND RIGID A/B/C/M – All models used the same strap and fittings, except the good old C10L. The B, C and M models had a large plate with brackets welded to it, while the A group’s plate was in turn welded to the air filter box. The brackets are available separately so that original parts can be repaired. 2-46 Nut, carrier to frame 1 C10/11/11G/C12 4spd 1946-58 2-6026 Bolt, carrier to oil tank 3 M 1948-62 2-129 Bolt, carrier to frame 2 B 1954-55 2-1934 Bolt, carrier to oil tank 3 B 1946-55 2-1934 Bolt, carrier to frame 2 B 1946-53 24-563 Nut, carrier to frame 2 M 1948-62 24-8784 Spring washer, carrier to frame and oil tank 5 B 1946-55 29-4657 Strap 1 All except C10L 1946-62 29-4661 Bolt for strap 1 All 1946-62 34 BATTERY CARRIERS, CONTINUED 29-4662 29-4664 29-4665 29-4681 29-4685 29-4689A 29-4689B 29-4696 36-382 65-2352 65-2353 65-4667 65-4668 65-4669 65-5663 66-4707 66-4892 66-4893 66-4895A 66-4895B Saddle washer for strap bolt Hinge pin for strap Battery support strip, bottom of platform Battery carrier rear strap Strap Top repair bracket (weld to old carrier) Lower repair bracket (weld to old carrier) Battery platform Shake proof washer, carrier to frame and oil tank Plain trunnion for top of strap Tapped trunnion for top of carrier Battery carrier assembly (does not include fixings to frame) Battery carrier plate with brackets Battery carrier plate, used when no lighting set fitted Bolt, carrier to frame Shake proof washer, carrier to frame Battery carrier assembly (does not include fixings to frame) Battery carrier plate with brackets Top repair bracket (weld to old carrier) Bottom repair bracket (weld to old carrier) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 All All All C10L C10L C12 C12 C10L M All All B B B32/4 C10/11/11G/C12 4spd C10/11/11G/C12 4spd M M (not AA) A/B/M/C10/11/11G A/B/M/C10/11/11G 1946-62 1946-62 1946-62 1954-55 1954-57 1956-58 1956-58 1956 1948-62 1946-62 1946-62 1946-55 1946-55 1946-53 1946-58 1946-58 1948-62 1948-62 1946-62 1946-62 A/B GROUP S/ARM. - The A7SS, A10SR and A10RR carrier is the same as the standard models except that it uses 2 of the rear straps (42-4503) instead of 1 front strap (42-4516) and 1 rear strap (42-4503) 2-923 Plain washer, carrier to frame 4 A/B S’arm 2-6537 Plain washer, strap bolt 2 A/B S’arm 15-6524 Nut, carrier to frame 4 A/B S’arm 24-6770 Bolt, carrier to frame 4 A/B S’arm 24-7343 Bolt for straps 2 A/B S’arm 36-382 Shake proof washer, carrier to frame 4 A/B S’arm 42-4502 Top strap 1 A/B S’arm 42-4503 Front strap 1 A7SS/10SR/RR 42-4503 Rear strap 1 A/B S’arm 42-4504 Bolt for straps 2 A/B S’arm 42-4505 Trunnion, plain hole 2 A/B S’arm 42-4506 Trunnion, tapped hole 2 A/B S’arm 42-4514 Battery carrier assembly (does not include fixings to frame) 1 A7/10/B 42-4514A Battery carrier assembly (does not include fixings to frame) 1 A7SS/10SR/RR 42-4515 Platform 1 A/B S’arm 42-4516 Front strap with fixed nut for air cleaner. 1 A7/10/B31/3 S’arm 42-4644 Platform * 1 A7/SS/10 42-4644A Battery carrier assembly (does not include fixings to frame) * 1 A7/SS/10 42-4649 Wire clip * 1 A 42-4651 Platform * 1 A10SR 42-4651A Battery carrier assembly (does not include fixings to frame) * 1 A10SR 42-8049 Rubber mat * (will fit earlier) 1 A * After frame numbers A7 GA7-8855; A7SS GA7-8929; A10 GA7-8437; A10SR GA7-8618 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1956-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1954-55 1954-62 1954-62 1954-61 1954-62 1954-62 1954-62 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 35 SADDLES, DUAL SEATS AND FITTINGS Sprung saddles remained an option until the end of production even on swinging arm frames, mainly for police forces. Dual seats were introduced around 1951 and were fitted as standard from 1953 except for the C group, which stuck rigidly to a spring saddle except (even the exception have exceptions) for the C12, which never had a spring saddle. PART NO DESCRIPTION PER MODEL YEARS 1 1 4 4 6 2 2 4 A B S’arm A B/M Plun/C12 B/M Rig/C11G/C10L C C A 1947-62 1954-60 1947-62 1949-62 1946-60 1946-53 1946-53 1947-62 SPRUNG SADDLES 2-46 2-46 2-94 2-94 2-94 2-94 2-522 2-923 Nut, front pivot bolt Nut, front pivot bolt Nut, saddle spring bolt Nut, saddle spring bolt Nut, saddle spring bolt Nut, saddle spring bolt Spring washer, saddle spring bolt Plain washer, saddle spring bolt 35 SEATS, CONTINUED 2-923 2-923 2-1462 2-2395 15-2018 15-2018 15-7161 24-102 27-6510 28-2080 28-2080 28-2080 29-9335 33-4089 33-4089 35-698 35-698 35-698 35-698 36-382 36-382 65-292 65-292 66-4647 66-4707 66-4707 67-4030 67-4030 67-4040 67-4040 6200-46 6200-47C 6202-47 6205-90 6205-91 Plain washer, saddle spring bolt Plain washer, saddle spring bolt Spring washer, pillion seat to mudguard Nut, pillion seat to mudguard Bolt for saddle spring in frame, RH Bolt for saddle spring in frame, RH Bolt, pillion seat to mudguard Bolt, front of saddle to frame Bolt for saddle spring in frame Grease nipple, front pivot bolt Grease nipple, front pivot bolt Grease nipple, front pivot bolt Saddle with springs, just like the real thing Bolt, front pivot Bolt, front pivot Split pin, front pivot bolt Split pin, front pivot bolt Split pin, front pivot bolt Split pin, front pivot bolt Shake proof washer, front pivot bolt Shake proof washer, saddle spring bolt Bolt for saddle spring in frame, RH Bolt for saddle spring in frame, RH Stud for saddle spring in frame Shake proof washer, front pivot bolt Shake proof washer, front pivot bolt Bolt, front pivot Bolt, front pivot Stud for saddle spring in frame Stud for saddle spring in frame Saddle with springs, just like the real thing, Indian Saddle cover, made in Britain ‘Lycett’ badge for rear of saddle Pillion seat (steel base, unsprung 'bum pad' type) Pillion saddle, sprung type, made like they used to 6 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 B Rig B Plun/M/C10L/C11G/C12 A/B/C/M A/B/C/M C Rig C Plun 3 Speed A/B/C/M C B/M A B/M C C B Plun/Rig M/C except C12 B Rig B Plun C M B/C/M M Rig C Rig C Plun 4 Speed B/C10L/M Rig A B S’arm A B S’arm/C12 B/C11G/C12/M Plun/Rig A A/B/M A/B/M 1946-55 1946-62 1930-62 1930-62 1952-53 1951-53 1930-62 1946-57 1946-48 1949-62 1946-63 1952-58 1946-58 1947-55 1946-63 1947-55 1949-51 1946-47 1946-63 1946 1946-60 1946-51 1951-53 1949-60 1947-62 1954-60 1947-62 1954-60 1949-63 1947-62 1930-62 1930-62 A/B/C/M A/B/C/M 1930-62 1930-62 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 7 1 2 2 4 2 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 A/B Plun/Rig A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B/M Plun/Rig B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A/B S’arm A/B/M Plun/Rig A/B/M Plun/Rig A/B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A/B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm B Plun/Rig A Plun/Rig A S’arm A S’arm B Plun/Rig 1951-57 1960-62 1960-62 1954-60 1954-59 1958-60 1954-62 1951-63 1954-55 1960-62 1960-62 1954-62 1951-63 1951-63 1954-62 1960-62 1960-62 1954-60 1954-59 1954-59 1960-62 1951-55 1951-53 1954-59 1960-62 1951-55 DUAL SEATS 2-49 2-49 2-49 2-49 2-49 2-49 2-49 2-129 2-220 2-449 2-522 2-923 2-923 2-923 2-923 2-923 2-923 2-923 2-923 2-1462 2-1733 2-1925 2-1945 2-2395 3-101 15-431 Nut, rear bracket to frame Nut, rubber buffer Nut, support bracket to seat Nut, rear bracket to mudguard Nut, rear bracket to seat Nut, rear bracket to seat Nut, handrail to mudguard and mudguard stay Bolt, bracket to seat Bolt, support pin Nut, support bracket to frame Spring washer, support bracket to frame Plain washer, handrail to mudguard and stay Plain washer, rear bracket to frame Plain washer, bracket to seat Plain washer, front bracket to seat Plain washer, rubber buffer Plain washer, support bracket to seat Plain washer, rear bracket to mudguard Plain washer, rear bracket to seat Spring washer, rear bracket to mudguard Plain washer, support bracket to frame Nut, front bracket to frame Plain washer, front bracket to frame Nut, rear bracket to mudguard Penny washer Plain washer, front bracket to frame 35 SEATS, CONTINUED 15-541 15-645 15-645 15-716 15-7354 24-6770 24-8784 24-8784 27-6037 27-6037 27-8560 28-2338 28-2338 28-2338 28-2338 35-33 35-33 35-33 35-33 35-33 36-382 36-382 36-382 42-6899 42-9057 42-9058 42-9061 42-9072 42-9072C 42-9077 42-9077 42-9183 42-9196 42-9196 42-9210 42-9210C 42-9230 42-9230C 65-9236 67-9087 67-9087C 67-9089 67-9093 67-9093 67-9094 67-9094 67-9095 Nut, front bracket to frame Bolt, support pin Bolt, support pin Plain washer, front bracket to frame Bolt, rear bracket to mudguard Bolt, handrail to mudguard Spring washer, handrail to mudguard stay Spring washer, rear bracket to mudguard Bolt, handrail to mudguard stay Bolt, rear bracket to frame Plain washer, rear bracket to mudguard Bolt, front bracket to seat Bolt, support bracket to frame Bolt, rear bracket to mudguard Bolt, rear bracket to mudguard Spring washer, rear bracket to frame Spring washer, bracket to seat Spring washer, front bracket to seat Spring washer, support bracket to seat Spring washer, rear bracket to seat Shake proof washer, handrail to mudguard Shake proof washer, rear bracket to frame Shake proof washer, rear bracket to mudguard Support bracket Rubber pad Dual seat mounting bracket, front Bolt, rear bracket to seat Dual seat Dual seat replacement cover Stud, rear bracket to seat Stud, rear bracket to seat Rubber buffer Dual seat mounting bracket, rear Dual seat mounting bracket, rear Dual seat Dual seat replacement cover Dual seat Dual seat replacement cover Dual seat mounting bracket, front Dual seat Dual seat replacement cover Dual seat mounting bracket, front Bracket, rear of seat to frame, RH Bracket, rear of seat to frame, LH Bracket, rear of seat to frame, LH Bracket, rear of seat to frame, RH Stud, front bracket to frame 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A Plun/Rig A S’arm B S’arm A Plun/Rig B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B/M Plun/Rig A S’arm A/B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm M Plun/Rig A/B/M Plun/Rig A/B S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B Plun/Rig B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm A/B S’arm B S’arm A/B S’arm A/B S’arm A S’arm B S’arm A S’arm A S’arm B S’arm Spitfire Spitfire A not Spitfire A not Spitfire B Rig & Plun/M Plun A/B/M Plun A/B/M Plun A Plun/Rig A Plun/Rig/B/M Plun B Rig A Plun/Rig/B/M Plun B Rig A/B/M Plun/Rig 1951-63 1954-62 1956-60 1954-57 1954-55 1954-62 1954-62 1954-55 1954-62 1951-63 1954-59 1954-62 1960-62 1954-59 1958-60 1951-63 1951-63 1954-62 1960-62 1954-55 1954-62 1951-57 1956-60 1960-62 1955-59 1954-62 1954-57 1954-59 1954-59 1954-59 1958-60 1960-62 1954-59 1958-60 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1960-62 1949-63 1951-63 1951-63 1951-57 1951-57 1951-55 1951-57 1951-55 1951-63 36 HANDLEBAR CONTROLS AND FITTINGS For control cables see section 37 The controls that we supply are sold as suitable replacements and not as direct copies of the original, however most are close to and some are identical to the originals. They are all modern replacements and if you are particular about the type please ask; also if the one you require is not listed. The table below gives the best available lever for the job and the table below that describes the levers with additional comments. For some models and years, up to 1949, BSA fitted their own levers known as ‘BSA clamp on type’, these are not listed in the chart although some are available, see the 3rd table down and consult a parts book! 36 CONTROLS, CONTINUED YEARS CLUTCH MAGNETO BRAKE AIR EXHAUST MODEL A7 1947 107LH7/8 ------107RH7/8 100LH1 ------A7/10 1948-55 107LH7/8 ------107RH7/8 100RH7/8 ------A7/10 1956-59 107LH7/8 ------108RH With Brake ------A7/10 1960-62 219LH ------219RH 100RH7/8 ------A7ST/SS/A10RR 1949-59 107LH7/8 12/569LH 107RH7/8 100RH7/8 ------A7/10 1960-62 40-8541 ------40-8540 42-8756 * ------A7SS/10SR 1960-62 42-8780 % With Clutch + 40-8540 42-8756 * ------A10 Spit 1960-62 42-8781 % With Clutch 40-8538 42-8756 * ------* Air lever on frame; + When fitted; % See notes below B31 1946 108LH 12/569LH 108RH With Brake With Clutch B31/33 1947-55 107LH7/8 12/569LH 107RH7/8 100RH7/8 105 B31/33 1956-57 107LH7/8 12/569LH 108RH With Brake 105 B31/33 1958-60 107LH7/8 ------108RH With Brake 105 C<ZC10 12475 1946-50 107LH7/8 ------107RH7/8 ------------C Group lever brackets are part of the handlebars 1951-58 M 1940-45 107LH7/8 100LH7/8 107RH7/8 100RH7/8 105 M 1946-47 107LH7/8 100LH7/8 107RH7/8 100RH7/8 105 M 1948 107LH7/8 With Exhaust 107RH7/8 100RH7/8 With Magneto For 1948 only the M group used a combined magneto and exhaust lever! Which is not available. M 1949-63 107LH7/8 12/569LH 107RH7/8 100RH7/8 105 DESCRIPTION OF CONTROL LEVERS LISTED ABOVE 12/569LH 100LH1 100RH7/8 105/7 107LH7/8 107LH7/8D 107RH7/8 107RH7/8D 108LH 108RH 42-8781 40-8538 Magneto lever, long arm Air lever 1” Air lever Exhaust lever, trigger type Clutch lever, plain, no adjuster and without the switch bracket, pattern, pressed steel blade Clutch lever, plain, no adjuster and without the switch bracket, Doherty, pressed steel blade Brake lever, plain, no adjuster and without the switch bracket, cheap pattern, pressed steel blade Brake lever, plain, no adjuster and without the switch bracket, Doherty, pressed steel blade Clutch and magneto lever combined, plain, no adjuster Brake and air lever combined, plain, no adjuster Clutch and magneto lever, with 5/16 cam type cable adjuster and ball end lever blade. We will supply separate clutch and magneto levers under this number. Brake lever with 5/16 cam type cable adjuster and ball end lever blade 36 CONTROLS, CONTINUED 42-8780 Clutch and magneto lever, with 5/16 cam type cable adjuster and plain lever blade. We will supply separate clutch and magneto levers under this number. Brake lever with 5/16 cam type cable adjuster and plain lever blade Clutch lever with 5/16 cam type cable adjuster and plain lever blade Air lever mounted on 1 1/8” frame tube. 40-8540 40-8541 42-8756 HANDLEBARS, TWIST GRIPS AND COMPONENTS FOR CONTROL LEVERS PART NO 10/2 10/3 10/3L 16 24-7570 27-7826 29-8812 29-8832 42-4968 65-4960 65-4960 66-4990 71 71 90-4976 90-8506 90-8533 366 1070LH 1070RH 2070LH 2070RH 6415S-34 6425-1 6425-7/8 6430F-39 DESCRIPTION Pivot screw for brake & clutch levers Pivot screw lock nut, reduced hex, genuine Pivot screw Nyloc nut Throttle stop ferrule suit 5/16 (8 mm) hole in twistgrip Brake and air lever combined, genuine BSA ‘clamp on' type Clutch lever blade, genuine BSA ‘clamp on' type Lever blade only, RH Lever blade only, LH ‘Western’ handlebars (high rise0 Handlebars Handlebars Handlebars Twist grip assembly, without grips Twist grip assembly, without grips Handlebars with lugs (lugs may be slightly out of line) Ferrule for cable into lug Twist grip assembly without grips Throttle stop ferrule suit 1/4 (6.5 mm) hole in twistgrip Lever blade only, LH pressed type Lever blade only, RH pressed type Lever blade only, ball end, LH pressed type Lever blade only, ball end, RH pressed type Spring steel washer for air or magneto lever Twist grip (RH) handlebar grip, nice old style hatched pattern Dummy (LH) handlebar grip, nice old style hatched pattern Screw, twist grip clamp (2 per) MODEL YEARS C ZC10 12475 → C ZC10 12475 → A A/B/M except Spitfire C YC411→ ZC10 12475 M20 A/B/M C YC411→ C ZC10 12475 → C ZC10 12475 → C10L 1933-49 1936-45 1950-58 1950-58 1960-62 1948-63 1948-50 1940-47 1940-63 1948-58 1950-58 1950-58 1954-57 OTHER PARTS WITHOUT SPECIFIC BSA APPLICATIONS 1” CONTROL LEVERS 61 100LH1 100RH1 105/1 107CLH1 107CRH1 107LH1 107RH1 12/569LH1 12/569RH1 6425-1 6425-11/8 Twist grip assembly without grips Magneto or exhaust lever Air lever Exhaust lever, trigger type Clutch and magneto lever combined Brake and air lever combined Clutch lever, (not combination) Brake lever, (not combination) Magneto or exhaust lever, long arm Air lever, long arm Dummy (LH) handlebar grip, nice old style hatched pattern Twist grip (RH) handlebar grip, nice old style hatched pattern OTHER PARTS 12/569RH 16 207LH7/8 207RH7/8 366 1070LH 1070RH 2070LH 2070RH 6425-90 Air lever, long arm, 7/8 Throttle stop ferrule suit 5/16 (8 mm) hole in twistgrip Clutch lever, ball end, no adjuster 7/8 Brake lever, ball end, no adjuster 7/8 Throttle stop ferrule suit 1/4 (6.5 mm) hole in twistgrip Lever blade only, LH pressed type Lever blade only, RH pressed type Lever blade only, ball end, LH pressed type Lever blade only, ball end, RH pressed type Twist grip rubbers 7/8 handlebars, Doherty type, pair 37 CONTROL CABLES For speedometer cables see section 28; for rear brake rods and fittings see section 29; for cable oilers see section 38; for air and throttle cable adjusters see section 39. Carburettors with an adjuster in the top use a cable without an adjuster. Likewise carburettors without an adjuster in the top use a cable with a mid-adjuster. Not included in this list are competition models, Gold Stars, export models and optional carburettors, please enquire. PART NO DESCRIPTION AND WHEEL TYPE (see section 21 for list of wheel types) ILLUSTRATION NO. (NA=Not available) MODEL YEARS PRE-UNIT A GROUP 67-8601 65-8675 67-8610 42-8670 42-8726 42-8738 42-8793 42-8771 67-8521 67-8595 67-8530 67-8531 67-8550 67-8555 67-8592 67-8555 42-8689 Front brake – 4 Front brake – 3, 5 Front brake – 3, 5 Front brake – 6 Front brake – 7 early b’arm 7” only Front brake – 7 late b’arm 7” only Front brake – 7 Front brake – 7 Throttle Throttle Throttle Throttle Air Air Air Air Air 42-8762 67-8681 42-8775 65-8714 Air Clutch Clutch Magneto advance and retard 2 2 2 6 13 13 14 14 1 10 1 12 NA 1 10 1 10 A A7/ST/SS A10/SF/RR A A < FA7 5600 A7 A > FA7 5600 A7 A7 A7SS/10/RR A7/ST/SS A10/SF/RR A7/SS A10/SR A7 A7/ST/SS A10/SF//RR A10/RR A10/SR/Spit 1947-48 1949-55 1950-55 1956-57 1958-59 1958-59 1960-62 1960-63 1947-57 1950-57 1958-62 1958-63 1947 1948-59 1950-54 1954-57 1958-59 1 6 11 16 A A A A7ST/SS/RR/SR 1960-63 1947-59 1960-63 1949-63 42-7030 Rear brake – 11 7 A S’arm 1954-57 8 8 A A 1958-59 1960-63 B B B32 S’arm B not B32 S’arm B B34GS with clip-ons B < FB31 2153 B > FB31 2153 B B B B B31/3 B32 B B not B32/4 1956-57 B B (not B32/4 Rig 1953-55) B32/4 Rig B B B B31/3 B31/3 1947-48 1949-53 1954-55 1954-55 1956-57 1956-60 1958-60 1958-60 1946-57 1958-60 1946-55 1956-60 1946-47 1946 1947-48 1949-60 1947-57 1947-60 1953-55 1938-52 1937-60 1937-60 1956-57 1958-60 1946 1946-48 1949-58 1954-57 1946-47 1948-58 1954-57 1946-55 1946-55 1946 1946-55 1951-55 1954-55 1956-57 1956-58 1941-47 1948 1949-54 1955-63 1938-39 1941-63 1948 1949-57 1938-40 1941-54 1955-63 1948 1949-54 1955-57 1940 1941-48 37 CONTROL CABLES, CONTINUED 42-7032 42-7042 Rear brake – 13 Rear brake – 13 PRE-UNIT B GROUP 65-8675 67-8610 67-8610 65-8675 42-8670 42-8660 42-8726 42-8738 65-8832 65-8813 65-8836 42-8693 65-8660 65-8661 65-8671 65-8680 65-8714 65-8795 42-8601 15-1312 2-1584 2-1588 42-7030 42-7032 Front brake – 3 Front brake – 3, 5 Front brake – 3 Front brake – 3, 5 Front brake – 6 Front brake – 3 Front brake – 7 Front brake – 7 Throttle Throttle Air cable Air cable, with mid-adjuster Clutch Clutch Clutch Clutch Magneto advance and retard Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust cable spring Exhaust lifter cable toggle screw Exhaust lifter cable toggle nut Rear brake – 12 Rear brake – 13 2 2 2 2 6 9 13 13 10 10 12 10 NA NA 3 3 16 15 NA 7 8 PRE-UNIT C GROUP 29-8658 29-8815 29-8815 29-8840 29-8707 29-8760 29-8764 27-1163 2-443 29-8822 29-8827 67-8681 29-8835 29-8844 29-8852 Front brake – 14 Front brake – 15 Front brake – 15, 16, 17 Front brake – 15, 16 Throttle Throttle Throttle Clutch cable stop lug on gearbox Clutch cable stop lug lock nut on gearbox Clutch Clutch Clutch Clutch Clutch Clutch NA 2 2 5 NA 1 1 NA 3 6 4 6 6 C Girder C Tele C10/11/11G/12 C10L C C10/11/11G/12 C10L C 3 speed C 3 speed C Girder C Tele 3 speed C10/11/11G C10L C10L C12 Front brake – 2 Front brake – 2 Front brake – 3 Front brake – 5 Throttle Throttle Throttle Throttle Air Air Air Air, 276 carburettor Air Air Clutch Clutch 4 NA 2 2 1 1 1 NA 1 1 1 1 10 10 ? 6 M M M M M20/21 M20/21 M33 M33 M20/21 M20/21 M20/21 M33 M33 M33 M M M GROUP 66-8744 66-8758 65-8675 65-8693 66-8882 66-8882 66-8882 66-8832 66-8875 66-8899 66-8910 66-8899 65-8836 42-8693 66-8569 66-8580 65-8680 Clutch 3 M 1949-63 M M M20/21 M20/21 M20/21 M AA M33 M33 M M M 1938-45 1946-63 1941-47 1948 1949-63 37 CONTROL CABLES, CONTINUED 66-8806 65-8714 66-8511 66-8524 66-8530 66-8534 66-8527 65-8795 2-1584 2-1588 15-1312 Magneto advance and retard Magneto advance and retard Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust lifter cable toggle screw Exhaust lifter cable toggle nut Exhaust cable spring 16 16 15 NA 15 15 NA 15 1948 1949-57 1937-63 1937-63 1938-52 OTHER MODELS AND MISCELLANEOUS A211-94 A212-94 A213-94 A214-94 A215-94 A221-94 A222-94 A223-94 A224-94 A225-94 16 366 Universal throttle cable Universal throttle cable Universal throttle cable Universal throttle cable Universal throttle cable Universal throttle cable, mid-adjuster type Universal throttle cable, mid-adjuster type Universal throttle cable, mid-adjuster type Universal throttle cable, mid-adjuster type Universal throttle cable, mid-adjuster type Throttle stop ferrule suit 5/16 (8 mm) hole in twistgrip Throttle stop ferrule suit 1/4 (6.5 mm) hole in twistgrip 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 10 10 74,274,75,275,375 carbs 76,276,376 carbs 89,289,389 carbs 600 series Amal Concentric 900 series Amal Concentric 74,274,75,275,375 carbs 76,276,376 carbs 89,289,389 carbs 600 series Amal Concentric 900 series Amal Concentric 38 TOOLS, TOOLBOXES AND SIDE PANELS 38 TOOLS, CONTINUED PART NO DESCRIPTION MODEL YEARS GENUINE EX-FACTORY TOOLS 61-3670 66-9052 1-3051 24-8957 66-9067 Valve guide tool, part of 61-3267 (stepped disc) Hub adjusting sleeve spanner Double ended spanner, 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, 5/16 Tommy bar for box spanners Hub spindle box spanner, 7/16 x 1/2 M M All All M 1938-63 1933-50 1902-72 1938-55 OTHER TOOLS – QUITE ESSENTIAL 61-3005 67-9114 61-1903 61-3362 61-3706 61-3766 61-1912 61-3222 61-3306 Tool for fitting and removing fork oil seal holders A/B/M/C pre unit Comb for aligning push rods A Extractor for Magneto pinion (manual advance) A/B/C/M Clutch extractor, 6 spring clutch Not C38-53 A/B/C/M Clutch nut screwdriver for those funny nuts with the stud through the middle Clutch extractor, 4 C38-53 A Clutch extractor, single spring M Plunger suspension fitting and removing tool Plunger Single spring clutch – spring compressor M 1947-62 1950-62 all 1949-62 1961-62 1937-48 1937-48 OTHER TOOLS – USEFUL 29-9252 61-3350 61-3694 6688-93 6689-95 6625-88 29-9257 A18-91 A48-92 68-9462 A63-95 A72-99 A17-90 A73 6636-29 90-9237 Tyre lever, spoon type 1938-60 Tool for pulling fork stanchion through yokes, includes adapters for most stations 1946-72 Peg spanner for wheel bearing lock rings Spanner set, 8 Whitworth combination (ring and open end), 1/8 to 9/16 Socket set, 8 Whitworth 1/2" drive sockets, 3/16 to 5/8 Thread file for restoring any external thread (BSF/CEI/WHIT) Box spanner - clutch centre nut C 1954-57 Spragging tool for slipping clutch on Magdyno as shown in Lucas manuals Really good cable oiler 'C' spanner for adjusting our replacement rear shock absorbers and many others Tapered pin for lining up engine bolt holes Spoke spanner fits 6 sizes of nipples Set of taps and dies for cleaning up most threads to be found on BSAs. 2 taps and 1 die of each size; 26 TPI CEI 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16 and 1/2 at 20 TPI plus 2 Whitworth taps of each 1/4, 5/16 with tap wrench and die holder all in a wooden box. 14 taps and 5 dies in total. Carbon steel. Hydraulic cable oiler for heavy cables 5/16 OD and greater (rear brake) Hydraulic cable oiler for standard cables Universal engine stand. Holds almost any engine while it is worked on. TDC tool, graduated plunger, fits in spark plug hole to locate top dead centre and piston position when doing the timing. Beats a bit of wire with pencil marks on it! Fork stanchion puller upper. Improved design and cheaper, includes adapters for Ariel and BSA forks Reynolds type chain breaker 14" of metal cased replica tyre pump, excellent quality, as original 12" of metal cased replica tyre pump, excellent quality, as original A7/10 1960-62 6692-90 6692-37 6692-89 Wellseal, gasket cement, 100ml. Large tube that lasts ages – highly recommended Hylomar gasket goo, recommended for use with paper gaskets. RTV Silicone gasket goo, clear. For those difficult joints. 6625-99 A48-93 A48-94 A64-96 A67-97 TOOLBOXES 6554-41 Toolbox with hinged lid, British standard triangular shape. Made to a very high quality by a British craftsman in bare steel (the toolbox, not Dave). A bracket is fitted on the bottom that will usually fit onto a pillion footrest mount or similar, no other mounting holes are provided so that it can be drilled to suit your own mountings. 6557-47 Tool box knob, bottle top type, suitable for the above 65-9080 Toolbox A/B Rig 1949-57 65-9080 Toolbox A Plun 1949 67-9002 Toolbox A Plun 1952-57 67-9002A Tool box lid only A Plun 1952-57 29-9132 Tool box lid screw A/B Rig/Plun 1947-57 24-8928 Tool box clip B/M Plug 1949-63 66-9127 Toolbox WM20 1940-45 29-9132 27-9001 27-9001 Tool box knob Tool box fixing clip Tool box fixing clip C10/10L/11/11G B Rig M Rig 1946-57 1940 1940-55 39 CARBURETTER For gasket sets see section 4; for petrol pipe, taps and fittings see section 27; for cables see section 37. The original Amal carburettors had brass bodies and separate float chambers, and were known as types 4, 5, 6 and 29. They were fitted from 1929 until 1933 when the body material was changed to a zinc die cast alloy. These were known as types 74, 75, 76, and 89, and can be distinguished from the later types because these have four air holes around the base of the body which the next type do not. In 1939 types 274, 275, 276 and 289 were introduced; these have two internal primary air passages in the base of the jet block. A later version with an 'R' suffix denotes that the primary air passage hole was moved to the air intake. 1955 saw a completely new carburettor being manufactured that had the float chamber cast in one piece with the mixing chamber, which is why it is called the 'Monobloc', these are types 375, 376, and 389. 1965 saw another complete redesign which produced the 'Concentric' carburettor which as it’s' name implies has the float bowl concentric with the mixing chamber. Each number mentioned above indicates a different casting. Each casting was capable of being machined to any one of several sizes. The carburettor type is not sufficient information when searching for a replacement, the bore or choke size is also needed. The suffix shown after the type on the flange indicates which jets, float chamber and to which machine it was originally fitted, it is irrelevant providing the body is of the correct size and the correct jets etc are used. CARBURETOR SLEEVING A major cause of poor running, particularly idling, is caused by wear between the body and the slide. Fitting a new slide in a worn body is like fitting a new chain on old sprockets, a waste of time. We can rectify this by boring the body oversize and hard chrome plating the slide (type 6) or fitting a sleeve to the slide (Monobloc). This is a long lasting solution due to the materials used and is preferable to fitting a non-original, later type of concentric carburettor. The new carburettors that are now available have improved materials but are not as good as a sleeved carburettor. For the sleeving work we need to have the body, throttle slide, jet block and mixing chamber lower nut. The price for this work is given in the price list by RES170 for the type 6 and RES169 for the Monobloc. While we are sleeving the body we can replace other worn, missing or damaged parts, check threads, re-plate the fittings, peen the body parts and re-assemble for about £110 including the sleeving, leaving you with a better than new carburettor. NEW CARBURETTORS PART NO 276EU/1DB 276C/1B 276BR/1B 276GG/1DB 276FH/1AT 276C/1B 276BR/1B 376/15 376/16 376/17 376/17 376/17 389/18 389/18 389/185 389/19 DESCRIPTION MODEL YEARS Type 6, 15/16” bore, vertical float chamber A7 1951-54 Type 6, 1” bore, vertical float chamber A7ST 1951-53 Type 6, 1 1/16” bore, vertical float chamber A10 1950-53 Type 6, 1 1/16” bore, vertical float chamber A10 1954 Type 6, 1” bore, vertical float chamber B31/32 1946-54 Type 6, 1” bore, vertical float chamber M20 1939-54 Type 6, 1 1/16” bore, vertical float chamber M21 1939-54 Monobloc carburettor 15/16" bore A7 1955-62 Monobloc carburettor 1" bore A7SS, B31, M20 1955-62 Monobloc carburettor 1 1/16" bore A10 S’arm 1955-59 Monobloc carburettor 1 1/16" bore B32 1955-57 Monobloc carburettor 1 1/16" bore B33, M21, M33 1955-60 Monobloc carburettor 1 1/8" bore A10 1960-62 Monobloc carburettor 1 1/8" bore B34 1955-58 Monobloc carburettor 1 3/32" bore Monobloc carburettor 1 3/16" bore In all cases please state the model or jets and slide required when ordering a carburettor so that we can supply them with the correct fittings The chart below shows the settings for most BSAs from 1937 to 1963, it is only a guide as various sources differ in the settings quoted, we have tended to use those quoted by Amal. A standard needle jet is used on the type 6 models unless a size is given. The standard needle jet on the Monobloc is .106 and needle jets are not usually marked with the size. The needle position is the number of grooves counting from the top. A7 A7 A7 A7ST twin carb. A7ST A7ST/SS A7SS A10 A10 A10 Plun A10 S’arm A10 A10 Super Flash A10 Road Rocket 1946-53 1954 1955-62 1949-50 1951-53 1954 1955-62 1950-53 1954 1955-57 1955-59 1960-62 1953-54 1954-57 CARB. TYPE 276 276 376 275 276 276 376 276 276 276 376 389 10TT9 10TT9 B20 B21 B21 B22 B23 B23 B23 B24/5/6 B31/32 B31 B32 B33/34 B33 B34 1937-38 1937-38 1939 1937-38 1937 1938 1939 1937-39 1946-54 1955-60 1955-57 1949-54 1955-60 1955-58 74 74 75 75 74 75 75 76 276 376 376 289 376 389 25/32 25/32 7/8 7/8 25/32 7/8 7/8 1 1 1 1 1/16 1 1/8 1 1/16 1 1/8 80 80 120 120 80 110 130 160 150 260 260 200 260 240 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 3.5 4 4 3.5 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 C10 C10/L C10L C11 C11/G C11G C12 C12 1938-39 1946-54 1955-57 1939 1946-54 1955 1940 1956-58 74 274 375 74 274 375 276 375 25/32 25/32 25/32 25/32 25/32 25/32 1 25/32 80 90 120 80 80 140 150 140 5 4 3.5 4 4 3.5 4 3.5 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 M19 M20 M20 M20 M21 M21 M21 (inc 1961 AA) M21 AA M22 M23 M23 M24 M33 M33 1937-38 1937-39 1940-54 1955-59 1937-39 1946-54 1955-61 1946-60 1937-39 1937-38 1939 1938-39 1949-54 1955-60 76 76 276 376 76 276 376 276 76 89 89 10TT36 289 376 1 150 170 170 240 170 160 250 160 150 200 200 370 200 260 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 3 5 4 3.5 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 MODEL Y13 G14 Model YEARS 1938 1938 Years 76 76 Carb. Type 140 140 210 110 160 170 270 170 170 170 240 250 360 340 SLIDE CUTAWAY 3 4 3.5 4 4 4 3.5 4 4 4 3.5 3.5 6 6 NEEDLE POSITION 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 NEEDLE JET .107 .107 .106 .107 .107 .107 .106 .108 .107 .107 .106 .106 .109 .109 std .106 .106 std .106 .106 BORE MAIN JET 15/16 15/16 15/16 7/8 1 1 1 1 1/16 1 1/16 1 1/16 1 1/16 1 1/8 1 1/16 1 1/16 1 1 1 1/16 1 1/16 1 1/16 1 1/16 1 1/16 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 5/32 1 1/8 1 1/16 Bore 140 160 Main Jet 3 3 Slide Cutaway 3 1 Needle Position .105 .105 std .105 std .105 std .106 std .106 std PILOT JET 25 30 25 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 std .106 25 Needle Jet Pilot Jet Where the model is listed as '6' this means that the part is suitable for all type 6 carburettors. 39 CARBURETTOR, CONTINUED PART NO DESCRIPTION MODEL TYPE 6 CARBURETTOR 4/060 4/061/108 4/230 4/235 4/241 4/263 4/276 5/045 5/047 5/047 5/052/3 5/052/4 5/065 5/077 6/031 6/032 6/033 6/038 6/045 6/047 6/052/3 6/052/4 6/062 6/065 64/156B 13/129 14/015 14/021 14/024 14/026 14/030 14/032 14/035 14/035 14/036 14/042 14/043 14/173 14/208 14/209 14/210 14/289 14/301 14/304 16/010 29/041 29/047 29/048 29/055 29/057 29/062/3 29/062/35 29/062/4 29/075 29/076/105 29/076/105 29/076/106 29/076/107 29/077 29/078 Split pin, retaining cable to slide (it’s the little bits that make the difference) Needle jet, .108 Needle clip Cap retaining spring clip, for top with adjuster Screw for cap retaining spring clip Spring, throttle (includes some 76, see also 29/047) Cap retaining spring clip, for top without adjuster Air slide (choke) Air slide guide tube Guide tube for air slide Throttle slide, No. 3 cutaway Throttle slide, No. 4 cutaway Taper needle Cable adjuster lock nut (adjuster is 4/035) Top ring for mixing chamber Mixing chamber top Union nut, shallow, see also 6/062 M20/21 1940-54 & B31/32 1949-54 Bellmouth, chrome Air slide Guide tube for air slide Throttle slide No. 3 cutaway Throttle slide No. 4 cutaway Union nut, deep, see also 6/033 All models except those listed under 6/033 Needle Float chamber Pilot air screw Float, bottom feed chambers (see 14/304) Float chamber lid lock bolt Float needle, all large (1 7/8") bottom feed float chambers (see 14/304) Spigot for petrol pipe Float needle, all large (1 7/8") top feed float chambers except 2DX & 2EX Tickler spring Fuel banjo, single, threaded Fuel banjo, single inlet, threaded 1/4 BSP Union nut, holds banjo to base of float chamber Gland nut 1/4 B.S.P. for petrol taps, threaded banjos, ukuleles etc Fuel banjo, double inlet, 90 degree, not threaded Fuel banjo, double inlet, 180 degree, threaded 1/4 BSP Float chamber lid with fittings, bottom feed Tickler button Tickler bush Tickler split pin Tickler complete Float and needle assembly (replaces 14/015 and 14/024 Nut, locking idle screw 4/063 Top ring, retaining mixing chamber cap Spring, throttle slide (see also 4/263) Bellmouth, chrome, small Air valve (choke slide) Guide tube, air valve Throttle valve No. 3 cutaway Throttle valve No. 3 1/2 cutaway Throttle valve No. 4 cutaway Needle Needle jet, standard Needle jet, .105 Needle jet, .106, standard Needle jet, .107 Banjo bolt, float chamber to mixing chamber Mixing chamber union nut All Not 89/289 All Not 89/289 All 274/75/275/276 Not 89/289 5/75/275 75/275 75/275 75/275 75/275 75/275 All 76/276 76/276 76/276 76/276 76/276 76/276 76/276 76/276 76/276 76/276 1950 A7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Bottom feed 6 89/289 Most 76/289 89/289 89/289 89/289 89/289 89/289 89/289 89/289 89/289 89/289 89/289 89/289 89/289 89/289 39 CARBURETTOR, CONTINUED 29/201 29/301 64/353 229/300 RES170 Cap spring for carburettor. top with throttle cable adjuster Cap spring for carburettor top without throttle cable adjuster Drain screw for float chamber, large ¼” Bellmouth, chrome, large To bore out body and hard chrome plate the slide – see note at start of this section 89/289 89/289 1950-54 89/289 MONOBLOC CARBURETTOR Mono indicates all Monobloc. 5/047 Choke slide guide tube 375 244/765 'O' ring, flange to cylinder head 1 3/8” OD (either size used on 376) 375/376 244/1048 'O' ring, flange to cylinder head 1 ½” OD (either size used on 376) 376/389 343/011 Tickler body 375 375/064 Mixing chamber top, 2 adjuster type 375 375/065 Mixing chamber top ring 375 375/066 Bellmouth 375 375/099 Mixing chamber top, non adjuster type 375 375/107 Mixing chamber top, 1 adjuster type 375 376/001 Monobloc carburettor body 15/16" bore 376 376/002 Monobloc carburettor body 1" bore 376 376/003 Monobloc carburettor body 1 1/16" bore 376 376/055 Jet block 15/16" 376 376/056 Jet block 1" 376 376/057 Jet block l 1/16" 376 376/072/1065 Needle jet, .1065 All 376/073 Main jet holder All 376/075 Main jet cover nut All 376/075 Main jet cap nut All 376/077 Float cover All 376/086 Tickler button All 376/086 Tickler button Mono 376/088 Float needle seating Mono 376/089 Float needle, 'Viton' tipped! Ooooh er! Mono When using a 'Viton' tipped float needle, a fibre washer should be fitted under the float needle housing. 376/090 Fuel banjo, single inlet, threaded 1/4 BSP Mono 376/091 Bolt, fuel banjo Mono 376/093 Petrol filter Mono 376/094 Float spacer Mono 376/095 Pilot jet cover nut Mono 376/097 Fuel banjo, single push on type, metal Mono 376/099 Carburettor top for 2 mid-adjuster cables 376 376/100 Main jet (add size to part no. e.g. 376/100/120) Mono 376/108 Fuel banjo, 90deg double, threaded All 376/139 Fuel banjo, double push on type, 150 degree All 376/140 Extended jet holder for twin carbs All 389/066 Bellmouth, chrome 389 389/060/3 Throttle slide No. 3 cutaway 389 389/060/3.5 Throttle slide No. 3.5 cutaway 389 389/060/4 Throttle slide No. 4 cutaway 389 389/061 Throttle return spring 389 389/062 Air valve (choke slide) 389 389/063 Taper needle 389 389/064 Mixing chamber top, 2 adjuster type 389 389/065 Top cap retaining ring 389 389/099 Mixing chamber top, non adjuster type 389 389/107 Mixing chamber top, 1 adjuster type 389 RES169 To bore out body and hard chrome plate the slide – see note at start of this section CONCENTRIC CARBURETTOR 124/026/20 124/026/25 622/062 622/067 Pilot jet #20 Pilot jet #25 Choke slide Needle clip All All 600 All 39 CARBURETTOR, CONTINUED 622/076 622/077 622/078 622/122 622/124 622/129 622/134 622/197 Mixture screw Throttle stop screw Banjo bolt Needle jet, state size required Throttle needle, 4 stroke Choke spring Choke guide tube Float needle All All All All 600 All 600 All AIR FILTERS AND THE USUAL ETC. MT12/NC.11783 19-5593 42-4573 42-4585 42-4587 42-4574 42-4585 A68-376C 42-4568 42-4568 67-4588 Desert air filter Air filter element for pancake air filters Air filter rubber Air filter rubber hose Spring garter for air cleaner Screw, top of air filter to battery strap Air filter rubber Pancake airfilter, central fixing, screw on Air filter rubber Air filter rubber Spring garter for air filter hose WM20 A A A7/10 (ex SS) A A/B S/arm A (not A7SS) 376 carbies B33 B31 B 1960-62 1954 1955-58 1954-62 1955-58 1954-60 1956-60 1956-60 40 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT For Magdyno straps see section 5; for battery carriers see section 34; for magneto and dynamo sprockets see section 14. Lucas supplied the electrical equipment for all models except the C10L and most Bantams. Magdynos were used on the B and M groups apart from the 1958-60 B group, which were fitted with alternators; the C group used a dynamo and distributor until 1953 and then an alternator, while the A group used a separate magneto and dynamo. Lucas used a comprehensive numbering system that can be a bit unwieldy at first but it is worth getting to grips with. Each type of item (e.g. dynamo) that they produced had a model designation (e.g. E3LM), the 1936-57 Lucas catalogue lists 18 models of dynamos. The model designation can be decoded, for our example E=Eccentrically mounted armature; 3=3" diameter; L=Long body or yoke; M=Magneto mounted. For most models there are several variants, each of which has their own ordering number even though the difference might be only one part, this results in 72 different dynamos from those 18 models. The model designation and the ordering number are invariably stamped onto a major part of the component as well as the month and year of manufacture. Needless to say this information is very useful to restorers. The direction of rotation of a component is taken to be as viewed from the drive end. E3 in this list means all E3 dynamos’ i.e. E3HM, E3LM etc similarly E3L means E3L and E3LM and so on. The table below can be used to see if you have the correct item on your bike and is necessary as the applications in the listing below is mainly by the type of equipment fitted rather than by the BSA model. DYNAMO OR ALTERNATOR MODEL MAGNETO OR DISTRIBUTOR 1947-49 A group 1950-62 A group E3H E3L K2F K2F 1936-49 B and M group 1950-57 B and M group 1958-60 B31/3 1958-62 B32/4 and M20/21 E3HM E3LM RM15 E3LM MO1 MO1L 18D1 MO1L 1939-48 C10/11 1949-53 C10/11 1954-55 C11 1956-58 C12 E3H E3L RM13 RM13/15 DKX1A DKX1A MAGNETO AND DYNAMO REPAIRS We repair your old unit rather than exchanging it for a reconditioned item. A repair usually takes 2-3 weeks but does depend on the workload. The cost varies depending upon the parts required but the armature will almost always need replacing. We strip and clean the parts before they are blasted, painted or plated. The unit is then assembled with any new parts required and is fully tested. They are of course covered by our flexible guarantee. Please tell us whether you are using negative or positive earth, 6 or 12 volts and the machine details. IF POSTING WRAP WELL, AS THESE UNITS ARE HEAVY AND EASILY DAMAGED. 40A CHARGING SYSTEM PART No DESCRIPTION MODEL YEARS E3 DYNAMO PARTS (Many parts for other dynamos available) – See also the magneto section 10352-54 103,513 111,050 111,704 111,704A 123,063 188,614 188,818 189,210 189,307 200,079 200,188 200,224 200,227 200,229 200,231 200,262 200,269 200,290 Sprocket nut Screw securing dynamo plastic end cap Screw, clamping commutater end cover band Sprocket retaining screw Lockwasher for 111,704 dynamo gear retaining bolt Screw with square head, holds dynamo to magneto Oil seal Sleeve terminal for connecting wires to dynamo Bearing, dynamo, commutater end Bearing, drive end Spring for commutater brush (not E3L) Field coil Bearing retaining nut, drive end Through bolt with nut Terminal post for Bakelite end caps with nuts etc Bush, dynamo, commutater end Drive end bearing plate (outer part of end bracket) Commutater bearing end bracket Dynamo brushes (pair) A7/10 E3 E3 E3HM/E3LM/E3H E3HM/E3LM/E3H E3HM/E3LM E3H/E3L E3 E3L E3 E3M/H etc E3H/E3MD E3 E3H E3 E3H E3/E3L E3 E3H 1947-62 1936-57 1936-57 1936-58 1936-58 1936-58 1936-57 1949-58 1934-58 1936-48 1936-49 1936-58 1936-48 1936-57 1936-48 1936-57 1936-48 1936-49 40A CHARGING, CONTINUED 200,304 200,306 200,353 200,354 200,380 200,431 200,522 200,522A 200,569 200,609 200,609A 200,712 200,731 200,732 200,737 200,738 200,738 200,748 200,752 200,754 200,802 200,806A 200,826 200,829 200,829A 200,829 200,895 200,902 200,907 200,908 200,911 200,912 200,918 220,197 454,495 460,055 460,056 460,056S A18-91 T80 New armature New armature End bracket (bearing housing), drive end, complete Dynamo end cap, Bakelite (no fittings see 200,229) Dynamo cork between dynamo and crankcase Dynamo brush plate Cover band over commutater with cork and screw Cork sealing strip for commutater end cover Nut, holding dynamo to magneto (screw is 123,063) Cover band, commutater end with screw and cork Cork gasket for 200,609 cover band New armature Field coil Through bolt with nut Dynamo brushes (pair) Dynamo brush plate for use with band type cover Brush plate, for one piece end cover Drive end casing, triangular outer bit New armature New armature New armature Field coil screw (1 or 2 per) Dynamo end cap, Bakelite (no fittings see 200229) Kidney plate with screw, holds wires in end cap Rubber cable cover for plastic end caps Kidney plate with screw, for holding wires into plastic end cap Grommet for wires entering 200,902 cover Dynamo end cover, 1 piece type Dynamo drive end fairing (alloy cover) Fibre plate and screw, holds wires in brush plate Dynamo brush plate for 1 piece end cover Bearing housing, drive end One piece end cap Brush spring Dynamo driven gear, 22T Dynamo strap trunnion Strap to magneto Dynamo strap screw Spragging tool for slipping clutch Key for gear E3L/E3HM E3HM E3HM/E3LM E3H A group E3HM E3 E3 E3HM/E3LM E3L/E3H/E3LM E3L/E3H/E3LM E3L Parallel shaft E3L E3L E3L E3L E3L/E3LM/E3N E3L E3L Taper shaft E3LM E3N E3 E3L E3 E3 E3 etc E3L E3L E3LM E3L E3L E3LM A E3L E3HM/E3LM E3HM/E3LM E3HM/E3LM E3HM/E3LM Magdyno E3HM/E3LM 1949-58 1936-48 1936-57 1936-48 1947-62 1936-49 1936-48 1936-48 1936-58 1948-57 1948-57 1950-62 1949-62 1949-62 1950-62 1936-56 1957-62 1949-57 1950-62 1950-62 1936-62 1949-57 1936-57 1936-57 1958-62 1958-62 1958-62 1958-62 1957-62 1958 1958-62 1949-62 1936-62 1936-62 1936-62 1936-62 1936-62 1936-62 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGING PARTS Electronic regulators – These have become the standard replacement for the old mechanical variety. The ones we sell have proved themselves on our own bikes over thousands of miles and through all weathers. We have tried the cheap K-Tec ones but became fed up with replacing them, they are unreliable and we will not sell them. These electronic marvels are small enough to fit inside the old regulator and are therefore undetectable in use. The units come complete with comprehensive instructions but as the instructions point out a new regulator will not fix dodgy wiring or a duff dynamo! If converting to 12 volts the battery and bulbs will need to be replaced but the horn should be OK as long as it is not operated for extended periods! Due to the higher voltages involved the dynamo will not cut in as early as it will with 12 volts, typically it will not be charging at 30 m.p.h. in top gear, especially if the gearing has been raised. The answer is to ride a bit faster. 40A CHARGING, CONTINUED A28-92 A28-92A 37,221 37,228-6 37,228-12 390,387 15-7383 15-7383 15-7383 188,818 36,000 36,084 36,084 36,084 36,084 36,084 36,084 36,084 36,084 36,084 36,084 36,084A 523,986 29-2024 29-2024 29-2024 29-2031 29-2053 29-2053 29-2054 42-98 29-925 29-925 47,204 47,205 Electronic voltage regulator, 6/12-volt +ve earth. Electronic voltage regulator, 6/12-volt -ve earth. Mechanical regulator box, 12 volt, 8.5 amp, base mounting Mechanical regulator box, 6 volt, rubber side mounting Mechanical regulator box, 12 volt, rubber side mounting Wiring clamp kit with plate, Tufnell strip, screws and terminals Rubber mount for regulator (2 per) 2 Rubber washer, regulator box to mudguard 2 Rubber washer, regulator box to mudguard 2 Sleeve terminal for regulator box and dynamo connections 6 Ammeter, black face, very nice, 2" Ammeter, black face, genuine Lucas Ammeter, black face, genuine Lucas Ammeter, black face, genuine Lucas Ammeter, black face, genuine Lucas Ammeter, black face, genuine Lucas Ammeter, black face, genuine Lucas Ammeter, black face, genuine Lucas Ammeter, black face, genuine Lucas Ammeter, black face, genuine Lucas Ammeter, black face, genuine Lucas Ammeter, black face, ‘Made in England’ cheaper alternative to Lucas ‘O’ ring for ammeter Alternator securing nut, lockwasher Alternator securing nut, lockwasher Alternator securing nut, lockwasher Alternator spinner Alt securing nut, alternative to plain nut Alternator securing nut Lockwasher, use with 29-2053 Alternator securing stud Alternator rotor key Alternator rotor key Alternator stator, RM19, 2.85” bore, a rotor will also be required as the early alternators have a different bore size. Your old stator can be rewound part number RES120 Alternator stator, RM21, 2.85” bore, 12 volt version 1958-63 1958-63 1958-63 MCR2 A/M 1947-55 M/AA (not M39-22) 1939-55 B (not B39-std) 1939-52 All 1936-62 M/J12/W6/7/G14 1936-45 A 1947-62 B18 1936 B20/2 1938 B23 1937-38 B24 1937-39 B25/6 1938-39 B 1946-57 M 1939-63 C10 1951-53 C11G/12 1954-57 As above All 36,084 1 7/8” ammeters B31/3 1960-62 C10/11G/12 1954-58 M21 AA 1960-62 C10/11G/12 1954-58 B31/33 1960-62 C10/11G/12 1954-58 B31/33 1960-62 B 1958-60 C10/11G/12 1954-58 C10/11G/12 1954-58 All 6 volt 40A CHARGING, CONTINUED BATTERIES Where the original battery was a hard black rubber type PU7E there are 3 choices of replacement. 1. A new battery just like the original. The good point is that it is original but when you forget to keep it charged over the winter lay up it is expensive to replace. Ref PU7E 6 volt only. 2. A dummy battery box. This is the same as the real thing but without any lead plates or compartments so that a modern battery can be fitted inside. This is slightly cheaper than the first option even when the modern battery is included but is also a lot cheaper to replace the battery the next time. Ref PU7D for the dummy battery; 6N6-3B for the modern 6 volt battery; YB3L for a 12 volt battery. The 6 volt battery is 6 amp/hour, which is slightly lower than original and the 12 volt one is 3 amp hour. A larger 12 volt battery can be fitted by removing the rear of the dummy battery (usually not visible) ref 12N5.5-3B; this is 6 amp/hour. 3. A modern battery of the same size as the original black rubber one. This is the cheapest option but does not look very original. Ref B38-6A, this is a whacking great 14 amp/hour. Batteries are sent out ‘dry charged’ as the Post Office does not like battery acid leaking out of parcels, they can be filled with acid at any place that sells batteries for a nominal fee. RU7E Dummy 'T' shape battery B/C/M/G14 etc 1937-39 PU7E Battery, 6 Volt, black hard rubber, original type All 1940-59 PU7D Dummy battery box in rubber with lid looks just like the real thing All 1940-59 BAT 2 Battery to fit inside PU7D and RU7E All 1940-59 BAT 7 12V battery to fit inside PU7D All 1940-59 BAT 5 Battery, 12 Volt, suitable for use with A28-91/2, PU7E size All 1940-59 BAT 3 Battery, modern cheap alternative to PU7E All 1940-59 PU7E-LID Lid for PU7E All 1940-59 ML9E Battery, 6 Volt 122mm long, 62mm wide, 132mm high A 1961-62 BAT 4 12 Volt battery when fitted as original equipment 40B IGNITION SYSTEM See notes and application chart under dynamo above, also details on repairs. Many parts for other magnetos are available. K SERIES MAGNETO (FLANGE MOUNTED) - ALL A GROUP. The sports models had a manual advance/retard while the standard models used an automatic advance and retard unit and all were anti-clockwise drive. The drive end bearing was increased in size to 40mm, outside diameter in 1954, the oil seal changing at the same time. The pick-ups changed in 1950 although they are interchangeable and at the same time the sports models started to use different pick-ups from the other models. The cover over the contact breakers was initially an aluminium casting with a push button in the centre acting as a cut out and retained by 2 screws. In 1951 this changed to a plastic cover retained by a spring clip and with a lead to a cut out switch on the handlebars. The final change took place in 1959 when a cover that was threaded onto the end casting was introduced, still with the cut out wire and switch. The final alteration was to the contact breaker assembly, which was re-designed to be cheaper and is much easier to adjust. This assembly can be fitted to earlier magnetos, see below for details. All parts fit all K2F magnetos unless listed otherwise. 67-1882 Replacement gear & rivets for automatic advance and retard unit 67-540 Replacement gear wheel for manual advance and retard magneto 10568-54F Automatic advance & retard unit, reconditioned, as new, EXCHANGE 149,010/10 Armature shim to reduce end float .010” 149,010/5 Shim to reduce end float 122,160 Screw, fixing contact breaker carrier to armature 185,015 HT lead split copper washer 189,244 Bearing, magneto, drive end, 40mm O.D. 1954-62 189,291 Bearing, magneto, points end, 35mm O.D. 1947-62 189,291 Bearing, magneto, drive end, 35mm O.D. 1948-53 410,600 Acorn nuts for pickups etc (holds HT leads)(see 421554 & 185015) 451,260 Brush for magneto pickups 451,379 Bearing insulating washer for 189291 bearing, 35mm 452,906 Armature shim to increase end float .003" Competition 452,907 Armature shim to increase end float .010" Competition 454,496 Slip ring K1F 455,190 Earth brush, 5 mm diameter for 455,191 455,191 Earth brush holder, small, use brush 455,190 455,361 Slip ring, anti-clockwise magnetos only K2F 455,622 Pickup gasket N1/KN1/KNV/MO1/K1F 456,794 Pick up K1F/NR1 etc 458,268 Plunger for advance and retard cable 458,346 Gasket for pickup K2F not competition 458,355 Shim to increase end float, .003 458,356 Shim to increase end float, .005 458,367 Pick up, R/H A7/10 1947-50 458,368 Pick up, L/H A7/10 1947-50 458,370 Pick up spring clip 458,389 Cam ring, automatic advance K2F 458,613 End cover spring clip 458,619 Magneto contact breaker end cover with provision for cut-out lead 1951-58 458,658 Rubber boot, HT lead 458,675A Spark gap screw 458,725 Cam ring, manual 458,813 Triangular clip to stop end cap unscrewing 1959-62 458,865 Pickup for twins with brush, R/H A7/10 1951-62 458,866 Pickup for twins with brush, L/H A7/10 1951-62 458,876 Pickup Competition 459,002 Magneto oil seal 1955-63 459,005 Bearing insulating washer for 189244 bearing, 40mm 1954-62 459,031 Magneto oil seal 1948-55 459,130 Cam ring, automatic 459,190 Pick up, LH and RH A7SS/ST/10RR/SR 1951-62 459,199 Magneto end cap, 'Wader' screw on type (not as illustrated) 459,205 Screw on end cover (competition) K?FC 459,269 End cover, screw on with earth terminal 1959-62 463,932 Bearing insulating washer for 189,291 bearing 470,537 Magneto cut out brush in end cover 470,608 Contact set, clockwise 470,609 Contact set, anticlockwise 40B MAGNETO, CONTINUED 492,854 492,856 498,131 498,157 498,339 54,440,888 A62-92 A62-91 MAG 1 MAG 2 Contact breaker assembly, complete, anti-clockwise. Contact set is 54,440,888, which is included. This assembly will fit earlier magnetos but a different centre bolt will be required ref 492,856. Centre bolt for late type contact breaker 'C' washer under auto adv. extraction bolt Spring, auto advance (2 per) Washer under auto adv. extraction bolt Contact set anti-clockwise Magneto identification label with screws (in red) Competition Magneto identification label for anti-clockwise rotation, with screws Rewound armature and new condenser EXCHANGE K2F Rewound armature and new condenser EXCHANGE K2F 1961-62 1961-62 1961-62 1948-53 1954-62 M SERIES MAGNETO – ALL B AND M GROUP. For dynamo parts see section 40A. The points end bearing changed from 35 to 37 mm outside diameter in 1940 and the diameter of the earth brush was reduced in 1955 from 6 to 5 mm. These magnetos could have the pick up on the left or right and the advance and retard cable could also be on the left or right (all viewed from the drive end). If the advance and retard cable enters on the right, the ignition will be advanced when the cable is slack and vice-versa for a left hand cable. The pick up was always on the left but the advance and retard cable changed from the left to the right side in 1955. They are all described as anti-clockwise magnetos, which refers to the direction of rotation, again from the drive end. All parts fit all years of all MO series magnetos from 1936, unless stated otherwise. 110,730 Points carrier screw 149,010/10 Armature shim to reduce end float .010" 149,010/5 Armature shim to reduce end float .005" 173,974 Sprocket sleeve nut 185,015 HT lead split copper washer 189,289 Bearing, magneto, 13x30 mm MO Old 189,291 Bearing, magneto, points end, 35mm O.D. MO 1940-62 189,294 Bearing, magneto, points end, 37mm O.D. MO 1938-39 189,294 Bearing, magneto, drive end, 37mm O.D. 200,569 Nut dynamo to magneto 410,600 Acorn nuts for pickups etc (holds HT leads)(see 421554 & 185015) 451,260 Brush for magneto pickups 451,323 Earth brush, 6mm diameter for 460,380 1936-54 451,378 Bearing insulating washer for 189289 bearing, 30mm 451,379 Bearing insulating washer for 189291 bearing, 35mm 40B MAGNETO, CONTINUED 454,495 454,496 454,694 455,190 455,191 455,361 455,622 458,268 458,658 459,005 460,051 460,052 460,053 460,055 460,056 460,056S 460,061 460,380 461,435 463,066 463,075/10 463,075/3 463,075/5 463,109 463,112 463,113 463,117 463,334 463,334A 463,334B 463,334C 463,334D 463,867 463,898 463,899 463,932 463,989 464,092 484,098 A18-91 A62-91 A62-92 MAG 4 MAG 3 MAG 5 Gear for dynamo, 22T Slip ring MO1/MSL1 Screw, stepped, end cover fixing Earth brush, 5 mm diameter for 455,191 1955-58 Earth brush holder, small, use brush 455,190 1955-58 Slip ring MSHV some MN2/MNV Pick-up gasket MO, MN Plunger for advance and retard cable HT lead rubber boot MO, MN Bearing insulating washer for 189244 bearing, 40mm Contact breaker assembly Points screw lockwasher Drive end cover gasket Dynamo strap trunnion (2 per) Dynamo strap Dynamo strap screw (2 per) Points cover in steel Earth brush holder for 451,323 brush (6 mm) 1936-54 Fibre gear, 58 teeth, narrow <1936 HT pickup Armature shim to increase end float, .010" Armature shim to increase end float, .003" Armature shim to increase end float, .005" Fibre gear, 58 teeth, wide Slipping clutch friction disc Slipping clutch nut lockwasher Slipping clutch centre nut This is the Lucas number for their kit of 'sundry parts'. This was the only way to obtain the small fastenings. We supply these parts as individual items using a suffix letter for each one. Stepped stud for contact breaker plate Earth wire holder with grub screw Pick up retaining screw Drive end cover screw Dowel for magneto base to crankcase Points cover pillar and spring clip retainer for L/H advance/retard Points cover pillar and spring clip retainer for R/H advance/retard Bearing insulating washer for 189294 bearing, 37mm Drive end cover Nylon tappet, operates the contacts Contact set Tool for locking slipping drive Magneto identification label Magneto identification label, comp models (in red) Rewound armature and new condenser EXCHANGE MO1 Rewound armature and new condenser EXCHANGE MN Rewound armature and new condenser EXCHANGE MS1 40B MAGNETO, CONTINUED DISTRIBUTOR, SEE NOTES AND APPLICATION CHART UNDER DYNAMO ABOVE. 402,101 400,308 400,415 400,001 420,261 29-2151 421,554 185,015 410,600 424,151 54,410,823 425,219 A62-91 Distributor cap Condenser Contact set Contact breaker base plate Clip for distributor cap Drive gear for distributor HT lead rubber boot (see also 185015 & 410600) HT lead split copper washer Acorn nuts for pickups etc, screw in Distributor cap Condenser Contact set Identification label for anti-clockwise rotation C C C C C C C 1939-53 1939-53 1939-53 1939-53 1939-53 1939-53 1939-53 C C B31/33 B31/33 B31/33 1939-53 1939-53 1958-60 1958-60 1958-60 MISCELLANEOUS IGNITION PARTS 01003 407,050 420,196 420,302 410,600 421,554 185,015 410,600 CQB CYB323 45,124A 45,124B A5-90 A6 A7 B6HS B7ES B6ES B5ES CLNH Auto advance spring, Wipac C10L 1954-57 Contact set C11G 1954 Contact set C11G/C12 1955-58 Condenser C11G/12 1955-58 Acorn nuts for pickups etc, screw in HT lead rubber boot (see also 185015 & 410600) HT lead split copper washer Acorn nuts for pickups etc, screw in (holds HT leads)(see 421554 & 185015) HT lead, 'Hypalon' covered with a copper core. This cable is very flexible and especially suitable for high temperature locations. Price is per inch. HT lead spade end fitting to spark plug (when no cap used) HT coil, 6 Volt HT coil, 12 Volt Plug cap, black, unsuppressed 18mm spark plug Side valves 18mm spark plug OHV Spark plug – Cast iron cylinder head All iron head models Spark plug - Alloy cylinder head A Spark plug - Alloy cylinder head B Spark plug - Alloy cylinder head C10/C10L/M20/M21 Lodge spark plug, alloy heads C10L/M20/21 40C LIGHTING EQUIPMENT 40C LIGHTING, CONTINUED BULBS 170 171 312 168 169 414 472 6342 HB12 200 990 117 1566 988 293 205 384 482 481 384 380 287 293 112B 200 106B 504 Headlamp bulb 6 Volt, 36/36 Watt Alternative Pre 1949 Headlamp bulb 12 Volt, 36/36 Watt Headlamp bulb (Pre Focus) 6 Volt, 30/24 Watt 1951-63 Headlamp bulb 6 Volt, 24/24 Watt, N/A use 170 DU42/MU42 1936-48 Headlamp bulb 6 Volt, 30/30 Watt, N/A use 170 SSU700P 1949-50 Headlamp bulb, 12 Volt, 50/40 Watt Headlamp bulb, Halogen H4, 12 Volt, 60/55 Watt fits light unit 555,309A Headlamp bulb, Halogen H4, 6 Volt, 60/55 Watt. This bulb is bright but draws too much current to be used for long periods. Fits light unit 555,309A Headlamp bulb, 12 volt 60/55 Watt P45T base H4 Halogen Pilot bulb 6 Volt, 3 Watt DU42/MU42 1936-48 Pilot bulb, 6 Volt, 3 Watt MES (Miniature Edison Screw) Pilot bulb, 6V, 3W wedge fitting bulb Pilot bulb, useful for people who ride with lights on all the time, 6V 8W Pilot bulb, in headlamp 6 Volt, 3 Watt 1949-58 Pilot bulb, 6 Volt, 4 Watt Rear lamp bulb for original, not reproduction, lamps 6V 6W MT110, 480 1924-52 Rear lamp bulb for reproduction lamps 6 Volt, 21/5 Watt MT110 1924-49 Rear lamp bulb for reproduction 480 lamps with offset pin 480 1924-50 Rear lamp bulb for reproduction 480 lamps with parallel pins 480 1924-50 Rear lamp bulb 6 Volt, 21/5 Watt 525, 564 1953-54 Rear lamp bulb 12 Volt, 21/5 Watt As 384 Speedo bulb 6 Volt, 2 Watt Speedo bulb, 6 Volt, 4 Watt Speedo bulb, 12 Volt, 3 Watt 1938-58 Panel lamp bulb (for DC40) 6 Volt, 3 Watt DC40 1932-50 Instrument bulb 'pinched base', 6 Volt, 1.5 Watt Instrument bulb 'pinched base' 12 Volt, 3 Watt TAIL LAMPS are confusing, because unusually for Lucas components, not all models used the same item in a particular year. Also from 1951 to 1954 it may be noted that more than one tail lamp is listed for each model. This is because alternative lamps were offered, with and without a stoplight. The MT110, MT211 and 480 tail lamps did not originally have a stop lamp incorporated, but ours do, so it is down to personal choice. The 480 type uses a special stop/tail bulb that is not readily available and as far as we are aware we are the only retailer (or wholesaler for that matter) that has bothered to find any. The original lamp fitted to the WM20 is not road legal in the UK; the best alternative is the MT110. TAIL LAMPS - APPLICATION - For available parts see below A 1937-38 1939 1940-45 1946-48 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953-54 1955-62 MT211 MT211 MT211 480 or 477/1 480 or 477/1 480 or 525 564 MT110 MT110 B24/25 B33/34 MT210 MT210 MT110 MT210 MT110 MT210 MT211 MT211 MT211 480 or 477/1 525 525 564 MT211 MT211 MT211 480 or 477/1 477/1 525 564 MT211 MT211 MT211 480 480 or 525 525 564 S0088 MT211 MT211 MT211 480 480 or 525 525 564 B23 B31/32 C10/11/12 C10L M23 M19/20 M22/24 MT110 MT110 525,290 MT110 MT110 MT211 480 or 477/1 477/1 525 564 M21/33 MT110 MT110 MT110 MT211 MT211 480 or 477/1 477/1 525 564 TAIL LAMPS - AVAILABLE PARTS – FOR BULBS SEE ABOVE 477/1 480 525 525L 529 564 525,290 573,839 575,208 575,219 MT110 MT210 MT211 S0088 Tail lamp assembly, use 384 or 380 bulb Tail lamp assembly, with 6 Volt bulb (12 Volt not available) Tail lamp assembly, use 384 or 380 bulb Lens for 525 tail lamp Tail lamp this is the official Lucas replacement for the MT110 and 480 types when a brake light is required. Tail lamp assembly, 564 type, use 384 or 380 bulb Lens case, convoy lamp, genuine Lens for 564 tail light Gasket for 564 tail light Screw securing 564 tail lenses to body Tail lamp assembly, use 384 or 380 bulb Tail lamp assembly (use 480) Tail lamp assembly (use 480, which most dealers sell as MT211 anyway) Wipac tail lamp HEADLAMPS. 8" diameter headlamps were used up to the war when they were changed to a more economical 6" (with blackout masks it did not really matter what was under the hood). 7" units were introduced after the war as supplies became available. All headlamps up to 1949 have a main bulb holder that is adjustable so that the bulb may be focused, after this date the 'British Pre-Focus' or BPF bulb was introduced. The earlier bulb we refer to as the 'pre-pre-focus'! The sizes of headlamp listed below are those given by Lucas and are as measured across the opening in the shell, the 7 1/2" one is more commonly known as 8". 40C LIGHTING, CONTINUED If you have a pre 1949 headlamp it is important to identify whether your headlamp is for a flat or dome glass as the shell, glass, rim and catches are not interchangeable Lucas headlamp model codes explained! Prefixes M = dome glass with cast clip; D=flat glass and sheet metal clip; U = instrument panel. 42 = 6”, 142 = 7 ½” (8”), 575 = 5 ¾”, 700 = 7”. There are exceptions! Shells, rims, clips, glasses and rims are not interchangeable. The model will usually be found stamped into the shell, near the rim at the bottom. DESCRIPTION OF HEADLAMPS - For available parts see below D142F DU142 MCF700P MCH52 MU42 MU142 SS700P SSU700P SSU700P/1 7 1/2" aperture, separate reflector and lenses 7 1/2" aperture, separate reflector and lenses, switch panel 7" aperture, flush fitting i.e. no shell, pilot 7" aperture, light switch in hemispherical shell 6" aperture, separate reflector and lenses, switch panel 7 1/2" aperture, separate reflector and lenses, switch panel 7" aperture, no switch panel, pilot 7" aperture, switch panel containing ammeter and switch, pilot 7" aperture, switch panel, under-slung pilot HEADLAMPS - APPLICATION - For available parts see below A 1937-38 1939 1940-45 1946-47 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956-57 1958-62 MU142 MU142 SSU700P SSU700P SSU700P SSU700P/1 SS700P/1 SS700P/1 SS700P SS700P MCF700P B31/2/4 MU42 MU42 MU42 SSU700P SSU700P SSU700P/1 SS700P/1 SS700P/1 SS700P SS700P MCF700P B33 MU42 MU42 MU142 SSU700P SSU700P SSU700P/1 SS700P/1 SS700P/1 SS700P SSU700P MCF700P C10/11 C12/11G M19/20/22/23 D142F DU42 D142F DU142 MU42 MU42 MU42 MU142 MU42 MU142 MU42 SSU700P MU42 SSU700P MU42 SSU700P/1 SS700P/1 MCH52 SS700P/1 MCH52 SS700P MCH52 SS700P MCH52 M21 D142F D142F MU42 MU142 SSU700P SSU700P SSU700P SSU700P/1 SS700P/1 SS700P/1 SS700P SS700P SSU700P M24 D142F DU142 M33 MU42 SSU700P SSU700P SSU700P SSU700P/1 SS700P/1 SS700P/1 SS700P SS700P HEADLAMPS - AVAILABLE PARTS – FOR BULBS SEE ABOVE D142F DU142 MU42 MU42 SS700P SSU700P SSUP700P/1 144,921 186,130 186,130N 186,906 186,907 397,092 504,665 507,577 507,586 507,586A 509,191 509,484 509,936 515,147 515,172 515,191 516,144 516,386 516,524 Headlamp complete, excellent replica uses modern bulbs See application chart above Headlamp complete, excellent replica uses modern bulbs See application chart above Headlamp complete See application chart above Headlamp complete See application chart above Headlamp assembly, plain, inside cowpats etc See application chart above 1954-62 Headlamp, 7", complete with panel, ammeter, switch and bulb holders etc. Made in India so looks good but some of the details leave a little to be See application chart above desired (like the mounting holes may be out of line). Headlamp assembly with under-slung pilot See application chart above Rim securing plate, screw SS, MCH52, MCF700 1948-72 Switch panel screw to headlamp shell See above, all panels Switch panel screw nut See above, all panels Badge, Lucas 'King of the Road 5/8" diameter M42 Badge, Lucas 'King of the Road' 7/8" diameter SS700P Badge, Lucas 'King of the Road' 1 1/8" diameter MCH58, MCH61 'W' Clip, holding headlamp unit to rim SS, MCH52, MCF700 1948-72 Rim, for dome glass, chrome MU142 Glass and reflector, domed, 8" with later BPF bulb fittings MU142, M142 Dome headlamp glass, 8” MU142, M142 Wire clip for 509,936 below MU142, M142 Headlamp rim for 6 1/2" domed glass MU42, M42 Clip securing rim to shell, cast alloy, see 509,191 above MU142, M142 Rim retaining clip, flat glass D Rim for flat 8" glass DU142, D142 Bulb holder, main and pilot Some D142F, DU42, DU142, DU142F, SSU700P Headlamp glass and reflector, 6 1/2", flat and frosty (Uses BPF fittings) D42, DU42 Lens for under-slung pilot lamp SSU700P/1 Headlamp instrument panel ammeter & switch not MU42 40C LIGHTING, CONTINUED 517,003 534,296 550,875 551,674 551,912 553,147 553,248 554,602 555,309 555,309A 556,402 54,957,702 H52 0590-46 Shell, plain, steel, 7" Rim securing plate & screw holding headlamp rim to shell Glass, domed Headlamp glass, 8” flat, fluted Reflector, use 507,586 Glass & reflector, domed, uses BPF bulb holders not supplied Rim 7" Bulb holder, headlamp main - 'British pre focus' Glass and reflector 7" with pilot, BPF type Glass and reflector 7" with pilot with 12 volt H4 halogen bulb and holders Adaptor ring cowl to headlamp rim Pilot bulb holder with bulb (not 1952-54) Headlamp rim – bare brass, as they were usually painted Mounting bolt and washer, chrome SS700P SS, MCH52, MCF700 M42 D142, DU142 M142 M42, MU42 SS, MCH52, MCF700 SS, MCH52, MCF700 SS, MCH52, MCF700 SS, MCH52, MCF700 A7/SS/10/B31/3 SS, MCH52, MCF700 1948-72 1948-72 1951-72 1948-72 1948-72 1958-62 1948-72 1929-32 All MISCELLANEOUS AND OTHER MODELS 56,023 56,023 56,023 A50-91 57,048 67-9067 67-9069 Tank panel trouble light DC40, working version Tank panel trouble light DC40, working version Tank panel trouble light DC40, working version Bulb holder for chronometric speedometer Rear reflector with rubber backing Rear reflector, chrome surround Rear reflector, chrome surround M19/20/1/2/3/G14 J12/W6/7/M10 M24 1937-39 1936 1938 A/B/C/M 1953-54 1954 1955 40D SWITCHES, WIRING AND HORNS For HT lead see under ignition. 40D SWITCHES, CONTINUED Switches Grouped by model type, with alternative switches and odd parts such as keys etc. at the end of the section. All switches are for 7/8" handlebars but the 31,482 dip switch can be filed to suit 1" handlebars. A GROUP 76,204 31,340 31,784 76,206 31,405 31,220 31,563A 19-112 31,281 54,033,234 34,257 315,543 42-9129 Magneto cut out switch Light switch in headlamp panel – see 308,234 & 144,921 below Light switch, 41SA – see 351,803 below Horn push, screws to back of lever. Use 76,204, see below Dip switch, screws to back of lever Dip switch, use 31,278, see below Dip/horn switch, screws to a bracket, see also 31,563B below Dip/horn ‘Ducon’ switch, superior version with wires Brake light switch Brake light switch Brake light switch Brake light switch spring, 3 3/4" long Brake light switch spring A A A7/10 A A7 A A A A Rig/Plun A S/arm A S/arm A Rig/Plun A S/arm 1947-62 1947-58 1959-62 1947-55 1947-49 1950-55 1956-59 1960-62 1951-57 1954-59 1960-62 1951-55 1954-59 B B32/4 B31/3 B B20/22 B21/23/24/25/26 B B B31/33 B32/34 B Rig/Plun B S/arm B S/arm B B Rig/Plun B B S/arm 1936-58 1959-60 1958-60 1946-55 1937-38 1937-39 1946-49 1950-55 1956-60 1956-57 1951-57 1954-59 1960 1951-52 1953-57 1958-59 1954-59 C10/11 C11G/12 C C10 C11 C10/11/12 C10/11 C11G/12 C10/11/11G C12 1939-53 1954-58 1939-58 1945-49 1945-49 1950-58 1951-53 1954-58 1951-55 1954-58 M M20/21 M M M20 M21/33 M21/33 M M M M M 1936-58 1959-62 1939-55 1936-39 1945-49 1945-48 1949 1950-55 19561951-63 1951-57 1958-63 B GROUP 31,340 31,784 31,443 76,206 31,482 31,482 31,405 31,220 31,563A 31,563A 31,281 54,033,234 34,257 315,726 315,543 317,577 42-9129 Light switch in headlamp panel – see 308,234 & 144,921 below Light switch, 41SA – see 351,803 below PRS8 combined ignition and lighting switch – see 318,346 & 318,341 below Horn push, screws to back of lever. Use 76,204, see below Dip switch, oval and black Dip switch, oval and black Dip switch, screws to back of lever Dip switch, use 31,278, see below Dip/horn switch, screws to a bracket, see 31,563B below Dip/horn switch, screws to a bracket, see 31,563B below Brake light switch Brake light switch Brake light switch Brake light switch spring, 7 ¼” long Brake light switch spring, 3 3/4" long Brake light switch spring, 3" Brake light switch spring C GROUP 34,080 31,443 76,207 31,405 31,482 31,549 31,281 54,033,234 315,543 29-9426 PLC5 combined lighting and ignition switch – see 344,715 below PRS8 combined ignition and lighting switch – see 318,346& 318,341 below Horn push, screws into handlebars, HP26 Dip switch, screws to back of lever Dip switch, oval and black Dip switch, oval and black Brake light switch Brake light switch Brake light switch spring, 3 3/4" long Brake light switch spring M GROUP 31,340 31,784 76,206 31,405 31,549 31,549 31,405 31,220 31,563A 31,281 315,543 317,577 Light switch in headlamp panel – see 308,234 & 144,921 below Light switch, 41SA – see 351,803 below Horn push, screws to back of lever. Use 76,204, see below Dip switch, screws to back of lever Dip switch, oval and black Dip switch, oval and black Dip switch, screws to back of lever Dip switch, use 31,278, see below Dip/horn switch, screws to a bracket, see 31,563B below Brake light switch Brake light switch spring, 3 3/4" long Brake light switch spring, 3" 40D SWITCHES, CONTINUED ALTERNATIVES AND ODD PARTS 31,278 76,213 31,563B 76,204 318,341 144,921 308,234 318,346 344,715 351,803 380,459 A8-90 A8-91 A13-90 A14-90 A15-90 A15-91 Dip switch, very nicely made replica, wires to be soldered on, clamp to ‘bars Horn push for 1" handlebars, design as 76,204 Dip/horn switch, as 31,563A but clamp on Horn button alternative to 76,206, clamp on, not suitable for screw on Ignition key for PRS8 switch Switch knob retaining screw for 31,340 switches Clip for holding 31,340 switch in place Knob for PRS8 switch Ignition key for PLC5 switch Escutcheon plate, fits under 31,784 light switch Rubber pad to fit under 31,563 Brake light switch, Wipac clamp on universal type Stop lamp switch, Miller type box with flat bottom Pattern horn switch (not original type) Pattern dip switch (not original type) Pattern dip and horn switch (not original type) Pattern dip and horn switch (not original type)(Made in Germany) HORNS HF1441 HF1441 8H 701,686 700,168 Altette horn good replica with cast body and chrome rim, expensive but All 1937-57 good, all models except those listed below Altette horn all black finish and screws instead of dome nuts. C12 1956-57; B33 1946-50; A7 1953-57; M33 1948-50; A10 1953-54 & 1956-57. Use HF1234 and black paint! Horn, boring round thing A7/10/B31/33 1958-62 Horn, boring round thing A10SR 1960-62 Horn, silver finish, small A Late 62 Horn bracket, 90 degree base, ‘Y’ shaped for Altette As HF1234 above Horn bracket, flat ‘Y’ shaped for Altette As HF1235 above & M20 Plun 54,680,686 A2-90 A2-91 A2-98 A2-99 Horn bracket, triangular 3" x 1 3/4" Horn, 6V black and chrome (not a copy of anything!) Horn, 12V black and chrome (not a copy of anything!) Small cheap horn, will fit inside Altette! 6 Volt Small cheap horn, will fit inside Altette! 12 Volt HF1234 HF1235 WIRING LOOMS do not include dip and horn switch sub looms but most of them are cloth covered. 1443 1571 1002 1423 1301 1020 1071-50 1423 1450 1021 1433 1446 1447 1596 Wiring loom, dip switch to headlamp Wiring loom Wiring loom Wiring loom Wiring loom Wiring loom, alternator Wiring loom, panel tank Wiring loom Wiring loom Wiring loom, alternator (tail light loom is not included) Wiring loom, Wipac Wiring loom Wiring loom Wiring loom 6140-33 6144-33 66-9049 CWB 300 CWB 301 Cable clip for 7/8" frame tube Cable tie, aluminium, 8" long Cable ties, black rubber 2 way connector tube, original black rubber type 4 way connector tube, all common, original black rubber type All A Plun/Rig A S’arm B Plun/Rig B S’arm B M M (not WD) M M C10L C10/11 C11G C12 1947-57 1954-62 1937-55 1954-57 1958-60 1937-39 1946-55 1940-45 1956-62 1956-57 1939-53 1954-55 1956-58 CWB 303 CWB 304 CWB 305 CWB 322 SCT CSB1 CSB2 6 way connector tube, all common, original black rubber type 5 off 2 ways in one connector block, original black rubber type 8 way connector tube, all common, original black rubber type Bullet, solder or crimp on Crimping tool for CWB 322 bullets Electrical cable, 8 amp for general wiring, most colours-please state, per metre Electrical cable, 17 amp for battery, ammeter, dynamo and control box wiring. Available in black, red, green, yellow and brown with white please state, per metre 41 TRANSFERS AND MISCELLANEOUS Colour codes:- W=White, U=Blue, B=Black, R=Red, G=Gold, S=Silver, C=Cream, Y=Yellow, N=Green, t=Tan, M=Maroon Type:- 'W' = Waterslide, 'S' = Spirit fix, 'V' = Varnish fix 'R' = Sticker or rub down, like 'Lettraset'. Instructions are supplied with transfers. Sizes are given in millimetres to save space! 41 TRANSFERS, CONTINUED DESCRIPTION 'BSA' 'BSA' 'BSA' rounded ends 'BSA' oval 'BSA' oval 'Empire star' 'BSA' round 'BSA' oval Winged B, as tank badge Winged B, as tank badge Winged B, as tank badge Winged B, as tank badge Winged B, as tank badge 350 Gold Star 500 Gold Star 'Star Twin' star 'Road Rocket' 'Super Rocket' Trade Mark Garter, 'BSA Cycles Ltd' Trade Mark Garter ‘BSA Motorcycles Ltd’ Trade Mark Garter ‘Motorcycles’ 'Maximum oil level' 'Minimum oil level' 'Oil in this tank must not fall below this line' and 'Drain tank and fill with new oil every 1000 miles' ‘Oil level’ (use A114 and scissors!) Piled arms, no cc Piled arms,'500cc TWIN' Piled arms,'600' Piled arms,'650cc TWIN' Piled arms,'650 TWIN' Beige machines 'Golden Flash' (not original) Piled arms 250cc Piled arms 350cc Piled arms 500 Piled arms 650 DRAGANFLY 'T' shirt DRAGANFLY 'T' shirt DRAGANFLY 'T' shirt * Can also be applied to the headstock YEARS 1914-29 1927-33 Slopers etc 1932-38 1933-39 G14/Y13 1935-38 1936-38 1939-40 1940-45 M20 1946 on 1946 on 1946 on 1946 on 1946 on 1949 on 1949 on 1949-50 A7ST 1956 1958-63 <1953 1953> 1954-62 S/arm COLOUR R/B R letters/C R/G/B R/G/C R/G/B 6 colours T/M/B R/B/C U B R G W G/S/R G/S/R G/R/B/S G/R/Y/B G/R/U/B G/R R/B/G/Y R/B/G/Y G G G 1954-62 S/arm G All <1954 G 1954> A7 G 1954> M21 G 1954> A10 G 1954> A10 B 1950-57 G/B 1954> C G 1954> B31/32 G 1954> G 1954> A10 G blue shirt, yellow/white logo blue shirt, yellow/white logo blue shirt, yellow/white logo LOCATION Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Petrol tank Toolbox * Toolbox * Oil tank Oil tank Oil tank SIZE TYPE 98 x 22 133x57 W 120x38 W 89x39 93 x 39 W 110 W 80 dia W 89x39 W 85 x 28 W 85 x 28 W 85 x 28 W 85 x 28 W 85 x 28 W 95 dia W 95 dia W 95dia W 190 x 57 W 115 x 63 W 60 x 30 R 40 x 60 R 40 x 60 R 80 x 8 W 80 x 8 W PART NO A236 A239 A226 A238 A220 A228 A227 A238 A229 A230 A231 A232 A233 A240 A240 67-8050 A208 A234 A219 A200 A200 A114-90 A115-90 Oil tank 65 x 17 W A116-90 W W W W W W R R R R A209 A210 A216 A217 A218 A235 A203 A204 A205 A206 A42-91 A43-91 A12-90 Oil tank Rear no plate 22 x 57 Rear no plate 20 x 85 Rear no plate 20 x 85 Rear no plate 20 x 85 Rear no plate 20 x 85 Rear m/guard 170 x 53 Rear no plate 20x70 Rear no plate 20x70 Rear no plate 20x70 Rear no plate 20x70 Small 36" Medium 42" Large 44" Tea mug – BSA Made in England logo, can also be used for coffee Tea mug – BSA Piled Arms logo Tea mug – BSA Star logo Key fob, Ariel, enamel and leather Key fob, leather and enamel BSA piled arms Key fob, leather and enamel BSA star Lapel badge, Ariel, round enamel as plastic tank badges Lapel badge, early Ariel triangular 'A' logo, light blue/gold Lapel badge, Ariel logo of horse head and horse shoe Lapel badge, Ariel, oval enamel shaded lettering Lapel badge, BSA piled arms, chrome, yellow and black large round Lapel badge, BSA crossed guns, green Lapel badge, BSA red star, star outline Lapel badge, BSA red/white star, round outline Lapel badge, BSA red star on rectangular outline Lapel badge, BSA 1948 winged BSA logo Lapel badge, BSA Bantam, green Lapel badge, BSA Plunger, blue Ariel sew on cloth badge, circular tank badge type A71-96 A71-97 A71-98 A1-90 A1-96 A1-97 A7-90 A9-90 A7-91 A7-93 A7-10A A7-8E A7-12 A7-11 A7-9 A7-13 A7-14H A7-14L A47-91 41 TRANSFERS, CONTINUED Bar end mirror, black finish Bar end mirror, chrome finish Bar end mirror high quality with convex mirror (A22-90 has flat glass) White number plate letters, front, 1 3/4" high White number plate letters, rear, 2 1/2" high Metal tax disc holder, stainless back with chrome rim Solvol Autosol (famous abrasive metal polish for aluminium) Duck oil 400ML A21-90 A22-90 A22-96 A20-90 A19-90 A6-90 A61-91 A39-90 POSTCARDS - High quality reproductions of period catalogues and advertisements, they make attractive gifts and look good in clip frames or they could even be used to send messages through the post. We offer a discount on purchases of 10 or more, part number BBDISC. 1930 Olympia show advertisement featuring John Bull Tyres, Ariel Sloper and Triumph single etc. BB 667 AJS 1953 18MS Advert from The Motor Cycle BB679 Ariel 1949 KH - Cover of brochure featuring the 'Twins'. BB 658 Ariel 1949 MKI on the docks at Liverpool, very nice advert BB680 Ariel 1951 KH - Advertisement showing KH in front of the 'Dome of Discovery' BB 660 BSA 1934 - Cover picture from the Motor Cycling Annual with a BSA in front of timber framed inn BB 662 BSA 1939 Gold Star - Advertisement from the November 1938 Motor Cycle BB 666 BSA D1 Bantam advertisement with a sporting couple BB 665 BSA D1 and D3 Bantams on a beach somewhere (not England) BB 664 BSA 1950 A10 Golden Flash BB684 BSA 1955 A10 and Bantam - Advertisement from the November 1954 Motor Cycling. BB 650 Matchless 1952 G80CS Genie rising from the factory with bike! BB682 Matchless 1954 flying G80CS - Advertisement from the November 1953 Motor Cycling BB 663 Norton early post war ES2 in Scotland BB685 Norton 1953 Dominator - Advertisement from the November 1952 Motor Cycle. BB 651 Norton 1954 Dominator catalogue cover BB681 Raleigh 1925 leaping a gate with a waving flapper! BB675 Royal Enfield pre-war 500 Bullet BB 656 Royal Enfield 1953 Meteor 700 fast as a meteor space theme BB678 Royal Enfield 700 Meteor (looks like 'Smilin' Sid' in the rain again) BB 657 Royal Enfield 250 Crusader with a Mediterranean backdrop in watercolour (the artists middle period) BB 661 Sunbeam S7 - Advertisement BB 652 Swallow sidecar with aluminium body hiding a vintage 'bike, modern photograph taken in a museum. BB 676 Disappointing really, in fact we write messages on them to use them up. Triumph - Advertisement from the Edwardian period, very nice BB 653 Triumph pre-war T100 with a gent in plus-fours on a quayside, very nice BB 672 Triumph 1951-53 Thunderbird with cheesy chap riding BB683 Triumph 1953 Thunderbird - Brochure cover BB 671 Triumph 1960 'Bathtub' twin on a beach somewhere in America, definitely not in England BB 669 Triumph 1962 'Bathtub' twin on a newly opened motorway bridge BB 670 Triumph 1966? 650 outside cafe BB686 Velocette 1938 KTS350 and KTT models. Amusing & clever BB677 Set of 6 humorous postcards by that well known wit, Nick Ward - excellent BB100 Another set of 6 humorous postcards by Nick Ward – most amusing BB101 The following are Dick Lewis' well known postcards showing a 3/4 view in colour Postcard 1919 BSA 3 1/2 h.p. Model D Postcard 1935 BSA 9.86 h.p. Model G14 v-twin Postcard 1937 BSA M23 Empire Star Postcard 1947 BSA A7 500cc twin Postcard 1956 BSA A10 Golden Flash Postcard 1956 BSA M21 Postcard 1956 BSA B31 – No longer available Postcard 1957 BSA D1 Bantam Postcard 1959 BSA C15 Postcard 1965 BSA A65 Lightning Postcard 1972 BSA A75 Rocket 3 Postcard 1962 BSA A10 Rocket Gold Star BBL1 BBL2 BBL3 BBL4 BBL5 BBL6 BBL7 BBL8 BBL9 BBL10 BBL11 BBL12 41 TRANSFERS, CONTINUED ENAMEL SIGNS – Not to be confused with inferior screen-printed aluminium things, these are the real McCoy. Made from thick, heavy gauge steel (the BSA piled arms one weighs almost 5lbs (2kg) and it’s not the biggest)! The design has been applied using the original vitreous enamelling process, where coloured glass is melted onto the surface in a furnace. The originals now fetch astronomic prices. Some even have the design embossed into the surface, for instance the ‘Shell’ one is not only in the shape of a shell but is ribbed like one as well! They are not small or cheap but you will not be disappointed, check out the dimensions given in inches. These are masterpieces that should last a lifetime and are ideal for decorating the workshop or house wall. Visit our web site at www.draganfly.co.uk for colour pictures. Portrait means rectangular with long side vertical; landscape means rectangular with the long side horizontal. Dimensions in inches. ES01 Ariel horse and horseshoe on red, black, blue, gold, portrait 14 x 19 ES02 BSA piled arms & garter, green, yellow, red, cream and black, oval portrait 19 x 15 ES03 ‘BSA’ in white lettering on green background, red border, landscape 16 x 10 ES04 ‘BSA The Most Popular Motorcycle in the World’ red, gold, blue landscape 19 x 14 ES05 ‘Norton’ logo in black on light grey background, red border, landscape 16 x 10 ES06 ‘Rudge-Whitworth Coventry’ in white with red hand & white wheel logo, round 20 ES07 ‘Triumph’ logo in red ‘The best motorcycle in the world’ in black, on cream background landscape 20 x 10 ES08 ‘The Vincent’ logo and Stevenage address in white on black, landscape 23 x 10 ES09 ‘BP’ in yellow on green background, familiar shield shape 18 x 19 ES10 ‘Esso’ logo in red, white background blue border, oval 14 x 8 ½ ES11 ‘Moboloil vacuum oil company’ in blue, white background, flying horse in red, shield 18 x 19 ES12 ‘Shell’ in yellow, red & black shell shaped not just outline but in 3 dimensions, amazing 19 x 18 The following are smaller and cheaper, being vitreous enamel with screen printed designs ES25 Ariel Horse and rider, portrait 6x4 ES26 BSA oval, white on red 6x4 ES27 Triumph oval, black on grey 6x4 ES28 ‘Triumph Best motorcycle’ (debatable) red/black on cream 6x4 ES29 Castrol, red, white and green 4 dia 42 STANDARD NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS ETC. 'Cycle threads' are to standards laid down by the Cycle Engineers Institute (CEI), which is usually 26 threads per inch (TPI) for all sizes. Some manufacturers, like Ariel, used 20 TPI for 1/2" threads and above, whilst BSA usually stuck to 26 TPI they did use 20 TPI from 7/16 upwards in some locations. This thread range is sometimes referred to as 'Whitworth fine' as the form is the same and they both use Whitworth spanners. The other popular fine thread, which also uses Whitworth spanners, is BSF or British Standard Fine which is not as fine as cycle except for 1/4" when it is the same. During the 60's Triumph and BSA began to use UNF (Unified Fine) and UNC (Unified Coarse). These are the fastenings that use Imperial AF spanners, AF by the way stands for Across Flats so metric spanners are also AF. All cycle nuts supplied by us are 'machine nuts' instead of being forged. This method both produces a more original item as well as a stronger one. We offer a discount of 10% on purchases of 50, or 20% for a purchase of 100 or more of one type of nut or washer. PART NO DESCRIPTION SIZE NUTS (half nuts are reduced thickness) 82-9173 186,130N 2-47 S1-1 16/010 S1-2 5723-31 S2-2 1-6032 10/3 5187-37 14-1901 S21-2 S1A-3 S1-3 Standard nut Standard nut Standard nut Standard nut Standard nut Standard nut Standard nut Half nut Reduced hex Very reduced hex Dome nut Nyloc Union nut for 5/16 pipe Standard nut Standard nut 2BA 3BA 2BA 3/16 x 32 1BA 1/4 x 26 1/4 Whit 1/4 x 26 1/4 x 26 1/4 x 26 1/4 x 26 1/4 UNF 1/4 BSP 5/16 BSF 5/16 x 26 42-4475 S2-3 2157-30 67-3034 5187-50 210-53 S1A-4 S1-4 940-38 67-75 42-4476 S2-4 S1-5 2-1925 2-440 27-8059 S2-5 4655-32 Nyloc nut Half nut Reduced hex Reduced hex, thick Dome nut Acorn nut Standard nut Standard nut Dome nut Reduced hex Nyloc nut Half nut Standard nut Standard nut Reduced hex Half nut Half nut Half nut, chrome 5/16 x 26 5/16 x 26 5/16 x 26 5/16 x 26 5/16 x 26 5/16 x 26 3/8 BSF 3/8 x 26 3/8 x 26 3/8 x 26 3/8 x 26 3/8 x 26 7/16 x 26 7/16 x 20 7/16 x 20 7/16 x 20 7/16 x 26 7/16 x 26 15-152 12689-54 S1-6 S2-6 4655-26 10558-54 65-3391 24-4255 S2-7L Reduced hex, thick Standard nut Standard nut Half nut Reduced hex, thin, chrome Reduced hex, half nut Thin nut Standard nut, very thin 1/2 nut, LH thread 7/16 x 20 7/16 BSF 1/2 x 20 1/2 x 20 1/2 x 20 1/2 x 20 1/2 x 26 9/16 x 20 9/16 X 20 WASHERS (Thackery washers are double coil spring washers) S19-1 Plain washer 29-3319 Shake proof washer, external S19-2 Plain washer S5-2 Shake proof washer 2-1462 Spring washer S19-3 Plain washer S5-3 Shake proof washer 24-8784 Spring washer S6-3 Thackery washer S19-4 Plain washer S5-4 Shake proof washer 2-522 Spring washer S6-4 Thackery washer S19-5 Plain washer 2-1945 Plain washer, thin S5-5 Shake proof washer 82-9034 Spring washer, square section 15-716 Spring washer, flat S6-5 Thackery washer S19-6 Plain washer S5-6 Shake proof washer S6-6 Thackery washer S19-7 Plain washer S5-7 Shake proof washer S19-8 Plain washer 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 1/2 1/2 1/2 9/16 9/16 5/8 BEARINGS S9-1 S9-1A S9-2 S9-3 60-2368 Ball bearing Ball bearing Ball bearing Ball bearing Ball bearing 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 S3-22 S3-23 S3-33 Roller bearing Roller bearing Roller bearing 1/4 x 1/4 1/4 x 5/16 5/16 x 5/16 SHIMS 1180-26S 1180-26/12 1180-26/20 1180-26/40 1180-26/64 1180-26/80 1180-26/140 1785-32/12 1785-32/20 10421-54S 5 off, 1" bore x .003/5/10/15 l" bore, .012" 1 " bore, .020" l" bore, .040" l" bore, .064" (16 swg) 1" bore, .080" (14 swg) 1" bore, .l40" (9 swg) 23/64 bore x .012" 23/64 bore x .020" 5 off, 1 1/8 bore x .003/5/10 MISCELLANEOUS 001 002 4/060 S17-1 S17-3 S17-4 S18-1 14/042 S21-3 S48-2 S48-3 Grease nipple, straight Grease nipple, angled Split pin 1/32 x 1” Split pin 1/16 x 5/8 Split pin 3/32 X 1 Split pin 1/8 X 1 1/4 No3 Woodruff key Union nut for 5/16 pipe 1/4 BSP Nipple for 5/16" oil pipe Joint pin for brake rods 1/4 x .650 Joint pin with brake light switch Extension ¼ x .650 5897-97 Hose clip 8-10 mm 5897-93 Hose clip 10-12 mm 5897-35 Hose clip 12-14 mm 5897-95 Hose clip 14-16 mm 5897-37 Hose clip 16-18 mm Our hose clips are not the 'Jubilee' worm drive type but a more period type with a small screw and nut. 140-88 1/8” OD copper pipe, per inch 140-89 3/16” OD copper pipe, per inch 140-96 1/4” OD copper pipe, per inch 140-90 5/16” OD copper pipe, per inch 5075-89 3/8” OD copper pipe, per inch 43 SCREWS, STUDS, BOLTS AND TIE STUDS All dimensions in fractions of an inch. CEI as explained in section 42 is Cycle Engineers Institute thread. WHIT stands for British Standard Whitworth which is the coarse thread usually used where a fastening threads into aluminium and for some strange reason, petrol tanks. BA is British Association thread commonly found on electrical fittings and carburettors. This listing is arranged by type, then by diameter and then length, so that if you require a fastener of a known dimension, its part number can be readily ascertained. PART NO. DESCRIPTION DIA/LENGTH/THREAD SLOTTED MACHINE SCREWS 65-8317 180,317 65-8201 050 093 099 Countersunk Countersunk Countersunk Cheese head Countersunk Countersunk 7/64 9/64 9/64 5/32 5/32 5/32 1/4 7/16 1/2 3/16 7/32 5/16 6 BA 4 BA 4 BA 3 BA 3 BA 3 BA 088 186,130 081 220,557A 463,334D 144,921 1-4606 014A 2-2582 Cheese head Round head Cheese head Round head Countersunk Filibuster Cheese head Cheese head Cheese 5/32 5/32 5/32 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/2 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 2 1/4 3/8 3 BA 3 BA CEI 2 BA 2 BA 2 BA 2 BA 2BA Whit 053 29-1984 6430F-39 041 2-77 094 022 0545 0540 06 03 038 65-2158 10/2 043 045 04 015 460056S 039 65-2157 011 023 0544 29-2136 012 021 044 040A 09 017 65-3061 014 051 020 026 65-3062 42-124 65-3357 3679-52 049 42-7508 42-7510 42-7517 052 07 65-3356 Mushroom head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Mushroom head Mushroom head Cheese head Cheese head Hex head Large cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Countersunk Cheese head Cheese head Slotted hex Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Large cheese head Hex head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Raised c/sunk Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Countersunk Cheese head Cheese head Cheese head Mushroom head Cheese head Cheese head 3/16 3/16 7/32 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 l/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 1 3/8 7/8 3/8 5/16 13/32 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 11/16 3/4 3/4 3/4 13/16 13/16 7/8 1 1 1 1/16 1 1/4 1 3/16 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 5/16 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 7/16 1 1/2 1 11/16 1 3/4 1 7/8 2 2 2 1/8 2 7/32 2¼ 2 3/8 2½ 2 7/8 ¾ 1 3/8 1¾ 1 7/8 2 5/16 7/8 2 9/16 ST Whit 1 BA Whit CEI CEI Whit CEI CEI Whit Whit Whit Whit CEI Whit Whit Whit Whit Whit Whit Whit Whit Whit CEI Whit Whit Whit CEI Whit Whit Whit Whit Whit Whit Whit CEI Whit 3/16 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 13/32 9/16 1 1/8 5/16 11/32 7/16 7/16 1/2 17/32 5/8 5/8 13/16 1 1 CEI Whit CEI Whit CEI CEI Whit CEI CEI Whit CEI CEI CEI Whit Whit Whit Whit Whit Whit Whit CEI CEI Whit HEXAGON HEAD BOLTS 2-360 65-9165 6158-56 0538A 0554 0513 0517 0550 0522 0520 0510 0516 0546 460056S Raised head Small head slotted 0514 0511 0512 0543 21-2873 0207 0582 0566 66-7550 14-113 28-2338 0592 0564 0609 0618 0613 27-6037 0607 0216 0563 0578 0590-46 0574 0591 0562 0579 0604 0596A 29-5289 65-5435 0623 0627 0622 0593 0619 0621 0626 0599 42-62 42-4470 0731 0732 0718 0714 0744 0741 0745 67-4030 65-4185 0740 67-4026 0910 Flat square head Ex pipe clamp Raised head Reduced hex 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 7/16 1/2 1 1/4 1 5/16 1 7/16 1 3/4 1 3/4 1/2 1/2 9/16 5/8 5/8 23/32 3/4 3/4 13/16 13/16 7/8 7/8 1 1 1/16 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 7/16 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 5/8 1 7/8 2 2 9/16 2 11/16 2 19/32 2 5/8 2 5/8 2 13/16 2 13/16 2 7/8 2 7/8 3 1/16 3 1/2 3 3/4 5/8 11/16 13/16 7/8 1 5/8 1¾ 2 2 1/2 2 3/4 3 3 1/4 4 CEI CEI CEI CEI Whit CEI CEI CEI Whit BSF CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI Whit CEI Whit CEI CEI Whit CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI Whit CEI CEI Whit CEI Whit CEI CEI CEI Whit Whit CEI CEI CEI DEI CEI CEI CEI CEI 20TPI CEI TIE STUDS 0128 10311-54 0135 15-4208 0134 10335-54 0133 0139 10334-54 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/4 7/8 1 1 3/32 1 3/16 1 1/2 1 5/16 1 11/16 1 7/8 CEI CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit BSF/Whit CEI/Whit 0132 0138 0131 0183 0203 0184 0199 0219 0198 0191 0215 0182 0218 0136 67-1119 0136A 67-4040 0204 0178 196-54 K92-48 196-53 0195 0214 0179 0213 0211 0180 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 x 3/8 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 1 15/16 2 3/16 2 1/4 1 1/16 1 1/16 1 9/64 1 7/32 1 3/8 1 1/2 1 5/8 1 11/16 1 15/16 2 2 1/8 2 1/4 2 5/16 2 7/16 2 7/16 2 11/16 2 11/16 3 3 3 1/8 3 3/16 3 1/4 3 3/4 4 1/8 4 3/16 CEI CEI/Whit CEI CEI BSF/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit BSF/Whit CEI CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI BSF CEI CEI/Whit CEI CEI/Whit CEI CEI/Whit CEI CEI CEI CEI 0217 0280 0310 0304 0301 0307 0305 0276 0309 27-5684 0278 0308 0289 0302 0743 0402 0403 0963 0405 5377-50 0400 0441 0917 5388-56 5377-54 42-4855 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 4 1/4 1 9/16 1 11/16 1 7/8 2 2 1/16 2 5/16 3 3/8 3 13/16 3 3/4 4 1/8 4 5/32 4 1/2 4 7/8 7 23/32 3 1/2 4 1/2 6 25/32 10 1/8 11 5/8 13 3 5/8 4 1/2 10 1/8 11 13 1/2 CEI CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI/Whit CEI BSF/Whit CEI CEI BSF/Whit CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI CEI That's All Folks! I hope that you have found the hints and tips scattered throughout this tome to be instructive. They were taken from a booklet, strangely enough entitled 'Hints and Tips for Motor Cyclists' published in 1909 by 'The Motor Cycle'. They are reproduced here in honour of the pioneer motorcyclists without whom we would still be walking or even worse, driving cars! DRAGANFLY MOTORCYCLES T HE O LD T O WN M A LTINGS , B ROAD S TREET , BUNGAY, NR35 1EE T EL (01986) 894798/892826 (2 LINES ) F ROM O V ERSEA S +44 1986 894798 MAKE ENGINE NO. YEAR MODEL FRAME NO. Fax (01986 894799) ORDER FORM GEARBOX NO. [email protected] QTY PART NO. DESCRIPTION EACH Out of stock items will be put on back order, unless you state ‘No B/O’ – see price list. Please do not re-order items that are on back order. CUSTOMER NUMBER GOODS TOTAL NAME ADDRESS POST & PACKING TOTAL SUB TOTAL 17.5% VAT (EU ONLY) COUNTRY TOTAL METHOD OF PAYMENT – SEE PRICE LIST FOR DETAILS CASH WITH ORDER 7 DAY INVOICE MAX £30 I ENCLOSE £ I ENCLOSE A DEPOSIT OF £ SEND AN INVOICE SO I CAN SEND PAYMENT PLEASE CHARGE MY CREDIT CARD _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ / _ _ EXPIRY DATE _ _ / _ _ SWITCH ISSUE NO. _ _ _ LAST 3 DIGITS OF SECURITY NUMBER ON BACK OF CARD _ _ _ VALID FROM _ _ / _ _
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