MWAGHAVUL – ENGLISH DICTIONARY Roger Blench Kay Williamson Educational Foundation Nathaniel YeeЙ—en Daapiya (08036236494) Fii’an Jacob Bess Mwaghavul Team Bible Translation TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................................ 1 DEDICATION................................................................................................................................................. 4 ORIGINAL PREFACE .................................................................................................................................. 4 ORIGINAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................... 6 1. THE MWAGHAVUL PEOPLE AND THEIR LANGUAGE................................................................. 8 2. MWAGHAVUL PHONOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Vowels..................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Consonants .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Palatalised consonants .............................................................................................................................. 11 Labialised consonants............................................................................................................................... 12 Prenasalised consonants ........................................................................................................................... 13 2.3 Tones ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 3. MWAGHAVUL GRAMMAR SKETCH................................................................................................ 15 3.1 Nouns .................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.2 Pronouns................................................................................................................................................ 16 3.3 Verbs ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 3.3.1 Verb morphology............................................................................................................................. 16 3.3.2 Verb plurals ..................................................................................................................................... 16 3.4 Adjectives.............................................................................................................................................. 16 3.5 Adverbs ................................................................................................................................................. 16 3.6 Conjunctions ......................................................................................................................................... 16 3.7 Locatives ............................................................................................................................................... 16 3.8 Interjections........................................................................................................................................... 16 3.9 Ideophones ............................................................................................................................................ 16 4. MWAGHAVUL SYNTAX ....................................................................................................................... 16 5. MWAGHAVUL ORTHOGRAPHY PAST AND PRESENT ............................................................... 17 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................................. 17 Parts of Speech............................................................................................................................................ 18 MWAGHAVUL-ENGLISH DICTIONARY ................................................................................................ 1 i TABLES Table 1. Illustrations of vowel-length contrast in Mwaghavul ......................................................................... 9 Table 2. Mwaghavul palatalised consonants................................................................................................... 12 Table 3. Mwaghavul labialised consonants..................................................................................................... 13 Table 4. Realisation of homorganic nasals in Mwaghavul ............................................................................. 13 Table 5. Mwaghavul plural verbs.....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 6. Former and current orthographic conventions in Mwaghavul .......................................................... 17 PHOTOS Error! No table of figures entries found. ii Preface 2012 This dictionary of the Mwaghavul language is based on an electronic manuscript prepared by Nathaniel Daapiya, whose original preface and introduction is included below. Roger Blench received the manuscript in August 2007 and converted it into a database-like format, reformatted the whole text and edited or rewrote many of the definitions. By agreement with Mr. Daapiya, a number of the original appendices, entitled вЂ�compendium’, have been deleted. Together with Jacob Bess of the Mwaghavul Bible Translation Team, the introductory materials on Mwaghavul phonology and grammar have been prepared. Identifications of plants and animals have been made by Roger Blench together with a workshop team organised by Jacob Bess and held in Panyam on May 13th 2009. The photographs included were taken by Roger Blench and Nathaniel Daapiya. Also reproduced are archive photographs from the 1920s illustrating a now-vanished way of life. This remains a draft document circulated for comment and discussion. Roger Blench Jos, 07 May 2012 iii DEDICATION Nathaniel Dapiya wishes to dedicate this book to the Almighty God for giving me the wisdom, knowledge, strength and inspiration to compile this work despite all odds. He also wishes to dedicate this work to the chairman of the sub-committee on culture during the “Wus 2002, late Dr. (Mrs) Milcha Dadirep who insisted that an album be produced showing the various artefacts at the annual Wus festival. Little did I know that I would embark on this work and to require some of the photographs. Although we lost her physically in the May 4th 2002 EAS plane crash she will continue to live in the hearts of all who find the photographs helpful. May her years of service on earth be acceptable to the Almighty God Amen. ORIGINAL PREFACE The Mwaghavul language, I must say falls into the group of endangered languages where if care is not taken will die a natural death. This is due to the simple fact that those of us who are supposed to speak and promote the use of the language do not speak it, neither do we encourage our young ones. We tend to speak more Hausa and our children seem to speak more Hausa than the Hausa man. We must therefore change our attitude towards our language. If you have cause to change your religion, that has nothing to do with your language for God who created you as Mwaghavul person has his reasons for doing so and therefore can not be challenged or blamed. We should therefore try our best. If on the last day God asked us to explain why we failed to sustain the language he ascribed to us what would be our individual and collective answers? The church, I want to stress, has a great role to play in the promotion of language. We should go back to the practice of at least singing one song in the Mwaghavul hymnbook each Sunday and our children would be forced to read and write Mwaghavul language, those of us who are able to read and write the language today are beneficiaries of the old order. For any language to exist, it must be in continuous use, by those who speak it, it must be a means of recording past and present events. The Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA), Jos has, a Yoruba section for those who prefer listening to the service in Yoruba because of the importance they attach to their language. We must be proud of our language no matter what. Similarly the Baptist church in Mangu whose members are some seven hundred kilometres away from their home base; their church is just about 500 meters from COCIN Central Mangu, interestingly enough they conduct their activities in Yoruba while their host, COCIN Mangu, conduct theirs in Hausa. I think something is seriously wrong somewhere. I think it should be corrected for the benefit of our upcoming generation. The Mwaghavul Development Association (MDA) should be bold enough by confronting the problem directly, by collaborating with the Local Education Board/Department for the language to be taught in Primary Schools throughout the chiefdom. This is my humble submission as a way forward for the appropriate books. We have learned men like Daa Geofrey M. Yenle and others who will gladly accept to produce them within a given time, to be or not to be? I have been forced to compile this Mwaghavul – English dictionary specifically for those children who are products of inter-tribal marriages and those who grew up outside Mwaghavul chiefdom and therefore are deprived of the normal experience and socialisation process in Mwaghavul culture. I have decided to be more explicit in my definitions to give background information, considering the fact that they have been detached from the community, so to say. I do not wish to claim absolute knowledge of the Mwaghavul language, and therefore the discovery that certain words are missing. This is to be expected in a maiden issue such as this, where there are no readily available sources of reference. I have relied mostly on the daily usage of certain words. The Holy Bible etc. What I have tried to present to you are words, names of artefacts, things, plants, animals etc. I therefore hope that in the next edition, I will be able to include such words. If for any reason I fail to produce the next edition it is a challenge for other compatriots to take up the challenge, since the foundation has been laid. iv I have included some vital information of general knowledge that you may find useful. This work is not meant to teach you Mwaghavul language per se but to serve as a source of reference and gradually with the help of others you may grasp what is said around you in Mwaghavul language. Some of the old practices I have tried to explain are to serve more as historical information as those you may feel are “obnoxious” are no longer in practice today but I have the onerous responsibility of transferring such information to the next generation without distortions. I have also included a few list of Mwaghavul names for both males and females which have positive meanings that could be of assistance in case you wish to name a child, etc. Finally, I wish to recommend that the MDA should build a community multipurpose House where artefacts that are on their way to extinction could be retrieved and kept for posterity. Also in the multipurpose House there should be a “Hall of fame” where names of our sons and daughters who have distinguished themselves should be kept. There can be no successful future without a blissful past. The MDA, in consultation with the Mishkagham Mwaghavul, should substitute names of towns and villages in Hausa with local names for the simple reason that our names are difficult for the Hausas. The Yoruba or Tiv man cares less if you cannot pronounce the name of his village and life still continues, If care is not taken we shall in future lose substantial part of our land due to this negligence as we have seen happened in Zangon Kataf and even Jos. “A stitch in time they say saves nine”. One should consider the complex nature of the Mwaghavul community, there are very slight differences in the way certain words are said/pronounced in some parts of the community. An attempt has been made to place them in juxtaposition. The important point to note here is that whichever version you choose to adopt or you are conversant with, it is still in order since Mwaghavul people will never the less understand what you mean. Do not be unnecessarily worried for speaking a version others are not used to. The Mwaghavul Bible is written in a language that we all understand despite all our various differences. The New Testament is in the market along with the new hymnbook, they are all affordable each at less than two hundred naira, they will help you improve your knowledge of the language. You must take more than a casual interest in your language. There is also in the market the “Jesus” film in Mwaghavul language which can equally help you. The worst thing you can do to yourself is to be ashamed of asking questions, when I started this work I knew less than half of what is now contained in this book, I had to ask questions in order to get what is now before you, you therefore have no excuse not to ask questions. Nobody has a monopoly of knowledge, it is when you continue to practise the language that you will be fluent. We all started like that. Language is part of culture, if you do not speak it with time, you will not only forget all that you know, but will not be able to teach your own children and by the time their generation takes an exit they will not have anything to hand over. The Mwaghavul language is presently at this cross road, the language is threatened with extinction, suppose you wake up one morning and find that there are only two of you left who can still speak the language; how would you feel? As youths, I encourage you to keep the flag of the Mwaghavul race flying by continuously speaking the language no matter how poorly, for you will always be corrected. I am usually disappointed and even embarrassed whenever I hear Mwaghavul people speaking highly accented Hausa with exuberance to the detriment of the free-flow Mwaghavul language that they understand and to worsen the matter, you will discover that both speakers are Mwaghavul people, the Heavens will not forgive us if we should continue like this. We must adopt an “each-one’ teach one” approach if we must reverse the trend. There are quite a number of languages on the Plateau that are no longer spoken like the Latin, Greek etc. that we hear of. If we do not promote our language nobody will promote it for us rather we will help promote other peoples’ languages for them. May God forbid, help me say Amen! Nathaniel Daapiya v ORIGINAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS When the inspiration to compile this maiden Mwaghavul-English dictionary came to me as a dream, I considered it more as an exercise to either while away time or to see how many words I could still remember. Little did I know that it would develop into something as this. This work could not have been possible without the motivation of people like Sylvester Yakwal, who after going through my initial script of over one thousand words, commented thus, “this modest effort is enough to start a Mwaghavul dictionary”. Although the statement was meant to be a morale booster, I suddenly became sceptical of my ability to cope with the technicalities, having discovered that I have ventured into a very unfamiliar terrain ie Linguistics, I then started foot-dragging, proffering one excuse after another, why I may not be able to continue with the project. However as God would have it, for each excuse I gave, God used him and several others to provide solid answers and even linkages, which eventually subdued me and enhanced the completion of this work. That is why I have dedicated the work to God first for using me as a mere tool to achieve his desire. I see myself as a mere coordinator, To God be the Glory. I am however indebted to the following; Reverend Polycarp Fi’an Dapiya who did a similar work much earlier between 1971, and 1972 (although unpublished) and who despite his waning health, never got tired of the countless times I approached him, seeking one kind of explanation or the other, and for allowing me the use of his book “A short History of Sura (Panyam) 1730-1981” under the name of Datok. Another elder I cannot afford to forget is Daa Bagiri Bishmang, the Baraya of Panyam (Sarkin Tsafi) and who I would prefer to call as the “encyclopaedia” of Mwaghavul culture. He still has in his custody some of the artefacts, such as the implements for the production of fire by friction method (see Pyaghar Wus and photograph on Pyaghar Wus) and a host of others. When I requested to take the photographs of some of the items, he did not only oblige, but insisted on producing fire with them for me to see first, to confirm the efficacy of the implements. He was very supportive when I told him that all he knew in Mwaghavul culture would be meaningless unless they were recorded for posterity as I was trying to do. For an elder who is not literate to understand the importance of record keeping and divulge such information shrouded by myth is highly commendable. Babuje Danazumi Gumwesh of Department of Language College of Education Gindiri was one of those God led me to. The first time I called on him, I did not meet him, I therefore left the script with a note attached. It was on the fourth visit that I had the privilege of meeting him for the first time, prior to this meeting his wife had assured me at each visit that he was working on the script. I am excited that there are still some Nigerians who do not believe in “eye service”. I was next led to Reverend Yaluna Yiljep (the project adviser of Mwaghavul Bible Translation) and Jacob P. Bess who cleared the technical areas. The next person was Geoffrey Musa Yenle, who despite his ill-health at the time still devoted time to this work. It is such wonderful contributions from notable Mwaghavul sons and daughters that convinced me that it was the handiwork of the Almighty God. Dr. Sale Akila Lohor was equally very supportive and gave the work a touch that the entire Mwaghavul people will be proud of. His Royal Highness the Mishkagham Mwaghavul Daa Nelson Andak Bakfur was of tremendous help and support, that has gone a long way in widening my horizon. Others are their Highnesses Daa Moses Yachan Derwan and Daa Micheal Kasham Hirse, the Deskagham of Panyam and Mangu respectively. Daa Nehemiah D. Yakwal, Prof. Monday Y. Mangvwat (the vice chancellor University of Jos) Dr. Umar Danfulani (the Dean of student Affairs Unijos) Emmanuel H. Dadirep, Mrs Tarifaina Manaseh Toma, Mrs Florence Mamot, Enoch Y. Lot, Daa John Mark Samci (the Galadiman Mwaghavul) Barister Danjuma Maina (the Waziri of Mwaghavul) for their support and encouragement, Barrister Alexander Lohor, Andrew T. Duhur, Tanko Bitrus Yawus, Jatau nJele Daluk, Mal. Abdulrahman Adukuchili, Helon Kwatdok (the Chiroma Chakfem) Clement Yelkopba, Isaac D. Gwantong, Rev Soloman Dawel, the Mangu LGC, Tanko G. Sana (the Madakin Panyam), Charles Benle Gugin, Daa Tungshak Taba, Daammok Riinlagham, Sergeant Peter Putmang, for their wise counsels. My appreciation also goes to Tunde Samuel Olaniyi, Victoria Luka Dapirep and Ponzin Rindap who all handled the computer work at various stages. The authors have obtained a written permission from the Federal College of Education (FCE) Pankshin to include Mwaghavul Meta language, a compilation of coined words for school use. We would like to thank vi Professor David Wannang the Provost Federal College of Education Pankshin for allowing us the inclusion of the Mwaghavul meta language made by consultancy services unit of the college under the Universal Basic Education (UBE\PEP II Programme in conjunction with the Pushit zone of Mangu LGC. These words are listed in the Appendix. In conclusion, I wish to acknowledge the support and advice of my unbeatable sisters Mrs Beatrice Nancin Usman, Mrs Charity Piring’ar Maina and my immediate family Rhoda, Naanlop, Sam and Kyespan for their supportive roles. Last but not the least I am indebted to numerous Mwaghavul elders who contributed in one way or the other. To all I am most grateful. Nathaniel Daapiya Jos, April 2012 vii 1. The Mwaghavul people and their language Mwaghavul is a relatively large West Chadic language spoken in Mangu Local Government Area, Plateau State, Nigeria. The main towns of the Mwaghavul are Mangu and Panyam. There are generally estimated to be some 150,000 speakers of Mwaghavul, although such a figure is largely guesswork. Mupun, often considered a distinct language, is very close to Mwaghavul and the division may be more ethnic than linguistic. The Toos, or the language of Takas also appears to be very similar. The closest relatives of Mwaghavul are Cakfem-Mushere and Miship and it falls within the same group as Ngas and Goemai. The Mwaghavul are known as вЂ�Sura’ in much of the older literature. Mwaghavul is bordered by Plateau (i.e. Benue-Congo) languages to the north and west, notably Berom and Izere. 2. Mwaghavul phonology No complete phonology or orthography of Mwaghavul has ever been published, although the sketch accompanying Jungraithmayr (1963/4) provides a basic overview of the sound-system. A description of the closely related Mupun by Frajzyngier (1991, 1993) has useful insights into the grammar and vocabulary of Mwaghavul. The basis for the current Mwaghavul writing system is some unpublished documents prepared by the late Stephen Nyang, now archived by the Nigeria Bible Translation trust. The phonology given below was prepared afresh with new examples, but there are no major differences with the existing analysis. 2.1 Vowels There are six vowels in Mwaghavul, the cardinal vowels and a central vowel /i/. This is a common Chadic pattern, although not found in Hausa. Phonetically the mid-vowels are /Й›/ and /Й”/ but they are not in contrast with /e/ and /o/ and are thus represented by вЂ�e’ and вЂ�o’ in orthographic practice. Degree Front Central Back Close i ЙЁ u Half Open Й› Й” Open a Long/short contrast exists for vowels but there are no nasalised vowels. Words with the high central vowel /ЙЁ/ frequently have variants with /u/, for example; ng rМЃ Гs ~ ngГєrГєs cartilage This may be evidence that the /ЙЁ/ is gradually assimilating to a back vowel. biscuit bone; cartilage also ngГєrГєs (kwatar kashi – hausa) /ngГєrГєs/ ng МЃrГs /ngrГs/ ng rМЂ ГІk /ng rМЂ Й”k/ to snore, snoring Examples of demonstrating vowel contrasts; u~Й” kГєm navel kЙ”МЃm groundnut Й—ГєЕ‹ lie Й—Й”МЃЕ‹ purity of water tГ№ghГ№m tilt tЙ”МЂghЙ”МЂm blood a~Й” kam stick kЙ”m ear pas arrow pЙ”s rub ГЎr road Й”r alarm sound viii i~Й› pГl blurred vision pЙ›МЂl flower tГЕ‹ tree tЙ›МЃЕ‹ rope pГ¬t quench pЙ›МЂt call a~Й› mГ n knowledge mЙ›МЂn beauty tГ Е‹ to count tЙ›МЃЕ‹ rope par night pЙ›r scatter i~ЙЁ niЕ‹ your mother nЙЁЕ‹ buffalo Й—iЙ“en crops Й—ЙЁЙ“en water vapour Each short vowel has a lengthened equivalent. Table 1 shows examples demonstrating this contrast; Table 1. Illustrations of vowel-length contrast in Mwaghavul Mwaghavul Gloss Mwaghavul Gloss sГЎm sharpen saam to sleep, to lie down mar swelling maar millet cultivar pГЎt sheath pГЎГЎt Canarium fruit kЙЁn uncle kЙЁЙЁn salt gЙЁt small piece of meat g МЂ tМЂ hill, mountain Й—i to be there Й—ii the one that is КѓГ¬ using КѓГГ leg Кѓit grass (general) Кѓiit act of pounding wЙ›МЃt to do something continuously wЙ›МЃЙ›МЃt both Й—yЙ›МЃs bone Й—yЙ›Й›s sand Й—u to smell Й—Г№Г№ to be a crowd, to be many fur outside fГєГєr grass with white flower gЙ”МЃl female lizard gЙ”МЂЙ”МЂl to be bent, to be crooked tЙ”МЂk to greet tЙ”МЃЙ”МЃk neck 2.2 Consonants Mwaghavul consonants are as follows: Bilabial Plosive Implosive Nasal Fricative Affricate Approximant Trill Lateral Approximant p Labiodental b Й“ Alveolar t Postalveolar d Й— m f n s v z Palatal ЙІ Кѓ y r l ix К’ Velar Labialvelar Glottal k g / Е‹ [ЙЈ] tКѓ К¤ h w Mwaghavul has palatalised and labialised consonants in contrast with their normal forms. In addition it permits homorganic nasals for some consonants. Mwaghavul also permits final approximants, although these are rare. Examples; Tidiw hunting expedition of Kombun community. ngaw wild dog, fox ngaw to shave the head completely dГєng-ndГ y-mpГЎnyГ m grasshopper sp. nЙЁrГ©t kway bong to revolt, protest, associated with mad dogs taway small wall erected to block intruders into the compound zГ y /g/ and /ЙЈ/ are almost in complementary distribution, with g- occurring word-initially, or syllable-finally in compounds and -ЙЈ- occurring between two vowels. Two exceptional words have /ЙЈ/ in word-initial position; ghГ you ghЙЁЙ“ЙЁl swelling As a consequence, /ЙЈ/ is represented as a distinct letter, gh, in the orthography. In principle it could probably be eliminated, but has become established. As with many neighbouring languages, stop consonants undergo voicing changes in medial position. Word-final –p becomes /b/ in medial position Word-final –t becomes /d/ in medial position Word-final –k becomes /g/ in medial position Evidence for key consonant contrasts is given below; b~p ba:l arm (hand) pГ :l sleeping material made from raffia branches baЕ‹ to join together paЕ‹ poisonous snake bГЎr survival par night t~d tГЎ: to fall, drop dГ ГЎ father tГ Е‹ to count daЕ‹ tail tГ№l bush sp. dul pull k~g kГ¬Е‹ on the blind side of s.t. g Е‹МЂ drum kГЎs to abuse, insult gГЎs sharing food after cooking gam to be complete, full, fill kam stick, staff, rod b~Й“ bak baan bЙЁring buu bwang to throw wide horse worthless brown Й“ak Й“aan Й“ЙЁring Й“uu Й“wang to share unrequested help roll on grass for arrow-shaft measure of steps x d~Й— Й—ГЎghГЎr hail, ice blocks, snow daghar to limp dang tail Й—ang monitor lizard den to deny of Й—en to put f~v fwaat fwang fГ№k fur piece of cloth to protect to blow air with bellows open space in compound vwГ Г t vwang kuvuk vur to pluck a fowl to wash waste from fonio hurry a person up s~z san self zan to stretch sum name zum to bend down seel slimy zeel saliva tКѓ ~ К¤ can cut jan twin caghar kind of beans jagham chin Кѓ~К’ shir shwer blur pour down zhir zhwer disappear skinny child Palatalised consonants Palatalisation in Mwaghavul is rare but contrastive and can be applied to most consonants. Older orthographic practice tended to insert a medial –i- between the initial consonant and the semi-vowel, thus piyaa instead of pyaa for вЂ�white’, disguising the presence of the palatal. Since the –i- was non-tone-bearing, this was highly inconsistent and has been dropped in the present dictionary. However, some personal names spelt in this fashion have gained currency and these are noted in square brackets in the tables of personal names ( and ). Table 2 shows examples of the palatalised consonants of Mwaghavul; xi Table 2. Mwaghavul palatalised consonants Mwaghavul Gloss byagas mangle; flatten an organism dyagap excessive application of ointment Й—yГЎgГЎp to blink, dim a vehicle’s headlight fyak to feel annoyed, pained gyЙ›t last year kyГЎk to pick lyap plural of naa (look, see) myas pl. of to drink water excessively nyГ k to do something continuously pyГЎ: white, fair ryЙ›Й›m destroy, demobilize, render useless tyЙ”МЂЙ”МЂp to jumble, mix up vyaЕ‹ one-eyed person or animal Palatalisation does not occur before the high vowels /i/, /ЙЁ/ and /u/ and if heard it is non-phonemic, as in some neighbouring Plateau languages. However, there are examples of contrast before the mid-front vowel Й›. For example; dЙ›МЂs groan Й—yЙ›МЃs bone As a consequence, palatalisation must only be written where it is distinctive. Labialised consonants Labialised consonants only occur before low central and front vowels, never before /ЙЁ/, /i/, /o/ and /u/. As with palatals, older orthographic practice tended to insert a medial –u- between the initial consonant and the semi-vowel, thus luwaa instead of lwaa. This was highly inconsistent and has been dropped in the present dictionary. However, some personal names spelt in this fashion have gained currency and these are noted in square brackets in the tables of personal names ( and ). Many labialised consonants are only found in verb plurals as part of a morphophonemic alternation; xii Table 3. Mwaghavul labialised consonants Mwaghavul Gloss bwГЎn to beat thoroughly Й“waa grass sp. tКѓwaЕ‹ spear dwaЕ‹ self-centred person, stubborn Й—was to lick fwan rain gwГ k to rebuke К¤wГ l threshed part of fonio ready for the pot kwaam to have sexual intercourse lwas mend (plural) mwЙ›МЃn fool, foolishness nwaЕ‹ satire, proverbs, insults, abusive language pwan eject (plural) rwa to embed (plural of ru) swa to run (plural of su) twГ k thrust vwaЕ‹ wash, cleanse nvwГ n-nvwam scrambling for things without being orderly zwam to bend down (plural of zum) zhwer skinny child There is clearly a relationship between labialisation and verb plurals, although this is by no means systematic. Prenasalised consonants Mwaghavul permits contrastive homorganic nasals preceding consonants. These are realised as m- before bilabials, Е‹- before velars and n- before all others. Initial nasals have a wide variety of meanings in Mwaghavul and it is important to distinguish specific usages. Moreover, there is an important distinction between tone-bearing and non-tone-bearing nasals. Nasals that make important semantic distinctions, such as dative pronouns or future, are all low-tone and are marked as such in the dictionary. However, those in optional forms, such as for many nouns, have no individual tone. Table 4 illustrates the application of initial nasals with such nouns. Thus; Table 4. Realisation of homorganic nasals in Mwaghavul Orthographic Gloss mbìì thing mmuus cat mpГЁp beard ncokmeel grasshopper sp. nding stone nfГ№t mosquito nlang ant sp. ngimaar grass sp. nk lМЂ nМЃ g eagle Mwaghavul distinguishes between initial velar nasal, /Е‹-/ and initial sequences of n + g. For example; З№gГЎw ngГЎК· to shave the head completely ngaw Е‹aw wild dog, fox xiii З№gГ ng ngГ Е‹ fan palm ngГЎng Е‹ГЎЕ‹ traditional hoe З№gaa nga: adultery ngaa Е‹a: for long, a while These are not distinguished in the current orthography. There is a proposal to indicate this in the future, for example by separating the nasal prefix from the stem with a hyphen. Thus; n-gГ ng ngГ Е‹ fan palm nga: adultery n-gaa n-gГЎw ngГЎК· to shave the head completely Many nouns occur in two forms, both with and without nasal initial consonants. Some words have a fixed prenasal which is always present. Others have a variable nasal which readers would normally supply. The logic of this is not fully worked out yet, but the following appear to be true. 1. Most animal names are prenasalised; mbul mbwoor mp МЃrГЎmpas ncokmeel ndГ l ndГ¬shìì nfyéém ngГІk dove, pigeon lion dragonfly grasshopper sp. small, striped rat fly hawk grasshopper (generic) 2. Nasals can also mark evidentials a cin a gГ№rГ№m kong mo ye you gave you people how many pl. ? I know that you have allocated people but I don’t know how many? a cin a З№gГ№rГ№m kong mo ye you gave you people how many pl. ? How many people of the group are actually doing the work? 3. Future is marked with a nasal Prenasals /m/ and /n/ mark future e.g. tar Й—in-nji, shii Й—in-nshee etc. 4. Nasals have a prepositional or locative function, with meanings such as to, for, in; e.g. mPiyaanyaa, mPushit, nKЙЁrang, nJos, nAmerica, nEngland, mbut-nam etc sum kЙЁ yil Й—iisi ni a Jos name of land this it is Jos This place is called Jos xiv wan a З№JГІs yaksi I am at Jos now I am now in Jos 2.3 Tones Mwaghavul has three level tones. Phonetic glides arise from combinations of similar vowels with differing tones. The tones are represented as follows; High acute accent above the syllable К№ Mid unmarked Low grave accent over the syllable Л‹ Examples of a three-way height contrast are; high kГєn three mid kun be old low kГ№n old age high kГєs near mid kus to rub together low kГ№s big high sГЎt to say mid sat herself low sГ t memorial stone high wГЎГЎr gruel mid waar to mix flour with water to prepare gruel low wГ Г r law Phonetic glide tones arise from sequences of two identical vowels with dissimilar tones and are very rare. For example; dГ ГЎ father, lord kГ ГЎ grandmother, elderly woman nГ ГЎ mother It is presumably no accident that these examples are all kin terms. 3. Mwaghavul grammar sketch 3.1 Nouns The great majority of nouns make the plural by prefixing mo-. mo is always written as a separate morpheme, as in many sentences it can be shifted to clause-final position, and is thus remote from the object it qualifies. Mwaghavul has a few suppletive plurals, all of which are basic person terms. These are; lГ Г Е‹go mat mish reep child person woman man girl jГ©p nyem shirop daas jiraap children people women men girls In most cases, even the suppletive plural can take a –mo suffix as well, to emphasise numbers. Thus; nyem ni mo, shirop mo, daas mo, jiraap mo etc. xv An extremely productive process in Mwaghavul is the creation of verbal nouns from CVC verb stems through tonal change. For example; can to cut cГ n circumcision kun to be old kГ№n old age 3.2 Pronouns 3.3 Verbs 3.3.1 Verb morphology 3.3.2 Verb plurals A distinctive feature of Mwaghavul, shared with many Plateau family languages, is extensive use of plural verbs (Blench, in press). 3.4 Adjectives 3.5 Adverbs 3.6 Conjunctions 3.7 Locatives 3.8 Interjections 3.9 Ideophones 4. Mwaghavul syntax xvi 5. Mwaghavul orthography past and present Missionaries first began work among the Mwaghavul in 1907, and by the early years of the First World War, were producing books of the Bible in a preliminary orthography. These missionaries had previously worked with Yoruba and as a consequence, early writing systems reflected its conventions. Those familiar with the older orthography will notice changes in the following letters; Й“, Й—, gh, ng, sh, ЙЁ, ng, ny. Current orthographic practice is shown in Table 5; Table 5. Former and current orthographic conventions in Mwaghavul Current Examples Formerly Й“ Й“al, Й“ak, Й“aan, Й“am b c cirem, cijeng, com, cileng ch Й— Й—ak, Й—aan, Й—ang, Й—uk d gh aghas, gaghas, nagham, oghor h, g, g ng mang, wang, wangkang, tang Е‹ sh sham, shang, shilip, shughur б№Ј ЙЁ ЙЁrong, ЙЁrap, fЙЁri, zЙЁng i zh zhak, zhir, zhwer sh The use of вЂ�gh’ is misleading, since this normally represents /ЙЈ/ in Nigerian usage, but here it is simply /g/. Neither long vowels nor tone were marked in the older orthography. The failure to mark length has had the result that some rather common words, such a pГІГІ вЂ�mouth’ were written po, a form which persists in the orthography but which should be discouraged. Another defect of the orthography was a failure to understand palatalisation, the introduction of a spurious high front vowel in some words. Thus a word such as pyГЎГЎ вЂ�to be lucky’ was typically written piya. Maghavul does permit –iy- sequences, for example; piyem wild date-palm References Ames, C.G. 1934. Gazetteer of Plateau Province. Blench, R.M. in press. Mwaghavul plural verbs. Papers in Chadic VI. Doris Lohr and Ari Awaganna eds. KГ¶ln: RГјdiger KГ¶ppe. Danfulani, U.H. ined. Understanding Nyam: Studies in the History and Cultures of the Ngas, Mupun and Mwaghavul in Nigeria, Unpublished Manuscript. Datok, P.F. 1983. A Short History of Sura (Panyam), 1700-1982. Jos: Nigeria Bible Translation Trust. Frajyzngier, Z. 1991. A dictionary of Mupun. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. Frajyzngier, Z. 1993. A grammar of Mupun. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. Hayward, M.A. 1921. Round About Panyam. London: CMS. Isichei, E. (ed) 1982. Studies in the History of Plateau State: Nigeria. London: Macmillan. Jungraithmayr, H. 1963/4. Die Sprache der Sura (Mwaghavul) in Nord-nigerien. Afrika und Гњbersee, 47:889. Lohor, S.A. 1984. The Impact of Colonialism on Mwaghavul Society. B.A History Project, University of Jos. Lohor, S.A. 1993. Agricultural Changes in Mwaghavul land from Pre-colonial period to 1991. M.A. Dissertation, University of Jos. Meek, C.K. 1925. The Northern Tribes of Nigeria. 2 vols. London: Oxford University Press. Meek, C.K. 1931. Tribal Studies in Northern Nigeria. 2 vols. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Trubner. Morrison, J.H. 1976. Jos Plateau Societies: Internal Changes and External Influence, 1800-1935. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan. Neirs, M.P. 1979. The People of the Jos Plateau, Nigeria: Their Philosophy, Manners and Customs. Frankfurt Am Main TakГЎcs, G. 2004. Comparative dictionary of the Angas-Sura languages. Berlin: Reimer. Temple, O. 1922. Notes on the tribes, provinces, emirates and states of the Northern Provinces of Nigeria. Lagos: CMS Bookshop. xvii Parts of Speech Like all languages, Mwaghavul words can be classified according to the function they have in the sentence. These are known as вЂ�parts of speech’ - the most well-known types are nouns and verbs. The following table gives the abbreviations used in the dictionary with short explanations; Abbreviation Full form Explanation a. adv. aux. clit. c.i. cond. conj. dem. det. excl. int. loc. n. n.p. Adjective Adverb Auxiliary Clitic Colour intensifier Conditional Conjunction Demonstrative Determiner Exclamation Interrogative Locative Noun Noun phrase Describes a noun Qualifies a verb Added to a verb to modify it, like a tense-marker num. part. p.n. p.p. pref. pron. quant. v. v.a. v.i. v.n. v.p. Numeral Particle Proper Name Pronominal phrase Prefix Pronoun Quantifier Verb Verbal auxiliary Intransitive Verb Verbal Noun Verb phrase v.t. voc. Transitive verb Vocative A word which intensifies the degree of colour Expresses the relation between two events A word used to join two or more nouns, verbs or clauses Words used to point out something. вЂ�this’, вЂ�that’ etc. Word that specify the definiteness of a noun, вЂ�a’ вЂ�the’ etc. Greetings or expressions that do not form part of an ordinary sentence Question words Describes the position of things in time or space Refers to things, objects etc. A phrase where a head-noun is joined to other words to form an expression Number Short words added to complete the sentence A name of a person or object; always capitalised A phrase used in a pronoun slot A word that stands for a noun A word that expresses the amount of something Expresses action Modifies a verb with respect to tense or state A verb with no object A noun formed directly from a verb to express a state of being A phrase where a head-noun is joined to other words to form an expression A verb with an object Expression used in addressing someone directly Needless to say, these categories were developed to describe English grammar and not all Mwaghavul words fit neatly into them. For example, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish verbs from adjectives. Only a clear grammatical description will help the reader understand the function of a word in a sentence. At that point, the assignment to a particular part of speech is somewhat arbitrary; what counts is consistency throughout. xviii Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition MWAGHAVUL-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Mwaghavul A. pl. PoS IPA Gloss a1 a1 Й—eng a2 loc. loc. part. /a/ a deЕ‹ /a/ on on top of focus marker a3 a pron. v. /a/ a you (masc. sg.) is, to be, copula ГЎГЎ pron. Г Г 1 Г Г 2 conj. int. /Г :/ /Г :/ aa3 n. /Г :/ Г Г 4 Г Г 4 pГІГІ a. n. /Г :/ /Г :-pГІГІ/ Г Г 4 wus aak Г Г k dГЎГЎs a.p. n. n.p. /Г :-wus/ /a:k/ /Г :k-dГЎ:s/ Г Г k k МЃcГіГі n.p. /Г :k-k cМЃ Й”МЃ/ Г Г k k МЃcГіГі n. Г Г k nuk n.p. /Г :k-nuk/ aak put aak Г Г kГіГі n.p. n. conj. /a:k-put/ Г Г min Г Г n excl. v. /Г :min/ /Г :n/ aap1 v. /a:p/ you (masc. sg. progressive tense) 1 placed before most parts of speech except verbs to show focus Panji a Й—iimish Panji is male + ГЎГЎ kam a we kЙЁ sЙЁ gwГshЙ“ МЃr МЃng gwГshЙ“ МЃr МЃng ye? Who are you imitating, that walks gwГshЙ“ rМЃ nМЃ g gwГshЙ“ rМЃ nМЃ g? An assimilated form of a k МЃ or is it so? is it the case Sentence final question that? morpheme, use when the response echoes a statement. seed, kernel, grain, stone, pit bare, naked (knife) astonishment, lit. вЂ�bare mouth’ surprise hottest part of fire pregnancy hernia protrusion of the belly by men posthumous child child born after death of father (mother was pregnant when father died) pregnancy outside now often refers to first marriage pregnancy pregnancy outside Considered a very shameful marriage act that no responsible parent tolerated. Songs and other derogatory remarks or comments are made to ensure conformity with the norm abortion, miscarriage squirrel or also Г Г . Wagha nji Г Г kГіГі wan nso. You will come or you will go amen, let it be so <Hausa eating of bones bite the small flesh on the bone to widen, open space Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul aap2 aar aas1 aas ngГІrГІ Г Г s1 Г Г s2 Г Г s Й—iil Г Г s kwee pl. mo- PoS n. v. n. n.p. n. n. n. n. Г Г s yer n. Г Г s yit aase n. adv. aasi1 aasГ2 abet int. v. adv. abetabet aЙ“wГіГіn aЙ—Г©ng adiko adv. adv. n. n. aduwa agaak Г ghГ r n. adv. a. Г ghГ s n. Г ghГ s cГ№ghГ№r n.p. Г ghГ s manzang Г ghГ s shwГ r Г ghГ s wur n.p. n.p. n.p. aghat v. agogo Г gwГ mo— n. voc. IPA /a:p/ /a:r/ /a:s/ /a:s-ngЙ”МЂrЙ”МЂ/ Gloss yawn to scratch, scrape flour, beverage drink of farmers before lunch /Г :s/ seed, grain /Г :s/ egg /Г :s-Й—Г:l/ testicles /Г :s-kwЙ›МЂ:/ egg of chicken Mwaghavul believe that an ancestor can come back to the family in the form of an egg to reveal a mystery to the family/grand-children etc. Only seers can interpret such messages. /Г :spumpkin seed roasted yЙ›r//Г :s-Й“Й›МЃ:/ and then pounded in a mortar /Г :s-yit/ eyeball frequently, often, dee wurГ kЙЁ mwaan aase usually, a lot gГ№smГЁtgГ№smГЁt [as a result of over-eating] He now usually walks sluggishly gГ№smГЁtgГ№smГЁt /a:si/ it is so /a:sГ/ is, are, be like /abЙ›t/ suddenly, immediately /abЙ›tabЙ›t/ immediately, at once /aЙ“wЙ”МЃ:n/ after /aЙ—Й›МЃЕ‹/ in heaven, up /adikЙ”/ headgear <Hausa. Worn by women for occasions, it is usually bigger than dankwali. /Г duwa/ prayer <Hausa /aga:k/ openly /Г gГ r/ excessive consumption of liquid, to draw close to /Г gГ s/ general name for teeth /Г gГ swisdom teeth tКѓГ№gГ№r/ premolars/molars /manzaЕ‹/ canine /Г gГ s-КѓwГ r/ incisors (teeth) /Г gГ s-wur/ milk teeth, wisdom teeth /agat/ to warm, dry or heat s.t. on a fire /Г gЙ”gЙ”/ wristwatch, clock <Hausa /Г gwГ / address to young boy, cf. apa man, vocative form 2 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul ГЎjГ¬ ak ak pee pl. PoS n. v. v.p. IPA /ГЎjГ¬/ /ГЎk/ /ГЎk-pЙ›:/ ak sar v.p. /ГЎk-sГЎr/ akЙЁ akГє conj. loc. /akЙЁ/ /akГє/ akГє Й—ГЎng adv. /akГє-Й—ГЎЕ‹/ Г m1 Г m can Й—ГЎr n. n. Г m Й—Гіng Г m kuur Г m mmes ГЂm PГ№Й—Гіng n.p. n.p. n.p. p.n. /Г m/ /Г m-tКѓanЙ—ГЎr/ /Г m-Й—Й”МЃЕ‹/ Г m pungГ№k n. Г m put dГєng n.p. ГЂm ShГЎГЎl p.n. /Г m put dГєЕ‹/ /Г m-КѓГЎ:l/ Г m shwГЎГЎ Г m yen am2 n. n. v. /Г m-КѓwГЎ:/ /Г m-yЙ›n/ /am/ ГЎn1 v. /ГЎn/ ГЎn pee v.p. /ГЎn-pЙ›:/ /Г m-mЙ›s/ /Г m-pГ№Й—Й”МЃЕ‹/ /Г m-pungГ№k/ n 3 Gloss class <Hausa to increase, add non-verbal insult (by the use of hand) to use the hand to insult others with from, out of a baa akГє mpesi go away from me, wuri Й“am akГє nsar fina he grabbed it out of my hand wuri shang akГє mЙ“ut am to took it out of the water wuri lagham akГє pu mun Й—i he hid from us wuri Й“a mu akГє mЙ“ut njeel he saved us from suffering before wuri saam akГє Й—ГЎng muu ji mu wul he slept before we arrived mu ship akГє Й—ГЎng mu shee Й—ik ni Й—i let us break it down and then rebuild it a Й—ar akГє Й—ГЎng let you stop before i.e. wait! water pond, lake clean, clear water sea, ocean, lake, pond yellow colour crater lake in Ampang West source of natural spring water cf. bahar. cf. ГЂm Shaal Kerang volcanic mountain in Mangu LGA, Plateau state, the water is warm in the mornings and cool in the afternoon. flooding of stream, river place in Ampang area cf. ГЂm PuЙ—Гіng of Mangu LGA drinking water medicinal syrup to carve, peel Manji k МЂ am lГЎГЎwГєr. Manji has peeled the sweet potato. to worry, pity, be Followed by the pronouns concerned, be sak, sat, san to make a anxious reflexive for different persons. wura gyar ГЎn sat zam She was very anxious about herself. to worry about or pity Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss others I, me ГЎn2 pron. /ГЎn/ ang n. /aЕ‹/ Ani mm n МЂ i anГnГ excl. n. /anГnГ/ ankwa n. ap n. /ГЎnkwГ //t zМЃ Й›k//t sМЃ Й›МЃk/ /ap/ voc. /Г pГ / ГЎr ГЎr Г Г r ГЎr Й—el ГЎr mГ ng Г r shГ¬shГ m n. n. v.p. v.p. n.p. /ГЎr/ /ГЎr-Г :r/ /ГЎr-Й—el/ /ГЎrmГ Е‹/ /Г r-КѓГ¬КѓГ m/ arang arГЎng ye int. int. /araЕ‹/ /arГЎЕ‹-ye/ n. a. n. /as/ /as-kwar/ /Г s-kwГ t/ v. /as mГ Е‹ mЙ›: nГ¬n/ n. pron. conj. v. v.p. v.p. v.p. loc. /Г s-pГ r/ /aКѓak/ /aКѓГ¬/ /at/ /at-lГ:s/ /at-pЙ”МЂ:/ /at-sГЎr/ /at lМЃ Й›МЂЕ‹/ n. /azЙ›МЃ:n/ redemption, setting free, liberation it is so, that’s it one tenth of a penny < Hausa. No longer legal (1/10 d) tender with the introduction of the Naira handcuffs, chain used < English via Hausa. cf. in detaining criminals also t МЃzek, t МЃsГ©k swelling on the body as a result of beating address from a senior Also pГ . cf. aghwa to a woman road, way, procedure main road lit. вЂ�scraped road’ to miss road to miss road descending road, going down, slope, declivity how? why? cf. cirang. what is wrong? ghГ arГЎng ye? How are you? dog severe dog specially trained for hunting to be the matter lit. вЂ�dog takes a locust-bean pod’. Ba ri man nne as mГ ng mГЁГЁ nГ¬n. He doesn’t know that something is the matter. dog nursing puppies together, with with to bite to bite the tongue to bite the lips to bite the fingers in front, before, ahead, outside, not inside a building fact, something true part. bà …kГЎs negative Г pГ as as kwar as kwat — momo- as mГ ng mГЁГЁ nГ¬n Г s pГ r ashak ashi at at lГГs at pГІГІ at sГЎr at МЃlГЁng azéén moЙЁrap ЙЁrap lГГs ЙЁrap pГІГІ ЙЁrap sГЎr first person singular masculine pronoun. Also wГЎn B. ba…kГЎs bГ ..Й—ak 4 (sentence is framed these two words) by Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul kas,…waa…zak baa shik baa baa1 baa2 baa aku baa so bГ Г 3 bГ Г feer bГ Г kun bГ Г mЙЁndong pl. PoS n. argument let, allow excess, times to go back, retreat to go back to go back ten fourteen (14) thirteen (13) eleven (11) bГ Г paat bГ Г peemee num. num. bГ Г po feer bГ Г po kun bГ Г po vul bГ Г vul bГ Г jГ¬ baal baan num. num. num. num. v. n. n. n. n. /ba:n-kГ s/ /ba:ta/ n. v. /bahar/ bak v. v. /bak/ /bak/ baakuru n. bang v. /bГЎ:kГєrГ№//b ГЎЕ‹kГєr/ baЕ‹ baptisma bГЎr bГ r bebul been n. n. v. n. n. /bГ ptГsma/ /bГЎr/ /bГ r/ /bЙ›:bГ№l/ /bЙ›МЂ:n/ mo- baan kas baata bahar bГЎk bak1 bak2 biyan car Gloss /bГЎ:-КѓГ¬k/ ??? /bГ :/ /bГ :/ /bГ :-akГє/ /bГ :-sЙ”МЂ/ bГ Г /bГ :-fЙ›МЃ:r/ /bГ :-kГєn/ /bГ :m nМЃ dЙ”МЂЕ‹/ /bГ :-pГ :t/ /bГ :pЙ›:mЙ›МЃ:/ /bГ :-pЙ”fЙ›МЃ:r/ /bГ :-pЙ”kГєn/ /bГ :-pЙ”vul/ /bГ :-vul/ /bГ :-jГ¬/ /ba:l/ /bГЎ:n/ в€’ a. v. v.p. v.p. num. num. num. num. IPA 5 a baa kГє wГЎn Й—el Й—i Let me pass fifteen (15) sixteen (16) nineteen (19) eighteen (18) seventeen 17 twelve (12) to return, come back arm, hand flat object i.e. plate, tray, flat rock etc shifting cultivation local flask for child’s <Hausa gruel sea, ocean <Arabic via Hausa to strike, beat, pound, hit to throw to pound s.t. half-dry in a mortar groundnut cakes <Hausa. also bangkur to combine (as grains) baptism <English survival to survive, heal bible <English gourd (calabash) Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul bГЁГЁn mwГІГІr bГЁlГі bГЁn n. v. beng hЙЁr n. beng kЙЁЙЁn n. /bЙ›МЂЕ‹hЙЁr//bЙ›МЂЕ‹kЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃl/ /bЙ›МЂЕ‹-kЙЁ:n/ v. n. v. /bЙ›МЂt/ /bilat/ /bГr/ bish1 bish2 v. v. /biКѓ/ /bГКѓ/ bish3 bish-bish bish méé bimbyol v. adv. n. /biКѓ-mЙ›МЃ:/ /bГ¬mbyЙ”МЂl/ bГnkГta n. bГ¬t biyan bЙЁghЙЁr bЙЁlak n. v. v. v. /bГnkГta//b МЃ nk tМЃ a/ /bГ¬t/ /biyan/ /b gМЃ ЙЁr/ /bЙЁlak/ b lМЂ Г Г p b lМЂ Г Г p sar b lМЂ Г Г p shii bЙЁlaat n. n. n. n. /b lМЂ Г :p-sГЎr/ /b lМЂ Г :p-КѓГ:/ /bЙЁla:t/ bЙЁlem n. bЙЁlip1 bЙЁlip2 bЙЁlish n. v. v. /b lМЂ Й›МЂm//mb lМЂ Й›МЂm/ /b lМЂ Г¬p/ /bЙЁlip/ /bЙЁliКѓ/ bЙЁlon n. /b lМЃ Й”n/ bЙЁrep bЙЁrЙЁm b МЃrГng v. n. n. ??? /bЙЁrЙЁm/ /b rМЃ ГЕ‹/ Gloss colour complexion of person who is neither dark nor fair (dark in complexion) chicken-pox to assume, think, expect, hope for plant dug from the ground and eaten by children container usually made of palm leaves used for storing salt, potash to push down fonio variety to move or travel aimlessly to be stingy to be bad, wrong, misshapen, ugly to be bitter ???? sometimes, probably inflammation of the throat gun, revolver, shotgun, rifle hut, house to beat (plural) to expose, spread to till farm effortlessly palm of hand palm of one’s hand flat part of one’s foot fonio variety grown by FulЙ“e soot, burning without flame election, investigation select, search search to the minuest details gap left after removing tooth to push down (pl.) plant, fruit horse bЙЁring-shaghal n. /b rМЂ Г¬Е‹ КѓГ gГ l/ bicycle bГЁt bilat bir pl. PoS a. bЙЁrep pweer koon IPA /bЙ›МЂ:nmwЙ”МЂ:r/ /bЙ›МЂn/ 6 also beng-kohol cf. kusuk also bЙЁnkЙЁta bindiga < Hausa cf. nЙЁram also mbЙЁlem cf. bet (sg.) the following are used in decorating a horse etc muwur, nzidyak, sakpo, shaghal-kЙЁpak lit. вЂ�iron horse’ Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul bЙЁrong1 pl. PoS n. IPA /b rМЃ Й”МЃЕ‹/ bЙЁrong pas bГіng n. n. /b rМЂ Й”МЂЕ‹-pas/ /bЙ”МЃЕ‹/ bГІng can n. /bЙ”МЂЕ‹-tКѓan/ bГІng kas n. /bЙ”МЂЕ‹-kas/ bГІng ning n. /bЙ”МЂЕ‹-nГЕ‹/ bГІng yer n. /bЙ”МЂЕ‹-yer/ bГІГІ n. /bЙ”МЂ:/ bГІГІng n. /bЙ”МЂЕ‹/ buhol n. buk v. /buhЙ”l//mb МЃ hЙ”l/ /bГєk/ bulut v. /bГєlГєt/ buu2 bwaan1 a. v. /bГ№:/ /bwГЎ:n/ bwГЎГЎn2 v. /bwГЎ:n/ bwaghar v. ? bwalaa n. /bwala://mbw ala:/ bwat nГng n. /bwatnГЕ‹/ bwen1 bwen2 v. v. /bwЙ›n/ / bwЙ›n/ bweer v. /bwЙ›:r/ 7 Gloss big gourd used for fetching water quiver (for arrows) farmland (situated around the compound) area designated for circumcision of children area specifically set a side for drying millet ie from farm and before threshing) pen for keeping dwarf cows farm behind the cf. mГ ng-yer house where women can plant melon and other small crops bangle made from bronze bronze such as was used to decorate horses tree sp. also mbЙЁhol. Syzygium guineense H. malmo to tell lie after lie or speak endless words where performance is restricted worthless, valueless to separate by selecting to beat thoroughly with stick to become, turn into a Г Г s kwГЁГЁ k МЃ yГЎghГЎl bwaghar kwГЁГЁ kГ t Г Г s ni Й“ak. It is the egg that later turns into a chicken when it hatches cowpea variety also mbwalaa. Local bean variety used in making sacrifices. maize with black seeds on a cob to expose to tread on something semi-solid such as mud and spread it about to spread open This applies particularly to carelessly women who spread their legs open, exposing themseleves. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul bwoon pl. bwaan PoS v. IPA bwot v. bwot cirem bwot kГІГІk bwot lГ Г piit bwot lГЁk bwot mГ Г p bwot vwam v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. byГЎГЎp n. byaghas v. /bГyГЎ:p//byГЎ :p/ /byagas/ byГЎn v. /byГЎn/ byГЎn maap v.p. byГІlbyГІl n. Gloss to do a lot of something to let go of, drop s.t., put s.t. on s.t. to broadcast seed to start off a dance to give s.o. a cold to start a fight to being to cry (child) to scramble jГ©p mГі bwot vwГ mvwam kГЎГЎ rep sГ© Й—i mГі cin mГі Children scrambled vwamvwam for the small amount of food they were given to share big pumpkin variety to mangle, destroy, flatten s.t. to beat thoroughly with bare hand to bewail, mourn wГ№rГЎ fГЁs byГЎn maap k МЃ mГ№Г№t k МЂ puun kaam fЙЁra ni. She cried bitterly on the death of her father-in-law tonsilitis cf. mbГ¬mbyГІl ЖЃЙ“ Й“aan3 Й“aan waar n. n.p. /Й“ГЎ:n/ /Й“ГЎ:n-wГ :r/ Й“aan1 Й“aan2 Й“aas Й“ГЎk1 v. v. n. v. /Й“a:n/ /Й“a:n/ /Й“ГЎ:s/ /Й“ГЎk/ Й“ak gin v.p. Й“ak gГn Й“Г k2 v. /Й“Г k/ v.p. /Й“Г k-mГ :p/ Й“ak pee v.p. /Й“ГЎk-pЙ›:/ Й“ak seen v.p. /Й“ГЎk-sЙ›МЂ:n/ Й“ak shaar1 v.p. /Й“ГЎkКѓa:r/ Й“ak shaar2 v.p. /Й“Г kКѓa:r/ Й“ak maap mo- 8 favour, kindness, help attempt to do good ends up in disaster to be painful to kick ball etc shin (leg) to despise, underrate, underestimate describes s.o. with a few tribal marks on the cheeks to share, divide, separate, split, be cracked dispersal of mourners attending a funeral to look down on others, despise others to underrate, look down, despise peers underrating one another division, (see baanbish kwangvileng) lit. вЂ�divide cry’ lit. вЂ�despise place’ lit. вЂ�despise wise’ lit. вЂ�divide friend’ lit. вЂ�divide friend’ Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS Й“Г k shГ k v.p. Й“Г kyil n. Й“Г kyit n. Й“ГЎl Й“ГЎl kwГ k Й“ГЎl nkГЎГЎ Й“Г l Й“Г l Й—yik Й“Г l kГЎГЎ Й“Г l kГЎГЎ Й“alЙ“al Й“am1 Й“am2 Й“ammwaan Й“ang1 v. v. a. v. v.p. v. n. jwal IPA /Й“Г k-КѓГ k/ /Й“ГЎl/ /Й“ГЎl-kwГ k/ /Й“ГЎl-nkГЎ:/ /Й“Г l/ /Й“Г l-kГЎ:/ v. v. n. a. /Й“am/ /Й“am/ Й“ang been mwoor a.p. Й“ang2 Й“ang-Й“ang Й“e Й“ee1 v. Й“ak conj. v. Й“aЕ‹ bwГЁГЁn mwГІГІr /Й“ГЎЕ‹/ ???? /Й“Й›/ /Й“Й›МЃ:/, /Й“ak/ Й“ee gЙЁn Й“ak gЙЁn v.p. /Й“ak-g nМЃ / Й“ee2 Й“ee3 Й“ak v. v. /Й“Й›МЃ:/ /Й“Г©:/ n. /Й“Й›:p/ /Й“Й›МЂ:r/ /Й“Й›:r/ Й“eep /Й“ГЎЕ‹/ Й“eer1 Й“eer2 Й“eer Й—yes Й“ees moв€’ mo- n. v. v.p. n. Й“ees po mo- n. /Й“Й›МЂ:s-pЙ”МЂ:/ Й“eet1 Й“eet2 Й“eet shik1 momomo- n. n. n.p. /Й“Й›МЃ:t/ /Й“Й›МЃ:t/ /Й“Й›МЃ:t-КѓГ¬k/ Й“eet shik2 mo- n. /Й“Й›МЃ:t-КѓГ¬k/ /Й“Й›МЂ:s/ 9 Gloss disagreement, disaffection to separate, from differ lit. вЂ�divide each other’. Pee wet Й“Г k shГ k kЙЁ pee teer Where the day is spent is different from where the night is spent. Idiomatic meaning: Death is inevitable. land boundary e.g. between two farms, two communities demarcation, dividing line to be strong, forceful strengthen lit. вЂ�strong elbow’ stubborn lit. вЂ�strong head’ to unite, fix, join to marry lit. вЂ�join marry’ to cooperate lit. вЂ�join head’ association, group lit. вЂ�join head’ ????? to help, assist, aid to catch mobile phone recent coinage fair complexion (Й—iiЙ“ang) reference to brown horse dark brown complexion to be clean then, and to dissect, cut open, split open to cut tribal mark, (lit. “tear cheek”) tear apart to have a rash, rashes new shoot by plants, sprout dismembered parts of the body war, fight to spill, pour out diarrhoea ingratitude, ungratefulness contemptuous statement judge discussion argument, contesting an issue to set aside money etc Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss for the winner only hollow grass sp. and flute made from it dance (for energetic people) to fetch light/fire from another source to intervene when two people are fighting to intervene when two people are fighting to postpone bench made from mud other side, across overseas, abroad adv. n. /Й“Й›К¤Й›:/ /Й“Й›МЃl/ Й“el2 n. /Й“Й›МЃl/ Й“elwus n. /Й“Й›МЃl-wus Й“ГЁl v. /Й“Й›МЂn//Й“Й›МЂl/ Й“ГЁn1 v. /Й“Й›МЂn//Й“Й›МЂl/ Й“en2 Й“Гn1 v. n. /Й“Й›МЂn/ /Й“Гn/ Й“Гn2 Й“in mГ№luu loc. n.p. /Й“Гn/ Й“Гsh Й“ishaal Й“Гshil n. n. n. /Й“ГКѓ/ /Й“iКѓa:l/ /Й“ГКѓil/ soot grass sp. hay, fodder, cut straw Й“Гt1 Й“Гt1 mГ ng Й“Гt2 Й“Гt lГЎn n. n. n. n. /Й“Гt/ /Й“ГtmГ Е‹/ /Й“Гt/ /Й“Гt lГЎn/ Й“ГtsГ n. /Й“ГtsГ/ Й“iyaal Й“Г¬yГ ng1 Й“iyang2 Й“iyang fwan a. n. v. v.p. /Й“iya:l/ /Й“Г¬yГ Е‹/ /Й“iyaЕ‹/ /Й“iyaЕ‹fwan/ morning, daybreak daybreak year communal farming in which members work on each others’ farm in turn the day after tomorrow wild, furious trouble to inject, pierce, prick to conduct a ritual to induce rain Й“ЙЁghЙЁt1 Й“ЙЁghЙЁt2 v. n. /Й“ЙЁgЙЁt/ /Й“ gМЂ tМЂ / Й“ЙЁjer n. /Й“ К¤ МЂ Й›r/ Й“ejee Й“el1 mo- sulwang sulwang fwan 10 also Й“ГЁn also Й“ГЁl Used as a bed. cf. gwГЎГЎn. lit. вЂ�across the pumpkins’ i.e. where white people live mixed with mud to strengthen building blocks lit. вЂ�morning carry’ cf. maar lit. вЂ�prick rain’. At the beginning of the rainy season, when it failed to rain, elders would fix days, when they would all fast. Thereafter they went to a certain place armed with bows, arrows and spears where they would offer sacrifice. On their way back it would rain heavily the same day to construct a whole, complete, unit Mwaghavul clan Mwaghavul people are grouped into six main Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Й“ЙЁlang1 Й“ЙЁlang1 nlaa pl. PoS IPA clans. They are still remembered during initiation ceremonies as initiates call out the names of places where their ancestors formerly stayed when the spear is thrown preparatory to attaining manhood. The Mwaghavul clans are Й“ЙЁjer, dЙЁfЙЁri, dЙЁko, jipari, paal = nshuu. в�ћ Appendix v. v.p. /Й“ЙЁlaЕ‹/ /Й“ЙЁlaЕ‹-nlГ :/ v. /Й“ЙЁlaЕ‹/ Й“ЙЁlem Й“ЙЁlem cuk v. v.p. /Й“ЙЁlЙ›m/ /Й“ЙЁlЙ›mtКѓГ№k/ Й“ЙЁlem kГєkwГ k v.p. Й“ЙЁlЙ›m kГєkwГ k Й“ЙЁlem p gМЂ h zМЂ n МЂ g v.p. Й“ЙЁleng1 n. /Й“ЙЁlemp gМЂ К’МЂ ЙЁЕ‹/ Й“ lМЂ Й›МЂЕ‹ Й“ЙЁleng2 n. /Й“ lМЂ Й›МЂЕ‹/ Й“ЙЁlep v. /Й“ lМЂ Й›МЂp/ Й“ЙЁreng v. /Й“ЙЁrЙ›Е‹/ Й“ЙЁring v. /Й“ЙЁring/ Й“ЙЁrong2 v. /Й“ЙЁrЙ”Е‹/ Й“oghon Й“ГІГІk Й“Гєk Й“Гєl Й“ГєlЙ“Гєl Й“Г№lГ№k n. n. n. v. id. v. /Й“Й”МЃgЙ”МЃn/ /Й“Й”МЂ:k/ /Й“Гєk/ /Й“Гєl/ Й“urap n. Й“ЙЁlang2 Gloss Й“ЙЁlang njep 11 to lose to lose a child through still-birth to work or do cf. lambir something for doing sake to lick to take an oath, to lit. вЂ�lick the knife’. In swear former times this was a way of taking oaths. to act to exonerate lit. вЂ�lick the elbow’ yourself, to assure listeners that what you say is true to act to exonerate lit. вЂ�lick the nose’ yourself bedroom for mature but unmarried girls local hanger usually in the kitchen where items like salt, potash and other condiments that require dry storage are stored to quarrel, to have a misunderstanding to soil or mix boiled meat with palm oil and salt etc to roll on the ground, bed etc to not be fully dry (clothing) disaster mud fine dust to increase lukewarm cf. Й“waghal describes meat that is partly cooked mongoose Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Й“urish Й“Г№rГ№k pl. PoS a. v. IPA tone? untidy to get dirty by crawling on the ground stomach, inside, belly wickedness stomach-ache excessive hunger Й“ut Й“ut bish Й“ut lГЎГЎ Й“ut MГ№pun n. n.p. n.p. n. Й“ut yaghal Й“ГєГє Й“Г№Г№l n. n. n. /Й“Гє:/ Й“Г№Г№l stomach upset plant sp. plant sp. Й“waa n. /Й“wa:/ grass sp. Й“wГ Г r a. /Й“wГ :r/ Й“waghal a. Й“wГ ghГ l Й“wГ ghГ l a. Й“wГ ghГ t1 Й“waghat2 n. v. /Й“wagalal//Й“ w agalak/ /Й“wГ gГ lЙ“wГ gГ l/ /Й“wГ gГ t/ /Й“wagat/ laziness, lazy person, weakling lukewarm (water) also Й“waghalak. cf. Й“ulЙ“ul Й“waghat pee Й“waghat po v.p. v.p. /Й“wagat-pЙ›:/ /Й“wagat-pЙ”МЂ/ Й“wak v. /Й“wГЎk/ Й“wan Й“wan bГ¬sh v. n. /Й“wan/ /Й“wanbГ¬Кѓ/ Й“wan shГ¬k Й“wang ЖЃwanzГ№ghГ№m n. n. p.n. /Й“wan-КѓГ¬k/ ?? /Й“wanzГ№gГ№ m/ Й“wap1 v. /Й“wap/ Й“wap2 Й“wap sar Й“waarshit dughurii Й“wГЁng1 Й“weng2 v. adv. n. n. v. /Й“ut/ /Й“ut-biКѓ/ /Й“ut-lГЎ:/ /Й“utmГ№pun/ Gloss lukewarm bundle to tie, imprison, incarcerate to get one into trouble connive, conspire, frown pimples or boil developing into sore to dig greediness, selfcentredness creating problems stride, long step Area in Kerang to knock, tap on a door /Й“wap/ to shake /Й“wap-sГЎr/ to clap hands /Й“wa:rКѓ:t//du wild yam guri:/ /bwЙ›МЂЕ‹/ grasshopper sp. /bwЙ›МЂЕ‹/ to support 12 also mЙ“ut lit. вЂ�bad stomach’ lit. вЂ�stomach-pain’ lit. вЂ�Mupun stomach’ lit. вЂ�stomach stands up’ Grown within the compound to provide shade and protect chicks from kites. used as shaft of an arrow. The stem is eaten like sugar cane Г m nii a Й“wГ ghГ l Й“wГ ghГ l The water is lukewarm lit. “tie place” lit. “tie mouth” practice of preparing meals etc for oneself only Hunting expedition of the Kerang community. Usually the last of Mwaghavul hunting expeditions after which mature girls get married prior to the next farming season. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Й“wer PoS v. IPA /Й“ Й›r/ Й“wГіГіn1 Й“wГіГіn2 n. n. /Й“wЙ”МЃ:n/ /Й“wЙ”МЃ:n/ Й“wГіГіn2 shwal Й“wГіГіn3 Й“wГіГіn kЙЁni Й“wot Й“wot aak Й“wot Й“am n.p. adv. adv. v. v. v.p. /Й“wЙ”МЃ:n-КѓwГЎl/ /Й“wЙ”МЃ:n/ /Й“wЙ”МЃ:n-k nМЂ i/ /Й“wЙ”t/ /Й“wЙ”t-a:k/ /Й“wЙ”t-Й“am/ v.p. v.p /Й“wЙ”t-nkГ№m/ /Й“wЙ”tkГєsГєk/ /Й“wЙ”t-wusa-lГє/ Й“wot nkГ№m Й“wot kГєsГєk pl. fwo fwo aak fwo kГєsГєk v.p. Й“wot wus a lГє Й“wot yang fwo yang w v.p. /Й“wЙ”t-yГЎЕ‹/ v. /tКѓГЎ:/ Gloss to be full, fill to the brim menstruation waist, back, rear, behind waist pain after after that to release, drop cf. also bwot. to impregnate game played by children throwing and catching pebbles simultaneously. to pour libation to plant fonio by scattering seed on the farm from a calabash to set a house on fire In Mwaghavul culture only a mad person would set a house on fire. No matter the enmity between you and your neighbour you do not set his house ablaze demarcate farm prior to making ridges Cc cГЎГЎ caa mo- n. /tКѓa:/ cГ Г m mo- n. /tКѓГ :m/ cГЎГЎn1 mo- n. /tКѓГЎ:n/ to uplift, commend, excite s.o. gourd-rattle Rattle made from a dried gourd covered with a network on rattling seeds. A recent introduction. wild plant resembling onion but toxic. Hausa gadali hoe (general) cf. parkiya, caander, fet, ngang, 13 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul cГЎГЎn der PoS n.p. IPA /tКѓa:n-Й—Й›r/ Gloss traditional hoe without the shaft, used for full scale farming caan2 v. /tКѓa:n/ caan caan pee v. v. /tКѓa:n-pЙ›:/ n. n. n. /tКѓГЎ:p/ /tКѓa:p-yit/ /tКѓГЎ:r/ cГ f1 a. /tКѓГ f/ cГ f2 cГЎghГЎr c.i. n. /tКѓГ f/ /tКѓГЎgГЎr/ cГЎghГЎt cak gar adv. n. /tКѓГЎgГЎt/ /tКѓak-gar/ v. v.p. n. v.p. v.p. /tКѓan/ /tКѓan-tКѓi:n/ /tКѓan-Й—ГЎr/ /tКѓan-Й—ГyЙ›МЃ:l/ /tКѓanК¤agГЎm/ /tКѓan-pЙ”:/ /tКѓan-КѓГ:/ /tКѓan-КѓГ:Й—Г:rЙ›МЃt/ /tКѓan-КѓГ:Й—Г:biКѓ/ /tКѓanyЙ”gЙ”p/ to start an activity early to burn to set place on fire, to tГЎjГ¬ yi pwos mwГІГІr cГЎГЎn burn s.t., to burnish, pee kas, ji yi milep to make shine h lМЂ Г kh lМЂ Г k Do not use bleaching cream otherwise you will shine artificially ????? wing eyelid, eyelash lit. вЂ�wing of eye’ grass sp. A tall, strong grass planted along the edges of streams to prevent flooding. describes repugnant odour very red intensifies nГ Г t variety of green beans quietly house partly roofed but incomplete to cut enthusiasm, hope island cf. sandur judgement to be pompous, proud, boastful to be pompous lit. вЂ�cut mouth’ to stumble, backslide to stumble with the indication of luck right foot to stumble with the indication of luck left foot to prevent s.o. else’s enjoyment caan-caan cГЎГЎp caap yit cГЎГЎr can1 can ciin can Й—ГЎr can Й—iyeel can jaghГЎm pl. mo- momomo- saa can poo can shii can shii Й—iiret v.p. v.p. v.p. can shii Й—iibish v.p. can yГІghГІp v.p. 14 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Can PoS p.n. IPA / ji://tКѓan/ cГ n2 v.n. /tКѓГ n/ cГЎp car céé n. v. n. /tКѓГЎp//ntКѓГЎp/ /tКѓar/ v. n. /tКѓЙ›:n/ /tКѓЙ›МЂ:l/ cГЁГЁl yit v.p. ??? ceer p.n. /tКѓЙ›МЃ:r/ ceen ceel pl. mo n 15 Gloss spirit associated with To appease the deity an the initiation of boys erring boy might previously into manhood have been sacrificed (njii selaa). circumcision The initiation of a youth commences with cГ n. The ceremony used to be observed every third year according to age grades, within the four-year ceer dup ritual cycle. Verbal noun from can вЂ�to cut’ male lizard also ncГЎp to throw (pl.) cf. vwet food put aside for also ngaas gwom. Porridge contingencies such as is placed on hot coals and is feeding a child, food much appreciated. left over for the following day to drive away, pursue malformed egg, egg that will not hatch to look at s.o. out of the corner of your eye third festival Those between the ages of organized by girls 12-13, 14-15, 16-17 and 18 according to age- -19 years agree on a grades. cf. waar prominent person in the community to visit. They shaar, ceer dup organize themselves into a big group to go there. An elder comes out and asks who the dancers are and their purpose. The leader of the girls identifies the group and the reason for the visit. They fix an appointment to perform at the house of a prominent person. This practice is called le-bit. The girls dress up, supported by friends, well-wishers and boyfriends. It is an opportunity for boys or young men to make proposals to girls. Those from the age group 17-19 yrs may be having their last festival before getting married. It therefore serves as a sendforth party for them by the younger ones who are also looking Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Ceer dup p.n. /tКѓЙ›:r-dГєp/ cГ©t1 cГ©t1 lГє cГ©t2 cГЁt1 cГЁt1 bish v. v. n. v. v. /tКѓЙ›МЃt/ /tКѓЙ›МЃt-lГє/ cГЁt1 teer v. /tКѓЙ›МЂt-tЙ›МЂ:r/ cГЁt2 cГЁt3 cГЁt3 wan n. v. v. /tКѓЙ›МЂt/ /tКѓЙ›МЂt/ /tКѓЙ›МЂt-wan/ cГЁrГ© n. /tКѓЙ›МЂrЙ›МЃ/ cГЙ“Г©l ciЙ“en cicet cicin n. n. v. adv. cГcГrГЎk cГcГrГ©p n. n. cГГ v. /tКѓГЙ“Й›МЃl/ /tКѓiЙ“Й›n/ /tКѓГ¬tКѓЙ›МЂt/ /tКѓГtКѓГn//tКѓГtКѓ ГnsГ¬/ /tКѓГtКѓГrГЎk/ /tКѓГtКѓГrЙ›МЃp//tКѓГtКѓГ rЙ›МЃk/ /tКѓГ:/ cicet /tКѓЙ›МЂt/ /tКѓЙ›МЂt-bГ¬Кѓ/ 16 Gloss forward to graduation into womanhood. Some of the senior girls fail to get married as expected and the younger girls irritate them by singing this song jirapjirap ni mo yaghal dyik kyes, de me niwur mwo fee pe di вЂ�real girls have all married, it is only the big breasted ones that kicking their heels’. The same festival The difference is that this with the normal Ceer one falls within the year boys are circumcised/ initiated into manhood. During the occasion all parents whose children have been initiated give out salt, mworpaat, meat and drinks to well-wishers in appreciation. to roof a house to roof a house roof to cook to cook for yourself Since Mwaghavul live communally this is viewed badly to cook certain types This refers to foods such as of food overnight kwakil and mЙЁlom, cocoyam. If cocoyam is not properly cooked, it will irritate the throat while eating. trouble to drizzle rain to mix mud, clay and water preparatory to moulding blocks meat roasted on cf. kam lwaa sticks, suya locust (grasshopper) nail both fingers and toes to cook pl. cf. cГЁt today also cicinsi crayfish wart to stop, refuse, debar, prevent, prohibit, also cГcГrГ©k Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA cГГ pГІГІ cГГ shГ¬k v.p. v.p. /tКѓГ:-pЙ”МЂ/ /tКѓГ:-КѓГ¬k/ cГГ wГєrГЎng a. /tКѓГ:-wГєrГЎЕ‹/ cìì1 cìì2 n. voc. /tКѓГ¬:/ ciin1 v. /tКѓi:n/ ciin2 ciin2 mГ n1 ciin2 nЙЁghЙЁn v. v.p. a. /tКѓi:n/ /tКѓi:n-mГ n/ /tКѓi:n-nЙЁgЙЁn/ ciin2 pan ciin2 saam cììn v. n. n. /tКѓi:n-pГ n/ /tКѓi:n-sГ :m/ /tКѓГ¬:n/ cГjГ i cГjeng n. n. /tКѓГ-К¤Г i/ /tКѓГ-К¤eЕ‹/ cijГЁng cГkГ rai n. n. cilem n. cijГЁЕ‹ /tКѓГkГ rai//n МЂ Й“ГЎЕ‹/ /tКѓilЙ›m/ cilem cileng n. n. /tКѓilЙ›m/ /tКѓГlЙ›МЃЕ‹/ cim n. /tКѓim/ 17 Gloss deny, say no to deny, be in denial to be naughty, delinquent, stubborn dwarf person, diminutive thigh address to a child the same age as your grandchild. to whisper, spread rumours, gossip, indulge in side talk to lack, want ignorance motherless lit. вЂ�to refuse issue’ lit. вЂ�to refuse to grow’ Considered a prelude to developing a friendly relationship. Used to describe neglected child. a lack of understanding insomnia big pot used for brewing beer or storing water vein sherd, piece of These sherds were used in a broken pot technique to revive cold or unappetising food and drink. Elders used to put a piece in the fire until it was red hot. It would then be dropped inside a dish containing leftover draw soup or a pot of local beer. The piece would warm up the draw soup without the soup losing its flavour, while the beer would regain its attractions. heel of the foot fonio cultivar also n Й“ МЂ ГЎng. introduced by the Fyem people. cf. kusuk totem cf. woocilem. Individual clans may have totemic species which they do not kill. However, individuals may have animal counterparts in the bush and the health or sickness of the animal mirrors that of the human being. fever leftover food or drink Mashed sweet potato left over to dry monitor lizard Hausa damo. Mwaghavul Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss consider it as one of the most foolish animals, as it closes its eyes when it encounters a person believing that it is invisible. cГmeer n. tКѓГmЙ›Й›r cГn1 v. /tКѓГn/ cГn Й—iiЙ—es cГn hГіp cГn…x v.p. v.p. v. /tКѓГn-Й—i:Й—Й›s/ /tКѓГn-hЙ”МЃp/ v.p. /tКѓГn-sak/ cГn zeen cГ¬n2 cГ¬n aas МЃ cГ¬n Й—iiret cГ¬n k МЃsД± МЂ cip cipes cirang v.p. v. v.p. v.p. v.p. n. conj. int. /tКѓГn-zЙ›:n/ /tКѓГ¬n/ /tКѓГ¬n-a:s /МЃ /tКѓГ¬n-Й—i:rЙ›t/ /tКѓГ¬n-k sМЃ /МЂ /tКѓip/ /tКѓipЙ›s/ /tКѓГ¬raЕ‹/ cГrГ© n. cirem Civir cЙЁghЙЁr1 n. p.n. adv. /tКѓirЙ›m/ /tКѓivir/ cЙЁghЙЁr2 v. /tКѓЙЁgЙЁr/ v.p. /tКѓЙЁgЙЁr-k -МЃ kЙЁЙ“wЙ”МЃ:n/ /tКѓЙЁgЙЁrnЙЁgЙЁn/ /tКѓЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃl/ /tКѓЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃl/ cГn sak cЙЁghЙЁr2 kЙЁЙ“wГіon cЙЁghЙЁr nЙЁghЙЁn coghol1 coghol2 coi cokalГ cГІm com goghot cin suk kМЃ n. n. v. n. v. n. ? /tКѓЙ”kalГ/ /tКѓЙ”m/ 18 black insect usually found floating in stagnant water to give, add (in bargaining) to respect to loan out money etc to offer Used with reflexive pronoun, e.g. cГn san to volunteer to offer yourself, volunteer to trust, believe in to do to do likewise to do good to do like this trap without, unless how was it that? Cirang Й—ГЎng rГ sГІ ye? Why did he go? small, dry bundle of An armful of firewood or firewood for twigs was made into a immediate use bundle by women when fetching firewood. The small bundle was usually dry, ready for immediate use, while bigger bundles were dried for later. seed, seedling cf. kyГЁГЁt. Kwanka people soon, quickly mГі cЙЁghЙЁr sak mГЎГЎr ni kyes kwГ Г k they quickly finished in the farm kwГ Г k to turn back, change, turn, exchange, be behind to turn one’s back to others fonio cultivar cf. kusuk. hidden information to unearth a matter already laid to rest stubborn person spoon < Hausa grass-cutter rock hyrax Procavia capensis. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul cГ№ghГ№r1 cГ№ghГ№r2 cГ№k cГ№k Й“woon cГ№k kaa cГ№k kГєr pl. PoS n. n. n. n. n. n. IPA /tКѓГ№gГ№r/ /tКѓГ№gГ№r/ /tКѓГ№k/ /tКѓГ№k-Й“wЙ”МЃ:n/ /tКѓГ№k-kГЎ:/ /tКѓГ№k-kГєr/ cГ№k kГєsГєk n. cГ№k shit n. /tКѓГ№k-Кѓit/ v. v.p. /tКѓГ№t/ /tКѓГ№t-lГєЕ‹/ v.p. /tКѓГ№t-tГєgГєr/ v. /tКѓГ№t/ cwang1 n. /tКѓwГЎЕ‹/ cwang2 cwat cwel n. v. v. /tКѓwaЕ‹/ /tКѓwat/ /tКѓwЙ›МЃl/ cwГЁt adv. /tКѓwЙ›МЂt/ cwГЁt adv. cГ№t1 cГ№t lГєng cГ№t tГєghГєr cГ№t2 cwat cwat lung cwat tГєghГєr nung Gloss goose molars and premolars knife knife (all purpose) Usually tied to the waist. razor, shaving knife grass with sharp edges knife for harvesting fonio knife used for cutting grass to hit to swim lit. вЂ�to beat swimming’ to boast, to beat one’s chest to strike a sounding iron spear made from first spear to be used in bamboo warfare or hunting expedition cf. kop grass sp. used in kum to hit (pl.) plural of cut to miss a target narrowly very early, promptly, before daybreak fast, quickly, rapidly a sor cwet ku a foghot mo Й—i Go quickly to see how they are doing following the accident Dd dГЎ dГ ГЎ dГ ГЎ k МЃ dГ Г m mo- pref. /dГЎ/ n. n.p. /dГ ГЎ/ /da:-k -МЃ dГ :m/ respect prefix applied i.e. Fi’an to DГЎ Fi’an. to the name of a male elder father, lord pelican lit. вЂ�father’s bag’. God dГ ГЎ Naan dГ Г pref. dГ Г fwan n. The male respect prefix was added by missionaries to contrast with nГ ГЎ Naan, the original female God of the Mwaghavul. respect prefix applied to the name of a younger man hare Lepus crawshayi. The respect prefix is applied to the root, as the hare is a character in folktales. 19 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul dГ Г kaa long pl. PoS n.p. dГ Г mwesh n.p. dГ Г ryéé Naan n.p. dГ Г m1 dГ Г m1 Mwanle mo- n. n. IPA /dГ :-ka:lЙ”Е‹/ /dГ : mwЙ›МЃКѓ/ common name for all baby boys, before they are later given appropriate names /dГ : riyЙ›МЃ: person who finds na:n/ fault or is critical of proceedings, confusionist /dГ :m/ bag, container, purse /dГ :msmall purse worn by mwanlЙ›/ women to store money dГ Г m1 shaghal n. daam2 v. /dГ m:КѓГ gГ l/ /dГ :m/ daam2 pee daar daas daasdaas dГ Й—ГЎГЎr daghar1 daghar2 dak v.p. adv. n. /dГ :m-pЙ›:/ /dГ :r/ /dГЎ:s/ adv. v. n. n. /dГ Й—ГЎ:r/ /daЙЈar/ /dГ ЙЈГ r/ /dГ k/ dГЎkwГ l n. /dГЎkwГ l/ dГЎl dГ l dГ m dan1 dan2 dang1 dang ning v. v. n. v. n. n. n. /dГЎl/ dГ l dang pyГЎГЎ dang2 dang tughup n. n. n. mo- Gloss villain, hero bag of money /dan/ /dГ n/ /daЕ‹/ /dГ Е‹-nГЕ‹/ /daЕ‹/ /tiЕ‹ dГ Е‹ 20 lit. вЂ�man who sceptically at God’. stares They usually wear it on top of their underwear but covered by their main wrappers. it is believed that women trust the bag than they trust thems more elves. The only time they remove it is when having their bath. (lalita-hausa) (Mwanle is a tailor who sewed the purses and also hawked them on market days hence the name ”Mwanle’s bag” Also applied to ВЈ100 in old currency to debar, prevent, turn back to disturb s.o. tomorrow also daЙ—aar, dЙЁЙ—aar brave man tomorrow to limp walking stick cf. kam daghar oval calabash used for drinking beer and eating costume worn by velang dancers over singlets to add more to suppress poverty, lack or want to bend down, stoop plain between hills tail cow-tail Used for driving away flies and dancing during ceremonies. zorilla lit. вЂ�white tail’ descendant tree sp. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. mo- das dawufil n. IPA tГєgГєp/ /tiЕ‹ dГ Е‹ tup/ /dГЎs/ v. /dГ s/ n. /dawГєfil/ n. dang tup dГЎs PoS mo- n.p. dГЁГЁ lele gГІГІk deel1 deel1 momo- n. n. /dЙ›:l/ deel2 deetГєГє mo- n. n. /dЙ›:l/ /dЙ›:-tГє:/ deghet n. /dЙ›МЂgЙ›МЂt/ den dengdeng v. n. /dЙ›n/ /dЙ›МЂЕ‹-dЙ›МЃЕ‹/ dГЁp der der pee Der kyes n. n. loc. p.n. /dЙ›МЂp/ /dЙ›r/ /dЙ›r-pЙ›:/ des des des kagham v. v. n. diip dik v. v. /dЙ›МЂs/ /dЙ›МЂs/ /dЙ›МЂskГЎgГЎm/ /dГ:p/ /dГk/ dikshinari diyil d 1МЂ n. n. pref. d 1МЂ shoop d 2МЂ a. pref. dГ¬shoop n. /d МЂ gyЙ”МЃk/ d МЂ gyГіk nyem /dГk-КѓinarГ¬/ /d /МЂ 21 Gloss tree sp. people (male) Usually occurs in the indefinite pronoun mee dГЎs mГі some men to pack closely together grass with leaves similar to maize husk remaing after maize kernels have popped tree top escape hole for bush rats cock, rooster trumpet used to herald the arrival of the chief, emir etc muscle at the back of the shin to deny s.t. to s.o. struck or plucked musical instrument black plum, tree sp. clan, lineage under name given to a child whose blood relations have all died to groan to try hard traditional leader to beat without mercy to instigate, trick, lure, deceive dictionary rat sp. prefix placed before a body part to emphasise a peculiar oversized shape hairy, hirsute form of dГ Г , respect prefix for males person who moves cf. ndengndeng Vitex doniana Hausa Й—inya cf. saghan cf. gwan. plural of mish kagham < English e.g. d -МЂ kГЎГЎ (one with big head), d -МЂ Й“ut (one with big stomach), d -МЂ kom (one with large ears) cf. n .МЂ cf. n МЂ gyГіk Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. gyok d МЂrЙ“ МЂ ГЁt mbìì nyem rЙЁЙ“et mbii PoS IPA n. /d -МЂ r Й“МЂ Й›МЂtm bГ¬:/ dЙЁЙ“en dЙЁЙ“en n. n. /d Й“МЃ Й›МЃn/ /d Й“МЂ Й›МЂn/ dЙ— МЂ ГЎГЎr dЙЁfЙЁlip DЙЁfЙЁri d gМЂ МЃn d gМЂ rii dЙЁjet adv. n. p.n. a. n. a. /d Й—МЂ ГЎ:r/ /d fМЂ lМЂ Г¬p /d fМЂ ЙЁrЙЁ/ dk МЂ aam n. /d kМЂ a:m/ DЙЁkЙЁЙ“ЙЁn p.n. /d kМЂ ЙЁЙ“ЙЁn/ dk МЂ n МЂ ГІng dЙЁkom DЙЁkoo dЙЁkyet dЙЁpyaa dЙЁpyéél dЙЁram dЙЁram yoghom n. a. p.n. adv. n. n. n. n. dЙЁre dЙЁreng dЙЁshol adv. n. n. /d kМЂ nМЂ Й”МЂЕ‹/ dГ¬kom /d kМЂ Й”:/ /d kМЂ yЙ›МЃt/ /d pМЂ yГЎ:/ /dЙЁpiyЙ›МЃ:l/ /d rМЂ Г m/ /d rМЂ Г myЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃm/ /dЙЁrЙ›//ndЙЁrЙ›/ /dЙЁrЙ›Е‹/ /d КѓМЂ Й”l/ doghon doghon tГ ghГ m adv. adv. dГІghГІrГІk dong duЙ“u dubuk duЙ—uk duЙ—uk-kЙЁЙЁr n. num. num. n. n. n. dГ№ghГ№l n. dГ№ghГ№l sГЎr dГ№ghГ№l tГ№ kГ s n.p. n. dughum n. /d gМЂ ri:/ dГ¬jet /dЙ”gЙ”n/ /dЙ”gЙ”ntГ gГ m/ /dЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂrЙ”МЂk/ /dЙ”МЃЕ‹/ /duЙ“Гє/ /dubuk/ /duЙ—uk/ /duЙ—ukkЙЁЙЁr/ /dГ№gГ№l/ Gloss about from place to place, promiscuous person person who likes free things small portion, little gum, glue, sticky substance tomorrow young cockroach Mwaghavul clan describes fat cheeks degree describes a protruding back of the head respect term for an elderly man cf. daar cf. ndЙЁfЙЁlip cf. ЖЃijer < English Also a reciprocal kin term used between an elder male and his daughter-in-law. area in Ampang district of Mangu L.G.A stink-ant cf. ndЙЁtЙЁnong describes wide ears Mwaghavul clan cf. ЖЃijet frantically, intensely white horse cockroach cf. ndЙЁpiyeel bark, scales bark of tree right, correct cf. ndЙЁre back of the knee fruit of the wild date Phoenix reclinata palm, pyem yesterday also tЙЁdГІghГІn. last year also gyet doghon tГ ghГ m. grass sp. one one thousand (1,000) brain silk cotton silk cotton tree walking stick also used as a weapon fist /dГ№gГ№l tГ№ T-shaped stick used kГ s/ for threshing millet /dugum/ antelope with big horn used for music 22 cf. ndЙЁЙ“en used in feeding horses cf. mЙЁndong < Hausa cf. ndubuk Ceiba pentandra Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul dughun pl. dwaghan PoS v. IPA /dГ№gГ№n/ dughur dwaghar v. /dГ№gГ№r/ dughur zai v.p. dГ№gГ№r zГ y dГєghГєrГГ n. /dГєgГєrГ:/ dГєghГєrГГ k МЂ rМЂ n. /dГєgГєri:k :МЂ r/ cassava duk caan dukul n. n. /dГ№k-cГЎ:n/ /dukul/ dГ№kГ№lГ№m a. dГ№kГєlГ№m n. /dГ№kГєlГ№m/ v. /dul, dires/ dul kom v.p. /dulkЙ”m/ dul pГІГІ v.p. iron shaft of local hoe place where the head of the family hides his grains, foodstuffs ignorant, not knowing s.t. heavy iron hammer used by blacksmith to pull, to manipulate limb to rectify a dislocation to warn, advise, admonish to grimace, to frown, pull a face dГ№lГ№m dГ№lГєm dГ№lГєm tГ№ v. v. v.p. /dГ№lГ№m/ /dГ№lГєm/ /dГ№lГєm-tГ№/ dГ№lГєng kat n. /dГ№lГєЕ‹kat// d lМЂ ГєЕ‹/ dum1 dum2 n. v. /dГ№m/ /dГ№m/ dГєmoghol n. /dГєmЙ”gЙ”l/ dumu dГєmГ№k dumuur dun dung1 dung2 n. n. n. v. n. n. /dГ№mГє/ dul dires /dГєmГ№:r/ /dГ№n/ /dГєЕ‹/ /dГєЕ‹/ 23 Gloss to annihilate, destroy completely to block, debar, prevent Ceremony to appease the parents following marriage by capture. yam, tuber This is done to right what is a вЂ�wrong’ and formalise the marriage after the fact. Dioscorea rotundata and other Dioscorea spp. Manihot esculenta. lit. вЂ�yam of the silk-cotton tree’. The leaves of cassava resemble those of the silkcotton tree. also ndukul lit. вЂ�to pull ear’. lit. вЂ�to pull mouth’. Yii dul pГІГІ a we ye? Who are you being rude to? to be blunt (knife etc) to suffocate death due to suffocation, asphyxiation game played by cf. d lМЂ Гєng children while swimming smoky place to cook cocoyam or sweet potato in a sealed pot without water small green grasshopper hyena ndumu brain bone marrow cf. ndumuur to stammer river/stream riverside soil suitable for growing millet etc. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul DГ№ng pГЎmГ dГ№ng dГєp dup ngang pl. mo- PoS p.n. IPA /dГ№Е‹-pamГ / v.a. n. n. /dГ№Е‹/ dГ№p wГіГіp n. durum n. dГ№shuu n. /dГ№p-ngГ Е‹/ /dГ№pwЙ”МЃ:p//n dГ№pwЙ”МЃ:p/ /durum/ Gloss plague (influenza) that killed hundreds of people in 1918 about to… penis, male genitals central part of the shoot of fan palm winged termite top of granary cf. ndГ№ng It is eaten either roasted or cooked also fwash, ndupwoop A dome-shaped construction to protect the contents from fire. The head of the household often hid valuable things here. cf. ndГ№shuu v. v. n. /dГ№Кѓu:/ndГ№Кѓ u:/ /dГ№t/ /dwЙ”gar/ /dwaЕ‹/ dwang2 dwat n. v. /Й—wat/ dyaghap n. /dyagap/ Й—aa Й—aa Й—u kГ№m n. n.p. /Й—a:/ dish, calabash calabash formerly kept in every compound filled with charms and used to protect members of the family Й—aa Й—u kwГЎghГЎl n. Й—aa Й—u lГіГіt Й—aan1 Й—aan2 n. v. v. /Й—a:-Й—ukwГЎgГЎl/ /Й—a:-Й—u-lЙ”МЃ:t/ Й—aar v. /Й—a:r/ Й—agham n. /Й—ГЎgГЎm/ calabash with nodules on the back U-shaped calabash to light fire etc to nurse, nurture a child to adulthood to panic, tremble, shiver throat cf. féél dut dwaghar dwang1 dwat caterpillar to be short to block (pl.) self-centred person, stubborn smallpox be diminutive, dwarf (pl.) excessive application of ointment, pomade, lotion (singi) cf. dughur sg. cf. mГ№bin, ngГІrzГіl. cf. dut sg. ЖЉ. /Й—a:n/ 24 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Й—aghar1 ЖЉai Й—ГЎk1 Й—ak1 sak pl. Й—ak suk PoS n. p.n. IPA /Й—ГЎgГЎr/ /Й—ГЎi/ Gloss hail, ice blocks, snow hunting expedition of Fwangko ЖЃЙЁjer clan in Panyam district v. v. /Й—ГЎk/ /Й—ГЎksak//Й—ГЎksuk/ to prepare to prepare oneself Й—ak ? to get up Й—ak ? to lift Й—ak Й—ГЎk2 v. Й—ak Г Г pГІГІ Й—ГЎk3 Й—ak n. n. adv. /Й—ak-Г :pЙ”МЂ:/ /Й—ГЎk/ a. n. n. conj. /Й—ak/ /Й—ГЎl/ /Й—ГЎЕ‹/ /Й—ГЎЕ‹/ Й—ГЎng2 Й“e conj. /Й—ГЎЕ‹-Й“e/ Й—ГЎng2 mu kaat excl. Й—Г k Й—al Й—ang1 Й—ГЎng2 Й—ilang 25 Includes areas like daika, hiktup. The expeditions were organised to check the growth of wild animals in the area, but it was also an opportunity for men to demonstrate their horsemanship, bravery etc which were prerequisites for having/choosing a wife originally called deer ngang which the Hausa man later changed to Daika. kaa Й—i mГі Й—oo Г m nkaa lГ Г ni Й“e wurГ sham yagha Й—ak kГ№rГ sh when they poured water on the boy he got up suddenly mpГЁ Й—Г©s kЙЁ léé ni ɗéé mГі g sМЂ hГ¬shash kЙЁ ni Й—ak Due to the size of the load, they had to struggle gishishash to lift it a zonzГіn a sГІ ku mГі tГ№ ghГ Й—i Й—ak You are following them zonzon and they are going to kill you to repair, make changes, fix miracle work, job, occupation as expected Doghon an sat nne taji a sГІ kas. A sГІ Й—ak. Yesterday I asked you not to go. Now, you can go. only, just to swallow beggar and, then, before NyГЁm Й—ГЎk ni o cГ¬n a hГ thГ t Й—ГЎng mГі kyes Й—ak ni. The workers had to really struggle in order to finish the work and then Mu k МЂ sat nri Й—angЙ“e ri kЙЁkwar kЙЁling ni. We have told him and then he refuses to hear it Goodbye! Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Й—ang1 Й—ang2 Й—angЙ—ang v. n. n. /Й—aЕ‹/ /Й—aЕ‹/ /Й—aЕ‹-Й—ГЎЕ‹/ Й—ankwalГ n. /Й—aЕ‹-kwalГ/ v. num. n. n. conj. /Й—ГЎr//Й—iraЕ‹/ /Й—arГ/ /Й—arГ/ Й—ГЎr1 Й—arГ1 Й—arГ2 ɗéé1 ɗéé2 Й—irang ɗéé3 v. Й—ee Й—eet1 Й—eet2 Й—ГЁГЁt-Й—ГЁГЁt Й—el v. v. v. Й—el nЙ—em (kЙЁ mengo) v. ??? /Й—Й›МЂ:t/ /Й—Й›:t/ ???? /Й—Й›l/ Gloss Goodnight! to beg monitor lizard begging Hausa guza Begging in Mwaghavul land is taboo, it is such a humiliating thing that the entire lineage or clan would be looked down upon. It shows that the family is poor and that any girl marrying into such a family would not be properly catered for. To discourage the practice right from childhood when an item is being shared out to children, the child that tries to jump the queue or stretches out his hand when it is not his turn would be denied or smacked. Each child should wait for his turn it is believed that when the child gets used to such undue advantages he would eventually become a beggar. scarf usually tied as < Hausa head gear or on the neck to stand, stop hundred (100) < Hausa halfpenny (ВЅd) < Hausa. no longer in use remains, remainder then ɗéé wurГ kЙЁ mwaan aase gГ№smГЁtgГ№smГЁt He now walks sluggishly gГ№smГЁtgГ№smГЁt [as a result of over-eating] to postpone, delay, retard, stay away for a long time to become to be bitter to drain water to enter, pass, rush randong mГі Й—el pwat nkuut long gГ№tГ№tГ№t The cows came by, exit out of the pen gГ№tГ№tГ№t to commit adultery lit. вЂ�enter inside-grass’. Tenle kЙЁ Й—el nЙ—em kЙЁ mat k МЂ shaar fЙЁri mo Tenle commits adultery with his v.p. 26 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss Й—el v. ???? toss Й—el Й—ikЙЁ v.p. /Й—Й›l-Й—ik /МЃ Й—el nkun Й—em n. v. /Й—Й›l-nkГєn/ /Й—Й›m/ Й—ГЁm n. /Й—Й›m/ Й—emЙ—em v. /Й—Й›mЙ—Й›m/ Й—en Й—en Й—Г©ng Й—Г©ng Й—Г©ng dГєrГєm v. v. n. loc. n.p. /Й—Й›n/ ??? /Й—Й›МЃЕ‹/ Й—Г©ng nГЎГЎn Й—enget Й—ep Й—ep shii n. a. v. v.p. ???? /Й—Й›p/ wrongdoing, mistake, sin, fault, transgression one is in trouble to be greedy, to have a compulsive desire for meat etc weeds, grasses not useful to people to have a compulsive desire for meat and other things to place, keep to become up, heaven on top of place in the roof where s.o. can hide in times of insecurity heaven, the skies only, one, unique to bend backwards to die v. /Й—Й›МЃs/, nan Й—ep-Й—ep Й—es Й—es-Й—es Й—i gЙЁrong nan v.a. v. /Й—i Й—i Й—i nshee Й—iЙ“en Й—iЙ“en Й—ii adv. a. n. n. pron. /Й—Г/ /Й—Г-nКѓЙ›МЂ:/ /Й—ГЙ“Й›МЃn/ /Й—Г¬Й“Й›МЂn/ /Й—i:/ 27 cf. Й—emЙ—em cf. Й—em. LГ Г sЙЁ Й—emЙ—em zam This child desires meat excessively cf. Й—ee. lit. вЂ�up in the roof’ lit. вЂ�bend leg’. Ryeemshak k МЂ Й—ep shii Ryeemshak has died. ????? to be big in size marks past action Й—i friend’s wives. doghon wГЎn nГЎГЎ me yГЁr sham Й—el jГ©ghГ©rГ©kjГ©ghГ©rГ©k I saw a bird with long neck moving around, tossing itself here and there jГ©ghГ©rГ©kjГ©ghГ©rГ©k Й—i dyem fina wurГ gyar man taan velang ni yГЎngyГЎng My son knows how to play velang extremely well; a zonzГіn a sГІ ku mГі tГ№ ghГ Й—i Й—ak You are following them zonzon and they are going to kill you to be there, live, stay, remain a while ago the first grain heat, steam, vapour which relative pronoun. mГ t Й—ii sЙЁ wuraa cГ¬n mbìì wГ shwГ sh this woman does her tasks energetically Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Й—ГГ Й—ang…ye pl. PoS int. IPA /Й—Г:-Й—aЕ‹-yЙ›/ Gloss which one? n.p. /Й—Г:-Й—Й›s/ n. n. /Й—Г:-Й—Й›МЃs/ /Й—Г:-hГЎi/ a. n. /Й—Г:lЙ›:/ /Й—Г:-rЙ›t/ v. /Й—Г¬:n-КѓГ¬k/ n. a. n. v. n. v. n. v. v. n. /Й—Г:-Й“ГЎЕ‹/ /Й—Г:-tКѓГ¬/ /Й—Г:l/ /Й—Г¬:n/ /Й—Г¬:n/ /Й—i:n/ /Й—i:p/ /Й—Г¬:s/ dem. dem. dem. /Й—Г:sГ/ /Й—Г:sГ/ /Й—Г:sГ¬/ a. a. v. v. v. adv. n. /Й—i:sЙЁsЙ”МЂk/ /Й—Гk/ /Й—Гk/ /Й—ik/ /Й—ik/ /Й—ik /МЃ Й—ikЙЁЙ—ikЙЁ adv. /Й—ik -МЃ Й—ik /МЃ Й—ilang Й—ileng p.n. /Й—ilЙ›Е‹/ Й—ilГЁng2 n. Й—ilГЁЕ‹ respect, honour, exaltation, the biggest big one almighty, holiness, majesty, glory the smaller one goodness, blessing ? to consistently refuse to heed advice ???? wrongdoing, evil, sin useless, worthless holy, holiness different testicles, testes to insist fruit-bat to tie a knot to harvest to suck up, dry up, evaporate like that that this as Й—ГГsГ¬ ni yem nЙ—in biise kuni ɗéé sЙЁ gГІkshirГІk This dog has not been fed for some time, and it is looking emaciated, gokshirok hidden different to sieve to marry to build, construct again jerry-built building that has collapsed repeatedly, again and again swallow? These expeditions were hunting expedition/festival of organised to check the Bwai community in growth of wild animals in the area. Today dances etc Mangu LGA. are organised mainly to socialise. It was an opportunity to demonstrate good horsemanship etc Special house where Girls often stay there after valuable items are the age of puberty when kept. they have been betrothed Й—ii Й—es Й—ii Й—es Й—ii hai Й—ii nan Й—ii lee Й—ii ret Й—ii nung Й—ii nshik Й—iital Й—ГГbish Й—ГГbГ№Г№ Й—iiЙ“ang Й—iici Й—iil Й—Г¬in1 Й—iin2 Й—iin3 Й—iip ɗììs Й—wan Й—iisi1 Й—ГГsГ2 Й—ГГsГ¬ Й—iisЙЁsГІk Й—ik1 Й—ik2 Й—ik3 Й—ik4 Й—ik МЃ Й—ikЙЁЙ“in Й—ГГcГ¬ 28 a Й—ГГ Й—ang ye? Which one is it? Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss and tattooing done. Й—imo Й—Гn v. Й—in kaan Й—in njak Й—Гni v.p. v.p. pron. Й—Гn kГ Г n Й—Гn njГ k Й—irang Й—irem v. n. /Й—iraЕ‹/ /Й—ГrЙ›m/ Й—irep Й—ЙЁghЙЁm Й—ЙЁghЙЁn Й—ЙЁghЙЁr1 Й—ЙЁghЙЁr2 n. adv. loc. n. v. /Й—ГrЙ›МЃp/ /Й— gМЃ m МЃ / /Й— gМЂ nМЂ / /Й— gМЂ rМЂ / /Й— gМЂ rМЂ / Й—ЙЁghЙЁr3 Й—ЙЁghЙЁr kap Й—ogho Й—oghom1 Й—oghom2 Й—oghor n. v. n. v. v. v. /Й—ЙЁgЙЁr/ /Й—ЙЁgЙЁr-kap/ /Й—Й”МЃgЙ”МЃ/ /Й—Й”gЙ”m/ /Й—Й”gЙ”m/ /Й—Й”МЂgЙ”МЂr/ Й—ok Й—ok’ku Й—ГІm adv. v.p. v. /Й—Й”k/ /Й—Й”МЂm/ Й—ong1 a. /Й—Й”МЃЕ‹/ Й—ong2 a. /Й—Й”МЃЕ‹/ Й—ong-Й—ong Й—ong yetyet a. Й—oo1 Й—oo2 v. a. /Й—Й”МЃЕ‹-yЙ›МЃtyЙ›МЃt/ /Й—Й”:/ /Й—Й”:/ Й—oo-Й—oo Й—oo3 Й—oo3 mat Й—u1 n. n.p. n. /Й—Й”МЃ:/ /Й—Й”Й” mГ t /Й—u/ Й—u2 Й—u2 v. n. /Й—u/ /Й—u/ 29 has been ???? that to be without, be lacking to be evil to be arrogant which, that Relative pronoun. nningkoro ni a zГ rgong Й—Гni kЙЁ wal mЙ“ut Г m ghГІghГІ frog sp. that cries inside the water ghГІghГІ to stand (plural) cf. dar visit by a suitor to his proposed during courtship late in the night charcoal nervousness inside dry land, dry place to balance s.t. on the head scorpion nausea sound, voice cf. Й—oo3 to stoop, bend down to begin, start to frown, look gloomy quietly to keep quiet < Й—ok aku to like, love, want, desire clean, clear liquid (water) describes well kept body of purity of water to pour describes s.p. pale as a result of dehydration ??? sound, voice high-pitched voice prefix for type of calabash to smell odour, smell, stink, pong Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Й—u-Й—u Й—u Й—udak pl. PoS IPA v. n. ??? /Й—udГЎk/ v. /Й—ugun/ Й—ughur1 Й—ughur2 Й—ughut-mwoor a. n. v. Й—uk Й—ukwat v. n. /Й—ugur/ /Й—ugur/ /Й—ugutmwЙ”МЂ:r/ /Й—Гєk/ /Й—ukwГЎt/ Й—u kwat piin Й—ee been Й—i id. /Й—u-kwГЎt pi:n Й—Й›МЃ: bЙ›:n Й—i/ Й—um Й—ung Й—urum v. v. v. /Й—um/ /Й—ГєЕ‹/ /dГ№rГ№m/ Й—ushГєГє ЖЉushuu-nkЙЁrang n. p.n. /Й—uКѓГє:/ /Й—uКѓГє:nk rМЃ ГЎЕ‹/ Й—uu v. /Й—Г№:/ Й—uu n. /Й—Г№:/ Й—Г№Г№ gГ№rГ№m n. Й—wГЎng Й—wang-Й—wang Й—was Й—was pГІГІ Й—was pГІГІ nshak v. /Й—Г№:gГ№rГ№m/ /Й—wГЎЕ‹/ Й—ughun Й—waghan Й—iis v. v. v. /Й—was/ /Й—was pЙ”/ /Й—was pЙ”nКѓak/ /Й—wat/ Й—wat1 n. Й—wat2 Й—wat Й—yes mmengo v. v.p. /Й—wat/ Й—ween Й—ween-Й—ween Й—wiit a. /Й—wЙ›:n/ a. Й—wiit-Й—wiit 30 Gloss ???? to appear spherical calabash similar to bЙЁrong but smaller, to have sexual intercourse tiredness kidney to squeeze atili fruit to extract its oil to prepare, organise small calabash used in feeding small children small calabash breaking, leaving the gourd used for keeping food Usually tied to the small gourd like the flask and its accompanying cup Figurative way of referring to the small baby dying leaving behind the mother (gourd) as long as the guard is intact a calabash could always be found. to simmer to tell a lie to trap, prevent from escape volcanic hill Kerang volcanic hill from which Swan water is bottled to be a crowd, to be many number of a crowd, livestock herd etc. crowd to be sour ??? to lick, suck to kiss to kiss one another narrow entrance, narrow place to squeeze to put stress on, lit. вЂ�to squeeze out pressurise excrement’. Pantu kЙЁ Й—wat Й—yes nlaa ni kЙЁ Й—ak Pantu drives that child too hard small in size, tiny ??? narrow (passage, entrance) ???? Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Й—yaa PoS n. IPA /Й— ГЎ:/ Й—yГЎГЎr n. /Й—yГЎ:r/ Й—yaar kГ№t cГЁt n.p. Й—yaghap v. /Й—yГЎgГЎp/ Й—yaghap yit Й—yeel1 Й—yeel tukaa Й—yГЁel2 v.p. n. n. n. /Й—yГЎgГЎp-yit/ /Й—yЙ›МЃ:l/ /Й—yЙ›:l/ /Й—yЙ›МЂ:l/ Й—yeel4 Й—yeep Й—yeepkaa Й—yees1 Й—yees Й—yees shiit Й—yel v. v. n. n. v. v.p. n. /Й—yЙ›:l/ /Й—yЙ›:p/ /Й—yЙ›:pkГЎ:/ /Й—yЙ›:s/ — n. n. /Й—yЙ›МЂm/, jГ©p /Й—yЙ›МЂmnГ :/ — n. /Й—yЙ›МЂmnЙЁgЙЁn/ Й—yen1 n. /Й—yen/ Й—yen2 Й—yeng Й—yes Й—yes dang n. n. n. n. /Й—yen/ /Й—yЙ›МЂЕ‹/ /Й—yЙ›МЃs/ /Й—yЙ›s daЕ‹/ Й—yes furum n. Й—yes kaa1 Й—yes kaa2 Й—yes kaa3 n. n. n. /Й—yЙ›s fГ№rГ№m/ /Й—yЙ›skГЎ:/ /Й—yЙ›skГЎ:/ /Й—yЙ›skГЎ:/ Й—yes paat n. /Й—yЙ›spГЎ:t/ Й—yes n. /Й—yЙ›s/ Й—yes put Й—yes toghom n. n. Й—yes weet n.p. /Й—yЙ›s-put/ /Й—yЙ›stЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂm/ Й—yik1 n. Й—yem Й—yem naa Й—yem nЙЁghЙЁn pl. jep y /Й—yЙ›:s-Кѓi:t/ /Й—yЙ›МЃl/ /Й—yik/ 31 Gloss women of the same age group ie friends call each other rather than calling each others name granary, barn, foodstore special foodstore in the kitchen to blink, to dim vehicle headlights to blink adjudication /trial capital punishment quarrel, dispute, misunderstanding to smoke to lift arrogance sand to grind grinding grains to retain, take along, own, possess son, young man my brother/sister when you address him directly my brother and sister when talking about him indirectly manners, behaviour, attitude, demeanour, wish wild fruit sp. bone coccyx, bone at base of spine knee cap skull theme, main point name for s.o. who is last person left alive in a family Canarium schweinfurthii nuts faeces, excreta, stool, manure, dung diarrhoea dysentery sandy soil suitable for growing millet marriage, traditional See Appendix. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Й—yik bish pl. PoS n. IPA /Й— ik-biКѓ/ Й—yik ret n. /Й—yik-rЙ›МЃt/ Й—yik2 Й—yГk3 Й—yong Й—yoo v. v. v. v. /Й—yik/ /Й—yГk/ /Й—yЙ”Е‹/ /Й—yЙ”:/ y Gloss wife out of favour from her husband wife favoured by husband to build to sieve to trickle down to watch, stare, regard E. ’é int. polar question marker ’e int. question marker full form mГ©. Occurs in sentence-final position. Questions which do not presuppose the response. full form ye. Occurs in sentence-final position. F. fee1 fee pЙЁder v. v. /fЙ›:/ /fЙ›:-pЙЁdЙ›r/ fee2-fee-fee v. /fЙ›:-fЙ›МЃ:/ féél1 feel fii feel2 fГЁГЁl3 fГЁГЁl nwoo fГ©er1 feer2 fГЁer3 n. v. v. n. n. num. n. v. /fЙ›МЃ:l/ /fЙ›МЃ:l-fi:/ /fЙ›:l/ /fЙ›МЂ:l/ /fЙ›МЂ:l-nwЙ”МЂ:/ /fЙ›МЃ:r/ /fЙ›:r/ /fЙ›МЂ:r/ fГЁs a. /fЙ›МЂs/ fГЁt1 n. /fЙ›МЂt/ fГ©t2 fГ©t3 fet pee v. v. v.p. /fЙ›МЃt/ /fЙ›МЃt/ /fЙ›МЃt-pЙ›:/ 32 to clean, drag to look down on some one to despise to sweep the farm after planting fonio to prevent birds from eating the seeds. Young girls would cut small branches of trees, tie them neatly and align them in a row on the farm to cover the fonio seeds. cf. Й—agham throat, goitre to thirst to peel plant sp. sloth four (4) trumpet to drag on the buttocks very, emphasis, must qualify another greater, smaller, adjective. lГЎГЎ Й—i wГ№s meen longer etc wГ№rГ ni fГЁs bГsh nГЎГЎ. The burns he had from the fire were a terrible sight Berom hoe see can. Presently in use by Mwaghavul. to slaughter to sweep cleanliness, keeping Mwaghavul society one’s surrounding emphasises cleanliness in clean terms of neatness of both personal and general Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss hygiene. Any house where there are girls all adjoining roads are properly swept and kept clean on a daily basis. A dirty compound would not attract suitors1 lit. вЂ�to sweep legs’. The origin of the expression lies in a belief that once the legs of a bachelor are swept with the broom he will remain unmarried. fГ©t shГГ v.p. /fЙ›МЃt-КѓГ:/ belief fii fii pЙЁghЙЁzЙЁng v. v. /fГ¬:/ /fГ¬:-p gМЂ zМЂ ЙЁЕ‹/ fii lГ Г piit fii nook v. v. /fГ¬:-lГ :-pi:t/ /fГ¬:nЙ”МЂ:k/ fii-fii fii fii fiit taan fiit fil fГ¬l gwГіm pron. pron. v.p. v. v.p. /fi:/ /fi:/ /tГ :n-fi:t/ /fil/ filet v. /fЙЁlЙ›t/ fГlfГіghГіl filok fin1 fГn2 n. n. n. v. /fГlfЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃl/ /f lМЂ Й”МЂk/ /fin/ /fГn/ fГn3 fivir f МЃkot v. n. n. /fГn/ /fГvir/ /f kМЃ Й”t/ fЙЁlap v. fЙЁna pron. /fЙЁlap//fulap / /fЙЁna/ to blow, dry to despise, look down lit. вЂ�blow nose’ on others to blow one’s nose to give artificial respiration ??? yours (of female) you singular, female also fiyi to whistle to boil, vaporise ringworm lit. вЂ�splash of boiling flour’ because it looks like ringworm to cut a small portion or piece puff-adder, snake sp. Bitis arietans lungs grinding stone to wear clothes inside-out to expose, exhibit tornado/whirlwind corpse, lifeless body, cf. kГєm carcass, cadaver to retrieve also fulap fЙЁra fЙЁri fЙЁrish pron. p.a. v. /fЙЁra/ ??? /fЙЁriКѓ//furiКѓ/ my, mine A we a shaar fЙЁna ye? Who is my friend? hers/his hers/his to cut a tiny piece or also furish portion/to slice Capt. H.D. Foulkes, a Briton who led the British patrol team to Panyam in 1907, stated thus “They are not as ill looking as many pagan peoples. “In figures they are sturdy and perhaps owing to the plentiful supply of water they are clean” (Source: National Archives Kaduna). 33 1 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul foghol pl. PoS n. IPA /fЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂl/ Gloss small pot used in reserving drinks for elders foghom foghot fra v. v. /fЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂm/ /fЙ”gЙ”t/ to grap to visit a sick person ??? fughu fГ№k pron. v. /fugu//fu:/ /fГ№k/ fГ№k fuka fulap v. n. v. /fГ№ka/ /fulap/ fulu fulup fung1 n. v. n. /fulu/ /fulup/ /fГ№Е‹/ fung aghas fung zai n.p. n. /fГ№Е‹-Г gГ s/ /fГ№Е‹-zГ i/ funggu n. funu fur pron. n. /funu/ /fur/ furap v. /furap/ fursuna furu furum fГ№t n. pron. n. n. /fГєrsГєna/ /furu//fuЙ—u/ /fГ№rГ№m/ mo- 34 yours to blow air with bellows to be very angry tuberculosis to retrieve with the use of finger nails variety of rizga to insult, abuse pl. hole, opening, tunnel, window, gap, chasm gap-toothed small opening between two houses to serve as drainage etc. narrow entrance flanked by euphorbia cactuses our, ours central space inside a compound to have a strong urge to do something prisoner their knee wooden log or metal bar to which mГ t kГЎГЎ nЙЁ wГ№rГЎ kЙЁ baa Й“ЙЁlang Й—i mme la fra ni ɗéé wura teer shoor a map Й—ak shwetshwet the widow has lost another child and she has been crying all night shwetshwet other forms? < Hausa. cf. muut-sighim cf. nvuu cf. kГЎs sg. used to deter slave-raiders in former times < English via Hausa also fuЙ—u Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA fuu fuul pron. a. /fu:/ fГєГєr n. /fГє:r/ fuut fwaal n. v. /fГє:t/ /fwa:l/ fwГ Г p fwaat fwagha fwan1 n. n. p.a. n. /fwГ :p/ mo- /fwan//da:fw an/ /fwan/ fwan2 n. fwГ n Й—ГЎghГЎr fwГ n kГєt fwГ n lГІk n.p. n.p. n. /fwan-lЙ”МЂk/ fwГ n wГЎГЎp n. /fwГ n-wГЎ:p/ fwan wet fwang n. v. /fwan-wЙ›МЃt/ /fwaЕ‹/ fwash n. /fwaКѓ//nfwaКѓ/ fwat1 fwat2 fwat kom n. v. v. /fwat/ /fwГ t/ /fwГ t-kЙ”m/ fwo1 fwo Й—i fwo2 v. n. v. /fwЙ”/ /fwЙ”-Й—i/ /fwЙ”/ fwo aak fwo ngwam fwo kam fwo ruru v. v. v. v. /fwЙ”-a:k/ /fwЙ”-Е‹wГ m/ /fwЙ”-kam/ /fwЙ” rГєrГє:/ fwo sushii fwo toghom v. n. /fwЙ”-sГ№КѓГ:/ /fwЙ”-tЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂm/ 35 Gloss madmen, prisoners and women [!] were chained your also fughu describes internal pain due to external shock grass with white flower to vomit, regurgitate to retrieve with fingernails odour, smell also fwГ ghГ p piece of cloth your (masc. sg.) rabbit, hare also dafwan rain cf. also nnГ¬cwГЁt, cwet, nГ¬tyГІГІs, ngГ№mbГ¬t, lГІknГ¬ghГ¬n mГ t hail rain that lasts all day early rains during spring late rains during harvest rain that lasts all day to protect, guard jealously termites, general term also nfwash. Other types are nlumwash ndupoop/ndЙЁpwoop, waryaa, njar, mpyeer, ndЙЁryagham kaa ashes scatter non-verbal when one brushes his/her communication ears, expressing noninvolvement or innocence. forgiveness forgiveness to throw (pl.), slap plural of vwet the side of the mortar to impregnate (pl.) to whip to cane a child etc. to scream, shout for help to compete in a race there was the belief that some women have extra powers and could make one sick at any time they feel Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss like fwoon a. /fwЙ”:n/ fwoon fwor1 fwor2 fyaat1 v. v. v. v. /fwЙ”:n/ /fwЙ”МЂr/ /fwЙ”МЂr/ /fya:t/ fyaat2 v. /fya:t/ fyaat2 poo fwagha fyak v.p. pron. v. /fwaga/ /fyak/ fyeel1 fyeel-fyeel fyeel2 a. /fyЙ›МЃ:l/ v. /fyЙ›МЃ:l/ fyoot a. /fyЙ”:t/ gaar Gaaroo n. p.n. /gГЎ:r/ gaas gwom n. gГ ghГ l gГ ghГ l féél n. n.p. /ga:s gwЙ”m//nga: sgwЙ”m/ /gГ gГ l/ gaghap gaghap Й“akzar n. n. gaghap shi gaghas gal n. n. v. /gagap/ /gГ gГ pЙ“akzar/ /gГ gГ p-КѓГ:/ /gГ gГ s/ /gГ l/ gam v. /gam/ gГ m k МЂ Й“Гt v.p. gam sughun n. /gГ m-k -МЂ Й“Гt//gГ mЙ“Гt/ /gamsГ№gГ№n//nga m-sГ№gГ№n/ /gГ n/ describes food cooked loosely i.e. jollof acha (fonio) to untie to change, demand to follow after to throw s.o. to the ground in wrestling to rekindle light from ngyam to provoke s.o. you (male) to feel annoyed, pained light, not heavy ??? to ease, to make things easy of a tiny hole G. gГ n gГ ng gЙЁrang v. n. 36 white cactus place where the dead go leftover food ngaasgwom obstruction obstruction in throat when eating yams etc. cave, hole, cracks cracks in the ground cracks on the leg pile of stones to not be properly roasted or cooked (of potato) to be complete, full, fill new year, year’s end, also gГ mЙ“Гt tunring of the year civet cat Civetictis civetta to wrestle to the ground borassus palm, fan Borassus aethiopicum Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA gang n. /gГЎЕ‹/ gang kaa gГ ng shak v. n. /gГЎЕ‹-kГЎ:/ /gГ Е‹-КѓГ k/ gar gar garoo v. v. n. garvГ№m n. garwan n. /gГ rЙ”//ngar Й”:/ /garvГ№m//ng arvГ№m/ /garwam/ gГЎs (gwГіm) v. /gГЎs/ pron. /ghГ ghЙЁЙ“ЙЁl ghЙЁЙ“ЙЁl ghЙЁЙЁ n. v. n. gЙЁЙ“ЙЁl/ gЙЁЙ“ЙЁl/ /gЙЁ:/ gh k МЂ ghЙЁlok n. v. /h kМЂ //g kМЂ / / gЙЁlЙ”k/ gh МЃr n. / g rМЃ / ghЙЁr ghЙЁr gГіk tГЎГЎ ghЙЁr kГ№ng ghЙЁr pyГЎГЎ n. n. n. n. /gЙЁr/ ghЙЁr vГ№rГЁm n. ghЙЁr yГ wГі n. gh rМЂ gh rМЂ n. v. /hЙЁryawЙ”//gЙЁr/ /g rМЂ / /g rМЂ / ghЙЁrЙЁm n. gЙЁrЙЁm/ gha wun /ghЙЁr-piya:/ 37 Gloss palm Hausa giginya peer group, age grade, strength to depend, rely peer group (of the same age) to dilute a liquid such as beer to drink too much area of the Hausa < Hausa also ngaroo grasshopper sp. also ngГ rvum sticky soil suitable for millet and fonio to share food directly from the pot you (m.) Second person singular masculine pronoun. Typically used in questions. ghГ araЕ‹ ye? How are you? Written ha in the former orthography. satisfaction, repletion to swell goat o ceen lГЎГЎ ghЙЁЙЁ fina ni Й“e ni su sor tulu wГєrwГєr They drove away my goat and it went straight to the house stone to make a hole through a blocked pipe, to try and get s.t. out of a hole, to move a stick in and out of a tube, to ream out piece of broken pot, larger pit for serving beer to 6-10 people thorn, acacia spp. thorny tree sp. вЂ�snake thorn’ thorny tree sp. whitethorn Acacia albida. Hausa farar Ж™aya. thorny plant sp. Thorns are used to cut tribal marks and tattoos common thorn found in the farm pus to collect, gather, fetch cowpea, bean Vigna unguiculata Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul gГbГЎt girik pl. PoS quant. n. IPA /gyirik/ giring g МЃbГЎr g МЃ МЃl gЙЁЙЁl aas gЙЁЙЁt n. n. n. n. n. /g :МЃ l/ /g :МЂ l a:s/ /g :МЂ t/ gЙЁk n. /gЙЁk//nЕ‹ЙЁk/ gЙЁlЙЁng gm МЂ Г Г gЙЁn gin fyam gЙЁnaa gЙЁnang ging gЙЁnЙЁghЙЁn v. loc. n. n. n. n. n. n. /gЙЁlЙЁЕ‹/ gЙЁnЙЁghЙЁn shak n. gЙЁnying gЙЁrgЙЁr n. n. /g nМЂ gМЂ nМЂ КѓГ k/ /g nМЂ yГЕ‹/ /gЙЁrgЙЁr/ gЙЁrang v. ???? gЙЁrong gЙЁrong-gЙЁrong gЙЁt gЙЁzok v. /gЙЁrЙ”Е‹/ v. n. goghol po v. /gЙЁt/ /g zМЂ Й”k//ng zМЂ Й”k/ /gЙ”gЙ”l-pЙ”МЂ/ goghor n. /gЙ”МЂgЙ”r/ /g nМЃ / /g nМЂ -fyГ m/ /g nМЂ Г :/ /g nМЂ ГЎЕ‹/ /g Е‹МЂ / /g nМЂ ЙЁgЙЁn/ /gЙ”gЙ”r-bu:/ goghor buu goghor fut /gГrГЕ‹/ n. /gЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂr-fГ№t/ 38 Gloss completely traditional hoe made of extremely heavy metal, no longer in use rubbish/refuse dump castrated ram loaf loaf of bread hill, mountain, eminence double also ngЙЁk. Mostly used while counting bundles of millet for threshing to not be full of liquid opposite cheek Fyem tribal marks my brother your brother drum wives of the same also a companion of 2 husband things wives of the same husband your sister (female) truck, large lorry called from the sound it makes to wrestle to the cf. gГ n sg. ground pl. to bend small piece of meat unkempt hair also ngЙЁzok (tsuma-hausa) one who does not one who frequently recalls forget issues that have long been laid to rest soup condiment made from treated seeds of the jute plant (gyampus) popular phrase of the Fyam people whenever they were in Mwaghavul land for trade by barter (see wor nfyam) local insecticide Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul gГіghГіt2 pl. PoS n. IPA /gЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃt//ngЙ”МЃ gЙ”МЃt/ /gЙ”gЙ”t/ /gЙ”k/ goghot1 gok n. a. gГіk-gГіk gГІk gok taa gol v. n. n. gГіng1 gГіng1 pee v. v.p. /gЙ”МЂk/ /gЙ”МЃktГЎ:/ /gЙ”МЃl//nafЙ”:li :/ /gЙ”МЃЕ‹/ /gЙ”МЃЕ‹pЙ›:/ gong2 gГІng3 gong3 maar gГІng4 n. n. n. v. /gЙ”Е‹/ /gЙ”МЂЕ‹/ /gЙ”МЂЕ‹ mГЎ:r/ /gЙ”МЂЕ‹/ gГІng sak v.p. /gЙ”МЂЕ‹-sak/ gГІng shin v.p. /gЙ”МЂЕ‹-Кѓin/ gong int. ??? gong ye gonggong int. id. ??? ? gool v. /gЙ”МЂ:l/ gГіГіr n. /gЙ”МЃ:r/ gГІr gГІrГІ gorzol mo- n. n. n. gubang n. gughutuk gu jaghar adv. n. gu lu n. guk1 guk2 gul gГєl v. v. n. conj. /gЙ”МЂrzЙ”МЃl//ngЙ”МЂ rzЙ”МЃl/ /gubaЕ‹//ku baЕ‹//kЙЁbaЕ‹/ /gГ№gГ№tГ№k/ /gГ№-jagar/ /gГ№-lГє//ngГ№lГє/ /gГ№k/ /guk/ /gГ№l/ 39 Gloss flea ngГіghГіt cave emaciated, weak and sick to be old, worn out snake type female lizard cloth, rag, any old item cf. nafoolii to wait, watch keep watch, be watchful, to wait for some one fallow land edge of farm edge of farm to manage delicately, balance something that is about to fall to perform tasks in spite of ill-health to perform tasks in spite of ill-health how much, how many? how many? describes s.t. that is just about to fall down to be bent, to be crooked bachelor a yaghal kЙЁ kaa Й—i rongshГІng sЙЁ, kaa gГіГіr sЙЁ Get away from here with your horn-like head. plant sp. Hausa duhuwa ?? pied crow also ngГІrГІГІ. Corvus albus smallpox farming that kubang/kЙЁbang beautifies the ridge suddenly general name for all male babies before they are later given appropriate names. husband to get worse to bark (dog) enough, plenty maybe (of wound) also ngГєl Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul gulak pl. PoS v. gulang n. guldang conj. Guliya guluk guluk but gunan p.n. n. n. n. IPA /gulak//ngГ№ k/ /gГ№lГЎЕ‹//ngГ№l ГЎЕ‹/ /gГ№lЙ—aЕ‹//ngulЙ—aЕ‹/ /guliya/ /gulГєk/ /gulГєk-Й“ut/ ??? gung1 n. /gГ№Е‹/ gung2 v. /gГ№Е‹/ gung3 v. /gГ№Е‹/ Gunung p.n. gГ№rГ k gurak Й—yes lwaa v. v.p. gГ№rГ№m gГ№rГ№m-gГєrГєm n. id. guu n. guus n. /gГє:s//kЙ”Е‹/ gwaan n. /gwГЎ:n/ gwaar gwaar mГ Г p v. v.p. /gwa:r/ gwadawa gwaghap n. v. /gwadawa/ /gwagap/ /gГ№rГ k/ /gГ№rГ kЙ—yЙ›s-lwa:/ /gГ№rГ№m/ /gГ№rГ№mgГєrГєm/ 40 Gloss to perform an activity ngulak with pride sling, throwing ngulang device maybe proverbial figure hole hiccough old person, elder See Appendix aghas kЙЁ gunan ni kЙЁ liyoon kyes ku pГІ ni ɗéé g nМЂ nМЂ ГІn The old man has lost almost all his teeth and his mouth is now just empty, g nМЂ nМЂ ГІn tree sp. with strong wood try to do something, effort with stand, tolerate, persevere deity of the people of Fwangko village to struggle, try to struggle while meaning ??? eating bones person also ngurum tough person, great person euphorbia, cactus Euphorbia kamerunica cliff, small volcanic also kong hill local bed made from single piece of wood to groan very deeply to weep very intensely examination, test < Hausa to beat to a pulp Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Gwaghap gwaghazak gwak gwak pee pl. PoS p.n. v. v.p. gwak shik gwak yil v.p. n. gwam gwam v. n. gwan gwan v. n. gwar gwarЙ“it pron. n. gwГ rkГіng n. gwГЎt n. gwГ t gweng v. n. gwodo n. gwГІm1 gwom2 n. n. gwom fwoon n.p. gwom gari gwom kas1 gwГІm kas2 gwom kusuk n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. gwom lupak n.p. gwom maap n.p. gwom mudang n.p. gwom mwoor n.p. gwom rogo Gwom Shaar n.p. p.n. IPA /g agap/ Gloss proverbial figure. See Appendix ? flip flops /gwak / rebuke, warn /gwak-pЙ›:/ warn, advice, rebuke, admonish /gwak-КѓГ¬k/ scold, rebuke /gwak-yil/ maize with sparse seed /gwam/ deceive /gwГ m//ngwГ whip also ngwam m/ /gwan/ to groan cf. dГЁs /gwГ n//ngwГ wild cocoyam also ngwan n/ /gwГ r/ someone /gwГЎrЙ“Гt/ cowry, former currency soil suitable for growing fonio /gwat/ winner, victor word usually used by children/youth to determine the first to pour /gwЙ›Е‹/ last support from the the entire bunches of acha bunch of acha which are piled before eventual serves as the pivot threshing (when fully dried) /gwЙ”dЙ”/ cloth made from < Hausa auduga woven cotton /gwЙ”МЂm/ baboon Papio anubis /gwЙ”МЃm/ food, porridge, general term w /g Й”МЂmfonio porridge fwЙ”:n/ ? cassava porridge /gwЙ”МЂm-kas/ millet porridge /gwЙ”МЂm-kas/ plant sp. /gwЙ”МЂmfonio porridge kГєsГєk/ /gwЙ”МЂm food made by It involved chewing millet lГ№pГЎk/ children while cooked along with yam. looking after sheep and goats. /gwЙ”МЂmfood taken to mГ :p/ bereaved family /gwЙ”МЂmporridge for a mГ№daЕ‹/ circumcised child /gwЙ”МЂmporridge prepared mwЙ”:r/ with oil ? cassava porridge /gwЙ”МЂm-Кѓa:r/ Festival of unmarried Girls of the same age grade girls. contribute items such as millet, kwakil, mwoor paat, mwoor bang, and w 41 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss /gwЙ”МЂmmaize porridge КѓwГЎ:/ /gwЙ”МЂm-wГ p/ fonio porridge with sauce marshy soil suitable for growing cocoyam and rizga /gyГ mpГ№s//n stalk of okra plant gyГ mpГ№s/ before it is converted into ngyam /gyar/ very, extremely /gyartКѓГ¬n/ to overdo, excessive /gyartГ n/ to play excessively, rough-play piece of additional cloth gwom shuwa n.p. gwom wap n.p. gyaghat n. gyampus n. gyar gyar cin gyartan adv. v.p. v. gyele n. gyes v. /gyЙ›МЃs/ gyet doghon tГ ghГ m gyet mee muyii adv. /gyЙ›t/ adv. gyet yam gyok adv. n. /gyЙ›t mЙ›: mu yi:/ /gyЙ›t-yГ m/ /gyЙ”МЃk/ gyook v. /gyЙ”МЂ:k/ money to buy a ram or two prepare same and share with their friends supporters and admirers. This is one of the first festivals organized by girls and usually in the month of January immediate after yaghal opportunity for the girls to show appreciation to their male counterparts whom they had supported during the other festivities such as velang etc. H. fadama also ngyampus normally hung or the shoulder by women either as headgear or a spare wrapper usually hung on the shoulder.< Hausa to shift, movement from one point to the other last year or doghon tГ ghГ m. 42 many years ago several years ago one who does not stay in one place, restless person to watch helplessly/gleefully Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul H. pl. PoS IPA haal hakyeng n. adv. /ha:l/ /hГ kyЙ›Е‹/ hГ mbГ l num. /hГ mbГ l/ hГЎr1 n. /hГЎr/ har2 conj. /hГЎr/ hГ thГ t v. /hГ thГ t/ hiik n. /hГ:k/ hime h rМЂ Г t n. id. /himЙ› /h rМЂ Г t/ h МЃrГt hol hop hop puus hГІs n. n. v. v.p. v. /h rМЃ Гt/ /hЙ”МЂl/ /hЙ”МЃp/ ??? /hЙ”МЂs/ hos n. Gloss sheet of paper rightly, correctly, truly, verily, earnestly single used mainly when counting bundles of millet for threshing (hambal = 2 ngik). NB is this also used for вЂ�hundred’? chaff (waste or residue) to the extent that, so < Hausa much that, until to struggle to do s.t. Moo hГ thГ t sЙЁ pus hang aghas nwuri they are struggling to remove his tooth cough (whooping cough) greed intensifies verbs of esp. applied things tied in a tightening knot slip-knot see sar hirit shale to borrow to sit in the sun to spend a whole year/season spear type This spear has a knife-like sharp edge and is usually the second to be used. See kop I. ìì excl. Yes! Г¬nГ Г pron. Name by which women of the same peer group call each other 43 A response to a polar question Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Ж— pl. PoS IPA Gloss lМЂ ГІng ЙЁrap v. v. /Г¬lЙ”МЂЕ‹// lМЂ Й”МЂЕ‹/ ?? loose, not tight, slack to bite ЙЁrong n. ??? dust jaal jГ Г p v. ??? /К¤a:l/ /К¤Г :p/ jГ r jagham1 jagham2 jГ ghГ m-piil n. n. n. n. jГ ghГ s jai1 n. n. /К¤Г r//nК¤Г r/ /К¤ГЎghГЎm/ /К¤ГЎgГЎm/ /К¤Г gГ mpГ:l/ /К¤Г gГ s/ /К¤ai/ jai2 n. /К¤ai/ jak1 jak2 jak3 jakatai ??? v. v. n. et. place-name. jaghatai jГ Г kГ n. donkey, ass < Hausa. also njaakii jamii n. /К¤Г k/ /К¤Г k/ /К¤ak/ /К¤akatai// К¤agatai/ /К¤Г :kГ//nК¤ Г :kГ:/ ? to belch empty, not there, vanity termites boast chin grass with roots as sweet as sugar cane house-rat stubborn, delinquent person wizard, witch, sorcerer, magician appetizing manners sprinkle sparsely plant sp. tamarind tree < Hausa. indica jan jan n. n. jang jarmen n. n. /К¤ГЎn/ /К¤an//nК¤an / /К¤aЕ‹/ /К¤ГЎrmЙ›МЃn/ jee v. /К¤Й›:/ jeel1 jeel2 jeel-jeel jeer1 jГЁГЁr2 n. n. /К¤Й›МЃ:l/ /К¤Й›МЃ:l/ n. n. jeer3 n. /К¤Й›МЂ:r/ /К¤Й›МЂ:r//nК¤Й›МЂ: r/ /К¤Й›МЂ:r//nК¤Й›МЂ: r/ (plural of at). WГ№rГ fГЁs loghot k МЃ ЙЁrap ciЙ“en sГЎr firi mo. He already has the habit of biting his fingernails J. twins tapeworm jaw plant sp. njГ r(see fwash) Rattus rattus cf. Hausa santi also njan similar to pumbwan. It has yellow flowers between August and October and marks the end of the rains to be absent, be not there, lack poverty suffering 44 Tamarindus barren woman barren maize plant also njГЁГЁr sugar-cane also njeer Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul jeghen pl. PoS n. IPA /К¤Й›МЂgЙ›МЂn//nК¤ Й›МЂgЙ›МЂn/ /К¤Й›МЃ:l-kyЙ›s/ jeel-kyes jegher-jegher jГ©ghГ©rГ©kjГ©ghГ©rГ©k v. jem n. jГЁng jГЁng shii jГ©p1 jГ©p2 jep lop jep pee kaa n. n. n. n. n. n.p. jep ret jer jet jГ1 n. n. n. adv. jГ1 t МЃdГіk jГ¬2 ji2 wul jГ¬ga jii JГ¬bГ¬sh adv. v. v.p. n. v. p.n. /К¤Г-t dМЃ Й”МЃk/ /К¤Г¬/ /К¤Г¬-wГєl/ /К¤Г¬ga/ /К¤Г¬://jГ¬-k /МЃ /К¤Г¬bГ¬Кѓ//nК¤Г¬ bГ¬Кѓ/ jiirii jik jikiram jim mwos n. v. n. n. ??? /К¤ik/ /К¤Г¬kЙЁram/ /К¤Г¬mmwЙ”МЂs/ Jing1 p.n. /К¤iЕ‹/ jing2 n. /К¤iЕ‹/ jingina n. /К¤Г¬ngГnГ / jinjak n. /К¤Г¬n-jak/ ideo. /К¤Й›m//nК¤Й› m/ /К¤Й›МЂЕ‹/ /К¤Й›МЂЕ‹-КѓГ:/ /К¤Й›МЃp/ /К¤Й›МЃp/ ??? /К¤Й›МЂp-pЙ›МЂ:kГ :/ /К¤Й›p-rЙ›t/ /tiЕ‹ jЙ›МЃr/ /К¤Й›t/ /К¤Г/ 45 Gloss heron also njeghen poverty is over ???? describes s.t. moving doghon wan naa me yer about all over the sham Й—el jГ©ghГ©rГ©kjГ©ghГ©rГ©k place Yesterday, I saw a bird with long neck moving around, tossing itself here and there jГ©ghГ©rГ©kjГ©ghГ©rГ©k sorghum used in also njem brewing local beer heel heel children, plural of lГ Г small, tiny (reference to objects) disciples pl. of nyem lop youths money tree sp. back of the head sometime ago, long time ago, until now, since day before yesterday to come to arrive jigger to bring masquerade cf. shaghal < Hausa ? also jГ¬-ki also njibish. Used to scare people from eating fruits in the forest. Alcelaphus buselaphus hartebeest sprinkle wild weeds preparation of local beer (mwos) takes two days, the product of the first stage/day is called jim:, it is usually very sweet hunting festival of communities of Ajing, Panyam fish farm etc red, sticky soil suitable for growing millet mortgage, to pledge < Hausa one’s property to a creditor payment. local sieve made Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss from grass used in separating the local beer (mos) from the chaff Mwaghavul clan, name of an area in Mupun land of Pankshin LGA (see bijer) all despite to peck at food zhirak Jiparii p.n. /К¤Г¬parГ:/ jir jir k МЃs МЃ jirak1 quant. conj. v. /К¤Гr/ /К¤ir-k sМЃ /МЃ /К¤irak//zhi rak/ jirak v. jirak2 id. jiraap jiraap sar jiraap shii jirem n. n. n. v. jirgi n. jirgi Г m n. jirgi caap n. jirgi dГ©ng jirgi yil jЙЁghЙЁr1 jЙЁghЙЁr2 jЙЁghЙЁt-pee joghop n. n. v. n. v. v. jГІГІmГІГІ n. jГіng n. jong jong kЙЁ shak adv. adv. jong-jong josh jГ№Г№ juruk n. n. n. ??? to move from place to place /К¤irak//zhi describes how a zhirak rak/ chicken picks its food /К¤Г¬rГЎ:p/ young girls (plural of reep) /К¤Г¬rГ :p-sГЎr/ fingers /К¤Г¬rГ :-Кѓi:/ toes /К¤Г¬rЙ›МЂm//nК¤ afterbirth of women also njirem Г¬rЙ›МЂm/ or animals К¤irgi canoe, vessel in < Hausa general /К¤irgi-Г m/ steamship, submarine etc /К¤irgiaeroplane tКѓa:p/ /К¤irgi Й—Й›МЃЕ‹/ aeroplane /К¤irgi-yil/ train /К¤ gМЃ rМЃ / quarrel /К¤ gМЃ rМЃ / jaw /К¤ gМЂ tМЂ -pЙ›:/ to tickle /К¤Й”gЙ”p/ enmeshing plants in water before transplanting them /К¤Й”МЂ:mЙ”МЂ://n stem of a jute plant also njoomoo К¤Й”МЂ:mЙ”МЂ:/ after the bark has been stripped boys circumcised and initiated during the last exercise /К¤Й”Е‹/ distant, far /К¤Й”Е‹-k -МЃ far apart КѓГ k/ ???? /К¤Й”МЃКѓ//nК¤Й”МЃКѓ/ grits also njosh /jГ№:/ copper /К¤uruk/ local tripod made The original hole in the pot with three broken is called juruk, it serves as pots. a place to keep condiments which are preserved by the heat of the fire 46 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul jurum-jurum jurung pl. PoS IPA n. /К¤uruЕ‹/ jwa jwaan1 jwaan2 jwaan3 v. n. v. v. /К¤wa:n/ /К¤wГ :n/ /К¤wГ :n/ jwaan2 v. /К¤wГ :n//n wГ :n/ jwak1 Jwak2 n. p.n. /К¤wak/ /К¤wak/ Jwak-yitup p.n. /К¤wakyГ¬tГ№p//jwak ngh kМЂ tГ№p/ jwГ k1 jwГ k2 jwak3 jwak shii jwal1 jwal2 n. n. v. v.p. v. v. /К¤wГ k/ /К¤wГ k/ /К¤wГ k/ /К¤wГ k-КѓГ:/ /К¤wal/ /К¤wal/ jwГ l1 n. /К¤wГ l/ jwГ l2 n. /К¤wГ l/ jwГЎt v. /К¤wГЎt/ jwГ t wur a. /К¤wГ t-wur/ jweet v. К¤weet jwГЁГЁt id. К¤wГЁГЁt jwГ©ng n. /К¤wЙ›МЃЕ‹//nК¤ wЙ›МЃЕ‹/ 47 Gloss ??? depth of a stream, river etc to wear ??? temptation to tempt someone to be tempted, succumb to temptation to console, to also nwaan encourage a bereaved to stop mourning, to soothe, to take heart rock, mountain Community in The hunting expedition of Panyam district. jwak, bwor, diyes kopal peoples yitup rock at The early missionaries Panyam, erected a hut on top of the rock where a bell was mounted and rung on Sundays. also jwak nghiktup to stuff wickedness to incite, instigate to instigate, incite to fix (many things) Plural of Й“Г l to put in (many Plural of lop things) threshed fonio ready for cooking Pieces of raffia leaves cut to specific sizes, used for the weaving of mat proper dressing, appropriate dressing one who dresses haphazardly, inappropriate dressing to catch s.o. in a lie, to catch s.o. redhanded intensifies verbs of tightening esp. applied things tied in a bundle ocarina made from also njwГ©ng the dried fruit shell of Strynchnos spinosa Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss K ??? ka kГЎГЎ1 kГЎГЎ1 a fung n. n.p. /kГЎ:/ kГЎГЎ a fГ№Е‹ kГЎГЎ Й“ГЎl kГЎГЎ Mpang a.p. n.p. kГЎГЎ MpГЎЕ‹ kaa1 mbwaghalong n.p. kГ Г 1 ncukcur v. kaa1 ngaw kГЎГЎ nguryaat n.p. a. kГЎГЎ1 pyaa kaa1 pyan kГЎГЎ1 tal kГЎГЎ1 waa kГЎГЎ2 kГЎГЎ2 gГ№Г№ n. n. n.p. n.p. v. v. kГЎГЎ waa /kГЎ:/ /kГЎ:gГ№:/ kaa1 kaa2 kaa quant. conj. n. /ka:/ /ka:/ /kГ ГЎ/ kaa kasuwa n. /ka:kasuwa/ kГ Г kГ Г pГІГІ kГ Г pГІГІ Г ghГ s v. n. n.p. /kГ :/ kГ Г zГ i kaaЙ—i kaam1 kaam2 kaam-kaam v. conj. a. n. /kГ :zГ i/ /ka:Й—i/ /ka:m/ /kГ :m/ kaa mbwaghalo Е‹ /kГ : ncukcur/ kaa ngГЎw /kГЎ:ngurya:t/ /kГЎ: pГyГЎ:/ /kГЎ: pyan/ 48 head describes s.o. who can predict of foresee the future stubborn describes doing s.t. for its own sake insulting description of appearance to be overexcited, to get into one’s head shaven head upside down (of a person grey hair headache violent, aggressive bald-headed to transplant (plants) to transplant euphorbia about, as many as like grandmother, elderly woman practice where a person who cleans the market place collects a certain unit of goods on the display for maintaining cleanliness to climb, go up, rise diarrhoea in children children’s teething problems to construct zai as wide width describes s.t. very wide dГ ГЎ kaa long wurГ ka taan Й“el, fГyГіГіtfГyГіГіt an expert is blowing the flute Й“el, fГyГіГіtfГyГіГіt lit. вЂ�head is open’ lit. вЂ�head lit. вЂ�head of Ampang’ lit. вЂ�head of migratory bird’ lit. вЂ�head hot’ also pider cf. zai. Usually in insulting expressions. kom kaamkaam kaa kГєtГ№t sЙЁ Ears as wide as a Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss winnowing tray kГ Г m2 kГ Г p n. n. /kГ :m/ ? kaar kaar tup kГЎГЎran kГЎГЎt kaat1 kaat2 kaat3 n. /ka:r/ n. v. n. v. v. kaat3 kЙЁ nryeem nwaa v. kacik n. kaghal1 n. kaghal2 a. kГ ghГ l n. kaghalak kГЎghГЎm kagham kaghan kaghan shiit a. n. v. v. v. kaghapaat kaghar num. n. kaghas n. kГ ghГ t n. kГЎk v. kalanga n. public baboon cf. gwГІm. Papio Anubis. An alternative name. Erythrocebus patas Cercopithecus tantalus recent coinage patas monkey tantalus monkey professor to owe, be in debt to /ka:t/ young female animal /ka:t/ to welcome a person ? to meet, collide, assemble /ka:t k МЃ to get into serious This refers to meeting this n y r Й›:m nwa:/ trouble. dangerous animal on its way home. After a fruitless search for a prey, it may devour anything on its way. Even if the animal is fully satisfied, if molested it can still attack. /kГ tКѓГk//k tМЂ Кѓ basket, made from also kЙЁcik Гk/ raffia/tar grass /kagal/ dirty pot or plate, clothes e.g. mechanics uniform etc /kagal/nkag stingy person also nkaghal al/ /kГ gГ l/ lump of clay/soil, lump of mucus/phlegm /kГ gГ lГ k/ describes bitterness /kГЎgГЎm/ well-being, health /kГ gГ m/ to grip /kГЎgГЎn/ to compete /kagan-Кѓi:t/ to pound food in a mortar simultaneously by two or three people /kГ gГ pГ :t/ ten (10) /kГЎgГЎr/ remaining, remainder, balance /kГ gГ s//gГ g iron ore from which gaghas Г s/ the blacksmith makes the hoe etc satchel made of raffia Used mostly by elderly leaves, well knitted people while travelling, such that it holds also during warfare water. /kГЎk/ to care for, be concerned /kalanga//kЙЁ mat made from palm also kЙЁram ngang ram-ngГ Е‹/ leaves 49 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul kam1 pl. PoS v. IPA /kГЎm/ kГЎm koor v.p. /kГЎm-kЙ”:r/ kam shikaa kam2 v.p. v. /kГЎm-КѓГ¬kГЎ:/ /kГЎm/ kam1 kam daghar n. n.p. kam lГЎngВ№ n.p. /kam/ /kamdГ gГ r/ /kamlГЎЕ‹/ kam lГЎngВІ kam lwaa kam tГєghГєl n.p. n.p. n.p. /kamlГЎЕ‹/ /kam-luwa/ /kam-tГєgГєl/ kamb МЃlГіng kГ mbГіk n. v. /kamb lМЃ Й”МЃЕ‹/ /kГ mbЙ”МЃk/ kГ mbong kГЎmgГєng n. n. kГЎmkГЎm kГ mbГ¬l kГ mbГ¬l v. n. n. /kГ mbЙ”Е‹/ /kГЎmgГєЕ‹//k ГЎrgГєЕ‹/ /kГЎmkГЎm/ kГЎmgГєng n. kampar kan n. n. /tiЕ‹ kГЎm gГєЕ‹/ /kampar/ /kГ n/ kanding n. /kГ ndГ¬Е‹/ kansЙЁghЙЁn Kanto adv. p.n. /kГ nsЙЁgЙЁn/ ??? kГ p МЃrГіk n. /kГ p rМЃ Й”МЃk//k МЂ p rМЃ Й”МЃk/ kГ pГєk n. /kГ pГєk/ /kГ mbГ¬l/ 50 Gloss to teach, imitate learn, aa kam a we kЙЁsЙЁ gwГshЙ“ rМЃ nМЃ g gwГshЙ“ rМЃ nМЃ g ye? Who are you imitating, that walks gwГshЙ“ rМЃ nМЃ g gwГshЙ“ rМЃ nМЃ g? to aim at (shooting contest) to memorise to measure, weigh, do a blood test, stool test etc stick, staff, rod walking staff used mainly as support riverine plant used as chewing stick. Also anyone washed away in a sudden torrent held onto this survive, hence the transferred meaning вЂ�saviour’. saviour roasted meat lit. вЂ�stick meat’ wooden shaft of smoking pipe bush rat sp. plead, appeal for < Hausa forgiveness house with no roof Plant sp. also kГЎrgГєng to teach, learn tree sp. local plate made from grass tree sp. barren cereal plant cf. kara. s.t. going in the wrong direction, s.t. bent, crooked remnant of Canarium oil, boiled and mixed with water afternoon, evening Fyem Fyem were notorious in Mwaghavul culture as slavers. Also Konto part of palm leaf used also kЙЁpЙЁrok for collecting dirt/rubbish within the compound entrance building It also serves as a place which provides main where elders stay and take Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA kar1 v. /kГЎr/ kar pee1 kar pee2 v.p. v. /kГЎr-pЙ›:/ /kar-pЙ›:/ kar2 n. /kГЎr/ kar3 kar kГЎrГЎ v. v. n. /kГЎr/ /kar/ /kГЎrГЎ/ kГЎrgung karshak1 karshak2 kГЎrwa kГЎs1 n. v. v. n. part. /kГЎr-МѓКѓГ k/ /kГЎr-МѓКѓГ k/ /kГЎrwa/ /kГЎs/ v. n. n. /kГЎs/ /kГЎs/ /kГ s/ kГ s mbul n. /kГ s-mbul/ KГЎsh excl. /kГЎКѓ/ kasuwa kat1 a. ???? /kat/ kat-kat kГ t2 kГ t bГ conj. conj. /kГ t-bГ / kГЎs2 kГЎs2 kГ s fulup 51 Gloss access into compound. the important family decisions. Women could be invited here for discussion but not at toghol to instigate people to break the law instigate to fetch, collect dirt or refuse interdiction, discipline following a transgression to befriend a girl suitors compete to do this to fetch/scoop barren guinea corn cf. kampar plant plant sp. used in making holes admonishment instigate one another prostitute < Hausa not (placed at end of also kГЎ. tГЎjГ¬ yi pwos mwГІГІr clause or sentence) cГЎГЎn pee kГЎs, ji yi milep goes with ba or tГЎjГ¬ h lМЂ Г kh lМЂ Г k Do not use (q.v.) bleaching cream otherwise you will shine artificially to abuse, insult abuse, insult pearl millet Pennisteum glaucum. (H. dauro) In the past, millet was the staple food of the Mwaghavul. Millet was used as food, war and drink, mwos. It was customary to give a visitor water with ground millet added. Only in impoverished homes was this not possible. small plant like millet eaten by small birds exclamation Used when something desirable or you are optimistic about fails, especially narrowly, or when something you have been enjoying unexpectedly ends. market < Hausa insufficient, small in size, quantity ??? if if not Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul kГ t Й—ГЎng kГ t ɗéé pl. PoS conj.. conj. IPA /kГ tЙ—ГЎЕ‹/ /kГ t-Й—Й›МЃ:/ kГ t ɗéé sГ…ɓe ngyГЎl kГ t3 conj. kГ t buu v.p. kГ t k rМЂ ГІng v.p. kГ t pee1 kГ t pee2 n.p. v. /kГ t-pЙ›:/ /kГ t-pЙ›:/ kГ t pГІГІ v.p. /kГ t-pЙ”МЂ:/ kГ t pГІГІ ngagham ndagham kГ vГєk v.p. ?? n. kГЎwГ n kГ¬Й“ГЁl n. n. /kГ vГєk//k vМЂ Г№k/ /kГЎwГ n/ /kГ¬Й“Й›МЂl/ kГЙ“Г©r KГbГrГ Kibiri n. p.n. p.n. /kibiri/ kiЙ“woon1 n. /k Й“МЃ wЙ”МЃ:n/ kЙЁdom n. /kЙЁdЙ”m/ kЙЁpГ©r k МЃ1 n. conj. /kЙЁpЙ›МЃr/ /k /МЃ k МЃ2 v.a. kЙЁ mГЎГЎr n. kМЂ k 2МЂ v.a. part. kb МЂ Г©n n. v. /kГ t/ /kГЙ“Й›МЃr/ /k /МЂ 52 Gloss if instead, rather than, in place of instead, rather than, in place of + rather to find, meet up with, encounter spoils of war, booty, plunder spoils of war, booty, plunder privilege, freedom to get a chance, opportunity, acquire a privilege to talk, speak, discourse to murmur, mutter, complain waste from jute fibre also ngyГ l lit. вЂ�to find s.t. worthless’ lit. вЂ�to find s.t. for free’ cf. kЙЁvuk ring cripple (disabled person) hedgehog Atelerix albiventris Mwaghavul deity cf. Naan spirit causing a sickness affecting teeth, tongue, and gums (H. bubu) followership, disciples, supporters eunuch, infertile man the female equivalent is jeer pebble used as flint addition, and, together with marks progressive k МЃn when used with the first action person singular. wГ ghГ k МЃ jГ¬ you are coming belonging to the same farming group perfective marker Ni k МЂ ret It has been good of cf. mГ№. mpГЁ Й—Г©s k МЂ lee ni ɗéé mГі g sМЂ hГ¬shash kЙЁ ni Й—ak Due to the size of the load, they had to struggle gishishash to lift it small bag Made by children from palm leaves to keep small food items like millet to eat while grazing goats and sheep. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul kЙЁЙ“an PoS v. IPA /kЙЁЙ“an/ n. n. v. /tiЕ‹ kЙЁЙ“ГЎЕ‹/ /kЙЁЙ“ЙЁn/ /kЙЁЙ“ЙЁn/ kЙЁЙ“ЙЁt v. /k Й“МЂ tМЂ / kЙЁbwoon2 loc. /kЙЁЙ“wЙ”:n/ kЙЁcir k МЃcГіГі kЙЁfel kЙЁfel kЙЁ gurum n. n. n. n.p. /kЙЁcir/ kЙЁgong kЙЁЙЁn kЙЁЙЁr1 kЙЁЙЁr muut n. n. v. n. /k fМЂ Й›МЃl/ /kЙЁfЙ›l kЙЁgurum/ /k gМЃ Й”МЂЕ‹/ /kЙЁ:n/ /kЙЁ:r/ /kЙЁ:r-mu:t/ k МЂ rМЂ 2 n. /k :МЂ r/ kЙЁЙЁs n. /kЙЁ:s/ kЙЁЙЁs kk МЂ kk МЂ ar kЙЁl v. n. a. /k kМЂ / /k kМЂ Г r/ /k lМЃ / kЙЁl-kЙЁl kЙЁlakkЙЁlak adv. kЙЁlang n. /k lМЃ ГЎk k lМЃ ГЎk/ /kЙЁlaЕ‹/ kЙЁlek adv. kЙЁling1 kЙЁlЙЁng2 v. n. kЙЁling pee1 kЙЁling pee2 kЙЁlom kЙЁm kЙЁm baal kЙЁm juu v. n. v. n. n. n. kЙЁЙ“ГЎng kЙЁЙ“ЙЁn1 kЙЁЙ“ЙЁn2 pl. kЙЁЙ“an /k lМЃ ГЎk k lМЃ ГЎk/ /kЙЁliЕ‹/ /kЙЁlЙЁЕ‹//nkЙЁlЙЁ Е‹/ /kЙЁliЕ‹-pЙ›:/ /kЙЁliЕ‹-pЙ›:/ /kЙЁlЙ”m/ /k m МЃ / /kЙЁm-ba:l/ /kЙЁm-ju:/ 53 Gloss to mix things up, plural of kЙЁЙ“ЙЁn juggle pl. tree sp. buffalo Syncerus caffer to mix things up, juggle to complete i.e. construction etc posterior, rear, back, outside, exterior grave first born notorious, delinquent stubborn person shoulder salt to fear, to be afraid fear, cowardice, lit. вЂ�fear death’ frightful silk cotton tree Ceiba pentandra. rimi quoin, support used by women when carrying objects on their head cf. mang kiis to lean raffia palm Raffia sudanica slow, not lively, not agile ??? urgently, quickly Hausa water added to gruel after preparation to dilute it describes absence of people at a place to hear, to heed, listen eagle also nkЙЁlЙЁng. to hear, take advice one who hears, heeds to forge iron bangles armlet copper bangles Worn by infants and children. KЙЁm juu bangles were also used to seek the hands of 7 year olds in marriage for a child of a corresponding age. When Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss placed on the floor and picked by the girl’s parents this would signify acceptance of the relationship. This was usually performed by mothers who wish to solidify an existing relationship (cf. Mat shee) kЙЁmГЎГЎr a. kЙЁmos n. /kЙЁmЙ”s/ kЙЁmuur n. /kЙЁmГ№:r/ v. /k nМЂ / kЙЁn2 n. /kЙЁn/ k МЃn v.a. kЙЁndingding king id. loc. kЙЁn1 kan /k nМЃ diЕ‹-diЕ‹/ kГ¬ng 54 belonging to the same farming group communal farming This involved distant relations who would all work on the farm wooden stick used in preparing food to defecate, to ease oneself The uncle in Mwaghavul uncle, culture plays a very father’s/mother’s brother of one’s significant role in the father or mother, also socialization of the child the husband of one’s particularly the initiation of the male child into aunt. adulthood. He stands by the child as a great source of support, he encourages the child to succeed in life. in one’s uncle’s house one can catch a chicken without being declared a thief. Whenever an uncle slaughters a cow, ram, goat etc and if one is around the head is automatically yours and if you are many the first to take or declare the intention takes the head and legs home to be prepared for him. one surely has some entitlements in ones uncle’s house. All those benefits are derived from the maternal uncles. marks progressive k МЃ elsewhere. An kЙЁn so action with the first nJos I do go to Jos person singular completely on the blind side of s.t. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul kЙЁnglГghГt pl. mo- PoS n. IPA Gloss eagle kn МЂ ГІk kЙЁpak kЙЁpang n. n. n. /k nМЂ Й”МЂk/ /kЙЁpГЎk/ /kЙЁpГ Е‹/ kЙЁpЙЁt n. /kЙЁpЙЁt/ kЙЁpЙЁt shit n. /kЙЁpЙЁt-Кѓit/ kЙЁrak daa kЙЁram1 n. v. /k rМЂ Г k-Й—a:/ /kЙЁram/ kЙЁrГЎm2 n. /k rМЃ ГЎm/ kЙЁram pee v. /kЙЁram-pЙ›:/ kЙЁrЙЁm1 a. /k rМЂ m МЂ / kЙЁrЙЁm2 kЙЁrЙЁm yit kirkir kЙЁЙЁr naan k МЃrГіm1 kЙЁrГіm2 v. n. id. n. n. n. /k rМЂ m МЂ / /k rМЂ m МЂ -yit/ /k rМЃ -k rМЃ / /kЙЁ:rna:n/ /k rМЃ Й”МЃm/ /k rМЃ Й”МЃm/ kЙЁrГіm3 n. /k rМЃ Й”МЃm/ kГ¬rГІm2 kЙЁrom lu n. n. /k rМЂ Й”МЂm/ /k rМЂ Й”МЂm-lГє/ kЙЁrong a. /k rМЂ Й”МЂЕ‹/ kЙЁsak n. /k sМЃ ГЎk/ kЙЁshkЙЁsh id. /k КѓМЃ -k КѓМЃ / kЙЁsЙЁ 55 back of a person also nk n МЂ ГІk cheek, side of face main entrance to the compound stomach, intestine of animals towel-like part of the intestine of ruminants (animals) big calabash to destroy, tear into shreds mat made from tar Used in conveying corpses grass or to cover the main entrance into a compound or bong kas delinquent, very destructive expensive precious, dear, costly thrift eyebrow straightforward fear of god slave mistletoe Tapinanthus and Loranthus spp. cf. ndur insect sp. it sticks pieces of wood and grass to its body as it moves along abandoned settlement abandoned building, especially one that is already crumbling describes wasted going back empty-handed, effort etc. doing something freely without reward Residue, chaff from waar or mos describes bursting into laughter ???? aa kam a we kЙЁsЙЁ Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA kЙЁsok kЙЁsom v. n. kЙЁtu lu a. kЙЁvuk n. /k vМЂ Гєk/ kЙЁwung n. kЙЁzЙЁng kЙЁzЙЁng kwaam n. n.p. kЙЁzЙЁng liis n.p. /k w МЂ ГєЕ‹//kГ wГєЕ‹/ /kЙЁzЙЁЕ‹/ /kЙЁzЙЁЕ‹kwa:m/ /kЙЁzЙЁЕ‹-li:s/ klas ko ngul kobo n. ? n. /klas/ /kЙ” ngul/ /kЙ”Й“Й”/ koghom n. /kЙ”gЙ”m/ koghom koghon koghop1 koghop2 n. v. n. v. ???? /kЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂn/ /kЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂp/ /kЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂp/ Koghorong p.n. /kЙ”gЙ”rЙ”Е‹/ kГІk kok pee kГіm1 kom kom dwaghar n. n. n. n. a. kom dwaghar kom mЙЁlom n. n. kom pee kom shwal Komoghos komtak n. n. p.n. pron. 2 A proverbial expression /kЙЁsЙ”k/ /k sМЂ Й”МЃm/ /kЙ”k-pЙ›:/ /kЙ”МЃm/ /kЙ”m/ /kЙ”mdwagar/ /kЙ”m mЙЁlЙ”m/ /kЙ”mpЙ›:/ /kЙ”mКѓwal/ /kЙ”mЙ”gЙ”s/ /kЙ”mtak/ 56 Gloss tear apart in shreds plant sp. gwГshЙ“ rМЃ nМЃ g gwГshЙ“ rМЃ nМЃ g ye? Who are you imitating, that walks gwГshЙ“ rМЃ nМЃ g gwГshЙ“ rМЃ nМЃ g? Used for settling disputes. The first chicken to die after drinking the mixture was considered guilty belonging to the same compound tiny specks or powder from fonio/acha grain shield made from also kawung elephant hide urine sperm drops of saliva that fall while talking class < E. doubtful, uncertainty kobo coin no longer legal tender with the introduction of decimal currency. < Hausa hay, dry leaves, rubbish area, section, to scrape side, ribs meaning, purpose, usefulness hero Koghorong lГ Г yingyГng2 mang gha put Й“wot mmo shwar Koghorong [a hero] has given birth to an insane person, which makes him become a laughing-stock wall cleared surrounding groundnut, peanut ear, leaf deaf deafness, deaf person cocoyam leaf leaves ear problem compound in Panyam someone, somebody, Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA kon v. /kЙ”n/ kon shik v.p. /kЙ”n Кѓik/ kong1 kong mЙЁlom n. n. kong sГ№ng n. /kЙ”Е‹/ /kЙ”Е‹ mЙЁlЙ”m/ /kЙ”Е‹-sГ№Е‹/ kГІng2 kГІng2 kГІng2 n. n. n. /kЙ”МЂЕ‹/ /kЙ”МЂЕ‹/ /kЙ”МЂЕ‹/ kГІngВІ as kГІng3 kГіГі1 n.p. quant. quant. /kЙ”МЂЕ‹/ /kЙ”МЃ:/ koo2 pron. /kЙ”МЃ:/ koo Й—i ni arang ye pron. kГІГІ kГІГІk kГІГІk mГ Г p n. n. n.p. /kЙ”: Й—i ni araЕ‹yЙ›/ /kЙ”:/ koom n. /kwЙ”:m/ kГІГІp kГіГіn v. v. /kwЙ”МЂ:p/ /kЙ”МЃ:n/ /lГ¬yГІГІn/ koon1 v. /kЙ”:n/ koon2 koor n. n. /kЙ”:n/ /kЙ”:r/ koos v. /kЙ”:s/ koos pГЎГЎ v.p. /kЙ”:s pa:/ lГ¬yГІГІn 57 Gloss a certain person to spoil, mess up, disorder, disorganise things to disorganise, destroy things edge of a cliff tender piece of cocoyam cocoyam seedling that has spent about a year and is ready for planting (when there is hunger in the land it is often cooked) seat made of wood big wooden dish potsherd used to serve dogs with food or provide water for livestock dog-bowl few, not many only, one of several, some, or whosoever, whatsoever whatever however, whatever darkness song, dance lamentation cf. nkoo heard at a funeral. Women sing sad songs while grinding cereals on the millstone. Also nyГ m maap bird sp. that eats maize to praise to dismantle a house, to be taken apart, to be stripped out, to be lost (teeth) to get trapped in a tight place, to force s.t. into a tight space fig tree Ficus sp. Hausa Й“aure aim at something with spear arrow, gun etc to detect/determine the cause of illness or misfortune by the use of diviners Traditional method of detecting illness, Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA kГІГІt v. kop1 n. /kЙ”p/ kop2 kop pee v. conj. /kЙ”p/ /kЙ”p-pЙ›:/ kГІp Kop nshuu n. p.n. /kЙ”МЂp/ /kЙ”p nКѓu:/ 58 Gloss death etc by fortune tellers to make the sound of nlГ№Гє kГІГІt lit. the cloud thunder thundered i.e. there was the sound of thunder inheritance Mwaghavul is a patrilineal society, where descent is traced through the male child. It is therefore the pride of a father to be succeeded by his children who should be the ones to bury their elders. Where a father has no male child, his brothers succeed him. Where there are several male children from different wives, the assets are shared in equal proportions according to the number of wives that have male children. After this, male children from the female side share what has been allocated to them. Women are generally given a small portion, although this is not compulsory, since they are expected to move out to their matrimonial homes. However, some parents make specific bequests to daughters before their demise. A male child cannot inherit from his uncles. i.e. his mothers’ brothers. However the uncles could give them a piece of land that would then revert back to the original owners. A piece of land could be loaned to a daughter to increase her income, but eventually would revert to her family. to plant instead of, in the place of spear, general term cf. cwang, hoz, silak hunting These expeditions were expedition/festival of organised to help check the Ampang community growth of wild animals in Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Kop shuu p.n. /kЙ”p-КѓГє:/ Kopaal p.n. /kЙ”pal/ koryГІng kГє kú…ɗi a. conj. conj. /kГє/ kucet n. /kГ№tКѓЙ›МЂt/ kuЙ—i v. /kГєЙ—i/ kГ№dГ№l n. /kГ№dГ№l/ kГ№dГ№n n. /kГ№dГ№n/ kufГ№rГ№m n. kughun n. /kufГ№rГ№m// kЙЁfГ№rГ№m/ /kugun/ kГ№k n. /kГ№k / kГ№k yoghom n. kukun kukwak kukwar n. n. n. /kГ№kyЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃm/ /kГє-kwГ k/ /kГєkwГЎ:r/ kГєkГєГ kГєl kГ№l byГЎp n. a. n. /kГєkwГ:/ /kГєl/ /kГ№l-byГЎ:p/ ku ni 59 Gloss of Mangu LGA the area. Festivities were also organised during the period to exhibit good, horsemanship, bravery etc. Talented hunters horsemen, farmers and even dancers could thereby attract wives place in Ampang in Mangu LGA village in Mangu LGA crooked koryГІng kЙЁ baal in order to, so that in order to, so that a sГІr cwГЁt kГє a foghot mo Й—i Go quickly to see how they are doing following the accident ???? lwaa miir ni sham tГЎГЎ mЙ“ut kom pee Й—ii fii ku ni wal hГ ghГ shhГ gГ sh the meat of a python fell inside the dry leaves and made the noise hГ ghГ shhГ gГ sh kitchen, or open place for cooking not yet, remainder, balance, left over acha variety used in food fried as sacrifices to the njii spirits one who is not a witch or wizard knee also kЙЁfГ№rГ№m snake sp. stem, foundation of a house piece of log, (wood) fire wood bushbuck elbow burnt remnants of food epilepsy frozen fontanelle, soft part on the head of a child that appears to be breathing. biggest snake second only to python in size Tragelaphus scriptus According to Mwaghavul belief, a child that is above average in intelligence should have their fontanelle enmeshed in kudul (a fonio variety) to protect the child’s brain from evil Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss spirits. This is thought to have a negative influence on the development of the child. kulak v. /kulak/ kulap kular kuleen n. n. n. /kulap/ /kГ№lГЎr/ /kГєlЙ›:n/ kulfit n. kГєljem n. kuluk n. /kГєlfГt//gГєl vГt/ /kГєljЙ›m//nl ujen/ /kГ№lГ№k/ kГєm1 n. /kГєm/ kГєm2 kГєm3 kГєm3 pee kum nЙЁnung n. v. v.p. n. kum n. /kГєm/ /kГєm/ /kГєm-pЙ›:/ /kumn nМЂ uЕ‹/ /kГ№m/ KГ№m BГіng p.n. kum jep n. /kГ№m-jЙ›МЃp/ kum kam n. /kГ№mkam/ KГ№m PГ Г l p.n. KГ№m PГЎk p.n. KГ№m Yer p.n. 60 to use water extravagantly lie, untruth left-handed person tiny particle/powder like part of fonio gizzard (of bird) also gulvit bird sp. cf. nkГєljem hunting bag made from the skin of a ram (worn by men) corpse, carcass, cf. f МЃkot cadaver navel, umbilical cord to wait, watch for to keep watch cheap thing traditional religion, Every house hold has its spirit, ritual practice own kum. Whenever there is death or misfortune seers are consulted and the results are interpreted. Every household has it Й—ukum. The oldest member of the family keeps the daa Й—ukum and ensures its full protection spirit which causes illness to anyone who offends it conducted on cf. Naan children suffering from siri treatment for those (see naan (n) вЂ�siri’) suffering from sickness related to bone etc spirit which causes illness for anyone who offends it spirit which demands those who told lies died that truth must be told instantly at all times spirit which punishes This spirit ensured that the all who swear false descendants of the culprit oaths were eliminated. This Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA kumГ№Г№r n. kГєn1 kun2 kГ№n3 kГ№ndung num. v. n. n. kundyГЎghГЎl a. /kumГ№:r//kЙЁ mГ№:r/ /kГєn/ /kun/ /kГ№n/ /kГ№nduЕ‹//k Г№t/ kundyГЎghГЎl kung1 n. /kuЕ‹/ kГ№ng2 kГ№ng lГєng kГ№ng tГ№p n. n. n. /kГ№Е‹/ kungguleng kunguul n. n. /kungulЙ›Е‹/ /kГєngu:l/ kГєp v. /kГєp/ kur1 kГєr2 v. n. kuram n. /kГєr/ /kГєr//dГ :kГєr/ /kuram/ kuram sar n. /kurМ‚ am-sГЎr/ kГєrgwГ m kГєrgyГЁ kГ№rГГt n. n. n. /kГєrgwГ m/ /kГєrgyЙ›МЂ/ /kГ№rГit//nkГ№ rГ:t/ kuru n. /kuru/ kurum kurum n furum KГ№rГєmbГ ng v. v.p. p.n. /kurum/ 61 Gloss helped in ensuring honesty in the day to day activities. stick used for stirring also kЙЁmГ№Г№r food three (3) to be old old age cripple (disabled also kГ№t person) describes s.o. with a also kГ№ngyГЎghГЎl crowded mouth big drum Usually carried by two or more people. Used during the initiation of children and other sacrificial ceremonies to the traditional spriit (njii) plant sp. shrub sp. fruits are used to make soap shea tree Vitellaria paradoxa Hausa kaЙ—anya bell, gong cereal stalk node or joint to close one’s hands, or eyes to squeeze or shrink tortoise, turtle also dГ Г kГєr dismembered, destroyed muscle cramped on hand wild banana plant hook for fishing black bird always in the company of cattle while grazing traditional Mwaghavul horse, short but fast kneel kneel down Deity that protects. Ensete gillettii < Hausa cf. nkГ№rГГt < Hausa It was placed at an entrance to check male intruders into the compound, especially those with evil intentions, such as witches. It was also believed to deal with dubious members of the same household. The absence of this deity today has given rise to all kinds of Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss kuryeep n. /kГєryЙ›:p/ fonio variety kus1 kus2 v. v. /kГєs/ /kus/ to be near to prepare skin evil wickedness to one another in Mwaghavul land, hence the evolution of all kinds of cults, secret societies etc. planted in the dry land cf. kusuk animal a sГІ abetabet kus a tang lГ Г ni wurГ Й—i you go at once and find the boy kus kus2 v. kus3 kГєs-kГєs kuseleng kushing a. /kГ№s/ n. n. /kГ№КѓiЕ‹/ kГєsГєk1 n. /kГєsГєk/ kusuk1 nyer n. kusuk2 v. /kusuknyЙ›МЂr/ /kГєsГ№k/ kГ№t1 n. /kГ№t/ kut2 kut3 kutar kutik n. n. n. n. /kГєt/ /kГєt/ /kГ№tar/ /kГєtГk/ kutung n. /kГєtuЕ‹/ kutut n. /kГєtГ№t/ kГєГєl4 kuul tum kuul1 n. n. v. /kГє:l/ /ku:ltum/ /ku:l/ kuul2 kuur1 kuur2 n. n. n. /ku:l /ku:r/ /ku:r/ kuur3 v. /kГ№:r/ kwaghal 62 to pester s.o. for a favour big, large ???? rat sp. place for threshing, pounding and grinding of grain etc within the compound fonio, acha, hungry Digitaria exilis. Varieties rice are sun, bilat, zor, kuriep, cighirnighin, kutung grass sp. similar to fonio beg, appeal for leniency loss of reasoning; no longer self, disability, disabled air, wind, breeze crocodile bridge muscle pull on hands or legs fonio variety used for preparing kunu cf. kusuk local tray made from raffia leaves, used for separating food items, winnowing tray garden egg Solanum incanum garden egg variety sheep are fond of it to tie a knot, to tighten the fist knots cf. sar hirit, rГshnГ ng ashes, charcoal, soot deepest part of water body to meet together, Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA kГ№Г№r4 kГ№Г№t n. n. kГ№Г№t bileng n.p. kГ№Г№t cet n.p. kГ№Г№t ciin n.p. kГ№Г№t kГ№Г№r kuzum kuzum ting Kuzung n.p. n. n. p.n. Kuzung kwaa p.n. id. kwГ Г k id. kwГ Г kil n. /kwГ :k lМЂ / kwaam v. /kwa:m/ kwaan n. kwaar kwaar kwaghal1 v. n. n. /kwГ :n//kwГ : / /kwa:r/ /kwГЎgГЎl/ kwaghal2 n. /kwГ gГ l/ kwaghal3 kwaghap v. n. /kwagal/ /kwagap/ /kГ№:r/ /kГ№:t/ /kuzum/ /njГ¬:-kuzuЕ‹/ /kuzuЕ‹/ /kwГ :/ 63 Gloss assemble crowd place where you keep or do s.t. place where young girls are kept protected place where they cook food place for storing water assembly hall bush rat sp. rat sp. spirit which causes The treatment was to sacrifice a chicken or other sanyin kashi animal. clan in Panyam sound to drive away birds describes s.t. that is cf. wГЁГЁt finished completely and faster than you expected traditional variety of Mwaghavul use it to offer cowpeas much bigger sacrifices to njii. kwaakil than the normal was so important to the Mwaghavul that it could be exchanged with kusuk (fonio). kwaakil was also used during initiation ceremonies. kum-kudul was prepared and sacrificed to njii-kung and njii-paal (all these required kwaakil). while kusuk was used to offer sacrifices to njii-kirang (this was for good yield/harvest). to have sexual intercourse okra plant and fruits also kwaa to scrape, clean up oribi Ourebia ourebi lump of flour not properly mixed with water slope, valley, incline, furrow to tie knots plural of kuul peel or bark of fruits etc Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul kwaghap shГГ kwГ ghГ r KwГ ghГ s1 pl. PoS n. n. p.n. IPA /k agap-КѓГ:/ /kwГ gГ r/ /kwГ gГ s/ kwГ ghГ s2 n. /kwГ gГ s/ Kwaghas lap lek p.n. /kwГ gГ slГЎp-lЙ›МЂk/ kwГ ghГ zГ k Kwang zughut n. p.n. kwak kaa v. /kwГ gГ zГ k/ /kwГЎЕ‹zГєgГєt/ /kwГЎk-kГЎ:/ kwak kwak shimanjing n. n. kwГ k kwГ k sГЎr kwГ k shГГ kwal kwalba kwandirang n. n. n. n. n. n. /kwakКѓiman -К¤iЕ‹/ /kwГ k/ /kwГ k-sГЎr/ /kwГ k-КѓГ:/ /kwГ l/ /kwГЎlЙ“ГЎ/ /kwГЎnd rМЂ Г Е‹/ kwang kwang kaa n. n. /kwГЎЕ‹/ /kwГ Е‹-kГЎ:/ kwang kiЙ“el n. kwar Kwaraa v. p.n. /kwГ Е‹kГЙ“Й›МЃl/ /kwar/ /kwara:/ kwas1 kwas2 n. ????. /kwГЎs/ /kwГЎs/ kwasai kwat1 n. n. /kwГЎ:sЙ›МЃi/ /kwat/ w 64 Gloss shoe gravel, laterite area in Panyam cf. kwГ ghГ zГ k Set ablaze by the chief priest as a declaration of the Wus festival at Panyam gravelly soil suitable for millet, fonio and beans boundary between (around dorowa) it used to Mwaghavul land and be a battle ground as the the Berom name implies shoe, generic cf. kwaghap shГГ constellation to hit on the head with a closed fist borassus palm frond vegetable sp. (see pumbwan) joint wrist ankle valley or slop bottle < Hausa shoe (the hard covered type) corner some heads have corners, the name refers to such heads with corners or edges crab deny, refusal dance similar to velang of neighbouring peoples in Mupun, Chip, Chakfem and Jipaal scabies, skin disease spotted, dotted, object with pimples bean cakes < Hausa bridewealth, Paid to the parents of a payment, price bride to formalise a marital relationship. When bridewealth is not paid and there is are children as a result of the relationship, they automatically remain with her parents until redeemed by the father or his relations making the appropriate payments. Children born before any Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss kwat1 sar n. /kwat -sГЎr/ court fine kwГ t2 Kwat2 v. p.n. /kwГ t/ /kwГ t/ kwat2 lagham p.n. kwat2 lagham ?? /kwГ tlГ gГ m/ ?? to hunt hunting festival in Mwaghavul land hide and seek game kwГЎy kwГЁГЁ kwee jwak kwee kin n. n. n. n. /kwЙ›МЂ:-jwak/ /kwЙ›МЂ:-kЙЁn/ kwee piya kwegher kwes pee kwetkwet kyaas kyaghar1 kyaghar1 Й—iibish kyaghar2 n. n. v. adv. ?? n. ?? v. /kwЙ›МЂ:-piyГЎ:/ /kwЙ›МЃgЙ›МЃr/ /kwЙ›spЙ›:/ /kwЙ›МЃt-kwЙ›МЃt/ /kyГ :s/ /kwГЎgГЎr/ ??? /kyagar/ kyГЎk kyГЎk pee v. n. /kyГЎk/ /kyГЎkpЙ›:/ kyГЎk pГІo v. /kyГЎkpЙ”МЂ:/ kyГЎl n. kyam1 n. /kyam/ v.p. /kyam-kГЎ:fwaga n. /kyam-КѓГЎЕ‹/ n. v. /kyam/ kyam kaa fwagha kyam1 shang kyam2 kwГЎtГЎp kyam sak fwagha /kwГЎi/ 65 formal marriage, the children remain with their mother’s family until payment is made. we believe in restitution and retributive justice when you damage a property you repair hence the saying that “kat motu nkwak be mo ki lop a nkoor di” if you are unable to pay, you work for it. not being straightforward, devious, obfuscatory matchet, sword chicken, hen stone-partridge traditional gift of chicken from an uncle cattle-egret bird sp. that eats maize to search frantically completely straightforward love, lust love, lust desire, admire to be jealous to pick sickler, persistently sick child grumble, always complaining clearing land preparatory to the next farming season to taste, examine, touch to examine oneself Taste how good a soup is, etc palatability test to ???? to pay a fine Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul kyee pl. PoS v. IPA /k Й›:/ kyee pyee v.p. kyéék kyГЁek n. n. /kyЙ›МЂ://pyЙ›МЂ://j w Г :n/ /kyЙ›МЃ:k/ /kyЙ›МЂ:k/ kyéén1 kyéén2 n. v. /kyЙ›МЃ:n/ kyeen2 kyeen v. loc. /kyЙ›:n/ /kyЙ›:n/ kyeer1 kyeer2 v. v. /kyЙ›:r/ /kyЙ›:r/ kyeer long kyen bish kyen kyen v. v. v. kyen pyГЎГЎ n. kyer waar v.p. /kyЙ›:r-lЙ”Е‹/ /kyЙ›n-biКѓ/ /kyЙ›nkyЙ›n//nkyЙ›nn y k Й›n/ /kyЙ›:npiyГЎ:/ /kyЙ›:r-wa:r/ kyes1 kyes2 n. v. /kyЙ›s/ /kyЙ›s/ kyesВі Kyes kЙЁ yil adv. p.n. /kyЙ›s/ ? kyet kyet wa adv. v. /kyЙ›t/ /kyЙ›МЂt-wГЎ/ y Gloss to preserve, guard jealously to lure or deceive s.o. cf. jwaan porcupine Hystrix cristata hand tool for shaping wood usefulness to take advantage of, to make use of future, ahead in front, ahead, preceding to adhere strictly to be tender, nurture, protect cattle/sweep grazing accident, misfortune urgently, quickly also nkyen-nkyen good luck to adhere to tenets of the law the last to finish, conclude, complete, finalise completely end-time, rapture A recent concept but now widespread in Christian discourse in Nigeria probably to be doubtful, uncertain L. lГЎ v. lГЎГЎ1 lГЎГЎ1 pГІГІ n. v. /lГЎ:/ /lГЎ:-pЙ”МЂ:/ lГЎГЎ2 wus n.p. /lГЎ:-wus/ lГЎГЎ wus lГ Г 2 lГ Г 2 di naat lГ Г 2 diyem jep jep di naat jep n.p. n. n. n. /lГ :/, /К¤Й›МЃp/ /lГ :-Й—iinГ :t/ /lГ :-Й—yЙ›МЂm/ 66 to take, have, answer, cf. lГЎp receive wound, injury to make derogatory lit. вЂ�have mouth’. remarks, trouble point when the cf. pyaghar wus bundle of twigs catches fire in the Wus ritual burns child, offspring small baby young man Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul n. n. /lГ :-gЙЁr/ /lГ :-kam/ plant/fruit policeman lГ Г 2 kicoo pl. diyem jep hiir jep kam mo jep kicoo n. /lГ :-k tМЃ КѓЙ”МЃ:/ lГ Г 2 kut jep kut n. /lГ :-kГєt/ lГ Г 2 kwee lГ Г 2 lop lГ Г 2 lu1 lГ Г 2 lu2 jep kwee jep lop jep lu jep lu n. n. n. n. /lГ :-kwЙ›:/ /lГ :-lЙ”МЂp/ /lГ :-lГє/ /lГ :-lГє/ lГ Г 2 lukaa jep lukaa mo lГ Г mat mo n. /lГ :-lГ№-kГЎ:/ child born outside marriage irresponsible person/vagabond chick errand boy/girl hut, small house child within the compound orphan n. /lГ :-mГ t/ womenfolk v.p. /lГЎ:-mbut/ n. /lГ :-mГ¬Кѓ/ n.p. /lГ :-ni-k -МЃ kyГЎk-pЙ›:/ /lГ :-njГє:/ to get annoyed, annoyance brave man, young man sickler child lГ Г 2 hiir lГ Г 2 kam lГ Г 2 mat lГ Г 2 mbut lГ Г 2 mish lГ Г 2 ni kЙЁ kyak pee lГ Г njГєГє lГ Г reep LГ Г 2 taa ndung jep mish mo jep ni kЙЁ kyakpee jep njuu jГ¬rГЎГЎp PoS n.p. n.p. p.n. n. lГ Г tong jep tong lГ Г 2 tong lГ Г 2 tum n. n. jep tum mo jep yil n. mo v. la n. n. p.n. n. n. lГ Г 2 yil lГ Г 2 lГ Г piit1 lГ Г wéét Laadi laahir lГЎГЎp IPA /lГ :tЙ”Е‹/ /lГ :-tЙ”Е‹/ /lГ :-tum/ /lГ :-yГl/ /lГ :/ la /lГ :-pi:t/ ??? /tiЕ‹ lГ :hЙЁr/ /lГЎ:p/ laar1 n. /la:r/ laar1 vul laar2 lГ Г r kas num. n. n.p. /la:r-vul/ /la:r/ /lГ :r-kas/ 67 Gloss tiny baby young girl young man chosen due to his bravery to lead his peers during circumcision and other initiation rites slave boy/girl/dependant stranger lamb, young ram, sheep small village, indigene of a place to give birth mucus, catarrh, cough tree sp. Sunday tree sp. place for threshing millet, acca applied while counting above ten and less than twenty twenty (20) flat surface of a rock flat rock or stone where millet is kept to dry His bravery is expected to instil confidence in others. red fruits when ripe < Hausa Hausa lemun tsuntsu Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul laariyaa lГ Г wéét lГЎГЎwГєr lГЎghГЎdish pl. PoS n. n. n. n. IPA ??? lГ ghГ m v. /lГЎ:wГєr/ /lГЎgГЎdiКѓ//nlГЎ gГЎdiКѓ/ /lГ gГ m/ laghar1 n. /lГЎgГЎr/ laghar2 lalek lam lambar n. n. v. n. /lagar/ /lГЎlЙ›МЂk/ /lГЎm/ /lГ mbГ r/ lambir n. /lambir/ lamteng v. /lГЎmtЙ›МЃЕ‹/ lamzar lang1 n. v. /lГ mzar/ /laЕ‹/ lang2 lang Й—i lang Й—i lee adv. adv. adv. /lГ Е‹/ /lГ Е‹Й—i/ /lГ Е‹-Й—i-lЙ›:/ lang lee lang3 lang3 lee adv. v. n.p. /lГ Е‹-lЙ›:/ /lГ Е‹/ lang3 tГ¬leng n.p. /lГ Е‹-t lМЂ Й›МЂЕ‹/ lang ga n. /lГ Е‹-gГЎ/ lang kaa v.p. /lГ Е‹-kГЎ:/ lang lughup v.p. /lГ Е‹-lГ№gГ№p/ lang tughup lГЎp lГЎp Й—i v.p. v. v. /lГ Е‹-tugup/ lГЎp hГіp v. /lГЎp-hЙ”МЃp/ /lГЎp-Й—i/ 68 Gloss sieve for flour plant sp. sweet potato greenish grasshopper to get lost, lose, disappear one who dances out of tune, dance not synchronised exhaustion quarrelsomeness to weave twine, rope leg applied as a wedge to bring down an opponent in a wrestling contest when one engages in farming that is not extensive but better than remaining idle to weave rope from jute tsetse fly inability to get a share of an item that has been given out to others after; after sometime in a while in a short time, sooner shortly, soon to hang, squat place where things are hung to dry hanger where soup condiments are kept game where children hop on one leg to take undue advantage to make allowance for free movement, access etc to be annoyed, angry to take away, receive remaking ridges when the plant has fully grown instead of formally weeding the farm to borrow Hausa tsamiyan biri < Hausa with strong odour edible) (not Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul lГЎp mГ t kГЎГЎ PoS n. IPA /lГЎp-mГ tkГЎ:/ Gloss widow inheritance lap po lap shak lap shi pilang v. v. /lГЎp-pЙ”МЂ:/ /lГЎp-КѓГ k/ lap shii las v. v. /lГЎp-КѓГ:/ /lГ s/ laweet n. /tiЕ‹ la: wЙ›МЃ:t/ /lЙ›МЂ/ kwГЎЕ‹ answer, respond resemblance acknowledgement in a publication to follow up to fix, mount an object tree sp. Hausa tsamiyar biri lГЁ pl. kwГЎng v. le bit le kom v.p. v.p. /lЙ›МЂ-Й“Гt/ lГЁ ngГЎГЎs lГЁ pГІГІ v.p. v.p. /lЙ›МЂ-ngГЎ:s/ /lЙ›МЂ-pЙ”МЂ:/ le sar1 v.p. le sar2 le ting léé1 léé1 Й—ii pyaa v.p. adv. n. n.p. lee jwat n. /lЙ›МЂ-tiЕ‹/ /lЙ›МЃ:/ /lЙ›МЃ:-Й—i:pyГЎ:/ /lЙ›:-jwГЎt/ lee kГІГІk n. /lЙ›:-kЙ”МЂ:k/ lee lГЁk n. /lЙ›:-lЙ›МЂk/ lee lГіp lee lГЁГЁ1 lee2 n. a. n. n. /lЙ›:-lЙ”МЃp/ /lЙ›:/ /lЙ›МЂ:/ /lЙ›МЂ:/ lГЁГЁ Й—ii rГ©t n. /lЙ›МЂ-Й—i:-rЙ›МЃt/ 69 Occurs when s.o. takes over/inherits his deceased relation’s wife. This is permissible where many children are left behind. The wife is therefore retained within the family to look after the children. The man does not therefore pay any dowry. If an outsider is marrying the widow, he must pay dowry or refund the dowry paid by the deceased to his relations. to keep, to place, to cause, to put s.t. fix an appointment to be attentive, to pay attention leftover food to condole a bereaved family to lay hands on, to anoint to sign, endorse forcefully clothes, goods white clothing, robes, gowns dresses reserved for outing costumes, musical instruments, dance gear arms, armoured plural mbii-lek. clothing, nlurlek (sing) dresses worn small quantity good yield (of tubers) tattooing as a result of girl being betrothed blessing(s) also Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul lee k МЂ mat muyi pl. PoS n.p. IPA /lЙ›МЃ:-k -МЂ mГ tmГ№yГ/ /lЙ›МЃ:-k -МЂ mГ ttКѓivir/ lee kЙЁ mat-civir n.p. lГЁГЁ kiir muut adv. leelee adv. lГЁГЁmГєГє lГЁГЁmГєГє Й—ii dwГЎng n. n. leen lГЁk n. n. /nlЙ›МЂ:mГє/ /lЙ›МЂ:mГє-Й—i:Й—wГЎЕ‹//nlЙ›МЂ:m Гє/ /lЙ›:n/ /lЙ›МЂk/ lГЁk aghas n.p. /lЙ›МЂk-Г gГ s/ lГЁk se leng leng sak lepan lГЁr liЙ“in n.p. v. v. v. n. v. /lЙ›Е‹/ /lЙ›Е‹-sak/ /lЙ›МЂ-pГ n/ /lЙ›r//nl rМЂ / /liЙ“in/ lii lii kum n. n. /lГ¬:/ /lГ¬:-kum/ lii n woo liis lГjГЎm n. n. n. /lГ:s/ likГ ng n. /likГ Е‹// lilyu lip n. n. /lГlyГє/ /lip/ /lЙ›МЂ-kЙЁ:rmu:t/ ???? liyoon lЙЁ pГІГІ lЙЁЙ“et1 n. v. /l pМЂ Й”МЂ//lГ№pЙ”МЂ/ /l Й“МЂ Й›МЂt/ lЙЁЙ“et2 lЙЁghЙЁt1 lЙЁghЙЁt2 v. n. v. /l Й“МЂ Й›МЂt/ /l gМЂ tМЂ / /lЙЁgЙЁt/ 70 Gloss applied when name is to be confidential applied when name is expected to be confidential fearful, frightful bit by bit, in small increments orange (plant, fruit) also nlemu < Hausa lemon (sour type including grapefruit) plant/fruit flour, powder war, fight, battle, conflict fight in which one of the combatants uses his teeth instead of his fists etc prisoner of war to search search one’s self think that shirt, dresses gowns also nlЙЁr to cover i.e. on the farm you cover up grass with soil saliva, sputum saliva spreads on one’s cheeks while sleeping snake saliva such as spat by a cobra tongue plant sp. Soft plant used to dress wounds after circumcision. male agama lizard also nl МЃkГ ng. Agama agama rainbow red powder normally collected from the stream over stagnant water. The powder is used mostly during war or festivities ????? aghas kЙЁ gunan ni kЙЁ liyoon kyes ku pГІ ni ɗéé g nМЂ nМЂ ГІn The old man has lost almost all his teeth and his mouth is now just empty, g nМЂ nМЂ ГІn dialect, language also lГ№pГІГІ to show extra, excess, over zealousness to gain, profit forest, shrub to put on more Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss clothes necessary lЙЁghЙЁt-lЙЁghЙЁt lЙЁle loghom1 loghom2 loghor v. n. v. n. loghot v. /lЙЁlЙ›МЂ/ /lЙ”gЙ”m/ /lЙ”gЙ”m/ /lЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂr//nlЙ”МЂg Й”МЂr/ /lЙ”gЙ”t/ lok1 lok2 lok3 v. v. n. /lЙ”МЂk/ /lЙ”МЂk/ /lЙ”МЂk/ lok-lok lГІk nГ¬ghГ¬n mГ t n. lok took v.p. lom long v. /lЙ”МЂk-n gМЂ nМЂ mГ t/ /lЙ”МЂktЙ”МЃ:k//lЙ”МЂkfЙ›МЃ:/ /lЙ”МЃm/ long1 mo- n. /lЙ”Е‹/ long lap mo- n.p. ? Long kat p.n. /lЙ”Е‹-kat/ Long feer look1 p.n. v. /lЙ”Е‹fЙ›:/ /lЙ”МЃ:k/ look2 lГіГіt v. n. /lЙ”:k/ /lЙ”МЃ:t/ lГІГІt lГє n.p. /lЙ”МЂ:t-lГє/ lop1 jwal v. /lЙ”p/ lop1 shik jwal shik v.p. К¤wal shik 71 than to keep leprosy to wither (plant) insect that emits also nloghor slimy saliva habit, custom, familiar way of doing things to soak to get wet, to soak s.t. wet, beginning of the rainy season (tar-lok) ??? late rains to wet the throat, to also lok feel quench thirst to consume (slang) randong mГі Й—el pwat nkuut long gГ№tГ№tГ№t The cows came out of the pen gГ№tГ№tГ№t riches, wealth (generally goods, money livestock), domestic animal Animal given by Usually a young female parents to conclude goat that has yet to give marriage formalities birth and is without defects. The offspring would be given to their grandson when he visited. Fyam woman who traditionally local dances popularised a local went anti-clockwise, but dance which later this particular one was bore her name clockwise. The name in Mwaghavul signifies that longkat wealth is lacking or inadequate tallest hill in Panyam (around Sekop area) to overdo something bad e.g. telling lies to make bald long, narrow entrance, corridor narrow entrance into the house to put on, wear clothes to accuse lit. вЂ�to put on an issue’ Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul lop2 lop2 shuu PoS v.p. v.p. lЙ”p /lЙ”p-Кѓu:/ v. /lЙ”p/ lop4 los n. v. lЙ”МЂp /lЙ”МЃs/ lГє n. /lГє/ lГ№ adada lГ№ Й—eng n.p. n.p. /lГ№-adada/ /lГ№ Й—Й›Е‹/ lГ№ dyar n.p. /lГ№ Й—yГЎ:r/ lГ№ h k МЂ n.p. lГ№ kГ№m lu mang po lu mbii mang riin n.p. n.p. n.p. lu naa mbiriin n.p. lГ№ Naan n.p. /lГ№h kМЂ //lГ№ng kМЂ / /lГ№ kГ№m/ /lГ№-mГ Е‹-pЙ”МЂ/ /lГ№-mbГ¬:maЕ‹-ri:n/ /lГ№nГЎ:mbГ¬:ri:n/ /lu na:n//lu:na:n/ lГє Naan Й—ГГЙ—Г©s n.p. lГ№ shaghat n.p. /lГ№-КѓГ gГ t/ lu siminti n.p. /lu-siminti/ lГ№ ГіГі lГ№ tuk lu wan lu yen n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. /lГ№-Й”МЃ:/ /lГ№ tГєk/ /lu wan/ /lГ№ yЙ›n/ lГ№Й“ang luЙ“ura lГ№bwak ludee n. n. n. n. lughum v. /lГ№baЕ‹/ /lГєЙ“Гєra/ /lГ№bwak/ /lГє:dЙ›://lГє:d i:/ /lugum/ lop3 lГ№ghГ№s lughut pl. jwal jwal shuu lwaghas v. v. IPA /lГ№gГ№s/, /lwagas/ /lГ№gГ№t/ 72 Gloss to put in to thread a needle to give a message, send message excessive destruction of lives, animals, through warfare, accident, epidemic house, dwelling, residence, hut, building rectangular house upstairs, storey building house where the barn or granary is located house built with also lu-nghik stones shrine house (nji) radio house television house film theatre or video house church, house of god temple, any large religious building prison, detention centre house built with cement blocks etc round house market mud house hospital, dispensary, infirmary kob antelope needle < Hausa vegetable (see pumbwan) spoon made from < Hausa gourd, ladle to bend/fold vegetables like spinach without breaking them thresh acha to strap s.t. on the back Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul lughut lГ Г pl. PoS v.p. IPA /lГ№gГ№t-lГ :/ luk1 luk puk v. v.p. /lГєk/ /lГєk-pГ№k/ lГєk pГІГІ v.p. /lГєk-pЙ”МЂ:/ luk sar v.p. /lГєk-sГЎr/ luk shii v.p. /lГєk-Кѓi:/ luk shik v.p. /lГєk КѓГ¬k/ luk2 n. /lГ№k/ luk kat n.p. /lГ№k-kГ t/ luk naa n.p. /lГ№k-nГЎ:/ luk-luk lГ№kГЎГЎ lumwash n. n. lumwat n. v. v. /lumwa//nlu mwaКѓ/ /lumwГЎt//nlГ№ mwГЎt/ /lГ№Е‹/ /lГ№n/ n. /lГєЕ‹/ n. /lГ№pГ r/ v. /lГ№s/, /lwas/ lГ№shГ¬m lГ№Гє lГ№Гє dung shwaa laa lГ№Гє kaar n. n. n.p. lГ№Гє koot lГ№Гє Naan n.p. n. /lГ№КѓГ¬m/ /lu://nlu:/ /lu:duЕ‹/wa:l a:/ /lu:ka:r//nlu :ka:r/ /lu: kЙ”:t/ /lu:na:n//nlu :na:n/ lГ№wГ¬t lГ№zГЎГЎl lwaa lwГ Г kwat n. n. n. n. lung lun lwan lung lung jet lung as lung sar lung shii lupar lГ№s lwas n.p. /lwa:/ /lwГ :-kwat/ 73 Gloss to strap a child on one’s back to prepare local soup method of preparing traditional soup to develop blisters on the lips to develop blisters on the fingers to develop blisters on the foot surprise, wonderful thing problem, difficulty, puzzle, maze not easy to find, scarce not east to see, not visible ???? orphan termite, flying ant also nlumwash. (cf. fwash) toad, frog type found on dry land to weed a farm to mend a kutut tray or laap preparatory to the threshing of millet swimming backstroke doggy paddle breast stroke crawl woman still nursing the birth of a child to mend, patch, repair, fix leopard cloud intermittent drizzle also nlumwat fog also nlГ№Гє-kaar thunder spider also nlГ№Гє koot lit. вЂ�cloud of God’. also nlГ№Гє-naan recent coinage recent coinage cow dung is used cf. cГ№t lГєng. Panthera pardus minute website meat booty in a hunting Usually shared in the exercise following order; the two Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss people who assisted in killing the animal get the (a) neck (b) portion below the neck. The person who killed the animal takes the remainder (meat from a hunt or traps etc) lwaa yil n. /lwГ :-yГl/ bushmeat lwaat lwaghas1 v. v. /lwa:t/ /lwagas/ lwaghas2 lwas lyap v. v. v. /lwagas/ /lwas/ /lyap/ to hijack, divert to thresh acha, rice plural of lughus etc. to rub to mend plural of lus to look, see (pl.) plural of naa maa1 excl. /ma:/ what? mГ Г 2 v. /mГ :/ mГ Г p n. /mГ :p/ mГ Г p lГЎГЎ n.p. /mГ :p-lГЎ:/ maar1 v. /mГЎ:r/ maar2 a. nung-aas n. /mГЎ:r/ to be exhausted, fed up mourning, wailing, crying revenge, retaliation, lit. вЂ�mourning for a wound’ vengeance to farm Mwaghavul have no restriction on how to hold the hoe. Women do not hoe, but sow the seeds, transplant weed, harvest, thresh the fonio etc. However, women also farm these days. farm involving close relations involving other distant relations general communal work which includes, kyal, lungshwa, yangkas lughus kussuk, etc when a group is involved and each person has a day when others would work on his farm the participants ie the host would provide M b. kimos c. wuk d. Й“itlan e. yaghal-maar 74 contraction of nnГ© me Г Г . Used when s.o. says s.t disagreeable or irritating and you ask them to repeat it as if for clarification. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA f. maar mat g. ushat h. nzhira 75 Gloss farmers report late in them with food meat and the afternoon on the drinks, they would spend farm, the night on the farm and commence work as early as 5:00am by 8:00am the host would provide them with sat-yaghal etc. the farmers would later depart in the evening after providing them with “vwangsar” farming for your in- this is to prove to your inlaws. laws that you are capable of caring for their daughter this farming takes place after the girl has come to your house as wife to help her establish her own home this communal only in order to have a farming is successful farming season specifically for the each ward, or group would chief/traditional ruler. elect those that would officiate/lead them during the year. there is the “barde” who is the head, the group meets occasionally to agree on days that each member would host the group on his farm. there are requirements to be fulfilled by each member when it is his turn to host the group by way of drinks, food, meat etc. the groups flag is flown at the barde’s residence and on the farm. the prayer of each group is to have a successful farming season. The old traditional practice of farming required the head of the family (who was incharge of the family “kum” was always the first to commence farming. a day prior to the farming (yaghal-maar) the family head would get two ties of kas (sarnighin) a hoe, and kas (millet), would all spend the night in the lukum. the following day Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss the family head would take them out, chew the millet grain and spit over the hoe, sargnighin (millet to be transplanted) kind of libation for the purpose of good harvest, there after they would proceed to the farm with the items and commence farming. Farming in Mwaghavul land followed a particular sequence prior to the advent of dry season farming it followed this order:- maar milom mГ Г r mat n.p. n.p. maar sen n.p. maar shwaa n.p. maar vuu maar yangkas maar lawur maar3 n.p. n.p. n.p. n. /ma:r/ mГЎГЎs v. /mГЎ:s/ maas po maawuu v.p. v. /mГЎ:s-pЙ”МЂ/ /mma:wГє:/ madubi mak1 mak2 n. a. v.a. /mГЎdubГ/ /mak/ /mak/ makaranta mal n. voc. /mГЎkГЎrГЎnta/ /mal/ mal shak n. /mГ l КѓГ k/ /mГ :r-mat/ 76 cocoyam farm farming for future in- The idea was to prove to laws, brideservice potential in-laws that the suitor was capable of feeding their daughter. This practice has disappeared or been commuted to cash. millet Formerly the major crop of the Mwaghavul, it has been displaced by maize. maize farm (this was mainly around the compound) at this point millet is grown preparatory to maar-sen as it would be transplanted later during maar-sen. risga acha sweet potato millet cultivar (corresponds to Hausa gero) to taste alkaline, sour, bitter sour mouth to shoot an arrow high up in the sky mirror < Hausa enough to be capable, able, equivalent to English вЂ�can’ possible school < Hausa of female, same term of address used by father different women in half-sister mothers relationship. Corresponding male term is mwol female relationship of cf. mwolshak the same father but different mothers Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul man1 man2 pl. PoS n. v. IPA /man/ /man/ man der n. man shii mГ ng v.p. /man dЙ›r//mundЙ› r/ /man-КѓГ:/ mГ ng v. /mГ Е‹/ mГ ng kaa mГ ng kЙЁЙЁs v.p. n. /mГ Е‹-kЙЁ:s/ mГ ng ngГЎГЎs n.p. /mГ Е‹-ngГЎ:s/ mГ ng shik v.p. /mГ Е‹-КѓГ¬k/ mГ ng yer n.p. /mГ Е‹-yer/ mГ ng zГ№ng v.p. /mГ Е‹-zГ№Е‹/ mГЎngГІr Mangu n. p.n. /mГЎЕ‹ГІr/ /MaЕ‹gГє/ manman n. /man-mГ n/ 77 Gloss knowledge to know, information forgetfulness to understand ???? have also munder Koghorong lГ Г yingyГng mГ ng gha put Й“wot mmo shwar Koghorong [a hero] has given birth to an insane person, which makes him become a laughing-stock to take away, carry, pl. hЙЁr, haghar, kok, oghop steal, pick to outgrow s.o. Mwaghavul believed that something was responsible for every misfortune, fortune tellers allege that there must be a “kiis’ somewhere within the family that unless they investigate and ascertain the cause before future calamities would be averted practice of lifting a It was believed that it child above the helped speed the child’s ground level by growth. holding him by the chin and the posterior of the head. to get yourself into lit. вЂ�to carry an issue’ trouble farm behind the cf. bГІng-yer house where women can plant melon and other small crops to challenge a peer to a wrestling/fighting contest mango < Hausa name of town, The name originated from the early inhabitants who administrative headquarters of the had to convey cactus to the local government area to serve as hedges. where the “Mang” literally mean to Mwaghavul people carry while “guu” means – are the most cactus. Hence they are dominant ethnic referred to as “those who carry cactus i.e. ngu “Mang group. – guu” educated, intelligent Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul manzang map pl. PoS n. IPA /mГ nzaЕ‹/ mar n. /mar/ Marbang p.n. /marbaЕ‹/ mГ t mГ t bilat mГ t cet mwos n. n.p. n.p. mГ t cicet n.p. mГ t kaa mГ t kar n.p. n.p. mГ t /mГ t-b lМЃ Г :t/ /mГ t-tКѓЙ›МЂtmwЙ”МЂs/ /mГ t-tКѓГ¬tКѓЙ›МЂt/ /mГ t-kГЎ:/ ??? mГ t lu mГ t mwГ Г n shwaa mГ t muyii n.p. n.p. /mГ t-lГє/ n.p. /mГ t-mГ№yГ:/ mГ t ngaa n.p. /mГ t-nga:/ mГ t par mГ t pГіГі n.p. n.p. /mГ t-pГ r/ /mГ t-pЙ”МЃ:/ mГ t shee n.p. /mГ t-КѓЙ›МЂ:/ 78 Gloss premolars (teeth) ???? mГ t kГЎГЎ nЙЁ wГ№rГЎ kЙЁ baa Й“ЙЁlang Й—i mme la fra ni ɗéé wГ№rГЎ teer shoor a map Й—ak shwetshwet the widow has lost another child and she has been crying all night shwetshwet swelling, swollen patches on body spirit believed to To appease this spirit a cause sterility horse or mare was sacrificed. woman, wife FulЙ“e woman woman who brews local beer woman who cooks widow woman engaged to one man who breaks the engagement and marries s.o. else housewife concubine recent coinage name used when actual name is being kept confidential prostitute, harlot, cf. mwan shwa whore nursing mother bride, newly wed woman girl betrothed at an Sometimes a girl could be early age betrothed at 2 years. She stays with her parents until puberty. Marriage in Mwaghavul culture is a relationship between the two families rather than the two couples. The parents of the groom initiate the process by first presenting kim (bangle) to the young proposed bride. When she accepts the kim, the groom’s parents would next supply the bride’s parents with two вЂ�tip’ (bag) of kas (millet) and kusuk (fonio) for the upkeep of the bride. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss These items are presented to the in-laws annually until the groom’s parents wish to formally take her to their house. This is when the quantity of millet and fonio are increased to three tip each. This time a guard equivalent of a bottle of “mwoor paat” (olive oil) and “nuk” are added. The nuk is to be worn by the bride. later the groom’s parents would buy a pot of mwoor paat and “mos” (local beer) would be prepared and taken to the bride’s home, by the groom’s uncles along with an already slaughtered ram/goat. at the shiyeep kipang the bride would stand there when her groom’s father/uncles would pour the mwoor paat on her- kind of anointing she would then follow him to his house while she uses kivuk to clean her face. the following day gwom kussuk would be prepared which the bride’s relations would eat nas notification that year. then there will be “tule” (tattoo). the parent of a boy and a girl who are friends could initiate marriage between their wards. sometimes even before their own marriages purposely to solidify an existing relationship. mГ t waar n.p. /mГ t-wГЎ:r/ mГ t yil n.p. /mГ t-yГl/ mawe mbaakwaa mbam n. n. n. /tiЕ‹ mawЙ›/ /mbГ :kwГ :/ /mbam/ 79 woman who sells gruel diminutive superhuman being physic nut Jatropha curcas large chili pepper ? < Hausa barkono traditional test of manhood by peers where they cut each other with knife until one surrenders Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul mbanti PoS n. IPA / bГ ntГ/ mbarki n. /barki/ mbawaa mbee p.n. n. /mba:wa:/ /mbЙ›:/ mbeen mbeng n. /mbЙ›МЂЕ‹/ mbenghii n. /mbЙ›МЂЕ‹gЙЁ://mbЙ›МЂЕ‹kЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃl/ Mbi tang kat excl. mbihol n. mbii mbii aapo mbii bish n. n.p. n.p. /mbГ¬:-tГ Е‹kГ t/ /mb hМЃ Й”l//mb ГєhЙ”l/ /mbГ¬:/ /mbГ¬:-Г :pwЙ”МЂ/ /mbГ¬:-rЙ›t/ mbii bwoon n.p. /mbГ¬:-Й“wЙ”МЃ:n/ mbii Й—ii bish mbii Й—ii ret mbìì Й—Гn kГ n mbii kaa mbii kaam n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. /mbГ¬:-Й—i:biКѓ/ /mbГ¬:-Й—i:rЙ›t/ mbii kam mbii kiir mbìì k МЃkГіp mo- n.p. n.p. n.p. /mbГ¬:-kГЎm/ /mbГ¬:-k :МЃ r/ lee lek n.p. n.p. n.p. /mbГ¬:-kЙ”m/ /mbГ¬:-kyЙ›:n/ /lЙ›:-lЙ›МЂk/ mbii loghot n.p. /mbГ¬:-lЙ”gЙ”t/ mbii naayit n.p. mbii ran n.p. /mbГ¬:-nГЎ:yit/ /mbГ¬:-ran/ mbii ret n.p. /mbГ¬:-rЙ›t/ mbii kom mbii kyeen mbii lek pl. m /mbГ¬:-ka:/ /mbГ¬:-kГ :m/ 80 Gloss locally woven loincloth worn by men only zoo, immigration to the urban area Yoruba grass (similar to tar grass) used specifically for tying millet for threshing. ???? container (traditional) for keeping salt, potash etc small wild tuber thank goodness tree sp. thing, job, task wonderful thing ???? < Hausa bente This grass was used for three years consecutively. It is soaked in water before use. also mbengkoghol. A former favourite of children when rearing sheep and goats in the bush for finding what you have been searching also buhol Hausa malmo. Syzygium guineense this is considered a bad thing (although Mwaghavul do not eat either frogs or toad) beads worn on the waist by girls or women, waistbeads bad thing good thing evil lit. thing that is wrong’ cap/hat for the masses, for the public lesson fearful person/thing general term for plant lit. вЂ�thing that is planted’ planted by people earrings something productive arms, armoured cf. nlurlek clothing something/attitude, habit, one is used to mirror, reflection writing material i.e. pen, pencil, biro etc something good lumwat (toads) in Mwaghavul culture Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA mbii riin n.p. /mbГ¬:-ri:n/ mbii saam mbìì sГ© n.p. n.p. /mbГ¬:-sa:m/ /mbГ¬:-sЙ›МЃ/ mbii shwaa mbii shwoop pee n.p. n.p. mbii si mbii sup mbii tong pron. n.p. n.p. /mbГ¬:-КѓwГЎ:/ /mbГ¬:-КѓwЙ”МЃ:ppЙ›:/ /mbГ¬:-s /МЃ /mbГ¬:-sГєp/ /mbГ¬:-tЙ”МЂЕ‹/ mbii took mbii yit n.p. n.p. /mbГ¬:-tЙ”МЃ:k/ /mbГ¬:-yit/ mbii zughum n.p. mbikЙЁkak n. /mbГ¬:zГ№gГ№m/ ? mbit mbГ¬mbyГІl mbГtmbГt v. n. adv. /mbГt/ mbЙЁbish mbЙЁlip mbЙЁna mbЙЁrak mbuk1 n. n. pron. v. v. /mb bМЂ iКѓ/ /mb lМЃ Гp/ /mbЙЁna/ /mbЙЁrak/ /mbГ№k/ mbuk2 n. /mbГ№k/ mbuka mbul n. n. /mbГ№kГЎ/ /mbul/ mbul guuk mbul kЙЁrang n.p. n.p. mbum n. /mbГ№l-gu:k/ /mbГ№lk rМЃ ГЎЕ‹/ /mbГєm/ /mbГt- mbГt/ 81 Gloss (although we do not eat neither frogs nor toads) frogs are however considered good; this gives rise to the saying mbii bish tu mbii ret (the bad thing destroying the good thing) photograph, cinematograph and video film etc mat, sleeping place feed, foostuffs, as disi ni yГ©m nЙ—in mbìì sГ© general name for kuni ɗéé sЙЁ gГІkshirГІk The food dog has not been fed for some time, and it is looking emaciated, gГІkshirГІk something to drink shameful act that thing cover cloth ie blanket (name for Idoma) common name for seat necklace, chain spectacles, reading glasses, sunglasses gift, offering reed used to make covers for local baskets morning tonsilitis very early in the morning the devil lice on livestock mine wet, not fully dry to manipulate game, to lie, to make false representation lie, cheating especially in the game of tubwoor, corruption bow dove, pigeon (general) pigeon pigeon sp. traditional hunting Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA mburnaa n. /mbГєrnГЎ:/ mbwa laa n. /mbwa:la:/ mbwaas n. /mbwГ :s/ mbwaghash n. /mbwГ gГ Кѓ/ mbwГЎk n. /mbwГЎk/ mbwГЎk Й—e tГІghГІm mbwГ©mbwГЁrГЁ ???? /mbwГЎk-Й—Й›МЃ:n tЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂm/ /bwЙ›МЃmbwЙ›МЂrЙ›МЂ / mbwet mbwet koon n. n. mbwoor mbyiyar n. id. /mbwЙ›t/ /mbwЙ›tkЙ”:n/ /mbwЙ”:r/ /mbyar/ mЙ“ut mЙ“weng mЙ“woon mГ© n. n. /Й“ut/ /mЙ“wЙ›Е‹/ me gwee pron. n. int. me ye mee /mЙ›:g Й›МЃ://mЙ›:n gЙ”МЃ/ n w adv. det. /mmЙ›МЃ:/ /mЙ›:/ mee ГЎr n.p. /mЙ›:-ГЎr/ mee das mo pron. mee pee meel loc. v. /mЙ›:-dГЎsmЙ”МЃ/ /mЙ›:-pЙ›:/ /mЙ›МЃ:l/ méé mee mee…ni 82 Gloss cap small insect with a seen mostly in the rainy painful bite season cowpea variety local beans used specifically for sacrifices to rum stomach of an animal, whitewash heap of pebbles atili nut used in the game of tubwoor tiger-nut also bwГЎk. Cyperus esculentus. Eaten as a snack food finding one self in trouble plant sp. used in the preparation of local pumbwan. Hausa gwate. tender fruit cf. bwet fruit of fig tree Hausa Й“ГЎuréé lion sound made while pounding grains in the mortar stomach, inside, belly also Й“ut grasshopper sp. it hops far ????? polar question marker shortened form ’e. Occurs in sentence-final position. Questions which do not presuppose the response. person also mee ngo ????? ??big mee lwaa kЙЁ sham sЙЁ gd МЂ Й“ МЂ Г¬sg d МЂ Й“ МЂ Г¬s A big animal is dragging itself along over there probably one, some, a, another, Ri cГn mee Г m ngГЎn He a certain gave me a kind of water Mee lГє fugha ni k МЂ ship One of your houses has collapsed another way, another method some people somewhere to fill to brim with liquid Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul méén1 méén2 PoS v. v. IPA /mЙ›МЃ:n/ /mЙ›МЃ:n/ v. /mЙ›:n/ meen-meen meer v. /mЙ›:r/ meer pee1 v.p. /mЙ›:r-pЙ›:/ meer pee2 v. /mЙ›:r-pЙ›:/ mees n. /mЙ›:s/ meet n. /mЙ›МЃ:t/ mem bii memee1 memee2 pron. adv. pron. /mЙ›mbГ¬:/ /mЙ›МЂ-mЙ›МЃ:/ /mЙ›МЂ-mЙ›МЃ:/ mГЁn v. /mЙ›МЂn/ mГ©r mГ©r tГЎГЎ mГЁs v.p. n. /mЙ›МЂs/ meen pl. mulok met met del met kaa met pee met sham mii1 mii fЙЁna mii2 miil v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. n. pron. v. n. /mЙ›МЃt/ /mЙ›МЃt /mЙЁrЙ›p/ /mЙ›МЃt-Й—Й›l/ /mЙ›МЃt-kГ :/ /mЙ›МЃt-pЙ›:/ /mЙ›МЃt-Кѓam/ /mГ¬:/ /mГ¬:-fЙЁna/ /mГ¬:/ /mi:l/ miir mГlГ¬yГІn mГ¬s1 myas n. num. v. /mi:r/ /mГlГ¬yЙ”МЂn/ /mГ¬s//myas/ mГ¬s2 mГ¬s2 sar myas myas sar v. v.p. /mГ¬s//myas/ n. /miКѓ/ met met mish mЙЁrep v. v. 83 Gloss to be awake to be raw (not properly cooked) to burn, wound, scald d МЂ gyГіk pal sham meen kЙЁpГЎk g nМЂ nМЂ ГІn The delinquent child fell and wounded the side of his face g nМЂ nМЂ ГІn to be unable to perform a task delinquency, frequent breaking of law inability to cure (of illness) thereby resulting in death stalk of maize, corn or milk inconsequential, not something to worry about something probably, doubtful one of them, another one. to be beautiful, with good looks ???? to fall down locust beans, Parkia biglobosa plant/fruit ???? wurГ met tong sЙЁ sГ lmГ№tГ t He sits there, sГ lmГ№tГ t to claim to know all to jump to jump across to jump up to jump over to jump down relation my relation to be awake grass sp. used in constructing the raft-zither python million (1,000,000) < English to drink too much water to slap s.o. to slap s.o. with the flat of the hand husband, man, brave Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul mish kagham pl. des kagham PoS n.p. mГ¬sh pГІГІ n. mish poo din ndeng mish poo din ngween mГ¬sh shГЁГЁ n. mizep mЙЁdang n. n. n. IPA /mГ¬Кѓ kГЎgГЎm/ /mГ¬Кѓ pЙ”МЂЙ”МЂ/ /mГ¬Кѓ pЙ”МЂЙ—Гn-ndЙ›МЃЕ‹/ /mГ¬КѓpЙ”МЂ-Й—Гnn w g Й›n/ n. /m dМЂ aЕ‹/ mЙЁghЙЁn m jМЂ Г Г n. mЙЁlam-mЙЁlam mЙЁlep1 n. /mЙЁlЙ›p/ a. /mЙЁlЙ›p/ n. v. n. p.a. num. v. pron. dem. pron. v. pron. v. n. n. /m lМЃ Й”МЃm/ /mЙЁmГ n/ /m m МЂ Й›МЂr/ /m nМЂ a/ /m nМЃ dЙ”Е‹/ /m nМЃ Й›МЂ/ /m nМЂ i/ /m nМЂ i/ /m rМЂ ГЎ/ /mЙЁrЙ›p/ /m rМЂ Г/ /mЙЁsak/ /m sМЃ Й›МЃ/ /mmak/ mЙЁlep-mЙЁlep mЙЁlep2 mЙЁlam mЙЁlom mЙЁman mЙЁmer mn МЂ a m МЃndong m МЃnГЁ mЙЁni1 mЙЁni2 mЙЁra mЙЁrep mЙЁri mЙЁs mЙЁse mmak mmat 84 Gloss man traditional chief, ruler lip leader, can be applied to s.o. with thick lips. lit. вЂ�new husband’ upper lip lower lip man betrothed to a (see mГ t-shee) in woman Mwaghavul culture mothers probably due to being peers could initiate marriage between their children to sustain existing relationship etc stranger, visitor incision made during also mudang circumcision ?????? kГІГІk pughal ni doghon shang mЙЁghЙЁn mГ t funu no zam har ni kГ ГЎ wГ№rГЎ cukcur yesterday our old woman danced the Pughal dance so much that she became very excited cukcur red liquid that starts dripping during the first stage of potash production ???? flash, lightening, reflection, shining ??? green slippery? cocoyam, taro Colocasia esculenta known fact scar (old memory) mine, my one (1) cf. dong uncertainty it is that her to jump plural of met his to be alone habit, behaviour able, ability, capable ?? mГі bГ Г wГ t putughup Й—i mmat poo furu ni ku wura Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. mmat kaa mmawe mme mmes mmet po mming mmini mm МЃlГіk mМЂ mo PoS IPA n. n. /mmat-ka:/ ? n. v. n. adv. n. /tiЕ‹ mmЙ›МЂs/ /mmЙ›МЂt-pЙ”МЂ/ /mmЙЁЕ‹/ /mm nМЂ i/ /mm lМЃ Й”МЃk/ Gloss ɗéé saa a lГ Г pГГt Й—ak shГ№rГЁtshГ№rГЁt they upset the new wife so she is sniffling continuously pupa of dragonfly physic nut ??? fig tree sp. to be pompous anus it is so/at that time nose bleeding ????? for us mМЂ mu pron. n. n. /mmusut/ /mmu:s/ /mmГ№:skas/ mmwal mГі v. pron. /mwa:l/ /mЙ”МЃ/ mГі moghoЙ—ish clit. a. /mЙ”gЙ”Й—iКѓ/ moghor v. /mЙ”gЙ”r/ moghos mГіn v. pron. /mЙ”gЙ”s/ v. /mЙ”МЃr/ p.n. /mwЙ”МЂs-Кѓa:/ festival by elderly women according to their age-groups to cement their relationships, /mwЙ”МЂs- from mor mos Mos shaar mos-shaar 3 A proverbial expression 85 Hausa durumi Koghorong lГ Г yingyГng3 mГ ng ghГ put Й“wot mmo shwar Koghorong [a hero] has given birth to an insane person, which makes him become a laughing-stock first person plural dative pronoun for us, to us themselves cat < Hausa itchy part of threshed millet to conceal cleverly they, them third person plural pronoun. Also mmГі. plural marker follows the noun it qualifies description of ugliness practice of chewing food that contain sand with a lot of care to include they, them third person plural future pronoun ??? yit kЙЁ ngunan ni moo naa pee nd rМЃ e nd rМЃ e the eyes of the old man see very well twisted mouth mМЂ mun mmusut mmuus mmuus kas moo Jatropha curcas during the occasion they brew local beer among other things to entertain their members and their well-wishers. they organise local dance, usually the ceremony is weeklong also waar shaar Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Кѓa:r//wГ :rКѓa:r/ ???? /mpa:t/ mota mpaat mpe n. mpГЁГЁ Й—i conj. mpЙ›Й›МЂМЂЙ—Г mpГЁГЁ ku mpГЁГЁ me conj. int. /mpЙ›МЂ:kГє/ mpГЁГЁ mini mpГЁГЁ si conj. /mpЙ›МЂ:-m nМЂ i/ ??? mpep mpet mp d МЂ ok mpЙЁrampas mpuus mpuus a naar n. n. adv. n. /mpЙ›МЂp/ /mpЙ›МЃt/ /mp Й—МЂ Й”МЂk/ /mp rМЃ ГЎmpas/ n. mpuus kikaa a. mpuus rЙЁ ruu a. mГє pron. /mpu:s-ana:r/ /mpu:skЙЁkГ :/ /mpu:srЙЁrГ№/ /mГє/ mu Й—ar wa mu kaat mu kaat mos v. . n.p. mГ№ part. mul mulap v. /muЙ—ГЎr-wГЎ/ /muka:t/ /mu-ka:tmwЙ”МЂs/ ??? 86 Gloss car, vehicle castrated cow ? due to < English mpe Й—es kЙЁ lee ni ɗéé mГі g sМЂ hГ¬shash kЙЁ ni Й—ak Due to the size of the load, they had to struggle gishishash to lift it mГі kЙЁ tГ ng a ngo Й—i wéélwéél mpe tГЎГЎ lГєng They look for a very slim person to swim due to, because of, as a result of so that Why? RГ nas ra a mpГЁГЁme ye? Why did he beat her? because of that ??? mee kЙЁ sham Й—el mpГЁГЁ si kЙЁ kom yГ lpГ tyГ lpГ t A certain goat just passed down here with its ear hanging yГ lpГ tyГ lpГ t beard broom silently, quietly dragonfly ???? noon east west we, us first person plural masculine pronoun, reduced form. cf. mГєn (a side talk) can we have a chat? let us meet traditional practice of sharing local beer with a close friend or relation drinking simultaneously, from the same calabash of fwГ Г p pГЁl Й—ГГsГ ni a mГ№ З№laaghЙЁr the smell of the flower is that of Plateau berry to insult s.o. by twitching your tongue, lips, eyes or any part of the face Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul mulap mulok pl. PoS v. v. mГ№mГі mГ№mГєn pron. pron. muЙ“al mwos v.p. mГ№bin mГ№dang n. n. muk mwak mukyeen mГєl mulap IPA ??? /mГ№mЙ”МЃ/ /mГ№mГєn//m Гєn/ /muЙ“Г lmwЙ”МЂs/ n. /mГ№daЕ‹//m МЂ daЕ‹/ /mГ№k//mwa k/ /mГ№kyЙ›МЃ:n/ v. /mГєl/ v. n. v. v. Mulam1 p.n. /mГєl-pЙ›:/ /mulgГ№t/ /mul pЙ›://mulap pЙ›:/ mГєl, mulam /mulam/ mulam2 n. /mГєlГ m/ mulЙЁlal mululap n. /mulЙЁlap//m ululap//mЙЁlЙЁ lar/ mГ№lГ№m1 mulum2 mГ№lГєГє1 n. v. n. /mГ№lГ№m/ /mГ№lГ№m/ /mГ№lГє:/ muluu2 n. /mГ№lГє:/ mum wГЎГЎl mГ№mГєn v. pron. /mum wГЎ:l/ mun pron. /mun/ mul pee mul gut mul pee mul mulam v. 87 Gloss to insult s.o. pl. cf. mul sg. to burn, wound, scald cf. meen. sg. pl. theirs we (inclusive) cf. mГєn traditional practice of sharing local beer with a close friend or relation drinking simultaneously, from the same calabash smallpox also ngГІrzГіl, dwang incision made during also m d МЂ ang circumcision to sip reasonable quantity, enough to insult s.o. by twitching your tongue, lips, eyes or any part of the face spiteful look at others mesmerism non-verbal insults (by also mulap-pee facial expression) to rub in s.t. hunting expedition of people from Chissu, Angwan Kutare (Mangu) and Bungha slippery place or object local skiing on a slippery rock using pumpkin or water if in a stream algae to paint s.t. pumpkin Cucurbita pepo, C. moschata white man white men are thought to look like pumpkins to conceal, hide < myal we, us (exclusive) first person plural exclusive masculine pronoun. mГ№mГєn nkaa cГ¬n Й—ГЎk we are about to work we, us (inclusive) first person plural masculine pronoun. cf. mu Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul mГ№naan pl. PoS n. muram murap murdГ№ n. v. n. muru murum Й—yeel pron. n. Muse musut Mut del p.n. n. p.n. Mut duut p.n. muur mГ№Г№t murap n. v. muut kaa1 v.p. muut kaa2 v.p. muut kaam v.p. muut leet v.p. muut saam muut shawara v.p. v.p. muut shugar muut sЙЁghЙЁm n. n. muut tep ntook n. muwur n. mwaal mwaan1 mwГ Г n2 mwГ Г n lee mwГ Г n shwaa v. v. n. n. n. mwaar mwaghal mwaghal-mwaghal mwГ ghalak n. a. n. IPA /mГ№na:n //m nМЂ a:n/ /mГ№rГ m/ /murap/ /murdГ№/ Gloss bitterleaf (plant) marshy, muddy area to die pair of trousers, shorts /mГ№rГє/ theirs ? inflammation of the leg /musЙ›/ Tiv people /musut/ they are alone /mutЙ—Й›l/ area our ancestors stayed on their sojourn before settling in their present abode /mutdu:t//m an area where the udugut/ ancestors stayed before settling in their present territory /mГ№:r/ fat /mГ№:t//mura to die p/ /mГ№:t-kГЎ:/ less intensity from the sun /mГ№:t-kГЎ:/ common illness such as HIV/AIDS /mГ№:t-kГ :m/ common illness such as HIV/aids /mГ№:t-lЙ›МЃ:t/ lack of enthusiasm, feeling of discouragement /mГ№:t-sГ :m/ sleeping sickness /mГ№:tjaundice, hepatitis Кѓawara/ /mГ№:t-Кѓuga/ diabetes /mГ№:ttuberculosis sЙЁgЙЁm/ /mГ№:t-tЙ›pcerebrospinal tЙ”МЃ:k/ meningitis /muwur/ ornament used to decorate horses /mwГЎ:l/ to conceal /mwa:n/ to walk, travel /mwГ :n/ friend /mwГ :n lЙ›:/ welcome /mwГ :n prostitute, woman of Кѓwa:/ easy virtue, harlot, whore /mwa:r/ contaminated water w fat, big, plumpy /m agal/ ??? /mwГ gГ lГ k/ rubber vine 88 also m n МЂ aan. amygdalina. Vernonia plural of mut cf. muduut, gung, kofyer, difiri, fwam, mwanwo also Mudughut (see mut del) вЂ�yellow fever’ Saba florida Hausa ciwo. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Mwaghavul p.n. /mwagavul/ mwak Mwan wo v. p.n. /mwak/ /mwan-wЙ”/ mwanaa mwas v. n. mwat mweer mwen mwen jep mwГіl mwГіl n. v. n. n. n. pron. /mwГ :nГ :/ /mwas//mwa Кѓ/ /mwГЎt/ /mwЙ›:r/ /mwЙ›МЃn/ /mwЙ›МЂn-jЙ›МЃp/ mwol shak pron. /mwЙ”МЂl-КѓГ k/ mwГіor1 a. /mwЙ”МЃ:r/ mwГІГІr2 mwoor pwos n. n.p. mwГІГІr Й“ГЎng mwoor kiir mwoor kom n.p. n.p. n.p. mwoor kungtup n.p. mwoor mawe n.p. mwoor mmawe n.p. mwoor paat n.p. /mwЙ”МЂr/ /mwЙ”МЂ:rpwЙ”МЃs/ /mwЙ”МЂ:r-Й“ГЎЕ‹/ /mwЙ”МЂ:r-k :МЂ r/ /mwЙ”МЂ:rkЙ”МЃm/ /mwЙ”МЂ:rkГ№Е‹tГ№/ /mwЙ”МЂ:rmawЙ›/ /mwЙ”МЂ:rm mawe/ /mwЙ”МЂ:r-pГЎ:t/ mwoor ten n.p. /mwЙ”МЂ:r-tЙ›МЃn/ /mwЙ”МЃl/ 89 Gloss sour fruit that is favourite of monkeys etc Mwaghavul people A possible etymology is mwo-avul, meaning they are always two or in pairs, or mwan-vul i.e. travelling in twos. to sip pl. cf. muk area where the (see mutdel) ancestors of the Mwaghavul stayed before finally settling in their present site to gossip pus from a sore also mwash groin, private parts to be twisted fool, foolishness childishness family same father but (of male) different mothers same father but different mothers the same as, carbon copy, exactly oil, grease, ointment pomade oil-palm silk cotton tree groundnut oil Elaeis guineensis edible shea butter oil oil from a plant sp. (plant) used ointment Canarium oil mahogany oil (medicinal) as used for anointing etc. oil extracted from atili this oil is of great significance to the Mwaghavul person, it is applied to boiled meat while hosting important visitors. it is poured on drinks during velang dance. it is believed to be cure to many ailments. it is also used in anointing a newly wed woman by her in-laws bitter oil (applied on Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA mwoor zem n.p. mwoot v. /mwЙ”МЂ:rzЙ›m/ /mwЙ”МЂ:t/ mwГІs n. /mwЙ”МЂs/ mwos tu n. ? myaal n. /myГЎ:ly mm МЃ ГЎ:l/ myaar a. /myaar/ myas v. /myas/ v. n. /nГЎ/ /na/ v. /nГЎ:/ /lyap/ nГЎГЎ jéél v.p. /nГЎ:-jЙ›МЃ:l/ nГЎГЎ kЙЁc МЃr v.p. nГЎГЎ nkГЎГЎ v.p. /nГЎ:- nkГЎ:/ nГЎГЎ nyit n.p. /nГЎ:-nyit/ nГЎГЎ pee nГЎГЎ pee shi kaa v.p. v. /nГЎ:-pЙ›:/ /nГЎ:-pЙ›:КѓГ¬kГЎ:/ /nГ :-КѓwЙ”МЃ:p/ nГ ГЎ Gloss wounds and deworming) used for plant sp. to stone, to throw s.t. at an object local beer made from sorghum or millet drunk, drunkard, pissartist dry tears or slimy substance in one’s eyes when one wakes up from sleep in the morning describes well-fed, over weight, fat, plumpy person or animal to drink plenty of water the production takes two days. also mЙЁmyaal plural of shuwa N. nГЎ1 NГЎ-2 nГЎГЎ naa shwoop nГ ГЎ nГ Г lyap mo- n. n. pref. 90 to see, look respect prefix applied to the name of a female elder to see, behold, examine, watch to pity, be sympathetic, be compassionate traditional method of determining the cause of death within a family different from next? i.e. for Naceen, Nanaceen and for Dinatu, NaDinatu Usually three days after death, the body is exhumed and local priests inspect the corpse and interpret the cause of death. to foresee, predict, lit. вЂ�to see in the head’ foretell favouritism, sectionalism, tribalism to see, sight sorcerer, magician shame mother, respect prefix for woman respect prefix applied to the name of a younger woman Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Naan pl. PoS p.n. IPA /na:n/ Naan Naan zok naanii naar naar p.n. excl. n. adv. loc. ???? ??? /na:nГ:/ /na:r/ /na:r/ naat1 naat2 naat-naat nГ Г t njileng nagham v. v. /nГ :t/ /nГ :t/ God God forbid! lit. вЂ�God hide!’ mouse sp. middle between, in the middle to be serious (issue) to be red v.p. n. /nГ :t-njГ¬lЙ›МЂЕ‹/ /nagam/ rust, rustiness mare, female horse naghap nagwet nak naka nambwai n. loc. n. /nГ gГ p/ /nagwЙ›МЃt/ /nГЎk/ n. /nambwai/ armpit outside fool, imbecile etc ??? fry prolapsed uterus namwГ©sh n. /namwЙ›Кѓ/ nan1 nan2 nandii n. v. n. /nГЎn/ /nГЎn/ /nandi://nГЎ di:/ nandong n. /nandЙ”Е‹//nГЎ dЙ”МЃЕ‹/ nang1 nang3 nang2 n. v. pron. /naЕ‹/ /naЕ‹/ /nГЎЕ‹/ nang kaa adv. /nГ Е‹-kГЎ:/ 91 Gloss God Daa naan and na Naan the Mwaghavul have other smaller gods ie deities which they (deities) protect them against certain illnesses, catastrophes etc that may be fall them. these deities intercede for them. Never used for hunting expeditions or war (more as a result of illness as it often reaches the ground if the woman sits carelessly) general name given cf. dГ Г mwГ©sh. to a baby girl at birth before appropriate name is later given flesh be big in size plural of dees courtesy title given to also nadii. Usually rhymes the bride by her new with the bride’s name, and family. shows respect to the bride. Actual names are only added for identification. courtesy title given to also nadong. It will usually the bride by her new rhyme with the bride’s family. вЂ�Mistress, name, and shows respect to goodwife’ or similar. the bride. Actual names are only added for identification. question, inquiry ask, enquire your mother (of man) note that the use of this word in this context is now considered insulting, probably due to the Hausa sense of this expression solely, on your own Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul nangoghot nas nasara nashee-nashee pl. PoS v. v. n. v. IPA /naЕ‹Й”МЃgЙ”МЃt /nas/ /nГ sara/ /nГ КѓЙ›МЃ:nГ КѓЙ›:/ nashwoop1 nashwoop2 nГЎ shwoop neer n. n. n. /nГ КѓwЙ”:p/ /nГ :-КѓwЙ”МЃ:p/ /nГЎ-КѓwЙ”:pnЙ›:r//kГєrpГЎ: / nawaa n. /nawГЎ://nu wГЎ:/ nayong nceng ncicak ncimeer n. n. n. n. /nayЙ”Е‹/ /ntКѓЙ›МЃЕ‹/ /ntКѓГtКѓГ k/ /ntКѓГmЙ›:r/ nciwe ncok meel ndaaji n. n. n. /ntКѓГwЙ›МЂ/ /ntКѓЙ”k-mЙ›:l/ /ndГ :jГ:/ ndaaji yaa puus n. ndaaji yaa tar n. ndaghan ndaghap n. a. /ndГ :jГ-yГ :pu:s/ /ndГ :jГ-yГ tГЎr/ /ndГ gГ n/ /ndagap/ Ndai ndal p.n. n. /ndГ l/ ndam dwaghar n. ndГ m ЙЁs rМЂ ndang n. /ndГ mdwagar/ /ndГ mЙЁs rМЂ / 92 Gloss to tickle to beat pl. white man game played children hairy lady shame sensitive plant. (plural of nung) < Hausa by childhood poem Mimosa pudica. Also kГєrpГЎГЎ. If the centre is touched, the leaves close up. This song is usually sung to it. NГЎ shwoop neer kiling kЙЁ naa neer yi (twice) kurpaa-o-kurpaa oh! Ngoroo kЙЁ naa neer yi ee! and it closes titles given to the also nuwaa. Usually bride by her new rhymes with the bride’s family name, and shows respect to the bride. Actual names are only added for identification. starvation < Fyem clitoris grasshopper sp., green, thin insect with black it is usually found floating cover in stagnant water jackal grasshopper sp. anything used or referred to, to frighten or scare children to conform to certain norms of the society eclipse of the sun eclipse of the moon crocodile pompous, foolish pride place small, striped and intelligent rat gecko sp. gecko ???? jep mГі swa put g tМЂ tМЂ Г t ndang wГЎt mГі they scrambled out, g МЂ t МЂ tГ t, in pursuit of the thieves nyГЁm sГІr ndang Naan no kЙЁ Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA ndangshak adv. /ndГ Е‹-КѓГ k/ ndengdeng n. /ndЙ›МЂЕ‹-ndЙ›МЃЕ‹/ ndГЁngdГ©ng Й—aa n.p. ndengdeng miil n.p. ndengdeng shim n.p. ndengdeng soghom ndi mman n.p. adv. /ndЙ›МЂЕ‹-ndЙ›МЃЕ‹Й—a:/ /ndЙ›МЂЕ‹-ndЙ›МЃЕ‹mi:l/ /ndЙ›МЂЕ‹-ndЙ›МЃЕ‹shГ¬m/ /ndЙ›МЂЕ‹-ndЙ›МЃЕ‹sЙ”gЙ”m/ /ndГ-mmГ n/ ndimuur ndin n. /ndimГ№:r/ ndin jak adv. /ndГn-jГ k/ nding ndЙЁben n. n. /ndiЕ‹/ /nd Й“МЂ Й›МЂn/ ndЙЁbet n. /nd Й“МЂ Й›МЂt/ ndЙЁbet furum ndЙЁfЙЁlip ndЙЁfЙЁnЙЁng nd gМЂ h m МЂ n.p. n. n. n. ???? /nd fМЂ lМЂ Г¬p/ /nd fМЂ nМЂ Е‹МЂ / ndЙЁghЙЁs ndЙЁghЙЁs naan n. n. nd gМЂ h n МЂ ndЙЁpoop ndЙЁpiyeel ndЙЁre loc. n. n. adv. /ndЙЁgЙЁs/ /nd gМЂ sМЂ na:n/ /nd gМЂ nМЂ / /nd pМЂ Й”МЃ:p/ /nd pМЂ yЙ›МЃ:l/ /nd rМЃ Й›МЃ/ ndЙЁrendЙЁre ndishii adv. n. /nd rМЃ Й›МЃ-nd rМЃ Й›МЃ/ /ndГ¬КѓГ¬:/ 93 Gloss mwaan sat poo Naan nГ ngurum mГі a shГ¬peeshГ¬pee Christians go around preaching to people from place to place tandem, one another raft-zither lute with resonator raft-zither after calabash lute with skin- like Hausa kuntiki covered resonator xylophone with cowhorn resonators unknowingly, unexpectedly arrow ????? wurГ mwaan ndin nnaashwoop zГІkmГІnzГІkmГІn he walks around without shame without shame, shamelessly stone gum, glue, sticky substance smaller stone used on the main grinding stone knee-cap young cockroach wasp general term for village weaver Ploceus yellow-chested birds cucullatus, yellow-fronted tinkerbird Pogoniulus chrysoconus cricket cricket sp. inside termite sp. cockroach cf. dЙЁpyel right, correct, proper, suitable properly housefly Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul ndishiiwaar ndЙЁtЙЁnong pl. PoS n. n. IPA / dГ¬КѓГ¬:-wa:r/ /nd tМЂ nМЂ Й”МЂЕ‹/ ndoghorok ndol n. n. /ndЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂrЙ”МЂk/ /ndЙ”МЃl/ ndol ngang n. /ndЙ”МЂl-ngГ Е‹/ ndu shwaa ndubuk nduduk nduduk kЙЁr n. n. n. n. ndugwaal n. /ndГ№bГ№k/ /ndГ№dГєk/ /ndГ№dГ№kk :МЂ r/ /ndГ№gwa:l/ ndukul n. /ndukul/ NdГєkГєm Ndukum p.n. p.n. /ndГєkГєm/ /ndukГ№m/ nduldulum n. /nduldГ№lГ№m/ whetting-stone ndГєmoghol1 ndГєmoghol2 a. n. colour of a horse grasshopper sp. ndumu n. /ndГєmЙ”gЙ”l/ /ndГєmЙ”gЙ”l// n dm МЃ Й”gЙ”l/ /ndГ№mГє/ hyena ndГєmГ№Г№r ndГ№ng n. v.a. /ndГєmГ№:r/ /ndГ№Е‹/ bone marrow about to… ndup woop n. /ndГ№pwЙ”МЃ:p/ ndГєr n. /ndГєr/ ndГєr n. /ndГєr/ ndushuu n. /ndГ№Кѓu:/ n 94 Gloss fly sp. stink-ant (big type) cf. ndЙЁkЙЁnong hausa) (gwano- grass sp. ankle-rattle made from iron leg-rattle made from palm leaves with pebbles empty maize cob brain silk cotton silk cotton secretion by women during intercourse place where the head of the family hides his grains, foodstuffs Mwaghavul deity spirit that protects food crops. cf. dukul cf. Naan Planted on the edges of the farm to protect the entire crop. Used in sharpening shaving knives, hoes cutlasses etc also ndЙЁmoghol also refers to a greedy person or glutton Panmun ndГ№ng sГІ wГ Г Panmun can go home winged termite also dupwoop. See also fwash, wuryaa plant name referring Mariscus longibracteatus two species and probably other Mariscus spp. (1) monocotyledonous plant found in swampy/marshy areas, (it belongs to the grass family) mistletoe Tapinanthus and Loranthus spp. mistletoes. A person can be referred to as ndur if they depend heavily on others. cf. also kЙЁrom. worm/caterpillar Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA ndГ№tГєghГєt nduu1 nduu ning n. n. n. nduu2 ndwet ndyen1 n. n. adv. /ndГ№tГєgГєt/ /ndu:/ /ndГ№:niЕ‹//nd Г№:nГ:/ /ndu:/ /ndwЙ›МЃt/ /nЙ—yЙ›n/ ndyen2 n. / nЙ—yЙ›n/ ndyes nЙ—aghamnЙ—agham nЙ—in n. adv. /ndyЙ›МЂs/ /nЙ—ГЎgГЎmn Й—ГЎgГЎm/ neen neen am neen kwee n. n. n. /nЙ›:n/ /nЙ›МЂ:n-am/ /nЙ›:n-kwЙ›:/ neer neer pee n. v.p. /nЙ›:r/ /nЙ›:r-pЙ›:/ neer pee cЙЁghЙЁr kaat nГЁn v. v. /nЙ›:r-pЙ›:tКѓЙЁgЙЁr-ka:t/ /nЙ›МЂn/ nfeer nfong-nfong p.n. n. /nfЙ›МЂ:r/ /nfЙ”Е‹fЙ”Е‹/ nfumfum adv. /nfГєmfum/ nfut1 nfut2 n. n. /nfГ№t/ /nfГ№t/ nfwam nfwash nfwoon gwГіГіm n. n. nfyeem ngaa ngaa ngГЎГЎm ngaangaa n. n. adv. n. adv. /nfwГ Кѓ/ /nfwЙ”:ngwЙ”МЃm/ / nfyЙ›МЃ:m/ /nga:/ /Е‹a:/ /ngГЎ:m/ /Е‹a:-Е‹a:/ ngaas a. /ngГЎ:s/ nfut 95 Gloss (insect) plant sp. lizard sp. lizard sp. also nduunii fish sp. support, pillar, pole at your own pace, taking time mannered person, considerate pestle grumble, murmuring grudgingly ??? as disi ni yГ©m nЙ—in biise kuni ɗéé sЙЁ gГІkshirГІk The dog has not been fed for some time, and it is looking emaciated, gГІkshirГІk hunger thirst part of the intestine of the fowl vagina, circle to demarcate, to encircle a place to surround a place to feel like urinating, be thirsty Fyer people wind that blows from also irresponsible person the west blindly, incognito, to blindfold. ??? smell gГІghor nfГ№t ni Й—u aasГ cГ f the grass sp. its smell is pungent mosquito metal lock used mostly, in detention centres to keep inmates legs under lock and key ??? termite, general name also fwash. cf. wuryaa plant sp. see pumbwan hawk adultery for long, a while ram, male sheep for a very long time, for ever and ever dry, bare Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul ngaas gwoom pl. PoS a.p. IPA / gГ :sgwЙ”МЃm/ /ngГ k/ /ngam-pГ№s/ n ngГ k ngam puus a. v. ngam sughun n. ngan ngГЎng n. n. /ngamsГ№gГ№n/ /Е‹Г n/ /Е‹ГЎЕ‹/ ngГ ng n. /ngГ Е‹/ ngГ ng rГ ghГ p ngГ ng vГ©t ngГЎr moghol n. n. a. /ngГ Е‹rГ gГ p/ /ngГ Е‹vЙ›МЃt/ /ngГЎrmЙ”gЙ”l/ ngГ r mГ№n n. ngar piya ngar vГ¬p ngaw ngaw n. n. n. v. /ngarpГyГЎ:/ /ngarvГ¬p/ /nЕ‹au/ ngavurci ngicak n. n. /ngГ vГ№rtКѓГ¬:/ /ng tМЂ КѓГЎk/ ngimaar ng k МЂ ng k МЂ mindong ngЙЁmЙЁrok ngЙЁtish1 n. n. num. n. n. /ngЙЁma:r/ /ng kМЂ / ??? /n g m МЂ rМЃ Й”МЃk/ /ng tМЂ ГКѓ/ ngЙЁtish2 n. /ngЙЁtiКѓ/ Gloss left-over of food big drawn game in a when the contestants fall on wrestling contest their backs and there is no winner wild pig snake traditional hoe 96 palm tree, leaves or fruit chameleon black scorpion colour of horse (reddish/brown) bic, biro, ballpoint pen grasshopper sp. book wild dog, fox to shave the head completely vulture bunch of straws used in the preparation of kunu and other local beverages grass sp. double thousand flesh of atili fruit residue from extracted atili oil sponge used for washing plates, pots etc It has a long shaft and handle tied to the main hoe by a woven fibre. Once in a while the hoe especially the area where the handle is tied with the fibre is soaked in water for the fibre to shrink. This is no longer in use due to its complication i.e. one has to get the jute fibre, weave it before getting an elder who will tie the hoe. With the fet, one could go straight to the farm from the blacksmith without further assistance (see caan) recent coinage recent coinage opposite of hambal but cf. also dubu Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul ngГ¬zГіk pl. PoS n. ngo ngoghot ngГІk ngomu muut pron. n. n. n. ngong ngГІrГІГІ ngos ngris int. n. n. n. ngrok ngГ№ ngГ№ ar v. n. n.p. ngГ№ Й“aan ngГ№ Й“al nsar ngГ№ Й“am ngГ№ bЙЁlaat ngГ№ cicet ngГ№ cГ¬ncet ngu Й—ak ar ngГ№ Й—ak kwaghazak ngГ№ Й—ak shii-feer ngГ№ Й—ak wus ngu Й—ak yen ngГ№ Й—ang ngГ№ Й—angЙ—ang ngГ№ Й—eng ngГ№ Й—ii Й—es ngГ№ Й—iip kas ngГ№ Й—ung nyem nyem ar nyem baan nyem Й“al-nsar nyem Й“am nyem bЙЁlaat nyem cicet nyem cГ¬ncet nyem Й—ak-ar nyem Й—ak kwaghaz ak nyem Й—ak-shiifeer nyem Й—ak wus nyem Й—ak-yen nyem Й—ang nyem Й—angЙ—an g nyem Й—eng nyem dinan nyem Й—iip kas nyem n.p. IPA ngГ¬zГіk /ngЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃt/ /ngЙ”МЂk/ /ngГ№mГєmГє:t / /ngЙ”МЂrЙ”МЂ:/ /ngЙ”МЂs/ /ngrГs//ngГєr Гєs/ /ng rМЂ Й”k/ Е‹Г№, nyem /gГ№-ГЎr//ngГ№ГЎr/ /ngГ№-Й“ГЎ:n/ Gloss hair that grows on the neck of ram ????? kГіГі ngo whoever flea grasshopper (generic) the dead How much? pied crow penis biscuit bone miser n.p. n.p. /ngГ№-b lМЃ Г :t/ Fulani man n.p. /ngГ№-tКѓГ¬tКѓЙ›МЂt/ cook n.p. /ngГ№-tКѓГ¬ntКѓЙ›МЂt/ /ngГ№-Й—ГЎkГЎr/ /ngГ№-Й—ГЎkkwГ gГ zГ k/ one who prepares food person working on road construction cobbler, shoe repairer n.p. /ngГ№-Й—akКѓГ:fЙ›МЃ:r/ mechanic n.p. /ngГ№-Й—ГЎkwus/ /ngГ№-Й—akyЙ›n/ /gГ№Й—aЕ‹//ngГ№ Й—aЕ‹/ /gГ№-Й—aЕ‹Й—aЕ‹//ngГ№Й—aЕ‹-Й—ГЎЕ‹/ /ngГ№-Й—Й›Е‹/ PHCN staff n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n /ngЙ”МЃ-Й—Г:Й—Й›s/ /ngГ№-Й—i:pkГ s/ /ngГ№-Й—uЕ‹/ 97 also ngurus (H. kwatar kashi) to snore, snoring person intermediary in marriage transaction good Samaritan /ngГє-Й“ГЎlsГЎr/ /ngГ№-Й“Г m/ n.p. Corvus albus helper medical personnel beggar beggar bushman, villager (one not civilized) influential person harvester (one who harvests crops) liar also nguЙ—angЙ—ang/nyemЙ—angЙ— ang Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul ngГ№ Й—yik lu ngГ№ fet pee ngГ№ fong ngГ№ fung shii-feer ngГ№ ghir ngГ№ gok ngГ№ jeel ngГ№ kaaЙ“al ngГ№ kam ngГ№ kam ar ki naan ngГ№ kamkam ngГ№ kЙЁlom ngГ№ kook ngГ№ koos paa ngГ№ kum ngГ№ kwat pl. Й—ung nyem Й—yiklu nyem fet-pee nyem fong nyem fungshii-feer nyem ghir nyem gok nyem jeel nyem kaaЙ“al nyem kam nyem kam ar ki naan nyem kamkam nyem kЙЁlom nyem kook nyem koos-paa nyem kum nyem kwat ngГ№ kyeer kwee nyem kyeer kwee ngГ№ kyeer tum nyem kyeer tum ngГ№ kyeer waar nyem kyeer waar ngГ№ kyeer nyem randong kyeerrandong ngГ№ kyes mwor nyem ntughut kyesmworntughut PoS n.p. n.p. n.p. IPA /ngГ№-Й—yiklГє/ /ngГ№-fЙ›МЃtpЙ›:/ /ngГ№-fЙ”Е‹/ Gloss mason cleaner useless person n.p. /ngГ№-tГєЕ‹КѓГ:fЙ›МЃ:r/ driver n.p. /ngГ№-gЙЁr/ fish /tilapia n.p. /ngГ№-gЙ”k/ sick person n.p. /ngГ№-jЙ›МЃ:l/ poor man n.p. /ngГ№-kГЎ:Й“ГЎl/ /ngГ№-kГЎm/ one who is stubborn teacher n.p. /ngГ№-kГЎmГЎr-k -МЂ na:n/ pastor, evangelist, reverend, prophet n.p. /ngГ№kГЎmkГЎm/ teacher n.p. /ngГ№-kЙЁlЙ”m/ blacksmith n.p. /ngГ№-kЙ”МЂ:k/ singer, dancer n.p. n.p. /ngГ№-kЙ”:spГЎ:/ /ngГ№-kГ№m/ n.p. /ngГ№-kwГ t/ one who sees by way of voodoo one who believes in the traditional religion hunter n.p. /ngГ№-kyЙ›:rkwЙ›МЂ:/ poultry farmer n.p. /ngГ№-kyЙ›:rtum/ shepherd n.p. /ngГ№-kyЙ›:rwГ :r/ lawyer n.p. /ngГ№-kyЙ›:rrandoЕ‹/ cattle herder n.p. /ngГ№-kyЙ›smwЙ”МЂ:rn tughut/ very generous person n.p. 98 lit. вЂ�person sweeps place’ Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul ngГ№ lap lop pl. PoS nyem lap n.p. lop ngГ№ lap nsar nyem lap nsar nyem lap wap nyem le aghas nyem loghom nyem long nyem lop kЙЁ naan nyem maar nyem maarpupwap nyem mang foto nyem mangko ok nyem mangshi k nyem mangtoghom nyem mbii nyem mang mbiiriin nyem mbit ngГ№ lap wap ngГ№ le aghas ngu loghom ngu long ngГ№ lop kЙЁ naan ngГ№ maar ngГ№ maar pupwap ngГ№ mang foto ngГ№ mang kook ngГ№ mang shik ngu mang toghom ngГ№ mbii ngГ№ mang mbiiriin ngГ№ mbit ngu meernyang ngu mupun ngu naa jeel ngu nan ngu ncip ngu ndaghap nyem meernya ng nyem mupun nyem naajeel nyem nan nyem ncip nyem ndaghap n.p. IPA /gГ№-lГЎplЙ”МЂp//ngГ№lГЎp-lЙ”МЂp/ /ngГ№-lГЎpsГЎr/ /ngГ№-lГЎpwГЎp/ /ngГ№-lЙ›МЂГ gГ s/ /ngГ№-lЙ”gЙ”m/ one who make others laugh, jester, joker leper n.p. /ngГ№-lЙ”Е‹/ wealthy person n.p. /ngГ№lЙ”p – k -МЂ na:n/ /ngГ№-mГЎ:r/ angel of god n.p. /ngГ№-mГ :rpГєpwГЎp/ fish farmer n.p. /ngu-mГ Е‹fЙ”МЂtЙ”//mbГ¬:ri: n/ /ngГ№-mГ Е‹kЙ”МЂ:k/ photographer leader of a singing group/dancing group n.p. /ngГ№-mГ Е‹КѓГ¬k/ person who easily gets into trouble n.p. /ngГ№-mГ Е‹tЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂm/ laboratory technician n.p. /ngГ№mbГ:/ owner n.p. /ngu-mГ Е‹fЙ”МЂtЙ”//mbГ¬:ri: n/ /ngГ№mbГ¬t/ photographer n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. Gloss person who errands sharpshooter, archer. tax collector runs good farmer cloudy and violent storm usually before a heavy rain Mernyang person p.n. /ngГ№-mЙ›:rnyГЎЕ‹/ n.p. n.p. /ngГ№mГ№pun/ /ngГ№-nГЎ:jЙ›МЃ:l/ /ngГ№-nan/ one who is compassionate elder, elderly person /gГ№-lГє/ n.p. /ngГ№-ntКѓГp/ Chip person /ngГ№dagap/ pompous person n.p. n.p. n 99 Mupun person Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul ngu ndeng ngu nfyam ngu ngween ngu ngwe ngurum ngu njiiduguri ngu nrem ngu nron ngu numpee ngu piring pГІГІ ngu pЙЁring pГІГІ ngu pitwus ngu pwas mbitong mo ngu pwos kwaghazak ngu ran ngu ryee naan ngu seet lwaa ngu sel pee ngu shwaayughur ngu shwal ngu shwoop ngu sor-ndang naan ngu tГ Г jweng pl. nyem ndeng nyem nfyam nyemngween nyem ngwenye mrum nyem njiidugu ri nyem nrem nyem nron nyem numpee nyem piring po nyem pЙЁring po nyem pitwus nyem pwas mbitong mo nyem pwos kwaghaz ak nyem ran nyemryee naan nyem seet lwaa nyem sel pee nyem shwaayughur nyem shwal nyem shwoop nyem sor ndang naan mo nyem- PoS n.p. IPA /gundЙ›Е‹/ n.p. /ngГ№-nfyam/ Gloss bushman, village man etc Fyem person n.p. /ngГ№-ngwЙ›:n/ Hausa man n.p. /ngГ№-ngwЙ›МЂ:n- Mwaghavul man gГ№rГ№m/ converted into Islam n.p. /ngГ№-njГ¬:dГєgГєrГ:/ Igbo man n.p. /ngГ№-nrЙ›МЂm/ Berom people n.p. /ngГ№-nrЙ”МЂn/ Ron people n.p. /ngГ№numpЙ›:/ /ngГ№-pЙЁriЕ‹pЙ”МЂ:/ /ngГ№-pЙЁriЕ‹pЙ”МЂ:/ /ngГ№-pГ¬twus/ /ngГ№-pwasm bГ¬:tЙ”МЂЕ‹-mЙ”МЃ/ devil n.p. /ngГ№-pwЙ”skwГ gГ zГ k/ shoe shiner n.p. /ngГ№-rГ n/ secretary n.p. /ngГ№-ryЙ›МЃ:na:n/ magician n.p. /ngГ№-sЙ›МЃ:tlwa:/ /ngГ№-sЙ›МЃlpЙ›:/ /ngГ№-Кѓwa:yГєgГєr/ butcher n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. interpreter interpreter fireman carpenter leader, chairman drunkard n.p. /ngГ№-КѓwГ l/ sick person n.p. /gГ№Кѓwo:p//ngГ№КѓwЙ”:p/ /ngГ№-sЙ”rn daЕ‹-na:n/ hairy person /ngГ№-tГ :- flautist n.p. n.p. 100 one who deceives people Christian also ngushwoop/nyemshwoop Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul ngu tГ Г ndengdeng ngu taan pee ngu tГ ng shwaan ngu tap pee ngu tap waar ngu tar ngu tenЙ—em cii muut ngu tok diyel ngu tok dun ngu tung jirgi caap ngu vum ngu yaa shaghal ngГ№ yen ngu zari ngubang ngГ№l ngГ№l Й—ГЎng pl. taajweng nyem tГ andengde ng nyem taan pee nyem tang shwaan nyem tap pee nyem tap waar nyem tar nyem tenЙ—em cii muut nyem tok diyel nyem tok dun nyem tungjirgi caap nyem vum nyem yaashag hal nyem zari ngul Й—ang ngГ№lak ngulang yak pГЎГЎt ngum ngГ№mbГ¬t ngulang yak paat PoS IPA j Й›Е‹/ Gloss n w n.p. /ngГ№-tГ :n dЙ›Е‹-ndЙ›Е‹/ zither player n.p. /ngГ№-tГ :npЙ›:/ /ngГ№-tГ Е‹КѓwГ n/ tailor /ngГ№-tГЎppЙ›:/ /ngГ№-tГЎpwГ :r/ /ngГ№-tГЎr/ /ngГ№-tЙ›МЂnЙ—Й›МЂm-tКѓГ:mГє:t/ /ngГ№-tЙ”МЂkЙ—ГyЙ›:l//ngГ№Й“Й›МЃ:t-pЙ”МЂ:n kГ pГєk/ /ngГ№-tЙ”МЂkdГ№n/ /ngГ№-tГєЕ‹jirgi-tКѓГЎ:p/ security personnel n.p. /ngГ№-vГ№m/ blind person n.p. /ngГ№-yГ :КѓГ gГ l//ngГ№tГЎp-k -МЃ КѓГ gГ l/ treasurer n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. adv. conj. ???? /ngГ№l//ngГєl/ /ngГ№l-Й—ГЎЕ‹/ n. /ngГ№lak/ n.p. /ngГ№laЕ‹yak-pГЎ:t/ n. n. /ngum/ ngunan 101 troublesome person police mad person thief judge also ngu-Й“eet po nkapuk /nyem-Й“eet po nkapuk stammerer, stutter pilot lit. вЂ�person carry money’. also mgu tap ki shaghal, mgu tap ki shaghal herbalist, doctor seer, prophet, soothsayer ????? also nkubang probable, doubtful also ngГєl maybe dignified way of doing things stick with hooked end used for plucking fruit, firewood beetle (generic term) clouds and violent winds preceding a heavy downpour ? old man yit kЙЁ ngunan ni moo naa pee nd rМЃ end rМЃ e the eyes of Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss the old man see very well nyГЁm sГІr ndang Naan no kЙЁ mwaan sat pГІГІ Naan nГ ngurum mГі a shГ¬peeshГ¬pee Christians go around preaching to people from place to place ??? people ngurum ngГєryaat nguul ngwaaghalak n. n. n. ngwaghar1 ngwaghar2 n. n. ngwagwa ngwam ngwan ngwang ngwГЎvГ ngyal ngyГ m n. n. n. n. n. v. n. ngyГ m pus n. nhap nh k МЂ n. n. mo- /ngГє:l/ /ngwГ gГ lГ k// kГ gГ lГ k/ /ngwГЎgГЎr/ /ngwГЎgГЎr//tЙ› Е‹/ /ngwГ :gwa/ /ngwГ m/ /ngwГ n/ /ngwaЕ‹/ /ngwГЎvГ / /ngyГ l/ /ngyГ m/ /nhГ p/ /nh kМЂ //ng kМЂ // h kМЂ / parrot sp. bird sp. publish bitterness flower of maize plant rope det. pron. /ni/ ni aasГ ni aasi wГЎ niyee conj. int. /ni-a:s /МЃ /ni-a:s -МЃ wГЎ/ it is so is it so? ????? nГГ nii n. /nГ:/ elephant ???? nik nik nik-nik nin1 nГ¬n2 n. v. /nГk/ tone? concentration to be turbid v. n. /nГn/ /nГ¬n/ protrude locust bean cake nЙЁghЙЁn fu n. mo /nГЕ‹/ her mother woman) 102 also teng. Mwaghavul people are well-known for making rope. This is called yar-Sura in Hausa. < Hausa duck horsewhip cocoyam variety growth on the body guava fruit, tree < English better than taper made from the stalk of the jute plant stem of the jute plant used for rope-making kobo (coin) coll. stone, rock also ng k МЂ also hЙЁk ni ni ning also kaghalak the it determiner marking specific third person singular pronoun for inanimates a sГЎt ГЎn a zéénzГЁГЁn, a we cin wГЎt niyee? Tell me truly, who committed the theft? Elephas maximus kung nii wal sЙЁ njwak gunggung the big drum is sounding gunggung in the rocks (of Made from fermented seeds and used to flavour foods. Hausa dawadawa a (the use of this word is now offensive it is applied to our youths) Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul niret nish nГ¬sГіghГі nГ¬t yГІГІs n МЂ gyГіk pl. PoS v.p. v. n. n. n. IPA /nirЙ›МЃt/ /nГКѓ/ /n gМЂ yЙ”МЃk/ ???? nЙЁghЙЁn nЙЁghЙЁn nЙЁghЙЁn kaam nЙЁghЙЁn sar nЙЁghЙЁn shii Gloss it is good, proper to groan car, motor vehicle light drizzling rain promiscuous woman nЙЁkong nЙЁkong kaam nЙЁkong sar n. n. nЙЁkong shii n. n. recent coinage female counterpart to d МЂ gyГіk ngГ№ tГЎr wurГ jwa nЙЁghЙЁn lee mГі nkaa shin Й—ang wurГ mwaan d gМЂ h sМЂ hd gМЂ h sМЂ h the madman wore many clothes and as he walked made the sound, d gМЂ h sМЂ hd gМЂ h sМЂ h /nЙЁgЙЁn/ /nЙЁgЙЁnka:m/ /nЙЁgЙЁnsГЎr//n kМЂ Й”Е‹sГЎr/ /nЙЁgЙЁn-КѓГ:/ /n kМЂ Й”Е‹-КѓГ:/ mother, very big mother-in-law to practise increasing one’s height by standing on toe or reducing one’s stomach by taking a deep breath local humpless cattle, Hausa muturu taurines to beat many times plural of nung grasshopper sp. nЙЁghЙЁr-nЙЁghЙЁr n gМЂ h tМЂ v. /n gМЂ tМЂ / n МЃ ng n. /n Е‹МЃ / nЙЁram nЙЁrГ©t kwai bong v. n. nЙЁshem n. /nЙЁram/ /nЙЁrЙ›МЃt-kwaibЙ”Е‹/ /nЙЁКѓЙ›m/ njГ Г l njaam njaghayang n. n. n. /njГ :l/ /njГ :m/ /njГ gГ yГЎЕ‹/ njГ Г kwéét n. /njГ :kwЙ›МЃ:t/ njamii njangnjang njee njГЁГЁjee njeer1 n. n. a. n. a. /tiЕ‹ njГЎmi:/ /njГ Е‹-njaЕ‹/ /njЙ›/ /njЙ›МЂ:jЙ›:/ /njЙ›МЂ:r/ njeer2 njeghen njiga njii n. n. n. n. /njЙ›МЂ:r/ ? /njГ¬ga/ /njГ:/ njìì k МЃrГЎng p.n. /njГ¬:-k rМЃ ГЎЕ‹/ 103 thumb вЂ�mother of hand’ big toe вЂ�mother of foot’ smut on guinea corn or millet plant sp. see pumbwan bile conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelid dung-beetle Heliocopridae spp. Hausa gungura kashi tamarind Hausa tsamiya mumps reddish brown cricket sp. barren of plant i.e. maize without cobs sugar-cane stork H. shamuwa jigger < ? English or Hausa deity, spirit (general see Naan term) to appease this deity, Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA /njГ¬:-pГ :l/ njìì pГ Г l p.n. njii Й—ar nkaa lГ Г n. njikon n. /njГ¬kЙ”МЂn/ njirem njimeza njwak n. n. /njГ¬rЙ›МЂm/ ? njwГЁГЁ a. /njwЙ›МЂ:/ njwet n. /njwЙ›МЂt/ nkaa nkaa v.a. v.a. /nka:/ nkaa shak loc. nkaghal nkГЎghГЎn nkГЎm kГ ghГ s n. /nka:КѓГ k//nk ЙЁКѓГ k/ /nkagal/ n. nkЙЁЙЁ nkЙЁЙЁ dughurii n. n. nkЙЁkoo nkЙЁlЙЁng nkЙЁlis NkЙЁmu adv. n. n. p.n. /njГ:-Й—ГЎrka:-lГ :/ n /nkГЎmkГ gГ s / /nk :МЃ / /nk :МЃ dГєgГєrГ:/ /nk kМЃ Й”МЂ:/ /nk lМЂ Е‹МЃ / /nkЙЁlis/ /nkЙЁmu/ 104 Gloss a chicken must be offered as sacrifice to appease this deity a human being was sacrificed practice where a boy already circumcised is presented to njii for initiation ceremony into manhood. The uncles of the boys offer support and encouragement to the youth. The uncles dress in a war costume with the spear (kop), a sign of strength which the youth looks up to. sweet potato variety, red in colour placenta, afterbirth eucalyptus ???? kung nii wal sЙЁ njwak gunggung the big drum is sounding gunggung in the rocks grey, usually applied to horses rat kept in the granary to help eat weevils without causing damage to the grain about, at marks progressive Ra nkaa maap She is aspect crying on top of each other also nkЙЁshak stingy person, miser to compete ?? ant sp. It stores grains in its hole head of the family head of yam tuber in the dark eagle plant sp. male njii used for pumbwan soup Every compound has a kum to protect its members. Mwaghavul believed strongly in reincarnation. When a good person dies, he goes to Shibilang while the wicked person goes to Wonggohor. When all the spirits failed it was concluded that naNaan must have been greatly Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA nkЙЁntЙЁreng nkoghop gween n. n. nkoghop ndeng n. nkoghop-puus kГ a nkoghop puus ru n. nkokoo nkong mЙЁlom n. n. nkoo nkoon tughur a. n. nkoor nkop nkop pee n. loc. loc. nkГєljem nkГ№rГГГt n. n. nkurtughut nkuut n. nkwak nkwang vЙЁleng n. n. nkyennkyen nkyep n. nlaa nlГЎГЎ puus З№laaghЙЁr n. n. /nlГЎ:pu:s/ ???? millipede Plateau berry nlaat n. /nla:t/ bird sp. nlГ m zar nlang nlee le n. n. p.n. /nlГ m-zar/ /nlaЕ‹/ /nlЙ›МЂ:-lЙ›МЃ/ flea sp. ant sp. sugar cane buds n. /nkЙЁntЙЁrЙ›Е‹/ /nkЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂpn w g Й›:n/ n / kЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂpn dЙ›МЃЕ‹/ /nkЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂppu:s-kГ :/ /nkЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂppu:s-rГ№/ /nkЙ”kЙ”:/ /nkЙ”Е‹m lМЃ Й”МЃm/ Gloss /nkЙ”:ntГєgГєr/ /nkЙ”:r/ /nkЙ”p/ /nkЙ”p pЙ›://kЙ”ppЙ›:/ grasshopper sp. south offended. Ancestors may come back to the family in the form of a child to reveal a secret. greenish north east west plant sp. (see pumbwan) cocoyam that is an offshoot of a bigger one in the dark, darkness plant sp. (see pumbwan) castrated he-goat in place of instead, in place bird sp. cf. kГєljem / kГ№rГ:t/ black bird mostly ? oxpecker found on the back of sheep while grazing /nkГєrtugut/ grasshopper sp. ???? randong mГі Й—el pwat nkuut long gГ№tГ№tГ№t The cows came out of the pen gГ№tГ№tГ№t /nkwГЎk/ he-goat /nkwaЕ‹vЙЁlЙ›Е‹/ being dishonoured for doing good ???? /nkyЙ›МЃp/ spur on leg of bird, especially chicken n 105 Iule spp. Carissa edulis. The fruit is edible It feeds on insects, grasshopper, fish From the name of a certain lunatic in Panyam in the mid 1950’s. He was fond of picking the tasteless portion of sugar cane as he could not afford any himself. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA /nlЙ›МЂr-kГЎ:dГ№gГ№r//nl rМЂ kГЎ:-dГ№gГ№r/ nler n. nlu n. nlГ№Гє nlГ№Гє koot n. id. /nlГє:-kЙ”МЂ:t/ nnГ Г n. /nnГ :/ nnГ Г laak n. /nnГ :la:k//ng Г :la:k/ Gloss Consequently all sugar cane buds became synonymous with his name kaa – nlee – le robe, gown or loose also nlir kaa-dughur. i.e. garment or gown Hausa alkyabba worn over other clothes house, dwelling, also lu building cloud also lГ№Гє noise made by thunder name by which men They have no other whose mothers come relationship. from the same compound, area, or home call each other. praying mantis also nghalaak ????? nnaa shwoop nnaar loc. /nna:r/ nnar n. /nnГ r/ nnГ© me Г Г excl. З№ne З№nee nn МЂ cГЎГЎp nnГ¬ cwet З№n МЂ Й—eet З№n МЂ k МЃm З№n МЂ lip dem. int. n. n. n. n. n. /nnЙ›//nnЙ›:/ /nnЙ›yЙ›/ /nn МЂ tКѓГЎ:p/ З№n МЂ s МЃlГіk n. /nn sМЂ lМЃ Й”МЃk/ Nn МЃneen p.n. /nn nМЃ Й›:n/ nningkoro nnook-mindong n. adv. nnos no n. /nn Й—МЂ Й›:t/ /nn kМЂ m МЃ / /nnЙ”МЂ:km nМЃ dЙ”МЂЕ‹/ /nnЙ”s/ 106 wurГ mwaan ndin nnaa shwoop zГІkmГІnzГІkmГІn he walks around without shame between, in the middle leather apron worn during the velang dance what? full form of maa. Used when s.o. says s.t disagreeable or irritating and you ask them to repeat it as if for clarification. that also nnee where? nneye grasshopper sp. light drizzling rain grass sp. with bitter taste grasshopper sp. bishop bird also milipi. Hausa dogarin tsuntsaye grasshopper sp., locust. spirit To appease this spirit a horse, donkey or dog was sacrificed frog sp. at once, at a go fool, foolish person ???? kГІГІk pughal ni doghon shang mЙЁghЙЁn mГ t funu no Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss zam har ni kГ ГЎ wГ№rГЎ cukcur yesterday our old woman danced the Pughal dance so much that she became very excited cukcur nГІghГІl n. /nЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂl/ nГіghГіn nГІГІk1 nook Й—i nook2 pron. n. n.p. v. /nЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃn/ /nЙ”МЂ:k/ /nЙ”:k-Й—i/ /nЙ”:k/ noonoo nryeem n. n. ??? /nryЙ›:m/ nshak pron. nshang nshang mos nsar paat nshii З№shilГЎk n. n. adv. n. n. /nКѓaЕ‹/ /mwЙ”МЂs/ Nshire nshogholok p.n. n. /nКѓirЙ›/ /nКѓЙ”МЂgЙ”lЙ”МЃk//n a:hi:l/ Nshu ns МЃmГЁs p.n. n. /nКѓГє:/ /n s m МЃ Й›МЂs//s МЃ mЙ›МЂs/ nso /nКѓГ¬:/ /nКѓГlГЎk/ n. nsuluk nsushii nsyГЎm ntas1 ntas fuk ntas gЙЁng ntas kiЙ“in n. n. n.p. n.p. n.p. ntas mulam ntas randong ntas tЙЁghЙЁr n.p. n.p. n.p. ntas ting ntЙЁЙ“et n.p. n. /nsyГЎm/ /ntГЎs/ ??? private parts of both sexes, genitalia her mother breath, rest holiday, leave to stop something, postpone skimmed milk animal that is very vicious for each other, for one another solder ant sp. sugar-ant innocently honey, bee boiled spinach or vegetables Mushere people children’s game where one must transfer a touch to another person Mwaghavul clan caterpillar sp. also naahiil (see bijer) also simes wГЎn sГЎt З№wГ№rГ nne mГіn З№tГ№ wurГ Й“e wurГ sГЎt a nso Й—ak zГІnzГІn I told him they were going to kill him, but he kept on going zonzon uncircumcised person ? louse mushroom general4 mushroom sp. mushroom sp. mushroom sp. mushroom sp. mushroom sp. mushroom sp. /ntЙЁЙ“Й›t/ < Hausa mushroom sp. castrated ram вЂ�mushroom of dunghill’ вЂ�mushroom of drum’ вЂ�mushroom of animal sp.’ very large mushroom вЂ�mushroom of sliminess’ вЂ�mushroom of cattle’ вЂ�mushroom of termite mound’ вЂ�mushroom of tree’ Be warned that some of the mushrooms are very poisonous, they can kill instantly. If you are not sure of the type, it is safer not to eat as many lives have been lost by eating the wrong variety. 107 4 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul ntГГt pl. PoS v. IPA / tГ:t/ ntiit ki n. ntiitntiit id. /ntГ:tk /МЃ /ntГ:t/ /ntГ:t-ntГ:t/ ntikan ntГsh ntoghom ntoghom v. n. loc. v. /nt kМЃ Г n/ /ntГКѓ/ /ntЙ”gЙ”m/ n.p. v. n. n. n. n. n. /ntЙ”Е‹-a:s /МЃ /ntГєgГєt/ /ntugut/ /ntГ№m/ /ntГєn/ ntwГ Г r v. v. n. /nugul/ /nugul/ /nuk/ nГєm num num pee nung n. v. n. n. /nГєm/ /num/ /num pЙ›:/ /nuЕ‹/ nung aas n. /nГ№Е‹-a:s/ nung maar n. /nuЕ‹-ma:r/ n ntong ntong aas МЃ ntu ntГєghГєt ntughut ntum ntГєn ntwГ Г r nughul1 nughul2 nuk nwaghal nwaghal nГ№ng1 nwang v. /nГ№Е‹/ nГ№ng2 nwang v. /nГ№Е‹/ nГ№ng3 v. /nГ№Е‹/ nung-nung nur n. /nГєr/ n. n. p.n. /nГ№wЙ›МЃl/ /nГ№wЙ›МЃКѓ/ /nve:-ku:k/ n. /nvГ:- nГ№wГ©l nГ№wГ©sh Nveekuuk nvГГ m МЃlГіm mo mo 108 Gloss to be similar, to be equal, to happen at the same time, to be coincidental resemblance, look- also ntiit alike very similar, the same as wrong snail beneath, underneath to appear before, be presented to ???? ba mГ¬sh kГЎghГЎm ni wГ№rГn ntong Й—i a ngaangaa kГЎs the chief will not live for ever probable, doubtful ??? kill, destroy cf. tГ№ grasshopper sp. oil container bush rat sp. ant sp. sideboards (facial hair) to bend to make a return trip long, thin strips of skin worn by girls around the waist gum (in mouth) to deceive deceit ridges already made but not planted communal farming involving relations ploughed ridges yet to be planted to beat, hit, strike cf. nЙЁram, biyan, sЙЁram with a stick to set fire to something, burn to be ripe or properly cooked squeeze, frown, grimace daughter-in-law sister-in-law dance type performed by Jipal, Chakfem, Bwoonpe and Mupun people germinating cocoyam (often cooked although Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS nvГ№Г№ nvwГ m-nvwam n. id. nwaan1 n. IPA m lМЃ Й”МЃm/ /nvГ№:/ /nvwГ nn w v am/ /nwa:n/ nwaan2 nwaar n. n. /nwa:n/ /nwa:r/ nwaghap v. /nwagap/ nwang1 n. /nwaЕ‹/ nwang pГІГІ nwang2 Nwangkang n.p. v. p.n. /nwaЕ‹pЙ”МЂ/ /nwaЕ‹/ /nwГ Е‹-kГ Е‹/ nwГ p nwГ p dГєng nwee nwul З№wГ№rГ n. n. part. n. pron. /nwГ p/ /nwГ p-dГєЕ‹/ /nwЙ›:/ / nwul/ З№wГ№rГЎ pron. nyaa nyaal n. n. ???? /nya:l/ 109 Gloss usually bitter). rizga scrambling for things without being orderly to console a bereaved person or a crying child to deceive tissue joining the used to describe s.o. with upper lip and gum extra thick lips. It was believed that if you ate very dry millet, you would get thick lips to squeeze an object in an overlapping manner satire, proverbs, insults, abusive language against another provocative statement burn plural of nung traditional deity that It was sent to the laap (kas) protects grain at when women have begun to harvest separate the grain (millet) from the chaff to ensure that not a single grain was stolen by the women. It also ensured that the entire grain was transferred to the home and barn intact valley valley no snake sp. he, his third person singular masculine dative pronoun she, hers third person singular feminine dative pronoun intoxicant foolish act Name of a man considered foolish. He was once admitted to a general hospital. After being discharged from the hospital he had cause to be back in the same town for the celebration of British Empire day. When others could not secure accommodation anywhere, he quickly went back to his former bed in the hospital. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA /nyГ gГ s/ /nyГ k/ nyaghas nyГ k v. v. nyГЎk tГ¬rГ k nyak yit nyalwat sen n. n. nyГ m n. nyГ m mГ Г p n.p. nyang1 n. /nyГЎЕ‹/ nyang2 nyang nyawi v. v. n. /nyГЎЕ‹/ /nyaЕ‹/ /nyawi/ nyee kГєГєl nyГЁm nyГЁm Й—ГЎk nyГЁm Й—ГЎk yen n. n. n.p. n.p. /nyЙ›:kГє:l/ nyГЁm kaa jai nyГЁm kaa soghot nyГЁm lop n.p. n.p. n.p. nyГЁm maar mo nyГЁm muyi n.p. n.p. nyГЁm nan nyГЁm sГІdГ ng naan mo n.p. n.p. nyem yilang pee n.p. nyer n. nyer nyer am n. n. nyer kushing nyer peng n. n. /nyak-yit/ ????? /nyГ m/ Gloss When the nurses on duty discovered him they sent him away. Consequently any foolish act is nyaal. to refuse absolutely to do something continuously plant sp. plant sp. clod, soil thrown up by the hoe music, song in which praise or insults are used, proverbs, wise sayings, self-praise. lamentation funeral. at wickedness, troublesomeness to deliberate to disagree, object hyena cf. pumbwan cf. sumpo. Elements of nyam are; nzeltet, nwang, jwat poo, shwat poo, karshak, gwatshak, sat tap lee, nshak, cin ciin nshak. a Women sing sad songs while grinding cereals on the millstone. <Fyem. Can be applied to a glutton (see pumbwan) vegetable sp. person ??? /nyЙ›МЂm-Й—ГЎk/ workers /nyЙ›МЂm-Й—ГЎk/ health workers, clinic lit. вЂ�person + xx + health’ staff sorcerer, wizard sorcerer, wizard /nyЙ›МЂm-lЙ”МЂp/ angels, messengers cf. ngulop sg. (pl) /nyЙ›МЂm-mГЎ:r/ farmers /nyЙ›МЂmold people that we mГ№yГ:/ cannot remember /nyЙ›МЂm-nan/ elders /nyЙ›МЂm-sЙ”МЂChristians n dГ Е‹-na:nmЙ”/ /nyЙ›МЂmthose who tear others yilaЕ‹-pЙ›:/ apart n / yЙ›r/ container keeping a cf. different types of spears bundle of spears kop, cwang, hoz, sЙЁlak together bird (generic) ??? water bird generic term for all types of duck and grebe bird sp. Hausa ba’u injury on the leg but /nyЙ›МЂrpЙ›МЃЕ‹/ transferred to the 110 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA nyet v. /nyЙ›МЃt/ nyГЁt mГЎГЎr n. /nyЙ›МЂt-mГЎ:r/ nyììyìì nyik n. n. /nyi:-yГ¬:/ /nyГk/ nyil caan jee n.p. nyГ¬m n. /nyГ¬l-tКѓГЎ:njЙ›:/ /nyГ¬m/ nyoghop1 nyoghop2 v. v. /nyЙ”gЙ”p/ /nyЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂp/ nyГІk v. /nyЙ”МЂk/ nyok-nyok nyok shik n. /nyЙ”МЂkКѓГ¬k/ nyom nyoop n. n. /nyЙ”МЃm/ /nyЙ”:p/ nzeltet nzidyak nzhira n. n. /nzЙ›МЂltЙ›МЃt/ /nzГ¬Й—yГЎk/ /nК’ira/ nzhitaa nziik n. n. /nК’Г¬tГЎ:/ /nzi:k/ nzire n. /nz rМЃ Й›МЃ/ nzire vul nzughum laa n. n. nzutur n. /nz rМЃ Й›МЃ-vul/ /nzГ№gГ№mlГЎ:/ ??? Gloss groin to be meticulous about knitting, weaving or plaiting earthworm, roundworm owl concentration to perform a task death traditional women’s dress to make s.t. untidy to nourish mashed food with oil to make a place dirty, filthy ???? dirty habit, filthy person grimace, frown clay used for making pots and smoothing the interior of houses scorn made from grass or raphia communal farming for a traditional ruler pepper < Hausa bass tone, lowest singing voice, lowpitched anklet worn by riders to increase speed of horses gossiper ant sp. bedbug this cloth, it smells of bedbugs ???? o cГ©n lГЎГЎ hЙЁЙЁ fina ni Й“e ni su sor tulu wГєrwГєr They drove away my goat and it went straight to the house O. o oghop oghor v. v. /Й”МЂgЙ”МЂp/ /Й”МЂgЙ”МЂr/ ok ?. /Й”k/ to overload, pile up to move very close to fire 111 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Гіr Гіr kГЎГЎ oot pl. PoS n. n.p. v. IPA /Й”МЃr/ /Й”МЃr-kГЎ:/ /Й”:t/ Gloss noise, shout to be confused to force, compel pa paa1 paa2 pron. v. v. /pГ //Г pГ / /pГЎ:/ /pГЎ:/ ??? to cover, close, shut to cast lots Paal1 paal2 p.n. n. /pГЎ:l/ /pГ :l/ paap pГЎГЎpГЎГЎ n. excl. /pГ :p/ /pГЎ:pГЎ:/ paar1 paar2 n. v. /pГ :r/ /pa:r/ paas pГЎГЎt1 v. n. /pГ :s/ /pГЎ:t/ pГ Г t2 pГЎk1 num. quant. /pГ :t/ /pГЎk/ pak2 pГ k3 v. n. /pak/ /pГ k/ pal v. /pal/ pam n. /pam/ pГЎn1 pan2 pГ n3 v. adv. v. /pГЎn/ /pГЎn/ /pГ n/ pГ n3 n. /pГ n/ pang1 pГ ng2 n. n. /paЕ‹/ /pГ Е‹/ PГЎnyГ m p.n. /pГЎnyГ m/ P. 112 also apa A traditional method of detecting the cause of illness and crime. Mwaghavul clan (see bijer) mat made from raffia These were tied together branches with a cord, which could be spread like a mat and rolled up. duiker completely finished! A gesture to a child to tell them not to expect anything else. The two hands are clapped together. artery to shoot over a house, tree etc. to comb, clean African olive tree and Canarium schweinfurthii fruit, bush-candle Hausa atili five (5) cf. pГІГІ some, not all Mee gurum mo ji k МЃ shaghal, Й—ang pak gurum mo ji k МЃ long mo Some people brought money and other people brought animals to nurse a grudge his father (reference Presently considered to a male) offensive to the youths who are affected to fall, fail economically pound (ВЈ) < English. Former currency but no longer legal tender to take along a little longer to think, worry, remember thought, thinking, worries poisonous snake sp. soil type, red and suitable for growing millet stony major Mwaghavul The respelt name for Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss town. par1 par2 par meci par vul n. adv. adv. adv. /par/ /pГ r/ /parmЙ›:tКѓi/ /parvul/ parci adv. parkiya n. /pГ rtКѓГ¬//pГ r mЙ›МЂ:-tКѓГ¬/ /parkiya/ parpuus pas1 tar-pas n. pas2 pas buluk pas jengkajer n. n.p. n.p. pas kano Pyaanyaa, a town in Mangu L.G.A. One of the areas early missionaries first settled. night that day, day refers to days of the week) sometimes, some day the day after tomorrow one day also parmeci small hoe used < Hausa fartanya mainly for scraping and weeding ???? wet, rainy season arrow, generic arrow without barbs arrow type n.p. /pas//tarpas/ /pas/ /pas-Й“uluk/ /pasjeЕ‹kajer/ /pas-kanЙ”/ pas nangal n.p. /pas-naЕ‹al/ arrow type pas piyaghar n.p. arrow type pas song pas songkun n.p. n.p. arrow type arrow type with several barbs with three barbs pas yen pГЎp МЃrГЎ pГЎt n.p. n. n. /paspyagar/ /pas-sЙ”Е‹/ /passoЕ‹kГєn/ /pas-yЙ›n/ /pГЎp rМЃ ГЎ/ /pГЎt/ poisoned with a flat part towards the thin point with poison made from wood, Kulere type with spiral head with poison < Hausa parpara pataari n. /pГ tГ :rГ/ arrow type guinea corn variety sheath of knife, sword, matchet underwear used by elderly women pee1 pee2 pГЁГЁ aas1 pГЁГЁ Й“ang n. n. n.p. adv. /pЙ›:/ /pЙ›:/ /pЙ›МЂ:-a:s/ /pЙ›:-Й“ГЎЕ‹/ pГЁГЁ bar pГЁГЁ can pГЁГЁ cЙЁghЙЁr pГЁГЁ cin pГЁГЁ n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. pГЁГЁ dak pГЁГЁ dar pГЁГЁ del pГЁГЁ Й—i n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. /pЙ›МЂ:-bГЎr/ /pЙ›МЂ:-tКѓГ n/ /pЙ›МЂ:-tКѓ gМЂ rМЂ / /pЙ›:-tКѓГ¬npЙ›:/ /pЙ›МЂ:-Й—ГЎk/ /pЙ›МЂ:-Й—ГЎr/ /pЙ›МЂ:-Й—Й›МЂl/ pЙ›Й›Й—i pГЁГЁ diisi1 n.p. /pЙ›:113 arrow type with poisoned barbs This has fallen out of use with the introduction of dam mwanle time place, chance nest lit. вЂ�place eggs’ daybreak, early in the morning where to survive where to cut where to turn to when the going gets tough workplace appropriate place entrane there is chance, place, opportunity here, this place also peesi Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS pГЁГЁ diisi2 n.p. pГЁГЁ gung n.p. IPA Й—Г:s /МЂ /pЙ›:s /МЂ /pЙ›:Й—Г:s /МЃ /pЙ›:s /МЃ /pЙ›МЂ:-gГ№Е‹/ pГЁГЁ kaa pГЁГЁ kaat pГЁГЁ ki kaa pГЁГЁ ki wul pГЁГЁ kyeer pГЁГЁ kyes n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. /pЙ›МЂ:-kГ :/ /pЙ›МЂ:-kГ :t/ /pЙ›МЂ:-k kМЂ Г :/ /pЙ›:-k -МЂ wГєl/ /pЙ›МЂ:-kyЙ›МЂ:r/ /pЙ›МЂ:-kyЙ›МЃs/ pГЁГЁ lang n.p. /pЙ›МЂ:-lГ Е‹/ pГЁГЁ le n.p. /pЙ›МЂ:-lЙ›МЂ/ pГЁГЁ mee pГЁГЁ mer n.p. ????? /pЙ›МЂ:-mЙ›МЃr/ pГЁГЁ mЙЁmer pГЁГЁ mЙЁmet pГЁГЁ mini pГЁГЁ mЙЁni n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. pГЁГЁ muut pГЁГЁ mwan n.p. n.p. /pЙ›МЂ:-m m МЂ Й›МЂt/ /pЙ›МЂ:-mЙЁmЙ›МЃt/ /pЙ›:-m nМЂ i/ /pЙ›МЂ:m nМЂ i//mpЙ›МЂ:m nМЂ i/ /pЙ›МЂ:-mГє:t/ /pЙ›МЂ:-mwan/ pГЁГЁ nЙ—ok n.p. /pЙ›:-nЙ—Й”МЂk/ pГЁГЁ nkoo n.p. /pЙ›:-nkЙ”МЂ:/ pГЁГЁ pal pГЁГЁ piring pГЁГЁ put n.p. n.p. n.p. /pЙ›МЂ:-pГ l/ /pЙ›МЂ:-p rМЂ Г¬n/ /pЙ›МЂ:-pГєt/ pГЁГЁ rii pГЁГЁ ririi n.p. n.p. /pЙ›:-rГ:/ /pЙ›:-r rМЃ Г:/ pГЁГЁ sГ Г m pГЁГЁ sakkaa n.p. n.p. pГЁГЁ se gwoom n. pГЁГЁ seen pГЁГЁ sese pГЁГЁ shaal n.p. n.p. n.p. /pЙ›МЂ:-sГ :m/ /pЙ›МЂ:-sГЎkkГЎ:/ /pЙ›МЂ:sЙ›gwЙ”m/ /pЙ›МЂ:-sЙ›МЂ:n/ /pЙ›МЂ:-sЙ›sЙ›/ /pЙ›:-КѓГЎ:l/ pГЁГЁ shi sham n.p. /pЙ›:-Кѓ КѓМЃ ГЎm/ pГЁГЁ so pГЁГЁ sok n.p. n.p. /pЙ›МЂ:-sЙ”МЂ/ /pЙ›МЂ:-sЙ”k/ 114 Gloss there, that place also peesi where to persevere/tolerate where to climb where to meet uphill it is time, time is up where to graze finally, at the end; in conclusion where to hide/place of destruction where you keep things ???? where there are branches or where to branch to where to turn to where to jump there because of that, in also mpeemЙЁni view of that, consequently where to die where to walk/travel to where to be quiet/silent where there is darkness where to fall where to turn to where you come from/ones origin where it gets dark late in the evening (dusk) bed lit. вЂ�place to sleep’ barber, hairdresser where to have a haircut restaurant where one gets wiser where to eat dusk, late in the evening slope, downhill, decline where to go place for saving Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pГЁГЁ sushii pГЁГЁ taa pГЁГЁ taanpee pl. PoS n.p. n.p. n.p. IPA /pЙ›МЂ:-sГ№КѓГ:/ /pЙ›МЂ:-tГЎ:/ /pЙ›МЂ:-tГ :npЙ›:/ /pЙ›МЂ:-tГ n/ /pЙ›МЂ:-tЙ›МЂ:r/ pГЁГЁ tan pГЁГЁ teer n.p. n.p. pГЁГЁ tok diyeel n.p. pГЁГЁ tong1 pГЁГЁ tong2 pГЁГЁ wГ Г r pГЁГЁ wet n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. /pЙ›МЂ:-tЙ”МЂkЙ—ГyЙ›МЃ:l/ /pЙ›МЂ:-tЙ”МЂЕ‹/ /pЙ›МЂ:-tЙ”МЂЕ‹/ /pЙ›МЂ:-wГ :r/ /pЙ›МЂ:-wЙ›МЃt/ pГЁГЁ wum pГЁГЁ wurang n.p. n.p. /pЙ›МЂ:-wГ№m/ /pЙ›МЂ:-wГєrГЎЕ‹/ pГЁГЁ yaa pГЁГЁ zok pГЁГЁ zughum n.p. n.p. n.p. pГЁГЁ me ye peeméé pee pugyet peet peku int. num. adv. pron. conj. pel pГ©ngpГ©ng n. c.i. /pЙ›МЂ:-yГ :/ /pЙ›МЂ:-zЙ”МЃk/ /pЙ›:zГ№gГ№m/ /mpЙ›МЂ:-mЙ›yЙ›/ /pЙ›:mЙ›МЃ:/ /pЙ›:pГ№gyЙ›t/ /pЙ›МЂ:t/ /pЙ›МЂ:kГє//mpЙ›МЂ: kГє/ /pЙ›МЂl/ pГ©r1 per2 per2 yang kas n. v. v.p. per3 n. pet1 pГЁt2 pet2 pee pet3 picom pЙЁrep pЙЁrep v. v. v. n. n. /pЙ›МЃr/ /pЙ›r/ /pЙ›r-yГ Е‹kГ s/ /pЙ›t/ /pЙ›МЂt/ /pЙ›МЂt-pЙ›:/ /pЙ›МЃt//mpЙ›МЃt/ /pЙЁtКѓЙ”m//p kМЂ Й”m//pГ№kЙ”m / pider piil n. n. /pГ:l/ piin1 piin2 piin3 n. v. v. /pi:n/ /pi:n/ /pi:n/ pЙЁrep pyan Gloss where to run where to fall where to sew where to play where to spend the night court where to stay seat forbidden place where to spend the day cemetery where to bury the dead where your height reaches, according to height where to hold where to save, hide cold place why? six (6) many years ago her father (of female) so that also mpeku flower intensifies white (pyГЎГЎ) pebble to scatter method of farming fonio where the former millet ridges are broken up soil suitable for growing millet, fonio to burst, explode to call call broom also mpet edge of a cliff also pikom, pukom diarrhoea in children also kГ Г poo li swordgrass, Imperata cylindrica congograss to change money to burst, explode to break, split, smash, burst out laughing 115 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul piin4 pl. PoS v. IPA /pi:n/ piit pik pk МЂ om pГl pГl wus v. pron. n. v. n. pimbwoon n. /pi:t/ /pГ¬k/ /p kМЂ Й”m/ /pГl/ /pГlwus//mp Гlwus/ /pГ¬mЙ“wЙ”МЃ:n/ pirap v. /pЙЁrap//pura p/ pirep1 pirep2 v. v. /pЙЁrЙ›p/ /pЙЁrЙ›p/ piring1 n. /pЙЁriЕ‹/ piring2 v. /pЙЁriЕ‹/ pisyaa pit n. v. /p sМЂ yГЎ:/ /pГ¬t/ pito n. /pГ¬tЙ”МЃ/ piyeem n. /tiЕ‹ piyЙ›:m/ pЙЁder pЙЁghЙЁr n. v. /p dМЂ Й›r/ /pЙЁgЙЁr/ pЙЁghЙЁt v. /pЙЁgЙЁt/ pЙЁghЙЁzЙЁng n. /p gМЂ zМЂ ЙЁЕ‹/ pЙЁghЙЁzЙЁng vwaplas n. /p gМЂ zМЂ ЙЁЕ‹ vwГ plГ s 116 Gloss to scatter animals while grazing them to whistle also fiit your father used by a woman edge to dazzle firefly also mpilwus. lit. вЂ�dazzle fire’ female traditional made from woven jute like dress a вЂ�short knicker’ to tear from the also purap seams i.e. dress, box etc. to call (plural) cf. pet to explode (plural) cf. pin [?]also pet (singular) to change (i.e. money) to exchange, to turn over a person jute, fibre to put out fire, switch off light local liquor < Hausa. Extracted from mos after the first brew and allowed to ferment over 24 hours. Sweet in taste but strong in alcohol content wild date-palm Phoenix reclinata. Hausa kajinjere buttocks to expose, to dry clothes in the sun to begin cooking, to place pot on fire nose but used to apply to s.o. who has a large or pointed nose describes s.o. who has a very flat nose Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pЙЁkom pk МЂ yeen pl. PoS n. n. IPA /p kМЂ Й”m/ p kМЂ yeen pЙЁlang1 pЙЁlang3 pЙЁlang Й—es v. excl. excl. /pЙЁlaЕ‹/ /pЙЁlaЕ‹/ /pЙЁlaЕ‹Й—Й›s/ pЙЁlang zam pЙЁlang2 pЙЁpЙЁlet excl. v. n. p rМЂ ГЎng…ye p zМЂ ГЁp plas int. n. v. /pЙЁlaЕ‹-zam/ /pЙЁlaЕ‹/ /p pМЃ lМЃ Й›МЃt//mp МЃ lЙ›МЃlЙ›МЃr/ /p rМЂ ГЎЕ‹/ /p zМЂ Й›МЂp/ /plГЎs/ pГІГІ1 n. /pЙ”МЂ:/ pГІГІ1 Г m pГІГІ1 bish pГІГІ1 bwГЎghГЎp n.p. n.p. n.p. /pЙ”МЂ:-Г m/ pГІГІ1 ɗéé pГІГІ1 fung pГІГІ1 lap n.p. n.p. n.p. pГІГІ1 lu pГІГІ1 mГ№ yГГ pГІГІ1 Mwaghavul n.p. n.p. n.p. pГІГІ1 Ngween pГІГІ1 NnГ t pГІГІ1 pee pГІГІ1 rГ©t n.p. n.p. n.p. n. pГІГІ1 wur pГІГІ2 n.p. num /pЙ”МЂ:-wur/ pГІГІ2 féér pГІГІ2 kГєn pГІГІ2 vul num. num. num. /pЙ”МЂ:fЙ›МЃ:r/ /pЙ”МЂ:-kГєn/ /pЙ”МЂ:vul/ pЙ”Й” МЂ МЂ bwГЎghГЎp /pЙ”МЂ:-Й—Й›МЃ:/ /pЙ”МЂ:-fuЕ‹/ /pЙ”МЂ:-lГЎp/ /pЙ”МЂ:-lГє/ /pЙ”МЂ:mwagavul/ /pЙ”МЂ:-ngwЙ›:n/ /pЙ”МЂ:-nnГ :t/ /pЙ”МЂ:-pЙ›:/ /pЙ”МЂ:-rЙ›МЃt/ 117 Gloss edge forehead wuri kЙЁ p k МЂ yeen kaa nkwak sЙЁ He has a forehead like a he-goat to thank Thank you! Thank you very much! Thanks very much! to rinse strong grass used as Also mpЙЁleler local broom When? fibre from maize cob to smoothen, plaster a building mouth, opening, cf. l МЂ pГІГІ for вЂ�language’ entrance, word, dialect, language seaside, riverside scorn describes s.o. with a toothless mouth slip of the tongue window lit. вЂ�mouth hole’. person who amplifies what the chief or emir says for others to hear door, entrance chronicles, history lit. recent coinage. Mwaghavul language Hausa language English language entrance good talk, soothing speech or words nipple five (5) only used in compounds. cf. pГ Г t for the count form. nine (9) 5+4 eight (8) 5+3 seven (7) 5+2. This number symbolic for the Mwaghavul community. The “Kum” is structured into 7 such that anything resulting in вЂ�7’ is considered as complete “nrankum”. The tubwoor native draft game is structured into 7 per side and if one is eliminated by an opponent casting his atili Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA portok n. pris pu n. v.a. /pris/ pГ№ Й“Гt pГ№ Й—ГІk adv. adv. pughal pГєk1 /pГ№-Й“Гt/ /pГ№Й—Й”МЂk//mp МЂ Й—Й”МЂk/ n. /pГєk/ pГєk2 n. /pГєk/ puk1 v. /puk/ puk2 v. /puk/ pГ№k pГ№k Й“ГєlГєk n. n.p. /pГ№k/ /pГ№k-Й“ГєlГєk/ pГ№k cicet pГ№k Й—ai n.p. n.p. pГ№k dep pГ№k kam pГ№k kЙЁЙЁr pГ№k kЙЁpuk n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. /pГ№k-tКѓГ¬tКѓЙ›МЂt/ /pГ№kЙ—ГЎi//pГ№kkЙ”k-jan/ /pГ№k-dЙ›МЂp/ /pГ№k-kam/ /pГ№k-k :МЂ r/ /pГ№k-kЙЁpuk/ pГ№k kom pГ№k kom goghor n.p. n.p. pГ№k kom mЙЁlom n.p. pГ№k kunglung n.p. pГ№k kwaan n.p. /pГ№k-kЙ”МЃm/ /pГ№k-kЙ”mgЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂr/ /pГ№k-kЙ”mm lМЃ Й”МЃm//pГ№k -kЙЁm lМЃ Й”МЃm/ /pГ№k-kГ№Е‹lГєЕ‹/ /pГ№kkwГ :n//kwГ :/ 118 Gloss seeds in the multiple of вЂ�7’ i.e. 21, then you would have eliminated him in accordance with the Kum. If the “Seer” (Local priest casts his lot and the result is synonymous with the number вЂ�7’ then the вЂ�gods’ must have answered the prayer. portion of meat assigned to the one who between the neck and kills the animal on a the body of an hunting expedition animal. church minister < E. вЂ�priest’ marks progressive Ra pu shwГ r She is aspect laughing dawn, by day break quietly also mp Й— МЂ ГІk ??? temporary shelter for cf. Hausa buka drying maize, guinea corn etc soot, lampblack, carbon cover the top of a temporary shelter or house to splash flour all over the place soup, general name soup without other condiments stew draw soup kokjan not draw soup draw soup not draw soup draw soup made from yakuwa. sorrel groundnut soup draw soup soup from cocoyam puk5-kЙЁmЙЁlom leaves draw soup okra soup also kwaa Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pГ№k laaweet pl. PoS n.p. IPA /pГ№k-lГ :wЙ›МЃ:t/ /pГ№k-lГ :kЙЁЙ“aЕ‹//pГ№kbwЙ›МЃmbwЙ›rЙ›МЂ/ /pГ№k-lЙ›m/ /pГ№klЙ›МЂndЙ›МЂЕ‹/ /pГ№k-lГєlГєk/ Gloss draw soup pГ№k lakЙЁbang n.p. pГ№k lem pГ№k lengdeng n.p. n.p. pГ№k5 luluk n.p. pГ№k mumwish n.p. pГ№k munaan n.p. pГ№k ndarkam n.p. pГ№k ntas n.p. /pГ№k-ntГЎs/ pГ№k sheem pГ№k taanting n.p. n.p. pГ№k takbwagham n.p. pГ№k wap pГ№k yer pГ№kГЎГЎ pГ№kГЎГЎ sar kul n.p. n.p. n. n. pГ№kГЎГЎ sar se n. pГ№kГІr n. pГ№kyen n. pulpul n. pГ№mbulek v. pГ№mbГєlГ©t n. pГ№mbwГ n n. pГ№mbwГ n biyaap pГ№mbwГ n bwembwere pГ№mbwГ n n. n. /pГ№k-КѓЙ›:m/ /pГ№k-tГЎ:n tГЕ‹/ /pГ№k-tГ kdraw soup bwГ gГ m//pГ№ k-mbwГ gГ m/ /pГ№k-wГ p/ pepper soup /pГ№k-yЙ›r/ draw soup /pГ№kГЎ:/ leader of farmers /pГ№ka:leader of left-handed sarkГ№l/ farmers /pГ№ka:leader of right handed sarsЙ›/ farmers /pГ№kЙ”МЂr//pЙЁk non-indigene Й”МЂr/ /pГ№kyЙ›:n//p МЂ forehead kyЙ›:n/ /pulpul//mp butterfly ul-pul/ /pГ№mbulЙ›k/ air bubbles when water boils m /pГ№ bГєlЙ›МЃt/ edge of a chair, bench, tail end of a chair /pГ№mbwГ n/ local food of the Mwaghavul /bГyГЎ:p/ pumpkin w /b Й›mbwЙ›re/ /dГ wГєfil/ n. /pГ№kmumwiКѓ/ /pГ№kmuna:n//mЙЁ na:n/ 119 not draw soup also bwenbwere draw soup draw soup local soup with all the appropriate condiments soup (medicinal) it causes itchiness, it is a cure for typhoid bitterleaf soup also minaan creeper used in making a very mucilaginous soup, favoured by the Idoma mushroom soup, not draw soup same as pukluluk. draw soup (tumbunuwa- hausa) also puk5 mbwaagham why this distinction? also pikyeen Also mpulpul made with fonio combined with various leaves Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul dawufil pГ№mbwГ n dinkim pГ№mbwГ n jarmen pГ№mbwГ n kom yer pГ№mbwГ n kwakshimanjing pГ№mbwГ n lubwak pГ№mbwГ n mbwagham pГ№mbwГ n muluu pГ№mbwГ n nfwoongwom pГ№mbwГ n ngughir pГ№mbwГ n njaal pГ№mbwГ n nkilis pГ№mbwГ n nkoko pГ№mbwГ n nkontughur pГ№mbwГ n nsum caar pГ№mbwГ n nyaktirak pГ№mbwГ n nyakyit pГ№mbwГ n nyee kuul pГ№mbwГ n pwas Й“weng wugЙЁl wulam yizep pun1 pun2 pun2 aak pun2 aas pl. PoS IPA n. n. n. /dГ¬nkim/ /jГЎrmГ©n/ /kЙ”m-yЙ›r/ n. n. /kwakКѓiman-jiЕ‹/ /lГ№bwГ k/ n. /mbwГ gГ m/ n. n. /mГ№lГє:/ /nfwЙ”:ngwЙ”МЃm/ /ngГ№gЙЁr/ n. n. /njГ :l/ /nkЙЁlЙЁs/ /nkЙ”kЙ”МЃ:/ /nkЙ”:ntugur/ /nsГєm-tКѓГЎ:r/ n. /nyГ kt rМЂ Г k/ n. /nyak-yit/ n. /nyЙ›:-kГє:l/ n. /pwas-Й“wЙ›Е‹/ n. n. n. v. v. v.p. v.p. /wГ№g lМЃ / /wГ№lГЎm/ /yГ¬zЙ›МЂp/ /pun/ /pun/ /pun-a:k/ /pun-a:s/ v.p. v.p. /pun-as/ /pun-lЙ”n/ pun3 Pun v. p.n. /pГ№n/ pГ№n dГ¬ng v.p. /pГ№n-Й—Г¬Е‹/ punpГєn n. /pun-pГєn/ pun2 as pun2 long n. n. n. n. pwan pwan shang aas 120 Gloss pumpkin to thresh maize to eject, evict abortion separation of flour using a winnowing tray from chaff kutut to castrate dog to castrate A ram with one testes removed is called gibar, castrated cow is called mpaat, castrated ram is called ntibe, castrated hegoat is called nkoor. to regurgitate (baby) ceremony for initiation of youth to attend in great numbers regurgitation by babies Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pГєpГєlep pl. PoS n. pГєpwГЎp pГ№s1 pГ№s2 pwas pwas n. v. v. IPA /pГєpГєlЙ›p//p lМЃ Й›МЃlЙ›МЃr/ /pГєpwГЎp/ /pГ№s/ /pГ№s/ pГ№s3 pГ№s Г m pwas pwas am v. v.p. /pwas/ /pГ№s-Г m/ pГ№s Г m lГ Г pwas am lГ Г v.p. /pГ№s-Г mlГ :/ pГ№s kaam n. /pГ№s-ka:m/ pГ№s tГ№p n. /pГ№s-tГ№p/ put put put dГЎГЎs pwat pwat dГЎГЎs v. n. /put/ /putdГЎ:s//wa:nd ГЎ:s/ put lГє pwat lГє v.p. /putlГє/ n. /pГ№tugur/ n. /putugup/ pГ№tughup2 n. /pГ№tugup/ pГ№tughup Й—ii wuwat n.p. /pГ№tugup Й—i:wuwat/ pГ№tughur putughup1 5 mo A proverbial expression 121 Gloss tough grass sp. also p МЃlГ©lГ©r fish sp. to kick, butt (animal) to shoot, arrow, gun etc. to nail s.t. in to blow ointment on the anus of a child to relieve constipation traditional way of inducing a child that has not passed stool for days to pass such stool itchy substance from jute plant cowitch, stinging Mucuna pruriens bush-vine ???? Koghorong lГ Г yingyГng5 mГ ng ghГ put Й“wot mmo shwar Koghorong [a hero] has given birth to an insane person, which makes him become a laughing-stock to go out, get out ???? also waa-ndГЎГЎs. Mwaghavul men who have been properly raised, when shot at the war front or during hunting expedition and certain requirements are met would re-surface at home provided that women do not mourn his death once the family begins to mourn his death, he will never show up again at home but probably elsewhere. Real men were known for such gallantry. to transfer from one house to another sloping area, edge of a cliff person full of determination part of the chest near the heart sorrow, grief, sadness Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pГ№tughup wat puul puun puun kaam pГ№Г№r1 pl. mo mo mo pwaar PoS n. n. n. n. v. IPA /pГ№tugupwat/ /pГ№:l/ /pu:n/ /pu:n-ka:m/ /pГ№:r/ puur2 puus puus a naar n. n. adv. Puus KГ Г t p.n. puus kЙЁ kГ Г n.p. puus lГ Г puus nЙЁnГЁГЁp n.p. adv. puus nook Й—i n.p. pwГЎghГЎl1 n. /pu:s-kЙЁkГ :/ /pu:s-lГ :/ /pu:snЙЁnЙ›МЂ:p/ /pu:s-nЙ”:kЙ—i/ /pwГЎgГЎl/ PwГ ghГ l2 p.n. /pwГ gГ l/ pwaghan v. /pwagan/ pwan1 v. /pwan/ pwan2 pwas1 v. v. /pwan/ /pwas/ pwas mwaan n. /pwasmwa:n/ /pu:r/ /pu:s/ /pu:s-ana:r/ /pu:s-kГ :t/ Gloss sorrow, grief, sadness eagle father father-in-law to roast, burn, roast an animal to get rid the fur or feathers animal sp. sun, day noon day set aside by Mwaghavul people to meet and showcase their culture sunrise birthday afternoon holiday frame for hanging animals to be smoked celebration of victory when a famous enemy was killed on the battlefield or a large wild animal was killed to jealousy imitate, rivalry, mimic to thresh maize by cf. pun hand (plural) to eject (plural) cf. pun to nail an object, cf. push crucify, peck, shoot (plural) plant sp. ???? run out pwat 122 The enemy’s head would be cut off, put in a goatskin bag with locust beans leaves. Only heroes wore that leaf on their heads, others would participate in the victory dance. The peoples for which this could be organised for were the Ron, Berom, Fyam and animals such as leopard and cheetah, but not a hyena. The heads of such enemies and animals were offered to the gods for blessing (no longer practised) randong mГі Й—el pwat nkuut long gГ№tГ№tГ№t The cows came Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA out of the pen gГ№tГ№tГ№t v. /pwЙ›:r/ n. v. /pwЙ”МЂ:n/ /pwЙ”s/ pwos lip v.p. /pwЙ”s-lip/ pwos mwГІГІr v.p. pwos yen v.p. /pwЙ”smwЙ”МЂ:r/ /pwЙ”s-yЙ›n/ pyaa pyГЎГЎ1 excl. v. pyaa2 pyaa-pyaa pyГЎГЎ pГ©ngpГ©ng v. pyГЎghГЎl pyГЎghГЎl pyГЎГЎ pyГ ghГ r n. n.p. n. pyГ ghГ r wus n. pweer pwГІГІn pwos mo a. Gloss /pyГЎ:/ /pyГЎ://kyЙ›:n pyГЎ:/ /pyГЎ:/ /pyГЎ:pЙ›МЃЕ‹pЙ›МЃЕ‹/ /pyГЎgГЎl/ /pyГЎgГЎlpyГЎ:/ /pyГ gГ r/ /pyГ gГ rwus/ 123 to expose, to dry clothes in the sun wooden spoon to clean, comb, brush, rub to rub powder on one’s face to rub pomade to rub ointment on the body Good luck! to be lucky also kyeen-pyГЎГЎ to be white, fair ???? very white thigh poor person lit. вЂ�white thigh’ spiral, screw – like, to screw old method of Production of fire requires producing fire team work ie two or three people would take their turns in quick succession and in about five minutes smoke will be produced resulting in fire. The Mwaghavul people had two methods, the friction method piyarghar wus and the flint method shaghal wus. the following items are required piyaghar wus; strong piece of stick silk cotton or hay dry cactus or piece of wood (soghor plant) piece of iron/metal pebble silk cotton from silk cotton tree to produce fire the pebble and silk cotton are held together on one hand while the piece of metal/iron on the other hand is struck against the pebble, the spark so produced would be converted into fire by burning the silk cotton, it is Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss necessary to state here that since the production of light i.e the piyahar wus was cumbersome the Mwaghavul people had to find a way of preserving fire for domestic use. they used cow-dung or kavuk (chaff from threshed acha) these two don’t burn fast and could store fire for two or three days, it is usually preserved at toghol if in the dry season and in the kapuk during the rainy season. pyak pyak pee pyan PyГЎГЎnyaa v. a. ? v. p.n. /pyan/ /pyГЎ:-nya:/ Pyan tГєghГєl p.n. /pyantГєgГєl/ pyeel pyeem n. n. /pyЙ›:l/ /pyЙ›:m/ pyéér v. /pyЙ›МЃ:r/ pyepye n. /pyЙ›-pyЙ›/ ra raa rГЎГЎ nlГЁr kГєt pron. v. v.p. rГЎГЎ shit v.p. /ra/ /ra:/ /rГЎ:-nlЙ›МЂrkГєt/ /rГЎ:-Кѓit/ rГЎГЎ t b МЂ Г rnГЎ rГ Г m v. n. /rГЎ:-t bМЂ Г rnГЎ/ /rГ :m/ rГ Г s raghap rГЎk n. a. v. /rГ :s/ /ragap/ /rГЎk/ ran v. /ran/ ran v. ran to grope in the dark groping in the dark to break (pl.) cf. piin original name of Panyam town hunting festival, Panyam and Pushit people, expedition usually a day preceding Riyeem morsel, piece of food wild date palm Phoenix reclinata used for mats and hats to cut, slice, make incision flat cover for < Hausa calabash woven from raffia leaves R 124 she, her to weave, knit to knit a sweater also wura to weave grass for thatching of roof to weave a mat tree sp. and its fruit Syzygium guineense Hausa malmo bamboo (plant) excessive beating to do something irrespective of the consequences to write, to make stripes to distribute, to share Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss ran g МЃn v.p. ran g nМЃ randong randong maar rang ranran rap1 n. ??? v. /randЙ”Е‹/ ???? ???? /ranran/ /rap/ rap2 rap2 kyeen v. v.p. out describes s.o. with extensive tribal marking on the cheeks cow ox ???? writing to be black, dirty, dark (complexion) to be unlucky to have bad luck, misfortune, to have a bad rap rap-rap rasa n. /rasa/ costume rГЁГЁkГ© reep rГЁГЁp bilaat n. n. n. /rЙ›МЂ:kЙ›МЃ/ /rЙ›:p/ /rЙ›МЂ:p-b lМЃ Г :t/ sugar-cane young girl, daughter Fulani girl v. /rЙ›МЃЕ‹/ rГ©ng2 n. /rЙ›МЃЕ‹/ rГЁp rep pГЎk v. a. /rЙ›МЂp/ /rЙ›p pГЎk/ rГ©t rГ©t nyit v. v.p. /rЙ›МЃt/ /rЙ›МЃt nyit/ to outdo one another on the farm fresh soil produced while farming to be small small portion; quantity to be good, fine happiness, excitement, thrills ret-ret rГ pron. /rГ/ he, him 1 rЙ“ МЂ ГЁt n. /rГ¬Й“Й›МЂt/ 2 rЙ“ МЂ ГЁt rЙ“ МЂ ГЁt kГЎГЎ ring rГГ riin riin Й—iiЙ“ang riin Й—iibish Rim v. n. v. v. n. n. n. p.n. /rГ¬Й“Й›МЂt/ /rГ¬Й“Й›МЂt-kГЎ:/ /rГ¬Е‹/ /rГ/ /ri:n/ /ri:nЙ—Г:Й“ГЎЕ‹/ /ri:n Й—i:-biКѓ/ /rГ¬m/ ring shii rip1 rip2 rЙЁran v. n. v. ?? rГ¬Е‹-КѓГ:/ /rГ¬p/ /rip/ /rЙЁrГ n/ ceremony before marriage where all the relations are entertained to wish, desire selfishness lit. вЂ�to desire head’ to cause confusion to be dark spirit, shadow, shade holy spirit evil spirit name of Daika village to confuse irritant, irritation itchy substance written rГ©ng1 jiraap jiraap b МЃlГ Г t 125 worn on the waist while dancing velang < Hausa third person singular masculine pronoun, reduced form. cf. wГ№rГ Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul rЙЁret rish rish nang rish nang pl. mo PoS adv. v. v. IPA /r rМЃ Й›t/ /rГКѓ/ /rГКѓ-naЕ‹/ n. ritas1 n. Ritas2 p.n. /ritas//njГ Е‹jaЕ‹/ /ritas/ riya n. /riya:/ roghop1 roghop2 roghop kong sham a. v. v. /rЙ”gЙ”p/ /rЙ”ЙЈЙ”p/ /rМ‚ Й”gЙ”p-kЙ”Е‹Кѓam/ rГіgГІ romji n. p.n. /rЙ”МЃgЙ”МЂ/ /rЙ”МЃmК¤i/ ron1 Ron2 ron3 rong kaa rop n. p.n. a. v.p. v. /rЙ”МЃn/ /rЙ”МЂn//nrЙ”МЂn/ /rЙ”n/ v. n. ruko v. rum v. /rГ№/ /rГ№Й—Й›МЃ//wГєrg w Й”МЃm/ /rГ№kЙ”МЂ//rГ№kw Й”МЂ//rГ№kЙ”МЂ:/ /rГ№m/ rГ№mЙ“ГЎГЎs rГєrГєГє n. v. /rГ№mЙ“ГЎ:s/ /rГєrГє:/ rwa rwang v. n. /rwa/ /rwГ Е‹/ ryang ryéé n. v. /ryГЎЕ‹/ ryéé pee v.p. ryeem1 v. /ryЙ›:m/ Ryeem2 p.n. /ryЙ›:m/ ru rude rwa 126 Gloss properly to sneeze to wear clothes inside out knot used to tie maize while drying it out mumps cf. njГ ngjang spirit which causes mumps iron anklet, smaller than nzire pompous, proud to break pl. to kill a person and bury him for poor behavioural pattern cassava plant slaves originally from Kulere now referred to as freed Fulani madness Ron people out of tune to disperse, go out to observe the day of the dead to embed cooking porridge to swim or stay under water for a long time to lick powder, flour, salt etc guinea-worm to shout for help, shout of despair to embed (plural) one who starts a case, causes problems etc welfare, health, peace to look at sceptically, to find fault to look at sceptically, to find fault to destroy, demobilise, render useless hunting festival/expedition worn by boys while riding horses plural of tep < Hausa < Hausa also nron musical instrument no-one goes to the farm on such a day also wurgwom also rukwo, rukoo cf. ru Pushit community, organised to check the growth of wild animals in the area that could be harmful to the community Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul ryeep pl. PoS v. IPA /r Й›МЂ:p/ Gloss to mix, jumble saa saa a lГ Г pГГt saam saam shiЙ“ut v. v.p. v. v.p. /sa:/ sГ Г r sГ Г s safiyo saghan adv. n. n. n. /sa:m/ /sa:m-КѓГ¬Й“ut/ /sГ :r/ /sГ :s/ /sГ fГyЙ”МЂ/ /sГ gГ n/ pron. v. v.p. n. v. /sak/ /sak/ /sak-ma:r/ /sak-Й—ar/ /sГЎk/ sak3 kaa sak poo sal v.p. n. n. /sГЎk-ka:/ /sak-pЙ”:/ /sГ l/ sГЎm v. /sГЎm/ to cut (pl.) to snivel, sniffle to sleep, to lie down lie down on one’s stomach when it stops raining animal ribs surveyor lineage, section, clan, part, ward etc yourself to farm act of farming police to shave, barb, have a haircut to have a haircut bridle plain ground, plain land to sharpen a knife, hoe etc., to scratch sГЎm pyГЎghГЎl san1 v.p. n. /san/ pron. n. n. /san/ /sГ ndГ№r/ /sans rМЃ Й›МЃk/ sansЙЁrek nshii n. /sansЙЁrЙ›kn КѓГ:/ sГЎr sar cii kaat kЙЁnok n. n.p. sar gaal n.p. /sГЎr/ /sГЎr-tКѓГ:ka:t-k nМЂ Й”МЂk/ /sar-gГ :l/ sar hЙЁrit n.p. sar ka n.p. y S sak1 sak2 sak2 maar sak dar sak3 san2 sandur sansЙЁrek suk sun /sГЎrka/ 127 cf. can < Hausa cf. der wГ№rГЎ sГЎm pyГЎghГЎl kГєrГЎshkГєrГЎsh she scratched her thigh, kГєrГЎshkГєrГЎsh lit. вЂ�to scratch the thigh’ to lie to pour liquid on someone or away myself island < Hausa necklace worn by girls decorative chain worn on the leg by girls hand empty-handed, inability to meet need bahama grass Cynodon dactylon. Hausa kirikiri knot to tie up domestic animals string used in tying bow Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul sar kan sar kul sar kutut sar nЙЁghЙЁn pl. PoS n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. IPA /sar-kan/ /sar-kГ№l/ /sar-kГєtГ№t/ /sar-nЙЁgЙЁn/ sar ran sar se sar shak sar tЙЁbЙЁlak yaa nduu n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. /sar-rГ n/ /sar-sЙ›/ /sar-КѓГ k/ /sar-t bМЃ lМЃ ГЎk yГ :-ndu:/ sГЎt v. /sГЎt/ sГЎt lГЁ pГ n v.p. sat shi kaa1 sat shi kaa2 n.p. v.p. /sГЎt-КѓГ¬-kГЎ:/ /sГЎt-КѓГ¬-kГЎ:/ sГЎt yaghal n. /sГЎt-yГ gГ l/ sat sГ t pron. n. /sat/ /sГ t/ se3 se1 se2 se lЙЁbet n. v. v. v.p. /sЙ›МЃ/ /sЙ›/ /sЙ›/ /sЙ›-l Й“МЂ Й›МЂt/ se lughup se pee v.p. v.p. se rЙЁЙ“et n. se rЙЁЙ“et Й—imu tar Й—ii poo se se se shang se shel se teng se tong ashak v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. se yГl v.p. /sЙ›pЙ›://mbura m/ Gloss wrong side left hand side bicycle wheel best harvest of millet preserved for use as seeds during next farming season handwriting right hand the same to mistakenly kill s.o. instead of the one earlier intended to inform, say, notify, preach, tell to toast (i.e. give recent coinage good wishes) memorised verse to recite off head, from memory drink Usually provided during (yaghal-maar) early in the morning between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. to those working on a farm. A traditional way of informing farmers that work has commenced on the farm. herself seat, usually of flat rock food to win to eat to eat extra at the disadvantage of others bribery, bribe lit. вЂ�to eat s.t. loose’ gluttony, eat a lot also mburam ceremony preparatory to wedding new moon festival recent coinage /sЙ›-sЙ›МЃ/ /sЙ›-КѓГЎЕ‹/ /sЙ›-КѓЙ›МЃl/ /sЙ›-tЙ›МЃЕ‹/ /sЙ›-tЙ”Е‹aКѓГ k/ /sЙ›-yГl/ 128 to eat food ostentatious living ???? to refuse absolutely to partake of Holy communion to grovel as a mark of lit. вЂ�to eat earth’ Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA seel v. /sЙ›МЂ:l/ seen1 seen2 seen2 took seen3 n. n. n. n. /sЙ›:n/ /sЙ›:n/ /sЙ›:n-tЙ”МЃ:k/ /sЙ›МЂ:n/ seer1 n. /sЙ›:r/ seer2 séét n. v. /sЙ›МЂ:r/ /sЙ›МЃ:t//sЙ›МЃ:tk /МЃ /sЙ›:t-k /МЃ /sЙ›МЃ:t-sЙ›:n/ /sekЙ”МЃd rМЂ /МЂ /sЙ›kЙ”МЃp/ /sЙ›kЙ”МЃp/ sirep seet kЙЁ2 seet seen sekondЙЁrЙЁ sekop1 Sekop2 v.p. v.p. n. v. p.n. sekyeen1 sekyeen2 n. v. sel sel sen v. n. n. sГЁp se-se seshel seteng n. shГЎГЎl1 v. shaar1 shaar2 shaar lek shaar mwaan shaar nwor shaar shak shaar tong shaghal1 n. a. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. v. n. mo shГ ghГ l2 shГ ghГ l2 kipak n. n.p. shГ ghГ l2 wus n.p. shagham a. Gloss total submission to be slimy, like draw soup life roots vein in the neck wisdom, knowledge, cunning traditional ruler He does not speak to the public directly but through a polap (who amplifies what he says). laziness to buy, sell also séét kЙЁ sell to risk one’s life secondary school to inherit clan of ruling house in Panyam /sЙ›-kyЙ›:n/ progress /sЙ›-kyЙ›:n/ to proceed, continue, advance /sЙ›МЃl/ to lead, guide /sЙ›МЃl/ leader, guide /sЙ›МЂn//mГ :r- traditional farming, sЙ›МЂn/ grass and soil excavated by the hoe /sЙ›МЂp/ axe ???? ??? gluttony ???? to be obstinate, stubborn, uncompromising /КѓГЎ:l/ to become dusk, get dark/cloudy, to blur vision /Кѓa:r/ friend /КѓГ :r/ friendly /КѓГ :r-lЙ›МЂk/ enemy /КѓГ :r-mwa:n/ fellow traveller /КѓГ :r-nwЙ”МЂr/ customer /КѓГ :r-КѓГ k/ friends /КѓГ :r-tЙ”МЂЕ‹/ neighbours /Кѓagal/ method of preparing food /КѓГ gГ l/ money, iron, metal /КѓГ gГ lflat metal used in kЙЁpГЎk/ decorating horses /КѓГ gГ l-wus/ flintstone, match, lighter /КѓГЎgГЎm/ lean, haggard 129 < English ie (maar-sen) в‰ Hebrew shekel. lit. вЂ�iron of fire’ Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul shaghat shak pl. PoS v. IPA /sagat/ shak shakshik n. a. /КѓГЎk/ /КѓГЎkКѓГ:/ sham v. /Кѓam/ sham am kaa nfii v.p. /Кѓam-Г m kГ :nfГ¬:/ sham ki kaa v.p. sham mwaan v.p. sham seen v. /Кѓam-k -МЃ kГЎ://sa:mk -МЃ kГЎ:/ /Кѓammwa:n/ /Кѓam-sЙ›:n/ sham taa v.p. /Кѓam-tГЎ:/ sham yaghal shГЎng1 shГЎng mwГІs shang aas v.p. v. n. v.p. all mid /КѓГЎЕ‹/ /КѓaЕ‹-a:s/ shang shang2 shwat v. /КѓaЕ‹/ shang2 aghas shang nuk shang2 sar1 shwat ~ shwat ~ shwat sar v.p. /КѓaЕ‹-Г gГ s/ ??? /КѓaЕ‹sГЎr//КѓwatsГЎr/ /КѓГ Е‹/ /КѓaЕ‹-lЙ›МЃ:/ ???? v.p. shang2 shang2 léé shang milom n. n.p. shГ ng2 pupwap n.p. /КѓГ Е‹pКЉМЃpwГЎp/ 130 Gloss to close, cover ?? mГі yak shak g sМЂ hГ¬shash g sМЂ hГ¬shash They held on to each other g МЂ shГ¬shash g МЂ shГ¬shash to sieve jovial, one who jokes a lot to go down, get off, disembark, alight, come in abundance, get out of, rise from, take off insect that lives in the When removed from water, water no moisture can be seen on its body. to be humble, also saam ki-kaa humility to pay a visit to others to establish roots, to be deep rooted to fall down, to stop lit. вЂ�to go down, stand up’ over to take off (as a bird) to be sweet ant sp. producing flour to be mixed with water and served to visitors in place of gruel ???? kГІГІk pughal ni doghon shang mЙЁghЙЁn mГ t funu no zam har ni kГ ГЎ wГ№rГЎ cukcur yesterday our old woman danced the Pughal dance so much that she became very excited cukcur to withdraw, pull out, remove to extract tooth to be betrothed to withdraw from an action net, general name net for carrying loads net used to carry cocoyam or sweet potato fishing net Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul shang2 sar2 pl. IPA /КѓГ Е‹-sГЎr/ v.p. Shang shГГ nГІghГІl shang3 shang3 sar1 PoS n. shwat shwat sar v. v. /КѓaЕ‹/ /КѓaЕ‹sГЎr//КѓwatsГЎr/ /КѓaЕ‹-sГЎr n gГ№rГ№m n kЙЁpГЎk/ /КѓГ Е‹kwГ gГ l/ shГ ng sГЎr gГ№rГ№m kЙЁpГЎk v. shГ ng kwaghal n. shГЎng-shГЎng shash v. /КѓГЎКѓ/ shee v. /КѓЙ›:/ shee Й—i shee lГ Г v.p. v.p. sheem n. ??? /КѓЙ›:-lГ ://lГ :k tМЃ КѓЙ”МЃ/ /КѓЙ›:m/ Sheemee shi p.n. shi shi kibwoon v. v.p. shi parci ?? shi tughur shibal shiЙ“il v.p. adv. n. ShiЙ“ЙЁlang p.n. shiЙ“ut lu n. shiЙ“ut pee n. shidaar adv. Gloss local women’s handbag lit. вЂ�to pull out leg from Ceremonies performed when a between the legs’ [of man inherits the wife women implied] of his brother. to slap to slap s.o. to slap s.o. on the cheek riverine animal ??? to pick up, carry a heavy load to change, begin anew, restart, be the first change first delivery see lГ Г kЙЁco potash, made from ashes after distillation /КѓЙ›:mЙ›МЃ:/ ward in Panyam ??? nГГ ni sГ№ sГІ nd gМЂ nМЂ shi yeep mГі kudГ№nГ№ngkudГ№nГ№ng the elephant ran into the trees, kudГ№nГ№ngkudГ№nГ№ng; lГ Г tum ni yГЎghГЎl mЙЁrep shi ret nyit zhГ¬rГ¬kzhГ¬rГ¬k the child jumped up and down with excitement zhГ¬rГ¬kzhГ¬rГ¬k /КѓГ¬/ to use (can be translated with, by) /КѓГ¬:-kЙЁЙ“wЙ”МЃ:n/ to go backwards, in reverse /КѓГ¬-pГ rcГ¬/ occasionally, sometimes /КѓГ¬tГєgГєr/ long, sloping area /КѓГ¬Й“ГЎl/ by force, strongly /КѓiЙ“il/ peel, skin of certain fruits or vegetables /КѓiЙ“ЙЁlГ Е‹ / heaven, paradise It is believed that when good people die, they go to shiЙ“ЙЁlang /КѓГ¬Й“utwall also shuЙ“ut lu lГє//КѓГ№Й“utlГє/ /КѓГ¬Й“ut-pЙ›/ wall of a trunk, big rock /Кѓida:r/ daily 131 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul shidaar-shidaar pl. PoS id. shidyes n. IPA /КѓГ¬dГ :rКѓГ¬dГ :r/ /КѓiЙ—yЙ›s/ shii1 shii dughul n. n.p. /КѓГ:/ /Кѓi:-dГ№gГ№l/ shii feer n.p. /КѓГ:-fЙ›МЃ:r/ shii kЙЁ taa-lung n.p. shii lop n.p. /КѓГ:-k -МЃ tГЎ:lГєЕ‹/ /Кѓi:-lЙ”МЂp/ shii mwaan shii naat shii nЙ“woon shii put nkom n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. shii teer shii teer Й—iisi n. n. shii toghon shiit n.p. v. /Кѓi:-mwa:n/ /КѓГ:-nГ :t/ /КѓГ:-mЙ“wЙ”МЃ:n/ /КѓГ:putn kЙ”МЃm/ /Кѓi:-tЙ›МЂ:r/ /Кѓi:-tГЁ:rЙ—Г:s /МЂ /КѓГ:-tЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃn/ /Кѓi:t/ shiit mwoor n. /Кѓi:t-mwЙ”МЂ:r/ shii2 shik1 n. v. /КѓГ¬://nКѓГ¬:/ Кѓik shik2 shik2 bish shГ¬k2 mГ t n. n. n.p. КѓГ¬k /КѓГ¬k-biКѓ/ shГ¬k lМЂ Г¬ng shiko shilak n. n. n. shilip shilip nfyam n. n. /tiЕ‹ КѓikЙ”/ /КѓГlГЎk//nКѓГlГЎ k/ /КѓГ¬lГ¬p/ /КѓГ¬lГ¬pn y f Г m/ 132 Gloss daily designated place for children to pass their stool leg describes s.o. who is flat footed motor-vehicle, anything with four wheels limping person tip you give to a child for going on an errand footstep bird that eats maize lit. вЂ�foot red’ push over dislocation of the pelvis, leg few days these few days soldier to pound, grind, and thresh grain for cooking brown colour of animals (goat) honey, bee to germinate millet for brewing matter, issue sin, wrongdoing The first act in the process of engagement radio tree sp. boiled spinach lit. вЂ�pounding oil’ also nshii lit. вЂ�issue bad’ lit. вЂ�matter of women’. A small amount of beer is sent to the girl’s relations by the family of the boy. recent coinage also nshilak raincoat easily folded local Made from raffia by the raincoat for men Fyem community. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA shilip ngang n.p. /КѓГ¬lГ¬p-ngГ Е‹/ shilip piil n.p. /КѓГ¬lГ¬p-pГ:l/ shilushilu shim id. n. /КѓГ¬lГє-КѓГ¬lГє/ /КѓГ¬m/ shim lГ Г n. /КѓГ¬m-lГ :/ shin shГ¬nГЎГЎ shing1 shing2 shinishini shinkafa ship1 pron. n. n. p.u.t. id. n. v. /Кѓin/ /КѓГ¬ni-КѓГ¬ni/ /КѓГ¬Е‹-kafa/ /КѓГp/ ship2 shipeeshipee shirip v. id. v. /КѓГp/ /КѓГ¬pЙ›-КѓГ¬pЙ›:/ /Кѓirip/ shirop shishor shishwaa shit shit bЙЁrЙЁng shit kom n. n. n. n. n.p. n.p. /КѓГ¬rЙ”МЂp/ /КѓГКѓwЙ”МЃ:r/ /КѓГ¬КѓwГЎ:/ /Кѓit/ /Кѓit-b rМЃ Е‹МЃ / /Кѓit-kЙ”m/ shit long n.p. /Кѓit-lЙ”Е‹/ /КѓГ¬Е‹/ 133 Gloss local raincoat made from palm leaves local raincoat for women made from tar-grass from house to house leather, skin of animals goat-skin used to strap little children to their mothers back himself television recent coinage mortar isn’t it? is it not? differently rice < Hausa to remove a pot from the fire to dismantle, collapse from place to place to pull down, demolish, destroy building etc ladies, women nasal mucus goose-flesh grass, generic hay, fodder grass worn on both ears by women as part of their costume fodder, forage Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul shit lu pl. PoS n.p. IPA /Кѓit-lГє/ shit pГІГІ n.p. /Кѓit-pwЙ”МЂ:/ shiyilshiyil id. /КѓГ¬-yГl-КѓГ¬yГl/ shon n. /КѓЙ”МЃn/ shoop shoop poo shoor1 shoor2 n. n. v. v. shoop pГІГІ /КѓЙ”:r//КѓwЙ”МЃ:r/ /КѓЙ”:r//КѓwЙ”:r/ shoor shughur shГ№rГЁtshГ№rГЁt n. ideo. /КѓГєgГєr/ shuu shwГЎГЎ shwaa1 shwГЎГЎ aЙ—uu n. n. n. n. /Кѓu:/ /КѓwГЎ:/ /Кѓwa:/ /КѓwГЎ:-a-Й—Г№:/ v. shwaa3 v. /Кѓwa:/ /myas/ /Кѓwa:/ shwaa jeel shwaa kaa shwaa kut shwГ Г lГ Г v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. /Кѓwa:-jЙ›МЃ:l/ /Кѓwa:-ka:/ /Кѓwa:-kГєt/ /КѓwГ :-lГ :/ shwaa liis shwaa pee v.p. v.p. /Кѓwa:-lГ:s/ /Кѓwa:-pЙ›:/ shwaa2 myas 134 Gloss grass for thatching houses piece of grass worn it was part of the dressing on the two lips by in vogue in those days women from one country to another or from one place to another malevolent spirit of the dead that returns to torment others hair in general moustache to beat, blow to scoop food or soup with hand or spoon mГ t kГЎГЎ nЙЁ wГ№rГЎ kЙЁ baa Й“ЙЁlang Й—i mme la fra ni ɗéé wГ№rГЎ teer shoor a map Й—ak shwetshwet the widow has lost another child and she has been crying all night shwetshwet rat sp. describes s.t. that mГі bГ Г wГ t putughup Й—i goes on an on mmat pГІГІ furu ni ku wГ№rГЎ happening ɗéé saa a lГ Г pГГt Й—ak shГ№rГЁtshГ№rГЁt they upset the new wife so she is sniffling continuously; thread, cotton, boll maize to transplant planting several maize seeds in one hole to drink cf. also mis to determine guilt in Two suspects or their traditional way cockerels are forced to drink a mixture. The first cock to die confirms that its owner is guilty. The plant known as kisom was used. to suffer to overcome to breathe, to stroll traditional method of Their nostrils are closed by forcing babies to forcing them to gulp drink whatever liquid was offered to them to suck the tongue to drain oneself Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul shwaa sar shwaghar1 pl. PoS v.p. v. IPA /Кѓ a:-sar/ /КѓwГЎgГЎr/ shwaghar2 shwagharshwaghar shwal1 shwГ l2 shwГ l jГ©p shwal mat n. /КѓwГЎgГЎr/ n. n. n.p. n.p. /КѓwГ l/ shwal mish n.p. /КѓwГ l-miКѓ/ shwal saam shwan1 shwan2 n. n. v. /КѓwГ l-sГ :m/ /КѓwГ n/ /Кѓwan/ shwar shak v.p. /Кѓwar-КѓГ k/ shwat shwat nkaa n. /Кѓwat-nkГЎ:/ shwat nyit1 shwat nyit2 a. v. /Кѓwat-nyit/ /Кѓwat-nyit/ shwat sar1 shwat sar2 v. v. /Кѓwat-sГЎr/ /Кѓwat-sГЎr/ shwol n. /КѓwЙ”l//КѓЙ”l/ shwoop shwoop kГЎГЎ shwoop nГ ghГ p n. n. n. shwoop pГІГІ shwoop yit shwoor shyeep n. n. v. n. /КѓwЙ”:p/ /КѓwЙ”:p-kГЎ:/ /КѓwЙ”:pnГ gГ p/ /КѓwЙ”:p-pwЙ”МЂ/ /КѓwЙ”:p-yit/ ?? /КѓyЙ›:p/ shyeep-k p МЂ Г ng n. w /КѓwГ l-mat/ shwar /КѓyЙ›:pk pМЂ Г Е‹/ 135 Gloss to suck the finger to be lean, shrivel, wrinkle from heat or cold. syphilis ? length pain, illness children’s diseases sexually transmitted (reference by men) disease sexually transmitted (reference by women) disease sleeping troublesomeness cf. tangshwan to remove, convey plenty of things, items ?? laugh wГ№rГЎ ji Й—el sГІ Й“e mГі piin shwar k sМЃ hk sМЃ h she walked by and they burst out laughing k sМЃ hk sМЃ h. to make fun of one another ???? shampoo-like head gear worn during dance (cultural) selective selfishness, ethnicity, tribalism, favouritism, sectionalism to exonerate, absolve to withdraw from an (plural of shang sar) action ????? jollof acha, jollof also shol. favourites during guinea corn, jollof naming ceremonies of rice children etc hair hair on head body hair (usually the armpit) mouthache eyelid, eyelash to hit wood, wooden ladder, wooden cross, support logs used to block the main entrance into the compound Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul shyeep mГєГєt k МЂ Jesu pl. PoS n. IPA /КѓyЙ›:pmГє:t-k -МЂ jЙ›МЃsГ№/ ???? siminti sirep Siri n. v. p.n. gunung long feer rongong manjor dong ndolcaap s МЃ1 sЙЁ s 2МЂ sЙЁЙ“el1 sЙЁЙ“el2 n. n. n. n. n. n. dem. dem. dem. n. v. /gunuЕ‹/ /lЙ”Е‹fЙ›:r/ /rЙ”Е‹Й”Е‹/ /manjЙ”r/ /dЙ”Е‹/ /ndЙ”ltКѓa:p/ /s /МЃ sЙЁЙ“el2 pee ? ? sЙЁЙ“el3 sЙЁЙ—i v. /sЙЁЙ“Й›l/ sЙЁghЙЁm sЙЁghЙЁm hГГk sЙЁghЙЁn1 n. n. v. /sЙЁgЙЁm/ /sЙЁgЙЁm-hГ:k/ /sЙЁgЙЁn/ sЙЁghЙЁn2 sЙЁghЙЁr1 sЙЁghЙЁr2 v. a. n. /sЙЁgЙЁn/ /sЙЁgЙЁr/ /sЙЁgЙЁr/ sЙЁghЙЁr3 sЙЁghЙЁt n. adv. /sЙЁgЙЁr/ /sЙЁgЙЁt/ sЙЁghЙЁt pГІГІ siisi n. n. /sЙЁgЙЁt-pЙ”/ /sГ:sГ¬/ sЙЁlak1 sЙЁlak ntook v. v.p. /sЙЁlak/ /sЙЁlak-ntЙ”МЃ:k/ sЙЁlak2 n. /sЙЁlak/ /siri/ /s /МЂ /sЙЁЙ“Й›l/ /s Й“МЂ Й›МЂl/ 136 Gloss cross of Jesus cement to buy, sell (pl.) Spirit that protects children (kumjep) recent coinage < Hausa cf. séét sg. Once offended an animal must be sacrificed to appease it. These njii are specific to certain areas. fwangko – njii-kung kochaan – njii-kung yitup – njii-kung kuzung – njii-kung kojan – njii-kung pushit – njii-kung there this here wild cat to get oneself into trouble person who gets others into trouble to stitch ?? wГЎГЎr nii wal sЙЁЙ—i mbut mbeen ni gГ№lГєnggГ№lГєng the gruel is making noise in the gourd, gГ№lГєnggГ№lГєng cough whooping cough to mix meat with salt and oil to shake, move old, not new in-law (one married to either your sister or brother etc) dew complete, finally, at d -МЂ kГЎГЎ wurГ sЙЁghЙЁt wéél last ntГіГіk jГ©ghГ©rГ©kjГ©ghГ©rГ©k the man with the big head now has a a thin neck jГ©ghГ©rГ©kjГ©ghГ©rГ©k last born sixpence (6d) in the < Hausa. No longer legal former currency tender to carve, chisel to nod the head while A typical Mwaghavul dancing gesture. spear with barbs The third spear to be used. It has barbs on its edges, and cannot be easily removed. cf. kop Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul sm МЂ ГЁn sЙЁr1 n. IPA n /s m МЂ Й›МЂn// s МЂ mЙ›МЂn/ /sЙЁr/ sЙЁr2 sЙЁr3 sЙЁram sЙЁrap sЙЁyoon n. n. n. n. n. /sЙЁr/ /s rМЂ / /sЙЁram/ /s rМЂ Г p/ ???? sЙЁzГЎГЎl sisГ sГІ soghom sГіghГіr n. n. v. n. n. /sЙЁs /МЃ /sЙ”МЂ//sЙ”МЂr/ /sЙ”gЙ”m/ /sЙ”gЙ”r/ soghot n. /sЙ”gЙ”t/ sok1 sok2 som v. v. v. /sЙ”k/ /sЙ”k/ /sЙ”МЃm/ somwaan song sГіГі v. n. n. /sЙ”МЂmwa:n/ /sЙ”МЃЕ‹/ /sЙ”МЃ://sЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃ/ soo reep n. /sЙ”:rЙ›:p//sЙ”gЙ”rЙ›:p soo maar v. /sЙ”:mГЎ:r//sЙ”gЙ”mГЎ:r/ sГІr sor ten ndol v. v. sГ№ su-su sughul sughul-sughul sughun1 sГ№ghГ№n2 sughup sughur suk pl. swa PoS n. v. /sЙ”r tЙ›n n dЙ”МЃl/ /sГ№//swa/ a. /sГєgГєl/ n. n. n. v. pron. /sugun/ /sГ№gГ№n/ /sugup/ /sugur/ /suk/ 137 Gloss musk-shrew also spp. ns m МЂ ГЁn. Crocidura whetstone, smooth, polished stone used for sharpening to paint s.t. tree sp. to beat (plural) cf. nung boil, pimple excessive beating, harvesting of fruits internet recent coinage to go, proceed horn plant used to produce fire by friction witch, wizard, sorcerer to save to hide to thresh corn, maize etc to pay visit to others branches traditional horse racing traditional horse racing method of farming to go, proceed imprisonment cf. sГІr cf. pyaghar wus also sГіghГі also sogho-reep. Formerly organised as part of hunting expeditions. One objective was to impress women and the public in general. A good jockey, hunter, farmer and even dancer could acquire a new wife through his impressive performance. also sogho-maar cf. sГІ to run ??? tough, strong (of meat) ????? dream revelation bath, shower to fry yourselves (inclusive) wГє tГЎp ГЎn suk k МЃ mГ№Г№t k МЂ Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul sГ№l pl. sulwang PoS v. IPA /sГ№l//sulwaЕ‹ / /sulЙ›/ sule n. suluk n. sulwang1 sulwang pГІГІ v. v. sulwang2 sГєm1 v. n. sГєm cГЎГЎr1 sГєm cГЎГЎr2 n. n. sum2 sum aghas sum po v. v.p. v. /sГєm-tКѓГЎ:r/ /sГєmtКѓГЎ:r//nsГєntКѓГЎ:r/ /sum/ /sum-Г gГ s/ /sum-pwЙ”/ sum shwaa sГ№n1 v. n. /sum-КѓwГЎ:/ /sГ№n/ sun2 sun3 sГ№ng sup susar pron. v. n. v. v. /sun/ /sun/ /sГ№Е‹/ /sup/ /sГ№sГЎr/ sushii sut swa v. pron. v. /sГ№КѓГ:/ /sut/ /swa/ swap v. /swap/ tГЎГЎ1 tГЎГЎ kyeen v. v.p. /tГЎГЎ/ /tГЎ:-kyЙ›:n/ tГЎГЎ lip v.p. /tГЎ:-lip/ tГЎГЎ lung tГЎГЎ sheem v.p. n. /tГЎ:-lГєЕ‹/ tГЎГЎ sheem tГЎГЎ tileng v.p. v.p. /tГЎ:-КѓЙ›:m/ /tГЎ:t lМЃ Й›МЂЕ‹/ /sГ№lГ№k//nsГ№l Г№k/ /sulwaЕ‹/ /sulwaЕ‹pwЙ”МЂ/ /sГ№lwГ Е‹/ /sГєm/ Gloss nЙЁghЙЁn fuu ni. Don’t indulge in self-pity over the death of your mother to pierce, penetrate shilling in former < Hausa currency uncircumcised person also nsuluk to pierce, penetrate to make insulting comments, statements trouble name, heroism, fame, reputation plant sp. used in soup swallow (bird spp.) plural of sul lit. вЂ�to pierce mouth’ (see pumbwan) cf. nsГєn cГЎГЎr to eat grains to gnash teeth to utter proverbs, cf. nyam. wise sayings to eat maize iburu variety planted near the stream cf. kusuk ourselves dry up, evaporate cocoyam variety to cover, invert to multiply (of an enterprise) to run also nsushii themselves to run (pl.), rush, plural of su scramble, hurry to share out, give freely, be generous T 138 to fall, drop to precede, to spearhead to collect lip powder from the stream to swim plant used to make potash produce potash through distillation of ashes to precede, spearhead, to lead, to Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA tГЎГЎ2 taa-doo v. n. Taal p.n. tГ Г n1 v. /tГ :n/ taan1 fiit v.p. taan njweng taan2 v.p. v. /tГ :fi:t//pi:t/ /tГ :-njwЙ›МЃЕ‹/ /ta:n//ta:/ taan ging tГ Г n tГЎГЎp taat taat kaa v.p. v. n. v. v.p. /tГ :-g Е‹МЂ / /tГ :n//tГ :/ /tГЎ:p/ /ta:t/ /ta:t-kГЎ:/ taat nГ ghГ p taghal tagham s МЂ tГ ghГ s v.p. v. adv. v. /ta:t-nГ gГ p/ /tagal/ /tagam-s /МЂ /tГ gГ s/ tГЎjГ¬ tak v.a. v. /tГЎjГ¬/ /tГЎk/ takarda tГ k bwagham n. n. tal1 tal-tal tal2 Tal3 tГ l4 tГ l dГєng a. /tГЎkardГ / /tГ kbwГ gГ m/ /tal/ v. p.n. v. v. /tГЎl/ /tal/ tam1 tam2 tan tГЎndГєk tang tang1 tang2 v. v. v. n. v. v. v. /tam/ /tam/ /tГ n/ /tiЕ‹ tГЎndГєk/ ???? /tГ Е‹/ /tГ Е‹/ tang2 bar v. /tГ Е‹-bГЎr/ tang2 pee v. /tГ Е‹-pЙ›:/ /tГЎ:/ /tГЎ:-Й—Й”МЃ://tГЎ:Й—Й”МЃgЙ”МЃ/ /tal-dГєЕ‹/ 139 Gloss arrive earlier, to be a forerunner to stop over cock-crow also tГЎГЎdГіghГі Hunting festival in Mangun and Bwanpe to blow a wind instrument to whistle also taan piit to play the flute to beat the drum, play the xylophone and other musical instruments to beat drum to sew antelope sp. to shake to shake the head to indicate disagreement to express happiness to chew this year to taste bad, smell bad do not to pour out liquid from a jar book local soup hot, heat to pluck fruit Tal people to ask a question to ask or asking from the nyem-dung (owner of the river) to dance to simmer to play tree sp. to sprout to count to search, seek, look for to survive, to seek salvation to search for an opportunity also taa also taaging also tГ Г < Hausa cf. Hausa turbunuwa Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul tГ ng Й—ok tang ran tang san tang shwan pl. PoS n. v.p. v.p. v.p. IPA /tГ Е‹-Й—Й”МЂk / /tГ Е‹-rГ n/ /tГ Е‹-sГЎn/ /tГ Е‹-КѓwГ n/ v. /tГЎp/ v.p. ??? tГЎp ki waar v.p. tГЎp lee tГЎp pee v.p. v.p. /tГЎp-k -МЃ wГ :r/ /tГЎp-lЙ›:/ /tap-pЙ›:/ tГЎp sheen n. tГЎr1 tГЎr2 tГЎr3 tar3 Й“um tar3 kom tar4 tar4 lok n. n. n. n.p. n.p. n. n.p. /tiЕ‹ tГЎp КѓЙ›:n/ /tГЎr/ /tГЎr/ /tГЎr/ /tГ r Й“Гєm/ /tГЎr kЙ”МЃm/ /tar/ ??? tar4 lughun n.p. ??? tar4 neen n. /tar-nЙ›:n/ tar4 pas n.p. tar4 waap n.p. tГЎs tГЎt tГЎt sГЎr n. v. v.p. tГЎs tГЎt /tГЎt-sГЎr/ tГЎt shuu v.p. /tГЎt-Кѓu:/ taway v. /tawai/ tawaza tee teel n. v. a. /tiЕ‹ dЙ›МЂp/ /tЙ›:/ /tЙ›МЃ:l/ tГЎp tГЎp Й“Гt kram nfГ№ng 140 Gloss young locust to read troublesomeness trouble seeker, trouble shooter to be meticulous, take time to prepare, be careful, to watch out for, to indulge in, to protect to be punctual, on lit. вЂ�watch for daybreak time through an opening in the room’. to adhere to the tenets of the law to be careful to oversee, keep watch over a place tree sp. month, moon madness grass sp. grass sp. grass sp. season, period early wet season, March – May dry season, December-February Period of hunger in This was between the the Mwaghavul months of June and community September when none of the farm crops were ripe. rainy season, JuneAugust harvest season, September – November mushroom cf. ntas ??? to give a typical hand shake to close friends, to snap one’s fingers to spin cotton to produce thread to revolt, protest, associated with mad dogs tree sp. to tear, rip foolish, arrogant, Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul teer1 teer1 teer2 pl. yem ten1 tГ©n2 PoS IPA v. adv. n. /tЙ›:r/ /tЙ›:r/ /tЙ›МЂ:r/ adv. n. /tЙ›МЂn/ /tЙ›МЃn/ ten1 tЙЁreng v. /tЙ›МЂn/ ten2 tЙЁreng v. /tЙ›МЂn/ tЙЁreng n. v.p. /tЙ›n-ndЙ”МЃl/ /tЙ›МЂn-pЙ”МЂ:-lГє/ tГЁn sГЎt part. /tЙ›МЂn-sГЎt/ teng n. /tЙ›МЃЕ‹/ teng ngwaghar n. /tЙ›Е‹ngwГЎgГЎr / Teng KwГ t p.n. Teng Lwaa p.n. ten dol tГЁn pГІГІ lГє tЙЁreng po lu v. /tЙ›p/ v.p. /tЙ›p-kГЎ:/ tep nk МЃrГЎng tep ntook n. n. /tЙ›p-nk rМЃ ГЎЕ‹/ /tЙ›p-ntЙ”МЃ:k/ tep po n. /tЙ›p-pЙ”МЂ:/ tet1 tet pee v. n. /tЙ›МЃt/ ?? tet po tet2 n. v. ?? /tЙ›МЃt/ teghel tЙЁbarna tiding Tidiu a. n. n. p.n. /tЙ›МЃgЙ›МЃl//tЙ›МЃ:l/ /t bМЂ Г rnГЎ/ /tГdГ¬Е‹/ /tidiu/ tighis tiip tiip tu a. n. n.p. /tЙЁgЙЁs/ /tГ:p/ /tГ:p-tГ№/ tep tep-tep tep kaa tirep 141 Gloss claiming to know all, pompous to spend the night late in the night day of twenty-four hours already mahogany tree Khaya senegalensis Hausa maЙ—aacii to press, iron clothes, tread on to lock door because you had to press the lock prison to lock door, car already stated, already mentioned said rope, twine, string, cord Mwaghavul wellknown rope Hunting festival of Jipal people Hunting festival of Chakfem people to break ??? to plait, braid a woman’s hair logical, diplomatic cerebrospinal meningitis parable, figure of speech, to speak figuratively fun, joke, humour joker, humorous person metaphor to disgrace, cause to be ashamed arrogant mat deaf and dumb hunting expedition of Kombun community. big (place) shock death as a result of shock otherwise known as yar sura, don sura roghop is second plural also teel < Hausa Occasions to display good horsemanship, bravery were exhibited Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul tiis pl. PoS n. IPA /tГ¬:s/ tiit tììt v. n. til til maar n. n. /til-mГЎ:r/ tim1 v. /tim/ Tim2 p.n. /tГ¬m/ tЙЁnen ting1 ting2 ting3 n. n. v.a. v. /t nМЂ Й›МЂn/ /tГЕ‹/ /tiЕ‹/ /tГЕ‹/ tip1 n. /tГ¬p/ tip2 tЙЁris-wus num. v. /tГ¬p/ /t rМЂ Г¬s/ t МЃsГ©k tish tish puk n. n. n. /t sМЃ Й›МЃk/ /tГ¬Кѓ/ /tГ¬Кѓ-pГ№k/ tish bwar v.p. tГtГk titira adv. n. /tГКѓbwГ :r//t bМЃ wГ :r/ /tГtГk/ /titira/ tiyoor v. tЙЁЙ“en n. /tiyЙ”:r//tuw Й”:r/ /t Й“МЂ Й›МЂn/ tЙЁbЙЁlak tЙЁdok n. adv. /t bМЂ ЙЁlГЎk/ /t dМЃ Й”МЃk/ tЙЁdok si adv. /t dМЃ Й”МЃk-s /МЂ tЙЁfil n. /t fМЃ Гl/ tЙЁghЙЁr1 tЙЁghЙЁr yit tЙЁghЙЁr2 v. v.p. n. /tЙЁgЙЁriЕ‹/ /t gМЂ rМЂ -yit/ /tЙЁgЙЁr/ 142 Gloss shrub, tree sp. Piliostigma reticulatum & P. thonningii The bark is used to bind bundles of firewood. to scatter traditional clothing worn by girls ridge ridges (singular/plural) to slow down, to lack enthusiasm, be apathetic area in Kerang, Chakfem liver tree, shrub generic compulsory, a must to be standing, upright jute bag for keeping A good example could hold foodstuffs water for days without leaking. hundred to reduce soot from ngyam fire (local candle) chain nest, sponge spongy remnant of draw soup to lie on one’s back also tЙЁbwaar quietly, silently portion of millet given to the most elderly person in family. to mention, to also tuwoor intimate wooden handle of a hoe lizard recently, a few days ago recently, a few days ago foam, air bubbles, froth, lather to focus on an object to focus one’s eye anthill Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul tЙЁghЙЁrЙЁng pl. PoS n. IPA /tЙЁgЙЁr Е‹МЂ / tЙЁkan tЙЁleng1 tЙЁleng2 tЙЁleng3 tЙЁlong adv. adv. n. loc. n. /t kМЃ Г n/ /t lМЃ Й›МЂЕ‹/ /t lМЂ Й›Е‹/ /t lМЃ Й›МЂЕ‹/ /t lМЂ Й”МЂЕ‹/ tЙЁzЙЁk1 n. /t zМЃ ЙЁk/ tizik2 tГіghГіl n. n. /t zМЃ ЙЁk/ /tЙ”МЃЙЈЙ”МЃl/ toghom3 loc. /tЙ”ЙЈЙ”m/ tГІghГІm1 tГІghГІm2 toghon toghon-toghon toghos toghot n. n. a. /tЙ”МЂЙЈЙ”МЂm/ /tЙ”МЂЙЈЙ”МЂm/ /tЙ”МЃЙЈЙ”МЃn/ n. v. /tЙ”ЙЈЙ”s/ /tЙ”МЂЙЈЙ”МЂt/ tГІk1 tГІk2 tГІk3 tok dun tok Й—yeel v. v. v. v.p. v.p. /tЙ”МЂk/ /tЙ”МЂk/ /tЙ”МЂk/ /tЙ”МЂk dГ№n/ /tЙ”МЂk Й—yЙ›МЃ:l/ tok kum v.p. /tЙ”МЂk kГ№m/ tok long tok pee tong1 v.p. v.p. v. /tЙ”МЂk lЙ”Е‹/ /tЙ”МЂk pЙ›:/ /tЙ”Е‹/ tong ashak n. /tЙ”Е‹-aКѓГ k/ toghot kyal 143 Gloss tripod local for cooking wrongly long time outside front, fore, ahead penis sheath Made from raffia leaves to cover the penis and tied round the waist. The Mwaghavul used it only when offering sacrifices to the nji. Sometimes the horns of smaller animals were used. emotion while crying which often prolongs one’s cry bird sp. place outside the The main fireplace for compound where elders was properly people sit protected by well arranged stones to shield them from wind. Important decisions are taken here and erring members are reprimanded. Women do not stay here at all. weeding preparatory to maar-sen right in front of someone guinea-fowl blood weighty, heavy grass sp. to pluck, remove forcefully, dismantle to greet to gossip to judge to stammer, stutter to deliver a judgement, verdict to diagnose illness through herbalists to despise to gossip about others to sit down, stay, get established, reside, become holy communion, meeting with elders Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul tong Й—irem pl. PoS n. IPA /tЙ”Е‹-Й— rМЃ Й›МЃm/ tong dyen tong pong n. n.p. /tЙ”Е‹-Й—yЙ›n/ ???? tong ryang tong2 tong3 tong4 tong5 n. n. n. n. n. /tЙ”Е‹-ryГЎЕ‹/ /tЙ”Е‹/ /tЙ”Е‹/ /tЙ”Е‹//ntЙ”Е‹/ tГіngzileng took1 took2 took2 maar took2 shwal tГ№1 n. n. n. n. n. v. /tЙ”МЃЕ‹-zЙЁlЙ›Е‹/ /tЙ”МЃ:k/ /tЙ”МЃ:k/ /tЙ”:k-mГЎ:r/ /tЙ”МЃ:k-Кѓwal/ /tГ№/ tГ№ Й—ik v.p. /tГ№-Й—ik/ tГ№ kaa tГ№ kwak tГ№ lee n. v.p. v.p. /tГ№kГЎ:/ /tГ№kwak/ /tГ№-lЙ›МЂ:/ tГ№ pГІГІ v.p. /tГ№-pЙ”МЂ:/ tГ№ shГГt tГ№ wus tu2 v.p. v.p. v. /tГ№-КѓГ:/ /tГ№-wus/ /tГ№/ tГєbaa n. tГ№baal tuЙ“ook n. n. tГ№Й“Г№k tГ№Й“ut tГєbwoor tГєbwoor shaar tong n. n. n. n. /tГєba://tГєm a://t bМЃ a:/ /tГ№ba:l/ /tГєЙ“Й”МЂ:k//tГЎ: Й“Й”МЂ:k/ /tГ№Й“Г№k/ /tГ№Й“Гєt/ /tГєbwЙ”r/ ???? tГ№Й“wГІГІr v. /tГ№Й“wЙ”МЂ:r//tГ Е‹-ngЙ”n/ to glean tughul n. ???? pot, pottery, generic twa twa lee 144 Gloss staying up late at night discussing family issues loyalty improvement in illness, recovery, remission peace, peaceful living a while ago seat probable way of life, way things are eye shadow friend neck edge of a farm neck pain to kill, destroy, extinguish, exterminate to divorce, to dissolve a marriage homicide, murder to demoralise to inscribe tattoos on fiancees by suitors also ntong < Hausa tozali also ntГіГіk also З№tГ№ divorce was very uncommon in the past to warn other men to keep off hardly did such girls ever marry some one else (tattoo) to resolve an issue by lit. вЂ�kill mouth’ offering a bribe to pound foodstuff to extinguish a fire to thresh grains, to pound items in a mortar tobacco, cigarette < Hausa. Also tГєmaa, t МЃbaa vaccination watery (food or soil) also taaЙ“ook brain spring (water) mancala, board game game Played by parents with their children which teaches them the rules of the Mwaghavul community. also tang ngong (the practice of searching for grains that were left over after harvest by others) Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA tughul lГ Г n. /tugul-lГ :/ tughul lГє n. /tugul-lГє/ tughul njirem n. /tuguln jГ¬rЙ›МЂm/ tughul pee tughul po dwat1 n. tughul po-dwat2 n. tughul took n. tughul tut lwaa n. tughul tuwa tughum1 tughum2 tughun1 tughun2 twagha m twagha m all mid /tugul-pЙ”МЂ:Й—wat/ /tugul-pЙ”МЂ:Й—wat/ /tugul-tЙ”МЃ:k/ n. v. /tГ№gГ№m/ v. /tГ№gГ№m/ n. n. /tugun/ /tugun/ tughun3 twaghan v. /tugun/ twaghan tughun kom twaghan kom twaghan kop v.p. v.p. /tugunkЙ”m/ /tugun-kЙ”МЂp/ v. /tГєgГєp/ tughup2 n. /tugup/ tГєghГєr1 tughur sГЎr tГєghГєr shwal tughur2 n. n.p. n. v. /tГєgГєr/ /tugur-sГЎr/ /tГєgГєr-Кѓwal/ /tugur/ tughun kop tughup1 145 Gloss term small pot used to boil water for babies etc ?????? lit. вЂ�pot of the house’. Culture demands that any drink prepared in the house, the head of the family has a reserve, it is a right which nobody violates or tampers with, unless with his exclusive permission. placenta or afterbirth It was usually kept inside a of a child pot and buried in an identifiable place. It was believed that if the pot was properly protected, evil spirits would not disturb the child. ? stomach another name for pot with narrow mouth traditional pot for fetching water with long neck traditional pot for cooking meat pottery bowl of a pipe to disappear to invert, to hold up side down small portion pit, trench, bunker, hole in ground to pinch, to slice a bit or take a bit and give out ear-piercing to swear an oath to complete, conclude, finish, terminate anger, annoyance, temper, moodiness chest tied hands chest pain to be exhausted, fedup anything that enters does not come out It prevents water from splashing between the stream and the house also timaa Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul tughur3 tughur kop PoS n. p.n. IPA /tugur/ /tugur-kЙ”МЃp/ tughus1 n. /tugus/ tГ№ghГ№s2 tГ№ghГ№s3 n. n. /tГ№gГ№s/ /tГ№gГ№s/ tГ№ghГ№s4 Tugwang n. p.n. tГ№gГ№s /tugwaЕ‹/ tГ№k tГ№kyal n. n. /tГ№k/ /tГ№kyГЎl/ tГєl tГєl kwГЎt v. n. /tГєl/ /tГєl kwГЎt/ tГ№l n. /tГ№l/ tГ№lГє n. /tГ№lГє/ tГ№lГ№ kaam n. /tГ№lГ№-kГ :m/ v. ???? n. v. v. v. v. n. v. v. /tum/ /tГєЕ‹/ /tГєЕ‹//twa:s/ /tГєЕ‹-pЙ›:/ /tГєЕ‹/ /tГєЕ‹gwЙ”m//wa:r -МѓgwЙ”m/ /tГєp/ /tГ№p/ n. /turuk/ v. /tГ№s//twas/ tum tum tum tung1 tГєng2 tung pee tung3 tung gwom tГєp1 tГ№p2 pl. twam twas twak tup-tup turuk tГ№s twas 146 Gloss tiredness feast held every seven years to remember the ancestors hunch-back, hump (of cow) swine, pig, boar stump of maize left over on the farm after harvest bad behaviour area close to Panyam considered as muddy as a fish farm quicksand and, where many people got stuck (see guliya) acreage of farm clearing of farm prior to the actual farming to contribute fund-raising to settle it served as notification of bridewealth proposed wedding to relations far and near shrub sp. Isoberlinia doka. Hausa dГіГіkГ Г home, house Mwaghavul people live in compounds. Home in this context, comprises the extended patrilineal family chief’s house or the house of an influential person to boil s.t. violently ???? lГ Г tum ni yaghal mЙЁrep shi ret nyit zhГ¬rГ¬kzhГ¬rГ¬k the child jumped with excitement zhГ¬rГ¬kzhГ¬rГ¬k sheep to drive a car to touch to move, respond to stir cooking tuwo also waar gwoom to push to be black, dark, obscure ??? flour left after separating it from the chaff spit Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul tus lii tuwaas1 twaas2 tuwan pl. PoS v. n. v. n. tuwap v. tuwoor pГІГІ tГ№zГєk twa twaar v.p. n. v. n. twaas1 twaas2 twagham n. v. v. tughum twГ ghГЎn mwГЎГЎn v.p. twaghap v. twГ k1 twГ k2 v. v. twam v. twas twet-twet v. id. tyoon tyoon n. n. tyoop v. IPA /tГ№s-lГ¬:/ /twa:s/ /twa:s/ /tuwan/ Gloss spit saliva plant fig tree to touch (pl.) plural of tung place where blocks for buildings were moulded /tГ№wГЎp/ repentance, apology, to repent, to apologize /tuwЙ”:r-pЙ”МЂ:/ to mention /tГ№zГєk/ measles /twa/ to kill (pl.) plural of tu /twГ :r//ntwГ :r side buds Hausa saje. also ntwaar / /twa:s/ fig tree sp. Hausa Й“aure /twa:s/ to touch /twagam/ to disappear, hold upside down to walk slowly, or majestically /twГ gГ p/ to mix either food/mud clumsily /twГ k/ to thrust /twГ k/ to mix food, mash with hand ??? to boil s.t. violently cf. tum sg. pl. /twas/ to spit (pl.) plural of tus /twЙ›МЃt-twЙ›МЃt/ first, only one, singled out, unique /tyЙ”МЃ:n/ bunch y /tГЕ‹ t Й”МЃ:n/ creeping/climbing This plant was of great plant similar to yam, significance to the but not a tuber, the Mwaghavul community and fruits are produced on was used in determining the plant. when the rains would set in. They would commence clearing their farms. This plant does not grow anyhow, no matter the amount of water poured on it. If spring is not approaching it will not sprout. y /t Й”МЂ:p/ to jumble, mix up 147 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul U pl. PoS IPA Gloss ГєlГ№ n. /ГєlГ№/ woollen thread ushira n. /ГєКѓГrГЎ/ Practice where the landowner would give out part of a farm to another person to farm vaat n. /va:t//nva:t/ vel n. /vЙ›МЂl//nvЙ›МЂl/ Velang p.n. /vЙ›lГЎЕ‹/ tribal mark of the Ngas kernel of Canarium nut traditional dance of the Mwaghavul people velang n. /vЙ›lГЎЕ‹//nvЙ›l ГЎЕ‹/ 148 < Hausa. worn from the shoulder down to the waist and the gwodo was worn over it to the chest level covering the breast also wushira. < Hausa . At the end of the season he would give back ten percent of the produce to the original owner in return and in appreciation of the gesture. It also means the continuous recognition of the original owner over what belongs to him. V. also nvaat also nvel also nvelang. To organize the dance the transverse clarinet is made from corn stalk cut in different sizes. A plant called kargung is used to bore a hole in the cornstalk. A small cut is made where it is blown. Each player has a special melodic fragment he plays and together they make up a complete tune. The dancers have costumes that they wear which include the mbum (cap), the dakwal the rasa, the mbanti, fwaat di piya. Velang is played after harvest i.e between November and January. Once crops have been harvested it must stop. Mwaghavul have the belief that such dances would encourage food to disappear. A good velang dancer could earn himself a wife. transverse clarinet also made from guinea- nvelang2 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA vГГ n. vГГ vГГ m МЃlГіm vГt n. adv. /vГ:-m lМЃ Й”МЃm/ /vГt/ vЙЁlak vЙЁlang v. v. /vЙЁlak/ /v lМЂ Г Е‹ vЙЁlash a. /v lМЂ Г Кѓ// / vЙЁng Voghot nii v. p.n. /v Е‹МЃ / /vЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂt-nГ:/ vГіs v. /vЙ”МЃs/ vuram v. vuram vurem n. vurЙ›m vureng v. vГ№k v. vul vum vurat vurci num. a. v. n. vuruk v. vГ№t v. vГ№tul vuu vuun1 n. n. a. vuun vuun2 vГ№Г№n3 n. n. v. vwГ Г t vwГЎn v. Gloss corn stalk made in large tuned sets sett, seed part of a tuber cocoyam sett continuously, for a long time to come to work lazily to go bad, to taste bad (of meat) plentiful, excess, surplus to skirmish, fight rivulet where elephants were once seen (Pushit area) to fill to the brim (liquid) to scratch using nails or claws plant sp. not good to eat also vГ№lГ Кѓ also name of Mararaban Pushit thorny bark used to scratch tattoos and tribal marks /vurЙ›Е‹/ to struggle of a dying vЙЁreng organism, be in death throes to sprain one’s foot, cf. vГ№t leg etc /vul/ two (2) /vГ№m/ blind /vГ№rГ t/ to spray mud, clay etc /vГ№rКѓГ¬//kГ vГ№ vulture kavurshii rКѓГ¬/ /vuruk/ to jumble, mix together to sprain one’s foot, cf. vГ№k leg etc /vГ№tul/ flute ???? rizga tuber also nvuu /vu:n/ foggy, cloudy, ash applied to a horse colour ???? fog, mist /vu:n/ fungus sp. /vГ№:n//vwГЎ to persist n/ to remove feathers from a bird 149 Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul vwГ Г t pl. PoS v. IPA vwГ ghГ p vwГ m vwГЎn vwang vwang sar v. v. v. v. v. /vwГ gГ p/ /vwГ m/ /vwГЎn/ /vwaЕ‹/ /vwaЕ‹-sГЎr/ vwang sar n. /vwaЕ‹-sГЎr/ vwap vwГЎp mГ t vwГ t vwe v. v. v. a. /vwГЎp/ /vwГЎp-mГ t/ /vwГ t/ /vwЙ›МЂ/ vweghen n. vwen vweng vwet v. v. n. /vwЙ›gЙ›n//vw Й›gЙ›l/ /vwЙ›n/ ???? /vwЙ›МЂt/ n. /vyaЕ‹/ wГЎ int. /wГЎ/ waa1 waa2 v. v. /wa:/ /wa:/ wГ Г v. /wГ :/ wГЎГЎli n. /wГЎ:li/ waam v. /wa:m/ wГЎГЎm pee waap v.p. n. /wГЎ:-pЙ›:/ /wГЎ:p/ waar1 n. waar2 n. /wa:r//nwa:r / /wa:r/ wГЎГЎr3 n. /wГЎ:r/ vyang car Gloss to remove the roof from a house to mess things up to scramble for things to persist (pl.) to wash, cleanse to wash hand (literally) last drink given to farmers who worked on your farm (yaghal maar) ??? to rape a woman to spray mud, clay etc description of anything very hot, water, iron, metal etc loss of voice by way of cold, cough etc to choke, strangle to do extremely well to throw away indiscriminately, drop one-eyed person or animal plural of vuun lit. вЂ�to wash hand’. indicating that would be their last drink from him for the day and that occasion plural of ten cf. tiring mat, reep. also vweghel but cf. fwo W 150 polar question marker Sentence final position. cf. anticipating assent mГ©, Г Г fromthe hearer to escape to wear out, wear away, erode to go home, come home new cocoyam Xanthosoma mafaffa. Imported from Fyem neighbours in the mid fifties. < Hausa to be discouraged, lacking in enthusiasm shameful act period of harvest Falls between September and November necklace (flat type) also nwaar fart, gas-pollution, eructation to mix flour with Hausa kunu water prior to Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA wГ Г r4 wГ Г r4 wГ Г r5 n. v. v. /wГ :r/ wГ Г r gГіГіr n. /wГ :r-gЙ”МЃ:r/ WГ Г r shaar p.n. /wГ :r-Кѓa:r/ Waash Waay Waaza excl. excl. p.n. /wa:Кѓ/ /wa:y/ /wГЎ:-za:/ wГ ghГ waghar1 wagharВІ pron. v. v. /wГЎgГЎr/ /wagar/ wak1 n. /wak/ wak2 n. /wГЎk/ 151 Gloss preparing kunu law, prohibition to forbid s.t. by law to marry your brother’s widow goose flesh, goosepimples annual festival organized by girls according to their age groups no no female dance you sg. masculine to select to cook Canarium fruit in warm water residue of dirt, garbage as a result of flooding to abuse using fingers or lips 7-8 years, 9-10 year, 11-12 years, 13-14 years, 15-16 years, 17-19 is usually organized between the months of march – april to cement existing relationship between the members. to successfully celebrate the week, members. to successfully celebrate the week, members would contribute items such as millet, acha, and money with which to buy a ram or two. they would agree on selected houses that would serve as bases. they would organize dances when they share their drinks and food with their well-wishers, such occasions also provide young men the opportunity to scout for girls whom they would eventually propose marriage to. it is at such occasions that “mat shee: could be proposed. immediately after this festival, Mwaghavul people will begin to clear their farms ready for the next farming season. during velang (taa-waazaa) beside a chosen dancer Also ghГ , a. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul wГЎl1 wГЎl2 pl. PoS v. v. IPA /wГЎl/ /wГЎl/ wal wal juu walaa n. n. n. ? /wГЎl-juu/ /wala:/ wam1 wГ m2 wГЎnВ№ n. v. pron. /wam/ /wГ m/ /wГЎn/ Wan lГ ghГ m o! excl. /wan-lГ gГ m Й”/ wan wando n. n. wang wang WГ ngkГ ng v. v. p.n. /wan/ /wandЙ”//mu rdГ№/ /wГЎЕ‹/ /wГ Е‹/ /njГ://wГ Е‹kГ Е‹/ wap1 wap1 as wГЎp2 wariya n. n. n. n. /wГ p/ /wГ p-as/ /wГЎp/ /wГєrГyГЎ//w Гєr-yГЎ:/ wГ shwГ sh id. /wГ Кѓ-wГ Кѓ/ wГЎt1 n. /nwГЎt/ wГЎt1 wat laa1 n. n. /wГЎt/ /wГ t-lГ :/ wat2 v. /wat/ wГ t3 wГ t pee v. v.p. /wГ t/ wГ t pee wat putughup v.p. wat kwar n. /wГ tputugup/ /wГЎt-kwar/ 152 Gloss to love to cry, make noise, vibrate noise snake sp. beans used for sacrifices to Rum rotten object to decompose, to rot myself, I, me first person singular masculine pronoun. Also ГЎn shout for help, shout of despair, I am in trouble! mud, laterite shorts, вЂ�short knicker’ also murdГ№. < Hausa to open, widen ??? spirit which brought To appease it a sacrifice success during must be offered. harvest and threshing of millet. gravy, meat sauce sauce from dog meat tax collection termite sp. also wuryaa. (bigger than nluwash, tiwash type that flies) describes performing a task actively thievery, stealing, theft to steal child kidnapper, child stealing to shake off, sprinkle water, liquid to spoil something etc to mess things up, disorganise things to upset entrails of an animal The intestines, particularly the large one, after slaughter. It derives from the attitude of the thief who has no time for entrails (the time consuming nature of its treatment) so he discards that so that he can escape with the good meat Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul wat laa2 PoS v. IPA /wГЎt-lГ :/ we…ye wéél int. v. wЙ› /wЙ›МЃ:l/ wéélwéél wéét wГЁГЁt a. pron. id. /wЙ›МЃ:lwЙ›МЃ:l/ /wЙ›МЃ:t/ wel weet n. wen v. /wЙ›l/wЙ›:t//wul:lЙ› l/ /wЙ›МЃn/ v. /wЙ›МЃt/ wГ©t pl. yem wìì pron. wiip v. /wГ:p/ wiit sar v.p. wii wor v. /wГ:t sГЎr//wГ:psГЎr / /wi:wЙ”r//cКѓЙЁ gЙЁr-tКѓiЕ‹tКѓiЕ‹/ wГ¬t wogha n. pron. wong1 wong2 wong goghor1 v. n. n. Wong goghor2 p.n. wГІГІ1 v. /wЙ”МЂ:/ wГІГІ pee v. /wЙ”МЂ:-pЙ›:/ wГІГІ2 wor n. v. /wЙ”МЂ://nwЙ”МЂ:/ /wЙ”МЂr//nwЙ”МЂr/ wor nfyam n.p. /wЙ”МЂr /wЙ”ga//wГ g Г //wuga/ /wЙ”МЂЕ‹/ /nwЙ”Е‹/ /nwЙ”МЂЕ‹gЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂr/ /nwЙ”МЂЕ‹gЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂr/ 153 Gloss to remove the foreskin of the penis during circumcision Who? to be slim, slender, thin very thin both, in pairs, in twos describes s.t. that is finished completely and faster than you expected intestine lГЎГЎréép ni wura fes wéél zГЎm The girl is very slim cf. kwГ Г k also wulilel to finish, be exhausted, lack something to spend all day, to do something continuously you sg. f. second person singular feminine pronoun, reduced form. Also yi. cf. wun (plural) to brandish, dangle, wave to wave hand also wiip sar to rotate also cЙЁghЙЁr cingcing second you (of a male) recent coinage also wagha, wugha warm spirit of reincarnation echo also nwong Hell It was believed that when bad people die they go to Wong goghor, while the good go to ShЙЁbЙЁlang to reveal, disclose, unearth, dig up to reveal secrets, to disclose confidential matters snake, generic also nwoo trade, business, also nwor marketing, commerce trade with the also nwor-nfyam. This was Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA f Г m//nwЙ”МЂr n y f Г m/ n y wor pal n. /wЙ”МЂrpГ l//nwЙ”МЂrpГ l/ wГє pron. wu wu tap v. v.p. /wu tГЎp/ wu yaa Wugam v.p. p.n. /wu yГ :/ /wugam/ wГ№g МЃl wГєk1 n. v. /wГ№g lМЃ / /wГєk/ wuk2 wuk pee wul v. n. v. /wГєk/ /wГєl/ wГ№lГЎm wulung wum1 n. v. n. /wГ№lГЎm/ /wuluЕ‹/ /wum/ wum2 v. /wГєm/ wГєn1 pron. wun2 wun3 n. v. /wun/ /wГ№n/ wup1 wup2 wup am n. v. n. /wup/ /wup/ /wup-Г m/ 154 Gloss neighbouring Fyem barter trade. The Fyem people would bring puk kam and sometimes a puppy in exchange for fonio, millet etc also nwor pal. Business where profit making is not a prime consideration you pl. second person plural pronoun, reduced form. cf. wГєn to hear ??? to be careful, be (plural) watchful to catch thief one of the biggest rocks/mountains in Panyam plant sp. (see pumbwan) communal farming members of the group would collectively work on each other’s farm be it clearing, harvest, threshing etc to frighten s.o. s.t. frightening to arrive, reach a destination spinach sp. cf. pumbwan to sprain leg burial Mwaghavul are believed to have come from further east, and someone dies they are buried with the head facing east. The spirit can thus easily find its way back to its source. The dead were buried in a sitting position. to cover or bury with soil, powder, grain etc you pl. second person plural pronoun. cf. wГє sweat, to sweat to work hard to merit something , to persevere grasscutter, cane rat Thryonomys swinderianus to swell, expand traditional way of controlling water in a basin or wide container with Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss calabash so that it does not spill while being conveyed over a distance wur1 wГєr gwГіm wur2 wur3 wur4 wГ№rГЎ v. v.p. n. v. v. pron. wГ№rГЎГЎ pron. wurang wurang-wurang wГ№rГ v. /wГєrГЎЕ‹/ pron. /wГ№rГ//wГ№Й—Г //rГ/ wГ№rii pron. he, him wГ№rГn pron. he, him wurung-wurung wurwur1 id. /wГєr-wГєr/ wurwur2 id. /wГ№r-wГ№r/ wus1 Wus2 n. p.n. /wus/ /wus/ wus cijeng n.p. /wГ№s-tКѓГjЙ›Е‹/ wus lantarki n.p. wus ngaas n.p. /wГ№s-lГ ntГЎr-ki/ /wus- /wГєr/ /wГєr-gwЙ”МЃm/ /wur/ /wГ№r/ /wГєr/ /wГ№rГЎ//wГ№Й— ГЎ//rГЎ/ to prepare food to prepare food breast, breast milk to forget to heap she, her she, her 155 be tall, be height ??? he, him third person singular feminine pronoun. cf. also rГЎ third person singular feminine pronoun, progressive aspect. cf. also rГЎ third person singular masculine pronoun. cf. also rГ. cf. wuЙ—i third person singular masculine pronoun, completive aspect third person singular masculine pronoun, future, incomplete aspect ??? straight without turning describes busying oneself fire, flame, spark festival marking start of the hunting season, marked by starting fire without matches electricity, light warming Yaghal wus is a Panyam hunting expedition. Usually the first of all Mwaghavul festivities organised annually to check the growth of wild animals in the rocky area of sekop, bwor and jwak within the longfeer and wugam rocks. Good horsemen, hunters, farmers and even dancers easily earned themselves wives at such occasions Practice where a piece of broken pot was heated until red hot then inserted in draw soup to warm it up, also applied to beer. electric et. вЂ�fire + electricity’. left-over also wong-ngaas. It was Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA gГЎ:s//wЙ”Е‹n gГЎ:s/ n wus poo n.p. /wus-mpЙ”МЂ:/ wushat n. /wuКѓГ t/ wГєt n. wГєwek wГ№wГєn wГєzhìì n. pron. n. /wГєwЙ›k/ /wГ№wГєn /wГєtК’Г¬:/ wuzmi n. /tiЕ‹ wuzmi/ v. v.p. /yГ :/ /yГ :-Й“ut/ yaa kaa yaa long yaa mГ t shee v. v. n. /yГ :-kГЎ:/ /yГ :-lЙ”Е‹/ /yГ :-mГ tКѓЙ›МЂ:/ yaa njweet yaa pupwap v.p. v. Gloss porridge. roasted in the morning for children. Draw soup would usually be warmed by the using cijeng ????? one may enjoy an object but for every good thing there is a corresponding problem or bad aspect communal farming to assist newly married couples to enable them set up their home custard-apple tree and Annona senegalensis Hausa fruit gwandan daji bird sp. night heron? them (you inclusive) leaf of plant used to it was planted on the edges protect the farm of the farm (see naan (12) against evil spirits. ndukum for more details) tree sp. Y yГ Г yaa but yak yaa sak Yaa yaa v. excl. /yГ :-njwЙ›:t/ /yГ :pГєpwГЎp/ /yГ :-sak/ ??? yagha yaghal1 v. /yГЎgГЎl/ yaghal yaghal ating v.n. v. yakpupwap /yagal-atГЕ‹/ 156 to catch, hold, snag restraint while eating so that other/young ones could be satisfied to hold one’s head act of restitution payment with an animal ???? Occurs when the girl earlier betrothed shows signs of insincerity. Consequently the parents in-law are forced to take her by that method since they have paid the appropriate bride wealth etc and they are not ready to forfeit such expenses already incurred on her to catch red-handed to catch fish to be restrained What do we do about this? ???? to get up, start doing s.t., jump up, begin, commence, initiate rising up to stand up Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Yaghal kЙЁ yil yaghal mwaan yaghal2 yaghal maar pl. PoS p.n. v.p. v. n. yaghar yaghazem yak1 yak n. adv. yak2 yak yoghom v. v. yak kaghan yak shii yaksi1 yГ ksГ2 yakyit v. n. adv. conj. n. IPA ??? ???? /yГ gГ l/ /yagalmГЎ:r/ /yГЎgГЎzЙ›m/ /yГ k/ v. /yak/ /yakyЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃm/ /yak-kГЎgГЎn/ /yak-КѓД±М‹ :/ /yГ ksi/ /yГ ksГ/ /yakyit//nyakyit/ /yal/ yam yang1 adv. n. /yГ m/ /yaЕ‹/ yГЎng2 n. /yГЎЕ‹/ yГЎng kas n. yang kas n. yГЎngyГЎng ye adv. int. yéé yéé Й—en v. n.p. yee pee adv. yal yilang yeep yem1 yГЁm2 yГЁm3 adv. v. n. /yГЎЕ‹-yГЎЕ‹/ Gloss end-time, rapture to travel, journey to go to farm communal farming (see yaghal maar) ???? ostrich soon ??? mГі yak shak g sМЂ hГ¬shash g sМЂ hГ¬shash They held on to each other g МЂ shГ¬shash g МЂ shГ¬shash to fetch to fetch firewood wrestling, to wrestle explanation, details now and, then plant sp. with burs nyakyit easily sticks to one’s clothes while walking through the bush to dissect, tear open, rip apart some time ago bunch of threshed millet demarcation for ridges before the final making of the ridges levelling ridges where millet has been harvested for growing fonio millet stalks after harvest excessive, so much question marker shortened form ’e. Occurs in sentence-final position. to wait for s.t. long wait for Personal name for a male something child cf. riye pee /yЙ›МЃ:Й—Й›n//ryЙ›МЃ:pЙ›:/ /yЙ›МЃ:pЙ›://ryЙ›МЃ:pЙ›:/ ????? ????? /yЙ›МЃm/ /yЙ›МЂm/ /yЙ›МЂm//nyЙ›МЂm several days to disturb, provoke people 157 Christian usage long wait something for also riye pee nГГ ni sГ№ sГІ nd gМЂ nМЂ shi yeep mГі kudГ№nГ№ngkudГ№nГ№ng the elephant ran into the trees, kudГ№nГ№ngkudГ№nГ№ng also nyГЁm Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA / /yЙ›МЂmdГєЕ‹//nyГЁmn dГєЕ‹/ yГЁm dГєng n.p. yem gween n. yem lek n. yen n. /yЙ›МЂ m МЈ gwЙ›:n//nyЙ›МЂm -ngwЙ›:n/ /yЙ›МЂmlЙ›МЂk//nyЙ›МЂmlЙ›МЂk/ /yЙ›n/ yen d p МЂ yГ©l 1 yer yГЁr2 yer jet n. n. n. n. /yЙ›n-d pМЂ yЙ›МЃl/ /yЙ›r/ /yЙ›МЂr//nyЙ›МЂr/ /yЙ›МЂr-jЙ›t/ yer paa yer peng n. n. yet yet maar n. n. yi pron. /yЙ›МЂr-pГЎ:/ /yЙ›МЂrpЙ›МЃЕ‹//nyЙ›МЂrpЙ›МЃЕ‹/ /yЙ›МЃt//nyЙ›t/ /yЙ›МЂtmГЎ:r//nyЙ›МЂ:tmГЎ:r/ /yi/ yГ¬gГєt yil n. /yГ¬gГєt/ Gloss river spirits ??? fighters, soldiers drug, medicine, antidote, remedy onion pumpkin bird (generic) bird sp. that eats maize bird sp. injury on the toe but the pain is transferred to the groin worm earthworm you sg. (feminine) plant sp. ??? worship ???? yil yil yil pyГЎГЎ n. n. /yГl/ /yГl-pyГЎ:/ yim n. //yГ¬m//nyГ¬m / yГndek1 n. /yГn-dЙ›k/ 158 also nyem-dung. The Mwaghavul believed that river spirits provided human beings with extraordinary abilities. To see yГЁm dГєng was the exclusive preserve of individuals with special talents (kaawang). nyem-gween plural of ngungween nyemlek cf. nyГЁr nyerpeng nyet nyet maar second person singular feminine pronoun. Also wìì. cf. wun (plural) ni rГ©t kГє wu se yil Naan shГ¬dГ Г rshГ¬dГ Г r It is good for you to worship God every day mee lwaa yil kЙЁ so sЙЁ rГІГІjГІrГІГІjГІ A really tall animal is moving over there area, country, land soil type, sandy and rich leaves used by also nyim women to cover themselves prior to modern clothing lightening, thunder. Mwaghavul believe that some people have personal thunder which enables them to perform impossible Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul pl. PoS IPA Gloss feats. An offender was struck by lightening. YГndek2 p.n. /yГndЙ›k/ lightening spirit Yinder p.n. /yindЙ›МЂr/ yingying1 a. /yГЕ‹-yiЕ‹/ yГ¬ngyГ¬ng2 a. /yГ¬Е‹-yГ¬Е‹/ yirakbul n. /yГrГЎkbul//yГlГЎk m bul/ yist n. /yist/ yit1 yГ¬t lwГЎГЎn yit maar n. n.p. n. /yit/ /yГ¬t-lwГЎ:n/ /yit-ma:r/ yit mwaan n. /yit-mwГ :n/ yГ¬t naa jeel n.p. yit shwal yit2 n. v. /yГ¬t-na:jЙ›:l/ /yit-Кѓwal/ /yit/ tall, evil spirit (soghot) which appears in the night worthless, lazy person describes person with not madness deviant or idiosyncratic behaviour plant-eating worm also yilak mbul. they usually appear after planting when there is a break in rain fall yeast, substance used < E. in baking bread eye shy, shyness boundary between farms tears, tribal marks that look like tears grace, compassion yitup yiyar n. n. /yГ¬tup/ /yiyar/ yГіghГіm yoghon yoghop n. v. v. /yЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃm/ /yЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂn/ /yЙ”МЂgЙ”МЂp/ yon v. /yЙ”n/ yong v. /yЙ”МЃЕ‹/ yughur yughur pee yuu v. v.p. v. /yГєgГєr/ /yГєgГєr-pЙ›:/ /yГє:/ 159 eye problem to suspend an action, skip, defer black soil a clan in Panyam ????? In the past, during the harmattan period those who could not afford pomade or ointment to rub on their bodies had skin cracks. Sometimes blood would ooze out. firewood to shake to slacken, shift a heavy object multiply in number, reproduce and increase in number to move about aimlessly to intoxicate intoxication cf. mbi – yughur pee to answer a call (women) Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul Z. pl. PoS IPA zaal n. /zГЎ:l/ zГЎГЎl zГ ghГ t yГіghГіm n. n. zГ i n. zak zГ lele guuk adv. n. zam adv. /zГ k/ /zГ lЙ›МЃlЙ›МЃgu:k//nlЙ›МЃ:gГє:k/ /zam/ zamani zan zan-zan zang zar Zar arkun n. v. ???? /zan/ n. n. p.n. /zaЕ‹/ /zГ r/ /zГ r-ГЎrkГєn/ zar direm p.n. /zГ r-Й—ГrЙ›МЃm/ zar kЙЁЙ“ЙЁn zar kwangzughut n. n. zarati v. /zГ r-kЙЁЙ“ЙЁn/ /zГ r-kwГЎЕ‹zГєgГєt/ /zarati/ zГ rgong n. zat v. /zГ rgЙ”Е‹//nzГ rgЙ”Е‹/ zГ t zeel zeenee n. n. /zЙ›:l/ ???? zéénzГЁГЁn adv. /К’Й›МЃ:n-К’Й›МЂ:n/ zem zЙЁdyak n. n. zem /ziЙ—yГЎk/ ziik n. /zi:k//nzi:k/ Gloss deck-chair /zГ gГ tyЙ”МЃgЙ”МЃm/ /zГ i/ 160 suitable for people suffering from backache plant sp. bundle of firewood small wall erected to except through the main block intruders entrance the small walls are entering a compound found between two separate buildings also, again swing for a child also nléé-gГєГєk too much, follows the verb it qualifies excessively time < Hausa to straighten ?? below the chin star constellation these are close to consisting of three Kwangzughut. They are normally seen at about 3.00 stars am depending on the period or season stars seen mostly at the early hours of the morning star (unidentified) star (unidentified) to wear something wrongly i.e. back to front frog sp. also nzГ rghong to properly arrange items like firewood etc saliva (particularly the slimy one) wrapper, cloth worn < Hausa by women truly, really, actually mГі k МЃ sГІr wГ Г a zéénzГЁГЁn They are really going home oil from a plant bridle used in controlling movement of horses when the rope is pulled bass Also nziik. Low pitched voice in music. Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul zik zik kaa pl. PoS v. a. IPA /zГk/ /zГk-kГЎ:/ zilang zЙЁmen n. n. zing v. /z lМЂ Г Е‹/ n /z m МЂ Й›МЃn// z МЂ mЙ›МЃn/ /zГЕ‹//nzГЕ‹/ zininin n. zЙЁre n. ziyГЎГЎl n. zok zongo v. n. zonzon zoo v. v. zЙ”МЂnzЙ”МЂn /zЙ”:/ zor n. /zЙ”r/ zughum1 zughum2 zughum-zughum zГ№ghГ№m n. a. /zugum/ /zГ№gГ№m/ n. zughum laa n. zughur zГ№k1 zГ№k2 a. n. n. zum zum pukyeen v. v.p. zung zung lughut n. n.p. /zum/ /zumpГ№kyЙ›:n//zu mpЙЁkyЙ›:n/ /zuЕ‹/ ???? zungzung id. ???? zut zutur v. n. /zut/ /zutur/ /zininin//nzi ninin/ /z rМЃ Й›МЃ//nz rМЃ Й›МЃ/ /ziyГЎ:l//zГЎ:l / /zЙ”k/ /zГ№gГ№mlГЎ://nzГ№gГ№m -lГЎ:/ /zГ№gГ№r/ /zГ№k/ /zГ№k/ 161 Gloss to shake to nod one’s head indicating agreement young man, youth millipede also nzimen. Iule spp. to watch carefully or also nzing steadily hippopotamus also nzininin iron anklet worn on also nzЙЁre the legs by horseriders to increase speed woven cloth also zal to hide something patch of hair left after a hair cut to walk aimlessly to emigrate from rural to urban area fonio variety planted near the stream. cf. kusuk generosity, generous cold (weather, drink) talent, skill, aptitude, gift ant sp. also nzughum-laa jealous fireplace for elders heap of objects, such as vegetables, for sale in a market to stoop, bend down method of Muslim also zumpikyeen prayer chest undulating area on top of a rock describes the undulating movement of a bird like a swallow to pour out liquid bed-bug Mwaghavul-English dictionary: trial edition Mwaghavul ZH. pl. PoS IPA Gloss zhak Zharwa zhira v. p.n. n. zhГ k /tК’arwa/ /ntК’ira/ contemptuous remark Izere people communal farming zhwaar zhwaar n. v. К’wГЎГЎr К’wГЎГЎr frog sp. to treat a sprain with hot water, to massage 162 also Jarawa also nzhira. Specifically for the chief
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