An Phríomh-Oifig Staidrimh Central Statistics Office Compiled from data supplied by the Office of the Revenue Commissioners. Published by the Central Statistics Office, Ireland. February 2015 © Government of Ireland 2015 Material compiled and presented by the Central Statistics Office. Reproduction is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. On-line ISSN 2009-5104 Contents Explanatory notes 5 Summary tables 1 Goods Exports and Imports summary analysis 14 2 Goods Exports and Imports seasonally adjusted series 15 3 Goods Exports by industrial origin 16 4 Goods Exports by industrial origin and area of destination 17 5 Goods Imports by main use 18 6 Goods Imports by main use and area of origin 19 7 Goods Exports and Imports by area 20 8 Goods Exports and Imports by area: percentage distribution 22 9 Goods Exports and Imports by country 24 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC section and division 30 10 Detailed tables 11 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC division and country 37 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division 47 13 Goods Exports by SITC heading and country 59 14 Goods Imports by SITC heading and country 131 Commodity index Specific details concerning the Trade Statistics Publication should be addressed to: Trade Help Desk Central Statistics Office Ardee Road Rathmines Dublin 6 Phone Dublin (01) 498 4200, Cork (021) 453 5000, ext. 4200 LoCall 1890 313 414, ext. 4200 Fax (01) 498 4240 E-mail [email protected] CSO on the Web: 5 Explanatory notes Introduction Goods Exports and Imports statistics provide data on the movement of goods between countries. Trade in Goods statistics in this publication are a combination of Customs-based non-EU trade statistics and the Intrastat survey of Irish traders involved in trade with other EU member states. The Intrastat data are subject to revision on foot of late Intrastat and VAT returns and corrections made by traders. Sources Since the completion of the EU Single Market at the end of 1992, trade statistics with EU member states and trade statistics with non-EU countries are compiled from two separate sources. Customs declarations, the traditional source of almost all trade statistics, were no longer required for most movements of goods within the EU. A new EU-wide system for collecting intraEU trade statistics, Intrastat, was introduced in January 1993. The Intrastat survey, which is conducted by the Revenue Commissioners (VIMA Office), is linked to VAT and applies to all EU member states. The Intrastat system is based on two components. The first is the Intrastat survey itself, in which the larger traders make detailed monthly returns giving information on the quantity and value of all exports or imports with EU countries. This survey is carried out under Regulation (EC) No. 638/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council1 and Commission Regulation (EC) 2 No. 96/2010 . Traders whose exports to EU countries in the previous twelve months exceeded €635,000 must make a detailed export return each month; traders whose imports from EU countries in the previous twelve months exceeded €191,000 must 1 Official Journal No L102, 07.04.2004, p.1. 2 Official Journal No L43, 5.2.2012. p.1. make a detailed import return each month. Around 35,000 traders are involved in intra-EU trade, of which about 1,900 are required to make Intrastat export returns and 6,700 Intrastat import returns. The response rate in terms of number of traders is about 80%, covering about 97% of the total value of intra-EU trade for the current month. The second component of the Intrastat system is the regular VAT return, on which all traders are required to record the total value of goods exported to and imported from other EU member states. The information provided on the VAT returns forms the basis for: - determining total EU trade for those traders below the Intrastat thresholds; - estimating trade for non-respondents above the thresholds; - maintaining the VIMA trader register of EU traders; and - identifying those exceeding the thresholds required to make the detailed Intrastat return. Traders not registered for VAT and private individuals who move goods within the EU have no obligations under the Intrastat system, and their trade is therefore not included in the statistics. Trade in Goods with non-EU countries are, as before, compiled mainly from the documents supplied by exporters and importers (or their agents) to the Customs authorities. The document is the Single Administrative Document (SAD) used for Customs clearance purposes. The information on the document is captured by the Customs AEP (Automated Entry Processing) system, either by feeding it in at the Customs Stations or by electronic transfer direct from the trader. The AEP records, with the statistical data, are transferred to VIMA and then to the CSO for processing and dissemination. Prior to 2011, data for traders operating in the Shannon Free Zone were collected by traders submitting summary monthly returns to the CSO. The CSO Shannon survey data were classified 6 under Section 9 ‘Commodities and Transactions not classified elsewhere’ (SITC code 931.01). Since January 2011, the Shannon data are being collected as part of the Intrastat Survey and Customs documentation for non-EU transactions. Hence this data is now attributed to the relevant commodity code and partner country. Responsibility for data collection, compilation and dissemination The collection of trade data is the responsibility of VIMA (a branch of Revenue). The CSO is responsible for processing and disseminating the data. Data processing includes preparing estimates for traders who have not been included in the Intrastat survey (non-respondents and traders below the Intrastat thresholds) and for certain special categories of trade (parcel post and nonEU low-value transactions). Along with the general processing and validation of the data, other work by the CSO includes unit value index number compilation and seasonal adjustment. Intrastat estimation The data include estimates for traders above the Intrastat thresholds who did not make Intrastat returns, and for traders below the thresholds who did not provide aggregate intra-EU trade figures on their VAT returns. In addition, the Intrastat estimates for imports incorporate an upward adjustment, equivalent to about 1.75% of total imports, which is included under ‘Unclassified Estimates’. This special adjustment arises from the difficulty of comprehensively covering all EU imports through the Intrastat survey system. The ‘Unclassified’ categories in the tables also include certain miscellaneous adjustments. Estimates for traders below the thresholds are assigned to partner country (by using the country profile of returns from traders just above the Intrastat thresholds) but are not assigned to commodity. Estimates for traders above the thresholds (non-respondents) are assigned to partner country and commodity where at least one return is available for the preceding twelve months. Coverage The following classes of goods are excluded from the trade in goods statistics: monetary gold; means of payment which are legal tender and securities, including means which are payments for services such as postage, taxes, user fees; goods for or following temporary use (e.g. hire, loan, operational leasing), provided all the following conditions are met: - no processing is or was planned or carried out, - the expected duration of the temporary use was or is not intended to be longer than 24 months, - the dispatch/arrival has not to be declared as a supply/acquisition for VAT purposes; goods moving between: - a Member State and its territorial enclaves in other Member States, and - the host Member State and territorial enclaves of other Member States or international organisations. Territorial enclaves include embassies and national armed forces stationed outside the territory of the mother country; goods used as carriers of customised information, including software; software downloaded from the Internet; goods supplied free of charge which are themselves not the subject of a commercial transaction, provided that the movement is with the sole intention of preparing or supporting an intended subsequent trade transaction by demonstrating the characteristics of goods or services such as advertising material, commercial samples; goods for and after repair and replacement parts that are incorporated in the framework of the repair and replaced defective parts; means of transport travelling in the course of their work, including spacecraft launchers at the time of launching. In addition, intra-EU trade statistics exclude: Trade by traders not registered for VAT; Trade by private individuals who move goods within the EU; Goods dispatched under distance selling arrangements that are below the special VAT distance selling threshold operating in the Member State of destination. Recording system Trade in Goods statistics are compiled in accordance with the ‘general’ system of recording international trade. Under this system exports and imports are recorded at the time the goods are moved across the boundary of the State. 7 In particular this means that goods imported into a Custom bonded warehouse are recorded at the time of entry into the country and not at the time of their release from the warehouse. Also, agricultural products or other goods exported for storage abroad are included in the value of exports at the time of their departure from the country. Goods in transit are excluded. Valuation For exports the free on board (fob) value is used. This is the cost of goods to the purchaser abroad, including packing, transport in the State, loading charges, insurance and all other charges accruing up to the point where the goods are put on board the exporting vessel or aircraft or are conveyed to the land frontier. The value excludes: any sums receivable by the exporter by way of export refund, drawback, subsidy or other bounty; any foreign customs duties or freight charges beyond the port or point of exportation. In particular, for goods on which export refunds are payable to the exporter under the Common Agriculture Policy, the export value does not include the amount of the refund. For goods subject to export charges or levies the export value includes the amount of the charge or levy. Valuation is in euro. For transactions in which the value is expressed in a foreign currency, conversion to euro is done using the current exchange rate. For imports the value inclusive of cost, insurance and freight (cif) to the point of entry to the State is used. Normally, for goods imported under a commercial contract of sale, the value taken is the transaction value i.e. the cif price paid or payable for the goods when sold for export to Ireland. If there is no transaction value or if the transaction value is not acceptable, the value is determined under the specific rules laid down in EU legislation. Reference period The calendar month is the basic period for compiling the data. Export and import transactions to non-EU countries are classified to the month in which the relevant customs entry is registered. The data for the Parcel Post trade relate to the month of shipment into or out of the country. Parcel post Non-EU trade in goods that are exported or imported by parcel post, and which are not the subject of customs entries, is estimated each month. The resulting estimates for exports and imports are included in the overall trade totals. In commodity analyses the data are classified under Section 9 ‘Commodities and Transactions not classified elsewhere’ with SITC code 911.00. In country and area analyses of trade, the parcel post estimates are classified to the appropriate partner country or area only for USA and Canada. The value of such trade with all other countries is included in the residual heading of the analyses in question. Data on trade in goods that are exported or imported by parcel post but which are the subject of customs entries are included in all tables in the appropriate commodity and country category. Confidential trade It is sometimes necessary to take steps to ensure that the business of identifiable traders is not disclosed by publication of full data under the appropriate commodity item or partner country. The value of such confidential trade is included in the overall total value of exports or imports. The value or the quantity may be concealed at the detailed level. Units of quantity Net weight is the usual unit of quantity shown. The weight of containers, cases, jars and packing materials is, therefore, excluded. Other units of quantity are used for some commodities, notably live animals, motor vehicles, office machines, domestic appliances, watches and clocks, and clothing (where number is used as the unit of quantity), footwear (where the number of pairs is used), floor coverings (where square metres are used), and beverages (where volume is used). Partner country In this publication, exports of goods are classified by country of final destination. The last country to which the goods are specifically directed on their outward movement from the State is regarded as their final destination. This is not necessarily the country in which the goods will be unshipped or that in which they will be finally consumed. Imports are recorded by country of origin (as opposed to country of consignment or dispatch). Goods obtained or produced in one country originated in that country. A product, in the production 8 of which two or more countries were concerned, is considered as originating in the country in which the last substantial manufacturing process was done. Packing, repacking, sorting and blending are not regarded as manufacturing processes. In interpreting analyses by partner country, users should be conscious of the treatment (as outlined in these notes) of Intrastat estimates, Parcel Post trade, Statistical threshold and Confidential trade. Country classification The classification of countries is the country nomenclature (Geonomenclature) as set out annually in the Official Journal of the European Communities. From January 1999, this follows the United Nations’ ISO alpha-2 coding system, in which each country is identified by a two letter code. The full list of countries is given in an essentially geographical order in Table 9. SITC follows the structure of the HS. Each of the categories in the SITC (including all the basic headings) is equivalent to a combination of HS headings (and therefore to a combination of CN headings). Abbreviated commodity descriptions are used in the tables. These are intended as a guide only, the precise coverage being determined by the SITC number preceding the descriptions. The full descriptions of the items and their content are contained in the relevant UN publication. Apart from the classification itself, the UN publications include the correlation tables between SITC and HS. The index at the end of this volume contains an alphabetical list of the principal commodities and the associated 3-digit SITC Groups. In interpreting analyses by commodity, users should be conscious of the treatment (as outlined in these notes) of Intrastat estimates, Parcel Post trade, Statistical threshold and Confidential trade. Commodity classification Quality of detailed data Statistics are collected using the 8-digit Combined Nomenclature (CN) – the EU’s tariff and statistical nomenclature. This nomenclature is managed and updated annually by the Commission in co-operation with the member states. The CN is aligned with the 6-digit Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) – the nomenclature of the Customs Co-operation Council that is used throughout the world for applying customs tariffs and compiling external trade statistics. The 2012 CN contains 9,300 8digit subheadings, the first six digits of which correspond to the HS code. Every reasonable effort is made to identify and correct errors received in the data. Despite this, errors occasionally arise in the published data at the detailed level. However, in this publication, exports and imports are classified according to the United Nations’ Standard Trade Classification, Revision 4 (SITC Rev 4)3. The SITC has been developed by the United Nations for the advancement of the international comparability of statistics on external trade. SITC Rev 4 contains about 2,970 basic headings (5-digit). These are combined into 261 Groups (3digit), 67 Divisions (2-digit) and 10 Sections (1digit). For example, Section 6 (Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material) consists of 9 Divisions, 61 to 69. Division 64 (Paper, paperboard and articles thereof) consists of two groups, 641 and 642, which together consist of 72 basic headings, such as 642.94 (Paper handkerchiefs, towels, tablecloths, garments, etc). 3 United Nations. 2006. Standard Industrial Trade Classification Revision. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division, Statistical papers, Series M, No 34, Rev 4. United Nations, New York. With 9,300 commodities (at the most detailed level) and over 200 countries distinguished, it is inevitable that transactions will occasionally be misclassified. Given the level of detail for commodities in Tables 13 and 14 the quality of the quantity data is rather variable. Due to the very large number of Intrastat transactions, it is not practicable to query all cases with traders, and resources are concentrated on identifying and rectifying the more serious errors that arise in the data collected. Any queries should be directed to the Trade Help Desk (details at the end of this commentary, page 9). Revisions to trade data Corrections to trade data mainly arise from queries sent to VIMA as a result of CSO processing checks. VIMA consult with the relevant traders and where relevant revised data will be submitted by the traders. Trade in goods, Exports and Imports, are subject to revision on the incorporation of late Intrastat and VAT returns and corrections made by traders. When the results for the most recent month are published in the Goods Exports and Imports monthly release, the results for months -1, -4 and -8 are also revised. The data for the same month a year ago may be considered final – revisions would be applied only 9 in exceptional circumstances. Revisions are applied also to the volume indices and to the seasonally adjusted data. Seasonally adjusted series are recalculated once a year when the December data become available. The data for the most recent years are shown in this publication; results for earlier periods are available on the CSO data bank StatBank (link below). EU Trade statistics published by Eurostat Under Regulation (EC) No. 638/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Regulation (EC) No. 96/2010, each member state is obliged to compile statistics of its foreign trade and forward them to the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat). The data published by Eurostat for non-EU trade are compiled under the ‘special’ trade system as opposed to the nationally published data which are compiled under the ‘general’ trade system (as outlined in these notes). While the general system records exports and imports at the time the goods are moved across the physical boundary of the State, the special system records transactions across the Customs boundary of the State. For example, in the special system, goods imported into a Customs bonded warehouse are recorded only at the time of release from the warehouse. In the data published by Eurostat for imports of goods (a) originating in the EU, (b) in free circulation in the EU or (c) after inward processing in the EU, the country of consignment rather than the country of origin is shown. For other goods originating in non-EU countries that are not in free circulation in the EU, the country of origin is shown. In the nationally published results the country of origin is shown in all cases. Trade Help Desk Central Statistics Office Ardee Road Rathmines Dublin 6 These data, for all member states, are published by Eurostat. There are some conceptual differences between the data for Ireland published by Eurostat and the data published nationally. Specific details can also be obtained by telephone, post or personal visit (between 10:00am 12:30pm and 2:30 - 4:45pm) to: Sources of additional information Trade in Goods statistics are issued each month in the Goods Exports and Imports statistical release. More detailed tables are available from the CSO data bank Statbank- link below. Any analyses not available on the Stabank can be requested (on a fee basis) to the Trade helpdesk (details below). Phone Fax E-mail Dublin (01) 498 4200, Cork (021) 453 5000, ext. 4200 LoCall 1890 313 414, ext 4200 (01) 498 4240 [email protected] CSO on the Web: Direct link to Trade in Goods Statistics: 10 Notes on the tables Table 4: Goods Exports by industrial origin and area of destination Table 1: Goods Exports and Imports summary analysis This gives exports classified by industrial origin for the areas: This gives the total value of exports, imports and the trade surplus (exports less imports), volume and unit value indices for exports and imports together with the terms of trade indices. Changes in the values of exports and imports are separated for analytical purposes into their volume and unit value components. Unit values are calculated by dividing the value data by the corresponding quantity data for detailed commodity groupings. The value changes are deflated by the resultant price trends to provide estimates of volume change. Monthly and annual volume and unit value indices are published. The monthly unit value index measures monthly price trends relative to the annual price level in the preceding year using value weights relating to that year’s trade (Laspeyres index). The annual index is compiled using value weights for both the current and previous years (Fisher index) to allow for change in the structure of external trade. The monthly series should be regarded as interim measures suitable for month-to-month comparisons within a given year. However, when the annual unit value index is compiled, the monthly unit value indices are rescaled to make their average equal to the annual index. The terms of trade index number is the export unit value index number as a percentage of the import unit value index number. Table 2: Goods Exports and Imports seasonally adjusted series Monthly exports, imports, trade surplus, and the volume series for exports and imports have been seasonally adjusted using the US Bureau of the Census X–11 Variant of the Census Method 11 Seasonal Adjustment Program. The series are affected by irregular movements. The seasonal adjustment process does not remove the irregularities, and so isolated extreme values should not be given too much weight. The series are recalculated at the end of each year using up-to-date seasonal patterns available at the time. Table 3: Goods Exports by industrial origin In this table, exports are classified by the sector of origin categories: Agriculture produce Forestry and fishing produce Industrial produce. Great Britain and Northern Ireland Other EU member states Rest of the world. Table 5: Goods Imports by main use In this table, imports are classified into the main use categories: Producers’ capital goods ready for use Consumption goods ready for use Materials for further production. These categories provide a reclassification of imports in terms of national accounts aggregates. ‘Consumption goods ready for use’ is further broken down to distinguish ‘Food, drink and tobacco goods’. ‘Materials for further production’ is further broken down to distinguish ‘Materials for further production in Agriculture’. Table 6: Goods Imports by main use and area of origin This gives imports classified by main use for the areas: Great Britain and Northern Ireland Other EU member states Rest of the world. Tables 7 - 8: Goods Exports and Imports by area Exports and imports are classified by area of origin and area of destination respectively. The area groupings are shown in the footnotes to the table. In this table, APEC represents ‘AsiaPacific Economic Co-operation’ and NAFTA represents ‘North American Free Trade Agreement’. Table 9: Goods Exports and Imports by country This gives the complete list of countries for which trade data are compiled. Some country names are abbreviated because of space constraints. The order in which the countries appear is essentially a geographic one. Note that “unclassified” countries are not included in this table. Table 10: Goods Exports and Imports by SITC section and division This table classifies exports and imports according to the 1-digit (Section) and 2-digit (Division) levels of SITC Rev 4. 11 Table 11: Goods Exports and Imports by SITC division and country This table gives trade for each Division (2-digit level) of the SITC. For a particular Division, country details are given when the value of exports to or imports from that country exceeds €1,300,000 for the month in question or an average of €900,000 per month for the year to date. The total for EU countries is also shown. Section 9 in this table includes Parcel Post and Statistical Threshold trade; these categories of trade are not broken down by commodity. The category ‘Non-EU, unknown’ used in this (and the following) table includes SAD exports with an unknown country of destination. Table 12: Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division This gives trade for each country, and for the total of EU countries. For a particular country, Division (2-digit) details are given when the value of exports or imports for that Division exceeds €1,300,000 for the month in question or an average of €900,000 per month for the year to date. Table 13: Goods Exports by SITC heading and country This contains the detailed quantity and value data classified by commodity (SITC Rev 4) and by country, as well as EU and non-EU subtotals. The unit of quantity used for each item is indicated in brackets after the SITC code. Country data are given under each commodity heading (except in Section 9) subject to the value of trade with that country being above €1,300,000 in the month in question or an average of €900,000 per month for the year to date. The figures in this table relate to returned trade only: Intrastat estimates are excluded because they are not broken down by commodity. Table 14: Goods Imports by SITC heading and country The corresponding table for imports. Symbols and abbreviations Symbols used in the tables .. not available or not applicable 0 EUR nil value less than half the unit shown Euro Abbreviations used for quantity units in Tables 13–14 g hkg t kl klPA MwH M2 pa th thP no gram 100 kg tonne kilolitre (1,000 litres) 1,000 litres of pure alcohol megawatt hour square metre pairs thousand thousand pairs Number Abbreviations used for commodity descriptions in Tables 13–14 AC DC cg excl incl mach mech MPa nc nes nfw phos prep preps sg syn thick t/m veg v w alternating current direct current centigram excluding including machine/machinery mechanically megapascal numerically controlled not elsewhere specified or included not further worked phosphorus prepared/preparation preparations specific gravity synthetic thickness turns per metre vegetable volt watt Summary tables 14 Table 1 Goods Exports and Imports summary analysis Value Period Volume index Exports Imports Trade Surplus = Cm = Cm = Cm Exports Imports Unit value index Exports Imports Terms of Trade1 Base year 1990=100 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 18,204 19,070 21,260 25,178 28,891 35,330 38,609 44,868 57,322 66,956 15,832 16,317 16,754 18,900 21,945 26,181 28,480 32,864 39,715 44,327 2,372 2,753 4,506 6,279 6,946 9,149 10,130 12,004 17,607 22,629 100.0 105.6 121.1 133.4 153.2 184.0 202.2 232.4 289.2 336.5 100.0 100.8 105.6 113.0 127.9 146.3 160.9 184.8 218.3 236.5 100.0 99.3 96.6 103.9 103.8 105.7 105.1 106.3 109.1 109.5 100.0 102.3 100.2 105.4 108.1 112.7 111.4 112.0 114.6 118.0 100.0 97.0 96.4 98.6 96.0 93.7 94.3 94.9 95.2 92.8 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 83,889 92,690 93,675 82,076 84,410 86,732 86,772 89,226 86,394 85,804 89,703 91,228 91,688 86,999 55,909 57,384 55,628 47,865 51,105 57,465 60,857 63,486 57,585 45,061 45,764 48,302 49,146 50,025 27,980 35,306 38,047 34,212 33,304 29,267 25,915 25,740 28,810 40,742 43,940 42,925 42,542 36,974 401.4 422.0 435.1 418.4 446.5 456.7 458.0 481.8 484.5 468.4 485.5 507.9 479.1 460.6 275.2 274.2 276.6 259.7 283.6 316.3 325.2 340.9 300.5 249.2 241.3 240.8 231.9 238.8 115.0 120.9 118.5 108.0 104.0 104.5 104.4 101.9 98.0 98.9 101.2 99.7 105.8 103.9 128.0 131.8 126.7 116.1 113.5 114.4 117.7 117.3 119.7 113.9 119.2 126.4 133.7 131.6 89.9 91.7 93.5 93.0 91.7 91.3 88.7 86.9 81.9 86.8 84.9 78.8 79.2 78.9 2013 January February March April May June July August September October November December 6,729 6,619 8,086 7,473 7,218 7,341 7,601 6,980 7,334 7,303 7,734 6,581 4,442 3,913 4,138 4,239 3,949 4,036 4,020 3,977 4,042 4,443 4,447 4,380 2,287 2,706 3,948 3,234 3,268 3,306 3,580 3,003 3,292 2,860 3,288 2,202 419.9 424.1 505.8 462.8 452.1 463.1 482.7 442.6 469.9 471.4 492.2 419.5 251.3 222.4 237.1 239.0 228.4 230.6 225.1 232.8 229.2 253.4 253.8 249.2 105.8 103.1 105.6 106.6 105.4 104.7 104.0 104.0 103.4 102.2 103.0 103.2 133.6 133.0 131.9 134.0 130.7 132.3 135.0 129.3 133.1 131.7 130.8 131.7 79.2 77.5 80.1 79.6 80.7 79.2 77.0 80.4 77.7 77.6 78.7 78.3 2014 January February March April May June July August September October November 6,960 6,792 7,501 7,074 7,904 7,835 6,868 7,429 7,910 7,606 7,461 4,541 4,078 4,795 4,291 4,486 4,387 4,364 4,124 4,552 4,710 4,548 2,420 2,714 2,706 2,784 3,418 3,448 2,504 3,305 3,358 2,897 2,913 447.6 427.8 487.5 462.9 504.1 505.8 440.1 467.2 494.2 477.6 463.8 259.4 228.5 271.8 244.0 254.2 250.7 249.2 234.3 258.3 271.9 263.0 102.7 104.9 101.6 100.9 103.6 102.3 103.1 105.0 105.7 105.2 106.2 132.3 134.9 133.3 132.9 133.4 132.3 132.3 133.0 133.2 130.9 130.7 77.6 77.7 76.2 76.0 77.6 77.4 77.9 79.0 79.4 80.4 81.3 1 Export unit value index divided by Import unit value index 15 Table 2 Goods Exports and Imports seasonally adjusted1 series Value Period Exports = Cm Imports = Cm Volume Index Trade Surplus = Cm Base year 1990=100 Exports Imports 2011 January February March April May June July August September October November December 7,289 8,051 7,626 7,577 7,568 7,840 7,022 7,784 7,799 7,461 8,095 7,113 4,495 4,322 3,820 4,919 3,724 3,833 3,805 3,986 3,827 3,861 3,806 4,129 2,795 3,729 3,806 2,658 3,844 4,007 3,217 3,798 3,973 3,601 4,289 2,984 485.9 535.5 520.7 495.4 503.9 537.2 470.7 524.5 531.2 501.9 541.9 488.7 263.6 251.8 222.1 289.2 227.2 228.2 228.9 240.5 231.9 233.9 219.5 239.5 2012 January February March April May June July August September October November December 8,302 7,286 7,739 7,029 7,528 7,471 7,833 9,188 7,299 7,492 8,033 6,539 4,506 3,730 4,623 3,584 4,119 4,012 4,003 4,215 4,474 4,216 3,851 3,801 3,796 3,556 3,116 3,445 3,409 3,459 3,829 4,973 2,824 3,276 4,182 2,738 516.1 462.3 498.5 443.4 472.2 459.5 485.9 561.3 457.5 465.4 498.6 430.2 253.4 214.8 260.9 202.3 229.7 228.3 225.1 232.0 261.2 238.1 216.0 218.5 2013 January February March April May June July August September October November December 6,791 6,976 7,414 7,351 7,086 7,130 7,333 7,671 7,297 7,349 7,032 7,729 3,978 3,898 3,806 4,062 4,026 4,229 4,245 4,482 4,119 4,400 4,543 4,321 2,813 3,078 3,609 3,288 3,060 2,902 3,088 3,190 3,178 2,949 2,489 3,408 423.4 444.0 459.7 457.4 446.0 453.3 469.8 488.7 469.0 467.1 445.4 493.2 236.5 222.9 217.4 230.4 230.0 240.2 234.8 257.0 235.5 244.7 258.7 247.2 2014 January February March April May June July August September October November 7,145 7,237 6,917 6,841 7,917 7,692 6,583 8,017 7,702 7,549 7,029 4,130 4,079 4,520 4,032 4,750 4,468 4,632 4,631 4,557 4,645 4,724 3,014 3,158 2,397 2,810 3,167 3,224 1,951 3,386 3,145 2,904 2,305 462.3 450.8 447.3 453.3 505.2 503.1 423.9 504.9 477.5 466.0 440.4 239.5 231.6 255.9 232.0 263.1 256.4 262.4 259.2 258.2 264.8 275.2 1 Based on seasonal patterns up to December 2013 16 Table 3 Goods Exports by industrial origin Period Agricultural Produce Forestry and Fishing Produce Industrial Produce Unclassified Exports Total Exports Value, EUR million 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 4,047 3,656 3,673 3,798 4,144 4,413 4,807 5,060 4,999 4,281 4,950 5,861 5,909 6,316 385 489 494 454 450 408 414 450 404 390 472 523 643 613 77,648 86,628 87,996 76,874 78,836 80,876 80,524 82,456 80,042 80,050 83,504 84,169 84,493 79,344 1,809 1,918 1,512 950 980 1,035 1,027 1,260 949 1,082 778 675 643 726 83,889 92,690 93,675 82,076 84,410 86,732 86,772 89,226 86,394 85,804 89,703 91,228 91,688 86,999 2013 November December 580 601 54 56 6,962 5,868 139 57 7,734 6,581 2014 January February March April May June July August September October November 463 471 536 535 569 596 559 537 607 565 571 60 68 60 56 57 51 52 53 54 53 60 6,382 6,197 6,846 6,428 7,221 7,131 6,193 6,775 7,183 6,930 6,767 55 56 59 55 58 57 64 64 67 58 64 6,960 6,792 7,501 7,074 7,904 7,835 6,868 7,429 7,910 7,606 7,461 Distribution, % 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 4.8 3.9 3.9 4.6 4.9 5.1 5.5 5.7 5.8 5.0 5.5 6.4 6.4 7.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 92.6 93.5 93.9 93.7 93.4 93.2 92.8 92.4 92.6 93.3 93.1 92.3 92.2 91.2 2.2 2.1 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.1 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2013 November December 7.5 9.1 0.7 0.8 90.0 89.2 1.8 0.9 100.0 100.0 2014 January February March April May June July August September October November 6.7 6.9 7.1 7.6 7.2 7.6 8.1 7.2 7.7 7.4 7.7 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 91.7 91.2 91.3 90.9 91.4 91.0 90.2 91.2 90.8 91.1 90.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 17 Table 4 Goods Exports by industrial origin and area of destination = C million AgricultuPeriod and Area ral Produce EXPORTS Forestry and Fishing Industrial Unclassified Total Produce Produce Exports Exports November 2013 Great Britain and NI 309 14 830 89 1,243 Other EU States1 186 31 2,857 48 3,122 84 9 3,275 1 3,370 580 54 6,962 139 7,734 301 17 766 40 1,124 183 31 2,920 23 3,157 87 11 3,081 1 3,180 571 60 6,767 64 7,461 3,201 178 10,229 490 14,098 2,232 286 32,829 221 35,568 Rest of world Total November 2014 Great Britain and NI 1 Other EU States Rest of world Total 2013 Great Britain and NI 1 Other EU States Rest of world Total 883 148 36,285 15 37,333 6,316 613 79,344 727 86,999 January-November 2013 Great Britain and NI 2,849 168 9,387 450 12,854 Other EU States1 2,053 254 30,480 205 32,993 814 135 33,608 14 34,571 5,715 557 73,475 670 80,417 2,921 199 8,647 437 12,205 2,135 259 29,957 204 32,555 954 166 35,448 14 36,582 6,010 624 74,053 655 81,342 Rest of world Total January-November 2014 Great Britain and NI 1 Other EU States Rest of world Total 1 Croatia joined the EU on 1 July 2013 18 Table 5 Goods Imports by main use Period Producers Capital Goods ready for use Consumption Goods ready for use Total Food Drink Tobacco Materials for further production Total Other Agriculture Other Unclassified Imports Total Imports Value, EUR million 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 8,070 7,534 7,067 5,755 6,619 8,255 7,098 8,481 6,904 6,339 5,279 5,135 5,408 4,944 11,486 12,447 12,761 12,693 13,195 14,688 16,011 17,404 16,395 13,684 14,814 15,937 16,044 16,336 2,482 2,882 2,959 2,953 3,060 3,480 3,823 4,263 4,312 4,018 4,192 4,481 4,809 5,006 9,004 9,565 9,802 9,740 10,136 11,207 12,188 13,140 12,083 9,666 10,622 11,456 11,235 11,329 34,057 35,289 33,791 27,566 29,134 32,141 35,151 34,921 31,864 23,035 23,705 25,272 25,755 26,624 887 942 946 990 1,086 1,143 1,267 1,383 1,644 1,260 1,595 1,905 2,028 2,119 33,170 34,348 32,845 26,576 28,048 30,998 33,884 33,538 30,220 21,775 22,110 23,368 23,726 24,504 2,297 2,114 2,009 1,851 2,157 2,381 2,597 2,680 2,422 2,006 1,967 1,957 1,945 2,122 55,909 57,384 55,628 47,865 51,105 57,465 60,857 63,486 57,585 45,061 45,764 48,302 49,146 50,025 2013 November December 522 598 1,463 1,470 443 438 1,020 1,032 2,269 2,124 171 177 2,098 1,947 193 187 4,447 4,380 2014 January February March April May June July August September October November 515 422 463 486 459 470 409 428 535 478 531 1,404 1,288 1,447 1,403 1,393 1,387 1,408 1,321 1,483 1,577 1,508 399 396 441 448 455 450 420 426 475 478 434 1,005 892 1,006 955 938 937 988 895 1,009 1,099 1,074 2,435 2,192 2,688 2,218 2,396 2,338 2,358 2,184 2,359 2,463 2,327 180 169 207 198 184 147 166 133 110 159 164 2,254 2,023 2,481 2,020 2,212 2,190 2,192 2,051 2,250 2,305 2,164 187 178 197 183 238 192 190 192 175 192 182 4,541 4,078 4,795 4,291 4,486 4,387 4,364 4,124 4,552 4,710 4,548 Distribution, % 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 14.4 13.1 12.7 12.0 13.0 14.4 11.7 13.4 12.0 14.1 11.5 10.6 11.0 9.9 20.5 21.7 22.9 26.5 25.8 25.6 26.3 27.4 28.5 30.4 32.4 33.0 32.6 32.7 4.4 5.0 5.3 6.2 6.0 6.1 6.3 6.7 7.5 8.9 9.2 9.3 9.8 10.0 16.1 16.7 17.6 20.3 19.8 19.5 20.0 20.7 21.0 21.5 23.2 23.7 22.9 22.6 60.9 61.5 60.7 57.6 57.0 55.9 57.8 55.0 55.3 51.1 51.8 52.3 52.4 53.2 1.6 1.6 1.7 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.9 2.8 3.5 3.9 4.1 4.2 59.3 59.9 59.0 55.5 54.9 53.9 55.7 52.8 52.5 48.3 48.3 48.4 48.3 49.0 4.1 3.7 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.1 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.5 4.3 4.1 4.0 4.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2013 November December 11.7 13.6 32.9 33.6 10.0 10.0 22.9 23.6 51.0 48.5 3.8 4.0 47.2 44.5 4.3 4.3 100.0 100.0 2014 January February March April May June July August September October November 11.4 10.3 9.7 11.3 10.2 10.7 9.4 10.4 11.7 10.1 11.7 30.9 31.6 30.2 32.7 31.0 31.6 32.3 32.0 32.6 33.5 33.2 8.8 9.7 9.2 10.4 10.1 10.3 9.6 10.3 10.4 10.1 9.6 22.1 21.9 21.0 22.3 20.9 21.4 22.6 21.7 22.2 23.3 23.6 53.6 53.7 56.1 51.7 53.4 53.3 54.0 53.0 51.8 52.3 51.2 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.6 4.1 3.4 3.8 3.2 2.4 3.4 3.6 49.6 49.6 51.7 47.1 49.3 49.9 50.2 49.7 49.4 48.9 47.6 4.1 4.4 4.1 4.3 5.3 4.4 4.3 4.6 3.9 4.1 4.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 19 Table 6 Goods Imports by main use and area of origin = C million Period and Area Producers Capital Goods ready for use Consumption Goods ready for use Materials for further production Food Drink Tobacco Agriculture Total Other Total Other Unclassified Imports IMPORTS Total Imports November 2013 Great Britain and NI Other EU States1 Rest of world Total 129 152 241 522 646 423 394 1,463 231 166 46 443 415 257 348 1,020 746 632 891 2,269 56 48 68 171 690 584 823 2,098 65 117 11 193 1,586 1,323 1,538 4,447 November 2014 Great Britain and NI Other EU States1 Rest of world Total 120 168 243 531 595 453 460 1,508 228 160 46 434 367 293 414 1,074 692 653 983 2,327 42 48 74 164 649 606 909 2,164 53 122 7 182 1,459 1,397 1,693 4,548 2013 Great Britain and NI Other EU States1 1,218 1,646 6,890 4,859 2,569 1,917 4,320 2,943 8,068 7,759 632 727 7,436 7,032 710 1,314 16,886 15,578 2,080 4,944 4,587 16,336 520 5,006 4,066 11,329 10,796 26,623 761 2,119 10,036 24,504 98 2,122 17,561 50,025 1,084 1,415 6,238 4,420 2,331 1,762 3,907 2,658 7,403 7,221 583 668 6,821 6,553 647 1,200 15,372 14,256 1,847 4,346 4,208 14,865 475 4,568 3,733 10,297 9,875 24,499 692 1,942 9,183 22,557 88 1,935 16,018 45,646 1,036 1,857 2,302 5,195 6,422 4,533 4,658 15,613 2,504 1,814 499 4,817 3,918 2,720 4,158 10,796 7,558 7,149 11,252 25,959 539 572 705 1,817 7,018 6,577 10,547 24,142 713 1,316 80 2,109 15,728 14,856 18,292 48,876 Rest of world Total January-November 2013 Great Britain and NI Other EU States1 Rest of world Total January-November 2014 Great Britain and NI Other EU States1 Rest of world Total 1 Croatia joined the EU on 1 July 2013 20 Table 7 Goods Exports and Imports by area = C million Period Great Northern Other Britain Ireland EU1 EFTA2 Other Europe3 NAFTA4 Other Rest of Unclass- APEC5 World ified6 Total EXPORTS of which OECD 2000 17,084 1,786 34,204 2,689 1,312 14,877 8,209 3,408 320 83,889 76,786 2001 20,766 1,864 35,720 3,321 1,095 16,839 9,311 3,328 446 92,690 84,438 2002 20,853 1,611 37,446 3,657 962 17,477 7,706 3,475 489 93,675 86,792 2003 13,435 1,408 35,517 3,177 879 17,927 6,901 2,334 499 82,076 75,703 2004 13,715 1,484 37,828 3,298 207 17,344 7,583 2,538 413 84,410 77,591 2005 13,775 1,577 40,421 3,875 604 16,280 7,510 2,441 249 86,732 79,754 2006 13,894 1,671 39,333 3,192 698 17,092 7,730 2,891 270 86,772 78,793 2007 15,002 1,741 39,929 3,875 570 16,824 7,926 3,083 275 89,226 80,532 2008 14,300 1,565 37,990 3,085 554 17,610 8,180 2,914 196 86,394 77,426 2009 12,305 1,292 38,625 2,937 540 19,562 7,574 2,857 111 85,803 77,529 2010 12,617 1,326 38,178 4,003 577 22,169 7,397 3,312 123 89,703 81,117 2011 12,845 1,422 38,300 4,109 694 22,776 7,189 3,837 56 91,228 82,722 2012 13,682 1,436 38,918 5,393 695 19,618 7,332 4,570 45 91,688 82,749 2013 12,620 1,478 35,532 5,478 697 19,852 6,756 4,559 27 86,999 78,167 2013 November 1,093 150 3,119 754 54 1,668 524 367 6 7,734 7,003 December 1,132 112 2,573 606 39 1,211 520 385 2 6,581 5,878 894 119 2,776 476 59 1,707 595 329 4 6,960 6,287 2014 January February 856 118 2,787 416 51 1,650 522 386 6 6,792 6,060 1,145 128 2,940 365 63 1,974 514 370 1 7,501 6,807 April 929 124 2,741 426 63 1,844 574 371 1 7,075 6,313 May 978 132 3,072 531 84 1,987 648 471 1 7,904 7,002 June 1,010 130 2,764 613 49 2,166 712 389 1 7,835 6,975 July 960 134 2,855 359 68 1,315 748 365 64 6,868 5,887 August 964 132 2,804 1,000 47 1,594 486 397 5 7,429 6,737 1,045 147 3,266 378 48 1,923 698 393 12 7,910 7,121 March September October 989 147 3,366 311 53 1,725 603 385 27 7,606 6,792 November 982 142 3,153 241 54 1,830 601 457 1 7,461 6,650 1 France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, 2 Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway. 3 Includes Ceuta, Melilla, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, San Marino, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Croatia (pre 1 July 2013), Serbia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia (from 1 July 2013). Montenegro, Turkey, Andorra, Vatican City, Albania, Moldova, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine, Kosovo. 4 5 USA, Canada, Mexico. APEC excluding NAFTA countries: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Philippines, China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Papua New Guinea, Russia, Vietnam, Peru. 6 Trade not classified by country. 21 Table 7 Goods Exports and Imports by area — Continued = C million Period Great Northern Other Britain Ireland EU1 EFTA2 Other Europe3 NAFTA4 Other Rest of Unclass- APEC5 World ified6 Total IMPORTS of which OECD 2000 16,408 1,205 14,621 1,477 717 9,795 10,153 1,436 96 55,909 48,177 2001 19,250 1,231 14,875 1,478 887 9,564 8,421 1,553 125 57,384 50,099 2002 19,084 1,036 13,042 1,344 671 9,191 8,443 2,651 167 55,628 48,428 2003 13,662 1,042 12,780 1,254 707 8,078 8,798 1,410 133 47,865 40,741 2004 14,885 1,149 14,754 1,506 100 7,405 9,650 1,484 171 51,105 43,274 2005 16,995 1,276 16,232 2,067 503 8,421 10,581 1,293 97 57,465 48,448 2006 18,099 1,325 18,305 2,444 642 7,353 11,233 1,312 143 60,857 50,691 2007 19,508 1,361 19,659 2,089 573 7,583 10,884 1,681 147 63,486 53,190 2008 17,941 1,261 18,399 1,841 450 7,316 8,559 1,458 358 57,585 48,770 2009 12,787 941 13,797 1,328 285 8,403 5,621 1,584 315 45,061 38,397 2010 13,823 990 13,858 2,148 290 6,900 5,471 1,770 513 45,763 38,968 2011 15,638 1,047 14,505 1,937 333 6,412 5,410 2,000 1,021 48,302 41,044 2012 15,403 1,026 13,736 1,904 379 6,972 5,554 3,498 675 49,146 40,440 2013 15,870 1,016 15,577 1,952 392 5,890 6,363 2,566 400 50,025 42,147 2013 November 1,489 96 1,323 126 43 490 656 201 23 4,447 3,759 December 1,434 81 1,322 88 48 476 653 255 21 4,379 3,646 1,502 89 1,330 205 58 457 756 119 25 4,541 3,901 February 1,283 93 1,259 169 36 482 543 187 28 4,079 3,500 March 1,426 87 1,415 568 50 497 566 157 30 4,795 4,183 April 1,259 98 1,282 166 47 631 545 212 52 4,291 3,636 May 1,332 95 1,423 155 51 586 522 296 26 4,486 3,771 June 1,326 86 1,400 260 40 543 536 141 55 4,387 3,813 July 1,329 85 1,392 85 34 545 637 231 26 4,364 3,640 August 1,245 89 1,237 71 33 534 643 182 90 4,124 3,416 September 1,298 86 1,389 122 33 550 689 353 34 4,552 3,665 October 1,371 91 1,329 172 42 652 768 257 28 4,710 3,840 November 1,372 87 1,397 65 50 522 732 292 32 4,548 3,699 2014 January 1 France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, 2 Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway. 3 Includes Ceuta, Melilla, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, San Marino, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Croatia (pre 1 July 2013), Serbia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia (from 1 July 2013). Montenegro, Turkey, Andorra, Vatican City, Albania, Moldova, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine, Kosovo. 4 5 USA, Canada, Mexico. APEC excluding NAFTA countries: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Philippines, China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Papua New Guinea, Russia, Vietnam, Peru. 6 Trade not classified by country. 22 Table 8 Goods Exports and Imports by area: percentage distribution % distribution Period Great Northern Other Britain Ireland EU1 EFTA2 Other Europe3 NAFTA4 Other Rest of Unclass- APEC5 World ified6 Total EXPORTS of which OECD 2000 20.4 2.1 40.8 3.2 1.6 17.7 9.8 4.1 0.4 100.0 91.5 2001 22.4 2.0 38.5 3.6 1.2 18.2 10.0 3.6 0.5 100.0 91.1 2002 22.3 1.7 40.0 3.9 1.0 18.7 8.2 3.7 0.5 100.0 92.7 2003 16.4 1.7 43.3 3.9 1.1 21.8 8.4 2.8 0.6 100.0 92.2 2004 16.2 1.8 44.8 3.9 0.2 20.5 9.0 3.0 0.5 100.0 91.9 2005 15.9 1.8 46.6 4.5 0.7 18.8 8.7 2.8 0.3 100.0 92.0 2006 16.0 1.9 45.3 3.7 0.8 19.7 8.9 3.3 0.3 100.0 90.8 2007 16.8 2.0 44.8 4.3 0.6 18.9 8.9 3.5 0.3 100.0 90.3 2008 16.6 1.8 44.0 3.6 0.6 20.4 9.5 3.4 0.2 100.0 89.6 2009 14.3 1.5 45.0 3.4 0.6 22.8 8.8 3.3 0.1 100.0 90.4 2010 14.1 1.5 42.6 4.5 0.6 24.7 8.2 3.7 0.1 100.0 90.4 2011 14.1 1.6 42.0 4.5 0.8 25.0 7.9 4.2 0.1 100.0 90.7 2012 14.9 1.6 42.4 5.9 0.8 21.4 8.0 5.0 0.0 100.0 90.3 2013 14.5 1.7 40.8 6.3 0.8 22.8 7.8 5.2 0.0 100.0 89.8 2013 November 14.1 1.9 40.3 9.7 0.7 21.6 6.8 4.7 0.1 100.0 90.5 December 17.2 1.7 39.1 9.2 0.6 18.4 7.9 5.9 0.0 100.0 89.3 12.8 1.7 39.9 6.8 0.8 24.5 8.5 4.7 0.1 100.0 90.3 February 12.6 1.7 41.0 6.1 0.7 24.3 7.7 5.7 0.1 100.0 89.2 March 15.3 1.7 39.2 4.9 0.8 26.3 6.9 4.9 0.0 100.0 90.7 April 13.1 1.8 38.7 6.0 0.9 26.1 8.1 5.2 0.0 100.0 89.2 May 12.4 1.7 38.9 6.7 1.1 25.1 8.2 6.0 0.0 100.0 88.6 June 12.9 1.7 35.3 7.8 0.6 27.7 9.1 5.0 0.0 100.0 89.0 July 14.0 2.0 41.6 5.2 1.0 19.2 10.9 5.3 0.9 100.0 85.7 August 13.0 1.8 37.7 13.5 0.6 21.5 6.5 5.3 0.1 100.0 90.7 September 13.2 1.9 41.3 4.8 0.6 24.3 8.8 5.0 0.1 100.0 90.0 October 13.0 1.9 44.3 4.1 0.7 22.7 7.9 5.1 0.4 100.0 89.3 November 13.2 1.9 42.3 3.2 0.7 24.5 8.1 6.1 0.0 100.0 89.1 2014 January 1 France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, 2 Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway. 3 Includes Ceuta, Melilla, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, San Marino, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Croatia (pre 1 July 2013), Serbia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia (from 1 July 2013). Montenegro, Turkey, Andorra, Vatican City, Albania, Moldova, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine, Kosovo. 4 5 USA, Canada, Mexico. APEC excluding NAFTA countries: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Philippines, China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Papua New Guinea, Russia, Vietnam, Peru. 6 Trade not classified by country. 23 Table 8 Goods Exports and Imports by area: percentage distribution — Continued % distribution Period Great Northern Other Britain Ireland EU1 EFTA2 Other Europe3 NAFTA4 Other Rest of Unclass- APEC5 World ified6 Total IMPORTS of which OECD 2000 29.3 2.2 26.2 2.6 1.3 17.5 18.2 2.6 0.2 100.0 86.2 2001 33.5 2.1 25.9 2.6 1.5 16.7 14.7 2.7 0.2 100.0 87.3 2002 34.3 1.9 23.4 2.4 1.2 16.5 15.2 4.8 0.3 100.0 87.1 2003 28.5 2.2 26.7 2.6 1.5 16.9 18.4 2.9 0.3 100.0 85.1 2004 29.1 2.2 28.9 2.9 0.2 14.5 18.9 2.9 0.3 100.0 84.7 2005 29.6 2.2 28.2 3.6 0.9 14.7 18.4 2.3 0.2 100.0 84.3 2006 29.7 2.2 30.1 4.0 1.1 12.1 18.5 2.2 0.2 100.0 83.3 2007 30.7 2.1 31.0 3.3 0.9 11.9 17.1 2.6 0.2 100.0 83.8 2008 31.2 2.2 32.0 3.2 0.8 12.7 14.9 2.5 0.6 100.0 84.7 2009 28.4 2.1 30.6 2.9 0.6 18.6 12.5 3.5 0.7 100.0 85.2 2010 30.2 2.2 30.3 4.7 0.6 15.1 12.0 3.9 1.1 100.0 85.1 2011 32.4 2.2 30.0 4.0 0.7 13.3 11.2 4.1 2.1 100.0 85.0 2012 31.3 2.1 27.9 3.9 0.8 14.2 11.3 7.1 1.4 100.0 82.3 2013 31.7 2.0 31.1 3.9 0.8 11.8 12.7 5.1 0.8 100.0 84.3 2013 November 33.5 2.2 29.8 2.8 1.0 11.0 14.8 4.5 0.5 100.0 84.5 December 32.7 1.8 30.2 2.0 1.1 10.9 14.9 5.8 0.5 100.0 83.3 33.1 2.0 29.3 4.5 1.3 10.1 16.6 2.6 0.6 100.0 85.9 February 31.4 2.3 30.9 4.1 0.9 11.8 13.3 4.6 0.7 100.0 85.8 March 29.7 1.8 29.5 11.8 1.0 10.4 11.8 3.3 0.6 100.0 87.2 April 29.3 2.3 29.9 3.9 1.1 14.7 12.7 4.9 1.2 100.0 84.7 May 29.7 2.1 31.7 3.5 1.1 13.1 11.6 6.6 0.6 100.0 84.1 June 30.2 2.0 31.9 5.9 0.9 12.4 12.2 3.2 1.3 100.0 86.9 July 30.5 1.9 31.9 1.9 0.8 12.5 14.6 5.3 0.6 100.0 83.4 August 30.2 2.2 30.0 1.7 0.8 12.9 15.6 4.4 2.2 100.0 82.8 September 28.5 1.9 30.5 2.7 0.7 12.1 15.1 7.7 0.7 100.0 80.5 October 29.1 1.9 28.2 3.7 0.9 13.8 16.3 5.5 0.6 100.0 81.5 November 30.2 1.9 30.7 1.4 1.1 11.5 16.1 6.4 0.7 100.0 81.3 2014 January 1 France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, 2 Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway. 3 Includes Ceuta, Melilla, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, San Marino, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Croatia (pre 1 July 2013), Serbia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia (from 1 July 2013). Montenegro, Turkey, Andorra, Vatican City, Albania, Moldova, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine, Kosovo. 4 5 USA, Canada, Mexico. APEC excluding NAFTA countries: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Philippines, China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Papua New Guinea, Russia, Vietnam, Peru. 6 Trade not classified by country. 24 Table 9 Goods Exports and Imports by country = Cmillion Exports Country EU countries Great Britain Northern Ireland Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia1 Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Hungary Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Imports Jan-Nov 2013 Jan-Nov 2014 Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Jan-Nov 2014 1,093 150 33 1,077 6 2 4 44 46 3 30 368 496 21 191 2 4 7 26 2 326 80 25 33 6 2 224 63 982 142 32 1,099 5 3 1 44 47 2 27 398 526 22 170 3 3 5 20 2 272 92 25 37 5 3 233 74 11,488 1,365 423 10,492 66 12 31 419 477 20 321 3,703 6,176 249 2,151 44 31 52 243 22 3,382 745 298 356 57 32 2,472 679 10,751 1,454 321 10,928 62 26 17 427 536 17 285 4,262 5,394 262 1,948 51 35 71 224 21 3,059 880 326 323 51 33 2,288 664 1,489 96 32 80 4 0 0 45 31 4 8 179 345 3 77 1 3 6 9 0 229 37 10 8 5 2 70 33 1,372 87 18 88 7 0 0 37 39 7 10 175 370 2 76 3 4 3 11 1 219 39 14 13 5 2 81 59 14,436 935 201 924 18 1 3 299 655 13 97 2,008 3,768 28 800 22 69 48 96 10 2,456 353 131 100 52 12 700 341 14,743 985 196 1,018 27 4 2 357 380 39 129 2,205 3,875 31 839 26 62 35 112 7 2,398 390 148 92 42 27 774 470 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 − 0 1 1 0 1 4 0 0 6 0 1 6 10 12 0 17 0 8 5 2 16 45 0 0 6 0 1 9 6 11 0 − 0 7 4 2 41 47 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 10 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 0 9 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 11 1 1 − 1 1 2 0 8 1 0 0 Rest of Europe Albania Andorra Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Bosnia & Herzegovina Ceuta Croatia Faroe Islands FYR of Macedonia Georgia Gibraltar Iceland Kazakhstan Kosovo Kyrghyzstan 1 Croatia joined the EU on 1 July 2013 25 Table 9 Goods Exports and Imports by country — Continued = Cmillion Exports Country Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Imports Jan-Nov 2013 Jan-Nov 2014 Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Jan-Nov 2014 0 − 0 0 27 56 0 5 726 0 35 0 3 0 − 0 − 0 0 23 44 0 5 218 − 34 0 3 0 − 0 − 3 0 327 600 0 48 4,528 0 406 1 72 3 − 0 − 3 0 295 693 0 47 4,781 − 419 3 38 9 − 0 0 0 0 82 6 0 0 43 0 27 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 10 0 2 41 0 44 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1,079 130 0 2 774 0 260 0 56 0 0 1 0 1 0 855 213 0 5 1,173 0 390 2 49 0 0 North Africa Algeria Egypt Libya Morocco Sudan Tunisia 4 12 5 4 3 2 6 15 5 8 1 1 41 123 58 56 17 18 52 152 43 61 12 16 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 130 1 0 1 108 17 164 21 1 13 201 23 370 22 2 10 West Africa Benin Burkina Faso Cape Verde Chad Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Ivory Coast Liberia Mali Mauritania Niger Nigeria Senegal Sierra Leone Togo 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 − 1 0 1 0 0 30 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 17 5 0 1 7 9 0 1 2 53 1 − 6 2 19 1 0 298 52 1 15 3 10 0 1 4 35 1 0 7 2 26 1 1 315 48 2 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 − 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 90 0 5 0 0 0 1 133 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 98 − 51 0 0 0 0 186 1 0 0 1 0 − 1 0 − 20 3 − 15 2 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 0 0 0 0 0 Liechtenstein Melilla Moldova Montenegro Norway Russia San Marino Serbia Switzerland Tajikistan Turkey Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan Vatican City Central, East and South Africa Angola Botswana Br Indian Ocean Ter 26 Table 9 Goods Exports and Imports by country — Continued = C million Exports Country Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Imports Jan-Nov 2013 Jan-Nov 2014 Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Jan-Nov 2014 Burundi Cameroon Central African Rep Comoros Congo (Dem Rep) Congo (Republic) Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Kenya Lesotho Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Mayotte Mozambique Namibia Rwanda Sao Tome & Principe Seychelles and dep Somalia South Africa St Helena and dep Swaziland Tanzania Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 − 3 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 29 1 0 21 23 0 1 − 17 5 21 0 0 4 4 1 2 3 2 0 2 1 240 0 0 13 13 21 2 0 38 0 0 15 13 1 1 0 16 4 26 0 1 3 4 − 4 1 1 0 1 1 259 0 1 15 16 16 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 1 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 16 0 0 0 10 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 − 1 1 0 0 1 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 19 0 1 0 6 − 0 1 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 North America USA Canada Greenland St Pierre & Miquelon 1,554 61 0 0 1,648 88 0 0 17,261 726 0 0 17,902 674 0 0 414 46 0 0 467 24 0 0 4,820 304 0 0 5,362 345 0 0 Central and South America Mexico Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Aruba Bahamas Barbados Belize Bermuda 54 − 0 9 0 0 0 0 1 95 − 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 654 − 0 70 0 2 1 0 2 1,142 − 0 70 0 2 2 0 1 30 0 0 22 0 1 0 1 0 31 − 0 24 0 0 0 1 1 290 0 0 210 0 7 0 13 0 292 − 0 201 0 6 0 12 1 27 Table 9 Goods Exports and Imports by country — Continued = C million Exports Country Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Imports Jan-Nov 2013 Jan-Nov 2014 Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Jan-Nov 2014 Bolivia Brazil British Virgin Is Cayman Islands Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Falkland Islands Grenada Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras Jamaica Montserrat Netherlands Antilles Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru St Kitts and Nevis St Lucia St Vincent Surinam Trinidad and Tobago Turks & Caicos Is Uruguay US Virign Islands Venezuela 0 14 0 0 4 3 2 0 0 1 1 1 − 0 1 0 0 0 0 − − 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 0 22 0 0 22 6 2 0 0 1 3 0 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 − 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 2 237 0 1 57 30 17 1 0 10 11 8 − 0 8 1 2 2 2 − − 1 13 1 28 0 0 0 0 13 0 15 0 50 2 239 0 2 76 41 21 1 0 9 12 5 − 0 7 1 2 2 3 0 − 2 13 0 31 0 0 0 0 18 0 12 2 47 0 15 0 0 5 1 4 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 5 9 5 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 − 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 260 0 0 52 98 42 0 0 7 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 − 3 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 145 0 0 57 81 53 0 0 9 4 2 0 0 2 1 0 3 2 0 − 4 1 0 16 0 0 0 0 6 1 3 0 0 Near and Middle East Bahrain Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria United Arab Emirates 2 5 5 27 4 9 2 4 3 44 0 25 3 5 6 56 5 10 5 2 6 45 0 39 31 53 54 468 53 54 69 53 52 608 5 264 30 39 60 321 62 83 56 44 65 668 9 328 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 131 1 1 2 5 5 75 0 15 0 1 0 99 5 0 1 6 5 12 0 16 28 Table 9 Goods Exports and Imports by country — Continued = C million Exports Country Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Imports Jan-Nov 2013 Jan-Nov 2014 Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Jan-Nov 2014 West Bank/Gaza Strip Yemen − 1 − 1 − 9 − 8 − 0 − 0 − 0 − 0 Other Asian Countries Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Cambodia China Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Laos Macao Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar Nepal North Korea Philippines Singapore South Korea Sri Lanka Taiwan Thailand Timor-Leste Vietnam Pakistan 1 2 − 0 0 111 41 18 5 113 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 − 4 53 26 1 14 11 0 7 5 1 1 0 0 0 116 50 18 3 125 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 − 12 53 48 1 12 15 0 7 4 7 5 − 1 4 1,309 483 221 73 1,534 3 1 185 0 2 0 0 − 67 516 298 3 120 127 0 87 27 4 11 0 2 3 1,349 565 223 48 1,635 1 1 193 0 3 1 0 − 85 516 422 6 135 157 0 89 41 0 9 0 0 2 292 10 27 8 156 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 11 47 34 5 20 31 0 9 4 0 13 − 0 3 336 10 32 6 162 0 0 18 1 0 0 0 1 7 32 55 6 21 46 0 10 4 0 111 0 0 22 2,739 71 363 77 878 1 2 192 4 0 0 1 3 61 401 367 51 192 323 0 82 50 0 120 − 0 29 3,049 96 376 90 1,598 2 3 211 5 0 1 0 3 80 326 405 60 219 356 0 103 48 Australasia etc Australia American Oceania Australian Oceania Fiji French Polynesia Kiribati Marshall Islands Micronesia Nauru New Caledonia & dep New Zealand New Zealand Oceania North Mariana Is Palau Papua New Guinea 57 − − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 − 0 − 0 59 − − 0 0 − − − − 0 9 − − − 0 674 − − 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 76 − 0 − 0 617 − − 0 1 − − − − 3 86 − − − 0 6 − − 0 0 − 0 0 0 0 5 − − 0 0 4 − − 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 7 − 0 − 0 81 − − 0 0 − 0 0 0 0 51 − − 0 1 73 − − 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 43 − 0 − 0 29 Table 9 Goods Exports and Imports by country — Continued = C million Exports Country Pitcairn Polar regions Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Wallis and Futuna Is Nov 2013 Nov 2014 0 − 0 0 − − 0 − Imports Jan-Nov 2013 − − 0 0 0 0 0 − 0 − 0 0 − − 0 − Jan-Nov 2014 − − 0 0 0 0 0 − Nov 2013 Nov 2014 0 − 0 − 0 0 0 0 Jan-Nov 2013 0 − 0 0 0 0 0 − 0 − 0 − 0 0 0 0 Jan-Nov 2014 0 − 0 0 0 0 0 − 30 Table 10 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC section and division = C million SITC (Rev 4) Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 EXPORTS Jan-Nov 2014 0 Food and live animals 00 Live animals other than animals of Division 03 01 Meat and meat preparations 02 Dairy products and birds’ eggs 03 Fish, crustaceans, molluscs and preparations thereof 04 Cereals and cereal preparations 05 Vegetables and fruit 06 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey 07 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof 08 Feeding stuff for animals (excl unmilled cereals) 09 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations 776 66 257 169 42 26 21 8 31 19 137 806 60 277 150 47 31 20 9 29 19 163 7,926 351 2,720 1,727 433 271 222 110 353 225 1,514 8,506 350 2,984 1,699 476 322 239 99 327 215 1,796 1 Beverages and tobacco 11 Beverages 12 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures 116 109 7 106 101 6 1,082 1,002 80 1,039 973 65 2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 21 Hides, skins and furskins, raw 22 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits 23 Crude rubber (incl synthetic and reclaimed) 24 Cork and wood 25 Pulp and waste paper 26 Textile fibres and their wastes 27 Crude fertilisers and minerals, excl coal, petroleum etc 28 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 29 Crude animal and vegetable materials nes 152 14 4 0 10 4 12 11 87 10 134 14 1 0 12 4 11 10 74 9 1,602 133 9 3 115 50 133 128 933 97 1,648 151 8 4 145 56 123 133 936 92 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 32 Coal, coke and briquettes 33 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials 34 Gas, natural and manufactured 35 Electric current 50 4 45 1 1 46 4 39 1 2 778 72 683 18 6 787 75 680 19 13 4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 41 Animal oils and fats 42 Fixed vegetable fats and oils 43 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; waxes 5 5 1 0 5 4 1 0 48 39 7 2 57 48 7 2 4,372 1,892 17 9 1,615 506 0 25 37 272 4,236 1,158 20 10 2,151 575 0 27 32 263 47,020 17,125 182 144 20,090 5,828 3 294 361 2,993 47,304 16,784 160 108 20,164 6,437 3 307 392 2,949 5 Chemicals and related products nes 51 Organic chemicals 52 Inorganic chemicals 53 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials 54 Medical and pharmaceutical products 55 Essential oils; perfume materials; toilet and cleansing preps 56 Fertilisers (other than those of Division 27) 57 Plastics in primary forms 58 Plastics in non-pimary forms 59 Chemical materials and products nes 31 Table 10 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC section and division — Continued = C million SITC (Rev 4) Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 EXPORTS Jan-Nov 2014 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 61 Leather; leather manufactures nes; dressed furskins 62 Rubber manufactures nes 63 Cork and wood manufactures (excl furniture) 64 Paper, paperboard and articles thereof 65 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles and related products 66 Non-metallic mineral manufactures nes 67 Iron and steel 68 Non-ferrous metals 69 Manufactures of metals nes 164 2 5 21 16 14 26 10 5 64 153 3 5 20 12 13 32 12 6 52 1,585 26 61 226 142 129 272 111 59 558 1,722 32 63 225 141 143 326 128 70 592 7 Machinery and transport equipment 71 Power generating machinery and equipment 72 Machinery specialised for particular industries 73 Metalworking machinery 74 General industrial machinery and equipment nes and parts nes 75 Office machines and automatic data processing machines 76 Telecommunications and sound equipment 77 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances nes and parts 78 Road vehicles (incl air-cushion vehicles) 79 Other transport equipment 940 53 52 2 158 347 73 187 21 47 820 30 43 2 126 293 69 211 19 28 9,444 748 516 20 1,315 3,499 609 2,128 217 392 8,909 429 627 24 1,406 3,292 677 1,783 237 436 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 81 Prefab buildings; plumbing and electrical fixtures and fittings 82 Furniture and parts thereof; bedding, cushions etc 83 Travel goods, handbags and similar containers 84 Articles of apparel; clothing accessories 85 Footwear 87 Professional, scientific and controlling apparatus nes 88 Photographic apparatus; optical goods; watches and clocks 89 Miscellaneous manufactured articles nes 986 10 12 2 20 3 347 108 483 1,034 13 11 1 25 4 376 92 513 9,853 103 110 14 198 28 3,311 993 5,097 10,308 121 129 14 231 32 3,886 970 4,925 45 65 498 500 128 56 582 561 7,734 7,461 80,417 81,342 9 Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere Unclassified estimates1 Total trade 1 Estimates for which a commodity breakdown is not available 32 Table 10 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC section and division — Continued = C million SITC (Rev 4) 0 Food and live animals 00 Live animals other than animals of Division 03 01 Meat and meat preparations 02 Dairy products and birds’ eggs 03 Fish, crustaceans, molluscs and preparations thereof 04 Cereals and cereal preparations 05 Vegetables and fruit 06 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey 07 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof 08 Feeding stuff for animals (excl unmilled cereals) 09 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 IMPORTS Jan-Nov 2014 558 43 75 62 18 81 81 32 40 88 37 544 37 72 57 18 79 79 29 47 85 40 5,487 160 738 582 192 910 940 363 382 837 382 5,590 179 784 704 212 884 947 336 406 715 422 1 Beverages and tobacco 11 Beverages 12 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures 72 66 5 69 64 4 746 659 86 754 672 82 2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 21 Hides, skins and furskins, raw 22 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits 23 Crude rubber (incl synthetic and reclaimed) 24 Cork and wood 25 Pulp and waste paper 26 Textile fibres and their wastes 27 Crude fertilisers and minerals, excl coal, petroleum etc 28 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 29 Crude animal and vegetable materials nes 51 0 3 2 9 3 1 10 13 10 63 0 4 2 11 3 2 9 19 13 622 0 27 14 94 42 18 106 172 148 660 0 25 17 114 45 19 107 182 152 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 32 Coal, coke and briquettes 33 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials 34 Gas, natural and manufactured 35 Electric current 570 13 399 147 10 502 17 378 103 5 6,348 198 4,649 1,437 64 6,092 157 4,696 1,170 70 4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 41 Animal oils and fats 42 Fixed vegetable fats and oils 43 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; waxes 19 1 17 2 18 1 15 2 218 12 184 22 201 12 172 17 809 189 12 14 321 95 21 67 40 50 822 150 15 16 366 95 21 68 47 43 9,987 2,337 195 171 4,143 984 417 744 424 573 10,470 2,826 183 181 4,072 1,017 381 761 470 579 5 Chemicals and related products nes 51 Organic chemicals 52 Inorganic chemicals 53 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials 54 Medical and pharmaceutical products 55 Essential oils; perfume materials; toilet and cleansing preps 56 Fertilisers (other than those of Division 27) 57 Plastics in primary forms 58 Plastics in non-pimary forms 59 Chemical materials and products nes 33 Table 10 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC section and division — Continued = C million SITC (Rev 4) 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 61 Leather; leather manufactures nes; dressed furskins 62 Rubber manufactures nes 63 Cork and wood manufactures (excl furniture) 64 Paper, paperboard and articles thereof 65 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles and related products 66 Non-metallic mineral manufactures nes 67 Iron and steel 68 Non-ferrous metals 69 Manufactures of metals nes 7 Machinery and transport equipment 71 Power generating machinery and equipment 72 Machinery specialised for particular industries 73 Metalworking machinery 74 General industrial machinery and equipment nes and parts nes 75 Office machines and automatic data processing machines 76 Telecommunications and sound equipment 77 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances nes and parts 78 Road vehicles (incl air-cushion vehicles) 79 Other transport equipment 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 81 Prefab buildings; plumbing and electrical fixtures and fittings 82 Furniture and parts thereof; bedding, cushions etc 83 Travel goods, handbags and similar containers 84 Articles of apparel; clothing accessories 85 Footwear 87 Professional, scientific and controlling apparatus nes 88 Photographic apparatus; optical goods; watches and clocks 89 Miscellaneous manufactured articles nes 9 Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere Unclassified estimates1 Total trade 1 Estimates for which a commodity breakdown is not available Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 IMPORTS Jan-Nov 2014 346 1 22 16 72 31 36 46 43 78 364 2 23 17 71 34 39 50 45 83 3,583 17 256 149 753 304 359 473 511 760 3,879 18 273 185 760 372 392 542 508 831 1,191 51 206 7 132 248 130 198 180 40 1,316 44 216 7 118 293 141 199 274 26 11,088 737 1,038 65 1,115 2,586 994 1,794 1,630 1,129 12,922 562 1,972 80 1,267 2,743 1,191 1,968 2,228 912 634 17 31 11 135 25 161 24 230 666 20 34 11 152 25 154 22 248 5,592 145 293 97 1,385 284 1,207 201 1,981 6,214 176 335 104 1,489 294 1,380 228 2,208 96 103 977 1,061 100 82 998 1,032 4,447 4,548 45,646 48,876 Detailed tables 37 Table 11 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC division and country November 2014 Division 00 EU countries Spain France Great Britain Italy Libya United States Northern Ireland Other countries Division 01 EU countries Belgium Brazil Switzerland China Czech Republic Germany Denmark Spain France Great Britain Hong Kong Italy Japan South Korea Netherlands Philippines Poland Portugal Russia Sweden Thailand United States Northern Ireland Other countries Jan-Nov 2014 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Imports, EUR 000 60,237 350,183 36,694 179,328 55,565 604 3,830 37,124 3,706 1,564 1,783 8,509 3,118 315,751 15,332 7,370 152,339 34,739 8,834 20,277 90,546 20,745 35,824 503 31,682 909 356 1,076 2,168 149,679 20 9,764 125,735 1,266 24,698 6,536 11,310 277,280 2,984,335 71,513 783,757 245,919 2,701,016 5,289 66,235 2,873 25,293 5,095 44,359 1,084 14,693 13,300 150,678 5,049 90,712 4,393 54,071 26,839 322,899 131,140 1,317,104 7,514 62,157 13,663 184,266 697 33,478 2,611 18,435 15,731 173,118 4,490 17,022 1,198 14,221 1,016 14,993 78 18,152 9,795 116,435 270 1,887 18,755 15,574 160,083 7,962 66,905 66,653 843 1,443 376 8,175 1,757 2,155 1,946 27,078 1,132 12,740 3,146 346 0 42 2,727 51 6,093 1,461 739,844 9,780 15,497 4,819 80,430 22,497 20,752 21,205 309,161 11,159 152,638 33,877 6,293 51 467 20,475 184 60,413 14,060 150,142 1,699,052 57,329 703,770 121,396 1,335,293 718 21,489 5,965 101,170 3,720 49,364 19,326 163,784 786 6,381 2,965 29,192 1,740 20,921 8,646 100,910 63,968 699,234 1,676 15,739 694 10,220 1,303 16,050 1,359 25,491 8,633 110,810 12,357 1,397 23,327 2,666 3,741 967 10,834 5,559 50,794 6,839 76,019 11,215 151,221 6 56,859 839 3,939 3,562 97 4,032 19,834 148 1,031 4,592 7 16,036 2,284 928 700,439 1 11,382 8 54,418 29,449 1,600 42,859 278,832 2,079 15 11,396 0 34,933 1 3 0 356 204,872 19,404 12,162 November 2014 Division 03 EU countries Cameroon China Germany Denmark Egypt Spain France Great Britain Italy South Korea Nigeria Netherlands Poland Russia Northern Ireland Other countries Non-EU, unknown Division 04 EU countries Belgium Bulgaria Canada Germany Spain France Great Britain Italy Netherlands Romania Ukraine United States Northern Ireland Other countries Division 05 Division 02 EU countries United Arab Emirates Belgium China Germany Denmark Algeria Spain France Great Britain Greece Indonesia Italy Nigeria Netherlands Peru Saudi Arabia Turkey Trinidad & Tabago United States Northern Ireland Other countries EU, unknown EU countries Belgium Brazil Belize Chile Costa Rica Germany Spain France Great Britain Italy Netherlands Peru Turkey United States Northern Ireland South Africa Other countries Division 06 EU countries Germany France Great Britain Jan-Nov 2014 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Imports, EUR 000 47,353 476,300 18,411 212,332 36,027 2,934 1,142 1,329 118 8,425 12,784 4,892 2,679 374 4,035 1,487 426 359 6,370 - 310,512 23,383 15,758 20,006 8,236 12,943 53,675 106,656 44,712 27,782 12,151 44,739 10,423 10,028 19,340 7,358 48,311 10,798 15,810 215 1,277 718 43 1,336 10,332 8 580 124 1,187 2,590 - 183,468 1,257 15,132 7,840 937 16,213 117,666 433 58 0 4,961 1,634 13,998 32,202 - 30,760 321,558 79,454 884,197 29,078 529 184 219 221 45 22,090 1 54 561 5,293 1,562 301,659 2,222 32 3,800 2,324 2,546 836 227,245 82 1,683 4,922 59,902 15,963 74,138 868 4,796 217 4,660 1,258 7,009 43,615 1,097 1,998 1,483 1,967 258 4,367 5,860 748,696 14,086 10,568 57,562 50,846 14,546 62,513 465,256 14,058 20,509 5,175 42,617 19,925 52,965 53,572 20,178 238,502 79,020 947,309 19,177 270 43 257 211 14,748 1 142 11 64 3,086 1,344 227,799 5,472 1,876 1,150 2,692 170,821 298 5,391 158 814 35,766 0 14,065 62,367 3,738 3,924 1,395 328 1,350 6,474 7,067 3,730 24,308 1,996 8,983 490 1,330 1,968 3,711 555 7,672 739,901 43,991 39,264 11,577 11,719 20,470 85,969 79,261 40,176 278,065 23,276 127,863 11,755 10,118 13,898 33,350 13,985 102,571 8,800 98,778 28,808 336,064 8,531 1,484 1,199 3,564 92,648 16,816 11,279 35,838 25,096 1,696 2,814 11,499 303,546 27,439 35,311 136,002 38 Table 11 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC division and country November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Division 06 - continued Nicaragua Netherlands Other countries Division 07 EU countries Germany France Great Britain Kenya Sri Lanka Netherlands Poland Russia United States Other countries Division 08 EU countries Argentina Belgium Canada Germany France Great Britain Indonesia Netherlands Poland United States Northern Ireland Other countries November 2014 Exports, EUR 000 EU countries United Arab Emirates Belgium Congo (Dem Rep) China Germany Egypt France Great Britain Ghana Hong Kong Israel Iraq Italy Jordan Kuwait Mali Mexico Malaysia Nigeria Netherlands New Zealand Philippines Poland Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Senegal November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Division 09 - continued 167 2,386 2,974 31,872 1,673 4,488 6,638 1,673 52,650 82,990 29,118 326,902 47,318 406,224 25,480 139 218 18,649 4,729 123 177 2,625 2,457 252,501 1,734 2,403 182,263 8 29 43,255 1,960 26,873 27,172 41,204 39,125 3,834 1,308 27,749 835 1,313 1,033 1,858 0 232 9,155 332,486 43,386 14,038 216,407 10,173 11,254 15,528 13,621 1 2,384 79,432 19,471 214,919 85,152 715,011 17,665 5 567 187 10,820 421 31 742 4,608 2,091 195,860 57 503 5,297 2,623 120,591 6,097 261 7,264 46,517 25,708 36,176 22,574 2,373 7,120 1,475 3,662 13,731 3,739 1,672 17,608 6,829 4,369 350,789 179,707 11,137 16,741 20,966 33,931 131,625 20,362 36,323 16,834 125,838 78,540 43,007 Togo Thailand Taiwan United States Vietnam Northern Ireland South Africa Other countries Division 11 EU countries Australia Canada Switzerland Chile Czech Republic Germany Spain France Great Britain Italy Latvia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Sweden United States Northern Ireland South Africa Other countries EU, unknown Division 12 Division 09 Jan-Nov 2014 162,775 1,796,189 60,364 2,558 409 1,384 22,188 8,021 1,551 3,766 23,452 306 11,273 2,148 452 641 2,068 802 1,449 5,650 4,212 4,675 13,689 1,006 1,609 6,041 2,854 10,068 918 4,440 629,362 28,027 5,677 7,200 213,455 92,650 10,475 38,509 244,158 12,089 98,256 18,755 23,266 8,111 27,239 20,111 24,400 73,040 31,246 109,176 129,131 20,404 3,787 64,757 37,767 87,345 14,547 45,819 39,862 421,858 36,736 0 1,721 170 1,514 1 1,218 20,806 5 112 1,942 0 10 40 2 5,196 80 0 2,165 0 163 - 370,594 1 15,965 2,187 19,965 12 13,925 211,337 6 570 1,746 20,813 0 0 401 9,546 26 50,886 82 68 14,946 0 8 2,106 - EU countries Germany Great Britain Netherlands Other countries Division 21 EU countries China France Great Britain Italy Other countries Division 22 EU countries Canada Other countries Division 23 EU countries Other countries 1,106 2,017 1,167 440 2,057 1,118 955 16,287 15,983 29,910 15,625 7,475 32,152 11,819 9,984 183,841 424 0 1,741 0 356 10 2,184 4,803 30 24,162 11 4,189 485 23,583 100,668 973,804 64,451 672,092 50,279 1,585 5,523 749 44 1,574 4,341 2,131 3,103 20,215 1,539 2,192 211 1,057 372 1,370 34,321 7,588 1,629 11,124 - 501,248 14,625 59,425 8,393 1,115 9,871 48,997 11,477 33,508 207,520 10,693 34,656 6,250 12,325 2,163 8,743 308,461 75,032 11,241 109,297 10 49,724 1,699 0 1,667 3,953 131 4,119 1,060 6,668 22,846 2,604 8 1,642 2,434 2,267 159 1,235 3,658 360 3,128 4,814 532,954 24,754 122 14,482 38,091 1,709 41,778 15,246 69,052 244,286 30,574 80 9,742 35,156 14,186 1,324 16,519 32,604 5,365 32,445 44,579 5,505 65,093 4,197 82,395 5,394 1,334 1,353 2,619 199 56,989 13,741 27,553 15,339 8,460 4,015 254 1,095 1,370 1,479 81,209 3,006 33,088 19,736 26,565 13,990 150,612 16 442 7,283 6,533 1,107 3,127 1,899 1,324 90,415 55,810 12,834 40,445 21,117 20,406 16 1 16 437 1 2 223 216 1,117 8,486 3,639 24,705 1,117 1,117 8,468 8,486 1,299 1,626 2,014 14,855 2,167 22,538 70 3,939 2,180 16,530 40 70 3,684 3,939 1,099 2,180 8,233 16,530 39 Table 11 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC division and country November 2014 Division 24 EU countries Great Britain Latvia Northern Ireland Other countries Division 25 EU countries Austria China India South Africa Other countries Division 26 EU countries Germany Great Britain Italy Netherlands Other countries Division 27 EU countries Austria China Germany Great Britain Japan United States Northern Ireland Other countries Division 28 EU countries Belgium Brazil Spain Finland France Great Britain Guinea Iceland Netherlands Norway Portugal Russia Sweden Other countries Division 29 EU countries China Germany France Great Britain Netherlands Jan-Nov 2014 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Imports, EUR 000 11,819 144,896 11,036 113,830 11,761 8,417 3,344 58 144,280 100,048 44,182 665 8,185 2,013 1,441 1,663 5,918 85,747 21,319 11,219 18,404 62,888 3,728 56,487 2,769 45,132 909 2,069 449 1,210 11,878 27,238 14,387 1 14,862 1,117 716 1,474 579 21,942 11,953 201 13,151 19,827 11,093 123,144 2,097 18,968 10,226 1,786 3,967 1,163 1,100 3,076 108,501 16,006 51,578 10,874 11,316 33,370 1,004 177 696 12 1,211 10,358 1,388 7,363 6 90 10,120 9,616 132,719 9,139 106,893 4,624 159 271 509 1,529 688 2,113 893 3,455 79,139 16,438 2,714 12,842 17,654 10,731 11,181 8,914 52,245 6,701 1 821 410 2,312 8 94 2,230 3,262 69,832 82 17,302 3,235 25,468 69 2,116 20,927 37,695 73,516 935,938 18,744 182,141 63,147 5,671 3,831 9,582 10,582 9,436 20,932 6,303 1,509 1,949 3,722 704,274 58,157 34,758 96,160 118,391 127,244 28,779 184,594 92,580 26,028 89,400 34,703 45,143 2,426 24 7,025 48 9 2,066 9,102 471 25,179 121 52,085 157 142 22,107 97,725 35 1 9,768 8,810 92,067 13,391 151,557 7,392 55 1,571 1,181 3,112 587 75,614 885 16,488 11,274 27,777 5,595 9,753 1,526 426 2,641 1,913 4,004 115,800 5,249 7,786 8,291 37,889 51,807 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Division 29 - continued United States Other countries Division 32 EU countries Colombia Great Britain Netherlands Poland Russia Northern Ireland South Africa Other countries Division 33 EU countries Belgium Canada Ivory Coast Algeria Finland France Great Britain Libya Nigeria Netherlands Norway Russia Sweden United States Venezuela Northern Ireland Other countries Non-EU, unknown Division 34 EU countries Great Britain Other countries Division 35 EU countries Great Britain Other countries Division 41 EU countries Netherlands Other countries Division 42 EU countries Belgium Germany Great Britain 254 2,050 2,232 27,815 374 2,507 11,214 29,321 4,412 75,143 17,126 156,599 4,021 2,001 525 922 106 858 71,312 43,767 9,913 9,191 1,201 11,071 5,065 8,863 2,288 3 706 218 1,211 2,980 857 65,104 74,657 19,466 705 25,274 12,377 13,255 4,311 6,555 38,700 680,250 377,606 4,695,544 38,616 4 0 467 30,046 6,719 177 8 500 779 0 357,284 98 3 14,115 302,465 20,526 3 2 3,365 280,050 19,492 6,487 10,644 23,001 237,027 3,004,270 700 35,483 0 49,076 40,232 197,009 0 18,400 65 7,804 176,098 2,630,272 128,652 367,268 184,339 33,822 134,578 7,621 645,805 57,713 23,112 132,863 4,238 141,598 2,159 24,733 1,139 28,370 1 1,055 18,600 102,525 1,169,679 1,029 423 632 18,397 8,098 10,502 102,524 1,169,649 101,533 1,159,622 991 10,057 2,008 13,385 4,741 69,994 2,008 1,964 44 13,385 13,293 92 4,741 4,414 327 69,994 68,100 1,894 4,234 48,487 963 12,370 4,024 1,624 2,610 42,029 25,932 22,554 904 252 711 12,036 2,163 10,206 536 6,765 14,891 171,674 531 25 6,718 6 795 12,691 777 1,454 1,836 133,814 10,248 13,009 23,714 40 Table 11 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC division and country November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Division 42 - continued Malaysia Netherlands Other countries Division 43 EU countries Other countries Division 51 EU countries Austria Belgium Canada Switzerland China Germany Spain France Great Britain Greece Hungary India Italy Japan South Korea Mexico Netherlands Norway Romania Russia Singapore Slovenia Turkey United States Other countries EU, unknown Non-EU, unknown Division 52 EU countries Belgium Germany Finland Great Britain Netherlands Sweden United States Other countries Division 53 EU countries Germany Great Britain New Zealand United States Other countries November 2014 460 5,504 1,655 5,580 3,589 31,869 59,001 33,833 149 2,188 1,950 16,721 149 149 2,161 2,188 1,883 1,950 15,788 16,721 1,158,30016,783,981 149,909 2,825,696 563,006 9 420,236 39,471 107,098 30,519 5,017 43,482 13,205 34,532 12 815 435 22,761 26,768 63 966 3,789 125 17,516 1,789 7,109 6 734 375,821 6,023 - 5,718,567 1,265 3,841,822 219,576 3,218,709 168,565 105,112 431,919 142,431 797,473 24,142 18,995 3,052 231,783 437,485 21,186 44,297 24,407 1,783 76,914 157,432 47,383 185 10,930 6,672,008 85,130 - 71,549 639 11,057 253 10,899 8,241 5,339 366 35,982 8,852 0 648 5,633 3,755 4,705 7,448 182 2,259 12,860 378 538 18,429 3,260 1,573 6,613 937,854 21,473 129,526 12,236 823,851 99,443 111,107 50,236 391,233 97,351 4 3,165 93,793 56,464 103,362 87,065 2,396 33,892 154,193 458 53,757 12,421 22 264,048 49,187 12,390 162,622 19,949 160,256 15,485 182,973 17,239 1,861 1,923 1,505 5,716 5 5,029 179 3,731 133,283 14,937 37,270 9,101 33,895 2,145 10,386 1,644 50,880 8,786 898 2,777 43 3,154 896 102 4,203 3,412 120,491 12,479 41,961 966 35,465 15,079 4,707 40,145 32,172 10,124 108,302 16,470 181,440 8,301 734 3,047 3 857 5,483 87,764 6,467 35,919 312 8,139 57,464 12,055 1,087 8,082 2,825 1,062 3,414 158,093 14,591 105,157 3,054 12,181 46,457 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Imports, EUR 000 2,150,55620,163,187 366,131 4,072,389 EU countries 1,246,93512,891,014 United Arab Emirates 11,243 58,005 Argentina 2,153 28,640 Austria 14,822 133,483 Australia 25,758 251,363 Belgium 527,357 5,595,199 Bulgaria 1,167 16,127 Brazil 7,078 88,703 Canada 29,696 237,114 Switzerland 80,878 1,253,668 Chile 2,116 13,842 China 7,303 370,117 Colombia 1,766 13,078 Czech Republic 5,898 45,449 Germany 175,009 1,565,501 Denmark 18,843 183,362 Egypt 2,497 30,463 Spain 64,715 643,608 Finland 2,199 22,959 France 157,076 1,673,227 Great Britain 95,419 1,204,226 Greece 11,885 117,809 Hong Kong 5,043 81,466 Hungary 4,419 31,180 Israel 2,387 27,466 India 873 11,551 Iran 1,020 13,823 Italy 52,386 616,906 Japan 10,803 148,347 South Korea 13,632 100,358 Kuwait 765 15,443 Lebanon 2,702 16,056 Morocco 1,528 2,919 Mexico 5,366 36,818 Malaysia 2,175 24,416 Netherlands 50,890 416,101 Norway 333 25,296 New Zealand 3,562 20,970 Pakistan 1,646 6,028 Poland 16,495 205,848 Portugal 13,252 155,768 Romania 6,401 94,491 Russia 11,402 70,069 Saudi Arabia 14,732 127,321 Sweden 22,258 98,384 Singapore 10,107 45,519 Slovenia 1,834 19,174 Thailand 4,343 31,563 Turkey 8,198 91,539 Taiwan 3,740 45,640 Ukraine 1,616 15,105 US Minor Islands 44,777 48,431 United States 567,614 3,764,731 Venezuela 2,332 15,691 Vietnam 968 10,978 Northern Ireland 2,507 23,946 South Africa 1,730 35,474 Other countries 11,846 122,422 EU, unknown 1 212,734 2,362,080 1 2 1,499 14,522 754 18,565 8,330 165,902 221 2,636 1,092 11,829 6,683 101,358 11,575 139,368 4,020 47,244 30 69 366 4,882 55,467 479,539 12,108 152,068 10 91 3,230 34,542 24 1,562 20,265 201,578 37,662 514,355 358 6,584 80 3,278 261 5,207 308 6,581 2,203 33,154 0 8,144 71,576 3,960 108,737 2,860 3,194 0 23 923 6,571 23 4,736 51,920 603,306 160 4,154 9 947 17 700 11,371 725 4,780 3,137 5,927 0 0 19 4,715 41,577 9 95 175 3,216 152 89 287 628 2,889 591 11 115,878 1,206,894 0 50 1,138 11,667 30 390 2,670 14,372 1,694 19,924 Division 54 39 471 Jan-Nov 2014 Division 55 EU countries United Arab Emirates Austria Australia 575,307 6,434,316 95,455 1,016,771 257,653 2,781,646 4,006 59,160 4,356 41,206 2,102 6,968 82,439 0 54 192 866,368 4 775 772 41 Table 11 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC division and country November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Division 55 - continued Belgium Bulgaria Brazil Switzerland Cameroon China Czech Republic Germany Denmark Egypt Spain Ethiopia Finland France Great Britain Greece Hungary Israel Iraq Iran Italy Jordan Japan Kenya South Korea Kuwait Kazakhstan Lebanon Libya Morocco Mexico Malaysia Nigeria Netherlands Norway Oman Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Sweden Singapore Thailand Turkey Uganda United States Vietnam Northern Ireland Serbia South Africa Other countries Division 56 EU countries Belgium Germany Spain France Great Britain Lithuania Netherlands Russia Northern Ireland November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Division 56 - continued 11,753 115,355 1,017 15,376 1,299 15,913 5,619 55,534 1,694 11,135 1,003 19,228 2,066 20,641 36,712 442,353 5,217 61,880 4,391 47,207 40,800 388,798 2,633 14,148 1,679 24,605 36,357 410,823 58,796 594,576 2,807 44,796 2,401 22,400 2,641 38,789 4,706 27,910 2,167 13,286 17,232 189,975 1,442 16,572 9,412 149,992 1,099 16,059 4,096 29,939 7,342 24,232 1,580 21,207 24,784 2,278 20,733 1,113 21,172 40,577 526,199 5,228 25,323 5,976 99,699 8,908 103,804 4,449 53,666 339 21,761 7,613 82,687 2,743 42,351 992 13,592 4,354 56,092 4,889 50,388 8,325 233,374 5,082 54,696 489 13,553 1,440 9,014 5,069 80,005 1,491 11,557 157,870 1,637,569 2,095 26,630 4,827 47,717 2,339 24,180 1,191 15,128 17,207 198,581 1,460 0 147 559 1,129 17 4,825 202 563 8,362 60,874 214 12 17 0 2,008 44 14 7 233 122 0 1,704 0 1,304 28 0 0 28 0 77 16 9,084 368 35 1,753 13,795 96 5,972 12,857 11,728 368 65,675 2,299 4 7,223 5 95,682 604,251 1,899 369 597 0 0 23,891 935 0 220 0 0 13 11,806 444 3 23,253 863 0 13,253 424 0 37 4 2 567 46 794 460 0 85,644 19 5,127 0 565 24,029 157 2,544 20,521 379,815 149 19 130 2,431 419 0 2,004 11,415 4,812 1,467 0 736 2,332 1,738 6,775 210 241,826 53,215 32,784 24,848 16,227 44,677 28,764 17,560 100,716 11,123 Other countries Division 57 EU countries Belgium Germany France Great Britain India Italy Japan Netherlands United States Northern Ireland Other countries Division 58 EU countries Belgium Switzerland China Germany France Great Britain Italy Japan Netherlands Turkey United States Northern Ireland Other countries Division 59 EU countries Austria Australia Belgium Canada Switzerland Chile China Czech Republic Germany Denmark Spain Finland France Great Britain Greece Hungary Israel Italy Japan South Korea Kazakhstan Morocco Mexico Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal 8 120 2,451 49,900 27,155 306,966 68,127 761,273 19,343 223 1,214 841 12,000 2,636 290 301 618 1,205 1,392 6,434 225,787 2,564 13,818 12,392 123,573 21,692 18,638 3,188 8,138 13,400 12,209 77,352 52,488 6,819 9,745 5,444 18,368 160 1,698 1,024 8,659 10,960 321 4,929 610,604 74,866 142,681 62,574 183,119 3,385 17,503 12,214 99,187 100,765 3,434 61,546 31,746 391,591 47,126 469,704 20,911 2,603 206 779 1,425 1,887 9,742 739 375 428 140 7,582 2,039 3,802 239,050 28,362 2,113 7,164 15,828 30,646 107,030 5,624 2,865 4,510 3,530 110,694 25,656 47,567 30,277 817 1,318 1,291 3,303 1,075 18,949 1,271 1,097 1,520 1,003 10,120 1,416 3,948 286,489 9,370 12,317 16,354 42,659 18,317 139,800 16,902 10,504 16,409 10,734 108,266 14,615 53,458 262,994 2,946,858 43,181 578,929 195,659 2,192,521 2,975 26,931 1,616 22,535 8,448 81,944 962 14,607 3,270 32,423 895 19,514 1,613 13,838 1,290 12,400 46,276 588,038 3,415 41,702 29,637 278,654 856 14,402 28,725 329,337 26,628 268,037 2,123 29,165 1,558 14,362 2,123 26,578 15,315 190,272 967 16,090 991 11,701 1,683 17,571 897 15,179 19,769 206,282 6,919 87,144 2,605 23,699 5,702 68,935 2,390 28,037 31,671 159 17 932 46 126 749 5 5,658 342 341 96 1,249 16,656 3 1 1,876 1,698 66 53 2,856 6 331 8 422,639 2,279 230 16,162 902 3,948 1 8,747 92 74,936 3,113 7,707 1,374 19,436 203,229 332 219 33,242 23,266 2,116 0 151 40,514 1,948 1,999 3,276 42 Table 11 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC division and country November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Division 59 - continued Romania Russia Sweden Thailand Turkey United States Northern Ireland Serbia Zambia Other countries Division 61 EU countries Great Britain Other countries Division 62 EU countries Belgium China Germany Spain Great Britain India Netherlands United States Northern Ireland Other countries Division 63 EU countries China Germany Denmark Spain Great Britain Netherlands United States Northern Ireland Other countries Division 64 November 2014 Division 65 2,096 3,370 3,821 2,420 2,500 10,953 4,739 1,200 1,380 10,868 25,550 35,896 37,114 10,103 46,195 131,782 46,669 12,782 9,372 112,019 0 331 7 1 8,485 472 611 1 1 8,553 100 50 108,413 3,943 0 8,649 2,912 32,465 1,866 17,826 2,813 842 2,070 30,740 10,111 22,354 528 371 1,495 3,792 2,728 15,097 5,328 63,358 23,334 273,026 4,586 11 7 1,005 19 2,453 10 110 120 834 761 54,414 145 234 10,494 219 26,712 70 2,479 1,389 12,018 9,596 14,522 1,111 4,077 1,358 767 5,960 1,280 1,235 1,330 960 5,256 167,371 12,631 53,362 15,865 10,229 72,210 15,871 13,305 14,457 10,343 54,754 19,655 224,798 17,079 184,651 18,149 746 52 85 10,987 1,589 254 2,438 3,503 204,624 126 10,180 920 627 128,894 17,600 2,563 20,869 43,019 10,830 3,297 616 1,355 1,436 3,648 206 1,400 868 4,253 120,729 34,513 7,973 8,027 19,415 43,798 1,838 13,167 10,087 45,833 11,666 141,483 71,101 759,959 11,043 110 86 855 85 30 297 6,925 255 276 59 0 122 1,932 633 131,805 1,042 453 14,412 382 383 2,408 87,486 1,640 2,947 818 99 3,817 18,046 7,548 62,235 1,337 3,292 5,528 671 2,623 2,590 34,217 976 3,202 5,894 995 2,249 2,305 5,222 676,361 14,022 26,448 63,690 10,578 29,075 23,479 384,338 9,916 28,802 50,906 11,120 20,708 25,017 61,858 EU countries Belgium China Germany France Great Britain India Italy Netherlands Pakistan United States Northern Ireland Other countries Division 66 EU countries Belgium China Germany Spain France Great Britain India Italy United States Northern Ireland Other countries Division 67 EU countries China Germany Spain France Great Britain Italy Japan Portugal Turkey Taiwan United States Northern Ireland Other countries Division 68 EU countries Belgium China Germany Spain Finland France Great Britain Italy Netherlands Sweden Turkey United States Northern Ireland Other countries EU countries Germany Spain Great Britain Netherlands United States Other countries Division 69 EU countries China Germany Spain Finland Jan-Nov 2014 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Imports, EUR 000 12,664 143,224 34,457 371,879 9,353 851 255 1,330 1,246 3,152 25 605 282 0 777 1,011 3,128 109,917 9,253 1,478 14,633 16,018 34,954 894 10,288 4,636 30 11,042 11,308 28,690 24,316 1,470 3,636 2,625 436 13,255 1,042 787 1,232 1,677 1,513 1,442 5,340 253,361 13,913 38,547 28,812 4,285 136,479 11,275 8,778 15,085 19,732 21,579 13,179 60,215 31,503 326,015 38,631 391,525 29,348 1,791 1 618 518 343 18,653 720 58 704 5,824 2,273 308,792 19,098 160 5,803 3,255 2,937 198,285 2,806 422 6,229 69,586 17,434 28,532 1,671 3,820 2,592 2,742 1,143 15,045 987 849 2,916 1,797 5,068 285,005 16,500 43,491 19,535 26,541 10,263 156,221 10,252 12,392 26,573 18,101 51,657 11,587 128,492 50,226 541,869 10,122 225 282 54 42 7,696 87 34 2 2 348 1,537 1,277 107,591 1,919 3,613 483 933 75,398 1,566 239 5 31 6 3,762 18,515 22,022 40,335 541 3,684 1,552 1,686 25,408 854 2,938 2,118 853 1,106 2,622 1,774 5,089 457,161 10,951 31,148 13,985 29,629 289,869 11,482 6,216 25,450 10,912 10,075 30,206 19,614 52,332 6,310 70,056 45,065 507,569 5,506 978 37 3,543 14 382 1,356 60,777 12,101 737 35,604 400 4,769 16,445 38,755 12,279 12,934 9,728 399 4,209 5,515 428,215 216,890 48,099 103,757 18,165 57,494 63,164 51,704 592,021 82,505 830,660 38,234 2,058 6,983 720 1,215 437,898 11,315 75,013 32,285 11,352 57,100 9,040 6,197 2,782 168 571,213 89,641 82,530 20,087 870 43 Table 11 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC division and country November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Division 69 - continued France Great Britain India Italy Netherlands Sweden Taiwan United States Northern Ireland South Africa Other countries Division 71 EU countries Switzerland China Germany Great Britain Israel Japan Singapore United States Northern Ireland Other countries Non-EU, unknown Division 72 EU countries Austria Belgium Switzerland China Germany Denmark Spain France Great Britain Hungary Israel Italy Japan South Korea Netherlands Norway Poland Sweden Singapore United States Northern Ireland Other countries Non-EU, unknown Division 73 EU countries Germany Great Britain United States Other countries November 2014 Division 74 1,027 15,054 74 2,795 1,227 2,106 43 3,568 4,051 175 10,610 12,929 161,346 3,062 33,449 15,759 29,791 468 77,929 38,693 2,019 86,609 2,167 31,940 1,282 2,013 1,615 3,133 1,036 9,391 1,747 755 9,238 21,468 311,855 12,012 18,777 14,495 26,829 10,815 87,865 17,301 12,827 103,287 30,231 429,361 43,438 561,842 18,698 906 1,065 2,425 12,246 177 534 381 5,952 1,303 5,230 14 183,556 24,964 13,370 50,926 73,903 10,087 15,139 12,311 115,591 14,427 98,186 456 15,545 37 1,650 5,362 7,101 390 6,211 18 13,434 889 3,347 4,999 163,829 28,704 20,976 72,694 56,372 5,076 78,283 8,412 175,548 7,182 46,226 62,369 42,940 626,835 31,228 13 387 151 121 2,562 359 1,353 4,110 11,485 2,352 20 620 467 46 1,910 434 1,009 1,317 14 3,604 2,134 8,471 0 369,878 4,013 4,782 3,523 4,262 31,715 4,069 12,931 29,773 120,796 26,089 2,719 4,423 16,527 5,426 24,184 7,773 24,842 31,444 5,476 54,975 34,804 95,620 76,668 58,960 1,774 2,342 1,524 3,488 11,384 3,187 270 2,101 22,768 3,065 245 2,912 90,184 1,994 3,139 201 637 2,685 14,337 40,426 1,366 4,726 1,056 703,507 17,008 15,369 9,650 36,087 143,704 16,185 13,754 25,381 241,574 32,217 18,919 38,353 725,289 8,393 86,294 16,501 4,483 30,406 68,885 344,795 18,751 52,260 7,128 1,879 23,785 6,627 80,452 1,139 264 74 512 1,030 12,851 4,104 3,793 5,317 10,571 4,914 614 3,850 941 1,222 49,540 12,251 26,664 17,919 23,620 215,809 1,971,385 EU countries United Arab Emirates Austria Australia Belgium Brazil Switzerland Chile China Czech Republic Germany Denmark Spain Finland France Great Britain Italy Japan South Korea Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Romania Saudi Arabia Sweden Togo Turkey United States Northern Ireland South Africa Other countries Division 75 EU countries United Arab Emirates Argentina Austria Australia Belgium Brazil Switzerland China Czech Republic Germany Denmark Egypt Spain Finland France Great Britain Hong Kong Hungary Israel India Italy Japan South Korea Luxembourg Malaysia Netherlands Norway Philippines Poland Portugal Jan-Nov 2014 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Imports, EUR 000 125,706 1,405,596 117,859 1,266,765 68,919 1,336 847 1,912 1,809 128 1,006 17,378 824 811 8,498 1,746 4,279 2,335 12,760 14,854 4,745 441 267 3,312 3,137 1,923 1,693 1,864 1,332 1,679 0 240 20,571 2,116 1,634 10,228 796,050 16,598 6,812 21,636 16,120 12,050 13,381 18,444 16,754 7,115 138,555 13,344 50,756 27,203 145,503 170,894 40,476 4,775 3,186 33,611 40,798 22,194 23,939 23,210 82,115 12,361 12,808 21,584 210,563 22,071 46,559 130,182 292,746 3,291,053 161,008 1,860,885 11,968 66,546 1,285 12,183 1,819 21,798 4,141 61,130 3,554 85,011 8,979 43,669 4,817 48,907 4,496 51,791 3,683 82,229 33,591 388,988 3,040 34,426 1,585 8,654 6,804 56,347 1,181 14,441 16,961 171,858 28,573 428,912 6,891 131,862 1,193 19,250 9,318 59,334 2,942 68,628 7,235 81,798 2,803 53,286 1,139 25,645 313 14,975 2,012 18,573 13,441 159,848 1,258 17,940 967 12,366 29,501 206,161 418 10,338 84,079 962 98 3,974 5 2,693 139 4,764 3,175 11,446 5,820 2,040 755 5,143 33,323 8,724 5,217 1,429 21 2,566 15 1,470 75 1 2,559 962 14,238 1,100 607 4,540 879,577 74 10,542 1,448 22,798 552 34,029 737 60,246 31,620 134,039 25,317 48,991 4,972 66,014 363,975 85,922 47,753 18,310 368 20,914 1,324 13,851 765 11 25,821 0 8,408 163,609 12,324 1,458 60,573 292,506 2,742,620 75,823 30 8 308 82 7,061 0 185 96,460 5,424 6,249 325 1 493 230 2,376 33,119 903 3,484 221 117 881 1,614 17,836 154 1,073 8,927 88 3,078 5,310 121 840,153 769 307 2,436 276 68,284 82 3,554 821,178 72,535 61,012 1,608 21 13,426 1,625 29,517 342,347 10,450 26,501 2,166 645 7,636 19,622 91,711 909 15,923 143,109 736 45,817 48,801 1,763 44 Table 11 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC division and country November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Division 75 - continued Qatar Russia Saudi Arabia Sweden Singapore Thailand Turkey Taiwan United States South Africa Other countries Non-EU, unknown Division 76 EU countries United Arab Emirates Belgium China Czech Republic Germany Estonia Spain France Great Britain Hong Kong Italy Japan South Korea Mexico Malaysia Netherlands Poland Sweden Slovakia Thailand Turkey Taiwan United States Vietnam South Africa Other countries Non-EU, unknown November 2014 EU countries Austria Australia Belgium Canada Switzerland China Czech Republic Germany Spain Finland France Great Britain Hong Kong Hungary Israel India Italy Japan November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Imports, EUR 000 10,689 143 4,655 5,143 1,893 1,190 551 3,911 2,222 251 2,089 2,369 38,632 1,173 5,557 4 31 91,503 5,058 40,592 65,226 21,105 10,038 12,337 44,992 16,735 1,834 13,916 25,164 310,912 13,763 70,004 18 153 2,074 1,121 5,323 2,686 2,018 3,665 130 405 2,146 2,494 3,820 9,723 30,370 721 5,586 8,204 1,100 18,664 236,594 273,480 2,227,619 16,908 186 247 0 195 1,649 237 384 9,696 0 27 17 3 298 650 292 137 2,466 2,179 - 211,995 1,946 3,465 29 3,377 20,123 4,523 4,755 128,119 118 514 197 240 3,271 7,915 2,205 130 283 27,211 28,172 - 215,530 1,738,243 1,770 4,301 4,274 42,850 2,275 17,447 19,236 139,297 91,446 690,067 22,927 90,627 23,918 207,595 39,498 411,806 857 11,821 1,721 23,446 20,954 197,904 10,954 100,044 1,674 27,322 1,691 5,022 3,426 33,049 1,602 5,565 18,302 128,370 2,014 28,868 4,859 48,891 81 13,325 Division 77 - continued 1,909 3,060 4,369 5,677 11,679 2,188 6,909 1,170 19,461 6,167 14,175 73 24,108 27,191 59,190 62,444 131,373 35,578 55,400 8,558 227,650 55,713 145,278 1,680 68,712 676,697 51,297 2,189 13,890 150 2,251 5,015 218 548 1,261 20,623 1,774 1,387 196 167 20 140 852 2,659 527 53 1 369 61 4,444 6 3,599 6,308 5 506,638 20,468 115,797 3,380 5,719 136,371 526 10,104 16,245 148,200 19,971 14,339 2,467 4,021 344 1,985 12,545 7,046 6,871 269 356 3,663 1,759 54,896 137 8,797 80,365 54 0 0 0 52 11,322 32,403 11 2,141 40,197 26 3,849 6,345 7 45 45 1,559 113,354 234,567 963 27,228 419,690 214 49,921 60,261 140,949 1,190,621 66,056 29 543 35,987 910 2,006 6,838 604 437 36,618 2,649 243 1,249 6,709 6,518 4,608 7,363 1,976 2,951 2,507 884 2,533 2,621 5,280 2,098 2 4,979 1,806 559,274 289 7,480 259,565 5,575 43,845 33,420 2,379 9,872 308,748 26,867 3,645 11,935 33,659 57,565 32,525 85,315 9,148 14,547 12,434 16,696 10,846 15,243 118,080 4,934 83 46,051 19,875 South Korea Mexico Malaysia Netherlands Philippines Poland Russia Sweden Singapore Thailand Turkey Taiwan United States Northern Ireland Other countries EU, unknown Non-EU, unknown Division 78 EU countries Austria Belgium China Czech Republic Germany Spain France Great Britain India Italy Japan South Korea Netherlands Poland Sweden Thailand Turkey Northern Ireland Other countries EU, unknown Division 79 Division 77 Jan-Nov 2014 211,155 1,782,881 91,957 352 3,359 2,534 428 1,407 8,086 4,495 23,981 2,766 2,824 8,234 30,324 2,966 412 33,795 215 1,275 3,196 955,006 2,947 11,523 36,678 4,820 14,227 62,221 51,267 260,097 20,521 30,153 56,334 313,127 26,056 4,089 98,243 5,615 16,419 25,194 199,441 1,967,388 96,852 833 100 1,727 830 1,087 26,952 1,549 17,389 2,146 152 2,175 45,491 1,446 1,014 177 1,276 5,890 7,619 922,971 11,808 1,464 16,533 11,197 14,948 229,950 15,846 190,322 21,938 3,738 24,046 422,685 14,111 10,591 3,065 12,237 56,601 99,008 EU countries Switzerland Germany Spain France Great Britain Italy Morocco Turkey United States Other countries Division 81 EU countries China Great Britain Italy Northern Ireland Other countries 16,406 11,949 62,364 33,795 15,075 33,893 677 5,999 32,352 23,411 36,483 99,960 321,902 6,830 57,027 38,154 11,023 27,630 435,582 25,515 911,599 18,678 1,714 7,688 31 1,555 8,671 17 2,757 272 2,205 2,719 250,071 2,779 99,277 12,129 16,572 108,731 2,258 2,796 31,433 111,458 48,150 10,875 91 1,317 165 1,970 6,336 32 13,781 1,823 525,272 2,938 17,816 3,499 364,565 114,145 12,229 66 1,121 345,251 49,970 12,858 120,925 19,760 175,874 12,172 1 9,832 58 1,650 1,317 111,117 43 91,496 727 13,445 15,214 14,287 4,345 9,670 1,594 350 3,800 117,207 46,875 79,597 11,005 3,272 35,124 45 Table 11 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC division and country November 2014 Division 82 EU countries China Germany Great Britain Italy Poland United States Vietnam Northern Ireland Other countries Division 83 EU countries China Great Britain Other countries Division 84 EU countries Bangladesh Belgium China Germany Spain France Great Britain Indonesia India Italy Cambodia Sri Lanka Malaysia Netherlands Pakistan Romania Turkey Vietnam Northern Ireland Other countries Jan-Nov 2014 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Imports, EUR 000 10,930 128,871 33,866 335,256 9,498 128 151 5,284 4 24 643 0 2,474 2,222 100,316 1,220 2,237 64,665 192 221 13,158 33 25,755 21,390 22,060 7,085 1,154 13,465 1,806 1,629 640 1,974 1,091 5,021 207,402 74,883 13,364 123,725 17,882 15,350 7,061 23,917 11,538 47,535 1,391 13,623 10,638 104,407 1,312 0 718 672 11,821 52 6,584 6,987 5,005 3,980 2,653 4,005 49,074 40,777 27,334 36,295 24,892 230,722 23,738 82 4 524 3,666 7,207 7,692 0 34 0 221 0 1 37 4,019 1,404 213,823 0 986 357 7,901 27,072 61,454 76,033 3 12 722 11 2,396 1 669 171 0 31,883 21,051 57,896 12,287 639 44,761 3,283 3,621 1,478 39,171 1,205 8,431 1,952 2,979 4,021 1,559 1,196 2,141 3,135 8,396 2,502 541 8,512 615,759 114,948 12,851 381,800 48,314 40,945 18,917 374,233 13,618 83,041 25,812 20,863 43,641 12,761 18,194 22,245 35,027 89,458 29,066 7,744 95,493 4,024 32,252 25,085 293,535 3,785 50 1,871 6 2,097 30,062 13 458 14,345 81 17,355 13,199 8,335 656 8,335 900 1,698 1,379 3,783 153,861 96,060 10,975 93,646 11,507 14,074 19,384 47,890 151,809 1,488,969 November 2014 Exports, EUR 000 EU countries China Germany Great Britain Italy Portugal Vietnam Other countries Division 87 EU countries Austria Australia Belgium Canada Switzerland China Costa Rica 375,776 3,886,080 181,220 1,659,074 1,757 12,421 6,899 86,546 60,066 445,314 4,145 44,548 3,141 28,790 7,839 99,853 556 5,365 154,489 1,379,700 86,819 2,854 215 3,896 429 2,818 3,661 2,770 654,258 29,659 2,980 19,223 5,131 14,516 34,812 23,971 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Division 87 - continued Germany Denmark Spain France Great Britain Hong Kong Israel India Italy Japan South Korea Mexico Netherlands Poland Saudi Arabia Sweden Singapore United States Northern Ireland Other countries Non-EU, unknown Division 88 EU countries United Arab Emirates China Germany France Great Britain Hong Kong Japan South Korea Netherlands Poland Russia Singapore Taiwan United States Other countries Division 89 Division 85 Jan-Nov 2014 EU countries Austria Australia Belgium Brazil Canada Switzerland China Colombia Czech Republic Germany Denmark Ecuador Spain France Great Britain Hong Kong Hungary India Italy Japan South Korea 57,107 268,092 1,556 20,021 1,526 15,758 8,052 89,749 12,402 123,457 4,995 52,423 394 4,399 1,235 13,019 4,141 44,700 10,729 149,501 4,192 30,577 1,575 16,954 27,810 573,760 1,972 16,481 264 12,287 1,172 11,424 8,388 112,387 132,833 1,484,510 1,726 17,424 9,304 106,293 0 28 17,264 581 725 3,161 47,532 76 1,446 490 1,652 6,618 168 10,929 5,997 128 1 1,026 1,213 32,682 246 4,863 1,046 179,423 5,588 15,671 29,014 270,033 1,377 19,384 7,794 15,165 81,045 3,097 91,569 62,652 1,972 36 7,639 23,490 356,895 1,940 55,871 19,751 91,639 969,687 22,231 228,118 18,043 1,148 2,570 1,872 2,123 8,049 3,601 33,953 6,015 2,601 2,246 4,911 3,260 2,031 12,625 4,634 224,345 11,554 24,990 23,104 31,908 95,031 35,428 383,187 39,414 36,131 21,239 57,900 18,896 20,629 113,968 56,308 9,314 0 3,102 1,041 365 6,057 62 2,836 12 317 16 1 37 4,551 3,832 106,308 4 28,061 13,108 7,732 64,188 762 21,937 178 6,366 73 1 38 430 46,635 38,603 512,542 4,925,464 247,731 2,207,957 220,563 2,240,986 654 8,795 5,716 74,216 15,686 186,932 2,026 30,378 2,120 18,701 960 10,730 2,568 43,549 1,842 5,948 17,245 138,328 37,656 405,679 481 10,236 2,070 2,492 4,617 36,302 13,875 137,971 41,970 405,871 1,291 17,150 3,985 62,956 4,733 37,679 6,476 67,081 17,792 135,219 695 7,952 154,630 1,299,206 2,515 24,234 65 1,048 1,641 19,662 3 142 1,298 14,975 1,956 19,833 34,550 295,359 70 1,494 23,295 22,077 170,177 1,217 12,619 21 1,448 10,010 5,357 54,973 103,417 821,553 2,630 13,036 253 2,057 737 7,630 3,224 31,023 1,052 11,598 1,399 11,946 46 Table 11 Goods Exports and Imports by SITC division and country November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Division 89 - continued Mexico Netherlands Poland Russia Saudi Arabia Sweden Singapore Thailand Turkey Taiwan United States Northern Ireland Other countries EU, unknown Non-EU, unknown Section 9 EU countries Germany Great Britain Stores & Provisions United States Northern Ireland Other countries EU, unknown Non-EU, unknown Estimates EU countries Belgium China Germany Spain France Great Britain Italy Netherlands Poland Sweden United States Northern Ireland Other countries EU, unknown 15,483 174,773 55,575 619,930 4,672 32,455 2,724 27,632 1,246 10,844 3,121 30,410 4,920 51,107 390 5,526 716 14,463 186 2,437 218,313 1,941,885 10,903 63,409 9,822 106,236 12 12 181 5,897 4,730 872 0 2 385 1,584 2,316 624 961 30,874 3,178 4,813 1,397 3,765 60,812 53,422 8,870 85 119 5,249 7,939 13,840 7,440 11,050 376,657 33,940 37,890 18,925 26,455 65,160 500,391 102,903 1,061,275 4,740 916 1,121 51,556 6,874 2,072 2,166 456 57,301 10,981 10,826 387,973 33,854 23,301 28,333 32 5,089 98,041 1,010,151 1,404 15,618 13,503 114,285 2,404 26,649 486 5,987 5,392 41,690 78,228 840,619 1,486 16,426 55,734 561,068 82,505 1,032,469 55,666 752 3,755 1,125 1,912 22,662 1,357 2,186 867 543 2 11,207 2,368 6,998 560,781 10,069 30,941 10,751 25,284 254,179 11,846 22,448 8,030 7,055 18 117,362 23,096 39,989 76,277 1,807 2,843 6,739 1,635 2,730 33,821 3,875 3,975 850 789 1,026 4,401 5,617 12,397 958,042 20,182 35,904 81,097 25,258 34,576 469,418 45,038 50,667 12,640 10,822 12,203 67,913 64,831 101,923 47 Table 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 EU Countries Division 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 12 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 41 42 43 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 85 87 88 89 Section 9 Other Estimates - 4,280,670 44,733,354 55,565 315,751 245,919 2,701,016 121,396 1,335,293 36,027 310,512 29,078 301,659 19,177 227,799 8,531 92,648 25,480 252,501 17,665 195,860 60,364 629,362 50,279 501,248 5,394 56,989 7,283 90,415 1,117 8,468 11,761 144,280 909 11,878 10,226 108,501 4,624 79,139 63,147 704,274 7,392 75,614 4,021 71,312 38,616 357,284 1,029 18,397 2,008 13,385 4,024 42,029 531 6,718 149 2,161 563,006 5,718,567 17,239 133,283 8,301 87,764 1,246,935 12,891,014 257,653 2,781,646 149 2,431 19,343 225,787 20,911 239,050 195,659 2,192,521 2,813 30,740 4,586 54,414 18,149 204,624 11,043 131,805 9,353 109,917 29,348 308,792 10,122 107,591 5,506 60,777 38,234 437,898 18,698 183,556 31,228 369,878 1,139 12,851 68,919 796,050 161,008 1,860,885 51,297 506,638 91,957 955,006 16,908 211,995 18,678 250,071 12,172 111,117 9,498 100,316 1,312 11,821 23,738 213,823 3,785 30,062 181,220 1,659,074 18,043 224,345 220,563 2,240,986 4,740 57,301 40 3,684 55,666 560,781 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 November 2014 Imports, EUR 000 - - 2,855,686 30,579,925 35,824 149,679 66,653 739,844 56,859 700,439 15,810 183,468 74,138 748,696 62,367 739,901 25,096 303,546 39,125 332,486 36,176 350,789 36,736 370,594 49,724 532,954 4,015 81,209 16 437 1,299 14,855 8,185 85,747 1,117 21,942 1,004 10,358 6,701 69,832 2,426 25,179 9,753 115,800 5,065 65,104 237,027 3,004,270 102,524 1,169,649 4,741 69,994 904 12,036 12,691 133,814 1,883 15,788 71,549 937,854 8,786 120,491 12,055 158,093 212,734 2,362,080 82,439 866,368 11,415 241,826 52,488 610,604 30,277 286,489 31,671 422,639 528 3,792 14,522 167,371 10,830 120,729 62,235 676,361 24,316 253,361 28,532 285,005 40,335 457,161 38,755 428,215 57,100 571,213 15,545 163,829 58,960 703,507 4,914 49,540 84,079 879,577 75,823 840,153 66,056 559,274 96,852 922,971 215,530 1,738,243 10,875 525,272 14,287 117,207 22,060 207,402 5,005 49,074 57,896 615,759 13,199 153,861 86,819 654,258 9,314 106,308 154,630 1,299,206 98,041 1,010,151 1,099 8,233 76,277 958,042 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Andorra United Arab Emirates Division 02 09 54 55 74 75 76 88 Other Afghanistan Antigua & Barbuda November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 180 438 160 352 38,823 718 2,558 11,243 4,006 1,336 11,968 2,189 1,148 3,657 328,188 21,489 28,027 58,005 59,160 16,598 66,546 20,468 11,554 46,341 1,606 0 0 30 29 0 1,546 16,339 1 1 1 4 74 769 289 4 15,197 570 3,903 2 77 - 83 - 41 Albania 507 6,038 380 4,595 Armenia 271 1,480 0 18 Angola 985 15,432 - 5 5,831 2,153 1,285 2,393 70,180 28,640 12,183 29,357 24,422 22,574 8 1,840 200,804 179,707 2 307 20,788 - - - 1 Austria Division 25 27 51 54 55 59 72 74 75 77 78 87 89 Other 31,958 159 9 14,822 4,356 2,975 13 847 1,819 352 186 1,757 654 4,009 320,907 16,438 1,265 133,483 41,206 26,931 4,013 6,812 21,798 2,947 1,946 12,421 8,795 42,853 18,372 716 1 639 1,499 54 159 1,774 962 308 833 1,770 2,854 2,515 4,288 196,272 11,953 82 21,473 14,522 775 2,279 17,008 10,542 2,436 11,808 4,301 29,659 24,234 45,201 Australia Division 11 54 55 59 74 75 77 87 89 Other 59,172 1,585 25,758 2,102 1,616 1,912 4,141 3,359 6,899 5,716 6,084 616,801 14,625 251,363 6,968 22,535 21,636 61,130 11,523 86,546 74,216 66,259 4,353 1,699 754 192 17 98 82 100 215 65 1,129 72,898 24,754 18,565 772 230 1,448 276 1,464 2,980 1,048 21,361 Argentina Division 08 54 75 Other American Samoa - 30 1 105 Azerbaijan Aruba 146 9,007 0 45 Bosnia & Herzegovina 885 11,308 62 876 Barbados 177 1,638 3 21 Bangladesh Division 84 Other 550 550 10,604 0 10,604 12,670 12,287 383 119,694 114,948 4,746 48 Table 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Belgium Division 01 02 04 05 08 09 28 33 42 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 62 64 65 66 72 74 75 76 77 78 84 87 89 Other Estimates Burkina Faso 1,098,894 10,927,583 5,289 66,235 5,965 101,170 529 2,222 270 5,472 5 57 409 5,677 5,671 58,157 4 98 6 420,236 3,841,822 1,861 14,937 527,357 5,595,199 11,753 115,355 223 2,564 2,603 28,362 8,448 81,944 11 145 110 1,042 851 9,253 1,791 19,098 387 4,782 1,809 16,120 3,554 85,011 13,890 115,797 2,534 36,678 247 3,465 82 986 60,066 445,314 15,686 186,932 6,499 73,611 752 10,069 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 88,243 843 839 868 3,738 2,373 1,721 24 700 777 11,057 898 8,330 1,460 4,812 6,819 817 932 1,111 1,337 1,470 1,671 2,342 3,974 7,061 543 1,727 4,274 639 3,896 1,641 7,744 1,807 1,018,079 9,780 11,382 14,086 43,991 11,137 15,965 121 35,483 10,248 129,526 12,479 165,902 13,795 53,215 74,866 9,370 16,162 12,631 14,022 13,913 16,500 15,369 22,798 68,284 7,480 16,533 42,850 12,851 19,223 19,662 88,273 20,182 404 9,776 0 58 Bulgaria Division 04 54 55 Other 5,303 1,167 1,017 3,119 61,976 32 16,127 15,376 30,440 6,501 4,796 221 0 1,483 26,873 10,568 2,636 96 13,574 Bahrain 2,521 30,195 85 238 Burundi 12 20 6 62 319 3,081 0 0 - 201 0 1 68 648 893 1,137 Brunei 338 1,909 3 27 Bolivia 173 2,015 321 1,357 - - 2 2 22,429 7,078 1,299 128 8,979 2,026 2,918 239,267 88,703 15,913 12,050 43,669 30,378 48,555 15,440 1,443 3,924 7,025 1,092 147 5 0 3 1,802 144,929 15,497 39,264 52,085 11,829 5,972 552 82 142 19,504 Benin Saint Barthélemy Bermuda Bonaire, Sint Eustat Brazil Division 01 05 28 54 55 74 75 89 Other November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Bahamas Bhutan 139 2,157 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 331 5,665 - 1 - - Botswana 10 1,576 1 4 Belarus 423 6,104 119 10,682 Division 05 Other 6 6 164 164 1,395 1,395 0 11,578 11,577 0 Division 04 08 11 22 33 51 54 59 77 87 89 Other 87,929 184 5,523 0 39,471 29,696 962 428 4,145 2,120 5,400 674,392 3,800 503 59,425 3 219,576 237,114 14,607 4,820 44,548 18,701 71,295 24,353 217 7,120 0 1,626 0 253 6,683 46 830 429 1,298 5,851 344,502 57,562 16,741 122 2,167 49,076 12,236 101,358 902 11,197 5,131 14,975 73,035 - 17 - 1 1,719 1,384 335 15,441 7,200 8,242 90 90 454 454 71 170 24 609 Belize Canada Cocos Islands Congo (Dem Rep) Division 09 Other Central African Repu 308 12,681 2 128 Switzerland Division 01 11 51 54 55 58 59 71 72 74 75 77 79 87 89 Other Congo 217,554 2,873 749 107,098 80,878 5,619 206 3,270 906 151 1,006 4,817 1,407 1,714 3,141 960 2,758 4,780,624 25,293 8,393 3,218,709 1,253,668 55,534 2,113 32,423 24,964 3,523 13,381 48,907 14,227 2,779 28,790 10,730 37,190 40,714 1,667 10,899 11,575 559 1,318 126 37 1,524 2,693 185 1,087 91 2,818 1,956 4,179 1,173,130 14,482 823,851 139,368 12,857 12,317 3,948 28,704 9,650 34,029 3,554 14,948 2,938 14,516 19,833 38,134 Ivory Coast Division 33 Other 880 880 6,532 6,532 1,031 1,031 50,904 40,232 10,672 Division 05 11 54 59 74 Other 21,852 44 2,116 895 17,378 1,419 76,017 1,115 13,842 19,514 18,444 23,102 4,859 328 3,953 139 439 57,314 11,719 38,091 1 737 6,766 Cameroon Division 03 55 Other 2,185 1,694 491 37,780 23,383 11,135 3,263 720 720 7,611 7,611 Chile 49 Table 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 China November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Division 01 02 03 09 21 25 27 29 51 54 55 58 59 62 63 64 65 66 67 69 71 72 74 75 76 77 78 81 82 83 84 85 87 88 89 Other Estimates 116,069 5,095 3,720 2,934 22,188 6,533 2,069 271 55 30,519 7,303 1,003 779 1,613 7 86 255 1 225 2,058 1,065 121 824 4,496 150 8,086 0 1 128 0 4 7,839 2,570 2,568 1,503 - 1,349,238 44,359 49,364 15,758 213,455 55,810 27,238 2,714 885 168,565 370,117 19,228 7,164 13,838 234 126 453 1,478 160 1,919 11,315 13,370 4,262 16,754 51,791 3,380 62,221 29 43 1,220 52 357 13 99,853 24,990 43,549 23,174 - 335,628 376 215 170 821 1,526 8,241 4,020 1,129 1,291 749 4,077 3,297 3,292 3,636 3,820 541 9,040 1,650 3,488 4,764 96,460 35,987 26,952 2,275 4,345 7,085 3,980 44,761 8,335 3,661 3,102 34,550 5,148 2,843 3,048,714 4,819 8 1,257 2,187 1 201 17,302 5,249 99,443 47,244 11,728 16,354 8,747 53,362 34,513 26,448 38,547 43,491 10,951 89,641 20,976 36,087 60,246 821,178 259,565 229,950 17,447 46,875 74,883 40,777 381,800 96,060 34,812 28,061 295,359 57,238 35,904 Colombia Division 32 54 89 Other 5,913 1,766 1,842 2,304 40,557 13,078 5,948 21,531 9,362 8,863 30 469 80,510 74,657 69 70 5,714 Costa Rica Division 05 87 Other 2,306 556 1,750 21,347 5,365 15,981 4,981 1,350 2,770 860 53,407 20,470 23,971 8,966 162 686 22 275 Cuba Cape Verde Curaçao Christmas Island November 2014 - 160 - 10 13 114 - - - 57 - 43 1,205 17,276 139 2,207 43,775 1,084 1,574 5,898 2,066 1,290 811 3,683 2,251 4,495 427,231 14,693 9,871 45,449 20,641 12,400 7,115 82,229 5,719 51,267 36,774 131 366 17 5 3,175 5,424 910 1,549 357,024 1,709 4,882 368 92 31,620 72,535 5,575 15,846 Exports, EUR 000 Czech Republic - continued Division 78 195 89 17,245 Other 3,183 Germany Division 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 12 26 27 29 42 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 82 84 85 87 88 89 Section 9 Other Estimates Djibouti Cyprus Czech Republic Division 01 11 54 55 59 74 75 76 77 Jan-Nov 2014 Denmark Division 01 02 03 54 55 59 63 72 74 75 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 3,377 138,328 36,142 19,236 1,494 4,466 139,297 23,295 61,807 525,934 13,300 19,326 1,142 219 43 1,484 139 567 8,021 4,341 1,334 1,786 509 1,571 5,017 1,923 734 175,009 36,712 1,214 1,425 46,276 1,005 746 855 1,330 618 282 978 6,983 2,425 2,562 264 8,498 33,591 5,015 23,981 1,649 7,688 151 524 50 57,107 1,872 37,656 916 3,341 3,755 5,394,345 150,678 163,784 20,006 2,324 1,876 16,816 1,734 5,297 92,650 48,997 13,741 16,006 12,842 16,488 105,112 37,270 6,467 1,565,501 442,353 13,818 15,828 588,038 10,494 10,180 14,412 14,633 5,803 3,613 12,101 75,013 50,926 31,715 4,104 138,555 388,988 136,371 260,097 20,123 99,277 2,237 7,901 458 268,092 23,104 405,679 10,981 30,920 30,941 369,757 8,175 3,939 1,277 4,660 6,474 1,696 3,834 1,475 1,514 4,119 254 177 410 426 1,454 5,339 2,777 1,087 55,467 4,825 1,467 9,745 3,303 5,658 1,358 616 5,528 2,625 2,592 3,684 12,279 6,197 5,362 11,384 614 11,446 6,249 2,006 17,389 91,446 1,317 1,154 3,283 656 17,264 1,041 22,077 1,404 4,492 6,739 3,874,698 80,430 54,418 15,132 50,846 85,969 27,439 43,386 20,966 19,965 41,778 3,006 1,388 3,235 7,786 13,009 111,107 41,961 14,591 479,539 65,675 32,784 142,681 42,659 74,936 15,865 7,973 63,690 28,812 19,535 31,148 216,890 82,530 72,694 143,704 12,251 134,039 61,012 43,845 190,322 690,067 17,816 13,364 48,314 10,975 179,423 13,108 170,177 15,618 35,748 81,097 - 503 2 96 46,790 5,049 786 1,329 18,843 5,217 3,415 52 359 1,746 3,040 535,519 90,712 6,381 8,236 183,362 61,880 41,702 920 4,069 13,344 34,426 38,609 1,757 3,562 718 12,108 202 342 1,355 3,187 5,820 325 380,351 22,497 29,449 7,840 152,068 2,299 3,113 8,027 16,185 25,317 1,608 50 Table 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Denmark - continued Division 87 89 Other November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 1,556 481 4,917 20,021 10,236 60,230 581 1,217 7,436 5,588 12,619 93,741 41 160 1 57 677 9,286 662 8,987 Algeria Division 02 33 Other 6,272 2,965 3,307 52,137 29,192 22,945 8 8 201,136 197,009 4,128 Ecuador Division 89 Other 3,193 2,070 1,124 11,795 2,492 9,303 641 641 3,628 21 3,607 Estonia Division 76 Other 1,519 218 1,300 17,030 526 16,504 7,465 6,838 627 39,238 33,420 5,818 14,546 118 1,551 2,497 4,391 1,585 4,405 151,579 12,943 10,475 30,463 47,207 8,654 41,837 1,292 1 10 1 1,280 23,408 12 91 4 21 23,280 Western Sahara - 7 29 164 Eritrea - 39 - 7 233,378 604 4,393 1,740 8,425 221 257 2,131 3,831 43,482 64,715 40,800 29,637 19 85 85 518 54 37 720 1,353 4,279 6,804 548 2,766 237 31 3,666 1,526 4,617 4,673 1,125 2,288,103 15,332 54,071 20,921 53,675 2,546 1,150 11,477 34,758 431,919 643,608 388,798 278,654 219 627 382 3,255 483 737 32,285 12,931 50,756 56,347 10,104 20,521 4,523 12,129 27,072 15,758 36,302 56,009 10,751 80,798 2,155 97 43 1,258 7,067 1,060 48 366 3,230 563 0 341 767 1,436 671 2,742 1,552 12,934 2,782 270 2,040 493 604 2,146 22,927 165 3,621 725 1,448 5,610 1,635 774,454 20 20,752 1,600 937 14,546 79,261 15,246 157 50,236 34,542 7,223 24,848 7,707 10,229 19,415 10,578 26,541 13,985 48,099 20,087 13,754 48,991 13,426 2,379 21,938 90,627 3,499 40,945 15,671 10,010 81,949 25,258 Dominica Dominican Republic Egypt Division 03 09 54 55 75 Other Spain Division 00 01 02 03 04 05 11 28 51 54 55 56 59 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 72 74 75 76 77 78 79 84 87 89 Other Estimates November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Ethiopia Division 55 Other 2,745 2,633 112 16,488 14,148 2,340 159 159 1,066 1,066 Finland Division 28 33 52 54 55 59 64 69 74 75 77 Other 26,746 9,582 1,505 2,199 1,679 856 30 1,215 2,335 1,181 2,824 3,339 285,320 96,160 9,101 22,959 24,605 14,402 383 11,352 27,203 14,441 30,153 34,560 9,502 0 43 24 96 2,623 168 755 230 152 5,410 129,033 18,400 966 1,562 5 1,374 29,075 870 4,972 1,625 3,738 66,445 Fiji 3 418 60 188 Falkland Islands - - 5 9 Micronesia - - - 1 Faroe Islands 2 195 56 612 398,232 3,830 26,839 8,646 12,784 45 211 1,199 218 187 3,766 3,103 1,107 10,582 1,181 467 13,205 157,076 36,357 841 1,887 28,725 297 1,246 343 42 1,027 4,110 12,760 16,961 1,261 8,234 384 1,555 7,207 8,052 2,123 13,875 4,582 1,912 4,261,609 7,370 322,899 100,910 106,656 836 2,692 11,279 2,403 2,623 38,509 33,508 12,834 118,391 11,274 14,115 142,431 1,673,227 410,823 12,392 30,646 329,337 2,408 16,018 2,937 933 12,929 29,773 145,503 171,858 16,245 56,334 4,755 16,572 61,454 89,749 31,908 137,971 53,820 25,284 175,238 503 1,946 4,032 1,336 7,009 3,730 2,814 1,308 3,662 1,218 6,668 9 2,641 65 35,982 20,265 8,362 736 5,444 1,075 1,249 2,590 436 1,143 1,686 2,167 2,101 5,143 2,376 437 2,175 23,918 1,970 1,478 3,161 365 5,357 5,952 2,730 2,205,014 9,764 21,205 42,859 16,213 62,513 40,176 35,311 14,038 33,931 13,925 69,052 2 142 8,291 7,804 391,233 201,578 95,682 16,227 62,574 18,317 19,436 23,479 4,285 10,263 29,629 21,468 25,381 66,014 29,517 9,872 24,046 207,595 364,565 18,917 29,014 7,732 54,973 63,412 34,576 France Division 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 21 28 29 33 51 54 55 56 57 58 59 64 65 66 67 69 72 74 75 76 77 78 79 84 87 88 89 Other Estimates 51 Table 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Gabon Great Britain Division 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 12 21 24 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 42 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 85 87 88 89 Section 9 Other Estimates Grenada 453 3,970 981,962 10,750,806 37,124 152,339 131,140 1,317,104 63,968 699,234 4,892 44,712 22,090 227,245 14,748 170,821 3,564 35,838 18,649 182,263 10,820 120,591 23,452 244,158 20,215 207,520 1,353 27,553 3,127 40,445 8,417 100,048 3,967 51,578 1,529 17,654 9,436 127,244 3,112 27,777 2,001 43,767 30,046 302,465 423 8,098 1,964 13,293 25 795 34,532 797,473 5,716 33,895 3,047 35,919 95,419 1,204,226 58,796 594,576 19 419 12,000 123,573 9,742 107,030 26,628 268,037 842 10,111 2,453 26,712 10,987 128,894 6,925 87,486 3,152 34,954 18,653 198,285 7,696 75,398 3,543 35,604 15,054 161,346 12,246 73,903 11,485 120,796 74 3,793 14,854 170,894 28,573 428,912 20,623 148,200 30,324 313,127 9,696 128,119 8,671 108,731 9,832 91,496 5,284 64,665 718 6,584 7,692 76,033 1,871 14,345 12,402 123,457 8,049 95,031 41,970 405,871 1,121 10,826 2,550 25,363 22,662 254,179 - 153 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 November 2014 Imports, EUR 000 3,155 10,616 1,372,382 14,742,672 31,682 125,735 27,078 309,161 19,834 278,832 10,332 117,666 43,615 465,256 24,308 278,065 11,499 136,002 27,749 216,407 13,731 131,625 20,806 211,337 22,846 244,286 1,095 33,088 1 223 2,013 21,319 696 7,363 2,312 25,468 2,066 22,107 1,913 37,889 2,288 19,466 176,098 2,630,272 101,533 1,159,622 4,414 68,100 1,836 23,714 8,852 97,351 3,154 35,465 8,082 105,157 37,662 514,355 60,874 604,251 2,332 44,677 18,368 183,119 18,949 139,800 16,656 203,229 371 2,728 5,960 72,210 3,648 43,798 34,217 384,338 13,255 136,479 15,045 156,221 25,408 289,869 9,728 103,757 31,940 311,855 7,101 56,372 22,768 241,574 3,850 26,664 33,323 363,975 33,119 342,347 36,618 308,748 45,491 422,685 39,498 411,806 6,336 114,145 9,670 79,597 13,465 123,725 2,653 27,334 39,171 374,233 8,335 93,646 47,532 270,033 6,057 64,188 103,417 821,553 13,503 114,285 2,407 24,679 33,821 469,418 31 318 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Georgia Ghana Division 09 Other Gibraltar Greenland November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 597 4,327 131 1,747 1,602 306 1,297 34,718 12,089 22,629 293 293 2,290 6 2,284 184 1,694 - 1 2 3 1 14 Gambia 194 3,545 67 206 Guinea Division 28 Other 0 0 793 793 9,102 9,102 1 97,755 97,725 30 Equatorial Guinea 182 799 - 14 21,581 1,676 12 11,885 2,807 2,123 3,078 261,708 15,739 24,142 117,809 44,796 29,165 30,057 1,726 148 0 358 214 1,006 31,358 2,079 4 6,584 1,899 20,792 - 133 - - Guatemala 404 6,922 552 1,640 Guam 139 531 0 0 2 25 - - Greece Division 02 51 54 55 59 Other South Georgia Guinea Bissau Guyana 36 1,225 0 1,358 50,135 7,514 11,273 5,043 6,891 1,774 2,966 4,995 3,601 1,291 4,786 564,763 62,157 98,256 81,466 131,862 19,971 26,056 52,423 35,428 17,150 39,994 10,315 5 80 903 2,649 1,446 76 62 2,630 2,463 96,066 570 3,278 10,450 26,867 14,111 1,377 762 13,036 25,615 40 2,085 230 3,434 0 16,582 0 1,146 3,295 3,295 218 218 42 1,691 1 328 Hungary Division 51 54 55 59 72 75 77 89 Other 19,784 815 4,419 2,401 1,558 2,352 1,193 412 3,985 2,650 223,939 18,995 31,180 22,400 14,362 26,089 19,250 4,089 62,956 24,618 11,389 648 261 12 3 3,065 3,484 1,014 253 2,649 112,181 3,165 5,207 369 332 32,217 26,501 10,591 2,057 31,741 Indonesia Division 02 08 3,211 694 - 47,787 10,220 - 5,584 - 89,922 15 20,362 Hong Kong Division 01 09 54 75 76 77 87 88 89 Other Honduras Croatia HRE Haiti 52 Table 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Indonesia - continued Division 84 Other November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 2,517 3 37,564 1,205 4,379 13,618 55,928 Division 09 54 55 59 71 72 75 77 87 Other 56,129 2,148 2,387 2,641 2,123 177 20 9,318 33,795 394 3,124 321,059 18,755 27,466 38,789 26,578 10,087 2,719 59,334 98,243 4,399 34,690 5,864 112 308 17 1 390 245 221 177 1,446 2,946 98,790 1,746 6,581 597 219 5,076 18,919 2,166 3,065 19,384 41,037 Division 25 51 54 57 62 65 66 69 75 77 78 84 87 89 Other 17,579 449 435 873 2,636 10 25 720 74 2,942 215 0 0 1,235 4,733 3,233 222,566 14,387 3,052 11,551 21,692 70 894 2,806 3,062 68,628 5,615 118 12 13,019 37,679 39,980 31,517 5,633 2,203 160 1,280 1,042 987 1,282 117 1,276 857 8,431 490 737 7,021 375,802 93,793 33,154 3,385 15,871 11,275 10,252 12,012 645 12,237 11,821 83,041 7,794 7,630 72,894 Israel India British Indian Ocean - - 3 38 Division 09 55 Other 5,736 452 4,706 578 60,005 23,266 27,910 8,828 0 0 104 0 104 Division 54 55 Other 4,556 1,020 2,167 1,370 39,058 13,823 13,286 11,948 44 0 44 541 0 0 541 Iceland Division 28 Other 671 671 40,606 28,779 11,827 928 928 8,377 8,377 169,820 3,706 13,663 1,303 2,679 1 1 641 1,539 1,899 1,163 22,761 52,386 17,232 290 739 15,315 255 605 58 87 1,947,844 34,739 184,266 16,050 27,782 82 298 8,111 10,693 21,117 10,874 231,783 616,906 189,975 18,638 5,624 190,272 1,640 10,288 422 1,566 75,707 909 1,132 1,031 8 1,097 1,996 1,942 2,604 3,755 8,144 2,008 1,698 1,271 1,876 976 787 849 854 839,348 1,266 11,159 11,396 433 14,058 23,276 20,813 30,574 6 56,464 71,576 23,891 17,503 16,902 33,242 9,916 8,778 12,392 11,482 Iraq Iran Italy Division 00 01 02 03 04 05 09 11 21 26 51 54 55 57 58 59 64 65 66 67 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Italy - continued Division 69 72 74 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 84 85 87 89 Other Estimates November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 2,795 620 4,745 7,235 1,387 1,275 27 17 58 4 34 6 4,141 6,476 3,322 1,357 33,449 4,423 40,476 81,798 14,339 16,419 514 2,258 727 192 722 81 44,700 67,081 47,691 11,846 2,013 2,912 8,724 881 243 5,890 1,721 32 1,594 1,806 1,952 900 1,652 3,224 5,352 3,875 18,777 38,353 85,922 7,636 3,645 56,601 23,446 12,229 11,005 17,882 25,812 11,507 15,165 31,023 60,180 45,038 86 2,766 279 2,064 Division 09 55 Other 4,680 2,068 1,442 1,170 62,471 27,239 16,572 18,661 81 81 5,307 0 5,307 Division 01 27 51 54 55 57 58 59 67 71 72 74 75 76 77 78 87 88 89 Other 125,091 697 688 26,768 10,803 9,412 301 375 967 34 534 467 441 2,803 196 3,196 17 10,729 33,953 17,792 4,919 1,634,694 33,478 10,731 437,485 148,347 149,992 3,188 2,865 16,090 239 15,139 16,527 4,775 53,286 2,467 25,194 197 149,501 383,187 135,219 46,788 162,009 8 4,705 3,960 44 1,024 1,097 1,698 2,938 6,211 90,184 5,217 1,614 1,249 7,619 20,954 6,618 2,836 1,052 2,980 1,598,297 69 103,362 108,737 935 12,214 10,504 23,266 6,216 78,283 725,289 47,753 19,622 11,935 99,008 197,904 81,045 21,937 11,598 38,619 Division 07 55 Other 1,755 1,099 656 25,830 8 16,059 9,763 1,624 835 789 18,572 10,173 0 8,399 Jamaica Jordan Japan Kenya Kyrgyz Republic Cambodia Division 84 Other - 150 - 27 264 264 2,570 2,570 3,409 2,979 430 28,956 20,863 8,092 Kiribati - - 0 0 Comoros - 228 0 0 49 79 0 8 - - 535 3,198 48,114 2,611 374 63 422,358 18,435 12,151 21,186 55,336 7,448 404,885 58 87,065 St Kitt & Nevis North Korea South Korea Division 01 03 51 53 Table 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 South Korea - continued Division 54 13,632 55 4,096 59 991 72 46 74 267 75 1,139 76 167 77 10,689 78 3 87 4,192 88 6,015 89 695 Other 3,134 Kuwait Division 09 54 55 Other Cayman Islands Kazakhstan Division 55 59 Other Laos Lebanon Division 54 55 Other 10,485 802 765 7,342 1,577 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 November 2014 Imports, EUR 000 100,358 29,939 11,701 5,426 3,186 25,645 4,021 91,503 240 30,577 39,414 7,952 20,623 2,860 14 66 1,994 1,429 17,836 6,709 2,074 10,954 168 12 1,399 2,373 3,194 220 2,116 8,393 18,310 91,711 33,659 16,406 100,044 3,097 178 11,946 28,488 82,642 20,111 15,443 24,232 22,856 3 0 3 211 0 0 0 210 201 1,709 0 21 3,611 1,580 1,683 348 47,394 21,207 17,571 8,616 1 1 1,332 0 1,331 174 746 141 1,519 Exports, EUR 000 Morocco Division 54 55 59 79 Other Moldova 7,109 128 1,306 1,449 1,449 - 26,122 24,400 1,722 16 16 231 231 74 1,042 3 818 451 2,503 - 7 83 596 6 3,119 - - - 0 Mauritania 159 1,354 5 14 Montserrat - 0 - 34 2,264 21,307 904 6,810 208 4,080 527 6,172 27 454 673 5,037 295 2,828 8 171 Division 09 11 51 54 55 59 76 77 87 89 Other 94,541 5,650 211 966 5,366 40,577 19,769 20 143 1,575 15,483 4,781 1,141,583 73,040 6,250 44,297 36,818 526,199 206,282 344 5,058 16,954 174,773 51,567 30,609 10 1,642 182 923 233 53 6,518 1,121 10,929 5,897 3,100 291,807 401 9,742 2,396 6,571 11,806 151 57,565 11,949 91,569 60,812 38,847 Malaysia Division 09 42 54 55 75 76 77 84 Other 22,117 4,212 2,175 5,228 2,012 140 4,655 0 3,695 193,466 31,246 24,416 25,323 18,573 1,985 40,592 11 51,321 17,993 40 1,655 23 122 1,073 4,608 5,323 1,559 3,590 211,418 9,546 31,869 4,736 444 15,923 32,525 62,364 12,761 41,251 50 3,900 0 237 22 1,341 19 523 464 3,177 - 5 Mali Division 09 Other Burma Mongolia Macao Northern Mariana Isl 55 13 1,103 Malawi Sri Lanka Division 07 84 Other 536 536 5,572 29 5,543 6,216 1,313 4,021 882 60,412 11,254 43,641 5,517 Mexico Liberia 124 1,963 8 29 5,413 3,312 313 1,788 70,697 33,611 14,975 22,111 2,826 21 154 2,650 34,530 368 909 33,253 Latvia Division 11 24 Other 3,337 2,192 1,146 51,441 34,656 16,785 2,802 8 1,441 1,353 25,962 80 11,219 14,662 Division 00 33 55 Other 4,678 1,564 2,278 836 42,860 8,834 20,733 13,292 129,877 128,652 1,225 369,662 367,268 2,395 Libya 670 714 Macedonia 7 Luxembourg Division 74 75 Other 114 28 Liechtenstein 4 3,139 696 2 62,135 28,764 33,370 187 0 0 - 21,712 13 0 66 21,632 194 71 4,013 4,013 968 7 961 11 - 89 61,158 2,919 21,172 15,179 2,796 19,093 1,324 St Lucia 34,813 34,813 8,005 1,528 1,113 897 2,757 1,709 2 773 23 751 10 Imports, EUR 000 46 52 52 2,634 2,634 Jan-Nov 2014 Madagascar 56,476 16,056 24,784 15,636 Lithuania Division 56 Other November 2014 Montenegro 4,952 2,702 2,249 Lesotho Jan-Nov 2014 Malta Mauritius Maldives Mozambique Namibia New Caledonia 54 Table 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Niger Norfolk Island Nigeria Division 02 03 09 33 55 Other November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 415 828 74 165 - 45 - 23 17,370 1,359 4,035 4,675 5,976 1,325 315,221 25,491 44,739 109,176 99,699 36,115 96 2 0 94 185,892 0 0 26 184,339 3 1,524 Nicaragua Division 06 Other 15 15 2,268 2,268 1,750 1,673 77 3,698 1,673 2,024 Netherlands Division 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 12 26 28 29 32 33 41 42 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 62 63 64 65 68 69 72 74 75 76 77 78 84 87 88 89 Other Estimates 271,737 15,731 8,633 1,487 54 142 167 4,729 421 13,689 1,057 2,619 1,100 20,932 587 525 6,719 1,624 39 3,789 5 50,890 8,908 618 428 6,919 110 1,589 276 282 14 1,227 1,910 3,137 13,441 852 5,143 298 221 27,810 2,601 55,575 3,250 2,186 3,059,059 173,118 110,810 10,423 1,683 5,391 2,974 43,255 6,097 129,131 12,325 15,339 11,316 184,594 5,595 9,913 20,526 25,932 460 24,407 2,145 416,101 103,804 0 8,138 4,510 87,144 2,479 17,600 2,947 4,636 400 15,759 24,184 40,798 159,848 12,545 65,226 3,271 2,396 573,760 36,131 619,930 39,572 22,448 218,917 12,740 4,592 580 1,998 8,983 4,488 1,033 3,739 5,196 2,434 1,370 12 4,004 3 33,822 252 5,580 2,259 896 51,920 1,704 1,738 8,659 1,520 2,856 1,235 206 3,202 1,232 399 1,615 3,139 2,566 8,927 7,363 2,686 1,674 1,196 5,997 317 4,730 6,079 3,975 2,398,009 152,638 34,933 4,961 20,509 127,863 52,650 15,528 36,323 50,886 35,156 19,736 90 35 51,807 705 134,578 2,163 59,001 33,892 15,079 603,306 23,253 17,560 99,187 16,409 40,514 13,305 1,838 28,802 15,085 18,165 14,495 86,294 20,914 143,109 85,315 33,795 27,322 18,194 62,652 6,366 53,422 69,511 50,667 22,770 6,303 125 333 4,449 2,605 434 295,332 92,580 3 1,783 25,296 53,666 23,699 7,773 23,332 7,621 12,860 160 6 201 854,680 645,805 154,193 4,154 863 1,948 16,501 Norway Division 28 33 51 54 55 59 72 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Norway - continued Division 74 75 Other November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 1,923 1,258 5,339 22,194 17,940 50,398 15 88 2,381 1,324 736 29,156 Nepal 22 378 28 355 Nauru - - - 66 Niue - 0 - 3 New Zealand Division 09 11 53 54 Other 8,538 1,006 372 3 3,562 3,594 85,723 20,404 2,163 312 20,970 41,873 6,703 80 2,267 2,825 9 1,522 42,923 82 14,186 3,054 947 24,655 Oman 1,503 339 1,164 44,412 21,761 22,651 504 0 504 6,128 0 6,128 Panama 1,720 12,640 86 662 Peru 2,401 2,401 30,690 12,357 18,334 1,723 490 1,233 15,813 11,755 4,057 French Polynesia 15 700 - 0 Papua New Guinea - 449 0 229 Philippines Division 01 09 75 77 Other 11,916 4,490 1,609 967 1,893 2,958 84,793 17,022 3,787 12,366 21,105 30,514 7,171 0 3,078 2,018 2,075 80,084 68 45,817 15,075 19,125 Pakistan Division 54 65 84 Other 3,829 1,646 0 0 2,183 40,582 6,028 30 1 34,522 4,399 1,677 2,141 580 48,204 17 19,732 22,245 6,210 91,523 1,198 426 123 31 6,041 16,495 7,613 5,702 1,009 1,693 29,501 2,659 1,190 650 24 1,972 2,246 4,672 7,409 867 879,562 14,221 10,028 1,960 261 64,757 205,848 82,687 68,935 24,842 23,939 206,161 7,046 10,038 7,915 221 16,481 21,239 32,455 72,497 8,030 38,531 3,146 124 1,858 1,672 2,165 706 700 1,304 331 637 1,470 5,310 1,976 3,665 1,691 1,629 128 16 872 8,281 850 389,826 33,877 1,634 13,621 16,834 14,946 25,274 11,371 13,253 1,999 4,483 13,851 48,801 9,148 33,893 5,022 15,350 1,972 73 8,870 102,913 12,640 Division 55 Other Division 02 05 Other Poland Division 01 03 07 08 09 32 54 55 59 72 74 75 76 77 78 82 87 88 89 Other Estimates 55 Table 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 St Pierre & Miquelon - 20 6 29 Pitcairn - - - 13 316 4,373 - 3 25,450 1,016 1,509 13,252 2,743 2,390 418 4,123 326,226 14,993 26,028 155,768 42,351 28,037 5 10,338 48,705 13,504 346 725 28 8 2,118 121 1,698 8,461 148,013 6,293 4,780 424 3,276 25,450 1,763 14,074 91,954 49 499 55 215 5,685 992 1,909 2,784 64,760 13,592 24,108 27,060 615 0 614 5,024 0 7 5,017 High seas - - - 2 Stores & Provisions - 12 - - Occupied Palestine Portugal Division 01 28 54 55 59 67 75 85 Other Paraguay Qatar Division 55 75 Other Stores & Provisions 487 3,669 - - Stores & Provisions Section 9 Other 51,556 51,556 - 388,132 387,973 159 - - Romania Division 04 51 54 55 59 74 84 Other 37,335 17,516 6,401 4,354 2,096 1,864 1 5,104 323,021 76,914 94,491 56,092 25,550 23,210 669 46,095 12,740 1,483 3,137 75 3,135 4,910 91,973 5,175 5,927 37 1 765 35,027 45,042 Russia 43,859 78 177 2,854 1,949 1,789 11,402 4,889 3,370 3,060 551 4,911 2,724 6,105 693,169 18,152 19,340 26,873 37,767 89,400 2 157,432 70,069 50,388 35,896 27,191 12,337 57,900 27,632 62,790 10,076 0 0 218 378 0 0 6,775 0 0 130 0 2,574 212,568 51 1 0 12,377 57,713 458 0 4 100,716 1 45 677 1 85 40,439 58 503 30 218 44,895 1,397 10,068 14,732 8,325 668,388 23,327 87,345 127,321 233,374 249 0 0 11,513 1 8 19 2 Division 01 03 07 09 28 32 33 51 54 55 56 59 75 77 88 89 Other November 2014 Exports, EUR 000 Saudi Arabia - continued Division 74 1,332 75 4,369 87 264 89 1,246 Other 3,161 Solomon Islands Seychelles Saudi Arabia Division 02 09 54 55 - November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 82,115 59,190 12,287 10,844 32,584 1 0 1 2 244 11 45 36 119 11,271 22 - 3 127 1,364 3 82 1,133 11,849 1 2,312 Division 01 11 28 33 52 54 55 59 64 69 72 74 75 76 77 78 87 89 Other Estimates 73,977 9,795 1,370 177 5,029 22,258 5,082 3,821 59 2,106 1,317 1,679 5,677 527 3,911 292 1,172 3,121 6,041 543 663,910 116,435 8,743 34,703 3,365 10,386 98,384 54,696 37,114 818 29,791 31,444 12,361 62,444 6,871 44,992 2,205 11,424 30,410 60,267 7,055 59,449 42 159 23,112 102 4,715 28 331 5,894 3,133 2,685 2,559 52 2,951 405 3,426 1,026 385 7,655 789 469,540 467 1,324 1 132,863 4,707 41,577 567 8,553 50,906 26,829 30,406 25,821 1,559 14,547 5,999 33,049 7,639 5,249 66,655 10,822 Singapore Division 09 51 54 55 71 72 75 77 87 88 89 Other 53,284 918 7,109 10,107 489 381 14 11,679 2,222 8,388 3,260 4,920 3,799 516,050 14,547 47,383 45,519 13,553 12,311 5,476 131,373 16,735 112,387 18,896 51,107 46,765 32,150 163 538 9 0 18 14,337 11,322 2,146 1,213 1 1,584 819 326,195 2,106 53,757 95 46 8,412 68,885 113,354 32,352 23,490 38 7,939 15,721 - 36 10 54 Slovenia Division 51 54 Other 2,561 6 1,834 720 33,246 185 19,174 13,888 1,767 175 1,592 27,218 12,421 3,216 11,581 Slovakia Division 76 Other 4,855 53 4,802 51,034 269 50,765 4,571 2,507 2,064 41,672 12,434 29,239 132 1,632 19 283 - 27 3 108 4,635 4,440 195 48,464 45,819 2,645 127 127 1,427 1,427 Sudan Sweden Saint Helena Sierra Leone San Marino Rwanda Jan-Nov 2014 Senegal Division 09 Other 56 Table 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 November 2014 Imports, EUR 000 Somalia 98 753 0 12 Surinam - 161 - 14 South Sudan - 161 - - Sao Tome & Principe 5 145 1 4 297 5,398 10 1,537 Sint Maarten 60 337 - - Syria 36 8,740 0 10 Swaziland 13 538 73 362 - 1 44 688 53 815 5 228 1 85 - - Division 09 74 Other 1,290 1,106 0 184 32,078 15,983 12,808 3,287 15 15 50 0 50 Thailand Division 01 09 54 55 59 75 76 77 78 89 Other 15,354 2,017 4,343 1,440 2,420 2,188 1 251 390 2,304 157,012 270 29,910 31,563 9,014 10,103 35,578 356 1,834 130 5,526 32,728 46,453 2,727 424 77 7 32,403 884 2,494 1,602 2,316 3,517 356,340 20,475 4,803 152 794 100 234,567 16,696 23,411 5,565 13,840 35,938 Exports, EUR 000 Chad French Southern Terr Togo Tajikistan - - - 2 Tokelau Islands 5 204 15 278 Timor-Leste - 3 - 0 Turkmenistan Tunisia Tonga Turkey Division 02 05 51 54 55 58 59 64 67 74 75 76 77 78 79 84 89 33 2,555 70 2,298 1,312 15,804 806 9,900 - 3 0 10 34,142 2,666 11 734 8,198 5,069 140 2,500 0 2 240 6,909 369 2,089 137 272 37 716 418,897 3,741 158 10,930 91,539 80,005 3,530 46,195 99 31 21,584 55,400 3,663 13,916 283 31,433 171 14,463 44,475 1,330 89 16 1,003 1 995 853 962 11 2,533 3,820 18,302 8,396 624 389,695 3 10,118 22 287 460 10,734 50 11,120 10,912 8,408 963 10,846 36,483 128,370 1,121 89,458 7,440 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 4,053 41,755 5,542 62,899 Trinidad & Tabago Division 02 Other 2,297 967 1,330 18,352 10,834 7,519 0 0 5,639 0 5,639 - 0 - 0 12,256 1,167 3,740 2 43 1,170 61 2,369 2,031 186 1,489 135,273 15,625 45,640 6 468 8,558 1,759 25,164 20,629 2,437 14,988 21,356 0 628 1,106 1,036 2,141 2,621 9,723 37 961 3,103 218,934 30 2,889 10,075 10,815 27,228 15,243 99,960 430 11,050 41,213 Tanzania United Rep 1,573 15,193 4 192 Ukraine Division 04 54 Other 3,349 1,616 1,733 38,112 15,105 23,007 2,698 1,967 731 48,823 42,617 591 5,615 Uganda Division 55 Other 1,594 1,491 103 16,459 11,557 4,903 11 11 336 0 336 US Minor Islands Division 54 Other 44,856 44,777 79 50,117 48,431 1,686 22 22 343 11 332 1,647,917 17,902,333 1,783 20,277 1,887 18,755 5,559 50,794 561 4,922 64 814 2,625 27,172 742 7,264 440 7,475 34,321 308,461 2,113 11,181 254 2,232 8 280,050 375,821 6,672,008 179 1,644 857 8,139 567,614 3,764,731 157,870 1,637,569 1,205 13,400 7,582 110,694 10,953 131,782 120 1,389 254 2,563 122 3,817 777 11,042 704 6,229 348 3,762 382 4,769 3,568 77,929 5,952 115,591 3,604 54,975 512 5,317 20,571 210,563 19,461 227,650 466,685 356 51 7 258 1,968 232 17,608 1,741 1,235 94 374 4,238 18,429 4,203 1,062 115,878 9,084 10,960 10,120 8,485 1,330 1,400 2,249 1,513 2,916 2,622 4,209 9,391 13,434 40,426 941 14,238 40,197 5,362,282 24,698 184 356 19,925 13,898 2,384 125,838 24,162 16,519 2,116 11,214 141,598 264,048 40,145 12,181 1,206,894 85,644 100,765 108,266 108,413 14,457 13,167 20,708 21,579 26,573 30,206 57,494 87,865 175,548 344,795 17,919 163,609 419,690 Taiwan Turks & Caicos Islan November 2014 Turkey - continued Other Tuvalu El Salvador Jan-Nov 2014 Division 09 54 67 69 75 76 77 88 89 Other United States Division 00 01 02 04 05 07 08 09 11 27 29 33 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 72 73 74 75 57 Table 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 United States - continued Division 76 4,444 77 38,632 79 2,205 82 643 87 132,833 88 12,625 89 218,313 Section 9 6,874 Other 2,536 Estimates 2 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 November 2014 Imports, EUR 000 54,896 310,912 111,458 13,158 1,484,510 113,968 1,941,885 33,854 32,713 18 5,280 30,370 13,781 640 32,682 4,551 30,874 2,404 3,825 1,026 118,080 321,902 345,251 7,061 356,895 46,635 376,657 26,649 48,091 12,203 Uruguay 781 12,398 210 2,874 Uzbekistan 343 8,597 0 88 Holy See - - 0 0 St Vincent & Grenadi 0 177 0 1 2,868 2,332 536 47,157 19,492 15,691 11,973 3 3 421 0 421 British Virgin Islan 87 246 - 40 US Virign Islands 39 2,368 2 8 Vietnam Division 09 54 55 76 82 84 85 Other 7,336 2,057 968 2,095 6 0 2,210 89,467 32,152 10,978 26,630 137 33 0 19,536 10,296 0 2,098 1,974 2,502 1,379 2,344 102,833 11 50 19 4,934 23,917 29,066 19,384 25,452 - 13 9 15 Samoa 35 40 - 2 Ceuta 8 21 7 591 142,375 8,509 15,574 6,839 359 5,293 3,086 4,608 1,118 7,588 3,344 893 922 500 2,507 4,827 130 1,392 2,039 4,739 834 2,438 1,932 1,011 5,824 1,454,209 90,546 160,083 76,019 7,358 59,902 35,766 46,517 11,819 75,032 44,182 8,914 9,191 6,487 23,946 47,717 2,004 12,209 25,656 46,669 12,018 20,869 18,046 11,308 69,586 86,553 1,076 6,093 16,036 1,187 4,367 3,711 6,829 356 3,658 1,663 2,230 1,211 2,159 1,138 368 210 321 1,416 472 960 868 2,305 1,442 1,797 985,102 6,536 60,413 204,872 13,998 52,965 33,350 78,540 4,189 32,604 18,404 20,927 13,255 24,733 11,667 5,127 11,123 3,434 14,615 3,943 10,343 10,087 25,017 13,179 18,101 Exports, EUR 000 Northern Ireland - continued Division 67 1,537 69 4,051 71 1,303 72 2,134 74 2,116 77 1,173 78 2,466 81 1,650 82 2,474 84 4,019 87 1,726 89 10,903 Section 9 2,072 Other 7,240 Estimates 11,207 Imports, EUR 000 19,614 17,301 7,182 18,751 12,324 6,830 28,868 3,272 11,538 7,744 1,940 33,940 5,987 50,477 67,913 81 197 5 55 - - - 30 4,754 2,339 1,200 1,216 47,313 24,180 12,782 10,351 1,521 1,521 4,598 0 0 4,597 1,001 7,646 - 47 South Africa Division 05 09 11 25 32 54 55 69 74 75 76 Other 21,734 955 1,629 106 1,730 1,191 175 1,634 6,167 3,599 4,547 259,067 0 9,984 11,241 1 1,201 35,474 15,128 2,019 46,559 55,713 8,797 72,951 11,210 555 10 360 1,474 2,980 30 35 755 607 26 2 4,376 80,103 13,985 485 5,365 13,151 4,311 390 565 12,827 1,458 214 83 27,269 Zambia Division 59 Other 2,303 1,380 923 15,698 9,372 6,326 1 1 16 16 Serbia Division 55 59 Other Yemen Northern Ireland Division 00 01 02 03 04 05 08 09 11 24 27 32 33 54 55 56 57 58 59 62 63 64 65 66 Jan-Nov 2014 1,774 1,747 889 1,366 1,100 721 2,014 350 1,091 541 246 3,178 486 4,778 4,401 Melilla Vanuatu November 2014 18,515 38,693 14,427 34,804 22,071 13,763 27,211 13,445 25,755 31,883 17,424 63,409 23,301 70,300 117,362 Kosovo Venezuela Division 33 54 Other Jan-Nov 2014 320 2,299 12 465 EU, unknown Division 02 11 51 54 77 78 89 Section 9 Other Estimates Zimbabwe 7,034 4 32 6,998 40,337 6 10 1 18 12 32 268 39,989 116,289 928 4,814 1,573 1,694 8,204 81 1,397 78,228 6,972 12,397 1,170,114 12,162 44,579 12,390 19,924 38,154 13,325 18,925 840,619 68,112 101,923 Non-EU, unknown Division 03 33 51 71 72 75 76 77 87 712 0 14 0 73 5 31 0 121,842 10,798 23,001 456 76,668 1,680 54 153 28 31,797 6,613 4,999 1,056 6,345 1,806 1,100 1,046 424,379 1 162,622 62,369 7,128 60,261 19,875 11,023 19,751 58 Table 12 Goods Exports and Imports by country and SITC division November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Exports, EUR 000 ZZX - continued Division 89 Section 9 Other us November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Imports, EUR 000 12 456 120 181 5,089 3,734 3,765 1,486 3,580 26,455 16,426 38,468 35 35 - - 59 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 001. LIVE ANIMALS OTHER THAN ANIMALS OF DIVISION 03 001.11 (no) Pure bred cattle for breeding TOTAL 2915 3829 39278 EU countries 2659 3489 38797 Great Britain 1362 1955 9955 Other 1297 1534 28843 Non-EU countries 256 340 481 30402 29761 14471 15291 641 13116 10504 4415 6089 2612 001.19 (no) Cattle other than pure bred breeding animals TOTAL 12335 8947 183622 88016 162892 EU countries 8925 6504 171153 76348 149220 Spain 1979 406 58136 14642 35696 Italy 2655 3016 20312 23164 23419 Northern Ireland 1852 2108 19853 21841 27509 Other 2439 974 72852 16700 62596 Non-EU countries 3410 2443 12469 11669 13672 Libya 2165 1564 9553 8834 11100 Other 1245 880 2916 2834 2572 001.21 (no) Sheep, live TOTAL 3826 16686 13779 6231 7548 2907 92946 80321 7890 25869 32618 13944 12625 9743 2882 451 38408 4528 54527 6649 - - - 130 15 001.31 (no) Pure bred pigs for breeding TOTAL 515 240 4992 2056 1759 1355 animals 60981 341392 60981 341164 56832 276804 4149 64360 228 45565 45502 41324 4179 63 001.22 (no) Goats, live TOTAL 001.39 (no) Pigs other TOTAL EU countries Northern Ireland Other Non-EU countries - than pure bred 40514 5139 40514 5139 34600 4754 5914 385 - breeding 460642 460642 396125 64517 - 001.41 (1000) Poultry, live, weighing not more than 185 gm TOTAL 2299 763 28761 8771 24217 001.49 (1000) Poultry, live, weighing more than 185 gm TOTAL 0 2 0 2 001.50 (no) Horses, asses, mules and hinnies, live TOTAL 841 40849 6010 155223 EU countries 815 39078 5740 134338 France 51 3664 538 5101 Great Britain 588 33717 2210 119999 Other 176 1697 2992 9238 Non-EU countries 26 1772 270 20884 United States 26 1772 190 20202 Other 80 682 001.90 (t) Live animals, nes TOTAL 1 16 5 204 7481 1 15 6762 6457 190 3737 2530 305 180 125 179960 121323 7055 107037 7231 58637 11609 47027 3 108 011. BEEF AND VEAL, FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN 011.11 (t) Beef and veal with bone in, TOTAL 6741 29990 EU countries 6738 29938 Germany 287 1701 France 644 3077 Great Britain 2465 11447 Italy 439 2871 Netherlands 547 2407 Northern Ireland 2031 7028 Other 325 1407 Non-EU countries 3 52 fresh or chilled 83102 365064 83090 364848 1994 14493 8276 43785 32062 132216 6836 43918 8239 34416 18915 66656 6767 29364 13 216 011.12 (t) Beef and veal, boneless, fresh or chilled TOTAL 16047 98515 175863 1022953 EU countries 15930 96678 174370 1006889 Belgium 222 2570 2554 30346 Czech Republic 167 804 2028 9937 Germany 750 7439 9279 85462 Denmark 211 1621 4847 29949 Spain 534 2911 6001 34677 France 1505 7760 17552 90172 Great Britain 8212 46204 77598 414701 Italy 1356 9493 17760 120948 Netherlands 1485 9960 16812 100162 Portugal 100 539 2024 11012 Sweden 929 4188 10353 44735 Northern Ireland 316 2279 5574 23530 56432 56378 1120 5002 23533 3764 3994 16146 2819 55 246360 245922 6136 23697 100664 24210 16673 60512 14030 439 178749 1048515 177012 1031089 2277 27878 1470 7444 7706 75292 4554 29225 7796 48595 18267 98624 81786 438336 16366 114568 16387 103629 1137 7042 11176 52912 6607 18267 011.12 - continued Other Non-EU countries Switzerland Other 144 117 93 24 910 1836 1580 257 1987 1493 1433 61 11257 16065 14998 1067 1483 1737 1543 194 9276 17426 15527 1899 4316 2307 4955 146770 125770 18661 59810 13305 12620 21374 21001 6997 14004 35484 33307 4495 13307 5809 4322 5374 2177 2177 114854 110007 15128 39454 20130 14654 20640 4847 4847 011.21 (t) Beef and veal with bone in, frozen TOTAL 622 1291 2052 011.22 (t) Beef and veal, boneless, frozen TOTAL 5092 15521 50413 EU countries 3445 11239 41577 France 686 2191 6802 Great Britain 1585 5399 19610 Netherlands 384 1166 4688 Sweden 310 994 4233 Other 480 1490 6244 Non-EU countries 1647 4281 8836 Philippines 1153 2984 3075 Other 494 1298 5761 012. OTHER MEAT AND MEAT OFFAL FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION 012.11 (t) Mutton, fresh or chilled TOTAL 2007 11667 EU countries 1906 10628 Belgium 154 1218 Germany 181 1337 France 883 4708 Great Britain 365 1469 Sweden 165 849 Other 158 1047 Non-EU countries 101 1039 012.12 (t) Mutton, frozen TOTAL 1138 EU countries 990 France 404 Great Britain 483 Other 104 Non-EU countries 148 3988 3454 1384 1564 506 533 24983 23592 2038 2337 11305 3238 2452 2220 1391 148028 137470 16425 16376 62585 13482 13167 15435 10558 29998 28625 2546 2499 14186 4253 2718 2422 1372 166493 155855 18502 18331 72638 17262 13656 15466 10638 9545 8589 3262 3819 1508 956 31052 27883 11809 9949 6125 3169 9408 8092 2561 3713 1818 1316 27994 24366 8918 8832 6616 3628 58 - - 012.13 (t) Goatmeat, fresh, chilled or frozen TOTAL 14 012.21 (t) Pigmeat, fresh or chilled TOTAL 7063 17556 EU countries 5516 14571 Germany 1001 1460 Great Britain 3017 10099 Northern Ireland 286 1128 Other 1212 1884 Non-EU countries 1547 2985 69831 57418 10750 33319 3213 10136 12413 172169 148148 15726 102384 12878 17160 24021 62135 54331 12014 30693 3869 7755 7804 152257 138532 18431 93890 12039 14172 13725 012.22 (t) Pigmeat, frozen TOTAL 4887 EU countries 1623 Denmark 355 Great Britain 883 Other 385 Non-EU countries 3264 China 1166 Japan 118 South Korea 563 United States 484 Other 932 66124 23560 9126 8497 5937 42563 14719 6698 5345 5399 10403 151832 55867 26091 17139 12637 95965 20444 22866 14430 18090 20135 59378 17185 4399 7769 5017 42193 13859 1991 632 3525 22185 137121 38316 13258 15071 9987 98805 19792 6203 1799 12488 58522 8244 8218 25 12825 12805 20 673 1987 012.33 (t) Fatty livers of geese or ducks, fresh or chilled TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - 10752 3297 889 1566 843 7455 1985 373 1467 1837 1795 012.31 (t) Poultry not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled TOTAL 986 1662 10286 16364 EU countries 986 1662 10286 16364 Non-EU countries 012.32 (t) Poultry not cut in pieces, frozen TOTAL 52 282 224 012.34 (t) Poultry cuts and other offal, fresh TOTAL 1056 2274 9924 EU countries 931 2212 8963 Great Britain 448 1429 4218 Other 483 783 4745 Non-EU countries 125 61 961 939 or chilled 22030 8151 21581 7609 14618 4177 6963 3432 449 542 18152 17751 13097 4654 401 60 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 012.35 (t) Poultry cuts and offal, frozen TOTAL 2946 2325 30721 EU countries 1590 1262 17704 Non-EU countries 1356 1063 13018 23234 13568 9666 29326 16685 12641 23217 12360 10856 012.40 (t) Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen TOTAL 203 541 1822 4672 2053 5348 012.51 (t) Edible offal of bovine animals, fresh or chilled TOTAL 4242 10955 47701 119659 41716 EU countries 3967 10315 45814 116662 40334 France 695 2406 7142 23961 6535 Great Britain 1300 3565 15196 41068 13114 Sweden 639 1840 7435 21978 6647 Other 1333 2504 16042 29655 14037 Non-EU countries 276 641 1887 2997 1383 123693 121980 25267 36702 23793 36217 1714 012.52 (t) Edible offal of bovine animals, frozen TOTAL 4721 8427 53045 88861 EU countries 1328 1608 15475 20153 Great Britain 749 898 8073 11468 Other 579 709 7401 8685 Non-EU countries 3393 6819 37571 68708 Hong Kong 1312 3748 13594 40357 Other 2081 3072 23977 28351 46493 18381 11840 6541 28112 7978 20134 62120 23108 15073 8035 39012 18540 20472 012.53 (t) Edible offal of swine, fresh or chilled TOTAL 1 0 - - 13922 2404 11519 14632 1627 13005 012.54 (t) Edible offal of swine, frozen TOTAL 2154 2661 17457 EU countries 344 227 3138 Non-EU countries 1811 2434 14319 17568 1817 15750 012.55 (t) Edible offal of sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh or chilled TOTAL 63 141 734 1698 709 012.56 (t) Edible offal of sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, frozen TOTAL 408 847 3781 7677 2637 012.91 (t) Meat and edible meat offal of rabbits or hares TOTAL 1 5 3 36 012.93 (t) Snails (other than sea snails) TOTAL 5 21 352 1416 4572 2 27 378 1712 896 016.12 (t) Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof, salted, in brine, dried or smoked TOTAL 2 9 20 112 21 112 2480 7748 016.81 (t) Beef and veal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked TOTAL 0 1 9 134 4298 017. MEAT AND EDIBLE MEAT OFFAL, PREPARED OR PRESERVED, NES 017.10 (t) Extracts and juices of meat, fish, crustaceans etc TOTAL 4 23 26 145 17 017.20 (t) Sausages etc of meat, offal or blood TOTAL 805 2275 8592 26455 EU countries 795 2237 8513 26145 Great Britain 525 1387 6026 17960 Other 270 850 2487 8185 Non-EU countries 10 38 79 310 8026 7994 5755 2239 33 017.60 (t) Meat & offal of bovine animals, prepared/preserved, nes TOTAL 4585 14607 49326 162160 46253 146181 EU countries 4573 14402 49180 159956 46110 144970 France 831 2921 9610 35276 9516 40146 Great Britain 3019 9440 30777 98328 28069 85821 Other 723 2041 8793 26352 8525 19003 Non-EU countries 12 204 146 2204 143 1211 017.90 (t) Other prepared or preserved meat or TOTAL 4535 3630 47870 EU countries 4535 3630 47842 Great Britain 734 2766 7965 Other 3802 864 39877 Non-EU countries 28 meat offal 38744 43689 38584 43550 29619 7246 8965 36305 160 139 022.11 (t) Milk of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1% TOTAL 3271 1145 58288 15799 30590 EU countries 3180 1065 58085 15622 30590 Northern Ireland 2979 906 55637 13824 27633 Other 201 160 2448 1798 2956 Non-EU countries 91 80 203 177 0 37262 36609 28589 8020 653 65 23643 23540 16580 6960 103 10252 10252 7359 2893 0 022.12 (t) Milk and cream, of a fat content, by weight, of 1% to 6% TOTAL 7179 4195 67304 30302 178564 69878 EU countries 7111 3978 67110 29936 178284 69648 Great Britain 875 866 17739 10562 135777 52622 Northern Ireland 5851 2961 47967 18758 42378 16897 Other 384 152 1404 616 129 128 Non-EU countries 69 216 193 367 280 231 022.13 (t) Cream of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6% TOTAL 284 516 4380 10230 3550 EU countries 284 516 4380 10230 3550 Non-EU countries 0 0 0 0 0 016.11 (t) Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in, salted, in brine, dried or smoked TOTAL 21 73 240 754 303 11957 017.50 (t) Meat and offal of swine, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 2409 16520 25657 176657 22680 168194 EU countries 2406 16512 25644 176625 22669 168167 Great Britain 2052 13389 21468 141332 18200 131877 Northern Ireland 181 1768 2084 19477 2174 19331 Other 173 1355 2092 15816 2295 16959 Non-EU countries 3 8 13 33 11 27 1558 016. MEAT AND EDIBLE MEAT OFFAL, SALTED, IN BRINE, DRIED OR SMOKED; EDIBLE FLOURS & MEALS OF MEAT OR MEAT OFFAL 016.89 (t) Other meat and edible meat offal of 016.8 TOTAL 1403 283 13743 3313 766 017.40 (t) Meat and offal of poultry, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 4729 20117 52855 225232 43727 162073 EU countries 4729 20117 52826 225082 43714 161985 France 171 801 3797 16879 3268 14630 Great Britain 4309 17725 45507 188287 38466 136919 Other 249 1591 3522 19916 1980 10436 Non-EU countries 29 150 13 87 022. MILK, CREAM AND MILK PRODUCTS OTHER THAN BUTTER OR CHEESE 012.99 (t) Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh/chilled/frozen TOTAL 4 21 25 136 87 419 016.19 (t) Other dried, salted or smoked meat of swine TOTAL 49 259 657 3344 017.30 (t) Liver of any animal, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 5 43 108 647 155 8475 8475 0 022.21 (t) Milk in solid form, of a fat content not exceeding 1.5% TOTAL 2922 7472 45985 146039 38137 87183 EU countries 1818 4011 19151 55927 21736 34938 Great Britain 482 1147 6871 21536 14885 15881 Netherlands 690 1299 5232 15091 3256 8656 Other 646 1566 7048 19300 3595 10401 Non-EU countries 1104 3461 26834 90112 16401 52244 China 154 472 7146 24115 3445 10234 Other 950 2989 19688 65997 12956 42011 022.22 (t) Milk & cream, in solid form, fat content exceeding 1.5% TOTAL 1696 4594 29169 97161 34272 119898 EU countries 788 2059 12714 35989 15385 50765 Great Britain 80 249 3657 12072 9018 30836 Other 708 1810 9058 23917 6367 19929 Non-EU countries 908 2535 16454 61172 18887 69133 Nigeria 312 801 4068 16251 5460 22073 Other 596 1734 12386 44922 13427 47060 022.23 (t) Milk and cream, not in solid form, concentrated, not containing added sugar or other sweetening TOTAL 4 12 47 151 96 022.24 (t) Milk and cream, not in solid form, containing added sugar or other sweetening TOTAL 82 97 1459 1879 1559 232 2697 61 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 022.31 (t) Yoghurt TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries 387 377 256 120 10 1269 1226 842 384 43 5394 5188 3814 1373 206 16668 15710 11948 3762 958 022.32 (t) Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, TOTAL 907 2224 13446 EU countries 406 811 7383 Non-EU countries 501 1413 6063 7871 7678 6311 1367 192 19045 18220 14632 3588 824 kephir etc 34825 13186 14541 7987 20284 5199 28993 13375 15618 024.99 - continued Greece Netherlands Other Non-EU countries Algeria Saudi Arabia United States Other 273 481 722 2749 913 145 684 1008 1595 1464 2395 10225 2789 418 3397 3621 2724 5603 5948 25488 5965 3434 6233 9856 15184 18795 23093 105664 20850 13359 31794 39662 2730 5254 9901 20780 2730 1401 6495 10154 14161 18516 27436 82089 9908 4984 29285 37912 preserved or cooked 5557 14941 4191 5557 14940 4190 3189 10068 3633 2368 4872 557 1 1 1 11237 11236 9393 1842 1 025.21 (t) Birds' eggs, not in shell, and egg yolks: dried TOTAL 5 13 47 110 70 159 025. BIRDS' EGGS, EGG YOLKS AND EGG ALBUMIN 022.33 (t) Ice cream and other edible ice TOTAL 535 1394 6038 EU countries 387 820 4329 Non-EU countries 148 574 1709 16310 9132 7178 5403 3698 1705 14306 7431 6875 022.41 (t) Whey TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Netherlands Other Non-EU countries China Other 86847 51990 13012 16657 22321 34857 23291 11565 48036 25174 7893 5951 11330 22863 13068 9795 108822 56425 17683 13006 25736 52396 29242 23155 4776 2475 558 1019 898 2301 1642 659 7567 3689 865 1317 1507 3878 2755 1124 42502 24751 5508 9843 9400 17751 11702 6049 025.10 (t) Birds' eggs in shell, fresh, TOTAL 491 1379 EU countries 491 1379 Great Britain 263 919 Other 228 460 Non-EU countries - 025.22 (t) Birds' eggs, not in shell, & egg yolks: other than dried TOTAL 5 14 45 136 36 111 025.30 (t) Egg albumin TOTAL 022.49 (t) Products consisting of natural milk constituents, nes TOTAL 707 1576 6776 15648 6808 18100 EU countries 664 1333 6613 14760 6438 16043 Non-EU countries 44 243 163 888 370 2058 034. FISH, FRESH (LIVE OR DEAD), CHILLED OR FROZEN 023. BUTTER AND OTHER FATS, AND OILS DERIVED FROM MILK 034.11 (t) Fish, live TOTAL 023.00 (t) Butter and other fats, and oils derived from milk TOTAL 17444 53936 155936 517737 166412 EU countries 16050 48603 146814 479888 160858 Belgium 1472 4503 21613 80484 20807 Germany 4392 13278 32260 101082 43900 France 1652 5252 14984 50485 16841 Great Britain 7129 21118 57277 182675 60015 Netherlands 1078 3185 15362 46517 13007 Other 326 1267 5318 18645 6287 Non-EU countries 1394 5332 9122 37850 5555 Turkey 457 1417 481 1545 485 United States 443 2019 4043 18068 2391 Other 495 1897 4598 18236 2679 562931 538684 86056 133215 58807 193236 42728 24642 24247 2045 10431 11772 024. CHEESE AND CURD 024.10 (t) Grated or powdered cheese TOTAL 460 1796 EU countries 459 1785 Great Britain 317 1354 Other 141 431 Non-EU countries 1 10 4077 4019 3292 726 58 19471 18884 15595 3290 586 024.20 (t) Processed cheese, not grated or powdered TOTAL 1161 8774 11038 84649 EU countries 1127 8575 10754 82955 Germany 109 806 1275 10865 Great Britain 762 6505 6644 57505 Other 256 1264 2835 14585 Non-EU countries 34 199 284 1695 024.30 (t) Blue-veined cheese TOTAL 12 19262 18696 12670 6026 566 12062 11771 1638 7138 2995 291 84692 82969 11050 57703 14216 1723 103 858 120 836 024.91 (t) Fresh and whey cheese, and curd TOTAL 685 2292 8817 EU countries 543 1806 8378 Great Britain 274 769 3875 Northern Ireland 204 846 2564 Other 65 191 1939 Non-EU countries 142 485 439 29443 27910 10236 11444 6231 1532 11339 11250 4349 2552 4349 89 35338 35048 9311 11414 14323 290 024.99 (t) Other cheese TOTAL 14184 EU countries 11435 Belgium 393 Germany 893 Spain 242 France 506 Great Britain 7924 92 4522 4458 3049 1409 64 49769 39545 1390 2704 903 1842 27250 148912 123424 4867 6942 2653 5742 88944 559824 454160 18164 23592 10275 21209 323847 149215 128435 4890 5633 1580 5545 92902 524386 442297 17763 18876 6072 20628 318846 15 10 16 133 034.12 (t) Salmonidae, fresh or chilled TOTAL 160 1269 EU countries 160 1269 France 61 570 Other 99 699 Non-EU countries 0 0 17 133 24 27 30 1099 125 1346 (excl livers and roes) 3952 26170 1440 3946 26129 1439 2796 18649 468 1150 7480 971 6 42 1 9515 9512 3378 6134 3 034.13 (t) Flat fish, fresh or chilled (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 424 1744 3499 13669 3478 EU countries 394 1622 3421 13152 3478 Spain 365 1511 3122 12095 3249 Other 29 112 299 1057 228 Non-EU countries 30 121 78 517 0 13228 13227 12295 931 2 034.14 (t) Tunas, skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, fresh or chilled (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 356 737 2729 5820 1670 3596 034.15 (t) Herrings, sardines, sardinella or sprats, fresh/chilled TOTAL 22 22 729 617 1651 2314 034.16 (t) Cod, fresh or chilled (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 16 40 84 182 034.17 (t) Mackerel, fresh or chilled TOTAL 2197 1744 EU countries 2197 1744 7192 7192 10163 10163 420 891 7249 7249 9767 9767 034.18 (t) Other fish, fresh or chilled (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 3531 4503 18604 29455 23058 EU countries 3530 4502 16083 26925 17130 Spain 433 1899 2832 10389 2395 Other 3097 2603 13251 16536 14736 Non-EU countries 0 0 2521 2530 5928 034.19 (t) Livers and roes, fresh or chilled TOTAL 1 31004 28311 8983 19328 2692 10 1 14 034.21 (t) Salmonidae, frozen (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 63 378 734 4009 720 4128 034.22 (t) Flat fish, frozen (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 4 28 95 425 116 579 034.23 (t) Tunas, skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, frozen TOTAL 176 228 3529 3858 124 161 034.24 (t) Herrings, sardines, sardinella or sprats, frozen TOTAL 1802 1488 15578 11434 17007 EU countries 1218 1106 7335 6078 8512 Non-EU countries 584 382 8243 5356 8495 14399 8308 6091 62 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 034.25 (t) Cod, frozen (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 0 0 1 6 034.26 (t) Mackerel, frozen (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 6771 8397 68370 101320 EU countries 1384 1810 16437 26177 Non-EU countries 5387 6587 51933 75143 China 1725 2357 5305 7819 Nigeria 2828 3234 21467 28600 Russia 10247 18314 Other 834 996 14914 20409 36073 12939 23134 1261 8963 8109 4801 51980 20005 31976 1894 11022 12696 6364 034.27 (t) Hake, frozen (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 2 2 14 39 034.28 (t) Other fish, frozen (excl livers and TOTAL 1710 2461 68403 EU countries 481 1352 10613 Non-EU countries 1229 1109 57790 Cameroon 22046 Nigeria 834 642 21179 Other 395 468 14565 roes) 59684 13097 46587 19137 12695 14755 85200 13462 71738 24970 33454 13315 71803 10397 61406 19659 24865 16882 034.29 (t) Livers and roes, frozen TOTAL - - - 3 6 034.40 (t) Fish fillets, frozen TOTAL 289 1070 EU countries 229 537 Non-EU countries 60 533 3719 3220 499 10867 7570 3296 2343 2259 84 6701 5473 1229 034.51 (t) Fish fillets and other fish meat, fresh or chilled TOTAL 515 2832 1502 6679 4744 EU countries 513 2808 1474 6336 4638 France 345 2323 405 2832 2230 Other 169 484 1070 3505 2408 Non-EU countries 2 24 28 342 106 034.55 (t) Fish meat (other than fillets), frozen TOTAL 289 390 1272 2135 1108 26095 25641 17033 8608 454 1786 035.11 (t) Cod, not in fillets, dried, whether or not salted 303 26 305 035.13 (t) Fish dried, whether or not salted, nes TOTAL 0 2 2 21 2 18 035.21 (t) Cod salted or in brine, but not smoked or dried - - - 035.22 (t) Anchovies salted or in brine, but not smoked or dried TOTAL 1 3 035.29 (t) Fish other than cod or anchovies, salted or in brine, but not dried or smoked TOTAL 39 94 422 1063 367 035.30 (t) Fish (incl fillets), smoked TOTAL 40 526 323 358 88 3736 386 19426 1922 2857 949 15167 5212 036.20 (t) Crustaceans, other than frozen TOTAL 216 2287 3309 EU countries 212 2252 3255 Spain 114 1405 730 Other 98 847 2525 Non-EU countries 4 35 54 22080 21640 7099 14541 440 3806 3793 742 3052 12 23090 22970 6055 16914 120 036.31 (t) Oysters TOTAL EU countries France Other Non-EU countries 20051 18879 16719 2159 1173 4029 3849 3495 353 181 20429 18883 17153 1731 1545 036.33 (t) Cuttlefish, octopus and squid, fresh or chilled TOTAL 11 44 101 416 55 295 582 570 497 73 12 2007 402 2897 2832 2402 429 65 4400 4222 3858 364 178 036.35 (t) Other molluscs & aquatic invertebrates, fresh or chilled TOTAL 960 2872 7523 18840 11606 25112 EU countries 912 2446 7182 15845 11547 24754 Non-EU countries 48 427 341 2995 60 357 036.37 (t) Cuttlefish, octopus and squid, frozen, dried, salted or in brine;flours etc thereof for human consumption TOTAL 16 110 93 703 109 812 036.39 (t) Other molluscs and aquatic invertebrates, frozen etc TOTAL 185 1426 1977 13571 2064 11263 EU countries 103 653 1248 6795 1570 7484 Non-EU countries 82 774 729 6776 493 3780 037. FISH, CRUSTACEANS ETC, PREPARED OR PRESERVED, NES 037.11 (t) Salmon, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved TOTAL 0 2 355 2716 85 516 037.12 (t) Herrings, sardines etc, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved TOTAL 30 146 448 1743 474 2363 035. FISH, DRIED, SALTED OR IN BRINE; SMOKED FISH 035.12 (t) Fillets, dried, salted or in brine TOTAL 1 15 27 036.19 - continued Other Non-EU countries 5418 414 - 037.13 (t) Tunas etc, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved TOTAL 7 16 42 171 61 344 037.14 (t) Mackerel, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved TOTAL 7 33 795 1735 392 1310 037.15 (t) Other fish, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved TOTAL 30 155 404 1656 920 3070 037.16 (t) Other fish, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 158 1209 1932 14237 EU countries 158 1209 1932 14237 Non-EU countries 0 1460 1460 - 10688 10688 - 037.17 (t) Caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs TOTAL 0 1 968 5433 035.40 (t) Fish liver and roes, dried, smoked, salted or in brine TOTAL 16 42 122 342 281 669 035.50 (t) Fish flours, meals & pellets, fit for human consumption TOTAL 0 0 0 1 378 514 037.21 (t) Crustaceans, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 313 1427 2098 9791 EU countries 256 1173 1890 8808 Non-EU countries 57 254 208 983 1732 1578 154 9286 8547 739 037.22 (t) Molluscs etc, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 38 268 1388 11956 EU countries 2 11 66 451 Non-EU countries 36 257 1322 11505 South Korea 22 214 1219 11006 Other 14 43 103 499 1723 88 1635 1210 426 13363 557 12806 10366 2440 5492 2216 041.20 (t) Other wheat (incl spelt) and meslin, unmilled TOTAL 2273 418 11439 2220 39022 9150 036. CRUSTACEANS, MOLLUSCS AND AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES, INCL FLOURS, MEALS AND PELLETS OF CRUSTACEANS 041. WHEAT (INCL SPELT) AND MESLIN, UNMILLED 036.11 (t) Shrimps and prawns, frozen TOTAL 96 867 EU countries 94 838 Non-EU countries 3 29 036.19 (t) Other crustaceans,frozen TOTAL 836 5450 EU countries 747 5049 France 227 1609 Italy 162 1433 1235 1203 32 7561 7175 1767 1672 10079 9794 285 51442 49520 12202 17892 1149 1072 77 6759 5810 1629 1325 8825 8078 746 43930 38718 10458 13093 041.10 (t) Durum wheat, unmilled TOTAL 342 042. RICE 72 1604 426 63 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 042.10 (t) Rice in the husk (paddy or rough rice) TOTAL 43 29 291 219 283 202 042.20 (t) Rice husked but not further prepared (cargo/brown rice) TOTAL 2 3 1 042.31 (t) Rice, semi-milled or wholly milled (excl broken rice) TOTAL 7 11 164 180 57 1 048.12 (t) Cereals other than maize, in grain form, precooked etc TOTAL 18 45 86 237 61 176 048.13 (t) Other rolled or flaked cereal grains, excl rice of 042.3 TOTAL 1352 485 26451 8361 28358 8803 125 048.14 (t) Other worked cereal grains, except rice of 042.3 TOTAL 512 418 2737 2548 2740 1726 - 048.15 (t) Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground TOTAL 551 117 569 156 2076 507 043. BARLEY, UNMILLED 048.20 (t) Malt, whether or not roasted (incl malt flour) TOTAL 74 33 19776 8579 25329 9303 043.00 (t) Barley, unmilled TOTAL 5272 048.30 (t) Macaroni, spaghetti and similar products TOTAL 41 177 828 2461 2431 042.32 (t) Broken rice - - 949 - 30185 - 5614 - 27309 6232 044. MAIZE (NOT INCL SWEET CORN) UNMILLED 044.10 (t) Maize seed, unmilled TOTAL - - 23 134 11 53 044.90 (t) Maize other than seed, unmilled TOTAL 1110 204 12885 2368 7570 1595 045. CEREALS, UNMILLED (EXCL WHEAT, RICE, BARLEY AND MAIZE) 045.10 (t) Rye, unmilled - - - - - - 045.20 (t) Oats, unmilled TOTAL 395 76 25631 4688 17456 4305 045.30 (t) Grain sorghum, unmilled - - - - - 045.91 (t) Millet, unmilled TOTAL - - - 0 0 - 045.92 (t) Buckwheat, unmilled TOTAL - - 1 2 1 2 045.93 (t) Canary seed, unmilled - - - - - - 1823 048.41 (t) Crispbread, rusks, toasted bread and similar products TOTAL 362 356 20748 37707 4456 2198 EU countries 358 350 20719 37538 4417 2047 Great Britain 297 325 19751 35970 4251 1899 Other 61 25 967 1568 165 148 Non-EU countries 3 6 29 169 39 151 048.42 (t) Sweet biscuits, waffles and TOTAL 1652 5027 EU countries 1624 4929 Great Britain 1582 4688 Other 42 241 Non-EU countries 28 98 wafers, 19114 18829 18356 473 285 048.49 (t) Other bakers' products, nes TOTAL 11045 19874 EU countries 10828 18819 Great Britain 9195 15970 Northern Ireland 1107 1815 Other 525 1033 Non-EU countries 218 1055 94247 92191 74986 12219 4986 2056 gingerbread etc 49247 17814 48495 17596 45841 17106 2654 490 752 218 173771 162748 133648 19880 9220 11023 70885 69433 55181 12631 1620 1452 048.50 (t) Mixes/doughs for the prep of bakers' wares of 048.4 TOTAL 329 628 4649 7750 3224 55660 54921 52330 2591 739 148757 140460 114658 20634 5168 8297 5763 054. VEGETABLES, FRESH, CHILLED, FROZEN OR SIMPLY PRESERVED; ROOTS, TUBERS ETC, NES,FRESH OR DRIED 054.10 (t) Potatoes, fresh or chilled (excl sweet potatoes) TOTAL 157 100 12325 1798 4057 045.99 (t) Cereals, unmilled, nes TOTAL - - 2 1 8 1419 5 054.21 (t) Peas, dried or shelled TOTAL 5 7 51 121 57 103 - - - - 046. MEAL AND FLOUR OF WHEAT, AND FLOUR OF MESLIN 046.10 (t) Flour of wheat or meslin TOTAL 244 148 046.20 (t) Groats and meal of wheat TOTAL 0 49 054.22 (t) Chickpeas, dried or shelled 2317 1485 2080 1458 054.23 (t) Beans (excl broad beans & horse beans), dried or shelled TOTAL 5 6 44 43 73 67 1372 411 516 424 054.24 (t) Lentils, dried or shelled TOTAL - 1 1 - - 56 19 1734 649 1381 566 1446 054.51 (t) Onions and shallots, fresh or chilled TOTAL 30 41 541 509 582 570 40 92 047. OTHER CEREAL MEALS AND FLOURS 047.11 (t) Maize (corn) flour TOTAL 0 054.25 (t) Broad beans and horse beans, dried or shelled TOTAL 237 68 0 4 6 2 047.19 (t) Cereal flour, other than of maize, wheat or meslin TOTAL 98 34 204 107 500 047.21 (t) Groats and meal of maize (corn) TOTAL 84 18 863 047.22 (t) Groats and meal of other cereals TOTAL 122 21 238 047.23 (t) Pellets TOTAL 8 054.29 (t) Leguminous vegetables nes, dried or shelled TOTAL 492 170 2136 762 164 054.40 (t) Tomatoes, fresh or chilled TOTAL 34 85 230 110 677 1701 452 205 501 054.52 (t) Garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables TOTAL 5 13 90 172 2758 754 25147 7377 12870 3910 054.53 (t) Cabbage and similar edible brassicas, fresh or chilled TOTAL 31 69 481 996 460 947 048. CEREAL PREPARATIONS, AND PREPARATIONS OF FLOUR OR STARCH OF FRUITS OR VEGETABLES 048.11 (t) Foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals TOTAL 208 816 1350 5161 1586 4675 054.54 (t) Lettuce and chicory (incl endive), fresh or chilled TOTAL 50 74 623 1052 620 1155 054.55 (t) Carrots, turnips & similar edible roots, fresh or chilled TOTAL 51 52 749 721 588 772 64 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 054.56 (t) Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled TOTAL 3 7 151 250 47 105 056.72 (t) Tomatoes preserved other than by vinegar, whole/in pieces TOTAL 18 46 194 254 212 226 054.57 (t) Leguminous vegetables, fresh or chilled TOTAL 11 47 141 778 112 317 056.73 (t) Tomatoes preserved other than by vinegar, nes TOTAL 7 5 12 9 32825 32825 32699 126 0 91874 91874 91688 186 0 054.58 (t) Mushrooms and truffles TOTAL 2573 8048 EU countries 2573 8048 Great Britain 2562 8016 Other 11 32 Non-EU countries - 31249 31249 29688 1561 - 94892 94892 90968 3923 - 054.59 (t) Other vegetables, fresh or chilled, nes TOTAL 75 194 950 1987 054.61 (t) Sweet corn (cooked or uncooked), frozen TOTAL 1 2 48 111 129 054.69 (t) Other vegetables (cooked or uncooked), frozen TOTAL 135 173 1994 2391 1587 1932 054.81 (t) Manioc (cassava), fresh or dried TOTAL - - 24 054.87 (t) Sugar beet, fresh or dried TOTAL 4 0 39 3 - - 054.89 (t) Vegetable products of chiefly for human foods, nes TOTAL 1 15 2 39 056. VEGETABLES, ROOTS AND TUBERS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED, NES 2 056.13 (t) Mushrooms and truffles, dried TOTAL 0 4 9 6 26 56 056.19 (t) Dried vegetables; mixtures of vegetables, nes TOTAL 13 34 212 377 056.41 (t) Flour and meal of potatoes TOTAL 3 5 43 60 056.42 (t) Flakes, granules and pellets of potatoes - 8 23 5 45 96 363 52 - 056.45 (t) Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch TOTAL 3 68 31 056.46 (t) Flour & meal of the dried leguminous vegetables of 054.2 TOTAL 122 36 1600 482 1765 533 056.47 (t) Flour & meal of sago, roots or tubers of 054.81 & 054.83 056.48 (t) Flour, meal and powder of the products of Group 057 TOTAL 667 683 8414 8320 8809 056.61 (t) Potatoes preserved other than by vinegar, frozen TOTAL 244 300 3303 4125 2935 8285 3453 056.69 (t) Other vegetables preserved other than by vinegar, frozen TOTAL 252 622 1986 4485 2791 6139 056.71 (t) Vegetables, fruit, nuts etc preserved by vinegar TOTAL 534 1181 5800 12183 4537 EU countries 534 1181 5798 12172 4536 Great Britain 481 1057 5216 10878 4142 Other 53 124 581 1294 394 Non-EU countries 2 11 1 77 978 057. FRUIT AND NUTS (NOT INCL OIL NUTS), FRESH OR DRIED 477 416 1203 930 057.12 (t) Mandarins, clementines etc, fresh or dried TOTAL 9 10 795 1209 813 936 057.21 (t) Lemons and limes, fresh or dried TOTAL 58 46 190 218 177 232 77 71 55 48 057.29 (t) Citrus fruit, nes, fresh or dried TOTAL 0 0 0 0 057.30 (t) Bananas (incl plantains), fresh or dried TOTAL 805 773 9212 9114 9063 8460 057.40 (t) Apples, fresh TOTAL 373 448 4013 5198 5034 6901 057.51 (t) Grapes, fresh TOTAL 31 111 355 961 398 1017 057.52 (t) Grapes, dried TOTAL 48 108 252 571 224 478 1 4 7 3 16 057.71 (t) Edible coconuts, fresh or dried TOTAL 1 6 7 16 057.72 (t) Edible brazil nuts, fresh or dried TOTAL 100 365 - - 057.73 (t) Edible cashew nuts, fresh or dried TOTAL 0 2 12 87 4 26 905 21 125 1 11 14 4 1 88 223 42 056.12 (t) Dried onions TOTAL 45 056.79 (t) Other vegetables prepared/preserved otherwise than vinegar, acetic acid etc., not frozen TOTAL 45 91 493 879 432 057.11 (t) Oranges, fresh or dried TOTAL 26 27 054.83 (t) Arrowroot, sweet potatoes & similar roots & tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh or dried; sago pith TOTAL 1 2 5 14 7 11 054.84 (t) Hop cones and lupulin, fresh or dried - 056.76 (t) Potatoes preserved other than by acetic acid, not frozen TOTAL 110 450 937 3856 1099 4125 1357 78 054.70 (t) Vegetables provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption TOTAL 35 42 194 311 130 6 056.74 (t) Mushrooms and truffles preserved other than by vinegar TOTAL 0 0 0 0 75 163 056.77 (t) Sweet corn, prepared or preserved TOTAL 3 6 49 519 1 8691 8682 7918 764 9 057.22 (t) Grapefruit, fresh or dried TOTAL 13 15 057.60 (t) Figs, fresh or dried TOTAL 0 057.74 (t) Edible almonds, fresh or dried TOTAL 38 286 125 057.75 (t) Edible hazel-nuts or filberts, fresh or dried TOTAL 0 4 4 30 057.76 (t) Edible walnuts, fresh or dried TOTAL 2 15 11 105 39 369 057.77 (t) Edible chestnuts, fresh or dried - - - - 057.78 (t) Edible pistachios, fresh or dried TOTAL 0 9 0 0 057.79 (t) Other edible nuts, fresh or dried (excl mixtures & nuts for oil extraction) TOTAL 1 18 13 191 15 149 057.91 (t) Melons (incl water melons) and papaws (papayas), fresh TOTAL 78 91 1194 1324 1093 1108 057.92 (t) Pears and quinces, fresh TOTAL 58 49 484 459 549 709 65 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 057.93 (t) Apricots, cherries, peaches etc, plums and sloes,fresh TOTAL 10 13 440 456 173 322 059.91 (t) Pineapple juice TOTAL 112 73 2055 1249 943 811 057.94 (t) Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, loganberries, and fruits of the genus Vaccinium, fresh TOTAL 8 99 242 2374 258 2431 059.92 (t) Tomato juice TOTAL 20 207 154 212 144 - - 3 6 12821 8891 10033 7284 059.95 (t) Juice of any other single fruit or vegetable TOTAL 486 354 7069 5216 5815 5331 059.96 (t) Mixtures of fruit or vegetable juices TOTAL 379 789 4748 8753 4159 7314 057.95 (t) Pineapples, fresh or dried TOTAL 4 4 057.96 (t) Dates, fresh or dried TOTAL 2 059.93 (t) Grape juice (incl grape must) TOTAL 150 125 185 199 059.94 (t) Apple juice TOTAL 3 19 35 9 53 547 947 422 667 057.99 (t) Fruit dried nes, and mixtures nes of nuts or dried fruits of Group 057 TOTAL 87 124 891 1408 938 1541 058.21 (t) Fruit & nuts provisionally preserved, unsuitable for immediate consumption TOTAL 1 1 8 23 7 3104 058.32 (t) Raspberries, blackberries, loganberries, black currants, gooseberries etc frozen, whether or not with sugar etc TOTAL 11 148 341 3445 160 1759 058.39 (t) Fruit and nuts, nes, frozen, whether or not with sugar TOTAL 8 36 48 317 55 169 55 26 058.94 (t) Citrus fruit, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 9 40 216 535 331 058.95 (t) Apricots, cherries or peaches, prepared or preserved TOTAL 25 29 90 101 85 404 35 762 87 058.96 (t) Fruits or edible parts of plants, prepared/preserved, nes TOTAL 113 182 1403 2100 1415 2041 058.97 (t) Mixtures of fruits or other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 4 10 34 82 24 1 3 - - 061.12 (t) Beet sugar, raw, in solid form TOTAL 177 127 4780 1206 1751 1442 061.21 (t) Beet or cane sugar containing added flavouring etc TOTAL 2 4 12 39 23 55 5681 5382 5450 6523 14143 2771 16561 2910 061.59 (t) Beet sugar molasses and other molasses TOTAL 12 9 26 19 - - 17 058.31 (t) Strawberries, frozen, whether or not containing sugar etc TOTAL 55 439 1156 6399 964 5013 058.93 (t) Pineapples, prepared or preserved TOTAL 1 2 37 061.11 (t) Cane sugar, raw, in solid form TOTAL - 061.29 (t) Other beet or cane sugar TOTAL 881 769 058.22 (t) Peel of citrus fruit or melons, fresh, frozen, dried etc TOTAL 2 1 16 16 12 11 058.92 (t) Nuts and other seeds, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 2 8 132 310 156 606 061. SUGARS, MOLASSES AND HONEY 058. FRUIT, PRESERVED, AND FRUIT PREPARATIONS (EXCL JUICES) 058.10 (t) Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, pastes etc, excl homogenised preparations TOTAL 122 279 1411 3162 1396 868 17 057.97 (t) Avocados, guavas, mangoes & mangosteens, fresh or dried TOTAL 18 41 22 46 057.98 (t) Other fresh fruit TOTAL 35 16 52 061.51 (t) Cane molasses TOTAL 1399 061.60 (t) Natural honey TOTAL 44 269 311 376 2344 462 3722 061.91 (t) Lactose and lactose syrup TOTAL 125 89 5060 4687 4701 6427 32 118 0 1 061.92 (t) Maple sugar and maple syrup TOTAL 0 2 061.93 (t) Glucose and glucose syrup, with less than 20% fructose TOTAL 37 96 212 962 315 967 061.94 (t) Glucose and glucose syrup, with 20% to 50% fructose TOTAL 0 0 0 1 0 061.95 (t) Pure fructose TOTAL 69 483 1028 7408 830 061.96 (t) Other fructose & fructose syrup, with >50% fructose TOTAL 0 061.99 (t) Other sugars (incl invert sugar) TOTAL 49 528 502 4882 547 1 7338 0 3559 062. SUGAR CONFECTIONERY 062.10 (t) Fruit, nuts, fruit-peel etc preserved by sugar/sweetener TOTAL 18 50 218 587 259 664 059. FRUIT & VEGETABLE JUICES, WHETHER OR NOT CONTAINING ADDED SUGAR OR OTHER SWEETENER 062.21 (t) Chewing gum, whether or not sugar-coated TOTAL 1 26 16 266 059.10 (t) Orange juice TOTAL 1595 EU countries 1594 Great Britain 1317 Other 278 Non-EU countries 1 1814 1810 942 868 4 19067 19002 14860 4143 65 23347 23165 10619 12546 182 17464 17372 12870 4502 92 21995 21830 9684 12146 165 059.20 (t) Grapefruit juice TOTAL 19 11 221 201 325 312 059.30 (t) Juice of any other single citrus fruit TOTAL 63 439 1481 3879 448 1795 33 261 68070 63964 16586 19999 27379 4106 15390 14754 4959 3607 6188 636 76404 73258 23224 21407 28626 3146 071.11 (t) Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated TOTAL 0 12 11 216 17 189 062.29 (t) Sugar confectionery, nes TOTAL 1262 6037 EU countries 1228 5865 Germany 298 1475 Great Britain 313 1710 Other 617 2680 Non-EU countries 34 172 13761 12963 3378 3403 6181 798 071. COFFEE AND COFFEE SUBSTITUTES 66 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 071.12 (t) Coffee, not roasted, decaffeinated TOTAL 0 0 12 071.20 (t) Coffee, roasted TOTAL 105 438 1101 237 4465 071.31 (t) Extracts, essences and concentrates of coffee TOTAL 7 120 115 1965 9 156 1524 7312 179 6409 071.32 (t) Coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion TOTAL 20 10 207 208 159 175 071.33 (t) Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes TOTAL 0 1 7 162 074.14 (t) Other black tea (fermented) TOTAL 1 12 074.31 (t) Mate TOTAL - - 77 329 97 390 0 0 - - of tea or mate 92274 6587 55589 4247 42949 3647 12640 599 36685 2340 26841 1789 9843 551 137133 45719 36360 9359 91414 75726 15687 074.32 (t) Extracts, essences and concentrates TOTAL 625 6117 6302 EU countries 585 5526 5052 Netherlands 547 4725 4500 Other 38 800 552 Non-EU countries 40 591 1250 Russia 13 177 823 Other 27 414 427 075. SPICES 072. COCOA 072.10 (t) Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted - 075.11 (t) Pepper, neither crushed nor ground TOTAL 1 8 5 - 072.20 (t) Cocoa powder not containing added sugar or sweetener TOTAL 4 13 22 85 15 50 5 56 102 11 105 075.12 (t) Pepper, crushed or ground TOTAL 1 10 11 72 - 075.13 (t) Fruits of the genus 'capsicum' or the genus 'pimenta', dried, crushed or ground TOTAL 6 6 58 94 27 072.32 (t) Cocoa paste, wholly or partly de-fatted (cocoa cake) - - 075.21 (t) Vanilla TOTAL 072.40 (t) Cocoa butter, fat or oil TOTAL - - - 075.22 (t) Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers, not crushed or ground - 072.50 (t) Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste TOTAL 0 0 075.23 (t) Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers, crushed or ground TOTAL 0 1 0 4 1 5 075.24 (t) Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems) - - - - 075.25 (t) Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms - - - - 072.31 (t) Cocoa paste, not de-fatted - - 7 - 46 - 073. CHOCOLATE & OTHER FOOD PREPARATIONS CONTAINING COCOA, NES 073.10 (t) Cocoa powder containing added sugar TOTAL 95 1912 1017 EU countries 94 1897 1006 Great Britain 89 1773 944 Other 5 124 62 Non-EU countries 1 14 11 or sweetener 20483 810 20347 795 18891 748 1455 46 136 15 073.20 (t) Other food preps containing cocoa, unit weight >2kg TOTAL 1344 3930 14283 39702 13644 EU countries 677 1850 6799 17305 6608 Great Britain 630 1684 6376 16138 6245 Other 47 167 423 1167 363 Non-EU countries 667 2080 7484 22397 7035 United States 667 2080 6325 19372 5704 Other 1159 3025 1331 17338 17179 16051 1128 159 37463 17242 15733 1509 20221 16912 3310 073.30 (t) Food preparations, containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars, whether or not filled, nes TOTAL 1902 11193 18818 108962 17301 92480 EU countries 1902 11188 18803 108815 17232 92019 Great Britain 1869 10953 18287 105772 15954 85946 Other 33 234 516 3043 1279 6074 Non-EU countries 0 5 15 147 69 461 073.90 (t) Food preparations containing cocoa, TOTAL 662 4851 7310 EU countries 609 4154 6247 Great Britain 524 3525 5167 Other 84 629 1080 Non-EU countries 54 697 1063 nes 52929 40329 33076 7253 12601 7279 6366 5398 968 912 47595 38280 31983 6297 9315 074. TEA AND MATE 074.11 (t) Green tea (not fermented) in packings not more than 3kg TOTAL 1 11 8 78 8 78 074.12 (t) Other green tea (not fermented) TOTAL 3 20 8 58 7 074.13 (t) Black tea (fermented) in packings not more than 3kg TOTAL 39 429 506 4402 563 57 4659 3 15 3 - 36 2 34 35 075.26 (t) Anise, fennel, coriander, cumin, caraway, juniper seeds TOTAL 1 7 075.27 (t) Ginger (excl preserved in sugar or conserved in syrup) TOTAL 0 0 - - 075.28 (t) Saffron TOTAL 0 0 0 0 11 0 075.29 (t) Other spices; mixtures of two or more of the products of different headings of group 075 TOTAL 2 10 46 163 535 1384 081. FEEDING STUFF FOR ANIMALS (NOT INCL UNMILLED CEREALS) 081.11 (t) Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pressed or in the form of pellets - - 081.12 (t) Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets TOTAL 10 2 2 0 081.13 (t) Swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, hay etc TOTAL 17 6 288 144 14 33 29701 11124 081.23 (t) Bran, sharps etc derived from leguminous plants TOTAL 33 72 65 141 081.19 (t) Vegetable residues etc for animal food, nes TOTAL 1545 578 15814 5104 081.24 (t) Bran, sharps etc derived from maize TOTAL 1797 254 14179 2042 11871 1857 081.26 (t) Bran, sharps etc derived from wheat TOTAL 3573 760 15298 4116 11556 2859 1 2 081.29 (t) Bran, sharps etc derived from other cereals TOTAL 1 1 67 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 081.31 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from soya beans TOTAL 926 390 2943 1082 081.32 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from peanuts - 5504 2494 098.13 (t) Cooked fruit preparations, homogenised TOTAL 6 21 82 291 63 278 5 28 - - - 098.14 (t) Homogenised composite food preparations TOTAL 6 26 138 578 081.33 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from cotton seeds - - - 098.41 (t) Soya sauce TOTAL 324 90 324 - - 098.42 (t) Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces TOTAL 57 102 903 1086 852 874 6798 1586 098.43 (t) Mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard TOTAL 1 75 12 122 18 74 5554 098.44 (kl) Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar from acetic acid TOTAL 2 14 24 82 11 081.34 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from linseed - - 081.35 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from sunflower seeds TOTAL 882 176 7661 1546 081.36 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from rape or colza seeds TOTAL 1138 387 9306 2974 14792 081.37 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from coconut or copra - - - 081.38 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from palm nuts or kernels TOTAL 14621 2587 081.39 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from other oil seeds etc - - 081.41 (t) Flours, meals and pellets of meat or offal, unfit for human consumption TOTAL 6502 1025 65191 14129 59101 EU countries 6502 1025 65191 14129 59101 081.42 (t) Flours, meals molluscs etc, TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other and pellets, of fish, crustaceans, unfit for human consumption 366 482 11070 13150 10967 366 482 11070 13150 10967 366 482 11047 13118 10690 23 31 277 081.51 (t) Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues TOTAL 28 224 43 - 13473 13473 14340 14340 13975 364 146 081.52 (t) Beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture TOTAL 470 100 12878 2932 11641 2726 081.53 (t) Brewing or distilling dregs and waste TOTAL 4711 448 35723 3197 44127 4417 - - - retail sale 78539 94647 76485 89160 72156 81691 4329 7469 2054 5487 80647 78625 74491 4134 2022 90803 85148 78976 6172 5655 081.99 (t) Preparations of a kind used for animal food, nes TOTAL 10480 5503 124925 69545 166494 EU countries 9631 4605 116498 56125 159750 Great Britain 1485 1527 20605 20496 24151 Northern Ireland 7622 2460 88938 27750 128740 Other 523 618 6956 7879 6860 Non-EU countries 849 898 8426 13420 6744 70910 61232 20243 33493 7496 9678 081.94 (t) Wine lees; argol 081.95 (t) Dog or cat food, put TOTAL 7525 EU countries 7207 Great Britain 6845 Other 362 Non-EU countries 319 up for 9361 8460 7848 612 901 - 091. MARGARINE AND SHORTENING 091.01 (t) Margarine (excl liquid margarine) TOTAL 84 137 784 091.09 (t) Other TOTAL 38 44 472 1415 614 875 539 430 530 098. EDIBLE PRODUCTS AND PREPARATIONS, NES 098.11 (t) Homogenised preparations from meat and edible meat offal TOTAL 2 16 46 324 345 1660 098.12 (t) Homogenised vegetables TOTAL 0 2 8 31 9 39 12 46 83 63 098.49 (t) Other sauces; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings TOTAL 207 636 2828 35199 2243 EU countries 179 559 2664 7245 2125 Non-EU countries 27 77 164 27954 119 Mexico 29 27353 Other 27 77 135 601 119 5980 5467 513 513 098.50 (t) Soups and broths, and preparations therefor TOTAL 47 121 470 1408 967 3246 098.60 (t) Yeasts etc; prepared baking powders TOTAL 56 444 578 3715 597 2854 098.91 (t) Pasta, cooked or stuffed; couscous TOTAL 285 894 3190 8139 4567 11092 098.92 (t) Edible products of animal origin, nes TOTAL 130 398 0 3 098.93 (t) Food preparations for infants, for meal, starch or malt extract TOTAL 13034 82260 120760 EU countries 7156 27557 62118 Germany 767 2908 7054 Great Britain 3445 14146 33028 Netherlands 2263 7898 16722 Other 681 2605 5314 Non-EU countries 5877 54704 58642 United Arab Emirat 190 1549 2357 China 2255 21843 16997 Hong Kong 306 3872 5103 Israel 361 2148 3194 Jordan 256 1978 2763 Kuwait 81 802 2311 Malaysia 34 492 793 Saudi Arabia 1022 9452 8795 Singapore 59 915 980 Taiwan 89 1167 1235 Vietnam 181 2027 3055 Other 1043 8458 11061 retail sale, or flour, 832441 239737 26265 135749 58200 19523 592704 18696 193290 80042 18744 21205 19428 11226 78230 14132 15488 31148 91073 098.94 (t) Malt extract; food preparations of TOTAL 22720 63293 249977 EU countries 7250 19140 86349 Germany 1991 5020 24527 France 763 1986 10251 Great Britain 641 1726 5601 Netherlands 1769 4737 22909 Poland 1937 5328 21267 Other 149 344 1794 Non-EU countries 15470 44153 163627 Congo (Dem Rep) 732 1384 3039 China 0 0 4180 Ghana 158 306 4650 Hong Kong 1330 7401 2849 Iraq 214 451 7788 Mali 694 1449 9485 Mexico 1700 5373 11793 Malaysia 628 3657 5257 Nigeria 2250 4675 38771 New Zealand 271 1006 5409 Philippines 457 1527 458 Russia 978 2762 11806 Senegal 1933 4440 17380 Togo 523 1102 6160 Thailand 433 1714 4034 Other 3171 6907 30568 flour, starch etc 706429 222454 601496 232612 85251 234593 65493 27374 75000 26707 6621 17763 16078 13250 35422 61701 25985 71299 57805 10485 30795 4828 1536 4314 473818 137203 366903 7200 6629 16022 16989 1902 8810 11193 9747 22977 17552 499 6869 21721 9825 26414 24400 7305 17939 37733 4724 12336 19269 1431 3174 102917 29449 75424 20125 10 119 1531 49 590 32902 10487 30756 45819 18941 50544 15972 4834 11991 15857 82638 31373 82936 100132 53172 714 37333 10640 4484 46960 1705 6779 6394 3078 2523 2286 794 6048 1041 748 2545 13020 677321 211508 2247 153693 37817 17751 465812 13165 88873 90020 18842 20014 20231 9705 57036 13732 6516 23020 104659 68 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 098.99 (t) Other food preparations, nes TOTAL 6522 14645 86668 EU countries 6156 11496 71644 Great Britain 4648 6342 58161 Other 1508 5155 13483 Non-EU countries 366 3149 15024 Thailand 28 250 1037 Other 338 2898 13987 203632 133782 76642 57140 69849 11731 58118 80738 61003 50811 10192 19735 820 18914 207337 129837 75532 54305 77500 1095 76405 112.49 - continued Other Non-EU countries Canada United States Other 116 524 68 380 77 3976 19297 3701 12060 3536 1223 6842 1260 4480 1103 32529 202449 35695 122838 43916 1396 7480 1221 4885 1374 43299 216556 35113 129537 51906 - 4 3 103 14 - - 121. TOBACCO, UN-MANUFACTURED; TOBACCO REFUSE 111. NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, NES 121.10 (hkg) Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped TOTAL - 111.01 (t) Mineral and aerated waters TOTAL 763 678 10136 7455 6216 7482 111.02 (kl) Lemonade, flavoured waters; other non-alcoholic beverages TOTAL 12803 10896 151489 122553 141097 103893 EU countries 12705 10145 150173 117229 136551 98829 Great Britain 11129 7617 128765 94499 114039 76498 Northern Ireland 1129 1755 13335 14914 11137 11625 Other 447 773 8074 7815 11376 10705 Non-EU countries 98 752 1315 5325 4545 5064 121.20 (hkg) Tobacco, wholly or partly stemmed/stripped TOTAL 29 4 121.30 (hkg) Tobacco refuse - - - - 122. TOBACCO, MANUFACTURED 122.10 (hkg) Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco TOTAL 45 199 479 1900 511 1991 112. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 112.11 (kl) Grape must without added alcohol TOTAL 0 122.20 (hkg) Cigarettes containing tobacco TOTAL 8 0 0 685 112.15 (kl) Sparkling wine TOTAL 2 225 24 259 21 112.17 (kl) Other wine; must with fermentation arrested by alcohol TOTAL 72 210 528 2340 423 2783 112.20 (kl) Fermented beverages, nes (eg cider, perry, mead) TOTAL 4787 4778 57989 51423 72534 EU countries 4022 3219 50403 36126 61477 Great Britain 3999 3122 49904 34670 59894 Other 23 97 499 1456 1582 Non-EU countries 765 1559 7585 15298 11057 10 42 2 19 48267 45156 5 44311 806 34 3112 78141 56371 24 55821 366 160 21770 122.39 (hkg) Manufactured tobacco, extracts and essence, nes TOTAL 2 4 7 12 122.31 (hkg) Cigarettes, cigars etc of tobacco substitutes TOTAL 2 18 6 52 112.13 (kl) Vermouth and other wines flavoured with plants etc TOTAL 11 37 247 802 205 18 36 0 62950 47797 44255 3543 15153 122.32 (hkg) Smoking tobacco TOTAL 3149 EU countries 3147 Germany 593 Great Britain 807 Netherlands 1644 Other 102 Non-EU countries 3 5288 5277 1329 1353 2544 50 12 37330 36434 5889 19035 11385 125 896 63094 55742 13710 27549 14328 155 7351 211. HIDES AND SKINS (EXCEPT FURSKINS), RAW 112.30 (kl) Beer made from malt (incl TOTAL 32011 20322 EU countries 26228 13385 Germany 817 1048 Great Britain 13863 4149 Northern Ireland 9724 5572 Other 1824 2616 Non-EU countries 5783 6937 Canada 723 1274 United States 3689 3835 Other 1370 1827 112.41 (klPA) Whiskey TOTAL EU countries Czech Republic Germany France Great Britain Latvia Other Non-EU countries United States South Africa Other 1942 829 89 66 150 119 56 349 1113 844 79 191 34018 12264 1429 1227 1970 1650 970 5019 21754 17575 1577 2601 ale, stout and porter) 322786 208764 332491 260425 139037 260111 8051 10278 7719 137303 42046 139846 92665 56648 94188 22406 30065 18358 62361 69727 72380 7659 13101 8313 41385 39654 50491 13316 16972 13576 18406 8408 696 1307 1557 1153 1132 2564 9998 7295 559 2143 307528 129419 9489 20461 19896 15516 27785 36272 178109 138221 10505 29384 17454 8041 589 1497 1308 1010 1024 2614 9413 7036 447 1930 218515 138032 9617 43431 59228 25757 80484 14234 48992 17257 289458 126902 7983 22068 17241 14248 29622 35740 162556 127427 7469 27660 211.21 (hkg) Whole hides and skins, of a weight per skin not exceeding 8 kg when simply dried, 10 kg when dry-salted, or 16 kg TOTAL 13424 2738 134954 28820 131382 24100 EU countries 13424 2738 134954 28820 123064 22799 Great Britain 4169 975 53088 13062 67830 12569 Other 9255 1763 81866 15758 55234 10230 Non-EU countries 8317 1302 211.29 (hkg) Other hides and skins, incl. butts, bends TOTAL 41971 9345 464491 100043 EU countries 17057 3938 239345 53328 Great Britain 7281 1845 89408 23587 Italy 4852 1297 81738 16785 Other 4925 797 68199 12956 Non-EU countries 24914 5406 225147 46715 China 23361 5301 203125 43198 Other 1553 105 22022 3518 and bellies 388487 72983 230603 45249 100220 23094 50507 9518 79875 12638 157885 27734 118427 20941 39457 6793 211.60 (hkg) Sheep & lamb skins TOTAL 15345 EU countries 3689 Non-EU countries 11656 China 11161 Other 495 wool on, 149382 37956 111425 102453 8972 (excl 1741 441 1300 1231 69 specified), with 168959 18515 39461 5071 129498 13443 122178 12612 7319 831 raw 25142 7371 17771 16190 1582 112.42 (klPA) Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc TOTAL 1 10 30 484 22 509 211.70 (hkg) Sheep and lamb skins without wool on, raw TOTAL 246 38 112.44 (klPA) Rum and tafia TOTAL 4 46 52 546 54 605 211.91 (hkg) Parings & waste of leather; leather dust, powder & flour - 112.45 (klPA) Gin and geneva TOTAL 2 34 31 349 12 103 112.49 (klPA) Spirits and distilled alcoholic beverages, nes TOTAL 833 29619 9492 270969 10999 EU countries 309 10321 2650 68521 3519 Germany 64 2017 700 17827 901 Spain 37 1395 237 6445 328 Great Britain 92 2932 490 11720 894 313910 97354 21433 8737 23885 16514 2578 211.99 (hkg) Hides and skins, nes, raw (fresh, or salted, dried, or otherwise preserved, but not tanned, parchment-dressed or TOTAL 762 107 212. FURSKINS, RAW OTHER THAN OF GROUP 211 69 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 212.10 (hkg) Mink skins, raw, whole, with/without head, tail or paws TOTAL 8 165 210 3196 1463 8579 232.13 (t) Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) and halo-isobutene rubber TOTAL 1 6 46 157 30 62 212.22 (hkg) Raw lamb furskins (of specified type) - - 232.14 (t) Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber TOTAL 1 3 6 - 232.15 (t) Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber TOTAL 16 - 212.25 (hkg) Raw fox furskins, whole, with/without head, tail/paws - 28 7 36 2 0 0 - - - 212.29 (hkg) Other furskins, whole, with or without head, tail or paws TOTAL 0 0 - 232.16 (t) Isoprene rubber 212.30 (hkg) Heads, tails, paws etc., suitable for furriers’ use - 232.17 (t) Ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated diene rubber (epdm) - - 232.18 (t) Mixtures of any product of Group 231 with any 232.1 TOTAL 2 0 - - 1 232.19 (t) Synthetic rubbers and factice derived from oils, nes TOTAL 22 60 0 4 222.12 (t) Peanuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, shelled TOTAL 1 1 4 5 3 5 232.21 (t) Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, etc TOTAL 194 23 813 228 227 222.20 (t) Soya beans used for soft fixed vegetable oils TOTAL 159 67 1580 816 1276 701 - 222. OIL SEEDS & OLEAGINOUS FRUITS FOR SOFT FIXED VEG OILS 222.11 (t) Peanuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, in shell TOTAL 0 0 0 222.30 (t) Cotton seeds used for soft fixed vegetable oils - - - 222.40 (t) Sunflower seeds used for soft fixed vegetable oils TOTAL 3 11 148 489 68 227 222.50 (t) Sesame seeds used for soft fixed vegetable oils TOTAL 0 0 1 3 1 2 - - - 232.22 (t) Waste, parings etc of unhardened rubber, powders etc TOTAL 643 31 7319 237 2003 244.02 (t) Cork, natural, debacked/roughly squared, or blocks etc TOTAL 0 1 0 2 244.03 (t) Cork, natural, raw or simply prepared - - - - - - 244.04 (t) Waste cork; crushed, granulated or ground cork TOTAL 0 1 0 1 222.62 (t) Mustard seeds used for soft fixed vegetable oils TOTAL 2 245. FUEL WOOD (EXCL WOOD WASTE) AND WOOD CHARCOAL 245.01 (t) Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots etc TOTAL 10 10 107 49 212 60 223. OIL SEEDS & OLEAGINOUS FRUITS FOR OTHER FIXED VEG OILS 223.10 (t) Copra - - - - - - 55 424 354 3348 210 1874 223.70 (t) Oil-seeds and oleaginous fruits, nes TOTAL 26 185 243 1432 85 111 223.90 (t) Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits TOTAL 86 108 833 678 532 353 223.40 (t) Linseed TOTAL 245.02 (t) Wood charcoal (incl shell or nut charcoal) TOTAL 25 44 178 371 150 276 246.11 (t) Coniferous wood in chips or particles TOTAL 18 1 4609 147 7839 172 246.15 (t) Non-coniferous wood in chips or particles TOTAL 254 24 124 11 17495 489 247.30 (t) Wood in the rough or roughly squared, treated TOTAL 187 133 7921 4096 7648 3710 246. WOOD IN CHIPS OR PARTICLES AND WOOD WASTE 246.20 (t) Sawdust and wood waste and scrap TOTAL 1767 267 10739 231. NATURAL RUBBER 231.10 (t) Natural rubber latex, whether or not prevulcanised TOTAL 1 6 137 528 31 231.21 (t) Smoked sheets of natural rubber TOTAL 1 8 66 244. CORK, NATURAL, RAW AND WASTE 222.61 (t) Rape or colza seeds used for soft fixed vegetable oils TOTAL 878 321 3726 1716 12268 5521 2 138 34 - - 231.25 (t) Technically specified natural rubber (tsnr) - - - 231.29 (t) Natural rubber and similar natural gums, nes TOTAL 0 1 3 24 2 5 231.30 (t) Balata, gutta-percha, guayule and similar natural gums - - 1083 247. WOOD IN THE ROUGH OR ROUGHLY SQUARED 247.40 (t) Coniferous wood, in the rough/roughly squared, untreated TOTAL 22462 1596 252179 22341 276764 32476 EU countries 22462 1596 252179 22341 276762 32474 Northern Ireland 21744 1036 231580 14728 217201 17099 Other 718 560 20600 7613 59561 15375 Non-EU countries 2 3 247.50 (t) Non-coniferous tropical wood of specified varieties, in the rough or roughly squared, untreated TOTAL 4 5 519 664 356 452 232. SYNTHETIC RUBBER; RECLAIMED RUBBER; WASTE ETC 232.11 (t) Styrene-butadiene and carboxylated styrene-butadiene TOTAL 0 0 2341 2666 2468 232.12 (t) Butadiene rubber TOTAL - 247.90 (t) Other woods in the rough or roughly squared TOTAL 20 24 417 421 229 223 2835 248. WOOD, SIMPLY WORKED, AND RAILWAY SLEEPERS OF WOOD - - - 1 8 248.11 (t) Railway or tramway sleepers of wood, not impregnated - - 70 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 248.19 (t) Railway or tramway sleepers of wood, impregnated TOTAL 2 2 248.20 (t) Coniferous wood, sawn lengthwise, sliced or TOTAL 36918 9653 361940 114858 EU countries 36918 9653 361940 114858 Great Britain 29198 7531 274821 89878 Northern Ireland 7720 2122 87095 24958 Other 24 22 Non-EU countries 0 0 - peeled, >6mm 310329 75536 310323 75531 241808 60731 68515 14800 6 5 248.30 (t) Coniferous wood, shaped along any of its edges TOTAL 0 0 13 72 79 485 248.40 (t) Non-coniferous wood, sawn lengthwise, sliced etc, >6mm TOTAL 58 76 355 642 301 799 248.50 (t) Non-coniferous wood, shaped along any edge or face TOTAL 2 8 41 123 270 326 263. COTTON 263.10 (t) Cotton (other than linters), not carded or combed TOTAL 1 9 9 26 3 17 263.20 (t) Cotton linters - - - 263.31 (t) Cotton yarn waste (incl thread waste) - - - - - - - 263.32 (t) Garnetted cotton stock - - - - - - 263.39 (t) Other cotton waste - - - - - - 263.40 (t) Cotton, carded or combed TOTAL - 0 0 0 0 251. PULP AND WASTE PAPER 264. JUTE & OTHER TEXTILE FIBRES, NES, RAW/PROCESSED, NOT SPUN 251.11 (t) Waste & scrap of unbleached kraft/corrugated paper/board TOTAL 21553 2374 198751 36980 189460 25021 EU countries 3664 648 22717 8300 39589 8621 Non-EU countries 17889 1725 176033 28679 149871 16400 China 16493 1447 133679 15841 126749 13286 India 903 205 36816 11601 20196 2666 Other 493 74 5538 1238 2926 448 264.10 (t) Jute and other textile bast fibres, nes, raw or retted TOTAL 0 1 264.90 (t) Jute and other bast fibres, nes; waste of these fibres TOTAL 98 571 0 1 251.12 (t) Waste/scrap of other paper/board, mainly of bleached pulp TOTAL 0 0 1726 273 2075 290 265. VEGETABLE TEXTILE FIBRES (OTHER THAN COTTON AND JUTE), RAW OR PROCESSED BUT NOT SPUN; WASTE OF THESE FIBRES 251.13 (t) Waste/scrap paper/paperboard, mainly of mechanical pulp TOTAL 8531 1028 108443 12833 114730 15541 EU countries 1620 136 16620 1551 20626 2223 Non-EU countries 6910 893 91823 11282 94104 13317 265.11 (t) Flax, raw or retted - 251.19 (t) Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard, nes TOTAL 3403 326 61809 6400 251.20 (t) Mechanical wood pulp TOTAL - - - 251.30 (t) Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades TOTAL - 60994 9022 - 139 10 - 19 2 251.41 (t) Wood pulp, soda or sulphate, unbleached: coniferous - - 251.42 (t) Wood pulp, soda or sulphate, unbleached: non-coniferous - - 251.51 (t) Wood pulp, soda or sulphate, bleached: coniferous - - 251.52 (t) Wood pulp, soda or sulphate, bleached: non-coniferous - - - - 265.12 (t) Flax, broken, scutched, hackled etc, not spun - - - - - 265.13 (t) Flax tow and waste (incl yarn waste and garnetted stock) 265.21 (t) True hemp, raw or retted - - - - - 265.29 (t) True hemp other than in 265.21 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - 265.80 (t) Coconut, abaca (Manila hemp/textilis Nee), ramie & other vegetable textile fibres, nes, not spun; tow, noils and TOTAL 36 8 54 12 266. SYNTHETIC FIBRES SUITABLE FOR SPINNING 266.51 (t) Staple fibres of nylon/other polyamides, not carded etc TOTAL 0 0 0 251.62 (t) Chemical wood pulp, sulphite: semi-bleached or bleached TOTAL 5 5 251.91 (t) Semi-chemical wood pulp TOTAL - - - 266.52 (t) Staple fibres of polyesters, not carded etc TOTAL 7091 9571 74032 100520 EU countries 6831 9079 71096 95327 Germany 1357 1786 12132 15988 Great Britain 2283 3114 31055 41816 Italy 918 1163 8207 10874 Netherlands 728 1100 7379 11316 Other 1546 1915 12322 15331 Non-EU countries 260 492 2937 5193 - - 266.53 (t) Staple acrylic or modacrylic fibres, not carded etc - 251.61 (t) Chemical wood pulp, sulphite: unbleached - 1 1 251.92 (t) Pulps of other fibrous cellulosic material - - - 73681 70101 13904 28713 9011 6207 12267 3580 106690 99943 18674 38542 15356 10519 16852 6747 - 266.59 (t) Synthetic staple fibres, not processed for spinning, nes TOTAL 0 1 3 23 5 49 261. SILK 261.30 (t) Raw silk (not thrown) TOTAL - 0 - - - 261.41 (t) Silk worm cocoons suitable for reeling - - 0 - 0 266.61 (t) Synthetic filament tow of nylon or other polyamides - - - 266.62 (t) Synthetic filament tow of polyesters - - - - - 261.42 (t) Silk waste (incl. yarn waste/garnetted stock and cocoons unsuitable for reeling, ) - - 266.63 (t) Synthetic filament tow of acrylic or modacrylic - 71 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 266.69 (t) Synthetic filament tow, nes TOTAL - 0 0 1 2 266.71 (t) Staple fibres of nylon/polyamides, processed for spinning 266.72 (t) Staple fibres of polyesters, processed for spinning - 272. FERTILISERS, CRUDE, OTHER THAN THOSE OF DIVISION 56 272.10 (t) Animal or vegetable fertiliser TOTAL 5494 1358 62320 EU countries 5416 1076 61519 Non-EU countries 78 281 801 16318 13909 2408 54159 53680 478 12473 10890 1583 19 2 4 272.31 (t) Natural calcium phosphates etc, unground - - - 272.32 (t) Natural calcium phosphates etc, ground - - - - 0 - - - 266.73 (t) Staple acrylic/modacrylic fibres, processed for spinning 266.79 (t) Synthetic staple fibres processed for spinning, nes - 272.20 (t) Sodium nitrate TOTAL - - 4 - 267. OTHER MAN-MADE FIBRES SUITABLE FOR SPINNING, INCL WASTE 267.11 (t) Artificial staple fibres, not processed for spinning - - 273. STONE, SAND AND GRAVEL 267.12 (t) Artificial filament tow - - 273.11 (t) Slate, whether or not trimmed or cut TOTAL 0 - - - 273.12 (t) Marble, travertine, etc of sg 2.5 or more; alabaster TOTAL 169 66 74 267.13 (t) Artificial staple fibres, processed for spinning TOTAL 0 0 267.21 (t) Waste of synthetic fibres TOTAL 267.22 (t) Waste of artificial fibres - 273.13 (t) Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone etc nes TOTAL 1041 316 14778 3211 16651 44 - 18 - 71 0 82 4564 38 - 273.22 (t) Limestone flux and calcerous stone for lime or cement TOTAL 55 31 634 324 867 371 273.23 (t) Gypsum and anhydrite stone for lime or cement TOTAL 1995 83 7999 325 6136 234 - 268. WOOL AND OTHER ANIMAL HAIR (INCL WOOL TOPS) 268.11 (t) Shorn wool, greasy (incl fleece-washed wool) TOTAL 222 335 2781 4714 273.24 (t) Plasters, (incl plaster for dentistry) TOTAL 1518 487 17259 5387 2590 15941 4825 273.31 (t) Silica and quartz sands, other than metal-bearing TOTAL 442 20 4460 231 3588 188 273.39 (t) Other natural sands, other than metal-bearing TOTAL 201 3 4412 54 2478 35 273.40 (t) Gravel and crushed stone for concrete; macadam TOTAL 14160 354 126851 2580 136900 3022 3669 268.19 (t) Wool, greasy (incl fleece-washed), other than shorn wool TOTAL 111 221 2789 5488 4033 6916 268.21 (t) Degreased wool, not carbonised, not carded or combed TOTAL 91 138 716 1090 329 390 268.29 (t) Wool, carbonised, not carded or combed - - - - 268.30 (t) Fine animal hair, not carded or combed - - - - 268.50 (t) Coarse animal hair, not carded or combed TOTAL - 0 0 274. SULPHUR AND UNROASTED IRON PYRITES 268.62 (t) Garnetted stock of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair 268.63 (t) Noils of wool or of fine animal hair, not garnetted - 274.10 (t) Sulphur other than sublimed sulphur, precipitated - - 274.20 (t) Iron pyrites, unroasted - - - - - 277. NATURAL ABRASIVES, NES (INCL INDUSTRIAL DIAMONDS) - 268.69 (t) Other waste of wool or of animal hair (excl horsehair) TOTAL 1 1 10 6 277.11 (kg) Industrial diamonds, sorted: unworked or sawn, cleaved or bruted TOTAL 8 44 21 117 7 30 268.71 (t) Carded wool; combed wool in fragments - - 277.19 (kg) Industrial diamonds, sorted: otherwise worked TOTAL 136 97 637 268.73 (t) Wool tops and other combed wool TOTAL 1 14 268.77 (t) Fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed TOTAL - - - 1 14 269. WORN CLOTHING AND OTHER WORN TEXTILE ARTICLES; RAGS 269.01 (t) Used clothing, rugs, etc traded in bulk form TOTAL 935 814 10215 10629 10997 EU countries 754 606 8452 7430 6349 Non-EU countries 180 207 1763 3199 4648 269.02 (t) Used or new rags, scrap twine, rope etc TOTAL 0 3 94 41 153 347 277.21 (g) Dust/powder of natural/syn precious/semi-precious stones TOTAL 3941270 422171713144 51288 59487731 60337 EU countries 571772 144027628981 14589 4373598 17492 Non-EU countries 3369498 278144084163 36699 55114133 42845 Japan 992676 67614141868 10438 13449728 7493 Other 2376822 210529942295 26261 41664405 35352 277.22 (kg) Emery, natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives - 15296 7151 8145 83 277.23 (kg) Pumice stone TOTAL - - 228 1 - - 278.22 (t) Graphite, natural - - - - - - 278. OTHER CRUDE MINERALS 72 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 278.23 (t) Dolomite, agglomerated dolomite - - 278.24 (t) Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite) TOTAL 1485 804 16544 8923 278.25 (t) Fused magnesia and magnesium oxide, TOTAL 830 413 59090 EU countries 830 413 58046 Austria 200 99 31082 Other 630 314 26963 Non-EU countries 1044 4114 3041 whether or not pure 29947 50182 25761 29359 47371 24179 15785 21923 11116 13573 25448 13063 588 2810 1582 278.26 (t) Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined TOTAL 3 6 115 236 98 215 278.27 (t) Crude bentonite TOTAL - - 48 22 26 278.29 (t) Andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite, mullite, chamotte etc TOTAL 1 3 42 4 108 278.30 (t) Sodium chloride, common salt, sea-water TOTAL 407 1449 3333 12562 EU countries 320 399 3121 8386 Non-EU countries 87 1050 212 4176 - - - 278.51 (t) Quartz (other than natural sands); quartzite TOTAL 67 12 278.52 (t) Mica (incl splittings); mica waste TOTAL - - 2439 2389 50 8999 7416 1583 - - 112 30 - 278.54 (t) Fluorspar - - 282.10 (t) Waste and scrap of cast iron TOTAL 3360 1205 13627 EU countries 2337 884 12071 Non-EU countries 1023 321 1557 10506 9731 775 11960 10631 1329 9826 8234 1592 282.21 (t) Waste and scrap of stainless steel TOTAL 217 517 4099 6625 4711 5877 282.31 (t) Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel TOTAL 7296 1791 81595 24062 EU countries 7296 1791 80938 23892 Great Britain 3882 1043 33400 12373 Other 3414 748 47538 11520 Non-EU countries 657 170 278.53 (t) Feldspar; leucite/nepheline and nepheline syenite - 282. FERROUS WASTE & SCRAP; REMELTING INGOTS OF IRON OR STEEL 2 1 - - 75832 75832 27074 48758 - 282.33 (t) Remelting ingots of iron or steel - - - - 282.39 (t) Ferrous waste and scrap, nes TOTAL 20440 4528 286147 EU countries 18881 4014 272246 Spain 3528 884 98828 Great Britain 11745 2291 123360 Portugal 38510 Other 3609 838 11548 Non-EU countries 1559 514 13900 66409 61898 25645 23360 10065 2827 4511 298497 252870 101582 101636 40288 9364 45628 74632 60822 25176 22313 11222 2111 13810 283. COPPER ORES & CONCENTRATES; COPPER MATTES, CEMENT COPPER 278.62 (t) Slag, dross etc from the manufacture of iron and steel TOTAL 1 0 87 283.10 (t) Copper ores and concentrates TOTAL - 28 2 124 14 774 283.20 (t) Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper) - - 1455 1087 5 1 284. NICKEL ORES AND CONCENTRATES; NICKEL MATTES, OXIDE ETC 278.92 (t) Natural barium sulphate, natural barium carbonate TOTAL 0 0 2 1 4 2 284.10 (t) Nickel ores and concentrates - 278.93 (t) Steatite, natural, whether or not trimmed or cut; talc TOTAL 3 25 0 0 278.91 (t) Natural chalk TOTAL - - 64 7 - - - - - - - - 284.21 (t) Nickel mattes 278.94 (t) Natural borates etc; natural boric acid (<85% dry H3B03) - - - 284.22 (t) Nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate products TOTAL 1 4 - 278.95 (t) Siliceous fossil meals & similar earths, of sg 1 or less TOTAL 2 4 31 38 0 1 285. ALUMINIUM ORES AND CONCENTRATES (INCL ALUMINA) 278.96 (t) Bituminous shale and tar sands - 285.10 (t) Aluminium ores and concentrates TOTAL - - - - - 278.97 (t) Bitumen & asphalt, natural; asphaltites & asphaltic rocks TOTAL 0 0 70 55 26 8 278.98 (t) Vermiculite, perlite and chlorites, unexpanded - - - 278.99 (t) Crude mineral substances, nes TOTAL - 1 0 281.40 (t) Roasted iron pyrites, whether or not agglomerated - - 2 1 18757 18757 6446 12311 - 282.32 (t) Turnings, shavings, chips etc of ferrous waste & scrap TOTAL 897 246 11957 3069 16091 1896 278.61 (t) Granulated slag from the manufacture of iron or steel TOTAL 272 19 8020 597 28279 2443 278.69 (t) Slag and ash, nes, incl seaweed ash (kelp) TOTAL 333 269 - 282.29 (t) Waste and scrap of alloy steel other than stainless steel TOTAL 1587 416 13258 4015 16933 3701 0 - - 281.60 (t) Iron ore agglomerates (sinters, pellets, briquettes, etc) - 4 278.40 (t) Natural asbestos - 281.50 (t) Iron ore and concentrates, not agglomerated - 281. IRON ORE AND CONCENTRATES 0 0 - 0 285.20 (t) Alumina (aluminium oxide), other than artificial corundum TOTAL 100736 28270 1709810 410664 1706156 405763 EU countries 78704 22976 1063603 258605 1102542 266586 France 41318 10582 491631 117343 429202 100301 Great Britain 88834 20439 81393 18718 Netherlands 37375 12349 325315 83828 353166 90767 Sweden - 150203 34703 231229 54870 Other 11 45 7620 2293 7551 1930 Non-EU countries 22032 5294 646207 152059 603615 139177 Iceland - 125881 28779 28463 6694 Norway 13923 3346 146393 33880 141218 29866 Russia 8109 1949 373933 89400 433920 102566 Other 0 0 0 0 14 51 286. ORES AND CONCENTRATES OF URANIUM OR THORIUM 73 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 286.10 (t) Uranium ores and concentrates - - - - - 286.20 (t) Thorium ores and concentrates - - - - - 288.24 (t) Lead waste and scrap TOTAL 3510 EU countries 3510 Non-EU countries - 796 796 - 36050 35759 291 11279 11009 270 26997 26974 24 8753 8730 23 5 182 174 403 44 313 288.25 (t) Zinc waste and scrap (other than dust) TOTAL 11 287. ORES AND CONCENTRATES OF BASE METALS, NES 288.26 (t) Tin waste and scrap TOTAL 3 287.40 (t) Lead ores and concentrates TOTAL 8030 5224 EU countries 8030 5224 Netherlands 8030 5224 Other - 71545 71545 52851 18695 48484 48484 38063 10421 64942 64942 39899 25043 46992 46992 31671 15321 287.50 (t) Zinc ores and concentrates TOTAL 37393 23883 EU countries 32793 20926 Belgium 8780 5570 Spain 4307 2946 Finland 15499 9582 Netherlands 4208 2827 Other Non-EU countries 4600 2957 Norway 4600 2957 Other - 481067 378591 86370 8784 170132 99897 13408 102476 102476 0 276893 218193 50717 5254 96160 58117 7946 58700 58700 0 557247 430376 40587 62341 244972 42232 40244 126871 112666 14205 283629 220851 20010 31432 127295 23619 18495 62778 56007 6771 121 778 111 707 287.70 (t) Manganese ores and concentrates - - - - 287.81 (t) Molybdenum ores and concentrates, roasted - - - 287.60 (t) Tin ores and concentrates TOTAL 10 61 - 287.83 (t) Titanium ores and concentrates TOTAL - 5 0 26 287.84 (t) Zirconium ores and concentrates - - 0 - 287.85 (t) Niobium, tantalum or vanadium ores and concentrates - - 287.92 (t) Tungsten (or wolfram) ores and concentrates 287.93 (t) Cobalt ores and concentrates TOTAL - 162 829 287.99 (t) Base metal ores and concentrates, nes TOTAL - 289.11 (t) Silver ores and concentrates - - - - - 289.19 (t) Ores & concentrates of precious metals other than silver TOTAL 1 17 289.21 (t) Waste and scrap of platinum TOTAL 0 57 2 2297 2 2471 289.29 (t) Waste and scrap of precious metal, nes TOTAL 430 1284 3696 15246 EU countries 429 751 3681 8398 Non-EU countries 1 533 15 6849 2926 2913 13 11885 8910 2975 291.11 (t) Bones and horn-cores, unworked or simply prepared TOTAL 151 147 2924 1972 1981 1975 291.15 (t) Coral, shells etc, unworked or simply prepared TOTAL 37 6 79 17 423 80 - - - - 0 - 291.91 (t) Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - 291.92 (t) Pigs' bristles/hair; badger hair, other brush making hair TOTAL 0 1 138 141 8 9 - 117 291.16 (t) Ivory, tortoise-shell, whalebone, horns, hooves etc - - 596 0 291.93 (t) Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (excl fish) TOTAL 1713 1745 17804 20644 19935 EU countries 1669 1618 16841 18292 18844 Non-EU countries 44 127 963 2352 1091 291.94 (t) Bovine semen TOTAL - - 0 25942 23152 2790 259 0 87 291.95 (t) Skins and bird parts, feathers and down TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 291.96 (t) Products of fish etc; unfit for human consumption TOTAL 0 1 80 24 291.98 (t) Ambergris etc; glands etc for pharmaceutical products TOTAL 2 0 4 1 - 288.10 (t) Ash and residues containing metal/metal compounds, nes TOTAL 204 155 452 315 9005 8677 7524 1154 328 289. ORES AND CONCENTRATES OF PRECIOUS METALS; WASTE AND SCRAP OF PRECIOUS METALS (OTHER THAN GOLD) - 288. NON-FERROUS BASE METAL WASTE AND SCRAP, NES 288.21 (t) Copper waste and scrap TOTAL 761 2758 EU countries 735 2629 Great Britain 623 2110 Other 112 520 Non-EU countries 26 129 221 291. CRUDE ANIMAL MATERIALS, NES 287.82 (t) Molybdenum ores and concentrates, other than roasted - 287.91 (t) Chromium ores and concentrates - 8 29605 28587 23687 4899 1018 9006 8440 7279 1161 566 31190 29742 25056 4686 1448 291.99 (t) Animal products, nes TOTAL 202 1307 EU countries 186 1160 Non-EU countries 16 147 151 555 175 606 288.23 (t) Aluminium waste and scrap TOTAL 2164 2426 EU countries 1783 1953 Great Britain 1396 1438 Other 387 515 Non-EU countries 381 473 23232 19302 14265 5037 3930 23889 19797 15266 4530 4092 27824 24867 16657 8210 2958 23820 20241 14827 5414 3579 1890 1627 262 12912 11373 1539 1745 1643 101 10601 9955 646 12 34 7 18 292. CRUDE VEGETABLE MATERIALS, NES 292.22 (t) Gum arabic TOTAL 288.22 (t) Nickel waste and scrap TOTAL 13 46 - 2 5 292.29 (t) Natural gums, resins, lac and balsams (excl gum arabic) TOTAL 1 10 3 31 292.31 (t) Bamboos used primarily for plaiting - - - - 292.32 (t) Rattans used primarily for plaiting - - - - 74 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 292.39 (t) Other vegetable materials used primarily for plaiting TOTAL 0 0 0 292.42 (t) Ginseng roots, fresh or dried TOTAL - - - 1 1 - 0 1 5301 10244 4163 525 879 391 101335 140521 42127 9913 11200 3828 104355 216790 30608 11084 13733 3179 87 292.49 (t) Other plants and parts of plants (excl ginseng roots) used mainly in pharmacy/perfumery etc or for insecticidal TOTAL 2 21 62 222 75 622 292.51 (t) Sugar beet seed TOTAL - 322.30 - continued Netherlands Other Non-EU countries - 325. COKE & SEMI-COKE OF COAL, LIGNITE OR PEAT; RETORT CARBON 325.00 (t) Coke & semi-coke of coal, lignite or peat; retort carbon TOTAL 0 0 - 333. PETROLEUM OILS AND OILS FROM BITUMINOUS MINERALS, CRUDE 292.52 (t) Seeds of forage plants (other than beet seed) TOTAL 2 9 232 779 246 863 333.00 (t) Petroleum oils and oils from bituminous minerals, crude - - 292.53 (t) Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated for their flowers TOTAL 4 8 5 21 334. PETROLEUM OILS & OILS FROM BITUMINOUS MINERALS, NOT CRUDE 292.54 (t) Vegetable seeds, nes, used for sowing TOTAL 46 301 13 173 292.59 (t) Seeds, fruit and spores, nes TOTAL 0 1 14 60 26 95 292.61 (t) Bulbs, tubers and the like; chicory plants and roots TOTAL 6 36 32 206 19 203 292.69 (t) Other live plants, cuttings and slips; mushroom spawn TOTAL 137 287 18495 5095 16579 5772 292.71 (t) Cut flowers & buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes TOTAL 0 0 84 232 75 230 292.72 (t) Foliage, mosses etc for bouquets/ornamental purposes TOTAL 89 765 390 3148 1962 292.94 (t) Vegetable saps and extracts TOTAL 106 2592 EU countries 104 2476 Germany 28 1003 Other 76 1473 Non-EU countries 2 116 817 727 114 613 89 26084 24226 10031 14195 1858 641 564 76 488 78 292.95 (t) Pectic substances, pectinates and pectates TOTAL 5 136 69 2144 33 334.70 (t) Waste oils TOTAL 39537 15505 24032 16218 6838 9380 26709 25380 10659 14721 1328 15440 5673 9766 292.99 (t) Vegetable materials and vegetable products, nes TOTAL 197 159 1837 1459 2150 1804 321.10 (t) Anthracite, whether or not pulverised, not agglomerated TOTAL 0 0 29 14379 3060 1889 41 32 15 46 335.12 (t) Paraffin wax, slack wax, pet wax, ozokerite etc TOTAL 82 231 334 1359 208 581 335. RESIDUAL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, NES AND RELATED MATERIALS 335.11 (t) Petroleum jelly (petrolatum) TOTAL 51 254 168 868 335.21 (t) Tar distilled from coal/lignite/peat; other mineral tars 335.22 (t) Benzole TOTAL - - 0 0 - - 335.23 (t) Toluole TOTAL 1 0 3 2 1 1 - - - - - - 335.25 (t) Mineral tars or petroleum products, nes TOTAL 0 1 21 27 335.24 (t) Xylole 321. COAL, WHETHER OR NOT PULVERISED, BUT NOT AGGLOMERATED 692 137 1050 35460 12790 22670 321.21 (t) Bituminous coal, not agglomerated TOTAL 760 104 4604 189 5277 292.96 (t) Mucilages and thickeners derived from vegetable products TOTAL 2 15 8 83 19 201 292.97 (t) Seaweeds and other algae TOTAL 3771 1579 EU countries 1462 648 Non-EU countries 2309 931 334.60 (t) Petroleum oils and oils derived from bituminous minerals (excl crude) and preparations nes, containing 70% or more TOTAL 83962 38070 1172976 675964 1124236 681842 EU countries 83950 37986 616099 353021 858475 507651 France 663 467 20826 14090 12319 9909 Great Britain 71063 29512 543266 300315 777468 445104 Netherlands 10490 6719 28641 20084 36023 26015 Other 1735 1287 23367 18532 32665 26623 Non-EU countries 12 84 556876 322943 265761 174192 United States 0 8 491922 280040 209087 143542 Venezuela 31568 19492 Other 12 77 33386 23411 56674 30650 3 2291 321.22 (t) Coal, not agglomerated (excl anthracite and bituminous) TOTAL 1335 245 15740 3232 17327 3541 335.31 (t) Pitch obtained from coal tar or from other mineral tars TOTAL 0 0 335.32 (t) Pitch coke from coal tar or from other mineral tars - - 335.41 (t) Petroleum bitumen & other residues of petroleum oils etc TOTAL 38 8 335.42 (t) Petroleum coke 322. BRIQUETTES, LIGNITE AND PEAT - 322.10 (t) Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid made from coal TOTAL 1227 298 10326 2868 11502 2946 - - - - - 335.43 (t) Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, bitumen etc TOTAL 5 8 147 158 72 112 322.21 (t) Lignite, not agglomerated - - - - - 342. LIQUEFIED PROPANE AND BUTANE 322.22 (t) Lignite, agglomerated - - - - - 342.10 (t) Propane, liquefied TOTAL 350 169 5982 3887 3921 2899 342.50 (t) Butanes, liquefied TOTAL 2060 EU countries 2060 854 854 26367 26367 14336 14336 24561 24561 14315 14315 - 322.30 (t) Peat (incl peat litter), whether or TOTAL 51644 3764 817146 EU countries 47481 3373 775019 Great Britain 31936 1969 533164 not agglomerated 68351 743078 63381 64523 712470 60202 43410 391325 35385 75 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 421.29 (t) Refined cotton seed oil and its fractions - 343. NATURAL GAS, WHETHER OR NOT LIQUEFIED 343.10 (t) Natural gas, liquefied - - - - - 343.20 (t) Natural gas, in the gaseous state TOTAL 3 1 - - - - - - - - 0 1 113 291 149 349 421.42 (t) Other olive oil and its fractions TOTAL 3 12 19 344.10 (t) Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene, liquefied TOTAL 0 2 0 2 344.20 (t) Gaseous hydrocarbons, liquefied, nes TOTAL 0 101 31 110 0 - 344.90 (t) Gaseous hydrocarbons in the gaseous state, nes TOTAL 0 31 1 374 - 1 456 345. COAL GAS, WATER GAS, PRODUCER GAS AND SIMILAR GASES - - 421.39 (t) Refined peanut oil and its fractions TOTAL 421.41 (t) Virgin olive oil TOTAL 10 344. PETROLEUM GASES AND OTHER GASEOUS HYDROCARBONS, NES 28 421.49 (t) Olive oils & their fractions (other than of 421.41 or 421.42); blends of this with 421.41 or 421.42 421.51 (t) Crude sunflower seed or safflower oil TOTAL 2 7 103 155 - 351. ELECTRIC CURRENT 421.61 (t) Crude maize (corn) oil - - - - 421.69 (t) Refined maize (corn) oil and its fractions 2008 2008 1964 44 308179 308179 306038 2142 13385 13385 13293 92 99125 99125 99125 - 5973 5973 5973 - 411. ANIMAL OILS AND FATS 421.71 (t) Crude rape, colza or mustard oil TOTAL 349 136 6901 34 7 21 3726 14 - - - - 6498 4207 421.79 (t) Refined rape, colza or mustard oil and fractions thereof TOTAL 14 15 311 343 303 409 421.80 (t) Sesame (sesamum) oil and its fractions TOTAL 0 0 14 69 411.11 (t) Fish liver oils and their fractions TOTAL 1 6 7 - 421.59 (t) Refined sunflower seed/safflower oil & fractions thereof TOTAL 9 22 65 96 132 185 345.00 (t) Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases - 351.00 (MwH) Electric current TOTAL 45539 EU countries 45539 Great Britain 44517 Other 1023 - 421.31 (t) Crude peanut oil 0 1 181 422. FIXED VEGETABLE FATS 411.12 (t) Fats & oils & their fractions, of fish (excl liver oils) TOTAL 372 461 3071 3535 6760 9729 AND OILS, OTHER THAN SOFT 422.11 (t) Crude linseed oil TOTAL 1 23 8 19 422.19 (t) Refined linseed oil and its fractions TOTAL - - 3 1 422.21 (t) Crude palm oil TOTAL 3 6 3 3 8 7 16 1 1 422.39 (t) Refined coconut (copra) oil and its fractions - - - 411.33 (t) Lard stearin, lard oil etc, not mixed/otherwise prepared TOTAL 671 295 9940 5055 7021 4150 422.41 (t) Crude palm kernel or babassu oil TOTAL - 5 4 411.35 (t) Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom, incl lanolin TOTAL 1 15 0 422.49 (t) Refined palm kernel or babassu oil and their fractions - - 422.50 (t) Castor oil and its fractions - - 411.13 (t) Fats and oils and their fractions, of marine mammals 411.20 (t) Lard; other pig fat and poultry fat, rendered TOTAL 2 11 12 28 1404 411.31 (t) Pig fat free of lean meat and unrendered poultry fat TOTAL 139 199 1898 2309 2439 667 2982 411.32 (t) Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, raw or rendered TOTAL 5316 3223 60727 37064 33840 20726 EU countries 5290 3204 56353 32857 33840 20726 Netherlands 2265 1392 38441 22471 11083 6971 Other 3025 1812 17912 10386 22757 13754 Non-EU countries 26 20 4374 4207 - 411.39 (t) Animal oils and fats and their fractions, nes TOTAL 80 38 831 445 930 2 3 1 9 10 422.29 (t) Refined palm oil and its fractions TOTAL 1 1 3 422.31 (t) Crude coconut (copra) oil TOTAL - 9 - 6 - - - 561 422.90 (t) Other fixed vegetable fats, crude/refined/fractionated, but excl 'soft' 358 142 1576 765 1013 493 421. FIXED VEGETABLE FATS AND OILS TOTAL 421.11 (t) Crude soya bean oil, whether or not de-gummed TOTAL 221 168 1489 1134 1223 1076 431. ANIMAL OR VEGETABLES FATS & OILS, PROCESSED, WAXES, ETC 421.19 (t) Refined soya bean oil and its fractions TOTAL 0 0 8 41 3 7 431.10 (t) Animal/veg fats & oils, chemically modified (excl 431.2) TOTAL 406 261 95 79 421.21 (t) Crude cotton seed oil - - - 431.21 (t) Animal fats and oils (incl fractions), hydrogenated etc TOTAL 0 - - - 0 431.22 (t) Vegetable fats & oils (incl fractions), hydrogenated etc TOTAL 23 149 504 1927 568 1715 76 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 431.30 (t) Degras; residues from fatty substances or waxes TOTAL - 1 1 511.40 (hkg) Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives TOTAL 2 6 6 50 33 431.41 (t) Vegetable waxes (other than triglycerides) - - - 512. ALCOHOLS, PHENOLS, ETC; HALOGENATED DERIVATIVES ETC 431.42 (t) Beeswax, other insect waxes and spermaceti TOTAL - 8 74 511. HYDROCARBONS NES AND THEIR HALOGENATED, SULPHONATED, NITRATED OR NITROSATED DERIVATIVES 511.11 (hkg) Ethylene TOTAL 512.11 (hkg) Methanol (methyl alcohol) TOTAL 930 48 143 2175 116 512.12 (hkg) Propyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol TOTAL 3130 194 10957 1493 8064 1344 14 406 - - 512.13 (hkg) Butanols TOTAL - 511.12 (hkg) Propene (propylene) TOTAL - - 78 34 38 - - 2593 2 5 23 512.14 (hkg) Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof - - 7 1 511.13 (hkg) Butylenes, butadienes and methylbutadienes 511.14 (hkg) Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons TOTAL 4 2 186 511.19 (hkg) Acyclic hydrocarbons, nes TOTAL 12 8 3 0 512.15 (kl) Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength >80% TOTAL 239 340 7866 5162 2357 3935 - 512.16 (kl) Ethyl alcohol/other spirits, denatured, of any strength TOTAL 22 27 0 1 123 202 33 512.17 (t) Industrial fatty alcohols TOTAL - 139 44 160 196 35 64 0 7 152 - - 30 14 13 5 512.18 (t) Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining TOTAL 4 45 115 1149 105 1409 511.22 (hkg) Benzene, pure TOTAL - - - - 0 0 512.19 (hkg) Other monohydric alcohols TOTAL 7 23 511.21 (hkg) Cyclohexane TOTAL 108 47 190 119 512.21 (hkg) Ethylene glycol (ethanediol) TOTAL 11 2 11 2 34 15 511.23 (hkg) Toluene, pure TOTAL 1 0 61 12 235 32 511.24 (hkg) Xylenes, pure TOTAL 5 1 5 1 32 8 512.22 (hkg) Glycerol (glycerine), glycerol waters and glycerol lyes TOTAL 53 6 615 130 3618 132 511.25 (hkg) Styrene TOTAL - - - - 15 3 512.23 (hkg) Pentaerythritol - - - - - - - - - - - - 512.24 (hkg) Mannitol TOTAL - 26 19 0 1 1 0 2 2 5629 510 5453 1851 511.26 (hkg) Ethylbenzene 511.27 (hkg) Cumene - - 511.29 (hkg) Cyclic hydrocarbons, nes TOTAL 0 0 - - - - 3 7 39 13 512.29 (hkg) Other acyclic alcohols TOTAL 207 19 511.31 (hkg) Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene) - - - - 511.32 (hkg) Trichloroethylene TOTAL 3 3 8 3 511.33 (hkg) Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) - - - 1 - 512.25 (hkg) D-glucitol (sorbitol) TOTAL - 8 512.31 (hkg) Cyclanic/cyclenic/cycloterpenic alcohols and derivatives TOTAL 2 209 159 19516 6 80809 EU countries 151 17904 1 76392 Italy 140 17623 1 76333 Other 11 281 0 60 Non-EU countries 2 209 8 1612 5 4417 512.35 (hkg) Aromatic cyclic alcohols and halogenated etc derivatives TOTAL 3 1 52 304 44 53 511.34 (hkg) Other unsaturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons TOTAL 17 22 194 267 165 242 512.41 (hkg) Phenol (hydroxybenzene), pure, and its salts TOTAL 0 0 4 3 3 4 511.35 (hkg) 1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride) - 512.42 (hkg) Cresols, nes, and their salts TOTAL 1 1 1 1 3 4 14 113 44 - 511.36 (hkg) Other saturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons TOTAL 11 4 234 53 122 511.37 (hkg) Fluorinated, brominated or iodinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons TOTAL 29 19 223 135 112 511.38 (hkg) Halogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens TOTAL 0 511.39 (hkg) Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons, nes TOTAL 53 66 2 - 512.43 (hkg) Other phenols and pheno-alcohols TOTAL 0 0 15 30 512.44 (hkg) Halogenated etc derivatives of phenol/phenol-alcohols TOTAL 0 0 81 513. CARBOXYLIC ACIDS AND THEIR HALOGENATED, SULPHONATED, NITRATED OR NITROSATED DERIVATIVES 0 1 513.71 (hkg) Acetic acid and its salts TOTAL 383 16 513.72 (hkg) Esters of acetic acid TOTAL 15 3 2558 195 1478 90 342 221 122 262 77 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 513.73 (hkg) Methacrylic acid and its salts and esters TOTAL 9 19 71 130 513.74 (hkg) Formic acid, its salts and esters TOTAL 40 7 115 18 90 259 - - 513.75 (hkg) Butyric acids, valeric acids, their salts and esters TOTAL 0 53 0 53 0 513.76 (hkg) Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts and esters TOTAL 20 5 412 78 154 1 39 513.77 (hkg) Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids nes & derivatives TOTAL 136 169 626 601 377 418 513.78 (hkg) Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids, their salts & esters TOTAL 0 0 1 2 513.79 (hkg) Other unsaturated acyclic/cyclic monocarboxylic acids etc TOTAL 1765 16813 15671 23535 14654 6632 EU countries 406 223 4316 2576 4072 2650 Non-EU countries 1360 16590 11355 20959 10582 3983 China 159 16138 725 16851 728 954 Other 1200 451 10630 4108 9854 3028 513.81 (hkg) Maleic anhydride TOTAL 513.82 (hkg) Phthalic anhydride - - 15 2 23 3 - - - - - 513.83 (hkg) Dioctyl orthophthalates - - - - - 513.84 (hkg) Dimethyl terephthalate - - - - - 513.85 (hkg) Cyclanic/cyclenic/cycloterpenic polycarboxylic acids etc TOTAL 1 3 513.89 (hkg) Polycarboxylic acids nes, and halogenated etc derivatives TOTAL 0 78 176 126 48 513.91 (hkg) Lactic, tartaric, citric acid with their salts and TOTAL 9933 2583 124937 30709 127110 EU countries 2890 1329 35824 15959 50334 Non-EU countries 7043 1255 89113 14751 76776 esters 32982 20599 12383 513.92 (hkg) Other carboxylic acids with alcohol function, etc TOTAL 739 3206 9688 18616 7320 EU countries 126 3071 1705 16163 1364 Italy 3 2876 11 13007 11 Other 124 194 1693 3156 1352 Non-EU countries 613 135 7983 2454 5957 21401 17804 13161 4642 3597 513.93 (hkg) Salicylic acid and its salts and esters - 514.54 (hkg) Aromatic monoamides and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 17 529 500 77003 194 24787 EU countries 3 18 24 130 14 196 Non-EU countries 13 511 476 76873 180 24591 Switzerland 400 75578 136 23897 Other 13 511 76 1295 44 694 514.55 (hkg) Aromatic polyamines and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 4 67 0 14 514.61 (hkg) Amino-alcohols, their ethers and TOTAL 15 35776 308 EU countries 1 27 149 Non-EU countries 15 35750 159 United States 10 35729 114 Other 5 21 46 esters; salts thereof 367662 283 392353 1455 104 571 366207 179 391782 365878 114 389695 329 66 2087 514.62 (hkg) Amino-naphthols & amino-phenols; their ethers & esters TOTAL 0 1 8 12 514.63 (hkg) Amino-aldehydes,-ketones & -quinones; salts thereof TOTAL 0 1 0 1 0 2 514.64 (hkg) Lysine & its esters; glutamic acid; salts thereof TOTAL 20 4 82 17 29 7 514.65 (hkg) Amino-acids and their esters, nes; salts thereof TOTAL 44 79 587 3443 694 514.67 (hkg) Amino-alcohol and TOTAL 1616 EU countries 69 Belgium 2 Great Britain 67 Other Non-EU countries 1547 United States 1339 Other 208 12044 -acid phenols and other amino-compounds 54449 18250 496702 18387 437764 23789 2938 176393 2903 145402 23126 14 160447 9 129174 664 2154 11615 2391 11749 770 4331 503 4479 30660 15312 320309 15484 292362 30031 14296 317627 13785 287153 629 1016 2681 1699 5209 514.71 (hkg) Acyclic amides and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 7 8 283 414 148 2516 514.73 (hkg) Ureines and their derivatives; salts thereof - - - 514.79 (hkg) Other cyclic amides and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 689 5521 7825 128151 6600 81920 EU countries 76 209 591 3337 600 2098 Non-EU countries 613 5312 7233 124814 6001 79822 Canada 324 3565 3023 33926 3809 46899 Switzerland 37 67679 39 21667 United States 159 1437 2187 20231 600 6890 Other 129 309 1987 2977 1553 4367 514.81 (hkg) Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithins etc TOTAL 365 236 6372 3248 4517 2948 - - 513.94 (hkg) Other carboxylic acids etc with phenol function TOTAL 10 16 509 1141 159 281 514.82 (hkg) Carboxyimide-function and amine-function compounds TOTAL 37 27 340 198 348 513.95 (hkg) Carboxylic acids with aldehyde or ketone function etc TOTAL 42 338 62 578 4 50 513.96 (hkg) Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen functions, etc TOTAL 2 15 162 65 2065 17702 514.83 (hkg) Acrylonitrile TOTAL - - - 514.84 (hkg) Other nitrile-function compounds TOTAL 565 430 4046 225 - 6 3 2619 2576 1770 - 243 2130 514.85 (hkg) Diazo-, azo-, and azoxy-compounds TOTAL 514. NITROGEN-FUNCTION COMPOUNDS 514.51 (hkg) Acyclic monoamines and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 494 1323 4854 25656 4742 158982 EU countries 426 856 4677 24388 4709 158216 Great Britain 201 98 1631 12156 1596 150383 Other 225 758 3046 12233 3113 7833 Non-EU countries 68 467 177 1268 32 767 514.52 (hkg) Acyclic polyamines and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 6 10 283 631 209 77 514.53 (hkg) Cyclanic/cyclenic/cycloterpenic mono- or polyamines, etc TOTAL 5 1912 3 103 514.86 (hkg) Organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine TOTAL 2 11 0 514.89 (hkg) Compounds with other nitrogen function TOTAL 50 4 342 76 4 327 93 515.42 (hkg) Thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates TOTAL 1 295 0 16 515.43 (hkg) Thiuram mono-, di- or tetrasulphides - - - 515. ORGANO-INORGANIC COMPOUNDS, HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS, NUCLEIC ACIDS AND THEIR SALTS AND SULPHONAMIDES - 78 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 515.44 (hkg) Methionine TOTAL 55 45 0 1 515.49 (hkg) Organo-sulphur compounds nes TOTAL 343 642 375 1963 56 4895 515.50 (hkg) Other organo-inorganic compounds TOTAL 19 41879 570 270737 EU countries 16 35177 257 213012 Germany 7 16942 Spain 16 35177 70 139573 Italy 21 48853 Other 159 7643 Non-EU countries 3 6702 313 57726 Japan 2 6697 16 52140 Other 1 5 297 5585 475 222 6 84 15 117 253 14 238 278097 223740 14393 175166 34000 181 54357 44710 9647 515.61 (hkg) Lactams TOTAL EU countries Belgium Other Non-EU countries Switzerland United States Other - 6 6 6 0 0 0 - - 78975 78905 78408 497 71 71 - 652 545 12 533 106 23 83 0 667815 525874 518802 7072 141941 99592 39918 2431 515.62 (hkg) Coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins 515.63 (hkg) Other lactones TOTAL 58 EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries 58 Singapore 28 Other 30 4372 4372 4266 106 487 132 99 33 355 217 138 98590 61929 58805 3123 36661 34525 2136 3332 1021852 733 856001 6 836723 727 19277 2598 165851 71 109529 48 54935 2479 1387 - - 382 108 79 28 275 154 120 82148 59640 57124 2515 22508 20270 2239 515.69 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atoms only, nes TOTAL 527 2349 5458 60297 5230 149741 EU countries 435 515 4352 26461 4330 95895 Germany 36 179 1055 22083 1156 45915 Other 399 336 3298 4378 3174 49980 Non-EU countries 92 1834 1106 33837 900 53846 United States 32 1486 200 24620 169 48906 Other 59 348 906 9217 731 4941 515.71 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds, with nitrogen hetero-atoms only, containing an unfused pyrazole ring in the structure TOTAL 1 1389 3 3249 77 15178 EU countries 1 1383 2 3169 11 14706 Great Britain 1 1383 2 3169 4 9092 Other 0 0 7 5613 Non-EU countries 1 6 2 79 67 472 515.72 (hkg) Hydantoin and its derivatives TOTAL 5 439 4 1 515.73 (hkg) Other heterocyclic compounds with unfused imidazole ring TOTAL 258 20910 2036 249087 2385 127059 EU countries 258 20909 1995 156126 2332 102635 France 125 6689 1597 84647 1754 65136 Hungary 132 620 388 15996 573 22712 Italy 1 13600 4 54536 4 10921 Other 0 1 6 947 1 3866 Non-EU countries 0 1 41 92962 53 24424 United States 0 1 34 90206 4 22985 Other 7 2756 50 1439 515.74 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds, with nitrogen hetero-atoms only containing an unfused pyridine ring in the structure TOTAL 89 144546 2740 1300947 7973 1565873 EU countries 24 67168 1215 586770 3254 615455 Belgium 10 65175 130 534118 92 569952 Germany 2 813 227 13708 564 11526 Great Britain 12 1075 220 25235 896 11187 Other 1 104 639 13709 1702 22790 Non-EU countries 65 77379 1524 714177 4719 950417 Canada 3 32 61 21827 76 20527 Switzerland 17 27040 206 74034 China 1 2347 8 6141 1629 4670 Japan 0 1209 39 25454 55 26765 Mexico 9 37213 13 59269 United States 52 72577 529 576518 1170 735921 Other 9 1214 861 19983 1570 29231 515.75 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds, with nitrogen hetero-atoms only, containing a quinoline or isoquinoline ring-system TOTAL 14 14154 190 761020 471 892439 EU countries 105 319693 92 534264 Great Britain 49 315264 44 531238 Other 56 4430 49 3026 Non-EU countries 14 14154 85 441326 379 358175 Japan 1 12461 47 310377 35 253876 United States 12 1693 38 130936 50 93852 Other 0 0 14 294 10446 515.76 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds, with nitrogen hetero-atoms only, with pyrimidine/piperazine/triazine ring; nucleic acid TOTAL 59 218737 1314 5131098 1202 5321824 EU countries 48 68209 655 919843 633 512834 Belgium 7 66350 160 803453 140 404793 Germany 21 1253 373 21388 19 1014 Spain 0 62 52 41786 0 145 France 0 104 2 11317 1 35845 Great Britain 41 25131 344 49105 Greece 1 15191 Other 19 440 25 1577 128 21932 Non-EU countries 11 150529 659 4211255 569 4808990 Switzerland 1 80747 418 2289682 367 2264163 China 3 1816 39 101578 29 129508 United States 0 67779 19 1807039 59 2404600 Other 7 187 183 12956 115 10719 515.77 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atoms only TOTAL 321 138614 3591 1593385 3721 1694791 EU countries 101 108771 620 826624 662 313721 Belgium 74 82491 450 618756 33 132337 Germany 21 2557 82 12664 557 5284 Great Britain 1 22198 22 174553 27 145705 Italy 1 792 12 10945 39 29855 Other 5 732 54 9705 6 540 Non-EU countries 220 29843 2971 766761 3059 1381070 Switzerland 210 26118 2784 545442 2587 457586 China 5 14 37 12420 133 28756 United States 4 3214 55 205907 92 885082 Other 1 496 95 2992 247 9646 515.78 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds with a phenothiazine ring-system TOTAL 1 8 29 1320 30 2542 515.79 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds, nes TOTAL 268 150728 2044 3104325 EU countries 138 43327 870 681551 Belgium 3 1513 157 104267 Spain 12 7266 151 238471 France 64 5207 258 30792 Great Britain 31 7571 172 143076 Italy 3 1132 13 74550 Netherlands 3 2500 10 6180 Romania 21 17462 95 76090 Other 1 678 14 8124 Non-EU countries 130 107401 1173 2422774 Canada 24 35263 98 154317 Switzerland 6 107991 China 6 9892 21 27304 Japan 2 5874 59 40222 South Korea 98 16057 Singapore 3 2419 9 8303 United States 13 52171 285 2048094 Other 82 1782 598 20486 515.80 (hkg) Sulphonamides TOTAL 223 EU countries 122 Belgium 22 Germany Italy 81 Other 18 Non-EU countries 101 Russia 2 United States 99 Other - 215544 106573 102715 3061 798 108971 999 107971 - 1594 452 334 7 81 30 1143 155 976 12 2291390 1110072 1088404 10922 3062 7683 1181318 153074 1026879 1365 3904 667 197 146 26 119 19 8 107 46 3236 76 41 69 50 10 28 136 2827 2995607 1001108 315505 327120 17053 137223 106391 4999 84163 8654 1994500 180487 296062 28060 51441 1522 7294 1397816 31818 991 1654891 356 1071857 322 1067964 0 40 33 3854 636 583034 0 634 583008 2 26 516. OTHER ORGANIC CHEMICALS 516.12 (hkg) Acetals and hemiacetals, and derivatives thereof TOTAL 0 4 79 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 516.13 (hkg) Oxirane (ethylene oxide) - - 516.14 (hkg) Methyloxirane (propylene oxide) - - - - - 522.27 (hkg) Mercury - - - 516.15 (hkg) Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols, epoxyethers nes, with three-member ring; derivatives thereof TOTAL 0 0 1 1 516.16 (hkg) Acyclic/cyclanic/cyclenic/cycloterpenic/aromatic ethers TOTAL 57 483 540 3865 344 888 516.17 (hkg) Ether-alcohols/phenols/alcohol-phenols; alcohol, ether, ketone peroxides; and their derivatives TOTAL 3 2 80 44 217 516.21 (hkg) Acyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function TOTAL 1 2 24 14 43 522.28 (hkg) Sodium TOTAL - - - - - - - - 958 18 1549 29 522.29 (hkg) Calcium, strontium and barium; rare earth metals, yttrium and scandium and other alkali or alkaline-earth metals 522.31 (hkg) Hydrogen chloride; chlorosulphuric acid TOTAL 655 17 5743 211 11234 242 211 522.32 (hkg) Sulphuric acid; oleum TOTAL 344 7 1392 94 691 29 522.33 (hkg) Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids TOTAL 17 0 4390 80 1914 50 30 516.22 (hkg) Other aldehydes; polymers of aldehydes; paraformaldehyde TOTAL 6 11 85 19 516.23 (hkg) Acetone TOTAL 522.26 (hkg) Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulphur - 522.34 (hkg) Diphosphorus pentoxide; phosphoric polyphosphoric acids TOTAL 9 1 155 63 131 55 206 25 537 75 700 85 516.24 (hkg) Butanone (ethyl methyl ketone) TOTAL 12 4 516 114 689 214 522.35 (hkg) Oxides of boron; boric acids TOTAL 12 516.25 (hkg) Acyclic ketones without oxygen function, nes TOTAL 32 7 16 3 516.26 (hkg) Halogenated etc derivatives of 516.21 and 516.22 - - - - - - 516.28 (hkg) Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ketones without oxygen function, nes TOTAL 0 0 43 93 5 516.31 (hkg) Phosphoric esters, their salts and derivatives TOTAL 0 0 165 59 30 17 12 113 174 355 186 522.39 (hkg) Other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals TOTAL 252 27 337 39 14813 4346 10467 34 522.41 (hkg) Halides and halide oxides of non-metals TOTAL 7 20 18 81 516.39 (hkg) Esters of other inorganic acids, salts & derivatives TOTAL 2902 32 22196 262 23 425 27253 6273 20980 20 - 516.29 (hkg) Aldehyde-, ketone- and quinone-function compounds, nes TOTAL 0 2 56 491 42 344 516.91 (hkg) Enzymes; prepared enzymes, nes TOTAL 1002 1842 15298 EU countries 390 539 4276 Non-EU countries 613 1303 11022 36 522.37 (hkg) Silicon dioxide TOTAL 30 516.27 (hkg) Camphor - 2 522.36 (hkg) Inorganic acids, nes TOTAL 36 10 24136 6382 17754 95 253 522.42 (hkg) Sulphides of non-metals; commercial phos trisulphide - - 522.51 (hkg) Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide TOTAL 1 1 9 4 16 4 522.52 (hkg) Chromium oxides and hydroxides TOTAL 38 13 31 8 - 52 8 522.53 (hkg) Manganese oxides TOTAL - - - 522.54 (hkg) Iron oxides and hydroxides; earth colours with 70% or more by weight of combined iron evaluated as Fe203 TOTAL 0 0 1189 98 326 48 516.92 (hkg) Pure sugars; ethers and esters of sugars & their salts TOTAL 14 468 355 2174 708 2184 522.55 (hkg) Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt oxides - 516.99 (hkg) Organic compounds, nes TOTAL 4 3 522.56 (hkg) Titanium oxides TOTAL 0 16 92 60 22 134 522. INORGANIC CHEMICAL ELEMENTS, OXIDES AND HALOGEN SALTS 522.57 (hkg) Lead oxides; red lead and orange lead TOTAL 4 1 4 1 - - 522.10 (hkg) Carbon (incl carbon black), nes TOTAL 35 522.61 (hkg) Ammonia, anhydrous or in an aqueous solution TOTAL 104 4 900 93 651 49 14 13 190 2 112 108 47 522.21 (hkg) Hydrogen, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen TOTAL 20558 326 213486 3270 254954 3878 522.62 (hkg) Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), solid TOTAL 198 11 1193 67 2934 176 2 522.63 (hkg) Sodium hydroxide in aqueous solution TOTAL 789 44 17955 630 13548 422 522.22 (hkg) Selenium, tellurium, phosphorus, arsenic and boron TOTAL 6 2 6 522.23 (hkg) Silicon TOTAL 522.24 (hkg) Chlorine TOTAL 7 5 85 50 84 49 206 18 2459 230 2465 207 0 - - 522.25 (hkg) Fluorine, bromine and iodine TOTAL 0 0 522.64 (hkg) Potassium hydroxide; peroxides of sodium or potassium TOTAL 11 2 413 38 101 13 522.65 (hkg) Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium; oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, of strontium or barium TOTAL 1712 24 28146 428 52443 530 522.66 (hkg) Aluminium hydroxide TOTAL 383458 9289 1049701 EU countries 343698 8333 672570 Great Britain 138028 3309 141962 Sweden 205670 5025 425770 Other - 104838 25100 16390 3426 10297 2668 527143 - 12096 - 80 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 522.66 - continued Non-EU countries 39760 955 377131 8710 527143 12096 522.67 (hkg) Artificial corundum,whether or not chemically defined TOTAL 99 30 64 10 522.68 (hkg) Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts TOTAL 25 13 - - 522.69 (hkg) Other inorganic bases & metal oxides/hydroxides/peroxides TOTAL 85 78 572 570 391 411 523. METALLIC SALTS AND PEROXYSALTS, OF INORGANIC ACIDS 523.22 (hkg) Calcium chloride TOTAL 176 - - - 13 13 960 1082 859 408 523.32 (hkg) Chlorates of sodium TOTAL 81 253 28 8 476 74 523.39 (hkg) Other (per)chlorates; (per)bromates; (per)iodates TOTAL 3 0 6 - - 523.43 (hkg) Dithionites and sulphoxylates TOTAL 3 2 8 523.44 (hkg) Sulphites; thiosulphates TOTAL 96 6 79 523.83 (hkg) Silicates; commercial alkali metal silicates TOTAL 2096 77 22839 903 33826 1245 5 72 5 523.89 (hkg) Other salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids (incl. aluminosilicates), other than azides TOTAL 16 22 40 17 524.31 (hkg) Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids TOTAL 10 4 31 20 524.32 (hkg) Colloidal precious metals and compounds/amalgams thereof TOTAL 33 7141 546 92480 668 125707 EU countries 33 7096 543 91785 668 125649 Belgium 2 1858 134 14862 112 8366 Germany 11 1606 119 30475 23 4740 Finland 2 1502 14 9038 17 11882 Great Britain 17 1637 204 20368 215 22886 Other 1 494 72 17041 300 77774 Non-EU countries 0 45 2 696 1 59 1 37 - - 524.92 (hkg) Phosphides (excl ferrophosphorus) - - 0 - 27010 - 524.93 (hkg) Calcium carbide, whether or not chemically defined TOTAL 3 1 7 3 2 14 2 25 822 182 7744 1 0 524.94 (hkg) Carbides (other than calcium carbide) TOTAL 5 4 125 239 282 - 1 164 348 24 149 523.49 (hkg) Other sulphates; alums; peroxosulphates (persulphates) TOTAL 5330 584 63822 6427 79226 5532 2 25 4 49 7 523.52 (hkg) Potassium nitrate - - - - - - 523.59 (hkg) Other nitrates TOTAL 8 1 761 64 1672 117 524.95 (hkg) Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides TOTAL 12 1515 126 14545 139 EU countries 2 367 23 3907 36 Non-EU countries 9 1148 102 10639 103 19994 7705 12288 524.96 (hkg) Compounds, inorganic/organic, of mercury, excl amalgams TOTAL 0 524.99 (hkg) Inorganic compounds nes (incl distilled water); liquid air; compressed air; amalgams (excl precious metals) TOTAL 117 32 2082 1132 1867 1214 525. RADIO-ACTIVE AND ASSOCIATED MATERIALS 523.61 (hkg) Phosphinates (hypophosphites), phosphonates (phosphites) TOTAL 8 3 58 61 194 224 523.63 (hkg) Phosphates, nes TOTAL 183 523.81 (hkg) Cyanides, cyanide oxides and complex cyanides TOTAL 60 118 41 524.91 (hkg) Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not solidified with urea TOTAL 2 1 2942 266 2832 465 523.42 (hkg) Other sulphides; polysulphides TOTAL - 10 501 181 937 523.51 (hkg) Nitrites TOTAL 272 524. INORGANIC CHEMICALS, NES; ORGANIC AND INORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PRECIOUS METALS 523.31 (hkg) Hypochlorites; chlorites; hypobromites TOTAL 84 32 1006 403 523.45 (hkg) Sodium sulphates TOTAL 2976 632 1 523.29 (hkg) Other chlorides, chloride oxides/chloride hydroxides; bromides/bromide oxides; iodides/iodide oxides TOTAL 34 15 1876 555 1315 900 523.41 (hkg) Sodium sulphide - 293 523.79 (hkg) Other carbonates (excl sodium bicarbonate, disodium and potassium carbonades); peroxocarbonates (percarbonates) TOTAL 221 8 2716 133 2575 107 523.84 (hkg) Borates; peroxoborates (perborates) TOTAL 3 0 64 523.10 (hkg) Fluorides; fluorosilicates, fluoroaluminates and other complex flourine salts TOTAL 3 2 15 18 523.21 (hkg) Ammonium chloride TOTAL - 523.74 (hkg) Potassium carbonates TOTAL 22 63 39 2328 880 523.64 (hkg) Sodium triphosphate (sodiumtripolyphosphate) TOTAL 4 1 257 33 523.65 (hkg) Other polyphosphates TOTAL 290 46 2283 3864 3654 642 5067 1022 523.72 (hkg) Neutral sodium carbonate (disodium carbonate) TOTAL 10 0 243 8 368 12 523.73 (hkg) Sodium hydrogencarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) TOTAL 196 384 1694 4229 2118 525.11 (hkg) Natural uranium and its compounds etc TOTAL - 3 1 525.13 (hkg) Uranium enriched in U235, plutonium etc - - - 525.15 (hkg) Uranium depleted in U235, thorium and compounds etc - - 525.17 (hkg) Spent (irradiated) fuel elements of nuclear reactors - - 525.19 (hkg) Radio-active elements, isotopes and compounds nes TOTAL 0 7 8 209 9 241 525.91 (hkg) Isotopes (other than of of 525.1) and their compounds TOTAL 0 53 0 53 0 1 3777 525.95 (hkg) Compounds of rare-earth metals, yttrium or scandium TOTAL 0 12 2 13 81 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 533.43 (hkg) Other paints and varnishes; prepared water pigments TOTAL 18 6 300 105 301 531. SYNTHETIC ORGANIC COLOURING MATTER 531.11 (hkg) Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon TOTAL 0 1 62 33 55 6 531.12 (hkg) Acid and mordant dyes, and preparations based thereon TOTAL 482 234 5314 2271 2690 1561 531.13 (hkg) Basic dyes and preparations based thereon TOTAL 22 8 183 85 95 533.44 (hkg) Pigments dispersed in non-aqueous media, liquid or paste; stamping foils; dyes & colouring matter for retail sale TOTAL 2708 724 20930 7257 8940 4316 533.51 (hkg) Prepared pigments etc for the ceramic or glass industry TOTAL 15 2 353 55 313 47 1767 71 531.14 (hkg) Direct dyes and preparations based thereon TOTAL 1 3 0 0 533.53 (hkg) Prepared paint driers - 531.15 (hkg) Vat dyes and preparations based thereon TOTAL 0 2 - 0 531.16 (hkg) Reactive dyes and preparations based thereon TOTAL 8 5 1 5 533.54 (hkg) Glaziers' & grafting putty; resin cements; mastics etc TOTAL 2146 1740 33443 20397 32774 15120 EU countries 2014 1574 31227 17587 30277 13228 Non-EU countries 132 165 2216 2810 2497 1892 12519 7013 533.55 (hkg) Organic solvents/thinners, nes; paint/varnish removers TOTAL 58 16 747 336 216 182 531.17 (hkg) Pigments and preparations based thereon TOTAL 480 257 7004 3129 533.52 (hkg) Artists' and other colours, in tablets, tubes, jars etc TOTAL 3 5 31 21 81 35 - - - - 531.19 (hkg) Other synthetic organic colouring matter, incl mixtures TOTAL 139 451 876 4415 620 2357 541. MEDICINAL & PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, OTHER THAN GROUP 542 531.21 (hkg) Synthetic organic products for fluorescent brightening TOTAL 4 5 129 189 19 7 541.12 (hkg) Vitamins A and their derivatives, unmixed TOTAL 10 153 4 35 531.22 (hkg) Colour lakes; preparations based on colour lakes TOTAL 0 0 0 0 1 541.13 (hkg) Vitamins B and their derivatives, unmixed TOTAL 1 15 36 108 2 532. DYEING AND TANNING EXTRACTS; SYNTHETIC TANNING MATERIALS 532.21 (hkg) Tanning extracts of veg origin; tannins & derivatives TOTAL 1 2 532.22 (hkg) Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin TOTAL 3008 4172 6758 41425 3410 EU countries 2911 3882 5386 37187 2624 Great Britain 1006 1377 1794 11123 854 Other 1906 2505 3592 26064 1770 Non-EU countries 97 290 1372 4237 786 532.31 (hkg) Synthetic organic tanning substances TOTAL - - 37151 34579 9707 24872 2572 28 107 541.14 (hkg) Vitamin C and its derivatives, unmixed TOTAL 111 69 1441 877 1402 834 541.15 (hkg) Vitamin E and its derivatives, unmixed TOTAL 13 35 52 143 53 142 541.16 (hkg) Vitamins (other than A-E) and their derivatives, unmixed TOTAL 6 20 43 94 20 41 541.17 (hkg) Intermixtures of provitamins and vitamins (incl. natural concentrates), in any solvent TOTAL 175 426 1424 4992 1274 4931 0 541.31 (hkg) Penicillins and derivatives, not put up as medicaments TOTAL 53 138 39 72 532.32 (hkg) Inorganic tanning substances; tanning preparations etc TOTAL 1 2 7 6 541.32 (hkg) Streptomycins & derivatives, not put up as medicaments - - 9 533. PIGMENTS, PAINTS, VARNISHES AND RELATED MATERIALS 533.11 (hkg) Pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide TOTAL 73 33 1214 730 434 186 533.12 (hkg) Pigments and preparations based on chromium compounds TOTAL 3 3 51 37 - - 533.14 (hkg) Ultramarine and preparations based thereon TOTAL 30 20 342 241 - - 533.15 (hkg) Lithopone & other pigments; preps based on zinc sulphide TOTAL 0 0 533.17 (hkg) Colouring matter and their preparations, nes TOTAL 522 293 5835 3384 1764 533.18 (hkg) Inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores TOTAL 533.21 (hkg) Black printing ink TOTAL 12111 300 & derivatives, not put up as medicaments 6 573 149 56158 50 26669 6 573 26 55792 50 26669 6 565 25 55784 48 26659 0 8 0 8 2 10 123 366 - 541.39 (hkg) Antibiotics, nes, not put up as medicaments of Group 542 TOTAL 304 10766 3681 316953 3166 350532 EU countries 50 841 588 20061 596 22398 Belgium 40 12409 43 11111 Other 50 841 548 7652 554 11287 Non-EU countries 254 9925 3093 296892 2570 328134 Switzerland 253 9885 2552 282844 2057 309185 Other 0 41 541 14048 513 18949 810 541.41 (hkg) Alkaloids of opium and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 0 0 0 13 109 3522 0 541.42 (hkg) Alkaloids of cinchona & their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 2 26 28 297 40 488 14838 1920 3655 2849 533.29 (hkg) Printing ink, other than black TOTAL 8922 627 21405 6486 16579 57531 533.41 (hkg) Water-thinned paints and varnishes TOTAL 1939 370 21388 3130 541.33 (hkg) Tetracyclines TOTAL EU countries Belgium Other Non-EU countries 541.43 (hkg) Caffeine and its salts TOTAL 117 108 541.44 (hkg) Ephedrines and their salts - 1800 1488 1453 1274 - - - - 20446 2165 541.45 (hkg) Theophylline, aminophylline & derivatives; salts thereof - 533.42 (hkg) Paints and varnishes in a non aqueous medium TOTAL 5100 858 78136 12599 73296 EU countries 4581 806 69313 11525 64988 Non-EU countries 518 52 8823 1073 8308 12659 10094 2565 541.46 (hkg) Alkaloids of rye ergot & their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 2 4 82 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 541.49 (hkg) Other vegetable alkaloids and their salts, natural or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives of alkaloids, nes, TOTAL 847 108 0 3962 541.53 (hkg) Steroidal hormones, incl derivatives/structural analogues TOTAL 481 47005 2733 210131 1013 186858 EU countries 72 14525 453 100723 425 180809 France 1 1930 81 14853 161 100492 Poland 0 12076 39 78434 36 74682 Other 71 519 333 7436 228 5635 Non-EU countries 409 32480 2279 109409 588 6049 United States 409 32480 2068 107354 354 3168 Other 0 0 212 2055 234 2881 541.54 (hkg) Polypeptide, protein and glycoprotein hormones, their derivatives/structural analogues TOTAL 0 45801 26 645621 16 570693 EU countries 24 45497 1 2754 Belgium 24 45486 1 2753 Other 0 10 0 1 Non-EU countries 0 45801 2 600124 15 567939 Switzerland 0 45800 1 600120 1 499143 Other 0 0 1 4 14 68796 541.55 (hkg) Catecholamine hormones, derivatives/structural analogues 541.56 (hkg) Prostaglandins, thromboxanes and derivatives/structural analogues TOTAL 0 0 9 EU countries 0 Belgium 0 Other Non-EU countries 0 0 9 leukotrienes, their 369040 368629 368629 410 18 0 0 0 17 637387 636487 636487 900 541.59 (hkg) Other hormones and derivatives, natural or synthetic TOTAL 2 434 81 26322 3 8220 EU countries 2 434 75 26238 0 8207 France 2 434 75 26234 0 8199 Other 0 3 0 8 Non-EU countries 6 85 2 13 541.61 (hkg) Glycosides and their salts, ethers, other derivatives TOTAL 138 2475 1157 36267 607 21414 EU countries 44 2268 431 33584 267 19567 France 11 1000 95 11750 93 11824 Other 33 1268 336 21834 174 7743 Non-EU countries 95 207 726 2684 340 1847 541.62 (hkg) Glands etc for organo-therapeutic uses; extracts thereof TOTAL 9 11978 126 139508 203 152868 EU countries 9 11978 117 139460 198 152671 Germany 51 49041 69 52508 Denmark 9 11443 21 16551 France 8 11960 49 76764 51 80003 Other 1 18 9 2212 57 3609 Non-EU countries 0 9 48 5 196 541.64 - continued New Zealand Russia Saudi Arabia Taiwan United States Venezuela Other 3 8 1 2 93 3 24 1710 4614 498 541 30246 2127 5882 9 46 40 72 981 17 438 5085 25505 12682 15043 277368 11166 67494 10 27 27 53 1060 28 422 4856 17975 14350 14609 324464 19689 70895 541.91 (hkg) Wadding, gauze, bandages etc for sale for medical use TOTAL 1383 11328 13431 108511 13544 95336 EU countries 618 4467 6876 47808 6472 37144 Germany 142 1308 1228 11910 958 8964 Italy 374 1027 4243 12128 3963 10564 Other 102 2133 1405 23770 1551 17615 Non-EU countries 765 6862 6555 60703 7071 58192 United States 664 6496 5602 57048 6174 55622 Other 101 365 953 3655 897 2570 541.92 (hkg) Blood-grouping reagents TOTAL 2 17 15 137 7 53 541.93 (hkg) Opacifying preparations for x-rays; diagnostic reagents TOTAL 1618 16275 29091 259165 31565 254322 EU countries 3 42 10865 97606 11886 107413 Germany 1909 13281 2245 19596 France 2302 21786 2675 25724 Italy 1040 11837 1146 10254 Other 3 42 5613 50702 5821 51838 Non-EU countries 1616 16233 18226 161559 19679 146910 China 57 888 1295 23757 912 12082 Iran 61 827 972 12929 1104 11990 South Korea 161 1964 1100 12409 982 14663 Russia 181 3609 1302 21199 915 18915 United States 339 2413 4232 25924 6670 34869 Other 816 6531 9326 65341 9096 54391 541.99 (hkg) Other pharmaceutical goods; waste pharmaceuticals TOTAL 3745 47276 36456 430615 79513 500715 EU countries 2915 35672 29273 310494 71221 349312 Belgium 491 6631 3053 51968 2962 45387 Germany 281 6231 1129 25898 3794 28108 Spain 204 2535 2989 40343 6193 52072 France 95 2599 961 17746 34305 20362 Great Britain 118 5163 831 31258 1475 45477 Hungary 104 1959 545 8177 136 821 Italy 179 1171 3662 29088 4249 33324 Netherlands 1346 7654 14307 79204 15646 87472 Portugal 22 770 507 11028 512 8058 Other 75 959 1287 15784 1949 28229 Non-EU countries 830 11604 7183 120121 8292 151402 Brazil 134 1469 1174 16802 898 12482 Canada 101 1040 991 21028 1605 33594 United States 105 4572 1093 38319 1649 44191 Other 490 4523 3926 43972 4140 61135 542. MEDICAMENTS (INCL VETERINARY MEDICAMENTS) 541.63 (hkg) Antisera and other blood fractions and modified immunological products; vaccines TOTAL 509 248492 9106 3418280 8644 EU countries 282 187272 4499 2859802 2968 Belgium 65 147635 2161 2500559 706 Germany 135 30286 800 268915 652 France 31 6557 501 67412 799 Great Britain 17 1307 289 7524 157 Northern Ireland 24 1110 430 11092 363 Other 10 377 317 4300 290 Non-EU countries 227 61220 4607 558478 5676 Switzerland 1 11555 30 202534 48 China 1 1829 42 6348 49 Singapore 0 8601 1 23244 1 United States 142 37379 3566 314297 4315 Other 83 1855 968 12054 1264 3402226 3235365 1462476 1405904 73791 280139 9733 3324 166861 16437 40 47929 99315 3139 541.64 (hkg) Human and animal blood; toxins, cultures similar products TOTAL 240 67784 2840 592945 2837 649712 EU countries 45 2470 813 23165 912 76212 Non-EU countries 195 65314 2027 569781 1924 573500 United Arab Emirat 13 4856 24 9287 11 4422 Argentina 5 1641 21 5319 18 3520 Australia 11 5316 79 32993 86 27905 Brazil 10 1758 78 14011 30 17212 Canada 11 4632 110 44006 115 48896 China 85 45384 11 2550 South Korea 10 1494 30 4438 26 2158 542.11 (hkg) Medicaments with penicillins/streptomycins, not retail TOTAL 18 73 19 30 542.12 (hkg) Medicaments containing other antibiotics, not for retail TOTAL 484 322 749 2985 542.13 (hkg) Medicaments with penicillins/streptomycins in retail form TOTAL 1234 3486 13802 49810 14003 51358 EU countries 761 2317 9331 38991 10237 43942 Great Britain 503 1254 4584 14149 6303 18166 Other 258 1063 4747 24841 3934 25776 Non-EU countries 474 1169 4471 10819 3766 7415 542.19 (hkg) Medicaments containing other antibiotics, in retail form TOTAL 1579 44023 15887 485161 15420 472771 EU countries 1232 38485 11459 377379 10750 378167 Belgium 58 10312 440 65814 278 84134 Germany 72 3961 818 44507 784 38650 Denmark 237 2628 2940 41052 2644 35557 Spain 92 4914 760 35332 669 33079 France 80 2317 793 37206 856 35463 Great Britain 355 4239 2729 46647 2589 47086 Greece 46 1005 194 16476 171 15834 Italy 57 4980 405 39613 432 29316 Netherlands 84 1245 472 13094 252 21586 Other 151 2884 1908 37640 2075 37463 Non-EU countries 347 5538 4428 107782 4669 94605 China 76 1433 457 6125 328 4556 83 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 542.19 - continued Hong Kong Turkey Other 0 33 238 71 1758 2275 11 528 3431 13480 26251 61927 22 919 3401 4015 11711 74323 542.21 (hkg) Medicaments containing insulin, not in retail form - - 542.22 (hkg) Medicaments with hormones/products of 541.45, retail form TOTAL 1005 4373 10056 20930 9936 22164 EU countries 1005 4373 10032 20287 9383 21457 Germany 11 1762 76 1900 4 116 Other 994 2611 9955 18387 9379 21341 Non-EU countries 24 644 553 707 542.23 (hkg) Medicaments containing insulin, in retail form TOTAL 0 17 1 176 1 542.24 (hkg) Medicaments TOTAL EU countries Belgium Other Non-EU countries United States Other 152 with corticosteroid hormones and derivatives 332 6004 4147 77469 3511 53668 100 2047 1126 16619 972 10601 33 1388 252 9495 224 5294 67 659 874 7124 748 5307 232 3957 3021 60850 2538 43067 0 1 234 22757 268 15695 232 3957 2787 38093 2270 27372 542.29 (hkg) Medicaments with hormones/products of 541.5, retail form TOTAL 1731 30577 21924 449409 27319 467709 EU countries 1546 21327 16913 287737 22947 252847 Belgium 232 9284 2489 118870 3090 125673 Spain 59 1735 603 10827 440 10792 France 291 5299 3160 41324 2615 27967 Great Britain 716 1638 8762 17018 10957 21895 Italy 30 1487 295 64757 254 8508 Netherlands 17 132 229 11644 2420 21736 Other 201 1752 1376 23297 3172 36276 Non-EU countries 185 9250 5012 161671 4372 214863 Australia 71 1493 547 19590 386 21461 Canada 5 1200 242 13254 370 15975 United States 2 1200 83 64624 115 110471 Other 107 5358 4140 64202 3501 66957 542.31 (hkg) Medicaments of 542.3, not in retail form TOTAL 363 1322 558 2131 542.32 (hkg) Medicaments of 542.3, in retail form TOTAL 1454 2172 12230 20129 EU countries 1164 1898 8945 14880 Non-EU countries 290 274 3285 5248 23286 22905 381 20389 17218 3171 542.91 (hkg) Medicaments, nes, in retail form TOTAL 1862 16298 13771 165349 EU countries 360 8888 5486 81558 Germany 85 1252 1824 14589 Spain 78 3102 955 21852 Great Britain 26 213 533 9967 Italy 116 2641 825 16541 Other 55 1679 1350 18609 Non-EU countries 1502 7411 8285 83790 Japan 63 1605 1563 27120 United States 79 3639 538 45963 Other 1360 2167 6184 10708 22274 10141 3560 871 3517 878 1315 12133 1204 988 9941 218208 104709 25369 30746 6850 23533 18211 113498 21804 69942 21752 542.93 - continued Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Germany Denmark Spain Finland France Great Britain Greece Hungary Italy Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Sweden Other Non-EU countries United Arab Emirat Argentina Australia Brazil Canada Switzerland China Egypt Hong Kong Israel Japan South Korea Lebanon Mexico Malaysia Norway New Zealand Pakistan Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Thailand Turkey Taiwan Ukraine US Minor Islands United States South Africa Other 60016 75 123 15741 3353 6338 7 7639 24427 399 78 10669 1396 559 1203 425 3929 290 19552 1560 17 1043 196 736 86 11 39 141 87 938 7111 534 10 511 14 454 7 155 765 1 28 424 79 65 1 2364 108 2064 350531 1151 5003 126856 11442 49405 1811 121856 76909 9725 1955 37978 40732 3063 10394 5890 20081 3160 611457 5880 15 16548 1947 15921 12877 593 985 4004 1991 8098 9152 1954 3222 1548 77 1812 1545 1823 12225 432 2826 3484 2694 1104 44777 445810 826 7287 517412 810 1679 54635 37982 89764 293 91158 288228 5878 915 82462 19064 8279 10998 6411 44089 4491 150960 9679 164 9458 3660 7498 1103 1094 1409 4862 503 1120 35903 2411 434 4261 583 4403 232 910 9643 206 992 3827 927 514 56 22722 1812 20573 2354027 14469 36303 1103454 95248 499633 13685 1296080 1005771 83960 16218 414996 303264 98078 125540 82809 77058 30675 4252583 37035 17715 183725 39195 129389 146527 261555 17782 55230 17961 91290 67152 8225 21265 17134 21299 12680 4628 14769 93622 14303 16274 32149 22832 11516 48431 2767982 20055 60864 559219 895 1473 27162 38092 81778 760 85917 318062 7047 1802 33386 18823 5156 11271 7561 42293 5246 115214 2394 111 7934 3441 10944 1083 688 993 3414 422 174 11034 3196 347 4536 372 4091 47 384 12513 595 222 4986 964 589 4 21653 1783 16301 3492766 14495 33248 639974 85660 485362 16959 726659 1090501 87058 16747 552030 312459 73737 130825 92053 37302 28605 3637626 17548 22150 151653 35882 128484 89787 79649 6818 28342 13378 50219 59618 8377 31482 11118 15856 9393 378 10499 72349 3310 9735 55105 20626 13093 830 2619262 21228 51458 10920 793 10128 6232 3896 3844 651 3192 514 2678 8132 662 7470 3917 3553 551. ESSENTIAL OILS, PERFUME AND FLAVOUR MATERIALS 551.31 (hkg) Essential oils of citrus fruit TOTAL 1540 3289 5720 EU countries 14 7 740 Non-EU countries 1526 3282 4980 United States 1017 2862 1637 Other 509 420 3343 551.32 (hkg) Essential oils, nes TOTAL 0 0 15 27 37 419 - - - - - 551.33 (hkg) Resinoids 542.92 (hkg) Medicaments containing products of 541.1, in retail form TOTAL 1527 29757 14447 263099 15267 284015 EU countries 741 15137 8431 160853 8744 159498 Germany 97 2039 690 14216 738 13045 Denmark 110 3432 787 22114 679 19118 Spain 122 2215 837 18438 539 12646 France 84 1728 1941 41244 1985 43128 Great Britain 123 2523 1919 33528 2305 40191 Italy 157 2140 1302 17105 1348 14671 Other 48 1059 954 14209 1150 16698 Non-EU countries 786 14620 6016 102246 6523 124516 Canada 283 6676 817 21957 464 14238 China 62 1467 496 10375 474 10582 Japan 40 250 833 16101 550 4177 Turkey 108 1569 372 5164 316 3891 United States 77 2370 823 27350 1310 66924 Other 215 2287 2675 21299 3408 24705 542.93 (hkg) Medicaments, nes, in forms/packings for retail sale TOTAL 156422 1502945 1418231 1.201E7 1369532 1.162E7 EU countries 136870 891488 1267272 7757740 1254319 7981583 Austria 203 13548 2723 106472 8377 65145 - 551.35 (hkg) Concentrates of essential oils in fats/oils/wax etc TOTAL 452 288 6923 3012 4069 2041 551.41 (hkg) Mixtures of odoriferous substances for use in food/drink TOTAL 103189 496903 1241602 5780409 1227518 5186342 EU countries 44782 227789 514284 2484334 515314 2455683 Austria 825 4343 7547 40937 6592 33100 Belgium 2926 11628 20152 113368 20442 111145 Bulgaria 482 1017 6582 15307 6000 15476 Czech Republic 520 1843 5707 17568 5093 17152 Germany 7911 34332 110242 420040 115870 409286 Denmark 727 4952 10838 60136 9492 53502 Spain 6517 39996 60579 380681 58190 396668 Finland 248 1678 5090 24527 5328 25566 France 4404 29164 53082 336113 51175 328891 Great Britain 9174 46978 97423 459381 93836 431980 Greece 338 2769 5341 42594 5713 47373 Hungary 445 2117 4619 20671 5920 21702 Italy 2052 15291 24894 180859 27342 191562 Netherlands 1211 8704 14238 101750 15701 102592 Poland 1428 4885 20839 66548 19315 65227 84 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 551.41 - continued Portugal Romania Sweden Northern Ireland Other Non-EU countries United Arab Emirat Australia Brazil Switzerland Cameroon China Egypt Ethiopia Israel Iraq Iran Jordan Japan Kenya South Korea Kuwait Kazakhstan Lebanon Libya Morocco Mexico Malaysia Nigeria Norway Oman Qatar Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Turkey Uganda United States Vietnam Serbia South Africa Other 380 2212 1038 1166 780 58407 274 409 733 678 2570 422 1293 1038 559 980 1957 185 243 1178 813 382 478 312 559 8195 1214 2168 712 28 66 769 473 120 2733 336 18582 583 912 503 5951 2728 4079 4829 3631 2827 269114 3797 1310 1086 5608 1694 709 4382 2633 2641 4706 2167 1442 1373 1099 1724 7342 1579 2278 1051 40557 4159 5976 4426 339 992 4878 8134 189 4692 1491 127188 2095 2231 901 12247 5891 39885 30579 55038 10769 53263 11494 35286 8377 20382 727319 3296074 4700 56513 1426 2408 10100 14524 7101 55369 16809 11135 5691 14996 15419 46747 6428 14148 7904 38442 5972 27910 15227 13271 2484 16534 16670 89372 17383 15964 8020 15977 1681 24220 5952 21200 3093 24635 3766 20683 10067 20904 84138 523488 10187 22165 50737 99589 8609 53401 1494 21662 1058 13529 8356 50251 16185 232568 7263 11476 44633 77101 2731 11556 213200 1410627 6272 26371 11984 24070 6309 13564 88268 159703 551.49 (hkg) Other mixtures of odoriferous substances TOTAL 15 110 45 251 4102 32522 28535 56211 11868 55881 15834 37389 8965 22459 712204 2730659 2308 22521 1275 1069 9809 14576 8304 61024 10705 7198 4995 10365 17061 48818 6040 13993 7849 36283 4820 19882 20733 23668 407 2314 15943 101975 12446 10341 6924 12621 736 7578 5080 24637 2880 20761 4872 28623 11725 24515 84775 173838 8968 21480 60991 111425 8175 53421 1681 25754 1231 15307 6104 32646 18198 253642 7206 13112 43166 84166 3702 10739 191901 1221708 6012 23445 11806 22282 5268 9961 98106 164973 553.52 (hkg) Personal deodorants and anti-perspirants TOTAL 654 647 7652 8354 7932 7675 553.53 (hkg) Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations TOTAL 373 258 4717 2301 5596 5202 553.54 (hkg) Preparations for perfuming or deodorising rooms TOTAL 101 68 10290 671 478 289 553.59 (hkg) Depilatories; perfumery/cosmetic/toilet preparations, nes TOTAL 60 135 458 1295 592 1465 554. SOAP, CLEANSING AND POLISHING PREPARATIONS 554.11 (hkg) Soap in bar, cake, moulded etc form for toilet use TOTAL 577 171 2647 891 6559 1772 554.15 (hkg) Soap in bar, cake, moulded etc form for other uses TOTAL 203 78 10023 3575 7734 3163 554.19 (hkg) Soap in other forms TOTAL 991 268 11132 3451 10013 2191 554.21 (hkg) Organic surface-active agents TOTAL 905 576 22698 EU countries 705 497 18301 Non-EU countries 200 79 4397 10929 9172 1757 24528 21293 3235 10190 8978 1212 554.22 (hkg) Surface-active, washing/cleaning preps nes, for retail TOTAL 6329 2395 83105 29271 61848 27925 EU countries 5219 1479 66810 18264 45406 15579 Non-EU countries 1110 917 16294 11007 16442 12345 554.23 (hkg) Surface-active, washing/cleaning preps nes, not retail TOTAL 4607 718 28518 4756 30604 5982 554.31 (hkg) Polishes, creams etc for footwear and leather TOTAL 283 311 5656 4250 10987 10051 554.32 (hkg) Polishes etc for wooden furniture, floors, woodwork TOTAL 18 7 48 20 15 7 554.33 (hkg) Polishes etc for coachwork, other than metal polishes TOTAL 0 0 82 38 86 19 264 4357 554.34 (hkg) Scouring pastes, powders and other scouring preparations TOTAL 2 1 17 7 42 15 553. PERFUMERY, COSMETICS OR TOILET PREPARATIONS (EXCL SOAPS) 553.10 (hkg) Perfumes and toilet waters TOTAL 292 920 2857 554.35 (hkg) Polishes, creams etc for glass or metal TOTAL 47 11 488 541 7632 1372 553.20 (hkg) Beauty or make-up preparations for the care of the skin TOTAL 7935 46791 68453 371767 66234 235519 EU countries 5610 16368 54633 161396 59757 156654 France 3300 6368 32341 57983 36027 60245 Great Britain 1433 8066 15159 88351 13838 74377 Other 877 1934 7133 15062 9892 22033 Non-EU countries 2325 30423 13821 210370 6477 78864 South Korea 834 2146 4019 10383 2528 6395 United States 1015 26446 4260 186951 879 60426 Other 476 1831 5542 13036 3070 12043 553.30 (hkg) Preparations for use on the hair TOTAL 1737 910 24335 EU countries 1702 854 24025 Non-EU countries 34 57 310 13954 13302 652 553.40 (hkg) Preparations for oral or dental hygiene TOTAL 17957 20445 165738 169176 EU countries 8562 7110 94809 58746 Italy 2022 1814 10364 7222 Poland 1404 2007 14900 12161 Other 5136 3289 69544 39364 Non-EU countries 9395 13335 70930 110430 Japan 6023 7247 41373 52393 United States 545 1160 13092 29043 Other 2828 4928 16464 28994 19256 18516 740 185052 82709 1886 2470 78353 102343 48001 22287 32054 553.51 (hkg) Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations TOTAL 1 3 310 273 86 194 277 - - 5721 24501 23045 1455 274006 101755 3343 3521 94892 172251 57383 48891 65976 562. FERTILISERS (OTHER THAN THOSE OF GROUP 272) 562.11 (t) Ammonium nitrate fertiliser TOTAL - 4 1 562.12 (t) Double salts and mixtures of ammomium sulphate & nitrate TOTAL 4 1 4 1 562.13 (t) Ammonium sulphate fertiliser TOTAL 19 10 35 18 21 562.14 (t) Double salts and mixtures of calcium & ammonium nitrate 562.16 (t) Urea fertiliser, whether or not in aqueous solution TOTAL 71 29 1020 386 457 11 234 562.17 (t) Mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate fertiliser TOTAL 16 35 7 26 562.19 (t) Other nitrogenous fertilizers (incl. mixtures, nes) TOTAL 81 51 1017 537 942 466 562.22 (t) Superphosphate fertiliser - - - - - 562.29 (t) Mineral or chemical fertilizers, phosphatic, nes - - 562.31 (t) Potassium chloride TOTAL - 5 126 - 0 1 1 85 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 562.32 (t) Potassium sulphate TOTAL 2 8 20 79 13 562.39 (t) Mineral or chemical fertilizers, potassic, nes TOTAL 0 0 22 18 16 51 573.92 (hkg) Other vinyl chloride copolymers TOTAL 35 53 48 92 13 573.93 (hkg) Vinylidene chloride polymers TOTAL 5 7 65 76 - - 247 363 408 562.91 (t) Fertilisers nes, with the 3 fertilising elements N, P & K TOTAL 153 57 3504 1406 6792 2126 573.94 (hkg) Fluoro-polymers TOTAL 4 562.92 (t) Mineral/chemical fertilisers nes, containing both P and K TOTAL 91 49 137 60 573.99 (hkg) Other polymers of vinyl chloride/halogenated olefins TOTAL 0 15 2 22 13 562.93 (t) Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (diammonium phosphate) 562.94 (t) Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate and mixtures thereof with diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate 562.95 (t) Fertilisers nes, containing both N and P - - 5 11 1 25 11 3 71 37 2 6 3 274 196 198 283 574.20 (hkg) Epoxide resins TOTAL 1484 920 8797 6596 4073 4187 574.31 (hkg) Polycarbonates TOTAL 205 145 4395 1968 2697 1637 - 120 23 78 22 13483 13176 307 57898 49097 8800 8721 8343 378 - 562.96 (t) Goods of 272.1, 272.2, 272.4 or Group 562 in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight <10kg TOTAL 7 562.99 (t) Fertilisers nes TOTAL - 172 574. POLYACETALS, POLYCARBONATES ETC, IN PRIMARY FORMS 574.11 (hkg) Polyacetals TOTAL 574.19 (hkg) Other polyethers TOTAL 10 - 8 6 14 571. POLYMERS OF ETHYLENE, IN PRIMARY FORMS 574.32 (hkg) Alkyd resins TOTAL - 571.11 (hkg) Polyethylene, having a specific gravity <0.94 TOTAL 1626 273 17017 3589 46786 5942 574.33 (hkg) Polyethylene terephthalate TOTAL 6747 1003 78457 EU countries 6610 973 76514 Non-EU countries 137 30 1944 571.12 (hkg) Polyethylene, having a specific gravity >0.94 TOTAL 2394 299 13407 1657 11557 1517 574.34 (hkg) Other polyesters, unsaturated TOTAL 1143 302 12457 3228 10193 2788 574.39 (hkg) Polyesters in primary forms, nes TOTAL 171 101 1913 1011 965 412 571.20 (hkg) Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers TOTAL 1 1 55 571.90 (hkg) Other polymers of ethylene TOTAL 723 374 5104 15 14 5 3230 2154 2350 575. OTHER PLASTICS IN PRIMARY FORMS 572. POLYMERS OF STYRENE, IN PRIMARY FORMS 575.11 (hkg) Polypropylene TOTAL 694 428 11115 4659 20292 10545 572.11 (hkg) Polystyrene, expansible TOTAL 119 45 575.12 (hkg) Polyisobutylene TOTAL - - 11 13 16 19 575.13 (hkg) Propylene copolymers TOTAL 188 51 1147 197 5627 1074 521 11294 4675 10135 6685 1387 587 874 467 572.19 (hkg) Polystyrene other than expansible TOTAL 5434 1334 56663 12902 EU countries 5432 1330 56590 12870 Non-EU countries 2 4 73 31 51759 51246 513 11432 11331 101 572.91 (hkg) Styrene-acrylonitrile (san) copolymers - 575.19 (hkg) Other olefins TOTAL 974 - - 575.21 (hkg) Polymethyl methacrylate TOTAL 15 7 531 221 309 148 572.92 (hkg) Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (abs) copolymers TOTAL 8671 2667 85580 26459 73849 EU countries 8668 2665 85438 26331 73523 Great Britain 4725 1519 45927 14342 39612 Other 3943 1146 39510 11989 33911 Non-EU countries 2 2 143 128 327 23075 22748 11929 10819 327 575.29 (hkg) Other acrylic polymers TOTAL 297 140 3205 1812 3444 1661 572.99 (hkg) Other styrene polmers nes TOTAL 124 15 684 212 2931 644 573. POLYMERS OF VINYL CHLORIDE OR OF OTHER HALOGENATED OLEFINS, IN PRIMARY FORMS 573.11 (hkg) Polyvinyl chloride not mixed with any other substances TOTAL 1147 159 10093 1587 25770 5806 573.12 (hkg) Other polyvinyl chloride, non-plasticised TOTAL 5 1 573.13 (hkg) Other polyvinyl chloride, plasticised TOTAL 77 20 1931 321 573.91 (hkg) Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers - 63 2292 - 575.31 (hkg) Polyamide-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6,12 TOTAL 250 209 50 19 575.39 (hkg) Other polyamides, in primary forms TOTAL 52 64 60 88 8 14 575.41 (hkg) Urea resins; thiourea resins TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - 575.42 (hkg) Melamine resins TOTAL - - 1 1 - - 575.43 (hkg) Other amino-resins TOTAL - - 66 3253 260 17194 575.44 (hkg) Phenolic resins TOTAL - - 1 1 11 4 575.45 (hkg) Polyurethanes TOTAL 20626 EU countries 20583 Great Britain 18431 Other 2152 Non-EU countries 43 7630 7457 6454 1003 173 209453 208895 186390 22505 557 76552 75417 65292 10125 1135 180238 179681 159824 19856 557 62449 61411 53784 7627 1038 29 348 - 86 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 575.51 (hkg) Cellulose acetates, non-plasticised - - - - 581.50 (hkg) Tubes, pipes etc, unreinforced etc, with fittings TOTAL 149 61 2542 708 5904 1106 581.60 (hkg) Tubes, pipes and hoses, nes TOTAL 121 599 873 660 6454 581.70 (hkg) Fittings for tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics TOTAL 684 638 6199 5632 5114 2925 575.52 (hkg) Cellulose acetates, plasticised TOTAL 1 4 0 1 575.53 (hkg) Cellulose nitrates (incl collodions) TOTAL 4 2 12 15 17488 6643 10845 21877 9562 12315 14820 6695 8125 19022 9675 9348 575.59 (hkg) Cellulose in primary forms, nes TOTAL 16199 6554 186045 EU countries 6001 2479 79715 Non-EU countries 10199 4075 106330 India 5807 2094 44925 Other 4391 1981 61405 77411 33083 44328 16216 28112 182399 71800 110600 51559 59040 78788 29934 48854 18912 29942 394 2359 298 575.54 (hkg) Cellulose ethers TOTAL 1308 EU countries 348 Non-EU countries 960 1625 533 1092 575.91 (hkg) Polymers of vinyl acetate TOTAL 78 11 3106 7011 582. PLATES, SHEETS, FILM, FOIL AND STRIP, OF PLASTICS 582.11 (hkg) Plates, sheets etc in rolls of width <20cm (excl 893.31) TOTAL 1901 2006 21397 23378 8226 22584 EU countries 1754 1469 19474 15664 6590 16081 Non-EU countries 147 537 1923 7714 1636 6503 582.19 (hkg) Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip (excl 893.31) TOTAL 1150 1695 12179 19477 10134 15157 EU countries 639 1168 8027 14585 6763 10741 Non-EU countries 511 527 4152 4892 3371 4416 575.92 (hkg) Polymers of other vinyl esters; other vinyl polymers TOTAL 4 7 104 12670 130 365 EU countries 29 12398 13 46 Italy 29 12397 Other 0 1 13 46 Non-EU countries 4 7 75 273 117 319 582.21 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of TOTAL 19109 5523 EU countries 18682 5359 Belgium 10075 2447 Great Britain 4909 1697 Northern Ireland 3161 871 Other 537 344 Non-EU countries 427 164 575.93 (hkg) Silicones in primary forms TOTAL 449 524 5029 ethylene, in plates/sheets etc 235891 64484 233930 66429 229826 61762 224795 62597 104253 26513 103644 27233 64542 17317 59454 16801 45579 11991 41626 11523 15452 5941 20071 7040 6065 2722 9134 3832 5605 4196 5740 582.22 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of propylene, in plates/sheets etc TOTAL 1608 475 16967 4478 15400 4110 575.94 (hkg) Alginic acid, its salts and esters TOTAL 1 1 541 1613 1357 2753 582.23 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of styrene, in plates/sheets etc TOTAL 708 217 20766 6666 15410 4919 575.95 (hkg) Natural polymers and modified natural polymers, nes TOTAL 152 319 1333 1455 2544 3135 582.24 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of vinyl chloride, in plates/sheets TOTAL 520 746 5123 7835 9346 9761 575.96 (hkg) Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, polysulphones & plastics, nes TOTAL 250 58 3255 1145 2010 712 582.25 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of acrylic polymers, plates/sheets TOTAL 79 51 1426 722 1389 704 575.97 (hkg) Ion exchangers based on polymers of 571.1 to 575.9 TOTAL 250 496 0 582.26 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of polycarbonates etc, plates/sheet TOTAL 481 643 5527 7759 3574 7382 1 582.28 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of cellulose etc, in plates/sheets TOTAL 153 49 184 103 332 226 579. WASTE, PARINGS AND SCRAP, OF PLASTICS 579.10 (hkg) Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of ethylene TOTAL 11327 387 163140 4338 142114 579.20 (hkg) Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of styrene TOTAL 530 14 6489 169 6562 582.29 (hkg) Non cellular polymers of other plastics in plates/sheets TOTAL 498 197 7193 3506 855 1322 4686 185 579.30 (hkg) Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of vinyl chloride TOTAL 2023 191 14915 1422 4045 631 579.90 (hkg) Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics other than polymers of ethylene, styrene or vinyl chloride TOTAL 34632 928 239601 8754 206905 582.91 (hkg) Plates, sheets, film, foil etc nes, of cellular plastics TOTAL 18780 12414 207641 165376 172919 160046 EU countries 17907 5734 200128 67801 167686 59148 France 939 1294 21684 21868 15363 23279 Great Britain 9340 2614 101317 27821 88627 22167 Other 7628 1826 77127 18112 63697 13702 Non-EU countries 872 6680 7513 97574 5233 100897 United States 260 5825 2969 90425 2558 94791 Other 612 855 4544 7150 2675 6106 6806 582.99 (hkg) Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip of plastics, nes TOTAL 1199 2100 23796 24482 17883 19363 EU countries 1109 1787 18331 19377 13232 16085 Non-EU countries 90 313 5464 5105 4651 3278 581. TUBES, PIPES AND HOSES OF PLASTICS 581.10 (hkg) Artificial guts of hardened protein/cellulosic materials TOTAL 240 24 4151 586 2017 599 581.20 (hkg) Rigid plastic tubes, pipes and hoses TOTAL 10833 2541 124631 28374 EU countries 10829 2451 123942 27261 Great Britain 8929 2203 109437 23791 Other 1900 248 14505 3470 Non-EU countries 4 89 689 1113 583. MONOFILAMENT OF CROSS-SECTIONAL MORE THAN 1MM, RODS, STICKS AND PROFILE SHAPES OF PLASTICS 106240 105481 90231 15250 759 23326 22038 18893 3146 1288 581.30 (hkg) Flexible tubes etc, minimum burst pressure of 27.6mpa TOTAL 34 113 478 994 218 500 581.40 (hkg) Other flexible tubes etc, unreinforced etc, TOTAL 416 1073 7023 14140 EU countries 327 461 5839 4399 Non-EU countries 89 611 1184 9741 no fittings 8577 13703 7472 4401 1105 9302 583.10 (hkg) Monofilament, rods, sticks etc of polymers of ethylene TOTAL 47 5 5 2 583.20 (hkg) Monofilament, rods etc of polymers of vinyl chloride TOTAL 72 29 796 310 659 391 583.90 (hkg) Monofilament, rods, sticks etc of other plastics TOTAL 181 553 1803 5531 904 591. INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, HERBICIDES, ETC PUT UP FOR RETAIL SALE OR AS PREPARATIONS OR ARTICLES 207 87 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 591.10 (hkg) Insecticides TOTAL 327 591.20 (hkg) Fungicides TOTAL EU countries Non-EU countries 81 81 - 350 2595 2896 915 1590 69 69 - 14271 14118 153 10361 10213 149 6797 6671 125 7258 7126 132 regulators etc 162483 44671 162269 44603 45333 12119 116936 32484 213 69 175753 175312 53596 121717 441 47222 47099 13480 33619 123 3108 2299 591.30 (hkg) Herbicides, plant-growth TOTAL 5143 1343 EU countries 5143 1343 France 2018 563 Other 3125 779 Non-EU countries 591.40 (hkg) Disinfectants TOTAL 340 126 3001 2018 591.90 (hkg) Other products of group 591, for retail sale n.e.s TOTAL 501 358 5682 4217 7213 4578 592. STARCHES, INULIN AND WHEAT GLUTEN; ALBUMINOIDAL SUBSTANCES; GLUES 592.11 (hkg) Wheat starch TOTAL 50 3 50 3 713 37 592.12 (hkg) Maize (corn) starch TOTAL 502 91 4108 892 3317 694 592.13 (hkg) Potato starch TOTAL 182 59 930 299 8313 1180 592.14 (hkg) Manioc (cassava) starch TOTAL 102 30 592.15 (hkg) Other starches TOTAL 110 341 93 332 96 16 1887 243 1596 192 - - - - - 592.27 (hkg) Glues based on starches, dextrines or modified starches TOTAL 48 4 493 44 100 20 592.29 (hkg) Prepared glues nes; glues TOTAL 2303 4333 EU countries 1889 3240 Germany 678 1733 Other 1211 1506 Non-EU countries 414 1093 for retail, net weight <=1kg 31300 50259 36502 51291 22853 33687 22833 30866 7927 19840 5157 11417 14926 13847 17676 19449 8447 16572 13669 20425 593. EXPLOSIVES AND PYROTECHNIC PRODUCTS 593.11 (hkg) Propellant powders - - - - - 593.12 (hkg) Prepared explosives other than propellant powders TOTAL 60 8 180 24 395 78 593.20 (hkg) Safety fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters TOTAL 0 0 593.31 (hkg) Fireworks TOTAL - - 593.33 (hkg) Signalling flares, rain rockets, fog signals etc TOTAL 121 8 123 11 1 1 10 3 10 3 597. ADDITIVES FOR MINERAL OILS; LIQUIDS FOR HYDRAULIC TRANSMISSION; ANTI-FREEZE, DE-ICING, LUBRICATING PREPS 597.21 (hkg) Anti-knock preparations TOTAL - 10 17 6 7 597.25 (hkg) Additives for lubricating oils TOTAL 1 4 0 1 597.29 (hkg) Additives for liquids for same purpose as mineral oils TOTAL 404 66 22 1 592.16 (hkg) Inulin - 592.17 (hkg) Wheat gluten, whether or not dried TOTAL 362 25 2215 592.21 (hkg) Casein TOTAL EU countries Germany Spain Great Britain Italy Netherlands Other Non-EU countries Mexico Russia United States Other 29273 14429 1760 3980 1042 3089 1100 3458 14844 3299 1920 6019 3606 21115 9999 1135 2739 774 2178 747 2426 11116 2580 1463 4509 2564 343625 154947 13650 29050 13505 43639 15434 39669 188678 35112 20364 74927 58276 142 2283 148 258612 114900 9985 21351 10497 32411 11203 29454 143711 28636 15883 53005 46187 306111 171481 17803 34853 15220 43406 16651 43548 134631 22977 13758 59469 38426 221655 124562 13143 23994 12494 30936 12029 31965 97093 17296 10453 40630 28714 597.31 (hkg) Hydraulic brake fluids etc TOTAL 15 3 325 159 304 79 597.33 (hkg) Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids TOTAL 396 59 3450 601 2070 239 597.71 (hkg) Preps to treat textiles etc, with petroleum oils etc TOTAL 0 2 40 32 597.72 (hkg) Lubricating preps with petroleum oils/oils bituminous TOTAL 332 34 5322 604 5073 602 597.73 (hkg) Preps for textiles etc TOTAL 1 1 42 16 18 597.74 (hkg) Lubricating preparations containing oils or greases other than of petroleum or bituminous minerals TOTAL 142 153 1162 1268 959 16 954 592.22 (hkg) Caseinates and other casein derivatives; casein glues TOTAL 880 695 12512 10456 15734 12503 EU countries 610 478 2634 2136 3680 2812 Non-EU countries 270 216 9878 8320 12055 9691 598. MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, NES - - 592.23 (hkg) Albumins (excl egg albumin), albuminates and derivatives TOTAL 1977 1883 30131 27461 20919 19105 EU countries 1866 1772 21987 19150 18181 16466 Non-EU countries 111 110 8144 8311 2738 2640 598.12 (hkg) Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp TOTAL 59 2 726 24 781 26 592.24 (hkg) Gelatin & its derivatives; isinglass; other animal glues TOTAL 130 299 1958 2535 1760 2805 592.25 (hkg) Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives, nes; hide powder TOTAL 5698 5488 58247 55533 50765 45305 EU countries 3595 3189 38862 34604 30413 26274 Netherlands 1441 1271 13385 12731 9864 8831 Other 2154 1919 25476 21873 20549 17444 Non-EU countries 2103 2298 19385 20929 20352 19031 592.26 (hkg) Dextrins and modified starches, nes TOTAL 106 201 835 1399 598.11 (hkg) Tall oil, whether or not refined - 598.13 (hkg) Turpentine & other terpenic oils; crude dipentine; etc 598.14 (hkg) Rosin and resin acids; rosin spirit and rosin oils TOTAL 21 8 13 4 598.18 (hkg) Wood tar; wood tar oils; creosote; pitch etc TOTAL 33 11 152 51 1 1110 4 598.35 (hkg) Artificial and prepared waxes of polyethylene glycol TOTAL 6 5 1 598.39 (hkg) Artificial and prepared waxes nes. TOTAL 1 2 38 392 - 19 125 3 60 88 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 598.40 (hkg) Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, excl. mineral tars and cyclic hydrocarbons TOTAL 6 5 0 0 598.50 (hkg) Chemical elements/compounds doped for electronics use TOTAL 8 1895 118 9927 131 2524 EU countries 1 1707 99 9451 23 305 France 0 1669 93 9368 Other 1 38 6 84 23 305 Non-EU countries 6 188 19 476 107 2220 598.61 (hkg) Artificial/colloidal graphite; preps based on graphite TOTAL 39 73 0 0 598.63 (hkg) Prepared rubber accelerators TOTAL - 0 0 0 1 165 49 15 53 598.65 (hkg) Activated natural mineral products; animal black TOTAL 108 39 598.64 (hkg) Activated carbon TOTAL 19 6 598.67 (hkg) Prepared culture media for development of micro-organisms TOTAL 11 131 147 1093 146 1004 598.69 (hkg) Diagnostic or laboratory reagents other than those of subgroups 541.6 and 541.9; certified reference materials TOTAL 10946 45136 118148 579154 119211 615397 EU countries 5826 36197 76774 473644 84565 500803 Germany 4278 23974 53785 315068 58340 288033 Spain 57 1073 995 20864 2177 19603 France 939 7039 12783 81024 11516 72024 Great Britain 275 1446 5257 17268 5112 81548 Italy 169 1427 1925 24173 2737 26962 Other 109 1238 2029 15247 4682 12633 Non-EU countries 5120 8939 41373 105510 34646 114594 Australia 34 1077 389 15726 315 13525 Canada 28 962 378 11074 433 17998 United States 3302 4963 31854 54170 31170 59741 Other 1756 1937 8753 24539 2728 23330 598.81 (hkg) Supported catalysts with nickel or nickel compounds - 598.99 - continued Greece Hungary Italy Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Sweden Northern Ireland Other Non-EU countries Switzerland Chile Israel Kazakhstan Morocco Mexico Norway Russia Thailand Turkey Serbia Other 343 460 1953 815 6159 353 832 614 809 1171 35685 483 1137 568 606 606 8613 444 2655 1403 2274 591 16305 2116 1417 11213 4666 4389 2349 2014 3428 3413 3730 42572 3078 874 2111 1683 744 17172 2414 1567 2300 1633 1198 7797 5151 4622 23076 9704 50988 4478 11384 5695 8740 12453 359441 5495 27267 6826 7695 9674 103870 4459 35852 5113 55486 6210 91493 29004 13157 126655 57477 44053 27628 22773 32377 32424 31582 437125 30685 19201 23784 17568 11701 176603 22060 15850 8651 42073 12762 56187 7229 5309 30517 10251 46805 3121 10726 6141 9049 14263 343163 6458 17822 7451 6261 11187 94839 3796 36507 370 55127 9908 93437 30135 12800 140885 59916 44371 19562 24486 36077 34541 33191 441179 33974 15402 25795 13112 14014 175681 20047 11148 364 50781 13319 67541 9 16 16 599. MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, NES 599.10 (hkg) Municipal waste; sewage sludge TOTAL 11 599.20 (hkg) Clinical waste - - - - - 599.30 (hkg) Waste organic solvents - - - - - - 599.40 (hkg) Wastes of metal pickling liquors, incl brake fluids etc 599.90 (hkg) Other wastes from chemical or allied industries TOTAL 9 5 8 1 611. LEATHER 598.83 (hkg) Catalysts with precious metal/precious metal compounds TOTAL 0 48 0 80 598.85 (hkg) Supported catalysts nes TOTAL - 25 20 598.89 (hkg) Catalysts and catalytic preparations, nes TOTAL 37 56 321 500 16 13 457 439 598.91 (hkg) Finishing agents etc for textile/paper/leather industries TOTAL 20 2 816 116 4693 328 598.93 (hkg) Compound plasticisers, stabilisers for rubber/plastic etc TOTAL 4 0 279 98 523 80 598.94 (hkg) Preparations and charges for fire extinguishers TOTAL 0 0 5 2 8 598.95 (hkg) Modelling pastes; dental wax in retail form, etc TOTAL 48 28 342 192 154 598.99 (hkg) Other chemical products and preparations TOTAL 70512 178572 731621 1872701 EU countries 34826 136000 372179 1435577 Austria 428 2776 4181 24765 Belgium 1016 6582 10635 65949 Germany 6419 18074 77785 224768 Denmark 451 3103 5681 38511 Spain 4731 24917 43566 227565 Finland 125 732 2777 11835 France 2760 18343 34391 209228 Great Britain 5387 22737 56873 215826 611.43 (hkg) Hides and skins not further prepared in the wet state TOTAL 1253 34 7528 1152 611.44 (hkg) Hides and skins not further prepared in the dry state TOTAL 4 1 4 1 - 0 611.45 (hkg) Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, incl. parchment-dressed leather TOTAL 636 270 3360 3240 840 2171 2 611.52 (hkg) Sheep or lamb skin leather, prepared after tanning - - 86 598.97 (hkg) Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes TOTAL 760 202 7127 1270 4695 615 318505 62 611.51 (hkg) Sheep or lambskin leather, tanned, not further prepared TOTAL 1500 142 942 213 598.96 (hkg) Pickling preps; fluxes etc for soldering/brazing/welding TOTAL 0 3 6 151 8 88 598.98 (hkg) Non-refractory mortars and concretes TOTAL 29943 195 314877 2072 611.20 (hkg) Composition leather in slabs, sheets or strap TOTAL 1 1 33 62 33 611.61 (hkg) Goat or kid skin leather, tanned, not further prepared 611.62 (hkg) Goat or kid skin leather, prepared after tanning - - 611.71 (hkg) Leather of swine, without hair on (excl 611.8) - - 611.72 (hkg) Leather of reptiles, other than leather of 611.8 - - 611.79 (hkg) Leather of animals nes, without hair (excl 611.8) TOTAL 0 - - 611.81 (hkg) Chamois (incl combination chamois) leather - - - 611.83 (hkg) Patent, laminated, metallised leather TOTAL 0 0 - - 1901 773521 1942312 430358 1501132 4090 18910 10621 61940 96849 229792 4951 35172 47348 248831 2927 14051 35875 211404 84284 245068 89 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 625.41 (no) Tyres, pneumatic, new, of a kind used on motorcycles TOTAL 60 3 5434 272 4682 612. MANUFACTURES OF LEATHER OR OF COMPOSITION LEATHER, NES 612.20 (hkg) Saddlery and harness for any animal, of any material TOTAL 964 2635 8747 28885 6130 22247 EU countries 912 2538 7902 27485 5019 21044 Non-EU countries 52 97 845 1400 1111 1203 612.90 (hkg) Other articles of leather or of composition leather TOTAL 1 5 30 102 31 115 613. FURSKINS, TANNED OR DRESSED (EXCL 848.3) 625.42 (no) Tyres, pneumatic, new, of a kind used on bicycles TOTAL 85 0 382 3 336 613.19 (hkg) Whole furskins (excl mink) incl or excl head/tail/paws 613.20 (hkg) Heads, tails, paws and other pieces, tanned or dressed TOTAL 0 1 3 625.51 (no) Other pneumatic tyres with herring-bone or similar tread TOTAL 593 261 12608 5133 12961 4349 625.59 (no) Other pneumatic tyres, nes TOTAL 618 124 625.91 (no) Inner tubes TOTAL 613.11 (hkg) Whole furskins of mink, tanned or dressed TOTAL - 257 9077 1933 4727 875 348 3 19706 94 7019 33 625.92 (hkg) Retreaded tyres TOTAL 264 106 5310 2159 1777 833 625.93 (hkg) Used pneumatic tyres TOTAL 229 29 20496 440 26704 438 625.94 (hkg) Solid/cushion tyres, interchangeable tyre treads & flaps TOTAL 77 6 101 15 124 15 613.30 (hkg) Whole furskins; pieces thereof, assembled (excl 848.3) 629. ARTICLES OF RUBBER, NES 621. MATERIALS OF RUBBER 629.11 (hkg) Sheath contraceptives TOTAL 2 2 621.11 (hkg) Rubber compounded with carbon black/silica, unvulcanised TOTAL 481 242 5223 2579 4922 2773 621.12 (hkg) Compounded rubber solutions or dispersions, unvulcanised TOTAL 35 59 203 276 116 161 621.19 (hkg) Other compounded rubber, nes TOTAL 85 24 194 128 71 621.31 (hkg) Vulcanised rubber thread and cord TOTAL 0 0 3 47 27 25 629.19 (hkg) Hygienic or pharmaceutical articles of unhardened vulcanised rubber, nes TOTAL 73 107 770 654 153 999 629.21 (hkg) Transmission belts or belting TOTAL 10 52 147 687 148 787 3752 782 1633 83 621.21 (hkg) 'Camel-back' rubber strips for retreading rubber tyres 621.29 (hkg) Other forms and articles of unvulcanised rubber TOTAL 10 7 217 286 26 27 629.22 (hkg) Conveyor belts or belting TOTAL 69 263 1111 629.91 (hkg) Hard rubber (incl waste/scrap); articles of hard rubber TOTAL 0 0 3 10 44367 195 12 629.92 (hkg) Articles of unhardened cellular vulcanised rubber, nes TOTAL 6 9 312 218 579 421 2 6 3 621.32 (hkg) Plates/sheet etc of unhardened vulcanised cellular rubber TOTAL 0 1 36 74 133 104 629.99 (hkg) Articles of unhardened non-cellular vulcanised rubber nes TOTAL 4645 1992 47361 21980 42125 19990 EU countries 4290 1480 41341 15612 38280 15511 Non-EU countries 355 512 6020 6368 3846 4480 621.33 (hkg) Plates etc of unhardened vulcanised non-cellular rubber TOTAL 118 100 3604 1255 1360 845 633. CORK MANUFACTURES 621.41 (hkg) Tubes etc of unhardened vulcanised rubber, unreinforced, without fittings TOTAL 160 145 1686 970 1049 683 621.42 (hkg) Tubes etc of unhardened vulcanised rubber, reinforced with metal, without fittings TOTAL 13 11 177 151 153 152 621.43 (hkg) Tubes etc of unhardened vulcanised rubber, reinforced with textile materials, without fittings TOTAL 3 16 81 159 67 79 633.11 (hkg) Corks and cork stoppers - - - - - 633.19 (hkg) Articles of natural cork, other than corks and stoppers TOTAL 13 5 633.21 (hkg) Blocks, plates, sheets, tiles etc, of agglomerated cork TOTAL 0 0 633.29 (hkg) Other articles of agglomerated cork TOTAL 0 0 23 8 10 8 621.44 (hkg) Tubes etc of unhardened vulcanised rubber, reinforced with other materials, without fittings TOTAL 113 60 439 294 264 199 634. VENEERS/PLYWOOD/PARTICLE BOARD/OTHER WOOD, WORKED, NES 621.45 (hkg) Tubes etc of unhardened vulcanised rubber, with fittings TOTAL 119 138 1915 1649 2882 1896 634.11 (hkg) Coniferous wood sheets, thickness <=6mm TOTAL 83 88 62 98 634.12 (hkg) Non-coniferous wood sheets, thickness <=6mm TOTAL 19 4 375 203 82 48 625. RUBBER TYRES, INTERCHANGEABLE TYRE TREADS, TYRE FLAPS AND INNER TUBES FOR WHEELS OF ALL KINDS 625.10 (no) Tyres, pneumatic, new, of a kind used on motor cars TOTAL 13170 708 145195 8291 183574 10361 625.20 (no) Tyres, pneumatic, new, of a kind used on buses & lorries TOTAL 3639 856 42099 9847 49143 12519 625.30 (no) Tyres, pneumatic, new, of a kind used on aircraft TOTAL - 0 634.21 (hkg) Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips, profile shapes TOTAL 1437 48 12843 471 20635 687 634.22 (hkg) Particle board and TOTAL 119367 EU countries 108435 Great Britain 60291 Other 48143 Non-EU countries 10933 similar board of wood 4758 1478121 58888 1618671 4302 1245729 50817 1310715 2471 658274 27782 667447 1831 587456 23035 643267 456 232392 8071 307957 69844 56979 31074 25905 12865 90 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 634.23 (hkg) Particle & similar board of ligneous mat other than wood TOTAL 10 3 28 9 641.10 (hkg) Newsprint, in rolls or sheets TOTAL 7820 378 2708 110 634.31 (hkg) Plywood, veneered panels etc., (excl. bamboo), with each ply <= 6 mm thickness TOTAL 15 2 402 74 577 74 641.21 (hkg) Handmade paper and paperboard TOTAL 3 0 14 3 44 17 634.32 (hkg) Plywood, veneered panels etc. of bamboo TOTAL 34 12 641.22 (hkg) Paper and board used as a base for sensitive paper/board TOTAL 281 242 3534 2962 7684 3208 0 1 634.33 (hkg) Plywood, veneered panels etc. of blockboard, laminboard, battenboard and similar TOTAL 69 19 213 82 634.39 (hkg) Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood TOTAL 2 1 3 1 34 7 634.54 (hkg) Medium density fibreboard (MDF) TOTAL 207374 9139 2301311 EU countries 204790 8784 2223517 Great Britain 137421 5936 1508667 Northern Ireland 26111 1031 272858 Other 41259 1816 441992 Non-EU countries 2583 356 77795 634.59 (hkg) Fibreboard of wood TOTAL 29265 EU countries 26818 Great Britain 12528 Other 14290 Non-EU countries 2447 98515 93798 63896 10610 19292 4717 2212015 2085290 1446352 201378 437560 126725 94601 88965 62253 8237 18474 5636 or other ligneous materials, nes 2367 338762 27962 326821 23289 2203 316952 26204 274857 20260 1071 142102 12260 122578 9024 1132 174850 13944 152279 11236 164 21810 1758 51964 3029 634.91 (hkg) Hoopwood; split poles; sticks etc for umbrellas etc TOTAL 144 23 1731 104 907 641.24 (hkg) Wallpaper base TOTAL 1 1 422 32 - 13 23 11 641.26 (hkg) Other paper and paperboard, without fibres obtained by a mechanical or chemi-mechanical process or where <= 10 % TOTAL 6588 633 75478 7816 63933 8878 641.29 (hkg) Other paper and paperboard, of which >10% of total fibre, by weight, consists of fibres derived by a mechanical or TOTAL 44 88 586 1080 5055 992 641.31 (hkg) Carbon/self copy paper etc, side >36cm TOTAL 188 34 2299 409 2708 486 641.32 (hkg) Paper/paperboard used for writing, printing etc., without mechanical or chemi-mechanical produced fibres or where TOTAL 4904 434 59988 5078 64335 7153 641.34 (hkg) Paper/paperboard used for writing, printing etc., >10 % of total fibre by weight has been produced by TOTAL 3792 343 27536 2658 21774 641.41 (hkg) Kraftliner TOTAL 9789 where 2006 614 94234 5773 86568 5315 2 473 61 - - 641.46 (hkg) Kraft paper/paperboard, nes, <=150 g/m2 TOTAL 2 1 28 7 24 4 77 641.42 (hkg) Sack kraft paper TOTAL 14 634.93 (hkg) Wood wool; wood flour TOTAL 34 3 17 - 635. WOOD MANUFACTURES, NES 635.11 (hkg) Packing cases, crates etc of wood; cable-drums of wood TOTAL 1 2 116 88 295 90 635.12 (hkg) Pallets, box pallets and other load boards TOTAL 18871 848 285643 8361 355850 641.47 (hkg) Kraft paper/paperboard, nes, > 150 g/m2 but < 225 g/m2. 641.48 (hkg) Kraft paper/paperboard, in rolls/sheets, nes, =>225 g/m2 TOTAL 0 0 1 2 9389 641.51 (hkg) Fluting paper 635.20 (hkg) Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products TOTAL 1758 165 6183 568 10759 826 635.31 (hkg) Windows, French-windows and their frames, of wood TOTAL 232 214 3096 2905 4043 635.32 (hkg) Doors and their frames and thresholds, of wood TOTAL 1913 977 25298 11522 19215 EU countries 1848 948 22459 11295 18569 Non-EU countries 66 29 2839 227 645 635.33 (hkg) Shingles and shakes of wood TOTAL - - - - - - 641.52 (hkg) Sulphite wrapping paper TOTAL - 1 0 - - 4125 641.53 (hkg) Greaseproof parchment and translucent/glassine type paper TOTAL 167 64 943 387 832 354 9344 9274 70 32 2 - - 2630 1008 1675 692 635.39 (hkg) Other builders' joinery and carpentry of wood TOTAL 235 284 18508 5280 7334 3763 635.34 (hkg) Assembled flooring panels TOTAL 120 54 - 641.54 (hkg) Testliner (recycled liner board) TOTAL 323 117 2882 569 296 79 - 0 0 641.56 (hkg) Filter-paper/paperboard; felt paper/paperboard TOTAL 0 1 3 15 33 30 641.59 (hkg) Other paper/paperboard, uncoated TOTAL 2 1 85 641.55 (hkg) Cigarette paper, nes TOTAL - - - 42 78 44 635.41 (hkg) Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors etc TOTAL 38 30 413 290 399 280 641.61 (hkg) Sack kraft paper, creped or crinkled - - - - 635.42 (hkg) Tableware and kitchenware, of wood TOTAL 4 3 40 641.62 (hkg) Other kraft paper, creped or crinkled TOTAL 11 2 8 3 42 321 96 635.49 (hkg) Inlaid wood; wooden cases for jewellery etc; ornaments TOTAL 127 102 3250 1301 1851 512 635.91 (hkg) Tools, tool handles, brush bodies and handles, of wood TOTAL 2 11 12 55 16 58 635.99 (hkg) Articles of wood, nes TOTAL 7069 620 641. PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 80646 6994 78765 7778 641.63 (hkg) Paper tissue for household or sanitary purposes, in rolls or sheets of width >36cm TOTAL 94 77 1328 546 1426 397 641.64 (hkg) Paper and paperboard, corrugated TOTAL 28387 306 227940 3445 467647 4386 641.69 (hkg) Paper, creped, crinkled, embossed or perforated, nes TOTAL 4 1 627 46 169 121 641.71 (hkg) Paper/paperboard, coated or impregnated with plastics (excl adhesives), bleached, > 150 g/m² TOTAL 0 1 11062 7541 17537 15172 91 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 641.72 (hkg) Other paper/paperboard, coated or impregnated with plastics (excl adhesives) TOTAL 64 31 475 518 386 642.34 (hkg) Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets TOTAL 4 4 87 76 159 642.35 (hkg) Paper or paperboard albums for samples or collections TOTAL 0 2 26 21 330 47 641.73 (hkg) Tarred, bituminised or asphalted paper/paperboard TOTAL 165 68 641.74 (hkg) Kraft paper/board, coated, not writing, <=150g/m2 TOTAL 41 4 264 28 0 0 642.39 (hkg) Book covers, blotting pads and other stationery, nes TOTAL 147 189 636 678 671 763 642.41 (hkg) Cigarette paper, cut to size TOTAL - 641.75 (hkg) Kraft paper/board, coated, not writing, >150g/m2 TOTAL 220 26 10510 415 3090 - 1 1 642.42 (hkg) Carbon, copying and transfer papers, cut to size TOTAL 4 6 8 9 642.43 (hkg) Toilet paper, cut to size, in rolls or in sheets TOTAL 1784 463 23665 5671 26743 6295 642.45 (hkg) Filter paper and paperboard, cut to size or shape TOTAL 7 15 167 495 349 953 0 641.77 (hkg) Other paper & paperboard, coated, not for writing etc TOTAL 984 249 10527 2421 8972 1416 6778 - 333 641.76 (hkg) Other kraft paper & paperboard, coated, not writing TOTAL 12 18 2 641.78 (hkg) Gummed or adhesive paper/paperboard TOTAL 867 259 5663 1928 95 204 2112 641.79 (hkg) Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated etc. with wax, oil, TOTAL 215 71 1064 690 1277 1320 642.91 (hkg) Bobbins, spools etc of paper pulp, paper or paperboard TOTAL 18 4 90 16 15 4 642.93 (hkg) Trays, dishes, plates, cups etc of paper or paperboard TOTAL 1376 594 12674 5631 8594 3573 641.92 (hkg) Composite paper/paperboard (layers of paper/paperboard stuck together with adhesive), uncoated, in rolls/sheets TOTAL 46 16 232 145 308 192 642.94 (hkg) Paper handkerchiefs, towels, tablecloths, garments etc TOTAL 921 352 52711 7589 20719 6719 641.93 (hkg) Filter blocks, slabs and plates, of paper pulp TOTAL 0 1 4 75 642.95 (hkg) Sanitary towels & tampons, napkins/liners for babies etc TOTAL 7 5 588 299 394 235 641.94 (hkg) Wallpaper etc, window transparencies of paper TOTAL 25 15 341 220 477 521 642. PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, CUT TO SIZE OR SHAPE, AND ARTICLES OF PAPER OR PAPERBOARD 642.11 (hkg) Cartons, boxes and TOTAL 20050 EU countries 19981 Great Britain 14776 Other 5205 Non-EU countries 69 651. TEXTILE YARN cases, of corrugated paper/paperboard 2340 350987 29205 222373 27642 2259 350136 28555 217412 26828 1345 305897 20916 182808 18228 914 44239 7640 34604 8600 81 851 650 4961 814 642.12 (hkg) Folding cartons, boxes etc of non-corrugated paper/board TOTAL 331 331 15835 7568 4440 3669 642.13 (hkg) Sacks and bags, of paper or paperboard, base width >=40cm TOTAL 91 50 589 260 1373 347 642.14 (hkg) Sacks and bags (incl cones), of paper or paperboard TOTAL 2716 519 33171 6345 37526 7548 642.15 (hkg) Packing containers, nes, of paper TOTAL 3438 1354 37258 EU countries 3435 1350 37075 Great Britain 3401 1336 36369 Other 34 14 706 Non-EU countries 3 4 183 or paperboard 16028 38579 15969 38442 15692 37996 277 446 59 137 15176 15141 14966 175 35 642.16 (hkg) Box files, letter trays, storage boxes & similar articles TOTAL 49 21 767 292 926 363 642.21 (hkg) Envelopes, of paper or paperboard TOTAL 3339 532 38701 6148 17140 642.22 (hkg) Letter cards and postcards of paper or paperboard TOTAL 8 9 75 58 92 3416 54 642.23 (hkg) Boxes of paper/board, with assortment of paper stationery TOTAL 12 17 159 157 70 86 642.31 (hkg) Registers, note/order books, letter pads, diaries etc TOTAL 744 788 5160 4489 6225 4884 642.32 (hkg) Exercise-books, of paper or paperboard TOTAL 7 7 773 433 642.99 (hkg) Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres cut to size or shape; other articles of TOTAL 1958 370 30153 3945 20124 3791 235 247 642.33 (hkg) Binders, folders and file covers,of paper or paperboard TOTAL 348 69 4412 855 4027 722 651.12 (hkg) Yarn of carded wool, >85% wool, not for retail sale TOTAL 1 2 120 265 291 424 651.13 (hkg) Yarn of combed wool, >85% wool, not for retail sale TOTAL 0 0 9 17 651.14 (hkg) Yarn of fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale TOTAL 15 22 651.15 (hkg) Yarn of coarse animal hair or horsehair - - - 651.16 (hkg) Yarn, >85% of wool or fine animal hair, for retail sale TOTAL 0 0 4 11 5 15 651.17 (hkg) Yarn of carded wool, <85% wool, not for retail sale TOTAL 1 5 0 2 651.18 (hkg) Yarn of combed wool, <85% wool, not for retail sale TOTAL 0 0 0 1 1 1 651.19 (hkg) Yarn of wool or fine animal hair, <85% for retail sale TOTAL 1 1 21 40 62 121 651.21 (hkg) Cotton sewing thread, not put up for retail sale TOTAL 2 8 60 52 33 651.22 (hkg) Cotton sewing thread, put up for retail sale TOTAL 0 0 - 41 - 651.31 (hkg) Cotton yarn (excl sewing thread) for retail, >=85% cotton TOTAL 5 5 7 6 651.32 (hkg) Cotton yarn (excl sewing thread) for retail, <85% cotton TOTAL 2 8 2 3 651.33 (hkg) Cotton yarn (excl sewing thread) not retail, >=85% cotton TOTAL 0 0 20 7 651.34 (hkg) Cotton yarn (excl sewing thread), not retail, <85% cotton TOTAL 5 9 4 8 651.41 (hkg) Sewing thread of synthetic filaments TOTAL 1 0 8 7 1 1 92 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 651.42 (hkg) Sewing thread of artificial filaments - - - 651.92 (hkg) Silk yarn not put up for retail sale TOTAL - - 0 1 651.43 (hkg) Sewing thread of synthetic staple fibres TOTAL 42 8 3 2 651.93 (hkg) Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale TOTAL 0 - 651.44 (hkg) Sewing thread of artificial staple fibres TOTAL - 0 1 651.94 (hkg) Silk yarn put up for retail sale; silkworm gut - 651.51 (hkg) Nylon or polyamide filament yarn (excl sewing thread), textured, not for retail sale TOTAL 412 642 3678 6425 0 0 651.52 (hkg) Polyester filament yarn (excl sewing thread), textured, not for retail sale TOTAL 2 6 651.59 (hkg) Synthetic filament yarn, nes, (excl sewing thread), textured, not put up for retail sale TOTAL 14 9 22 16 5 2 651.62 (hkg) High tenacity yarn of nylon; other polyamides or of polyesters, not put up for retail sale - - 651.63 (hkg) Synthetic filament yarn, single untwisted or <50 turns p/m, not for retail sale TOTAL 4 7 31 53 4 651.95 (hkg) Slivers, rovings, yarn & chopped strands, of glass fibres TOTAL 1283 163 12671 1567 10035 1358 651.96 (hkg) Flax yarn TOTAL - - 8 10 13 9 651.97 (hkg) Yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibres of Group 264 TOTAL 1 3 170 236 651.99 (hkg) Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn TOTAL 1 1 - - 652. COTTON FABRICS, WOVEN (EXCL NARROW OR SPECIAL FABRICS) 9 651.64 (hkg) Synthetic filament yarn, >50 turns p/m, not for retail 651.69 (hkg) Other yarn, multiple or cabled, not for retail sale TOTAL 0 1 9 1 651.73 (hkg) High tenacity yarn of viscose rayon, not for retail sale TOTAL 1 6 - 652.12 (hkg) Terry towelling etc (excl Group 656), unbleached TOTAL 1 1 1 0 652.13 (hkg) Other terry towelling etc of cotton (excl Group 656) TOTAL 0 0 0 1 4 5 652.14 (hkg) Pile fabric, woven, of cotton, uncut TOTAL - - 652.15 (hkg) Other cotton pile and chenille fabrics, woven TOTAL 0 2 6 52 5 20 3 32 652.21 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >85% cotton, unbleached, <=200 g/m2 TOTAL 102 13 6 2 651.74 (hkg) Other yarn, single, of viscose rayon, untwisted or with a twist <= 120 turns per metre, not for retail sale - 652.22 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >85% cotton, unbleached, >200 g/m2 TOTAL 0 0 - - 651.75 (hkg) Other artificial filament yarn, single, non retail - 652.23 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% cotton, unbleached, <=200 g/m2 - - 652.24 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% cotton, unbleached, >200 g/m2 - - 652.25 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, unbleached, <=200 g/m2 - - 652.26 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, unbleached, >200 g/m2 - - - 651.76 (hkg) Other artificial filament yarn (excl thread), multiple (folded) or cabled, non retail 651.77 (hkg) Artificial monofilament yarn, <=67 decitex, <=1mm - - 651.78 (hkg) Man-made filament yarn (excl sewing thread), for retail TOTAL 0 1 651.81 (hkg) Yarn (excl thread), >=85% synthetic staple fibres, retail TOTAL 7 11 67 108 126 203 651.82 (hkg) Yarn (excl thread), >=85% synthetic fibres, not retail TOTAL 1069 268 13163 3262 12676 3180 651.83 (hkg) Yarn (excl thread), <85% synthetic staple fibres, retail TOTAL 2 3 18 27 40 59 651.84 (hkg) Yarn (excl thread), <85% synthetic fibres, not retail 651.85 (hkg) Yarn of artificial staple fibres, for retail sale - 652.31 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, <=200 g/m2: bleached TOTAL 1 1 7 13 1 3 652.32 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, <=200 g/m2: dyed TOTAL 0 0 53 39 652.33 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85%, <=200 g/m2: different colours TOTAL 2 1 609 86 17 6 652.34 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, <=200 g/m2: printed TOTAL 0 0 1 2 652.41 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, >200 g/m2: bleached TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - 651.86 (hkg) Yarn (excl thread), >=85% artificial fibres, not retail 651.87 (hkg) Yarn (excl thread) of artificial staple fibres, <85% TOTAL 1 1 2 1 651.88 (hkg) Synthetic monofilament, >=67 decitex, <=1mm TOTAL 1 3 - 652.42 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, >200 g/m2: dyed - - 652.43 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, >200 g/m2: denim - - 652.44 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85%, >200 g/m2: different colours TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - 651.91 (hkg) Metallised yarn of 651.77/651.88 combined with metal in the form of thread, strip etc or covered with metal TOTAL 10 4 21 652.45 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, >200 g/m2: printed TOTAL 1 8 3 31 19 652.51 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, <=200 g/m2: bleached - 93 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 652.52 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, <=200 g/m2: dyed - - 652.53 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85%, <=200 g/m2: different colours 652.54 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, <=200 g/m2: printed - - 652.61 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, >200 g/m2: bleached - 653.29 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >=85% of other synthetic staple fibres TOTAL 1 18 1 18 3 23 653.31 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <=170 g/m2, <85% polyester staple fibres, cotton 653.32 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <=170 g/m2, <85% synthetic staple fibres, cotton 41 96 TOTAL - 652.62 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, >200 g/m2: dyed TOTAL 0 0 1 11 652.63 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, >200 g/m2: denim - - 652.64 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85%, >200 g/m2: different colours 652.65 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, >200 g/m2: printed TOTAL 1 0 111 19 9 653.33 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >170 g/m2, <85% polyester staple fibres, cotton 653.34 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >170 g/m2, <85% other synthetic staple fibres, cotton TOTAL 0 3 - - 653.35 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >170 g/m2, <85%, of yarns of different colours, cotton - - 3 653.41 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% synthetic, with wool/fine animal hair TOTAL 2 3 20 33 13 19 652.91 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, <=200 g/m: bleached - - 652.92 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, <=200 g/m: dyed TOTAL 1 0 0 0 653.42 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% synthetic, with man-made filaments TOTAL 0 652.93 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, cotton, <=200 g/m: different colours - 653.43 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% synthetic, with other fibres nes TOTAL 0 0 34 75 1 11 653.51 (hkg) Woven fabrics, from high tenacity yarn of viscose rayon - 652.94 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, <=200 g/m: printed TOTAL 0 0 653.52 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% artificial filaments etc TOTAL 2 4 22 78 18 652.95 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, >200 g/m: bleached - - 652.96 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, >200 g/m: dyed - - - 652.97 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, cotton, >200 g/m: different colours 652.98 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, >200 g/m: printed TOTAL 0 2 - 61 653.59 (hkg) Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, nes TOTAL 1 13 1 7 653.60 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >=85% of artificial staple fibres TOTAL 0 0 - - 653.81 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% artificial fibres, with cotton TOTAL 0 1 653.82 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% artificial fibres, with wool etc - - - 653. FABRICS, WOVEN, OF MAN-MADE TEXTILE MATERIALS (EXCL NARROW OR SPECIAL FABRICS) 653.83 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% artificial, with man-made filaments - 653.11 (hkg) Woven fabrics from high tenacity yarn of nylon/polyesters TOTAL 1 11 11 59 27 128 653.12 (hkg) Woven fabrics obtained from strip or the like TOTAL 12 5 260 100 301 121 653.13 (hkg) Bonded fabrics, of layers of parallel synthetic yarns - - 653.89 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% artificial fibres, with other fibres TOTAL 1 15 2 2 653.91 (hkg) Pile fabrics, uncut TOTAL - - 0 3 653.93 (hkg) Other pile fabrics and chenille fabrics TOTAL 4 16 30 212 - - 31 152 0 9 654.13 (hkg) Other silk fabrics with >=85% silk or silk waste TOTAL 27 16 89 226 106 113 653.14 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% of nylon or other polyamides TOTAL 3 35 24 240 265 114 654. OTHER TEXTILE FABRICS, WOVEN 653.15 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% textured polyester filaments TOTAL 1 2 54 346 54 314 653.16 (hkg) Other fabrics, >=85% non-textured polyester filaments TOTAL 0 1 5 5 2 4 653.17 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% of synthetic filaments, nes TOTAL 0 0 2 3 93 152 653.18 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% of synthetic filaments & cotton TOTAL 50 56 502 559 651 717 653.19 (hkg) Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, nes TOTAL 2 15 12 76 1 2 653.21 (hkg) Woven fabrics, with >=85% of polyester staple fibres TOTAL 5 20 133 426 44 172 653.25 (hkg) Woven fabrics, with >=85% of (mod)acrylic staple fibres TOTAL 2 6 2 6 - 654.11 (hkg) Fabrics of noil silk TOTAL - 654.19 (hkg) Other silk fabrics TOTAL 3 - 14 0 77 0 389 11 80 654.21 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >=85% carded wool/fine animal hair TOTAL 18 87 448 2273 518 2293 654.22 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >=85% combed wool/fine animal hair TOTAL 313 843 3864 9635 2493 6045 654.31 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% carded wool/fine animal hair, mixed with man-made filaments/staple fibre TOTAL 0 2 9 4 29 94 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 654.32 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% combed wool/fine animal hair, mixed with man-made filaments/staple fibre TOTAL 27 86 212 639 6 13 654.33 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% carded wool/fine animal hair, mixed with fibres other than man-made filaments/staple fibre TOTAL 5 27 36 137 66 298 656.13 (hkg) Other woven fabrics TOTAL 5 8 1520 291 787 259 656.14 (hkg) Fabrics with warp without weft assembled by adhesive TOTAL 3 14 9 656.21 (hkg) Labels, badges etc, not embroidered: woven TOTAL 2 13 9 36 69 27 116 654.34 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% combed wool/fine animal hair, mixed with fibres other than man-made filaments/staple fibre TOTAL 34 57 301 930 1006 2013 656.29 (hkg) Labels, badges etc, not embroidered: other than woven TOTAL 2 7 13161 167 6122 197 654.35 (hkg) Pile and chenille fabrics, woven, wool/fine animal hair TOTAL 1 4 4 11 8 19 656.31 (hkg) Gimped yarn and strip etc; chenille yarn; loop-wale yarn TOTAL 0 0 1 4 1 4 654.41 (hkg) Fabrics, woven, >=85% by weight of flax TOTAL 36 171 248 1103 261 1050 656.32 (hkg) Braids, tassels, pompoms etc TOTAL 1 1 7 11 25 46 654.42 (hkg) Fabrics, woven, <85% by weight of flax TOTAL 5 49 0 2 656.41 (hkg) Tulles and other net fabrics - - - - - 654.50 (hkg) Fabrics, woven, of jute or of other fibres of Group 264 TOTAL 38 10 656.42 (hkg) Lace, mechanically made TOTAL - 0 0 3 55 654.60 (hkg) Fabrics, woven, of glass fibre (incl narrow TOTAL 440 1285 3885 12593 EU countries 396 1182 3521 11449 Non-EU countries 45 103 364 1144 656.43 (hkg) Lace, hand-made - - - - - - 0 0 293 237 300 fabrics) 5940 17947 4894 14680 1046 3267 654.91 (hkg) Woven fabrics of metal thread etc for apparel etc, nes TOTAL 2 6 654.92 (hkg) Fabrics, woven, of coarse animal hair or of horsehair TOTAL 1 3 0 - 656.51 (hkg) Embroidery without visible ground TOTAL 656.59 (hkg) Other embroidery TOTAL 3 18 1799 2 657. SPECIAL YARNS, SPECIAL TEXTILE FABRICS & RELATED PRODUCTS 654.93 (hkg) Fabrics, woven, of vegetable textile fibres, nes TOTAL 0 1 4 29 1 654.94 (hkg) Gauze, excl. narrow woven fabrics of Group 656 - 5 - 654.95 (hkg) Pile and chenille fabrics, nes, of textile materials TOTAL 5 46 45 207 27 103 654.96 (hkg) Terry towelling etc of textile materials (excl cotton) TOTAL 2 0 2 1 1 1 654.97 (hkg) Tufted textile fabrics - - - - - 657.11 (hkg) Needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fibre fabrics TOTAL 157 128 100 61 657.12 (hkg) Other felt, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated TOTAL 4 4 61 94 68 83 657.19 (hkg) Felt, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, nes TOTAL 5 3 99 31 15 657.20 (hkg) Nonwovens, TOTAL EU countries France Other Non-EU countries nes 4204 3829 2169 1660 375 1911 1640 710 931 271 49942 45146 22675 22471 4796 32853 28328 10641 17687 4525 45654 42122 22652 19470 3532 7 32104 28678 14072 14606 3426 655. KNITTED OR CROCHETED FABRICS, NES 657.31 (hkg) Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances TOTAL 42 31 2 2 655.11 (hkg) 'Long pile' fabrics, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 2 1 16 655.12 (hkg) 'Looped pile' fabrics, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 1 4 16 119 655.19 (hkg) Other pile fabrics, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 1845 479 17366 4590 1 657.32 (hkg) Textile fabrics impregnated, coated etc with plastics TOTAL 294 396 2901 3977 2826 3796 14 110 10944 2839 657.33 (hkg) Rubberised textile fabrics, other than those of 657.93 TOTAL 7 56 168 466 119 365 657.34 (hkg) Textile fabrics otherwise coated etc; theatrical scenery TOTAL 25 243 24 17 655.21 (hkg) Other knitted or crocheted fabrics, width <= 30 cm TOTAL 53 55 670 1220 0 0 655.22 (hkg) Other, width >30cm, with >=5% elastomeric yarn etc TOTAL 23 21 66 68 0 0 655.23 (hkg) Other knitted or crocheted fabrics, warp knit TOTAL 0 0 2923 1075 1091 655.29 (hkg) Knitted or crocheted fabrics, nes TOTAL 0 3 7 657.35 (hkg) Textile wall coverings TOTAL - 0 657.40 (hkg) Quilted textile products in the piece, nes TOTAL 1 2 18 46 1 - - 3 24 377 211 391 657.51 (hkg) Twine, cordage, rope, cables TOTAL 148 57 732 6 1 411 5 657.52 (hkg) Knotted netting of twine etc; made up fishing nets etc TOTAL 203 189 2242 1608 961 390 656. TULLES, LACE, EMBROIDERY, RIBBONS ETC & OTHER SMALL WARES 656.11 (hkg) Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics TOTAL 2 3 657.59 (hkg) Articles of yarn/strip of 651.77/651.88, twine etc nes TOTAL 2 1 97 28 132 54 1 1 656.12 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=5% elastomeric yarn/rubber thread TOTAL 0 0 0 3 - 657.61 (no) hat-forms etc, not blocked to shape or with brims TOTAL 2994 16 15946 76 12134 80 657.62 (no) Hat-shapes, plaited etc, not blocked, lined nor trimmed TOTAL 1 0 95 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 657.71 (hkg) Wadding; textile fibres <=5 mm (flock), textile dust etc TOTAL 557 192 6322 1841 4201 1280 658.47 (hkg) Toilet and kitchen linen of cotton TOTAL 505 324 6764 4201 657.72 (hkg) Textile wicks for lamps, stoves etc; gas mantles TOTAL 354 87 356 88 1 658.48 (hkg) Toilet and kitchen linen of other fibres TOTAL 17 39 253 485 657.73 (hkg) Textile products and articles, for technical uses TOTAL 278 587 3624 6514 4278 657.81 (hkg) Rubber thread and cord, textile covered TOTAL 0 0 2 6959 29 20 657.89 (hkg) Other (excl. textiled-covered rubber thread and cord per heading 857.81) TOTAL 26 7 1 9221 4141 212 471 658.51 (hkg) Curtains and interior blinds; curtain or bed valances TOTAL 83 145 944 1312 596 1198 658.52 (1000) Bedspreads TOTAL 0 3 658.59 (hkg) Furnishing articles, nes TOTAL 34 56 1 42 1 10 670 670 373 514 2 658.91 (hkg) Hand woven tapestries and needle-worked tapestries TOTAL 4 10 1 657.91 (hkg) Textile hose-piping and similar textile tubing TOTAL 1 2 1 11 10 657.92 (hkg) Transmission or conveyor belts, of textile materials TOTAL 4 12 44 161 60 145 657.93 (hkg) Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon etc TOTAL 0 3 3 2 7 658. MADE-UP ARTICLES, WHOLLY/CHIEFLY OF TEXTILE MATERIALS NES 658.92 (hkg) Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters etc TOTAL 69 32 921 264 658.99 (hkg) Woven fabric rug sets etc, for retail sale TOTAL 33 69 658.11 (hkg) Sacks & bags, of jute etc, for the packaging of goods TOTAL 15 10 60 27 1 768 312 658.93 (hkg) Life-jackets & life-belts and other made textile articles TOTAL 619 1311 5308 8320 4946 7241 EU countries 462 674 4971 7039 4811 6723 Non-EU countries 156 637 337 1281 135 518 45 68 2 659. FLOOR COVERINGS, ETC 658.12 (hkg) Sacks and bags, of cotton, for the packing of goods TOTAL 0 2 9 16 14 658.13 (hkg) Sacks and bags, of man-made textile materials TOTAL 404 351 4702 4324 3153 658.19 (hkg) Sacks and bags, of other textile materials TOTAL 1234 161 23742 2975 34830 658.21 (hkg) Tarpaulins, awnings etc, wholly/chiefly of textiles TOTAL 33 48 196 255 124 658.22 (hkg) Tents, wholly or chiefly of textile materials TOTAL 20 10 197 204 212 658.23 (hkg) Sails, wholly or chiefly of textile materials TOTAL 0 2 2 21 4 46 3639 145 246 659.30 (hkg) 'Kelem', 'Schumacks' and similar hand-woven rugs TOTAL 0 1 1 0 659.41 (sqm) Carpets etc, tufted, of wool or fine animal hair TOTAL 2605 31 25051 790 33119 245 659.42 (sqm) Carpets etc, tufted, of nylon or other polyamides TOTAL 423 6 12359 116 16433 173 424 33 658.31 (no) Blankets and travelling rugs of wool or fine animal hair TOTAL 5655 218 52069 1715 46396 1589 91 3 658.33 (no) Blankets and travelling rugs of synthetic fibres TOTAL 8139 38 34937 161 28897 124 658.39 (1000) Blankets and travelling rugs of other textile materials TOTAL 58 88 160 375 78 230 19 30 70 659.29 (sqm) Carpets etc, knotted, of other textile materials TOTAL 2478 9 30173 132 35814 658.29 (hkg) Camping goods, wholly/chiefly of textile materials, nes TOTAL 5 8 45 27 105 35 658.41 (hkg) Bed linen, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 0 1 15 659.21 (sqm) Carpets etc, knotted, of wool or fine animal hair TOTAL 14 0 23206 587 3236 4205 658.24 (no) Pneumatic mattresses, wholly/chiefly of textile materials TOTAL 12288 492 201848 6591 145595 5106 658.32 (no) Blankets and travelling rugs of cotton TOTAL 27 1 2836 22 659.10 (sqm) Linoleum; floor coverings with coating on textile backing TOTAL 100 1 13083 80 20957 132 24 658.42 (hkg) Bed linen, other than knitted or crocheted, of cotton TOTAL 108 52 1244 608 1072 562 659.43 (sqm) Carpets etc, tufted, of other man-made textile fibres TOTAL 107165 378 1010635 3512 1017886 3351 659.49 (sqm) Carpets etc, tufted, of other textile materials TOTAL 729 3 4753 31 4676 63 659.51 (sqm) Carpets etc, woven, of wool or fine animal hair, nes TOTAL 10500 180 43082 876 73126 1423 659.52 (sqm) Carpets etc, woven,of man-made textile materials, nes TOTAL 7267 75 21776 234 20007 172 659.53 (sqm) Other, not of pile construction, not made up TOTAL 183 2 363 4 805 11 659.59 (sqm) Carpets etc of other textile materials, nes TOTAL 2288 8 32286 125 28016 302 659.61 (sqm) Carpets etc, of felt, not tufted or flocked TOTAL 8242 31 44490 165 42199 169 659.69 (sqm) Other carpets and other textile floor coverings TOTAL 14270 244 166562 2896 199529 3117 658.43 (hkg) Bed linen, not knitted/crocheted, other textile materials TOTAL 2295 181 8178 1715 3224 1667 658.44 (hkg) Table linen, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 1 661. LIME, CEMENT, AND FABRICATED CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (EXCEPT GLASS AND CLAY MATERIALS) 4 1 4 658.45 (hkg) Table linen other than knitted or crocheted, of cotton TOTAL 0 0 22 13 17 15 658.46 (hkg) Table linen, not knitted etc, of other textile materials TOTAL 78 50 136 122 19 12 661.11 (t) Quicklime TOTAL 661.12 (t) Slaked lime TOTAL 288 28 3567 351 2403 223 1030 131 10046 1347 10862 1396 96 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 661.13 (t) Hydraulic lime TOTAL - - - - 1 0 663. MINERAL MANUFACTURES, NES 663.11 (t) Millstones & grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping TOTAL 0 19 0 49 1 25 661.21 (t) Cement clinkers - - - - - - 661.22 (t) Portland cement, whether or not coloured TOTAL 151022 9288 1411367 103778 EU countries 151022 9288 1411367 103778 Belgium 34855 1467 257261 11676 Great Britain 51781 3094 509379 41321 Northern Ireland 47197 3847 531175 44170 Other 17190 880 113552 6611 Non-EU countries - 1143680 1143675 186626 389327 461767 105956 5 77078 77078 8353 25835 36053 6838 1 - - 661.29 (t) Other hydraulic cements, whether or not coloured TOTAL 0 0 595 305 1008 464 661.23 (t) Aluminous cement - - - - 661.31 (t) Setts, flagstones etc, of natural stone (excl slate) TOTAL 53 39 61 43 3 2 663.12 (t) Other millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels etc TOTAL 14 223 151 2440 135 663.13 (t) Hand sharpening or polishing stones TOTAL 2 73 2 663.22 (t) Abrasive powder or grain, on base of paper or paperboard TOTAL 8 35 57 274 30 160 663.29 (t) Abrasive powder or grain, on base of other materials TOTAL 0 23 6 226 9 661.33 (t) Tiles etc, coloured chippings etc, of natural stone TOTAL 54 99 508 386 407 663.33 (t) Prefabricated structural components civil engineering TOTAL 18401 5137 228702 EU countries 18401 5137 228701 Great Britain 17772 5028 205361 Other 629 109 23340 Non-EU countries 0 176 112 661.35 (t) Monumental stone etc (excl slate), simply cut or sawn TOTAL 658 322 21550 8214 13653 6083 661.36 (t) Marble, travertine etc, moulded or otherwise worked TOTAL 4 17 62 146 194 53446 53446 50940 2506 0 167675 167674 152164 15510 0 663.35 (t) Worked mica and articles of mica TOTAL 0 0 - 0 3271 216 661.82 (t) Panels of veg fibres/straw etc, agglomerated with cement TOTAL 6 11 10 6 661.83 (t) Articles of asbestos-cement, cellulose fibre-cement etc TOTAL 3238 1488 31682 14327 15606 7964 EU countries 3223 1475 31655 14300 15606 7964 Great Britain 2869 1173 27265 11110 11437 5106 Other 354 302 4390 3190 4169 2858 Non-EU countries 15 14 27 27 662. CLAY CONSTRUCTION AND REFRACTORY CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 663.37 (t) Articles of peat TOTAL - - 65920 2764 0 0 663.38 (t) Articles of other substances with magnesite, dolomite etc 663.39 (t) Articles of stone or other mineral substances, nes TOTAL 22 29 92 130 535 426 663.51 (t) Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools TOTAL 5 25 130 1178 856 65 663.52 (t) Exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, foamed slag etc TOTAL 13 139 34 326 7 73 662.31 (t) Bricks, tiles etc of siliceous fossil materials TOTAL 1 5 1 5 24 16 662.32 (t) Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles etc (excl 662.31) TOTAL 1 3 4 35 4 18 662.33 (t) Refractory cements, mortars, concretes etc, nes TOTAL 1822 901 22951 11456 20723 EU countries 1506 701 18255 8642 14902 Non-EU countries 316 200 4696 2815 5820 10470 6630 3840 662.41 (t) Ceramic building bricks, flooring blocks, support etc TOTAL 1 5 17 73 1 39141 39141 37131 2010 0 468 663.36 (t) Non-electrical articles of graphite or other carbon TOTAL 3 120 54 2088 55 190 4759 for building or 663.34 (t) Other articles of cement, concrete or artificial stone TOTAL 1135 573 16673 6084 10521 3383 661.39 (t) Other monumental or building stone (excl slate), worked TOTAL 17 39 568 803 613 715 661.81 (t) Articles of asphalt or of similar material TOTAL 116 86 1401 1120 221 663.31 (t) Articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster TOTAL 1916 554 19753 5558 17796 4823 663.32 (t) Building blocks and bricks, tiles, flagstones etc TOTAL 12295 1299 101504 9445 62892 661.34 (t) Marble, travertine etc, simply cut or sawn TOTAL 22 12 167 131 67 663.21 (t) Abrasive powder or grain, on base of woven textile fabric TOTAL 5 97 99 1169 67 1279 661.32 (t) Slate, worked; articles of slate or agglomerated slate TOTAL 481 273 4862 2790 5843 3434 180 17141 19 663.53 (t) Mixtures and articles of heat/sound-insulating materials TOTAL 386 1933 3656 17626 3941 17145 EU countries 324 1701 2769 14491 2956 13863 Great Britain 324 1701 2767 14487 2953 13855 Other 2 5 3 8 Non-EU countries 62 231 887 3135 984 3282 663.70 (t) Refractory ceramic goods, nes TOTAL 0 69 4 999 3 1212 663.81 (t) Fabricated asbestos fibres; asbestos mixtures, etc TOTAL 0 0 0 6 0 27 662.42 (t) Roofing tiles, chimney-pots, architectural ornaments etc TOTAL 73 76 79 91 663.82 (t) Friction materials etc for brakes etc with asbestos etc TOTAL 0 4 1 11 662.43 (t) Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 1 663.91 (t) Ceramic pots, tubs, jars, troughs, tubs etc for all uses TOTAL 6 238 26 898 3 266 662.44 (t) Unglazed ceramic flags, wall tiles, mosaic cubes etc TOTAL 22 31 369 386 184 144 662.45 (t) Glazed ceramic flags, wall tiles, mosaic cubes etc TOTAL 128 83 14547 2170 45814 5478 663.99 (t) Ceramic articles, nes TOTAL 9 664. GLASS 41 45 240 77 352 97 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 664.11 (t) Glass in the mass; cullet & other waste & scrap of glass TOTAL 8732 947 104336 6371 37889 3610 665.92 (1000) Glass ampoules TOTAL - 664.12 (t) Glass in balls (excl of 665.93), rods or tubes, unworked TOTAL 0 3 0 0 665.93 (t) Glass beads, imitation stones etc and articles thereof TOTAL 0 4 12 129 16 140 664.31 (t) Glass, coloured, opacified or flashed etc TOTAL 0 0 665.94 (t) Glass cubes etc for mosaics etc TOTAL 0 664.39 (t) Other drawn or blown glass, in sheets TOTAL 0 0 0 1 0 1 664.41 (t) Float glass & surface ground or polished glass: non-wired TOTAL 198 172 2551 1430 2013 1363 664.42 (t) Float glass & surface ground or polished glass: wired TOTAL 1 1 43 104 36 664.51 (t) Cast glass & rolled glass: non-wired TOTAL 56 44 679 664.52 (t) Cast glass & rolled glass: wired TOTAL 0 0 1 664.53 (t) Glass profiles TOTAL - - 88 524 633 481 1 1 1 11 2 3 2 8 665.95 (t) Signalling glassware and optical elements of glass (other than those of 664.94), not optically worked TOTAL 0 0 0 2 0 3 665.99 (t) Other articles of glass TOTAL 458 1645 EU countries 455 1594 Great Britain 439 1428 Other 16 166 Non-EU countries 3 52 4538 4525 4366 159 13 0 17 16522 15748 14215 1533 774 3624 3616 3516 99 8 14264 13837 12754 1083 427 666.11 (t) Tableware and kitchenware of porcelain or china TOTAL 7 33 26 199 35 177 666. POTTERY 0 0 - - 664.71 (t) Toughened (tempered) safety glass TOTAL 185 1079 1735 9303 1682 7052 664.72 (t) Laminated safety glass TOTAL 221 397 - 666.12 (t) Other household or toilet articles of porcelain or china TOTAL 10 29 86 213 36 121 666.13 (t) Ceramic household and toilet articles (excl china etc) TOTAL 257 390 1181 2827 230 1794 2300 3043 1655 2232 664.81 (no) Rear-view mirrors for vehicles TOTAL 2095 2 36633 27 26740 27 666.21 (t) Statuettes and other ornaments, of porcelain or china TOTAL 1 61 18 364 25 664.89 (t) Other glass mirrors, whether or not framed TOTAL 39 57 422 745 446 666.29 (t) Statuettes and other ornaments, not of porcelain or china TOTAL 0 5 10 85 18 141 476 1091 664.91 (t) Glass of 664.3/664.4/664.5, bent, drilled, engraved etc TOTAL 5 8 84 130 101 158 667. PEARLS, PRECIOUS AND SEMI-PRECIOUS STONES 667.11 (g) Natural pearls 664.92 (t) Multiple-walled insulating units of TOTAL 773 1695 6717 EU countries 745 1500 6579 Great Britain 661 1335 5749 Other 84 164 829 Non-EU countries 29 195 138 glass 15401 14787 13051 1736 614 5667 5656 4973 683 12 664.93 (t) Glass envelopes etc for lamps,cathode-ray tubes etc TOTAL 2 6 24 130 3 664.94 (t) Clock and watch glasses; spectacle glasses, etc TOTAL 0 2 0 11 0 13506 13191 11890 1300 315 173 3 664.95 (t) Glass fibres (incl glass wool) and articles thereof, nes TOTAL 213 559 1276 4771 885 4157 664.96 (t) Paving blocks, tiles etc of glass; leaded lights, etc TOTAL 1 5 0 - - - - - 667.12 (g) Cultured pearls, unworked - - - - - 667.13 (g) Cultured pearls, worked - - - - - 667.21 (kg) Diamonds, rough, unsorted - - - - - 667.22 (kg) Diamonds, sorted (excl industrial), unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted TOTAL 1 14 667.29 (kg) Diamonds (excl industrial), otherwise worked, but set TOTAL 1 2 103 207 76 426 3 667.31 (kg) (Semi-)precious stones (excl diamonds): unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped TOTAL 3 4 16 665. GLASSWARE 665.10 (t) Glass containers, for the conveyance/packing of goods; glass stoppers and closures TOTAL 21 32 503 1648 446 781 665.21 (1000) Glass-ceramic glassware for table, toilet, office etc use TOTAL 2 44 17 381 15 578 665.22 (1000) Drinking glasses other than of glass-ceramics TOTAL 41 231 514 2831 524 3552 41 667.39 (g) (Semi-)precious stones (excl diamonds): otherwise worked TOTAL 900 5 2870 27 10920 97 667.41 (g) Piezo-electric quartz - - - - - - 667.42 (g) Synthetic or reconstituted (semi-)precious stones, unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped 14567 20 563929 675 TOTAL 665.23 (1000) Glassware for table (excl drinking glasses) or kitchen TOTAL 1 140 18 1964 28 2474 667.49 (g) Synthetic or reconstituted (semi-)precious stones, nes TOTAL 12500 14 93521 128 91556 114 665.29 (1000) Other glassware, household-type, nes TOTAL 3 399 36 2403 671. PIG IRON, SPIEGELEISEN, SPONGE IRON, ETC 69 1809 665.91 (t) Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware TOTAL 1 94 18 987 33 940 671.21 (t) Non-alloyed pig iron, <=0.5% phosphorus TOTAL 8 11 3 4 671.22 (t) Non-alloyed pig iron, >0.5% phosphorus - - - - 98 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 671.23 (t) Alloy pig iron and spiegeleisen TOTAL - - 0 1 671.31 (t) Granules of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel TOTAL 0 6 0 5 671.32 (t) Powders of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel TOTAL 0 7 5 106 7 122 671.33 (t) Ferrous products from direct reduction of iron ore etc TOTAL 46 57 592 789 1153 1087 671.41 (t) Ferro-manganese: >2% carbon TOTAL - - - 0 0 671.49 (t) Ferro-manganese: other TOTAL - - 0 0 7 51 - - - - - - - - - - 671.51 (t) Ferro-silicon 671.52 (t) Ferro-silico-manganese 671.53 (t) Ferro-chromium TOTAL 673.27 (t) Flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel, not clad, plated or coated, of width <600 mm and thickness >=4 mm TOTAL 1 0 3 3 8 673.29 (t) Other flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel, not clad, plated or coated, of width <600 mm TOTAL 5 4 110 92 61 52 673.41 (t) Flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel, not clad, plated etc, nfw than cold-rolled, width >=600mm, in coils TOTAL 146 228 2019 2739 1537 1911 673.46 (t) Flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel, not plated etc, nfw than cold-rolled, width>=600mm, not in coils TOTAL 11 36 80 134 84 99 673.49 (t) Other flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel, not plated etc, nfw than cold-rolled, of a width <600 mm TOTAL 17 22 19 26 673.51 (t) Width >=600mm, hot-rolled TOTAL 0 4 673.52 (t) Width >=600mm, cold-rolled TOTAL 0 394 - 7 3 38 4 48 1450 4786 530 4952 - - - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - 674. FLAT-ROLLED PRODUCTS OF IRON OR NON-ALLOY STEEL, CLAD, PLATED OR COATED 671.59 (t) Ferro-alloys, nes TOTAL - - 0 1 0 2 674.11 (t) Plated or coated electrolytically with zinc, width>=600mm TOTAL 4 4 71 58 131 104 673.53 (t) Width <600 mm 671.54 (t) Ferro-silico-chromium - - 671.55 (t) Ferro-nickel - 672. INGOTS AND OTHER PRIMARY FORMS, OF IRON OR STEEL, ETC 674.12 (t) Plated or coated electrolytically with zinc, width <600mm TOTAL 3 6 19 40 20 43 672.41 (t) Ingots of iron (other than of 671.33) or non-alloy steel TOTAL 2 27 1 6 674.13 (t) Otherwise plated or coated with zinc, width >=600 mm TOTAL 92 109 820 1095 934 672.45 (t) Other primary forms of iron (excl 671.33)/non-alloy steel TOTAL 0 7 1 11 674.14 (t) Otherwise plated or coated with zinc, width <600 mm TOTAL 49 187 11 672.47 (t) Ingots and other primary forms, of stainless steel TOTAL 0 3 1 21 0 6 674.21 (t) Plated or coated with tin, width >=600 mm TOTAL 12 13 161 168 214 318 672.49 (t) Ingots and other primary forms, of other alloy steel TOTAL 0 2 674.22 (t) Plated or coated with tin, width <600 mm TOTAL 1 7 8 61 16 116 672.61 (t) Semi-finished products, <0.25% carbon, of rectangular cross-section: width less than twice thickness TOTAL 26 19 776 845 279 672.62 (t) Semi-finished products, <0.25% carbon, of rectangular cross-section: other TOTAL 1 18 0 672.69 (t) Other semi-finished products, <0.25% carbon TOTAL 0 0 672.70 (t) Semi-finished products, >=0.25% carbon TOTAL 0 39 674.31 (t) Painted, varnished or plastic coated, width >=600mm TOTAL 151 222 396 774 106 674.32 (t) Painted, varnished or plastic coated, width <600mm TOTAL 22 26 12 2 34 0 0 0 27 446 0 24 332 213 672.81 (t) Semi-finished products of stainless steel TOTAL 1 1 5 9 672.82 (t) Semi-finished products of other alloy steel TOTAL 0 1 1251 0 674.41 (t) Plated or coated with lead, width >=600mm - - 674.42 (t) Plated or coated with chromium oxides, width >=600mm - - 674.43 (t) Plated or coated with aluminium, width >=600mm - - - 1017 1127 674.44 (t) Otherwise coated etc, width >=600mm TOTAL 92 95 1516 1638 674.51 (t) Plated or coated other than by electrolysis, width <600mm TOTAL 1 2 4 10 1 9 673. FLAT-ROLLED PRODUCTS, OF IRON OR NON-ALLOY STEEL, NOT CLAD, PLATED OR COATED 674.52 (t) Clad, nes, width <600mm - 673.21 (t) Flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel, not clad, plated or coated, of width >=600 mm, in coils TOTAL 59 62 214 167 60 42 675. FLAT-ROLLED PRODUCTS OF ALLOY STEEL 673.24 (t) Flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel, not clad, plated or coated, of width >=600 mm, not in coils TOTAL 910 1009 6996 8371 5493 5878 - 16 - - - - 675.11 (t) Silicon-electrical steel, width >=600 mm TOTAL 4 18 - - 675.12 (t) Silicon-electrical steel, width <600 mm - - - 99 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 675.20 (t) Flat-rolled products of high-speed steel, width < 600 mm 675.31 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness >=4.75mm, in coils TOTAL 20 215 675.32 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness 3.00-4.75mm, in coils TOTAL 1 7 4 24 28 510 - - 675.33 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness <3mm, in coils TOTAL 0 1 1 2 675.34 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness >=4.75mm, not in coils TOTAL 23 78 4 71 675.35 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness 3.00-4.75mm, not in coils - - 676.15 (t) Bars/rods, hotrolled, in irregularly wound coils of stainless steel TOTAL 3 27 6 51 676.17 (t) Bars/rods, hotrolled, in irregularly wound coils of high-speed steel - - 676.19 (t) Bars/rods, hotrolled, in irregularly wound coils of iron or alloy/non-alloy steel, nes TOTAL 128 65 718 688 577 771 676.21 (t) Bars/rods of iron or non-alloy steel, nfw than hot rolled /hot drawn etc grooved, ribbed etc during rolling process TOTAL 746 436 8653 9332 4172 3450 676.22 (t) Bars/rods of free-cutting steel nes nfw than hot rolled or hot drawn/extruded (incl those twisted after rolling) TOTAL 647 406 6855 4238 2948 1893 675.36 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness <3mm, not in coils TOTAL 0 0 0 0 5 17 675.37 (t) Width <600mm, thickness >=4.75mm TOTAL 4 11 1 4 TOTAL 675.38 (t) Width <600mm, thickness <4.75mm - - - - 676.29 (t) Bars/rods/sections of iron or steel nfw than hot-rolled, hot-drawn/extruded (incl those twisted after rolling) TOTAL 843 650 8390 6562 6416 6119 675.41 (t) Flat-rolled products of alloy steel nfw than hot-rolled, width >= 600 mm, in coils 675.42 (t) Flat-rolled products of alloy steel nfw than hot-rolled, width >= 600 mm, not in coils TOTAL 22 25 199 247 381 453 675.43 (t) Width <600mm, not in coils - - - - - 675.51 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness >=4.75mm - - - - 675.52 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness 3.00-4.75mm TOTAL 71 675.53 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness 1-3mm TOTAL - 2 127 - - 6 5 16 675.54 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness 0.5-1.0mm TOTAL 0 0 1 4 1 5 675.55 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness <0.5mm - - - - 17 0 0 675.56 (t) Width <600mm, thickness <0.5mm TOTAL - 3 676.25 (t) Bars/rods of stainless steel, nfw than hot rolled/hot drawn or extruded (incl those twisted after rolling) 3 49 45 253 9 107 676.31 (t) Bars/rods of free-cutting steel nfw than cold-formed or cold-finished TOTAL 16 10 67 83 348 340 676.33 (t) Bars/rods, nes, of iron or non-alloy steel nfw than coldformed or cold-finished TOTAL 1 0 1 1 792 477 676.34 (t) Bars/rods of stainless steel nfw than cold-formed or cold -finished TOTAL 7 58 125 635 112 611 676.39 (t) Bars/rods of other alloy steel (excl high-speed or silico -manganese steel) nfw than cold-formed or cold-finished TOTAL 2 57 676.41 (t) Other bars/rods of high-speed steel TOTAL 0 10 5 79 5 100 676.42 (t) Other bars/rods of silico-manganese steel - - - 676.43 (t) Other bars/rods of iron/non-alloy steel, nfw than forged, hot-rolled etc incl. those twisted after rolling TOTAL 81 57 1006 631 866 528 676.44 (t) Other bars/rods of iron/non-alloy steel nes TOTAL 20 21 190 176 190 184 9 145 675.61 (t) Other alloy steel, nfw than cold-rolled, width >=600 mm - - 676.45 (t) Other bars/rods of stainless steel TOTAL 2 34 11 675.62 (t) Other alloy steel, cold-rolled, width <600mm - - - 675.71 (t) Products of stainless steel nes, width >=600mm TOTAL 13 30 75 185 676.46 (t) Other bars/rods of other alloy steel (excl high-speed or silico-manganese), nfw than forged TOTAL 0 1 - 86 223 675.72 (t) Products of stainless steel nes, width <600mm TOTAL 0 0 0 33 1 26 676.47 (t) Other bars/rods of alloy steel, nes TOTAL 2 - 675.74 (t) Products of other alloy steel, nes, width <600mm - - - 5 4 7 88 14 676.81 (t) U,I,H,L or T sections, nfw than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, height <80mm, of iron or non-alloy steel TOTAL 264 183 2885 2001 2887 2000 676.82 (t) U,I,H,L or T sections, nfw than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, height >=80mm, of iron or non-alloy steel TOTAL 733 574 8584 6990 9167 6525 676. IRON AND STEEL BARS, RODS, ANGLES, SHAPES AND SECTIONS 676.12 (t) Of free cutting steel TOTAL - 17 676.48 (t) Hollow drill bars and rods of alloy or non-alloy steel TOTAL 0 0 10 675.73 (t) Products of other alloy steel nes, width >= 600 mm TOTAL 0 53 - 676.11 (t) Containing indentations, ribs, grooves etc TOTAL 144 75 1277 722 210 800 524 1 1 676.83 (t) Other angles, shape and sections of iron/non-alloy steel nfw than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded TOTAL 1 6 0 0 676.84 (t) Angles, shapes and sections of iron/non-alloy steel, nfw than cold-formed or cold-finished TOTAL 1 41 83 849 8 109 100 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 676.85 (t) Other angles, shapes and sections of iron/non-alloy steel TOTAL 2 19 77 204 118 227 679.42 (t) Casing and tubing of a kind used in drilling for oil/gas TOTAL 396 314 676.86 (t) Sheet piling, whether or not drilled, welded angles etc TOTAL 288 542 2941 5052 2258 4040 679.43 (t) Other, welded, of circular cross-section TOTAL 809 1458 5828 11539 EU countries 809 1407 5825 10886 Great Britain 747 1286 5387 10025 Other 61 121 438 861 Non-EU countries 0 51 3 653 2760 2758 2523 235 2 5963 5003 4301 701 960 679.44 (t) Other, welded, of non-circular cross-section TOTAL 566 417 5689 3971 4437 3071 676.87 (t) Angles, shapes and sections, of stainless steel TOTAL 0 0 41 267 22 69 676.88 (t) Angles, shapes and sections, of other alloy steel TOTAL 0 2 4 17 677. RAILWAY AND TRAMWAY TRACK CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL, OF IRON OR STEEL 677.01 (t) Rails of iron or steel TOTAL 19 19 417 242 679.49 (t) Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of iron or steel, nes TOTAL 88 265 992 3054 939 2869 302 372 677.09 (t) Other track construction material of iron or steel TOTAL 0 2 23 23 1 21 679.51 (t) Cast fittings of non-malleable cast iron TOTAL 2 29 67 390 679.52 (t) Other cast fittings of iron TOTAL 15 266 679.53 (t) Flanges of stainless steel TOTAL 0 13 678. WIRE OF IRON OR STEEL 678.14 (t) Wire of iron/non-alloy steel, not plated/coated TOTAL 53 34 214 140 84 70 68 580 242 4260 210 3281 1 90 4 112 679.54 (t) Threaded elbows, bends and sleeves of stainless steel TOTAL 1 25 12 335 222 13389 678.15 (t) Wire of iron/non alloy steel, plated with zinc or similar TOTAL 4 2 51 35 75 65 679.55 (t) Butt welding fittings of stainless steel TOTAL 2 28 19 362 14 272 678.19 (t) Other wire of iron or non-alloy steel TOTAL 0 679.56 (t) Other tube and pipe fittings of stainless steel TOTAL 5 447 214 5591 254 6091 679.59 (t) Tube and pipe fittings of iron or steel, nes TOTAL 41 190 320 1362 1859 0 2 8 678.21 (t) Wire of stainless steel TOTAL 47 799 EU countries 44 321 Non-EU countries 4 478 271 222 49 13222 6780 6443 355 309 45 9534 5077 4458 678.29 (t) Wire of other alloy steel TOTAL 1 12 3 38 17 67 389 681. SILVER, PLATINUM AND OTHER METALS OF THE PLATINUM GROUP 679. TUBES, PIPES AND HOLLOW PROFILES, AND TUBE OR PIPE FITTINGS, OF IRON OR STEEL 681.12 (kg) Base metals clad with silver, nfw than semi-manufactured 681.13 (g) Silver (incl silver plated with gold/platinum), unwrought TOTAL 12429 5 288268 124 290203 171 679.11 (t) Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron TOTAL 70 570 650 4302 529 3010 681.14 (g) Silver (incl plated), in semi-manufactured/powdered form TOTAL 15000 15 44400 31 12483 25 85 681.22 (kg) Metals clad with platinum etc, nfw than semi-manufactured TOTAL 22 2 22 2 6 0 679.13 (t) Casing, tubing & drill pipe, for drilling for oil or gas TOTAL 10 8 193 708 256 587 681.23 (g) Platinum and platinum alloys, unwrought or in powder form TOTAL 794 5 20353 130 18296 103 679.14 (t) Other, of circular cross-section, of iron/non-alloy steel TOTAL 1 2 20 90 9 42 681.24 (g) Other metals of the platinum group, unwrought/powder form TOTAL 73 1 34492 1180 23660 413 679.15 (t) Other, of circular cross-section, of stainless steel TOTAL 8 924 147 10418 156 EU countries 4 280 74 2351 64 Non-EU countries 4 644 73 8068 93 681.25 (g) Platinum etc and alloys, in other semi-manufactured forms TOTAL 2681 74 99897 1132 100652 1465 679.12 (t) Line pipe (excl cast iron) for oil or gas pipelines TOTAL 0 7 19 116 8 6234 1290 4945 682. COPPER 679.16 (t) Other, of circular cross-section, of other alloy steel TOTAL 54 484 660 5312 358 4636 679.17 (t) Other seamless tubes, pipes and hollow profiles TOTAL 28 145 26 679.31 (t) Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines TOTAL 0 679.32 (t) Casing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas 679.33 (t) Other, welded TOTAL 0 1 679.39 (t) Tubes and pipes of 679.3, nes TOTAL - 7 0 23 1 10 4 679.41 (t) Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines TOTAL 1 13 33 363 17 115 1 34 3 232 682.11 (t) Unrefined copper; copper anodes for electrolytic refining TOTAL 0 0 682.12 (t) Refined copper TOTAL - - - - 1 1 682.13 (t) Master alloys of copper TOTAL - 0 0 - - 682.14 (t) Copper alloys (other than master alloys) TOTAL 2 35 0 2 682.31 (t) Copper bars, rods and profiles: of refined copper TOTAL 1 12 6 113 682.32 (t) Copper bars, rods and profiles: of copper alloys TOTAL 167 4 178 39 220 60 682.41 (t) Copper wire: of refined copper TOTAL - 1 21 - - 101 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 682.42 (t) Copper wire: of copper alloys TOTAL 0 16 49 1 26 685.20 - continued Non-EU countries 5 19 57 140 - - 682.51 (t) Copper plates etc, of refined copper, thickness >0.15mm TOTAL 1 10 8 143 14 200 686. ZINC 682.52 (t) Copper plates etc, of copper alloys, thickness >0.15mm TOTAL 0 4 1 34 4 166 686.11 (t) Zinc, not alloyed TOTAL - - - - 2 3 682.61 (t) Copper foil, thickness <=0.15mm TOTAL 6 422 96 686.12 (t) Zinc alloys TOTAL - - - 45 35 - - - 312 52 290 63 550 682.62 (t) Copper powders and flakes TOTAL - 10 5531 77 4409 51 3 87 2 - 686.31 (t) Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire - 682.71 (t) Copper tubes and pipes TOTAL 1 16 17 317 18 244 686.32 (t) Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil TOTAL 12 63 60 682.72 (t) Copper tube or pipe fittings TOTAL 4 41 35 455 34 411 686.33 (t) Zinc dust (blue powder), powders and flakes TOTAL 12 108 166 1373 683. NICKEL 687. TIN 683.11 (t) Nickel, not alloyed 683.12 (t) Nickel alloys TOTAL - - - - - 1 - - 687.11 (t) Tin, not alloyed TOTAL - - 0 1 0 2 687.12 (t) Tin alloys TOTAL - 0 2 - - 687.20 (t) Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire TOTAL 0 90 0 90 0 1 21 0 4 683.21 (t) Nickel bars, rods, profiles and wire TOTAL 8 180 43 1714 5 1041 16 540 8568 309 8780 1 1 4 683.22 (t) Nickel tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings TOTAL 1 60 46 901 683.23 (t) Nickel powders and flakes TOTAL 23 606 343 683.24 (t) Nickel plates, sheets, strip and foil TOTAL 0 684. ALUMINIUM 684.11 (t) Aluminium, not alloyed TOTAL - - 689. MISCELLANEOUS NON-FERROUS BASE METALS 689.11 (t) Tungsten (wolfram), unwrought; tungsten waste and scrap TOTAL 43 147 29 104 689.12 (t) Molybdenum, unwrought; molybdenum waste and scrap TOTAL 0 8 0 3 689.13 (t) Tantalum, unwrought; waste and scrap; powders - - - 689.14 (t) Magnesium waste and scrap - - - - - 2 14 - - - 23 27 0 0 529 2943 5431 2873 5139 689.15 (t) Magnesium, unwrought TOTAL - 684.21 (t) Aluminium bars, rods and profiles TOTAL 216 940 1590 8819 873 4849 689.81 (t) Cobalt mattes, unwrought etc; waste and scrap; powders TOTAL 28 220 283 2777 246 2802 267 7 49 684.12 (t) Aluminium alloys TOTAL 279 684.22 (t) Aluminium wire TOTAL 2 13 63 684.23 (t) Aluminium plates, sheets and strip, thickness >0.20mm TOTAL 22 133 212 1330 146 684.24 (t) Aluminium foil, thickness <=0.2mm TOTAL 13 72 182 890 - 689.82 (t) Cadmium, unwrought; cadmium waste and scrap; powders TOTAL 1 47 689.83 (t) Titanium, unwrought; titanium waste and scrap; powders TOTAL 0 48 0 26 1417 143 1086 689.84 (t) Zirconium, unwrought; zirconium waste and scrap; powders - 14 343 11 122 689.91 (t) Beryllium, unwrought; beryllium waste and scrap; powders - 4 154 2 85 684.27 (t) Aluminium tube and pipe fittings TOTAL 1 9 14 332 13 209 684.25 (t) Aluminium powders and flakes TOTAL 684.26 (t) Aluminium tubes and pipes TOTAL 1 26 689.92 (t) Bismuth and articles thereof (incl waste and scrap) TOTAL 0 0 689.93 (t) Antimony and articles thereof (incl waste and scrap) TOTAL 1 8 689.94 (t) Manganese and articles thereof (incl waste and scrap) TOTAL 0 0 4 13 2 7 - 689.95 (t) Chromium and articles thereof (incl waste and scrap) TOTAL 0 85 0 1 - 689.98 (t) Other base metals, unwrought; waste and scrap; powders TOTAL 0 8 - - 689.99 (t) Cermets and articles thereof (incl waste and scrap) TOTAL 0 3 - - 685. LEAD 685.11 (t) Unrefined lead and lead alloys - - - - 685.12 (t) Refined lead 685.20 (t) Lead plates, sheets, TOTAL 1672 EU countries 1667 Great Britain 1408 Other 259 - - foil etc; lead 2646 16597 2627 16540 2251 13744 376 2796 - - powders and flakes 26565 14863 24865 26425 14863 24865 21911 12276 20426 4514 2587 4439 102 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 691. STRUCTURES NES, OF IRON, STEEL OR ALUMINIUM 691.11 (t) Bridges and bridge-sections, of iron or steel TOTAL 691.12 (t) Towers and lattice masts, of iron or steel TOTAL 5 43 691.13 (t) Doors, windows etc, of iron or steel TOTAL 8 37 1716 3099 691.21 (t) Aluminium doors, windows etc TOTAL 278 2974 EU countries 276 2934 Great Britain 172 2061 Other 104 873 Non-EU countries 3 40 of iron/steel: threaded 2696 45854 2593 43827 2305 41952 2058 39639 593 16923 568 16437 1712 25029 1490 23203 391 3902 535 4188 6 31 19 76 694.22 (t) Screws, rivets, cotters etc, of iron/steel: unthreaded TOTAL 2 48 38 631 44 849 326 3482 694.31 (t) Nails, pins etc, copper, or iron/steel with copper heads TOTAL 0 1 1 9 1 5 691.14 (t) Equipment for scaffolding, propping etc, of iron/steel TOTAL 284 457 1983 3320 1376 2188 691.19 (t) Structures etc, of iron or steel, nes TOTAL 1601 3950 16791 40119 EU countries 1600 3935 16755 39940 Great Britain 977 2631 10874 28876 Northern Ireland 609 1285 5501 10542 Other 14 19 381 522 Non-EU countries 1 15 36 179 694.21 (t) Screws, rivets, cotters etc, TOTAL 232 4118 EU countries 204 3751 Germany 53 1576 Other 151 2174 Non-EU countries 28 367 16847 16527 11132 4260 1135 320 40087 37416 27960 7501 1954 2671 2265 2168 1219 949 97 24964 23276 14875 8400 1688 694.32 (t) Washers and similar articles of copper, not threaded TOTAL 0 5 1 694.33 (t) Screws, bolts, nuts etc of copper, threaded TOTAL 0 1 14 448 5 2 148 694.40 (t) Nails, staples (excl of 895.12), screws etc, of aluminium TOTAL 2 81 11 454 16 745 695. TOOLS FOR USE IN THE HAND OR IN MACHINES 2870 2780 1666 1114 91 30645 29434 20165 9269 1211 691.29 (t) Aluminium structures and parts thereof, nes TOTAL 95 706 1060 9072 1022 8343 692. METAL CONTAINERS FOR STORAGE OR TRANSPORT 692.11 (t) Reservoirs, tanks etc, of iron or steel, capacity >300 l TOTAL 528 3967 3800 30646 4028 23515 EU countries 367 2543 2856 21983 3253 16057 Great Britain 247 1956 2099 18394 2500 12561 Other 120 587 756 3589 753 3496 Non-EU countries 161 1424 944 8663 775 7458 692.12 (t) Reservoirs, tanks etc, of aluminium, capacity >300 l TOTAL 1 44 2 56 5 86 695.10 (t) Hand tools for use in agriculture/horticulture/forestry TOTAL 4 21 57 366 43 322 695.21 (t) Hand saws TOTAL - - 0 4 0 3 7 32 10 56 695.23 (t) Pliers, tweezers, pipe-cutters, bolt croppers etc TOTAL 7 51 37 271 22 198 695.22 (t) Files, rasps and similar tools TOTAL 0 1 695.30 (t) Spanners, hand-operated; interchangeable spanner sockets TOTAL 67 445 869 5551 854 5069 695.41 (t) Hand tools for drilling, threading or tapping TOTAL 1 5 4 68 3 46 695.42 (t) Hammers and sledge hammers TOTAL 0 0 3 71 692.41 (t) Containers of iron/steel, not for gas, capacity <=300 l TOTAL 159 1023 1882 8549 975 5013 695.43 (t) Planes, chisels, gouges etc for working wood TOTAL 1 4 0 5 692.42 (t) Containers of aluminium, not for gas, capacity <=300 l TOTAL 0 34 97 411 744 772 695.44 (t) Screwdrivers TOTAL 692.43 (t) Containers of iron or steel for compressed/liquefied gas TOTAL 31 336 134 1972 243 2807 695.45 (t) Household tools, nes TOTAL 0 692.44 (t) Containers of aluminium for compressed or liquefied gas TOTAL 0 0 0 4 0 695.46 (t) Other hand tools (incl glaziers' diamonds); blow lamps TOTAL 0 17 164 676 149 906 9 1 3 81 21 4 102 6 129 4 2 40 11 86 693. WIRE PRODUCTS (EXCL INSULATED ELECTRICAL WIRING) 695.47 (t) Vices, clamps and the like TOTAL 0 8 693.11 (t) Stranded wire etc, plaited bands etc: of iron or steel TOTAL 44 68 466 812 695 1021 695.48 (t) Anvils; portable forges; grinding wheels with frameworks TOTAL 0 36 1 56 0 13 693.12 (t) Stranded wire etc, plaited bands etc: of copper TOTAL 0 0 115 199 70 143 695.49 (t) Sets of different hand tools TOTAL 1 42 5 426 20 975 693.13 (t) Stranded wire etc, plaited bands etc: of aluminium TOTAL 1 14 8 164 1 11 695.51 (t) Band saw blades TOTAL 0 0 4 0 4 0 2 1 11 329 10 230 693.20 (t) Barbed wire of iron/steel; twisted flat wire for fencing TOTAL 13 30 202 288 225 329 695.52 (t) Circular saw blades with working part of steel TOTAL 2 8 693.50 (t) Cloth (incl. endless bands), grill, netting and fencing, of iron or steel wire; expanded metal of iron or steel TOTAL 758 1468 5014 9937 3002 8801 EU countries 526 883 4608 8221 2793 7553 Non-EU countries 233 585 406 1716 209 1248 695.53 (t) Circular saw blades with working part of other materials TOTAL 0 0 0 4 0 13 695.54 (t) Chain saw blades TOTAL 0 694. NAILS, SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, RIVETS AND THE LIKE 695.55 (t) Straight saw blades, for working metal TOTAL 0 694.10 (t) Nails, tacks, drawing pins etc, of iron or steel TOTAL 18 67 209 919 109 676 695.59 (t) Other saw blades TOTAL 0 11 1 4 1 92 4 75 1 1 11 99 0 95 103 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 695.61 (t) Knives and cutting blades, for machines TOTAL 63 532 644 5479 5864 697.43 (t) Household articles and parts thereof, nes, of aluminium TOTAL 2 13 12 97 58 322 695.62 (t) Plates, tips etc, unmounted, of sintered metal carbides TOTAL 0 4 1 77 1 179 697.44 (t) Iron/steel wool; pot scourers, gloves etc of iron/steel TOTAL 4 236 41 2561 76 2331 695.63 (t) Rock drilling or earth boring tools TOTAL 12 1051 228 38986 EU countries 11 464 186 7731 Non-EU countries 1 587 42 31255 United States 0 48 11 24324 Other 1 539 30 6930 697.51 (t) Sanitary ware and parts thereof, nes, of iron or steel TOTAL 28 956 254 8472 275 9325 695.64 (t) Interchangeable tools TOTAL 33 10572 EU countries 15 4927 Germany 2 1635 Other 13 3292 Non-EU countries 17 5645 China 1 1919 United States 9 885 Other 7 2841 1471 193 43 150 1278 6 1211 62 112731 51736 17358 34377 60995 7376 30979 22640 695.70 (t) Sets of different saw blades, for retail sale TOTAL 9 34 67 483 656 255 213 42 16 26 47047 6700 40346 31030 9317 1595 150 31 119 1445 6 997 443 104758 47872 15951 31922 56886 4449 30050 22386 96 420 697.52 (t) Sanitary ware and parts thereof, nes, of copper TOTAL 0 10 1 39 1 26 697.53 (t) Sanitary ware and parts thereof, nes, of aluminium TOTAL 2 70 12 370 11 302 697.81 (t) Mech appliances, hand-operated, weight <=10kg, for preparing or serving of food or drink TOTAL 0 3 4 36 4 35 697.82 (t) Statuettes, picture frames, mirrors etc of base metal TOTAL 1 27 13 504 12 397 699. MANUFACTURES OF BASE METAL, NES 699.11 (t) Padlocks, locks, keys, of base metal TOTAL 24 171 306 1700 225 1265 696. CUTLERY 696.31 (1000) Razors, non-electric TOTAL 26 19 699.12 (t) Armoured safes, doors, deposit lockers etc, of base metal TOTAL 1 3 18 62 4 26 819 538 241 536 696.35 (t) Safety razor blades (incl razor blades blanks in strips) TOTAL 1 3 20 376 15 438 699.13 (t) Hinges, of base metal TOTAL 2 60 56 630 31 624 699.14 (t) Castors, of base metal TOTAL 171 905 EU countries 171 905 Germany 140 734 Other 31 171 Non-EU countries 0 0 2512 2419 2018 401 93 13331 12734 10484 2250 597 2435 2356 1936 420 79 13185 12691 10306 2385 494 696.51 (t) Paper knives, pencil sharpeners etc, and blades therefor TOTAL 3 130 27 1053 33 1166 699.15 (t) Other mountings, fittings etc, for motor vehicles TOTAL 0 2 0 24 0 8 696.55 (t) Manicure/pedicure sets and instruments (incl nail files) TOTAL 0 18 12 292 2 92 699.16 (t) Other mountings, fittings etc, for buildings TOTAL 26 234 312 3106 265 2247 696.59 (t) Articles of cutlery, nes TOTAL 1 13 699.17 (t) Other mountings, fittings etc, for furniture TOTAL 12 105 147 705 145 648 699.19 (t) Mountings, fittings etc, of base metal, nes TOTAL 40 1656 396 18257 EU countries 31 1568 333 17454 Italy 12 1135 147 13897 Other 19 433 186 3556 Non-EU countries 9 89 63 803 283 275 109 165 9 15952 15551 11813 3738 401 27 1999 696.38 (t) Parts, nes, of non-electric razors, other than plastic TOTAL 0 1 1 106 0 10 696.40 (t) Scissors, tailors' shears etc, and blades therefor TOTAL 0 1 2 34 2 29 9 185 5 47 696.61 (t) Sets of assorted cutlery articles containing at least one article plated with precious metal TOTAL 7 13 50 103 97 213 696.62 (t) Sets of assorted cutlery articles, nes TOTAL 4 22 38 237 40 283 696.63 (t) Articles, not in sets, plated with precious metal TOTAL 0 1 0 1 696.69 (t) Articles of cutlery nes, not in sets TOTAL 0 272 9 699.21 (t) Skid chain of iron or steel TOTAL 9 488 26 3336 4 12 699.22 (t) Chain (other than skid or articulated link) of iron/steel TOTAL 8 16 90 159 6 64 696.80 (t) Knives with cutting blades, and blades therefor TOTAL 1 63 12 519 10 636 699.31 (t) Sewing/knitting needles, crochet hooks etc, for hand use TOTAL 0 3 5 84 2 22 384 697. HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT OF BASE METAL, NES 699.32 (t) Safety pins and other pins, of iron or steel, nes TOTAL 1 2 1 14 0 697.31 (t) Domestic cooking appliances, non-electric, of iron/steel TOTAL 58 519 454 3420 700 3605 699.33 (t) Clasps used for clothing etc; rivets; beads/spangles TOTAL 1 20 11 419 51 734 697.32 (t) Domestic stoves (excl cooking), grates etc, of iron/steel TOTAL 122 744 1361 7326 1707 10202 699.40 (t) Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel TOTAL 0 8 41 430 55 351 697.33 (t) Parts, of iron/steel, of the appliances of 697.31/697.32 TOTAL 9 73 103 753 94 516 699.51 (t) Flexible tubing of base metal, with or without fittings TOTAL 1 30 19 738 10 396 697.41 (t) Household articles and parts thereof, nes, of iron/steel TOTAL 28 137 231 1557 174 1140 699.52 (t) Bells, gongs etc, non-electric, and parts thereof TOTAL 0 1 5 53 3 697.42 (t) Household articles and parts thereof, nes, of copper TOTAL 0 0 1 7 9 699.53 (t) Stoppers, lids, seals and other packing accessories TOTAL 1356 7693 20723 112705 20442 104892 EU countries 1241 7053 19863 108056 19322 99366 Spain 84 438 5142 27815 7041 38034 Great Britain 528 3086 6801 36800 5061 21575 Sweden 189 1049 3182 17573 3803 20683 68 3 38 104 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 699.53 - continued Other Non-EU countries 441 114 2481 640 4738 860 25868 4648 3417 1120 699.54 (t) Sign, name, address etc plates, numbers, letters etc TOTAL 9 113 85 1651 52 699.55 (t) Rods, electrodes etc for soldering, welding etc TOTAL 95 1036 1191 14682 1177 EU countries 88 968 979 11997 999 Non-EU countries 7 68 211 2685 178 699.61 (t) Anchors, grapnels and parts thereof, of iron or steel TOTAL 0 12 0 699.62 (t) Cast articles of non-malleable cast iron, nes TOTAL 133 215 1495 2265 1717 699.63 (t) Cast articles of iron or steel, nes TOTAL 0 0 4 28 75 19073 5526 711. STEAM OR OTHER GENERATING BOILERS ETC, AND PARTS THEREOF 711.11 (t) Steam or other vapour generating boilers TOTAL 0 0 2 17 29 187 - - 395 711.12 (t) Super-heated water boilers 13908 11257 2651 0 2283 286 - - 711.21 (t) Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of 711.1 or 812.1 TOTAL 0 3 0 4 711.22 (t) Condensers for steam or other vapour power units TOTAL 0 1 292 7874 3 43 711.91 (t) Parts for the boilers of 711.1 TOTAL 2 307 0 43 2 228 9 818 711.92 (t) Parts for the apparatus and appliances of 711.2 TOTAL 2 581 4 1289 699.65 (t) Articles of iron or steel, forged/stamped, but nfw, nes TOTAL 7 269 122 3557 73 1934 712. STEAM AND OTHER VAPOUR TURBINES, AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 699.67 (t) Articles of iron or steel wire, nes TOTAL 2 556 38 712.11 (t) Steam and other vapour turbines, for marine propulsion TOTAL 25 89 42 164 71 223 3428 134 1202 699.69 (t) Articles of iron or steel, nes TOTAL 175 1867 1908 EU countries 101 902 934 Non-EU countries 74 966 973 17757 7640 10118 1848 1023 826 16591 6053 10538 699.71 (t) Chain of copper and parts thereof TOTAL 0 1 - - 712.19 (t) Steam turbines and other vapour turbines, nes TOTAL 11 103 130 1122 712.80 (t) Parts for the turbines of 712.1 TOTAL 61 599 - - 14 193 713. INTERNAL COMBUSTION PISTON ENGINES AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 699.73 (t) Articles of copper, nes TOTAL 5 114 74 1343 23 862 699.75 (t) Articles of nickel, nes TOTAL 11 101 91 1104 63 814 713.11 (no) Spark-ignition reciprocating etc engines for aircraft TOTAL 37 118 240 12605 168 37406 EU countries 0 1 1000 Non-EU countries 37 118 240 12605 167 36406 699.76 (t) Articles of lead, nes TOTAL - - 0 1 1 1 699.77 (t) Articles of zinc, nes TOTAL 0 4 2 90 3 66 699.78 (t) Articles of tin, nes TOTAL 0 5 30 270 13 366 713.21 (t) For vehicles 78/722/744.14 & 15: reciprocating <=1000 cc TOTAL 2 18 9 93 13 146 255 5767 347 9611 713.22 (no) For vehicles 78/722/744.14 & 15: reciprocating >1000 cc TOTAL 10 30 7201 343 43086 863 10 375 713.23 (no) For vehicles 78/722/744.14 & 15: compression-ignition TOTAL 1 1 68 418 134 623 - - 699.79 (t) Articles of aluminium, nes TOTAL 14 387 699.81 (t) Cobalt, wrought, and articles of cobalt, nes TOTAL 1 8 10 147 699.83 (t) Cadmium, wrought, and articles of cadmium, nes TOTAL 0 2 699.85 (t) Titanium, wrought, and articles of titanium, nes TOTAL 0 10 9 500 15 822 699.87 (t) Zirconium, wrought, and articles of zirconium, nes - - 699.91 (t) Tungsten, wrought, and articles of tungsten, nes TOTAL 0 692 0 12 713.19 (t) Parts, nes, of aircraft engines of 713.11 TOTAL 4 725 43 27139 Non-EU countries 4 725 43 27139 United States 3 389 31 12506 Other 0 336 12 14633 713.31 (no) Outboard motors (marine propulsion) TOTAL 1 63 63 35 27 4 8 61528 61528 25156 36372 65 713.32 (no) Spark-ignition reciprocating etc, marine (excl outboard) TOTAL 10 5 1 23 713.33 (no) Compression-ignition engines for marine propulsion TOTAL 27 17 30 34 4 713.81 (no) Other spark-ignition engines TOTAL 115 30 589 136 487 2 93 699.92 (t) Molybdenum, wrought, and articles of molybdenum, nes TOTAL 0 8 1 49 699.93 (t) Tantalum, wrought, and articles of tantalum, nes TOTAL 0 1 0 34 713.91 (t) Parts nes for spark-ignition engines of 713.2/713.3/713.8 TOTAL 7 90 80 1571 139 2020 699.94 (t) Magnesium, wrought, and articles of magnesium, nes TOTAL 336 183 1 7 713.92 (t) Parts nes for compression engines of 713.2/713.3/713.8 TOTAL 5 205 105 3042 126 3895 699.95 (t) Beryllium, wrought, and articles of beryllium, nes TOTAL 0 2 699.99 (t) Base metals and articles thereof, nes TOTAL 0 713.82 (no) Other compression-ignition (diesel/semi-diesel) engines TOTAL 153 94 1894 11607 896 13284 EU countries 2 54 80 2152 325 12767 Non-EU countries 151 40 1814 9456 571 517 714. ENGINES AND MOTORS, NON-ELECTRIC (EXCL GROUPS 712, 713 & 718); PARTS, NES, OF THESE ENGINES AND MOTORS 2 0 2 714.41 (no) Turbo-jets TOTAL EU countries Great Britain 1205 1 1 8040 8000 8000 11660 10 6 89597 42846 29769 24446 63 28 407375 337997 155443 105 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 714.41 - continued Other Non-EU countries United States Other 1204 1204 13077 46751 26948 19803 35 24383 17 24366 182554 69378 12672 56707 714.49 (t) Reaction engines: other than turbo-jets TOTAL 0 9 0 1 714.81 (t) Turbo-propellers TOTAL 714.89 (no) Other gas turbines TOTAL 1 40 40 - 4 11650 18 11632 2 77 - 718.91 (t) Linear acting hydraulic power engines and motors TOTAL 1505 6900 16290 66815 13639 EU countries 1399 5962 15006 56763 12857 Germany 634 2092 6611 23065 5786 Great Britain 267 1557 1184 7691 1717 Other 498 2312 7211 26007 5354 Non-EU countries 105 938 1283 10052 782 49776 44888 20128 5822 18938 4888 718.92 (t) Linear acting pneumatic power engines and motors TOTAL 71 512 842 6336 245 3445 718.93 (t) Other engines and motors, nes TOTAL 11 152 171 12 3210 5 264 714.91 (t) Parts for turbo-jets or turbo-propellers TOTAL 39 6696 601 121326 EU countries 30 308 349 33559 Germany 0 42 16 15682 Other 30 266 333 17877 Non-EU countries 9 6388 251 87767 Japan 0 533 14 13479 United States 5 3756 194 52247 Other 3 2098 44 22041 446 315 23 292 131 16 64 51 122960 27719 10012 17706 95241 13227 56456 25558 714.99 (t) Parts for the gas turbines of 714.89 TOTAL 2 757 44 13003 EU countries 2 602 12 2917 Non-EU countries 0 156 32 10086 20 0 20 716.20 (t) Motors (excl 716.10) and generators, direct current TOTAL 3 178 96 4437 83 3971 37 3934 9191 238 8953 625 1416 721. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY (EXCL TRACTORS) AND PARTS THEREOF 721.11 (t) Ploughs TOTAL 2 18 43 470 63 641 721.12 (t) Seeders, transplanters, fertiliser distributers TOTAL 231 910 2134 10112 1540 EU countries 199 725 1592 6646 1312 Non-EU countries 33 185 542 3466 228 5293 4374 919 721.13 (t) Scarifiers, cultivators, weeders, hoes and harrows TOTAL 1 11 68 424 72 499 721.19 (t) Parts of the machinery of 721.1 TOTAL 81 484 1052 8229 721.21 (no) Mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds TOTAL 270 187 4157 2321 1208 9943 3977 7811 14 794 2602 716.31 (t) AC motors (incl universal AC/DC motors, but excl 716.10) TOTAL 10 135 124 1598 115 1644 0 31 721.18 (t) Other agricultural etc mach for soil prep/cultivation TOTAL 134 542 1758 7097 1465 6481 716.10 (t) Electric motors of an output not exceeding 37.5w TOTAL 47 1390 672 18376 315 EU countries 0 32 6 246 9 Non-EU countries 47 1358 665 18129 306 716.40 (t) Electric rotary converters TOTAL - 979 718.99 (t) Parts of the engines and motors of 714.49, 718.91-93 TOTAL 12 336 109 3209 60 716. ROTATING ELECTRIC PLANT AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 716.32 (t) Generators, alternating current TOTAL 0 4 42 79 386 104 511 33 1 37 721.22 (no) Combine harvester-threshers TOTAL - 26 721.23 (t) Other harvesting or threshing mach; TOTAL 840 5604 10004 EU countries 797 5157 8353 Great Britain 234 1799 3175 Other 563 3358 5177 Non-EU countries 42 447 1651 247 mowers (excl 721.21) 75708 9471 73118 59721 7662 56155 21070 2216 15447 38651 5446 40708 15987 1809 16962 716.51 (t) Generating sets with internal combustion piston engines TOTAL 24 281 195 1992 210 1079 721.26 (t) Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit etc TOTAL 22 152 73 585 61 783 716.52 (t) Other electric generating sets TOTAL 66 760 1015 EU countries 62 685 982 Great Britain 62 685 976 Other 6 Non-EU countries 4 75 33 721.27 (t) Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain etc TOTAL 0 2 0 17 1 105 12749 12401 12314 86 348 660 648 648 11 6937 6865 6865 72 716.90 (t) Parts, nes, for use with the machines in Group 716 TOTAL 215 1471 2823 16190 3470 EU countries 214 1443 2636 14891 2929 Non-EU countries 0 28 187 1299 541 15227 13305 1922 721.29 (t) Parts of the machines of 721.21 to 721.26 TOTAL 291 2595 1785 14925 EU countries 278 2457 1333 11234 Non-EU countries 13 138 452 3691 1156 853 302 9051 6511 2539 721.31 (t) Milking machines TOTAL 113 EU countries 110 Non-EU countries 2 1074 1054 20 1109 935 174 10163 8188 1975 1217 1194 22 10067 9718 349 721.38 (t) Dairy machinery TOTAL 0 0 38 432 6 106 721.39 (t) Parts for milking machines and dairy machinery TOTAL 113 1160 957 11888 874 EU countries 32 635 357 6501 318 Non-EU countries 82 525 600 5387 556 13564 5281 8283 - 721.91 (t) Presses etc used in the manufacture of beverages TOTAL 0 4 - - 718.77 (t) Fuel elements, non-irradiated, for nuclear reactors TOTAL 1 39 1 39 - - 721.95 (t) Poultry-keeping machinery; incubators and brooders TOTAL 1 4 3 16 17 47 718.78 (t) Parts of nuclear reactors - - 718. OTHER POWER GENERATING MACHINERY AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 718.11 (t) Hydraulic turbines and water wheels TOTAL 0 2 0 11 718.19 (t) Parts incl regulators of hydraulic turbines/water wheels TOTAL 1 61 1 26 718.71 (t) Nuclear reactors - - - - - - - - 721.96 (t) Other agricultural etc machinery (incl germination plant) TOTAL 849 3213 9336 35084 8577 31170 EU countries 750 2730 8296 30422 7646 27159 Great Britain 312 1290 3065 11934 2359 8287 Other 438 1440 5231 18488 5287 18872 Non-EU countries 99 483 1040 4662 931 4011 106 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 721.98 (t) Parts of the machinery at 721.91 TOTAL 6 11 0 1 721.99 (t) Parts of the machinery and appliances of 721.95 & 721.96 TOTAL 146 658 1199 6645 1231 5498 723.99 (t) Other parts for the machinery of Groups 723 and 744 TOTAL 346 1580 9872 135561 8067 EU countries 268 1029 7406 50739 5844 Poland 3 33 1379 10485 138 Sweden 2 32 3069 23139 12 Other 263 964 2958 17116 5694 Non-EU countries 78 551 2466 84821 2223 74782 61944 1559 200 60185 12838 722. TRACTORS (EXCL 744.14 AND 744.15) 722.30 (t) Track-laying tractors - 724. TEXTILE AND LEATHER MACHINERY, AND PARTS THEREOF, NES - 722.41 (t) Pedestrian controlled tractors TOTAL 5 10 722.49 (no) Other wheeled tractors TOTAL 19 364 - - - 724.33 (no) Sewing machines of the household type TOTAL 45 3 1006 66 7 14 11 38 567 8093 456 4418 1768 143 724.35 (no) Sewing machines other of household type (excl 726.81) TOTAL 7 0 65 4 26 4 724.39 (t) Sewing machine needles, bases, covers and parts TOTAL 0 1 0 2 7 0 723. CIVIL ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTORS' PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 723.11 (no) Bulldozers and angledozers, self-propelled TOTAL 6 185 309 2835 723.12 (t) Graders and levellers, self-propelled TOTAL 0 0 27 58 723.21 (t) Front-end shovel-loaders, self-propelled TOTAL 57 124 1458 4239 158 3428 20 59 1296 3737 724.41 (no) Machines for extruding, drawing, texturing or cutting man-made textile materials 10 781 67 799 8 2 724.42 (no) Machines for preparing textile fibres - - TOTAL - - 724.43 (t) Spinning, doubling, twisting, winding or reeling machines TOTAL 0 0 1 32 723.22 (no) Mechanical shovels etc, fully revolving superstructure TOTAL 46 584 244 7820 7733 8177 724.49 (t) Parts and accessories of machines of 724.4 or 724.54 TOTAL 75 290 0 36 723.29 (no) Other self-propelled mechanical shovels, excavators etc TOTAL 23 318 14251 7260 32771 13597 724.51 (no) Weaving machines (looms) TOTAL - 19 72 723.31 (no) Scrapers, self-propelled - 724.52 (no) Knitting machines and stitch-bonding machines - - - - 16 - - 723.33 (no) Tamping machines and road rollers, self propelled TOTAL 4 37 55 770 30 459 724.53 (t) For making gimped yarn, lace, braid etc, or for tufting TOTAL 0 5 24 55 723.35 (t) Coal/rock cutters & tunnelling machinery, self-propelled - 724.54 (no) For preparing yarns for use on the machines of 724.51-53 TOTAL 728 16 561 9 723.37 (t) Other boring or sinking machinery, self-propelled TOTAL 2 51 74 546 9 37 724.55 (t) Felt making/shaping/finishing machinery; blocks for hats TOTAL 0 1 - 723.39 (t) Other mach for earth, minerals or ores, self-propelled TOTAL 111 292 247 655 724.61 (t) Auxiliary machinery for machines of 724.41-43, 724.51-53 TOTAL 0 2 0 16 723.41 (t) Pile-drivers and pile extractors TOTAL 1 9 13 118 370 918 724.67 (t) Parts and accessories of weaving machines of 724.51 TOTAL 1 210 6 1985 8 723.42 (t) Snow-ploughs and snow-blowers TOTAL - 259 1 14 724.68 (t) Parts and accessories of machines of 724.52 and 724.53 TOTAL 0 1 1 100 9 57 724.71 (no) Household/laundry washing machines, linen capacity >10kg TOTAL 22 2 284 28 129 11 14 - 7 723.43 (t) Coal/rock cutters and tunnellers, not self-propelled TOTAL 4 34 42 2342 92 723.44 (t) Other boring and sinking machinery, not self-propelled TOTAL 22 131 126 1524 724.72 (t) Dry-cleaning machines TOTAL 0 0 0 4 723.45 (no) Tamping or compacting machinery, not self-propelled TOTAL 13 79 216 1058 15191 724.73 (t) Drying machines, dry-linen capacity >10kg TOTAL 1 11 2 24 5 29 20 471 2716 723.47 (no) Other construction/mining machinery, not self-propelled TOTAL 1172 6812 4020 723.48 (t) Machinery for public works, building or the like, nes TOTAL 264 1984 59 358 723.91 (t) Buckets, grabs and grips for machinery of Groups 723/744 TOTAL 194 1254 2585 14035 2155 11531 EU countries 175 1023 2419 12958 2039 11179 Non-EU countries 20 231 166 1076 116 352 723.92 (t) Bulldozer or angledozer blades TOTAL 1 8 57 0 0 724.74 (t) Other machines for washing, cleaning, working, processing textile yarn etc TOTAL 3 72 25 513 724.81 (t) For preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather 724.83 (t) Machinery for making or repairing footwear - - - 724.85 (t) For making/repairing leather articles etc (excl footwear) TOTAL 0 1 81 220 0 9 119 28 206 723.93 (t) Parts for boring or sinking machinery of 723.37 or 723.44 TOTAL 39 838 418 9929 1122 14191 Non-EU countries 39 838 418 9929 1122 14191 724.88 (t) Parts for the machinery of 724.8 TOTAL 0 2 0 4 724.91 (t) Parts for washing machines of 724.71 and 775.11 TOTAL 17 65 172 643 165 652 107 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 724.92 (t) Parts for the machines of 724.72-74 and 775.12 TOTAL 0 0 349 513 727.21 (t) For extraction or preparation of vegetable fats and oils TOTAL 2 17 7 183 29 61 725. PAPER/PULP MILL MACHINERY, PAPER CUTTING MACHINES ETC 727.22 (t) For the industrial prep/manufacture of food/drink, nes TOTAL 16 416 370 6730 280 6526 725.11 (t) Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material TOTAL 6 68 8 104 1 23 727.29 (t) Parts for the food processing machinery of 727.22 TOTAL 6 78 48 833 69 725.12 (t) Machinery for making or finishing paper or paperboard TOTAL 54 78 3 728. OTHER SPECIALISED MACHINERY, AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 725.21 (t) Cutting machines TOTAL 0 40 846 35 135 728.11 (t) Machine-tools for working stone etc or cold-working glass TOTAL 0 3 4 67 8 45 3 60 728.12 (t) Machine-tools for working wood, cork, hard rubber etc TOTAL 23 224 73 1120 141 1126 725.25 (t) Machines for making cartons, tubes etc (not by moulding) TOTAL 4 14 23 138 728.19 (t) Parts and accessories for use with machine-tools of 728.1 TOTAL 1 32 7 371 7 417 725.27 (t) Machines for moulding articles in paper pulp/paper/board - 728.21 (t) Machines etc for the manufacture of boules and wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits etc TOTAL 0 205 490 23220 191 9749 EU countries 0 8 98 4697 7 156 Non-EU countries 0 197 391 18523 184 9593 United States 0 40 322 14345 114 6702 Other 0 157 69 4178 70 2891 4 45 329 725.23 (t) Machines for making bags, sacks or envelopes TOTAL 0 3 2 35 725.29 (t) Other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or board TOTAL 31 198 91 269 725.91 (t) Parts of the machines of 725.1 TOTAL 0 1 376 725.99 (t) Parts of the machines of 725.2 TOTAL 2 96 20 7959 2 1525 26 213 2455 726. PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING MACHINERY, AND PARTS THEREOF 726.31 (t) For type-founding/setting, for blocks, plates etc TOTAL 7 76 4 726.35 (t) Printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders etc TOTAL 0 2 726.51 (t) Offset printing machinery: reel fed TOTAL 1 15 50 267 14 35 190 73 229 726.55 (t) Offset printing mach: sheet fed, office, sheet <=22x36cm TOTAL 0 2 29 112 6 41 726.59 (t) Other offset printing machinery TOTAL 0 1 370 2035 308 2070 726.61 (t) Letterpress printing machinery (excl flexographic) TOTAL 0 10 13 170 10 42 726.63 (t) Flexographic printing machinery TOTAL - - 45 65 726.65 (t) Gravure printing machinery - - - - - 726.69 (t) Offset printing machinery, nes TOTAL 7 30 37 147 489 726.81 (t) Bookbinding machinery (incl book-sewing machines) TOTAL 0 5 36 183 69 726.89 (t) Parts for bookbinding machinery TOTAL 0 46 2 726.91 (t) Parts for the machines of 726.31 TOTAL 5 183 24 564 636 3 1 726.99 (t) Parts for the machines of subgroups 726.5 and 726.6 TOTAL 0 12 86 2127 40 7047 343 1119 35 1755 727. FOOD-PROCESSING MACHINES (EXCL DOMESTIC) 727.11 (t) For the milling industry or for working cereals etc TOTAL 4 51 25 329 53 489 727.19 (t) Parts for the machines of 727.11 and 721.27 TOTAL 1 19 600 110 728.22 (t) Machines etc used in manufacture of masks and reticles, assembling semiconductor devices etc, lifting/handling of TOTAL 0 84 7 1065 19 1003 728.29 (t) Parts and accessories of subgroup 728.2 nes TOTAL 50 2984 313 29896 EU countries 30 1681 51 6082 Non-EU countries 20 1302 262 23814 United States 16 892 198 11879 Other 4 410 64 11935 148 40 108 80 28 728.31 (t) Machinery for sorting/washing earth, stone, ores etc TOTAL 81 388 1475 4859 1547 15255 1992 13263 9487 3776 5384 728.32 (t) Machinery for crushing or grinding earth, stone, ores etc TOTAL 346 554 1822 5457 1515 5837 728.33 (t) Machinery for mixing or kneading earth, stone, ores etc TOTAL 1 20 380 597 3 23 728.34 (t) Machinery for moulding etc minerals in powder/paste form TOTAL 129 474 296 1054 326 1201 728.39 (t) Parts of the machinery of 728.3 TOTAL 74 342 375 2407 267 1818 728.41 (t) Machines for assembling lamps etc in glass envelopes, etc TOTAL 0 0 5 19 728.42 (t) Machinery for working rubber or plastics TOTAL 16 1024 144 8055 152 3849 728.43 (t) Machinery for preparing or making up tobacco, nes TOTAL 26 207 18 170 728.44 (t) Presses for manufacture of particle or fibre board etc TOTAL 0 20 46 235 154 448 728.46 (t) Machinery for treating metal, nes TOTAL 3 56 22 31 728.47 (t) Machinery for isotopic separation, and parts thereof, nes TOTAL 30 665 728.49 (t) Machines having individual functions, nes TOTAL 391 8357 4990 111451 EU countries 352 7797 4290 88548 Germany 48 1305 540 14344 Great Britain 79 1936 1195 21798 Hungary 80 2188 941 25381 Other 146 2368 1614 27024 Non-EU countries 39 559 701 22903 728.51 (t) Parts for the machines of 728.41 TOTAL 0 25 4486 3872 392 1357 776 1348 614 93913 83360 11271 27122 20653 24314 10554 0 32 108 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 728.52 (t) Parts for the machines of heading 728.42 TOTAL 3 1711 51 14032 EU countries 2 1078 11 9017 Non-EU countries 2 633 39 5015 728.53 (t) Parts for the machines of 728.43 TOTAL 0 1 0 13 169 14 155 0 19051 11242 7808 44 731.62 (t) Flat-surface grinding mach, not nc, accuracy >=0.01mm TOTAL 8 149 0 1 731.63 (t) Other grinding machines, nc, accuracy >=0.01mm TOTAL 66 257 7 98 731.64 (t) Grinding machines, nes, accuracy >=0.01 mm TOTAL 0 6 9 102 1 19 728.55 (t) Parts, nes, for the machines of headings 723.48, 727.21, 728.44, 728.46 and 728.49 TOTAL 16 1105 199 6677 150 6109 731.65 (t) Sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines, nc TOTAL 1 7 0 8 731. MACHINE-TOOLS WORKING BY REMOVING METAL OR OTHER MATERIAL 731.66 (t) Other sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines TOTAL 2 36 7 75 731.11 (t) Operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes TOTAL 0 117 24 1602 4 1027 731.67 (t) Honing or lapping machines TOTAL - 731.12 (t) Operated by ultrasonic processes TOTAL 0 731.69 (t) Machine-tools for working metal, sintered metal carbides, cermets, by means of grinding stones etc, nes TOTAL 8 374 43 1246 21 853 41 43 210 731.13 (t) Operated by electro-discharge processes TOTAL 0 22 7 191 731.71 (t) Shaping or slotting machines TOTAL 3 8 6 24 9 165 19 64 2 55 - - 0 1 731.14 (t) Operated by electro-chemical, electron beam, ionic beam or plasma-arc processes TOTAL 1 42 0 10 731.73 (t) Broaching machines TOTAL - 731.21 (t) Metalworking machining centres TOTAL - 731.75 (t) Gear-cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing machines TOTAL 0 7 3 1 11 2 5 - 18 731.22 (t) Metalworking unit construction machines (single station) TOTAL 0 0 731.77 (t) Sawing or cutting-off machines TOTAL 3 61 28 731.23 (t) Metalworking multi-station transfer machines - 731.79 (t) Machine-tools for planning and removing metal etc, nes TOTAL 10 39 40 151 731.31 (t) Horizontal lathes for metal, nc TOTAL 5 731.35 (t) Lathes for metal excl horizontal, nc 731.37 (t) Horizontal lathes for metal, not nc 731.39 (t) Lathes for removing metal, nes - - - 56 17 111 - - - - - - 320 13 188 733. MACHINE-TOOLS FOR WORKING METAL, SINTERED METAL CARBIDES OR CERMETS, WITHOUT REMOVING MATERIAL 733.11 (t) Forging or die-stamping machines and hammers TOTAL 1 45 90 684 2 575 733.12 (t) Bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines (incl. presses), numerically controlled 179 772 42 375 TOTAL - - - - 731.41 (t) Way-type unit head machines - - - - - 733.13 (t) Bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines (incl. presses), not numerically controlled TOTAL 13 39 77 191 87 332 731.42 (t) Other drilling machines, nc TOTAL - - - 0 7 733.14 (t) Machines for shearing metal (incl presses), nc TOTAL 0 35 - - 731.43 (t) Drilling machines, nes TOTAL 1 7 24 2 45 733.15 (t) Metal-shearing machines (incl presses), not nc TOTAL 3 22 1 4 731.44 (t) Other boring-milling machines, nc - - - - 733.16 (t) Punching or notching machines (incl presses), nc TOTAL 0 0 - - 731.45 (t) Boring-milling machines, nes TOTAL - 0 2 0 8 733.17 (t) Punching or notching machines (incl presses), nes TOTAL 5 34 25 108 19 78 731.46 (t) Other boring machines TOTAL - - - 66 128 733.18 (t) Presses for working metal or metal carbides, nes TOTAL 155 957 75 327 - - 733.91 (t) Draw-benches for bars, tubes, profiles, wire and the like TOTAL 0 1 731.52 (t) Metalworking milling machines, knee-type, not nc TOTAL 0 2 0 1 733.93 (t) Thread rolling machines - - - - - 731.53 (t) Metalworking milling machines, (excl knee-type), nc - - 733.95 (t) Machines for working wire TOTAL 2 112 39 1702 65 2478 731.54 (t) Metalworking milling machines, nes TOTAL 3 - - 733.99 (t) Other machine-tools of Group 733, nes TOTAL 0 51 104 277 37 198 1 29 735. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR USE WITH THE MACHINES OF GROUPS 731 AND 733 731.61 (t) Flat-surface grinding mach, nc, accuracy >=0.01mm TOTAL 21 110 5 64 735.11 (t) Tool holders and self-opening dieheads, for machine-tools TOTAL 0 15 1 279 2 307 6 - 731.51 (t) Metalworking milling machines, knee-type, nc - 150 731.57 (t) Other machines for threading or tapping metal TOTAL 0 4 1 28 109 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 735.13 (t) Work holders for machine-tools TOTAL 1 64 13 1197 10 564 735.15 (t) Dividing heads & special attachments for machine-tools TOTAL 0 2 2 44 1 735.91 (t) Parts/accessories for machines of Group 731 nes TOTAL 0 73 13 2399 12 735.95 (t) Parts/accessories for machines of Group 733 nes TOTAL 2 421 23 3469 22 39 741.32 (t) Induction or dielectric furnaces and ovens TOTAL 10 126 2 2 741.33 (t) Other electric furnaces and ovens TOTAL 0 0 2 0 17 0 17 31 1715 741.34 (t) Other induction or dielectric heating equipment TOTAL 0 3 2542 741.35 (t) Parts for the equipment of headings 741.31 to 741.34 TOTAL 8 289 74 2670 69 2577 737. METALWORKING MACHINERY (EXCL MACHINE-TOOLS), NES 741.36 (t) Non-electric furnaces for heat-treatment of ores, etc TOTAL 1 737.11 (t) Converters, ladles etc for metallurgy or metal foundries - 741.37 (t) Non-electric bakery ovens (incl biscuit ovens) TOTAL 0 1 737.12 (t) Casting machines for metallurgy or metal foundries TOTAL 0 0 7 0 5 741.38 (t) Other non-electric furnaces and ovens (incl incinerators) TOTAL 0 2 1 3 737.19 (t) Parts of the machines and articles of 737.11-12 TOTAL 0 19 0 31 - - 741.39 (t) Parts for the furnaces and ovens of 741.36-38 TOTAL 0 6 1 36 737.21 (t) Metal-rolling mills TOTAL - 6 18 5 22 - - - 737.29 (t) Rolls and other parts for metal rolling mills TOTAL 0 2 737.31 (t) Soldering irons and guns TOTAL 0 7 1 25 737.32 (t) Other brazing/soldering machines and apparatus TOTAL 0 1 2 48 0 20 2 134 737.33 (t) Machines for metal welding, fully or semi automatic TOTAL 0 1 1 7 4 24 737.34 (t) Other machines for metal welding (non-automatic) TOTAL 0 1 0 3 737.35 (t) Machines for arc welding of metal (excl 737.36) TOTAL 0 3 14 421 13 762 737.36 (t) Other machines for arc welding of metal (non-automatic) TOTAL 1 16 0 737.37 (t) Other machines and apparatus TOTAL 0 3 19 487 737.39 (t) Parts for the machines and apparatus of 737.3 TOTAL 1 35 44 1137 508 2 673 8 737.42 (t) Other gas-operated machines for soldering/brazing/welding TOTAL 4 245 40 3182 46 3795 737.43 (t) Other machinery and apparatus of for welding etc, nes TOTAL 32 880 5 737.49 (t) Parts for the machinery and apparatus of 737.4 TOTAL 1 133 12 1060 267 32 933 741. HEATING AND COOLING EQUIPMENT AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 741.21 (no) Furnace burners for liquid fuel TOTAL 154 26 1128 185 - 1 70 741.43 (no) Refrigerating or freezing chests (excl household types) TOTAL 185 1506 41949 14814 2756 17416 EU countries 32 1300 40861 13335 1393 15947 Non-EU countries 153 207 1088 1480 1363 1469 741.45 (t) Heat pumps and other refrigerating/freezing equipment TOTAL 230 4306 4414 79193 14135 263121 EU countries 24 179 1454 25282 11584 215977 Germany 527 9991 4451 81943 Other 24 179 928 15291 7133 134034 Non-EU countries 206 4126 2960 53911 2550 47144 741.49 (t) Parts of the refrigerating equipment of 741.4 TOTAL 47 484 530 7359 860 15276 741.51 (t) Air conditioning machines: window or wall types TOTAL 0 0 44 704 93 941 741.55 (t) Air conditioning machines (excl window or wall types) TOTAL 108 849 1787 14095 702 7837 EU countries 108 849 1747 13493 619 6876 Non-EU countries 40 602 83 961 7 12 737.41 (t) Hand-held blow pipes for soldering, brazing or welding TOTAL 0 1 0 - 12 741.59 (t) Parts for the air conditioning machines of 741.5 TOTAL 41 850 698 10044 242 EU countries 38 789 603 8673 229 Non-EU countries 3 61 95 1370 13 5502 5252 250 741.71 (t) Producer gas, water gas, acetylene gas etc generators TOTAL 0 21 2 5 741.72 (t) Parts for the generators of 741.71 TOTAL 2 9 0 6 1 28 2 261 24 592 19 383 741.75 (t) Machinery for liquefying air or other gases TOTAL 1 11 2 61 0 5 741.81 (t) Instantaneous gas water heaters TOTAL 0 1 19 741.73 (t) Distilling or rectifying plant TOTAL 741.74 (t) Heat exchange units TOTAL 0 25 1 1271 170 741.82 (t) Other instantaneous/storage water heaters, non-electric TOTAL 1 37 28 407 34 3011 741.23 (t) Other furnace burners (incl combination burners) TOTAL 6 126 45 847 46 655 741.83 (t) Medical, surgical or laboratory sterilisers TOTAL 1 29 5 328 741.25 (t) Mechanical stokers, ash dischargers etc - - 741.28 (t) Parts for the burners and other articles of 741.2 TOTAL 0 19 38 589 4 741.31 (t) Resistance-heated furnaces and ovens, electric TOTAL 8 85 18 160 78 30 484 3 19 741.85 (t) Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard TOTAL 5 31 741.84 (t) Dryers for agricultural products TOTAL 26 76 284 741.86 (t) Dryers, nes TOTAL 0 1 27 857 627 15 650 110 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 741.87 (t) Machinery for making hot drinks, for cooking/heating food TOTAL 6 146 43 980 37 1238 743.51 (t) Centrifugal cream separators TOTAL - 19 735 - - 741.89 (t) Other machinery, plant or equipment TOTAL 25 278 173 743.55 (t) Centrifugal clothes-dryers TOTAL 1 3 11 42 9 46 741.90 (t) Parts, nes, for machinery of headings 741.73 to 741.89 TOTAL 4 72 24 1405 185 5645 743.59 (t) Other centrifuges TOTAL 0 11 515 19 543 742. PUMPS FOR LIQUIDS; LIQUID ELEVATORS; PARTS THEREOF 743.61 (t) Filtering and purifying machinery and apparatus for water TOTAL 51 558 429 7279 536 5354 2803 259 5151 7 742.11 (t) Pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants TOTAL 0 7 4 327 9 385 743.62 (t) Filtering and purifying apparatus, for other beverages TOTAL 2 726 30 4289 101 4120 742.19 (t) Pumps for liquids, other than of 742.11 TOTAL 6 158 95 2005 171 3484 743.63 (t) Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines TOTAL 1 36 14 372 28 1161 742.20 (t) Fuel, lubricating pumps for internal combustion engines TOTAL 1 83 12 612 6 494 743.64 (t) Intake air filters for internal combustion engines TOTAL 0 6 18 332 11 742.30 (t) Concrete pumps TOTAL 17 743.67 (t) Filtering or purifying apparatus for liquids, TOTAL 40 4406 9195 45589 EU countries 31 2650 9060 29583 France 29 2588 9022 28266 Other 2 62 38 1316 Non-EU countries 9 1756 135 16007 United States 9 1730 129 15333 Other 0 26 6 674 157 154 1191 76 672 71 33 37 3015 1285 1730 131 4237 742.40 (t) Reciprocating positive displacement pumps, nes TOTAL 9 761 133 10456 EU countries 5 280 61 4619 Non-EU countries 4 481 72 5837 742.50 (t) Rotary positive displacement pumps, nes TOTAL 17 564 198 6705 742.60 (t) Centrifugal pumps for liquids, nes TOTAL 458 5162 4586 EU countries 432 4855 4187 Luxembourg 258 2563 2649 Other 173 2292 1538 Non-EU countries 26 308 399 55401 47955 27918 20037 7446 6022 5770 4271 1499 252 54661 48864 28937 19927 5796 742.71 (t) Pumps for liquids, nes TOTAL 35 998 EU countries 25 570 Non-EU countries 10 428 375 226 150 11724 6311 5413 374 275 99 9461 6367 3094 - 4 34 3 22 742.91 (t) Parts of pumps of 742 TOTAL 165 3448 EU countries 157 3055 France 70 1530 Other 87 1525 Non-EU countries 8 393 1840 1661 795 865 179 37973 31616 17310 14306 6357 2066 1595 923 672 471 37530 28597 17582 11015 8933 742.95 (t) Parts of liquid elevators of 742 TOTAL 0 3 1 85 1 79 742.75 (t) Liquid elevators TOTAL - 743. PUMPS (EXCL LIQUID), AIR OR GAS COMPRESSORS AND FANS; VENTILATING/RECYCLING HOODS; CENTRIFUGES, ETC 743.11 (t) Vacuum pumps TOTAL 43789 26744 25291 1453 17045 15858 1187 743.69 (t) Filtering or purifying apparatus for gases, nes TOTAL 25 443 473 6836 393 6730 743.80 (t) Parts for the pumps, fans, hoods etc of 743.1 & 743.4 TOTAL 491 27613 5394 312149 1149 91512 EU countries 479 26466 5226 296402 961 75832 Germany 98 5013 1552 80151 120 5396 Denmark 30 1586 188 9567 13 647 Spain 73 3675 749 38254 96 4817 France 75 4327 676 41802 167 16310 Great Britain 43 2148 410 21835 98 5037 Italy 29 1794 367 23073 120 11307 Netherlands 30 1523 294 15010 44 2128 Poland 16 823 267 14273 35 1687 Romania 12 1468 146 19641 154 22196 Other 74 4110 577 32796 114 6306 Non-EU countries 11 1147 168 15747 188 15680 743.91 (t) Parts of centrifuges (incl. centrifugal driers) of 743.5 TOTAL 21 356 548 4181 718 4510 743.95 (t) Parts of filtering or purifying apparatus of 743.6 TOTAL 82 5385 1244 67164 2456 EU countries 45 2440 765 34478 2015 France 24 1849 475 26669 1700 Other 21 591 290 7809 315 Non-EU countries 37 2945 479 32686 441 United States 32 2769 353 27722 297 Other 5 176 126 4964 144 95448 41737 32016 9721 53712 36308 17404 744. MECHANICAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT, AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 118 2640 92 1239 743.13 (t) Hand-or foot-operated air pumps TOTAL 1 3 5 50 6 43 15 231 743.15 (t) Compressors of a kind used in refrigerating equipment TOTAL 10 158 102 1846 112 2457 743.17 (t) Air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing TOTAL 8 69 15 294 743.19 (t) Other pumps, compressors, etc, incorporating a fan TOTAL 2 57 45 1160 93 2406 743.41 (t) Table, wall, window, roof etc fans, output <=125w TOTAL 0 3 11 211 7 76 743.43 (t) Other fans TOTAL 121 nes 1614 1195 1129 66 419 414 6 3 137 48 1717 62 2189 743.45 (t) Hoods, incorporating a fan, side <=120 cm TOTAL 0 3 10 83 16 119 744.11 (no) Electric self-propelled trucks, with lifting equipment TOTAL 97 2643 1584 19076 992 19329 EU countries 5 254 20 323 33 568 Non-EU countries 92 2389 1564 18753 959 18761 744.12 (no) Other self-propelled trucks, with lifting equipment TOTAL 558 15674 4909 145754 32459 124847 EU countries 95 4198 1250 55214 27457 49562 Great Britain 54 2425 628 27003 493 22048 Other 41 1773 622 28211 26964 27513 Non-EU countries 463 11476 3659 90540 5002 75285 United States 394 9027 2677 69824 2925 51270 Other 69 2449 982 20716 2077 24015 744.13 (no) Other works trucks with lifting or TOTAL 89 1613 2301 EU countries 77 1305 922 Finland 66 1294 777 Other 11 11 145 Non-EU countries 12 308 1379 handling equipment 23941 1200 25318 17367 767 19663 16899 713 19017 469 54 646 6573 433 5655 111 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 744.14 (no) Works trucks, electrical, self-propelled, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment TOTAL 1 0 - 744.91 (t) Parts of machinery of 744.2 and 744.4 TOTAL 2 60 38 325 12 214 34412 15156 19256 15807 3449 2733 1759 974 737 237 19627 10176 9451 6955 2496 744.21 (t) Pulley tackle & hoists (excl skip hoists or for vehicles) TOTAL 15 100 225 1699 118 939 744.93 (t) Parts of lifts, skip hoists or escalators TOTAL 8 68 98 696 38 802 744.25 (t) Winches and capstans TOTAL 1 744.94 (t) Parts of other handling machinery of 744.7 and 744.8 TOTAL 4 122 237 2349 87 - 744.15 (no) Other self-propelled trucks, not with lifting equipment TOTAL 24 61 3 68 744.19 (t) Parts of the trucks and tractors of 744.14 and 744.15 TOTAL 1 1 21 32 61 11 7 114 744.31 (t) Overhead travelling cranes on fixed support TOTAL - 369 120 1314 5 7 744.32 (t) Mobile lifting frames on tyres and straddle carriers TOTAL 241 1948 2758 22240 1012 EU countries 20 220 364 3577 233 Non-EU countries 220 1728 2394 18663 779 8816 2487 6329 744.33 (t) Other overhead travelling cranes; transporter cranes etc TOTAL 3467 17246 21281 156580 17258 137855 EU countries 105 402 0 3 Non-EU countries 3467 17246 21175 156178 17258 137851 Chile 3467 17246 3467 17246 Saudi Arabia 5785 52351 10483 79986 Togo 1811 12741 Turkey 2110 15772 United States 2248 17431 0 8 South Africa 4271 35909 1249 16899 Other 1484 4727 5525 40959 744.34 (t) Tower cranes TOTAL - - 1133 1969 1058 1269 744.35 (t) Portal or pedestal jib cranes TOTAL 0 3 867 6979 1 5 744.37 (t) Other cranes: self-propelled TOTAL 61 494 1567 6257 867 6480 744.39 (t) Other cranes: not self-propelled TOTAL 81 649 1632 EU countries 70 612 1517 Non-EU countries 11 36 115 12636 11716 920 2892 2531 361 17702 16397 1305 744.41 (t) Built-in jacking systems of a type used in garages TOTAL 2 9 - - 744.43 (t) Other jacks and hoists, hydraulic TOTAL 1 4 23 744.49 (t) Other jacks and hoists TOTAL 1 12 114 19 76 14 202 12 157 744.71 (t) Pneumatic elevators and conveyers TOTAL 9 79 420 2513 765 3329 744.72 (t) Other continuous-action conveyors, for underground use TOTAL 92 218 4 744.73 (t) Other continuous-action conveyors, bucket type TOTAL 0 2 744.74 (t) Other continuous-action conveyors, belt type TOTAL 9 141 106 3114 3 134 38 8 2532 744.79 (t) Continuous-action conveyers for goods or materials, nes TOTAL 29 45 83 730 68 536 744.81 (t) Lifts and skip hoists TOTAL 33 264 744.85 (t) Escalators and moving walkways - 744.92 (t) Parts of machinery of 744.11-13 TOTAL 197 2965 1733 EU countries 145 2221 1003 Non-EU countries 52 744 731 United States 21 368 430 Other 31 376 301 1859 745. OTHER NON-ELECTRICAL MACHINERY, TOOLS AND APPARATUS 745.11 (t) Tools for working in the hand, pneumatic TOTAL 2 165 18 1741 29 1569 745.12 (t) Tools for working in the hand, with self-contained non-electric motor TOTAL 26 1087 202 10557 326 EU countries 20 1060 192 10470 322 Non-EU countries 6 27 10 87 4 9351 9182 169 745.19 (t) Parts of the tools of 745.1 TOTAL 13 75 183 1057 89 793 745.21 (no) Dish washing machines not of the household type TOTAL 18 37 20 42 745.23 (t) Machinery for cleaning/drying bottles or other containers TOTAL 1 28 3 113 745.27 (t) Other non-electric packing or wrapping machinery TOTAL 114 797 2264 18605 1907 EU countries 108 609 1687 12491 1805 Non-EU countries 6 188 578 6114 102 745.29 (t) Parts of machinery of 745.2 and 775.3 TOTAL 0 5 7 799 6 13727 12190 1538 1384 745.31 (no) Weighing machinery (excl household and sensitivity <=5cg) TOTAL 197 55 8582 539 5673 471 745.32 (no) Personal weighing machines, baby scales, household scales TOTAL 211 2 5333 53 9011 85 745.39 (t) Weighing machine weights of all kinds; parts of 745.3 TOTAL 0 52 1 168 1 745.61 (t) Fire extinguishers, whether or not charged TOTAL 128 270 1564 3519 79 1054 2273 745.62 (t) Spray guns and similar appliances TOTAL 8 283 115 3297 82 2042 745.63 (t) Steam or sand blasting machines etc TOTAL 2 31 73 1244 82 443 745.64 (t) Agricultural etc appliances for spraying liquids/powders TOTAL 155 795 1677 7124 1245 4978 745.65 (t) Other mechanical projecting, spraying etc appliances TOTAL 1 32 18 235 12 745.68 (t) Parts of the appliances of 745.6 TOTAL 17 126 286 1395 293 136 1129 745.91 (t) Calendering or rolling machines (excl for metals/glass) TOTAL 0 12 0 4 399 2038 114 952 745.93 (t) Cylinders and other parts for the machines of 745.91 TOTAL 0 3 6 71 213 453 - - - - 745.95 (no) Automatic goods-vending and money-changing machines TOTAL 14 33 134 54 745.97 (t) Parts for the machines of 745.95 TOTAL 3 57 744.89 (t) Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery TOTAL 39 539 892 8054 604 6185 13 4 112 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 746. BALL OR ROLLER BEARINGS 748.39 (t) Parts of articulated chain of iron or steel TOTAL 0 1 0 4 2 5 746.10 (t) Ball bearings TOTAL 748.40 (t) Gears (excl toothed wheels etc), gear boxes etc TOTAL 10 540 365 6967 409 7790 2 24 6 230 6 285 746.20 (t) Tapered roller bearings TOTAL - 0 7 4 26 748.50 (t) Flywheels and pulleys (incl pulley blocks) TOTAL 7 62 92 866 748.60 (t) Clutches and shaft couplings (incl universal joints) TOTAL 3 82 19 579 31 726 748.90 (t) Parts, nes, for the articles of Group 748 TOTAL 2 31 37 555 37 489 - - - 746.30 (t) Spherical roller bearings TOTAL 0 0 1 26 2 17 746.40 (t) Needle roller bearings TOTAL - - - 0 0 746.50 (t) Other cylindrical roller bearings TOTAL 0 6 1 119 0 39 749. NON-ELECTRIC PARTS AND ACCESSORIES OF MACHINERY, NES 84 2 76 749.11 (t) Moulding boxes for metal foundry - - 746.80 (t) Other ball or roller bearings TOTAL 0 9 1 100 900 746.91 (t) Balls, needles and rollers for ball and roller bearings TOTAL 3 17 6 30 749.12 (t) Mould bases TOTAL - - 0 15 4 32 746.99 (t) Other parts of ball and roller bearings TOTAL 0 15 4 276 749.13 (t) Moulding patterns TOTAL 0 10 3 121 4 239 5 296 747. TAPS, COCKS, VALVES ETC FOR PIPES, TANKS ETC 747.10 (t) Pressure-reducing valves TOTAL 88 7228 EU countries 45 2809 Great Britain 23 1048 Italy 15 1397 Other 8 364 Non-EU countries 43 4419 Saudi Arabia 10 673 United States 13 1933 Other 19 1813 1065 383 275 46 62 683 199 146 337 77373 23204 14546 4737 3921 54169 17198 10305 26667 1243 571 384 5 182 671 28 72 571 747.20 (t) Valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions TOTAL 2 98 22 718 23 747.30 (t) Check valves TOTAL 5 448 747.40 (t) Safety or relief valves TOTAL 7 1303 EU countries 7 1220 Non-EU countries 0 83 82 64 56 7 5607 10355 9611 744 109 78373 31473 18263 696 12514 46900 2776 3256 40869 812 6089 65 56 9 7957 7436 521 747.80 (t) Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances, nes TOTAL 151 3373 1768 36601 1772 EU countries 137 2561 1576 26703 1548 Great Britain 110 1627 1113 14903 1056 Other 26 934 464 11800 493 Non-EU countries 14 812 192 9898 224 39583 26311 14154 12157 13272 747.90 (t) Parts for the appliances of Group 747 TOTAL 33 1273 493 19056 EU countries 29 510 295 5434 Non-EU countries 4 763 198 13622 534 235 300 23197 5466 17731 749.14 (t) Injection/compression moulds for metals/metal carbides - - 749.15 (t) Other moulds for metals or metal carbides TOTAL 0 0 0 1 749.16 (t) Moulds for glass - - 749.17 (t) Moulds for mineral materials TOTAL - - - - - 1 36 0 5 749.18 (t) Injection or compression-type moulds for rubber/plastics TOTAL 1 21 29 1610 17 4109 749.19 (t) Other moulds for rubber or plastics TOTAL 0 25 3 203 5 455 749.20 (t) Gaskets etc of two or more layers of metal etc TOTAL 4 1953 46 17142 EU countries 1 599 24 6701 Non-EU countries 2 1354 22 10442 50 17 33 15440 7632 7808 749.91 (t) Ship's or boats propellers and blades therefor TOTAL 0 0 7 0 3 749.99 (t) Other machinery parts, not containing electrical features TOTAL 2 28 9 199 210 156 751. OFFICE MACHINES 751.10 (no) Typewriters, word-processing machines etc. other than printers covered by Groups 726, 726 and 751; TOTAL 2 2 1591 163 751.21 (no) Electronic calculators, not requiring external power TOTAL 104932 220 167490 386 264182 748. TRANSMISSION SHAFTS, CRANKS, BEARING HOUSINGS, GEARS AND GEARING FLYWHEELS, PULLEYS ETC 751.22 (no) Other calculating machines TOTAL 535 416 748.10 (t) Transmission shafts (incl cam & crank shafts) and cranks TOTAL 3 79 30 577 19 481 748.21 (t) Bearing housings, incorporating ball or roller bearings TOTAL 0 3 5 39 4 36 748.22 (t) Bearing housings, not incorporating ball/roller bearings TOTAL 1 21 6 245 3 150 748.31 (t) Roller chain of iron or steel TOTAL 1 5 751.24 (no) Cash registers TOTAL 7 317 748.32 (t) Other articulated chain of iron or steel TOTAL 0 2 1 6 30 3 6069 3811 5455 4501 39 84 27 51 751.28 (no) Accounting machines, postage-franking, ticket-issuing and similar machines, incorporating a calculating device TOTAL 23 1 655 32 8017 565 751.91 (no) Duplicating machines TOTAL - 36 20 865 - 9 3 26 9 258 751.93 (no) Machines for sorting/opening mail, stamp fixing etc TOTAL 42 3 47 3 6326 281 751.94 (t) Digital devices which can perform at least two of the functions of printing, faxing, copying etc TOTAL 9 134 107 2016 41 853 11 113 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 751.95 (t) Other machines capable of connecting to ADP machines or a network TOTAL 16 683 158 5934 165 6534 751.96 (t) Other printers, copying and facsimile machines TOTAL 1 36 11 281 42 62 62 417 36 1 5 2 6 6243 1413 5411 8530 10 136 49 83 43705 53197 49212 120887 41 71 38 90 37308 46644 52885 113321 355 751.97 (t) Parts/accessories for goods of headings 751.91 to 751.96 TOTAL 401 23689 4258 309105 7107 595350 EU countries 262 9939 2580 144431 4856 338455 Germany 23 4426 338 87552 583 238192 Netherlands 234 5165 2126 47567 4142 93675 Other 6 349 116 9311 131 6589 Non-EU countries 139 13749 1678 164674 2251 256895 China 3 45 117 20187 439 122095 Singapore 7 4675 203 43030 240 15318 Thailand 13 1586 195 25409 98 16849 United States 115 7298 1105 71187 1400 96735 Other 1 146 59 4861 74 5898 751.99 (t) Office machines, nes TOTAL 6 752.70 - continued Turkey United States South Africa Other 343 752. ADP MACHINES AND UNITS; MAGNETIC OR OPTICAL READERS, ETC 752.20 (1000) Portable ADP machines weighing < 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display TOTAL 14 2723 163 36247 216 43298 EU countries 11 2180 151 31125 204 35632 Great Britain 9 1464 108 21048 133 20663 Other 2 715 43 10077 71 14969 Non-EU countries 3 544 12 5122 12 7666 752.30 (1000) Other ADP machines TOTAL 30 38934 EU countries 22 27427 Belgium 2 1454 Czech Republic 1 1511 Germany 5 6980 Spain 1 1243 France 2 3009 Great Britain 3 5061 Italy 2 2216 Netherlands 2 2436 Other 5 3517 Non-EU countries 8 11507 Switzerland 1 2011 Saudi Arabia 0 591 United States 2 3138 Other 5 5767 364 267 28 16 40 10 23 66 20 37 28 97 10 14 21 52 489345 351040 15749 23829 67548 13470 32286 91096 28157 42169 36735 138305 16041 10580 42018 69667 338 238 13 17 32 8 23 61 20 41 23 100 9 6 29 56 469072 348732 11125 26545 61429 11722 34691 77042 29935 57610 38632 120340 15104 13334 28210 63692 752.60 (1000) Input or output units TOTAL 5 328 169 4264 288 4578 752.70 (1000) Storage units, whether or not with the rest of a system TOTAL 69 140059 1141 1612720 1685 1359071 EU countries 16 68666 390 838945 959 620144 Belgium 1 712 6 56162 11 17977 Czech Republic 1 532 6 14142 116 12294 Germany 2 17361 57 175340 79 112716 Denmark 0 2040 3 23130 8 8509 Spain 1 4632 10 34620 19 27739 France 2 11740 28 116059 183 57228 Great Britain 3 14125 61 225073 193 171989 Italy 1 3430 14 39313 34 33024 Luxembourg 0 116 1 11787 3 4573 Netherlands 3 3917 170 46852 129 44066 Poland 1 1639 14 12721 16 4579 Sweden 1 4131 10 44319 9 23857 Other 1 4291 11 39426 158 101593 Non-EU countries 53 71393 750 773775 727 738927 United Arab Emirat 5 9686 23 46482 26 33510 Australia 1 3821 21 54498 26 51896 Brazil 15 5647 106 25318 128 32710 Switzerland 1 1701 12 21534 27 32402 Hong Kong 6 5726 119 114247 90 111568 Israel 2 7958 22 47919 34 27901 India 2 2401 93 51247 63 45136 Japan 2 1672 14 30026 35 38306 South Korea 0 504 2 16931 1 1354 Malaysia 1 1477 10 11358 11 24879 Qatar 0 1873 5 14212 5 10379 Russia 2 1390 14 11260 24 21088 Saudi Arabia 2 3556 8 23976 5 9283 Singapore 2 2384 23 37766 14 48358 752.80 (1000) Other units of automatic data processing machines TOTAL 42 12538 630 165827 1548 251442 EU countries 18 4993 256 71042 1234 159671 Czech Republic 6 922 69 9955 48 7514 Germany 3 792 37 10665 169 26558 Great Britain 4 1086 37 20820 295 37859 Other 6 2193 112 29602 722 87740 Non-EU countries 24 7545 374 94786 313 91772 Singapore 8 2496 101 32881 102 33990 Other 16 5049 273 61905 211 57782 752.90 (1000) Data-processing equipment, nes TOTAL 8 5306 295 EU countries 3 2227 67 Germany 1 864 9 Other 3 1362 58 Non-EU countries 5 3079 228 Saudi Arabia 20 Other 5 3079 209 74398 22068 9973 12095 52330 18558 33773 181 27 6 21 154 32 121 53402 17539 7597 9942 35863 5358 30505 759. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES (EXCL COVERS, CASES ETC) FOR MACHINES OF GROUPS 751 & 752 759.80 (t) Parts/accessories for use with machines of subgroups 751.1, 751.2, 751.9 and group 752 TOTAL 2 284 215 2901 126 1796 759.91 (t) Parts/accessories for use with machines of 751.1 TOTAL 5 837 88 15047 149 EU countries 2 134 22 1455 24 Non-EU countries 3 704 65 13592 125 26401 1345 25055 759.93 (t) Parts/accessories for use with machines of 751.9 TOTAL 51 121 421 1778 519 2183 759.95 (t) Parts/accessories for the machines of 751.2 TOTAL 18 1294 323 13531 EU countries 17 847 300 9810 Non-EU countries 2 448 23 3720 254 210 44 22388 7758 14631 759.97 (t) Parts/accessories for the machines of group 752 TOTAL 359 65059 3276 552456 4438 EU countries 254 43372 2190 378770 3233 Czech Republic 10 537 37 26927 293 Germany 17 2862 169 34718 283 France 13 1663 180 16640 164 Great Britain 125 5603 978 54860 1432 Netherlands 36 1290 368 10760 178 Poland 14 26998 150 186360 123 Other 38 4419 307 48505 760 Non-EU countries 105 21687 1086 173686 1205 Brazil 12 2525 159 11537 130 China 10 3110 96 18013 245 India 2 392 30 10107 31 United States 26 5240 229 45835 203 Other 55 10419 573 88194 596 654254 501106 24681 60796 35054 69217 39259 159758 112341 153148 14778 21392 5541 29161 82276 761. ADP MACHINES AND UNITS; MAGNETIC OR OPTICAL READERS, ETC 761.30 (1000) Cathode-ray tube monitors TOTAL 0 42 761.40 (1000) Other monitors TOTAL 2 761.50 (1000) Projectors TOTAL 0 1 190 5 592 201 45 3939 18 6787 63 5 911 13 1396 761.60 (t) Reception apparatus for televisions (incl all recording or reproducing apparatus) TOTAL 77 2067 408 10462 1102 23871 EU countries 77 2053 402 10244 1092 23496 Belgium 58 1473 153 3390 285 6790 Other 19 580 249 6854 807 16706 Non-EU countries 0 14 6 218 10 375 114 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 764.21 (t) Microphones and stands therefor TOTAL 3 71 6 762. RADIO-BROADCAST RECEIVERS 762.11 (no) With sound recording/reproducing apparatus, for vehicles TOTAL 94 9 1608 121 1278 79 762.12 (no) Without sound recording/reproducing, for vehicles TOTAL 3 4 4 0 762.21 (no) No external source, with sound recording/reproducing TOTAL 2817 262 9300 565 30612 8280 762.22 (no) No external source, without sound recording/reproducing TOTAL 1124 19 6030 117 17226 175 762.81 (no) Other, with sound recording/reproducing apparatus TOTAL 1059 82 70703 27898 82999 EU countries 822 38 68446 27360 77070 Belgium 66235 27246 75111 Other 822 38 2211 114 1959 Non-EU countries 237 43 2257 538 5929 23614 22180 22053 126 1434 762.82 (no) Other, without sound recording/reproducing, with clock TOTAL 147 5 1599 50 3888 57 762.89 (no) Other, without sound recording/reproducing or clock TOTAL 17423 6410 62564 19886 49737 25673 EU countries 17423 6410 62551 19875 49735 25672 Belgium 17317 6408 61412 19840 48437 25628 Other 106 2 1139 34 1298 44 Non-EU countries 0 13 12 2 1 314 3 272 mounted in their enclosures 243 4336 2125 42791 235 3961 2075 41788 217 3363 1910 34717 19 598 164 7071 7 375 51 1003 2073 1998 1826 172 76 35736 34747 27820 6927 989 3 68 764.23 (t) Loudspeakers, not mounted in their enclosures TOTAL 0 4 3 85 764.24 (t) Headphones, earphones, combined microphone/speaker sets TOTAL 71 6499 455 39749 461 40138 EU countries 63 5958 352 33104 338 33519 Great Britain 54 4746 246 21624 253 23622 Other 9 1212 107 11480 86 9897 Non-EU countries 8 541 103 6645 122 6618 764.25 (t) Audio-frequency electric amplifiers TOTAL 0 4 21 1246 2 64 764.26 (t) Electric sound amplifier sets TOTAL 1 522 8 4049 5 3771 695 562 1866 439 764.32 (no) Transmission apparatus incl reception apparatus TOTAL 2096 572 14253 3770 13920 4143 764.31 (no) Transmission apparatus TOTAL 248 142 764.83 (t) Radar, radio navigational aid, remote control apparatus TOTAL 2 488 31 6888 29 6227 763. SOUND/VIDEO RECORDERS OR REPRODUCERS; UNRECORDED MEDIA 763.31 (no) Apparatus that use coins, banknotes, bank cards or other means of payment TOTAL 14 1 260 14 2087 107 763.35 (no) Turntables (record-decks) TOTAL 114 6 764.22 (t) Loudspeakers, TOTAL EU countries Belgium Other Non-EU countries 764.84 (no) Other video-recording/reproducing apparatus, nes TOTAL 363393 13664 4159927 144667 4106947 EU countries 359102 13320 3552819 125966 3366224 Germany 31002 1383 2057431 84779 1726992 Great Britain 277896 10779 1092726 29326 967295 Other 50204 1158 402662 11861 671937 Non-EU countries 4291 344 607108 18701 740723 United States 2486 130 569550 13521 689234 Other 1805 214 37558 5181 51489 127749 106213 61010 25356 19847 21536 16962 4575 322 18 282 43 - - - - 32558 2159 31816 1720 764.92 (t) Parts and accessories for use with apparatus of 764.2 TOTAL 3 563 36 6398 33 5105 763.81 (no) Video-recording/reproducing apparatus, magnetic tape-type TOTAL 10 1 146 19 13 31 764.93 (t) Parts/accessories for goods of 761/762 and 764.3/764.8 TOTAL 9 463 79 4614 57 5683 763.84 (no) Other video-recording/reproducing apparatus, nes TOTAL 1202 404 11053 3177 13351 764.99 (t) Parts and accessories for use with apparatus of Group 763 TOTAL 1 29 5 353 6 1099 763.36 (no) Telephone answering machines 763.39 (no) Other apparatus TOTAL 2632 134 4039 764. TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, NES 764.11 (t) Telephone sets TOTAL 24 EU countries 9 Czech Republic 2 Great Britain 4 Poland 2 Other 1 Non-EU countries 15 United Arab Emirat 6 Other 9 10175 7029 2097 1279 2401 1252 3145 2061 1085 166 86 2 62 3 19 80 39 42 108705 85167 3210 46693 3338 31925 23538 16255 7283 771. ELECTRIC POWER MACHINERY (EXCL GROUP 716) AND PARTS 201 92 5 66 0 20 109 63 46 86118 48119 3527 22113 363 22117 37998 28858 9140 764.12 (1000) Other transmission apparatus for voice, images, data etc TOTAL 0 14640 693 201952 46 166371 EU countries 0 8747 688 124838 5 94882 Belgium 2187 6 22941 0 18956 Germany 1739 0 26597 0 24250 Great Britain 0 1682 1 27885 1 16726 Other 0 3139 681 47415 3 34950 Non-EU countries 0 5893 5 77114 42 71489 United States 0 2346 1 26060 20 27795 Other 0 3547 4 51054 21 43694 764.18 (t) Parts/accessories for telecommunications equipment TOTAL 40 6836 364 40910 225 EU countries 8 1457 113 15125 68 Non-EU countries 32 5379 251 25785 157 South Africa 16 3295 16 3405 1 Other 16 2084 235 22379 156 29313 8630 20682 287 20396 771.11 (1000) Liquid dielectric transformers TOTAL 1 5829 1106 EU countries 1 3772 10 Great Britain 1 2766 7 Other 0 1006 2 Non-EU countries 0 2056 1096 United States 0 1958 0 Other 0 98 1096 55164 50167 32044 18123 4996 2597 2399 2049 10 7 3 2040 1 2038 59786 54042 27594 26448 5744 31 5713 771.19 (1000) Other electric transformers TOTAL 133 236 1123 3045 346 3845 34157 13948 20209 .. .. .. 33360 14308 19053 771.23 (1000) Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes TOTAL 3 59 38 395 22 375 175 137 124 13 38 14503 14182 12802 1379 321 771.21 (t) Static converters TOTAL .. EU countries .. Non-EU countries .. 771.25 (t) Other inductors TOTAL 15 EU countries 15 Germany 15 Other 0 Non-EU countries 0 3701 1048 2653 1589 1576 1572 4 13 .. .. .. 137 136 136 0 1 14137 14075 13971 104 62 115 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 771.29 (t) Parts of the electric power machinery of Group 771 TOTAL 2 92 14 2060 77 13962 772. ELECTRICAL SWITCHING, CONNECTING & PROTECTING APPARATUS; PRINTED CIRCUITS; RESISTORS; ETC 772.20 (t) Printed circuits TOTAL 6 EU countries 1 Non-EU countries 4 United States 2 Other 2 2637 740 1898 1729 169 21410 9637 11773 4476 7297 772.31 (t) Fixed carbon resistors, composition or film types TOTAL 0 16 0 86 0 19 772.32 (t) Other fixed resistors TOTAL 0 1 68 772.62 (t) Boards, panels etc, with apparatus, for a voltage >1000v TOTAL 3 366 95 3810 131 4989 772.33 (t) Wirewound variable resistors (incl rheostats etc) TOTAL 0 21 0 25 772.81 (t) Boards, panels etc for goods of 772.6, not with apparatus TOTAL 40 373 549 4749 825 8893 1 24296 10214 14082 8065 6017 51603 28703 11693 17010 22900 10653 12247 135 22 113 10 103 20 123 25 98 10 88 772.59 (t) Other apparatus for switching etc, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 124 4616 1534 57233 1534 EU countries 98 2653 1129 30513 1060 Germany 63 964 669 10844 698 Other 35 1689 460 19669 363 Non-EU countries 26 1963 405 26721 474 United States 14 517 287 12105 290 Other 12 1446 118 14616 184 219 772.35 (t) Other variable resistors (incl rheostats/potentiometers) TOTAL 4 1261 124 17001 423 19144 EU countries 3 547 88 6134 384 6583 Non-EU countries 1 715 35 10868 39 12561 772.38 (t) Parts for the electrical resistors of 772.3 TOTAL 5 464 11 1613 2 772.61 (t) Boards, panels etc, with apparatus, TOTAL 340 5136 3372 EU countries 337 4748 3118 Germany 1 211 193 Finland 185 1870 1497 Great Britain 97 1491 941 Other 55 1175 487 Non-EU countries 3 387 254 for a voltage <=1000v 61856 4412 97378 51164 4208 81830 10333 587 26859 15154 1145 13757 15141 1298 14033 10536 1179 27181 10692 203 15548 772.82 (t) Other parts for goods of 772.4, 772.5 & 772.6 TOTAL 153 3232 2382 26477 1975 EU countries 150 1519 2362 21131 1948 Non-EU countries 3 1712 20 5346 27 27379 21326 6053 346 773. EQUIPMENT FOR DISTRIBUTING ELECTRICITY, NES 772.41 (t) Fuses, for voltage >1000v TOTAL 0 2 1 158 772.42 (t) Automatic circuit breakers, voltage >1000v TOTAL 0 1 1 34 0 45 0 5 772.43 (t) Other automatic circuit breakers, voltage >1000v TOTAL 0 2 2 64 4 114 772.44 (t) Isolating switches/make-and-break switches, voltage>1000v TOTAL 0 6 13 690 9 257 772.45 (t) Lightning arresters, surge suppressors etc, voltage>1000v TOTAL 0 3 0 15 1 34 773.11 (t) Winding wire TOTAL 25 128 401 2251 773.12 (t) Co-axial cable and other co-axial conductors TOTAL 1 44 35 826 432 2901 38 669 773.13 (t) Ignition wiring sets etc for vehicles, aircraft or ships TOTAL 23 698 236 13309 199 6127 EU countries 23 694 234 13198 194 6030 Non-EU countries 0 4 1 111 4 97 2 150 773.16 (t) Insulated electric conductors, for voltage < 1,000 V, nes TOTAL 437 9224 7766 81082 10600 73226 EU countries 430 8557 7295 65704 9884 55822 France 5 1893 17 3303 15 1227 Great Britain 39 3615 374 19172 3563 23073 Netherlands 330 1892 3361 22295 3628 20407 Other 56 1158 3543 20935 2678 11115 Non-EU countries 6 667 471 15378 716 17404 17 881 773.17 (t) Other electric conductors, voltage >1000v TOTAL 0 4 4 76 10 83 772.53 (t) Other apparatus for protecting circuits, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 1 23 4 279 7 1434 773.18 (t) Optical fibre cables TOTAL 19 772.54 (t) Relays, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 0 14 773.22 (t) Electrical insulators of glass TOTAL - 772.49 (t) Other apparatus for switching etc, voltage >1000v TOTAL 4 165 42 1239 40 772.51 (t) Fuses, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 1 24 3 169 772.52 (t) Automatic circuit breakers, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 1 75 20 883 1607 5 536 3 252 772.55 (t) Other switches, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 260 28327 2617 EU countries 249 26894 2458 Belgium 9 774 118 Czech Republic 19 3529 208 Germany 113 10535 1071 Spain 18 1966 128 Great Britain 36 4337 369 Sweden 32 3444 334 Other 24 2308 230 Non-EU countries 11 1433 159 293102 275889 10686 38652 106901 13391 44819 37994 23447 17214 2555 2281 122 191 1040 56 335 285 253 274 279045 259922 10878 34252 105698 4863 40362 37553 26314 19123 772.56 (t) Connectors for optical fibres, fibre bundles or cables TOTAL 3 123 6 241 3 772.57 (t) Lamp-holders, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 0 2 2 772.58 (t) Plugs and sockets, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 62 2059 677 EU countries 21 637 230 Non-EU countries 41 1422 447 37 23 19 238 25344 9320 16023 566 168 398 21087 6954 14133 632 197 6340 35 3997 0 0 0 1 773.23 (t) Electrical insulators of ceramics TOTAL 0 3 - - 773.24 (t) Electrical insulators, other than of glass or ceramics TOTAL 1 49 22 770 18 574 773.26 (t) Insulating fittings of ceramic materials (excl 773.23) TOTAL 0 3 0 28 1 48 773.28 (t) Insulating fittings of plastic materials (excl 773.24) TOTAL 1 65 15 835 94 2825 773.29 (t) Other insulating fittings, nes TOTAL 1 3 20 190 26 261 288 3 699 82306 16618 10558 6060 687 314 195 118 212848 29197 19097 10100 774. ELECTRO-DIAGNOSTIC APPARATUS FOR MEDICAL ETC SCIENCES 774.11 (t) Electro-cardiographs TOTAL 0 45 1 774.12 (t) Other electro-diagnostic apparatus TOTAL 27 7212 367 EU countries 10 1261 187 Great Britain 7 824 101 Other 3 437 85 116 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 774.12 - continued Non-EU countries United States Other 17 9 7 5951 4986 965 181 114 67 65688 52367 13321 373 270 103 183652 164163 19489 775.84 (no) Electric smoothing irons TOTAL 570 19 5648 222 7549 294 775.85 (no) Electric blankets TOTAL 284 2994 78 2933 68 10 774.13 (t) Ultra-violet or infra-red ray apparatus TOTAL 1 15 7 302 3 228 775.86 (no) Microwave and other ovens, cookers, grillers etc TOTAL 2880 375 31433 4244 24438 4087 774.21 (t) Apparatus based on the use of x-rays TOTAL 0 129 14 1096 6 705 775.87 (t) Electro-thermic domestic appliances, nes TOTAL 8 261 87 1546 128 1637 775.88 (t) Electric heating resistors (other than of carbon) TOTAL 9 260 119 3492 38 1423 775.89 (t) Parts of the electro-thermic appliances of 775.8 TOTAL 29 271 292 3167 118 1895 774.22 (t) Apparatus based on use of alpha, beta or gamma radiation TOTAL 0 0 2 315 2 520 774.23 (t) X-ray tubes TOTAL 0 5 0 79 774.29 (t) X-ray furniture (incl parts and accessories) TOTAL 0 39 107 917 1 8 255 1427 776. THERMIONIC COLD CATHODE & PHOTO-CATHODE VALVES AND TUBES; SEMI-CONDUCTOR DEVICES; INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ETC 775. HOUSEHOLD-TYPE EQUIPMENT, NES 775.11 (no) Washing machines, dry linen capacity <=10kg TOTAL 1095 251 9937 2203 14783 775.12 (t) Clothes drying machines, dry linen capacity <= 10kg TOTAL 9 55 57 396 44 775.21 (no) Refrigerators (electric or other) TOTAL 1331 1858 10051 EU countries 1221 339 9253 Non-EU countries 110 1519 798 Turkey 109 1518 691 Other 1 1 107 776.11 (no) Colour television and video CRTs TOTAL 19 4 306 68 23 14 - - - 2460 776.12 (no) Monochrome television and video CRTs 262 776.21 (no) Television camera tubes; image converters/intensifiers TOTAL 33 35 474 94 8395 3075 5320 5308 13 10232 9091 1141 776 365 9675 3267 6408 6396 12 776.23 (no) Other cathode-ray tubes TOTAL - 3 7 776.25 (no) Microwave tubes (excl grid-controlled tubes) TOTAL 1 1 6 5 5 2 775.22 (no) Deep-freezers (electric or other) TOTAL 1952 187 24748 2430 12442 1439 776.27 (no) Other electronic valves and tubes TOTAL 2118 17 16317 13515 172 775.30 (no) Dish washing machines TOTAL 691 152 1430 6956 1422 776.29 (t) Parts of the tubes and valves of 776.1 and 776.2 TOTAL 0 66 0 29 7228 775.41 (no) Shavers with self-contained electric motors TOTAL 1081 39 20262 865 11830 687 775.42 (no) Hair clippers with self-contained electric motor TOTAL 497 15 7099 192 8108 232 775.49 (t) Parts of 775.41-42 TOTAL 0 2 304 775.51 (t) Vacuum cleaners with self-contained electric motor TOTAL 37 648 362 6257 498 8385 37 1 173 775.56 (t) Vaccum cleaners other than with self-contained motor TOTAL 1 13 15 66 15 775.57 (t) Parts for vacuum cleaners TOTAL 0 9 2 31 4 172 776.31 (t) Diodes, not photosensitive nor LEDs TOTAL 17 4360 458 56798 EU countries 16 154 438 3913 Non-EU countries 1 4206 20 52885 United States 1 3821 17 48568 Other 0 385 2 4317 133 109 23 21 2 106 776.32 (t) Transistors (excl photosensitive), dissipation rate <1w TOTAL 0 1031 4 12835 5 14030 EU countries 0 109 0 7 Non-EU countries 0 1031 4 12726 5 14023 United States 0 968 4 11504 3 11595 Other 0 63 0 1222 2 2428 86 776.33 (t) Transistors (excl photosensitive), dissipation rate >=1w TOTAL 0 881 3 5820 4 5640 775.72 (no) Electro-mechanical food grinders/mixers, juice extractors TOTAL 1135 37 14978 484 18444 417 776.35 (t) Thyristors, diacs and triacs (excl photosensitive) TOTAL 0 3 0 17 0 775.73 (no) Other domestic appliances with electric motor TOTAL 537 1151 3330 13836 3799 EU countries 537 1075 3330 12304 3476 Non-EU countries 76 1532 323 14323 13710 612 776.37 (t) Photosensitive semi-conductor devices; LEDs TOTAL 8 1474 183 18587 EU countries 7 513 100 9607 Non-EU countries 1 961 83 8981 775.79 (t) Parts for domestic appliances with electric motor TOTAL 1 79 2 213 21 533 775.81 (no) Electric instantaneous/storage water & immersion heaters TOTAL 2855 176 54224 2806 48552 2770 775.82 (t) Electric space/soil heating apparatus TOTAL 932 4208 7910 36715 EU countries 916 3709 7693 31420 Great Britain 803 2999 5911 22837 Other 113 710 1781 8583 Non-EU countries 16 498 218 5295 7636 7092 5039 2053 544 71368 1207 70161 66752 3408 40642 30541 20873 9668 10101 775.83 (t) Electro-thermic hair-dressing or hand-drying apparatus TOTAL 4 101 222 1095 41 459 776.39 (t) Other semi-conductor devices TOTAL 0 878 EU countries 0 806 Non-EU countries 0 72 776.42 (t) Processors and controllers TOTAL 10 64675 EU countries 1 1159 Non-EU countries 9 63516 China 0 1471 Israel 3 33369 South Korea 1 4862 Taiwan 0 1981 United States 3 20485 Other 2 1349 50 169 134 34 15324 10480 4844 8 7 1 12131 11766 365 8 7 2 14662 11549 3113 103 37 66 2 8 6 3 33 15 328880 12927 315953 10619 92250 56262 19952 121703 15166 144 79 65 15 22 3 2 4 19 622579 19353 603226 267047 259980 20089 17226 5851 33033 117 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 776.44 (t) Memories TOTAL 776.46 (t) Amplifiers TOTAL 4 0 680 26 58 1 8165 75 7839 633 4 744 776.49 (t) Other electronic integrated circuits TOTAL 6 16121 76 122568 EU countries 2 112 36 2755 Non-EU countries 4 16008 39 119813 China 1 3853 5 21626 South Korea 1 5280 9 31647 Malaysia 1 4034 12 37627 Philippines 1 1516 8 19160 Other 0 1325 6 9752 82 54 28 3 3 9 7 6 80976 12006 68970 9806 10783 23648 16761 7972 776.81 (t) Piezo-electric crystals, mounted TOTAL 0 9 1 269 776.88 (t) Parts of the devices of 776.3 and 776.81 TOTAL 1 152 6 604 776.89 (t) Parts of the articles of 776.4 TOTAL 1 873 0 778.62 (t) Tantalum fixed capacitors TOTAL 0 23 185 0 278 778.63 (t) Aluminium electrolytic fixed capacitors TOTAL 0 1 1 76 0 0 19 778.64 (t) Ceramic dielectric fixed capacitors, single layer TOTAL 0 8 1 93 0 365 778.65 (t) Ceramic dielectric fixed capacitors, multilayer TOTAL 0 18 0 167 0 147 778.66 (t) Paper or plastics dielectric fixed capacitors TOTAL 0 6 1 52 0 19 778.67 (t) Other fixed capacitors TOTAL 2 37 1 13 0 47 9259 205 6305 20 0 33 22 778.68 (t) Variable or adjustable (pre-set) capacitors TOTAL 0 1 0 6 9 583 778.69 (t) Parts of electrical capacitors TOTAL 20 759 317 8 7631 449 178 13 19740 778.71 (t) Particle accelerators TOTAL - - 0 778. ELECTRICAL MACHINERY AND APPARATUS, NES 778.11 (t) Primary cells and primary batteries TOTAL 15 94 56 1179 94 1938 778.12 (t) Electric accumulators (storage batteries) TOTAL 105 442 582 4810 1838 4630 778.13 (t) Waste/scrap of primary cells, batteries and electric accumulators; electrical parts of machinery, nes TOTAL 423 349 5351 4273 4174 778.17 (t) Parts of primary cells and primary batteries TOTAL 0 2 9 329 778.19 (t) Parts of electric accumulators TOTAL 0 7 778.21 (1000) Filament lamps TOTAL 24 33 778.23 (1000) Sealed beam lamp units TOTAL 0 10 1102 4 46 1 24 160 228 566 485 40 265 778.24 (1000) Ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps TOTAL 0 36 1 293 778.29 (t) Parts of the lamps of 778.2 TOTAL 1 20 23 1768 778.79 (t) Parts of electrical machines of 778.7 TOTAL 10 1004 94 9491 76 7191 778.81 (t) Permanent and electro-magnets, clamps etc TOTAL 66 1156 849 14873 EU countries 61 1017 779 13125 Non-EU countries 5 139 70 1748 812 742 70 14624 13069 1554 3529 28 778.22 (1000) Discharge lamps (other than ultra-violet lamps) TOTAL 722 984 2458 4150 3527 778.78 (t) Other electrical machines, with individual functions nes TOTAL 39 6575 557 76725 434 46027 EU countries 33 4217 448 44951 165 13199 Great Britain 19 1549 158 18807 11 1925 Other 14 2668 290 26144 154 11274 Non-EU countries 6 2358 108 31774 269 32828 5906 18 144 1 379 11 868 778.82 (t) Signalling/safety equipment for railways, roads, airports TOTAL 0 54 18 2914 20 466 778.83 (t) Parts of the equipment of 778.82 TOTAL 0 17 0 17 0 25 778.84 (t) Sound or visual signalling apparatus (excl 778.33/778.82) TOTAL 200 16291 1948 127029 1229 78063 EU countries 190 12909 1816 116272 1099 70330 Germany 55 3951 555 35699 162 12564 France 42 2827 244 15024 71 4612 Great Britain 85 5623 910 58989 743 46588 Other 8 507 107 6560 123 6565 Non-EU countries 10 3383 133 10757 130 7734 Australia 7 2970 77 6100 90 4104 Other 3 412 55 4657 40 3629 778.31 (t) Ignition/starting equipment: internal combustion engines TOTAL 2 75 36 1016 34 2321 778.85 (t) Parts of the equipment of 778.84 TOTAL 3 32 25 778.33 (t) Parts of the equipment of 778.31 TOTAL 91 2505 1133 EU countries 91 2505 1132 Non-EU countries 0 778.86 (t) Carbon electrodes & carbon articles for electrical use TOTAL 0 14 2 139 3 158 27553 27539 14 1001 999 1 27076 27041 35 778.34 (t) Lighting/signalling, wipers, demisters etc for vehicles TOTAL 4 174 108 2507 102 1889 1077 34 1295 781. MOTOR VEHICLES PRINCIPALLY DESIGNED FOR THE TRANSPORT OF PERSONS (EXCL PUBLIC-TRANSPORT VEHICLES) 781.10 (no) Designed for travelling on snow; golf cars etc TOTAL 6 25 10 34 18 32 778.43 (no) Saws for working in the hand, with self-contained motor TOTAL 433 30 3868 198 2568 125 781.20 (no) Motor vehicles for the transport of persons, nes TOTAL 279 1682 3061 31189 5514 EU countries 86 1401 1326 27087 759 Great Britain 69 1228 973 21185 547 Other 17 173 353 5902 212 Non-EU countries 193 281 1735 4102 4755 27932 14889 10299 4590 13043 778.45 (t) Other tools for working in hand with self-contained motor TOTAL 8 84 326 3185 312 3147 782. MOTOR VEHICLES FOR GOODS; SPECIAL PURPOSES MOTOR VEHICLES 778.61 (t) Power capacitors TOTAL - 782.11 (no) Dumpers designed for off-highway use TOTAL 10 96 128 2063 778.35 (t) Parts of the equipment of 778.34 TOTAL 5 83 46 758 40 709 778.41 (no) Drills for working in the hand, with self-contained motor TOTAL 1559 92 27194 1807 20455 1364 - 0 28 0 7 132 3932 118 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 782.19 (no) Motor vehicles for the transport of goods nes TOTAL 95 1649 4532 33988 5998 EU countries 51 1506 1246 26580 2719 Great Britain 9 492 314 14868 655 Other 42 1014 933 11711 2064 Non-EU countries 44 143 3286 7409 3279 782.21 (no) Crane lorries TOTAL 38296 28568 16583 11985 9729 785.15 (no) Motorcycles: with reciprocating piston engine 250-500cc TOTAL 55 305 62 370 785.16 (no) Motorcycles: with reciprocating piston engine 500-800cc TOTAL 23 155 61 411 74 422 785.17 (no) Motorcycles: with reciprocating piston engine >800cc TOTAL 4 45 353 22 2 111 782.23 (no) Mobile drilling derricks TOTAL 782.25 (no) Fire fighting vehicles 782.27 (no) Concrete-mixer lorries TOTAL - 15 622 18 785.19 (no) Other motorcycles; side-cars TOTAL 1 0 2 161 5 320 1353 5 119 10 64 254 785.20 (no) Bicycles and other cycles (incl delivery tricycles) TOTAL 5860 362 29392 2969 19702 - - - 785.31 (t) Invalid carriages, whether or not motorised TOTAL 3 13 9 59 17 782.29 (no) Other special purpose vehicles TOTAL 24 1844 517 EU countries 20 1812 402 Great Britain 20 1812 402 Other Non-EU countries 4 32 115 1544 24 348 144 140 4 204 2 23 1261 785.35 (t) Parts TOTAL 16129 14082 14082 2047 1879 - 13974 11294 11229 65 2681 and accessories of motorcycles (incl mopeds) 0 3 13 36 7 785.36 (t) Parts and accessories of invalid carriages TOTAL 1 20 9 333 128 6 241 785.37 (t) Parts and accessories of other vehicles of Group 785 TOTAL 1 22 35 579 12 231 783. ROAD MOTOR VEHICLES, NES 783.11 (no) Public-transport vehicles, compression-ignition engine TOTAL 7 76 189 5276 28007 4192 783.19 (no) Public-transport vehicles, nes TOTAL 783.20 (no) Road tractors for semi-trailers TOTAL 3 48 86 786. TRAILERS AND SEMI-TRAILERS; VEHICLES, NOT MECHANICALLY PROPELLED; SPECIALLY EQUIPPED TRANSPORT CONTAINERS 786.10 (no) (Semi-)trailers of caravan type for housing or camping TOTAL 27 430 240 4391 6163 2666 - 17 390 786.21 (no) Self-loading/self-unloading (semi-)trailers, agricultural TOTAL 29 416 410 5292 230 3129 1239 240 2080 786.22 (no) Tanker trailers and tanker semi-trailers TOTAL 4 162 15 426 7 38 786.29 (no) Other (semi-)trailers for the transport of goods TOTAL 35 21 360 1307 251 747 784. PARTS ETC OF THE VEHICLES OF GROUPS 722, 781, 782 OR 783 784.10 (t) Chassis with engines for vehicles of 722/781/782/783 TOTAL 39 92 454 952 410 784.21 (t) Bodies (incl cabs) for vehicles of Group 781 TOTAL 2 103 578 786.30 (no) Containers specially designed and equipped for carriage TOTAL 17 29 343 831 355 2127 16 23 784.25 (t) Bodies (incl cabs) for vehicles of Groups 722, 782, 783 TOTAL 0 7 108 1918 63 853 784.31 (t) Bumpers for the vehicles of Groups 772/781/782/783 TOTAL 73 628 908 6161 803 786.83 (t) Trailers and semi-trailers, nes TOTAL 374 1271 3137 9575 1906 6119 786.85 (t) Vehicles, not mechanically propelled, nes TOTAL 7 35 91 406 57 326 12273 12202 7728 4474 71 20896 20706 13258 7449 189 6116 784.32 (t) Other parts of bodies for vehicles of 772/781/782/783 TOTAL 319 1675 3808 16904 3877 17606 EU countries 313 1618 3707 16547 3568 16837 Non-EU countries 5 58 101 357 309 769 786.89 (t) Parts for 786.1, 786.2, 786.83 and TOTAL 1130 1958 13401 EU countries 1125 1943 13304 Great Britain 844 1475 9673 Other 281 468 3630 Non-EU countries 5 15 97 786.85 23408 23151 17138 6014 257 784.33 (t) Brakes and servo brakes for vehicles of 722/781/782/783 TOTAL 16 56 178 783 97 506 791. RAILWAY VEHICLES AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 784.34 (t) Gearboxes and parts thereof TOTAL 6 8 117 189 80 253 784.35 (t) Drive-axles with differential; non-driving axles; parts TOTAL 18 60 66 416 32 333 784.39 (t) Other parts and accessories TOTAL 529 5643 EU countries 432 4862 Germany 27 818 Great Britain 222 1877 Other 183 2167 Non-EU countries 97 781 6440 4633 346 2451 1837 1806 65840 60691 11235 23662 25794 5149 7230 5026 262 2502 2262 2204 56959 50706 8471 18200 24035 6252 791.11 (t) Locomotives powered from external source of electricity - - 791.15 (t) Locomotives powered by electric accumulators TOTAL - 0 4 791.21 (t) Diesel-electric locomotives TOTAL 0 3 8 - - 791.29 (t) Rail locomotives, nes; locomotive tenders TOTAL 15 158 69 871 - - 1 791.60 (t) Railway or tramway coaches, vans & trucks, self-propelled TOTAL 0 4 2 21 0 3 785. MOTORCYCLES (INCL MOPEDS) AND CYCLES; INVALID CARRIAGES 785.11 (no) Motorcycles: with reciprocating piston engine <=50cc TOTAL 4 6 - 791.70 (t) Railway coaches, luggage vans etc, not self-propelled TOTAL 0 1 - 785.13 (no) Motorcycles: with reciprocating piston engine 50-250cc TOTAL 10 61 66 274 22 106 791.81 (t) Railway or tramway maintenance or service vehicles TOTAL 3 47 6 791.82 (t) Railway or tramway goods and vans, not self-propelled TOTAL 1 3 0 82 0 119 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 791.91 (t) Track fixtures, mechanical signalling equipment etc TOTAL 3 112 1 793.24 (t) Fishing vessels; factory ships etc TOTAL - - 0 0 791.99 (t) Parts of the locomotives or rolling stock of 791.1-82 TOTAL 190 1211 3096 8258 3084 6966 793.26 (t) Refrigerated vessels (other than tankers) - - - 792. AIRCRAFT AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT ETC 793.27 (t) Other vessels for goods or both passengers and goods TOTAL 230 792.11 (no) Helicopters, unladen weight <=2000kg TOTAL - - 2 3 793.28 (t) Cruise ships, excursion boats etc; ferry-boats TOTAL 1 12 - 496 792.15 (no) Helicopters, unladen weight >2000kg - - - - 793.29 (t) Other vessels (incl warships and lifeboats) TOTAL 32 0 41 - 0 - 793.30 (t) Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up - - 793.51 (no) Dredgers TOTAL 1 792.20 (no) Aeroplanes & other aircraft, unladen weight <=2000kg TOTAL 1 23 - 58 792.30 (no) Aeroplanes & other aircraft, unladen weight 2000-15000kg TOTAL 3 16958 2 8204 EU countries 2 14775 2 8200 Germany 1 12000 Other 1 2775 2 8200 Non-EU countries 1 2183 4 792.40 (no) Aeroplanes & other aircraft, unladen weight >15000kg TOTAL 20 124747 12 116984 EU countries 2 16313 10 113006 Spain 1 10000 2 29453 Other 1 6313 8 83553 Non-EU countries 18 108435 2 3977 Turkey 1 25300 United States 15 81836 2 3977 Other 2 1299 792.50 (t) Spacecraft, satellites and spacecraft launch vehicles TOTAL 0 - - 4 1 1 22 793.55 (no) Floating or submersible drilling or production platforms 793.59 (no) Light vessels, fire-floats, floating cranes etc TOTAL 9 1055 1 1 793.70 (t) Tugs and pusher craft - - - - - - 793.91 (t) Rafts, inflatable TOTAL - - - 143 - 240 793.99 (t) Floating structures, nes TOTAL 106 - 1447 0 866 7759 7617 6374 1243 142 15675 14629 11705 2924 1046 4927 4825 3412 1414 101 13013 12082 8629 3453 931 13 811. PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS 792.83 (t) Aircraft launching gear; deck-arrestor gear, etc TOTAL 1 70 0 12 792.84 (t) Balloons/dirigibles/gliders and all non-powered aircraft TOTAL 1 22 7 129 792.91 (t) Propellers, rotors and parts thereof TOTAL 1 624 15 6685 792.93 (t) Under-carriages and parts thereof TOTAL 0 66 11 3 989 25 10534 811.00 (t) Prefabricated TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries buildings 419 831 419 831 248 464 171 367 - 812. SANITARY, PLUMBING AND HEATING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS, NES 2596 792.95 (t) Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters (excl 792.91 & 792.92) TOTAL 66 23199 770 245056 677 217428 EU countries 52 16230 605 188460 569 181901 Germany 8 6776 60 76546 46 63705 France 1 1345 14 13269 19 14255 Great Britain 39 7603 501 91163 486 96817 Other 3 507 29 7481 18 7124 Non-EU countries 15 6969 165 56596 108 35527 Switzerland 5 1507 7 2328 1 272 Morocco 2 2757 2 2769 5 1543 United States 5 1415 90 20764 55 15789 Other 3 1289 66 30735 47 17923 792.97 (t) Parts of the goods of Group 792, nes TOTAL 4 2227 44 26853 EU countries 1 1098 19 18765 Germany 1 911 12 10653 Other 0 186 7 8112 Non-EU countries 2 1129 26 8088 812.11 (t) Radiators and parts of iron or steel, for central heating TOTAL 319 1135 2953 9605 2550 9201 812.15 (t) Air heaters and hot air distributors, and parts thereof TOTAL 0 5 18 239 22 296 812.17 (t) Central heating boilers (other than TOTAL 612 6016 5667 EU countries 608 5986 5624 Great Britain 462 4855 4608 Other 146 1131 1016 Non-EU countries 4 30 43 812.19 (t) Parts for the boilers of 812.17 TOTAL 14 271 91 56 16 10 6 40 27542 14901 9254 5646 12642 those of Group 711) 51150 5077 38111 50782 5030 37774 43134 4046 31729 7648 985 6046 369 47 337 1503 20 392 812.21 (t) Sinks, baths, bidets, urinals etc: porcelain or china TOTAL 63 154 508 1213 559 1198 812.29 (t) Sinks, baths, bidets, urinals etc: other ceramics TOTAL 3 10 42 170 52 187 793. SHIPS, BOATS (INCL HOVERCRAFT) AND FLOATING STRUCTURES 813. LIGHTING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS, NES 793.11 (no) Inflatable vessels (incl rowing boats and canoes) TOTAL 1171 55 205 37 793.12 (no) Sailboats, not inflatable, with/without auxiliary motor TOTAL 4 295 4 367 793.19 (no) Rowing boats & canoes; vessels for pleasure or sport, nes TOTAL 41 203 77 1039 793.22 (t) Tankers of all kinds TOTAL - 813.11 (t) Chandeliers & other electric ceiling/wall fittings TOTAL 34 1537 490 20773 472 EU countries 34 1534 369 18661 362 Great Britain 32 1516 356 18526 347 Other 2 18 13 135 15 Non-EU countries 0 4 121 2112 110 813.12 (t) Portable battery-operated lamps TOTAL 9 235 82 - - - 0 0 2738 84 19761 17541 17407 134 2220 2261 120 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 813.13 (t) Electric table, desk, bedside or floor-standing lamps TOTAL 9 97 94 2044 76 1014 821.31 (t) Furniture, nes, of metal: of a kind used in offices TOTAL 33 167 406 1692 418 1430 813.15 (t) Electric lamps and lighting fittings, nes TOTAL 35 738 459 7413 821.39 (t) Other metal furniture, nes TOTAL 15 137 281 1703 821.51 (t) Furniture, nes, of wood: of a kind used in offices TOTAL 46 231 729 7029 533 4505 813.17 (t) Non-electrical lamps and lighting fittings TOTAL 0 8 17 371 495 11784 15 347 228 1257 813.20 (t) Illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like TOTAL 2 21 11 591 9 138 821.53 (t) Furniture, nes, of wood: of a kind used in the kitchen TOTAL 1 8 9 99 39 496 813.80 (t) Parts of the portable electric lamps of 813.12 TOTAL 0 4 0 7 821.55 (t) Furniture, nes, of wood: of a kind used in the bedroom TOTAL 194 489 2112 6217 1978 7206 0 2 813.91 (t) Parts, nes, of the goods of 813.1 and 813.2: of glass TOTAL 20 1624 97 6643 69 5418 EU countries 20 1618 96 6598 68 5390 Great Britain 19 1611 89 6543 62 5334 Other 1 7 6 55 6 56 Non-EU countries 0 6 2 45 1 28 821.59 (t) Other wooden furniture, nes TOTAL 535 1711 EU countries 490 1595 Great Britain 397 1260 Other 93 335 Non-EU countries 46 116 813.92 (t) Parts, nes, of the goods of 813.1 and 813.2: of plastics TOTAL 0 1 0 12 1 21 821.71 (t) Furniture of plastics TOTAL 8 813.99 (t) Parts, nes, of the goods of 813.1 and 813.2: other TOTAL 2 172 15 777 8 821.79 (t) Furniture of other materials (incl bamboo) TOTAL 40 933 130 1133 311 821. FURNITURE, BEDDING, MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS ETC 821.11 (t) Seats of a kind used for aircraft TOTAL 0 65 95 EU countries 0 53 1 Non-EU countries 0 12 94 composition/patent) 11029 639 10390 62 2 61 4507 1098 3409 5335 4490 3712 778 845 15757 13508 10284 3224 2249 3743 2810 1993 817 932 13505 10824 7860 2964 2681 203 961 208 960 85 1882 821.80 (t) Parts of the furniture of 821.3, 821.5 and 821.7 TOTAL 286 763 2663 7426 1968 4946 831. TRAVEL GOODS, HANDBAGS AND SIMILAR CONTAINERS 831.11 (1000) Handbags, outer surface leather (incl TOTAL 821.12 (t) Seats of a kind used for motor vehicles TOTAL 0 2 68 294 156 662 821.13 (t) Seats of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials TOTAL 0 1 0 1 821.14 (t) Swivel seats with variable height adjustment TOTAL 138 1331 2194 17488 EU countries 122 1136 1935 12141 Non-EU countries 15 195 259 5347 1547 1260 288 15741 11325 4416 821.15 (t) Seats, other than garden/camping, convertible into beds TOTAL 1 5 8 46 6 35 821.16 (t) Seats, nes, with wooden frames TOTAL 121 498 1227 821.17 (t) Seats, nes, with metal frames TOTAL 35 239 6539 EU countries 34 231 6519 Great Britain 26 174 6449 Other 8 57 69 Non-EU countries 1 8 20 821.18 (t) Other seats (excl 872.4) TOTAL 31 133 821.19 (t) Parts of the seats of 821.1 TOTAL 85 1975 EU countries 58 1255 Non-EU countries 27 719 821.21 (t) Mattress supports TOTAL 54 736 3 1354 153 28 831.19 (1000) Other handbags TOTAL 1 14 42 69 1374 170 64 345 831.21 (hkg) Trunks etc outer surface leather, incl composition/patent TOTAL 17 24 184 297 330 365 831.22 (hkg) Trunks etc, outer surface of plastic or textile materials TOTAL 470 349 4502 2843 3346 3034 7 87 103 138 170 5379 831.30 (hkg) Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe cleaning TOTAL 14 22 89 135 58 59 11779 11402 10873 528 377 4877 4853 4814 38 24 10518 10249 9963 286 269 193 1372 239 1394 1006 787 219 22172 16254 5918 992 652 341 17946 13585 4361 555 6767 613 6667 831.91 (hkg) Articles of 831.9: normally carried in pocket or handbag TOTAL 68 233 651 2250 470 1781 831.99 (hkg) Articles of 831.9: other TOTAL 230 275 3037 4448 2580 3787 841. MEN'S OR BOYS' GARMENTS, NOT KNITTED OR CROCHETED (EXCL 845.2 & 845.6) 841.11 (no) Overcoats, raincoats etc: of wool or fine animal hair TOTAL 1807 28 6410 113 1986 841.12 (no) Overcoats, raincoats etc: other TOTAL 7808 137 125777 293659 3591 1069 10 51 821.25 (t) Mattresses of other materials TOTAL 11 98 115 52 773 841.21 (no) Suits of wool or fine animal hair TOTAL 349 841.22 (no) Suits of other textile materials TOTAL 44 2 4213 1109 14 38 146 32 127 821.29 (t) Other articles of bedding TOTAL 278 1326 EU countries 277 1299 Non-EU countries 1 26 1862 1834 28 10255 9084 1171 1840 1789 51 9341 8079 1262 841.23 (no) Ensembles TOTAL 254 841.30 (no) Jackets and blazers TOTAL 12772 1992 78 841.19 (no) Ski-jackets, wind-cheaters, wind-jackets etc TOTAL 18042 230 141897 1451 69142 821.23 (t) Mattresses of cellular rubber or plastics TOTAL 0 3 3 21 821.27 (1000) Sleeping bags TOTAL 3 940 831.12 (1000) Handbags, outer surface of plastic or textile materials TOTAL 80 314 641 2438 683 2621 831.29 (hkg) Trunks etc, other TOTAL 4 4798 68 14 43 2 132 3315 99 2 3400 67 8032 94 220 124209 1815 90884 1471 121 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 841.40 (1000) Trousers, bib & brace overalls, shorts TOTAL 138 1084 1419 10548 EU countries 136 1047 1408 10365 Non-EU countries 2 37 11 183 841.51 (1000) Shirts of cotton TOTAL 66 471 611 841.59 (1000) Shirts of other textile fabrics TOTAL 34 188 384 970 965 5 8323 8252 70 843.79 (1000) Shirts of other textile materials TOTAL 11 84 152 1772 273 1108 843.81 (1000) Underpants and briefs TOTAL 74 236 597 1795 480 1616 3792 459 2872 843.82 (no) Nightshirts and pyjamas TOTAL 66911 340 417426 1974 342610 1489 1827 210 1075 843.89 (no) Bathrobes, dressing gowns etc TOTAL 13018 90 34638 209 11032 46 841.61 (1000) Underpants and briefs TOTAL 16 48 102 298 134 397 841.62 (1000) Nightshirts and pyjamas TOTAL 18 74 218 530 252 576 844. WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' GARMENTS, KNITTED OR CROCHETED (EXCL 845.2 & 845.6) 841.69 (hkg) Singlets and other vests, bathrobes & dressing gowns etc TOTAL 28 12 42 87 101 200 844.10 (no) Overcoats, car-coats, capes, anoraks, ski-jackets etc TOTAL 21311 305 149070 2584 65759 1052 844.21 (no) Suits TOTAL 842. WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' GARMENTS, NOT KNITTED OR CROCHETED (EXCL 845.2 & 845.6) 844.22 (no) Ensembles TOTAL 229 12 2946 93 3500 49 1216 10 50157 166 42889 174 842.11 (no) Overcoats, raincoats, car-coats and the like TOTAL 26976 528 420223 6470 207157 4882 844.23 (no) Jackets/blazers TOTAL 15737 131 113155 1017 136956 1308 842.19 (no) Anoraks, ski-jackets, wind-cheaters and the like TOTAL 17527 290 154543 1970 134017 1588 844.24 (1000) Dresses TOTAL 498 529 4709 386 3715 159 1517 153 1517 47 842.21 (no) Suits TOTAL 569 10 6404 188 9771 254 844.25 (1000) Skirts and divided skirts TOTAL 16 126 842.22 (no) Ensembles TOTAL 158 7 1793 54 23162 326 844.26 (1000) Trousers, bib & brace overalls, breeches & shorts TOTAL 147 609 1234 4850 763 3252 379 2823 842.30 (no) Jackets TOTAL 842.40 (1000) Dresses TOTAL 33553 434 339743 3885 282192 4169 844.70 (1000) Blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses TOTAL 22 186 404 2722 55 614 726 6676 656 7200 844.81 (1000) Slips and petticoats TOTAL 2 8 45 168 38 168 844.82 (1000) Briefs and panties TOTAL 211 482 2618 6259 2128 5334 844.83 (no) Nightdresses and pyjamas TOTAL 115623 554 1147230 4618 886307 3902 844.89 (no) Negligees, bathrobes, dressing gowns etc TOTAL 124791 743 233073 1304 228845 2379 842.50 (1000) Skirts and divided skirts TOTAL 15 175 364 2431 241 842.60 (1000) Trousers, shorts, breeches, bib & brace overalls TOTAL 155 1085 1875 11190 1601 EU countries 153 1052 1856 10983 1574 Non-EU countries 2 33 19 207 27 842.70 (1000) Blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses TOTAL 102 653 1296 8313 2138 10405 10219 185 1008 7745 842.81 (1000) Slips and petticoats TOTAL 25 360 282 3211 212 1633 845. ARTICLES OF APPAREL, OF TEXTILE FABRICS, WHETHER OR NOT KNITTED OR CROCHETED, NES 842.82 (no) Nightdresses and pyjamas TOTAL 38264 152 247287 841 298679 1038 845.11 (hkg) Babies' garments accessories, not knitted/crocheted TOTAL 315 849 2166 5279 2593 5222 1927 1165 2053 845.12 (hkg) Babies' garments accessories, knitted/crocheted TOTAL 252 545 2752 5326 3200 2967 845.21 (hkg) Garments made up of fabrics of 657.1 or 657.2 TOTAL 72 53 418 213 36 21 842.89 (hkg) Undergarments, pyjamas, bathrobes TOTAL 48 107 936 843. MEN'S OR BOYS' GARMENTS, KNITTED OR CROCHETED (EXCL 845.2 & 845.6) 843.10 (no) Overcoats, car-coats, capes, anoraks, ski-jackets etc TOTAL 2253 38 41960 413 70522 305 843.21 (no) Suits TOTAL 843.22 (no) Ensembles TOTAL - - 4 0 20 2 18 0 2019 42 2677 13 160 118453 977 21883 323 843.23 (no) Jackets and blazers TOTAL 20502 843.24 (1000) Trousers, bib & brace overalls, shorts TOTAL 83 419 588 3503 251 1537 843.71 (1000) Shirts of cotton TOTAL 21 317 1984 111 406 2021 845.22 (hkg) Men's & boys' garments, of fabrics not knitted or crocheted of 657.32, 657.33 or 657.34 TOTAL .. 158 .. 1260 .. 1192 845.23 (hkg) Women's & girls' garments, of fabrics not knitted or crocheted of 657.32, 657.33 or 657.34 TOTAL .. 159 .. 1171 .. 1122 845.24 (hkg) Of knitted/crocheted fabrics of 657.32/657.33/657.34 TOTAL 29 69 281 536 289 495 845.30 (1000) Jerseys, waistcoats etc, knitted/crocheted TOTAL 483 3625 3745 30739 3517 EU countries 472 3270 3498 24080 3265 Non-EU countries 11 355 248 6659 252 29794 23644 6150 845.40 (1000) T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 517 1605 6599 25999 4692 17976 EU countries 514 1575 6570 25696 4626 17636 France 286 844 3614 11351 53 571 Other 228 731 2956 14345 4573 17065 Non-EU countries 2 30 29 303 66 340 122 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 845.51 (1000) Brassieres TOTAL 133 7911 848.11 (hkg) Articles of apparel, of leather or composition leather TOTAL 3 28 43 355 21 228 845.52 (hkg) Girdles, corsets, braces, suspenders, garters etc TOTAL .. 484 .. 3602 .. 4580 848.12 (ThP) Gloves etc of leather/composition leather, not for sports TOTAL 8 44 78 212 35 164 845.61 (no) Men's and boy's swimwear, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 523 1 87409 259 72063 174 848.13 (hkg) Belts and bandoliers, of leather or composition leather TOTAL 9 25 123 272 117 257 845.62 (no) Men's and boys' swimwear, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 885 6 89719 352 77310 286 848.19 (hkg) Other accessories, of leather or composition leather TOTAL 1 3 3 18 3 627 1814 8575 1539 6 845.63 (no) Women's and girls' swimwear, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 832 4 95301 275 110169 294 848.21 (hkg) Articles of apparel and clothing accessories of plastics TOTAL 43 76 1238 1099 1356 772 845.64 (no) Women's and girls swimwear, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 11233 78 449270 1738 380829 848.22 (ThP) Rubber gloves TOTAL 572 845.81 (no) Ski suits, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 4 0 110 2 198 1613 5 93 3866 628 2674 691 848.29 (hkg) Other of vulcanised rubber (other than hard rubber) TOTAL 1 2 47 51 1050 242 845.87 (hkg) Men's and boys' apparel, not knitted or crocheted, nes TOTAL .. 259 .. 1576 .. 986 848.31 (hkg) Articles of furskin (excl headgear) TOTAL 0 0 1 845.89 (hkg) Women's or girls' apparel, not knitted or crocheted, nes TOTAL .. 1046 .. 3107 .. 1961 848.32 (hkg) Artificial fur and articles thereof (excl headgear) TOTAL 1 2 22 43 11 845.91 (no) Track suits, knitted of crocheted TOTAL 24197 158 433305 848.42 (no) Hats etc, plaited or with assembled strips of material TOTAL 3263 12 64907 169 36650 133 2200 483730 2300 0 - - 845.99 (hkg) Garments, knitted or crocheted, nes TOTAL 33 87 351 1084 232 751 845.92 (hkg) Ski suits, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 0 846. CLOTHING ACCESSORIES, OF TEXTILE FABRICS (EXCL BABIES') 846.11 (1000) Handkerchiefs TOTAL - - 2 5 2 7 846.12 (1000) Shawls, scarves, mufflers etc, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 60 178 591 2239 307 2260 5 2 5 10 848.43 (no) Hats and other headgear, knitted/crocheted, or made from felt or other textile abrics; hair-nets TOTAL 10242 282 113224 2123 84253 2371 848.44 (no) Safety headgear TOTAL 3123 23 25775 173 31713 237 848.45 (no) Headgear, nes, of rubber or plastics TOTAL 63912 44 203785 152 2754 15 848.48 (hkg) Head-bands, linings, hat frames, peaks, chinstraps etc TOTAL 2 1 7 15 2 5 848.49 (no) Headgear, nes, of materials other than rubber or plastics TOTAL 1757 16 36044 155 24749 181 846.13 (1000) Ties, bow ties and cravats, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 11 35 80 255 31 85 851. FOOTWEAR 846.14 (hkg) Gloves, mittens and mitts, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 25 49 481 1416 42 180 851.11 (ThP) Waterproof footwear, with metal toe-cap, rubber/plastic TOTAL 0 2 1 24 1 40 846.19 (hkg) Other made-up clothing accessories; parts of garments other than of 845.5, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 89 156 545 926 1029 984 851.15 (ThP) Footwear, with metal toe-cap, uppers of leather TOTAL 4 118 29 1031 20 846.23 (1000) Compression hosiery (e.g. stockings for varicose veins) TOTAL 1 17 2 385 9 107 851.21 (ThP) Ski-boots and cross country ski footwear, rubber/plastic - 846.24 (1000) Other panty hose and tights TOTAL 118 270 598 851.22 (ThP) Ski-boots and cross country ski footwear, uppers leather TOTAL 1 67 846.25 (ThP) Other women's hosiery < 67 decitex TOTAL 1 5 213 846.29 (ThP) Other hosiery TOTAL 817 1206 5724 641 1161 506 971 322 882 1453 851.23 (ThP) Other sports footwear, rubber/plastic TOTAL 1 25 129 938 18 335 8713 5004 7226 851.24 (ThP) Other sports footwear, uppers of leather TOTAL 2 48 50 268 60 233 846.91 (ThP) Gloves, knitted or crocheted, impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or rubber TOTAL 34 33 519 398 729 851.25 (ThP) Shoes for tennis, gym etc, outer soles rubber/plastic TOTAL 7 50 117 648 121 634 446 846.92 (ThP) Other gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 53 76 326 522 278 443 846.93 (hkg) Shawls, scarves, mufflers, etc, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 69 151 730 1252 419 1113 846.99 (hkg) Made up clothing accessories nes; knitted or crocheted TOTAL 105 202 1963 1795 131 381 848. ARTICLES OF APPAREL AND CLOTHING ACCESSORIES OF OTHER THAN TEXTILE FABRICS, HEADGEAR OF ALL MATERIALS 851.31 (ThP) Waterproof footwear, nes, uppers/sole not fixed TOTAL 8 46 61 367 93 693 851.32 (ThP) Other footwear with outer soles/uppers of rubber/plastics TOTAL 159 1032 1520 8781 991 6231 851.41 (ThP) Footwear soles of leather, and with leather straps TOTAL 0 5 11 85 1 851.48 (ThP) Footwear, nes, with outer soles of leather TOTAL 40 1787 413 13180 EU countries 29 1651 336 12027 Great Britain 17 1308 177 8915 Other 13 343 159 3112 Non-EU countries 11 135 77 1153 392 342 147 195 50 18 13663 12718 8657 4061 946 123 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 851.49 (ThP) Footwear, uppers of leather or composition leather, nes TOTAL 4 22 2 7 851.51 (ThP) Footwear, soles rubber/plastics, uppers textile materials TOTAL 165 588 1271 4631 884 3269 851.52 (ThP) Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials TOTAL 3 41 22 310 22 279 851.59 (ThP) Footwear with uppers of textile materials, nes TOTAL 65 215 373 1390 267 992 851.70 (ThP) Footwear, nes TOTAL 3 36 18 177 5 82 851.90 (hkg) Parts of footwear TOTAL 7 31 97 396 72 320 118 3176 75 871.15 (hkg) Optical telescopes (incl monoculars) TOTAL 12 12 169 61 232 184 871. OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS, NES 871.11 (no) Binoculars TOTAL 125 11 2787 871.19 (hkg) Parts and accessories of binoculars and telescopes TOTAL 0 0 871.31 (hkg) Microscopes (excl optical); diffraction apparatus TOTAL 11 817 78 5074 74 3708 871.39 (hkg) Parts and accessories for microscopes TOTAL 10 212 44 2665 140 5019 4 123 871.41 (no) Stereoscopic microscopes TOTAL - 177438 1198 871.43 (no) Other microscopes for photomicrography, cinephotomicrography or microprojection TOTAL 4 20 10 77 - - 871.45 (no) Compound optical microscopes, nes TOTAL 237 5 1053 124 1270 81 871.49 (hkg) Parts and accessories of 871.4 TOTAL 0 0 1 41 52 299 208 2 76 871.91 (hkg) Telescopic sights, periscopes, etc TOTAL 0 4 4 871.92 (hkg) Lasers (other than laser diodes) TOTAL 0 42 16 896 8 448 872.21 - continued China Japan Mexico United States Other 432 837 29 3639 157 2465 2910 1315 84688 1969 4335 7398 687 39668 2051 25073 29678 14823 892723 23325 872.25 (hkg) Ophthalmic instruments and appliances, nes TOTAL 55 1801 373 10493 EU countries 31 819 340 9303 Non-EU countries 24 982 33 1189 2827 6409 680 34046 1995 27997 29003 10200 540745 23571 381 372 9 9417 9093 324 872.29 (hkg) Instruments & appliances for blood pressure, dialysis, anaesthetic use; endoscopes, ultrasonic, etc TOTAL 8317 83576 89827 961310 98464 1009758 EU countries 6616 44192 66949 368754 68397 278486 Austria 4 1396 87 9156 31 6371 Belgium 1021 4921 9948 54065 11236 39624 Germany 524 21359 18813 152024 23890 106663 France 170 1426 2510 19904 1061 6721 Great Britain 2406 4959 19219 44224 14234 36897 Italy 257 1687 3547 18100 4325 25194 Netherlands 1744 5164 7952 38930 10223 32826 Northern Ireland 104 1312 1378 13606 1311 12165 Other 386 1968 3496 18745 2086 12025 Non-EU countries 1702 39384 22878 592556 30068 731272 Australia 35 6117 936 54079 817 7541 Canada 23 1879 315 27951 345 38128 China 22 949 354 12783 387 6548 Japan 76 2617 3091 89637 3452 119381 South Korea 9 485 142 11120 6397 13716 United States 838 24763 9920 360108 12057 506230 Other 699 2574 8118 36879 6613 39729 872.31 (hkg) Mechano-therapy appliances; massage apparatus; TOTAL 396 1662 4169 18140 3061 EU countries 396 1662 4168 18105 3057 Netherlands 360 1598 4011 17812 2934 Other 36 64 157 293 123 Non-EU countries 1 35 4 13089 13004 12746 258 85 872.33 (hkg) Apparatus for oxygen therapy, artificial respiration etc TOTAL 974 15593 9376 162510 7483 116652 EU countries 338 5484 3358 59880 2321 36656 Belgium 204 3227 1806 32413 1557 25083 Other 134 2257 1552 27467 764 11573 Non-EU countries 636 10110 6018 102630 5163 79996 Singapore 14 225 1161 15705 1294 16741 United States 309 7056 3326 66558 3146 52018 Other 312 2829 1532 20367 723 11237 872.35 (hkg) Other breathing appliances and gas masks TOTAL 7 182 47 751 27 560 872.40 (hkg) Medical, dental etc furniture; barbers' chairs etc; parts TOTAL 32 146 532 1701 937 1532 871.93 (hkg) Other optical devices, appliances and instruments, nes TOTAL 4 117 10 390 498 1668 873. METERS AND COUNTERS, NES 871.99 (hkg) Parts and accessories of the articles of 871.91-93 TOTAL 1 85 11 653 82 697 873.11 (hkg) Gas meters of 873.1 TOTAL 0 17 0 19 - - 872. INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES, NES, FOR MEDICAL, SURGICAL, DENTAL OR VETERINARY PURPOSES 873.13 (hkg) Liquid meters of 873.1 TOTAL 4 20 21 90 16 77 872.11 (hkg) Dental drill engines TOTAL - 873.15 (hkg) Electricity meters of 873.1 TOTAL 0 6 1 22 1 47 - 16 61 4 52 872.19 (hkg) Other dental instruments and appliances TOTAL 96 418 2220 5655 1272 5099 872.21 (hkg) Syringes, needles, catheters, cannulae etc TOTAL 21310 202067 378140 1998888 823921 1541662 EU countries 15790 104818 319518 960658 775745 813798 Belgium 5548 49915 55460 338897 46849 70704 Germany 4712 30029 14872 51845 22593 57597 Denmark 1243 1209 13228 14488 9854 11599 France 1438 3526 17371 46534 17868 34258 Great Britain 1745 989 30546 15897 24880 13187 Netherlands 769 17999 184094 480409 650585 612338 Other 335 1151 3948 12589 3116 14116 Non-EU countries 5520 97249 58622 1038230 48176 727864 Australia 7 106 268 29247 478 85003 Canada 371 1929 3818 11341 662 3169 Switzerland 48 1866 397 12022 1080 8176 873.19 (hkg) Parts & accessories of gas, liquid or electricity meters TOTAL 39 13 154 191 112 89 873.21 (hkg) Revolution counters, taximeters, mileometers etc TOTAL 10 53 62 498 28 259 873.25 (hkg) Speed indicators and tachometers; stroboscopes TOTAL 1 2 2 17 2 20 873.29 (hkg) Parts and accessories of the articles of 873.21 & 873.25 TOTAL 55 247 779 4805 3 23 874. MEASURING, CHECKING, ANALYSING AND CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS, NES 124 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 874.11 (hkg) Direction finding compasses; other navigational aids TOTAL 0 10 4 453 3 215 874.12 (hkg) Parts and accessories of 874.11 TOTAL 3 146 1 181 874.13 (hkg) Surveying, meteorological or geophysical instruments etc TOTAL 0 4 31 730 82 941 874.14 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the articles of 874.13 TOTAL 1 17 3 167 2 62 874.22 (hkg) Drafting tables/machines; other drawing instruments etc TOTAL 2 3 24 24 42 60 874.23 (hkg) Instruments for measuring length, for use in the hand TOTAL 8 98 62 557 60 365 874.24 (hkg) Parts/accessories for articles of 874.22 and 874.23 TOTAL 1 39 1 874.25 (hkg) Measuring or checking instruments TOTAL 54 8471 1652 EU countries 34 5841 388 Germany 4 1649 50 Other 30 4192 338 Non-EU countries 20 2631 1264 China 0 108 377 Other 20 2522 887 51 and appliances, nes 95111 642 64951 49042 312 40908 16009 38 13225 33033 274 27682 46069 330 24043 20888 49 7785 25181 281 16258 874.26 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the articles of 874.25 TOTAL 271 13449 2815 123034 1897 EU countries 103 3801 1098 35941 787 Germany 20 1532 199 12839 166 Great Britain 79 2062 856 20651 572 Other 4 207 43 2452 48 Non-EU countries 168 9648 1717 87092 1111 Hong Kong 59 4355 805 44022 273 Japan 22 1289 205 12219 168 United States 55 2631 526 21176 452 Other 31 1374 180 9674 218 83587 28743 11415 14996 2333 54844 18018 10598 20416 5812 874.31 (hkg) Apparatus (excl 873.1, 874.1 and 874.6), for measuring or checking the flow or level of liquids TOTAL 42 721 489 8379 531 11020 874.35 (hkg) Apparatus (excl 873.1, 874.1 and 874.6), for measuring or checking the pressure of liquids or gases TOTAL 68 777 402 4888 223 3242 874.37 (hkg) For measuring/checking other variables of liquids/gases TOTAL 25 1904 607 5115 170 3002 EU countries 3 28 486 513 32 599 Non-EU countries 22 1875 121 4602 138 2403 Japan 0 1565 1 1572 0 9 Other 22 311 120 3030 137 2394 874.39 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the articles of 874.3 TOTAL 98 1062 970 12998 1238 EU countries 71 611 475 5211 657 Non-EU countries 27 451 495 7787 581 16684 5265 11419 874.41 (hkg) Gas or smoke analysis apparatus TOTAL 106 3920 1085 EU countries 55 2142 549 Non-EU countries 51 1777 536 957 538 419 27706 13160 14545 874.42 (hkg) Chromatographs and electrophoresis instruments TOTAL 4 79 130 1262 25 565 33111 13167 19944 874.43 (hkg) Spectrometers, spectrographs etc using optical radiations TOTAL 89 7062 1270 91447 2015 102050 EU countries 36 1209 439 11794 978 12574 Netherlands 36 1203 437 11668 977 12508 Other 0 6 2 127 1 66 Non-EU countries 53 5853 831 79653 1038 89475 Singapore 29 3204 420 41184 629 53709 United States 24 2649 407 38201 407 35708 Other 5 268 2 59 874.45 (hkg) Apparatus using optical radiations (UV, visible, IR), nes TOTAL 6 331 136 4487 175 4691 874.46 (hkg) Instruments/apparatus for physical/chemical analysis, nes TOTAL 1026 10822 11301 111056 8160 80152 EU countries 313 3766 4585 47822 2185 24362 Germany 89 1194 1927 19600 601 8616 Other 224 2572 2657 28222 1584 15746 Non-EU countries 712 7056 6717 63234 5975 55790 China 346 3448 2764 25325 1734 15726 United States 210 1870 1253 12118 1481 16010 Other 156 1737 2700 25791 2760 24053 874.49 (hkg) Microtomes; TOTAL EU countries Belgium Netherlands Other Non-EU countries Singapore United States Other parts & accessories of the articles of 874.4 368 14005 3654 148457 3723 128502 127 2233 1531 28173 1519 29985 51 1111 530 12177 746 16176 58 772 758 10708 488 8296 18 350 243 5289 284 5514 240 11772 2123 120284 2204 98517 40 4396 467 48023 334 31854 116 6683 1065 65308 1339 58853 84 693 591 6953 531 7810 874.51 (hkg) Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better TOTAL 0 5 3 74 2 20 874.52 (hkg) Instruments, apparatus or models solely for demonstration TOTAL 523 702 1769 3150 2933 8292 874.53 (hkg) Appliances for testing elasticity, compressibility, hardness or other mechanical properties of materials TOTAL 2 34 10 191 81 167 874.54 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the articles of 874.53 TOTAL 1 44 22 3261 12 332 874.55 (hkg) Hydrometers, thermometers, barometers, hygrometers etc TOTAL 28 838 324 9550 398 13151 874.56 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the instruments of 874.55 TOTAL 3 255 53 3259 124 4418 874.61 (hkg) Thermostats TOTAL 51 37 301 480 1761 2417 874.63 (hkg) Pressure regulators and controllers (manostats) TOTAL 26 67 43 127 874.65 (hkg) Other regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus TOTAL 65 524 510 5243 316 3089 874.69 (hkg) Parts and accessories for apparatus of 874.6 TOTAL 81 609 1302 9231 683 7286 874.71 (hkg) Apparatus for measuring or detecting ionising radiations TOTAL 1 46 4 473 6 324 874.73 (hkg) Oscilloscopes and oscillographs TOTAL 2 187 18 1651 17 508 874.75 (hkg) Other instruments & apparatus for measuring or checking power, voltage, current or resistance TOTAL 8 242 74 2385 53 2414 874.77 (hkg) Other apparatus, designed for telecommunications TOTAL 7 509 110 6869 80 5244 874.78 (hkg) Other instruments for measuring electrical quantities TOTAL 20 1382 81 9565 103 12976 EU countries 2 434 14 4753 14 5014 Non-EU countries 19 948 67 4811 89 7963 874.79 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the articles of 874.7 TOTAL 3 157 121 3574 40 1713 874.90 (hkg) Parts and accessories for machines and apparatus, nes TOTAL 16 344 386 8873 239 9188 881. PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT, NES 881.11 (no) Photographic (other than cinematographic) cameras TOTAL 624 34 8811 554 8292 881.13 (1000) Photographic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs TOTAL 0 1 0 79 3 800 97 125 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 881.14 (hkg) Parts & accessories for photographic cameras of 881.11 TOTAL 4 115 111 1626 42 428 881.15 (hkg) Parts & accessories for photographic flashlight apparatus TOTAL 0 7 13 476 4 105 881.21 (no) Cinematographic cameras TOTAL 881.22 (no) Cinematographic projectors TOTAL 1 0 21 7 16 11 8 4 76 42 881.23 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the cameras of 881.21 TOTAL 0 1 4 64 3 29 881.24 (hkg) Parts and accessories for cinematographic projectors TOTAL 0 1 0 2 2 14 881.31 (hkg) Microfilm, microfiche or other microform readers - - 881.32 (hkg) Image projectors, nes - - - - - 881.33 (hkg) Photographic (excl cinematographic) enlargers & reducers TOTAL 18 100 0 9 881.34 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the equipment of 881.31-33 TOTAL 0 0 2 11 6 45592 5945 10089 2021 399333 47929 79154 21164 273570 68212 82644 20548 10397 10376 10347 29 21 382 377 373 4 5 4637 4533 4510 23 104 of materials other than glass 7640 12506 111631 12886 4906 8039 73101 9592 838 1261 11389 862 1853 3205 29456 6455 929 1190 12074 623 1286 2383 20182 1652 2734 4466 38531 3294 1769 2250 25877 1940 965 2217 12654 1355 114408 81364 6970 54465 6235 13694 33044 22865 10179 884.15 (1000) Spectacle lenses of glass TOTAL 82 888 EU countries 81 877 Germany 81 877 Other 0 0 Non-EU countries 0 11 884.17 (1000) Spectacles TOTAL EU countries Germany France Poland Other Non-EU countries United States Other lenses 810 574 103 211 96 164 236 128 107 975 974 961 12 1 884.19 (hkg) Optical fibres, bundles and cables nes; sheets & plates of polarising material; unmounted optical elements nes TOTAL 1 68 25 735 11 583 884.21 (1000) Frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles or the like TOTAL 3 402 41 2493 59 2180 45 881.35 (hkg) Apparatus for photographic/cinematographic laboratories TOTAL 3 16 7 24 20 138 881.36 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the equipment of 881.35 TOTAL 0 39 2 884.11 - continued United States Other 884.22 (hkg) Parts for frames and mountings of spectacles, goggles etc TOTAL 0 2 5 73 5 40 884.23 (hkg) Spectacles, goggles etc: corrective, protective or other TOTAL 52 952 833 9294 625 5351 60 884.31 (no) Objective lenses for cameras, projectors and enlargers TOTAL 2583 247 52073 3545 27903 2800 882. PHOTOGRAPHIC AND CINEMATOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 882.10 (hkg) Chemical preparations for photographic uses (excl glues, varnishes, adhesives and similar products TOTAL 578 419 5541 4018 15588 18412 882.20 (hkg) Photographic plates/film in the flat (excl paper/fabric) TOTAL 45 53 1039 214 205 82 882.30 (hkg) Photographic film in rolls, (excl paper/fabric) TOTAL 0 1 0 884.32 (no) Other mounted objective lenses TOTAL 110 7 1236 1904 769 162 6235 295 5790 380 884.39 (hkg) Mounted optical elements, nes TOTAL 1 48 35 919 14 729 294 4486 839 884.33 (no) Mounted optical filters TOTAL 283 16 0 885. WATCHES AND CLOCKS 882.40 (hkg) Photographic paper, paperboard and textiles, sensitised TOTAL 4 12 10 21 5 14 882.50 (hkg) Photographic plates, paper etc, exposed but not developed TOTAL 928 454 - 885.31 (no) Wrist watches, battery powered TOTAL 1202 62 8353 885.32 (no) Other wrist watches TOTAL 11 162 410 2038 98 1871 882.60 (hkg) Photographic plates and film, exposed and developed, other than cinematographic film TOTAL 0 265 2 3160 6 2566 885.39 (no) Pocket and other watches TOTAL 139 5 1064 40 2238 73 883. CINEMATOGRAPHIC FILM EXPOSED AND DEVELOPED 885.41 (no) Wrist watches, battery powered TOTAL 4059 66 48098 902 33493 632 0 885.42 (no) Other wrist watches TOTAL 45 21 1251 221 513 195 - 885.49 (no) Pocket and other watches TOTAL 708 52 6657 197 11237 274 883.10 (hkg) Cinematograph film, width >=35mm TOTAL 2 13 3 883.90 (hkg) Cinematograph film, width <35mm - 13 - 0 - 885.51 (no) Watch movements, complete and assembled: battery powered TOTAL 0 884. OPTICAL GOODS, NES 884.11 (1000) Contact TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Netherlands Other Non-EU countries United Arab Emirat China Hong Kong Japan South Korea Russia Singapore Taiwan lenses 239315 17226 1111 15900 215 222089 3021 10467 10555 103087 11953 16929 5485 9055 80027 2464112 10815 237578 7258 40058 2193 192802 1365 4717 69211 2226535 1097 33624 2530 96734 3419 113259 33902 1207670 6008 37727 4895 152479 3219 39123 2031 98658 813331 125619 82087 31556 11976 687712 11125 24082 33285 382741 39305 57766 18475 20615 2189657 211184 15595 193644 1945 1978473 42171 98997 159836 1043867 65255 113655 13519 99392 834503 161979 100944 48383 12653 672524 12796 21401 43370 384124 37844 39542 9166 21089 885.52 (no) Watch movements, complete and assembled: other TOTAL 2988 19 1467 885.71 (no) Instrument panel clocks for vehicles, aircraft etc TOTAL 295 885.72 (no) Clocks with watch movements, battery powered TOTAL 44 1 277 6 26 9 454 15 885.73 (no) Clocks with watch movements, not battery powered TOTAL 6 0 103 3 104 9 885.74 (no) Alarm clocks: battery or mains powered TOTAL 717 4 3610 20 1710 21 126 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 885.75 (no) Alarm clocks: other TOTAL 30 0 891.99 (hkg) Parts and accessories of the articles of 891.39 - 7 845 5 885.76 (no) Wall clocks: battery or mains powered TOTAL 1893 6 3047 15 2914 22 885.77 (no) Wall clocks: other TOTAL 18 1273 6 892.12 (hkg) Children's picture, drawing or colouring books TOTAL 182 91 2124 1166 1369 629 892.13 (hkg) Printed maps and charts in book form TOTAL 19 21 304 326 460 509 20 40 892.15 (hkg) Printed books, brochures etc in single sheets TOTAL 414 2164 5032 33422 6688 EU countries 382 1911 4441 19928 6137 Hungary 1 623 17 10733 36 Other 381 1288 4424 9195 6101 Non-EU countries 32 253 591 13494 551 38645 23613 10711 12901 15033 0 693 286 885.78 (no) Clocks, nes: battery or mains powered TOTAL 3 0 20 885.79 (no) Clocks, nes: other TOTAL 999 7 2584 4 7 39 2 23 863 27 885.91 (hkg) Watch cases and parts of watch cases TOTAL 0 0 7 22 - - 885.92 (hkg) Watch straps, bands and bracelets: of metal TOTAL 0 0 - - 885.93 (hkg) Watch straps, bands and bracelets: not of metal TOTAL 0 3 4 36 3 37 885.94 (no) Time-registers, time recorders etc TOTAL 21 5 1606 18 12453 885.95 (no) Time switches with clock or watch movement or motor TOTAL 193 10 5944 274 3397 885.96 (no) Clock movements, complete and assembled TOTAL 1 0 12 1 680 306 174 47 892. PRINTED MATTER 892.14 (hkg) Maps and hydrographic charts (incl globes) TOTAL 2 4 19 22 892.16 (hkg) Dictionaries, encyclopaedias & serial instalments thereof TOTAL 5 2 203 56 134 59 892.19 (hkg) Other books, brochures etc, not in single sheet TOTAL 3147 2851 13543 24382 12602 EU countries 3100 919 12087 15849 10282 Non-EU countries 47 1932 1455 8533 2319 892.29 (hkg) Newspapers and periodicals: other TOTAL 15639 588 123975 885.98 (hkg) Unassembled or incomplete watch or clock movements TOTAL 1 29 0 2 885.99 (hkg) Clock or watch parts, nes TOTAL - 892.41 (hkg) Transfers (decalcomanias) TOTAL 32 450 EU countries 32 439 Non-EU countries 0 11 0 6 - 17820 11113 6706 892.21 (hkg) Newspapers and periodicals: at least four times a week TOTAL 2183 471 27639 5707 23369 5219 885.97 (hkg) Clock cases and parts etc for other goods of Group 885 - 0 - 803 641 162 6641 146867 6556 10342 8483 1859 514 448 66 7572 6258 1314 892.42 (hkg) Postcards, greeting cards etc, illustrated or not TOTAL 17 16 144 124 227 175 891. ARMS AND AMMUNITION - 1 - - 892.81 (hkg) Paper and paperboard labels, whether or not printed TOTAL 3554 2345 40143 27423 37932 24913 EU countries 3460 2164 39034 24184 37247 23441 Great Britain 2250 1348 26441 15172 23880 14314 Other 1210 816 12594 9012 13366 9127 Non-EU countries 94 182 1109 3239 685 1472 891.13 (-) Swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lances and parts thereof TOTAL 0 - 2 892.82 (hkg) Plans & drawings for architectural and similar purposes TOTAL 2 0 8 1 891.14 (-) Revolvers and pistols - 891.11 (-) Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles TOTAL 16 891.12 (-) Military weapons - - - - - - - - - 891.22 (hkg) Cartridges for shotguns TOTAL 24 10 833 312 609 217 891.23 (hkg) Air gun pellets and parts of cartridges for shotguns 891.24 (hkg) Other gun cartridges and parts thereof TOTAL 1 2 891.29 (-) Munitions of war and parts thereof TOTAL 6 - - 892.83 (hkg) Unused stamps, banknotes, bond certificates etc TOTAL 141 1880 2562 21464 2647 EU countries 123 1084 2247 12775 2421 Non-EU countries 18 795 315 8689 226 892.84 (hkg) Calendars TOTAL 87 349 68993 57754 11239 831 2360 314 1042 892.85 (hkg) Music, printed or in manuscript TOTAL 0 0 1 2 1 2 892.86 (hkg) Trade advertising material, commercial catalogues etc TOTAL 201 360 1310 1675 2548 2113 78 - 48 891.31 (hkg) Firearms etc operating by firing an explosive charge TOTAL 3 51 34 423 26 315 1111 892.89 (hkg) Printed pictures, designs or photographs TOTAL 797 825 6763 5656 891.39 (hkg) Spring, air or gas guns and pistols, truncheons TOTAL 1 14 1 4 891.91 (-) Parts and accessories of revolvers or pistols - - 891.93 (hkg) Shotgun barrels of shotguns of 891.31 - 892.87 (hkg) Pictures, designs and photographs TOTAL 11 12 157 271 149 3602 4922 77177 74408 2769 21178 17860 3318 893. ARTICLES, NES, OF PLASTICS - - 891.95 (hkg) Parts of shotguns (excl barrels) and rifles of 891.31 TOTAL 0 3 28 44 44 78 893.11 (hkg) Sacks and bags (incl cones) TOTAL 4119 1890 88809 EU countries 3755 1436 85089 Non-EU countries 364 454 3720 20522 14762 5759 893.19 (hkg) Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, nes, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps etc of plastic TOTAL 17918 7039 217206 71958 201844 76104 EU countries 16122 5124 198183 58920 175547 61595 Great Britain 9373 3160 127432 35574 101500 34886 127 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 893.19 - continued Northern Ireland Other Non-EU countries United States Other 3390 3358 1796 592 1204 922 1043 1915 1382 533 38479 32273 19023 5009 14014 10435 12911 13038 6148 6890 39505 34542 26297 4470 21827 10817 15893 14509 3472 11037 893.21 (hkg) Baths, wash-basins, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns, etc TOTAL 487 145 1505 631 641 553 893.29 (hkg) Builders' TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries ware of plastics, nes 21969 6588 216711 21866 6510 214013 15300 4380 144995 6565 2130 69018 103 78 2699 75615 73238 47203 26035 2377 173803 171209 112708 58501 2593 57919 56050 33616 22434 1868 893.32 (hkg) Tableware, kitchenware, other household/toilet articles TOTAL 4289 444 52842 8151 51882 8308 2944 238 391 223 894.73 (hkg) Snow-skis and other snow-ski equipment TOTAL 5 10 33 26 57 65 894.74 (hkg) Water-skis, surf-boards, sailboards etc TOTAL 1 4 29 18 69 33 894.75 (hkg) Golf equipment TOTAL 5 439 95 180 894.76 (hkg) Tennis, badminton or similar rackets TOTAL 0 0 100 46 198 46 139 320 894.79 (hkg) Sports goods, nes TOTAL 489 130269 111465 20161 12757 42079 36467 18805 7372 11433 894.10 (hkg) Baby carriages, and parts thereof, nes TOTAL 204 120 2259 1229 163130 96706 29904 10923 31738 24142 66423 39324 27100 1300 798 894.20 (hkg) Tricycles, scooters, pedal car and similar wheeled toys; dolls' carriages; dolls; other toys; reduced-size replica TOTAL 4507 6395 25480 30225 27301 29915 EU countries 4502 6377 25044 29915 26786 29664 Great Britain 1764 2331 16220 17609 20601 24114 Northern Ireland 2715 4017 8404 12007 4157 4437 Other 23 28 420 299 2027 1113 Non-EU countries 6 18 436 309 514 252 894.31 (hkg) Video games of a kind used with a television receiver TOTAL 171 1456 1167 10798 427 3406 EU countries 170 1454 1163 10768 422 3351 Non-EU countries 1 2 5 30 5 55 894.33 (hkg) Articles and accessories for billiards TOTAL 4 1 78 32 84 132 894.35 (hkg) Other games, coin-operated or disc-operated TOTAL 179 511 1084 3618 484 2973 894.37 (hkg) Playing cards TOTAL 441 728 443 1603 9 894.78 (hkg) Articles for physical exercise, gymnastics or athletics TOTAL 347 219 3986 2406 5329 2338 894. BABY CARRIAGES, TOYS, GAMES AND SPORTING GOODS 1226 894.71 (hkg) Fishing tackle; fish & butterfly nets; decoy birds etc TOTAL 2 3 49 33 413 111 3064 893.95 (hkg) Fittings for furniture, coachwork etc of plastics TOTAL 31 34 337 309 319 905 40 894.77 (hkg) Gloves and mittens specially designed for use in sports TOTAL 4 30 58 128 75 96 893.94 (hkg) Office or school supplies of plastics TOTAL 107 73 1451 918 161630 106376 30212 10870 36838 28455 55254 39306 15948 450 894.60 (hkg) Roundabouts, swings and other fairground amusements TOTAL 586 557 34 894.72 (hkg) Ice skates and roller skates TOTAL 29 47 226 893.31 (tsqm) Floor coverings in roll/tile form; wall/ceiling coverings TOTAL 217 1240 2299 13126 2212 10317 EU countries 216 1235 2249 12918 2164 10152 Non-EU countries 0 5 50 208 47 164 893.99 (hkg) Other articles of plastics, nes TOTAL 14313 15912 141284 EU countries 12253 9108 123552 Germany 1855 2365 21697 France 981 988 11950 Great Britain 5564 3504 49513 Other 3852 2250 40392 Non-EU countries 2060 6804 17732 United States 856 5222 7117 Other 1204 1582 10615 894.49 (hkg) Other festive, carnival or entertainment articles TOTAL 395 168 739 552 916 894.39 (hkg) Articles for funfair, table and parlour games, nes TOTAL 9159 5233 82101 42797 79726 EU countries 8586 4788 71956 35989 69885 France 2066 938 22022 10410 22288 Great Britain 3805 2130 24137 12498 24912 Other 2715 1720 25797 13082 22686 Non-EU countries 573 444 10145 6808 9840 894.41 (hkg) Lighting sets of a kind used for Christmas trees TOTAL 49 84 137 206 263 894.45 (hkg) Articles for Christmas festivities (excl 894.41) TOTAL 39 61 214 240 448 41765 34724 10741 12581 11403 7041 162 441 629 5515 5356 4076 3883 895.11 (hkg) Filing cabinets, paper trays etc, of base metal TOTAL 44 53 329 250 329 162 895. OFFICE AND STATIONERY SUPPLIES, NES 895.12 (hkg) Metal fittings for binders, paper clips, staples etc TOTAL 14 10 285 99 303 113 895.21 (hkg) Pens, pencils and fountain pens (excl 895.22-23) TOTAL 1226 6286 12467 49846 10152 EU countries 922 5256 9868 41342 7583 Germany 200 1181 1948 11353 2316 Other 722 4075 7920 29989 5268 Non-EU countries 304 1030 2599 8504 2568 895.22 (hkg) Pen nibs and nib points TOTAL 0 1 1 5 43 42814 34163 10451 23712 8651 74 895.23 (hkg) Pencils (excl propelling), crayons, pastels, chalks etc TOTAL 35 53 380 512 264 594 895.91 (hkg) Writing or drawing ink and other TOTAL 8858 20918 315482 EU countries 8666 18490 312145 Czech Republic 8326 10639 209028 Germany 331 7792 103022 Other 9 58 96 Non-EU countries 192 2428 3336 United States 140 1937 2899 Other 52 492 438 inks (excl printing ink) 245684 202968 203648 198122 200929 174805 110084 128483 106173 87530 72379 68381 507 66 251 47562 2040 28843 40557 1741 27229 7004 298 1614 895.92 (hkg) Slates and boards, with writing or drawing surfaces TOTAL 54 29 382 220 344 204 895.93 (hkg) Date or numbering stamps etc, hand operated TOTAL 46 28 506 312 969 586 895.94 (hkg) Typewriter and similar ribbons; ink pads TOTAL 9 78 974 1248 304 1798 1573 132 1226 896.12 (hkg) Collages and similar decorative plaques TOTAL 1 21 21 851 28 1826 1 29 896. WORKS OF ART, COLLECTORS' PIECES AND ANTIQUES 896.11 (hkg) Paintings, drawings and pastels TOTAL 12 182 123 896.20 (hkg) Original engravings, prints and lithographs TOTAL 0 8 7 122 128 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 896.30 (hkg) Original sculptures and statuary, in any material TOTAL 2 40 46 675 19 176 896.40 (hkg) Postage, revenue & similar stamps, used or not current TOTAL 0 53 2 335 1 499 896.50 (hkg) Collections and collectors' pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, archaeological interest etc TOTAL 54 275 2 896.60 (hkg) Antiques of an age exceeding 100 years TOTAL 41 18 299 4005 142 11 3704 897. JEWELLERY, GOLDSMITHS' & SILVERSMITHS' WARES ETC, NES 898.44 - continued Ecuador Singapore United States Other 0 9 17 122 898.46 (t) Semiconductor media TOTAL 24 EU countries 20 Czech Republic 6 Poland 1 Other 13 Non-EU countries 4 2013 3386 3659 3697 2 135 249 1169 2063 37069 31288 48312 2 272 294 4093 50 33704 31264 68289 9597 7834 3474 2457 1903 1763 200 180 12 4 164 20 50043 39545 8335 9500 21710 10498 151 141 6 2 133 10 38432 30687 3844 2114 24728 7746 897.21 (hkg) Imitation jewellery of base metal, whether or not plated TOTAL 8 92 105 1392 885 6445 898.49 (hkg) Other recording media excl. products of group 882 TOTAL 15 1980 277 15349 959 EU countries 7 180 49 3144 617 Non-EU countries 9 1800 228 12205 342 897.29 (hkg) Imitation jewellery of other non-precious materials TOTAL 74 162 912 2149 2207 1982 898.90 (hkg) Parts/accessories of musical instruments; metronomes etc TOTAL 32 30 281 394 207 175 897.31 (hkg) Jewellery of precious metals or clad with precious metals TOTAL 94 3099 595 27767 573 34919 EU countries 82 2289 489 21168 443 26297 Great Britain 45 1105 302 13216 226 17885 Other 37 1184 187 7952 217 8412 Non-EU countries 12 810 105 6600 130 8622 897.32 (hkg) Other goldsmiths' & silversmiths' wares, of precious metals or clad with precious metals TOTAL 0 8 9 234 31 375 897.33 (g) Articles of natural/cultured pearls/(semi)precious stones TOTAL 1125605 464010793957 42583 1243307 8615 EU countries 9 20 153 285 3559 387 Non-EU countries 1125596 462110793804 42297 1239748 8228 United States 1125528 461510788972 42264 1238842 8198 Other 68 6 4832 34 906 30 41948 33543 8405 899. MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, NES 899.11 (hkg) Worked ivory, coral, mother of pearl, bone, horn etc TOTAL 2 7 0 1 899.19 (hkg) Worked vegetable/mineral carving material; mouldings etc TOTAL 0 400 423 1220 2305 330 899.21 (hkg) Artificial flowers, foliage etc: plastics TOTAL 1 0 2 1 3 1 899.29 (hkg) Artificial flowers, foliage etc: other than plastics TOTAL 127 33 886 248 838 240 899.31 (hkg) Candles, tapers and the like TOTAL 258 214 12644 2397 4237 2154 51 61 85 897.49 (hkg) Articles of precious metal/clad with precious metal, nes TOTAL 0 3 159 49 2 13 899.33 (hkg) Cigarette lighters and other lighters TOTAL 240 49 428 372 270 323 898. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; RECORDS, TAPES ETC 899.34 (hkg) Fuels in containers for lighters, capacity <=300 cm3 - 897.41 (hkg) Catalysts of platinum or other metals of platinum group TOTAL 3 7 9 35 899.32 (hkg) Matches TOTAL 1 2 52 - 898.13 (hkg) Pianos and other keyboard stringed instruments TOTAL 83 71 864 808 187 191 899.35 (hkg) Parts & accessories of lighters, nes (excl flints/wicks) TOTAL 0 1 271 137 2 2 898.15 (no) String musical instruments (excl 898.13) TOTAL 743 21 5935 219 165 899.37 (hkg) Smoking pipes and bowls and cigar/cigarette holders/parts TOTAL 9 192 93 1833 92 1587 6602 898.23 (hkg) Wind musical instruments (e.g., clarinets, bagpipes) TOTAL .. 2 .. 67 .. 103 898.24 (hkg) Percussion musical instruments TOTAL 0 0 10 20 45 51 899.39 (hkg) Ferro-cerium and other pyrophoric alloys; metaldehyde & other substances for use as fuels; firelighters etc TOTAL 22958 1985 150913 13203 213105 17146 EU countries 22227 1797 142250 10952 207866 15579 Non-EU countries 731 188 8663 2251 5240 1567 898.25 (hkg) Electronic organs & other electrical keyboard instruments TOTAL 3 3 30 48 26 38 899.41 (1000) Umbrellas and sun umbrellas TOTAL 23 63 122 898.26 (hkg) Electric guitars, accordions etc TOTAL .. 12 .. 899.42 (hkg) Walking sticks, seat sticks, whips, riding-crops etc TOTAL 8 16 51 113 56 121 31 .. 46 544 124 429 898.29 (hkg) Musical boxes, fairground organs and other instruments TOTAL 3 9 38 85 173 133 899.49 (hkg) Parts, trimmings and accessories of articles of 899.41-42 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 898.42 (hkg) Magnetic media TOTAL 3 66 505 1689 1291 9080 899.61 (no) Hearing aids (excl parts and accessories) TOTAL 264 23 4208 372 4125 381 898.44 (hkg) Optical media TOTAL 3639 EU countries 3487 Czech Republic 21 Germany 28 France 25 Great Britain 768 Hungary 13 Italy 23 Netherlands 2563 Other 47 Non-EU countries 151 China 3 45911 31882 2374 5048 3037 6696 2961 1732 5366 4668 14028 1273 22440 20853 200 1817 700 4805 203 777 11012 1339 1588 33 454657 323376 12314 59592 31194 65772 45181 21081 37229 51013 131281 12549 37954 33263 199 3601 1779 10133 917 1174 10426 5035 4690 30 595645 453844 12513 82498 46529 108442 51587 24108 37550 90617 141802 8495 899.63 (hkg) Orthopaedic TOTAL EU countries Spain France Great Britain Netherlands Other Non-EU countries or fracture appliances 849 17831 3144 140985 843 17526 2830 135045 23 999 223 10365 12 872 135 10392 38 4200 544 45166 742 9861 1593 50091 28 1595 336 19031 6 306 314 5941 1936 1722 186 127 609 447 353 214 115029 111116 9790 10290 43945 26453 20638 3913 899.65 (hkg) Artificial teeth and dental fittings TOTAL 3 81 13 650 16 968 129 Table 13 Goods Exports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 899.66 (hkg) Other artificial body parts TOTAL 1589 60764 21053 EU countries 1266 34793 17906 Belgium 1054 12943 11969 Germany 133 5914 1574 Spain 10 1619 132 France 15 4638 915 Great Britain 21 4427 894 Italy 9 2286 1051 Other 24 2968 1370 Non-EU countries 322 25971 3147 India 38 2412 235 United States 233 20417 2246 Other 51 3141 667 565142 343839 158423 71113 3597 45202 19684 23446 22374 221303 14302 167295 39707 899.67 (hkg) Pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles TOTAL 89 102411 1299 972065 EU countries 1 279 459 126922 Netherlands 1 46 441 120446 Other 0 233 18 6476 Non-EU countries 87 102132 840 845143 Australia 7 2874 66 43876 Canada 4 1630 44 12937 China 0 206 13 11781 Japan 4 4644 28 34967 United States 69 91393 564 707964 Other 4 1386 125 33618 15713 12152 10197 981 87 229 248 138 273 3561 428 2599 533 505546 275075 127083 54017 1443 36350 12614 23454 20115 230470 22561 171904 36005 974 211 193 18 763 67 46 10 25 490 125 899582 255870 243355 12514 643712 39991 10096 4994 24547 536305 27780 899.69 (hkg) Appliances worn etc to compensate for defect/disability TOTAL 822 166475 10416 1653142 8563 1880131 EU countries 382 47049 5390 471080 3635 467504 Germany 59 8632 699 75645 371 41728 Netherlands 301 37593 4450 388842 3131 419901 Other 22 824 241 6593 133 5876 Non-EU countries 440 119426 5026 1182062 4927 1412626 China 19 429 322 11966 191 7036 Colombia 2 1776 25 2927 20 1038 Japan 55 11904 541 87187 588 87019 Mexico 1 14792 38 163538 14 67348 United States 318 86982 3534 879234 3547 1213779 Other 45 3543 565 37210 568 36406 899.89 (hkg) Combs, hair-slides, hairpins, curling grips etc TOTAL 15 41 406 657 587 518 899.91 (hkg) Articles of gut, goldbeater's skin, bladders or tendons TOTAL 0 19 3 138 17 713 899.92 (hkg) Feathers, down, and articles thereof (excl 291.95) TOTAL 0 0 164 444 233 658 899.94 (hkg) Human hair; wool & other animal hair etc for wig making TOTAL 0 0 0 1 1 29 899.95 (hkg) Wigs, false beards etc of hair or textile material etc TOTAL 65 215 148 707 63 84 899.96 (hkg) Parachutes and rotochutes; parts and accessories TOTAL 0 6 0 2 899.97 (hkg) Vacuum flasks & other vacuum vessels, complete with cases TOTAL 2 3 5 32 21 53 911. POSTAL PACKAGES NOT CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO KIND 911.00 (-) Postal packages not classified according to kind TOTAL .. 1139 .. 12529 .. 12529 931. SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS AND COMMODITIES NOT CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO KIND 931.02 (-) Confidential trade TOTAL .. 2 .. 30 .. - 931.03 (-) Statistical Threshold Estimate TOTAL .. 61986 .. 468678 .. 451727 961. COIN (OTHER THAN GOLD COIN), NOT BEING LEGAL TENDER 899.71 (hkg) Basketware, wickerwork etc TOTAL 19 11 373 193 569 265 899.72 (hkg) Brushes, brooms, mops, sweepers, paint pads etc TOTAL 2888 6385 31903 69223 31298 EU countries 1567 3848 17885 38998 20477 Germany 1101 2865 12017 27975 16178 Other 466 983 5868 11023 4299 Non-EU countries 1322 2537 14018 30225 10821 Russia 480 1459 3728 17716 926 Other 842 1078 10291 12510 9895 62446 46709 37006 9703 15737 2992 12745 899.74 (hkg) Mats, matting and screens of vegetable materials - - 899.79 (hkg) Plaiting materials, products of plaiting materials, nes, bound in parallel strands or woven, in sheet form 899.81 (hkg) Hand sieves and hand riddles TOTAL - 0 2 14 899.82 (hkg) Powder puffs and pads for cosmetics or toilet use TOTAL 7 51 66 595 143 899.83 (hkg) Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners etc; buttons TOTAL 0 0 29 29 108 74 797 63 899.84 (hkg) Button moulds and other parts of buttons; button blanks TOTAL 0 2 2 26 2 11 899.85 (hkg) Slide fasteners TOTAL - - 899.86 (hkg) Parts of slide fasteners TOTAL 2 16 0 0 0 0 1574 93 777 151 899.87 (hkg) Scent sprays, toilet sprays; mounts and heads therefor TOTAL 46 25 706 325 3727 1537 899.88 (hkg) Tailors' dummies etc; animated displays for shop windows TOTAL 3 48 5 42 961.00 (-) Coin (other than gold coin), not being legal tender TOTAL .. .. 418 .. 462 971. GOLD, NON-MONETARY (EXCL GOLD ORES AND CONCENTRATES) 971.01 (-) Gold, unwrought or in semi-manufactured or powder form TOTAL .. 1168 .. 10805 .. 11572 971.02 (-) Metals clad with gold, nfw worked than semi-manufactured TOTAL .. .. 17 .. 3 971.03 (-) Waste and scrap, of gold TOTAL .. 846 .. 7641 .. 22125 972.00 (-) Gold, monetary TOTAL .. .. 272 .. 27 19 131 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 012.21 - continued Non-EU countries 001. LIVE ANIMALS OTHER THAN ANIMALS OF DIVISION 03 001.11 (no) Pure bred cattle for breeding TOTAL 57 9 - - 001.19 (no) Cattle other than pure bred breeding animals TOTAL 6 1 2653 1887 2 13 9 42 12 13 012.22 (t) Pigmeat, frozen TOTAL 435 EU countries 435 Non-EU countries - 1478 1478 - 12079 11948 131 20599 20269 330 10423 10362 62 16572 16436 136 chilled 27411 27347 10026 17321 63 4602 4524 534 3990 78 14646 14612 2615 11997 34 5232 814 69 14869 1279 69499 7782 - - - - - - 012.31 (t) Poultry not cut in pieces, fresh or TOTAL 681 2608 7181 EU countries 674 2560 7146 Netherlands 197 772 2530 Other 477 1788 4616 Non-EU countries 7 48 35 001.31 (no) Pure bred pigs for breeding TOTAL 2881 438 - - 012.32 (t) Poultry not cut in pieces, frozen TOTAL 398 1057 1738 3959 7378 - - 012.33 (t) Fatty livers of geese or ducks, fresh or chilled TOTAL 0 1 1 6 0 2 012.34 (t) Poultry cuts and other offal, fresh or chilled TOTAL 4107 14071 44900 156197 39975 EU countries 3863 13361 42553 148279 37599 Germany 518 2134 3985 15830 4329 Great Britain 944 3550 10667 40927 8218 Netherlands 1477 5687 16897 65808 13943 Other 925 1991 11004 25714 11110 Non-EU countries 245 710 2347 7918 2376 137901 130987 15382 35953 55182 24470 6914 001.21 (no) Sheep, live TOTAL 001.22 (no) Goats, live 001.39 (no) Pigs other than pure bred breeding animals TOTAL 5 0 25 2 001.41 (1000) Poultry, live, weighing not more than 185 gm TOTAL 407 415 5275 5236 5250 001.49 (1000) Poultry, live, weighing more than 185 gm TOTAL 4 20 549 606 001.50 (no) Horses, asses, mules and hinnies, live TOTAL 560 36044 6308 170280 EU countries 538 35188 3482 140817 Great Britain 363 31238 2673 121056 Other 175 3950 809 19761 Non-EU countries 22 855 2826 29462 United States 10 342 207 24537 Other 12 514 2619 4925 001.90 (t) Live animals, nes TOTAL 0 145 8 1480 7149 102 177 5986 5710 5073 637 276 216 60 141174 120689 109471 11218 20485 17184 3301 11 1770 011.11 (t) Beef and veal with bone in, fresh or chilled TOTAL 934 2315 6534 17592 EU countries 934 2315 6520 17574 Great Britain 677 1566 5305 14387 Other 257 749 1215 3186 Non-EU countries 14 18 5584 5564 4877 686 20 011.12 (t) Beef and veal, boneless, fresh or chilled TOTAL 860 5057 9429 53329 EU countries 859 5052 9417 53278 Great Britain 567 3278 5813 35265 Northern Ireland 212 1305 2730 14317 Other 81 469 874 3697 Non-EU countries 0 6 12 51 011.22 (t) Beef and veal, boneless, frozen TOTAL 237 769 2809 56216 52142 18333 19897 13912 4074 17858 16832 5307 5978 5547 1026 012.40 (t) Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen - 011. BEEF AND VEAL, FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN 011.21 (t) Beef and veal with bone in, frozen TOTAL 23 99 223 012.35 (t) Poultry cuts and offal, frozen TOTAL 1776 4902 20072 EU countries 1594 4376 18627 Great Britain 457 1413 6622 Netherlands 380 1293 5921 Other 757 1670 6084 Non-EU countries 182 526 1445 7839 7813 5510 1747 556 26 1024 250 17430 17410 14683 2728 20 47110 46854 33393 11043 2419 256 1199 - - 012.51 (t) Edible offal of bovine animals, fresh or chilled TOTAL 4 22 36 193 62 217 012.52 (t) Edible offal of bovine animals, frozen TOTAL 52 50 619 461 249 328 012.53 (t) Edible offal of swine, fresh or chilled TOTAL 2 19 13 31 0 0 43 127 012.55 (t) Edible offal of sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh or chilled TOTAL 11 28 96 281 103 292 012.56 (t) Edible offal of sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, frozen 3 4 15 29 012.54 (t) Edible offal of swine, frozen TOTAL 8 22 21 55 TOTAL 9369 5962 48301 45461 15171 18615 11675 2839 12978 012.91 (t) Meat and edible meat offal of rabbits or hares TOTAL 8 38 181 464 21 173 0 1 012. OTHER MEAT AND MEAT OFFAL FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION 012.11 (t) Mutton, fresh or chilled TOTAL 731 1220 EU countries 731 1220 Great Britain 725 1189 Other 6 30 Non-EU countries 012.12 (t) Mutton, frozen TOTAL 23 012.93 (t) Snails (other than sea snails) TOTAL 3878 3863 3745 118 15 17024 16972 16425 547 52 2820 2806 2697 109 14 12611 12573 12115 458 38 6 13 012.99 (t) Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh/chilled/frozen TOTAL 4 30 235 1149 1821 7514 016. MEAT AND EDIBLE MEAT OFFAL, SALTED, IN BRINE, DRIED OR SMOKED; EDIBLE FLOURS & MEALS OF MEAT OR MEAT OFFAL 115 198 012.13 (t) Goatmeat, fresh, chilled or frozen TOTAL 0 012.21 (t) Pigmeat, fresh or chilled TOTAL 2267 6089 EU countries 2266 6076 Denmark 483 1141 Great Britain 463 1345 Netherlands 534 1245 Other 786 2344 28951 28942 5995 8163 5783 9000 1045 1236 6450 1 18 24 72326 72284 13011 17028 14985 27261 32123 32110 5239 8177 5449 13246 82274 82262 14386 14403 15965 37508 016.11 (t) Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in, salted, in brine, dried or smoked 2408 707 4576 5672 5367 11963 016.12 (t) Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof, salted, in brine, dried or smoked TOTAL 22 121 270 1430 281 1632 TOTAL 016.19 (t) Other dried, salted or smoked meat of swine TOTAL 1154 4868 15139 55820 EU countries 1154 4868 15101 55747 Great Britain 743 3359 10289 38412 12912 12883 8077 43612 43582 25816 132 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 016.19 - continued Other Non-EU countries 411 - 1509 - 4812 38 17335 73 4806 29 17765 31 0 2 1 3 1 2 022.22 (t) Milk & cream, in solid form, fat content exceeding 1.5% TOTAL 215 637 2104 6363 3258 9195 016.81 (t) Beef and veal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked TOTAL 51 278 951 4049 1607 7205 016.89 (t) Other meat and edible meat offal of 016.8 TOTAL 599 1515 3397 8536 EU countries 76 113 425 1164 Non-EU countries 523 1402 2972 7372 5322 1313 4009 2282 615 1666 022.21 - continued Non-EU countries 022.23 (t) Milk and cream, not in solid form, concentrated, not containing added sugar or other sweetening 44 55 456 543 468 TOTAL 546 022.24 (t) Milk and cream, not in solid form, containing added sugar or other sweetening TOTAL 362 454 4556 6069 4009 7259 017. MEAT AND EDIBLE MEAT OFFAL, PREPARED OR PRESERVED, NES 017.10 (t) Extracts and juices of meat, fish, crustaceans etc TOTAL 140 706 842 3150 659 017.20 (t) Sausages etc of meat, offal or blood TOTAL 830 3168 12089 41645 EU countries 829 3160 12017 41517 Germany 287 1080 2885 11641 Great Britain 218 819 4858 15486 Other 324 1261 4274 14390 Non-EU countries 1 9 72 128 2576 10432 10258 2475 3673 4110 173 37678 37555 11438 11627 14489 124 017.30 (t) Liver of any animal, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 222 1195 2691 9753 1319 4280 017.40 (t) Meat and offal of poultry, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 2837 10334 41682 118088 27484 112468 EU countries 2185 8268 34790 96325 19838 88775 Germany 210 799 3150 10636 2842 12295 Great Britain 1179 4244 13852 49472 9683 43056 Other 796 3225 17787 36217 7312 33424 Non-EU countries 652 2067 6893 21763 7646 23694 Thailand 526 1640 4260 13784 4619 14753 Other 126 427 2633 7978 3027 8940 017.50 (t) Meat and offal of swine, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 1734 5736 19410 66913 18385 EU countries 1730 5721 19359 66705 18241 Germany 596 1779 5958 19955 4876 Great Britain 622 2310 6594 24245 7079 Netherlands 320 844 3933 11284 3114 Other 192 788 2875 11221 3172 Non-EU countries 4 15 51 208 144 62578 62002 17136 24414 9557 10896 576 017.60 (t) Meat & offal of bovine animals, prepared/preserved, nes TOTAL 195 937 2480 11483 3693 16206 EU countries 193 924 2370 10932 3188 14463 Non-EU countries 3 13 110 550 506 1744 017.90 (t) Other prepared or preserved meat or meat offal TOTAL 639 1956 5868 17194 6161 EU countries 639 1953 5864 17173 6153 Non-EU countries 1 3 4 21 8 18604 18566 38 5068 022.12 (t) Milk and cream, of a fat content, by weight, of 1% to 6% TOTAL 40282 15363 474053 188829 283903 116033 EU countries 40282 15363 474052 188828 283894 116010 Great Britain 2057 1375 31418 18690 24416 14423 Northern Ireland 38134 13897 441842 169243 258496 100857 Other 92 91 791 895 982 731 Non-EU countries 2 2 8 23 022.13 (t) Cream of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6% TOTAL 536 984 7911 20052 5538 EU countries 513 953 7874 19986 5528 Northern Ireland 279 641 5181 16117 4442 Other 235 312 2692 3869 1086 Non-EU countries 23 30 37 66 10 3039 3025 885 1302 838 15 5507 5474 1126 3228 1120 34 41051 41016 9903 21274 9840 35 67487 67013 11891 42042 13080 474 022.32 (t) Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir etc TOTAL 1263 1783 9698 12257 9168 EU countries 1221 1648 9631 12086 9163 Non-EU countries 43 134 67 171 5 8652 8636 16 15776 15769 13913 1856 7 022.21 (t) Milk in solid form, of a fat content not exceeding 1.5% TOTAL 1925 4565 42013 74334 19932 38494 EU countries 1925 4563 42012 74331 19931 38492 Denmark 668 2331 6920 23430 2426 7647 Great Britain 581 580 26077 28984 9744 12188 Other 676 1652 9015 21917 7760 18657 42726 42594 10769 20789 11036 132 72348 71653 13366 44734 13553 695 022.33 (t) Ice cream and other edible ice TOTAL 712 1261 13057 EU countries 711 1255 13010 Great Britain 410 675 7344 Other 301 581 5666 Non-EU countries 1 6 48 27550 27339 15375 11965 210 14848 14833 9188 5646 15 29460 29412 18332 11080 48 022.41 (t) Whey TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Netherlands Other Non-EU countries 52110 51480 12940 22293 16246 630 26158 26072 9730 7123 9218 86 45198 44691 6843 15154 22695 507 2582 2582 848 1111 623 - 5382 5382 328 3380 1674 - 47175 47090 32868 8239 5982 85 022.49 (t) Products consisting of natural milk constituents, nes TOTAL 414 442 711 1329 148 423 023. BUTTER AND OTHER FATS, AND OILS DERIVED FROM MILK 023.00 (t) Butter and other fats, and oils derived from milk TOTAL 694 2451 9084 27365 9054 EU countries 692 2446 9065 27333 9039 Great Britain 474 1668 6343 17262 6645 Other 219 778 2722 10070 2394 Non-EU countries 2 5 19 32 15 26890 26877 18270 8606 14 024. CHEESE AND CURD 024.10 (t) Grated or powdered cheese TOTAL 105 459 022. MILK, CREAM AND MILK PRODUCTS OTHER THAN BUTTER OR CHEESE 022.11 (t) Milk of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1% TOTAL 301 496 6424 9814 4631 022.31 (t) Yoghurt TOTAL EU countries France Great Britain Other Non-EU countries 5622 1003 4287 024.20 (t) Processed cheese, not grated or powdered TOTAL 568 1584 4846 17439 EU countries 567 1577 4836 17332 Non-EU countries 1 7 10 106 4892 4886 6 17548 17475 73 024.30 (t) Blue-veined cheese TOTAL 77 358 1650 290 1563 024.91 (t) Fresh and whey cheese, and curd TOTAL 1294 5400 16985 EU countries 1294 5400 16985 Germany 317 916 3505 Great Britain 192 3104 5480 Other 785 1380 8000 Non-EU countries 0 59477 59477 10393 34300 14784 0 23331 23330 3694 6684 12952 0 67089 67087 9787 36268 21031 3 104170 103416 64145 39270 755 25832 25809 17054 8755 24 103132 103052 64509 38544 79 024.99 (t) Other cheese TOTAL 2266 EU countries 2242 Great Britain 1298 Other 945 Non-EU countries 23 342 1292 8873 8744 4876 3869 129 25184 25016 16556 8460 168 133 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 034.55 (t) Fish meat (other than fillets), frozen TOTAL 15 59 301 1077 025. BIRDS' EGGS, EGG YOLKS AND EGG ALBUMIN 025.10 (t) Birds' eggs in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked TOTAL .. 508 .. 7642 .. 025.21 (t) Birds' eggs, not in shell, and egg yolks: dried TOTAL 43 132 529 1909 557 252 767 8786 035. FISH, DRIED, SALTED OR IN BRINE; SMOKED FISH 2027 035.11 (t) Cod, not in fillets, dried, whether or not salted TOTAL 0 12 6 92 6 55 025.22 (t) Birds' eggs, not in shell, & egg yolks: other than dried TOTAL 237 323 3294 3937 3212 4425 035.12 (t) Fillets, dried, salted or in brine TOTAL 16 163 209 2212 168 1505 025.30 (t) Egg albumin TOTAL 035.13 (t) Fish dried, whether or not salted, nes TOTAL 9 41 41 242 33 330 367 2961 321 2766 034. FISH, FRESH (LIVE OR DEAD), CHILLED OR FROZEN 034.11 (t) Fish, live TOTAL 37 185 034.12 (t) Salmonidae, fresh or chilled TOTAL 263 1666 EU countries 250 1593 Great Britain 173 1068 Other 77 525 Non-EU countries 13 73 540 2678 484 (excl livers and roes) 2809 17151 2678 2705 16606 2434 1918 11478 1896 786 5129 538 105 544 244 2608 15036 13467 10470 2997 1569 034.13 (t) Flat fish, fresh or chilled (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 40 245 417 2617 398 2431 034.14 (t) Tunas, skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, fresh or chilled (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 16 117 163 1316 174 1401 17 95 035.21 (t) Cod salted or in brine, but not smoked or dried TOTAL 2 10 31 207 12 66 035.22 (t) Anchovies salted or in brine, but not smoked or dried TOTAL 2 19 2 19 035.29 (t) Fish other than cod or anchovies, salted or in brine, but not dried or smoked TOTAL 2 11 31 166 2 13 035.30 (t) Fish (incl fillets), smoked TOTAL 66 628 769 7248 879 7827 035.40 (t) Fish liver and roes, dried, smoked, salted or in brine TOTAL 2 33 25 411 17 273 035.50 (t) Fish flours, meals & pellets, fit for human consumption TOTAL 15 20 16 27 034.15 (t) Herrings, sardines, sardinella or sprats, fresh/chilled TOTAL 1 8 17 83 45 167 036. CRUSTACEANS, MOLLUSCS AND AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES, INCL FLOURS, MEALS AND PELLETS OF CRUSTACEANS 034.16 (t) Cod, fresh or chilled (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 88 377 1128 4855 036.11 (t) Shrimps and prawns, frozen TOTAL 149 1557 EU countries 76 736 Non-EU countries 73 821 1268 862 406 10631 6569 4062 1152 756 396 8944 5675 3268 036.19 (t) Other crustaceans,frozen TOTAL 115 776 EU countries 114 771 Non-EU countries 1 5 1538 1494 44 10362 10035 327 896 841 54 6433 5898 535 036.20 (t) Crustaceans, other than frozen TOTAL 170 328 2340 3751 3371 5212 036.31 (t) Oysters TOTAL 4901 470 5400 036.33 (t) Cuttlefish, octopus and squid, fresh or chilled TOTAL 5 13 61 283 29 114 034.17 (t) Mackerel, fresh or chilled TOTAL 3 24 492 863 1071 4555 61 378 034.18 (t) Other fish, fresh or chilled (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 352 1135 23074 17448 34746 EU countries 331 1018 4814 12619 2394 Non-EU countries 21 117 18260 4830 32352 034.19 (t) Livers and roes, fresh or chilled TOTAL 50 226 408 20582 10656 9926 1863 20 84 034.21 (t) Salmonidae, frozen (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 71 449 1283 6899 1082 6189 034.22 (t) Flat fish, frozen (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 40 152 369 1587 327 1433 034.23 (t) Tunas, skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, frozen TOTAL 1 1 9 7 26 145 70 413 587 036.35 (t) Other molluscs & aquatic invertebrates, fresh or chilled TOTAL 138 169 1313 1937 1964 2020 034.24 (t) Herrings, sardines, sardinella or sprats, frozen TOTAL 5 3 504 348 377 287 036.37 (t) Cuttlefish, octopus and squid, frozen, dried, salted or in brine;flours etc thereof for human consumption TOTAL 9 23 215 720 200 879 034.25 (t) Cod, frozen (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 1 5 79 261 90 318 036.39 (t) Other molluscs and aquatic invertebrates, frozen etc TOTAL 27 102 111 614 33 034.26 (t) Mackerel, frozen (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 105 113 806 1029 581 730 037. FISH, CRUSTACEANS ETC, PREPARED OR PRESERVED, NES 60 14 43 034.28 (t) Other fish, frozen (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 24 114 396 1546 355 1543 034.27 (t) Hake, frozen (excl livers and roes) TOTAL 3 10 22 034.29 (t) Livers and roes, frozen TOTAL 0 1 4 15 2 8 1512 6754 991 4632 034.51 (t) Fish fillets and other fish meat, fresh or chilled TOTAL 165 1144 1635 10943 1495 EU countries 121 788 1168 7362 1125 Non-EU countries 45 356 467 3581 370 7765 5053 2712 034.40 (t) Fish fillets, frozen TOTAL 72 338 037.11 (t) Salmon, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved TOTAL 289 1437 2238 13291 1666 EU countries 285 1391 2041 11901 1350 Great Britain 271 1310 1875 10988 1151 Other 14 81 166 912 198 Non-EU countries 4 46 197 1390 316 281 11898 9806 8673 1133 2092 037.12 (t) Herrings, sardines etc, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved TOTAL 244 1038 2635 11377 1536 6500 EU countries 242 1033 2622 11339 1502 6395 Non-EU countries 2 5 13 38 34 105 037.13 (t) Tunas etc, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved TOTAL 397 1916 4932 23938 5417 25985 EU countries 223 1160 2648 14796 3030 15436 Great Britain 194 1024 2146 12230 2331 12063 134 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 037.13 - continued Other Non-EU countries 28 175 135 757 501 2284 2567 9141 700 2387 3372 10549 045.10 (t) Rye, unmilled TOTAL 037.14 (t) Mackerel, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved TOTAL 151 283 1822 4032 929 1611 6999 037.17 (t) Caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs TOTAL 4 41 17 209 14 177 037.21 (t) Crustaceans, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 199 1251 1911 14024 EU countries 160 1029 1758 12842 Non-EU countries 39 222 154 1181 1676 1576 99 11307 10479 827 037.22 (t) Molluscs etc, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 2 14 36 352 46 728 29593 6517 - 5 4 2 4 045.20 (t) Oats, unmilled TOTAL 73 82 974 696 774 488 045.30 (t) Grain sorghum, unmilled TOTAL - 1 2 8 4 045.91 (t) Millet, unmilled TOTAL 23 20 162 141 125 123 045.92 (t) Buckwheat, unmilled TOTAL 6 4 54 51 54 54 045.93 (t) Canary seed, unmilled TOTAL 6 5 51 40 97 61 045.99 (t) Cereals, unmilled, nes TOTAL 14 55 234 559 201 335 046. MEAL AND FLOUR OF WHEAT, AND FLOUR OF MESLIN 041. WHEAT (INCL SPELT) AND MESLIN, UNMILLED 041.10 (t) Durum wheat, unmilled TOTAL 4496 963 - 4349 037.15 (t) Other fish, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved TOTAL 335 1378 3905 16017 3080 13757 EU countries 335 1377 3889 15923 3074 13719 Great Britain 265 1155 2833 12524 1983 10145 Other 70 222 1055 3398 1091 3574 Non-EU countries 0 0 16 94 6 39 037.16 (t) Other fish, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 82 403 1336 5877 045. CEREALS, UNMILLED (EXCL WHEAT, RICE, BARLEY AND MAIZE) 40813 11125 041.20 (t) Other wheat (incl spelt) and meslin, unmilled TOTAL 5274 968 162111 30495 174086 EU countries 5274 968 145727 27679 140118 Great Britain 1271 258 56104 10702 9682 Other 4003 710 89623 16977 130436 Non-EU countries 16384 2816 33969 39951 32811 1937 30875 7139 046.10 (t) Flour of wheat or meslin TOTAL 12777 5109 EU countries 12754 5093 Great Britain 6955 2888 Northern Ireland 3419 1184 Other 2379 1021 Non-EU countries 23 16 135619 135534 67755 39240 28539 85 55010 54952 28773 14499 11680 57 143939 143721 74503 34239 34979 218 64662 64511 33619 14833 16059 152 046.20 (t) Groats and meal of wheat TOTAL 400 377 628 541 407 403 750 844 1049 900 047.19 (t) Cereal flour, other than of maize, wheat or meslin TOTAL 310 142 3941 2025 2323 1406 047. OTHER CEREAL MEALS AND FLOURS 047.11 (t) Maize (corn) flour TOTAL 96 042. RICE 042.10 (t) Rice in the husk (paddy or rough rice) TOTAL 500 453 5554 5554 5483 5305 112 042.20 (t) Rice husked but not further prepared (cargo/brown rice) TOTAL 101 161 816 1374 679 1063 047.21 (t) Groats and meal of maize (corn) TOTAL 526 120 1001 571 999 892 042.31 (t) Rice, semi-milled or wholly milled (excl broken rice) TOTAL 1350 1476 13060 13938 12191 12384 EU countries 994 1112 10442 11217 9686 9832 Non-EU countries 356 364 2618 2721 2504 2553 047.22 (t) Groats and meal of other cereals TOTAL 223 110 3332 1286 3440 1309 391 584 186 042.32 (t) Broken rice TOTAL 81 45 1830 1057 439 047.23 (t) Pellets TOTAL 79 17 1129 372 048. CEREAL PREPARATIONS, AND PREPARATIONS OF FLOUR OR STARCH OF FRUITS OR VEGETABLES 043. BARLEY, UNMILLED 043.00 (t) Barley, unmilled TOTAL 462 94 44665 8700 242936 58529 4792 4193 2460 2269 than seed, unmilled 82031 13992 915647 63950 10674 230754 27500 4740 59025 18501 3051 49091 10273 1476 30418 6390 1155 65194 1286 252 27026 18081 3318 684893 868 141 317118 10331 1959 245841 160 101 96985 6722 1117 24950 160986 40967 10141 8464 4994 12262 5105 120019 54741 42608 18222 4449 603556 278103 25127 101049 65066 86862 325453 12251 238297 624 74281 133976 62398 4407 22821 15027 20143 71578 2752 52600 610 15616 044. MAIZE (NOT INCL SWEET CORN) UNMILLED 044.10 (t) Maize seed, unmilled TOTAL 550 044.90 (t) Maize other TOTAL EU countries Bulgaria France Romania Northern Ireland Other Non-EU countries Canada Ukraine United States Other 195 048.11 (t) Foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals TOTAL 2904 9197 34584 115928 35415 114928 EU countries 2878 9103 34383 115187 35237 114346 Great Britain 2417 7977 28631 99311 30405 100937 Other 461 1126 5753 15876 4832 13408 Non-EU countries 26 94 201 741 178 583 048.12 (t) Cereals other than maize, in grain form, precooked etc TOTAL 209 735 2630 7217 3140 8176 048.13 (t) Other rolled or flaked cereal grains, excl rice of 042.3 TOTAL 445 385 6857 5879 10983 6012 048.14 (t) Other worked cereal grains, except rice of 042.3 TOTAL 4598 974 66737 14858 36231 EU countries 4598 973 66733 14855 36218 France 4576 952 66246 14446 34766 Other 22 22 487 409 1453 Non-EU countries 1 1 4 4 12 10126 10111 8953 1158 14 048.15 (t) Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground TOTAL 2 5 101 490 276 826 048.20 (t) Malt, whether or not roasted (incl malt flour) TOTAL 574 305 13358 5510 12485 5651 135 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 048.30 (t) Macaroni, spaghetti and similar products TOTAL 779 1197 9543 15213 EU countries 774 1181 9350 14827 Non-EU countries 5 16 193 386 8625 8470 154 12525 12208 318 048.41 (t) Crispbread, rusks, toasted bread and similar products TOTAL 461 1201 5510 13345 4691 10869 EU countries 460 1194 5499 13315 4680 10844 Non-EU countries 1 6 12 29 11 25 048.42 (t) Sweet biscuits, waffles and TOTAL 3315 11704 EU countries 3282 11570 Great Britain 2549 9014 Other 734 2557 Non-EU countries 33 133 wafers, gingerbread etc 33667 109284 36056 110646 33496 108686 35859 110034 24594 77922 27369 81967 8902 30764 8490 28067 171 598 197 612 048.49 (t) Other bakers' products, nes TOTAL 10137 24556 EU countries 9668 23405 Germany 1243 2695 Great Britain 6216 16747 Northern Ireland 410 1021 Other 1799 2942 Non-EU countries 469 1151 99969 97141 12307 65312 3844 15678 2828 048.50 (t) Mixes/doughs TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries for the 5800 5799 4698 1101 0 257472 251847 28268 176114 10292 37172 5625 98952 96805 12370 65829 3536 15071 2146 prep of bakers' wares of 048.4 4695 60591 44025 56316 4692 60583 44000 56296 3741 47014 32745 42731 951 13569 11255 13565 2 8 26 20 250623 246610 28648 177440 9366 31156 4013 44234 44183 32206 11977 51 054.21 (t) Peas, dried or shelled TOTAL 174 117 2686 6811 054.58 (t) Mushrooms and truffles TOTAL 222 298 7014 3340 8993 054.59 (t) Other vegetables, fresh or chilled, nes TOTAL 1915 3125 26084 47247 EU countries 1852 2912 24639 43659 Great Britain 411 814 5363 11071 Netherlands 359 546 10007 18571 Other 1081 1552 9269 14017 Non-EU countries 63 212 1445 3588 24391 23244 4853 8921 9469 1148 44262 41405 9537 17829 14039 2857 054.61 (t) Sweet corn (cooked or uncooked), frozen TOTAL 113 183 1477 2327 1380 2250 uncooked), frozen 34090 34354 46299 32915 33283 45373 10687 10061 12688 9048 9917 16473 13180 13305 16211 1175 1071 926 39752 38878 11923 13781 13173 874 054.69 (t) Other vegetables (cooked or TOTAL 3359 3049 EU countries 3163 2885 Belgium 775 731 Great Britain 1083 892 Other 1304 1261 Non-EU countries 196 164 3316 36133 34514 23809 10705 1619 30 44 45 054.83 (t) Arrowroot, sweet potatoes & similar roots & tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh or dried; sago pith TOTAL 442 395 3529 2973 2258 2113 054.84 (t) Hop cones and lupulin, fresh or dried TOTAL 2 22 76 615 1151 054.23 (t) Beans (excl broad beans & horse beans), dried or shelled TOTAL 145 124 3326 3063 3231 2794 054.89 (t) Vegetable products of chiefly for human foods, nes TOTAL 8 10 2222 556 1989 609 054.24 (t) Lentils, dried or shelled TOTAL 39 62 056. VEGETABLES, ROOTS AND TUBERS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED, NES 167 106 474 054.25 (t) Broad beans and horse beans, dried or shelled TOTAL 21 3 88 20 054.29 (t) Leguminous vegetables nes, dried or shelled TOTAL 7 48 113 167 054.40 (t) Tomatoes, fresh or chilled TOTAL 2206 3403 EU countries 2189 3378 Netherlands 915 1403 Other 1273 1975 Non-EU countries 18 25 25923 25660 15220 10440 263 39185 38910 22108 16803 274 054.51 (t) Onions and shallots, fresh or chilled TOTAL 3152 1722 37151 20792 EU countries 2982 1304 33613 16378 Non-EU countries 170 418 3538 4414 1158 054.81 (t) Manioc (cassava), fresh or dried TOTAL 2 2 31 3344 315 1790 7224 602 103 889 5477 054.57 (t) Leguminous vegetables, fresh or chilled TOTAL 266 699 2940 7536 80 054.22 (t) Chickpeas, dried or shelled TOTAL 12 19 1125 054.56 (t) Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled TOTAL 532 609 5372 6715 054.70 (t) Vegetables provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption TOTAL 105 146 1934 2675 2367 2588 054. VEGETABLES, FRESH, CHILLED, FROZEN OR SIMPLY PRESERVED; ROOTS, TUBERS ETC, NES,FRESH OR DRIED 054.10 (t) Potatoes, fresh or chilled (excl sweet potatoes) TOTAL 4663 1893 60650 24395 67828 EU countries 4571 1787 56807 22579 64108 Great Britain 3553 1167 42032 14156 48262 Other 1018 620 14775 8423 15846 Non-EU countries 92 105 3843 1817 3720 054.55 (t) Carrots, turnips & similar edible roots, fresh or chilled TOTAL 1017 656 23310 12613 28235 16793 EU countries 988 604 20655 10873 23290 13971 Non-EU countries 29 52 2655 1740 4945 2823 165 235 368 20 7 60 64 25246 25014 14527 10487 232 39228 38818 22247 16570 410 32499 28979 3520 20890 16132 4759 054.52 (t) Garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables TOTAL 245 466 3474 5968 3169 5797 054.53 (t) Cabbage and similar edible brassicas, fresh or chilled TOTAL 1816 1906 20118 20046 24048 23217 EU countries 1744 1801 19685 19621 23574 22980 Non-EU countries 72 105 433 425 474 237 054.54 (t) Lettuce and chicory (incl endive), fresh or chilled TOTAL 1149 1876 11536 18788 11521 EU countries 1138 1865 11466 18682 11502 Non-EU countries 11 11 70 105 19 18579 18548 31 054.87 (t) Sugar beet, fresh or dried TOTAL 4 20 056.12 (t) Dried onions TOTAL 57 376 88 337 329 633 285 615 31 264 23 241 056.19 (t) Dried vegetables; mixtures of vegetables, nes TOTAL 136 305 3032 4078 5275 4873 056.41 (t) Flour and meal of potatoes TOTAL 931 344 056.13 (t) Mushrooms and truffles, dried TOTAL 3 19 10915 4329 9604 4165 056.42 (t) Flakes, granules and pellets of potatoes TOTAL 75 89 299 386 741 922 056.45 (t) Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch TOTAL 20 27 142 207 171 238 056.46 (t) Flour & meal of the dried leguminous vegetables of 054.2 TOTAL 2 45 43 230 294 226 056.47 (t) Flour & meal of sago, roots or tubers of 054.81 & 054.83 TOTAL 190 38 1676 576 2272 673 056.48 (t) Flour, meal and powder of the products of Group 057 TOTAL 324 332 5460 5340 6110 056.61 (t) Potatoes preserved other than by vinegar, frozen TOTAL 4438 4125 59681 52431 57894 EU countries 4438 4125 59658 52413 57816 Belgium 1953 1368 28417 20667 27683 5802 50839 50783 20791 136 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 056.61 - continued Great Britain Netherlands Other Non-EU countries 1339 1056 91 - 1535 1064 157 - 15315 14799 1127 24 16846 12985 1915 19 13901 15234 999 78 14647 13808 1537 56 056.69 (t) Other vegetables preserved other than by vinegar, frozen TOTAL 172 329 2464 4541 2911 5443 056.71 (t) Vegetables, fruit, nuts etc preserved by vinegar TOTAL 1055 2053 9024 16796 6500 EU countries 986 1971 8219 15827 5710 Non-EU countries 69 82 805 969 790 10652 9707 945 056.72 (t) Tomatoes preserved other than by vinegar, whole/in pieces TOTAL 892 1050 14255 15036 14511 12453 EU countries 870 992 14115 14772 14496 12386 Non-EU countries 22 59 140 264 15 67 056.73 (t) Tomatoes preserved other than by vinegar, nes TOTAL 171 161 1930 2249 3487 3295 056.74 (t) Mushrooms and truffles preserved other than by vinegar TOTAL 28 52 175 308 212 326 056.76 (t) Potatoes preserved other than by acetic acid, not frozen TOTAL 1662 4298 18907 47804 15403 44871 EU countries 1661 4294 18867 47727 15365 44825 Great Britain 1315 3833 15095 42077 11592 38558 Other 347 461 3772 5650 3773 6266 Non-EU countries 1 4 40 78 37 46 056.77 (t) Sweet corn, prepared or preserved TOTAL 155 302 2269 3790 2451 4165 056.79 (t) Other vegetables prepared/preserved otherwise than vinegar, acetic acid etc., not frozen TOTAL 1173 1613 12639 17801 12142 EU countries 1022 1509 11798 17180 11355 Great Britain 702 1018 7981 11174 7323 Other 320 492 3817 6006 4032 Non-EU countries 150 103 842 621 786 15652 15198 9509 5689 454 057. FRUIT AND NUTS (NOT INCL OIL NUTS), FRESH OR DRIED 057.11 (t) Oranges, fresh or dried TOTAL 1636 1164 EU countries 1238 920 Non-EU countries 398 244 25896 11590 14306 18042 9717 8325 057.12 (t) Mandarins, clementines etc, fresh or dried TOTAL 1492 1487 20083 20665 EU countries 1325 1331 6324 7133 Non-EU countries 167 155 13759 13532 25964 14519 11445 19167 11935 7232 16441 6595 9846 18036 7810 10227 057.52 (t) Grapes, dried TOTAL 730 EU countries 254 Non-EU countries 476 1335 607 728 5975 1257 4719 10958 3153 7805 5654 1649 4005 10395 2800 7596 52 150 437 173 438 057.71 (t) Edible coconuts, fresh or dried TOTAL 71 165 789 1714 599 1220 057.72 (t) Edible brazil nuts, fresh or dried TOTAL 11 76 90 631 108 415 057.73 (t) Edible cashew nuts, fresh or dried TOTAL 45 230 315 1799 278 1635 057.74 (t) Edible almonds, fresh or dried TOTAL 113 763 3080 6648 2551 3516 60 318 057.60 (t) Figs, fresh or dried TOTAL 12 057.75 (t) Edible hazel-nuts or filberts, fresh or dried TOTAL 2 17 63 430 057.76 (t) Edible walnuts, fresh or dried TOTAL 26 253 302 1999 453 2176 057.77 (t) Edible chestnuts, fresh or dried TOTAL 14 32 72 124 78 129 057.78 (t) Edible pistachios, fresh or dried TOTAL 10 63 78 528 51 371 057.79 (t) Other edible nuts, fresh or dried (excl mixtures & nuts for oil extraction) TOTAL 35 251 390 2769 311 1762 057.91 (t) Melons (incl water melons) and papaws (papayas), fresh TOTAL 1075 1109 13524 13120 12224 11018 EU countries 355 454 8821 8681 7416 7288 Non-EU countries 720 654 4703 4439 4808 3730 057.92 (t) Pears and quinces, fresh TOTAL 1009 957 EU countries 1008 954 Non-EU countries 2 3 12482 10899 1584 11788 10236 1552 9235 5913 3322 10584 6870 3714 057.93 (t) Apricots, cherries, peaches etc, plums and sloes,fresh TOTAL 122 315 8244 12202 6235 11268 EU countries 110 198 7764 11094 5627 10032 Non-EU countries 12 117 481 1108 608 1236 057.94 (t) Strawberries, loganberries, TOTAL EU countries Non-EU countries raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, and fruits of the genus Vaccinium, fresh 320 1945 4109 22269 3073 17326 255 1523 3444 17586 2643 14542 66 422 665 4683 430 2784 057.21 (t) Lemons and limes, fresh or dried TOTAL 721 751 7837 9893 7216 8770 057.95 (t) Pineapples, fresh or dried TOTAL 500 418 7779 5990 5901 4836 057.22 (t) Grapefruit, fresh or dried TOTAL 583 882 4154 3536 3619 057.96 (t) Dates, fresh or dried TOTAL 41 101 326 817 226 683 4371 057.29 (t) Citrus fruit, nes, fresh or dried TOTAL 10 55 80 187 76 68 057.30 (t) Bananas (incl plantains), fresh or dried TOTAL 7681 4025 80413 41208 EU countries 1373 1069 8338 6326 Non-EU countries 6308 2956 72075 34882 Belize 3027 1395 25440 11081 Costa Rica 2548 1066 33586 14560 Other 734 495 13049 9241 80676 14009 66667 26801 29240 10626 42010 11006 31003 11653 11838 7512 057.40 (t) Apples, fresh TOTAL 6835 EU countries 6754 France 1851 Other 4903 Non-EU countries 81 4413 4310 1716 2593 103 59438 43878 18014 25864 15560 54776 38827 17951 20876 15949 48365 30966 14103 16863 17400 58684 38606 17751 20855 20078 057.51 (t) Grapes, fresh TOTAL 737 EU countries 307 Non-EU countries 431 2244 866 1378 10239 7000 3240 24876 17397 7479 9480 6532 2948 24476 16764 7712 057.97 (t) Avocados, guavas, mangoes & mangosteens, fresh or dried TOTAL 362 764 4314 8643 3275 6608 057.98 (t) Other fresh fruit TOTAL 385 EU countries 356 Non-EU countries 29 695 627 68 7315 6136 1179 11987 9986 2002 7550 5734 1816 12060 9395 2665 057.99 (t) Fruit dried nes, and mixtures nes of nuts or dried fruits of Group 057 TOTAL 237 575 3701 8651 3100 8913 058. FRUIT, PRESERVED, AND FRUIT PREPARATIONS (EXCL JUICES) 058.10 (t) Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, pastes etc, excl homogenised preparations TOTAL 515 1079 7138 13965 6762 EU countries 512 1071 7114 13893 6722 Non-EU countries 3 8 24 72 40 14378 14264 114 137 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 058.21 (t) Fruit & nuts provisionally preserved, unsuitable for immediate consumption TOTAL 5 14 305 531 91 061. SUGARS, MOLASSES AND HONEY 205 058.22 (t) Peel of citrus fruit or melons, fresh, frozen, dried etc TOTAL 5 10 200 380 259 427 058.31 (t) Strawberries, frozen, whether or not containing sugar etc TOTAL 153 726 1839 5986 1857 7092 058.32 (t) Raspberries, blackberries, loganberries, black currants, gooseberries etc frozen, whether or not with sugar etc TOTAL 103 571 2143 15103 4320 13804 EU countries 100 533 2012 14509 4164 13247 Non-EU countries 3 39 131 594 156 557 058.39 (t) Fruit and nuts, nes, frozen, whether or not with sugar TOTAL 196 422 1576 3029 1609 4844 058.92 (t) Nuts and other seeds, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 758 2664 7216 27368 5554 EU countries 695 2487 6088 25441 4580 Great Britain 326 1519 3004 15829 2321 Other 370 967 3084 9612 2259 Non-EU countries 62 177 1128 1927 975 058.93 (t) Pineapples, prepared or preserved TOTAL 258 323 2084 20316 18098 10058 8041 2218 061.11 (t) Cane sugar, raw, in solid form TOTAL 340 291 3741 3122 1886 1880 061.12 (t) Beet sugar, raw, in solid form TOTAL 3295 1906 36138 EU countries 3295 1906 36136 Great Britain 3294 1906 33740 Other 1 0 2395 Non-EU countries 2 23206 23194 21037 2157 12 52069 52067 46032 6035 2 37698 37687 31704 5984 10 061.21 (t) Beet or cane sugar containing added flavouring etc TOTAL 49 63 389 541 388 455 061.29 (t) Other beet or cane sugar TOTAL 8111 5087 EU countries 8046 5040 Great Britain 4432 2692 Other 3614 2348 Non-EU countries 65 47 061.51 (t) Cane molasses TOTAL 16579 EU countries 1079 Non-EU countries 15500 Nicaragua 12038 Other 3462 2369 215 2155 1673 481 95158 93336 52300 41035 1823 66575 65251 35188 30063 1325 87358 80111 37930 42181 7247 70578 65356 32265 33091 5222 128209 12016 116193 12038 104154 17648 2453 15195 1673 13522 157732 18980 138753 138753 23087 3550 19537 19537 2679 1886 1947 058.94 (t) Citrus fruit, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 459 544 4941 6088 4323 5798 061.59 (t) Beet sugar molasses and other molasses TOTAL 910 173 9735 1730 9926 1789 1865 061.60 (t) Natural honey TOTAL 219 EU countries 99 Non-EU countries 121 058.95 (t) Apricots, cherries or peaches, prepared or preserved TOTAL 92 128 1129 1829 1426 058.96 (t) Fruits or edible parts of plants, prepared/preserved, nes TOTAL 716 702 10013 8660 6645 6905 058.97 (t) Mixtures of fruits or other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, nes TOTAL 310 434 1845 3100 1786 3338 059. FRUIT & VEGETABLE JUICES, WHETHER OR NOT CONTAINING ADDED SUGAR OR OTHER SWEETENER 059.10 (t) Orange juice TOTAL 3869 EU countries 1940 Great Britain 1202 Other 739 Non-EU countries 1928 Brazil 1490 Other 439 5700 2816 2112 704 2884 2494 390 50709 29127 17105 12022 21582 18587 2995 68433 35810 23400 12410 32623 29631 2992 55201 32655 14821 17834 22546 19691 2855 70222 33893 20297 13597 36328 33250 3078 059.20 (t) Grapefruit juice TOTAL 81 121 913 1099 744 899 059.30 (t) Juice of any other single citrus fruit TOTAL 422 937 4480 9236 4064 7234 059.91 (t) Pineapple juice TOTAL 90 99 1818 1850 1919 2096 059.92 (t) Tomato juice TOTAL 29 289 262 328 313 059.93 (t) Grape juice (incl grape must) TOTAL 57 76 511 696 521 732 11698 10043 1655 12928 12345 583 11246 10416 830 27 741 431 309 3394 2025 1369 10509 6229 4280 3376 2045 1331 13723 6569 7154 061.91 (t) Lactose and lactose syrup TOTAL 4163 6209 EU countries 4163 6209 Germany 935 931 Netherlands 2176 3747 Other 1052 1531 Non-EU countries 0 0 46966 46903 9901 25361 11641 63 71236 71115 12062 45888 13165 121 46967 46961 15538 22636 8787 6 75166 75069 23941 40357 10771 97 166 1092 98 588 061.92 (t) Maple sugar and maple syrup TOTAL 30 197 061.93 (t) Glucose and glucose syrup, with less than 20% fructose TOTAL 1402 718 12271 7528 11419 8665 061.94 (t) Glucose and glucose syrup, with 20% to 50% fructose TOTAL 198 184 1308 1029 1271 061.95 (t) Pure fructose TOTAL 82 87 1331 1432 1122 061.96 (t) Other fructose & fructose syrup, with >50% fructose TOTAL 26 92 537 1731 78 061.99 (t) Other sugars (incl invert sugar) TOTAL 2639 2470 40096 EU countries 2528 2180 38076 France 1993 1387 31396 Other 536 794 6680 Non-EU countries 110 290 2020 31702 27085 20104 6980 4617 38205 36665 29462 7204 1540 861 1265 119 26936 24503 17434 7070 2433 062. SUGAR CONFECTIONERY 059.94 (t) Apple juice TOTAL EU countries Non-EU countries 885 839 45 809 746 63 13684 12316 1367 059.95 (t) Juice of any other single fruit or vegetable TOTAL 520 1084 4262 10422 EU countries 438 948 3777 9128 Non-EU countries 82 135 485 1295 059.96 (t) Mixtures of fruit or vegetable juices TOTAL 950 1283 13533 21841 EU countries 800 1121 11882 19060 Great Britain 516 790 8137 14197 Other 283 331 3745 4863 Non-EU countries 150 162 1651 2781 062.10 (t) Fruit, nuts, fruit-peel etc preserved by sugar/sweetener TOTAL 118 378 1594 3599 1233 3174 062.21 (t) Chewing gum, whether or not sugar-coated TOTAL 24 100 251 1446 4869 4249 620 11090 9432 1657 21181 19457 9741 9716 1724 28003 24127 16464 7663 3876 062.29 (t) Sugar confectionery, nes TOTAL 2171 7743 EU countries 2050 7356 Great Britain 1286 4756 Other 764 2600 Non-EU countries 121 386 26418 25696 16225 9471 722 91932 89109 58261 30848 2823 275 1623 27766 26894 16276 10618 872 95384 92085 57876 34208 3299 138 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 071. COFFEE AND COFFEE SUBSTITUTES 074. TEA AND MATE 071.11 (t) Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated TOTAL 772 2602 5351 20077 EU countries 399 1064 2220 10187 Non-EU countries 373 1538 3131 9890 074.11 (t) Green tea (not fermented) in packings not more than 3kg TOTAL 20 168 320 2032 314 1390 071.12 (t) Coffee, not roasted, decaffeinated TOTAL 9 63 57 071.20 (t) Coffee, roasted TOTAL 228 EU countries 182 Non-EU countries 46 2238 1486 752 3421 3055 365 071.31 (t) Extracts, essences and concentrates TOTAL 301 3223 3060 EU countries 272 3066 2466 Great Britain 229 2747 2031 Other 44 320 434 Non-EU countries 29 157 595 530 21997 14534 7462 4351 1647 2704 18276 10300 7976 88 721 2521 1949 572 18995 14331 4664 of coffee 28116 2663 25349 2134 21490 1865 3859 269 2767 529 26921 24198 21199 2999 2723 071.32 (t) Coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion TOTAL 2 10 29 109 41 201 071.33 (t) Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes TOTAL 5 41 58 524 48 404 074.12 (t) Other green tea (not fermented) TOTAL 3 66 49 493 42 208 074.13 (t) Black tea (fermented) in packings not more than 3kg TOTAL 145 873 2085 10700 2147 EU countries 141 850 2043 10398 2049 Great Britain 135 815 1966 9921 1986 Other 6 35 78 477 63 Non-EU countries 4 23 42 302 98 11208 10757 10357 400 451 074.14 (t) Other black tea (fermented) TOTAL 487 1296 EU countries 14 114 Non-EU countries 473 1182 074.31 (t) Mate TOTAL 34 60 5293 155 5139 12499 1114 11385 4588 106 4482 12702 636 12066 189 347 81 161 of tea or mate 26417 3518 2254 368 24163 3150 11111 1544 13053 1606 24787 1807 22980 9293 13687 074.32 (t) Extracts, essences and concentrates TOTAL 334 2350 3879 EU countries 29 157 354 Non-EU countries 305 2193 3525 Sri Lanka 198 1270 1797 Other 108 923 1727 072. COCOA 075. SPICES 072.10 (t) Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted TOTAL 1 4 3 10 1811 3420 072.20 (t) Cocoa powder not containing added sugar or sweetener TOTAL 28 122 293 1156 680 072.31 (t) Cocoa paste, not de-fatted TOTAL 4 19 20 92 5 23 072.32 (t) Cocoa paste, wholly or partly de-fatted (cocoa cake) TOTAL 2 7 20 74 29 072.40 (t) Cocoa butter, fat or oil TOTAL 762 3990 EU countries 621 3044 Great Britain 561 2657 Other 60 387 Non-EU countries 141 947 1495 075.11 (t) Pepper, neither crushed nor ground TOTAL 8 110 97 1149 376 1679 075.12 (t) Pepper, crushed or ground TOTAL 43 329 3129 385 2672 103 075.21 (t) Vanilla TOTAL 6955 5494 5296 198 1461 31354 22712 21708 1004 8643 5547 4712 4426 286 835 17087 14005 13024 980 3082 072.50 (t) Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste TOTAL 1 1 - - 073. CHOCOLATE & OTHER FOOD PREPARATIONS CONTAINING COCOA, NES 073.10 (t) Cocoa powder containing added sugar or sweetener TOTAL 69 454 1450 6094 872 073.20 (t) Other food preps containing cocoa, unit weight >2kg TOTAL 399 1476 4577 15744 5090 EU countries 397 1462 4570 15685 5088 Non-EU countries 2 14 7 59 2 26078 25874 2909 16928 6038 204 2 71 40 285 10 126 075.22 (t) Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers, not crushed or ground TOTAL 2 46 13 188 10 159 075.23 (t) Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers, crushed or ground TOTAL 3 19 23 163 18 151 075.24 (t) Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems) TOTAL 5 115 19 323 16 282 075.25 (t) Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms TOTAL 3 39 17 315 19 302 4862 075.26 (t) Anise, fennel, coriander, cumin, caraway, juniper seeds TOTAL 12 66 105 442 93 451 14850 14834 16 075.27 (t) Ginger (excl preserved in sugar or conserved in syrup) TOTAL 37 151 405 1142 444 737 073.30 (t) Food preparations, containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars, whether or not filled, nes TOTAL 1208 6218 14513 69308 19721 84404 EU countries 1139 5889 13982 66247 19187 81187 Germany 205 902 3238 13533 4059 15204 Great Britain 639 3621 7511 38110 11566 50043 Other 294 1366 3233 14604 3562 15940 Non-EU countries 69 328 531 3061 534 3217 073.90 (t) Food preparations containing cocoa, nes TOTAL 3649 20183 28619 143663 EU countries 3579 19864 28273 142063 Germany 435 1989 3949 18583 Great Britain 2562 14413 18234 94363 Other 581 3463 6089 29116 Non-EU countries 71 319 345 1600 536 075.13 (t) Fruits of the genus 'capsicum' or the genus 'pimenta', dried, crushed or ground TOTAL 22 81 129 462 100 331 125330 124333 14035 83201 27097 997 075.28 (t) Saffron TOTAL 65 112 417 798 357 572 075.29 (t) Other spices; mixtures of two or more of the products of different headings of group 075 TOTAL 109 714 1398 6502 1310 6681 081. FEEDING STUFF FOR ANIMALS (NOT INCL UNMILLED CEREALS) 081.11 (t) Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pressed or in the form of pellets TOTAL 658 34 9038 470 6230 081.12 (t) Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets TOTAL 5010 333 1260 12732 2994 081.13 (t) Swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, hay etc TOTAL 130 86 2175 2530 5558 3486 139 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 081.19 (t) Vegetable residues etc for TOTAL 49350 7985 EU countries 827 462 Non-EU countries 48523 7522 Argentina 48521 7507 United States Other 1 16 animal food, nes 431285 71243 25751 7288 405534 63955 309864 47868 66389 11139 29282 4949 576938 88439 488498 331658 127148 29692 111961 19044 92917 64547 23689 4681 081.23 (t) Bran, sharps etc derived from leguminous plants TOTAL 97 163 177 288 081.24 (t) Bran, sharps etc derived from maize TOTAL 1919 411 15580 081.94 (t) Wine lees; argol TOTAL - 675 - - retail sale 63145 74897 61486 71538 29910 42475 31576 29062 1659 3359 74338 73044 40416 32628 1294 77620 74569 44305 30264 3051 081.99 (t) Preparations of a kind used for animal food, nes TOTAL 61482 19859 525046 182899 555074 EU countries 21784 12215 214838 124199 252482 Great Britain 12490 7220 109261 67018 124763 Northern Ireland 8217 3789 81152 40408 95225 Other 1077 1206 24425 16774 32493 Non-EU countries 39698 7644 310208 58700 302592 United States 39669 7579 310106 57950 302461 Other 29 65 102 750 131 201292 136919 72523 44720 19676 64373 63786 587 081.95 (t) Dog or cat food, put TOTAL 5850 EU countries 5649 Great Britain 2939 Other 2710 Non-EU countries 201 up for 7394 6916 4506 2409 478 303 3587 14229 3298 081.26 (t) Bran, sharps etc derived from wheat TOTAL 17812 3077 132559 23096 EU countries 17812 3077 132559 23096 167254 167254 35843 35843 5879 1781 388526 50263 338263 228213 9601 100450 160612 21648 138964 94594 3511 40858 2 3 11 081.33 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from cotton seeds TOTAL 2348 564 3500 840 091.09 (t) Other TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries United States Other 622 598 098. EDIBLE PRODUCTS AND PREPARATIONS, NES 92079 75523 16555 21964 18149 3815 081.29 (t) Bran, sharps etc derived from other cereals TOTAL 183 30 2475 529 081.31 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from soya beans TOTAL 56147 23169 398215 160573 EU countries 3788 1637 42012 18040 Non-EU countries 52359 21532 356202 142533 Argentina 36260 15067 326083 131839 Canada 16099 6465 26445 10061 Other 3675 633 081.32 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from peanuts TOTAL 1 081.34 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from linseed TOTAL 50 44 537 081.35 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from TOTAL 9217 1997 EU countries 6067 1490 Non-EU countries 3150 507 491 sunflower seeds 80505 15521 58755 11610 21750 3912 081.36 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from rape or TOTAL 17040 3725 184343 EU countries 17040 3725 184343 France 7778 1683 30843 Poland 5354 1181 56396 Other 3908 860 97104 Non-EU countries - 091. MARGARINE AND SHORTENING colza seeds 43430 270468 43430 234090 7207 51835 13357 61633 22866 120622 36378 081.37 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from coconut or copra TOTAL 1 1 73095 63477 15257 16475 31745 9617 4 14 081.38 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from palm nuts or kernels TOTAL 949 134 184542 26448 159730 EU countries 204 40 3744 688 18472 Non-EU countries 746 94 180798 25760 141258 Indonesia - 142724 20362 56696 Other 746 94 38074 5398 84562 26305 3199 23106 9061 14045 081.39 (t) Oil-cake and residues, from other oil seeds etc TOTAL 10 8 136 117 203 189 081.41 (t) Flours, meals and pellets of meat or offal, unfit for human consumption TOTAL 29 159 512 2572 353 2077 081.42 (t) Flours, meals and pellets, of fish, crustaceans, molluscs etc, unfit for human consumption TOTAL 63 95 1805 2652 821 1302 081.51 (t) Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues TOTAL 1124 233 45965 8208 33145 7665 081.52 (t) Beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture TOTAL 14706 2625 72414 14883 115491 24579 EU countries 11406 2078 47792 9637 75602 16095 Non-EU countries 3300 547 24622 5246 39889 8484 081.53 (t) Brewing or distilling dregs and waste TOTAL 70416 14088 382632 78198 EU countries 17744 3438 109393 21224 Non-EU countries 52672 10650 273239 56974 United States 48969 10003 226298 48929 Other 3704 647 46940 8045 350431 78212 272219 229224 42995 79348 14578 64769 55492 9277 091.01 (t) Margarine (excl liquid margarine) TOTAL 504 786 5372 2225 2214 988 1226 12 11 1 4518 3434 1344 2090 1083 1004 79 21993 21407 12344 9063 586 165 421 8908 5781 9913 44956 29779 14647 15132 15176 14515 661 20589 20296 16122 4174 292 131 162 41838 29631 23055 6575 12208 12014 194 098.11 (t) Homogenised preparations from meat and edible meat offal TOTAL 38 270 659 3562 1939 9030 098.12 (t) Homogenised vegetables TOTAL 47 150 1935 618 1753 098.13 (t) Cooked fruit preparations, homogenised TOTAL 713 1401 5927 11516 EU countries 713 1401 5901 11451 Non-EU countries 27 65 5091 5062 29 10073 10045 28 098.14 (t) Homogenised composite food preparations TOTAL 153 647 2608 11004 EU countries 153 644 2599 10882 Non-EU countries 0 3 9 121 2195 2185 11 9891 9815 76 098.41 (t) Soya sauce TOTAL 3446 3069 3211 098.42 (t) Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces TOTAL 1274 1914 12499 17833 EU countries 1256 1897 12298 17661 Non-EU countries 18 17 200 172 14134 13926 208 18746 18571 175 707 1496 378 343 740 2945 098.43 (t) Mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard TOTAL 55 158 713 1723 098.44 (kl) Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar from acetic acid TOTAL 123 241 1800 2843 1707 2519 098.49 (t) Other sauces; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings TOTAL 2733 6443 34114 79437 30536 EU countries 2564 6097 31539 73624 28233 Great Britain 1569 4051 19175 49850 17493 Other 995 2046 12364 23774 10741 Non-EU countries 169 347 2575 5813 2302 73583 68708 47033 21675 4876 098.50 (t) Soups and broths, and preparations therefor TOTAL 1027 2143 8288 16241 EU countries 1021 2112 8237 15995 Great Britain 911 1970 7019 14302 Other 110 141 1218 1693 Non-EU countries 6 31 51 247 7815 7660 6252 1408 155 15781 15199 12608 2591 581 098.60 (t) Yeasts etc; prepared baking powders TOTAL 344 394 3554 3464 4779 5396 140 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 098.91 (t) Pasta, cooked or stuffed; couscous TOTAL 1863 3202 19937 EU countries 1706 2899 18291 Great Britain 893 1647 8160 Other 813 1252 10131 Non-EU countries 158 303 1646 34868 31511 17693 13818 3356 17920 16326 7027 9299 1594 30791 27686 15379 12307 3106 098.92 (t) Edible products of animal origin, nes TOTAL 1 4 29 179 10 99 098.93 (t) Food preparations for infants, for retail sale, or flour, meal, starch or malt extract TOTAL 644 3177 4517 18012 3786 15016 EU countries 644 3175 4503 17914 3783 14997 Great Britain 336 2332 1308 9286 1401 8806 Other 308 843 3194 8629 2382 6192 Non-EU countries 0 1 14 98 3 19 098.94 (t) Malt extract; food preparations of flour, starch etc TOTAL 1869 4561 16034 41537 10703 30138 EU countries 1859 4549 15931 41271 10514 29682 Great Britain 254 927 2944 11274 2657 9320 Netherlands 714 1674 7673 18889 6690 18160 Poland 709 1524 3760 7905 104 61 Other 182 423 1554 3203 1063 2141 Non-EU countries 10 13 103 265 189 457 098.99 (t) Other food preparations, nes TOTAL 2351 9511 28056 EU countries 2023 8222 22196 Great Britain 1498 4544 16880 Other 525 3678 5315 Non-EU countries 328 1289 5860 118464 93622 55517 38104 24843 24632 21455 16582 4872 3178 103757 88792 54886 33906 14964 111. NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, NES 111.01 (t) Mineral and aerated waters TOTAL 6043 1993 115716 EU countries 5896 1896 114741 France 2051 686 22651 Great Britain 2834 900 39184 Other 1010 310 52905 Non-EU countries 147 97 975 111.02 (kl) Lemonade, flavoured waters; other TOTAL 21873 22844 265554 EU countries 20997 21094 258089 Germany 1574 806 24270 Great Britain 16953 16732 206955 Netherlands 650 1550 7976 Other 1819 2006 18889 Non-EU countries 876 1750 7465 Switzerland 770 1667 6038 Other 106 84 1427 27100 26162 9936 11810 4416 938 147861 147076 22036 38681 86358 785 23926 23279 8579 10523 4178 647 non-alcoholic beverages 204858 269894 196066 186673 262769 181093 13950 22691 13492 141014 207797 129010 12206 6519 16295 19503 25762 22296 18185 7125 14973 14443 6236 14138 3741 889 835 112.20 (kl) Fermented beverages, nes (eg cider, perry, mead) TOTAL 437 453 6198 6434 5771 5995 112.30 (kl) Beer made from malt (incl ale, stout and porter) TOTAL 15022 11649 189007 134357 183186 EU countries 13565 9780 179206 121537 175139 Great Britain 3061 2673 47883 37037 39242 Netherlands 1104 837 33900 20514 33436 Other 9400 6270 97423 63986 102461 Non-EU countries 1457 1868 9801 12820 8047 Mexico 1233 1641 7107 9511 6266 Other 224 227 2694 3309 1781 127163 116925 28646 20449 67831 10238 8068 2170 112.41 (klPA) Whiskey TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries 129 77 41 36 52 1156 570 218 352 586 3403 2985 2411 574 418 27438 22823 16152 6671 4615 1495 1077 499 577 419 14999 10533 4038 6495 4466 112.42 (klPA) Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc TOTAL 63 1199 648 13369 612 14903 EU countries 63 1198 648 13352 610 14897 France 37 1064 459 12202 506 13858 Other 26 134 189 1151 104 1039 Non-EU countries 0 1 1 17 2 7 112.44 (klPA) Rum and tafia TOTAL 54 755 681 8272 652 9393 112.45 (klPA) Gin and geneva TOTAL 26 351 362 3464 380 3584 112.49 (klPA) Spirits and distilled alcoholic beverages, nes TOTAL 499 4742 6638 53726 7526 EU countries 450 4230 6304 50191 7338 Great Britain 123 686 2447 15701 3114 Northern Ireland 200 2529 1758 22189 1859 Other 127 1015 2099 12301 2364 Non-EU countries 49 512 334 3535 188 53412 51908 17089 22190 12630 1504 121. TOBACCO, UN-MANUFACTURED; TOBACCO REFUSE 121.10 (hkg) Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped TOTAL 0 0 9 - - 121.20 (hkg) Tobacco, wholly or partly stemmed/stripped TOTAL 951 454 25111 10867 29598 EU countries 944 397 25066 10535 29557 Netherlands 944 397 25065 10535 29549 Other 0 0 8 Non-EU countries 7 57 45 332 41 12130 11952 11945 8 178 121.30 (hkg) Tobacco refuse TOTAL - - 1 16 0 7 2 112. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 122. TOBACCO, MANUFACTURED 112.11 (kl) Grape must without added alcohol TOTAL 1 1 24 39 110 112.13 (kl) Vermouth and other wines flavoured with plants etc TOTAL 55 149 561 1176 698 112.15 (kl) Sparkling wine TOTAL 192 EU countries 166 Non-EU countries 26 1442 1296 146 2026 1779 247 10806 9712 1094 112.17 (kl) Other wine; must with fermentation arrested TOTAL 5566 17718 62638 181048 EU countries 3002 8682 34089 89103 Germany 739 1654 5932 13053 Spain 420 955 5298 13802 France 875 3050 9329 28239 Great Britain 339 907 4888 11127 Italy 542 1793 7755 20283 Other 87 323 886 2599 Non-EU countries 2564 9036 28549 91945 Australia 401 1607 6936 24131 Chile 1329 3948 13554 37924 New Zealand 425 2248 2794 13811 Other 409 1233 5265 16079 2547 2181 366 175 1555 12719 11082 1637 by alcohol 66781 195517 38189 103507 4989 9662 6522 18376 11631 38466 4537 9364 9249 24010 1261 3629 28593 92010 7025 23825 12792 35316 3422 17641 5354 15228 122.10 (hkg) Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco TOTAL 30 387 335 3277 363 3593 122.20 (hkg) Cigarettes containing tobacco TOTAL 1273 2381 30792 EU countries 1273 2381 30785 Great Britain 617 794 17915 Other 656 1587 12871 Non-EU countries 6 31296 31296 19384 11911 0 53699 53699 26617 27083 0 122.31 (hkg) Cigarettes, cigars etc of tobacco substitutes TOTAL 1 31 36 72 46 127 122.32 (hkg) Smoking tobacco TOTAL 1318 EU countries 1116 Non-EU countries 201 743 626 116 13066 12047 1018 53398 53391 25076 28315 8 16239 15489 750 12581 12185 396 122.39 (hkg) Manufactured tobacco, extracts and essence, nes TOTAL 41 202 735 3431 1386 4220 211. HIDES AND SKINS (EXCEPT FURSKINS), RAW 11334 10746 587 141 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 211.21 (hkg) Whole hides and skins, of a weight per skin not exceeding 8 kg when simply dried, 10 kg when dry-salted, or 16 kg TOTAL 57 15 5594 365 1622 131 211.29 (hkg) Other hides and skins, incl. butts, bends and bellies TOTAL 1398 68 546 15 211.60 (hkg) Sheep & lamb skins (excl specified), with wool on, raw TOTAL 565 91 211.70 (hkg) Sheep and lamb skins without wool on, raw TOTAL 44 4 298 231. NATURAL RUBBER 231.10 (t) Natural rubber latex, whether or not prevulcanised TOTAL 27 99 287 1026 167 231.21 (t) Smoked sheets of natural rubber TOTAL 1 9 5 35 799 4 29 231.25 (t) Technically specified natural rubber (tsnr) TOTAL 103 67 166 162 234 227 231.29 (t) Natural rubber and similar natural gums, nes TOTAL 3 35 50 136 27 108 19 211.91 (hkg) Parings & waste of leather; leather dust, powder & flour TOTAL 1 1 2 2 6 5 211.99 (hkg) Hides and skins, nes, raw (fresh, or salted, dried, or otherwise preserved, but not tanned, parchment-dressed or TOTAL 1 0 231.30 (t) Balata, gutta-percha, guayule and similar natural gums TOTAL 1 11 0 15 232. SYNTHETIC RUBBER; RECLAIMED RUBBER; WASTE ETC 212. FURSKINS, RAW OTHER THAN OF GROUP 211 232.11 (t) Styrene-butadiene and carboxylated styrene-butadiene TOTAL 248 692 5898 5723 2076 212.10 (hkg) Mink skins, raw, whole, with/without head, tail or paws 212.22 (hkg) Raw lamb furskins (of specified type) - - - 212.25 (hkg) Raw fox furskins, whole, with/without head, tail/paws TOTAL 0 0 0 3 0 0 212.29 (hkg) Other furskins, whole, with or without head, tail or paws 212.30 (hkg) Heads, tails, paws etc., suitable for furriers’ use TOTAL 0 1 0 0 222. OIL SEEDS & OLEAGINOUS FRUITS FOR SOFT FIXED VEG OILS - 0 12 0 232.13 (t) Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) and halo-isobutene rubber TOTAL 148 659 1268 5174 1141 232.14 (t) Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber TOTAL 2 5 77 232.15 (t) Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber TOTAL 0 2 232.16 (t) Isoprene rubber TOTAL - - 222.12 (t) Peanuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, shelled TOTAL 184 150 948 846 1128 222.20 (t) Soya beans used for soft fixed vegetable oils TOTAL 4375 1735 12336 4882 12984 EU countries 429 133 2089 593 2599 Non-EU countries 3946 1602 10246 4289 10385 Canada 3940 1572 4045 1642 2101 Other 6 29 6202 2647 8284 227 1194 5676 1065 4611 869 3742 2 5 222.40 (t) Sunflower seeds used for soft fixed vegetable oils TOTAL 28 60 473 907 489 764 222.50 (t) Sesame seeds used for soft fixed vegetable oils TOTAL 42 88 658 1445 467 57 142 5 22 4 21 0 1 1 7 1066 232.19 (t) Synthetic rubbers and factice derived from oils, nes TOTAL 165 478 1061 3304 937 6 2962 232.21 (t) Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, etc TOTAL 79 61 611 333 1423 232.22 (t) Waste, parings etc of unhardened rubber, powders etc TOTAL 66 50 20 234 24 244. CORK, NATURAL, RAW AND WASTE 244.02 (t) Cork, natural, debacked/roughly squared, or blocks etc TOTAL 0 3 2 24 17 244.03 (t) Cork, natural, raw or simply prepared TOTAL 0 12 2 79 222.62 (t) Mustard seeds used for soft fixed vegetable oils TOTAL 24 28 46 84 18 245. FUEL WOOD (EXCL WOOD WASTE) AND WOOD CHARCOAL 32 174 232.18 (t) Mixtures of any product of Group 231 with any 232.1 TOTAL 0 1 3 20 1 244.04 (t) Waste cork; crushed, granulated or ground cork TOTAL 4 13 70 0 1 0 0 245.01 (t) Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots etc TOTAL 2471 219 6260 3157 5302 3520 223. OIL SEEDS & OLEAGINOUS FRUITS FOR OTHER FIXED VEG OILS 245.02 (t) Wood charcoal (incl shell or nut charcoal) TOTAL 0 0 780 636 - - - - 15 16 98 109 630 1127 2635 2021 246. WOOD IN CHIPS OR PARTICLES AND WOOD WASTE 223.70 (t) Oil-seeds and oleaginous fruits, nes TOTAL 226 603 2001 4673 1493 3913 223.90 (t) Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits TOTAL 2486 855 28428 8794 34428 9980 223.40 (t) Linseed TOTAL 4747 145 222.61 (t) Rape or colza seeds used for soft fixed vegetable oils TOTAL 1 1 2990 1069 2949 2487 223.10 (t) Copra TOTAL 11 232.17 (t) Ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated diene rubber (epdm) TOTAL 15 73 74 374 41 222.11 (t) Peanuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, in shell TOTAL 3 10 29 107 67 222.30 (t) Cotton seeds used for soft fixed vegetable oils TOTAL 3154 770 232.12 (t) Butadiene rubber TOTAL - 4771 1037 896 246.11 (t) Coniferous wood in chips or particles TOTAL 27 8 576 119 687 130 246.15 (t) Non-coniferous wood in chips or particles TOTAL 46 135 3004 682 15681 522 142 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 246.20 (t) Sawdust and wood waste and scrap TOTAL 305 79 30289 3458 60354 6551 251.61 (t) Chemical wood pulp, sulphite: unbleached - - - 251.62 (t) Chemical wood pulp, sulphite: semi-bleached or bleached TOTAL 9 16 97 213 67 159 247. WOOD IN THE ROUGH OR ROUGHLY SQUARED 247.30 (t) Wood in the rough or roughly squared, treated TOTAL 66 118 3148 3583 4767 4382 247.40 (t) Coniferous wood, in the rough/roughly squared, untreated TOTAL 22160 2070 189886 21913 176918 18341 EU countries 22095 2028 189671 21740 176697 18070 Non-EU countries 65 42 215 173 221 271 251.91 (t) Semi-chemical wood pulp TOTAL - - - 4656 230 76 733 48 0 15 8 1 5 251.92 (t) Pulps of other fibrous cellulosic material TOTAL 11 97 156 1035 261. SILK 247.50 (t) Non-coniferous tropical wood of specified varieties, in the rough or roughly squared, untreated TOTAL 74 195 995 3272 679 962 261.30 (t) Raw silk (not thrown) TOTAL - 247.90 (t) Other woods in the rough or roughly squared TOTAL 20 23 340 380 261.41 (t) Silk worm cocoons suitable for reeling TOTAL 1 398 491 - 4 261.42 (t) Silk waste (incl. yarn waste/garnetted stock and cocoons unsuitable for reeling, ) - 248. WOOD, SIMPLY WORKED, AND RAILWAY SLEEPERS OF WOOD 248.11 (t) Railway or tramway sleepers of wood, not impregnated TOTAL 345 195 652 384 498 266 248.19 (t) Railway or tramway sleepers of wood, impregnated TOTAL 2 5 381 164 47 151 263. COTTON 248.20 (t) Coniferous wood, sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, >6mm TOTAL 9439 4950 85089 45288 57462 30817 EU countries 8866 4472 74710 40011 52023 28042 Non-EU countries 573 478 10380 5277 5439 2775 248.30 (t) Coniferous wood, shaped along any of its edges TOTAL 130 220 2700 3722 2509 263.10 (t) Cotton (other than linters), not carded or combed TOTAL 42 102 299 652 298 263.20 (t) Cotton linters TOTAL - - - 707 - 0 3 263.31 (t) Cotton yarn waste (incl thread waste) TOTAL 0 1 4 11 4 12 3034 248.40 (t) Non-coniferous wood, sawn lengthwise, sliced etc, >6mm TOTAL 1725 2141 18228 20966 16996 17674 EU countries 255 359 3098 4037 4453 4593 Non-EU countries 1469 1782 15130 16928 12543 13081 263.32 (t) Garnetted cotton stock TOTAL - - 20 65 41 207 263.39 (t) Other cotton waste TOTAL - - 0 1 2 5 248.50 (t) Non-coniferous wood, shaped along any edge or face TOTAL 393 662 4626 5874 3659 263.40 (t) Cotton, carded or combed TOTAL 18 68 134 495 126 520 5775 251. PULP AND WASTE PAPER 264. JUTE & OTHER TEXTILE FIBRES, NES, RAW/PROCESSED, NOT SPUN 251.11 (t) Waste & scrap of unbleached kraft/corrugated paper/board TOTAL 262 265 6103 5973 5019 5006 264.10 (t) Jute and other textile bast fibres, nes, raw or retted TOTAL 0 0 1 9 5 18 251.12 (t) Waste/scrap of other paper/board, mainly of bleached pulp TOTAL 30 42 471 665 324 422 264.90 (t) Jute and other bast fibres, nes; waste of these fibres TOTAL 0 0 1 7 2 10 251.13 (t) Waste/scrap paper/paperboard, mainly of mechanical pulp TOTAL 0 6 7 95 21 184 251.19 (t) Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard, nes TOTAL 37 2 126 11 251.20 (t) Mechanical wood pulp TOTAL - - 39 199 16 27 23 20 251.30 (t) Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades TOTAL 2560 2190 39188 34662 EU countries 819 716 17523 15309 Austria 819 716 15044 11953 Other 2480 3357 Non-EU countries 1741 1474 21665 19353 South Africa 1741 1474 15460 13151 Other 6205 6201 39710 17798 15734 2064 21913 15585 6328 34915 15313 12487 2825 19602 12925 6677 251.41 (t) Wood pulp, soda or sulphate, unbleached: coniferous TOTAL 124 123 831 783 246 175 251.42 (t) Wood pulp, soda or sulphate, unbleached: non-coniferous 251.51 (t) Wood pulp, soda or sulphate, bleached: coniferous TOTAL 43 29 2334 1669 279 251.52 (t) Wood pulp, soda or sulphate, bleached: non-coniferous - 265. VEGETABLE TEXTILE FIBRES (OTHER THAN COTTON AND JUTE), RAW OR PROCESSED BUT NOT SPUN; WASTE OF THESE FIBRES 265.11 (t) Flax, raw or retted - - - - 265.12 (t) Flax, broken, scutched, hackled etc, not spun TOTAL 0 0 3 23 - - 2 34 265.13 (t) Flax tow and waste (incl yarn waste and garnetted stock) TOTAL 1 1 265.21 (t) True hemp, raw or retted TOTAL - 0 1 1 5 265.29 (t) True hemp other than in 265.21 TOTAL - 0 1 0 1 265.80 (t) Coconut, abaca (Manila hemp/textilis Nee), ramie & other vegetable textile fibres, nes, not spun; tow, noils and TOTAL 6391 1447 3128 829 266. SYNTHETIC FIBRES SUITABLE FOR SPINNING 192 266.51 (t) Staple fibres of nylon/other polyamides, not carded etc TOTAL 28 132 56 188 - 143 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 266.52 (t) Staple fibres of polyesters, not carded etc TOTAL 392 487 3089 3802 2011 2604 266.53 (t) Staple acrylic or modacrylic fibres, not carded etc TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 268.73 (t) Wool tops and other combed wool TOTAL 0 1 0 7 268.77 (t) Fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed TOTAL 0 0 0 7 0 5 0 1 266.59 (t) Synthetic staple fibres, not processed for spinning, nes TOTAL 36 109 590 1783 373 1248 269. WORN CLOTHING AND OTHER WORN TEXTILE ARTICLES; RAGS 266.61 (t) Synthetic filament tow of nylon or other polyamides TOTAL 16 242 69 985 88 269.01 (t) Used clothing, rugs, etc traded in bulk form TOTAL 2 52 295 546 15 233 96 335 4248 11453 3240 266.62 (t) Synthetic filament tow of polyesters TOTAL 0 1 0 7 1 14 269.02 (t) Used or new rags, scrap twine, rope etc TOTAL 1 18 101 276 5 70 272. FERTILISERS, CRUDE, OTHER THAN THOSE OF DIVISION 56 32 111 266.63 (t) Synthetic filament tow of acrylic or modacrylic TOTAL 266.69 (t) Synthetic filament tow, nes TOTAL - 6 27 1288 272.10 (t) Animal or vegetable fertiliser TOTAL 260 146 17821 266.71 (t) Staple fibres of nylon/polyamides, processed for spinning TOTAL 0 2 0 10 0 4 272.20 (t) Sodium nitrate TOTAL 107 844 170 266.72 (t) Staple fibres of polyesters, processed for spinning TOTAL 0 2 1 6 272.31 (t) Natural calcium phosphates etc, unground TOTAL 1343 248 47 146 266.73 (t) Staple acrylic/modacrylic fibres, processed for spinning TOTAL 0 4 1 8 18 108 272.32 (t) Natural calcium phosphates etc, ground TOTAL 4 31 2136 357 8 63 266.79 (t) Synthetic staple fibres processed for spinning, nes TOTAL 0 2 0 273. STONE, SAND AND GRAVEL 719 283 0 - 361 273.11 (t) Slate, whether or not trimmed or cut TOTAL 26 6 290 267. OTHER MAN-MADE FIBRES SUITABLE FOR SPINNING, INCL WASTE 267.11 (t) Artificial staple fibres, not processed for spinning TOTAL 9 29 17 267.12 (t) Artificial filament tow TOTAL - - 51 151 273.12 (t) Marble, travertine, etc of sg 2.5 or more; alabaster TOTAL 18 9 268 154 337 192 0 1 273.13 (t) Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone etc nes TOTAL 854 283 13294 3427 10033 267.13 (t) Artificial staple fibres, processed for spinning TOTAL 0 1 0 1 273.22 (t) Limestone flux and calcerous stone for lime or cement TOTAL 3511 153 41237 1617 38876 1575 267.21 (t) Waste of synthetic fibres TOTAL 483 279 267.22 (t) Waste of artificial fibres TOTAL - 0 4 2175 1436 3649 2415 0 1 - - 268. WOOL AND OTHER ANIMAL HAIR (INCL WOOL TOPS) 268.11 (t) Shorn wool, greasy (incl fleece-washed wool) TOTAL 266 516 3433 5312 3891 4887 268.19 (t) Wool, greasy (incl fleece-washed), other than shorn wool TOTAL 0 0 2 19 2 20 268.21 (t) Degreased wool, not carbonised, not carded or combed TOTAL 17 133 189 1344 155 268.29 (t) Wool, carbonised, not carded or combed TOTAL 1 2 3 988 273.23 (t) Gypsum and anhydrite stone for lime or cement TOTAL 336 86 29777 1035 10585 273.24 (t) Plasters, (incl plaster for dentistry) TOTAL 854 282 7730 2543 2861 673 8558 2443 273.31 (t) Silica and quartz sands, other than metal-bearing TOTAL 1973 90 24463 1774 20957 1656 273.39 (t) Other natural sands, other than metal-bearing TOTAL 9726 179 112040 2287 73007 1902 273.40 (t) Gravel and TOTAL EU countries Northern Ireland Other Non-EU countries crushed stone for concrete; macadam 112603 1954 925749 17741 800580 112520 1915 919795 16979 795166 104375 1494 833836 12710 743683 8146 421 85959 4269 51483 83 38 5955 761 5414 15129 14288 11878 2411 841 8 274. SULPHUR AND UNROASTED IRON PYRITES 268.30 (t) Fine animal hair, not carded or combed TOTAL 1 11 5 52 268.50 (t) Coarse animal hair, not carded or combed TOTAL 26 70 146 395 6 261 80 735 274.10 (t) Sulphur other than sublimed sulphur, precipitated TOTAL 1 1 36 48 35 274.20 (t) Iron pyrites, unroasted TOTAL 0 0 0 0 1 33 0 268.62 (t) Garnetted stock of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair TOTAL 0 1 0 4 0 3 277. NATURAL ABRASIVES, NES (INCL INDUSTRIAL DIAMONDS) 268.63 (t) Noils of wool or of fine animal hair, not garnetted TOTAL 0 268.69 (t) Other waste of wool or of animal hair (excl horsehair) TOTAL 0 1 0 268.71 (t) Carded wool; combed wool in fragments TOTAL 0 0 0 0 277.11 (kg) Industrial diamonds, sorted: unworked or sawn, cleaved or bruted 5 13 95 249 81 243 TOTAL 2 277.19 (kg) Industrial diamonds, sorted: otherwise worked TOTAL 4 35 119 318 6 7 67 286 24 277.21 (g) Dust/powder of natural/syn precious/semi-precious stones TOTAL 7624175 12781.0567E8 22424 1.0885E8 22874 EU countries 57528 41 57528 41 1302633 367 Non-EU countries 7566647 12361.0561E8 22383 1.0755E8 22507 144 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 277.21 - continued China Other 3926281 3640366 74978834090 48726773656 16326 84786575 6058 22761953 13478 9029 277.22 (kg) Emery, natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives TOTAL 70 1 384649 121 411565 125 277.23 (kg) Pumice stone TOTAL - - 5390 19 4082 278.97 (t) Bitumen & asphalt, natural; asphaltites & asphaltic rocks TOTAL 3670 269 33506 2704 24298 1906 278.98 (t) Vermiculite, perlite and chlorites, unexpanded TOTAL 56 17 880 279 923 278.99 (t) Crude mineral substances, nes TOTAL 533 221 10613 2244 291 4702 1395 281.40 (t) Roasted iron pyrites, whether or not agglomerated TOTAL 1 104 - - 281.50 (t) Iron ore and concentrates, not agglomerated TOTAL 1 2 5 12 2 12 281. IRON ORE AND CONCENTRATES 278. OTHER CRUDE MINERALS 278.22 (t) Graphite, natural TOTAL 0 0 8 278.23 (t) Dolomite, agglomerated dolomite TOTAL 346 64 3943 17 6 13 894 3906 771 278.24 (t) Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite) TOTAL 256 108 1977 1007 7137 2655 3 281.60 (t) Iron ore agglomerates (sinters, pellets, briquettes, etc) TOTAL 72 2 282. FERROUS WASTE & SCRAP; REMELTING INGOTS OF IRON OR STEEL 278.25 (t) Fused magnesia and magnesium oxide, whether or not pure TOTAL 2360 737 41243 10685 41353 12290 EU countries 866 202 18954 4428 21343 5142 Non-EU countries 1494 535 22289 6257 20010 7148 278.26 (t) Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined TOTAL 169 76 3282 1391 3378 1274 278.27 (t) Crude bentonite TOTAL 274 282.10 (t) Waste and scrap of cast iron TOTAL 10 11 10 282.21 (t) Waste and scrap of stainless steel TOTAL 14 51 72 12 5 5 404 82 248 282.29 (t) Waste and scrap of alloy steel other than stainless steel TOTAL 43 61 514 738 574 823 50 4361 1106 3381 883 278.29 (t) Andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite, mullite, chamotte etc TOTAL 115 54 1806 917 2160 1262 278.30 (t) Sodium chloride, common salt, sea-water TOTAL 13622 1549 105824 16536 EU countries 13005 1388 98774 14262 Non-EU countries 618 161 7049 2275 282.31 (t) Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel TOTAL 79 37 229 84 2188 282.32 (t) Turnings, shavings, chips etc of ferrous waste & scrap TOTAL 277 109 2146 979 418 938 122865 119108 3757 15905 14465 1440 - - 5361 471 283. COPPER ORES & CONCENTRATES; COPPER MATTES, CEMENT COPPER 38 621 283.10 (t) Copper ores and concentrates TOTAL - 278.53 (t) Feldspar; leucite/nepheline and nepheline syenite TOTAL 60 23 21 8 278.40 (t) Natural asbestos - - - - 278.51 (t) Quartz (other than natural sands); quartzite TOTAL 0 0 2775 335 278.52 (t) Mica (incl splittings); mica waste TOTAL 1122 157 1150 278.54 (t) Fluorspar TOTAL - - 7 743 4 3522 97 282.33 (t) Remelting ingots of iron or steel 282.39 (t) Ferrous waste and scrap, nes TOTAL 13 23 11756 1185 278.92 (t) Natural barium sulphate, natural barium carbonate TOTAL 1 1 37 31 26 22 278.91 (t) Natural chalk TOTAL 4613 436 17579 1792 278.93 (t) Steatite, natural, whether or not trimmed or cut; talc TOTAL 318 225 3110 2047 2716 1740 278.94 (t) Natural borates etc; natural boric acid (<85% dry H3B03) TOTAL 1 43 11 271 8 97 278.95 (t) Siliceous fossil meals & similar earths, of sg 1 or less TOTAL 34 13 377 232 668 481 278.96 (t) Bituminous shale and tar sands TOTAL - 124 16 125 1 1 4 284. NICKEL ORES AND CONCENTRATES; NICKEL MATTES, OXIDE ETC 284.21 (t) Nickel mattes 190 - 283.20 (t) Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper) TOTAL 2 21 1 278.62 (t) Slag, dross etc from the manufacture of iron and steel 495 - 11 284.10 (t) Nickel ores and concentrates TOTAL 1 8 - 20 - 3 278.61 (t) Granulated slag from the manufacture of iron or steel TOTAL 14664 561 136809 4587 259005 6366 278.69 (t) Slag and ash, nes, incl seaweed ash (kelp) TOTAL 45 13 553 180 705 - - 3 31 - - - - - - 284.22 (t) Nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate products TOTAL 25 290 0 173 285. ALUMINIUM ORES AND CONCENTRATES (INCL ALUMINA) 285.10 (t) Aluminium ores and concentrates TOTAL 396761 16546 4016010 EU countries 175 396 23713 Non-EU countries 396586 16150 3992297 Brazil 151712 7025 1176385 Guinea 244810 9102 2780276 Other 64 24 35636 154637 3147 151491 52084 97725 1682 4014310 21984 3992326 1274461 2717620 245 140771 4139 136631 46328 90211 93 285.20 (t) Alumina (aluminium oxide), other than artificial corundum TOTAL 15 50 492 1839 536 1549 286. ORES AND CONCENTRATES OF URANIUM OR THORIUM 1 1 6068 2409 286.10 (t) Uranium ores and concentrates TOTAL - 8 10 5 6 145 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 286.20 (t) Thorium ores and concentrates TOTAL - - - 0 5 289.21 (t) Waste and scrap of platinum TOTAL 0 6 0 103 289.29 (t) Waste and scrap of precious metal, nes TOTAL 0 287. ORES AND CONCENTRATES OF BASE METALS, NES 2 0 68 1 8 287.40 (t) Lead ores and concentrates TOTAL 1 3 69 143 153 339 287.50 (t) Zinc ores and concentrates TOTAL 0 2 5 29 9 39 291.11 (t) Bones and horn-cores, unworked or simply prepared TOTAL 123 156 136 296 287.60 (t) Tin ores and concentrates TOTAL 8 16 9 28 0 2 291.15 (t) Coral, shells etc, unworked or simply prepared TOTAL 377 42 954 135 459 101 287.70 (t) Manganese ores and concentrates TOTAL 0 0 31 291. CRUDE ANIMAL MATERIALS, NES 291.16 (t) Ivory, tortoise-shell, whalebone, horns, hooves etc - 41 18 28 287.81 (t) Molybdenum ores and concentrates, roasted - - - 291.91 (t) Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured TOTAL 0 0 3 0 - 291.92 (t) Pigs' bristles/hair; badger hair, other brush making hair TOTAL 0 0 7 15 287.82 (t) Molybdenum ores and concentrates, other than roasted 287.83 (t) Titanium ores and concentrates TOTAL - 3 287.84 (t) Zirconium ores and concentrates TOTAL 7 39 208 168 1017 3 255 287.85 (t) Niobium, tantalum or vanadium ores and concentrates TOTAL 1 5 287.91 (t) Chromium ores and concentrates TOTAL - 3 61 134 1465 - 4 77 287.92 (t) Tungsten (or wolfram) ores and concentrates TOTAL 0 1 0 2 0 0 287.93 (t) Cobalt ores and concentrates TOTAL 0 5 38 1 65 287.99 (t) Base metal ores and concentrates, nes TOTAL 166 155 670 706 235 256 1 288. NON-FERROUS BASE METAL WASTE AND SCRAP, NES 288.10 (t) Ash and residues containing metal/metal compounds, nes TOTAL 3 20 29 175 63 261 288.21 (t) Copper waste and scrap TOTAL 1 17 288.22 (t) Nickel waste and scrap TOTAL - - 288.23 (t) Aluminium waste and scrap TOTAL 288.24 (t) Lead waste and scrap TOTAL 1077 1572 EU countries 1003 1447 Great Britain 965 1393 Other 38 54 Non-EU countries 75 124 191 3 16 118 123 11 291.93 (t) Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (excl fish) TOTAL 19 141 219 2176 288 2549 291.94 (t) Bovine semen TOTAL 1 120 36 1671 50 1761 291.95 (t) Skins and bird parts, feathers and down TOTAL 0 0 0 3 291.96 (t) Products of fish etc; unfit for human consumption TOTAL 8 162 10759 4243 7386 2904 291.98 (t) Ambergris etc; glands etc for pharmaceutical products TOTAL 0 291.99 (t) Animal products, nes TOTAL 176 130 2 4322 2227 4264 2066 2598 2142 456 10766 9285 1481 2618 2162 455 10625 9556 1069 292. CRUDE VEGETABLE MATERIALS, NES 292.22 (t) Gum arabic TOTAL EU countries Non-EU countries 119 119 - 559 559 - 2 246 178 292.31 (t) Bamboos used primarily for plaiting TOTAL 1 2 80 110 72 119 292.32 (t) Rattans used primarily for plaiting TOTAL 0 1 3 36 3 30 10 250 292.39 (t) Other vegetable materials used primarily for plaiting TOTAL 10 8 200 198 188 13884 11091 10578 513 2793 19895 15806 15093 713 4089 15362 13753 12930 823 1609 23133 20716 19471 1245 2416 - - - 288.26 (t) Tin waste and scrap TOTAL - 0 - - 0 289. ORES AND CONCENTRATES OF PRECIOUS METALS; WASTE AND SCRAP OF PRECIOUS METALS (OTHER THAN GOLD) 289.11 (t) Silver ores and concentrates TOTAL - 33 292.29 (t) Natural gums, resins, lac and balsams (excl gum arabic) TOTAL 24 21 220 271 297 373 9 288.25 (t) Zinc waste and scrap (other than dust) - - 0 0 - 292.42 (t) Ginseng roots, fresh or dried TOTAL 0 3 289.19 (t) Ores & concentrates of precious metals other than silver TOTAL 2 11 19 108 19 121 31 2 26 292.49 (t) Other plants and parts of plants (excl ginseng roots) used mainly in pharmacy/perfumery etc or for insecticidal TOTAL 1206 3910 2993 9631 3126 8834 EU countries 652 2414 927 4425 773 3328 France 629 2243 678 3120 475 2249 Other 22 171 249 1305 298 1078 Non-EU countries 554 1497 2066 5206 2353 5506 China 551 1448 1218 3198 957 1890 Other 3 49 847 2009 1396 3616 292.51 (t) Sugar beet seed TOTAL - - 2 175 1228 515 292.52 (t) Seeds of forage plants (other than beet seed) TOTAL 232 436 4338 9511 6115 - 52 145 14383 292.53 (t) Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated for their flowers TOTAL 4 38 87 698 72 737 146 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 292.54 (t) Vegetable seeds, nes, used for sowing TOTAL 10 210 388 3803 292.59 (t) Seeds, fruit and spores, nes TOTAL 3 129 182 2198 281 201 292.61 (t) Bulbs, tubers and the like; chicory plants and roots TOTAL 163 219 3173 5349 1820 3383 325. COKE & SEMI-COKE OF COAL, LIGNITE OR PEAT; RETORT CARBON 1795 325.00 (t) Coke & semi-coke of coal, lignite or peat; retort carbon TOTAL 1694 215 17023 2005 15815 1781 5650 292.69 (t) Other live plants, cuttings and slips; mushroom spawn TOTAL 917 1926 11027 28608 11394 26227 EU countries 915 1905 10945 28183 11310 25898 Great Britain 57 300 3420 10406 4084 10810 Netherlands 661 1237 5267 12520 5231 10576 Other 197 367 2258 5257 1995 4512 Non-EU countries 2 21 82 425 84 329 292.71 (t) Cut flowers & buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes TOTAL 591 2689 11080 38416 9275 35993 EU countries 554 2548 10588 36239 8960 34398 Netherlands 424 2092 8871 29152 7279 27810 Other 130 456 1717 7087 1680 6589 Non-EU countries 37 141 491 2177 316 1595 292.72 (t) Foliage, mosses etc for bouquets/ornamental purposes TOTAL 146 205 887 1062 943 292.94 (t) Vegetable saps and extracts TOTAL 50 825 EU countries 26 418 Non-EU countries 25 407 1020 383 636 14417 4889 9527 292.95 (t) Pectic substances, pectinates and pectates TOTAL 19 210 279 2736 33085 3935 oils from bituminous minerals, crude 128774 2612266 1532537 2739079 1718594 122 222506 135931 699747 441300 8 220420 134447 190426 125142 114 2086 1484 509321 316158 128652 2389761 1396607 2039332 1277293 83654 49075 68389 40232 - 317213 197009 165203 107941 128652 674622 367268 253117 163226 - 314891 184339 204010 131235 - 930989 558679 1195389 750074 2 6 221614 124819 334. PETROLEUM OILS & OILS FROM BITUMINOUS MINERALS, NOT CRUDE 2251 864 302 562 12732 3412 9320 263 2570 292.96 (t) Mucilages and thickeners derived from vegetable products TOTAL 56 253 2158 4755 3799 5254 292.97 (t) Seaweeds and other algae TOTAL 3196 569 333. PETROLEUM OILS AND OILS FROM BITUMINOUS MINERALS, CRUDE 333.00 (t) Petroleum oils and TOTAL 255644 EU countries 197 Great Britain 2 Other 194 Non-EU countries 255448 Canada Ivory Coast Algeria Libya 255448 Nigeria Norway Other - 32385 3391 292.99 (t) Vegetable materials and vegetable products, nes TOTAL 5795 581 38622 4268 32823 3372 334.60 (t) Petroleum oils and oils derived from bituminous minerals (excl crude) and preparations nes, containing 70% or more TOTAL 388042 241790 4172076 3068467 3797212 2807441 EU countries 376229 234124 3764084 2787272 3553381 2627021 Belgium 525 687 27061 21687 36368 30556 Finland 0 0 19964 18386 1 7 Great Britain 284781 175579 3376576 2483819 3352414 2464861 Netherlands 49073 32737 135524 105746 120196 94081 Sweden 39318 23112 177237 132863 79 238 Northern Ireland 2004 1258 21386 14471 23581 16405 Other 529 751 6336 10299 20742 20874 Non-EU countries 11813 7666 407991 281195 243831 180420 Norway 11808 7621 121207 87127 108681 80521 Russia 84977 57713 14997 10412 United States 5 43 190496 128663 25570 18096 Other 0 2 11311 7691 94583 71391 334.70 (t) Waste oils TOTAL 356 153 3166 1291 3512 1387 933 2535 335.12 (t) Paraffin wax, slack wax, pet wax, ozokerite etc TOTAL 504 600 6618 8025 6317 6884 321. COAL, WHETHER OR NOT PULVERISED, BUT NOT AGGLOMERATED 321.10 (t) Anthracite, whether or not pulverised, not agglomerated TOTAL 1240 264 34667 5160 42826 5430 335. RESIDUAL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, NES AND RELATED MATERIALS 321.21 (t) Bituminous TOTAL EU countries Poland Other Non-EU countries Colombia Russia Other 335.11 (t) Petroleum jelly (petrolatum) TOTAL 64 260 coal, not agglomerated 169779 11067 1545236 12943 2251 193474 3906 706 121614 9037 1545 71860 156836 8816 1351762 156750 8802 1202891 86 14 148853 18 111902 34568 21717 12852 77334 66908 10423 3 1957425 254188 162224 91964 1703237 1309861 227736 165640 152181 44336 28260 16077 107845 81896 14716 11233 321.22 (t) Coal, not agglomerated (excl anthracite and bituminous) TOTAL 43392 4046 147097 22053 140074 18879 EU countries 4863 803 50441 9342 45216 6877 Non-EU countries 38528 3243 96656 12711 94858 12002 South Africa 36821 2978 36821 2978 38429 2761 Other 1707 265 59835 9733 56429 9241 322. BRIQUETTES, LIGNITE AND PEAT 322.10 (t) Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid made from coal TOTAL 5839 732 64674 10273 46243 EU countries 5839 732 64470 10154 46152 Non-EU countries 204 119 92 322.21 (t) Lignite, not agglomerated TOTAL 3169 486 322.22 (t) Lignite, agglomerated TOTAL 1569 249 9939 9789 150 932 2412 335.21 (t) Tar distilled from coal/lignite/peat; other mineral tars TOTAL 2 1 3 2 314 225 335.22 (t) Benzole TOTAL - - 1 2 5 9 335.23 (t) Toluole TOTAL 48 46 120 117 365 400 - - 31 27 103 107 335.25 (t) Mineral tars or petroleum products, nes TOTAL 48 39 445 459 327 322 335.24 (t) Xylole TOTAL 335.31 (t) Pitch obtained from coal tar or from other mineral tars TOTAL 2 3 38 46 41 50 335.32 (t) Pitch coke from coal tar or from other mineral tars - 4974 17328 1056 2702 21881 34880 322.30 (t) Peat (incl peat litter), whether or not agglomerated TOTAL 377 67 5047 1448 7133 - 3482 5062 1745 335.41 (t) Petroleum bitumen & other residues of petroleum oils TOTAL 1699 723 155041 64754 222848 EU countries 1581 697 149196 62913 211754 Belgium 33756 13526 62388 Netherlands 1479 656 53202 23476 67223 Other 103 42 62238 25910 82143 Non-EU countries 117 25 5846 1841 11095 etc 94431 90364 25327 27847 37190 4067 147 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 335.42 (t) Petroleum coke TOTAL 65700 EU countries 3018 Non-EU countries 62682 United States 62682 Other - 4508 340 4168 4168 - 185126 22158 162968 162854 114 13947 2695 11253 11232 20 105220 43721 61499 61339 160 10801 6381 4420 4389 30 411.33 (t) Lard stearin, lard oil etc, not mixed/otherwise prepared TOTAL 73 78 1330 1218 1524 1694 411.35 (t) Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom, incl lanolin TOTAL 16 119 150 1704 196 335.43 (t) Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, bitumen etc TOTAL 7353 708 19981 3457 56829 5622 411.39 (t) Animal oils and fats and their fractions, nes TOTAL 1 2 205 213 342. LIQUEFIED PROPANE AND BUTANE 421. FIXED VEGETABLE FATS AND OILS 342.10 (t) Propane, liquefied TOTAL 7582 EU countries 7582 Great Britain 6055 Other 1527 Non-EU countries - 3813 3813 2979 835 - 85033 85032 71514 13518 0 49846 49845 41292 8554 1 80700 80699 66729 13971 1 52827 52826 42298 10528 1 342.50 (t) Butanes, liquefied TOTAL 520 258 3268 1679 2111 1516 343. NATURAL GAS, WHETHER OR NOT LIQUEFIED 343.10 (t) Natural gas, liquefied TOTAL 343.20 (t) Natural gas, in the TOTAL 318150 EU countries 318150 Great Britain 318150 Other Non-EU countries - - 421.11 (t) Crude soya bean oil, TOTAL 4361 EU countries 4361 Netherlands 3329 Other 1033 18 gaseous state 98410 3774803 1117031 98410 3774803 1117031 98410 3774803 1117030 0 0 - 3 0 4011532 1381611 4011532 1381610 4011532 1381610 0 0 56 65 de-gummed 21705 26971 21705 26971 15485 18887 6220 8084 24458 24458 17703 6755 421.19 (t) Refined soya bean oil and its fractions TOTAL 1643 1656 15301 14972 EU countries 1642 1655 15274 14941 Non-EU countries 0 1 27 31 421.21 (t) Crude cotton seed oil TOTAL - 3 whether or not 3096 29305 3096 29305 2320 20882 777 8423 - 2752 14306 14294 12 8 6 10 421.29 (t) Refined cotton seed oil and its fractions TOTAL 0 2 10 40 8 30 421.31 (t) Crude peanut oil TOTAL 0 2 1 1 86 24 74 0 6 13824 13820 4 0 421.39 (t) Refined peanut oil and its fractions TOTAL 1 1 23 344. PETROLEUM GASES AND OTHER GASEOUS HYDROCARBONS, NES 421.41 (t) Virgin olive oil TOTAL 401 4018 8801 3744 9260 344.10 (t) Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene, liquefied TOTAL 4 7 35 74 81 108 421.42 (t) Other olive oil and its fractions TOTAL 316 711 2063 5020 2167 5420 344.20 (t) Gaseous hydrocarbons, liquefied, nes TOTAL 1 31 2 421.49 (t) Olive oils & their fractions (other than of 421.41 or 421.42); blends of this with 421.41 or 421.42 TOTAL 1 1 14 36 57 171 344.90 (t) Gaseous hydrocarbons in the gaseous state, nes TOTAL 1 3 11 57 9 131 10 57 345. COAL GAS, WATER GAS, PRODUCER GAS AND SIMILAR GASES 421.51 (t) Crude sunflower seed or safflower oil TOTAL 687 737 7769 8505 436 351. ELECTRIC CURRENT 421.61 (t) Crude maize (corn) oil TOTAL 111 22 571 136 421.69 (t) Refined maize (corn) oil and its fractions TOTAL 70 94 736 987 4741 4741 4414 327 - 992944 992944 971179 21765 - 69994 69994 68100 1894 - 9157 82 11552 421.59 (t) Refined sunflower seed/safflower oil & fractions thereof TOTAL 477 563 3929 4585 2996 3832 345.00 (t) Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases TOTAL 0 1 1579 804 228 351.00 (MwH) Electric current TOTAL 66268 EU countries 66268 Great Britain 63136 Other 3132 Non-EU countries - 821 909210 908907 908794 113 303 64219 64213 64189 24 7 421.71 (t) Crude rape, colza or mustard oil TOTAL 902 529 15899 7408 1942 496 543 725 24324 10063 421.79 (t) Refined rape, colza or mustard oil and fractions thereof TOTAL 1379 1176 14808 13674 14070 15627 EU countries 1379 1176 14807 13672 14070 15627 Non-EU countries 1 2 - 411. ANIMAL OILS AND FATS 411.11 (t) Fish liver oils and their fractions TOTAL 10 42 94 421.80 (t) Sesame (sesamum) oil and its fractions TOTAL 38 66 333 1093 601 38 411.12 (t) Fats & oils & their fractions, of fish (excl liver oils) TOTAL 29 293 301 2708 236 2160 411.13 (t) Fats and oils and their fractions, of marine mammals TOTAL 0 7 32 152 1 411.20 (t) Lard; other pig fat and poultry fat, rendered TOTAL 69 114 1333 1244 1399 411.31 (t) Pig fat free of lean meat and unrendered poultry fat TOTAL 75 95 598 663 1183 343 1254 38 18 23 422.19 (t) Refined linseed oil and its fractions TOTAL 147 116 1223 1155 952 954 46354 9980 36375 36362 13 39025 6721 32304 32299 5 490 422. FIXED VEGETABLE FATS AND OILS, OTHER THAN SOFT 422.11 (t) Crude linseed oil TOTAL 3 4 31 26 1498 1354 411.32 (t) Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, raw or rendered TOTAL 235 212 5821 3867 1573 1512 422.21 (t) Crude palm oil TOTAL 2385 EU countries 407 Non-EU countries 1978 Malaysia 1978 Other - 1874 313 1560 1560 - 45220 7113 38106 38090 17 35830 4908 30922 30914 8 148 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 422.29 (t) Refined palm oil and TOTAL 2672 EU countries 2618 Netherlands 2554 Other 64 Non-EU countries 54 its fractions 1906 35298 1842 34092 1771 33453 71 639 64 1207 26109 24882 24242 640 1227 34100 32352 32204 148 1748 28089 26252 26086 166 1836 113 22 90 511.25 (hkg) Styrene TOTAL 168 24 1747 259 1334 209 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5597 1873 12641 2419 511.31 (hkg) Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene) TOTAL 1 1 - - 26 83 61 422.49 (t) Refined palm kernel or babassu oil and their fractions TOTAL 24 32 705 684 813 690 511.33 (hkg) Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) TOTAL 1830 241 1677 224 422.50 (t) Castor oil and its fractions TOTAL 2 7 511.34 (hkg) Other unsaturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons TOTAL 0 3 1 21 1 31 511.35 (hkg) 1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride) TOTAL 113 12 229 26 69 511.26 (hkg) Ethylbenzene 511.27 (hkg) Cumene 422.31 (t) Crude coconut (copra) oil TOTAL 5 15 36 422.39 (t) Refined coconut (copra) oil and its fractions TOTAL 533 818 7136 10033 7311 EU countries 240 354 4053 5391 4233 Non-EU countries 293 465 3084 4642 3078 422.41 (t) Crude palm kernel or babassu oil TOTAL 1 4 510 17 536 677 63 25 511.29 (hkg) Cyclic hydrocarbons, nes TOTAL 103 163 7753 4226 3527 769 80 422.90 (t) Other fixed vegetable fats, crude/refined/fractionated, but excl 'soft' TOTAL 147 641 2399 10053 1940 9610 EU countries 146 631 2392 9996 1932 9530 Non-EU countries 1 10 8 57 8 80 511.32 (hkg) Trichloroethylene TOTAL 9 4 57 638 511.36 (hkg) Other saturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons TOTAL 2857 237 32764 2389 33522 2849 431. ANIMAL OR VEGETABLES FATS & OILS, PROCESSED, WAXES, ETC 431.10 (t) Animal/veg fats & oils, chemically modified (excl 431.2) TOTAL 163 279 2545 2746 9565 4884 431.21 (t) Animal fats and oils (incl fractions), hydrogenated etc TOTAL 2 7 6 18 6 17 431.22 (t) Vegetable fats & oils (incl fractions), hydrogenated etc TOTAL 1184 1650 9919 13772 11996 16415 EU countries 1183 1631 9899 13637 11974 16253 Non-EU countries 2 19 20 134 22 162 431.30 (t) Degras; residues from fatty substances or waxes TOTAL 0 1 11 33 82 431.41 (t) Vegetable waxes (other than triglycerides) TOTAL 1 11 15 124 0 0 - 45 22 20 6 854 511.40 (hkg) Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives TOTAL 1515 308 9572 1984 10218 2824 316 512.11 (hkg) Methanol (methyl alcohol) TOTAL 2032 210 222271 4 18 9134 207753 8190 512.12 (hkg) Propyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol TOTAL 7346 1259 55984 8401 58914 9323 512.13 (hkg) Butanols TOTAL 15856 2908 58 14 564 109 5559 937 512.14 (hkg) Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof TOTAL 1 15 208 298 235 178 26 8 - - 2231 14033 3481 512.15 (kl) Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength >80% TOTAL 863 851 27743 26170 8036 14582 EU countries 810 789 27192 25641 7830 14203 Great Britain 147 231 10814 11302 4351 6999 Netherlands 311 246 13848 11926 532 2277 Other 351 312 2530 2412 2947 4927 Non-EU countries 54 62 551 530 206 379 511.13 (hkg) Butylenes, butadienes and methylbutadienes 511.14 (hkg) Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons TOTAL 508 89 10936 126 511.39 (hkg) Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons, nes TOTAL 0 0 534 726 1115 79 511. HYDROCARBONS NES AND THEIR HALOGENATED, SULPHONATED, NITRATED OR NITROSATED DERIVATIVES 511.12 (hkg) Propene (propylene) TOTAL - 511.38 (hkg) Halogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens TOTAL 0 4 285 210 192 512. ALCOHOLS, PHENOLS, ETC; HALOGENATED DERIVATIVES ETC 37 431.42 (t) Beeswax, other insect waxes and spermaceti TOTAL 0 2 3 28 511.11 (hkg) Ethylene TOTAL 511.37 (hkg) Fluorinated, brominated or iodinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons 290 253 5607 4101 6718 4645 TOTAL 511.19 (hkg) Acyclic hydrocarbons, nes TOTAL 109 64 1198 922 1348 823 512.16 (kl) Ethyl alcohol/other spirits, denatured, of any strength TOTAL 428 539 3525 4041 9811 10851 511.21 (hkg) Cyclohexane TOTAL 1395 169 5543 745 6804 888 512.17 (t) Industrial fatty alcohols TOTAL 17 71 511.22 (hkg) Benzene, pure TOTAL 0 0 1 1 1 1 511.23 (hkg) Toluene, pure TOTAL 3615 310 28502 2627 33992 3354 511.24 (hkg) Xylenes, pure TOTAL 247 22 13338 970 6331 703 387 933 273 670 512.18 (t) Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining TOTAL 988 952 12747 12849 13671 13578 EU countries 701 793 8602 10495 10782 11458 Non-EU countries 288 159 4145 2354 2888 2120 512.19 (hkg) Other monohydric alcohols TOTAL 120 253 5167 3211 6037 2366 149 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 512.21 (hkg) Ethylene glycol (ethanediol) TOTAL 33 39 299 194 1233 219 513.85 (hkg) Cyclanic/cyclenic/cycloterpenic polycarboxylic acids etc TOTAL 9 5 180 84 175 82 512.22 (hkg) Glycerol (glycerine), glycerol waters and glycerol lyes TOTAL 1763 247 32581 4073 29080 3723 513.89 (hkg) Polycarboxylic acids nes, and halogenated etc derivatives TOTAL 219 116 9904 2247 10424 5289 512.23 (hkg) Pentaerythritol TOTAL - 513.91 (hkg) Lactic, tartaric, citric acid with their salts and TOTAL 19670 2572 275046 35860 285603 EU countries 9956 1271 168838 21990 158928 Non-EU countries 9714 1301 106208 13869 126675 esters 40233 22775 17457 513.92 (hkg) Other carboxylic acids with alcohol function, etc TOTAL 1274 249 22454 24861 19061 EU countries 823 162 11640 2192 8830 Non-EU countries 451 87 10813 22669 10231 India 272 19121 1027 Other 451 87 10541 3548 9204 27297 1634 25663 22487 3176 512.24 (hkg) Mannitol TOTAL 33 - - - 1 2 49 579 481 1445 669 512.25 (hkg) D-glucitol (sorbitol) TOTAL 45 8 2962 470 3077 506 512.29 (hkg) Other acyclic alcohols TOTAL 5801 1133 EU countries 5758 1120 Non-EU countries 43 13 75214 74204 1010 13062 12360 701 60256 58789 1467 10047 9196 851 512.31 (hkg) Cyclanic/cyclenic/cycloterpenic alcohols and derivatives TOTAL 15 62 591 1027 719 1079 512.35 (hkg) Aromatic cyclic alcohols and halogenated etc derivatives TOTAL 62 13 848 377 706 243 512.41 (hkg) Phenol (hydroxybenzene), pure, and its salts TOTAL 0 0 41 13 512.42 (hkg) Cresols, nes, and their salts TOTAL 0 0 4 71 8 16 4 15 11270 11113 158 73019 72573 446 13515 12830 685 513.93 (hkg) Salicylic acid and its salts and esters TOTAL 8 3 434 247 306 172 513.94 (hkg) Other carboxylic acids etc with phenol function TOTAL 84 102 1039 692 632 355 513.95 (hkg) Carboxylic acids with aldehyde or ketone function etc TOTAL 55 135 387 671 479 818 513.96 (hkg) Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen functions, etc TOTAL 48 91 1006 2925 7353 73265 514. NITROGEN-FUNCTION COMPOUNDS 512.43 (hkg) Other phenols and pheno-alcohols TOTAL .. 955 .. EU countries .. 954 .. Non-EU countries .. 1 .. 512.44 (hkg) Halogenated etc derivatives of phenol/phenol-alcohols TOTAL 21 395 81 506 19 84 514.52 (hkg) Acyclic polyamines and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 81 85 9931 3287 31005 7395 513. CARBOXYLIC ACIDS AND THEIR HALOGENATED, SULPHONATED, NITRATED OR NITROSATED DERIVATIVES 513.71 (hkg) Acetic acid and its salts TOTAL 2786 357 14280 1704 16862 1493 513.72 (hkg) Esters of acetic acid TOTAL 5555 859 6836 47512 6711 34711 1973 1516 350 49043 513.73 (hkg) Methacrylic acid and its salts and esters TOTAL 176 77 2448 929 513.74 (hkg) Formic acid, its salts and esters TOTAL 70 6 2625 283 514.51 (hkg) Acyclic monoamines and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 925 2010 9882 5764 9778 21497 EU countries 652 1915 5523 4149 4744 19776 Belgium 37 1765 846 2814 857 16697 Other 615 150 4677 1335 3888 3079 Non-EU countries 272 95 4360 1615 5033 1721 513.75 (hkg) Butyric acids, valeric acids, their salts and esters TOTAL 53 271 2993 937 3233 715 514.53 (hkg) Cyclanic/cyclenic/cycloterpenic mono- or polyamines, etc TOTAL 57 1895 302 10323 123 2465 EU countries 49 1122 167 1961 70 34 Non-EU countries 8 773 135 8362 53 2431 514.54 (hkg) Aromatic monoamides and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 4 5 848 14070 761 8701 EU countries 3 1 34 38 17 217 Non-EU countries 1 5 814 14032 744 8484 Switzerland 486 10670 353 5354 Other 1 5 327 3362 391 3130 514.55 (hkg) Aromatic polyamines and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 1 2 167 93 434 157 513.77 (hkg) Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids nes & derivatives TOTAL 3594 567 35042 5862 126557 12442 514.61 (hkg) Amino-alcohols, their ethers and esters; salts thereof TOTAL 85 575 4214 70765 11775 8962 EU countries 63 518 3145 7978 11043 6806 Non-EU countries 22 57 1069 62787 732 2156 Switzerland 0 1 3 54409 1 3 Other 22 56 1066 8378 730 2152 513.78 (hkg) Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids, their salts & esters TOTAL 459 67 3872 725 3581 640 514.62 (hkg) Amino-naphthols & amino-phenols; their ethers & esters TOTAL 1 37 9 70 9 11 513.79 (hkg) Other unsaturated acyclic/cyclic monocarboxylic acids etc TOTAL 689 531 23432 13996 36065 25747 EU countries 363 102 20045 5316 23228 16890 Non-EU countries 326 429 3387 8680 12837 8857 514.63 (hkg) Amino-aldehydes,-ketones & -quinones; salts thereof TOTAL 0 1 101 262 7 513.76 (hkg) Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts and esters TOTAL 130 104 3841 1392 3893 1451 513.81 (hkg) Maleic anhydride TOTAL - - 120 23 93 12 513.82 (hkg) Phthalic anhydride TOTAL 0 0 2 2 1 1 513.83 (hkg) Dioctyl orthophthalates TOTAL - 3 0 349 36 513.84 (hkg) Dimethyl terephthalate TOTAL - 222 33 5 9 181 514.64 (hkg) Lysine & its esters; glutamic acid; salts thereof TOTAL 2916 407 29798 3683 25185 3942 514.65 (hkg) Amino-acids and their esters, nes; salts thereof TOTAL 545 162 6222 4468 5255 5908 514.67 (hkg) Amino-alcohol and -acid phenols and other amino-compounds TOTAL 301 334 6348 57571 9093 47767 EU countries 230 87 4957 2936 7211 10819 Non-EU countries 70 247 1391 54635 1882 36948 Singapore 125 50017 81 26943 Other 70 247 1266 4618 1801 10005 150 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 514.71 (hkg) Acyclic amides and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 252 133 8770 9620 8588 15660 514.73 (hkg) Ureines and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 0 1 1 406 514.79 (hkg) Other cyclic amides and their derivatives; TOTAL 5610 23532 73501 276517 EU countries 618 3444 11790 44155 France 398 2541 9739 35410 Other 220 903 2051 8745 Non-EU countries 4992 20088 61711 232362 Switzerland 1 4 18 12418 China 1137 1941 10232 17448 Norway 1180 12860 13111 152366 United States 842 3188 10209 26929 Other 1832 2093 28142 23200 1 19 salts thereof 73909 249068 12535 38739 11329 34455 1205 4284 61374 210330 68 2331 10944 14493 13561 153455 11368 21432 25432 18620 514.81 (hkg) Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithins etc TOTAL 4292 1125 31055 8714 24770 9957 514.82 (hkg) Carboxyimide-function and amine-function compounds TOTAL 172 398 3004 4731 3825 514.83 (hkg) Acrylonitrile TOTAL - - 2858 514.84 (hkg) Other nitrile-function compounds TOTAL 2380 1187 28811 EU countries 753 373 9971 Non-EU countries 1627 814 18840 4244 719 0 0 12180 4249 7930 23669 8310 15358 11180 4111 7068 481 185 479 514.85 (hkg) Diazo-, azo-, and azoxy-compounds TOTAL 80 214 187 514.86 (hkg) Organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine TOTAL 15 43 45 771 40 2250 514.89 (hkg) Compounds with other nitrogen function TOTAL 571 594 11867 6176 13277 4984 515. ORGANO-INORGANIC COMPOUNDS, HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS, NUCLEIC ACIDS AND THEIR SALTS AND SULPHONAMIDES 515.42 (hkg) Thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates TOTAL 0 0 5 4 515.43 (hkg) Thiuram mono-, di- or tetrasulphides - - - - 1765 4631 1316 515.44 (hkg) Methionine TOTAL 392 100 6567 515.49 (hkg) Organo-sulphur compounds nes TOTAL 1694 1634 14564 EU countries 141 33 1420 Non-EU countries 1552 1601 13143 Japan 654 924 5338 Other 899 677 7806 20136 1250 18886 10863 8023 16367 6218 10148 4002 6147 15794 2038 13756 6689 7067 515.50 (hkg) Other organo-inorganic compounds TOTAL 2033 1169 42626 EU countries 434 491 3498 Non-EU countries 1599 678 39128 China 1500 542 38375 Other 99 136 754 22713 2308 20405 14859 5547 44233 2885 41348 40633 715 24692 2692 22000 17938 4061 136392 45854 41177 4677 90537 12366 78172 8755 7387 86 7301 1368 1196 172 219445 157977 154736 3242 61468 20814 40653 - - 12135 11808 301 11507 326 16966 16112 14508 1603 855 515.61 (hkg) Lactams TOTAL EU countries France Other Non-EU countries Switzerland Other 930 907 1 906 23 0 23 6143 3990 3504 487 2153 1306 846 6543 6199 33 6166 344 201 143 515.62 (hkg) Coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins 515.63 (hkg) Other lactones TOTAL 103 EU countries 1 Austria Other 1 Non-EU countries 102 192 1 1 191 1720 1357 206 1151 363 12538 11316 9929 1387 1222 515.69 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atoms only, nes TOTAL 4895 7163 48885 90423 40227 51014 EU countries 4473 4478 43095 45788 37311 24729 Belgium 632 3104 1692 34675 1021 13203 Other 3841 1374 41403 11112 36290 11526 Non-EU countries 422 2685 5791 44636 2916 26285 Switzerland 97 2172 566 12550 249 5825 Japan 54 11173 32 6287 Other 325 513 5171 20913 2634 14173 515.71 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds, with nitrogen hetero-atoms only, containing an unfused pyrazole ring in the structure TOTAL 35 647 2140 2867 1780 4550 515.72 (hkg) Hydantoin and its derivatives TOTAL 1 1 19 127 515.73 (hkg) Other heterocyclic compounds with TOTAL 122 1596 5784 EU countries 114 499 1149 Non-EU countries 8 1098 4635 Japan 0 2 436 Other 8 1096 4199 6 10 unfused imidazole ring 38250 5427 58843 8724 2862 23598 29525 2565 35245 16612 681 15249 12913 1884 19997 515.74 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds, with nitrogen hetero-atoms containing an unfused pyridine ring in the structure TOTAL 790 4239 4601 78320 5939 EU countries 165 3418 1138 50966 2480 Germany 0 1 197 10173 347 Italy 27 2704 473 32548 1333 Other 138 713 469 8245 799 Non-EU countries 625 822 3463 27354 3459 515.75 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds, with nitrogen hetero-atoms containing a quinoline or isoquinoline ring-system TOTAL 18 2232 301 10706 734 EU countries 2 59 162 Non-EU countries 18 2232 299 10648 571 South Korea 18 2232 18 2232 20 Other 280 8416 552 only 84358 56327 9451 36397 10479 28031 only, 23518 1731 21787 3320 18467 515.76 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds, with nitrogen hetero-atoms only, with pyrimidine/piperazine/triazine ring; nucleic acid TOTAL 2669 7041 33796 517197 28848 193248 EU countries 1069 877 12306 55998 10935 113449 Germany 94 517 3136 38522 289 1209 Other 975 360 9170 17476 10647 112240 Non-EU countries 1601 6164 21490 461199 17912 79799 Switzerland 0 2 36 346923 12 8756 China 852 2449 1640 10661 298 3089 United States 287 2180 15498 47163 15490 39219 Other 461 1534 4316 56452 2112 28735 515.77 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atoms TOTAL 431 29978 31053 394451 5741 EU countries 56 25270 25336 265516 773 France 24 25194 16217 256214 89 Other 32 76 9119 9302 683 Non-EU countries 375 4708 5717 128935 4969 Canada 5 10687 7 Switzerland 182 2540 3086 50487 3102 India 76 418 857 11224 774 Japan 10 1311 115 20046 124 South Korea 20 23136 11 Other 106 439 1634 13355 951 only 243447 137498 111751 25746 105950 15190 43134 6074 15563 14688 11301 515.78 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds with a phenothiazine ring-system TOTAL 29 443 116 419 515.79 (hkg) Heterocyclic compounds, nes TOTAL 1008 18165 14677 EU countries 449 573 9754 Germany 441 415 7357 Spain 0 11 59 Slovenia 1 Other 8 148 2338 Non-EU countries 559 17592 4923 Switzerland 30 2980 348 South Korea 31 1733 403 United States 252 9979 2137 Other 246 2899 2035 558777 77697 13706 45200 12421 6370 481080 293142 41312 123868 22757 12215 6493 4407 105 1980 5722 282 315 1172 3952 532964 41378 6778 30585 4015 491586 271055 37003 43729 139798 515.80 (hkg) Sulphonamides TOTAL 287 EU countries 121 Belgium 89 France 32 150019 89463 54322 30461 2690 1884 358 331 74108 49240 15572 32774 15048 8199 4787 3408 2268 1671 1020 346 151 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 515.80 - continued Other Non-EU countries Switzerland United States Other 0 166 96 0 70 4 6849 890 1 5958 305 597 344 9 244 4680 60556 10088 15745 34723 1194 806 520 17 269 894 24869 14551 7754 2564 522.21 (hkg) Hydrogen, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen TOTAL 20299 630 205180 8084 200274 6663 522.22 (hkg) Selenium, tellurium, phosphorus, arsenic and boron TOTAL 24 18 252 375 318 463 522.23 (hkg) Silicon TOTAL 259 66 3046 815 2292 632 522.24 (hkg) Chlorine TOTAL 764 93 7538 844 7457 800 522.25 (hkg) Fluorine, bromine and iodine TOTAL 88 260 371 1167 224 994 516. OTHER ORGANIC CHEMICALS 516.12 (hkg) Acetals and hemiacetals, and derivatives thereof TOTAL 210 113 4239 1715 1857 516.13 (hkg) Oxirane (ethylene oxide) TOTAL 24 39 2279 516.14 (hkg) Methyloxirane (propylene oxide) - 578 2039 - - 1252 496 516.16 (hkg) Acyclic/cyclanic/cyclenic/cycloterpenic/aromatic ethers TOTAL 1343 554 22408 9346 26563 5676 516.21 (hkg) Acyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function TOTAL 409 252 3104 1547 2769 4166 1770 516.22 (hkg) Other aldehydes; polymers of aldehydes; paraformaldehyde TOTAL 2229 665 16911 3087 18080 2745 516.23 (hkg) Acetone TOTAL 3027 485 - 522.27 (hkg) Mercury TOTAL - 516.15 (hkg) Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols, epoxyethers nes, with three-member ring; derivatives thereof TOTAL 496 60 6247 625 2681 356 516.17 (hkg) Ether-alcohols/phenols/alcohol-phenols; alcohol, ether, ketone peroxides; and their derivatives TOTAL 1144 227 23487 3517 23787 522.26 (hkg) Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulphur - 522.28 (hkg) Sodium TOTAL 0 0 1 4 1 2 177 53 2247 134 341 172 522.29 (hkg) Calcium, strontium and barium; rare earth metals, yttrium and scandium and other alkali or alkaline-earth metals TOTAL 5 12 92 55 18 11 522.31 (hkg) Hydrogen chloride; chlorosulphuric acid TOTAL 807 61 39192 1360 522.32 (hkg) Sulphuric acid; oleum TOTAL 46676 425 429704 3177 418358 3193 1495 55178 1152 5411 45234 4935 516.24 (hkg) Butanone (ethyl methyl ketone) TOTAL 510 146 5466 1024 10180 1381 516.25 (hkg) Acyclic ketones without oxygen function, nes TOTAL 21 3 2488 434 2599 448 522.35 (hkg) Oxides of boron; boric acids TOTAL 13 6 3265 516.26 (hkg) Halogenated etc derivatives of 516.21 and 516.22 TOTAL 625 3056 23 245 522.36 (hkg) Inorganic acids, nes TOTAL 1863 222 - - - - - 516.28 (hkg) Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ketones without oxygen function, nes TOTAL 557 508 3944 3262 467 - 21895 13470 8425 13935 9483 4452 5307 4953 353 84 270 17831 3200 14632 12616 2016 4208 3906 302 165 138 21962 11766 10196 12738 2805 9933 9471 463 522. INORGANIC CHEMICAL ELEMENTS, OXIDES AND HALOGEN SALTS 522.10 (hkg) Carbon (incl carbon black), nes TOTAL 13 10 1547 1677 963 2249 610 16292 1938 13071 1314 6096 4359 5589 3058 522.39 (hkg) Other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals TOTAL 15695 234 170601 2758 166595 2563 522.41 (hkg) Halides and halide oxides of non-metals TOTAL 44 237 764 1293 1438 522.37 (hkg) Silicon dioxide TOTAL 366 311 957 522.42 (hkg) Sulphides of non-metals; commercial phos trisulphide TOTAL 1 2 - 516.92 (hkg) Pure sugars; ethers and esters of sugars & their salts TOTAL 253 640 2590 4736 3901 8007 516.99 (hkg) Organic compounds, nes TOTAL 654 1196 EU countries 590 110 Non-EU countries 64 1086 India 4 1040 Other 60 46 482 - 2397 516.39 (hkg) Esters of other inorganic acids, salts & derivatives TOTAL 258 69 1377 679 2943 1156 516.91 (hkg) Enzymes; prepared enzymes, nes TOTAL 753 1773 13398 EU countries 731 1230 9914 Non-EU countries 22 543 3484 522.34 (hkg) Diphosphorus pentoxide; phosphoric polyphosphoric acids TOTAL 16006 1339 223898 18406 261807 18935 EU countries 15971 1333 222823 18253 260436 18666 Non-EU countries 36 5 1076 153 1371 269 644 516.29 (hkg) Aldehyde-, ketone- and quinone-function compounds, nes TOTAL 12 30 239 1331 307 1363 516.31 (hkg) Phosphoric esters, their salts and derivatives TOTAL 749 127 14472 2681 14400 1702 522.33 (hkg) Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids TOTAL 4920 137 65941 42597 516.27 (hkg) Camphor 55086 1643 522.51 (hkg) Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide TOTAL 964 191 10530 1765 11309 1726 522.52 (hkg) Chromium oxides and hydroxides TOTAL 91 47 100 54 3 2 214 2059 240 522.53 (hkg) Manganese oxides TOTAL 99 26 2138 522.54 (hkg) Iron oxides and hydroxides; earth colours with 70% or more by weight of combined iron evaluated as Fe203 TOTAL 232 52 7305 977 8393 1217 522.55 (hkg) Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt oxides TOTAL 0 19 3 119 7 74 522.56 (hkg) Titanium oxides TOTAL 3 4 432 222 1135 419 522.57 (hkg) Lead oxides; red lead and orange lead - - - 522.61 (hkg) Ammonia, anhydrous or in an aqueous solution TOTAL 6466 232 48706 1803 40452 1444 152 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 522.62 (hkg) Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), solid TOTAL 2986 153 27230 1408 30196 1511 522.63 (hkg) Sodium hydroxide in aqueous solution TOTAL 256240 3534 2806837 42259 EU countries 88890 1342 1169013 20706 Germany 81662 1187 832567 13221 Other 7228 155 336446 7485 Non-EU countries 167350 2192 1637824 21553 United States 167349 2191 1637566 21535 Other 1 1 258 18 2419664 1708445 873955 834490 711219 710976 243 51837 38462 15577 22885 13375 13351 25 523.61 (hkg) Phosphinates (hypophosphites), phosphonates (phosphites) TOTAL 234 66 1140 285 613 248 523.63 (hkg) Phosphates, nes TOTAL 7251 687 49676 6236 523.64 (hkg) Sodium triphosphate (sodiumtripolyphosphate) TOTAL 609 69 3182 379 3141 332 523.65 (hkg) Other polyphosphates TOTAL 2056 309 100799 17988 2814 522.64 (hkg) Potassium hydroxide; peroxides of sodium or potassium TOTAL 1171 114 21058 1865 34923 1692 523.72 (hkg) Neutral sodium carbonate (disodium carbonate) TOTAL 5785 176 47471 1661 41585 1535 522.65 (hkg) Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium; oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, of strontium or barium TOTAL 30 3 253 24 286 23 523.73 (hkg) Sodium hydrogencarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) TOTAL 2495 99 27458 1310 41923 1736 522.66 (hkg) Aluminium hydroxide TOTAL 96 523.74 (hkg) Potassium carbonates TOTAL 137 20 8 49762 1033 87124 21016 7800 2729 3218 545 3695 703 1744 522.67 (hkg) Artificial corundum,whether or not chemically defined TOTAL 9 1 1261 136 1284 205 523.79 (hkg) Other carbonates (excl sodium bicarbonate, disodium and potassium carbonades); peroxocarbonates (percarbonates) TOTAL 2338 176 26889 2222 26526 2287 522.68 (hkg) Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts TOTAL 1544 332 16145 3175 17905 3641 523.81 (hkg) Cyanides, cyanide oxides and complex cyanides TOTAL 45 15 232 119 342 187 522.69 (hkg) Other inorganic bases & metal oxides/hydroxides/peroxides TOTAL 99 59 85850 1753 3029 921 523.83 (hkg) Silicates; commercial alkali metal silicates TOTAL 7729 362 93213 3237 61789 3153 523. METALLIC SALTS AND PEROXYSALTS, OF INORGANIC ACIDS 523.84 (hkg) Borates; peroxoborates (perborates) TOTAL 78 34 2952 836 523.10 (hkg) Fluorides; fluorosilicates, fluoroaluminates and other complex flourine salts TOTAL 21 39 691 530 220 359 523.89 (hkg) Other salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids (incl. aluminosilicates), other than azides TOTAL 22 34 3789 829 8942 1621 3228 523.21 (hkg) Ammonium chloride TOTAL 544 23 3050 133 2959 131 524. INORGANIC CHEMICALS, NES; ORGANIC AND INORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PRECIOUS METALS 523.22 (hkg) Calcium chloride TOTAL 729 58 9051 568 8608 532 524.31 (hkg) Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids TOTAL 155 25 2648 477 1874 736 361 523.29 (hkg) Other chlorides, chloride oxides/chloride hydroxides; bromides/bromide oxides; iodides/iodide oxides TOTAL 3857 235 55819 7900 59115 10464 524.32 (hkg) Colloidal precious metals and compounds/amalgams thereof TOTAL 1 182 472 3707 33 5488 523.31 (hkg) Hypochlorites; chlorites; hypobromites TOTAL 3215 181 41903 2650 523.32 (hkg) Chlorates of sodium TOTAL 147 8 7512 1020 35415 2516 524.91 (hkg) Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not solidified with urea TOTAL 5546 934 48373 4989 35426 3251 8839 1076 524.92 (hkg) Phosphides (excl ferrophosphorus) TOTAL 1 523.39 (hkg) Other (per)chlorates; (per)bromates; (per)iodates TOTAL 59 117 394 748 470 523.41 (hkg) Sodium sulphide TOTAL 71 6 206 16 2082 877 524.95 (hkg) Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides TOTAL 92 859 695 9231 1222 118 57 523.43 (hkg) Dithionites and sulphoxylates TOTAL 42 3 280 39 15 185 24675 907 25906 774 8576 742 5460 515 38 119 524.93 (hkg) Calcium carbide, whether or not chemically defined TOTAL 0 1 524.94 (hkg) Carbides (other than calcium carbide) TOTAL 114 68 1567 4108 82 523.45 (hkg) Sodium sulphates TOTAL 628 0 98 523.42 (hkg) Other sulphides; polysulphides TOTAL 1 1 172 523.44 (hkg) Sulphites; thiosulphates TOTAL 1318 223 205 - 2041 6138 12406 524.96 (hkg) Compounds, inorganic/organic, of mercury, excl amalgams TOTAL 1 1 2 12 3 22 524.99 (hkg) Inorganic compounds nes (incl distilled water); liquid air; compressed air; amalgams (excl precious metals) TOTAL 369 289 23463 4060 28823 3216 525. RADIO-ACTIVE AND ASSOCIATED MATERIALS 523.49 (hkg) Other sulphates; alums; peroxosulphates (persulphates) TOTAL 4673 522 76348 7313 117619 7969 523.51 (hkg) Nitrites TOTAL 62 523.52 (hkg) Potassium nitrate TOTAL 0 523.59 (hkg) Other nitrates TOTAL 82 11 10 151 1176 603 909 459 208 1830 1459 676 1131 631 198 2420 525.11 (hkg) Natural uranium and its compounds etc - - - 525.13 (hkg) Uranium enriched in U235, plutonium etc - - - 525.15 (hkg) Uranium depleted in U235, thorium and compounds etc TOTAL 2 5 518 525.17 (hkg) Spent (irradiated) fuel elements of nuclear reactors - 97 - 153 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 525.19 (hkg) Radio-active elements, isotopes and compounds nes TOTAL 169 531 599 3046 158 1274 525.91 (hkg) Isotopes (other than of of 525.1) and their compounds TOTAL 0 33 3 162 2 62 525.95 (hkg) Compounds of rare-earth metals, yttrium or scandium TOTAL 0 2 20 156 8 38 531. SYNTHETIC ORGANIC COLOURING MATTER 531.11 (hkg) Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon TOTAL 39 64 1204 611 529 416 531.12 (hkg) Acid and mordant dyes, and preparations based thereon TOTAL 315 223 3969 3981 4736 3330 531.13 (hkg) Basic dyes and preparations based thereon TOTAL 69 27 635 272 577 228 4 13 272 1358 531.16 (hkg) Reactive dyes and preparations based thereon TOTAL 30 16 403 297 371 420 531.14 (hkg) Direct dyes and preparations based thereon TOTAL 0 0 23 14 531.15 (hkg) Vat dyes and preparations based thereon TOTAL 25 19 159 552 531.17 (hkg) Pigments and preparations based thereon TOTAL 555 461 11480 8595 11597 9219 531.19 (hkg) Other synthetic organic colouring matter, incl mixtures TOTAL 61 57 1192 2142 847 2230 531.21 (hkg) Synthetic organic products for fluorescent brightening TOTAL 21 19 712 430 3981 799 531.22 (hkg) Colour lakes; preparations based on colour lakes TOTAL 348 142 2028 1269 221 533.21 (hkg) Black printing ink TOTAL 500 8492 5960 8747 6506 533.29 (hkg) Printing ink, other than black TOTAL 3896 1788 39477 EU countries 3601 1558 36819 Great Britain 2079 1034 23227 Other 1522 524 13592 Non-EU countries 295 229 2658 539 19347 15637 10547 5090 3710 35649 31488 20644 10844 4161 17962 14039 9902 4137 3923 varnishes 136749 25931 135773 25379 111171 18436 24601 6944 976 552 120410 119318 97377 21942 1092 21199 20710 15095 5615 490 533.42 (hkg) Paints and varnishes in a non aqueous medium TOTAL 13837 3780 238042 53612 219557 EU countries 13797 3702 236906 52423 218246 Great Britain 12024 3019 211990 42668 198633 Other 1774 683 24916 9755 19613 Non-EU countries 40 78 1137 1189 1311 50258 49213 38794 10419 1045 533.41 (hkg) Water-thinned paints and TOTAL 9496 2112 EU countries 9428 2048 Great Britain 6981 1291 Other 2447 757 Non-EU countries 68 64 533.43 (hkg) Other paints and varnishes; prepared water pigments TOTAL 610 268 6122 2776 6714 2933 533.44 (hkg) Pigments dispersed in non-aqueous media, liquid or paste; stamping foils; dyes & colouring matter for retail sale TOTAL 1592 204 13805 2069 15945 1743 533.51 (hkg) Prepared pigments etc for the ceramic or glass industry TOTAL 589 564 5957 1795 4925 1315 533.52 (hkg) Artists' and other colours, in tablets, tubes, jars etc TOTAL 9684 257 14568 2477 4762 2562 533.53 (hkg) Prepared paint driers TOTAL 2 3 319 128 285 110 555 532. DYEING AND TANNING EXTRACTS; SYNTHETIC TANNING MATERIALS 533.54 (hkg) Glaziers' & grafting putty; resin cements; mastics etc TOTAL 7258 1217 89569 13704 111882 12015 EU countries 7035 1192 88116 13283 110459 11570 Non-EU countries 224 25 1453 420 1423 445 532.21 (hkg) Tanning extracts of veg origin; tannins & derivatives TOTAL 16 4 429 147 446 207 533.55 (hkg) Organic solvents/thinners, nes; paint/varnish removers TOTAL 829 480 10852 5584 14084 8249 532.22 (hkg) Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin TOTAL 8666 3539 16958 14755 13343 EU countries 431 669 8210 10698 9119 Non-EU countries 8235 2870 8748 4056 4224 New Zealand 8200 2825 8411 2900 3754 Other 35 45 337 1156 470 532.31 (hkg) Synthetic organic tanning substances TOTAL 2 2 79 60 51 12729 10529 2200 1095 1105 541. MEDICINAL & PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, OTHER THAN GROUP 542 541.12 (hkg) Vitamins A and their derivatives, unmixed TOTAL 25 85 477 968 439 990 541.13 (hkg) Vitamins B and their derivatives, unmixed TOTAL 28 68 490 1202 691 4179 541.14 (hkg) Vitamin C and its derivatives, unmixed TOTAL 427 275 7033 3445 5957 3418 541.15 (hkg) Vitamin E and its derivatives, unmixed TOTAL 374 318 2612 2760 2346 2439 49 532.32 (hkg) Inorganic tanning substances; tanning preparations etc TOTAL 18 12 143 96 124 89 533. PIGMENTS, PAINTS, VARNISHES AND RELATED MATERIALS 533.11 (hkg) Pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide TOTAL 1299 425 40280 11081 35861 10718 EU countries 1209 306 35192 8695 32006 8595 Non-EU countries 90 119 5088 2386 3855 2123 533.12 (hkg) Pigments and preparations based on chromium compounds TOTAL 25 2 329 69 504 165 533.14 (hkg) Ultramarine and preparations based thereon TOTAL 39 18 406 233 375 206 533.15 (hkg) Lithopone & other pigments; preps based on zinc sulphide TOTAL 5 1 27 3 55 7 533.17 (hkg) Colouring matter and their preparations, nes TOTAL 525 226 13200 3430 8972 533.18 (hkg) Inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores TOTAL 41 19 167 541.16 (hkg) Vitamins (other than A-E) and their derivatives, unmixed TOTAL 475 4112 12627 30898 32248 23963 EU countries 410 4013 12145 30057 31810 23056 Denmark 0 2395 165 7573 984 5918 Great Britain 391 1590 5918 20253 7696 9609 Other 19 27 6062 2231 23131 7529 Non-EU countries 65 99 482 841 437 907 541.17 (hkg) Intermixtures of provitamins and vitamins (incl. natural concentrates), in any solvent TOTAL 297 2253 3531 50221 4545 39416 EU countries 276 2208 3395 49780 4235 38967 Denmark 1 5 540 23735 605 21071 Great Britain 261 2193 2280 25197 2762 15704 Other 14 10 575 849 868 2192 Non-EU countries 21 46 136 440 311 449 3275 541.31 (hkg) Penicillins and derivatives, not put up as medicaments TOTAL 119 416 2541 7536 2221 7170 24 541.32 (hkg) Streptomycins & derivatives, not put up as medicaments TOTAL 3 3 37 107 69 204 154 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 541.33 (hkg) Tetracyclines & derivatives, not put up as medicaments TOTAL 12 30 277 4997 168 808 541.39 (hkg) Antibiotics, nes, not put up as medicaments of Group 542 TOTAL 310 7822 4790 107958 3162 191796 EU countries 276 6924 3400 91281 1446 52109 Denmark 1 2483 717 42176 82 24517 Great Britain 107 1943 396 23818 408 10694 Italy 162 1625 1524 14961 516 4782 Other 7 872 763 10326 439 12117 Non-EU countries 34 898 1390 16677 1716 139687 541.41 (hkg) Alkaloids of opium and their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 10 323 124 4618 206 6806 541.42 (hkg) Alkaloids of cinchona & their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 42 406 240 2284 164 1584 541.43 (hkg) Caffeine and its salts TOTAL 2435 2981 EU countries 1414 1831 Non-EU countries 1021 1150 541.44 (hkg) Ephedrines and their salts TOTAL 3 817 EU countries 3 817 Great Britain 3 817 Other Non-EU countries - 37096 19924 17172 39114 24829 14285 33201 17637 15563 33258 20134 13124 39 39 38 1 0 10001 10000 9999 2 0 17 17 17 - 4426 4426 4426 - 541.45 (hkg) Theophylline, aminophylline & derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 308 416 0 1 541.46 (hkg) Alkaloids of rye ergot & their derivatives; salts thereof TOTAL 0 71 27 165 541.49 (hkg) Other vegetable alkaloids and their salts, natural or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives of alkaloids, nes, TOTAL 1 3 17 41 36 47 541.53 (hkg) Steroidal hormones, incl derivatives/structural analogues TOTAL 36 3473 214 261105 2006 363946 EU countries 7 2006 113 238811 1916 326714 Netherlands 41 225583 25 318278 Other 7 2006 72 13228 1891 8436 Non-EU countries 29 1468 101 22294 90 37232 Canada 64 17720 73 35009 Other 29 1468 37 4574 17 2222 541.54 (hkg) Polypeptide, protein and glycoprotein hormones, their derivatives/structural analogues TOTAL 3 1464 7 7197 81 37725 EU countries 3 1237 3 4892 3 27815 Non-EU countries 0 227 4 2306 78 9910 541.55 (hkg) Catecholamine hormones, derivatives/structural analogues 541.56 (hkg) Prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes, their derivatives/structural analogues TOTAL 0 490 1 4463 0 4159 541.59 (hkg) Other hormones and derivatives, natural or synthetic TOTAL 2 810 16 25378 43 23904 EU countries 2 794 11 24986 12 22109 Netherlands 1 789 7 24948 3 21558 Other 1 6 3 39 9 551 Non-EU countries 0 16 6 391 31 1795 541.61 (hkg) Glycosides and their salts, ethers, other derivatives TOTAL 163 226 3953 17836 1465 11121 EU countries 157 171 3400 10069 1230 7043 Non-EU countries 6 55 553 7767 236 4078 541.62 (hkg) Glands etc for organo-therapeutic uses; extracts thereof TOTAL 172 38900 1080 242023 873 165377 EU countries 171 38867 1067 241331 847 164800 Netherlands 170 38731 949 238035 579 128229 Other 1 136 118 3296 268 36572 Non-EU countries 1 33 13 692 25 577 541.63 (hkg) Antisera and other blood fractions and modified immunological products; vaccines TOTAL 621 64911 13551 490333 16853 EU countries 290 23159 11715 184863 15709 Belgium 32 1658 425 15880 647 226760 107927 13905 541.63 - continued Germany Spain Great Britain Netherlands Other Non-EU countries Switzerland South Korea United States Other 45 54 107 27 24 331 108 2 216 6 2700 1897 7944 7523 1437 41753 4500 2859 34247 147 597 283 7861 775 1773 1836 164 11 1473 187 36702 12092 58953 48348 12888 305470 35385 3147 258984 7955 510 284 12549 686 1033 1144 160 843 141 30056 15970 16912 23000 8085 118833 10444 2 101484 6903 541.64 (hkg) Human and animal blood; toxins, cultures similar products TOTAL 120 1298 3464 72417 8359 89138 EU countries 87 961 2923 19094 7758 27331 Great Britain 59 394 2231 10609 4508 12725 Other 28 567 692 8486 3250 14605 Non-EU countries 33 337 541 53322 601 61807 United States 24 286 373 52407 493 60804 Other 9 51 168 916 108 1002 541.91 (hkg) Wadding, gauze, bandages etc for sale for medical use TOTAL 2572 3216 33172 37733 57829 38172 EU countries 2098 2588 27013 31239 52285 32791 Great Britain 1271 2131 15216 25020 35600 26157 Other 827 457 11797 6219 16685 6635 Non-EU countries 474 628 6159 6494 5544 5381 541.92 (hkg) Blood-grouping reagents TOTAL 25 497 267 4745 260 4338 541.93 (hkg) Opacifying preparations for x-rays; diagnostic reagents TOTAL 443 2510 5225 28391 4403 23570 EU countries 5 113 185 1741 136 1408 Non-EU countries 438 2397 5041 26649 4267 22162 China 438 2393 4889 25446 4123 20710 Other 0 4 152 1203 143 1452 541.99 (hkg) Other pharmaceutical goods; waste pharmaceuticals TOTAL 967 2181 138827 23300 18720 EU countries 890 1649 137488 17719 16862 Non-EU countries 77 532 1339 5581 1858 26669 19576 7093 542. MEDICAMENTS (INCL VETERINARY MEDICAMENTS) 542.11 (hkg) Medicaments with penicillins/streptomycins, not retail TOTAL 0 1 30 80 14 105 542.12 (hkg) Medicaments containing other antibiotics, not for retail TOTAL 2 118 622 1541 230 1948 542.13 (hkg) Medicaments TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries with penicillins/streptomycins in retail form 678 2487 7689 27380 13200 43715 678 2371 7657 27001 12714 42187 564 2117 6420 24571 9507 37989 114 254 1237 2431 3207 4199 0 116 33 378 486 1528 542.19 (hkg) Medicaments TOTAL EU countries Belgium Great Britain Other Non-EU countries United States Other containing other antibiotics, in retail form 952 11932 16675 226185 13519 188841 875 4686 14580 73951 12326 82616 14 370 163 25735 524 5654 155 2307 7437 28011 2224 15446 706 2009 6981 20205 9578 61516 77 7245 2095 152234 1194 106224 64 7033 1461 147085 844 101184 13 212 634 5148 349 5041 542.21 (hkg) Medicaments containing insulin, not in retail form TOTAL 0 6 132 542.22 (hkg) Medicaments with hormones/products of 541.45, retail form TOTAL 133 3694 1420 27769 2650 35746 EU countries 130 1368 1383 5406 2600 13669 Non-EU countries 3 2325 37 22363 51 22078 United States 3 2324 23 22323 50 22072 Other 1 14 40 0 6 542.23 (hkg) Medicaments containing insulin, in retail form TOTAL 58 2540 531 23487 415 EU countries 21 1466 189 12037 164 Non-EU countries 37 1074 342 11450 251 Brazil 37 1074 342 11449 251 Other 0 1 - 18638 9619 9019 9019 - 155 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 542.24 (hkg) Medicaments TOTAL EU countries Sweden Other Non-EU countries United States Other with corticosteroid hormones and derivatives 320 6730 2084 34682 1443 16667 99 2547 978 13857 1353 14557 21 2208 87 7735 108 7518 78 339 891 6123 1245 7039 221 4183 1107 20824 90 2111 217 4094 1072 19493 9 109 4 89 35 1331 82 2002 542.29 (hkg) Medicaments with hormones/products of 541.5, retail form TOTAL 1471 2639 22851 52363 22469 58342 EU countries 1449 2489 22574 41558 22124 43875 Great Britain 1005 582 11827 10441 14492 12264 Other 444 1907 10747 31116 7632 31610 Non-EU countries 22 150 277 10805 346 14467 542.31 (hkg) Medicaments of 542.3, not in retail form TOTAL 0 0 542.32 (hkg) Medicaments TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries of 542.3, in retail form 142 1688 1155 21053 116 1503 618 18130 102 1209 480 14098 14 294 139 4033 26 185 537 2923 542.91 (hkg) Medicaments, nes, TOTAL 2553 EU countries 1341 Germany 156 Other 1185 Non-EU countries 1212 Japan 13 United States 16 Other 1183 in retail form 55081 37287 355770 7298 17065 30999 6350 390 16171 948 16675 14828 47782 20222 324771 1085 323 11731 44884 216 291416 1814 19683 21624 2 20 2542 1878 1768 109 664 12724 9730 6753 2977 2994 31275 16940 459 16481 14335 261 1190 12884 396788 22818 3805 19013 373970 11454 344793 17724 542.92 (hkg) Medicaments containing products of 541.1, in retail form TOTAL 1014 3197 10760 19779 10833 41841 EU countries 989 3135 10424 18682 10628 38986 Great Britain 908 886 8312 11386 8389 29213 Netherlands 17 2137 34 2160 15 15 Other 64 111 2078 5135 2224 9758 Non-EU countries 24 62 336 1097 205 2855 542.93 (hkg) Medicaments, nes, in forms/packings for retail sale TOTAL 18740 136136 301475 1800638 197627 1992146 EU countries 16452 97030 280609 1116949 172435 1252165 Belgium 71 5608 1562 113794 2173 130306 Germany 3960 42537 24204 377352 32926 429983 Denmark 469 5347 4942 59175 6106 74320 Spain 237 981 2796 15903 2745 17595 France 1882 18763 18650 177609 20191 213425 Great Britain 8299 10658 178425 217593 91648 216073 Italy 393 3599 4364 38511 2860 47621 Netherlands 32 1862 13128 46346 977 33432 Romania 95 3109 375 5572 526 7469 Sweden 186 1129 1066 17765 926 23255 Other 828 3438 31097 47329 11354 58686 Non-EU countries 2287 39105 20866 683689 25192 739980 Canada 164 6140 1668 79825 1571 59618 Switzerland 115 6307 2003 92078 2181 83921 India 1699 1836 10621 22305 14829 29017 Japan 57 2335 1923 75033 1819 114654 United States 109 21363 2546 393589 2544 422108 Other 142 1126 2105 20858 2248 30662 551.35 (hkg) Concentrates of essential oils in fats/oils/wax etc TOTAL 92 109 3318 1836 2901 1554 551.41 (hkg) Mixtures of odoriferous substances for use in food/drink TOTAL 9604 13002 120392 156162 129614 154809 EU countries 7511 7892 96266 96918 107738 102352 Germany 684 805 10200 13599 14436 16496 France 739 643 16933 12659 15325 12231 Great Britain 2775 4612 29895 44501 38319 49492 Other 3313 1831 39237 26158 39658 24134 Non-EU countries 2092 5110 24126 59244 21876 52457 Switzerland 218 438 4483 11351 3801 9344 United States 1075 4409 10713 39801 9503 36578 Other 799 263 8931 8092 8572 6535 551.49 (hkg) Other mixtures of odoriferous substances TOTAL 885 1357 23636 33969 EU countries 866 1281 23483 33428 Great Britain 328 611 12575 17218 Other 538 669 10908 16210 Non-EU countries 19 76 153 541 8640 8359 4363 3996 280 18839 17872 9245 8627 967 553. PERFUMERY, COSMETICS OR TOILET PREPARATIONS (EXCL SOAPS) 553.10 (hkg) Perfumes and toilet waters TOTAL 2803 10221 18259 EU countries 2726 10027 16887 Great Britain 2246 8330 12990 Other 480 1697 3897 Non-EU countries 77 194 1372 553.20 (hkg) Beauty or make-up TOTAL 14892 EU countries 13627 Germany 1108 France 1490 Great Britain 10213 Other 816 Non-EU countries 1264 United States 448 Other 817 62563 60624 46692 13932 1939 17541 16095 13030 3065 1446 58023 56452 43696 12756 1571 preparations for the care of the skin 27466 138743 276287 118311 246678 24956 126893 252398 110589 232069 1105 12215 12565 14586 15434 3021 15455 33033 17315 32612 19233 89514 194022 70329 172902 1596 9710 12778 8358 11121 2510 11849 23889 7722 14609 1445 4899 14311 2992 8616 1065 6950 9578 4730 5993 553.30 (hkg) Preparations for use on the hair TOTAL 17038 11683 183210 118114 EU countries 16529 11404 174641 112402 France 4947 2019 45111 18498 Great Britain 8260 7339 93961 74227 Other 3322 2046 35569 19677 Non-EU countries 509 280 8569 5713 203812 197918 63634 101415 32870 5894 112771 108764 17481 75272 16012 4007 553.40 (hkg) Preparations for oral or dental hygiene TOTAL 5463 4059 76820 47017 EU countries 5306 3876 75193 44534 Great Britain 3226 2828 49628 33112 Other 2080 1048 25565 11422 Non-EU countries 157 183 1628 2483 62462 60476 38601 21875 1986 39820 37878 27652 10226 1942 553.51 (hkg) Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations TOTAL 785 793 11281 8756 11153 8476 553.52 (hkg) Personal deodorants and anti-perspirants TOTAL 2062 2230 23010 24792 EU countries 2055 2216 22903 24578 Great Britain 1567 1728 18153 19978 Other 488 488 4750 4600 Non-EU countries 7 14 107 214 24606 24480 19552 4928 125 23804 23561 19347 4214 243 553.53 (hkg) Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations TOTAL 2539 1147 24093 8974 20887 8531 553.54 (hkg) Preparations for perfuming or deodorising rooms TOTAL 2004 880 27038 7576 17218 7154 551. ESSENTIAL OILS, PERFUME AND FLAVOUR MATERIALS 551.31 (hkg) Essential oils of citrus fruit TOTAL 1341 2934 33350 EU countries 47 235 2924 Non-EU countries 1294 2699 30426 Mexico 472 184 5071 United States 532 1655 6848 Other 290 861 18506 551.32 (hkg) Essential oils, nes TOTAL 100 417 551.33 (hkg) Resinoids TOTAL 46479 8265 38214 10258 14121 13835 41056 6131 34925 2448 11211 21266 86339 15996 70343 4479 22892 42973 1067 3738 762 2908 505 366 472 567 553.59 (hkg) Depilatories; perfumery/cosmetic/toilet preparations, nes TOTAL 1747 1213 15523 10930 15946 11509 EU countries 1529 1054 13311 9655 14872 10404 Non-EU countries 217 159 2212 1275 1073 1105 554. SOAP, CLEANSING AND POLISHING PREPARATIONS 3 5 554.11 (hkg) Soap in bar, cake, TOTAL 5271 EU countries 4965 Great Britain 4452 Other 514 moulded etc form for toilet use 1642 66857 19873 78307 20853 1592 65237 19567 77012 20559 1499 54657 17814 68628 19088 92 10580 1752 8384 1472 156 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 554.11 - continued Non-EU countries 306 50 1620 306 1295 554.15 (hkg) Soap in bar, cake, moulded etc form for other uses TOTAL 1697 436 20762 4453 22845 554.19 (hkg) Soap in other forms TOTAL 8528 2189 EU countries 8446 2158 Great Britain 7197 1819 Other 1249 339 Non-EU countries 82 31 294 5387 88223 87104 72225 14879 1119 23741 23340 19774 3566 401 97345 94882 78044 16838 2463 24148 23541 19196 4345 607 554.21 (hkg) Organic surface-active agents TOTAL 6364 1335 87183 EU countries 5977 1202 80955 Non-EU countries 386 133 6228 18114 15361 2752 85027 74801 10225 17751 13338 4413 554.22 (hkg) Surface-active, washing/cleaning preps nes, for retail TOTAL 43573 9396 526480 109147 510583 99160 EU countries 42399 8977 516208 105446 503714 96792 Germany 7088 1061 111610 14639 110667 14362 France 1543 735 28132 14221 37466 13371 Great Britain 32216 6787 350537 69816 330444 63491 Other 1552 396 25929 6771 25137 5567 Non-EU countries 1174 419 10272 3700 6868 2368 554.23 (hkg) Surface-active, washing/cleaning preps nes, not retail TOTAL 15944 2080 167224 24565 145164 21024 EU countries 15658 2022 161706 23396 143011 20267 Great Britain 12714 1473 119566 16048 113429 15197 Other 2944 549 42140 7348 29583 5070 Non-EU countries 286 58 5518 1169 2153 757 554.31 (hkg) Polishes, creams etc for footwear and leather TOTAL 64 25 4165 1003 6080 5087 554.32 (hkg) Polishes etc for wooden furniture, floors, woodwork TOTAL 547 150 8168 1815 7513 1695 554.33 (hkg) Polishes etc for coachwork, other than metal polishes TOTAL 45 27 913 436 917 426 554.34 (hkg) Scouring pastes, powders and other scouring preparations TOTAL 449 49 3667 474 5018 800 554.35 (hkg) Polishes, creams etc for glass or metal TOTAL 1170 609 14945 5591 13766 5993 26941 8769 562.19 - continued Russia Other 5133 - 1125 - 141982 4000 32700 890 78243 - 19311 - 562.22 (t) Superphosphate fertiliser TOTAL - 11410 3517 3396 1180 562.29 (t) Mineral or chemical fertilizers, phosphatic, nes TOTAL 5 20 2671 1355 1186 911 562.31 (t) Potassium chloride TOTAL 2400 EU countries 2400 Germany 2352 Other 48 Non-EU countries - 721 721 699 22 - 154866 119965 65598 54367 34900 42602 32717 17846 14871 9885 121704 110806 63373 47433 10898 42347 38622 21866 16757 3725 562.32 (t) Potassium sulphate TOTAL 5 10 2476 1174 6436 2752 562.39 (t) Mineral or chemical fertilizers, potassic, nes TOTAL 3 4 265 331 244 290 562.91 (t) Fertilisers TOTAL EU countries Non-EU countries Russia Other nes, with the 3 fertilising elements N, P & K 24089 7311 248874 78819 259709 85141 897 570 49027 18838 50669 21308 23192 6741 199848 59980 209040 63833 19215 5651 188236 56628 129595 41606 3977 1090 11611 3353 79445 22226 562.92 (t) Mineral/chemical fertilisers nes, containing both P and K TOTAL 2 48 3177 1246 1537 622 562.93 (t) Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (diammonium phosphate) TOTAL 0 2 92992 33023 80781 35575 EU countries 0 2 47091 17659 43540 18925 Lithuania 43204 16233 40099 17354 Other 0 2 3886 1426 3441 1571 Non-EU countries 45902 15364 37242 16650 562.94 (t) Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate and mixtures thereof with diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate TOTAL 5 7 10 13 11 562.95 (t) Fertilisers nes, containing both N and P TOTAL 336 212 6341 3205 25301 14 9513 562.96 (t) Goods of 272.1, 272.2, 272.4 or Group 562 in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight <10kg TOTAL 34 21 1779 987 1850 1193 562. FERTILISERS (OTHER THAN THOSE OF GROUP 272) 562.11 (t) Ammonium nitrate fertiliser TOTAL 2863 923 27836 562.99 (t) Fertilisers nes TOTAL 1 9189 562.12 (t) Double salts and mixtures of ammomium sulphate & nitrate TOTAL 4185 1080 56771 14817 48056 13515 EU countries 4185 1080 56771 14817 48056 13515 Germany 1991 511 38285 10101 29522 8400 Other 2194 569 18486 4716 18534 5115 562.13 (t) Ammonium sulphate fertiliser TOTAL 94 30 17217 4245 26208 7240 562.14 (t) Double salts and mixtures of calcium & ammonium nitrate TOTAL 218 60 5802 1477 1325 417 562.16 (t) Urea fertiliser, whether or not in aqueous solution TOTAL 9738 2860 106249 30715 84387 EU countries 5550 1635 51737 15061 68669 Great Britain 4768 1417 36793 10889 42215 Other 782 218 14944 4172 26453 Non-EU countries 4188 1225 54512 15654 15719 562.17 (t) Mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate fertiliser TOTAL 8 13 71 72 38 27883 22545 13658 8887 5338 49 562.19 (t) Other nitrogenous fertilizers (incl. mixtures, nes) TOTAL 29390 7194 616924 151136 648240 170360 EU countries 24257 6069 470941 117546 569997 151049 Belgium 16716 4207 190762 46145 142796 34705 Spain 78867 20372 92810 31227 France 3030 736 53827 13124 71445 17861 Great Britain 31 8 45000 12392 83209 21985 Other 4481 1117 102486 25512 179737 45270 Non-EU countries 5133 1125 145982 33590 78243 19311 5 4480 1891 16986 9598 571.11 (hkg) Polyethylene, having a specific gravity <0.94 TOTAL 16866 2290 221099 32894 277084 EU countries 16387 2193 205646 30291 249406 Non-EU countries 479 98 15452 2603 27679 41603 36472 5131 571.12 (hkg) Polyethylene, having a specific gravity >0.94 TOTAL 30018 3730 333793 44333 362637 EU countries 24013 3026 291262 39054 314494 Belgium 9172 1151 108931 14625 110051 Great Britain 10134 1161 105926 13871 111900 Other 4706 713 76405 10558 92543 Non-EU countries 6005 705 42531 5279 48143 49426 43157 15427 14679 13051 6269 571. POLYMERS OF ETHYLENE, IN PRIMARY FORMS 571.20 (hkg) Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers TOTAL 1286 233 10740 571.90 (hkg) Other polymers of ethylene TOTAL 14970 2231 205790 EU countries 14970 2231 204032 Italy 9306 1300 91846 Other 5664 931 112187 Non-EU countries 1757 2072 11764 2137 33386 33037 13380 19657 349 215106 213146 89020 124127 1960 35996 35577 13391 22186 419 3723 19550 3353 572. POLYMERS OF STYRENE, IN PRIMARY FORMS 572.11 (hkg) Polystyrene, expansible TOTAL 1723 326 20499 157 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 572.19 (hkg) Polystyrene other than expansible TOTAL 2605 841 37501 9088 28431 9030 572.91 (hkg) Styrene-acrylonitrile (san) copolymers TOTAL 4 2 333 102 349 98 572.92 (hkg) Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (abs) copolymers TOTAL 15510 2560 141869 24479 139470 EU countries 15310 2498 139623 23508 132637 Great Britain 14219 2275 113862 19062 123051 Other 1091 224 25761 4447 9587 Non-EU countries 200 62 2246 971 6832 25538 23393 21034 2359 2145 572.99 (hkg) Other styrene polmers nes TOTAL 3497 587 27598 5485 29192 7061 573. POLYMERS OF VINYL CHLORIDE OR OF OTHER HALOGENATED OLEFINS, IN PRIMARY FORMS 573.11 (hkg) Polyvinyl TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries chloride 27833 27819 13657 14162 14 not mixed with 2668 269784 2655 269716 1308 140589 1347 129128 13 67 any other substances 27152 223681 22950 27096 221692 22602 15413 122433 13486 11684 99259 9116 56 1989 347 573.12 (hkg) Other polyvinyl chloride, non-plasticised TOTAL 8351 1106 99015 12276 EU countries 8351 1106 99009 12274 Non-EU countries 6 2 94189 94184 5 12457 12455 2 573.13 (hkg) Other polyvinyl chloride, plasticised TOTAL 5907 909 97522 14310 EU countries 4117 565 78423 10848 Non-EU countries 1790 344 19099 3462 111522 92456 19066 17024 13623 3401 573.91 (hkg) Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers TOTAL 507 71 1332 166 573.92 (hkg) Other vinyl chloride copolymers TOTAL 170 149 1134 457 573.93 (hkg) Vinylidene chloride polymers TOTAL 824 143 5880 1018 9260 1356 573.94 (hkg) Fluoro-polymers TOTAL 1061 EU countries 869 Non-EU countries 192 1476 1128 348 15285 12156 3129 19800 14446 5353 11097 9104 1993 16209 12028 4181 573.99 (hkg) Other polymers of vinyl chloride/halogenated olefins TOTAL 7 43 229 1238 1167 1489 574. POLYACETALS, POLYCARBONATES ETC, IN PRIMARY FORMS 574.11 (hkg) Polyacetals TOTAL 934 454 21820 8335 48017 574.39 (hkg) Polyesters in primary forms, nes TOTAL 16591 3406 144297 EU countries 14294 2790 124701 Netherlands 11739 1988 84649 Other 2555 802 40052 Non-EU countries 2297 617 19597 30370 24936 14141 10795 5434 118100 106893 73465 33428 11207 24132 20469 12308 8161 3663 575. OTHER PLASTICS IN PRIMARY FORMS 575.11 (hkg) Polypropylene TOTAL 26273 EU countries 15315 Great Britain 3571 Other 11743 Non-EU countries 10958 United States 10435 Other 523 5182 2998 924 2074 2184 2094 90 301465 172819 66111 106708 128646 120762 7884 60330 35206 15406 19800 25124 23421 1703 314814 192740 91143 101597 122074 101954 20120 55042 33253 15203 18050 21789 18778 3011 575.12 (hkg) Polyisobutylene TOTAL 2222 719 19895 6088 21191 6209 575.13 (hkg) Propylene copolymers TOTAL 13207 2037 EU countries 11320 1810 Non-EU countries 1887 227 141812 120227 21585 21618 18711 2906 140063 129404 10659 20874 19323 1550 423 17769 4533 13889 3704 575.21 (hkg) Polymethyl methacrylate TOTAL 652 395 7871 4552 6535 4647 575.29 (hkg) Other acrylic polymers TOTAL 6252 1642 EU countries 5257 1263 Non-EU countries 995 380 86590 77973 8616 19419 15074 4344 80836 72862 7974 18183 13843 4341 575.19 (hkg) Other olefins TOTAL 1486 575.31 (hkg) Polyamide-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6,12 TOTAL 3281 966 40443 11962 30310 EU countries 3232 908 27672 8696 20314 Non-EU countries 49 58 12772 3266 9995 8982 6408 2574 575.39 (hkg) Other polyamides, in primary forms TOTAL 817 288 10428 3483 10566 3803 367 1192 283 575.41 (hkg) Urea resins; thiourea resins TOTAL 18 9 2822 575.42 (hkg) Melamine resins TOTAL 5 2 75 23 446 68 575.43 (hkg) Other amino-resins TOTAL 32456 4970 EU countries 32451 4957 Germany 21908 3236 Other 10543 1721 Non-EU countries 5 13 313545 313139 191141 121998 406 52178 52038 29916 22121 140 300133 299902 203509 96393 231 56352 56273 30444 25828 79 11809 574.19 (hkg) Other polyethers TOTAL 2799 EU countries 2487 Non-EU countries 312 653 553 100 62830 61936 894 17197 14261 2935 59194 58215 979 22680 13601 9078 574.20 (hkg) Epoxide resins TOTAL 1670 583 17983 5810 20574 6882 574.31 (hkg) Polycarbonates TOTAL 2311 745 27517 8635 26584 8687 574.32 (hkg) Alkyd resins TOTAL 1201 227 10937 2305 8485 1926 575.44 (hkg) Phenolic resins TOTAL 4822 597 44705 5512 47503 5724 575.45 (hkg) Polyurethanes TOTAL 2450 EU countries 2229 Non-EU countries 221 828 687 141 39004 33539 5465 12282 9021 3261 30461 23792 6669 9593 6858 2735 575.51 (hkg) Cellulose acetates, non-plasticised TOTAL 11 5 757 413 149 101 20 24 72 575.53 (hkg) Cellulose nitrates (incl collodions) TOTAL 101 133 825 910 1264 1319 575.52 (hkg) Cellulose acetates, plasticised TOTAL 16 18 18 574.33 (hkg) Polyethylene terephthalate TOTAL 16587 1764 150455 EU countries 15478 1630 127940 Great Britain 14000 1407 111306 Other 1478 223 16633 Non-EU countries 1109 134 22515 17291 14624 11732 2892 2667 129513 81921 61278 20643 47592 16877 11030 6882 4148 5847 574.34 (hkg) Other polyesters, unsaturated TOTAL 2610 662 33846 9078 28624 7084 575.54 (hkg) Cellulose ethers TOTAL 3642 EU countries 3518 Netherlands 2139 Other 1379 Non-EU countries 124 2414 2358 1133 1225 56 45726 44250 19785 24465 1476 27319 26595 12064 14531 725 65718 63569 27152 36416 2150 30489 29193 12108 17085 1296 575.59 (hkg) Cellulose in primary forms, nes TOTAL 441 414 13374 EU countries 66 57 8738 Germany 5530 35619 31329 29530 5516 2444 48 5218 2003 187 158 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 575.59 - continued Other Non-EU countries 66 375 57 357 3207 4636 575.91 (hkg) Polymers of vinyl acetate TOTAL 4714 806 55180 1799 4291 7752 2396 3072 41353 1816 3215 5628 575.92 (hkg) Polymers of other vinyl esters; other vinyl polymers TOTAL 1996 1142 14412 20182 16566 29990 EU countries 1626 184 7982 8004 1775 2019 Non-EU countries 370 958 6430 12178 14791 27971 United States 359 954 5283 11832 14086 27660 Other 10 4 1148 346 705 311 575.93 (hkg) Silicones in primary forms TOTAL 1306 5895 15366 EU countries 865 529 12881 Non-EU countries 441 5366 2486 United States 333 5255 1843 Other 107 111 643 581.50 (hkg) Tubes, pipes etc, unreinforced etc, with fittings TOTAL 373 640 2730 4111 2305 2524 581.60 (hkg) Tubes, pipes and hoses, nes TOTAL 691 888 6805 EU countries 501 331 3372 Non-EU countries 190 557 3433 8309 5475 2834 7680 3419 4261 581.70 (hkg) Fittings for tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics TOTAL 2856 1921 30978 20070 24671 EU countries 1839 1028 24452 11665 20112 Non-EU countries 1017 894 6525 8405 4559 15370 9561 5808 10141 2162 7979 582. PLATES, SHEETS, FILM, FOIL AND STRIP, OF PLASTICS 36857 6814 30044 29118 926 14024 12246 1777 1320 457 33165 6054 27111 26607 504 575.94 (hkg) Alginic acid, its salts and esters TOTAL 26 32 1900 2426 2652 3910 575.95 (hkg) Natural polymers and modified natural polymers, nes TOTAL 163 815 1703 3476 2057 9090 575.96 (hkg) Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polysulphides, polysulphones & plastics, nes TOTAL 5497 4364 47380 29517 EU countries 4676 3815 32377 21629 Belgium 1431 1543 15379 14254 Great Britain 2057 1985 7179 4970 Other 1188 287 9819 2405 Non-EU countries 821 548 15003 7888 582.11 (hkg) Plates, sheets etc in rolls of width <20cm (excl 893.31) TOTAL 4676 1386 50257 17319 36434 16448 EU countries 4295 1163 43033 12276 31418 10970 Non-EU countries 381 223 7224 5044 5017 5478 582.19 (hkg) Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip (excl 893.31) TOTAL 5207 3192 50075 36953 43544 32063 EU countries 4194 1742 40252 18028 36118 17291 Non-EU countries 1013 1450 9822 18926 7426 14772 United States 758 1067 5155 14475 3614 11538 Other 256 384 4667 4451 3811 3234 polyterpenes, 31104 18862 3074 6938 8850 12242 575.97 (hkg) Ion exchangers based on polymers of 571.1 to 575.9 TOTAL 99 249 1178 1153 1387 19269 6786 3035 1746 2005 12483 582.21 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of TOTAL 38731 16599 EU countries 30381 13149 France 2394 617 Great Britain 18425 10238 Other 9562 2294 Non-EU countries 8350 3450 United States 1980 1367 Other 6370 2083 ethylene, in plates/sheets etc 480932 131046 433076 113462 385055 97221 347301 83549 50384 12009 42810 10605 176527 48889 158409 39908 158143 36323 146083 33036 95877 33824 85775 29913 20781 12237 17802 9601 75097 21588 67973 20312 1700 582.22 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of propylene, in plates/sheets etc TOTAL 5810 2520 68115 23128 61804 20806 EU countries 2897 972 42287 11867 36063 10683 Non-EU countries 2913 1548 25829 11261 25741 10123 579. WASTE, PARINGS AND SCRAP, OF PLASTICS 579.10 (hkg) Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of ethylene TOTAL 730 57 14324 1055 4243 246 579.20 (hkg) Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of styrene TOTAL 1 0 25 8 37 12 579.30 (hkg) Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of vinyl chloride TOTAL 27 10 130 41 102 37 579.90 (hkg) Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics other than polymers of ethylene, styrene or vinyl chloride TOTAL 74798 6076 731028 61583 703802 EU countries 63979 5108 625620 51413 644013 France 27494 2228 234758 19904 293280 Netherlands 19935 1743 204027 17758 238672 Other 16550 1138 186835 13751 112061 Non-EU countries 10819 968 105408 10170 59789 582.23 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of styrene, in plates/sheets etc TOTAL 690 305 9380 3187 10732 2800 582.24 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of vinyl chloride, in plates/sheets TOTAL 1873 1086 24035 12462 25900 13868 EU countries 1384 683 17730 7700 21739 8488 Non-EU countries 489 403 6305 4762 4161 5379 582.25 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of acrylic polymers, plates/sheets TOTAL 542 268 7051 3271 4977 2467 63472 57855 27600 21886 8370 5617 582.26 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of polycarbonates etc, plates/sheet TOTAL 9346 2777 86690 32153 55856 25644 EU countries 3672 1203 34001 12251 21855 9429 Non-EU countries 5675 1574 52689 19902 34001 16215 582.28 (hkg) Non-cellular polymers of cellulose etc, in plates/sheets TOTAL 212 76 2525 821 3166 1071 581. TUBES, PIPES AND HOSES OF PLASTICS 581.10 (hkg) Artificial guts of hardened protein/cellulosic materials TOTAL 528 854 4940 8318 4882 8161 581.20 (hkg) Rigid plastic tubes, pipes and hoses TOTAL 7656 3229 95121 40145 EU countries 7131 2522 85231 31345 Great Britain 3209 1362 36162 17543 Other 3923 1160 49069 13803 Non-EU countries 524 708 9890 8799 89776 86392 31349 55043 3384 28994 24919 11921 12998 4076 581.30 (hkg) Flexible tubes etc, minimum burst pressure of 27.6mpa TOTAL 329 541 5383 7180 47038 6713 581.40 (hkg) Other flexible tubes etc, unreinforced etc, no fittings TOTAL 826 2972 9807 32506 10391 33035 EU countries 710 436 8600 4927 8941 4814 Non-EU countries 116 2536 1207 27578 1450 28220 United States 113 2338 1015 25147 1320 25892 Other 4 199 192 2431 130 2328 582.29 (hkg) Non cellular polymers of other plastics in plates/sheets TOTAL 2077 1018 18504 12139 21305 11527 EU countries 1297 712 13657 9058 13354 7901 Non-EU countries 780 306 4847 3080 7951 3627 582.91 (hkg) Plates, sheets, film, foil etc nes, of cellular plastics TOTAL 8951 3000 107395 32739 77906 29403 EU countries 7403 1456 91078 17223 70720 16257 Non-EU countries 1548 1544 16317 15517 7186 13146 United States 700 1228 5839 12497 4783 11631 Other 848 316 10478 3020 2403 1515 582.99 (hkg) Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip of plastics, nes TOTAL 8743 2406 57122 27461 133387 37493 EU countries 8212 2114 48507 23253 121759 19185 Non-EU countries 531 292 8615 4208 11629 18308 583. MONOFILAMENT OF CROSS-SECTIONAL MORE THAN 1MM, RODS, STICKS AND PROFILE SHAPES OF PLASTICS 583.10 (hkg) Monofilament, rods, sticks etc of polymers of ethylene TOTAL 94 292 3573 2809 2525 2183 159 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 583.20 (hkg) Monofilament, rods etc of polymers of vinyl chloride TOTAL 2938 560 28574 5804 27820 5366 592.27 (hkg) Glues based on starches, dextrines or modified starches TOTAL 1462 91 8567 677 8037 645 583.90 (hkg) Monofilament, rods, sticks etc of other plastics TOTAL 1033 594 11675 5940 14942 592.29 (hkg) Prepared glues nes; glues for retail, net weight <=1kg TOTAL 11142 2813 120697 28285 98018 28021 EU countries 10816 2365 115466 22192 91706 19512 Great Britain 6250 1606 71278 14046 57015 12946 Other 4567 759 44188 8146 34691 6567 Non-EU countries 326 449 5231 6093 6312 8508 6445 591. INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, HERBICIDES, ETC PUT UP FOR RETAIL SALE OR AS PREPARATIONS OR ARTICLES 591.10 (hkg) Insecticides TOTAL 850 260 12396 6624 6801 5800 591.20 (hkg) Fungicides TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries 467 415 157 258 51 27710 25707 13444 12263 2002 26271 24371 10773 13597 1900 28789 26672 11643 15030 2117 26975 24733 8410 16322 2242 591.30 (hkg) Herbicides, plant-growth regulators etc TOTAL 4891 1174 98888 32392 EU countries 4891 1174 98311 30613 Great Britain 300 586 26072 14186 Other 4592 589 72239 16427 Non-EU countries 577 1779 85850 85339 24159 61180 512 32594 30442 13966 16476 2152 591.40 (hkg) Disinfectants TOTAL 3845 36831 5660 704 618 355 263 86 648 45125 6337 593. EXPLOSIVES AND PYROTECHNIC PRODUCTS 593.11 (hkg) Propellant powders TOTAL - - 109 593.31 (hkg) Fireworks TOTAL 157 10 199 20 4765 221 3272 171 50668 4941 60546 6304 177 21578 1217 21767 1279 592.14 (hkg) Manioc (cassava) starch TOTAL 142 39 1570 370 1549 346 26 8 593.33 (hkg) Signalling flares, rain rockets, fog signals etc TOTAL 2 5 132 254 152 373 0 459 214 327 133 597.25 (hkg) Additives for lubricating oils TOTAL 25 9 1015 106 707 244 597.29 (hkg) Additives for liquids for same purpose as mineral oils TOTAL 837 162 5301 1005 4553 1033 597.31 (hkg) Hydraulic brake fluids etc TOTAL 104 80 2687 1042 3015 1072 597.33 (hkg) Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids TOTAL 2596 400 20038 3170 17697 2861 597.71 (hkg) Preps to treat textiles etc, with petroleum oils etc TOTAL 11 3 177 52 106 29 64 4881 744 5292 686 597.72 (hkg) Lubricating preps with petroleum oils/oils bituminous TOTAL 421 235 6784 3651 6707 3153 8 443 152 419 156 597.73 (hkg) Preps for textiles etc TOTAL 207 51 592.17 (hkg) Wheat gluten, whether or not dried TOTAL 1166 152 7241 592.21 (hkg) Casein TOTAL 16 5012 592.12 (hkg) Maize (corn) starch TOTAL 5271 481 592.16 (hkg) Inulin TOTAL 280 53 597.21 (hkg) Anti-knock preparations TOTAL 115 42 592.15 (hkg) Other starches TOTAL 553 17 597. ADDITIVES FOR MINERAL OILS; LIQUIDS FOR HYDRAULIC TRANSMISSION; ANTI-FREEZE, DE-ICING, LUBRICATING PREPS 592. STARCHES, INULIN AND WHEAT GLUTEN; ALBUMINOIDAL SUBSTANCES; GLUES 592.13 (hkg) Potato starch TOTAL 2853 99 593.20 (hkg) Safety fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters TOTAL 366 159 1705 1684 945 1887 591.90 (hkg) Other products of group 591, for retail sale n.e.s TOTAL 850 340 12252 4498 15783 592.11 (hkg) Wheat starch TOTAL 443 36 593.12 (hkg) Prepared explosives other than propellant powders TOTAL 139 297 138 9 2060 816 5884 467 1733 5076 4048 592.22 (hkg) Caseinates and other casein derivatives; casein glues TOTAL 356 159 2570 1458 2275 1399 592.23 (hkg) Albumins (excl egg albumin), albuminates and derivatives TOTAL 238 297 11450 13411 12173 17214 EU countries 65 107 1444 2000 5601 10245 Non-EU countries 173 190 10005 11411 6572 6969 United States 173 190 10005 11410 6572 6969 Other 0 1 0 592.24 (hkg) Gelatin & its derivatives; isinglass; other animal glues TOTAL 387 268 5775 4437 5215 21465 592.25 (hkg) Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives, nes; hide powder TOTAL 387 536 7295 8362 6540 9374 592.26 (hkg) Dextrins and modified starches, nes TOTAL 13229 1976 198969 21680 EU countries 12634 1856 193938 20739 Great Britain 8945 925 140490 10996 Other 3689 931 53448 9743 Non-EU countries 595 120 5031 940 135594 130739 97466 33272 4856 14017 13203 7884 5319 814 1232 411 1444 510 597.74 (hkg) Lubricating preparations containing oils or greases other than of petroleum or bituminous minerals TOTAL 554 395 9952 5043 9335 4201 598. MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, NES 598.11 (hkg) Tall oil, whether or not refined TOTAL 29 2 0 598.12 (hkg) Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp TOTAL 275 6 6033 170 5356 4 111 598.13 (hkg) Turpentine & other terpenic oils; crude dipentine; etc TOTAL 11 3 56 20 42 15 598.14 (hkg) Rosin and resin acids; rosin spirit and rosin oils TOTAL 1585 610 18951 7675 17625 598.18 (hkg) Wood tar; wood tar oils; creosote; pitch etc TOTAL 1296 98 8503 712 8562 6831 832 598.35 (hkg) Artificial and prepared waxes of polyethylene glycol TOTAL 414 121 8785 2188 8735 2734 598.39 (hkg) Artificial and prepared waxes nes. TOTAL 1949 375 20325 4191 23542 4867 160 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 598.40 (hkg) Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, excl. mineral tars and cyclic hydrocarbons TOTAL 383 124 182 599. MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, NES 54 598.50 (hkg) Chemical elements/compounds doped for electronics use TOTAL 50 1104 900 13257 1038 16579 EU countries 8 258 108 2929 119 3001 Non-EU countries 42 846 793 10328 919 13578 599.10 (hkg) Municipal waste; sewage sludge TOTAL 1 2 134 12 599.20 (hkg) Clinical waste TOTAL - - - - 1 1 598.61 (hkg) Artificial/colloidal graphite; preps based on graphite TOTAL 10 30 657 448 153 203 599.30 (hkg) Waste organic solvents TOTAL - 575 152 808 214 598.63 (hkg) Prepared rubber accelerators TOTAL 315 63 3436 822 2969 723 599.40 (hkg) Wastes of metal pickling liquors, incl brake fluids etc TOTAL 6 1 9 3 65 8 598.64 (hkg) Activated carbon TOTAL 269 840 2283 868 599.90 (hkg) Other wastes from chemical or allied industries TOTAL 0 0 181 56 132 598.65 (hkg) Activated natural mineral products; animal black TOTAL 57 11 2686 810 2214 424 611. LEATHER 51 598.67 (hkg) Prepared culture media for TOTAL 326 1815 EU countries 107 434 Non-EU countries 219 1381 United States 219 1379 Other 0 2 2731 development of micro-organisms 4392 20233 4905 17811 1389 4856 1777 5646 3003 15377 3128 12165 2983 15332 3107 12142 20 45 21 23 598.69 (hkg) Diagnostic or laboratory reagents other than those of subgroups 541.6 and 541.9; certified reference materials TOTAL 2193 15579 46736 199864 67969 197149 EU countries 1817 11549 41122 140686 61520 132966 Germany 593 2333 8448 26043 8709 29143 Great Britain 646 6350 6932 68568 12848 60615 Italy 188 1466 2479 28806 2662 28495 Other 390 1399 23263 17269 37301 14714 Non-EU countries 376 4030 5614 59177 6449 64183 Japan 60 824 693 10842 608 9600 United States 280 2989 3989 42765 4122 46204 Other 36 216 932 5570 1719 8379 598.81 (hkg) Supported catalysts with nickel or nickel compounds TOTAL 0 1 3 5 4 73 69 598.89 (hkg) Catalysts and catalytic preparations, nes TOTAL 1425 508 9842 3248 73 8107 611.44 (hkg) Hides and skins not further prepared in the dry state TOTAL 5 39 30 139 6 17 611.45 (hkg) Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, incl. parchment-dressed leather TOTAL 41 172 555 1988 634 2302 611.51 (hkg) Sheep or lambskin leather, tanned, not further prepared 611.52 (hkg) Sheep or lamb skin leather, prepared after tanning TOTAL 1 1 611.62 (hkg) Goat or kid skin leather, prepared after tanning TOTAL 3 3 3 2 611.71 (hkg) Leather of swine, without hair on (excl 611.8) - - 611.72 (hkg) Leather of reptiles, other than leather of 611.8 - - 611.79 (hkg) Leather of animals nes, without hair (excl 611.8) TOTAL 0 0 1 1 18 6 32 2812 598.93 (hkg) Compound plasticisers, stabilisers for rubber/plastic etc TOTAL 1373 439 10799 3555 11215 3109 598.94 (hkg) Preparations and charges for fire extinguishers TOTAL 127 24 1241 281 1387 307 598.95 (hkg) Modelling pastes; dental wax in retail form, etc TOTAL 470 172 2961 1594 2455 1436 611.81 (hkg) Chamois (incl combination chamois) leather TOTAL 0 1 93 98 8 22 611.83 (hkg) Patent, laminated, metallised leather TOTAL - 0 0 612. MANUFACTURES OF LEATHER OR OF COMPOSITION LEATHER, NES 598.96 (hkg) Pickling preps; fluxes etc for soldering/brazing/welding TOTAL 390 160 4069 2678 2370 1929 598.97 (hkg) Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes TOTAL 7606 550 247818 4226 64591 3537 962064 611.43 (hkg) Hides and skins not further prepared in the wet state TOTAL 14 26 6 10 2 598.91 (hkg) Finishing agents etc for textile/paper/leather industries TOTAL 1634 186 16888 1554 21303 2199 598.98 (hkg) Non-refractory mortars and concretes TOTAL 32096 451 437614 3524 25 611.61 (hkg) Goat or kid skin leather, tanned, not further prepared TOTAL 1 1 0 0 598.83 (hkg) Catalysts with precious metal/precious metal compounds TOTAL 11 56 129 426 68 1470 598.85 (hkg) Supported catalysts nes TOTAL 1 2 611.20 (hkg) Composition leather in slabs, sheets or strap TOTAL 1 1 25 24 10 63 612.20 (hkg) Saddlery and harness for any animal, of any material TOTAL 1339 1480 15714 13603 15503 12702 EU countries 202 377 2190 2224 2311 1940 Non-EU countries 1137 1103 13525 11379 13192 10762 612.90 (hkg) Other articles of leather or of composition leather TOTAL 120 152 1637 1819 1446 1298 3871 613. FURSKINS, TANNED OR DRESSED (EXCL 848.3) 598.99 (hkg) Other chemical products and preparations TOTAL 57262 9238 924861 124592 EU countries 50914 5446 878262 86651 Great Britain 17542 3002 315986 42407 Netherlands 4888 995 203732 19434 Other 28484 1448 358543 24810 Non-EU countries 6348 3792 46600 37941 United States 5397 2935 35958 26886 Other 951 857 10641 11056 419814 366326 203455 30653 132218 53488 34388 19100 104882 65451 28908 8445 28098 39431 26614 12817 613.11 (hkg) Whole furskins of mink, tanned or dressed TOTAL 1 4 0 2 613.19 (hkg) Whole furskins (excl mink) incl or excl head/tail/paws TOTAL 8 20 33 114 34 123 613.20 (hkg) Heads, tails, paws and other pieces, tanned or dressed - 161 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 613.30 (hkg) Whole furskins; pieces thereof, assembled (excl 848.3) TOTAL 1 1 17 7 11 5 625.59 (no) Other pneumatic tyres, nes TOTAL 1827 336 50572 4124 28360 2890 621. MATERIALS OF RUBBER 625.91 (no) Inner tubes TOTAL 29288 71 479762 1734 528306 1323 621.11 (hkg) Rubber compounded with carbon black/silica, unvulcanised TOTAL 390 75 3778 1376 3072 1776 625.92 (hkg) Retreaded tyres TOTAL 886 276 9642 3596 8647 3441 621.12 (hkg) Compounded rubber solutions or dispersions, unvulcanised TOTAL 3 1 582 210 357 140 625.93 (hkg) Used pneumatic tyres TOTAL 359 54 3085 535 2800 484 621.19 (hkg) Other compounded rubber, nes TOTAL 1340 463 14623 625.94 (hkg) Solid/cushion tyres, interchangeable tyre treads & flaps TOTAL 944 284 9814 3105 8360 2883 5690 19688 10969 621.21 (hkg) 'Camel-back' rubber strips for retreading rubber tyres TOTAL 125 26 1 13 629. ARTICLES OF RUBBER, NES 621.29 (hkg) Other forms and articles of unvulcanised rubber TOTAL 103 156 4761 2114 711 629.11 (hkg) Sheath contraceptives TOTAL 31 244 621.31 (hkg) Vulcanised rubber thread and cord TOTAL 68 27 1378 604 2098 821 888 621.32 (hkg) Plates/sheet etc of unhardened vulcanised cellular rubber TOTAL 374 166 4769 1862 6801 2475 621.33 (hkg) Plates etc of unhardened vulcanised non-cellular rubber TOTAL 1271 568 12730 5847 10347 4375 621.41 (hkg) Tubes etc of unhardened vulcanised rubber, unreinforced, without fittings TOTAL 131 194 2650 2378 2859 2159 621.42 (hkg) Tubes etc of unhardened vulcanised rubber, reinforced with metal, without fittings TOTAL 482 203 4724 1883 3889 1669 621.43 (hkg) Tubes etc of unhardened vulcanised rubber, reinforced with textile materials, without fittings TOTAL 209 246 1919 2031 1776 1892 621.44 (hkg) Tubes etc of unhardened vulcanised rubber, reinforced with other materials, without fittings TOTAL 246 153 5403 2506 4584 2173 611 2855 350 1888 629.19 (hkg) Hygienic or pharmaceutical articles of unhardened vulcanised rubber, nes TOTAL 418 449 3167 4502 4939 5220 629.21 (hkg) Transmission belts or belting TOTAL 385 515 2684 5834 2038 5862 629.22 (hkg) Conveyor belts or belting TOTAL 1451 467 3710 7034 4894 9324 629.91 (hkg) Hard rubber (incl waste/scrap); articles of hard rubber TOTAL 207 248 4237 2894 4910 1870 629.92 (hkg) Articles of unhardened cellular vulcanised rubber, nes TOTAL 172 69 1873 1059 1481 709 629.99 (hkg) Articles of unhardened non-cellular vulcanised rubber nes TOTAL 10087 4639 107420 41926 74368 34370 EU countries 3545 2375 34734 23714 31887 17923 Great Britain 1261 980 14260 12420 9750 7673 Other 2284 1395 20474 11294 22137 10250 Non-EU countries 6542 2264 72687 18211 42481 16447 633. CORK MANUFACTURES 621.45 (hkg) Tubes etc of unhardened vulcanised rubber, with fittings TOTAL 190 93 2848 1387 2495 1514 633.11 (hkg) Corks and cork stoppers TOTAL 19 31 265 297 116 377 625. RUBBER TYRES, INTERCHANGEABLE TYRE TREADS, TYRE FLAPS AND INNER TUBES FOR WHEELS OF ALL KINDS 633.19 (hkg) Articles of natural cork, other than corks and stoppers TOTAL 41 7 187 65 181 67 625.10 (no) Tyres, pneumatic, new, of a kind used on motor cars TOTAL 228633 8571 2852292 104003 2628750 107804 EU countries 130752 5640 1440697 61897 1522204 68562 Great Britain 35734 1648 469544 20871 584086 27502 Other 95018 3992 971152 41026 938119 41060 Non-EU countries 97881 2931 1411596 42106 1106546 39242 China 84150 2336 1217019 33798 925991 31026 Other 13731 594 194577 8308 180555 8216 633.21 (hkg) Blocks, plates, sheets, tiles etc, of agglomerated cork TOTAL 17 18 1597 487 1242 328 625.20 (no) Tyres, pneumatic, new, of TOTAL 29085 3357 EU countries 17781 2043 Great Britain 7120 1101 Other 10661 942 Non-EU countries 11304 1314 China 10105 1163 Other 1200 151 634.11 (hkg) Coniferous wood sheets, thickness <=6mm TOTAL 605 51 9405 1075 a kind used on buses & lorries 412725 40682 300769 32618 264233 26828 205445 24703 77881 11824 65211 9950 186352 15004 140234 14753 148492 13854 95324 7915 131846 11663 65723 5150 16646 2191 29601 2765 625.30 (no) Tyres, pneumatic, new, of a kind used on aircraft TOTAL 2 1 2 1 - - 625.41 (no) Tyres, pneumatic, new, of a kind used on motorcycles TOTAL 3993 168 20048 984 14794 825 625.42 (no) Tyres, pneumatic, new, of a kind used on bicycles TOTAL 8297 50 121194 812 146799 802 625.51 (no) Other pneumatic tyres with TOTAL 5255 1192 EU countries 1296 359 Non-EU countries 3958 834 India 3484 760 Other 474 73 633.29 (hkg) Other articles of agglomerated cork TOTAL 21 7 690 303 968 483 634. VENEERS/PLYWOOD/PARTICLE BOARD/OTHER WOOD, WORKED, NES 5727 1354 634.12 (hkg) Non-coniferous wood sheets, thickness <=6mm TOTAL 12493 290 23224 2937 11954 1960 634.21 (hkg) Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips, profile shapes TOTAL 81 21 2905 694 3715 503 634.22 (hkg) Particle board and similar board of wood TOTAL 54096 2814 595061 30596 EU countries 53680 2791 583191 29993 Non-EU countries 416 24 11870 603 537714 529698 8016 25216 24773 443 634.23 (hkg) Particle & similar board of ligneous mat other than wood TOTAL 191 36 5612 548 2727 289 herring-bone or similar tread 95541 22629 100942 17504 26383 9156 46339 7160 69157 13473 54603 10345 61248 11822 45955 9116 7909 1651 8648 1228 634.31 (hkg) Plywood, veneered panels ply <= 6 mm thickness TOTAL 33739 2465 EU countries 6249 614 Non-EU countries 27490 1851 etc., (excl. bamboo), with each 344543 119208 225335 22471 8440 14031 232788 69548 163239 16424 6245 10179 162 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 634.32 (hkg) Plywood, veneered panels etc. of bamboo TOTAL 403 84 3166 901 3207 1763 634.33 (hkg) Plywood, veneered panels etc. of blockboard, laminboard, battenboard and similar TOTAL 2849 164 10859 715 6269 705 634.39 (hkg) Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood TOTAL 1049 92 9842 854 13163 1171 634.54 (hkg) Medium density fibreboard (MDF) TOTAL 33221 1968 360809 EU countries 28702 1678 310709 Non-EU countries 4519 290 50100 21329 18058 3271 318146 284770 33376 17826 15838 1988 634.59 (hkg) Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials, nes TOTAL 12115 922 96204 8119 86136 7176 634.91 (hkg) Hoopwood; split poles; sticks etc for umbrellas etc TOTAL 3825 166 78512 5515 41241 2503 634.93 (hkg) Wood wool; wood flour TOTAL 7 0 641.21 (hkg) Handmade paper and paperboard TOTAL 23 9 1133 180 1241 267 641.22 (hkg) Paper and board used as a base for sensitive paper/board TOTAL 4363 454 41866 4507 38941 4456 641.24 (hkg) Wallpaper base TOTAL 185 51 2437 790 3377 727 641.26 (hkg) Other paper and paperboard, without fibres obtained by a mechanical or chemi-mechanical process or where <= 10 % TOTAL 75373 5387 779857 57554 901326 57007 EU countries 68610 4865 685201 49583 798660 48270 Germany 12386 1008 139544 11823 113308 10090 Finland 14945 1160 188972 14109 114444 8407 Great Britain 26683 1242 227937 11083 436551 17246 Other 14596 1455 128748 12568 134357 12527 Non-EU countries 6762 522 94656 7971 102666 8737 641.29 (hkg) Other paper and paperboard, of which >10% of total fibre, by weight, consists of fibres derived by a mechanical or 2865 250 43069 3709 46087 3690 TOTAL 267 32 953 47 641.31 (hkg) Carbon/self copy paper etc, side >36cm TOTAL 2154 479 24183 4637 26070 4641 635. WOOD MANUFACTURES, NES 635.11 (hkg) Packing cases, crates etc of wood; cable-drums of wood TOTAL 379 175 4171 1525 8949 1333 635.12 (hkg) Pallets, box pallets and other load boards TOTAL 7205 431 95186 5403 67882 641.32 (hkg) Paper/paperboard used for writing, printing etc., without mechanical or chemi-mechanical produced fibres or where TOTAL 23253 2051 260288 22019 294982 24656 EU countries 22554 1957 251886 21249 280818 23411 Non-EU countries 699 93 8403 770 14164 1245 4083 635.20 (hkg) Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products TOTAL 6656 1273 68948 14911 59331 9037 EU countries 9 2 5747 3785 149 33 Non-EU countries 6646 1271 63201 11126 59183 9004 United States 6543 1251 63038 11087 59025 8973 Other 104 20 162 39 158 32 635.31 (hkg) Windows, French-windows and their frames, of wood TOTAL 2101 1419 24390 15232 26295 EU countries 1992 1395 22940 14806 21741 Non-EU countries 109 25 1451 426 4554 12676 11636 1040 635.32 (hkg) Doors and their frames and thresholds, of wood TOTAL 9585 2036 107853 20747 89594 EU countries 3874 1009 44371 9557 35361 Non-EU countries 5711 1027 63481 11190 54233 18161 8092 10069 641.34 (hkg) Paper/paperboard used for writing, printing etc., >10 % of total fibre by weight has been produced by TOTAL 15296 1310 131037 12974 137184 EU countries 15094 1296 128277 12741 135585 Non-EU countries 202 14 2760 233 1599 16578 16428 150 where 641.41 (hkg) Kraftliner TOTAL 46718 EU countries 46718 Sweden 44160 Other 2558 Non-EU countries - 2676 2676 2506 170 - 508846 508086 456813 51273 760 29689 29608 26083 3525 81 504910 504601 454221 50379 310 28646 28629 25065 3564 17 65 9534 1357 6595 988 641.46 (hkg) Kraft paper/paperboard, nes, <=150 g/m2 TOTAL 1155 142 13750 1620 61704 4785 641.42 (hkg) Sack kraft paper TOTAL 665 635.33 (hkg) Shingles and shakes of wood TOTAL 239 13 225 11 641.47 (hkg) Kraft paper/paperboard, nes, > 150 g/m2 but < 225 g/m2. TOTAL 43 10 14260 818 23236 1140 635.34 (hkg) Assembled flooring panels TOTAL 1572 285 33218 5160 24064 3579 641.48 (hkg) Kraft paper/paperboard, in rolls/sheets, nes, =>225 g/m2 TOTAL 1295 161 10350 1394 10784 1547 635.39 (hkg) Other builders' joinery and carpentry of wood TOTAL 7769 656 53359 6517 58422 5724 641.51 (hkg) Fluting paper TOTAL 10031 635.41 (hkg) Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors etc TOTAL 1087 369 13118 3611 11812 2883 635.42 (hkg) Tableware and kitchenware, of wood TOTAL 549 347 5309 2548 4385 2146 635.49 (hkg) Inlaid wood; wooden cases for jewellery etc; ornaments TOTAL 415 213 4999 2479 3702 1681 635.91 (hkg) Tools, tool handles, brush bodies and handles, of wood TOTAL 299 101 4290 958 7818 1121 635.99 (hkg) Articles of wood, nes TOTAL 2213 637 28828 8609 33194 482 170260 7999 209813 9189 641.52 (hkg) Sulphite wrapping paper TOTAL 372 52 1928 296 1335 241 641.53 (hkg) Greaseproof parchment and translucent/glassine type paper TOTAL 2568 683 15171 4598 14319 4091 641.54 (hkg) Testliner TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries (recycled liner board) 29891 1621 280123 29891 1621 277928 28656 1417 203596 1235 203 74332 2194 13879 13740 10081 3659 138 233614 233520 162865 70655 94 10644 10640 7760 2880 4 57 21 33 641.56 (hkg) Filter-paper/paperboard; felt paper/paperboard TOTAL 126 91 1535 1265 2126 1577 641.59 (hkg) Other paper/paperboard, uncoated TOTAL 17586 460 215331 186840 6269 - - 8635 641.55 (hkg) Cigarette paper, nes TOTAL 2 2 60 641. PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 641.10 (hkg) Newsprint, in rolls or sheets TOTAL 40682 2364 532080 EU countries 33610 1991 496863 Great Britain 20210 1165 404114 Other 13400 826 92749 Non-EU countries 7072 373 35217 29711 27655 22181 5474 2056 520480 467209 346157 121052 53272 29747 27151 20202 6949 2596 7068 641.61 (hkg) Sack kraft paper, creped or crinkled - - 163 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 641.62 (hkg) Other kraft paper, creped or crinkled TOTAL 54 34 902 383 1581 642 641.63 (hkg) Paper tissue for household or sanitary purposes, in rolls or sheets of width >36cm TOTAL 6993 1663 81866 21587 78198 18121 EU countries 5179 1479 55039 18614 62556 16165 Great Britain 3862 994 40746 13618 50055 11515 Other 1318 484 14292 4996 12501 4650 Non-EU countries 1814 185 26827 2974 15642 1956 641.64 (hkg) Paper and paperboard, corrugated TOTAL 19514 919 194969 EU countries 19280 902 194611 Great Britain 8324 770 104819 Other 10956 131 89792 Non-EU countries 234 18 358 12716 12655 11210 1445 61 193736 192889 164955 27935 846 11534 11335 10775 560 199 641.69 (hkg) Paper, creped, crinkled, embossed or perforated, nes TOTAL 1518 139 16406 1181 12735 3537 641.71 (hkg) Paper/paperboard, coated or impregnated with plastics (excl adhesives), bleached, > 150 g/m² TOTAL 1450 143 18838 2311 16017 2498 641.72 (hkg) Other paper/paperboard, coated or impregnated with plastics (excl adhesives) TOTAL 3591 1267 28629 9295 23002 8271 641.73 (hkg) Tarred, bituminised or asphalted paper/paperboard TOTAL 781 303 6459 2506 4961 1992 641.74 (hkg) Kraft paper/board, coated, not writing, <=150g/m2 TOTAL 133 22 3408 397 662 117 641.75 (hkg) Kraft paper/board, coated, not writing, >150g/m2 TOTAL 5872 835 54132 10991 72636 EU countries 1810 423 20324 7781 61337 Non-EU countries 4062 412 33808 3210 11299 642.12 - continued Non-EU countries 3711 1268 39739 11482 27182 9485 642.13 (hkg) Sacks and bags, of paper or paperboard, base width >=40cm TOTAL 6055 712 83520 9341 86616 9517 642.14 (hkg) Sacks and bags (incl cones), of paper or paperboard TOTAL 11628 3036 109443 25075 104940 25580 EU countries 7554 1921 91635 20328 86932 20920 Non-EU countries 4074 1115 17808 4747 18009 4660 642.15 (hkg) Packing containers, nes, of paper or paperboard TOTAL 9559 763 99413 7113 116125 7055 642.16 (hkg) Box files, letter trays, storage boxes & similar articles TOTAL 1050 385 13323 3984 15979 3706 642.21 (hkg) Envelopes, of paper or paperboard TOTAL 3734 713 45323 7464 46418 7297 642.22 (hkg) Letter cards and postcards of paper or paperboard TOTAL 408 137 2014 2260 2242 1994 642.23 (hkg) Boxes of paper/board, with assortment of paper stationery TOTAL 4883 412 32234 4777 17068 4216 642.31 (hkg) Registers, note/order books, letter pads, diaries etc TOTAL 3281 1256 57012 13671 44652 13344 EU countries 2742 1011 28484 8546 23108 9014 Non-EU countries 539 244 28528 5126 21544 4330 642.32 (hkg) Exercise-books, of paper or paperboard TOTAL 140 56 9330 1278 13798 2010 642.33 (hkg) Binders, folders and file covers,of paper or paperboard TOTAL 2569 459 28039 4031 27789 4122 6005 4999 1006 642.34 (hkg) Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets TOTAL 190 59 3221 738 3801 823 641.76 (hkg) Other kraft paper & paperboard, coated, not writing TOTAL 9767 863 74641 7076 61998 6073 642.35 (hkg) Paper or paperboard albums for samples or collections TOTAL 88 61 491 467 748 605 641.77 (hkg) Other paper & paperboard, coated, not for writing etc TOTAL 11579 1123 108957 12443 109295 12181 EU countries 11557 1120 107926 12330 107975 12069 Non-EU countries 22 3 1031 113 1320 113 642.39 (hkg) Book covers, blotting pads and other stationery, nes TOTAL 3452 780 53768 11503 46534 8916 EU countries 3356 732 50378 10239 43689 8032 Non-EU countries 96 48 3390 1265 2845 884 641.78 (hkg) Gummed or adhesive paper/paperboard TOTAL 8540 1955 75665 17328 EU countries 8098 1751 72247 16110 Non-EU countries 442 204 3418 1218 642.41 (hkg) Cigarette paper, cut to size TOTAL 51 174 589 82453 79433 3019 17498 16344 1154 641.79 (hkg) Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated etc. with wax, oil, TOTAL 4406 961 30513 7581 26313 6761 2304 571 2918 642.42 (hkg) Carbon, copying and transfer papers, cut to size TOTAL 271 42 2527 490 4154 1299 641.92 (hkg) Composite paper/paperboard (layers of paper/paperboard stuck together with adhesive), uncoated, in rolls/sheets TOTAL 1323 166 14082 1557 9537 1003 642.43 (hkg) Toilet paper, cut to size, in rolls or in TOTAL 28970 7298 338024 78377 EU countries 28077 7129 328501 77056 Great Britain 25765 6532 296547 70420 Other 2312 598 31954 6637 Non-EU countries 893 168 9523 1320 641.93 (hkg) Filter blocks, slabs and plates, of paper pulp TOTAL 14 29 154 182 202 170 642.45 (hkg) Filter paper and paperboard, cut to size or shape TOTAL 1445 226 21533 2898 8219 641.94 (hkg) Wallpaper etc, window transparencies of paper TOTAL 544 393 5595 3946 5706 3757 642. PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, CUT TO SIZE OR SHAPE, AND ARTICLES OF PAPER OR PAPERBOARD 642.11 (hkg) Cartons, boxes and TOTAL 36083 EU countries 27623 Great Britain 18164 Northern Ireland 7044 Other 2415 Non-EU countries 8459 cases, of corrugated paper/paperboard 5759 434176 66351 410405 67268 4563 349707 53507 333025 54906 2878 238147 31613 201621 27334 1127 68710 12571 70912 13152 558 42850 9323 60492 14420 1196 84469 12844 77379 12362 642.12 (hkg) Folding cartons, boxes etc of non-corrugated paper/board TOTAL 36003 6755 360058 60767 261987 49031 EU countries 32292 5487 320319 49284 234805 39546 Great Britain 2437 746 62738 10493 44897 10225 Netherlands 17155 1964 138566 16502 88646 10660 Sweden 8428 1816 61870 12076 29867 8219 Other 4272 962 57146 10214 71395 10443 sheets 330092 318999 282218 36781 11092 73078 71804 64298 7506 1274 1643 642.91 (hkg) Bobbins, spools etc of paper pulp, paper or paperboard TOTAL 1500 204 18437 2320 26522 2710 642.93 (hkg) Trays, dishes, plates, cups etc of paper or paperboard TOTAL 4870 1383 48301 15551 38249 11626 EU countries 2351 815 23275 10027 25358 8679 Non-EU countries 2518 569 25027 5523 12891 2947 642.94 (hkg) Paper handkerchiefs, towels, tablecloths, TOTAL 28656 8013 320744 90754 EU countries 27224 7597 309855 87546 Great Britain 20638 6301 230220 72850 Other 6586 1295 79635 14696 Non-EU countries 1432 416 10889 3208 garments 307735 298077 221728 76348 9658 etc 85862 83120 67140 15979 2742 642.95 (hkg) Sanitary towels & tampons, napkins/liners for babies etc TOTAL 2162 1405 25464 16864 68827 41171 EU countries 2144 1393 24486 16451 65895 39795 Non-EU countries 17 12 977 413 2932 1376 164 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 642.99 (hkg) Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding cellulose fibres cut to size or shape; other TOTAL 6207 1398 63615 13983 EU countries 5954 1257 55926 11368 Non-EU countries 253 141 7689 2615 or webs of articles of 65022 16399 50211 11987 14812 4412 651.12 (hkg) Yarn of carded wool, >85% wool, not for retail sale TOTAL 209 312 2013 3177 1573 2432 651.13 (hkg) Yarn of combed wool, >85% wool, not for retail sale TOTAL 650 586 6106 5848 4583 4734 651.14 (hkg) Yarn of fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale TOTAL 160 210 1107 1492 1608 2073 2 103 651.18 (hkg) Yarn of combed wool, <85% wool, not for retail sale TOTAL 9 23 37 96 132 256 6 651.76 (hkg) Other artificial filament yarn (excl thread), multiple (folded) or cabled, non retail TOTAL 1 2 15 36 44 117 651.77 (hkg) Artificial monofilament yarn, <=67 decitex, <=1mm TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - 651.82 (hkg) Yarn (excl thread), >=85% synthetic fibres, not retail TOTAL 66 37 1034 379 1975 571 651.83 (hkg) Yarn (excl thread), <85% synthetic staple fibres, retail TOTAL 17 28 60 69 106 102 315 651.84 (hkg) Yarn (excl thread), <85% synthetic fibres, not retail TOTAL 162 147 1395 1229 1302 1110 5 12 651.31 (hkg) Cotton yarn (excl sewing thread) for retail, >=85% cotton TOTAL 108 56 848 480 899 548 651.32 (hkg) Cotton yarn (excl sewing thread) for retail, <85% cotton TOTAL 11 10 134 172 71 91 651.33 (hkg) Cotton yarn (excl sewing thread) not retail, >=85% cotton TOTAL 93 70 3129 1074 4011 1186 651.34 (hkg) Cotton yarn (excl sewing thread), not retail, <85% cotton TOTAL 34 20 222 123 250 145 651.41 (hkg) Sewing thread of synthetic filaments TOTAL 43 85 422 755 1496 730 651.42 (hkg) Sewing thread of artificial filaments TOTAL 0 1 13 29 19 46 107 112 4 1 651.44 (hkg) Sewing thread of artificial staple fibres TOTAL 0 0 0 0 651.75 (hkg) Other artificial filament yarn, single, non retail TOTAL 6 4 11 651.81 (hkg) Yarn (excl thread), >=85% synthetic staple fibres, retail TOTAL 33 44 335 476 413 611 651.19 (hkg) Yarn of wool or fine animal hair, <85% for retail sale TOTAL 1 2 312 238 466 376 651.21 (hkg) Cotton sewing thread, not put up for retail sale TOTAL 174 47 384 257 457 651.74 (hkg) Other yarn, single, of viscose rayon, untwisted or with a twist <= 120 turns per metre, not for retail sale TOTAL 0 1 651.78 (hkg) Man-made filament yarn (excl sewing thread), for retail TOTAL 22 21 112 123 196 202 651.17 (hkg) Yarn of carded wool, <85% wool, not for retail sale TOTAL 6 10 117 130 62 651.43 (hkg) Sewing thread of synthetic staple fibres TOTAL 7 8 147 99 863 4 651.16 (hkg) Yarn, >85% of wool or fine animal hair, for retail sale TOTAL 22 37 197 295 121 186 651.22 (hkg) Cotton sewing thread, put up for retail sale TOTAL 4 5 52 35 651.69 (hkg) Other yarn, multiple or cabled, not for retail sale TOTAL 40 30 811 2200 607 651.73 (hkg) High tenacity yarn of viscose rayon, not for retail sale TOTAL 2 13 0 1 651. TEXTILE YARN 651.15 (hkg) Yarn of coarse animal hair or horsehair TOTAL 1 1 651.64 (hkg) Synthetic filament yarn, >50 turns p/m, not for retail TOTAL 1 1 7 6 13 12 651.51 (hkg) Nylon or polyamide filament yarn (excl sewing thread), textured, not for retail sale TOTAL 27 15 479 379 269 202 651.52 (hkg) Polyester filament yarn (excl sewing thread), textured, not for retail sale TOTAL 48 29 441 245 1581 542 651.59 (hkg) Synthetic filament yarn, nes, (excl sewing thread), textured, not put up for retail sale TOTAL 588 329 5875 3381 2142 1862 651.62 (hkg) High tenacity yarn of nylon; other polyamides or of polyesters, not put up for retail sale TOTAL 377 97 1351 377 1860 651.63 (hkg) Synthetic filament yarn, single untwisted or <50 turns p/m, not for retail sale TOTAL 25 33 231 280 260 651.85 (hkg) Yarn of artificial staple fibres, for retail sale TOTAL 0 0 0 651.86 (hkg) Yarn (excl thread), >=85% artificial fibres, not retail TOTAL 8 7 651.87 (hkg) Yarn (excl thread) of artificial staple fibres, <85% TOTAL 19 20 42 651.88 (hkg) Synthetic monofilament, >=67 decitex, <=1mm TOTAL 157 203 1562 1967 1321 651.91 (hkg) Metallised yarn of 651.77/651.88 combined with metal in the form of thread, strip etc or covered with metal 4 7 93 54 17 TOTAL 651.92 (hkg) Silk yarn not put up for retail sale TOTAL 1 2 120 116 72 65 1906 9 145 651.93 (hkg) Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale TOTAL 14 39 43 117 66 152 651.94 (hkg) Silk yarn put up for retail sale; silkworm gut TOTAL 0 0 1 1 1 0 651.95 (hkg) Slivers, rovings, yarn & chopped strands, of glass fibres TOTAL 6118 552 46309 4839 42209 4650 651.96 (hkg) Flax yarn TOTAL 25 42 216 302 317 361 651.97 (hkg) Yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibres of Group 264 TOTAL 10 1 58 16 18 3 651.99 (hkg) Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn TOTAL 153 31 730 148 346 71 652. COTTON FABRICS, WOVEN (EXCL NARROW OR SPECIAL FABRICS) 307 652.12 (hkg) Terry towelling etc (excl Group 656), unbleached TOTAL 3 3 40 38 16 233 11 652.13 (hkg) Other terry towelling etc of cotton (excl Group 656) TOTAL 50 3 538 66 546 204 165 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 652.14 (hkg) Pile fabric, woven, of cotton, uncut TOTAL 1 1 4 7 652.93 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, cotton, <=200 g/m: different colours TOTAL 0 0 1 3 6 12 652.15 (hkg) Other cotton pile and chenille fabrics, woven TOTAL 2 5 53 101 42 102 652.94 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, <=200 g/m: printed TOTAL 1 2 10 16 8 13 652.21 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >85% cotton, unbleached, <=200 g/m2 TOTAL 26 16 269 151 500 337 652.95 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, >200 g/m: bleached TOTAL 0 0 - - 652.22 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >85% cotton, unbleached, >200 g/m2 TOTAL 4 5 124 95 117 86 652.23 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% cotton, unbleached, <=200 g/m2 TOTAL 1 1 11 8 652.24 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% cotton, unbleached, >200 g/m2 TOTAL 0 1 6 7 6 10 652.25 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, unbleached, <=200 g/m2 TOTAL 0 4 3 10 3 22 652.26 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, unbleached, >200 g/m2 TOTAL 4 3 0 0 652.31 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, <=200 g/m2: bleached TOTAL 17 17 399 458 365 412 652.32 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, <=200 g/m2: dyed TOTAL 13 10 154 140 778 367 652.33 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85%, <=200 g/m2: different colours TOTAL 3 10 42 59 76 87 652.34 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, <=200 g/m2: printed TOTAL 4 25 28 109 42 158 652.41 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, >200 g/m2: bleached TOTAL 3 3 21 16 102 39 652.42 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, >200 g/m2: dyed TOTAL 39 37 281 275 130 176 652.43 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, >200 g/m2: denim TOTAL 7 10 77 128 28 40 652.44 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85%, >200 g/m2: different colours TOTAL 2 3 107 115 152 170 652.45 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, >200 g/m2: printed TOTAL 128 100 1540 1240 1246 1130 652.51 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, <=200 g/m2: bleached TOTAL 252 96 2147 876 1566 665 652.52 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, <=200 g/m2: dyed TOTAL 1 3 335 287 310 295 652.53 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85%, <=200 g/m2: different colours TOTAL 3 12 37 82 14 44 652.54 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, <=200 g/m2: printed TOTAL 4 12 3 652.63 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, >200 g/m2: denim TOTAL 1 2 4 23 652.97 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, cotton, >200 g/m: different colours TOTAL 3 6 1 6 652.98 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, >200 g/m: printed TOTAL 1 4 16 54 36 60 653. FABRICS, WOVEN, OF MAN-MADE TEXTILE MATERIALS (EXCL NARROW OR SPECIAL FABRICS) 653.11 (hkg) Woven fabrics from high tenacity yarn of nylon/polyesters TOTAL 28 71 426 896 451 566 653.12 (hkg) Woven fabrics obtained from strip or the like TOTAL 1076 304 8700 2595 9288 2402 653.13 (hkg) Bonded fabrics, of layers of parallel synthetic yarns TOTAL 0 1 5 11 9 29 653.14 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% of nylon or other polyamides TOTAL 11 16 355 363 366 373 653.15 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% textured polyester filaments TOTAL 89 78 1546 1205 1221 1191 653.16 (hkg) Other fabrics, >=85% non-textured polyester filaments TOTAL 10 30 230 369 196 250 653.17 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% of synthetic filaments, nes TOTAL 117 102 1416 1263 1082 1145 653.18 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% of synthetic filaments & cotton TOTAL 12 18 711 482 249 264 653.19 (hkg) Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, nes TOTAL 26 49 244 374 188 351 653.21 (hkg) Woven fabrics, with >=85% of polyester staple fibres TOTAL 128 111 789 835 608 620 653.25 (hkg) Woven fabrics, with >=85% of (mod)acrylic staple fibres TOTAL 4 11 10 20 653.29 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >=85% of other synthetic staple fibres TOTAL 31 5 985 174 470 82 653.31 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <=170 g/m2, <85% polyester staple fibres, cotton TOTAL 32 17 236 180 852 485 6 652.61 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, >200 g/m2: bleached TOTAL 107 36 642 221 0 652.62 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, >200 g/m2: dyed TOTAL 17 15 205 241 112 652.96 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, >200 g/m: dyed TOTAL 1 3 35 51 12 0 154 13 652.64 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85%, >200 g/m2: different colours TOTAL 20 21 137 210 207 330 653.32 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <=170 g/m2, <85% synthetic staple fibres, cotton TOTAL 21 35 29 34 653.33 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >170 g/m2, <85% polyester staple fibres, cotton TOTAL 3 4 300 133 400 179 653.34 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >170 g/m2, <85% other synthetic staple fibres, cotton 2 2 17 21 6 15 TOTAL 652.65 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, <85% cotton, >200 g/m2: printed TOTAL 6 7 63 55 402 395 653.35 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >170 g/m2, <85%, of yarns of different colours, cotton TOTAL 1 1 6 10 7 652.91 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, <=200 g/m: bleached TOTAL 3 653.41 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% synthetic, with wool/fine animal hair TOTAL 0 0 65 122 86 164 652.92 (hkg) Other woven fabrics of cotton, <=200 g/m: dyed TOTAL 0 1 5 1 12 9 653.42 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% synthetic, with man-made filaments TOTAL 416 107 1403 505 1486 624 166 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 653.43 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% synthetic, with other fibres nes TOTAL 160 139 1168 1073 1219 1054 654.92 (hkg) Fabrics, woven, of coarse animal hair or of horsehair TOTAL 0 1 0 653.51 (hkg) Woven fabrics, from high tenacity yarn of viscose rayon TOTAL 3 9 47 111 38 60 654.93 (hkg) Fabrics, woven, of vegetable textile fibres, nes TOTAL 31 21 21 30 653.52 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=85% artificial filaments etc TOTAL 6 10 28 57 57 64 654.94 (hkg) Gauze, excl. narrow woven fabrics of Group 656 TOTAL 2 3 8 8 20 19 653.59 (hkg) Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, nes TOTAL 1 36 22 302 14 55 654.95 (hkg) Pile and chenille fabrics, nes, of textile materials TOTAL 1 3 312 62 909 132 653.60 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >=85% of artificial staple fibres TOTAL 10 12 112 125 163 137 654.96 (hkg) Terry towelling etc of textile materials (excl cotton) TOTAL 77 37 598 351 485 334 653.81 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% artificial fibres, with cotton TOTAL 2 3 37 60 21 28 654.97 (hkg) Tufted textile fabrics TOTAL - 653.82 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% artificial fibres, with wool etc TOTAL 5 16 22 45 29 64 655. KNITTED OR CROCHETED FABRICS, NES 53 22 653.83 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% artificial, with man-made filaments TOTAL 91 61 1229 837 1069 739 655.11 (hkg) 'Long pile' fabrics, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 1516 151 3645 788 653.89 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% artificial fibres, with other fibres TOTAL 12 24 238 379 201 325 655.12 (hkg) 'Looped pile' fabrics, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 4 6 106 128 653.91 (hkg) Pile fabrics, uncut TOTAL 1 655.19 (hkg) Other pile fabrics, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 595 492 5472 4190 2 10 10 12 20 653.93 (hkg) Other pile fabrics and chenille fabrics TOTAL 247 219 2874 2060 2898 1920 654. OTHER TEXTILE FABRICS, WOVEN 654.11 (hkg) Fabrics of noil silk TOTAL 0 2 10 654.13 (hkg) Other silk fabrics with >=85% silk or silk waste TOTAL 4 29 80 435 95 439 654.19 (hkg) Other silk fabrics TOTAL 1 0 10 9 9 20 100 33 654.21 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >=85% carded wool/fine animal hair TOTAL 49 36 596 581 635 654.22 (hkg) Woven fabrics, >=85% combed wool/fine animal hair TOTAL 1 14 48 137 55 259 133 129 2390 2114 655.21 (hkg) Other knitted or crocheted fabrics, width <= 30 cm TOTAL 73 80 3550 2665 3861 2303 655.22 (hkg) Other, width >30cm, with >=5% elastomeric yarn etc TOTAL 7 8 73 142 57 134 655.23 (hkg) Other knitted or crocheted fabrics, warp knit TOTAL 248 621 30127 14119 13595 EU countries 230 603 27828 13309 11475 Non-EU countries 18 18 2299 810 2120 7686 6890 796 655.29 (hkg) Knitted or crocheted fabrics, nes TOTAL 138 126 1914 1317 1877 656.11 (hkg) Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics TOTAL 18 34 353 265 1687 68 187 203 654.34 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% combed wool/fine animal hair, mixed with fibres other than man-made filaments/staple fibre TOTAL 0 0 6 26 17 52 654.35 (hkg) Pile and chenille fabrics, woven, wool/fine animal hair TOTAL 13 27 264 378 61 127 18 2011 656. TULLES, LACE, EMBROIDERY, RIBBONS ETC & OTHER SMALL WARES 654.33 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% carded wool/fine animal hair, mixed with fibres other than man-made filaments/staple fibre TOTAL 3 13 27 53 654.42 (hkg) Fabrics, woven, <85% by weight of flax TOTAL 2 20 23 130 1 610 654.32 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% combed wool/fine animal hair, mixed with man-made filaments/staple fibre TOTAL 3 6 7 21 33 124 114 2 223 654.31 (hkg) Woven fabrics, <85% carded wool/fine animal hair, mixed with man-made filaments/staple fibre TOTAL 1 6 36 104 31 78 654.41 (hkg) Fabrics, woven, >=85% by weight of flax TOTAL 71 80 355 400 1 195 97 654.50 (hkg) Fabrics, woven, of jute or of other fibres of Group 264 TOTAL 48 42 1311 367 1601 438 654.60 (hkg) Fabrics, woven, of glass fibre (incl narrow fabrics) TOTAL 779 538 8164 6506 6523 5514 654.91 (hkg) Woven fabrics of metal thread etc for apparel etc, nes TOTAL 3 3 28 39 28 60 656.12 (hkg) Other woven fabrics, >=5% elastomeric yarn/rubber thread TOTAL 7 6 103 88 49 45 656.13 (hkg) Other woven fabrics TOTAL 125 123 1887 1509 1509 1324 656.14 (hkg) Fabrics with warp without weft assembled by adhesive TOTAL 93 39 499 233 405 155 656.21 (hkg) Labels, badges etc, not embroidered: woven TOTAL 8 38 257 578 267 562 656.29 (hkg) Labels, badges etc, not embroidered: other than woven TOTAL 29 44 385 554 491 526 656.31 (hkg) Gimped yarn and strip etc; chenille yarn; loop-wale yarn TOTAL 52 31 606 364 607 356 656.32 (hkg) Braids, tassels, pompoms etc TOTAL 38 72 722 909 537 721 656.41 (hkg) Tulles and other net fabrics TOTAL 3 4 44 55 8 18 656.42 (hkg) Lace, mechanically made TOTAL 2 12 41 137 34 107 656.43 (hkg) Lace, hand-made TOTAL 2 19 26 3 6 80 55 94 946 143 536 2 656.51 (hkg) Embroidery without visible ground TOTAL 5 5 80 656.59 (hkg) Other embroidery TOTAL 74 96 255 167 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 658.12 (hkg) Sacks and bags, of cotton, for the packing of goods TOTAL 8 14 1015 498 895 657. SPECIAL YARNS, SPECIAL TEXTILE FABRICS & RELATED PRODUCTS 657.11 (hkg) Needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fibre fabrics TOTAL 137 74 1200 758 1610 665 657.12 (hkg) Other felt, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated TOTAL 95 16 1827 229 1524 237 657.19 (hkg) Felt, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, nes TOTAL 299 35 3193 386 3709 482 657.20 (hkg) Nonwovens, TOTAL EU countries Non-EU countries nes 4736 3696 1040 658.13 (hkg) Sacks and bags, of man-made textile materials TOTAL 4167 1097 45817 12309 50216 EU countries 1627 428 14259 4620 12771 Non-EU countries 2540 669 31558 7689 37445 658.19 (hkg) Sacks and bags, of other textile materials TOTAL 305 104 1925 542 1378 331 12040 3676 8364 477 658.21 (hkg) Tarpaulins, awnings etc, wholly/chiefly of textiles TOTAL 176 185 3091 1869 2494 1310 2167 1379 788 31385 22650 8735 20771 11304 9467 25190 18084 7105 16968 9183 7785 658.22 (hkg) Tents, wholly or chiefly of textile materials TOTAL 63 129 4159 2980 4556 4031 657.31 (hkg) Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances TOTAL 192 64 1078 446 1609 513 658.23 (hkg) Sails, wholly or chiefly of textile materials TOTAL 0 0 18 79 657.32 (hkg) Textile fabrics impregnated, coated etc with plastics TOTAL 754 668 9166 9708 7940 8289 658.24 (no) Pneumatic mattresses, wholly/chiefly of textile materials TOTAL 1019 17 20508 265 7094 121 657.33 (hkg) Rubberised textile fabrics, other than those of 657.93 TOTAL 129 83 1969 1374 1683 1322 658.29 (hkg) Camping goods, wholly/chiefly of textile materials, nes TOTAL 14 6 2486 658 1650 538 657.34 (hkg) Textile fabrics otherwise coated etc; theatrical scenery TOTAL 71 42 1494 626 911 530 658.31 (no) Blankets and travelling rugs of wool or fine animal hair TOTAL 3386 50 31115 480 41814 498 657.35 (hkg) Textile wall coverings TOTAL 0 1 6 12 657.40 (hkg) Quilted textile products in the piece, nes TOTAL 97 28 708 288 657.51 (hkg) Twine, cordage, rope, cables TOTAL 1037 434 15399 5966 9 90 5 16 658.32 (no) Blankets and travelling rugs of cotton TOTAL 29903 146 266461 1179 225922 1230 472 93 658.33 (no) Blankets and travelling rugs of synthetic fibres TOTAL 127990 544 1022509 3642 826462 2927 11710 4233 658.39 (1000) Blankets and travelling rugs of other textile materials TOTAL 62 198 489 1580 521 1811 657.52 (hkg) Knotted netting of twine etc; made up fishing nets etc TOTAL 337 200 4327 2789 7931 3480 658.41 (hkg) Bed linen, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 410 707 4087 657.59 (hkg) Articles of yarn/strip of 651.77/651.88, twine etc nes TOTAL 254 81 2398 630 2511 712 658.42 (hkg) Bed linen, other than knitted or crocheted, of cotton TOTAL 2389 2430 22420 23417 20554 19993 EU countries 1635 1874 13274 16782 10626 12944 Great Britain 723 1402 6720 13106 5640 10250 Other 913 472 6555 3676 4985 2694 Non-EU countries 754 557 9146 6635 9928 7049 657.61 (no) hat-forms etc, not blocked to shape or with brims TOTAL 4195 5 31726 140 26705 61 657.62 (no) Hat-shapes, plaited etc, not blocked, lined nor trimmed TOTAL 1245 7 9390 26 3596 23 657.71 (hkg) Wadding; textile fibres <=5 mm (flock), textile dust etc TOTAL 1222 950 13624 10266 14731 10040 EU countries 1085 855 11740 9147 13980 9685 Non-EU countries 137 95 1885 1119 751 355 6625 4148 6122 658.43 (hkg) Bed linen, not knitted/crocheted, other textile materials TOTAL 2337 1900 27599 18994 24807 16893 EU countries 669 621 6307 4808 7517 5377 Non-EU countries 1668 1279 21292 14186 17290 11516 658.44 (hkg) Table linen, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 366 150 2141 954 1078 717 657.72 (hkg) Textile wicks for lamps, stoves etc; gas mantles TOTAL 662 153 1360 1287 2983 1305 658.45 (hkg) Table linen other than knitted or crocheted, of cotton TOTAL 325 323 3040 3170 2814 2986 657.73 (hkg) Textile products and articles, for technical uses TOTAL 1676 623 13178 7058 13887 8090 658.46 (hkg) Table linen, not knitted etc, of other textile materials TOTAL 191 159 1626 1229 1322 1423 657.81 (hkg) Rubber thread and cord, textile covered TOTAL 38 19 317 145 133 657.89 (hkg) Other (excl. textiled-covered rubber thread and cord per heading 857.81) TOTAL 7 5 122 117 52 657.91 (hkg) Textile hose-piping and similar textile tubing TOTAL 33 36 444 540 682 57 24355 3804 20551 17655 5566 12089 1342 1144 52 658.48 (hkg) Toilet and kitchen linen of other fibres TOTAL 302 393 1504 1694 398 657.92 (hkg) Transmission or conveyor belts, of textile materials TOTAL 39 113 569 1325 559 1252 657.93 (hkg) Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon etc TOTAL 37 25 142 294 86 658.47 (hkg) Toilet and kitchen linen of cotton TOTAL 1924 1529 28634 20147 EU countries 535 606 5382 6854 Non-EU countries 1389 923 23252 13292 149 658. MADE-UP ARTICLES, WHOLLY/CHIEFLY OF TEXTILE MATERIALS NES 658.11 (hkg) Sacks & bags, of jute etc, for the packaging of goods TOTAL 20 39 609 619 790 352 658.51 (hkg) Curtains and interior blinds; curtain or bed valances TOTAL 1399 1611 16167 15498 12725 13108 EU countries 576 987 8088 9619 5570 8060 Non-EU countries 823 624 8079 5879 7155 5048 658.52 (1000) Bedspreads TOTAL 13 77 658.59 (hkg) Furnishing articles, nes TOTAL 584 539 163 668 235 1086 6830 6090 6832 6141 658.91 (hkg) Hand woven tapestries and needle-worked tapestries TOTAL 0 0 2 8 168 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 658.92 (hkg) Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters etc TOTAL 1204 500 15677 6723 13083 5735 658.93 (hkg) Life-jackets & life-belts and other made textile articles TOTAL 2843 2925 159788 39356 14924 14672 EU countries 2096 2404 32680 32196 5261 8220 Great Britain 1518 1843 25165 23993 2425 5549 Other 577 561 7514 8203 2836 2671 Non-EU countries 748 521 127108 7160 9663 6452 661.31 (t) Setts, flagstones etc, of natural stone (excl slate) TOTAL 625 197 13238 2983 11074 661.33 (t) Tiles etc, coloured chippings etc, of natural stone TOTAL 76 24 1322 758 1318 661.34 (t) Marble, travertine etc, simply cut or sawn TOTAL 139 90 1674 1263 658.99 (hkg) Woven fabric rug sets etc, for retail sale TOTAL 22 38 134 286 213 2396 661.32 (t) Slate, worked; articles of slate or agglomerated slate TOTAL 2140 1230 16841 9758 13477 7442 1669 664 1339 358 661.35 (t) Monumental stone etc (excl slate), simply cut or sawn TOTAL 1659 596 14943 4966 12681 3944 659. FLOOR COVERINGS, ETC 659.10 (sqm) Linoleum; floor coverings with coating on textile backing TOTAL 28456 229 287243 1867 347564 2046 659.21 (sqm) Carpets etc, knotted, of wool or fine animal hair TOTAL 4643 89 37166 971 65029 659.29 (sqm) Carpets etc, knotted, of other textile materials TOTAL 3478 106 70669 1235 74724 1140 927 661.36 (t) Marble, travertine etc, moulded or otherwise worked TOTAL 423 230 1876 1375 1718 1242 661.39 (t) Other monumental or building stone (excl slate), worked TOTAL 3283 1358 26302 13573 20179 10820 EU countries 1250 173 3124 1774 1339 1339 Non-EU countries 2033 1185 23178 11799 18840 9481 661.81 (t) Articles of asphalt or of similar material TOTAL 616 377 11913 9097 9835 8031 659.30 (hkg) 'Kelem', 'Schumacks' and similar hand-woven rugs TOTAL 44 93 492 716 392 558 661.82 (t) Panels of veg fibres/straw etc, agglomerated with cement TOTAL 254 64 2590 968 2441 826 659.41 (sqm) Carpets etc, tufted, of wool or fine animal hair TOTAL 23202 252 298713 3287 292602 3405 659.42 (sqm) Carpets etc, tufted, of nylon or other polyamides TOTAL 78224 915 776936 8203 682196 6676 661.83 (t) Articles of asbestos-cement, cellulose fibre-cement etc TOTAL 715 430 20283 11267 18654 10306 EU countries 715 430 20135 11184 18523 10201 Non-EU countries 149 83 130 105 659.43 (sqm) Carpets etc, tufted, of other man-made textile fibres TOTAL 435978 1540 3720073 13112 2500144 10476 EU countries 330324 1353 3441887 11679 2359535 9406 Non-EU countries 105654 187 278186 1433 140609 1071 659.49 (sqm) Carpets etc, tufted, of other textile materials TOTAL 18759 72 207333 923 196667 795 659.51 (sqm) Carpets etc, woven, of wool or fine animal hair, nes TOTAL 7724 200 71159 1894 77526 1924 659.52 (sqm) Carpets etc, woven,of man-made textile materials, nes TOTAL 63087 472 454434 4089 412603 3458 659.53 (sqm) Other, not of pile construction, not made up TOTAL 21825 81 275714 1035 133533 536 659.59 (sqm) Carpets etc of other textile materials, nes TOTAL 22642 219 333563 2465 391020 2372 659.61 (sqm) Carpets etc, of felt, not tufted or flocked TOTAL 91811 177 811336 1863 652831 659.69 (sqm) Other carpets and other textile floor coverings TOTAL 27037 455 229087 3240 176563 1511 2056 661. LIME, CEMENT, AND FABRICATED CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (EXCEPT GLASS AND CLAY MATERIALS) 661.11 (t) Quicklime TOTAL 7 1 210 28 1111 662. CLAY CONSTRUCTION AND REFRACTORY CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 662.31 (t) Bricks, tiles etc of siliceous fossil materials TOTAL 71 94 2756 1096 2612 1108 662.32 (t) Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles etc (excl 662.31) TOTAL 583 326 4222 2513 3032 1842 662.33 (t) Refractory cements, mortars, concretes etc, nes TOTAL 652 238 9100 3203 8613 3099 662.41 (t) Ceramic building bricks, flooring blocks, support etc TOTAL 1681 132 6128 1999 4479 1112 662.42 (t) Roofing tiles, chimney-pots, architectural ornaments etc TOTAL 274 176 2995 1850 2398 1820 662.43 (t) Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings TOTAL 2 20 47 87 154 92 662.44 (t) Unglazed ceramic flags, wall tiles, mosaic cubes etc TOTAL 516 338 5763 3054 5082 2766 662.45 (t) Glazed ceramic flags, wall tiles, mosaic cubes etc TOTAL 4431 1794 42048 16647 33244 EU countries 3728 1527 34611 13937 27108 Spain 3147 1131 28729 10153 22468 Other 581 396 5882 3785 4640 Non-EU countries 703 267 7436 2709 6136 13629 11273 8163 3110 2356 84 663. MINERAL MANUFACTURES, NES 661.12 (t) Slaked lime TOTAL 476 10 18830 357 21283 418 663.11 (t) Millstones & grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping TOTAL 1 21 8 258 11 280 661.13 (t) Hydraulic lime TOTAL 276 65 1823 460 824 216 663.12 (t) Other millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels etc TOTAL 104 672 1335 8884 1231 661.21 (t) Cement clinkers TOTAL 1042 1617 24099 1866 663.13 (t) Hand sharpening or polishing stones TOTAL 2 28 9 661.22 (t) Portland cement, whether or not coloured TOTAL 8948 375 98130 5908 81905 5498 663.21 (t) Abrasive powder or grain, on base of woven textile fabric TOTAL 45 306 873 3578 757 2195 148 78 663.22 (t) Abrasive powder or grain, on base of paper or paperboard TOTAL 18 182 210 2088 197 1854 661.29 (t) Other hydraulic cements, whether or not coloured TOTAL 117 26 4133 1119 5076 1876 661.23 (t) Aluminous cement TOTAL - 144 - 17254 14544 76 35 218 12 663.29 (t) Abrasive powder or grain, on base of other materials TOTAL 16 309 186 4020 167 258 3374 169 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 663.31 (t) Articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster TOTAL 4204 900 38627 9038 41940 8940 664.53 (t) Glass profiles TOTAL 5 23 19 88 663.32 (t) Building blocks and bricks, tiles, flagstones etc TOTAL 5681 1417 51291 9048 59969 EU countries 5535 1319 50495 8520 59177 Non-EU countries 146 98 796 528 793 664.71 (t) Toughened (tempered) safety glass TOTAL 222 1156 2064 EU countries 177 1069 1610 Non-EU countries 45 87 453 12152 10649 1503 1569 1228 341 8401 7936 465 4979 5347 5266 5100 664.81 (no) Rear-view mirrors for vehicles TOTAL 6314 118 101738 1522 65596 1036 3108 5650 663.33 (t) Prefabricated structural components for building or civil engineering TOTAL 4642 901 9266 2236 10216 8121 7711 410 1 664.72 (t) Laminated safety glass TOTAL 420 342 2154 663.34 (t) Other articles of cement, concrete or artificial stone TOTAL 739 767 7702 7779 7952 5792 664.89 (t) Other glass mirrors, whether or not framed TOTAL 298 565 3964 6562 663.35 (t) Worked mica and articles of mica TOTAL 0 12 0 26 6 663.36 (t) Non-electrical articles of graphite or other carbon TOTAL 10 443 119 4540 166 663.37 (t) Articles of peat TOTAL - 0 69 664.91 (t) Glass of 664.3/664.4/664.5, bent, drilled, engraved etc TOTAL 72 101 725 1148 617 804 5911 664.92 (t) Multiple-walled insulating units of glass TOTAL 44 179 449 1727 - 140 52 257 663.38 (t) Articles of other substances with magnesite, dolomite etc TOTAL 0 1 39 144 30 94 663.39 (t) Articles of stone or other mineral substances, nes TOTAL 31 114 899 2751 2085 323 1386 86 664.93 (t) Glass envelopes etc for lamps,cathode-ray tubes etc TOTAL 22 293 293 3266 178 664.94 (t) Clock and watch glasses; spectacle glasses, etc TOTAL 0 10 10 102 2968 4 43 2071 663.52 (t) Exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, foamed slag etc TOTAL 76 51 1114 1249 1389 1830 664.95 (t) Glass fibres (incl glass wool) and articles thereof, nes TOTAL 893 1875 8574 17022 8547 15280 EU countries 838 1593 7857 14276 8060 13124 Great Britain 687 1305 6508 11229 6854 10460 Other 152 288 1349 3047 1206 2664 Non-EU countries 54 282 717 2746 487 2156 663.53 (t) Mixtures and articles of heat/sound-insulating materials TOTAL 301 272 1705 1889 1864 2445 664.96 (t) Paving blocks, tiles etc of glass; leaded lights, etc TOTAL 1 3 80 292 63 663.70 (t) Refractory ceramic goods, nes TOTAL 4 240 122 665. GLASSWARE 663.51 (t) Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools TOTAL 303 587 3115 5364 2437 1883 3819 96 1517 663.81 (t) Fabricated asbestos fibres; asbestos mixtures, etc TOTAL 2 4 36 125 42 128 663.82 (t) Friction materials etc for brakes etc with asbestos etc TOTAL 8 28 22 157 38 197 663.91 (t) Ceramic pots, tubs, jars, troughs, tubs etc for all uses TOTAL 47 937 179 8124 163 2154 665.10 (t) Glass containers, for the conveyance/packing glass stoppers and closures TOTAL 8383 5637 73638 59231 EU countries 8320 5263 72855 55312 Great Britain 6376 3721 59284 39479 Other 1945 1542 13571 15834 Non-EU countries 63 374 783 3918 290 of goods; 71803 70706 46916 23790 1097 59791 56108 35012 21097 3682 665.21 (1000) Glass-ceramic glassware for table, toilet, office etc use 663.99 (t) Ceramic articles, nes TOTAL 153 TOTAL 82 2845 2201 3198 664. GLASS 664.11 (t) Glass in the mass; cullet & other waste & scrap of glass TOTAL 380 36 5016 425 2741 137 664.12 (t) Glass in balls (excl of 665.93), rods or tubes, unworked TOTAL 1 35 40 608 87 665 664.31 (t) Glass, coloured, opacified or flashed etc TOTAL 0 0 11 85 664.39 (t) Other drawn or blown glass, in sheets TOTAL 160 57 4 139 57 79 664.41 (t) Float glass & surface ground or polished glass: non-wired TOTAL 4598 1932 46321 18487 41820 16002 EU countries 4075 1727 41114 16451 37266 14279 Great Britain 2640 1236 30677 12441 29922 11349 Other 1435 490 10437 4010 7344 2929 Non-EU countries 524 205 5207 2036 4553 1723 664.42 (t) Float glass & surface ground or polished glass: wired TOTAL 86 181 110 664.51 (t) Cast glass & rolled glass: non-wired TOTAL 89 45 1679 664.52 (t) Cast glass & rolled glass: wired TOTAL 12 21 63 97 150 531 953 589 1504 665.22 (1000) Drinking glasses other than of glass-ceramics TOTAL 1212 1346 10288 11915 7395 EU countries 996 1202 8546 10634 5444 Non-EU countries 216 144 1742 1281 1951 9707 8278 1429 2518 206 856 1881 1006 77 46 62 665.23 (1000) Glassware for table (excl drinking glasses) or kitchen TOTAL 158 302 1009 1930 803 1751 665.29 (1000) Other glassware, household-type, nes TOTAL 284 518 2515 5455 3135 5611 665.91 (t) Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware TOTAL 24 441 527 6052 424 6905 665.92 (1000) Glass ampoules TOTAL 541 88 1985 358 2062 380 665.93 (t) Glass beads, imitation stones etc and articles thereof TOTAL 235 171 1327 1251 1127 1060 665.94 (t) Glass cubes etc for mosaics etc TOTAL 10 20 480 275 466 665.95 (t) Signalling glassware and optical elements of glass (other than those of 664.94), not optically worked TOTAL 0 3 19 77 12 53 665.99 (t) Other articles of glass TOTAL 280 1278 EU countries 17 319 Non-EU countries 263 960 3702 445 3257 520 14289 2896 11394 2703 1041 1661 10369 4112 6257 170 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 666. POTTERY 666.11 (t) Tableware and kitchenware of porcelain or china TOTAL 570 2052 4316 18709 4604 EU countries 209 1159 1892 10122 2522 Non-EU countries 362 894 2424 8587 2082 20223 13347 6875 666.12 (t) Other household or toilet articles of porcelain or china TOTAL 29 107 206 1085 333 1190 666.13 (t) Ceramic household and toilet TOTAL 377 1248 EU countries 178 813 Non-EU countries 199 435 articles (excl china etc) 4386 12345 2604 10307 2207 8012 1206 7341 2179 4333 1398 2966 666.21 (t) Statuettes and other ornaments, of porcelain or china TOTAL 9 422 247 4616 203 4420 666.29 (t) Statuettes and other ornaments, not of porcelain or china TOTAL 64 152 687 1886 604 2011 671.49 (t) Ferro-manganese: other TOTAL 5 9 60 106 44 177 671.51 (t) Ferro-silicon TOTAL 9 20 28 91 124 - - - 7 4 22 84 172 91 485 671.54 (t) Ferro-silico-chromium - - - - - - 671.55 (t) Ferro-nickel TOTAL - - 0 16 - - 671.59 (t) Ferro-alloys, nes TOTAL - - 77 903 62 859 6 671.52 (t) Ferro-silico-manganese TOTAL 671.53 (t) Ferro-chromium TOTAL 12 672. INGOTS AND OTHER PRIMARY FORMS, OF IRON OR STEEL, ETC 667. PEARLS, PRECIOUS AND SEMI-PRECIOUS STONES 667.11 (g) Natural pearls TOTAL 672.41 (t) Ingots of iron (other than of 671.33) or non-alloy steel TOTAL 0 1 - - 667.12 (g) Cultured pearls, unworked TOTAL 667.13 (g) Cultured pearls, worked TOTAL 298 20 667.21 (kg) Diamonds, rough, unsorted TOTAL 5 166 2298 9 21373 37 672.45 (t) Other primary forms of iron (excl 671.33)/non-alloy steel TOTAL 239 163 3047 1354 1465 956 353 0 - 672.47 (t) Ingots and other primary forms, of stainless steel TOTAL 90 172 198 3483 533 9026 83 6371 672.49 (t) Ingots and other primary forms, of other alloy steel TOTAL 19 40 19 47 1 47 1192 42 667.29 (kg) Diamonds (excl industrial), otherwise worked, but set TOTAL 31 1150 354 7340 600 8301 - - - 5 667.42 (g) Synthetic or reconstituted (semi-)precious stones, unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped TOTAL 385244 130 9 4 32 46 605 312 671.31 (t) Granules of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel TOTAL 32 27 341 307 237 260 671.32 (t) Powders of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel TOTAL 4 14 112 534 385 872 671.33 (t) Ferrous products from direct reduction of iron ore etc TOTAL 6 2 300 110 284 671.41 (t) Ferro-manganese: >2% carbon TOTAL - - - 2 672.69 (t) Other semi-finished products, <0.25% carbon TOTAL 50 64 489 560 586 728 672.70 (t) Semi-finished products, >=0.25% carbon TOTAL 18 37 2653 385 118 159 672.81 (t) Semi-finished products of stainless steel TOTAL 54 249 1068 3877 878 3335 7 11 1208 145 671.23 (t) Alloy pig iron and spiegeleisen TOTAL 25 16 71 118 672.82 (t) Semi-finished products of other alloy steel TOTAL 0 1 16 73 671. PIG IRON, SPIEGELEISEN, SPONGE IRON, ETC 671.22 (t) Non-alloyed pig iron, >0.5% phosphorus TOTAL 7 672.62 (t) Semi-finished products, <0.25% carbon, of rectangular cross-section: other TOTAL 32 18 353 218 155 1 667.49 (g) Synthetic or reconstituted (semi-)precious stones, nes TOTAL 756 3 12657 127 15407 322 671.21 (t) Non-alloyed pig iron, <=0.5% phosphorus TOTAL 14 10 672.61 (t) Semi-finished products, <0.25% carbon, of rectangular cross-section: width less than twice thickness TOTAL 50 92 2466 1934 3000 2066 10 667.39 (g) (Semi-)precious stones (excl diamonds): otherwise worked TOTAL 425 9 8244 145 361629 178 667.41 (g) Piezo-electric quartz TOTAL - 7 773 667.22 (kg) Diamonds, sorted (excl industrial), unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted TOTAL 25 29 293 377 239 319 667.31 (kg) (Semi-)precious stones (excl diamonds): unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped TOTAL 4 6 26 3010 37 673. FLAT-ROLLED PRODUCTS, OF IRON OR NON-ALLOY STEEL, NOT CLAD, PLATED OR COATED 673.21 (t) Flat-rolled products plated or coated, of TOTAL 2321 EU countries 2316 Great Britain 2109 Other 208 Non-EU countries 5 of iron/non-alloy steel, not clad, width >=600 mm, in coils 1625 22524 15915 17813 13466 1604 22454 15830 17723 13379 1439 20364 14518 16832 12586 166 2089 1312 891 793 21 70 85 90 87 673.24 (t) Flat-rolled products plated or coated, of TOTAL 5468 EU countries 5442 Germany 2896 Great Britain 2171 Other 376 Non-EU countries 26 of iron/non-alloy steel, not clad, width >=600 mm, not in coils 3367 49707 31642 38360 24966 3352 49198 31325 38202 24871 1682 11020 6531 3882 2470 1433 34460 22463 30516 19927 236 3718 2331 3803 2474 14 509 317 159 95 673.27 (t) Flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel, not clad, plated or coated, of width <600 mm and thickness >=4 mm TOTAL 6 4 499 303 146 96 99 9 673.29 (t) Other flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel, not clad, plated or coated, of width <600 mm TOTAL 393 295 6174 4723 6882 5523 171 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 673.41 (t) Flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel, not clad, plated etc, nfw than cold-rolled, width >=600mm, in coils TOTAL 535 340 6954 4670 5122 3652 673.46 (t) Flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel, not plated etc, nfw than cold-rolled, width>=600mm, not in coils TOTAL 418 325 4548 3664 4460 3456 675.12 (t) Silicon-electrical steel, width <600 mm TOTAL 359 569 4664 6614 4952 7191 675.20 (t) Flat-rolled products of high-speed steel, width < 600 mm TOTAL 4 95 1 13 675.31 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness >=4.75mm, in coils TOTAL 57 192 299 1187 376 1673 673.49 (t) Other flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel, not plated etc, nfw than cold-rolled, of a width <600 mm TOTAL 97 138 738 1159 569 1085 675.32 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness 3.00-4.75mm, in coils TOTAL 129 148 818 1986 1716 1940 673.51 (t) Width >=600mm, hot-rolled TOTAL 397 297 4705 675.33 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness <3mm, in coils TOTAL 240 327 3157 3782 2519 3268 1488 248 673.52 (t) Width >=600mm, cold-rolled TOTAL 5 375 673.53 (t) Width <600 mm TOTAL 83 8428 5594 5697 1539 4817 675 3883 675.34 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness >=4.75mm, not in coils TOTAL 65 72 518 1144 596 594 1166 999 1028 675.35 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness 3.00-4.75mm, not in coils TOTAL 14 16 59 220 113 78 674. FLAT-ROLLED PRODUCTS OF IRON OR NON-ALLOY STEEL, CLAD, PLATED OR COATED 674.11 (t) Plated or coated electrolytically with zinc, width>=600mm TOTAL 852 665 5522 4493 5293 4116 674.12 (t) Plated or coated electrolytically with zinc, width <600mm TOTAL 170 158 849 860 682 640 674.13 (t) Otherwise plated or coated with zinc, width >=600 mm TOTAL 225 141 2104 1715 2606 1826 674.14 (t) Otherwise plated or coated with zinc, width <600 mm TOTAL 991 684 7394 5909 7346 5070 674.21 (t) Plated or coated with tin, width >=600 mm TOTAL 1723 2578 18149 25629 EU countries 1723 2578 18147 25622 Great Britain 1650 2485 17209 24262 Other 73 93 938 1360 Non-EU countries 2 7 19059 19058 17678 1380 2 25275 25267 23487 1780 8 674.22 (t) Plated or coated with tin, width <600 mm TOTAL 272 646 2425 5446 2386 5791 674.31 (t) Painted, varnished or plastic coated, width >=600mm TOTAL 1612 1624 24652 23939 17621 EU countries 1381 1393 23262 22537 16557 Great Britain 923 985 16352 16272 11665 Other 458 408 6911 6265 4891 Non-EU countries 232 231 1390 1402 1064 674.32 (t) Painted, varnished or plastic coated, width <600mm TOTAL 27 93 330 1223 361 674.41 (t) Plated or coated with lead, width >=600mm TOTAL 43 29 219 160 58 674.42 (t) Plated or coated with chromium oxides, width >=600mm TOTAL 1 4 7 674.43 (t) Plated or coated with aluminium, width >=600mm TOTAL 7 9 79 108 674.44 (t) Otherwise coated etc, width >=600mm TOTAL 602 1227 5843 16346 EU countries 601 1224 5100 14997 Great Britain 601 1222 5018 14906 Other 1 3 82 91 Non-EU countries 0 2 743 1349 17289 16153 11472 4681 1136 8 27 620 1779 675.37 (t) Width <600mm, thickness >=4.75mm TOTAL 32 175 240 1233 190 1190 675.38 (t) Width <600mm, thickness <4.75mm TOTAL 10 8 1033 1928 689 1262 675.41 (t) Flat-rolled products of alloy steel nfw than hot-rolled, width >= 600 mm, in coils TOTAL 101 90 607 519 299 243 675.42 (t) Flat-rolled products of alloy steel nfw than hot-rolled, width >= 600 mm, not in coils TOTAL 855 872 3342 3283 2570 2400 675.43 (t) Width <600mm, not in coils TOTAL 51 79 302 494 169 271 675.51 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness >=4.75mm TOTAL 72 196 779 2228 649 1885 721 393 1049 5725 1761 4112 675.52 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness 3.00-4.75mm TOTAL 56 138 262 675.53 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness 1-3mm TOTAL 314 757 2319 675.54 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness 0.5-1.0mm TOTAL 36 52 189 406 192 638 675.55 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness <0.5mm TOTAL 0 10 0 27 13 42 675.56 (t) Width <600mm, thickness <0.5mm TOTAL 7 59 49 785 42 392 1102 40 675.61 (t) Other alloy steel, nfw than cold-rolled, width >=600 mm TOTAL 0 0 0 0 675.62 (t) Other alloy steel, cold-rolled, width <600mm TOTAL 7 11 106 156 65 8110 7328 7180 148 782 24 - 12 52 123 675.71 (t) Products of stainless steel nes, width >=600mm TOTAL 43 144 711 2377 758 2547 97 16184 14921 14793 128 1263 674.51 (t) Plated or coated other than by electrolysis, width <600mm TOTAL 24 118 345 1389 231 1486 674.52 (t) Clad, nes, width <600mm TOTAL 0 0 675.36 (t) Width >=600mm, thickness <3mm, not in coils TOTAL 60 183 573 1548 675.72 (t) Products of stainless steel nes, width <600mm TOTAL 1 90 135 993 177 974 675.73 (t) Products of other alloy steel nes, width >= 600 mm TOTAL 30 100 427 893 287 452 675.74 (t) Products of other alloy steel, nes, width <600mm TOTAL 37 42 318 539 219 282 74 676. IRON AND STEEL BARS, RODS, ANGLES, SHAPES AND SECTIONS 675. FLAT-ROLLED PRODUCTS OF ALLOY STEEL 675.11 (t) Silicon-electrical steel, width >=600 mm TOTAL 26 28 676.11 (t) Containing indentations, ribs, grooves etc TOTAL 100 76 12999 6087 26 80 676.12 (t) Of free cutting steel TOTAL 62 98 520 607 8025 3855 151 218 172 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 676.15 (t) Bars/rods, hotrolled, in irregularly wound coils of stainless steel TOTAL 47 105 253 510 207 583 25 676.82 (t) U,I,H,L or T sections, nfw than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, height >=80mm, of iron or non-alloy steel TOTAL 5693 3288 76119 47209 62391 40168 EU countries 5693 3288 74966 46514 60925 39211 Great Britain 2761 1626 37332 23878 30857 20624 Other 2932 1661 37634 22637 30068 18587 Non-EU countries 1153 695 1466 957 676.17 (t) Bars/rods, hotrolled, in irregularly wound coils of high-speed steel TOTAL 2 11 2 12 41 676.19 (t) Bars/rods, hotrolled, in irregularly wound coils of iron or alloy/non-alloy steel, nes TOTAL 604 307 15513 6894 11591 6488 676.83 (t) Other angles, shape and sections of iron/non-alloy steel nfw than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded TOTAL 74 85 573 737 475 724 676.21 (t) Bars/rods of iron or non-alloy steel, nfw than hot rolled /hot drawn etc grooved, ribbed etc during rolling process TOTAL 4102 2107 53480 32769 47156 29612 EU countries 4102 2107 53480 32769 47154 29609 Portugal 3068 1399 34911 17165 22349 10736 Other 1034 708 18569 15603 24805 18874 Non-EU countries 1 2 676.84 (t) Angles, shapes and sections of iron/non-alloy steel, nfw than cold-formed or cold-finished TOTAL 412 305 2739 2731 1760 1742 676.22 (t) Bars/rods of free-cutting steel nes nfw than hot rolled or hot drawn/extruded (incl those twisted after rolling) TOTAL 142 130 992 779 988 1076 676.25 (t) Bars/rods of stainless steel, nfw than hot rolled/hot drawn or extruded (incl those twisted after rolling) TOTAL 13 48 277 951 272 676.29 (t) Bars/rods/sections of iron or steel nfw than hot-drawn/extruded (incl those twisted after TOTAL 2287 1657 28951 20955 EU countries 2275 1650 28517 20628 Great Britain 1748 1260 21418 14116 Other 527 390 7099 6512 Non-EU countries 13 7 434 327 976 hot-rolled, rolling) 24511 17613 24452 17542 18217 12168 6235 5374 59 71 676.31 (t) Bars/rods of free-cutting steel nfw than cold-formed or cold-finished TOTAL 588 349 6289 3820 5981 3625 676.85 (t) Other angles, shapes and sections of iron/non-alloy steel TOTAL 44 215 415 1473 594 1793 676.86 (t) Sheet piling, whether or not drilled, welded angles etc TOTAL 1107 592 8759 7931 8314 8752 676.87 (t) Angles, shapes and sections, of stainless steel TOTAL 78 268 1929 3794 1450 2863 676.88 (t) Angles, shapes and sections, of other alloy steel TOTAL 5 58 181 729 303 857 677. RAILWAY AND TRAMWAY TRACK CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL, OF IRON OR STEEL 677.01 (t) Rails of iron or steel TOTAL 17 56 124 402 103 276 677.09 (t) Other track construction material of iron or steel TOTAL 56 98 404 1197 290 790 678. WIRE OF IRON OR STEEL 676.33 (t) Bars/rods, nes, of iron or non-alloy steel nfw than coldformed or cold-finished TOTAL 117 141 1400 1544 2948 2395 676.34 (t) Bars/rods of stainless steel nfw than cold-formed or cold -finished TOTAL 136 530 1903 5692 1967 6328 676.39 (t) Bars/rods of other alloy steel (excl high-speed or silico -manganese steel) nfw than cold-formed or cold-finished TOTAL 16 37 105 507 94 335 676.41 (t) Other bars/rods of high-speed steel TOTAL 37 222 301 1865 291 1534 676.42 (t) Other bars/rods of silico-manganese steel TOTAL 0 1 - - 676.43 (t) Other bars/rods of iron/non-alloy steel, nfw than forged, hot-rolled etc incl. those twisted after rolling TOTAL 144 94 2524 1554 2475 1489 676.44 (t) Other bars/rods of iron/non-alloy steel nes TOTAL 153 276 2001 3515 676.45 (t) Other bars/rods of stainless steel TOTAL 14 220 272 3695 27 6768 678.15 (t) Wire of iron/non alloy steel, plated with zinc or similar TOTAL 42 43 1555 1806 1407 1592 678.19 (t) Other wire of iron or non-alloy steel TOTAL 5 24 89 376 50 273 678.21 (t) Wire of stainless steel TOTAL 74 1283 EU countries 27 234 Non-EU countries 47 1050 United States 19 869 Other 28 181 696 253 443 201 242 15459 2118 13341 11044 2298 825 273 552 186 366 16390 2570 13820 10899 2921 678.29 (t) Wire of other alloy steel TOTAL 171 223 2016 3546 2252 3716 679.11 (t) Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron TOTAL 57 144 2352 2831 1749 2384 679.12 (t) Line pipe (excl cast iron) for oil or gas pipelines TOTAL 871 1315 6681 11409 5058 EU countries 871 1315 4953 10645 3588 Non-EU countries 1728 764 1470 9250 7879 1370 679. TUBES, PIPES AND HOLLOW PROFILES, AND TUBE OR PIPE FITTINGS, OF IRON OR STEEL 1713 2788 279 2390 676.46 (t) Other bars/rods of other alloy steel (excl high-speed or silico-manganese), nfw than forged TOTAL 19 38 535 1437 181 463 676.47 (t) Other bars/rods of alloy steel, nes TOTAL 4 678.14 (t) Wire of iron/non-alloy steel, not plated/coated TOTAL 1166 814 7821 6180 8864 52 676.48 (t) Hollow drill bars and rods of alloy or non-alloy steel TOTAL 0 45 477 2509 1 112 27 676.81 (t) U,I,H,L or T sections, nfw than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, height <80mm, of iron or non-alloy steel TOTAL 724 729 13359 9907 11694 9236 EU countries 724 729 13185 9809 11694 9236 Non-EU countries 174 99 0 0 679.13 (t) Casing, tubing & drill pipe, for drilling for oil or gas TOTAL 978 3396 1666 5190 1463 4526 EU countries 1 19 154 549 138 781 Non-EU countries 977 3377 1512 4641 1325 3745 Japan 745 2653 745 2653 Other 232 724 768 1988 1325 3745 679.14 (t) Other, of circular cross-section, of iron/non-alloy steel TOTAL 1129 1590 6023 12153 5057 10847 EU countries 1120 1570 5946 11945 5044 10699 Non-EU countries 9 20 77 209 13 147 173 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 679.15 (t) Other, of circular cross-section, of stainless steel TOTAL 273 838 3814 8864 2450 5974 679.16 (t) Other, of circular cross-section, of other alloy steel TOTAL 17 32 393 1522 301 1088 679.17 (t) Other seamless tubes, pipes and hollow profiles TOTAL 61 75 952 903 1116 1668 679.31 (t) Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines TOTAL 9 87 356 969 347 809 679.32 (t) Casing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas TOTAL 4 6 - - 679.33 (t) Other, welded TOTAL 263 681.24 (g) Other metals of the platinum group, TOTAL 96155 1980 1993423 EU countries 93889 1974 1933073 Germany 91189 1915 1849590 Other 2700 59 83483 Non-EU countries 2266 6 60350 unwrought/powder 40467 4362272 39626 4264947 38070 3122695 1557 1142252 841 97325 form 69471 67707 63980 3727 1764 681.25 (g) Platinum etc and alloys, in other semi-manufactured forms TOTAL 84248 1323 2358110 18995 1466061 15675 EU countries 16705 459 168692 4152 132382 3392 Non-EU countries 67543 864 2189418 14843 1333679 12284 United States 67543 864 2188590 14815 1283580 12235 Other 828 28 50099 48 682. COPPER 303 2774 679.39 (t) Tubes and pipes of 679.3, nes TOTAL 0 20 2705 1674 1526 682.11 (t) Unrefined copper; copper anodes for electrolytic refining TOTAL 1 28 11 120 4 44 1 4 679.41 (t) Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines TOTAL 13 75 749 952 104 3 35 293 682.12 (t) Refined copper TOTAL 60 679.42 (t) Casing and tubing of a kind used in drilling for oil/gas TOTAL 15 44 30 80 1680 1131 679.43 (t) Other, welded, of circular cross-section TOTAL 1974 2414 16570 22956 EU countries 1406 1347 11121 11938 Non-EU countries 568 1067 5449 11019 13977 11366 2612 19257 12004 7254 679.44 (t) Other, welded, of non-circular cross-section TOTAL 2236 1372 24736 15071 16831 EU countries 1226 784 13804 9111 12293 Non-EU countries 1010 587 10933 5960 4538 10836 8287 2549 679.49 (t) Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of iron or steel, nes TOTAL 250 292 5484 5077 3590 3499 679.51 (t) Cast fittings of non-malleable cast iron TOTAL 192 415 2252 4674 59 307 479 338 525 682.13 (t) Master alloys of copper TOTAL 0 2 0 2 1 14 682.14 (t) Copper alloys (other than master alloys) TOTAL 11 26 169 952 141 1004 682.31 (t) Copper bars, rods and profiles: of refined copper TOTAL 80 654 712 5235 603 4578 682.32 (t) Copper bars, rods and profiles: of copper alloys TOTAL 166 775 1563 6691 1460 6115 682.41 (t) Copper wire: of refined copper TOTAL 19 390 230 3031 2018 12067 682.42 (t) Copper wire: of copper alloys TOTAL 175 1034 1099 6758 452 3121 1545 4234 682.51 (t) Copper plates etc, of refined copper, thickness >0.15mm TOTAL 63 494 704 5312 738 6114 682.52 (t) Copper plates etc, of copper alloys, thickness >0.15mm TOTAL 200 1164 2324 11841 2367 11305 EU countries 200 1162 2313 11809 2363 11277 Non-EU countries 0 2 11 33 5 28 679.52 (t) Other cast fittings of iron TOTAL 62 570 737 6967 520 5191 679.53 (t) Flanges of stainless steel TOTAL 45 515 303 4061 170 1785 679.54 (t) Threaded elbows, bends and sleeves of stainless steel TOTAL 42 618 632 6291 467 5470 682.61 (t) Copper foil, thickness <=0.15mm TOTAL 32 459 241 679.55 (t) Butt welding fittings of stainless steel TOTAL 23 234 319 2742 682.62 (t) Copper powders and flakes TOTAL 0 2 682.71 (t) Copper tubes and pipes TOTAL 255 1885 EU countries 253 1867 Great Britain 168 1330 Other 85 536 Non-EU countries 2 18 3533 139 2576 10 102 37 111 2288 2271 1661 610 17 15970 15710 12383 3328 260 1907 1859 1575 284 48 15129 14799 13639 1160 330 681.12 (kg) Base metals clad with silver, nfw than semi-manufactured TOTAL 200 19 930 11 682.72 (t) Copper tube or pipe fittings TOTAL 105 975 1240 EU countries 43 417 397 Non-EU countries 63 558 843 11406 4604 6802 1268 417 851 10446 3773 6673 681.13 (g) Silver (incl silver plated with gold/platinum), unwrought TOTAL 82032 56 438077 437 600936 518 683. NICKEL 681.14 (g) Silver (incl plated), in semi-manufactured/powdered form TOTAL 476680 31410532504 7354 7319024 5830 683.11 (t) Nickel, not alloyed - 681.22 (kg) Metals clad with platinum etc, nfw than semi-manufactured TOTAL 130 31 3388 634 6033 741 683.12 (t) Nickel alloys TOTAL 681.23 (g) Platinum and platinum alloys, unwrought or TOTAL 43314 1391 2150194 75119 EU countries 43287 1390 2145950 75083 Germany 43287 1390 1993738 69776 Other - 152212 5306 Non-EU countries 27 1 4244 36 225 3399 679.56 (t) Other tube and pipe fittings of stainless steel TOTAL 28 505 528 5388 418 3611 679.59 (t) Tube and pipe fittings of iron or steel, nes TOTAL 182 719 1493 7832 8239 1661 681. SILVER, PLATINUM AND OTHER METALS OF THE PLATINUM GROUP in powder 2412893 2406646 2029812 376834 6247 form 86472 86233 72500 13732 239 - - - - - 498 178 6343 385 8145 683.21 (t) Nickel bars, rods, profiles and wire TOTAL 20 762 301 9461 261 8602 683.22 (t) Nickel tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings TOTAL 19 313 485 4355 438 4048 28 608 6 683.23 (t) Nickel powders and flakes TOTAL 0 12 31 590 174 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 683.24 (t) Nickel plates, sheets, strip and foil TOTAL 3 129 65 1680 71 1140 684. ALUMINIUM 684.11 (t) Aluminium, not alloyed TOTAL 0 684.12 (t) Aluminium alloys TOTAL 0 684.21 (t) Aluminium bars, rods TOTAL 855 EU countries 762 Great Britain 621 Other 141 Non-EU countries 93 684.22 (t) Aluminium wire TOTAL 28 1 15 117 24 70 21 53 432 14 159 and profiles 2785 10460 2352 9038 1713 7150 639 1888 433 1422 33126 28090 18330 9760 5036 8272 7045 5490 1556 1227 27830 22914 14522 8393 4916 105 257 826 684.23 (t) Aluminium plates, sheets and strip, TOTAL 2912 7005 28281 EU countries 2840 6824 26580 Germany 2215 5101 21851 Great Britain 535 1400 4024 Other 90 322 705 Non-EU countries 72 181 1701 684.24 (t) Aluminium foil, thickness <=0.2mm TOTAL 787 16672 9152 EU countries 541 15778 6375 Germany 51 515 560 Spain 106 12814 1156 Netherlands 2 29 113 Other 382 2421 4547 Non-EU countries 246 894 2776 114 thickness >0.20mm 61008 30388 77536 56558 21487 50887 43393 16922 37868 11240 3761 10580 1925 803 2439 4450 8901 26649 14910 12650 6597 1992 319 3743 2260 102359 93537 19440 13468 37749 22880 8821 2 16 2 15 69 689 36 486 684.27 (t) Aluminium tube and pipe fittings TOTAL 68 244 317 1863 214 1464 684.26 (t) Aluminium tubes and pipes TOTAL 8 71 685. LEAD 6 64 283 12 187 678 29 573 689. MISCELLANEOUS NON-FERROUS BASE METALS 689.11 (t) Tungsten (wolfram), unwrought; tungsten waste and scrap TOTAL 13 483 105 2220 83 1982 689.12 (t) Molybdenum, unwrought; molybdenum waste and scrap TOTAL 3 153 2 101 689.13 (t) Tantalum, unwrought; waste and scrap; powders TOTAL 0 18 0 173 0 139 689.14 (t) Magnesium waste and scrap - - - - - 689.15 (t) Magnesium, unwrought TOTAL - 1 3 24 55 - 689.81 (t) Cobalt mattes, unwrought etc; waste TOTAL 37 841 2734 EU countries 7 197 2273 Germany 1 51 121 Other 6 146 2152 Non-EU countries 30 644 460 and scrap; powders 28690 364 8539 20698 28 1441 15072 3 229 5625 25 1212 7992 336 7098 689.82 (t) Cadmium, unwrought; cadmium waste and scrap; powders TOTAL 0 0 689.83 (t) Titanium, unwrought; titanium waste and scrap; powders TOTAL 306 78 834 1190 809 1141 689.84 (t) Zirconium, unwrought; zirconium waste and scrap; powders TOTAL 0 7 689.91 (t) Beryllium, unwrought; beryllium waste and scrap; powders 689.92 (t) Bismuth and articles thereof (incl waste and scrap) TOTAL 0 5 1 76 1 43 689.93 (t) Antimony and articles thereof (incl waste and scrap) TOTAL 0 2 0 4 689.94 (t) Manganese and articles thereof (incl waste and scrap) TOTAL 12 28 6 685.11 (t) Unrefined lead and lead alloys TOTAL 248 398 591 685.12 (t) Refined lead TOTAL 20 687.20 (t) Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire TOTAL 4 89 26 516 121044 111075 22751 46874 14711 26739 9969 684.25 (t) Aluminium powders and flakes TOTAL 0 2 687.12 (t) Tin alloys TOTAL 231 398 2692 926 4919 1 2764 22 4075 685.20 (t) Lead plates, sheets, foil etc; lead powders and flakes TOTAL 67 149 2221 3987 1034 2306 689.95 (t) Chromium and articles thereof (incl waste and scrap) TOTAL 7 16 80 727 75 829 689.98 (t) Other base metals, unwrought; waste and scrap; powders TOTAL 0 3 13 32 2 689.99 (t) Cermets and articles thereof (incl waste and scrap) TOTAL 0 12 0 41 2 16 38 148 686. ZINC 691. STRUCTURES NES, OF IRON, STEEL OR ALUMINIUM 686.11 (t) Zinc, not alloyed TOTAL 277 686.12 (t) Zinc alloys TOTAL 20 465 17 2203 116 686.31 (t) Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire TOTAL 3 9 38 686.32 (t) Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil TOTAL 36 156 429 3810 259 2321 89 3870 194 119 34 102 1586 467 1524 686.33 (t) Zinc dust (blue powder), powders and flakes TOTAL 92 200 696 1597 691.11 (t) Bridges and bridge-sections, of iron or steel TOTAL 323 605 790 1499 691.12 (t) Towers and lattice masts, of iron or steel TOTAL 107 245 8007 14606 EU countries 107 244 7681 13903 Germany 101 232 6565 11444 Other 6 11 1116 2459 Non-EU countries 0 1 326 703 691.13 (t) Doors, windows etc, of iron or steel TOTAL 218 607 3596 7512 248 475 1132 18295 16318 9545 6772 1977 29737 26031 16426 9605 3706 2484 5301 576 691.14 (t) Equipment for scaffolding, propping etc, of iron/steel TOTAL 766 889 5852 7561 2375 2886 687. TIN 687.11 (t) Tin, not alloyed TOTAL - - 3 50 4 79 691.19 (t) Structures etc, of iron or steel, nes TOTAL 1930 4817 17833 42298 EU countries 1588 3107 15569 34811 Great Britain 988 1565 8331 15280 Other 599 1542 7238 19531 Non-EU countries 342 1710 2265 7488 17326 14366 7747 6619 2960 37488 28193 14881 13312 9295 175 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 691.21 (t) Aluminium doors, windows etc TOTAL 150 479 1500 5052 691.29 (t) Aluminium structures and parts thereof, nes TOTAL 298 1449 2744 14251 EU countries 192 1175 2255 12656 Non-EU countries 105 274 489 1595 1332 2930 2551 379 5328 12391 10709 1682 694.33 (t) Screws, bolts, nuts etc of copper, threaded TOTAL 81 254 678 1952 632 1408 694.40 (t) Nails, staples (excl of 895.12), screws etc, of aluminium TOTAL 33 223 247 1976 245 2378 695. TOOLS FOR USE IN THE HAND OR IN MACHINES 692. METAL CONTAINERS FOR STORAGE OR TRANSPORT 695.10 (t) Hand tools for use in agriculture/horticulture/forestry TOTAL 386 620 1692 5721 1413 5207 692.11 (t) Reservoirs, tanks etc, of iron or steel, capacity >300 l TOTAL 133 1433 1460 8627 1590 9940 EU countries 115 543 1333 6713 1165 6576 Non-EU countries 18 890 127 1914 426 3364 692.12 (t) Reservoirs, tanks etc, of aluminium, capacity >300 l TOTAL 52 258 504 2469 521 94 543 81 476 695.22 (t) Files, rasps and similar tools TOTAL 5 60 51 6 692.42 (t) Containers of aluminium, not for gas, capacity <=300 l TOTAL 88 868 1198 11043 2507 16824 EU countries 75 751 1065 9655 2395 15271 Non-EU countries 12 117 133 1388 112 1553 692.43 (t) Containers of iron or steel for compressed/liquefied gas TOTAL 134 234 833 1946 826 2092 692.44 (t) Containers of aluminium for compressed or liquefied gas TOTAL 2 24 30 269 18 318 693. WIRE PRODUCTS (EXCL INSULATED ELECTRICAL WIRING) 511 52 470 695.23 (t) Pliers, tweezers, pipe-cutters, bolt croppers etc TOTAL 23 400 427 4499 267 3635 695.30 (t) Spanners, hand-operated; interchangeable spanner sockets TOTAL 196 1366 2360 14168 1929 11601 EU countries 59 777 476 7093 381 5648 Non-EU countries 138 588 1885 7075 1549 5952 695.41 (t) Hand tools for drilling, threading or tapping TOTAL 68 134 442 1195 238 1387 695.42 (t) Hammers and sledge hammers TOTAL 6 40 164 674 44 352 693.13 (t) Stranded wire etc, plaited bands etc: of aluminium TOTAL 11 473 1382 7220 1005 189 668 695.43 (t) Planes, chisels, gouges etc for working wood TOTAL 4 49 73 658 695.44 (t) Screwdrivers TOTAL 16 695.45 (t) Household tools, nes TOTAL 59 or steel 6176 8794 4597 6255 1579 2539 693.12 (t) Stranded wire etc, plaited bands etc: of copper TOTAL 9 83 497 1663 691 38 2653 692.41 (t) Containers of iron/steel, not for gas, capacity <=300 l TOTAL 871 2190 8166 28361 46577 26847 EU countries 819 2007 7676 24809 46087 23888 Great Britain 276 1088 2807 11682 34655 9734 Other 543 919 4869 13127 11432 14154 Non-EU countries 52 183 490 3552 490 2959 693.11 (t) Stranded wire etc, plaited bands etc: of iron TOTAL 1033 1190 6883 10450 EU countries 294 556 3755 6885 Non-EU countries 738 633 3128 3565 695.21 (t) Hand saws TOTAL 156 159 1440 168 1529 550 567 5499 623 5923 695.46 (t) Other hand tools (incl glaziers' diamonds); blow lamps TOTAL 78 653 6501 6664 695 6318 695.47 (t) Vices, clamps and the like TOTAL 25 127 175 1368 292 1761 3192 695.48 (t) Anvils; portable forges; grinding wheels with frameworks TOTAL 1 4 10 118 7 840 4680 693.20 (t) Barbed wire of iron/steel; twisted flat wire for fencing TOTAL 73 99 1369 1699 1389 1718 693.50 (t) Cloth (incl. endless bands), grill, netting and fencing, of iron or steel wire; expanded metal of iron or steel TOTAL 2711 2310 22360 23797 20006 21390 EU countries 2643 2112 20929 20004 18623 17577 Great Britain 1201 1056 12135 11790 11697 10667 Other 1443 1056 8795 8215 6926 6910 Non-EU countries 68 198 1431 3793 1382 3813 695.49 (t) Sets of different hand tools TOTAL 1 30 695.51 (t) Band saw blades TOTAL 81 55 22 343 17 257 1532 808 617 695 30 493 695.52 (t) Circular saw blades with working part of steel TOTAL 5 57 28 397 695.53 (t) Circular saw blades with working part of other materials TOTAL 10 127 213 3206 134 1651 694. NAILS, SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, RIVETS AND THE LIKE 695.54 (t) Chain saw blades TOTAL 2 511 13 350 694.10 (t) Nails, tacks, drawing pins etc, of iron or steel TOTAL 381 490 3654 5850 3669 695.55 (t) Straight saw blades, for working metal TOTAL 2 17 10 130 9 113 528 24 394 695.61 (t) Knives and cutting blades, for machines TOTAL 92 378 590 3435 519 3421 5566 694.21 (t) Screws, rivets, cotters etc, of iron/steel: threaded TOTAL 1499 5317 14639 52124 12579 46898 EU countries 1101 3427 9902 30967 8761 29666 Great Britain 855 2325 6938 20395 5820 19424 Other 246 1101 2964 10572 2942 10242 Non-EU countries 398 1890 4737 21158 3817 17232 694.22 (t) Screws, rivets, cotters etc, of iron/steel: unthreaded TOTAL 178 689 2108 6599 1184 6112 694.31 (t) Nails, pins etc, copper, or iron/steel with copper heads TOTAL 21 100 173 1015 116 905 694.32 (t) Washers and similar articles of copper, not threaded TOTAL 3 39 51 679 46 575 695.59 (t) Other saw blades TOTAL 2 46 37 23 45 695.62 (t) Plates, tips etc, unmounted, of sintered metal carbides TOTAL 5 608 57 5903 38 4997 695.63 (t) Rock drilling or earth boring tools TOTAL 19 928 147 14640 EU countries 16 251 107 1830 Non-EU countries 2 678 40 12810 South Africa 1 660 27 11980 Other 1 17 13 830 134 95 38 17 21 15557 1070 14487 12112 2375 176 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 695.64 (t) Interchangeable tools TOTAL 138 6568 EU countries 106 5098 Great Britain 70 1576 Sweden 1 2836 Other 35 685 Non-EU countries 32 1471 2911 1097 779 7 311 1814 69980 45185 16997 22245 5943 24795 695.70 (t) Sets of different saw blades, for retail sale TOTAL 36 197 298 1775 1940 1259 740 12 507 681 61996 42406 10062 23039 9305 19589 272 1583 696. CUTLERY 696.31 (1000) Razors, non-electric TOTAL 461 1056 EU countries 427 1018 Non-EU countries 34 38 6558 5626 932 11907 11292 615 7666 6737 930 9720 8882 838 696.35 (t) Safety razor blades (incl razor blades blanks in strips) TOTAL 25 1174 388 13111 373 13719 EU countries 24 1159 379 12757 353 13224 Great Britain 22 1075 332 11111 316 11295 Other 2 83 47 1646 37 1929 Non-EU countries 0 15 9 354 20 495 696.38 (t) Parts, nes, of non-electric razors, other than plastic TOTAL 0 27 3 335 3 350 696.40 (t) Scissors, tailors' shears etc, and blades therefor TOTAL 8 102 82 1003 76 924 696.51 (t) Paper knives, pencil sharpeners etc, and blades therefor TOTAL 5 62 41 463 37 477 696.55 (t) Manicure/pedicure sets and instruments (incl nail files) TOTAL 16 319 101 3008 94 3742 696.59 (t) Articles of cutlery, nes TOTAL 4 66 41 536 49 512 696.61 (t) Sets of assorted cutlery articles containing at least one article plated with precious metal TOTAL 52 323 795 3497 401 2373 696.62 (t) Sets of assorted cutlery articles, nes TOTAL 22 210 315 2304 358 2616 696.63 (t) Articles, not in sets, plated with precious metal TOTAL 1 12 3 78 4 61 696.69 (t) Articles of cutlery nes, not in sets TOTAL 34 251 482 2451 378 696.80 (t) Knives with cutting blades, and blades therefor TOTAL 45 470 448 4708 474 431 697.43 (t) Household articles and parts thereof, nes, of aluminium TOTAL 99 613 899 5375 990 5341 697.44 (t) Iron/steel wool; pot scourers, gloves etc of iron/steel TOTAL 278 623 2067 4604 1619 3335 697.51 (t) Sanitary ware and parts thereof, nes, of iron or steel TOTAL 214 748 1466 6115 862 4313 697.52 (t) Sanitary ware and parts thereof, nes, of copper TOTAL 22 202 155 1225 149 1287 697.53 (t) Sanitary ware and parts thereof, nes, of aluminium TOTAL 90 410 1646 9766 1386 8548 697.81 (t) Mech appliances, hand-operated, weight <=10kg, for preparing or serving of food or drink TOTAL 5 53 90 1012 84 751 697.82 (t) Statuettes, picture frames, mirrors etc of base metal TOTAL 89 482 992 6099 1055 6485 699. MANUFACTURES OF BASE METAL, NES 699.11 (t) Padlocks, locks, keys, of base metal TOTAL 134 1324 1489 13899 EU countries 105 1139 1161 11380 Non-EU countries 29 186 327 2520 1752 1459 293 11899 9557 2342 699.12 (t) Armoured safes, doors, deposit lockers etc, of base metal TOTAL 67 164 569 1801 514 1548 699.13 (t) Hinges, of base metal TOTAL 125 702 1182 6668 942 5303 699.14 (t) Castors, of base metal TOTAL 34 96 308 1231 222 961 699.15 (t) Other mountings, fittings etc, for motor vehicles TOTAL 112 298 445 1752 89 944 699.16 (t) Other mountings, fittings etc, for buildings TOTAL 172 1321 1383 10782 EU countries 73 728 684 6071 Non-EU countries 99 592 699 4711 1061 503 558 8614 4563 4051 699.17 (t) Other mountings, fittings etc, for furniture TOTAL 131 676 1742 7503 1298 5426 699.19 (t) Mountings, fittings etc, of base metal, nes TOTAL 210 1206 2375 14594 EU countries 147 777 1475 8244 Non-EU countries 63 430 900 6350 1843 1067 776 11523 6393 5130 7 41 2193 4812 697. HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT OF BASE METAL, NES 697.31 (t) Domestic cooking appliances, TOTAL 410 2079 EU countries 248 1661 Great Britain 183 1240 Other 65 421 Non-EU countries 162 418 697.42 (t) Household articles and parts thereof, nes, of copper TOTAL 3 33 24 230 50 non-electric, of iron/steel 5915 20706 3575 15393 3673 14924 1994 11204 2856 10676 1490 8436 817 4248 504 2768 2243 5783 1581 4188 697.32 (t) Domestic stoves (excl cooking), grates etc, of iron/steel TOTAL 773 1940 4046 10839 3321 9387 EU countries 230 817 1262 4930 1086 4960 Non-EU countries 542 1123 2784 5909 2236 4427 697.33 (t) Parts, of iron/steel, of the TOTAL 696 2555 EU countries 637 2385 Great Britain 526 2035 Other 110 350 Non-EU countries 59 170 appliances of 697.31/697.32 3473 12093 3233 10605 2685 10332 2241 8444 1885 7822 1042 5120 799 2509 1200 3324 788 1762 992 2160 697.41 (t) Household articles and parts TOTAL 614 3597 EU countries 281 2518 Great Britain 255 2331 Other 26 188 Non-EU countries 333 1079 thereof, nes, of iron/steel 4748 31367 4110 27317 2632 23362 2254 20147 2044 19978 1790 17461 588 3383 464 2686 2117 8005 1857 7169 699.21 (t) Skid chain of iron or steel TOTAL 0 3 5 42 699.22 (t) Chain (other than skid or articulated link) of iron/steel TOTAL 32 109 618 1892 590 2022 699.31 (t) Sewing/knitting needles, crochet hooks etc, for hand use TOTAL 9 484 92 4656 98 4764 699.32 (t) Safety pins and other pins, of iron or steel, nes TOTAL 1 18 10 110 8 85 699.33 (t) Clasps used for clothing etc; rivets; beads/spangles TOTAL 10 206 172 2394 137 1972 699.40 (t) Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel TOTAL 165 1048 1484 9447 1191 8496 699.51 (t) Flexible tubing of base metal, with or without fittings TOTAL 23 490 345 4947 1016 5872 699.52 (t) Bells, gongs etc, non-electric, and parts thereof TOTAL 15 86 310 1108 189 699.53 (t) Stoppers, lids, seals and other packing accessories TOTAL 3305 2625 23644 26973 46446 EU countries 3155 1809 22487 20584 45309 Great Britain 816 1279 2659 13236 2953 Other 2339 530 19828 7349 42356 762 26357 20546 13145 7401 177 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 699.53 - continued Non-EU countries 5810 699.93 (t) Tantalum, wrought, and articles of tantalum, nes TOTAL 0 32 1 492 0 450 699.54 (t) Sign, name, address etc plates, numbers, letters etc TOTAL 96 342 556 2989 531 2510 699.94 (t) Magnesium, wrought, and articles of magnesium, nes TOTAL 1 9 4 44 10 130 699.55 (t) Rods, electrodes etc for soldering, welding etc TOTAL 127 321 1383 3986 1219 3129 699.95 (t) Beryllium, wrought, and articles of beryllium, nes TOTAL 0 0 - - 149 816 1157 6389 1136 699.61 (t) Anchors, grapnels and parts thereof, of iron or steel TOTAL 18 138 290 1635 306 1436 699.99 (t) Base metals and articles thereof, nes TOTAL 1 699.62 (t) Cast articles of non-malleable cast iron, nes TOTAL 757 1028 5839 8821 4297 7295 711. STEAM OR OTHER GENERATING BOILERS ETC, AND PARTS THEREOF 699.63 (t) Cast articles of iron or steel, nes TOTAL 141 470 2004 5055 711.11 (t) Steam or other vapour generating boilers TOTAL 4 116 145 2663 5435 1784 699.65 (t) Articles of iron or steel, forged/stamped, but nfw, nes TOTAL 229 2817 8942 23055 2724 9099 EU countries 172 2623 8602 21877 2558 8301 Non-EU countries 56 195 340 1178 166 798 699.67 (t) Articles of iron or steel wire, nes TOTAL 83 317 1141 699.69 (t) Articles of iron or steel, nes TOTAL 1172 5689 14115 EU countries 919 3155 11232 Great Britain 477 1688 5247 Other 442 1467 5985 Non-EU countries 254 2534 2883 United States 45 1403 607 Other 209 1131 2276 4419 1172 3858 57799 34661 18892 15769 23138 12617 10521 15677 11611 4737 6874 4065 518 3548 60101 33650 14336 19314 26450 9268 17182 711.12 (t) Super-heated water boilers TOTAL - 1 20 1 24 908 3836 2 22 7 711.21 (t) Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of 711.1 or 812.1 TOTAL 0 18 32 809 2 213 711.22 (t) Condensers for steam or other vapour power units TOTAL 1 21 12 185 4 100 711.91 (t) Parts for the boilers of 711.1 TOTAL 1 45 14 19 663 711.92 (t) Parts for the apparatus and appliances of 711.2 TOTAL 1 31 23 614 205 1103 588 712. STEAM AND OTHER VAPOUR TURBINES, AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 699.71 (t) Chain of copper and parts thereof TOTAL 0 1 1 699.73 (t) Articles of copper, nes TOTAL 22 322 699.75 (t) Articles of nickel, nes TOTAL 4 182 699.76 (t) Articles of lead, nes TOTAL 0 19 240 17 44 6 3441 1047 419 1 254 17 2324 9 3328 951 712.11 (t) Steam and other vapour turbines, for marine propulsion TOTAL 2 712.19 (t) Steam turbines and other vapour turbines, nes TOTAL 241 555 712.80 (t) Parts for the turbines of 712.1 TOTAL 6 78 655 1740 13 2 770 356 1388 2964 713. INTERNAL COMBUSTION PISTON ENGINES AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 699.77 (t) Articles of zinc, nes TOTAL 18 93 110 658 360 1564 699.78 (t) Articles of tin, nes TOTAL 36 73 616 1319 496 1194 699.79 (t) Articles of aluminium, nes TOTAL 206 1767 EU countries 113 742 Non-EU countries 94 1026 2216 1031 1185 20315 7401 12914 1896 1019 876 15326 6900 8426 249 24 225 224 0 10955 1027 9928 9898 31 - - 699.85 (t) Titanium, wrought, and articles of titanium, nes TOTAL 70 1175 575 13622 450 EU countries 65 341 538 4116 427 Non-EU countries 6 833 37 9506 23 11277 3167 8110 699.87 (t) Zirconium, wrought, and articles of zirconium, nes TOTAL 1 9 1 24 699.91 (t) Tungsten, wrought, and articles of tungsten, nes TOTAL 0 39 28 146 10 127 699.81 (t) Cobalt, wrought, and articles of cobalt, nes TOTAL 3 796 304 13029 EU countries 0 14 29 967 Non-EU countries 3 782 274 12062 United States 2 753 269 10793 Other 0 29 5 1269 699.83 (t) Cadmium, wrought, and articles of cadmium, nes TOTAL 0 0 0 0 699.92 (t) Molybdenum, wrought, and articles of molybdenum, nes TOTAL 0 1 6 41 4 24 713.11 (no) Spark-ignition reciprocating etc engines for aircraft TOTAL 13 152 77 13974 79 5320 Non-EU countries 13 152 77 13974 79 5320 713.19 (t) Parts, nes, of aircraft engines of 713.11 TOTAL 2 65 27 15436 EU countries 2 25 16 241 Non-EU countries 0 40 11 15195 United States 0 40 4 13624 Other 7 1571 72 28 44 42 2 40482 287 40195 34197 5998 713.21 (t) For vehicles 78/722/744.14 & 15: reciprocating <=1000 cc TOTAL 0 0 1 17 1 23 713.22 (no) For vehicles 78/722/744.14 & 15: reciprocating >1000 cc TOTAL 35 49 1566 2055 916 2145 713.23 (no) For vehicles 78/722/744.14 & 15: compression-ignition TOTAL 184 237 3314 5440 5663 8550 713.31 (no) Outboard motors (marine propulsion) TOTAL 17 38 457 866 378 724 713.32 (no) Spark-ignition reciprocating etc, marine (excl outboard) TOTAL 202 51 11 8 713.33 (no) Compression-ignition engines for marine propulsion TOTAL 38 94 1730 445 713.81 (no) Other spark-ignition engines TOTAL 191 276 3394 661 2109 2457 713.82 (no) Other compression-ignition (diesel/semi-diesel) engines TOTAL 2559 3768 27374 38514 25871 51275 EU countries 9 218 148 3240 248 17697 Non-EU countries 2550 3550 27226 35274 25623 33579 Japan 2545 3467 27113 34949 24947 32811 Other 5 83 113 325 676 768 178 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 713.91 (t) Parts nes for spark-ignition engines of 713.2/713.3/713.8 TOTAL 14 552 183 6248 162 4861 718. OTHER POWER GENERATING MACHINERY AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 713.92 (t) Parts nes for compression engines of 713.2/713.3/713.8 TOTAL 72 1170 710 11456 528 10710 EU countries 36 695 414 6698 339 6042 Non-EU countries 36 475 296 4758 189 4667 718.11 (t) Hydraulic turbines and water wheels TOTAL 11 29 21 714. ENGINES AND MOTORS, NON-ELECTRIC (EXCL GROUPS 712, 713 & 718); PARTS, NES, OF THESE ENGINES AND MOTORS 718.71 (t) Nuclear reactors 714.41 (no) Turbo-jets TOTAL EU countries Non-EU countries United States Other - - 20 7 13 13 - 26971 5 26966 26966 0 714.49 (t) Reaction engines: other than turbo-jets TOTAL 0 0 0 72 714.81 (t) Turbo-propellers TOTAL 1 714.89 (no) Other gas turbines TOTAL 13 92 2 20 275 1605 1 18 158085 103694 54391 40774 13617 - - 1123 714.91 (t) Parts for turbo-jets or turbo-propellers TOTAL 12 20205 179 221918 EU countries 2 244 36 4006 Non-EU countries 10 19961 143 217912 China 0 462 5 13079 Japan 1 1907 9 22647 United States 7 11904 107 114549 Other 2 5688 22 67636 273 33 240 7 12 188 32 231378 9797 221581 18480 22724 123308 57070 714.99 (t) Parts for the gas turbines of 714.89 TOTAL 6 569 136 49853 EU countries 1 45 30 960 Non-EU countries 5 523 106 48893 Switzerland 0 6 23 24135 Japan 1 313 25 14648 Other 3 205 58 10110 333 63 270 1 100 168 37218 18741 18478 713 4160 13605 not exceeding 37.5w 1575 24751 3909 1388 20890 3752 1242 16124 3328 146 4766 424 187 3861 157 716.20 (t) Motors (excl 716.10) and generators, direct current TOTAL 9 233 147 3984 164 - 718.78 (t) Parts of nuclear reactors TOTAL - 0 0 718.91 (t) Linear acting hydraulic power engines and motors TOTAL 35 661 325 4454 263 1733 718.92 (t) Linear acting pneumatic power engines and motors TOTAL 4 243 48 2191 51 1765 - 718.93 (t) Other engines and motors, nes TOTAL 52 741 1241 EU countries 44 627 1123 Non-EU countries 8 113 118 28231 25572 16575 8997 2659 3395 721.11 (t) Ploughs TOTAL 26 272 480 951 33 7326 619 internal combustion piston engines 4785 2338 24673 1426 14217 4733 2202 23900 1134 11258 3997 1627 18204 433 4050 736 575 5696 702 7208 52 136 774 291 2959 716.90 (t) Parts, nes, for use with the TOTAL 336 3099 EU countries 312 2623 Germany 296 2283 Other 16 339 Non-EU countries 24 476 3208 1050 627 422 13847 7395 6453 5159 721.12 (t) Seeders, transplanters, fertiliser distributers TOTAL 98 449 1876 6449 1763 5185 721.13 (t) Scarifiers, cultivators, weeders, hoes and harrows TOTAL 28 372 773 4434 832 5543 3564 721.18 (t) Other agricultural etc mach for soil prep/cultivation TOTAL 91 562 1103 7757 808 5923 721.19 (t) Parts of the machinery of 721.1 TOTAL 484 2647 5740 EU countries 435 2482 4988 Great Britain 132 1143 1615 Other 304 1339 3373 Non-EU countries 48 165 751 721.22 (no) Combine harvester-threshers TOTAL - 716.52 (t) Other electric generating sets TOTAL 0 4 38 13110 11031 2079 733 716.32 (t) Generators, alternating current TOTAL 31 383 455 716.51 (t) Generating sets with TOTAL 484 EU countries 479 Great Britain 421 Other 58 Non-EU countries 5 - 718.99 (t) Parts of the engines and motors of 714.49, 718.91-93 TOTAL 532 1916 5224 23381 5144 26280 EU countries 499 1764 5109 21560 4713 22086 Germany 99 1096 1140 13040 685 7317 Other 400 668 3970 8520 4028 14768 Non-EU countries 33 152 114 1821 431 4194 721.21 (no) Mowers for lawns, parks or TOTAL 2047 1059 EU countries 890 470 Non-EU countries 1157 589 365 - 718.77 (t) Fuel elements, non-irradiated, for nuclear reactors TOTAL 0 1 - 716.31 (t) AC motors (incl universal AC/DC motors, but excl 716.10) TOTAL 197 1841 1827 15375 1693 15256 EU countries 88 1164 739 9202 755 9500 Non-EU countries 108 677 1088 6173 938 5756 19 - 721. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY (EXCL TRACTORS) AND PARTS THEREOF 716. ROTATING ELECTRIC PLANT AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 716.40 (t) Electric rotary converters TOTAL 0 10 - 1583 45 3693 6393 43 963 716.10 (t) Electric motors of an output TOTAL 124 1953 EU countries 107 1509 Germany 101 1318 Other 5 191 Non-EU countries 17 444 970 718.19 (t) Parts incl regulators of hydraulic turbines/water wheels TOTAL 10 58 92 1707 2 69 - 301652 301619 33 23 10 62 33083 30137 12055 18082 2946 sports grounds 89438 20997 61803 11398 27635 9599 41 721.23 (t) Other harvesting or threshing mach; TOTAL 975 5488 10441 EU countries 975 5480 10371 Germany 158 1282 1840 Hungary 596 2469 5866 Other 220 1729 2665 Non-EU countries 0 8 70 5141 11854 11328 1330 9998 525 27069 25184 7574 17610 1886 88013 60352 27661 20118 12314 7804 104 14557 mowers (excl 721.21) 58004 8988 52093 57637 8912 51641 14651 1378 13281 24787 5437 23470 18199 2098 14890 367 75 452 721.26 (t) Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit etc TOTAL 2 197 9 351 206 9485 2993 32719 721.27 (t) Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain etc TOTAL 2 9 17 134 38 315 machines in Group 716 5076 36083 2577 4696 32762 2107 4461 29169 1733 236 3593 375 380 3321 470 22423 19220 14161 5059 3203 721.29 (t) Parts of the machines of 721.21 to 721.26 TOTAL 307 2455 3894 30445 EU countries 259 2102 3043 25500 Non-EU countries 48 353 851 4945 3647 2908 739 25263 20927 4336 179 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 721.31 (t) Milking machines TOTAL 5 721.38 (t) Dairy machinery TOTAL 104 EU countries 7 Non-EU countries 97 United States 97 Other 0 160 2666 118 2548 2542 6 51 130 29 101 99 2 1379 3820 1241 2578 2560 19 30 178 145 34 1 33 721.39 (t) Parts for milking machines and dairy machinery TOTAL 105 1668 983 15772 949 EU countries 85 1492 823 12850 725 Non-EU countries 20 176 160 2922 225 1078 3710 2792 917 35 882 723.33 (no) Tamping machines and road rollers, self propelled TOTAL 25 128 253 2340 216 1779 723.35 (t) Coal/rock cutters & tunnelling machinery, self-propelled TOTAL 107 2517 21 74 723.37 (t) Other boring or sinking machinery, self-propelled TOTAL 9 82 166 1291 19 177 723.39 (t) Other mach for earth, minerals or ores, self-propelled TOTAL 1 36 114 648 265 1547 12794 10424 2371 723.41 (t) Pile-drivers and pile extractors TOTAL 0 1 13 136 536 745 98 2 31 721.91 (t) Presses etc used in the manufacture of beverages TOTAL 1 24 330 1091 52 382 723.42 (t) Snow-ploughs and snow-blowers TOTAL 0 1 721.95 (t) Poultry-keeping machinery; incubators and brooders TOTAL 143 561 537 2051 214 899 723.43 (t) Coal/rock cutters and tunnellers, not self-propelled TOTAL 8 103 103 1071 96 7 355 721.96 (t) Other agricultural etc machinery (incl germination plant) TOTAL 149 1259 953 7366 719 6313 723.44 (t) Other boring and sinking machinery, not self-propelled TOTAL 0 4 177 410 55 1626 721.98 (t) Parts of the machinery at 721.91 TOTAL 1 48 5 723.45 (no) Tamping or compacting machinery, not self-propelled TOTAL 36 66 796 1047 942 270 14 269 721.99 (t) Parts of the machinery and appliances of 721.95 & 721.96 TOTAL 354 3080 4694 21831 4351 19594 EU countries 346 3025 4571 21070 4109 18695 Denmark 10 1574 48 1929 32 232 Other 336 1451 4523 19141 4077 18464 Non-EU countries 8 55 122 761 241 899 964 723.47 (no) Other construction/mining machinery, not self-propelled TOTAL 91 796 796 723.48 (t) Machinery for public works, building or the like, nes TOTAL 18 162 380 3821 370 3146 723.91 (t) Buckets, grabs and grips for machinery of Groups 723/744 TOTAL 323 808 3005 7512 1258 3747 722. TRACTORS (EXCL 744.14 AND 744.15) 722.30 (t) Track-laying tractors - 723.92 (t) Bulldozer or angledozer blades TOTAL 0 1 268 - - - - - 722.41 (t) Pedestrian controlled tractors TOTAL 30 240 442 2381 127 1600 722.49 (no) Other wheeled tractors TOTAL 216 7666 EU countries 166 7399 Germany 10 682 Great Britain 103 4188 Other 52 2529 Non-EU countries 50 266 3000 2083 224 1244 616 917 515 43 351 723.93 (t) Parts for boring or sinking machinery of 723.37 or 723.44 TOTAL 30 386 739 6901 997 13923 93902 87679 14378 43611 29691 6223 3037 2439 294 1557 588 598 78254 74264 14524 37727 22013 3990 723.99 (t) Other parts for the machinery of Groups 723 and 744 TOTAL 2104 9563 23990 119584 27844 109993 EU countries 990 8095 10233 86711 16887 88028 Germany 204 3781 2257 33517 2737 32498 Great Britain 345 1504 2462 15739 2623 14893 Other 441 2810 5514 37455 11527 40637 Non-EU countries 1113 1467 13757 32873 10957 21965 China 1078 1249 12088 14423 9556 10927 Norway 769 12854 520 5277 Other 36 218 900 5596 880 5761 723. CIVIL ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTORS' PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 723.11 (no) Bulldozers and angledozers, self-propelled TOTAL 38 1618 503 19991 EU countries 38 1618 502 19950 Great Britain 33 1560 464 18970 Other 5 58 38 980 Non-EU countries 1 41 309 308 282 26 1 12736 12673 11966 707 62 724. TEXTILE AND LEATHER MACHINERY, AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 723.12 (t) Graders and levellers, self-propelled TOTAL 14 112 40 166 162 859 723.21 (t) Front-end shovel-loaders, self-propelled TOTAL 267 1622 2296 13563 EU countries 267 1622 2019 12686 Non-EU countries 277 876 1534 1381 153 9299 8895 403 723.22 (no) Mechanical shovels etc, fully revolving superstructure TOTAL 3680 2427 4180 25439 5474 17715 EU countries 3671 2253 4118 22185 5452 16929 Great Britain 26 1209 327 12920 280 9741 Other 3645 1044 3791 9265 5172 7188 Non-EU countries 9 174 62 3254 22 786 724.33 (no) Sewing machines of the household type TOTAL 2453 143 15168 929 12537 729 724.35 (no) Sewing machines other of household type (excl 726.81) TOTAL 695 2 2701 113 2728 125 724.39 (t) Sewing machine needles, bases, covers and parts TOTAL 0 4 3 92 2 63 724.41 (no) Machines for extruding, drawing, texturing or cutting man-made textile materials TOTAL 42 2 1168 61 446 253 724.42 (no) Machines for preparing textile fibres TOTAL 44 18 145 48 200 114 724.43 (t) Spinning, doubling, twisting, winding or reeling machines TOTAL 0 0 0 10 1 30 724.49 (t) Parts and accessories of machines of 724.4 or 724.54 TOTAL 5 127 7 255 4 723.29 (no) Other self-propelled mechanical shovels, excavators etc TOTAL 40 1930 656 13650 421 10547 EU countries 32 1443 601 10308 152 7210 Non-EU countries 8 487 56 3343 269 3337 724.51 (no) Weaving machines (looms) TOTAL 1 0 14 22 723.31 (no) Scrapers, self-propelled TOTAL 5541 73 724.52 (no) Knitting machines and stitch-bonding machines TOTAL 1304 261 1060 271 16232 117 618 23 4 1 188 180 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 724.53 (t) For making gimped yarn, lace, braid etc, or for tufting TOTAL 0 5 5 42 8 100 726.35 (t) Printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders etc TOTAL 23 348 178 2467 724.54 (no) For preparing yarns for use on the machines of 724.51-53 TOTAL 172 3 1529 77 881 8 726.51 (t) Offset printing machinery: reel fed TOTAL 1 207 17 724.55 (t) Felt making/shaping/finishing machinery; blocks for hats TOTAL 0 3 1 27 2 69 726.55 (t) Offset printing mach: sheet fed, office, sheet <=22x36cm TOTAL 1 28 3 93 52 357 724.61 (t) Auxiliary machinery for machines of 724.41-43, 724.51-53 TOTAL 1 11 1 14 0 2 726.59 (t) Other offset printing machinery TOTAL 0 35 65 101 2009 724.67 (t) Parts and accessories of weaving machines of 724.51 TOTAL 0 13 4 261 5 726.61 (t) Letterpress printing machinery (excl flexographic) TOTAL 0 9 6 1003 247 724.68 (t) Parts and accessories of machines of 724.52 and 724.53 TOTAL 0 22 7 254 4 207 726.63 (t) Flexographic printing machinery TOTAL 12 573 55 724.71 (no) Household/laundry washing machines, linen capacity >10kg TOTAL 887 127 6956 1816 5630 791 726.65 (t) Gravure printing machinery TOTAL - 724.72 (t) Dry-cleaning machines TOTAL 1 20 2 39 4 68 724.73 (t) Drying machines, dry-linen capacity >10kg TOTAL 41 163 416 1795 303 1490 724.74 (t) Other machines for washing, cleaning, working, processing textile yarn etc TOTAL 8 126 194 1812 310 1 106 3 724.91 (t) Parts for washing machines of 724.71 and 775.11 TOTAL 19 102 302 1347 276 24 758 0 74 - - 726.69 (t) Offset printing machinery, nes TOTAL 32 479 142 1340 109 2122 726.81 (t) Bookbinding machinery (incl book-sewing machines) TOTAL 8 474 71 1449 59 1197 726.89 (t) Parts for bookbinding machinery TOTAL 1 111 7 951 7 1505 726.91 (t) Parts for the machines of 726.31 TOTAL 35 272 278 2500 281 2373 8887 727. FOOD-PROCESSING MACHINES (EXCL DOMESTIC) 727.11 (t) For the milling industry or for working cereals etc TOTAL 2 16 1336 1161 259 2242 727.19 (t) Parts for the machines of 727.11 and 721.27 TOTAL 9 189 145 1868 1985 177 148 1446 18 444 727.22 (t) For the industrial prep/manufacture of food/drink, nes TOTAL 233 1819 1949 14154 5475 23120 EU countries 208 1474 1788 12230 5399 20893 Non-EU countries 25 345 162 1924 76 2227 725. PAPER/PULP MILL MACHINERY, PAPER CUTTING MACHINES ETC 725.11 (t) Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material TOTAL 0 2 4 35 725.12 (t) Machinery for making or finishing paper or paperboard TOTAL 1 37 6 1539 8 1442 1881 727.21 (t) For extraction or preparation of vegetable fats and oils TOTAL 49 317 4 56 724.92 (t) Parts for the machines of 724.72-74 and 775.12 TOTAL 2 64 20 636 111 2148 17 724.85 (t) For making/repairing leather articles etc (excl footwear) TOTAL 0 12 67 332 7 303 139 48 726.99 (t) Parts for the machines of subgroups 726.5 and 726.6 TOTAL 16 578 238 6403 345 724.83 (t) Machinery for making or repairing footwear TOTAL 0 6 0 7 725.21 (t) Cutting machines TOTAL 24 1098 2043 1964 724.81 (t) For preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather TOTAL 2 6 14 488 9 217 724.88 (t) Parts for the machinery of 724.8 TOTAL 0 4 2 803 100 699 108 3184 1 52 725.23 (t) Machines for making bags, sacks or envelopes TOTAL 0 2 22 53 727.29 (t) Parts for the food processing machinery of 727.22 TOTAL 643 2356 5733 21647 3924 EU countries 642 2264 5674 20504 3900 Great Britain 616 1535 4142 13264 3794 Other 25 728 1532 7240 106 Non-EU countries 2 92 59 1143 24 11237 10579 6691 3888 658 728. OTHER SPECIALISED MACHINERY, AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 725.25 (t) Machines for making cartons, tubes etc (not by moulding) TOTAL 1 18 94 846 28 300 725.27 (t) Machines for moulding articles in paper pulp/paper/board TOTAL 0 19 2 111 1 127 725.29 (t) Other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or board TOTAL 12 44 229 1172 70 671 725.91 (t) Parts of the machines of 725.1 TOTAL 5 135 111 1951 66 1600 725.99 (t) Parts of the machines of 725.2 TOTAL 24 495 185 3501 185 3721 726. PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING MACHINERY, AND PARTS THEREOF 726.31 (t) For type-founding/setting, for blocks, plates etc TOTAL 1 37 22 859 18 1088 728.11 (t) Machine-tools for working stone etc or cold-working glass TOTAL 7 77 119 1446 234 1541 728.12 (t) Machine-tools for working wood, cork, hard rubber etc TOTAL 48 534 592 8701 547 7023 728.19 (t) Parts and accessories for use with machine-tools of 728.1 TOTAL 8 470 152 3562 121 3455 728.21 (t) Machines etc for the manufacture of boules and wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits etc TOTAL 529 116234 4579 910899 1342 165398 EU countries 0 145 6 50780 4 1981 Netherlands 0 0 1 49372 0 149 Other 0 144 5 1408 4 1832 Non-EU countries 529 116090 4573 860120 1338 163418 Israel 0 6 112 17776 1 123 Japan 310 79454 2329 558011 664 93106 South Korea 5 1430 14 2199 7 851 Singapore 19 5812 205 45057 92 19921 United States 176 28419 1829 231860 571 48835 Other 18 968 83 5216 2 582 181 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 728.22 (t) Machines etc used in manufacture of masks and reticles, assembling semiconductor devices etc, lifting/handling of TOTAL 5 1514 137 24206 94 10044 EU countries 0 5 3 261 3 642 Non-EU countries 5 1508 134 23945 91 9403 Japan 5 1369 91 20205 34 1626 Other 0 140 43 3740 57 7777 728.29 (t) Parts and accessories of subgroup 728.2 nes TOTAL 128 24831 1072 247452 EU countries 16 1801 109 28317 Germany 1 307 37 10228 Netherlands 12 1214 24 13517 Other 3 279 48 4572 Non-EU countries 112 23031 963 219135 Japan 37 8103 533 128048 Singapore 32 8186 71 20230 United States 37 5601 296 60651 Other 6 1140 62 10206 652 63 20 20 23 589 306 29 159 95 728.31 (t) Machinery for sorting/washing earth, stone, ores etc TOTAL 107 190 1179 4070 1435 87542 19778 3577 13127 3073 67765 34035 3602 24997 5131 731.12 (t) Operated by ultrasonic processes TOTAL 0 1 0 48 1 64 731.13 (t) Operated by electro-discharge processes TOTAL 7 289 16 460 731.14 (t) Operated by electro-chemical, electron beam, ionic beam or plasma-arc processes TOTAL 0 0 3 428 39 621 731.21 (t) Metalworking machining centres TOTAL 25 752 166 3148 234 3987 731.22 (t) Metalworking unit construction machines (single station) TOTAL 11 39 2 72 4409 728.32 (t) Machinery for crushing or grinding earth, stone, ores etc TOTAL 104 452 1310 4179 932 2441 728.33 (t) Machinery for mixing or kneading earth, stone, ores etc TOTAL 26 159 395 2276 357 1474 728.34 (t) Machinery for moulding etc minerals in powder/paste form TOTAL 10 101 261 1293 428 1628 728.39 (t) Parts of the machinery of 728.3 TOTAL 74 819 1365 EU countries 66 740 946 Non-EU countries 7 79 419 731. MACHINE-TOOLS WORKING BY REMOVING METAL OR OTHER MATERIAL 731.11 (t) Operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes TOTAL 2 113 442 1494 22 2753 731.23 (t) Metalworking multi-station transfer machines TOTAL 0 6 731.31 (t) Horizontal lathes for metal, nc TOTAL 28 577 265 3 163 6202 317 6111 731.35 (t) Lathes for metal excl horizontal, nc TOTAL 2 315 4 419 2 12 731.37 (t) Horizontal lathes for metal, not nc TOTAL 1 11 13 358 2 47 731.39 (t) Lathes for removing metal, nes TOTAL 0 1 13 87 7 47 728.41 (t) Machines for assembling lamps etc in glass envelopes, etc TOTAL 0 11 73 1389 8 105 731.41 (t) Way-type unit head machines TOTAL 0 6 2 56 1 24 728.42 (t) Machinery for working rubber or plastics TOTAL 144 2288 1174 23403 EU countries 41 491 431 7568 Non-EU countries 103 1797 744 15835 731.42 (t) Other drilling machines, nc TOTAL - 18 303 18 641 731.43 (t) Drilling machines, nes TOTAL 1 21 161 35 163 731.44 (t) Other boring-milling machines, nc TOTAL 0 1 8 95 11406 8793 2613 1179 1102 77 9666 8943 724 1334 450 884 59755 12351 47404 728.43 (t) Machinery for preparing or making up tobacco, nes TOTAL 0 7 8 52 9 57 728.44 (t) Presses for manufacture of particle or fibre board etc TOTAL 6 141 67 1058 26 1300 728.46 (t) Machinery for treating metal, nes TOTAL 1 100 19 1638 10 1161 728.47 (t) Machinery for isotopic separation, and parts thereof, nes TOTAL 0 0 0 3 1 6 728.49 (t) Machines having individual functions, nes TOTAL 1144 4296 2934 52964 EU countries 117 1566 1211 27850 Germany 21 585 449 12303 Other 96 982 762 15547 Non-EU countries 1027 2729 1723 25114 United States 26 497 234 14424 Other 1002 2232 1489 10690 728.51 (t) Parts for the machines of 728.41 TOTAL 0 14 19 338 728.52 (t) Parts for the machines of heading 728.42 TOTAL 23 927 474 17105 EU countries 16 662 401 10606 Non-EU countries 6 265 74 6499 728.53 (t) Parts for the machines of 728.43 TOTAL 0 6 0 23 2954 2229 1274 955 724 274 450 25 451 394 57 2 64872 38782 21310 17472 26090 10728 15362 314 17531 9802 7729 6 731.45 (t) Boring-milling machines, nes TOTAL - 2 37 1 9 731.46 (t) Other boring machines TOTAL 0 0 15 5 80 31 546 731.52 (t) Metalworking milling machines, knee-type, not nc TOTAL 2 15 153 236 22 210 731.53 (t) Metalworking milling machines, (excl knee-type), nc TOTAL 1 335 9 672 95 735 731.54 (t) Metalworking milling machines, nes TOTAL 0 7 14 12 239 24 337 731.61 (t) Flat-surface grinding mach, nc, accuracy >=0.01mm TOTAL 0 3 6 1790 0 13 1 731.51 (t) Metalworking milling machines, knee-type, nc TOTAL - 248 731.57 (t) Other machines for threading or tapping metal TOTAL 0 6 5 80 731.62 (t) Flat-surface grinding mach, not nc, accuracy >=0.01mm TOTAL 1 33 11 266 7 179 731.63 (t) Other grinding machines, nc, accuracy >=0.01mm TOTAL 0 12 36 2390 3 114 21 261 731.65 (t) Sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines, nc TOTAL 0 2 6 214 0 16 356 728.55 (t) Parts, nes, for the machines of headings 723.48, 727.21, 728.44, 728.46 and 728.49 TOTAL 237 3150 1392 31572 1175 28434 EU countries 61 1435 546 16339 597 13606 Non-EU countries 176 1715 846 15233 578 14828 731.64 (t) Grinding machines, nes, accuracy >=0.01 mm TOTAL 1 20 8 120 182 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 731.66 (t) Other sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines TOTAL 4 34 31 294 40 731.67 (t) Honing or lapping machines TOTAL 2 36 32 324 326 5 47 731.69 (t) Machine-tools for working metal, sintered metal carbides, cermets, by means of grinding stones etc, nes TOTAL 0 2 18 504 55 3011 731.71 (t) Shaping or slotting machines TOTAL 2 5 731.73 (t) Broaching machines TOTAL 0 0 24 105 5 23 26 2216 9 256 737. METALWORKING MACHINERY (EXCL MACHINE-TOOLS), NES 737.11 (t) Converters, ladles etc for metallurgy or metal foundries TOTAL 0 6 1 40 1 19 737.12 (t) Casting machines for metallurgy or metal foundries TOTAL 3 127 14 76 737.19 (t) Parts of the machines and articles of 737.11-12 TOTAL 5 218 22 368 227 494 737.21 (t) Metal-rolling mills TOTAL 0 7 107 737.29 (t) Rolls and other parts for metal rolling mills TOTAL 77 71 764 726 484 529 737.31 (t) Soldering irons and guns TOTAL 8 104 100 764 66 836 73 6 2 78 71 2376 731.79 (t) Machine-tools for planning and removing metal etc, nes TOTAL 1 3 34 463 47 487 159 917 737.32 (t) Other brazing/soldering machines and apparatus TOTAL 11 114 57 537 733. MACHINE-TOOLS FOR WORKING METAL, SINTERED METAL CARBIDES OR CERMETS, WITHOUT REMOVING MATERIAL 733.11 (t) Forging or die-stamping machines and hammers TOTAL 4 141 39 1685 27 660 733.12 (t) Bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines (incl. presses), numerically controlled TOTAL 10 52 374 2021 108 1464 733.13 (t) Bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines (incl. presses), not numerically controlled TOTAL 24 114 89 840 106 985 733.14 (t) Machines for shearing metal (incl presses), nc TOTAL 1 14 733.15 (t) Metal-shearing machines (incl presses), not nc TOTAL 2 13 133 802 737.34 (t) Other machines for metal welding (non-automatic) TOTAL 3 36 17 608 8 226 737.35 (t) Machines for arc welding of metal (excl 737.36) TOTAL 4 69 50 1068 46 790 737.36 (t) Other machines for arc welding of metal (non-automatic) TOTAL 4 198 85 1580 67 1185 20 3005 737.39 (t) Parts for the machines and apparatus of 737.3 TOTAL 20 374 333 4461 331 733.16 (t) Punching or notching machines (incl presses), nc TOTAL 43 852 48 2199 70 1120 281 3457 737.41 (t) Hand-held blow pipes for soldering, brazing or welding TOTAL 0 5 7 67 2 76 737.42 (t) Other gas-operated machines for soldering/brazing/welding TOTAL 1 19 54 510 17 241 733.17 (t) Punching or notching machines (incl presses), nes TOTAL 9 32 133 462 119 811 733.18 (t) Presses for working metal or metal carbides, nes TOTAL 10 93 258 7394 111 892 737.43 (t) Other machinery and apparatus of for welding etc, nes TOTAL 31 183 314 2086 293 1720 733.91 (t) Draw-benches for bars, tubes, profiles, wire and the like TOTAL 0 4 0 5 733.95 (t) Machines for working wire TOTAL 0 31 368 - 95 733.93 (t) Thread rolling machines TOTAL - 737.33 (t) Machines for metal welding, fully or semi automatic TOTAL 8 56 103 573 40 737.37 (t) Other machines and apparatus TOTAL 1 71 - 3932 122 731.75 (t) Gear-cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing machines TOTAL 0 3 5 192 2 731.77 (t) Sawing or cutting-off machines TOTAL 31 231 232 735.95 (t) Parts/accessories for machines of Group 733 nes TOTAL 4 283 99 4343 60 737.49 (t) Parts for the machinery and apparatus of 737.4 TOTAL 27 98 154 836 129 1263 741. HEATING AND COOLING EQUIPMENT AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 2 44 - 741.21 (no) Furnace burners for liquid fuel TOTAL 4638 855 41900 10 733.99 (t) Other machine-tools of Group 733, nes TOTAL 1 12 3 611 13 229 65 7 365 7668 39587 6682 741.23 (t) Other furnace burners (incl combination burners) TOTAL 6 79 88 1367 97 1344 741.25 (t) Mechanical stokers, ash dischargers etc TOTAL 0 6 735. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR USE WITH THE MACHINES OF GROUPS 731 AND 733 735.11 (t) Tool holders and self-opening dieheads, for machine-tools TOTAL 10 477 106 3868 97 2014 735.13 (t) Work holders for machine-tools TOTAL 2 486 136 EU countries 2 443 129 Non-EU countries 0 43 7 11166 10246 920 44 37 7 8189 6785 1404 735.15 (t) Dividing heads & special attachments for machine-tools TOTAL 3 43 53 754 226 1544 735.91 (t) Parts/accessories for machines of Group 731 nes TOTAL 7 691 74 4716 54 0 0 741.28 (t) Parts for the burners and other articles of 741.2 TOTAL 11 288 228 3474 211 3088 741.31 (t) Resistance-heated furnaces and ovens, electric TOTAL 12 308 110 2508 47 1250 741.32 (t) Induction or dielectric furnaces and ovens TOTAL 1 54 28 753 13 362 741.33 (t) Other electric furnaces and ovens TOTAL 1 13 20 37 1447 8 300 1290 741.34 (t) Other induction or dielectric heating equipment TOTAL 0 14 5 390 4004 183 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 741.35 (t) Parts for the equipment of headings 741.31 to 741.34 TOTAL 1 104 13 1170 10 755 741.36 (t) Non-electric furnaces for heat-treatment of ores, etc TOTAL 0 12 5 377 17 789 741.37 (t) Non-electric bakery ovens (incl biscuit ovens) TOTAL 1 28 37 564 56 801 741.89 (t) Other machinery, plant or equipment TOTAL 85 1847 859 17588 EU countries 69 938 732 10038 Non-EU countries 16 909 128 7550 1194 1123 72 20409 16140 4270 741.90 (t) Parts, nes, for machinery of headings 741.73 to 741.89 TOTAL 55 2202 686 19934 374 14414 EU countries 51 1991 379 15187 304 11827 Non-EU countries 4 210 307 4747 70 2587 741.38 (t) Other non-electric furnaces and ovens (incl incinerators) TOTAL 1 12 6 100 11 209 742. PUMPS FOR LIQUIDS; LIQUID ELEVATORS; PARTS THEREOF 741.39 (t) Parts for the furnaces and ovens of 741.36-38 TOTAL 58 90 1203 1861 612 1228 741.43 (no) Refrigerating or freezing chests (excl household types) TOTAL 4159 1414 32769 12504 75327 12978 EU countries 3715 1230 29318 10766 73031 12210 Non-EU countries 444 184 3451 1738 2296 768 741.45 (t) Heat pumps and other TOTAL 167 EU countries 103 Non-EU countries 64 refrigerating/freezing equipment 2262 1480 19608 1023 13893 1260 939 11242 851 10286 1002 542 8366 172 3607 741.49 (t) Parts of the refrigerating equipment of 741.4 TOTAL 292 3304 1994 20713 2855 EU countries 257 2853 1600 16836 2541 Non-EU countries 35 451 394 3877 314 741.51 (t) Air conditioning machines: window or wall types TOTAL 31 569 446 6651 439 25644 22199 3445 5968 741.55 (t) Air conditioning machines (excl window or wall types) TOTAL 98 1158 1162 16417 834 12298 EU countries 89 987 984 13278 620 7816 Non-EU countries 9 171 178 3138 215 4482 741.59 (t) Parts for the air conditioning machines of 741.5 TOTAL 141 1671 1380 15804 797 EU countries 136 1470 1314 13729 747 Non-EU countries 4 201 67 2075 50 9863 7444 2419 741.71 (t) Producer gas, water gas, acetylene gas etc generators TOTAL 10 250 25 977 34 952 741.72 (t) Parts for the generators of 741.71 TOTAL 3 88 19 845 3 325 741.73 (t) Distilling or rectifying plant TOTAL 5 52 10 716 35 2208 12263 6044 6219 438 329 109 7529 4701 2828 741.75 (t) Machinery for liquefying air or other gases TOTAL 58 112 138 1706 30 3556 741.81 (t) Instantaneous gas water heaters TOTAL 1 155 24 25 440 741.74 (t) Heat exchange units TOTAL 78 EU countries 67 Non-EU countries 11 1829 888 941 551 454 97 730 741.82 (t) Other instantaneous/storage water heaters, non-electric TOTAL 39 360 686 5085 1576 8971 741.83 (t) Medical, surgical or laboratory sterilisers TOTAL 9 215 177 2313 814 5530 741.84 (t) Dryers for agricultural products TOTAL 255 69 759 707 736 665 741.85 (t) Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 741.86 (t) Dryers, nes TOTAL 8 295 206 7166 152 0 742.11 (t) Pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants TOTAL 2 63 169 2793 178 6717 742.19 (t) Pumps for liquids, other than of 742.11 TOTAL 13 872 141 9026 109 8937 742.20 (t) Fuel, lubricating pumps for internal combustion engines TOTAL 9 240 102 2686 165 3433 742.30 (t) Concrete pumps TOTAL 0 7 40 361 250 2097 742.40 (t) Reciprocating positive displacement pumps, nes TOTAL 13 964 97 7925 78 8376 742.50 (t) Rotary positive displacement pumps, nes TOTAL 12 410 112 3445 194 3234 742.60 (t) Centrifugal pumps for liquids, nes TOTAL 106 1353 1190 EU countries 99 1256 1092 Non-EU countries 8 97 98 17073 15868 1205 893 832 61 13521 12398 1123 742.71 (t) Pumps for liquids, nes TOTAL 25 423 EU countries 18 279 Non-EU countries 8 144 442 263 179 11699 3782 7917 493 358 135 18746 5988 12758 7 32 326 9 267 742.91 (t) Parts of pumps of 742 TOTAL 626 4856 EU countries 428 3104 Great Britain 181 1143 Other 246 1961 Non-EU countries 198 1752 United States 61 961 Other 137 791 7522 4891 1584 3307 2631 573 2058 60615 37015 13171 23843 23600 13075 10525 7079 4785 1651 3134 2294 612 1682 50064 29537 11307 18230 20527 12144 8383 742.95 (t) Parts of liquid elevators of 742 TOTAL 0 2 7 178 5 84 742.75 (t) Liquid elevators TOTAL 0 743. PUMPS (EXCL LIQUID), AIR OR GAS COMPRESSORS AND FANS; VENTILATING/RECYCLING HOODS; CENTRIFUGES, ETC 743.11 (t) Vacuum pumps TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries South Korea Other 50 26 6 20 24 17 7 2973 1208 942 265 1765 1011 754 895 460 159 301 435 230 205 46165 17329 14003 3327 28836 12646 16190 599 324 42 281 275 101 174 31890 13046 8542 4504 18844 6462 12382 743.13 (t) Hand-or foot-operated air pumps TOTAL 3 29 116 741 105 786 743.15 (t) Compressors of a kind used in refrigerating equipment TOTAL 110 1667 1001 12693 1300 14847 EU countries 86 1324 532 8609 791 10500 Non-EU countries 25 343 470 4084 510 4347 1246 741.87 (t) Machinery for making hot drinks, for cooking/heating food TOTAL 84 1662 587 14390 331 9731 EU countries 66 1401 379 9913 239 6895 Non-EU countries 18 261 208 4477 92 2836 743.17 (t) Air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing TOTAL 8 109 149 1777 82 1040 743.19 (t) Other pumps, compressors, etc, incorporating a fan TOTAL 106 1574 945 13560 944 EU countries 93 1319 758 11217 745 Non-EU countries 14 255 187 2343 198 9938 8398 1540 184 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 743.41 (t) Table, wall, window, roof etc fans, output <=125w TOTAL 59 479 682 5106 492 743.43 (t) Other fans TOTAL EU countries Non-EU countries 92 82 9 1413 1152 262 907 756 151 14456 10384 4072 743.45 (t) Hoods, incorporating a fan, side <=120 cm TOTAL 23 208 342 2291 743.51 (t) Centrifugal cream separators TOTAL 743.55 (t) Centrifugal clothes-dryers TOTAL 34 171 743.59 (t) Other centrifuges TOTAL 25 1177 1044 133 3682 11722 6803 4919 744.12 (no) Other self-propelled trucks, with lifting equipment TOTAL 403 345 894 7689 1303 744.14 (no) Works trucks, electrical, self-propelled, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment 3 7 1106 111 150 TOTAL 262 97 1789 744.15 (no) Other self-propelled trucks, not with lifting equipment TOTAL 1 6 67 1503 446 199 - - 10 155 217 1052 147 699 744.19 (t) Parts of the trucks and tractors of 744.14 and 744.15 TOTAL 58 496 669 5579 680 6073 744.21 (t) Pulley tackle & hoists (excl skip hoists or for vehicles) TOTAL 51 443 287 2750 191 1871 106 461 1254 520 1367 743.61 (t) Filtering and purifying machinery and apparatus for water TOTAL 241 9251 1143 24201 1629 21380 EU countries 139 4402 910 15744 1128 11020 Denmark 73 3344 127 3618 96 106 Other 65 1058 783 12126 1032 10914 Non-EU countries 102 4849 233 8457 500 10360 United States 80 4560 102 6070 82 4743 Other 22 288 131 2387 419 5618 743.62 (t) Filtering and purifying apparatus, for other beverages TOTAL 3 78 51 1781 185 2298 743.63 (t) Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines TOTAL 50 599 562 6725 532 6286 743.64 (t) Intake air filters for internal combustion engines TOTAL 70 388 696 3886 642 744.25 (t) Winches and capstans TOTAL 1 20 35 32 319 514 492 744.32 (t) Mobile lifting frames on tyres and straddle carriers TOTAL 6 39 157 670 47 342 744.33 (t) Other overhead travelling cranes; transporter cranes etc TOTAL 0 1 226 1557 193 400 744.34 (t) Tower cranes TOTAL - - 61 45 118 285 11 135 10 116 744.37 (t) Other cranes: self-propelled TOTAL 124 821 2772 8095 1359 6119 744.39 (t) Other cranes: not self-propelled TOTAL 137 1275 621 5954 332 2717 744.41 (t) Built-in jacking systems of a type used in garages TOTAL 38 133 134 495 66 298 744.35 (t) Portal or pedestal jib cranes TOTAL 0 1 8970 29863 18124 8862 9263 11739 743.69 (t) Filtering or purifying apparatus for gases, nes TOTAL 87 2804 1357 35782 1230 EU countries 69 1466 825 13278 715 Non-EU countries 18 1338 531 22504 515 United States 10 461 455 16360 414 Other 8 877 77 6143 101 27920 12109 15811 11266 4545 744.43 (t) Other jacks and hoists, hydraulic TOTAL 75 206 1394 fans, hoods etc of 743.1 & 743.4 9811 4150 115827 2865 72686 9427 4010 110651 2596 68805 2720 288 8691 525 19444 327 1293 21063 764 3747 2294 388 7150 229 7090 270 688 33323 74 3361 460 467 16586 246 8608 3355 887 23837 757 26556 383 139 5176 269 3881 743.91 (t) Parts of centrifuges (incl. centrifugal driers) of 743.5 TOTAL 1 72 24 1417 44 1713 743.95 (t) Parts of filtering or purifying apparatus of 743.6 TOTAL 225 3269 1955 50284 2585 EU countries 207 2414 1669 36823 2142 France 31 499 398 14788 410 Great Britain 95 1137 752 11300 744 Other 81 778 519 10735 988 Non-EU countries 18 855 286 13461 443 United States 4 502 139 10459 175 Other 14 353 148 3002 267 545 744.31 (t) Overhead travelling cranes on fixed support TOTAL 147 169 786 900 743.67 (t) Filtering or purifying apparatus for liquids, nes TOTAL 39 2043 741 28440 1055 EU countries 38 1855 685 20133 690 France 21 882 277 10503 352 Other 17 973 408 9630 338 Non-EU countries 1 188 56 8308 365 743.80 (t) Parts for the pumps, TOTAL 464 EU countries 460 Belgium 115 Czech Republic 13 Germany 147 Spain 11 Great Britain 23 Other 151 Non-EU countries 3 4790 744.13 (no) Other works trucks with lifting or handling equipment TOTAL 48 267 3980 2282 7165 2363 48250 33796 11100 14049 8647 14453 11267 3186 2858 378 2185 224 528 354 1076 744.71 (t) Pneumatic elevators and conveyers TOTAL 4 93 612 6226 581 6637 744.49 (t) Other jacks and hoists TOTAL 3 21 744.72 (t) Other continuous-action conveyors, for underground use TOTAL 4 41 60 406 57 510 744.73 (t) Other continuous-action conveyors, bucket type TOTAL 4 23 100 475 744.74 (t) Other continuous-action conveyors, belt type TOTAL 9 141 82 2016 77 469 138 1772 744.79 (t) Continuous-action conveyers for goods or materials, nes TOTAL 2 56 95 1868 48 1065 744.81 (t) Lifts and skip hoists TOTAL 125 1020 1555 9215 1595 7743 744.85 (t) Escalators and moving walkways TOTAL 110 406 66 246 744.89 (t) Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery TOTAL 163 1090 1681 15210 1710 12343 EU countries 159 968 1563 11274 1257 7038 Non-EU countries 4 122 118 3936 453 5305 744. MECHANICAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT, AND PARTS THEREOF, NES 744.11 (no) Electric self-propelled trucks, with lifting equipment TOTAL 387 1522 1890 12439 2349 8159 EU countries 385 1494 1829 11709 2308 7507 Non-EU countries 2 28 61 730 41 652 744.91 (t) Parts of machinery of 744.2 and 744.4 TOTAL 44 354 368 3543 744.92 (t) Parts of machinery of 744.11-13 TOTAL 734 6801 7130 EU countries 665 6572 6697 Great Britain 421 3377 3882 Other 245 3194 2815 Non-EU countries 69 229 433 73870 72182 37470 34712 1688 291 3024 7919 7510 3937 3574 409 61946 60567 33386 27180 1379 185 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 744.93 (t) Parts of lifts, skip hoists or escalators TOTAL 21 340 450 5165 5486 746.30 (t) Spherical roller bearings TOTAL 22 383 81 1494 51 1132 4456 746.40 (t) Needle roller bearings TOTAL 3 22 16 223 10 210 745. OTHER NON-ELECTRICAL MACHINERY, TOOLS AND APPARATUS 746.50 (t) Other cylindrical roller bearings TOTAL 11 175 167 2087 123 1827 745.11 (t) Tools for working in the hand, pneumatic TOTAL 8 274 241 3542 746.80 (t) Other ball or roller bearings TOTAL 2 119 1375 49 759 395 744.94 (t) Parts of other handling machinery of 744.7 and 744.8 TOTAL 21 338 570 6615 464 162 745.12 (t) Tools for working in the hand, with self-contained non-electric motor TOTAL 52 1063 608 9006 568 745.19 (t) Parts of the tools of 745.1 TOTAL 54 768 2840 22 746.91 (t) Balls, needles and rollers for ball and roller bearings TOTAL 3 36 67 924 69 868 7548 746.99 (t) Other parts of ball and roller bearings TOTAL 13 183 162 2228 982 9326 595 6212 745.21 (no) Dish washing machines not of the household type TOTAL 598 160 9625 1757 5868 1597 75 1300 872 538 334 24355 15178 9177 747. TAPS, COCKS, VALVES ETC FOR PIPES, TANKS ETC 745.23 (t) Machinery for cleaning/drying bottles or other containers TOTAL 62 380 398 2126 348 2870 747.10 (t) Pressure-reducing valves TOTAL 50 1346 EU countries 26 589 Non-EU countries 25 757 745.27 (t) Other non-electric packing or wrapping machinery TOTAL 64 2213 940 25465 1046 EU countries 49 735 739 16149 825 Non-EU countries 14 1478 200 9316 221 747.20 (t) Valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions TOTAL 25 664 349 9488 267 9092 747.30 (t) Check valves TOTAL 745.29 (t) Parts of machinery of 745.2 and 775.3 TOTAL 110 2339 1635 25103 EU countries 97 1742 1542 21947 Great Britain 39 762 1099 11614 Other 58 980 443 10333 Non-EU countries 14 598 93 3157 978 874 435 439 104 48115 26295 21821 29669 22441 11633 10807 7229 745.31 (no) Weighing machinery (excl household and sensitivity <=5cg) TOTAL 1766 222 35232 4245 31853 4569 745.32 (no) Personal weighing machines, baby scales, household scales TOTAL 17732 183 242942 1852 194744 1585 745.39 (t) Weighing machine weights of all kinds; parts of 745.3 TOTAL 16 355 169 2899 142 2538 745.61 (t) Fire extinguishers, whether or not charged TOTAL 214 387 2751 4378 1762 3512 745.62 (t) Spray guns and similar appliances TOTAL 23 258 441 5744 467 4255 745.63 (t) Steam or sand blasting machines etc TOTAL 55 521 624 6792 531 5463 211 576 204 373 18370 6890 11480 590 1892 6986 1162 6281 747.40 (t) Safety or relief valves TOTAL 105 785 809 6774 670 7003 747.80 (t) Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances, nes TOTAL 328 6739 6161 79423 5005 EU countries 199 3322 4190 38912 3379 Great Britain 141 2043 3364 23251 2344 Other 58 1280 826 15661 1035 Non-EU countries 129 3416 1971 40511 1626 United States 9 1442 157 17737 223 Other 120 1974 1814 22775 1403 77487 46005 27843 18162 31482 15711 15771 747.90 (t) Parts for the appliances of Group 747 TOTAL 163 3808 1623 47974 EU countries 141 3087 1166 37754 Great Britain 100 2513 779 27193 Other 41 574 388 10561 Non-EU countries 22 721 457 10220 34618 22440 13114 9326 12179 1428 632 366 266 796 748. TRANSMISSION SHAFTS, CRANKS, BEARING HOUSINGS, GEARS AND GEARING FLYWHEELS, PULLEYS ETC 745.64 (t) Agricultural etc appliances for spraying liquids/powders TOTAL 25 227 659 4617 614 4836 748.10 (t) Transmission shafts (incl cam & crank shafts) and cranks TOTAL 140 396 653 3535 575 3380 745.65 (t) Other mechanical projecting, spraying etc appliances TOTAL 56 562 416 4942 186 2560 748.21 (t) Bearing housings, incorporating ball or roller bearings TOTAL 26 112 254 1362 195 974 10239 748.22 (t) Bearing housings, not incorporating ball/roller bearings TOTAL 37 407 380 4599 225 2664 745.68 (t) Parts of the appliances of 745.6 TOTAL 54 775 1369 8990 1416 745.91 (t) Calendering or rolling machines (excl for metals/glass) TOTAL 6 142 74 4165 17 562 748.31 (t) Roller chain of iron or steel TOTAL 25 106 256 1333 333 1408 745.93 (t) Cylinders and other parts for the machines of 745.91 TOTAL 1 46 32 761 51 507 748.32 (t) Other articulated chain of iron or steel TOTAL 17 115 280 1572 205 1551 745.95 (no) Automatic goods-vending and money-changing machines TOTAL 116 99 5505 1580 6533 1412 13 83 748.40 (t) Gears (excl toothed wheels etc), gear boxes etc TOTAL 101 1438 915 12268 1060 EU countries 95 1221 718 9758 853 Non-EU countries 7 217 197 2510 208 10770 8433 2338 745.97 (t) Parts for the machines of 745.95 TOTAL 15 99 263 870 328 839 748.39 (t) Parts of articulated chain of iron or steel TOTAL 2 7 16 88 746. BALL OR ROLLER BEARINGS 746.10 (t) Ball bearings TOTAL 748.50 (t) Flywheels and pulleys (incl pulley blocks) TOTAL 47 406 484 3915 64 670 746.20 (t) Tapered roller bearings TOTAL 3 38 789 7592 769 517 748.60 (t) Clutches and shaft couplings (incl universal joints) TOTAL 42 495 465 5297 375 40 728 36 3673 6852 851 4536 186 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 748.90 (t) Parts, nes, for the articles of Group 748 TOTAL 94 613 2474 7762 708 5408 749. NON-ELECTRIC PARTS AND ACCESSORIES OF MACHINERY, NES 749.11 (t) Moulding boxes for metal foundry TOTAL 0 749.12 (t) Mould bases TOTAL 42 1 14 1 28 15 901 12 629 749.13 (t) Moulding patterns TOTAL 1 18 3 120 8 152 749.14 (t) Injection/compression moulds for metals/metal carbides TOTAL 1 71 6 265 10 238 749.15 (t) Other moulds for metals or metal carbides TOTAL 1 70 2 116 2 76 749.16 (t) Moulds for glass TOTAL - 751.95 - continued Non-EU countries 542 11001 751.96 (t) Other printers, copying and facsimile machines TOTAL 16 294 142 3098 216 30 507 568 12749 7901 751.97 (t) Parts/accessories for goods of headings 751.91 to 751.96 TOTAL 132 5764 2317 86972 2606 85478 EU countries 79 3000 806 32260 1143 36931 Great Britain 17 1163 240 16777 367 22388 Other 62 1836 567 15483 776 14543 Non-EU countries 53 2764 1511 54712 1463 48547 China 17 580 814 12587 760 10675 Singapore 1 702 54 18482 33 12030 Other 34 1482 643 23643 670 25842 751.99 (t) Office machines, nes TOTAL 41 560 519 6910 343 7946 752. ADP MACHINES AND UNITS; MAGNETIC OR OPTICAL READERS, ETC - 749.17 (t) Moulds for mineral materials TOTAL 3 12 0 16 0 17 77 635 85 874 749.18 (t) Injection or compression-type moulds for rubber/plastics TOTAL 12 1009 127 13031 150 13817 EU countries 4 246 36 3028 48 3029 Non-EU countries 7 763 91 10003 103 10788 749.19 (t) Other moulds for rubber or plastics TOTAL 7 533 89 2750 39 749.20 (t) Gaskets etc of two or more layers of metal etc TOTAL 11 633 151 7129 183 749.91 (t) Ship's or boats propellers and blades therefor TOTAL 0 1 50 66 1424 6867 52 81 749.99 (t) Other machinery parts, not containing electrical features TOTAL 29 1079 254 25785 281 10150 EU countries 24 873 115 4643 240 8746 Non-EU countries 5 206 139 21142 41 1404 Switzerland 0 36 108 19304 7 106 Other 5 169 31 1838 34 1298 751. OFFICE MACHINES 751.10 (no) Typewriters, word-processing machines etc. other than printers covered by Groups 726, 726 and 751; TOTAL 5 2 52 14 242 17 751.21 (no) Electronic calculators, not requiring external power TOTAL 72810 134 858258 1594 952157 1634 751.22 (no) Other calculating machines TOTAL 1121 41 9001 324 8208 486 751.24 (no) Cash registers TOTAL 329 3152 971 3384 809 52 751.28 (no) Accounting machines, postage-franking, ticket-issuing and similar machines, incorporating a calculating device TOTAL 3794 251 23972 1409 11616 863 751.91 (no) Duplicating machines TOTAL 18 6 102 27 94 751.93 (no) Machines for sorting/opening mail, stamp fixing etc TOTAL 326 113 5351 1646 5765 27 1712 751.94 (t) Digital devices which can perform at least two of the functions of printing, faxing, copying etc TOTAL 101 1885 1416 19122 1385 12216 EU countries 38 1051 668 8117 907 6154 Non-EU countries 63 834 747 11006 479 6062 751.95 (t) Other machines capable of connecting to ADP machines or a network TOTAL 115 2034 1335 29280 1576 27201 EU countries 85 1527 767 16531 1034 16200 Great Britain 68 1086 627 12762 844 11940 Other 17 441 140 3768 190 4260 752.20 (1000) Portable ADP machines weighing < 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display TOTAL 99 23159 660 174946 827 187520 EU countries 56 12238 378 91688 455 98549 Great Britain 47 8864 340 81932 346 87411 Netherlands 3 1860 7 2972 13 1857 Other 7 1514 31 6784 96 9280 Non-EU countries 42 10921 282 83258 372 88971 China 37 9942 253 76716 314 77441 Other 5 979 29 6543 58 11530 752.30 (1000) Other ADP machines TOTAL 69 94939 EU countries 31 22872 Belgium 1 5202 Czech Republic 2 3349 Great Britain 8 2994 Hungary 7 3379 Netherlands 1 1585 Poland 9 4906 Other 3 1457 Non-EU countries 38 72066 China 24 41873 United States 8 27146 Other 6 3047 467 202 6 25 77 16 6 53 19 265 179 53 33 676324 220317 57723 50562 29988 10081 12151 43265 16546 456007 211593 208220 36194 475 232 0 25 104 8 4 59 32 243 119 71 53 375274 137011 1117 39643 34594 6434 9320 32586 13318 238263 81166 103052 54045 752.60 (1000) Input or output units TOTAL 134 3278 EU countries 45 1387 Non-EU countries 88 1891 China 85 1338 Other 4 553 1606 836 769 678 91 33839 18477 15362 9830 5532 1608 781 827 713 113 34423 19585 14838 10101 4737 752.70 (1000) Storage units, whether or not with the rest of a TOTAL 404 58699 4349 585275 12691 EU countries 80 10296 1016 132067 9130 Germany 10 1391 92 16002 134 France 7 1138 73 12110 37 Great Britain 44 4802 612 57815 8286 Netherlands 7 876 122 18842 258 Other 13 2088 117 27299 415 Non-EU countries 324 48404 3334 453208 3561 China 31 3967 787 86234 961 South Korea 7 1765 41 15634 42 Singapore 35 10414 477 89296 854 Thailand 221 25125 1640 159348 1394 United States 21 2642 208 57907 205 Other 9 4490 180 44789 104 system 617624 160802 12607 5169 98091 15705 29231 456822 118499 10120 104216 137230 57495 29262 752.80 (1000) Other units of automatic data processing machines TOTAL 50 6662 487 94568 699 106861 EU countries 9 1178 115 14879 81 12364 Non-EU countries 41 5484 372 79689 619 94497 China 16 2695 110 15372 156 8441 United States 7 1273 83 46625 234 68081 Other 19 1516 179 17692 230 17976 752.90 (1000) Data-processing equipment, nes TOTAL 18 1128 258 EU countries 12 348 151 Non-EU countries 6 781 107 16420 4292 12127 146 79 67 13326 4064 9262 187 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 762.82 (no) Other, without sound recording/reproducing, with clock TOTAL 3529 70 45415 895 28943 616 759. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES (EXCL COVERS, CASES ETC) FOR MACHINES OF GROUPS 751 & 752 759.80 (t) Parts/accessories for use with machines of subgroups 751.1, 751.2, 751.9 and group 752 TOTAL 2 216 108 1457 56 759.91 (t) Parts/accessories for use with machines of 751.1 TOTAL 21 1083 268 11208 250 EU countries 21 1073 268 11028 243 Great Britain 17 965 255 10633 233 Other 4 107 13 395 10 Non-EU countries 0 11 1 180 6 759.93 (t) Parts/accessories for use with machines of 751.9 TOTAL 5 268 109 8234 107 759.95 (t) Parts/accessories for the machines of 751.2 TOTAL 71 673 389 9588 3228 12297 12048 11788 260 249 761.50 (1000) Projectors TOTAL 1 2763 62 5636 2231 1652 1013 639 579 179 119 88 30 60 21771 14828 10920 3908 6943 139 96 77 20 43 18382 12599 10062 2537 5782 526 20 7162 21 6335 (incl all recording 98316 55380 29060 12272 14048 42936 16816 13754 10683 1683 3332 1758 1000 340 417 1574 636 529 389 20 94416 53597 31209 8689 13699 40819 15095 15303 9192 1229 762. RADIO-BROADCAST RECEIVERS 762.11 (no) With sound recording/reproducing apparatus, for vehicles TOTAL 9683 458 52846 2891 34249 1776 762.12 (no) Without sound recording/reproducing, for vehicles TOTAL 262 5 3260 79 3068 87 762.21 (no) No external source, with sound recording/reproducing TOTAL 15860 348 120949 2848 92268 3304 762.22 (no) No external source, without sound recording/reproducing TOTAL 7306 168 103716 1532 78953 1270 762.81 (no) Other, with sound recording/reproducing apparatus TOTAL 2868 373 24906 2961 27527 2222 190 755 80 763.36 (no) Telephone answering machines TOTAL 144 13 104 12 6186 229757 7552 5897 47 761.60 (t) Reception apparatus for televisions or reproducing apparatus) TOTAL 573 18009 3103 EU countries 245 8180 1593 Great Britain 104 3349 903 Slovakia 72 2489 352 Other 68 2342 338 Non-EU countries 329 9829 1510 China 99 3091 561 South Korea 102 3517 390 Turkey 116 2504 512 Other 11 717 47 763.31 (no) Apparatus that use coins, banknotes, bank cards or other means of payment 242 11 2922 175 2934 191 6310 761. ADP MACHINES AND UNITS; MAGNETIC OR OPTICAL READERS, ETC 761.40 (1000) Other monitors TOTAL 15 EU countries 10 Great Britain 6 Other 4 Non-EU countries 5 763. SOUND/VIDEO RECORDERS OR REPRODUCERS; UNRECORDED MEDIA 763.35 (no) Turntables (record-decks) TOTAL 225 26 375 2126 2047 79 79 TOTAL 759.97 (t) Parts/accessories for the machines of group 752 TOTAL 827 91264 8570 979364 9956 1077140 EU countries 129 19332 1299 264872 2045 239996 Czech Republic 7 1002 76 10453 93 10417 Germany 3 1147 44 13778 69 11031 France 1 794 23 12523 13 4048 Great Britain 72 10310 880 98580 1269 58084 Netherlands 39 3472 188 97492 145 121973 Other 6 2607 89 32047 455 34443 Non-EU countries 698 71932 7270 714492 7911 837144 China 538 34826 5560 394731 6036 466617 South Korea 12 15507 48 70139 164 128299 Philippines 2 2938 58 44910 36 31174 Thailand 44 7108 539 72583 534 83088 United States 48 7851 457 89006 618 82019 Other 54 3702 608 43122 522 45947 761.30 (1000) Cathode-ray tube monitors TOTAL 1 144 762.89 (no) Other, without sound recording/reproducing or clock TOTAL 15442 1775 73931 8263 20614 EU countries 3178 104 20320 1972 18654 Non-EU countries 12264 1671 53611 6291 1960 Mexico 11803 1612 52942 6201 Other 461 59 669 89 1960 763.39 (no) Other apparatus TOTAL 38932 1183 171503 763.81 (no) Video-recording/reproducing apparatus, magnetic tape-type TOTAL 310 21 3832 253 3174 227 763.84 (no) Other video-recording/reproducing apparatus, nes TOTAL 20825 1761 134882 10126 208510 EU countries 10331 756 74098 4939 139969 Non-EU countries 10493 1005 60784 5186 68541 764. TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, NES 764.11 (t) Telephone sets TOTAL 78 EU countries 36 Germany 1 Great Britain 28 Netherlands 2 Sweden 3 Other 2 Non-EU countries 42 China 21 Hong Kong 7 South Korea 1 United States 1 Vietnam 10 Other 3 44656 19816 144 14162 1221 1820 2470 24840 18734 1316 1767 188 1989 847 638 319 28 237 21 10 23 318 169 49 4 35 23 38 331988 161750 14587 110142 13019 8287 15716 170238 106796 8267 13664 32305 4280 4925 530 270 21 186 21 5 38 260 173 18 9 5 0 54 253349 171571 13356 135402 1781 7004 14027 81779 52956 3011 14469 785 16 10540 764.12 (1000) Other transmission apparatus for voice, images, data etc TOTAL 29 38202 238 412755 236 295727 EU countries 18 17498 170 174239 196 115578 Germany 0 554 0 15744 0 10174 Estonia 0 5026 1 22635 0 4483 Great Britain 15 5747 159 65214 175 51936 Netherlands 0 4101 0 51176 0 20914 Other 2 2070 10 19470 20 28071 Non-EU countries 12 20704 68 238515 40 180149 China 12 6879 66 69632 32 51903 Hong Kong 629 0 9939 0 1658 Mexico 1738 20273 0 4100 Malaysia 0 2565 1 18883 1 13159 Thailand 553 14230 7503 United States 0 3874 1 64365 4 55499 Other 0 4465 0 41192 3 46327 764.18 (t) Parts/accessories for telecommunications equipment TOTAL 137 9200 1065 89647 954 EU countries 108 6765 791 55641 707 Estonia 5 1812 21 6891 6 Great Britain 34 2348 378 23850 304 Netherlands 2 1402 33 12411 11 Other 68 1203 359 12489 386 Non-EU countries 29 2435 274 34006 247 China 18 834 167 12494 159 Other 12 1601 107 21512 88 764.21 (t) Microphones and stands therefor TOTAL 6 267 70 3051 10777 5916 4861 2516 70 69857 34295 1198 13338 2241 17518 35563 15576 19987 1816 188 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 764.22 (t) Loudspeakers, mounted in their enclosures TOTAL 112 2127 920 22898 EU countries 20 424 225 5673 Non-EU countries 92 1703 695 17225 Mexico 63 1103 459 10928 Other 29 600 236 6297 909 247 662 438 223 22327 4785 17543 11946 5596 764.23 (t) Loudspeakers, not mounted in their enclosures TOTAL 49 543 411 5090 340 4212 764.24 (t) Headphones, earphones, combined microphone/speaker sets TOTAL 95 2877 828 30233 1029 55125 EU countries 68 1804 494 13794 314 17598 Non-EU countries 27 1073 334 16439 715 37527 China 24 945 222 10048 626 32632 Other 3 128 112 6391 89 4895 764.25 (t) Audio-frequency electric amplifiers TOTAL 4 203 52 2920 42 2992 31 954 28 541 61223 28795 27513 1283 32427 12210 10223 9935 288 1987 33093 21651 20912 739 11442 764.32 (no) Transmission apparatus incl reception apparatus TOTAL 4145 157 68910 4597 52270 764.26 (t) Electric sound amplifier sets TOTAL 2 88 764.31 (no) Transmission apparatus TOTAL 8169 2858 EU countries 5504 2535 Great Britain 5436 2531 Other 68 3 Non-EU countries 2665 324 333 2764 771.25 (t) Other inductors TOTAL 21 EU countries 16 Non-EU countries 6 222 142 80 14962 9835 5127 771.29 (t) Parts of the electric power machinery of Group 771 TOTAL 118 995 1805 13226 1513 EU countries 110 741 1561 9880 1082 Non-EU countries 8 253 244 3345 431 10138 6562 3576 1243 833 410 213 120 93 15017 9713 5304 772. ELECTRICAL SWITCHING, CONNECTING & PROTECTING APPARATUS; PRINTED CIRCUITS; RESISTORS; ETC 772.20 (t) Printed circuits TOTAL 111 EU countries 9 Non-EU countries 102 China 54 Malaysia 2 Thailand 34 United States 2 Other 10 9913 8668 8425 243 1245 1224 191 1033 676 30 223 27 78 118105 12176 105929 23483 13950 7480 39589 21427 772.31 (t) Fixed carbon resistors, composition or film types TOTAL 12 96 138 1326 78 1662 3913 772.32 (t) Other fixed resistors TOTAL 49 499 422 8189 772.33 (t) Wirewound variable resistors (incl rheostats etc) TOTAL 0 5 2 106 3 93 764.83 (t) Radar, radio navigational aid, remote control apparatus TOTAL 9 1031 116 13321 104 11559 EU countries 5 304 55 5401 32 3296 Non-EU countries 4 726 62 7920 72 8263 764.84 (no) Other video-recording/reproducing apparatus, nes TOTAL 149257 6069 1037347 46271 829441 EU countries 18051 2416 166041 19811 240781 Great Britain 16416 2106 144768 15911 219151 Other 1635 309 21273 3900 21630 Non-EU countries 131206 3653 871305 26460 588660 China 125173 2624 808750 16272 513991 Other 6034 1029 62555 10189 74669 771.23 (1000) Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes TOTAL 18 250 1107 2592 47018 23439 20020 3419 23580 12506 11074 764.92 (t) Parts and accessories for use with apparatus of 764.2 TOTAL 79 1544 533 9847 578 9307 EU countries 1 33 26 414 24 495 Non-EU countries 78 1511 508 9433 554 8812 764.93 (t) Parts/accessories for goods of 761/762 and 764.3/764.8 TOTAL 185 3468 1725 34697 1724 46150 EU countries 85 872 1046 9596 865 9949 Non-EU countries 100 2596 679 25101 859 36201 Malaysia 51 1524 284 8986 55 1597 Other 49 1072 395 16115 804 34604 11330 707 10623 2564 1361 1408 4055 1235 1407 132 1275 727 26 390 23 109 487 126270 8890 117380 28432 16080 12861 45248 14760 5644 772.35 (t) Other variable resistors (incl rheostats/potentiometers) TOTAL 6 693 70 6869 71 6037 772.38 (t) Parts for the electrical resistors of 772.3 TOTAL 2 25 3 290 11 717 772.41 (t) Fuses, for voltage >1000v TOTAL 5 151 87 1059 153 2573 772.43 (t) Other automatic circuit breakers, voltage >1000v TOTAL 13 921 234 9755 220 10153 103 1737 772.42 (t) Automatic circuit breakers, voltage >1000v TOTAL 2 218 99 1564 772.44 (t) Isolating switches/make-and-break switches, voltage>1000v TOTAL 9 164 150 3854 157 2959 772.45 (t) Lightning arresters, surge suppressors etc, voltage>1000v TOTAL 3 76 60 1128 95 1688 764.99 (t) Parts and accessories for use with apparatus of Group 763 TOTAL 22 552 182 4253 241 4157 772.49 (t) Other apparatus for switching etc, voltage >1000v TOTAL 24 472 1034 12531 622 EU countries 22 375 981 9914 570 Non-EU countries 1 97 52 2617 52 771. ELECTRIC POWER MACHINERY (EXCL GROUP 716) AND PARTS 772.51 (t) Fuses, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 10 183 771.11 (1000) Liquid dielectric transformers TOTAL 26 1739 114 EU countries 0 1719 11 Non-EU countries 26 20 103 15725 15393 332 99 1 98 10942 10352 590 772.52 (t) Automatic circuit breakers, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 46 2254 487 17265 EU countries 45 2196 451 16172 Non-EU countries 1 59 36 1093 771.19 (1000) Other electric transformers TOTAL 99 1070 1424 EU countries 16 452 247 Non-EU countries 83 618 1177 14294 5179 9116 1635 407 1228 27086 16409 10677 771.21 (t) Static converters TOTAL .. EU countries .. Great Britain .. Other .. Non-EU countries .. China .. Other .. 7874 3156 1276 1880 4718 2065 2652 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 83577 34257 14969 19288 49320 21195 28125 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 73832 28989 13061 15928 44843 23824 21019 170 2407 17351 14922 2429 362 3365 620 607 13 20782 20311 471 772.53 (t) Other apparatus for protecting circuits, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 18 408 474 8971 273 7044 772.54 (t) Relays, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 23 1235 EU countries 10 564 Non-EU countries 12 671 703 201 503 16834 7288 9546 317 167 150 18195 6827 11368 772.55 (t) Other switches, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 65 2423 824 EU countries 41 1131 467 Non-EU countries 23 1292 357 24802 12141 12661 648 316 333 20083 10307 9776 772.56 (t) Connectors for optical fibres, fibre bundles or cables TOTAL 5 121 40 655 39 1052 189 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 772.57 (t) Lamp-holders, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 29 250 174 772.58 (t) Plugs and sockets, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 82 1746 909 EU countries 35 753 446 Non-EU countries 47 993 463 1873 1539 772 370 402 18502 8495 10008 772.59 (t) Other apparatus for switching etc, voltage <=1000v TOTAL 298 4048 3178 56880 2629 EU countries 231 2661 2483 35557 1852 Germany 49 667 1175 12722 583 Great Britain 158 1386 972 13163 759 Other 24 608 336 9671 511 Non-EU countries 67 1387 695 21323 778 United States 16 647 316 14696 296 Other 51 740 379 6626 482 43738 28486 8530 11202 8754 15252 7337 7915 772.61 (t) Boards, panels etc, with apparatus, TOTAL 107 7783 944 EU countries 32 1312 326 Non-EU countries 75 6471 618 United States 54 4822 374 Other 21 1648 245 20155 9613 10542 149 for a voltage <=1000v 65773 539 43584 13499 249 15905 52274 290 27679 31876 150 14629 20398 140 13050 772.62 (t) Boards, panels etc, with apparatus, for a voltage >1000v TOTAL 34 1422 253 6571 368 8307 EU countries 34 1422 252 6499 361 8118 Non-EU countries 0 1 1 72 6 188 772.81 (t) Boards, panels etc for goods of 772.6, not with apparatus TOTAL 145 1323 1365 13599 856 8264 EU countries 115 1160 1203 12684 760 7659 Non-EU countries 30 163 163 916 95 605 772.82 (t) Other parts for goods of 772.4, 772.5 & 772.6 TOTAL 99 2525 949 24771 1114 EU countries 73 1884 735 17022 872 Non-EU countries 26 641 214 7749 242 22685 15046 7638 773.23 (t) Electrical insulators of ceramics TOTAL 29 113 435 2101 551 3142 773.24 (t) Electrical insulators, other than of glass or ceramics TOTAL 14 171 309 2817 254 3004 773.26 (t) Insulating fittings of ceramic materials (excl 773.23) TOTAL 2 129 19 1545 19 597 773.28 (t) Insulating fittings of plastic materials (excl 773.24) TOTAL 12 245 98 2458 111 2875 773.29 (t) Other insulating fittings, nes TOTAL 38 255 603 5962 615 5673 1905 7 1041 39062 20063 7178 12885 18999 363 92 57 35 271 38699 17814 9569 8245 20885 774.13 (t) Ultra-violet or infra-red ray apparatus TOTAL 1 67 4 718 3 759 774.21 (t) Apparatus based on the use of x-rays TOTAL 6 255 103 12368 EU countries 5 192 79 7915 Non-EU countries 1 63 25 4453 77 54 23 14119 11797 2322 774. ELECTRO-DIAGNOSTIC APPARATUS FOR MEDICAL ETC SCIENCES 774.11 (t) Electro-cardiographs TOTAL 0 56 11 774.12 (t) Other electro-diagnostic apparatus TOTAL 31 4261 365 EU countries 14 2363 104 Great Britain 11 1517 59 Other 2 846 45 Non-EU countries 17 1898 260 774.22 (t) Apparatus based on use of alpha, beta or gamma radiation TOTAL 1 62 23 1738 11 1432 774.23 (t) X-ray tubes TOTAL 0 86 3 1083 5 2530 885 104 781 11862 8082 3780 775.11 (no) Washing machines, dry linen capacity <=10kg TOTAL 22603 3944 201568 36544 203623 EU countries 16152 2975 148040 28479 161174 Non-EU countries 6451 969 53528 8064 42448 37980 31525 6456 773. EQUIPMENT FOR DISTRIBUTING ELECTRICITY, NES 773.11 (t) Winding wire TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries 505 421 269 152 84 2898 1791 1054 736 1107 6273 5748 4127 1620 526 31313 23627 16709 6918 7686 773.12 (t) Co-axial cable and other co-axial conductors TOTAL 161 1072 2033 13196 EU countries 82 526 1085 5704 Non-EU countries 79 547 948 7492 5248 4761 2872 1889 487 27479 21317 13319 7998 6162 1427 675 751 9651 5831 3820 773.13 (t) Ignition wiring sets etc for vehicles, aircraft or ships TOTAL 49 1531 466 13585 370 11911 EU countries 1 28 29 1259 31 1511 Non-EU countries 49 1503 437 12326 339 10401 773.16 (t) Insulated electric conductors, for voltage < 1,000 V, nes TOTAL 1426 10218 36080 107188 14305 96632 EU countries 818 4295 30763 46208 9540 44837 Germany 169 791 2303 10400 2233 12095 Great Britain 387 2114 25858 20362 4611 19439 Other 262 1391 2602 15446 2696 13304 Non-EU countries 608 5923 5317 60980 4765 51795 China 84 1804 797 16991 873 16192 Turkey 458 1498 3605 12434 2918 10429 United States 45 1478 536 15354 463 12264 Other 21 1142 380 16201 510 12909 773.17 (t) Other electric conductors, voltage >1000v TOTAL 151 1302 9160 26942 EU countries 122 621 8887 22148 Non-EU countries 29 682 273 4794 773.18 (t) Optical fibre cables TOTAL 30 1266 EU countries 22 348 Non-EU countries 8 918 704 633 71 773.22 (t) Electrical insulators of glass TOTAL 12 39 454 13377 7049 6328 3247 3106 141 22102 19778 2324 571 476 96 13342 9581 3761 774.29 (t) X-ray furniture (incl parts and accessories) TOTAL 3 1302 62 9073 EU countries 2 1186 50 5947 Non-EU countries 1 116 11 3126 775. HOUSEHOLD-TYPE EQUIPMENT, NES 775.12 (t) Clothes drying machines, dry linen capacity <= 10kg TOTAL 309 995 1926 6593 1691 775.21 (no) Refrigerators (electric or other) TOTAL 18070 4082 179793 EU countries 9248 2181 95519 Non-EU countries 8822 1901 84275 38007 23482 14525 177092 84694 92398 36678 22210 14468 775.22 (no) Deep-freezers (electric or other) TOTAL 3148 545 26322 4820 25508 4813 18185 12402 5783 88722 61642 27080 15774 11583 4191 775.41 (no) Shavers with self-contained electric motors TOTAL 68690 1759 423255 10386 302481 EU countries 48918 1377 379458 9380 289426 Great Britain 38674 1319 348321 9079 266145 Other 10244 59 31137 301 23281 Non-EU countries 19772 382 43797 1006 13055 6342 6117 5776 341 225 775.42 (no) Hair clippers with self-contained electric motor TOTAL 20983 527 186514 3215 197338 3314 775.30 (no) Dish washing machines TOTAL 11343 2035 EU countries 8057 1530 Non-EU countries 3286 505 775.49 (t) Parts of 775.41-42 TOTAL 1 973 301 702 7338 42 99424 63664 35760 27 566 9 522 190 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 775.51 (t) Vacuum cleaners with TOTAL 1395 EU countries 1299 Non-EU countries 96 self-contained 2900 35760 1392 34653 1508 1107 electric motor 27672 17925 15251 17073 12421 852 24030 14296 9734 776.21 (no) Television camera tubes; image converters/intensifiers TOTAL 350 46 3073 468 8913 1240 776.23 (no) Other cathode-ray tubes TOTAL 5700 7 43863 65 17567 775.56 (t) Vaccum cleaners other than with self-contained motor TOTAL 19 214 320 2717 531 4024 776.25 (no) Microwave tubes (excl grid-controlled tubes) TOTAL 58 36 205 550 775.57 (t) Parts for vacuum cleaners TOTAL 10 90 1655 776.27 (no) Other electronic valves and tubes TOTAL 188 31 20568 247 1034 176 775.72 (no) Electro-mechanical food grinders/mixers, juice extractors TOTAL 49539 2111 464495 13195 370549 10566 EU countries 36293 1411 386207 9512 305011 8286 Non-EU countries 13246 700 78288 3682 65538 2281 775.73 (no) Other domestic appliances with electric motor TOTAL 7538 3092 70486 21509 63477 EU countries 7429 1586 56713 9352 58289 Great Britain 7414 1505 54229 7558 54643 Other 15 81 2484 1794 3646 Non-EU countries 109 1505 13773 12157 5188 China 24 1460 625 10428 3245 Other 85 45 13148 1729 1943 12087 7295 5423 1872 4792 4223 569 775.79 (t) Parts for domestic appliances with electric motor TOTAL 38 224 370 3619 1387 8999 775.81 (no) Electric instantaneous/storage water & immersion heaters TOTAL 40286 1151 386853 14852 333122 14532 EU countries 31312 1038 330181 13384 306648 13631 Great Britain 25204 901 305704 12574 295263 13144 Other 6108 136 24477 811 11386 487 Non-EU countries 8974 113 56671 1468 26474 901 775.82 (t) Electric space/soil heating apparatus TOTAL 288 1638 1665 9801 EU countries 159 971 1005 6679 Non-EU countries 129 667 660 3122 775.83 (t) Electro-thermic hair-dressing TOTAL 137 3330 EU countries 116 2460 Great Britain 107 2315 Other 10 145 Non-EU countries 21 870 775.84 (no) Electric smoothing irons TOTAL 27367 737 775.85 (no) Electric blankets TOTAL 40069 775.86 (no) Microwave and other TOTAL 58793 EU countries 39834 Great Britain 27860 Other 11974 Non-EU countries 18959 618 1777 1158 618 10431 8324 2108 or hand-drying apparatus 724 12581 1172 10659 575 10023 1014 8690 541 9471 983 8063 34 552 31 627 149 2558 158 1970 207888 149894 5069 2431 178250 4178 171313 2291 ovens, cookers, grillers etc 4806 560169 45794 522861 3639 398068 35688 366689 1658 263186 16898 271798 1981 134882 18789 94890 1167 162101 10107 156172 40638 32098 17527 14572 8540 775.87 (t) Electro-thermic domestic appliances, nes TOTAL 273 3180 2878 23344 EU countries 189 2270 2234 16965 Great Britain 135 1721 1170 12413 Other 54 549 1064 4552 Non-EU countries 84 910 644 6379 2191 1494 1191 303 697 20684 14849 11677 3172 5835 1639 775.89 (t) Parts of the electro-thermic appliances of 775.8 TOTAL 65 665 655 5792 543 6168 776. THERMIONIC COLD CATHODE & PHOTO-CATHODE VALVES AND TUBES; SEMI-CONDUCTOR DEVICES; INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ETC 776.11 (no) Colour television and video CRTs TOTAL 32 10 3116 776.12 (no) Monochrome television and video CRTs TOTAL 53187 41 112892 239 370 4645 194 776.29 (t) Parts of the tubes and valves of 776.1 and 776.2 TOTAL 0 65 1 489 2 205 645 2615 625 74 91539 39 203 776.31 (t) Diodes, not photosensitive nor LEDs TOTAL 9 1882 149 22214 EU countries 5 383 93 4473 Non-EU countries 4 1500 56 17742 United States 1 931 19 13036 Other 3 569 37 4706 358 75 283 24 259 23155 3398 19758 16187 3570 776.32 (t) Transistors (excl photosensitive), dissipation rate <1w TOTAL 4 679 38 6129 23 5317 776.33 (t) Transistors (excl photosensitive), dissipation rate >=1w TOTAL 5 640 77 8113 64 7531 776.35 (t) Thyristors, diacs and triacs (excl photosensitive) TOTAL 0 7 1 170 1 776.37 (t) Photosensitive semi-conductor devices; LEDs TOTAL 39 2424 335 25151 EU countries 8 398 82 4087 Non-EU countries 31 2026 253 21064 776.39 (t) Other semi-conductor devices TOTAL 3 894 223 328 187 141 20826 5132 15694 38 9256 31 10290 776.42 (t) Processors and controllers TOTAL 29 24462 EU countries 10 8893 Non-EU countries 20 15569 Japan 1 1359 Taiwan 2 7081 United States 11 4479 Other 6 2651 350 165 185 23 23 98 41 207063 49595 157468 16785 75209 39553 25922 327 161 167 22 25 76 43 140185 24936 115250 15886 53383 27966 18015 776.44 (t) Memories TOTAL EU countries Germany Great Britain Other Non-EU countries China Other 35 31 3 26 2 3 0 3 8646 4861 1377 2885 598 3785 1689 2097 385 346 31 282 32 39 6 33 81270 51826 12442 30380 9005 29444 8916 20528 338 297 33 226 37 41 5 36 83083 43434 14390 24465 4579 39649 5945 33705 2 217 21 2122 24 1828 776.49 (t) Other electronic integrated circuits TOTAL 17 3103 215 44643 EU countries 7 882 96 9916 Non-EU countries 9 2222 118 34728 202 127 75 57145 8471 48674 9541 59 9641 776.88 (t) Parts of the devices of 776.3 and 776.81 TOTAL 3 105 13 947 10 1318 776.89 (t) Parts of the articles of 776.4 TOTAL 3 1602 34 EU countries 2 235 22 Non-EU countries 1 1366 12 Singapore 1 950 6 Other 0 417 6 20173 1464 18710 12758 5951 29 9 20 7 13 44203 1783 42420 23683 18737 778.11 (t) Primary cells and primary batteries TOTAL 846 6762 3895 60744 EU countries 713 1654 3044 11330 Non-EU countries 132 5109 851 49414 Japan 26 1516 170 9549 2772 1940 832 53 43842 9324 34518 3447 776.46 (t) Amplifiers TOTAL 776.81 (t) Piezo-electric crystals, mounted TOTAL 12 842 99 775.88 (t) Electric heating resistors (other than of carbon) TOTAL 21 374 106 3093 102 18 778. ELECTRICAL MACHINERY AND APPARATUS, NES 191 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 778.11 - continued United States Other 24 82 2600 993 99 582 30064 9800 778.12 (t) Electric accumulators (storage batteries) TOTAL 583 3792 6101 30141 EU countries 389 2186 3534 16297 Great Britain 253 1371 2475 11993 Other 135 814 1060 4304 Non-EU countries 194 1606 2566 13844 87 692 5535 3480 2403 1077 2055 778.13 (t) Waste/scrap of primary cells, batteries and electric accumulators; electrical parts of machinery, nes TOTAL 358 1468 2720 9988 2078 EU countries 358 1250 2679 7908 1990 Non-EU countries 0 218 41 2080 88 778.17 (t) Parts of primary cells and primary batteries TOTAL 47 79 421 823 27755 3316 28039 16843 12173 4669 11197 6369 5587 782 1576 1392 454 39 550 6287 4876 4615 778.22 (1000) Discharge lamps (other than ultra-violet lamps) TOTAL 379 973 3984 9056 4691 10722 778.19 (t) Parts of electric accumulators TOTAL 23 68 65 778.21 (1000) Filament lamps TOTAL 344 610 778.23 (1000) Sealed beam lamp units TOTAL 44 176 6913 352 62 14706 778.66 (t) Paper or plastics dielectric fixed capacitors TOTAL 2 80 62 1101 10 1414 94 55 917 778.67 (t) Other fixed capacitors TOTAL 5 194 89 3511 2 52 302 13 247 80 0 4 75 14337 2875 778.68 (t) Variable or adjustable (pre-set) capacitors TOTAL 4 75 778.69 (t) Parts of electrical capacitors TOTAL 0 5 14 778.71 (t) Particle accelerators TOTAL - - 0 778.78 (t) Other electrical machines, with individual functions nes TOTAL 113 4413 1408 46440 1083 39198 EU countries 34 1444 500 15309 504 12333 Great Britain 16 913 417 11510 396 7884 Other 18 531 83 3800 108 4450 Non-EU countries 79 2969 908 31130 579 26864 China 60 2042 630 17361 304 9621 Other 19 927 278 13769 275 17243 778.79 (t) Parts of electrical machines of 778.7 TOTAL 10 640 104 6338 126 7612 581 4297 183 1820 778.81 (t) Permanent and electro-magnets, clamps etc TOTAL 24 645 439 5766 778.24 (1000) Ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps TOTAL 13 299 79 2396 51 2100 778.82 (t) Signalling/safety equipment for railways, roads, airports TOTAL 1557 408 19569 3291 12037 3092 778.29 (t) Parts of the lamps of 778.2 TOTAL 2 53 48 850 36 2143 778.65 - continued Non-EU countries 917 778.31 (t) Ignition/starting equipment: internal combustion engines TOTAL 65 753 703 8512 664 9085 778.33 (t) Parts of the equipment of 778.31 TOTAL 65 1374 894 EU countries 60 1317 837 Germany 22 800 388 Other 38 517 449 Non-EU countries 5 57 57 18702 18264 11103 7161 439 790 785 417 368 6 16002 15883 10552 5331 120 778.83 (t) Parts of the equipment of 778.82 TOTAL 1 188 31 2227 43 2370 778.84 (t) Sound or visual signalling apparatus (excl 778.33/778.82) TOTAL 66 2665 869 29589 709 27102 EU countries 52 1813 710 18999 552 17236 Great Britain 44 1512 645 16022 442 13964 Other 8 301 65 2977 110 3272 Non-EU countries 14 852 159 10590 157 9866 778.85 (t) Parts of the equipment of 778.84 TOTAL 15 529 174 6265 332 9390 778.34 (t) Lighting/signalling, wipers, demisters etc for vehicles TOTAL 107 1375 939 11969 709 10117 EU countries 61 728 618 7870 484 7031 Non-EU countries 46 647 322 4099 224 3086 778.86 (t) Carbon electrodes & carbon articles for electrical use TOTAL 7 153 75 1670 87 2049 778.35 (t) Parts of the equipment of 778.34 TOTAL 12 238 127 781. MOTOR VEHICLES PRINCIPALLY DESIGNED FOR THE TRANSPORT OF PERSONS (EXCL PUBLIC-TRANSPORT VEHICLES) 2690 144 2642 778.41 (no) Drills for working in the hand, with self-contained motor TOTAL 13333 640 109109 6741 146141 5320 781.10 (no) Designed for travelling on snow; golf cars etc TOTAL 49 251 990 2477 24171 2874 778.43 (no) Saws for working in the hand, with self-contained motor TOTAL 9161 229 72102 3463 62188 2227 992895 790066 11715 95879 399749 36996 81743 132785 2108 14677 14413 202829 12614 106096 54447 16521 13151 92 5514 781.20 (no) Motor vehicles for the transport of persons, nes TOTAL 19828 188398 190015 1420306 207506 EU countries 16240 146159 160423 1062077 189300 Belgium 159 2473 976 16842 716 Czech Republic 1471 19052 10514 135977 7705 Germany 4676 74533 32962 516353 25432 Spain 1172 12804 4925 53210 3466 France 1591 15577 12781 121007 9826 Great Britain 6657 17709 92347 172292 116009 Poland 130 1479 251 2709 318 Northern Ireland 81 942 975 11873 1209 Other 303 1592 4693 31813 24618 Non-EU countries 3589 42239 29592 358229 18206 India 101 748 1283 9988 1630 Japan 1453 18368 12770 164599 8110 South Korea 881 10823 7521 96541 4346 Turkey 1117 12057 7621 85271 1265 Other 37 244 397 1830 2855 778.64 (t) Ceramic dielectric fixed capacitors, single layer TOTAL 45 358 511 4146 469 4136 782. MOTOR VEHICLES FOR GOODS; SPECIAL PURPOSES MOTOR VEHICLES 778.65 (t) Ceramic dielectric fixed capacitors, multilayer TOTAL 20 3775 341 28629 441 EU countries 10 2361 248 14292 379 Great Britain 6 1651 93 6986 155 Other 3 710 155 7306 224 23783 9078 4440 4637 778.45 (t) Other tools for working in hand with self-contained motor TOTAL 47 474 642 6540 592 5865 778.61 (t) Power capacitors TOTAL 0 16 9 286 10 351 778.62 (t) Tantalum fixed capacitors TOTAL 5 1785 EU countries 1 33 Non-EU countries 4 1752 United States 1 1687 Other 4 66 49 15 34 7 27 26333 401 25932 25752 180 42 9 32 6 27 20787 434 20354 20086 268 778.63 (t) Aluminium electrolytic fixed capacitors TOTAL 6 558 130 6453 782.11 (no) Dumpers designed for off-highway use TOTAL 13 680 181 4478 181 5077 192 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 782.19 (no) Motor vehicles for the transport of goods nes TOTAL 39729 40304 55230 318295 13198 EU countries 39098 31374 50211 256425 10036 Germany 549 9979 4498 85938 3186 Spain 411 5086 2199 26432 2050 France 293 7261 3160 70151 2767 Great Britain 37632 2456 38606 22909 1138 Netherlands 17 811 293 16817 124 Sweden 56 2745 425 18597 401 Other 139 3035 1031 15582 370 Non-EU countries 631 8930 5019 61870 3162 Japan 76 1198 1207 16662 788 Turkey 448 5889 3018 37765 1553 Other 107 1844 794 7442 821 782.21 (no) Crane lorries TOTAL 17 506 49 8929 41 238176 202848 72125 22168 40934 33799 8614 15814 9395 35328 12332 18872 4124 784.34 (t) Gearboxes and parts thereof TOTAL 41 661 265 4182 404 4888 784.35 (t) Drive-axles with differential; non-driving axles; parts TOTAL 20 156 191 1676 196 1717 784.39 (t) Other parts and accessories TOTAL 2116 15559 24276 EU countries 1829 13151 20768 Germany 814 5043 8728 Great Britain 493 5039 7365 Other 522 3069 4675 Non-EU countries 287 2408 3508 Japan 49 1118 580 Other 238 1291 2928 177535 150423 58885 58913 32625 27112 12464 14648 20522 17652 6173 7190 4289 2871 567 2303 154204 130503 48035 55521 26947 23701 11970 11730 7165 785. MOTORCYCLES (INCL MOPEDS) AND CYCLES; INVALID CARRIAGES 782.23 (no) Mobile drilling derricks - - - - - 782.25 (no) Fire fighting vehicles TOTAL - 7 127 20 387 785.13 (no) Motorcycles: with reciprocating piston engine 50-250cc TOTAL 31 56 468 1060 300 758 782.27 (no) Concrete-mixer lorries TOTAL - 21 435 9 46 785.15 (no) Motorcycles: with reciprocating piston engine 250-500cc TOTAL 16 34 169 738 171 706 782.29 (no) Other special purpose vehicles TOTAL 18 433 114 3666 395 1658 785.16 (no) Motorcycles: with reciprocating piston engine 500-800cc TOTAL 25 81 258 1353 96 447 783. ROAD MOTOR VEHICLES, NES 785.11 (no) Motorcycles: with reciprocating piston engine <=50cc TOTAL 473 66 153 17 785.17 (no) Motorcycles: with reciprocating piston engine >800cc TOTAL 34 297 380 3615 247 2441 783.11 (no) Public-transport vehicles, compression-ignition engine TOTAL 47 5302 1198 20669 3591 8715 EU countries 44 5018 1187 20232 2673 8591 Spain 16 4729 33 8027 9 1686 Other 28 290 1154 12205 2664 6905 Non-EU countries 3 283 12 437 918 123 783.19 (no) Public-transport vehicles, nes TOTAL 128 EU countries 128 Non-EU countries - 11517 11517 0 175 175 - 6867 6867 - 783.20 (no) Road tractors for semi-trailers TOTAL 21 997 359 EU countries 21 997 357 Non-EU countries 2 19915 19860 55 473 472 1 25544 25500 44 784. PARTS ETC OF THE VEHICLES OF GROUPS 722, 781, 782 OR 783 784.10 (t) Chassis with engines for vehicles of 722/781/782/783 TOTAL 92 2561 1031 23201 776 16281 EU countries 90 2560 1019 23192 766 16272 Great Britain 87 2523 743 20446 470 13468 Other 3 38 275 2746 296 2804 Non-EU countries 1 0 13 8 10 9 784.21 (t) Bodies (incl cabs) for vehicles of Group 781 TOTAL 55 794 472 5267 785.19 (no) Other motorcycles; side-cars TOTAL 1601 76 2062 238 893 181 785.20 (no) Bicycles and other cycles (incl delivery tricycles) TOTAL 34388 2720 258776 27648 275652 19151 EU countries 8174 1188 85261 15689 122281 9895 Non-EU countries 26214 1532 173516 11958 153371 9256 785.31 (t) Invalid carriages, whether or not motorised TOTAL 19 417 283 5653 785.35 (t) Parts TOTAL 155 and accessories of motorcycles (incl mopeds) 4 20 76 685 35 785.36 (t) Parts and accessories of invalid carriages TOTAL 12 324 85 2236 62 785.37 (t) Parts and accessories of other vehicles of Group 785 TOTAL 43 644 651 11114 561 EU countries 40 593 529 6646 469 Non-EU countries 3 52 122 4467 92 3511 972 1825 9615 6259 3356 786. TRAILERS AND SEMI-TRAILERS; VEHICLES, NOT MECHANICALLY PROPELLED; SPECIALLY EQUIPPED TRANSPORT CONTAINERS 5238 786.10 (no) (Semi-)trailers of caravan type for housing or camping TOTAL 39 654 461 5104 392 2770 784.25 (t) Bodies (incl cabs) for vehicles of Groups 722, 782, 783 TOTAL 22 186 76 784 82 471 786.21 (no) Self-loading/self-unloading (semi-)trailers, agricultural TOTAL 32 303 418 4850 206 3329 784.31 (t) Bumpers for the vehicles of Groups 772/781/782/783 TOTAL 50 1198 812 12019 702 EU countries 42 1137 726 11188 628 Non-EU countries 8 61 86 831 74 786.22 (no) Tanker trailers and tanker semi-trailers TOTAL 6 103 79 2149 430 10054 9282 772 784.32 (t) Other parts of bodies for vehicles of 772/781/782/783 TOTAL 124 1452 1460 17443 1420 15393 EU countries 97 1289 1172 15322 1119 13499 Non-EU countries 27 163 289 2120 301 1893 784.33 (t) Brakes and servo brakes for vehicles of 722/781/782/783 TOTAL 203 1492 3174 17841 2715 16839 EU countries 190 1265 2923 16039 2516 15025 Great Britain 152 965 2277 11647 1872 10820 Other 38 300 646 4392 645 4205 Non-EU countries 13 227 250 1801 199 1814 75 1314 786.29 (no) Other (semi-)trailers for the transport of goods TOTAL 23 413 1653 11180 644 EU countries 23 413 1635 10933 509 Non-EU countries 18 248 135 9149 9133 16 786.30 (no) Containers specially designed and equipped for carriage TOTAL 4352 323 21272 4282 20425 5429 786.83 (t) Trailers and semi-trailers, nes TOTAL 273 785 3404 EU countries 273 782 3387 Non-EU countries 1 3 18 12066 12007 58 2455 2323 131 9062 8923 139 786.85 (t) Vehicles, not mechanically propelled, nes TOTAL 229 1955 2533 21894 EU countries 172 1817 1700 19370 Great Britain 142 1694 1463 18345 Other 30 123 237 1025 1802 1042 796 246 13794 11021 10078 943 193 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 786.85 - continued Non-EU countries 57 138 833 786.89 (t) Parts for 786.1, 786.2, 786.83 and TOTAL 1292 3343 14159 EU countries 758 2513 9355 Great Britain 454 1653 5389 Other 304 860 3965 Non-EU countries 534 830 4804 2524 786.85 40925 33382 20841 12541 7543 760 2773 11514 8033 4652 3382 3481 30853 25321 16401 8920 5532 791. RAILWAY VEHICLES AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 791.11 (t) Locomotives powered from external source of electricity TOTAL 0 2 0 21 0 22 791.15 (t) Locomotives powered by electric accumulators TOTAL 1 9 0 9 791.21 (t) Diesel-electric locomotives - - - - - 791.29 (t) Rail locomotives, nes; locomotive tenders TOTAL - 13 791.70 (t) Railway coaches, luggage vans etc, not self-propelled TOTAL 10 217 791.81 (t) Railway or tramway maintenance or service vehicles TOTAL 0 1 0 11 1 791.82 (t) Railway or tramway goods and vans, not self-propelled TOTAL 4 15 23 176 84 791.91 (t) Track fixtures, mechanical signalling equipment etc TOTAL 2330 716 2927 8005 3351 4 1487 10515 10515 13 13 10311 10311 792.95 (t) Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters (excl 792.91 & 792.92) TOTAL 43 21505 519 204011 500 160468 EU countries 24 8497 268 87702 249 69545 Germany 2 883 16 16173 14 6432 France 2 1812 19 13812 19 11383 Great Britain 17 4792 188 45036 178 41606 Other 4 1010 44 12682 38 10123 Non-EU countries 19 13007 251 116309 251 90923 United States 18 12400 186 96611 211 81634 Other 1 607 65 19697 40 9290 4 4 4 792.20 (no) Aeroplanes & other aircraft, unladen weight <=2000kg TOTAL 1 1 12 52 6 793. SHIPS, BOATS (INCL HOVERCRAFT) AND FLOATING STRUCTURES 233 793.12 (no) Sailboats, not inflatable, with/without auxiliary motor TOTAL 1 1 39 352 12 139 15 793.19 (no) Rowing boats & canoes; vessels for pleasure or sport, nes TOTAL 12 52 627 840 218 1814 177 793.22 (t) Tankers of all kinds TOTAL 0 2 11 165 10 41 73 - - 793.26 (t) Refrigerated vessels (other than tankers) - - - 5518 2 71553 71553 71553 793.24 (t) Fishing vessels; factory ships etc TOTAL 0 793.27 (t) Other vessels for goods or both passengers and goods TOTAL 1 476 793.28 (t) Cruise ships, excursion boats etc; ferry-boats TOTAL 0 7 7 79 17 102 1 1 0 0 - 167 6 4 2 162 793.29 (t) Other vessels (incl warships and lifeboats) TOTAL 1 50200 EU countries 1 50003 Great Britain 50000 Other 1 3 Non-EU countries 197 793.30 (t) Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up - - 82 792.40 (no) Aeroplanes & other aircraft, unladen weight >15000kg TOTAL 23 584154 29 778087 EU countries 11 334369 9 155712 France 11 334369 4 71100 Other 5 84612 Non-EU countries 12 249785 20 622375 United States 6 237572 10 419463 Other 6 12213 10 202912 792.83 (t) Aircraft launching gear; deck-arrestor gear, etc TOTAL 0 1 1 103 3 7512 - 792.30 (no) Aeroplanes & other aircraft, unladen weight 2000-15000kg TOTAL 1 13672 6 71804 EU countries 1 13672 5 71768 France 1 13672 5 71768 Non-EU countries 1 36 792.50 (t) Spacecraft, satellites and spacecraft launch vehicles - 173 793.11 (no) Inflatable vessels (incl rowing boats and canoes) TOTAL 76 3 6275 284 8931 792. AIRCRAFT AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT ETC 16 792.93 (t) Under-carriages and parts thereof TOTAL 1 641 24 Non-EU countries 1 641 24 595 157 791.99 (t) Parts of the locomotives or rolling stock of 791.1-82 TOTAL 78 1549 1335 16206 1350 16422 EU countries 78 1507 1310 15687 1318 16022 Great Britain 32 1144 424 10132 566 10180 Other 45 363 886 5555 752 5842 Non-EU countries 0 42 25 519 32 400 792.15 (no) Helicopters, unladen weight >2000kg TOTAL 1 11413 EU countries 1 11413 Italy 1 11413 Other - 792.91 (t) Propellers, rotors and parts thereof TOTAL 0 95 2 792.97 (t) Parts of the goods of Group 792, nes TOTAL 9 815 47 8451 791.60 (t) Railway or tramway coaches, vans & trucks, self-propelled TOTAL 7 45 49 236 57 730 792.11 (no) Helicopters, unladen weight <=2000kg TOTAL 0 - 792.84 (t) Balloons/dirigibles/gliders and all non-powered aircraft TOTAL 1 20 15 131 16 107 793.51 (no) Dredgers TOTAL 1 0 92 36 461 64 793.55 (no) Floating or submersible drilling or production platforms 793.59 (no) Light vessels, fire-floats, floating cranes etc TOTAL 356 723 30 793.70 (t) Tugs and pusher craft TOTAL - 43 - 0 0 - - 20 - 408 0 131 793.99 (t) Floating structures, nes TOTAL 23 - 444 0 581 3661 3328 333 10555 9022 1533 3109 2700 409 9611 8088 1522 793.91 (t) Rafts, inflatable TOTAL - 811. PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS 477 811.00 (t) Prefabricated buildings TOTAL 478 1125 EU countries 461 1085 Non-EU countries 17 40 194 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 821.14 (t) Swivel seats with variable height adjustment TOTAL 91 480 930 4568 812. SANITARY, PLUMBING AND HEATING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS, NES 812.11 (t) Radiators and parts of iron or steel, for central heating TOTAL 934 2056 8422 19347 7830 17177 EU countries 884 1946 7063 16919 6722 14925 Great Britain 801 1746 6591 15375 6273 13327 Other 83 200 472 1544 449 1598 Non-EU countries 49 110 1359 2428 1108 2253 812.15 (t) Air heaters and hot air distributors, and parts thereof TOTAL 7 115 117 1206 159 1093 812.17 (t) Central heating boilers (other than TOTAL 364 3280 2856 EU countries 345 3245 2788 Great Britain 208 2039 1843 Other 137 1205 945 Non-EU countries 19 35 67 812.19 (t) Parts for the boilers of 812.17 TOTAL 32 375 269 those of Group 711) 22232 2255 18295 21976 2183 18056 14370 1395 10649 7606 789 7407 256 72 239 4249 172 2119 812.21 (t) Sinks, baths, bidets, urinals etc: porcelain or china TOTAL 345 837 3873 8483 3059 6568 812.29 (t) Sinks, baths, bidets, urinals etc: other ceramics TOTAL 112 268 1504 3800 1429 3602 813. LIGHTING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS, NES 813.12 (t) Portable battery-operated lamps TOTAL 49 499 484 4983 458 21857 15113 9673 5440 6745 4841 813.13 (t) Electric table, desk, bedside or floor-standing lamps TOTAL 134 1011 1272 8228 1074 6518 813.15 (t) Electric lamps and lighting fittings, nes TOTAL 380 5302 3830 45776 EU countries 171 3039 1711 23473 Great Britain 93 2155 1121 14054 Other 78 884 589 9419 Non-EU countries 209 2263 2119 22303 China 191 1969 1946 18893 Other 18 294 173 3410 3727 1423 903 520 2304 2028 276 38076 18384 10275 8109 19692 17161 2531 813.17 (t) Non-electrical lamps and lighting fittings TOTAL 149 716 1540 7119 1479 5939 5008 821.16 (t) Seats, nes, with wooden frames TOTAL 1895 6257 17695 EU countries 1128 3624 9851 Great Britain 1032 2989 9046 Other 96 635 805 Non-EU countries 767 2633 7844 China 673 2278 6769 Other 94 356 1074 55769 31714 26600 5114 24054 20723 3332 16110 9322 8492 829 6789 6030 759 49712 30294 25432 4862 19418 17226 2193 821.17 (t) Seats, nes, with metal frames TOTAL 277 1215 5343 EU countries 91 556 2909 Non-EU countries 186 659 2434 16143 8107 8036 6991 4995 1996 13763 6696 7067 821.18 (t) Other seats (excl 872.4) TOTAL 170 1067 EU countries 113 841 Non-EU countries 58 226 2085 992 1093 12074 7388 4686 2416 1099 1317 12336 7048 5287 821.19 (t) Parts of the seats of 821.1 TOTAL 192 1113 EU countries 108 409 Non-EU countries 83 704 2153 1063 1090 13411 4226 9185 1944 910 1035 11667 3589 8078 435 1771 361 1513 821.23 (t) Mattresses of cellular rubber or plastics TOTAL 21 152 224 1861 253 1991 8036 1500 8084 821.21 (t) Mattress supports TOTAL 32 813.11 (t) Chandeliers & other electric ceiling/wall fittings TOTAL 223 2979 2474 29339 1820 EU countries 135 2101 1252 18410 1033 Great Britain 79 1087 830 11101 705 Other 56 1013 423 7309 328 Non-EU countries 88 878 1222 10929 787 932 821.15 (t) Seats, other than garden/camping, convertible into beds TOTAL 51 155 399 1292 337 1107 128 821.25 (t) Mattresses of other materials TOTAL 182 840 1603 821.27 (1000) Sleeping bags TOTAL 5 55 99 865 112 986 821.29 (t) Other articles of bedding TOTAL 438 2961 EU countries 146 1287 Non-EU countries 291 1674 China 249 1368 Other 42 306 3770 1398 2373 1906 467 26411 12426 13985 9482 4503 3533 1528 2004 1524 481 23149 12320 10829 8550 2279 821.31 (t) Furniture, nes, of metal: of a kind used in offices TOTAL 341 1157 3208 10160 2746 EU countries 279 1010 2419 8394 1852 Non-EU countries 62 147 789 1766 894 821.39 (t) Other metal furniture, nes TOTAL 582 1759 EU countries 279 1042 Non-EU countries 303 717 7038 3530 3508 22730 13070 9660 813.91 (t) Parts, nes, of the goods of 813.1 and 813.2: of glass TOTAL 7 155 93 1540 110 1417 821.51 (t) Furniture, nes, of wood: of a kind used in offices TOTAL 682 3887 8276 27158 3447 EU countries 660 3794 7745 25967 2847 Great Britain 409 2975 5044 16623 803 Other 250 819 2701 9344 2044 Non-EU countries 22 93 531 1191 600 16531 15328 7035 8293 1204 813.92 (t) Parts, nes, of the goods of 813.1 and 813.2: of plastics TOTAL 2 50 59 623 26 551 821.53 (t) Furniture, nes, of wood: of a kind used in the kitchen TOTAL 242 695 2579 7818 2384 7603 813.99 (t) Parts, nes, of the goods of 813.1 and 813.2: other TOTAL 58 744 580 5813 508 821.55 (t) Furniture, nes, of wood: of a kind used in the bedroom TOTAL 988 2779 9619 25981 9013 24858 EU countries 368 1176 3762 11670 3739 12200 Non-EU countries 620 1603 5858 14311 5274 12658 813.20 (t) Illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like TOTAL 25 233 250 2278 219 1999 813.80 (t) Parts of the portable electric lamps of 813.12 TOTAL 1 14 20 281 30 222 4644 7964 3428 4536 24266 12627 11639 9343 7416 1927 821. FURNITURE, BEDDING, MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS ETC 821.11 (t) Seats of a kind used for aircraft TOTAL 9 247 74 1097 51 917 821.12 (t) Seats of a kind used for motor vehicles TOTAL 26 192 269 2317 327 2387 821.13 (t) Seats of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials TOTAL 2 7 31 178 24 126 821.59 (t) Other wooden furniture, nes TOTAL 2450 5520 25044 EU countries 1615 3411 15407 Great Britain 366 1060 5197 Other 1249 2351 10209 Non-EU countries 835 2109 9637 Vietnam 301 814 4173 Other 534 1295 5464 821.71 (t) Furniture of plastics TOTAL 46 216 1459 58872 34010 14457 19553 24862 11621 13241 21985 14276 4215 10060 7709 2940 4769 49529 30703 13258 17445 18826 7693 11134 6438 2768 6864 195 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 821.79 (t) Furniture of other materials (incl bamboo) TOTAL 126 217 884 2137 1472 4410 821.80 (t) Parts of the furniture of 821.3, 821.5 and 821.7 TOTAL 1025 2766 9633 26606 6803 EU countries 968 2536 8563 23608 5861 Non-EU countries 57 231 1070 2998 941 18301 15309 2992 831. TRAVEL GOODS, HANDBAGS AND SIMILAR CONTAINERS 831.11 (1000) Handbags, outer surface leather (incl composition/patent) TOTAL 25 1979 275 17350 389 15342 EU countries 12 1265 148 11885 212 12201 Non-EU countries 12 714 128 5465 177 3141 831.12 (1000) Handbags, outer surface of plastic or textile materials TOTAL 378 1904 4268 20729 3456 18638 EU countries 81 719 477 6357 388 6285 Non-EU countries 296 1185 3791 14372 3068 12353 China 268 1111 3298 13170 2616 11321 Other 29 74 493 1203 453 1032 831.19 (1000) Other handbags TOTAL 31 841.40 - continued Non-EU countries Bangladesh China Other 698 344 159 195 5611 2348 1027 2236 7312 2698 1973 2640 54316 16703 12544 25070 6531 2222 1876 2433 49001 13885 11983 23133 5371 1338 4033 1853 2179 5277 1122 4156 2038 2118 43657 14580 29078 9909 19169 4623 1107 3517 1680 1837 38565 14026 24539 7775 16764 841.59 (1000) Shirts of other textile fabrics TOTAL 142 868 1260 7649 1133 6889 841.61 (1000) Underpants and briefs TOTAL 116 397 931 2780 1049 2502 841.62 (1000) Nightshirts and pyjamas TOTAL 46 332 426 2523 652 3588 841.51 (1000) Shirts of cotton TOTAL 708 EU countries 101 Non-EU countries 607 Bangladesh 341 Other 267 841.69 (hkg) Singlets and other vests, bathrobes & dressing gowns etc TOTAL 315 72 955 558 534 575 225 275 2953 249 2624 831.21 (hkg) Trunks etc outer surface leather, incl composition/patent TOTAL 183 237 1661 2948 2113 2944 842. WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' GARMENTS, NOT KNITTED OR CROCHETED (EXCL 845.2 & 845.6) 831.22 (hkg) Trunks etc, outer surface of plastic or textile materials TOTAL 6450 1582 142134 13936 14992 12096 EU countries 5550 851 134742 8403 8589 7418 Non-EU countries 900 731 7392 5533 6403 4679 842.11 (no) Overcoats, raincoats, car-coats and the like TOTAL 151564 3803 1246965 28316 1214994 EU countries 70647 1975 522546 15113 647357 Great Britain 53960 1339 360267 8569 446733 Other 16687 636 162278 6544 200624 Non-EU countries 80917 1828 724420 13202 567637 China 61116 1332 470916 8152 330033 Other 19800 495 253504 5050 237604 25450 14915 8536 6379 10535 6039 4496 842.19 (no) Anoraks, ski-jackets, wind-cheaters and the like TOTAL 138400 2627 1452576 22804 1437754 EU countries 48801 980 420611 8205 440548 Non-EU countries 89599 1647 1031965 14599 997206 China 73871 1270 900106 12008 891810 Other 15728 376 131859 2591 105396 21986 9303 12684 10734 1949 831.29 (hkg) Trunks etc, other TOTAL 192 179 1218 1320 1350 1254 831.30 (hkg) Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe cleaning TOTAL 218 149 1320 1172 919 990 831.91 (hkg) Articles of 831.9: normally carried in pocket or handbag TOTAL 510 1361 4726 11526 4349 11676 EU countries 118 551 1244 5168 1709 6468 Non-EU countries 393 811 3481 6358 2640 5207 831.99 (hkg) Articles of 831.9: TOTAL 2580 EU countries 1234 Non-EU countries 1346 China 1096 Other 251 other 3023 1046 1977 1287 690 28178 8846 19331 15463 3868 32472 10992 21480 14788 6692 30335 10725 19610 15305 4305 31509 11628 19882 14142 5739 841.11 (no) Overcoats, raincoats etc: of wool or fine animal hair TOTAL 4022 223 26982 1525 26130 1491 288779 5634 841.19 (no) Ski-jackets, wind-cheaters, wind-jackets etc TOTAL 136623 2120 1216667 17098 920397 EU countries 34692 738 388536 6663 302545 Non-EU countries 101931 1382 828131 10435 617853 13967 5941 8026 6063 841.21 (no) Suits of wool or fine animal hair TOTAL 4465 406 61500 6300 61461 6461 841.22 (no) Suits of other textile materials TOTAL 6510 196 134692 3539 158760 3604 841.23 (no) Ensembles TOTAL 17563 87413 777 545896 6773 353638 5506 2254 56 91910 1409 109240 1417 2444 1760547 853 578981 1591 1181566 26853 12393 14460 1784878 589412 1195466 27592 13168 14424 5809 3299 2455 844 2510 1221 1289 4953 2456 1777 679 2497 1110 1387 67193 38846 25764 13082 28347 13715 14631 5451 2988 1886 1102 2463 969 1494 72200 45582 29524 16058 26619 11209 15410 842.50 (1000) Skirts and divided skirts TOTAL 125 1264 1778 EU countries 57 601 703 Non-EU countries 68 663 1075 16030 7759 8271 1570 696 875 13349 7299 6050 842.22 (no) Ensembles TOTAL 842.30 (no) Jackets TOTAL EU countries Non-EU countries 841. MEN'S OR BOYS' GARMENTS, NOT KNITTED OR CROCHETED (EXCL 845.2 & 845.6) 841.12 (no) Overcoats, raincoats etc: other TOTAL 69717 1054 353538 842.21 (no) Suits TOTAL 149 273331 2238 406181 3258 841.30 (no) Jackets and blazers TOTAL 67375 1863 EU countries 24845 815 Non-EU countries 42529 1048 739700 312556 427144 18130 9008 9122 751295 285933 465362 16907 8106 8801 841.40 (1000) Trousers, bib & brace overalls, shorts TOTAL 918 8457 10190 86990 EU countries 220 2846 2878 32674 Great Britain 168 1772 1960 18784 Other 52 1074 918 13891 9234 2703 2015 688 81318 32317 19723 12594 842.40 (1000) Dresses TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries China Other 157619 38315 119304 383 197 151 45 186 100 86 842.60 (1000) Trousers, shorts, breeches, bib & brace overalls TOTAL 956 7686 12065 96389 12276 EU countries 180 2563 2993 37000 2727 Great Britain 110 1151 1759 17357 1601 Other 70 1412 1234 19643 1125 Non-EU countries 776 5124 9072 59389 9549 China 365 1913 3078 17268 3427 Other 411 3211 5994 42121 6121 92137 33314 16254 17059 58824 19602 39221 842.70 (1000) Blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses TOTAL 752 5643 9802 69403 EU countries 411 3401 4566 37742 Great Britain 236 1919 2478 17911 Other 176 1482 2088 19831 Non-EU countries 341 2241 5236 31661 China 104 762 1634 10445 Other 237 1479 3602 21216 62951 32218 13936 18281 30733 8101 22632 8791 3709 1661 2048 5083 1266 3817 196 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 842.81 (1000) Slips and petticoats TOTAL 27 127 842.82 (no) Nightdresses and pyjamas TOTAL 88515 559 450 746255 842.89 (hkg) Undergarments, pyjamas, bathrobes TOTAL 281 698 2296 1640 307 1004 3999 768810 4026 3881 1429 2591 843. MEN'S OR BOYS' GARMENTS, KNITTED OR CROCHETED (EXCL 845.2 & 845.6) 843.10 (no) Overcoats, car-coats, capes, anoraks, ski-jackets etc TOTAL 96262 1188 743306 9564 875362 9270 843.21 (no) Suits TOTAL 843.22 (no) Ensembles TOTAL 1070 3918 25 45842 890 36092 101391 1193 127290 1252 843.23 (no) Jackets and blazers TOTAL 119804 1162 857750 7666 526217 6940 843.24 (1000) Trousers, bib & brace overalls, shorts TOTAL 254 1401 3336 14780 EU countries 35 274 446 3437 Non-EU countries 220 1127 2891 11344 2833 761 2072 12517 4147 8370 3473 827 2646 18780 6684 12096 843.79 (1000) Shirts of other textile materials TOTAL 58 572 712 5073 781 5371 1529 674 854 843.81 (1000) Underpants and briefs TOTAL 1114 2069 EU countries 64 290 Non-EU countries 1050 1778 3521 921 2600 7888 881 7007 14600 4078 10522 7403 679 6725 13373 3028 10345 843.82 (no) Nightshirts and pyjamas TOTAL 336075 1483 1796602 EU countries 19731 125 122787 Non-EU countries 316343 1358 1673815 7314 592 6722 1372111 77249 1294862 5355 295 5060 843.89 (no) Bathrobes, dressing gowns etc TOTAL 80940 438 473304 2138 274619 1441 844. WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' GARMENTS, KNITTED OR CROCHETED (EXCL 845.2 & 845.6) 844.10 (no) Overcoats, car-coats, capes, anoraks, ski-jackets etc TOTAL 119017 1608 963653 11814 793839 9995 EU countries 47838 828 374404 6456 318185 5442 Non-EU countries 71179 780 589249 5359 475655 4553 7674 125 94523 1476 89555 1268 13224 86 139334 1249 143950 1174 844.23 (no) Jackets/blazers TOTAL 106788 831 873620 8638 706113 7864 4129 2723 2284 439 1406 3740 1916 1462 454 1824 38322 22335 15232 7103 15987 3353 1587 1233 354 1766 36043 21074 14451 6623 14970 844.25 (1000) Skirts and divided skirts TOTAL 107 634 1412 7646 1310 7246 844.22 (no) Ensembles TOTAL 844.24 (1000) Dresses TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries 312 203 181 23 108 493 1893 6454 6102 19103 3494 1162 2332 22424 9413 13011 844.81 (1000) Slips and petticoats TOTAL 33 156 413 1763 399 1657 844.82 (1000) Briefs and panties TOTAL 1968 2125 EU countries 92 374 Non-EU countries 1875 1752 China 1263 972 Other 613 780 21046 1211 19836 14566 5270 22433 3783 18650 10549 8101 19079 1972 17107 11865 5242 22356 5415 16941 9657 7284 844.83 (no) Nightdresses and pyjamas TOTAL 1073331 4861 6480883 EU countries 70958 477 556540 Non-EU countries 1002372 4384 5924343 China 563869 2330 3083196 Other 438503 2054 2841147 26117 3018 23099 11459 11640 4657167 490261 4166906 2229829 1937077 18389 2668 15721 7941 7779 844.89 (no) Negligees, bathrobes, dressing gowns etc TOTAL 167808 847 1269009 5072 6978022 4179 845. ARTICLES OF APPAREL, OF TEXTILE FABRICS, WHETHER OR NOT KNITTED OR CROCHETED, NES 18919 7542 11376 844.21 (no) Suits TOTAL 20450 844.70 (1000) Blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses TOTAL 225 1812 3121 22308 EU countries 96 864 1319 10348 Non-EU countries 130 948 1802 11960 809 74 843.71 (1000) Shirts of cotton TOTAL 252 EU countries 86 Non-EU countries 166 844.26 - continued Other 844.26 (1000) Trousers, bib & brace overalls, breeches & shorts TOTAL 1112 4511 13388 47489 9899 35389 EU countries 198 1028 3807 15971 1610 8496 Great Britain 166 821 2967 12021 1158 5983 Other 32 206 840 3950 452 2513 Non-EU countries 913 3483 9580 31519 8288 26893 China 421 1590 3126 11069 2186 7789 845.11 (hkg) Babies' garments accessories, not knitted/crocheted TOTAL 1846 2483 14987 23018 15808 22682 EU countries 417 1123 3647 9332 3101 9333 Non-EU countries 1429 1360 11340 13686 12708 13350 845.12 (hkg) Babies' garments accessories, knitted/crocheted TOTAL 2673 4219 33554 46387 27977 EU countries 334 1023 5150 13529 4276 Great Britain 318 968 4400 11839 3837 Other 15 55 749 1690 438 Non-EU countries 2339 3196 28404 32858 23701 China 851 1403 9384 13837 9905 Other 1489 1793 19020 19021 13796 42500 12109 10574 1535 30391 15182 15209 845.21 (hkg) Garments made up of fabrics of 657.1 or 657.2 TOTAL 2145 737 24763 8658 20750 8228 845.22 (hkg) Men's & boys' garments, of fabrics not knitted or crocheted of 657.32, 657.33 or 657.34 TOTAL .. 647 .. 8426 .. 8855 845.23 (hkg) Women's & girls' garments, of fabrics not knitted or crocheted of 657.32, 657.33 or 657.34 TOTAL .. 624 .. 6821 .. 6826 845.24 (hkg) Of knitted/crocheted fabrics of 657.32/657.33/657.34 TOTAL 64 143 826 1417 530 1047 845.30 (1000) Jerseys, waistcoats etc, knitted/crocheted TOTAL 2699 21723 22677 175606 23206 EU countries 813 8007 7042 70387 6544 Great Britain 632 5961 4976 47056 4376 Other 181 2046 2066 23331 2169 Non-EU countries 1886 13716 15634 105219 16662 Bangladesh 293 2168 2684 16477 2368 China 1171 7887 9431 60634 9193 Other 423 3661 3519 28108 5101 845.40 (1000) T-shirts, TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries Bangladesh China India Turkey Other 845.51 (1000) Brassieres TOTAL EU countries Non-EU countries China 166233 65776 40123 25653 100457 14831 58241 27385 singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted 3581 11178 52056 146795 48177 138706 612 3111 9909 48402 9396 47505 478 2302 7273 34098 7224 34283 134 809 2637 14304 2172 13222 2969 8067 42147 98393 38781 91201 1199 2252 20032 31286 18214 29662 429 1463 4276 13602 3449 10989 477 1234 6981 15281 5469 12936 294 1261 4551 18127 3828 15765 569 1858 6308 20097 7820 21849 716 118 597 400 2898 1026 1872 1017 9177 1338 7840 5015 34770 11927 22843 12139 7982 1344 6639 4467 31424 10883 20541 13007 197 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 845.51 - continued Other 7534 846.93 (hkg) Shawls, scarves, mufflers, etc, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 423 765 3767 4793 3241 4595 845.52 (hkg) Girdles, corsets, braces, suspenders, garters etc TOTAL .. 449 .. 4449 .. 5303 846.99 (hkg) Made up clothing accessories nes; knitted or crocheted TOTAL 62 148 882 1834 1194 1187 845.61 (no) Men's and boy's swimwear, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 1835 23 370843 1578 139939 877 848. ARTICLES OF APPAREL AND CLOTHING ACCESSORIES OF OTHER THAN TEXTILE FABRICS, HEADGEAR OF ALL MATERIALS 845.62 (no) Men's and boys' swimwear, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 2444 20 176395 853 170668 791 848.11 (hkg) Articles of apparel, of leather or composition leather TOTAL 52 393 635 4157 438 3663 197 855 2825 10704 2171 845.63 (no) Women's and girls' swimwear, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 4393 23 148600 1082 142618 903 845.64 (no) Women's and girls swimwear, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 52690 264 2107612 8763 6095642 845.81 (no) Ski suits, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 498 13 16564 114 14949 7595 848.13 (hkg) Belts and bandoliers, of leather or composition leather TOTAL 127 323 1339 2873 1203 2676 120 848.19 (hkg) Other accessories, of leather or composition leather TOTAL 32 78 267 812 280 722 845.87 (hkg) Men's and boys' apparel, not knitted or crocheted, nes TOTAL .. 1306 .. 11495 .. 11431 EU countries .. 720 .. 6438 .. 6308 Non-EU countries .. 585 .. 5057 .. 5123 845.89 (hkg) Women's or girls' apparel, not knitted or crocheted, nes TOTAL .. 1122 .. 13862 .. 12451 EU countries .. 447 .. 8090 .. 7914 Non-EU countries .. 674 .. 5772 .. 4536 845.91 (no) Track suits, knitted of crocheted TOTAL 26679 343 515911 5086 554755 4443 84 20 52 845.99 (hkg) Garments, knitted or crocheted, nes TOTAL 613 1017 6185 9368 5075 9165 845.92 (hkg) Ski suits, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 11 25 34 46 135 235 134 848.21 (hkg) Articles of apparel and clothing accessories of plastics TOTAL 3380 1621 36572 17608 37932 14621 EU countries 1487 958 10892 9276 12597 5908 Non-EU countries 1893 663 25680 8333 25335 8713 848.22 (ThP) Rubber gloves TOTAL 40365 EU countries 2810 Non-EU countries 37555 Malaysia 32374 Other 5181 2267 662 1605 1313 292 363839 58352 305487 262810 42677 20804 7650 13154 10704 2450 227651 43090 184561 141662 42898 17805 7061 10744 8624 2120 848.29 (hkg) Other of vulcanised rubber (other than hard rubber) TOTAL 493 288 3830 2364 3864 2883 848.31 (hkg) Articles of furskin (excl headgear) TOTAL 4 33 31 528 97 516 848.32 (hkg) Artificial fur and articles thereof (excl headgear) TOTAL 19 18 142 99 3 846. CLOTHING ACCESSORIES, OF TEXTILE FABRICS (EXCL BABIES') 846.11 (1000) Handkerchiefs TOTAL 25 848.12 (ThP) Gloves etc of leather/composition leather, not for sports TOTAL 90 364 1300 2978 1457 3146 244 846.12 (1000) Shawls, scarves, mufflers etc, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 253 1055 3111 9652 3060 9582 18 848.42 (no) Hats etc, plaited or with assembled strips of material TOTAL 29517 125 441718 1178 404392 1114 846.13 (1000) Ties, bow ties and cravats, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 103 255 1042 2684 1033 2643 848.43 (no) Hats and other headgear, knitted/crocheted, or made from felt or other textile abrics; hair-nets TOTAL 73602 1403 1064036 10820 1074025 10132 EU countries 27821 380 280053 2900 315282 3066 Non-EU countries 45781 1023 783983 7919 758743 7066 846.14 (hkg) Gloves, mittens and mitts, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 252 214 1743 2822 931 1643 848.44 (no) Safety headgear TOTAL 35190 3325 524753 3498 846.19 (hkg) Other made-up clothing accessories; parts of garments other than of 845.5, not knitted or crocheted TOTAL 390 457 3237 4105 3173 3894 848.45 (no) Headgear, nes, of rubber or plastics TOTAL 398203 68 1045049 399 464453 274 846.23 (1000) Compression hosiery (e.g. stockings for varicose veins) TOTAL 12 353 352 3789 277 3229 846.24 (1000) Other panty hose and tights TOTAL 860 1450 6770 EU countries 413 892 3453 Non-EU countries 447 558 3317 846.25 (ThP) Other women's hosiery < 67 decitex TOTAL 40 43 225 846.29 (ThP) Other hosiery TOTAL 5179 EU countries 656 Non-EU countries 4523 China 3243 Other 1280 4737 1474 3263 2016 1247 52338 5474 46864 29724 17140 243 528441 848.48 (hkg) Head-bands, linings, hat frames, peaks, chinstraps etc TOTAL 33 24 191 239 156 286 848.49 (no) Headgear, nes, of materials other than rubber or plastics TOTAL 215270 118 1251732 795 911060 768 11599 7638 3961 6102 3575 2528 10774 7745 3029 461 307 739 39308 10594 28714 15925 12789 41924 6391 35533 19632 15901 36945 11500 25446 12424 13021 846.91 (ThP) Gloves, knitted or crocheted, impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or rubber TOTAL 554 501 5975 5374 5679 851. FOOTWEAR 851.11 (ThP) Waterproof footwear, with metal toe-cap, rubber/plastic TOTAL 10 169 81 1423 104 1930 851.15 (ThP) Footwear, with metal toe-cap, uppers of leather TOTAL 33 643 435 7812 372 6628 851.21 (ThP) Ski-boots and cross country ski footwear, rubber/plastic TOTAL 0 10 1 70 1 64 851.22 (ThP) Ski-boots and cross country ski footwear, uppers leather TOTAL 0 2 0 12 2 29 4626 846.92 (ThP) Other gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted TOTAL 503 498 5318 4387 5419 4427 851.23 (ThP) Other sports footwear, rubber/plastic TOTAL 37 706 547 9476 655 10551 851.24 (ThP) Other sports footwear, uppers of leather TOTAL 34 992 415 11075 EU countries 9 309 138 4372 Non-EU countries 25 682 278 6703 378 126 252 10021 4075 5946 198 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 851.25 (ThP) Shoes for tennis, gym etc, outer soles rubber/plastic TOTAL 58 1263 1030 22837 1378 27154 EU countries 43 762 730 15351 865 16343 Great Britain 37 591 566 12940 711 13684 Other 6 171 164 2410 154 2659 Non-EU countries 15 500 300 7486 513 10811 851.31 (ThP) Waterproof footwear, nes, uppers/sole not fixed TOTAL 49 363 637 3964 637 851.48 (ThP) Footwear, nes, with outer soles of leather TOTAL 400 9911 4900 105437 EU countries 240 6624 2819 64158 Great Britain 141 3382 1682 30759 Portugal 41 1492 350 10831 Other 58 1749 786 22567 Non-EU countries 160 3287 2082 41280 China 49 979 766 14211 Vietnam 37 811 506 10917 Other 74 1497 810 16152 4328 2396 1239 393 764 1931 753 504 674 1007 96131 59122 26031 11430 21662 37009 12950 10429 13630 851.49 (ThP) Footwear, uppers of leather or composition leather, nes TOTAL 15 555 215 7075 608 11990 851.51 (ThP) Footwear, soles rubber/plastics, uppers textile materials TOTAL 576 3226 9468 43576 8920 42824 EU countries 87 1069 1351 16243 1346 16313 Great Britain 65 891 917 10187 1043 12565 Other 23 178 434 6056 303 3748 Non-EU countries 489 2157 8117 27333 7575 26511 China 476 1987 7883 24812 7331 24011 Other 13 170 234 2521 244 2500 851.52 (ThP) Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials TOTAL 16 223 207 3251 243 2955 851.59 (ThP) Footwear with uppers of textile materials, nes TOTAL 349 1111 2054 5458 2166 5550 851.70 (ThP) Footwear, nes TOTAL 11 132 275 1675 320 1975 851.90 (hkg) Parts of footwear TOTAL 95 157 1041 1921 942 1848 547 45486 496 871.15 (hkg) Optical telescopes (incl monoculars) TOTAL 57 79 432 480 630 727 871. OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS, NES 871.11 (no) Binoculars TOTAL 628 20 49203 871.19 (hkg) Parts and accessories of binoculars and telescopes TOTAL 1 4 12 75 27 871.31 (hkg) Microscopes (excl optical); diffraction apparatus TOTAL 73 713 369 11245 265 EU countries 2 5 6 79 55 Non-EU countries 71 708 362 11165 210 518 6725 644 1308 77 1431 871.91 (hkg) Telescopic sights, periscopes, etc TOTAL 7 7 65 3060 10 109 871.92 (hkg) Lasers (other than laser diodes) TOTAL 2 60 89 93 1899 871.49 (hkg) Parts and accessories of 871.4 TOTAL 4 74 49 4207 851.32 (ThP) Other footwear with outer soles/uppers of rubber/plastics TOTAL 709 5554 10242 67754 9166 59214 EU countries 238 2254 3120 28089 2624 24676 Great Britain 199 1851 2445 21329 2117 18864 Other 39 404 675 6760 506 5812 Non-EU countries 471 3300 7122 39665 6543 34538 China 454 2984 6711 34739 6282 31119 Other 17 315 411 4926 261 3420 851.41 (ThP) Footwear soles of leather, and with leather straps TOTAL 6 71 43 719 54 871.45 (no) Compound optical microscopes, nes TOTAL 438 26 11939 124 13916 5877 8040 2214 871.93 (hkg) Other optical devices, appliances and instruments, nes TOTAL 94 497 451 3768 873 4529 871.99 (hkg) Parts and accessories of the articles of 871.91-93 TOTAL 7 64 251 881 49 1201 872. INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES, NES, FOR MEDICAL, SURGICAL, DENTAL OR VETERINARY PURPOSES 872.11 (hkg) Dental drill engines TOTAL 0 8 18 253 171 1507 872.19 (hkg) Other dental instruments and appliances TOTAL 229 1079 1178 10743 EU countries 40 605 476 7469 Non-EU countries 190 475 702 3274 490 337 153 7154 5489 1665 872.21 (hkg) Syringes, needles, catheters, cannulae etc TOTAL 3466 38536 51855 363562 EU countries 1897 6541 29410 55175 Great Britain 478 2392 6596 20108 Netherlands 551 900 6658 10487 Other 868 3250 16156 24580 Non-EU countries 1569 31995 22445 308387 Costa Rica 36 2671 340 22773 Mexico 395 10377 5039 85775 Singapore 19 781 195 10185 United States 917 16031 15053 174522 Other 202 2135 1818 15132 44780 29232 5996 6447 16789 15547 173 3465 175 8143 3592 284860 52055 22216 9327 20512 232805 16804 55417 10565 132026 17993 872.25 (hkg) Ophthalmic instruments and appliances, nes TOTAL 57 634 612 6341 458 5109 872.29 (hkg) Instruments & appliances for blood pressure, dialysis, anaesthetic use; endoscopes, ultrasonic, etc TOTAL 5459 36215 53410 413792 53886 297967 EU countries 4678 28002 43633 301221 42793 204857 Austria 72 2706 1076 29038 742 16458 Germany 564 10644 9207 112353 8798 58422 France 91 1241 1067 13373 997 4707 Great Britain 2559 5378 19745 63733 17820 58106 Netherlands 491 4400 3926 45882 4797 39797 Other 900 3632 8611 36841 9640 27366 Non-EU countries 782 8213 9777 112571 11093 93110 Japan 41 602 222 10504 115 4601 United States 426 5475 5339 67572 6423 62576 Other 315 2136 4216 34494 4555 25933 872.31 (hkg) Mechano-therapy appliances; massage apparatus; TOTAL 237 199 1316 1892 1558 2374 872.33 (hkg) Apparatus for oxygen therapy, artificial respiration etc TOTAL 1346 4610 13621 52504 12835 45319 EU countries 974 2903 10160 36605 9755 28664 Great Britain 885 2597 9440 24710 9102 25122 Other 90 305 720 11895 653 3542 Non-EU countries 372 1708 3461 15898 3080 16655 872.35 (hkg) Other breathing appliances and gas masks TOTAL 112 335 1330 4222 1015 3270 872.40 (hkg) Medical, dental etc furniture; barbers' chairs etc; parts TOTAL 563 927 6632 8929 6373 9247 871.39 (hkg) Parts and accessories for microscopes TOTAL 2 153 42 2197 214 1327 871.41 (no) Stereoscopic microscopes TOTAL 62 136 324 555 873. METERS AND COUNTERS, NES 418 711 871.43 (no) Other microscopes for photomicrography, cinephotomicrography or microprojection TOTAL 3 3 21 33 25 30 873.11 (hkg) Gas meters of 873.1 TOTAL 8 426 1160 3881 257 3600 873.13 (hkg) Liquid meters of 873.1 TOTAL 432 2023 EU countries 431 1990 Non-EU countries 1 33 4130 4064 66 17629 17323 306 511 469 42 1913 1515 398 199 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 873.15 (hkg) Electricity meters of 873.1 TOTAL 43 326 1064 7262 1202 7978 873.19 (hkg) Parts & accessories of gas, liquid or electricity meters TOTAL 43 188 285 1753 278 1188 873.21 (hkg) Revolution counters, taximeters, mileometers etc TOTAL 14 249 238 1610 227 1130 873.25 (hkg) Speed indicators and tachometers; stroboscopes TOTAL 6 95 79 724 87 575 873.29 (hkg) Parts and accessories of the articles of 873.21 & 873.25 TOTAL 3 136 265 3997 102 1705 874. MEASURING, CHECKING, ANALYSING AND CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS, NES 874.11 (hkg) Direction finding compasses; other navigational aids TOTAL 6 166 134 3875 352 5273 874.12 (hkg) Parts and accessories of 874.11 TOTAL 157 156 272 1184 623 1157 874.13 (hkg) Surveying, meteorological or geophysical instruments etc TOTAL 30 3124 1860 7914 1019 5194 EU countries 21 2964 1710 5987 891 3766 Belgium 8 2666 8 2666 Other 13 298 1702 3321 891 3766 Non-EU countries 9 160 150 1927 128 1428 874.14 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the articles of 874.13 TOTAL 125 196 1015 1535 323 1409 874.43 (hkg) Spectrometers, spectrographs etc using optical radiations TOTAL 12 434 372 11982 373 8270 EU countries 2 142 149 2554 262 3770 Non-EU countries 11 292 223 9427 111 4500 874.45 (hkg) Apparatus using optical radiations (UV, visible, IR), nes TOTAL 36 352 516 10144 777 11271 EU countries 22 171 215 3547 343 5235 Non-EU countries 14 181 301 6597 434 6036 874.46 (hkg) Instruments/apparatus for physical/chemical analysis, nes TOTAL 195 1490 1742 17106 1093 18843 EU countries 115 478 960 6380 423 5892 Non-EU countries 80 1012 783 10726 670 12951 874.49 (hkg) Microtomes; TOTAL EU countries Germany Great Britain Other Non-EU countries United States Other parts & accessories of the articles of 336 5767 4556 64400 10684 153 2826 1772 32834 2031 79 1409 980 15825 908 54 918 648 10242 903 20 498 144 6768 221 183 2942 2784 31566 8652 75 1726 909 18228 6233 107 1215 1875 13337 2420 874.51 (hkg) Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better TOTAL 5 88 123 792 74 874.4 80689 34534 13864 12969 7700 46155 33622 12533 1162 874.52 (hkg) Instruments, apparatus or models solely for demonstration TOTAL 175 665 2546 5344 3725 4113 874.53 (hkg) Appliances for testing elasticity, compressibility, hardness or other mechanical properties of materials 176 266 1973 3483 1333 2442 TOTAL 874.22 (hkg) Drafting tables/machines; other drawing instruments etc TOTAL 125 63 1034 608 1055 672 874.54 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the articles of 874.53 TOTAL 1 63 42 626 89 874.23 (hkg) Instruments for measuring length, for use in the hand TOTAL 116 340 1029 3207 1074 3428 874.55 (hkg) Hydrometers, thermometers, barometers, hygrometers etc TOTAL 133 1235 1514 9076 1555 10928 874.24 (hkg) Parts/accessories for articles of 874.22 and 874.23 TOTAL 1 3 26 106 12 874.56 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the instruments of 874.55 TOTAL 37 250 453 2413 279 2058 874.25 (hkg) Measuring or checking instruments TOTAL 641 6657 4543 EU countries 120 1186 1928 Non-EU countries 521 5471 2615 Israel 82 1238 288 United States 388 2274 1339 Other 51 1959 987 874.26 (hkg) Parts and accessories for TOTAL 601 4676 EU countries 562 4008 Great Britain 546 3847 Other 17 161 Non-EU countries 39 667 110 and appliances, nes 69991 5744 182163 11476 1372 14435 58515 4372 167729 9901 1253 62718 20579 1382 45402 28035 1737 59609 the articles of 874.25 34063 44003 2836 33675 36271 2390 4561 32460 2087 29114 3812 303 388 7732 447 37173 29657 28337 1320 7516 874.31 (hkg) Apparatus (excl 873.1, 874.1 and 874.6), for measuring or checking the flow or level of liquids TOTAL 260 1259 1647 15320 1688 10241 EU countries 157 630 1158 6510 1445 6455 Non-EU countries 103 629 490 8811 243 3786 874.35 (hkg) Apparatus (excl 873.1, 874.1 and 874.6), for or checking the pressure of liquids or gases TOTAL 47 1495 689 10331 EU countries 19 1125 354 4655 Non-EU countries 28 370 335 5676 measuring 846 553 293 874.39 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the articles of 874.3 TOTAL 144 991 1597 9349 1799 7290 4372 7206 874.63 (hkg) Pressure regulators and controllers (manostats) TOTAL 7 52 123 659 108 1142 3011 7261 458 874.65 (hkg) Other regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus TOTAL 1049 2075 5405 26871 3245 15472 EU countries 1032 1303 4117 9142 2254 8429 Non-EU countries 17 772 1289 17729 991 7043 874.69 (hkg) Parts and accessories for apparatus of 874.6 TOTAL 115 572 887 5262 837 4780 874.71 (hkg) Apparatus for measuring or detecting ionising radiations TOTAL 3 135 27 770 15 218 874.73 (hkg) Oscilloscopes and oscillographs TOTAL 25 106 105 2131 100 1533 874.75 (hkg) Other instruments & apparatus for measuring or checking power, voltage, current or resistance 39 407 299 3557 281 10917 TOTAL 7815 3897 3918 874.37 (hkg) For measuring/checking other variables of liquids/gases TOTAL 161 632 2683 6065 2173 4644 874.41 (hkg) Gas or smoke analysis apparatus TOTAL 39 668 350 874.61 (hkg) Thermostats TOTAL 374 726 10185 304 7739 874.42 (hkg) Chromatographs and electrophoresis instruments TOTAL 18 292 206 3253 223 4772 874.77 (hkg) Other apparatus, designed for telecommunications TOTAL 20 1702 185 13828 167 EU countries 17 1558 113 10894 127 Great Britain 16 1494 80 7839 95 Other 1 65 32 3055 33 Non-EU countries 3 143 73 2933 40 12783 10446 8903 1543 2337 874.78 (hkg) Other instruments for measuring electrical quantities TOTAL 222 817 2868 14645 354 6856 EU countries 6 234 137 1733 90 2307 Non-EU countries 216 583 2730 12912 263 4549 874.79 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the articles of 874.7 TOTAL 245 4512 3122 29886 132 EU countries 13 157 63 982 14 Non-EU countries 232 4355 3060 28904 118 Japan 221 4035 2925 25258 13 Other 10 319 134 3646 105 4635 1188 3447 620 2827 200 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 874.90 (hkg) Parts and accessories for machines and apparatus, nes TOTAL 348 23819 6446 39299 3911 18170 EU countries 233 23015 5801 36327 3501 15265 Great Britain 150 22734 4193 32467 850 9792 Other 83 281 1608 3859 2651 5474 Non-EU countries 115 804 645 2972 410 2905 883. CINEMATOGRAPHIC FILM EXPOSED AND DEVELOPED 883.10 (hkg) Cinematograph film, width >=35mm TOTAL 0 0 1 1 1 2 883.90 (hkg) Cinematograph film, width <35mm TOTAL 0 1 0 1 14168 6638 7530 47309 26626 20683 9528 4504 5024 4839 429 3449 884.17 (1000) Spectacles lenses of materials other than glass TOTAL 296 1584 4693 25253 5982 EU countries 82 578 1587 12384 2818 Non-EU countries 214 1006 3106 12869 3164 32734 20057 12677 881. PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT, NES 881.11 (no) Photographic (other than cinematographic) cameras TOTAL 4415 295 53579 2618 52270 881.13 (1000) Photographic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs TOTAL 0 38 6 301 9 884. OPTICAL GOODS, NES 2875 311 881.14 (hkg) Parts & accessories for photographic cameras of 881.11 TOTAL 14 109 374 1358 585 1636 881.15 (hkg) Parts & accessories for photographic flashlight apparatus TOTAL 29 53 98 263 89 390 881.21 (no) Cinematographic cameras TOTAL 2 1 80 24 938 899 656 1307 925 844 881.23 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the cameras of 881.21 TOTAL 12 96 574 1113 413 1055 881.22 (no) Cinematographic projectors TOTAL 73 177 881.24 (hkg) Parts and accessories for cinematographic projectors TOTAL 23 52 743 798 2949 1627 881.31 (hkg) Microfilm, microfiche or other microform readers - - 881.32 (hkg) Image projectors, nes - - - - - 884.11 (1000) Contact lenses TOTAL 6398 EU countries 2073 Non-EU countries 4325 1874 620 1254 49953 23871 26082 884.15 (1000) Spectacle lenses of glass TOTAL 56 330 656 884.19 (hkg) Optical fibres, bundles and cables nes; sheets & plates of polarising material; unmounted optical elements nes TOTAL 82 574 2099 9028 2932 6720 884.21 (1000) Frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles or the like TOTAL 95 874 1408 9213 1249 8418 884.22 (hkg) Parts for frames and mountings of spectacles, goggles etc TOTAL 1 10 19 171 19 195 884.23 (hkg) Spectacles, TOTAL EU countries Non-EU countries goggles etc: corrective, protective or other 654 1526 8522 19315 7526 13142 541 924 6152 12825 5643 9046 113 602 2370 6490 1884 4096 881.33 (hkg) Photographic (excl cinematographic) enlargers & reducers TOTAL 1 4 15 65 8 86 884.31 (no) Objective lenses for cameras, projectors and enlargers TOTAL 10321 307 268460 6421 1601564 11171 881.34 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the equipment of 881.31-33 TOTAL 6 81 104 741 104 529 884.32 (no) Other mounted objective lenses TOTAL 359486 1990 3133592 EU countries 5269 72 25648 Non-EU countries 354217 1918 3107944 China 354204 1909 3100385 Other 13 9 7559 881.35 (hkg) Apparatus for photographic/cinematographic laboratories TOTAL 31 88 419 1313 511 1592 881.36 (hkg) Parts and accessories for the equipment of 881.35 TOTAL 2 15 89 163 119 355 882. PHOTOGRAPHIC AND CINEMATOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 882.10 (hkg) Chemical preparations for photographic uses (excl glues, varnishes, adhesives and similar products TOTAL 3649 5247 31013 51904 27912 44473 EU countries 587 1498 8334 20609 11376 10007 Non-EU countries 3062 3749 22680 31295 16536 34466 Japan 1466 1660 6005 11639 4004 8553 United States 1335 1682 14024 16612 8748 18063 Other 261 406 2650 3044 3784 7850 17113 696 16418 15806 611 1371582 17126 1354456 1294075 60381 8572 538 8034 6620 1414 34992 1607 33299 1112 884.39 (hkg) Mounted optical elements, nes TOTAL 49 195 151 2404 145 1745 885.31 (no) Wrist watches, battery powered TOTAL 7199 1029 110084 8150 57532 6199 885.32 (no) Other wrist watches TOTAL 1613 884.33 (no) Mounted optical filters TOTAL 3339 173 885. WATCHES AND CLOCKS 209 6965 1502 5917 1055 885.39 (no) Pocket and other watches TOTAL 5943 60 28668 327 24580 408 882.40 (hkg) Photographic paper, paperboard and textiles, sensitised TOTAL 183 112 2126 1261 2458 1029 885.41 (no) Wrist watches, battery powered TOTAL 103160 1603 640531 EU countries 43657 798 353403 Non-EU countries 59504 805 287128 10243 6306 3937 542480 302175 240305 9236 6523 2714 882.50 (hkg) Photographic plates, paper etc, exposed but not developed TOTAL 25 78 146 593 518 345 885.42 (no) Other wrist watches TOTAL 9755 738 46022 6041 73783 5210 882.60 (hkg) Photographic plates and film, exposed and developed, other than cinematographic film TOTAL 1 921 14 11264 15 8004 EU countries 0 63 1 618 5 4323 Non-EU countries 1 858 13 10646 10 3681 United States 1 849 12 10615 9 2644 Other 0 9 1 31 1 1037 885.49 (no) Pocket and other watches TOTAL 14392 86 145909 1097 169139 2035 882.20 (hkg) Photographic plates/film in the flat (excl paper/fabric) TOTAL 1630 875 14016 7967 9857 5980 882.30 (hkg) Photographic film in rolls, (excl paper/fabric) TOTAL 22 75 465 511 592 711 885.51 (no) Watch movements, complete and assembled: battery powered TOTAL 5488 138 48135 952 8869 140 885.52 (no) Watch movements, complete and assembled: other TOTAL 97 2 1356 18 4621 54 201 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 885.71 (no) Instrument panel clocks for vehicles, aircraft etc TOTAL 771 14 15162 263 14078 171 891.39 (hkg) Spring, air or gas guns and pistols, truncheons TOTAL 25 48 257 515 231 885.72 (no) Clocks with watch movements, battery powered TOTAL 3841 14 55397 337 51321 393 891.91 (-) Parts and accessories of revolvers or pistols TOTAL 3 39 - 46 885.73 (no) Clocks with watch movements, not battery powered TOTAL 2787 29 51531 376 31301 249 891.93 (hkg) Shotgun barrels of shotguns of 891.31 - - - 535 885.74 (no) Alarm clocks: battery or mains powered TOTAL 17769 86 95530 586 96747 495 891.95 (hkg) Parts of shotguns (excl barrels) and rifles of 891.31 TOTAL 1 7 33 182 17 83 885.75 (no) Alarm clocks: other TOTAL 1247 95 26497 200 891.99 (hkg) Parts and accessories of the articles of 891.39 TOTAL 34 37 313 670 300 885.76 (no) Wall clocks: battery or mains powered TOTAL 15691 63 130767 558 108586 536 892. PRINTED MATTER 63751 321 892.12 (hkg) Children's picture, drawing or colouring books TOTAL 1747 845 10415 5294 9646 5327 892.13 (hkg) Printed maps and charts in book form TOTAL 395 456 5060 6595 3645 4074 108 158 892.15 (hkg) Printed books, brochures etc in single sheets TOTAL 3386 1728 36771 23502 46001 EU countries 3305 1608 35502 21385 44254 Great Britain 1803 886 20044 11020 30701 Other 1503 721 15458 10364 13553 Non-EU countries 80 120 1269 2117 1747 17773 14254 8043 6210 3519 885.77 (no) Wall clocks: other TOTAL 7870 5 46 21930 97534 429 885.78 (no) Clocks, nes: battery or mains powered TOTAL 891 8 14646 166 885.79 (no) Clocks, nes: other TOTAL 2032 15 20919 137 8195 86 41735 222 885.91 (hkg) Watch cases and parts of watch cases TOTAL 0 1 6 32 885.92 (hkg) Watch straps, bands and bracelets: of metal TOTAL 2 62 17 100 5 74 892.14 (hkg) Maps and hydrographic charts (incl globes) TOTAL 29 52 452 354 2461 57 153 885.93 (hkg) Watch straps, bands and bracelets: not of metal TOTAL 1 7 6 107 14 119 892.16 (hkg) Dictionaries, encyclopaedias & serial instalments thereof TOTAL 17 17 821 639 3860 912 885.94 (no) Time-registers, time recorders etc TOTAL 3091 27 33068 299 892.19 (hkg) Other books, brochures etc, not in single sheet TOTAL 6038 7347 229566 68533 72744 EU countries 5334 6373 222546 59175 66631 Great Britain 5000 5874 207479 50930 50160 Other 334 499 15067 8245 16471 Non-EU countries 704 974 7020 9359 6114 326 66824 885.95 (no) Time switches with clock or watch movement or motor TOTAL 16312 89 197115 1272 97245 885.96 (no) Clock movements, complete and assembled TOTAL 97 44 1109 509 10420 1078 525 885.97 (hkg) Clock cases and parts etc for other goods of Group 885 TOTAL 6 7 13 20 885.98 (hkg) Unassembled or incomplete watch or clock movements TOTAL 1 7 33 164 15 885.99 (hkg) Clock or watch parts, nes TOTAL 20 97 320 1228 162 471 1915 - 1521 891. ARMS AND AMMUNITION 891.11 (-) Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles TOTAL 24 599 891.12 (-) Military weapons TOTAL - 2 - 408 - 916 891.13 (-) Swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lances and parts thereof TOTAL 0 23 - 6 891.14 (-) Revolvers and pistols TOTAL - - - 0 - - 891.22 (hkg) Cartridges for shotguns TOTAL 552 169 4772 1665 4695 1577 891.23 (hkg) Air gun pellets and parts of cartridges for shotguns TOTAL 0 1 16 101 891.24 (hkg) Other gun cartridges and parts thereof TOTAL 62 603 540 2565 891.29 (-) Munitions of war and parts thereof TOTAL 27 - 2685 969 - 70479 61388 52752 8636 9090 892.21 (hkg) Newspapers TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries and periodicals: at least four times a week 6052 3302 68861 33924 74257 35248 6052 3302 68860 33921 74256 35246 5356 3091 61912 31796 65878 32681 696 211 6948 2125 8379 2565 1 2 1 2 892.29 (hkg) Newspapers and periodicals: other TOTAL 18010 4666 183716 48002 EU countries 18009 4659 183693 47908 Great Britain 17893 4494 182009 45293 Other 116 165 1684 2614 Non-EU countries 1 7 23 94 892.41 (hkg) Transfers (decalcomanias) TOTAL 49 144 609 1552 160217 160194 158654 1540 23 48850 48736 45802 2934 114 363 1511 892.42 (hkg) Postcards, greeting cards etc, illustrated or not TOTAL 1128 954 13315 9550 14312 10034 892.81 (hkg) Paper and paperboard labels, whether or not printed TOTAL 4771 3710 89544 39757 63887 38592 EU countries 4420 3194 86440 34382 60751 32197 Great Britain 3539 2015 68855 21341 43735 18917 Other 881 1178 17585 13041 17016 13280 Non-EU countries 351 516 3104 5374 3136 6395 892.82 (hkg) Plans & drawings for architectural and similar purposes TOTAL 1 10 32 687 61 659 892.83 (hkg) Unused stamps, banknotes, bond certificates etc TOTAL 88 353 728 3908 1011 3689 892.84 (hkg) Calendars TOTAL 3141 1420 499 2889 1536 2657 1236 892.85 (hkg) Music, printed or in manuscript TOTAL 14 10 71 176 64 218 144 891.31 (hkg) Firearms etc operating by firing an explosive charge TOTAL 8 97 148 1236 180 1321 892.86 (hkg) Trade advertising material, commercial catalogues etc TOTAL 2777 678 13132 7467 16015 7357 202 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 892.87 (hkg) Pictures, designs and photographs TOTAL 512 240 4468 2344 892.89 (hkg) Printed pictures, designs or photographs TOTAL 962 915 18760 11204 EU countries 706 580 16490 8359 Non-EU countries 256 335 2270 2844 5022 2804 59074 56872 2202 9908 6935 2972 364183 289405 141219 148185 74778 4222 70557 98669 68971 35059 33912 29698 13898 15800 893. ARTICLES, NES, OF PLASTICS 893.11 (hkg) Sacks and bags (incl cones) TOTAL 29657 9503 295764 EU countries 21525 7106 217059 Great Britain 10633 3776 121609 Other 10892 3330 95450 Non-EU countries 8132 2397 78705 United States 193 706 3110 Other 7939 1691 75595 97600 70247 37610 32637 27353 11146 16208 893.19 (hkg) Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, nes, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps etc of plastic TOTAL 56080 20108 661256 221138 884586 211651 EU countries 50517 15130 589404 164273 820219 157326 Germany 5760 2093 76441 22194 155442 17974 France 2367 1696 25402 17159 23454 18812 Great Britain 23336 7305 331583 86744 426100 86674 Northern Ireland 7312 1093 48316 11346 109170 9396 Other 11741 2942 107662 26830 106053 24469 Non-EU countries 5563 4978 71853 56865 64367 54325 China 998 1124 13874 14676 14672 13141 United States 1964 2644 28505 28614 26534 29785 Other 2601 1210 29473 13576 23161 11399 893.21 (hkg) Baths, wash-basins, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns, etc TOTAL 5162 1507 49272 15148 38027 12927 EU countries 4739 1332 42941 12775 32780 10805 Non-EU countries 424 176 6331 2372 5247 2122 893.29 (hkg) Builders' ware of plastics, nes TOTAL 12613 5399 133550 EU countries 11565 5020 123857 Great Britain 8643 3703 89343 Other 2922 1317 34514 Non-EU countries 1047 378 9693 60131 56625 41833 14792 3507 123545 115462 81908 33554 8083 50142 47411 34874 12536 2732 893.31 (tsqm) Floor coverings in roll/tile form; wall/ceiling coverings TOTAL 258 1262 2414 11962 2058 10683 EU countries 183 949 1944 10415 1639 9433 Non-EU countries 75 313 469 1547 419 1251 893.32 (hkg) Tableware, kitchenware, other household/toilet articles TOTAL 12446 4796 144125 52101 131943 46067 EU countries 9384 3530 110566 37769 100047 33520 Great Britain 7536 2900 84884 29253 77132 26332 Other 1848 630 25682 8516 22915 7188 Non-EU countries 3061 1266 33559 14332 31896 12547 893.94 (hkg) Office or school supplies of plastics TOTAL 1811 836 17435 7674 15955 893.95 (hkg) Fittings for furniture, coachwork etc of plastics TOTAL 612 477 6580 4508 12600 893.99 (hkg) Other articles of plastics, nes TOTAL 24080 26801 225517 EU countries 19205 18190 170844 Austria 5438 1803 47462 Germany 4806 9791 24890 Great Britain 6370 3884 66245 Other 2592 2712 32246 Non-EU countries 4875 8612 54673 China 2192 1673 30149 Hong Kong 178 1596 1296 United States 943 4104 14279 Other 1562 1239 8948 209211 133439 18202 45517 41989 27732 75772 18924 3681 43469 9697 178597 128942 45742 11459 44856 26885 49655 25913 1098 14358 8286 10129 5296 4833 894.31 (hkg) Video games of a kind used TOTAL 1107 10196 EU countries 650 4458 Great Britain 528 3254 Other 122 1204 Non-EU countries 457 5738 China 457 5733 Other 1 6 with a television receiver 3196 39867 2044 23798 1844 17537 1099 11660 1318 10714 1019 10652 526 6823 80 1008 1352 22330 945 12138 1343 22242 934 12061 8 88 11 76 894.33 (hkg) Articles and accessories for billiards TOTAL 300 62 610 227 852 865 894.35 (hkg) Other games, coin-operated or disc-operated TOTAL 182 601 1503 5873 5261 12398 894.37 (hkg) Playing cards TOTAL 888 527 10037 4739 7810 4376 894.39 (hkg) Articles for funfair, table and parlour games, nes TOTAL 2567 2724 20098 17027 18434 16388 EU countries 936 847 5232 4914 4812 4790 Non-EU countries 1632 1877 14867 12112 13622 11598 China 1456 1705 13252 10939 11412 9794 Other 176 171 1615 1173 2210 1804 894.41 (hkg) Lighting sets of a kind used for Christmas trees TOTAL 1177 971 7340 5744 5975 4675 894.45 (hkg) Articles for Christmas festivities (excl 894.41) TOTAL 10027 7770 41731 26189 32651 EU countries 5065 4923 12546 9874 9921 Great Britain 4966 4771 10674 8178 8665 Other 99 152 1872 1695 1256 Non-EU countries 4961 2847 29185 16315 22730 China 4695 2558 27288 14955 21573 Other 266 289 1897 1360 1158 21862 7885 6867 1018 13976 13039 938 894.49 (hkg) Other festive, carnival or entertainment articles TOTAL 1314 936 11815 8806 12275 9276 894.60 (hkg) Roundabouts, swings and other fairground amusements TOTAL 67 60 743 590 312 213 894.71 (hkg) Fishing tackle; fish & butterfly nets; decoy birds etc TOTAL 188 181 4720 3867 4337 3410 6898 894.72 (hkg) Ice skates and roller skates TOTAL 124 68 2023 1417 1372 981 3870 894.73 (hkg) Snow-skis and other snow-ski equipment TOTAL 14 16 118 101 135 133 894.74 (hkg) Water-skis, surf-boards, sailboards etc TOTAL 32 98 516 1237 585 1018 12836 10003 2832 4198 2856 1341 14013 9962 4051 894.76 (hkg) Tennis, badminton or similar rackets TOTAL 36 74 1051 1277 564 942 151470 82696 17101 9896 32298 23400 68774 18534 1436 37470 11335 894. BABY CARRIAGES, TOYS, GAMES AND SPORTING GOODS 894.10 (hkg) Baby carriages, and parts thereof, nes TOTAL 668 781 10102 10354 EU countries 406 526 5711 7049 Non-EU countries 262 254 4391 3305 894.20 (hkg) Tricycles, scooters, pedal car and similar wheeled toys; dolls' carriages; dolls; other toys; reduced-size replica TOTAL 21409 24008 177131 188029 160045 163977 EU countries 11467 14282 79949 102031 73419 87171 Czech Republic 622 1067 4619 17090 4290 8611 Germany 1585 1445 13044 9644 10289 7304 Great Britain 8349 11039 54652 68312 51712 64458 Other 912 731 7634 6985 7128 6798 Non-EU countries 9942 9725 97183 85998 86626 76806 China 8667 8669 89189 79083 79096 69975 Other 1275 1056 7994 6915 7530 6832 9554 5954 3599 894.75 (hkg) Golf equipment TOTAL 330 EU countries 272 Non-EU countries 58 1185 908 277 4516 3370 1145 894.77 (hkg) Gloves and mittens specially designed for use in sports TOTAL 48 95 408 1012 296 723 894.78 (hkg) Articles for physical exercise, gymnastics or athletics TOTAL 4161 1699 52462 18952 51333 18061 EU countries 1722 1024 21127 11097 23420 11121 Non-EU countries 2439 675 31335 7855 27913 6940 894.79 (hkg) Sports goods, nes TOTAL 2697 EU countries 1072 Non-EU countries 1624 1480 456 1025 40126 18866 21260 20725 7037 13688 32331 18732 13599 17322 6998 10324 203 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 897.32 (hkg) Other goldsmiths' & silversmiths' wares, of precious metals or clad with precious metals TOTAL 95 391 671 3250 1778 2751 895. OFFICE AND STATIONERY SUPPLIES, NES 895.11 (hkg) Filing cabinets, paper trays etc, of base metal TOTAL 238 194 1713 1138 1928 985 895.12 (hkg) Metal fittings for binders, paper clips, staples etc TOTAL 245 102 3824 1344 3553 1259 895.21 (hkg) Pens, pencils and fountain pens (excl 895.22-23) TOTAL 1674 1800 22423 20326 21705 EU countries 470 706 6301 7067 5807 Non-EU countries 1204 1093 16122 13259 15899 China 912 876 13753 10745 13980 Other 292 218 2370 2514 1918 895.22 (hkg) Pen nibs and nib points TOTAL 9 16 20088 7046 13043 10975 2068 897.33 (g) Articles of natural/cultured pearls/(semi)precious stones TOTAL 14010 134 361169 1785 193716 1821 897.41 (hkg) Catalysts of platinum or other metals of platinum group TOTAL 3 68 0 1 897.49 (hkg) Articles of precious metal/clad with precious metal, nes TOTAL 12 274 289 3681 26 3015 898. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; RECORDS, TAPES ETC 898.13 (hkg) Pianos and other keyboard stringed instruments TOTAL 272 218 3194 2337 2970 1907 895.23 (hkg) Pencils (excl propelling), crayons, pastels, chalks etc TOTAL 920 436 6862 4217 6082 4053 898.15 (no) String musical instruments (excl 898.13) TOTAL 7210 285 46661 1874 2085 895.91 (hkg) Writing or drawing TOTAL 2159 EU countries 292 Non-EU countries 1867 United States 1516 Other 351 898.23 (hkg) Wind musical instruments (e.g., clarinets, bagpipes) TOTAL .. 34 .. 385 .. 286 189 201 99 82 ink and other inks (excl printing ink) 2768 27976 31587 25090 30611 579 7371 7020 2552 5715 2189 20605 24567 22538 24896 1561 16857 17607 21183 21555 628 3747 6960 1356 3341 895.92 (hkg) Slates and boards, with writing or drawing surfaces TOTAL 431 174 3880 1714 4071 1696 93 642 795 729 898.25 (hkg) Electronic organs & other electrical keyboard instruments TOTAL 113 183 740 1106 844 1260 898.26 (hkg) Electric guitars, accordions etc TOTAL .. 151 .. 895.93 (hkg) Date or numbering stamps etc, hand operated TOTAL 14 32 168 355 895.94 (hkg) Typewriter and similar ribbons; ink pads TOTAL 400 739 3465 6424 898.24 (hkg) Percussion musical instruments TOTAL 67 80 520 54187 804 .. 878 210 898.29 (hkg) Musical boxes, fairground organs and other instruments TOTAL 93 46 2004 687 1950 679 3120 4707 898.42 (hkg) Magnetic media TOTAL 193 734 1759 6559 1716 13134 898.44 (hkg) Optical media TOTAL 2720 EU countries 2660 Great Britain 2511 Other 150 Non-EU countries 60 16885 16287 15283 1004 598 15522 14116 12920 1197 1406 80410 72044 61471 10573 8366 17299 16239 14732 1506 1060 89151 77570 62207 15363 11580 9151 4097 3918 179 5054 1959 3094 158 86 46 41 71 30 41 68531 19338 15001 4336 49193 23697 25496 191 131 65 66 60 27 33 42433 25963 21492 4471 16470 8308 8162 896. WORKS OF ART, COLLECTORS' PIECES AND ANTIQUES 896.11 (hkg) Paintings, drawings and pastels TOTAL 12 115 271 2254 746 2540 896.12 (hkg) Collages and similar decorative plaques TOTAL 68 36 336 1152 597 1061 62 145 896.20 (hkg) Original engravings, prints and lithographs TOTAL 1 8 19 421 896.30 (hkg) Original sculptures and statuary, in any material TOTAL 0 2 91 222 62 288 896.40 (hkg) Postage, revenue & similar stamps, used or not current TOTAL 20 77 193 606 42 112 896.50 (hkg) Collections and collectors' pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, archaeological interest etc TOTAL 1 2 318 146 48 896.60 (hkg) Antiques of an age exceeding 100 years TOTAL 22 80 39 314 898.46 (t) Semiconductor media TOTAL 22 EU countries 9 Great Britain 9 Other 1 Non-EU countries 12 China 2 Other 10 898.49 (hkg) Other recording media excl. products of group 882 TOTAL 68 908 486 6871 1234 8502 85 898.90 (hkg) Parts/accessories of musical instruments; metronomes etc TOTAL 145 279 1034 1688 1406 1997 46 222 899. MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, NES 897. JEWELLERY, GOLDSMITHS' & SILVERSMITHS' WARES ETC, NES 897.21 (hkg) Imitation jewellery of base metal, whether or not plated TOTAL 236 1264 2573 12456 2411 11495 EU countries 122 660 1201 6459 1190 6796 Non-EU countries 114 604 1373 5997 1221 4699 897.29 (hkg) Imitation jewellery of other non-precious materials TOTAL 580 1429 5199 13830 4920 11817 EU countries 124 299 834 3137 740 2232 Non-EU countries 456 1130 4365 10693 4179 9585 897.31 (hkg) Jewellery of precious metals or clad with precious metals TOTAL 152 6160 1154 45625 1153 48043 EU countries 134 2594 1031 26159 1048 26665 Great Britain 106 2027 746 19566 780 20918 Other 28 566 285 6592 268 5748 Non-EU countries 18 3567 124 19466 105 21378 Thailand 9 1936 51 9344 47 10844 Other 9 1631 73 10122 58 10534 899.11 (hkg) Worked ivory, coral, mother of pearl, bone, horn etc TOTAL 38 15 48 33 45 66 899.19 (hkg) Worked vegetable/mineral carving material; mouldings etc TOTAL 648 686 62858 10131 208448 10405 EU countries 612 364 62082 6341 207297 5645 Non-EU countries 36 321 776 3789 1151 4760 899.21 (hkg) Artificial flowers, foliage etc: plastics TOTAL 76 53 556 497 697 546 899.29 (hkg) Artificial flowers, foliage etc: other than plastics TOTAL 487 367 3028 2497 2924 2532 899.31 (hkg) Candles, tapers and the like TOTAL 5008 2813 46682 EU countries 3506 2357 27033 Great Britain 1800 1871 11497 Other 1706 486 15536 Non-EU countries 1503 456 19650 22228 16212 10707 5505 6016 47631 21936 9923 12013 25695 20217 13187 9536 3651 7029 204 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 899.32 (hkg) Matches TOTAL 177 43 3102 977 3992 1142 899.33 (hkg) Cigarette lighters and other lighters TOTAL 4554 570 12048 3039 13127 3375 899.34 (hkg) Fuels in containers for lighters, capacity <=300 cm3 TOTAL 6 3 289 93 281 104 899.35 (hkg) Parts & accessories of lighters, nes (excl flints/wicks) TOTAL 12 9 23 60 34 36 899.37 (hkg) Smoking pipes and bowls and cigar/cigarette holders/parts TOTAL 4 64 74 873 122 627 899.79 (hkg) Plaiting materials, products of plaiting materials, nes, bound in parallel strands or woven, in sheet form TOTAL 8 2 552 165 173 83 899.81 (hkg) Hand sieves and hand riddles TOTAL 7 8 98 899.83 (hkg) Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners etc; buttons TOTAL 14 29 1248 574 588 899.41 (1000) Umbrellas and sun umbrellas TOTAL 191 427 1389 899.86 (hkg) Parts of slide fasteners TOTAL 13 24 3397 65 1490 548 899.84 (hkg) Button moulds and other parts of buttons; button blanks TOTAL 3 6 68 87 51 66 899.85 (hkg) Slide fasteners TOTAL 24 1243 74 899.82 (hkg) Powder puffs and pads for cosmetics or toilet use TOTAL 99 130 714 1304 889 899.39 (hkg) Ferro-cerium and other pyrophoric alloys; metaldehyde & other substances for use as fuels; firelighters etc TOTAL 2807 227 13216 1536 12806 1429 3990 97 12 159 252 28 70 128 136 128 165 899.42 (hkg) Walking sticks, seat sticks, whips, riding-crops etc TOTAL 45 47 305 330 251 258 899.87 (hkg) Scent sprays, toilet sprays; mounts and heads therefor TOTAL 222 203 4528 2230 3272 1731 899.49 (hkg) Parts, trimmings and accessories of articles of 899.41-42 TOTAL 30 10 836 148 470 125 899.88 (hkg) Tailors' dummies etc; animated displays for shop windows TOTAL 23 33 217 342 338 326 899.61 (no) Hearing aids (excl parts and accessories) TOTAL 2339 591 25995 6423 899.89 (hkg) Combs, hair-slides, hairpins, curling grips etc TOTAL 343 528 3617 5591 6028 54445 5707 or fracture appliances 248 4292 3660 42058 161 1926 3011 23856 145 1438 2742 15848 17 488 269 8009 87 2366 649 18201 59 1488 353 11034 28 878 296 7167 2198 1657 1337 320 541 195 346 30309 22039 13615 8424 8270 5966 2304 899.65 (hkg) Artificial teeth and dental fittings TOTAL 10 340 161 5420 163 5041 13728 11517 1938 9232 347 2211 1996 215 106624 54314 26612 19168 8534 52309 34600 17709 899.63 (hkg) Orthopaedic TOTAL EU countries Great Britain Other Non-EU countries United States Other 899.66 (hkg) Other artificial body parts TOTAL 685 9495 12632 EU countries 506 4834 10077 Germany 171 2250 1051 Great Britain 270 1614 8404 Other 65 970 622 Non-EU countries 180 4661 2554 United States 169 3537 2459 Other 11 1124 95 98111 41590 14955 14942 11693 56521 43713 12807 899.67 (hkg) Pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles TOTAL 15 5934 186 70028 EU countries 2 828 12 5075 Non-EU countries 13 5105 175 64952 United States 11 2304 160 51980 Other 2 2801 15 12972 20554 2810 17744 16344 1400 899.69 (hkg) Appliances worn etc to compensate for defect/disability TOTAL 535 19986 7147 232696 5039 218849 EU countries 377 3667 5853 49420 3678 48918 Germany 8 2442 206 32147 88 30458 Great Britain 358 1061 5381 15291 3284 16355 Other 12 164 265 1982 306 2106 Non-EU countries 158 16318 1294 183276 1361 169931 Mexico 28 5673 149 58334 252 66322 United States 115 9486 1029 116893 918 89317 Other 15 1159 115 8048 192 14292 899.71 (hkg) Basketware, wickerwork etc TOTAL 680 319 7437 3365 899.91 (hkg) Articles of gut, goldbeater's skin, bladders or tendons TOTAL 0 0 0 899.92 (hkg) Feathers, down, and articles thereof (excl 291.95) TOTAL 0 2 61 147 36 8042 3491 899.72 (hkg) Brushes, brooms, mops, sweepers, paint pads etc TOTAL 3632 3500 47997 36916 37740 EU countries 2506 2509 32575 26832 23565 Great Britain 1681 2001 20411 21152 16943 Other 825 508 12165 5680 6622 Non-EU countries 1126 991 15421 10084 14175 32959 24004 19367 4636 8955 899.74 (hkg) Mats, matting and screens of vegetable materials TOTAL 49 20 555 255 1453 94 899.94 (hkg) Human hair; wool & other animal hair etc for wig making TOTAL 4 98 145 1665 127 1345 899.95 (hkg) Wigs, false beards etc of hair or textile material etc TOTAL 91 395 997 3228 1025 2566 899.96 (hkg) Parachutes and rotochutes; parts and accessories TOTAL 0 0 1 19 2 66 899.97 (hkg) Vacuum flasks & other vacuum vessels, complete with cases TOTAL 146 101 1892 1367 1011 922 911. POSTAL PACKAGES NOT CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO KIND 911.00 (-) Postal packages not classified according to kind TOTAL .. 4217 .. 46383 .. 155 40 116 109 6 5469 46383 931. SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS AND COMMODITIES NOT CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO KIND 931.02 (-) Confidential trade TOTAL .. .. 4103 .. 1 931.03 (-) Statistical Threshold Estimate TOTAL .. 97189 .. 650 999449 .. 911854 961. COIN (OTHER THAN GOLD COIN), NOT BEING LEGAL TENDER 961.00 (-) Coin (other than gold coin), not being legal tender TOTAL .. 5 .. 209 .. 853 971. GOLD, NON-MONETARY (EXCL GOLD ORES AND CONCENTRATES) 971.01 (-) Gold, unwrought or in semi-manufactured or powder form TOTAL .. 408 .. 6784 .. 12940 971.02 (-) Metals clad with gold, nfw worked than semi-manufactured TOTAL .. 62 .. 743 .. 220 497 971.03 (-) Waste and scrap, of gold TOTAL .. 170 .. 1806 .. 673 205 Table 14 Goods Imports by SITC and country ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 November 2014 Jan-Nov 2014 Jan-Nov 2013 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 SITC & Country EUR 000 EUR 000 EUR 000 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 972.00 (-) Gold, monetary TOTAL .. 204 .. 1797 .. 3721 1 Commodity Index A Abrasives Accumulators Acetic acid Acetone Acids Acrylic polymers Acyclic amides ADP Machines Aerated water Aeroplanes After-shave Agricultural — machinery — appliances Air conditioning machines Aircraft Albumin Alcohol Aldehydes Ale Alkaloids Alkyd resins Alloys Almonds Aluminium Aluminium hydroxide Amino-acids Amino-alcohols Amino-naphthols Amino-phenols Amino-resins Ammonium sulphate Ammonia Ammonium salts Ammunition Amplifiers Animal food Animal hair Animals, live Anthracite Anti-freeze Anti-perspirants Antibiotics Antiques Apparel Apples Apricots 1 277, 663 778 513 516 431, 513, 515, 522, 531, 575, 598 575, 582 514 752 111 792 553 Asbestos Asphalt Astronomical instruments Awnings 522 514 514 514 514 575 562 522 514 891 764 081 268 001 321 597 553 541, 542 896 845, 848 057 057, 058 Boats Bobbins Boilers Books Boots Bottles, glass Boxes Bran Brassieres Bread Bricks Briquettes Brochures Brooms Broth’s Brushes 741 792 025, 592 112, 512 514, 516 112 541 574 282, 671, 675, 676, 678, 679, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 899 057 285, 288, 522, 674, 684, 691, 692, 693, 694, 697, 699, 778 871 658 B Badges Bags Ball bearings Bananas Bandages Barbed wire Barley Barometers Basketware Bath salts Baths Batteries Beans Bed linen Bedding Beds Bedspreads Beef Beer Beet Belts Berries Beverages Bicycles Bidets Billiard equipment Binoculars Biscuits Bitumen Blades Blankets Blinds Blocks Blood Blouses Boards 721 741 278, 661, 663 278, 661 This index is not exhaustive. The reference is to SITC Group. 656 642, 658, 893 746 057 541 693 043 874 899 553 812, 893 778 054, 072, 222 658 821 821 658 011, 016 112 054, 061, 081 629, 657, 848 057 111, 112 785, 894 812 894 871 048 335 695, 696 658, 775 658 662, 663, 664 541 842, 844 634, 635, 641, 772 793 642 711, 812 642, 892 851 665 635, 642 081 845 048 662, 663 281, 322 892 899 098 899 Buckwheat Buggies Bulldozers Bullocks Bulls Butanes Butanols Butter Buttermilk Butylene 045 894 723 001 001 342 512 023 022 344, 511 C Cabbage Cabinets Cables Cadmium Caffeine Cakes Calcium Calcium carbide Calculators Calendars Calves Cameras Camping equipment Candles Canoes Capacitors Caravans Carbides Carbon Carbon electrodes Carbonates Carboxylic acids Cards Carpentry products Carpets Carrots Cars Caseinates Cases Cash registers Casks Cassava Cast iron articles Castors Cat food Catalogues Catheters Cathodes Cattle Caustic soda Caviar CDs Cellulose Cement 054 895 657, 773 689, 699 541 048 272, 562 524 751 892 001 764, 881 786 899 793 778 786 524 522 778 523 513 642, 892, 894 635 659 054 781 592 635, 642, 831 751 635 054, 592 679, 699 699 081 892 872 776, 874 001 522 037 898 575, 582, 642, 661 273, 283, 598, 661, 662, 663 ii Centrifuges Ceramics Cereals Chains Chalk Charcoal Charts Chassis Cheese Cheque books Cheroots Chewing gum Chicory China Chisels Chlorides Chlorites Chocolate Cider Cigarette lighters Cigarette paper Cigarettes Cigarillos Cigars Circuit boards Citrus fruit Clamps Clasps, metal Clays Clinkers Clippers Clocks Cloth Clothes dryers Clothing Clutches Coal Cocks Cocoa Coconut Coffee Coins Coke Collages Combs Compasses Compressors Computers Concentrates Concrete Conductors Confectionery Contact lenses Conveyer belts Cookers Copper Copra Cork Corn Cosmetic preparations Cotton Cotton seed oil Cows CPUs Cranes Crayons Cream Crispbread 743 662, 663, 665 045, 047, 048, 081 699, 748 278, 895 245 892 784 024 892 122 062 054, 071 666 695 522, 523, 562, 573, 579, 582, 583 523 073 112 899 641, 642 122 122 122 772 057, 058 695, 778 699 278, 663 661 695, 696, 775 885 658 743 269, 846, 848 748 321 747 072, 073 057 071 961, 982 325, 335 896 899 874 743 752 071, 551 598, 662, 663 773, 776 062 884 629, 657 775 283, 288, 682, 699 223 244, 633 047, 054, 056 553, 899 263, 651, 652, 653, 658 421 001 752 744, 793 895 022 048 Crocheted fabrics Crustaceans Crutches Cucumbers Curtains Cut flowers Cutlery Cycles Cyclic amides 655, 658, 845, 846, 848 017, 036, 037 899 054 658 292 696 785, 894 514 D Dairy machinery Denim fabrics Dental instruments Deodorants Depilatories Diamonds Diaries Dictionaries Digital ADP equipment Diodes Dish-cloths Dish-washers Disinfectants Dog food Dolls Doors Drawings Dresses Drills, electric Dryers Dusters Dyes 721 652 872 553 553 277, 667 642 892 752 776 658 745, 775 591 081 894 635, 691, 699 892, 896 842 778 741, 743 658 531, 533 E Earphones Eggs Electric — motors — power machinery Electrical equipment Electronic machinery Elevators Embroidery Enamel Encyclopaedias Engines Engravings Envelopes Enzymes Epoxide resins Escalators Essential oils Esters Ethers Ethylene Ethylene glycol Explosives 764 025 716 771 778 751, 752, 759 744 656 533 892 713 896 642 516 574 744 551 513, 514, 575 514, 516 344, 511, 512, 571, 579 512 593 F Fabrics Fans 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 845, 846 743 Fasteners Fats Felt Fencing wire Ferrous waste Fertilisers Fibreboard Files Filing cabinets Film Filters Fire extinguishers Fish Fish oils Fishing tackle Fishing vessels Fittings, metal Flagstones Flax Floor polishers Flours Flowers Fluoro-polymers Fodder Foliage Food mixers Food-processing machinery Footwear Frames for spectacles Freezers Fructose Fruit Fruit juices Fuel oils Funfair articles Fairground amusements Fungicide Furnaces Furniture Furskins Fuses 899 072, 411, 421, 431 641, 659 693 282 272, 562 634 695 895 582, 881, 882, 883 743, 884 745 034, 035, 036, 037 411 894 793 679, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 699 661, 663 265, 651 775 047, 056, 081, 098, 223 292, 899 573 081 292, 899 775 727 851 884 741, 775 061 056, 057, 058, 062, 223, 292 059 334 894 894 591 741 774, 821, 872 212, 613 593, 772 G Games Garlic Garments Gas oils Gas turbines Gases Gaskets Gasoline Gauze Gears Gelatin Generators Gin Gingerbread Glands Glass Glass fibres Glasses 894 054 842, 845 334 714 343, 344, 345, 522 749 334 541, 652, 654 748 592 716, 741 112 048 541 664, 665 651, 654, 664 665 iii Glassware Gliders Gloves Glucose Glues Glycerol Goatmeat Goats Golf equipment Grain Granite Grapefruit Grapes Grates Gravel Grindstones Grinding wheels Groats Gums Gymnasium equipment Gypsum 665 792 846, 848, 894 061 592 512 012 001 894 045 273 057 057 697 273 663 663, 695 046, 047 062, 231, 292 Ink — printing Ink — writing Insecticides Insulators Insulin Integrated circuits Iron 894 273 Jams Jars, glass Jellies Jerseys Jets Jewellery Joinery products Juice Jute H Hair preparations Ham Hammers Handbags Handkerchiefs Harvesting machinery Hats Hay Headgear Headphones Heat exchange units Heat pumps Heaters Heifers Helicopters Heterocyclic compounds Hides Hinges Honey Hooves Hormones Horns Horsehair Horsemeat Horses Horticultural machinery Hoses, plastic Hosiery Husks Hydrocarbons Hydrogen Hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen chloride 553 016 695, 733 831 642, 846 721 848 081 848 764 741 741 741, 775, 812 001 792 515 211 699 061 291 541, 542 291 268, 651, 654 012 001 721 581 846 042, 071, 072 344, 511 522 524 658, 841, 842, 843, 844 058 665 058 845 714 897 635 059 264, 651, 654, 658 K Kaolin Kerosene Ketones Keys Kitchenware Knitted goods Knitting machinery Knives, for machines Kraft paper 278 334 513, 514, 516 699 635, 666, 696, 893 655, 658, 843, 844, 845, 846 724 695 641 L Labels Lace Lactones Lactose Lamb skin Lamps Lard Lasers Latex Lathes Lawn mowers Lead 522 022 894 665 Lemonade Lemons Lenses Lettuce Lids, metal Life-jackets Lifeboats Lifting equipment 723, 728 098 776 281, 282, 671, 672, 676, 677, 678, 679, 691, 692, 693, 694, 699 522 592 291 J Jackets Lead oxides Leather goods I Ice-cream Ice-skates Imitation stones Industrial machinery Infant food Iron oxides Isinglass Ivory 533 895 591 773 541, 542 656, 892 656 515 061 211, 611 695, 778, 813 411 871 231 731 721 287, 288, 685, 699 522 211, 612, 831, 848, 851 111 057 884 054 699 658 793 744 Lifts Lighters Lighting Lighting sets Lignite Lime Limestone Linen Linoleum Linseed Liver Locks Loudspeakers Lubricating preparations Lubricating oils 744 899 813 894 322, 325 661 273 658 659 223, 422 012, 017, 034, 035 699 764 597 334 M Macaroni Machine tools Mackerel Magnesium Magnetic discs Magnetic tapes Maize Malt Mandarins Manganese Manioc Maps Marble Margarine Marmalade Mastics Matches Mate Mattresses Mead Measuring apparatus Meat Medical instruments Medicaments Melons Meters Methionine Mica Microfiche Microfilm Microphones Microscopes Microwave ovens Mileometers Milk Milking machinery Millet Mineral water Minerals Mining machinery Mink Mirrors Mittens Molasses Molluscs Monoamines Monofilament rods 048 731, 733, 735, 034, 037 278, 522, 689, 699 898 898 044, 047 048, 098 057 287, 522, 671, 676, 689 054 892 273, 661 091 058 533 899 074 658, 821 112 874 011, 012, 016, 017, 034, 098 872 542 057 873, 874 515 278, 663 881 881 764 871 775 873 022 721 045 111 278 723 212, 613 664, 697 846, 894 061 036, 037 514 583 iv Mortars Motor vehicles Motorcycles Motors Motors, non-electric Moulds Mountings, metal Mules Mushrooms Musical instruments Mustard Mutton 598, 662 781, 782, 783 785 713, 716, 718 714 749, 899 699 001 056 894, 898 098 012 Nails Napkins 694 642 Needles Newspapers Newsprint Nickel 699, 724, 872 892 641 284, 288, 683, 699 841, 842, 843, 844 287 272, 523, 562 522 523 522 Night-clothes Niobium Nitrates Nitric acid Nitrites Nitrogen Nitrogen compounds Nitrogenous fertilisers Nuts Nylon 514, 515 562 056, 057, 058, 062, 222, 223, 653, 657 O Oats Offal Office machines Oil-cake Oils Oil-seeds Olefins Olive oil Onions Optical fibre cables Optical goods Oranges Ores Organic — agents — compounds — derivatives — solvents Organo-sulphur compounds Orthopaedic appliances Oscilloscopes Ovens Overcoats Ovoids Oxides Oxygen Oysters Packing machinery Packing cases Paint Paint removers Paintings Pallets Palm oil Panels Paper Paper machinery Paper tissue Paperboard N 045 012, 016, 017, 098 751 081 421, 422, 431 222, 223 573, 575 421 054, 056 773 871, 884 057 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289 554 516 514 533 515 899 874 741, 775 841, 842, 843, 844 322 522, 523 522 036 Polyethylene Polymers P Paraffin wax Parchment Particle board Pasta Pastes Pastry Pearls Pears Peas Peat Pencils Penicillin’s Pens Pentaerythritol Pepper Peptones Perfumes Peroxides Perry Petroleum Petroleum resins Pharmaceutical products Phenolic resins Phenols Phosphates Photocopiers Photographic apparatus Photographic plates Photographs Pianos Pictures Piezo-electric crystals Pigmeat Pigments Pigs Pineapples Pipes, plastic Pistols Plants Plasters Plasticisers Plastics Platinum Playing cards Pliers Plugs Plywood Polishes Polyamides Polycarbonates Polyesters Polyethers 745 635 533 533 896 635 422 634, 661, 772, 251, 641, 642, 882, 892, 725 641 251, 641, 642, 882, 892 335 641 634 048, 098 554, 598 048 667, 897 057 054 322 895 541, 542 895 512 075 592 553 516, 522 112 333, 334, 335 575 541, 629 575 512 272, 523 751 881 882 892 898 892 667, 776 012 533 001 057, 058 581 891 292 273 598 575, 579, 581, 582, 583, 893 681 894 695 772 634 554 575, 653, 659 574, 582 574, 651, 653 574 Polypropylene Polystyrene Polyurethanes Porcelain Porter Postage stamps Postal packages Postcards Potassium fertilisers Potatoes Pots, domestic Pottery Poultry Poultry meat Prawns Prefabricated buildings Printed circuits Printer matter Printing inks Printing machinery Projectors Propane Propyl alcohol Propylene Propylene copolymers Pulp Pumps Putty PVC Pyrites 571, 574, 598 571, 572, 573, 575, 579, 582, 583 575 572 575 666 112 896 911 642, 892 272, 522, 523, 562 054, 056 697 666 001 012, 017 036 811 772 892 533 726 761, 881 342 512 344 575 251 741, 742, 743 533 573 274, 281 Q Quartz 273, 278 R Radiators Radio-active materials Radios Railway equipment Raincoats Razors Reagents Records Refrigerators Relays Resin cements Resinoids Resins Resistors Rhizomes Rice Rodenticides Roller bearings Rope Rosin Rubber Rugs Rum Rusks Rye 812 525 762, 764 248, 778, 791 841, 842 696 541, 598 898 741, 775 772 533 551 292, 574, 575 772, 775 292 042 591 746, 748 269, 657 598 231, 232, 621, 629 269, 658, 659 112 048 045 v S Sacks Safes Safflower Sailboards Sails Salmon Salts Sands Sanitary fittings Sanitary ware Sanitary towels Satellites Sauces Sausages Sawdust Saws Scaffolding Scarves Scissors Scooters Scrap metals Screens Screwdrivers Screws Sculptures Seats Seaweed’s Seeds Serviettes Sewing machines Sewing thread Shaving preparations Sheath contraceptives Sheep Sheet-glass Sheet-metal Sheet-paper Sheet-plastic Sheet-rubber Sheet-wood Ships Shirts Shoes Shovels, mechanical Shrimps Signalling apparatus Silicon Silicon dioxide Silk Silver Sinks Sisal Skates Ski-suits Skirts Skis Slag Slate Soap Sockets 642, 658, 893 699 222, 421 894 658 034, 037 272, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 522, 523, 524, 541, 562, 575 273, 278 812 697 642 792 098 017 246 778 691 846 696 894 282, 288, 289, 971 881 695 694 896 821 292 044, 045, 058, 075, 222, 292 642 Soda Sodium hydroxide Sodium chloride (salt) Soft furnishings Soldering materials Solvents Sorbitol Soups Soya bean Soya bean oil Spacecraft Spaghetti Spanners Speakers Spectacle lenses Spectacles Spectrometers Spices Spirits Spores Sports equipment Spraying appliances Springs Stainless steel Starch Static converters Stationery Statuettes Steam engines Steel 724 651 Sterilisers Stone 553 Stone articles Stone semi-precious Stout Stoves, domestic Streptomycin’s Styrene 629 001 664 676, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687 641 582 231, 621 633, 634 793 841, 842, 843, 844, 845 851 723 036 778, 791 522 522 261, 651, 654 681, 897 812 265 894 845 842, 844 894 278, 562 273, 661 554 772 Sugar Suits Sulphate Sulphite Sulphonamides Sulphur Sulphuric acid Sulphur dioxide Sunflower Superphosphate Surfboards Surgical appliances Surveying instruments Sweet corn Swimwear Swings Switches Syringes Syrup 251, 522 522 278 658, 659 598, 699, 737 533 512 098 222 421 792 048 695 764 884 884 874 075 112, 512, 598 292 894 745 699 282, 672, 675, 676, 678, 679, 081, 592 771 642, 895 666, 697 712 282, 673, 674, 675, 694 741 273, 277 661, 663 667 112 697 541,542 511, 572, 579, 582 061 841, 842, 843, 844 251, 523, 562 251 515 274, 515 522 522 222, 421 562 894 741, 872 874 054, 056 845 894 772, 885 872 061 T Table linen Tableware Tachometers Tailors’ dummies Tampons Tanks — copper — steel Tantalum Tapes Tapestries Taps Tar Tarpaulins Taximeters Tea Telecommunications equipment Telephone sets Teleprinters Telescopes Televisions Tennis rackets Tents Tetracycline’s Textile machinery Textiles Theatres travelling Thermometers Thermostats Thinners Thorium Ties Tights Tiles Tin Tissue paper Titanium Titanium oxides Tobacco Toilet — linen — paper — plastic articles — preparations — waters Toluene Tomato ketchup Tomatoes Tools — electric — hand — machine — wood Towelling Toxins Toys Track suits Tractors Trailers Transfers Transformers Transistors 658 635, 666, 696, 893 873 899 642 699 692 287, 689, 699, 778 898 658 747 335, 598 658 873 074 764 764 764 871 761 894 658 541 724 264, 265, 269, 651, 654, 657 894 874 874 533 286, 525 846 846 661, 662, 663, 664, 893 287, 288, 687, 699 641 689, 699 522 121, 122 658 642 893 553, 554 553 511 098 054, 056 778 695, 745 728, 731, 733 635 652, 654 541 894 845 722, 744, 783 786 892 771 776 vi Transport equipment Trees Tricycles Trousers Trucks Tubers Tubes Tubes, TV Tugs Tungsten Turbines Turbo-jets Turntables Turpentine Twine Typewriters Tyre cord fabric Tyres 781, 782, 783, 786, 791 292 785, 894 841, 842, 843, 844 744, 791 054, 056, 292 581, 621, 625, 664, 679, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 699 776 793 287, 689, 699 712, 714, 718 714 763 598 269, 657 751 657 625 Weed killers Weighing machinery Wheat Wheat gluten Whey Whiskey Wickerwork Windows Wine Wire Wood Wool Wool grease Wool tops Woven fabrics Writing paper U Umbrellas Underclothes Urea Urea resins Vending machines Veneered panels Vermouth Veterinary instruments Vices Video games Video recorders Vinegar Vinyl Vitamins X-ray furniture X-ray tubes 541 775 747 791 533 011, 016 054, 056, 098 784, 785, 786, 781, 782, 783, 786 745 634 112 872 695 894 763 098 573 541 048 048 641 893 724, 775 554 579 885 335, 431, 598 891 724 774 774 Y Yachts Yarn W Wafers Waffles Wallpaper Wash basins Washing machines Washing preparations Waste, plastic Watches Wax Weapons Weaving machinery 745 041 592 022 112 899 635, 691 112 678, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 693, 699, 773 245, 246, 247, 248, 251, 634, 635 268, 651, 653, 654, 658 411 268 652, 653, 654, 656 641 X 899 841, 842, 843 562 575 V Vaccines Vacuum cleaners Valves for pipes Vans Varnishes Veal Vegetables Vehicle parts Vehicles 591 793 651, 653, 655, 656, 657 098 022 Yeast’s Yoghurt Z Zinc Zinc oxide Zirconium 287, 288, 686, 699 522 689, 699
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