NILE5 iLT LIPAPY %( OF ION District 63 recognizes Nelson students for achievements For the second time in two yeorS, youngsters from Nelson Elementary School in Nilen recently Were named first place wissssers of the 'The Battle of the Books" and, this year, were hy Eileen Hlrsrbfefd recognized at the Tuesday, April 26 meeting of East Maine School second und third with eight urea schools, both public und private, District 63. The csmpelition is haloing part in tke contest. Second sponsored annually by the Ndes Pphtic Library District. - District 63 schools placed first, son and Washington sckools, District 207 saves on gas purchase Maine Tuwmhip High Schoet District 2417 has saved 543,965.20 since December by purchasing natural gus on the "spot pliers who offer the moot market", accurdiug to Donald E. economical price. "Savings of this magnitude for dent for Businem. Instead of buy- dicute that our decision to and third winners were Steven- Kenney, Assistant Supermten- ' ing natural gas from its regular Cu.stfflsrd u.s Page 47 supplier,- Northern Illinois Gus, the district now boys from sup. one-third of the school year inCoatlmsed au Page 47 Seek voters approvalfor up to $1 charge on telephone bill 8746 N. Shornoer Road Nitos. Illinois 60648 9663900-14 VOL 31. NO. 46, TEE BUGLE, THIJESDAY, APRIL 28,1968 from the ВЈ4 HwtS byB.d Besser We didss't need thin past Monday. tf the guy who scheduled the calendar is tistening, scratch me off the books for any Intere Mondays like April 25, 1988.. We just don't need them, Inside the Bugle's inner sort of like family. When the guyat the sent desk bleeds we feel the sanctum wem open wound. ' One uf the faithful'sfather is at Lutheran General recnvering fГ‘m a bypass operation. It's been n rough csaple of weeks and "Walk With Israel" setfor Sunday Close to IWO thousand Chicagoans witt take part in the Eon will begin at 7e31 um. and Walk With Israel un Sunday, May t, in observance of the 40th birth- Cu,sthsued ne Page 47 Rugers Park resident Mitten 17th annual Greater Chirago Kots witt blow the shofar to day of the Jewish state. The 9-mile Walk and Teen Walk, pIns shorter Older Adult und Family Mini-walks will be held rain or shine. and we were shucked hy the news. Nobody called, and sew weekly call tu the funeral heme didn't give as thin infermutton, Chuck was a hale and hearty memher of the Nifes family who served on the Zoning Board, as president uf the Cuntlisued on Page 46 diounce was paused unanimously to put the vote for 9-1-t installalion io Riles on the ballot. Voter's approval is necessary by law the estimated costa stand now, the charge por telephone tino would be approxinsutely 50В°. The need for the vote forSt in to cover possible inflationary costa over, the nest 10 to 15 years. At Tuesday's meeting Riles Co.stlrn.ed on Paged? Super-Duper Bingo winners will hugE at the Bernard Horwich Jewish Csnsmunity Center, 3003 W. Touby at f am. Registra- Nues vehicle stickers on sale Village Clerk Frank Wagner plications in the mail. The cost of each vehicle sticker is $t5 with residents over Ike age of lt paying $5. Pstice will begin we belong to, Our Niles family, decision fur them. At Thenduy night's meeting of The Greater Chicago Teen stressful for all of us. member of another family could possibly be u tife-savissg since a surchurge of up to $1 per telephone line could be added lo their monthly tetephone hilt. As Walk is the longest Walk event. lt reminds Nilen residents tisai auto vehicle stickers are nsw,.os sale A couple of hours later an annuyedsubscriber wondered why we didn't report alsaut the passing ofclsuck O'Grady who died on April 15. Chuck was a Rites voters witt have un additiunuldeciolonto make when they go lo the polls in November that the Nites Villuge Board, un or- we've allrsde the waves nf the ups anddowns thathave taken place. Monday, the Bugler's father was suffering heart fibrilations and it was Referendum for 9-1-1- on Nov. bГ¤liГ¶t-. at the Riles Village Hall, ' 7th Milwaukee ave. All residents should bave received their ap- ticketing vebiclen without stickers on June t. BUGLE SEEKS NEWSBOYS Tha Bagis Is ssskisu dslioo,y new soarrtsrs us-sIt-sass 55 dalioer sews papaYa on Tharsdsys. Por An Opportunity To Earn Extra $$$ Call 966-3900 Sue Neuschet -(second row), dlrector--uf-Senlur-- -LaCage-aux-Folleu" -at-the-CandlellghLDlnner Ptoyhuuse, and tote bag from Holiday Luggage activities for Maine Tuwnuhip, lu sbown with nome prize winners at the first of three Super-Duper Bingo Parties stagod for members of Maine Township Senior Citizem during April. Showing off their prises uf wine, fruit baskets, Ott Dominicks Gift Certificate, two tickets to shop in Morton Grove aree (from loft) Margaret Sturwold of Parts Ridge, Connie Colassno and Alfred Brawn of Nilen, 'William DumMen, Des Plaines, BernicГ© Thrney, Nileu, and Ruth Berg, Des Plaines. - Pg2 Th B.g1e, Thmthy, April 28, 198e Dinner dance honoring May Bluse "Senior Health tnsurance Program" r Senior Citizens' Answers lo senirr cilices questions about health iosuravce cisti soon be a phone call away, thanhs to a new program oponnored by the Illivois Departvieot I of Insurance in cooperation with NEWS AND VIEWS 7f; -- the Department on Aging. The "Senior Health Insurance Pro- gram,'' or ''SHIP'' will trais a from the Nues Senior Center 8060 Oakton, Nues usointanre lo Illinois seniors seehiog advice on their health in- A reminder is extended to all tichelbolders that the lite luneheun will tube place on Fri., Apr. 29 at noun. Bernadette Notas, legislative culling 692-3388. fluai dinner dance hunoring Shown above (I-r) : Mayor Muyur Nicholas B. Blase, to be Nicholan Blane, State Reprenen- held on Friday Muy 13. at the Chulean Bila, 9100 Milwaukee beliCe candidate Bonnie l,inquint and State Representative Ave., in Nibs. Tickela are $37.50 Cal Sutker. nutootners will be given 25 hours suranre, including a survey of the Une dancing wilt be offered on Toes., Muy 3 at 230 pm. other Illinois seniors. The Nirmaiyu Ghosh nl Skokle, s protection. Motlirr'n Dy Sperial TWO-FOR-ONE Award. They wilUe istrodseed MOThER AND DAUGHTER s CUT, WASH Et SET a CUT, BLOW DRY Ghonb io in the College s PERMS BODY WAVES Engineering and the Honors College. STAR11NGAT17.95 ALL NEW SPRING COLORS HI LIGHTING. SUNTONES. COLORING. "'S 50% OFF FLORAL SHOP MOO N. MILWAUKEE c..r FInnrn FInrnl Desig..s c nrsagns 800sn Plasto Senior Citizenn WeIcГІmel DINO fr MIMA 631-0040 Under the continuing guidance of the Department of Insurance, trained advisors will work in rosjonction with local senior citiaeo A CAFE. (:ArhIlIN(; . SI)bI.l Sfteec4I -c - demert. Entertainment will leature twu ilvebunds, dance fleurs und a "Salute ta Bruadwuy" revue. Ticknta are $34 per pernos. TEE MAY DINNER DANCE tirities und refer inqoiries from the public to "SHIP" volunteers. The May dinner dunce will be held en Fri., May f from 5:30-5:31 p.m. Appetizers will be nerved ut 5:30, dInner nl 8:30 and music for listening und duncing pleasure will be available Lawrence House Fair seeks exhibitors Sewed Sperd) ?Xadhesaw47aI4( ВЈaq,- e4 7es-e 9natSv/.od ,e44l Oca \ (Sb#dsaI,4dftae49a Sues er,В» )e4Г© ZfteC 7beA Saaeedeoes4 r4 bw.fl4d A& Sacae ) . Sasue%e4L dte, dicd a4ei 7b4 See wnfttneat4s' firer, Baltaernan was inItially un patent duty alter which tse rade last November, dIed Monday, use of the Nilm Police Departnisn and had the reuponsihifity uf the photagraphic lah, ARTS AND CRMTR FAIR The Mon., May 9 arto und crafts fuie will tube place frnm 10 am. to 2 p.m. All browsers und shoppers are welcome, Vendor enrollment is Imsited tu NUes residenl.s age 02 und ever with memorating his 29 yearn of service wГththe Riles Police Depart- CostilseednuPage 40 Senior Citizen Real Estate Exemption . Meus of senior interest repre- Sesior citiacnsure now eligible own' their principal residence or for a "Homestead Exemption" during the year in which they turn 65, ucrordiog to Rites Township Assessor Robert P. have a lease in which they are responsible fur property taxes. Hanruhun. estate tax hilt. (Married women The "Homestead Exemption" provides tan reliel by reducing the eqoaliued assessed valuation finance, housing, recreation and consumer affairs. For both information, fee ncale and other particulars, please caS of a property by $2,000. muse seeking a "Homestead Enemplion" must be OS years of age or plder during the year for 501-2100. Applicants mupt provide proof of age, ownership and u recent real must provide their murriuge license tu show lrunsilisn from maiden name ta murried.( For muro information, cull the Niles Township's Assessors Office at 673-93go or visit the office ut 5255 Main, Skohie, which they apply and meut eilher Nilm on April 15. He waslS yearn Federal Savings in Chicago. A CUT ABOVE LAWNBOY SIDE BAG MOWERS ,cduar.( . START AT ONLY 279 s LAWNBOY'S. "SPECIAL THIS WEEK" GREENBACKS LAWNBOY'S 8157 SALE NOW GOING ON HURRY WHILE ' PRICES ARE AT THEIR LOWEST! -. Rug, 057a.95 t NOW ONLY 1967 ta January 15, 1075. 519В° MITtS 5H15 Ani FREE fui. u.i PICK hr Aran unionen WITH A TUNE UP I otdulAw.avueq es eroi icon Ofl,, 43051 0 THE. sewnrrssu000ss ERVICE' oato::inur 298-5170 [9!:cj no-a 595 E. Cenlral Ruad, Des Plaines , В»uv;ei:=::ma POWER MOTIONS much time and energy tu this wurk. He noted O'Grudy's work on helloS of the Linm Club und Ceetissed un Page 46 to close for repairs McCermick Blvd. wilt he rInsed te thrnsgb traffic between Hnward und Oakten Streets In umane cmzEN siscoorart Chock O'Grady McCormick Blvd. Beginning Sunday, May 1, Skulde, jsutweut nf Evanstun, the illinois tsepartment of 'rranspnrteflon said teday. Ilse closure will be in effect untu June 15. It Is necessary tor the recanstructien nf McCormick Blvd. and for the remnvul ef the Edith, who Is learning the Englishlanguage, said "I'm hapPP." Her 25-year-old father, said he was vecyhappythevisa had been estended, via an Interpreter. According tasister Rita Greets, joorney home, leaving about scheel principal, the first grade class sent 18 letters to Governor soon. However, aS that changed at a Thampsen sayIng they liked meeting Thursday morning in Chicago with representatives , Edith and they didn't want her te have te go hock be Poland from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, because she was iS. "Same of the tIge Perkewski'u, paresia nf Edith's , classmates and spee'mt assistant be Goy. Thumpsen for etlmir at- The INS riled that Edith oid . children also called the guvernor's office to plead her casse," She said. Leo Kaaaniwskyj, the goverCoetlrnted ou Page 47 Polish...giri receives - help from friends ties and n prise for the must unanual idea brought to the During the sixties and seventies O'Grady served on the NUes Zoning Bunrd, from November 1, many years., He said he gave teachers and ft-lends who had takes Edith te heart since she started at the school in January. Verb, the first stop uf their ContInued on Page 46 creatively use eue "Trash" for "Treasures", There wili be o prize fer the meut unusual crea., previously wurkeel an a senior nice president at Cook County Conch unread the cummunity far tiisguhibed na arrival uf firemen an April lt. InvetIgation showed the fire was In the ashtray uf the cal' asdtherewas nuextenuiun nf They will teach us how tu estate cnmpan&, Riles, He Niles Mayar Nich Blase said ...A car fire at Keeney and Milwaukee was already ex- Franklin, fllinnis will talk about recycling tips and how be make uuefolthIngxfrenr thruwaWays commercial real estate depart- patents uf the fis-st graders, Scheel, andherfather, Kazimiern Perkowski were scheduled toesP_u-e Friday, April 22 oid they already had ploie tickets to New $1,500 damage. Nues Coinniunity Club meeting is, of Edith's classmates, The visas al Edith, a first grader at St. John Brebeuf The fire, which started in the engIne compartment, caused Glenn and Ruth Garvin from old, He suffered u heart attack, O'Grady worked lu sales 'es the He wan n Punt Grund Knight and a 4th degree member of the North American Murtyrs of the Knigbta of Calumban. He was also u past president ofthe Maine Township Regular Demacrutic 7225 Caldweil Ave,, on April 16. presenta "Trash and Treasures" e.. Ssnday, May 15, 6:30 p.m. Nilmreuldnnt, diedinhiuhome in organization. IT'S GROWING! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET GOING? .-Firemen extingsiuhed a car fire at Fear Doves Restaurant. The Niles Community Club Chuck O'Grady, a longtime seni in previous years include health, trussporlatioo, personal 4.eIAa14В«4 Sc9.9el.d During his time in the In- dies at59 needleworb. orgasaations. n sernedin the loveutigatien Divi- Nilesite Chuck O'Grady woodworking articles, crocheted items, jewelry and Organizations providing service, medical help and informalion to senior citizens will be io- 4e e. csqi meist's soin motorcycles. He with a retirement plaque cam- 3 p.m. (e4r e&ed). Aevd Pq(ne. eee with Mayer Nicholas Blase and PaRce ChIef Clarence Emriknan April 25 at the age of 51. At the linie the phete wan taken, SatInerons was being presented register. Hot dogs wIN be sold at a cost of $1, Os bund will be Home, the senior ritiaen hotel al 1020 W. Lawreuee Ave., on Fri. slay, Muy 13 between 10 am. und White serving as a police ut- from 7:30-9:30. The theme uf the. dunce is a "Blunt frum the Punt" 50's sock hop. The menu includen roast chicken and roast beef. Tickets are $7 perperson. CaS 967-illtoforttcketavailuhlll-. ty. handmade articles. Vesdarn musi cult 967-6100 Ext. 37f lo Booths are available for bulb profit-making and got-for-profit StwjKag gik tloo- 53O . . sold Baltzersen, shown ahoye legitimate eses. The sews uf the vIsa ewlension came Thursday afternoon te the paid off 'us a fairy tale result fer 7-year eid Edith Perkowsha who learned at the eleventh hoar she didn't have ta go back home be her native Poland. . menL reasons were valid and llano Giiveroer Jamen Thompuon scheel. There was nu hazard, Furnier Nilo pelice officer Ar. spekesmoi, there was a need tu have the visa extended since the letter Writing campaign ta il- eff the alarm while unldering pipes in the kitchen area of the chiches and seufepd entrees, vegetables, naiad, rolls und thence of mofethäñSOg coiscerned seniors. Weeec resulta. The classartien that invulveda her almsot hairless underthe wIg she wears. Accordiug tu an INS the power be use their voire In guveniment tu achieve pusitive found a plumber uccidently set the Spirit of Chicago, The buffet luncheon wifi include beef, terented io purticipaliug io this Fair which annually polls an au- . ' her father can stay for another year to continue medical treatment fur the condition, alopeciad/betalls, that kas left First graders at St. Jahn amkulance calls between April15 and April 22. Firefighters en April 15 west la Calverllckml, 6921 Oakton and . from 15:311-3:30 will feature u two hour Lake Miclslgnn croise nu Eslsihitors are invited to par-' ticipate in the Sisgh Annual 'T " by Sylvia Dalrymple answered 2g fire alarms and 38 Dept. Calls 567'0l00 Est. 376, Tickets for the following events wifi be sold: Fri., May 13 trip to Andre's Steukhouse infliehmnnd to see the ptuy "Sunny Side Up With Love". Luncheon there will include roast beef und ruant chicken. The trip will depuri ut 10:30 am. asdretncnutf p.m. The ticket price is$3l, The Fri., June 24 trip Lawrence House Retirement Fuir, to he held at Lawrence 19?..A9- sГ§._-',c::..- Robert Besser-City Eukt .. Mark Krujerki-Cepy Ethter ' Brebeuf Scheut 'us Bites learned Sn ' 'mupertant civic lesson last week that could benefit the adult world, The tenues was regardless nf year age bracket, peuple have The Rilen F'we Department basis. Telephone reservations will he accepted alter oms: r orei050rao ce and consumer und will kelp coordinate local acof Nibs Fire Tichetsules will beheld on Wed., Mayl at tO um. unu walk-in ut u dinner on April 28 in the groups. Local senior orgusina' Chieugn Illini Union, 820 S. tiens will provide alfine fucililies Wuleatt St. s lishgirl i,___ TICKET SALES locus on Medicare, Medicare One of 39 oulatanding students at the University uf illinois-Chicago whn will be honored with the 1981 Student Leadership Recognition -<o-2 Diane Miller-Managin.E 966390Г“14 A N.WepePee SJB st dents unit There io no charge und reservations are not seeded. medicat i050rance field, with o 8045 MILWAUKEE. NuES DINO, THE MAESTRO MEMU NO.throtIIInOI. Letter writing efforts resulthi visa extension LINE DANCING of Iruining io the busies ol is- Nirmalya Ghosh FormerNiles police officer dies ГЎt 51 SQUARE DANCING Open square dancing is offered on Tues., Muy 3 at 1:30 p.m. There is no chsrge und reservutiom uro unnecessary. Newcomers are always welcome. IINOE,MIMA 8746 N. Shermer Road, Nues. Illinois 60648 to Sears Tower und Berglsoll's Restaurant that the bus witt depart the senior rener ut 9 am. and return at 5 p.m. "SHIP" will recruit, trajo und organine senior volunteers to serve as teachers, advocates and inssrunre resource. persons for Supplement policies, long term ._II& A n Independen f Corn m unify Newspaper Established in 1957 MEN'S CLUB TRIP A reminder is entended to all enrolled on the Fri., Apr. 29 trip liaison for the Depaetment 01 tosurance since toto. Organization announces its an- 967-6100 ext. 376 LITE LUNCHEON sur;rogram will br headed by per pernon und are available by /1988,4 News for all Niles Seniors (age 62 and over) statewide oetwoeh of volunteers worhiog with lederut, state uod local agencies to provide on-site Me Township Democratic ahrj3flgt TheBegle,flersday, April58, l9S existIng Chicago und North Western Hallway bridge. Traffir will he detoured via Howard St., Crawford Aye. and Oakton St. The project lu part uf the $9,317,600 centract awarded te meeting. Bill Chase ut the ergun wilt provide music and Dorothy Greene and Bernice Volpe will previde Refreshments. Wanted: Three amateur talent acta: call 692-3316, Don't miss this evening et infurmation, fun oid eSewship. Tax appeals for Maine Township residents bIbine Township Annesnor, Tuna Rueckert, bas heno advised by the Cash County Beard of Ton Appeals that Maine TownshIp residents who did not prevail at the CeekCeesty Ausesuer's office in filing a complaint of their 1867 asuessed valuatIon can now file an applicatlun with the Cook County Beard of Appeals, The deadline for filing lu MayO. Fprms fur filing can be picked Monarch Asphalt Ce. for the up at Rueckert's office, 1700 recunstrsction of McCermick Ballard Rd. Park Ridge at the Blvd. between Devun Ave. and Green Bay Rd. Cock County .Beard of Appeal, lit North Clark St. ChIcago. Edith PerkOswka. (e), a first grade student at St. John Brebeaf School In NOes Is shown with twa of her classmates, Jeff Mlsiczyszyn (t) oid Ola Kanmlercnak (r) wearing an obviously hapy smIle. .S&th. wlththe aid of her classmates andthefrparents, received avIsaextesalentostaylntheUnitedSlate5WhileSh h undergoing treatment far a dIsease that resultu In hair tons. The little gIrt la wearing a wig while being treated for the disease by a 'der' radIologIst. Page 4 Th BgI, Thurdy, April 28 1988 Art Show Display C. Y. O. Youth Fund Proqram . BONELESS , Paehside Senior Services' Wednesday, May Il teseo Morton Grove Senior Chizens eure center locoted u! 5375 Church SIred in Des Plateen. The art show is free of charge and io open to the public. The art worh was dong sedee ', the direction of Debbie Roland, an arI therapy gcadoate from the moisi o Chicago. The wochs of art were designed Unicechity of by participasts in the day care prngram aod by those in the special Alaheimee's unit, Buy care provides professional sUpervision during the day aod offers seniors such diverse ser. cives aseses ing vure, medication monitoring, persooal care, asd C000cilfl4338 io Nues. counseling, group encroises und reerealional activities, as well us opportunities for companionship they might not have elsewhere. The art show will remain on. display from May Il-25 for those Showo petured ubove (I-r) Chairmen Joseph G. Toososku, Jr., who cannot attend the open house. For more information, Zatesny. Ofhers and members of the ICC. will be askung their friends and neighbors for their coopenation and support io donating for thin worthy progrmn, for inder privileged yongslers. Give not imtil it hurts, but until it feels good. Rrmember the only wealth which yos. wnll heep forever io the wealth which yen give away. please call Older Adult Services Moyor of NUes, Nicholus b. Bluse und Grund Knight Wolter Men's Club sponsors tournament Tite Nitro Senior Center Men's Club s sponsoring as lt hole golf tournament at the Gleeview FAl Your Reol EsiMo Noods 27. Registration for thin tournament lo now being toben and is open to Niteo nester men ,.ely. Ellen Ritsos-Fincher -it.k 'III Naco! Air Station on Friday, May Tlchrrt are $14 without a cart on?] $21 with a cart. The ticket price Includes green fees. curt (it applicab!o! und price money. luecheon and trassportatios is no! iocluded. The enrollment dradline in May lt. Tee-off times wilt be posted at the sector center On Monday, May 23. To enrol! or for further information contact Cindy Risoff at 967-010g, Esf. 376, ut 69g-5559. ampoo &sr Ellen Ritoos-Fiochor Moiii.Miiljnn Dnlbr Priidiwer i te,rrtars oredowv! Hvv,e p rieenaren p' dCCi ti,,, reias,tovoo?If 000a,rtI,,v,,g of biivivo , siIOg vail the neo, '2.50 .jfo Ha,,cot s, Mvs GUipen, Stylivg '3.50 Mnni n05. HOi, STVIivg '5.00 TEN3OM1NUTE OPEN SUN TANNING VISITS i Days .ESiaonJ'SUPERSTAR" tt a real Pretesijaval with all h, FREDERICK'S COIFFURES Call Ellen at698-7000 5381 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL 001Mo, proportion naflbnst 631.0574 CURRENCY EXCHANGE IN NILES Serving Your Community For Over 25 Ycars Chocks Cashed Monay Orders Find out how senior citizens can use their lofluence on the legislative und, political proeessfrom George VanDnsen, director sf Suhnrhun Operutionn fCongressman Sidney R. Meo, is u Passages Through Life Loclore on Tuesday, Muy 3. The session, "The Polities 5f Senior Power," mitt he presented from I 102:30p.m. in Room 112 at Ouklon Consmuoity College Eust, 77tl N. Lincoln Ave., Skotsie. VunDosen is also a trustee of Use Village of Skohid. A $1 donation is requested. For information, call 635-1414. Illinois municipalities have bees allotted $12,764,320 us their share o! motor fuel tax paid into tIte Slate Treasury during March aocsedlsg ts the Illisois Depart. merlI of Transportation. MoSse fues tau funds are allocaled moelfdy to lhe various municipaligies is Illinois lar their streets and highways. Thd monies allocated are computed THE BUGLE ijJePs 069-760) Danid Besser Editor mid Pablisher 8 ,=solsn:o V_01. 31. No. 46, AprO 28, 1989 8746 N. Shermer Rd. Nues, IL 60648 FAST VEHICLE LICENSING TITLES AND TRANSFERS TRAVELERS CHECKS NOTARY PUBLIC CASH ADVANCE NOW AVAILABLE Published Wrebly osi Thursday tu Nifes, HIbou Seeoud Class Postage for The Bugle paid al Chicago, ill. PosImasler Bend address changes lu The Bugle, 0746 Shermer Rd., NIleu, HI, 60648 = Sabucrtptloss Rate fIai Advance) Pernb.igle rnpy $05 Osieyear $13.06 Twoyenrs Three years lyeurseaior OBeren . . Ayrar )oatefcus.nty) . . i year )lorelgn) All APO uddreoses as lurServicenjen $22.00 $29.00 $11.50 $15.05 $35.00 $25.00 RACKS GROUND CHUCK. BEEFSTEW , LIQUORS HEN OLD CROW STRAIGHT BOURBON club. The Canadian Rail Tsur is open lo all Morton Grove residents age 55 und over und costs $795 perperson. Deadline for deposit is'Moy 2, cull 965-7447 for deludo. AEROBICS The Flichinger Srmsr Center in Morton Grove hi the exclusive site for low impact uerobic exercise for peroonu with rheumatoid arthritis. The "Arthritis Aerobics" clans cun oc- $ 220Z. MINELLI'S HOMEMADE ITALIAN SAUSAGE LOUIS RICH TURKEY EA. BREAST. . .J . . I 'SIB BRICK or $ I 29 89 MUENSTER s I LB. CHEESE - 4 1L81' t75 LITER BUDWEISER SCREENING CANCELED The Diabetes Screeurng normally scheduled to be held os the first Toesdoy nf every month ist the Flickinger Sexior Center in Morton Grove, will bt.canceled. The Aste uf the screenisg wan Tuesday, Muy 3. This service will resume io Jure. STROH'S PKGS. FRESH TENDER $349 $369 SWEET CORN foogurLboh5f .12 OZ. 24 ' 4 FORI CANS IRO9OOUgI.II 30 P00G. 12 OZ. CANI BEER SENIOR POWER "The l'otiticu of Senior Power" is the title of u lecture to begin at I p.m. so Tuesday, May 3 ut the Oahtox Community College, Skohie campus, 77t1 Lincoln une., room 115. George VunDuuex, Director of Suburban Dperutisn for Cosgreusman Sidoey Yates und elected Trustee of the Village of Sknlsie will he the guest speaker. Mr. VaosDssex wtlt discuss how oeoior citizens cao best exert their growing snflsence on the legislative und political pro- MAUNA LAI . HAWAIIAN GUAVA . ,d' il.1 ' Aa organizational meeting of the Morton Grove Bridge Club will be held ut 15:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Muy 4 in the Flickisger Senior Center. Players do not need partners lo join, and friendly games ube fellowship will highlight the new liub. For thine who ELDER ABUSE CONSORTIUM The Suburban Cook County Area Agency on Aging will hold the Region III Elder Abuse Comortisms at 9:30 am. on Wednesday, Muy lt is the Morton Grove Village Hall. Cull 559-f6lf for . l,7SLiIos , $A99 AMARETTO E-DOLCE 750ML DRINK , s ROYAL STRIPES im o WINE CГ”&ERS . . 4PKG. 12 OL NTIS, 'CARLO ROSSI r.. WINE I: E&J View Cosunsimity Center, 965-7447. NORTHERN BATHROOM TISSUE BRANDY $109 I 750 ML. . s ROYAL GRAHAMS 12 On, RAGU SPAGHETTI SAUCE s WITH MUSHROOMS . WITH MEAT u PLAIN - 4PK, -. reii KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES 480Z. LIPTON ICED TEA MIX L605Pl15J $179 i The Spirit of Chicago Lahr Michigan cruise trip io filling ap fast with eager Morton Grove seniors, wooting to enjoy u day on For mure information aboul these senior services and reerrulion Opppurttnitieu, call Ralph Birsssiogham at the Morton Grove Semor Hot Line, 470-5223, or Rosee Brenner ut the Prairie ........... OPENPIT... ORIGINAL BARBECUE SAUCE BARTLES Et JAYMES SPIRIT OF CHICAGO Broadwuy-btyle reviews, live bands, und of enorse the scenes of Ihe magnifiers] Chicago Lakeshore. Cult 965-7447 for more informulion. $1. Вї:., RONEE'S SURPRISE TOUE Rosee Brenner, Senior Adult Supervisor for the Morton Grove Park Dintriet will entertain adventuresome seniors to a mystery day-trip un Tuesday, Muy 24, Ronce deacribes the trip us "murhIe orchard meusdering" as well us a unique lurch but no] in o restaurant. Fnr more information on coste, wIsst to krieg, ood biete on the destination call Ronce al 965-7447. the "big jphv." The July cruise includes gourmet lurch, s OR PASSION FRUIT .$799j AMB'UR EARS FOR SALERNO COOKIES NEW BRIDGE CLUB Free hearing testing will be offered by Illinois Hearing Syslems from IO um. to t p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday, May lt und 12 in the Flickinger Senior Center. Tests are open te all Morton Grove residentu and no reservations are required. ,. LB. CARROTS LARGE SIZE BEER BEARING TESTING $ I 89 PRODUCE 470-5223. the Senior Hot Line at 47f-5223. p'-. i ARTICHOKES Any driver who will soon be required to eexew their drivero lieeme cue lube advantage of the Flieluinger Senior Center's "1101es of the Road Review Course" The course will prepare studenlu to successfully puss their written drivern exam. As most people boom, the retainrng of the drivers license is vital to their independence. To oigo sp for the course which begins at 12:30 p.m. os Tuesday, Muy 3, cull the Senior Hot Line ut ea550t attend the first meeting the club plans to meet euch Wrdnesdoy'at this bmrvund place. For more 'wformГ¤tiГґii call 99. BOLOGNA HOT OR MILD s day und Wednesday. Cult 472-3630 for information about the LB. : OSCARMAYER LEAN TENDER is sponsored by Morton Grove's Prairie ViewSenior Truvel Club asd in among many exciting loues scheduled yeur-rofind by the 3 LBS, OR MORE LB. ji YOUNG n TENDER ROCK CORNISH LB. LB, LEAN $19 AVG yesteryear" riding the ruilu through euntern Cunudu, upolute New Yorh and New Yorh City. The trip begins in Chicogo on June 13 and chugs along through Toronlo, Montreal, sod New Yorh with side trips to Niugura Fallo and Quebec City. The trip more informutiso. )lMi0.e 5-7 LB CANADIAN RAIL TOUR on She basis of population. t.ocal municipalities iocluded: Des Plomes, $72,557 and Nilrs, lu . . LAMB TURKEY BREAST I $399 $ LEG O LAMB . . NORBEST LB. Morton Grove seniors can relive the "thrilling days of The Politics of Senior Power 'p' L cancer before there's a lump. A muomnngrum'n early detection cas mahe breast cancer 100% curable. During the'montbsof Muy Ihe Asuericun Cancer Society han apprsved the Glen-Mm-Inn Medical Center at 9129 Wuuhegan rd. in Morton Grove for this scrcening. Fsr an appointment phone 965-3200.- RULES OF TilE ROAD CLASS Phosie 9f6-39Гџ0.l'24 PHONE: 986-6440 mansmsgeam is u 15w-dose u-roy that helps reveut breast comodute 15 to 20 participants und will meel at 4 p.m. each Moo- $39,705. MILWAUKEE BALLARD MAMMOGRAPHY The bes! weapon against breast conoce in early deteetisn. A Poehside Senior Services is a member of the Lutheroo General Health Core System. Motor fuel tax SENIOR CITIZENS s, 965-4100 f:30-7:3g yes. al Ihe udolt day , MAY 4th POT ROAST U.S.D.A. WHOLE GOVT. INSPECTED MEATS SALE ENDS WED. USD.ACHOICE Senior Citizen News Older Adult Services will be holding a clГ¬ent arS show on The5lst m,uI Kick-off ofthe Kilghts of Colombos - C. Y. O Youth Fuod Program woo recently sturted by North Amerieun Murtyro Page 5 The Bugle, Thursday, April 0,3989 COKE - TAB - SPRITE tra?- .. 320Z. 99 16 OZ CENTRELLA BUTlER $159 u LB, w stoseras the tight ro tiv,ii qaanriris, avdeOrrzot e,iot:n g errori 7780 MILWAUKEE AVE. NILES 120Z.CANS $329 SALERNO CRACKERS N ELLI b ROS I PHONE: SAT.9to6P.M.-SUN.9tO2P,M. 965-1315 C) Page 6 The Bugle, April 26, 198 NUes Erister Party c$jngfes c5cene APRIL29 ST. PETER'S SINGLES All singles incited tu these two dancen : St Peter's Singles dances, Friday, April 29 at 9 p.m. al Ihr Fach Ridge VFW Hull, Canfield and Higgivo. Donations are $4. Also, Saturday, April 30, al Ihr St. Nicholas Hall al 816 Ridge, io Ecanston $5 nvlucdes alt drinks and late butted Also al S g.m. Fur information, call 334-2589. Session for singles is al 7:35 p.m., Friday, April 29 at What's Cooh- ing Inn (downstairs Medilarrasean Ruum(, 6107 North Lincoln Avenue (near l,iocoln and McCormieh Blvd. I in Chicago. Ad- misnion is $5, For information, "The idea tor Ihr proiedt ariginated Ihren yearn ago in May 15 from 3-5 PM. A dedication shop au well an an aesthetically pleasing common area for residentu and guests," said Myra ceremany will lahe place al 33O PM hanaring individuals who cantrihated. Take action to sell your house. Find nul huts lits' CENTuRY 21' Adiro Warrattly" l,ronttises.0tIr perforittaner itt selling your home. Call lntr details today. Oniu WELTER REALTORS. 7514 N. Harlem Aueeae 631-9600 Put yaortrnnl in Namlorr (ter. . order tu create a new activity ut- Assiolanl Ad- ministralar. Larry IMeeher, Admtnistratnr, otaled "The Rnlunda area is Iruly the "Huh uf ac- liviey at the Terrace and canIrihutes to a morn active life fer Ihr residenlu." Bethany Methodist Terrace was established in 1965. The 2g5-hed skilled and intermediate long term health earefacility in crrlified fnr Medicare and BIne Croon and in licensed (nr reoidenlu an young as II. Addilineally, Bethany Methodist Ter- race io accredited hy the Jninl Cammissinn- an Accreditation nf Haspitals and Hnmes. Bethany Methodist Terrace io a division a! the Bethany Methndisl Health Care Syotem, which ineludes the Methndinl Hanpilal of Chicaga. a 2Sf-bed general medical and sargical hnspital at 5O25N. Paulina Street, Cincagn; and Bethany MethodLt flame, a 289-resident retirement camplex at 4950 N. Anhland. Chicagn. Non-smohing almosyhere. Free parhiog io ad- '-servzce We went to let you know that we are here and we know that modern life can create undue emotional stress and anguish. benefit from talking to a licensed, professional counselor concerning marВЎtal. alcohol. drepression or child rearing problems, call Don Saviano at,.. 470-0536 (24 Hours) 6032 W. LINCOLN MORTON GROVE; ILLINOIS The In- Sal., Ma 7 al S p.m. al SI. Ray- mood's, Etmhocst (53) and Milburn, MI. Prospect. Munie by Golden Nuggets, 21 piren band. Admisniun is $5 for goesln and $4 for members. For information ALS ГЊ1 Classical Music Rap Sessions foe singles enables anyone iolerenled in clansicul music an an tu ment others with similar tastes in a nos-lechnical, informal disrunsinn featuring selected recur- dingo and hooted by u peofessional municiau and teacher. 15:30 0m, at 15, St. a U;'.. American Legion Hall, 6145 Demputer St., Mortnn Grove. Musir hy Dick Wagner from S-II p.m. an May I. Donation is $3 for memhers; $4 for guests. For more infnrmalinn, please neighborhood renlaueaol Make reservalionn, or call 951. 6855. Bowling will be Suodur, May I. Lait 631-0735. Also, wake renervati050 for Ihn eatecco dinner fur our June 13 mentis6, or call 763-5555. Nomeeling iv wI. July and Augunl, so pions will be made for seeing a free ploy under the slurs io Wilmelle, arriving early with a picoic napper. Call 515-6255 for deluiln, LE FRYERS Meat usDu unwoED COOICE , BEEF Ois call Darathy at 595-5547 nr call the hal line at 965-573t. FRESH illfsrmatiso, call Rase at 447-9112 nr Frank at 763-4752, FaIllies is Chicago." Admission $2 iscludeo refreshments, social Meetings are held at the above addenso the last Thnrsday uf the manlk al 7;30 p.m. The Club in- LOUISIANA WHITE SHRIMP MAY13 THE SPARES Jni,s the Spares Sunday Evening Club's mnntMy card pasty as May 6, at S p.m. far a pleanant evening nfparty bridge, pmaeMe, and fon poker, Sn parthern ce- 5440 N. River Rand, RnsemnnL The dance in cn-npnmarnd by the Northwest Singles Aunaclalion, LacaBan: Den Plaines Cam- manity Sedar Cestnr, 1949 MAY S macher, Des Platees (N.E. cnrSer nf macker and Seennd St.; THE SPARES 4-way. nlap(.Danatinn..$2,5O larmembers ; $3.50 far nasmembers. Fnr mare infarmaline, call CIUhWIII beve a-meeting-an-Sun- Barbara at 853-9631 nr Betty at Social hnsr at 6n30 p.m. fsllowed by a meeting la slart at 73O p.m. The entertainment for the evening will be Jnel Taylor, Jsg- TOW SINGLES mn Spaces Sunday Evening Dethoster SL, MoRan Greve. EUBIIUrSI Ramada Inn, Incatnsl gIer, Magician, Comedian. ills shun in one of the (wIniest and entertaining. Refreshments and nfl nf danclngtnllve musaicta fallow tsr Roosevelt Rd. na Friday May f. Nn age nr membership rests-Ictines, all s'mglns are welcnme. Doors apes at8tSO, admission Is morelnfsnnatlnn, pleanecall Pat at 394.3494 or call the holline at 53IF Singles will have Sonic weekly dance and andaI at the RosIn 83 jsnt north Ralle 53 jouI on 005-5736. 13, The SL Jnllana and St. Jnhn House of Capelli 8798 W. Denipoler Si.. Nilra 297-9333 TUES. BWED. 9-6 TOURS. S FAI. 9,5:30; SAT, 9.5 Men'. Hair Styling, Weinens Hate Styling Rag. $19,NOW *13 nenner MATRIX ExopualoN PERMANENTWAVE5 Reg. $55, NOW *40 n sues,, ni STYLING INCLUDED Deli TUESDAYS A SATURDAYS LEARN TO DANCE COMPANY Leans ta Dance Company far singles will ment at 11 n.m. an Morn than jast a dance cloua, singles can gaIn aelf-cnafidence, exercise and ment new penple In a supportive, relaxaI, and friend- . ECKRICH SMOKED SAUSAGE nEEF '2.15 LB i LO eva SUNDAYS SUGAR & SPICE Sagnr & Spice sponsors a cam- pllmnntary faI buffet and 13.1 music for dancing Sundays, 53tf-ll at October FIve Supper Club, Dempnter In Waukegan Road (NW Career) In Mactan 3 CAN SHAMPOO e '8.50 4 La COUNTY LINE MOZZARELLA spouse la ta talk with athers wha bave buen widowed. Our sspport graups are geared ta help yas deal with these feelings and then ta mnve sIsead and begin ta rebuild ans- life. Our prnfoaslnnal group loaders have abon ex- porienced Ihn trauma al widowhood, Grnap meotingS are held one conning a week in a Sknkle sud there Is a feo nf $55 por session. l'nr las-thor bofas-nItotian, call 907.5759 sr 432-5511. NANCY MARTIN -'' WHITE BREAD Grocery $,1991 19 rn Oz Ceri. cunan on sMALL cono. LowFuv HERITAGE HOUSE COTTAGE CHEESE nr,,,s,rsRRa,,,sunrawm 69 HI LLSH IRE -FГ„RM ' 2 La CAN ELECTn1C, OEOOLA6 On 001F vO 2urr2 OZ Cuss nEuui_ne OR Dire - FOLGERS COFFEE PEPSI 'COKE BACON $369 .RC 'DIET RITE 989 $499 I Grave, Open to ali aingles age 32 and up. Music tram the 40'#tO's, 15-easy casual attire, Adasisalan $5.50, cash bar. Fur jatas-castIna, devsatatlng onperlence, sad the grieving ps-scesa can be Isnely and ISOlating. One way to seer- '.- 'l.n2,J "! NEW AT DOMINICK'S... Ip stnsnSphero,,,,,,,,,,,,,, thst come after the destin nf a "Joy" BROCCOLI 39l KRAKUS CELi HAM Inc infn. come the overwhelming feelln'ga Aak For FRESH NAVEL ORANGES in oz. LOAF reslciclians, all sisglen are welcome, Doors open at 6-30, admiusion is $5. Callr 409-4003 The lass at a spouse in a Brehenf Widnwn and Widowers CaurOoNlu u LB MO tARSE sIZE 'iii Ea. Ne age nc mnmberohip WIDOW/WIDOWER SUPPORT MAYS La EIC000 LAnGE O1ZE 89 call Eilen at 635-9372. WIDOW! W1130 WER 0 No'ldh-. of $5. Callt4Sg-9003 far laIn. MAY 7 BICOLOR caeN Roosevell Rd. un Friday May day, May S, Mnther's Day, at American Legins Hall at 6140 W. WHErE OR BLADE POT ROAST DIRECT FROM THE GULF,.. week prags-am 'o $35. For bofarmallan, call 075-3244. call 725-3300. La TGIFSINGLES 'l'DIP Singles will have Iheir weekly donen antIsocial al Ilse Elmhocot Ramada Inn, lscated and 7t35 p.m. an Young Suburban Singles, and 'Saturdays Tuesdays at Centre Eaut, 7301 Singles & Campsssy. Admiuninn Uncnln Avesse, Skshin. A sixwill be $7. Fnr mare lnfnrmatinn, qwred, refreshments nerved. 5I9' ' uso.. GRanEO CHOICE BEEF ceuCis FlouT Cnr nEwOLEsO. sHELL-ON sn,oI Co with the Ove munie nf Sierra al 5:30 p.m. an Satsrday, May 7, aI CUT.UP or SPLIT EA. 3'yellow CorГ±В° FRYERS uleis will speak an "Jews and the Hnliday loIn O'Hare Kennedy, MAY 6 LB. mission in $4. Free parking and free refreshmestu. Far additlanal All singles are invited ta the Cambisind Club Singles Dance r1n394 - LГ© $929 MAY11 JEWISH PROFESSIONAL Jewioh Profespisnal Singles (ages 25-551 will meet Wed- follows. Produce RIB ROAST Devon. Chicags. Salumon Gut- COMBINED CLUB SINGLES HEAD LETTUCE Brebeul Church avg Brunch st of Columbus Hall, 527 SesSo York Road, Elmhnrsl, Live moule. Ad- year. Future dances are held ns the first Saturday nf each month, All are welenme. LARGE SIZE Johc u Page 7 THIS SALE STARTS THURSDAY! Tom Forbes will lewd un io o night of renewal, Sunday, Msr neutlay, May Il, OrfO p.m. al AG. Beth Israel, ' 3635 W MAY1 s viten all single and widawed Catholic men and warnen seer 40 THE SPARES An entra dance for the month of la attend and jale. DIses are $12 a May al the Morton Grove sei asta utlusnay A. nana p.m. Monday, May S io Ihr ccv. venl lounge uf SI. Juliaoa Chur. cli, 7250 N. tlseeola Avr Evening of Recolleclion" . Fr call 875-4426, Refreshments and cash bar. (ACTS) will hunt a dance for all singlen over 45 from S-12 p.m. Salurduy, May 7, at the Knights Reg. $15 , NOW *10 ison. First Consultation free with this ad. Singlen (4l-t5) joining loI. CATHOLIC ALUMNI CRIS A Square Dance far single So. if you or your fanily members could IN.BETWEENERS OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Our Lady of Guadalbpe Singlen 4W5. ("oun5eling sut required. For more information, call 726-5735. quired. lice, volunteer center and gift Webster, perieOce in Support Droop meetivy, 7-71 call 27g-37g2. Nu reservaliunu re- inlegrul purl of human life An Open House will he held at Bethany Melhadinl Terrace Nursing Hnme, 8425 N. Wanhegan Road, Morton Grave, an Sunday, member admission in $6. Precious square dancing ev- our annual "Big Sand Dance" on The nest Clasuical Munie Ray Bethany Methodist Terrace open house N. Linden (liA blocks south of Nurlh Ave.(, in Oak Park. Non- Betweevers Singlen Club wilt boul CLASSICAL MUSIC RAP The NOes Park Districts Youth Easter Party roel with s urr005 on Saturday Marnh 26. Chddren participated n an egg hunt and sau u real tine play at Ballard School. Pictured with Parhoumntisstoncr Elaine Beinen arc winners ut the Easter E55 Hunt and Jelly Bean content. yuung adults, ages 21-38, will be sponsored by the Catholic Alumni Club at t p.m., Saturday, May 7, te the St, Gileu School Gym, 1131 The angle, Tharaday, April 25, 1599 ULTRA PAMPERS PLUS DIAPERS $959' LOOK FOR THIS TAG IT POINTS THE WAY TO EXTRA SAVINGS! ame (lie esas.. st 1h. year, masa di nerentmseuteatu vers end suppliers after dIemaste and allen canee In IsmInInk's, 95w nur "SuNaS ate Pn050A Mwlilanabla Dsmlnick's ta raes (bss. using. alsna dinastie Is'surcoStsme we will idantita the.. "BONUS nne" spealela with elgs apnl.i helf lage and Uthnrspaelal materl.imthat surco,tsm crecen rendilo tak..dn,etaaa st hes. I., S I. 6 I I k S SSE .5 . Page 8 J Dr. Tigay to present Church & Temple News Israel At Forty presents musical group Special Papal blessin The ArchOeological Evidence For Mnnotheipni", a ollde show Celebration Doy at the Noeth Jewiob Learning al 745 on Tuesdoy, May 10 01 the Hiles Township Jewish Congregation, Soborban Synogogoe Beth El, 1175 Sheridee Rd. io Ilighlond Dr. Tigay, a prominent and na- ageo during loroel Fomily I- tionaly acclaimed authority on s p.m. The innovotive musical group Bible studies, will prove through despite the the concept nl one God was- welcome to moot at the gyni entrance at 7 am. on Saturday May always present io the lifestyles of ancient brachten. He will point ont that numen nach as Joel and Lowrates JoГ±athao inelode the name nf Admiring u special Pupal bleooiog are Il - r)I Peter Rosin, enecotive director al Jobo F. Kennedy Medical Cenlcr; Roter MaryEdward, CR., general cooncillnr of the Siolers nf the Renorrecl,on from Rome; and Sislcr Bonavenlure, CR., president of Renorrec. CALL ME tion Health Cure Corynrotion. MTJC FRANK PARKINSON Michelle Raffe!. dsoghter of 7145 MILWAUKEE AVE. Alan and Leslie Raffe!, will celebrate her Bat Mitovah el 881ES. IL 68648 Mame Township Jewish 967-5545 grcgation. 8800 Bollard Rd , Dro Plaines on Friday evening, April 29 ut irlo p.m. Rcginlrtioo for Full 1188 coo- Con- tinaco for the early childhood cooler. There will be classes for mother-toddler und nuroery ochool. For ioformution call Marge Baker, Director, al 297-2098. .ee*hflEee*eeEEEEEE*eeeEeEEEI The time is now l) sciccI a l'isei \AIL' InsIcill slci c,lI I'ceNccd l'lui because it il 1cv clic', lIfe f1iiiiily's WI Irry md c,sii Il',lliI I of iîìalciiig hnil ,irraliclllcIit', ill 7 tIllic of gricf .iiiil cluhll ji,ii,il SI IC',', It 11Sf) pr()Iiiiscs yllul IIIVCd IIГЊC', peace lIt iiiind 1)CC,IUSC lhCy kIl(IW yllu have plllIiIiccl .Ihcad w I Ill the prufcssillll.Il uIdIIIiCc I! that the concept of monotheism was ut the root of these people's livesaodthe monotheistic society dates back to the earliest point io . time. Dr. Tigoy heads the Department of Ortnnlal Studien at the Eintov Avenoe United University of PeoosylvaoiГЎ and Methodint Charrh, 5850 N. ElnIon wilt he issuing a commentary on Ave., will begin Christian Deoler000my for forthcoming Bi. Christian Aerobk Classes Aerobic danses on Toenday, May hie traoolottoo lo he poblished by 3 from 9:30 am. till l03O am. The classes will he held on Senior Unity Taendayn and Thursdays for a 6 weeh seosion. Cost nl the 6 weeh session, pnyable al the first seo- Mass nine, in $30 withoot child care and $36 with child care. The clamen will be taught by Jayney llcondiff, who io a profen-. Sional aerobics iotroclot with over 10 yearn of leaching ex. perience in the health and enercisc field. Plan to wear comfortable clothing, aerobic oboes and bring a towel. (lt in always recommended that you gel ynor physician'o approval before starting a fiNcas program.) Il you are interested in joining the clamen or have soy queutions, picone cootiltfthГЄ chuГ‘h office 1?! month, the Chicago Senior Senate and Catholic Charities ore opon. soring the seventeenth anooal Senior Unity Mass on Thursday, May 5, at If a.m at-Holy Nome Coihedral, 732 N. State St. The Most Reverend Thud Joseph Jokubownki, o new auxiliary bishop of Chicago, will be Ike malo celebrant. The Reverend Edwin M. Conway, administrator of Catholic Charitien alatI priests will cnneelebroto the maso. Refreshments will be served in thecatftedroLcoortyord following AI! Saints faiths are welcome. Las Vegas Nite otan All Suinta Apootolic Church Lao Vegao Nite, Sutsrday, April 30. Poker. blachjach, Keno, necessary. Senior citizens of all For more information cull John Carlin at 465.3055, cnt. 15. Regina MotherDaughter Mass Regina Dooliotcan High School will celebrate its annoal Mother- Daoghter Maso and breakfast at roulette, money wheel games ore available, with cash winnings. Admission - $2.50....dooro open 10 am. Snoday, May t in the auditoriom at 701 Locust Glenview. Knich are ce-chairing the event, al f pjss. l7Ot N. .0r000d, Dr. Jeffrey Tigay the Jewish Publication Society st America, Ttcheto for the sfide oksw and - For more information or reservotions call Bob Piton 566-2069, Hank Manifs 966-5841 or Andy Beinrwaltes at 967-8976. - lecture are lit apiece, Senior Rd.,Wilmette. Dtanepieketl and for clergy night of tIse prngram. Special group rotes . are available nod The Illinois Department of Public Health and the AIDS may he had by calling the Dawn Schwnan Itttitote at 945.1383. Pastoral Care Nnlwork has 00- osooced a series uf seminars designed to mohilize more Congregation Kol Emeth memberu uf the Clergy in as elfort to provide AIDS educalioo and cuomeltzsg. The first three seminars arelo O,00loay 56,-470e / 3019 W Pctc,00,, 562.1590 I 5 Meourab Chapels 9200 N Scour OWl! 610.474e 0/30 N CahIo,',a 330.230e 3I, CITY 56 655 H Ar-NocDANDreirNccycouNscLL,Nc Lm0cpcc0 В¶c' l)(ezss ,lf ,. Hispanic communities. ThГ© Ministers' Conference nl Cisicagu and Vicinity and the course, refreshnsents, Dnsatton io only $3. For more information contact the Synagogue office, Chicago Board uf Rabbis are assisting in the planning of the 673-3375, (Ltcense Ne. CG-221), inter-denominational worhshops. The seminars are open to inlerested clergy of all faitto. Additional semioars are being planned, for downstate Illinois, Sisterhood will hold itoMother's Day Sabbath on Saturday, May 7. flervicen wtll start at E)20 am., fhllliisisГ‡by lan'cbeoii -wilbnitooasd dates to to --annonoccd toter. hnnortng mothers, grand- St. mothers, aunts, daughters and sons. $5 per person. R.S.V.P. to Sisterhood President, Adelino Sloan, 676-5052 or the Synagogue office. A mont welcome visit to CongregatioO Kot Emeth by Rabhi . Albert Slomovttn, Lieutenant Commander, Chaplain Corps, Qazotionz AboUt Fonn,oI Coot,? Facto About Fovn;uI Sotvicn a remembrance uf Jesus meeting is Nues Community Beth Emet The Free Church Worship Service at Niles Cammnoily tSureh, 7401 Oabton St., Synagogue aol. celebrating' Huly Comino- Beth Emet The Free Synagogue, 1224 Dempster zion with our Interim Fautor, Rev. Charleo G. 'lopE in the Service un Friday, April 29 at Hiles will he held on May I at IO paoytng military personnel on octive duty, will he on Friday, May - 5.30 p.m. $7.59 per person. iraIsArthcttis Aclion Group hold its neot meeting on Wcdocs- doy, Ma3t 4, at 7ISS pm. al Arthritis & Physical Therapy Sorvices, 6955 West Toohy Ave,Cbicags. ward" will he presenled by Lowell Scull Weil, DEM. t,oweil SestO Weil, D,P.M. is a licensed podiatrist in privase practice m Des Plaines. - The council concept io designed to develep improved pohlic understanding nod to preside assistance Io persono with orthritiu, the nation's number one - and Cantor Barry SrhechIcc pro- vide Ihe spiritual leoderohip o) Coogregi'alioo Kol Emeth. Dr. David M Rosen is the Prenldeol - Sanctuary Choir will rehearse al 9:306- lUll am. Daring the wok there will he a U.P.W. Board meeting un Mooday, May 2 al Ihe home of Marion Wrslberg; airo there wiil be a Pulpit Nominating Comiosiltre meeting at IIM p.m. at ihr church. On Tuesday at l;30 p.m. В° Wednesday at tI38 p.m. the the Samios will mol nod Dearom will meet, . crippling disease. Refreshments will he semai. No reuervatiom are required. Interested persom are loviled to call Ms. Susan Weiss, R. N. at 1t2-763-t605. contacting the chairperson Helen Farrell, 3540 N. Oucents Avenue, who in assisted by - Traditional world renown salada are being featured. A Iwo components, a conomnoicotinos unit by pushing a button on the pendant they wear. Voice-tovoice range is approximately 20 IerI. TIsis special system alluws the potienl and the support center to talk hack and forth as if they were io the saine roam. Il the caller is anublo to speak, the Communi-Call speralor will initiate no alternate plan previously ehnoen hy the patient. ministratnr nf Geriatric ller'vices "Corrisvuoi-CalI subscribers arr encouraged to call werhly. Because they use the system regularly, Ihey become mvre familiar WIlh the operators 0011 are more confident IO Ihe seis-lcr Memorial will preside Comtnooi-Call to qualified patieots for $35 a monib. A hospital represestativr will install the syslem in the pa- liest's home nod provide the small wearable transmitter so a chain. The patient wilt also beinstructed in how to use the equipment. If you would like to learn more absut the servire, call the Commnoi-Call coordinalor at (312) 868-3048, Monday through Friday, from 9 sm. to 4 p.m. Am1tngs, Spring Tomato Sale St.,Evannton, will bold Shahbat 5.35 p.m. Rabbi Peter S. Knuhel will give D'var Torah and Cantor Jeffrey Klepper will assist with the services. An Oneg Shabbal MIRACLE GRO PLANT FOOD will follow. The community is woiled. AShahbat Mioyan is held every gordenieg needs Enough so teed on entIre Saturday morning at 5.38 am. OnГџalobday, Aprii3O,-msrning services will begin at 16-35 am. and wifi include the Bat Mitzvah Proven fontiliarr lar sil - review of the musiisg play "Social Security" aiS follow the luncheon, and wifi he given hy Lila Letelsioger. The proceeds will benefit the many Episcopal Churchwomen's prajecto. Tickets. can he purchased at the door, 4" TOMATO PLANTS Nansmd io pnrfeciiefl in Amlings' own genceh000co ensote troce 11ml qsaliry. ga,d es I t i /2 Ib. box Large selcvr,on .nic EDO mg. 54.69 uf Usa-Kahn daughter of Lee and Brigitte Katz. Beth Emet's Mini-Walls for Israel will lake place an Sunday, May 1, during Religious School boors - 10 am. thmu 12930 p.m. It you would like to help please call the Synagogue. Richard's salad br Carolyn flavors. (fermerly the Maine Township Arthritis Action Canoed) will dancers, on Saturday, May-7, al through 5th Graders will he held concurrently with the 10a.m. Sor- Went Devon Avenue, Chicago. Tickets are only $6 per person, The Northwest Chicago/Sohne- 6 ., Cungregatios Kai Emelhta- pleased to hove memhers of the United Staten military join them al religious services at tisis time pulpit. At lisis Service Elders and Deacons will he installed. Church and reservations can he made by Arthritis Action Group meeting United States Navy, and secam- Rabbi Bernard A. Musosoan Fo,sI Pto-At,aoonweot The seventh station Veronica, ose of Rib friends, who takes her veil and leto Him wipe His face. Jesus returned the veil with an imprint of His face un it. Pictured are Tiemsy Sepalveda whu tush the part of Jesus, Crystal Miller as Veronica and Edward Kowalewski, one nfthe bystanders. Makeupa party aisdhring your friendo on Friday, May t3, lo a Salad Bar at noun al St. Richard'nEplscopal Church, 5151 78 2 mILwaLrnec AVENUE SILES ILLINOIS PAMPHLETS AVAILABLE His love for us. vice. Care for 2-year aida and younger will he provided. The evening of fmi and entertainmeni, join lin Jarcio, teacher and caller, and all the onxi000 966-7302 Just before Easter, Ihr first graders of St. John Brebeul School, with the direction o! Iheir teachers, Sheila Harrington and Miss Moran, reesacted the Way of the Cross of Jesus. In atlendanec were the estire student body, many parento and grandparents who prayed with the first graders as they relived une way Jesus showed. May 15 at Emanuel Cengrrgatien, a synagogue on the city's North Side; and Jonc 9, at Casa Central, a Christian social 0ervice agency is soc of the city's religiom nod social evenid. To start with, CongregaSen Kai Emeth will present its Las Vegas Nile on Saturday, April 35, from S30 p.m. to midnight. There will he door prizes, fon br aS and, of And, if you enjoy square doncing. if pos like la de-si-dolor an SIC AJA The hume system consists ol School classes for 3-year nids "Potting Your Best Fool For- In Florid., staffed by trsioed professionals. Church un Chicogs's Sooth Side; vices wifl start at 5.35 p.m. .tienonaIi C/tape/i within seconds. The center iv hmy during the neta few weeks and will offer o variety of Temple6 Missionary Baptist two-way voice cusnhtilOilcO' monitored by Commosi-CoIl, will potthe user in voice contact with a 24-hnur service soppOrt center he held on April 29 attIse Gospel ohoerves Anncd Forces Day in the month of May.Reigiom ser- oiIjVS7iI\Г§C A lins nyslem, manufaclurrd and Congregation Kai ErneSt, 5120 West Toohy, Skokie, will be quite inasmuch as our country 5C09 N - AIDS educatioH citizens may purchase tickets for $7.50 and students for $5. Tickets may he purchased at the door the Catholic Charities, and the Mass. Ticheto are oat fun aod good food at the Asine- llth1 To marh senior citizen's at 775-1399 before April 27th. Vos are invited lo an evening of -frft God and were given to children to pruine God. Other ortifacto will hsdicote 14, once a year for emergencies,' said Donoa Dark, program ad' help immediately if it is nrrded. items, fsr the Huly Nome lahle. Any parishioner or member willing to assist snttissg up is nyntenis are used on the aveeagr who live alone ant' need the assurance that they cati reach 9 p.m. to accept any dsnaled Using ГЎrchaeological documeo- that these commasicativn ronumunicolionn syntrm for ill, hondicopped or elderly persono the main gym entrance, from 7 to worshipped other gods or broke the second commandment. Nafional studien have sbus-s Memorial Northwestern Hospital is offering a special clothing to new-jeam, T. shirts, socks, you name it we may have it.Vendsrs will also be scHlag new jIcos. On Friday night Muy 13, the men of the Society will meet at talion, Dr. Tigay will prove thai make State Farm homeowners insurance a good buy. system for the home bound ages sod interests. Come lo clothe Ihe family from used ahcrrstion of the "Golden Calf", few Israelites styles, mcloding kleomer und rock 'o' roil, and performs across the United StatS. Moot of their other compuoitiom are writteo by Bobbie Solomon, o ceotor. Way of the Cross A potpourri of goods will he avaiohle to please buyers of all evidence from ancient Israelite inscriptioiss and ortifacto that, bleods o variety of monicol New communication planning to display their wares. A nominal admissiez charge of 50 cento will admit the boyer too fun-filled shopping day. 4500 W. Dempoter, llhnkie. Pork, on Soodoy, hoy 1 freno 1 to The 8th annual Sopor Flea Market sponsored by St. John Reenacting the am, to 3p.m. Advance roomstinos are flece050l'y for setiers ochotor and Rabbi, Dr. Jeffrey Ttgay, will be sponsored by the Dawn R. llchuman Institute for- spark and delight ootheniles of oil SiB Holy Name Flea Market Brnheuf Holy Name Society will he held on Saturday, May 14 from "You llhall Have No Other Godo and lecite-e by prominent Bihtieal The mesic of the JewiohMnericae boed "Sofern" will s, PageS The Bugir, Thursday, April 88, 1985 Theaagle, Thursday, April 88, 1988 nEll'BR BOY . EARLY GIRL . BEEF MARLEO . CHERRY h MANY MORE! Rzgolor 57.69 s SALE 3.69 ORTHO TOMATO AND VEGETABLE DUST SALE 99rt TOMATO da VEGETABLE BASKET Controlslssnri500d ii teosos or your !?I,m. . nzgera bic crops tlloo.cerraiOer Org. 55.29 -- SALE 4.29В° CRUISES INГ‡. - CRUISE SPECIALS - 7 Day Mexican Riviera R.T.Atr $ Incfudnd luded 7 Day Caribbean 199 R,T. Air $ lncludnd 7 Day Alaska LIMITED AVAILABILITY . SELECTED DATES MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW! WE -(AVE OVtR 200 DISCOUNTED SAILINGS ON MOST MAJOR CRUISE LINES. Don't miss the boat , . Book your next cruise with us. FOR EXPERT ADVICE AND THE BEST PRICE CALL OUR AREA REPRESENTA1IVE , HAL GOLDEN 966-9883 Ancaso. Way to end slaking ovo,' crowdieg ova 000messary crop Alllli!tgs Gnrdeft Pro ,\I,v,tvv en dilly yAr,I AnIt 51111,1'.U das-sp-'v Ihr gordce. Perle-i far ion, arecs . colombe,,. pole beso,, climblo5ttO5Obcerios.,sqnoohand EllOSbiog arvlve y pes'cecra bics IbO?rcqolrcsOppos. SALE 99o' Hatusasyitio AmlTngs, f)oweru & gIfts - fa dial A-M-L-l'N-G'S... 265 -4647 N Page 10 The Bugle, Thuredey, ApeO 20, 5000 ne Ragte, flaruday, April 28, 1099 9?em emt,4erin 2'CoL4 er Gknvi4w Antiques Show your love for Mom. Mark your calendars now for the 37th Annual Giroview Antiqarn Shaw, sponnored by the available al the varioas bake unlm that will take place doily. three-day eveot wiT he held Tuesday, May 3, 5 to 9 p.m., Wedneaday, Moy 4, lO3O ato. to 9 p.m., be good for all three days of the roomn an you View the dinplayn of the more than Send the FTD Preervc Jar Bouqart. Morher Wrek begiaa May 2. II,sr cafl or visir us today. Cr&i, Cn1t O,da,,bv Pt'ow ._7opwer creen FLOWERS and GIFTS 8118 N. Mwaijkee Ave. Miles. II 60MB carefullyneleeted dealers. Country und primitive uutiqnm, qaitln, solcher were and furniture, antique glana 35 colledions, art worku, jewelry, old tunIs, Anserieun brilliant col gluau, European und American 'lt-euuure Trove will allwo have un outatunsjing diuplay nf antique und culledllbteu fur you to chame from. Relvo in the church's newly refurbished dinIng room, with a delicious lunch or dinner, prepared und nerved by the tanseo tadim of the Woman's Amortilion, or enjoy u neromplinan eans,U4 Women Helping Warnen at lt am. na San., May I, at the Oaklon Itecreation Center, 4701 purchased at the chnrch office for W. Ouhiun, Shohie. su until Friday, April 25. Ample Lsrraine Mnrrsy, 0CC history and political science inatructor will discuss whether coudilious free pnrhiog in available. Proceeds received by the Woman'a Asnoeiatian from this year's eveot svitI again benefit many Chicaga-arila charities. - fur women lace really improved from 1940 until the present. Language development for your toddler vices director al Thureh di Lot-el Who Lave Too Much" and how women can chAnge their feelings, Wsmon Helping Wameu is a not Some very simple strategies paresIa can nnetapromote begin- ning language development. language tectnre sponsored by the VtP progrum. mia lecture will be held in the VIP claunroom ut Melzer School, 540g N, Oriole, Morton Gruye ut I p.m. an Thursday April 280 The VIP program is a psbtic iLu.. EARLY BIRD SALE FOR MOTHER'S DAY April 18th thw April 30th school sponsor-ed eurty internenlion prngrum for children ander the age of three. The VIP Stuff cars evaluate your child and proande therapy to improve your ctsild'n development, For more information on the VtPprogramptease call 966-2911. EPLC Women Erbens Park Lutheran Ctsnrch LINGERIE SWEATERS Values to $30.00 Now Only $3.88 Values to $38.00 Now only $4.88 Women will meet for their regular monthly meeting on Thsuv., May 5, ut l23O p.m., io the South Hull 5f the church, 6626 N. 011phunt. The ladim will have an easy way to shop without going tu the Sheila White, duugbteruf Mes, Mary White nf Ubertyvflie and Philip Zielionki, nun uf Mr. & Mr. Leonard ZfeIinuM of NiOto, were stilted in marriage ou Saturday, February 6 at the humo-of the groom in Richmond, illinois. The bride wore a,eige chantilly lace, three qanrter length dress, lrimmed with peafs; muichiug shoes und Tiara, Among Use invited qeests was oueofthe bride's toursisteru, 6-um Denver, Colorado and the groom's 9? year old grandfather, The reception mua held ut The Millos Nippersink Creek in Richmond, illinois. The happy couple honeymooned in Minnesota and Wisconsin for the winter spurts. Mothers association book awards Mathers Associutios Book Awurdu will go to 173 University 5f tilinuis freuhmeu wha earned straight Au during the fuit semester. Among the winners urn: Oes Plaines - Kevin Ftorey, Mortun Grave - Sam Vargheue, Pork Ridge - Cheryl BoB und Owen J, Bayou tif, Skokie - Dun-Han Uning. The unnociation will honor the winners ata Moms Weekend bun- . White Blazer Now ГІnly $3.88 Charlan Women's Fashion Shop. donate 19 to euch student's high Modela wilt he membre-n of the EPLC Women's Cireten. sehuol library far the put-rJsue uf u book in the student'n name. quet Aprii 22 (Friday), und WINDJAMMER TRAVEL prices. 6412 VAPOR LANE NuES, ILLINOIS 965-4222 te Closed Monday Tues-Fv Sat . . 11 00 fo 3O 10.00 fo 4OO "Reflections" uf the past, peesent and future are lu atore for those attending the fourth annual Forget-Me-Nut Brunch and Fashion Show, nponuoresj by the Women's Network uf Lutheran Social Services uf illinois (L9SI), The event, entitled "Reflections", will he held on Saturday,Mny7 at the Oak Brook Marriott Hotel, Proceeds benefit the 155g adoption, eltlldreu'a day care und fouler care programs, Karen Feri-ajolu, Den Platean, in the gmeral cbaln,seraon of this year's event beglimle. at 11:30 am, wIth brunch served at noon, Among the prizes to l given away are a one-of-a4bsdorea rig DES PLAINES MALL S.397O valued at Bi,500; a uappblre and diamond pendant from Dennis Lumpert JeWelers, valued at B450t and nevera) "eucape" weekends at nome of the area's CANCUN moot posh hotels, TIckets for the brunch and fashion show are $25 each and can he reuerved by callIng (312)8244665, i NIGHTS ticipasla should bring a bag tВ°ediatrsc nurse Jayne Mas (right) given u diaper changing lunch. Cost is $3 for members uud $5 for non-members. lesson to St. Francio Hospital's "Snper Sitter" class. More that 30 baby-sitters graduated trum the baby-sitting program designed to improve child care shills and help sitters prevent accidenta and handle emergencies. Hands-sn irabsiug was also provided by local paramedics and fire fighters. Dedication of Baby Gym at Kaplan JCC EPIC MotherDaughter bГ©nquet The family uf Brandon Scott Schwarm, the fose year old Chicago boy who was killed an Mother's Day, Muy il, 1966, at Jewish Waldheim Cemetery in Plans are underway far the Edison Park Lutheran Church Forest Park, wben a large formed the Brandon Scott Schwurta Memorial Fand. Brandan attended nursery school at the JCC in Chicago, aod an a rosolI, his family have furniuhed the JCC in Skohie with the Brsndon Baby Gym so that olher children muy ab able to enjoy the JCC as be did. Two years luter, the Baby Gym is sow complete and hin family will be holding a Dedication aod Unveiling of the Baby Gym, to honor his memory, on Sunday, Muy 15, H000riums or Memorial curda are available through the Brun- don Scott Schwartz Memorial FnГ±d, P.O. Bon 4151, Norlhbrook, illinois 60065-4151, for you lo 'Pu, oamnn huma so anuble unnapuon r. Fu, bushings within na doy, uf depsrss,o udd 010 pse pereso, All prise, nubiens tu 7Г¬omsoii Vacations. 66 take ele. fr& tu eeeloy pour.g, . Evanston Huapital and was welcomed hume by IsIs 20-month- old sister, Abigail Rachel. Mr. Kramer Is a popular Skakle-baued muaidan/bandleader who said his fient gift Lot- bio new oon wan a trumpet...for futuro une. quet. Men nf the congregation will pretare und serve dinner at 6-Mpm. ouFriday, Muye, inthe Muy O at 10:15 um, Reservatinsu North Hull of the cburcb, 6626 N. are required. c3siidren of the Oliphaut. Beservationa msut be Rabbi Ira Sud Religious School si Congregation Ezra-Soabanim will made. Tickets are $6. Special gnosIs, the Aeusstrnng sisters Becky and Jenny, will pre- pravide musical eutertuinment for their parents and breakfast seul their prngcam "Story Tell- The Toludah Club of NA'AS#AT (formerly tISA Pioneer ed. Ali orders must be piueed by May 1. Wsmen/Na'amat) will be selling lovely mum plants in foil wrap- ped 6" diameter puts for Mother's Day gift giving. The NA'AMATUSA Tsludah Club in u group of young women ist work to provide u network of cost is $7.50 und the plants will be edacationul and nuciat services delivered to your door on Friday, May 6 in the early afternoon, A gift enclosure card will be pravid- for children, youth und women Jis lavavi. For more 'usformutiun, please call Judy al 297-7875 F)!t. ORT outi,ng (Organisation for Rehabilitation through the urna. Becky and Jeu- through Training! will hold au evening at Muywssd Park, on ny bring their individadl artistic development to blend with their Saturday April 30. The evening will include u dinner and shared musical huchgraand. Cull Ike Edison Park Lutheran clubhome admission to the racetrack. Cost fur the evening svitI be (Starch office (ftt-915l) for moro infonnatisn und for whom lu cnntact foc reservutiuns. $35 per couple. Fsr more information, please voti 076-4076. Flotan t-Mot-, The Sandstone Chapter of Wumes's American ORT formed as part of the family act ducing the 60's and 70's. They have both been active in the petand in education toeming E-.. "CqN _a i0-' ing S0 ENDURING GIFTS FOR ENDURING LOVE Muthu,'s 0'v in u pnrfnnt time tu dussht mur mifu, ynue morve, nr Onu, mnthnri,.Iom with eu uud,,ing nies ut non juwsiro. Enn.ytimu sho Wn,rn it it will remind hn, ut onus luso. Hnort.,hupnd inmnsry in sou uf thu moot pnpulur musito rhi n toscos '.whut hosto, sift rs nmphaniuu Onu, tnunogs nnlissru nr buid hsurO chupos io nilanr sod unid daonlios trum pnnduets nrnsrriogt sen e plou,,og gift tu, Mother's liv. Culnrsd gnmstuuus, tinO punu dinerondu n, punti solustorn d tuguthur tu turm n heart neo s pnrteot Ledany-Secretury al 565-4555 or svmbnl toe rho usnunino. uhnw tho woman io 055e 50e how mnnh ysu nues with u pr000nel sift 525-2525. ut unbred stuns hesdn. Blush noyu bsud culturo stein steung with pourin neo anlussinshuoun mese with scything. Lapin, indu ne cone qnoeta ste grout gifts that nun he wore everyday. SJB Women's Club speaker A Mothor'o Dun rlsg, psodunt or branulot IB 5 alIt WhIch cao bn poso' ad trum une g000rotino to t ho neon Flonleweiry lifts, if proparin tskqn On Tuesday, May 3, Ike SI. nota uf, will met Onu' shut ens,. Sash inwulry, mheo sat with rink John Bcebenil Calbnlic Women's Club bus scheduled Ms. Adrienne cabina . nnpphlrnn sr ometuld, will bu troagura d tnt many lifetimes. How ptnod y ouate sr the titi sooeetru ho riog von, uraedtuthne nava your stuodwuthur, ont isst bOnuun o ut its bnuutv but bsnouaa st the inno Ir to rrnnao tad. as with individuals and groaps since 196f on issnes of sIrens reduction, memory and conecoleation, nonsmoking, depression, wakeful dreaming and o'eight covtrul The Center far Ethical Hypnosis in locsled in Nues. The prograso will begin si 7:30 p.m. io flanagan Hall, 0301 N. Harlem Ave., Hules. Tisis in- lereoting and infornialiv.e program io oyen lo Ike pabliC, and all ace invited lo attend. MOM'S DREAMA. : CWIГ‘' - . . Celebrate Mother's 0ay lu style. Surprise hoe minh a Schwirsn. it's tho bike she wants. Light, quick, and loaded with features. A great cumpa- nisn fur her leisure momoets. Let an help pus В±555e just the right sue for Mom. Finn juwniry it a gito that 110 garn. Lnt us hair you chuono the bunt qnul5-j sift uuirahla ta, sour uiniog tut Murhnt'n 05v. Ely Michael Doernor Graduate Gemniogist. Hondceafter &Appraiser z0 erner 7ewJers GLENVIEW SCHWINN 9201 MILWAUKEE AVE. CYCLERY 910 Waukegan Road S Glenview 724-5790 - - Mon. b Fri. 9.9 Taon. b Thnrn. 9.0, Sss. 95:30 Clnosd Wnd. ti 505, mpg hsuc,nvnsr an, uoit Mill Thanror Nnoisnaviviimo,osdl . ;--. v30, LГ§S : - RILES. ILLINOIS '' I Chicago and ita suburbs which participants. Call the synagogue for more iofurmutiun, ing ti Song." Theo- parents, George and Gori-y Aensutong. are well-benson Chicago foth singers, and the sedeen (ruveled and per- malins please coolact Laura stress management, improving nu The Men's Club of Cougregulion Enra-Hahonim, 2620 West Tushy, wilt hunt a free Mother!u Day Breakfast os Slother's Day, Warnen's Mother-Doughier Ban- Mum plants benefit sale . Jack and Pamela Kramer of Mureh 16, The baby was brtnat Mother's Day Breakfast Anynne requiring more jofor- a graduate uf Northwestern University, has been working uf a non, Franklin David, For other infurmatisu call EsteSe Weiss ut 490-2965. lfu'oagh a charitable dsualiOn. Kramers welcome baby boy Skukin boraine the prend paresIa Beverly Miller at 674-7670. remember your loved ones Kaplan, u hypns-theraPinl. INCLUDING AIR, HOTEL + MORE - Far further informatiun call tbeirgueat speaker. Ms. Kaplan, useilublsevuod ns,oheeu,. Store Hours LSSI reflects on fashion by Chicago artist Leali Neluun, (slight irregularitIes) of other great values at our everyday low hasted a seminar geared tu women interested in cur care. Nancy Sunnh, a free lance speaker so oats mechanics points oat impartuoce of correct finid levels. cruuhing him tu death, hove starr when "Puntanos for Summer" is prmeutesl by Curun Hundreds The Oil Express Mure located uf 8430 W. Dempnter in NiГЊm, for profil orgunizatios which provides support graups, a newsiet1er and generai meetings. Par- gravestone toppled from ita buse CLEARANCE LOWER LEVEL Martens, suppnrt ser- Belhrsda Hospitals will speak on tobin Nnrsvoed's book, "Women their childrrn don't start talking at the enpected tinte. There are tore for pureots ut 966-2811. I51 are the two topics of presentation 11ml will be gives al a meeting of show. Advunce lickels run be These strategies witt be demonstrated at u one hone graduates "Super Sitters" "You have corne a long way baby, sr have you?" and The $4 donation at the door will Please cull the VtP office if you wiub ta attend this language tee- tcee Seae St. Francis "Women who love too murk!" Many parents of young original prints, and silver flatchildreo become concerned when flit uit only u few of the utteaclinen that will be avuiltible to you. The Wonuun'u Ansocialion own Women Helping Women meeting for women White - Zielinski freshly baked goodu which will he view Cnmmmity Cbmcb. The the newly-decorated church Car care classes donnert at our ufternuon teu. Woman's Aasoeiotion of the Glen- and Thornday, My 5, JO3O am. to 4p.m., at the church, ItfO Elm St. (corner Elm St. and Gleoview Rd.), Glenview, It. Stroll at yam- leisure through Rernemerthg 21(0/A er Wedding Bells Don't forget lo take home some Pgo H 966-1341 MEMBERAMERICAN GEM SOCIETY . : , : - ,.yt'' ,,,, tli. :#- -. s Page 12 Page 12 The Bugle, Thrsrndey, Aprii 29, 1988 The Boglo, Thirdy, April IS, 1918 !Xem em e6ering SilCoIAer Carillon concert A Mother's Day carillon concerI s on tap at 3 p.m. on Sunday Muy 8 ut the Chicago Botanic Garden. Mark Konewkn organist and Chnumanter nf St. .losaphat'n (cq) Church witt play both ClaSnical rnunic and ar- rangements of folk torea, The Cnncert wilt inctude neverat nnginaj pieces hy Knnewko an Well an piecen by Thnman Morley, J_S. Bach, J. Pachnbl, and J.B. Bninmoc& lCnnewko ntuthe the carillan andec Rnhert Lodino, fnrmerty cardlnnueur at the Univnrnity nf Clucagn Rackefeller Chapet, and Cnntmled hin ntudies ВЎn Hnlland. The cartillnn, Iochted on Evergreen Island snath of the "GIVE ВЎq TREE A HOME" Arbor Day Special Friday April 29th Only All Shade & Ornamental Tree TOP SOIL Reg. $1.99 ON SALE 9 LESS REBATE 80r 990 FINAL COST ONLY IWHILE SUPPLIES LAST) Open Every Day! Moe-Fri. 8 AM-I PM Sat. 5-5 PM; Soc. 9-6 PM LINDEMANN'S GARDEN At'AERICANJ GREEN INC 2550 DEMPSTER CENTER LOVE Avenue, Wheeling, tlti.seiv ut If Dr. David Raus is a plastic norgeon ufliliated with Michael ReeSe Hospital and Medical Center, and will speak ne "Breast Rec005traction". Breast cancer patiexts, their tamities, ucd friends, and health professionals interested in the topic are welcome at open door meetings. The semions ace free of charge and reservations are not neceSsary. Y-ME oflers peer vuppoct to breast cancer paOienta via o 24 hour hntline )StS) 799-8338 and Shown above are RenurrecUen Hnspttal vnlnnteers, LomIta and be the nate of scorns nf cafeteria-style and meeting room chaieo donated by the Sisters nf the Resurrection. Other pincen nf hospital turnilure also wilt be in- forniture or ether items foe sale, may make their donabsen an eeetaet the hespital Volunteer- nllice at 792-5tlU, For reformation sr assistance Att preeends will benefit-Use Aaxiiiary's $1 mllhiun pledge ta expand ontpatinnt snrgieai services at Resurrettlien Hospital. May f and 4 at the Sisters' parking garage where Auxiliases will he preparing for the garage unie, Mayfair Women's to meet On Wednesday, May 4, Vivian Wing, president of the Wnmen's Association of Mayfair Presbyterian Charch, 4355 W. MesSe St., will catI the regular May boniness meeheg to order at noon. Everyone is welcome to attend, and to enjoy the following luncheon In he prepared and sees-ed by Mrs. Mary EIwell and the members of Circle t. Heme. 'habed items will be offered for sale by the members of Ciecle G. The after-loerchene prngrnm, "Feom Jazz Bund fo Pulpit", presented by Rev. "Chach" inlrigaisig. Mrs. Wing cordially incites aft acea friends and neighbora lo alteed. , Child care business meeting North Sukarhan warnen interested in setting ap a ctald care buamess in their eren home are mviteof ta attend erse efthe fellow- ing introductory coffee meetings on becoming a family day care provider, The first meeling is sehedaled for Wedisenday, May tt, from 93Wtt,3U am. at the Children's Cace and Devefnpmenl Center, 3925 Lost Ave., Lin- ceinwood, The Second meeting reiS take place On Wednesday, including advice Un body i4pgfLF;; AVAILABLE ALSO AVAJLA9LE FRENCH MANICURES PEtS1CIJRES . NAIL TIPS SCULPTURED NAILS /1 I. CAPPIELLO b CO. 8141 6 Milwaukee children's doy care and lester care programs. For ticket informa- Center nl Oienriew. Beth ergantaullana are net-for-profit. A free training workshop will fellow in Jane. Te registerand for further infarmation call Dolores Hermann at 729-8184. lungoage und listening techef90es. Mao-y Pat Varga, founder al the MPV Aasuciatun canasltluig finis, wilt conduct the pragrans. 'COiO5lSWslcalian SkiIla for the Prnfesaionef Woman' will be held at the St, Fruncia Collier for Womens' Health, 1808 Sherman ........ Wometsa' Hth, To register or far additinnat Information, call SPi%- GIFT CERTIRCATES Break Marriott. Proceeds will benefit the agency's adoption, The progrmn Is pat-t of the conItouing "Sacceos Strategies" aertes offered at the Center 1er & Livrer ,, Plaines; and Gail Peice el Nnrthbeonb. The event, entitted "Reflections" will be held May t at the Oah May 25, frass 7-9 p.m. at St. Andrew's LaSserais Church, 280 N. Northsvent Highway, Park Ridge. These coffees are sponsored by the Day Care Action Conseil of IItinola und Wesley Day Care Ptacein-Eep.soo.c.. 4923718. MINIATURES FOR THE MINIATURIST Need Вїj OoII House and FIIrIIiaIiirtgn. huh? TIren step III,,, Mr Own Liithe World, We vares everythiog . cony ha kitchen sink' WALLPAPER . RUGS . WOOD . bACIO TOOLS )HOU5EWORES COMPONENTS) . ELECTRICAL FIXTURES WIRING lUTS . TRANSFORMERS And Much Morn HANDMADE ORIGINALS FROM OUR SHOP, By nwner, C. J, Vet Open, Tuen,, Wed,, Thurs,, Fri. Sat,-1o, PM 7940 Oakton St. Nlhes, IL 60648 v-- 823.5717 Reflecting on the past, members of The Women's Network of Lutheran SecialServices of illinois prepare for their aunnaf brsotch and fashion skew. Pictured (I to r) ace Network members Kathyllemter sE Art- Adjusting to a new sibling tine, call 824-11165. Discussion group Parent Lecture Series for mothers HCA Cleicagn Lakeshore Hospital and the One-to-One and daughters Learning Center are proud te The Virginia Frank Cbitd Devetopmenl Center nl Jewish Fomityand Contmnnity Service wilt held a four-week discuosion group for women to explore the roles of mothers and daaghtern no Thursdays, May 2, t2, t9, and 28, 7,24-9 p.m. The grasps will meet at Virginia Frank Child tvetnp- ment Center, 3833 West Tnaby Avenan, Chicago. DГЇscsssios will locos is feelings aroosed by daughters, mothers, and mothern-in-laws daring nacieres stages of family life, weluding developmental issoes in mother_daughter relationships .1ERPLhT1R to adulthood. Lucraren Peumue, A.C.S.W.,JFCS5 Fami- ty Life Educator, will lead the group winch is ose in a series of frank talks for young families sponsored by the Center. The fee lar Ike bar-week Series is $20 winchs can be segotiated. For information and registration, telephone Ms. Permon at sponsor a free lecture te parents in the North Shore Commsnity. "Undeentanding Ynsr Adetescent" will be presented by Alan Ravita, M.D., on nnpeet io the field of child and adolescent psychiatry. The lecture wilt take place en Wednesday, May 4, 1mm 7,30 to O p.m. at Gtenbrneh South High School, 400f W. Lake St., Gteeeiew. For reservations, call 870-97gO corn. On Friday, May 8, from 9,38 - lU:30 am, at Aparte Day Camp, 3850 Woodridge Bd,, Nor- thkeaok, Felice Novak will lead discussion and provide saggesEisen and rncommendationa to make parnoti,sg easier, No babyaiRing Uni-niet ta available, hut pareota may bring their children, ti necessary, Preregiatration is maudalory. The lee is hli per per- son. To register call NSJCC al 433-8424. Visa and Maslercard are accepted, Morion Grove Garden Club will hold their 'Iauoaal Spring Lmehem called "Ftawera With A Flair"preneytted by Mr. Joba Wittasas and the Mclteery County College Ftorat Club 00 Tnesday May 3, ut tkI Old Orchurd Cosetry Club, Mt. Prospect. Fec Tickets contact Mrs. A. W. Miller 966-4737. The primary tocas of thieew unit woald be te further their Jewish identify threagh social North Glen Business Ond Frotansinoat Women's Club. A porties of the fund wan donated by the First Trost and Savings Bank of Glen- und recreationdl experiences. We are nelldng isdieiduals over the age nf 25 who reside is vir: apply, a woman snarl he at 1h, Greater Clsicago/llubseban least 25 yearn old, o U.S. cito-en, areas. if yen know of any in- and employed fer 20 or more hears a week. Applicants will be screened by tke scholarship committee and a - in May 2. Application tornos and further infermation are available by contactlag Clitlerit, 066-3512 er Kathy The Wasuao'n Chub of Shokie will meet at 11:30 am. Wednes5300 Teuhy Ave., Skokie. Women's lecture Scholarship Awards will be presented io stodenta uf Niles professor of Christian Thcolngy at the University of Chicago's Divinity Scheel, wilt speak nc "Conecrgenccn & Coelticts: Women, Justice and the Church" at DrPaul University's anesal theology lecture May 12. Speesored by DePaot's Religieux Studirn Department el the School el Liberal Amts und Sciences, the lecture wilt be held at Ike Schmitt Academic Center, 2323 N. Seminary, Room 254, 10,15-11:45 ans. The cveei is free and open to the public. Dr. Caer is an editor et the.' benefit Irnos liso type el program, send us o list as seen as phene nomber and age: cosfidentiatity will be respected. ti there are any further questiens, please do not hesitate ta call nc write to Bernie Sattaherg al 1h, B'nai B'rith office ut 074-5542, 9933 LawIne, Soue 100, Skokie, IL 60877. Ysoc empemation is greatly up- preciated. day, May 4, at the Holiday las, DePaEJI 56)flS()PS Dr. Anno- E. Carr, associate dividuain wham yoio lent could winner will he announced w possible or cult. Please give us June. The deadline 1er applying. the individual's nome, address, this meeting or about Y-ME, catI Following the luncheon, -H.RC. CENTER FOR MEN, WOMEN &TEENS West aud Niles North Scheols and Winana State University mr nues- Per 'n event Makeup by Aee,naed The club will hold it's aunuat Spring Luncheon en Thursday, nan persnsail enuperienee sen Perm anne? Hoi, Remnoal. a Shohie student attending Elnotrslvsis. Soft, Gentle, reso-sr Eiuot,enin Methnd. 50e ho esa eeeorio,itenft hoses eosina,. H.RC. CARES FOR YOU Rn Registered Dlnstenisgiet ana Reard Certified Dare,alsoiet Muy 19 ai Menaxtemo's, 3935 W. Devnn Ave. A vemnetile mnsical program will be presented: Noto Ragtime Don. Cochtaols will he servedatll:30a.m., Lunclseno ai Foe Appt Call 299-Q555 ,.'voyv 12:30 p.m. -7t*-';7 ImlatlUen of newly elected of- sens MON. th,u SAT. o nonts onusns,sa:nrm W }! .b;._._j firers will take place following T the luncheon. For information call: 073-5060. GOLF MILL MALL PROF, BLDG. SUITE928 Journal of Religion and is on Ike iotemnatisoat editorial beard for. Cencilism. She han served the Natinnal Confeeence of Catholic Bisheps and the Catholic I Theological Society of America in their consultations on women in ihe church. She in the aathee nf numerouS articles and two recent Christian Traduise and Wemee's . Ekpecience and The Search fer and ask foe Cems000ity Bela- Wisdem and Spirit: Thomas MerOnn's Thnelogy nf the Self. BECAUSE MOM'S SO SPECIAL ... I Gino hnrapr nfsssinnallp VALUE '75 n3II ivstallndGnn,nPreGacage knoks, Traenfecmisg Grace: FREEI transmitter end o FPEE Genie Rnmatoln -Heuss Light Cnetrsl HURRY ORDER NOW!! OFFER GOOD THRU MAY21 Plug Pro ModelS 8200 (ВЅ HP. Economy) Show her how you feel this Mother's Day. Our Price $159W Sull. Rel. 219.95 SAVE sem l79 239,95 ('/u HP. Deluxe) 9800 (ВЅ HP. Heavy Duty) 269.95 8800 199W UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS 945" WITH INSTALLATION COUPON I 701-4550. Morton Grove Garden Club Jewish commooity. ship established recently h, the Women's Club alliflUal luncheon 1 SPECIAL SPECIAL 16x7 Panel Steel Garage Door Garage Door Installed 336 amine gold. OFF COUPON Narmot testait. ton '05.55 8x7 Panel Steel A brilliant fui cut'tliamond set in 00K yellow . INSTALLATION AVAILABLE - L jato With other preschool parnnta to dincaaa iasuea of can- men and wome n within our provides information on rebat is do if u breast tamp is detected. the Y-ME office at 312) 799-5330. A A working woman, 25 yearS aid nr older, who wishes to improve her shills or complete bee Sacatine will be the beneficiary nl un $1,180 Working Woman Scholar- Miles, 657-7326. Fer mere informulien about ingten Heights; Generat Cheirpernon Raree Ferraiolo nf Des Communication program for Womens' Health "Communication Skills far the Profeanional Woman' will be the topic nf a SL Francia Center for Womens' Health lnctsre at 7e30 pm. on Thursday, May 5. The pew gram will focas en how te present a farncefnl prafnssinnat message , disabled unit The B'nai B'rith international and B'sai B'rith Wemee are corenntty organloing a special unit for developmentally disabled edocoOlonat epen door meetings throogh000 the Chicago Metrepohtan Area. Y-ME aise Stan Olnch el Norwood Park, preparing for the hugn ene-day garage sale at Resarreetian Hespitat featuring furnitnre, household Reses and smaS appliances, Precneda will beseElt the Aaxikary's $1 mstaon pledge te expaed outpatient surgical services at Resurrection Henpital, event. "te addition, a highlight of Chesterton, tediano, STREET. DES PLAINES 312-824-7411 Wheeler will interest everyone. A dynaniic speaker, Rev. "Chuck" describes his varied carnee from playiog with a lane band - to fast. fond oweerohip - to studying foe the ministry at the age of 52 - to his present pastorale in Gary, teTo MOM diana. His story is hamorons and WITH tee, 1590 Sooth Mitwaahee Bushel chairwoman plansieg the will The Northawent Gmoop of the V-ME Breast Caecer Support Program will hold ita monthly open donc meeting on Saturday, May 04, ut the Patwaukee Motor Simpson, Aueiliaey Bargain cloded. And sprecaI tables of both hctioe ucd nos-fictins bnoho will he anailabf e.' Anyone wishing te donate med 25% OFF В©IIYPONX Members of the Resarrection Education Center at the Botanic Aaxiliary plan a giant tIe-day Garden, in one nf only 180 hand- garage sale Thursday, May 5, at ptayed carillons in Nnrth Resnrrectioe Hospital, 7435 W. Talcntt Ave., Chicago. America The sale will be open to the The 48 bronze hells were cast w public from 5:30 o.m In 4 p.m. Holland, each designed to recel the reqoirementa nf the Botanic and oil) be located o the Sisters Garden. The larfesl hell weights of the R esureec tine private porh21h tons and has g base diameter ieg garage, behind the hospital 5f almmt five feet. The smallest near the receicieg loch. Sale hell werghs only 24 pesnds with o paIr eesshoa Id fellow signs base diameter nf less than eight leadiog to the sales packing let, directly adjacent to the inches. The Chicago Botanic Garden is garage sale location. Free parhlocated en Lahe-Csnk Read e mg will be available io the sales' lot br garage sale Glencee, see-half mile east nf the Edens Enpressway, pateoes. The 300.acre Botanic Garden is spec every day except Christmas Forniture, household items, from 7 am. snOt sunset. Admis. Small appliances, dishes and Sinn is fees; paching s $2 per cae. much more will be included ix this year's sale," promises fane Working Woman Cancer program Scholarship Lutheran Women planfashion show Res Aux giant garage sale B'nai B'rith Y..ME Breast Installed 48O $59.95 IMPERIAL JEWELERS 344 LawrГЁncewood Shopping Center Nues, IL 60648 966-1035 GEГ‘IE __I_(- S&S . ELECThONIC DOORS l2l2RRndRd.(Reu1812) Ne one knows llarage Doers betwmn Golf b Rias, Rds. - 15es Plaines, Iii. like a Genio Peo, 15yaerua t telslmaiioe 8270060 Page 14 The Bugle, Thursday, April 25,19th TheBragle, Thrienriny, ApalIa, 1998 Гng 51Co/ГЃer ВЈRemem Legion Auxiliary bids farewell to member The past presidents parley groap of the Morton Grove Aonervan Legion Auxiliary Unit Ht34 recently met for their himonthly nennion and alno partied Kay Smith at Nues Art Guild Kay SmIth, Chicago artIst, will be the guest at the May 4 meeting of the Niles Art Guild, held at the Niles Recreation Center, 7577 N. evento - the largest collection of its kind ever done by a single arlist -Kay Smith pulls the past isla the presest. For the paul 15 years, she han Laveroe in moving to Sacrawen- IonIser teadern of the large painted the historie American scene Ou locatiun and has had numerous eshibits lhrnsghntnt to in Calif. to be with dooghtee there. The ladies presented her with flowers and a gifl and a promIse to write and keep in touch Io the daties, plassnog the luncheon, chosmg the lacation, arranging for prizes, invitations, etc. futare. Mrs. Frisk served In this capacity Mrs. Joyce the country. Her paintings capture the atmosphere of America's saga is ways no other medium could. Capturing the timen and places an president in 1957. Her honband was rnmmander of Legion Post Senf, president for the 1983 term, that shaped America Karol Vernon, NUes, han been named Director of Mature Adult Acting UpI from a drama the preciosugiftofSmith'n u'tanericao Legacy Coltectiun. She has become the osiy artist ever In receive the coveted George WashIngton Home Medal of the Freednnnn Fuandation of wseh/Mayer Kaplan Jewish Com- nattonatly-recognined touring company featured os television Valley Funge for "outstanding accomplishment In helping lu Was to have heen hostess. #134 here in 1955. Verson named Jcc Director worlsulsop of 13 people Into a Services for the Bernard Hormonity Center (JCC), 3003 W. Vernon co-authored a drama text, ActIng Up! M hmevulive Apprsrh In Crentive Drama fer Older Adrrlts, honed On her es pertence at Oaktns Cnmmunits Csllege. She also eampiled usi edited a cnllectinn nf neat formerly manager nf the Older Adult Institute nf the CoSege of DuPage ВЎn Glen ESyn, From 1977 to 195g, Versos was creative arts specialist for the Older Adult Program al Oaktna Cnmmnnity College in Des Plaines. There she served an histnrten from her troupe members entitled Writing Desee! For information abolit Malnre dГrectnr nf Acting ljptan lenovative theater pregram fur Adult programs at JCC, older adnllu. Versen developed cOIl 761-9190. Day camp coun selors needed Malse-Niles Association nf Special Recreation ueedn day the camp site. An appheation can he picked ap at the M-NASE nffice, 9401 Oriole SI. Morton for chIldren and young adulta who are edncable mentally han- Grove. For more isfnrmatinn, dicapped, or have learsing disabilities and bebavior vail M-NASR at 946-5522. M-NASR Is a cooperative program ofthe park distrrcla serving the leisure needs of speciat populations residIng in Sknkie, Park Ridge, Des PlaInes, Morton Grave, Nites, and Golf-Maine. disorders. We are lnoklbg for high nchnol, college students and Other adults who areInterented in planning activitIes lo assisse and entertain children is a six week day camp program. The program t - ,. o Custom wig& u + u ug. 4065 N. Milwaukee Chicago, lii. 60641 u u u u u 312-777-o222 g. Trnwsnd niisnarj0 sont nnlurs and asyins! u WHA1'YOnWANT u g. g. .5 g. a g. Arnd . u ; g. H'B f . ANDUP DIFFERENTSTYLESTO CHOOSE lair Wnaa,ng . SainS V S s,jnsPs5I e ayO Ch,id,svs FR02 Wigs . Human Hair W,gs and Falls . Mena WigS uvd Ha,rpiavsa a Huma,, HO,, Carvadnu, Wigiarn. Aine Clara avd Svvthet,e Ponytails sed Shnwgi,i Wig, Wiga avd Oai,pineon lOME AND HOSPiTAL CALLS MADE . COSMETIC .THEATRICALTHERAPEUTIC . PIVATE FITTING ROOMS . PHONEORDERSACCEPTED Creightnn, Mary Kampnchroer, Shirley Ayees, Marie Felice, and Irene Geurgen. (Mlnuing tram photo are Dornlhy Breen and Isabelle Lutons). Prnceeds frsm'ejse lunehens will he used te purchase patient monitoring equIpment. Tiekeln fsr the luncheon are $20 and available by calling the hnspital, 297-1800. St. Peters woman's club fashion show The forty-firstAmsoal Palriotie Conference sponsored by the Depurtmest of Illinois Ladjm Aimnitary to the Veterans of Foreign nf the United States was recently held at tire Holiday Inn O'Hare/Kennedy in Rosement, IL wIth Department President Harrnet Cagte presiding. Speakers during the morning tension included Thomus Stack from Ike Illinois Attorney General Office who gave a very Isformative se cosesmer fraud and Gerald Coevey, a Representing Park Ridge Veterans of Foreign Wart Awn- Ittary 3579 were President Marie Marquardt, Sr. Vice. President ESame von Schwedler, Secrelary, Dee Gle-tsen, Patriotic lnstrnc1er, bue Bsaimki,, Americanism Chairman, Mary Barry, Rosemary Kaiser, Lorraince Rochado and Belly Daugherty. Women in Careers dinner/workshop Chupinr of the Nntlnnal Associalion For Women In Careers spnnsors monthly diamer/wnrbuhap, vocalint-ysdeler Heidi SiemerS. Following the luncheon, Jarvin RabotS, nf Elgin. She will dIsenso Wood o check in the amnont of $14,125 tsr Cancer Aid and Research. Intimacy: Communication For Closeness, presented by Psychotherapist, Marilyn Damthe elements of intimacy in all types nf relationslJps Meeting will take place on Mnsday, May 9, al Ihe Hyatt Regency Wmdfield, 1800 E. Gulf Rd., Schaumburg. Registration lu at5:30p,m,, workshop at 6 p.m. and dInner at u. Make reuervatinns by calling 8751991 before Friday, May 6. Members - $15, Non-membern -$21. SSSS OSI Cars $to, Smoidng Tntslav' .5 g. 6. g. 5 64 OPEN7DAVS I .-.. The day will begin .with be purchased by calling Gerne Clennon at 673-1393 on Joan Tor- lordo st 674-4123. The deadline fur ticket pur- chase is May 15. OId O,nhaed Center Skokie 679-53Г�0 S. SS S S SS S 5 SS 5 5 .5 We&4,w A boy, Michael Anthony LoVerde, g lbs. 14 3/4 na,, os Fehruany 18, tu Vicky & George LoVerde offt337 W. EaySt., Riles. Brother, Anthony nge 20 Stators, Lana age 15 and LIsa age 15 Grandparents, Adeline Pontorelli nf Chicagu and Joe & Nora LaVerde uf ChIcago. A hoy, Nichulas PatrIck Edwards,7 lbs. 7ВЅ na., us February 22, to Kimberly & Steven Edwards of 765 S. Merle, WheelIng. Grasdparents:Caryl & Gordon Rosenberger of Glenview, and Patricia & Chartes Edwards nf 55 A hoy, Gregory Karol Udzielak, 8 lbs. t ou., On February 26, to Christine & Frank Udaielah of 5145 Field Dr., Niles. Brother, Tom age 12 Sister, Annette age t Grundparenta, K ti F Udaielak of Cloicuge, and MT. Tomkhoe of Knou,IN. in . . .. / imagine having to oVersight that became one of the mqst ta1ced about StnlctuIs in hIstory A cIasSiC example of Romanesque architecture. One of the seven modem wonders of the world. We should all be as fortunate. Yet, more often than not, most mistakes end up causing serious problems as time goes by. That's why, at F'mtt of America, we're making an effort to handle them. With the Satisfied Customer Guarantee. It's nothing new to us, really, since we ve been wmmitted to satisfying customera for years. Only now, we've cornmitted to it in wcItitg. Which means, lt you murky necrets. Secreta whieb have prupellesf Savannah Wiugn ta nttempl suicide. Secreta wInch eenviuce twIn kruther Tom that his future is intricately linked Io unravelling and pnnnibly espus- ing family hnrrur and heurt- break. TIsis is a "big and powerful" navel. Ace yus up for it? Join the Bosh discmsiun group and let puar ideas mme la a cnnfluence. Mny 2 in the day. 'l'mn have a problem,we'Il solve lt. n'cluck in the lime. The t'iles The Shokie Valley Chapter of the Lyric Opera uf Citicagu mvites pun to attend a Wine And Cheese Party us Sunday, May 1, at the Temple Beth Israel, 3930 Hawnrd St., Skohie. The event will laghI ut 2 p.m. Alfred Glanuer Education Directur uf the Lyric Opera of Clsicagu w80 present an entertaming and informative Preview '"/ for mistakes, BUt,asweallknow,an o Turn 5ff your TV. and crack the pages nf a Book. Whet bah? SV wine and cheese party who sre held accountable answer for this one. Erecting a 19 story, solid marble bell tower o ground that was too sOft. Not one of the swiftest moves ever made. Nues library book discussion Public LIbrary at 6960 OaktAs is the place. Cnpien of the hook are availuhle from the LIbrary upun request. All Welcome!! For those of US -GUARANTEE.) members are allays welcume. nons of Park RIdge. cocktails at 11,20, Lunch al 12,30, The price Is $10 and tickets may lbe Marine Carps BEO&IE "ON 1'EN AL. cake will be served. New anythIng yuue viewing eyes bene gaaed un lately. Culo-ay InSu a tale uf dark and Il wIll he held at the Evanston Gulf GlIb 4481 Dumpster St., Sknkle. Fashions will be by Par- intoned &I Guild une upen ta the general public and ere free. Coffee and Why nut test the watern in Pat Canruy's Prince uf 22dm, ThIs eptundic rendering cuuld rival Morton Grove. 5019 N. Michigan Ane, S China90 644-0666 120 Oakbrook Confer S Oak Brook 571-2826 O ebenso' FashIon Shnw ou May 21. The Northwest Ssbnrban Police Officer from the Berwyn Police Department Youth Divisian who demonstrated kOwts get the attention of the children when csndacttng a safety program. Esteetailimest was provided by presented Dr. Donald Peter's Cathnlle Wsman'u Club will he spnrsuaring a Lun- A 1987 graduate of Maine Township High Sebool South, he WHATST ,JtTSWUSA culiectiun. The meetings uf the NUes Act Shnwn aheve (I tu rl are: Kitty Stnerhsff, Maite PR-VAN Auxiliary attends coflference ciks PLUSTAX OVER 300 . while practicing for theirsprvnoing luncheon and fashIon show that is scheduled for Monday, May 9, al Ike Woodfietd Hilton Towers in Arlington Hetgkt,s. The luncheon, winch begins at soon, will feature fashions ky Parsuns of Park Ridge modeled by members of the hospital auxiliary. Illinois Wig,Siyle&jui '$3995 F ree Asslhans from Holy Family Hospital in Des flamm donned the latest fashions In leisare wear Trivial Psrsait el Liherty"..Tke Ludien Auxiliary to the Velerans 5f Fereign Wars, Deportment of Mother's Day Special u u August 1987. permanent hume fur the entire people io attendonce on Ike WE'VE GOT IT' in "the continuIty uf Americas life" and plans tu add tu the Collection threugh 1992, Her goat is ta fled a Rice gave a ment Interesting prescetioe te 1ko more thus tb IF you HAVEN'T FOUND duty with 2nd Ferre Service Sap- Legucy Collectiun represents Operates Monday throagh Fr1day, 9 am. to 23t p.m. nr 945 wen. ta 315 p.m. depending on Camp Csarsuelnrs and In carrently accepting appllcatlono for camp coanselors for ita summer camps port Group, Camp Lejesue, NC. achIeve a better understanding nf the American Way of LIfe". Kay Smith feels the American and w major publications. Toothy Ave. in Cttiragn, She was Hancock of 8941 N. Nalnma, Murlun Grove, recently reported fur duly with 2nd Oncee Service Sup- Marine POr. Paul. W. Sponaagle, sun nf Margaret M. Sponaagle uf 1284 Grove Ave., Paekbldge, recently reported fnn tings and namernus blach and white skelches of landmarks, hIstoric sites and nnteworthy dent who is leaving the oeca. veterans group Anuitiary rotated performing hontenn A 1987 graduate uf Nileu Nurth Hlgh&banl, Skekie, be mined the Marine Canso ht Oetuber 1887. Bringing our heritage to lIfe - hr Jeanette Hack, the 1971 leader, members. pert Group, Camp Lejeuue, NC. mure than 200 walercnlur pain- sohntdoted. Mrs. Phil Frisk, of Morton Grove and Shohie, in the presi. whde hidding adiue to one of their Marine POe. David E. Hancock, Milwaukee Ave., Niles at 7,38 Holy Family Auxiliary plans Spring luncheon However, due to illness, Mrs. Paul W. Sponaugle David E. Hancock too of Hubbard E. and Juan (ho Page 15 . 4- . Or if you have a qsteslion about any facet of our service, We'll answer it. And if you're not salistied, we'll do everything we can to reaCh a solutton. The basit point being .. i&'. we want you to be happy - with us. No matter what. . u SostopbyanyFirstof America location and pick u_p a copy of the Satisfied Customer Guarantee. Because, while nustakes can happen, very few gotmotid. o FlRS1В°FAME,lC steni,nceic 9101 GruanueadAor. Nilaa Of The 1988-1059 Seasun. This is year chualce to meet the Shokie Valley Chaptyn and aS sew and pruspective members. Bnuasgafniesdtue! ' Fur mure isfurmatiun rail Asine Cobeas, 274-5498. h Page 16 The Bugle, Thmd,y April 28, 1988 TheBogle, Thorsdoy April 28, 0585 I Page 17 - Piucka will ssorcp joo cffir ket Man charged with A Chicago man wan arrenled Sor ceLad theft April 17 after o liporlomart security guard upotled the otfender concealing f Itli molesting Niles child A case of lovolviog o Mount Proopect man arrested for ng- gravated sexual obuse of n Miles hiles April 18 oves continued to May 27 je NUes Third District he saw a Small,female child colt the vehicle nod walk toward the pork area. The car then drove out of the parking tot. The police officer questioned Marcelo Montesinos 24 of 1560 Wheeling Rd. was rrested by the eloid who wan reluctant lo speak al first, but then said she knew the alleged offender and Comt Des Pintees police after they found him io bio cm ot Moine West 111gb School on hour otter Miles police reported the uni- dent. Me woo transported to the Nitos Police Stolton where bond Wan net nt $bO,000. According to NUes police, offirer John DiviSo white on routine patrol at about 10 p.m., observed a tate model Otdsmobfle in the rear of 8901 MilWaobec Ave. When the officer attempted lo turn bis oqund cor to investigntc, FM Rea' EaWta Nee Mnreen Macina that he hadgiveo herfIt to fondle her. At the NUes police otatioo the gave further information he hod enposed hiaosetf, poker said. It was reported the mao at ose time had lived with the family nl the girt. With the consent of her mother the girl was tabeo to Lutheran General Hospital where she war gIven a Viteilo teat that deter. mises the degree ofuexual aetivi. ty winch may have been iovolv- DUI arrests... A Glenview woiiiao was arrcated April 17 for druok driving and faunae to yield after she was involved in an auto accident at Waukcgao and Qakton. The offeoder made a left toro from Wasbegan onto Oakton worth nl fishing gene in hin clothing nod attempting lo leave the ntnre wIthout paying Sor the merchandise. He wan released on $1,000 hood and assigned es April court date. A K-Mart security guard ohserved a man place three pairs of athlelic shints totaliog $29.88 in his jacket and cultUre atore April After he war detained oulaide the store, the ottender tOuch the security agest on the side nf the face and tried to run, at which time he was subdued hy aeveral Mauroeen Mac you baco boo,. thinking abo,,, soiling homo NOW o the rima to got tho bot p,Jcn fret,, coo, prnpethy W-ГЊrhinrorear ratatlew.tromn prJcns aree, oaflanttfynecnndrhornaJft, aboot ynur home. enO rho Real Estate SUPERSTAR' A Chicago man was arrested for drank driving, speediog and ignoring a red light on April 17. Police observed the attender driving m the bloch of Mitwankee nl 53 mph. Police por. sued the offender who then drove through a red light proceedEg to the 7900 block of Milwaukee 11300 where a traffic atop was made. He pooled $1,000 hood and drIver's berme and was aaaigned a May roua-t dale. Call Maureen at 698-7000 RnJMoopr000nJnSnaflh niftГџ,3St u_&_. "GAS: YOUR BEST ENERGY VALUE" SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU REPLACE YOUR OW WATER HEATER WITH A NEW GAS ENERGY SAVER He was released after posting $1,000 bond pending a May court date. Someone seed a pry-type tool to pry osi a door key Inch cylinder to gais entry to a car in the Tam golf course parking tnt April 17. Once inside, the offender open- ed the glove cnmpartmenl and med the trunk release button In unlock the trauh. Taken from the trunk were $110 in currency, fishing pole und cane, wallet, parse, credit cards, earrings and wedding ring valued at o total of 53,3ff. VAWE . . SERVICE . INSTALLATION &tV&age SALES wn&В»g & Sew'e Sa'ice, ВЈ1#c. 9081 Courtland Drive, Nues 966175O Coana, of Milwaukee and Cau,ij Voir On, Showroom Tadoe' EST, 194e on the front hoed of lila car. He luter found two small denSo and scratches on the car hoed caused from rivela from the yooth's jeunn. They also used a pencil fo Saturday, April If, o woman with Lake Shore Drive Identificatiun, returned a curling iron tn the Sears store in GotfMill al OJ3l p.m. At toSS p.m. abe retarued o handbag and a wallet for refund scratch obscene words un the vehicle. Total damage is uadmown. The victim unid he cnuld ideo- lily the offeodera saying they gather in different locations in the seifhlrtr,00d. he was ohservnd uwlichiug price tags os a npnrtu item from $49.97 to $32. The olfeuder paid a $5f fine. Persona untosown gained entry lo the trAsh of a car in the 7750 block of Nordica and removed a Someone removed u stotoe valued at $125 from a lroot lawn in Ike 7900 block of Ocaoto and umanhed it in the Street 00April to. A renident in the 5700 block nf Merrifi told police April tO per- soon unknown knocked over a large steIne and an electric light pole is the frnnt yard. Estimated damage was $550. Someone on April tO uusucceonfully atlempted to remove a steIne on a front lawn in thg 6900 bloch of Mudinno, During Ilse at- tempt, the welding between the steIne und stood way broken. Coat tu repair Was estinted at $30. On April 2O,two young Nilea people, arguing at the rear nfll400 Milwaukee Ave., resulted in police arriving no the scene. On further inveuigaoion it man found the young man won wunted in Park Ridge fc- a violation there. boleo police transported him to Park Ridge. Burglary... AThteu woman wan arrented by Chambers Restaurant Jewel's security agent aller removing and sol paying for u 51.79 contaIner of while pepper. She woo charged with petite theft, winch in tens of a charge than a misdemeanor. On April 2f a burglary nf the 0891 Milwaukee Ave., was reported, three canes nf assorted liquor wan taken from the hanement of Ike store und $500 in currency and coins Were removed from the restaurant. Pace holds monthly pass sweepstakes contest Pace, the noburbas-area bon servIce, and the Hyatl.Oahbrooh Hotel are np0050rjng Ike Puce Monthly Puno Sweepstakes conleni, announced Cherjnne Louder- Ivan, Puce's new Division Manager of Marketing. First place Winners will receive a deluse weekend package for two al the Hyatt Regency modafionn for Iwo nights in a Ilefeocy suite, a dinner al Hsgo'n, Sunday brooch, chum- pagne and Godivu chocolates. A Pace Monthly Part wilt be given to the second place winsers. Nine firnt place wiaenrn nod five necond place winners will he drawn each month. The contest runs three months. To enter the nwenpstakes, pasneogern ruant write their nome, address and telephone numlier on the hock uf their May, June or July Pace monthly identification. She was detained by Sears secority for about 45 minofes utid then left the store and went to the Nifes police chnrged with any viotationu, She spent l-l/2hours at the polige atalion nod eoplained she had done nothing wrang. She wanted to Puce Monthly Passes are sold ut nonnI nubarhan Jewel Fund Stnres or can be obtained by sending a ticket-by-mail application und u check or money order to Pace. The Pace montkty pass may atoo be used on CTA buses und trains. I E ._I r. \ a ui . EUREKA Prenitino ESPВ® UPRIGHT record the action which 0mb EUREKA UPRIGHT place and said nbc intended eontasting a tawyer regarcbsgtfte in. rident. Sel f. Pm p elle Sprig 65AmpMotor 4.0 Amp MolBr WITH TOOLS . 90or Orbe, Olbra-triirrer J" Man found dead in motel the Capri Motel, 7120 Milwaakee, died in his room April 19 or 20. After he fftdahed his shift April . . EOt"Eatra Incline Fewer' . Tip matIn Dirt Org . 6 unCen Ilibo-Hap' . Ragulatir' Dr011 00151ff . Dual Enge EJoutre" 4.0 Amp Motor Henry Smslinakt 62, o clerk at 7.5 Amp ESP'В° Motor neater 53, aIuta Orli EUREKA UPRIGHT s- WITH TOOLS tftisloenl SUGGESTED LIST 349.95 269 WITH TRADE CarpaS 6aug90 Ad jolt mani n PSwot Driven Batter 19, he went to hin roam and did not repart to work the next day. An employee of the motel had to Bar Brash BIlI . Top Loading OasI Bag . Baal Edgn Klnnner' kick in the door, whichwus chain- golf bag and clubs wnrtk a total of 575f. using a diffnrent name un her department. She had not been Disturbance... Ookbrook, which includes accom- (INC EASED TANK INSULATION) OIZEOTAILOREDTO v000 FAMILY CONSOMPTION foI. ID check emplayeeu. Au Evanston man was charged car goiag 005thboond oa. with pelile theft ut K-Mart after Waubegao. No one mau injured. MdtI-MtlOn.. Doline Pendono, Thin io Cha SPRING cork,,. Jr Nordica told police Aprit to youths were sitting und wrestling 17. driving directly IO the path of a was on $l,tOO hood aod and driver's license pending a May court date. Vandalism... Woman detained A resident in the 7700 hlock of Thefts... ed from the inside, to gain estrance. There wau on previnna SUGGESTED LIST evidence of forced entry. Smolinobis siutertoak charge nfthe vic. 99.95 thn's valuables, SUGGESTED LIST 214.95 ,,$5995 Driving violations... 93995 WITH TRADE WITH TRADE A Des Pintons man was chorged and arrested for speeding nod n sospended driver's license on April lt. The offender wan aputted driv- SUGGESTED LIST 154,95 Ing 63 entIno mph in the9lto block of Milwaokee. A traffic stop was EUREKA TWO MOTOR POWER TEAM WITH TRADE made at Waukegan and Chorchili. During questioning he prodared an old traffic ticket, He was released an $1,000 bond pending u May court dote. 3.2 Peak HP. Motor MIGHTY MITEВ® CANISTER MG Rules of the Road course, 1.0 Peak H.P. Motor Secretary of State Jim Edgar, ni Conperatinu with Vifiagn nf Morton Grove is offering u Roten of the Road Review Course for all Citizens in the Morton Grove The purpose of the marne is to help applicanto pass the Ittinoin Drivero License renewal enFor more information on the -Omiflalinu, It updnteo drivers on Puce Monthly Pasn nr for details un the sweepstakes rules, contact the Pace Consumer Servicen Office ut 364-PACE, entenniun 4999. RCEC tuition recipients The. Residenlial Construction Employers Council announced the recent recipients nf the Tui. tino Reiaoburuement Srholarntrip Program. Incloded' wan Anse Dey of Morton Grove. Moe attends Norlkwentern licketa and mail it to 'Pace, 950 West Algonquin Rd., Arlington Univernity where she io au nrcountmg wnjor Anse is recam- Heightu, IL 65605, by the 15th of the following month. Company uf Miles. She is a graduate of Ruckford High mended by Gustafsondherg the current rotes of the road, enplaina the vision und the driving fenerat written and rond nigo ennmisntino The Roten nf the Ruad Review Cosme will be held uf the Village nf Morton Grove, 6101 Cupotina, Morbo Grove, on May 3, from t2J3th2J3f p.m. Ike cow-ne io free to everyonГЁ, any age, who wishea to attend. For more information, picone contact 905,405ll or the toll-free nomber, l(tW) 252-2904, A $19.95 value. Hardcover book. Yours at no additional cost when you purchase any Eureka cleaner for $80.00 or more. . Il:' - controller Lindberg. at Gastafoon- w_, r 785ONorth Milwaukee .ГI 9 to 9 9 to 6 Saturday .9 to 5 Tons-Wed ' 199 SUGGESTED LIST 99.95 WITH TRADS $5995 WITH TRADE Mon-Thurs-FrI TV and Appliances Nues Schaal, Aime io employed an n SUGGESTED LIST 289.95 'Free From Eureka.. ability enaminationo, and prepares applicants for the B Sunday 12 to 4 . Visa, asterCa)?d, Discover, &The BrtcehГ r e Page 18 so I Bet You Didn't Know I I BOWLING SNEWSI Senior Men's Nues Brunswick Bowling Retailer meets North Pole explorer I Ir ' Steediogo Dragon Ployboys Wooderers ,Witdcato Unknowns Pour Teens Senior Power W-L 02-37 73.40 71-48 go-51 60-53 66-53 64-55 04-55 Tridenlumes The Comets Bodiss Whit For Us Two Plus Two Bull Dogs No Drinks Alley Cats Sandboggers Pin Busters Strike Force Wild Booch By Jin Jennings Heron e nrnpnning feet... Aithoegh Don Mettingly is considered one of the best ball qoerser bocks Don Mino. Joy Sthrooder end John Elwoy were oil picked by bosobell tenets betete tnyononoleomd Mottinglyl Herne en oddity. If veo look in eh croco, d book veo'11 son thet in the 1929 Kentucky Derby, the wine ing horse AND the winning . tremer both had the same name. . The winning horse in thc '29 Derby wosnmned Clyde Ven Dote. The non. eins trainer was e man sam ed Clyde Ven Desee. He had earned his horse after himself' What woo tite lagt big league besoball team te owitch ita fronehine from one eity to another. . lt wet tito WOshington Sonetees, wttn in 1972. meced er, the Dallas-Ft Worth atoe. and beceme the Teeao Rongers. Silver Stars Jell Aresooe, a boyer lar Sportmorl. Inc., Hiles, ll.,imel esptorrr Will SIeger doriog the Sto lndoslrirs America SIA I Irade show in lao Vegas. Nrv., March 19. Stoger. 4:0, wie, the licol le lead o cortirroed dogoled exyrdilion lo the North Pole s 0990 w:lho,l resopyty Stegnr won al Ihn ohow lo aesnuner Ihe Do Pont Company's sponsorship 01 his 5,005 milo 1mb acr000 Antarctica in 1989.97. Do Pool a'ill soyyly specially-designed jesululed parkas and stresiog bags to yroleel the sis-man espedi. tinГ§ttrom tnmperaloemr, un liso as -40 degrees P. Disabled sI4Jport group Esple.e May G, l RETAIL CUSTOMERS ONLY (ENJENGГЊ 241 Weokegon lood Glenview (312) 729-1000 Wholenale Peno 7290920 HGURS,Men..Tlese. 8:38 ese . 9,00 Pn. Ydday 8:30 ott ' 0.00 pee SaNesdae GOBant ' 5,00 len Alley Culs No-No's Lambo Poothers door a'etieilino. tiny. fishing and other outdoor A-SCIP amputees and spinal- npnrting aCtivitlen, according lo cord injured persons) in spon- Thomas Manotield. field editor 00 Diouhled 000dnorn Moganine. soeed hy Maine Township and Ihn Mansfield, a qoadniyleg:r oho Association. Il serves menidenls st Chicago and north and northwest Io an rxyerieeced buster and fisherman, will share h,s favorile oaldoor sporting oiles with olhrr handicapped people al Ike nest meeting of A-SC!P, a noyporl group tor Iho dioablnd. The meeting will he held al 7:30 poi. Thursday. May 1. n Ihn Maine Township Town Hall, 0707 Ballard lid., 'orb Ridge. He will previde ime lips on Irnatteg aryan where people wilh envere disaldlilien can enjoy ouI. Nalisrat Spinal-Cord Injury suburbs lrsm Evanston Io Barrington, A-SCIP oseels on the limst Thursday st esery month at the Maine Township Town Hall, High Rollers d'S2-57 65-50 60-59 59-60 56-63 54-6h 51-68 50-69 49-75 47-72 45.74 37-02 Grey Hounds 562; LarryDi CriutofaeoГ¶bl; Ted Stagg 511; Andy Ausdomnon 559; Ed Holland 553; Gory Koreeg 552; Ed Bintski 550; Ed Hannoe 548; Jerry Mustek 545; SIlbd Cohoru 539; John Below 532; Frank Cieplik 523; Louis Foroter 519; Mike Hojnr 51f; Ed Smyth 512; Joe Momo 510; Bob Regesh 509; Chester Bock 500; Ed Catholic Women's Bowling dieuppcd. Meetings leuture speahems. i:slormation, und dis mossi oes on tspics il interest to Ihr disabled. New members, their lansilies and Iriends are always welcome. There in no charge for membership. vorn inlnrmaliun Aederson'al 297-2510. Thinking of Selling or Buying? Richard Harczak OГ‘u!V 21, I 967-9320 Coachlight Realty (Nibs only Century 21 Broker) 7735 N. Milwaukee Avenue, NUes 43.g 43-61 4t.g Team G.L.Sghmitz leo. High Series Women 4o 4go 466 M. Catiteen C. 3-sheila P. Koch C. Borke C. Tienes Zablotowino High Gamee M. Callioee Thoma D. Thoma Teams , Dr. Tom Drozde D.D.S. High Games Women Lynn Uheus This teli she wet also awarded a Sehelar/Atlslete certificate for her active participation is swimming and softball and 1er main- 190 TerryFrilae 182 179 Lucy Bnntite Mory Mnlnchleb 175 Eye Ynong J&B Sheet Metal Windjammer Travel Norlhweet Perishee Credit Skaja Fseeral Home Champs Csetom Awardo Anderson Secretarial Heierwalleesiate Farm Ins. Wiedemeem leenrance Norsrood Federal Sevinge Brian Wmeiok Tom Drozda Vilo Cene Jock Quesiene Cortos Patterson Dich Thieloen Mike Deonbono Carl Liedquiot Ralph Kozeny Jim Jekol 623 584 575 562 500 554 540 541 536 536 13- In l6-yeur-nlds is the world as well as the largest Jewish cornmunal event in North s'anenica. Compelitisen will be held in col- Food. The Games arr jointly sponsored by JWB, Marcate World Unios, Maccabi North American, Maccaki Canada and the U.S. Comsssittee Sporto for high school, and park The visiting athleten will he districts along the North Ihnen boozed in area homes throughout and in Chicago. the North Shore. Volunteers ser needed for a variety nf tanks. For more inloernatiso, call legen, All compelilions are tree of charge assi open to the public. The Games are hosted by Ihe 675-2200. 7 .900/o Sote iv effect softball wie wie her o ocholarship for college. She's planning on al- elementary school trachee." of 3)20)68. SubioCt to cbovgn withosi v050a .U,tre why I want to be an SJB Ladies Bowling Teem W-L 54-SO 49ВЅ-624k Sephia 4&si4 43ВЅ-084k 34-7f High Sorlee Pat Nelson Marge Cnrenatn RnthStefo Jeee Hoppe 541 497 494 493 High Games Pat Nelone Marge Cerneate Coenle Sperkeweki Roth Steto 102 Mills Riealdi 187 180 18f 187 Allionn io going te stody elemen- tary edecation and possibly biology. "People discourage mn from going into teachieg," remarked Alliuno, but her love of kids io on great else knows she cae follow Bats are back for Oakton baseball team The Dnlstoe Coosmnoity College baseball team last weekend emerged frote a team killing slomp in n big way by totalling 82 ruco in doubleheader wins over McHeery and Joliel. Alter scoring jost night reos in toar comecotive losses to Harper (3-t and 6-4 last Thursday) and Truman (3-i and 5-2 un AprS 12), the Raidere beonned bank to nIobber McHenry laut Salipday, 19-0 aod 25-i, nod Jollel last Sosday, 1g-6 and 22-12. All loor misto came Ihatef in games called after five innings bece000 nf a if-roil role. "If nor hala are honk, it's certainly a good time nl the season for it" seid Oaktnn coach Rich Spesando. "Hitting is coetaglolo. Agetaat Trismos and Harper, our first few goys weren't gelthsg on HeroS how lt works e1foГ© MГ¤rch 20, 4988. hase, mid that cГ rried on down )t',vest $2,500 oo more. for a 3'1-yeor throegis the whole Snoop. When term' , of today's inferest rote. You w))) first few pepe get on againat McHesrl and Joltet, contInue to sors ot least the sfart)ag Intefesf fafs. but thof's not o)), If isteresi rates go up. at arty t)me durIng the S'hyears, you can choose 0008e Mens summer basketball league itest e Sommer Beekelboll Leagae 1er mee. A leagne meeting will be held oe Wednee- day, May 1f, 6:30 p.m. at Grosnan Heights Upen, 825 Okolo. Gaones will he played en Wednns day nighlo beginning Jwiel. The lee in $375 per team, whIch wclodes jerseys. For more information, call 967-6633. athletes are enpected, making this the largest competition for that the doesn't lock u. ВЎn ly. Allison is hoping her shill ut 245 208 283 219 214 203 200 High Gemes Mee Tl;e Nilen Park District will Top 10 Mayor Harold Washington had end has been there sinne. tending Northern Illinois University. "I love 5545, said Allison, Opiom Joy 04 63 55 54 50 48 43 39 35 Also serving as hoonrary co- Queen." veroit)i, betehemevedop quickly 173 08-52 74 nor's Chicago oflice. test ose school as Hsmecomieg taissieg a B average academical- Coco Pelele ninhinner 5f the Game,, cosferred the honorary appointment in a recent reremesy in the goner- The Games aro the largest amateur sporting event to come Jewish Cososnooity Costero of Chicago IJCC), coordinafed by the JCC Metro Tees, allitiatnd with the Jewiuk Fedemolion of Metropollan Chicago and supported by Ike Jewish United Ljbe1--- announces JoknOakeo Lady Steluon Skayle P. Fsn seGlencov, rom- chairman is Chicagn's acting moyor, Esgeee Sawypr. The late age twelve te the present. The Moine East spione is the pitcher ter the girls vbrsity teem, which 505 504 Morry Ynimg Oboeeoion Consties Aug. 18-25, 1988. a girl who's into spoRn con repro- olSssaner OOftI18II team and her to versity her sophomore year BobSeesfecke 497 St. John Breheuf' Holy Nanie o bit. Her father coaches 'ber 572 542 Frank Voelker 554 232 195 186 very active le epoda, She's bere un a sommer nollbalt learn tince she wan twelve. Her parente tefluence her love nl softball quito Freshman yeer ehe woo ne jonine Si-st 40 All her life Allions bao been 65g go Bake 474 to the Chicago area since the 1959 Pan American Games. Over 3,000 lins to be held in Cook and Labe mg become of bee involvement with the girls' swim team niece freshman year. Ihr was very happy ainsI besog voted Homecoming Qneen, remarking, "I 1kmh it's cool thot North ne Wedeedoay, April 13. Ted Slugg John May 75-37 72-40 03-40 405 492 eaki Youth Games, an iolernalineal amateur othielic competi- Allison knows all about swimm- hosto Hiaadole Central ne Toendey, April 12, and Gleebreob High Series Men Ambaoh Poisse My Sie High serles a jock, not a cheerinader," said Allison, e Pack Ridge resident. Thompson has been slSnially installed an hoonrory co-chairmen nl Ihn 19ff North American Mac- honorary co-chairman. Enjoysnent nf the game for EveYoong Lucy Gentile Terry Fritze W-L Won 2nd hall 38-si Park Diulrict swim team. "It's a loi of lies seeing lhntn improve. It', very nalislyisig." also bees a Maccabi Games Allions has kept her playing from Frank Vnniker Claosie Bowl "Allions Labonoki, jerk." Governor James R Park Districts womos's leagne. BubSeedneke John May Sollivae's Tovere Woo ist ball CaedlelightJnwelers 78-41 Debbie Tempt, Ltd 63-56 BeierwalteoSlate Form Ins. 60-99 loI NaIl. Bock ofNites 55-64 Skaja Terrace 40-70 lhrssgh with her goal. Altinno's love for children even cars-ten over into her job. She is an assistant conch for the Nues mother plays en a Park Ridge on A'SCIP or other progeams br the handicapped, coslact Donna Over 30 years in Nus... Resident, Businessman, Trustee, Realtor Call for FREE Property Analysis 47-St 4g.5y . which is accessible to the hon. Fur 50-51 51-54 TedSlagg to explore the pi outdoors accessible resorb, camps add n, tesad en,. One d0eleetinn pee Poodles 62-57 Iffissoin WIles you think nl o Hemecoming Queen, you peebebly think 01 e cheerleader. BOtr if you ash sw menee at Maine East, they'll noy, Homeenmisig Qeene benenne I'm 04-41 Governor named co-chairman of Maccibi Youth Games Sports Don't Tarnish Her Crown "I never thnpeht i woald be Eager Benvers Lioso Usznwnki 500. Dioebled people cor eejoy hon. WI, 73.37 Raccoons Hound Dogs Oldies Bol Goodies Wolter Kooiol 579; Sidney Cohen 574; Joe Rucan 565; Ray Msotgeo Borne Wends and ijiformalios on 000ton.n,. On. d.oeBen pot Tram 03-St Hot Sbots:Don Svoboda 599; seeb as the accessible pier al . lt yen monden thin od effet yeee dm1 I. cnefem.eted UeO delinead Joeelege Chaerol.t mtl dndoet t5J Sen, the p.aeka.a en of yen, 00es Young Seoioes No Idea 'i neal hecho0 and Iluhiog sp010 , Classic Senior5 Mixed Billy Goats B5000 big leogee besebeul pleynts todey. 3 erntent Netionol Footboll Longue qoerterbeebe were dreftod oheed of Mnttingly in the 1979 BASEBALL d,eft. . .Duflng thet 1979 beseboll dr1t, foot Fege 19 The Bogie, Thn,td8Yr April 25, 1908 TheBogle, ThOt5dOYr 'llth 28r 1989 000166k, everybody else kept it go- ing Raider pitchers Dave Gennn mid Nick Zembefe were Vout )rttereif.')afeaS roliohI fa ncr ai l%..The,'Slttp-Up' cart only be dorfe aticin blJ1%4-bn make'a b)d)ffr- ence The t1ro you )rsvest the more you cas gain. . So daht gel locked In. Open a Liberty STEP-UP Cbtoday. 'Wilndroant prim to motsreysuiti leo-ro p55004k the benefactora nf the barrage ogninat McHenry. Keith Coniny picked op the win in the ftrsl gasse agaleot JoUet, while Todd Kamel claimed the victory a, the nightcap, after coming in relieve olarter Larry Rohack. / In./' LibERTy SAViNjS -Since 1898 .,* Oalstne took a #2 llhyway Con- terenГ§e record into Thday'5 scheduled 19) )April doubleheader with Wanhnnuee. The Huidero continue baque actine at neon Sallo-dOY whne they heat Wright. 2302 5 M,iuuukee Aoevue 7th W Foster Avesun Chieuso. IL 00656 cv,euus. il. kOkA7 742'221t 3044500 kblS y L,reelv Avonue L:vooivs000d, IL 50645 LivooLvi000d. 074.1300 Cti'cuun 4k3.tltl 5210 h MiisoUkOn Asenun Ch,couo,.IL 00040 753.4357 7/ ''1k,___ / W Pge2o The Bugle, Theeredoy, April 25, 19ff r The Bogie, Thseodoy, Apr91 29, 1998 Pwtk Ditthiet Ptewo Interesting Facts From John Jennings Dad's Night at Preschool Ball Hockey League The Nifen Fach District Sports Complex in now accepting teams for their BaS Hockey League Enjoy the eceitemoct 01 indoor - baS hockey! The level of competitiss for this nummer league is high and openings exist io odvanced as well an novice hoiuincs. Past Champions, Tke Canadians and Team Chicago have both cnmpeted is Canada and Bsntsn Nationals Organize your team nom, because play Although the 5 moSt common last names in America aro Smith, Mille,. Jenen. Brown ond Williomn. hegiss May 2. wooe cocer hod o US. Prenidont o, Vico-Prosidont with ony ot dmoo itot nome Novice division has 12 teams and playo sa Tuenday and Thurnday eveningn. The Advanced divi- sion also han 12 teamu and they By chongo coinitdennn, 2 of the greetest weiteno ut hiotory. William Shahespoeco end Migait de Cer vantes lwhe wrote Don Sainete") both died en the enact me day, Apr. 2 151w Ita a littteroewn tact that there's e 52foottigh copy of the Statue of Lihertyffl Pmio, Femme. Sarprisingly, the monkey wrench got its mme from its inventer, CItados Monche. Oddly, the qaickeot way te fo from America te the Far Fane, ia NOT te flyeoot,lert to fly went eumpete 55 Mnnday arid Wednen- day evenings. Thn League fee is $900 par team. For more infsrmatins on Adall Flonr Hockey, conThere was nothing to rnsmmble Three Meo aod o Baby" al the Nifes Park District's Dad's Night br Preschool Fathers and Tots Dads were iovited to class to learn about their children's learning experiences in the program Pictured arc dads and their tots play- registration The Nitra Park Diatriet is cow takicg registration lar the Mmc 12" Sloan Pitch Softball Lilagoe Laagom ilamm will be played at Joawiab Park (Frantic & Tochy) The Morton Groom Parb District i scorren Ily taking registration lar sommer day camps Prices listed ore for residents; add on additional 20% . 00 Satarday alter000ns from May 21 through early Aagost. P1 If yea wenden Wie od OfOe 00O deaf in cennanconod bee bofare dolionre) Jeeciegn notknwnoen miti dndent foe femo ehe per- loe non-residenl fees Kiddie Kamp io a recreational Three and four year nIds meet MondayThorsday f - lt am There will be a f30 refundable lorfeO comp tor preschoolers The cagar meeticg will be held at Grecoas Heights, 8255 OhmIo, on Tcesday, May l, at 63O pm asd special events, ooder the guidance st trained counselors The lee in $45 per session Jnninr Camp in for children live asd sis yearn old They miff Eepirea May 5 lyco UNITED TRANSMISSIONS RETAIL CUSTOMERS ONLY 7460 N. Milwaukee Nues meet at Manyfield Park from . 11:31 am - 3 pm., Monday thrc Friday This camp offers a new adventure toc yonr child as they enjoy gamen, crollo, swimming, guidance of trained esuisneloro The fee in $6g per two week seo- 2740 N. Kedzie siss_ There are four two-week uessionn beginning June 21 ArSon Cereter is the ideal camp far everyose'n schedale. This $15 per session. Additional $31 br transportation to and 1mm camp Estended Day, Camp is au ideal I Since 1950 ASK ME ABOUT A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE" STransmissiong 201 Waiikegin Rd C . I e ri y t e ov . Differentials . Major Engine Repaira . Carbureator . Electrical Monday-Friday. The children will he transporfed from any Morton Grove Day Camp to Ihe Prairie View Community Center. The children wilt be exposed too variety of sporto and crollo. The Morion Grovg Park District Day Camps can be answered at HeatAjr 005-1205. Conditioning . Brakes nera wELnee CLASSES STARTING SOON! CALL NOW Auto Trucks -Mansfield Park, 9:30 on MJT/Th -Mrs. Nebhia; 7115-5 - 4 Yr. - NahanoI Park 9:00 an M/T/Th -Mrs. Fleming; 7115-il - 4 Yr. -Austin Park 9:00 on MOW/Tb -Mrs. 12:30 55 MIT/W/Th -Mrs. P1mbbia; ond7llS-0-4 Yr. -Oheto Park 12:45 on M/T/W/Th -Mrs. Kraft. Registration for residente of Morton Grove begins Mooday, May 9 at f p.m. at the Prairie View Community Center, 1134 Dempster St. For msre o-formation please call 965-1500. Pool tokens on sale The Nifes Park Dintrict will begin sellkng aatnattser pool tokem na Monday May 2, at the Ad- ministration Office, 7877 N. Milwaukee Ave. Thoae parchanmg tokens through June 11 can lobe advantage ofthe lower price of $30 individual (noch additinnal bonnily person - $10). MIer Jane 11 the individual pam will unU far $35 (each additinnal family person - $10). The Recreation Center Punt is Familias are invited to bring mom to Jmwiala Park's Mini-Golf Coarse at Toolty k Frandns, in Nilen for a frez round of nsioi-golf (regalar rate for Ihn rest 01 the family) on Mother'n Day, Sunday, May 1. The park will he open from noon to 9 p.m. At leant one The Niles Park Dixtrictis hi the Village sponsored July 4th Parade. This year's parade promises to be as good an, or if not better than fast year's festivitins. Presenlly, the Niteu Park District is acernpting registralion br parade entries. Alt NOes businesses, groups and individuals are encouraged to par- For an entry form, please catI the Nuca Park ticipotec District al 9f7-6f33 and one miS Students in Junior High School are welcome to slop by the BalLard School Gymnasium (Bollard & Combertand in Nitro) on Friday oights, 7-1:31 p.m. for sports, games, contesta, and mГіvie watching! For more information, contact the Niles P0mb District al ALLERGIESTO DUST, DIRT, LINT, MOLD, ETC.? DIRT BLOWING OUT OF YOUR AIR VENTS? all the moma who golf on Mother's Doy will take place throoghoot the doy. The mom with the low score dariog their nf the day. Jmt hand ins your cashier with your fsll name and phonis nsmher On It, and we will contact you at the end nf the day Hiles Park District, 7077 Milwaokee Ave. by 5 p.m. Friday, April 29. Planta may then he picked ap so Friday, May 0 between 9 am. and 5 p.m. andlaturday, May 7 between 9-12 coon at the Administration Office. For additional ksfnrmatinn, raS the perk district at 107-6033. Watch for snpconssittg details on our "My Dad io Special..." prograno for Father's Day, 647-1002. Ace you loohiog for a opecial Mother's Day gift? Miles Park tion, call Joowiak Park al Tam Golf Course will celebrate's Mnm'n Day hy offertog a Ires hochet of halts at the driving net to aS moma who visit the com'ne no Sunday, May 8. Tam in located at 6796 Homard SL io NUes. Call 965-0007 far blurmotion. New thin year, the NUes Park District asks daughters and noes District offers Gill Certificates which may he uncd towarda any of our programs or pausen. Mom might eniny applying the gilt errtbficate loa owinaming punt pam, an enercise clona, an art class, or golf at Tam. Call 967-0033 toperchase your Mom's Day Gift Crc50icstes. Teen Lock In The Nilen Park District will host a "Teen LorIs In" on Friday, May 13, at 9 PM throogh Saturday, May 14, at S AM at Grenoan There will be games, dancing tow DJ and breakfast. The fee for the entire night is $12 per pernos. your life. Terno in 7th and 8th Registration may be made at the P5mb Dislrict Administration Oflice, 7077 N. Mllwaulsee Ave. A signed note from a parent is reqcired at the time of registration. grade will spend an entire night For additi000l inforetation, call with friendo at the Grennan Gym. the dislrict at 967-5031. Heights, 8255 Oheto io Nilen. Let the Niles Parh District lock Pos in to one of the heat nighta of Men's 16" softball The Mortoo Grove Park elimination tournament for Men's It" oofthall teams on Saturday, Jame 81 and Sunday Jonas 12. Cost io $800 per team. Team trophy and jackets to tournotated cloatttpionu. Deadliase for 422-4881 the if Pos wins! For more informa- District will conduct a 32 team SKI'S POWER yAC milling written ennoya will subosilted to 965-5033. AIR DUCT &VENTILATION CLEANING NOes Park District. Alt those sub- Also, a Mini-Golf Tournament for be mailed to you. Free Jtmjor High Fun Nights Jerry's Fr-nil Marhet and the land with morn when golfing. family member (child) mast ut- scnrecard after your mond In oar process of planuing Ike Park asad to tobe pen in hood and tell os why "My Mom is Special". TIsis program is being spomoreet by receive a free flowerig planst to prenect te mom. We'll also print the mInen in the local paper for mom to read! Essays should he July 4th INC (HARLEM AT MILWdUKEI! Mother's Day specials park district at t67-g633. WELTER REALTORS, ' Glenview resident Bill Pellier, vice-president of Corporate Cornmaatieatsorn, BaSy Manufacturing Corporation of Chicago, was recently honornd Inc his eflorto to promote the upcoming 1980 Nationat Banlcnhall Playnm Association Awards Dinner. The dinner, lo beheld Sonday, September 25 at Iheldyalt Regency Ctsicago, will benefit tAttle City's childrnn and adulta with developmnotal damhilities such ou mentol retardation. More than fO NBA stars omIt partiripate. Dinner chairman Earl Neal made the presentalion. round will witt a prize at the end paro,de plans COUPON 1siAVE Kraft; 7115-f 4 Yr. -Mansfield 531-9600 Aft Work Guaranteed n Writing traintog. - Mansfield Parh, 9:31 on W/F -Mrs. Nebbia; 7115-4 - 3 Yr. FOR COURSE SCHEDULE ANO FREE BROCHURE! Domestic b Foreign FREE ROAD CHECK View Center from 3-t p.m. Aol; questions regarding the Complete Car Care For L program for the worhing parent. The camp meeln at the Prairie :ee-ngm5 sul lo be $2f per (312) 729-3500 s June 28. Each session includes activities such an swim lessnm, horse hoch riding lessons, tessin lessoon, crolla, uwimming, field 647-8989 772-3226 ) tunity for this sunnnnner. There are four two-week neunisau beginning tripa csohoutn, and special evento. This camp meets Monday-Friday, teSO am. - t p.m. at Narrer Pork for a fee nl asd special evenlu under the Chicago /ГЌEN N INGS\ Volkenergen and from camp. Camp Mor Gro is a traditional day camp offerhsg children in 1st5th grades a well rounded oppor- . 7115-2 -3 Yr. - Oketo Parh, 9:50 os MJW/F - Mrs. Gait; 7115 -3 - 3 Yr. For pam iufsrmation, call the floss at 9674975 or 167-6633 loe registration and league inlorma- birthday celebration Hughes of 2071 Anamer Ridge, Glenview, kan completed recesnit Pur,s, KOt on T/Th - Meo. Gail; 11 sod the Spotts Complex Pool, Saturday Jane lI. trannportation availabln. Addilional $40 for tranaportation to Marine PIt., Timothy F. Hughes, mn of Catherine A. as follows: 5115-0 - 2 Yr. Mom/Tnt - Austin Pork, 5-30/TuesdaysMrs. Kraft; 7115-1 - 3 Yr. - OhmIo Aortin and Oketo Parks for a fee a second child diamant, and bun Timothy F. Hughes Camp Fire Clubs The Morton Gruye Summer brochure iocnrreetly stated the Pro-School Instructors loe each clam. The correct informatins ix schednaleot to open Saturday Jane June SO. The camp in held at Mansfield Park, leoturing waler play, crafts, movement esercisen MG Pre-School classes June 25. The camp ix held at loor two-week sessison beginning ae000mer. One dndacooc per reoecr rluding field trips, gahtho, craflu, nsvitssnning, sporta and npncial evento. lt medo Monday-Friday from O am. - 3 p.m., for children in tC-ilth grades. There are 1mothree weeh sennions beginning Interested teams should contact Athletic Supervisor, Jay car- One dadnction por I- camp in a unpervined drop-nfl center wilh weekly actjvifinn in- nl $72.00 per ansuion. We do have obero paico of yeer now nr nerd Г™ane,nctian Weiden (066-9430 M-F, tO am. -2 MG Summer Camp Men 12" Slow Pitch Softball r85 Amd. homo nnГІthn, creernaning tael Rich Buhrkn at the Sparlo Cnmpinu, 297-tItI, Wndonnday -Friday fmsm 3 - 7 m. or Jim ing a bean bag tons game The learn fee for Ihio leagae is ( itt', Little City honors local man Pnge h entry is Wednesday, Jane t. Far rnoreitnformation conlactGordon Jacoboon at 905-7447. Dance recital The Mortsa Grove Park District is hooting the annual Sacre recital on Saturdoy0 May 14, al Miles Weot High Schml. Curtainn open st 3 p.m. TIsis year's theme is " Dance Exprensiom." Ticketu will he sold at the Prairie View Comnsuoaaity Center Registration Desk for $2. Ticicetn may he purchased at the dmr for $3. Tieheta ate non-refuodahln. Please call 965-1210 fnr more information. Sunday, March 12, the area Camp Fire eloIse celebrated 77 years of CWflp Fire, al a special birthday celehratinn at Edison Park i $1000 OFF I TV SERVICE CALL I ORON ON CARRY-IN SERVICE Wo Semino All Make, b Medn Lotherak Clsarch. Memhemn from other cltorefres alsw celehrateet withio the month of March. Brander Abhott, Melissa Kowalewaki, Karin Miteai and Jemica Packst, aS received a special reigioun award on March 13, at Edison Park Lotheran Church. TIse gtel'o npornnr for the program I ALERT TV. was tioneo Piaro. Atoo atteediog the nervices were Bran Nelson, ttehbin Srksg, Nicole Kawalewaki, Michelle Schog, Jemica Nelson, Valerie Mitoui, Vichy Shriener, Alexis Renehan, and Barb Mottera, all from Edison Park. Attending the sevices from Miles were Sandy Hope, Kristeo Hope, Melissa Brumasnit, Joyce Fancsalmhi and Krishna Fancoolaski. Attending the services from Park Ridge were Donna Jamrioka, Peggy Sherman, Cara Jamrisko and Christiane Wer- I CampFire is always looking to wetcnrneoew chulees or leaders. If yoo're intereotest, please contort the c000cil office at 263-6211. io mat Outdoor Adventure 0Camp The NSen Pork Dwirn..ct' s Ont- door Adventare program always proves exciting and adventurous. Participante ages 11-13 yearn, explore the Ctnicagnlaod area, tearg abost themselves and others with their doily tripa and octivities. Each sension concludes with an overnight campoot. Trips COUPON Milwaukee Ave. CaS 907-0633 for anformatinn. OCan,vblo LERTT,V.967.828g TV. & V(DEO 7658 N. Milwaukee NuES 967-8282 ACE IIanDwaRE LAWN GROOM В° RAKE No. 19-140 limited in order to amure amanimam quality program. Transportation will he provid- s Adjustable . Pull it's full - push it'S clean s 19 soIf cleaning tines ed hetwero I and 9 am. with drnp-olf hetween 4 and 5 pm, Each participant is required to bring thnir own lunch. Session I keginsu Jane 20 and mots Mnoday.Friday an50 July 45eit 15, Semino II ruas July 11 to ROTO EDGER . Scissors on wheels 6 Adjustable shear blade s Self sharpening Cfeanly trims ranging, Fishing, Haraebaek Ridging, mad Nutrition. #70126 sldewelks; driveweys . Duel wheel-tire traction THE KNOW HOW STORE 150 recreation athletic and swim- residents will hegГјs on May 23, while non-residents may begin registering June 1. A variety of newprograsp.s will he uffered, including Flower Ac- #70081 No. 19-759 Renidenta of Nilnn will receive the Miles Park District Summer Brochareattheie homenthe week of May 23. The brochure listo over ming stossen fur the slammer months. Regiotration fur 95 t . Cm araraLns,,%m, Mnsn, AMESxwc :o, LAWN and OAvDEN TOOLS he Summer brochure delivery I ,4Г©et at the Recreation Center, 7077 beaches and meseunm. The pmgrom is geared tu youths hetween Il and 13 pears of August 12. 51 ynu register on or hefomn Jane 2, thn price for one nessinti is $180. As of Jane 3, the price is $195. Non-residnet fees are douhled. A hieth certificate and proofof Nilen residency is reqimed atthe titane of registration. Registration is now being token 967-8282 IVCR $ SPECIAL include sock destinations an Great America, holt games, age and nnrnitment will SAVE ACE HARDWARE 1457 Milwaukee ; Niles 641 -0646 HOURS. MON7 ThURS.. FRI. . san . TUES,,WEO. 830-t-81 SATURDAY 830-500 SUNDAY: 9.30-100 . TheSag1,fluday, AprIi, 1 fleuegle,Thereday, April20, 1080 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the StaГ¬e of ISRAEL ..CMEA Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the State of S A ROSt99IPafl PaucakeHonso NORTHWEST SUBURBAN JEWISH CONGREGATION A 7800 Lyons, Morton Grove, IL 965-0900 flR' BakГІr Ral,&d Edwerd H. Feidheke Lnwrneoa H. Chntse. Rabbi Ee.ndu,o Jeel J. R.anlol,. Canas, Mann Klein. Ednoatlonal Dirnotn THE HOTTEST SPOT IN TOWN Shed Bane,, Eneendan Dt,e48or Ren Felpee. Natanry Soltool DIrns,o, LIno Altos Bado. U.SY. Oleases, Jeff ASean,., Bn.l MIUsnh Tn40r Sesee Maser. P48nldaet Casal G,ennbn,glEdln S.edthao. SIn,eahand P,nnldla,e COCKTAILS ARE NOW AVAILABLE OPEN 24 HOURS - 7 DAYS A WEEK 'ia, tWEET OIJNJIY for Ike BEST eice V Page 23 296-7777 V M.edal Soheok. Men. CMb Prealdeal WIlDem Pallase, UY. Pa, 9100 GOLF RD. HILES IL BANK OF LINCOLNW000 The, Dimiropoulc,s Family FOUR DOVES RESTAURANT 7201 CaIdwell Nues. IL 8047 Skokie Blvd., Skokie 4433 Touhy. Lincoinwood 4320 W. Touhy. Lincoinwood IRVING'S FOR RED HOT LOVERS 7051 Dempsier. Nues 961-8188 647-7399 eГІt 8tki6 MEMBER F.D.I.C. 111 SKOKIE BOULEVARD MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY 9900 Gross Point Road Skokie. III. JA MAR JEWELERS 4915 W. Oakton St. Skokie. UI. WILMETrE, IL 256-5700 864-5061 679-0010 Is SГёad, Saeeabad JГЃer5 : 91J OAK MILL MALL ANIMALAГ‘T 7900 N. MILWAUKEE Everything from Puppies to Guppies! Free Tank Set-up with Aquarium Conto po,Vhased. Tank maintenance available. . NILES, ILLINOIS 60648 ISRN1IjI SauTay ..............................Io:oO-6 s_............................... z,n FULL UNE Op CABEIS. ROLLS MiD CAlCES MON.-SAT.105 4411 N. Kednie Am. co 7-1680 THUR. & FRI 10-9 3121470-1540 677-9880 ISRBEL KAUFMAN'S DELICATESSEN Faa48.y64,d at . - ALL DOLL E BEAR NEEDS pa, $3 4905 Deropetar SUN. 12-S NRw Doll., B.a,. fr PhI. F, Sala, . KAUFMAN BAGEL fr DELICATESSAN 537-6664 4905 Dempster /-/ws.0 CHICAGO HEBREW dI EJUIUL ..0 FREE PARKING) Rag. Stom Hoa,. Ms. a,.,. Fd. BOOK STORE 2942 W. Devon, Chicago - Io . 43o Sui. 10 -3 973-6636 Wa meet all your neadsl CASH ONLY . Chicago, IL 60659 MIa.i!ra .7799 Gross Point Rd. Sko&ie, IlL 7933 Lkiccki Av... Siwido, IlL 6328 N. Galifornia Ave. (312) 262-5949 THE WEAR HOUSE #miiiii*nti Linda Harth, Executive Director '/NWJ' WANTED, Oldsr Dolls N Beers Unveljeveable valueslil I',, iamEra Rabbi Shlomo Rapoport, President 511-6190 IAssu..odaal 14 .SkokiE CHICAGO ZIONIST FEDERATION - y06, YOU Col SsSee,*,a Abt TELEVISION b APPLIANCE CO. 1315 Dempster St Nibs. IL 967-0830 ESTABlISHED 1W '..--..- s 500 N. MIchIgan Aoe. Chicago 8440668 125 Oakbaook Center Oak BrasS 571-2628 84 Old Orchard Canter Skekla 879-5300 I- NORTГ‘WEST HOME FORTHE AGED 6300 N. California . 973-1900 TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL JoeKotzP,Osideflt :3939 W. Howard . . Skokie i'-. Chicano Council GREETINGS \ Pessie Dunsky P1. \Suburban Chicago (ouncil Lynn Wax 'res. I 675-0951 Miehnsl.A. Welsherg. RaSSI Ent M. LoWe, RoblO Ee,erjtso .1 r Page 21 The Bugle, Tharsday, prfl21, 1988 St. Paul TheB_ inessP Years of service Citizens Utility TheBagle, fliusday, AprO 28,1908 usical ris Extra steps can simplify sniall apartment financing a Obtaining a mortgage for a Easter Bunny winner a With Commonwealth Edison ) . crease, consumers need CUB more Ihm ever. CUB will coolinse lo fighl Com Ed, but we Bank of Morton Grove are presented by bonk president Cherles R. Langleld (1) and vice ehoirmon of the bornd Randall J. Yeoerieh (r) to assistont cashier Foul Aogelioo and maintenance specialist Bob Weinherg. Eight 1800 oqnere fool sew members. That's why we ore tohing advantage of a new stato members throogh inserts in state government mailings. Afanlantic tosvnbomes Witt he huit on a 'y hy Leader Realty, 4658 W. Oakton, Shokie. Leader sates assocIates Cart Lessack and At Weiser acted together as sole 27,000 sqosre toot site at Glen- viem and Waskegon Roads in SIDING brokers. Although previossly nosed for ALUMINUM OR VINYL WINDOWS REPLACEMENT AND STORM GUTTERS HEAVY GAUGE t-00O222-2822. SEAMLESS ALUMINUM Ravenwood Corp ROOFING WOOD SHAKE SHINGLES RUBBER -- quarter earnings Ravenowood Financial Corporotion, porent of Chicago's WELTERHERMANSSON Bash of Raveoswond, On0000ced that 1988-first qoarter earnings AND COMPANY loose 6% to $1,122,000 compared to 631-9600 $1,054,000 reported a year earlier. Assets reached $403,679,000 at march 31, 1986, up from, n/n CENTURY 21 WELTER, INC. 7514 NORTH HARLEM AVENUE $382,909,000 at Morch 3t, 1907, an CHICAGO ILLINOIS 60640 increase of 5%. The Marketing and Investment Fornen of the North Side Real Estate Board wilt bear Nich Carter, vice presidoet of cornmonications research for Nightingale-Conant Corp., al a meeting Wednesday, May 4, atO am. tu Green Briar Park Fieldhoose, Peterson and OcUlto Within," according ts Ken Welter, Г‡entsry2l'Welter Investment EqUities, 7514 N. Harlem, Forms chainnan. A prominent speaker and ASKYOUR anthor, Carter has been with the. Niles.based Nightingale-Conan Corp., the world's largesl prodocer ofaodtocassette programs, FRIENDS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR THE FOLLOWING s meet "Unlocking the Real Estate DEAL WITH CONFIDENCE. - NSREB to Taimen. Carter's presentation will benn YOUR DRESSER DRAWER MAY BE A TREASURE CHEST since 1971. OLD COINS: Collections, Accumulations, Proof sets. s to represent their interests and work for lower utility hilts. Bot now, CUB needs lo be able lo coUnt On comomers, too. Please sosple-famijy homes, Lessach join CUB and help os beat a5dWeber socceosfolly had the slilities lilie Corn Ed. Membersite renoned for multi-family use. ship information can be fnond in The lonory lowolsomes wilt yoor nest license plate renewal bave all amenities and wifi be form mailed ost by the Secretary available in the fall of this year. of Stain's Office. Or, call CUB at The site is fully improved. FAdA 88 SOFFIT SYSTEMS s cornumemocrssa thestate woUld give CUB the renom-ces it needs Io keep fighting. Conssmers con coont on CUB Foreign and Gold coins. $ SCRAP: Gold. Sterling Silver. Platinum. Dental. S JEWELRY: Old Gold und Platinum Rings, Walches, s Bracelets, Mine. s s LUCKY LOU COINS at w. Devon. Chicago, 455-8500 5 A trading session will be con. docted alterthe program. Admis. sinn is free, and program is open to them interested in investment real estate. No advance reservalions are required, Nilesite Buu Give us a call for a no obligation quotation on your holdings. receives award Chanh Bus of Chicago qualified for Metropolitan Life Inssrancc Company's ' 'Leaders CooR e - ' g Lucky Lou Coins 3111 W. Deoon Ave. Chicago, Il. 60659 465-8500 t e fennec" for bis OOtatanding sales achievement in 1987. Boo, who is o soleo representalive with Metropolitan Life's Gab Sfili Branch Office located at 7900 N. Milwankee Ave., Nileo, will receive n nalca achievemeot award in July at Metropolita0'5 annual bUsiness confereocest the Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colorado. ci .. L Kay Gierke, a Cbtcogo resideot, won an Easter Bisnoy in a drawmg sponsored byCragiu Federatgavings. Picturedbolow in Lauren Testa-Novetto, a Savings Counselor at Cragin Federot Savings' NUes office, as she presented the banot' to Kny. response to tttsoe inserts tram Glenview which was sold recent- . to pst ap a strong law that allows CUB to solicit Glenview site for townhomes -) who join the organization. If CUB challenge to Corn Ed, it needs rate for the life of the loan. Other available loans include one-year TI'J i 98 OLLFC . D'T CHI. Illinois Bell files mie kictГ¬n and refund proposal ililnoin Bell in proposing n $12 rniffioo ratereduction and refund plan that will benefit ali flilnois Bell ctsstsmers through either a rote reduction and/or a credit. The proposal will be filed with the Illinois Commerce Commissinn (ICC) tomorrow, If approv. ed, the reduction and refund would appear os .1610e bills, The proposal in dueto a change in the way Illinois Bell will recover ifs building cable costa andito part of a rato reduction/re- fund plan agreed to last December by illinois Bell, the Cook County Hate's Attorney's outside the Loop area and those in suburbs adjurent to Chicago wilt receive a credit of $1.41 per line. Residential customers in the rest of the suburbs and the state Illinois Bell will file further rato reduction proposals later cornmunications contractor, or do the work themselves, filmais Bell will not islI for ballung cable work unifi nOter May 17, the an- ticipated date that the rate of reduction will be effective. carries telephone service from a Building roble designated point in each bmidig te individual coatomers in Muttitenant buildings or to individual boildings in a conspua arrangement. "The new policy continues the trend of.. deregulating the telecommunications bUsiness no CUstomers bave choices when orranging fortheir telecommunien- tiom synte,ns," said Fred K. Konrad, Illinoin Beil assistant vice president-Regulatory, "Our proposal to the ICC reflects the otsift o recovering casto for cee. tain services from all customers to only lhme customers who ose the service." The redsetion and refund proposaI distributes the $12 million among all customers as a rate reduction and/or a credit.. Residence cUstomers who live m the Chicago Loop, near north and near sooth sides and all ilbois Beil business, coin, PBX, Centres und dedicated service PIutII Home Mortgiije tIsis year and in 1989 to remove the remainder of the boildiog cubic costs from ita general First CotauГ¬al Mortage Cor- rutes. poralion (FCMC) und The Prudeottat Home Mortgage Gumpaoy )PHJOOC) bave joined forces lo market The Prudential Home NSREB condo Mortgage Program, which svitI accelerate the process nf bsying and selling a hanse, The program sales up calling Iltinais BeU for building bet another qualified Fiit Colonial offers will receive $1,17 per line credit. the ICC. Beginning April 1, Illinois Bell cUstomers will bave the option of cable work and be charged for those servicen, or they can con- Kaiyo Blake, a student ObSt. Faul of the Cross Schml, bus been named a winner in St. Pout Federal Buch for Savings' 12th Annual Musical Arts Competition. Karyn Blahe, a resident of Farb Ridge, woo Second Place is the Junior It Division for ber performance ou the piano. Kas-yo was presented a $50 prize by Thomas J. Rinda, ScnoorVice President, atthe Book's Musical Arts Winners' Recital at Elmbucol College ou March f. 49 conta per linepermontls. Sauddifton, non-reuidential customers Office and the Illinois Office of Public CoUnsel and approved by North side condominium sales are benefitting from a favsrabte real estate murbel, according to - IS offored-th.rongb the nine First Colonial Baseiss, including First Commit Bank Northwest. , 'This affiliation between FCMC and PHMC is a relationship dlsigned to capitalize on our respective strengths," consmeninted David G. Henry, presodeol of First Colonial Mortgage Cory; "P}J,4C is state of the art Nich Marino, president of the North Side Real Estate Board. In t75 condo sales in Murets, Overage sale price wan $101,451, up from February's $93,600 in 150 salen. Average mie price in March, 1907 was $80,080 in 181 salm. ansoog processing ami closing Operations, in the country. We have os exoeptionolly powerful salon and distrtbuttnn neWark, I enpect that, together, we will achieve great success with this North side city and suburban real estate setes continued tsrise in March, after setting new records in Fehniary. Total.poles enlame for Ibe first quarter of 1980 in $221,009,370 program " compared to a total enlame of Developed by - PHMC, the $t97,2t0,674 for the first quarter of 1987. Totol voltasse -in 023 March behind last year's $79,119,989 in 681 noIes, Average nate price of all types of property in 1998 in $124,884. Last year's first quarter average tra Frost, an Associate of Weintrank Associates, the Sbokie Agency nf The New England, un investment fis-m locuted st 5250 Golf Rood, was once again honored at the AnnUal Couveslion n Washington, D.C. Frust Was named te the compuny's distar Tearn,whicb is made op nf Ihn InpO new associates os the was $112,111. Average sate price of oingte femity homes in March, 1988 to $134,602, up $10,112 over tuoI year's averuge of $124,400. The Nortb Side Real Estate Board maintains one of the largest computeriued Cooperative listing services in the 460 Prudential Home Mortgage Program offers a variety of oilcantages In the consumer, including competitve rates on convenlional and jambo fined rute and adjastablerotemortgages up to and over $2 million. FCMC will be the sales nod dintruballon oetworh for the program, and PHMC will hondletheprocensing and cloning operations. In most canes, applicants will rocetve toan decisions within 14 baninens days of application. After interviewing and enamel. ing the applicant concerning program choteen and qualifications, o FCMC representative wilt asnint the applicant in completing the loas application, which will theo be sent directly to PHMC for aotomated prscensing, underwetting, closing and servicing. FUr more intonnotinu, contact First Colonial Bank Northwest ut 298'3300. loans. Gown payment re- Say- of alt current tenants' teases to show the income generated by the property. 1f the apartment building is new, lease infamiatins from a similar building may be substituted," be added. Jobos enplained thaI a detailed financial institution where you received your home mortgage," Johns ssggested. "If yoU've established u gond retatinnnldp with a lender, il will help when neehing an apartment loan." lSUIOtI7. s. Wool was in the O I posi- lion s the touxВ» und was honored ky Dan Toran Senior Vice Freni' goveniment wits An enhanced 9-l-1 system allows both the caller's telephone number and addreos to he displayed on a screen at the 9-1-t answering point. Ou addition, each cult is routed to Ihe 9-1-1 annwermg point assigned to the caller's area, The cbeoges requested by Ithuais lieU wO be especially beneficial tn areas that get part 5f their lelephone service from switching cenlgrs that serve more than one cnmnnosity, Bqnsell Unid. "We are seeking to charge local gnvernmeotpl unito for the number of lines actually nerved by an enebanceni 9-1-1 system rather than no the total number nf lines nerved by the nwitcbing center," Unid Gary Bennett, Ilisolo Bell product manager for dent of The New Esglaud. Frost specializes in business Beuoett said local goveromental agencieo in several pus-is nf the state are anwiom to labe advostage of logiulatiun paused in the loot session nf the fllbxoiu General Assembly that provides for a local referendum in finance 9-1-1 systems, cnncepto using life iusurunce us "Thin new tariff will albo-smb welt os personal planning. Ailes , provide specific prices to theue Weintraub, General Agent of the amanso that they cantaythe proSkohie Agescy saps, "lt is not per grnundworh for their refereesnrpriuing that Ira bas received da," Bennett mid. such notoriety because nf the Public safety enperta believe high level on integrity that he displays with his clients. The good guys arc winning again." Frost and bis wife Kline are residento nf Highland Parh. the new features offered by an enhanced 9-1-1 nystemcan redare the time It takes fer police, fire und medical tedino to respond to emergency calls. ed. "Investing in a small apart. mcame and expense statement ment building man uffnrdable sptino that's ideal for the beginning nr enperienced real estate in. vestor." . : i. NDSC PING essibJe for 9-t-1 service for periods nf 69 or 120 months will receive reduced monthly rates. on your money," Julius conclusi- s: SS "A gond place In shtain an apartment Inno might be the wish to contract for enhanced vestment an attractive optino, Jalon said. "Over the years, real estate has proved to he u safe investment that appreciates in value and provides a desirable retaco run smoothly." "Ynu will need tosabmit copies a profit In n move lo make the inveotnoenis, the bw miuk factor and tau benefita make an in- prepared, the loan prncbsx shoUld tan deductible, und, fan investor trades sp tn a larger building in the future, the capital gain can he deferred if the property is sold at "enhanced" version of the 9-l-1 emergency usmher uvaitahle to more people, Illinois Bell today pl000ed to ask -the Illinois Cnmmerce Comminsien to approve new prices and other changes in how the servire io provided, In addition, comsunnities that Although sassing a small ayart. ment huildiog is mnre management intensive than alternative cens your loan application," Johns said. "1f you arrive anailabte to Owners 'of small apectunent bsildings, including depreciation write-off. Interest und other associated costs are 9-1-1 ly in required. quiremenlo usually range from 25 In 30 percent. "Typscafly, o lender will require several documents to pro- ings nf ChiГ§agn. "Bot the invest. ,.,npeet In a gond one, und usually worth the additional steps needed to obtain financiog." Many tan benefito are still 9-l-1. Associate honored at Annual Convention saies was $77,758,571, just a little. state, linking more than NS/CLS member officm. 7-and 19-year fixed-rote hullson lOrnois Bell ones circuit cUstomers throtIsout the state wilt receive permanent rate redactions rouging betweaoland The toan approval period io usually a hit longer than thai nl the home mortgage loan tecoone s special appraisal nl the proper. adjustable rato loam, and 5-, Senior vice president in charge of slending for Cragin Federal as o signed real estate contrsct, must be sshmitted. percentage cap on the interest hnddingo," said Richard Jabeo, . asking for o.i'ecord-breaking $1.5 billion, 33 percent, osassI rate io- going year adjnstable rate loan with a term of 25 years. The rain is adlasted every three years with a lgagcs for small, 5- to 12-soit N on their electric and gas hills. But those battles have tell CUB brohe, in dehl $75,000. io typical home toan, bal the Lthe Chicago area that offer mar- Last year, the Citizens Utility Boord (CUB) saved the overoge oorthem Illinois commUer $11g for the current and prior year is atsoreqnired forthe toan applicolion. to additinn, n survey nl the property that details the lot size and building dimensions, as well rate loam are available in the marhet leday, inclsdtog o three' financial tonefita of owning such a property can he well worth the extra effort. "There aren't many tenders in Board Speem1pes brio years of employee service tothe First Netionel A variety of variable and fined- small apartmeol building can be more involved than applying for need coossmers' help. CUB is fooded solely by contributionn from Illinois citizens Page 05 s s :iil ki"Г¬'ri -..-- s Spring Specials s :Y0URLAwN... s :P0wERRAKED MOWED Per Square Foot lMieimurn 5,000 Sq. Ft Lawni :EDGED s s I With This Ad And *s Spring - C1ean.0 ВЎ5 Special YOURLAWN : FERTILIZED s s s s :s :s : : s . ORLe Вї s s s s s s s y..I . s s 5 s s s : : :s. s s CAlI. TODAY 5415353 HOFF LANDSCAPING :s s s : The BogIe,Thurday, April28, 1 PageZ New framing shop open Park Ridge resident wins award in Glenview '' The Art Corner, me. of Richard Battaglia of Park Ridge wen the PresIdent's Award from the CystIc FibrosIs Fuundalion on Sunday, April 17 durIng the Greater IIIiIIdIS Ulapter'a ansualVoiwiteer Awards Luncheon at the Hyatt Oak Brook, 1809 Sprlag Rd. The award in gIves tu the volunteer who introducen and im- Homewood, Illinois, who has been in husmes for 12 years, anflounces the opening of their new store "About Frasnmg " at 220 .. VIDEO Waukegan Rd., Glenview, in the Mansard Square Shopping Center. About Framing" caters to the needs nf the North Shore, by ntoekingliteraflly 1,000'u of ready made and cuntom Frames. The ready made frames can be fitted while you wait und ready for your smi! that day. For the do-it- yournelfer, you can take it home, along with the necenuary fit kit and do it youruelf. Framed posters and prints, -- cuutom frames, mat, glaso, pieturn lights, and posters are aino StOcked for your convenience. q Antique photo reproductions along with photo developing and enlarging are available. There is alwayu a professional $25.000FF ,,nrny Houns OPEN 7 DAYS Man -Sus 10.10 PM. son. k SENIOR CITIZEN SPECIAL FOR RETURN IT NEXT DAY FOR $1 Onit = MON.. TOE5. WED., MON.. TUES.. WED., RENT ANY ONE FILM RETURN IT NEXT DAY Only I $55.08 OFF i $50.08 OFF LnsOn r : OFF nn,n,nn crue coupon SPRiN( GREEN LAWN CARE J 4t. ' , PER CUSTOMER . FERTILIZING CRA8GRASS RWEED CONTROL . INSECT li DISEASE CONTROL :=a;eus:es FREE ESTIMATES en .. -1, SALES w. 0120W.00LFAOAO ;7Ut..qU DESPLAINES659-8442 r & . IN HILES! sIJIuid,ay alma Arr Cun'er. Inc. Hwenwnnd, II. Sat Io-Su, by appt. " 24 HOUR EMRRGENCYSERVICE . k 7437 N. HARLEM, NILES t N 8571 FOSTER LANE, RILES r, s SPECIALISTS in Marine Fish . FULL LINE Pets and SuppItes . FEEDERS always in atock ABBE!J It 5w,' nrin,,r a nw, fln,nr itfl SOIr rem, mГ‰DIrAI , sMp by. RON DE LEGGE 619-8450 4919 W. OAKTON. SKOKIE -'s . a'Lj-. yariety of days mid timeo are heing offered. In addition ta group lessons, StusaFarreFlrnnnd CaSunity Cunpany HomnnOflice ,;,.'..,, .. $17/per class and Semi-private f.,eunons at $12/per goler. Lesaoodelallssnay hesbtained .yy.alIipg the csnroe at 96in9897 NOW OPEN .7 SUR-PAC IN be "tagging " those wEe givepreSenting the denses wIth small City of Hope stickers reading 'I Gave.' LANE AUTOMOTIVE Ali pr-scenda will go to the nossectarian, nanprofltcity sO Hope Medical Center and Reneareb Inshinto. cityOfllOpe is aleader in 7007 N. MILWAUKEE IBEHIND BRISK AUTOMOTIVE! 647-1707 the wurM of medigal reaeabeb and patient care fer those with maJor'diseaneu As an example: Coding System Special Re-Charge Air Conditioning City uf Rape pioneered the "Purest PartInipatiOS Prngrsm" In tOM. Thin Concept enabled mothers and fathers ta become 29.95 INCLUDES: 11 POINT COOUNG SYSTEM CHECK part of the professional team ICons Enuel WITH COUPON ONLY dealing with serirrau Wneases uf children The philosophy served as a model for hcopltala nation- EXPIRES 6-15-98 wide. NILES LLВ« Rupe office at (312)6990198. SAVE ON A/C COSTS TUNE-Up .15.00 DISCOUNT EXPRESS MAIL SER VICE AND MORE! 9400 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 New High Efficiency CASRIER NC. Save 50.00 Par Ton. Plus Г‡utYour Operating Cost C 966-2070 'wMorton Grov&s Coniplete Package Service OFFER GOOD UNTIL 6-1-88 Low-cost non- credit courses Y' 966-5950 more than 10 iownon-mediE Courues during Its npeingfusan- mor session May 4 through ATLAS SUBURBAN s Gift Wraping s Commercial Custom Packaging August XL The schedule Includes a wide variety of vocatIonal, roman- SHIPPING VIA UPS. and FEDERAL EXPRESS GoDai and parnanal etrlthment dam . PRIVATE MAIL BOXES This Coupon Reserved ., . WHEEL C-IAIRS COMMODES For You! HOSPITAL BEDS s INCONTINENT PRODUCTS , that meet weekly, MXlIg the ALsO .- !' FRUIT ROXES STAMPS RPHOTO COPIES RMONEY ORDERS R NOTARY SERVICE DREETING CARDS .LAMINATING SERVICE C. RHAND CRAFTED GIFTS SFAX SERVICE RKEY DUPLICATION FREE pIcg.up AND DELIVERY FOR SENIORS - nsSemUm,remO. WATCH FOR DIFFERENT SPECIALS EVERY WEEK! CaII.FIo Bette The Bugle 96639OQ 10% DISCOUNT . ON ALL RETAIL ITEMS WITH THIS COUPON XEROX COPIES 5 EACH 60 TO RECEIVE YOUR PACKAGE. CAILFOR DETAILS. y) 'I PAC54:NG ,.. MINIMUM ORDER ANDIOR GIFT WRAPPING . EXPIRES 51218 il5 classes sHored are basic skills In EngUsh ng and coolpealtion; conversaticoal English; heritage r_-I ' O, 'yI 2.000FF '1T' ranging from as-day workShops te 12-week classes, INSTEAD OF A POST OFFICE BOX! OXYGEN Northeastern flilnolu Univarsi. ty's Department of FInid and Continuing Education aIS oSar 'Complete Packaging Service Plus materials - Boxes. tapes. etc. 40-2440 Tam will offer Private Lessons al - doeulionn thrsughoirt the Cornmnnity. nIStheue veiwtteers will .Г‡7 kiar... 9019 N. MILWAUKEE NILES Assd Say Hello. $50/renidents and $55f nosrenideots for the program. A Thrsugbout the day, city sO Hase volunteers- will be accepting Ar lr1,,uIrriIГЊ g hello. SUR FAC will do for lessons io Friday, Mayi, la slated au cit1 uf Hspe 'Tag Day" In Skokie. noble "Tag Day" or abosO City of Hope, call the Udcago City of _otrvirlg news [tir stop Ir willI State Farrir Hr,meowrrrrn Iflolirarile. receive a free key ring und say The cost Tag Day To find ant more about the Come visit our store and May 2 at Tam, 8700 Howard St. Skokie REGPRICE WILLBEOPEN7DAYS MUST MUllION THIS AD TO RECURE 15% DISCOUNT from M-F fr30 am. to 6 p.m. Sat 8:30 am. to 5 p.m. classes will begin the week of 22f-4491. ' '.L NUES 647-0002 LENNOX ... Rd.,Morton Grove bourn are Nifes Park Dsstrlctn' Tam Golf Course in not accepling registralion for group gell lessons. The To learn more about cystic fibroslo and the formdatins call 4L In neason, private unit boxes with answering service anda whole lot Golf lessons ceullltlllg in ChISDiC lung infer. tins, respiratory failure und malnutrition. OFF OPUIING R HOTWAIRR HEAThER iГ‡ CLEanERS 967-0909 ____ packaging materials, troll caody from Florida, fruit baskets, when important person in us. Stop la n.... Massard Sq,amn I.tWInneIk. Aus. . NuItS et Lab. Au, saeIhetWaInrnI INSTALLA11ON COMPLETE LINE OF ENERGY SAVING DEVICES ne pi cKupAs n netГsEn Xi ERES ESITMATES n HUMIDIFIERS E SHEET METAL ,,. C;,, FREE vice, greeting cards, laminutmg, fashion the customer is the moot L,stic FibrosIs lu the number une genetic killer of chlldren ami young adulta in the US. Victims В§ SffVdAt15eam.Je.ywe-, iw.. m.en an f00 Waukegan Road Glenview 998.a885 THE PET CONNECTION HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING CO. FREE a manner, because we are old raised p42,88 fur the CF Fnrmdalion. eSM PbSuIuee....aR..e.. Fo-5O4 WATCH FOR HOME MAINTENANCE SERVICE $3500 Storage & Cleaning lag, money orders, uolary service, dupliestiog keys, fax ser- everything ponuible to service your needs in a most pleasant 25 event at the Field Museum 1,000's IN STOCK! e. U. . ae ae,*ema N SHOP DEEPROOTFEEDING TREE SPRAYING . CORE CULTIVATION lГ§ Now is the time to store and clean your lurs!l \ . Photocopies, stamps, gift wrapp- with this oervce also. SOIR PAC located ut 9406 N. Wushegan Celebrities ut your Service, A Field Trip to the Fifties. The Feb. .. provide our store, we win provide you Wilmette for their wnrk un ab tI:i_ PIT ThEE CARE T packaging needu via, liPS FED of friendly nervire Want to have your UPS packagГ©n delivered to Sew hind raisng event. Battaglia Chairman Richard Maccoo of Nut nnlld wIth env nthae after. Only una euapnn pee ink Enplre. 528.55 1ow FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL 803-6255 offers many, many everyday needs. We will ohip ali your handcrafted gifts, gift bones, SUDES 3e' EACH nsnwber uf PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE ASSN. nl AMERICAC 998-6810 store and u convience center that also ..... pIemonte the most meceunful ubareu the award with Co- ROOFING SPECIAL! 60C PГґr Squaro Foot PRICE INCLUDES VIDEOTAPE y BACKGROUND MUSIC 53,50 MINIMuM ORDER) Fur Feerlinmok. ese.mr825-6300 Tha Profonninnals inTntul Lawn Cere it'u a new puckaging nervice We - 1158 RMR 3.i2699.8.i 1 831-nb V'DOPHOTO.AL8IJk , RADIO DI5PATCRED ;. SPRING GREEN , PROFESSIONAL LAWN &TREE CARE piece. For information call 998.1805. EXP. Curo-sn Valid TII 12.31.80 e MOVIES8m PER FOOT ADDITIONAL COPY FREE WITH Tills COUPON the way to frame yuur master- Let me tell you about our new store, in Morton Greve, NnI valid with other otters $1 FLUSH sEwhR SERVICE the right selection and ubow ynu Uello DOOR SPRING REPLACEMENT Takes only S Days WATCH THEM ON YOURTV unGer from mucus congested llmgu and dIgestive systems in attendance to help you make SUR PAC comes to Morton Grove $1O.000FFns.nn New GARAGE DOOR or Eles. DOOR OPENER CHILDRENS SPECIAL CONSTRUCTiON CO. 61 W. HERMOINE Preserve your Memories ,/ 1 FIRST MIDWEST TRANSFER TO VIDEOTAPE mUmw IRU GARAGE DOORS& REPAIRS FT MOVIES AND SLIDES RUCKERIDGE DOOR CO. RENTALS SALES 7700 W. TOU-4Y, CHICAGO, IL 60648 TEL: (312) 774-9000 holidays 15-0 PM MOVIES You can order any pouter you denirГ© from their many catalogum. They opeciulize in framing needlework. Shadow boxeo and unique framing are available for the customer who wants uomething a little diffurent. Museum quality framing and mounting isalwayu available for the discriminating cuutomer. Piefl gie1Thtasd.y,i80, 18M r This Coupon Reserved of the Eastt coinpoter frasel For You! agent trainIng; beginnesas g te Investing; fereign language CoRrees; sailing ReamasallIp; and eatcorsive group cd music Call F10 Bette The Bugle 966-3900 preparatory coscan for both adulto and children. Registration ;u fmprangelronl;28toplo. Ta request a fees Ospynitba mu-mediE peegran tredsice et dass Unilagu, cali GOce ci Field and Cedhaln itducatheidW$.4 eat. mi. Page 28 The Eagle, Tharaday, April 28, 1988 ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE i First Daffodil Show at Botanic Garden The newly formed Midwest Daffodil Society will hold its first show at the Chicago Botanic Garden April 30 and May t io the East Greenhoone Gallery. More than 500 daffodils from England, Ireland, and Asotraho will be on on exhibit. Show hours noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Aprit 30 and 10 am. to 4 p.m. on Son- day, May t. В¶he MidwenlDaffndi1 Society is an affiliate of the American Daf- IndU Society and meets at the Garden.The aim of the society lu to promote and encourage the growing and scientific study of the daffodil, Memhers of the DaSfodil Society who have volunteered wilt have their gardens open for viewing daring doffodit hloom time for members of their sociefy. For membership or eshibitor mf orina tian catt Jane Meyer, president, at 255-4425. Follosinger Billy B. Brennan will he featured io a family prograni from 7-thSO p.m. on Satan-. day, May 7, at the Chicago Botanic Garden, 'Billy B,' performances include a variety of nengnthatinvotve the The Chicago Botanic Garden in located on Lake-Cooh Band in Gtencoe, nne-haS wife cost of the Edens Expreouway. The 350-acre facibty in ssned by the Forest Prcserne District of Conk Connty and managed by the Chicago Horticultural Society. Accredited by the American Association nf Mnseums, the Botanic Garden is open every day enrept Christmas from 7 am. wIg sunset. Admissios is free; parhiog is $2 pee car. Valley Syniyhuny wilt sponsor ils Children May 5, and senioro arr sino invited. The 12 tichetn wilt be available for the perfornoaoce at the bus office before the concert. cooksng, prepared by chef/owner The Chicago Botanic Cordes is traen an part of the Garden's Arhoc Day festiviUes. Brennan has Edem Expressway. The 300-acre recorded severaS alhumo ineluding 'Billy B. Sings Ahout Preserve District of Cooh County GIen)ine, nno-hall mile eaSt of the facility is owned by the Forest and managed by the Chicago Horticultural Society. Accredited by the American Aunociatios of Mnsesnss, the Botanic Garden is open every day except Christsssas from 7 am. witS sunset. Adonissino is free; parking is $2 per car. llorica Ahbruucato, aod served from the pois, offers customers family stylA cooking coverwg a wide ronge of the "mother 001510e'' of Italy --- alt at moilcrole prices. TIse restaurant, al 5623 W. 2cv. ivg Park Rd. on ChIcago, opened 10 the oununer of '07 and onw en- make op a symphony: strings, woodwinds, brass and perronsion. After demonstrating the (oys o brisk trade wIth many regotars. Meals are served daily varions piones of the symphonic from 4 to ti p.m., Monday through Friday, 4 to 12 p.m. posate, Mr. Bauer will pst the pieces together playing selec- Salurdayn and 2 to 9 p.m. Sondayu. Spectais are uereed daily, tinos from Tnchuthowuky's Symphouy No. 5 auwell asthe popular Winds and Strings Serenade by Mozart. In addition, several certo. year's winners are converging on HOUSEBOAT VACATION Symphony Goild have been selected. They are: Lisa Johnson, violin; Jennifer Robo, violin; Heather Dials, soprans. Those unused for honorable mention are: Aaron Frontifab, clarinet; or Please Send Houseboaf Vscation Kil & Rafes to: CITY/STATE/ZIP: TENTATIVF: VACATR)N l)ATES: I. TI) For the price Polo is hard to heat. Folles who enjoy fine diniog 55m lind it eupeciaity enticing. ft bne to get in Inc a renssrkable price: $5.95. I wish some of these customers wsnldcome hack durixgthe week Valley, and the Aurora Kiwanis. operates the restaurant along Introduction to Film Criticism won't disappoint those who seldom stray beyond fast food sayo Barbara Pajda who places either. with her family. We prueide the same tasty food weekend disAnt. The number is 470-8022. Oli May 4 at 7:30 - 9:35 p.m. at North Shore Congregation Israel, 1165 Sheridan Rd., Gtencoe, nod affordable prices for lunch and dinner. Most of the rohmt, home-style producto nf Eastern Europe are available by a few continental inspired selections. disenssion group wilt meet, Participnnfuwfflseean ausigned film The chef who leai'soed to coГ§k in Poland boo polished bis skills at the Pierce Damas School of Reservations are mandatory for Mother's Day, and also for sJ B presents musicale . St. John Breheuf School cordially invites you te attend nur French preparation runs a pro- opringmusical, "Nickelodeon", a choral revue featuring 25 chimie tongs from ragtissue to swing. Come join os as our "Magical Music Machine" taken us hack to lilie kitchen. Each dish in made from ocratch with fresh ingredienla and deft use oeasoningt. Specialties grade out well, roast dock l$8.95) is moist, tender and non-members ppy $22. To register and for the current of the "Twexties College Gayo," "Golden Days of Hollywood," Basin Steeet and the big booth served with a nmanth poach assignmeut call 433-6424, of Benny Goodman, Glean Idays . Miller and Leo Brown. MORTON GROVE THEATRE 7300 DEMPSTER 967-6010 . STARTS FRI. - DOUBLE FEATURE - "VICE VERSA" ApГ±I 29th PG SAT. & SUN. .2:10,6:11.10,10 WEEKDAYS: - 8:10, Ill:Ill "DOA" Aloe Alda Wuhan, lors Holly Hoes., .1 SAT. b SUN. 2:30, 5:00. 7:30, tO:llO WECKOAYS: 5:00, 7:30, 10:55 ALL SEATS 91.00 TO 6 PM - $1.50 AFTER 6 PM Jaaoerciseru wilt go into actioo os April 30 to raise fondu for the Leukemia Society of America InAne sixth consecutive year. The event is eO-OpOnonred by WCLR 102 FM. AI the local level, abuot 300 par- licipantu are expected to dance their way through four gS minute worhonlu ot the BaffaIs Grove 111gb Schnol uite on April 36 from R Come join in the luSt St. Jahn Breheuf Gym on May 3, at 1130 p.m. and 7 p.m. Come relive those "Good Old Daya" of to0 Varsity Drag, the Cot's Meow and - "Ob Vudeodal" La Solle's wide ronge of fish dish, char-grilled or baked in sauces divine, its Insalata di Mare (salad of Ihr uro) rompused of m500els, squid, octopus and shrinp togeihee with Encimo Foccocia a homeiojodc bread willi tomatoes and oil, ood voznemos 500thern-Itolian otyte postas, blend with the nnrthern. style cooking of meal dishes 00mb on Veal Solliehocca, Pollo (chicken) st. MuGis and Bocconcix) (rolled stuffed veal) alla Romano to provide gastronomic liaban delights in the tout traditins of o neighborhood resfanrant Por further information and/or rescrnofionn please contort Dora or Enrico al 545-7030 1f am. to 2 p.m. Last year the Omonuls per donor, all of which wilt he donated to the Leukemia Also performing will be New York based oinger-uongwriter and Steven Kemesylfy. Gallery hocco are Toeuday throngh Saturday 10 am. to O p.m., Thursday 12-9 p.m. and school theatre. The play is adapted from Edgar Lee Masters' "S Suoday t-4 p.m. for further odor- River Anthology" o oeriesof maison, phone 004-2000. poetic m000logors aboot former mbabitaol,s - some real, some imagined - of Spoon River, an area near Springfield, thinois. As the "More Than a Box" show at isfrnductioo to the book states oU in the Cool are dead- 'uleeping, Cloe main office al 397-7230 or fOtndls. Door prises, refreshments, and dnoafioun by local merchants are still being accepted. Community Concert Associalion uf Maine Township member- ships provide admission to all orna suburbs at Maine Kaut and Moiue West High School aod(lnriusns Individnal memberships for the four concerto are $1f, utudent$9 and family$45. Ad- mission is by membership only and no tielneta for single performoneen will be sold at the door. For memberships or further ioformation please call 524-0405 sr 025-2902, Memberships perchased before May t motAd be used as admission to the May I concert, Pianist Lenuid Knnmio. The The Community Concert divg concert series for 1908-89. Midweutem cemetery aod frnm their gravru they speak their own 811 S, Maple St,, Mt..'roupeet. For additional iooronГЎtios asd directions call the park tiotrict al show Miodarape Gallery,l521 Sherman Avenne, Evanston, presento "Mure Thtin a Bon" from April30 epitaphs, discovering and confeuuing the reai motivation of their lices." Auuamiog theue "ghostly" thrnngh June 5. The eshibition features anounal, handcrafted wooden hones by more than tWeo- ty contemporary Americas roles will be Hites West utadents Katy Born, Jennifer Caillou, Soon wazdworkeru. Fisher, Amy Flack, Karen David Lieb, Larry Mills, Yuri Rutman, Kevin llteele, and Ar- The fourth anonaS enlsibition of "Adornmexta" wilt keon diuplay at Mioducape Gallery, 1525 Sker- man Avenue, Evanoton, from April 20 through Jane5. Featured are Ike handmade worho of jewelry by over thirty contem- porary Americao deoignercraftopeople. Gallery hours are Tuesday throuth Satosrday lo am. te 6 p.m., Tharoday 12-9 p.m. and Sunday l-4 p.m. Phone 004-2108 fo5-furtker infonnation, r MG LAKE LOUISE . (iLuDItJril Trouillot, with Tierohy doubling as the guitar player. SWIMMINI NUes West teacher Jamea Battu directo the production. Staff member Robert Jobnsoo in no charge ol costumes, StieG Owens in the vocal director, and Cindy Phitkin proeideo the technical expertise. Geocrot admission tickets are $4. Niim West High School in located on Oakton lltreet at Edens Eopresoway in Skokie. Boaoliful Sand Beacheu Located JOSt 70 MIsales Away! Coll 506-825f for brIber informa. Regina presents free # Г§,0 SSi' Spacioos Family Camps)les Boo 451, Byron, IL 61010 CALL (81 5) 234-8483 SUPER BINGO o41(s one-acts / /T4 ,,, \ .. Regina Dominican High School drama nlndenl.s will present two d4Q0 one-act plays al 7 p.m. Friday, April 25 in the auditorium ot 701 Lernst Rd., Wilmette. Admisuion is free. "Overtones," directed by Sarah Dandelleu, wilt feature: Jenoifer Grimes, Catherine O'Brieu, Je005e Rneuec (Park Ridge(, and Susan Walsh. SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1988 "Who Cullo?" directed by Dominique Fichero 054 Lynn Benjamin will fealure: Vivian Aguilera, Aimer Oaldino, Roua Hyso (ShOkie), Mary Sabado (Shobie(, Nicole Raymond and ST. JOHN BREBEUF GYM 8307 N. Harlem, Niles Doors Open at 12:30 p.m. Nicole Baluchon. 2 - 5OO°° Jackpots!!! Г¬Zorni/d2 (GyO \_.o Г‘-<-! . the Ml. Prospect Park District, Mindscape sleepiog on the bill' of a o Community Concert Rod MacDonald. Tickets are $7 in advance, $0 at the door and can be purchaued at "Adornments" The play's onogs will he performed by John Barba, Wendy Doyle, Past Katz, aod Pascale local j0000ccise instructor at routines performed nr flat recognised rako artiutu Suuao Plaines. scnlptareu by internationally edocahon. The cocol is open to the politic. Entra pledge formo are available Each participant will collect at Friesdohip Concert Hall, Janice & Algnsqnio Roads, Des Sunday l-4 p.m. For further infoi'matins, phone 004-2000, wformalios, con call Leukemia mance on Friday, April 29, f p.m. floor Iree-olonding and saugers and o gnitar player will preseot the stage oeroins of "Sposo River Asthology" at 0:15 p.m. on May 5, 6, and 7, in the thur Tiersfoy. courages tIle pobtie to attend this event. Persons intereuted is porlicupating in the marathon, or for Nationally acclaimed folk and blues singer Josh White Jr. will headline the final season parlor- one-of-a-kind ceramic wall pieces actors and actresses, Society Iorrrsearcb, patient and from local wstruclors including Trudy Mela nl Des Plaineu, a j000ercisc inutrurtor who en, Concert Season mas Avesse in Kvaoutato, will preseot a special exhibition nf A cast of 15 Niles West high School Friendship From April 20 through June 5, Mioducape Gallery, 1521 Sher- Gallery hours are Toesday thrnugb Saturday 10 am. te 6 p.m., Thursday 22-9 p.m. asd Society ut 73041503 or the Jazzer- pledges for the oomher of Raku sculpture at Mindscape Nues West stages "Spoon River Anthology Gothrie, Kristin Hurt, Paul Katz, morothou rained $150,500 for the usciety. Mebma Olbriuh, Martin Palicki, R and gloriously uOlisfy the taste buds on all terris of sopfilstica. lion o the cooking of Italy. Jazzerase to rise funds for Leukemia Association of Maine Township proudly aunouncen the nutulao- Gamoranes, Douglas Indelak, Heidi Lapin, Jason Mattock, etuding Kons-Ba-Yab and Yellow Itose of Texas. "BROADCAST NEWS" guaranteed to teaue, tantalize Coisanunity Concert Associatiou :5 a lax deductible orgainzation. St. John Breheul School band will provide a deigbtfol Opening te ourprugramwith selections in- "ANEWLIFE" SAT. S SUN. . 1:15, 3:25, 0:55, 7:45. 9:55 WEEKDAYS: .6:30. 7:4e, 9:55 and Chef Kamm keys on on bolldoy conkaig with regional dishes . Alexander, ttusnell Dunoak, 000 Beatrice Praybyx, Sandra Say- / WEEKDAYS: 6:10 STARTS FRI. A 29th Featured studetos from 3rd, 5th and 7th grades are: Sunny manpal, Henry Sarnowshi, Linda Szcnepunuki, Deun Vavouliotis, and Jknmy Veikos. SAT. b SUN. .4:10,6:10 Dunnix Qnald HELD OVER A DO R ESS Demputer. Arto Board nf the Fon River Ann.Mwg,al NAME: tricky. Your heu heI is from the south on Milwaukee or cant on No wonder they're standing is Symphony Youth Concerta are sponsored by Aurora's Old Serond Natinnol Bank, the United 1-800-626-5472 MonCo Ocsoet 5- Macisa. Ri, 2, GgbcrosviSc, KY 421144 lighter extrem starting at $3.75. If traffic is heavy, getting into the parlsiag lot may get a hit and un on, pins all sorta of salads, soups and desserts. rangements to attend this perfor- Jod55 RslOhnld (In KentГєcky, 502-362-4356) The lunch program features xany of the upeГ§alUen along with sandwiches, salads und french toast, crepea, pancakes Schools may still mahe or- New participants are welcome. Fee for NSJCC members is $2f; For ВЎnf . Rutes c,r Rc'seratjons, Wrile or Call 7h11 Frc'c' The attrgrtiou in all Fon-caneat presentation uf beef hrinkit, on eating hreahfast diuhea in the morning, there are bacon & eggs, Kelly Barr, violin and Grant Moffett, piano. which create the OlIno experience. . Largest Fleet of Boats on Kentucky Lake . No Experience Necessary . Sinople to Operate e Orientation Cruise provided dude 40 items. For traditionalists who insist then meettoenptarethe elemento -- tienes over. white fish, PoIlais Sausage, staSIed cahbage and pierogia. in the Chicago-land area, and ce)iie Eco iiic kv fahr, crystal cit or c'a cesa h ice d rose pcivarc hounchoci dryaniisg from I ,raai,.101 l'aris Landicg Scar tack. ts,ici,cc g.m. to O p.m. The spread mitI in- spring chicken, vest parprica, Elliot Krich's ongoing film Bcts sod Mother's Day, Boy 8, from ti the dining room three er four 196-1133. The Fon River Valley Treat Yourselfto a sherry sauce ($12.50). All you can eat buffet of splendid proportions will be presented Sunday brunch isn't free here, of cosiese, but inexpensive, pIentilaS and delicious enough ta fill of 460-4050 mignon with roqsefort and restaurant in NUes like the fondis being offered at na charge. snred by the Fon River Volley mance by roffing 'sanee, grilled tiger prawns In Palo herb hotter ($15.50) and filet It'sllanday morning and people the Young Artist Competition uponTIsis Enilnisite dining "aranso southern and northern Italian phony's Music Director, Harold Saner, bao ptanocd an exciting program for the Youth cqncerf entitled "That Wonderful Jignuw Puante Called : The Symphony." The aadienle will hear the families 01 instrumento that mentO Registrar at 035-8862. La Botte offers the mother Cujsjne " of Italy lomillo" sumo up the scrvmgs at o new oorthweut side restaurant called Lo Botte (The Wine Bac. rei). AO assimilation of Sicilian, nnnual Youth Concert for contact the Edncation Departlocated on Lake-Cooh Road in Trees", which holl he included in the program. Blu performance atthe Botaste . Garden will he in the Authtoriom in the Education Center. Cost is s? por person (children under 2 'Music foe the young and young at hearU" The Fox Einer tonefol escorpIo from opera will be performed and the Young ArSut Competibon winoer for 29118 will be featured in the first movemeut of the Silo-Sou Violin Con- are free) and includesa reception following the performance. For additional information, audience, His program at the Botanic Garden will Incoa on - Polo Restaurant serving up good foods to eat Youth Concert for Children 29 ENTERTAIГ‘MENT GUIDE The Fox River Volley Sym- Family sing-a-Iong at Botanic . The Bugle, Th.rsday, Apro 29, 1999 !.ILWAUKEE Et OAKTON NILES - 6 592 ELAINE , CS0\' ._, , ? &aa q,&<Г§i Г§,00 gis, . . cf 18В° eS' Q<' 3'45. ' Г�' c;5 Nui (I,il,Ire'n ..i.lI,,n-,-,li,u (,iii I'RgeM The Stagier Tharsday, April 28, lUGO Page3. TI Bugle, Thurdy, April 28, 19$ Thra' REГёtUt1flIflt 5111 Brown St., Skokie : : 675-5337 B CALL 283-8388 Accomodations for All Occasions your eatery Seminars Wedding Parties Retirement Banquets Open Mother's Day flestaurant Eimhurst Rd. & Oakton St., Des Plaines 593-fl33 ГЇr CHICAGO Chanspagne Branch . 1OO AM. 'Sil 2:00 P.M. В°1995 1600W. Diversey DAILY SPECIALS Anaple Froo Parking with Sptghntti. No Potato p TUESDAY SKIRT STEAK An J00 PORK TENDERLOIN Srnwn Graoy WEDNESDAY SHRIMP IN A BASKET 1211 9510 Waukegan Road Morton Grove 1950PRrPOt.on I S s G ThГ© Bugle Restaurant . Guide 966-3900 ( I)esserI 965-5561 c?a BUY 2 GYROS GET 3rd ONE FREE! 5923 West Irving Park Road B Chicago, Illinois 60634 (312) 545-7800 .-e a o .. e Aine Chickarr Gravy. Na Potato . SATURDAY CHOPPED STEAK Grilled Onions BROILED PORK CHOP Applenacce FRIED CHICKEN . LIVER with Onion or Bacon 10% SRnior Ci tizenK Dincoont 2ptn-tptn (in at 2 not by 6) NOT GOOD IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY OTHER OFFER -_ :- Mohr vro ,.rrnrrn 01)00, eurly. Col) 675-5337 J),l!.S Happy Mnlher:, Don Fluky's not as Famous Hamburgers or Cheeseburgers ENJOY ONE COMPLIMENTARY CHICKEN BROCHE11E with SUNDAY 4iavte Ue FINE ITALIAN CUISINE CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO SHIOH-KA.BOB wIth Atas BordRIaI. Sagog. NR PaWtn VEAL CUTLET.Rrown GrRnY FRIDAY BROILED RAINBOW TROUT LnmnR Btatgt Sauce Cod 8 GYROS PLAnER Вј'.1OM REGULAR MENU AVAILABLE RESERVATION RECOMMENDED G otorr,,kd Sont und ГЌatttily nilh FREE FOR INCLUDES 5 Appetizers Soup fr Salad 3 Pastas Vea) 4 Seasons Charcoal Grilled Orange Roughy s Potato Vesuvis Broccoli Dessert & Sambuca Liqueur I 495 Jallo or Rico Padding nr co Crggrnl MONDAY ThURSDAY GRECIAN STYLE CHICKEN with G mci an Stylo Potato VEAL PARMESAN ВїI - Mother's Day Spiiii INCLUDES Soop. Salad, PoSuW and Osanorl 248-1600 Chicago 8501 W. DEMPSTER NILES Please Call 6922748 [4 For That Special Mom on Her Special Day Suntla. Ma. 8lIt. '(.rrntrotalrttjty In DROP-OFF AND CARRY-OUT BUFFET SERVICE 4300 N. CENTRAL 't eruo l'i [IFt HecIotIratIl Will Iae IIptfl Itfl -. MIIIIteF'c Dai, Adve rti se FOR HARRINGTONS-CATERING FULL SERVICE BANQUETS (OUR HALL OR YOURS) 1arE Golden Nugget Restaurant - - HAMBURGER OR CHEESEBURGER r-5WHEN A SECOND HAMBURGER (?(:fOR CHEESEBURGER OF EQUAL Lawrsncewood SIg CГЁeetae-Oakton and Wikegi Sc OVALUE IS PURCHASED. BREAKFAST SPECIALS French Toast Waffle Expires Sunday, May 8,1988 '1.99 '1 99 '1.99 '1.99 '1.99 '1.99 Pancakes Bacon Omelette Cheese Omelette Denver Omelette EVERY DAY 10% SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT ON DINNERS OR ALA CARTE 966-1520 Niles, illinois a_9645 Milwaukee, Nibs 965-8708 Po restaujВ°ant & bat Continental Mother's Day Buffet " WELCOME . CALL US! 967-0300 205-0025 1150 MILWAUKEE AVE NuES. ILL lOfl WAUKEGAN RD. NDRTHBROOK, ILL RESTAURANT - 6690 Northwest Highway Chicago/Edison Park Open Mother's Day 12 Noon until 9:30 PM Hours: OPEN DAILY AT 4 P.M. Our Superb Cheese Pizza ERIAWEEKI pl WE DEUVER 7 DAYS A - SAVE 20 OF OUR COUPONS Addito.r& Ita. Papperoci. M(,Sflronn,. Ra!Th onjors. o'8.5O ; 5.5O From i 1100 AM. to 6:00 P.M. i1 I5XAN I' . All You Can Eat - :5PECIAL! -. : MOTHER'S DAY AND RECEIVE A LARGE CHEESE P1A FREE! 6UW_d_A rГ§-Nteniv *100 OFF ANY 12" PIZZA *200 OFF ANY 16" PIZZA ONE couca so ORDER GOOD ATr WE CATER TO ALL PARuES i! JJ n54J Milwaukee Ave. . L L7ree Gama/ion Jor .WCom Pilles. Ill. 1022 Waukegan Rd r . Northbrook. Hl. В® 792-1718 EXPIRES b-31-00 ,, NOW'IIRING - APPLY IN PERSON JO te. 2J -.- MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY FUND MISERS. PTA AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS SATURDAY 1150*00 001005M SUNDAY tEte ThURSDAY 1100AM t01S1MMIDNIOHT HOURS FRIDAYSd 5832DEMPSTER 965-7200 CUTLET. ALA POLO s BBQ RIBS s PARSLEY POTATOES FRESH VEGETABLES BEEF BRISKET FRENCHTOAST SPRING CHICKEN POUSH SAUSAGE WIth Sauerlcraut .. STUFFED CABBAGE CRISP POTATO PANCAKES FRUIT BUNTZES PIEROGIS NEW ZELAND WHITE FISH 0 10 DIFFERENT DESSERTS CHICKEN UVERS CRISP BACON PORK LINKS EGGS MUSHROOMSOUP CZARNINA SOUP CHICKEN EGG DROPS WIth SpInach 6 DIFFERENT SALADS Ev,y Item I. ptsp.d from ucratch without udIdvs* tu uujlt vssyslt Make Reservations Nowl Call 4704822 We Care AboutYour Healthl (Regular Menu AvaIlable Upon Raquead OPEN FOR LUNCH AND DINNER TUESDAY thru SUNDAY 1100 AM to lOiCO PM 8801 N. Milwaukee Ayenue-, Nile (Corner Miltoaskeg atg4De,apu,rr) 470-8822 Pge32 The Bugle, Thoredey, April28, I9 The Bugle, Thursday, April tO, 1985 ENTERTAIГ‘MÑÏÓUIDE I Kuzmin concert Center on Deafness Leosid Knamior, pianist, will appear io concert on Sunday, May t, 3 p.m. at Moine East High Arts Festival The Center on Deafness' 12th School Audrtorium, Potter and Dempoler, Des Plaioeo as year's competitГ¬on drew more th 350 retries Irom the TOots Annual International Creative Arts Festival will be held April United States, Casado and 29-May 1. Some 150 participante Australia. are expected to attend the ac- The Festival Workshops, tivrtieo, which will include prenentation of awards te the Art and Writing competitions und a Performing Arto Competition for talent finalists. Alun seheduleddaring the 3-day event are workohops for cbuldreo presented by hearisg impaired deaf adults reonwoed for their and adolfo oh topics relating to areas uf the arts. achievements in the arts, are designed for young people, as weil as for teachers and other professionals involved with hearsog impaired children is Ike hearing impairment and the The International Creative arto; Little Miss and Minter Prroonality Pageant; performance in sign and voiCe of 'Fiddler on the Roof" hy the Center's Trove!- Arts Feslivat io a sos-profit ventore funded solely by dona!ioos, and offers special thanks for con- tmuisg support to Kraft toc., Mid Continent Agencies, Household Interoatiosat, Den ing Rands Theatrical Troupe; owardn banquet, and npecia! breakfast performance by mime artist Picky Smith. The banquet Plaises Area Jaycees, and McDonald's Karte Managemeot Corp. Tas deductible contribo- and breuhfast will be at the O'Hare Radisuon Hotel, 5500 N. River Road, Rosemnnt. AU other bono to help Cover the coste of the Center, 10100 Dee Road, Des traanportation to the Feslival for ail First Place Winners), may be sen! to Center ou Deafness, tOltO Festival (which ioclsdeo activities will be held at the Plaises. The only even! outs hind is the Dee Road, Des Plaines, IL GOfIO. nation, the Festiva! was established to encourage achievement by hearing ionpaired children In the visual, literary and performing arts, The Center on Deafnepe was founded in 1973 and provides a range of landmarh arts and metal health programo for hearbog impaired chitdres and adulte. ; My campaign reflected my strong belief that each of 55 can make O diflerence in improving 1900-09 memberships purchased before May t may be used as admissios to the Kuzrsoio ooncert. Bore in Gomel, Byetoruosia (USSR) lLuansio began otadying Ike piano when hewoo five peoro care deeply about the future work (The saine people always further study at the Manhattan vibrant community. Accordingly, I would lilie-to formally endorse The Trident Center has a visiting program tu visit home- jog School of Music. The Community Concert our homelows areas, elms to 8 home in high schont auditoriomu, bi live performances at on affordable price. Individua! member- Gus Giordano Jazz Dance Chicago If yuu are a jam dance lover and bave always wanted ta see the Gus Giordano Jam Dance Chicago perform, now is your chance for the beoefit of Rush North Shore Medical Center of Otusb-Presbyterian-St, Luke's ships for the four Sunday runreels are $18, studente $k and family memberships $45. Admis- siso to concerte is by membership onty and no tictuete for single Medical Center, Skukle. Tbe troupe has an eniting and diverse repretsire which Includes the musical comedy and the sensuaiity of pure jato dance. The dancers are the entertainnient,,,action; lt's show tisse for the versatile Msippete of Sesame Street, who jump from singe and TV screen to the big screen for the alt-new version of Sesame Street Live coming to The Ronemont Horinsn from Apr. 27 tbrough May t. A show within a ohow, the live stage spectacular finds Big Bird and bis sidekichu abandoning the game show bon! Guy Siniley, who han won o movie studio, withthe proviso that he put together a feature film-in juot-one boor. With Big Bird as director and Smitey as Ido gong-ho ansinteni, Bert and Ernie, Cnokle Monster, Crans Nnna GREEN RIVER OAKiCAMPГЏГ‘G RESORT R.R,1, BOX 131, AMBOY, ILLINOIS 61310 WE OFFER . . . e (!1tiuutr HEATEO SWIMMINO POOL uWATER ilUDE ISAMO ROOM RV CLOas FI5HINO, LAKE h RISOER uFREE HOT SHOW000.FLOSH TOILETS ELECTISIC, WATER B SEWER WEEKEND CAMPINO 'quh1E Eta1xrant & 1anqut iIIariLittEs DiNNtov SEOVED Toes .555 (s O IO Sand,y, Nsce so 'I Smdav esses h IO so T . - RENTAL mAILERS Your Soso. 5,jj s,0 K,ji Verso Gru,,Iuks. IL CLOSED 0050005 Г‡ 15535 anotsrosvrfrme D,ukC- C COONTRY STORE -ICC A FIREWOOD FAMILVCENTER LPGA5SALE5 OPEN MAY I in OCT. 31 . THREE DAY MINIMUM ON HOLIDAYS MUST BE PAID IN FULL ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE PHONE FOR (312) 223-012! .50 Cop bgbO'( o borrqoet, memorable unWED lay- log ceremony and uffe'lting of O'Hare Hnlei, River Rd. at the Keanedy Enpremway, Cocktails will be served at 11 a.m.,4gnch at and is tax deductible. Reuerva- Rush North Shore Medical Center's Fsudatioo Office, REOERVAUONS.816/957.3$lG u SiamesI OIsnn Aonjlthln Damns H Estor?5,emect u RO Cseonnsjso es Rally Coorpuny Picnics Fun,ksloi Asujishin Cstursd nr NOn.Cutt,nd . Mnwbotships Offo,uO Mnutinu RsOwn u Cuwp,ng Clubs Welnen,e Brsukfust nr Sasnrdav RESERVATIONS REQUIRE E)-8215 Notional Alliance President, Aloysim Mutewstui wilt make a brief staisment. 203-4511 At soon a parade or of chief unite will step off from proceeding 000thboomd on GlacIo lo Von Buron asd disbanding. The theme ofthio year's parade is toc000memorate "The 70th An- niveroary of Poland's Indcpeodeoce of 1918". The Home of the White Eagle, 8839 Mitwaskee Ave., Nden, will be the setting for a gala banquet lo be held Saturday evening May 7 beginoisg at O p.m. Cdnctod)og the manifestation Oro Saturday, May 7 a pre- will be the oflering of Mass on Susday, May 8 at Holy Trinity parade breakfast, spomored by Church, 1118 N. Noble St. at 10:30 Grover, The Count, Prairie the Chicago Society will be held al the Wainnt Room of the BarktGy the Dog and some Bismarck Hotel, 171 W. Randolph SI. For forther information or hebeto contact Romuald 290.8500. Summer Gardeners "Big Bird Goon Hollywood," net nut is sandbag the movie ncbeme to regain ownership of the studio they Ion! to Smiley. Jost is linse for sunsmer plan- hog, Skokie Public Library presents Common Seme Garden- io4, a tallo by Certified Master Gardener Marilyn Casnidy. Ms. Casoidy is a representative from lbs Chicago Botanic Gardeos. She is an active volunteer with the Botanic Gardens, a writer and, of course, avid gardener. A lighthearted musical brimming with songn dancing, setlingo and wit that have characterized Sesame Street Live presentations nbere 1980, the 90-minute production by Bob Shipstad runs the gamnt of musicat fare and movie situolions, from a Tarzan sequence featuring a reluctant Grover, to Prairie Dawn us a latter-day Skokje Women's Club meeting Carmen Miranda, to a Frankensteto re-creation by The Count and bis tronty asnistant, Cookie Monster. Presented by VEE Corporation The5kolsje Valley Business and PcOfessioriu,al Women's Club will hold its Monday, May 2 meeting I have also met some bind, quiet, generous seniors. These are the 00m who do volunteer seemtovobunteer when needed.(. tound elderly. The greedy people nbould get off their " duBs" and go visit some of these people. . Maybe they nill realize there's Her taSi wilt cover suck topics as when, where and what to pta01, lips nc creating thriving, healthy planto sod a queolion-und'aOswer period. The semine meets on May 10 at 7 pm. Admission is tree. The Library n io located at 5215 Oabton Shohie. directed and choreographed by Diane Arnold, The script was Writtes by David Counell and Jito Thurman of CTW. Musical arrongemente and original music their BPW leadership. Do ley lo join nu, Social hour 5:11 p.m., Dinner at O30 p.m. $10 incisding tax and gratuity. Please call befare Moedap. Pat Maim at 675-5254 or tesa Kroutit were produced by Production Associate Paul Walkerg with otage and sel doulgon by Jim - at 66452tO Ext. 240 or 622-7320. The Tulip Festival in Holland, Michigan, will be the destination of a tone from 7 am. to ll:30 p.m. Thursday, May 5. View the Dutch architecture, bridges, canals, the tulip gardens with 100,90f tulips in full bloom, the costumed girls performing wooden nbne dance and ubuerne the 200-year-old Dutch windmill. The rout is $89. everything they can get. Sincerely, Recent Retiree teom 9 n.m. to 4,30 p.m. Sunday, May 15. Understand the colorful history nf Chicago's Stockyards, Highlights and Landmarks" Branch pickup schedule announced Maine Township Highway Commissioner Bill Fraser in rrsssindiog cmideote of uoincorporated Maine Township that the Highway Department will pickop branch trimsidssgs through Oclober. Fraser seid towssslsip crews began pickiog up branch trimm- Hyde Park, warfare. The coot is $32. A Michigan Lake Shore tour, from 7 am. to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, May 21, will take you lo the Micbigao Sand Dunes, Lakeside Winery and the Ford Presidential Museum m Grand Rapido. The cost is $50. See the latest and the newest building in Chicago os"at's New in Chicago?", from 9:30 am. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, June 2. The cml is $34. The scenic Wiucomin Dello wilt be explored from 7:30 am. Saturday, Jane lt ta U p.m. Sunday, June 12. The cost is $123. Theater-lovers can see five of the finest plays of Shakespeare und 20th century playwrights at the Stratford Flay Festival in Ontarie from June 20 to July 2. The cunt is $304. Tourists wIll hoard a lansry motor coach from thenseth parkmg lot ofNilsuNorthfligh School, 9800 Lawler, Rouble. Participante of the Stratford Play Festival tour will leave at 7 am. from Oaktsn East, 7В°/Il N. Liocoin Ave., Skokie. For information and regtetratios, call the MONNACEP Office, 582.8880. Nues and Skokie join Shape Up for CF The Shape Up for Cystic Fibrosis hosted hy Women's Workout World will he un Mon., May 16, from O am. to 9 p.m. The assonai fitoem fundraiser wilt be eunducted at the ?gilea club, 7900 N. Milwookee, and the Ruokie ingo is April und will continoe the club, 4020 W. Dumpster, as well as all other club locatiom. service during alleranate weeks, starting on Mondays. When the scheduled dato falls on a holiday, branch pickup will start on Tues- A participant oblatos pledges based su work-out time. Prises can be won according to how sweatshirts, Women's Workool World memberships and Asia aerobic sham. Last year, Women's Wsrkoot World raised more than $80,000 te benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Cystic Fibrosto Is an inherited disease, that attacks the lungs and digestive system. Half the children born with CF do sot live past their Slut birthday. Spanner lorms are available al all Women's Workout World loca- doy. much money she turm in on Fraser seid branch clippings shoold be put out for collection pledge eollectioo day, Thus., May 31. Prizes inclode t-shirts, Thor-b tiom. For more information call aerobic socks, sweatpants, Skokie club at- 674-5587. with the cot ends facing the street and should not he placed in the NUes ebb at 007.8100 asid the e publish every Thursday.. colverts and ditches. Collection dates foc the re- mainder of the season are the weeks begimiing May 9 and 23, June f and 20, July 5 )Tnmdny) and 18, August t, 15, and 29, September 12 and 26, and October to and 54. Wood chips made from the branches are available to all township residsnts and businesses. Full trockloads will be delivered. For information, call Fraser nl 635-1120. The Readers Write * --- If youhave a pet peeve, a word of thanks or anything of news value, write a Letter to the Editor - - - to honor uf nur Club's birthday, Oar program wilt highlight nor Bombera' personal and professiOssal achievements inclsdmg The cost is $42. Join Dr. Irving Cutlerfora narrated tour of "Historic Chicago: (Lehigh and Uncoin) in Murtos "Big Bird Goes Hollywood" was scheduled from 0:30 am. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, April 38. Highlights include a visit to New Salem, a gulded tour of the Capilot boilding, the Litocola Shrined and the Lincoto's tomb. with the Chicago Fire, the BUGLE PUBLICATIONS 01 Hoffman's Morton House In cooperation with Children's Television Workshop (CTW), in more to life than grabbing For further inlormation coo- before 0:30 am. oo Mondayn of tact Polish Notiosal Alliance, the scheduled weeks. They should Helen M. Snym000wics al be neatly placed on the parkway Atte ntion At the sume tiene, tenie the Great and Wormy Wenderf st, slightly shady sibling Muppef oters created by Jim Remon for Waters. Matuszcnob al Clack Sireel and Wacher Drive, thbdurityDriven, in the prnximity nl the Adler Planetarium, Polish momter friendn-pitcts in lo make the mont uf 00 minutes under the lighte and before the corneras. g. owes them everything "fur tree". The first tour, "Springfield: A Pullman, Coostitotion. The evento wilt be m000meot, Lakeshore and Dawn, Oscar the Grouch, renidente lo join me. Jeff Schoenberg & bugle corps, floate and mur' deus (Todeusu) Konciunzko On-9000, eno, 3715. Sotker in the November general eleelion. I urge the district's festivities observing the tt7tb Asoniorroory of Poland's May 3, 179! On Tuesday, May 3, at 10:30 a.m. a wreath laying ceremony 0111 he coodscted at the Thad' teem map be made by calling p Mars will murk three days of Saloeday and Sunday, May 7 and liGO p.m. Cant is $39 per peruon the Thompsoo administration's questionable of flag bearers, orclsestran, bands, drum held os Tuesday, May 3 and noon, with the performance at nf bis lliepsbtican opponent, who bas consistently supported manp PГІland's Constitution Day celebration A magnificent parade, super for the hespltat'n tancheon [uni! raiser, "Ms Aftemnon W!th...And Ail flut Jazz," being held Thursday, Muy li at the Sfyatt Regency "Big Birdgoes Hollywood for a good camea favor to We weeps ait sssijOr errait Cards. work toward a more Calvin Sutker, for re-election to the t908-t9oerieu and cordially inviles the enlire community to enjoy outstaodiog artiste brought to Rrgular Msthrr's lo my primary opponent, Rep. Association is presently conductin5 O membership campaign for faMiliar environs of Sesame ltssqiied. hold ocote for their late friends asd if you are alone, they could care leso. These greedy people tlnints became they paid taxes (05ko doesn't?) the Government sOnor conomunity, oudthis is why r am supporting Rep. Calvin poigs, and I am truly grutefst for thor strong show of support. Street for Sunset Strip and the bright lights of Hollywood. It's 00 tu 3 lion. bio valueo and teginfative prionties sharply contrast those Stratford Play Festival in tosco Visit with Abe Liocoln" rode, load and greedy. They will not welcome newcomers. They coded, I look forward to continu- 503-570f, Est. 4810. will Be Semcd In The Mannlns meollo0 the changing nocAs of Michigan, and enjoy mme of the finest theater prostuctiom at the some seniors in NUes who are United Stets, tahiog op resideoce in New Yorh City, and he began For more information call Tsensu re ВЎSony sor Orean growbsg senior populo- roregy 050 behalf of my cam- ofthe md oaoque Oujldje0. mooilY by actively working to br- Haymarket Riot, and gangland spoosored hyMONIdACEP begin' nino April20. Now that the campaign has parking is available. h. The Banquet Building the qoality 5f life in our corn- cemeteries, und placeo counected the Easter Eggs from the kids. I have found in going to social fuoctioss with seniorn, there are and hin family moved lo Ihr st, and studente are free. Free Breach thdale for state repee505tative who has demonstrated a cornrni. Citinen t want to nay how askanosed I am of those seniors who took contributed their time and "The Waltz Day Dimiere challenges io the years ahead, and rep. Suther io the voy cao- Au a recently retired Senior enter the Preparatory Division of the Stete Conservatory of Music io Miosh and continued studying there for the oent len years with Irisa Tseveteeva. Later Kuzmin Waite of the Toreadors" by Day Our community facen dilficolt Visit the sta e capital, Michigan Lake Shore, Chicago's historic landmarks and sites, see the Tulip Festival in Holland, oho shored thathelief generously French ptaywrighl Jean Anoullh, May hA Performances will beat llp.m.May5andO; 7p.m. May7; and 3 pm. May 0, in Ihe Carteos Toner Leclui-e flail Asdiiorium, Kednie and Foster Aves. General Admission is $2, faculty aod stoff boil, he Cosijos Ing Novesober election against hin Republican opponent, Sheldon Marmo. Dear Editor: old. At seveu he was chosen to wilt present the comedy "The lo, OhiOsenie 060e Geserat Aosewbly in Ike corn- onT isoovatisns. Muny people North Park College, Chicago, Muaher'n Greedy Seniors! ment lo protectiog the consumer, edocating nor y000g people and log about ihe necessary changes Toreadors Opeculr,kei pirtrirt who vigorsonly sop- 000cert of the current series. cost otyie of Jons ballet, the fan nf osw8iswbe4i sCI Illinois' 58th Representative - GOS-2903- - Dear Editor: ronald like to thank the I 1youoaodu 5f concerned residente ported by candidacy in the March Democratic primary. door. Formembershipo or further information please call 814-0405 or Gift gfLove provide entertainment Schoenberg thanks residents presented by the Community Concert Aosnciatios in the final performances will be sold at the ? MONNACEP tours ГЏ Giordano Jazz Dance Chicago to perform Page 33 ossly signed leitcv,ssilt br publiohed, Tire S::gl elle geo all toreo lees os ube,ir Leir,s io rho Ed,ror lee I.1000 .0 В« I rea I OS oesorrreespoouc lo cdilorials ap lie p.011Cl Ail I e:lcrs 0:051 be' signed sed coillain poorie g in he flume, odd erst:',: d sclephsnr number nf he',eire, . No lcr er,,- ill be io, 1,11e T le Tile 0,:gl c,lok'ss 1h15 ofoenro,, ,,vls foonisloed 01 11l1l0 OC, IllS liii OYYIO lillo iii 1101 be pelered if lbr,orllc,rrqoesls s.,-el" I'e'" ill,licld buI orantes mi1i tse wilhhrld upion request. Sendalliettersto: THE BUGLE - 8746 N. Shermer Road Nulos. Illinois 60648 - Page 34 ThenugIe,Th,Aprfl. 1188 TheEngle, Thnrsday, April 20,1988 HOSPITAL NEWS HOSPITAL NEWS Medical staff preSident Resurrection restructures Forest offers Didactic Dr. Michael Marogannre was recently appointed presIdent of the Martha Washington Hmpltal health care positions MedicatStaff, ---------------- - for professionaVs -- Dr. Mnraganore received 'Involving Oho Family Greece, He did his InternshIp at Evangelical Hoopitnl and his residency in Pathology st tesoional Psychology at 1 p.m. on Friday, April 29. Presenters of the program, which will he held io 1ko Novlch Auditorium, Forest Hospitol Profesoinoal Buitdiog, 551 Wilson Swedish Covenant Hospital and West Side VA. Hospital, He jotsed Momo Washington HospItal, 4055 N, Western Ave,, In 1970 au the Director of Laboratories. Dr, Maroganore Is n member Lane, Des Plaines, are Thomas ofthe American Medical Associaloon, AniericanSociety of Clinical Todd, Ph. D., and Marc Woltoes, Psy. D., C.A.C. Pothologisfa and the coSege of American Pathologists. He residen In Skokie. - Dr. Todd in the co-author of 'Family Therapy of Substance Dr. Michael Maeagnnnre Abuse," recognized as o clasuir reference, aod atoo is Ihn autbor of oumerosu publiratious on the subjects of usbutauce abone, manIal and family therapy. He holds a Ph. D. io Clinical Weiss Hospital to open facility Warren Nelson been appointed executive vice public relations for the corporaIn restructwthg of positions t Resurrection I4eolth Core Cor-president of Resorreetion Health lion. Nelson resides in Arlioglon Core Corporation Financial Sor-Heighls. poration, (7435 W. Toleott Ave., Chicago), Prevident Sister vices. Geile is a resident of Barr-Robert Barrigor, formerly director of marketing, has keen Bonaventw-e. CR., bas annolmc-ingian. Warren Nelson, formerly direr-named vice president of ed the following changeo tor of development and poblic marketing for Ike corporation. relatiom, bas been named vice Barrigar resides in Wkealon. Ronald fledir, formerly senior vice president for finonce. hoy president of development and Half-day b ike otting The LifeCenter on the Green, 5145 N. Californio, health and Harms end Old Orchard Roads. Paeticipanlo most have their st. Francis 'Nursing Center Open House' own bike, aired op and io good Swedish Covenant Hospital, is tonring condition. All asked lo sponsoring a haS-day bike noting bring a sinoS bottle of water asd s onSat., Apr. 30, fromth3fa.m. to perhaps an apple fora late moro-The St. Francis Hospital Sckool ing snack. Experienerd leaders of Noosing annoanced il sviO offer 12 noon. a 50 percent toition reduction to Two bike 500es hove been pian-ovili bd provided for both groops. For more information or to stndenls entering tkrtwo-year SI. neda leisorely 12,-mile roond fitoesn renter affiliated with trip course or a more in-regintercallthe LifeCentor on 1ko Franrisprogram io Foil, 1908. In- formation aboot the toitisn vigorating 25-mile round trip ong-Green, 0758300, Ext. 5660. Bikers redortion and other financial oid ment. Both toare sviO be on the must be of least 14 years old. A $5 beautifol northern segment of the advance registration lee is re-opportunities will be availokle at a free Norsing Center Open Forest Preserve bike trail near qmred. 11000e" keld Monday, May 9, at the St. Francis School of Nursing. Meo and women interested in a norning rareerare invited to drop ky Ike Open lIeuse anytime from commercial section of The The Brnukers also offers u ted by professional staff members as well ou guest lecutnreu, will cover pertinmt kealth topics. In oddities, Breakers at Edgewatee Beach development cureentfy ander perIodic kealitkscreentogs wilt be constrsctton m'the 5300 block of North Sheridan Rd. Sckedoled to open io Joly, the Weiss Hospital offices will he staffed by pkysinions alfiliated nith the hospItal. Office space, conssltatlnnosdexnmtnotion rooms os well as x-ray and laboratory facilities will also be part of ther services being of- wIth u videotape library deliver' mg medical sod health InformaCon to residents at any time of the doy. Edgewater Beach is a 478-wilt rental rommontty for active seniors which won conceived by Senior Lifestyle Corporotion (SLC) of Chicogo. Known tor its rep500tion as a oniversity-affiliated community he one of professional staff will he from The Breakers wilt he pro- vidcd for more complicated u-rays and other hospital-boned services, he said. people." For further inforonution, con- Purees' prenentalion was part of "Awareness Day" spomored hy S,A.D.A. (Stodento Agniont Drugs and Alcohol. hog, Openings are available In the potleot core oreas and in the rlerirol areau Volunteers will io aoareoens about the send for organ mid tissue donors din-mg As a coimnonity servire pro- volunteers to work io different spend some time in a hospital set- Resurrection Hospital will be 101oiog forres wilh the Metropolitan Chicago Hcallhcare Cuoio-il and the Regional Orgau llaok of limois to raise public Scout's project to benefit Hines Hospital Avenue in Evamtun. For addi- departments at the hospital. Volunteers ran he of all agesfessu high school freshmen to retired citizens-who wish to Donor Awareness Week euemtes being fought ky older tional information, call 492-6230. TrierHighSchool on April 27. Mo. The uereeiinsg involveso simpIe test that can detect blood in the stool bofare It can be seen. and kefore other symptoms appear. Hidden blood io the stool may he a sigo of cancer or other internal disorders, The bevorCult lost may be used at home, following a brief, pro-test diet aod using a spored kit, to collect the Edgewoter Hospital located ot 5700 North Ashland Ave. on the oorthuide of Chicago, is seeking delivered o lecture on suhntance abome among teenagero at New 1-31. help solve the mossy problems that are brought on by isolation, Edgewater Hospital seeks volunteers Associates of Morton Grove Community service, from May pointa ofintereut oromd the cloy, "Communitlestike The Breakers lcet, working for the rank of C.A.C. of Coimneling Service homoccult screening ito to Chicago urea residento, os airee events, mnoeums ood otber 07f-8700, est. 1030. Mo. Karen P0mev, MA., Memorial Hospital will offer specioltrips tu concerto, sporting ovailabte at The Breakers to provide medical services, explained Martin SigIlo, MD,, who serves as Director of Medical Affairs for SLC. Froc traonpnrtatloo to and Substance abuse lecture Digestive Diseuses Awareness Month", Louis A. Weiss ulonuhip and social inleractiuu become mure important os we travel througkthe aging process, Therefore, The Brechen offers a can amore that kigbly qualified The SI. Francis Hospital School of Nursing is located al 319 Ridge dectorallon of TMuy as "National According to Dr, Siglo, compo- and stodeolo will be on hood to amwer questions akoul financial aid, the advaotages of a two-yeor norniug program, aod the many career apti000 Opon to nursing sIdents after graduation. "The tuition reduction and Open Goose are part of our cftorto encouraging people to in- teresting to people who are coonidering a career change or who cannot afford Io opeod loor years of their time and money to kerome registered nurses." to recognition of the National Digestive Disease Coalitionk upumored by Weiss Hoopitat, considered lo of Forest Hospital, Or.Woltneo is a specialist io adolescent/family probfcois and Certified A alcoholism C0000elor,- ky lias pubhnked noverai professional articles and is a Ireqoent speaker on the topic of sUhstaore abuse. He is President of Families aud Adolenceuto in Recovery (FAR), an iotensive treatment alter. Oative fur adolescento and their families, Offered free of charge lo pro- fesnionals od studeoto io the health fields, the Didactic is ocCredited for Continuing Medical Education, registration in reqmred; call 635-4303 to register. Lutheran Church, wilt help in the collection of clothing and books some type of organ and tissue Hospital. If you hayo any skirts, hInters, pant,s, skirts, sweaters, jackets, and books which you no longer ide, they would he appreciated. lisIes abon: tu tlliunin, aver 500 Clothing should be clean andin good condition, for both mro and currently ad successfully belog tConsp)aoled io Illinois arc kIthey, heart, livor, pancreas, tcaooplanistion Ore waiting for the United 70110015 are waiting for kidney trauslaots while another 200 are Ovedliroly blind due lo tack of Corneas for frausplaut. Among the organs and tissues women; no shoes, socks, or lung, boor, boue marrnw,corneo underwear run io ucccpled. Firtino and non-fiction hooks ore sod Chor. Resurrection Hospital O)SO hs Pined with other Illiooio l]OSytlals io Complying with stale sod )vdecal "Required Request" CfS15tjo0 I age. Coloretai cancer is second only lo 1mg cancerbo terms of in- cidcncn. Currently more 0-au 130,000 new cases develop, und about 00,000 people dic from the disease each year. To receive your free hit hy (vail, call the hospital's Publie Relatiom Deportment, 870-8700, Ext. 1930, weekdays hetween 9 am. and 4 p.m. Each caller will rocoive a bemorrultlesthil, corn- plete with detailed inslrsctioou of how it should io completed. Aller the participant completos the lest, it should ho mailed lo Weiss Hospital's Choirai Lahuratory fur auslysis. Findings will he The laws call for 'rOuais to offer the spUrs of 'rgdIl donation lo the next-of-ion :enl1al Organ and tissue Parkside Fitness Center celebratesali iversary Cester will offer free cholesterol and blood pressure screening frasi 1 tu 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 4. io the first-floor sooth meeting room and cafeteria. lt is necessary tu have an appointment; they may io made ky calling the medical center at 077-9108, - st. 3880. mm screening is part of o nation-side program at marc than 410 hospitals across the Couniry, sponsored by the Valuslacy Hospitals ofAosscriea, EolitO- - ed "Cosotooms USA: the Na- houaI libad Pressure and Cholesterol Cheek," the nationsnide event will me a special protacot, developed by the Voluntary Hospitals of America and the NahanoI Heart, Luog, and Blood lasstilute, CountDown USA will be the lire1 001iao-svide screening for cholesterol, and it will be based 00 new cholesterol guidelines fer adulto. Below 20e mg/dl is ceosidered desirable; the range from 200 ta 239 mg/dl is considered borderline high; and a level of 540 mg/dl or more is con- sideral higb-klood cholesterol. 1f an individual's cbolesterol measures below 200, he will p told that bis ebolesterel is fine, but that be should bave it rechecked asitbiss the nest five years. fI an individoal's cholesterol is lu the borderlinehigh or togli rouge, he will be ad- vised ta have follow-up evalua- tium done by a pbysician. Aspase wsth a blood pressare reading of 140/90 or more asili also io referred is a physician. Dr. Lobo to speak On May 4, at I p.m., at Holy Family Hospital (Den Plaines Room), tfo River Rd., Des Plames, Dr. Phillip Lobo mba is a radiation nncslogГЇnt at Northwest Coisunuoity Hospital will spools to oar Spirit and Breath. The Parbalde Sport and Fitness Center, part afParkuide Hnman Services Corporation, recently celebrated ita five year 000iver- sary. Pictaresi are Tom Higgins, disertar of the Parkside Fitoew/Sperfu Medicine Cestero and Scott Chovanee, director of the Parkuide Sport and Fithesa Conter. The fitness renter is located io the Parbuide Center building at 1075 Dempster in Park Ridge, adjaeeut te Latberan- General Hospital. The facthtyo5prs a 4-lone, 2OyardswImmingpOOl, muftiuse exercise roam anCa performance cmior with a loll comptement of eqsipmenl for fitucas training and impras'iog one's strcogth, flexibility abnd endurance. The Parboide Sport and Fithesu Conter offers a variety al membership packages. Each member mili receive a personalized fithess program suited te his or bertested level of fitness. Fur more osfonuation about the memberstops at the Parlsaide Sport and Flisms Center, please call 090-6132. - Skin Problems Seminar Weiss Medical Conter, 6374 N. Lincoln Avenue, will ssmur a matology and memher of tIse free cammunily education Weiss Hospital medical staff. He seminar, "Sumsuer and Your skin cancer, and suourreenu. Scaimg is limited, so reserda- Skin", on Tuesday, May 10, at 7 p.m. in the fourth floor medo6 room, The speaker is Harry Caldos, M.D., specialist in der- seill diseusu.,,j,ju' g, signs of tiom Or reqseslesf. CaS the Puklir Relaliom Departmest, Ext. 103g. mailed to participaula within appronnuately one week nf receipl. LGH flursing activities II' The Oinioion -of Nursing at Lutheras General Hospital-Park Ridge ivoufd like fo invite area image 7 tu 9:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 4 in the 010es Audiloriasos. 200,008 people fur Ihe veterans of Hines tiny stool smears. The American Gancer Society recommends poorly stool blood tests for people Over 50 yearn of Aoareue5s Week in Illinois, April of Troop 955, Edioou Pork matcked op with their individual Scout Tom Petoold will io colinterests and schedules. lecting these items ou Suudoy, Fer more information, pleose May I, at Edison Park Lutheran call Ms. flu Cbaikeo, direclor of Church, 8826 N. Oliphant, from f volunteer nerviren, at 878-6080 am. to 2 p.m. Came ta the euEut, 3298, Mondoy-Friday, 8 um. trance of the parking lot, at the io 4 p.m. - rear of the church. - staff nurses lu a free lecture ahout Accormig to the National OfliCe of Organ 'rransplantation - Department of Psychiatry A memher of the professional Organ aod Tissue Donor 24-7g. Eagle Scoot, Thomau E. Petoold welcome. Uoiversity of Pe005ylvavia hemoccult screening tests . feral at the medical office full range of recreotlonol and center, which is slated to occapy educational programs, nod more than 10% of the 32,000 sqoare feet of commercial spoce io the hsildtog. The Breakers at turai traiisog st the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic and the sukotaner ahuse. Cholesterol and blood pressure. screening Rush North Skore Medical Weiss Hospital preventive health maintcuance progrum, Clames and seminars, tact Weiss Hospital's Psklic Relations Department, at House should be especially in- Give Heart Fund noonced plans to open o 3,088 sqsare'foot medical office in the Ueiveroity and received postdoe- leaching hospital, Weiss Hospital euplained Clare O'Boyle, School of Nursing Director. "The Open Avorirar Heart 0800Ciatisfl Louis A. Weins Memorial Hospitol, 4f4f North Marion Drive, on Affiliate of The Univer' nity of Chicago Hospitals, has on- Psychology from New York 4-8 p.m. School of Nnrsing faculty ventigate a career in nursing," Exercise regularly. in The Breakers Ronald Dedl in Chemical Dependency Treatoient" will be the lopic of the ooslhly Didactic preseoted by Forest hlospilat and Foundation aod the Forest Institute of Pro- medical educatIon at the National University of Athens In Robert Br1gr Page 35 I career advancement and nurnisg I d Presenters for the event will he Florence Smith, RN., M.S.N., censutlaut for professional oursiug'careers, sebo wilt talk abolit "Promoting Your Career and Marketiug Yourself," and Winnie Lauder, RN., Rush. Presbyterian-lI. Luke's Medical Center, who will address "Pro- MAY 5 Hoffman Estafeu SUICIDE: A CHILD'S LAST CRY LI ll,uns ors syvpt smurec ouvia,vu t h000rv,vts,go als o How do you dl 500555U,n do u,th your uhOd' D Leurv,o g fluo I ounde,s tond ynur child's pu,n D Where du y uUlUrv for help' fesnional Nursing Imago." The program io part of a number of arfivilleo planoS for Nalional Nnroeo Week, May I through 7. The Lalheran General theme is "Nuruing A- Credible Professino Doing an Incredible Job." The lecture is free and open In Ihr public howener, as seating io lirniled reglslraflon is soggested Tu register nr for more informalion, call Marge Hnlfmao, 656-3000, - MAY 9, 19 DesPlomes, Holfman Esfotos FAMILIES IN CRISIS... WHAT DO YOU DO NOW Ssvsono b eCumos,v lOo,Carnd dlso cr15 O culuono uw or daugnls, 1,05 cheals sIsals. culs schcsd n ounssr,,nauo y Whal reel' : r,rd,og flolp nefore o suros bused aga,reho,o dc you urn' When it nassen lu uoderstu,rdivg oГ№rselues or nur o lOres beser, wo all haue somethIng I.. ears There urn problems nod 11ko to work nul, but need help knowing hou Chavgos ucd like to make but nanI That's why Forest PsyuhCa,e Hospital In ott en]vГ§av Other verlos nl Iroe preso, laI--s - IO your C Ommun dIes _ atOut these Issues They're uonuenie,' they're sturm,. lue, they'ro Impunant Availoblllty s l,rloted avd by reserosIon. 50 rcgStel u -Ip Call 635-4302 sr 635-d39t tor briny, dotais Forest PsychCore Hospital The B.sgle,Thursday, April 2f, 1988 Page 36 NEWS SCHOOL Regina Internationa' Club supper On Thursday, May 5 lfynrn The Internationel Club at flegme Dominican 111gb School will hold it, anoual potluck supper at 63O p.m. Thorsday, April 28 in the cafetecia at 7t1 Locust lt natiГЎnalities. Joan Egon and Donna Kingden moderate the International Club. is Eva Neuhaser is moderator of Club officers are: Eunice Kim (Sleokie) as president; Mary Mulinowski (Morton Greve), tinois llcieuce Olympiad cnmpei- children to participate in a ochnol event. The special people will attend a Moon are vice presidents; Connie Kirn (Glenview) is secretary; and Stefanie Martinez is the will have an opportunity te visit the classrooms for refresismenio. PUBLIC NOTICE A finalbudget beariog will be LEGALNOTICE Medal for Aerodynamics. On March 12, the OLE stndent,n The seminars offered os Saturday at DaiGne East, 77ft N. Liescola Ave., Skokie, are: "SelfConfideuce" )$lf) and "Overcomiug Procrastination" )$23) trom 9 am. to 1 p.m.; and "How talent show the special people held on Monday evening, June t3, 1988 for the Tnwssslsip of NUes. 1816) from I te 5 p.m. on Salarday; and "Stop Negative Thinking' 1821) from 9 am. to 2 p.m. I to Phntngrapho or Paintings" ($27) Notice is hereby given to the legal resideolu nf the Town nf from 9 age. to 4 p.m. "Coping Edward A. Wurman Administra- Maine io the County o? Cook and ($13) will he offered from 9 am. to soon on Sunday. For registration, call 952-958f. Phobie, Illinois for the purpose of diurusolou sfthe proposed budget at 73O p.m. The proposed budget may be examined weekdays at the Edward A. Warmau Adntinintratioo Center between the hours of trOt am. to trIO p.m. Given under my hand at the Edward A. Warmau Administratien Center this 26 day of April 19ff. Loots Black, Toms Clerk, NUes Township State of illinois that tise Audit Repsrt for the General Town, General Assislasce, Revenoc Sharing and Edad District funds for. the fiscal year begiuuissg March 1, 1197 and ending Fehroary 29, 19ff is on file and conveniently available for public issspectisu during regular office hours at the silice of the Town Clerk at 1710 Ballard Road, Park Ridge, IL. Stephen J. Stolton Town Clerk I I - with Dl Career Marriage" Summer registration set at Roosevelt Registration for the suiuioscr terms al Roosevelt University's Albert A. Rnhin Campus, 2121 South Goebbert Road, Arlington Heights, is from l-7 p.m., Tkursday asd Friday, May b und 6. Eight- and 12-week evening and weekend terms slaG May 9. Six- (P'f SUBSCRIBE! I I Li ONEYEAR $13.00 Ei i'wo YEA-RSs22.S0 THREE YEARS $29.00 PUBLISI4ED EVERY THURSDAY yarticipoted in the Illinnio Jr. Academy frience Exppnitisn, Northern Regios, at Wheeling Eigth-grafero at Oar Lady of Ransom School in Nilea recently 'performed in au updatedversion of the Pussies Play estitled "Dinnor at Johanea's" hosed on Biblical stories trum the Book of Jebe. The play, which was also performed la sign language, was written and directed ky associate pastor Father Nick Desmond for the Lenten season. Matte and Frame Your The hearing wilt be held at the lion Center, 5255 Main Street, Park Ridge) and Peter Kopek yack Ridge) won the Bromee Sunday. prosimateiy lfmiaoteu. Alter the I o am. to nons aod "Self- Box (yack Ridge) won the Silver Medal for ,В°,utr000my. The Silver Mvdol'Sciesce Bowl was won by Anthony Remijon (Park Ridge), Rogelio De La Cruz (Riles), Bernord Shim (Riles), Ken Meleedy nod "The Ast of Negotiating" ($22) from 1f am. to 4 p.m. on latent show in the gym for ap- treasurer. liso and qualified for the StUte Coo-petition at lSD University, Noons1 on March 20. Anthnsy Iieosijan (Park Ridge) and Jerry Massage: Your Gift to You" members without school-age Geraldine Hanson, and Jean . to baud cross geseralionat relationobipu between cislldree and older adults. It also provides an opportunity for community the German Club. tssternational I Oso- Lady of Ransom Scheel, 5350 N. Greenwond, Nibs, parliciyatrd in the Tisird Annual It- stIrred at Dateien, 1600 E. Golf Rd., Den Plaiaeo "Yourself Your BesiResoorce" ($16) from parents of Hyoen students. The main purpose nf the event and it-week day terms begin May 23, anda second eveniug sessino starts July 5. Students from other univer- Nues West students "made a difference" Address City State (PLEASE ENCLOSE CHECK) Giauuhahos' in technical draghag. North's Yuon Kang, a junior, Garfiukel by managementfor liv- won second placo he the architec- Muck credit for the aoccoss of the students achievements is due Is 7:1ro. Kollsleen Cscbrane, 7th grade Jr. High Science Teacher, nbc recently received an award students who received the "You Made a Difference" award and isg teacher Elisabeth Oidkam; Judy Hou and Stephanie Pritzker by director of adeniniutratins Jars toreen; Marc Jocoks by Hekrew teacher Ales Miron; Gary Kaufman hy serial studies teacher Carol Simone; Cindy Levine by Вїoueeuelor Mary Pat COre'; Rod Piutang by science teacher Ann Levinson; Bea Reveliss by reading teacher Nan- services, nomtuated six students, stodeutu. NILES, ILLINOIS 6064e Las Alas, Elliott Malhiu, Lisa blend of. recent high school graduates, transfer stsdentu and retornissg adulta. Themedias sIsdent age is 29 years, Ronseveit offers a deferred toi- Mittlemun and Carolyn Saura. The new award spotlights stu- dent achievmest that might otherwise he overlooked. Freuenhog a program about Niles West iu the jsuioe high schools, pesterming exceptionally weil au a lab tins payment plan, aud will accept VISA sr MasterCard credit cards fer full tuitisu payment. assistant, helping classmates, For additinsal information about registration and Roosevelt's turai drawing area, and West's J50 Jeong took second in the technical draftiog category. The four had qualified for the stale competition by winisisg first, oecosd or third place in earlier, regional competition, The students' statu trophies, mrtifiratos and competition projecta oro on display in their respective schmls. These state winners wifi welcome te attend. The National Freon Honor Society or Societe Henoraire de Frascata, recently welcomed nomluated. April 24, members inducted 14 students into their organizatien, which is cosponsored by French Stars and Sharks field trip On Tuesday, March 29, fifth grado students from Nelson Elementary School participated in u field trip in the Adler Perlmntter, , The Nitos North initiates are Nalalie ' Auer, Marlo Berman, Daniel Fachas, Dmits7 Groes, Ellina Kfsotinslyansky,., Jasnn Mezey, Jason Page, Chandra Falci, Jennifer Pellman, Deborah Rosenfeld, Mary Aquarium. The childron arcanopanted by their touchers, Sandy Scott Willason, and Angelice Vnuetopulos, Nicole Vaselopulou, Wnng, Coeslyn Kueffner, saw the, Sky Last weeks's induction Show "A Star is Born" at the Ptauolarium, MIer lunch, the ceremony, which cnncludod with refreshments for Nifes North clasaos proceeded to the Shedd Aquariwn for a lecture and demonstration on the "Habita of Sharks". toe her contribotutions for encouragisg young women in seienli(lc endeavors, Teacher Appreciation Sabbath parmta, honorees, and existing members, was the third nf Ita kind since the chapter hogan at the octsool, quarter honors, To qualify for MacilIac's "A" Noose Roll, students must receise at leant five A's aed vo grade toner Iban "g", Those qualifying foe the "B" Honor Roll maintain an unweigisted "f" nverage, with each "C" grade being balanced by an "A" in a sotid academic subjecl, Among the students named to the "A" Henne Roll were: Jam- bree Reankit, 'St, from Des Flames; Mantes Adaya,'Og, from Merlos Grove' Sandra Watson, 'to, from Riles; Eva Brault, '9e, Diaoe Wagrewshi, 'sg, Laura Onseelli, '09, Catherine Hof f- mann,'tt, and Verenica Poe- torelli, '05, frem Park Ridge; and Irles LobosO, from Shokie, Ainuog the Marillac students - , samed te (be school's "B" Honor 01eS are: Melinus Fieri,'B, Beata Kuryls,'tg, Tommy Morray,'fS, ColImo O'Grady, 'ta, Michelle Aise Demsi, '90, AenMarie Dulen, '0g, Caryo Tomasiewien, '9g, Ronnie CalIere, '91, Krissy Jung, '91, Cathy Misialko, '91, and Jeannette Sorrentine, '91, all from Riles. Indiana u niverity degrees The follewing are local sludests wIse are espeetsd io receive degrees from Indiana Uuiversily al Commencement at lo am. Saturday, May 7, al the Memorial Stadium in Bloomisgton. If il rains, tIse ceremney will be in Assembly Hall. Df Des Flames are Rares Diane Daugherty, Benjamin 1121 West Touhy, will hold a Teacher Appreciation Sabbath on iCho, William Hyall Fruude aud Morris Glee Danielson. Of Morion Grove are Mari F. Friday, May 13 at 5:15 p.m Members of the Bet class well lead the Friday evening service hotter of the teachers and lacolly nfthe Congregation EzraHabseins hahisi Henry Skreihmao, Director efSpecial Projects st the Board of Jewish Education tiChicags. Rabbi Sfsreihman will (alb no "Challenges in Jewish llducalioo Today," His remarks District 207. According te 'Purdy, 10,000 of the people who are inSecled with the AIDS virus today l)rcame infected while they were utili in high school. "We have an obligation to teach stndeets about AlDO," she said. :5 health education at beth the state aed national level and has served on the committee that developed a ' pamphlet about at Oakton A Pried art exlsihit featuring the host works by Oaktos Cornmm4y Cofege art students is Open through May 13 in the tOdo-lino Gagery tf0f E. Golf Rd., lles Plaines The display wifi (eatore a variety of media, inc;udiog drawisg, painting, design, pohary and photography. TheGaiterykours are 7:30a.m. Is Mondays through Thllridays; 7:36 f.m. le f p.m. Fridays. and f am, tn 3 p.m. lalurdays Sundays. Fer intВ°o-tation, call 635-1640. , on Life Insurance, joined Dr. Murray BaIt, Director, Infectious Jacebsee, Director for Special . Aberg, Graig Alan Israel, Edward Alan Geeshman, Lisa Ann Stone, Desirer D. Abelkis, Oberrie Lyon Teitethaom and Mati A. Ebuer. Of Park Ridge are llopbia Leongas, Slim Marie Wochinsts, James Bernard Chidester, Past J. Kracbhardt and Roberta Jean Beetsnan. Of Shukie are Catherise Lynn "Education has helped people Deburah Lynn tiollub, Masren Alissa Co0insky, Ellyn Leslie Nues North car wash The Junior Class Boast nf Rites North High School inn(tes cem- messily mei5ihr5 te drive their cars and vano lo Ihe scheel for a wash this Salurday. Held betwoes Il am. and 3 p.m., the car wash is a "vetscle" In raise meney fer tise school's prom al the end et May. Stedests will wash cars for $3 and naos fer $4, io the North parking tul, wbich faces Lawler Avenue. Director nf Instroetion fer District 2t7, who coordinated lise instituto day, since AIDS has aware of AIDS," said Purdy who N. Liscois Ave., Courues in anthrapolagy, creative Writing, economics, micrncnmpsters, abnormal psychology and Japanese language will be offered tisis fall. Courses may be taken fer college credit sr for audit. The Emeritus credit und non- credit program is for persons ever age5owhs librthe challenge und intellectual stimulation of a uniqse learning enperienee. Far information, cali 635-1414. I LEGALNOTICE I Notice is hereby gives, pursoset to "Aa Act is relaliontsthe sse of an Assumed Name in the conduct Or transaction of Business is the Stato,,, au amended, that a cortificatino was filed by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Under the Assamed Name of Maximum Potontiatu with the seminars wilt to scheduled in the place of husiness lambel at 2421 W. Pratt #521 Chicago, IL 91645 spring for seniors, Information seminars will alan be schedsled and 9415 N. Waubtenaw #3 for parents and community members who want to knew more toot the disease and the Dislriel 257 response, Chicago, IL 6fg45 the true name(s) and residence addreun owner(s) is: DavId Beinstein f013 N. Wasbtenas-. Clii 54-6-+++.4.. a Dig out those wonderful OLD pictures of dad. mom. sis or daughter,,, - called fer teachers to talk about At011 as it relates lo their subject areas. "History teachers caes talk about hew the disease came to Ihr United Stales and how it has spread. Psychology teachers ran 7701 File No, Ellf7Q on April 14, 198f riculum enly fer the past two years, AIDS information Ike disease. "We munt our every means available to mohr our students East, Skskle. Conk County. been part nf the health clameur- AIDS," he said. Batt, nbc bas ireatod a swisher nf AIDS pakests in his work at Lutheran General, gave teachers background informatien ahoot : - . TВ»' talk about hew the disease bas atfecled relationships totween peopie. ' ' ,. In health classes, District 207 stodeolo learn about AIDS as part of the disease unit rather Millikin names sorority secretary a ea a a a s HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID Millikin Ridge has been elecled secretary of Zeta Tau Alpha social oarority. MeMuhen, a sophomare munie performance major, in f a a 24 YEARS a Mom, Dad, ta Aviv dasghter nf Donald and Fat McMaknn, 617 S. Knight, Park Ridge, ucd a 1956 graduate ial Wish them a happy birthday or anniversary in Maine South High School, At t a unique, personal way, in The Bugle. A PICTURE IS Mundelein College WORTH 1,000 WORDSI fun fair I Millihin, she in a member of Marrising Big Blue. a' aneofl Fern Fair, Is slated far Saturday, May 21, noun to 7 pen, on the College campus, 6363 Lawter Ave., Skekie. Call 36241ff n 743, t Your personalized ad lyour wording) with Picturo reprint - Only $25.00, "Lakerfest", the Mandelein College Athletic Department's localed (sut west nf Old Orchard Shopping Center at atoo N. covers all roenmunicable/iiifec, lieus diseases," said Jacokoen, According to Joel W, Morris, behaviors that help spread Sheridan Rd., Chicago, Food, games, arts, crafts, binge and a heer garden are on the agenda. Riles North High School, is disease policy is September 19ll7. "The policy is by deaign not just an AIDS pokey, knl one that Diseases, Lutheran General Hespital, and Rsbwrt V. Friedman, and June Loren Stein. Student art show r Omm unica hi c/infectious' AIDS tor the American Council change their lifestyles and raused people to reduce the high-risk 112 at Oakton Cosssnsrnly College tslien, Jacobsen ontlined the District 2t7 Commsnicable/Infectious Disease Policy. Allhoogh District 207 has no known AIDS cases among students nr staff members, the Board of Education approved a vs Maier South, who has keen active best defense against AIDS." during "Taste nf Emeritus" from 1 to t p.m. Friday, May f in runm of themselves, they must learn how to aller their behavior. In District 207, health teachers tell their slodento that Ihe best way to proveut AIDS is le abstain from haying 5es at all," seid Purify. As the third part of the prosee- Purdy, a heallb teacher at In his presentation, BaIt told teachers that "Education is the tent with instructors, and take advantage nl early registration defense," mid Purdy. "If our sludenlo are going ta protoct March f ko-titule day which cesierest en heallh issues' is stitule alas featured 14 workshop sessions oe other health topics. Older adults can learn about fall classes, discuss course con- AIDS, the best offense is a good District Sty teachers at the da Oneg Shabbat will Oled, lolo-e, the means nf transmission disease while they were still in high school," Candy Purdy told District 207 Respeme." The in- Taste of Emeritus at 0CC than as part nf the sexuality unit, according le Purdy. "Because nl some of them contracted the undertuken by the Rabbi Ira Ssd Religioun Schonl next Fa). The pohlic is cordially in- tt "If people in their twenties ore dying uf AIDS, that means that Uninersity stadent Illlashin, Todd Elliot Gordon, Elizabelb McMahon of Park sill focus on the pilot program hong Teachers learn about AIDS at institute day Edscation and Student Personnel Piokowski,'f5, Tricia Smith, 'St, Catherine Vasile, 'to, Assoeite Services fer Distriel 297, is the Weres,'8t, Corel Ann Barrett, '09, major address nl ihe day, a three Michelle Dary, '59, Niretla San- ,5art-presentalios, "AIDS; The fratello, '09, Siephaoie Ceses, '90, 'urveet Medical Status arid the Congregation Ezra-Hahsnim, teachers Dorame Klein and Selma Planetarium and tise Shedd - Chad, Diane Friedman, and . Society' new mombero into ita Nifes North High School chapter. On Sunday, - Young Authors Assembly Friday, April 39. He will speak at Hynes Schont at 9 and 10a.m. and at Golf Junior High at 12:30 and Nues North French Honor Mari((ae High School priecipat, Sr. Ases Marie Butler, D. C,. kan annouoced the names of Ihr students who hove achieved third ten work only. lo improving class performance are typical reasons for heing summer schedule, call 437-5250. students participated is the program this year. toral drawing category and They are Jaunsina Belie Gil De Rmsevelt's student body is a designed to encourage children In write stories and to ImpOsve their writing skills. Apprnsimatety 170 janshs anjNioa West sophsmare cy Thirkield; and Dontea also ho hanared by tho NUes Weinberg hy physical educatiou Township ugh Scfleol Beard of teacher Lee Heeren, Rita. Education at ita May f meeting. Stewart, the director nf student Families and friends are education. Classes are offered at lieues convenient for worhing 8746 N. SHERMER ROAD Regional Finals in Champaign se May 14, They aro Loe Lidilt (Park Ridge) for Botony; Nicholas Ghisa (Nitos) far Aerodynamics; Rebecca Mahoney (Des Plaines) foc Botany; Brian Toukovic their nominators are: Jennifer Collins, uomiaated by science teacher Robert Hanrahan; Noel for makiog a difference. The music and adult continuing Authors Progran. The Young Authors Prsgram is a program kalkig on their science projects ned will participate in the Stato Toskovic (Park Ridge) took firat place lu a category entitled "Paper Session" in which a etcdent preoenla a project from writ- Campos, which offers more thou 155 uuimuer courses in arta and sciences, business, education, BUGLE PUBLICATIONS slodeoto received an outstanding Aerodynamics., Also Brian classes st the Albert A. Rokin activity for the District f7 Young Niles North senior Jim Bee- Outstanding Projects Per t'opolation." Five 5th grade places in the state drufling rontoot, held al the thoiveroity of ilhanta Engieseering School, Drhaca, ou April 15 and 16. Benjamtn's award is in the arctsitec- students were receutly invited ta breahfast with their principal Don Ring to receive recognition sities may attend summer l:3t p.m. Mr. Warskas's presenlatineo will he the colmloating Nilehi students win awards cssd Place Trophy for "Most Tamos tlltanakakos won first Jerry Warshaw, au illuntralsr of ehitdres's books, witt he performiag is School District ti on Name - High Scheel and received a Se- (Park Ridge) for Physics; and peler Kopec (Park Ridge) ter Fifteen NUes West High School Marillac's Honor Roll Awards munity College, wilt offer the following semioars durmg the special person may be a grand- weekend of April 30 al the cuiparent,. relative, neighbor or lege's campuses in Des Plames family friend. The only special and Skokie. The following semloors will be people who may ont oitend are Rd., Wilmette. Students and their families wilt share ethnic dishes and cultural hackgrounds nl ever LEGALNOTICE OLR Science MONNACEP, the adult educalion cooperative of Oahtos Com- School will hold u Special yernos Day from 1 to 245 p.m. Students may invite one or tWo special peopie lo visu Hynes School. The Pageai SCHOOL -NEWS OLR students in Passion play MONNNACEP Weekend Seminars Special Person Day The Baffle, Thursday, April 18, 159f a . 966-3900 (Prepay with Visa or MasterCard) Actual size of ad,.,2" a 314" i The BogIe, Thunday, April 38,1888 Page 38 ThC88IEICr The0odaYr April '-wM._I USE THE BUGLE 'i . - NILES BUGLE pAE't tauarOrtueaon oe:mueesicimCjj . j- .. CABINET REFINISHING . ALU1OD. CABINET FRONTS FORTHEHOME Fece Est 5tornrWlou000Onnre eel, lacemeo t Wirdams or null for u froa ostlmete y your 775.5757 e ery est The Cgbinet People 520-4920 KENNEYALUMINUM PRODUCTS Inc. OFFICE N SHOWROOM DAI : Company for 15 years. g frl AMERICAS LARGEST ER CARPET RETAILER (81 5) 385-7577 : McHenry. III. t ! T-9:I I E t w cit, _mnre RES1MATES MR. ASPHALT INC. sDll,l n 8277327 /' %ith:, i . . HAWKINS ASPHALT ' rolle :U Agortgate 'c'CI '' : KITCH[NCABIIJ[TS I Pn o f nS b Jerry Lonning 433-1180 Brick PunieR : MIKE NITTI s S dRw k CARPET CLEANING c:,,rcOo L' c,:Oo O W d li I k byP9oCOS, В° d o 1k ' INSURED Eocloo:ulcuo,n Ihn dOOtO ri First Turne at Whelesate Price 2 fc. i Free Eetimateo Insured CLOTH fr UPHOLSTERY DOMINICKS PLASTIC COVERS le s. Main Se.. Park Ridge 692-5397 We h cocee rood Ihn Northern euburbe tar 20 Icaro. Saw tOtO With ed CATCH BASINS CLEANED-$25 & up BEST LANDSCAPING SERVICE Call Tom At: 9686713 Painting. pi aOled 9, staIning, wallpapating. window cleaning. Ea' collant work a traaoono bio pricas. 271-1974 Quality Painting Exterior e Wood Stalnitg Dry Well Repaire e interior CALL 6684110 FrenEstmoate4 Igraured CALL GUS 9651339 Minuses from ynue doer FREE ESTIMATES 38 YRS EXP Insured Bonded Lio3798 $10 OFF RODDING of MAIN SEWER PIPES ADDAJOHN In your hume, basement, attic or: ree. room. We do all repele Werk also remndnEnR. i Piece or Truckload. JOHN NERI G SONS 698-3115 , MIKES PLUMBING SERVICE Plumbing repaira e rentedellrr9. Drain b Sawer liens pamue poddad. Law waler pro searecГіrreote rl. Surop poerpuite toiled N ueroioad. :_'__-..-. 'i J _k,: LUGGAGE PLUMBUGELECTRICAL 338-3748 :: ROOFING p BONDED ' FI1EEEOT. eM4 WI-SM " ILUU Cuilfo rrurot d t nr . LOW COST ': -' s NO JOB TOO SMALL FOR FREE'ESTIMATE CALL ROOFING Coerpleta QualIse RooIln Sereloe -, FRc LICENSED 8' INSURED . ... e u TIMBER TREE SERVICE Free Estimates Oser 30 Yrs. Experience .Tr000.Buthns Shrubu 00m nnedue d Trimmed 286-1767 286-3792 TUCK POINT) NG BOB FARRELL TUCKPOINTING 10% Discount tu Sotior Citiaete. В°Chimneys Repaired Et Rebuilt В°Leaks Repaired eWateWroofing BEST PRICES FREE ESTIMATES CALL 774-2479 NORTHWEST WALL WASHING Wulls, Ceilings, Wondaork oathed; Carpet scleuno d. Speciolizlyg in Resldnntlul Clouring, Fme EsIlmulus lrroumd 252.4670 252.4674 WATER TREATMENT HOME WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS Help pratect your lomillo haalth. Romnue load H other orgetic fr inorganinohamipols. Fur Huma V Ottico Usa 456.5140 or 228-0773 Advetlise Your Business HERE Cafl%639W For Specini BljsklRssSe,vice Diectory BuSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY R , lick FRANK J. TURK a SONS., INC. 40 HOUR SERVICE 588-1015 LORES DECORATING COMPANY MOVING? Aloe Repaired & Rebuilt . Elcctnic Ruddiog . Tren Reets Removad e Bathtubo, toilets, main line Et sink linos opened e Surnp Pomps iegtalled 24 HOUR-i DAY SERVICE MAINTENANCE SERVICE NORTH SHORE 8856 Milwaukee Avenue PLASTIC COVERS HOWARD DEcORATING REASONABLE RATES CIRCLE PLASTIC COVERS 252-NERI 96B114 255-2467 , KAYS ANIMAL SHELTER 2705 ArlIngton Htx. Rd. Arlington Heighto For The Aok for KEN FREE ESTIMATES ro Cloxed Soodsyx e All Leed H011duye 286-6044 WoathorinsuiSOfl, GUTTER CLEANING INSURED 965-6606 TOUCH OF BEAUTY CARPET CLEANING Ni/eu Illinois 827-8097 ' - nut:lrorrs Hgoro 1.5 per. Daily R ocoioitget ВЎtrait R-6wcokdaye, 8-t Sutorduy, AuTRYS. INC. (DO-DROP)' SEWERAGE Pelnrleg-intorlorlEoterlOr . occoonir u. Poliriong ' sonata. Lic500ed . Rsturuncsa . reulieh k TONY Ei000rics'0Pk?rnblng Clenlog.ludiae o tire., f dare per week. Harde end Encocro cribbing ADOPTION to APPROVED HOMES FREE ESTIMATES Y eBuilditgMairrtaeantt U any other offer. mnd0me 965-8415 R1CH service only. not good on ' -. FREE ESTIMATES THE HA Cleaning homes. offices. lot CEMENT CONTRACTOR s Patio Ducks Drineways o . 10% OFF I U irxO,5 Or,eussiicaOs CABINET REFINISHING SERVICESON a7eaIls WALL WASHING .w000 REFINISHING FULLV INSURED Imli CalIRoy AireYoueArrumAt Complete Decoreting WALL PAPER ING MOVING ieoldo&000eldePelntiog Stu000 COMMERCIAL Trae TrUe A Treo Renrovai Floor fr Well Tus in Ceremic or What Haco You , 965-81,14 RESIDENTIAL E lc o Irrred PRECISION PAINTING Power Irking nod Spring Citan-U HANDYMAN BONDED INSURED CALL 24 HOURS ' GUY: ' C-'JO?M 24 H Ph Wooden Decks Aprrtmnntg, Homm S Offices FOeEETIMA e nrrrna hin Rater 459-9897 Replacement Back Porch Under $500 DAILY MAID ,'CВ«a2 96'7 6922 766-7871 ' . 2Beg.Fo.*5L00 I_ow PRICES Carpentry Dey Woll Tile Decorating g CONTRACTORS - G bL Drinoweyg Patmo Steps U. ,y- ' e Driveways e Reourtacing e Soul Coaling e Parirlo9 Loto /: tironeo dE000ded I.llilt:rrsrT,!fl IsltMAlt.;s . 10-6-4 Fortilloor 692-5163 CEMENT WORK CONCRETE ,7a7 _7 or 44693OO....--'--" -.'.j-'. . ' GQ e)A) 4_\l / / e PAINTING 5,000 Sq. Ft. Inotrtllod *14.00 Pee Beg HOME IMPROVEMENTS Interior Exterior suppies 696-0889 .rtu 5,018 Sq.Ft. Inotellod *18.50 P.e Beg. 2 Beg. Foe * sr-vs , PortIon. equ pment ft Yo,,, Nn,ghborhocd Sewer Mar , ' A crew of women to clean yoigr home. Otr owe teans 967-0150 Rich The HendEmen . 3Yd.*88 . Fertilizer Mtl Wood killer . ' SERVICE ' GILBERT LANDSCAPING Complote Lawn Service liprГghto or GIoboo $3796 0e 2 fOe *78.00 PIvoried 8144k Dirt MAID SEWERSERVICE O kt 8 M'I k Nl ' Free Estimates Insured-Guaranteed . 685-5977 JepfleO Yow IB to 24 ' EStenior Commercial Fully ItsSred Free Estimates SPRING SPECIAL DECKS ' Interior Residential Ttheflifl9 Bethe' & Too Roo8I8flg Fe88Iing - BERNICE'S Painting & Decorating Service . POWER RAKING k JoHN'S S e Patching 243-7930 CsUS!tafter5.p.m. SHOP AT HOME Call . CALLIGRAPHY e New Cons truci' 00 foundation. ' ' CATCHBASHiS "Our Sorno SoyS lt All p1k QA Brick work, cement and PatioS S Garage Floors DtIVSWWS eStoes C NICE PETS FOR LANDSCAPING G CEMENT WORK OF ALL KINDS - . e p.s e,g e p. e NEW YORK CARPET WORLD mended by Motschior Cobinot of Llncolnwood - .n ' , WHELAN PAVING , C RITES FREIGHT DAMAGED FURNACES 640-6300 SER VICE DIR C OR Y PETS CONSTRUCTION ANlieneeldets 792-3700 - Free Est BLACK TOP G . GOLF.MILL/EAST MAINE BUGLE PAINTING & DECORATING I Jt 27-2000: : 'I Available 24 Hours Wood Cabioetu a Hand sflipped to refinished 'To stain color nl your choice, with 7570N.MilwaukeeAve. S I KITCHEN CABINET REFINISHING SrormDourGcDom8AweingS '!" Free Estimates i 2 ROOMS CLEANED FOR ONLY $38 00 50 peerr arm dan. In Fnshr4e5.Iaed. Steam Cleaning Offers P rarciromOsrr uqu.11lleO sur.rx . CanOed lnsor. ' GuoiaEtSonsConst COME CLEAN CARPET CLEANING Out obllSo- e cuenca e carpentry e SIding ' e e.eallrc e odono.,. e porosos BONDED b INSURED CLEARWATER . CONSTRUCTiON . Garage Floors Sidewalks . StaIrs Basement Floors Patios Driveways Asphalt Sewer ' photir97U MILWAUKEE PROSPECT HEIGHTS (Palwaukee Bank Plaza) t ' 7dayseim and Courier :lionulcubir eIn at tactOr.lo-yoo suttlrFaocla i 0smIna HEATING & COOLING _4_-_-_-__II CEMENT WORK Reteted Saroices Atailable in pouou hoRb CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE ' WoS Woshing And Other : noer SOT. al now cabinet replace- SENDERAK CONSTRUCTION or -M ' Rol ucowlthneo door und drownr lrorlg Ir loryrico or Wood und soon 631-1555 CEMENTWORK ' DONT REPLACE By Ow ntrinoore a NORW000 SIDING COMPANY t CARPET CLEANING MORTON GROVE BUGLE SKOKIE!LINCOLNW000 BUGLE SPARK RIDGE!OES PLAINES BUGLE SIN VICE DIRECTORY Pape 39 NILES BUGLE 96639OO PARK RIDGEIDES PLAINES BUGLE GOLF.MILL!EAST MAINE'BUGLE pgrpog '8 Your Ad Appears In The Following Editions ADS :UlВ«ElNcoLNWOOD BUGLE igk8'0" BUSINESS S SIDING - _. garete 9 66 3900 ALUMINUM USETHE BUGLE In The Foflowing Editions r 'WERTEN ESTiMATES Basler SS Pocus 965-3900 IMMEDIATE PRINTING CO. 6110 DEMPSTER MORTON GROVE. ILL. AIR CONDIT ONING SHEET METAL . HEATING 647-9612 7136 TOUHY AVE. NILES,ILL. 60648 CONTRACT CARPETS ThE BUGLES ' 8038 Milwaukee Nibs, Ill. s ALL NAME BRANDS' s ALL TEXTURES Padding and Installation available We quote prices overthephone L 00K Business Service Directory Is beckoning you to: At THE BUGLES Low, law rates , which anable eau ta: ADVERTISETourgreol Porantlal::rorn::I FAIR PRICES . COMPARE-THEN SEE USI 692-4 76 ce" 282-8575 CALL NOW Page 40 The Bugle, Thuraday, April 28, 1888 ThePagIe,Tharedey, April 28, 1988 USE THE BUGLE u- Your Ad Appears In The Following Editions ii, DS '-- \\ '- TRY OURS! aroundtheworld FORGROWTh. 'j' Gefliog StoOed In Soles? START WITH US! .1 Now hirin gor0000 poroiooro. Work fr0,0 horro. FREE fromm g. FREE kit. FREE popor RoppEos. Wookip pov ohock. b000r. rod ropo. No iioo Loodiog rroioing film O oidoo Erroprov hos on komodiote opening for on og gronnivo . ornbifi000. r oaolfa- . 0081,oRnL Call Regional Manager for Appointment COIl 424-2929 00 d Ad ' I WHOLESALEIRETAILER Ncrthhrook Area :::В°' , Call For APpOInГ™n.nt. 272-7141 FRANK J.TLJRK &SONS $300 to $700 Per Week dRus baRatO paokaso 1h01 includon hoolth/donfal Innuroncr, omployno din- nnanlr and a 40111 pmf Onharin u plan, boRa with opporfunisof for oannolnnnf nb nlan000morf. donI bROuIR fo 0011. od., I ED BIDWILL or JOHN REED - 966-4655 ''_'.q..:;r_-.._ --- - '-J i . a8u1nn fl aN Id Part T inn required. CAS , CLASSIFIED ADS 000dlino fO nr P (71 5) 842-3221 Lemke Industrial Machine, Inc. 1204 Marathon, -- . , Mondayfh,nFnday acing Ado nan 50 Pre.Pod In Ad vasco o Amoco OpEornAnrrb Fo Salo MACOUOfl:oAs L ,..QLASSIFJEDS : z Northfield 44 , uIuIiuIII_ll . RE EPTIONI i ph' - ppa re dI flttg O,o,od starting salary and trinas besotits, PlaaW wnrking con. RE E tra p rfa 4758800 a, I SECRETARY . BUGLE NEWSPAPERS 8746 N. SHERMER RD., NILES, ILLINOIS 966-01 98 Sl,orcn Wanrod or If uro AdAnrrjoor l.AOA Orcdn Tiro AAglo s N orArI I a SECRETARIES GENERAL OFFICE s FULL TIME Arno. 966-3900 m,.rr?w or J . is CerI,n SituatinrrWanfad ii- van ge I NOes T Pnrnsnals MPC PRODUCTS CORP. RECEPTIONISTS' WORD PROCESSORS . WE WILL GET THE MESSAGE FASTER ON OUR QWIP TRANSCEIVER OrIrOfflcelOpon Dendline I h Excellent Opportunities Fori w You Can Placa Your Cleacifiod Ardo by Calling 961.3900 or Coos To Or Othco in Pernon At: O74R N lhnrmnr Road USE THE BUGLE L b 1 Officefflate,5В° CountyHwy.NN. 894-9332 : CLASSIFIED ADS is otfor a cornpmmoa ealary - 9 AM. - i P.M. TION ON Ado : Discover The Il Nilon, Illinola Our Office IsOpan Monday thor Friday i Prenioun Ottico CALL: proktahorrn o plan. Sand r n,aon nro You Can Plana Your Clannleod Adf OttluoloParsonAt a I Ion Winter fr Su,nnrar). pan. ena5f5AdadPIddoacn? C all: 441-5760 Temple JeremIah Tuoadayaf2PM CnrfainAdsMosfoaPra-Paid InAdnasco . kit : d , clon, Front eharinnand mora. 7601 N. Milwaukee Ave. By May 18 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY CUSTODIAN INFORMATION ON IOUROWIPNUMB[R) . ;: C I cense CIa V 2140 S. WOLF RD. Des Plaines, IL d nr Apply: A Geonen Corp. Subsidiary i assignrnnofa LL SUE For An Opportunity :: o Bus Drivers yp Dependable. energetic person to work Friday e enings ISaturday mornings) inserting newspapers. Must be 16 or over. CLASSIC B W To Earn Entra $$$ Call 18 quired. inrorodiuta positions STUFFER by Cullino 96G3WO or Corna To Our QQ t dents ove I odto All Shifts Available 8530 WAUKEGAN MORTON GROVE . iw - L NEINSBOYS The Rugie is eaaklno delinary nawncar,lofs nf all nace Io dolloer WPaP APPLYINPERSONAFTER5PM NEWSBOYS В® S 8740 N SHERMER RD., NILES, ILLINOIS Plus Commission. BUGLENEWSPAPERS Salary has pp o requlro a Oppnrt i ty - . tIrro, oRge Good phy handw rangandanoon Ion to dotar To Earn Entra SS? i Salesperson. Time Position Must Have Car. Work Close Full To Home 'u.- 7514 N I-Iarlem.Ch cago IL BUGLE r SALES Opportunity For Experienced Co, FULL Et PART TIME Гџ Monday thru Friday and ulteroafe Saturdays. Aoailahle hours arm 9 AM to 2:30 PM or 2:30 PM fo 8 PM weektlayn. and 10 Aro to 4 PM Saturdays. Must be at least 17 years old. have reliable transportation and phone. Competrt,oe wages L Waftar-Hennanesoas PORTER r benefits Enthoniontic indiuidoaln wanted to work Excellent . on Dempster at Potter ON OUR OWIP TRANSCEIVER 358-9327 To st:rtnr CLERK DatOn Dept. BUGLE II M Wiuts WEWILLGETTHEMESSAGEFASTER i h a 4ECORDS' For the surmnter Opes to ENTRY LEVEL POSITIONS Mast be 00er 21 und apeak Englrah -- For More Information Call: f Bike Safety Patrol NOW HIRiNG IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Floorbln flours Sonaban Commission Suhodule MORTON GROVE Wage ioceofiven and bonon plan. Paid traioiog and L time h um ' 298-6400 . Evanston S Skokie Morton Grove . Palatine Hoffman Estates S Schaumburg e Glenview Nues Highland Park r- Full 88 Part TIme Uniforms Furnished Company Benefits Available Eoc lent. Pa 894-9109 p I Parksjde Center Park Ridge 296-6100 . ESMA2g I GUARDS Call Stan Carson: Applications are now heiog accepfed for perlaraoenf parf time ponitiogn Irr - voicn and egthuoiasrrr are reqiiired. Fu!! time earnings at SCHAUMBURG LOCATION FOTO MAT CO RP. r SГ€CURIW' Muuf haoe good ph onnonic o. Nu o,ien0000c0000, Full fromm niohO or wnnkondn d J VILLAGE OF NILES Part Turne in d G 647-96 2 WflY tosllRaduo ' u Flooblo Pari Titto Position NO EVENINGS FroId asporlonnaraquiro d. 000d aalary fr eanafrns TELEMARKETING TELEMARKETING . sornmiasioOr. reoking f500 pars of thonghoof pod roam r Ihn Irduogy. Iiysu oro raddytofoslynornwhof you oroworfh.whlla anloyln gafreron. PRODUCTION TRAINEES r OW FULL 88 PART TIME a "1-rrsorr000n 1Uifl C olp INSTALLER Ornerai 098mo Dalles Raquirad Ml Ma FOOTWEAR SALESPEOPLE d :SKOElNCLNWOODBUGIT ' T' CalI: 256-7740 Air Conditioning! . Heating/Sheet Metal Noedo Foil afd Port 'Ehre REtIRa phonaeo. Wo for an ВЎnterview Our rnOffO n "PERSONAL SERVICE ALWAYS." faCon or of fha. mono of Our profossiofally frenad solos sooft soro n oncean of $25,000 r ro PJIIES BUGLE o.arculsrn WILMETIE REAL ESTATE woof potootloi CALL TRACY CHEPNINT r yfli-t i-i-.-rower frrm rnonagrng proporf For An Appolstment coil 647-0600 \ 5Wtff Manage Cl. Your Ad Appears In The Following Editions .IIp 3 ' Wk 298-6540 willing fo learn. Earn b ORURRO for gond parforrnnnonf. f Mil If CLUB INTERNATIONAL I 'I ADMIN. ASSIST! thi g Shopprng Confer salary collonas. ow ttu I bi C Il for o toll or poro Oreo pori- e b d b fI T 10AM. ovilblo for o hord workio8 poroo GOOdCOrfl English longuaqo mond of fha TEla Ad njII 00f bo ropaoto O noonoory PRAiRiEViEW PLAZA TAILOR Mp T Eo $1G04200P W k Fo uoow Coil TOM o, 880CV OftO cIery World. rhio noriono lorgot I U 1: 4e FULLTIME Nibs Location Entry Level Position -- ,, J INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE M 966-3900 EXCELLENT DOES YOUR PARTY PLAN LEAVE YOU FLAT? Г§ S' -- GOEMILUEAST MAINE BUGLE 17AW tt USE THE BUGLE . Page 41 IOUR OWIP NUMBERI n MAYER KAPLAN JCC Church, Skokie sacks on Ooparlencod enorgotic parson fon buey Maucabi Conter Moot hase It wpm typing This ponitlon OffOrs FULL RENEFITIPACAAGE including Aeoafions and h011daII 675-2200 Ext. 138 00. areJorevefröëì T9 I The Bagle, Thrday, April 28, 1988 Page 42 The Bagle, Thursday, April28, 1988 ., -- WAT T ADS eL r. k._ * PART TIME SUMMER POSITION eenke e parase to rue summer owim program. ALS. WSI. and esperineon roqaired. lead a nariery of activities. par. tien, dioseasian graaps, and as CALL DAVID MESIROW aorarn 6 75-2200 e m M d y eh ia.O.a.i trolnin g r program RN PART TIME Resaning WOOI" F d cal nl 8m provided. poprio tocare tplan ACTГ‘ITY THERAPISTS b manaao " Pr..mrens FasSIe PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE - i I Sb h PLEASE CONTACT PERSONNEL . WAUK G Ft t I t . Master's Swim Coach CONTACT NICKI DOEHLER 249.0600 ext 217 647-1122 8:00 am. - 4:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday .----- 6300 W. TOUhYa NilOS . - r Kwh pl Nrr il fr C .-..---..s--.--.-.-. s: denaraaa wO hooce perenel eppertanrtros ter pro. tasnieaal essaie tarses obiГЁctiees in hit or her .. ' tlenutHsasiaflaedtrabnngnhreaeh tally aecrodrted 912.57 . 915.88 por Hoer state Beard Racism 550am Relocaslen Bonze fer Out.Of.Sratu N urans 3 Weaka Vasatico b Pay ter Unoand Sick liera Off.Shltt OltfCrentiet up so 84,980 Annua lip / t,,_ AtlantiCare :ri::7: ear. EXCELLENT EARNING POTENTIAL 405 CentraI Avenue Highland Park Please caii Sue: fВ°rtlnez 8 asSaI eyrerlarrcrsoeiorar INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS J Ycu Cee Place Veer Cloesitiad Ads by Calling 968.3500 or Come To Our Siles, Illinois - t 966-01 98 MEDICAL CENTEA Menaaehumesa01904. IOUR OWIP NUMBER) Io e 4'- .. Leendry - CONDO FOR SALE WANTED POOl&G Mear Praessepe 8 unseen d be 21 or older. Clebhoaan. Tennia Cs. 5662192. Ay i Pe,aon 94- 9332 WILLOUGHBY'S 6560 W. Touhy ' NIIeZ - - - -. SAM.te5Pfkt Daadlira Ads is Certain Ads Mutt Bu Pre.Paid In Adcenca: a usiress Opportunity В® Fer Sala - ey Owner. Tonaca In NIlee 5m,.. 2 edema.. 2 Bathe. Delosa Miscniienaeun I L Siluotlon Wented Or If Thc Adeertianr Licoa Obteide Of The segla's Normal Circulation Area. . Bugle Pcblicutiecr rnonrve thn fbi celfyall dvcrti nusdt adverligemect deemed sbjccticsable. _ Ex parieuse a or hsae*keeplea bosklosand. 98111 Oaln motivated. anlhoelastis IndIsIdaal. Haaey daanleg&dl.Isrsaaun 37jhasar Considor working Fart.Timn as a Scheel 8IS ear. MORTON GROVE & GLENVIEW Areas, Drisrng lato rse o 71 off. 94.28 so atol. pou.lble. baneflO aeallabln after poesnn passenger bases, all eqaippod with an aiitemotis tons sieh. Training for thIs tO et eqlirprnnflt Wil be paid ar $5 an hoar. the starting salary et $8.25 an hoer. After a 90 doy pmba Provioasschool h lo rypeod y e: at bt wlIb O Al fee Cadet,. nn ISa d =-= Dnlu St. . En.natas CORRECTIONS dw NTACT PEG L L L eoarerey,nu.Lseaes. $W.. SIsan anni GTG DEVELOPERS. INC. P.O. BOX 3365 Pinehanat. North Cerellna 28374 PmME LOCAT1ON EM*.iit CLASSIRED ADS can masa year caaamesi Ad. byCalllegaBSlagoaeCeesaysOan Office Per.onAt N10. IIll . 4 Bdp. 214 Ba. SpIlt lAnaI. AOO.. ta .11 relImen.. Walk to aalsoola, .troppleg. Undo $28O.O. fl331RI la Open Fdday 9&M mBP.M. DeadIlea fee Plaulne Tee.dap cr2 P.M. Ada - ll Ad. MeetBe Pee.P.Id lnAdnnnu. ur erora dc secar If ea find an mear nosiry ire immediately Errors will b Cresa ВЎfiad by seeablrcalron. Sorry, bnl ВЎf acare sr SEPTRAN INC peomlacleL Au.AMENmES s en. z ea. Appnoo. roe ..r. eoanod ooarga.on Loknrrr.rrvra anna INFORMATiON ON HOUSE FOR SALE . Od ------- paaie _ Tir. GeorgIan Rotlloasent Henna flnsessary. SPECIAL ED DRIVERS: NOOdOd to deco eOOt0015d0l1t bases. Transportation to A from homo Prai old. $5.10 por hour. Paid training. Mast be at 00 392-1668 9A,M..430!.M: PINEHURST FOR SALE BY OWNER GOLF COURSE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD (919) 295.5950 UflLflYIDISHWASHER . Need Extra SS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! re NORTh CAROUNA Nonthbrook - Normandy Hill I;:4:e . DRIVERS WANTED k7 (35) iRELIA ASK BARTENDERS rent spunin5s mn ir the DES PLAINE ,. Taesdoyat2P.M. BUGLE NEWSPAPERS N. SHERMER RD., NILES, ILLINOIS 2, er sued y eerraou me to: John IEnsplym CAtI C IMC $4915. Man.Fd.Aftse2PM i :: :В°: ea,. opts. er goad raanopornaslon. ahopprng and raersoslon. . sz-iei hours. Van Or pick.ep required. 9 A M. . i P.M. FLORIDA FallCompacyeneflO Part Time Delivery Person -. MILWAUKEE a HOWARD losilidos. packIng aeailable. Near Fleoible Hmrs. Coo aslCve salo ABBOTI HOUSE L MedIcal Center. pio oeace I 16171 E9a.slta. i Fell B Part Tiere WEEKEND DRIVER (305) 7272572 SOUTh POINT TO WERS mansoenonsmakar.Qs0nsaant CASHIER!STOCK : ocean front glass house. 4 BR, 4 Bth, $398,000 by . s E. aopaaara. on asean Coll -. ugnhl Wright architecture. 150' MIl1I 2#2112 . Office in Paysan AIL 8746 N. Sharmer Rcod . I Newly reolaed Semina Salary Seele 894-9332 PHONE:966-1130 - WE WILL GET THE MESSAGE FASTER ON OUR QWIP TRANSCEIVER BENEFIT& 6415 W. Dumpster Morton Grove Deliver bundles to stones, during early morning ASk Ia.e.a.l ehe ranaraa et eaporsise through partiel posiceen a eollaboreeee practices with manaaumaos and phyciciann. N arcasenley dnsieiee making roles, ac lise parlielpation in haspithi cemmlgsaas, und addi MONDAY THRU FRIDAY, 9 AM. - i P.M. Intermediase facility, edeeatianal. benefit., Near Cain statien. CaII 272 -7050 fastionaimrd::rs:na?grauvsh PLEASE CALL SUE 99.77:& MELBOURNE BEACH me.soeanrydapasl MAXWELL'S RESTAURANTIBAR ye ce e 7883 seeks an exporГeeeed professional to plan and implement summer sports programs. goals tar NaOing achievement. Our pregr assise aed eophlslicasnd tacilitiec acd philosophies pre- /, - JCC APACHI DAY CAMP Mb FuISse Rnlmbsrsamens 51.598 Racasitment Sanas HeelIb. Dental b ВЎJO5 locarancu Part time delivery person to mork early mormng da la NURSING ASSISTANT SUMMER POSITION n AoensCara Mudusal C ocrer takes pri doinsa ene5 . . SPORTS DIRECTOR HE piceif Eapenieoeod Only Great Earning Patentiol D ELIVERY PERS N =ess4r aSir . se o .. weakeaarrcaoples. Modern sloan 3 Fm. aparsmenss. Haar incladnd. nears hopping H ooeaperresino. Adislsa only. $435/mo. piso I benГ¬osr rostearant 4 Recensw ood Health Car Contar LEANING TOWER YMCA - eoo, В«9 B e $17.0)'hr. ВЎa is#i000 EXT. - (Space Coast) Frank Uoyd MORTON GROVE To werk is the Narth Shares M OTOR RO UTEe, racrrs min:rrraer t vaaraarariorce In . Fer Rons - 2 BR. newly scorers d. n qares barldrng on aids arrees. lnerssdos all epplrsnsns. WAITRESSES 5Г±aiatrV scabs lIllreia.ii sanen O eNs ssfth t a Lesbar Room Attoedaneg Lifegeards I carras t 11fasedo g certificats needodi .. Univnrsal Eoereiso Reom Attendants escrow OUT OF STATE psys a . fanbl DEVELOPMENT CENTER aГ№a 5615 N. MdwaekooAss. - APTS. FOR RENT waslrrflgfeer wssraasCs y, ora.dayaaroaryeorrnrar. tir a i n o a tI pi I . uP Natianel Assaeiatise for Masis Therapy is preferred. This I mth II t g : tir 55Rp6hal4 I s Between 2 ft 5 PM R J. GRUNTS 1911 Lake Ace. caer Ridge Wilrnssso Medical casrr r. Oar oay Suroary Ceptifiseatisos by tise Notional Thorapeeric Rscrnation Society ATLANTICARE MEDICAL CENTER MASSACHUSETTS ca:Og ca:I=3rseo s elryorsflepprcarren. %S12 432-6080 f. interview - Leeking fer full bere AM. Soreor & full tlr P M Hesbi-sesress For An Appo.ntment ri d Nibs. IL Mon. . Fri. after 2 p.m. STUART GAEDE Activity Thnrapistn era sendod to pronidn 00:5059 programs B far the deenlepasenWlly dlsoblod. BA degree in a thftrapy field (Physical. Art, Masis. Recreation, etc.l is escasear y. L 5m or 5960 W. Touhy a5i7s ueunings unafiso solada huallhi nsare flea, encelion. and pnr. helidays Eerrr $8910 re 912 n heer. Aleo Hi,mg a M anoge,s PIB Makers WI;;;eY,S filing. charts. and mash GOLF.MILL!EAST MAINE BUCEE REAL ESTATE ENTERTAIN YOU ENTERPRISES Wilmotto be 21 er elder Ce serve alcoholic beverages. n ferearrnntFuda?lisr h eeexperience end M A raworfflngopporresisyfor a (805) 6874000 Arnyeons0800todtoaseyoar JCC APACHI DAY CAMP : $16,040-$59.230/yr. R2LE k__ ;v/A1I7 MEDICAL GOVERNMENT JOBS LOOKING FOR . AQUATICS DIRECTOR - \ GOF-MILLlEAST MAINE BUGLE ; . S "' 900 ngtions 4)1 USE THE BUGLE Your Ad Appears In The Following Editions I u SE THE BUGLE , Page 43 r Beep tri so h nnos ins.rlios. nbc reaponsibilisy a soar,. I noeseanla ball the Ilabillny for tbO arrnrmsoedlh. socs of she ,mee5550P n leurs or, GOVERNMENTHOMESfrOO81UJ Ba hraaaOpp rea ftp Repooaasslea.. Cet 19851 f57. CR2810 fer ssemar sepa lot. Mluoellaeeooa REPOSSESSED HOMES Below Market PrIce All Suburban Areas MaslueSala Slss.11snW.etad Or e me Г¶nertiu.n una. oaoide 00mo B ale Nesonal Cless.iad Calf fer free llatend lnfemmatlan EUrE REAL ESTATh 939 Pg 44 The Bg1e, ThurrnIy, April28, 19S The Bagle, Thnrsday, April28, 1988 USE THE BUGLE. -- M')nnn uu-uu IIp - .- \ 1Г‡saa.a.off0N В°'' snsns I caaeau.5iCopCU ,. - raksni O a , pit Snsnknd Bas-B-Q. Wn're Nnwbe, i in Tosan Pit Swnknd nn,-B-Qwith 25 seers nspnrl canait thn indontry. w narnnuren ntiy Opneating e 4 esbies stool. Skala Terrace Funeral Home, NIri. Inlerment St. Boniface (Thomas1 Alten and the ate i teds size [ w*inm - ., . '77 MERCORY COUGAR tBtackf Gd. Csnd. OiiThlnost Offer Cisl after 7 pe,. 695-3473 BUD KAYE Onnul hIt in the USA. within 2 mare. ves nu nears n,tiiiosn per veer. We infleS nail aorpnrutiee em HIT tie.e.l s-ia (817)489.2016 . .' mh bflath DAIIflhICIAI B or(817)380-9878 entObllnhed neisemity semmuefty, fureiflarn. Xn,en. P.OEamm FLEA MARKET Btazy; grandmother of Pain (Rebecrof Pautuzoi, Nancy (R;chard( Lisisohi, Mark Lady of Ransom Church from Heebalifelndependent Home, Rilen. Interment Maryhill Mauooleom. ezewee.e,ze.z,ueeenai. A PICTURE IS 1.000 WORDSI Ow,,zl,.leose,,. t Pauline;, and David (Besoette) Pantinot; greas.grasd000ther of Jonathan and Laures Lisioski; sister of Ftorence, Pratt (Satly( Owiadak, Watter (Lorette) Gseizdak and Heleo (Chesler) Mary M. Malay Mary M. MaUny, 93, nf Nileu Distthutor For products call 456-5140 or-lr,o-50-5i .. o, died on Wedneoday, April t in 228-O773. Wiltiom Malloy. Fuoerat nec- Soersoen. Fuserai seeoices Chicago. She mau the mother of -- .'.- . ,.. were at Doe Lady of Ramom Church from the Skaja Terrace vires were Friday, April 8 at St. Andeew Home from the Skaja P FULL 320 F5. ROLL DF RECOIVER l5:2?locos OMNIFAX Coil l-312-390-6000 J% ! Fuserai Home, Nifes. - - GARAGE SALE ..' ADOPT-A-PET GARAGE SALE В° BENEFITING HOMELESS INJURED.AN1MAL$ i . - Pinsseet.o.,ethlro ' , Pick Up Your - - - natZr0F1en Have A Great 5441 W. Mndisnn Orion . Nuns Gara-ge Saie Signs .. lBtwe. Cumbnrieed a Grnnowsodt Adt fe ietnst Cithn B Mash Mino. - , fatWthos...usWeeo5ew NILEB-I2SRRREEN Appearing in all 5 editions ; ,\Burthdav! Fri.- Sas. - 4129, 4050 h fill - 5.3. 3 lines $6.O each additional Une $1.50 , . THE BUGLE NEWSPAPERS 8746 N. Shermer - Set. &San.4O0,5l194604O5 nn. Amnzsn edheed Mesinue Parret Ynnenadd.000dPernenailty - - Nues 966-3900 CaO 305.6505 after 5 PM sr wksds. Angela Kot Maosoleom relative, Mame Dennis (played by Jennifer Samson nf Niles(. Marne's best friend, Vero Daysa Plnsker nf Glesview, Amy Sliwa of Pork Ridge, Lucy Tsilrin 5f Des Plaines, Jeff Yang of Des first appeared an Brsadwoy in the late 60's, are "Bssom Bsddieu," "Opes o New Windaw," "Mame,"ond "We Merda Little Nilesite speaks on alcoholism of Mary; father of James of brother of Sr. Kathleen Therese scesery. Since the play invslnm Valerse, Lamez azd Brian; 29 at the Shuja Terrace Funeral for the The omIs season of the Yomig SteInway Cosccet Serles rosetudes on May t of S p.m. with a performance by Hhelt dcl Cam- The Chitdreo's Services po, piaso and Amy Ostern, violin. Library District (09ff Oaklon St.) Earope with the Hoig-Leviton Ohddren bees o wiooec io the Stravinsky tslersationat Competition. He is the youngest of this year's Sfeisway musiclaon, only tes years Rhelt del Campo has toured Suzuki Academy in 1593 and has o)fertng a program of filins for ages 3-8 years this opr- The films will be shown on Wrdoesdays at 7 p.m. beginning May 4 through May 25. Children Under five years mint be accomyarned as adult. AS adulte who bring children must remain io the library building, Programs ore leer and regnire so registralton. O'ottawing is a list of titles to he showo. May 4, "Anansi the Spider", "Dick Whittinglon and oid. Assiy Oshiro han soloed with Ihr Chicago Symphony Orchestra in the Youth Concert Serien aod is a violinist with the Shohie Symphony Orchestra. Free tickets wilt be distriboted one hoff-hour before ihe perfor0005ce on a f(rnt- rome, first-nerved basis., his Cat", "Three Fox Fables"; May it, В«Brave Little Tailor", The Frog princeВ» "The SteadFao; Tin Sutdier"; May Il, "The Gingerbread Man", "Gotditochs and Ihr Three Bears", "The Twelve Mosthe"; May 25, "Ham ii Luck", "The Hare and Ihe Tor- trandfather of Alexandra, Ariana, Serese and Victoria. Funeral Services wrre Toes- day, March 29 at the Skajo Ter- rare Fooeral Home, Pules. IsIcrmest Ridgewood Cemetery. noyR For fsrthr informatiOu call the ChildrГЁn's Services DOputSaiest at 967.11554, from Chirags a television cakie promossi. Admission is free Jat5eif Chamber Essembte performs as evenisg nf chamber music os Mon., May 23 at 1:30 p.m. at the Skokie Puhtic library. Admission is free. The Library is Iscaled at 5215 Ooktos in Shokie. For more mmcmotion, call the Library at t73-P774. Swedish Covenant A lree shin esneer screening munirai tribute os May 8 al 3 nasi Hospital in the. Andernop performs a Mother's Day 9 am. to 12 noesatSwediuh Cone- p.m. al the Sho)de library. Free tickets wilt be distributed one half-hour before the perfurmanet on a fienI-come, ficot-serned Pandino, 2751 W. Winosa. - Middle Ages and the o design ezgineer. He the author of The Long Way Bach, He is a reesnering alcoholic. around. DaviAJeffers, fine orto deport- rnent chairman, said, "I think it in o sopor, fmi shsw. Everybody will have a great time gaing to it.,, TItis year the musical has Iwo student directors, Post Rsthschlld nf Des Plaines and disesusisg the disease of His presentotmnn will cover o-liai in alcoholism; the disease cnaeept ofolcahalmsm; symptoms and behaviors of olesbnlism und helpwoys. Gary will he sha4ng Obo percanot experiences, hI knowledge of the rehabilitation period mad his mderstonding of tIse restinoing reenvery prmesa, This Program would he of in- terst to family members und sther perssss affected by oleshollsm. There is ns admissins fee and it in open ta the pshlie. the dales of the pei'forznancm are Friday and Satseday. April 29-30, Interested parties may contact Judith Sellar at the Mlles Public and Friday and Satarday, May Library, 0960 Oaktan, 96746554. The screesiogs will he condueled ky Dr. M. Barry Kirschenboum and Dr. Jeffrey E. Erabas, speeiabsts in dermatology on the sont Hospital. Participante are asked to wear Reoaiosasce lo the Skohie Puhkc Library 00 May 15 al 3 p.m. Playing replican of period tustrumentO, the essembte bas pro- o hathing nuit ander their vided music for Chicago's Free 5107. clothing if psssihle. Appoint- mesta ore required onl may REPLACL YOUR OLD WATER II TER WITNANEW ACE GAS WATER HEATER GAS:YOURBEST ENERGYVALUE A V( .:cffbMl,n* VALUE s Low BTU pilot saves gas . Heavy insulated tank keeps water hot longer . Glass lined tank with 5 year warranty on all component parts wiU he held sn Wed.1 May 4, from of Ike in . i year limited warranty Free skin cancer screening at medical staff nf Swedish Cene- "The Legesd of Pani Bu- Euch fiko program will he apYruounately thirty minstes is Shakespeare Players and has been featured oz Early Musir Lyric BaritOor Eddy Patay Aro Sobiilitae brings ihn music worked by the same rope and cable aystem used ta maye sets . Gory Wolrsit in o resident of Miles. He ; of Vat, Stephanie (Jerry( Ano; Musical events at Skokie library younger set at Nues library aspect of the net in the wnrtzing elevator the cress built. The seven-faat high enhiele will he Tiekein are $4 per persas, and Skaja Terrace Funeral Home, Ridgewood Cemetery. manees. Dana Silverman of Des Plaizieu. Fred .1. l(itty NOes, Matt Laczoh -of NOm, Russell Lundberg of Glenview, Prebahly the most amazing used throughout tbe perfsr- Zeman(, 77, of Riles died on TWsday, April 12 i,, Park Ringe. She was the wife nf Jnoeph E.; sister of Rose (Jcrry( Friedrick and the tate terment Woodlaws Cemetery. Ptaines, Maria FumaraIs at alcohoBam and ifs affecta on the addicted individual. meveohie, cloongeahte set te Mane B. Schiller Marie B. Schiller (flee many. Funeral services were Friday, AprS 15 al Shaja Terroce Funeral Hsme, Nitro. In- Morton Grove, Joe Carnali of Des Plaines, Steve . Froke 5f Dea he the crew built one baste, Cemetery. John (Phyllis) Zeman; aizot of 55 of Gienview, Beth Black of Gary o-UI he ut the Mlles Publie Library, May 10 ut 7 p.m. He will he speabing nfl bis book, which in 0010hiagrnphicot and he will he so many different sels te he used, were Thursday, April 14 at St. Jobs Brebezaf Church from the Sha1a Terrace Funeral Horneo, Riles. Intermest Maryhill Stephan. Funeral oervices were al St. Andrew Home from the Cemetery. with the taub nf building the O'Connor. Funeral services (Corot( ; grandmother of Patricia (Peler) Setze and Gerald and Kathleen; Funeral services were Tuesday, March interment ..' Assiutonl teehsicol directors Lori Clouter nf Des Plaines and Dams Hspp nf Nileu were faced Richard; grandfather dancers. They ore Dino Bangiar- Cbarles, in played by Cora LauerPlainm, und Elizoheth Vus of with al Gtesview. Dea.Plainm. Major songs of the play, which- (Mary Ano), Joamie (James) Padgilt, Lawrence (Lozana), Wdlloam (Donna) Patrick azd tale Eogene; mother of Eugene FjJ1 live with Patricb's osly living Lawrence F. O'Comior, 76, of Rites died on Monday, Aprii 11 is Parh Ridge. He was the wife late Joseph; grandmother of Nifes. Yanong of Des Ptoines) going io Terrace Franerai Home Nues. tntermerol St. Joseph Nitro. She was the wife of the luise", flyao" 'Г his sasoy (played by Josefino oc Wednesday, March 30 io Home, The chnrns nf the musical has 37 memhers, and there ore 12 between the agm of 19 throogh 29 by Ed Petroy of Des Plaines) and Fred J. Kitty, 89, of Nites died N;les. interment Maryloill 825-4404, Ext. 4624. Triota, and Tony Carlino; uncle of masy. Funeral services were Wednesday, April 13 at St. Jobs Brelseof Church from the 5ko ja os Friday, March 25 Un Park Ridge. He was the husband of Helen M. (see Soroka) father Roheet, William, Jeff and 55er infarmatmss coil Moine East, The plot involves on srplson named Patrick Dennis (played Saturday, March 2f in Oak Park. She was the wife of the Anogta Kot, 87, of Nilen died 6-p, hegmnniag ut 0 p.m. in tIse Maine East auditorium. For bar- of Thomas; brother-is-law of Marie (Ari) Pavitis, Mary Hayward(, f5, of Nitra died os Is f ua' Losa (see GutsHof; father Lillian Sullivan Litlioa Sutlivas (see Department of Ike Nues Public - , Bolo N OCONTO, RILaS 151er- mest Ail Samio Maonoieom. Interment St. Mary. Chicago. He wan Ihe hoshand of - . et en, Okeeblom. Funeral nervicen Anna Stacy, 75, of Riten died on Friday, March 18 io Nites. She was the mother of Cosine oere Friday, April 8 at Oar Come In And Place Your Garage Sale MEsSAGE CDOF1RMaIIDN Ho-mOnet nesinty. 395-5165, te reuBenempane hr Mut30. Hshid. Fo,esn., Auna Blazy grandmother of Loores and Scott; daughter of Lillian - Nttenfteaetaek::: ,. Charleo (Cheryl) and Sazanne; Terrace Fooeral Home, Riles. Eoae5nY,:niI. a (John) Salamone, Cynthia . i lost 35 lbs, W I faal great. 'You can too, caГё'aiso-gio or . ,. Monday, Macrh 14 at the Skaja Terrace Foserol Home, Nifes. Interment Maryhitl Cemetery. Ike Shaja Terrace Funeral %7-1716 ment yea neal daenr make. died os Friday, March 11 in Ports Ridge. 85e was the kmband of Ihr tale Josephine; father of .tfred Jr., John and Ratead. Foserat seroires were Robert J.; mother of Rohert, WEIGHT LOSS Cati 0155,6.50 PM 470-9500 Call Ed Jantes, President In Foil Worth, Texas . Opr000g of tItis year's spring musical "Manse" at Moine East. This is the culmination of months of hard worh by the cost and crew of the ptay. Lawrence F. O'Connor Alfred ABCtUHO ASred dorialte, ps of Rites Nues died on Tueuday, April 5 in Pork Ridge. She was the wife of BIRThDAY DAVID miles. Askisfi llh,500. 674-51 06 osgo,noe wideN aies ieciuden zur Cemetery. vices were Monday, March 14 at St Aedrew Home froth the Sha- 9852742 CADILLAC DE VILLE r d n,,f up ii w . At 2 sar. s cyie " seseo costeen ' buy. it nBwn ndituriain. We witt be a ne- Skata Terrace Fonerat Home, Nues. Intermeot Maryhitt Marilyn E. Thomas, 55, of SLOT MACHINE eppreente. Best sete, Steploie Jarose Fuoera( serVices were on Friday, Macrh 18 at St. JaSai Breheoif from the Marilyn E. Thomas F with mattress and sneers. Matt ntuena.woh.sebeonpiibosinedon grandmother of It; great. graodsoothee of 5; sinter of Cemetery. ALSO hidn-u-bed Orlares (Metvn( Sowrda; Ries Interment St. Adalhert WANTED TO BUY ' Cs,nnsoa,s5cFsre,focnlk. whinn nhai, aed fast (John) Sehen, Patricia Solamoof, 91 of Nues died on Friday, March 11 in Fach Sidge. She was the mother of Joseph Lohinski. Fnneral ser- - vehteInz 8,5e, 1100 Fsrd,, Chocyn. Twin beds, Senly mattresses. .d resse, and eightsto d R rw. foes. inniodieg 2 osoohet, The entise in waIdng foe su, Tnsan PARK RIDGE/DES PLAINES BUGLE GOLF-MILL/EAST MAINE BUGLE Ridge. She Was the wife al the tate John; mother o) Veronica ) suc GOVERN MENT Sniznd FOR SALE MUST SACRIFICE on Friday, March ti in Pack Phitip Parata, 83, of Nues died on Salarday, April 9 is services were Friday, March11 el SL. Aedrew Home from the ja Terrace Funeral Home, USED CARS Philip Parala Stetta C. M0050noki (see Pawlokowohij St, of Riles died Agnes Lublnski Luhinski (flee Agrien Friday, April 29, mocha the Stella C. Muszaushl NUes died on Tuesday, Morch 8 ie Pack Ridge. He was the miele of Midge Trmichita. Fueerl 01555mW550 . MISCELLANEOUS Sacrifice Sale TEXAS BAR-B-O Ferdiflfld A Schielter, 88 o "Mame" t MainГЁ EГ st ' NILES BUGLE MORTON GROVE BUGLE SKOKIE/LNcoLNwOOO BUGLE CemeterY. ' FAST FOOD CORPORATION Ferdinand A. Schleiter ed-Always a Winner JL OP4IES OBFIUARIES Your Ad Appears In The Following Editions o Page 45 he mode by cutting 875-8296, Ext. WE LIKE YOUR PROBLEMS s 3995 R. Reg. $200.99 ACE k HABOVdARO 40 GAL. ACE #В«1i8 TANK 7457 N. Milwaukee Pagell TheBligle, Thwsday, April lB, 198f I Fromthe ВЈefГ�tuuf CeUnuedfrom Pagel Maine Deniocrath and as a police photographer which North American Martyrs of gave on access to him throngh his tour. Past Grand Kight of the the Knights of Columhua. He was an eboffient goy, toll oflifeandan important part of Nilea. We felt diomayed at the sad news. Before the morning was Over, another member of The Bugle family needed help and we sought it while ander another cloud of dismay. lt was not a good monsiog. la the afternoon oar police reparler was Absent With Leave, dawn io hatmy New Orleans. We hecame the sapernlmoerary by Covering the police beat. Dawn at the police station, Frank Wagner gave as the Oad news former police detective Arnie Battoersen had died. Ar- nie had been with the depart. ment more than 20 yearn. He - wa_s a soft-spoken gentle mas who crossed 5m' path handeeds of iones throagh the years. Ansie ioas the Nites Ansie retired only six monthsaga. Sadly, he only enjoyed a mocks too brief retirement. We'd had esoagh of Monday by the time we thosnhed through the weekly police report. On one page we read of u woman who feared for her life add was ankiog the police for help. She, loo, had a Bogie mnoection and we were at the tow ebb of the stress charts. Fire calls... Careers... Cnnt'dfrnmfknkle-L'wnod P,l Inc., a the blaue. Damage was estimated human resources cdsntlinO firm. She has conducted Nitro firefighters on April 18 st Myersos lirnagley, seminars and worhshops for a wide range of Chicago corporate clients. Dr. Gale Grossman who recent'y left Oaktoo Cosomonity College Placement Center to open a private practice in isdividuat career planning and ontptace- ment service speaho os May 11. Hee talk is entitled What Do You Wast lu a Jab? On May If, Barbara Hill, president and founder of Career Resources in Northbrook speabs on Making Career Chonges. Career Resources is a consulting fiers, especially geared to in- We walked away from the police department at 5 p.m. We said to ournelf, 'Self, dividualo and groups making yon're in the wrong boniness. recently-published hoots How Ysn've got to wear a harder Winners Do It: HIgh Impact Peopte llhlIts for Your Carrer is atoo the snbject of hin talk on May25. Librarian Steve Oserman who shell to get through days like thin." Bol when we walked hoch into the office, we look a htach pen off oor. desk and career transitions and cbanges. Dr. Michael W. Mercero manages the Library's Employ- blacked-out Monday, April 25, ment Resource Center wilt 1988. msderate the series. Admiooion io free to ali ses- On our calendar, Monday was scratched off the wall. As fur as we're concerned Mooday sever happened. Continued trum Pagea at $300. assisted the Morton Greve Fire Departmeat in entinguishing a fire in a chimney at 5618 Carol St. Snobe ejectors were used to ctear the home of smoke. There was so damage estimate. Firemen went to 7900 Caldwell after receiving a report of an acid-type odor on the third floor nf the boilding. tovestigalion showed probable casse was vapor coming from a nearby casting company. ...An activated alarm at thg Forest Villa Nursing Home 0840 Tosky was attrihuted to an IIlidioin Beg crew working on the alarm system no April 19. ...A fire in an overheated tor kettle wns entinguished>at Uptown Federal at Lawrencewood shopping center on April 20. The propase cylinder to the kettle wan shut off and a check for fire estension on the rosf and overhang showed no hazard. Damage to the tar wagon wan $700. advance ...A fire alarm April 2t at 5990 Touhy wan roused by a plumber registration in advised. Sign np at wortsing in the area activating sinos. However, the Library' Circotatios Denk. The Library is located at 5215 the at arm. Oaktos is Skobie. BГЎlzersen... Tag Day... Centinued 1mm Page 3 vestigation Division, Battaersen was csasideresl sneofthe experto m fingerprint analysis and was called upon by other departonents to read and interpret variano fingerprints. He was the former hashand of Gloria, loving father of Marts and Laura and dear brother of Edward (Linda). Visitation was held at Stonja Fiinerat Home, Niles nn Toesday. Fanerat services were hetd there on Wedneo- day, with Interment in Mryhllt Cemetery. Cont'dfrnm Skokle-L'woodP,l City of Hope pioneered the "Parent Participation Program" io 1954. This concept esabled mothers and fathers to become part of the professional team dealsog with hermas illnesses st Children. The ptsit050phy nerved an a model for hospitals oatioswide. To find out more ahont the Shohie "Tag Day" or oboist City of Hspe, call the Chicago City nf Hope office at 1312)099-Otto. Niles library commemorates 30yГ r anniversay Following is a qootetroma 1980 brochare about theNiten Pobtic Library Distriet "Nileo Pablic Library, operating an a volsoteer library principally by the Women (nie) Club of Nuco, iooaed ito first borrowers card on Aprit 13, 1958." In honor nf this isnportanl anniversary, the Board of Trooteen of the Nitos Public Library District have ptaced a cornmemorative ptaqoe io a book that wilt be placed in the library's per- manenent callectioo. The boots that han bees chosen is The Kremtin and Ita Treason-es, a beautifully itlrntrated volame about the architecture of the The NUes Conomsoity club tipo and how to make anefsl things from throwaways. They will teach us how to creatively use oor "Trash" for "Treasures". There will be a prize for the most unusual crea. University et illinois have bees elected to Omicron Delta Epsllon, an international honor she serves as secretarytreanarer. An ordinance prohibiting parking us the west nide nf Lehigh was in- trodaced by Trastee Robert Leavitt and anasiansornuty passed al the board meeting. There will be so parking on the west nide of Lehigh between Lincoln Ave. and Oakton St. Village President Richard Hoto received approval from the Trastees for several Village ap- pomtrnentu. Opal Shrader and Jay Rasaman were confirmed for 3 year terms on the Appearance Commission. Doctors H.B, Cook and Joseph Rakusky were canfis-sssed for 3 year terms bn the Board of Health, Ronald Lanning wan approved for a 3 year term on the Fire and Police Commis- sino while Walter Neuman received approval for a 2 year boots will soon he available in the library. The Niles Pnblic Library District will atoo he celebrating another anportantamssversary io the nest year. The hrochm-e qnated abeve goes on lo otole: "On April Ill, 1959, a reteresdnm was pansed to establish the library an a tax onpported Library District." The tibrary hoard and staff will be planning a program or event to celebrate this occasion doriog 1989, on ils thirtieth anniversary. tino and prize for the most msosual idea brought to the meeting. Bill Chase at the organ wiltjsravidn manic and Dorothy Gretine and Bernice Volpe will provide refreslinsenta. Wanted: Tlsree amateur talent acto: Call 692,3386. Dogi misa this evГЁsing of information, fan and fellowship. Three local young people beve been named winners or finalists w the 1958 International Creative Arts Fentival wbich encourages achievement by hearing impaired children, adolescents and young adatto in the visual, literary and performing arto. The Festival is oposnored by the Center on Deafness, Des Pt aines. Local winners are: David Hirnchfetd, 18, of Nites, who received 3rd Place in Art/Photography. Hirnchfeld in a student at Western Illinois University. In addition, Ari Hirnchfeld, 14, of Nilen, a student at Maine East High School, aod Jemsiter Zectsiet, 13, of Des Plaines, a stndest at Gemini term on the Police PensiГіn Board. Also apprnved wore Mary Moore as Chairperson uf the Morton Grove Advisory Cnsnmisainn and Joseph Tenailla as Commisnioser. Kathy Mshrdeich, Chairperson of the Morton Grove Blood Pro- gram, presented 31 awards fo btoaddonations ranging from nne to ninegaflons over the past year, Les Hauanes- cantrihutod 9 gallaan, Bernice Sipari 8 gallons, and Dornthy Haliherg and Robert Hiltinger 7 gattom, Clerk Wilma Wendt read a notice of a public hearing to he held at I p.m. on May 33, in the Coandll Chambers, Village Hall, The purpose of thin hearing in to provide the public with an apportussity to addensa their views on the proposent regulation of mashing in enclosed public placen and ptoces of employment. Secondary School for the Deaf, Gattaudet University, and Ricky Smith, teacher and mime. Stilt another highlight of the Festivat will be a fall-scale manicat performance of "Fiddler un the Rost," prenented is sign and voice by lbs-Center's Traveling Hands Theatrical Troupe. The International Creative Arts Festival is a non-profit ven- tare fanded solely by dosations from corporations, foundations, organizations and individnats. Tax deductible Contributions to Plaines, fL 60010. final jadging lo be held daring lhe Participants tn this year's Festival are Bernard Bragg, intornalionauy known dramatic octorand co-foander nfthe National "Keystone Cops", clowns, Jug- of 8328 N. Tripp, Skokie, recently received a Letter of Apprerla- He recelned the cItation in recognition nf hin outstanding perfurmasre Whilestationod with Theater of the Deaf; author 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, Doagtas Ballard; Dr. Paul Marine Corps Air Station, El Johnston, Instructor, Model Toro, Calif. daughter. "She is a happy titile soda pop and popcorn wilt be available bic a minimal charge along with free gifts and prises girt, bai she minoen her mother," the principal naid. She gave credit to the mothers ol the children in the etano who worked betond the scenes tu hr. ing about the happy ending. They inclode Midge Trancl,jt Mary Ann Miller and Cyndi Sepsjveda ''They did no miseb for for kids and adotta, A Skohie Historical Society Display wilt depict the people and ptoces of sur past tOO years and the Unitedtttoim Post Office witt offer a one-day only cornmemorotivГі Cancellation stomp featuring the official Skokie Edilh..un if she were their own child. Mary Ano and her houhand passed ap there wedding asniver- Centennial togs. The days festivities will 50i7 gilt to each Other to spend south mutt with a cake-cutting ceremony and u "Happy Birth' loe Edith," Sinter Rito said. "lt was a farewell gift when they thought she would have lo go home. Edith was on happy with the mosey in purchase a new wig culminate at 7:30 p.m. in the day" sing-a-long. the new wig." O'Grady... hlmsnlf for the good of the cam- The wig was styled by harber Vilo Cappiello of Cappietto & Co., flit Mitwauhee Ave., Nites, according in Trancisito, Tranchita said the moma arr asking Kazaniwskyj for hin help in getting a work permit for District 63..n O'Grady. Manu was cetehrated at St. John Brebeuf Church and intermeut was in Alt Sainto cemetery inDes Plaines, North Shore Hotel to hear book review Campaign hiSter Rita noted Edith io lears- ing the language and speaks al: Lt. Ile English. "There has been much progress since she camelo un in J0050ry," she naid. The principal said that over the pant eight ynam ahoul IS children frani Poland have come to Dl John Breheuf for their education. "They learn very quickly and are nome of the krigbtent children in the school," she said. "They have a motivation lo learn," she continued "We have teacher aides who s-urIs on o oneIs-one bancs with them. They alnu libe living here compared to what they had 'n their country." way be dinptoyed at the wooing orhosl fur a year. In another acknowledgement hoard members introduced Opon- known honk reviewer Connie Adelman at the North Shore Hotel, 1611 Chicago Ave., Evaastan on Thursday, May 5 at 2,30 p.m. The program is free and open to the public, Adetman will review "Sarah" by Joel Groas, a fascinating biography of ose nf the greatest actresses of all time. Bernhardt, who grew up in the most dire of circumstances - poor sod unwasted - went on to be proclaim- od aroand the world as the greatest actress of her, or alrp other, generatioa, Eves tragedy and illness, including the tons of a leg, did not prevent her from aching. For reservations, please call: Congregation Ezra-Huhonirn, during the FrIday evening service. Members uf the Sisterhood will lead the service; thepublic in cordially invited, 8:15 p.m. Steven A. Russell MarIne Prc. Steven A, Russell, sos-nf ShIrley A, Buck of 8155 N. Manotee and Chicago Bull's manrol flennie the Bull, mill enlemian at Indian Boundary Park, mid.poinl uf the 2-mile WaIh. Two M000walto will be orI ap for Ihr y500gslern ta bounce pleased lu announce an agreement wherein Jewel mill seS boato of stomps al all 217 Jewel Iscaliono Ibroughoal the Cliicagolanai and Midwesl areas. The agreement io the first of its kind an thin area and praviden the Pastal Service and Jewel a run- Referendum... Police Chief Clarence Emrilsunn fold the boord that provided soler appronalis received on the 9-1.1 Walk ro-chairmro Efadass lo If months after that hetore the 055-7250, Tenher (Skokiel and , Jeremy Powell (West Rogers Park( antiripale that over $ssg,soo wilt br raised by Walk events throughout the city and suburbs. In past yearn, the city-wide Waih with Inrael has raised over $3 million for humaoitarian programs in the Jewish otate. Refresksneota witt be offered to walbern along Ihr walk roules. and,jhdull nalnoteern will be sta- honed an macshafts at buoy internectinon, nerve an Toe Track drivers fur the foot sore, first aid nolunleers and registrars. envelope with contributions will be -- eligible for the drawing of two e round-trap hebels In Israel. Those who collect $50 or more lostoltakon, it woold 01111 take Praleber said, "t thinh this is the heut toam we've ever had and il nao really gang-lin." members approved a proteoOiOOal Dheveleoho. Continued from Pagel prudent une," said Kenney. When the Soard of Education approved the thrccl parchase of natural gas E October, Kenney told board members that the practice might oOVe the district as much as 20 to 37 percent on ita heating hilts. Deycodhig on the number of degree days in a heating aea500, Savings could he as much an $220,000 according lo Kensey. Barry S. Lawhorn hemp Sgt, Rarry S. Lawhnro, sir: otEen F. and PatD. Lowborn if 0go Greenview Ave., Des ti., han been awarded the Good Condact Medal in Went Germany. uf absence for teacher f,pnn Norwegian Constitution Day Will be sbnerved is the Ch:cugnland area on May 14 aad Il, vith a kanquet May 14 at the Scandinavian Club, Arlington Or:ghto and a parade Sunday, Soy ii lud00 through dosvnlusvn Park The Anniversary Dinner Dance program at the Scandinavian flt:ib Witt feature guest speaker, Morrit5 Belgam well-hsown : orfoS:050 dol frOm the Paul area, who Prospect Ave., Riles, recently reported for duty with 2nd Force (trend Service Support Group, Camp tic DeJeune, NC, He Joined the Marine Corps in ti0111 II01Per Bye Obrutrom, nerve as Hsnsrary Marshati Asso iocluded in p:r::Cra ioll be greetings 5uI of Norway; the banemeul space at 8405 Gott Road. The opuce is located ander the Designers Depot store and u portion of the Venture . store. Women's Workout World is leanmg that space and leaving Iheir present location in the Oats 745,5 Mall, Robert Morley, vicepresident of the business inld the hoard they would offer the same cian 01 lIsa emergency service Emriksnn noted when a 9-t-t call would come in, both a police and fire diopalcher would be on the tine at the same time and.the eoercise machines, aershicu classes and locker spa,Г§e, butina much larger facility.'Morley was told by the beard that a decision on additional mito forthe facility proper equipment would he disponed according' to the emergency. Riles Fire Chief would be determined at a toter date depending on the density uf board the speed nf their rmporne esotomers, .,.Nilen trastee Peler Fessle remanded residests uf Riles are invited ta attend a Monsanto Chemical Company bas donated $2,500 to Maine Township High School Dintricl 217 to cover the espesen of Operation Doowhalf. A program which eoruseagcs young people Io adopt a deug and alcohol-free lifestyle, Operation linowball has been offered for otudents io the three Maine Township high schools since IDOS. Eopensen io- dude the cost of speakers asd refreobmeols foe the progi'am. Not a trealmeol program, Operalion Snowball is nut ioleod. ed for drug usern or abusers. Ralber, t io a program denigned lo keep "healthy kids healthy." Since 1988, aboal 45g students from Ike three Dioteicl 1St high uchosfo baie learned about Ihr as a soawball grows. The program is officially approved by the State of Illinois. Norwegian Constitution Day , to further business Women's Beautification content this year, Applications for entry wilt clone on June 30. Pesole urged homeowsseruto get their applicatinas in for the Contest which offers cash and Ansotjog pilsen and in jsdged during the first weeh in Aogoag, Penole noted the village of Moant Prospect in now iostitoimg the name contest based Operation Snowball dona tion District 207... become mvolved in the direct purchase of natural gas was a leave Gemini combined choesseo of Bjors500 and Noemeoneneo, Iwo Norwegian mate singing groups. The Noraegias dance group, Leikorriogen "Heimbug" will perform, followed by dasciog lo Ike music 5f Emir Daodqaint's tris. For reorrs'atiOss please call Mory teso 48O3fN evenings, 599-E7t, dayol. The asusol parade cull assc,ohie al Talcotl o,:d Cweiberlood Acenses, Park Ridge, und will lead oli il I .55 pnv lillian Aencoen I Sehvltheis oilt be Grand Marshall. P'sllvwing Ihr p se irle vii Suai' day, fbi'reis: Il be iii ope:, house al Mivoeklrheii , Ke:luie & Wrightwood, and al the Scandinaciao Club, Arlington Heights. Far further information call Richard Bieht (453-78501, preni. dent of the Narwegian National League, sponsor of fentivities. James E. Swonke Areoey pst. James E. Swooke, Jr., son of James E. and Louise B. Dissolac of IS Deep Forest, Msotgsmery, Tenas, has urrived loe duty with the 13th Military Potier Conipusy, Italy. Swonhe, a naititary police spceialint, is a 1952 garduale st Mont5oiesery High Debout, On what they have otoerved in Niun pilot project. ...Truntee Jans Mahoney reported 35,402 him passengers were carfled on Riles Free Bus syntom doeuug the month uf March. ...Trustee Mug Marchaseis said were 2,157 cable onincrabero in NUes au of March there 31, un uscreane of 4g during that month. naioriteco ..Thiotee Ato lehman said far the Stia conhecokne year the vdlage nl Mites was recognised e 'or nntstunthg achievement for financiul reporting Finance Director Gary Karolma received a ptaqoe commemorating tins h Rules Of The Road 'for motorcyclists With the arrival at opriog, mutorints ohould be alert fur io. molarcycle tIsaI has its turo en, be oure the rider in larcreased motorcycle traffic. ' signal ning aod not coming Oboerve the following safety rulen when sharing the road with a motorcyclist: t. Never crowd a motorcycle. Allow more following distance than you de for a car because a motorcycle can slop usure quick. IP. Getting loo clone can make the rider nerv500e cause him Io lone balance and fall io fr001 nl you. 2. Do ost paso a motorcycle io the lose it is suing. Motoceyclishi are eietitled Is sue Ihr toll se'idth nl a trotlic taue. The5'esoslaslly easgc positsoso aithis the tase lo. sec,,: ore clearly and 1s ovoid potholes asd olber obtect,s, 3 Bcloi'c turnio5 is Iront of' o be Workout World received the nod from the beard for their use of appronsmately 14,000 square feet of Oy5ten, t5'band recital hosted by Gemini. lo olbec action, hoard Doris Tettord, batanee of 9,304 oq.fI. mould rented ta retail stores. north nf Oakton Street. Doce these figures und noter approval are received, Centet would work with Illinois Beg the installa- Tattoos-shy and Jenny Chaang. Coordinating their efforts were leachcrs Margaret Prateher and si the tare amI battery shire and the given "relatively clone" figures as the installation nf the syotem, he has oot,nbtaiised figureo from Centri which nerves Niles residents west of Milwaukee and enhanced with Usia system. He added since the system woald co Oussnnity-scide party at North automatically have a record of Du burban Synagogue Beth Et io the telephone number and the Highland Parb, from t to O p.m. location of the emergency sito, Those not participating in the this would aid the fire and police WaDi can altend the party by В°% departments tremeodornly. 8f a matsng a donation lo the Wath caller loot consciousness before With Inrart. giving the location of a medical, police nr tire emergency, Use phone number and address would automatically he os record. . Both Police Chief Emrilouao and Fire Chief Kinowshi said the system would 'also. reduce the sari005 aspects of alcohol and number of prank calls to both drug ahuse, how lo enhance nett. departments since the callers esteem, how to build self- would find ont soon enough that confidence, and how lo develop their telephone oumbern and ad5550d decision-making skills io a dreosen were aulomatically intensive day-long programa thai recorded, ruas Irons O am. la tO:3g p.m. lo other business the bused appruned the conslrncliao of ManFounded no the belief that tgnmery Ward's tire aod through adequaje information accessory stare at hattery 0643 and self-underolaoding, every Malwaulsee Ave. as the oile of the perneo kan the capacity to mahe ShinIer restaurant, That building sound decisinon and to exefl a will' he torn dawn and a 17,860 panilive influence so others, sqoare toot building Operation Snowball lakes ils e reeled on the nile. will be Lawrence name from the idea that positive Frieabssan, as attorney represen. Ihinhing and behavior can spread from pernan to persan, growing 5,753 nq.ft. building mould be used fur the added tisaI while Illinois BeS han hand, along with sin others, wan rated "superior" by judges at a hoard that completed and operational, He Jennifer Naparotak, Amy Wa Ibero chase a hunk ut 25' stampu at all Jewel oervice deoks. fluo service is being prsvided an aosther convenience lo Jewel costumers tu compliment Jewel's ting Montgomery Ward told Ihe complicated system would be After the Wath is completed aS WaIb. customers will be akte to pur- One stop shopping PhSonophy. 12 to emergency cuSs would he lichuolGemioi'n npmphonic veozent method to assist the coosooner m purchasing slarnpn. llegmnmg May 2, 1580, Jemet outil from Nitro-E, Mainr P.1 no, and free refrentsovets wilt he available. To walk, npsnsor walkers or volunteer call the Walk Center, Raesnulbo of Gemini Junior High Danny Burg, Macloss Osheff, Erika Dahoff, Katy Saivoclsi, Mlnnooyolis.Sl. silt OISO 0-cOunt 1987. WaIh wall begin Prom the Hoa'wich Center at 9 am. The Cookie Jewel Food Stores and the United Staten Postal Service are Harry KJnnwojj also told the plaine0, Ezra-Habonim Sisterhond Sabbath IS yraru as part uf the opening Walk cererunnies The Greater Chicago Older Adult Walk and a Family Mini Page 47 Jewel to begin postage stamp sales nilt receive a free Walk With tsr act T-shirt no the day of the Nelson'n team consisted of phonic band director Bob The excithsg, turbulent and unutterably sad life afllarab Bernlsardt will be recounted by well- osanded Ike ram's horn far All walhrrn who turo in an Confia ned from Pagel respectively. A library plaque monity. ' ' O'Grady in survived by hin childres, Chuck, Jr., Mary and Kevin (Lyons) and two grandehiti$rea, Adam and ,fensifer Tranchita Miller, a ed Sepuiceda and other mothers of the first groderu are planning a meeting with Sinter Rita ta develop stralogy lu bring the other twa rnemkei-s nf Editf, family here "She fones h-'s er friends in schant,but no nne an replace her mom. This little ga'rl needs bec mother," Tranchita said. The "worm" also filas to iocolve Nues Village offiriato intlse Edith's mother and y005ger grinder. Hot dogs, taffy apples, of those peuple who gave of Coalluued fron Pagel launch the WaIb. Kals, who will be 89 yearn old this August, bao going tu again sosto in the gonernue to entend the vina to include glees and on authentic organ evening, May 6, wIth the inutallaton of Sintorhood Board Marine Lance CpI, Ilmo Chus, son of Hoe K. and Myang J. Choz Fentival, Apr. 29-May t at the America Characters "Bugs Ban- ny" and "Daffy Doch", the the NUes Chamber of Commerce. He also was involved in his conds association inthe Terrace Square complex. Bluse saId, "Chuck Israel... Edith's father in pay for medirat enpemes "Hopofugy thin can be made pmaihleВ» "Perhowots earned 40 cents an hour as a toni driner in Polans ,," ube uaid. them. He then talked to some of their parents who had encsurag ed the yoangslers to get involved in helping their clasumato, Sister Bito said the children are be made by Marriott's Great Continued from Page t Coutinued from Pagel children und talked to two of "Silent Mime Company". to beth multo appearances will Deafness, tolto Dee Rd., Des Ikno Chon petition and seiS compete in the i "Dootey Brothers" and the 2620 West Touhy, cetebraten Sisterhood Sabbath un Friday Festival may be sent to Center os nor's ethnic affairs aid repnrteij ly had eight phone calls freon the ConEd from SkoMe.L'wnmip help cover the costs of the Jnssior High School, ore finalists in the talent portion of-the corn- Center. unciety In economics, Included was Glean A. Graft of 9857 Robin Rd. of Niles. Continued from MG P.S SJB students... Skokie birthday... didn't Just live here. He was one Local tale nts score in corn petition ed io ICremlin museums. Thin on honor society Fourteen students at the Senior Bowling League for which Kremlin and the art objects bons- Nues Corn niunily club presents "Truob and Treasureo" - May 15, th30 p.m. Glean and Ruth Garete from Franklin, IIlinois will talk about recycling Senior award... The Bugle, Thwsday, Apro 55, 1989 otraighl ahead, Turn signals do oat' furs off automatically on most motorcycles, and Ihe rider may banc forgotten ta turn the signat oIt aller a prenons turo. If you ore following a motorcycle, allow more distance when approaching a railroad track,, (Wies the cronniog is rough sr the tracks cr000 the ruad at an angle, the rider sill have to slow dswn and will need room lo maoeus'er Stay well behind a motorcycle whee oppruaching a bridge Metal sr grated bridges creMe a wobbling sensation is the Iront lire st a cycle and may eaiisr the cyclist lo slow down, '0, The ugle,Th.rsdY, A Page 4S 28, 198S . Chiquita' Bananas U.S.D.A. Choice Beef Round Steak AC 1 s L,U,t 3 Ib t Ib. rvГ®ng you an ( all-star lineup! uOI;:9e.;;::;fl ipRoasi (Cap On) O, Tip SWak 29 Boneless Rump Roast or Bottom Round Roast Freh Green Beans Hot House Grown Tomatoes Boneless Top Sirloin Steak o, Aoondior London Broil Campbell's I 4/$4 Tomato Soup C Cornish Hens 79C lo 75 ez. 2 Boneless Pork Cutlets \_ Red or Golden Delicious Apples Вї1111ft6 keIberry Baked Hickory Chickt Smoked Ham sovIk 6-i7ГІ ca h s(yle Del Monte Vegetables /1' Noodi, ;11i.. ornatO P2 lo 75 oz cae Campbells Ch,kee Noodle or Cream of Mushroom Soup 3/1.00 sL::;JS /' -' Rich Select 1 -- Turkey Breast 99 ' . mans . C&y WebS \ ;'p;i, Diet Pepsi, ! b pkg 99 Corn King Franks U"' Thin S Crispy Chef's Kitchen Cheese Pizza C 2/55 59C Bumble Bee Tuna Coke or Diet Coke 549. ГЊ_ ' Fresh West Coast \._Dover Sole 99 'e 69' . 'p ' Perch Fillets Coffee b or Poiska Kielbasa Fresh Baked Vienna Bread beeo Obb 399 Echrieh Smoked Saosagel99 Q IcD UN -J
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