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Steven Notley ___ 2587-2 The Sage from Galilee 24.00 Foley, Michael P. ___ 4867-3 Wedding Rites 20.00 Forde, Gerhard O. ___ 2906-1 The Captivation of the Will (LQB) 20.00 ___ 2688-6 A More Radical Gospel (LQB) 26.00 ___ 2821-7 The Preached God (LQB) 32.00 Forte, Bruno ___ 3280-1 The Portal of Beauty 30.00 ___ 2935-1 To Follow You, Light of Life (ITSORS) 24.00 Foster, Douglas A., et al. ___ 6975-3 The Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement 65.00 Frank, S. L. ___ 6527-4 The Meaning of Life 25.00 Franks, Christopher A. ___ 3748-6 He Became Poor (EES) 27.00 Freedman, David Noel ___ 2400-4 Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible 50.00hc Freedman, David Noel, and Pam Fox Kuhlken ___ 4424-8 What Are the Dead Sea Scrolls and Why Do They Matter? 12.00 Freyne, Seán ___ 6786-5 The Jesus Movement and Its Expansion 35.00 Friend, Theodore ___ 6673-8 Woman, Man, and God in Modern Islam 39.00hc Froehlich, Karlfried ___ 7080-3 Sensing the Scriptures 25.00 Fuchs, Lorelei F. ___ 4023-3 Koinonia and the Quest for an Ecumenical Ecclesiology 60.00 Garcia, Alberto L., and Susan K. Wood ___ 6671-4 Critical Issues in Ecclesiology 50.00 García Martínez, Florentino ___ 4193-3 The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated 42.00 García Martínez, Florentino, and Eibert J. C. Tigchelaar ___ 4493-4 The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition, 2-volume set 100.00 Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Quick Service Order Form, January 2015 Gathercole, Simon J. ___ 3991-6 Where is Boasting? 40.00 ___ 2901-6 The Preexistent Son 36.00 Gaustad, Edwin S. ___ 0156-2 Sworn on the Altar of God: A Religious Biography of Thomas Jefferson (LRB) 25.00 Gaustad, Edwin S., and Mark A. Noll ___ 2229-1 A Documentary History of Religion in America to 1877 65.00 ___ 2230-7 A Documentary History of Religion in America since 1877 65.00 Gaventa, Beverly Roberts, and Richard B. Hays ___ 2471-4 Seeking the Identity of Jesus 28.00 Gerrish, B. A. ___ 6452-9 Thinking with the Church 25.00 Gilbert, Douglas, and Clyde S. Kilby ___ 2800-2 C.S. Lewis: Images of His World 24.00hc Goetz, Stewart, and Charles Taliaferro ___ 0768-7 Naturalism (INTS) 20.00 Goldsworthy, Graeme ___ 4730-0 Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture 28.00 Goodacre, Mark ___ 6748-3 Thomas and the Gospels 39.00 Gorman, Michael J. ___ 3934-3 Apostle of Crucified Lord 44.00 ___ 4795-9 Cruciformity 38.00 ___ 6265-5 Inhabiting Cruciform God 25.00 Gornik, Mark R. ___ 4685-3 To Live in Peace 26.00 ___ 6448-2 Word Made Global 30.00 Graham, Gordon ___ 6491-8 The Kuyper Center Review, vol. 1 24.00 ___ 6876-3 The Kuyper Center Review, vol. 3 26.00 Granados, José, Carlos Granados, and Luis Sánchez-Navarro ___ 6011-8 Opening up the Scriptures (RRRCT) 26.00 Granberg-Michaelson, Wesley ___ 6968-5 From Times Square to Timbuktu 20.00 ___ 6683-7 Unexpected Destinations 24.00 Grass, Tim ___ 6723-0 F. F. Bruce 22.00 Graves, Michael ___ 6963-0 The Inspiration and Interpretation of Scripture 24.00 Grech, Prosper ___ 6560-1 An Outline of New Testament Spirituality 18.00 Green, Joel B. ___ 6420-8 Hearing the New Testament 30.00 Green, Michael ___ 2768-5 Evangelism in the Early Church 29.00 ___ 2767-8 I Believe in the Holy Spirit 22.00 ___ 2766-1 Thirty Years That Changed the World 26.00 Greenlee, J. Harold ___ 0173-9 Concise Exegetical Grammar 12.00 Greidanus, Sidney ___ 0360-3 The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text 30.00 ___ 6787-2 Preaching Christ from Daniel 34.00 ___ 6535-9 Preaching Christ from Ecclesiastes 30.00 ___ 2586-5 Preaching Christ from Genesis 38.00 ___ 4449-1 Preaching Christ from the Old Testament 32.00 Greider, Kathleen J., Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger, and Felicity Brock Kelcourse ___ 6254-9 Healing Wisdom 20.00 Grenholm, Cristina ___ 6388-1 Motherhood and Love 25.00 5 Grenz, Stanley J. ___ 0864-6 A Primer on Postmodernism 20.00 ___ 4755-3 Theology for the Community of God 44.00 Griffith, Lee ___ 6502-1 God Is Subversive 20.00 Grindal, Gracia ___ 6501-4 Preaching from Home (LQB) 32.00 Gritsch, Eric W. ___ 6676-9 Martin Luther’s Anti-Semitism 25.00 Grob, Leonard, and John K. Roth ___ 3329-7 Anguished Hope 26.00 Gros, Jeffrey, Thomas F. Best, and Lorelei F. Fuchs ___ 6229-7 Growth in Agreement III 65.00 Grossman, Maxine L. ___ 4009-7 Rediscovering the Dead Sea Scrolls 28.00 Groupe des Dombes, Le ___ 2598-8 One Teacher 26.00 Grygiel, Stanislaw ___ 7154-1 Discovering the Human Person 24.00 Guder, Darrell L. ___ 4703-4 The Continuing Conversion of the Church (GOCS) 26.00 ___ 4350-0 Missional Church (GOCS) 29.00 Guelzo, Allen C. ___ 4293-0 Abraham Lincoln (LRB) 25.00 Gundlach, Bradley J. ___ 6898-5 Process and Providence 39.00 Gunkel, Hermann ___ 2804-0 Creation and Chaos in the Primeval Era and the Eschaton (BRS) 40.00 Guroian, Vigen ___ 3076-0 The Fragrance of God 14.00 ___ 4588-7 Inheriting Paradise 14.00 ___ 6496-3 The Melody of Faith 14.00 Gurtner, Daniel M., and John Nolland ___ 4563-4 Built upon the Rock 35.00 Gushee, David P. ___ 4420-0 The Sacredness of Human Life 35.00hc Haan, Roelf ___ 6012-5 The Economics of Honor 16.00 Hainsworth, Deirdre King, and Scott R. Paeth ___ 6507-6 Public Theology for a Global Society 45.00hc Hall, Amy Laura ___ 3936-7 Conceiving Parenthood 34.00 Halstead, Elizabeth Steele, et al. ___ 6618-9 Dwelling with Philippians (CICW) 22.00 Hamm, Berndt ___ 6924-1 The Early Luther (LQB) 36.00 Hancock, Angela Dienhart ___ 6734-6 Karl Barth’s Emergency Homiletic, 1932-1933 42.00 Hankins, Barry ___ 6389-8 Francis Schaeffer and the Shaping of Evangelical America (LRB) 20.00 Hansen, G. Walter and Bruce Herman ___ 7117-6 Through Your Eyes 50.00hc Harding, Mark, and Alanna Nobbs ___ 6643-1 All Things to All Cultures 50.00 ___ 3318-1 The Content and the Setting of the Gospel Tradition 55.00 Hardy, Lee ___ 0298-9 The Fabric of This World 20.00 Härle, Wilfried ___ 4842-0 Outline of Christian Doctrine 50.00 Harline, Craig ___ 7150-3 Way Below the Angels 22.00hc Harlow, Daniel C., et al. ___ 6625-7 The “Other” in Second Temple Judaism 65.00hc 2140 Oak Industrial Drive NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Phone 800-253-7521 6 Quick Service Order Form, January 2015 Harrell, David Edwin, Jr., et al. ___ 2944-3 Unto a Good Land, volume 1 (to 1900) 46.00s ___ 2945-0 Unto a Good Land, volume 2 (from 1865) 46.00s Harries, Patrick, and David Maxwell ___ 6634-9 The Spiritual in the Secular (SHCM) 45.00 Harris, Murray J. EXEGETICAL GUIDE TO THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT ___ 0375-7 Colossians and Philemon, volume 12 32.00 Harrison, Everett F. ___ 1824-9 A Short Life of Christ 25.00 Harrisville, Roy A. ___ 6980-7 Pandora’s Box Opened 42.00 Hart, Addison Hodges ___ 6344-7 Knowing Darkness 14.00 ___ 6758-2 The Ox-Herder and the Good Shepherd 15.00 ___ 6974-6 Strangers and Pilgrims Once More 18.00 ___ 6691-2 Taking Jesus at His Word 18.00 ___ 6510-6 The Yoke of Jesus 14.00 Hart, David Bentley ___ 2921-4 The Beauty of the Infinite 42.00 ___ 1768-6 The Devil and Pierre Gernet 25.00 ___ 6686-8 The Doors of the Sea 12.00 ___ 4573-3 In the Aftermath 20.00 Hart, D. G. ___ 6628-8 From Billy Graham to Sarah Palin 25.00hc Harvey, A. E. ___ 6808-4 Is Scripture Still Holy? 22.00 Harvey, Jennifer ___ 7207-4 Dear White Christians (PC) 25.00 Hasel, Gerhard ___ 0537-9 Old Testament Theology 22.00 Hastings, Adrian ___ 4875-8 A World History of Christianity 40.00 Hastings, Thomas John ___ 1760-0 Practical Theology and the One Body of Christ (SPT) 30.00 Hauerwas, Stanley ___ 6959-3 Approaching the End 24.00 ___ 0896-7 God, Medicine, and Suffering 20.00 ___ 6487-1 Hannah’s Child 25.00hc ___ 6739-1 Hannah’s Child 20.00 Hauerwas, Stanley, Carol Stoneking, Keith Meador, and David Cloutier ___ 4607-5 Growing Old in Christ 28.00 Hauser, Alan J., and Duane F. Watson ___ 6395-9 A History of Biblical Interpretation, volume 1 50.00 ___ 4274-9 A History of Biblical Interpretation, volume 2 50.00hc Hays, Richard B. ___ 1262-9 The Conversion of the Imagination 24.00 Healy, Nicholas J., Jr., and D. C. Schindler ___ 6554-0 Being Holy in the World 34.00 Healy, Nicholas M. ___ 2599-5 Hauerwas (INTS) 23.00 Heckel, Johannes ___ 6445-1 Lex Charitatis (EUSLR) 38.00 Heft, James L. ___ 6731-5 After Vatican II 40.00 Heim, S. Mark ___ 3215-3 Saved from Sacrifice 30.00 Heltzel, Peter Goodwin ___ 6759-9 Resurrection City (PC) 25.00 Hengel, Martin ___ 2718-0 Saint Peter 18.00 Henriksen, Jan-Olav ___ 6371-3 Desire, Gift, and Recognition 40.00 Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. ___ 7149-7 Life, Love, and Hope 40.00 Henry, Michel ___ 6288-4 Words of Christ (INTS) 22.00 Henze, Matthias ___ 3937-4 Biblical Interpretation at Qumran (SDSS) 26.00 ___ 0388-7 A Companion to Biblical Interpretation in Early Judaism 50.00 Herrera, R. A. ___ 4861-1 Mystics in Spite of Themselves 13.00 Hicks, Douglas A., and Mark Valeri ___ 6033-0 Global Neighbors (EREPLS) 28.00 Highfield, Ron ___ 3300-6 Great Is the Lord 32.00 Hill, Craig C. ___ 6090-3 In God’s Time 20.00 ___ 2654-1 Study Guide for In God’s Time 6.00 Hill, Johnny Bernard ___ 6977-7 Prophetic Rage (PC) 25.00 Hinlicky, Paul R. ___ 6492-5 Luther and the Beloved Community 45.00 ___ 4571-9 Paths Not Taken 50.00 Hirzel, Martin Ernst, and Martin Sallmann ___ 6474-1 John Calvin’s Impact on Church and Society, 1509–2009 30.00 Hobson, Theo ___ 6840-4 Reinventing Liberal Christianity 30.00hc Hoekema, Anthony A. ___ 0851-6 The Bible and the Future 28.00 ___ 0850-9 Created in God’s Image 25.00 ___ 0857-8 Saved by Grace 26.00 Hoff, Johannes ___ 6890-9 The Analogical Turn (INTS) 38.00 Hoge, Dean R., and Jacqueline E. Wenger ___ 2908-5 Pastors in Transition (P&P) 25.00 Holberg, Jennifer L. ___ 3229-0 Shouts and Whispers 18.00 Holifield, E. 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D. ___ 6992-0 Katharine Drexel 20.00 Hughes, Gerard W. ___ 6342-3 God of Surprises 18.00 Hughes, Richard T. ___ 2915-3 The Vocation of the Christian Scholar, rev. ed. 22.00 Hultgren, Arland J. ___ 6077-4 The Parables of Jesus (BIW) 40.00 ___ 2609-1 Paul’s Letter to the Romans 60.00hc ISBN Prefix: 978-0-8028Humphrey, Edith M. ___ 3147-7 Ecstasy and Intimacy 24.00 Hunsinger, Deborah van Deusen ___ 4759-1 Pray without Ceasing 24.00 Hunsinger, George ___ 6674-5 Thy Word Is Truth 40.00 ___ 6029-3 Torture Is a Moral Issue 26.00 Hunt, Steven A. ___ 6953-1 Perspectives on Our Father Abraham 24.00 Hurtado, Larry W. ___ 4749-2 At the Origins of Christian Worship 22.00 ___ 2895-8 The Earliest Christian Artifacts 24.00 ___ 2861-3 How on Earth Did Jesus Become a God? 25.00 ___ 3167-5 Lord Jesus Christ 45.00 Hütter, Reinhard ___ 6741-4 Dust Bound for Heaven 50.00 Immink, F. 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Gerald ___ 4829-1 At the Scent of Water 16.00 Jeeves, Malcolm ___ 6557-1 Rethinking Human Nature 38.00 Jeffrey, David Lyle ___ 6455-0 A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature 85.00 Jellema, Rod ___ 2749-4 Incarnality 28.00 Jensen, Robin ___ 2796-8 The Substance of Things Seen (CICW) 20.00 Jenson, Robert W. ___ 2114-0 On Thinking the Human 16.00 Jenson, Robert W., and Eugene B. Korn ___ 6704-9 Covenant and Hope 38.00 Jersak, Brad, and Michael Hardin ___ 6287-7 Stricken by God? 32.00 Jervis, L. Ann ___ 3993-0 At the Heart of the Gospel 16.00 Jewett, Robert, and John Shelton Lawrence ___ 2859-0 Captain America and the Crusade against Evil 22.00 Jinkins, Michael ___ 6300-3 Called to Be Human 16.00 ___ 2751-7 Letters to New Pastors 16.00 Johnson, Ben Campbell ___ 3961-9 Hearing God’s Call 20.00 Johnson, David Lawther ___ 6708-7 Learning from My Father 15.00 2140 Oak Industrial Drive NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Phone 800-253-7521 ISBN Prefix: 978-0-8028Johnson, Kelly S. ___ 0378-8 The Fear of Beggars (EES) 22.00 Johnson, Luke Timothy ___ 0390-0 Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church 23.00 ___ 0399-3 Sharing Possessions 19.00 Johnson, Marshall D. ___ 4919-9 Making Sense of the Bible 18.00 Johnson, William Stacy ___ 6695-0 A Time to Embrace, 2d ed. 20.00 Jones, L. Gregory ___ 0861-5 Embodying Forgiveness 28.00 Jones, L. Gregory, and Kevin R. Armstrong ___ 3234-5 Resurrecting Excellence (P&P) 20.00 Jones, W. 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Quick Service Order Form, January 2015 Knapp, John C. ___ 6369-0 How the Church Fails Businespeople (and What Can Be Done about It) 15.00 Knol, Faye ___ 6543-4 Receiving David 15.00 Knowles, Michael P. ___ 2465-3 The Folly of Preaching 20.00 Koester, Craig R. ___ 4660-0 Revelation and the End of All Things 20.00 ___ 2938-2 The Word of Life 23.00 Koester, Nancy ___ 3304-4 Harriet Beecher Stowe (LRB) 24.00 Kolb, Robert ___ 2922-1 Bound Choice, Election, and Wittenberg Theological Method (LQB) 35.00 Koschorke, Klaus, Frieder Ludwig, and Mariano Delgado ___ 2889-7 A History of Christianity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 1450–1990 40.00 Kugler, Robert, and Patrick Hartin ___ 4636-5 Introduction to the Bible 50.00hc Kuiper, B. K. ___ 1777-8 The Church in History 30.00 Küng, Hans 20.00 ___ 6359-1 The Beginning of All Things ___ 2659-6 My Struggle for Freedom 32.00 Kuyper, Abraham ___ 1607-8 Lectures on Calvinism 18.00 ___ 6393-5 Our Worship (CICW) 32.00 Ladd, George Eldon ___ 1111-0 The Blessed Hope 18.00 ___ 1684-9 Commentary on the Revelation of John 24.00 ___ 1280-3 Gospel of the Kingdom 15.00 ___ 1531-6 Presence of the Future 25.00 ___ 0680-2 A Theology of the New Testament 39.00 Langford, Michael ___ 6981-4 The Tradition of Liberal Theology 18.00 LaSor, William Sanford, David Allan Hubbard, and Frederic William Bush ___ 3788-2 Old Testament Survey 55.00hc Latini, Theresa F. ___ 6586-1 The Church and the Crisis of Community 29.00 Lawler, Justus George ___ 6629-5 Were the Popes Against the Jews? 35.00hc Laycock, Douglas ___ 6465-9 Religious Liberty, vol. 1 (EUSLR) 38.00 ___ 6522-9 Religious Liberty, vol. 2 (EUSLR) 38.00 Le Donne, Anthony ___ 6526-7 Historical Jesus 12.00 Leng, Felicity, compiler ___ 2453-0 Invincible Spirits 20.00 Levison, John R. ___ 6372-0 Filled with the Spirit 46.00hc ___ 6788-9 Inspired 24.00 ___ 7167-1 Study Guide for Inspired 5.00 Levy, Sandra M. ___ 6301-0 Imagination and the Journey of Faith 18.00 Lewis, Alan E. ___ 2678-7 Between Cross and Resurrection 30.00 Lewis, C. S. ___ 7184-8 Christian Reflections 16.00 ___ 7183-1 God in the Dock 18.00 ___ 7182-4 Letters to an American Lady 12.00 ___ 7217-3 The Pilgrim’s Regress 16.00 ___ 7208-1 The Pilgrim’s Regress, Wade Annotated Edition 25.00hc Lewis, Donald M. ___ 2483-7 Christianity Reborn (SHCM) 45.00 7 Limburg, James ___ 3047-0 Encountering Ecclesiastes 15.00 Lincoln, Andrew T. ___ 6925-8 Born of a Virgin? 35.00 Lints, Richard ___ 6930-2 Renewing the Evangelical Mission 34.00 Lischer, Richard ___ 4609-9 The Company of Preachers 38.00 ___ 6280-8 The End of Words 16.00 Litfin, Duane ___ 2783-8 Conceiving the Christian College 32.00 Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn ___ 1387-9 Spiritual Depression 18.00 ___ 0036-7 Studies in the Sermon on the Mount 30.00 Loader, William ___ 6391-1 The Dead Sea Scrolls on Sexuality 44.00 ___ 2583-4 Enoch, Levi, and Jubilees on Sexuality 42.00 ___ 7095-7 Making Sense of Sex 24.00 ___ 6724-7 The New Testament on Sexuality 65.00 ___ 2746-3 The New Testament with Imagination 18.00 ___ 6641-7 Philo, Josephus, and the Testaments on Sexuality 65.00 ___ 6666-0 The Pseudepigrapha on Sexuality 65.00 Logan, James Samuel ___ 6324-9 Good Punishment? 22.00 Long, D. Stephen ___ 4572-6 Speaking of God (EES) 34.00 Long, Thomas G. ___ 6514-4 What Shall We Say? 25.00hc ___ 7139-8 What Shall We Say? 18.00 Long, Thomas G., and Cornelius Plantinga ___ 0132-6 A Chorus of Witnesses 28.00 Longenecker, Bruce ___ 6373-7 Remember the Poor 25.00 Longenecker, Bruce W., and Kelly D. Liebengood ___ 6414-7 Engaging Economics 32.00 Longenecker, Richard N. ___ 1014-4 Contours of Christology in the New Testament (MNTS) 32.00 ___ 6619-6 Introducing Romans 40.00 López, Antonio ___ 6990-6 Retrieving Origins and the Claim of Multiculturalism 29.00 Losch, Richard R. ___ 2454-7 All the People in the Bible 26.00 Lose, David J. ___ 4983-0 Confessing Jesus Christ 29.00 Lundbom, Jack R. ___ 2614-5 Deuteronomy 80.00 Lundin, Roger ___ 3077-7 Believing Again 28.00 ___ 6947-0 Christ across the Disciplines 20.00 ___ 2127-0 Emily Dickinson and the Art of Belief (LRB) 27.00 Lupieri, Edmondo F. ___ 4017-2 In the Name of God 25.00 Lupu, Ira C., and Robert W. Tuttle ___ 7079-7 Secular Government, Religious People (EUSLR) 25.00 Lustiger, Cardinal Jean-Marie ___ 0771-7 The Promise 22.00 The Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church ___ 4774-4 Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification 8.00 Lysaught, M. Therese, Joseph Katva, Stephen E. Lammers, and Allen Verhey ___ 6601-1 On Moral Medicine, 3d ed. 70.00s Macchia, Frank D. ___ 3749-3 Justified in the Spirit (PM) 32.00 2140 Oak Industrial Drive NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Phone 800-253-7521 8 Quick Service Order Form, January 2015 MacDonald, George ___ 1859-1 The Golden Key 17.00 ___ 1862-1 The Gray Wolf 17.00 ___ 1860-7 The Wise Woman 17.00 ___ 6061-3 Lilith 14.00 ___ 6060-6 Phantastes 14.00 MacDonald, Nathan ___ 6298-3 What Did the Ancient Israelites Eat? 16.00 MacDonald, Nathan, Mark W. Elliott, and Grant Macaskill ___ 6725-4 Genesis and Christian Theology 36.00 Machen, J. 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