SUNRISE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH February 2015 Volume 36, Number 1 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS 825 E Beloit, Salina KS 67401 1 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS 785-823-6344 February 2015 MARTHA’S MUSINGS . . . & NEW BEGINNINGS February 18, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Ash Wednesday offers us the opportunity to begin Lent with an attitude of openness. As we confess our failings, our sins, and our lack of follow through for our good intentions, we find space in our lives for new beginnings. Jesus’ call to us is always about a new beginning – a fresh start – a new way. Lent is a season of thinking on Jesus’ new way. It is a time to contemplate what might be . . . how we might be different. Ash Wednesday will also mark another New Beginning at Sunrise. Session voted to join the Presbytery of Northern Kansas in participating in the Presbyterian Church’s New Beginnings program. New Beginnings is an assessment program. It will take a good look at our community, our finances, our building and its upkeep, our calendar and our programs. The program will offer systematic evaluation of how we do in these areas. Just as Ash Wednesday offers us a time to evaluate our own lives, New Beginnings will offer us the opportunity to evaluate the life of Sunrise. Sometimes we begin new programs, and keep our old programs going. Sometimes we do things because it is the way we have always done them. Other times we fail to imagine ways we might change, and then there are times we simply fail to appreciate what we do have. New Beginnings will offer us an opportunity to take a look at ourselves, to be in conversation with other congregations in our presbytery who are taking that look themselves, and to make decisions which might lead us to a new beginning. While much of the assessment will happen through a tour of Salina, financial review, building tour and statistical review, the program begins with an evening of Appreciative Inquiry. Appreciative Inquiry is a group method for thinking about change in an organization by using stories of what has been working well. It’s a good time for telling stories and dreaming of the future. BUT we need EVERYONE to come and join us on Ash Wednesday. Our Ash Wednesday service will be held at 6:00. We’ll begin our Appreciative Inquiry Session at 6:45 following the service. I can’t think of a better way to begin our Lenten journey. Make plans now to join us as together we listen for God’s New Beginning at Sunrise and in our lives. Love, Martha P.S. On Feb. 18 we will have God’s Kids and the Sunrise Deli prior to the Ash Wednesday Service. Youth are invited to the Appreciative Inquiry session. There will be no choir practices on Feb. 18. 2 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 CHURCH INFORMATION SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunrise offers classes for all ages which are fun, loving and educational. Bring a friend and join us at 10:45 each Sunday morning. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP meets each week at 6:15 p.m. We play games, watch movies, share with one another and offer support to one another. We’ve got a fantastic group of kids. Get to know them by eating with them each Wednesday evening at the SUNRISE DELI. The DELI opens at 5:15 each Wednesday for a quick supper and lots of fun visiting time. FACEBOOK Follow us on Facebook: This really can be an extremely effective form of communication. All you have to do is search: Sunrise Presbyterian church page and then “Like” the page. From there you will receive any information from the wall. We will be posting any and all information about our Wednesday night and Sunday school programs, weather closings, and any other information that you may need to know. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Ash Wednesday, February 18th marks the beginning of Lent. It also marks our participation through the Presbytery of Northern Kansas in the PCUSA New Beginnings program. New Beginnings is an assessment program that helps congregations take a good look at their surrounding demographics, buildings, finances - to make sure we are living into our full potential. Lent is about each of us taking such an assessment. Let us pray for a powerful Lenten journey. Join us for our Ash Wednesday service at 6:00 p.m. and stay afterward for an all congregational Appreciative Inquiry time. 3 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 2/5/15 2/12/15 2/26/15 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:15AM 7:00 PM PW Board Leader Training Rosie McKee and Jean Reed Morning Circle; Parlor; Lesson Rosie McKee, Hostess; Nancy Thompson and Elaine Spellman Evening Circle; Lesson Jean Reed, Hostess; Mary McCall and Jean Reed If a PW member has time and are interested in serving on the PW Board, contact Beth Miller for more information. Save the date of April 30 for our next sewing bee. We need to start saving T-shirts, any size or color, even with emblems or writing. Beth Miller, Moderator CASTLE FUNDRAISER The CASTLE Board will be serving pancakes and sausages right after church services on February 15th. Please join us for good food and fellowship! A freewill donation is accepted. 4 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 ADULT FAITH CLASSES Our current study is “Making Sense of the Bible” and continues through February 15th. This is a good study for those who love the Bible and look to it to help them find meaning and purpose for their lives. It is also a study for people who are willing to wrestle with portions of the Bible about which they have questions. Finally, it is a study for people who are largely unfamiliar with the Bible but who are curious and want to know more. We meet in the Parlor at 10:45. Bring your coffee and explore and grow with us! BLOOD DRIVE The bi-monthly blood drive at the church is coming up! The blood drive will occur February 25-27. Please come and donate if you can! Editor’s note: My Father survived three years longer than he would have without blood transfusions. Even though he did pass away a couple years ago, his brother now has the same illness (myelodysplasia syndrome/MDS) and is getting transfusions to survive. Thank you to everyone who can donate blood it truly is a gift of life to someone in need. Angie Newsletter Editor 5 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 SESSION HIGHLIGHTS JANUARY 15, 2015 TREASURER’S REPORT and BUDGET for 2015 was approved. Welcome to Clarke Sanders, Ken Miller, Abner Perney, Don Slaughter, and Sharon Hauser! ELDER ORIENTATION AND TRAINING ELECTED STATED CLERK AND TREASURER CLERK’S REPORT Set date for Stated Session meetings for the third Thursday of each month (except July) Session can change this date by consent in case of need. Reviewed the 2014 Statistical Reports for PCUSA and PNK SCHEDULED JOINT MEETING WITH DEACONS shall we schedule it for 6:30 pm on Feb. 19. PRESBYTERY BUSINESS PNK will meet at First Salina on Jan. 24. Carol Viar will be our commissioner. NEW BEGINNINGS ASSESSMENT PROGRAM schedule and EVENTS were reviewed SESSION BUSINESS Annual Meeting details were discussed. Scheduled May to share a meal prior to session meetings. COMMITTEE BUSINESS BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Update on MPR roofing bid Update on possible new carpet CONSENT AGENDA CLERK Motion to approve Minutes and Statistical reports for Stated Meeting on 20 November 2014 and Called Meeting on 21 December and Called Congregational Meetings on 23 November & 21 December 2014. Motion to approve First Methodist Church, Lincoln, requests the transfer of membership for Eva Nitsch-Schriner WORSHIP Motion to approve serving communion on the first Sunday of each month, at Presbyterian Manor Worship, Maundy Thursday, Christmas Eve and to shut ins as requested. The Consent Agenda was approved. DISCUSSION OF LIFE AND MINISTRY AT SUNRISE was continued. Scheduled Castle Pancake Feed for February 14. Scheduled an Afternoon of Prayer on February 22 from 2-4 pm. 6 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 3rd MONDAY BOOK STUDY We are starting a new book, "The Cup of Our Life" A guide for spiritual growth by Joyce Rupp. I will be ordering used books, $4.00 each. This study was written as a 6 week study, but we will be using it over a 6 month period. We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month, 1 pm in the parlor. If you would like to be part of this study please give Angie your name, and we will order you a book. This is a chance for you to be part of a small group study. Please consider being part of 3rd Monday study. Rose Marie Merrill PRAYER RX "Prayer RX", Sunday, Feb. 22, 2 -4 pm. in Sunrise Parlor. You are invited and encouraged to attend this relaxed afternoon exploring a variety of ways to pray. Noni Strand will help us with "centering prayer" and tie in breathing as part of prayer. Short ideas on ways to pray will also be shared: Movement by Cheryl Sweley, 5 finger prayer, and several others. Harry Tysen will share more about book "Jesus Calling" and how it will help us with our prayer life. Come, join in ways to move in positive and growing ways. 7 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 MARINER NEWS The chili and vegetable soup supper is getting closer. Saturday February 28th , 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The work schedule is up in the kitchen for your volunteering pleasure. The tickets are out so sell, sell, sell. I will be recruiting the cooking crew. We start about 7:00 am that morning. If you miss getting asked, call me. Paul 823-1517. We always need help. The Fleet Night went great. 30 people enjoyed great food, fun and fellowship. Thanks Colleen for leading us in music and singing! See you February 28th! Pat Tomlins and Paul McAfee, Co-admirals SENIOR SINGLES The following activity has been scheduled for the Senior Singles in February: February 21: Sunrise Church, 6:00 pm Cranberry chicken meal $9.00 total. If you are interested in attending the activity or joining Senior Singles, contact Jean Burch, 827-2878. Reservations must be turned in by the Tuesday prior to the event. JUST FOR A LAUGH A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car. His father said he'd make a deal with his son, "You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little and get your hair cut. Then we'll talk about the car. The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he'd settle for the offer and they agreed on it. After about six weeks his father said, "Son, you've brought your grades up and I've observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I'm disappointed you haven't had your hair cut." The boy said, "You know, Dad, I've been thinking about that, and I've noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair, and there's even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair." The dad said "Did you also notice that they all walked everywhere they went?" 8 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 PRESBYTERIAN MANOR BUS DRIVERS February Manor Bus Drivers 1st - Abner Perney 8th - Gary Hale 15th - Ken Miller 22nd - Marilyn Benyshek SALINA RESCUE MISSION KEYS/LOCKING/UNLOCKING BUILDING KEYS: If you have a key to the church please let Sharon Hauser know. She is trying to get a good inventory of them. Thanks! WE NEED SUNDAY MORNING VOLUNTEERS: The Building and Grounds Committee is looking for some people who would take a turn at locking the building on Sundays after church. Ultimately we’d like a few people to volunteer so that there’s always someone to do it in the other volunteers’ absence. Please see Don Slaughter or Sharon Hauser if you can help. 9 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 PNK MISSION OPPORTUNITIES The Stewardship and Mission Committee is excited about our upcoming Mission Opportunities here in the Presbytery of Northern Kansas and we want to make sure that EVERYONE knows about all these opportunities! We have attached information about the following: 1. Living Waters for the World Partnership (brochure) 2. 2015 Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Mission Trip to Arkansas (registration information/form) 3. 2015 Hurricane Katrina Recovery Mission Trip to New Orleans (registration information/form) 4. Living Waters for the World -- 2015 Mission Trip -- Honduras (registration information/form) In addition to the 3 mission trip opportunities -- we are looking for people interested in being trained at Clean Water University for the Living Waters for the World Partnership -- check out the information on the brochure and let us know ASAP if you are interested in this training! 10 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 LAY PREACHER TRAINING The Commissioned Ruling Elder Committee of the Presbytery of Northern Kansas invites each congregation to recognize Ruling Elders in their congregation with the passion, courage, skill, and commitment to join the ranks of the APS! Authorized Pulpit Supplies [APS] are individuals willing and able to share the Word of God on an occasional basis with members of other PNK congregations who find themselves with an empty pulpit on Sunday. APS fill pulpits on an as-needed basis at the invitation of individual Sessions, fulfilling their role as elders “to encourage the people in the worship and service of God.” What elders come to mind? Please send their names to Melanie Hancock in the Presbytery Office at [email protected] or call her at 1-800-511-0085. (It is helpful if you let them know that you are recommending them and that they will be receiving more information from us.) Together, each one can join with many to carry on the ministry entrusted to the whole Body of Christ! 2014 APS Training begins February 28th (3 Saturday Sessions) and class size is limited – sign up TODAY Session 1 – Saturday, February 28th Called to be an ALP Reformed Theology Introduction to Worship Introduction to Biblical Interpretation Session 2 – Saturday, March 28th Exegesis Review Introduction to Preaching Spirituality Nature of the Small Church Session 3 – Saturday, April 25th Preaching Sermons Reformed Polity Class size will be limited – sign up ASAP to guarantee your spot! Session 1 will be held at the Presbytery Office, located on the 2nd floor of the First Presbyterian Church, 308 S. 8th, Salina -- from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Location for Session 2 and 3 will be determined on February 28th based on class participants. Please note: Each session must be completed for training to be complete. Registration for only 1 or 2 sessions is not available. Cost for each Saturday is $25 or $75 total, payable to the Presbytery of Northern Kansas. (You can pay when you come but RSVP ASAP to reserve your spot and so we can send you the assignments.) Bring a sack lunch – we’ll have a working lunch. Email Melanie Hancock at [email protected] Or call 1-800-511-0085 To indicate your interest and/or to register ASAP. 11 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 PRESBYTERY HIGHLIGHTS JANUARY 24, 2015 The Presbytery of Northern Kansas met on Saturday, January 24, 2015 at the First Presbyterian Church in Salina, Kansas. Following are the highlights of the meeting. Introduced Teaching Elder Stacey Shaffer Jones (member-at-large) as a new member of the Presbytery. Heard reports from Teaching Elder Edward J. Thompson, regional representative for the Board of Pensions and Ben Blake, vice president of sales and marketing for the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program. Elected and then Installed Teaching Elder Robert Frasier (Belleville and Concordia) as the moderator and Ruling Elder Michele McHenry (Delphos and Minneapolis) as the vice moderator of the presbytery in 2015. Worshiped: Teaching Elders Bob Frasier (Belleville and Concordia) and Sandra Brown (Topeka First) presided at the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Ruling Elder Michele McHenry (Delphos and Minneapolis) served as the liturgist. Received an offering of $667.00 for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Participated in nine different break out groups with commissioners able to attend two of the following: Ben Blake, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, on “How to Survive a Church Building Project” Ed Thompson, General Presbyter/Stated Clerk, on the New Directory for Worship Edward J. Thompson, Regional Rep. for Synods of Lakes and Prairies, Mid-America, and Lincoln Trails, on the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Kent Winters-Hazelton, pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Lawrence, on “Hearing Palestinian Christian Voices: Reflections on PCUSA Mosaic of Peace Conference Landon Whitsitt, Executive and Stated Clerk of the Synod of Mid-America, on Theocademy Lexie Weiser, Resource Center Coordinator, on the Presbytery Resource Center Dr. Matilde Moros, co-moderator PC(USA) Special Committee on the Confession of Belhar, via Skype on the Confession of Belhar Emma Acker, Hospitality Coordinator, on the programs of Heartland Presbyterian Center The Presbytery Stewardship and Mission Committee, helping participants put together Hygiene Kits for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance General Presbyter/Stated Clerk Ed Thompson announced that Session Records Reviews will be held on: March 14 at the Presbyterian Church of WaKeeney; Saturday, March 21 at the First Presbyterian Church, Abilene; and Saturday, March 28 at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Topeka. Saturday, Approved a revision of the Personnel Policy Manual of the presbytery. Chose Teaching Elder Matthew Glasgow who serves the First Presbyterian Church, Junction City as the winner of the Pastor’s Appreciation Weekend. Reported that the PNK Winter Youth Rally for 6th-12th grade youth will be held on March 7-8 at First Presbyterian Church, Topeka, that the PNK Work Camp for 6th-12th grade youth will be held on June 7-12 at Heartland Presbyterian Center, and that the 2015 PNK Youth Mission Trip will be held on July 18-24 in St. Paul, Minnesota. Continued on next page. 12 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 PRESBYTERY HIGHLIGHTS (C ONTD.) Announced upcoming mission trips: Arkansas Tornado Disaster Recovery - April 13-17, 2015 Hurricane Katrina Recovery, New Orleans – November 7-15, 2015 Living Waters for the World Trip to Palos Blanco, Honduras – November 14-21, 2015 Elected 37 people to serve on 16 committees of the presbytery. Learned that Authorized Pulpit Supply Training will be held on the following Saturdays, February 28; March 28; and April 25 from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM at the Presbytery Office. Cost is $75 for the 3 sessions. RSVP ASAP – only 3 spots left. Celebrated the Top Ten Mission Giving Congregations in PNK for 2014: 10. Oak Hill Presbyterian Church – 47 members gave $72.29 per member 9. First Presbyterian Church, Topeka -535 members gave $74.77 per member 8. West Side Presbyterian Church, Lawrence – 90 members gave $77.78 per member 7. First Presbyterian Church, Wilson – 23 members gave $86.96 per member 6. First Presbyterian Church, Salina – 538 members gave $87.05 per member 5. Trinity Presbyterian Church, Topeka – 336 members gave $92.26 per member 4. First Presbyterian Church, Ellsworth – 283 members gave $102.47 per member 3. First Presbyterian Church, Hill City – 51 members gave $110.98 per member 2. First Presbyterian Church, Hoxie – 64 members gave $117.19 per member 1. First Presbyterian Church, Colby – 75 members gave $223.33 per member Learned that Presbyterian Women will hold their Spring Workshop on April 28 at the First Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis. Prayed for congregations and ministers in the Presbytery of Northern Kansas. Upcoming Presbytery Meetings Tuesday, April 21 – First Presbyterian Church, Ellsworth Saturday, July 18 – Webster Conference Center, Salina Tuesday, October 20 – First Presbyterian Church, Junction City If you haven’t yet filled out the survey for this presbytery meeting you can do it online at: 13 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 MEMBER MILESTONES FEBRUARY 12 Justin Jensen 14 Deena Horst Terry Steininger Marilyn Benyshek Gabe Decker Dale Reed Paedyn Merrill 15 Phyllis Nicholson 16 Melisa McElwee Greg Kerr James Viar 17 Jeanne Sebree 19 Mary McCall Betty Abbott Lewis Kollhoff Ashlynd Merrill Gladys Reid 20 Steve Sebree Adriel Ordonoz 21 Barbara Corby 10 Brianna Hutton 25 Conner Griffith Miranda Merrill 11 Sherill Kerr 26 Lloyd & Rowena Arensman Anniversary 3 5 7 9 14 John Buck SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 IN SERVICE OF THE CHURCH FEBRUARY Acolytes - February 01 Ethan Bolen 08 Ashlynd Merrill 15 Jace Hewitt 22 Ashlynd Merrill Lay Leaders - February 01 08 15 22 15 Paul McAfee Julie Parks Jennifer Hewitt Carol Viar January 4th 11th 62 102 18th 105 25th 102 February 1 Don & Bev Hamilton Katie Weis & Larry Justus East: Gary Hale & Jerry McKee South: Rosie McKee February 8 Lewis & Gladys Reid Jack & Trudy Chaney East: Steve & Tanya Ewing South: Kurt Braun February 15 Kim & Jack Gilliam Shirley Lang & Steve Sebree East: Merilyn Griffith South: Noreen Slaughter February 22 Mary McCall & Jean Reed Jim & JoAnn Gile East: Gordon & Deena Horst South: Don & Barb Smischny SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015 Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have newsletter items to share, or other comments about the newsletter. Angie Koshgarian, Newsletter Editor SUNRISE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 825 E Beloit Salina KS 67401 Return Service Requested Sunday Mornings 9:30 a.m. Worship (Communion– First Sunday of Each Month) 10:30 a.m. Fellowship 10:45 a.m. Sunday School for All Wednesday Evenings 3:30 p.m. God’s Kids 5:15 p.m. Sunrise Deli 6:00 p.m. Chancel Choir (adult) 6:15 p.m. Youth Group SUNRISE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 825 E. Beloit, Salina, Kansas 67401 785-823-6344 Fax: 785-823-6345 email: [email protected] General Office Hours: 8:00 am-12:00 pm, Mon-Frid Financial Office Hours: 10:00 am-12:00 pm, Monday & Thursday Pastor: Rev. Dr. Martha Murchison Dir. Christian Education: Dir. Of Music: Leslie Mangrum Dir. Of Handbells & Youth Choirs: Josh Tackett Organist: Sue Will Church Office Administrator & Newsletter Editor: Angie Koshgarian Church Treasurer: JoAnn Gile Financial Secretary: Karmel Spencer 16 SUNRISE NEWS AND VIEWS February 2015
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