February, March, April 2015 A Message from Superintendent Steve Mohr Dear Wynford Community Members, We are past the halfway point of the 2014-15 school. This is hard to believe but the fact that our winter sports teams are now in the final months of their seasons and spring sports teams are starting to get organized, seniors are meeting with college representative and making college visits, and prom dress catalogs seem to be popular reading material during lunch periods, are all proof that the school year is rapidly passing. February, March, April 2015 WYNFORD LOCAL SCHOOLS Inclement weather has certainly disrupted our school calendar. I know that the decision to delay or close school can often be subjected to criticism due to the fact that conditions can change so quickly within our district, one of the largest in north central Ohio. Please know that I always err on the side of caution when making any decision to delay or close school. I urge parents to constantly reinforce safe winter driving practices and urge caution to your children when driving to school. Due to the loss of instructional time because of inclement weather, a change has been made to the school calendar. Friday, February 13th was originally scheduled as a teacher in-service day. The teacher in-service day has been canceled and school will be in session on a regular schedule on that day. In the upcoming weeks our students will be taking state mandated achievement tests. This year marks a new era of testing in Ohio as Ohio is among one of thirteen states in the consortium called the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. This consortium worked together to develop a set of assessments that measure whether students are on track to be successful in college and their careers. These high quality, computer-based assessments in mathematics and English language arts give teachers, school, students, and parents better information whether students are on track in their learning and for success after high school. On Tuesday, May 6th, the Board of Education will ask our community to support the approval of two renewal levies. It is important to note that these issues do not involve a request for new monies and thus, are not a request to increase the local tax burden. The first of these issues, a 2.4 mill emergency levy that raises $350,000.00 per year, was first approved in 1994 and has been approved every time (six times) it has been put in front of the voters. The second issue, a 6.9 mill operating levy was first approved in 2003 and has been approved three times since its initial approval. To provide opportunities for district residents to become better informed on the above mentioned renewal levies and/or any other issue or concern regarding our district, I will be available on the second and fourth Saturday of every month in the high school library from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. to answer any question or discuss concerns. The first “Saturday Mornings With Steve” will be held on Saturday, February 14th. Continued on page 2… Inside this issue: Special points of interest: Dates to remember Pg. 2 Junior High/High School News Pg. 3 Athletic News Pg. 5 Junior High School Guidance Pg. 6 High School Guidance Pg. 7 Elementary News Pages 8-9 Calendar of Events Pg. 10-11 • Board Appreciation — page 2 • Community Luncheon — page 3 • Athletic Boosters — page 9 • Wynford Foundation — page 11 • ...Continued from page 1 This will be an informal setting, appointments are not needed. I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to share your ideas, thoughts and concerns about the Wynford Local Schools with me. Finally, the annual Community Luncheon will be held on Sunday, April 19th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please note that the luncheon will be held at the elementary building this year. I hope that you and your family can join us at this special event. Respectfully, Steve Mohr Board Appreciation Month The Wynford Local Schools decorated the library in recognition of and thanks to our board members at their board meeting on Monday, January 14th, 2015. Board members were presented with cards, tokens of appreciation and served refreshments. We thank our board members for their selfless, tireless efforts to make Wynford Local Schools a better place for current and future students. When you receive this newsletter, January will be over, but it is never too late to thank our board members for the personal sacrifices they routinely make and the connection they make to influencing the governing of our school. Special thanks to Crystal Jennings and high school student council for their contribution to this event. Board members present: L-R: Rhonda Rowland, Jeff Schiefer, Steve Crall, Fred Hendircks, Debbi Gifford. DATES TO REMEMBER February 13 — Teacher In-service cancelled — THERE WILL BE SCHOOL! February 16 — Presidents Day — NO SCHOOL February 23 — 2 hour delay start — Teacher Professional Development March 3 — 1 hour early dismissal — Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences March 12 — 1 hour early dismissal — Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences March 13 — End of 3rd nine weeks March 23 — 2 hour delay start — Teacher Professional Development March 30—April 3 — Easter Break — NO SCHOOL April 22 — 2 hour delay start—Teacher Professional Development Page 2 F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 5 Junior High/High School News Jeff Holbrook, Principal Testing will be in the forefront of all schools in the state of Ohio from this point on. Our testing window at the Junior High will open in the second week of February and we will stop testing in May. Mrs. Heinlen, our grades 10, 11 and 12 counselor and Mrs. Roush our grades 7, 8, 9 counselor will talk in more detail about testing under their portion of the newsletter. I have basic test taking tips listed below: Test Taking Tips • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Get plenty of rest the night(s) before the test(s). Drink plenty of water the day before and day of the test. Make sure to have some form of mint or cinnamon candy. Research has shown both flavors and/or smell sparks cognitive thought process and focus. Bring a watch to the test so that you can better pace yourself. Keep a positive attitude throughout the whole test and try to stay relaxed. If you start to feel nervous take a few deep breaths to relax. When you first receive your test, do a quick survey of the entire test so that you know how to efficiently budget your time. Do the easiest problems first. Don't stay on a problem that you are stuck on, especially when time is a factor. Do the problems that have the greatest point values first which most likely are extended response type questions. Pace yourself, don't rush. Read the entire question and pay attention to the details. Write legibly. If the grader can't read what you wrote, they'll most likely mark it wrong. Always read the whole question carefully. Don't make assumptions about what the question might be. If you don't know an answer, skip it. Go on with the rest of the test and come back to it later. Other parts of the test may have some information that will help you out with that question. If you have time left when you are finished, look over your test. Make sure that you have answered all the questions. Only change an answer if you misread or misinterpreted the question because the first answer that you put is usually the correct one. Watch out for careless mistakes and proofread your essay and/or short answer questions. Double check to make sure that you put your first and last name on the test. I would encourage all parents of any current freshmen to go to Ohio Department of Education’s website and get familiar with the new graduation requirements. If you are interested in navigating the site just Google Ohio Department of Education, then search graduation requirements. There is a great deal of information available. On page 4 is the basic excerpt from ODE’s site under required courses that all parents need to know. This is by no means all the information needed to make a sound decision regarding your child’s academic future here at Wynford. Continued on page 4 COMMUNITY LUNCHEON SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015 11:30 AM — 1:00 PM ELEMENTARY CAFETERIA F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 5 Page 3 Junior High/High School News Jeff Holbrook, Principal Finally, Wynford HS is currently offering a new class in Film Literacy. This is not a class in which students watch movies at all but, rather a class that takes a media and explores the meanings, followed by rich discussions and written responses. We feel that the class is so rigorous in fact that the NCAA will be considering it more of an English class under their classifications. There are numerous papers written that focus on how to properly review a film and provide constructive criticism and feedback over the various aspects that make up a movie. The class will teach the individual to properly voice their opinions and then transfer their criticisms into a writing format. Spell It! On Wednesday, January 7, six seventh graders and six eighth graders battled it out with proper grammar. The 12 students went through a practice round and then continued on to the real deal with only one or two students striking out per round. In the end, it was Jodie Jennings, seventh grade, who placed first and Cody Blevins, eighth grade, as the runner up. These two will go to the Crawford County Spelling Bee on January 14, 2015 at Crestline High School. If one of them cannot be present, Taylor Bowers, 7th grade, will be the alternate. Page 4 F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 5 Athletic News Chris Solis, AD LADY ROYALS BASKETBALL WINTER SPORTS SCHOLAR ATHLETES The following Wynford Students have met the criteria of 3.5 GPA or better for the 2nd quarter of the grading period for the 2014 Winter Sports Season and have earned the distinction of being recognized as a scholar athlete. Our students athletes put in an incredible amount of time in the classroom and truly represent the Wynford Community of being a scholar 1st and proudly represented our community in the athletic arena. We are proud of their accomplishments and our motto is: “EVERY CHILD, EVERY DAY, EVERY DREAM IS OUR PASSION!” Back: Lynae Rausch, Gabby Grove, Grace Schiefer, Sierra Richardson Front: Sarah Ogden, Tara Zinser, Ellie Richmond, Sydney Alspach, Hayley McCoy WYNFORD CHEERLEADERS ROYAL SWIMMERS MEN’S BASKETBALL Back: Hannah Underwood, Brooke Bishop, Shannon Crabtree, Kennedy Teynor, Madi Schiefer Front: Shelby Sipe, Brooke Miller, Allie Crall, Hannah Langston, Kenzie Kent Back: Annika Gerlach, Thomas Smith, Lydia Miller Front: Alexis Richardson, Janai Troutman, David Blank, Paige Kissling Back: Cole Heinlen, Wyatt Smith, Trey Stone, Bryden Oberlander, Tyler Glowaski, Jack Benson Back: Zach Hoffman, Austin Shutler, Nate Sparks, Hunter Miller, Jack Reed SPRING SPORTS Those students who are interested in a spring sport (Track and Field, Baseball, and Softball) make sure your son or daughter has a physical by the beginning of the season • Baseball and softball starts February 23, 2015 — Baseball coach is Joe Staab — Softball coach is Katie Richman (There will no junior varsity softball due to low numbers in the sport) • Track and Field starts March 9, 2015 — Boys Track and Field coach is Charlie Ridenour — Girls Track and Field coach is Julie Crall SPRING SPORTS SCHEDULES All schedules for spring sports are updated and can be accessed by using the Wynford Local Schools website and access the athletics tab and scroll to schedule star which will lead you to Schedule Star Website. Select Sport, Select Level, and Select Gender to access the sport that you are looking for. WYNFORD HALL OF FAME The Wynford Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will be held April 9 at the High School in the Cafeteria. Social is from 5-6 pm and the Dinner is 6pm. F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 5 Page 5 Junior High Guidance Tiffany Roush Winter is here and boy oh boy is it cold out! I hope all of you enjoyed the holidays and the very long Christmas break! It is that time of year again; time to think about registering for classes for the 2015-2016 school year! In January, I met with all parents of the current 8th grade students to help them choose classes for their freshman year. If you as a parent did not meet with me and your son/daughter, please contact me as soon as possible. Current 6th graders • I will be coming to the elementary in March to talk about 7th grade scheduling and give a registration paper to take home. This registration paper will need to be returned to me in order to schedule for 7th grade classes. • In May, you will get a guided tour of the junior high/high school by the junior high student council. The students will tell you about Junior High life, show you around the school, and be available for any questions you may have. TESTING (grades 7-9) ♦ The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) will be administered for all 8th grade students on February 12th, 2015. The NAEP is a congressionally mandated assessment and is a common measure of student achievement. NAEP provides the common measure we need to tell us how America's students are performing in various subject areas. It informs us how student performance has changed over time, and allows states to compare their progress with that of other states and the nation as a whole. For more information regarding the NAEP, please visit, http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/parents/faq.aspx ♦ Ohio Achievement Test (OAA) for the junior high level will now be replaced with the Next Generation Assessments and PARCC. There will be two different testing windows: Performance-Based Assessments will take place February 16th-March 20th and End of Course Exam will take place April 13th-May 15th. Grades 3-8 and high school students will take the Math and English Language Arts assessments, grades 5, 8, and high school students will take the Science assessment, and grades 4, 6, and high school students will take the Social Studies assessment. It is very important that your child is at school on these testing dates! Please see “testing tips” under Mr. Holbrook’s portion of the newsletter to be prepared the day of testing! OTHER NEWS & DATES TO REMEMBER • The junior high “crush sale” will begin Monday, February 2nd. Students at the junior high level are able to purchase a can of Crush pop and send a message to a friend for Valentine’s day. • The next bake sale will be Friday, February 6th during activity period • The junior high dance is scheduled for Friday, March 13th from 7:00-9:00 p.m. • The current 7th grade class will get a 2015-2016 registration scheduling sheet sometime in March to register for their 8th grade year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 419-562-7828 ex. 211 or [email protected] Page 6 F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 5 High School Guidance Beth Heinlen New state testing will begin soon. Sophomores will be taking the history test March 2, 2015. Government students will test March 9, 2015. Both groups will also test in May. All of these tests will be on the computer. PSEO and Dual Enrollment are being replaced with College Credit Plus- we will have an informational meeting about this February 9, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the auditorium. All parents and students MUST attend this meeting, even if your child has previously been a part of PSEO/dual enrollment. This meeting is open to all parents of students currently in grades 6-11. Classof2015 • College-bound seniors should have begun or submitted the FAFSA (www.fafsa.ed.gov) by this point! Please watch and meet your college’s deadlines to receive maximum aid available for you. Crawford College Connection is offering their Focus on the FAFSA Sunday, February 1, 2015 from 1:30-5:00 at the Bucyrus Public Library- call the library (419-5627327) to schedule an appointment if you need help :iling your FAFSA. • • • Many scholarship opportunities are available. I post scholarships on the Wynford website as they come to my attention & as time permits, but feel free to stop in my of:ice WEEKLY to check for new opportunities. Crawford College Connection’s website is also a great place to be checking! Also there may be scholarship opportunities from your parents’ place of employment. Any senior that has not passed one or more portions of the OGT will be tested the week of March 16, 2015. If you are planning to attend college this fall, you should have submitted your application! Please notify me so that I can send your transcript to complete your application. Classof2016 • College-bound juniors should take the ACT at least once before the fall of their senior year. The test dates and deadlines are posted on our website. Please see me if you have any questions or need help. • Schedules for your senior year are due February 20th. Colleges want to see rigor in your senior schedule, so be sure to sign up for the hard classes! If you have not begun college visits you need to do so SOON! Contact the Admission Of:ice of the college/university and schedule a visit to meet with professors, :inancial aid personnel, and coaches and de:initely tour the campus. When you begin your senior year, you should have your list narrowed to 2-3 schools. Any junior that has not passed one or more parts of the OGT will be tested the week of March 16, 2015. • • Classof2017 • • TheOGTwillbegiventheweekofMarch16,2015. • If you are staying here for the remainder of high school, your signed schedule is due to me by February 20th. If you are interested in attending Pioneer CTC, applications are due February 13, 2015. You can apply on-line at http://www.pctc.k12.oh.us/ click on the “register for high school” link and :ill in the application. Turn in the student and parent signed paper to me. Please be aware that you should apply even if you are not 100% certain you want to attend. PCTC has maximum enrollment and it is dif:icult to get into some programs if you wait until later this spring or fall to apply. Importantdates: • • • • February 9, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the auditorium~ CollegeCreditPlusInformationNight(formerly known as PSEOthis is open to all high school students and their parents. This meeting is designed to inform you about the pros and cons of taking college courses while in high school. ALLPARENTSMUSTATTENDEVENIFYOURSON/DAUGHTER HASPREVIOUSLYTAKENCOLLEGECOURSES. February 20, 2015 ALL parent signed schedules must be turned into Mrs. Heinlen. March 16-20, 2015- OGT testing for all sophomores and juniors/seniors still need to pass 1 or more tests. May 12, 2015- Honors Night- students will be invited in April to attend this. All course descriptions can be found on the Wynford website. Hover over High School and Guidance and then click on the course description link. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns, (419-562-7828 ext. 212) or email me [email protected]. F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 5 Page 7 Elementary News Leah Filliater, Principal Lots of memories are being created at the elementary! We wrapped up 2014 by having a whole school sing-a-long at the end of the day before break, with the words projected so the kids could read along if they didn’t know the words. We also celebrated our students who earned a reward party the 2nd nine weeks by serving hot chocolate in their classrooms during a movie. Students qualified for good behavior, good a'endance, and doing their homework. As we enter the 3rd quarter of the school year, you will likely hear a lot from your child about tes*ng…especially if you have a child in grades 3-6. The old format of having one big test day in March or April is gone…we now will have many different tes*ng sessions for these grades which will begin in February and go through May. All of the tes*ng will be completed on computers as well, which is another big change. The en*re state of Ohio is going through these changes together, so we’ll work hard to make the best of it! During the next two months, over half of our staff is par*cipa*ng in a book study with a book called The Leader in Me, being led by several teacher leaders. We will be exploring together the 3 central themes of integra*ng a school’s culture, academics and leadership opportuni*es through the use of teaching our students the 7 Habits of Highly effec*ve people, first wri'en about by Dr. Stephen Covey in his 1989 business best-selling book. We have been exploring other schools that have implemented this model and their success stories of academics and behaviors are incredible. Over 1500 schools na*onwide are implemen*ng The Leader in Me. The 7 Habits are: Habit 1: Be Proac*ve; You’re in Charge Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind; Have a Plan Habit 3: Put First Things First; Work First, Then Play Habit 4: Think Win-Win; Everyone Can Win Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood; Listen Before You Talk Habit 6: Synergize; Together is BeƩer Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw; Balance Feels Best We welcome your feedback on this ini*a*ve! In the ever-changing world our kids are growing up in, it is hard to prepare them for specific fields of study, but we can provide them the tools they need to succeed in a collabora*ve & networkingdriven world! KINDERGARTEN SCREENING Wynford School District is announcing its kindergarten registration/screening for next school year 2015-2016. Residents of Wynford District with a child entering kindergarten next fall can call the Wynford Elementary Building to register their child. The cut-off age for kindergarten is 5 years old on/by August 1st. Screening dates are Tuesday, April 7, and Wednesday, April 8, 2015. Please call the school at 419-562-4619, extension 301 to register your Wynford student for a screening appointment. Kindergarten requirements include immunizations, physical exam, dental exam, government issued birth certificate (not mother’s certificate or hospital certificate), social security number, custody papers (if applicable), and proof of residency. Immunizations include 5 doses—DPT; 4 doses—Polio; 2 doses—MMR; 3 doses-Hepatitis B; and 2 doseschickenpox. Page 8 F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 5 Elementary News continued PRESCHOOL ROUNDUP DATES ANNOUNCED It’s that time of year again when the preschool conducts its yearly roundup of new kiddos. All children who are interested in attending the Wynford Preschool program this coming fall (2015) must sign up for a screening time. Children ages 3-5 are eligible to attend the preschool. Screening dates this year are set for Friday, March 13th and Friday, March 20th. Please call the elementary school at 419-562-4619 and ask for the preschool teacher, Claire Harris to make an appointment Athletic Boosters F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 5 Larry Appleby Page 9 Calendar of Events February ... 2 3 6 7 9 10 12-26 13 14 16 17 19 20 23 24 27 28 JH Boys Basketball w/Bucyrus — 5:00 pm JH Girls Basketball @ Bucyrus—5:00 pm Vars. Boys Basketball w/Buckeye Central 6:00 pm JH Boys Basketball @ Buckeye Central 5:00 pm JH Girls Basketball w/Buckeye Central 5:00 pm Vars. Boys Basketball @ Crestline—6:00 pm Vars. Girls Basketball w/Seneca East 1:00 pm Vars. Boys Basketball w/Seneca East 6:00 pm Board of Education Meeting—7:30 pm Vars. Girls Basketball w/Upper Sandusky 6:00 pm Recycling—3:30 pm—5:30 pm Elementary Cookie Dough Sale Teacher In-Service — NO SCHOOL Vars. Girls Basketball @ Buckeye Central 6:00 pm Vars. Boys Basketball w/Upper Sandusky 6:00 pm President’s Day — NO SCHOOL Vars. Girls Basketball w/Bucyrus—6:00 pm Vars. Girls Basketball @ Willard—6:00 pm Vars. Boys Basketball @ Buckeye Central 6:00 pm 2 hour delay start of school — Teacher Professional Development Vars. Boys Basketball @ River Valley 6:00 pm Vars. Boys Basketball w/Bucyrus—6:00 pm March……. 3 8 10 12 16 16-29 23 28 Page 10 1 hour early dismissal — Evening Parent/ Teacher Conferences Daylight Savings Time Begins Recycling—3:30 pm—5:30 pm 1 hour early dismissal—Evening Parent/ Teacher Conferences Board of Education Meeting—7:30 pm OGT 2 hour delay start of school—Teacher Professional Development Vars. Baseball @ Riverdale (DH) 11:00 am - 1:00 pm JV Baseball w/Riverdale (DH) 11:00 am — 1:00 pm 30-31 30 31 Vars. Softball @ Riverdale (DH) 11:00 am — 1:00 pm SPRING BREAK — NO SCHOOL Vars. Baseball w/St. Peters—5:00 pm JV Baseball @ St. Peters—5:00 pm Vars. Softball w/St. Peters—5:00 pm Vars. Baseball w/Plymouth—5:00 pm JV Baseball @ Plymouth—5:00 pm Vars. Softball w/Plymouth—5:00 pm April….. 1-3 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 SPRING BREAK—NO SCHOOL Vars. Baseball w/Ridgedale—5:00 pm JV Baseball @ Ridgedale—5:00 pm Vars. Softball w/Ridgedale—5:00 pm Vars. Baseball @ Ridgedale—5:00 pm JV Baseball w/Ridgedale—5:00 pm Vars. Softball @ Ridgedale—5:00 pm Vars. Track @ Bucyrus Elks—9:00 am Easter Jr. Hi. Track w/Colonel Crawford—4:30 pm Kindergarten Screening at the Elementary Spring all school pictures at the high school Vars. Track w/Colonel Crawford & Plymouth—4:30 pm Vars. Baseball @ Colonel Crawford—5:00 pm JV Baseball w/Colonel Crawford—5:00 pm Vars. Softball @ Colonel Crawford—5:00 pm Kindergarten Screening at the Elementary Vars. Baseball w/Colonel Crawford—5:00 pm JV Baseball @ Colonel Crawford—5:00 pm Vars. Softball w/Colonel Crawford—5:00 pm Vars. Baseball @ Carey—5:00 pm JV Baseball w/Carey—5:00 pm Vars. Softball @ Carey—5:00 pm Elementary Fun Night—5:00 pm—8:30 pm Vars. Track @ Shelby Invitation—11:30 am Jr. Hi. Track @ Carey Tri-Meet—4:30 pm Vars. Baseball w/Carey—5:00 pm JV Baseball @ Carey—5:00 pm Vars. Softball w/Carey—5:00 pm Vars. Track @ Carey HS (Tri-Meet) - 4:30 pm Recycling—3:30 pm—5:30 pm Vars. Baseball w/Mohawk—5:00 pm JV Baseball @ Mohawk—5:00 pm Vars. Softball w/Mohawk—5:00 pm Vars. Baseball w/River Valley—5:00 pm JV Baseball @ River Valley—5:00 pm Vars. Softball w/River Valley—5:00 pm Vars. Baseball @ Mohawk—5:00 pm JV Baseball w/Mohawk—5:00 pm F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 5 Calendar of Events continued 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 Vars. Softball @ Mohawk—5:00 pm Vars. Baseball @ Tiffin Calvert (DH) 11:00 am — 1:00 pm JV Baseball w/Tiffin Calvert (DH) 11:00 am — 1:00 pm Vars. Softball @ Tiffin Calvert (DH) 11:00 am — 1:00 pm Holmes Liberty Alumni—Elementary Bldg. Jr. Hi. Track @ Ridgedale—4:30 pm Vars. Baseball w/Crestline—5:00 pm JV Baseball @ Crestline—5:00 pm Vars. Softball w/Crestline—5:00 pm Board of Education Meeting—7:30 pm Vars. Track @ Ridgedale—4:30 pm 2 hour delay start of school — Teacher Professional Development Vars. Baseball @ Crestline—5:00 pm JV Baseball w/Crestline—5:00 pm Vars. Softball @ Crestline—5:00 pm Vars. Baseball @ Seneca East—5:00 pm JV Baseball w/Seneca East—5:00 pm Vars. Softball @ Seneca East—5:00 pm Vars. Track @ Galion (Crawford County Meet) 4:15 pm High School Prom Lykens Alumni @ Elementary Building Jr. Hi. Track @ Buckeye Central Tri-Meet 4:30 pm Vars. Baseball w/Seneca East—5:00 pm JV Baseball @ Seneca East—5:00 pm Vars. Softball w/Seneca East—5:00 pm Vars. Track @ Buckeye Central—4:30 pm Vars. Baseball @ Upper Sandusky—5:00 pm JV Baseball w/Upper Sandusky—5:00 pm Vars. Softball @ Upper Sandusky—5:00 pm Wynford Foundation 29-1 6th graders to Mohican Outdoor School 1 Jr. Hi. Track Wynford Relays—4:30 pm Vars. Baseball w/Upper Sandusky—5:00 pm JV Baseball @ Upper Sandusky—5:00 pm Vars. Softball w/Upper Sandusky—5:00 pm Vars. Baseball @ New London (DH) 11:00 am — 1:00 pm JV Baseball w/New London (DH) 11:00 am — 1:00 pm Vars. Softball @ New London (DH) 11:00 am — 1:00 pm Jr. Hi. Track w/Seneca East—4:30 pm Vars. Baseball w/Buckeye Central—5:00 pm JV Baseball @ Buckeye Central—5:00 pm Vars. Softball w/Buckeye Central—5:00 pm Vars. Track w/Seneca East—4:30 pm Vars. Baseball @ Buckeye Central—5:00 pm JV Baseball w/Buckeye Central—5:00 pm Vars. Softball @ Buckeye Central—5:00 pm Vars. Track @ Riverdale Relays—4:00 pm Vars. Baseball @ Bucyrus—5:00 pm JV Baseball w/Bucyrus—5:00 pm Vars. Softball @ Bucyrus—5:00 pm Jr. Hi. Track @ Northern 10 Meet—4:30 pm Vars. Baseball w/Bucyrus—5:00 pm JV Baseball @ Bucyrus—5:00 pm Vars. Softball w/Bucyrus—5:00 pm May….. 2 4 5 7 8 11 Susan Kent A big thank-you to the Wynford Community for supporting Match Day. Because many organizations were successful in asking for donations, matching funds from the Community Foundation for Crawford County (CF4CC) were capped at $0.50 per $1.00. We received donations of $2,730. With the $1,365 match from the CF4CC, we were able to add $4,095 to our permanent endowment fund. This fund is invested, and each year a portion of the earnings is made available for grant allocations. F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 5 Page 11 Wynford Board of Education 3288 Holmes Center Road Bucyrus, Ohio 44820-9463 SCHOOL DELAYS AND CLOSINGS. . . The following radio and TV stations are notified when the Wynford schools are delayed or closed because of the weather. Please listen to these stations for school announcements and do not call the school. WQEL Bucyrus (92.7 FM) WTOL 11 (Toledo, Ohio) TV WMFD—Mansfield WBCO Bucyrus (1540 AM) WMAN Mansfield (1400 AM) WVNO Mansfield (106.1 FM) WTOL TV (Toledo) NBC4 TV (Columbus) AB6TV (Columbus) 10 TV (Columbus) Fox 8 TV (Cleveland) WYNFORD SCHOOLS TELEPHONE NUMBERS. . . Wynford Board of Education - 419-562-7828 Wynford Elementary - 419-562-4619 Wynford High School - 419-562-7828 Wynford Bus Garage - 419-562-5222 WYNFORD BOARD OF EDUCATION. . . Jeffrey Schiefer, President 900 Nevada Wynford Road Bucyrus, Ohio 44820 419-563-0448 Debbi Gifford, Member 5190 Marion Melmore Road Sycamore, Ohio 44882 419-569-4748 Steve Crall, Vice President 2114 Quaker Road Bucyrus, Ohio 44820 419-562-4420 Fred Hendricks, Member 4505 Holmes Center Road Bucyrus, Ohio 44820 419-569-3050 Rhonda Rowland, Member 4571 Holmes Center Ro Bucyrus, Ohio 44820 419-562-2977
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