Contents Volume 1 Section 1:  Milestone of Urology 1. History of Urology MA Salam Prehistoric Urology in Different Parts of World  4; Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century  6; Nineteenth Century  7; Great Mind and Philosophers in Urology  22 3 Section 2:  Presentation of Urological Disease 2. Presentation of Urological Disease MA Salam, Mohammad Shafiqur Rahman Art of History Taking (Careful Listening to the Patient is an Art)  33; Smoking and Urological Disease  41; Drug Allergies  41; Physical Examination of Urological Patients  42 33 Section 3: Investigations of Urological Disease 3. Laboratory Test for Urological Work-up 47 4. Application of X-ray in Urology 57 5. Intravenous Urography and Contrast Study of Lower Urinary Tract 64 6. Principles of the Ultrasound and its Applications in Urology 68 7. Computed Tomography 85 MA Salam, MA Wahab Urinalysis  47; Laboratory Tests  51; Hormonal Studies in Urine  55 AKM Zamanul Islam Bhuiyan Radiology Techniques  57; Radiation Exposure Hazard  57; Contrast Media  58; Anaphylactic Reactions  59; Nephrotoxicity  59; Cardiovascular Toxicity  59; Radiological Investigations for Urological Patients  59 AKM Anwarul Islam, Zahirul Islam Miah Procedure  64; Basic Techniques and Principle of Intravenous Urography  64; Contraindications of Intravenous Urography  65; Indications of Intravenous Urography  65; Advantages of Intravenous Urography  65; Limitations of Intravenous Urography  65; The Future of the Intravenous Urography  65; Antegrade Urography and Retrograde Urography  66; Voiding Cystourethrogram or Micturating Cystourethrogram  66; Cavernosography and Cavernosometry  67 MA Salam Physics of Medical Ultrasound  68; Ultrasound Imaging Methods  68; Intraoperative Use of Ultrasound  72; Renal Ultrasound  72; Bladder Ultrasound  76; Ultrasound Imaging of Prostate Prelude  78; Determination of Prostate Volume with Ultrasound  78; Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy  78; Prostate Cancer  78; Prostatic Infection  79; Techniques of Ultrasound Study of Prostate  79; Perineal Approach  79; Biopsy of Prostate  80; Seminal Vesicle Cyst  80; Ultrasound Scan of Urethra  80; Scrotal Ultrasonography  81; Doppler Principles  82 Jahangir Kabir History of CT Scan  85; Principle of Techniques of CT Scan  85; Principles of Three-dimensional Image Reconstruction  87; Recent Advances in CT  87; Common Problems in Interpreting CT Scan  87; Limitations of CT Scan  87; Criteria for CT  87; CT Renal Arteriography  89; Digital Subtraction Angiography  89; CT Urography  89 xx Principles and Practice of Urology 8. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 9. Nuclear Medicine in Genitourinary Tract Abdul Mannan Khan Physics of MRI  92; Recent Advances of Mri  92; Basic Principles of Mri  93; Clinical Applications of Mri 94; Advantages of Mri  97; Contraindications of Mri  97; Magnetic Resonance Urography  97; Advantages and Disadvantages of Mri 98 SA Khan, Shankar Kumar Biswas Radioisotope Measurement of Glomerular Filtration Rate  101; Radionuclide Techniques Available for Studying the Function of the Renal Tract  102 10. Abdominal Positron Emission Tomography or Computed Tomography Ali Akbor Radioisotopes  108; Cyclotron Centers  109; Indications of Pet/CT  110; Transitional Cell Carcinoma  110; Renal Cell Carcinoma  110; Testicular Malignancies  110 92 101 108 Section 4: Emergency Urology 11. Acute Ureteric Colic 115 12. Acute Urinary Retention 126 13. Renal Trauma 130 14. Ureteral Injury 137 15. Lower Genitourinary Tract Trauma 142 16. Urinary Bladder Injury 145 MA Wahab, MA Salam Presentation  115; Diagnosis  115; Differential Diagnoses of Flank Pain  118; Management  121 SAM Golam Kibria, AKM Anwarul Islam Etiology  126; History  127; Physical Examination  127; Management  127; Complications of Relieving Obstruction  128 Shivaji Basu Principle of Treatment of Acute Upper Genitourinary Tract Injury  130; Upper Tract Trauma (Renal Injuries and Ureteral Injuries)  130 MA Salam, AKM Khurshidul Alam Etiology of Ureteric Trauma  137; Clinical Diagnosis  137; Radiological Diagnosis  137; Classification of Ureteric Injury  138; Management of Ureteric Injury  138 MA Salam, Md Sayedul Islam Causes of Lower Genitourinary Tract Trauma  142; Pathophysiology of Lower Genitourinary Tract Trauma  142; History  142; Physical Examination  143; Prehospital Care  144; Principle of Management of Lower Urinary Tract Trauma  144 K Sasidharan Diagnosis of Bladder Injury  145; Cause and Pathophysiology of Bladder Injury  145; Classification of Bladder Injury  146; Computed Tomography Scan  148; Cystography  148; Excretory Urography  148; Management of Bladder Rupture  148; Penetrating Bladder Injury  148; Postoperative Care  148; Follow-up  149 17. Urethral Injury 150 18. Penile Injuries 156 Sanjay Kulkarni, MA Salam Applied Anatomy and Pathophysiology  150; Etiology  151; Mechanism of Injury  151; Clinical Assessment  152; Classification of Urethral Injury  152; Presentation  152; Work-up  152; Anterior Urethral Injuries  153; Posterior Urethral Injuries  153; Female Urethral Injuries  154; Complications of Urethral Injury  154; Outcome and Prognosis  154 MA Salam, SM Mahbub Alam Common Injuries of Penis  156; Strangulation of Penis by Metallic or Nonmetallic Ring  160 xxi Contents 19.Scrotal and Testicular Injury MA Salam, Mirza M Hasan Mechanism of Injury  162; Etiology  162; Presentation  162; Physical Examination  162; Imaging of Scrotal Injury  163; General Management of Scrotal Injury  163; Complications of Scrotal Injury  164; Indications for Scrotal Exploration  164; Follow-up  164; Complications of Testicular Injury  164 162 Section 5: Genitourinary Infection 20. Urinary Tract Infections 169 21. Urinary Tract Infection in Children 179 22.Urosepsis 187 23. Prostatitis or Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome 193 24. Epididymitis and Orchitis 197 25. Perioperative Antibacterial Prophylaxis in Urology 200 26. Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection 204 27. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 212 28. Genitourinary Tuberculosis 217 29. Interstitial Cystitis 221 Jahangir Kabir Pathogenesis of Urinary Tract Infection  169; Bacteriological Evidence of Infection  169; Pathophysiology  170; Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection  171; Risk, Mortality and Morbidity  171; The Natural History of Urinary Tract Infection  171; Physical Examination  172; Differential Diagnoses  172; Work-up of Urinary Tract Infection  172; Treatment  174; Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection  177; Complications  177 Isteaq Ahmed Shameem Etiology  179; Pathogenesis and Risk Factors  179; Signs and Symptoms  179; Classification  179; Diagnosis  180; Schedule of Investigation  183; Treatment  183; Management  184 Rajeev Kumar Definition  187; Pathophysiology of Sepsis  188; Clinical Manifestation of Urosepsis  188; Treatment  189; Focus on the Management of the Septic Patient  190; Focus on Outcome from Sepsis  191 AKM Khurshidul Alam Diagnosis  193; Classification Systems  194; Treatment  195 Golam Mowla Chowdhury Incidence and Prevalence  197; Pathogenesis and Pathology  197; Diagnosis  197; Treatment  198 AKM Khurshidul Alam, MA Salam Aims and Objectives  200; Risk Factors  201; Principles of Antibiotic Prophylaxis  201; Regimens for Prophylaxis for Different Procedures 202 Mohammad Shafiqur Rahman Definitions  204; Risk Factors  204; Diagnosis  205; Antimicrobial Strategy for the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection  205; Management of Specific Urological Infection  206; Recommendations on Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection  210; Conclusion and Future  210 Pranashish Saha, Kazi Rafiqul Abedin Factors Responsible for the Sexually Transmitted Diseases  212; Nongonococcal Urethritis  212; Gonorrhea  213; Syphilis  213; Chancroid  214; Lymphogranuloma Venereum  214; Granuloma Inguinale  214; Condyloma Acuminata or Venereal Warts  214; Genital Herpes Simplex  215; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome   215; Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases  215 NP Gupta, Md Sayedul Islam Incidence   217; Etiopathogenesis   217; Pathogenesis  218; Presentation  218; Diagnosis  218; Treatment  218; Follow-up of Genitourinary Tuberculosis  219; Management of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis  219 Shahidul Islam Sugom New Concepts  221; Interstitial Cystitis Symptoms  221; Diagnosis  221; Potassium Test (Persons Test)   222; Management  222 xxii Principles and Practice of Urology Section 6: General Urology 30.Advances of Radiation Oncology and its Applications to Urology 227 31. CyberKnife in Urology 236 32. Application of Gene Therapy in Urology 239 33. Lasers in Urology 243 34. Image-guided Percutaneous Treatment of Genitourinary Cancer 259 AFM Kamal Uddin, Afiquor Rahman Kidney Tumors  227; Role of Radiotherapy in Renal Cell Carcinoma  227; Carcinoma of Bladder  229; Carcinoma Prostate  231 Dev Narayan Dutta Important Features  236; Imaging Techniques of CyberKnife  236; Other Stereotactic Systems  238; Clinical Uses  238 AFM Kamal Uddin, MA Salam Gene Therapeutic Strategies  239; The Future of Gene Therapy  241 Prem Nath Dogra, Prabhjot Singh History  243; Basic Principle of Laser  243; Components of Laser System  244; Laser Tissue Interaction  245; Types of Lasers  246; Laser Applications in Urology  249; Lasers in Laparoscopy  255 MA Salam, Md Faisal Islam Indications  259; Patient Preparation/Anesthesia  260; Image Guidance  260; Image-guided Tumor Ablation Modalities  261; Complications of Percutaneous Ablation  263; Follow-up  264 35. Stem Cells Research and its Practical Applications 266 36. Telemedicine in Urology 270 37. Tissue Engineering in Urology 273 Laila Anjuman Banu, Mohsin Uddin Embryonic Stem Cell Lines  266; Adult Stem Cells  266; Amniotic Stem Cells  267; Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells  267; Practical Applications of Stem Cell Research  269 Ishtiak Al Mamoon, MA Salam History of Telemedicine  270; Types of Telemedicine  270 Mohsin Uddin, MA Salam Principles of Tissue Engineering  273; Application of Stem Cells  274; Urological Applications of Tissue Engineering  274; Generation of Histocompatible Tissues Using Nuclear Transplantation  275 38. Ideal Operating Theater Complex 277 39. High Frequency Electrosurgical Apparatus (Diathermy Equipment) 284 40. Ultrasonic Surgical Shears (Harmonic Scalpel) 292 MA Salam, Nitin S Kekre Statutory Regulations for Operating Theater Complex  277; Different Zones of Operation Theater Complex  277; Sub Areas  278; Types of Operating Theater Complex  279; Principles to be Taken into Consideration While Planning an Operating Theater (Physical/Architecture)  279; Usual Disadvantages of Existing OT in Old Hospitals  282; Operating Theater for the Urologist  283 Prem Raj Gyawali Technical Concept  284; Tissue Effect  284; Unipolar Diathermy  285; Bipolar Diathermy  286; Urological Applications  286; Mode of Action  287; Quality of High-frequency Current (Modulation)  288; Factors Influencing the Therapeutic Effect  288; Safety Considerations  288 Jahangir Kabir, MA Salam Mechanism of Tissue Coagulation  292; Use of the Ultrasonic Surgical Shears or Harmonic Scalpel  292 xxiii Contents 41.Tissue Fusion System (LigaSure) and Evident Microwave Ablation System 294 42. Principles of Intravesical Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy 297 Pranjal R Modi The Evident™ Microwave Ablation System  295 Hemant B Tongaonkar Intravesical Chemotherapy  297; Intravesical Immunotherapy  297; Indications of Intravesical Chemotherapy  297; Contraindications  297; Prerequisite for Intravesical Therapy  297 Section 7:  Pediatric Urology 43. Applied Anatomy of Genitourinary Tract 301 44. Developmental Anomalies of the Upper Urinary Tract 306 45. Polycystic Kidney Disease 309 46. Wilms’ Tumor 311 47. Congenital Ureteral Obstruction (Congenital Pelviureteric Junction and Vesicoureteral Junction Obstruction) 317 48. Abdominal Masses in Children 324 49. Bladder Exstrophy Complex 326 50. Diseases of Urachus 330 51. Prune Belly Syndrome 332 52. Vesicoureteric Reflux 334 53. Neuropathic Bladder in Children 342 Laila Anjuman Banu Development of Kidney  301; Kidney  302; Ureter and Renal Pelvis  304 Zahid Hossain Bhuiyan Clinical Embryology of the Upper Urinary Tract  306; Renal Agenesis  306; Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney  306 Mozzam Hossain Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease  309; Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease  309; Multilocular Renal Cyst  310; Solitary Renal Cyst  310 Shafiqul Haque, Matiur Rahman Etiology  311; Causes  311; Pathology  311; Work-up  312; Presentation  313; Staging of Wilms’ Tumor  313; Management Principles  313; Treatment by Type and Stage of Wilms’ Tumor  314; Prognostic Factors  316 Jahangir Kabir, MA Salam Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction  317; Bilateral Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction  321; Complications  322; Outcome and Prognosis  322; Future and Controversies  322; Follow-up  322 Isteaq Ahmed Shameem Imaging Techniques  324 Paddy Dewan Cloacal Exstrophy (10%)  326; Classical Bladder Exstrophy (60%)  326; Epispadias (30%)  326; Diagnosis of Bladder Exstrophy  328; Management of Bladder Exstrophy  328; Prognosis and Natural History  328 Ishteaq Ahmed Shameem Patent Urachus  330; Urachal Cyst  330 Matiur Rahman Major Characteristics  332; Associated Anomalies  332; Management  332; Work-up  333; Treatment  333 Paddy Dewan Incidence  334; Pathophysiology  334; Causes  335; Consequences  335; Incidence  335; Grading System  335; Diagnosis  336; Work-up  336; Management  337; Surgical Techniques  340; Follow-up  340 Paddy Dewan Definition  342; Classification  342; Urodynamic Studies  342; Management  343; Follow-up of Neurogenic Bladder Patients  344 xxiv Principles and Practice of Urology 54. Nocturnal Enuresis 346 55.Rhabdomyosarcoma 348 Pranashish Saha Definition 346; Diagnosis 346; Treatment 346 Shahadat Hossain Presentation of Rhabdomyosarcoma  348; Pathology  348; Pathologic Classification  348; Clinical Groups of Rhabdomyosarcoma  349; Management  349 56. Acute Scrotum in Children 57. Empty Scrotum or Undescended Testis 381 Emdadul Haque Diagnosis 381; Treatment 381 65. Repair of Hypospadias: Current Trend 375 Shafiqul Haque Mechanisms of Sexual Differentiation  375; Disorders of Sexual Differentiation  376; Work-up of Ambiguous Genitalia  376; Gender Assignment  378; Timing of Genital Reconstruction  378; Management  378 64.Micropenis 373 Ishteaq Ahmed Shameem Presentation of Paraphimosis  373; Manual Reduction  373; Follow-up  374; Complications  374 63. Ambiguous Genitalia 368 MA Salam, Shahidul Islam Sugom Diagnosis  368; Treatment  368; Methods of Circumcision  369 62.Paraphimosis 364 Paddy Dewan Classification of Posterior Urethral Valves  364; Presentation of Posterior Urethral Valve or Membrane  364; Work-up of Posterior Urethral Valves  365; Management of Posterior Urethral Valves  365; Antenatal Treatment  365; Postnatal Treatment  366; Vesicostomy  366; Follow-up  366 61.Phimosis 361 K Sasidharan Diagnosis  361; Treatment of Varicocele  362 60. Posterior Urethral Valves or Membrane 359 MA Salam, Md Saiful Islam Diagnosis 359; Treatment 359 59. Varicocele in Children and Adolescents 355 Paddy Dewan Significance 355; Classification 355; Diagnosis 356; Investigations 356; Treatment  357; Advantages of Early Orchidopexy  357; Prognosis  358 58.Hydrocele 350 Shafiqul Haque Diagnosis  350; Treatment of Testicular Torsion  352; Prognosis  352; Perinatal Torsion  353; Epididymitis  353; Testicular Cancer  353 Paddy Dewan History  382; Pathophysiology of Hypospadias  382; Classification System of Hypospadias  383; Risk Factors for Hypospadias  383; Differential Diagnosis of Hypospadias  384; Objectives of Repair of Hypospadias  384; Diagnosis  384; Treatment of Hypospadias  384; Techniques for Posterior Hypospadias  387; Two-stage Hypospadias Repair  389; Bladder/Buccal Mucosa Technique  390; Operative Technical Points  392; Complications of Hypospadias Repairs  393; Hypospadias Patients with Multiple Failures  394; Long Term Follow-up  394 382 xxv Contents Section 8: Neurourology 66. Applied Anatomy of Bladder 399 67. Flaccid Type of Neuropathic Bladder 406 68.Incontinence 411 69.Myelomeningocele 418 70. An Overview of Neuropathic Bladder 421 71. Overactive Bladder 428 72. Spastic Type of Neuropathic Bladder 434 73. Spinal Cord Injury 440 Laila Anjuman Banu Gross Anatomy  399; Histology  399; Bladder Innervation  400; Sphincteric Mechanisms  400; Bladder Neck in Male  401; Bladder Neck in Female  401; The Physiology of Vesicourethral Segment  402; Uropharmacology  403 MA Salam, ATM Aman Ullah Etiology of Flaccid Type of Neuropathic Bladder  406; Pathophysiology  406; Clinical Presentation  407; Laboratory Study  407; Management of Flaccid Neuropathic Bladder  407; Supplies Required for Self-catheterization Technique  408 MA Salam Pathophysiology of Incontinence  411; Mechanism of Incontinence  412; Classification of Incontinence  412; History  414; Causes of Neuropathic Bladder/Urethral Dysfunction  415; General Management  416 Jahangir Kabir Causes 418; Symptoms 418; Classification 419; Work-up 419; Management 419; Prognosis  420; Possible Complications  420 AKM Anwarul Islam Functional Features of Bladder  421; Pathophysiology of Neuropathic Bladder  421; Classification of Neuropathic Bladder  422; Outline of Diagnosis of Neuropathic Bladder  422; Complications of Neuropathic Bladder  425; Principle of Treatment of Neuropathic Bladder  427; Prognosis  427 Farakh Khan Definition 428; Pathophysiology 428; Management 429 Jahangir Kabir Pathophysiology  434; Clinical Presentation  435; Investigations  436; Management  437 MA Salam Pathophysiology  440; History  440; Complete Spinal Cord Transection Syndromes  441; Physical Examination of Spinal Cord Injury Patients  442; Causes of Spinal Injury  442; Goals in the Management of Neuropathic Bladder in Spinal Injury  443; Urodynamic Classification of Spinal Injury  443; Prehospital Care and Transportation of Spinal Injury Patients  444; Emergency Department Care  444; The Therapeutic Goal for Neurogenic Shock  445; Complications  446; Prognosis  447; Lifelong Surveillance  447 74. Urodynamic Studies MA Salam Components of Urodynamics  449; Simple Urodynamics  450; Complex Urodynamics  455; Practical Points of Urodynamic Study  457 449 xxvi Principles and Practice of Urology Section 9: Female Urology 75. Stress Urinary Incontinence 471 76. Vesicovaginal Fistula 486 77. Ureteric Injury in Pelvic Surgery 493 78. Interstitial Cystitis 501 79. Urethral Caruncles 504 Ajit Vaje Definition  471; History  471; Mechanism of Stress Incontinence in Female  471; Mechanism of Stress Incontinence in Male  472; Classification  472; Work-up of Stress Urinary Incontinence  472; Treatment Options  476; Postoperative Care  483; Risks and Complications  483; Selection of Therapy for an Individual Patient  483 Ajit Vaje History of the Procedure  486; Incidence  486; Etiology  486; Pathophysiology  487; Risk Factors  487; Presentation 487; Work-up 487; Treatment 488; Complications 490 Khoorsheed Jahan Maula History of the Procedure  493; Incidence  493; Etiology  493; Classification  494; Pathophysiology 494; Diagnosis 495; Management 497 Afiquor Rahman New Concepts  501; Interstitial Cystitis Symptoms  501; Diagnosis  501; Management  502 Ajit Vaje, MA Salam Frequency 504; Pathophysiology 504; Presentation 504; Work-up 504; Treatment 504; Follow-up  505; Complications  505; Outcome and Prognosis  506; Future and Controversies  506 Section 10:  Urinary Tract Obstruction 80. Urinary Tract Obstruction 509 81. Retroperitoneal Fibrosis 519 82.Ureterocele 528 83. Primary Obstructive Megaureter 533 84. Fetal Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction 537 Jahangir Kabir, MA Salam History  509; Etiology  509; Pathophysiology of Obstructive Nephropathy  509; Presentation  510; Work-up  511; Imaging Studies  512; Diagnostic Procedures  515; Treatment  515; Follow-up  517; Complications  517; Outcome and Prognosis  517 MA Wahab, KM Monwarul Karim Pathophysiology  519; Mortality/Morbidity  520; Presentation  520; Physical Examination  520; Causes of Retroperitoneal Fibrosis  520; Differential Diagnosis  521; Work-up  521; Histologic Findings  523; Treatment  523 Pranashish Saha Classification  528; Incidence of Ureterocele  528; Etiology  528; Presentation  528; Laboratory Studies  529; Imaging Studies  529; Principle of Treatment of the Ureterocele  531; Follow-up  532; Complications of Surgical Intervention  532; Outcome and Prognosis  532 AKM Anwarul Islam Prevalence 533; Pathophysiology 533; Presentation 533; Work-up 534; Histologic Findings  535; Treatment  535; Follow-up  536; Complications  536 Paddy Dewan Cause of Fetal Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction  537; Pathophysiology  537; Diagnosis and Prognostic Criteria  537; Management Options and Outcomes  538; Indications and Contraindications for Fetal Treatment  538; Follow-up  538 xxvii Contents Volume 2 Section 11:  Urolithiasis 85. Urinary Tract Stone Disease Ravindra Bhalchandra Sabnis The Incidence of Urinary Tract Stone Disease  543; Pathophysiology of Urolithiasis  543; Causes of Urolithiasis  543; Types of Stones  545; Mortality/Morbidity Related to Urolithiasis  546; Clinical Review  546; Physical Examination  547; Differential Diagnosis  547; Work-up  547; Treatment  549; Follow-up  551; Complications of Stone Disease  551; Medical Treatment for Stone Disease  552; Prognosis  552 543 86. Acute Renal Colic 554 87. Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy 560 Md Fakhrul Islam Clinical Findings  554; Work-up  554; Management of Acute Renal or Ureteric Colic  557; Surgery for Recurrent Renal Colic  559 Isteaq Ahmed Shameem Technical Aspects  560; Evolution of Shockwave Lithotripters  561; Indications of Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy  562; Work-up  563; Factors Affecting the Outcome of Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy  563; Preoperative and Intraoperative Stenting  564; Techniques of Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy and Patient Care  564; Follow-Up  564; Complications  564; Future and Controversies  565 88. Intracorporeal Lithotripsy 566 89. Percutaneous Endourological Procedures 570 Agrawal Madhu Sudan Different Energy Sources Used in Intracorporeal Lithotripsy  566; Postoperative Care  567; Complications  568; Outcome and Prognosis  568; Intracorporeal Lithotripsy and its Future  568 Mahesh R Desai History  570; Relevant Anatomy  570; Indications  570; Contraindications  575; Work-up  575; Treatment  576; Postoperative Care  577; Complications  577 Section 12: Benign Prostatic Disease 90. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia KT Foo Pathophysiology  583; Presentation of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia  584; International Prostate Symptom Score Index  584; Work-up  586; Imaging Studies  586; Histological Findings  587; Staging of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia  588; Open Prostatectomy  590; Transurethral Resection of the Prostate  590; Transurethral Incision of Prostate  591; Transurethral Needle Ablation of the Prostate  593; Follow-up  595; Complications  595 583 Section 13: Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Men and Women 91. Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms KT Foo, MA Salam Epidemiology  599; Presentation  599; International Prostate Symptom Score Index  599; Assessment  599; Differential Diagnoses  601; Indications for Referral  601; Management of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms  601; Risk Factors for Urinary Incontinence  602; Presentation  602; Differential Diagnoses  603; Investigations 603; Management 603; Complications 603; Prevention 603 599 xxviii Principles and Practice of Urology Section 14:  Diseases of the Adrenal Gland 92. Adrenal Mass 605 93. Cushing’s Syndrome 615 94.Pheochromocytoma 619 Jagdeesh N Kulkarni Anatomy of Adrenal Glands  607; Physiology of Adrenal Glands  607; Work-up of Adrenal Masses  608; Adrenal Cysts  608; Aldosteronoma (Conn’s Syndrome)  609; Neuroblastoma  609; Myelolipoma  609; Pheochromocytomas  609; Medical Therapy  610; Postoperative Care  613; Follow-up  613; Complications  613; Prognosis of Adrenal Tumor  613 SAM Golam Kibria Pathophysiology  615; Etiology  615; Pathology  616; Clinical Presentation  616; Laboratory Work-up  616; Complications 617; Treatment 617; Prognosis 618 Hemant B Tongaonkar Pathophysiology  619; Mortality/Morbidity  619; History  620; Physical Examination  620; Work-up  621; Additional Tests after the Diagnosis of Pheochromocytoma  622; Histologic Findings  622; Staging 622; Treatment 623; Follow-up 623 Section 15:  Practical Urology 95. Catheters for Urinary Tract 627 96. Male Urethral Catheterization 633 97. Female Urethral Catheterization 641 Fazal Naser, Md Waliul Islam Maruf Urethral Catheters  627 Moudud Hossain Alamgir, Shohrab Hossain History of Catheterization  633; Indications  634; Contraindications  634; Materials for Urethral Catheterization  634; Applied Anatomy  634; Catheters and Basic Designs  634; Urethral Catheterization in the Male Patient  635; Catheter Maintenance  636; Problems during Urethral Catheterization  636; Contraindications  637; Technique  638; Complications  639; Long-term Indwelling Catheters  639 AKM Khurshidul Alam Indications for Catheterization in Female Patients  641; Contraindications for Catheterization in Female Patients  641; Equipment  641; Practical Anatomy  642; Procedure  642; Complications  642; Difficult Catheterizations  642 98. Common Practical Problem for the Residents 644 99. Image Reproduction for Teaching, Documentation and Research 648 100. Principles of Intravesical Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy 650 Ahsan Kabir Practical Urological Problem  644; Tips for Post-transurethral Resection Bleeding  644; Management of Intractable Hematuria  644; Practical Urological Problem: Treatments for Intractable Hematuria  645; Practical Urological Problem: Transurethral Resection Syndrome  645; Practical Urological Problem: Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolus  645; Pulmonary Embolus  646; Practical Urological Problem: Elective Surgery on Anticoagulated Patients  646; Blocked Catheter  646; Practical Urological Problem: Failure of Catheter Balloon to Deflate  647 ABM Golam Rabbani Videoendoscopic Surgery  648; Protocol for the Trainee and Students  648 Promode Ranjan Singh Contraindications  650; Dose and Duration of Therapy  651 xxix Contents 101. Urological Equipment 652 102. Irrigating Solutions for Urological Endoscopic Surgery 664 103. Clean Intermittent Self-catheterization 666 Mir Ehteshamul Haque Telescopic System  652; Urological Equipment for Lower Tract  653; Equipment for Upper Tract  657; General Equipment in Urology Operation Theater  658; Sterilization and Care of Endoscopic Instruments  660; Sterilization Methods for Urological Endoscopes  661 Nurul Hooda, Md Abdul Awal Characteristics of Ideal Irrigating Solution for Transurethral Resection 664 Shailesh Raina, BK Dastur History  666; Effects of Intermittent Catheterization  666; Prerequisites of Clean Intermittent Self-catheterization  666; Catheters and Catheter Care  667; Follow-up  668; Complications  668 Section 16: Operative Urology 104. Circumcision 673 105. Penile Zipper Injury 677 106. Suprapubic Urinary Bladder Catheterization 679 107. Cystoscopy 684 108. Ureteroscopy 689 109. Acute Hemodialysis Vascular Access 695 110. Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Prostate Biopsy 698 111. Urethral Dilatation 703 112. Vasectomy: No Scalpel Method 705 Mohsin Uddin Ethical Issues  673; Indications  673; Routine Circumcision  673; Caution 674; Circumcision for Patients with Phimosis 674 Shahidul Islam Sugom Prelude 677; Management 677; Complications 677 SM Mahbub Alam, AKM Zamanul Islam Bhuiyan Anesthesia 679; Equipment 679; Positioning 680; Technique 680; Complications 680; Open Suprapubic Cystostomy  681 MA Salam, Shadrul Alam Indications of Cystoscopy  684; Sterilization of Cystoscope  684; Chromocystoscopy 687; Complications  687; Narrow Band Imaging  688 SA Khan, Jahangir Kabir, M Hasan Akther History of Ureteroscope  689; Indication of the Procedure  690; Work-up  690; Diagnostic Ureteroscopy  690; Therapeutic Ureteroscopy  691; Postoperative Care  692; Complications of Ureteroscopy  692 Muhammad Hossain Prevention of Complications  697 MA Salam Techniques of Transrectal Ultrasound-guided Prostate Biopsy  698; Complications  701; Future Guidelines  702 MA Salam, MA Wahab Indications  703; Patient Preparation  703; Technique  703 Ahsan Kabir Indications 705; Anesthesia 705; Equipment 705; Positioning 706; Technique 706; Complications  707; Postvasectomy Success Rates  707 xxx Principles and Practice of Urology 113. Transurethral Resection of the Prostate and Bladder Neck Incision 709 114. Bladder Tumor: Endoscopic Assessment and Treatment 725 115. Ureterolithotomy 734 116. Radical Nephrectomy 741 117. Radical Orchiectomy 748 118. Varicocelectomy 752 119. Radical Cystoprostatectomy 756 120. Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy 770 121. Pyeloplasty 777 Deen Sharma History  709; Differential Diagnosis  709; Basic Applied Anatomy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia  711; Equipment, Irrigation, Diathermy, Surgeon’s Chair  711; Technique of Transurethral Resection of the Prostate 711; Postoperative Care  715; Histology of Transurethral Resection Chips  716; Immediate Complications of Transurethral Resection of the Prostate  716; Late Complications of Transurethral Resection of the Prostate  718; Transurethral Resection in Carcinoma of the Prostate  720; Transurethral Resection of the Prostate in Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis  720; Transurethral Resection of the Prostate in Prostatic Abscess  720; Transurethral Resection of the Prostate in Hypertrophy of the Bladder Neck  720 Makarand V Khochikar Bladder Tumor (Endoscopic Assessment)  725; Urethroscopy  726; Cystoscopy  726; Bimanual Examination  727; Biopsy Technique  727; Cytology  729; Resection of Bladder Tumor  730; Special Points of Technique  731 Prem Nath Dogra History of the Procedure  734; Etiology  734; Presentation  734; Indications  735; Relevant Anatomy  735; Contraindications  735; Laboratory Studies  735; Imaging Studies  735; Other Tests  735; Treatment  735; Open Ureterolithotomy  737; Follow-up  739; Complications of Ureterolithotomy  739 Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Indications  741; History of the Procedure  742; Work-up  742; Technique of Radical Nephrectomy  743; Techniques of Open Radical Nephrectomy  744; Postoperative Complications  745; Outcome and Prognosis  746 Prem Nath Dogra Etiology of Testicular Cancer  748; Pathology of Testicular Cancer  748; Differential Diagnoses  748; Presentation of Testicular Cancer  748; Indications for Radical Orchiectomy  748; Work-up  749; Surgery  749; Complications  750; Outcome and Prognosis  750 Mir Ehteshamul Haque Cause 752; Pathophysiology 752; Diagnosis 753; Treatment 753 MA Salam Indications for Radical Cystectomy  756; Indications for Urethrectomy  756; Work-up  756; Biopsy for Bladder Cancer (Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor)  757; Radical Cystoprostatectomy  758; Radical Cystectomy in Women  761; Laparoscopic or Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Cystectomy  762; Postoperative Care  766; Complications  767; Outcome and Prognosis  767; Alternative Therapy  767 Hemant B Tongaonkar History of Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy  770; Work-up  770; Preoperative Care  771; Division of the Puboprostatic Ligaments and Control of the Dorsal Venous Complex  771; Complications  773; Outcome and Prognosis  774; Follow-up  774; Future and Controversies  774 Rajeev Kumar Pathophysiology  777; Work-up  777; Preoperative Preparation  778; Postoperative Details  780; Outcome and Prognosis  781 xxxi Contents 122. Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection 782 123. Endoscopic or Intracorporeal Lithotripsy 785 124. Laparoscopic Cystoprostatectomy with Urinary Diversion 790 125. Evolution of Laparoscopic Technique in Urology 794 126. Outline of Laparoscopic Urological Surgery 800 127. Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy 809 128. Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy 813 129. Laparoscopic Nephron Sparing Surgery 817 130. Laparoscopic Nephroureterectomy 821 131. Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty 827 132. Robotic Radical Prostatectomy 832 Muhammad Choudhury Open Technique of Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection  782; Follow-up  783 Mahesh R Desai Various Energy Sources Used in Urinary Stone Management  785; Indications and Technique of Management of the Urinary Stones  786; Postoperative Care  788; Complications 788 Muhammad Choudhury History  790; Preoperative Preparation  790; Technique for Laparoscopic Cystoprostatectomy  790 MA Salam History of Laparoscopy  794; Preoperative Patient Management  795; Instrumentation for Developing the Extraperitoneal Space  796; Laparoscopic Hand Instruments  797; Port Removal and its Closure  798 Shailesh Puntambekar History of Laparoscopy  800; Physiology  801; Preoperative Preparation  802; Laparoscopic Video Instrumentation and Cart  806; Postoperative Care  807; Complications  807; Future of Laparoscopy  807 Muhammad Choudhury Techniques of Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy  809; Hand-assisted Laparoscopic Surgery  811 Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Definition  813; History  813; Approaches for Laparoscopic Nephrectomy  813; Retroperitoneoscopic Laparoscopic Nephrectomy  815; Complications  815; Outcomes  816 Shailesh Puntambekar Indications  817; Technique of Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy  817 SA Khan, MA Salam History  821; Technique of Laparoscopic Nephroureterectomy  821; Management of the Distal Ureter  821 NP Gupta Diagnosis 827; Indications 827; Complications 829 NP Gupta Techniques of Radical Prostatectomy  833; Robotic Radical Prostatectomy  834; Robotic Transperitoneal Approach   834; Lymph Node Dissection and Development of the Extraperitoneal Space  835; Advantages and Disadvantages of Robotics Versus Laparoscopy  836 133. Laparoscopic Orchidopexy Jahangir Kabir, NI Bhuiyan 838 xxxii Principles and Practice of Urology Section 17: Reconstructive Urology 134. Urethral Strictures and Management 843 135. Reconstruction of Urinary Bladder (Cystoplasty) 861 136. Urinary Diversion 868 137. Urinary Fistula 883 Sanjay Kulkarni History  843; Definition  843; Applied Anatomy of Male Urethra and Distal Sphincter Mechanism  843; Female Urethra and Distal Sphincter Mechanism  845; Patch Urethroplasty of the Fossa Navicularis  849; Urethroplasty  851; Onlay Graft Orientation  855; Oral Complications after Buccal Mucosal Harvesting  856; Complications  858; Outcome and Prognosis  858; Postoperative Erectile Dysfunction  859; Future of Urethral Stricture Management  860 MA Salam Types of Cystoplasty  861; Indications of Cystoplasty  861; Contracted Bladder  861; Overactive Bladder  861; Augmentation Cystoplasty  862; Substitution Cystoplasty  864; Postoperative Management  865; Complications of Cystoplasty  866; Quality of Life  867 MA Salam Definition  868; History of the Procedure  869; Indications  869; Classification of Urinary Diversion  869; Work-up  870; Principles of Noncontinent Urinary Diversion  870; Principles of Continent Urinary Diversion  873; Selection of Types of Urinary Diversion  875; Preoperative Preparation and Care of Patients for Urinary Diversion/Orthotopic Bladder  877; Postoperative Care of Urinary Diversion/Orthotopic Bladder  878; Early Complications of Urinary Diversion/Orthotopic Bladder  879; Late Complications of Urinary Diversion/Orthotopic Bladder  879; Outcome and Prognosis of Urinary Diversion/Orthotopic Bladder  881; Future of Urinary Diversion/Orthotopic Bladder  881 K Sasidharan Vesicovaginal Fistula  883; Cystoscopy and Vaginoscopy  884; Principle of Operative Management  885; Urethrovaginal Fistula  886; Ureterovaginal Fistula  887; Prostatic Fistula  888; Transrectal Repair  888; Vesicoenteric Fistulas  889; Renal and Upper Urinary Tract Fistulas  890; Fistula of Urinary Diversion  890 Section 18: Transplant 138. Renal Physiology 895 139. Acute Kidney Injury 898 140. Chronic Kidney Disease 913 141. Immunosuppression in Renal Transplantation 920 142. Retroperitoneoscopic Donor Nephrectomy 924 Nurjahan Begum Matiur Rahman Definition 898; Epidemiology 898; Causes 899; Pathophysiology 901; Diagnosis 903; History 903; Management of Acute Kidney Injury  907; Renal Replacement Therapy  909 Harun-ur-Rashid Pathophysiology 913; Work-up  914; Management of Chronic Kidney Disease and End-stage Renal Disease  915; Management of the Coexisting Disease or Abnormalities in Chronic Kidney Disease  918; Mortality/Morbidity 918; Prevention 918; Complications 918; Prognosis 918 Muhammad Rafiqul Alam History  920; Drugs Used for Immunosuppression  920; Biologic Agents  921; Primary Immunosuppressive Agents  922; Infection and Malignancy Issues  923 Pranjal R Modi Technique  924; Hand-assisted Retroperitoneoscopic Donor Nephrectomy  926; Complications  926 xxxiii Contents 143. Renal Transplantation Surgery 928 144. Transperitoneal Donor Laparoscopic Nephrectomy 941 145. Medical Complications of Renal Transplants 944 MA Salam History of Kidney Transplant  928; Concept of Histocompatibility  928; Identification of Suitable Donor  930; Nephrectomy for Live Donor  931; Antegrade Pyelography  937; Surgical Complications  937; Skin Cancers  939; Outcome of Renal Transplantation  939 Mahesh R Desai History of Lap Donor Nephrectomy  941; Complications  943 Harun-ur-Rashid Post-transplantation Morbidity and Mortality  944; Important History in Transplantation Complications  945; Renal Transplantation Complications  945; Chronic Allograft Injury  946; Management Strategies for Common Presentations  947 Section 19:  Uro-oncology 146. Renal Tumors 951 147. Renal Cell Carcinoma 956 148. Urothelial Cancer 974 149. Upper Tract Transitional Cell Tumors 979 150. Bladder Cancer 989 151. Prostate Cancer 1019 Jagdeesh N Kulkarni Benign Tumors  951; Other Rare Benign Renal Tumors  953 Muhammad Choudhury Pathophysiology  956; Work-up of Renal Cell Carcinoma  957; Work-up  958; Classification  959; Types of Renal Tumors  959; Multikinase Inhibitors  967; Biologic Therapies  969; Summary of Treatment of Renal Cell Carcinoma  970 MA Salam Normal Urothelium  974; Risk Factors and Pathogenesis  974; Histopathology  975; Treatment Options for Urothelial Cancer  977; Prognosis of Urethelial Cancer  978 MA Salam, Golam Mowla Chowdhury Prelude 979; Epidemiology 979; Etiology 979; Pathophysiology 979; Diagnostic Procedures  983; Staging 984; Treatment 985; Complications 987; Follow-up 987 MA Salam External Beam Radiation Therapy  990; Pathology  990; Transitional Cell Carcinoma  991; Work-up of Patient with Bladder Cancer  994; Imaging for Bladder Cancer  995; Radical Cystoprostatectomy (Men)  1006; Anterior Pelvic Exenteration (Women)  1006; Urinary Diversions  1008; Neobladder  1009; First-line Chemotherapy for �Fit’ Patients  1013; Adenocarcinoma of the Bladder  1013 Christopher Cheng, MA Salam History of Prostate Cancer  1019; Etiology of Prostate Cancer  1020; Pathophysiology of Prostate Cancer  1022; Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia  1023; Work-up and Histologic Findings  1026; Management of Prostate Cancer  1028; Radical Prostatectomy  1029; Follow-up of Prostate Cancer Patients  1035; Castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer  1036 xxxiv Principles and Practice of Urology 152. Testicular Cancer 1041 153. Penile Cancer 1058 MA Salam, Sajid Hasan Epidemiology  1041; WHO Classification of Testicular Tumors  1043; Etiological Factors In Testicular Tumor  1044; Investigations  1045; Ct/Mri/Pet 1046; Staging of Testicular Tumor  1047; Treatment  1048; Chemotherapy Regimens   1052; Follow-up of Testicular Cancer  1054; Complications  1055; Prognosis  1055 MA Salam, Mohammad Shafiqur Rahman Applied Anatomy of Penis  1059; Problem  1059; Emotional and Physical Burden of Penile Cancer and its Treatment  1059; Epidemiology  1059; Etiology  1060; Pathology  1060; Penile Malignant Tumor  1060; Presentation  1061; Work-up  1061; Histological Diagnosis and Staging  1062; Treatment  1063; Complications  1067; Prevention of Penile Cancer  1067 Section 20: Reproductive Urology 154. The Testis and Epididymis 1073 155. Peyronie’s Disease 1076 156. Male Infertility 1081 157. Assisted Reproduction Technology 1100 158. Erectile Dysfunction 1105 159. Penile Prosthesis Implantation 1120 160. Ejaculatory Disorders 1126 Laila Anjuman Banu Macroscopic Anatomy  1073; Histology  1073; The Vas Deferens and Seminal Vesicle  1074 MA Salam, Kazi Rafiqul Abedin Pathophysiology  1076; Causes of Peyronie’s Disease  1077; Work-up  1077; Treatment  1077; Prognosis and Complications  1079 Rajeev Kumar Work-up  1083; Respiratory Disease  1085; Physical Examination for Male Infertility  1085; Causes of Male Infertility  1086; Other Tests  1092; Treatment  1094 Rupin Shah Cause of Infertility  1100; Diagnostic Tests  1100; Treatment  1102; Assisted Reproductive Techniques  1103 Rupin Shah Prevalence  1105; Risk Factors for Erectile Dysfunction  1105; Physiology of Erection  1107; Etiology of Erectile Dysfunction  1108; Work-up of Erectile Dysfunction  1108; Causes of Erectile Dysfunction  1109; Sexual Function Score  1110; Evaluation of Erectile Dysfunction  1110; Management of Erectile Dysfunction  1112 Rupin Shah History of the Procedure  1120; Selection of Prosthesis  1122 Rupin Shah Mechanism of Ejaculation  1126; Classification and Etiology  1126 Index 1131
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