SUPPORT YOUR 500 ADVERTISERS BECAUSE SUf PORT THEY YOU! Worth Mora! 902 E 2Bth Street Lubbock. Texas 2 Phone (006) 762-381- TV1 Blw h f'r f Atnrrira Lighting the roH to Frwflom They're Back and Even Manufacturing Drugs! It has been several states: "If you are a drug The following people police officers, or were Egesipo G. Sanchez, Raymond months since the Southwest dealer, and you are poising the were indicted for Delivery of cooking drugs, according to the Soliz, Rosalia I. Ri Rodriguez, Digest has run the names of minds of our young people, Controlled Substances, or Lubbock Criminal District and Willie HanJrick. The photos were made alleged drug dealers. Evidently, and destroying their health and Manufacturing Controlled Office. "have Carr, Dcnise possible by the Lubbock Linda Sue forgotten our pledge growth as well as their Substances on Wednesday, they (The to the entire community. AS it heritage, we Office Southwest August 22, 2001, in Lubbock Marie Dendooven, Eren County Seriff's is seen on the front page of Digest) will expose you. We County. The delivered to Wardlaw, Chris Gurule, Raul imaging. More will follow informants, or undercover Sanchez, Beatrice Sanchez, later. this newspaper newspaper are watching you!" t KAPPA PROSTATE CANCIR AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Established in 2000, , irs Prostate Cancer QloDtt Awaranass Campaign he stfflsady touchad thousands of Wvea across tha nation. Ths i program bap madial smarts, ooctors arnf survivors aducata mart about oravantion. aaaiat "fftam with scraanings and encourage tham to apraad tha word about prostata cancer to 1 K Others. This year, workshops re scheduled in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, N.J., Denver, Washington, Greensboro, mmm 'Newark, JL jpN N.C., and St. Louis. "We a'e grateful to Anheu&er-Busc- h for helping us make men aware of this epidemic - one that is killing n males at twice the rate of all others," taid; Tutman. "Thanks to the support of companies iike Anheuser-Buscwa are abfs 'attj- BL''" jBl fjjtlFmmm'm eaflteHk. ' jPHHa 'lfllaaMtt "mmm!!!!HEKfK?&L ittitKRKttlEiMtl Hardwick, Willie Rodriguez, Rosala Sanchez, Egesipo Soliz, Raymond Gurle, Chris Sanchez, Beatrice Warlaw, Eren Dendooven, Denise Carr, Linda MsMaMRssvaHMHHk SBBRjBP m LLBLffTraaMaHaMrPTS MWM,MmiMNl'BB African-America- Sanchez, Raul n, to continue spreading the aord about ths disease and iiow it can be prevented or ltd." has Anheusar-Busc- h Jtjong history of focusing its on efforts arm wallnats Mfciitlf hss provided fraa onirtfxatlons and health - including tests 'sickle ceil anemia, high cm fyfrjfred preaatjre tnd Wood jigger, that illnesses mm wenings .dlsproportionataly man and women. Each, th4 riNiatth vishe Mobile v approximately so cities across the country, providing services to more than 7,600 ? -- a f fa of African-America- n people. Independent Filmmaker and Sony Innovators Award Finalist Tim Green Ink Worldwide Distribution Deal -- i Anheuser-Busc- one International corporation with in beer, packaging and family entertainment subsidiaries Us h, Assistance Network m Inc., Lubbock TX Patient Assistance Network helps people to apply for enrollment in one or more of the many patient assistance programs that have free and low cost prescription drugs ends in the wodd. The bawd is sold in u44er ere wan as countries 4MUslj4fcaaWai liVpivniijv. Aiso Included in ths family are Container Corporation, er-But- ch to qualified individuals. The organization, which is run by volunteers, also helps individuals who are available and iutjee fffterUinmem Corporation which operates theme parka in the d Other States. latsilrf I Hollywood, CA - Independent Filmmaker Tim Greene recently signed with New York PicturesMaverick Entertainment for domestic and" international distribution for his new comedy film Creepin. Tim served as writerproducer and director on the film that will be released' nationwide on August 2 1st, 2001 on VII S and DVD in English and Spanish. Creepin Features some of the country's Hottest Comedians from Comic View, DEF Comedy Jam and Showtime at the Apollo. For more information on Tim Greene call (213) Photo Credit: Tim Greene aii trom aetfwte'v4ca 368-810- Whft IMpf 'IftfaxftTr 4efcs2 ; Ruby Jay Church Puixla Entertainment-Hollywoo- . without prescription drug coverage obtain a pharmacy discount card if their income is too high to qualify for free prescriptions. These discount programs typically save consumers fifteen to thirty percent on prescription drug individuals, but thev rare v. ii u 1. : : cvci puuiiwic uic piugituus. , says Paui Richard, a volunteer! 1 1 at organizations the headquarters in Washington DC. "President Bush recently: said that he wants to encourage; the elderly to acquire drugj discount cards. This will allow anyone without prescription drug coverage to immediately get lower prices at pharmacies when purchasing prescription drugs." Consumers can get free! information about patient! assistance programs and' prescription drug discount' cards by calling the: organization's hotline: 24-ho- ur i ,pa)gs9 pga3 .lllaii; 0. d ; 5QWjeK, fWWWIfl be The beer largest-sellin- g y able to help. the world's targest brewer, whose products include INdwser and Bud tight, the .two "Many Americans interests Anheuser-Busc- Lubbock TX Arc you costs. of the millions of drn$ without manufacturers have patient! prescription drug coverage? If assistance programs that so, free information available provide tree or low cost from the Lubbock TX Patient medication for qualifiet h Companies ie a diversified include Free & Low Cost Prescription Drugs Available j Railroad Crossing Construction Continues; Traffic Detoured Video Answer Questions about The construction of three railroad crossings for the relocation of the West Texas & Lubbock Railroad Line is complete. Work began this week on the fourth crossing and the remaining five crossings are scheduled for completion in November. Work on 19th Street, 4th Street and Evans Avenue is finished. Traffic will be detoured around the remaining construction sites, and laying new track for each crossing is expected to take two weeks at each location. The railroad is being relocated to allow future construction of the Marsha Sharp Freeway. Ormnite CrJhstruTtion Company officiate have scheduled construction at the following locations: New Smoking Business owners who August Ursultae Ironi Mar toQytnaa Jakr from Urauliae to Btaafietd jeptomber 17-2- 9: October October October 22 - November November 1-- 8-2- 6. Upland $KmXmmMtnMI4 0: 5-1- : 7: The crossing at Clovis Highway will be constructed without detouring traffic. groups of employees. The want to allow smoking in videos are available from the their facilities have until Environmental Inspection October 21 to obtain a permit Department (BIS), from flic Qty of Ubfaock In Tafi a6nWtfl9a9a$t H aJi?jB9d tn flftfgf to atjftrt tpitipwtef wltfi Room 105 at City Hall, 1625 775-292- this 13-2- 5: Ordinance 8. procat, th City of lJth Street. I jaMwJf has DSBaaiaaat a 1 2" gffHf vldajp tbn aoswafli the Par mom information aboui me cfy'pg wffftancf-contact !i at the number quetttotta about the new ahovf JfaiNlfhf Niiinffiatin smoking owMiaftpf that do not obtain a permit to These videos can be allow smoking by October checked out at no charge and 21 will not have another shown to large or small i cftyXMlunity to apply. . t,nw J9E ishop Roger L. Ciiibersorf GitieSt a. nnual Choir Day At Bethel AMI Chu; The New Hope Baptist Church, 2002 Birch Avtfftue, is the "Church Wnere The People Really Care." and Rev. Billy R. rhriai ttoltaoai. tad aow sarins hi An Force, he Baited witlt the Ass JtosttlMi fKrettttftg over some of Mrs. Winnie Blacktfetl of Maranatha Cmsrcli of Ged hi Christ tairty vtifcefearofees on the West L ubbock and Mi. Hoy Culberson of in m Angelas, Criifornta, ouster Coast. Hi it a member of the Dallas. Texas. He accepted Christ the pasturage of Blder Davtd L. Lyoei Chaptl Baptist Church, at an early age under the pasturage Austin, and later returned to eadsr die paaturage of Rev. W. D. of the late Rev. A. L. Dunn at New Lubbock and attended the For Davis. Biahop Culberson is the Mope Baptist Church, and later Memorial COOIC, under the relocated his church membership Bishop W. H. Watson. proud father of three children: Later he was appointed as Roger, II, Roy and LoLita with the Lyons Chapel Baptist E the of pasturage Church under the pastor of the House -- Y of Culberson, all residents of Los the late Rev. O. D. Hollins where Prayer COOIC in Lamesa, Texas, Angeles. He is the grandfather of A native of Lubbock, Texas, Bishop Carfberson it the sen he continued to serve the Lord in the ministry with the Lyons Chapel Baptist Oospel Choir under the direction of the late Mrs. Betty After seiMftttiae from dM and served until he and his family returned to Los Angeles to assist the late Biahop I. F. Rowe at the Bethany COOIC. In February, 1989, Biahop Miller. He attended Wheatley L. Roger Bishop ) Culberson, recording artist on Elementary School, Alderson Junior High School, and Lubbock High School until he relocated to Pasadena, California in November, 1966, where he graduated from John Muir High School in 1963 where he ranked number 200 out of a class of 1,000. Upon graduating Bishop Culberson wrote from high school, Roger enlisted in both the words and music to the the U. S. Air Force and served for acclaimed "I'm Determined," and years. He traveled many other songs. six and one-ha- lf In June, 1998, he was with the 1974 Air Force Tops' In Blue for a period of eight months elevated to the position as the performing for men and women in Presiding Prelate of a new church the U. S. Air Force. called the Assemblies of God in Records, will be the guest soloist for the Annual Choir Day at tioOle ftothel African Methodist lioopil Church which is set for Sunday afternoon, September 16, iOOl, baftahfni at 3:30 P. m. 1 The than is: "We Rejoice & Shit Wtlh aiadnesa." Psalms 9:1-- Alto appearing on the be choir from 2. Culberson recorded his first live .recording "I'm Determined," and after great success, he continued to record and completed recordings, "Determined tt,H Angels," "Walk Around," and finally "The Best of Dr. Roger L. Culberson". All are on Nicole Records. pfrtfrvm-wil- l Cofrrmunity Baptist Church, First Faith Saptist Church, New Light , Baptist Church, ahd Bethel AME Cjfiurch. Motoii is the pastor. Our doors are open to anyone who are looking for a church home. Come and visit our congregation if you are looking for a church home. Services began last Sunday morning at 9:30 a. m. with Sunday School and Superintendent Earnest Swain presiding. All teachers were present, and there were thirty minutes of Instruction. At 10: 15 a.m., teachers and students marched to the main auditorium singing "Guide Me Oh Thou Great Jehovah. Prayer W85 given by Brother J. C. Quigley. High points of the ' morning lesson were given by Sister Joan Jones. Secretary's Report: Youth Department the Kindergarten Offering Banner. the Department: Adult Adult Gaas received Class No. 1 , Men's Class, retained the Offering Banner. , one granddaughter, Taja Culberson, also of Los Angeles. Bishop Culberson has also completed and earned an Associate of Arts degree in Child Development from Let- - Angeles City College fiichelor of Science, Master of Arts,aod Doctor of Philosophy in PsythalogyChild Development fspm the Union Institute in Ohio, and Sierra The morning devotional was led by Sister Hattie Gipson and Brother Clarence Ervin, and was assisted by the Praise Team. University in Calljfbrnia. The musical staff of Bethel AME Church Ve Brother Samuel Curtis, Sister Jeafne Franklin, and Sifter Oretruda Havfcrns. Rev. Elliott C. Lambert is pastor. The public is invited to RTW-come apart of this annual event. Bethel AME Church is located at 2202 Southeast Drive. The Male Chorus marched in the processional singing out and souls.Altar prayer was offered by Pastor Moton. their hearts of The responsive reading was done' with congregation standing and led by Brother- Jerry Colquitt. The morning hymn was "Count Your Blessing " Pastoral obeaqptions were given by Pastor Moton. What he said was very touching for all in attendance, as was his sermon for the morning. The Male Chorus sung a very inspiring selection which was "It's Alright Invitation to discipleship was extended, but no one came forward. Welcome to all visitors present was done by Brother Michael Brock. - be Eexus Makes History With New Dealership in Alabama Huntsville, A 191and Development program and counting. With the Grand operated t dealership in Opening of Lexus of Huntsville Fayette ville, North Carolina. A (Alabama), Hlenae Fairhurst has few years later she sold those increase over the next few years continue to hold its own and we as a more diverse group of are qualified candidates according to identified outlets and moved to Huntsville AdamsMason. 'We want our to open dealerships there, dealer body to look like our Fairhurst says her experience in consumer base," she noted in the dealership development explaining the company's long- - are excited about the potential we have here." renched n professional milestone aihffeved by very few dealers and even fewer women or iPttltles. Fairhurst is the first Amcttri Amenori4 woman to program helped prepare her for open Lexus dealership Jh the the opportunity with Lexus, : which sets exacting standards for er)ntiastOi. r , its foActrtsees- 'X- fe:8:jcdmraiet.p ay 05PQdk" plained Unlike mffl'Jrxextis "Vice . MthiftSr,ln tfteMW Aioflun&, the newest and largest dealership .'w'bftt in . the JNortn Is Aiaoama com f Toyota-Lexu- s FairKtfrst, who has 30 years ot.aytqrpQtive experience, explafneS ber relationship with Lexus is part of a personal commitment. I'm going to do it right," js how she explains her b,Usin'esfphirotophy. Starting at Ford in 196 as a clerical worker, she eventually became a market researcher manager and ' averaging sales of about 80 cars Lexus makes history While the other dealerships for his with new dealership, page 3 few share service bays, the 10,865 and minorities requre& pj irJteipan&i JoJiaye participating hlevel SJlenae and Fairhurst mrtdesltv mH&: " I OtW want tdBTd 1616 rrtbdelto backaround. and a declslbn in everyone, to let them know that September 1998 to apply for a dreams can qorne true," The company had been Lexus dealei'ship, made her an &pete fuHiWed easily companies fairhurst the requirements for ppbntial dealer, Representaiive and Dealer Development Manager for Lexus. He noied that the Lexus dealers. Fiuat some sectors of the market are experiencing a slowdown, Bien noted " the luxury segment will An Early Birthday Surprise Anzlay'SpJ?amily,Dining4ocated at I seeit there; Why to complete what' company officials say is "th6 fotal Lexus experience for the buyer." Thursday not-vJsitf- l712-Parkwa- Drive. Good to y t. Saturday Thursday Night Friday Warm with tlm6 of clouds and sun. Mainly clear. Warm with sunshine against a deep blue sky. Sunny and warm. 90 62 9060 9060 RealFeel: 90 Real Feel: 62 RoelFeal: 90 Sunday Monday Tuesday TBS. located in a market where the next nearest Lexus dealership is more than 90 miles away. While There is a new business in East Lubbock. It is the jt vqwji .service facility include Mason went on to add that communib, which is home to a Fairhufsrs commitment to NASA facility and the Redstone excellerne, team building and ArsenaJ has an above uverage hands-o- n management style fit rate of high tech workers. well with the goals dornanded of Additionally, it is strategically Cuirently, Toyota-Lexu- s decided to venture into the ilerhjp side of the business, says 4 12 percent of its In fheihid SCTs are domestic dealerships enrolled in the operated by minorities. The Retail Dealer company hopes that number will hryilaf Mr. and Mrs. Pat Roberts would appreciate your prayers son-in-la- w. square foot Lexus operation attractive candidate td, become a looking at the potential in the traitDiazer. According to Aiva Huntsville market for several Adams-Maso- n of Toyota's years according to Charles Bien Marketing pealer'XHversity Development Jr., National program, We want the Copeland family to know you are in our prayers are shut-i- n per month. The Grand opening ceremony was delayed until May while construction continued on two other dealerships, which are part of the Huntsville Aufoplex. Preqaftt' Dealer Development program women De fed other manuftieturers', the Rflb&ct -- - term goal in dealer development, When asked about her status as a role model in a field u here there citizens in your prayers. Our prayers go out to our bereaved families. Sister Julia Swain's mother, who resided in Midland, Texas, Services were held Wednesday,. Let us remember our sick and The Lexus dealership has actually been open since December and lias been $ . -- 1 RealFael; 88 1 Wednesday Jte jr SrHHtutt suntfuna; warm. Moatly sunny and warm. Warm watt sunshine and woma clouds. iartly sunny and warm. 9262 9062 9262 9262 j RealFael:90 Tne RalFeel Tampwalure j RealFeel: 92 I r j Reairaal: 90 j ReqlFael; 92 a oompolto ol the effects of temperature, wind, humidity, sunshine Intensity, ctoudness, precipitation, elevation on the h Jinan body. The number Is the higiiest for the day and the lowest for the night. preeiun and M. Catherjjie McCormick, Mother ofsSmith Tjemple Community Church, was surprised uhdfly, August 26, 2001 by the members of the Church with gifts, oaixls, the Jacob. Prayer Book, money, uni wai served cake and Bluebell Ice Cream after the 11:00 a.m. worship There 8 will ba hours of tunshlne Thursday; mayba more with juat a stray shower or thunderstorm, but most pJaoee arvisa, Itwaj io beautifTiL will Plenty of sunshine Thursday with some clouds; there could be some thunderstorms, especially late in the day. 6-- remain dry. Whs ejilcnlatad birthday plam war promulgated by Mrs. Ella Smith and carried out by Ms. Jennifer Hancock. The Reverend and Mrs. Smith were tway at a family reunion in procke&Tkxis. Msm wQl was the birth dare. On Una day the Donaldson s visited with cards, and piftal "Hippy Birthday." Some of the neighbors learned and joined in. "A Big Thank You To Highest Thur .Mtohett Frl . HifyrMWtSat. VWwet ;Hloh 9 Htob 4 U Thur. UUrnH Sunset 9; High ndnats the axpoeufa to the 16 but Sat. Fri. Uw ywyiSjB Moonsst 8:06 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 8:04 p.m. 10:40 am. 11.37 a.m. 12:35 p.m. Sen 10 o Sep 17 Ptret Ml SeM Oet2 What a blessing to be Remembered! All Help Stop the Violence Against Our Children Thursday Friday maps, forecasts and data provided by AecuWMttwr, Inc. O2001 Saturday Sunday Tuesday Monday Wadnaaday aSSSiaS as5iwiiiilaai aaar jilbiil ttStiiii pSaMBMsMBVH BsoTx sMHniB Bsnoi (w): r otoudy. alvehowsrs, w fturriss, I tee lM1 (scha drn Iren de)is politically and spiritually cas'ratr the blacfljT itself out before g ( m man word meaning "malicious satisfaction prophe,s of God for the career of one white man. The day is quickly' of the and Outre Prayer friends 'ch Members or pleasure derived from the misfortune of coming when the "whites" of Lubbock are going to need every Mack Breakfast met last Saturday morning in the home of Brother others. " This word caught my attention when I body to politically survive. The ole parson and the othrr Mack spirituand Sister Delbert Hood. Opening scripture was read by was reading a commentary by Roger Simmon. al and political leaders are going to remember how one while matt The column was entided "Downfall ot dotcom companies lets was thought more of than all of them together. We are going 19 Sister Christene Burleson who read from Psalm I . Prayer laugh." have last the remember when we were "way down yonder in Burgess land" and MO Was given by Sister Dcrothy Nash. The closing prayer was The column was amusing for it told the story of how people one would hear us pray." The threat is real that we might just iriaM: tvcn by Sister Irma Crawford. Remarks were given by all. and look and act upon the German meaning of the word "schexlenfoautte.;; The morning scripture lesson was taught by Sister Klnora J were making so much money so fast, so young on their star-up- s Let me give you an example of how "schadenfreuden could ventures, that they were literally looking for ways to spend Jones. Her subject was "The Role of Tbe Church, The Body their money. The pictured young people between the ages cf work! Jfciy Sanchez, a Mexican, South Texas millionaire is about of Christ, In This MUeniiium. Her scripture was 25 and 35 years column who seemed to have so much money that thy to embark upon his campaign for Democratic Governor of Texas; Revelations 3:14. thought nothing of spending $2000 for a bottle of wine. Of the 11.6 million Texahs who are registered to vote, 2.4 millioil ' "And unto the tngel of the church of Lostiioemis The writer admitted that while speaking with a young woman havjfHispanlQ surnames ( A Hispanic is defined as a Spanish write: These things nridth the Lord. Amen. The faithful n9 . in her late 30's suddenly started to hate because she could not even spotking person, especially one of the Latin American descent, liv--I the true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. 1 explain her job description, but was going to be able to retire in 18 ioftln the U. S. This person may be racial: Negroid, Indian, white ot know weeks that thou art neither hot nor cold. So then months. She was rich and getting richer every day. On paper! ofpixed race.) 1.2 million Hispanic Texans are of voting age anj The writer seemed to be laughing as he wrote: "But not anyanother 900,000 are registered but do not vote. There is. a total of because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot Twill Dot. closing are the boom. The has fallen bottom more. of out 67 million Hispanics that live in Texas of the total population of, coin vomit tliee out of my mouth. Jesus came to do the will of everywhere. Their offices are empty. Their fancy equipment and 20.9 million. Ids father. John 9:4: "I must work the work of him that sent fleets of cars and football tables have been sold. No more $45 fusion For Sanchez too win he would have to have the blacHf while it is day, night cometh when no man can work." Jesus African-America- n vote. Since most voting bkujk Americans belong entrees! just spaghetti and tap water at home! He says, schadenfreude saith greater work you do because I go to my father. My to the Democratic Party, it would appear that Sanchez is a shoo-i- n is not really a very pleasant emotion, but it sure is a lot of fun. Jjeople are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6. the feeling of and Mr. Perry will have to go fishing. However, blacks are not politiThe other day as I read the Avalanche-journa- l, What is the role of the church in a social ill (sin sick "schadenfreuden came over me, but in a different sense. I know your cally stupid as some Mexicans and whites believe us out to be. Bv world)? Is the body of Christ in line With the word of God? "sins" will find you out, however, when the media gets on your case now, Ms. City Attorney, and those Mexican attorneys (who see no tillJesus came that we might have eternal life. John 3:16. But the speed increase remendously. Perhaps the city's attorney will ing but Mexican), you are aware of who has the political carating Jie also saved us for a purpose here on earth: to evangelize review her words and give the ethnic political system a time to work knife to carve out the evil for good. Schadenfreude! Sv h.itlcntmulc a IBM , pie world. Matthew 28:19-2- 0. Are there adequate ministries in affect within the body of Christ? To equip the saints in order to accomplish this great commission. Is the body of Christ exercising the spiritual giftsto edify (build up) the body? I Qorinthians 12. Are we concerned about health issues, physical and mental well being? Along with the emotional and spiritual aspect? Let's program to meet the needs not only the body of Christ, but in an iUjppjusty. John 1. Beloved I wish above :kll things that thoufnayest prosper ajid be in good health, even as thy soul prospereth. Ezekjal 37:3. The hand of the JLord was upon me and carried me out in the valley of dry bones. Spirit of the Lord set me in the mjdst of the valley of dry bones and said, unto one, carju these?, dry. hones Jive? isay unto mem, e your lamp stand from its place unless you repent. 2:4-- 5, As the body of Christ, Jet us repent and return to our-firs- t love. Deuteronomy 6:5. "Von should love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all youi strength. As'the body of Christ. Let's return and do the first works. All other works will follow and someday be Thanks, Sister judged. Revelations 20:12. Jones for the message. Let us keep praying, Saints, and jpt involveo. Sister Dorothy Hood, president; filter Christene, Burleson, vice president; and Sister Blnora Jones, astiqj; - secretary, LUKE 11:9, JESUS SAID, I SAY UNTO YOU, ASK, AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN YOU7 SEEK, AND YE SHALL FIND; KNOCK, AND IT SHALL BE OPEN UNTO YOU. FOR EVERYONE THAT ASKETH RECEIVETH; AND HE THAT SEEKETH FINDETH; AND TO HIM THAT KNOCKETH IT SHALL BE OPENED. WHEN YOU NEED HEAP FROM JESUS; HE IS ALWAYS ON TIME, EVEN WHEN HIS MOTHER ASKED FOR HELRHE MADE WATER TO WINE. JOHN 2:8,9a, JESUS SAID, DRAW OUT NOW, AND BEARfrAKW; UNTO' THE' GOVERNOR OP THE' FEAST. AND TSt'M-,WMTH- u ye, ary Danes, near me ywrnm me JWJra. The church is a living organism, feeyelations 3:22-Hwho has an car, let him hear what .the: die churches in this milennium. To the angel of the. church, of Ephesus write. Revelations 2, Never the "less, I havt this against you, that you have left your first love; Remember, therefore, from where you have fallen, repent and do the first woiks or else I will come to you quickly and remove Revelations IN JESUS NAME "tell it to jesus RUf E,W E W FET.HAD TASTED THE WATER THAT WAS MADE WINE. ( IT WAS THEN THAT THE DISCIPLES BELIEVED ON JESUS. AS THE SAYING GO: SEEING IS BELIEVING; THAT IS THE WORLD'S WAY. DO THIS TEST: STAND BEFORE SOMEONE, ASK THEM: I AM STANDING HERE? YES; CLOSE YOUR EYES: I M,I YET STANDING HERE? YES; WHY: BECAUSE I CAN HEAR YOU; DON'T SAY ANYTHING, BUT LET THEM TOUCH YOU; AM I YET STANDING HERE? YES, BECAUSE I CAN FEEL YOU. ALL THFSE ARE TRUE; BUT CHRISTIANS ARE TO LIVE BY FAITH ONLY! !) WHEN THE DISCIPLES WAS ON THE SEA: THERE CAME A GREAT STORM; THEY CALLED ON JESUS; AND UPON THEM CAME NO HARM. MARK 4:38,39, AND HE(JESUS) WAS IN THE PART OF THE SHIP, ASLEEP ON A PILLOW: AND THEY AWAKE HIM, AND SAY UNTO HIM, MASTER, CAREST HIN-DER(BAC- K) THOU NOT THAT WE PERISH? AND HE AROSE, AND REBUKED THE WIND, AND SAID UNTO THE SEA, PEACE, BE STILL. AND THE WIND CEASED. AND THERE WAS A GREAT CALM. AND IF YOU ARE HUNGER AND TIRED; AND YOU NEED TO BE FED; CALL ON JESUS; KB WILL SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR DAILY BREAD. JAMISON PUN I RAl HOME 1122 East Mais StrMrt Consider i nit I a? mm this your special to invitation mtmm m join Haaar lag 0r Asiifsrssry MIND t5rotur each Sunday on evening KJAK 92.7 PM, wKmmmmmmmmmmm a P from 30 p.m. Tune in and receive blessings from the Word of God through Inspirational, Tatter Tacked, and Spirit Tiuedm Hebrews 7:9- Wrfnt wmW ypM ejp if vlfrVHt sesst w IUA nvmwj ppp Cotassianf 1:3 -- CWstiayoellif wf MM) SB MM bnrt(rf If mm MANY CHRISTIANS READ THE BIBLE; AND MIS- -' QUOTE IT MANY TIMES, ASK OF JESUS; AND IT IS HE THAT WILL GIVE YOU: MEETING OF THE MIND. 2 TIMOTHY 2:15, STUDY TO SHEW THYSELF, APPROVED UNTO GOD, A WORKMAN THAT NEEDETH NOT' TO BE ASHAMED, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF, TRUTH. THE WHEAT AND THE TARES: IN. MATTHEW 13:24, WHEN JESUS SAID, LET THEM GROW, TOGETHER UNTIL THE HARVEST. SOME SAY: THAT IT I$'; Tflfe, CHURCH; BUT T&AT, IS NOT TRE. YQU.My$X,K$gt ON READING PAST V.38 TO SAY AS JESUS SAID TOE FIELD, IS THE WORLD(NOT THE CHURCH); SO LET THE SINNER'S BUSINESS ALONG; DON'T MARCH ON HIM: GOD CAN SAVE' ( AS WE SPEAK ON HIM AS HE DID YOU AND ME! ! ! WILL A CHRISTIAN ROB GOD??? GOD GIVES US WHAT WE NEED; AND ITS MORE' THAN CRUMBS TO THE DOGS; FOR HE GIVES US MERCY; AND Hfi GIVES IT TO US ALL. MARK 7:28b,29, LORD: YET THE DOGS UNDER THFj TABLE EAT OF THE CHILDREN'S CHUMBS. AND (JESUS, SAID) UNTO HER, FOR THIS SAYING GO THY WAY; IS GONE OUT OF THY DAUGHTER. CALLS ON JESUS; WHEN THEY'RE,'' THE ACCIDENT, GOD'S GRACE AND MERCY IS; ABOUT TO HAVE ALL WAYS READY; TO GO WHERE IT IS SENT! i ! LUKE 18:1, JESUS SAID, THAT MEN OUGHT ALWAYS, TO PRAY, AND NOT FAINT. I M JUST A NOBODY, TRYING TO TELL EVERYBODY;! ABOUT SOMEBODY; WHO CAN AND WILL: SAVE EVERY; BODY. GOD IS NOT THROUGH WITH US YET. SO LETS PRAY, FOR ONE ANOTHER ALWAYS WRITTEN BY EVANGELIST BILLY B.J. MORRISON.1U, YOUR BROTHER IS CHRIST JESUS. THE-DEVI- UN-GODL- Y City Wide Ushers Annual Prayer Breakfast The City vVide Ushers will sponsor its Annual Prayor Breakfast on Saturday morning, September 8, 2001, beginning at 8:00 a. m. at the St. Joua Baptist Church, 1712 Estt 29th Sam Stmt. Donations are $3.00 each. The theme for the- - event will be "Relationship Betwaen Ushers and rstors," Funds from this event will be used to help feed is the community. Ushers end friends of the city are invited to come, and bring their pastor as guest sad fellowship with the City Wide USbens. Speaker for the morning will be Rev. Solomon Fields, host pastor. a family Wimwpy as we sing for joy to the Lord; help us shout aloud to the rock of our solvirHon, Gomel Join us I i i OP IfcUfi SWlgsf," Per nam isfciwuicn oimmpIK'Smp ffapof OJocy. SBJBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfiuHSBBBJS vTM JsW((PL Ik. TX 794M OOWfSMMS06-791S- l ! and9wMngQw1pttkui, GpslsvisjwJ I iifcfcBBi. us this Say our daily bread. m wtM. Rmhm Mid fcuftdWHl' dSSctSl CUirtiidBW - Abettor itfUintJodupod by which we d$tw imr to God. isssjsn essp tgafAf UUbaM MATTHEW 6:10.11, JESUS SAID, THY KINGDOM COM., THY WILL BE DONE IN EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. GIVE, sssjmHkHp1 infittl African Methodist tJOt Stutdeej OH EjriscepeJ Ueck IS II fepoh TNss1f4 it 8 nCw IIMjHKBelC ilttl VHHMWI flip Ntw OttHftt Htaith IiiformUo, a.., HOUSTON - Ift 2 Mid yoer child has a fever of 101 degrees. She's been crying for hours, and you're exhausted and tfcan ISO fact sheets in BnglMi ami SpaflMh on topics ranging Aram common children's illnesses to serious diseases requiring specialised pediatric care, such as heart dhease, sickle eel! disease, diabetes sad cancer. Texas Chi Wren's Online Parents' Connection. This secure area of the Web site offers benefits such as monthly newsletters, which are packed full of informative tips on pediatric health and safety, to its members. Members also can request information on specific topics, such do or who tu call: Your mother? Your doctor? Should you rush your child to die errergency room? Now, worried parents can logon to www.texaschiMrenshospi-tal.or- g and find information about common symptoms and ailments priate, and offers guidelines on when to call a doctor or go to the emergency room. The largest pediatric hospi- tal in the United States, Texas Children's designed its newly expanded Web site to be a trustworthy resource for children's health issues in English and Spanish. New features of Texas Children's Web site include: Tips tor Parents. This section categorizes health topics by symptoms. For example, it advises parents to call a doctor if tlteir child has been crying constantly for more than two hours. Texas Children's also has developed a comprehensive library Firtuls Club. of more concerned. You'xe not sure what to children experience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The site takes parents step by step through treating the condition at home, when appro- Wm IJniMUVfl 8 as asthma, developmental milestones and teen issues. Find a Texas' Children's Doctor. Visitors can search for Texas Children's pediatric lubspecialists or for a pediatrician at one of the 44 Texas Children's Pediatric Associates offices ia greater Houston. Texa3 Visitors to Children's new sf also can watch videos about different areas of the hospital, shop at the toy store and download free screen savers featuring children's art. In addition to hundreds of pages of new content, the Web site has a colorful, design that is easy to them make wise purchasing decisions, and in response to the requests of our BBB mem- bers, who want to proudly pro- - claim their support of our mis- sion and 'starfdEfrdS,' said Nan The decision to allow BBB members to advertise membership was approved in an nation-wid- e vote of the Better Business Bureau s"stem. The South Plains Bureau is making the Membership Identification Program (MIP) available to its membership effective June 1, 2001. Members of the South BBB that sign a name Plains and logo agreement with the Bureau will be allowed to use an approved BBB member Q: How often thotitd I fertWie? A: About twice a year for root stlmuaMon, bit bt fertilize. Grass with a good root system makes better mora drought-tokra- for vices Opal Lave; n Henry hold were S a t u t il i join, morning. .September at the Lyons Chapel Baptist I. Church with Rev. under the direction of Brock's Funeral Note: Newly planted lawns do require more Directors of Lubbock, Texas, with interment at Peaceful Active pallbearers were Deacons of Lyons Chapel Baptist Church. Honorary pallbearers were David Sanders, Harry Powell, Kenneth Sanders, A. C. shop or do business," said Campbell. "For the first time in hi story, consumers will be able to spot a BBB member as they flip through the Yellow Page or readnhe Sunday advertising ciwlai. We hog this ttfotv School in 1959. She attended North Texas State University in Denton, Texas. Opal me i and married Dewitt Coleman on June 22, 1962, and to that union two Lubbock, Lynn, Motley, Terry and Yoakum Counties serviced by the South Plains BBB. BBB members that do may also identify their membership in advertising on the Internet through approved participation in children were born, Regina and Kevin. children, and one brother pre- The ceded her in death. Opal accepted Christ at an early age. She worked and served diligently as a member of Lyons Chapel Baptist Church. She served as Superintendent of Sunday SchooL Sne"was a the company 'BBTOnLine Smokers and infor- Missionary Society, and late head of the Kitchen Ministry. Eligible participants will receive $20 her death: two sisters, Deborah Hrvin of Austin, Texas and Sadie Hill of Board of Directors of the BBB. Foi a business to identify itself as a BBB member in For more information please contact: Donald Wesson, Cathy Hudson, CCRC at (806) i . Popular shoe raaoufacturer that Morris Day mention in one of The Time's hit songs lSOCs 1 558 albiim Oiled 6. Hs unnammi buiuk; group urn poweriui jwlfteh African empire and Mack Daddy contained the today one of Ghana's leading hit single Baby Got Buck Qiek&m ethnic groups Jocktom , Agenr007's nationality 3. ftnuuns Carl 4. $he's plays Drucilia on the daytime cop, up aghast an auio soap, The Young and the Restless reveal tfieacavititftyajMiier iaTb I I. Militant activist group (bunded 5. Denzel starred in tint thriller about an executed serial killer who's spirit by BWv Stale andlhey keeps traveling from person US Newjoo) person 12.RaptiwiiiaWaieisrtliymieX into 7. Although this rapper was shot and sesiKmiMe for takieg killed ia 1996. he nas had several hit JttAutPMH fill tf jiffs? albums posthumously released U.ThissiiigersiealiuineuPatrkia 8. "Richard" the il legend or Hok and she had the (9t4 hk "Rich" the master impressionist song, If Only You Knew 16. Tht west coast rappers first album 13. Quakers in Germantown, Pennsylva nia that adopted the first was titled Regulate .... Era law in U.S. history , (Major League 19HoustoB 1 3. The city in which the rapper in team) BasebaU was shot 21. Slang term for Blacks that alter ei(iP gQOetel gJgs?jjl-dicfa17. This musical artist blew-u- p in 1993 ill with hk release of his ordee to gala favor with the white latest album is titled ins)or1ty Hip-ho- p mogul ftat founded the lam recoKbeg label Pel 11 it. stawediog artiat "Baker" or 76s) - HH-n- of West Texu. The South Plains BBB was approved for participation jff W TfW' Bailey. Borden. anti-slave- Cock, MMftnawism "To" I J ry ""jH r i 12-Pla- y, TP-2.Co- m It illl llllt aiwaaaBg I I J fSsy vp sPMMtBetMeBBBeetkhattM'aiM assssee' ww aP WpWffjBHRgt I JkT HaausMaTV's essseic no oniMpw mjKMi Tfffffw w Tffairj I op G-Fu- nk Bureaus, the umbrella oigaajzt- ton for the nation's 135 Better Business Bureaus. The Better Bmhuei Bureau has committed tft womatUu member use of aaeaj'eia wavnjpwss 19 rock-A-ro- Membership the in Program by the Identification Council of Beer Business jgafsahsjiBssssss AtW-XW0IMNo.- Vk&Mgm$ hrftaaouslsprafeat'1ti gkggftgft 5 19th-centu-ry Bureau's Attention, end Agree to advertise their BBB membership only in tie Better Business Bureau of the South sjtewtitiriiili sis 743-315- c,M fDufadcation raailte vice MB AleJgJLs""" sssBppa or Acnuei I . Zulu warrior and king that united several African tribes in the mid unresolved customer' com plaint are brought to the liysMssihit-aMeassWau- MD Answers on page 8 '''wWswUPVtWSSJSSit" mmy" reimbursement for each Must meet eligibility criteria. w, Monitoring of Logo Use A study visit. Denver, Colorado; brothers, Arrester Henry of Denver, Colorado and Ketron Walker of Lubbock, Texas; a loving and devoted brother-in-laClarence Ervin; six nieces, four nephews, and many other relatives and friends. Advertising Guidelines and ' rr counseling free of charge Tuesday, August 28, 2Q01. She leaves to mourn said Christopher Lonngren, president of Schlotzsky's Deli and 2001 Chairman of the T" away She passed ship has long been one of South Plains' best kept secrets. Now businesses ?md consumers will be able to identify which businesses meet the Bureau's rigorous membership standards," needed Non-Smoke- rs Smokers will receive :&ifidktfttfcfc 1 member of the women's A company's member- HH MM iWtltol 7752fi96 disease. Her parents, both BBBOnLine member logo has a "Click to Check" feature. By clicking on the logo, consumers receive information confirming the business's membership in the BBB, aldftg With links to tg QsH Volunteers needed to participate in a research study that examines the effects of smoking cessation on the risk of developing diabetes-relate- d kidney graduated from Dunbar High Plains service area, which not encompasses thejjputh Plains organizations are eligible to participate in the MIP program at this time. "The MIP program will encourage consumers to look for the BBB logo where they thfoi nittfafi ggaggggglgW Recruiting Diabetics forTTUHSC Research Protocol The family later moved to Lubbock, Texas, where Opal attended and teria, including: Have been in business for at and yellow pages directories) and on business documents least one year; (including busines6 cards, staHave a satisfactory "record tionery, and invoices). with the BBB; Members may advertise BBB Agree to participate in and membership on the radio or comply with a meaning fill dis- television by verbally stating pute resolution proecsj when it ft tfwr tfssSsssP to be in Barry, Texas. and TV ads, flyers, direct mall non-prof- i gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggalH Torch logo in broadcast and its advertising, the member print advertising (newspaper business must meet several cri- "Member, Better Business Bureau Serving the South Plains of West Texas" in their may and advertising, display- an approved BBB decal on company owned or operated vehicles. Soliciting Every 2 weeks Every 0 days Every 44 days Every 4 days in the winter, all the above grasses go dormant and do not need watered except rescue which needs to bt every 2 weeks. Arrangements were Plains Watering Frequency rescue Davis, pastor, officiating. South Type of Grass Buffalo Grass Bermuda I) W my Q: How do I know how much water to apply kind of trass? A: This apples during the growing season. See chart Coleman smamHLmK est ef less and e nt bSrn was November 12, 1940, to Arrester and Margaret Henry mation. BBB. Funeral scr She Crosby, Dawson, Dickens, Floyd, Gaines, Oarza, Hale, Kent, Lamb, Hockley, Campbell, president of the profile and other helpful d and Clarence Sanders. user-friend- ly BBBOnLinerM. OPAL LAV ERN COLEMAN Dixon, Carl Edward Dixon Advertise Bureau Membership 50-ye- ar Or AfM all aueofnsaic tertnMsf fctss) me i A: Yes A torinker system can bt sftwtiMMe' Si Ssffl Wt9 s) Sfl4 en. Yom ten need to vtawSy oHerve yovr lawn ee enure tmywawa o broken heidi, the tatlnidat are est to Jtw water gees ea yeer Pars' net the street or sidewalk and most Important Chat flu water is being applied over the time allottee' on the Gardens, Woodrow, Texas. Better Business Bureau of the South Plains to Allow BBB Members to For the first time in the almost history of the Better Business Bureau of the South Plains (BBB), members cf the BBB :hat commit to certain standards will be able to identify their business as a BBB member in print and broadcast advertising. "This historic step is being taken in response to the needs of consumers, who are seeking information to help OilTUAlY j I; aisssBSSS bssibsi mmmmmmmmmummm J&lfaMMaM olav) 2ZStetttekvethMDefToa fit ffflfft TTSflfife BSBBBBBBBBBBBSa 'SBBBSk aBBSx BBBBSb BSBBi African American owned Delivery Mayo Clinic on Prostate Health book Company Awarded National Resale provides answers for a common prostate License by DHL Worldwide Express problem men encounter, prostatist ROCHESTER, MN. The most common prostate problem men encounter is one you seldom hear about, prostatitis. According to some estimates, up one quarter of all visits men make to a doctor for genital or miliary problems are related to prostatitis. Prostatitis is a general i BHHp VLLD HBaflHflflLflGBlB LHbLLLbbbbbbY aBBBaBaBBflVBBBi hhbhHhhhhw I EJBkL. J1PbbbbbbM , .aVflHaBaflaeBBBBBUBBBfli St .AbiBbbIbbVbbbbbbVbbbH J9H& term for inflammation of the prostate gland. The inflammation may be due to an infection or another factor that is irritating the plana. Even though prostatitis is not cancerous, it is a serious health concern and in some cases can lead to complications such as an infection in the bloodstream (bacteremia). Although many things are unclear about this dis sold the telephone services to smaller companies not able to Mishael Israel, founder and president of the Los Angeles get big discounted rates. So, we bused Global Translogic, Inc., a will basically do the same thing, parent company of Courier only we will be providing Express, announced recently nationwide express delivery disthat his organization has been counts." In addition, Israel said awarded a resale license by that his company, Courier DHL Worldwide Express, mark- Express has also received a ing the first time that an African major contract to deliver parcel which American owned business has packages for FED-ELos Angeles, CA -- X Long Be;uh. lo become a certi- ease, Mayo Clinic on Prostatp fied global logistic specialist, Health provides answers to which will broaden the scope of his companies ability to provide world-wid- e services. general questions that men and received such status with a also represents a first for an symposium, said Israel, focused major international parcel African American owned com- on planning, designing and implementing viable strategies, pany. express provider. Started in 1997, Global my company to have received this Translogic, Inc. and Courier resale contract," said Israel, a Express, provide full national native of the Los Angeles com- transportation and delivery sermunity. "This deal means that vices to companies in the enter we will be gbietc? target other tainment, law, automotive and small tojnedium companies, transportation industries. Since especially African American their inception, the companies owned businesses, around the have serviced more than 1,000 United States, and give them accounts, while creating more discounts that could save them than $1 million in revenue. In addition to operating up to 40 percent on express delivery charges. It's similar to Global Translogic, Inc. and what MCI and Sprint did some Courier Express, Israel is also '"I'm excited for completing $sars ago,, when they bought to make African American busi- nesses and entrepreneurs more inclusive of the vast economic opportunities available in public and private industries across America. The symposium and golf tournament, held last June, were sponsored by Rev. Jesse L. their families may Tiave about the greater risk for prostate cancer. Coalition in partnership with the Los Angeles Trade Bureau. For additional information about Courier Express and Global Translogic, Inc. please contact 856-082- 7. however, help semen flow more freely. Surgery is not recommended for antigen in your blood. If nonbacterial prostatitis disease Can the herb saw palmetyour PvSA level is elevated and you have prostatitis, it's advisable to help relieve my symptoms? to redo the test after you have There is no evidence that this been treated with antibiotics. If popular herb relieves infection or you hav chronic prostatitis, ask inflammation associated with your doctor about the value of prostatitis. Mayo Clinic on Prostate having a PSA test. Health can help you identify and Can I pass on a prostatitis infection to my partner during understand prostate problems. It d intercourse? Prostatitis can result also helps you make decisions on the best from a sexually transmitted dis-ebut prostatitis itself isn't treatment options for you or your ctihugious. prostatitis cannot be loved one's prostate problems. To passed on through sexual inter- learn more About other medidtal so your partner does not 'teas men may need and to course, t receive your free copy of lyTetlicstl have to worry about "catchittf the infection. Teats Every Man Needs, write to Is surgery ever used to Mayo Clinic, Medical Test 'for Men, Communications OE-- 6, treat the disease? Generally, don-toprefer nonsurgical proce- 200 First Street SW, Rochester, dures. But if the disease has dras- MN 55905. Or' order the hook; tically affected your fertility or Mayo Clinic on Prostate Health antibiotics aren't able to improve ($14.95 plus shipping, handling symptoms, your doctor may rec- anthapplicable sales tax) by Call ommend surgery. A surgeon may order code 714 try to open blocked ducts in the and receive the pocket guide free gland to relieve congestion and with purchase. prostate-specifi- c well-informe- a, rs 800-291-12- 8, study of childhood-onse- t Lupus begins at Texas Children's Hospital First Large-Scal- e HOUSTON Texas Children's Hospital in Houston is one of only four centers in North America participating in - the first major, clinical study of lupus, a complit cated disease in which a person's immune system attacks itself. childhood-onse- About four in every 100,000 adults have lupus. "Lupus is an automim-mun- e disease, which means that a patient's immune system attacks itself, instead of fighting disease organisms that invade the body," said Dr. Barry Myones, director of research for The 'ground-breakin- g Jackson, Sr.'s Rainbow Push course' work, at Tobin& Aspc.iajes, at (323). California State University, Services from AT&T and then soe condition. Does prostatitis Israel also served as increase my risk of cancer? There director and producer of the is no evidence that having acute recent Wall Street West or chronic prostatitis puts you at Symposium and the Wall Street West Invitational Celebrity &. Amateur Golf Tournament. The does, increase the level of Prostatitis study involves the largest group ever assembled of patients with childhood-onslupus. et Childhood lupus is so rarely studied that it is not known h6Wr many young people are affectum by yjed!soase. than ever before." , Researchers received $275,839 in funding from the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders study, "The for the five-year Genetics of Childhood-Ons- the Pediatric Rheumatology Center at Texas Children's Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.'" The cause of Lupus is unknown, and there is no cure; Hospital and the hospitals prima- however, rp.searchers suspect ry investigator for the study. "Because of the size and dura- uon or tne siuav. we nop v there is a genetic predisposition to the diseoss, as well as linksgKii to . S'WJou. iJ mh.w envirojmeiiM and hormot ' ftCtomiaoramgitaMyfflnBS. I Affordable Children's Health Insurance by CHIP. deliver babies. We deliver confidence. BBBBSfiuBBBBBaBML (It'll make you smile, too!) BIKBHHbswBIBBhBBBIKwWImRWB J JaLLaBBBBBaV'' bbHbb. m W BBBBH"'" Bh (front 5 rwtLuR) nHBY flBBBBBBBB, w&V .bbYbbbBk BaaBi'lSBBr jBBBBKBBBBeSBBBaBBBr 'BBl . SRBt (bbb jl Done Mooter, Omtpaaonai Thcrapau larrury Wifcomj. R.N NiCU Nurse Manager (betkmtL) UMnMM,Noonaulogm. jack CaiUvi R sptnMoryThtnipst. Kastr, Porter, A .0., temfflotajBC Sjgwy lafW Oeapaaonal Thuapm; KnmWiauor; A.N, fwtunovo Pcrti, M.D., NeorxHofcfto For just $18 a month or less, CHIP can provide health insurance for aU of your kids. With CHIP, your children are entitled to a medical services (including vision and dental). If that doesn't make you smile, nothing will! So enroll in CHIP today. Th UMC NICU Team, intensive care for your newborn. full-ran- ge Sum, UMC hw Sa rafkmfc tVfhcu rwad NtCU unit with tome of th best equipment and fadftstM arywhara. But what doa that ratify main to you? In a word, confidence At UMC you tan rest easy knowing Chat you and our Srfa an arc in th most apariancad handt An? white we hope your newborn never MMMfc IM. itn't k nice ca know we're right baskfe you? Tfca UHg WODTam tmamfre cart for nawbomt. Iritentfe cpnManca tor parent. na"in'iyruw''! -- Call - 1 722-165- 6 et today and get your children covered. , t, 2001 Editorials t5fi8T Opinions'? Comments This Way for Black Empowerment "By Dr. Leimra Fu'.atii Crowning Giuliani and Sharpton r h i NeUon reMrtl mid uould soon be Satged w ith the mtirdrt of Vnlx-- i a pin Rixrtihmim In toi lohet lMJ uniild n ijiut him o' h.- mmcliM Ihr d.u iltit the at ( m Mino ( mrm appointed Rh hard (nrgenii to i ondiu i n ,ind wtitr n repot' an iH im the W PU and 1iot prrfotminii v August is the 10 year annivervin of the incident huh have come simply Mights A seven-year-ol- t 8v lnm ( Bhnl d n h i Oavin Cato. was playing outmile hiv fann Ijr'l house when a car - pan of the motor Nit of the Uibavitcher Ci and Ret be tan tfcglK and jHtnped the sidewalk cnishtnp Oavin to death H's young cousin Angela lay injured as word spread like wildfire through the community The driver of the car. Joseph Lifsh. was whisked away from the scene in a Hntzolah ambulance, while the Catos waited anxiously for an ambulance. Meanwhile, the enraged you'h of the largely Caribbean and Black community began to take to the streets. On a si.'e street that night, Ysnkel ResenbflUtn, a nbbiateal tcliokr from Australia, was slabbed. Later It was re petted that poor treatment at the hospital was the cause of his death. By the next day. Crown Heights was a ticking time bomb. 1 had gotten a call from community residents asking me to come out. reverend Al Sharpton ami other Black leaders had also been called and had gone to the precinct to demand Lifsh's arreit. I spent the bulk of my time in the streets, arguing with the young men, persuading them to back away from a confrontation with the police. I had walked the neighborhood, knocking on doors making an appeal to the women, to the Black mothers, to come with me onto streets. We must tell our children they have to live, I said. All the while, I talked with police on the scene. I tried to persuade them to do as little as possible - 'o give, the kids room to cool down. Some of them agreed. Later, amid much politicking anJ the ugliest of wnsBtionalUiic opportunism Mayor Dinkins was Black and white criticized for holding the cops back. The truth of the matter is that he didn't. I did. One Black police officer on the line told me that he couldn't believe how I'd stepped in between the cops and the kids to prevent bloodshed. Today, he won't tell that story because it steps on sorn important toes. But the true history of Crown Heights reveals that there were two primary beneficiaries of the tragedy. One was Mayor Rudy Giuliani. The other was Rev. Al Sharpton. A young Black man, Lemrick -- 4 - ti rw 1 ( in:-th- Mil. kill". About a ueek after ( nmn HeifhK ernpted7 tne police shot and killed an unarmed 19 ear old, Ton Amos on another street in Crown heights Within hours there were 7(H) young people, many the same young men who had faced off against the coils after Gavin's death, marching through the streets behind me, demanding justice. But the Amos case was lost in the grand d'ama going m around it the frantic negotiations to produce a truce between the Black community and . Jewish communities. Al the West Indian Day Paradt, two weeks after Oavin's death. Mayor Diakias and Rabbi Shumel BaunsW marched together at the head of (be parade. About 100 yards behind litem, away from their fabricated embrace , I marched wil- - Tony Ames' mother Bridget, Diane Hawkins, the marcher of Yusef hawkins, whose murder at die hands of a Sen son hurst mob two years earlier had gotten l)avid Dinkins elected. By then, it was all about who was going to gain the political advantage off of Crown Heights. A headline here. A nightly news story there. Elections were coming just around the comer. Republican Senator Al D' mato did a press conference with Rosenhaum's brother and was reelected in 1992 with an astonishing 40 of the Jewish vote. In 1993, as he New York City mayoial election was heating up. Cuomo's Girgenti Report was released. Cuomo arranged for its criticisms of Dinkins to b presented live at a televised press conierenec. In a flash, the Democratic Party liberal coalition splintered like dry wood. Rudy Giuliani was there to pick up the pieces. 70 of the Jewish vote went to Rudy. David Dinkins went down to defeat. But here was someone else picking up The pieces, too. 11 was Al Sharpton. He, like Giuliani, stood to benefit by the fracturing of the Democratic Party liberal coalition. Sharpton saw Crown Heights as an opportunity to make a bold political play and did so. Sharpton, whom I was quite-cloto se at the time, was no ally oi' David Dinkins. Sharpton once told me that the biggest mistake that Dinki is made was to think he uas popular in ihe Blm k i (immunity just beianse people Yoled fot him Dinkins brlil lb spot Thai Sharnton i meted' the premie powei brokei of Blai k politics in Nnv "oik li was ihe Hawkins murder and IT APPt.ARS SOMHTHING IS ABOUT TO HAPi'HN AtiAlN IN HAST I URB K K ' I HIS N THAT as well as many others have observ ed ihe movement on the comer of HAST NTH STREET & Ml K BLV. these days. Could it be the development of that comer say ior a possible retail establishment. Only time Will tell what will take place at this location It could very well be .something all will be very proud of seeing developed As we have said from time to time things are happening in East Lubbock and we hope it will continue to happen Let's keep thinking of good things happening in East Lubbock If you do so can imagine what will continue to happen, THIS N THAT believes it can really happen in East Lubbock ANOTHER SPECIAL EFFORT IS HAPPENING IN EAST LUBBOCK! THIS N THAT as kecently talked with die owner of a new restaurant in East Lubbock It is called ANZLET'S FAMILY DINING ed at 1712 Parkway Drive Hours of operation are TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY 11:00 a. m. until 11 p. m. and THURSDAY, FRIDAY, & SATURDAY 11 a. m. until 12 midnight Why not go by and let them know you appreciate them in EAST LUBBOCK We'll continue to say EAST LUBBOCK is on hr led that had pill Dinkins in shiewrt politician thai he is, Shaipi mi nndet stood thai he held the key to Dinkim demise He had to use Crown Heights to rmbo'den tinkins' critic s and 10 play of the Black Jewish tensions He loudly c riticized the double standard that had the city providing a police escort to ihe Grand Rebbe. the decision to evaluate Lifsh from the scene in a Hatzoiah ambulance, and the failure of the police to take action against the driver of the car which killed Gavin Cato. He even traveled to Israel in an effort to serve a court order of Lifsh - a trip designed to etch the racial divide in stone. Ha needd that drvide to undercut Dlnkira and set the StAgC for hit own rite to pfpminetfCe. -- n 'lie man olfnr hr- And fti ALL-INCLUSI- this score, Sharpton and otuHani, sworn enemies, had much ill common Crown Heights was a turnlft" point for Sharpton, as it was for me. I steedJn the streets with hundreds of young Black men - so full of rage - and I understood as never before that I had to enable them to go beyond their anger and impotence. I r had to give mothers and fathers a 459-100- 598-541- th-i- way to help them. It was in those years that the energies T gave to my youth Optogram, The All -- tars Talent how Network, grew. Addressing the problem of youth violence meant giving kids the tools they need to grow and develop. It meant giving them a new life performance - one that aimed their focus toward tneir own power to create. This approach is not designed to get headlines. It is designed to work. In the ten years sin e Crown Height. All Stars has i.ecomc the most conspicuously suc- cessful program of itF kind, where tens of thousands of young people and their parents come together in positive and growth fill ways. They are the ones who brought crime down in New York These families are the heroes of Crown Heights and I honur them. In the tO years since Crown Heights, Sharpton has become Nrw York's premier Black power broker. His opportunism was no better and no Worse than most politicians - no matter their race, ethnicity, ideology or political affiliation. Predictably, having secured his position by cutting the liberal coalition to shreds, he is now Trying to rebuild il with himself al The lop. ihe move and nothing will stop ANOTHER PROGRAM FOR THE ELDERLY IN EAST LUBBOCK! THIS N THAT has been advlwd by officials of the LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF THE SOUTH, INC. LSS .bout the bringing of a program called PACE which stands for PROGRAM OF CARE FOR THE ELDERLY This elderly program will be housed at the old Hunt Elementary School facility and will provide the kind of comprehensive care currently unavailable to many FRAIL ELDERLY If you want to learn more about tliis program you may attend a meeting on Tuesday evening September 18, 2001 beginning at 7 p. m. at the Parkway Community Health Center East 4th Street and MLK Blvd. Attend and learn of another POSITIVE PROGRAM which will be housed in East Lubbock If you want more info you may either call JOANN BRASHEAR vice president of Senior Services (512) 0 or .PETER COLAOU associate vice president of Senior Services at (915) 0 PENNY HASTINGS THE BARBER SAYS: "LEADERS really know their PEOPLE THEIR FAMILIES THEIR GOALS THEIR ABILITIES and THEIR DREAMS " SUPPORT THE ANNUAL USHER BREAKFAST! THIS N THAT would all who can to SUPPORT the annual USHERS BREAKFAST which will be held at the St John Baptist Church 1712 East a 29th Street where Rev. Solomon Fields is host pastor SUPPORT s necessary for the CITY WIDE USHERS because they are always present when there is a FUNERAL SERVICE in the community Let us SI JPPORT .this breakfast which will began at .8 a. m. on Saturday morning September 8, 2001 BISHOP CARLTON D. PEARSON WILL SPEAK HERE! THIS N THAT has learned that BISHOP CARLTON D. PEARSON of the Azusa Fellowship International will be speaking here at the Lubbock Municipal Auditorium Coliseum on the Texas Tech Campus on October 19, 2001 JFor more info call (806) 0 The services will began at 7:00 p.m. WHY NOT VISIT OUR SCHOOLS TODAY! THIS N THAT knows you are aware that school has begun for the year of 2001 Wouldn't it be nice if you would stop by and visit with the principal and students in your area. THIS N THAT hopes MORE PARENTS & FRIENDS .. would visit our schools more this year than in the past GO AND HEAR DR. ROGER L. CULBERSON AT BETHEL! THIS NTHAT encourages all of you to go and hear .DR. ROGER L. CULBERSON a recording artist who will appear in the .ANNUAL CHOIR DAY .at Bethel AME Church 2202 Southeast Drive Sunday afternoon September 16, 2001 beginning at 3:30 p. m. Should be an outstanding program and the members of the Bethel Choir hopes you will be in attendance.. -- 762-166- rati 11 i If 1 i ti SBBLBslBBKflBBnhsBSaHalHBSHRB JaKpggBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH h-- ' f y . .s- - SSS Two Bits. Cents. A Quarter Dollar. Twenty-fiv- e BBBBBBhBW BBBBBB (jBjj HHSHBHBHylf fSjB " jjffttSjmK fSBBB jEBSS xmFmBBSBBKBIBBSe iBSBaiBKnHnHBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBH QtlbiJCa4briog25y to Join us. OtJbu announce 2W fwte tiinaycbewitbtbtai on aflitod route. H SoceJebnu25yfnwit1iusbyer ywnatdteffrjyonsyr T mmm at iWiH I c) sBSi-Bb- ) SSBh BBs BBBa The Southwest Digest's 9 mmmmmmmm m m m m i " SBBBBBBft " ' " . , Remember 1 never Subscribe today to the southwest digest and miss a single issue. Good gift for students, Military When?-- Covenant Health System Name SSs Qu""'"" I I I llUlltiaLV CAVIELS PHARMACY Workman's CompnMtion Charge Accounts & PRO-SER- V COMPENSATION PRESCRIPTION PRICES ' Open: 9 a.m. -- 7 p.m. Monday thru Saturday 83 BqtMl Opportunity Bmploytr Closed on Sundays! 1719 Avenue A Rental Property City State. Renewal Year $20.00 (Save $5.00) New Subscrition Years....$35.00 902 E. 28th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79404 This Business is Local Minority Owned ill One d) Two Proprti" "Afforcfabte Rental STEPHANIE HILL - Ofo Mobile AutoTire Repair Prertfent 2412 Cedar Ave 1 Lubbook, Texas 79404 SOS438-B09- 1 0 Community Outreach 1409 23rd Street Professional Service GLYNN ORGAN 765-756- fmSBHOut S067S2-5S7- 7 Fax S06767-992- or -N- t765-5311 STOP worrying about how you can't get HIV AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, and find out how you can! .Zip. M ffPfiTf MEDICAID Address. ; 10 i mi GENERIC DRUGS - 22nd Place, Suite 9 725-82- SWnfont i SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT Human Resources Lubbock, Tx Job Line or out of town relatives. I PCS For employment information contact 4014 fltMi W mwW 'flBEPaaiaaagBaaaBajBjajaBBBa JBS ' m I BBBB Cost Want Ads Work Hard For You NHMMMMMMMWMMMHMMMi the newspaper of todav with and ideals for the 90's and beyond' four weekly community newspaper with YOU, the ml Serving you since 1977 BBLbV JL HI W Hrf IB Low BLBBm BBH BBB"S BBBj BBh L -- iSBb BBBbT id Lubbock, Texas 79405 3 (806) Free Confidential Testing HIV Prevention Education Daily Support Group A Substance Abuse Counseling Clothes Closet Food Pantry 744-863- Money to Loan RUFUS "ARTINEZ Service Center Get fast Cash $100 to $500 convient qualification apply by BFGoodrlch Deafer. Break k Compete Auto Service. Your Unlroyal, MrcTiekn Hours of Operation: Loans by next day county Bank & Lubbock, Texas 1414 Avenue L Imani House Transitional Living Center phone never leave home. Funds applied to checking account. (806) 762-830- Member FDIC-EO- 7 Mon-F- , - 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ri "Real Chttnge Takes Place From The Inside Out!" Look for Our Ad on page 12 In Your Southwestern BelJ Yellow Pages L 1-800-882-0644 Tired oftfie CNew e old school. Cet Specializi We do ft HSennie .k Bib. , or 761-845- 0 BBBBe at bemhe Jordan Bright Ideas Creative Wear Picture This Parties, ect. Hotmail, com 806.778-356- 1 1 806-795-91- 64 wm LORD'S WILT, I pmiiuiig, puuiugrapny, aiiu mwuy raws?. Working with God's talents!!! Matthew 25:14-2- 1, "Blessed Handf if- - , Mobile Bring in the New Year with someone you can trust and afford. Will mow, paint, tile floors and walls, formica work, small plumbing and electrical work, acoustic and sheetrock, concrete and carpentry. Will even run errands for you if you can't get out. If there is something we forgot, just ask. Maybe with God's will, we will know how to fix it. Call A. J. Cell Phone (806) 789-052- Pager Number (806) 2 or 743-059- 4. Pht & Refrigeration (806)745-545- 6 State license: Charles Planks OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK B W Kings a CAST 19TH STREET & MLK BLVD. 19th St. Mlfiln Luther King Blvd. Let us be your. Lattery Headquarters Lots of Tickets. Lots of Winners. to serve you better: 19th & MLK & 34th & Ave P , Elderly, Handicapped and People of low income. A-- C CTACL BOO 1472) 2 Locations 806762-288- 6 806789-081- 5 PLANKS FoodGas Store Handyman for almost any kind of w chauffeur, carpenter, yard man, clean haul, landscape, biblical vlmxm mala ' welding, cut lots, burglary bars fence TopimkfS ; Professional Business Consulting Embroidery & Silk Screen Printing Commercial & Personal Photography Regji Davis, MBA Business Consultant Handyman I Repair & Install - I usic 'Rf?&rB only! c-- E-m-ail Heating and Air music! Jivp-Ji- o) PA: draft) ofJbe Black not Just Another Apartment Complex W Wslcoms 3 emotion 8 .V- of rocs, color or creed, fitfi ikt Am UHcftlMsUats leWwtosi si is is sb at 6a nr ' Stenocall idMMonof Lubbock Ka4io Pagii Sarvict, Hair Style iHH I IsSyeStf MSMA ksr 806-749-21- 10 Complete Hair Styling For Men & Women QjjQ lump. mmXM.te teeaHn cSuari FevarMHMMM Samoa wttiMtAd CAT'S HAIR CORNER 16 MANICURES WaiiMiuaiiaiiimnlUliiM! W Hour fc A JUtaboefc, TX COMPLETE FOOT CARE FF ATI IPIKjr 762-189- 744-505- 7 0 1716 E. Broadway Lubbock, Texas MARY W work by appointment only I I Need Brtr BaiDflB ejoshiy Mo& BiCJD AwouAoew thm mfoemtifom of him FAMDLY PHACX3C1 3126 50111 Adult XBSBSZ39EJ TWo SntEET IMWIsV TQAYtAWEgK I Vido Sar4 ItOliei (pssypssss MAM JUL to 0070 & tor Tumdtw ellf f sf StMet ilMMHMWP Aef Drugs and Grapefruit Juice Don't Mix LUBBOCK - While or increased toxicity. 'The potential for inter- sit- ting at breakfast reading the morning newspaper, it never action with medications exists occurs to many people that their breakfast may significantly alter their body's response to medications. whether you consume grapefruit juice with your medications or at a later point in the day," said Michael Robertson, M.D., chief According to the American Medical Association (AMA), one glass of grapefruit juice or half of a grapefruit can signi-canlt- y of staff at Covenant Health increase absorption of medications containing enzymes that decrease, or metabolize, the amount of the drug (bit enters the systemic circulation. If the enzyme is inactivated by grapefruit juice, the amount of medication that enters the body is "typically the increased. System. The "grapefruit juice effect" commonly occurs with some medications into the hlood stream as well as decrease the metabolism of many oral medications. This effect known as the "grapefruit juice effect," caused greater amounts of some drug to enter the bloodstream, either having therapeutic effects an IncreaM in the peak plasma "to avoid any unwanted concefttratfon of die drug," Dr. interactions with grapefruit juice, Robertson said. "That increase is consult with your physician equivalent to taking a higher before consuming grapefruit dose of the drug than the physi- juice or grape fruit supplements if cian prescribed. you take prescription medica"Although the effect may occur tions," Dr. Robertso" said. in anyone, it can be more proAccording to Dr. nounced in the elderly, individuals with existing hepatic disease or those taking other drugs such as erythromycin, anti-fungmedicatiofu or intraconazone. al Grapefruit juice may interact with caffeine, cocaine, some tranquilizers, tome antihis- tamine, cholesterol-lowerin- g drugs, oral contraceptives, some antibiotics and other net blockers such as FekxJipine. Nifedipine , Amlodipine, Nitrendipine and nisoldipine; reductase inhibitors HMO Co-- (statins) such as LxvaHatin, sim- vastatin and Atorvastatin; Saquinavir; and Verapamil. A Solution to No. 057 AtW-XW(H- W Robertson, the following is a list of medications known to interact with grapefruit juice: Amiodarone; Astemizole; Cyclosporine; Cisapride; Carbamazepint; Benzodiazepines such as triazolam, Triazolam and Diaffipam; Daildropyridine calcium grapefruit juice effect' causes chan- - t Texas American Legion Opens 2002 Speech Scholarship Program Bob are Scholarships Lubbock 19th Bland, District awarded to winners of post, Commander, announced district, division and -- today the kick-off- of 2002 national contests. National High School Oratorical contest winner awards Contest. The program is to amount to: 1st place, place, develop a deeper knowl $18,000; edge and appreciation of $16,000 and 3rd place, the Constitution of the $14,000. Each state winner 2-n- United States. Tt also help think and speak clearly and intelligently and prepares them for acceptance of the responsibilities of American citizenship. who advances to and ipates in the second round, but does not advance to the final round, will receive an partic-studen- ts . additional $1,500 scholar- ship to pursue education beyond high school. For information con- cerning the contest and entry forms, interested par ties are urged to contact thw American Legion Post 575, or your local post. 806-794-90- The American Legion is a veterans community service organization of over 2.75 million members in the United States, Puerto Rico, France and the Philippines. Its major focus post-employme- nt Jobline: (806) 742-221- 1. tfe citizens a c!ose look at their vity government, namely; its origin, function, every department, and other important matters. This information was sup plied by the lexas Municipal League (TML) Tony Privitt, Director of Communication and Legislation.) (EDITOR'S NOTE: We began this series by defining home-rul- e state and the city manager form of government The mayor and city council functions and responsibilities, and all of the city departments heads. Now this series gives the departments and their functions so you may be advised more of what is going on in CRYPTOSPORIDIOSIS How Do ' What is Clyptosporidiosis? Protect Myself? ' caused by Cryptosporidium parvum, a tiny parasite. Both peoCryptosporidiosis (crypto) is ple and animals may get crypto. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, naisea, fever, stomach cramps, and ioimyiijLiyHirim Ohntr vomiting, In healthy people, the UlneusuHlly lasts 1 to Z weeks. In people with p with HIVAip5,.ggncgr, or recent organ transplants), the infection may be severe and last lenger. How is Crypto Spread? The stool (feces) of infected people or animals has Cryptosporidium parasites in it. You can get crypto by: touching something with stool on it and putting your hand in your mouth eating food or drinking water that has stool in it You are more Ukely to get crypto if you: have contact with stool from an infected person through sexual contact or while caring for a person with crypto center are a child in a day-caday-cawork at a center have contact with infected animal Always wash your hands (and tell others to do the s&ine) before fixing food - before eating - after using the toilet after changing diapers - after changing clothes or bedding soiled with stool - after caring for people with diarrhea - after touching or petting animal? Do not drink from rivers, lakes, or swimming pools For extra protection, boil water for one minute to kill the parasite if y you: - arc infected with HIV - have recently had an organ transplant - are being treated for cancer - are travel-- , ing ir a country where you are not sure if the water is safe Allow the water to cool before you drink it Also, use this treated water to brush your teeth, to make ice, and to wash fruits and vegetables. Avoid sexual practices that put you in direct contact with stool. What if ou Think You lave Crypto? Drink plenty of fluids and get extra rest. See your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor .nay want to have your stool tested for Cryptosporidium parasites. There is no drug to treat this disease but your doctor can provide medication to help you feel better. trial refrigeration equipment; gas furnaces; fume hoods; air compres- 742-385- 1. This is a series of stories which will give Crypto (Cryptosporidiosis) sors, exhaust systems; pumps; boilers; environmental chambers and o jbr research' equipment Must have electrical and plumbing slclfls. Knowledge of computerized energy management systems and Universal EPA Refrigeration Certification preferred. Valid driver's license and insurable to physical. Online application available at operate a University vehicle. Must pass a or contact the Texas Tech University Personnel Office, Room 143, Drane Hall. (806) ( city government. The Physical Plant is accepting applications for a Building Maintenance Mechanic. Completion of high school or equivalent. Licensed journey level building maintenance mechanic or three years skilled building maintenance mechanic experience. Duties include troubleshooting and repair of HVAC systems; commercial and indus- Y1 the chiMren and youth of America. Patricia Erickson 06, Building Maintenance Mechanic V iiVon programs to benefit veterans- - their families and EEOAAADA Institution. re re WHAT IS HAPPENING LOCALLY n E m To.Complete (ha UnUnWied Work of Dr. Martin Luthor King Jr. 'a AOIP is a network lowest for organization engaged in an overall conimunity-buil''in- g minorities. AOIP't overall objective, via this interorganization approach to addressing the root cause of all of ills among Black and similarly-suite- d coalition, is to begin immediately to transfot a the discrete communities within Black America, through "together ness," into such Shinning Oases of hope that at) therein act only will be motivated to want to learn and become communities, but also there will be a great lessened deure, or telt;t deed, to abandon support for Black-to- d productive parts of our Cfganiaations that opened economic sad other doors; Black-owne- d businesses and professional entities, Black churches, ect. by inordinately integrating andor invading the communirkl and social and other institution developed by ( and for) other etbjatic groups wfiwwwwwH AOIP has a redemptive mission of completing the "unfuriaiei work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." The information listed below about your organization should (as best possible be focused on what your pride-installi- ul A. This is a public service courtesy of die Southwest Digest We will list your meeting dates, tune and place: special activities, annual meetings, ect. Anything else will be considered advertisement and will be: brochures, promotion, ect. this is necessary, because of the inflated cost of doing business. We have to pay our expenses. There will also be a charge for photos, other than, charged as such. Such as hand-bill2 new events. For more information about getting your announcement an this page, call Eddie P. Richardson at s, 762-361- COMMUNITY MEETINGS Lubbock Area Client Council Second Surday 1 :00 pm Mae Simmons CbiTununity Center IXsHsil " n ii Cteswaa HtH Neighborhood Aasocistkw IV Chatman Hill Neighborhood Association has changed iu tuauner moling New Hop Baptist Church for the July 12 and August 9, 2001 meetings. Beginning gaptawbar 13, Otftohar 11, November S and Decassfatr 13, 2001 Tha Lubbock No. 2 District Qnwwsttoa will Catncnof God in aj ths Holy Hisfcy is hast nsssw. anst r wtuss3 wtsssV sJstl pssssssx i ssaJ 4nsPCsnsssss w Forgotten West Riders First & Third Monday 7:00 pm T. J. Patterson Library Booker T. Washington American Legion Post 808 2nd Teusda- y- 7:30 DunbarManhattan Heights Neighborhood Association will be having Their Monthly General Meeting on Thursday August 16.2001 at Mea Simmons Community Center. The Time is 6:00 o'clock pm Anybody who has a desire or knows anybody to bay s borne should be si this meeting. Housing Oporunity program (C H O P ) Uigb MCPhauJ from Cove will he our guest to talk about down payments Assistance and How you PfP8jpflLwA9j)ww?sslw SawtllbstWfWysJlOpss. 8Mb? Wlsss JLnsjgiuf to n I East Lubbock Chapter AARP Every ,8t Wcdnesday at , pm . I Mae Simmons Community Center, " ' Trjif n mi Jin Ut ' IP LT. Hub City Ki warns. Every Tuesday Night 7:00pm 1708 Avenue G. m Alumni Assocition 2nd Saturday 4pm wwCflHJ Ths public is i tm wiiiihTlii i In 'iiiliiiii) vrnn mnmhli sMiimi s TTviiii ifiiin mwi mtV awiiWroaiiHri fnMir in mlt T i inTmTiirTuoii isVmm MI to ni In irnftrii m liinliii 79m Bring It to the Southwest Digest office at 902 Ernst 23rd Street Lubbock, IVxas - Dunbar 4 to '4.
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