365 Days of Innovation ST VINCENT’S RESEARCH REPORT 2012 Contents 01 ABORIGINAL HEALTH 101 INTENSIVE CARE UNIT 03 ADDICTION MEDICINE 105 INFECTIOUS DISEASES 06 AGED MENTAL HEALTH 106 MEDICAL IMAGING 21 ALLIED HEALTH 110 MENTAL HEALTH 21NUTRITION 23 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 121 NEPHROLOGY 25Physiotherapy 124 NEUROSCIENCES 28PROSTHETICS ANDВ ORTHOTICS 134 O’BRIEN INSTITUTE 29SOCIAL WORK 141 ONCOLOGY 33 ANAESTHETICS 149 ORTHOPAEDICS 37 BREASTSCREEN 157Podiatry 39 CARDIOTHORACICS 158 REHABILITATION 160 RESPIRATORY MEDICINE RESEARCH CENTRE 62 163 RHEUMATOLOGY CENTRE FOR NURSING RESEARCH 67 167 UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE CENTRE FOR PALLIATIVE CARE 72 DERMATOLOGY 44 CARDIOVASCULAR 78 EMERGENCY PRACTICE INNOVATION CENTRE 83 ENDOCRINOLOGY AND DIABETES 86 GASTROENTEROLOGY 91 HAEMATOLOGY 97 IMMUNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE 189 NIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE U DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY 202 VICTORIAN CANCER CYTOGENETICS SERVICE Aboriginal Health Mission The St Vincent’s Mission Department has Aboriginal health as one of its areas of responsibility. The focus of research in AboriginalВ health is on improving care for Aboriginal patients and their families through improved culturally sensitive practice and improved systems and processes utilising aВ continuous quality improvement approach. ABOUT US The focus of research in Aboriginal health is to improve the hospital’s response to the needs ofВ Aboriginal patients and their families. The areas of focus have been highlighted by the Aboriginal community along with other key health organisations. For 2012 these areas included concluding work in mental health and cardiac care as well continuous quality improvement projects that address culturally sensitive care issues for Aboriginal people. Our approach is to work in partnership with our AboriginalВ staff, Aboriginal organisations and researchВ organisations to ensure they are part ofВ anyВ project development and implementation. Our work has been influenced by the Improving Culture of Hospitals Project (ICHP) that was funded by the Lowitja Institute and completed by Latrobe University in 2010. The resulting quality improvement framework and toolkit entitled the вЂ�Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Patient Quality Improvement Toolkit for Hospital Staff” (AQITHS) is hosted on the St Vincent’s internet page at http://www.svhm.org. au/aboutus/community/ICHPtoolkit/Pages/toolkit. aspx. MAJOR PROJECTS St Vincent’s was successful in being awarded a tender from the Centre for Aboriginal Health, NSW Health to implement an Aboriginal Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Framework in eight NSW hospitals in early 2012. The Aboriginal Identification in Hospitals Quality Improvement Project plans to improve the cultural competency of staff, increase the number of Aboriginal people identified as such in hospital’s routinely collected data, reduce the proportion of Aboriginal patients who had an Incomplete Emergency Attendance (IEA) presentation, reduce the proportion of Aboriginal patients who are admitted to hospital but Discharge Against Medical Advice (DAMA) in Emergency Departments and improve hospitals capacity to meet the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHSS) in relation to Aboriginal health. This project will conclude in June 2014. St Vincent’s received Closing the Gap funding from the Victorian Department of Health to work with Northern Health and Western Health on the implementation of the AQITHS. This project involves both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal researchers working with Western and Northern hospital staff to develop and implement quality improvement projects in partnership with their localВ Aboriginal organisations. The Aboriginal Mental Health Liaison Officer Trial project, made possible by funding from St Vincent’s Private Hospital, commenced in 2011 and was completed in 2012. It involved trialling and evaluating the effectiveness of the role from both staff (StВ Vincent’s and Victorian Aboriginal Health Service) and patient perspectives. The St Vincent’s Aboriginal Health team in partnership with Victorian Aboriginal Health Service and the StВ Vincent’s Centre for Nursing Research completed a project to improve the service response to Aboriginal patients by the cardiology department and also increase the access to cardiac rehabilitation. st vincent’s research report 2012 01 Aboriginal HealtH STAFF John Willis, Coordinator Aboriginal Health Projects 0.6EFT Michelle Winters, Senior Aboriginal Liaison Officer 0.2EFT Sonia Posenelli, Research Consultant 0.4EFT Mandy Punch, AHLO/Research Assistant (until Oct 2012) 0.4EFT GRANTS Chong A (Principle Investigator), Willis J, ClarkeВ A, Wilson G, Winters M, Posenelli S, Donahue K, Associate Investigators: Stewart J, Shakeshaft A, Gilmour S Aboriginal Identification in Hospitals Quality Improvement Project, Centre for Aboriginal Health, NSW Health $636,493 for 2011–2014 ($120,000 in 2012) Willis J (Principle Investigator), Love M, BosanacВ P, Shanahan N, Swiatowy M Aboriginal Mental Health Liaison Officer Trail Project, St Vincent’s Research Endowment Fund $9,401 for 2011–2012 ($1,901 in 2012) Willis J (Principle Investigator), Posenelli S, Clarke A, Winters M, Andrews S, Vassos S Improving the Pathways to Hospital Care, North West Region Victorian Department of Health – Closing the Gap Project $120,000 for 2011–2012 ($90,000 in 2012) COLLABORATIONS IN RESEARCH National • Lowitja Institute, Carlton, Victoria • Onemda VicHealth Koori Health Unit, UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne, Carlton, Victoria st vincent’s research report 2012 02 Addiction Medicine St Vincent’s Department of Addiction Medicine maintains an active research program with the main emphasis on translating current and emerging knowledge about basic brain function and neuroscience directly into new and more effective treatments for drug and alcohol addiction. ABOUT US The Department of Addiction Medicine at StВ Vincent’s is one of Australia’s leading centres forВ the medical treatment of drug or alcohol addiction. Our multidisciplinary research team isВ clinically based, and includes doctors, nurses andВ specialist counsellors. Our focus is to translate current and emerging knowledge about basic brain function and neuroscience directly into new and more effective medical treatments for addiction, andВ to ensure that these are rapidly available toВ asВ many people as possible. The patients andВ their families we engage with are from a wide rangeВ of backgrounds, including those whose lives are extremely disadvantaged. The emphasis of our research includes novel medical treatment programs for a range of drug and behavioural dependencies that include alcohol, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, cannabis, gambling, opiates, opioid substitution treatment (OST) and tobacco. We strive to ensure that our clinical knowledge, experience and research findings inform public health policy, to achieve a more sophisticated understanding in the community of the nature andВ treatment of addiction, and to improve the health outcomes for those seeking assistance forВ drug or alcohol problems. Major projects вЂ�Brain Stories’: A unique, science-based drug and alcohol education and training program for Indigenous health workers The вЂ�Brain Stories’ project is an innovative sciencebased Drug and Alcohol education and training program for indigenous health workers and those working with the indigenous community. ItВ incorporates unique educational вЂ�flipcharts’ usingВ plain language and culturally relevant images to explain complex information about alcohol and drug abuse, their effects on the brain and behaviour, and how to best reduce or eliminate their harmful effects caused to indigenous communities. The aim of the вЂ�Brain Stories’ program is to enable individuals, families, communities and health professionals to increase understanding about whyВ itВ is important to seek and persist with treatment for alcohol and drug problems. This knowledge can greatly improve the chance of benefitting from modern medical health care. A pilot study of subcutaneous flumazenilВ infusion in the management of benzodiazepine withdrawal This study has examined a new pharmacological treatment for the management of long-term benzodiazepine dependence, which has frequently proven resistant to conventional treatment. TheВ subcutaneous flumazenil infusion technique is less invasive and requires fewer staff resources compared with intravenous administration suggesting a significant advantage in the management of benzodiazepine withdrawal. Treatment of alcohol dependent patients at-risk for Wernicke-Korsakoff-related brain damage Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (WKS) is aВ neurological disorder caused by thiamine deficiencyВ associated with alcohol dependence orВ other causes of malnutrition. Although WKS is aВ common condition, there are currently no universally accepted, national or international, evidence based guidelines for thiamine dosing forВ the treatment of either acute symptomatic WKSВ or for prevention of subclinical WKS related brain damage in at-risk people. This study is aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of high and low thiamine doses in at-risk alcohol dependent patients. QUALITY 2012: The вЂ�Brain Stories’ study has demonstrated the effectiveness of using flipcharts with plain language and informative culturally relevant images as an educational tool to deliver complex scientific information about substances and their effects on the brain and behaviour for indigenous communities. Our study indicated an improved knowledge about the impact substances have on the brain when making decisions. In particular, Brain Stories education sessions confer a greater understanding of the relationship between the brain and substance use. This unique educational tool will continue toВ empower individuals, families, communities andВ health professionals in the area of alcohol andВ drug treatment. st vincent’s research report 2012 03 Addiction Medicine STAFF SERVICE TO THE WIDER COMMUNITY Prof Jon Currie, Director of Addiction Medicine Professor Jon Currie A/Prof Yvonne Bonomo, Consultant Addiction Medicine Physician • Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) – theВ principal advisory body to the Prime MinisterВ and the Federal Government on drug andВ alcohol policy. Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Consultant Addiction Medicine Physician Dr Lisa Collins, Senior Project Manager • National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Consumer Participation Statement Working Group Dr Ruxsana Shafiq-Antonacci, Senior Project Manager • NHMRC, Dementia Collaborative Research Centres (DCRC) Chair Dr Joy Sha, Medical Registrar Dr Taz Dissanayake, Emergency Department Registrar • St Vincent’s Health Australia, National Steering Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Health and Well Being Eve Dimopoulos, Administrative Assistant (clinical data) • Anex, International Overdose Awareness Day Australia Committee member Jade Cruse, Executive Assistant to Prof Jon Currie (clinical data) • Department of Health, Withdrawal Advisory Group Helen O’Neill, Clinical Research Nurse Denny Cruse, Executive Assistant to Prof Jon Currie (clinical data) Students Jan Fletcher, Honours student Theses passed in 2012 Jan Fletcher, Honours, Monash University • First Step Program – Board Member and Medical Advisor • Mental Health Research Institute – ProfessorialВ Research Fellow Associate Professor Yvonne Bonomo • Representative for Addiction Medicine, EditorialВ Board, Internal Medicine Journal Doctor Martyn Lloyd-Jones • Chair of the Victorian & Tasmanian Branch of theВ Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine atВ the Royal Australasian College of Physicians • Deputy Chair Delmont Private Hospital • Medical director Drug and Alcohol program atВ Delmont Private Hospital • Chair VAILA (Victorian Addiction Medicine Inter-hospital Liaison Association) st vincent’s research report 2012 04 Addiction Medicine GRANTS Speaking engagements Currie J, Cairney S Brain Stories’: A unique, science based drug and alcohol education and training program for Indigenous health workers, Proceeds of Crime Act (POAC) $154,000 for 2011–2012 ($49,344 in 2012) Professor Jon Currie: COLLABORATIONS IN RESEARCH Dr M Lloyd-Jones: • The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, East Melbourne, Victoria • Northern Territory Department of Health Alcohol and Drug Program • MIMI Arts and Crafts Katherine, NT • Mission Australia Katherine Office, NT • Northern Territory Department of Health Alcohol and Drug Service • Aboriginal Health Wurli Wurlinijang, NT • Catholic Care Northern Territory Katherine office, NT. • Ngwala Willumbong, a Victorian Statewide Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Service • Portland Hospital Alcohol and Drug Service PUBLICATIONS Journal articles Brief report: Pastor A, Lloyd-Jones M, Currie J. (April 2012). High-dose Baclofen for treatment-resistant alcohol dependence. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 32(2): 266–8. Editorial: Lloyd-Jones M. (Dec 2012). Is there a role for coercive treatment in the management of addiction in Australia? Internal Medicine Journal. 42(12): 1285–7. вЂ�Severe Substance Dependence Treatment Act’, StВ Vincent’s Melbourne Grand Rounds, July 2012 вЂ�Alcohol – some updates’, Alice Springs Hospital Grand Rounds, Northern Territory, July 2012 вЂ�Addiction Medicine response’, S8 Opioid Forum, Department of Health, College of Anaesthetists, Melbourne, November 2012 вЂ�Consultation liaison drug and alcohol issues in hospital practice’, Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD), Melbourne, November 2012 вЂ�Talking about addiction – the management of alcohol and drug problems in psychiatric practice’, Delmont Private Hospital, Melbourne, November 2012 вЂ�The Severe Substance Dependence Treatment Act and our experience over the last 12 months’, Turning Point Talking Point, Melbourne, July 2012 вЂ�Sleep disorders’, Northern Division of General Practice, Melbourne, May 2012 вЂ�Drug and alcohol issues in the elderly’, StВ GeorgesВ Hospital, Melbourne, February 2012 вЂ�What is addiction?’, Community lecture for Drug Action Week, Geelong, June 2012 вЂ�Post traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders’, Barwon Health, Geelong July 2012 Sharyn Amos: вЂ�Brain Stories Program: translating cutting edge addiction brain science directly into practical addiction medicine education and treatment programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities’, National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Committee conference, Fremantle, WA, June 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 05 Aged Mental Health Service St Vincent’s Aged Mental Health Service (SVAMHS) integrates comprehensive, seamless, multidisciplinary service delivery with research. About us The main research active groups within SVAMHS are the Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age (AUPOA), The Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service Vic (DBMAS) and the inpatient ward Normanby Unit. The Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age (AUPOA) is part of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Melbourne. Both AUPOA and DBMAS, although receiving external funding, are integrated in SVAMHS. The AUPOA operates at Normanby House five specialist outpatient clinics. These clinics provide assessment, clinical diagnosis and management, support to patients, their families and health service providers. In four of the five clinics patients have the option to participate in research projects. Currently active research areas of the SVAMHS are community engagement, innovative service development and quality improvement, education on mental health issues in old age, health promotion, cognitive impairment and dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease and Huntington’s Disease. Major projects The Pastoral Care in Aged Mental Health Project is a collaborative project between the Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age, The University of Melbourne (AUPOA), the St Vincent’s Aged Mental Health Service (SVAMHS), the Pastoral Services Department at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne and Healthcare Chaplaincy Council of Victoria (HCCVI), the peak body for pastoral care in health in Victoria. Two papers resulting from this project were presented at the World Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association in Cairns, Australia in 2012 and at the National Conference of the Centre for Ageing and pastoral studies in Canberra.В An article,В вЂ�Pastoral Care in Old Age Psychiatry: Addressing the spiritual needs of inpatients in an acute aged,mental health unit’ (Goh A, Eagleton T, Kelleher R, Yastrubetskaya O, Taylor M, Chiu E and Lautenschlager NT)В has been accepted by the professional journal Asia Pacific Psychiatry. The publication, A Voice at the Table: An integrated model for pastoral care in aged mental health has been widely distributed and very well received within aged mental health and pastoral care services in Australia and overseas. It is now required reading in the pastoralВ counselling unit at Melbourne Theological College. The model has been presented by the project co-ordinator at continuing education programs for pastoral care practitioners in health settings in Victoria. A quality assurance activity is now planned to study the models of pastoral care provision in all Victorian aged mental health services. Conference presentations and a journal article are planned. This will enable further improvement in the pastoral care provision within St Vincent’s Aged Mental Health Service Melbourne and the wider service system and community. st vincent’s research report 2012 06 Aged Mental Health Service Staff Students Prof Nicola Lautenschlager, Professor UniВ Melbourne, Head of AUPOA & Director, SVAMHS 1.0EFT Dr Samantha Loi (PhD student) Prof David Ames, Sessional Consultant Psychiatrist 0.1EFT (AUPOA) Nicola Lautenschlager, David Ames and Ed Chiu give regular presentations, education to community members. Prof Edmond Chiu, Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist & Professorial Fellow (AUPOA) Dr Anita Goh, Research Fellow 0.6EFT (AUPOA) Dr Samantha Loi, Lecturer, 0.4EFT (AUPOA) Dr Kathryn Anne Ellis, Research Fellow 1.0EFT (AUPOA) Rosemary Kelleher, Senior Social Worker Honorary Fellow AUPOA & Pastoral Care Department Alissa Westphal, Lecturer, BPSD Management 0.2EFT (AUPOA) Robyn Attoe, Lecturer, Dementia Care, CasualВ (AUPOA) Dr Ian Thompson, Speech Pathologist, HonoraryВ Fellow (SVAMHS & AUPOA) Dr Vahid Payman, Consultant Psychiatrist, HonoraryВ Fellow (SVAMHS & AUPOA) Dr Tanya Clifton, Consultant Psychiatrist, HonoraryВ Fellow (AUPOA) Dr Patrick O’Brien, Consultant Psychiatrist, HonoraryВ Fellow (AUPOA) Dr Andrew Churchyard, Neurologist, HonoraryВ Fellow (AUPOA) Dr Phyllis Chua, Consultant Psychiatrist, HonoraryВ Fellow (AUPOA) Stephanie Antonopoulos, Research Assistant 0.6EFT (AUPOA) Joy Preston, Administrative Assistant 1.0EFT (AUPOA) Marilyn Manison, Administrative Assistant 0.3EFT (AUPOA) Bernadette Parker, Administrative Assistant (untilВ August 2012) 1.0 EFT (AUPOA) SERVICE TO THE WIDER COMMUNITY Nicola Lautenschlager • Editor-in-Chief, International Psychogeriatrics • Co-organiser with Prof Edmond Chiu of the 17th University of Melbourne Symposium on Psychiatry of Old Age, L’Unica Convention Centre 2011 • Reviewer for journals. • Member of the Rehabilitation, Aged Care, PalliativeВ Care & Psychiatry of Old Age (RAPP) Board of Studies Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Melbourne. • Reviewer for grants: NHMRC grants and fellowships, Alzheimer Research Trust grant, UK, American Alzheimer’s Association, Pfizer Neuroscience research grants, Alzheimer Australia Research Dementia grants, MD and PhD theses David Ames • Member, Board of Directors, International Psychogeriatric Association • International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Editorial Board member • Member Editorial Board, International Journal ofВ Psychiatry in Clinical Practice • Member, Medical and Scientific Advisory Panel, Alzheimer’s Disease International • Chief Medical Advisor to Alzheimer’s Australia • International Psychiatry Reviews EditorialВ BoardВ member • Member of annual interviewing panel for selection of graduate entrants to University of Melbourne Faculty of Medicine Jane Bartley, Administrative Assistant, (sinceВ AugustВ 2012) 0.8 EFT (AUPOA) st vincent’s research report 2012 07 Aged Mental Health Service Rosemary Kelleher • October 2012 Ongoing: Co-convenor. Symposium on Ageing Society: Prediction and Preparation at IPA International Congress Seoul, South Korea October 2013 • Associate Editor (Social Work) International Psychogeriatric Association Bulletin • 2012 0ngoing: Member, Aged Care Advisory Committee, Healthcare Chaplaincy Council ofВ Victoria Inc. Kathryn Ellis • Organising committee for a national forum (National Dementia Forum, Canberra 2012) • Organising committee, Annual consumer event held for volunteers participating in the AIBL study • Contributor for the Alzheimer’s Association Vic. Staff Professional Development Program 2012 Samantha Loi • Ongoing volunteer work with asylum seekers at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre • Associate member of Huntington’s Victoria Research Group Anita Goh • Deputy Director of University of Melbourne Department of Psychiatry Research subcommittee. May 2012, St Vincent’s Health Australia Quality Awards – Finalist Category: Mission and Social Justice – Mary Aikenhead Award, Pastoral Care inВ Aged Mental Health • Co-chair of organising committee for University of Melbourne Department of Psychiatry Research Symposium 26 August 2012. This symposium consisted of invited presentations by the head of each centre of the department, panel discussions, poster sessions, and awards APATT • Collaborating with Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria to facilitate a one day aged care forum as part of cultural diversity week: вЂ�An ABC of Mental Health Care – Demystifying mental health care for older people from non-English speaking backgrounds’. This was a professional development forum for the ethnic aged care sector to enhance awareness of mental health issues and services with ethnic and multicultural aged care agencies, local and state governments, community based mental health service providers and other stakeholders with an interest in mental health in relation to community aged care for people from non-English speaking backgrounds. DBMAS • DBMAS Vic is a statewide service, operating throughout metropolitan and regional Victoria. Informal (or family/home based) carers as well as health professionals and paid carers from residential and community care settings can access the DBMAS service. A pilot program providing phone and web-based DBMAS Old AgeВ Psychiatry case consultations, case discussion sessions and education to key staff supporting people with dementia in regional Victoria and remote areas of the Northern Territory will be completed in June 2013. The project was evaluated by NARI and the final evaluation report will be submitted to DOHA in 2013. GRANTS D Ames, E Chiu, NT Lautenschlager, O Yastrubetskaya, P O’Brien, P Chua, C Fonseka, AВ Goh, B Mannaa Randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, placebocontrolled, fixed dose study of Lu AE58054 in patients with moderate Alzheimer’s disease treated with donepezil, Lundbeck $20,000 for 2009–2012 ($12,000 in 2012) D Ames Concert: a phase III multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, double blind placebo controlled, 12 month safety and efficacy study evaluating dimebon in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease on donepezil, Novotech $120,000 for 2009–2012 ($30,000 in 2012) D Ames, N Lautenschlager, K Ellis The Australian Imaging Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) Study, CSIRO & Pfizer $3.7 million for 2012–2014 (ongoing) NT Lautenschlager, P Desmond, K Cox, D Ames, C Szoeke, O Salvado, M Sharman, K Ellis, P Phal A randomised clinical trial of physical activity to delay the progression of cerebrovascular disease in older adults with memory complaints and mild cognitive impairment, NHMRC $632,152.80 for 2011–2013 ($148,735 (via NARI) inВ 2012) st vincent’s research report 2012 08 Aged Mental Health Service A Westphal, D LoGiudice, A Lamb, NTВ Lautenschlager The Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge Reminiscence Project, Department of Health andВ Ageing $50,000 over 2 years ($50,000 in 2012) D Ames, NT Lautenschlager, K Hill, B Dow, EВ Cyarto, M Russell, K Moore A Randomised Controlled Trial to improve depression in family carer through a physical activityВ intervention, NHMRC $697,797 for 2012–2015 ($163,670 in 2012) A Goh, NT Lautenschlager, K Cox, A Hannan Fit-HD, Bequest from HD family $15,000 in 2012 A Goh and D Ames, NT Lautenschlager, SВ Antonopoulos, S Loi, J Preston REACH2HD, Prana Biotechnology $117,000 for 2012–2013 ($60,000 in 2012) A Goh, NT Lautenschlager, E Chiu, R Reilmann, O Yastrubetskaya Quantitative motor assessment in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, StВ Vincent’sВ Research Endowment Fund $15,000 for 2011–2012 ($15,000 in 2012) A Goh, E Chiu, Associate O Yastrubetskaya, BВ Mannaa Horizon Extension Study – A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Safety and Efficacy Study of Dimebon in Patients with mild-to-moderate Huntington Disease (HD) (ProtocolВ No.В DIM20), Huntington Study Group $3,426 in 2012 A Westphal, NT Lautenschlager, D LoGiudice, AВ Lamb My Story, My Life Reminiscence Project, DepartmentВ of Health and Ageing $54,947.55 ($43,814.66 in 2012) J Paulsen. S Goh (site investigator) Neurobiological Predictors of Huntington’s Disease (PREDICT–HD), National Institutes of Health, USA; CHDI Foundation Per participant basis for 2007–present ($160,000 inВ 2012) S Loi, NT Lautenschlager Improving dementia literacy and empowering carers, Dementia Training Study Centre $5,000 in 2012 W Hall, A Westphal, NT Lautenschalger, AВ Goh,В SВ Loi Phrased vs non-phrased reminiscence books, StВ Vincent’s Research Endowment Fund $15,000 NT Lautenschlager, P Desmond, K Cox, D Ames, C Szoeke, O Salvado, M Sharman, K Ellis, P Phal A randomised clinical trial of physical activity to delay the progression of cerebrovascular disease in older adults with memory complaints and mild cognitive impairment, NHMRC $632,152.80 for 2011–2013 ($148,735 (via NARI) inВ 2012) K Ellis, C Szoeke Examination of burden associated with care ofВ dementia patients: A longitudinal study, Pfizer $495,600 over 3 years ($165,000 in 2012) COLLABORATIONS IN RESEARCH International • University of Iowa – Huntington’s Study Group • University of Rochester • PREDICT 2.0 – University of Iowa • PBT2 – University of Rochester • University of Muenster Germany • University of Iowa • Cure Huntington’s Disease initiative • Huntington’s Study Group • European Huntington’s Disease Network National • La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria • St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Victoria • National Ageing Research Institute, Parkville, Victoria • DTSC/La Trobe Uni – Improving dementia literacy and empowering carers • CL Psychiatry, St Vincent’s Hospital. • National Ageing Research Institute, NARI • Nursing Department, The University of Melbourne st vincent’s research report 2012 09 Aged Mental Health Service • Huntington’s Research Group Victoria. External Collaborators: Prof Nellie GeorgiouKaristianis, Prof Julie Stout, Monash University; Prof Tony Hannan (Howard Florey Institute); A/ Prof Martin Delatycki (The Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Royal Children’s Hospital); NARI; Huntington’s Victoria; Prof Dennis Velakoulis (Neuropsychiatry Unit, Royal Melbourne Hospital) • Huntington’s Victoria • Westmead Hospital, NSW • Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne • Perth Neurosciences Centre WA PUBLICATIONS Book chapters NT Lautenschlager: There was no time to say goodbye (case notes). In: Eyers K, Parker G &В Brodaty H, editors, A guide for professionals andВ carers: Managing depression growing older. Allen & Unwin, Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, London, 2012: 166–167. Loi S, Ames, D, O’Connor D, Lautenschlager N. Chapter 17: Old Age Psychiatry. In: Castle D, Bassett D (eds). Primer of Clinical Psychiatry, 2ndВ Edition. Elsevier. In press February 2012. Szoeke C, Campbell S, Chiu E & Ames D. (2012) Vascular cognitive disorder. In: Weiner MF & Lipton A. (eds.), Clinical Manual of Alzheimer Disease and Other Dementias, American Psychiatric Publishing, Washington, DC. ISBN 978–1–58562–422–5: 171–191. Ames D. (2012) Recurrent severe depression and lithium. In: Eyers K, Parker G & Brodaty H. Managing Depression Growing Older, Allen and Unwin, Sydney. ISBN 978 1 74237 880 0: 214–215. Journal articles Nicola Lautenschlager Almeida OP, Beer C, Lautenschlager NT, ArnoldaВ L, Alfonso H and Flicker L. Two-year courseВ of cognitive function and mood in adults with congestive heart failure and coronary heart disease: The Heart-Mind Study. International Psychogeriatrics 2012:24(1):38–47. Suttanon P, Hill KD, Said CM, LoGiudice D, Lautenschlager NT, Dodd KJ: Balance and mobility dysfunction and falls risk in older people with mild to moderate Alzheimer Disease. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2012;91(1):12–23. Sona A, Zhang P, Ames D, Bush AI, Lautenschlager NT, Martins R, Masters C, Rowe C, Szoeke C, Taddei K, Ellis K, and the AIBL research group. Predictors of rapid cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease: results from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study of ageing. International Psychogeriatrics 2012:24(2):197–204. OP Almeida, GJ Garrido, C Beer, NT Lautenschlager, L Arnolda, L Flicker: Cognitive and brain changes associated with ischaemic heart disease and heart failure. European Heart Journal 2012;33:1769–1776. Dina LoGiudice, Kate Smith, David Atkinson, EmilyВ Carroll, Frank Shaper, Geraldine Shadforth, Rhonda Murphy, Nicola Lautenschlager, LeonВ Flicker: Lungurra Ngoora: A pilot model forВ care forВ aged and disabled in remote Australian Aboriginal community – Can it work? Alzheimer’s &В Dementia 2012;8(4)suppl2:S384 (abstract). Elizabeth Cyarto, Patricia Desmond, David Ames, Cassandra Szoeke, Olivier Salvado, Matthew Sharman, Kathryn Ellis, Pramit Phal, Colin Masters, Christopher Rowe, Ralph Martins, NicolaВ Lautenschlager: AIBL Active: A randomized controlled trial of physical activity to delay the progression of white matter hyperintensities on MRI in older adults at risk of cognitive decline. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2012;8(4)suppl2:S506–507 (abstract). Kay Cox, Leon Flicker, Osvaldo Almeida, Kathryn R. Greenop, Jacqueline Hendricks, Michael Phillips, Nicola T. Lautenschlager: The predictors of shortand long-term physical activity levels of older adults from FABS (Fitness for the Ageing Brain Study). Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2012;8(4)suppl2:S82–83 (abstract). Kay Cox, Leon Flicker, Osvaldo Almeida, Kathryn Greenop, Jacqueline Hendricks, Michael Phillips, Nicola Lautenschlager: Gender differences inВ adherence to a home-based physical activity program in older adults with memory problems: FABS (Fitness for the Ageing Brain Study). Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2012;8(4) suppl2:S236–237В (abstract). st vincent’s research report 2012 10 Aged Mental Health Service Kay Cox, Leon Flicker, Osvaldo Almeida, Frank van Bockxmeer, Kathryn Greenop, Jacqueline Hendriks, Michael Phillips, Nicola Lautenschlager. Impact of APOE e4 on the association of physical activity and cognition in older adults with memory complaints. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2012; 15(6)suppl:58. OP Almeida, B Draper, J Pirkis, J Snowdon, NTВ Lautenschlager, G Byrne, M Sim, N Stocks, N Kerse, L Flicker, JJ Pfaff: Social connectedness, anxiety, depression and other risk factors associated with suicidal thoughts in later life: rationale for the implementation of preventive strategies. The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012; 201:466–472. AH Ford, GJ Garrid, C Beer, NT Lautenschlager, LВ Arnolda, L Flicker and OP Almeida: Homocysteine, grey matter and cognitive functionВ in adults with cardiovascular disease. PloS ONE 2012;7(3):e33345. EV Cyarto, NT Lautenschlager, PM Desmond, DВ Ames, C Szoele, O Salvado, MJ Sharman, KEВ Ellis, PM Phal, CM Masters, CC Rowe, RNВ Martins and K Cox: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of physical activity on delaying the progression of white matter changes or MRI in older adults with memory complaints and mild cognitive impairment: the AIBL Active trial. BMC Psychiatry 2012;12:167. OP Almeida, J Pirkis, N Kerse, M Sim, LВ Flicker, JВ Snowdon, B Draper, G Byrne, NTВ Lautenschlager, N Stocks, H Alfonso, JJВ Pfaff:В Socioeconomic Disadvantage Increases RiskВ of Prevalent and Persistent Depression in LaterВ Life. Journal of Affective Disorders 2012;138:322–331. NT Lautenschlager: “Dementia in the21st century: is the concept out-dated, and how to replace it”. In Psychiatry in Australia 2012, a report from a meeting of an Australian Psychiatrist Expert Group, Health Education Australia Limited, pg. 6–9 (out of 70). OP Almeida, J Pirkis, N Kerse, M Sim, L Flicker, J Snowdon, B Draper, G Byrne, R Goldney, NT Lautenschlager, N Stocks, H Alfonso, JJ Pfaff: A Randomised trial to Reduce the Prevalence of Depression and Self-Harm Behaviour in Older Primary Care Patients. Annals of Family Medicine 2012;10:347–356. NT Lautenschlager, R Ihl and WE MГјller: Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761В® in the context of current developments in the diagnosis and treatment of aged-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease: a research perspective. International Psychogeriatrics 2012;24(suppl 1):S46–S50. OP Almeida, B Draper, J Pirkis, J Snowdon, NTВ Lautenschlager, G Byrne, M Sim, N Stocks, N Kerse, L Flicker, JJ Pfaff: Anxiety, depression and comorbid anxiety and depression: risk factors and outcome over two years. International Psychogeriatrics 2012;24:10,1622–1632. David Ames Lee T, Mosing M, Wright M, Henry J, Trollor J, Lammel A, Ames D, Martin N, Wright M, & Sachdev P. (2012) Genetic influences on five measures of processing speed and their covariation with general cognitive ability in the elderly: the Older Australians Twins study. Behaviour Genetics, 42: 96–106. doi: 10.1007/s10519–011–9474–1. Sona A, Zhang P, Ames D, Bush AI, Lautenschlager NT, Martins R, Masters C, Rowe C, Szoeke C, Taddei K, Ellis K, and The AIBL Research Group (2012) Predictors of rapid cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease: results from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) flagship study of ageing. International Psychogeriatrics, 24: 197–204. doi: 10.1017/S1041610211001335 * Pike KE, Kinsella GJ, Ong B, Mullaly E, Rand E, Storey E, Ames D, Saling M, Clare L & Parsons S. (2012). Names and numberplates: quasi-everyday associative memory tasks for distinguishing amnestic mild cognitive impairment from healthy ageing. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 43: 269–278. Delprado J, Kinsella G, Ong B, Pike K, Ames D, Storey E, Saling M, Clare L, Mulally E & Rand E. (2012) Clinical measures of prospective memory inВ amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Journal of theВ International Neuropsychological Society, 18: 295–304. doi.org/10.1080/13803395.2011.633498 st vincent’s research report 2012 11 Aged Mental Health Service Hutchens R, Kinsella GJ, Ong B, Pike KE, Parsons S, Storey E, Ames D, Saling MM, Mullaly E, Rand E & Clare L. (2012) Knowledge and use of memory strategies in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Psychology and Ageing, epublished ahead of print accepted 29/9/11 doi: 10.1037/a0026256. ChГ©telat G, Villemagne VL, Pike KE, Ellis K, Ames D, Masters CL, Rowe CR & The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Relationships between memory performance and ОІ amyloid deposition at different stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurodegenerative Diseases, 10: 141–144. doi: 10:1159/000334295. Lim YY, Ellis K, Harrington K, Ames D, Martins R, Masters C, Rowe C, Szoeke C, Darby D, & Maruff P. (2012) Use of the COGSTATE brief battery in the assessment of Alzheimer’s disease related cognitive impairment in the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 34: 345–358. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2011.643227. Lim YY, Harrington K, Ames D, Ellis KA, Lachovitszki R, Snyder P & Maruff P. (2012) Short term stability of verbal memory impairment in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease measured using the International Shopping List Test. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 34: 853–863. . doi: 10.1080/13803395.2012.689815. Lee T, Mosing M, Henry J, Trollor J, Ames D, Martin NG, Wright M, Sachdev P & The OATS Team. (2012) Genetic influence on four measures of executive function and their covariation with general cognitive ability: the Older Australians Twins study. Behavior Genetics, 42: 539–540 doi: 10.1007/s10519–012– 9526–1. ChГ©telat G, Villemagne Vl, Villain N, Jones G, EllisВ K, Ames D, Masters CL, Rowe CR & The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Accelerated cortical atrophy in cognitively normal elderly with high ОІ-amyloid deposition. Neurology, 78:477–484. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e318246d67a. This paper was awarded Best Paper 2012 de Leon Prize inВ Neuroimaging from the international Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment (ISTAART). Doecke JD, Laws SM, Faux NG, Wilson W, Burnham SC, Lam C-P, Mondal A, Bedo J, Bush AI, Brown B, De Ruyck K, Ellis KA, Fowler C, Gupta VB, Head R, Macauley L, Pertile K, Rowe CC, Rembach A, Rodrigues M, Rumble R, Szoeke C, Taddei K, Taddei T, Trounson B, Ames D, Masters CL, Martins RN for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative and The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Blood based protein biomarkers for diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Archives of Neurology, 69: 1318–1325. Lim YY, Ellis KA, Pietrzak RH, Ames D, Darby D, Harrington K, Martins RN, Masters CL, Rowe C, Savage G, Szoeke C, Villemagne V, & Maruff P for The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Stronger effect of amyloid load than APOE genotype on cognitive decline in healthy older adults. Neurology, 79: 1645–1652. doi: Batouli SAH, Sachdev PS, Wen W, Wright MJ, SuoВ C, Ames D & Trollor JN. (2012) The heritability of brain metabolites on protein magnetic resonance spectroscopy in older individuals. Neuroimage, 62: 281–289. doi: 10/1016/j.neuroimage.2012.04.043. Villain N, ChГ©telat G, Grassiot B, Bourgeat P, JonesВ G, Ellis KA, Ames D, Martins RN, EustacheВ F, Salvado O, Masters CL, Rowe CR, Villemagne Vl, and The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Regional dynamics of ОІ-amyloid deposition in healthy elderly, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: a voxelwise PiB-PET longitudinal study. Brain, 135: 1226–1239. doi:10.1093/brain/aws125. Brown BM, Peiffer JJ, Taddei K, Lui J, Laws S, Gupta VB, Taddei T, Ward VK, Rodrigues M, Burnham S, Rainey-Smith S, Bush A, Ellis KA, Masters CL, Ames D, Macauley SL, Szoeke C, Rowe CC, Martins RN For The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Physical activity and amyloid-plasma and brain levels: results from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle study of ageing. Molecular Psychiatry, epublished ahead of press, doi: 10.1038/ mp.2012.107. Dow B, Cortes-Simonet N, Ellis K, Hempton C, Koch S, Logiudice D, Mastwyk M, Livingston G, Cooper C & Ames D. (2012) Students’ perceptions of elder abuse, Australasian Journal on Ageing epublished ahead of print doi: 10.1111/j.1741– 6612.2012.00643.x. st vincent’s research report 2012 12 Aged Mental Health Service Gardener S, Gu Y, Rainey-Smith S, Keogh JB, Clifton PM, Mathieson SL, Taddei K, Mondal A, Ward VK, Scarmeas N, Barnes M, Ellis KA, Head R, Masters CL, Ames D, Macaulay L, Rowe CR, Szoeke C, Martins R for the AIBL Research Group. (2012) Adherence to a Mediterranean diet and Alzheimer’s disease risk in an Australian population. Translational Psychiatry, e-published ahead of press, doi: 10.1038/tp.2012.91. Verdile G, Laws SM, Henley D, Ames D, Bush A, Ellis KA, Faux NG, Gupta VB, Li QX, Lui JK, Masters CL, Pike KE, Rowe CC, Wilson W, Burnaham SC, Lam C-P, Mondal A, Bedo J, Bush AI, Szoeke C, Taddei K, Villemagne and Martins RN for the AIBL Research Group. (2012) Associations between gonadotropins, testosterone and AОІ in men at risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Molecular Psychiatry, in press, accepted 5.9.12. Lim YY, Pietrzak R, Ellis K, Jaeger J, Harrington K, Ashwood T, Szoeke C, Martins RN, Bush AI, Masters CL, Rowe C, Villemagne V, Ames D, Darby D, & Maruff P. (2012) Rapid decline in episodic memory in healthy older adults with high ОІ amyloid. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, in press. Chong TWH, Doyle CJ, Cyarto EV, Cox KL, Ellis KA, Ames D, Lautenschlager NT and the AIBL investigators. (2012) Perspectives on physical activity programs to support brain health for older adults with and without cognitive impairment. Asia Pacific Psychiatry, in press, accepted 25.9.12. Brown BM, Peiffer JJ, Sohrabi HR, Mondal A, Burnham S, Gupta VB, Rainey-Smith S, Taddei K, Ellis KA, Szoeke C, Masters CL, Ames D, RoweВ CC, Martins RN & The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Intense physical activity is associated with cognitive performance in the elderly. Translational Psychiatry, in press, accepted 6.10.12. Cyarto E, Lautenschlager N, Desmond P, AmesВ D, Szoeke C, Salvado O, Sharman M, Ellis KA, PramitВ PM, Masters CM, Rowe CC, Martins RN & Cox K. (2012) Protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of physical activity in delaying the progression of white matter changes on MRI in older adults with emmory complaints and mild cognitive impairment: the AIBL Active trial. BMCВ Neurology, 12: 167. doi: 10.1186/1471–244X– 12–167. Review Articles – David Ames: Moore E, Mander A, Ames D, Carne RP, Sanders KM & Watters DAK. (2012) Cognitive impairment and vitamin B12: a review. International Psychogeriatrics, 24: 541–556. doi:10.1017/S1041610211002511. Cooper C, Mukadam N, Katona C, Lyketsos CG, Ames D, Rabins P, Engedal K, De MendonГ§a Lima C, Blazer D, Teri L, Brodaty H, & Livingston G. (2012) Systematic review of the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions to improve quality of life and wellbeing in people with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 24: 856–870. doi: 10.1017/S1041610211002614. Head R, Ames D, Masters CL, Rowe CC & Macauley L. (2012) The AIBL study: throwing light onВ amyloid and Alzheimer’s disease. Medical Journal of Australia, 196: 376. doi: 10.5694/mja12.10488. Cooper C, Mukadam N, Katona C, Lyketsos CG, Blazer D, Ames D, Rabins P, Brodaty H, De MendonГ§a Lima C & Livingston G. (2012) Systematic review of the effectiveness of pharmacological interventions to improve quality of life and wellbeing in people with dementia. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, published ahead of press doi: 10.1097/JGP.0b013e31823e31a2. Carillo MC, Rowe CR, Masters CL, Szoeke C, Ames D, O’Meara T, Macaulay SL, Milner A, Ellis KA, Maruff P, Rainey-Smith SR, Martins RN, Bain LJ & Head R. Research and standardization in Alzheimer’s trials: reaching international consensus. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, in press accepted October 2012. Sam Loi Curran E, Loi S. Depression in dementia. Medical Journal of Australia Open. 1 Supplement. 4: 40–43. October 2012. Loi S. eMims Disease Index. Psychiatric disorders in the elderly: Depression and dementia. August 2012. Loi S, Chiu E. Witchcraft and Huntington’s Disease – a salutary history of societal and medical stigmatisation. Australasian Psychiatry. 20 (5): 438–441. 2012. st vincent’s research report 2012 13 Aged Mental Health Service Goh, A., Kelleher, R.,Yastrubetskaya, O., Taylor, M., Chiu, E., & Lautenschlager, N. Pastoral Care in Old Age Psychiatry: A quality assurance evaluation undertaken at St Vincent’s Aged Mental Health Service. Asia Pacific Psychiatry, in press. Cyarto EV, Lautenschlager NT, Desmond PM, et al. Protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of physical activity on delaying the progression of white matter changes on MRI in olderВ adults with memory complaints and mild cognitive impairment: The AIBL Active trial. BMCВ Psychiatry 2012;12:167. Walterfang, M., Goh, A., Mocellin, R., Evans, A., & Velakoulis, D. (2012). Peduncular Hallucinosis secondary to central pontine myelinolysis. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 66, 618–621 Doecke JD, Laws SM, Faux NG, et al. Blood-based protein biomarkers for diagnosis of Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol 2012;69:1318–1325. Anita Goh Kathryn Ellis Acosta O, Fripp J, Dore V, et al. Cortical surface mapping using topology correction, partial flattening and 3D shape context-based non-rigid registration for use in quantifying atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurosci Methods 2012;205:96–109. Barber B, Ames D, Ellis K, Martins R, Masters C, Szoeke C. Lifestyle and late life cognitive health: sufficient evidence to act now? Int Psychogeriatr 2012;24:683–688. Brown BM, Peiffer JJ, Sohrabi HR, et al. Intense physical activity is associated with cognitive performance in the elderly. Transl Psychiatry 2012;2:e191. Brown BM, Peiffer JJ, Taddei K, et al. Physical activity and amyloid-beta plasma and brain levels: results from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers andВ Lifestyle Study of Ageing. Mol Psychiatry 2012. Carrillo MC, Rowe CC, Szoeke C, et al. Research and standardization in Alzheimer’s trials: Reaching international consensus. Alzheimers Dement 2012. Chetelat G, Villemagne VL, Pike KE, et al. Relationship between memory performance and beta-amyloid deposition at different stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurodegener Dis 2012;10:141–144. Chetelat G, Villemagne VL, Villain N, et al. Accelerated cortical atrophy in cognitively normal elderly with high beta-amyloid deposition. Neurology 2012;78:477–484. Gardener S, Gu Y, Rainey-Smith SR, et al. Adherence to a Mediterranean diet and Alzheimer’s disease risk in an Australian population. Transl Psychiatry 2012;2:e164. Lim YY, Ellis KA, Ames D, et al. Abeta amyloid, cognition, and APOE genotype in healthy older adults. Alzheimers Dement 2012. Lim YY, Ellis KA, Harrington K, et al. Use of the CogState Brief Battery in the assessment of Alzheimer’s disease related cognitive impairment in the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 2012;34:345– 358. Lim YY, Ellis KA, Pietrzak RH, et al. Stronger effect of amyloid load than APOE genotype on cognitive decline in healthy older adults. Neurology 2012;79:1645–1652. Lim YY, Harrington K, Ames D, et al. Short term stability of verbal memory impairment in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease measured using the International Shopping List Test. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 2012;34:853–863. Macpherson H, Ellis KA, Sali A, Pipingas A. Memory improvements in elderly women following 16 weeks treatment with a combined multivitamin, mineral and herbal supplement: A randomized controlled trial. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2012;220:351–365. Sona A, Zhang P, Ames D, et al. Predictors of rapid cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease: results from the Australian imaging, biomarkers andВ lifestyle (AIBL) study of ageing. Int Psychogeriatr 2012;24:197–204. st vincent’s research report 2012 14 Aged Mental Health Service Verdile G, Laws SM, Henley D, et al. Associations between gonadotropins, testosterone and beta amyloid in men at risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Mol Psychiatry 2012. Villain N, Chetelat G, Grassiot B, et al. Regional dynamics of amyloid-beta deposition in healthy elderly, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: a voxelwise PiB-PET longitudinal study. Brain 2012;135:2126–2139. Conference publications David Ames Bourgeat P, Raniga P, Salvado O, DorГ©, Zhou L, Martins R, Macaulay L, Masters C, Ames D, Ellis K, Villemagne V, Rowe P, Fripp J & The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Classification of Alzheimer’s subject based on PIB-MR manifold learning. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P28. Bourgeat P, Fripp J, Raniga P, DorГ©, Zhou L, Martins R, Macaulay L, Masters C, Ames D, Ellis K, Villemagne V, Rowe C, Salvado O & The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Longitudinal modeling of joint PIB/MRI changes in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P28. DorГ©, Fripp J, Bourgeat P, Acosta O, Zhou L, Raniga P, Martins R, Macauley L, Ellis K, Masters C, Ames D, Villemagne V, Rowe C, Salvado O & The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Longitudinal analysis of cortical thickness in PIB+ and PIB- healthy elderly controls. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P34. Raffelt D, Tournier JD, Crozier S, Ellis K, Martins R, Villemagne V, Masters C, Ames D, Rowe C, Salvado O & Connelly A. (2012) Apparent fibre density: a novel MRI approach that identifies specific white matter tracts affected by Alzheimer’s disease and MCI. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P61. Gupta V, Wilson A, Rainey-Smith S, Laws SM, Bush A, Ellis K, Macaulay L, Rowe C, Szoeke C, Taddei K, Ames D, Masters C, Martins R & The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Establishing apolipoprotein E as a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease: Australian Imaging, Biomarker and Lifestyle study of ageing. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P110. Villemagne V, Ellis K, ChГ©telat, Brown B, Bourgeat P, Jones G, Martins R, Salvado O, Ames D, Masters C & Rowe C. (2012) Relation between rates of AОІ deposition, APOE genotype and cognition: results from a 3- to 5-year longitudinal study. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P113. Burnham S, Wilson W, Graham P, Kiiveri H, AmesВ D, Macaulay L, Martins R, Masters C, Rowe C, SalvadoВ O, Szoeke C, Villemagne V, AIBL Research Group & Ellis K. (2012) Cognitive assessments asВ estimators of neocortical beta-amyloid burden in the AIBL cohort. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P130. Burnham S, Graham P, Wilson W, Ames D, Macaulay L, Martins R, Masters C, Marruff P, Rowe C, Szoeke C, AIBL Research Group, Ryan L, & Ellis K. (2012) Intensity of dementia though latent variable modelling (1-DELV) in the AIBL cohort. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P131. Evered L, Silbert B, Ames D, Marruff P & Scott D. (2012) Does general anaesthesia exacerbate Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8В (Suppl. 2): P208–P209. Kinsella G, Ames D, Storey E, Ong B, Pike K, Mullally E, Rand E, Clare L, Saling M & Parsons S. (2012) Knowledge-transfer following cognitive intervention for amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P235. DorГ©, Fripp J, Bourgeat P, Acosta O, Zhou L, RanigaВ P, Martins R, Macauley L, Ellis K, MastersВ C, Ames D, Villemagne V, Rowe C, Salvado O & The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Longitudinal analysis of cortical thickness in PIB+ and PIB– healthy elderlyВ controls. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8В (Suppl.В 2): P248. Faux N, Burnham S, Wilson W, Jones G, LawsВ S, Bedo J, Ames D, Bush Ai, Doecke J, Ellis K, HeadВ R, Kiiveri H, Macaulay L, Martins R, MastersВ C, Rowe C, Salvado O, Szoeke C, Villemagne V, & TheВ AIBL Research Group. (2012) An update on anВ AIBL blood-based biomarker panel for the prediction of AОІ burden. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P283. st vincent’s research report 2012 15 Aged Mental Health Service Appannah A, Szoeke C, Ellis K, Rowe C, Martins R, Masters C, Ames D, Bush A & The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Investigating cardiovascular risk factors on cognition: a two cohort study. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P318. Grigg J, Szoeke C, Ellis K, Rowe C, Desmond P, Masters C & Ames D. (2012) AIBLWHAP: methodology and baseline characteristics of a population-based sample recruited for a longitudinal study of risk factors and later-life cognitive decline. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P321–P322. Bourgeat P, Raniga P, Salvado O, DorГ©, Zhou L, Martins R, Macaulay L, Masters C, Ames D, Ellis K, Villemagne V, Rowe P, Fripp J & The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Classification of Alzheimer’s subject based on PIB-MR manifold learning. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P344. Bourgeat P, Fripp J, Raniga P, DorГ©, Zhou L, Martins R, Macaulay L, Masters C, Ames D, Ellis K, Villemagne V, Rowe C, Salvado O & The Aibl Research Group. (2012) Longitudinal modeling of joint PIB/MRI changes in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P345. Jones A, Graham P, Ellis K, Ames D, Savage G & AIBL Research Group. (2012) Can memory profiling predict progression to Alzheimer’s disease in amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment? Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P358. Laws S, Bender S, Rainey-Smith S, Wilson A, Gupta VB, De Ruyck K, Bush A, Ellis K, Macaulay L, Rowe C, Szoeke C, Taddei K, Ames D, Masters C, Martins R & The AIBL Study Group. (2012) Alzheimer’s disease-related changes in plasma cortisol levels and gene involvement in the AIBL study. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P407. Rainey-Smith S, Brown B, De Ruyck K, Laws S, Wilson A, Gupta VB, Ames D, Ellis K, Taddei K, Head R, Macaulay L, Masters C, Rowe C, Szoeke C, Martins R & The AIBL Research Group. (2012) Alzheimer’s disease-related changes in plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels: data from the AIBL study. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P407–P408. Rowe C, Ellis K, Brown B, Bourgeat P, Faux N, Martins R, Salvado O, Masters C, Ames D & Villemagne V. (2012) Cognition, hippocampal volume and fibrillar AОІ burden as predictors of cognitive decline: three-year follow-up results from AIBL. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P433. Lim YY, Ellis K, Ames D, Harrington K, Martins R, Masters C, Rowe C, Savage G, Szoeke C, Villemagne V, Pietrzak R, Maruff P & AIBL Research Group. (2012) Effect of AОІ burden andВ apolipoprotein E Оµ4 on cognitive decline atВ 18В months in healthy older adults. Alzheimer’s andВ Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P439. Ellis K, Maruff P, Martins R, Masters C, Mcbride S, Macaulay L, Rowe C, Rainey-Smith S, Rembach A, Savage G, Szoeke C, Taddei K, Villemagne V, Zhang P, Ames D & AIBL Research Group. (2012) Rates of conversion to MCI and Alzheimer’s in the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) cohort over 36months. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P484–485. Szoeke C, Ellis K, Zhang P, Rowe C, Martins R, Masters C, Ames D & AIBL Research Group. (2012) A return to clinical skills in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8В (Suppl. 2): P491. Brown B, Peiffer J, Gupta VB, Taddei K, SalvadoВ O, Villemagne V, Rainey-Smith S, Ellis K, Ames D, Rowe C, Masters C, Szoeke C, Martins R & AIBL Research Group. (2012) Level of physical activity is associated with hippocampal atrophy in a subgroup of the AIBL cohort. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8В (Suppl. 2): P494. Chen K, Lowndes G, Ames D & Szoeke C. (2012) Variability in mid-life high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) is related to poorer late-life episodic memory: the Women’s Healthy Ageing Project (WHAP). Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl.В 2): P499. Gardner S, Rainey-Smith S, Gu Y, Taddei K, LawsВ S, Gupta VB, Ames D, Ellis K, Head R, MacaulayВ L, Masters C, Rowe C, Szoeke C, Clifton P, KeoghВ J, Scarmeas N, Martins R & AIBL Research Group. (2012) Diet, neuroimaging biomarkers and Alzheimer’s disease: data from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle study of Ageing. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P503. st vincent’s research report 2012 16 Aged Mental Health Service Cyarto E, Cox K, Desmond P, Ames D, SzoekeВ C, Salvado O, Sharman M, Ellis K, Phal P, MastersВ C, Rowe C, Martins R & Lautenschlager N. (2012) AIBL Active: a randomized controlled trial of physical activity to delay the progression of white matter hyperintensities on MRI in older adults at risk ofВ cognitive decline. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8В (Suppl. 2): P506. Kamer A, Ellis K, Kinsella G, Ames D, Martins R, Rowe C, Macaulay L, Szoeke C, Masters C,& AIBL Research Group. (2012) APOE and cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer’s dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8В (Suppl. 2): P537–538. Ellis K, Lim YY, Ames D, Darby D, Harrington K, Martins R, Masters C, Rowe C, Savage G, SzoekeВ C, Villemagne V, Maruff P & AIBL Research Group. (2012) AОІ amyloid, cognition and APOE genotype in the preclinical stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P556–557. Lim YY, Harrington K, Ellis K, Ames D, AshwoodВ T, Jaeger J, Lachovitzki R, Martins R, Masters C, RoweВ C, Savage G, Szoeke C, Villemagne V, Darby D & Maruff P. (2012) The Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle-Rate of Change sub-study: rationale, design, acceptability and pilot data for the first three months of assessment. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8В (Suppl. 2): P557. Chua C, Henderson V, Ames D, Dennerstein L & Szoeke C. (2012) DHEAS and cognitive function inВ post-menopausal women: the Women’s Healthy Aging study. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P575. Chen K, Lowndes G, Ames D, & Szoeke C. (2012) The influence of midlife cholesterol on late-life cognition: the Women’s Healthy Ageing Project (WHAP). Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P596. Yates P, Desmond P, Raniga P, Phal P, Steward C, Salvado O, Martins R, Salinas S, Ellis K, Szoeke C, Masters C, Ames D, & Rowe C. (2012) Incidence and associations of lobar microbleeds: results from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle study of ageing (AIBL). Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8В (Suppl. 2): P616. Restrepo C, Saling M, Yates P, Villemagne V, AmesВ D, Bush A, Faux N, Martins R, Masters C, Rowe C, Szoeke C, Ellis K & AIBL Research Group. (2012) The effects of vascular risk factors onВ cognition in older adults: data from the AIBL study. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P635. Sachdev P, Trollor A, Lammel A, Lee T, Wright M, Ames D, Brodaty H, Wen W & The OATS Research Team. (2012) Recent findings from the Older Australians Twins Study (OATS). Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P675. Laws S, Lam Cp, Mondal A, Bush A, Ellis K, Macaulay L, Rowe C, Taddei K, Szoeke C, AmesВ D, Masters C, Martins R & The AIBL Study Group (2012) Gene combination associations with Alzheimer’s disease risk and quantitative traits in the IBL study. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P678. Raffelt D, Tournier JD, Crozier S, Ellis K, Martins R, Villemagne V, Masters C, Ames D, Rowe C, Salvado O & Connelly A. (2012) Apparent fibre density: a novel MRI approach that identifies specific white matter tracts affected by Alzheimer’s disease and MCI. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 8 (Suppl. 2): P690. Anita Goh Goh AMY. (2012) The Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Huntington’s Disease: A practical guide to assist in caring for a person with HD. Clinical Genetics, 80 (Suppl. 1): 65. Samantha Loi Loi S. IMPACCT – Improving mood and physical activity in carers and care recipient trial. International Psychogeriatric Association conference, Cairns, September 2012. Loi S. Poster presentation – The Dementia Behavioural Management Advisory Service Northern Territory and Regional Victoria Pilot Program. IPA, Cairns, September 2012. Hocking D, Loi S, Silberberg C, Sundram S, Sevar K. Seeking asylum in Australia: from cells to circuits to syndromes. RANZCP College Congress, Hobart, May 2012. st vincent’s research report 2012 17 Aged Mental Health Service Speaking engagements Nicola Lautenschlager Physical activity and cognitive activity to support brain health in old age: evidence, challenges and translation, Australian Association of Gerontology Inc. Evening Forum, Kew, February 2012 Lifestyle Approaches for the Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease, McClusker Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, Perth, March 2013 Could physical activity delay cognitive decline in older adults with vascular risk factors, Research and Standardization in Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference, March 2012 Physical activity and cognitive activity to support brain health in old age: evidence, challenges and translation, Royal Perth Hospital, April 2012 Physical Activity and Cognitive Function, 17th Malaysian Conference on Psychological Medicine, Kuala Lumpur, June 2012 Reflecting on the New Alzheimer’s Disease Criteria, 17th Malaysian Conference on Psychological Medicine, Kuala Lumpur, June 2012 Improving mental health outcomes in old age: howВ to reduce the risk of cognitive decline, AgedВ &В Community Care Victoria State Congress, Melbourne, June 2012 Panel Chair, Social Behavioural and Care Research and Practice: Cognitive Training and Physical Exercise Interventions, Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 012, Canada, July 2012 Gender differences in adherence to a home-based physical activity and cognitive function in adults with cognitive impairment: Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 012, Canada, July 2012 Physical and cognitive activity for the aging brain: evidence, challenges and translation, Austin Mental Health Clinical Services Unit Grand Round, Melbourne, Jul 2012 AUPOA presentation, Building Linkages, Department of Psychiatry Annual Research Symposium, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, August 2012 How to support cognitive function in old age: what are the protective and risk factors currently discussed in research, St George’s Hospital Grand Round, Melbourne, August 2012 Causes of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: Diagnosis, Prognosis and Management, The New Zealand Association of Gerontology Ageing and Diversity Conference, Auckland, September 2012 Cognitive impairment: current knowledge on prevention and management, and what the future might hold, The New Zealand Association of Gerontology Ageing and Diversity Conference, Auckland, September 2012 How to publish your research successfully, International Psychogeriatric Association InternationalВ Meeting 2012, Cairns, September 2012 Cognitive impairment in the 21st Century: is theВ concept of dementia outdated and what willВ the future hold? Chinese Dementia Research Association Ltd. 3rd Annual General Meeting cum Scientific Symposium, Hong Kong, September 2012 Non-pharmacological Interventions for Older Adults with Memory Complaints, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Academic Lecture, The Chinese University of HongВ Kong, Hong Kong, September 2012 Dementia: Evidence, Challenges and Translation, Academic Lecture, The Chinese University of HongВ Kong, Hong Kong, September 2012 Risk factors and environmental strategies for managing cognitive decline, RANZCP Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age Advanced Trainees Meeting, Melbourne, October 2012 AIBL active update, CRC and AIBL Research Conference, Melbourne, November 2012 Update on the Journey of Physical Activity and theВ Ageing Brain or how to Navigate the Challenges of Clinical Research, Eric Seal Seminar, StВ Vincent’sВ Hospital, Melbourne, November 2012 Sam Loi Mental health service development in the elderly – the Victorian experience. Pacific Rim College ofВ Psychiatrists, Seoul, October 2012 FABSII and the AIBL Active research studies, NARIВ Board Meeting, Melbourne, August 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 18 Aged Mental Health Service Anita Goh David Ames Characterisation of a large group of individuals withВ Huntington’s disease and their relatives enrolled in the COHORT study – a longitudinal analysis of data. HSG Annual Meeting and Sixth annual HD Clinical Research Symposium, Seattle, USA, November 2012 Amyloid imaging, blood biomarkers and lifestyle factors in the detection and prevention of early Alzheimer’s disease: the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study of ageing. Topics in de Ouderengeneesknude en Ouderenzorg, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 8 March 2012 Working together globally to advance knowledge on Huntington’s disease. Invited speaker at Clinical Research at St Vincent’s: Academic and Translational Updates in Mental Health. 27В September 2012 Alzheimer’s disease: why does it matter to everybody and what are we doing about it? Plenary address First World Congress on Healthy Ageing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19 March 2012 Providing Spiritual Care to Older Adults with Mental Illness in a Culturally Diverse Community. International Psychogeriatric Association International Meeting 2012, Cairns, 9 September 2012 Huntington’s Disease Research Clinic in the AUPOA: 17 years of research, advocacy, collaboration and education. University of Melbourne Department of Psychiatry Research Symposium 26 August 2012 Kathryn Ellis The Research and Standardisation in Alzheimer’s disease meeting, Melbourne, Australia, March 2012 The ANZSGM Scientific meeting, September 20. Melbourne, Australia, September 2012 The CRC for Mental Health Annual Review, November. Melbourne Australia, November 2012 Rosemary Kelleher International Psycho-geriatric Association Annual Congress, Cairns, Qld. Session Chair for Concurrent Session: Special Care Issues in Later Life. Presentation: A Voice at the Table: An integrated model for pastoral care in aged mental health. Co-authored with A. Goh, N.T.Lautenschlager, D.Ames,M.Taylor, E.Chiu, O. Yastrubetskaya, September 2012 Centre for Ageing and Pastoral Studies Biennial Conference, ANU, Canberra. Session Chair: Knowledge and Practice Development in spirituality and ageing. Presentation: How clinical awareness can be useful. A model for providing pastoral care for older people with mental illness and their families. September 2012 Detection and management of late-life depression. Invited symposium, First World Congress on Healthy Ageing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20 March 2012 Ames D, Elllis K, Morris J, Petersen R, Maruff P & Savage G. Current issues in cognitive assessment for Alzheimer’s disease research (panel discussion – chair). Research and Standardization in Alzheimer’s Disease, Melbourne, Australia, 27 March 2012 Consumers and researchers fighting Alzheimer’s disease together – response (public lecture). Research and Standardization in Alzheimer’s Disease, Melbourne, Australia, 27 March 2012 Closing remarks. Research and Standardizathion inВ Alzheimer’s Disease, Melbourne, Australia, 29В March 2012 Is there a clinical imperative for research? Anesthesiology and Alzheimer’s Symposium: the Role of Anesthesia in Alzheimer’s Disease, Vancouver, Canada, 14 July 2012 Ames D, Knopman D & Silbert B. Panel discussion: measuring dementia outcomes in clinical research. Anesthesiology and Alzheimer’s Symposium: the Role of Anesthesia in Alzheimer’s Disease, Vancouver, Canada, 14 July 2012 Woodward M & Ames D. How long before she goesВ to a nursing home? Workshop given 3 times. The 2012 Masterclass in Alzheimer’s disease, Melbourne 25–26 February 2012 Ames D, Darby D, Dorevitch M, Draper B, HopwoodВ M, James K. & McCabe M. Clinical counundrums – panel discussion. The 2012 Masterclass in Alzheimer’s Disease, Melbourne 26В February 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 19 Aged Mental Health Service Ames D & the AIBL investigators. Three year follow up results from the AIBL study of ageing. Alzheimer’s Disease International, London, 8 March 2011 Ellis K, Lim YY, Ames D, Darby D, Harrington K, Martins R, Masters C, Rowe C, Savage G, Szoeke C, Villemagne V, Maruff P & AIBL Research Group. AОІ amyloid, cognition and APOE genotype in the preclinical stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Rosemary Pace Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency, Better Practice 2013 Conference, Launceston 14–15 March 2013. Rosemary Pace and Danielle Hariis, Resiential Services and Lifestyle Accreditation Manger, вЂ�Speaking from the Heart’ session, вЂ�Tranquility and Sports Garden’ presentation Restrepo C, Saling M, Yates P, Villemagne V, AmesВ D, Bush A, Faux N, Martins R, Masters C, Rowe C, Szoeke C, Ellis K & AIBL Research Group. The effects of vascular risk factors on cognition in older adults: data from the AIBL study. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2012, Vancouver, Canada, 18 July 2012 (presented byВ CВ Restrepo) Ageing: issues, trends and technological challenges. RMIT University Platform Technologies Research Institute Planning Day – 2012 and Beyond, PortВ Melbourne, 6 September 2012 Will we be able to detect and treat pre-clinical Alzheimer’s disease? The role of the AIBL study. National Ageing Research Institute 3rd Annual Seminar: Mental health and Ageing, Melbourne 7В September 2012 Rates of conversion in the AIBL cohort over 36В months. International Psychogeriatric AssociationВ International Meeting 2012, Cairns, 9В September 2012 AIBL study 2012 update. AIBL Consumer Event, University of Melbourne, 18 October 2012 Practical aspects of treating the elderly patient. Everyday Practical Psychiatry, Barossa Valley, SA, 27В October 2012 Lampe L, Ames D, Castle D, Rampono J & Hopwood M. Panel discussion. Everyday Practical Psychiatry, Barossa Valley, SA, 28 October 2012 Ames D & Ellis K. AIBL introduction. CRC and AIBLВ Research Conference, Melbourne Brain Centre, 26 November 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 20 Allied Health Nutrition The Nutrition Department at St Vincent’s actively participates in research to improve theВ identification and management of nutritional issues impacting on the recovery of patients andВ the management of chronic disease. About us The St Vincent’s Nutrition Department was established in 1933 through the efforts of GertrudeВ Healy, the Mother Rectress, and celebratedВ its 75th anniversary in 2008. The department provides nutrition and dietetics servicesВ to all sites of StВ Vincent’s and aims toВ fosterВ collaborative efforts, professional excellence, nutritional research,В evidence-based practice and professional development. Major projects The Nutrition Department was involved in the Department of Health study investigating practices related to Malnutrition in Victorian Cancer Services. St Vincent’s was one of 15 sites involved. The point prevalence of malnutrition across all sites was 31%. At St Vincent’s the level was higher at 46%, with the highest levels seen in the Upper Gastrointestinal, Colorectal and Haematology units. The high prevalence at St Vincent’s was thought to be due to our patient population not including radiotherapy patients which were identified to have a lower level of malnutrition at other sites. At St Vincent’s, dietitians were involved with 76% of patients with malnutrition compared to the state average of 56% (range 25–85%). Improvements are underway to further optimise our identification and documentation of malnourished patients. The Nutrition Department commenced two new research projects in 2012. The first involved a collaborative project with the Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy departments to investigate the relationship between nutritional status and functional outcomes of patients on the Geriatric Evaluation and Management unit. Data collection continues into 2013. The second study collaborated with the Orthopaedic Unit to investigate if patients receiving pre and post-operative dietetic weight loss advice have positive outcomes on pain, function and quality of life measures after 12 months. Data collection continues on these two research studies. Quality The Nutrition Department is continuing to drive quality improvement initiatives in conjunction with the hospital-wide St Vincent’s Nutrition Project Working Group. The committee aims to raise awareness of the importance of identifying patients’ nutritional problems on admission / point of entry, and providing patients with adequate nutrition during their hospital stay / treatment. The committee has continued extensive staff education (medical, nursing and support staff) as well as supported the development of a new improved menu and improving processes to the ensure patients whoВ need assistance with their meals receive it. TheВ Nutrition Department Dietitians undertook anВ internal training program in a validated nutrition assessment tool and reviewed documentation toolsВ and processes in line with the International Dietetics andВ Nutrition Terminology. The Nutrition Department worked with the Intensive Care Unit to disseminate the findings of the International Nutrition Survey completed in 2011. This study identified that since participating in 2008 we have improved performance across all indicators. st vincent’s research report 2012 21 Allied Health – Nutrition Nutrition Staff Natalie Simmance, co-Chief Dietitian Elizabeth Doyle, Acting Chief Dietitian Clara Newsome, Grade 4 Dietitian Anna Whitley, Senior Dietitian Naomi Gandler, Dietitian Katherine Kidd, Dietitian Grants Natalie Simmance Nutritional Status of Older Hospitalised Patients andВ associations with short and long term functional outcomes, St Vincent’s $14,869 for 1 year ($5,600 in 2012) Natalie Simmance A pilot study investigating dietetic weight loss interventions and 12 month functional outcomes of patients undergoing knee or hip surgery in theВ elective surgery access service, St Vincent’s $22,907 for 1 year ($7,242 in 2012) Collaborations in research • Monash University, Clayton, Victoria Publications Speaking engagements Kidd K. International Nutrition Survey 2011 – StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne Site Report: HowВ well are we feeding our patients in our intensive care unit? St Vincent’s Research Week Moderated Oral Poster Presentation, Melbourne, August 2012. st vincent’s research report 2012 22 Allied Health – Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy The Occupational therapy department at StВ Vincent’s actively participates in a variety ofВ research initiatives. Our aim is to identify andВ manage the diverse range of challenges that face individuals on a daily basis with anВ emphasis on evidence based practice. About us The St Vincent’s Occupational Therapy Department provides a comprehensive service across the acute and subacute streams of the hospital meeting the needs of individuals at different stages in theВ wellness continuum. Occupational therapy is a profession concerned with promoting health and wellbeing through our engagement in occupation. Our research focuses onВ improving the overall occupational performance of our clients as they engage in their Activities of daily living and as they interact daily with others andВ their environment. Our focus has included the factors shaping recover post-stroke when returning to the community, and the significant role that OT has in leading the reduction in pressure care risks and pressure injuries in patients in surgery suites and during their inpatient stay. Ongoing work is being undertaken by the Hand therapy department regarding the functional outcomes of Australia’s first Hand transplant. Major projects Factors shaping the concept of recovery poststroke: Survivor and care perspectives This study was designed to explore the concept ofВ recovery from the perspectives of stroke survivors and informal carers. The aim of this qualitative study was to identify the main factors that are perceived to contribute to recovery after stroke. It concluded that community-based care should adopt targeted interventions that concurrently consider stroke survivor and carer’s individual concepts of recovery. Data collection was completed for a research project investigating the contextual influences onВ ADL performance of older people with cognitive impairment post-stroke & TBI. This data analysis isВ currently being completed with OTs from UniversityВ of Sydney and Charles Sturt University. Quality Alongside the implementation of National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, increased access to, and collaboration of the role ofВ OTs in pressure care was required. This necessitated OT staff training in specialist skills, highlighting OT’s role, and improved efficiency in referral processes. An OT pressure care competency-based training package was developed and delivered across 3 hospital sites to both allied health and nursing. Utilising OT’s representation onВ STV’s Skin integrity project working party and COAG LSOP, the request for over 550 preventative pressure cushions for inpatient wards was requested, and accompanying hospital-wide staffВ education is planned for 2013. Highlighting the outcomes of a project undertaken toВ complete the Diploma of Management in 2012, staff developed and implemented a new surgical form to document pressure care assessment, intervention and handover in operation suites toВ target early risks for pressure care injuries. st vincent’s research report 2012 23 Allied Health – Physiotherapy Staff Collaborations in research Danielle Sansonetti, Clinical Leader – OccupationalВ therapist • Bond University, Queensland Australia Katie Anjou, Clinical leader – Hand therapist Publications Amber O’Brien & Courtney Agland, Grade 2 Occupational therapist’s Acute stream Books Students Jo Garvie, Masters Health Administration LatrobeВ University Amber O’Brien, Masters Art therapy Danielle Sansonetti Book review: Occupational therapy interventions: Function and Occupations. Catherine Meriano, JD, MHS, OTR/L: Donna Letella, EdD, OTR/L. Journal articles Courtney Agland, Diploma of Management Christine Graven, Danielle Sansonetti, Natasha Moloczij, Dominique Cadilhac, Lynette Joubert. Stroke survivor and carer perspectives of the concept of recovery: a qualitative study. Disability Rehabilitation April 2013, Vol. 35, No. 7, 578-585 (d oi:10.3109/09638288.2012.703755) Service to the wider community Speaking engagements • Rebekah Boffa, Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee; Inquiry into Palliative care in Australia (representing Australian Occupational Therapy Association) Sansonetti, D. Contextual influences on ADL performance of older people with cognitive impairment post-stroke and TBI. Stroke Society Conference of Australia. Theses passed in 2012 Amber O’Brien, Diploma of Management • Nicholle Burns, Chairperson OT VicВ 2012В Conference • Nicholle Burns & Jo Garvie, External advisory Committee for Australian Catholic University Occupational therapy curriculum Sansonetti, D. Post-discharge services for stroke: consumer and carer perspectives. World Congress for Neuro rehabilitation. O’Brien, Amber & Agland, Courtney. TakingВ theВ pressure off surgical patients. OTВ VicВ StateВ conference. st vincent’s research report 2012 24 Allied Health Physiotherapy St Vincent’s Physiotherapy Department is aВ leader in developing clinician-led research programs forВ a range of conditions including stroke, multiple sclerosis, back pain and orthopaedic joint replacements. New directions in research include primary contact physiotherapists in emergency and development of simulation training programs in critical care. About us St Vincent’s Physiotherapy Department provides physiotherapy interventions across a spectrum of acute and subacute services, inclusive of inpatient physiotherapy services at St. George’s Hospital. The department is a clinical teaching school for the School of Physiotherapy, the University of Melbourne, providing high quality undergraduate andВ postgraduate education in both clinical and research studies. The goals of research in the Physiotherapy Department are to contribute to theВ development of evidence-based physiotherapy practice and to encourage a strong clinical focus in physiotherapy research. The department has aВ broad research agenda, including clinical trials of treatment efficacy, development of assessment protocols and health service evaluation. The research scope in the Physiotherapy Department has grown in recent years and we now have active research projects inВ each of the key fields ofВ physiotherapy practiced at St Vincent’s Hospital, inclusive of musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiorespiratory physiotherapy. The Department has also been successful in encouraging young physiotherapists to consider engaging in research and taking up research postgraduate training. As well as having programs of research specific to the discipline ofВ physiotherapy, we are partners in collaborative research projects with the departments of Orthopaedics, Rehabilitation, Geriatric Evaluation and Management and Emergency. Major projects The development of professional level courses to raise the skill level of physiotherapists working with high acuity patients is an important pathway to improving clinical care in the intensive care setting. Often there is limited opportunity for hands-on practice in the hospital environment either as students or as newly practising therapists, particularly in rural and regional settings. The cardiorespiratory team’s collaboration with the StВ Vincent’s Simulation Centre over the last 3 years has enabled the development of simulation-based training for new graduate physiotherapists and enhanced safety and effectiveness in our critical care services. The Department has a focus on investigating physiotherapy practice in expanded scope roles. This includes physiotherapists providing a triage service for referrals to Neurosurgery for back pain and reviewing outcomes post joint replacement surgery. In rehabilitation, trials are being conducted in the different phases of recovery post stroke, from patients at the very early stages post stroke toВ community based interventions assisting patients to achieve their own personal goals in the first year after stroke. Quality The simulation based training program for critical care has been a two-day course now offered to both staff of St Vincent’s and external physiotherapists. This is the first high-fidelity simulation course to run in Victoria and early evaluation has shown that the confidence and skills of participants has been greatly enhanced by participation in the course. In stroke care, the St Vincent’s Physiotherapy Department has played the lead role in the development of a Chronic Stroke Resource Kit, auspiced by the Victorian Clinical Stroke Network. The purpose of this kit is to provide community rehabilitation clinicians with evidence based assessment and intervention guidelines to enhance outcomes for people with chronic stroke and their carers. The key focus of the kit is on assisting stroke survivors and their carers to achieve their own personal goals. The research conducted by our department in the first year after stroke informed theВ direction and framework of the kit. st vincent’s research report 2012 25 Allied Health Physiotherapy Staff Kim Brock, Grade 4 Physiotherapist/Research Co-ordinator 0.25EFT Robert Mehan, Grade 4 Physiotherapist, ResearchВ 0.3 EFT Melissa Thompson, Grade 3 Physiotherapist, Research 0.4EFT Susie Black, Grade 3 Physiotherapist, ResearchВ 0.4EFT Students Christine Graven, PhD Student Robert Mehan, Masters by Research, Student Theses passed in 2012 Robert Mehan, Master of Exercise Science (Research), Australian Catholic University Service to the wider community • Kim Brock, Member of Executive Committee, International Bobath Instructor Training Association, The Netherlands • Cindy van Aswegen, Member Victorian Medical Postgraduate Foundation • Christine Frith, Member of Professional Practice Standards Committee for Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Australia Grants Belinda Cary, Daniel Seller, Cindy Joffe The development and implementation of a critical care patient management course for physiotherapis ts utilising high-fidelity simulation, APA Pat Cosh Trust Fund $18,715 for 2012 Cindy Joffe, Daniel Seller, Anthony Tobin, KateВ McCarthy, Karen Kicker, Jacinta Schlitz, Sherie Scott, Tamsin West, Belinda Cary Development and Evaluation of Multi-disciplinary Tracheostomy Education using High-Fidelity Simulation Scenarios, Research Endowment Fund, St Vincent’s $13,500 for 2012 Simondson D, Thien C Physiotherapy Led Clinics in Neurosurgery: A role substitution model for triaging referrals for Low Back Pain and Sciatica? St Vincent’s Hospital Research Endowment Fund $11,294 for 2011–2012 ($5,000 in 2012) Jane Higgs, Professor Peter Choong, SoniaВ Fankhauser, Karella De Jongh, BelindaВ Cary, Stefan Wigg, Sonia Posenelli, KimВ Brock, Sophie Rodier, Rachel Zacharakis. The use of dedicated interpreter services for postoperative care following total knee replacement: AВ randomized controlled trial, St Vincent’s Hospital Research Endowment Fund $14,884 for 2011–2012 ($7,400 in 2012) Paul Ilett, Kim Brock, Dr. Ross Clark (Melb Uni), Melissa Thompson, Janine Simondson, Rob Mehan, Dr Irina Churilov What is the relationship between improvement inВ gait and balance ability and changes in symmetry between the hemiplegic and nonhemiplegic lower limb in the recovery phase post stroke?, St.В Vincent’s Hospital Research Endowment Fund $11,498 for 2011–2012 ($2,000 in 2012) Kim Brock, Chris Graven, Melissa Thompson, Dominique Cadilhac, Tara Purvis Chronic Stroke Resource Kit, Victorian Stroke Clinical Network, Department of Health, Victoria $17,000 for 2012–2013 ($4,000 in 2012) Brock K, Luke C, Galea M, Miller K Improving outcomes for the upper limb in severe stroke: the efficacy of rehabilitation interventions based on the Bobath Concept, National Stroke Foundation $20,000 for 2010–2013 ($5,000 in 2012) Cindy Joffe, Bridget Shaw, Tom Collins &В BelindaВ Cary Expanded Scope of Practice for Physiotherapists inВ the Emergency Department – Implementation Site, Health Workforce Australia $345,000 for 2012–2013 ($193,000 in 2012) st vincent’s research report 2012 26 Allied Health Physiotherapy Collaborations in research Speaking engagements National Robert Mehan. A preliminary study into the use of ankle foot orthosis in the early stages of stroke recovery. World Congress for NeuroRehabilitation, Melbourne, May 2012 • University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria • Monash University, Clayton, Victoria • Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia • La Trobe University, Bundoora, Melbourne • Australian Catholic University, Fitzroy, Melbourne • Florey Neuroscience Institutes, Heidelberg, Melbourne • Western Health, Sunshine, Victoria • Cairns Base Hospital, Cairns, Queensland • Alfred Health, Melbourne, Victoria • Ballarat Base Hospital, Ballarat, Victoria • Health Workforce Australia, Canberra, Australia Publications Christine Graven. Factors shaping the concept of recovery post-stroke. Smart Strokes Conference, Sydney, August 2012 Daniel Seller. Does high-fidelity simulation training improve self-confidence of junior physiotherapists performing ICU clinical skills? SimHealth, Sydney, Sept 2012 Daniel Seller. Does high-fidelity simulation training improve self-confidence of junior physiotherapists performing ICU clinical skills? Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS), Adelaide, Oct 2012 Journal articles Kennedy GM, Brock KA, Lunt AW, Black SJ. (2012). Factors influencing selection for rehabilitation after stroke: A questionnaire using case scenarios to investigate physician perspectives and level of agreement. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 93(8):1457–9 Simondson D, Brock K, Cotton S. (2012). Reliability and smallest real difference of the ankle lunge test post ankle fracture. Manual Therapy 17: 34–38. st vincent’s research report 2012 27 Allied Health Prosthetics andВ Orthotics St Vincent’s Prosthetic and Orthotic department aim to further the knowledge base of the profession and improve patient outcomes through the development and investigation ofВ innovative management and manufacturing techniques. About us The Prosthetic and Orthotic department manufacture custom made devices to assist patient function. Research therefore focuses on three areas: • Innovative designs to increase function andВ improve cosmesis • Minimising weight and maximising strength andВ durability through the use of new materials and manufacturing methods • Evaluating the impact of treatment in relation toВ patient outcomes st vincent’s research report 2012 28 Allied Health Social Work Social Work and the Aboriginal Hospital Liaison Officer Program strive for excellence and innovation in the provision of services to patients and their families, in teaching, research and collaborative partnerships. Research is anВ important part of the work we do, as well asВ informing clinical care. About us Our research is driven by the values of excellence, social justice and compassion. We are committed to improving care for consumers by address gaps inВ health care that impact patients. Our focus is to both build knowledge and translate this into practice. Importantly, our research efforts are characterised byВ collaboration both internally and externally. During 2012 we progressed research in relation to Aboriginal health, adjustment to cancer, elder abuse, underserved populations including rural patients, patterns of care for homeless patients and the unmet needs of asylum seekers. The Australian Research Council funded study From suspicion to intervention: improving responsiveness to abuse of the elderly presenting to a hospital setting is in its final year. Better understanding and responsiveness to the supportive care needs of cancer patients remains aВ key priority area. The needs of diverse and underserved cancer populations are featuring inВ ourВ research efforts. For example, a new Western &В Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (WCMICS) grant is enabling us, in collaboration withВ the Cancer Council Victoria, to implement andВ evaluate a telephone intervention for regionalВ Victorians and those in treatment atВ STVВ satellite centres. We partnered with St Vincent’s Mission/Aboriginal Health on several innovative translational research projects, to implement national research findings onВ improving hospital culture and responsiveness toВ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, through a Continuous Quality Improvement approach. A key initiative this year focussing the social determinants of health was the Asylum Seeker Scoping Study 2012, funded through the StВ Vincent’s Health Australia’s (SVHA) Social JusticeВ Strategy. Major projects The findings of the Asylum Seeker Scoping Study have the potential to inform SVHA regarding future directions in advocacy and policy development, in a critical area of social justice and health care. The diverse collaboration involving the Emergency Practice Innovation (EPI) Centre Melbourne and theВ Brotherhood of St Laurence was a highlight. In Aboriginal Cardiac Care Amanda (Mandy) Punch, Aboriginal Hospital Liaison Officer, completed her involvement in a research project which trialled an AHLO and nurse-led model of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients presenting to StВ Vincent’s for management of myocardial infarction.В Led by the Australian Catholic University’s St Vincent’s Centre for Nursing Research, theВ research was funded by the Department ofВ Health Victoria and was supported by the Heart Foundation. At St Vincent’s Research Week 2012 Ms Punch presented on the findings of the project and received an oral research presentation award. We completed and evaluated an innovative Social Work Leadership and Mentoring Project. The findings and outcomes informed a submission which won a 2012 SVHA Quality Award – Remarkable People: Nurturing the Talents of Our People. Quality The project From Suspicion to Intervention has led to the development, trial and evaluation of hospital focussed educational DVDs on elder abuse and an educational package. This work also informed the development of a new model of care, governance arrangements and policy for STV on the Protection of Vulnerable Older People (formally ratified in MarchВ 2013). Our three-year Clinical Rotations Workforce Australia Project with the Department of Social Work, The University of Melbourne is in its second year. Across five participating hospitals the findings to date have highlighted the different needs of the university versus the workforce in relation to fieldwork teaching. Early results are positive on several key parameters including student satisfaction and the вЂ�work readiness’ of students trained under the new model. st vincent’s research report 2012 29 Allied Health Social Work For Social Work in Cancer Services developments undertaken in 2012 will enable us to implement a Wellbeing/Psycho-education Program for patients with cancer, their families and carers. Work this year included protocol development, the preparation of manuals for sessions on вЂ�Treatment Completion’ and вЂ�New Patients and Carers’ and training of facilitators. This work was made possible by Marathon of the Sands Fundraising. Staff Carrie Lethborg, Co-ordinator Psychosocial Cancer Research, 0.4 EFT Meghan O’Brien, PhD Student, 0.4 EFT Sonia Posenelli, Chief Social Worker/Project Coordinator (to September 2012), 0.4 EFT Amanda Punch, Research Assistant (toВ SeptemberВ 2012), 0.4 EFT Rosie Brown, Research Assistant, 0.4 EFT Bridie Egan, Research Assistant (fromВ AprilВ 2012),В 0.2 EFT Pauley Kessel, Research Assistant (fromВ JulyВ 2012),В 0.2 EFT Nicole Tokatlian, Research Assistant (fromВ September 2012), 0.1 EFT Melinda Collins, Research Assistant,(for the month ofВ September 2012), 0.2 EFT Students Meghan O’Brien, PhD, The University of Melbourne Katie Carlson, Masters of Social Work, MonashВ University Lisa Braddy, Masters of Social Work, MonashВ University Service to the wider community Dr Carrie Lethborg • Executive Member – Victorian Co-operative Oncology Group (VCOG) Executive, (FirstВ non-medical member appointed) • Invited Member – Clinical Management Advisory Team – Western and Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Services (WCMICS) • Invited Member – DOH Victoria, CancerВ Survivorship Steering Committee • Executive Member – OncologyВ SocialВ WorkВ Australia (OSWA) • Executive Member – Cancer Social Work Victoria • Invited Member – Department of Health Victoria, Supportive Care Evaluation Expert Reference Group • Editorial Board Member (TheВ JournalВ ofВ PalliativeВ and Supportive Care) • Peer Reviewer – Psycho-oncology, TheВ JournalВ ofВ Psychosocial Oncology, TheВ Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care • Ph D confirmation panel – Deakin University (Psychology) • Ph D confirmation assessor – UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne (Medicine) • Assessor (Master in Psychology – MonashВ University, Social Work Masters – FlindersВ University, PhD – Monash University) • Honorary Post-Doctoral Fellow (PeterВ MacВ CallumВ Cancer Centre andВ UniversityВ of Melbourne) Grants Hadgkiss E, Lethborg, Al-Mousa A, Marck C Scoping Study into Asylum Seeker Health and Wellbeing (Medicare ineligible community residing asylum seekers), St Vincent’s Health Australia $16,390 for 2012 Egan B, Lethborg C, Moss D, Posenelli S, McKeever U Patients with No Fixed Address: Analysing length ofВ stay, discharge pathways and continuity of care ofВ homeless patients admitted to St Vincent’s Hospital, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne $16,195 for 2013 (Nil in 2012) Lethborg C (Principal Investigator), Brown R, Snyder R, Kessel P, Posenelli S, Dunn W, Packer C, Smith L, Horden A The development of a sustainable model to provide brief supportive care interventions to underserved cancer patients, Western and Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Services $89,971.72 for 2012–2013 ($45,000 in 2012) • Chair – Supportive Care Advisory Committee – WCMICS st vincent’s research report 2012 30 Allied Health Social Work Collaborations in research Publications • Emergency Practice Innovation Centre, Melbourne Book chapters • Ecumenical Migration Centre, BrotherhoodВ ofВ StВ Laurence, Melbourne Kissane DW, Lethborg CE, Kelly B. 2012. Spiritual and Religious Coping with Cancer, In L Grassi and M Riba (eds), Clinical Psycho-Oncology: An International Perspective, London, Wiley-Blackwell (Pp 281–296), ISBN: 978–0–470–97432–2 • Centre for Palliative Care and Education, Melbourne • Peter Mac Callum Cancer Centre • Werribee Mercy Hospital • Goulburn Valley Health • St Vincent’s Health Australia • Aboriginal Health Branch, DepartmentВ ofВ HealthВ Victoria • St Vincent’s Centre for Nursing Research, Australian Catholic University • New South Wales Health • Onemda VicHealth Koori Health Unit • Western & Central Melbourne Integrated CancerВ Service • Northern Health • Western Health • Department of Social Work, TheВ UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne • Social Work, Melbourne Health • Social Work, Royal Children’s Hospital • Social Work, Austin Health • Social Work, Western Health Journal articles Lethborg C, Schofield P, Kissane D (2012), The patient experience of undertaking Meaning and Purpose вЂ�MaP’ Therapy in the setting of advanced cancer, Palliative and Supportive Care. 4(10) Moore G, Collins A, Brand C, Gold M, Lethborg C, Murphy M, Sundararajan V, Philip J (2012) Palliative and supportive care needs of patients with highgrade glioma and their carers: A systematic review of qualitative literature, Patient Education and Counselling, December 4. Nilsson D, Joubert L, Holland L, Posenelli, S (2013), The Why of Practice: Utilizing PIE to Analyze Social Work Practice in Australian Hospitals, Social Work inВ Health Care Volume 52, Issue 2–3. Conference publications Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care Needs of Patients with Primary Malignant Glioma: Views of Carers and Health Care Professionals, Philip, J., Collins, A., Brand, C., Gold, M., Moore, G., Sundararajan, V., Murphy, M., and Lethborg, C, World Research Congress of the European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC), Trondheim 7–9В June 2012 (Oral Presentation). Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care Needs of People with Primary Malignant Glioma and their Carers, Philip, J., Gold, M., Brand, C., Lethborg, C., Murphy, M., Sundararajan, V., Moore, G., Collins, Shaping the Future of Palliative Care Conference, Palliative Care Victoria, Melbourne, 23–24 August 2012 (Oral Presentation). Utilising Hospital Administrative Datasets to Identify Patterns of Service Use in Patients with a Primary Malignant Glioma, Collins, A., Philip, J., Brand, C., Gold, M., Bohensky, M., Lethborg, C., Murphy, M., Moore, G., and Sundararajan, V, 19th International Congress of Palliative Care, Montreal, 9–12 October, 2012 (Oral Presentation). Utilising Hospital Administrative Datasets to Identify st vincent’s research report 2012 31 Allied Health Social Work Patterns of Service Use in Patients with a Primary Malignant Glioma, Philip, J., Brand, C., Gold, M., Bohensky, M., Lethborg, C., Murphy, M., Moore, G., Collins, A., and Sundararajan, V. The IPOS 14th World Congress and Psychosocial Academy, Brisbane, Australia, 11–15 November 2012 (OralВ Presentation). Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care Needs of People with Primary Malignant Glioma and Their Carers, Philip, J., Collins, A., Brand, C., Gold, M., Murphy, M., Moore, G., Sundararajan, V., and Lethborg, C, The IPOS 14th World Congress and Psychosocial Academy, Brisbane, Australia, 11–15В November 2012 (Oral Presentation). Speaking engagements Braddy L, Clinical Supervision, Invited presentation, Social Work Dandenong Hospital, November 2012. Kallianis V, Anastasia – Greek Support Group, STVВ Research Week, August 2013 Lethborg C, The underserved cancer patient, InvitedВ presentation, Social Work Day, WesternВ Health, March 2012 Lethborg C, Identifying the underserved groups inВ cancer care – core to the social work role – Invited presentation, Social Work Day, St Vincent’s Hospital, March 2012 Lethborg C, The Social Determinants of Health –Cancer, COSA/IPOS Invited Plenary, Brisbane, November 2012 Lethborg C, Posenelli S, Brock K, Chapman P, Nandurkar H, STV Research Week Hypothetical, StВ Vincent’s Hospital May 2012 Winters M, and Posenelli S, Culturally Respectful Social Work Practice with Aboriginal People. Aboriginal Health is Everybody’s Responsibility, Department of Health Victoria, May 2012 (OralВ Presentation) Lethborg C, Treatment completion, Invited Presentation for Breast Cancer Network Australia, remote patient scheme – Cairns, May 2012 Lethborg C, вЂ�MaP Therapy’ – Invited Presentation, Social Work Department – Cairns Base Hospital, May 2012 Lethborg C, Meaning and Suffering – Exploration Towards The Meaning Of Life, Invited Presentation, CafГ© Church, Baden Powell Hotel, Collingwood, MayВ 2012 Lethborg C, “Supporting blokes” – issues for partners of women with breast cancer, Invited Presentation, вЂ�Think Pink’ – The Living Centre, Melbourne, August 2012 Lethborg C, “Map Therapy” – Invited Presentation, Eastern Palliative Care, Victoria, November 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 32 Anaesthetics The St Vincent’s Department of Anaesthesia is at the forefront of clinical research in a wide range of studies aimed at improving the clinical delivery and outcomes in the field of anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain management. About us Dr Michael Barrington has continued to excel in his studies of regional anaesthesia. His data ase now includes well over 35,000 cases of regional anaesthesia making it the world’s leading data base inВ this field. The Centre for Anaesthesia and Cognitive Function continues to expand knowledge in the field of postoperative decline. Chief Scientist Lisbeth Evered was instrumental in establishing the professional interest area at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Vancouver, which sheВ convened and chaired. This meeting attracted a large international audience to focus on research surrounding the cognitive changes related toВ anaesthesia. A unique aspect of the Anaesthetic Department is the many individual members who pursue specific research interests encompassing a wide range of clinical subspecialties. Areas of research include fluid balance, pain management, cardiac echocardiography, anaesthetic simulation, processed electroencephalography and risk management. Lisbeth Evered was at the forefront of international meetings on cognitive function and anaesthesia. She was a key organiser at the World Congress of Anaesthesia in Buenos Aries and later in the year at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. Brian Cowie has published widely in international journals on the utility of echocardiography in the operating theatre. Brendan Silbert received the Harry Daly Research Award for ANZCA Research Grant, entitled Long Term Anaesthesia Cognition Evaluation (LOTACE) Study. Ongoing Projects in 2012 • Ultrasound aided placement of IV central lines – AВ Stewart, D Scott • Propofol cardio protection for diabetic patients during C-P bypass (PROSEV) – R Kluger, DВ McGlade • IV lignocaine analgesia in laparoscopic bowel surgery (LIVABLES) – C. Scarff • Femoral Nerve catheter versus intra-articular anaesthetic surgical infiltration for total knee jointВ replacement - D Olive • Aspirin and tranexamic acid in coronary artery surgery trial (ATACAS) – B Silbert, S Said • RESORT” study: Fluid restriction compared to fluid optimisation with the oesophageal doppler inВ major abdominal surgery: a randomized clinical trial of efficacy – Tuong Phan In addition, the St Vincent’s Anaesthetic department is a key player in several large multinational studies co-coordinated by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Clinical Trials Group. • The COMFORT study A comparison of three techniques for analgesia following total knee jointВ replacement: Continuous femoral nerve blockВ or spinal morphine or both – M Barrington and D Olive Major projects • Brain Anaesthesia Response Monitoring System (BAR study) – D McGlade, D Scott In 2012, Michael Barrington expanded The Australasian Registry of Regional Anaesthesia to become the International Registry of Regional Anaesthesia. This registry, based at St Vincent’s, is now responsible for managing a multicentre study involving 17 hospitals around the world. Not surprisingly, Dr Barrington has been in demand to present his data at a multitude of clinical conferences (see below). Together with Roman Kluger, Michael Barrington received the Best of Science, Clinical Science Award at the Annual American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting 2012 in Washington. QUALITY With the International Registry of Regional Anaesthesia now providing sound scientific data onВ the safety of regional anaesthesia, there has been a worldwide trend to exploit the benefits of regional anaesthesia both intra and post operatively. This has resulted in a major improvement in postoperative pain relief and has been responsible for the improved management of many patients undergoing surgery. st vincent’s research report 2012 33 Anaesthetics The confluence of patients with cognitive impairment who also undergo surgery is leading to a greater part played by anaesthetists in the management ofВ anaesthesia in this increasingly prominent elderly group of patients. The Centre for Anaesthesia and Cognitive Function has advocated that anaesthetists closely track cognitive changes after anaesthesia in the elderly. In the future, simple memory testing may become a part of routine preoperative assessment inВ the elderly. The use of echocardiography for preoperative assessment is now becoming possible based onВ theВ learned articles published by Dr Cowie. InВ theВ future, such assessments may play an important role in decision-making in relation toВ anaesthetic management. Staff Ms Lisbeth Evered, chief scientist, leads the Centre for Anaesthesia and Cognitive Function. She has been ably helped by assistant researchers Sarah Maher and Sally Pritchard. Simone Said isВ the anaesthetic research nurse who undertakes andВ oversees the large number of clinical projects withinВ the Department. She has been assisted byВ nurses from the Pain Unit, Kim Choate and Wendy McDonald. Lauren Braam and Taryn Luitingh assisted Michael Barrington with the Regional Anaesthesia Registry. Finally, although the Department is a clinical department with substantial clinical commitments, theВ anaesthesia staff provides an outstanding example of commitment to research. This is evidenced by the number and quality of research projects and publications which are exceptional forВ a clinical Department limited dedicated researchВ support. Students PhD: Michael Barrington; Lisbeth Evered Masters Biostatistics: Roman Kluger; PainВ Management, Andrew Stewart, SERVICE TO THE WIDER COMMUNITY • Members from the Department of Anaesthesia play a dominant role in the Australian and NewВ Zealand College of Anaesthetists. A/Prof David Scott is a councillor, Rowan Thomas is on the regional Victorian Committee, and Brian Cowie and Roman Kluger are on the examination committee. David Olive is on the executive of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists. Michael Barrington is Chair, Regional Anaesthesia Special Interest Group of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA). • Brendan Silbert is vice-chair of the St Vincent’s Human Research Ethics Committee. Grants Silbert B, Scott DA, Evered L Alzheimer’s disease processes, NHMRC $157,187 for 1 year ($60,000 in 2012) Silbert B, Scott DA, Evered L. Long Term Anaesthesia Cognition Evaluation (LOTACE) Study, The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists $120,000 for 2 years ($60,000 in 2012) Barrington M The Australian and New Zealand Registry ofВ Regional Anaesthesia, The Australian andВ NewВ Zealand College of Anaesthetists $70,000 for 1 year ($70,000 in 2012) Barrington M The Australian and New Zealand Registry of Regional Anaesthesia, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, William Joseph Payne Trust $13,000 for 1 year ($13,000 in 2012) Dr Tuong Phan RESORT study: Fluid restriction compared to fluid optimisation with the oesophageal doppler in major abdominal surgery: a randomized clinical trial of efficacy, St Vincent’s Research Endowment Fund $15,000 for 1 year ($15, 000 in 2012) Grad Dip Aviation (Human Factors). Gaylene Heard st vincent’s research report 2012 34 Anaesthetics COLLABORATIONS IN RESEARCH • Michael Barrington is Coordinator of The International Registry of Regional Anaesthesia • The Department is a key player in the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Clinical Trials Group • The Centre for Anaesthesia and Cognitive Function is playing a key role with the Australian Imaging Biomarker and Lifestyle Study • Dr Des McGlade is collaborating with the Swinburne University Neuroscience Research group Publications Book chapters Phillipa Hore co-authored the New fifth edition of Anaesthesia – An Introduction. Brochures are available throughout the department and we will beВ purchasing a number of copies for our HMOs. Journal articles Barrington MJ. International registries of regional anesthesia: are we ready to collaborate in virtual departments of anesthesiology? Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2012 Sep-Oct; 37(5): 467–9. Barrington MJ, Wong DM, et al.: Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia: How Much Practice Do Novices Require Before Achieving Competency inВ Ultrasound Needle Visualization Using a Cadaver Model. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2012 May-Jun; 37(3): 334–9. Koziol J, Gertler R, et al. The effect of intraoperative hypotension on the outcomes of initial hybrid palliation for single ventricle congenital heart disease: an historical cohort study” in: Canadian Journal ofВ Anaesthesia May 2013, 60(5), 465–470. Ng MD, Manikappa S Postpartum Seizure and Ischaemic Stroke following Dural Puncture and Epidural Blood Patch. Anaesthesia and Intensive CareВ 2012; 40: 347–351. Cowie BJ. Focused Transthoracic Echocardiography Predicts Perioperative Cardiovascular Morbidity. Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2012 Aug 21. [Epub ahead of print] Cowie B, Kluger R, Kalpokas M. Left ventricular volume and ejection fraction assessment with transoesophageal echocardiography: 2D vs 3D imaging. Br J Anaesth. 2012 Oct 3. [Epub ahead ofВ print] Cowie BJ, Corcoran P. Postanesthesia Care Unit Discharge Delay for Nonclinical Reasons. JВ PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 27, No 6 (December), 2012: pp 393–398. Scott DA, Silbert BS, Evered LA. Anesthesia and Alzheimer’s disease: time to wake up! International Psychogeriatrics, Available on CJO doi:10.1017/ S1041610212001792. Crowley C, Dowsey MM, Quinn C, Barrington MJ, Choong PFM: Impact of regional and local anaesthetics on length of stay in knee arthroplasty. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2012 April; 82(4): 207–214. Cowlishaw PJ, Scott DM, Barrington MJ: The role ofВ regional anaesthesia techniques in the management of acute pain. Anaesth Intensive CareВ 2012; Volume 40: 33–45. Heard GC, Sanderson PM, Thomas RD. Barriers to adverse event and error reporting in anesthesia. Anesth Analg. 2012 Mar;114(3):604–14 st vincent’s research report 2012 35 Anaesthetics Speaking engagements Dr Tuong Phan The Department has presented research at numerous international, national and state venues. Some of the more prominent presentations are listed below. ANZCA ASM 2012 Perth PBLD – Cardiac Output monitors and Goal Directed Therapy Michael Barrington Perioperative Neurotoxicity and the Elderly’ Satellite Workshop, Buenos Aires Thoracolumbar Nerve Blocks – Transabdominis plane, Rectus sheath, and Ilioinguinal-Iliohypogastric Nerve blocks: A Review of the Anatomy and Techniques. Presented at The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Spring Meeting, SanВ Diego, USA Epidemiology of Neurological Complications ofВ Regional Anaesthesia Clinical Registries – Improving Quality and Safety by Proactively Monitoring Outcomes. Presented at Naval MedicalВ Center, SanВ Diego, USA David Scott The Art of Anaesthesia ANZCA/ASA Meeting inВ Canberra Bonica Lecture at the Australian Pain Society AnnualВ Conference in Melbourne Kim Choate Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) Annual Conference on Pain Control in ICU Improving Quality and Safety by Proactively Monitoring Outcomes. Dartmouth Hitchcock MedicalВ Center, NH, USA Incidence and Epidemiology of Neurologic Complications of Regional Anesthesia. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA The Quality and Safety of Peripheral Regional Anesthesia. Presented at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, USA Lisbeth Evered Combined Perioperative Medicine SIG andВ AcuteВ Pain SIG meeting, Byron Bay Perioperative Neurotoxicity and the Elderly’ WorldВ Congress on Anaesthesia, Buenos Aires Brendan Silbert Alzheimer’s Association International Conference Vancouver Canada 2012: Professional Interest Area (Anaesthesia, Cognition and Dementia) symposium at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference Vancouver Canada Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Annual Scientific Meeting Perth National Dementia Research Forum, Canberra st vincent’s research report 2012 36 breastscreen St Vincent’s BreastScreen (SVBS) is a multicentred breast cancer population screening program which participates in clinical and collaborative research aiming to investigate breast cancer risk factors and improve breast cancer detection and treatment. ABOUT US SVBS is a major screening and assessment service ofВ BreastScreen Australia, a national program aimingВ to reduce the mortality of breast cancer. The aim of screening for breast cancer is to detect malignancy at an early stage. This is associated with a reduction in mortality from breast cancer andВ reduced morbidity from treatment. SVBS primary purpose is to detect early breast cancer through a network of eight dedicated and accredited screening services. All administrative, assessment and audit functions are performed at the assessment centre at St Vincent’s. We have research links with The University of Melbourne Departments ofВ Molecular, Environmental, Genetic and Analytic Epidemiology and the Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society, as well as St Vincent’s Medical Imaging Department, St Vincent’s Institute and PeterВ MacCallum CancerВ Institute. QUALITY The unit monitors performance against 172В NationalВ Accreditation Standards and actively seeks opportunities to improve practice. The unit underwent conversion to digital mammography inВ late 2011. The use of this new technology brings certain efficiencies and improvement to work flow which improves service delivery. STAFF Dr Helen Frazer, Director A/Prof Jennifer Cawson, Consulting Radiologist Miss Caroline Baker, Surgeon Miss Elaine Bevington, Surgeon Mr David Butterfield, Surgeon A/Prof Mr Hamish Ewing, Surgeon Mr Patrick Hayes, Surgeon Miss Jane O’Brien, Surgeon A/Prof Michael Henderson, Surgeon Miss Wanda Stelmach, Surgeon Mr Anthony Hyett, Surgeon Miss Cathie Poliness, Surgeon MAJOR PROJECTS Dr David Van Genderin, Radiologist In 2012, 46,357 women were screened through our network of seven urban and one rural screening centre throughout Victoria. Assessment of possible abnormalities through to diagnosis of cancer, was performed at the assessment centre in the Healy Wing of St Vincent’s Fitzroy campus. In 2012, 2,546 women underwent assessment and 270 new breast cancers were detected. Dr Kirsten Gordon, Radiologist In July 2012 SVBS was awarded four years accreditation which is a significant achievement. A/Prof Cawson stepped down from the Director position in April 2012 and is now a Consultant Radiologist with Dr Helen Frazer taking up the position as Clinical Director of BreastScreen. Dr Greg Hill, Radiologist Dr Henry Karsz, Radiologist Dr Frank Malara, Radiologist Dr Kirti Mehta, Radiologist Dr Mei Pang, Radiologist Dr Wendy Perret, Radiologist Dr Gareth Phillips, Radiologist Dr Hannah Rouse, Radiologist Dr Bronwen Slater, Radiologist Dr Rodney Taft, Radiologist Dr Siricha Madhala, Fellow Dr Simon Usher, Fellow Dr Nicola Stephens, Fellow Ms Erin Cosgriff, Program Manager Ms Kerri Scallion, Data Manager Mrs Louisa De Leonardis, Data Manager st vincent’s research report 2012 37 breastscreen PUBLICATIONS Journal articles Ix Liang1, Kotogiri Ramamohanarao2, Helen Frazer3 and Qin Yang4, 1National ICT Australia, 2Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Melbourne, 3Department of Radiology, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, 4Apollo Medical Imaging Technology Pty Ltd. A lesion shape and margin characterisation method in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the breast Ix Liang , Kotogiri Ramamohanarao , Helen Frazer and Qin Yang4, 1National ICT Australia, 2Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Melbourne, 3Department of Radiology, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, 4Apollo Medical Imaging Technology Pty Ltd. Lesion Segmentation inВ Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of Breast 1 2 3 Johnson C, Gorringe KL, Thompson ER, Opeskin K, Boyle SE, Wang Y, Hill P, Mann B, Campbell IG. Identification of copy number alterations associated with the progression of DCIS to invasive ductal carcinoma Br Cancer Res Treat 133: 889-98, 2012 Hugo HJ, Periera L, Suryadinata R, Drabsch Y, Gonda TJ, Gunasinghe D, Pinto C, Hill P, Ramsay RG, Sarcevic B, Newgreen DF, Thompson EW. Direct repression of MYB by ZEB1 suppresses proliferation and epithelial gene expression during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of breast cancer cells. Br Cancer Res (submitted) Conferences attended/ Speaking engagements Dr Helen Frazer European Breast Cancer Conference, March 2012 International Breast Update 2012: Future Directions, April 2012 Breast Conference, October 2012 A/Prof Jennifer Cawson European Breast Cancer Conference, March 2012 International Breast Update 2012: Future Directions, April 2012 Asian Oceania Society of Radiology, Sydney, September 2012 Nguyen BT, Deb S, Fox S, Hill P, Collins M, ChuaВ B: A prospective pathologic study to define the clinical target volume for partial breast radiotherapy in women with early breast cancer. Int J Rad Onc BiolВ Phys 84: 1116-22, 2012 Chew GL, Huang D, Lin J, Huo C, Blick T, Henderson MA, Hill P, Cawson J, Morrison W, Campbell I, Hopper J, Southey M, Haviv I, Thompson EW. Maintenance of high and low mammographic density human breast tissue inВ murine tissue engineering chambers, BrВ CancerВ ResВ Treat 135: 177-87, 2012 Chew GL, Huang D, Huo C, Blick T, Hill P, CawsonВ J, Frazer H, Southey M, Hopper J, Henderson M, Haviv I, Thompson E. Effect of murineВ peripartum states on high and low mammographic density human breast tissues maintained in murine tissue engineering chambers. BrВ Cancer Res Treat (submitted) st vincent’s research report 2012 38 Cardiothoracics The Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery divides research into two cells with shared research coordinators. The Cardiac Surgery cell is researching the effects of a new paradigm of aortic stenting and is leading the way in performing sutureless aortic valve replacement surgery. We are also interested in obtaining population-based outcomes data for surgical procedures. The Thoracic cell develops and studies minimally invasive surgical techniques and performs clinical and translational research in lung cancer. About us The Cardiac Surgery cell is a leader in developing and introducing new techniques to treat aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection with expandable artificial blood vessels (stents). Research is also conducted into heart failure surgeries, including remodeling of the heart, implantation of devices and new generation heart valves. We are also constantly striving to improve the patient experience during and after surgery with multiple projects aimed at ensuring the care that is given is the most appropriate. We are investigating the outcomes of various cardiac surgery procedures by combining our results with those of the Australian Cardiac Surgery database toВ get an overall view of the problems that occur as a result of this surgery, in an attempt to guide potential improvements. The Thoracic Surgery cell is one of Australia’s busiest centres for the treatment of lung cancer and is considered the most advanced centre for minimally invasive surgical techniques for a range ofВ diseases of the chest. Lung cancer, thoracoscopic surgery and reducing post-operative pain are our primary areas of research. Our headline project is the use of DNA and RNA from lung cancers that have been removed to predict behaviour of non-small cell lung cancer. It is the major partner, along with researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, in the largest lung cancer DNA project in the world. It is expected to exploit weaknesses found in lung cancers that may lead to new drug treatments for this aggressive disease. Major projects Cardiac projects • STICHES – An NIH-sponsored worldwide study extending follow up of surviving subjects randomized in the STICH trial myocardial revascularization hypothesis (Hypothesis 1) for anВ additional 5 years to acquire critically important longer-term (10-year average) information on patients with HF and LVSD treated with optimal MED with and without CABG • Cox-Maze III three year follow-up: TheВ StВ Vincent’sВ experience • Early clinical experience with surgical ventricular restoration for dilated ischaemic cardiomyopathy • Insulin resistance, Adipocyte Biology andВ Cardiovascular Disease • Investigation of Causes of Heart Failure Study • ATACAS Trial: Aspirin and Tranexamic Acid forВ Coronary Artery Surgery • Investigations into a TNF inhibitor to limit complications following complex surgery • Training status is not associated with an increased risk of early or late mortality after isolated aortic valve replacement surgery • Adjunctive retrograde thoracic stent grafting during repair of acute Debakey type 1 dissection prevents development of thoracoabdominal aorticВ aneurysms • A mid-term follow-up of surgical ventricular restoration of patients from the STICH era • Association of pre-operative lipid levels on early outcomes after CABG • A four year retrospective nursing review comparing emergency coronary artery bypass surgery toВ elective coronary artery bypass surgery • Endocarditis – a 10 year retrospective analysis ofВ outcomes at St Vincent’s Hospital • Sternal wound infections: Microbiology andВ diagnostic strategies • Early experience of CoreValve implantation: aВ pilotВ retrospective study st vincent’s research report 2012 39 Cardiothoracics Thoracic projects • Clinical Lung Cancer Genome Project – anВ exploratory epidemiological genetics studyВ inВ lung cancer • Victorian Lung Cancer Initiative – A Victorian Cancer Agency funded program bringing together experts in cancer research to address four key projects: The Victorian Lung Cancer Registry, The Victorian Lung Cancer Bio-resource Network, The VCA Lung Cancer Molecular Pathology Platform and The Lung Cancer Chemoresistance Project • The use of molecular profiling in early non-small cell lung cancer to predict clinical course and identify pathologically important genes • Victorian Thoracic Malignancies Cohort Study – aВ prospective collection of clinical data and consent to access archived tissue from patients with thoracic malignancies to assist with identification of new targeted cancer therapies • FGFR1 project – development of clinical trials toВ investigate the effectiveness of FGFR1 inhibitors in the treatment of squamous cell lung cancers • WORLD Study: A phase III randomized trial ofВ lobectomy vs sublobar resection for small (≤2cm) peripheral non-small cell lung cancer • PACT: Patient perceptions of adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) for early NSCLC: WhatВ makes it worthwhile? • ASSGO6PM: A prospective longitudinal cohort studyВ describing quality of life in patients undergoing pulmonary metastasectomy forВ metastatic sarcoma • INSTEP trial: Influence of NSAIDs on Short Term Efficacy of Pleurodesis: A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial • PAINT study: Postoperative assessment ofВ intercostal neuralgia after thoracotomy andВ VATS – a prospective observational study Our breakthrough finding in thoracics was theВ discovery of excess copies of a gene called FGFR1 in about a quarter of squamous cell lung cancers. This has opened the way for clinical trialsВ ofВ inhibitors of this gene. In collaboration with the Anatomical Pathology department, weВ have validated a test which is highly accurate atВ detectingВ this gene abnormality. Staff Andrew Newcomb, Acting Director Cardiothoracic Surgery 1.0EFT Gavin Wright, Deputy Director Cardiothoracic Surgery, Director of Surgical Oncology VMO 3 sessions Philip Davis, Supervisor of Training Cardiothoracic Surgery 1.0EFT Michael Yii, Cardiac Surgeon VMO 3 sessions Ian Nixon, Cardiac Surgeon VMO 1 session Alexander Rosalion, Cardiac Surgeon VMOВ 1В session Naveed Alam, Thoracic Surgeon VMO 3 sessions Jim Dimitriou, Cardiac Registrar 1.0EFT Indra Noordstrand, Cardiac Registrar 1.0EFT Jay Bahaskar, Thoracic Registrar (February–JulyВ 2012) 1.0EFT Marosh Vrtik, Thoracic Registrar (August–December 2012) 1.0EFT Paul Conaglen, Research Fellow Zoe Wainer, Thoracic Surgical Oncology Translational Research Fellow (RACS Research Fellowship) Jane Mack, Research Coordinator 0.8EFT Sue Callaghan, Research Assistant, 0.5EFT Karen DuvГ©, Data Manager 0.6EFT Students Quality Andrew Newcomb, Masters of Surgery Our Cardiothoracic Surgery team performed the first surgery in Australia of a ground-breaking sutureless aortic valve replacement. The elimination of the need for sutures decreases the impact of the surgery on the patients and reduces the risk of complications. The intent in the future is to perform the replacement operation via a thoracotomy rather than sternotomy significantly shortening the length of the procedure and their subsequent recovery. Gavin Wright, PhD student Zoe Wainer, PhD student st vincent’s research report 2012 40 Cardiothoracics Theses passed in 2012 Jim Dimitriou – FRACS (Cardiothoracic Surgery), Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Indra Noordstrand – FRACS (Cardiothoracic Surgery), Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Service to the wider community A Newcomb • Royal Australasian College of Surgeons: –– Professional Development and Standards Board. ASCTS representative –– Cardiothoracic Board of Studies • University of Melbourne: –– Honorary Senior Lecturer, DepartmentВ ofВ Surgery • Western and Central Metropolitan Integrated Cancer Service: –– Management Advisory Committee • The Cancer Council, Victoria: –– Victorian Cooperative Oncology Group (VCOG) –– Medical Research Advisory Committee • Journal Review: –– Cancer –– Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery –– Heart, Lung & Circulation –– Respirology –– Journal of Thoracic Surgery –– Innovations –– Annals of Surgery –– St Vincent’s Cluster Executive • St Vincent’s Melbourne: –– Division of Surgery Executive –– Blood Transfusion Committee –– Chairman of Patient Identification and Procedure Matching Working Group • St Vincent’s and Mercy Private Hospital: –– Medical Advisory Committee • ASCTS: –– ASCTS Database Steering Committee member • Journal Review: –– Annals of Thoracic Surgery –– European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery –– Heart Lung and Circulation –– Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology G Wright • Royal Australasian College of Surgeons: –– RACS Endoscopic Working Party, Victorian State Committee • Australian Lung Cancer Trials Group: –– Scientific Advisory Committee • St Vincent’s Melbourne: –– Laser Safety Committee Member Grants Newcomb A Assessment of Dysglycaemia in Cardiac Surgery, StВ Vincent’s Hospital $15,000 for 1 year ($15,000 in 2012) Wright G Gene Expression Profiling of Morphologic Subtypes of Lung Adenocarcinoma: A new Taxonomy linking Tumour Cell Behaviour to Histological Phenotype, StВ Vincent’s Hospital $15,000 for 1 year ($15,000 in 2012) Wright G ALTG 04/009 – PACT: Patients’ perceptions of adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) for early NSCLC: What makes it worthwhile?, Cancer Australia $287,425 for 2009–2012 ($95,800 in 2012) Wright G Victorian Lung Cancer Initiative, Monash University $272,082 for 2011–2014 ($90,694 in 2012) Wright G CTMS (Cancer Trials Management Scheme)/VCTL (Victorian Cancer Trials Link), Cancer Council Victoria $8,580 for 2012–2013 ($4,290 in 2012) Wright G Clinical Lung Cancer Genome Project, CollingwoodВ Rotary Club $12,000 for 2012–2013 ($12,000 in 2012) st vincent’s research report 2012 41 Cardiothoracics Collaborations in research • The Max Planck Institute, Cologne, Germany (Clinical Lung Cancer Genome Project) • Molecular Pathology Research Laboratory, PeterВ MacCallum Cancer Centre • Bernard O’Brien Institute • Australian Catholic University, CardiovascularВ Research Centre Publications Journal articles A Newcomb Saxena A, Dinh DT, Smith JA, Shardey GC, Reid CM, Newcomb AE. (2012). Usefulness ofВ postoperative atrial fibrillation as an independent predictor for worse early and late outcomes after isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (multicenter Australian study of 19,497 patients). Am J Cardiol: Jan 15; 109(2): 219–25. Saxena A, Dinh DT, Yap CH, Reid CM, Billah B, Smith JA, Shardey GC, Newcomb AE. (2012). Critical analysis of early and late outcomes after isolated coronary artery bypass surgery in elderly patients. Ann Thorac Surg: Nov; 92(5): 1703–11. Hofferberth SC, Foley PT, Newcomb AE, Yap KK, Yii MY, Nixon IK, Wilson AM, Mossop PJ. (2012). Combined proximal endografting with distal baremetal stenting for management of aortic dissection. Ann Thorac Surg. Jan;93(1):95–102. Saxena A, Dinh DT, Reid CM, Smith JA, ShardeyВ GC, Newcomb AE.(2012). Sex differences inВ outcomes following isolated coronary artery bypass graft surgery in Australian patients: analysisВ of the Australasian Society of Cardiac andВ Thoracic Surgeons Cardiac Surgery database. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. Apr;41(4):755–62. Campbell DJ, Somaratne JB, Jenkins AJ, Prior DL, Yii M, Kenny JF, Newcomb AE, Kelly DJ, BlackВ MJ. (2012). Reduced microvascular density in non-ischemic myocardium of patients with recent non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction. IntВ JВ Cardiol. Mar 27. Hofferberth SC, Newcomb AE, Ryan MC, Yii MY, Nixon IK, Rosalion A, Boston RC, Ward GM, Wilson AM. (2012). High incidence of insulin resistance and dysglycemia amongst nondiabetic cardiac surgical patients. Ann Thorac Surg. Jul;94(1):117–22. Palmer S, Mariani JA, Newcomb A, Stokes MB, Burns AT. (2012). Successful application of a PressureWire retrogradely across an ATS prosthetic aortic valve to diagnose constrictive pericarditis. Cardiovasc Revasc Med. Sep-Oct;13(5):289–91. Hofferberth SC, Newcomb AE, Yii MY, Yap KK, Boston RC, Nixon IK, Mossop PJ. (2012). Combined proximal stent grafting plus distal bare metal stenting for management of aortic dissection: Superior to standard endovascular repair? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Oct;144(4):956–62. Saxena A, Dinh DT, Reid CM, Smith JA, Shardey GC, Newcomb AE. (2012). Does Preoperative Atrial Fibrillation Portend a Poorer Prognosis in Patients Undergoing Isolated Aortic Valve Replacement? AВ Multicentre Australian Study. Can J Cardiol. Nov 8. Campbell DJ, Somaratne JB, Jenkins AJ, Prior DL, YiiВ M, Kenny JF, Newcomb AE, Schalkwijk CG, Black MJ, Kelly DJ. (2012). Diastolic dysfunction ofВ aging is independent of myocardial structure butВ associated with plasma advanced glycation end-product levels. PLoS One. 7(11):e49813. G Wright Steinfort DP, Russell PA, Tsui A, White G, Wright G, Irving LB. Interobserver agreement in determining non-small cell lung cancer subtype in specimens acquired by EBUS-TBNA. (2012). Eur Respir J. Sep;40(3): 699–705. Paramanathan A, Wright G. Pulmonary metastasectomy for sarcoma of gynaecologic origin. (2012). Heart Lung Circ. Dec 20. pii: S1443– 9506(12)01369–8. Wainer Z, Daniels MG, Callahan J, Binns D, HicksВ RJ, Antippa P, Russell PA, Alam NZ, ConronВ M, Solomon B, Wright GM. Sex and SUVmax: Sex-Dependent Prognostication in Early Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. (2012). J. Nucl. Med. Nov;53(11):1676–85. st vincent’s research report 2012 42 Cardiothoracics Peifer M, Fernandez-Cuesta LFA, Sos ML, … WrightВ GM, …Thomas RK. (2012). Integrative genome analyses identify key somatic driver mutations of small-cell lung cancer. Nature Genetics. 2012 Oct;44(10):1104–10. Wright GM. VATS lobectomy lymph node management. (2012). Ann Cardiothorac Surg. 1(1):В 51–55. Wright GM. Video-assisted thoracoscopic pulmonaryВ resections – The Melbourne experience. (2012). Ann Cardiothorac Surg. 1(1): 11–15. Dear RF, Kelly PJ, Wright GM, Stalley P, McCaughan BC, Tattersall MHN. (2012). Pulmonary metastasectomy for bone and soft tissue sarcoma inВ Australia: 114 patients from 1978 to 2008. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol.. Sep;8(3):292–302. Speaking engagements A Newcomb Minimally Invasive Conduit Harvest. Invited Lecture. ANZSCTS ASM Hobart 2012 Minimally Invasive Valve Surgery. St Vincent’s Hospital Inaugural Surgical Forum, November 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 43 Cardiovascular ResearchВ Centre The Cardiovascular Research Centre (CvRC) conducts interdisciplinary cardiovascular research, focusing on basic, clinical research andВ improvement of health outcomes. The Centre is collaboration among the School ofВ Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine at theВ Australian Catholic University, the School of Medicine at the University of Melbourne andВ StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. Major projects About us • Refractory Hypertension: Renal Sympathetics Radiofrequency Ablation The objectives of CvRC are to conduct both basic and clinical outcomes-focused research; to provide research training and higher education career pathways for health professionals; and to educate the public and develop better health care initiatives for prevention and treatment of CVD. CvRC hasВ nine programs of research; each program is focused onВ different aspects of CVD. Interventional Cardiology investigates early and effective CVD intervention through clinical trials. Health Outcomes Research concentrates on implementing research into clinical practice, with anВ emphasis on the role of nurses. Prevention of CVD addresses the established primary and secondary risk factors which may lead to a cardiac event. Psychosocial Research looks at the psychosocial aspects of CVD, including behavioural and lifestyle change, in order to reduce the risk and burden of the disease. Cardiac Services studies the pathophysiology of the pulmonary circulation and interventional devices. Mental Health & Wellbeing focuses on CVD-related depression in patients, as well as its relation to other CVD risks such as smoking and obesity. Heart Failure & Imaging looks at the use of non-invasive cardiac imaging for early detection of cardiac disease. Vascular & Cardiac Surgery investigates new and innovative ways toВ improve patient outcomes and develop efficient procedures. Basic CVD Science aims toВ develop new strategies and treatment approaches to reduceВ the impact of chronic heart failure. Within the nine programs of CvRC, the following projects were underway in 2012: Interventional Cardiology • Percutaneous Aortic Valves (Corevalve study) • BioAbsorbable Stents study • BRANCH Bifurcation Stent study • Platinum QCA & WH Sent study • Coronary Sinus Contrast Scavenger: Osprey study Health Outcomes Research • Nurse-Led Risk Intervention Screening Clinic (NL-RISC) – Completed • Managing depression and anxiety risk in those with cardiovascular disease: A nurse-led intervention – Completed • A secondary prevention patient centred model forВ smoking cessation – Completed • Strengthening Cardiac Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People with Acute Coronary Syndrome – Completed • Exploring Aboriginal patients’ experience ofВ acuteВ cardiac care at St Vincent’s – Ongoing • Cardiac Depression Scale (CDS) audit – Implementing a depression pathway forВ cardiacВ patients: An audit of its uptake inВ theВ real-world – Completed • Role of Dialysis – Nurse Practitioner Study – Ongoing Prevention of CVD • Identification of a novel inflammatory biomarkers • Plasma proteomics • Inflammation and atherosclerosis • Abnormalities in Nitric Oxide metabolism role of DDAH/ADMA (Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase/Asymmetric dimethylarginine) • Links between obesity, insulin resistance and CVD • Prevention of Atherosclerosis st vincent’s research report 2012 44 Cardiovascular ResearchВ Centre Psychosocial Research • Cardiac structure and function in endurance athletes • Psychosocial issues in cardiovascular diseaseВ management • Screening for cardiac abnormalities inВ AustralianВ athletes • Self-care and cognitive impairment inВ chronicВ heartВ failure • Effects of exercise training on cardiac structure andВ function in indigenous footballers • Neurocognitive aspects of depression and CVD Cardiac Services • Assessing early pulmonary hypertension inВ scleroderma • Echocardiographic assessment left ventricular (LV)В function • Echocardiographic assessment of cardiac functionВ in athletes Vascular and Cardiac Surgery • Clinical and QoL follow-up of radial artery harvestВ patients, comparing open and endoscopicВ harvesting • Functional assessment of endoscopically harvested arteries compared to conventionally harvested radial arteries • Cost of health care delivery • Coronary physiology and interventional devices • Epidemiologically based outcomes research intoВ high risk populations for cardiac surgery Mental Health and Wellbeing • Heart failure and left ventricular leads placed atВ time of concomitant surgery • An audit of current screening and referral mechanisms towards the recognition andВ treatment for depression in people withВ cardiacВ disease • Being вЂ�fat’ in today’s world: A socio-cultural investigation of overweight and obesity • An open trial of a (CBT)-based smoking cessation intervention plus varenicline intervention in people with a psychotic disorder • Improving the lifestyles of people with aВ psychoticВ illness • An audit of metabolic monitoring in a mental health service • A longitudinal study of cardiac echocardiograms inВ patients on clozapine Heart Failure & Imaging • An audit of cardiac echocardiograms in patients on clozapine • Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure Extension Study (STICHES) Trial • Effect of diabetes on the heart • Echocardiographic assessment of cardiac fibrosis • Outcomes of aortic dissection using aВ hybridВ approach • Investigation of cardiotomy filtrate components • Impact of use of different wound dressings onВ wound infection rates • Impact of mini cardiopulmonary bypass circuit onВ inflammation and clinical outcomes • Echocardiography Guided Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Clinical InvestigationВ (EchoCRT) • Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure Extension Study (STICHES) Trial Basic CVD Science • Novel therapeutic strategies to reduce the burden of chronic heart failure • Development of new anti-fibrotic drugs forВ prevention of diabetic nephropathy • Prevention and treatment of chronic heart andВ kidney disease via epidemiological, pharmacological device and cell based approaches • Assessment of early pulmonary arterial hypertension using dobutamine stress echocardiograms in patients with scleroderma • NT-proBNP and the identification and treatment ofВ structural heart disease and heart failure inВ high-risk individuals st vincent’s research report 2012 45 Cardiovascular ResearchВ Centre Research highlights A/Prof Karen-leigh Edward • In May, St Vincent’s hosted the successful Prevention Week, an event featuring daily activities designed to raise awareness of CVD prevention. The event was organised by CvRC’s Prevention Group, which is chaired by A/Prof Andrew Wilson and was co-ordinated by Ms Rhonda Sanders. A/Prof David Prior • In August, CvRC researchers had over 10 posters on display at St Vincent’s Research Week. Research Fellows, Assistants & Associates: • Prof Linda Worrall-Carter was awarded the Cardiovascular Nursing Lecture at the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand’s 60th Annual Scientific Meeting. Dr Chris Judkins • A/Prof Karen-leigh Edward was awarded the Emerging Leader Award at the Catholic Health Australia 2012 Awards. Dr Jan Cameron Quality Ms Rhonda Sanders A/Prof Wilson leads the Risk Consortium at StВ Vincent’s, Prevention @ St Vincent’s that focuses on the use of evidence-based practice to ensure early identification and treatment of cardiovascular risk factors for individuals who have had a primary vascular event related to arthrosclerosis. It aims toВ help individuals to develop strategies that will helpВ them to live with these risk factors. Dr Muhammad Aziz Rahman In this context, several programs are jointly working on improving the options of patient care. For example, nurse-led clinics have been implemented into the service structure to screen patients for risk factors such as depression and smoking. These clinics areВ improving patient care and increasing awareness of disease as a preventive measure. Several other clinics and measurements are being verified for future implementation into the service structure ofВ the hospital. Students Staff The University of Melbourne Heads of Programs: Prof Robert Whitbourn, Director of CvRC Prof Linda Worrall-Carter, Director of CvRC A/Prof Andrew Wilson, Deputy Director of CvRC Prof David Thompson Prof David Castle A/Prof Chantal Ski A/Prof Andrew MacIsaac A/Prof Darren Kelly Dr Andrew Newcomb Dr Peter Mossop Dr Jithendra Somaratne Dr Sonny Palmer Dr Paul Williams Dr Carolina Chavez Ms Jane Reid Ms Karen Daws Ms Elizabeth Hristov Ms Christine Wright Ms Katherine McQualter Ms Sally Kemp Australian Catholic University (ACU) Ms Elizabeth Scruth, PhD student Ms Lisa Kuhn, PhD student Mr Malcolm Elliott, PhD student Swinburne University Ms Sarah Brennan, PhD student Mr Akshat Saxena, MBBS student Ms Andrea Philipou, PhD student Dr Carol Silberberg, DMedSci student Mr Dharshan Palasubramnain, AdvancedВ MedicalВ Science student Dr James Le Bas, PhD student Dr Jennifer Coller, PhD student Dr Maria Brosnan, PhD student Mr Mark Waddingham, PhD student st vincent’s research report 2012 46 Cardiovascular ResearchВ Centre Dr Melissa Tang, PhD student Dr Nicole Joshua, PhD student Dr Paul Conaglen, Masters of Surgery student Mr Paul-Jon Goh, Advanced Medical ScienceВ student Ms Sophie Hofferberth, BMedSci student • Member, Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) • Member, Royal College of Nursing, Australia (RCNA) • Member, Australian Cardiovascular Health andВ Rehabilitation Association (ACRA) Dr Stuart Murch, DMedSci student • Member, National Tertiary Education Industry Union (NTEU) Ms Sue Lauder, PhD student • Research Ambassador, Heart Foundation Mr Xianzhong Lau, PhD student Ms Zuhaili Zahari, Advanced Medical ScienceВ student Victoria University International Conference Chair: • Member for the Heart Foundation ScientificВ Program Mr Frank Perri, PhD student Grant Review Theses passed in 2012 • Australian Research Council (LinkageВ andВ Discovery projects) Ms Christina Tan. PhD, University of Melbourne Dr Michael Zhang. PhD, University of Melbourne Ms Fay Khong. PhD, University of Melbourne Ms Suree Lekawanvijit. PhD, Monash University Service to the wider community Prof Robert Whitbourn • Fellow, The Royal Australasian College ofВ Physicians (FRACP) • Fellow, The Cardiac Society of Australia andВ NewВ Zealand (FCSANZ) • Member, Asia-Pacific Society ofВ InterventionalВ Cardiology • Member, Australian Medical Association • Member, The Medical Defence Association ofВ Victoria • Executive Member, Australia & New Zealand Endovascular Therapies Meeting, 2007, 2008,В 2011 Prof Linda Worrall-Carter • ARC Social Sciences Collaboration (LinkageВ International funding) • NHMRC • Heart Foundation of Australia • Killam Research Fellowship (CanadaВ CouncilВ forВ the Arts) • Nurses Board of Victoria Editorial Board Member: • Nursing & Health Sciences Manuscript Review: • International Journal of Cardiology • European Journal of Heart Failure • Heart and Lung • European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing • Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing • Australian Critical Care • Contemporary Nurse • Nursing & Health Sciences • Founding Member, Australasian Cardiovascular Nurses College (ACNC) • Founding Member, Cardiovascular Nurses Council (CSANZ) • Affiliate Member, Cardiac Society of Australia andВ New Zealand (CSANZ) st vincent’s research report 2012 47 Cardiovascular ResearchВ Centre A/Prof Andrew Wilson A/Prof Chantal Ski • Organising committee, ClinicalВ ResearchВ Excellence • Member, Australian Psychological Society (APS) • Chair, Victorian Clinical Researcher Network • Member, National Foundation for Australian Women • Chair, Expert Advisory Group, Accreditation, RoyalВ Australasian College of Physicians • Lead Fellow, Accreditation (Adult Medicine), RoyalВ Australasian College of Physicians • Chair, Accreditation Subcommittee, (AdultВ Medicine), Royal Australasian CollegeВ ofВ Physicians • Member, Centre for Loss and Grief Education • Member, Cardiac Society of Australia andВ NewВ Zealand (CSANZ) • Member, Mental Health Interuniversity ResearchВ Group (MHIRG) A/Prof Andrew MacIsaac Prof David Thompson • Fellow, Cardiac Society of Australia andВ NewВ Zealand • Member, Royal College of Nursing Research Society • Member, National Heart Foundation of Australia • Member, British Psychological Society • Member, British Cardiovascular Society • Member, British Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation Editorial Posts: • Editor, European Journal ofВ CardiovascularВ Nursing • Fellow, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography &В Intervention (SCAI) • Member, American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) Professional Activities: • Federal Councillor and Member of the Continuing Education and Recertification Committee, CardiacВ Society of Australia and New Zealand • Editorial Board Member, European Journal ofВ Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation • Member of National Examining Panel andВ Overseas Trained Physicians (OTP) Assessment Panel, The Royal Australasian CollegeВ of Physicians • Editorial Board Member, Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing • Member of the Cardiovascular Guidelines WritingВ Group for Therapeutic Guidelines • Editorial Board Member, BMC Nursing Prof David Castle • Editorial Board Member, IntensiveВ &В CriticalВ CareВ Nursing Professional Affiliations: • Regional Editor, International Journal ofВ NursingВ Practice • Editorial Board Member, Heart • Fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists, UnitedВ Kingdom Committees: • Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists • European Society of Cardiology, Council onВ Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied ProfessionsВ Board • European Society of Cardiology, Council onВ Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied ProfessionsВ Science Committee, Chair • British Heart Foundation Overarching Nurses andВ Allied Professions Committee • Association of European Psychiatrists (AEP) • International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) • Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) • International Society for Affective Disorders (ISAD) • Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law (ANZAPPL) • British Association for Nursing in Cardiovascular Care Council st vincent’s research report 2012 48 Cardiovascular ResearchВ Centre • Australasian Society for Psychiatry Research (ASPR) • Anxiety Recovery Centre of Victoria (ArcVic) • European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) (Corresponding member) • Australian Association of Smoking Cessation Professionals (Full Member) A/Prof Karen-leigh Edward Professional Memberships: • Chair/Director of the ACU/SVPM Nursing Research Unit, SVPM • Chair and Founder, Mental Health Interuniversity Research Group (MHIRG) • Fellow, Australian College of Mental Health Nurses • Credentialed MHN, Australian College ofВ MentalВ Health Nurses (ACMHN) • Member, SVHM Research Week Planning Committee, SVHM • Member, University HREC, AustralianВ CatholicВ University • Member of the Research in Standing Committee, Australian Catholic University • Senior Research Associate, BanyuleВ CommunityВ Health Centre A/Prof David Prior Professional Memberships: • Chairman of Victorian division of Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand • Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine • American College of Cardiology • American Society of Echocardiography • Board member, Heart Foundation Victoria Journal reviewer: • International Journal of Sports Medicine • Journal of the American College of Cardiology • JACC Cardiovascular Imaging • The American Journal of Cardiology • Heart Lung and Circulation • The Journal of Human Hypertension Dr Andrew Newcomb Committee Positions: • RACS Cardiothoracic Board of Studies • HREC-A Professional member, SVHM • Clinical Policy Review Committee, SVHM • Member, Integrated Risk Committee, SVPM • Younger Surgeons’ Group Representative onВ ASCTS Council • Member, OHS Committee, SVPM • ASCTS Database Steering Committee member • Member, Research Committee, SVPM • St Vincent’s Blood Transfusion Committee • Member, Heads of Department, SVPM • Division of Surgery Executive, St Vincent’s Hospital • Member, Mercy Private NUM Group, SVPM • University of Melbourne SVH Cluster executive • Member, St Vincent’s Private NUM Group, SVPM • Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Professional Development and Standards Board. ASCTS representative • Member, MHN in Private Practice Group, Australian College of Mental Health Nurses • Member, Nurse-led Enquiry Group (Mental health) Austin Health • Member, Best Practice Group, (Acute care) AustinВ Health • Research Associate, NaCCOR/ACU Professional Memberships: • Fellow Royal, Australian College of Surgeons • Full Member, Australasian Society ofВ Cardiothoracic Surgeons • Fellow, Cardiac Society of Australia andВ NewВ Zealand • International Member, SocietyВ ofВ ThoracicВ Surgeons st vincent’s research report 2012 49 Cardiovascular ResearchВ Centre • Senior Medical Staff Association, StВ Vincent’sВ Hospital • Journal Endocrinology • Australian Medical Association • Circulation and Laboratory Investigation • Expert Opinions • Medical Indemnity Protection Society Journal Reviewer: • Annals of Thoracic Surgery • European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery • Medical Science Monitor • Anatolian Journal of Cardiology • Heart Lung and Circulation A/Prof Darren Kelly Professional Memberships: • Member and Fellow, American Society ofВ Nephrology (FASN) • Member, American Diabetes Association • Member, Australian and New Zealand Society ofВ Nephrology • Member, European Association for the Study ofВ Diabetes. • Member, European Diabetic Nephropathy StudyВ Group • Member, Australian Diabetes Society • Subject Editor (Integrative Biology), Nephrology • Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD) • Member of the RMIT Pharmaceutical Sciences Program Advisory Committee • Member of the Faculty of the Australasian ReninВ Academy Journal reviewer: • Diabetologia • Kidney International • Journal of Diabetic Complications • Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice • American Journal of Pathology • American Journal of Physiology • Nephrology and also subject editor ofВ integrativeВ biology • Dialysis and Transplantation Grants Krum, H., Kelly, D.J., Reid, C. Prevention and treatment of chronic heart and kidney disease via epidemiological, pharmacological device and cell-based approaches, NHMRC $5,400,000 for 2010–2014 Stewart, S., Thompson, D.R., Abhayaratna, W., Marwick, T., Carrington, M., Gould, P., Kostner, K., Inglis, S., Schuffham, P., Haluska, B & Ski C.F. Integration of risk evaluation in cardiovascular disease management programs, NHMRC $3,200,000 for 2011–2015 Stewart, S., Brown, A., Thompson, D., Stocks, N., Scuffham, P., Eades, S., Carrington, M., Sliwa, K. & Maguire, G. Centre of Research Excellence to Reduce Inequality in Heart Disease, NHMRC, Centres of Research Excellence Health Services funding $2,493,649 for 2012–2017 Brown, A., Carrington, M., Eades, S., Thompson,В D.R. & Zeitz, C. The central Australian heart protection study: A randomised trial of nurse-led, family based secondary prevention of acute coronary syndromes, NHMRC 2011–2015 ($1,830,401 in 2012) Campbell, D., Prior, D., Liew, D., Wolffe, R. NT-proBNP and the identification and treatment ofВ structural heart disease and heart failure in high-risk individuals, NHMRC $1,490,773 for 2009–2013 Kelly, D.J. Pre-clinical development of a novel compound toВ treat diabetic heart disease, NHMRC $471,706 for 2011–2013 Worrall-Carter, L., Page, K., Rolley, J., Thompson, S., Daws, K., Leishman, M., McCarthy, S., Whitbourn, R., & MacIsaac, A. Delivering best practice and education for the contemporary cardiac catheter laboratory environment, Medtronic $160,000 for 2010–2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 50 Cardiovascular ResearchВ Centre Worrall-Carter, L., Page, K., Thompson, D., Ski,В C., Castle, D., Whitbourn, R., Salzberg, M. &В Wilson, A. Managing depression and anxiety risk in those with cardiovascular disease: A nurse-led intervention, beyondblue: the national depression initiative $120,760 for 2011–2012 Cameron, J., Thompson, D.R. & Ski, C.F. Evaluating an assessment tool to guide heart failureВ self-care education, Nurse’s Board of Victoria, Mona Menzies Postdoctoral Research Grant $49,105 for 2012 Conaglen, P., Wilson, A.M. & Newcomb, A.E. Insulin resistance and nitric oxide metabolism in non-diabetic patients undergoing cardiac surgery, StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne $19,964 for 2012 Chavez, C., Ski, C.F., Jelinek, M. &В Thompson,В D.R. Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions on comorbid depression and coronary heart disease/A systematic review & meta-analysis., ACU $13,200 for 2012 Stanley, M., Langham, R., Rahman, M.A., Worrall-Carter, L. Dialysis Nurse Practitioner Model of Care atВ St.В Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne: 10 Years ofВ activity, Australian and New Zealand Society ofВ Nephrology $10,000 for 2012 Collaborations in research National • Austin Health Worrall-Carter, L., Tramm, R., Daws, K., Schadewaldt, V. & Prasad, M. Implementing a depression pathway for cardiac patients: An audit of its uptake in the real-world, StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne $15,159 for 2012 • Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute Cameron, J., Ski, C.F., New, G. & Thompson, D.R. Evaluation of a heart failure patient self-care ability screening tool: applying a sliding scale of nursing intervention, ACU $15,091 for 2012 • Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Castle, D., Lautenschlager, N., Thompson, D.R., Ski, C.F., Rolley, J., Hsueh, A. & Moore, G. Improving the mental health of carers of stroke patients: A pilot study of Australian Care Coordination (ACCORD) program, StВ Vincent’sВ Hospital Melbourne $15,000 for 2012 • Stanford University Medical Center, USA Newcomb, A. Assessment of dysglycemia in cardiac surgery, StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne $15,000 for 2012 Publications Wilson, A. Abnormalities in the enzyme DDAH: A novel link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease, StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne $15,000 for 2012 • Curtin University • Deakin University • Monash University • Pacific Clinical Research Group • St Vincent’s Centre for Nursing Research (SVCNR) • The Heart Foundation International • University of Alberta, Canada • University of California, USA • University of Kentucky, USA • University of Pennsylvania, USA Books Castle, D.J., Hood, S., Starcevic, V. (eds.) Anxiety Disorders: Current Understandings, NovelВ Treatments. Australian Postgraduate Medicine, Melbourne, 2012; ISBN 978–0–646–58113–2. Book chapters Castle, D.J., Olver, J. & Crino, R. (2012). Treatment advances in OCD. In: Castle DJ, Hood S, Starcevic V (eds.), Anxiety Disorders: Current Understandings, Novel Treatments. Australian Postgraduate Medicine, Melbourne. 137–152. st vincent’s research report 2012 51 Cardiovascular ResearchВ Centre Castle, D.J., Tran, N., Bosanac, P. & Alderton, D. (2012). Management of acute behavioural disturbance in psychosis. In: Castle, D.J., Copolov, D.L., Wykes, T., Mueser, K. (eds.) Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments in Schizophrenia, 3rdВ Ed, Informa Healthcare, London. Silberberg, C., Castle, D.J., Koethe, D. (2012). Cannabis, cannabinoids and bipolar disorder. In: Castle DJ, Murray RM, D’Souza DC (eds.) Marijuana and Madness 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press 2012; 129–136. Castle, D.J., Tran. N., & Alderton, D. (2012). Psychopharmacological management of schizophrenia and related disorders. In: CastleВ DJ, Copolov DL, Wykes T, Mueser K (eds.)В Pharmacological and Psychosocial TreatmentsВ in Schizophrenia, 3rd Ed, Informa Healthcare, London. Addis, S., Sherwood, D., Mace, W., Mancuso, S.G., Koloth, R. & Castle, D.J. (2012). A naturalistic study of pharmacological management of behavioural disturbance in psychosis. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, 8(2):120–125. Castle, D.J., Wykes, T., Bosanac, P. & Knoesen, N. (2012). Depression and anxiety in schizophrenia. In: Castle DJ, Copolov DL, Wykes T, Mueser K (eds.) Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments in Schizophrenia, 3rd Ed, Informa Healthcare, London. Clark, A.M., Ski, C. & Thompson, D.R. (2012). Heart failure disease management: An update. In: Best Practices in the Behavioral Management of Chronic Disease. Volume 2: Other Medical Disorders. (Eds: Trafton, J.A. & Gordon, W.) SanВ Francisco, CA: Institute for Brain Potential, S8–1 – S8–4. Copolov, D. & Castle, D.J. (2012). The management of negative symptoms. In: Castle DJ, Copolov DL, Wykes T, Mueser K (eds.) Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments in Schizophrenia, 3rd Ed, Informa Healthcare, London. James, W. & Castle, D.J. (2012). Addressing cannabis use in people with psychosis. In: Castle DJ, Murray RM, D’Souza DC (eds.) Marijuana and Madness 2nd Edition,Cambridge University Press 2012; 225–233. James, W., Mueser, K. & Castle, D.J. (2012). Substance abuse comorbidity in schizophrenia. In: Castle DJ, Copolov DL, Wykes T, Mueser K (eds.) Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments in Schizophrenia, 3rd Ed, Informa Healthcare, London. Lautenschlager, N., Rabins, P.V. & Castle, D.J. (2012). Schizophrenia in late life. In: Castle DJ, Copolov DL, Wykes T, Mueser K (eds.) Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments in Schizophrenia, 3rd Ed, Informa Healthcare, London. Journal articles Bosanac, P. & Castle, D. (2012). Schizophrenia andВ depression. Medical Journal of Australia, 1 (4): 36–39. Brazionis, L., Ting, E., Itsiopoulos, C., Wilson, A., Hodge, A. (2012). The effects of fish or fish oil on the omega-3 index. Nutrition and Dietetics, 69(1):5–12. 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St Vincent’s Research Week, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia. 22В August Cameron, J., Ski, C.F., Thompson, D.R. (2012). Development of an assessment tool and scoring matrix for heart failure self-care ability. Australasian Cardiovascular Nursing College Conference, Sydney, Australia. 23–24 February Castle, D. (2012). BDD: a disorder in search of aВ nosological home. Invited speaker at Australian Psychiatrist Expert Group Conference, Werribee, Victoria, Australia. 20–22 April Castle, D. (2012). Bipolar mixed states. Invited speaker at Victoria Clinic, Melbourne, Australia. 22В August Castle, D. (2012). Body image and teen mental health. Invited keynote speaker at Rotary Mental Health Forum, Beaumaris, Melbourne. 21 March Castle, D. (2012). Clinical Research at St Vincent’s: Academic and Translational Updates in Mental Health. (Symposium Chair). St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia. 27 September Castle, D. (2012). Depression with anxiety, anxiety and depression, anxious depression? A role forВ agomelatine? Speaker at Royal ANZ College ofВ Psychiatrists Annual Conference, Hobart, Australia. 20–23 May Castle, D. (2012). Detecting non-adherence and shared decision-making: two steps towards longterm remission in schizophrenia. Invited speaker tourВ at Singapore (including Institute of Mental Health, Singapore General Hospital, National University Hospital). 27–28 August Castle, D. (2012). Early intervention in psychosis is not justified. Invited debater at Royal Melbourne Hospital Mental Health Forum, Melbourne, Australia. 20 February Castle, D. (2012). Early intervention in psychosis: not enough, not early enough. Invited speaker at Clinical Controversies Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia. 29 July Castle, D. (2012). Enhancing treatment outcomes in schizophrenia; The role of case management inВ relapse prevention. Invited speaker tour at HongВ Hong and Macau (including Kwai Chung Hospital, Princess Mary Hospital). 29–31 August Castle, D. (2012). Improving outcomes in schizophrenia. Invited speaker at Fremantle Hospital Mental Health Forum, Fremantle, Western Australia. 22 June Castle, D. (2012). Improving outcomes in schizophrenia: learnings from Australia. Invited speaker at Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) Annual Congress, Liverpool, UK. 12 July Castle, D. (2012). Medical Morbidity in Schizophrenia: Recognition & Management. GrandВ Round, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. 28 May Castle, D. (2012). Optimising schizophrenia outcomes. Invited speaker at Broadmeadows Mental Health Service, Melbourne, Australia. 4 April Castle, D. (2012). Promoting good outcomes inВ schizophrenia. Invited speaker at Eastern Health Mental Health Forum, Melbourne, Australia. 21В August Castle, D. (2012). Psychiatric aspects of marijuana; Optimising schizophrenia outcomes. Invited speaker at Centre for Remote Health, Alice Springs, Australia. 26–27 March st vincent’s research report 2012 58 Cardiovascular ResearchВ Centre Castle, D. (2012). Recent evidence in the understanding of schizophrenia trajectory and implications for clinical practice. Invited speaker at PsyAcademy Asia Faculty Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand. 25–26 May Castle, D. (2012). Smoking and other cardiovascular disease risk behaviours among people with severe mental disorders; IV droperidol or olanzapine asВ adjuncts to midazolam for the acutely agitated patient: a mulit-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial (poster presentations). Delegate at Third Biennial Schizophrenia Research Society Conference, Florence, Italy. 14–18 April Castle, D. (2012). Will there be less work for future old age psychiatrists if early psychosis interventions actually work? Invited speaker at AUPOA Annual Symposium, Challenges in current thinking about mental disorders in the elderly, Melbourne, Australia. 24 February Conaglen, P., Davis, P., Tran, L., Reid, C. & Newcomb, A. (2012). Risk-Prediction Scoring inВ Endocarditis. Validation of Aus-SCORE and STSBased EndoSCORE in Australia. Poster Presentation at ANZSCTS ASM, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Daws, K., Punch, A., Willis, J., Winters, M., Posenelli, S., Belfrage, M., MacIsaac, A., McDonald, L. & Worrall-Carter, L. (2012). It’sВ notВ rocket science – small changes that make aВ really big difference to health outcomes for Aboriginal patients. Victorian Aboriginal Health Conference 2012, Melbourne, Australia. 24–25 May Daws, K., Worrall-Carter, L., Hristov, E., Rahman, M.A., Wilson, A. (2012). Adherence to secondary prevention medication guidelines for cardiovascular disease: Baseline data from a nurse-led risk intervention screening clinic. Poster presented at St Vincent’s Research Week, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia. 20–22 August Edward, K., & Mills, C. (2012). The use of research outreach ward seminars to build research capacity and culture: an evaluation of staff perceptions, StВ Vincent’s Research Week. Melbourne, VIC, 20–22В August Edward, K., & Welch, A. (2012). Extending qualitative research methods for healthcare research. 2nd International Nursing Research Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 9–10 February Conaglen, P., Davis, P., Tran, L., Reid, C. &В Newcomb, A. (2012). Surgery for Infective Endocarditis in Australia. Postop and Mid-Term Outcomes from the ANZSCTS Database. ANZSCTS ASM. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Edward, K., Warelow, P., Hercelinskyj, G., Welch, A., Hemingway, S., McAndrew, S., & Stephenson, J. (2012). The Fabric of a Career in Mental Health Nursing from an Australian and UK perspective, ACMHN 38th International Mental Health Nursing Conference “Fabric of life” Darwin, Australia, 4–7В October Conaglen, P., Shan, L., Webb, D., Buratto, E., Davis,В P., Yii, M, Nixon, I., Rosalion, A. &В Newcomb,В A. (2012). Concomitant Epicardial LeftВ Ventricular Lead Implantation in Cardiac Surgical Patients with Impaired Cardiac Function. ANZSCTS ASM, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Goh, S., Prior, D., Newcomb, A. & Yii, M. (2012). Proven Durability Of “Down-Under Repair” For Ischaemic Mitral Regurgitation At 5-Year FollowUp. 20th Annual Meeting of The Asian Society forВ Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery (ASCVTS), Nusa Dua, Indonesia. March Conaglen, P., Wilson, A. M. & Newcomb, A. E. (2012). Insulin Resistance, Vaso-reactivity and Nitric Oxide Metabolites in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. Peter Ryan Prize PresentationSt Vincent’sВ Hospital Inaugural Surgical Forum, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. November Goh, S., McLellan, A., Prior, D., Newcomb, A., Dimitriou, J., Rosalion, A., Nixon, I. & Yii, M. (2012). Surgical Ventricular Restoration (SVR) Procedure: AВ Single Centre Comparison of STICH vs NonSTICH Patients. Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), Fort Lauderdale, USA. January Hemingway, S., Edward, K., Warelow, P., Hercelinskyj, G., Welch, A., & McAndrew, S. (2012). Careering forward: Why do people in Australia and the UK choose for a career in mental health nursing? 2nd Horatio festival, Stockholm, 20–23 September st vincent’s research report 2012 59 Cardiovascular ResearchВ Centre Hofferberth, S.C., Newcomb, A.E., Yii, M.Y., Nixon,В I.K. & Mossop, P.J. (2012). Midterm Outcomes of Combined Proximal Endografting with Distal True Lumen Bare Metal Stenting forВ Management of Type B Aortic Dissection. ASCVTS, Nusa Dua, Indonesia. March Hofferberth, S.C., Newcomb, A.E., Yii, M.Y., Nixon,В I.K. & Mossop, P.J. (2012).Combined Proximal Stent Grafting Plus Distal Bare Metal Stenting for Management of Aortic Dissection: Superior to Standard Endovascular Repair?. 92ndВ Annual Meeting of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, San Francisco, USA. April Hristov, E., Worrall-Carter, L., Daws, K., Edward,В K-L., Wilson, A., Rahman, M.A., Page, K. (2012). Baseline data of a nurse-led risk intervention screening clinic for cardiovascular disease. PosterВ presented at St Vincent’s Research Week, StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia. 20–22В August Kuhn, L., Page, K., Ward, J., Worrall-Carter,В L. (2012). Risk factors for increased time to treatment for acute myocardial infarction in Victorian emergency departments: A regression-tree analysis. 10thВ International Conference for Emergency Nursing for the College of Emergency Nursing Australasia, Hobart, Australia. 10–13 October McQuilten, Z., Andrianopoulos, N., Wood, E., Cole-Sinclair, M., McNeil, J., Cameron, P., Reid, C., Newcomb, A., Smith, J., Phillips, L. (2012). Wide Variation in Transfusion Practice in Cardiac Surgery: Results from the ANZSCTS Cardiac Surgery Database, ANZSCTS ASM, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia McQuilten, Z., Enticott, J., Wood, E., Cole-Sinclair,В M., McNeil, J., Cameron, P., Reid,В C., Newcomb, A., Smith, J., Phillips, L. & Andrianopoulos, N. (2012). Development of a Risk Prediction Model for Large Volume Red Cell Transfusion in Cardiac Surgery. Poster Presentation at ANZSCTS ASM, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Naidu, P., Edward, K., Murphy, M., Gleeson, G., &В vanGaal, W. (2012). A Comparison of Mean Dtn forВ Thrombolysis as Compared to Mean Dtb Time For Primary Pci in the First 12 Months of a New Cardiac Cath Lab. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, Brisbane, 16–19 August Newcomb, A. (2012). Minimally Invasive Conduit Harvest. Invited Lecture. ANZSCTS ASM. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Newcomb, A.E. (2012). Minimally Invasive Valve Surgery. St Vincent’s Hospital Inaugural Surgical Forum, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. November Punch, A., Daws, K., Willis, J., Winters, M., Posenelli, S., MacIsaac, A., Rahman, M.A., Worrall-Carter, L. (2012). Aboriginal patients with acute coronary syndrome: diagnoses and interventions at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. Moderated Oral Poster Presentation at StВ Vincent’s Research Week, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia. 20 August Punch, A., Daws, K., Willis, J., Winters, M., Posenelli, S., MacIsaac, A., Rahman, M.A., Worrall-Carter, L. (2012). Aboriginal patients with acute coronary syndrome: diagnoses and interventions at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. Poster presented at St Vincent’s Research Week, StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia. 20–22В August Scruth, E., Merz, N.B., Worrall-Carter, L. &В Cheng,В E. (2012). Cardiovascular Risk Prediction Tools in Women with STEMI undergoing PCI. Poster presented at Women’s Health Conference, Washington DC, USA. 16–18 March Scruth, E., Worrall-Carter, L. & Cheng, E. (2012). Use of risk scoring tools to determine risk of secondary cardiac and non cardiac events during hospitalization for ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction in a cohort of women. Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Research Congress, Brisbane, Australia. 30В July–3 August Shi, W.Y., Yap, C-H., Newcomb, A.E., Tran, L., Reid, C.M., Shardey, G.C. & Smith, J.A. (2012). Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Rurality on Early Outcomes and Mid term Survival after CABG: Insights from a Multicentre Registry. Poster Presentation at ANZSCTS ASM, Hobart, Tasmania,В Australia Ski, C.F. & Thompson, D.R. (2012). Motivational interviewing in Cardiovascular Disease. Baker IDI Staff training workshop, Alice Springs, Australia. 14В February st vincent’s research report 2012 60 Cardiovascular ResearchВ Centre Ski, C.F. & Thompson, D.R. (2012). Motivational interviewing in Cardiovascular Disease. Baker IDI Staff training workshop, Alice Springs, Australia. 21В February Ski, C.F. (2012). Clinical outcomes associated with screening and referral for depression in an acute cardiac ward. International Healthcare Conference on Gender Issues and Evidence-Based Practice, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan. 10 April. Ski, C.F. (2012). Motivational interviewing in cardiovascular health. National Conference, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. 13 April Wilson, A. (2012). Prevention at St Vincent’s. GrandВ Round, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. 28 May Worrall-Carter, L. (2012). An overview of Health Outcomes Research in CVD at St Vincent’s Melbourne. ACU Research Conversation Program, Melbourne, Australia. 22 November Worrall-Carter, L. (2012). Cardiovascular Nursing: The future of our practice. Cardiovascular Nursing Lecture at Cardiac Society of Australia and NewВ Zealand 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, Australia. 16–19 Aug Thompson, D.R. (2012). Cardiac Rehabilitation: How can it be improved? Prince Charles Hospital Cadiology Division Seminar, Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. 3 January Thompson, D.R. (2012). Evaluating complex interventions. International Healthcare Conference on Gender Issues and Evidence-Based Practice, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan. 10 April Thompson, D.R. (2012). Psychosocial interventions in coronary heart disease. National Conference, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. 13В April Thompson, D.R. (2012). Psychosocial issues inВ coronary heart disease. Prince Charles Hospital Cadiology Division Seminar, Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. 3 January Thompson, D.R. (2012). Psychosocial research inВ cardiovascular disease: interventions and outcomes. ACU Research Conversation Program, Melbourne, Australia. 22 November Wang, W., Thompson, D.R., Ski, C.F., Lui,В M. (2012). Health-related quality of life and its associated factors in Chinese myocardial infarctionВ patients. Healthcare Quality Forum, Conrad Continental, Singapore. 30–31 March Whitbourn, R. (2012). Renal denervation therapy: Current and future platforms. Lecture at 6th Annual Australia & New Zealand Endovascular Therapies Meeting, Brisbane, Australia. 14–16 Aug st vincent’s research report 2012 61 Centre for Nursing Research St Vincent’s Centre for Nursing Research (SVCNR) undertakes research in specific areasВ and programs that is based on improving health outcomes and providing innovative models of health care delivery. SVCNR focuses on facilitating cross-disciplinary andВ collaborative research. About us SVCNR promotes research leadership in the areasВ ofВ cardiovascular research by increasing research capacity of clinicians, academics and higher degree students, as well as increasing disease management awareness and health education. The Centre aims to achieve excellence inВ nursing and translational research. The key areas of research at SVCNR: • Prevention and Risk Management – Projects in this area focus on risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), such as smoking cessation and tobacco control, specific CVD risk factors in women and Risk assessment andВ prevention in ICU • Depression & Anxiety – The project’s in this area aim to improve depression, anxiety and CVDВ modifiable risk factor profiles through aВ nurse-led intervention • Aboriginal Health – Projects in this area focus on developing a greater understanding of theВ experience and management of Aboriginal peopleВ in acute cardiac settings and ultimately, improving their health outcomes The research projects at SVCNR are led by nurses in collaboration with colleagues from a number of health disciplines including medicine, public health, as well as from the specialties of cardiology, mental health, and chronic disease management. Major projects Projects • Nurse-Led Risk Intervention Screening Clinic (NL-RISC) – Completed • Managing depression and anxiety risk inВ thoseВ with cardiovascular disease: AВ nurse-ledВ intervention – Completed • A secondary prevention patient centred model forВ smoking cessation – Completed • Strengthening Cardiac Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People with Acute Coronary Syndrome – Completed • Exploring Aboriginal patients’ experience of acute cardiac care at St Vincent’s – Ongoing • Cardiac Depression Scale (CDS) audit – Implementing a depression pathway forВ cardiacВ patients: An audit of its uptake in theВ real-world – Completed • Role of Dialysis – Nurse Practitioner Study – Ongoing Research highlights • Prof Linda Worrall-Carter was awarded the Cardiovascular Nursing Lecture at the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand’s 60th Annual Scientific Meeting • Dr Rahman was awarded ACU International Conference Travel Grant to present SVCNR research at Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology Congress, Thailand • Ms Punch received the best moderated oral poster presentation at the St Vincent’s Research Week at St Vincent’s Melbourne • Ms Kuhn won the best student prize for herВ PhDВ presentation at the Faculty of Health Sciences Higher Degree Research Seminar atВ ACU Quality During May 28–31, St Vincent’s hosted Prevention Week, an event featuring daily activities designed to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention among patients, relatives and staff at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. Prevention Week was organised by the Prevention group which is a part CvRC. However SVCNR researchers held a “Know Your Risk” stall where they offered blood pressure and waist measurements, and information on CVD risks, smoking cessation and healthy activity levels. In October and November, SVCNR and StВ Vincent’sВ Private Nursing Research Unit (NRU) heldВ a fortnightly Clinical Research Workshop inВ order toВ provide a research training program. TheВ initiative was very well received, with over 50В people at each of the four sessions, which were held at theВ Michael Chamberlin Theatre at St Vincent’s. TheВ workshop sessions guided participants through the entire research process, st vincent’s research report 2012 62 Centre for Nursing Research covering important topics such asВ the importance of research, refining a research topic, methods andВ data analysis, ethics submissions, recruitment, as well as publication and final stages. There has been a group of interested research nurses arise from this workshop and more programs are to beВ offered in the future. Staff Prof Linda Worrall-Carter, Director SVCNR Dr Muhammad Aziz Rahman, Senior Research Fellow (from April 2012) Service to the wider community Professor Linda Worrall-Carter • Founding Member, Australasian Cardiovascular Nurses College (ACNC) • Founding Member, Cardiovascular Nurses Council (CNC, CSANZ) • Affiliate Member, Cardiac Society of Australia andВ New Zealand (CSANZ) • Member, Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) Ms Karen Daws, Research Fellow • Member, Royal College of Nursing, Australia (RCNA) Ms Nasreen Jahan, Research Fellow (fromВ OctoberВ 2012) • Member, Australian Cardiovascular Health andВ Rehabilitation Association (ACRA) Ms Helen Venables, Research Assistant (April–September 2012) • Research Ambassador, Heart Foundation Ms Katherine McQualter, Research Assistant • Chair of the Nursing Program, HeartВ FoundationВ National Conference 2011 Ms Christine Wright, Research Assistant International Conference Chair: Ms Shawana Andrews, Research Assistant (fromВ May 2012) Ms Verena Schadewaldt, Research Assistant (untilВ August 2012) • Member for the Heart Foundation ScientificВ Program Grant Review: Ms Elizabeth Hristov, Research Assistant (February–October 2012) • Australian Research Council Ms Sally Kemp, Research Assistant (untilВ DecemberВ 2012) • Heart Foundation of Australia Ms Amanda Punch, Research Assistant (untilВ AugustВ 2012) Ms Tara O’Shea, Finance Officer Ms Cynthia Estibeiro-Rathod, AdministrativeВ Officer/ Receptionist Ms Natalie Puchalski, Communications Officer Ms Miriam Spano, Operations Manager (untilВ AugustВ 2012) Ms Megan Henst, Executive Assistant (untilВ September 2012) Students Lisa Kuhn, PhD Student Elizabeth Scruth, PhD Student Malcolm Elliott, PhD Student Alysia Coventry, Masters Student • NHMRC • International/ Killam Research Fellowship (Canada) • Nurses Board of Victoria (NOT nurses board anymore – needs changing as National) Editorial Board Member: • Nursing & Health Sciences Manuscript Review: • International Journal of Cardiology • European Journal of Heart Failure • Heart and Lung • European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing • Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing (US) • Australian Critical Care • Contemporary Nurse • Nursing & Health Sciences st vincent’s research report 2012 63 Centre for Nursing Research Dr Muhammad Aziz Rahman • Honorary Research Associate, National Centre for Clinical Outcomes Research (NaCCOR), Australia • Member, Victorian Association of Research Nurses (VARN) • Fellow, Royal Society of Public Health (FRSPH), UK • Member, Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA), Australia • Member, Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC), Bangladesh Manuscript Review: • Australian and New Zealand Journal ofВ PublicВ Health • PLoS One • Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology • Nursing and Health Sciences Journal • Australian Critical Care • Collegian • African Journal of Biotechnology Ms Nasreen Jahan • Member, Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA), Australia • Member, Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC), Bangladesh Ms Karen Daws • Member, Australasian Cardiovascular Nurses College (ACNC) • Affiliate Member, Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ) Grants Worrall-Carter L, Page K, Thompson D, Ski C, Castle D, Whitbourn R, Salzberg M, & Wilson A. Managing depression and anxiety risk in those with cardiovascular disease: A Nurse Led Intervention, beyondblue, Project Grant (HERDC category: Research Grant/ Industry other contacts) $120,760 for 2011–2013 Stanley, M., Langham, R., Rahman, M.A. &В Worrall-Carter, L Dialysis Nurse Practitioner Model of Care at St.В Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne: 10 Years ofВ activity, Australian and New Zealand Society ofВ Nephrology $10,000 for 2012–2013 Worrall-Carter, L., Tramm, R., Daws, K., Schadewaldt, V. & Prasad, M. Implementing a depression pathway for cardiac patients: An audit of its uptake in the real-world, StВ Vincent’s Research Endowment Fund $15,159 for 2012 Worrall-Carter, L., Page, K., Rolley, J., Thompson,В S., Daws, K., Leishman, M., McCarthy, S., Whitbourn, R., & MacIsaac, A. Delivering best practice and education for the contemporary cardiac catheter laboratory environment, Medtronic / ACU Post-doctoral Clinical Nursing Research Fellowship $160,000 for 2012–2012 Page K, Rolley J X, MacIsaac A, Daws K, WillisВ J,В Punch M, Winters M, Fergie D, BelfrageВ M, Parker H, Henschke K, & Posenelli S. Strengthenig cardiac care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People with acute coronary syndrome, Department of Health $98,747 for 2011–2012 Collaborations in research International • University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA • University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA National • Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute, Melbourne,В Victoria • Box Hill Hospital, Box Hill, Victoria • Cardiovascular Research Centre (CvRC), Melbourne, Australia • Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WesternВ Australia • Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria • Department of Human Services, Melbourne,В Victoria • Monash University, Victoria st vincent’s research report 2012 64 Centre for Nursing Research • St Vincent’s Private Melbourne, Victoria • The Heart Foundation, Melbourne, Victoria • University of Western Sydney, New South Wales Publications Journal articles Buck, H. G., Lee, C. S., Moser, D. K., Albert, N. M., Lennie, T., Bentley, B., Worrall-Carter, L., &В Riegel,В B. (2012). Relationship between self-care and health-related quality of life in older adults with moderate to advanced heart failure. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 27(1):8–15. Elliott, M. (2012). Using ICU readmissions asВ aВ marker of care quality: time for a rethink? BritishВ Journal of Intensive Care, 22(3):23–26. Elliott, M., Coventry, A. (2012) Critical care: TheВ eight vital signs of patient monitoring. BritishВ Journal of Nursing, 21(10):621–625. Elliott, M., Page, K., & Worrall-Carter, L. (2012). Reason’s accident causation model: Application to adverse events in acute care. Contemporary Nurse, 43(1):14–20. Mills, C., Newell, C. & Wright, C. (2012). Care ofВ theВ post percutaneous coronary intervention patient. Australian Nursing Journal, 19(7):26–27. Rahman, M.A., Spurrier, N., Mahmood, M.A., Rahman, M., Choudhury, S.R., Leeder, S. (2012). Choice of controls for a case-control study in Bangladesh: Hospital controls vs. Community controls. Asian Journal of Epidemiology, 5(3):75–86. Scruth, E., Page, K., Cheng, E., Campbell, M., & Worrall-Carter, L. (2012). Risk determination after an Acute Myocardial Infarction: Review of clinical risk prediction tools for the Clinical Nurse Specialist. Clinical Nurse Specialist Journal, 26(1):35–41. Scruth, E., Worrall-Carter, L., Cheng, E., Page, K. (2012). Profiles of primary cardiovascular risk in STEMI: How do these differ between men andВ women? Primary Care Cardiovascular Journal, 5(4):176–180. Scruth, E., Worrall-Carter, L., Cheng, E., Rolley, J. & Page, K. (2012). Assessing risk post intervention for an acute coronary syndrome: A review of the risk assessment tools and their development. Contemporary Nurse Journal, 43(1):2–13. Ski, C., Page, K., Thompson, D., Cummins,В R., Salzberg, M., & Worrall-Carter, L. (2012). Clinical outcomes associated with screening and referral for depression in an acute cardiac ward. JournalВ ofВ Clinical Nursing, 21(15–16):2228–2234. Worrall-Carter, L., Edward, K. & Page, K. (2012). Women and cardiovascular disease: At a social disadvantage? Collegian, 19(1):33–37. Worrall-Carter, L., Ski, C., Thompson, D., Davidson, P., Cameron, J., Castle, D., & Page, K. (2012). Recognition and referral of depression inВ patients with heart disease. European Journal ofВ Cardiovascular Nursing, 11(2):231–238. Speaking engagements Daws, K. (2012). Secondary Prevention at a NurseLed Clinic. Grand Round, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia. 28 May Daws, K. (2012). The Architecture of St Vincent’s: A preliminary review 1889–1931. St Vincent’s Nurse Education Series, 10 May Daws, K., McQualter, K. & Wright, C. (2012). SVCNR current research projects. Presentation toВ Cardiothoracic Care Centre nursing staff, StВ Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. 5 March Daws, K., Punch, A., Willis, J., Winters, M., Posenelli, S., Belfrage, M., MacIsaac, A., McDonald, L. & Worrall- Carter, L. (2012). It’s not rocket science – small changes that make a really big difference to health outcomes for Aboriginal patients. Victorian Aboriginal Health Conference 2012, Melbourne, Australia. 24–25 May Daws, K., Worrall-Carter, L., Hristov, E., Rahman, M.A., Wilson, A. (2012). Adherence to secondary prevention medication guidelines for cardiovascular disease: Baseline data from a nurse-led risk intervention screening clinic. Poster presented at St Vincent’s Research Week, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia. 20–22 August Elliott, M. (2012). PhD presentation. Faculty of Health Sciences Higher Degree Research Seminar, ACU, Melbourne, Australia. 10 December st vincent’s research report 2012 65 Centre for Nursing Research Hristov, E., Worrall-Carter, L., Daws, K., Edward,В K-L., Wilson, A., Rahman, M.A., Page, K. (2012). Baseline data of a nurse-led risk intervention screening clinic for cardiovascular disease. PosterВ presented at St Vincent’s Research Week, StВ Vincent’s Melbourne, Australia. 20–22 August Scruth, E. (2012). Secondary risk for a cardiac event in men and women presenting with an STEMI and treated with PCI. Paper presented to Northern California Heart Failure Physicians Group: The Permanente Medical Group, Santa Clara, California, USA. March Kuhn, L. (2012). Guest speaker at Heart Foundation (Victoria) forum: What happens when people go to emergency with heart problems? Melbourne, Australia. 5 December Scruth, E. (2012). Secondary risk tools and their useВ to stratify risk in patients with a primary diagnosis of STEMI and treated with PCI. American Lung Association Critical Care Nursing Symposium, Nevada, USA. March Kuhn, L. (2012). Guest speaker at Women’s Health Victoria & Heart Foundation (Victoria) forum: Women, Inequity and Heart Disease, Melbourne, Australia. 27В June Kuhn, L. (2012). PhD presentation. Winner Student Prize for Concurrent Session. Faculty of Health Sciences Higher Degree Research Seminar, ACU, Melbourne, Australia. 10 December Kuhn, L. (2012). Women’s Heart Disease. Invited lecture for Graduate Diploma of Intensive Care andВ Graduate Diploma of Coronary Care students atВ Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. 3 May Kuhn, L., Page, K., Ward, J., Worrall-Carter,В L. (2012). Risk factors for increased time to treatment for acute myocardial infarction in Victorian emergencyВ departments: A regression-tree analysis. 10th International Conference for Emergency Nursing for the College of Emergency Nursing Australasia, Hobart, Australia. 10–13 October Punch, A., Daws, K., Willis, J., Winters, M., Posenelli, S., MacIsaac, A., Rahman, M.A., Worrall-Carter, L. (2012). Aboriginal patients with acute coronary syndrome: diagnoses and interventions at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. Moderated Oral Poster Presentation at St Vincent’s Research Week, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia. 20 August Scruth, E. (2012). Using risk tools to determine secondary risk of cardiac events post PCI for STEMI. 31st Annual High Sierra Critical Care Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA. 12–14 March Scruth, E., Merz, N.B., Cheng, E., & WorrallCarter, L. (2012). Cardiovascular Risk Prediction Tools in Women with STEMI undergoing PCI. Poster presented at Women’s Health Conference, Washington DC, USA. 16–18 March Scruth, E., Worrall-Carter, L. & Cheng, E. (2012). Use of risk scoring tools to determine risk of secondary cardiac and non cardiac events during hospitalization for ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction in a cohort of women. Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Research Congress, Brisbane, Australia. 30В July–3 August Worrall-Carter, L. (2012). An overview of Health Outcomes Research in CVD at St Vincent’s Melbourne. ACU Research Conversation Program, Melbourne, Australia. 22 November Worrall-Carter, L. (2012). Cardiovascular Nursing: The future of our practice. Cardiovascular Nursing Lecture at Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, Australia. 16–19 August Punch, A., Daws, K., Willis, J., Winters, M., Posenelli, S., MacIsaac, A., Rahman, M.A., Worrall-Carter, L. (2012). Aboriginal patients with acute coronary syndrome: diagnoses and interventions at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. Poster presented at St Vincent’s Research Week, StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia. 20–22В August st vincent’s research report 2012 66 Centre for Palliative Care The Centre for Palliative Care (CPC) is part of St Vincent’s Melbourne and is a Collaborative Centre of The University of Melbourne, Australia. The Centre has a statewide role in palliative care education and research in Victoria, with networks and collaborative projects extending nationally and internationally. About us Research programs at the Centre are designed to improve outcomes for both patients needing palliative care and their family caregivers. Investigations are carried out through strategic partnerships with clinicians, academics, service providers and government entities across Victoria, Australia and internationally. We focus on three research program areas: • Palliative care provision – exploring systems andВ approaches to improve direct care, • Psychosocial support for families – focusing onВ interventions to enhance psychosocial support forВ family carers and • Clinical studies – projects that examine symptomВ management initiatives Major projects Cancer Care Trajectories Funded by the Victorian Cancer Agency, this project aimed to understand care trajectories of people with prostate, breast, lung and haematological cancer inВ Victoria. In 2012 the preliminary results have been analysed and were presented at the Palliative Care Victoria conference. Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care Needs of People with Primary Malignant Glioma and Their Carers Family Carer Research In 2012 a study was completed reducing distress in family carers, funded by the National Health andВ Medical Research Council. Clinical tools to assist with specialist palliative care provision Funded by the Victorian Department of Health, theВ aim of this project was to recommend key clinicalВ tools to assist with care provision across specialist palliative care settings. In 2012, results of the project have been endorsed by the VictorianВ Palliative Care Clinical Network. Collaborations CPC continued to contribute to the Palliative CareВ Clinical Studies Collaborative through theВ recruitment of patients to clinical trials; theВ Palliative Care Research Network Victoria hasВ continued to evolve with links with established organisations, and CPC continues to auspice theВ International Palliative Care Family Carer Research Collaboration. Quality Bereavement Support Standards for Specialist Palliative Care Services In 2012, CPC developed bereavement support standards for use in all Victorian governmentfunded, adult, specialist palliative care services. InВ conjunction with the Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement, CPC developed these standards through four methods: • Consultation with key Australian and international stakeholders using interviews, workshops, and viaВ an expert advisory group • A survey of all publicly funded Victorian palliative care services In 2012, this project completed data collection and has begun disseminating findings, with several publications expected to be published in 2013. Further funding is being sought. • A review of international evidence on the impact of bereavement and bereavement interventions, and Research Fellow Anna Collins was awarded the Highly Commended award for her poster at the 2012 St Vincent’s Research Week, for her poster: Utilising Hospital Administrative Datasets to Identify Patterns of Service Use in Patients with a Primary Malignant Glioma The Bereavement Support Standards have been widely disseminated and are available for download on the CPC website. • Adaptation and/or reference to key Australian standards and guidelines. st vincent’s research report 2012 67 Centre for Palliative Care Establishment of a new clinical service Service to the wider community Based upon the outcomes of research into the needs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a new clinical service was established providing palliative care consultation into the end stage respiratory clinics, with the aim to address the identified patient needs. This service has been mirrored into end stage renal and cardiac disease clinics. The result has been enhanced clinical services, publications and enhanced recruitment toВ clinical studies. Prof Peter Hudson Staff Prof Peter Hudson, Director 1.0EFT A/Prof Jenny Philip, Deputy Director 0.4EFT A/Prof Mark Boughey, Deputy Director 0.4EFT Dr Anna Ugalde, Research Coordinator & Senior Research Fellow 1.0 EFT (from Sept 2012) Deborah Clark, Program Manager Research 0.8EFT (until December 2012) Kristina Thomas, research fellow (maternity leave) 0.4EFT Dr Vijaya Sundararajan, Research advisor, 0.1EFT Dr Adam Bostanci, Research Fellow 0.4 EFT Dr Cheryl Remedios, Research Fellow 0.4EFT Anna Collins, Research Fellow 0.6EFT Lisa Willenberg, Research Assistant 0.2EFT Catherine Duck, Research Nurse 0.6EFT Anne Harbison, Research Nurse 0.6EFT Rachel Allen, Research Administrative Assistant 1.0EFT (until October 2012) Isabella Kelly, Research Administrative Assistant, 1.0EFT (from October 2012) Alison Haitana, PA Director and Co-Deputy Director 1.0EFT Karen Quinn, Education Coordinator/Project Officer 0.9 EFT Students • Member, Board of Directors, The International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care • Chair, Palliative Care Research Network Victoria, management committee • Chair, The International Palliative Care Family CarerВ Research Collaboration • Co-lead, European Association of Palliative Care Taskforce aimed at enhancing support provided toВ family carers. • Academic advisor All Ireland Institute ofВ HospiceВ Care • Editorial advisor: Palliative Medicine A/Prof Jenny Philip • Member, Communication Facilitators’ Group, Chapter of Palliative Medicine, RACP • Member, Scientific Committee, Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation • Chair, Development of KPIs for palliative care working group, Victorian Cooperative Oncology Group, Cancer Council Victoria • Member, Executive, Victorian Cooperative Oncology Group, Cancer Council Victoria • Member, Cancer Subcommittee of St Vincent’s Research Cluster/Academic Centre • Member, Palliative Medicine, Victorian Cooperative Oncology Group, Cancer Council Victoria • Chair, Hospital Consultative Advisory Committee, reporting to Department of Health • Chair, Hospital Consultative Minimum Data Set Advisory Committee – reporting to Department ofВ Health • Member, Supportive Care Advisory Group, Western Central Melbourne Integrated CancerВ Service. • Chair, Triage Working Group, DepartmentВ ofВ Health, Victoria Michael Chapman, PhD Student Heather Lane, PhD Student Bianca Devitt, MD Student st vincent’s research report 2012 68 Centre for Palliative Care Dr Mark Boughey Collaborations in research • President elect – President, Chapter of Palliative Medicine, RACP International • Council Member, Australian and New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine (ANZSPM) • Palliative Medicine representative, COAGВ NationalВ Reform Reference Group • International Palliative Care Family Carer Research Collaboration • All Ireland Institute of Hospice Care • Queen’s University, UK • Chair and Clinical Lead, Victorian Palliative Care Clinical Network (Department of Health) National • Member, Palliative Medicine Victorian Co-operative Oncology Group • Centre of Rural and Remote Mental Health, University of Newcastle • Member, Eastern Metropolitan Regional PalliativeВ Care Consortia • Western Australia Centre for Cancer &В PalliativeВ Care • Member, Catholic Healthcare Australia PalliativeВ Care Special Interest Group • Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement • Mental Health Service, St Vincent’s Dr Anna Ugalde • Medical Psychology Research Unit, TheВ UniversityВ of Sydney • Editor, Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer Society News • Centre for Psychological & Behavioural Medicine, Monash Medical Centre • Executive Committee, The International Palliative Care Family Carer Research Collaboration • Victorian Government Department of Health Grants • Latrobe University Jennifer Philip, Caroline Brand, CarolynВ Lethborg, Vijaya Sundararajan, MichelleВ Gold, Michael Murphy, Anna Collins, Gaye Moore Understanding the supportive and palliative care needs of patients with primary malignant glioma, Victorian Cancer Agency $331,870 for 2010–2012 ($61,540 in 2012) Jennifer Philip, Tracey Weiland, George Jelinek, Mark Boughey, Heather Lane, Jennifer Weil, Claudia Marck Improving emergency department care of patients with advanced cancer, Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre $65,000 for 2012 Cheryl Remedios, Lisa Willenberg, AndreaВ Murphy, David Agnew, Rachel Zordan, Jennifer Philip An Evaluation of Out-of-Home Respite Care provided by Very Special Kids, VSK 50,135.70 for 2011–2012 ($30,000 in 2012) • Monash University • Austin Health • Deakin University • Barwon Health • Swinburne University • Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre • Centre for Ethics in Society and Medicine, TheВ Alfred Hospital • Department of Clinical Epidemiology andHealthServices Evaluation Unit, RoyalMelbourneВ Hospital • Flinders University – PaCCSC • Queensland University of Technology • Psycho-oncology Co-operative Research Group, The University of Sydney st vincent’s research report 2012 69 Centre for Palliative Care Publications Journal articles De Lima, L., Bennett, M., Murray, S., Hudson, P., Doyle, D., Bruera, E., Granda-Cameron, C., Strasser,В F., Downing, J., Wenk, R. (2012). International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) List of Essential Practices in Palliative Care. Journal of Pain and Palliative CareВ Pharmacotherapy. 26 (2), 118–122. Fukui, M.,Iwase, S., Sakata, N., Kuroda, Y., Yoshjuchi, K., Nakagawa, K., Quinn, K., Hudson,В P. (2012) Effectiveness of using clinical guidelines forВ conducting palliative care family meetings in Japan. Supportive Care in Cancer, 21(1), 53–58. Hudson, P., Remedios, C., Zordan, R., Thomas,В K., Clifton, D., Crewdson, M., Hall, C., Trauer, T., Bolleter, A., Clarke, D.,, Bauld. C. (2012) Guidelines for the Psychosocial and Bereavement Support ofВ Family Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 15(6): 696–702. Hudson, P., Lobb, E., Thomas, K., Zordan, R., Trauer, T., Quinn, K., Williams, A., Summers, M. Supporting family caregivers of hospitalised palliative care patients: effectiveness of a psycho-educational group intervention. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2(2): 115–120. Hudson, P., Lobb, E., Thomas, K., Zordan, R., Trauer, T., Quinn, K., Williams, A., Summers, M. (2012). Psycho-educational group intervention for family caregivers of hospitalized palliative care patients: pilot study. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 15(3): 277–281. Moore, G., Collins, A., Brand, C., Gold, M., Lethborg, C., Murphy, M., Sundararajan, V., Philip,В J. (2012) Palliative and supportive care needs of patients with high-grade glioma and their carers: A systematic review of qualitative literature. Patient Education & Counseling, 91(2), 141–53. Philip, J., Lowe, A., Gold, M., Brand, C., Miller, B., Douglass, J., Sundararajan, V. (2012) Palliative care for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: exploring the landscape. Internal Medical Journal, 42(9), 1053–7. Philip, J., Gold, M., Brand, C., Douglass, J., Miller,В B., Sundararajan, V. (2012) Negotiating hope with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: a qualitative study of patients and healthcare professionals. Internal Medicine Journal, 42(7), 816 – 822. Weil, J., Gold, M., McIver, S., Rotstein, L., Philip,В J. (2012) Australian resident doctors want more palliative medicine education: a survey of attitudes and perceived needs. Internal Medical Journal, 42(7) 828–30. Bennett, M., Bruera, E., De Lima, L., Doyle, D., Downing, J., Granda-Cameron, C., Hudson,В P., Murray, S., Strasser, F., & Wenk, R. (2012) International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) list of essential practices in palliative care. Journal Of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, 26(2):118–22. Conference publications Hudson P (2012) Multidisciplinary guidelines for theВ psychosocial and bereavement support of family caregivers of palliative care patients. Palliative Care Congress, Montreal, Canada. 12 October 2012 Hudson P (2012) Supporting family caregivers ofВ hospitalised palliative care patients: A psychoeducational group intervention. Palliative Care Congress, Montreal, Canada. 12 October 2012 Hudson P (2012) Establishing a Research Network for Victoria: preliminary achievements and insights. Palliative Care Victoria Conference, Melbourne, Australia. 23 August 2012 Nobel H, Kelly D & Hudson P (2012) Experiences of carers supporting dying renal patients, managed without dialysis. RCN Annual International Nursing Research Conference, London, United Kingdom. 24В April 2012 Sundararajan, V. Utilising Hospital Administrative Datasets to Identify Patterns of Service Use in Patients with a Primary Malignant Glioma. The IPOS 14th World Congress and Psychosocial Academy, Brisbane, Australia, 11–15 November 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 70 Centre for Palliative Care Philip, J, Collins, A., Brand, C., Gold, M., Murphy, M., Moore, G., Sundararajan, V., and Lethborg, C. Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care Needs of People with Primary Malignant Glioma andВ Their Carers. The IPOS 14th World Congress and Psychosocial Academy, Brisbane, Australia, 11–15 November 2012 Collins, A. Utilising Hospital Administrative DatasetsВ to Identify Patterns of Service Use inВ Patients with a Primary Malignant Glioma. 19thВ International Congress of Palliative Care, Montreal, 9–12 October 2012 Collins, A. Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care Needs of People with Primary Malignant Glioma and Their Carers. 19th International Congress of Palliative Care, Montreal,В 9–12 October 2012 Philip, J. Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care Needs of Patients with Primary Malignant Glioma: Views of Carers and Health CareВ Professionals. 7th World Research Congress ofВ the European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC), Trondheim 7–9 June 2012 Philip, J. Utilising hospital administrative datasets to identify patterns of service use in patients with a primary malignant glioma. 7th World Research Congress of the European Assocation of Palliative Care (EAPC), Trondheim 7–9 June 2012 Philip, J. Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care Needs of People with Primary Malignant Glioma and their Carers. Shaping theВ Future ofВ Palliative Care Conference, Palliative CareВ Victoria,В Melbourne, 23–24 August 2012 Hudson P (2012) Preparing family caregivers for their role: A program of intervention research. CECO One day workshop, Newcastle-upon-tyne, United Kingdom. 14 March 2012 Hudson P (2012) Palliative Care – Practice and Principles. Specialist Certificate, Palliative Care the Essentials, Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia. 23 February 2012 Hudson P (2012) Clinical practice guidelines for the psychosocial & bereavement support of family caregivers of palliative care patients. NASP Board members, Melbourne, Australia. 16 February 2012 Philip J (2012) Ethical and legal considerations in palliative care. University of Melbourne – Specialist Certificate Program. Melbourne, 24 January 2012 Philip J (2012) The burden of symptoms of patients with haematological malignancy. HAA-APSTH, Melbourne, 28 October 2012 Philip J (2012) Second medical opinions: The views of patients and their physicians. Communicating Health Symposium, Melbourne, 4 December 2012 Ugalde A (2012) Barriers & enablers to being cared for and dying at home with advanced cancer: what does the research evidence tell us? Palliative Care State-wide Forum 18 October 2012 Ugalde A (2012) Critical Appraisal of the Literature. HAA-APSTH, Melbourne, 30 October 2012 Speaking engagements Hudson P (2012) Family Centered Care. Specialist Certificate, Palliative Care the Essentials, Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia. 7 September 2012 Hudson P (2012) Research in Palliative Care. Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research, Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia. 10 July 2012 Hudson P (2012) Family Centered Care. CabriniВ Education Program, Melbourne, Australia. 14В June 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 71 Dermatology The St Vincent’s Department of Dermatology has seen major changes take place since the last Research Report. Academic and strategic relationships with Skin & Cancer Foundation Inc and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre have been strengthened. The department’s focus has shifted from laboratory to sub-specialty clinical research. We facilitate clinical dermatologists participating in medical research and undertake clinical trials. A/Prof Peter Foley, Specialist Dermatologist About us Dr Emma Veysey, Specialist Dermatologist Dermatology is a branch of medicine that focuses on diseases of the skin, its associated appendages, including hairs and nails, and adjacent mucosal surfaces including the genitals and the oral cavity. Dermatology contains medical, surgical, and aesthetic (cosmetic) aspects. Dermatology at StВ Vincent’s is uniquely placed in Australia with itsВ wide interest in subspecialty elements, including, but not exclusively, cutaneous vasculitis, ulcers (especially pyodermagangrenosum), contact dermatitis, hidradenitssuppurativa, photodermatology (photosensitivity disorders), hairВ and scalp disorders, including alopecia, psoriasis, immunobullous (autoimmune blistering) disorders, skin cancer and cutaneous lymphoma. We work collaboratively with other specialties where interests overlap, including rheumatology, haematology/oncology, plastic surgery and gastroenterology/hepatology. Dr Cara McDonald, Specialist Dermatologist The St Vincent’s Dermatology team are actively involved in clinical trials investigating safety and effectiveness of new therapies – particularly new medications, with a focus on the areas of psoriasis, cutaneous lymphoma and skin cancer. Members are actively engaged in the development and implementation of teaching programs to disseminate knowledge of skin disease to medical students, general practitioners, dermatology registrars and the broader dermatological community. Professor Sinclair has relocated, but the department still provides administrative and infrastructure support toВ aВ number of his postgraduate students. Dr Ellen Ma, Dermatology Registrar Staff Dr Anousha Yazdabadi, FRACD, ACD A/Prof Christopher Baker, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Sherine Fernando, PhD Student A/Prof Christopher McCormack, SpecialistВ Dermatologist Dr Niloufar Torkamani, PhD Student A/Prof Rosemary Nixon, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Robert Kelly, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Alvin Chong, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Jack Green, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Matheen Mohamed, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Mei Tam, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Adriene Lee, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Helen Saunders, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Alfonso Perez, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Lee Mei Yap, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Michelle Goh, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Timothy O’Brien, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Gordon Rennick, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Aaron Boyce, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Michelle Rodrigues, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Belinda Welsh, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Gayle Ross, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Leona Yip, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Yan Pan, Dermatology Registrar Dr Alice Rudd, Dermatology Registrar Dr Jonathan Ng, Dermatology Registrar Dr Lauren Young, Dermatology Registrar Dr Dallas Gramp, Dermatology Registrar Dr Patrick Mahar, Dermatology Registrar Dr Chris Jalilian, Dermatology Registrar Dr Mark Cicchiello, Dermatology Registrar Dr Vijaya Chitreddy, Dermatology Registrar Ms Brenda Erjavec, Administration Officer, Department of Dermatology Students Dr Zara Asgari, PhD Student Dr Juan Lu Dr Jani Li, PhD Student st vincent’s research report 2012 72 Dermatology Major projects • A/Prof Peter Foley Dr H Saunders – study at The Women’s:В Topical amitriptyline for treatment of vestibulodynia – a double blind, randomised placebo controlled trial. • Board of Directors, Skin and Cancer Foundation Service to the wider community A/Prof Christopher Baker • Scientific Research Committee, Australasian College of Dermatologists • Medial Subspecialty Committee, Australasian College of Dermatologists • Board of Directors, Skin and Cancer Foundation • Academic Committee, Australasian College ofВ Dermatologists • Academic Committee, Australasian College ofВ Dermatologists • Board of Editorial Consultants, Medicine Today • Pre-Eminent Academic Status Pathway Assessment Committee, Australasian College ofВ Dermatologists • Steering Committee, Psoriasis Biologics Registry • Australian Representative, PsoNet, European Registries Project • Member, GRAPPA (Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis) • Member, European Society for Photodermatology • Editorial Board of the Latin American Psoriasis andВ Psoriatic Arthritis Journal • Editorial Board of Photodermatology, Photoimmunology and Photomedicine Journal • Editorial Board, Clinical Photodynamics inВ Dermatology • Editorial Board of the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology • Editorial Board of the Latin American Psoriasis andВ Psoriatic Arthritis Journal • Board of Directors of the Photomedicine Society • Member, European Society for Photodermatology • The Cancer Council Australia National Skin CancerВ Committee • Australian Standards Committee CS-064 (Solaria) • Steering Committee, Psoriasis Biologics Registry A/Prof Christopher McCormack • Steering Committee, GRAPPA (GroupВ forВ Research and Assessment ofВ PsoriasisВ andВ Psoriatic Arthritis) • Victorian Cooperative Oncology Group Skin Cancer Committee/CCV Clinical Network SkinВ Cancer Committee • Victorian Cooperative Oncology Group Skin Cancer Committee/CCV Clinical Network SkinВ Cancer Committee • International dermatology working group forВ Roche trials on vemurafenib • Co-convenor of Raising Expectations in Dermatology Meeting A/Prof Rosemary Nixon • Board of Directors, Skin and Cancer Foundation • Co-convenor of Australian Progress andВ PromiseВ Meeting • Chair, Executive Committee, Victorian Faculty, Australasian College of Dermatologists • Medical Therapeutics Advisory Committee, StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne • Medical Sub-speciality Committee, Australasian College of Dermatologists • Councillor, International Psoriasis Council • Director, Occupational Dermatology Research andВ Education Centre • Member, International Contact Dermatitis Research Group • Editorial committee, Contact Dermatitis • Executive Committee, Victorian Faculty, Australasian College of Dermatologists Dr Robert Kelly • Executive Committee, Victorian Faculty, Australasian College of Dermatologists Dr Alvin Chong • Victorian Cooperative Oncology Group Skin Cancer Committee/CCV Clinical Network SkinВ Cancer Committee st vincent’s research report 2012 73 Dermatology Dr Mei Tam • Board of Directors, Skin and Cancer Foundation • Medical Director, Skin and Cancer Foundation • Executive Committee, Victorian Faculty, Australasian College of Dermatologists • Rural and Regional Services Committee, Australasian College of Dermatologists Dr Adriene Lee • Director of Training, Victorian Faculty, AustralasianВ College of Dermatologists • Executive Committee, Victorian Faculty, Australasian College of Dermatologists • National Training Committee, AustralasianВ CollegeВ of Dermatologists Dr Lee Mei Yap • Executive Committee, Victorian Faculty, Australasian College of Dermatologists Dr Timothy O’Brien • International Dermatology Outreach Committee, Australasian College of Dermatologists Dr Chris Jalilian • Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Committee, Australasian College of Dermatologists Publications Boyce AE, McGrath JA, Techanukul T, Murrell DF, Chow CW, McGregor L, Warren LJ. Ectodermal dysplasia-skin fragility syndrome due to a new homozygous internal deletion mutation in the PKP1 gene. Australas J Dermatol. 2012 Feb;53(1):61–5. Boyce AE, Dadzie OE, Flohr C. A solitary lesion onВ the palmar aspect of the right middle finger ofВ anВ 11 year old boy. PediatrDermatol. 2012 Jan–Feb;29(1):111–2. Gramp D, Casey G, Kim YJ.Parotid fistula complicating postauricular basal cellcarcinoma excision. Australas J Dermatol.accepted 6 March 2012 Gunatheesan S, Tam MM, Tate B, Tversky J, NixonВ R. Retrospective study of oral lichen planusand allergy to spearmint oil. Australas JВ Dermatol. 2012 Aug;53(3):224–8. Boyapati A, Tam M, Tate B, Lee A, Palmer A, Nixon R.Allergic contact dermatitis to methylisothiazolinone: Exposure from baby wipesВ causing hand dermatitis. Australas JВ Dermatol. [Epub ahead of print] Pan Y, Nixon RL. Allergic contact dermatitis toВ topical preparations of bufexamac. AustralasВ JВ Dermatology 2012:53:207–210. Nguyen R, Lee A. Allergic contact dermatitis caused by isocyanates in resin jewellery. Contact Dermatitis 2012 July;67(1)56–57 Chow EC, Avolio AM, Lee A, Nixon R. Frequency ofВ positive patch tests to preservatives: the Australian experience. Australas J Dermatol [EpubВ 2012 Oct 22] Ng JC, Cumming S, Leung V, Chong AH. Accrual of non-melanoma skin cancer in renal-transplant recipients: Experience of a Victorian tertiary referral institution. Aust. J. Dermatol. accepted 2012 Li J, Chong AH, O’Keefe R, Johnson PDR. The fishВ tank strikes again – Metachronous nontuberculous mycobacterial skin infection inВ anВ immunosuppressed host. Aust. J. Dermatol. accepted 2012 Li J, Chong AH, Green J, Baker C. Mycophenolate use in dermatology: A Clinical Audit. Australas. J. Dermatol. accepted 2012 Garcia-Doval I, Rustenbach SJ, Stern R, Dam TN, Cohen AD, Baker C, Spuls PI, Naldi L. The Psonet Network .Systemic psoriasis therapy shows high between-countries variation. A sign of unwarranted variation?Cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from the Psonet registries. Br J Dermatol. accepted 2012 [Epub ahead of print] Mahar PD, Foley PA, Sheed-Finck A, Baker CS. Legal considerations of consent and privacy in the context of clinical photography in Australian medical practice. Med J Aust. accepted 2012 [EpubВ ahead of print] Baker C, Mack A, Cooper A, Fischer G, Shumack S, Sidhu S, Soyer P, Wu J, Chan J, Nash P, Rawlin M, Radulski B, Foley P. Treatment goals for moderate toВ severe psoriasis: An Australian consensus. Australas J Dermatol. accepted 2012 [Epub aheadВ of print] st vincent’s research report 2012 74 Dermatology Baker CS, Foley PA, Braue A. Psoriasis uncovered – measuring burden of disease impact in a survey of Australians with psoriasis. Australas J Dermatol. accepted 2012 [Epub ahead of print] Ormerod AD, Augustin M, Baker C, Chosidow O, Cohen AD, Dam TN, Garcia-Doval I, Lecluse LL, Schmitt-Egenolf M, Spuls PI, Watson KD, NaldiВ L. Challenges for synthesising data in a network of registries for systemic psoriasis therapies. Dermatology.2012;224(3):236–43. McCurdy O, McCormack C, Ritchie D, Prince HM. Exacerbation of lymphomatoid papulosis during rituximab therapy. Australas J Dermatol. 2012 NovВ 29. [Epub ahead of print] Lacouture ME, Duvic M, Hauschild A, Prieto VG, Robert C, Schadendorf D, Kim CC, McCormackВ CJ, Myskowski PL, Spleiss O, Trunzer K, Su F,В NelsonВ B, Nolop KB, Grippo JF, Lee RJ, Klimek MJ, TroyВ JL, Joe AK. Analysis of dermatologic events in vemurafenib-treated patients with melanoma. Oncologist. accepted 2012 [Epub ahead of print] Shen S, O’Brien T, Yap LM, Prince HM, McCormackВ CJ. The use of methotrexate in dermatology: a review. Australas J Dermatol. 2012В Feb;53(1):1–18. Batty LM, Lyon SM, Dowrick AS, Bailer M, Mahar PD, Liew SM. Pulmonary embolism and the use ofВ vena cava filters after major trauma. Australian &В New Zealand Journal of Surgery 2012;82(11): 817–21. Wasiak J, Mahar PD, Paul E, Menezes H, Spinks AB, Cleland H. Inhaled methoxyflurane for pain andВ anxiety relief during burn wound care procedures: an Australian case series. InternationalВ Wound Journal 2012; EPub aheadВ ofВ print. Mahar PD, Wasiak J, O’Loughlin C, Christelis N, Arnold C, Spinks A, Danilla S. Frequency and use ofВ pain assessment tools implemented in randomized controlled trials in the adult burns population: a systematic review. Burns 2012; 38:В 147–54 Mahar PD. Only the best: medical student selection in Australia. Comment. Medical Journal of Australia 2012;197(8):443 Wasiak J, Mahar P, McGuinness SK, Spinks A, Danilla S, Cleland H. Intravenous lidocaine for the treatment of background or procedural burn pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012;6:CD005622 Mahar PD, Wasiak J, Fowler S, Cleland H, Gruen RL. Interventions for reducing wrong site surgery and invasive procedures. Cochrane Database ofВ Systematic Reviews 2012; 9: CD009404 Christensson JB, Andersen KE, Bruze M, JohansenВ JD, Garcia-Bravo B, GimenezArnau A, Goh CL, Nixon R, White IR. Air oxidised linaloolaВ frequent cause of fragrance contact allergy. Contact Dermatitis 2012 67: 247–59. Keegel T, MacFarlane E, Nixon RL, LaMontagne AD. Provision of control measures for exposure ofВ the hands to wet-working conditions in Australian workplaces. Int Archives Occ Health 2012; 18: 313–19. Gamboni SE, Allen KJ and Nixon RL. Infant feeding, eczema and food allergies: A practical guide for dermatologists. Accepted, Australas J Dermatol. Epub ahead of publication Oct 2012 Lyons G, Keegel T, Palmer A, Cahill J, Nixon R. Occupational dermatitis in hairdressers: do they claim workers’ compensation? Contact Dermatitis 2012; 68:163–168 Gamboni SE, Nixon RL. Allergic contact stomatitis to dodecyl gallate and a review of the relevance of positive patch test results to gallates. Accepted,В Australas J Dermatol. 2012; Epub ahead of publication Sept 4 Bhahba F, Palmer A, Nixon R. Are reusable rubberВ gloves associated with latex allergy? ContactВ Dermatitis 2012; 67: 381–2 Keegel T, Nixon R, LaMontagneВ AD. Exposure to wet-work in working Australians. Contact Dermatitis 2012; 66: 87–94 Bhaba F, Nixon R.Occupational exposure to laboratory animals causing a severe exacerbation ofВ atopic eczema. Australas J Dermatol 2012; 53:154–5 st vincent’s research report 2012 75 Dermatology De Cruz R, Horev L, Green J, Babay S, SladdenВ M, Zlotogorski A, Sinclair R. A novel monilethrix mutation in coil 2A of KRT86 causing autosomal dominant monilethrix with incomplete penetrance. BrВ J Dermatol. 2012 Jun;166Suppl 2:20–6. Papp KA, Reid C, Foley P, Sinclair R, SalingerВ DH, Williams G, Dong H, Krueger JG, Russell CB, Martin DA. Anti-IL-17 Receptor Antibody AMG 827 Leads to Rapid Clinical Response in Subjects with Moderate to Severe Psoriasis: Results from a Phase I, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. J Invest Dermatol.132:2466–9, 2012 Tan S, Sinclair C, Foley P. Running behind a tourist: leisure-related skin cancer prophylaxis. BrВ JВ Dermatol. 167 Suppl 2:70–5, 2012 Shen S, Williams RA, Kelly RI. Neuropathy in aВ patient with lymphocytic thrombophilic arteritis (pages e28–e32) Australas J Dermatol Article first published online: 6 JAN 2012 Shen S, Kelly RI. Pharmacotherapy for Skin Conditions in the Elderly. Journal of Pharmacy Practice & Research 2012 Jun; 42 (2): 150–4. Books Foley P, Nash P. Healthworks: Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. Published by Princeton Publishing Pty Ltd, North Sydney NSW Australia 2012 Foley P, Radulski B. вЂ�Living With Psoriasis’ Patient Information Booklet’. A patient educational booklet developed in conjunction with Psoriasis Australia 2012 Book chapters Baker C, Kelly R, Other Vascular DisordersIn: Dermatology (3rd Edition) 2012, Bolognia, Jorizzo, Rapini et al (editors), Elsevier Lee A. Locksmiths. In Kanerva’s Occupational Skin Diseases (2nd Ed) 2012, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, John SM, Maibach H (Eds), Springer Publishing Lee A. Engravers. In Kanerva’s Occupational Skin Diseases (2nd Ed) 2012 Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, John SM, Maibach H (Eds), Springer Publishing Nixon R. Allergic contact dermatitis and photoallergy. In Lebwohl MG, Heymann WR, Berth-Jones J, Coulson I. Eds Treatment of Skin Disease Comprehensive therapeutic strategies. 3rd Edition. SpringerВ 2012.В Sim M, Tan S, Nixon R. Malignant neoplasms ofВ theВ skin. In Occupational Cancers. Nixon R, Cahill J, Jolanki, R. Epoxy resins. In Kanerva’s Occupational Skin Diseases (2nd Ed) 2012, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, John SM, Maibach H (Eds), Springer Publishing Nixon R, Cahill J, Jolanki, R. Polyester resins. InВ Kanerva’s Occupational Skin Diseases (2nd Ed) 2012, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, John SM, Maibach H (Eds), Springer Publishing Presentations Tam MM. Retrospective study of oral lichen planus. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College of Dermatologists. Brisbane, May 2012 Gunatheesan S. Retrospective study of oral lichen planus and allergy to spearmint oil. Adrian Johnson Award for 2012 for Shyamalar Gunatheesan. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College ofВ Dermatologists. Brisbane, May 2012 Boyapati A. Allergic contact dermatitis to methylisothiazolinone: Exposure from baby wipesВ causing hand dermatitis. John Fewings prizeВ for best presentation for Annual Scientific Meeting of theВ Australasian College of Dermatologists. Brisbane, May 2012 Chong AH. A high incidence of skin cancers is demonstrated in a population of renal transplant recipients attending a dedicated transplant dermatology clinic in Melbourne, Australia. FiveВ yearВ prospective data.SCOPE (Skin cancer inВ organ transplant recipients – Europe) Meeting, May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. Chong AH. A survey of sun-related attitudesВ and behaviours among Victorian renal transplant recipients. SCOPE (Skin cancer in organ transplant recipients – Europe) Meeting, May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. Lee A. Allergic contact dermatitis to Methylisothiazolinone in Australia, 11th Congress ofВ the European Society of Contact Dermatitis, Malmo, Sweden June 2012 Nixon R. NHMRC seminar. Occupational contact dermatitis: clinical perspectives and policy translations. Alfred Hospital, December 2012 Nixon R. Skin cancer update. VMPF, Colac 2012 Nixon R. Occupational contact dermatitis: suspect it, diagnose it, treat it! Monash University course onВ occupational medicine, June 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 76 Dermatology Nixon R. Skin cancer and occupational dermatitis: what you should tell your grandchildren. Guest speaker, Rotary Lunch, Windsor Hotel, MelbourneВ 2012 Nixon R. Occupational contact dermatitis: suspect it, diagnose it, treat it! Monash University course onВ occupational medicine, June 2012 Nixon R. Hairdressers and occupational contact dermatitis: do they claim workers compensation in Victoria, Australia? 11th Congress of the European Society of Contact Dermatitis, Malmo, Sweden JuneВ 2012 Nixon R. Sunscreen allergy, Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College of Dermatologists. Brisbane, May 2012 Nixon R. Allergic reactions to sunscreens. American Contact Dermatitis Society, San Diego, March 2012 Nixon R. Cases from the coalface. Forum onВ occupational skin disease prevention convenedВ by Prof Swen John. American AcademyВ ofВ Dermatology, Annual meeting, SanВ Diego, MarchВ 2012 Foley P. What Screening, When, for Biologic Use, Australian Dermatology Nurses Association, Brisbane, May 2012 Foley P. Australian Psoriasis Treatment Goals Project, Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College of Dermatologists. Brisbane, May 2012 Foley P. What’s new from the AAD, Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College ofВ Dermatologists. Brisbane, May 2012 Foley P. Case Study Approach: Managing CoMorbidities in Difficult Psoriasis Patients, Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College ofВ Dermatologists. Brisbane, May 2012 Foley P. Putting Telaprevir into Clinical Practice, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne August, Adelaide September, Perth October 2012 Foley P. Working up a patient with psoriasis for biological therapy – Safety screening and treatment choice, Australian Progress and Promise Meeting, Sydney, August 2012 Foley P. Skin Malignancies in patients receiving biologics: A Dermatology viewpoint, Australian Progress and Promise Meeting, Sydney, AugustВ 2012 Foley P. Optimising topical therapy for psoriasis, New Zealand Dermatological Society Meeting, Queenstown, August 2012 Foley P. Our common disease paradigm – insights from dermatology, Melbourne, October 2012 Poster Presentations Li J, Chong AH, Green J, Baker C. Mycophenolate use in Dermatology – a clinical audit. SVHM Research week, Aug 2012 Li J, Chong AH, O’Keefe R, Johnson PDR. Case Report: The fish tank strikes again. Metachronous atypical mycobacterial infection in anВ immunocompromised host.Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College ofВ Dermatologists. Brisbane, May 2012 Ng J, Chong AH. Atypical fibroxanthomaВ with multipleВ local recurrences in a renal transplant recipient. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College of Dermatologists. Brisbane,В May 2012 McCurdy O, Fahey V, Chong AH. Fatty acid deficiency presenting as a NME like eruption inВ aВ young Australian female.Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College of Dermatologists. Brisbane, May 2012 Baker CS, Foley PA, Braue A. Psoriasis Uncovered: The results of two quantitative surveys of psoriasis patients in Australia.3rd World Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Conference of the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations, Stockholm, Sweden, JulyВ 2012 GP and Professional Education Chong A. Coordinator and Facilitator: Monash University / Skin and Cancer Foundation Two DayВ GP Skin Cancer workshop. March 2013 Chong A. Coordinator of the St Vincent’s Hospital / Skin and Cancer Foundation GP Basic Management of Skin Cancer Workshops. 2 Workshops run in 2012 – 2nd June 2012 SVHM, 4th August 2012 SACF Mohamed M. Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer, Annual RACGP Dermatology Update, Melbourne, May 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 77 Emergency Practice Innovation Centre St Vincent’s Emergency Practice Innovation Centre (EPIcentre) supports multi-disciplinary clinical and non-clinical research related to emergency medicine. About us The EPIcentre seeks to make an important contribution to the research and evidence base inВ emergency medicine nationally and internationally, including the prevention, diagnosis and management of acute and urgent aspects ofВ illness and injury affecting patients of all age groups with a full spectrum of episodic undifferentiated physical and behavioural disorders, and pre-hospital andВ inhospital emergency medical systems. InВ particular, it focuses on demand issues inВ emergency medicineВ including public health andВ prevention of chronic disease, and aspects ofВ emergency medicine relatively unique to the innercity Emergency Department (ED) at StВ Vincent’s Hospital, including homelessness, mental illness, behavioural problems, chronic illness and drug andВ alcohol related illness. Research activities adoptВ a broad approach, considering prevention asВ well as factors influencing patient outcomes bothВ within and outside of the ED. Medical Education is also a focus area of the Centre, with research being conducted into the learning needs and structures of the emergency workforce. The EPIcentre recognises the interactive nature of emergency medicine with other specialty areasВ and works in collaboration with many relevantВ departments and services both internal andВ external to St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. Major projects Projects conducted throughout 2012 include: • Improving care of patients with advanced cancer inВ the emergency department: A qualitative study. InВ collaboration with St Vincent’s Centre for Palliative Care, and funded by the VCCC, the study will examine the proportion of patients who present with cancer to the ED and their outcomes. • Organ Donation: Understanding Family Decisions. Funded by DonateLife and St Vincent’s activitybased funding, the study will involve interviewing families whose loved one was a potential organ donor to explore their experiences in making donation decisions. • Diagnosis of bacterial infections using non-invasive specimens. In collaboration with the Nossal Institute, and funded by CSIRO, our department will recruit participants for an exciting proof of concept study whereby breath samples will be able to predict the presence and type of sepsis. • Asylum seeker health and wellbeing: a scoping study. St Vincent’s Health Australia funded a systematic review of the literature and scoping study of health services available for asylum seekers in the community. More specifically, thoseВ asylum seekers without access to Medicare, in order to identify any gaps in services where StВ Vincent’s could better assist. The project involved collaboration with St Vincent’s social workВ and the Brotherhood of St Laurence. • Health Outcomes and Lifestyle in a Sample of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (HOLISM) study. Funded by the Bloom Foundation, this study will examine people with MS and look at associations between MS and lifestyle factors. Over 2000 responses have been gained from people with MSВ taking part in a comprehensive online survey. Other features/prizes/acknowledgements: • Dr Georgina Phillips was awarded the вЂ�Teaching Excellence Award’ by the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) in 2012 for herВ significant contribution towards international emergency medicine and the teaching and training of clinicians in the Pacific Islands and Myanmar. Even though Georgina was an individual recipient of the award (nominated by SVHM colleagues), the award is also a recognition and acknowledgement of St Vincent’s Melbourne as a key site of international emergency care activities. Quality The results of a study examining IV sedation for acutely agitated patients in ED (Chan EW, et al. 2013) were widely disseminated in the ED and haveВ changed clinical practice. As many staff wereВ heavily involved in the recruitment and data gathering phases of this study, there was high engagement and interest in the results. The study showed that IV olanzapine was safe and effective to use, and so it has now become an option for theВ management of acutely disturbed patients in theВ ED during a вЂ�Code Grey’ situation. Also, it is clear that combination therapy (i.e. midazolam with either droperidol or olanzapine) was more effective than st vincent’s research report 2012 78 Emergency Practice Innovation Centre midazolam alone, so it is now standard teaching in the ED and advised practice that combination therapy is used in Code grey situationsВ to achieve the rapid sedation of very agitated patients. Dr Janelle Dalip, Registrar These findings were also reflected in subsequent changes made to the вЂ�Therapeutic Guidelines’ seriesВ in the area of sedating drugs for acutely agitated patients. Students Dr Curtis Leacock, Registrar Dr Hossein Sammei, Registrar Ms Jane Varney, PhD candidate Mr Grant Phillips, MNursing candidate Staff Ms Alexandra Cotter, Advanced Medical ScienceВ Student Prof George Jelinek, Director Ms Nancy Khav, Advanced Medical Science Student Dr Tracey Weiland, Senior Research Fellow Ms Claudia Marck, Research Officer Service to the wider community Ms Emily Hadgkiss, Research Officer Prof George Jelinek Dr Dania van der Meer, Research Fellow (fromВ MayВ 2012) Staff with Honorary Appointments withВ theВ University of Melbourne Dr Jack Bergman, Senior Fellow Dr Stuart Dilley, Senior Fellow Dr Guy Sansom, Senior Fellow Dr Craig Winter, Senior Fellow Dr Michael Augello, Fellow Dr Neil Cunningham, Fellow Dr Nicola Cunningham, Fellow Dr Jonty Karro, Fellow Dr Sandra Neate, Fellow Dr Georgina Phillips, Fellow Emergency Medicine clinical staff whoВ areВ involved in research Dr Andrew Walby, Director, (from February 2012) Dr Jennie Hutton, Staff Specialist Dr Tom Hoey, Staff Specialist Dr Alex Swain, Staff Specialist Dr Jaqueline Maplesden, Staff Specialist Dr Kirsten Cassidy, Staff Specialist Dr Sarah Ward, Staff Specialist Dr Steve Parnis, Staff Specialist Dr Simon Walsh, Staff Specialist Dr Leonie Marcus, Staff Specialist Ms Susan Cowling, Nurse Unit Manager • Chair of Human Research Ethics Committee – AВ (HREC-A) at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne • Emeritus Editor for the journal EmergencyВ Medicine Australasia • Group Leader at The Gawler Foundation. Dr Tracey Weiland. • Statistical Consultant for the journal EmergencyВ Medicine Australasia. Dr Georgina Phillips • Deputy Chair of Human Research Ethics Committee – A (HREC-A) at St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne • National Steering Committee Member of вЂ�Social Justice Through Health – Homeless Health and Wellbeing’ St Vincent’s Health Australia • Committee of Management Member, St Vincent’s Pacific Health Fund, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne • Secretary, Senior Medical Staff Executive Committee, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne • Member, Public Health Committee, Australasian College for Emergency Medicine • Member, International Development Grant Fund committee, ACEM • Pacific Islands and Myanmar representative, International Emergency Medicine Special InterestВ Group, ACEM • Chair, Committee of Management, Project Respect (small NGO working with women inВ theВ sex industry and who have been trafficked into Australia; www.projectrespect.org.au ) st vincent’s research report 2012 79 Emergency Practice Innovation Centre Susan Cowling, Margaret Maslin andВ BelindaВ Casboult • Visited the Port Moresby General Hospital Emergency Department in order to support/train local staff as part of the вЂ�Nursing Capacity Building in PNG’ funded by ACEM Grants Jelinek GA. Measuring adherence to lifestyle modification and its correlation with quality of life outcomes for patients with multiple sclerosis, Linda and Tony Bloom Foundation $40,000 for 2010–2012 ($13,000 in 2012) Jelinek GA, Boughey M, Weil J, Philip J, Weiland TJ, Lane H, Haydon A. The care of patients with advanced cancer in the emergency department – exploring opportunities toВ improve care, Victorian Cancer Agency $76,000 for 2011–2012 ($51,000 in 2012) Jelinek GA. The care of patients with advanced cancer in the emergency department – exploring opportunities to improve care, SVHM – Research Endowment Fund $36,441 for 2012 Varney J, Weiland TJ, Jelinek GA, Inder W and Liew D. Cost-Effectiveness of a telephone coaching intervention for patients with poorly controlled Type 2В Diabetes., SVHM – Research Endowment Fund $14,992 for 2011–2012 ($7,496 in 2012) Jelinek GA, Hadgkiss E. Health Outcomes and Lifestyle in a Sample ofВ patients with Multiple Sclerosis (HOLISM), LindaВ andВ Tony Bloom Foundation $89,375 for 2012–2013 ($60,000 in 2012) Hadgkiss E, Lethborg C, Al-Mousa A, Marck C. Asylum seeker health and wellbeing: scoping study, St Vincent’s Health Australia $38,978 for 2012 Philip J, Weiland T, Boughey M, Jelinek G, LaneВ H, Weil J, Knott J, Chiu A, Marck C. Improving emergency department care of patients with advanced cancer: A qualitative study, VictorianВ Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC) $70,000 for 2012–2013 ($50,000 in 2012) Weiland T, Jelinek GA, Marck CH, Neate S. Organ donation: Understanding family decisions, SVHM $39,212 for 2011–2012($9,212 in 2012) Phillips GA. Nursing capacity building for emergency care in PNG., Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, International Development Fund. $20,000 for 2012 Collaborations in research National • Royal Melbourne Hospital, Victoria • Western Hospital, Victoria • Sunshine Hospital, Victoria • Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria • Austin Health, Melbourne, Victoria • The University of Melbourne, Victoria • Monash University • Australian Catholic University, Melbourne Victoria • The Gawler Foundation, Yarra Valley, Victoria • DonateLife, Australia • Australasian College for Emergency Medicine Publications Books Brown D, Grierson E, Jelinek G, Macarow K, Samartzis P, Weiland T, Winter C. 2012. Designing Sound for Health and Wellbeing. Australian Scholarly, Melbourne, ISBN: 978–1–921875–62–5 Journal articles Jelinek GA. (2012) The developing challenge of clinical longevity. Emerg Med Australas 24(2): 201–2 Wong RE, Weiland TJ, Jelinek GA. (2012) Emergency clinicians’ attitudes and decisions inВ patient scenarios involving advance directives. Emerg Med J 29(9):720–4. Marck CH, Weiland TJ, Neate SL, Hickey BB, Jelinek GA. (2012) Personal attitudes and beliefs regarding organ and tissue donation: a crosssectional survey of Australian emergency department clinicians. Prog Transplant 22(3):317–22. st vincent’s research report 2012 80 Emergency Practice Innovation Centre Jelinek GA, Marck CH, Weiland TJ, Neate SL, Hickey BB. (2012) Organ and tissue donation-related attitudes, education and practices of emergency department clinicians in Australia. Emerg Med Australas 24(3):244–50. Marck CH, Weiland TJ, Neate SL, Hickey BB, Jelinek GA. (2012) Australian emergency doctors’ and nurses’ acceptance and knowledge regarding brain death: a national survey. Clin Transplant 2012 26(3):E254–60. Cunningham NJ, Weiland TJ, van Dijk J, PaddleВ P, Shilkofski N, Cunningham NY. (2012) Telephone referrals by junior doctors: a randomised controlled trial assessing the impact of SBAR in a simulated setting. Postgrad Med J 2012 Aug 14. doi:10.1136/ postgradmedj–2011–130719. Moore G, Hepworth G, Weiland T, Manias E, GerdtzВ MF, Kelaher M, Dunt D. (2012) Prospective validation of a predictive model that identifies homeless people at risk of re-presentation to theВ emergency department. Australas Emerg NursВ JВ 15(1):2–13. Gerdtz MF, Weiland TJ, Jelinek GA, Mackinlay C, HillВ N. (2012) Perspectives of emergency department staff on the triage of mental health-related presentations: implications for education, policy andВ practice. Emerg Med Australas 24(5):492–500. Neate SL, Marck CH, Weiland TJ, Cunningham N, Hickey BB, Dwyer BM, Jelinek GA. (2012) Australian emergency clinicians’ perceptions and use of the GIVE Clinical Trigger for identification of potential organ and tissue donors. Emerg Med Australas 24(5):501–09. Jelinek GA, Hadgkiss E, Hassed C, Crimmins B, Schattner P, Liew D, Kausman R, Inder W, GutbrodВ S, Weiland TJ. (2012) Difficulties in Recruitment for a Randomised Controlled TrialВ of Lifestyle Intervention for Type 2 Diabetes: Implications for Diabetes Management. Open Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases 2:53–57. Phillips GA, Hendrie J, Atua V, Manineng C. (2012) Capacity building in emergency care: An example from Madang, Papua New Guinea. Emerg Med Australas 24(5):547–52. Cunningham N. (2012) The medicolegal issues surrounding body pushers, packers and stuffers. Emergency Medicine Australasia 24:590–4. Cunningham N. (2012) Sexual assault consultations – From high risk to high reliability. J Forensic Leg Med 19:53–9. Conference publications Jelinek GA. вЂ�Patients with advanced cancer in Australian emergency departments’, Conference Proceedings of the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting, Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, Hobart, November 2012 Jelinek GA. вЂ�Why public health in the ED is good forВ you and your patients’, Conference Proceedings of the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting, Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, Hobart, NovemberВ 2012 Weiland TJ, Nguyen M, Jelinek GA. (2012) Illness perception and knowledge with regard toВ prediabetes and type 2 diabetes: a pilot study of emergency department patients and staff. EurВ JВ Emerg Med 19(6):353–8. Dalip J, Phillips GA, Jelinek GA, Weiland TJ. (2012) Can the elderly handle the heat? A retrospective case-control study of the impact of heatwaves onВ older patients attending an inner city Australian emergency department. Asia-Pacific J Pub Health Dec 4, doi: 10.1177/1010539512466428 st vincent’s research report 2012 81 Emergency Practice Innovation Centre Speaking engagements Marck CH, Neate SL. вЂ�Assessing Barriers to Organ and Tissue Donation in Emergency Departments’, DonateLife national forum, Brisbane, March 2012 Jelinek GA. вЂ�What’s Important? Insights from one Academic’s Career Path’, Annual Doctors Research Forum, Centre for Palliative Care, University of Melbourne, May 2012 Phillips GA. Myanmar Emergency Medicine Introductory Course (MEMIC), sponsored by the Australian Ambassadors Direct Aid Program (Australian Agency for International Development), Yangon, Myanmar, June 2012 Stevens B, Cowling SA. вЂ�Starting resuscitation inВ theВ B.A.R. – a first at St Vincent’s’, 14th International Conference on Emergency Medicine,В Dublin, June 2012 Phillips GA. вЂ�Emergency Medicine in Myanmar’, вЂ�Innovate Forum’, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, July 2012 Marck CH. вЂ�Assessing Barriers to Organ and Tissue Donation in Emergency Departments’, International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Berlin, JulyВ 2012 Marck CH. вЂ�Australian Emergency Clinicians’ Acceptance and Knowledge Regarding Brain Death: a National Survey’, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne Research Week, August 2012 Phillips GA. вЂ�Emergency Care in the Pacific; lessons learnt and next steps & International emergency care – training on the job’, International Emergency Care Symposium, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, September 2012 Jelinek GA. вЂ�Patients with advanced cancer in Australian emergency departments’, 29th Annual Scientific Meeting, Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, Hobart, November 2012 Jelinek GA. вЂ�Why public health in the ED is good for you and your patients’, 29th Annual Scientific Meeting, Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, Hobart, November 2012 Phillips GA. вЂ�Ethics of international EM work’, 29thВ Annual Scientific Meeting, Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, Hobart, November 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 82 Endocrinology and Diabetes St Vincent’s Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes is actively involved inВ research examining insulin resistance, islet transplantation, the biology of cortisol action, pituitary disease, the mechanisms regulating bone formation and the factors related to the development and progression of diabetes related complications. About us The Department is fortunate to be staffed byВ members with diverse research interests. Prof Richard MacIsaac is director of the Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes. He took up this position in August 2011. He is an internationally recognised expect in the field related to the development and progression of diabetes related complications, especially diabetic nephropathy. A/Prof Glenn Ward is Head of Diabetes Services. HisВ research interest is in insulin secretion and action and islet transplantation, and transitions in diabetes care, through a network of collaborators in Victoria and overseas. The following are Research Fellows working towards their postgraduate degrees in 2012: Dr Carmela Caputo and Dr Sybil McAuley Research fellows are Dr Jacqueline Walters, DrВ Nirupa Sachihanandran and Dr Kylie McLachlan. Research Scientists are Varuni Obeyesekere andВ Judith Gooley. Anne Ferguson is manager ofВ endocrine clinical trials. Ms Ferguson coordinates a number of trials within the Department of Endocrinology and is now assisted by research nurse Elizabeth O’Meara. Prof Frank Alford, although вЂ�officially’ retired, is stillВ involved in an advisory capacity with the research group. He has done pioneering work inВ the fields of insulin resistance and management ofВ pituitary conditions. Major projects Defining markers of early diabetic kidney disease. Richard MacIsaac Sybil McAuley, Glenn Ward, Alicia Jenkins, RichardВ MacIsaac and David O’Neal To determine whether 11ОІHSD1 and 11ОІHSD2 gene promoter methylation of peripheral blood mononuclear cell is increased in subjects with TypeВ 2В diabetes compared to control subjects Warrick J Inder, Varuni R Obeyesekere, ChristinaВ Jang and Richard Saffery ОІ cell dysfunction increases the risk of New OnsetВ Diabetes After Transplantation (NODAT) Project with Karen Dwyer, Glenn Ward, Varuni R Obeyesekere Intrasellar pressure in non-functioning pituitary macroadenomas: Gender differences and influence on pituitary hormone deficiencies. Carmela Caputo Insulin pump therapy in type 1 diabetes: VascularВ health, insulin pharmacokinetics andВ glucose sensing Sybil McAuley Quality The success of the Islet transplantation program, in collaboration with St Vincent’s Institute, has resulted in the availability of this innovative therapy to a small group of вЂ�brittle’ type 1 diabetic patients who are at serious risk from unpredictable life-threatening major hypoglycaemia. The outcomes of the clinical trial of Islet Transplantation in вЂ�brittle’ type 1 patients are now free of major life-threatening hypoglycaemia while maintaining near-normal blood glucose control. Three of them are now free of insulin injections. Staff Director, Prof Richard MacIsaac Deputy Director, A/Prof Glenn Ward A/Prof David O’Neal A/Prof Alicia Jenkins Dr Nirupa Sachihanandran, Research Fellow Dr Kylie McLachlan, Research Fellow Dr Carmela Caputo, Research Fellow Dr Jacqueline Walters, Research Fellow Prof Frank Alford, Emeritus Professor Dr Caroline Jung. Research Fellow Dr Sybil McAuley, Research Fellow st vincent’s research report 2012 83 Endocrinology and Diabetes Judith Gooley, Research Scientist Varuni Obeyesekere, Research scientist Anne Ferguson, Research Nurse Elizabeth O’Meara Research Nurse Students Sachithanandan N. Observational Acromegaly Study, IPSEN $67,600 for 4 years ($16,900 in 2011) Sachithanandan N. Pasireotide NETS Study, Novartis $26,486 for 2 years ($13,000 in 2011) Dr Sybil McAuley, Endocrinologist and MD Student Collaborations in research Service to the wider community • Dr Richard MacIsaac: Menzies Institute, Darwin. Mosaquies Diagnostics, Hannover, Germany • Professor Richard MacIsaac, Chairman, Diabetes Australia Research Trust Board. He also serves on a number of expect panels including the Australasian Proteinuria Consensus Working Group. He also served on the 20011 NHMRC endocrine grant review panel. • Carmela Caputo: Novartis Victorian/Tasmanian Pituitary Interest Group commenced September 2012. Aim to undertake collaborative projects inВ 2013 Grants Journal articles MacIsaac R. LEADER, Novo Nordisk $191,620 for 5 years ($38,307 in 2011) S Patel, B Wai, M Ord, R J MacIsaac, S Grant, E Velkoska, S Panagiotopoulos, G Jerums, PM Srivastava & LM Burrell. Association of ACE2 genetic variants with blood pressure, left ventricular mass and cardiac function in caucaians with type 2В diabetes. American Journal of Hypertension, 2012, 25, 216–222. Ward G, Jenkins A. Metabolic monitoring of Islet transplantations, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation $400,000 for 4 years ($100,000 in 2011) Ward G, Kay T. Islet Transplantation at St Vincent’s, CCRE $50,000 Ward G. SAVOR, Astra-Zeneca $49,390 for 5 years ($9,878 in 2011) Ward G. Trial Net, National Institute of Health $5000 Dwyer K, Ward G, Jang C, Alford F. ОІ – Cell Dysfunction Increases The Risk Of New Onset Diabetes After Transplantation, CARG: Cellcept Australia Research Grant $40,000 O’Neal D, McAuley S Ward G, MacIsaac R. Basal Study, Roche NHMRC $50,000 Publications G Jerums, E Ekinci, S Panagiotopoulos &В RВ JВ MacIsaac. Early glomerular filtration loss as a marker of diabetic nephropahy. EuropeanВ Nephropathy, 2012, 6, 33–37. R J MacIsaac, G Jerums & GF Watts. Diabetic chronic kidney disease. Diabetes: Chronic Complications, 2012. Eds Shaw KM & Cummings MH, John Wiley & Sons, LTD, London. Chapter 2, 34–66. SK Patel, B Wai, R J MacIsaac, S Grant, EВ Velkoska, Ord M, S Panagiotopoulos, G Jerums, PM Srivastava, LM Burrel. The CTGF gene-945 G/C polymorphism is not associated with cardiac or kidney complications in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2012, 11:42. ORIGIN Trial Investigators, Bosch J, Gerstein HC, Dagenais GR, DГaz R, Dyal L, Jung H, Maggiono AP, Probstfield J, Ramachandran A, Riddle MC, RydГ©n LE, Yusuf S. N-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with dysglycemia. New England Journal of Medicine, 2012, 367, 309–18. st vincent’s research report 2012 84 Endocrinology and Diabetes ORIGIN Trial Investigators, Gerstein HC, BoschВ J,В Dagenais GR, Jung H, Maggiono AP, Pogue J, Probstfield J, Ramachandran A, Riddle MC, RydГ©nВ LE, Yusuf S. Basal insulin andВ cardiovascular and other outcomes in dysglysaemia. New England Journal of Medicine, 2012, 367, 319–28. Vu TD, VAradarajan S, Seeman E, Jerums G & MacIsaac R J. Hypocalcaemia induced by raloxifene. Current Drug Safety, 2012, 7, 176–178. Johnson DW, Jones GR, Mathew TH, LudlowВ MJ, Chadban SJ, Usherwood T, Polkinghorne K, Colaggiuri S, Jerums G, MacIsaac R J, MartinВ H; Australasian Proteinuria Consensus Working Group. Chronic kidney disease and measurement of albuminuria/proteinuria: a position statement. Medical Journal of Australia, 197, 224–5. So M, MacIsaac R J, Grossman M. Hypothyroidism: investigation and management. Australia Family Physician, 2012, 41, 556–562. R J MacIsaac, El Ekinci, DJ Kelly & G Jerums. New treatments for diabetic chronic kidney disease. Journal of Nephrology and Therapeutics, 2012, S2, doi: 10.4172/2161–0959. S2–006. Maple-Brown LJ, Hughes JT, Lawton PD, JonesВ GRD, Ellis AG, Katrina Drabsch K, Cass A, Hoy WE, MacIsaac R J, O’Dea K & Jerums G. Accurate assessment of kidney fuctionin Indigenous Australians: the EGFR study. American Journal ofВ Kidney Diseases 2012, 60, 680–2. Januszewski AS, Karschimkus C, Davis KER, O’Neal D, Ward G & Jenkins AJ. Plasma 1,5 anhydroglucitol levels, a measure of short-term glycaemia: assay assessment and lower levels in diabetic vs. Non-diabetic subjects. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2012, 95, e17–e19. High Incidence of Insulin Resistance and Dysglycemia Amongst Nondiabetic Cardiac Surgical Patients. Hofferberth SC, Newcomb AE, Ryan MC, Yii MY, Nixon IK, Rosalion A, Boston RC, Ward GM & Wilson AM. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2012, 94,117–122. Vethakkan SR, Walters JM, Gooley JL, BostonВ RC, Kay TWH, Goodman DJ, Jenkins AJ & Ward GM. Normalized NEFA dynamics during an OGTT after islet transplantation. Transplantation 2012, 94, e49–51. Dunning T, MacGinley R & Ward G. Is point of care testing for anaemia (Hb) and microalbumin feasible in people with type 2 diabetes attending diabetes outpatient clinics? Renal Society of Australasia Journal 2012, 8, 76–81. Inder WJ, Obeyesekere VR, Jang C & Saffery R. Evidence for transcript-specific epigenetic regulation of glucocorticoid-stimulated skeletal muscle 11ОІ-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 activity in typeВ 2 diabetes. Clinical Epigenetics 2012, 4:24. ZГјrbig P, Jerums G, Hovind P, MacIsaac R J, Mischak M, Neilsen SE, Panagiotopoulos S, Persson F & Rossing R. Urinary proteomics forВ earlyВ diagnosis in diabetic nephropathy. Diabetes,В 2012, 61, 3304–3313. Sybil A. McAuley SA, Ward GM, HorsburghВ JC, Jenkins AJ, MacIsaac R J & O’Neal DN. TheВ evidence gap for clinical decisions regarding insulin pump basal regimens. Infusystems Asia 2012, 7, 25–29. st vincent’s research report 2012 85 GASTROENTEROLOGY The Department of Gastroenterology at StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne is the largest gastroenterology department in Victoria providing clinical care for patients with aВ broad range of gastrointestinal disorders. ItВ provides a comprehensive array of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures. TheВ department undertakes clinical and basicВ research into chronic viral hepatitis, fattyВ liver disease, inflammatory bowel diseaseВ and Barrett’s oesophagus. About us The research philosophy of the Department is to undertake clinical, translational and basic research centred around the clinical expertise and research interests of department members. It provides a comprehensive clinical service for inflammatory bowel disease and also viral hepatitis. We have aВ number of collaborations with researchers in Victoria, throughout Australia and internationally. Major projects Inflammatory bowel disease research is coordinated by Professor Michael Kamm and Dr Sally Bell. TheВ research is currently looking at the causes andВ treatment of recurrent Crohn’s disease after bowel resection. The group has established aВ multicentre clinical trial of various therapeutic options in patients who have undergone bowel resections for active Crohn’s disease. The study also looks at the changes in microbiota that may be responsible for early recurrence of Crohn’s after surgery. The group is also examining the incidence, prevalence and natural history of inflammatory bowel disease in a defined Australian population in the Barwon district. Inflammatory bowel disease research is alsoВ examining differences in prevalence and naturalВ history of inflammatory bowel disease inВ South East Asia and Australia. Finally this group isВ examining the potential of faecal transplants toВ alter the natural history of Crohn’s disease. Research in Barrett’s Oesophagus is looking at theВ diagnosis, staging and endoscopic treatment ofВ people with severe dysplasia and early cancer ofВ the oesophagus associated with Barrett’s. The hepatitis research group, headed by Dr Alex Thompson and Associate Professor Paul Desmond, is examining the natural history and treatment outcomes for patients with chronic hepatitis B andВ chronic hepatitis C. The studies are also lookingВ at the role of genetics, particularly IL28B, and response to treatment in chronic hepatitis C. Other studies are examining the role of the innate immune system in chronic hepatitis C, particularly during treatment. The Department participates in a large number ofВ multi-national clinical trials for new agents in theВ management of chronic viral hepatitis, includingВ hepatitis C and hepatitis B, hepatocellular carcinoma, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Quality Recent publications by the Department will have aВ significant impact related to the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in relationship to IL28B polymorphism. Studies on hepatitis B surface antigen quantitation during treatment will also haveВ an impact on the therapy of this disease. Significant changes in inflammatory bowel disease management and government resource allocation is likely to come out of the incidence study recently published by the Department. Staff A/Prof Paul Desmond, Director Department ofВ Gastroenterology Dr Sally Bell, Gastroenterologist Prof Michael Kamm, Gastroenterologist Dr Alex Thompson, Gastroenterologist Dr Bill Connell, Gastroenterologist Dr Stephen Brown, Gastroenterologist Dr Andrew Taylor, Gastroenterologist Dr Robert Chen, Gastroenterologist Dr Marno Ryan, Gastroenterologist Dr Mark Lust, Gastroenterologist Dr Tin Nguyen, Gastroenterologist Dr David Iser, Gastroenterologist Nicole Tresize, Research Nurse Kathryn Ritchie, Research Nurse Katrina Dennis, Research Nurse Lera O’Connor, Research Nurse Bernadette De Graaff, Research Administrator Amy Hamilton, Research Coordinator st vincent’s research report 2012 86 GASTROENTEROLOGY Dr Jacqui Richmond, Research Nurse Dr Mario Congiu, Research Scientist Dr Mette Juulsgaard, Visiting International Research Scholar Dr David Ong, Visiting International Research Scholar Dr Prayman Sattianayagam, Visiting International Research Scholar Dr Edwin Verschuren, Visiting Internal Research Scholar Students Dr David Iser, PhD Dr Peter De Cruz, PhD Dr Chat Jayasekera, MD Dr Lani Prideaux, PhD Dr Jacinta Holmes, PhD Dr Georgina Cameron, MD Theses passed in 2012 Dr Chat Jayasekera, MD, TheВ UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne Dr David Iser, PhD, The University of Melbourne Grants The role of ITPA genotype in pegylated-interferon therapy for chronic hepatitis B., SVH Research Endowment Fund $20,000 in 2012 A/Prof Paul Desmond Study of ABT-450/Ritonavir/ABT-267 and ABT-333 with Ribavirin in treatment experienced adults with Genotype 1Hepatitic C virus, AbbVie Pty Ltd AUD $111,000 for 2012–2014 (based on 10В enrolledВ subjects) (nil in 2012) A/Prof Paul Desmond Study of ABT-450/Ritonavir/ABT-267 and ABT-333 with Ribavirin compared to Telaprevir +PegInterferon and Ribavirin in treatment naГЇve adults with Genotype 1Hepatitic C virus, AbbVie Pty Ltd $166,000 for 2013–2015 (based on 15 enrolled subjects) (nil in 2012) A/Prof Paul Desmond Study of ABT-450/Ritonavir/ABT-267 and ABT-333 with Ribavirin in treatment experienced adults with Genotype 1Hepatitic C virus, AbbVie Pty Ltd $133,000 for 2013–2015 (based on 12 enrolled subjects) (nil in 2012) Dr Alex Thompson Study of Peginterferon Lambda-1a +/- daclatasvir +ribavirin compared to Peginterferon + ribavirin for treatment naГЇve Genotype 2 and 3 adults withВ Hepatitis C (017), Bristol Myers Squibb $54.000 for 2012–2014 (based on 6 enrolled subjects) ($22,000 in 2012) Dr Alex Thompson Study of Daclatasvir + Peginterferon + ribavirin compared to Telaprevir + Peginterferon + ribavirin forВ treatment naГЇve Genotype 1 adults with HepatitisВ C (052), Bristol Myers Squibb $62,000 for 2012–2014 (based on 6 enrolled subjects) ($23,000 in 2012) Dr Alex Thompson Study of Asunaprevir and Daclatasvir and ribavirin for null/partial responders to Peginterferon + Ribavirin treatment, or those intolerant/ineligible forВ peginterferon+ ribavirin treatment, Genotype 1b adults with Hepatitis C (028), Bristol Myers Squibb $63,800 for 2012–2014 (based on 6 enrolled subjects) ($35,000 in 2012) Dr Alex Thompson Re-treatment study with Peginterferon Alfa-2a, ribavirin and BMS-790052 with or without BMS650032 for subjects requiring rescue therapy having participated in the 028 study.,, Bristol Myers Squibb $14,000 for 2012–2014 (based on 2 enrolled subjects) (nil in 2012) A/Prof Paul Desmond Evaluation of Tenofovir versus Adefovir Dipivoxil treatment for presumed precore mutant chronic HepВ B (0102) and HBeAg positive chronic Hep B (0103), Gilead Sciences Commenced 2005, follow-up continuing until 2015 ($4,400 in 2012) Dr Alex Thompson Evaluation of response guided therapy of GS-5885 with or without GS-9451plus Peginterferon plus ribavirin in Genotype 1 subjects with chronic HCV (0148), Gilead Sciences $92,000 for 2011–2013 (based on 8 subjects) ($35,000 in 2012) st vincent’s research report 2012 87 GASTROENTEROLOGY Dr Alex Thompson Evaluation of GS-7977 plus ribavirin for 12 weeks in Genotype 2 or 3 subjects with chronic HCV who are interferon intolerant/ineligible or unwilling (0107), Gilead Sciences $72,000 for 2012–2013 (based on 10 subjects) ($3,000 in 2012) Stephen Locarnini, Nadia Warner, AlexВ Thompson, Kumar Visvanathan. Antiviral Drug Resistant HBV: Pathogenic andВ Oncogenic Significance of the Altered Viral Envelope, NHMRC Project grant_1011024 $525,390 for 3 years ($178,000 in 2012) Dr Alex Thompson A whole genome association study forВ determinantsВ of clinical outcome and treatmentВ response in chronic hepatitis C, NH&MRC,В Overseas Biomedical Fellowship $343,872 for 3 years ($114,200 in 2012) Dr Alex Thompson The GUIDE study, an investigator-initiated study of IL28B genotype frequency among genotype 2/3 HCV-infected Australians, MSD Australia, Unrestricted educational grant from MSD Australia $120,000 in 2012 These include: NHMRC: fellow scholarship; Charitable body grants: Gutsy Group $80,000, Broad Foundation Prof Michael Kamm Practitioner Fellowship, NHMRC $650,000 for 5 years ($125,000 in 2012) Dr Peter DeCruz NHMRC Scholarship $95,000 for 3 years ($31,000 in 2012) Prof Michael Kamm Recurrent Crohn’s after surgery, Gutsy Group $80,000 ($40,000 in 2012) Prof Michael Kamm IBD in Asia, Broad Foundation $220,000 for 2 years ($110,000 in 2012) Collaborations in research International • Duke Research Centre, • St Mary’s Hospital Hong Kong, • Multiple international clinical trials National • The Australian Liver Association • IBD Australia Victorian • Victorian Infectious Diseases ReferenceВ Laboratory, • The Melbourne Liver Group, • The Australian Liver Association, • The Murdoch Research Institute, • CSIRO, Melbourne University, • Monash University Publications Journal articles Arroyo Martinez Q, DeCruz P, Murugananthan A, Desmond P, Chen R. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate: a useful method in theВ diagnosis of pancreatic tuberculosis. ANAВ JВ Surg. 2012 Apri;82(4):282–3. De Cruz P, Kamm MA, Prideaux L, AllenВ PB, Desmond PV. Postoperative recurrent luminal Crohn’s disease: a systematic review. Inflamm BowelВ Dis. 2012 Apr;18(4):758–77. Efthymiou M, Desmond PV, Brown G, La Nauze R, Kaffes A, Chua TJ, Taylor AC. SINGLE–01: a randomized, controlled trial comparing the efficacy and depth of insertion of single – and double – balloon enteroscopy by using a novel method to determine insertion depth. Gastrointest Endosc. 2012 Nov;76(5):972–80.2012. Holmes JA, Desmond PV, Thompson AJ. Does IL28B genotyping still have a role in the era of direct-acting antiviral therapy for chronic hepatitis CВ infection? J Viral Hepat. 2012 Oct;19(10):677–84. Jayasekera CS, Taylor AC, Desmond PV, MacraeВ F, Williams R. Added value of narrow band imaging and confocal laser endomicroscopy in detecting Barrett’s oesophagus neoplasia. Endoscopy, 2012 Dec, 44(12) 1089–95. st vincent’s research report 2012 88 GASTROENTEROLOGY Benjamin JL, Hedin CR, Koutsoumpas A, NgВ SC, McCarthy NE, Prescott NJ, Pessoa-Lopes P, Mathew CG, Sanderson J, Hart AL, KammВ MA, Knight SC, Forbes A, Stagg AJ, Lindsay JO, WhelanВ K. Smokers with active Crohn’s disease have a clinically relevant dysbiosis of the gastrointestinal microbiota. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2012В Jun;18(6):1092–100. Prideaux L, Kamm MA, De Cruz P, Williams J, BellВ SJ, Connell WR, Brown SJ, Lust M, DesmondВ PV, Chan H, Chow DK, Wu JC, LeongВ RW, Sung JJ, Chan FK, Ng SC. ComparisonВ of Clinical Characteristics and Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease inВ HongВ Kong versus Melbourne. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012 May;27(5):919–27. Emmanuel AV, Kamm MA, Roy AJ, Kerstens R, Vandeplassche L. Randomised clinical trial: the efficacy of prucalopride in patients with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction – a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over, multiple n = 1 study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2012 Jan;35(1):48–55. Tozer P, Ng SC, Siddiqui MR, Plamondon S, BurlingВ D, Gupta A, Swatton A, Tripoli S, Vaizey CJ, Kamm MA, Phillips R, Hart A. Long-term MRI-guided combined anti-TNF-О± and thiopurine therapy for Crohn’s perianal fistulas. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2012 Oct;18(10):1825–34. Peyrin-Biroulet L, Cieza A, Sandborn WJ, CoenenВ M, Chowers Y, Hibi T, Kostanjsek N, StuckiВ G, Colombel JF; International Programme toВ Develop New Indexes for Crohn’s Disease (IPNIC) group: ReinischВ W, TilgВ H, Kamm M, D’HaensВ G, Louis E, VanВ AsscheВ G, Feagan B, Irvine EJ, MichettiВ P, Hibi T, SchГ¶lmerichВ J, Schreiber S, MunkholmВ P, PanesВ J, Colombel JF, Cosnes J, LГ©mann M, LewinВ M, Mary JY, Pariente B, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Travis S, Chowers Y, Danese S, Vecchi M, HommesВ DW, Oresland T, Fletcher J, Loftus EV Jr, SandbornВ WJ, Sands BE. Development of the first disability index for inflammatory bowel disease based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health. Gut. 2012 Feb;61(2):241–7. De Cruz P, Bernardi MP, Kamm MA, Allen P, Prideaux L, Williams J, Johnston M, Keck J, Brouwer R, Heriot A, Woods R, Brown S, Bell S, Elliott R, Connell W, Desmond PV.Post-Operative Recurrence of Crohn’s Disease: Impact of Endoscopic Monitoring and Treatment Step-Up. Colorectal Dis. 2012 Jul 3. doi: 10.1111/j.1463–1318.2012.03168.x. [Epub ahead ofВ print] Ng SC, Tsoi KK, Kamm MA, Xia B, Wu J, Chan FK, Sung JJ. Genetics of inflammatory bowel disease inВ Asia: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2012 Jun;18(6):1164–76. De Cruz P, Kamm MA, Prideaux L, Allen PB, Desmond PV. Postoperative recurrent luminal Crohn’s Disease: A systematic review. InflammВ Bowel Dis. 2012 Apr;18(4):758–77. Prideaux L, De Cruz P, Ng SC, Kamm MA. Serological antibodies in inflammatory bowel disease: A systematic review. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2012 Jul;18(7):1340–55. De Cruz P, Kamm MA, Prideaux L, Allen PB, MooreВ G. Mucosal healing in Crohn’s disease: AВ systematic review. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2012 Apr 26. doi: 10.1002/ibd.22977. [Epub ahead of print]. Prideaux L, Kamm MA, De Cruz PP, Chan FK, Ng SC. Inflammatory bowel disease in Asia: AВ systematic review. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012В Aug;27(8):1266–80. Al-Hassi HO, Bernardo D, Murugananthan AU, Mann ER, English NR, Jones A, Kamm MA, ArebiВ N, Hart AL, Blakemore AI, Stagg AJ, Knight SC. AВ mechanistic role for leptin in human dendritic cell migration: differences between ileum and colon inВ health and Crohn’s disease. Mucosal Immunol. 2012 Nov 21. doi: 10.1038/mi.2012.113. [Epub ahead of print] De Cruz P, Prideaux L, Wagner J, Ng SC, McSweeney C, Kirkwood C, Morrison M, Kamm MA. Characterization of the gastrointestinal microbiota in health and inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2012 Feb;18(2):372–90. Efthymiou M, Allen PB, Jayasekera C, Taylor PV, Taylor AC. Value of fecal occult blood test as a screening test before capsule endoscopy. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011 Aug;23(8):690–4. Veldt BJ, Duarte-Rojo A, Thompson AJ, et al. Recipient IL28B polymorphism is an important independent predictor of posttransplant diabetes mellitus in liver transplant patients with chronic hepatitis C. Am J Transplant 2012;12:737–44. Thompson AJ, Patel K, Chuang WL, et al. Viral clearance is associated with improved insulin resistance in genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C butВ notВ genotype 2/3. Gut 2012;61:128–34. st vincent’s research report 2012 89 GASTROENTEROLOGY Thompson AJ, Clark PJ, Singh A, et al. Genome-wide association study of interferon-related cytopenia in chronic hepatitis C patients. J Hepatol 2012;56:313–9. Naggie S, Rallon NI, Benito JM, et al. Variants in the ITPA gene protect against ribavirin-induced hemolytic anemia in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients with all HCV genotypes. J Infect Dis 2012;205:376–83. Naggie S, Osinusi A, Katsounas A, et al. Dysregulation of innate immunity in hepatitis C virus genotype 1 IL28B-unfavorable genotype patients: impaired viral kinetics and therapeutic response. Hepatology 2012;56:444–54. Cheng Y, Guindon S, Rodrigo A, et al. Cumulative viral evolutionary changes in chronic hepatitis B virus infection precedes hepatitis B e antigen seroconversion. Gut 2012. Dec 15. [Epub ahead ofВ print] Cabuang LM, Shaw T, Littlejohn M, et al. In vitro replication phenotype of a novel (–1G) hepatitis B virus variant associated with HIV co-infection. J Med Virol 2012;84:1166–76. Speaking engagements Dr Alex Thompson Naggie S, Osinusi A, Katsounas A, et al. Dysregulation of innate immunity in hepatitis C virus genotype 1 IL28B-unfavorable genotype patients: Impaired viral kinetics and therapeutic response. Hepatology 2012. • Asia-Pacific Digestive Diseases Week (APDW), December 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. Plenary Lecture: вЂ�Current and future perspective of hostВ genomes and chemokines in management ofВ chronic hepatitis B. Lucas JE, Thompson JW, Dubois LG, et al. Metaprotein expression modeling for label-free quantitative proteomics. BMC Bioinformatics 2012;13:74. • APDW Postgraduate Course, December 2012, Bangkok, Thailand: вЂ�Management of chronic hepatitis B infection’. Jazwinski AB, Thompson AJ, Clark PJ, Naggie S, Tillmann HL, Patel K. Elevated serum CK18 levels in chronic hepatitis C patients are associated with advanced fibrosis but not steatosis. J Viral Hepat 2012;19:278–82. Howell CD, Gorden A, Ryan KA, et al. Single nucleotide polymorphism upstream of interleukin 28BВ associated with phase 1 and phase 2 of early viral kinetics in patients infected with HCV genotype 1. J Hepatol 2012;56:557–63. Clark PJ, Thompson AJ, Zhu Q, et al. The association of genetic variants with hepatic steatosis in patients with genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C infection. Dig Dis Sci 2012;57:2213–21. Clark PJ, Thompson AJ, Zhu M, et al. Interleukin 28B polymorphisms are the only common genetic variants associated with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in genotype-1 chronic hepatitis C and determine the association between LDL-C and treatment response. J Viral Hepat 2012;19:332–40. • American Association for the Study of the Liver (AASLD) Postgraduate Course, November 2012, Boston, USA. Lecture: вЂ�Human and viral genomes: predictors of response’. • European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Single Topic Conference on Therapy of Hepatitis C: Clinical Applications and Drug Development, September 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. Lecture: вЂ�Will HCV still be a medical problem in 2025?’ • Triennial International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Diseases, Shanghai, China, June, 2012. Lecture: вЂ�Genomic-based treatment paradigms for patients with chronic hepatitis C. • AASLD single topic conference, March 2012, Atlanta, USA. Lecture: вЂ�HCV Direct Antiviral Agents: Concepts, Development, andВ OptimalВ Use’ • AGW, October 2012, Adelaide. Lecture: вЂ�Host genetic testing in the era of direct-acting antiviral agents for HCV’ Clark PJ, Thompson AJ, Vock DM, et al. Hepatitis C virus selectively perturbs the distal cholesterol synthesis pathway in a genotype-specific manner. Hepatology 2012;56:49–56. st vincent’s research report 2012 90 Haematology The Haematology Department participates in a wide breadth of research activities that encompass basic science research in leukaemia and thrombosis and extend into clinical trials using cutting-edge chemotherapy drugs. About us The research activities undertaken within the Haematology Department include the study of the biochemical processes that cause leukaemia and blood clotting disorders and participation in clinical research to test the usefulness of new emerging treatments in the cure of several types of blood cancers. Major projects Basic Science Research Projects: • Identification of mechanisms causing miscarriages in antiphospholipid syndrome: In this project weВ have studied the capacity of certain proteins present on blood vessel surface to prevent the development of miscarriages in autoimmune diseases. (Funding from NHMRC) • Characterisation of a new protein with antithrombotic activity: We have discovered a newВ function for an existing blood vessel protein in the causation of blood clots. (Funding from theВ Heart Foundation) • Discovering genes that cause leukaemia: ByВ theВ study of patient samples, we have discovered genes that have the potential toВ causeВ leukaemia and we are confirming theirВ cancer-causing potential. (Funding fromВ theВ Leukaemia Foundation) Clinical and Translational Research: HREC-D 165/10 An adaptive, comparative, randimised, parallel-group, multi centre, Phase 1BВ study of (S/C) rituximab vs (IV) rituximab bothВ inВ combination with Bendamustine inВ ptsВ withВ previously untreated CLL HREC-D 158/12 A Randomized, Multicenter, Open-label, Phase 3 Study of the Bruton’s TyrosineВ Kinase (BTK) Inhibitor Ibrutinib versus Ofatumumab in Patients with Relapsed or RefractoryВ Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/ SmallВ Lymphocytic Lymphoma HREC 158/08 A Ph. 3, multicenter, randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of the efficacy and safety of Lenalidmide (Revlimid) as maintenance therapy for patients withВ B-cell lymphocytic leukemia following secondВ line therapy HREC -D 116/11 A Multi-centre, Phase 111 OpenLabel, Randomized Study in Previously Untreated Patients with Advanced Indolent Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Evaluating the Benefit of GA101 plus Chemotherapy Compared with Rituximab plus Chemotherapy followed by GA101 or Rituximab Maintenance therapy in Responders HREC-D 166/10 A Double Blind Multicentre Randomised Phase 111 study in Patients with Diffuse Large B-cell Lypmphoma Evaluating the benefit of Maintenance Therapy with Lenalidomide after Induction of Response with R-CHOP chemotherapy in Comparison with Placebo Maintenance Therapy (ALLG NHL25-REMARC) HREC – 108/09 A phase 3, multi-centre, randomised, open-label, parallel-group study ofВ theВ efficacy and safety of lenalidomide (revlimid)В versus chlorambucil as first-line therapyВ forВ previously untreated elderly patients withВ B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia HREC-D 037/09 A two stage Phaase 1b study to Investigate the pharmacokinetics, safety and tolerability of rituximab subcutaneous (SC) formulation in patients with follicular lymphoma asВ part of maintenance treatment HREC-D 083/10 A phase 11, Multi-centre, Randomised, Controlled, Open-Label Study ofВ theВ Safety, Efficacy and Pharmacokinetics of ABT-263 in Combination with Dose-Intensive Rituximab of Dose-Intensive Rituximab Alone inВ Previously Untreated Patients with B-cell, ChronicВ Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) HREC-D 121/09 An open label, randomised, parallel-group study of bendamustine hydrochloride and rituximab (BR) compared with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone (R-CVP) or rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone(R-CHOP) in the first line treatment of patients with advanced indolent Nn-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) or Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) st vincent’s research report 2012 91 Haematology HREC-D 105/02 (CML6) A Phase 11 Study in adult patients with newly-diagnosed myeloid leukaemia of initial intensified Glivec therapy, and sequential combination therapy for non-responders Dr James Griffiths, Honorary Consultant Haematologist, 0.0EFT PCYC-1112-CA: A Randomized, Multicenter, Openlabel, Phase 3 Study of the Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) Inhibitor Ibrutinib vs Ofatumumab in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia / Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma Dr Kritika Chaiwatanatorn, Consultant Haematologist, Quality Improvement, 0.3EFT PCYC-1117-CA: An Open-Label, Single Arm, Multicenter Phase 2 Study of the Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor PCI-32765 (Ibrutinib) in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia or Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma with 17p Deletion Dr Anne Dykes, Consultant Haematologist, QualityВ Improvement, 0.4EFT Dr Sue Morgan, Consultant Haematologist, QualityВ Improvement, 0.1EFT Dr Newton Lee, Consultant Haematologist, ClinicalВ Research, 0.2EFT Prof Harshal Nandurkar, Consultant Haematologist, Basic Research, 0.2EFT Ms Helen Worland, Trial Coordinator, 0.8EFT Ms Ady Bridget, Trial Coordinator, 1.0EFT TTP Registry [for St Vinent’s] Ms Carly Selan, Research Assistant, (untilВ AprilВ 2011-then maternity leave) 1.0EFT вЂ�Transfusion research; Improving Outcomes; NHMRC Partnership Grant [PI Prof. J. Mc Neil], tillВ end 2012 [no. 546291]. Students Mr Anup Sharma, PhD Student Patient Blood management in Critical Illness andВ Trauma. NH & MRC funding from mid 2012 forВ 5 years [PI Prof. J. Cooper], Monash University [no. 1040971] Ms Anushka Samudra, PhD Student Quality Service to the wider community • Audit of inferior Vena Cava Filter insertion andВ clinical follow up at St Vincent’s Hospital (2В year follow up data) Dr Robin Filshie: • Venous thromboembolism prevention in cancer patients undergoing colorectal surgery. Submitted for publication to ANZ Journal of Surgery Dr Matthew Ku, PhD Student Dr Sarah Kamel, PhD student • Member of the Safety and Data Monitoring Committee of the Australian Leukaemia andВ Lymphoma Group • Chair of Human Ethics Research Committee (D)В ofВ St Vincent’s Health. Staff Dr Merrole Cole-Sinclair: Dr Robin Filshie, Consultant Haematologist, ClinicalВ Research, 1.0EFT • Chief Examiner, Haematology, RCPA (untilВ December 2012 Dr Hang Quach, Consultant Haematologist, ClinicalВ Research, 1.0EFT • Chair, STV Transfusion Committee Dr Merrole Cole-Sinclair, Consultant Haematologist, Clinical Research and Quality Improvement, 1.0EFT Dr Ali Bazargan, Consultant Haematologist, ClinicalВ Research, 0.2 EFT A/Prof Frank Firkin, Honorary Consultant Haematologist, 0.0EFT Dr Con Tam Honorary Consultant Haematologist, 0.0EFT • Chair, Haematology Advisory Committee, RCPAВ [from December 2012] • Chair, Transfusion Outcomes Research Collaborative [вЂ�TORC’, ARCBS and MonashВ University] • Chair, Joint Specialist Advisory Committee inВ Haematology, RCPA and RACP (Co-chair untilВ Dec’12) st vincent’s research report 2012 92 Haematology • Chair, Transfusion Research; Improving outcomes вЂ�TRIO’, NH & MRC Dr Ali Bazargan: • Chair, Partnership Grant Steering Committee [tillВ end 2012] • Member, VTE committee • Member, Mortality review committee • Member, STV Pathology Clinical Quality Council • Member, Transfusion committee StВ Vincent’sВ Private Hospital • Member, SVP Transfusion Committee • Member, Cancer executive council • Member, Serious Transfusion Incident Review [STIR] Committee, Department of Health, Victoria Prof Harshal Nandurkar: • Member, TORC Aplastic Anaemia Registry Steering Committee • Member, TORC Haemoglobinopathy Registry Steering Committee • Chair, VTE Committee • Chair, Quality Improvement PresentationsВ Committee • Chair, Research week Committee • Member, Victorian Blood User Group • Member, Board of St Vincent’s Foundation • Member, Judging Panel, Stawell Prize, AMA • Member, Cancer Executive • Member, Board of Censors, RCPA (untilВ DecemberВ 2012) • Member, University of Melbourne postgraduateВ Committee • Member, Point of Care Testing Task Force, RCPA • Member, Senior Medical Staff Executive Council • Member, Joint Specialist Advisory Committee inВ Haematology, RCPA & RACP • Member, Pathology Executive • Member, Haematology Advanced Training Centralised Appointments-Victorian Committee Dr Constantine Tam: • Chair, Australian Febrile Neutropenia WorkingВ Group • Councillor, Specialist Review Council, Department of Veterans’ Affairs (2009 – 2012). • Session Chairman, Haematology-Oncology Targeted Therapy Meeting (2009 – 2012). • Scientific Advisory Committee, Australasian Leukaemia & Lymphoma Group (2010 – 2013). • Chair of Supportive Care, Australasian Leukaemia & Lymphoma Group (2010 – 2013). • Chair of CML / Chronic Myeloproliferative Diseases, Australasian Leukaemia & Lymphoma Group (2011 – 2013). • St Vincent’s Hospital Medical Cancer Executive Board (2009 – 2012); Executive Clinical Improvement Committee (2009 – 2012); HospitalВ Mortality Committee (2009 – 2011). • Advisory Board Member: Roche Australia, RocheВ Global, GlaxoSmithKline Australia, NovartisВ Australia, Bristol-Myers Squibb AustraliaВ (2009 – 2012). • Secretary, Australian Society of Haemostasis andВ Thrombosis Grants Harshal Nandurkar and Peter Cowan Role of GRP78 as a novel antithrombotic, HeartВ Foundation $130,000 for 2011–2013 ($65,000 in 2012) Con Tam Using Next Generation Sequencing to Identify Patients with CLL Who Do Not Response to Chemotherapy, Equity Trustees $32,984 for 2012 Con Tam CLL Biomarkers and Chemotherapy Resistance, CASS Foundation $50,000 for 2012 Collaborations in research International • University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre, Boston, USA • MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston, USA st vincent’s research report 2012 93 Haematology National • Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, AlfredВ Hospital and Monash University • Department of Biochemistry, Monash University • Department of Biochemistry, Bio21, UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne • St Vincent’s Insitute, Fitzroy • CSIRO-Molecular Health Technologies, Parkville Publications Book chapters Tam CS & Mulligan SP: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia – Diagnosis and Clinical Staging. Advances in the Treatment of B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Future Science Group (UK)В E-Book, 2012. Tam CS & Verstovsek S: Management of Polycythemia Vera. Expert Clinical Perspective onВ Diagnosis & Management of Cancer: Analysis ofВ Controversies and Uncertainties in Cancer, WileyВ Press. Journal articles George A, Tam CS, Seymour JF. High Risk Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma – Can We Do Better than R-CHOP? Leukemia & Lymphoma 2013, in press. Experts in CML. Price of Drugs for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML): Reflection of the Unsustainable Cancer Drug Prices – Perspective of CML Experts. Blood 2013, in press. Thompson PA, Tam CS. CD38 Expression in CLL – A Dynamic Marker of Prognosis. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2013, in press. Verstovsek S, Tam CS, Shah N. Phase I Evaluation of XL019, An Oral, Potent and Specific JAK2 Inhibitor. Manuscript in preparation. Shafik-Eid Ray, Tam CS, Hennessy OF, McKelvie PA, Galloway SJ, Lee WK. Amyloid-Like Nodal Light Chain Deposition Disease Complicating Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Manuscript in preparation. Santos FPS, Tam CS, Kantarjian H, Cortes J, Thomas D, Pollock R, Verstovsek S. Splenectomy in Patients with Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: Efficacy, Complications and Impact on SurvivalВ and Transformation. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2013, inВ press. Best OG and Tam CS. Protein Kinase C Isoform Expression in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Potential Target for Therapy? Leukemia & Lymphoma 2013, in press. Gregory G, Arumugaswamy A, Leung T, ChanВ KL, Abikhair M, Tam CS, Bajel A, Cher L, Grigg A, Ritchie D, Opat S. Rituximab is Associated with Improved Survival for Aggressive B-Cell Central Nervous System Lymphoma. Neuro-Oncology 2013, in press. Tam CS, Verstovsek S. Investigational Janus Kinase Inhibitors. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 2013, prepublished Feb 23, 2013. Tam CS & Keating MJ. Selection of Rituximab Dosage in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia : Where is the Evidence?. Leukemia & Lymphoma, prepublished Sep 28, 2012. Chan KL, McKelvie P, Firkin F, Bazargan A, TamВ CS.В Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia PresentingВ asВ an Intracranial Epidural Mass in aВ Patient with Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Associated with JAK2 V617F Mutation. Leukemia &В Lymphoma, prepublished Nov 19, 2012. Tan XL, Tam CS, McKellar R, Nandurkar N, Bazargan A. Out of Sight, Out of Mind: An Audit ofВ Inferior Vena Cava Filter Insertion and Clinical Follow-up in an Australian Institution and Literature Review. Internal Medicine Journal, prepublished JulyВ 4, 2012. Tam CS. Allogeneic Immunity and Anti-CD20 Therapy: A Potent Combination in the Treatment of a Patient with Richter Transformation of CLL. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2013; 54:7-8. Best G, Thompson P, Tam CS. Diagnostic Techniques and Therapeutic Challenges in Patients with TP53 Dysfunctional Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2012; 53:2105–15. McKelvie P, Oon S, Romas E, Nandurkar H, TamВ CS. A Case of ALK-Negative Anaplastic Large CellВ Lymphoma Associated with Hypereosinophilia, Granulomatous Myositis and Vasculitis. Leukemia &В Lymphoma 2012; 53:2279–82. McKelvie P, Thompson P, Tam CS. Peripheral T-cell and NK/T-cell Lymphomas: A Clinicopathological Study from One Australian Center. Histopathology 2012; 61: 212–23. st vincent’s research report 2012 94 Haematology Bazargan A, Tam CS, Keating MJ. Predicting Survival in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy 2012; 12:393–403. Tam CS and Gandhi V. Modifying the Immune System to Treat Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2012; 53:177–178. Perioperative Management of Anticoagulation in Elective Surgery ANZ Journal of Surgery (In press) Ruth N MacKinnon, Carly Selan, Adrian Zordan, Meaghan Wall, Harshal Nandurkar, Lynda J Campbell. CGH and SNP array using DNA extracted from fixed cytogenetic preparations and long-term refrigerated bone marrow specimens. Molecular Cytogenetics 2012, 5:10 Xu Y, Huntington ND, Harder KW, Nandurkar H, Hibbs ML, Tarlinton DM. Phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase activity in B cells is negatively regulated by Lyn tyrosine kinase. Immunol Cell Biol. 2012 Oct;90(9):903–11. Meretoja Atte, Churilov Leonid, Campbell, Bruce, Aviv Richard, Yassi Nawaf, Barras Christen, Mitchell Peter, Yan Bernard, Nandurkar Harshal, BladinВ Christopher, Wijeratne Tissa, Spratt Neil, Jannes Jim, Sturm Jon, RupasingheВ Jayantha, Zavala Jorge, Lee Andrew, Kleinig Tim, MarkusВ Romesh, Delcourt Candice, Mahant Neil, Parsons Mark, Levi Christopher, Anderson CraigВ S, Donnan Geoffrey, Davis Stephen. The Spot sign and Tranexamic acid On Preventing ICH growth – AUStralasia Trial (STOP-AUST). Protocol of a phase II randomized placebo-controlled doubleblind multicentre trial. International Journal of Stroke (accepted April 2013). Enticott J C, Jeffcott S, Ibrahim J E, Wood E M, Cole-Sinclair M, Fitzgerald M, Cameron P A, PhillipsВ L E. “A review on decision support; understanding human factors to support the implementation of complex interventions in trauma”. Transfusion 2012 52 (12) 2692–705. Iland HJ, Bradstock K, Supple SG, Catalano A, Collins M, Hertzberg M, Browett P, Grigg A, FirkinВ F, Hugman A, Reynolds J, Di Iulio J, Tiley C, TaylorВ K, Filshie R, Seldon M, Taper J, Szer J, Moore J, Bashford J, Seymour JF; Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group. All-trans-retinoic acid, idarubicin, and IV arsenic trioxide as initial therapy inВ acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML4). Blood. 2012 Aug 23;120(8):1570–80; Brighton TA, Eikelboom JW, Mann K, Mister R, Gallus A, Ockelford P, Gibbs H, Hague W, XavierВ D, Diaz R, Kirby A, Simes J; ASPIRE Investigators. Low-dose aspirin for preventing recurrent venous thromboembolism. N Engl J Med. 2012 Nov 22;367(21):1979–87 Dewamitta SR, Russell MR, Nandurkar H, Walkley CR. Darbepoietin-О± has comparable erythropoietic stimulatory effects to recombinant erythropoietin whilst preserving the bone marrow microenvironment. Haematologica. 2012 Dec 14. st vincent’s research report 2012 95 Haematology Speaking engagements Gregory G, Arumugaswamy A, Leung T, Chan KL, Abikhair M, Kipp D, Tam CS, Bajel A, Cher L, Gan H, Grigg A, Ritchie D, Opat S. Immuno-Chemotherapy Containing Rituximab Is Associated With Improved Survival in Primary CNS Lymphoma. European Hematology Association Meeting, 2012. Santos FP, Tam CS, Kantarjian HM, Cortes J, Thomas DA, Pollock R, Verstovsek S. Splenectomy in Patients with Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: Efficacy, Complications and Impact on Survival andВ Transformation. American Society of Hematology Meeting, 2012. Keating MJ, Tam CS, Wierda WG, O’Brien S, Thomas DA, Cortes JE, Lerner S, Plunkett W. IsВ Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Still Incurable? American Society of Hematology Meeting, 2012. Burger J, Ghia P, Polliack A, Tam CS, Suri D, ClowВ F, Kraljevic S, James D, Kipps TJ. Randomized, multicenter, open-label, phase III study of the BTKВ inhibitor ibrutinib versus chlorambucil in patientsВ 65 years or older with treatment-naive CLL/SLL (RESONATE-2). American Society ofВ Clinical Oncolgy Meeting 2013. Nandurkar, H: Role of fibrinogen in cardiovascular disease. Invited Presentation, Asia-Pacific Society ofВ Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2012 Nandurkar, H: Role of Complement inhibitor therapy in PNH. Invited presentation, Federation of ASEAN Societies of Haematology Meeting, 2012 Nandurkar, H: Role of Complement inhibitor therapy in PNH. Invited presentation, Philippines Society ofВ Haematology of Haematology Meeting, 2012 Nandurkar H: Neurological manifestations of APS. Invited Presentation. Australian Society of thrombosis and Haemostasis Annual Meeting 2012 Nandurkar H, Samudra Anushka et al: Purinergic signalling in APS miscarriages. Asia-Pacific Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2012 Nandurkar H, Sharma Anup et al: GRP78 is aВ novelВ regulator of Haemostasis. Asia-Pacific SocietyВ of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 96 Immunology The Immunology Research Centre is focused on the study of transplant immunobiology, covering a range of areas including xenotransplantation, allotransplantation, ischemia reperfusion injury, transplant tolerance, innate immunity, islet graft revascularisation, regulatory T cells, and the links between thrombosis and inflammation. Major projects The Immunology Research Centre studies immunological mechanisms that cause transplanted organs and tissues to fail and aims to improve the lives of those patients who die on waiting lists due a lack of organs for transplantation or suffer from complications after transplantation caused byВ aspects of the immune and clotting systems. In 2012 we were honoured to have Prof Peter Cowan appointed as the Scientific Program Chair for the Joint Congress of the International Xenotransplantation Association; The International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association; and theВ Cell Transplant Society, to be held in Melbourne inВ November 2015. Significant research projects in 2012 include: Transplant tolerance kidney 4 weeks post Ischaemia when the untreated kidney remains in place compared to those mice where the untreated kidney was removed. Protecting islets in a diabetic model The success of islet transplantation in type 1 diabetes is determined by islet survival. Work onВ whether a nucleotide metabolizing enzyme (CD39) that promotes the generation of adenosine, could mitigate diabetes in a mouse model demonstrated that mice containing the CD39 geneВ were protected from induced diabetes pointingВ toВ aВ potential strategy to protect islet graftsВ from T cell–mediated injury. Better understanding pre-eclampsia CD39, a nucleotide metabolizing enzyme which coverts ADP to AMP, is an integral component of regulatory T cells (Treg), which are central toВ immunological tolerance and maintenance ofВ normal pregnancy. Using antibodies to induce pre-eclampsia allowed us to show that animals overexpressing the CD39 enzyme were protected when compared to normal mice, leading to a better understanding of this disease process. Identification of patients at high risk of renal transplant rejection The ABO blood group system is critical in transplantation, however, unlike adults infants doВ not reject ABO-incompatible heart transplants, they develop вЂ�tolerance’. It is very difficult to study the mechanisms of tolerance in such a limited population, yet mice do not have ABO blood groups. Our alternative: generate transgenic mice which express the human blood group вЂ�A’ on their tissues. When hearts from blood group вЂ�A’ mice were transplanted into normal mice they were rejected,В providing us with a unique model to investigate transplant tolerance and antibodymediated rejection. Regulatory T cells (Treg) and T effector cells (Teff) are important in mediating immune tolerance and outcomes of allotransplantation. Ongoing studies using a range of markers (CD4, CD25 and CD39) to track Treg and T eff cell populations in renal transplant patients have shown those patients whoВ have lower numbers of these cell types are more likely to suffer cell mediated rejection. It is hoped that tracking these changes may help identifyВ and better treat patients with higher risk ofВ renal allograft rejection. Models of ischaemic ChronicВ KidneyDiseaseВ (CKD) Prof Peter Cowan, Scientist Director 1.0 EFT The development of two complementary models ofВ CKD based on disruption of blood flow (Ischaemia Reperfusion Injury) provided both the tools to better understand the injury caused by CKD as well as posing the conundrum of why two kidneys are not always better than one. Results from this work have clearly shown increased fibrosis in a treated mouse Staff Dr Karen Dwyer, Senior Medical Staff andВ Co-Director 0.5 EFT Prof Harshal Nandurkar, Senior Medical Staff 0.5 EFT Neil Wilson, Laboratory Manager 1.0 EFT Dr Jennifer McRae, Senior Research Officer 0.8 EFT Dr Bo Lu, Senior Research Officer 0.8 EFT st vincent’s research report 2012 97 Immunology Evelyn Salvaris, Senior Research Assistant 1.0 EFT Prof Harshal Nandurkar Carly Selan, Senior Research Assistant 1.0 EFT • Chair, VTE Committee Nella Fisicaro, Senior Research Assistant 0.8 EFT • Chair, Quality Improvement PresentationsВ Committee Jo Chia Research Assistant 0.4 EFT Julie Brown, Medical Laboratory Assistant 0.6 EFT • Chair, Research week Committee • Member, Board of St Vincent’s Foundation Students • Member, Cancer Executive Joanne Chia, PhD Student Eddy Lee, PhD Student • Member, University of Melbourne postgraduateВ Committee Siddharth Rajakumar, PhD Student • Member, Senior Medical Staff Executive Council Veena Roberts, PhD Student • Member, Pathology Executive Anushka Samudra, PhD Student • Secretary, Australian Society of Haemostasis andВ Thrombosis Anup Sharma, PhD Student Matthew Ku, PhD student Theses passed in 2012 Kwong Fei Eddy Lee. Overexpression ofВ Human Endothelial Protein C Receptor to Regulate Thrombosis and Inflammation in Solid Organ andВ Cellular Xenotransplantation. PhD, UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne. Service to the wider community Cowan PJ • Associate Editor, Xenotransplantation. • Secretary/Treasurer, International Xenotransplantation Association. • Chairman, Institutional Biosafety Committee, StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. • Principal Research Associate, St Vincent’s Institute Dwyer, KM • Professional Development Advisor andВ Educational Advisor, Royal Australian CollegeВ ofВ Physicians • Senior Medical staff Rep on AEC • Journal reviewer: Journal of Clinical Investigation; Journal of American Society of Nephrology; Journal of Immunology; Nephrology; Internal Medicine; Xenotransplantation; American Journal of Transplantation; Immunology and cell biology • Melbourne Teaching Certificate: Medical schoolВ education – undergraduate and postВ graduate teaching Grants d’Apice AJF, Cowan PJ, Lew AM, O’Connell PJ, Robson SC, Nottle MB, Dwyer KM, SutherlandВ RM, Allen RDM, Hawthorne WJ, Enjyoji K, Simidjiyska AU, Beebe L, Harrison S. Which transgenic pig will be used for islet transplantation in humans, NHMRC/JDRF $3,000,000 for 2008–2013 ($573,864 in 2012) Cowan PJ, d’Apice AJF, Nottle MB. Preclinical studies in xenotransplantation, NHMRC $1,172,600 for 2009–2012 ($211,235 in 2012) Dwyer KM The expression of CD39 on islet cells prolongs graft survival following transplantation, CASS Foundation $50,000 for 2012 De Kretser D, O’Hehir R, Dwyer KM The use of follistatin to treat the reperfusion injuryВ inВ organ transplants, CASS Foundation $55,000 ($18,817 in 2012) Dwyer KM A2 Dairy $35,000 for 2012–2013 ($17,500 in 2012) Dwyer KM Understanding the mechanisms promoting kidneyВ fibrosis: potential for targeted therapies toВ slow or prevent progressive kidney failure, Perpetual Trustees (FR2012/0248) $90,000 for 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 98 Immunology Bertolino P, Dwyer KM, Bowen D, Bishop A. Deciphering mechanisms of liver allograft tolerance, NHMRC $502,983 for 2011–2013 ($42,925 in 2012) • Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Columbia University, New York, USA Harshal Nandurkar and Peter Cowan Role of GRP78 as a novel antithrombotic, HeartВ Foundation $130,000 for 2011–2013 ($65,000 in 2012) • Salk Institute, San Diego, USA Dr Veena Roberts Award to attend Purine 2012 conference Fukuoka,В Japan, Purine 2012 $1,100 for 2012 Dr Veena Roberts Award to attend American Transplant CongressВ Boston, USA, Roche $2,000 for 2012 Collaborations in research International • Emory University, Atlanta, USA • University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA • University of Padua, Padua, Italy • University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA • Division of Nephrology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea • Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden National • Lung Transplant Unit, Alfred Hospital, Prahran, Vic. • Austin Health, Heidleberg, Vic. • Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, Alfred Hospital and Monash University • Australian National University, Canberra, ACT • Barwon Health, Geelong, Vic. • Centenary Institute, Sydney, NSW • CSIRO-Molecular Health Technologies, Parkville • Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Vic. • University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil • Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Monash University, Clayton, Vic. • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston,В USA • Monash Institute of Pharmaceuticals, Monash University, Parkville, Vic • Transplantation Biology Research Centre, Boston,В USA • Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA • Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom • St. Vincent’s Insitute, Fitzroy • Cell Transplant and Gene Therapy Institute, Central South University, Changsha, China • Department of Biochemistry, Bio21, University ofВ Melbourne • Northwestern University, Chicago, USA • Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Fitzroy, Vic. • Dresden University, Dresden, Germany • University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW • Department of Pediatrics, Surgery & Immunology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada • The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Parkville, Vic • Frontier Science Research Center, KagoshimaВ University, Kagoshima, Japan • Centre for Transplant and Renal Research, Westmead Millennium Institute, Westmead, NSW • Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA Publications • Gulbenkian Institute, Lisbon, Portugal Journal articles • Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, USA Chia, J.S, McRae, JL, Cowan, PJ, & Dwyer, KM (2012). The CD39-adenosinergic axis in the pathogenesis of immune and nonimmune diabetes. J Biomed Biotechnol, 2012, 320495. • University College, London, United Kingdom • Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA • Nantes University, Nantes, France st vincent’s research report 2012 99 Immunology Huttinger, Z. M., Milks, M. W., Nickoli, M. S., Aurand, W. L., Long, L. C., Wheeler, D. G., et al. (2012). Ectonucleotide triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-1 (CD39) mediates resistance to occlusive arterial thrombus formation after vascular injury in mice. AmВ J Pathol, 181(1), 322–333. Speaking engagements Lee, K. F., Lu, B., Roussel, J. C., Murray-Segal, L. J., Salvaris, E. J., Hodgkinson, S. J., et al. (2012). Protective effects of transgenic human endothelial protein C receptor expression in murine models of transplantation. Am J Transplant, 12(9), 2363–2372. Transgenic pigs in xenotransplantation. Pig to Human Xenotransplantation Summit, Changsha, Aug 2012 Mount, P. F., Gleich, K., Tam, S., Fraser, S. A., Choy,В S. W., Dwyer, K. M., et al. (2012). The outcome of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury is unchanged in AMPK-beta1 deficient mice. PLoSВ One, 7(1), e29887. Pommey S, Lu B, McRae J, Stagg J, Hill P, SalvarisВ E, Robson SC, d’Apice AJ, Cowan PJ, Dwyer KM Liver grafts from CD39-overexpressing mice are protected from ischemia reperfusion injury due to reduced numbers of resident CD4(+) TВ cells.В Hepatology 57:1597–1606 (2012). Prof Peter Cowan Genetic engineering to prevent coagulation. XXIVВ International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Berlin, Jul 2012 Prospects for xenotransplantation. 4th Australasian Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics Development Meeting, Brisbane, May 2012 Xenotransplantation – the inflammatory perfect storm. Inflammation Conference 2012, Melbourne, Nov 2012 Dr Karen Dwyer Purinergic Signalling in Ischaemia Reperfusion Injury. TSANZ, Canberra, Jun 2012 CD39 & T-cell mediated diabetes. Purines 2012, Fukuoka Japan 2012 Roberts, V., Lu, B., Rajakumar, S., Cowan, P. J., &В Dwyer, K. M. (2013). The CD39-adenosinergic axisВ in the pathogenesis of renal ischemiareperfusion injury. Purinergic Signal, 9(2), 135–143. Prof Harshal Nandurkar Stagg, J., Thompson, L. F., & Dwyer, K. M. (2012). Ectonucleotidases in cancer and inflammation. JВ Biomed Biotechnol, 2012, 951423. Role of Complement inhibitor therapy in PNH. InvitedВ Presentation, Federation of ASEAN Societies ofВ Haematology Meeting, 2012 Wang, Y. M., McRae, J. L., Robson, S. C., Cowan, P. J., Zhang, G. Y., Hu, M., et al. (2012). Regulatory T cells participate in CD39-mediated protection fromВ renal injury. Eur J Immunol, 42(9), 2441–2451. Role of Complement inhibitor therapy in PNH. InvitedВ Presentation, Philippines Society of Haematology of Haematology Meeting, 2012 Wheeler, D. G., Joseph, M. E., Mahamud, S. D., Aurand, W. L., Mohler, P. J., Pompili, V. J., et al. (2012). Transgenic swine: Expression of human CD39 protects against myocardial injury. J Mol CellВ Cardiol. 52:958–961. Zhang, Y., Morris, K. L., Sparrow, S. K., Dwyer,В K.В M., Enjyoji, K., Robson, S. C., et al. (2012). DefectiveВ renal water handling in transgenic miceВ over-expressing human CD39/NTPDase1. AmВ J PhysiolВ Renal Physiol, 303(3), F420–430. Role of fibrinogen in cardiovascular disease. InvitedВ Presentation, Asia-Pacific Society of Thrombosis andВ Haemostasis 2012 Neurological manifestations of APS. Invited Presentation. Australian Society of thrombosis andВ Haemostasis Annual Meeting 2012 Nandurkar H, Samudra Anushka et al: Purinergic signalling in APS miscarriages. Asia-Pacific SocietyВ of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2012 Nandurkar H, Sharma Anup et al: GRP78 is aВ novelВ regulator of Haemostasis. Asia-Pacific SocietyВ of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 100 Intensive Care Unit The Intensive Care Unit provides all advanced life-support services for St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne as well as management of emergency resuscitation on the campus and a range of follow-up programs. About us The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) treats between 1,200–1,350 patients annually, approximately 450 of whom undergo cardiac surgery. The unit isВ accredited for advanced training of intensive careВ specialists. The ICU’s research program continues to concentrate on four areas during 2012. The first relates to acute lung injury and the role of intravascular thrombosis. The second looks at outcomes of clinical practice, the third examines theВ administration of blood products while the fourth is participation in theВ Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care SocietyВ Clinical Trials Group network. Major projects • The prevention and treatment of acute lung injuryВ with nebulised heparin • Chest tube bleeding associated with cardiacВ surgery. • The impact of the intensive care discharge process on patient outcomes. • The impact of medical emergency team onВ hospital mortality across Melbourne • The nature of emergency calls within a busy Medical Imaging Department • The impact of вЂ�outlier’ status on subsequent emergency calls within a hospital • The impact of age of blood on subsequent clinicalВ outcomes • Multi-centre study of old vs newer blood forВ transfusion in ICU (TRANSFUSE study) • Multi-centre study of standard versus early goal-directed therapy in sepsis • Multi-centre study of normal saline versus hydroxylethyl starch (Voluven) on survival of intensive care patients requiring fluid resuscitation • Multi-centre study of standard protein intake versus extra protein intake on renal outcomes ofВ intensive care patients • Multi-centre study of paracetamol vs placebo inВ the management of fever due to infection inВ ICUВ patients (HEAT study) • Multi-centre study of intravenous hydrocortisone vs placebo in ICU patients with advanced septic shock (ADRENAL study) • Point Prevalence Program Surveys • A follow-up study of survival, quality of life andВ renal function for patients 3.5 years after theyВ entered the RENAL study Dr Dixon’s studies on lung inflammation associated with cardiopulmonary bypass led to important publications in 2011 concerning the role of anticoagulant and prothrombotic agents in the pathogenesis of lung injury. Building on these earlier studies of nebulised heparin, a multi-centre, doubleblind, phase III trial of nebulised for the prevention and treatment of lung injury in critically ill patients was developed. St Vincent’s ICU is the coordinating centre for this study and recruitment began in 2012. The Royal Melbourne Hospital ICU has also joined the study. In the area of outcomes of ICU, the major study examining the impact of the discharge process on post ICU mortality and morbidity began in September 2009 and data collection finished in 2010. Presentations of results were made in 2012 and the paper has been submitted for publication. In a separate study, we examined the impact of patients admitted to wards other than their home ward (i.e. outliers) on subsequent emergency calls for clinical deterioration. We found that such patients were generally older, had more comorbidities and required longer hospital admissions. They had aВ 53% increase in the number of emergency calls. There has been keen interest in the benefits andВ complications of administration of blood products especially red cell products to patients inВ intensive care. During 2012, we analysed aВ cohortВ of ICU patients who received a blood transfusion during their hospital stay. The study revealed that as the number of units of blood transfused increased, theВ age of transfused redВ cellsВ decreased. There was no association between transfusion and subsequent mortality. TheВ results were presented in 2012 and aВ paper hasВ been submitted for publication. st vincent’s research report 2012 101 Intensive Care Unit A multi-centre study (TRANSFUSE) will randomise ICU patients to standard practice transfusion (olderВ blood) or newer blood to determine the effect on subsequent mortality. This trial commenced inВ late 2012. During 2012 the ICU participated in numerous multi-centre intervention studies: • ARISE: A multi-centre study of standard care vs.В early goal-directed therapy on survival ofВ patients presenting to the emergency department with sepsis • CHEST: A multi-centre, double-blind study ofВ normal saline vs. hydroxyl-ethyl starch (Voluven) on survival of intensive care patients requiring fluid resuscitation. This study was completed in early 2012 and results published. Increased mortality was seen in patients receiving starch. • Nephro-Protect: A multi-centre study ofВ standardВ protein intake vs. extra protein intakeВ (target 2g/kg/day) on renal outcomes ofВ intensive care patients. • ADRENAL: a multi-centre study of intravenous hydrocortisone vs placebo in patients with septicВ shock. • HEAT: a multi-centre study of intravenous paracetamol vs placebo in patients with fever secondary to infection. During 2012 the ICU also participated in multi-centre observational studies: • CTG PPP: The ANZICS Clinical Trials GroupВ Point Prevalence Program. This is a program of crosssectional studies conducted in ICUs across Australia and New Zealand twice each year. TheseВ вЂ�snapshots’ provide information to inform the design of future studies • POST-RENAL: A follow-up study of survival, quality of life and renal function of patients 3.5В years after they entered the RENAL study (RENAL was a multi-centre study of two intensities of renal replacement therapy for treatment ofВ acute renal failure in intensive care patients). Quality Patients may experience deterioration in their condition during their hospital admission. Prompt recognition and treatment by medical emergency teams (METs) has led to significant reductions inВ cardiac arrests and even mortality. These changesВ are due to a combination of care delivered, monitoring of events, education and feedback to ward and treating staff. As a result, we have continue to show improvements in outcomes ofВ patients admitted to hospital Administration of nutrition to patients in ICU is important as malnutrition is a risk factor forВ subsequent mortality. Since 2007 we have participated in an International Quality Improvement Project which yearly charts the time from admission to institution of nutrition and the adequacy of calories administered. The 2012 data show that we function within the average range for units in Australia. As aВ result, we have redesigned our feeding protocols and their impact will be seen in subsequent surveys. Bowel care is also important within intensive care.В AВ senior nurse is undertaking a Masters Program on this topic. Already we have made changes to the way in which feeds and medicationsВ are administered and are currently examining follow-up data. Staff A/Prof John D Santamaria, Director, DepartmentВ Head Dr Barry Dixon, Intensivist Dr Antony Tobin, Intensivist Mr Roger Smith, Research Coordinator Mrs Jenny Holmes, Research Coordinator Mr Espedito Faraone, Research Coordinator Mr David Reid, Data Manager Service to the wider community John Santamaria is the Chair of the Victorian Intensive Care Data Review Committee which monitors intensive performance and outcomes inВ Victoria. This Committee is a collaboration between the Australian and New Zealand IntensiveВ Care Society (ANZICS) and the Victorian Department of Health. He is also a member of theВ Intensive Care Advisory Committee (ICAC) ofВ theВ Department of Health and a Director of Cabrini Health Governing Board. Within St Vincent’s, JohnВ Santamaria is a member of the Mortality & Clinical Review Committee, the Clinical Research Support Committee, and the ICT Strategy Clinical Working Group. st vincent’s research report 2012 102 Intensive Care Unit Collaborations in research • Dr Dixon collaborated with Prof Masud Behnia (School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic EngineeringВ The University of Sydney)В to develop a novel HME that allows nebulisation. As part of this project he supervisedВ Mr Seyed Pezhman Payami undertaking a Masters degree. • Dr Dixon collaborated with Swinburne University to develop a venous pulse oximeter. As part ofВ this project he supervised Mr Sovit Baral, anВ undergraduate biomedical engineering student. Publications Journal articles Papers on Unit Based Research Dixon B, Santamaria JD, Reid D, et al. The association of blood transfusion with mortality after cardiac surgery: cause or confounding? (CME). Transfusion. Jan 2013;53(1):19–27. van Tonder FC, Sutherland T, Smith RJ, Chock JM, Santamaria JD. Medical emergencies in theВ imaging department of a university hospital: event and imaging characteristics. Resuscitation. Jan 2013;84(1):21–24. Tobin AE, Santamaria JD. Medical emergency teams are associated with reduced mortality across a major metropolitan health network after two years service: a retrospective study using government administrative data. Crit Care. 2012В OctВ 29;16(5):R210. Papers in Collaboration with other Researchers Jelinek MV, Santamaria JD, Thompson DR, Vale MJ. вЂ�Fit for purpose’. The COACH program improves lifestyle and biomedical cardiac risk factors. Heart. Nov 2012;98(21):1608. Duke G, Barker A, Santamaria J, Graco M. Recent trends in Victorian risk-adjusted in-hospital mortality: 1999–2009. Intern Med J. Nov 2012;42(11): 1218–1223. Hofstra JJ, Cornet AD, Declerck PJ, Dixon B, AslamiВ H, Vlaar AP, Roelofs JJ, van der Poll T, LeviВ M, Schultz MJ. Nebulized fibrinolytic agents improve pulmonary fibrinolysis but not inflammation in rat models of direct and indirect acute lung injury. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e55262. doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0055262. Epub 2013 Feb 7. Tuinman PR, Dixon B, Levi M, Juffermans NP, Schultz MJ. Nebulized anticoagulants for acute lung injury – a systematic review of preclinical and clinical investigations. Crit Care. 2012 Dec 12;16(2):R70. doi: 10.1186/cc11325 Marck CH, Weiland TJ, Neate SL, Hickey BB, Jelinek GA. Personal attitudes and beliefs regarding organ and tissue donation: a cross-sectional survey of Australian emergency department clinicians. ProgВ Transplant. 2012 Sep;22(3):317–22 Marck CH, Weiland TJ, Neate SL, Hickey BB, JelinekВ GA. Australian emergency doctors’ andВ nurses’ acceptance and knowledge regardingВ brain death: a national survey. ClinВ Transplant. 2012 May–Jun;26(3):E254–60. Neate S, Marck CH, Weiland TJ, Cunningham N, Hickey BB, Dwyer BM, Jelinek GA. Australian emergency clinicians’ perceptions and use of the GIVE Clinical Trigger for identification of potential organ and tissue donors. Emerg Med Australas. 2012 Oct;24(5):501–9. Jelinek GA, Marck CH, Weiland TJ, Neate SL, Hickey BB. Organ and tissue donation-related attitudes, education and practices of emergency department clinicians in Australia. Emerg Med Australas. 2012 Jun;24(3):244–50. Marck CH, Jelinek GA, Neate SL, Dwyer BM, Hickey BB, Weiland TJ. Resource barriers to the facilitation of organ and tissue donation reported by Australian emergency clinicians. Aust Health Rev. 2013 Feb;37(1):60–5.В Papers published by ANZICS Clinical Trials Group (in which ICU participated) Myburgh J, Li Q, Heritier S, Dan A, Glass P, Crystalloid Versus Hydroxyethyl Starch Trial Management C. Statistical analysis plan for the Crystalloid Versus Hydroxyethyl Starch Trial (CHEST). Critical care and resuscitation: Journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine. MarВ 2012;14(1):44–52. Davies AR, Morrison SS, Bailey MJ, et al. AВ multicenter, randomized controlled trial comparingВ early nasojejunal with nasogastric nutrition in critical illness. Critical care medicine. AugВ 2012;40(8):2342–2348. st vincent’s research report 2012 103 Intensive Care Unit Speaking engagements Annual Scientific Meeting on Intensive Care, Adelaide October 2012 John Santamaria • Plenary lecture on the outcomes of patients following ICU discharge • Presentation on outcomes of вЂ�outlier’ patients inВ hospital (Best Paper award) Roger Smith • Fluid therapy using bicarbonate-containing crystalloid solutions after cardiac surgery Espedito Faraone • Survival after hospital discharge for patients thatВ had in-hospital medical emergency call Antony Tobin • Mortality is associated with transfusion volume notВ red blood cell age. American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, MayВ 2012 Antony Tobin • Timing of blood transfusion in ICU patients andВ association with mortality.В A Tobin, A Ghosh, DВ Reid, J Santamaria .ATS San Francisco 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 104 INFECTIOUS DISEASES St Vincent’s has a comprehensive infectious diseases department with services provided byВ specialist infectious disease physicians. ABOUT US Services provided by the Infectious Diseases department include HIV medicine, tuberculosis, exotic and travel diseases, needle stick injury management program, post surgical infections, general infections and PUOs, and post screening refugee care. PUBLICATIONS Journal articles Darby J, Black J, Morrison D, Buising K. An information management system for patients with tuberculosis: usability assessment with end-users. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2012;178:26-32. STAFF Gordon CL, Whiting SE, Haran G, Ward A, Coleman M, Baird C, Jeremiah CJ, Mileva M, Davis JS, Warren LJ, Ellis DH, Currie BJ. Entomophthoromycosis caused by Basidiobolus ranarum in tropical northern Australia. Pathology 2012; 44(4): 375-8 A/Prof Peter Stanley, Director Infectious Diseases Conference publications Dr John Daffy, Head of Infectious Diseases Clinics Speaking engagements Dr Kirsty Buising, Infectious Diseases Consultant Kobayashi N, Davis J, Jeremiah C, Hughes J, PerryВ G, Tong S. Oral presentation and poster at the ASM of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology, Auckland, 2012: High Incidence of Staphylococcus aureus Bacteraemia in Indigenous Haemodialysis Patients is not a result of Catheter Related Infections. Dr Craig Aboltins, Infectious Diseases Consultant Dr Adam Jenny, Infectious Diseases Consultant Dr Jonathan Darby, Infectious Diseases Consultant Dr Trish Peel, Infectious Diseases Consultant Dr Amy Crowe, Infectious Diseases Registrar GRANTS Buising KL, Marshall C,Richards MJ, Robertson M Models for hospital antimicrobial stewardship, NHMRC partnership grant, Victorian Infectious Diseases service, Royal Melbourne Hospital; Epworth Hospital; Department Human Services Quality branch; and Therapeutic Guidelines $1.12 million for 2011–2014 Thompson JS, Whiting SE, Jeremiah CJ, Baird R. Poster at Australian Society for Infectious Diseases Conference, Fremantle, 2012: Candidemia in the top end of the Northern Territory, Australia: A retrospective audit of incidence, species and susceptibilities. st vincent’s research report 2012 105 MEDICAL IMAGING The Medical Imaging Department supports clinical research within St Vincent’s Hospital andВ undertakes Department initiated projects. Dr Con Tartaglia, VMO ABOUT US Prof Oliver Hennessy, Honorary Radiologist The Medical Imaging Department provides clinical support to other departments as well as actively supporting many research projects within the hospital, in particular Clinical Neurosciences, Orthopaedics and Oncology. Medical Imaging Department is a training department for doctors, technician and nurses, as well as having academic links to the University of Melbourne andВ MonashВ University. Dr P Mossop, Honorary Radiologist Many of the senior doctors are involved with research projects involving MRI, CT, Nuclear medicine and Interventional Radiology. Dr Frans Van Tonder, Registrar STAFF Dr Xavier Yu, Registrar A/Prof Stephen Schlicht, Director of Medical Imaging Department, Director of St Vincent’s Private Radiology and Director of Nuclear Medicine. Dr Neil Liddell, General Manager Dr Duncan Mark Brooks, Consultant Radiologist A/Prof Peter Brotchie, Consultant Radiologist Dr R. Brownlee, Honorary Radiologist A/Prof J. Cawson, Honorary Radiologist Dr Georgia Box, Registrar Dr Reade De Leacy, Fellow Dr Angela Galvin, Registrar Dr David Learmont-Walker, Registrar Dr Hamish McKay, Registrar Dr Raymond Shafik-Eid, Registrar Dr Jane Watts, Registrar Dr Eric Yong, Registrar Mr Alan Malbon, Chief Radiographer Mr Russell Booth, Chief Nuclear Medicine Technologist & Quality Coordinator Dr Ashu Jhamb, Consultant Radiologist Mr Mark Lourensz, Chief Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technician Dr Wai Kit Lee, Consultant Radiologist Ms Zoe Campbell, Research Coordinator Dr Ross McKellar, Consultant Radiologist Dr Marcus Pianta, Consultant Radiologist Dr Hannah Rouse, Consultant Radiologist Dr Melanie Seale, Consultant Radiologist Dr Tom Sutherland, Consultant Radiologist Dr Nicholas Trost, Consultant Radiologist Dr Kelvin Yap, Consultant Radiologist Dr Kim Taubman, Consultant Nuclear MedicineВ Physician MAJOR PROJECTS A/Prof Peter Brotchie Brotchie P, Seixas S. “Investigating navigational performance using functional MRI” (2006-2013). Brotchie P, Kumar J. “Arterial Spin Labelling inВ Dementia” (2010-ongoing). Brotchie P, Ramaseshan G. “Changes in Resting State fMRI due to Lithium” (2012-ongoing). Dr Michael Holt, VMO Anderson AJ, Carpenter RHS, Brotchie P. “Getting back on track after the unexpected happens: decision making in predictable and unpredictable environments”. (2012-2014). A/Prof Andrew Little, VMO A/Prof Andrew Little Dr Keat Low, VMO Little A, Ryan M, Sutherland T. “Diffusion weighted hepatic MRI versus sonography for the detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in a screening population.” (2011-ongoing). Dr Shalini Amuktomawa, VMO Dr Kirsten Gordon, VMO Dr Belinda Lui, VMO Dr Kirti Mehta, VMO Dr Carol Standford-Starr, VMO st vincent’s research report 2012 106 MEDICAL IMAGING Dr Tom Sutherland COLLABORATIONS IN RESEARCH Little A, Ryan M, Sutherland T. “Diffusion weighted hepatic MRI versus sonography for the detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in a screening population.” (2011-ongoing). RMIT, Bundoora, Victoria. QUALITY Information for Patients Requiring a Contrast CT This project continued on the work commenced in 2012. A pamphlet was produced containing the information requested by patients in the initial interviews. The pamphlet used pictographs to show various aspects of the preparation and examination. There was minimal use of text and the test used was targeted to the health literacy of our patient population. The pamphlet was then tested on a group of patients. The patients found the pamphlet easy to follow and thought the instructions were clear. There was one aspect regarding the contrast preparation that a small number of patients found confusing. This has been addressed. The pamphlet is now in use as part of the patients’ preparation instructions for CT. The next phase is to develop a library of pictographs which can be used to produce pamphlets for other imaging investigations where patient preparation is critical. GRANTS Anderson AJ, Carpenter RHS, Brotchie P Getting back on track after the unexpected happens: decision making in predictable and unpredictable environments, ARC Project Grant DP120100651. Administered by University of Melbourne $240,000 for 2012–2014 University of Melbourne, Carlton, Victoria. PUBLICATIONS Journal Articles Mr Russell Booth Michael M, Cullinane C, Hatzimihalis A, O’kane C, Milner A, Booth R, Schlicht S, Clarke SJ, Francis P. (2012). Docetaxel pharmacokinetics and its correlation with two in vivo probes for cytochrome P450 enzymes: the C(14)-erythromycin breath test and the antipyrine clearance test Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology, Vol.69(1):125-35 Dr Wai Kit Lee Lee WK, Van Tonder F, Tartaglia CJ, Dagia C, Cazzato RL, Duddalwar VA, Chang SD. (2012). CT appearances of abdominal tuberculosis. Clinical Radiology; 67(6):596-604 Mr Mark Lourensz Pianta M, Lourensz M, Trost, N. (2012) Bone and Soft Tissue Tumour Imaging: An Overview. Magnetom Flash: The Magazine of MRI: 2/2012 RSNA Edition: 50-57. Dr Belinda Lui Lui B, Sutherland T, Lasoki A, Hennessy O. (2012). Small bowel Crohns disease: MRI Pictorial Essay, JMIRO; 56 (3):295-310 Dr Marcus Pianta Pianta M, Lourensz M, Trost, N. (2012) Bone and Soft Tissue Tumour Imaging: An Overview. Magnetom Flash: The Magazine of MRI: 2/2012 RSNA Edition: 50-57. st vincent’s research report 2012 107 MEDICAL IMAGING A/Prof Stephen Schlicht Yii SW, Schlicht S, Taubman K, Kong WN. (2012) Pertechnetate thyroid scan and thyroid function tests in a case of Sorafenib induced thyroiditis. TheВ Internet Journal of Nuclear Medicine, August 3, 2012, Vol.5(2) Michael M, Cullinane C, Hatzimihalis A, O’kane C, Milner A, Booth R, Schlicht S, Clarke SJ, Francis P. (2012). Docetaxel pharmacokinetics and its correlation with two in vivo probes for cytochrome P450 enzymes: the C(14)-erythromycin breath test and the antipyrine clearance test Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology, Vol.69(1): 125-35 Dr Melanie Seale Samir AE, Vij A, Seale MK, Desai G, Halpern E, Faquin WC, Parangi S, Hahn PF, Daniels GH. (2012). Ultrasound-guided percutaneous thyroid nodule core biopsy: clinical utility in patients with prior nondiagnostic fine-needle aspirate, Thyroid: Official journal of the American Thyroid Association, 2012, Vol.22(5), pp.461-7 Dr Tom Sutherland Sutherland T, Yap K, Liew E, Tartaglia C, Pang M, Trost N. (2012). MRI features of Primary CNS lymphoma: A review of 30 patients, JMIRO: 56(3): 295-310 Yap K, Sutherland T, Liew E, Tartaglia C, Pang M, Trost N, MRI features of Primary CNS lymphoma: AВ pictorial essay, JMIRO 2012: 56(2):179-186 Lui B, Sutherland T, Lasoki A, Hennessy O. (2012) Small bowel Crohns disease: MRI Pictorial Essay, JMIRO: 56(3): 295-310 Caputo C, Sutherland T, Farish S, McNeill P, Ng KW, Inder WJ. (2012) Gender Differences in presentation and outcome of non-functioning pituitary macroadenomas. Clin Endocrinol 2012 Aug 2012 epub ahead of print Yong XZ, Sutherland T. (2012). Making sense of MRI lumbar spine. Aust Fam Physician: 4(11): 887-890 Dr Con Tartaglia Sutherland T, Yap K, Liew E, Tartaglia C, Pang M, Trost N. (2012). MRI features of Primary CNS lymphoma: A review of 30 patients, JMIRO: 56(3): 295-310 Lee WK, Van Tonder F, Tartaglia CJ, Dagia C, Cazzato RL, Duddalwar VA, Chang SD. (2012). CT appearances of abdominal tuberculosis. ClinicalВ Radiology; 67(6):596-604 Yap K, Sutherland T, Liew E, Tartaglia C, Pang M, Trost N, MRI features of Primary CNS lymphoma: AВ pictorial essay, JMIRO 2012: 56(2):179-186 Dr Kim Taubman Yii SW, Schlicht S, Taubman K, Kong WN. (2012) Pertechnetate thyroid scan and thyroid function tests in a case of Sorafenib induced thyroiditis. TheВ Internet Journal of Nuclear Medicine, August 3, 2012, Vol.5(2) Dr Nicholas Trost Pianta M, Lourensz M, Trost, N. (2012) Bone and Soft Tissue Tumour Imaging: An Overview. Magnetom Flash: The Magazine of MRI: 2/2012 RSNA Edition: 50-57 Sutherland T, Yap K, Liew E, Tartaglia C, Pang M, Trost N. (2012). MRI features of Primary CNS lymphoma: A review of 30 patients, JMIRO: 56(3): 295-310 Yap K, Sutherland T, Liew E, Tartaglia C, Pang M, Trost N, MRI features of Primary CNS lymphoma: AВ pictorial essay, JMIRO 2012: 56(2):179-186 Dr Frans Van Tonder Lee WK, Van Tonder F, Tartaglia CJ, Dagia C, Cazzato RL, Duddalwar VA, Chang SD. (2012). CT appearances of abdominal tuberculosis. ClinicalВ Radiology; 67(6):596-604 Dr Kelvin Yap Sutherland T, Yap K, Liew E, Tartaglia C, Pang M, Trost N. (2012). MRI features of Primary CNS lymphoma: A review of 30 patients, JMIRO: 56(3): 295-310 Yap K, Sutherland T, Liew E, Tartaglia C, Pang M, Trost N, MRI features of Primary CNS lymphoma: AВ pictorial essay, JMIRO 2012: 56(2):179-186 Prof Oliver Hennessy Lui B, Sutherland T, Lasoki A, Hennessy O. (2012). Small bowel Crohns disease: MRI Pictorial Essay, JMIRO: 56 (3): 295-310 st vincent’s research report 2012 108 MEDICAL IMAGING Conference Presentations Dr Marcus Pianta Walter P, Maksymowych, Ulrich Weber, Marcus Pianta, Robert GW Lambert, “Semi-Quantitative Assessment of Bone Marrow Edema and SynovitisEffusion in Osteoarthritis with the Knee Inflammation MRI Scoring System: A Target Lesion Based Methodology”, American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November 2012. Dr Wai Kit Lee Muir T, Lee WK, Harding J, Schlicht S. “Ectopic Parathyroid Adenoma in the Pyriform Fossa”, Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine (ANZSNM 2012), Melbourne, April 2012. A/Prof Stephen Schlicht Muir T, Lee WK, Harding J, Schlicht S. “Ectopic Parathyroid Adenoma in the Pyriform Fossa”, Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine (ANZSNM 2012), Melbourne, April 2012. Speaking engagements Dr Marcus Pianta “Musculoskeletal Tumour Mimics” Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists, Victorian Branch Monthly Scientific Meetings (MSM), April 2012. A/Prof Stephen Schlicht “Approach to Bone and Soft Tissue Tumour Diagnosis – Traps and Pitfalls”, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists, Victorian Branch Monthly Scientific Meetings (MSM), April 2012. st vincent’s research report 2012 109 Mental Health The St Vincent’s Mental Health Research Unit maintains an active research program with aВ primary focus on clinically relevant research that translates into optimising the care of people with a mental illness. We have a multidisciplinary focus and particularly value obtaining the experiences of consumers and their families/ carers. Major projects About us The Body Image and Eating Disorder Treatment andВ Recovery Service (BETRS), a Department ofВ Health-funded collaboration between St Vincent’s Hospital and Austin Health, is continuing a 2-year longitudinal study of the efficacy of its program. The St Vincent’s Mental Health Research Unit isВ nested within a small academic department affiliated with the University of Melbourne’s Department of Psychiatry, School of Nursing andВ Social Work and School of Population Health. Our two broad areas of core research are (1) optimising mental health care and (2) integrating physical and mental health. The Academic Unit forВ Psychiatry of Old Age is part of the St Vincent’s Aged Mental Health service and is a significant collaborative partner of the StВ Vincent’s Mental Health Research Unit. Our specific research activities concentrate on prevention and early intervention, new and innovative models of care, health promotion and education and service improvement. The majority of our research is underpinned byВ aВ multidisciplinary collaborative approach andВ weВ areВ currently engaged in a number of research initiatives with other St Vincent’s departments andВ external organisations, nationallyВ and internationally. Over the past 12В months, ourВ research has particularly focussedВ onВ service evaluation, healthy lifestyle interventions, theВ psychological management ofВ chronic diseaseВ patients, and a national survey ofВ highВ impact psychosis. In addition to comprehensive undergraduate andВ postgraduate teaching programs, we have a strong commitment to research support, development and training of both clinical and academic staff. This includes weekly journal clubs and Eric Seal seminars, monthly research clubs andВ a research clinic. A research portfolio system was formalised in 2012. Each portfolio meets independently of the main Research and Academic Group (RAG). The portfolios report directly to RAG and present their research and publications on a monthly basis. There were numerous research activities across the portfolios inВ 2012. Some highlights include the following: The Early Psychosis program is continuing itsВ longitudinal follow-up of our early psychosis cohort. This will facilitate a better understanding ofВ early psychosis and its optimal management. The International Mental Health Unit established Memorandums of Understanding with several countries in relation to community mental health projects, including China, Japan, and Qatar. Consultation Liaison (CL) Psychiatry is conducting a 12-month follow-up study of anxiety, depression, and coping in renal dialysis patients. Other current CL projects include the pilot evaluation of a mental health intervention for young people with Type 1 diabetes, and an ARC-funded randomised control trial examining a mindfulness intervention for patients undergoing total joint replacements. Awards and Achievements Invited member, Schizophrenia International Research Society International Advisory Committee (2012–2015) – Prof David Castle Melissa Petrakis, Steve Penno, JuliaВ Oxley, SimonВ Laxton, Hannah Bloom, BridgetВ Hamilton, Graeme Doidge, Ajit Selvendra, DominikaВ Baetens, Bella Anderson, Angela Spiller, Michael Nolan, Megan Svenson, Jane Dowling and DavidВ Castle. Early Psychosis Program Implementation and Evaluation. Exceptional Care – Research Excellence. Health Quality Awards, St Vincent’s Health Australia, Sofitel on Collins, Melbourne, 23В May. st vincent’s research report 2012 110 Mental Health Quality A departmental research review of the research unit was conducted by Prof Ian Everall, Head of Dept of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne. Although excellent feedback was provided, several recommendations were made in relation toВ promoting the growth of the research unit. TheseВ will be addressed in 2013. A copy of theВ report is attached. Mr Sam Mancuso, Research Coordinator &В Honorary Fellow 1.0EFT Dr Melissa Petrakis, Research Fellow 0.4EFT Dr Eleanor Curran, Research Registrar 0.4EFT Ms Nga Tran, Senior Pharmacist & Honorary Fellow 0.1EFT Dr Gaye Moore, Coordinator, Frameworks for Health 1.0EFT Frameworks for Health conducted a pilot study ofВ the ACCORD optimal health program for carers ofВ individuals with stroke. Pilot data are promising and a NHMRC project grant will be submitted in 2013 to conduct a larger randomised control trial. Mr Daryl Oehm, Manager VTPU 0.2EFT Consultation Liaison Psychiatry submitted a business plan for a new unit in the inpatient building for the care of cognitively disturbed elderly patients. A 1-year trial to implement and evaluate the unit wasВ requested. Students Collaboration was established with the Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne, with the aim of developing a screening measure for prosthodontics patients with body dysmorphic disorder. Our collaboration with orthopaedics, diabetes, cardiology, oncology, renal, and neurology at StВ Vincent’s are helping enhance mental health careВ in these physical health settings. Staff Prof David Castle, Psychiatry Chair 1.0EFT A/Prof Mike Salzberg, Director of CL Psychiatry &В Associate Professor 0.5EFT Ms Casey O’Brien, Psychologist 0.1EFT Dr Justin Kuay, Senior Psychiatry Registrar, 0.2EFT Dr Evrim March, Senior Neuropsychologist, 0.5 EFT James LeBas, PhD Student Sam Mancuso, PhD Student Kaveh Monshat, PhD student Service to the wider community • Adult Mental Health Information Development Expert Advisory Panel, member – Prof Tom Trauer • Advisory Committee China-Australia Community Mental Health Program, member – A/Prof CheeВ Ng • Member, Australia-India Advisory Committee for Community Mental Health at the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2011 – A/Prof Chee Ng • Member, Mental Health Sub-Technical WorkingВ Group Ministry of Health Cambodia – A/ProfВ CheeВ Ng A/Prof Chee Ng, Director of International Unit 0.1EFT • Asia Australia Mental Health Executive, member – A/Prof Chee Ng Prof Tom Trauer, Honorary Professorial Fellow 0.1EFT • International Affairs Working Group RANZCP, member – A/Prof Chee Ng A/Prof Peter Bosanac, Director Clinical Services 0.3EFT • International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE)В Faculty of 1000, member – A/ProfВ MichaelВ Salzberg Dr Bridget Hamilton, Clinical Nurse Consultant 0.2EFT Dr Jeremy Couper, Senior Lecturer 0.2EFT • International Psycho-oncology Society (IPOS), member – Dr Jeremy Couper Dr Prem Chopra, Consultant Psychiatrist 0.2EFT • Mental Health Foundation of Australia (VIC), honorary treasurer – Dr Peter Bosanac Dr Carol Silberberg, Consultant Psychiatrist &В Lecturer 0.4EFT • National Mental Health Information Development Expert Advisory Panel, member – Prof Tom Trauer Dr Kaveh Monshat, Lecturer 0.3EFT st vincent’s research report 2012 111 Mental Health • Victorian Clinical Nurse Consultant Forum – DrВ Bridget Hamilton • Psycho-oncology Co-operative Research GroupВ (POCOG) Executive Committee, member – Dr Jeremy Couper • RANZCP Section of Social and Cultural Psychiatry, member and secretary – Dr Prem Chopra • Study of High Impact Psychoses (SHIP), Technical Advisory group member – Prof David Castle • Member, RANZCP Victorian Branch Committee (2012–2013) – Prof David Castle • Member, Victorian Ministerial Eating Disorders Taskforce – Prof David Castle • St Vincent’s Hospital Human Research EthicsВ Committee A (HREC-A), member – ProfВ Tom Trauer • World Psychiatric Association Section of Epidemiology and Public Health, associate member – Dr Prem Chopra • Psychiatrist (pro bono), Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, West Melbourne – Dr Carol Silberberg • Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists Executive Committee, member – A/Prof Chee Ng • Consortium Member Mental Health in Multicultural Australia Project (MHiMA) – Mr Daryl Oehm • Member Mental Health in Multicultural Victoria (MHiMV), Mental Health Reform Strategy (2012) – Mr Daryl Oehm • Member, Migrant Mental Health Taskforce, Mental Health Reform Strategy (2011) – Dr Prem Chopra • Member, Recovery Framework Advisory Committee, Department of Health Victoria (2010–2011) – Dr Prem Chopra • Associate Member, World Psychiatric Association Section of Epidemiology and Public Health – DrВ Prem Chopra Grants E. March, S.L. Rossell & D.J. Castle Cognitive remediation in first episode psychosis: a pilot study, St Vincent’s Hospital Research Endowment Fund $15,000 for 2 years L Abel, S Rossell, D Castle & A Phillipou Investigating the neurobiological and cognitive features of Anorexia Nervosa, The Jack Brockhoff Foundation 26,973 for 1.5 years Castle D Development of a joint psycho-oncology clinical research program, Victorian Comprehensive CancerВ Centre $10,000 Mancuso S, Castle D CRUfAdschools Body Image Project, AndrewsВ Foundation $10,000 Martin T, Worrall-Carter L, Thompson DR, SkiВ C, Wilson A, Castle D, Whitbourn R, Shulkes A, Hiller J, Thoeming A Building Collaborative Research with Specific Focus on Cardiovascular Health, Department of Innovation Industry, Science & Research Collaborative Research Network (CRN) $7,915,646 J Couper, A Pollard, D Castle Phase 1 pilot of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Intervention for Head and Neck Cancer patients receiving treatment of curative intent., BEYOND BLUE LIMITED (ACN 093 865 840), The beyondblue Victorian Centre of Excellence in Depression, Anxiety and Related Disorders (bbVCoE) $150,000 for 2012–2014 ($75,000 in 2012) E March, S Rossell, D Castle Research Endowment Fund (Cognitive Remediation in First Episode Psychosis), St Vincent’s Hospital $14,922 for 2012 C Ng Application number AJF12105 – Mental Health Leadership Development and Research Exchange Program, Australia-Japan Foundation (AJF) grants round 2012–13 $33,000 for 1 year ($10,000 in 2012) C Ng Mental Health Capacity Building and Leaders Exchange in Asia Pacific (R10-040)., Australian Leadership Awards Round 10 Department ofВ ForeignВ Affairs and Trade $114,950 for 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 112 Mental Health J Fraser, C Ng, Brigid Ryan Building community mental health through strategicВ public partnerships in Melanesia (Fiji,В Solomon Islands)., AusAID Pacific Public SectorВ LinkagesВ Program $356,150 for 2 years ($100,000 in 2012) • La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria B Hamilton Employing Recovery-oriented Practice Framework, Nurse Policy Branch, Department of Health $80,000 for 2011–2013 ($10,000 in 2012) • Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne B Hamilton, Jane Pirkis, Rachael Duncan Evaluation of NMHP, Nurses Board of Victoria $50,000 for 2010–2012 ($28,000 in 2012) D Castle, NT Lautenschlager, D Thompson, Chantal Ski, John Rolley, Arthur Hsueh, GayeВ Moore Improving the mental health of carers of stroke patients: A pilot study of Australian Care Coordination (ACCORD), St Vincent’s Research Endowment Fund $20,000 (via St Vincent’s adult psychiatry) for 2012 • Monash University, Melbourne • Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne • Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne • St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney • Sydney University, Sydney • University of Newcastle, Newcastle • University of Melbourne, Melbourne • Melbourne Dental School, TheВ UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne, Melbourne • University of New South Wales, New South Wales • University of Western Australia, Western Australia • Victorian Department of Human Services, Melbourne • beyondblue • Mental Illness Fellowship • SANE Collaborations in research • MIND International • Centre for International Mental Health, School ofВ Population Health, The University of Melbourne • Boston University, USA • Institute of Mental Health, UniversityВ ofВ Peking,В China • Guangdong Mental Health Institute, China • National Center for Neurology and Psychiatry, Japan • Institute of Psychiatry, University of Oslo • Directorate General of Health Services, MinistryВ ofВ Health and Family Welfare, India • Chinese University of Hong Kong • Hamad Medical Coorporation, Qatar • University of Washington, Seattle, USA • Leicester University, United Kingdom National • Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, Melbourne • Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety Disorders, Sydney, New South Wales • Curtin University, Karawara, Western Australia • Goulburn Valley Area Mental Health Service Publications Books Castle D.J. Copolov D., Wykes T, Mueser K. (Eds.), 2012. Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments in Schizophrenia, 3 ed. Informa Healthcare, London. Castle DJ, Hood S, Starcevic V. (Eds.), 2012. Anxiety Disorders: Current Understanding, Novel Treatments, 3 ed. Australian Postgraduate Medicine, Melbourne. Castle DJ, Murray R, D’Souza D. (Eds.), 2012. Marijuana and Madness, 2 ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Hamilton B, Bicharia E, Roper C, Easton, C. 2012. Gaining Strength: Consumer experiences of case management with the Strengths Model. St.Vincent’s Mental Health, Fitzroy, Victoria. • Deakin University, Melbourne st vincent’s research report 2012 113 Mental Health Book chapters Castle, D.J., Olver, J., Crino, R., 2012. Treatment advances in OCD, in: Castle, D.J., Hood, S., Starcevic, V. (Eds.), Anxiety Disorders: Current Understanding, Novel Treatments, 3 ed. Australian Postgraduate Medicine, Melbourne, pp. 137–152. Castle, D.J., Tran, N., Alderton, D., 2012. Psychopharmacological management of schizophrenia and related disorders, in: Castle, D.J., Copolov, D., Wykes, T., Mueser, K. (Eds.), Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments inВ Schizophrenia, 3 ed. Informa Healthcare, London,В pp. 1–31. Castle, D.J., Tran, N., Bosanac, P., Alderton,В D., 2012. Management of acute behaviouralВ disturbance in psychosis, in: Castle, D.J., Copolov, D., Wykes, T., Mueser, K. (Eds.), Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments in Schizophrenia, 3В ed.В Informa Healthcare, London, pp. 119–136. Castle, D.J., Wykes, T., Bosanac, P., Knoesen,В N., 2012. Depression and anxiety in schizophrenia, in: Castle, D.J., Copolov, D., Wykes, T., Mueser, K. (Eds.), Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments in Schizophrenia, 3 ed. Informa Healthcare, London, pp. 72–90. Copolov, D., Castle, D.J., 2012. The management of negative symptoms, in: Castle, D.J., Copolov, D., Wykes, T., Mueser, K. (Eds.), Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments in Schizophrenia, 3 ed. Informa Healthcare, London, pp. 47–58. Hamilton, B., 2012. Strengths Case Management, in: Meadows, G., Farhall, J., Fossey, E., Grigg, M., McDermott, F., Singh, B. (Eds.), Mental health in Australia: collaborative community practice, 3 ed. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, VIC, pp. 434–437. James, W., Castle, D.J., 2012. Addressing cannabis use in people with psychosis, in: Castle, D.J., Murray, R., D’Souza, D. (Eds.), Marijuana and Madness, 2 ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 225–233. James, W., Mueser, K., Castle, D.J., 2012. Substance abuse comorbidity in schizophrenia, in:В Castle, D.J., Copolov, D., Wykes, T., Mueser,В K. (Eds.), Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments in Schizophrenia, 3 ed. Informa Healthcare, London, pp. 107–118. Lautenschlager, N., Rabins, P., Castle, D.J., 2012. Schizophrenia in late life, in: Castle, D.J., Copolov, D., Wykes, T., Mueser, K. (Eds.), Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments in Schizophrenia, 3В ed.В Informa Healthcare, London, pp. 202–213. Silberberg, C., Castle, D.J, Koethe, D., 2012. Cannabis, cannabinoids, and bipolar disorder, in: Castle, D.J., Murray, R., D’Souza, D. (Eds.), Marijuana and Madness, 2 ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 129–136. Trauer, T., 2012. HoNOS in routine outcome assessment: the Australian experience, in: Erlicher, A., Lora, A., Monzani, E., Parabiaghi, A. (Eds.), Health of the Nation Outcome Scales HoNOS. Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, Rome, pp. 1–16. Journal articles Addis, S., Sherwood, D., Mace, W., Mancuso, S.G., Koloth, R., Castle, D.J., 2012. A naturalistic study of pharmacological management of behavioural disturbance in psychosis. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care 8(02), 120–125. Castle, D.J., 2012. Is it appropriate to treat people at high-risk of psychosis before first onset?–No. TheВ Medical journal of Australia 196(9), 557. Castle, D.J., Bosanac, P., 2012. Depression and schizophrenia. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 18(4), 280–288. Castle, D.J., 2012. Schizoaffective disorder. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 18(1), 32–33. Castle, D.J., 2012. The truth, and nothing but the truth, about early intervention in psychosis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 46(1), 10–13. Castle, D.J., Baker, A., Richmond, R., Filia, S., Harris, D., Pirola-Merlo, A.J., 2012. Varenicline plus healthy lifestyles in people with a psychotic disorder. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 24(4), 285–291. Castle, D.J., Piterman, L., Berk, L., 2012. Difficultto-treat depression. MJA Open 1(S4), 4–5. Chan, E.W., Kong, D., Knott, J.C., Castle, D.J., 2012. Ethical issues in researching interventions forВ behavioral disturbance in psychotic disorders. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 4(2), 140–143. st vincent’s research report 2012 114 Mental Health Contreras, N., Rossell, S.L., Castle, D.J., Fossey, E., Morgan, D., Crosse, C., Harvey, C., 2012. Enhancing Work-Focused Supports for People withВ Severe Mental Illnesses in Australia. Rehabilitation Research and Practice 2012, 1–8. Cooper, J., Mancuso, S.G., Borland, R., Slade, T., Galletly, C., Castle, D.J., 2012. Tobacco smoking among people living with a psychotic illness: The second Australian survey of psychosis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 46(9), 851–863. Couper, J., Pollard, A.C., Clifton, D.A., 2012. Depression and Cancer. MJA Open 1(Suppl 4), 13–16. Curran, E.M., Loi, S., 2012. Depression andВ dementia. MJA Open 1(S4), 40–44. Dolan, M.C., Castle, D.J., McGregor, K., 2012. Criminally violent victimisation in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: the relationship to symptoms andВ substance abuse. BMC Public Health 12(1), 445. Dowsey, M.M., Dieppe, P., Lohmander, S., Castle, D.J., Liew, D., Choong, P.F.M., 2012. TheВ association between radiographic severity andВ pre-operative function in patients undergoing primary knee replacement for osteoarthritis. TheВ Knee 19(6), 860–865. Galletly, C.A., Foley, D.L., Waterreus, A., Watts,В G.F., Castle, D.J., McGrath, J.J., Mackinnon, A., Morgan,В V.A., 2012. Cardiometabolic risk factors in people with psychotic disorders: The second Australian national survey of psychosis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 46(8), 753–761. Gilbert, M.M., Chamberlain, J.A., White, C.R., Mayers, P.W., Pawsey, B., Liew, D., Musgrave, M., Crawford, K., Castle, D.J., 2012. Controlled clinical trial of a self-management program for people with mental illness in an adult mental health service–the Optimal Health Program (OHP). Australian Health Review 36(1), 1–7. Gleason, A., Castle, D.J., 2012. Adult attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder and bipolar disorder. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 18(3), 198–204. Hudson, P., Remedios, C., Zordan, R., Thomas,В K., Clifton, D., Crewdson, M., Hall, C., Trauer, T., Bolleter, A., Clarke, D.M., 2012. Guidelines for theВ Psychosocial and Bereavement Support ofВ Family Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients. Journal of Palliative Medicine 15(6), 696–702. Hudson, P.L., Lobb, E.A., Thomas, K., Zordan,В R.D., Trauer, T., Quinn, K., Williams, A., Summers, M., 2012. Psycho-Educational Group Intervention for Family Caregivers of Hospitalized Palliative Care Patients: Pilot Study. Journal of Palliative Medicine 15(3), 277–281. Hudson, P.L., Trauer, T., Lobb, E., Zordan, R., Williams, A., Quinn, K., Summers, M., Thomas, K., 2012. Supporting family caregivers of hospitalised palliative care patients: a psychoeducational group intervention. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2(2), 115–120. Jones, N.C., Reddy, M., Anderson, P., Salzberg, M.R., O’Brien, T.J., Pinault, D., 2012. Acute administration of typical and atypical antipsychotics reduces EEG gamma power, but only the preclinical compound LY379268 reduces the ketamine-induced rise in gamma power. The International Journal ofВ Neuropsychopharmacology 15(5), 657–668. Joubert, L., Petrakis, M., Cementon, E., 2012. Suicide Attempt Presentations at the Emergency Department: Outcomes From a Pilot Study Examining Precipitating Factors in Deliberate Self-Harm and Issues in Primary Care Physician Management. Social Work in Health Care 51(1), 66–76. Knoesen, N.P., Mancuso, S.G., Thomas, S., Komesaroff, P., Lewis, S., Castle, D.J., 2012. Relationship between severity of obesity and mentalВ health: An Australian community survey. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 4(1), 67–75. Lee, S.J., Bosanac, P., Hollander, Y., CastleВ D.J., Foley, F., Hannagan, E., Kulkarni, J., 2012. Determining the efficacy and tolerance of quetiapine extended release for the management of psychosis and accompanying acute behavioural disturbance inВ adult acute psychiatry. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 24(4), 271–278. st vincent’s research report 2012 115 Mental Health Ma, N., Liu, J., Wang, X., Gan, Y.-W., Ma, H., Ng,В C.H., Jia, F.-J., Yu, X., 2012. Treatment dropoutВ of patients in National Continuing Management and Intervention Program for Psychoses in Guangdong Province from 2006 toВ 2009: Implication for mental health service reformВ in China. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 4(3), 181–188. McGregor, K., Castle, D.J., Dolan, M., 2012. Schizophrenia spectrum disorders, substance misuse, and the four-facet model of psychopathy: The relationship to violence. Schizophrenia Research 136(1–3), 116–121. Monshat, K., Bosanac, P., Khorsen, G., Gaynor, N., Nittoli, S., Castle, D.J., 2012. Are psychiatric Crisis Assessment and Treatment team clinicians on the psychotherapy front line? Australasian Psychiatry 20(1), 40–43. Monshat, K., Castle, D.J., 2012. Mindfulness training: an adjunctive role in the management ofВ chronic illness? The Medical Journal of Australia 196(9), 569–564. Monshat, K., Vella-Brodrick, D., Burns, J., Herrman,В H., 2012. Mental health promotion inВ theВ Internet age: a consultation with Australian young people to inform the design of an online mindfulness training programme. Health promotion international 27(2), 177–186. Moore, E., Mancuso, S.G., Slade, T., Galletly,В C., Castle, D.J., 2012. The impact of alcohol andВ illicit drugs on people with psychosis: TheВ second Australian national survey of psychosis.В AustralianВ andВ New Zealand Journal ofВ Psychiatry 46(9), 864–878. Moore, G., Hepworth, G., Weiland, T., Manias,В E., Gerdtz, M.F., Kelaher, M., Dunt,В D., 2012.В ProspectiveВ validation of a predictive model that identifies homeless people at risk ofВ re-presentation to the emergency department. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal 15(1), 2–13. Morgan, V.A., Waterreus, A., Jablensky, A., Mackinnon, A., McGrath, J.J., Carr, V., Bush, R., Castle, D.J., Cohen, M., Harvey, C., Galletly, C., Stain, H.J., Neil, A.L., McGorry, P., Hocking, B., Shah, S., Saw, S., 2012. People living with psychotic illness in 2010: The second Australian national survey of psychosis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 46(8), 735–752. Ng, C.H., Smith, D.J., King, J., Ong, S., Schweitzer,В I., 2012. Medication attitudes andВ beliefsВ in patients with psychotic and affectiveВ disorders on maintenance treatment. HumanВ Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 27(1), 57–62. Petrakis, M., Penno, S., Oxley, J., Bloom, H., Castle, D.J., 2012. Early psychosis treatment inВ anВ integrated model within an adult mental healthВ service. European Psychiatry 27(7), 483–488. Petrakis, M., Wilson, M., Hamilton, B., 2012. Implementing the Strengths Model of Case Management: Group Supervision Fidelity Outcomes.В Community mental health journal, 1–7. Sankaranarayanan, A., Castle, D.J., 2012. Monitoring and managing metabolic syndrome inВ persons with mental illness: the case for. Andhra Pradesh Journal of Psychological Medicine 13, 9–13. Shawyer, F., Farhall, J., Mackinnon, A., Trauer,В T., Sims, E., Ratcliff, K., Larner, C., Thomas, N., Castle,В D.J., Mullen, P., Copolov, D., 2012. AВ randomised controlled trial of acceptancebased cognitive behavioural therapy for command hallucinations in psychotic disorders. Behaviour Research and Therapy 50(2), 110–121. Ski, C.F., Page, K., Thompson, D.R., Cummins, R.A., Salzberg, M.R, Worrall-Carter, L., 2012. Clinical outcomes associated with screening andВ referral for depression in an acute cardiac ward. Journal of Clinical Nursing 21(15–16), 2228–2234. Tang, M.H., Pan, D.J.W., Castle, D.J., Choong, P.F.M., 2012. A Systematic Review of the Recent Quality of Life Studies in Adult Extremity Sarcoma Survivors. Sarcoma 2012. Tran, N., Castle, D.J., 2012. Outcomes from aВ regular medication information programme forВ consumers with a mental illness. Australasian Psychiatry 20(2), 143–147. Trauer, J.M., Gielen, C., Trauer, T., Steinfort, C.L., 2012. Inability of single resting arterial blood gas toВ predict significant hypoxaemia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Internal Medicine Journal 42(4), 387–394. st vincent’s research report 2012 116 Mental Health Trauer, T., 2012. Palliative models of care for later stages of mental disorder: Maximising recovery, maintaining hope and building morale. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 46(2), 170–172. Trauer, T., Nagel, T., 2012. Outcome Measurement in Adult Indigenous Mental Health Consumers. Advances in Mental Health 11(1), 106–116. Key, J., Owens, C., Wilson, M. & Petrakis, M. (2012). Evaluation of a 4 week Rehabilitation Assessment program at St Vincent’s Mental Health Community Care Units: mental health consumers and clinicians perspective, вЂ�Recovering Citizenship’, 22nd Annual TheMHS (The Mental health Services) Conference, Cairns, Queensland, 21–24 August Waghorn, G., Saha, S., Harvey, C., Morgan, V.A., Waterreus, A., Bush, R., Castle, D.J., Galletly, C., Stain, H.J., Neil, A.L., 2012. вЂ�Earning and learning’inВ those with psychotic disorders: The second Australian national survey of psychosis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 46(8), 774–785. Lewis, J., Brophy, L., Petrakis, M., Halloran, K., Cocks, N., Buckley, L., Scott, M. & Stylianou, M. (2012). An evaluation of the recovery orientation of the Inner Urban East Adult Mental Health Initiatives – a partnership between Mind Australia and St Vincent’s Mental Health Service, Refocus onВ Recovery Conference, Kings College, London, 5–7 March Waterreus, A., Morgan, V.A., Castle, D.J., Galletly,В C., Jablensky, A., Di Prinzio, P., Shah,В S., 2012. Medication for psychosis–consumption andВ consequences: The second Australian national survey of psychosis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 46(8), 762–773. Penno, S., Hamilton, B., Petrakis, M. (2012) FiveВ year outcomes from an integrated adult early psychosis program in Australia, International Early Psychosis Association Conference, San Francisco, USA, 11–13 October Weerasundera, R., Castle, D.J., 2012. Extendedrelease quetiapine fumarate in the treatment of bipolar disorder: a review. Neuropsychiatry 2(5), 1–7. Worrall-Carter, L., Ski, C.F., Thompson, D.R., Davidson, P.M., Cameron, J., Castle, D.J., Page,В K.,В 2012. Recognition and referral of depression in patients with heart disease. EuropeanВ Journal ofВ Cardiovascular Nursing 11(2),В 231–238. Conference publications Goding M, Ryan B, White K, Agustin C, Ng C. Promoting citizenship for people living with mental illness in the Asia Pacific: Asia Australia Mental Health. 22nd Annual TheMHS Conference 2012, Cairns – A/Prof Chee Ng Hunt, T., Petrakis M. & Bowditch, B. (2012). Psychiatric triage use by repeat contact consumers: an evaluation of frequency and severity of presentations and discharge outcomes, вЂ�RecoveringВ Citizenship’, 22nd Annual TheMHS Conference, Cairns, Queensland, 21–24 August Penno, S., Laxton, S., Petrakis, M. (2012) Intervening early with families dur8ing first episodeВ psychosis: An evaluation of mental healthВ nursing psychoeducation within the inpatientВ unit, International Early Psychosis Association Conference, San Francisco, USA, 11–13В October Petrakis, M., Brophy, L., Stylianou, M., Scott,В M.,В Lewis, J., Cocks N., Buckley, L. &В Halloran, K. (2012). Are we recovery orientated?В Learning from people with lived experience, вЂ�Recovering Citizenship’, 22nd AnnualВ TheMHS (The Mental Health Services) Conference, Cairns, Queensland, 21–24 August Petrakis, M., Hamilton, B. & Wilson, M. (2012). Strengths model brainstorming: Getting clinicians on board with consumer and recovery orientated conversations, Refocus on Recovery Conference, Kings College, London, 5–7 March st vincent’s research report 2012 117 Mental Health Speaking engagements Invited speaker, Dermatology Grand Rounds, StВ Vincent’s Hospital, Vic (3.02) Presentation: вЂ�BodyВ Dysmorphic Disorder: Ugliness is only skinВ deep’ – Prof David Castle Invited debater, Royal Melbourne Hospital MentalВ Health Forum, Melbourne (20.02); Debate: вЂ�Early intervention in psychosis isВ notВ justified’ – Prof David Castle Invited speaker, AUPOA Annual Symposium, Challenges in current thinking about mental disorders in the elderly, Melbourne, Vic (24.02) Presentations: вЂ�Will there be less work for future oldВ age psychiatrists if early psychosis interventions actually work?’ – Prof David Castle Invited keynote speaker, Rotary Mental Health Forum, Beaumaris, Melbourne (21.03); Presentation: Body image and teen mental health’ – ProfВ DavidВ Castle Invited speaker, Centre for Remote Health, AliceВ Springs, NT (26–27.03); Presentations: вЂ�Psychiatric aspects of marijuana’; вЂ�Optimising schizophrenia outcomes’ – Prof David Castle Invited speaker, Broadmeadows Mental Health Service, Melbourne (4.04); Presentation: вЂ�Optimising schizophrenia outcomes’ – Prof David Castle Delegate, Third Biennial Schizophrenia Research Society Conference, Florence, It (14–18.04); Poster presentations: вЂ�Smoking and other cardiovascular disease risk behaviours among people with severe mental disorders’; вЂ�IV droperidol or olanzapine asВ adjuncts to midazolam for the acutely agitated patient: a multi-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial’ – Prof David Castle Invited speaker, Australian Psychiatrist Expert Group Conference, Werribee, Vic (20–22.04); Presentation: вЂ�BDD: a disorder in search of aВ nosological home’ – Prof David Castle Invited speaker, University of Melbourne Dental School, Melbourne, Vic (14.05); Presentation: вЂ�TheВ tooth and the psyche’ – Prof David Castle Speaker, Royal ANZ College of Psychiatrists Annual Conference, Hobart, Tas (20–23.05); Presentation: вЂ�Depression with anxiety, anxiety and depression, anxious depression? A role forВ agomelatine?’ – Prof David Castle Invited speaker, PsyAcademy Asia Faculty Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand (25–26.05); Presentation: вЂ�Recent evidence in the understanding of schizophrenia trajectory and implications for clinical practice’ – ProfВ David Castle Invited speaker, Fremantle Hospital Mental Health Forum, Fremantle, WA (22.06); Presentation: вЂ�Improving outcomes in schizophrenia’ – ProfDavidВ Castle Invited speaker, Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) Annual Congress, Liverpool, UK (12.07); Presentation: вЂ�Improving outcomes in schizophrenia: learnings from Australia’ – Prof David Castle Invited speaker, Clinical Controversies Annual Conference, Melbourne, Vic (29.07); Presentation: вЂ�Early intervention in psychosis: not enough, notВ early enough’ – Prof David Castle Invited speaker, Eastern Health Mental Health Forum, Melbourne, Vic (21.08); Presentation: вЂ�Promoting good outcomes in schizophrenia’ – ProfВ David Castle Invited speaker, Victoria Clinic, Melbourne, VicВ (22.08); Presentation: вЂ�Bipolar mixed states’ – ProfВ David Castle Invited speaker tour, Singapore (including InstituteВ of Mental Health, Singapore General Hospital, National University Hospital), Singapore (27–28.08); Presentations: вЂ�Detecting non-adherence and shared decision-making: two stepsВ towards long-term remission in schizophrenia’ – ProfВ DavidВ Castle Invited speaker tour, Hong Kong and Macau (including Kwai Chung Hospital, Princess Mary Hospital), Hong Kong and Macau (29–31.08); Presentations: вЂ�Enhancing treatment outcomes inВ schizophrenia’ and вЂ�The role of case management in relapse prevention’ – Prof David Castle Invited speaker, Victorian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference, Melb, Vic (18.10); Presentation: вЂ�Cardiovascular disease in people withВ severe mental illness’ – Prof David Castle Invited speaker, South Australian Psychiatrists Annual Conference, Barossa, SA (26–27.10); Presentation: вЂ�Early intervention: Is early too early orВ not early enough?’ – Prof David Castle st vincent’s research report 2012 118 Mental Health Invited speaker, Dialogues in Depression Conference, Sydney, NSW (3–4.11); Presentation: вЂ�Depression with anxiety, anxious depression, generalised anxiety with depression, or what?’ – ProfВ David Castle Petrakis, M. & Doidge G. (2012). Early Psychosis Program Implementation and Evaluation, Exceptional Care – Research Excellence. Health Quality Awards, St Vincent’s Health Australia, Sofiel on Collins, Melbourne, 23 May. Invited speaker, South Australian Psychiatrists Annual Conference, Barossa, SA (26–27.10); Presentation: вЂ�Early intervention: Is early too early orВ not early enough?’ – Prof David Castle Petrakis, M. & Doidge, G. (2012). Early Psychosis Program Implementation and Evaluation, Exceptional Care – Research Excellence. Health Quality Awards Roadshow, St Vincent’s Health Australia, Brisbane, 22 June. Invited speaker: Assessment and management ofВ suicidal patients, The Melbourne Clinic 2012 – A/Prof Peter Bosanac Invited speaker and panellist for 14th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology/39th Annual Scientific Meeting of Clinical Oncological Society of Australia, вЂ�A Randomised Controlled Trial of Cognitive Existential Couple Therapy for early stage prostate cancer patients and their partners: use of a manualised therapy in a cancer affecting older men’ in symposium titled: вЂ�Well-being of older cancer patients: Identification of specific characteristics, care needs and interventions’, Brisbane, 13 November 2012 – Dr Jeremy Couper Invited plenary speaker and panellist for Australian Prostate Cancer Conference, вЂ�Exploring the impact of prostate cancer on the partner’, Melbourne, 3В August 2012 – Dr Jeremy Couper Invited presenter for Psycho-oncology Network, Mental Health Professionals Network (MHPN), Melbourne, 28 June 2012 – Dr Jeremy Couper Laxton, S. & Petrakis, M. (2012) Intervening early with families dur8ing first episode psychosis: An evaluation of mental health nursing psychoeducation within the inpatient unit, Research Week, StВ Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, 20–22 August. Brophy, L., Petrakis, M., Anderson, J., Callander, R., Cocks, N., Lewis, J., Weavell, W., Zimmermann, A. (2012), . Research into Recovery: what we are learning? Panel presentation, Psychiatric Disability Services of Victoria (VICSERV) Conference вЂ�Reframing Mental Health: a new state of mind’, TheВ Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, 24–25 May. Petrakis, M. & Doidge, G. (2012). Early Psychosis Program Implementation and Evaluation, Exceptional Care – Research Excellence. Health Quality Awards Roadshow, St Vincent’s Health Australia, Sydney, 25В June. Petrakis, M. & Doidge, G. (2012). Early PsychosisВ Program Implementation and Evaluation, ExceptionalВ Care – Research Excellent. Health Quality Awards Roadshow, St Vincent’s Health Australia, BrenanВ Hall, Melbourne, 26 June. Petrakis, M. (2012). Taking an idea to an outcome: the research journey of a mental health project, HigherВ Degrees by Research Conference, Department of Social Work, Monash University, Caulfield, 6–7 February. Invited speaker: вЂ�Acute Psychiatric Forum’, SVMH,В Melbourne, 4.12.2012 – Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker: Medication Information Forum, NEAMI, Richmond, 13.11.2012 – Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker, Medication Information Forum for Vietnamese consumers and carers, SMHOW, Brunswick, 2.10.2012 – Ms Nga Tran Presenter: вЂ�Paliperidone LAI – Clinical Experience @В SVMH’, Melbourne, 4.9.2012 – Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker, вЂ�Clozapine management andВ monitor: What’s New?’ SVMH, Melbourne,В 24.7.2012 – Ms Nga Tran Co-facilitator, вЂ�Psychiatric Medications & side effects’, SVMH Family & Carer Forum, Fitzroy, 23.7.2012 – Ms Nga Tran st vincent’s research report 2012 119 Mental Health Invited speaker, Psychiatric medication for Vietnamese consumers and carers, Western Region Health Centre, Footscray, 18.7.2012 –Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker, Psychopharmacology Workshop for Dianella Community MH clinicians, Broadmeadows, 25.6.2012 – Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker: вЂ�Smoking cessation and psychotropic medications for Vietnamese consumers & carers’, St Mary House of Welcome (SMHOW), Brunswick, 5.6.2012 – Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker: Psychopharmacology workshop for MHPOD Graduate Allied Health staff, NEVIL Training Cluster, Melbourne, 24.5.201 .– Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker: Nicotine Replacement Therapy forВ MH – QUIT participants, Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria, East Melbourne, 8.5.2012 – Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker: вЂ�LAI – Case Study Discussions’, SVMH, Melbourne, 18.4.2012 – Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker: вЂ�Overview of SVMH – Pharmacy services for MH Registrars’. SVMH, Melbourne, 10.2.2012 & 17.2.2012 – Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker: вЂ�Medication information program atВ SVMH’. La Trobe Mental Health, SVMH, Melbourne, 31.1.2012 – Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker: вЂ�Clinical experience on the useВ ofВ Invega sustenna at SVH’. Janssen-cilag, Melbourne, 31.1.201 – Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker: вЂ�Clinical experience on the use ofВ Invega sustenna & PEARL’. SVMH, Melbourne, 13.1.2012 – Ms Nga Tran Invited speaker: вЂ�Overview of Invega sustenna and PEARL’. Janssen-cilag, Hawthorn CMHS, Melbourne, 22.12.2012 – Ms Nga Tran st vincent’s research report 2012 120 Nephrology Collectively, the staff of the St Vincent’s Hospital Nephrology Department undertake aВ diverse range of research activities by virtue of the collaborative research partnerships established within the Health service, reflective of the complex nature of problems based by patients with kidney disease. Research activities include the development of new treatments for kidney disease, disease biomarker discovery, improvements in dialysis therapies, mental health issues in kidney disease, as well as the immunology and complications ofВ transplantation. About us Clinical research projects currently underway include a study aimed at understanding the high rate of cardiovascular disease in dialysis patients, a trial investigating diabetes complications of transplantation, studies aimed at improving the knowledge and treatment of depression and anxiety in patients with kidney disease, and a study aimed at optimising screening tests for dialysis & transplant patients to detect previous tuberculosis. The Department is also involved in several multisite national trials of dialysis care and treatments, including PEXIVAS, balANZ, Honey Pot, SHARPer and have a continued participation in an international practice outcome study (DOPPS). More recently, theВ team has been involved in studying the effects ofВ new therapies for diabetic kidney disease. The Nephrology Unit is also part of a joint research program with the University of Melbourne Department of Medicine studying new treatments aimed at preventing progressive kidney and heart disease. A number of our team are also part of theВ Immunology Research Group working in the areas of xeno-transplantation, Acute Kidney Injury and glomerulonephritis. Major projects The Nephrology team has been part of a number ofВ new developments in the immunology and dialysis arena. The first Australian Hand transplant performed at St Vincent’s Hospital relied heavily onВ the input and management of the transplant team, led by DrВ Karen Dwyer. Our Haemodialysis team welcomedВ the first year anniversary of the first In-Centre Nocturnal Haemodialysis Program in Victoria, which has resulted in a number of improvements in patient outcomes. The Nephrology Department continues to lead the High-Cut-off dialysis membrane Program for the treatment ofВ Acute Kidney Injury from Multiple Myeloma. The Unit also celebrated 50 years of dialysis at StВ Vincent’s, with a gathering of past and present staff at a Symposium celebrating the Unit’s clinical and research achievements. Quality The Nephrology unit has developed a number ofВ collaborative clinical programs in Transplantation. Incorporating transplant surgeons, nephrologists, transplant coordinators in knowledge sharing, theseВ programs include the Victorian Renal Transplant Collaborative, Hand transplantation, andВ the Islet Cell transplant program for patients withВ Type 1 diabetes. St. Vincent’s Hospital Nephrology Unit have also been leading a clinical program of a new treatment for Acute Kidney Injury secondary to myeloma cast nephropathy using extended hours High Cut-off (HCO) dialysis membranes. In the last 3 years of the program, a total of 24 patients of the 30 treated have recovered renal function. This represents a dramatic improvement from historical outcomes. st vincent’s research report 2012 121 Nephrology Staff A/Prof Robyn Langham, Nephrologist 1.0EFT Dr Karen Dwyer, Nephrologist/Immunologist 1.0EFT A/Prof David Goodman, Nephrologist/Immunologist 0.5EFT Dr Hilton Gock, Nephrologist/General Physician 1.0EFT Dr Mark Lanteri 0.2 EFT • Dr Hilton Gock is a member of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology Council and involved in a range of national and local educational programs. • Our team are active in education initiatives within the wider community, predominantly as part of ourВ rural outreach services. Physicians and Nurses who travel to rural and regional Victoria to treat patients also offer educational services to medical, nursing staff and the community asВ aВ whole. Dr Petrova Lee 0.2 EFT Ms Margaret Morris Nurse Practitioner 1.0EFT Collaborations in research Ms Melissa Stanley 0.6EFT International Ms Kim Mullins, Trial & Transplant coordinator 0.4EFT • Dept Rheumatology, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK – Anti-fibrotic therapies for scleroderma Mr Emmet O’Flaherty, Vascular Access Coordinator/ Pre-dialysis educator 1.0EFT • University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, USA – ArrayВ analysis of molecular pathways ofВ progressive renal disease Ms Nuala Barker, Dialysis Manager 1.0EFT National Students • Australian Kidney Trials Network Dr Veen Roberts PhD Local Service to the wider community • St Vincent’s Hospital Nephrology staff are active inВ a range of community service activities. • A/Prof Robyn Langham, as chair of the Victorian Dept of Health Renal Health Clinical Network in 2011, led a number of statewide clinical improvement initiatives, including CKD programs, the conservative care project and the development of a number of Key Performance Indicators forВ theВ Victorian renal community. As Secretary ofВ theВ Asia Pacific Society of Nephrology, these initiatives are also being implemented on a regional scale. She is also active in working with Kidney Health Australia developing National guideline statements on eGFR measurements and proteinuria detection, as well as primary careВ education programs (KCAT). A/Prof Langham is also a Board member of AMA Victoria and theВ Federal Council of the AMA. • Mental Health Research Institute, University of Melbourne – Optimal Health Programs inВ preventing affective disorders in ESKD • Swinburne University – Antecedents of stress andВ depression in CKD • Melbourne Renal units / Peter MacCallum Hospital – Extended hours HCO dialysis for myeloma castВ nephropathy. St Vincent’s Collaborations • Endocrinology – New Onset Diabetes AfterВ Transplantation, Islet Cell Transplants • Infectious Diseases – Incidence of latent Tuberculosis in ESKD • Hand Surgery – Vascularised Tissue Allografts (Hand transplant) • Rheumatology – Anti-fibrotic therapeis forВ scleroderma • Cardiology – Effect of dialysis schedule onВ Echocardiographic parameters in ESKD st vincent’s research report 2012 122 Nephrology Publications Journal articles Johnson DW, Brown FG, Clarke M, Boudville N, EliasВ TJ, Yin MFW, Jones B, Kulkarni H, LanghamВ RG, Ranganathan D, SchollumВ J, SuranyiВ M, Tan SH, Voss D. Effects of BiocompatibleВ versus standard fluid on peritonealВ dialysis outcomes. J Am Soc NephВ 2012В Jun;23(6):1097–1107. Johnson DW, Jones G, Doogue M, Jose M, Langham RG, Lawton P, Ludlow M, MathewВ T, McTaggart S, Peake M, Polkinghorne K, UsherwoodВ T. Chronic kidney disease and automaticВ reporting of estimated glomerular filtration rate: New developments and revised recommendations. Med J Australia, 2012 197(4):224–5. Johnson DW, Brown FG, Clarke M, Boudville N, Elias TJ, Foo MW, Jones B, Kulkarni H, LanghamВ R, Ranganathan D, Schollum J, Suranyi MG, Tan SH, Voss D. The Effects of Biocompatible Compared with Standard Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions on Peritonitis Microbiology, Treatment,В and Outcomes:В the balANZ Trial. Perit Dial Int. 2012 Sep;32(5):497–506. Johnson DW, Brown FG, Clarke M, Boudville N, Elias TJ, Foo MW, Jones B, Kulkarni H, LanghamВ R, Ranganathan D, Schollum J, Suranyi MG, Tan SH, Voss D. The effect of low glucose degradation product, neutral pH versus standard peritoneal dialysis solutions on peritoneal membrane function: the balANZ trial. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012 Dec;27(12):4445–53. Lekawanvijit S, Kompa AR, Manabe M, Wang BH, Langham RG, Nishijima F, Kelly DJ, Krum H. Chronic Kidney Disease-Induced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Ameliorated by Reducing Circulating Levels of a Non-Dialysable Uremic Toxin, Indoxyl Sulfate. PLoS ONE 2012;7(7):e41281. Gilbert RE, Zhang Y, Williams SJ, Zammit SC, Stapleton DI, Cox AJ, Krum H, Langham R, Kelly DJ. A purpose-synthesised anti-fibrotic agent attenuates experimental kidney diseases in the rat. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e47160. Langham RG and Kelly DJ. Urotensin 2 and the Kidney. Curr Opin Neph Hypertension 2012 in press. st vincent’s research report 2012 123 Neurosciences The Centre for Clinical Neurosciences at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne sustains a large research focus principally centred on epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord regeneration, peripheral nerve regeneration, neuromuscular disorders and mitochondrial disorders. The Neurosurgery Department is focussed on clinical research through the application and testing of emerging neurosurgical techniques based upon basic neuroscience principles and experimental models. About us St Vincent’s Centre for Clinical Neuroscience and Neurological Research (CCNNR) is a multidisciplinary clinical centre dedicated to improving the understanding and treatment of neurological disorders. Our strong research focus is principally centred on epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease and movement disorders and our department fosters close links and collaborations with leading institutions both nationally and internationally. The Centre for Clinical Neuroscience provides a complete clinical and diagnostic service and, through country satellite neurology clinics, we provide a full range of services to regional Victoria and host sub-specialty clinics in muscle disease, epilepsy and movement disorders. Epilepsy has become a major component of our clinical service. In 1994 we introduced epilepsy surgery and in 1998 launched the Victorian Epilepsy Centre in partnership with the Epilepsy Foundation and the Alfred Hospital. Today, St Vincent’s has the largest surgical program in Australia for epilepsy patients. Our work with patients and families is supported by a commitment to both clinical and basic scientific research in epilepsy. The establishment of an imaging laboratory has opened new pathways for us. Using techniques such as co-registration, functional neurosurgery has become a major focus and has been developed through a close alliance with the Neurosurgical Department. Major projects EEG Source Localisation – The use of EEG Source Localisation for the analysis of spike wave propagation in Hypothalamic Hamartoma in 32В patients. This is the largest series studied. The project commenced January 2012 and is dueВ toВ beВ completed in 2014. Brain Radio – we have been successful in an internationally competitive application process forВ state of the art brain stimulation and recording devices through Medtronic Inc., and are engaged in a collaborative study with the Minnesota based company to study our ability to predict the effects ofВ medications and electrical stimulation on seizures. We are performing this in collaboration with the Werribee Veterinary facility. Neurovista – In 2012 we completed a first-in-man study of a novel device to predict seizures, as part ofВ a project with Austin and Royal Melbourne Hospitals. This has been very successful and results were analysed and publication prepared in 2012. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – We have achievedВ cell-based muscle regeneration efficienciesВ 1000 times better than existing cell transplant in the mdx mouse model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. This was achieved using a вЂ�Trojan Horse’ polymer that protects the cells thatВ are implanted into the muscle and allows themВ to form new muscle more effectively than otherВ methods. Staff Prof Mark J Cook, Head of Department A/Prof Michael Murphy, Program Director Dr Stephen Bowden, Neuropsychologist Dr Kristian Bulluss, Neurosurgeon A/Prof Steven J Collins, Neurologist Dr Wendyl J D’Souza, Neurologist Dr Karen Fuller, Neurologist Prof Malcolm Horne, Neurologist Dr Katya Kotschet, Neurologist Dr Patrick O’Brien, Neurologist Dr Mark Paine, Neurologist Dr Richard Peppard, Neurologist st vincent’s research report 2012 124 Neurosciences Dr Christopher Plummer, Neurologist Dr Naotsugu Tsuchiya, Honorary Research Scientist Dr Leslie Sedal, Neurologist Dr Ian A Trounce, Research Fellow Dr Udaya Seneviratne, Honorary Neurologist Dr David Szmulewicz, Honorary Neurologist Simon Vogrin, Scientist, NeuroimagingВ ResearchВ Analyst Dr Leslie Roberts, Neurologist Mr Yi Yuen Wang, Neurosurgeon Dr Michael Tan, Honorary Neurologist Jana Wray, IBL Student Dr Valerie Tay, Neurologist Dr Yiping Zeng, Research Scientist Rachel Blake, Research Assistant, (TheВ UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne) Students Hugh Buzacott, Honorary Research Scientist Adriana Cartwright, Neuroimmunology nurse Tina Chen, Clinical Trials Coordinator Koren Clark, Clinical Trials Coordinator Dr Udaya Seneviratne, Ph.D., Department ofВ Medicine, The University of Melbourne Dr Michael Tan, Ph.D., Department of Medicine, TheВ University of Melbourne Mabel Diep, IBL Student Andre Peterson, Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Melbourne Dr Dean Freestone, Research Fellow, (TheВ UniversityВ of Melbourne) Dr Patrick O’Brien, Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Melbourne Chris Godden, IBL Student Bill Zhang, PhD, The University of Wollongong Mirabelle Ho, Honorary Research Assistant Hugh Buzzacott (BSc Honours), TheВ UniversityofВ Melbourne Miriel Ho, Honorary Research Assistant Assoc Prof Robert Kapsa, Scientist Stephan Lau, PhD, Department of Medicine, TheВ University of Melbourne Magdalena Kita, Research Assistant, (TheВ UniversityВ of Wollongong) Kyle Slater, PhD, Department of Electrical Engineering The University of Melbourne Alan Lai, Research Fellow (The Bionics Institute) Stephan Lau, Honorary Research Scientist Dr Sebastian Banquier, Department of Veterinary Science, The University of Melbourne Dr David Liley, Medical Scientist David Moses, PhD, The University of Melbourne Lucas Litewka, Medical Scientist Dr Prof Long, Honorary Research Scientist Professor Stephen Livesey, SeniorВ ResearchВ Scientist Dr Rosetta Marotta, Research Scientist Theses passed in 2012 Dr Dean Freestone, PhD, TheВ UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne Kristian Bulluss, PhD, The University of Melbourne Dr Tharun Mysore, Research Scientist Service to the wider community Sarah Osborn, Senior Medical Scientist A/Prof Robert Kapsa Dr Anita Quigley, Research Fellow, (TheUniversityofВ Wollongong) • HREC-A; Research Week Committee Dr Catriona Sinclair, Research Scientist Dr Jake Sui, Scientist (The University of Melbourne) Dr Karen Sweerts, Research Assistant Johanna Stephens, IBL Student Dr Kathy Traianedes, Senior Research Scientist • ARC Centre for Electromaterials Science Executive Committee • Australian Academy of Science Decadal Plan forВ Nanomedicine Research Committee • NHMRC Review Committee for Career Development Fellowships. st vincent’s research report 2012 125 Neurosciences Prof Mark Cook • Associate Editor, Epilepsia • Chairman, Animal Ethics Committee, St Vincent’s • Board Member, St Vincent’s Foundation • Board Member, O’Brien Institute • President, Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria A/Prof Michael Murphy • Neurosurgical Society of Australasia BoardВ Member • Clinical Improvement & Innovation Committee, StВ Vincent’s • Member of Executive Committee of Asian Australasian Society of Stereotactic and FunctionalВ Neurosurgery • Member of Hospital Executive Committee, StВ Vincent’s • Member of Medical Advisory Committee, StВ Vincent’s • Committee Member, Epilepsy Australia Consultative Panel • Electoral College Committee, St Vincent’s • Honorary Clinical Research Fellow, TheВ BionicsВ Institute, Melbourne • Research Endowment Fund Committee, StВ Vincent’s • Journal of Clinical Neuroscience – reviewer • Journal of Acta Neurochirurgica – reviewer • Journal of Epilepsia – reviewer Mr Yi Yuen Wang • Invited Faculty member of International Forum ofВ Minimally Invasive Surgery, Shanghai • Invited Faculty member of Minimally invasive spine surgery, elevating best practice in spine, Macquarie University, Sydney Grants Project Grants Wendyl D’Souza Deployment of portable epilepsy research device, StВ Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne $18,000 for 2012 Prof GG Wallace; Dr SE Moulton; Prof MJ Cook Approved Novel Drug Delivery Systems, ARC $1,220,000 for 5 years ($300,000 in 2012) Dr David B Grayden, Prof Anthony N Burkitt, ProfВ Dragan Nesic, Prof Mark J Cook Optimisation of signal processing and electrical stimulation algorithms for the abatement of epilepticВ seizures, ARC $265,000 for 4 years ($90,000 in 2012) Prof Mark Cook, Prof Gordon Wallace, DrВ SimonMoulton, Assoc Prof Robert Kapsa Advanced Polymer Systems for the Delivery of Anti-Epileptic Drugs to the CNS, NHMRC $514,375 for 3 years ($184,500 in 2012) Cook M, Grayden D, Johnston L, Plummer C Non-invasive Methods for Localising Epileptic BrainВ Activity, NHMRC $642,350 for 3 years ($287,450 in 2012) Robert Kapsa (and 12 others) ARC, Australian Research Council $19,200,000 for 8 years ($92,500 in 2012) Kapsa, Wallace, Murphy, Kyratzis Polymers for Nerve Repair, NH&MRC $690,000 for 3 years ($230,000 in 2012) Kapsa, Wallace, Officer, Penington Polymers for Muscle repair, NHMRC $570,000 for 3 years ($50,000 in 2012) Kapsa, R; Wallace, G; Kyratzis, I; Murphy, M Multimodal woven biopolymer conduits for remodelling damaged peripheral nerves, NHMRCВ Research Grant $662,500 for 2010–2012 ($220,833.33 in 2012) Clinical Trials Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, McDonald E, French A, Wilson I A Phase III, multicentre, randomized, parallel-group, double blinded, placebo controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ocrelizumab in adults with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, Roche $122,804 for 5.5 years ($56,160 in 2012) st vincent’s research report 2012 126 Neurosciences Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, McDonald E, French A An open-label, multicentre, multinational study toВ assess the effect of long-term prolonged-release Fampridine (BIIB041) 10mg twice daily on quality ofВ life as reported by subjects with Multiple Sclerosis, Biogen Idec. $120,900 for 1 year ($89,280 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, McDonald E, French A An open-label, multicentre, multinational study toВ assess the effect of long-term prolonged-release Fampridine (BIIB041) 10mg twice daily on quality ofВ life as reported by subjects with Multiple Sclerosis, Biogen Idec. $120,900 for 1 year ($89,280 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, McDonald E, French A, Wilson I An extension protocol for multiple sclerosis patients who participated in Genzyme sponsored studies ofВ Alemtuzumab, Genzyme Sanofi $91,835 for 4 years ($33,000 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, McDonald E, French A, Wilson I An extension protocol for multiple sclerosis patients who participated in Genzyme sponsored studies ofВ Alemtuzumab, Genzyme Sanofi $91,835 for 4 years ($33,000 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, FrenchВ A, Wilson I A single arm, open-label, multicentre study evaluating the long-term safety, tolerability andВ efficacy of 0.5 mg Fingolimod (FTY720) administered orally once daily in patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis, Novartis $136,500 for 5 years ($20,400 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, FrenchВ A, Wilson I A single arm, open-label, multicenter study evaluating the long-term safety, tolerability and efficacy of 0.5 mg Fingolimod (FTY720) administered orally once daily in patients with relapsing forms ofВ multiple sclerosis, Novartis $136,500 for 5 years ($20,400 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, FrenchВ A, Wilson I A Dose-Blind, Multicenter, Extension Study to Determine the Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of TwoВ Doses of BG00012 Monotherapy in Subjects with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis, BiogenВ Idec. $40,964 for 5 years ($15,600 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, FrenchВ A, Wilson I A Dose-Blind, Multicenter, Extension Study to Determine the Long-Term Safety and Efficacy ofВ TwoВ Doses of BG00012 Monotherapy in SubjectsВ with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis,В Biogen Idec. $40,964 for 5 years ($15,600 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, FrenchВ A, Wilson I A Multi-Centre Double-Blind Parallel-Group Placebo-Controlled Study Of The Efficacy AndВ Safety Of Teriflunomide In Patients With Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis, Genzyme Sanofi $18,210 for 3 years ($6,800 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, FrenchВ A, Wilson I A Multi-Center Double-Blind Parallel-Group Placebo-Controlled Study Of The Efficacy AndВ Safety Of Teriflunomide In Patients With Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis, Genzyme Sanofi $18,210 for 3 years ($6,800 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N TYSABRI Observational Program (TOP), BiogenВ Idec. $25,500 for 17 years ($4,500 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N TYSABRI Observational Program (TOP), BiogenВ Idec. $25,500.00 for 17 years ($4,500 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, McDonald E, French A, Wilson I A Phase III, multicentre, randomized, parallel-group, double blinded, placebo controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ocrelizumab in adults with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, Roche $122,804 for 5.5 years ($56,160 in 2012) Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N, FrenchВ A, McDonald E Phase IIb randomised, double blind, placebocontrolled, dose ranging trial of Vitamin D inВ patientВ with a first demyelinating event., MSВ researchВ Australia (MSRA) $8232/ patient (study not yet initiated) st vincent’s research report 2012 127 Neurosciences Paine M, Sedal L Renew, Merck Serono Australia Pty Ltd $5,000.00 for 2012 Paine M, Sedal L, Plummer C, Shuey N MSBasis, The MSBASE foundation Ltd, Australia $3,960 for 2012 D’Souza W, Cook M, Fuller K, Tan M, PlummerВ C,Wilson I, Litewka L, Godden C, Braybrook M, Osborn S. An open-label extension phase of the double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-escalation, parallel-group studies to evaluate the efficacy and safety of E2007 (perampanel) given as adjunctive therapy in subjects with refractory partial seizures, EISAI D’Souza W, Cook M, Fuller K, Tan M, PlummerВ C,Wilson I, Litewka L, Godden C, Braybrook M, Osborn S. A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, multicentre, parallel-group study with an open label extension phase to evaluate the efficacy and safety of adjunctive perampanel in primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures, EISAI D’Souza W, Cook M, Fuller K, Tan M, PlummerВ C,Wilson I, Litewka L, Godden C, Braybrook M, Osborn S. Efficacy and safety of Eslicarbazepine Acetate (BIAВ 2-093) as monotherapy for patients with newly diagnosed partial-onset seizures: A double-blind, randomised, active-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter clinical study, BIAL D’Souza W, Cook M, Fuller K, Tan M, PlummerВ C,Wilson I, Litewka L, Godden C, Braybrook M, Osborn S. Efficacy and safety of Eslicarbazepine acetate (BIAВ 2093) as adjunctive therapy for refractory partialВ seizures in a double blind, randomised, placebo controlled, parallel group, multicentre clinical trial, BIAL D’Souza W, Cook M, Fuller K, Tan M, PlummerВ C,Wilson I, Litewka L, Godden C, Braybrook M, Osborn S. Safety and effectiveness of a seizure advisory system in epilepsy: A feasibility study (Victoria), Neurovista D’Souza W, Cook M, Fuller K, Tan M, PlummerВ C,Wilson I, Litewka L, Godden C, Braybrook M, Osborn S. An open label, multinational, multi centre, follow-up study to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of brivaracetam, used at a flexible dose up to a maximum of 150mg/day in subjects aged 16 years or older suffering from epilepsy, UCB D’Souza W, Cook M, Fuller K, Tan M, PlummerВ C,Wilson I, Litewka L, Godden C, Braybrook M, Osborn S. A Randomised, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Intranasal Midazolam (USL261) in the Outpatient Treatment ofВ Subjects with Seizure Clusters, USL D’Souza W, Cook M, Fuller K, Tan M, PlummerВ C,Wilson I, Litewka L, Godden C, Braybrook M, Osborn S. A multi-centre, double-blind, double dummy, randomized, positive controlled study comparing theВ efficacy and safety of lacosamide (200 to 600mg/day) to controlled release carbamazepine (400 to 1200mg/day), used as monotherapy in subjects newly or recently diagnosed with epilepsy and experiencing partial onset or generalized tonic clonic seizures, UCB D’Souza W, Cook M, Fuller K, Tan M, PlummerВ C,Wilson I, Litewka L, Godden C, Braybrook M, Osborn S. A randomised, multicentre, double-blind, placebocontrolled, parallel-group, phase 3 study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of USL255 as adjunctive therapy in patients with refractory partial-onset seizures, USL D’Souza W, Cook M, Fuller K, Tan M, Plummer C,Wilson I, Litewka L, Godden C, Braybrook M, Osborn S. A historical-controlled, multicenter, double-blind, randomized trial to assess the efficacy and safety of conversion to Lacosamide 400mg/day monotherapy in subjects with partial-onset seizures, UCB Kotschet K, Horne M, Litewka L,, Osborn S. A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study to investigate the tolerability and the effect of three multiple-dose regimens of BIA 9-1067 on the levodopa pharmacokinetics, catechol-Omethyltransferase activity and motor response inВ Parkinson’s Disease patients treated with levodopa/dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor, BIAL st vincent’s research report 2012 128 Neurosciences Kotschet K, Osborn S, Litewka L A phase III, multicentre, double blind, prospective, randomised, placebo controlled study, assessing the efficacy and safety of Dysport used for the treatment of lower limb spasticity in adult subjects with hemiparesis due to stroke or traumatic brain injury, IPSEN • The Bionics Institute Roberts L, Carne R, Tan M, Kamel J, LitewkaВ L,В Willems N Randomised, multicenter, double-blind, placebocontrolled, parallel-group phase III study to investigate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of 2 different doses of IgPro20 (subcutaneous immunoglobulin) for the treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) – the PATH study, CSL Behring • Deakin University Roberts L, Carne R, Tan M, Kamel J, LitewkaВ L,В Willems N, Chen T A double-blind, randomised, multicenter, placebo controlled, parallel-group study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 0.5 mg fingolimod administered orally once daily versus placebo in patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), Novartis Wang YY, Zadar Z, Gnanalingham KK. Performing a trans-sphenoidal approach. E-Brain Learning Program. Collins S, Murphy D, Szmulewicz, LitewkaВ L,В Braybrook M A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the safety, tolerability and the biological and cognitive effects of VEL015 (sodium selenate) inВ patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease – A Pilot Study, Velacor Collaborations in research International • Technical University Ilmenau, Germany • Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany • University of Texas, Dallas USA • University of California San Francisco (SanВ Francisco, USA) National • RMIT University • The Florey Institute of Neuroscience andВ MentalВ Health • Monash University • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial ResearchВ Organisation (CSIRO) • Latrobe University • Swinburne University Publications Books Wallace, G.G., Moulton, S.E., Higgins, M.J., andВ Kapsa, R.M.I., (2012); Organic Bionics, Wiley-VCH (ISBN 978–3–527–32882–6,) Book chapters Zadar Z, Wang YY, Gnanalingham KK. Performing anВ eye-brow craniotomy. E-Brain Learning Program. Abou-Zeid A, Zadar Z, Wang YY, Gnanalingham KK. MIS Approaches to the Posterior Thoraco-lumbar Spine. E-Brain Learning Program. Journal articles Alcalde-Cabero E, AlmazГЎn-Isla J, Brandel JP, Breithaupt M, Catarino J, Collins S, HaybГ¤ck J, HГ¶ftberger R, Kahana E, Kovacs GG, Ladogana A, Mitrova E, Nakamura Y, Pocchiari M, Popovic M, Ruiz-Tovar M, Taratuto AL, van Duijn C, YamadaВ M, Zerr I, de Pedro-Cuesta. Health professionsВ and risk of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. EuroSurveillance 2012; 17: pii=20144. Aumann, T. and M. Horne (2012). “Activity-dependent regulation of the dopamine phenotype in substantia nigra neurons.” J Neurochem 121(4): 497–515. Badawy RA, Freestone DR, Lai A, Cook MJ (2012). Epilepsy: ever-changing states of cortical excitability. Neuroscience: 222: 89–99 Badawy RA, Macdonell RA, Vogrin SJ, Lai A, Cook MJ. (2012). Cortical excitability decreases in LennoxGastaut syndrome: 53(9): 1546–53. • The University of Wollongong • The University of Melbourne st vincent’s research report 2012 129 Neurosciences Badawy, R. A., Freestone, D.R., Lai, A., Cook, M. J. (2012). Epilepsy: Ever-changing states of cortical excitability. Neuroscience 222C: 89–99. Badawy, R. A., Johnson, K. A., Cook, M. J., Harvey,В A.; (2012). A mechanistic appraisal of cognitive dysfunction in epilepsy. Neurosci BiobehavВ Rev. S. Badawy, R. A., Macdonell, R. A., Vogrin, S.J., Lai,В A., Cook, M.J. (2012). Cortical excitability decreases in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Epilepsia. Bergin P, Sadleir L, Legros B, Mogal Z, TripathiВ M, Dang N, Beretta S, Zanchi C, Burneo J, BorkowskiВ T, Je Cho Y, Ossemann M, StrianoВ P, Srivastava K, Jan Tan H, Wanigasinghe J and D’Souza W, for theВ EpiNet study group. An international pilot study of an Internet-based platform to facilitate clinical research in epilepsy: The EpiNet project Epilepsia. Article first published online: 7 SEP 2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1528–1167.2012.03636.x IF 3.961 Chitnis, T., S. Tenembaum, et al. (2012). ConsensusВ statement: evaluation of new andВ existing therapeutics for pediatric multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 18(1): 116–127. Clarke, N. F., L. B. Waddell, et al. (2012). Mutations in TPM2 and congenital fibre type disproportion. Neuromuscul Disord 22(11): 955–958. D’Souza WJ, Quinn SJ, Fryer JL, Taylor BV, FickerВ DM, O’Brien TJ, Pearce NE, Cook MJ. TheВ prevalence and distribution of treated epilepsy: A community-based study in Tasmania, Australia. Acta Neurol Scand 2012; 125 (2): 96–104. (IFВ 2.3,В 2В citations). Dale, R. C., V. Merheb, et al. (2012). Antibodies to surface dopamine-2 receptor in autoimmune movement and psychiatric disorders. Brain 135(PtВ 11): 3453–3468. D’Souza, W. J., Quinn, S. J., Fryer, J.L., Taylor, B.V., Ficker, D.M., O’Brien, T.J., Pearce, N., Cook, M.J. (2012). The prevalence and demographic distribution of treated epilepsy: a community-based study inВ Tasmania, Australia. Acta Neurol Scand 125(2): 96–104. Escolar, D. M., A. Zimmerman, et al. (2012). Pentoxifylline as a rescue treatment for DMD: aВ randomized double-blind clinical trial. Neurology 78(12): 904–913. Farg, M. A., K. Y. Soo, et al. (2012). Mutant FUS induces endoplasmic reticulum stress in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and interacts with protein disulfideisomerase. Neurobiol Aging 33(12): 2855–2868. Fuller K, Wang Y, Murphy M, Cook M, D’Souza W. Tolerability of IV levetiracetam vs. IV phenytoin in a neurosurgical population: a prospective randomised study. Epilepsia (accepted for publication May 2012) Frugier, T., A. Conquest, et al. (2012). Expression and activation of EphA4 in the human brain after traumatic injury. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 71(3): 242–250. Fuller, K. L., Wang, Y. Y., Cook, M.J., Murphy, M.A., D’Souza, W.J. (2012). Tolerability, safety, andВ side effects of levetiracetam versus phenytoin inВ intravenous and total prophylactic regimen among craniotomy patients: A prospective randomized study. Epilepsia. Gilbert, F., Harris, A., and Kapsa, R.M.I., (2012); Efficacy Testing as a Primary Purpose of Phase 1 Clinical Trials: Is it Applicable to First-in-Human Bionics and Optogenetics Trials? Am. J. Bioethics (Neuroscience), (IF=3.9) Griffiths, R. I., K. Kotschet, et al. (2012). Automated Assessment of Bradykinesia and Dyskinesia in Parkinson’s Dise. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 2: 47–55. Halliday, A. J., Moulton, S. E., Wallace, G. G., Cook,В M. J.; (2012). “Novel methods of antiepileptic drug delivery – Polymer-based implants.” Adv Drug DelivВ Rev. Harris, A.R., Morgan, S.J., Chen, J., Kapsa,В R.M.I., Wallace, G.G.,3 and Paolini, A.G., (2012); Conducting polymer coated neural recording electrodes. JВ Neural Eng, 10(1):016004 [Epub aheadВ of print] (IF=3.4) Howell, K. B., K. Tiedemann, et al. (2012). Symptomatic generalized epilepsy after HHV6 posttransplant acute limbic encephalitis in children. Epilepsia 53(7): e122–126. Johanssen VA, Barnham KJ, Masters CL, Hill AF, Collins SJ. Generating recombinant prion protein fragments of exact native sequence. Neurochemistry International 2012; 60: 318–326. st vincent’s research report 2012 130 Neurosciences Kamel, J. T., Degruyter, M. A., D’Souza, W.J., Cook, M.J. (2012). Clinical experience with using lacosamide for the treatment of epilepsy in a tertiary centre. Acta Neurol Scand. Karas JA, Boland M, Haigh C, Wall VA, Hill AF, Barnham K, Collins SJ, Scanlon D. Microwave synthesis of prion protein fragments up to 111 amino acids in length generates biologically active peptides. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics 2012; 18: 21–29. Klemm HMJ, Welton JM, Masters CL, Hill AF, CollinsВ SJ, Lawson VA. Determining the PrPC conversion dependence of sporadic CreutzfeldtJakob Disease molecular subtypes. The Journal ofВ Biological Chemistry 2012; 287: 36465–36472. Klistorner, A., R. Garrick, et al. (2012). Relationship between chronic demyelination of the optic nerve and short term axonal loss. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 83(3): 311–314. Klug GM, Boyd A, McGlade A, Stehmann C, Simpson M, Masters CL, Collins SJ. Surveillance of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Australia: update to December 2011. Communicable Diseases Intelligence 2012; 36: E174–179. Kolbe, S., C. Bajraszewski, et al. (2012). Diffusion tensor imaging of the optic radiations after optic neuritis. Hum Brain Mapp 33(9): 2047–2061. Lewis V, Klug GMA, Masters CL, Hill AF, Lawson VA, Collins SJ. Prion subcellular fractionation revelas infectivity spectrum with a high titre-low PrPSc disparity. Molecular Neurodegeneration 2012; 7: 18(doi:10.1186/1750–1326–7–18). Lewis V, Whitehouse IJ, Baybutt H, Manson JC, Collins SJ, Hooper NM. Prion protein expression isВ not regulated by the Alzheimer’s amyloid precursor protein intracellular domain. PLoS One 2012; 7: e31754. Liang, X., L. Kuhlmann, et al. (2012). Extending Communication for Patients with Disorders of Consciousness. J Neuroimaging. McKelvie P, Infeld B, Marotta R, Chin J, Thorburn D, Collins S. A case of late-adult onset Leigh syndrome with review of the literature of adult-onset cases. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2012; 19: 195–202. McKelvie P, Marotta R, Thorburn DR, Chin J, Punchichewa S, Collins S. A case of myelopathy, myopathy, peripheral neuropathy and subcortical grey matter degeneration associated with recessive compound heterozygous POLG1 mutations. Neuromuscular Disorders 2012; 22: 401–405. McKelvie, P., B. Infeld, et al. (2012). Late-adult onset Leigh syndrome. J Clin Neurosci 19(2): 195–202. Molino, P.J., Higgins, M.J., Innis, P., Kapsa, R.M.I., and Wallace, G.G., (2012); Fibronectin and bovine serum albumin adsorption and conformational dynamics on inherently conducting polymers as resolved by QCM-D. Langmuir 28(22):8433–45. (IF=4.9) Morris, M. E., C. Martin, et al. (2012). Protocol for ahome-based integrated physical therapy program to reduce falls and improve mobility in people with Parkinson’s disease. BMC Neurol 12: 54. Moulton, S.E., Higgins, M., Kapsa, R.M.I., Wallace,В G.G., (2012); Organic Bionics: A New Dimension in Neural Communications, Advanced Functional Materials, 22:2003–2014. (IF=6.9) Plummer C, Campagnaro R Flash Pulmonary Oedema in Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Emergency Medicine Sep 16, 2012, ePub 169–172. Quigley, A.F, Razal, J.M., Kita, M., Jalili, R., Penington A.J., Ovalle-Robles, R., Baughman, R.H., Clark G.M., Wallace, G.G., and Kapsa, R.M.I. (2012); Electrical Stimulation of Primary Murine Myoblasts on Aligned Nanostructured Conductive Polymer Platforms. Advanced Healthcare Materials 1(6):801–8. Seneviratne, U., M. Cook, et al. (2012). TheВ prognosis of idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Epilepsia 53(12): 2079–2090. Soo, K. Y., J. D. Atkin, et al. (2012). Bim links ERВ stress and apoptosis in cells expressing mutant SOD1 associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PLoS One 7(4): e35413. Sui, Y., M. K. Horne, et al. (2012). Reduced proliferation in the adult mouse subventricular zone increases survival of olfactory bulb interneurons. PLoS One 7(2): e31549. st vincent’s research report 2012 131 Neurosciences Sun-Edelstein C, Mauskop A. (2012). Complementary and alternative approaches toВ theВ treatment of tension-type headache. CurrВ PainВ Headache Rep: 16: 539–44. Szmulewicz, D. J. and J. A. Waterston (2012). TwoВ patients with audiovestibular sarcoidosis. JВ ClinВ Neurosci 19(1): 158–161. Tepper SJ, Shapiro RE, Sun-Edelstein C, Evans RW, Tietjen GE. (2012) Triptans and serotonin syndromea response. Headache: 52: 1185–8. Villemagne, V. L., N. Okamura, et al. (2012). “Differential diagnosis in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies via VMAT2 and amyloid imaging.” Neurodegener Dis 10(1–4): 161–165. Wan, J., M. Yourshaw, et al. (2012). “Mutations in the RNA exosome component gene EXOSC3 cause pontocerebellar hypoplasia and spinal motor neuron degeneration.” Nat Genet 44(6): 704–708. Wang, Y., A. van der Walt, et al. (2012). “Optic nerve magnetisation transfer ratio after acute optic neuritis predicts axonal and visual outcomes.” PLoS One 7(12): e52291. Wang YY, Kearney T, du Plessis D, Gnanalingham KK. Extraventricular neurocytoma of the sellar region: Case report. British Journal of Neurosurgery 2012 26(3):420–2. Wang YY, Higham C, Kearney T, Davis JRE, Trainer P, Gnanalingham KK. Acromegaly surgery in Manchester revisited – The impact of reducing surgeon numbers and the 2010 consensus guidelines for disease remission. Clinical Endocrinology (Oxf) 2012 Mar 76(3):399–406 Ware, T. L., M. M. Ryan, et al. (2012). Autoimmune myasthenia gravis, immunotherapy and thymectomy in children. Neuromuscul Disord 22(2): 118–121. Wilkins, E. J., J. P. Rubio, et al. (2012). A DNA resequencing array for genes involved in Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 18(4): 386–390. Yue, Z., Moulton, S. E., Cook, M., O’Leary, S., Wallace, G. G.; (2012). Controlled Delivery for Neuro-Bionic Devices. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. Conference publications Michael Murphy Philip J, Collins A, Brand C, Gold M, LethborgВ C, Murphy M, Moore G, Bohensky M, and Sundararajan V. Utilising Hospital Administrative Datasets to Identify Patterns of Service Use in Patients with a Primary Malignant Glioma. International Psycho-Oncology Society’s 14th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Brisbane, 13–15th November 2012. Asia-Pac J Clin Oncol 2012; 8(S3):189 Philip J, Collins A, Gold M, Brand C, Lethborg C, Murphy M, Moore G, Sundararajan V, and MooreВ G. Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care needs of People with a Primary Malignant Glioma and Their Carers. International Psycho-Oncology Society’s 14th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Brisbane, 13–15th November 2012. Asia-Pac J Clin Oncol 2012; 8(S3): 189 Collins A, Sundararajan V, Brand C, Gold M, Bohensky M, Lethborg C, Murphy M, Moore G, andВ Philip, J. Utilising Hospital Administrative Datasets to Identify Patterns of Service Use in Patients with a Primary Malignant Glioma. 19th International Congress of Palliative Care, Montreal,В Canada, 8–12th October 2012. JВ PalВ CareВ 2012; 28(3): 189–90 Collins A, Brand C, Gold M, Lethborg C, MurphyВ M, Moore G, Sundararajan V, and Philip J. Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care Needs of People with Primary Malignant Glioma andВ Their Carers. 19th International Congress of Palliative Care, Montreal, Canada, 8–12th October 2012. J Pal Care 2012 28(3): 213–14 Philip, J, Bohensky M, Gemelli C, Brand C, Gold M, Lethborg C, Murphy M, Moore G, Collins A, and Sundararajan V. Utilising Hospital Administrative Datasets to Identify Patterns of Service Use in Patients with a Primary Malignant Glioma. European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC), Trondheim, Norway, 7–9th June 2012. Palliat Med 2012; 26(4): 521 Philip J, Collins A, Lethborg C, Gold M, MurphyВ M, Moore G, Sundararajan V, and Brand C. Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care Needs of People with Primary Malignant Glioma andВ Their Carers. European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC), Trondheim, Norway, 7–9th June 2012. Palliat Med 2012; 26(4): 521–22 st vincent’s research report 2012 132 Neurosciences Speaking engagements Mark Cook New strategies in epilepsy therapy, 7th Annual International Electromaterials Science Symposium, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, Feb 2012 Drug Resistant Epilepsy: Recognise it, Treat it – HowВ to treat drug resistant epilepsy, ASEPA Precongress workshop, Manila, Philippines, Mar 2012 The Epilepsy Project, Bill Wheeler Symposium, Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia, Aug 2012 How to be a leader in your career, Monash Leadership Seminar, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia,В Aug 2012 New approaches to epilepsy management; 3rd AsiaPacific Symposium on Nanobionics; Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia, Sept 2012 The Demon in the Body; A Body of Knowledge Symposium, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, Sept 2012 Devices and epilepsy: the future? Seizure prediction and other novel management strategies; Lectures at the Interface: The interface between epilepsy and engineering, 10th European Congress onВ Epileptology, London, England, Oct 2012 Non-pharmacological Therapy; Improving outcomes for people with epilepsy: strategies for general practice; Epilepsy Society of Australia 26th Annual Scientific Meeting / Etas, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Nov 2012 Alan Lai Electrical probing and seizure detection (presented byВ Alan Lai), Epilepsy Society of Australia 26th Annual Scientific Meeting, Hobart, Australia, 31В October–2 November 2012 Stephan Lau S. Lau, S. Vogrin, W. D’Souza, J. Haueisen and M. Cook. ESI-fMRI in focal epilepsy: Differentiation of interictal activity in high-density EEG. Invited presentation by S. Lau at the Symposium on Resting State fMRI in Epilepsy, XuanWu Hospital, Beijing, China, June 16, 2012. S. Lau, D. Guellmar, L. Flemming, J. Haueisen. Skull defects in MEG and EEG: Experimental results and modelling. Invited presentation by S. Lau at 46th Annual Conference of the German Society forВ Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT), Sept 16–19, Jena, Germany, 2012. S. Lau, B. Petkovic, L. Di Rienzo, J. Haueisen. Optimizing a magnetic sensor vest for cardiac source imaging. Presentation by S. Lau at 46th Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT), Sept 16–19, Jena,В Germany, 2012. S. Lau, L. Flemming, J. Haueisen. Skull defects in MEG and EEG: Experimental results in animal models. Presentation by S. Lau at the 2012 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, May 26–31, 2012. S. Lau, D. Guellmar, L. Flemming, J. Haueisen. Skull defects in MEG and EEG: Experimental results and modelling. Poster presentation by S. Lau at 18th Int. Conference on Biomagnetism. Paris, France, Aug 26–30, 2012, Book of Abstracts p. 231. Mr Yi Yuen Wang The expanding world of endoscopic skull base surgery. St Vincent’s Hospital Surgical Forum.В October 2012 Complications in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. International Forum of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Shanghai September 2012 Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery – tips and tricks. Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai September 2012 How I use spinal navigation in posterior lumbar fusions. Melbourne Spine Research Group, EpworthВ Hospital, Melbourne May 2012 Neurosciences Future Directions Strategy 2012– 2015. Management Forum, St Vincent’s Health Australia, March 2012 Mr Christopher Thien Minimally invasive lateral access spinal surgery. StВ Vincent’s Hospital Surgical Forum. October 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 133 O’Brien Institute The O’Brien Institute was established more than 30 years ago as a surgical institute to develop the now speciality of micro-vascular surgery. TheВ Institute made striking advances in replantation surgery, and the transfer by microsurgical techniques, of body parts and tissues to reconstruct people maimed by trauma, cancer, burns and congenital deformity. It now focuses on new methods of reconstruction based on engineering principals, also called Regenerative Surgery where it stimulated our own body to grow tissues to repair or replace damaged body parts and organs. Key Projects: About us Heart failure is a life threatening condition and heart transplantation remains the only resort for patients with end-stage heart failure. However, the option of heart transplantation has been limited by the severe shortage of heart donors. Engineering heart tissue with stem cell-derived heart cells can potentially provide heart tissue to repair and regenerate the damaged heart. The engineered human heart tissue will also allow basic research to evaluate the efficacy and safety of new drugs. O’Brien Institute pursues leading edge and vital research programs in regenerative surgery and tissue engineering, with a primary focus on translating advances in laboratories into clinically successful therapies and treatments to patients afflicted by injury, disease and abnormalities. The Institute’s staff includes surgeons, research scientists, surgical fellows, students and administrative staff working under the direction of Professor Wayne Morrison. The research isВ essentially collaborative and multidisciplinary andВ involves the basic science fields of stem cell biology, vascular and lymphatic biology, pharmacology, wound healing, matrix biology andВ the effects of trauma and irradiation on tissue. OBI has key collaborarations with University ofВ Melbourne (Biomolecular Engineering), ACU, CERA, St Vincent’s Institute and Medical Bionics. • Development of new alternatives for breast reconstruction – Neopec (chamber model) andВ theВ layer by layer matrix injection approach derived from a fat tissue extract. • Development and testing of new scaffolds andВ biomaterials for adipose tissue engineering • The role of physical forces in soft tissue engineering • Understanding the role of fat injection Cardiac Regeneration (Lim/Dusting) Key Projects: • Cardiac differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and adult mesenchymal stem cells with pharmacological agents and electrical stimulation • Cardiac tissue engineering with human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes • Non-generic approaches to purify stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes Major projects • The role of mitochondrial morphology in stemВ cellВ survival and cardiac differentiation Adipose Tissue Engineering/Matrix BiologyВ (Abberton/Morrison) Vascular Biology Group (Mitchell/Penington) Soft tissues such as fat are used for reconstructive surgery for replacement after injury or tumour removal. Replacement fat tissue is also needed forВ birth defects and contour filling. Current methods toВ rebuild tissues often require multiple operations and removing healthy tissue from another site inВ the body to act as a donor. Implants can calcify becoming painful and misshapen. We need aВ betterВ way to grow new soft tissues. The Vascular Biology Group has two main divisions – studies on human vascular malformations and studies on angiogenesis and implanted cell survival in tissue engineering. Key Projects: • Studies on the endothelial cell biology of human lymphatic malformations and creation of a murine model of human lymphatic malformation • The role of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) inВ biology human lymphatic malformations st vincent’s research report 2012 134 O’Brien Institute • Studies on the effects of propranolol treatment onВ human infantile haemangiomas • The Neopec project has been successful onaВ number of fronts including: • Constructing liver tissue from multicellular spheroids of liver and vascular cells. –– having developed a number of newВ manufacturing techniques • Adipose derived mesenchymal cells can beВ differentiated into insulin producing cells –– gained a new understanding of the role of biomaterials as implantable medical devices • Constructing vascular and lymphatic capillary networks from endothelial cell spheroids for tissueВ reconstruction. –– enhanced Victorian engineering design andВ manufacturing capabilities for future medicalВ devices • Building вЂ�off the shelf’ tissue engineered flaps for surgical reconstruction of skin and subcutaneous tissue, bench to bedside applications –– obtained new insights into factors that governВ soft tissue engineering. Neopec Pty Ltd. (Morrison/Abberton/O’Connor (UniMelb Biomolecular Engineering) The O’Brien Institute is the principal stakeholder in Neopec Pty Ltd, a consortium, which included St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, The University of Melbourne, Cogentum Pty Ltd. and Anatomics Pty Ltd. Neopec was supported by a Victorian Government science and innovation grant totalling $2.95 million over a three year period. The project involved investigating a more natural choice for breast reconstruction. Project Outcomes: • In October 2012, Neopec announced that it has demonstrated proof of concept for breast tissue growth using its breast reconstruction chamber in a pilot human clinical trial. This trial followed promising preclinical studies conducted by the O’Brien Institute up to 2009 and prior to the establishment of the Neopec consortium. • The trial showed the concept to be safe and well-tolerated by the patient. • In one of the trial participants, the chamber had filled with new tissue to replace that lost when herВ breast was removed due to breast cancer. This result is вЂ�proof of principle’ that the chamber can provide the environment for replacement tissue to grow in humans. • The other patients showed no significant tissueВ regeneration. • More basic research is required before we canВ justify conducting further human trials. Stroke Brain Injury and Repair (Roulston/Dusting) Stroke is the second most common cause of death and leading cause of disability in Australia. In 2012, itВ is predicted that Australians will suffer around 60,000 new and recurrent strokes, one stroke every 10 minutes. Despite on-going research, there is still no treatment proven to be effective for the majority of victims. Injury to the brain often results inВ permanent brain damage which is largely due to aВ failure of nerve cells to re-grow into the injury site. Key Projects: • Angiogenesis and stem cell transplant for recovery from ischaemic stroke. Collaborators: Centre for Neural Tissue Engineering (The University ofВ Melbourne), Minocycline treatment to reduce inflammation and scar formation post-stroke toВ support pre-differentiated stem cell transplants • Role of truncated c-Src in neuronal death following stroke and reperfusion: a collaborative study with researchers from Bio21. Collaborators: Bio21 Institute, The University of Melbourne Staff Prof Wayne A Morrison, Director 0.2EFT Prof Anthony Penington, Deputy Director 0.1EFT (upВ to June 2012) A/Proif Keren Abberton, Group Leader, Adipose Tissue Engineering, Senior Research Officer 1.0EFT A/Prof Geraldine Mitchell, Group Leader, Vascular Biology, Senior Research Fellow 0.8EFT Dr Carli Roulston, Group Leader, Stroke Injury andВ Repair, Senior Research Officer 0.6EFT Dr Max Lim, Senior Research Officer 1.0EFT (fromВ May 2010) st vincent’s research report 2012 135 O’Brien Institute Dr Zerina Lokmic, Research Officer 0.2EFT (upВ toВ June 2012) Nora Hakami, PhD student, TheВ UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne Effie Keramidaris, Tissue Engineering Laboratory Co-ordinator 1.0EFT Dr Heidi Debels, PhD Student (Belgium) Jason Palmer, Histopathology Laboratory Co-ordinator 1.0EFT Dr Dong Geun Lee, Research Fellow Dr Caroline Taylor, Molecular Laboratory Co-ordinator 0.6EFT Theses passed in 2012 Yi-wen Gerrand Research Assistant 1.0EFT Xiao Lian Han, Research Assistant 0.8EFT Nakisa Malacooti, Research Assistant 1.0EFT (upВ toВ May 2012) Laita Bokhari, Research Assistant 1.0EFT (fromВ MayВ 2012) Dr Chris Poon, Research Assistant 1.0EFT (upВ toВ June 2012) Jennifer Knowlson, Administration Manager 1.0EFT Betty Scardaville, Accountant 1.0EFT Tiffany Tran, Grants Officer, Executive Assistant 0.80EFT Teri Wright, Administrative Assistant 0.3 EFT Students Hima Abeysinghe, PhD Student Aaron Dingle, PhD Student Michael Williams, PhD Student Dr Keiran Rowe, PhD Student (left in February 2012) Dr Masayoshi Higuchi, Research Fellow Sarah Hsiao, PhD Student, TheВ UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne Service to the wider community • Prof Wayne Morrison, Director: O’Brien Institute, O’Brien Foundation, Neopec Pty Ltd; Member ACU/OBI Regenerative Tissue Engineering Committee (AORTEC); Member Aikenhead Centre for Discovery Medicine (ACMD) • Prof Anthony Penington, (until June 2012) Member ACU/OBI Regenerative Tissue Engineering Committee (AORTEC) • A/Prof Geraldine Mitchell, NHMRC Grant ReviewВ Panel, Director ACU/OBI Regenerative Tissue Engineering Committee (AORTEC), Member, StВ Vincent’s Hospital Research Week Organising Committee; Eastern Hill Research Training Committee • A/Prof Keren Abberton, St Vincent’s Hospital Animal Ethics Committee; Editorial Board for the I:В ISRN Obesity; Committee Member of the Australian and New Zealand Microcirculation Society. Dr Richard Tee, PhD Student Grants Sarah McCann, PhD Student Dusting GJ, Dilley R, Pebay AM, LimВ SY,В Shepherd R Upscaling cardiac tissue engineering. Differentiation of iPS cells enrichment and bionic approaches, NHMRC $685,710 for 2012–2013 ($228,570 in 2012) Dr Virginia Cotta D Med Sci Student (leftinВ February,В 2012) Dr Jenny Than (PhD student – withdrawn) Visiting students (enrolled in another University of Melbourne Department but completing their PhD research work at the O’Brien Institute): Frisca Frisca, PhD Student, The UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne Karl Brown, PhD Student, TheВ UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne Zara Asgari, PhD Student, TheВ UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne Mitchell GM, Peters H, Yeoh G, Morrison, WA Development of functional liver tissue engineered from murine hepatocyte or liver progenitor cell spheroids to correct liver disease, NHMRC $443,645 for 2012–2014 ($129,342 in 2012) Abberton, KM New methods for growing adipose tissue for breast reconstruction post mastectomy, Breast Cancer Research Association Inc $198,102 for 2011–2012 ($99,051 in 2012) st vincent’s research report 2012 136 O’Brien Institute O’Brien Institute Histology equipment, Joe White Bequest $30,000 for 2012 • Cogentum – Melbourne Dusting GJ, Roulston C, Crook JM, Kobayashi N NADPH oxidase and brain repair after ischaemic stroke, NHMRC $618,975 for 2011–2013 ($235,326 in 2012) • Murdoch Children’s Research Institute O’Brien Institute ACU-OBI Regenerative tissue engineering centre (AORTEC), Australian Catholic University $2,992,716 for 2012–2013 ($644,468 in 2012) • The University of Melbourne – Melbourne Mitchell GM Building off the shelf tissue engineered flaps for surgical reconstruction of sub-cutaneous fat tissue, Jack Brockhoff Foundation $49,861 for 2012 • University of Western Australia Pebay A Modulation of inflammatory lipids to improve theВ outcome of neurotrauma, Transport Accident Commission – Victorian Neurotrauma Initiative $289,182 for 2011–2013 ($45,000 in 2012 (untilВ May 2012 when it was transferred toВ CERAВ upon her resignation from OBI)) SY Lim Human resident cardiac stem cells for cardiac tissueВ engineering, St Vincent’s Hospital $15,000 for 2012 GM Mitchell Constructing vascular and lymphatic capillary networks from endothelial cells spheroids for tissueВ reconstructions, St Vincent’s Hospital $15,000 for 2012 Collaborations in research International • University College London (UK) • CSIRO • University of Ghent, Belgium National • Anatomics – Melbourne • Australian Catholic University – Melbourne • CSIRO • Monash University • St. Vincent’s Hospital – Melbourne • St. Vincent’s Institute – Melbourne • Centre for Neural Engineering • Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Publications Book chapters Mitchell GM, Lokmic Z, Sinha S and Morrison WA. (2012) Skin Flap Models for Assessment ofВ Angiogenesis. In: The Textbook of Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis: Methods and Applications (Cuttita, E. Z. a. F., ed) pp. 375–416, Springer Science & Business Media Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London Journal articles Williams, M. D., and Mitchell, G. M. (2012) MicroRNAs in Insulin Resistance and Obesity. ExpВ Diabetes Res 2012, 484696 Tilkorn, D. J., Davies, E. M., Keramidaris, E., Dingle, A. M., Gerrand, Y. W., Taylor, C. J., Han, X. L., Palmer, J. A., Penington, A. J., Mitchell, C. A., Morrison, W. A., Dusting, G. J., and Mitchell, G. M. (2012) The in vitro preconditioning of myoblasts toВ enhance subsequent survival in an in vivo tissue engineering chamber model. Biomaterials 33, 3868–3879. Tee, R., Morrison, W. A., Dusting, G. J., Liu, G. S., Choi, Y. S., Hsiao, S. T., and Dilley, R. J. (2012) Transplantation of engineered cardiac muscle flaps inВ syngeneic rats. Tissue Eng Part A 18, 1992–1999. Taylor, C. J., Satoor, S. N., Ranjan, A. K., PereiraВ eВ Cotta, M. V., and Joglekar, M. V. (2012) A protocol for measurement of noncoding RNA inВ human serum. Exp Diabetes Res 2012, 168368 • Bio21 – Melbourne • Bionics Institute (Australia) – Melbourne • Centre for Eye Research (CERA) – Melbourne st vincent’s research report 2012 137 O’Brien Institute Stubbs, S. L., Hsiao, S. T., Peshavariya, H. M., Lim,В S. Y., Dusting, G. J., and Dilley, R. J. (2012) Hypoxic preconditioning enhances survival of human adipose-derived stem cells and conditions endothelial cells in vitro. Stem Cells Dev 21, 1887–1896 Srisuwan, T., Tilkorn, D. J., Al-Benna, S., Vashi, A., Penington, A., Messer, H. H., Abberton, K. M., and Thompson, E. W. (2012) Survival of rat functional dental pulp cells in vascularized tissue engineering chambers. Tissue Cell 44, 111–121 Srisuwan, T., Tilkorn, D. J., Al-Benna, S., Abberton,В K., Messer, H. H., and Thompson, E. W. (2012) Revascularization and tissue regeneration of an empty root canal space is enhanced by a direct blood supply and stem cells. Dent Traumatol. 29(2):84–91 Ranjan, A. K., Joglekar, M. V., Atre, A. N., Patole, M., Bhonde, R. R., and Hardikar, A. A. (2012) Cellular detection of multiple antigens at single cell resolution using antibodies generated from the same species. J Immunol Methods 379, 42–47 Ranjan, A. K., Joglekar, M. V., Atre, A. N., Patole, M., Bhonde, R. R., and Hardikar, A. A. (2012) Simultaneous imaging of microRNA or mRNA territories with protein territory in mammalian cells atВ single cell resolution. RNA Biol 9, 949–953 Nguyen, P. D., Hsiao, S. T., Sivakumaran, P., Lim,В S. Y., and Dilley, R. J. (2012) Enrichment of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes in primary culture facilitates long term maintenance of contractility in vitro. AmВ JВ Physiol Cell Physiol 03(12):C1220–8 Liu, G. S., Peshavariya, H., Higuchi, M., Brewer,В A. C., Chang, C. W., Chan, E. C., and Dusting, G. J. (2012) Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor modulates expression of NADPH oxidase typeВ 4: aВ negative regulator of melanogenesis. FreeВ Radic Biol Med 52, 1835–1843 Lim, S. Y., Lee, D. G., Sivakumaran, P., Crombie,В D., Slavin, J., Dottori, M., Conley, B., Denham, M., Leung, J., Tee, R., Dusting, G. J., Pebay, A., and Dilley, R. J. (2012) In vivo tissue engineering chamber supports human induced pluripotent stem cell survival and rapid differentiation. BiochemВ Biophys Res Commun 422, 75–79 Lim, S. Y., Hsiao, S. T., Lokmic, Z., Sivakumaran,В P., Dusting, G. J., and Dilley, R. J. (2012) Ischemic preconditioning promotes intrinsic vascularization and enhances survival of implanted cells in an in vivo tissue engineering model. Tissue Eng Part A 18,В 2210–2219 Lim, S. Y., and Hausenloy, D. J. (2012) Remote ischemic conditioning: from bench to bedside. Frontiers in Physiology 3, 27 Ladewig, K., Abberton, K., and O’Connor A, J. (2012) Designing in vivo bioreactors for soft tissue engineering. Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 2, 1–13 Khong, S., Andrews, K., Huynh, N., Venardos, K., Aprico, A., Michell, D., Zarei, M., Moe, K., Dusting,В G., Kaye, D., and Chin-Dusting, J. (2012) Arginase II inhibition prevents nitrate tolerance. BrВ JВ Pharmacol 166, 2015–2023 Joglekar, M. V., and Hardikar, A. A. (2012) Isolation, expansion, and characterization of human isletderived progenitor cells. Methods Mol Biol 879, 351–366 Hsiao, S. T., Asgari, A., Lokmic, Z., Sinclair, R., Dusting, G. J., Lim, S. Y., and Dilley, R. J. (2012) Comparative analysis of paracrine factor expression in human adult mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow, adipose, and dermal tissue. Stem Cells Dev 21, 2189–2203 Goldshmit, Y., Matteo, R., Sztal, T., Ellett, F., Frisca,В F., Moreno, K., Crombie, D., Lieschke,В G. J., Currie, P. D., Sabbadini, R. A., and Pebay,В A. (2012) Blockage of lysophosphatidic Acid signalingВ improves spinal cord injury outcomes. AmВ JВ Pathol 181, 978–992 Frisca, F., Sabbadini, R. A., Goldshmit, Y., and Pebay, A. (2012) Biological effects of lysophosphatidic acid in the nervous system. IntВ RevВ Cell Mol Biol 296, 273–322 Chew, G. L., Huang, D., Lin, S. J., Huo, C., Blick,В T., Henderson, M. A., Hill, P., Cawson, J., Morrison,В W.В A., Campbell, I. G., Hopper, J. L., Southey, M. C., Haviv, I., and Thompson, E. W. (2012) High and low mammographic density human breast tissues maintain histological differential in murine tissue engineering chambers. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 135, 177–187 st vincent’s research report 2012 138 O’Brien Institute Ansarullah, Bharucha, B., Umarani, M., Dwivedi,В M., Laddha, N. C., Begum, R., Hardikar, A. A., and Ramachandran, A. V. (2012) Oreocn ide integrifolia Flavonoids Augment Reprogramming for Islet Neogenesis and beta-Cell Regeneration in Pancreatectomized BALB/c Mice. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2012, 260467 Conference publications Abeysinghe H, Malakooti N, Crook J, Dusting GJ, Roulston, CL, Kobayashi NR. Pre-differentiation of subventricular zone derived human neural stem cells enhances neuronal repopulation following transplantation within the stroke damaged brain. International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)В 2012; Yokohama, Japan, June 2012. : (Poster presentation) Abeysinghe H, Malakooti N, Bokhari L, Crook J, Dusting GJ, Roulston, CL, Kobayashi NR. Neural progenitor cells pre-differentiated prior to transplant promote neuron repopulation within the stroke damaged brain. World Stroke Congress 2012; Brasilia, Brazil, October 2012. (Poster presentation) GM Mitchell, DJ Tilkorn, Z Lokmic, AM Dingle, K Yap, SO Hofer, MD Williams, JA Rophael, AJВ Penington, and WA Morrison, Enhancing implanted cell survival in in vivo tissue engineering. J Tissue Eng Regen Med 2012; 6 (Suppl. 1): 1–429. Page 300, (50.p23) Presented at: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS) meeting, Vienna, September, 2012 MD Williams, E Keramidaris, MV Joglekar, GMВ Mitchell and AA Hardikar: Differentiation ofВ adipose-derived mesenchymal cells to endocrine pancreatic lineage J Tissue Eng Regen Med 2012; 6 (Suppl. 1): 1–429. Pg 267 (43.04) Presented at:В Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS) meeting, Vienna,В September, 2012 AM Dingle, K Yap, WA Morrison, HL Peters, GCВ Yeoh and GM Mitchell Pre-vascularising liver progenitor cell spheroids in vitro to increase survival in vivo. J Tissue Eng Regen Med 2012; 6 (Suppl. 1): 1–429. Page 309 (51.P09) Presented at: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS) meeting, Vienna, September, 2012 Speaking engagements Buncke Lecturer, Maximising Aesthetics in Reconstructive Breast Surgery: American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Red Rock, USA, January 2012 Prof Wayne Morrison Regenerative Surgery; experimental and clinical experiences: 5th Annual Joseph E. Murray Invitation,В Harvard University, USA, March 2012 ProfВ Wayne Morrison Progress in Tissue Engineering for Breast Reconstruction: Sydney Breast Cancer Congress, Sydney, Australia, May 2012 Prof Wayne Morrison Progress in Tissue Engineering for Breast Reconstruction, Sydney Breast Cancer Congress,В Sydney, Australia: October 2012, ProfВ Wayne Morrison 55th International Surgical Group Meeting – HongВ Kong ; November 2012 – Prof WayneВ Morrison Innovations in Plastic Surgery: 81st Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2012 ProfВ Wayne Morrison Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Cardiac Tissue Engineering. (Best moderated oralВ poster presentation). St Vincent’s Research Week. (Melbourne, Australia). 2012 August. SY Lim Ischemic Preconditioning for Cardiac Tissue Engineering with Stem Cells. (Oral presentation). TERMIS World Congress (Vienna, Austria). 2012 September.SY Lim Ischemic Preconditioning Promotes Intrinsic Vascularisation and Enhances Growth of Cardiac Tissue. (Oral presentation, Young investigator award). International Society of Hypertension. (Sydney, Australia). 2012 October. SY Lim Cardiac Tissue Engineering with Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived from Friedreich’s Ataxia Patient. (Oral presentation). Friedreich Ataxia National Research Meeting (Melbourne, Australia). 2012 November. SY Lim Pre-vascuraising liver progenitor cell spheroids in vitro to increase survival in vivo, 3rd Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Congress, Vienna, Sept. 2012 A Dingle st vincent’s research report 2012 139 O’Brien Institute Pre-vascuraising liver progenitor cell spheroids in vitro to increase survival in vivo, Australian Health and Medical Research Congress, Adelaide, Nov. 2012, A Dingle Differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells into fat involves reactive oxygen species and upregulation of antioxidant enzymes, International Society of Hypertension, Sydney, October 2012: MВ Higuchi (Oral presentation) Pre-differentiation of human neural progenitor cells enhances neuronal repopulation following transplantation within the stroke damaged brain, Australian Neuroscience Society Annual Conference 2012; Gold Coast, Australia. February 2012. (OralВ presentation) : H Abeysinghe Enhancing implanted cell survival in in vivo tissue engineering. Oral presentation at the AH&MRC Congress, Adelaide, November, 2012. GM Mitchell Effects of biophysical and biochemical environment on preadipocyte differentiation. TERMIS –3rd World Congress: Vienna September 5thВ Poster Presentation: KA Abberton An adipoinductive role of inflammation inВ adipose tissue engineering: key factors inВ theВ early development of engineered soft tissues. AHMRC 6th National conference AdelaideВ November 25th 28th. Poster Presentation. KAВ Abberton LPA Receptor distribution and effect of inhibition in the rate brain following endothelin-1 induced stroke. Australian Neuroscience Society Annual Conference 2012; Gold Coast, Australia. February 2012. (poster presentation) Smith X., Malakooti N., Pebay A. and Roulston C. st vincent’s research report 2012 140 Oncology St Vincent’s Department of Oncology isВ committed to supporting and conducting clinical trials in collaboration with Australian and international clinical trial groups, to directly influence the treatment practice andВ management of cancer. About us The Department of Oncology provides a multidisciplinary approach to patient management thatВ emphasises the importance of optimising all aspects of the patient’s wellbeing. Medical Oncology, together with disciplines such asВ surgery, pathology, radiology, radiation oncology, allied health and supportive care services meet regularly at multidisciplinary meetings to discuss optimal treatment plans for patients. It is hoped thatВ these meetings will improve outcomes for newlyВ diagnosed patients and identify patients whoВ are potentially eligible for clinical trials. PatientsВ can also access clinical trials via satellite clinics at Shepparton, Echuca, St. Vincent’s &В MercyВ Private, and Werribee Hospitals. The Department has been operating for over 30В years and has taken part in over 130 clinical trialsВ involving approximately 2,100 patients. We participate in trials that treat patients who haveВ either early stage disease and/or advanced cancer. Our research involves investigating new drugВ treatments for various phases of cancer (including prevention) as well as studies of psychosocial support. Trials are usually conducted in collaboration with Australian and international trials groups. Patients who consent to take part receive either the best known treatment or a new treatment program building on the current standard of care. As a secondary benefit, doctors are able toВ gain firsthandВ experience of these new agents in aВ controlled clinical setting before they are widelyВ available. The Department is currently involved in clinical trials in tumours of the breast, colon, lung, lymph nodes, brain, pancreas, stomach, biliary tract, kidney and liver. These are usually Phase II and III randomised clinical trials. Major projects • Randomised, open label, multi-centre study comparing Cabazitaxel at 25mg/m2 and at 20mg/ m2 in combination with Prednisone every 3 weeks toВ Docetaxel in combination with Prednisone inВ patients with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer not pretreated with chemotherapy • Randomised, open label multi-centre study comparing Carbazitaxel at 20mg/m2 and at 25mg/ m2 every 3 weeks in combination with Prednisone for the treatment of metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer previously treated with a docetaxel-containing regimen. The Proselica Study • The utility of genomics and functional imaging to predict irinotecan Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: The PREDICT study ProtocolВ No. 10/55 • A randomised phase II/III trial of preoperative chemoradiotherapy versus preoperative chemotherapy for resectable gastric cancer • A trial in the timing of surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy for hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer • Phase II Trial of Panitumumab, Cisplatin andВ Gemcitabine in biliary tract Cancer • A phase III, randomised trial of adding nitroglcerin toВ first line chemotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer • A phase III study of the impact of a physical activity program on disease free survival in patients with high risk or stage III colon cancer: a randomised controlled trial • The development of a sustainable model to provide brief supportive care interventions to underserved cancer patients • A randomised phase II study of carboplatin andВ bevacizumab in recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) • A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multi-Center Phase 3 Study of Denosumab as Adjuvant Treatment for Women with Early-Stage Breast Cancer at High Risk of Recurrence st vincent’s research report 2012 141 Oncology • A Phase 2 trial of everolimus alternating with sunitinib as first line therapy for patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma • Phase III randomised trial of BIBW 2992 plus weekly paclitaxel versus investigator’s choice ofВ chemotherapy following BIBW 2992 monotherapyВ inВ NSCLC patients failing previous erlotinib or gefitinib treatment • A Phase II Randomised, Open-Label, Multicenter Study Comparing CO-1.01 with Gemcitabine as First-Line Therapy in Patients with Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma • A Multicenter, Multinational, Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase III Study of IMC-1121B Plus Docetaxel Versus Placebo Plus Docetaxel inВ Previously Untreated Patients with HER2Negative, Unresectable, Locally-Recurrent orВ Metastatic Breast Cancer • An Open Label Randomised Phase III Trial of BIBW 2292 and Vinorelbine versus Trastuzumab and Vinorelbine in Patients with Metastatic HER2overexpressing breast cancer failing one prior trastuzumab treatment • A multi-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled, phase III study of single-agent Tarceva (erlotinib) following complete tumour resection withВ or without adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with stage IB-IIIA non small cell lung carcinoma whoВ haveВ EGFR-positive tumours. • MAGE-A3 positive non small cell lung cancer, doubleВ blind, randomised, placebo controlled PhaseВ III study to assess the efficacy of recMAGE-A3 + AS15 antigen specific cancer immunotherapeutic as adjuvant therapy in patientsВ with resectable MAGE-A3 positive nonВ smallВ cell lung cancer. • Multi centre international study of Capecitabine +В or – bevacizumab as adjuvant treatment of colonВ cancer. • A phase III randomised study of Brivanib Alaninate (bms 582664) in combination with Cetuximab (Erbitux) versus placebo in combination with Cetuximab (Erbitux) in patients previously treated with combination chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal carcinoma. • Preferences for adjuvant chemotherapy in non small cell lung cancer: what makes it worthwhile toВ patients and their doctors? versus placebo in post-menopausal women atВ increased risk of breast cancer. • An international multi centre study of tamoxifen versus anastrazole in postmenopausal women withВ hormone sensitive Ductal Carcinoma in Situ. • A randomised, double blind trial to assess the effectsВ on bone mineral density and bone biomarkersВ ofВ anastrozole when used to prevent breast cancer in postmenopausal women. • Bisphosphonate and Anastrazole trial – boneВ maintenance algorithm assessment. • Phase III trial of LHRH Analog administration during chemotherapy to reduce ovarian failure following chemotherapy in early stage, hormone receptor negative breast cancer. • A phase III trial evaluating the role ovarian function suppression and the role of exemestane as adjuvant therapies for premenopausal women with endocrine responsive breast cancer. • An international multi centre open label 2 arm phaseВ III trial of adjuvant bevacizumab in triple negative breast cancer. • A study to document the clinico-pathological characteristics of patients with a first diagnosis ofВ relapsed or de-novo metastatic breast cancer inВ Australia and New Zealand • A double-blind, randomised, multiple dose, Phase III, multicentre study of Alpharadin in the treatment of patients with symptomatic hormone refractory prostate cancer with skeletal metastases • Answering the unanswered questions about psychosocial risk screening in the cancer setting • Does a multidisciplinary face-to-face pre-operative supportive care educational and counselling intervention prior to major head and Neck Cancer Surgery assist post-operative adjustment more thanВ standard care? • Targeting Breast Cancer Recurrence through Epithelial Mesenchymal Plasticity • The development of a sustainable model to provide brief supportive care interventions to underserved cancer patients • An examination of the processes and dynamics ofВ cancer multidisciplinary meetings • Establishing a link between inflammation and EGFRmutant non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) • An international multi centre study of Anastrozole st vincent’s research report 2012 142 Oncology Staff A/Prof Raymond Snyder, Medical Oncologist 1.0В EFT A/Prof Sue-Anne McLachlan Medical Oncologist 1.0В EFT Dr Anthony Dowling, Medical Oncologist 1.0 EFT Dr Melissa Moore, Medical Oncologist 1.0 EFT Dr Genni Newnham, Medical Oncologist 0.6 EFT Dr Prue Francis, Medical Oncologist 0.2 EFT Dr Bianca Devitt, Research Fellow 0.2 EFT Nadia Ranieri, Clinical Trial Manager 0.6 EFT Debbie Gaitanis, Clinical Trial Coordinator 1.0 EFT Melissa Moore, PhD, University of Sydney. “TheВ Molecular Pathogenesis of the Cancer Cachexia Syndrome.” Service to the wider community A/Prof Raymond Snyder • Director of Cancer Services, St Vincent’s Hospital • Principal Fellow (Assoc Professor) Department ofВ Medicine, St Vincent’s Hospital • Medical Oncology Group Australia – Oncology Drug Register of Experts: Breast Cancer • Member, Cancer Trials Australia – Melbourne,В Australia Leeanne Pasanen, Clinical Trial Coordinator 0.4 EFT • Member Breast Cancer Committee (VCOG) (PastВ Chairman) Amber Degelia Clinical Trial Coordinator 1.0 EFT (tillВ Aug 2012) • Member Australasian Germ Cell Trial Group Rosie Brown, Research Assistant.0.4 EFT Carrie Lethborg, Co-ordinator Psychosocial CancerВ Research, 0.2EFT Pauley Kessel, Research Assistant, (from July 2012) 0.2EFT Students Dr Bianca Devitt. Ph D. University of Melbourne, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences. An examination of the dynamics and processes of multidisciplinary cancer meetings. Recipient of Victorian Cancer Agency scholarship. Supervisors SA McLachlan and Jenny Philip Dr Heather Lane. PhD. University of Melbourne, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences. How do older people with cancer andВ their healthcare professional make decisions about cancer treatment? Recipient of University of Melbourne, Faculty of Medicine postgraduate scholarship. Supervisors J Philip and SA McLachlan • Member International Breast Cancer Study Group • Member Psycho-oncology Group, VCOG (PastВ Chairman) • Member, Board Victorian Breast Cancer ResearchВ Consortium • Member, Scientific advisory committee, ANZВ BCTG • Chairman, Committee of Management, EasternВ Pall. Care (2008- ) • Member, Standing Research Sub-Committee,В CCV A/Prof Sue-Anne McLachlan • Member of VCOG Committee • NHMRC, National Breast Cancer Centre, Editorial committee for Clinical Update publication • Consortium for Research into Familial Breast Cancer (kConFab) Dr Tim Clay. Doctor of Medical Science by Thesis. Adenocarcinoma of the lung – correlation of detailed histopathological subtyping and molecular pathology with clinical features and outcome. Recipient of University of Melbourne, Faculty of Medicine postgraduate scholarship. Supervisors SAВ McLachlan, M Moore, P Russell Theses passed in 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 143 Oncology • Victorian Clinical Oncology Group: breast trials subcommittee, Gastrointestinal trials subcommittee, Psycho-oncology committee andВ Cancer genetics committee • Western Integrated Cancer Services, UpperВ gastro-intestinal tumour group Dr AJ Dowling • Victorian Cooperative Oncology Group (VCOG) Committee The Cancer Council Victoria • Victorian Cooperative Oncology Group ExecutiveВ Committee • Urological Cancer Committee (Sub-committee ofВ the Victorian Cooperative Oncology Group), TheВ Cancer Council Victoria • Neuro-Oncology Committee (Sub-committee ofВ the Victorian Cooperative Oncology Group), TheВ Cancer Council Victoria • Written Examination Committee – Adult Medicine – The Royal Australasian College of Physicians Management and Advisory Committee – Western and Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service Dr Prue Francis • Chair, International Steering Committee for STP Adjuvant Breast Cancer Trials, (SOFT: IBCSG 24–02, TEXT: IBCSG 25–02 and PERCHE: IBCSG 26–02) • International Study Chair for Breast InternationalВ Group (BIG)/ IBCSG trial: BIG 02–98 (IBCSG 20–98, Adjuvant Taxotere) • International Study Chair for Breast InternationalВ Group (BIG)/ IBCSG trial: BIG 2–02 (IBCSG 24–02, SOFT) • Scientific Committee – International Breast CancerВ Study Group (IBCSG) • International Advisory Board The Breast (journal) • Scientific Advisory Committee – Australian New Zealand Breast Cancer Trials Group (ANZ BCTG) • European School of Oncology (ESO) – MetastaticВ Breast Cancer – Task Force • Chair, Breast Trials Sub-Committee – TheВ CancerВ Council Victoria • Breast Cancer Committee – TheВ CancerВ CouncilВ Victoria • National (ANZ BCTG) Chair for trials: BIG 02–98 (Adjuvant Taxotere), IBCSG 24–02 (SOFT), IBCSG 25–02 (TEXT) • Associate Professor Department of Medicine StВ Vincent’s Hospital The University of Melbourne • Cancer Trials Australia (CTA) Breast Tumour Group • Vice Chair Scientific Advisory Committee ANZBCTG • NHMRC Project Grant review • Cancer Research UK grant review Dr Genni Newnham • Member Victorian Co-operative Oncology Group • Member Lung Cancer Committee (subgroup ofВ Victorian Co-operative Oncology Group) • Member Australasian Lung Cancer Trials Group • Member Medical Oncology Group of Australia • Member Cancer Trials Australia (Melbourne) Dr Melissa Moore • Member – Cancer Trials Australia Breast TumourВ Group • Member – Victorian Co-operative Oncology GroupВ (VCOG) Breast Cancer Committee Dr Carrie Lethborg • Executive Member – Victorian Co-operative Oncology Group (VCOG) Executive, (First non-medical member appointed) • Invited Member – Clinical Management Advisory Team – Western and Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Services (WCMICS) • Chair – Supportive Care Advisory Committee – WCMICS • Invited Member – DOH Victoria, Cancer Survivorship Steering Committee • Executive Member – Oncology Social Work Australia (OSWA) • Executive Member – Cancer Social Work Victoria • Invited Member – DOH Victoria, Supportive Care Evaluation Expert Reference Group • Editorial Board Member The Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care • Peer Reviewer – Psycho-oncology, The Journal ofВ Psychosocial Oncology, The Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care • Ph D confirmation panel – Deakin University (Psychology) st vincent’s research report 2012 144 Oncology • Ph D confirmation assessor – UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne (Medicine) • Assessor (Master in Psychology – MonashВ University, Social Work Masters – FlindersВ University, PhD – Monash University) • Honorary Post-Doctoral Fellow (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and University of Melbourne) Grants Thompson, E., Goodall, G, Saunders,В C,В Anderson, R, Yap, A, Street,В I,В Dobrovic,В A.,В &В Dowling, A. Targeting Breast Cancer Recurrence throughВ Epithelial Mesenchymal Plasticity, NationalВ Collaborative Breast Cancer ResearchВ Grant Program $5,150,286 for 5 years ($110,000 in 2012) Phillips KA, Hopper JL, Friedlander ML, McLachlan SA, Milne R, Goldgar. Preventing Breast Cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers: kConFab Follow-Up Project., National Breast Cancer Foundation and Cancer Australia #628333 Chief Investigator. $588,937 for 3 years ($97,000 in 2012) McLachlan SA, Duric V, Stockler MR, NowakВ AK,В Wright G, Boyer M Preferences for adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) inВ non-small cell lung cancer: What makes it worthwhile for patients and their doctors., CancerВ Australia $287,425 for 5 years ($59,000 in 2012) Lethborg C, Brown R, Snyder R, Kessel P, Posenelli S, Dunn W, Packer C, Smith L, Horden A The development of a sustainable model to provide brief supportive care interventions to underserved cancer patients, Western and Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Services $89,971.72 for 2012–2013 ($45,000.00 in 2012) Devitt, B An examination of the processes and dynamics ofВ cancer multidisciplinary meetings, VictorianВ Cancer Agency $67,162 for 2009–2012 ($29, 755 in 2012) Melissa Moore Establishing a link between inflammation and EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs), StВ Vincent’s Research Directorate $15,000 for 2012 Chua B, Joseph D, Francis P, Campbell I. A phase III trial of post-mastectomy chest wall irradiation in intermediate risk operable breast cancer, Cancer Australia $510,000 for 2011–2013 ($170,000 in 2012) Anderson R, Street I, Lakhani S. Fox, S, Zeps N, Hodgkinson S, Francis P, Bast R. Targeting dormancy in metastatic breast cancer, Cancer Australia $571,010 for 2012–2014 ($190, 000 in 2012) Lindeman G, Mann B, Desai J, Forbes J, FoxВ S, Liew D, McArthur G, Simes J, Sutherland J, Visvader J. Wilcken N, Rosenthal M, Street I, Macphee A, Ormandy C, Swarbick A, O’TooleВ S, Boyer M, Horvath L, Campbell I, JohnstoneВ R, Simpson E, Chua B, Francis P, Mitchell G, GreenВ M, De Boer R, Scott C. Centre for Translational Research in Breast Cancer, NHMRC $2,500,000 for 2012–2017 ($500,000 in 2012) Collaborations in research Dr Prue Francis • Scientific Committee – International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) • Chair, Steering Committee for STP Adjuvant Breast Cancer Trials – (SOFT: IBCSG 24–02, TEXT:В IBCSG 25–02 and PERCHE: IBCSG 26–02) • European School of Oncology (ESO) • Metastatic Breast Cancer – Task Force • Chair, Systemic Therapy Subcommittee • Scientific Advisory Committee – Australia andВ NewВ Zealand Breast Cancer Trials Group (ANZВ BCTG) Dr Carrie Lethborg • Centre for Palliative Care and Education, Melbourne • Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre • Werribee Mercy Hospital • Goulburn Valley Health st vincent’s research report 2012 145 Oncology Publications Book chapters Kissane DW, Lethborg CE, Kelly B. 2012. Spiritual and Religious Coping with Cancer, In L Grassi and M Riba (eds), Clinical Psycho-Oncology: AnВ International Perspective, London, WileyBlackwell (Pp 281–296), ISBN: 978–0–470–97432–2. Journal articles Aranda S, Jefford M, Yates P, Gough K, Seymour J, Francis P, Baravelli C, Breen S, Schofield P. (2012) Impact of a novel nurse-led prechemotherapy education intervention (ChemoEd) on patient distress, symptom burdern, and treatment-related information and support needs: results from aВ randomized controlled trial. Ann Oncol: 23; 222–231. Cardoso F, Costa A, Norton L, Cameron D, CuferВ T, Fallowfield L, Francis P, Gligorov J, Kyriakides S, Lin N, Pagani O, Senkus E, Thomssen C, Aapro M, Bergh J, Di Leo A, El Saghir N, Ganz PA, GelmonВ K, Goldhirsch A, Harbeck N, Houssami N, Hudis C, Kaufman B, Leadbeater M, Mayer M, Rodger A, Rugo H, Sacchini V, Sledge G, van’t Veer L, Viale G, Krop I, Winer E. (2012) 1st International consensus guidelines for advanced breast cancer (ABC1). TheВ Breast; 21: 242–252. Eckhardt BL, Francis PA, Parker BS, Anderson R. Strategies to consider during the discovery andВ development of therapies for metastatic breastВ cancer. (2012) Nature Reviews Drug Discovery: 11 (6); 479–497. Fernandez-Cuesta L, Oakman C, Falagan-LotschВ P, Smoth KS, Quinaux E, Buyse M, DolciВ MS, DeВ Azambuja E, Hainaut P, Dell’Orto P, LarsimontВ D, Francis P, Crown J, Piccart-Gebhart M, VialeВ G, DiВ Leo A, Olivier M. (2012) Prognostic and predicitive value of TP53 mutations in node-positive breast cancer patients treated with anthracyclineorВ anthracycline/taxane based adjuvant therapy: results from the BIG 02–98 phase III trial. Breast Cancer Res; 14 (3): R70 Lethborg C, Schofield P, Kissane D, (2012), TheВ patient experience of undertaking Meaning andВ Purpose вЂ�MaP’ Therapy in the setting ofВ advanced cancer, Palliative and Supportive Care.В 4(10) McLachlan SA, Clements A, Austoker J. (2012) Patients’ experiences and reported barriers toВ colonoscopy in the screening contextaВ systematic review of the literature. Patient EducationВ and Counselling 86(2):137–46 Michael M, Cullinane C, Hatzamihallis A, O’KaneВ K, Milner A, Booth R, Schlicht S, Clarke SJ, FrancisВ P. (2012) Docetaxel pharmacokinetics and its correlation with cytochrome P450 probes: The C14-Erythromcyin breath test versus the antipyrine clearance test. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol: 69; 125–135. Moore G, Collins A, Brand C, Gold M, Lethborg C, Murphy M, Sundararajan V, Philip J (2012) Palliative and supportive care needs of patients with highgrade glioma and their carers: A systematic review of qualitative literature, Patient Education and Counselling, December 4th Ng SL, Burns WI, Snyder RD, Newnham GM, McLachlan SA, Liew D, Dowling AJ. (2012) A retrospective cohort study of metastatic colorectal cancer patients treated with Oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy, with an exploratory analysis of changing serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels.В Asia–Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology Jun;8(2):172–9, Ngan SY, Burmeister B, Fisher RJ, Solomon M, Goldstein D, Joseph D, Ackland SP, Schache D, McClure B, McLachlan SA, McKendrick J, LeongВ T, Hartopeanu C, Mackay J. (2012) Randomized trial of short course radiotherapy versus long course chemoradiation comparing rates of local recurrence in patients with T3 rectal cancer. J Clinical Oncology. Nov 1;30(31):3827–33. Shum AM, Mahendradatta T, Taylor RJ,В PainterВ AB, Moore MM, Tsoli M, Tan TC, Clarke SJ, RobertsonВ GR, Polly P. (2012) Disruption of MEF2C signaling andВ loss of sarcomeric and mitochondrial integrity in cancer-induced skeletal muscle wasting. Aging (Albany), 4(2):133–143. Tsoli M*, Moore MM*, Burg D, Painter A, TaylorВ A, Lockie SH, Turner N, Warren A, Cooney G, OldfieldВ B, Clarke SJ, Robertson G. (2012) ActivationВ of thermogenesis in brown adipose tissueВ and dysregulated lipid metabolism associated with cancer cachexia in mice. Cancer Research 72(17): 4372–82. *denotes equal first authors. st vincent’s research report 2012 146 Oncology Conference publications Clay TD, Chua W, Moore MM. An elevated Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio predicts survival inВ metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer. Medical Oncology Group of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane 2012. (Abstract published in: Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2012; 8(S2): 49.) Collins, A., Philip, J., Brand, C., Gold, M., Bohensky,В M., Lethborg, C., Murphy, M., Moore, G., and Sundararajan, V. Utilising Hospital Administrative Datasets to Identify Patterns of Service Use in Patients with a Primary Malignant Glioma, 19th International Congress of Palliative Care, Montreal, 9–12 October, 2012 (Oral Presentation). Collins, IM, Milne, RL, McLachlan SA, Friedlander,В M, Birch, KE,Weideman, PC, Hopper, JL Phillips KA. Do BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers have anВ earlier natural menopause than their non-carrier relatives: A study from the Kathleen Cuningham Foundation Consortium For Research Into Familial Breast Cancer (kConFab). San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2012 (poster presentation) Devitt B, Philip J, McLachlan SA. Making decisions and managing dissent in multidisciplinary cancer meetings (MDMs):a qualitative analysis. Cancer Care Co-ordinators Conference, 6–10 March, 2012, Melbourne. (poster presentation) Devitt B, Philip J, Singh M et al. Patients’ andВ healthВ professionals’ perspectives on the outcomes, conduct, and medico-legal implications of multidisciplinary cancer meetings (MDMs). JВ ClinВ Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl; abstr e16562) Devitt B, Philip J, Singh M et al. Patients’ and health professionals’ perspectives on the outcomes and conduct of multidisciplinary cancer meetings (MDMs). Clinical Oncology Society of Australia ASM,В November 13–15, 2012, Brisbane (abstr 762) (poster presentation) Devitt B, The development of evidence based guidelines on the conduct of multidisciplinary cancerВ meetings (MDMs). A modified Delphi study. Clinical Oncology Society of Australia ASM,В November 13–15, 2012, Brisbane (abstrВ 763)В (poster presentation) Devitt, BA, Philip, J, Singh, MS, Mileshkin, LR, McLachlan SA. Patients’ and health professionals’ perspectives on the outcomes, conduct, and medico-legal implications of multidisciplinary cancerВ meetings (MDMs). J Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl; abstr e16562) Lethborg C, The Social Determinants of Health – Cancer, COSA/IPOS Invited Plenary, Brisbane, November, 2012 Philip, J, Collins, A., Brand, C., Gold, M., Murphy,В M., Moore, G., Sundararajan, V., andВ Lethborg, C, Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care Needs of People with Primary Malignant Glioma and Their Carers, The IPOS 14th World Congress and Psychosocial Academy, Brisbane, Australia, 11–15 November 2012 (OralВ Presentation). Philip, J., Brand, C., Gold, M., Bohensky, M., Lethborg, C., Murphy, M., Moore, G., Collins,В A., andВ Sundararajan, V. Utilising Hospital Administrative Datasets to Identify Patterns ofВ Service Use in Patients with a Primary Malignant Glioma, The IPOS 14th World Congress and Psychosocial Academy, Brisbane, Australia, 11–15 November 2012 (OralВ Presentation). Philip, J., Collins, A., Brand, C., Gold, M., Moore,В G., Sundararajan, V., Murphy, M., and Lethborg, C. Understanding the Supportive and Palliative Care Needs of Patients with Primary Malignant Glioma: Views of Carers and Health Care Professionals. World Research Congress of the European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC), Trondheim 7–9В June 2012 (Oral Presentation). Philip, J., Gold, M., Brand, C., Lethborg, C., Murphy, M., Sundararajan, V., Moore, G., Collins.В Understanding the Supportive and PalliativeВ Care Needs of People with Primary Malignant Glioma and their Carers, Shaping theВ Future of Palliative Care Conference, Palliative CareВ Victoria, Melbourne, 23–24th August 2012 (OralВ Presentation). st vincent’s research report 2012 147 Oncology Speaking engagements Devitt, B., Philip J, Singh M. et al. Patients’ and health professionals’ perspectives on the outcomes and conduct of multidisciplinary cancer meetings (MDMs).’ MOGA ASM, 8–10 August 2012, Brisbane. Francis, P. Emerging Issues in Supportive Care Research. 1st International Consensus Guidelines for Advanced Breast Cancer. ANZBCTG Annual Scientific Meeting, Hobart, July 2012. Devitt, B., Philip, J., McLachlan, SA., Health professionals’ and patients’ attitudes to cancer multidisciplinary meetings: a qualitative analysis. Cancer Care Co-ordinators Conference, 6–10В March, 2012, Melbourne. Lethborg C, вЂ�MaP Therapy’ – Invited Presentation, Social Work Department – Cairns Base Hospital, May 2012 Lethborg C, “Map Therapy” – Invited Presentation, Eastern Palliative Care, Victoria, November 2012 Lethborg C, “Supporting blokes” – issues for partners of women with breast cancer, Invited Presentation, вЂ�Think Pink’ – The Living Centre, Melbourne – August 2012 Lethborg C, Identifying the underserved groups inВ cancer care – core to the social workВ role – InvitedВ presentation, Social Work Day, StВ Vincent’sВ Hospital, March, 2012 Lethborg C, Meaning and Suffering – Exploration Towards The Meaning Of Life, Invited Presentation, CafГ© Church, Baden Powell Hotel, Collingwood, MayВ 2012 Lethborg C, Posenelli S, Brock K, Chapman P, Nandurkar H, Research Week Hypothetical, StВ Vincent’s Hospital May 2012 Lethborg C, The underserved cancer patient, InvitedВ presentation, Social Work Day, WesternВ Health, March 2012 Lethborg C, Treatment completion, Invited Presentation for Breast Cancer Network Australia, remote patient scheme – Cairns, May 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 148 Orthopaedics St Vincent’s Department of Orthopaedics maintains an active clinical and basic science research program that focuses on three key areas that are linked with our clinical activity. These include arthritis care, musculoskeletal tumours and advanced limb reconstruction. About us Arthritis care: Our research explores factors that affect health and economic outcomes and patient satisfaction following arthritis surgery. These include patient, procedural, prosthetic and perioperative factors. A database of over 8,500 joint replacements underpins our research and this information informs our programs of research. Our research into arthritis surgery is critical for ensuring the best outcomes forВ patients and that policies and practice are evidence-based. Musculoskeletal tumours: Using advanced imaging techniques, we are investigating the waysВ that bone tumours grow and spread, and howВ they can be treated with novel approaches. TheВ mechanisms we are studying include cell-cell andВ cell-matrix interactions, the role of quantum dotsВ in tracking interactions, and theВ use of megavoltage radiotherapy derived from the Australian Synchrotron. Advanced limb reconstruction: Capitalising onВ advances in polymer science, nanotechnology and manufacturing, our research is studying how specially fabricated materials can be used to replace bone and soft tissues after tumour resection. These new approaches are looking to develop functional units of artificial muscles, structural devices from additive manufacturing (3-D printing, selective laser melting) and tissue using regenerative and cellular engineering techniques. Major projects Highlights Our research into arthritis has identified that obesity and psychological distress are emerging as highly important but modifiable risk factors for sub-optimal outcome following total joint replacement. Our research has led to two world first collaborative studies commencing in 2012 that are assessing theВ potential to improve outcomes in these groups. • The Arthroplasty and Bariatric Surgery Study: Knee replacement is a common surgical procedure in Australia (46,000 per year). More than 60% of this group are obese and this is associated with higher early (clinical) and long term (implant) survival complications. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) is an effective and safe means of achieving sustained weight loss. This study compares the outcomes of total knee replacement in groups of severely obese patients who have and have not undergone preknee replacement LAGB. • Mindfulness, cognitive processes and copingВ in chronic illness: insights from aВ studyВ of joint replacement surgery: ThisВ studyВ investigates whether participation in aВ mental health enhancement program (mindfulness) with will improve the recovery ofВ patients undergoing total joint replacement. ThisВ will benefit patients by promoting psychological well-being which has direct effects on pain and physical function after surgery. Our research into musculoskeletal tumours has beenВ selected as one of the key areas for research at the Australian Synchrotron. This collaboration will allow us to undertake research that utilises the power of the synchrotron to provide high-resolution images of tumours and the way in which they may interact with bone. Specially focused beams of radiation are also being used to test new ways ofВ treating bone tumours that may not be able toВ beВ removed by surgery alone. • Investigation of the tumour-to-bone interface in osteosarcoma. Work performed on Imaging and Medical Beamline: Project IM5234; Beam time 23–26 Nov 2012. Osteogenic sarcomas are invasive tumours that infiltrate and destroy bone causing high morbidity for patients. A key aim of this study has been to improve imaging of the tumour and the tumour-to-bone interface. This beam time on the IMBL has produced high resolution 3-dimensional images of primary tumour to clearly depict how the tumour cells interact with the bone and with excellent definition of the lytic effects on bone. This information is being used for design of a study in which microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) will be tested at the Australian Synchrotron for the treatment of aggressive sarcoma tumours. st vincent’s research report 2012 149 Orthopaedics • Quantum dots: Novel fluorescent probes shed light on bone disease and tumour progression. In this project, novel coupling chemistry is being used to label a ligand, calcitonin that binds the calcitonin receptor present on bone lytic cells called osteoclasts. Calcitonin is a regulatory hormone that mediates bone formation and thisВ capacity to label these highly active cells in bone will provide information on the physiological role of CT as well as enable the вЂ�tracking’ of these important cells in our in vitro and in vivo experiments when studying tumours of bone andВ other bone diseases. Our research into advanced limb reconstruction hasВ seen the development of a national collaboration between St Vincent’s Hospital, University of Melbourne, University of Wollongong, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and the Queensland University of Technology. This capitalises on specialised capabilities from the fields of polymer research, advanced materials manufacturing, tissue engineering and surgery. Research projects include the regeneration of cartilage using stem cell techniques on specially designed structures, studying how nerves can be stimulated to grow and attach to artificial surfaces, the development ofВ metallic structures from advanced manufacturing techniques to fill bone defects and the role of electrochemical polymers as materials to mimic theВ action of muscles. These studies form one ofВ theВ many facets of bioengineering research ofВ theВ ACMD group. • Optimizing neuromuscular junctions for direct nerve to muscle neurotisation. The aim of this project is to improve outcomes for patients with neuromuscular dysfunction after injury or surgery. Muscle reinnervation, called neurotisation, is being studied using in vitro modelling in neuronal cell-muscle cell co-cultures; the focus is to improve neuromuscular junction formation using pre-patterning of receptor expression andВ bioengineering techniques. • Electrochemical materials as muscle substitutes. This project is studying the possibility of replacing injured muscle with synthetic material that can be actuated by electrical impulses to alter their shape thereby producing contractions. This may be useful for people who have suffered stroke, partialВ muscle loss or sphincter disturbance. Projects • The Arthroplasty and Bariatric Surgery (ABS) Study: a randomised controlled trial ofВ laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding priorВ toВ total knee arthroplasty (2012–2015) • Mindfulness and coping in chronic illness: insightsВ from a study of joint replacement surgeryВ (2012–2014) • Evaluating the impact of obesity on knee load over time in those who have undergone optimal surgical re-alignment after total knee replacement (2012–2014) • Examining psychological state in patients presenting for arthritis surgery (2012–2015) • Regeneration of cartilage in chondral and osteochondral defects. In this project we have devised a novel approach for regeneration of cartilage defects and osteochondral defects. OurВ approach combines the use of chondrocyte stem/progenitor cells in combination with aВ biosynthetic or biological matrix. • A pilot study investigating dietetic weight loss interventions and 12-month functional outcomes ofВ patients undergoing knee or hip surgery • Investigation of surface nanostructured titanium alloys for prosthetic devices. The Department of Mechanical Engineering through the School of Engineering at the University of Melbourne manufacture different titanium alloys with nanostructured surface properties. Biocompatibility studies are being conducted toВ determine appropriate substrates for growth ofВ cells with the aim to improve biocompatibility ofВ metals used for prosthetic devices. • Studying the differences in nuclear tracers forВ targeting bone metastases. • A prospective, single-arm, uncontrolled, multicentre study to evaluate the safety and efficacy ofВ the DePuy AVN Cage prosthesis for the treatment of avascular necrosis of the hip. • Studying the impact of poorly performed community surgery on the outcomes of patientsВ with musculoskeletal tumours. • Studying the development of cartilage tissue fromВ stem cells. • Studying the efficacy of conducting polymers asВ artificial muscles. • Studying the molecular factors that regulate theВ development of neural synapses. st vincent’s research report 2012 150 Orthopaedics Awards Basic Science Research • Dr Michelle Dowsey – National Health and MedicalВ Research Council – Early Career Australian Clinical Fellowship A/Prof Damian Myers, Head Basic Research, 1.0В EFT • Dr Michelle Dowsey – Australian Rheumatology Association Victorian Branch Inaugural Annual Scientific Meeting – Best Abstract and Oral Presentation 2012 for вЂ�Associations between preoperative radiographic changes and outcomes after total knee joint replacement for osteoarthritis’ • Dr Trisha Peel – National health and Medical Research Council – Scholarship Dr Alyson Croxford, Research Fellow (January–June 2012); 0.4FTE Ms Shalley Robins, Research Assistant (December 2012); 0.8FTE Dr. Claudia Di Bella, Orthopaedic Fellow 0.2 EFT Students Dr Sina Babazadeh, PhD Candidate • Dr Ken Ye – National Health and Medical ResearchВ Council – Scholarship Dr Trisha Peel, PhD Candidate • Dr Bill Zhang – National Health and Medical Research Council – Scholarship Ms Katherine Carroll, Honours Quality Dr Ken Ye, PhD Candidate As a result of our current research initiatives into obesity we have established a dietetic service inВ the Orthopaedic pre-admission clinic and have commenced evaluating the impact of this service onВ patient outcomes in those undergoing knee orВ hip surgery Dr Bill Zhang, PhD Candidate Dr John Swan, Masters Candidate Dr Matthew Broadhead, PhD Candidate Mr Raed Salimban, PhD Candidate Ms Anneke Ryan (2nd year) jointly with Bio21, SchoolВ of Chemistry, PhD Candidate Mr Hugh Buzacot, Honours Our research into infection after total joint replacement has informed the development for guidelines to treat acute prosthetic joint infections. Theses passed in 2012 Staff Mr Hugh Buzacot, Honours, University of Melbourne Prof Peter Choong, Director of Orthopaedics, 1.0В EFT Service to the wider community Arthritis Research Dr Michelle Dowsey, Head Arthritis Research, 0.5В EFT Ms Deborah May, Sarcoma Research Co-ordinator, 0.4 EFT Ms Jane Keenan, Research Co-ordinator, 0.3 EFT (From February 2012) Ms Angela Cochrane, Research Co-ordinator, 0.9В EFT (From May 2012) Dr Elizabeth Nelson, Research Associate (Honorary) (From May 2012) Mr James Stoney, Consultant Orthopaedic SurgeonВ (Honorary) Ms Katherine Carroll, Honours, UniversityВ ofВ NotreВ Dame Prof Peter Choong • President Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal TumourВ Society • Co-Chair Victorian Orthopaedic Research TrustВ Scientific Advisory committee • President-elect, Australian OrthopaedicВ Association • President-elect, Asia Pacific Computer assistedВ Orthopaedic Surgery Group • Chair, Constitutional Review Committee, AOA • Chair, Specialty Societies Committee, AOA • Editor, Section of Orthopaedics, ANZJSurgery • Review College, JBJS, CORR, JArthroplasty, JВ Orth Sci, J Orth Surg, MJA, Cancer st vincent’s research report 2012 151 Orthopaedics • Member, Faculty Advisory Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Denstistry and Health Science, University of Melbourne • Member, Melbourne Medical School Planning andВ Policy Committee • Member, Medical Executive Committee, StВ Vincent’s Hospital • Member, Medical Advisory Group, St.Vincent’sВ Hospital • Member, Electoral College, St Vincent’s hospital • Director, Board of Genezzano FCJ College Dr Michelle Dowsey • Member, St Vincent’s Hospital Human ResearchВ Ethics Committee – A A/Prof Damian Myers • 1st Asia-Pacific Advanced Medical Imaging Workshop, ANZBMS 2012 • Co-Convenor Satellite meeting of the 1st AsiaPacific Bone and Mineral Research Meeting; heldВ in conjunction with the 22nd ANZBMS AnnualВ Scientific Meeting; 2–5 September 2012 • Plenary Speaker: Quantitative imaging of skeletal tissues & structures: challenges at the frontier • Beamline Advisory Panel, Imaging and Medical Beamline, Australian Synchrotron • Responsible Investigator, Project 1.2 of CRC forВ Biomedical Imaging Development • International Reader, Australian Research Council • Chair (Inaugural) of Ethics Committee atВ theВ Australian Synchrotron • Assigned as Project Leader, вЂ�Bone Studies’, IMBLВ at Australian Synchrotron • AINSE Committee, Biomedical Sciences andВ Biotechnology, ANSTO • Project Consultant, CRC for Biomedical ImagingВ Development • Member of Research Week Committee, StВ Vincent’s Hospital • Member of St Vincent’s Hospital вЂ�ResearchВ Technology Group’ • Assigned as Head of Imaging Project under the Musculoskeletal Theme of the Clinical Programme of the IMBL at the Australian Synchrotron • Scholarships Committee Member for the VictorianВ Comprehensive Cancer Centre • Director, Advanced Microscopy Imaging Facility, StВ Vincent’s Hospital • Seminar to the Rotary Club of Balwyn Grants Choong PFM, Castle DJ, Salzberg MR, Dowsey MM, Knowles SR, Monshat K Mindfulness and coping in chronic illness: insights from a study of joint replacement surgery, AustralianВ Research Council $270,445 for 2012–2014 ($84,149 in 2012) Choong PFM, Bennell KL, Wrigley T, Hinman R, Dowsey MM Evaluating the impact of obesity on knee load over time in those who have undergone optimal surgical re-alignment after total knee replacement, AustralianВ Research Council $706,196 for 2012–2014 ($235,400 in 2012) Choong PFM, Brown, WA, Liew D, Dowsey MM The Arthroplasty and Bariatric Surgery (ABS) Study: a randomised controlled trial of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding prior to total knee arthroplasty, National Health and Medical ResearchВ Council $643,668 for 4 years ($275,293 in 2012) Dowsey, MM Examining psychological state in patients presenting for arthritis surgery, National Health and Medical Research Council $294,892 for 2012–2015 ($73,723 in 2012) Peel, TN Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Costs ofВ Orthopaedic Infections, National Health and Medical Research Council $72,000 for 2011–2012 ($36,000 in 2012) Simmance N, Gandler N, Dowsey MM, ChoongВ PFM A pilot study investigating dietetic weight lossВ interventions and 12-month functional outcomes of patients undergoing knee or hip surgeryВ in theВ Elective Surgery Access Service, St.В Vincent’s Hospital Research Endowment Fund $22,907 for 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 152 Orthopaedics Choong, PFM A prospective, single-arm, uncontrolled, multicentre study to evaluate the safety and efficacy ofВ the DePuy AVN Cage prosthesis for the treatmentВ ofВ avascular necrosis of the hip, JohnsonВ & Johnson Medical P/L $235,861 for 2011–2015 ($26,756 in 2012) Choong PFM, Pandy M, Wallace, G. Building Artificial Muscle for Limb Reconstruction after Tumour Surgery, Australian Orthopaedic Association $50,000 in 2012 Hutmacher, D, Schuetz, M, Epari, D, Woodruff,В M, Dickinson, I, Choong, P, Steck, R, Bioactive and biodegradable scaffold and novel graft source for the repair of large segmental defects, NHMRC $440,902 for 2013–2015 DE Myers, PF Choong, M Broadhead Suppression of osteosarcoma tumour invasionВ andВ metastasis: Monitoring therapeutic outcomes using advanced imaging techniques, Xavier KrikoriВ Sarcoma Research Grant, AustralianВ Sarcoma Group $25,000 for 2011–2012 ($12,500 in 2012) Prof PFM Choong, A/Prof DE Myers, ProfВ GGВ Wallace, Dr C Di Bella Rebuilding the bone-cartilage interface, AustralianВ Orthopaedic Association $53,000 for 2011–2012 ($26,500 in 2012) Prof Kenong Xia, Prof. Peter Choong, A/Prof.В Damian Myers, Dr Wei Xu Limb engineering for future regenerative implants, MERIT Grant, University of Melbourne $25,000 for 2011–2012 ($12,500 in 2012) A/Prof DE Myers, Prof RJ Hicks, Prof PFM Choong, Dr AW Stevenson, Dr D HГ¤usermann Investigation of tumour invasion of bone using advanced imaging including synchrotron radiation, CASS Foundation Grant $50,000 for 2011–2012 ($25,000 in 2012) Prof Mark Cook, Prof Peter Choong, A/Prof Damian Myers and others With supportВ from the St Vincent’s Foundation Equipment grants for Advanced Microscopy Imaging Facility, Ian Potter Foundation ($65,000), Rowden White Foundation ($110,000), Rotary Club of Balwyn ($50,000) Plus other grants Two microscope purchases: 1. Nikon A1Rsi confocal microscope (Approx $600,000); 2. Live-cell imaging system – Nikon FN1 upright fixed-stage microscope (Approx $340,000) Collaborations in research International • Professor Stefan Lohmander, Department ofВ Orthopaedics, University of Lund, Sweden • Professor Paul Dieppe, St. Peter’s College, Oxford University, United Kingdom • UniversitГ© Joseph Fourier, Centre de Recherche Inserm and ESRF, France • CHU BicГЄtre, UNCE, Dept of Neurophysiology andВ Epilepsy, Paris, France National • Prof David Castle, Department of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, St. Vincent’s Hospital • Prof Peter Brooks, Australian Health Workforce Institute, University of Melbourne • Prof Kim Bennell, Department of Physiotherapy, University of Melbourne • Prof Danny Liew, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Hospital • Prof Jane Gunn, Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne • A/Prof Wendy Brown, Centre for Obesity ResearchВ and Education, Monash University • Dr Simon Knowles, Faculty of Life and Social Sciences, Swinburne University • Prof Marcus Pandy, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Melbourne • Ms Natalie Simmance, Aged Care & Allied Health Nutrition, St. Vincent’s Hospital • Prof Gordon Wallace, Intelligent Polymer Research Institute, University of Wollongong st vincent’s research report 2012 153 Orthopaedics • Prof Marcus Pandy, Prof Kenong Xia, A/Prof Vincent Lee, Department of bioengineering and mechanical engineering, University of Wollongong • Prof Milan Brandt, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, RMITВ University • Prof Dietmar Hutmacher, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology • Prof Paul Mulvaney, Bio21, School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria • Prof Rodney Hicks, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne • Prof Daniel Hausermann, Australian Synchrotron, Clayton Victoria • Prof Andrew Stevenson, X-Ray Physics andВ Instrumentation Laboratory, CSIRO, Clayton,В Victoria Publications Book chapters Dowsey M.M., Peel T.N., Choong, P.F.M. Infection in primary hip and knee arthroplasty. In Infection in Primary Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, Recent Advances in Arthroplasty, Samo K. Fokter (Ed.), ISBN: 978–953–307–990–5, InTech, Available from: www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/infection-inprimary-hip-and-knee-arthroplasty Journal articles Babazadeh S, Dowsey MM, Stone JD, Choong PF. The accuracy of retrospectively measured range of motion in knee arthroplasty. Acta Orthop Belg. 2012 Dec;78(6):751–6. PubMed PMID: 23409571. Choong P. Soft tissue sarcoma: new paradigms in care. Sarcoma. 2012;2012:439208. doi: 10.1155/2012/439208. Epub 2012 Dec 31. PubMed PMID: 23346011; PubMed Central PMCID:В PMC3549354. Shkolnikova J, Flynn J, Choong P. Burden ofВ bisphosphonate-associated femoral fractures. ANZВ JВ Surg. 2013 Mar;83(3):175–81. doi: 10.1111/ ans.12018. Epub 2012 Dec 6. PubMed PMID: 23216704. Peel TN, Buising KL, Dowsey MM, Aboltins CA, Daffy JR, Stanley PA, Choong PF. Outcome ofВ debridement and retention in prosthetic joint infections by methicillin-resistant staphylococci, with special reference to rifampin and fusidic acid combination therapy. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Jan;57(1):350–5. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02061– 12. Epub 2012 Oct 31. PubMed PMID: 23114758; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3535910. Babazadeh S, Dowsey MM, Stoney JD, Choong PF. The effect of tibio-femoral over-distraction in primary knee arthroplasty. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23085821. Peel TN, Cheng AC, Choong PF, Buising KL. Early onset prosthetic hip and knee joint infection: treatment and outcomes in Victoria, Australia. J Hosp Infect. 2012 Dec;82(4):248–53. doi: 10.1016/j. jhin.2012.09.005. Epub 2012 Oct 22. PubMed PMID: 23084482. Qi SD, Smith PD, Choong PF. Nuclear reprogramming and induced pluripotent stem cells: a review for surgeons. ANZ J Surg. 2012 Oct 4. doi: 10.1111/j.1445–2197.2012.06282.x. [Epub aheadВ ofВ print] PubMed PMID: 23035845. Grinsell D, Di Bella C, Choong PF. Functional reconstruction of sarcoma defects utilising innervated free flaps. Sarcoma. 2012;2012:315190. doi: 10.1155/2012/315190. Epub 2012 Aug 28. PubMed PMID: 22969309; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3434415. Tang MH, Pan DJ, Castle DJ, Choong PF. AВ systematic review of the recent quality of life studies in adult extremity sarcoma survivors. Sarcoma. 2012;2012:171342. doi: 10.1155/2012/171342. Epub 2012 Aug 23. PubMed PMID: 22966215; PubMed Central PMCID:В PMC3432553. Peel TN, Buising KL, Choong PF. Diagnosis and management of prosthetic joint infection. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2012 Dec;25(6):670–6. doi: 10.1097/ QCO.0b013e32835915db. PubMed PMID: 22964949. Alford S, Choong P, Chander S, Henderson M, Powell G, Ngan S. Outcomes of preoperative radiotherapy and resection of retroperitoneal sarcoma. ANZ J Surg. 2012 Sep 3. doi: 10.1111/j.1445–2197.2012.06211.x. [Epub aheadВ ofВ print] PubMed PMID: 22943678. st vincent’s research report 2012 154 Orthopaedics Babazadeh S, Dowsey MM, Bingham RJ, Ek ET, Stoney JD, Choong PF. The long leg radiograph is a reliable method of assessing alignment when compared to computer-assisted navigation and computer tomography. Knee. 2012 Aug 11. [EpubВ ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22892197. Huang NF, Dowsey MM, Ee E, Stoney JD, Babazadeh S, Choong PF. Coronal alignment correlates with outcome after total knee arthroplasty: five-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. J Arthroplasty. 2012 Oct;27(9):1737–41. doi:В 10.1016/j.arth.2012.03.058. Epub 2012 AugВ 3.В PubMed PMID: 22868073. Dowsey MM, Nikpour M, Dieppe P, ChoongВ PF. Associations between pre-operative radiographic changes and outcomes after total knee joint replacement for osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2012 Oct;20(10):1095-102. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2012.05.015. Epub 2012 JulВ 16.В PubMed PMID: 22800770. Choong P, Brooks P. Achievements during the Bone and Joint Decade 2000–2010. Best Pract Res ClinВ Rheumatol. 2012 Apr;26(2):173–81. doi:В 10.1016/j.berh.2012.03.004. PubMed PMID:В 22794093. Broadhead ML, Choong PF, Dass CR. Efficacy of continuously administered PEDF-derived synthetic peptides against osteosarcoma growth and metastasis. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2012;2012:230298. doi: 10.1155/2012/230298. Epub 2012 May 30. PubMed PMID: 22701300; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3369529. Choong PF. Comminuted radial head fractures: picking up the pieces. ANZ J Surg. 2012 Jun;82(6):385–6. doi: 10.1111/j.1445– 2197.2012.06100.x. PubMed PMID: 22672393. Choong PF. Tourniquet use in knee replacement surgery: what is the evidence? ANZ J Surg. 2012 Jun;82(6):384–5. doi: 10.1111/j.1445– 2197.2012.06099.x. PubMed PMID: 22672392. Dowsey MM, Dieppe P, Lohmander S, Castle D, Liew D, Choong PF. The association between radiographic severity and pre-operative function inВ patients undergoing primary knee replacement for osteoarthritis. Knee. 2012 Dec;19(6):860–5. doi:В 10.1016/j.knee.2012.02.007. Epub 2012 MarВ 23. PubMed PMID: 22445613. Peel TN, Cheng AC, Buising KL, ChoongВ PF. Microbiological aetiology, epidemiology, andВ clinical profile of prosthetic joint infections: are current antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines effective? Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2012 May;56(5):2386–91. doi: 10.1128/AAC.06246–11. Epub 2012 Feb 6. PubMed PMID: 22314530; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3346661. Peel TN, Dowsey MM, Buising KL, Liew D, ChoongВ PF. Cost analysis of debridement and retention for management of prosthetic joint infection. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013 Feb;19(2):181–6. doi: 10.1111/j.1469–0691.2011.03758.x. Epub 2012 Jan 20. PubMed PMID: 22264335. Alford S, Choong P, Chander S, Henderson M, ChuВ J, Powell G, Williams S, Ngan S. Value of PET scan in patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma treated with preoperative radiotherapy. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2012 Feb;38(2):176–80. doi: 10.1016/j. ejso.2011.11.001. Epub 2011 Dec 9. PubMed PMID: 22154883. Conference publications Annual Scientific Meeting of the AmericanCollege-of-Rheumatology (ACR) and Associationof-Rheumatology-Health-Professionals (ARHP) Location: Washington, DC Date: NOV 09–14, 2012 Le Marshall, K. F.; Yee, B.; Dieppe, P. A.; Leung,В A.; Page, C.; Choong, P. F.; Dowsey, M.; Lim, K. K. Differences Between Patients with Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2012 Oct, 64(10); S117 Crowley C, Dowsey MM, Quinn C, Barrington M, Choong PF. Impact of regional and local anaesthetics on length of stay in knee arthroplasty. ANZ J Surg. 2012 Apr;82(4):207–14. doi: 10.1111/j.1445– 2197.2011.05991.x. Epub 2012 Feb 3. Review. PubMed PMID: 22510175. st vincent’s research report 2012 155 Orthopaedics Speaking engagements Choong PF. Evidence for surgery in pelvic Ewing’s – How robust is it. 85th Annual Scientific Meeting of theВ Japanese Orthopaedic Association, Kyoto, Japan, 15–17 May 2012 Choong PF. Surgery for Ewing’s of the Pelvis – WhatВ is the evidence? 1st Oriental Orthopaedic Congress, Shanghai, China July 27–29, 2012 Choong PF. Margins for soft tissue sarcoma – How close can you go? 1st Oriental Orthopaedic Congress, Shanghai, China July 27–29, 2012 Choong PF. Megaprostheses – Lessons Learnt. 1stВ Oriental Orthopaedic Congress, Shanghai, ChinaВ July 27–29, 2012 Choong PF. Osteoarthritis – The challenge of surgical management. Bill Wheeler Symposium, Intelligent Polymer Research Institute, UniversityВ ofВ Wollongong, August 6, 2012 Choong PF. Complications and its prevention in metastatic surgery. 9th Asio-Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumour Society Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 8, 2012 Choong PF. Resection and reconstruction for giant cell tumour – the debate. 9th Asio-Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumour Society Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 8, 2012 Choong PF. The challenges of academic surgery in the new millennium. Prince Charles Hospital Research Week. Brisbane, October 15–16, 2012 Choong PF, Peel T. Buising K, Cheng A. Outcome of patients with methicillin resistant staphylococcal infections managed with debridement and retention of the prosthesis. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Arthroplasty Society of Australia. Melbourne MayВ 30 – June 2, 2012 Dowsey, MM, Nikpour M, Dieppe P, ChoongВ PFM – Associations between pre-operative radiographic changes and outcomes after total knee joint replacement for osteoarthritis Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific MeetingВ Oct 2012:, Melbourne Peel T, Buising K, Cheng A, Choong P, The Microbiological Aetiology, Epidemiology and ClinicalВ Profile of Prosthetic Joint Infections: are current antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines effective? 22nd ECCMID 2012 April 2012; United Kingdom Broadhead ML, Myers DE, Choong PFM. Applying advanced imaging techniques to a murine model ofВ orthotopic osteosarcoma for the evaluation of PEDF therapy. Australian Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Congress, October 2012 Broadhead ML, Myers DE, Choong PFM The application of in vivo bioluminescent imaging, PETВ and micro-CT to a murine model of orthotopic osteosarcoma. Australasian Sarcoma Study Group Annual Meeting, Sydney, October 2012 Ye K, Felimban R, Di Bella C, Crook J, Quigley A, Kapsa R, Choong P, Myers DE. Chondrogenesis ofВ adipose stem cells derived from infrapatellar fatВ pad Australian Orthopaedic Association, AnnualВ General Meting, Lorne, 24th Feb 2012 DE Myers, R Felimban, K Ye, C Di Bella, J Foroughi, J Chung, SE Moulton, A Quigley, J Crook, R Kapsa, GG Wallace and PFM Choong. 3rd AsiaPacific Bionics Meeting, Production of hyaline cartilage inВ 3D chitosan scaffolds using infrapatellar fat padВ stem cells as the source of chondrocyte lineageВ cells, September 2012 Choong PF, Dowsey MM, Huang N, Stoney J. Does the correlation between coronal alignment, knee function and pain continue ? Annual Scientific Meeting of the Arthroplasty Society of Australia. Melbourne May 30 – June 2, 2012 Choong PF, Dowsey MM. The economic burden ofВ obesity in total knee replacement. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Arthroplasty Society ofВ Australia. Melbourne May 30 – June 2, 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 156 Podiatry St Vincent’s Podiatry Department treats medicalВ conditions of the lower limb and footВ withВ a primary focus on the acute high-riskВ foot and diabetes. About us The Podiatry Department aim to improve patient treatment outcomes by implementing current best practice and working towards establishing universal podiatry treatment guidelines across all of podiatry toВ improve practice within the profession. Major projects No research was conducted in 2012 Staff The podiatry department does not currently employВ any research staff. Theses passed in 2012 Casie Barrette, Graduate Diploma in Wound Care, Monash University Service to the wider community • Tracy Davis, Board Member, AustralianВ PodiatryВ Association (VIC) • Tracy Davis, Scientific Committee, StateВ PodiatryВ Association (VIC) Grants No research grants received in 2012/2013. st vincent’s research report 2012 157 Rehabilitation Research in rehabilitation at St Vincent’s is focused on collaborative research, both between disciplines within St Vincent’s Hospital and with other rehabilitation providers. Key areas of focus are access to rehabilitation, goal setting and interventions to improve long-term outcomes. About us The Rehabilitation Service at St Vincent’s provides patient centred and comprehensive care through ourВ two inpatient rehabilitation units in Fitzroy andВ Kew. The Fitzroy unit, which is co-located with the acute services, provides a wide spectrum of rehabilitation services, including those with neurological diagnoses such as stroke, multiple sclerosis and incomplete spinal cord pathologies and those with musculoskeletal diagnoses such as fractures, joint replacements and lower limb amputation. The Rehabilitation Unit at St George’s isВ co-located with the community rehabilitation services and provides neurological, orthopaedic andВ medical rehabilitation. Best practice in rehabilitation requires an interdisciplinary team approach. Our research activities reflect this, with each project developed and progressed by teams drawn from across the health service. Rehabilitation for stroke is a key area of research interest, with wide ranging research activities, including the selection process for rehabilitation and longer term interventions aimed at improving community integration in the first year after stroke. We have completed a three year randomised controlled trial investigating recovery during the first year after stroke. This study demonstrated that rehabilitation interventions assisting stroke survivors to achieve their own goals are effective in reducing post stroke depression. We are also exploring the efficacy of interventions to improve recovery of arm movement post stroke and maintaining mobility and balance in people with multiple sclerosis. Quality In stroke care, staff of the St Vincent’s Rehabilitation Unit have played lead roles in the development ofВ a Chronic Stroke Resource Kit, auspiced by theВ Victorian Clinical Stroke Network. The purpose of this kit is to provide community rehabilitation clinicians with evidence based assessment and intervention guidelines to enhance outcomes for people with chronic stroke and their carers. The keyВ focus of the kit is on assisting stroke survivors and their carers to achieve their own personal goals. The research conducted by our department into the first year after stroke informed the direction andВ framework of the kit. Staff Dr Kim Brock, Physiotherapist/ Research Co-ordinator 0.1EFT Susie Black, Physiotherapist, Research 0.1EFT Dr Irina Churilov, Rehabilitation Physician 0.05 EFT Major projects Students Goal setting in rehabilitation has been a focus ofВ research for our unit for several years, both in theВ inpatient rehabilitation setting and in the community. We have previously published work demonstrating the relationship between achievement f short-term goals and outcomes. We are currently exploring whether short-term goal achievement isВ aВ more responsive measure ofВ ongoing improvement in rehabilitation compared to theВ goldВ standard rehabilitation measure, the Functional Independence Measure. Christine Graven, PhD Student Robert Mehan, Masters by Research Student Theses passed in 2012 Robert Mehan, Master of Exercise Science (Research), Australian Catholic University Service to the wider community • Kim Brock, Member of Executive Committee, International Bobath Instructor Training Association, The Netherlands • Meg Mackenzie, Nursing representative for theВ Victorian Sub Acute Care Stroke Network atВ the Department of Health. st vincent’s research report 2012 158 Rehabilitation Grants Publications Paul Ilett, Kim Brock, Dr. Ross Clark (Melb Uni), Melissa Thompson, Janine Simondson, RobВ Mehan, Dr Irina Churilov What is the relationship between improvement inВ gait and balance ability and changes in symmetry between the hemiplegic and nonhemiplegic lower limb in the recovery phase post stroke? StВ Vincent’sВ Hospital Research Endowment Fund $11,498 for 2011–2012 ($2,000 in 2012) Journal articles Kim Brock, Christine Graven, Melissa Thompson, Dominique Cadilhac, Tara Purvis Chronic Stroke Resource Kit, Victorian Stroke Clinical Network, Department of Health, Victoria $19,800 for 2012–2013 ($4,000 in 2012) Brock K, Luke C, Galea M, Miller K Improving outcomes for the upper limb in severeВ stroke: the efficacy of rehabilitation interventions based on the Bobath Concept, National Stroke Foundation $20,000 for 2010–2013 ($5,000 in 2012) Kennedy GM, Brock KA, Lunt AW, Black SJ. (2012). Factors influencing selection for rehabilitation after stroke: A questionnaire using case scenarios to investigate physician perspectives and level of agreement. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 93(8):1457–9 Speaking engagements Robert Mehan. A preliminary study into the use of ankle foot orthosis in the early stages of stroke recovery. World Congress for NeuroRehabilitation, Melbourne, May 2012 Christine Graven. Factors shaping the concept ofВ recovery post-stroke. Smart Strokes Conference, Sydney, August 2012 Collaborations in research National • University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria • Curtin University, Perth, West Australia • Australian Catholic University, Fitzroy, Victoria • Victorian Stroke Clinical Network, DepartmentВ ofВ Health, Victoria • Western Health, Sunshine, Victoria • Cairns Base Hospital, Cairns, Queensland • Florey Neuroscience Institutes, Heidelberg,В Melbourne st vincent’s research report 2012 159 Respiratory Medicine About us Lung Cancer: Our Department is involved in aВ number of local and international collaborations focused on translation of basic research into clinical care. One of our strengths is the development ofВ systems that facilitates the gathering of clinical dateВ to annotate tissue specimens. Using these linkages to external databases the Department has been able to participate in in the “Lung Cancer Genome Project” based in Cologne, Germany, inВ addition to two major local initiatives: the “LungВ Cancer Research Collaboration” funded byВ the Victorian Cancer Agency and the Victorian Lung Cancer Registry. Sleep Medicine: The department has a focus onВ conducting clinical research projects in sleep apnoea and sleep health. We are also collaborating with national organisations to determine the impact of improved diabetes control on sleep quality. Alpa-1-antitrypsin deficiency program: OurВ department continues to host a register ofВ patients with this inherited deficiency which causes premature emphysema and to be involved inВ trials ofВ alpha-1-antitrypsin replacement therapy. Major projects • A Randomised, Placebo-Controlled, DoubleBlind, Multi-centre Phase III/IV Study to compare the Efficacy and Safety of 60 mg/kg body weight ofВ Zemaira В® weekly i.v. administration with Placebo weekly i.v. administration in Chronic Augmentation and Maintenance Therapy in Subjects with Emphysema due to Alpha1Proteinase Inhibitor Deficiency. Investigators: Dr Jonathan Burdon, DrВ DavidВ Hart, Dr Andrew Kyoong, Dr Matthew Conron, MrsВ SueВ Brenton, Ms Tamara Matthews andВ MrВ Cameron Stewart Sponsor: CSL Behring Study completed July 2012 – anticipatedВ publicationВ mid 2013 • An open, non-controlled, multi-centre, multinational Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of ZemairaВ® administration in Chronic Augmentation and Maintenance Therapy in Subjects with Emphysema due to Alpha1- Proteinase Inhibitor Deficiency who completed Clinical Study CE1226_4001 Investigators: Dr David Hart, Dr AndrewВ Kyoong, Dr Matthew Conron, Mrs Sue Brenton, MsВ TamaraВ Matthews and Mr Cameron Stewart Sponsor: CSL Behring Study ongoing – anticipated completion dateВ JulyВ 2014 • A randomised, double-blind, 12-week treatment, parallel-group study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of QMF149 (150 Вµg/160 Вµg o.d.) compared with salmeterol xinafoate/fluticasone propionate (50В Вµg/500 Вµg b.i.d.) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Sponsor: Novartis) Ethics approval obtained 2012, studyВ commencingВ Feb 2013 • Clinical Lung Cancer Genome project Principal investigator: Gavin Wright, Prue Russell, Matthew Conron, Zoe Wainer, Dr Roman Thomas Study design: Exploratory epidemiological geneticsВ study of FGFR1 mutation in non small cellВ lung cancer Primary Objective: To identify associations between somatic FGFR1 genetic lesions (gene amplifications / deletions / mutations and LOH) andВ clinical outcomes in patients with squamous cellВ carcinomaВ of the lung • Lung Adenocarcinoma Grading Project Principal investigators: Zoe Wainer, MatthewВ Conron, Gavin Wright, Richard Williams, Prue Russell Study design: Prospective histopathological analysis of lung adenocarcinoma Primary Objective: To correlate the grading ofВ lungВ adenocarcinoma with survival st vincent’s research report 2012 160 Respiratory Medicine • Early Integration of Palliative Care in Oncology (EIPCO) project. Principal investigators: Jenny Philip, Katie Doan, Matthew Conron, Shirley Carvosso, Di Saward, Odette Spruyt, Dishan Gunawardana, Brian Le andВ Linda Mileshkin Study design: Exploratory qualitive study Primary Objective: The aim of the sub-study was to explore health care professionals’ perceptions ofВ EIPCO for patients with incurable lung cancer. • Does EGFR gene copy number alterations predict EGFR mutation status? Principal investigators: Prue Russell, YongВ Yu, Hongdo Do, Timothy Clay, GavinВ Wright, MatthewВ Conron, Zoe Wainer, Melissa Moore, Richard Williams, Alexander Dobrovic, SueВ AnneВ McLachlan Study design: Pilot study Primary Objective: The aim of the project isВ toВ evaluate the utility of EGFR gene copy numberВ alterations using CISH as a screening toolВ for EGFRВ mutations • Sleep/wake patterns and neurocognitive function in doctors and medical students of an Australian tertiary hospital Principal investigators: Andrew Kyoong, NaghmehВ Radhakrishna, Stephen Bowden, KateВ Galloway, Cameron Stewart Study design: Observational study Primary objective: To evaluate sleep habits ofВ doctors and medical students and its effects onВ several domains of neurocognitive function • A Phase III Multi-centre, randomised, Parallel Group, Controlled, Double Blind Study to Investigate theВ Safety and Efficacy of Inhaled Mannitol over 12В Months in the Treatment of Bronchiectasis. Investigators: Dr David Hart, Dr Andrew Kyoong, Dr Matthew Conron, Mrs Sue Brenton, MsВ TamaraВ Matthews and Mr Cameron Stewart • A Phase III,В Randomised, Double-blind, PlaceboControlled Study Evaluating the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Two Fixed Dose Combinations ofВ Aclidinium Bromide/Formoterol Fumarate Compared With Aclidinium Bromide, Formoterol Fumarate and Placebo for 24 Weeks Treatment inВ Patients With Moderate to Severe, Stable ChronicВ Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (Sponsor: Forest) Study completed in December 2012 Quality Adenocarcinoma mutation analysis project Staff Dr David Hart, Director of Respiratory Medicine Respiratory Consultants: Dr Matthew Conron, DrВ Andrew Kyoong, Dr Piers Canty Sue Brenton, Senior Respiratory Scientist; Respiratory Scientists: Justin Pilmore, CameronВ Stewart, Monica Lammers, Respiratory Nurse Consultant: Maria Loder Study nurses: Tamara Matthews (0.4EFT), AliciaВ Redderhof (0.1EFT), Maria Garita (0.1 EFT) Service to the wider community Dr Matthew Conron • Scientific Advisory Committee BioGRID • Victorian Lung Cancer Registry SteeringВ Committee • Committee Victorian Branch Thoracic SocietyВ ofВ Australia and New Zealand Grants Kyoong A Sleep/ wake patterns and neurocognitive function in doctors and medical students of an Australian tertiary hospital, STV Research Endowment Fund $7,116 for 2012 Sponsor: Pharmaxis Pty Ltd Study completed October 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 161 Respiratory Medicine Collaborations in research Publications • TOWER EFC10531 A Multi-Centre Double-Blind Parallel-Group Placebo-Controlled Study Of The Efficacy AndВ Safety Of Teriflunomide In Patients WithВ Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis The Department performed respiratory functionВ testing for this study Journal articles • Early Integration of Palliative Care in Oncology (EIPCO) project. Principal investigators: Jenny Philip, Katie Doan, Matthew Conron, Shirley Carvosso, Di Saward, Odette Spruyt, Dishan Gunawardana, Brian Le and Linda Mileshkin • Victorian Cancer Agency – LungВ CancerВ ResearchВ Collaboration Principal investigator: Prof Neil Watkins, MonashВ University, Melbourne Primary Objective: To create a multi-centre annotated resource of blood and tissue from patients with resected early stage non-small cell lung cancer that will facilitate clinical andВ translational lung cancer research. Wainer Z, Daniels MG, Callahan J, Binns D, HicksВ RJ, Antippa P, Russell PA, Alam NZ, ConronВ M, Solomon B, Wright GM. Sex and SUVmax: Sex dependent prognostication in earlyВ Non Small Cell Lung Cancer. J Nucl Med. 2012В Sep 14. Conference publications Is early integration of palliative care for patients with incurable lung cancer acceptable to Australian healthcare professionals? Doan K; Le B; Philip J; Gunawardana D, Conron M, Spruyt O Saward D, Carvosso S, Mileshkin L Perceptions and attitudes to early integration of palliative care for patients with incurable lung cancer: results of a survey. Philip J; Doan K; Mileshkin L; Spruyt O,Conron M, Gunawardana D, Carvosso S, Saward D, Le B • Victorian Lung Cancer Registry Primary Objective: To create the state based registry of patients diagnosed with lung cancer toВ allow reporting of outcomes and delivery ofВ careВ to this patient population • University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences Sleep/wake patterns and neurocognitive function in doctors and medical students of an Australian tertiary hospital st vincent’s research report 2012 162 Rheumatology St Vincent’s Department of Rheumatology maintains a basic and clinical research program that focuses on translating new knowledge about rheumatology into effective treatment forВ patients with rheumatic diseases. About us Our research topics are rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis and systemic sclerosis. Research into osteoarthritis is a top priority which we pursue on both basic and clinical fronts. We specialise in animal models which allow us to identify new drug targets. A focus of this work is to understand how the Wnt pathway controls the responses of bone in this disease. The Unit participates in international phase-3 trials of anti-TNF therapy in early RA, head to head comparisons of biologic therapy and new JAK kinase inhibitors in RA. The focus of our work in systemic sclerosis is to establish a large cohort study of scleroderma from centres in Australia. We are investigating the risk factors for developing heart and lung complications in this serious disease. Our recent projects looked at X-ray predictors in Lung disease and new ways to screen for Pulmonary Hypertension using biomarkers. The best care depends at least as much upon excellent daily care given in specialized clinics or centres aimed at controlling all aspects of this complex disease as upon the choice of one drug over another. The National Scleroderma Registry and the Australian Scleroderma Cohort Study (ASCS) have enrolled over 1300 patients, with 25% being recruited from St Vincent’s. The study is hosted by St Vincent’s which hosts the database manager. The unit is also participating in two Phase III clinical trials and an international investigator-led observational study of early diffuse scleroderma. Major projects 1. Our study of a mouse knee osteoarthritis model has shown that subchondral bone remodelling and osteonecrosis of the bone are early and perhaps defining features of the disease. Osteocytes which regulate osteoblast function and express the Wnt regulatory molecules sclerostin, DKK-1 and SFRP-1, are deficient in this disease. 2. Our study of a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis shows that the cytokine oncostatin M, acting in concert with IL-1, regulates IL-6 expression. IL-6 antagonists and inhibitors of JAK/STAT signalling such as tocilizumab will be promising new therapies for rheumatoid arthritis. 3. Our study of 117 patients with connective tissue disease associated pulmonary hypertension showed that anticoagulation and combination therapy with PAH specific vasodilators were independent predictors of survival. Our findings suggest that anticoagulation and combination PAHВ therapy may improve survival in CTD-PAH. Quality 1. By evaluating the predictive ability of the serum biomarker N-Terminal pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide for detection of incident pulmonary arterial hypertension in systemic sclerosis (SScPAH), we derived a novel screening algorithm for SSc-PAH that incorporates NT-proBNP measurement and pulmonary function tests to replace echocardiography as the вЂ�first tier’ ofВ screening. 2. In a study of Lung disease in scleroderma we confirmed that extent of disease on CT scans isВ predictive of outcome in SSc-ILD. However, inВ follow-up of patients, pulmonary function tests are as reliable and less costly, without theВ associated radiation exposure. st vincent’s research report 2012 163 Rheumatology Staff A/Prof Evange Romas, Head of Department ofВ Rheumatology [No research EFT] Clinical A/Prof Laurie Clemens, Head of Clinical TrialsВ Group [No research EFT] Dr Wendy Stevens, Head of Scleroderma Clinic [0.1В EFT] Dr Keith Lim, Head of Osteoarthritis (OWL) ClinicВ [NoВ research EFT] Dr Nicole Walsh, Basic Rheumatology ResearchВ Unit, 1.0 EFT Dr Vivek Thakkar, PhD student, 1.0 EFT Dr Owen Moore, Research fellow, 1.0 EFT Dr Mandana Nikpour, Senior Lecturer, 0.8 EFT Ms Candice rabusa, Project Officer for ASIG, 1.0В EFT Ms Barbara Gemell, Research Nurse, 1.0 EFT Mary Sullivan, Research Nurse, 0.5 EFT Students Dr Vivek Thakkar, Doctor of Medical Science Service to the wider community A/Prof Evange Romas: • Chair, Australian Rheumatology Association Therapeutics Committee • Member, Australian Rheumatology Association Research Trust • Member, International Treat-to-Target Steering Committee • Reviewer for journals Arthritis & Rheumatism, Rheumatology, Journal of Immunology and Bone • NHMRC Grant reviewer Grants Nicole Walsh, Natalie Sims, Evange Romas Wnt Signalling in Experimental Osteoarthritis, NHMRC $540,000 for 2010–2012 ($175,000 in 2012) Mandana Nikpour Barbara Cameron Fellowship, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians and AustralianВ Rheumatology Association $95,000 for 2011–2012 ($45,000 in 2012) Wendy Stevens, Susanna Proudman, PeterВ Youssef, Mandana Nikpour on behalf ofВ theВ Australian Scleroderma Interest Group Australian Scleroderma Screening Program for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Actelion Pharmaceuticals $300,000 for 2010–2012 ($100,000 in 2012) Clemens L, Romas E Apremilast in psoriatric arthritis, Sanofi Aventis $25,000 for 2011–2012 ($12,000 in 2012) Romas E, Clemens L Study to Evaluate MTX + Certolizumab versus MTXВ + placebo in early RA, UCB $50,000 for 2012–2014 ($10,000 in 2012) Stevens W Novel biomarkers in the assessment of risk for the development of pulmonary arterial hypertension in systemic sclerosis., St Vincents Hospital Research Endowment Fund $20,000 for 2012 Thakkar, V Risk factors for Pulmonary Hypertension inВ scleroderma, NHMRC $82,144 for 2012–2013 ($41,072 in 2012) Stevens W, Nikpour M, Thakkar V DUAL study: Prospective, Randomized, Placebocontrolled, Double-blind, Multicenter, Parallel Group Study to Assess the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of macitentan in Patients With Ischemic Digital Ulcers Associated With Systemic Sclerosis, Actelion $10,000 in 2012 Stevens W, Prior D, Conron M, Thakkar V Griphon; A Multicenter, Double-blind, Placebocontrolled Phase 3 Study to Demonstrate the Efficacy and Safety of ACT-293987 in Patients WithВ Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Actelion $35,000 in 2012 Collaborations in research International • University of Massachusetts, Worcester, USA • University of Nantes, Nantes, France • Oxford University, United Kingdom • University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada st vincent’s research report 2012 164 Rheumatology National • Murdoch Institute, Melbourne • Prince Henry’s Institute, Melbourne • Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, WA • Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia • Monash Medical Centre, Clayton Vic • Royal Prince Alfred, Sydney, NSW • Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney NSW • Menzies Institute Hobart, Tasmania • St George Hospital Sydney NSW • Queen Elizabeth Adelaide, South Australia • John Hunter Newcastle, NSW • Canberra Hospital ACT • Sunshine Coast Rheumatology, Queensland Publications Journal articles McKelvie PA, Oon S, Romas E, Nandurkar H, Tam CS. Systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma associated with hyper-eosinophilia, granulomatous myositis and vasculitis. Leuk Lymphoma. 2012; 53(11):2279-82. Sims NA, Walsh NC. Intercellular cross-talk amongВ bone cells: new factors and pathways. CurrВ Osteoporos Reports. 2012;10(2):109–17. Thakkar V, Stevens W, Prior D, Moore O, et al. N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide in a novel screening algorithm for pulmonary arterial hypertension in systemic sclerosis: a case-control study. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2012; 14:R143. Moore O, Goh N, Corte T, Rouse H, Hennessy O, Byron J, Vivek Thakkar V, Sahhar J, Gabbay E, Roddy J, Youssef P, Nash P, Zochling J, ProudmanS, Stevens W, Nikpour M. Extent of Disease on HighResolution CT Lung is a Predictor of Decline and Mortality in Systemic Sclerosis-Related Interstitial Lung Disease. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2013;52 (1):155–60. Ngian GW, Sahhar J, Proudman SM, Stevens W, et al. Prevalence of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular risk factors in a national crosssectional cohort study of systemic sclerosis. AnnВ Rheum Dis 2012 Dec ;71(12):1980–3. Thakkar V, Moore O, Stevens W, Nikpour M. Managing Scleroderma: challenges in primary care.В Medicine Today 2012; 13(6): 35–42. Treatment of systemic sclerosis complications: what to use when first-line treatment fails- a consensus of systemic sclerosis experts. Walker KM, Pope J; participating members of the Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium (SCTC); Canadian Scleroderma Research Group (CSRG). Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2012 Aug;42(1):42–55. Tang C, Godfrey T, Stawell R, Nikpour M.Hydroxychloroquine in lupus: emerging evidence supporting multiple beneficial effects. Intern Med J. 2012 Jul 25. doi: 10.1111/j.1445– 5994.2012.02886.x. [Epub ahead of print] Conference publications Vivek Thakkar, Karen Patterson, WendyВ Stevens, Jillian Byron, Owen Moore, Janet Roddy, JaneВ Zochling, Joanne Sahhar, PeterВ Nash, KathleenВ Tymms, Peter Youssef, SusannaВ Proudman, Mandana Nikpour and Pravin Hissaria. Novel Biomarkers of Dysregulated Angiogenesis Are Not Specific to Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Systemic Sclerosis. Poster presentation 2nd Systemic Sclerosis WorldВ Congress, Madrid, Spain, February 2012. Internal Medicine Journal 2012; 42(suppl. 1):21. Vivek Thakkar, Karen Patterson, WendyВ Stevens, Jillian Byron, Owen Moore, Janet Roddy, JaneВ Zochling, Joanne Sahhar, PeterВ Nash, KathleenВ Tymms, Peter Youssef, SusannaВ Proudman, Pravin Hissaria and Mandana Nikpour. Serum ICAM-1 Levels are Related to the Presence of Interstitial Lung Disease in Systemic Sclerosis. Poster presentation 2nd Systemic Sclerosis WorldВ Congress, Madrid, Spain, February 2012. Internal Medicine Journal 2012; 42(suppl. 1):22. Ngian G, Stevens W, Prior D, Roddy J, et al. Predictors of Mortality in Connective Tissue DiseaseAssociated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: a cohort study. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2012 14:R213. st vincent’s research report 2012 165 Rheumatology Wendy Stevens, Vivek Thakkar, Owen Moore, Jillian Byron, Susanna Proudman, Jane Zochling, Janet Roddy Joanne Sahhar, Peter Nash, Peter Youssef, Gabor Major, Kathleen Tymms, Catherine Hill, Alan Sturgess, Leslie Schrieber and Mandana Nikpour. Lung disease is the major cause of death in the Australian Systemic Sclerosis Cohort study. Poster presentation 2nd Systemic Sclerosis World Congress, Madrid, Spain, February 2012. Speaking engagements Vivek Thakkar, Wendy Stevens, David Prior, JillianВ Byron, Karen Patterson, Pravin Hissaria, OwenВ Moore, Janet Roddy, Jane Zochling, JoanneВ Sahhar, Peter Nash, Kathleen Tymms, PeterВ Youssef, Susanna Proudman and MandanaВ Nikpour. N-Terminal pro-Brain NatriureticВ Peptide (NT-proBNP) Levels Predict Incident Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in SystemicВ Sclerosis (SSc). Poster presentation 2ndВ Systemic Sclerosis World Congress, Madrid, Spain, February 2012. Jac Charlesworth, Jim Stankovich, Patricia Lewis, Jillian Byron, Wendy Stevens, Joanne Sahhar, Susanna Proudman, Janet Roddy, Peter Nash, Kathleen Tymms, Matthew Brown, Jane Zochling. An immunochip based interrogation of scleroderma susceptibility variants. Oral presentation 2nd Systemic Sclerosis World Congress, Madrid, Spain,В February 2012. Owen Moore, Nicole Goh, Tamera Corte, HannahВ Rouse, Oliver Hennessy, Jillian Byron, Vivek Thakkar, Joanne Sahhar, Janet Roddy, PeterВ Youssef, Peter Nash, Jane Zochling, SusannaВ Proudman, Wendy Stevens and MandanaВ Nikpour. Extent of Lung Disease onВ High-Resolution CT Lung is a Predictor ofВ Mortality inВ Systemic Sclerosis-Related InterstitialВ Lung Disease. Oral presentation 2ndВ Systemic Sclerosis World Congress, Madrid,В Spain, February 2012. Owen Moore, Nicole Goh, Tamera Corte, HannahВ Rouse, Oliver Hennessy, Jillian Byron, Vivek Thakkar, Joanne Sahhar, Janet Roddy, PeterВ Youssef, Peter Nash, Jane Zochling, SusannaВ Proudman, Wendy Stevens and MandanaВ Nikpour. Identifying and Quantifying Prognostic Factors in Systemic Sclerosis-Related Interstitial Lung Disease Using a Time-Varying Covariate Survival Model. Oral presentation 2ndВ Systemic Sclerosis World Congress, Madrid, Spain, February 2012. st vincent’s research report 2012 166 University of Melbourne Department of Medicine The University of Melbourne Department of Medicine, St Vincent’s is a research-intensive department of the Melbourne Medical School. The Department has broad research interests which aim to develop solutions with direct clinical application. Through a strong research training program, the department trains the next generation of basic and clinical researchers. About us The Department has a wide breadth of research interests that span basic wet-lab science, health economics and clinical epidemiology, clinical trials that test efficacy of new drugs and life style modifications and extend into the area ofВ translational research. The latter has special emphasis given the location of the Department within a tertiary hospital that hosts several iconic clinical services. The core research foci have been on diabetes and its complications, kidney disorders, vascular disease, nutritional intervention, inflammation and thrombosis. In particular, the Department’s research activities within the Cardiovascular and Diabetes, Obesity andВ Endocrinology Research Domains haveВ achieved international recognition. New areas of activity include genetics ofВ leukaemia, inflammatory bowel disease and otherВ gastrointestinal disorders, clinical neurosciences, innate immunity and infectious diseases, as well asВ health services research. The Department of Medicine supports the hospital through teaching, clinical leadership and health policy development. Major projects Prof Darren Kelly and his research group have beenВ involved in several major research projects involving investigations into anti-fibrotic therapies forВ the treatment of heart and kidney failure, diabetes, hypertension and drug discovery. DiabetesВ is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease which can ultimately lead to premature death. The metabolic disturbances seen in diabetes can induce a state of inflammation and initiate scar tissue formation (fibrosis) in various organs of the body contributing to the decline in organ function, particularly in the heart and kidney. At present there is no effective treatment for the prevention of organ fibrosis seen in diabetic heart and kidney disease. Professor Kelly’s research teamВ is investigating the effect of novel antifibrogenic therapies in animal models of diabetes withВ heart and kidney disease similar to what isВ seenВ in human patients with diabetes. An exciting development from this research hasВ been the collaboration between Prof Kelly andВ his team and the Bio21 Institute, which hasВ ledВ to several patents being filed and licensed into a start up biotechnology company, Fibrotech Therapeutics. Prof Kelly and Fibrotech Therapeutics have developed a new drug to treat fibrosis in diabetic kidney disease (FT-11), and Phase 1 clinical trials inВ humans are expected to commence in 2013. The information gained from these studies will allow rapid translation of pre-clinical proof of concept data into clinical development for a new therapy for both diabetic kidney and heart disease. As part of a collaborative effort with the Austin andВ Royal Melbourne Hospitals, Prof Mark Cook led a team of researchers in successfully developing and testing a device implanted in the brain that may be able predict epileptic seizures in humans byВ picking up early warning signs. Results of the test, conducted in 15 people, were published in Lancet Neurology and funded by Neurovista. Such a device has significant implications not only in the day-to-day management of patients with epilepsy but potentially be a life-changer for those currently living with epilepsy. This groundbreaking study has garneredВ international media attention, with news outlets such as the BBC picking up the story. Prof Harshal Nandurkar and his research team wereВ involved in the following projects: • Eight different clinical trials investigating new andВ established drugs in different haematological malignancies. • Identification of a novel regulator of haemostasis, GRP78, which has strong anti-clotting activity in mouse models and can be expanded to human use. • Investigation of the basis of miscarriages in women with the autoimmune disorder lupus, with the hypothesis being the inactivation of anВ important protein in blood vessels that helps toВ control clotting and inflammation. st vincent’s research report 2012 167 University of Melbourne Department of Medicine • Identification of new genes associated with acute myeloid leukaemia through highly refined molecular biology techniques. Dr Christopher Plummer, Clinical Research Fellow Prof Michael Kamm and his research team haveВ been involved in the following projects: Dr Laima Brazionis, Teamsnet Program Director • Post Operative Crohn’s Endoscopic Recurrence (POCER) Study (ongoing) • Cancer Surveillance in Inflammatory BowelВ Disease (IBD) • Management of Fistulising Crohn’s DiseaseВ (ongoing) A/Prof Leslie Norman Jones, Principal ResearchВ Fellow Ms Robyn Suzanne Kelly, Research Assistant/ Histology Technologist Dr Amanda Jane Edgley, NHMRC ResearchВ Academic Dr Andre La Gerche, Overseas Clinical TrainingВ Fellow Ms Jodie Clair Horsburgh, Clinical Trials Co-ordinator • International Multicentre Trial in Recurrent AcuteВ Diverticulitis (ongoing) Prof Michael Kamm, Professorial Fellow • IPNIC Study, aimed at developing a tissue damage score for patients with Crohn’s disease Dr Christina Yan Ru Tan, Research Fellow • Ongoing work focussing on research into epidemiology, genetics, clinical aspects, andВ clinical trials in IBD in Asia. Ms Amy Louise Hamilton, Clinical Trials Coordinator Staff Dr Sven-Erik Bursell, Senior Research Fellow Dr Nicholas Rufaut, Senior Research Fellow Mr Simon Vogrin, Neuroimaging Data Analyst Dr Jake Sui, Research Fellow A/Prof David Norman O’Neal Dr Jacqueline Mary Walters-Bressan, ResearchВ Fellow Prof Mark James Cook, Chair Of Medicine A/Prof Alicia Jenkins A/Prof Andrew Michael Wilson, Principal Research Fellow, and Research Assistant NHMRC Miss Efrosinia Soula Krejany, Clinical Scientist Mrs Fatima Mary Sullivan, Research Nurse A/Prof Peter Anthony Foley Mr Peter Charles Tonoli, Information TechnologyВ Manager Ms Sylvia Glowacka, Laboratory Technician Dr Mandana Nikpour, Senior Research Fellow A/Prof David Lloyd Prior Miss Mariana Ines Pacheco, Animal Facility Manager Dr Yuan Zhang, Research Fellow Prof Harshal Hanumant Nandurkar Dr Marno Celeste Ryan, Research Fellow Prof Darren James Kelly Ms Alison Joy Cox, Research Assistant A/Prof Paul Vincent Desmond Students Benjamin Condon, Honours Student Karolina Novak, Honours Student Maria Soetjipto, Honours Student George Yang, Honours Student Georgina Cameron, Doctor of Medical ScienceВ Student Miss Jemma Clare Court, Animal House Technician Carmela Carputo, Doctor of Medical ScienceВ Student A/Prof Wendy Jude D’souza Timothy Clay, Doctor of Medical Science Student Dr Alvin Chong, Senior Lecturer Bianca DeVitt, Doctor of Medical Science Student Ms Amy Louise Wilson-O’Brien, Research Fellow Michael Dickinson, Doctor of Medical ScienceВ Student Dr Alexander James Thompson, Neil Hamilton Fairley Research Fellow Thai Hong, Doctor of Medical Science Student st vincent’s research report 2012 168 University of Melbourne Department of Medicine Sybil McAuley, Doctor of Medical Science Student Siew-Min Gan, PhD Student Stuart Murch, Doctor of Medical Science Student Chen Gao, PhD Student Olga Niewiadomski, Doctor of Medical ScienceВ Student Nicolas Hoch, PhD Student Sonny Palmer, Doctor of Medical Science Student Allison Irvin, PhD Student Corrie Studd, Doctor of Medical Science Student Gaurang Jhala, PhD Student Helen Sweeting, Doctor of Medical Science Student Matthew Jenkins, PhD Student Vivek Thakkar, Doctor of Medical science Student Chacko Joseph, PhD Student Niranjan Arachchi, MD Student Sarah Kamel, PhD Student Catherine Croagh, MD Student Fay Khong, PhD Student Hope Dinh, MD Student Hansoo Kim, PhD Student Thuy Dinh, MD Student Suang Suang Koid, PhD Student Despina Handolias, MD Student Matthew Ku, PhD Student Kenneth Khamly, MD Student Jamie Layland, PhD Student Tin Nguyen, MD Student Heather Lane, PhD Student Valerie Tay, MD Student Xianning Lai, PhD Student Shireene Vethakkan, MD Student Xianzhong Lau, PhD Student Lorraine Godfrey, Master of Science (Research)В Student Brian Liddicoat, PhD Student Mansi Patel, Master of Medicine Student Stephanie Tan, Master of Medicine Student John Garlick, MPhil (Medicine) Student Hector Damian Hernandez De Santiago, MPhilВ (Medicine) Student Jacinta Holmes, PhD Student Jasmine Lyons, PhD Student Ben Ma, PhD Student Kevin Mittelstaedt, PhD Student David Moses, PhD Student Alvin Jin Ming Ng, PhD Student Niyati Sharma, MPhil (Medicine) Student Hayley O’Neill, PhD Student Azar Asgari, PhD Student Vimukthi Pathiraja, PhD Student Michelle Ashton, PhD Student Illana Prideaux, PhD Student Rachel Blake, PhD Student Hong Sheng Quah, PhD Student Shreya Bhattacharya, PhD Student Siddarth Rajakumar, PhD Student Maria Brosnan, PhD Student Mahsa Rashidi, PhD Student Dennis Carney, PhD Student Veena Roberts, PhD Student Jonathan Chee, PhD Student Siti Nur Ain Roesley, PhD Student SweeLin Chen, PhD Student Anushka Samudra, PhD Student Joanne Chia, PhD Student Anup Sharma, PhD Student Ling Yeong Chia, PhD Student Udaya Seneviratne, PhD Student Edward Po-Fan Chu, PhD Student Timothy Smith, PhD Student Jennifer Coller, PhD Student Farzin Takyar, PhD Student Peter de Cruz, PhD Student Michael Tan, PhD Student Sherine M Fernando, PhD Student Julian Wai-Kit Tang, PhD Student st vincent’s research report 2012 169 University of Melbourne Department of Medicine Prerak Trivedi, PhD Student Jane Varney, PhD Student Mark Waddingham, PhD Student Jibran Wali, PhD Student • Member, ASN/ FDA Kidney Health InitiativeВ Advisory Group • Member, RMIT Pharmaceutical Sciences ProgramВ Advisory Committee Anosha Yazdabadi, PhD Student • Member, Faculty of the Australasian ReninВ Academy Theses passed in 2012 Dr Amanda Edgley Kathryn Cimdins, PhD, University of Melbourne • Member, Animal Ethics Committee, StВ Vincent’sВ Hospital Vanessa Cheung, PhD, University of Melbourne Hayden Eastwood, PhD, University of Melbourne Professor Harshal Nandurkar Chatura Jayasekara, Doctor of Medical Science, University of Melbourne • Chair, St Vincent’s Alumni Committee Saar Gill, PhD, University of Melbourne Sabine Jurado, PhD, University of Melbourne Eddy Kwong-Fei Lee, PhD, University of Melbourne Alice Schofield, PhD, University of Melbourne • Member, Board of the St. Vincent’s Foundation • Member, Senior Medical Staff Executive Council, St Vincent’s Hospital • Chair, Quality Improvement Presentations, StВ Vincent’s Hospital Shanna Tam, PhD, University of Melbourne • Member, Research Training Committee, EasternВ Hill Academic Centre, UniversityofВ Melbourne Service to the wider community • Member, University of Melbourne St Vincent’s Academic Centre Executive Committee Prof Mark Cook • Member, Cancer Executive Council • Associate Editor, Epilepsia • Member, Pathology Executive Council • Chairman, Animal Ethics Committee, StВ Vincent’sВ Hospital • Chair, VTE Committee Christina Yan-Ru Tan, PhD, University of Melbourne • Member, Board of the St Vincent’s Foundation • Member, Board of the O’Brien Institute • President, Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria Prof Darren Kelly • Director and CEO of Fibrotech Theraputics • Director, Research Training Committee, EasternВ Hill Academic Centre, UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne • Member, Faculty of Medicine Post Graduate Committee, University of Melbourne • Secretary, Australian Society of Haemostasis andВ Thrombosis Professor Michael Kamm • Chair, Working group on cancer surveillance inВ Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Australian Cancer Network and NHMRC Associate Professor Andrew Wilson • Convenor, Bio 21 Victorian Clinical ResearchВ Network Forum • Member, Program Committee, CRX 2010 • Member, Faculty of Medicine Commercialisation Committee, University of Melbourne • Chair, Expert Advisory Group onВ Accreditation,В RACP • Subject Editor, Board of Nephrology • Chair, Accreditation Subcommittee, RACP • Member, Scientific Programming andВ EducationВ Committee, ANZSN • Member, Adult Medicine Division EducationВ Committee, RACP st vincent’s research report 2012 170 University of Melbourne Department of Medicine Associate Professor Alicia Jenkins • Speaker to community audiences regarding TypeВ 1 diabetes • Board Member of Insulin For Life that provides diabetes supplies to over 30 developing countriesВ Australian Diabetes Society CouncillorВ and Treasurer • Member of Committees for Diabetes EmergencyВ Response • Type 1 diabetes clinical communication andВ technology use • Member of Expert Advisory Panel forВ NHMRCВ Type 1 diabetes guidelines • Member of the Victorian insulin pump advisoryВ group • Member of several community based Type1В diabetes groups such as HypoActive • Member of group to develop Lipid Guidelines inВ Diabetes Dr David O’Neal • Member of group to develop Lipid Guidelines inВ Diabetes • Member of the Victorian insulin pump advisory GRANTS and/or RESEARCH INCOME Best JD Ccre In Clinical Science In Diabetes – 454461 – BestВ 2007, NHMRC $1,844,600 for 2007–2012 D’apice AJF Which Transgenic Pig Will Be Used For Islet Transplantation In Humans? NHMRC $3,026,134 for 2007–2013 Cowan PJ Preclinical Studies In Xenotransplanation, NHMRC $1,204,895 for 2009–2012 Thompson AJA Genetic determinants of clinical outcome and treatment response in chronic hepatitis C, NHMRC $369,391 for 2009–2012 Kelly DJ NHMRC Research Fellowship 2009 – Kelly, NHMRC $572,467 for 2009–2013 Broadhead M Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) - how can this protein be used to treat bone cancer? NHMRC $116,673 for 2009–2012 Kim H Epidemiological and economic modelling ofВ diabetesВ and its complications in the contemporary Australian setting, NHMRC $85,827 for 2009–2013 De Cruz P Medical Postgraduate Scholarship: Post-Operative Crohn’s Disease: Cause And Prevention, NHMRC $116,693 for 2009–2012 Devitt B An examination of the dynamics and processesВ ofВ multidisciplinary cancer meetings,В VicВ Cancer Agency $58,064 for 2009–2013 D’souza WJ Common Susceptibility Genes Underlying TheВ Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies (Ige)? AВ Genome-Wide Scanning Approach, NHMRC $208,861 for 2009–2013 Michael M Novel methods to predict the pharmacology andВ effect of anticancer drugs, NHMRC $804,813 for 2010–2013 Kamm M Practitioner Fellowship – Prof Michael Kamm, NHMRC $529,132 for 2010–2014 Prince HM Identifying And Targeting Myeloma Stem Cells In AВ Novel Mouse Model And In Humans, Aust Rotary Health Research Fund $180,000 for 2009–2012 Kemp BE Systems Therapeutics for Metabolism: AMPK Isoform Specific Drugs, Aust Research Council $368,242 for 2010–2012 Fernando M Invasive growth of basal cell skin cancer: insights from a molecular comparison with hair growth, NHMRC $107,750 for 2010–2013 st vincent’s research report 2012 171 University of Melbourne Department of Medicine Cook MJ Advanced Polymer Systems For The Delivery OfВ Anti-Epileptic Drugs To The Cns, NHMRC $376,008 for 2010–2013 Mcarthur G Understanding Inhibition of BRAF in Melanoma, NHMRC $484,746 for 2011–2013 Kelly DJ Preclinical development of a novel compound toВ treat diabetic heart disease, NHMRC $488,392 for 2011–2013 Murch S Novel biomarkers of cardiovascular risk: focus onВ nitric oxide biology and plaque assessment, Pfizer Aust Pty Ltd $50,000 for 2010–2012 Cook MJ Pinpointing the cause of epilepsy in the brain, NHMRC $528,652 for 2012–2014 Badawy RABR Cortical Excitability And Epilepsy, NHMRC $359,905 for 2012–2017 Nikpour M Prevalence, correlates and variability over time of cardiovascular risk factors in rheumatoid arthritis, Royal Aust College Of Physicians $50,000 for 2010–2012 Nikpour M Risk factors for the development of pulmonary arterial hypertension in systemic sclerosis: a prospective cohort study, Pfizer Aust Pty Ltd $45,000 for 2012–2014 Layland J Physiology Of Acute Coronary Syndromes: FocusВ On Microvascular Dysfunction, NHMRC $93,765 for 2011–2013 Thompson AJA Immunology of IL28B variation in patients with chronic hepatitis C, University Of Melbourne $40,000 for 2012–2012 Chew G Cellular, Molecular And Genetic Aspects OfВ HighВ Mammographic Density, NHMRC $115,122 for 2011–2014 Ryan MC Ryan – Career Interruption Fellowship 2012, University Of Melbourne $65,000 for 2012–2012 Brosnan M The Effect Of Exercise Training On Cardiac Structure, Function And The Electrocardiogram In Indigenous And Non-Indigenous Elite Australian Athletes, NHMRC $124,668 for 2011–2014 Mcauley S Insulin Pump Therapy In Type 1 Diabetes: Vascular Health And Basal Insulin Kinetics, Royal Aust College Of Physicians $50,000 for 2012–2013 Roberts V Targeted delivery of CD39 Protects Against Ischemia Reperfusion Injury, Royal Aust College Of Physicians $30,000 for 2011–2012 Nandurkar HHt Study of new mechanisms that control bloodВ clotting, National Heart Foundation $129,000 for 2011–2013 Bursell SE Telehealth Facilitation Of Diabetes And Cardiovascular Care In Australia, NHMRC $1,234,959 for 2011–2014 Cook MJ Pinpointing the cause of epilepsy in the brain, NHMRC $113,698 for 2012–2014 Kamel S Characterisation of GRP78 as a Novel Regulator of Haemostasis and Thrombosis, Royal College OfВ Pathologists Of Australasia $50,000 for 2011–2013 Holmes J Studies of the immunological determinants ofВ theВ relationship between IL28B genotypic variants,В Gastroenterological Society Of Australia $112,587 for 2012–2015 st vincent’s research report 2012 172 University of Melbourne Department of Medicine Conaglen P Investigation Of Insulin Resistance InВ HeartВ SurgeryВ Patients, NHMRC $73,072 for 2012–2014 Chen SL HOST IL28B Genotype & Patterns Of Interferon Stimulated Gene Expression In Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C, Gastroenterological Society OfВ Australia $112,587 for 2012–2015 Collaborations in research International • University of Eastern Finland, Savonlinna, Finland • University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK • California Polytechnic State University, CaliforniaВ USA • Akershus University College, Oslo, Norway • University of Oklahoma, Medical University ofВ South Carolina Ku M Identification and analysis of novel oncogenic mechanism in deletion 20q Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, Haematology Society Of Australia AndВ New Zealand $50,000 for 2012–2013 • University of Missouri Dwyer, K Role Of Purines In Renal And Transplant Injury, NHMRC $215,003 for 2012–2014 • USA Shire – multicentre international studyВ onВ diverticular disease Wilson AM The Role Of The DDAH/ADMA/NOS Pathway InВ Insulin Resistance And Endothelial Biology, National Heart Foundation $102,010 for 2012–2014 Scott AT Measuring, Assessing And Explaining HospitalВ Performance, NHMRC $229,000 for 2010–2014 Jenkins A Digital Retinal Camera Purchase, Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation Ltd $20,000 for 2012–2012 Grossmann M Testosterone For The Prevention Of Diabetes Mellitus In High Risk Men: A Randomised Trial, NHMRC $391,742 for 2012–2016 Scott AT Measuring, Assessing And Explaining HospitalВ Performance, NHMRC $79,000 for 2010–2014 • University of Oslo • University of Hawaii • St Mark’s Hospital, London, UK • St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada • Hong Kong – Professor Joseph Sung, President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Assistant Professor Siew Ng at the Prince of Wales Hospital and Chinese University ofВ HongВ Kong • China – Professor Bing Xia at Zhongnan HospitalВ in Wuhan • China – Professor Qin Ouyang in Chengdu. • China – Professor Liping Zhao atJiaoВ TongUniversity in Shanghai • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston,В USA • University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada • MD Anderson Centre, University of Texas, USA National • University of Sydney • University of Adelaide • University of Western Australia • University of Canberra • Deakin University • Monash University • Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute atВ AliceВ Springs • University of Western Australia, Perth, WA • University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA st vincent’s research report 2012 173 University of Melbourne Department of Medicine • Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, NT • Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Prahran,В VIC • Centre for Eye Research Australia, University ofВ Melbourne, East Melbourne, VIC • Centre for MEGA Epidemiology, University ofВ Melbourne, VIC • The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, VIC • St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research, VIC • Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, AlfredВ Hospital, Monash University, VIC • Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Monash University, VIC • Post Operative Crohn’sВ Endoscopic Recurrence (POCER) study – 22 hospitals in Australia and Christchurch Hospital, New Zealand • CSIRO–Molecular Health technologies, Parkville,В VIC • MurdochВ Children’s Research Institute – DrВ CarlВ Kirkwood • Department of Nephrology, St Vincent’s Hospital • Department of Immunology, MonashВ University,В VIC • Department of Physiology, Monash University, VIC • Victorian Life Sciences Computing Initiative (VLSCI), Melbourne • Australian Synchrotron, VIC Publications Book chapters Jackson GD, Badawy R & Gotman J. 2012. 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Phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase activity in B Cells is negatively regulated by Lyn tyrosine kinase. Immunology and Cell Biology. 90В (9);В 903–911. Yazdabadi A, Whiting, Rufaut NW & Sinclair RD. 2012. Miniaturized hairs maintain contact with theВ arrector pili muscle in alopecia areata but notВ inВ androgenetic alopecia: a model for reversible miniaturization and potential for hair regrowth. International Journal of Trichology. 4 (3); 154–157. Yuen DA, Stead BE, Zhang Y, White KE, Kabir MG, Thai K, Advani SL, Connelly KA, Takano T, Zhu L, Cox AJ, Kelly DJ, Gibson IW, Takahashi T, Harris RC & Advani A. 2012. eNOS Deficiency Predisposes Podocytes to Injury in Diabetes. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 23 (11); 1810– 1823. Yu, Hanssen, Kalyanaraman, Chirindel, JenkinsВ A, Nankervis, Torjesen, Scholz, Henriksen, Garg & Lorentzen . 2012. Reduced soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products (sRAGE) scavenger capacity precedes pre-eclampsia in TypeВ 1 Diabetes. 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Zimmet H, Porapakkham P, Sata Y, Haas SJ, ItescuВ S, Forbes A & Krum H. 2012. Shortand long-term outcomes of intracoronary and endogenously mobilized bone marrow stem cells inВ the treatment of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a meta-analysis of randomized control trials. European Journal of Heart Failure. 14 (1); 91–105. Zurbig, Jerums, Hovind, Macisaac RJ, Mischak, Nielsen, Panagiotopoulos, Persson & Rossing . 2012. Urinary Proteomics for Early Diagnosis inВ Diabetic Nephropathy. Diabetes. 61 (12); 3304–3313. Journal Articles Unrefereed Criscitiello, Metzger-Fiho, Saini, De Castro, Diaz &В La Gerche A. 2012. Targeted therapies in breast cancer: are heart and vessels also being targeted? Breast Cancer Research. 14 (3); 209. Holmes J, Desmond PV & Thompson AJ. 2012. Does IL28B genotyping still have a role in the era ofВ direct-acting antiviral therapy for chronic hepatitis C infection? Journal of Viral Hepatitis. 19 (10); 677–684. Jayasekera, Desmond PV, Holmes, Kitson & Taylor. 2012. Cluster of 4 cases of esophageal squamous cell cancer developing in adults with surgically corrected esophageal atresia – time for screening to start. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 47 (4); 646–651. Nikpour M, Harvey PJ, Ibanez D, Gladman DD & Urowitz MB. 2012. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein as a marker of cardiovascular risk in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 64 (9); 3052–3053. Thakkar, Stevens, Prior DL, Moore, Byron, Liew &В Nikpour M. 2012. N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide in a novel screening algorithm for pulmonary arterial hypertension in systemic sclerosis: a case-control study. Arthritis Research & Therapy. 14В (3);В R143. Thompson AJ & Mchutchison . 2012. Will IL28B Polymorphism Remain Relevant in the Era of Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents for Hepatitis C Virus? Hepatology. 56 (1); 373–381. Zalcberg JR & Desai J. 2012. Dose optimization ofВ tyrosine kinase inhibitors to improve outcomes inВ GIST. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology. 8В (1); 43–52. Journal Articles Unrefereed Letters or Notes Hofman MSH. 2012. Special delivery: gettingВ radiation to the target in diffuse large B-cellВ lymphoma. Leukemia and Lymphoma. 53В (5);В 751–753. Martin TJ. 2012. Iain MacIntyre. 30 August 1924 — 18 September 2008. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. 58; 179–201.(Not Final) Nath AK, Timshina DK, Thappa DM & Sinclair R. 2012. Demodex in an aerobic environment on the eyelashes. Australasian Journal of Dermatology. 53В (2); 159–160. Papp KA, Reid C, Foley P, Sinclair R, SalingerВ DH, Wil, Dong H, Krueger JG, Russell CB & Mar. 2012. Anti-IL-17 Receptor Antibody AMG 827 Leads to Rapid Clinical Response in Subjects with Moderate to Severe Psoriasis: Results from a Phase I, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 132 (10); 2466–2469. Yip LW, Zaloumis S, Irwin D, Severi G, HopperВ JL, Giles GG, Harrap S, Sinclair R & Ellis J. 2012. Association analysis of oestrogen receptor beta gene (ESR2) polymorphisms with female pattern hairВ loss. British Journal of Dermatology. 166 (5); 1131–1134. Zalcberg JR. 2012. Comparative effectiveness research – a proposal for a new NHMRC funding stream. Medical Journal of Australia. 196 (1); 22–23. st vincent’s research report 2012 186 University of Melbourne Department of Medicine Other Refereed Contribution toВ RefereedВ Journals Bursell SE, Brazionis L & Jenkins A. 2012. Telemedicine and ocular health in diabetes mellitus.В Clinical and Experimental Optometry. 95В (3);В 311–327. Campbell DJ. 2012. Vaccination Against High Blood Pressure. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 18 (7); 1005–1010. Chia J, Mcrae L, Cowan PJ & Dwyer KM. 2012. The CD39-Adenosinergic Axis in the Pathogenesis of Immune and Nonimmune Diabetes. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. 2012 (2012); 320495. Coventry BJ & Ashdown ML. 2012. Complete clinical responses to cancer therapy caused byВ multiple divergent approaches: a repeating theme lost in translation. Cancer Management andВ Research. 4 (1); 137–149. De Cruz P, Kamm M, Prideaux I, Allen & Desmond PV. 2012. Postoperative Recurrent Luminal Crohn’s Disease: A systematic Review. Clinical Reviews inВ Allergy & Immunology. 18 (4); 758–777. Edgley AJ, Krum & Kelly DJ. 2012. Targeting Fibrosis for the Treatment of Heart Failure:В A Role for Transforming Growth Factor-ОІ. Cardiovascular Therapeutics. 30 (1); e30–e40. Flanagan D, Fisher T, Murray MJ, Visvanathan R, Charlton K, Thesing C, Quigley G & Walther K. 2012. Managing undernutrition in the elderly Prevention is better than cure. Australian Family Physician. 41 (9); 695–699. Fransen M, Karahalios A, Sharma N, English D, GilesВ G & Sinclair RD. 2012. Non-melanoma skin cancer in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia. 197В (10); 565–568. Hawley SA, Fullerton MD, Ross FA, SchertzerВ JD, Chevtzoff C, Wal, Peggie MW, Zibrova D, GreenВ KA,В Mustard KJ, Kemp BE, Sakamoto K, Steinberg G & Hardie DG. 2012. The Ancient DrugВ Salicylate Directly Activates AMP-Activated Protein Kinase. Science. 336 (6083); 918–922. Heidbuchel, Prior DL & La Gerche A. 2012. Ventricular arrhythmias associated with long-term endurance sports: what is the evidence? British Journal of Sports Medicine. 46 (Suppl.1); i44–i50. Hicks RJ & Hofman MS. 2012. Is there still a role forВ SPECT-CT in oncology in the PET-CT era? Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. 9; 712–720. Hofman MS & Hicks RJ. 2012. Changing Paradigms with Molecular Imaging of Neuroendocrine Tumors. Discovery Medicine: discovery class of medicine, research technology, and tools. 14 (74); 71–81. Januszewski AS, Karschimkus C, Davis KE, O’NealВ DN, Ward GM & Jenkins A. 2012. PlasmaВ 1,5 anhydroglucitol levels, a measure ofВ short-term glycaemia: Assay assessment andВ lower levels in diabetic vs. non-diabetic subjects.В Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 95В (1); e17–e19. Jelinek GA. 2012. The developing challenge of clinical longevity. Emergency Medicine Australasia. 24 (2); 201–202. Jolliffe & Sinclair RD. 2012. Excision biopsy in aВ patient with suspected local anaesthetic allergy: use of 0.9% saline with benzyl alcohol as local anaesthesia. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. 37 (8); 862–864. Lekawanvijit, Kompa A, Wang, Kelly DJ & Krum H. 2012. Cardiorenal Syndrome: The Emerging Role of Protein-Bound Uremic Toxins. Circulation Research. 111 (11); 1470–1483. Maple LJ, Hughes JT, Lawton P, Jones G, EllisВ AG, Drabsch K, Brown A, Cass A, Hoy WE, MacisaacВ RJ, O’Dea K & Jerums G. 2012. AccurateВ Assessment of Kidney Function in Indigenous Australians: the Estimated GFR Study. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 60 (4); 680–682. Mclachlan S-A, Clements A & Austoker J. 2012. Patients’ experiences and reported barriers to colonoscopy in the screening context-A systematic review of the literature. Patient Education and Counseling. 86 (2); 137–146. Morrisroe K, Sim I, Mclachlan KA & Inder WJ. 2012.В Carcinoid crisis induced by repeated abdominal examination. Internal Medicine Journal. 42В (3); 342–344. st vincent’s research report 2012 187 University of Melbourne Department of Medicine Ng SC, Tsoi KKF, Kamm MA, Xia B, Wu J, ChanВ FKL, Sung JJY. 2012. Genetics of inflammatoryВ bowel disease in Asia: Systematic reviewВ and meta-analysis. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 18 (6); 1164–1176. Noll JE, Williams SA, Purton LE & Zannettino ACW. 2012. Tug of war in the haematopoietic stem cell niche: do myeloma plasma cells compete for theВ HSC niche? Blood Cancer Journal. 2; e91. Oakhill JS, Scott JW & Kemp BE. 2012. AMPK functions as an adenylate charge-regulated protein kinase. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism. 23В (3); 125–132. Peel T, Buising KL & Choong PFM. 2012. DiagnosisВ and management of prosthetic joint infection. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases. 25В (6); 670–676. Philip J, Lowe AJ, Gold M, Brand C, Miller B, Douglass J & Sundararajan V. 2012. Palliative care for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: exploring the landscape. Internal Medicine Journal. 42 (9); 1053–1057. Prideaux L, De Cruz P, Ng SC, Kamm MA. 2012. Serological antibodies in inflammatory bowel disease: A systematic review. Inflammatory BowelВ Diseases. 18 (7); 1340–1355. Ramot, Sinclair RD & Zlotogorski . 2012. Regrowth ofВ black hair in two red-haired alopecia areata patients. Australasian Journal of Dermatology. 53В (4);В e91–e92. Tang C, Godfrey T, Stawell R & Nikpour M. 2012. Hydroxychloroquine in lupus: emerging evidence supporting multiple beneficial effects. Internal Medicine Journal. 42 (9); 968–978.(Not Final) Vethakkan R, Walters-Bressan JM, Gooley JL, Boston C, Kay TW, Goodman DJ, Jenkins A & WardВ GM. 2012. Normalized NEFA Dynamics DuringВ an OGTT After Islet Transplantation. Transplantation. 94 (7); E49–E51. Vu T, Varadarajan S, Seeman E, Jerums G & Macisaac RJ. 2012. Hypocalcemia induced by raloxifene. Current Drug Safety. 7 (2); 176–178. Wall M, Rayeroux KC, Mackinnon RN, Zordan A & Campbell LJ. 2012. ETV6 deletion is a common additional abnormality in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes or acute myeloid leukemia and monosomy 7 (letter). Haematologica. 97 (12); 1933–1936. Full Written Papers Refereed Kompa A, Kelly DJ & Krum H. 2012. Cardiorenal syndrome: Pathophysiology, preclinical models, management and potential role of uraemic toxins. In Liu, Lekawanvijit & Wang H(eds), Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology. 39 (8):В 692–700. Australia: Blackwell Publishing Asia. Lu J, Kazmierczak EA, Manton JH & Sinclair RD. 2012. Automatic scoring of erythema and scaling severity in psoriasis diagnosis. Proceedings ofВ theВ 25th Australasian Joint Conference onВ ArtificialВ Intelligence. 73–84. New York, UnitedВ States: Springer. Rye K-A & Barter PJ. 2012. Predictive value ofВ different HDL particles for the protection againstВ or risk of coronary heart disease. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Molecular and Cell biology ofВ Lipids. 1821 (3); 473–480. Sinclair R. 2012. Winding the clock back on female androgenetic alopecia. British Journal ofВ Dermatology. 166 (6); 1157–1158. Stagg J, Thompson LF & Dwyer KM. 2012. Ectonucleotidases in Cancer and Inflammation. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. 2012;В 951423. Tam CS & Gandhi . 2012. Modifying the immune system to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia and Lymphoma. 53 (2); 177–178. st vincent’s research report 2012 188 University of Melbourne department of surgery The mission of the Department of Surgery is to promote and foster surgery within the StВ Vincent’s Hospital campus and the University of Melbourne. To achieve this, the Department of Surgery focuses on four main areas namely, Research and Research Training, Teaching and Career Development, Clinical Leadership and Strategic Health Services Policy and Practice. ABOUT US The University of Melbourne Department of Surgery undertakes basic, translational, and clinical research across a range of specialties. Basic and translational research focuses on the areas of osteosarcoma and breast cancer, while clinical cancer research is conducted in the many surgical units affiliated with the Department of Surgery, including orthopaedics, vascular, ENT, thoracic, colorectal and upper GI, urology, head and neck, breast and endocrine, plastic and reconstructive, and neurosurgery. Clinical cancer research is driven by our commitment to multidisciplinary cancer care and is strongly supported by St Vincent’s Hospital participation andВ leadership in the various tumour streams. Professor Peter Choong heads an internationally recognized translational research program that focuses on (1) improving health outcomes for patients undergoing joint replacement surgery, (2) the regulation of osteosarcoma growth, invasion and metastasis and (3) developing novel ways to reconstruct partial or complete limb loss from tumour, trauma or degeneration. Arthritis care: Our research explores factors that affect health and economic outcomes and patient satisfaction following arthritis surgery. These include patient, procedural, prosthetic and perioperative factors. A database of over 8,500 joint replacements underpins our research and this information informs our programs of research. Our research into arthritis surgery is critical for ensuring the best outcomes forВ patients and that policies and practice are evidence-based. Musculoskeletal tumours: Using advanced imaging techniques, we are investigating the ways that bone tumours grow and spread, and how they can be treated with novel approaches. The mechanisms we are studying include cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, the role of quantum dots in tracking interactions, and the use of megavoltage radiotherapy derived from the Australian Synchrotron. Advanced limb reconstruction: Capitalising on advances in polymer science, nanotechnology and manufacturing, our research is studying how specially fabricated materials can be used to replace bone and soft tissues after tumour resection. These new approaches are looking to develop functional units of artificial muscles, structural devices from additive manufacturing (3-D printing, selective laser melting) and tissue using regenerative and cellular engineering techniques. In collaboration with St Vincent’s Hospital Department of Orthopaedics and the Centre for Population Health in St Vincent’s Hospital Department of Medicine, the St Vincent’s Joint Replacement Registry underpins research into factors that influence outcomes after joint replacement, including a better understanding of the economics of joint replacement. In addition, collaborations have been established with the StВ Vincent’s Mental Health Unit/University of Melbourne Department of Psychiatry to assess the psychosocial aspects of joint replacement, surgery and obesity. Professor Erik Thompson heads an internationally recognized research program into aspects of breast cancer invasion and metastasis, with particular focus on epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity (EMP), mammographic density (MD), matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and bone metastasis (BM). Professor Michael Henderson works closely with Professor Thompson on several of these areas and also performs clinical research into the surgical management of breast cancer. Through the closely allied O’Brien Institute, extensive research has been undertaken to develop innovative microsurgical techniques in tissue transplantation and to improve the outcome following tissue transfers for elective and trauma surgery. Professor Wayne Morrison and his teams are driving a programme that studies the process of angiogenesis and tissue regeneration utilising their murine bioengineering chamber to better understand the regulation of successful tissue engineering. st vincent’s research report 2012 189 University of Melbourne department of surgery HIGHLIGHTS Professor Peter Choong Our research into arthritis has identified that obesity and psychological distress are emerging as highly important but modifiable risk factors for sub-optimal outcome following total joint replacement. Our research has led to 2 world first collaborative studies commencing in 2012 that are assessing the potential to improve outcomes in these groups. • The Arthroplasty and Bariatric Surgery Study: Knee replacement is a common surgical procedure in Australia (46,000 per year). More than 60% of this group are obese and this is associated with higher early (clinical) and long term (implant) survival complications. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) is an effective and safe means of achieving sustained weight loss. This study compares the outcomes of total knee replacement in groups of severely obese patients who have and have not undergone preknee replacement LAGB. • Mindfulness, cognitive processes and coping in chronic illness: insights from a study of joint replacement surgery: This study investigates whether participation in a mental health enhancement program (mindfulness) with will improve the recovery of patients undergoing total joint replacement. This will benefit patients by promoting psychological well-being which has direct effects on pain and physical function after surgery. • Our research into musculoskeletal tumours has been selected as one of the key areas for research at the Australian Synchrotron. This collaboration will allow us to undertake research that utilises the power of the synchrotron to provide highresolution images of tumours and the way in which they may interact with bone. Specially focused beams of radiation are also being used to test new ways of treating bone tumours that may not be able to be removed by surgery alone. • Investigation of the tumour-to-bone interface in osteosarcoma. Work performed on Imaging and Medical Beamline: Project IM5234; Beam time 23-26 Nov 2012. Osteosarcomas are invasive tumours that infiltrate and destroy bone causing high morbidity for patients. A key aim of this study has been to improve imaging of the tumour and the tumour-to-bone interface. This beam time on the IMBL has produced high resolution 3-dimensional images of primary tumour to clearly depict how the tumour cells interact with the bone and with excellent definition of the lytic effects on bone. This information is being used for design of a study in which microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) will be tested at the Australian Synchrotron for the treatment of aggressive sarcoma tumours. • Quantum dots: Novel fluorescent probes shed light on bone disease and tumour progression. In this project, novel coupling chemistry is being used to label a ligand, calcitonin that binds the calcitonin receptor present on bone lytic cells called osteoclasts. Calcitonin is a regulatory hormone that mediates bone formation and this capacity to label these highly active cells in bone will provide information on the physiological role of CT as well as enable the вЂ�tracking’ of these important cells in our in vitro and in vivo experiments when studying tumours of bone and other bone diseases. Our research into advanced limb reconstruction has seen the development of a national collaboration between St. Vincent’s Hospital, University of Melbourne, University of Wollongong, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and the Queensland University of Technology. This capitalises on specialised capabilities from the fields of polymer research, advanced materials manufacturing, tissue engineering and surgery. Research projects include the regeneration of cartilage using stem cell techniques on specially designed structures, studying how nerves can be stimulated to grow and attach to artificial surfaces, the development of metallic structures from advanced manufacturing techniques to fill bone defects and the role of electrochemical polymers as materials to mimic the action of muscles. These studies form one of the many facets of bioengineering research of the ACMD group. • Regeneration of cartilage in chondral and osteochondral defects. In this project we have devised a novel approach for regeneration of cartilage defects and osteochondral defects. Our approach combines the use of chondrocyte stem/ progenitor cells in combination with a biosynthetic or biological matrix. • Investigation of surface nanostructured titanium alloys for prosthetic devices. The Department of Mechanical Engineering through the School of Engineering at the University st vincent’s research report 2012 190 University of Melbourne department of surgery of Melbourne manufacture different titanium alloys with nanostructured surface properties. Biocompatibility studies are being conducted toВ determine appropriate substrates for growth ofВ cells with the aim to improve biocompatibility ofВ metals used for prosthetic devices. • Optimizing neuromuscular junctions for direct nerve to muscle neurotisation. The aim of this project is to improve outcomes for patients with neuromuscular dysfunction after injury or surgery. Muscle reinnervation, called neurotisation, is being studied using in vitro modelling in neuronal cell-muscle cell co-cultures; the focus is to improve neuromuscular junction formation using pre-patterning of receptor expression and bioengineering techniques. • Studying the impact of poorly performed community surgery on the outcomes of patients with musculoskeletal tumours. • Studying the development of cartilage tissue fromВ stem cells. • Studying the efficacy of conducting polymers asВ artificial muscles. • Studying the molecular factors that regulate theВ development of neural synapses. AWARDS Dr Michelle Dowsey National Health and Medical Research Council – Early Career Australian Clinical Fellowship • Electrochemical materials as muscle substitutes. This project is studying the possibility of replacing injured muscle with synthetic material that can be actuated by electrical impulses to alter their shape thereby producing contractions. This may be useful for people who have suffered stroke, partialВ muscle loss or sphincter disturbance. Dr Michelle Dowsey PROJECTS Dr. Trisha Peel • The Arthroplasty and Bariatric Surgery (ABS) Study: a randomised controlled trial ofВ laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding priorВ toВ total knee arthroplasty (2012-2015) National health and Medical Research Council – Scholarship • Mindfulness and coping in chronic illness: insightsВ from a study of joint replacement surgery (2012-2014) Australian Rheumatology Association Victorian Branch Inaugural Annual Scientific Meeting – Best Abstract and Oral Presentation 2012 for “Associations between pre-operative radiographic changes and outcomes after total knee joint replacement for osteoarthritis” Dr. Ken Ye National Health and Medical Research Council – Scholarship Dr. Bill Zhang • Evaluating the impact of obesity on knee load over time in those who have undergone optimal surgical re-alignment after total knee replacement (2012-2014) National Health and Medical Research Council – Scholarship • Examining psychological state in patients presenting for arthritis surgery (2012-2015) High mammographic density (HMD) adjusted for age and body mass index (BMI) is a strong and heritable risk factor for breast cancer (BC). We extended our вЂ�within breast’ comparison of HMD versus low MD tissue in murine bioengineering chambers developed at the O’Brien Institute, a world first in this topical area. In a collaborative study we further showed that solitary tumour cells (the presence of which correlated with local recurrence in BC, were found inВ HMD breast tissue, • A pilot study investigating dietetic weight loss interventions and 12-month functional outcomes of patients undergoing knee or hip surgery • A prospective, single-arm, uncontrolled, multicentre study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the DePuy AVN Cage prosthesis for the treatment of avascular necrosis of the hip. • Studying the differences in nuclear tracers forВ targeting bone metastases. Professor Erik Thompson Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have important roles in the spread of cancer in the body, especially to bone. We showed that the weakening of bone that is typical of BC spread to bone and can be st vincent’s research report 2012 191 University of Melbourne department of surgery abrogated by a small molecule that inhibits MMP13. Circulating tumour cells (CTC) are found in the blood of cancer patients and their numbers and characteristics give clues to disease progression and spread. To understand the spread of BC in the body and the role of EMP, which is a set of cellular characteristics that influence cancer spread, we have been developing a method to study CTC fromВ BC patients, another first in Australia. Dr Edmund EK, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer0.1 EFT QUALITY Mr Patrick Hayes, Lecturer, 0.2 EFT Professor Peter Choong Dr Bridget Langley, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer, 0.3 EFT • As a result of our current research initiatives into obesity we have established a dietetic service in the Orthopaedic pre-admission clinic and have commenced evaluating the impact of this service on patient outcomes in those undergoing knee orВ hip surgery • Our research into infection after total joint replacement has informed the development for guidelines to treat acute prosthetic joint infections. Professor Erik Thompson We have undertaken the EMPathy вЂ�clinical trial’ in consenting breast cancer patients undergoing surgery, so as to monitor their CTCs through therapy. Through this trial we are enlightening both clinicians and patients alike to the potential benefits of examining CTC. STAFF Prof. Peter F M Choong, Head of Department and Professor, 1.0 EFT Prof Erik Thompson, Principal Research Fellow, 0.5 EFT Prof Wayne Morrison, (Honorary) Prof Michael Henderson (Honorary) Ms Toni Ardino, Personal Assistant,1 EFT Ms Cheryl Augustine, Research Assistant, 0.5 EFT Dr Christine Chaffer, Research Fellow, 0.1 EFT Mr Philip Davis, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer, 0.1 EFT Miss Irene Esquivel, Information Technology Manager, 0.1 EFT Dr Scott Ferris, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer0.1 EFT Mr Adrian Fox, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer, 0.1 EFT Dr Raoul Mayer, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer, 0.1 EFT Mr Alam Naveed, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer, 0.1 EFT Dr Elizabeth Nelson, Clinical Research Associate, 1 EFT Dr Katherine Nesbitt, Academic Centre Manager, 0.2 EFT Dr Linh Nguyen, Research Assistant, 0.4 EFT Dr Catherine Poliness, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer, 0.1 EFT Mr Christopher Pullen, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer, 0.1 EFT Mr Dhanabalan Thiruchelvam, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer, 0.1 EFT Mr Yi Wang, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer, 0.2 EFT Dr Angela Webb, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer, 0.1 EFT Dr Audi Widjaja, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer, 0.1 EFT Honorary Staff Dr Keren Abberton, Senior Fellow Dr Nuzhat Ahmed, Senior Fellow Mr Anmar Al-Shawi, Fellow A/Prof David Allen, Principal Fellow Mr Ravi Asopa, Fellow Dr Benjamin Dixon, Surgical Lead- Senior Lecturer, 0.2 EFT Mr Simon Banting, Fellow Dr Michelle Dowsey, Head of Arthritis ResearchAustralian Early Career Clinical Fellow, 0.8 EFT Mr Timothy Bennett, Senior Fellow A/Prof Felix Behan, Principal Fellow Prof Richard Bennett, Professor Emeritus Mr Anthony Berger, Senior Fellow st vincent’s research report 2012 192 University of Melbourne department of surgery Dr Susan Bortolotto, Fellow A/Prof Damian Myers, Principal Fellow Dr Anita Clarke, Fellow Dr Andrew Newcomb, Clinical Senior Fellow Dr Jeremy Crook, Principal Fellow Mr Ian Nixon, Senior Fellow Dr Michael Denton, Clinical Associate Professor Mr Brendan O’Brien, Fellow Dr Claudia Di Bella, Fellow Dr Trisha Peel, Principal Fellow Dr Rodney Dilley, Fellow Dr Wayne Phillips, Principal Fellow Dr George Dimitroulis, Fellow Mr John Renney, Senior Fellow Mr Anthony Dunin, Fellow Dr Bernhard Riedel, Senior Fellow Dr Cuong Duong, Senior Fellow Dr John Rophael, Fellow Prof Gregory Dusting, Professorial Fellow A/Prof David Scott, Principal Fellow Dr Michael Findlay, Senior Fellow Dr Ramin Shayan, Fellow Mr Roy Fink, Principal Fellow A/Prof Brendan Silbert, Principal Fellow Dr Aidan Fitzgerald, Senior Fellow Mr John Spillane, Senior Fellow Ms Yona Goldshmit, Fellow Dr Caroline Taylor, Fellow A/Prof Miron Goldwasser, Clinical Associate Professor Dr Catherine Temelcos, Senior Fellow Dr John Gurry, Principal Fellow Mr Dominic Vellar, Principal Fellow Prof Michael Henderson, Professorial Fellow Dr Mark Waltham, Senior Fellow Prof Alexander Heriot Professorial Fellow Dr Alan Woods, Fellow Dr Kalindi Hettiarachchi, Fellow Mr Rodney Woods, Senior Fellow Mr Damian Ireland, Senior Fellow Mr Gavin Wright, Clinical Associate Professor Mr James Keck, Fellow Dr Michael Yii, Fellow Mr John Kennedy, Clinical Associate Professor Dr Nao Kobayashi, Clinical Fellow Dr Shiang Lim, Fellow Dr Zerina Lokmic, Fellow A/Prof Bruce Love, Clinical Associate Professor Mr Mark Lovelock, Fellow Mr Andrew Lynch, Clinical Senior Fellow Dr Bernard Lyons, Clinical Associate Professor Dr James Thomas, Fellow Students Richard Chiriano, Honours Student Tania Zheng, Honours Student Grace Chew, Doctor of Medical Science Student Virginia E Cotta, Doctor of Medical Science Student Cameron Keating, Doctor of Medical Science Student Mr John MacKay, Principal Fellow Andrew Newcomb, Doctor of Medical Science Student Dr David Mccombe, Clinical Senior Fellow Paul Conaglen, Master of Surgery Student Mr Chris McCormack, Clinical Associate Professor Eva Koo, Master of Surgery Student Dr Geraldine Mitchell, Senior Fellow Sameer Memon, Master of Surgery Student Prof Wayne Morrison, Professorial Fellow John Swan, Master of Surgery Student Dr Andrew Muir, Senior Fellow Beryl Tan, Master of Surgery Student Mr Michael Murphy, Principal Fellow Livia Williams, Master of Surgery Student Mr Declan Murphy, Clinical Associate Professor Hima Abeysinghe, PhD Student st vincent’s research report 2012 193 University of Melbourne department of surgery Khalid Abubaker, PhD Student SERVICE TO THE WIDER COMMUNITY Sina Babazadeh, PhD Student Prof Peter F M Choong Matthew Broadhead, PhD Student • Professor Surgery, University of Melbourne Jonathan Clark, PhD Student • Chair, Sarcoma service, PeterВ MacCallumВ CancerВ Centre Raminder Dhillon, PhD Student Aaron Dingle, PhD Student Benjamin Dixon, PhD Student Lisbeth Evered, PhD Student Raed Felimban, PhD Student Christopher Hart, PhD Student Shze Yung Koh, PhD Student Ardian Latifi, PhD Student Trisha Peel, PhD Student Walter Pfister, PhD Student Charles Pilgrim, PhD Student Cletus Pinto, PhD Student Kieran Rowe, PhD Student Eliza Soo, PhD Student Anthony Tachtsidis, PhD Student Melissa Tang, PhD Student Richard Tee, PhD Student Jenny Than, PhD Student Henry To, PhD Student Zoe Wainer, PhD Student Edwin Widodo, PhD Student Michael Williams, PhD Student Gavin Wright, PhD Student Ken Ye, PhD Student Bill Zhang, PhD Student Theses passed in 2012 Kristian Bullus, PhD, University of Melbourne Devika N PA Gunasinghe, PhD, University ofВ Melbourne Charles Pilgrim, PhD, University of Melbourne • Head, Department of Surgery, UniversityВ ofВ Melbourne, St. Vincent’s Hospital • Chair, Academic Centre, University of Melbourne, St. Vincent’s Hospital • Assistant Dean, Faculty of Medicine, DentistryВ andВ Health Sciences • Director of Education and Training, AustralianВ Orthopaedic Association • Chair, Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, RoyalВ Australasian College of Surgeons • Chair, Victorian Orthopaedic Research Trust Scientific Advisory Committee • Member, Board of Australian Orthopaedic Association • Member, Orthopaedic Workforce Committee, Australian Orthopaedic Association • Member, Medical Schedule Advisory Committee, Department of Health & Ageing • Section (Orthopaedics) Editor, ANZВ JournalВ ofВ Surgery • Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (British) • Secretary, International Society of Limb SalvageВ Surgery • Secretary, Asio-Pacific Musculoskeletal TumourВ Surgery • Member, Board of Australian Sarcoma StudyВ Group • Member, Council of Genazzano FCJ College • Member, Rotary Club of Melbourne Prof Erik Thompson • Member, Committee, Australasian Microarray andВ Associated Technologies Association • President, Metastasis Research Society • Vice President, The EMT International Association • Member, Tumour Microenvironment Steering Committee, American Association for Cancer Research st vincent’s research report 2012 194 University of Melbourne department of surgery • Speaker, King & Wood Malleson’s Pink Ribbon Breakfast, Melbourne; 19 October • Speaker, Mother’s Day Classic, Melbourne; 13В May • 2010 Co-founder, St. Vincent’s Campus Bioinformatics Working Group • Member, St Vincent’s Campus Research Technology Committee • Member, St. Vincent’s Hospital BioResource Centre Users Committee • Member, Victorian Functional Genomics CentreВ Steering Committee, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre • Member, St. Vincent’s Hospital Research TrainingВ Committee Choong, P (CIA), Brown W, Liew D, Dowsey M The Arthroplasty and Bariatric Surgery Study: A randomised controlled trial of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding prior to total knee arthroplasty, NHMRC $643,670 for 2012-2015 ($160,917 for 2012) Choong, P Alzheimer’s disease processes, NHMRC $157,187 for 2012 Choong P, Myers D, Wallace G, Pandy M, Zhang B Building artificial muscle for limb reconstruction after tumour surgery, Australian Orthopaedic Association $50,000 for 2012 Choong P, May D • Bernard O’Brien Institute of Microsurgery Scientific Oversight Committee Investigating outcomes and patient self assessment of health status in the surgical management of musculoskeletal tumours, Research Endowment Fund $15,000 for 2012 • Working group (Audit 1) for Cancer Australia’s National Audits of Cancer Research Simmance N, Gandler N, Dowsey M, Choong P • Member, Tissue Resource Management Committee, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre • Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Research Division Promotion Panel • Convenor of 14th Biennial MRS Conference, Sept. 2–5, 2012. Brisbane, QLD GRANTS AND/OR RESEARCH INCOME Choong, PFM The health work force Australia, HWA Government $1,200,000 for 2011-2013 ($400,000 in 2012) Choong P A prospective, single-arm, uncontrolled, multi-centre study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the DePuy AVN Cage prosthesis for the treatment of avascular necrosis of the hip, Johnson & Johnson Inc $143,120 for 2011-13 ($47,706 in 2012) Dowsey M Examining psychological state in patients presenting for arthritis surgery, NHMRC $294,892 for 2012-15 ($73,723 for 2012) A pilot study investigating dietetic weight loss interventions and 12-month functional outcomes of patients undergoing knee or hip surgery, Research Endowment Fund $22,907 for 2012 Choong P (CIA), Castle D, Salzberg M, Dowsey M, Knowles S, Monshat K Mindfulness and coping in chronic illness: insights from a study of joint replacement surgery, Australian Research Council Discovery grant $270,445 for 2012-14 ($90,148 in 2012) Choong P (CIA), Bennell K, Wrigley T, Hinman R, Dowsey M Evaluating the impact of obesity on knee load over time in those who have undergone optimal surgical re-alignment after total knee replacement, Australian Research Council Linkage grant $706,196 for 2012 -2014 ($235,398 in 2012) Tang M Studies of psychological distress and outcome after tumour surgery, Australian Postgraduate Award Scholarship $23,728 for 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 195 University of Melbourne department of surgery Thompson E, Moller A, Dobrovic K, TraianedesВ K, van Denderen B Autologous reconstitution of bone marrow micrometastatic miliew for propagation and analysis of disseminated tumour cells in breast cancer, National Breast Cancer Foundation project grant $200,000 for 2012-2013 ($100,000 in 2012) Thompson E, van Denderen B, Dobrovic A, Wong N Transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of epithelial mesenchymal plasticity in breast cancer dissemination, NHMRC $639,685 for 2012-2014 ($214,995 in 2012) Southey M, Thompson E, Haviv I, Hopper J, Campbell I, Cawson J, Hill P, Stone J, Giles G, Baglietto L, Nickson C, Lindeman G, Clybe C, Morrison W, Apicella C Molecular Determinants of mammographic density, Victorian Breast Cancer Research Consortium $1,297,125 for 2009-2012 ($45,000 in 2012) Mitchell G, Penington A Causes of human lymphatic and vascular malformations, NHMRC 2009-2012 COLLABORATIONS IN RESEARCH Monteith G, Roberts-Thomson S, Thompson E International Calcium signalling and epithelial-mesenchymal transition: A new approach to identifying pharmacological targets for metastasis, NHMRC $543,675 for 2012-2014 • Professor Stefan Lohmander, Department ofВ Orthopaedics, University of Lund, Sweden Thompson E, Goodall G, Saunders C, Anderson R, Yap A, Street I, Dobrovic A, Dowling A • UniversitГ© Joseph Fourier, Centre de Recherche Inserm and ESRF, France Targeting breast cancer recurrence through epithelial mesenchymal plasticity, National Breast Cancer Foundation $5,150,286 for 2011-2016 ($1,134,340 in 2012) • CHU BicГЄtre, UNCE, Dept of Neurophysiology andВ Epilepsy, Paris, France Thompson E, Fabra Fres A, Goodall G, Henderson M, Hill P • Chris Overall UBC, Canada MMP13; AIВ onВ NHMRC#502622 Novel microRNA regulators in the breast cancer EMT, National Breast Cancer Foundation $599,151 for 2010-2013 ($199,717 in 2012) • Zena Werb UCSF MMP13-deficient mice Thompson E, Haviv I, Waltham M A functional genomic screen for tumorigenicity telative to epithelial-mesenchymal transition, breast cancer stem cell biology and therapeutic efficacy, IDEA grant US$374,765 for 2009-2012 ($124,922 in 2012) • Professor Paul Dieppe, St. Peter’s College, Oxford University, United Kingdom • Angels Fabra-Fres IDIBELL, Spain – CI Cancer Aust #628720 • Izhak Haviv Bar Ilan University, Israel • University of Lund, Sweden • National Institutes of Health, Maryland, USA • National Heart Centre, Singapore • Department of Pharmacology, Kyoto University, Japan • Shandong University, China Waring P, Bowtell D, Desai J, Fox S, Gibbs P, Landgren A, McArthur G, Rudzki Z, Solomon B, Southey M (Thompson, EW, Associate Investigator) • ISIS Pharmaceuticals, Carlsbad, USA Centre for translational pathology research and training, NHMRC $2,498,410 for 2012-2016 • Department of Cancer Cell Research, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, Japan • Karmanos Cancer Center, Detroit, USA • Kanazawa Medical School, Japan • Department of Anatomy, University of California, San Francisco, USA • Oxford University, United Kingdom st vincent’s research report 2012 196 University of Melbourne department of surgery National • Don Newgreen MCRI • Professor David Castle, Department of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, St Vincent’s Hospital • Leigh Ackland Deakin Univ • Professor Peter Brooks, Australian Health Workforce Institute, University of Melbourne • Alex Dobrovic PMCC • Professor Kim Bennell, Department of Physiotherapy, University of Melbourne • Greg Goodall IMVS Adelaide • Robin Anderson PMCC • Keith Stanley Ausdiagnostics • Professor Danny Liew, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Hospital • Lilian Soon U Syd • Professor Jane Gunn, Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne • Jenny Cawson BreastScreen Victoria • A/Prof Wendy Brown, Centre for Obesity Research and Education, Monash University • Dr Simon Knowles, Faculty of Life and Social Sciences, Swinburne University • Professor Marcus Pandy, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Melbourne • Ms Natalie Simmance, Aged Care & Allied Health Nutrition, St. Vincent’s Hospital • Professor Gordon Wallace, Intelligent Polymer Research Institute, University of Wollongong • Professor Marcus Pandy, Professor Kenong Xia, Assoc. Prof. Vincent Lee, Department of bioengineering and mechanical engineering, University of Wollongong • Professor Milan Brandt, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, RMITВ University • Professor Dietmar Hutmacher, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University ofВ Technology • Professor Paul Mulvaney, Bio21, School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria • Alpha Yap IMB, Univ QLD • Prof. John Hopper Center for MEGA, • Univ Melb Prof. Melissa Southey UnivВ MelbВ Pathology • Intelligent Polymer Research Institute, University of Wollongong Heart Research Institute, Sydney, Australia • Howard Florey Institute, Melbourne, Australia • Department of Pharmacology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia • Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia • Victor Chang Cardiac Institute, Sydney, Australia • Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia • Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia • St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia • Centre for MEGA Epidemiology, University ofВ Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia • Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne,В Australia • Department of Biochemistry, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia • Professor Rodney Hicks, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne • Australian Key Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, NANO-MNRF, Sydney, Australia • Professor Daniel Hausermann, Australian Synchrotron, Clayton Victoria • Department of Pathology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia • Professor Andrew Stevenson, X-Ray Physics and Instrumentation Laboratory, CSIRO, Clayton,В Victoria • Ausdiagnostics, Melbourne, Australia • Elizabeth Williams MIMR • St Vincent’s Institute, Melbourne, Australia • Monash Institute for Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia • Nuzhat Ahmed Ob&Gyn Univ Melb • Prue Hill Pathology, SVH st vincent’s research report 2012 197 University of Melbourne department of surgery PUBLICATIONS Book chapters Dowsey M, Peel T, Choong P. Infection in primary hip and knee arthroplasty. In Infection in Primary Hip and Knee Arthoplasty, Recent Advances in Arthroplasty, Samo K. Fokter (ED.), ISBN:978-953-307-990-5, InTech Journal articles Babazadeh S, Dowsey MM, Stone JD, Choong PF. The accuracy of retrospectively measured range of motion in knee arthroplasty. Acta Orthop Belg. 2012 Dec;78(6):751-6. PubMed PMID: 23409571. Choong P. Soft tissue sarcoma: new paradigms in care. Sarcoma. 2012;2012:439208. doi: 10.1155/2012/439208. Epub 2012 Dec 31. PubMed PMID: 23346011; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3549354. Shkolnikova J, Flynn J, Choong P. Burden of bisphosphonate-associated femoral fractures. ANZ J Surg. 2013 Mar;83(3):175-81. doi: 10.1111/ ans.12018. Epub 2012 Dec 6. PubMed PMID: 23216704. Peel TN, Buising KL, Dowsey MM, Aboltins CA, Daffy JR, Stanley PA, Choong PF. Outcome of debridement and retention in prosthetic joint infections by methicillin-resistant staphylococci, with special reference to rifampin and fusidic acid combination therapy. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Jan;57(1):350-5. doi: 10.1128/AAC.0206112. Epub 2012 Oct 31. PubMed PMID: 23114758; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3535910. Babazadeh S, Dowsey MM, Stoney JD, Choong PF. The effect of tibio-femoral over-distraction in primary knee arthroplasty. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23085821. Peel TN, Cheng AC, Choong PF, Buising KL. EarlyВ onset prosthetic hip and knee joint infection: treatment and outcomes in Victoria, Australia. J Hosp Infect. 2012 Dec;82(4):248-53. doi: 10.1016/j. jhin.2012.09.005. Epub 2012 Oct 22. PubMed PMID: 23084482. Grinsell D, Di Bella C, Choong PF. Functional reconstruction of sarcoma defects utilising innervated free flaps. Sarcoma. 2012;2012:315190. doi: 10.1155/2012/315190. Epub 2012 Aug 28. PubMed PMID: 22969309; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3434415. Tang MH, Pan DJ, Castle DJ, Choong PF. A systematic review of the recent quality of life studies in adult extremity sarcoma survivors. Sarcoma. 2012;2012:171342. doi: 10.1155/2012/171342. Epub 2012 Aug 23. PubMed PMID: 22966215; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3432553. Peel TN, Buising KL, Choong PF. Diagnosis and management of prosthetic joint infection. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2012 Dec;25(6):670-6. doi: 10.1097/ QCO.0b013e32835915db. PubMed PMID: 22964949. Alford S, Choong P, Chander S, Henderson M, Powell G, Ngan S. Outcomes of preoperative radiotherapy and resection of retroperitoneal sarcoma. ANZ J Surg. 2012 Sep 3. doi: 10.1111/j.1445-2197.2012.06211.x. [Epub ahead ofВ print] PubMed PMID: 22943678. Babazadeh S, Dowsey MM, Bingham RJ, Ek ET, Stoney JD, Choong PF. The long leg radiograph is a reliable method of assessing alignment when compared to computer-assisted navigation and computer tomography. Knee. 2012 Aug 11. [EpubВ ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22892197. Huang NF, Dowsey MM, Ee E, Stoney JD, Babazadeh S, Choong PF. Coronal alignment correlates with outcome after total knee arthroplasty: five-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. J Arthroplasty. 2012 Oct;27(9):1737-41. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2012.03.058. Epub 2012 Aug 3. PubMed PMID: 22868073. Dowsey MM, Nikpour M, Dieppe P, Choong PF. Associations between pre-operative radiographic changes and outcomes after total knee joint replacement for osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2012 Oct;20(10):1095-102. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2012.05.015. Epub 2012 Jul 16. PubMed PMID: 22800770. Qi SD, Smith PD, Choong PF. Nuclear reprogramming and induced pluripotent stem cells: a review for surgeons. ANZ J Surg. 2012 Oct 4. doi: 10.1111/j.1445-2197.2012.06282.x. [Epub ahead ofВ print] PubMed PMID: 23035845. st vincent’s research report 2012 198 University of Melbourne department of surgery Choong P, Brooks P. Achievements during the Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2012 Apr;26(2):173-81. doi: 10.1016/j. berh.2012.03.004. PubMed PMID: 22794093. Broadhead ML, Choong PF, Dass CR. Efficacy of continuously administered PEDF-derived synthetic peptides against osteosarcoma growth and metastasis. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2012;2012:230298. doi: 10.1155/2012/230298. Epub 2012 May 30. PubMed PMID: 22701300; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3369529. Choong PF. Comminuted radial head fractures: picking up the pieces. ANZ J Surg. 2012 Jun;82(6):385-6. doi: 10.1111/j.14452197.2012.06100.x. PubMed PMID: 22672393. Choong PF. Tourniquet use in knee replacement surgery: what is the evidence? ANZ J Surg. 2012 Jun;82(6):384-5. doi: 10.1111/j.14452197.2012.06099.x. PubMed PMID: 22672392. Crowley C, Dowsey MM, Quinn C, Barrington M, Choong PF. Impact of regional and local anaesthetics on length of stay in knee arthroplasty. ANZ J Surg. 2012 Apr;82(4):207-14. doi: 10.1111/j.1445-2197.2011.05991.x. Epub 2012 Feb 3. Review. PubMed PMID: 22510175. Dowsey MM, Dieppe P, Lohmander S, Castle D, Liew D, Choong PF. The association between radiographic severity and pre-operative function in patients undergoing primary knee replacement for osteoarthritis. Knee. 2012 Dec;19(6):860-5. doi: 10.1016/j.knee.2012.02.007. Epub 2012 Mar 23. PubMed PMID: 22445613. Peel TN, Cheng AC, Buising KL, Choong PF. Microbiological aetiology, epidemiology, and clinical profile of prosthetic joint infections: are current antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines effective? Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2012 May;56(5):2386-91. doi: 10.1128/AAC.06246-11. Epub 2012 Feb 6. PubMed PMID: 22314530; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3346661. Peel TN, Dowsey MM, Buising KL, Liew D, Choong PF. Cost analysis of debridement and retention for management of prosthetic joint infection. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013 Feb;19(2):181-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2011.03758.x. Epub 2012 Jan 20. PubMed PMID: 22264335. Alford S, Choong P, Chander S, Henderson M, Chu J, Powell G, Williams S, Ngan S. Value of PET scan in patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma treated with preoperative radiotherapy. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2012 Feb;38(2):176-80. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2011.11.001. Epub 2011 Dec 9. PubMed PMID: 22154883. Shah M, Huang D, Blick T, Connor A, Reiter L, Hardink J, Lynch C, Waltham M, Thompson E. An MMP13-Selective inhibitor delays primary tumour growth and the onset of tumour-associated osteolytic lesions in experimental models of breast cancer. 2012 Jan.7(1):1-12. Saunders, N.A., Simpson, F., THOMPSON, E.W., Hill, M.M., Endo-Munoz, L., Leggatt, G., Minchin, R.F., Guminski, A. Role of intratumoral heterogeneity in cancer drug resistance: molecular and clinical perspective. EMBO Mol Med 4:675-684 (2012) doi: 10.1002/emmm.201101131. Epub 2012 Jun 25 Gunasinghe NPAD, Wells A, THOMPSON EW, Hugo HJ. Mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET) as a mechanism for metastatic colonisation in breast cancer. Cancer Met. Rev. 31:469-78 (2012) doi: 10.1007/s10555-012-9377-5 Hugo H, Lebret S, Tomaskovic-Crook E, Ahmed N, Blick T, Newgreen D, Thompson E. Contribution of fibroblast and mast cell (afferent) and tumor (efferent) IL6 effects within the tumour microenvironment. Cancer Microenvironment. 2012 Feb; 5(1):83-93. Chew G, Huang D, Lin S, Hud C, Blick T, Henderson M, Hill P, Cawson J, Morrison W, Campbell I, Hopper J, Southey M, Haviv I, Thompson E. High and low mammographic density human breast tissues maintain histological differential in murine tissue engineering chambers. Breast Cancer Research andВ Treatment. 2012 Aug;135(1):177-187. Raviraj V, Zhang H, Chien H, Cole L, Thompson E, Soon L. Dormant but migratory tumour cells in desmoplastic stroma of invasive ductal carcinomas. Clinical and Experimental Metastasis. 2012 Mar.29(3):273-292 Srisuwan T, Tikorn D, Al-Benna S, Vashi A, Penington A, Messer H, Abberton K, Thompson E. Survival of rat functional dental pulp ells inВ vascularized tissue engineering chambers. TissueВ and Cell. 2012 Apr;44(2): 111-121 st vincent’s research report 2012 199 University of Melbourne department of surgery Tilkorn D, Davies E, Keramidaris E, Dingle A, Gerrand Y, Taylor C, Han X, Palmer J, Penington A, Mitchell C, Morrison W, Dusting G, Mitchell G. The in vitro preconditioning of myoblasts to enhance subsequent survival in an in vivo tissue engineering chamber model. Biomaterials. 2012 May; 33(15):3868-3879 Haviv I, THOMPSON EW. Soiling the seed: Microenvironment and epithelial mesenchymal plasticity. Cancer Microenvironment 5(1): 1-3 (2012) DOI 10.1007/s12307-012-0104-0 Bonnomet A, Syne L, Brysse A, Feyereisen E, THOMPSON EW, NoГ«l A, Foidart J-M, Birembaut P, Polette M, Gilles C. A dynamic in vivo model of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions in circulating tumor cells and metastases of breast cancer. Oncogene 2012 31:3741-53 Raviraj V, Fok S, Zhao J, Chien H-Y, Lyons JG, THOMPSON EW, Soon L. Regulation of ROCK1 via Notch1 during breast cancer cell migration intoВ dense matrices. BMC Cell Biol 2012 13:12. Conference publications Annual Scientific Meeting of the AmericanCollege-of-Rheumatology (ACR) and Associationof-Rheumatology-Health-Professionals (ARHP) Location: Washington, DC Date: NOV 09-14,2012 Le Marshall K, Yee B, Dieppe P, Leung A, Page C, Choong P, Dowsey M, Lim K. Differences Between Patients with Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2012 Oct, 64(10);S117 Speaking engagements Choong PF. Evidence for surgery in pelvic Ewing’s – How robust is it. 85th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association, Kyoto, Japan, 15-17th May, 2012 Choong PF. Surgery for Ewing’s of the Pelvis – What is the evidence? 1st Oriental Orthopaedic Congress, Shanghai, China July 27-29, 2012 Choong PF. Margins for soft tissue sarcoma – How close can you go? 1st Oriental Orthopaedic Congress, Shanghai, China July 27-29, 2012 Choong PF. Osteoarthritis – The challenge of surgical management. Bill Wheeler Symposium, Intelligent Polymer Research Institute, University ofВ Wollongong, August 6, 2012 Choong PF. Complications and its prevention in metastatic surgery. 9th Asio-Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumour Society Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 8, 2012 Choong PF. Resection and reconstruction for giant cell tumour – the debate. 9th Asio-Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumour Society Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 8, 2012 Choong PF. The challenges of academic surgery in the new millennium. Prince Charles Hospital Research Week. Brisbane, October 15-16, 2012 Choong PF, Peel T. Buising K, Cheng A. Outcome of patients with methicillin resistant staphylococcal infections managed with debridement and retention of the prosthesis. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Arthroplasty Society of Australia. Melbourne May 30 - June 2, 2012 Choong PF, Dowsey MM, Huang N, Stoney J. Does the correlation between coronal alignment, knee function and pain continue ? Annual Scientific Meeting of the Arthroplasty Society of Australia. Melbourne May 30 - June 2, 2012 Choong PF, Dowsey MM. The economic burden of obesity in total knee replacement. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Arthroplasty Society of Australia. Melbourne May 30 - June 2, 2012 Dowsey, MM, Nikpour M, Dieppe P, Choong PFM - Associations between pre-operative radiographic changes and outcomes after total knee joint replacement for osteoarthritis Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting Oct 2012:, Melbourne Peel T, Buising K, Cheng A, Choong P, The Microbiological Aetiology, Epidemiology and Clinical Profile of Prosthetic Joint Infections: are current antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines effective? 22nd ECCMID 2012 April 2012; United Kingdom Choong PF. Megaprostheses – Lessons Learnt. 1stВ Oriental Orthopaedic Congress, Shanghai, ChinaВ July 27-29, 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 200 University of Melbourne department of surgery Broadhead ML, Myers DE, Choong PFM. Applying advanced imaging techniques to a murine model of orthotopic osteosarcoma for the evaluation of PEDF therapy. Australian Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Congress, October 2012 Thompson E. Epithelial mesenchymal plasticity in xenograft models of circulating and disseminated tumour cells from human breast cancer. American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, USA, April 2012 Broadhead ML, Myers DE, Choong PFM The application of in vivo bioluminescent imaging, PET and micro-CT to a murine model of orthotopic osteosarcoma. Australasian Sarcoma Study Group Annual Meeting, Sydney, October 2012 Thompson E. Epithelial mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) in breast cancer dissemination and metastasis. Sydney Cancer Conference, Sydney, NSW, Sept 2012. Ye K, Felimban R, Di Bella C, Crook J, Quigley A, Kapsa R, Choong P, Myers DE. Chondrogenesis of adipose stem cells derived from infrapatellar fat pad Australian Orthopaedic Association, Annual General Meting, Lorne, 24th Feb 2012 DE Myers, R Felimban, K Ye, C Di Bella, J Foroughi, J Chung, SE Moulton, A Quigley, J Crook, R Kapsa, GG Wallace and PFM Choong. 3rd Asia-Pacific Bionics Meeting, Production of hyaline cartilage in 3D chitosan scaffolds using infrapatellar fat pad stem cells as the source of chondrocyte lineage cells, September 2012 Thompson E. Coordinated induction of Laminin-332 subunits in breast cancer epithelial mesenchymal transition. Matrix Biology Society of Australia & New Zealand. Gold Coast, QLD, Sept 2012 Thompson E. Multiple modes of regulation of epithelial mesenchymal plasticity in breast cancer. John Curtin School of Medical Research ANU. Canberra, ACT, June 2012 Thompson E. Epithelial mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) in breast cancer dissemination- What to target and when? Cell Plasticity in cancer evolution. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, Banbury, Nov 2012 Thompson E. Epithelial mesenchymal plasticity and metastasis. Herrenhausen Symposium on Metastasis, Kloster Seeon, Seeon, Germany, Oct 2012 Thompson E. 21st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Metastasis Research. Hiroshima, Japan, July 2012 (Session chair and Dinner presentation) Thompson E. Epithelial mesenchymal plasticity in human breast cancer xenografts- Therapeutic implications. Institute for Cancer Research. London, England July 2012 Thompson E. Epithelial mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) in xenograft models of human breast cancer dissemination and metastasis. The Research Institute, Osaka medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases. Osaka, Japan, July 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 201 Victorian Cancer CytogeneticsВ Service The Victorian Cancer Cytogenetics Service is a statewide reference centre for cancer cytogenetics. Its primary research interest involves investigating the genetics of leukaemias and other haematological malignancies with theВ aim of identifying better targets for therapy. About us The Victorian Cancer Cytogenetics Service (VCCS) analyses the chromosome abnormalities of cancer cells. Our research program focusses on how specific chromosome rearrangements lead to the development of leukaemia. These studies include identifying which genes are lost from cancer cells and which genes are present in increased numbers – recent studies suggest that gain of one gene and loss of another may interact to drive the formation of leukaemia. We are also investigating which types of therapy may cause myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS – a type of pre-leukaemia that is increasingly common in older patients) cells to die in culture andВ whether their response to therapy is determined byВ the type of chromosome abnormality observed inВ the MDS cells. This work has the potential to predict which combinations of drugs will be most effective in different types of MDS – particularly needed as these patients are elderly and tolerate conventional chemotherapy very poorly. Major projects An ongoing project was continued by DrВ RuthВ MacKinnon to investigate the genetic rearrangements in cancer cells from patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Dr MacKinnon used new array techniques together with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to determine the chromosome abnormalities in cases with very complex abnormalities and showed that most of these cases contain chromosomes with two centromeres, a highly unusual finding. She is continuing her study of these cases to determine how such abnormalities cause normal cells to become leukaemia cells. Dr Meaghan Wall performed comprehensive genetic characterisation of samples from patients with MDS using single nucleotide polymorphism microarray (SNP-A) testing and whole exome or whole genome massively parallel sequencing technologies and is correlating her findings with the in vitro drug responsiveness of cells from the same patients to hypomethylating agents (currently standard of care) as well as to novel therapies. She has found that karyotypic complexity as determined by conventional karyotyping in combination with SNP-A abnormalities correlates with the in vitro sensitivity of MDS cells to treatment with hypomethylating agents suggesting that is may be a predictive biomarker for disease responsiveness. Staff Dr Ruth MacKinnon, Research Officer 0.8 EFT Dr Meaghan Wall, Clinical Research Fellow. 0.75 EFT Students Dr Matthew Ku, PhD student 1.0 EFT (co-supervised with Prof Harshal Nandurkar, Department of Medicine) Service to the wider community A/Prof Lynda Campbell: Member, Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing Genetics Working Party; Member, RCPA Overseas Trained Specialist (OTS) Sub-committee; Member, RCPA Pathology Units and Terminology Standardisation (PUTS) Project Genetic Pathology Working Group; Advisor to RCPA Genetics Curriculum Working Group; Member, Haematology Committee, VCOG, Cancer Council of Victoria. Mrs Fran O’Malley: Member of the Human Genetics Society of Australasia (HGSA) Cytogenetics Board of Censors and an assessor for the HGSA Quality Assurance Program. Dr Meaghan Wall: Member, RCPA Bone MarrowВ Biopsy Structured Reporting Protocol ExpertВ ReviewВ Committee. Grants Giles, G, Vajdic, C, Prince, M, Harrison, S, Joshua, D, Campbell, L The Epidemiology Of Multiple Myeloma In Australia (Emma), NHMRC $1,445,512.50 for 2012–2016 ($289,100 in 2012) st vincent’s research report 2012 202 Victorian Cancer CytogeneticsВ Service Wall, M, MacKinnon, R Dicentric chromosomes: tools for oncogene discovery and their potential role as a principal cause of unbalanced translocations in myeloid malignancy, ANZ Medical Research and Technology in Victoria – James and Vera Lawson Trust. $30,000 for 2012 MacKinnon, R Microscope upgrade, Rebecca Cooper Foundation $22,000 for 2012 MacKinnon, R, White, J, Wall, M, Choong, P, Campbell, L Identifying genetic changes in soft tissue sarcoma, St Vincent’s Hospital Research Endowment Fund $20,000 for 2013 ($0 in 2012) MacKinnon, R Zeiss Microscope Adapter, Eirene Lucas Foundation $5,737 for 2012 Wall, M Myelodysplastic syndromes: molecular characterisation and investigation of novel therapies, Victorian Cancer Agency $599,584 for 2009–2013 ($149,896 in 2012) Purton LE, Baker E, Parker M, Wall M The involvement of HOXA1 in myeloid neoplasia, Leukaemia Foundation $100,000 for 2012 Collaborations in research International Chin, L. K., Cheah, C. Y., Michael, P. M., MacKinnon, R. N., & Campbell, L. J. (2012). 11q23 rearrangement and duplication of MLLT1-MLL gene fusion in therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia. Leuk Lymphoma, 53(10), 2066–2068. Cherry, A.M., Slovak, M.L., Campbell, L.J., Chun, K., Eclache, V., Haase, D., Haferlach, C., Hildebrandt, B., Iqbal, A.M., Jhanwar, S.C., Ohyashiki, K., Sole, F., Vandenberghe, P., VanDyke, D.L., Zhang, Y., Dewald, G.W. Will a peripheral blood (pb) sample yield the same diagnostic and prognostic cytogenetic data as the concomitant bone marrow (BM) in Myelodysplasia? An international study comparing cytogenetics and interphase FISH using parallel PB and BM samples. Leukemia Research 2012 Jul;36(7):832–40. Epub 2012 Apr 25. Bywater, M. J., Poortinga, G., Sanij, E., Hein, N., Peck, A., Cullinane, C., Wall, M., et al. (2012). Inhibition of RNA polymerase I as a therapeutic strategy to promote cancer-specific activation of p53. Cancer Cell, 22(1), 51–65. Hoctor, V., Campbell, L.J. Hyperhaploidy in plasma cell myeloma. Cancer Genetics, 2012 Jul;205(7– 8):414–8. Wall, M., Rayeroux, K. C., MacKinnon, R. N., Zordan, A., & Campbell, L. J. (2012). ETV6 deletion is a common additional abnormality in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes or acute myeloid leukemia and monosomy 7. Haematologica, 97(12), 1933–1936. • Cancer Council Victoria White, J.S., Zordan, A., Batzios, C., Campbell, L.J. Del(20q) as a Sole Abnormality in Plasma Cell Myeloma is not Associated with Plasma Cells as Identified by cIg FISH. Cancer Genetics, 2012 Nov 29: 205: 644–652 [Epub ahead of print]. Publications Speaking engagements Journal articles Wall, M., Zordan, A., MacKinnon, R.N., Campbell, L.J. A Feasibility and Utility Study of DNA Microarray Testing in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. ASoC 2012 Annual Scientific Meeting 23–25 March 2012 • Signature Genomics, Spokane, Washington, USA National MacKinnon, R.N., Selan, C., Zordan, A., Wall, M., Nandurkar, H., Campbell, L.J. CGH and SNP array using DNA extracted from fixed cytogenetic preparations and long-term refrigerated bone marrow specimens. Molecular Cytogenetics 2012, Feb 5 (1):10 doi:10.1186/1755–8166–5–10 [Epub ahead of print]. *Campbell, L.J. Complex karyotypes in acute myeloid leukaemia. Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand Queensland State Branch Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, 17 March 2012 st vincent’s research report 2012 203 Victorian Cancer CytogeneticsВ Service Friebe, A., Zordan, A., Campbell, L.J., Wall, M. The Routine Detection of Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Plasma Cell Myeloma: Local Experience over a FiveYear Period. Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, 28–31 October 2012 (poster) Ku, M., Narayan, N., MacKinnon, R., Wall, M., Campbell, L., Nandurkar, H. Identification and analysis of oncogenic pathways in deletion 20q acute myeloid leukaemia. Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, 28–31 October 2012 (poster) Wall, M., MacKinnon, R.N., Zordan, A., Campbell, L.J. Cytogenetic assessment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is enhanced by the addition of DNA microarray testing. Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, 28–31 October 2012 (oral presentation) Joshua, D.E., Hertzberg, M.S., Auguston, B., Spencer, A., Horvath, N., Bashford, J., Campbell, L.J., Ashurst, E., Wade, J., Copeman, M.C., Butcher, B.E., Prince, H.M. Bortezomib–Based Induction Overcomes Effect of 1q Amplification On Response in Newly-Diagnosed Myeloma and Results in Similar 2 Year Event-Free Survival. American Society of Hematology Annual Scientific Meeting, Altlanta, 8–11 December 2012 (poster) Schultz,R.A., Brown, T.C., Campbell, L.J., Wall, M., Schoumans, J., Han, J.Y., Surti, U., Stewart, S.D., Fang, M., Fink, J.M., Tubbs, R.R., Cook, J.R., Gitelson, E., McDaniel, L.D., Shaffer, L.G., Ballif, B.C. Detection of Copy Number Alterations in DNA Repair/Repair-Related Genes for a Diversity of Hematologic Malignancies Identifies DiseaseSpecific Biomarkers of Potential Clinical Relevance. American Society of Hematology Annual Scientific Meeting, Altlanta, 8–11 December 2012 (poster) Wall, M., MacKinnon, R.N., Zordan, A., Campbell, L.J. Detection of karyotypic abnormalities in myelodysplastic syndromes by combined use of single nucleotide polymorphism arrays and metaphase cytogenetic testing. Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, 28–31 October 2012 (oral presentation) Wall, M., Campbell, L.J. Molecular genetics of myeloproliferative neoplasms. Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, 28–31 October 2012 Ku, M., MacKinnon, R.N., Wall, M., Campbell, L.J., Nandurkar, H. Identification and Analysis of Oncogenic Pathways in Deletion 20q Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. American Society of Hematology Annual Scientific Meeting, Altlanta, 8–11 December 2012 (poster) Wall, M., MacKinnon, R.N., Zordan, A., Campbell, L.J. Addition of the mTOR Inhibitor Rapamycin Deepens Response to HDAC Inhibition or Hypomethylating Therapy in Myelodysplastic Syndromes. American Society of Hematology Annual Scientific Meeting, Altlanta, 8–11 December 2012 (poster) st vincent’s research report 2012 204
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