Our Savior Lutheran Church February • Volume 73 • Issue 2 Ash Wednesday, Wednesday, February 18th First Sunday of Lent Sunday, February 22nd From the Pastor Pastor Kevin Martin [email protected] “Lost…” Alan Jacobs in his fine biography of C.S. Lewis “The Narnian” reminds us that in 1949 C.S. Lewis was an internationally famous Christian apologist. He had written many books arguing the case for Christianity against the various objections of the age. In a winsome way, Lewis defended the faith using logical argument, trying to address the concerns of those who thought maybe the historical and logical and textual evidence for Christianity might not be persuasive. Books like “Mere Christianity” and “Miracles” and “The Problem of Pain” sold millions of copies and presented a very powerful case for the historical veracity and logical soundness of the Christian faith. Which is why, Jacobs opens his book, it was surprising that on this particular evening in late 1949, Lewis was having dinner with a friend Roger Green and read him a couple of chapters of a children’s book about a place called Narnia. Green thought at the time it was OK, good, but not great. What he didn’t know was that Lewis was on the verge of a breakdown that would land him in hospital for weeks for “exhaustion” and “nerves”. Lewis would later report that he was at the end of his rope not only physically, but mentally and spiritually. His faith was hanging by the barest of threads and he was very close to reverting to the atheism he’d renounced in 1930 under the influence of his friend J.R.R. Tolkien. How could this be? The answer, quite surprisingly, seems to have been that Lewis’ apologetic work had nearly destroyed his own faith. As Lewis himself put it: “No doctrine looks so shaky and implausible to a man as the one he has just “successfully” defended to a national radio audience.” In other words, looking at all the logical and historical challenges to the faith and mounting a vigorous defense of Christianity all but destroyed C.S. Lewis’ own faith! Not long before this episode Lewis had, for the first time in the judgment of friends, been shredded in a debate at the Socratic Society, a Christian debating group. The topic was “Miracles” and a Cambridge philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe took Lewis’ arguments for miracles apart and left it in tatters. It shook him up. A lot. It only helped slightly that Anscombe herself was a devout Christian (and a student of Ludwig Wittgenstein, but more on him another time). But the stinging defeat in the Anscombe debate showed Lewis that the rational and logical foundations for the Faith he’d laid over the last 20 years for himself and others might be extremely flimsy. What got Lewis out of that corner? Writing the Narnia books! The Narnia books have bolstered the faith of millions of Christians (they are by far his best selling works at 85 million copies they dwarf all his other books combined). But more importantly and surprisingly, they seem to have helped rescue the faith of the author, himself! How?! Lewis recalled a conversation with Tolkien that helped move him back into the Christian fold. Tolkien told Lewis: “You like the stories of a dying and rising god when you meet them in mythology, with Isis and Osiris, etc. But you hate it when you meet it in the Gospels because you get all these logical and historical and factual questions. Why not just treat Christianity as a true myth?” It was that more “story-like” approach that got Lewis over the hump. Oddly, he’d all but abandoned that approach for a very philosophical and rational approach, and by 1949 found his faith was in a shambles. Writing the Narnia books made him go back and re-discover the Story of Christ Jesus as a story, a world that he could live in. Or as Lewis would put it: the Story of Christ Jesus engulfed Lewis so he lived in it, wholly, instead of trying to fit the story of Jesus into the narrative of a modern world demanding evidence, facts, proof, etc. Which is why Narnia is about entering another world through the back of a coat closet! Escaping the dull, mundane for a wholly new world is what becoming a Christian is really like, as Lewis re-discovered writing the Narnia books. I run into lots of people who get all knotted up about the evidence for the faith, the inerrancy of Scriptures, the historical evidence for the Resurrection. At first, finding there are scientific and logical proofs for our faith seems encouraging. But slowly, proof, evidence, logic, and reason can shift from being a support for the faith into a cancer eating away at it. No amount of reason or proof ever seems sufficient once you get an appetite for it. It’s a very different thing to believe there are excellent and sound reasons for believing in Jesus than to simply believe in Jesus. Mary just sat at Jesus feet and lost herself in the Word. Martha was worried about many other things (probably not just the dishes, actually); and we go all Martha on Jesus a lot, we modern types. An old teacher of mine wrote a book noting that since the 18th century conservative Christians have put their faith in the historical, factual events underlying the biblical text (absorbed with proving inerrancy, historical factuality, scientific plausibility, philosophical consistency - see any Paul Maier book for a good example of this). Liberals, on the other hand, tend to think the text of Scripture points to a universal inner experience that is more important than the textual expression of it (it’s your inner feeling of ultimate dependence on the ground of being, as Tillich put it). But my old teacher thought Christians used to take neither option, but simply put their faith in the Word (Scripture alone! Christ alone!). Jesus didn’t say “whoever builds on historical sound, rational, defensible, plausible theories for the factual veracity of my Word is my disciple indeed…” nor did He says “whoever relies on a deep, inner sense of communion with God and shows this in love for his/her fellow man is my disciple indeed…” but He did say: “whoever abides in my Word is My disciple indeed. And you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.” Lewis discovered in re-imagining the Story of Jesus for himself and children a way to get beyond ideas about Christianity, proofs for the historical reliability of it all, or deep feelings of ultimate dependence on the ground of being, and simply lost himself in the Story of Jesus. It’s not a bad place to be lost, still today. Russell Wilcox: [email protected] Noël Hamm: [email protected] Worship & Music Date Service of the Church Year 1 February 4th Sunday after Epiphany 8 February 5th Sunday after Epiphany 15 February Transfiguration Sunday 18 February Ash Wednesday 22 February 1st Sunday Lent 25 February Wednesday Lenten Vespers Instrumentalists/ Service Time Order of Service Cantors Organist 8:30 Matins Kerri Martinsen Jubilate Ringers Noël Hamm 11:00 DS w/Communion Senior Choir Senior Choir Russell Wilcox 8:30 DS w/Communion Senior Choir Senior Choir 11:00 Matins Men’s Chorus Men’s Chorus Bob Anderson 8:30 Matins Beth Hallowell Beth Hallowell Noël Hamm 11:00 DS w/Communion Senior Choir Senior Choir Emily Zimmerman Russell Wilcox 7:00 DS w/Communion Senior Choir Senior Choir Russell Wilcox 8:30 DS w/Communion Beth Hallowell Eric Heidepriem Beth Hallowell Eric Heidepriem Noël Hamm 11:00 Matins Debbie Roseman Debbie Roseman Russell Wilcox 7:00 Vespers n/a n/a Noël Hamm Vocalists Russell Wilcox Russell Wilcox, Music Director/Organist Noël Hamm, Handbell Director/Organist Lenten Worship Schedule Wednesday, February 18, 7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Divine Service with Communion Lenten Vespers Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. February 25 - March 25 Education All Sunday School students 3 years old to adult will meet in the Fellowship Hall following the 8:30 service. The children will be dismissed to the sanctuary to sing and then on to their class. Sunday School Staff 2014-2015 Vera Beers, Faith Orr, Shelley Dorman Carolina Cooper, Marcella Cox, Janet Dickmander Jane Knox, Bonnie Martin, Nuria Zierz Karl Abbott, Dave Dickmander, Timothy Sheridan Maureen Costello Kerri Martinsen February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 Jesus and the Little Children Jesus Heals a Man Who is Paralyzed The Transfiguration Jesus Calls Matthew Mark 10:13-16 Mark 2:1-12 Mark 9:2-10 Mark 2:13-17 The Psalter Dr. Ridgeway is teaching on The Psalter in office 122. The 150 Psalms are studied one at a time (9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.) Pastor’s Class Adult Bible Class with Pastor Martin will begin a study of Christian Liturgy on Sunday, February 1st. Tuesday Mornings 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. This class meets with Pastor on Tuesdays in the Conference Room. Pastor provides an in-depth look at the upcoming lessons for the following Sunday. Confirmation Wednesdays, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. or Saturdays, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Wednesday Evening Class The class will conclude on February 11th and be on hiatus through the Lenten season resuming after Easter on April 8th. Staff and Council Ancient Heritage for a New Generation Capital Campaign The campaign continues with faithful and generous support of the congregation. As of December 31, 2014 the Campaign giving deposits were in excess of $253,000.00. Thank you for your sustaining gifts. Sunday, February 15th Lutheran Hour Ministries Sunday FINANCIAL REPORT FINANCIAL REPORT January-December 2014 Budget $394,106.00 Income $435,025.35 Expenses $399,881,66* Net $ 35,143.69 * includes Loan payments (principal + interest) The Board of Fellowship is in need of hosts for the Lenten meals for 2015. The dates are: Wednesday, February 25 Wednesday, March 4 Wednesday, March 11 Wednesday, March 25 The week of March 18th will be hosted by the LWML. Next meeting: March 24 Dinner @ 6:00 p.m. meeting to follow Please contact Vera Beers, Fellowship Chair, and let her know which date your group will be able to host. If you have not received envelopes for 2015, please contact the Church Office CONGREGATIONAL FORUM Sunday, February 22nd Plan to join us following the 11:00 service. The Long Range Planning Committee has been hard at work moving forward with our Mission and Ministry efforts. Church Governance - an overview of study and proposed steps Capital Planning and Update - current status of capital campaign and the next proposed projects Refresh and ReVision Update - defining the process and next steps 2014 - 2015 Church Council: President Vice-President Past-President Treasurer Financial Secretary Council Secretary Joe Baden Jill Touchberry Ron Gridley Harvey Wahls Steve Whited Sandy Ange Board of Elders Chair: Karl Abbott Committee Chairs: Church Properties: Zach Dorman Christian Care: Loulie Metzger Education: Faith Orr Fellowship: Vera Beers Technology: Bill Beers Youth: Tim Orr Maureen Costello [email protected] Congregational Care We remember in prayer … Dr. Melanie Asbury, U.S.A.F., stationed in San Antonio, TX Brandon Baden, U.S.A.F., deployed to Jordan Lt. (jg) Mark Baden, U.S. Navy, VP-30 Training Squadron, stationed in Jacksonville, FL 1st Lt. Benjamin Brighton, U.S.M.C., stationed at Camp Pendleton, CA Luke Deal, U.S.M.C., stationed in Washington, DC Capt. Andrew Markoff, U.S.M.C. Sgt. Major David Rieger, U.S. Army Capt. Johnny Sherrill, U.S.A.F., tanker pilot, MacGuire AFB Alex Thompson, U.S.M.C., stationed in Okinawa Chaplain Greg Todd, U.S. Navy Chaplain Richard Townes, U.S. Navy Ken Woods, U.S. Army Chief Chris Yacur, U.S. Navy, stationed in Guam OSLC Members: Bill & Martha Autry - health concerns for Bill and for Martha as his caretaker Bertha Funderburk - continuing health concerns Kandy Johnson - recovering from hip surgery Gene Kamprath - recovering at home Margaret Narkunus - undergoing cancer treatment Marlene Shumate - admitted to rehab after suffering a fall at home Steve Stuart - continuing health concerns Helen Thomas - continuing health concerns related to Parkinson’s disease Coups for Troops Thanks for the donations! We have sent in 194,763 coupons! Keep them coming. Ruth Costello will continue to coordinate our efforts to collect manufacturer’s coupons to be donated to military families. Coupons up to 3 months past expiration date ** can be used by military families. A collection envelope is available on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Pass along the coupons you receive and don’t use to those who can put them to great use. Folks that have left the OSLC family … In recent months the following families have relocated: Howie & Judy Bronson Dave & Jane Thompson Ed & Kay Wriedt We wish them well in their new homes and church families. If you would like their new contact information it is available from the Church Office. Flowers for 2015 Sign the flower chart in the Narthex. The weekly flowers may be shared -a vase per family/request if that is desired. Can you help? Celebrations Matthew Cox Shelley Dorman Connor Gridley Pam Aubrecht Alexander Howell Dylan Morris Nicholas Howell Sylvia Zierz Faith Orr Nena Woods Lauren Morris Karen Lockamy Allison Radcliffe Jacob Kaylor Alton Howard Ed Rosenberger George Werginz Jordi Zierz Layla Opperman Xavier Zierz 2/1 2/4 2/5 2/7 2/7 2/9 2/14 2/14 2/15 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/19 2/21 2/23 2/26 2/28 2/28 After more than a decade of valued service Ed & Erika Rosenberger are retiring from their work with Wake County Meals on Wheels. Our Savior will continue this important work with a great group of current volunteers but we would like to replace the Rosenbergers with OSLC members. Ed and Erika are happy to train and even ride along with new volunteers to get them up to speed. Please contact Erika for more information Email: [email protected] or home phone: 919-876-5878 Volunteers to serve as Greeters at both services are always needed. Greeters are asked to meet and greet all members and especially visitors both before and after each service. It is a great way to meet new people and greet old friends. If you interested in joining the greeters group please contact the Church Office. Are you a coffee drinker? Are you a coffee preparer? Our Sunday morning coffee hour is currently in the hands of a very few dedicated members - please help us lighten the load. If you are available to volunteer to join the Coffee Makers please contact either Peggy Nickola (919-365-4039) or the Church Office. Mark your calendars ... Tuesday, February 5, 9:00 a.m. Bible Study Breakfast 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. All OSLC members are invited to join us! Chrismon Session Tuesday, 2/10/15 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Game Night Friday, February 27 Habitat Meeting Sunday, February 8, 3:00 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church - 5010 Six Forks Road, Raleigh [see newsletter for more information] “I made the statement that I did not think I would get anything out of FPU. Boy, was I wrong! I only wish I would have had this information 20 or 30 years ago. No age is too young or old to begin the process of finding out where your money is going.” Steve Schammel, FPU Graduate Spring 2014 Financial Peace University (FPU) is a life-changing program that will empower and teach you how to make the right money decisions to achieve your financial goals. This course will include lessons on budgeting, eliminating debt, college and retirement planning, building wealth, giving like never before, and more! If you would like to attend FPU, please contact Peter Zierz now. We need 3 more families to form the class and already have two interested. The class will meet Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. for nine weeks beginning February 12th. Peter can be reached at [email protected] or 919-744-4770. The public is welcome to attend, so tell your friends and co-workers. Sunday, February 15 5:30 p.m. All OSLC members are invited to join us for the OSLC 18th annual Chili Cook-Off! Cooks/chefs are invited to provide a single pot of chili - sign up in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a salad or dessert to share. Bread and drinks will be provided by the Board of Fellowship. FYI Lutheran Services Carolinas will benefit from Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity homebuilding efforts HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF WAKE COUNTY / LUTHERAN SERVICES CAROLINAS Habitat for Humanity of Wake County has been awarded $76,400 from Thrivent Financial to build a home for Lutheran Services Carolinas near Lake Wheeler Road in Raleigh. The actual build (and need for many volunteers) will begin in early Fall 2015. From the national partnership’s inception in 2005, Thrivent Financial and its members have now committed more than $200 million and more than 4 million volunteer hours to Habitat for Humanity. The Serving Cup came up with the idea for the project which will house nine people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in three individual adjacent homes. The funding is part of an ongoing partnership between Thrivent Financial and Habitat for Humanity International, called Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity. Through the partnership, Thrivent members, Habitat affiliates and others partner with families across the U.S. and around the world to provide affordable housing and stronger, generous communities. “This is the very first partnership of this kind where Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity are partnering with other agencies – Lutheran Services AND Serving Cup - to provide affordable housing,” say Bob Northrup and David Calloway, financial representatives with Thrivent Financial. “We enjoy working alongside Thrivent members – who generously donate their time and talents -- to strengthen our community.” From the partnership’s inception in 2005 through 2014, Thrivent Financial and its members have now committed more than $200 million and more than 4 million volunteer hours across the globe. A meeting for all area Lutheran churches to discuss moving forward will take place at Grace Lutheran Church, 5010 Six Forks Road, Raleigh on Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 3pm. Everyone interested in planning for this exciting project are urged to attend. For more information on this important planning meeting please call Bob Northrup at (919) 987-0103. OSLC Contact: Chris Nack Debbie Roseman [email protected] LWML LWML EVENING BIBLE STUDY, LWML 2015 Des Moines Convention TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 7 P.M. This month we will discuss “How Can I Control My Tongue?” from the Winter 2014 edition of the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly. Topics we will be talking about include “Preparation for Change, Damage Control and The Clean-up Process.” All women are invited to come and be a part of the discussion. We meet in the Conference Room. June 25-28, 2015 LWML LUNCH BUNCH, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 12:30 P.M. The Lunch Bunch is headed to one of our favorite restaurants this month. We will meet at Lugano Ristorante located at 1060 Darrington Drive in Cary. Please remember to sign up on the sheet posted on the LWML bulletin board and indicate if you would like to carpool from church. Theme: Bountiful! Sow Nourish Reap Get ready to register early for the LWML Convention in Des Moines, Iowa. Those who register between February 2 and March 14 will receive a discounted rate on their registration fee. So sign up now to gather under our theme Bountiful! Sow Nourish Reap. The women of the Host Committee can’t wait to welcome you to Iowa! More information will be included in the next issue of the Carolinas Cross Connection. NOW AVAILABLE! The winter 2014 edition of the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly is now available on the console beneath the LWML bulletin board. As I scanned the issue, I thought about the opening of the book of John – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This issue is all about words. The cover story, “Sarah’s Story – A Young Mother Reflects on Words” MITE COLLECTION SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 tells the moving story of Sarah’s faith in the promises of God The end of the biennium for LWML is drawing close and we as she faced the uncertainty that her premature baby boy have much work to do to meet the goal of $1,853,000. The would survive. last report available which ended on November 30 shows that $1,338,205.06 has been collected and much of that has Also in this issue you’ll find all the information you need to been dispersed. Out of 18 grants, five have been fully fund- register for the Des Moines, Iowa LWML convention to be ed, nine have been partially funded, and four are awaiting held June 25-28, 2015. Read about the speakers that will funding. The deadline is March 30 so if you have a mite box bless our convention with their attendance including Rev. that is full or if you have a jar of change that you would like Greg Seltz, speaker of the Lutheran Hour, who will be the to put to good use, please leave it in the proclaimer for the opening worship service. All the inforcollection basket on the console beneath mation you need to make your plans is included. Still have the LWML bulletin board. Using a mite box questions? Talk with Debbie Roseman. Start planning now or LWML envelope gives you a chance to to attend under the theme – Bountiful! Sow Nourish Reap. participate in mission work both at home “And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that in and around the world. all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8). DECEMBER MITE COLLECTIONS – $20.00 – Mission of the Quarter #4 LWML ONGOING COLLECTIONS $26.80 – Mites collected Travel size toiletries $450.00 – Money for mites raised at the Advent Dinner Used eyeglasses including Thrivent $150.00 Thanks to Thrivent for the additional funds! SAVE THE DATE – Carolinas District Joy Event Saturday, March 21, 2015 Salem Lutheran Church, Taylorsville, NC Theme: “We are saved by faith alone, but faith that saves is never alone.” – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther More information will be included in the next issue of the Carolinas Cross Connection. Don’t forget to collect travel size toiletries as you vacation. The toiletries are given to the Matthew Ministry at Jordan Lutheran Church. Teams from Jordan hand out these items to the homeless in downtown Raleigh on Saturdays. You will find collection baskets for these items on the console beneath the LWML bulletin board. Debbie Roseman [email protected] LWML February 2015 SUPPORT FOR LUTHERAN PUBLIC RADIO $40,000 PRAYER GUIDE FOR LWML MISSION GRANTS Prayers for Support for Lutheran Public Radio Lutheran Public Radio (LPR) is home for the weekday terrestrial and Internet radio show “Issues, Etc.” which has been on the air for 20 years proclaiming the Word of salvation and providing a better understanding of contemporary social issues in a Christian context. Being the principle effort of LPR, Issues, Etc. is a live, call-in, topical radio show featuring The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod pastors, professors, and laypeople, and other professional church workers that provide catechesis for its listeners. Experts on social issues, government relations, church music and liturgy, church history, and journalism are frequent guests on the show where the audience is invited to respond and interact by phone, email, Twitter, and Facebook. LPR is deeply rooted in the teachings of the LCMS and is clearly committed to the Scriptures, creeds, and confessions. Just as the LWML has the priority of impacting the world for Christ, LPR has the same global mission. Issues, Etc. has a very small staff of three fulltime employees. They are responsible for producing 10 hours of live radio programming each week. Each staff member has multiple daily duties and responsibilities, and the maintenance of the development programs and activities has grown creating a need for additional staff. The grant from the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League will make it possible for Lutheran Public Radio to employ a part-time bookkeeper who will free up the existing staff to concentrate more effectively on the development goals and donor needs. It will help to ensure the continued, long-term financial viability and sustainability of Issues, Etc., allowing them to expand the goal of educating a new generation of Lutherans. PRAYER #1 Dear Lord God Heavenly father, thank You for the blessing of Lutheran Public Radio and the ministry it provides for its listeners. For many years they have proclaimed the Word of salvation, provided a better understanding of contemporary social issues, served as a resource for pastors and other professional church workers, and been a source of catechesis for those listening on the radio and over the Internet. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide them and keep them firmly grounded in Scripture. In Jesus’ name. Amen. PRAYER #2 O most gracious God, we live in a world filled with many social issues that are challenging to the faithful Christian. We give You thanks and praise for the dedication of those working at Lutheran Public Radio who provide live, interactive, Christian talk radio programming which includes Bible study, hymn and liturgy study, discussion of theological topics, and discussion of timely social issues addressed in Scripture. We ask You to keep Your Spirit stirring in their hearts and in those who are listening. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. PRAYER #3 We are thankful to You, O Lord, for the blessings of technology. Conventional media (print, radio, etc.) and the new media (Internet, live streaming, podcasting, social networks, etc.) have provided unprecedented opportunities for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be broadcast to the world. Thank You for Issues, Etc. of Lutheran Public Radio for making the most of these opportunities. In the name of Jesus. Amen. PRAYER #4 Triune God, the harvest is ripe and the workers are few. We give You thanks and praise for those workers in the fields at Lutheran Public Radio along with the guests who bring the very best talent, knowledge, and wisdom of the LCMS to its listeners. Bless their efforts as they continue with the priority of global mission and impacting the world for Christ. In Your holy name we pray. Amen. www.lwml.org/missions PLEASE FOLD OR CUT THIS GUIDE ON THE DOTTED LINE, AND KEEP PRAYER GUIDE IN YOUR BIBLES FOR DAILY MISSION SUPPORT REMINDERS. www.lwml.org February 2015 1500 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27608-2338
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