to view the proposal. - Riverhead Free Library

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October Issue No. -165тАФ
Mains Wins
Five monthJs of caucuses, conunittee
meetings, fundraising, petitioning,
envelope-stuffing, door-to-door walking,
phone-calling and public appearances
culminated on the night of Tuesday,
September 10 as at-large city council candidate Tim Mains became one of eight winners in Rochester's I3emocratic primary.
This contest was the second hurdle for
Mains, the first openly gay candidate in
Rochester's history. He won the first
round in the spring and early summer
when he received the designation, or
nomination, of his party, defeating the
better-known JosepMne Genovese. After
the registered Democrats confirmed their
party officials' choice by signing the
necessary number of petitions, insurance
man James Lloyd, also denied an at-large
designation, circulated his own petition
which forced a primary. In this way he
hoped to gain from rank-and-file
Democrats what had been kept from him
by the party's leaders.
The ensuing campaign began in earnest
at the Cornhill and Park Avenue festivals
in July. From the beginning, one of the
main obstacles was the recognition factor.
The electorate was not familiar wih
Mains. Also, there was the inevitable
issue of his sexuality. As a campaign
volunteer, I knew we had to persuade the
voters to look past that so they couJd see
the intelligent, articulate, caring man with
his Kennedyesque vigor. At the festivals,
and all through August and early
September, others and myself passed out
keycards which described his education,
his membership on the county human
relations board and other conununity involvement, as well as having been Gay
Alliance President. The latter fact was not
remarked upon once we made out doorto-door "spiel." We even met several
women, unfortxmately no men, who
thought Tim was "cute". But I felt better
when we were passing out "issues
papers" or leaflets describing Mains's
positions. Now the people could also
evaluate him on the basis of his three
main ideas: more human relations training for the police; housing loans for the
poor; and helping the council during the
transition phase to the strong mayor plan.
But the apparent lack of hostility had its
negative side in that we could not turn
that into some sort of rally. Also, those
people who said "No, thank you, I'm not
interested," or "Goodbye," could simply
sidered in the race. But ii was far from the
first step to oblivion for Mains, who had
comfortabie leads in two other districts
and was tied with Ruth Scott, the zught's
biggest winner, in another.
All this time I was trying to get a
photographic record of the evenings
events. Ruth Cowing of The City
Newspaper, had been hired by the national
gay magazine, The Advocate, to d o the
same. She took several pictures of Mains,
Sue Cowell, and the campaign's g n ^ h i c
artist, Jim Gerhard. These photos hopefully will appear in that publication. A recent
issue of The Ad\>ocate included an article
on the Mains campaign.
At this time, about ten-thirty, when it
was apparent Mains had survived the
challenge to his candidacy, we made a
rush to our cars for the evening's climatic
event, the appearance of Tim Mains at the
Democratic Headquarters at Irving Place
the comer of Broad and Fitzhugh
T i m M a i n s a n d S u e Cowell
streets, A room packed to overflowing
P h o t o c r e d i t : T o r n Kr┬лilak
with smiling, handshaking party workers,
victorious candidates, and news reporters
have t>een expressing their disgust
urging voters to reject Mains because he is
us. Among them was Bill Benet of
towards ail of politics. As I was passing
gay. The flag, mother, apple pie, etc.,
the county legislature, one of the earliest
out literature in the Marketview Heights
depended on it. The Saturday before the
allies of Tim Mains and a staunch adarea near Goodman Street and Central
election our headquarters received three
of gay rights. We arrived later than
Park, I was priveleged to see for the first
hate calls.
most of the others because the outcome
time up close the neighborhood Tim
not certain until rather late in the
Mams would like to use as a pilot project
evening. But even if Mains was the center
for his "shared equity," or housing loan
of the media's attention for the reason we
program. As I walked by the squalor
not want him to be, the throng of
where some Marketview residents are exas
wellwishers and the general mood of
pected to live, I wcmdered if they had
parcelebration made me forget that for
become completely disillusioned with
awhile. Although this may not have seemany politician's promises. I could recall
ed like the occasion for specific questions
the man at the Park Avenue Festival, I
issues, Gary Nuremberg's inquiry
think the only person who tried to engage
to Mains about what the campaign results
in a politicai discussion with me, who
for each council candidate: Vice-Mayor
said conceming his acceptance made me
replieil to my feeble attempt to explain
John Curran, Ruth Scott, John Erb, Joan
think that the media was only interested
shared equity with "But that's what they
Hensler, James Lloyd, and Tim Mains who
in the candidate as an issue, not what realall say, don't they? '
is seelting retiring councilman Paul
ly mattered like the economy, and policeThese thoughts and others weighed on
Haney's seat. There v/ere also four school
citizen relations.
my mind as the tenth neared. We were
board candidates: Ben Douglas, Nancy
also concerned that Mains's ballot posiThe next day, when the retiuns were
Padilla, Cathy ^xrto, and Glenn Williams.
tion would not help him, being fourth on
I was disappointed. Mains had
A chart of the twenty-third legislative
the list of council candidates. Some district, where Mains lives, divided into
placed fifth in votes among the at-large
"block voters" might only have voted for twenty-nine election districts, or E.D.s,
office-seekers. The results were: Ruth
the t c ^ three candidates. "Bullet voting/' had a column for each candidate. Early in
Scott - 8,044; John Erb - 6,989; Vice-Mayor
or votes cast for everyone except our can- the night the first note of optimism ended
John Curran - 6,976; Joan Hensler - 6,823;
didate, also worried us. This was par- the chatter by my group in the kitchen as
Ttm Mains - 6,288; James Lloyd - 4,631.
ticularly threatening since in those last the news arrived, "Bye-bye Lloyd". O u r
Had Macaluso's hate offensive had an
days Michael Macaluso, not a city resi- retums were only for that district, but
effect? Did local primaries get a tradident, and his so-called Citizens for a De- already they showed that James Lloyd
tionally low turnout? Were some voters
cent Community began a smear cam- could not ride the prin>ary to a belated vicreluctant to endorse a newcomer?
paign, complete with its own literature. tory.
But of course, he had passed a crucial
test. We had not wanted a primary.
However, Mains strongly agreed with me
Meanwhile, more guests were arriving,
when, at the victory celebration, I said the
among them Mrs. Bill Benet, and people I
past two months had been good practice
had met during the campaign. The object
for the general election cam|>aign. The
of all the attention sat in his office, near
primary had also given Mains needed exages, and Cohen's i4r┬гs Comments, imiting, the phones, looking rather grim. Later,
posure and the election returns told us
in exciting ways, the ooncems and dreams Mains returned to his usual gregarious
where we were vulnerable.
of different men and women in our com- self, darting in and out of his office while
What happens between now and
trying to keep informed. Periodically,
November 5 can be predicted with littie
On the arts scene, Cohen also considers, people would bring in election retums
The Republicans are expected
among other things, tbe surprise hit of tbe from the E.Ds and there would be a new
to keep the campaign on a decent level.
month, ^zss of dm Spkier Woman. DW flurry of excitement as we would all j a m
For this reason, county GOP chairwoman
prepares us for singer Sue Fink's arrival in into the area near the chart to hear the
Barbara Zartman should emend her
town, and Beth Blocxn prepares us for latest figures. During all of this acdvity.
remarks of the spring to say that her party
Warren, to be presented by the Comm- Mains seemed to be holding his own,
will not accept anyone opposed to Mains
although not establishing a sdiid lead.
d n u n Players later this fall.
because he is gay.
How candidates do in their home areas is
We bave, too, reports on Maya's Miss a litmus test of their vote-getting abilities.
Alao, voters who want to see the police
Continental USA d d e , a n d on the Ltvituc eear tfae border of the twenty-third
leam mcM'e about arbitrating disputes in a
Women's Motorcycle Feattval - talk aboirt K^^aiauve district'a aeoooci and third
peaceful way oouki recognize the new
tranacendiny feeder itateotypeal
Police Oiief, Gordon Urlacher^ former
l┬г.&.a,faewaaahead by four votes m t h e aeBcdk Bl09in ttkd.Tom Krolak coo- cond district and tied with Joan Hensler,
liaiaon to tfae gay community, as being
tiibutad phoioa this f i n a d i aikd Dennta bitl only one vote behind RuAjScott itl the
r e c ^ t i v e to Mains's plans for improved
Moc^e dkl the cover'riaabradon.
Imman relations trianing in tbe departtfaird. A cause for concem b&terfered
The A n ^ CZoaet w e k o m a a y o u r i i ^ u t ment.
whether it be lettera, or artktea, or wfaat w b a a retttina came in firom the fourteenth
But, in ooe way even more important
have you. Sta┬гf meetiitta are on the first B.D. showing him to faave only twenty-atx
than victory, is faow Tim Mains has
Tuesday of each month, at 7**30 p.m., at votes as contrasted witfa four otfaer vote
helped our d t y take a step fbrv^ard in its
the Gay Alliance, 713 Moaxoe Ave. C^ome totala ia die tfairtiea. Thia was excluding
attitude towards gays running f<Mr o ^ c e .
jamea Lloyd, who was no k)09er o m get involved!
He has paved the way.
i n t h i s issue
b y H o w a r d Pc^lack
As the school year resumes, we pay
special tribute to the gay and lesbian
organizations in this area's colleges. Joe
Pakyz profiles the GLA (University of
Rochester) and the GLPSO (RIT), while
Robin Freeh provides some background
about a group she helped start just one
year ago, the Lambda Association
(Nazareth). There is, in addition, some information about a new support group intended for yoting adtdts in the commumty
at large: GAGV's Youtfa Groiqp.
On the news front, vre have updates oo
the Highland Park buat, on continuad
violence on Monroe Avemie. aod on relationa with tbe local oAedia. TbtS big news,
of course, is Tim Mains's fMrixnary victoiyi
covered here by Tom Krolak, w h o has
been campaigning for Mains for aome
months now. Mains also p c ^ up in my
editorial, Laveme's U p d o s s , Freeh's Im-
OctolMsr, 1 9 8 5
Tfae Binpty Cloaet
October, 1985
b y H o w a r d Pollack
Even before Tim Mains's primary election, anti-gay hate propaganda concocted
by Michael Macaluso and company
(see below) began circulating, bome
^wculated that their efforts backfired,
and tfaat s u d i nastiness pron^┬╗ted a
backlash in support <^ Mains. Mains's
narrow victory, faowever, indkated that
aaade from tfae fact tfaatfaewas u p against
incumbents, tt probably did some faarm.
Now tfaat M ^ n s faas won tfae primary,
this hate rampaigning can be expected to
oontinue u p through Election Dey. WeU,
tfae first a m e n d e m e n t covers tfae
Macalusos of tfais country too, so be it. But
wfaat is very dtaoouniging if not down
r l ^ t appalling, is tfae way in wfaicfa tfae
media l i p s it up, giving a certain reapectalnMtytosucfa demagoguery. In tfae days
following tfae pritnary, tfae Gannett
newpi^wrs rusfaed outtoask Macahtao faia
opinion. Cfaanncd 8 even aked a aort of
point-counterpoint between Mains and
Our feelings are as follows: Mains's
openness about hia faomoaexuality is mppredated becauae itfaoldstbe promiae of a
dty government tfaat is responsivetothe
needs ctf all its dtiaens, and becauae it
shows great peraonal courage. But we do
not regard fais faomoaexoaHty as an issue
in tfae sense tfaat we even aUow the suggestion tfaat being a faomoaexual is in some
abatract way a liabiUty. Those wfao tfaink
sodkrwiae are t^gots, pure and a i m i ^ ,
and we can find no room for debate witfa
tfaem. There is n o other side of this issue!
Aa Mains puts it. it is a "non-isaue."
We must trytomake the media aware
tfaat we find tfaeir willingnesstomake it
an issue, esaentiaUy boatile and rcactimary. They may rationaUze the situation vnd% talk about due obfectivity of tfae
media. But wfay not, dien, seek out tfae
ofnnion of tfae KKK or neo-Nazis, on
black or Jewisfa poUtkiana? Tbe truth of
the inatter ia that the media is abetting
such rigfat-wing t%a(try becauae of its own
ambivalence, or because of some
tfareatened power structure behind it. As
far as we're concerned, it's a subtle form
of oc^aakm.
What can gay persona, and otfaers sympathetic to tfadr cauae, do? F m k , e a d
fioffemoat. vole, vote, vote on Blection
Day. l l i e r e is no easy win in store, and we
need every, aingle vote. If you'U be out of
town, get an abaentee ballot. (Look too for
our November issue and its Uat cf recommcndadona^Mr other nominees, oompiled
by die GAGV.)
Second, rfaatlenge the media. To tfadr
credit, ^ media faaa made strides in
l o w i n g aome humanity towards gaya.
Bvt tiiey-faave a k n g waytogo. Juat look at
tfae frenzy they faave wfa^iped tfae public
into over AIDS. Wfaetfaer it be a liOalaat
"fag" joJce on a kical racUo p r o - a m , or tfae
more aubtle forms of anti-gay prapaganck, let tfae nwdia know Ifaat yeu'rcoifended. And let die ┬г C or GAGV know too tfaaf s wfay we're faere.
Addenda: A recent D & C a r t i d e , ' G O P
c^>timistic o n d t y r a c e s , " September 22,1985, devoted 1 of its 4 c o l u m n stocon- тАв
saderations b y county c h a i r m a n Barbara
Z a r t m a n a n d Councilman A n t h o n y J.
S d o l i n o on tfae "appropriateneas" of a n j
openly faumuaeaual oouncUman - w h i c b ;
Z a r t m a n Hkenedtoa n o p e n l y a d u l t e r o u s ;
c o u n d l m a n ! And this after tfae a r t k d e states, "Zartman a n d otfaer R e p u b U o u i ,
leaders faave insisted tfaey wiU not raise
M a i n s ' aexual orientation a s a n issue." тАв
W h a t blatant hypocriayl As for tfae "mppropciate" slur, it w a a n o t tfaat long ago
wfaen it w a s not o o n a k i e i e d " a p p m p r i a t e "
for a w o m a ntovote, o r a blacktor i d e tfae
front of a bus, o r a J e wtostay at c o t a i n
faotds, o r a C a t h o l ktohokl certain faigii
political office. ContideriQg d i a l gays constitute a n estimated 10% of tfae poptdation, w e tfaink it ia Uglily qppiopriirte for a
homoaexualtoliokl office in a n idlegedly
d e m o c r a t k aoeiety. Sorry. Ma. Z a r t m a n
a n d M r . SdaHno, w e k n o w d u s " a p p r o p r i a t e " b u ^ n e a a for wfaat it is - smearing of tfae moat geirtftBl kund.
ADVERTISING POUCY: Tke Btnpty Oont date
Tbib Jflwp^ Ooettfapwdyowi nkrmn tiow s year
Bint advertisemeots which bave nude drawinas
(PecesBtott and iMMHvy eoadBiaacQ by the B B V ^
in tiiem. The S e ^ Oomt docs not
QtMMt P r e tforttieQsy Alhiocii of Ommee$ VaBey,
whk^ sugseeto ttiat die perM┬╗fii>
Inc. Appcoiiinstely S,SOD capkte of each iwoe are
fbr sale or ttiat yoo wm "aet" diat
caMriboted durfti^ tlie flnt week of ttie axaitii by
if you patroniae tlie establishment
mail aod carrier. Subecriptiotta are avaSiftiie for $6
per year, the pcwapiiper Is mailed in a pkdn sealed
Advertieements which are exphdtly sexist, racist,
envdc^Me. Tbe pubficatioo of the name or photograpfa
┬лgdat will be refused. Advertisements hom
of any person or organnrtioa In articles or advertising is not an indicirtkn of tbe sexual or affectioaal ofganiations or businesses which are eeiAat, racist,
orientatkm of tfaat person or the members of that ageist, or anti-gsy as a matter of policy wiU be refused.
The opiadons of cohmuilatB and otiier oonFor publication, submit nevrs items, letters, stories,
wittera are their own andttonot
poetiy, and art by mail or in petaoik to the At^ty
Ooest office by teaOth of die montta. For advertise BBiiiisiafHr-TlirK'-r тАвтАв*--*- ^ * i ^ ^
ing aubBoit ad infoniMAion l>y the 15ni ot the month Omr ABteace of Gaaeaoa VaHey or tttt Banpty
Dwrign seiviteaforiiielnjiiai not camera-ready are
aveikfcte tor an addatnnaHiee.
For farther iBftwiiatfiiMi. plVmit wiHeloThe Bmpty
Ctoaet Pras, 713 Monroe Aw^, Rocabeefeer, NY
14G07, or esB 344-9030 andfaavea m r n n p
STATmSNTCWPUKPOaB; 7% Afp^Obsef is
ttke efficiai pofailcation of ttie Gey ABtenee of
Oeaeaee VaHey, inc. as staled in the by-laws of tiiat
oiSI''''hBlloik. Ks purpose is to inionn the Rochsaler
afty CQBamontty about local aad'national ^y-rel┬лted
news and events; to provide a foram for ideas and
creative worh fipoi vbe local a^T ooaanHiwily; to help
lamnute usefaj hiJai Ai|i in the commnnifty; and te
be apart of a nattonal network of lesbian and gsy
pnfaMGatfons which ew liainer ideae and seek to
A part of oar pntpoee istoaniBlain a nidAe poai-'
tioik widk respecttoHte entire conununity. We must
be carefultoprew.iist au viewpoints in a wny ttiat
takes into ootisiderattOn die views of aS otlMtvwomcn, men, thoae of cokir, yenna or on, annd
tiiaae frooi vurions vmlks of Bfe.
rtizens lot
OF orv
. тАв
point. ┬╗ ' ^ % * t S l o a ┬л
r ^ t h e d i s e a s e t ^ c o n t ┬╗ n ^ ┬╗ ┬л * J f l u o t e e n a y - ┬░ 2 S n o s c x u a \ P┬╗o*^
By H o w a r d Pollack
I recendy spent an interesting hour
reading the first 70 pages of typescript of
the debate in the New York Assembly
over adding the phrase "sexual orientation" to the Fair Housing Bill, courtesy of
Assemblyman Gary Proud. It maizes for
surprisingly entertaining reading, the inevitable hagglings over who yields to
whom notwithstanding. We are in the
midst of a great struggle, and it is
fascinating to watch it unfold in the
hallowed halls of our political institutions.
And there are funny moments too, as
when Assemblyman Sanders (for the bill)
addresses Assemblyman Behan (against
the bill), who is arguing that homosexudity is a "chosen" lifestyle that should not
be granted special privileges:
Sanders: You are homosexual, you are
heterosexual, it's something that you have
inside you, it's not something you chose to
be. So, my question to you, John, is did
you choose your orientation?
Behan: I am not sure what mine is, given
some of my habits; I am not sure.
Sanders: John, you may not be covered
under this bill.
The joke here is that the bill covers
heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals,
and asexuals!
As for the content of the debate - or at
least its first half - it surprised this reader
to find among such pro-bill supporters as
Assemblypersons Sanders.. Flannagan,
Hevis, and Feldman such a high degree of
eloquence and sensitivity on the suhject of
homosexuality, considering too that most,
if not all, of these politicians are ostensibly
heterosexual. One of the higlilights was
Assemblyman F e l d m a n ' s trenchant'
analysis of the interaction between the
law and different kinds of discrimination,
which concludes:
' 'Someone once said that hypocrisy is the
homage tliat vice pays to virtue. If people
continue to discriminate anyway, well, I
suppose, they will. But it's the appropriate, proper role of those arxl for us
in government to maiiejthat statement.
- ual h a s b e e n
5,rtVb\3 d e a t h . ^ ^ ^ , Y , e x e . s i ┬╗ * P
. ^^t
Join us on the Lambda
Net for weekly
schedules. Total
discretion exercised.
Members nationwide and
Canada. SSB and CW.
Write now to:
Amateur Radio Qroup
P.O. Box 24810,
Philadelphia, Pa. 19130
. h out u v e .
that such discrimination, such bigotry,
such prejudice is sometliing we do not
condone and do not accept."
In case you're thinking that the State
Assembly is a citadel of enlightenment,
I'm sorry to report that it houses a
m a r v e l o u s l y a p p a l l i n g c a s t of
homophobes as well. Perhaps the most
evil-minded is Assemblyman Tedisco,
the kind of person who immediately identifies homosexuals with pedophiles, and
hopes to frighten everyone by involdng
the National Association for Pedophiles.
Aside from the fact that the phrase "sexual orientation" denotes only consenting
adults, one would tiiink that by now
everyone would know that there are at
least as many heterosexual pedophiles in
proportion to their population as there are
homosexual pedophiles, and that someone elected to the Assembly could not
possibly be so low, or so misiriformed, as
to impute otherwise.
Then there is Assemblyman Hikind,
representing a large number of orthodox
Jews from Brooklyn, arguing that the
rights of homosexuals "violate" the
religious beliefs of millions of p>eople.
Here, aside from the dangerous imposition of religious belief on civil liberties
that is supposedly anathema to this country's basic principles, is the especially
outrageous irony that Hikind, representing Jews, proposes that line of argument
used for centuries to oppress Jews. He
even calls upon the moral authority of the
Most subtle, most rational, and
ultimately most insidious were the
arguments of Assemblyman Seminerio
and Saland. Seminerio argued against the
bill's efficacy, Saland against any Constitutional precedence. In both cases,
sophistry and legal niceties w e r e
employed to barely cover up meanspirited prejudice. It was all to redolent of
the polished, legal talk of anti -civil rights
advocates of the 1960s.
I will report on the rest of the debate as
soon as it becomes available to me.
Yotu- vote of confidence is appreciated.
I will try to be receptive to your ideas and
dreams and responsive to your needs and
The AUiance has many jobs that could
or should be done if enough of us would
only donate a littie of our time, talents,
and money. The burden if not shared is
too great.
There are many who want to make the
world a better place; but few who are
ready to help their own neighbor. We are
all neighbors so let's do it togedier.
can your ragior^ tratbna
and ask for the HTLV-ltl counselor:
Roctiester Area
Syracuse Area
Buffak) Area
Jim Ide
J i m Ide
For ttm flneet in Unusual Ftowers
and Arrmngementa.
741 Monroe Avenue
This is a conHdenM ssfvioe.
^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ '
mafca chadc payaMa lo:
Poet Offiee Box 982
iMbany, NV 12801
lEd: J i m I d e w a s recently elected
p r e s i d e n t of GAGV. H e h a s p r o v e d
himself a g a i n a n d again a s o n e o i t h c
m o s t c o m m i t t e d a n d active m e m b e r s
of t h e gay COTnmunlty. effectively serving a s a liaison w i t h t h e police, t h e
g o v e r n m e n t a n d t h e preas. W e w i s h
h i m well.)
For information, referral
arxl support regardir^g
I a b r i c s .S: l i n d i i i u s
Ytntr Rigtits
Vfarth $10
-Y.a. nMNFl U S p W n W
? S n ^ r % S S ^ ' r S 2 ^ ^ "^^ * " '
T h c E m p t y Cloaet
Yes, I want to D Subscribe!
D Renew!
In a pkjfn broM/n envelope, pilose servn me o one yeor. eleven issue sutsscrlpHon of
Ihe Empty Ooset to Wm name o n d oddress beksw. Enclosed Is o S8 check or mor^ey
order ($10 for oufslde fhe USA).
rAsmoN FAMiGs AT cLOSE.oinr races
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f^tum tc:
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An Empty Cloaat yaar combines DooamlMr and Jaunary In arm Iaaua,
T h e B m p t y Cloaet
October, 1 9 8 5
Octol>er, 1985
Dignity Holds Biennial Convention
DIGNITY, Inc. h d d its 7th Biennial
Ccmvention in New York City last week at
the New Ycnrk Penta Hotel. Following
almost a two-year planning period by the
convention committee, almost 800
members of Dignity, Inc. - gay men, lesbian women, friends and ministering
within the Ronum Catholic gay/lesbian
community across North America, met
for the four-day gathering which was filled with educational religious and social
TTie convention weekend was preceded
by an additional four days of legislative
meetings by members of Dignity's board
of directors and delegates from their 110
chapters throughout the United States and
Canada. At the delegates meetings. Dignity policy vras renewed and the following
resolutions were passed. Among the
resolutions were three dealing with AIDS
(acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
toucliing the following areas: calling on
^ federal, state and local public health
authorities to dramatically increase AIDS
research funding and calling on individuals to exercise their sexuality ih a
loving, protective and responsible manner as well as urge pressure on commercial sex establishments to help stem the
AIDS crisis and force their closing if
cooperation is not given; established a
Task Force as a source of information for
Dignity chapters and set an annual day of
fasting and prayer for AIDS victims and
their loved ones (the first Sunday of Lent);
will urge the Secretary of Health and
Human Services and appropriate congressional committees to address the problem
of AIDS research and fimding and urge
the National Coimcil of Catholic Bishops
and local Catholic authorities to address
the AIDS issue; and initiate AIDS fundraising on local Dignity chapter levels.
In other resolutions, delegates mandated officers of the organization to
establish ongoing dialogue with the National Cotmcil of Catholic (American)
Bishops in Washington, D.C. and openly
address any public statement by a Hshop
which denies or goes against the dvil
rigfats of gay and lesbian people; called on
IMgnity to state that the organization has
not, does not and will not condone the
North American Man/Boy Love Asaodation or any organization with similar goals
such as seeking to set aside the age otocmsent and fails to recognize the rights of a
child to mature as a sexual being; divest
any Dignity holdings and curtail purcliases with companies doing business in
South Africa until the apartheid policy is
abandoned; set up a Tast Force on Youth;
endorsed the work of a Task Force on
diocesan relations which will collect information on local Catholic dioceses and
the present status of Dignity chapters
within diocesan areas; called on Dignity
Inc. to set policy to advocate in civil and
religious jurisdictions, the outlawing of
discrimination l>ased on sexual orientation, o p p o s e i n c l u s i o n of v a l u e
judgements regarding lifestyles in legislation intended to protect civil rights and
work with other organizations towards
these goals; supported the Anti-Violence
Project of the National Gay Task Force;
and set u p procedures for Dignity's
chapters in Canada to form a separate national Canadian organization by October
1, 1986.
The weekend part of the convention
following the legislative session days was
opened on Thursday (8/22) evening with a
welcome by City Council President Carol
Bellamy, Dignity Inc. president John W.
Hager, and convention chairperson,
Michael P. Conley among others. A
cocktail reception followed. Other aocial
events of the week included a disco cruise
on New York Harbor, dinner/dance, an
evening at the theatre, etc.
The keynote address of the convention
was given by Mary Hunt, Ph.D., vrriter,
lecturer a n d founder of WATER
(Women's Alliance for Theok>gy, Ethics
and Ritual), Silver Spring, Md- Her subject was "Onward Together: Leabian and
Gay Catholics As Church''. Her address
was followed by workshop periods. Other
major talks of the convention were by
Rev. Jack Walters, SJ., Sister Theresa
Kane, R.S.M., Mary Mendola, and others
involved in topics of interest to Catholics,
especially gays and lesbians. Subjects included h ^ t h , ministry to alienated
groups such as those in need, the
homeless, substance and alcohol abusers,
youth, the aged, the physically chaUenged
and active Catholics who fear gay people.
Additional worksh<^s on Christian tc^ics,
leadership, liberation theology, networking, parents and families, personal
finance and budgeting, legal issues and
psychotherapy rounded out the selections. Various regional caucus meetings
were also scheduled as requested as well
as special interest groups.
The House of Delegates elected the
following as new officers for a two-year
term: Jim Bussen of Chicago, Elinor
Crocker of Washington, D . C , Jim Pilarski
of Chicago and Tom Cunningham of New
York as president, vice president,
secretary and treasurer respectively.
Their term of office begins on October 1,
1985. Outgoing president Joim W. Hagar
presented several awards for service to
the organization at the dixmer/dance.
At the closing r e l ^ o u s service called
the Exodus Liturgy, the collection received amounting to more Uian $2500 w a s
donated to AIDS patients programs in the
metropolitan area.
White House
Urged to
The White House is being urged to
name an official Presidential AIDS
^x>kesperson in an effort to head off fear
citizens are feeling connected with the
deadly disease. The proposal, which was
submitted by Los Angeles based public
relations executive, Michael Levine, is
"being seriously considered'' by the
White Houses communication's department.
The proposal asks President Reagan to
name an official Presidential AIDS
^K>kesperson, or "czar," providing one
voice for the latest information on AIDS.
'' Much of the fear is being caused due to
the constantly conflicting information,"
says Levine. "Citizens are getting many
mixed signals from many voices everyday
and this is causing enormous unneeded
trauma. One voice will help alleviate
some of this problem."
In 1978, President Carter named Alfred
Kahn to act as a simiiar presidential
spokesperson, or "czar", on the nation's
problem of inflation.
A recent nationwide Gallup Poll showed that there is widespread confusion and
fear on the subject of AIDS. The poll
reported that some 20 percent of those
polled thought AIDS could be ^ r e a d
through the shaking of hands.
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Gay Games II
SAN FRANCISCO...Plans for Gay
Games II, which are to be held In San
Francisco next year, have been finalized^
The ^>orts, entry procedures and rules
and regulations have been aimounced by
San Francisco Arts & Athletics, producers
of Gay Games II.
The games, under the theme, "Triumph
in ' 8 6 / ' are scheduled for August 9-17,
1986. A cultural week is plaimed in conjunction with the games. Seventeen individual and team sports will be featured
at the games. There are no minimum standards necessary to enter the games - those
at all levels of ability are encouraged to
Basketball, bowling, boxing, cycling,
marathon, physique, pool, powerlifting,
racquetball, soccer, softball, swimming &
diving, tennis, track & field, triathalon,
volleyball and wrestling are the ^>orts
scheduled for Gay Games n .
Competition in both men's and women's
groups will be held for all sports except
wrestling, which will be for men only. At
the first games in 1982, 40 percent of the
participants were women. Next year, it is
expected that the number of participants
will be approximately equally divided
between women and men.
Sports has grown tremendously in the
Gay community in the last five years, according t o Shawn Kelly, executive direc-
tor of the games. "We consider participation in sports to be one of the most
positive responses w e can make to the
crisis of AIDS, individually and collectively. Sports not only promotes individual
physical fitness, but also provides a
healthy way to bring us all together. Gay
Games II provides a healthy event both
for individuals and our community as a
whole/' Kelly said. "We hope the games
will encourage even more people to
become involved in sports/'
The games' sports committee, chaired
by Sara Lewinstein and Hal Herkenhoff,
expect more than 5,000 participants for
Gay Games II, compared with 1,300 in
1982. Tens of thousands of ^)ectatr-s
from the San Francisco Bay Area a
around the world are expected to witne.
t h e e v e n t . O p e n i n g a n d closing
ceremonies are planned for Kezar
Stadium, former home of the San Francisco 49ers.
Entry fees have been set at $20.00 per
person, whether for an individual event of
a team sport. Most sports have various age
groups and some sports such as track and
field and swimming, have many different
events. Complete Loformation on how to
enter ^>ecific sports may be obtained by
contacting the Gay Games II office at 526
Castro S^eet, San Francisco, California
94114, telephone 415/861-8282.
Poppers" Confinned to
Increase Risk of AIDS
DENVER,..Researchers at the National
Jewish Center for Immunology and
Respiratory Medicine have found
evidence confirming long-held suspicions
that a recreational drug ^ d e l y used
among homosexuals increases the risks
associated with the acquired immune
deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
H i e scientists have shown that inhalation of isobutyl nitrite may further impair
the body's ability to fight off infectious
disease in individuals with the immunesystem abnormalities dharacteric of AIDS,
"nke drug, known on thc street as "rush",
Ls sold aa incense c^ a " room odorizer'' but
used as an aphrodisiac.
The studies involved a type of mouse,
bred at National Jewish, that is b o m with
AIDS-like immune deficiencies. According to principal investigator P.R.J.
Gangadhawn, Ph.D., after breathing
isobutyl nitrite the animals became highly
susceptible to disease and death caused by
Mycobacterium intraoelluiare. This group
of organisms, related to tuberculosis, is
among the leading killers of people with
Mice of the same breed which were expoaed to the bacteria but not to the drug
had lower illness and mortality rates.
The NaticMial Jewish scientists also linked specific immune-system damage with
iaobutyl nitrite. "The animals exposed to
the con^M)und had decreased numbers of
lymphocytes and macrophages, blood
c d b that are important in defending the
body against infectiotis," Gangadharam
said. The researchers now are working to
describe more precisely the drug's immunologic effects.
Use <rf iaobutyl nitrite and of the similar
compound amyl nitrite has been considered a poasible AIDS risk factor since
the diaeaae w a s first identified in
American homoaexuals In Idftl. H i e
drugs, which are not regulated b y die
Food and Drug Admiiditnitkm, have been
readily avaiUble and commonly uaed in
gay bara and badihouaea for tbe past 15
Although die primary cauaative agent in
AIDS haa been idendfied by U.S. and
French sdentists as die leukemia virus
HTLV-m (LAV|, there is evklence that not
all people ei^Josed to this organism
develop the disease. Some experts
estimate that as few as 10 percent become
ill. "This makes it very important to investigate other possible contributing factors," Dr. Gangadharam said.
"We believe our findings establish that
inhaling isobutyl nitrite should be considered dangerous to homosexuals and
other at high risk for develc^ing AIDS."
Gangadharam were V.K. Perumal, Ph.D.,
B.T. Jairam, Ph.D., and A.K.C. Nguyen.
The research w a s funded under a
$230,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health.
National Jewish is one of the world's
leading centers for the study and treatment of immunologic and lung disease.
WASHINGTON, DC... The gay commtmit/ was grieved to hear last month of
the untimely death of Mr. David B.
Goodstein* moat noted as the publisher of
The Advocate. At the recommendation of
one of its members, Gay Rights Nati<Mial
Lobby haa estabUshed the David Goodstein Memorial Fund.
"Mr. Goodstein was instrumental in the
Lobby's creatioii in 1976," says Nancy
Roth, GRNL's Executive Director. "In addition to being the founding force behind
this organiatkm, David i ^ y e d a significant and influendal role throughout its
The David Goodstein Memorial Fund
provides individuala with the opportunity
to make a lasting gift in m e m i ^ of a m a n
who waa a m e ^ contributor to the gay
movement. Those interested in maldng
donations to the Fimd may write Gay
Rights Natkmal Lobby; PO Box 1892;
WaaUngton, DC 20013, or can call tfae
Lobby's Developmental Director, Rem
Wudarsky, at 202-546-1801.
T h e E m p t y Closet
Admission to School
of Children with AIDS
Commissioner of Education Gordon M.
Ambach today urged all school districts to
determine on a case-by-case basis the appropriate educational setting for any
school-age youngster diagnosed as infected with AIDS.
Both the United States Public Health
Service and the New York State Health
Department have determined that most
school-age youngsters infected with AIDS
pose no risk of transmission of the virus to
others in the school setting.
Those authorities advise that determinations whether a given youngster requires a restricted educational setting or
whether other special precautions are
needed for the protection of the youngster
or of others depend upon the individual
circumstances of each child, and are best
made through consultation among school
personnel, physicians, public health personnel and the child's parents.
"In light of these conclusions by our
leading public health authorities," the
Commissioner said, "the State Education
Department urges that no child be excluded from school attendance solely because
the youngster has been diagnosed a s infected with AIDS. Instead, school
authorities should review each case individually with tfae appropriate medical
personnel and the child's parents to determine whether the youngster can be accommodated in a normal educational setting without undue risk to himself or
The Commissioner emphasized the importance of respecting the right to privacy
of each such child, consistent with any
special precautions needed to protect both
the child and those with whom he or she
comes in contact.
The Commissioner also stressed the importance of efforts by school authorities to
inform school sta^, students and parents
conceming AIDS and its transmission.
O ^ i e s of the materials released by the
United States Public Health Seryice and
the State Health Department will be
distributed by the State Educational
Department to each school district and
nonpublic school to assist in that effort.
IPLGY Appoints
Martin Director
The Institute for the Protection of Lesbian and Gay Youth, Inc. (IPLGY) announced today the appointment of its Executive Direct, Dr. A. Damien Martin, to
Governor Cuomo's Task Force on the
Prevention of Teenage Suicide. Martin, an
Associate Professor at New York University's School of Education and Health and
of several articles on the problems of gay
and lesbian youth, stated that this was a
welcome recognition that difficulties dealing with homosexual orientation were
often a factor in teenage suicide. "In
general accurate statistics are hard to
come by because gay and lesbian people
are a hidden population; still over twenty
percent of our clients repoit either suicide
attempts or strong suicide ideation,''
reports Martin.'' And that's probably only
the tip of the iceberg." Joyce Hunter, a
New York City Human Rights Cconmissioner and Program Director at the Institute, states "because of their social
isolation and the lack of services, gay and
lesbian youth are probably at higher xiA
for suicide than any other group."
The Institute, funded in part by contracts with the N e w York City Youth
Bureau and the New York State Division
of Youth, offers a full range of free aocial
services to gay and lesbian youth and thear
Information can be obtained by wzitipg
to IPLGY, 112 East 23rd Street, N e w
York, NY 10010 or calling 212-473-1113.
ffeed a Lawyer?
Meed a Doctor?
or a house painter, insurarKe salesperson, nurse, etc.
Call the
Gay Community Referral List
Monday-Friday 7:30-9:30 p m
IVant to seirve t M Gay
Commuitltv with Your Skllb?
Leave a message at GAGV
with the Peer Facilitator Coordinator
and you will be contaaed for follow-up
Monday-Friday 7:30-9:30 pm
Gay Aliiance o f the Genesee Valley
713 Monroe Ave. Rochester, NY 14607
TIM ┬лlfnptf aVMcft'
! 1
Local News
M o r e Violence o n
Monroe Avenue
^<rient attacks oa gays continued in the
Monroe Avenue area, d e ^ i t e arrests, and
stepped u p street patrols.
According to poUce, one^oung man arrested in Brighton for robbing did ladies
told the police there, "I'm going back to
the city where I can rob queers. It's
Early Monday morning, 26 August, 17
year old Raymond Sutton, 242 Linden
Street was arrested and tharged with two
counts of second-degree robbery, second
degree auto stripping, third-degree
criminal mischief and third-degree grand
larceny. He was later released on $ 10,000
cash bond posted by relatives.
The victim, who was not identified, was
driving on Monroe Avenue near South
Union Street at about midnight Sunday,
when Sutton reportedly approached his
car. They drove down South Union to
Lafayett Park, where the su^>ect asked
the victim for money, according to police
A struggle ensued, but ended When a second suspect threw a brick through the
car window. The two suspects fled on
foot, taking the money and the victim's
keys, according to police Sgt. Thomas
D'Angelo. Police are still seeking Sutton's
Meanwhile, Ernest Egan, 37 Momingside Park, who was charged in the 8
June felonious assault of an Eastman
School Student is to be brought before the
G r a n d Jury t o w a r d s the end of
The student lost some of the vision in
one eye when he was attacked by Egan
and another man, according to poQce
reports. The local Victim's Assistance
Unit has picked up the victim's medical
bills, and has offered to reimburse him for
lost ^vork.
On Monday, 25 August, another coUege
student was attacked in Lincoln Rochester
Bank parking lot at the comer of Goodman and Monroe. He was in a nearby bar,
when a well-groomed man, about 24, aaked the student to show him the way to
another gay bar down Monroe Avenue.
The man, claiming to be irom California,
offei;ed the student a ride in his car. In the
darkened parking lot, he attempted to
knock the student down from the rear,
but the student, hearing a noise turned
just in time to receive the blow in his eye^
The student then ran east o n Monroe
Avenue with the assailant in pursuits The
student managed to e s c i ^ his assailant
near g i r o ' s Restaurant. 'The assailant apparently had no car in the lot.
Some patrons of the bar said that the
assailant is frequentiy seen boarding an
inbound city bus in the morning, about 7
AM at 12 comers. The assailant, about 24
years old and 6' tall had blue^eyes, dirty
blonde hair, and was well groomed. He
may be known to some bartenders. He
was wearing jogging shoes and cut-off
jeans the night of the assault. Anyone having any information which might lead to
the identity of this assailant should contact GAGV president Jim Ide at 244-5761.
In another incident in late August, a
man was attacked outside the Mortimer
Street Bookstore. His car pulled up outside the bookstore, and two young men
got out of the l>ack seat of his car, and proceeded to drag the driver out of his seat,
and beat and stomp him. Witnesses summoned the security guard from a nearby
bar, and called poUce. Meanwhile the
youths continued to beat their victim, a
man in his iate SO's. By the time p d i c e arrived, the muggers had casually
wandered off, prdbably to the Mortimer
Street parking garage. The victim refused
to press charges* and though beaten, and
prot)ably impared, drove away, leaving
witnesses, security guards, and police
shaking their heads.
Presbs Seek
Funds totalling $35,000 will h e ^ provide much-needed services to persons
with AIDS and those in high-risk ^ o u p s if
the Presbyterian Church has its way.
At its July 1985 meeting in Pavilion, NY,
the Presbytery of Genesee Valley
authorized its Funding and Review Committee tq seek i^> to $35,000 from Synod
and General Assembly sources over a
three year period beginning in 1986 for
the purpose of underwriting the Extended
Services Project of AIDS Rochester, INC
The ARIES Project will primarily address h e ^ t h related concerns of gay and
тАвbisexual men, and friends and family oT
those in high-risk groups. The project will
provide a professional facility for nonjudgmental care and s u ^ ^ r t of individuals, friends and families affected by тАв
AIDS, Hepatitis B or other sexually
transmitted diseases.
The Presbytery of Genesee Valley is the
official governing body of over 75
Presbyterian churches in a five county
area including Rochester. In the last few
years, several actions within the
Presbytery have focused on the gay community, including:
тАв formation of CREATE*Justice to
develop an advocacy of church members
who will work to attain civil rights for lesbian and gay persons
тАв declaration by four Rochester churches of openess to full inclusion of lesbian and gay persons in the membership
including ordination. These churches call
themselves ' 'More Light" churches,
declaring there is yet more light to receive
on questions of lifestyle, sexuality, loving
relationships and ministry with all
T H E P l a c e for W o i n e n in R o c h e s t e r
Disco Friday & Saturday 8pm-2am
278 Allen Street
Rochester, New York
Highland Bust
In early August, plainclothes officers
issued citati<┬╗is to at least 11 men, ages 23
to 70 years, in a crackdown on alleged
homosexual activity in Highland park.
Citations were issued for third-degree sexual abuse and lewd conduct.
Moat, if not all, of the cases have now
been heard. Most of those charged with
sexual abuae had their cases adfoumed in
contemplation of dismissal (ACD), and
were given 6 months probation and 16
hours of community service.
This means that after six months, if
there are no charges of a similar nature,
the trial and arrest record will be sealed,
and authorities will return photos and
prints to the defendents' lawyers.
If found guilty of the original charge, or
even a charge reduced from Sexual Abuse
n i to Lewd or Disorderly conduct, those
convicted would be left with a police
The judge ordered the defendents to
stay away from the parks and admonished them to "keep private things private."
Almost a dozen people had to shell out
between $250 and $500 each for legal services.
The community service, in lieu of jail
terms, is assigned by a clerk. One of the
defendents mentioned to the clerk that
amcc^ his other skills was gardening. The
clerk, unaware of the nature of the defendent's charges, said, "Well, we'll just
assign Highland Park!" He quickly
volunteered to clean busses.
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Well Drinks & Wln┬л Orinks 9Si
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Dollar Nite: Beer, Wine & Schf┬лapps
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The Avenue Pub
522 Monroe Avenue 244-4960
# i Sunday Spot
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Mon. thru Fri. 4-7pm
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"Never a cover charge**
Congratulations to Tim Mains
тАв ' : {
October, 19iW
GAGV Letter to Gannett Papers
The following letter was c^jproved by
the bond of die Oay Alliance of the
Geneaee Valley aric their moittfaly meeting
on Wedneadayt 11 Sejttember. It is being
mailad to Managing editors and news
directors in ihe l^ocheetier area print and
dectrootc media.
"We request that your news organization refrain from identifying victims oi
gay-rdatod crimes wh0┬гfe pc^ice reports.
We uaderataad that rmpe victima are ac^
corded this protection, and we feel such
^otecdoa must be extended to gay victims of crime as well, for many oi the
same reasons.
llie Gay Alliance oi the Genesee Valley
has recendy become aware of ntm:ierous
vident attacks on gay people. The motive
is ostensibly robbery, but the nature and
violenoe oi the attach hnply some serious
psychological disturbance on the part of
the attackers.
Only a few of these attacks are reported
to poUce. They know and we know of
many more attacks that have gone
unreported. Police fear that the attacks
will continue and wiU increase in violence
if muggers continue to believe that gays
are "safe" targets for their aggression.
In our interviews with victims who
decline to file police reports, FEAR OF
PUBLICITY has been a major inhibiting
factor. Defense attorneys have threatened
tlioae who ┬гX> prosecute with headlinemaking croaa-examination. It's tough for
any victim to prosecute, but it is particularly tough for gay victims because of
the violation of privacy and the possiMe
etfect on Runiiy, friends, employment,
passports, imigration and the current
AIDS hysteria.
We need to be able to reassure the gay
community that your orgainzation is
solidly behind riddkig Rochester of those
violent criminals who prey on gays (and
the occasional non-gay bystanders). This
involves your not publicizing the identity
of victims of gay-rdated crime wfao prosecute. We are oot asking fbr cenacvalup,
but osdy for a aensitivity to tfae special
nature of gay victims aad a realtaatioii of
the damage inappropriate poblkky can
Therefore, we are aakii^ for a statement of your management pfailoac^hy
conceming this matter. An acceptable
statement might be 'In otder to enooomge
r^iorting of dinae by victimc in ^ y
rdated situation, it ia our policy to NOT
name, or identify by photograph* addreas
or description, or any other means, victims of gay related crime who file pc^ce
reports and/or go to trial regarding that
Obviously, you may wish to adapt this
statement to your own dtuation.
We further request that your policy on
this inatter be ^ectively transmitted to
your news media stafiF. This request is
made necessary by a recent incident
which was reported in Democrat and
Chronicle, headlined 'YOUTH ACCUSED OF ROBBING GAY MAN ". The victim's reporting of the robbery led to the
i^yprehendon of a 17-year-old with a long
record of arrest. But for his courage, the
victim was rewarded with mention of his
hometown, which has fewer than 250
people in it (75 of wliom are monies), and
the fact that his windshield was broken in
the robbery attenpt. The naming of his
tiny hometown (instead <A otdy his county) was hardly essential to the story, and
was embarrassing to the victim and the
Gay Alliance.
Only a week before GAGV President
Jim Ide had been on TV, issuing an appeal
to gay victims of crime to file police
reports, and repeating assurances given
us for the press's sensitivity to gay victims' ^>ecial needs.
The DAC story was written by a student
any way that tbere was an intent to
sabotage our Gay Victim's campaign, or to
embarrass the victim, but the fact ia that
tfae victim was, for all practical purpoac┬╗
identified to ids fidends and aeigUiors.
Hds cneleaa, inaensitive reporting will
make futuge victims in aensttive^tuations
much lesa likely to come forward. In contFBst, the n n e s IMon artide on die same
dtuation was properly hancUed in our
In aumotary, we ^AKndd lifce to be dile to
aaaure members of tha gay ooounuiuty
tfarough our newpi^ier, TTie Bmpty Cloeet,
and by other means oi both the good intentions, and the effective executions of
thoee intentions by your news staff, in our
attempt to standi out violent crime in our
community. We lode forward to your
positive response.
James Ide, President
Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley
The Empty Cloaet
Urlacher NCMT
PoUce Chief
Gordon Urlacher, 42, who has served as
pdtibe haisoa officer tothe gay conununity fbr ifae paatten years was reoently promoted to Roq^ester's Cfaief of Police.
"Rather than tfae siqier butdh, ncucho
inuige oi paat policemen, Gordon
Urhidber vras aenaitive and supportive,"
wrote Jannea Ide, GAGV preskient in a letter oi support to dty manager Peter KOTU.
"He tqicLled onr rigfata as cttiBena, and
aaked for our cooperation in gettii^ tfae
real criminals <^ the streets."
Urlacher said his work with the gay
commtmity underscored the needs c^
minority groups to be served by the
"You're dealing witfa gay people who
were victimized, but ndght have been
married and were afraid of destroying
tfaeir family and business life by coming
ferward," he said in a Tbnes Union article.
"It tends to make you more attentive to
the needs of minorities."^
The position of gay community liaiscm
was established during Chief Hastings administration after an inddent in whicfa
homosexuals were harassed during a picnic at Genesee Valley Park. Urlacher has
acted as liaison officer since that time,
first as a Lieutenent, and then as Captain
of the Highland and Downtown sections.
A new liaiaon officer wiU be appdnted
2 for 1 9 pm-11 pm тАв Coatum* Judgino ttt Mklnlf
тАв . " ^ '
i n t e r e s t t o All
Women's Health
Conference Set
M o n r o e C o m m u n i t y College, in
Rochester, will be the site <^ a day-long
conference this foil designed to help
womesi fadp tfaemsdves stay well and
becowie informed consumers of health
care. ^xmscM'ed by the Coalition for
Women's Health, WOMEN'S HEALTH
CONFERENCE '85 will be held Saturday,
October 5 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm in
Buikfing Four on the MCC campus, 1000
East Henrietta Road.
Keynote ^>eaker for the event wiU be
NORMA SWENSON, a founder of the
Bostcm Women's H e d t h Book Collective
and cx>-author of the popular book cm
w o m e n ' s health care, Our Bodies,
Ourselves, In addition to her keynote on
'Issues in Women's H e d t h Today ", Ms.
Swenson will speak informally during
hmch on "What Dcxrtors Never Leam
about Women: Medical Education and
W<Mnen's Health '
During the course of the day,
will feature a series of eight w o r k s h c ^ on
wmnen's h e d t h issues led by skilled locd
practitioners. The workshops cover a
varicfty of topics f l e e t e d to apped to a
w i d e range of w o m e n , including
menc^pause; office health hazards; dcx;tCH^/^mtient relationships; the biologicd
dcx:k; sexuality; depression; breast cancer
and nutrition. Participants wiU be able to
attend two workshc^s of their chCMce,
one each in the morning and aftem(x>n.
All drawn from upstate New York, the
17 workshop leaders include Wende
Logan, M.D., radiologist and well-known
breast cancer specialist; PhyUis CoUier,
R.N., Women's H e d t h Care Program,
University of Rochester School of Nursing; Michele Kaplan, New York State
Scdhool of Industrid and Labor Relations,
ComeU University; and Joan Levine,
M.S.W., Director of Womanfcxnis in Buffdo.
The conference wiU also feature books
on women's hedth, educational/selfassessment exhibits coordinated by
graduate nursing stud^its from the
Women's H e d t h Care Program at the
University of Rochesfer, and an afternoon
wrap-up and snack.
The fee for the day-long oonference is
$16, w h i c h i n c l u d e s l u n c h a n d
refreshments. Registration is limited, and
pre-registration is required. Free parking
is available at MCC; aU faciUties are accessible to the physicaUy handicapped.
The CoaUtion for Women's H e d t h is a
consortium of eight locd commtmity
organizations that share a cx>ncem for the
physicd and emotiond weU-being of
women. The ^>onsoring organizations
are: DES Action/Rochester; Greater
Rochester NOW; Medical Women's
Association of Rochester; Monroe Community CoUege; Resolve for Rochester;
Rochester Women magazine; Rochester
Women's Network, and The United
Cancer CouncU, Inc. This year's conference is the first of three planned events
designed to encourage women to be informed consumers of health care.
For registration forms and further information, interested parties should contact
Monroe Community CoUege, Office of
Community Services. 424-5200, extension
Individual, couple
and group counseling
for sexual minorities
Horace Lethbridge, M.A.
New at G A C V .
Every Saturday Night
Hosted and Staffed
8:00 p m t o Midnight
Ages: 18 and up
тАв SI UM) Donation at door
тАв Refreshments and snacks provided
тАв Sign Language Inttetpreter
provtded for ttie hearing impaired
тАв Every nx>ntti a special activity
тАв Alternative tp the bar scene
тАв foemontmhmmatkm^temOJkXkM.
at 244'a640. 7:30-9:30
Monday thru Frklay
Outing Group
Marks Aimiversary
The Outing Group marked its first anniversary with an informd wine and
cheese get-together and meeting on
S e p t e m b e r 10. A p p r o x i m a t e l y 22
cdebrants attended the gathering. During
the coimse of the evening, ideas for new
activities were soUcited from those present. An execnitive committee was named
to plan and organize activities for the next
On October 26, the group is planning a
hike through Letchworth State Park.
There wiU be two liikes, a ten nule trek
and a more leisurely six nule walk. Those
planning to attend diould caU Tom or Bob
at 262-2913 before October 24. The group
wiU leave Blessed Sacrament parking lot
at 9:00 a.m. on October 26 and return in
the early evening. AU partidpants should
bring a limch. The hike wUl end with cUnner in a local inn. Entrees begin at $6.00.
The GAGV Outing Group began a year
ago with a meeting of six interested "outdoorspersons". After struggling dong for
several months with that same number of
members, the group musiiroomed to approximately 45. The Outing Group is
<^>en to aU lesbians and gays interested in
the out-of-doors. Activities for the upcoming year wiU include cross cx^untry skiing,
camping, biking, Whitewater rafting,
canoeing, and much more. Anyone who is
interested should caU Bob or Tom at
262-2913. The group wiU welcome your
participaticm and ycmr ideas.
PLGC Notes
On Thursday evening, September 5,
about 10 of us gathered at Bethany for the
first meeting ^ the faU. We had a short
business meeting foUowing our potiuck
The focus of the evening was a viewing
of the Virginia MaUenkott address
deUvered to the PLGC limcheon at
Generd Assembly. Virginia made many
profound remarks about heterosexism in
our sodety and about needed changes in
the church's view of gay and lesbian persons.
- T h e chtirch must ncrt label a person's
most holy desires to love as "sin."
- A pastord counselor must never invalidate a person's attempts to love.
-Christians must profess the grace of
God as the sdvation for aU people. To
declare that some people must d t e r their
sexuaUties in order to be saved is to profess sdvation by works.
--Christians must avoid the "shopping
cart" approach to Scripture, where only
"convenient" passages are selected from
the shelf.
At our next meeting at Bethany
Presbyterian Church, 3000 Dewey Ave.,
on October 4 at 6:30 pm, we'U take a lcx)k
at the AIDS crisis. SpecificaUy, we'U address the questions: What can we as the
church do for AIDS patients and their loved ones, and what can we do to move
scKiety to be more ccmstructivdy respon^ve? I plan to invite a guest from AIDS
Rochester. See you there!
Is a friend
feeling down?
Send s o m e t h i n g
special f r o m
Where the u n u s u a l i s c r e a t e d
A p r i l Flower Shoppe
173 s t a t e s t r e e t 546-7250
Balloon-O-Grams тАв Cut Flowers тАв Arrangements тАв Assorted Plapts
We carry safe lubricants, condoms, greeting cards,
novelties & sex toys.
Chatterley's is moving. Details In next issue.
667 Monroe Ave. Rochester. NY 442-1140
" ┬░ ^ ' ^ ' * * i : l ^ ^ ''^┬░"^-*┬л=^'^'^┬л┬╗-* W. 11anv9pm
Sot. 11am-6pm,Sun. Noorvipm
тАв * * * 4 . * * w >тАв *ii.> *ai*. *(B┬╗┬╗>┬╗^ ┬л>.,-*, s ^ , , ┬╗ ^ ^
m┬╗to mwm-'
LRC News
The m ^ o r event for Older Mature & Gay
Actioi]/Advcx:acy (OMEGA) in October
will be a trip to Letchworth Park on Saturday, October 12th. No reservations are required. Those who wish to make the trip
should prepare to meet at Southtown
Plaza, near the entrance off Route 15,
south of the outer circle. This wiD be a
"brown bag lunch" affair. Fcxxi and
beverages can also be purchased at park
stands. If you need a ride, please call
473.2374, We will leave Southtown for
Letchworth in a caravan of cars no later
than 10:00 and wiU return about 4:30 p.m.
OMEGA now has 85 committed
members, 38 men and 47 women, 30 of
whom are cx)uples. After experimentation with men only and women only
events, it has been decided to continue
them. More information will be available
in the near future.
We are in the prcx:ess of forming a peer
support group and an OMEGA
OUTREACH to visit people who are
housebound or in the hospital, or to send
cards, make phone calls and provide for
other special needs.
A Thanksgiving Diimer is being plaimed for November.
For more information on OMEGA,
please call 442-2986 or write OMEGA,
P.O. Box 887. Rochester, N.Y. 14603.
LRC had its tirst meetings on September
4 and 18 with fifteen women at each
meeting. We had many laughs while we
leamed each others names and shared
some of our finer traits. Ideas were suggested for future meeting topics and activities.
The Lesbian Resource Center meets on
the first and third Wednesday of each
month from 7:30 to 9:30 P.M. One
meeting a month is informational and one
is a social activity. The plans for each
meeting include having fun and being
positive - so come and join us.
Upcoming meetings are: November 6
-Relationships w i t h Our Families;
November 20 - Socnal gathering тАФ
women's music, conversation, and...;
December 4 - information; December 18
-Winter holidays (solstice, Chanukah,
Christmas) social gathering ~ sharing our
favorite memories and traditions; January
1 - NO MEETING; January 15 - to be announced.
Free Support
Group for
The Greater Rexhester chapter of the
National Organization for Women,
thrcmgh the Monroe County Coalition for
Welfare Justice, is offering free S u p p o r t
G r o u p a for Lcyw-lncome W o m e n . This
is c^>en to all wcmien, married or single, of
all ages, w h o consider t h e m s e l v ^ to be
low-inccmie. For more information, call
271-5393 and leave a message o n t h e
m a c h i n e for Bonnie. There will be free
cm-site childcare.
Women meet in the evening once a
week for six weeks. We discniss with other
women the problems and challenges of
being a women in tcxlay's scxriety. Topics
may include ' 'Women & Anger'',
"Violence Against Women", "Relations h i p s ' ', " F e m a l e S e x u a l i t y " , and
"Women & Economics". There will be
free on-site childcare. We are forming
groups now to begin meeting in October,
so call s o o n : 271-5393. Please leave a
message o n t h e nuu:hine for Bonnie.
' " тАв ^ z
c ^
тАв Who csies about me?
. ^ ^
be ^ ^ 0 ^ - ^ " ^ "
┬л *
by Horace Lethbridge
This month marks a signiHcant opening
of weekly three-hour sodal-informational
opportunities fcH* gay and lesbian youth,
ages 16 through 20. In August a volunteer
staff of 27 met to socialize and leam
together how to provide support and a
c o m f o r t a b l e a t m o s p h e r e . An agea(^rc^>riate library as well as lists of commxinity services will be available each
week. Music, snacks and pop will be the
backdrop as it is for all teenage scxdals.
Plans have been firmed up for the next
four memths. Gay youth can call (CMT further information: 442-2986...leave name,
number and convenient time for a call if
the answering machine respcmds.
The Peer FadRtadng Program is tnily a
chorttable endeavor for v^ilch the doors
must be kept open and for which
flnancfad support must be found. This Is
where peojile give of themsdves,
ttwough donations or volumeer
foditattng. to people who have a need
It Is now being used by many other
agencies and professionais as a place to
wMch they can refer people. O i r
service to leaMans and gay men Is
Our OMfli referral Ist of professlnals
{counselors. cNnkal psychologists,
physidans. pastoral counselors and
others) has been created to assist the
peer facMtators In refeiitng ttieir dents
who w4sh to seek furttier assi^anre.
Trained peer fodStators staff tt┬лe center
from 7:30-9:30 pm Sunday through
Fflddy. and Saturday 9O0 to midnight
┬л *
New^ Youth
G r o u p to
/тАвf 9 y < ^
-Vos <=0i>
on <*Hdcai^
' ' ^ ,
Become a Peer Fadlitator
We Need You!
T h e Gay AlUance of
t h e G e n e a e e Valley
Sunday through Friday 7:30 to 9:30 pm your peers are answering
c^lls and diseminating information about the Gay Community.
They are Hstening to and referring catiers to helping
professionals who are sensitive to the needs of gay people.
Sometimes a peer facilitator's role consists simply of t>eing
there as a supportive listener.
713 Monroe Avenue Rochester, Mew York
We provide the training and support to cieveiop good listening
and referral skills. We need you t o maintain a vital GAGV
Training sessions begin Monday October 7 at 7.-00 p.m. at the
GAGV Offices. Sessions will run for the next four consecutive
Mondays. Pependirtg on the responses, this schedule can be
To pe^felp^e: teer off end return
713 Monroe Avenue, flochaater. NY 14607
a Ttalning тАвsaaion dataa a tiroea
Q Beat timea lor me are .....-.:тАФ
- ,<
Home Phone
Work Phone
Memberships are tax deductible
D $20.00 Annually
n $5.00 Quarterly
D $35.00 Annually
n $ 8 . 7 5 Caiarterly
Supportlr>g D $ 5 0 . 0 0 A n n u a l l y
a $12.50 Quarterly
a $75.00 Annually
D $18.75 Quarterly
Benefactor a $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 A n n u a l l y O $ 2 5 . 0 0 Q u a r t e r l y
Please send m e m y free s u b s c r i p t i o n t o t h e E m p t y O o s ^ .
Non-member Supporter $
I w i s h t o d o n a t e t l i t i e . services o r nnaterials.
Piease c o n t a c t m e .
I i w t r t e r i i i d tftt any type et mcnaicfihlp cntttied me to v o t i i ^ prtvaegcs o l em Gtnerai
MMnbef#ilp.anda┬╗attheiiiqiAieiiiilyllitliconfl<)pnttai,i тАвasJiltontytotheogfaewofthe
AMmncek Endossd Is psyincnt fof my membenhip.
T h e E m p t y Cloaet
October, 1 W 5
October, 19B5
Women's Motorcycle Festival '85
M a y a Douglas N a m e d
Miss C o n t i n e n t a l USA
What's in the future for Maya?
An estimated 1000 cries and cheers of
Maya! Maya! Maya! were heard in "...well...traveling as Miss Continental
Chicago, Illinois at the 6th Annual Miss for one year and to see what each area of
Gay Continental USA Pageant. Out of 18 the cotmtry has to o^er in both f e n ^ e imcontestants. Maya walked away with first personating and my career field of fashion
plac:e in every category from personal in- design. I've been asked to consider after
terview, swimwear to evenimg gown, my year as Miss Continental to compete
for Miss Gay World." How does Maya
talent to Hnal question.
Maya began her female impersonating feel after winning and being back home in
only five years ago at the age of 18. Maya Rochester? "I really don't feel any difhas held six (6) very coveted titles: ferent and I enjoy my fashion designing
GAGV's Prom Qtteen, Miss Jims, Miss and my friends here in Rochester. I would
Rochester, Miss Flower City, Miss Cen- like to thank my personal sponsor and
tral New York, Miss New York State Con- hair designer Hart; Tom of KBK
tinental 1985-86, and now Miss Gay Con- Associates; Newell; Kevin; my dancers
Ahlishia, Jay, Julie and choreographer
tinental USA 1985-86.
Twenty-seven people were there from Michael Lee; Jeff for directing of talent
New York State to support not only Maya and set design; Maureen and Rosies;
but Gina Gentry and Rondretta Bill- Richie for music; Jim Flint, Cherine Alexingslea (Rondretta was registered, but did ander, Chili Pepper; all the contestants,
not compete). Contestants came from Dana Douglas, Lennis at the Baton Show
California, Illinois, Texas, Florida, Ten- Lounge and of course, Ray West from the
nessee, Wisconsin, Georgia and many Baton. I'm extremely proud to have
other states. Jim Flint owner of the represented New York State and would
pageant announced that starting next year like to encourage others to be involved.
only individuals that enter state And hopefully people will acknowledge
preUminaries can compete in the finals that there really is talent in smaller cities
with New York State the exception. In and that in order to be a wiimer, imperNew York State only the runners-up will sonators do not need implants and shots.
be eligible to compete in the tinals.
Talent is very important and finding the
Winning the title also brought: $3,000 right look for ones self is very important
cash, crown, contracts for paid ajv along with watching, listening and learnpearances in over thirty major cities in the ing as y8u share that "Quest for the
United States. Maya is under contract for Crown."
one year to J.F. Enterprises the pageant
KBK Associates is obtaining from MEN of
owner and KBK Associates of the Miss San Francisco, the video of the Pageant and
New York State Continental franchise.
will be scheduling viewings throughout New
Maya is the youngest Miss Gay Con- York State. Watch for notices in your local
tinental and joins the family of Miss Con- bars. Inquiries for appearances/perfortinentals: the tnily loved Cherine Alex- mances for Maya, should contact Maya's
ander, the first Miss Continental Chili manager - Hart at 2 716-266-7223 OR
Pepper, the lovely Heather Fontaine, ihe writing KBK Assodates, PO Box 692,
sensuous Tiffany Arieagus and Chena Rochester, New York 14603.
T h e E m p t y Cloaet
The aecond anntial Women's Motorcycle Festival held at Camp Whitnum on
Geneva Lake August Z3-26, 1985, was
even more orffaxuzied, more fun and more
exciting than WMF '84. Everyone there
aeemed to agree tbat a tradition has been
established - the third week of August is
forever reserved! According to Sue Slate
and Ginny Shear, the main organizers "of
the weekend* the women came back to
aee the friends they made last year, and
with ao many new faces, opportunities
were eaecellent for making new friends.
Ginny and Sue, who are avid bikers, first
formulated ttie festival idea in 1982 after
taking weekend trips with other women
bikers. The first mailing list went out in
1^4, 43 r e ^ K > n ^ , and WMF '84 was a
rousing success. Word of mouth helped
make this year's total number of partic^Muots 117. According to Sue, "the
women feel ^x>iled by the end of the
weekend." For an $80 fee the registrant
received camping facilities, three meals a
day ic^ the most delicious food we've ever
aeepi on a camping weekend (prepared by
culinary artists Jackie Nudd and Marylou
Komarek), activities that kept everyone
o n the go all day, a festival shirt and a rally
pm. The evenings were filled with
movies, the beautiful music of Leal
Zicarx's v<Mce and guitar, the 1st Annual
Leather and Lace Fashion Show (which
received rave reviews), and an Awards
Ceremony on the last night.
The women <^une to WMF '85 from as
far away as Canada and Florida and all
points in between. Most rode their cycles,
some hauled them in trailers, some were
o n l y ' 'potential bikers.'' But all were there
to share ttieir enthusiasm for cycling with
other women.
Cycle touring and sightseeing, swapping tech tips and cycling stories, comparing the latest in cycling accessories, and
attending workshops were all combined
with an emphasis <m riding well. Debra
Olin from Chelsea, Mass. said she had
leamed to ride from a man. She said men
have a "man versus machine" approach
to ridix^ which sometimes leaves safety
behind. "This whole festival weekend is
centered around safety," she said. Many
of the other women agreed, saying that
riding is much more fun when you leam
the limits of your cycle and ride accordingly. Deni Boyer, a motorcycle safety
instructor from Teaneck, N.J., offered the
women advice and informati<m on safety
and riding tips throughout the weekend.
She also offered a workshop on safe
riding. Ironically, the only accident of the
weekend (which fortunately was minor)
took place on the rain slicked route to
Deni's worksh<:^.
The events were varied throughout the
weekend and offered something for
everyone. Those who were not riding had
many choices: boating, hiking, volleyball,
ping pong, swimming, and of course,
cards! The motorcycle events included an
"Ice Cream Run'' that took participants to
Watkins Glen and back and a "Hog Run"
to Misty Meadows Hog Farm where the
women had the c^>portunity to hold a
baby pig! This trip also took them to the
Women's Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls
and the Peace Encampment. A "Trip to
Nowhere" was a leisurely tour of the
Finger Lakes region. The "Dice Run," a
motorcycle combination of treasure
hunt and game of chance, was the most
ambitious event of the weekend and took
some participants 6-8 hours to complete.
The "Slow Race" awarded a prize to the
slowest time achieved on a preset course.
By the end of the weekend the
volunteer staff looked exhausted. They
had cleaned, cooked, kept intruders out,
given comfort and assistance to a woman
who had to leave her bike at a local repair
shop and take the bus home, and much
more. But under that exhaustion was a
feeling of accomplishment at having made
WMF '85 even better than '84.. What's in
store for '867 Girmy and Sue say WMF
No. 3. of course! They have reserved the
camp for the same weekend next year.
Already they have new ideas and new
plans. Thc number of registrants will be
limited to keep WMF within the bounds
of its original goals. The want to keep the
festival relatively small, because, "it's
more intinuite and it's easier to ensure
that everyone has fun,'' says Sue. She also
adds that volunteers are always needed.
So if you're a biker, a potential biker, or a
volunteer looking for a cause, save the
third weekend of August 1986 and we'll
G i n n y S h e a r mod S u e Slate, W M F Organizers
see you at WMF '86.
Photo credit: Beth Bloom
- %
Pbolo ciedU. Beth Bloooi
Pholo cfedK: Beth BkMMB
October, 1 9 8 5
T h e E m p t y Cloaet
* * * . . *
October, 1985
Gay G r o u p s o n Local C a m p u s e s
tiy J o e P a k y z
The Gays Lebians and Friends Student
Organization is a relatively new group on
the RIT campus though ideas for
establishing a gay organization there were
first considered about three years ago. A
student at that time and several faculty
members recognized a need for an
organized group of individuals who could
serve to provide a positive atmosphere for
lesbians and gay men on campus. In the
year that followed, this core worked
diligendy to specifically outline the structure of such a group and its objectives.
Then a constitution and set of by-lavsrs had
to be worked and re-worked. In the fall of
1983, this core group made a presentation
before the Board of the Student Directorate, a group of students representing
various aspects of student life. The Board
imanimously ratified the constitution of
the GLFSO and so it was that an officially
r e c o g n i z e d gay o r g a n i z a t i o n w a s
A spokesperson for the group recalls
that there was some furor over the group
at its begjimings. Some students were
very much opposed to the group; others
were wholly supportive. The controversy
waged over the GLFSO made itself
known in the campus newspaper's
editorial section.
There was some initial conflict among
those involved with the organization as
well. Faculty advisors and students
sometimes expressed varying opinions as
to the direction the group should take.
There were those who thought the purpose of the GLFSO should be to primarily
provide personal support. Others thought
campus-wide outreach to discourage
discrimination and increase gay
a\srareness should take top priority.
Fortunately, the GLFSO has been able
to function at many levels. It has worked
to provide information to curb discrimination and harassment of gay men and lesbians on campus. It works to provide a
positive atmosphere for the gay campus
community as well as to develop comraderie and feUowship among all groups
and the individuals who comprise them.
It serves to make more effective comm u n i c a t i o n s b e t w e e n faculty and
students. Primarily, however, the GLFSO
exists and works to provide direct support
of its own membership.
The organization has accomplished
many of its objectives through weekly
meetings. These often become discussion
groups at which those in attendance can
share ideas about a topic chosen previously or a subject someone wishes to talk
about right then and there. There is a certain amount of planning of future projects
that takes place at these meetings,
although most of the organization of
events takes place at a meeting ctf the officers of the GLFSO prior to the regular
The GLFSO has held open forums concerning issues of interest and in^>ortance togay men and lesbians. Often these forums
focus on gay awareness or health
awareness. There have been talks on the
RIT campus by representatives of the
GAGV and Parents-FLAG. Social events
such as coffeehouses are held periodically
through the academic year. Some oficampus events have also been sponsored
including bar nights at Backstreets.
Current president of the GLFSO, Mark
Mariucci, stresses the importance of
maintaining a group identity. He was
pleased when the entire membership of
the organization recendy attended a
GAGV sponsored concert as a group.
Marks feels group functions emphasize a
cohesiveness that can benefit the GLFSO.
A new faculty adviscM- will be working
with the group this year, and Mark h┬л^>es
that her presence and increased enthusiasm <m the part of the campus gay
community will lead to a greater number
of activities in this academic year.
┬л тАв % -
" i *
Mk Mk ' ┬╗ тАв тАв ┬╗ тАв
Already planned are a workshop on AIDS
presented by AIDS-Rochester, some gay* oriented films, as well as more discussion
groups, open forums, and coffeehouses.
The fact that the GLFSO is a Class II
organization at RIT provides some
challenges to the organization of extensive
elaborate programs, since all Class II
groups are not funded by RIT. GLFSO is
in this category simply because it is a new
campus organization. All other new RTF
groups hold the same classification. The
GLFSO supports itself financially through
member dues and by fundraising. A lack
of large funding has not held back the enthusiasm of the group or its leader,
however. Attendance at meetings has
grown as has the level of motivation and
of involvement.
Currently, meetings of the GLFSO are
held each Thursday evening at 7 pm in
meeting room M-1 in the RIT college
union. If there are questions or for more"
information on meetings and events of the
GLFSO, please contact the group's facility
advisor. Joanne Jacobs at 475-2433 or
write the group, c/o Student Directorate, 1
Lomb Memoriai Drive, Rochester. 14623.
by Robyn Freeh
The gay and lesbian group at Nazareth
College is the Lambda Association and it
is open to Nazareth students, alumni and
area college students. The group was
organized in 1984 to offer a support group
to gay students and to help educate the
Nazareth community.
This year the group has been meeting
on a group determined Friday in an unannounced room to allow for confidentiality. The group deals with topics such as
coming out, families, religion, and relationships. They hope to bring in movies
and speakers both for themselves and for
the general Nazareth population.
For further information contact:
The Lambda Association
c/o Undergrad. Assoc.
4245 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14610
-..fc-w. w t * > m f
b y J o e Pakyz
The Gay and Lesbian Association is an
organization at the University of
Rochester. It provides a large number of
services to the campus community as well
as to the city of Rochester. Though its
name and membership are diHerent from
those at its origin, its objective bear
resemblance to those of the original
Started in the early 1970's as the Gay
Liberation Front, the group was a sociopolitical organization. A -. small but
dedicated number of people committed
themselves to establishing a gay presence
in society, working toward gay liberation
as part of the freedom movement sweeping the country at that time. As more people from the Rochester community attended GLF meetings, became involved
in its projects, and supported its cause, the
group moved from the UR campus, based
its <^)erations in the city, and evolved into
the Gay Alliance ofthe Genesee Valley. In
the years that followed, as the GAGV
grew and expanded its facilities and the
number and scope of its programs, there
really was no gay organization on campus.
In the simmier of 1982, at the GAGV
sponsored Gay Community Picnic, two
UR students discussed the need for a
revitalized gay organization at the university, and through their efforts, the Gay
Academic Union was re-established on
campus. Through the fall semester the
group grew in numbers and level of involvement, drawing strength from the
energy and enthusiasm of its leaders. New
ideas were transferred into new realities
as a new gay presence at the UR was
In the past three years, the GAU changed its naxne to the Gay and Lesbian
Association (GLA) in an efiort to affirm its
dedication to the support of both gay men
and lesbians via a variety of academic and
non-academic endeavors.
On a basic level, the GLA provides support through its weekly meetings. Most
often they become rap sessions at which
members gather to share feelings and
ideas on a variety of topics. Often, future
projects will be discussed and developed.
Most importantly, meetings provide a
welcome, comfortable atmosphere and an
opportunity to meet and get to know gay
students and faculty. Sometimes the
meetings of the GLA have a specific
theme and guest speakers who are invited
to share information. Representatives of
such local organizations as the GAGV,
Dignity/Integrity, and Parents-FLAG
have made presentations, answered questions, and relayed experiences in an effort
to inform members and all others who attend such events. Meetings are always
qpen to anyone who would like to attend.
Another basic service provided by the
GLA is the Gay Connection, a phone
hotline which provides st:^)port in a variety of ways. Tibe Gay Connection was
established in the ^ r i n g of 1983 when the
phone lines first c^>ened. Since that time,
it has had as its primary goal peer-to-peer
outreach - letting callers know that there
are many gays on campus and that there is
a support network. In over thirty hours of
training by the University's Counseling
and Psychological Services, volunteers
develop listening skills which help them
help csdlers. The staff of the Gay Connection provides a listener for those who
need someone to talk to, works to help
callers solve problems for themselves,
and serves as a clearinghouse for information about other gay/lesbian organizations. A spokesperson for the Gay Connection labelled it a " great success'' as the
number of calls has increased and as
positive feedback from those who have
been helped by the service has emphasized the need for such a support network.
Members of the GLA have worked on
an individual level to educate people and
dispel myths about gay men and lesbians.
Some have spoken in Psychology and
Sociology classes or on panel discussions
to increase pubUc awareness of the gay
and lesbian lifestyle.
In the last few years, the GLA has also
had measured success in the plaiming and
execution of campus-wide events of both
a social and an educational nature. The
group is fortimate to be funded by the
Students' Association and so have the
capability of programming a number of
major events each academic year. Various
programs are either solely sponsored by
the GLA or cosponsored with groups such
as the Women* s Caucus, the Jewish
Students' Union, and the Cinema Group.
Kate Clinton, a lesbian feminist-humorist,
and Margie Adam, a
singer/songwriter, have brought their
talents to campus. Brian McNaught, nationally recognized author and syndicated
columnist, spoke of his experience of being gay. Evelyn Torten-Beck, editor of
Nice Jewish Girls: A Lesbian Anthology,
spoke to a large audience on the topics of
"Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia Three Sides of the Same Coin." Most
recently, the GLA co-sponsored a showing of the film The Times of Harvey Milk
during the University's freshman orientation. Tim Mains, Democratic candidate
for Rochester City Council, introduced
the film to an audience of six hundred
Along with the personal support and
gay awareness services provided by the
GLA is the group's effort to maintain
some of its political identity. Earlier this
year, the GLA waged a campaign to in*
elude sexual orientation in the Affirmative Action policy of thc University of
Rochester. Students and faculty worked
together to provide protection and
eliminate discrimination by providing a
process for addressing grievances brought
against the university.
It appears that this academic year wiU
not be much difiFerent from recent years.
Current plans for the GLA include a film
series, a dance, a presentation by AIDSRochester, and one major speaker.
Meetings will continue to be held each
Wednesday at 9 p m in tbe Psychology
Buikling, Room 210. A special effort will
be made to hold meetings regularly at the
Eastman School of Music to enoounige
students there to take an active part in the
GLA. Tbe Gay Connection ta in operaticm
each Thursdiy and Friday nights from 8
to 11 pm while school ia in session. The
phone numbers for t U s service are
275-8341 and 275-8342, For more mformation oonoeming the GLA, its meetinga,
or if there are any other questkma concerning GLA spoemotted programs, pieaee
oootect Brooke Gordon-Hare, GLA advisor, at 275-2331.
by Robyn Freeh
While trying to cotne up with a t(^ic for
my oc^unon this issue, I asked myself,
"What wookl be the most appropriate and
beneficial subject to cover?" I decided
uptm dreams and ccmimitments. Bach of
us haa dreams and plans that we hope to
fuIfilL We are also aware that dreams
don't always oome true^ at least 100%.
For example, my dream is to be a politi*
d a n in a position to do great amounts of
good fbr the elderly. Unfortunately, that
won't happen over night so I do all I can
to m a k e my dream a reality in smaller
ways. Each of us does this through our
jobs, orgamzations and friends. Its also
nice when we come in contact with someone who is able to quicken our
journey, whether intentionally or by trymg tb fulfill their own dreams.
Here's where commitment enters in. If
we ourselves wish and appreciate the help
of others, a mentor or investor, do we not
have tm obligation to offer what we can to
help others in their conquest of a dream,
especially if it involves no money and a littte bit of time, not to mention the benefits
you get out of it?
What am I driving at? There is a man
who has a dream. He is I i m Mains and his
dream is City Council. Now, if any of you
women feel as I do, that we have a commitment to help someone else's dream
along, e^>ecially when it can only further
any ' dreams we may have as Gay
Rochesterians, I plead with you to register
to vote in the election for City Council.
Get your friends, lovers and families to
register. Hopefully, someone will do the
same for you some day.
T h e E m p t y Cloaet
Ars Femina
reminiscent of the "Terry Gartfawaite"
school of voice, ^ n k , refreshingly, does
not su^ocate us with ballads about loat
loves and endangered "marriages." One
Susan Plunkett's Jazzberry's, known for of the few songs of this nature to be heard
its delicious, exotic vegetarian cuisine, on the album "Don't You Worry," is a
continues to bring us some new and ex- jazz selection complete with scat singing
citing performers of "women's music." and contains the line "cause when I love I
Coming to town on Oct. 20 at 8:00 p.m. work to make it last... I'm here to face out
will be the incredibly iimovative and ex- loving put on trial." |I w a s beginning to
citing, Sun Pink.
think we stopped trying when the Beattes
Hailing from Beverly Hills, she comrecorded "We Can Work It Out, ") "Stay
bines the technique and knowledge gain- Awhile'' begins with some beautifuJ
ed from a strict classical m u s i c Rhodes piano playing and a pretty, jazz
background with a passion for the bass line played by Diane Lindsay. (Lindfeminist movement. She has taught the say will be aippearing with Sue Fink cm
likes of Marvin Gaye, and has performed ' tour). Fink's vocal clarity and purity of
in clubs throughout the world. Her credits tone shines in this tune.
also include studio work and television
The album is an excellent production
gigs; in Los Angeles she is well known as
the conductor of the L.A. Women's Com- using some of the most elaborate and
sophisticated electronic instrumentation
munity Chorus.
available. Sue Fink's knowledge has put
Her newest album, Big Promise, as the these machines to musical use. Watch for
name suggests, is the precursor of Sue Fink in concert at Jazzberry's!
something big. Her music is lesbian and
In the "already performed and out or
feminist oriented but not objectionable in town section" is a young, vibrant and
its bias. Sue Fink's musicianship is truly very self-assured woman from the Bronx,
amazing. The styles represented range Deidre McCalla. She has just released her
from '40's swing to quasi-Laurie Ander- first album on Olivia records and is proson avant-garde rock. This extreme can be moting it on tour. She has a very powerheard in "The End is Near,'' a song evok- ful, alto voice, yet she can exhibit fine
ing images of the apocalypse. The L.A. musicality even in her high register.
Women's Community Chorus provides a
McCalla is a marvelous performer to
full choir back up alternating with a
as she shows her joy and emotion
steady rhythmic accompaniment.
very apparently in her eyes and her
Sue Fink's voice by itself is not a movements. She is obviously at home
glorious instrument that will set your w i t h h e r g u i t a r , a n d h e r selfheart at a rapid pacei Her musicianship, accompanying does not detract at all from
intonation, control and use of the instru- her singing.
ment she does have becomes a superb adThe themes of Deidre McCalla's
dition to her more than adequate vocal
songwriting includes love tunes like
"Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained," a
Big Promise features such songs as forceful ballad about a woman who defied
"Boys are Thugs," a new wave dance the authorities in Soweto. McCalla is
tune with tongue-in-cheek lyrics; "Love equally versed in folk style as in jazz. Her
Won't Let Go," a beautiful and gripping phrasing, use of rhythmic syncopation
ballad with a sort of swing feel; and and vocal nuances were annointed with
"Caught Between Two Worlds," and SO's the blues. This was especially emphasized
rock tune about Itfe on the streets. All are in Mother Earth, about our destruction of
I nature. Deidre McCalla is also a good poet
and lyricist. 'Did You Think I Didn't
Know" is a melodic, gentle song concerning a woman in love with someone else.
McCalla shed some irony about the inevitable ending with the w o r d s ' 'come full
round a circle to begin again." She received a lot of help in the studio firom, among
others, the great Teresa Trull. A tune
about an unrequired crush, entitted
"Feeb Ahright? Dance Alright?" began
with a dialogue about she and Trull in the
studio. The dialogue was spoken over a
guitar vamp. The remainder of the concert ranged from country to countryreggae to a very disappointing, out-of-time
rendition of Dionne Warwick's "That
Lovin' Feeling." Although her album was
recorded with a full band, money and
^>ace limited Deidre to performing solely
with acoustic guitar. It is a real challenge
to maintain musical excitement with just
voice and guitar unless the audience is
very oriented to a folk style. Deidre McCalla managed to hold this reviewer's interest well into the second set. Unfortunately the performance became dragged down with typical lyrics and music
devoid of rhythmic'excitement towards
the end.
Attention W o m e n !
Any woman interested in music who
would like to join other women to sing or
play instruments please call 473-7425
eves. The All-New Rochester Women's
Conununity Chorus is seeking membership.
Ms. Lavner, a favorite of the
New York gay cabaret scene for
some time, brings twelve feet of
talent packed in a five foot
frame to her first Rochester
engagement. Her unatiashed
satire and original music, all in
the tradition of early 20th
Century music halls, is bright,
nnelodic and brimming with
effervescent irreverence. Equally
on target is her patter between
Such an original and good
natured performer deserves to
be seen not only by gay
audiences, but by anyone with
an ourtce of sophistication arnJ
humanity. So don*t mtss her act:
classic cabaret with a mix of
vaudeville, old show songs, love
t>allads and a touch of countryalmost all original.
"IHer material, although mostly
gay-oriented, has such universal
appeal that anyone with a sense
of humor and an open mirul can
enjoy her free and refreshing
style." -The ArNocete
Jnr M M g n l l M ^ . hiw .n*aij^┬╗тАФl-AC**-"
T h e E m p t y CMeet
October, 1985
October, 1985
C o n u n d r u m to
Present Warren
b y B e t h Bloom
I first met Keith Hershberger last year
aftcsr a performance of his award-winning
play The Watched Pot As the founding
producer-director of Conundrum Players,
a community theater group based at
Calvary St. Andrews Church on Averill
Ave., Keith has been challenging
theatergoers to "theater with a social conscience." Past productions have included
The Gin Game, Bent, Hte Shadow Box as
well as two of his own plays. Home For
Thanksgiving! and The Watched Pot. All of
these plays have dealt with controversial
issues which have included alcoholism,
teenage pregnancy, suicide, homosexuahty, racism, old age, loneliness and death.
Even the company's name. Conundrum,
illustrates Keith's interests in challenging
the audience's ideas and perceptions.
Keith points out that he is not trying to
provide any one definite answer but instead he is trying to porti'ay the depth and
complexities of the human ^ i r i t .
Recently, the word went out that Keith
and Conundrum Players would once
again be holding auditions. As always no
previous acting or theatrical experience
was necessary, encouraging anyone v^rith
an interest to audition or participate in
whatever capacity they feel they are best
suited to. This production, Warren, was
written as a tribute and memorial to the
playwright's friend, Warren Johnson,
who died on Friday, April 13, 1984 from
AIDS. The play has become Warren's
legacy. It deals with Warren's relationship to his mother, father and stepmother;
his friends Sam and Joe, as they struggle
with Warren's illness; Kelly, Warren's
friend and support; and Rebecca, the
Keith first read it after some friends
who had seen it in Hawaii suggested he
read it. As soon as he read it. Keith decided that Warren was to be his next production. The following day, Jackie Nudd asked him to consider reading and ultimately
producing a play she had seen in Atlanta
called Warren. After some discussion, it
was decided that Conundrum Playears
would {HToduce Warren in conjunction
with AIDS Rochester for AIDS awareness
month in November.
This would be the first time that Warren
has been produced in New York State,
afier successfully playing in Philadelphia,
Atlanta and Honolulu. Keith hopes that
Warren, which he describes as a loVe
story, will help to answer questions that
people may have as well as helping them
deal vrith their fears about AIDS. It will
also help to highlight some podtive
aspects, too тАФ that caring and sharing can
occur during the worst times.
Keith believes that live theater is a good
place to deal with feelings and that it is a
safe place to be able to cry and let out
some of those feelings.
As Keith and I spoke about Warren^ he
told me that he thought this was a play to
bring your family to see: your children your lover - your parents; that in it, is
something we can all leam from. Furthermore, he told me that Warren must be
seen in Rochester.
Warren will play October 21, November
1, 2 and 3 and November 7, 8, 9 and 10 at
8:00 p.m. at Calvary St. Andrews Church
on the comer of Averill and Ashland St.
The performances on November 3 and 7
wili be interpreted for the hearing impaired.
Tickets are available for a donation of
$5.00 and may be reserved by calling
442-5117 or picking them up st the
Parkleigh, Silkwood Books, or the AIDS
Rochester office at 133 Liberty Pole Way.
Parking is a problem, so plan to come early or, better yet, carpool.
T h e Enapty Cloaet
COls(UP{pRUM <^LA^ERS meyin-sm
The new
for anribodiBs to
"AIDS vims" doesn't teU
you very much of anything. It
only indicates that you have been
exposed to the vims What it can do
is frightening.
Directed by Keith DL HersNserger
Imagine, if your health insurance company found out that your
test came hack positive, they might cancel your policy, Even your/oh
and home may he at risk
Barnes might he reponed fo the government and hnd thetr way onto a
master list
In fact, desperately needed reseanii is being fundermi because the Federal
government refuses to guarantee conhehntiaHty. So, i f you do take dte test nmke
sure you get a guarantee m writing diat your name and the results of your test
won't ever be released to anyone.
Otherwise^ our advice is, stay away from the test It's bad news.
& ^ H C He^hne 2f2'B07-'66SS s^atswta tv GMHC *SMHC i m nt^^ JWM AHM
Opening: October31, November 1,2,3 and 78^9.10
at 8:00 pm
Noveffiber 3 and 7
In Conjunction With
(those with less are welcome)
T i d w t s A w i l i i M B a t : Sikwood Books. 6 3 3 Monro* A m
rarlcletgh P h f i w e y . G o o d i n i i at
442-S117 lor morm MormaUon
TTY ^ 2 3 2 - 6 3 2 4 lor Hearing Jmpakod
2 4 8 M o n r o e Avenue
Cocktail Loonga
I тАв IIII11; i III IIII t
тАв( ei m^.Mi тАв^тАвuiuiLja^e ┬╗ ┬л vi тАв> m\ m JK ;m ei m
Open Monday*Sunda> .2pm to 2ftm
2 FOR 1 .TttMCMof 10pmto2am
HAPPY HOUR Mon..Satt. 2-7pffn, Sun. 2-11pm
Dance Music Tuesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday
K d t b Hcrahbeiier
Pboto cmfit: Beth Bloom
153 Uberty Pole Way (716) 232-4719
Franklify my dear, we d o ^ v e a damn!
50 hours weekly of Happy Hour
Happy H o n r daily noon-7 pm, Sundays *til 8 pm
Tata T*Shkt Day ftrst Monday <^ each month
F r L . Sat┬л * Saai. Nites 'Sing-Along* 10 pm-2 am
Saaday 1-S p M : 'Baulah* S p e c i f , Hot Intemationai
Coffees, DalquMs, Pina Coladas, Muddled old Fashioneds &
Froaan MafgarlCas
Checlc our m o f i t f ^ bufctineJkMT
. i h ^ ^ V J ┬л тАв┬╗-v* 1┬л I ┬л тАв ^ тАв
o# Ihe bar
'WWIWtWll ||l|l,>H^rt,y,
Arts Comments
b y AanMi C o h e n
When I first relocated to Rochester
nearly three-and-a-half years ago, I was
told by several informants that it is the
biggest closet in the world. I had come
^ m the intemationai arts community in тАв
New York City, where homosexuality is
thought to l>e matter-crf-factly acceptable.
It ain't necessarily so.
I point, ior instance, to the fact that Uncoin Kirstein. long a doyen of high cidture
and co-fotmder and general director of the
New York City Ballet, saw fit in his recent
large-scale study of Paul Cadmus (his
brother-in-law) to almost completely
bypass mention of the explicit and consistent homosexual imagery in that artist's
paintings and drawings. Surely, Kirstein,
whose friends and associates have
numbered many of the famous homosexual creative people of our time, m i ^ t
have felt less self-conscious in pointing
out - if not discussing at length ~ a topic
that he has undoubtedly had more than
casual acquaintance vrith. Paul Cadmus is
widely acknowledged to be among the
greatest depictors of homoerotic topics in
wall-himg art.
It was gratifying, therefore, when I was
calling around to get on the press lists of
the various a r t s organizations in
Rochester, to find that only one of them
blanched at according The Empty Closet
full press privileges. That one is: Opera
Theatre of Rochester.
Over the years, I had heard that that
company's director was, to put it politely,
difficult to deal vsrith. Judging by this treatment and the one production I have
managed to see, she is not just difficult but
offbase is k n o ^ n g who her audience is
and what it wants to see.
Considering how hard a time Opera
Theatre of Rochester has in filling the
house for even one performance of each
work presented, you would think the
publicity and goodwill of a publication
such as this would be welcomed. Certainly, it is no secret all over the world that
gay people make up a substantia] portion
of opera-going audiences. The reason
g^ven to me for not extending press
piivileges to this publication is that OTR
does not do so with any "^)ecial interest"
So, if you were among those who were
wondering whether I wiU be reviewing
the opera this season, wait till the new
director of Opera Theatre of Rochester is
installed. Perhaps she v ^ know where
her friends and audiences are. At least,
she could not l>e more difficult than the
person l>eing replaced.
Serious lovers of classical music, like
myself, have felt indebted (in more than
one way) to Michael Steinl>erg's Recorded
Classics shop next to the Little Theatre on
Bast Avenue since it opened just over a
year ago. We had just about forsaken having good thoughts and hopes about what
could be found at Record Archive over on
Mt. Hope Avenue, which had once been a
trove of grace notes. But we need not
avoid Record Archive any IcMiger. Word
has reached m e that a choice cache of used vintage opera and vocal Lps, in
generally fine condition, are nviking their
way to the tnns at extremely reasonaUe
prices. Get them while they are availaUe.
Not every p r ^ e d recording will be
reiasued on compmd disca, or at least not
in the near future.
Stereotypes, gay or otherwise, do have
their origins in factual observation, no
matter how absurd the conclusion may
appear. There was nothing absurd,
however, about the entertainment provided at The Means Event, a benefit fundraiser
prior to the Rochester city council
primary. Held at GeVa Theatre on
September 7th, there was nothing
stereotypical about what was offered in
celebration of the candidacy of Tun
Mains, the first openly gay person to run
for public office in Rochester.
Instead of a miscellany of acts, which is
what is usually offered at political fundraisers, an attempt w ^ made to assemble a show that would be suitable for attendance by adults on any Saturday night.
And success was met with in most departments. The evening had unity of viewpoint, polish, and class.
Gay pec^le, we have all heard are so...
so theatrical, so, if you will, talented. The
test of this stereotypical concept was a
smooth, quick-flowing revue that
featured an armload of Tim Mains's
fnends from the Rochester performing
community. All of them were highly attractive performers. The choice of
material was from American mu^cal
theater, and a very luihackneyed choice it
was. The staging and delivery were apprc^riately sophisticated, making me
t h i i ^ it would have graced a supper club
with little adaptation. All involved are to
be commended, particularly the director,
John Haldoupis.
Is there a concluision to be drav^m? If this
is gay. then gay must be okay. No?
As a veteran denizen of chorus-boy
dressing rooms during the waning heyday
of the showbiz gypsy during the 1950s and
1960s [A Chorus Une is virtually my
autobiography), I feel I have an excellent
base from which to appraise and
characterize the attitude known as camp.
It was from among chorus pe<^le, a
di^roportionately l a ^ e number of w h o m
are homosexual, that camp arose and
The word "camp" is a direct reference
to the practice of only t ^ o or three singers
or dancers checking into a hotel on the
road (back in the early decades of this century) vrith a similar additional number of
them occupying the room as well. The
process was known as "camping," and
the people who did it were "camps."
Their frivolous behavior and habit of
making ftm of themselves soon also
became known as "camping," and the
term ^sread to the nongypay world,
especially with the advent of TV interview shows.
In her much-discussed article, "Notes
on 'Camp'," which is now two decades
old, Susan Sontag had many things to say
about camp, many of which I found condescending if not downright wrongheaded and misleading about
phenomenon. Sontag is a leader among
highbrow critics who fa^tdooeAAf give
credence to the ai^redation and thereby
validation of popular culture. They
assess ctirrent pop culture not as a commentary on socio-culturM conditions but
as an eipression of the individual, completely clisregarding the fact that most of it
is manufactured by a large industry
whose major and almost sole functicm is to
make lots of money.
Now, camp institutionalizes shoddy
taste. It is a negation of refined standards
in artistic matters. It is the reduction to
ridicule of accepted norms in popular
culture while at the same time denying
tbe possibility of the development of individual choice. Seeming to be antipathetic to bourgeois taste, camp never. theless holds up those values as a standard. Camp can thus be indulged in
nowadays most comfortably by those who
are thoroughly caught up in middle-class
life. Though it lionizes the exotic by paying excessive attention and homage to
alien behavior, it simultaneously ridicules
socially unpoptdar modes of behavior.
Coming out of the imposed self-hatred of
homosexuals, camp has risen to respectability because it is conunercially
All this is by way of introduction to an
a{^raisal of the film Kiss of the Spider
Woman that is now showing at the Little
Much like the two films titled La Cage
aux Folles, Kiss of the Spider Woman is a
nongay view of male homosexual life, in
particular that segment of it concerned
vrith cross-dres^ng and identifying with
women through b ^ n g effeminate. Drag is
looked on in these works as cute, quaint,
and permissible, because it accords with a
safe stereotype. As long as you do not
have to deal with homosexual men who
are not easily spotted, there is no threat
that one of them v\rilJ come up behind you
in the dark and do heaven knows what.
Tlus deficiency is strictly in the film of
Spider Woman and is certfdnly not one of
the faults of the novel by Manuel Puig on
which it is based. There, the camp-versusmacho adversity t>etween two men incarcerated in the same cell uses their different approaches to maleness to create
substantial doubt atxnit which one is the
more honest. As I recall (not having looked at the book in six years), the outcome
was a draw. The same conclusion is attempted on screen, and it comes oH
reaaonably weU - except that it is
ultimately minus the dimension of truth. I
never believed the queen was real, that he
had any dimen^on other than as a symbol. The political prisoner had only
marginally more roundedness in his social
Puig's use of a trashy type of film
(redolent of Maria Montez's worst excesses) to contrast the squalid reaUty of an
effeminate man's real life and his fantasies is reduced to the safe stereotype of
recognizable camp. One of the major problems here is the nature of film itself. In
the clips from the fictitious narrative vtrith
which Luis Molina, a queen, entertains
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Valentin Arregui, a revoluti<xiary, we are
5^ww too much. A large portion crf the impact Molina's narratives have in the book
is baaed on our imagining the scenes he
describes. Seeing their pseudo^shabbiness
gives them credibility; all the ga|>6 are filled in. We iwZitfve what w e see to be what
he saw. Only a handful of great directCMrs
have ever been able to counter this truism
about film and let us know that what w e
see u p there larger than life is only illusion, or at least the portions of it they
wished us to believe are a character's imaginlngs.
In ^ i d e r Woman, we n o longer know or
can suspect what Luis Molina is supi^ying
from his own need that may not hove
been in the films he is supposed to have
seen. Understandably, h b cellmate has
trouble accepting the attractions of the
trashy standards lionized by the camp
mentality. That the character called
Valentin Arregui is at all receptive to the
camp viewpoint is more tribute to the actor portraying him, Raul Julia, than to the
dirrotor, Hector Babenco. This, by the
way, is the deepest portrayal on screen or
off that I have yet seen from Julia, a performer I have often previoualy thought
only rode the easy surface of his roles.
Tliere are many technical lapses in the
film, the most notable being the sound. It
would seem that much of the dialogue
was post-dubbed in a neutral ambience
totally without character and at odds with
the locales on screen. I also su^>ect that
moat of the actors, since they were
Brazilian, leamed their lines by rote and
had little notion of what to emphasize,
which maKes their faces more than uncommonly bland for a film.
However, the major flaw is what
William Hurt does - or fails to do. He falls
most short in never allovring what be says
to come out of his face. He depends on
gesture and posture exclusively to suggest
the mincing queen, leaving his voice to
produce orotund, actorly tones instead of
liie nasal, pinched manner of someone
who probably goes through life vrith pursed lips. The inflection heard are at odds
^ t h the shoulder and hip movements
that Hurt is so painstaking to reproduce.
Had he used the muscles above the neck,
aroimd his mouth, in a more genuinely
queen-like fashion, the bulkiness of his
body would not have seemed artifically
intrusive (after all, we have most of us
known "ladylike" men of large scale).
Perhaps it is time that out-of-the-closet
artists were encouraged to depict gay
characters* Then we might be spared the
off-base, smirking attitude of such attempts at depicting gay life as Kiss of the
Spider Woman. If the homosexual content
oF Spider Wonum had been more accurately depicted, then the political a^)ect8 of
the script would also have made their
points more strongly. The added depth of
the entire ei^┬╗erience might have been
searing instead of merely melodramatic.
Do not miss two of the documentary
features being featured in the festival of
that genre at &e Little Theatre this month.
Hiere wiil be three showings of The Times
cf Harvey MUk (Wed., 10/9, 9:30 p.m.;
Sun., 10/13, 4:00 p.m.; Tues, 10/22, 4:30
y.m:), amf An<7 CaAnus - Enfant Terrible
ai 80 Will be presented twice (Thurs.,
10/10,7:30 p.m.; Sat., 10/19,4:00p.m.)> If
you were intrigued by what I had to say
about Cadmus earlier in this column and
are unfamiliar with his work, this is an
ideal opportunity to fill in that g ^ .
Running parallel in the history of fihn
there have always been two strains: the
commercial and the experimental. Each
has fed off the other, thematically and
technologically. A local Rochester notable
in both areas was Dr. James Sibley Watson, Jr., who made two avant-garde short
subjects in the 1920s and 1930s and later
pioneered in the field of X-ray motion pictures. Dr. Watson was, as w d l . one of the
fotmders of Dial magazine, a literary journal of the 19205 whose influence was very
In the latter part of September,
Rochester Institute of Technology held a
celebration and colloquium on the Wat*
son accomplishments. One of its
highlights was the showing of Dr. Watson's two silent experimental Hlms, TTie
FaU ofthe House of Usher (1929) and Lot in
Sodom (1933f. Tlie prints came from the
collection of the George Eastman House,
in whose Dryden Auditorium they were
shown. Of note in both of them was their
development of many techniques that
later became commonplace in the
Hollywood product.
Fall of the House of Usher, based on the
Poe story, seemed all the more eery
because ihe dazzling special effects were
done only in the camera. Its effective
musical score, supplied later and
ultimately rejected by Watson, was by
Alec Wilder, another Rochester native.
The sound track for Lot in Sodom was not
nearly as inspired, but the film's over-all
technical polish was more apparent.
Whereas Usher looked mindful of its
predecessor, The Cabinet of Dr, Catigari,
the visual style of Lot in Sodom seemed to
own much to the hom<^hilic Natasha
Rambova version of Oscar Wilde's
Salome. (Rambova, incidentally, v^as an
America^ lestnan, nee Shaunessy, who
was married to Rudolph Valentino.) The
principal way chosen to show that infiunoua biblical city's wickedness was in
suggestive shots of attractive, ntaafynaked young men di^^orting together.
The only women in evickaice were the
wife and daughter of Lot.
Tliere seem to be many Rochesterians
who have distinguished themselves in the
world at large but whose achievements,
on the surface, are leas heralded than the
handful of glamorous names that oome
readily to mind. How many more are
there of James Sibley Watson, Jr.? Ferhaps
R.I.T. vdll assist us to know of them by
staging more of such worthy celetoitions*
Ocfobef ^ )$;;5
^ l i c ┬гm|y|tY^Clo8et
* тАв
┬л - тАв тАв ┬л -
William H u r t in Kiss of the Spider Woman
Sheila Benson. Los Angeles Times
495 Monroe Avenue
Mon.-Sat. 10 am-10 pm
Pasta Primavera
Sauteed zucchini, brocoUi, cauiiflou/er in maranara suace over
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The Bnmty
..^mmmmmmmie┬╗ i. '^^JM^-
?'*''^'>M>^┬╗w ^ - r ^ w ^ i i i . . ' ,.
V * . ' - - * * +-*i-'*Air'-'
A D i s t u r b e d Peace
Jack McCarty and ^/Ictor An^^nirgy
coidd&'t get aeirta together i<x the ahort
IliiM firomAdie&a to Rome, Imt tt cfidn't
hortter them m w ^ m die bfgnning.
Later, however, as they craudsed metiofdesa and silently in their seats widi
t h a t iiaiids folded over their bowed
heads, it tore their hearts a^part that they
oouldn't aee or hear, much leaa touch, the
other. Fadng prob^>le deadl at die hands
of two ccaeed Sfaiite hijackers, they each
agottized moat that they would part
without being able to say "goodbye".
The 17-day ordeal eiq>erienced by these
gay lovers and the way they comforted
each other [mvatdy serves as a pcngnant
reminder to all of us that there is
something very q[>ecial, and indeed
sacred, about the love two men or two
women can have for eadi other. At a time
when Falwell, Swaggart and Schlafly exploit the horrors of AIDS to deny the
decency of gay and lesbian love, Jack and
N^ctcMT, and scores of others like them,
dramatically remind us of the strength
and beauty which is possible for gay relationships in this world of fear and hatred.
Though separated for the entire time
aboard the TIVA prison. Victor and Jack
were reunited in a dark and damp death
wagcm, used at other times to tran^x>rt
the dead of Beirut to the grave but now
employed to cart the Ainerican hostages
to secret hideaways. "It was in that awful
stench," Jack told me, "that I was first
able to lean over, kiss Victor on the neck
and whii^per 'I love you*. He, then, did the
same." Had Jack and Victor been
discovered in that private display of affection by their Wiiite c s ^ o r s or been eiqposed by die other Americans it oould have
meant immediate death, as is {nroscribed
by Islam.
It was under ^nniUr circumstances that
Jack secredy held Victor, who by then
y^as weak from diarrhea. They were in
isolation with one othe American in a
basement cell. In a black comer of that
room tfaey embraced, holding on for dear
"On more than one occasion, I stqpped
in to pnAect Victor,'* Jack eaplained. "I
w a s aoinewhat of a spokeaperton. The
guarda hj^ened to me. i had to be very
ovefoi birt fortunately, both times I
fiooglit them about "Sector being removed,
I won."
Unknown to Victcx-, Jack also offered
himaelf as a hostage in his lover's place. It
wrasat the end of the ordeal, btrt n o o n e
knew yet that the terms forrelease would
be agreed upon. AU of the hotfagea had
privately wished at least onoe that death
would come swiftly and end the day to
day speculaticm. Finally, Jack and nine
others asked the Red Croas to arrange to
have them held and the remaining
Americans, induding ^ c t o r , freed. "The
Red Cross thanked us for our gesture/'
Jack said, "but said it viraan't posdble."
Once freed, once safe again on
American soil, Jack and Victor hugged enthusiastically as an astonished President
and nation looked on.
Since hearing the details of Jack and
Victor's e3q)erience, I have more than
once placed my lover, Ray, and me on that
ill-foted flight. Like many of you, I have
wondered how I would have survived
hours and hours of anguished separation.
I have stayed awake at night trying to
figure out how I would have ccmiforted
Ray; how I would have protected hun.
It is in the face oi adversity, I think, that
the breadth and depth of our relatKMiships
are experienced. In writing about "frienidship", Oscar Wilde said that he wouldn't
be the least offended if a friend didn't invite him to a feast, "but if a friend of mine
had a sorrow and refused to allow me to
share it, I should fed it most biUerly. If he
shut the doors of the house of mourning
against me, I would move back again and
again and beg to be admitted so that I
might share in what I was entitled to
It is no coinddence that these wise
words on the essence of friendship, wfaich
Ihe En^tg Ooset
AIDS Rochester, Inc. тАв Allen St. Club тАв Avenue Pub
Bachelor Forum тАвBackstreets тАв Chatterly's тАв Friar's
Gay Alliance Lounge тАв Genesee Co-op Lobby тАв LA Saloon
Liberty тАв Mama Taccone's тАв F^arkleigh тАв Paul's Grocery
Roman Sauna тАв Rosie's тАв Silkwood Books тАв Tara
University off ftochester тАв Village Green Bookstore
Please ^_
Support^ O u r
Communis Churdi
Brian McNaught
i a t h e basla of all t r t g karve grlatjcwnihips,
came from the aoul of a gay man. Wikle's
wOTda, as well as Jack and Victor's atory,
serve as poignant axan^le^ to everyone of
the atiei^Ui eaadbeauty of kyve between^
two isien. And there are other exami^ea. *
Throughout ^ i s coimtry, thouaands oi
gay men are aiding at di^ hedadee ead
holditig the weakened Innda of their gay
lovers and ficiends. In an atmoq>here
which is often hostile and often hysteric,
theae nten axe heroically battling the fears
and deprdnnona. of t h d r kivers, their inlaws and diemsdves in their attempt to
bring hope, cfignity and comfort to an
often despciate situation.
For some of these men, that man that
lays in the h o ^ t a l bed or on the couch at
home has been an essential part of their
dreams for many, many years. For other
men, t h d r allegiance is to a man they met
just pri<M: to his AIDS diagnosis. And some
of these gay men who are building loving
friendships with persons with A H ^ had
never met the man before he was assigned
as his buddy.
In some parts of this country, the gay
man at the a d e of the bed holds Ids lover's
hand boldly and defiandy. For others, the
small town has an atmosphere not unlike
that of Beirut and the signs of affection are
done, with daring. In so many of the
circumstances, the healthy survivor, like
Jack, asks if he insist be taken instead.
moviiig o u t of t o w n , d ^ r e s s i o n ,
economic streas┬л automobile accidents,
sickness, hoadle in-laws, infrtuation with
o t h s a , dosyeddndna, bcokenhetrfooms,
impoteDoe, nifffife tsriaaim, i h r w r a q g bid
in bridge, b n m l t m A , IMBOC caebodbrmttd
ring aiounil t h e doBarr W e fettenmy^ do
tysjwithoot d i e stqjpoft ef d i e t l h n d i ,
the state, family or the ndgMiors.
The pressure placed xspaaffEf m e n and
lesbians to l>e straight, to be celibate or to
be quiet axe more than are ever placed on
any hetafoeexualrdatioaa^^Bnrticnlarly at this frightemnytime titteipM growdi
in intdarant "religious" fundamentaliam,
Right Wing fanatidam and AIDS hysteria,
the obstacles to laving anther person of
the same gender with determination,
loyalty, caring and celebiaticn are enormous, yet, d ^ p i t e it all, we love.
Despite the closet, w e love. D e ^ t e the
Crusades, w e love. D e ^ t e the Inquisition, we love. D e ^ t e the witch hunts and
trials, we love. Ele^ite the holocaust, w e
love. Despite Joseph McCarthy, we love.
D e ^ i t e Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart
and PhylHs Schafly, w e love. D e ^ t e crazed S h i i ^ , w e love. D e t ^ t e the luMrrors of
AIDS, we love. Det^ite everything they
say about us and do to us, w e love.
Deapite everything, w e love and w e love
(Copyright 1985 by Brian McNaught)
In less dramatic but nonethdess critical
foshion, the gay and lesbian lovers of
alcoholics are often asked to test their love
and commitment. A world of dreams in
the process of being fulfilled can turn into
a nightmare with a "slip" and each lover
is called upcm to l)elieve in the strength oi
the relaticmsh^ and to recommit himself
or herself to the journey they are "firing
On a day to day bads, gay and lesbian
relationahi^ endxire all of the challenges,
big and amall, which are thrown at all
couples, such as changea in employment.
Presbyterians for Lesbksn/Gby Corx┬╗ms
of the Genesee VoUey
MEETINGS- Tst Thursday e a c h month
Potkxdc a t 6:30 Business mtg. after
Contact: Pat Morqn
Roman Catholics - Episcopalians
Other Gay Christians
Join Us!
Dignity-Integrity/Rochester is an ecumenical cvganization open to
eveiyone who wishes to worship in a pleasant, non-threatening
atmosphere. Wc invite you to join us for our weekly celebration of
t}┬лr┬гucharist, followed by a social hour, or one of our many special
events such as a pot luck supper, picnic, retreat, etc. A Roman
Catholic mass is celebrated each Sunday of the month, except for
the fourth Sunday when mass is celebrated in the j^iacopel
traditton. All masses are signed for the hearmg Impaired. Pastoral
and peer counseling is alao available.
Monro* Avonuo at Rooodalo Stroot
WwsMp With Us
Suttdays ett 7:15 p.m.
Sociai H o u r ^ ^ p ^ m .
St. Luk^el^fiA^txk^
(buiiMiMiMeiifcSt- ftJBce*dSt.)
Childcare avaiiable durfng worship service.
Coffee hour after worship.
Phone 271-8478
Signing Avalabie
A ChiWian Derwminalton wMiin the GoyA^eabion C d ^ ^
October, 1985
T h e B m p t y Closet
B o o k Reviei/vs
b y A e r a n Otrttcn
How d k x t a ^ t e d we can become in
taking for granted tbe ready availability of
gtddes tfaat feature gay {daces to visit. It
was not too very long ago that travelers,
domestic or intemationuid, had to rely
moatiy on instinct and some curious subroaa techniques Ln order to sense where
the gay establishments were. That all
changed with the publication of Bob
DamronfsAddresabof)k, wluch is now in its
22iid edition for 1986. Aks, the redoubtable Bob is no kmger the best purveyor of
gay Baedeckers. Not only ia Ms information predominantly for men. which limits
its usalnlity by leslwn women, he has
been surpassed in scope and accuracy by
publidiing eifforts that meet more out-ofthe-closet needs.
T < ^ honors must go to the four regional
editi<xis-of GтВмtyeUow Pages: National^ including Canada (#14, $8.95); New
York/Hew Jersey (#21, $2.95); Northeast,
exclusive of New York State (#6, $2.95);
and Southern (#3, $2.95). Several years
ago, it was my privilege, while writing for
a nowKieparted gay weekly in New York
City, to become friendly with the editorpublisher of Gayellow Pages in our shared
offices. But it is not merely familiarity that
causes me to be partial to her products. It
is an obvious fact that the accuracy and
timeliness of the information they contain
is as complete and as current as can be obtained. All the Gayellow Pages editions
contain listings for both men's and
women's facilities. While cruise areas are
not listed as such, as they are in Bob
Damron, their attempts at thoroughness
allow you to draw your own conclusions.
Recent competitive entries into the field
separate the needs of the sexes: Places of
Interest (for men, $9) and Places of Interest
far Women ($6). They are printed in different formats (the one for men running
sidewiae) and attempt to cover the entire
U.S. plus Canada and the Caribbean. The
1986 editions offer thximbnail maps in the
former only. A comparison of the entries
for Rochester between Gayellow Pages and
the two Places of Interest show Places, in
both instances, to be considerably less exhaustive and up to date. For instance,
Allen St. Club is listed in the men's
volume, while Snake Sisters emd Iggy's
are not. Snake Sisters is the only
restaurant given for women. Jim's is also
shown in the men's book, and we know it
faas been defunct for some while.
On the intemationai scene, celebrating
its 15th .anniversary issue is Spartacus
Guide far Gtxy Men ($20, and worth every
penny). Whether you are headed for
Dubai (an Arab emirate), behind the Iron
Curtain, ar to such gay meccas as Amsterdam and Copenhagen, you can hardly do
better tfaan c<Hisult the over 30,000 Spartacus listings. They are predominantly in
Bnglish, with French, German, and
%Nmish translations provided for the
lengthier ones. Opening this solid tome at
random, I noted a chi^ming short essay
on Pegsanjan, Laguna Province, Philip{Mnes, wbk:fa begins: "A small river-side
village, a couple of hours journey from
M a i ^ . " Otiier solid information is also
availabie, including the laws re homosexuality {e.g., tfae dieath pexudty in Iran),
language, currency, area, population, et
I have seen the National and New
York/Newjeney editions oi GtMyellow Ptxges
on sale in local shops, including Parkleigh
Pfavmacy and Vllli^e Green Book Store.
They axe available, as weU as Spartacus
QMM┬╗┬╗ from RefMriasanoe House, Boac 292,
ViUa┬лft Station. New York. N.Y. 10014,
2 i a 4 M - O U 0 . H i e A m s o^J>f┬лmsr guides
axe pttt out by Ferrari PuUications, PO
Boz 3 5 5 7 5 , P h o e n i x , AZ 85069,
eQ8-iCa-2406. Bob Darmon Enterprises is
irt K > Box 14-Cr77, San Pnndaoo, CA
94114, 415-364-5040.
by Jen
Lesbian Nuns: Breaking Silence, edited by
Nancy Manahan and Rosemary Curb,
Naiad Press, 1985, 383 pp., $9.95, paper.
Imagine, as a Lesbian, ^>ending your
sophomore year of high school having a
crush on your vivacious, butchy baseball
coach. Jealousy sets in when your teammate gets to drive the coach home. Now
imagine being driven by aspirations of being a nun becatise your butchy coach is a
nun and is probably a latent Lesbian. This
is one of several real experiences which
over fifty Lesbian mms and ex-nuns have
contributed to the fascinating book, Lesbian Nuns: Breaking Silence.
In Lesbian Nuns, edited by ex-nuns Nancy Manahan and Rosemary Curb, Lesbians of every age and occupation have
each contributed a chapter depicting first
intimacies in convent life as well as taboos
and rigorous disciplinary actions against
sexual thoughts and actions such as particular friendships. Many women have
reflected upon their past as nuns and
discovered themselves to have been victims of sexual ignorance; many have only
recently indentified themselves as Lesbiand, even after having had several sexual relationships with other women, in
and out of the convent. Some had no
knowledge of what a Lesbian is, or of any
wrongdoing, when they were abruptly
dismissed from their order for no given
Each chapter in Lesbian Nuns is uniquely written by a different author, making
the book fascinating, easy reading
material. For example, Helen Horigan
presents a humorous and sarcastic present
tense summary of the "heavenly"
moments as well as the pitfalls of her five
year religious career. Another contributor, the most notable in the Lesbian
and Gay community, is ex-nun and Executive Director of the National Gay Task
Force, Virginia Apuzzo. Her piece based
on an interview, blasts the Catholic
Church and calls for each L e ^ i a n and
Gay man to eliminate homophobia and
Apuzzo and several other ntms and exnuns question and even reject the maleruled, patriarchal Roman Catholic
Chtirch. This and other commonalities in
their experiences enhance Lesbian Nuns,
in addition to being a valuable document
of Lesbian History. These women have
shown growth and strength derived from
a community of bonding despite difficult
living conditions, emotional violations
and troublesome consequences for loving
other women. Their triumphs and
failures, desires and ideals, give tfais book
a touching appeal to all of us.
STOP the
"Intermediate Force"
Soiution-XR 5000
Electronic Defense
b y H o w a r d Pollack
( k ^ Liberation in the Eightks, by Jamie
G<Migfa aikd Mike Macnair, 1985, 131 pp.,
$7.50 paper.
by Aaron Cohen
TheJack Wrangler Story, or What's a Nice
Boy Uke You Doing? St. Martin's Press,
250ppтАЮ 17.95, paper.
Tfais fairly short polemic from England
is a lively, Marxist analysis of contemporary
Homosexual oppression is viewed as <mly
one a^>ect of tfae capitalistic oppression of
workers, women, and children. Only
througfa socialism, tfae autfaors argue, can
this oppression be lifted. Workers,
women, and gays (and children?) m t ^
unite together to insure victory.
The Yyook is not rich in details, but the
authors have digested much of the latest
thinking in a number of disciplines, including political science, psychology, anthropology, and history. (There are no
footnotes, but t h e r e is a h a n d y
bibliography.) This reader foimd especially convincing their explanation of how the
family system, though outmoded in
many re^>ects, is retained in order to oppress women as well as to retain class
distinctions, and how gay oppression and for that matter, gay liberatioix - is a
byproduct of this socio-economic system.
Analysis like this sheds entirely new light
on, say, Reagan s tax reform proposals, for
in giving token economic benefits to the
family, Reagan consequently bolsters the
exploiters of workers and women.
In general, much of the book's value lies
precisely in showing how the oppression
of tvomen and the oppression of gays stem
from identical causes - which explains
why their histories have been so parallel.
The authors are especially sensitive to the
plight of lesbians, who must suffer a double burden, though the authors seem to
exaggerate differences between gay men
and lesbians.
The authors hope to counter objections
that homosexuals are even more oppressed in communist coimtries than in
capitalistic countries by devoting a
chapter to "Gay oppression un^^r 'comunism'." They argue, first, thi^t "communist" countries are not really socialist,
and second, that the oppression in communist countries is exaggerated, and
varies from country to country, fr<xn the
very severe USSR, to fairly hberal East
Germany. Given the irate contempt the
authors constantly heap on Thatcher's
England, this chapter smacks unpleasantly of apology, and does their cause no
good. But it is true that the Russian
Revolution initially provided gay rights,
rights cmly abrogated since Stalin, who
forged anti-gay policies both at home and
The Ixxik's last chapter, which presents
a sort of gay bill of rigfats, including the
right for children to consent to sex with
one another as well as adults, will probaUy strike most readers as shrill dogma
or vague pipe-dreaming. But there's
enough in this book earlier on to recommend it. Like many good Marxist
thinkers, these writers cleverly reveal
how society's high-minded morality often
masks a low-minded greediness.
His mother was a renowned beauty.
His Sunday-school teacher was Eleanor
Powell, the movie^musical Star.
His father was the producer of Bonanza,
Growing up in Beverly Hills, going to a
fancy eastem prep scfaoc^ - tfaey were tfae
best posnble preparaticm f<┬╗r becoming
one c^ the more imaginative modem pornography stars. That's what is revealed in
The Jack Wrangler Story, Or What's a Nice
Boy Uke You Doing? As told to Carl
Johnes, it's the tale c^ a man named after
the shirt he was wearing right before making his p o m debut.
Wrangler is an actor. The pers<┬╗ia seen
on the screen is entirely invented, which
is probably why he is less insipid than
most of the men who have had sinular
careers. His iinage was a manufactured
one from the start. There is no Jack
Wrangler. He is Everyman.
Or so he would have us believe. Actually, he is just another showfolk type, Vith
the same doubts, difficulties, perscmality
crises, alcohol problems, and confusions
as those displayed nightly for Johnny Carson. D e ^ i t e the attempt at Expressionistic techniques, the book reveals
relatively little about what it is actually
like to be a universal sex image and
achieve orgasm on cue. Perhaps there is
nothing to be known. Prostitutes have
always done much the same, or at least
have given us that impression. And that is
what pornography is about: giving the
right impression ~ with about as much
passion as shown by a department store
John Rotiert Spillman achieved a form
of inmiortality only after changing his
name and creating himself out of whole
cloth, much like so many of the other'' immortals" in thc Hollywood a t m o ^ h e r e in
which he grew up. He started in the
theater as an actor and then turned to
directing and writing. After successfully
bridging the transition from homosexual
to heterosexual fantasy figure, he
discovered he might even leam to like
making love to a woman in real life. The
woman is Margaret Whiting, a perdurable
popular song stylist who is obviously
remarkably durable, as well, for t>eing
able to withstand the pressures of her
private-life involvement with a switchhitting p o m star.
Is Wrangler-Spillman gay? Is h e
straight? Is he bi? Does it matter? His
autobiography is as artfully devised as the
projection seen on screen. You are encouraged to think or feel what you please
when being entertained by him, whether
on the printed page or up there, larger
than life. All that matters is that you have
a pleasant and harmless good time in the
' Comer of Park & O^tford
Made440 Permanent
injury*Ligtit Weight
only $89.99 plus tax
Info-Demo 232-3900
^-^ ┬╗ i ┬╗
r:;.-... тАв ^ - . тАФ , f f тАвтАвJT'-y"
T h e E m p t y Cloaet
* *
October, 1985
Doing America
Buffalo is situated on Lake Erie in the
northwest comer of New York. With a
dwindling population of about 357,000, it
is still the second largest city in the Empire State after New York City, only a few
hundred miles away, but worlds apart.
Unfortunately, Buffalo will always be
remembered as the city where President
William McKinley was assassinated. On
the brighter side it was also here where
Teddy Roosevelt, "that damned
cowboy", as one of his most influential
contemporaries called him, came racing
to be innaugurated as the 26th President
of the United States.
While Buffalo is a major rail center and
inland port, it is also noted for a good
philharmonic orchestra, four coUeges
with a combined student body of 40,000,
and the Buffalo Bills pro-football team,
usually the laughing stock of the N.F.L.
First time visitors may want to visit the
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Peace Bridge,
Theodore Roosevelt Innaugural National
Historical Site, Prudential Building (one of
America's pioneer skyscrapers) and the
stately old mansions on Delaware and
Lincoln Avenues, which reflect a happier
and more prosperous age. The Erie Basin
Marina is both pretty and cruisy.
The bars in Buffalo, like the "Big
A | ^ l e " , are open daily until 4:00 am, a
later closing than I like, but on the plus
side, drinks are only about half of what
they cost in New York City. Most are
centered around the little gay ghetto
known as AUentown - Allen Street between Delaware and Main. The busiest
mens discos are City Lights at 727 Main
Street and Villa C a p r i at 926 Main Street.
City Lights gets a younger crowd, while
any leathermen around or visiting will be
found at the Villa. Women prefer M. C.
C o m p t o n ' s at 1239 Niagara Street. Tfae
Bob Damron
Crossroads at Allen and Delaware gets a
mature crowd and has a good cocktail
hour. They have just recently purchased
Dominique - to be called Stage Door at 20
Allen Street. 1 don't know exactly what
they have in mind, but it should be fun.
For gay d i n i n g try t h e A l l e n
R e s t a u r a n t at 16 Allen Street or Greenfield Street at 25 Greenfield Street. Rosy,
Rum and Rations is supposedly trying to
discourage the gay crowd, so skip it. The
hot bath in Buffalo is the New Morgan
Turkish Baths at 655 Main Street, and for
books, try Talking Leaves at 3144 Main
Street. The C.B.C. has an affiliate baths in
neighboring Amherst, but don't waste
your time. For leather, try Gypsy in nearby Lancaster.
I usually have stayed at the Holiday InnMidtown, centrally located on North
Main Street, but on my latest trip, stayed
at the new impressive emd expensive
Hyatt Regency Buffalo. This is in two old
renovated buildings, one of which used to
be the YMCA. It proved to be a lot nicer,
and every bit as much fun. For straight
dining try Esmond's, Old Red Mill Iim,
Park Lane Manor House, Romanello's
Roseland, Salvatore's Italian Gardens,
Valentine's and The Clositer - built on the
site of Mark Twain's 1870 home.
As long as you're visiting Buffalo, you
might as well see Niagara Falls, just twenty miles north. This town of less than
100,000 is mostly for newlyweds or
nearly-deads, but the falls are one of the
most spectacular tourist attractions in the
world. To really experience them, get up
close and gaze over the brink, but leave
your barrel at home. You can take the
tower elevator to the foot of the falls or go
boating on the "Maid of the Mist". Other
Rainbow County attractions include the
Aquarium, Winter Garden, Beaver Island
State Park, Erie Canal Locks at Lakeport
and the Skylon - a view i^estaurant on the
Cana^an ^de.
Theodore Roosevelt Innaugural National
Historical Site.
"Shuffle off to Buffalo'' is an old refrain,'
and you may find that some of Buffalo's
best have already shuffled off to
someplace with a more moderate climate.
But believe me, there are still interesting
tmd fun people around. The city's new
campaign theme is "A great American city hides in plain sight!" That may be true,
but "hurried" is more like it in winterAlthough
acknowledge it, there is gay life in Niagara
Falls too. T h e Blue Boy Lounge is a
small but fun disco bar at 520 Niagara
Street, and the R a i n b o w House, a
member of the IGHC chain is more like a
guest house than a full scale baths. Good
Time Charlie's is a popular and cruisy
book store on Highway 62 ^ t e ^ e e n
Niagara ^ d l s and Buffalo.
time, which is intolerable. Buffalo is constructing a new subway system, and
downtown mall. While things are pretty
much torn up now, this should improve
the situation when completed in 1986. It
can only get better, so give it a try.
(For more detailed information, pick up
a copy of the BOB DAMRON ADDRESS
BOOK '86 - America's foremost travel
guide ~ availabie at most better bars,
baths and book stores through America.
Or send $14.00 for your copy (which includes packing and shipping) to BOB
14-077, San Francisco, CA 94114. Also
available is the SPARTACUS, International Gay Guide at $22.00).
Come See Rochester's
Newest Video System
Top Ten Adult Video IMovies
M9.95 - $59.95
25C Video Arcade
Large selection of gay videos
with top male stars.
109 Ubwly PDl* Way lteeh┬╗rt┬╗r. MY
24 hours
Huchssty's Largaet O┬╗l>caoii
of AduR Books a MiQS
Good at 40 C M M m u & A Conodo
109 State Street
October, 1985
The Empty Cloaet
euery тВм/ay
at g Prrj
88 Uberty Pole Way, Rochester, NY 14604
Support Tim Mains for City Council
Sunday, October 6, 6 - 9 pm
Free wine and hors d'oeuvres
Donation at door
The Crown goes, but Miss Rochester 1985 goes on
Sunda^, October 1 3 , 1 0 p m
Miss Rochester 1 9 8 5 Torre Adore
With Special guests Liza, Laurynn, Marcella & Rondretta
The Liberty, J.F. Enterprises & K.B.K. Associates present
in her first Rochester performance as
Also starring Ahlishia, Torre & other Special Guests
Sunday, October 20, 10 pm
Thursday, Octol>er 31
Prizes for Best Costume тАв Judging at midnite
.*A..-Wk^'.JWifci... I тАвjM*┬╗riiiiii'iwi'aM>fflOT'fcg'-^ w i . ' u - ┬л " ' W i j i i ┬╗ i
T h e E m p t y Closet
Lip Gloss
Hi, kids! Let's gossip! Do you like the
pretty picture of Miss Laverne getting a
hot scoop on the pay phone of one of the
gay bars?! Look for something more flattering next month when a local artiste
does my portrait. I'd like to say something
nice right now (the nasties will come
later! I. I think our Empty Closet has been
looking the best ever and Miss Laveme is
proud to be a part of it. Here's to you
Howard (my illustrious editor - I bet you
wondered how long before you'd see your
name in my column, huh?) and all the
other contributing writers and artists who
make this possible. Shall we get on to
everyone else's business now? Let's
Giving credit where credit is overdue.,.
We have three celebrities who I would
like to congratulate for their accompUshments. Ladies, first - to Maya,
who won the Miss Gay Continental USA
pageant finals in Chicago over Labor Day
week-end, wowing them with her charm,
good looks and oh-so-sp>ecial talent. I
knew when I saw her at the preliminaries
at Club Calabash that she was destined to
be a winner. You read it here in my column two months ago. Miss Laveme is so
proud of youl
From drag queens to disc jockeys -here's another bravo to Hector for a
fabulous evening at Buffalo's City Lights -Buffalo's nerves were w^recked ^vith your
mixes. We won't mention what "oozy
slugs" slipped out of the Best Western
Hotel at 8 a.m. after the "only " after
hoiu-s party. Thanks to Richard for his
music - it was sensational. David and
Bobby, you were the most gracious hosts.
Laveme Andrews
And of course, as always, it was wonderful to see Royce, Beth and Stephen. And
who else but my sister Maxine could get a
moving violation during an attack of the
hiccups?! And trying to bribe the female
officer with rhinestones, really! Hector,
you were superb, and for that I diank you.
And Miss Laverne always prefers to
save the best for last. Tim Mains, you
should be so proud. I know we are all so
happy for you. The tight is not over yet,
though. The election is in November. The
primary victory for City Council seat is
behind us and now w e must all get behind
Tim in support of his campaign in any
way we are able. He's "ready to run,
ready to serve," but he needs our help.
Call 473-2021 to see what you can do.
Happy Anniversary, Miss Libertything... It was Liberty's first anniversary
on Sunday Sept. 15, and what a party it
was indeed! The main attraction was a
drag show featuring Miss Liberty 1985,
Aja Duvall. The high-energy show also
featured hot numbers by Aiica, Colette
("if looks could kill, you'd be lying on that
stage, honey!"), Rondretta being Miss
Aretha with "pink Cadillac," and a foxy
drag queen from Syracuse, Tiffany
something. Why is it that every city has a
drag named Tiffany?! Everyone had a
good lime, esp>ecially Miss Laveme when
"Buffalo" showed up to show the girls
how to carry on. Weren't we a sight dancing to "Close to Congestion тАв I mean,
Perfection?!" The bartenders were having
their own party. I caught Dale and Bili
making smart tube tops of their ctunmerbunds, how chic! And David wore a cute
white apron to protect his leather pants.
He made a cute little hat that made him
look like a scooper at Baskin-Robbins,
boasting 32 flavors. David E., the bar-boy.
тВм> / 9 F S
wore this rhinestone bow tie and confessed that he has never bought make-up
before in his life. Who asked him?! Here's
to ya, Sister Liberty. And to you Alan, who
I think saw Miss Laveme's double the
night before, making a fool of herself.
Please ignore her, she knows not what she
does, sometimes!
Say Pretty Sleaze... I am shocked, surprised and totally in awe ofthe crowd that
turned out for Friar's Sleaze Party on Sunday Sept. 1. I mean, so few people reaily
got into the Off-White or Fairy Tale
themes of the previous parties, I couldn't
believe the attendance when that sixletter-word was mentioned - SLEAZE. I
have never seen so many pairs of ripped
jeans, torn shirts and generally sleazy attitudes in one place at the same time. It
was too wild for words. And the music,
Hector, was divine. When do I get the
tapes? You know, I just had a birthday
and I'm still accepting belated gifts! And if
we don't do sleaze again soon, I think I'll
scream. As a good girlfriend would say,
"too much fun!"
Glossies... David - help me out - how
de:you spell "hey-la?!" Thanks for being
Share apartment 1/2 mile from U of R
and Monroe Community College. Looking for a neat, non-smoker, dependable
and honest person, preferably a student.
$230. Call 424-1897.
Cleaning in yoiu* home, office or apartment. I do the quality work that you
deserve. Reasonable rates. Call Michael
Praine Services at 524-3890.
our substitute bowler last week. Gimme a
Z! Gimme an I! Gimme an F! No, stop me,
please! Gay Monopoly was tons of fun in
Buffalo. But I'll only play when Miss
Ethel is around. Who else could have
helped me say, "I'm ready for my screen
test, Mr. De Mille," just like Gloria Swanson? Nertz to the Mertz!
Coming Attractions... Miss Rochester
1986 pageant will be held at Lil>erty on
Sunday October 13. Be there for the
crowning. Look for details at Liberty. And
October means Halloween, which means
Halloween parties. All the bars will be
featiuing trick or treats - if you trick,
remember safe sex! My pen will be moving fast and furious that night - I can't
See you all right here next month when
we'U discuss the fine art of lunching,
something for which I've been in training
for a long time! Until then, kisses!
Gay Men/Lesbians. Visit Syracuse and
your tirst two drinlcs are free on us at a
popular Syracuse gay bar. To request your
ti-ee drinks certificates send stamped addressed envelope: TraUblazer, Box 6631,
Syracuse 13217. Offer good for limited
FOR SALE: Tools and tool box, $600
value, for $100 or best offer. CaU
FOR RENT/or SHARE - 450-500 square
feet, commercial space/store front.
GOOD DEAL for the right person. CaU
/\tcyJou $lHrc fk)s ^y ^^e R/^h^ ^ ^ y .
by Kurt;
October^ 1985 * T h e Empty Cloaet
OMEGA Survey
Pleese take a minute and answer the foUowing:
1 . Are you a member of Omeoa?
tn you answered no ptoooo continue the survey answering questions which apply.
Your Help
Have you been thinking about joining
OMSGA (CHder Mature ┬лc Get Action/Advocacy)? Have you been procrastinating
lor caste reaaon or another? Have you
perhaps attended one CMT two functions but
hedtate to join or otfaerwise commit
Chice again, OMEGA is asking Empty
Cloeet readers to fill out a survey indioiting to us how we may better serve
tiie needs ol the middle-aged and older
population within the gay omnmuntty.
We need to know what YOU want. The
surveys have been iiaed m the past to plan
our events, so they are important. Feedback is needed from new people and from
those who have particqMited in the past.
OMBGA now has 84 members, 69%
female. In July, we C3q>enmenled with
our first smarate events^ for men and
women. Both were successful. Thoae who
attended felt that the level d axnmunicatioo waa somewhat ahered in a same aex
atmoaphere. Not necessarily "better";
just different. Consequently, we plan to
have more of theae events from time to
time. Most events, however, viriU continue
to be open to both men, and women.
For further Ji!f0pi)datSon on OMEGA
and future evep^, yob may caU 442-2986
or write Ol^itEpi^FOBca: 887, Rochester,
NY 14603.
. Pleaae be assured .tiiat aU inquiries are
k ^ atrialy ocHi&tali^l JUbd your desire
a l ^ hsve a calM)i┬л^a#mBi for those who
You are a nneml)er of which of the foNowing age group?
41 -45
46 - 50
3. Do you consider yourself Single . . ^ _ or a part of a couple
Why do you want lo be a member of OMEGA? Piease check any which apply to you.
Buikf a network of friends
VsMdalion as a gay single.
Social ActMtim
or couple
CounseUng/support groups
Mooting others in age group'
Please tsn us: _^_тАЮ___^^^_____
- тАФ I - , .
ctieok fiiiof the programs during the past ysar you attended.
Brunch40S. Union, May 84
Pksnic June
PotkJck Oct
_ . August
. Nov
, 84
, 84 and April
Game Night Christmas Party Dec. 84
Vafantmes Party Feb. 85
Cofiee House May 85
Ellison Pwk Picnic June 85
Legal Semiher Sept. 84
Rnanctal Seminar Jan. 85
Sexuality Awareness Assessment Mwch 85
Planeiarium April 85
C ^ ^ ^ ^ ┬╗ 3 ^ M a i ^ e m "too late "
n a s writer waa c┬лt ^ hMtfllttg list for an
entire Year before aha attended even one
6. If you dki not attend e^^nts ploaao let us kraw why?
Not enough notoe forpianning
We hepe to aee you aoon!
Subfects/sbcial events not off interest
Time schedutel for events ihoonvofiiant
PIsoss wfierp ever its-lield loo open
7. OD you vMSh to meet in e e ^ others homes for events? Yes
8. How often would you I t e lotieve OMEGA adMties?
Di monthly
Di wooidy
Monllily _
9. Wtiat prograiiis arid or acthnties woutd you lite to have this I a l and wirilar?
We need your HELP with planning and hosting this year's programs. How wotild youMw l o be involvod?
' I will help ptan and host a social event
I wyi help plan4nd host an education program
fe^ ┬л┬лoMoar, you can est eta
Oay Alltancw'i
Pleeae toep our records up to dale If tfiere have tieen changes.
M n d to: OMEQA, PO Box 887.
. H Y 14803
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