Java Se8 For Programmers Deitel Pdf ~

Java Se8 For Programmers
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Java Se8 For Programmers Deitel Pdf
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Jython for Java Programmers
This book will help Java developers to increase application development and deployment, thus optimizing
their overall efficiency. A brief introduction is provided that shows the differences between Java and
Jython, important to include so that the reader will have a better understanding of why their...
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Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days (Covering Java 7 and
Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days Covering Java 7 and Android App Development Sams Teach
Yourself Java in 21 Days continues to be one of the most popular, best-selling Java tutorials on the
market. Written by an expert technical writer, it has been acclaimed for its clear and personable writing,
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Java in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself (Covering Java 8)
Sams Teach Yourself Java in 24 Hours, Seventh Edition Covers Java 8 and Android Development In just
24 lessons of one hour or less, you can learn the fundamentals of Java programming. In this book's
straightforward, step-by-step approach, each lesson builds on everything that's come before, helping ...
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Physics for Game Programmers
Physics for Game Programmers shows you how to infuse compelling and realistic action into game
programming even if you dont have a college-level physics background! Author Grant Palmer covers
basic physics and mathematical models and then shows how to implement them, to simulate motion and
behavior ...
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Raspberry Pi Cookbook for Python Programmers
Raspberry Pi Cookbook for Python Programmers is written in a Cookbook format, presenting examples
in the style of recipes.This allows you to go directly to your topic of interest, or follow topics throughout
a chapter to gain a thorough in-depth knowledge. The aim of this book is to bring you a broa...
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Java EE 7 First Look
An easy-to-follow guide to reveal the new features of Java EE 7 and how to efficiently utilize them.
Given the main objectives pursued, this book targets three groups of people with a knowledge of the Java
language. They are: Beginners in the Java EE platform who would like to have an idea about the...
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Big Java
This book introduces programmers to objects at a gradual pace. The syntax boxes are revised to show
typical code examples rather than abstract notation. This includes optional example modules using Alice
and Greenfoot. The examples feature annotations with dos and don'ts along with cross references ...
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Head First Java
Learning a complex new language is no easy task especially when it s an object-oriented computer
programming language like Java. You might think the problem is your brain. It seems to have a mind of
its own, a mind that doesn't always want to take in the dry, technical stuff you're forced to study. ...
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Java Concepts
This book introduces programmers to objects at a gradual pace. The syntax boxes are revised to show
typical code examples rather than abstract notation. This includes optional example modules using Alice
and Greenfoot. The examples feature annotations with dos and don'ts along with cross references ...
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Java 8 Lambdas
If you're a developer with core Java SE skills, this hands-on book takes you through the language changes
in Java 8 triggered by the addition of lambda expressions. You'll learn through code examples, exercises,
and fluid explanations how these anonymous functions will help you write simple, clean, ...
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Java 8 Recipes
Java 8 Recipes offers solutions to common programming problems encountered while developing Javabased applications. Fully updated with the newest features and techniques available, Java 8 Recipes
provides code examples involving Lambdas, embedded scripting with Nashorn, the new date-time API,
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Professional Java
What is this book about? Professional Java builds upon Ivor Horton's Beginning Java to provide the
reader with an understanding of how professionals use Java to develop software solutions. Pro Java starts
with an overview of best methods and tools for developing Java applications. It then examines t...
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Agile Java(TM)
Master Java 5.0 and TDD Together: Build More Robust, Professional Software Master Java 5.0, objectoriented design, and Test-Driven Development (TDD) by learning them together. Agile Java weaves all
three into a single coherent approach to building professional, robust software systems. Jeff Langr s...
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Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient
This book concisely introduces Java 8's most valuable new features, including lambda expressions
(closures) and streams. If you're an experienced Java programmer, the author's practical insights and
sample code will help you quickly take advantage of these and other Java language and platform
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Java ME on Symbian OS
In this book, experts from Symbian, Nokia and Sun Microsystems expose the power of Java ME on
Symbian OS. The book introduces programming with Java ME on Symbian OS, and also reveals what is
found 'under-the-hood'. It is logically divided into four main sections: Introduction to Java ME and
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SOA Using Java Web Services
Expert Solutions and State-of-the-Art Code Examples SOA Using Java(TM) Web Services is a hands-on
guide to implementing Web services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with today's Java EE 5
and Java SE 6 platforms. Author Mark Hansen presents in explicit detail the information that enterprise ...
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